HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-138 Appeal Exhibits Denis Law Mayor ER July 25, 2019 City Clerk-Jason A.Seth,CMC Stephen Smith, CFO Tillicum Street, LLC. 200 S. Orcas St. Seattle, WA 98108 Re: Request for Code Compliance Violation Hearing Code Case No: CODE-19-000138 Dear Mr. Smith: The hearing that you requested to contest the validity of the Code Compliance Violation Findings dated July 2, 2019, as referenced above has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2019, on the 10:00 a.m. docket. The hearing will take place in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Renton City Hall. The address is 1055 S Grady Way in Renton. Please note that more than one hearing may be held starting promptly at 12:30 p.m. If your case is called and you are not present, your appeal may be automatically denied. I have enclosed a copy of the case file for your review. If for some reason you do not plan to attend, or you have any questions, please call Jason Seth, City Clerk in advance of the hearing date at 425-430-6502. Sincerely, 3 , Jason A. Seth City Clerk cc: Hearing Examiner Craig Burnell, Building Official Kevin Louder, Code Compliance Inspector Donna Locher, Code Compliance Inspector Robert Shuey, Code Compliance Inspector Her►inda Corn, Accounts Receivable 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • (425)430-6510/Fax (425)430-6516 • rentonwa.gov Code Case No:CODE19-Q00138 Date:July 02,2019 Violatlon Addmss: 7otal Amount Due:$250.00 109 S 7illlcum St Renton,WA 98057-5312 NOTICE OF RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATION The Cfty has elected to establish a non-Judicial hearing and determinatlon system to enforce Renton Municipal Codes(RMC)civil code vfoladons.Therefore a code violation penalty,consistent with RMC 1-3-2.P is imposed,not including any costs,fees or asaessments. You may respond in the following manner: I deny creating,permttting to ex(st,maintaining or failfng to eUminate the violatlon(s)and I am requesting a hearing to contest lhts Finding of V(ola�on.Appeal requests must be received by the Renton City Clerk's o�ice wlthin 15 days of the date of this Find(ng of Violattan.Please send me a hearing date.I promise to appear on that dete.The adminfstrator must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that I committed the vloladon. I understand that under RMC 1-3-2.G that the adminlsUator shall declde whether the opportunity to be heard wBl be only In w�tUng or in parson,or both.The c(ty ts not required to call witnesses to testify at the hearing. Pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.K,faflure to attend the scheduled hearing makes the Findtng of VtolaQon final,and I may be subject to addiUonal costs tf I fail to withdraw or resolve rny appeal prior to the hearing date.I also understand that Ihe ctty has not waived any rights or remedies under the law. Appeals should be ma(led to: City of Renton Attention: Clty Clerk 1055 S Grady Way Renton.WA 98057 � 1 admit that I have created,pertnitted to exist,mainte(ned or failed to eliminate the violation(s)and do not need or want any kind of hearing.As a resuit,I have encbsed a check or money order(do not send cash)In the amount of S .I understand I am required to bring the property into compliance with City of Renton Munfcipal Code.I also understand that if comp8ance is n�t achieved I may be Issued additlonal Flnd(ngs of Violatlon with increasing penalUes,and or criminally prosecuted.NSF checks wfll be Ueated as failure to respond. Payment should be made to: City of Renton Attentlon: 1st Floor Flnance 1055 S Grady Way Renton,WA 9805T Complete InformaGon below:(PLEASE PRINT Name: S ''1 r'n,prl�+-1� Q � J p^�'r� � C FU Street or P.O.Box: Z� �' Q 2�� JT��c�� City: s �� t'y Stete: lN� 2ip: +C - Telephone;Home: W rk• �Z Z� -d Zv 3 Signature of Violator. Date: � �� �� Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT� CITY OF RENTON JUL 17 2019 Finding of Violation RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFiCE , Denis Law Mayor � Gommunity&Economic Development C.E. "Chip"�ncent,Administretor lasued To: Data:July d2,2019 T�(icum Street LLC Code Case Na:COOE19-000138 200 S Orcas St Owner(Tax-Payer):Tltlicum Street LLC Seattle,WA 981U8 Violation Addres�: 109 S'fillicum St Renton,WA 98057-5312 The undersigned Ciry of Renton Code Compllance Inspector hereby certifles and states that a Warning of Vtolatlon has been provided io the named violator and the vlolation was not eliminated. The Violator has created, permitted to e�ust, maintained or falled to eliminate the following violation(s): �::aVIOLATION 1:;yo.BuNdfiip Pertnit. � . � . . , . . • - ; Investlgation�Date �;.. �• '•07/0�2l20'18�. Code Text: No Bufiding Permit:The City of Renton Municipal Code requires building permits to be applied for and obtained by any person,firm,or corporation to erect,construct,enlarge,alter,�epair, move, Improve, �emove,convert or demolish,use,occupy or maintain any building or structure In the city. Corrective Action: IBC Section 111 .1 Use and Occupancy.No building or structure shall be used or occupied,and no change in the existing occupancy class�ication of a buHding or