HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Road Closure - Duvall Av NE (11/19/2007) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3922 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY TOTAL CLOSURE OF DUVALL AVENUE NE/COAL CREEK PARKWAY FROM SUNSET BOULEVARD TO SE 95TH WAY WHEREAS, the City of Renton plans to widen and improve Duvall Avenue NE& Coal Creek Parkway, from Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way, including sewer, water and stormwater installation; and WHEREAS, this construction activity will require temporary street closure along Duvall Avenue NE & Coal Creek Parkway, from Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Code section 9-9-3 the City Council is to authorize such closures by means of a Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION H. The City Council does hereby authorize the temporary closure of Duvall Avenue NE & Coal Creek Parkway, from Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way to occur during the period February 1, 2008, to February 28, 2009, to allow the contractor to construct the roadway and utility improvements. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10 t h day of December , 2007. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3922 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10 t h day of December , 2007. Kathy Kealletr, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary) RES.1312:11/14/07:ch 2 December 10,2007 ,.r Renton City Council Minutes Page 433 AUDIENCE COMMENT The following speakers commented on the proposed temporary full closure of Citizen Comment: Various - Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE: Phong Bui (Newcastle), Tracy Pham Duvall Ave NE Closure, Road (Newcastle), Bob Glanzman(Seattle; also submitted 11 business owner Improvements Project signatures with request that the Council vote be delayed until after another public hearing is held), Jerri Wood(King County), Jeanne Pesicka(King County), and Jennifer Frantz(Renton). Comments included the negative effect on the visibility, accessibility,patronage, and economic vitality of the businesses located at Shannon Village on Duvall Ave. NE; suggestion for the City to establish a fund to compensate businesses for financial losses; opposition to the closure; travel time increase; children's safety concerns; lack of notification regarding the public hearing and closure; and the fact that Coal Creek Parkway remained open to through traffic during City of Newcastle's construction project. Other comments expressed noted inconsistent traffic count projections; financial burden and impacts being placed on adjacent residents and business owners; traffic already heavy on Union Ave. NE, backing up at Sierra Heights Elementary School; suggestions to increase Metro bus transportation, install temporary traffic signals, and increase police traffic patrol at elementary school; residents on west side of Union Ave. NE having no other neighborhood access options; and commuters falsely assuming that Union Ave. NE is a four-lane road. Comments also indicated potential increase in traffic accidents; a suggestion to temporarily reopen the SE 95th Way extension to Kennydale; improvements to Duvall Ave. NE are needed; the lack of adequate notification to affected businesses; and better communication between City and affected parties is needed. In response to the speakers comments, Councilmembers and City staff noted the following: access to Shannon Village from Duvall Ave. NE will remain open during the closure; closure of Duvall Ave. NE will occur north of Oil Can Henry's; police will monitor traffic at elementary school; a turn lane will be installed on Union Ave. NE; traffic will be closely monitored; the subject project is different from City of Newcastle's project in part due to need to underground utilities; signage will be installed to direct customers to businesses; and problems occurred with the notification process. (See page 436 for Transportation Committee report.) Citizen Comment: McOmber- Howard McOmber(Renton) invited everyone to the Highlands neighborhood Highlands Neighborhood Party Christmas party at the Highlands Neighborhood Center on December 16. Citizen Comment: Johnson - Arland "Buzz" Johnson (Renton) expressed appreciation to the elected officials Elected Officials Appreciation for their service to the City of Renton. Additionally, he thanked the mayoral candidates for visiting the Spencer Court Apartments where he resides. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Keolker reappointed Linda Middlebrooks and Dawn Murin to the Commission Municipal Arts Commission, each for a three-year term expiring 12/31/2010. Council concur. CAG: 07-188, Fiber Optic City Clerk reported bid opening on 11/20/2007 for CAG-07-188, Fiber Optic Connection North, RL Alia Connection North; five bids; engineer's estimate $48,750; and submitted staff Company recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, R.L. Alia Company, in the amount of$48,100. Approval was also sought to transfer$35,000 from the Finance and Information Services Department account to the account for the fiber optic work associated with The Landing project. Council concur. '6 December 10,2007 Renton City Council Minutes _ Page 436 deposits totaling $2,216,361.31. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Reclassification of Positions concurrence with the staff recommendation to reclassify positions and adjust pay ranges for City departments effective 1/1/2008. Funds to implement this recommendation are provided in the 2008 Budget. The positions are as follows: Probation Clerk,grade a08 to al0,budget change is $2,376. Administrative Secretary II/Risk Management Assistant, grade n11 to m17, budget change is $2,964. Employee Benefits Analyst,grade m20 to m22,budget change is $3,384. Administrative Secretary I/Economic Development Assistant, grade n11 to n14, budget change is $4,092. Administrative Secretary II/Executive(four incumbents), grade n11 to n14, budget change is $11,976. Maintenance Custodian, grade a07 to all, budget change is $2,448. Human Services Manager, grade m28 to m29,budget change is $2,064. Senior Center Coordinator, grade m20 to m23, budget change is $5,124. Renton Community Center Coordinator, grade m20 to m23, budget change is $5,124. Park Maintenance Manager, grade m28 to m32,budget change is $4,128. Civil Engineer III (12 incumbents), grade a27 to a28, budget change is $22,032. Civil Engineer II (four incumbents), grade a23 to a25, budget change is $13,980. Lift Station Technician (two incumbents), grade al4 to a15,budget change 2008 is $2,832. Water Meter Reader(three incumbents), A05 to A07, budget change is $6,840. Crime Analyst, grade pn61 to pn54, budget change is $1,836. Principal Civil Engineer-Transportation (one incumbent), grade A31 to A32, budget change is $1,944. Utility/GIS Engineer(one incumbent), grade A31 to A32, budget change is $2,004. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report regarding Committee basketball hoops located within the right-of-way. Some hoops have been Development Services: installed permanently in the right-of-way,while other portable hoops have been Basketball Hoops on Public temporarily located within the right-of-way. The location of basketball hoops ROW in the right-of-way has been determined to constitute a hazardous situation and is not allowed per City Code. The Committee elected not to revisit City regulations regarding hazardous uses in the right-of-way. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Streets: Duvall Ave NE Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report regarding Closure, Road Improvements the proposed temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE. Project On 12/5/2007, the Committee reviewed and discussed comments and 17 4 suggestions made at and immediately after the 12/3/2007 public hearing on the closure of Duvall Ave. NE. These included comments made by members of the Council,the testimony at the public hearing, and staff suggestions. The 4 December 10,2007 Renton City Council Minutes ,, : Page 437 Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the closure resolution. In addition, the Committee recommended the following: 1. Staff will set up a monitoring, evaluation, and reporting process to ensure that any of the measures taken to minimize effects are adjusted to changing conditions and needs. 2. Staff in the Transportation Division and Police Department will implement a traffic enforcement program to deal with neighborhood street impacts (cut-through traffic and/or speeding), control of trucks through the area, and safety at the Sierra Heights Elementary School area for children, parents, and motorists. 3. Staff will compile traffic counts on key streets, including some representative neighborhood streets, before the start of the project and after the project to monitor traffic volumes and traffic diversions. 4. Special signs will be positioned to inform motorists that area businesses are open and accessible during the Duvall Ave. NE project construction. Local businesses will be involved in the design and location of these signs. Conditions will be placed into the construction contract so that one driveway off of Duvall Ave. NE will be accessible at all times during business hours. 5. Communications to the public will utilize all media such as the City website, strategically placed signs, and media, to ensure that neighborhood cut-through traffic is minimized and that motorists are aware that Duvall Ave. NE, north of NE Sunset Blvd., into the City of Newcastle will be closed (including the Jones Rd. vicinity). 6. Staff will take measures to ensure that if additional traffic control devices such as streets signs, speed humps or pillows, lane markers or delineators are needed, they are readily available. 7. Staff will take all necessary measures to ensure as smooth, safe and efficient traffic flow as possible including revisions to signal timing, installation of special traffic control devices and signs, refuge lanes, close cooperation with other agencies, and others. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See below for resolution.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3922 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary total closure of Duvall Ave. Streets: Duvall Ave NE NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, to occur Closure, Road Improvements during the period of 2/1/2008 to 2/28/2009 for the construction of roadway and Project utility improvements. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3923 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Community Services: Surplus interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Property, WA General General Administration to sell surplus property. MOVED BY PERSSON, Administration SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5324 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 5, Fire Department, of Title III Fire: Department Name and (Departments) of City Code by changing the duties of the Fire Chief/Emergency Responsibility Changes Services Administrator and to change the responsibilities of the various BY ArPRO TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE V �COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT Date /a-/0-4007 1 December 10, 2007 Proposed Temporary Closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE (December 3, 2007) On Dec. 5, 2007, the Committee reviewed and discussed comments and suggestions made at and immediately after the Dec. 3 public hearing on the closure of Duvall Ave. NE. These included comments made by members of the city council, the testimony at the hearing, and staff suggestions. The Transportation Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the closure resolution. In addition, the Committee recommends the following: 1. Staff will set up a monitoring, evaluation, and reporting process to ensure that any of the measures taken to minimize effects are adjusted to changing conditions and needs. 2. Staff in the Transportation Division and Police Department will implement a traffic enforcement program to deal with neighborhood street impacts (cut through traffic and/or speeding), control of trucks through the area, and safety at the Sierra Heights elementary school area for children, parents, and motorists. 3. Staff will compile traffic counts on key streets, including some representative neighborhood streets, before the start of the project and after the project to monitor traffic volumes and traffic diversions. 4. Special signs will be positioned to inform motorists that area businesses are open and accessible during the Duvall project construction. Local businesses will be involved in the design and location of these signs. Conditions will be placed into the construction contract so that one driveway off of Duvall Ave NE will be accessible at all times during business hours. 5. Communications to the public will utilize all media such as the city web site, strategically placed signs, and media, to ensure that neighborhood cut-through traffic is minimized and that motorists are aware that Duvall north of Sunset into Newcastle will be closed (including the Jones Rd. vicinity). 