HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA_Traffic_Study_190710_v1.pdf TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 | Office (425) 889-6747 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 2, 2019 TO: Rich Snyder Sound Ford FROM: Jeff Schramm / Curtis Chin, P.E. TENW SUBJECT: Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate for the proposed Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility – Renton, WA TENW Project #5934 This memorandum documents the independent transportation impact fee estimate for the proposed Sound Ford vehicle service facility project in Renton, WA. This is an update to our previous transportation impact fee estimate dated June 21, 2019. An independent transportation impact fee is allowed by the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-1-190 (H). Project Description The proposed Sound Ford new vehicle service facility site is located at 846 Lind Avenue SW as shown in the Attachment A vicinity map. The existing use on the site includes a 21,918 square foot (SF) warehouse that would be converted into a vehicle service facility with 22 service bays for exclusive use by Sound Ford. Sound Ford recently used a 9,000 SF Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center with 12 service bays located at 500 SW Grady Way to service vehicles which was closed on June 14, 2019. Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility TENW July 2, 2019 Page 2 Background The City of Renton provided a Transportation Impact Fee calculation for the proposed Sound Ford vehicle service facility project on May 22nd, 2019 which is provided as Attachment B. The CityÊs transportation impact fee estimate includes the following calculation: Based on the CityÊs methodology, we have calculated a revised transportation impact fee for the proposed Sound Ford vehicle service facility. The revised calculation is based on two modifications: (1) use of the correct trip rate for warehouse (LUC 150) included in the current ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th edition; and (2) use of local trip generation data collected at the existing vehicle service facility used by Sound Ford. Sound Ford most recently utilized a 9,000 SF Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center with 12 service bays located at 500 SW Grady Way to service vehicles. The proposed relocation to the site at 834 Lind Ave SE would replace the previous Quick Lane operation and provide exclusive use by Sound Ford customers. Existing Use Transportation Impact Fee Credit Consistent with City of Renton methodology, the transportation impact fee credit for the existing warehouse was calculated by factoring the CityÊs transportation impact fee rate per SF for Mini-Warehouse by the ratio of the ITE weekday PM peak hour trip rate for Warehouse to the weekday PM peak hour trip rate for Mini- Warehouse. Table 1 summarizes the resulting impact fee per SF for Warehouse. Table 1 Transportation Impact Fee Per SF for Warehouse A B C D = A X B / C Impact Fee for Mini Warehouse ($/SF)1 Weekday PM Peak Hour Trip Rate for Warehouse 2 Weekday PM Peak Hour Trip Rate for Mini Warehouse 2,3 Corrected Impact Fee for Warehouse ($/SF) $1.86 0.19 0.17 $2.08 1. Per City of Renton 2019-2020 Transportation Impact Fee Schedule. 2. Per Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. 3. Note this is the corrected PM peak hour trip rate from the ITE manual; the City used the incorrect daily rate of 1.51 Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility TENW July 2, 2019 Page 3 The following Table 2 summarizes the resulting transportation impact fee credit for the existing 21,918 SF warehouse based on the derived and corrected rate of $2.08 per SF. Table 2 Existing Transportation Impact Fee Credit A B C = A X B Impact Fee for Warehouse ($/SF) Existing Use Building Area Existing Use Impact Fee Credit $2.08 21,918 SF $45,589.44 As shown in the table above, the corrected transportation impact fee credit for the existing Warehouse is $45,589.44. This revised calculation would replace the CityÊs initial transportation impact fee calculation (provided in Attachment B) which the City calculated using the wrong PM peak hour trip rate. Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility Trip Rate To estimate the weekday PM peak hour trip generation rate for the new Sound Ford vehicle service facility, traffic counts were collected at the Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center that was recently used by Sound Ford to service vehicles. Traffic counts were conducted at the Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center on Thursday June 13, 2019 between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Due to the closing of the Quick Lane operation on June 14, 2019, only a single day of traffic counts were able to be collected. In order to provide expanded data of the previous Quick Lane operation, review of the total vehicle service utilization was considered for the 5 day weekday period June 10-14, 2019. On the day of traffic count collection on Thursday June 13, a total of 23 service vehicles were processed at the Quick Lane facility. Comparing the number of service vehicles processed for that 5-day weekday period (June 10-14, 2019) the day that the data was collected (June 13) was 35% higher than the weekly average. This 35% factor was included in the PM peak hour trip rate calculations. Adjustments to the traffic counts were also made to account for the Sound Ford estimate that 75 percent of the Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center trips were associated with Sound Ford trips. A summary of the traffic counts is provided in Attachment C. The resulting trip rate per service bay associated with the proposed new Sound Ford vehicle service facility is shown in Table 3. Table 3 Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility Trip Rate Calculation A B C D E = A / B / C X D Thursday June 13, 2019 PM Peak Hour Traffic Count Thursday Transactions Percent of Average Weekday Service Vehicles Existing Quick Lane Service Bays Trips Related to the Sound Ford Car Dealership PM Peak Hour Trip Rate per Service Bay 20 trips 135% 12 Service Bays 75% 0.93 As shown in Table 3, the traffic counts collected result in a weekday PM peak hour trip rate of 0.93 trips per service bay. Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility TENW July 2, 2019 Page 4 Proposed Use Independent Transportation Impact Fee Calculation The independent transportation impact fee calculation for the proposed new Sound Ford vehicle service facility was determined based on derived transportation impact fee rate per service bay based on the following: · Derived PM peak hour trip generation rate = 0.93 trips per service bay · Average Vehicle Occupancy (AVO) = 1.353 · Percent New Trips = 100% · 2019 cost per PM peak hour person trip ($5,145.01 per person trip) As a result, an impact fee rate of $7,254.46 per service bay was determined (see Table 4 below). It should be noted the AVO used in the calculation is consistent with AVO included in the City of RentonÊs Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation. Table 4 Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility Transportation Impact Fee Rate A B C D E = A X B X C X D Trip Rate (PM Trips/service bay) AVO1 Percent New Trips Cost Per PM Person Trip (2019) Impact Fee Rate 0.93 1.353 100% $5,145.01 $6,482.71 per service bay 1 Per City of Renton Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation, dated July 5, 2016. Table 5 summarizes the resulting independent transportation impact fee. Table 5 Proposed Use Transportation Impact Fee A B C = A X B Impact Fee for Vehicle Service Facility ($/service bay) Proposed Number of Service Bay Proposed Independent Transportation Impact Fee $6,482.71 22 $142,619.62 As shown in Table 5, the proposed independent transportation impact fee for the proposed new Sound Ford vehicle service repair facility is $142,619.62; note that this calculation does not include credit for the existing warehouse, which is addressed in the next section. Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility TENW July 2, 2019 Page 5 Resulting Independent Net Transportation Impact Fee The resulting net transportation impact fee is calculated by applying the existing transportation impact fee credit toward the independent transportation impact fee for the new Sound Ford vehicle service repair facility. The resulting net transportation impact fee is $97,030.18 ($142,619.62 – $45,589.44). If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this memo, please contact Jeff Schramm at (425) 250-0581 or schramm@tenw.com. Attachments: A. Project Vicinity Map B. City of Renton Transportation Impact Fee Calculations C. Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center Existing Counts Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility ATTACHMENT A Vicinity Map Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility ATTACHMENT B City of Renton Transportation Impact Fee Calculations Updated Independent Transportation Impact Fee Estimate Sound Ford Vehicle Service Facility ATTACHMENT C Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center Existing Counts Quick Lane Tire Auto Center 500 SW Grady Way Suite A Existing Trip Generation Summary - PM Peak Hour Begin In Out Total 4:00 PM 2 3 5 4:15 PM 3 3 6 4:30 PM 3 4 7 4:45 PM 1 1 2 20 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 PM 1 2 3 18 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. 5:15 PM 0 0 0 12 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. 5:30 PM 0 3 3 8 4:45 - 5:45 p.m. 5:45 PM 0 0 0 6 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Peak Hour 9 11 20 Peak Hour is 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Thursday June 13, 2019 Existing Count Data Interval Hourly Totals Total Trips 6/21/2019