structure o�portbn thereof shall be made,until the bufiding official has Issued a certiflcate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. Issuance of a cerl�icate of occupancy shali not be construed as an approval of a violatfon af the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction C(ty of Renton Records indicate that the stn�cture located on this property is designated as an S-2 ! Class�cation storage building.The City has no record af any change of occupancy on the structure, , and as such,the use of the S-2 Classification etorage building as an M Classfficatlon retall sales is in ' violation of city ordinances and the Intematlonal Building Code.A building Permit must be obtained for this change of Occupancy. In this regard,apply for a bupding permit wlthin 14 calendar days of the date of this notice.You may contact the building department at 425-430-7200 for Information on permit process and requirements. Respond to all plan review comments within 14 calendar days of request. Obtain the building permit within 15 calendar days of permit approval. Call for fnspection within 15 calendar days of permit fssuance. Respond to all correction notices within ' 15 calendar days of notice and call for re-inspecdan. Obfain addftional permits as needed. Fees: ' i n Amouni CODE•Violation Fine $250.00 �o a4on 1 u tot : 250.00 . • � '. � �� Payment of 3250.00 must be made within iifteen(15)days of the date of this Finding of Violation.Ali city codes Ilsted on this Flnding of Violation must be brought into compliance within fifteen(15)days of the date of this Findfng of Violation.lnvoice to follow. Page 1 of 3 I certify under penalty of perjury under the►aws of the Slate of Washington that I have issued lhis Finding of Volation on this date and at the location stated above. I certify that i believe by a preponderance of the evidence that the violator committed the above violatlon(s). 5�9�� Date: � Issued By:Rob huey Code Compliance Inspector 425-430-7235 rshuey@rentonwa.gov � Page 2 of 3 RENTON CODE COMPLIANCE CODE19-000138 NARRATIVE luly 24, 2019 Address: 109 S Tillicum St Renton, WA 98057 Violator: Tillicum Street LLC RMC Violation: RMC 4-5-060 K 111.1 Certificate of Occupancy March 13, 2019: While driving by the subject address I noticed a business banner sign for "Fabrics for Less" on the building that I had never seen before. I photographed it and returned to city hall to research the business. I discovered that the business had relocated from another location within the City of Renton. I also learned that not only had the Fabrics for Less business license expired, but also the business had failed to notify the city business license division of the change the address. This is important, as the city would have reviewed compliance of the structure for such a use prior to issuing a business license. Additional research had shown that King County Tax Assessor has the property designated a warehouse, and I could find no evidence that the structure had ever been approved for use as anything other than a warehouse. I sent an email to the owners of record according to the Washington State Secretary of State explaining what I had discovered and requesting that they contact me to discuss the matter. Additionally, I contacted the building and fire departments to advise them of the violation, at which time they decided that there was enough concern to investigate. I also returned to the business, introduced myself, informed the management of the results of my investigation, and informed them that I would be contacting the property owners. They allowed me to take photographs inside the building. March 20, 2019: A Warning of Violation, CODE19-000138, was issued to Tillicum Street LLC, the owner of the property, for violating the City of Renton's Municipal Code Section 4-5-060 K 111.1 . The compliance date was April 2, 2016. Please note that the additional code violation for no electrical permit was subsequently eliminated, as the owner was able to provide evidence that the unit heaters were pre-existing. April 10, 2019:After a number of phone conversations with Dennis Standeford, property manager and Scott Howell, property owner, I received an email from Mike Catt of Kidder Mathews, claiming to represent Tillicum LLC, requesting an extension. I approved the extension. 1 EXHIBIT �. May 9, 2019: I received an email from Samuel Winninghoff, Attorney for Tillicum LLC requesting another extension. After discussing it with him on the phone, I agreed to it with the condition that it would be the last extension I would allow without input from the building and fire departments. June 11, 2019: I received an email from Sam Winninghoff with a copy of the 1986 Certificate of Occupancy and Building Permit Application from an addition to the structure on 1985. June 12, 2019:After having gone over the information with the Building Official, Craig Burnell, I sent a reply to Sam Winninghoff that clarifies the city's conclusion based on the information he had provided in his June 11, 2019 email. Attached to the email were highlighted portions of the Certificate of Occupancy and Permit Application provided to the city, and used as a basis for the conclusion. June 12, 2019: I received an email from Samuel Winninghoff in response to city's conclusion emailed to him earlier that day. He stated that he would look into it further and follow up with me. July 2, 2019: After no contact from anyone regarding this code case since June 12, 2019, I issued a Finding of Violation with a $250.00 fee. July 3, 2019: I received an email from Samuel Winninghoff stating that they had received the Finding of Violation and that while they still disagree with the city's conclusion,they would like to meet to work toward a resolution. July 24, 2019: As of today, there is a meeting set for tomorrow,July 25th between the city and the owner& representatives do discuss the matter. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. signed on in Renton, Washington Rob Shuey Code Compliance Inspector 2 • � � � ' ' • ' • � ' 1 1 1 : Assigned To: Rob Shuey Violator: Opened Date: 03/20/2019 Address: 109 S Tillicum St Owner: Closed Date: Renton,WA 98057-5312 Data Entry Date Created By Activity Type Activity Name Comments 03/20/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log Warning of Violation 03-20-19 Change of Occupancy Required. 03/27/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log VM from Fletcher 03-27-19 I had a VM on my phone this morning from Fletcher,requesting that I contact him in regards to the WOV at 109 S Tillicum St. He stated that he was asked to contact me by the owners of Tillicum St LLC,the owners of the property to attempt to determine what needs to be done to bring the property into compliance. I called his number (206-910-4492)and left him a VM. 03/29/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log Phone Conversation 03-29-19 I talked with Fletcher w/Fletcher (206-910-4492).We discussed the reason for the change of occupancy and I believe he understands the city s position on the matter, and although me may not like it,he agrees.He said that he will be discussing it with the ovmers of the building and the tenant and he will be contacting me prior to 04-19-19 to render a decision on how they plan to proceed. 04/11/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log Code Case Extension 04-11-19 I received an email from Mike Catt, Approved real estate broker working with owners, requesting an extension. I talke to Alex Tuttle, he agreed it would be reasonable.See email in doc attachments with same date. Hi Mike,I think in the interest of allowing everyone the time to review historical data and discuss options,an extension of Code Case 19-000138 to 05-15-19 is a reasonable request,and has been granted.Hopefully between now and then,a consensus can be reached as to how to bring the property into compliance with city ordinances.Respectfully Rob Shuey Diary Log Phone Conversation 04-11-19 I received a call from Samuel wMolator Attorney Winninghoff,the attorney for the building owners. He asked me about any records that I may have regarding the original C of O,and I told him that he would have to make a public records request for that information.We discussed occupancy classification of the building and the current and past uses. I explained that an unapproved occupancy cannot be grand fathered. We discussed the KC Assessors designation as a warehouse, and how that designation occurs.He said he will be talking to his clients this afternoon and they will discuss how they want to move forward. 04/18/2019 July 24,2019 Page 1 of 3 Data Entry Date Created By Activity Type Activity Name Comments Rob Shuey Diary Log Code Case Update 04-18-19 The owner was able to provide information that showed that the unit heaters were installed around 2000(_/-)as that is when the unit heaters were manufactured. I have no reason to believe that 18 year old heaters were recently installed.That part of the code case has been closed. 05/15/2019 Rob Shuey Contact Uolator Extension Request from See Email in Doc attachments dated 05-15-19 Owners Attorney 05-09-15 Email from Attorney:Rob, I wanted to update you on where we are on this matter on our hand.We have received the first installment of records from the City of Renton, but are waiting on further installments which we will not have until after our currently 5/15/19 deadline.While I cannot know when we will receive all of the records,the next installment is expected by 5/16.Would it be possible to extend our compliance deadline to at least 6/15/19 so we can complete obtaining ad reviewing the public records? 