6. Staff will take measures to ensure that if additional traffic control devices (e.g. street signs, speed humps or pillows, lane markers or delineators) are needed they are readily available. 7. Staff will take all necessary measures to ensure as smooth, safe and efficient traffic flow as possible including revisions to signal timing, installation of special traffic control devices and signs, refuge lanes, close cooperation with other agencies, and others. arcie Palmer, Chair S • Randy o a•, Vice-Ch.• P on Persson, ember cc: Connie Brundage 6re.99 Zimmerman December 3,20070. Renton City Council Minutes �.r. Page 422 Neighborhood (CN) with CN zoning, and change zoning text amendments related to parking. • 2007-M-02 O'Farrell Properties, LLC &City of Renton applicants; Map amendment to change Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning to Commercial Corridor with Commercial Arterial zoning, and change zoning text amendments related to business districts. • 2007-M-03 —City of Renton applicant; Map amendments and concurrent prezoning related to New Life -Aqua Barn Annexation site. • 2007-M-04—Robert Cave &John Cowan applicants; withdrawn. • 2007-M-05 —David Halinen applicant; Map amendment to change Employment Area- Industrial with Heavy Industrial zoning to Residential Medium Density with R-10 zoning. • 2007-M-06—City of Renton applicant; Map amendments and concurrent prezoning related to Benson Hill Communities Annexation site. • 2007-M-07 —City of Renton applicant; denied. • 2007-T-01 —City of Renton applicant; Text amendment to update Capital Facilities and Transportation elements to reflect housekeeping changes. • 2007-T-05 —City of Renton applicant; Text amendment, updating the Land Use Element, to the Residential Low Density land use designation to allow Residential Manufactured Home as an implementing zone. The Committee recommended that the ordinance for all Comprehensive Plan amendments and all concurrent City Code Title IV text amendments be presented for first reading. The Committee further recommended that the ordinances for concurrent rezones of property included in Applications 2007-M-01, Park Ave.; 2007-M-02, Rainier Ave.; and 2007-M-05, QIP and Virtu properties; be presented for first reading. The ordinances for concurrent rezones of property included in Application 2007-M-06, Benson Hill Communities, that was annexed into Renton as part of the Hudson Annexation will be presented for adoption in January 2008. The ordinances for concurrent prezones of property included in the portion of Application 2007-M-06, Benson Hill Communities, that will be annexed into Renton as part of the Benson Hill Communities Annexation will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of annexation, 3/1/2008. The ordinances for concurrent prezones of property included in Application 2007-M-03, Maple Valley Hwy. Corridor, will be presented for adoption prior to the effective date of the New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation, estimated as 4/1/2008. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See pages 423 and 424 for ordinances.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Streets: Duvall Ave NE A resolution was read authorizing the temporary total closure of Duvall Ave. Closure, Road Improvements NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way.* Project Councilmember Persson recommended holding the resolution for one week due to the concerns raised during the public hearing, such as parking at Sierra rr �� Heights Elementary School, signal light timing at NE Sunset Blvd./Duvall Ave. - December 3,2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 423 NE,police presence on Union Ave. NE, and four-way stop at NE 24th St./Union Ave. NE. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL HOLD THE RESOLUTION UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING.* Council discussion ensued regarding the additional review by staff of concerns and ideas, and it was agreed that the matter would be discussed at the Transportation (Aviation) Committee on December 5. *MOTION CARRIED. Added A resolution was read declaring a local emergency, as conditions of peril to the Resolution #3921 safety of persons and property have arisen within the City caused by a storm Public Safety: Declaration of with heavy rains. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Local Emergency ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/10/2007 for second and final reading: Fire: Department Name and An ordinance was read amending Chapter 5, Fire Department, of Title III Responsibility Changes (Departments) of City Code by changing the duties of the Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator and to change the responsibilities of the various department divisions. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Budget: 2008 Annual City of An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 2008 in the total Renton amount of$234,638,924. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Utility: System Development An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Charges of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to allow for adjustments to System Development Charges. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Annexation: Benson Hill An ordinance was read annexing approximately 2,406 acres of property Communities, S 200th St & generally bounded by the City of Renton corporate boundary on the west and 128th Ave SE north, SE 192nd St. and S. 200th St. on the south and on the east, 108th Ave. SE, the eastern edge of Boulevard Lane Park, the western edge of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, and 128th Ave. SE, if extended, but including Renton Park and Charles Lindberg High School; Benson Hill Communities Annexation. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Planning: Highlands Study An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties Area Zoning Correction, within the Highlands Study Area from R-10 (Residential -ten dwelling units per Monroe Ave NE acre)to RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) zoning; LUA-06-128; CPA 2006-M- 06. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2007 An ordinance was read adopting the 2007 amendments to the City's 2004 Amendments Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2007. CARRIED. rrpw, December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes _ Page 415 Continuing, Mr. Erickson relayed that the City's proposed 2007 Comprehensive Plan amendments include land use map designation changes for this area. He pointed out that the Fairwood Incorporation petition does overlap this proposed annexation on a portion of the Maple Ridge Estates and View Point areas. Mr. Erickson said the fiscal impact analysis indicates a deficit of$38,502 at current development and a deficit of$15,755 at full development, assuming the building of a 45-unit condominium development and retention of all existing development. The estimated one-time parks development cost is $498,712. Mr. Erickson reported that the proposed annexation is generally consistent with relevant Boundary Review Board criteria and City policies for annexation. He noted that the Utility Division suggests using King County's 2002 Surface Water Design Manual, Level 2, for future development. Public comment was invited. Loran Lichty(King County; annexation proponent), Bill Hulten (King County; Maple Ridge Estates Homeowners Association Vice President), and Ross Osborne(King County) spoke in favor of the annexation. Mr. Lichty expressed concern about the property overlap with the Fairwood Incorporation petition. Jean Bean (King County), Molasses Creek Association President,pointed out that some residents of the Molasses Creek community are against annexation. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE CERTIFIED 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX FOR THE EXPANDED NEW LIFE - AQUA BARN ANNEXATION AREA, AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO SUBMIT THE NOTICE OF INTENT PACKAGE TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD, AND SUPPORT FUTURE ZONING CONSISTENT WITH CURRENTLY PROPOSED 2007 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR THIS AREA. CARRIED. Correspondence was entered into the record from David L. Halinen, Halinen Law Offices, P.S. (Fircrest),who represents Aqua Barn Ranch, Inc., expressing support for the annexation. Streets: Duvall Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Closure, Road Improvements accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing Project to consider the temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, LL from NE Sunset Blvd. (SR-900) to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period from February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. Deputy Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator- Transportation Hahn stated that this project involves the widening of the roadway from two to four lanes and relates to the project in the City of Newcastle that involves the improvement to May Creek Bridge, as well as the widening of the Coal Creek Parkway segment in Newcastle. He gave an overview of the upcoming staff presentation, noting the large amount of concern that exists in the community regarding this project. Transportation Design Supervisor Hanson described the proposed detour routes, and the school bus and local access routes. He stated that the project entails the following: roadway widening from two to four lanes; undergrounding of all • December 3, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes , Page 416 utilities; sidewalks; water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage improvements; landscaping; street lighting; irrigation; and signal installation at NE 21 st St. Mr. Hanson reviewed staff considerations concerning the timing of the various phases of construction, including coordination with the utility companies, and school children access to buses. He indicated that if the roadway is closed to through traffic, the estimated time of construction is one year. If through traffic is maintained on the roadway, the estimated time of construction is two years. Mr. Hanson pointed out that during certain parts of the construction project the roadway must be closed; and if through traffic is maintained during the project, flaggers would constantly be stopping traffic. Tom Noguchi, with Mirai Associates, Inc., presented a traffic analysis of the existing traffic conditions and volumes in the area, and a summary of traffic conditions for each construction management option. Using a simulation model, he displayed the traffic conditions that would occur if Duvall Ave. NE were to be closed during construction, and if Duvall Ave. NE were to remain open during construction. Mr. Noguchi concluded the following: closure of Duvall Ave. NE would significantly increase traffic on Union Ave. NE; both closure and open options would not significantly increase travel time for neighborhood residents; and traffic on neighborhood streets would increase under the open option. Continuing, Mr. Hahn noted that affected residents will have east/west access to Union Ave. NE and Field Ave. NE, and that the businesses in the vicinity of Duvall Ave. NE and NE Sunset Blvd. will be accessible the entire time. Mr. Hanson reviewed the traffic and safety measures to be undertaken, including: minimization measures on Union Ave. NE,particularly in the area of Sierra Heights Elementary School; stop sign installation at SE May Valley Rd./148th Ave. SE; traffic signal modification at 148th Ave. SE/SR-900; refuge lane at Field Ave. NE/SR-900; signage; truck traffic limitations on Union Ave. NE; police presence at Union Ave. NE and NE 24th St.; speed tables on NE 24th St.; and timing signal adjustments. Mr. Hahn reviewed the public outreach that will be conducted during the project, including a web page (www.duvall.rentonwa.gov), traffic signage, telephone hotline, early proactive information, and media. In conclusion, he reviewed a brief comparison of the "open" and "closed to through traffic" options for the construction project. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:43 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:51 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Clawson previously excused. Stating that the Transportation(Aviation) Committee discussed this matter last week, Councilmember Corman noted that many of the items on the mitigation plan, such as police presence at the school, were added since the committee meeting was held. Correspondence was read from the following individuals: Reshma Shah (Renton), Brad Zylstra(Renton), Eugene Chow (Renton), Maxine Leese (city of residence unknown), Michael F. Donnelly and Claudia R. Donnelly(King County), Glenn Gesell (Renton), and Rebecca Gallagher(Renton). Comments and concerns included: increased traffic through Summerwind and Sierra Heights neighborhoods; increased traffic impacts on Sierra Heights Elementary School students; length of time of the full closure; safety of children; affected • December 3, 2007 , Renton City Council Minutes , Page 417 businesses negatively impacted; lack of notice regarding project; lack of traffic mitigation measures; proposal to put four-way stop at SE May Valley Rd./148th Ave. SE will create a larger traffic backup; suggestion to keep roadway open and concentrate construction on one direction at a time; increased litigation risk; and disruptions and delays to school children busing. Public comment was invited. The following speakers commented on the proposed closure: Eric Walrod (Renton), Clement Novinski (King County), Mike Jacklin(Renton), Jennifer Young (Renton), Jill Gifford(Renton), Bob Blayden (Renton), Sally van Boheemen (Renton), Rich Crispo (Newcastle), Rob Nichols (Renton), Don Joss (Kent), Debra Rogers (Renton), Hylan Slobodkin (Renton),Anita Cheung (Renton), Yolanda Chow (King County), Lusine Gharibyan (Renton), and Stan Kawamoto (Renton). Concerns expressed regarded the project timeline, as the NE Sunset Blvd./Duvall Ave. NE intersection project took longer than projected; speeding traffic on Union Ave. NE; closure of the May Creek Bridge by the City of Newcastle during its construction project; increased traffic on SE May Valley Rd. causing safety problems; backups on SR-900 when traveling from Field Ave. NE to SR-900; increased visibility of the elementary school due to closure detour route; decreased attendance at elementary school activities; timeliness of bussing school children; children's safety; and lack of notice about closure. Other concerns expressed included the expected increase in traffic in the already congested school zone on Union Ave. NE; impact on affected area residents; lack of citizen input; lack of notification to affected businesses; increased traffic on SE 95th Way that backs up on Union Ave. NE; underestimated effect of closure on the elementary school; inconsistent results from the traffic analysis; and flawed traffic analysis. Suggestions made included opening up the emergency access road that connects the Stonegate and Summerwind neighborhoods; opening the roadway on weekends; flexibility during construction to take into account the changing traffic patterns and to make necessary adjustments; conducting some construction at night; having one-way traffic southbound on Union Ave. NE and one-way traffic northbound on 148th Ave. SE; closing the roadway in the summer due to less traffic at that time and to allow for completion of the preliminary construction work; and installing speed deterrents on Union Ave. NE. Requests voiced were for driveways to remain open at the mall located at Duvall Ave. NE/SR-900 and that good access be maintained to the driveways; for a left-turn lane on southbound 148th Ave. SE to SR-900; for a temporary signal light at Coal Creek Parkway SE/SE 95th Way; and for project completion in a timely manner. Comments expressed indicated that progress needs to continue; better roads are needed; traffic congestion is already problematic; businesses located on Duvall Ave. NE will be negatively affected; and more study and discussion is needed. Other opinions were that the amount of traffic that accesses and leaves the Summerwind neighborhood has been underestimated,particularly left-hand turns onto eastbound SR-900, and that the lack of parking on Union Ave. NE negatively coincides with the elementary school's small parking lot. Councilmembers and City staff made the following comments during the audience comment portion of the meeting: police will be present at Sierra • December 3, 2007 'rrw Renton City Council Minutes Y .. Page 418 Heights Elementary School during peak times in the morning and afternoon; the City of Newcastle will not close the May Creek Bridge during its construction project; traffic modeling showed that if Duvall Ave. NE was closed, the Summerwind neighborhood would be less affected by pass-through traffic; and assurance that communication and access will be maintained to those who front Duvall Ave. NE so that individual needs are met when work is conducted on the driveways. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 422 for further discussion.) APPEAL Council President Nelson announced that the Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole regarding the Grant Ave. Townhomes Site Plan appeals will be presented at the Appeal: Grant Ave next Council meeting. Townhomes Site Plan, Jones & Kovach Architects, SA-07-018 AUDIENCE COMMENT Howard McOmber(Renton) stated that a Highlands neighborhood caroling Citizen Comment: McOmber- party will be held at the Highlands Neighborhood Center. He indicated that Highlands Neighborhood there is no City involvement and that everyone is welcome. Caroling Party CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 11/26/2007. Council concur. 11/26/2007 Appointment: Advisory Mayor Keolker reappointed the following individuals to the Advisory Commission on Diversity Commission on Diversity: Sandel DeMastus, for a term expiring 12/31/2008; Raymond Lam, for a term expiring 12/31/2009; and Charles Thomas, for a term expiring 12/31/2009. Council concur. Legislature: 2008 Council Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Agenda& Statement of Policy recommended approval of the 2008 State Legislative Agenda and Statement of Positions Policy Positions, which serve as guidance for staff for the State legislative session. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Fire: Department Name and Fire Department requested authorization to change its name to Fire and Responsibility Changes Emergency Services Department, to change the administrator's title to Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator, and to establish and define the four sections of the department's organizational structure. Council concur. (See page 423 for ordinance.) Human Resources: Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended Reclassification of Positions reclassification of positions, effective January 2008, in the Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services; Finance and Information Services; Human Resources and Risk Management; Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning; Community Services;Planning/Building/Public Works; Fire; and Police Departments. Refer to Finance Committee. Police: Jail Inmate Health Police Department recommended approval of a contract with Occupational Services, Occupational Health Health Services (Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County) in the amount Services of$186,958 for health services for Renton jail inmates for 2008. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. O DUVALL AVENUE NE/ COAL CREEK PARKWAY SE TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE- NE SUNSET BLVD TO SE 95TH WAY PUBLIC HEARING COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE AND DETOUR December 3, 2007 In early 2008 the City will begin construction on a major widening of Duvall Avenue NE and Coal Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Blvd to SE 95th Way, a 0.9-mile length of road. The project will widen the road from two to four and five lanes (including a two-way left-turn lane in the middle at Sunset Blvd that tapers down to a c-curb barrier towards the north end), construct curb, gutter, sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides of Duvall Avenue NE and a signal at NE 20 Street, convert overhead power lines to underground and include safety features at specific locations, and will greatly alleviate current congestion. The overall construction cost estimate for constructing the project with Duvall Avenue NE and Coal Creek Parkway remaining open to traffic is approximately$14.6 million and estimated construction duration of two (2) calendar years. As an alternative to such an impact to the public (both financial and time-wise), the City's Transportation Division has considered performing the construction with a full road closure in effect between NE Sunset Blvd and SE 95t Way. They estimate the cost would be approximately$11 million, with an estimated construction duration of only one(1) calendar year. Thus, the savings in cost is estimated to be $3.6 million and one calendar year. (The Resolution calls for a thirteen-month closure to account for unforeseen contingencies during construction). The Transportation Systems Division has also had a traffic study conducted to evaluate the impacts of such a closure as compared to the alternative of leaving the road open during the construction. Based on this study and other engineering considerations, Transportation has concluded that leaving the road open during construction would not significantly reduce the congestion impacts that the closure and associated detours (via Union Avenue and 148th Avenue) would impose,because there would be so much disruption to the ongoing traffic on Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway due to construction operations. However, the one year reduction in the project duration is especially beneficial, in part because it ensures that the project is completed by the time the City of Newcastle's projects to the north are completed, rather than extending some months past their completion. The Administration is recommending that the Council adopt the proposed resolution for a full temporary closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. C:\DOCUME-1\BWa1ton\LOCALS-1\Temp\duvccpCouncil Hear Handout 12-03-07.doc 'o,,,,AN'any a3Jaid 1 Queen I s Z 3S BnV h, s m 127th PI SE . "—^any puowpaa I•cn ueen '128th Ave QueenAD_ m �r cD Z m Redmond `� Z N S ( s Ave NE z� T 3 `o rn I,-, a ? / r0 eny • uo�tayS s �0 Shelton Ave NE N o ( a �a N z — I m N N cN Union Ave NE , a Union Av-: NE 132nd Ave, E _ VasnonAdillimmiimmy q• z s Ct NE r" Voshon Voshon A i "° 132nd PI — z z 3 Voshon �; of NE N / m m m Z ��P a Whitman rn L0 P p 0 �� NFL o ti Nrn s ^. 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Z LE ( I 2 I CT3u L ym 0c 0 a Z - o or c U) Ec as as c C _�-- .4--- U 0 c (n c .- a)u) cis u) al '� a) U }' -0 U O c O 0 c 0 ,c C = 0 0 �. al 0 _0 o -c 0 C 'a) a) cn O C a) 0 0 J Q O 0 +c3 -I`� 0 C N 0 0 Cn 0 . o To 6- C5 ci c = W -o > _a .c ) Z C cti _C 0 o 0 CO 0) 0 ._cn 0 > a) a) '� r a) Q 0 a) -j Q o o 0 0 Q c a) c) — "c 0 cci (..) o_ — — nC > c O 0 O D 0 Do CC) .Ci a C.) 0 0 0 0 Duvall Ave. Street Widening Project Public Outreach During Project + Web Page Traffic Signage ❖ Telephone Hotline ❖ Early Proactive Information Media Public Hearing — Dec. 3, 2007 Duvall Ave. Street Closing Staff Presentation + Project Description ❖ Traffic Analysis ❖ Traffic and Safety Measures ❖ Public Outreach During Project ❖ Summary Duvall Avenue NE Closure Comparison "Open" to through traffic Closed to through traffic construction time 480 working days 240 working days trips per hour, Renton to unchanged unchanged Newcastle impact on residents and 2 years 1 year businesses length of queues 10% longer 20% longer none 1 mile increase in travel distance, local increase in travel distance, none none regional aggregate time of transit no change no change traffic on local streets increased, through trips increased, internal trips closures on Duvall during frequent continuous construction access to Sierra Heights seldom affected seldom affected Elementary completion of construction no yes matches Newcastle completion of construction no yes before start of 1405 U..&-111A,e-P1 iZ13 ( Too- From: Reshma Shah <reshahl @yahoo.com> To: <bwalton@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 12/3/2007 11:17:23 AM Subject: To City Council in Care of City Clerk- Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE Closure Meeting Hi, I am unable to attend tonight's meeting, but would like to voice my concerns about the 'Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009.' I'm assuming it's more of a complete closure b/c in my opinion 12 or more months is not temporary. 1. I am worried about the impact of through traffic in Summerwind. In the past when there have been closures on surrounding main streets, the traffic has increased in our neighborhood. The people cutting through our neighborhood do not follow speed limits or safety. They just want to get through as quickly as possible. Our neighborhood is concerned for the safety of our kids. I can't tell you how many times we've seen people speed through while our kids our waiting for the school bus. Temporary speed bumps would be an option. 2. One of the detours is on Union which goes right by Sierra Heights Elementary. What is the plan to insure the safety of our children while there is increased traffic. Also, the road is already congested, with the additional traffic, so what guarantees do you have that our school buses will be able to get to school and back home in a timely manner? This morning's Coal Creek closure impacting school buses and traffic. What plans have the schools and city worked out to make transportation run smoothly during the closure? Why is the closure so long for such a small stretch of road. Coal Creek was not shut down completely when the road was expanded near the Olympus development, so how is this any different? I know that we all have to adjust to differently situations, but a closure for over a year seems extreme for the amount of road being built. Also, what guarantees are there that the project would be finished in 12 or 13 months? I would like to know and be assured that the City of Renton has done complete studies on the impact of such a closure before they begin construction. The closure would not only affect traffic, but also local business. Coal Creek/ Duvall is a major artery for the Highlands and any long term closure should be thoroughly analyzed. Thank you for your time. Reshma Shah Sum merwind Resident Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs ti 41+ lAftlzek- From: "'Brad Zylstra'<bmrbz@earthlink.net>"<bmrbz@earthlink.net> nLfa To: <council@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 11/21/2007 8:46:49 AM Subject: Councilmembers When it comes to the question of rerouting traffic for the questionable closure of Coal Cr. Pkway at May Valley Bridge, please consider this... What is best for our community. Does the planned reroute put our families, friends, and children in danger? If a child is injured due to poor city planning and taking measures "just to save a buck,"can you imagine the cost of a lawsuit? I'm a proud member of the Renton community. Please do not put our kids in jeapardy or turn our neighborhoods into highways. Thank You, Brad Zylstra CC: <bmrbz@earthlink.net> b�• ,�utI CL - Lz1 jooi eAfty - From: <chowbaybestar206@comcast.net> `ittilC& To: <council@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 11/24/2007 9:58:51 PM Dear Renton City Council Members: I would like to voice my concern on the proposal of closing the stretch of Duvall Ave NE north of Sunset Blvd. I am against the closure as a business owner and residence. I understand the proposal needs to be voted by the City Council. I would like to make sure you are aware of the lack of public hearing on this important matter that impact many of City of Renton residences. The one public meeting scheduled on 11/7/07 did not go out to many impacted residences and none of the businesses knew about it. There has not been enough study and data to support the! saving claimed by the transportation project team. There is not enough mitigation in place to ensure smooth traffic and safety in the area. Closure of a major road for one year is not an option. The project team should come up with alternate proposal without major impact to the area. In City of Renton Web Site: aeln order to limit the construction duration to about one year, Transportation staff will be recommending to the City Council that Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway be closed to through traffic between Sunset and SE 95th Way beginning in early 2008 and lasting for approximately twelve months. Main detours for traffic would be via Sunset, 148th Ave NE and May Valley Road east of the project area, and via Sunset and Union Ave NE west of the project area.iE Why you should vote NO - Public meeting notice (11/7/07)was not sent to all impacted residences and businesses - Impact to! Sierra Height Elementary school is not mitigated with detour - Impact to stretch of Union Ave. is not mitigated - Impact to Summer Wind residence is not adequately addressed - Not offering incentive to Contractor to finish early -Coal Creek Parkway will not be closed during the construction; all traffic will be diverted to residential areas. &rte. CtiOw V 0. Gu P 1211 From: "'Maxine Leese'<mmleese@comcast.net>"<mmleese@comcast.net> To: <council@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 11/25/2007 8:05:47 PM Subject: Councilmembers I have been alerted to the possibility of closing Duval Ave and rerouting traffic through the Sierra Heights neighborhood for an entire year while the new bridge is under construction. Although my children no longer attend Sierra Heights elementary school I am non-the-less concerned for the safety of the many students and staff who would be greatly impacted by this possible detour.Although I don not live in that immediate neighborhood, I do walk it regularly and know that we already have streams of cars coming down the Union hill each morning trying to avoid the back-up on Duval. This increased traffic puts hundreds of young children at risk. Many children walk to school alone and are not mature enough to concern themselves with the dangers of so much traffic, including irate drivers who are in a hurry and outraged by the traffic back-up they will be dealing with. Those drivers have little concern for children needing to cross streets to get to school. Please do NOT put this quiet neighborhood in a state of turmoil and the lives of so many young children at unnecessary risk. Keep the Coal Creek traffic where it belongs, out of our quiet neighborhoods. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Maxine Leese CC: <mmleese@comcast.net> 2.0 i1 eU 10415— 147`h Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 November 27,2007 CITY OF RENTON Renton City Council NOV 3 0 2007 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RE: Closure of Coal Creek Parkway Dear City Councilpersons: We would like to comment on Renton's proposed Coal Creek Parkway closing from February 2008 to February 2009. We live in King County—just off 148th Avenue SE. Our street-- 147`h Avenue SE—is a cul-de-sac with only one entrance/exit. We were informea that the"proposed" detours were going down Union Avenue or 148th Avenue SE. Currently.traffic using 148th and Coal Creek Parkway come from Kent and Fairwood as well as within this area. They do this to avoid the 1-405 mess. A contractor is currently working on a new bridge over May Creek. That is causing traffic delays on Coal Creek Parkway and May Valley Road. The May Valley Road traffic(at 7 am)backs up onto 148`h Avenue SE up to the traffic signal at SR 900. With the additional traffic that will come down 148th/Nile,we won't be able to get out of our street onto 148`h. Is this what you want? We were told that one of the solutions would be to make a 4-way stop at SE May Valley Road and 148th Avenue SE. To us,that will create a bigger mess. Traffic will be backed up further. We know that someone has to put up with the additional detoured traffic— but why us? Can't you do what Newcastle is doing—keep the existing road open,but concentrate on one direction. Then once that additional lane is complete, work on the other lane. This will keep the additional traffic off 148th Avenue SE. Thank you for any consideration you give this proposal. Sincerely, Uati664-' DZ,)//PLLIZ Michael F. Donnelly Claudia R. Donnelly Cc: King Count DOT Reagan Dunn's Office WSDOT biA v Cis-id-Lae PFf to,v),Turtit.i. From: "'Glenn Gesell'<glenngesell@comcast.net>"<glenngesell@comcast.net> To: <council@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 12/3/2007 1:54:30 PM Subject: Closure of Coal Creek Parkway I am writing to provide my input on the potential closure of Coal Creek Parkway/Duvall between Sunset Blvd. and 95th. I have several concerns about this potential closure, and believe that it is in the interest of the City of Renton and all of our residents to find an alternative. The primary concerns and risks we will have if Duvall is closed are: 1)Safety at Sierra Heights Elementary-the current proposal of using Union Ave. as the detour route sounds very inappropriate. Sierra Heights Elementary has over 600 students, many of whom are walkers. Do you really think it is wise or responsible to route so much rush hour traffic past one of city's largest elementary schools? The increased traffic on Union would greatly raise the risk of injury to these students. 2) Litigation Risk- if there is a single accident involving a student near Sierra Heights Elementary, the City of Renton will likely lose far more than the$3 million in hopeful savings by closing Duvall. I expect that any litigation brought against the city would point out that it should have been obvious that routing so much traffic through a school zone would greatly increase the likelihood of an accident. With our litigious society and favorable laws in WA state for plaintiffs against the state and local governments, I believe that if this plan goes forward, the City of Renton will definitely be opening itself up to much greater liability. 3) Busing - have you identified the impact this will have on school busing to Sierra Heights as well as other schools? Sunset will be very crowded south bound in the mornings. In addition to Sierra Heights, buses drive south on Sunset to McKnight and Kennydale. With the increase in traffic on Sunset and Union, how will you accommodate the busing requirements to these schools? 4) Loss of business in Highlands—if Duvall is closed, I would not expect any residents of Newcastle to drive into the Highlands for Shopping or other needs. The businesses in the area would be overly impacted by this closure. Have you estimated how much the loss of tax revenue would be from closing Duvall? This loss would erode the potential $3 million in savings. I believe that the most appropriate action is to leave Duvall open during the construction. I understand that this may cost up to $3 million more than if Duvall were to be closed. However, that is a small price to pay for the safety of our children. I strongly urge the city council to reject the idea of closing Duvall during this project, and approve the additional funds necessary to keep it open. Thank you for your consideration, Glenn Gesell CC: <glenngesell@comcast.net> ‘100 . 124 31').-007 From: "'Rebecca Gallagher'<jamesandrebecca@comcast.net>" 0.,4-N\J24-10-1YL <jamesandrebecca@comcast.net> To: <council@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 12/3/2007 5:02:58 PM Subject: Councilmembers My message is in regards to the closure of Coal Creek Parkway due to contstruction scheduled to happen February 2008. I am a resident of the Summerwind neighborhood just off of Coal creek and Duvall and use Coal Creek Pkwy for access to my son's preschool and my daughter's elementary school. I completely disagree with the option to close Coal creek for a year while this construction is completed. Five years or so ago when Phase 1 was completed, the road was not closed and although traffic was delayed, there was access. Today after Coal Creek needed to be closed for a short time due to a mud slide-traffic was horrendous! It took 1 hour for the school bus to take my daughter from Sum merwind to Kennydale! It took 45 minutes to get from my neighborhood to Factoria. This is unacceptable to impose these conditions on residents of Renton for a whole year. Weather related closures and emergency situations that are temporary and hourly, even daily, are acceptable. But 12 months to not have any access to this road is an outrage. Please consider my position on this issue as you plan ahead. -Rebecca Gallagher 5125 NE 17th Street Renton, WA 98059 CC: <jamesandrebecca@comcast.net> ,. Agenda: Item No.: IAC } Du va 11 RaYLv RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET 6 (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: Ii/ 3 a 007 PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 7 5 Name: El't C Mail rod Name: cifizl 1 9 Address: 2 ) I m6 1-1'fk .-1-#.313 Address:g- i3O 4 L C�A- City rpistuilm Zip Code qgo6(.f City 12Q iL- Zip e 7 V5 Topic: QC-L., Topic: Lr 6 Name: GA'C v e u1— I V(M YlS k Name: % -�-"'''.. 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City 1"2e-,--, Zip Code LJ4 0E0S_2 \b U�1'A_ _. 2 LS Topic: Topic: c�c..o� Cia.-j� , �4�u Name: K oi/) N ` (-(''`01 Name: t)-))D`('t' b2.e)9X S Address: 1 (, /1,d A-1-Q i'l `( Address: SVA, j\r6 1, CA City I� (",\O'`- Zip Code �0 ��� City 11AGIN Zip Code d 9 9 Topic: c�5v1/4(C Topic: Gil Cy\st , Agenda Item No.: V• 4 2008 Bu E"C • RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: /2/3/ 2007 PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit mmimilmir / 5 () Name: VLAJ S LD Pj d p(c l J Name: i e / / e_,--) 1 Address: Cj 61+4- J E 2.-3 +ram Address: ‹, tit f,.2, ' Pi City : Zip Code 98a5-q City z'-,m ' Code 0305,E opic: D.tuw4( Gfos v, Topic: vcv e /a4n v> p/ 6 Name: J, ; /�/Z S S Name: Address: o / 4/-L • " PL_ Address: u N v City .e., r ' Code X City I-pi Zip Code o _,__ Topic: Topic: (/!/A4 t. Cz.z).S/mIG 7 Name: 11" IAATt —\ Name: Address: [ b v aLJ2- ve NE- Address: S :12. / - City .v,4vn Zip Code(A)A-1- 'j gl-tc, City Zip Code Topic: Ix v jt.j CA,Q'1-I_J Topic: 4 � 8 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) ttilontinued from Reverse Side - Page 2iii) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: Agenda Item No.: 4/1 C • Du va 11 Ave N NTON CITY COUNCIL UNC L MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: /Z) 3/ Zoo, PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 117 5 Name: l D ja.,WA_ at4-y) Name: Address: l' C)- L Address: City /6.yr 7w Zip Code q J City Zip Code Topic: OlAce-vir\L_ Topic: Name:L 51 b e 6 h a r I by a Vi 6 Name: Address: b U Va l( r41/ Ng Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: (� c 7 Name: J 14 WO Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 4 8 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) tItiltntinued from Reverse Side - Page 2' RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: } z.., , p- f 'x -'" K A.* R��}� may- �� d` PRESORTED ` N STANDARD 4t P`.