05-15-19 My Reply:Good Morning Samuel,I'm sorry for the delay, I was out of the o�ce. While I appreciate the time it can take to obtain public records,I'm hesitant to continue to allow extensions without substantial cause. I'm more than willing to discuss it on the phone with you.Please feel free to give me a call so I can understand your concerns. I'm not opposed to an extension,I need to document that the extension was for a justifiable reason.I look forward to hearing from you 05-15-19 See Extension Approval email w/same date 06/12/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log Doc Review Determination 06-12-19 Email sent to Samuel. Based on info to Attorney provided,the WOV stands. I requested a decision by the owner by 07-01-19 See email in doc attachments dated 06-12-19 O6/13/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log Doc Review Response from 06-13-19 See response to determination from Attorney Samuel Winninghoff,attorney for owner in doc attachments w/same date. 07/02/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log Finding of Volaiton 07-02-19 Finding of Violation is being issued. Pursuant to my email to the owners attorney dated 06-12-19, I requested that a determination be made and that I be informed by 07-01-19.I received an email from Samuel Winninghoff on 06-12-19 with his opinion on the decision made by myself and the Building O�cial,Craig Burnell in regards to the occupancy of the building,stating that he would follow up with me. I have received no follow up as of today.As there has been continued communication through email, I know that the email will be received by the attorney and property manager,so I am sending the FOV via email to both of them. 07/03/2019 July 24,2019 Page 2 of 3 Data Entry Date Created By Activity Type Activity Name Comments Rob Snuey Contact Violator FOV Response Eamil from 07-02-19 Email from Attorney:Rob,We Violator&Reply received the finding of violation and have discussed it with our client.While we still disagree with the Ciry's conclusion and intend to appeal the finding,we would like to set up a meeting the week of July 15th if possible to try to work toward an agreeable resolution.Are there a couple of times that work for you that week?We are fairly open other than the morning of the 17th,and the 19th.A representative of our client would be joining us for the meeting as well.We would certainly be open to including whoever the Ciry would like to involve,including the building official or potential a city attorney if you believe it is warranted. I look forvvard to hearing from you My Reply Email:Samuel,I am out of the office all that week attending an educational seminar. I'm actually not person that you need to discuss the matter with anyway,as the Building Official,Craig Bumell makes all interpretations and determinations in regards to building code and occupancy matters. Craig is familiar with this issue,as we discussed the occupancy of the building prior to my sending you the determination based on the information you provided. I've cc'd Craig into this email and suggest you contact him to schedule a meeting. If Craig prefers that I be present for the meeting, I am available next week between the 9th and 12th,and then I will retum to work on Tuesday the 23rd. I can usually adjust my daily schedule to accommodate most any meeting time between 8 am and 3:30 pm. Craig may also be contacted at 425-430-7290. See Emails in DocAttachments w/same date. 07/11/2019 Rob Shuey Diary Log Meeting Request Email Strirn 07-10-19 See in doc attachments w/same date. July 24,2019 Page 3 of 3 Robert Shuey From: Robert Shuey Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 3:30 PM To: 'corp@helsell.com' Cc: Donna Locher; Rick Lee; Craig Burnell Subject: 109 S Tillicum St- Fabrics for Less To whom it may concern, It has been brought to the attention of the city that a retail business has moved into your building. Although the zoning is such that retail is permissible,the structure itself is not approved for retail sales pursuant to the building code. According to the King County Assessor's Office,the use of the building is designated as Warehouse, not retail. In order for the building to be used as retail space, a Change of Occupancy would be required through the Building Permit Process. Representatives from both the Building and Fire Departments will be making a site visit tomorrow to make an assessment on the business located in the building. If it is determined that there is a danger to employees or shoppers, the city will require that the business be closed. It is imperative that you contact me so we can discuss this matter and put together a game plan on how to proceed with bringing the business and building into compliance with its current use,or discontinue the use altogether. I look forward to hearing from you. �� s�� Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshue}�a rentonwa.gov Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disdosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disc/osure as a public record. �.��..�-'� ��'``; CODE COMPLIANCE pro�ram information PARKING ENFORCEMENT information BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information 1 i EXHIBIT 3 ��315 �-��! ,f—c�Q�J Z.