-�--•- _�:> : U.S.POSTAGE PAID Planning/Building/Public Works RENT ERMIT N,wA Transportation Systems Division PRMITN0.137 Renton City Hall-5th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER 0 7 /cm 414 Duval Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE 1 's '1g y�� `",sxr � '14., r-� : i',4,,y r41,9, 2"" `s! „, g"`' 4„- ;L f . °-t---"'r:rzf: - 7�y.? o1 y,£` as *'bf,` ' � 'e- --., s c� -�+, - 4': kp .;$ k4 t.t.4 ty`"'`, t.0. 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DuvàffAvhUéNEjelitist- _ , ..., _ . ,. . . . .,.., , 'a , . ''".. M ,,- ', ::t''3r< f .t- ..., . , +^4 . '-,', , .:e-;:.. i The primary goal of the Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE Reconstruction Project is to improve traffic flow and safety of the three-quarters of a mile roadway section from the newly reconstructed intersection with NE Sunset Blvd(SR 900)to SE 95th Way. The roadway within the project limits will be widened to provide sidewalks,curb and gutter,bike lanes,landscaping and illumination along both sides of the roadway in addition to increasing the number of through lanes to two lanes in each direction. This project will interface with the current City of Newcastle project to widen Coal Creek Parkway from SE 95th Way to SE 84th Way. a ,t The project is currently scheduled to be advertised for construction in December 2007. Construction is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2009. It is proposed that Duvall Avenue and Coal Creek Parkway will be closed to through traffic during this construction period. Traffic will be detoured around the project site as shown in the map. Local access for residences,school buses,mail and delivery vehicles will be maintained as shown. Citizen comments and questions are important parts of the project's success during construction. A public open house for this project will be held for citizens to see the plans for the project and to provide their input on the proposal to close the roadway to through traffic and on the proposed detour routes during construction. If you have any questions or '. comments,please contact James �,,. Wilhoit,Project Manager,City of •_�_ Renton Transportation Systems - ---,, III Division,at(425)430-7319: fax !1 (425)430-7376,e-mail: _ . jwilhoit@ci.renton.wa.us or visit rentonwa.gov and 1 j _ ' `1 �� follow links to Government: - �• '' 1 t I r r City Departments and Services: = :` ": , Planning,Building,and Public . - ;. • _ ' r I .h ^1_, Works:Transportation Systems J ' r Division: Transportation Design = it" ( r _ Section:Tip#3 -Duvall Avenue NE. I r r '` _ ; LEGEND : ----- Project Limits >, �� I _I Nom Detour Route , Local Access Route ;: z. = im Street Closed s • Hl it n r.. T R C jVt+e OE 3 ry U A �set CITY OF RENTON • .� + MEMORANDUM RENTON CnyCouNCIE -1vT CITY OF RENTON DEC 0 3 2007 DATE: December 3, 2007 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO: Toni Nelson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council FROM: Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer CC: Kathy Keolker, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Peter Hahn, Deputy P/B/PW Administrator-Transportation SUBJECT: Background Issue Paper for Tonight's Public Hearing on Duvall Ave Proposed closure Council, I am attaching an issue paper delivered to our offices this morning, and emailed to you Saturday evening about 5:50pm. I apologize for the late delivery, but after meeting with members of the Counicl Transportation Committee last Wednesday, staff felt it was important to produce in one document background information that would provide context to the public hearing tonight on the proposed closure of Duvall Avenue. Hopefully, you will have had a chance to read the email version rpior to today. ti`SY O� PLANNING/BUILDING/ • • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT �,tN�O� MEMORANDUM DATE: November 30, 2007 TO: Toni Nelson, Council President . Members of the Renton City Council VIA: J"'Kathy Keolker, Mayor FROM: Gregg ZimmermalAciiinistrator STAFF CONTACT: Bob Hanson, Design Planning/Programming Supervisor, Ext. 7223 SUBJECT: Proposed Temporary Closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE ISSUE: Should Council authorize the closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE between SE 107th Street and SE 95th Way from the beginning of construction in February 2008 until February 28, 2009 or earlier as may be determined by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator? RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution authorizing the temporary full closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE between SE 107th Street and SE 95th Way from the beginning of construction in February 2008 until February 28, 2009, or earlier as may be determined by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator. BACKGROUND: Summary • Existing traffic on Coal Creek Parkway SE functions at level of service F with delays of up to 20 minutes. • Queues typically develop between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Coal Creek Parkway SE, Duvall Avenue SE, NE 95th Way, SE May Valley Road, and 148th Avenue SE. • The limiting capacity of Coal Creek Parkway occurs in the City of Newcastle at the intersection of Coal Creek Parkway SE and SE May Valley Road. Toni Nelson,Council Presi,. Members of the Renton City ouncil Page 2 of 9 November 30,2007 • Any increase in the capacity of this intersection results in a breakdown on Coal Creek Parkway SE at one of the next three intersections north. • Closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE to through traffic during reconstruction within the City of Renton: • Will result in longer queues, but will have no effect on the capacity of Coal Creek Parkway SE in Newcastle. • Will not reduce the aggregate delay. • Will increase travel distance, for northbound local vicinity commuters, by approximately one mile each trip. • Leaving Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE open to through traffic during reconstruction will result in: • Doubling the time of construction. • Continuing construction after the beginning of Phase II construction on • I-405. • Unnecessary extension for nearly one year of direct impacts on residents and businesses fronting on Duvall Avenue NE. • Significant increase in through traffic on vicinity local streets, particularly Field Avenue NE/SE 1OOth Street and SE 24th Street. • Frequent shutdown of Duvall Avenue NE for through traffic between SR 900 and SE 24th Street because of space constraints between obstructions. • An increase in construction cost of approximately$3,000,000. Project Description Historically, Coal Creek Parkway SE was a two-lane country road that existed for years under a variety of names. As Newport Hills and the Renton Highlands developed and Bellevue extended southward, those segments from I-405 to what is now the City of Newcastle and 138th Avenue NE (Duvall Avenue SE)between SE 128th Street(NE 4th Street) and SR 900 (NE Sunset Boulevard)were improved to four lanes. In more recent times the City of Newcastle extended the improvements as far south as SE 84th Way. This year the City of Newcastle is improving Coal Creek Parkway SE from SE 84th Way to SE 95th Way(north Renton City limit). Newcastle's roadway projects are expected to be completed in the summer of 2009. The City of Renton has been preparing for reconstruction of the remaining section between NE Sunset Boulevard and the City of Newcastle for the last several years. The project will include widening to four lanes with left-turn lanes, a traffic signalized intersection at NE 21st Street and placement of underground conduits for a signal at NE 24th Street when warrants exist, sidewalks, retaining walls, undergrounding of all overhead utilities,water improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, storm drainage improvements, and landscaping. The signal at NE 21st Street will help break up traffic to improve access for the neighboring streets as well as providing good level of service access at NE 21st Street itself. A pedestrian actuated signal will be included. When the H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Toni Nelson,Council Presiir..rt a••+� Members of the Renton City Council Page 3 of 9 November 30, 2007 project is complete, Duvall Avenue NE is expected to operate generally at level of service C. Development of the Closure Alternative The Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE reconstruction project is finally going out to bid. One of the last tasks was to prepare a construction staging plan that provided two clear travel lanes and met the requirements of the MUTCD and WSDOT Standard Specifications, including providing pedestrian accessibility at least as good as that existing prior to construction. This proved to be rather difficult because of horizontal constraints caused by existing utility poles that could not be removed until the new underground power, telephone, and cable utilities were constructed and extended to the homes along Duvall Avenue NE and activated. A surface water quality and detention vault will be located in the center of Duvall Avenue NE north of SE 107th Street. A joint utility trench will run the full length of the project and over 50 utility crossings will be required. Its construction constraints will severely impact the contractor's ability to maintain two lanes of traffic during construction. Further constricting the construction site will be paved, fenced and jersey barricaded walkways for the passage of school children. A cost estimate for relocating poles, interim temporary paving, striping, barricades, and traffic control was prepared. That cost, together with the effects of escalating construction costs, resulted in a total cost that exceeded the City budget by over $3,000,000. The effect on the proposed construction schedule that was worked out with the franchise utilities put our estimated construction time of two calendar years in question. The City approached the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) staff to request an increase in both City and county grants. No increase was promised, but if one was made it would have an upper limit of$500,000. The City's consultant was asked to prepare a new cost estimate based on complete closure of Duvall Avenue NE. The new estimate showed potential savings of up to $3,000,000 without taking into account the increased cost of the project due to staging constraints. Arguably, the most important predicted effect of such a closure was that the expected time of construction was reduced from two calendar years to one year. Two local contractors were infoinially approached and asked to comment on the time and cost savings that should be expected for this project under closure to through traffic. Their responses suggested similar time savings, but a cost savings closer to $2,000,000. King County and WSDOT have reported reductions in cost of approximately 20 percent by closure of streets through construction zones. H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Toni Nelson,Council Pres, Members of the Renton City Council Page 4 of 9 November 30,2007 Nighttime construction was considered and found to be problematic because of the unacceptable noise impacts on the people in the residences fronting on or in near proximity to Duvall Avenue NE. Analysis of construction staging has shown that even under the "open to through traffic" alternative,there will be full closures of up to 60 days duration and numerous short-term duration closures. The City Council was advised of staffs intent to propose closure of Duvall Avenue NE to thru traffic during construction. Recent Closure Experience During a little over a year during 2006 and 2007 the City closed Park Avenue North for the The Landing project and for three days a portion of Rainier Avenue South was closed in August of 2007. No formal traffic study for the Park Avenue North closure was made. It was assumed that drivers would respond by finding alternative routes or schedules and this assumption was born out in practice with a detour plan using Garden Avenue North as the sole replacement for both Garden and Park Avenues North. Garden Avenue North was reduced from four to three lanes to improve its ability to handle trucks and was amazingly successful in replacing four lanes each of both Park Avenue North and Garden Avenue North. There were times that Garden Avenue North was reduced to two lanes because of construction activities. It is estimated that level of service F delays occurred on only 10 to 20 occasions. City staff performed a traffic analysis of the Rainier Avenue South closure. It predicted level of service F delays. However,traffic was shown not to go into complete gridlock, even though 24-hour traffic counts on Rainier Avenue South were in excess of 50,000 vehicles per day, and five lanes of Rainier Avenue South were being replaced with a total of four lanes,two each on Hardie Avenue SW and Shattuck Avenue South. The Rainier Avenue South closure was an event of some considerable energy, but was a significant success in both cost and time saved and elimination of nighttime noise. The City of Newcastle is currently constructing a new bridge over May Creek in a project north of and adjacent to the north end of the Duvall Avenue NE/SE Coal Creek Parkway project. They elected not to close the parkway for this project. Their city engineer reports that traffic has reduced the construction hours on their project to four hours per day, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. No one has yet addressed the effect on time of contract and damages due to unforeseen conditions. H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Toni Nelson,Council Pres;, . Members of the Renton City Council Page 5 of 9 November 30,2007 Existing Conditions The effects of the proposed closure have been studied by staff and the consultant by observing the behavior of the drivers using Duvall Avenue NE and performing detailed computer simulations of the proposed conditions. The morning peak that stretches from 6:00 a.m. to nearly 10:00 a.m. resulted in the greatest daily delays south of May Creek. Under current conditions, queues form on Coal Creek Parkway SE/Duvall Avenue NE, SE May Valley Road, and SE 95th Way and at times, as have been observed or reported by others, on 148th Avenue SE, SE May Valley Road east of 148th Avenue SE and Union Avenue NE. At times Coal Creek Parkway SE is backed up from the business district in Newcastle through the unincorporated area and on into Renton on Duvall Avenue NE south to SR 900 and beyond. At other times the backup north terminus is at the intersection of Coal Creek Parkway SE and SE May Valley Road. Drivers have responded by proceeding through both the intersections of Coal Creek Parkway SE at SE 95th Way and SE May Valley Road by alternating access through the intersections. The result is that SE Coal Creek Parkway through the City of Newcastle determines the capacity of the total of all approaching streets, and that 17 percent of the traffic comes from SE 95th Way, 50 percent from Duvall Avenue NE, and 33 percent from SE May Valley Road. Recent intersection traffic counts show similar results. Average daily traffic in 2007 on NE Duvall Avenue is about 15,000 vehicles per day. The Renton School District has approximately 100 bus trips per day on Duvall Avenue NE. Anecdotal information such as field observations and commuter interviews suggest that significant numbers of vehicles use Coal Creek Parkway SE in preference to I-405. Many vehicles from the area that stretches from Fairwood to and beyond Maple Valley use Coal Creek Parkway SE via SR169, 154th Avenue SE,the new Elliott Bridge, 156th Avenue SE and then SE 128th/4th Street to Duvall Avenue SE, 148th Avenue SE (Nile Avenue NE), or 164th Avenue SE instead of I-405. Others go east on SR 900 to Issaquah. Public Outreach for the Proposed Closure Over the past nine months, City staff has held meetings with the City of Newcastle, Renton School District, Issaquah School District, Metro Transit,the Renton Police Department, and the Renton Fire Department explaining the proposed closure action and seeking input. The comments have been addressed in the proposed minimization measures. On November 7, City staff and the consultant held a public meeting at Hazen High School. A total of 2,341 information sheets were mailed to all the residents on carrier H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Toni Nelson,Council Pres, !t Members of the Renton City Council Page 6 of 9 November 30,2007 routes 48, 57, 67, and 72 of zip code 98059 on Tuesday of the previous week. The package of information sheets intended for carrier route 72 was sent to carrier route 78 in error. An announcement of the meeting was posted on the City's web site. Approximately 60 people attended. Staff gave a project status update and solicited comments on the proposed closure from the attendees. Oral comments were received from about 20 residents and 10 written comment sheets and e-mails have been received. Additional comments were posted on a councilmember's blog. The comments in general were excellent and made staff and the consultant aware of several potential impacts that had not been considered but have now been addressed in the proposed minimization measures. It was reported that many businesses and residents did not receive their notices. A turnout of 60 people for a meeting like this is considered excellent. The City will maintain a project web page with weekly updates and more frequently as needed. Personal contact will be maintained with those whose properties are directly affected by construction activities. These measures will be taken with or without closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Avenue SE. Findings and Analysis for the Proposed Street Closure Some impacts will be more onerous than others. Those residents fronting on Union Avenue NE/SE 95th Way, SE May Valley Road, and 148th Avenue SE and traffic on SR 900 at the intersections with Union Avenue NE and 148th Avenue SE are expected to be most impacted by the queues and increased traffic. Both intersections have signals that can be adjusted to accommodate the traffic pattern changes. It is expected that diverted local traffic will generally choose to use Union Avenue NE and regional traffic will use 148th Avenue SE and 164th Avenue SE. The following intersections are already and/or may be impacted further by queues of traffic waiting to use Coal Creek Parkway due to the closure of Duvall Avenue: 1. Coal Creek Parkway SE at SE May Valley Road 2. Coal Creek Parkway SE at SE 95th Way 3. SE May Valley Road at 148th Avenue SE 4. Union Avenue NE at SE 95th Way 5. 148th Avenue SE at NE 26th Street If queues develop on Union Avenue NE, south to NE 24th Street, access to Sierra Heights Elementary School may be restricted causing delays for buses,teachers and students. School buses and other vehicles from the Summer Wind and other areas that use the signalized intersection on SR 900 at Duvall Avenue NE for left turns eastbound on SR 900 may find it necessary to enter at an unsignalized intersection on SR 900 at H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Toni Nelson,Council Pres it Members of the Renton City Council ... Page 7 of 9 November 30,2007 Field Avenue NE. All such vehicles within the affected areas can choose to enter SR 900 at Union Avenue NE or 148th Avenue SE by extending the length of their trips. Impacts of construction on the Duvall Avenue NE abutting residents will be that of any similar street improvement project. Those impacts include: 1. The reduction of front yards for use as additional required right-of-way. 2. Construction noise and vibration for the duration of the project. 3. Interrupted vehicular access to their properties. 4. Construction activity on their properties and homes to extend underground utilities and reconstruct driveways. 5. Temporary interruption of utilities that must be disconnected and reconnected. 6. Supervision of children walking through the construction zone on their way to school. The elimination of through traffic on Duvall Avenue NE will minimize those impacts by reducing traffic conflicts during construction and dramatically reducing time of construction. Existing traffic that cuts through the local neighborhood streets to avoid some of the queue on Duvall Avenue NE should be reduced or eliminated altogether. Residents on NE 24th Street have complained of speeding on their street. It is expected that traffic will increase on NE 24th Street whether Duvall Avenue NE is closed or not. The queues on Union Avenue NE, SE May Valley Road, and 148th Avenue SE should increase in aggregate by approximately 40 percent. It is expected that some commuters will alter their trip timing or route to avoid the increased lengths of queues. The impacts to traffic caused by the contractor's activities will be such that most of the through traffic will seek other routes during construction whether or not the street is formally closed. Traffic using the intersections on SR 900 at Union Avenue NE and 148th Avenue SE is expected to increase. Traffic on NE 24th Street wishing to turn north or south at Union Avenue NE may be delayed by increased traffic or queuing on Union Avenue NE. Mirai Associates has concluded a traffic analysis of the proposed detour plan with results in the report the will be presented at the public hearing. The proposed minimization measures are listed below. H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Toni Nelson,Council Pres ,t Members of the Renton City Council wiry Page 8 of 9 November 30,2007 It has been concluded that the closure of Duvall Avenue NE will have no impact on the capacity of the total Coal Creek Parkway SE system until the improvements to Coal Creek Parkway SE within the City of Newcastle have been completed. The initial estimate of construction time was 340 working days. Detailed staging analysis to accommodate traffic and time requirements for the franchise utilities to get their work completed extended the estimated construction time to about 500 working days (about two calendar years including holidays and non-working days due to weather and other delays). Estimated time of construction with the street closed to through traffic is 250 working days(one calendar year). Monetary incentives were considered for completing the project early. Franchise utility work to convert overhead to underground can take: 30 days notice, 45 days additional if requested, and 90 days estimated to complete the transition following completion of the joint utility trench. That equals 165 calendar days that the contractor must work around. This situation would make it difficult(and subject to claims for reduced incentive payments)to use early completion incentives, because much of the work is not in the control of the City or the contractor. Metro has taken a bus through the proposed detour routes and determined it has a viable detour route only on 148th Avenue SE and SE May Valley Road. The analysis shows that the benefits of closure clearly outweigh the negative impacts. Minimization Measures If closure is approved by Council, staff will take the following measures to mitigate the potential effects of the closure: Prior to Closure: 1. Request King County to install an all-way stop at the intersection of SE May Valley Road and 148th Avenue SE. 2. Request WSDOT to adjust the signal at the intersection of SR 900 and 148th Avenue SE. 3. Request approval from WSDOT to install pavement markings on SR 900 east of its intersection with Field Avenue NE creating a refuge pocket for left turns from Field Avenue NE. 4. Upon approval by Council, immediately install signs on Duvall Avenue NE near its intersection with SR 900 and on Coal Creek Parkway SE near its intersection with SE 95th Way setting forth the dates of closure. 5. Complete review and approval of the detour plan that has been prepared by staff 6. Install signs and pavement markings on Union Avenue NE north of its intersection with NE 24th Street creating an exclusive north bound left-turn lane between NE 24th Street and the northern-most driveway into Sierra Heights Elementary School and eliminating parking on the east side of Union Avenue NE, north of NE 24th Street. H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Toni Nelson,Council Pres. .t Members of the Renton City Council Page 9 of 9 November 30,2007 7. Bring an action to the Council for its consideration limiting truck traffic on NE Union Avenue. 8. Provide for police presence at the intersection of Union Avenue NE and NE 24th Street with project funds. 9. Seek Council approval for the use of chicanes or speed tables on NE 24th Street for the duration of this project. 10. Adjust the timing of the signals on SR 900 at Union Avenue NE and Duvall Avenue NE as suggested in the Mirai Report. 11. Install and maintain the detour signs and markings as approved in the detour plan. Following closure: 12. Monitor traffic on the affected streets. 13. Request King County to install an all-way stop on 148th Avenue NE at NE 26th Street if warrants exist. 14. Install an all-way stop on Union Avenue at NE 24th Street if warrants exist. 15. Install signs and pavement markings on Union Avenue NE south of NE 24th Street prohibiting parking and establishing a queuing lane as necessary. H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\ADMIN\Agenda 2007\Duvall Closure.doc Iiiror 'Ubd ~o (4rr a8 O 1-3 = n6.o11t; w yr ►d CD = �-. �Ua CD CD CD • o tO oAD AD;•P+ 1. - 0 AD c '`C � p a o cra �.. CD. 7 = cr n > �- Ua ° ,. x� ADO' � PZo D, �, Gig �, cp o C� 1 '•o CD O r* _ 0 O p.. CD P - ---� cA i-t CD • cA o cr 7,'0- r `•� -° %do o• 0 - = /" z . CD w t.) n Cr ° C r, o a. 0 yyCD ill O c^n O ih Y,• o ' ' 3 5•CDp CD c`•`D r , /r O `d o I 10 ca . =.'� � � o •�CD . � O o "*pro o � c � o `� cD � � ... 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O 6 z z W d'/6, ,, Now N UDW}iqM a�fr z N C w % w o y A N UOLSD/ z z w Id PUZ�l • cn z uo so uoysDA 3N 13 z uouson E i °AV PUEE EN End uoiun EN and uoiN -0 N N N w �, a t z " AVe' Q\ � N W EN and uo e ��� Shelton z :ter N N z EN and N N W W z N z puowpaN syN uaan� and NNE uaaN N Redmond Ave. �; n\e SE z Uaan0 Pierce Ave. NE Li--1�o City of Renton PRESORTED STANDARD Planning/Building/Public Works i.v `""' U.S.POSTAGE PAID Transportation Systems Division RENTON,WA Renton City Hall-5th Floor PERMIT NO.137 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 3rd day of December, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter November 24, 2007 Account No. 50640 11/28/2007 - Notice sent to 543 Parties of Recordv. .Sent to all ECRWSS Postal Customers ,{Y 1: 411)114 cc: Bob Hanson " � l cfcY - ' NOTIcE , ,s, ,, acE, + .4 + ,p - N,-r°� RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2007 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. txt 6 ` 'tild s PtaTC • W ' � y ., alit �� �' <, :} n f mar r :� 4r r r', E • Fad' , .)` F`s WOzaxti.d41 a�u* ,tea'50 NE 25th PI 3 NE 26th x '" ''` +`" + 04,'0sw u" . ;t i1 NE Sth ; ': �� � 7� m?m3 dr`� I Mi '�"IT�i, ��� a G :� , 4r 1,,,, pa rpc :'p ray r '. NE 24ih St „�., w fr.' r• SE�;�'s' a e rr Z g i y m NE 23r, NE 23rd St liG NE r�... • 4,1 �I' `�t1 : 1 C7 ) ct 'tad N �rf C oC�• Wh�cy z a� NE 22nd P4, ®:,E g ? t Si t ��i,5' d E Q 2�5 -i.- m NE,„,ct = NE21stP, Eaw �r ,, 4 E20thPl- - - . € r= E20th•z`" E E19tha — I= - tt z .., A R > <<, St - m NE1 3 1 Vi,v '""S. 4,co C%/JJ--" 18t .._� .4. C} 51 •1'.. , ��.x•t ii,> „1, Q4 SE 107th St ....... '++g °"y m 3 NEi 8th Ct 3�� Whitm2` f �--NE-18th PI v r.. O , c NE ahNE , ? 17th S St l o . t; Shanno W . +; ¢ "` Village ' a NE 16th St '. St t y,k AI 3 3h0,mace c 3 NE15IhPl U ��setBr I p ` } , SSqnset g uare _' I m-. t(lyty`0.L j 1 SE 3 t Fly ti�$ All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 The removal, mutilation,destruction, or concealment of Warning ! this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. *sir- ftrotd Duvall Road Closure LOCATIONS OF POSTINGS FOR: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. 1'4 1. ' 'At(� 1��.� - /� 'z h z %n 51� 2. b✓i'/vL /V). ) 3. Dom (, /o 4. u l,L A-US • N> n', • t G CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I .. 1� 44) 'u� hereby certify that copies of the attached notice were poste by me regarding the property described above on the day of ,rlo , 20a? . SIGNED 411" C6C SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this orv- / day of � , 20C> 1 . SIGNED: Printed Name: N, `\ NOTARY PUBLIC in and the State df Washington, Residing at My Commission Expires: �a H:ACITY CLERK\Forms\Posting confirmation.doc TY c QC.: ®O` 14 0 T I C E `art' tu ��N�°� RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2007 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRAD WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. [Wt'AP( c. it{ •..Ili w pit R t,: •. e 1. t+ ``sue✓ �' • i p a I � • ,i NE 25th PI NE 2�61h r �s+&& ? ;{ fiu • , I NE 5th a*'$ ,�} pica' , ,i ` 3 a 4' z 'NE 24th St �rrr eySa M .< SE Z o m NE 23r NE 23rd St ix- �S i,_ 1.f d eJ 2 N a ��' t c, ll t C oc�1th7.„ • ., NE 22nd PI �' W m L_� E Q 1 St p r �. S 2^ o.: ry 2 �ro ttF2a �¢ c NE21st - Ei" o a� E 20th ' � E 20th P1� o I. �� -- w d .: , 5 `ci 19th St c '�or NE�o 3`O a Aar' a: s.._,..._._.il me :ate �4 SE 107th St�..NE 1 t)th PI i.. 3 NE�8th Ct � T NE NE 17th st Shanno ''� Village `� a E 1 stn st g n Ezr.Si st y H SItO .rs k" as :rs�. j '1 -.1 v E©4:4"2. tiptml�'`` ; 1 h PI 50„lit B � .- I► 01 t ,1 Sunset �'`�� a x f Square �� t n ° 40 All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 ■ The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of warning ! this notice is amisdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. C��,S Y O� NOTICE ,... ��N,°� RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2007 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. ttl` ia R a: a Aa Q; -.'t' lY at V - z• r ,l s E ,t{�F1 tip` _.. NE 25<h PI 3 NE 26th 4, 3 • w N m= I� NE ;C 7 o u m^ 'NE 24th St "°. fH SE • W� �l�E1�e 1111041, 1t1e r , 6 Z-)l m NE 23r NE 23rd St :. f,, Q, J ro Ey �m I :> Q Q WhJ NE 22nd Pt1:4 E i C oc Gii ti = E w 2�5� Sti J •2 ,`.fir, n. a NE 21st �;; �r'�Aw ray s ,, a E20thPik ' o1:�v ¢ c�;; E 20th E l ath'- i I-- a ' S t 5 i Cc i;›�``sc, 2nP� l SE107thSt "> Amy m3NE�81hCt AV Nynm F NE 18th PI �•. a i7 s 7: Shanno _ 7 St ,,r� Village • N NE 16th St • - Stc' y Shv "' Rcr - c N 1 h PI u un et.B17 k� a t , 7 Sunset 6 � i P - i Square ; 3 0...0,A, �_,.. r • 5 ,�yyam r n. -..� .aM.,, ,'Lai,. - "�a .-. d All interested parties are invited to attend an present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 I Thethis removalnotice,is mutilationmisdemeanor, destruction, or concealment of 1IIa rn i n g ■ a punishable by fine and imprisonment. Duvall Road Closure LOCATIONS OF POSTINGS FOR: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009,for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby certify that copies of the attached notice were posted by me regarding the property described above on the day of , 20 SIGNED SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this day of 20 . SIGNED: Printed Name: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, Residing at My Commission Expires: H:\CITY CLERK\Forms\Posting confirmation.doc NOT, , E RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2007 AT 7: 00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd . to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. - SE ll '; V PPAM` > at REDx �W jIT ; ,: tip` rill 1 g �� 4 'fibc!e •a NE 25th PI Ni 26th w .., ' mom NE 5th CC ''NE 24th St ,a �` SE W -y NE 23rd S itlith Z 2 m NE 23r NE 23rd St 1 t4tt rY r 02nd. i; d N Ct as C Q W z �I NE 22nd P1,Aiil tL St t.� o E. NE21stP f" v f"' =w oa= i Ct a z ,, E 20th PILE1 o I_�C` W E 20th "' E 19th a --�--�.�- t 5z x m I! NE10 3`° �9th St c .. . a Q _ SE107thSt y m3NE( �r��`�i ,..,` F NE 18th PI'¢ 8th t ia• lei Nti 'ENE 17fh St zNE17 , SE 107hr Shanno -- W a Villa - a ;" st Sho f, -'"�� NE 16th St • 4 .ffiRiug,i,:,:.!z,:.:,,,,.. ,,1:,•.:;,3,.:;.: NE 15th PI 2 s�. et- I ,'� s ,rra 2 Sunset �� ." , 1 ,�� - Square or.r t . O. L SE 3 Si: R " • ti'"� . r w 4 5G All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description & further information available in the City Clerk's Office — 425-430-6510 ■ ' The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of arnin this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and ■ imprisonment. From: "Linda Mills" <Imills@reporternewspapers.com> To: "Bonnie Walton"<Bwalton@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 11/19/2007 1:39:42 PM Subject: Re: 1 Ad - 11/24/07- PH Duvall Ave Rd Closure Hi Bonnie, I have received your notice (re: PH Duvall Ave Rd Closure)to be published in the Renton Reporter on Wednesday, November 24, 2007. Thank you Linda Linda Mills Legal Advertising/Obituary Representative King County Publication, Ltd. 19426 68th Ave. So Ste A Kent, Wa 98032 253-234-3506 From: Bonnie Walton [mailto:Bwalton@ci.renton.wa.us] To: legals@kingcountyjournal.com Sent: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 12:58:59-0800 Subject: 1 Ad - 11/24/07 - PH Duvall Ave Rd Closure As attached. Please confirm. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502 Now CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 3rd day of December, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Full temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE, from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way, for a 13-month period beginning in February 2008 through February 2009, for the purpose of roadway and utility improvements. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. I. Ghat -v‘ Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter November 24, 2007 Account No. 50640 November 19, 2007 Renton City Council Minutes Page 395 rIone w✓ Board/Commission: Municipal Community Services Department recommended approval of the revisions to Arts Commission Revisions City Code regarding the Municipal Arts Commission including the development of a public art conservation plan and a five-year master plan for arts and culture, and clarification of the funding process for the 1% for Art Fund. Refer to Community Services Committee. Plat: Zetterberg, S 21st St, FP- Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the 07-058 Zetterberg Final Plat; nine single-family lots on 1.4 acres located at 755 S. 21st St. Council concur. (See page 397 for resolution.) Planning: Highlands Study Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Area Zoning Correction, requested authorization to correct the zoning designation to Residential Multi- Monroe Ave NE Family of a group of parcels located in the Highlands Study Area between Monroe Ave. NE and Olympia Ave. NE, south of NE 12th St. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. EDNSP: 2007 Neighborhood Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Program Grants reported submission of grant applications for the 2007 Neighborhood Grant Program (second round) and recommended funding two projects and three newsletters in the total amount of$7,317. Refer to Community Services Committee. Annexation: New Life -Aqua Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Barn, Maple Valley Hwy submitted 60%Petition to Annex for the proposed New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation and recommended a public hearing be set on 12/3/2007 to consider the petition; 374 acres located in the vicinity of Maple Valley Hwy. Council concur. EDNSP: Boeing Pursuit of US Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Tanker Program, Supporting recommended adoption of a resolution supporting The Boeing Company's Resolution pursuit of the United States Tanker Program. Council concur. (See page 397 for resolution.) Finance: Bond Issuance, Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of a bond Utility Capital Projects sale in the approximate amount of$13.134 million that completes the sale of bonds to finance the cost of construction of various capital projects within the utility systems as provided by Ordinance 5313. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Budget: 2007 Year-End Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of the Amendments 2007 year-end budget amendment ordinance in the total amount of$4,141,991. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Business Systems Finance and Information Services Department requested authorization to hire a Analyst Hire at Step D Business Systems Analyst at Step D of the salary range. Council concur. Airport: Pro-Flight Aviation Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an addendum to Lease, LAG-99-002 LAG-99-002, airport lease with Pro-Flight Aviation, Inc., for a rent increase from $11,700.08 to $13,063.37 annually. Council concur. Streets: Duvall Ave NE Transportation Systems Division recommended a public hearing be set on Closure, Road Improvements 12/3/2007 to consider the temporary closure of Duvall Ave. NE/Coal Creek Project Parkway SE from NE Sunset Blvd. to SE 95th Way for roadway improvements. Closure to take place from February 2008 to February 2009, with exact dates dependent on work progress. Council concur. CANeY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGEND 13ILL AI#: • V Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Transportation Systems Division November 19, 2007 Staff Contact Bob Hanson (x7223) Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. X Correspondence.. Temporary Road Closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Ordinance Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Boulevard to Resolution X SE 95th Way Old Business Exhibits: New Business X Study Sessions Issue Paper Information Vicinity Maps with Proposed Detour Routes Resolution Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept Council Concur Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... N/A Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted N/A Revenue Generated Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF'ACTION: The Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE Reconstruction Project consists of improving and widening the existing street to decrease traffic congestion within the City. Constructing a large project on a very congested route with typical lane closures will create a very long duration in construction activities and added traffic congestion. To increase the productivity of construction and help lower estimated construction costs, the Transportation Division is requesting a full temporary closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way. Traffic for both directions will be detoured on two alternate routes: one on 148th Avenue SE and SE May Valley Road, and the second on Union Avenue NE, 132nd Avenue SE and SE 95th Way. Provisions will be made for local access. The estimated duration of the closure is 13 months. The temporary road closure will take place beginning construction in February 2008 to February 28, 2009. The exact dates for the closure will depend on work progress and are not possible to predict at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Set a public hearing for December 3, 2007, for the temporary closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Blvd to SE 95th Way. 2. Consider adoption of the resolution authorizing the temporary closures after the public hearing. H:\Diviston s\TRANSPOR.TAT\DESIGN.ENG\Rob\Duvall\Road Closure\Agnbill-Duvall Closure 071108.doc NNW NNW' f O PLANNINGBUILDING/ ss , PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: November 19, 2007 TO: Toni Nelson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: .i Kathy Keolker, Mayor FROM: Gregg ZimmermaT" ministrator STAFF CONTACT: Bob Hanson, Transportation Design Supervisor, x7223 SUBJECT: Temporary Road Closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way ISSUE: Should the City allow a full temporary road closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way for the duration of the Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway Reconstruction Project? RECOMMENDATION: 1. Set a public hearing for December 3, 2007, for the temporary closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Blvd to SE 95th Way. 2. Consider adoption of the resolution authorizing the temporary closures after the public hearing. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway Reconstruction Project consists of improving and widening the existing streets and improving sewer, stormwater, and water mains within the new roadway. Constructing a large project on a very congested route with typical lane closures will create a very long duration in construction activities and added traffic congestion. Toni Nelson,Council Presid Members of the Renton Cityluncil Page 2 of 2 November 19,2007 To increase the productivity of construction and to help lower estimated construction costs the Transportation Division is requesting a full temporary closure of Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE from NE Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way. All lanes of Duvall Avenue NE and Coal Creek Parkway SE will be closed during its reconstruction. Traffic for both directions will be detoured on two alternate routes: one on 148th Avenue SE and SE May Valley Road, and the second on Union Avenue NE, 132nd Avenue SE and SE 95th Way. Provisions will be made for local access. The estimated duration of the closure is 13 months. The temporary road closure will take place beginning construction in February 2008 to February 28, 2009. The exact dates for the closure will depend on work progress and are not possible to predict at this time. Per City Code,the public will have advanced notification of the closure dates prior to the beginning of construction, and updates as the construction progresses. Signs will be erected as well as notification in the Renton Reporter to notify the public of the projected closure. Attachments cc: Peter Hahn,Deputy PBPW Administrator—Transportation Bob Hanson,Transportation Design Supervisor James Wilhout,Transportation Design Project Manager Connie Brundage,Transportation Administrative Secretary H\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\DESIGN.ENG\Rob\Duvall\Road Cbsure\Road Closure-Issue Paper.doc DUVALL AV CREEK PARKWAY ENUE NE/COAL SE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT - Wa 95tn 5th 1 PI N * 4 z<r W Z ti, ME 25th PJ FEE 26th C _ g NE 26th St c.,:' _L J „:-NE .th Ct Q. NE 24th fd r� 24th St �_ NE 23rd PJ F1E 24 h--tt 22nd PI NE 23 NE 23rd NE23rd 1Q2nd� h�E 22nd ct NE 23rd ck NE 22nd Fl NE list NE 22nd St � NE 22nd °� r�E 20 "dE 21sE PI NE last S# � � ._t. E 21 st t _ � 2st 'C NE 20th ME 19th „NE 20th ; a SE 104th St, NE a9th 5`t 5° s SE 104 ',. NE 14th Lj = a .of w .,. hJE..1�1 t.5t z Q u) Whitman a NE �7 .c WE17th ` sl,1D7 f . , th s, o _ z c fir `- t ,� YR . ;- IF 12th tII os ,.$ t" 0 k.vx.nc. DETOUR ROUTES CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY TOTAL CLOSURE OF DUVALL AVENUE NE/COAL CREEK PARKWAY FROM SUNSET BOULEVARD TO SE 95TH WAY WHEREAS, the City of Renton plans to widen and improve Duvall Avenue NE& Coal Creek Parkway, from Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way, including sewer, water and stormwater installation; and WHEREAS, this construction activity will require temporary street closure along Duvall Avenue NE & Coal Creek Parkway, from Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Code section 9-9-3 the City Council is to authorize such closures by means of a Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION H. The City Council does hereby authorize the temporary closure of Duvall Avenue NE & Coal Creek Parkway, from Sunset Boulevard to SE 95th Way to occur during the period February 1, 2008, to February 29, 2008, to allow the contractor to construct the roadway and utility improvements. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2007. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2007. Kathy Keolker, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: RES.1312:11/14/07:ch 2 city of Renton . MO 0 - l Planning/Building/Public Works ,,p Transportation Systems Division d. Renton City Hall-5th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 ECRWSS Postal Customer L J >;a A 4 CibeThh , e �.Y rr amy '888'$ 0 „ W ,$F} • Public Open House SE,o7tnPI m N�sv�se:6 cts m �588 J -` The project to reconstruct Duvall Avenue NE and Coal Creek N Parkway SE will be advertised for bids in December 2008.` D Hazen High School 'n rn m An open house-for the'project is being provided for you and your m NE 11th St> m n neighbors. Please feel free to stop by and learn about plans for NE 10th PI �, constructing the project. y m m NE 10th St 3 m m SE 116th St NE9thPI m Date Wednesday,November 7,2007 Time 6:30—8:30 PM Location Hazen High School Cafeteria City of Renton` 1101 Hoquiam Ave NE Transportation Systems Division,James Wilhoit(425)430-7313 Renton WA 98059 ----.v„;„',-.'-.,,,:,,4,,.',..,,_;,-,.2-„,.'J„',,,„.,-„7-?'A,-4f,:.'7,d,,6„'„v-4k,.,,,-,r-„:v,-.i,:,,-..,,„1-,,,•f:,,:,-.„tR.(',,4--1,1;.-,';:,e,-,,','-',-',l,-,,/i',,,,...,,,tj-s.v,',i,--,.--,,,:.:‘-:."'::."',:,-',',f!,,,-,.!:,o,iitrsi,--t-z;t,,,...,,,„,,,,,,,-I,-..-.,.-.,,',-:-'Y-.,S:'„,,':.:,...:',-,,-*,,,.„,-'',i4i,'`.i.I.,-:4,,r:i,'.t = ,,''":e"-.".:;,,„,.•,,„.:C:„,,".„.:'„:,.:::',4,,".-"'.":'....-,„'-.-',,,',,„,:,;,..;-'''•‘'-,,-.r,,-',:,.R,"...'.'...,-.a,...„....,,,:1-,v-,,..,';,,,.:A,,„,-:.c.,-,,,,....,.,;','.„':.,,-,„,,..,,-.„„•,,:„.-,,;-'-,'.'.''.l,:',,„:y'b,,:-,-;"-.;,,„,'-'-:,,—.:,.,,-,„:.,,,--,,,'._"-'„,'.'-,',:'..:,,.,„,--„:,',,:''-,','-'-'':.,,-:,',-.,,•-,''',,,:.-.-.„,,-.,',':.''-".-'...,-,i:-';--,''„,,'',:,4•...4._r-,,,--.-„,0,„.,',_.:--,,„.,-0.,„,.,,,,i.1,:4.-.--.,,."',4[N"-2:U,,-,-e_,:,,,,',,-..'..,:„4...-,,.-,,_,,.:../:,.;..„.•.'-A:,.'"'".,V,.„',','.''.„,4-, ,'t",'',"'',..,,,'`,,,,'-•„.,.,e,„,,,,,`-„.;'.'.,,',.,..:.:,:",,';":,."",.,1,:,,.),-.,r.i .t-A. C y a, r 1 i,,,,,,,f,„'.-.;',,,t,;,r-.-."..''...f.:'„,:'-:,'-:'",.''",,,',-"t'::'"::,,.--;.,As:-:..,.r,:,:',-,,,,,:;-f,.',.,,.,,''-,,'.::,,:,;,..:,,,„,;',"..i,.',„..-'.i..::e.f-.::-.,,,:'-.,--,.'J:.:':,'-:.',„.,:,E.,::.;!.;'.-,,-::r,.„,.,Z:,,:7,,-::,„,:-,°,V.,is-,:,:„,,*,"„*,,.:,;,::„:.;-,:.:41-,-.4"c,,:,-i.1c.,„1"t::',-..,..1.,.',,:.,:,•P,-:.,"-,:::-..,:2.,:.-,,::,.V:„.-.:",',,",.,:.,:-.'.,,;::':".'','•,:'-,''W,:,''.,4;::.:,,':...#,:..,,:,_:,,--1..,,,,:,'-•:-.:;,,'*.,,,,.:.,.1w,--,:„-::;:„-.,i„,,,:,.,.,.,0..,:,.,i.,x?,t•t,.n:1.---.',,i.•y:,:, ,-, \ \ t .:,..-:',774,7:3,,,,,,,,,,:ip 1 .N1 �I 'hi- 1li-o �11 lA l +� The primary goal of the Duvall Avenue NE/Coal Creek Parkway SE Reconstruction Project is to improve traffic flow and safety of the three-quarters of a mile roadway section from the newly reconstructed intersection with NE Sunset Blvd(SR 900)to SE 95th Way. The roadway within the project limits will be widened to provide sidewalks,curb and gutter,bike lanes, landscaping and illumination along both sides of the roadway in addition to increasing the number of through lanes to two lanes in each direction. This project will interface with the current City of Newcastle project to widen Coal Creek Parkway from SE 95th Way to SE 84th Way. The project is currently scheduled to be advertised for construction in December 2007. Construction is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2009. It is proposed that Duvall Avenue and Coal Creek Parkway will be closed to through traffic during this construction period. Traffic will be detoured around the project site as shown in the map. Local access for residences, school buses,mail and delivery vehicles will be maintained as shown. Citizen comments and questions are important parts of the project's success during construction. A public open house for this project will be held for citizens to see the plans for the project and to provide their input on the proposal to close the roadway to through traffic and on the proposed detour routes during '`.,; ` construction. -,_ If you have any questions or '. comments,please contact James r s. Wilhoit,Project Manager, City ofr 1, - INN Renton Transportation Systems h~ `;. �, Division, at(425)430-7319: fax = '` ` (425)430-7376, e-mail: .... .. ., jwi1hoit@ci.renton.wa.us q °.h t•�c � or visit rentonwa.gov and follow links to Government: '` �`r F City Departments and Services: Planning,Building, and Public Works: Transportation Systems 1i. •�_ Division:Transportation Design 3 ` =+"� - ,g t�'- Section:Tip#3 -Duvall Avenue NE. h F•" '` 41; ' - 14tr LEGEND - - �, 1 sli •---- Project Limits 5 �� allina Detour Route 7. 1 r .,. ; 'IL 121• ,; _ Y Local Access Route P4 Street Closed f r tr 1 lit PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - 7 NOVEMBER 2007 DUVAL AVENUE NE/COAL CREEK PARKWAY SE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT COMMENTS Thank you for taking time to attend this public open house. Your comments and questions are important to us in helping us to shape the project during construction. We hope that you will take some additional time by providing your comments (concerns) using space provided below. W o u \ \ \ \LIZ 0 0 0 C 0 yl YQ 5 mi r 5 Gd dYl L) VIion t AUTIneN Con Ue.-1/2- 1or 3 00,4- 5 k1(1L-)(S tJ O u t o -k 0 Q.[eeJin bcir k a®G, \(\a\j,-e a c e.Q 5 n c o pporl-ti n of O \ clur l v> \(11 1.1 Yvte 5 , 31-. u3 o W, 1O.& Wy O31, cIV Z Z Z• Q 1. (aorrur ; DIA(col dr ZZ Thankyou foryour comments. ; ',^ V�V v�. � EJ 11�b Please leave this form at the "Sip-in" table, OR C •-0(UL 'r d C Mail to : City of Renton-Transportation Systems Division Renton City Hall-Fifth Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 (Attn: Mr.James Withoit, PE) OPTIONAL 41.cd Name: VVt Y1�' 1 Contact Information: L 2 43 5 IL) FAPWT-04-032—Open House Questionnaire PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - 7 NOVEMBER 2007 DUVAL AVENUE NE/COAL CREEK PARKWAY SE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT COMMENTS Thank you for taking time to attend this public open house. Your comments and questions are important to us in helping us to shape the project during construction. We hope that you will take some additional time by providing your comments (concerns)using space provided below. /%ff% LC/'c C 3Zc� p�'t, v4- - 7 G rn lam`-' �9 s2j,_AG Asir d Thank you for your comments. Please leave this form at the "Sign-in" table, OR Mail to : City of Renton-Transportation Systems Division Renton City Hall-Fifth Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 (Attn: Mr.James Wilhoit, PE) 742 OPTIONAL Name: P-�z Contact Information: s CeDiu rr - C en — FAPWT-04-032—Open House Questionnaire s -goy y PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - 7 NOVEMBER 2007 DUVAL AVENUE NE/COAL CREEK PARKWAY SE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT COMMENTS Thank you for taking time to attend this public open house. Your comments and questions are important to us in helping us to shape the project during construction. We hope that you will take some additional time by providing your comments (concerns)using space provided below. 0�` r 4 r s f ,�s_le L-0.,,,'.-(„; 1{ U V 1��/. 4/Ai / xl7 Lt.f 'i 4C ,•L {-7 U�,, " r {' (c,,-/) W;Us)A riL(,)(jk„,,,;;: C):.,, LI----1 C A,t4 i ,,,,,,....( ..1. - / 0y '`�`�'py �'f r ',� ! ,-,/'ta --14,t ,i, (rd, it, ta72,4t4 ' (M. ) VidDt, W t / , - — I)) Sr:.) GT— / i ( It ) A.,/ ,f-,--(,' (,., C'T-t,i,'1, , ,- -6c/4A 1,4t, , 0( ,c 64, ' _1 ,.• ,- Thank you for your comments. Please leave this form at the "Sign-in" table, OR Mail to : City of Renton-Transportation Systems Division Renton City Hall-Fifth Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (Attn: Mr.James Withoit, PE) OPTIONAL Name: Contact Information: FAPWT-04-032—Open House Questionnaire PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - 7 NOVEMBER 2007 DUVAL AVENUE NE/COAL CREEK PARKWAY SE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT COMMENTS Thank you for taking time to attend this public open house. Your comments and questions are important to us in helping us to shape the project during construction. We hope that you will take some additional time by providing your comments (concerns)using space provided below. ( 0-P vyve_e_-friut 1AA5 Ct. ec ftS n 3LL V1.VV\ ', i\VO 9/uto&J_ci? or+&-e i A ed ki a m Le Thank you for your comments. Please leave this form at the "Sign-in" table, OR Mail to : City of Renton-Transportation Systems Division Renton City Hall-Fifth Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (Attn: Mr.James Wilhoit, PE) OPTIONAL t ' Name: L��f W i t h c I Contact Information: j kvt Go l St it �1 C( C a 5 11 t FAPWT-04-032—Open House Questionnaire NNW illie o _ii a� i L �' £ W • 1, y c w 0 —� ` J a s _ , "a d — -� --•• ------ _...44 a o a Z 1, v Z ti 1 4— w u► cv c r �^ co 0 O ' dsU-0 ^ c jv cs bI a :r v vZ 7 Q ci ---- rq o \ �� ( % 0 CO O ° �' N { a` 4- 1� 0 ° ) (` ri r ,� i O EP NZ aai h N(! 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