�G — ��3— I �) 3� ?caG— �i�Z- pCeC,7 Robert Shue �[0'�` �L —� � From: Robert Shuey ��� Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 3:30 PM To: 'corp@helsell.com' Cc: Donna Locher; Rick Lee; Craig Burnell Subject: 109 S Tillicum St- Fabrics for Less 7o whom it may concern, It has been brought to the attention of the city that a retail business has moved into your building. Although the zoning is such that retail is permissible, the structure itself is not approved for retail sales pursuant to the building code. According to the King County Assessor's Office,the use of the building is designated as Warehouse, not retail. In order for the building to be used as retail space,a Change of Occupancy would be required through the Building Permit Process. Representatives from both the Building and Fire Departments will be making a site visit tomorrow to make an assessment on the business located in the building. If it is determined that there is a danger to employees or shoppers, the city will require that the business be closed. It is imperative that you contact me so we can discuss this matter and put together a game plan on how to proceed with bringing the business and building into compliance with its current use, or discontinue the use altogether. I look forward to hearing from you. �� s�� Code Compliance Inspector,City of Rentott Development Services Divisian Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshuey�{cc r�ntc�n�va.gq�� Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such,the information you submit to the City via email, including persona!information,may ultimately be subject to disdosure as a public record. ���, i _�{titi YL '�} CODE COMPLIANCE aroaram information ���~I� ����� ,�� PARKING ENFORCEMENT information �� - � �3— �� �� BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information ������J1� ._ C�T� S , ��yy� � ti� .L I fy; _ , _ .. aj �oocJ [� "' ."'"�'. 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Y; [ -�� � _ r �' :i" � M► ' I i J � j�A Ob�vt d� �� � • ��+; il��'?�"' °�``d' - - _ � � 4_ � ; < � ���� , - 5 s� . - .�� - , �, i i .r I , , � � 7 t �' ��' _�-_ ' _ . _ z _� f � -F � l��, - i ---,� ■ i . _ _ � ,��. -� . , Warning of Violation • Denis Law Mayor � � 'r� - - - - • Community 8�conomic Development C.E. "Chip"Vincent, Administrator Issued To: Date: March 20, 2019 Tillicum Street LLC Code Case No: CODE19-000138 200 S Orcas St Owner(Tax-Payer):Tillicum Street LLC Seattle, WA 98108 Violation Address: 109 S Tillicum St Renton,WA 98057-5312 An inspection of the above premises revealed violation(s)of the City of Renton Municipal Code and Ordinances listed below. Compliance or corrective action must be completed by 4/4/2019. If voluntary compliance is not achieved, a Criminal Citation MAY be issued.The violation(s)listed below are deemed a Class 1 Civil Infraction pursuant to Chapter 7.80 RCW, and any such person shall be assessed a monetary penalty of up to two hundred fifty dollars($250.00)per violation. Each day or po�tion of a day the violation(s)remain shall constitute a separate offense. VIOLATION 1:Code�olation Investiga�on Date 03/20/2019 Violation Note: Code Cited: Electrical Permits 4-5-040 Code Text:The City of Renton Municipal Code requires electrical permits to be issued for any person,firm or corporation to install or repair any electrical wiring. There was an installation of elect�ical wiring and unit heaters in the warehouse space. A records search shows that no electrical permit was issued for this installation. An electrical permit is required for the installation of the electrical system. Corrective Action:As part of the Change of Occupancy, obtain an Electrical Permit for the installation of the unit heaters. VIOLATION 2: No Building Permit Invesdga�on Date 03/20/2019 Violation Note: Code Cited: International Building and Residential Codes RMC 4-5-060 Construction Administrative Code Code Text:No Building Permit:The City of Renton Municipal Code requires building permits to be applied for and obtained by any person,firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the city. Corrective Action:IBC Section 111 .1 Use and Occupancy. No building or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made, until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. Issuance of a cert�cate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction PanP 1 Of 2 EXHIBIT� Investlgation Date VIOLATION 2: No Building Permit 03/20/2019 City of Renton Records indicate that the structure located on this property is designated as an S-2 Classification storage building.The City has no record of any change of occupancy on the structure, and as such, the use of the S-2 Classification storage buiiding as an M Classification retail sales is in violation of city ordinances and the International Building Code. A building Permit must be obtained for this change of Occupancy. In this regard, apply for a building permit within 14 calendar days of the date of this notice. You may contact the building department at 425-430-7200 for information on permit process and requirements. Respond to all plan review comments within 14 calendar days of request. Obtain the building permit within 15 calendar days of permit approval. Call for inspection within 15 calendar days of permit issuance. Respond to all correction notices within 15 calendar days of notice and call for re-inspection. Obtain additional permits as needed. Issued By: Rob Shuey Code Compliance Inspector 425-430-7235 rshuey@rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 2 Filed 3 _ � Secretary of State State of Washington Office of the secretary of State Date Filed: 03!13�2019 Corporations 8.Charities Division Effective Date: 03!13!2019 UBI#: 604 094 673 Annual Report BUSINESS INFORMATION Business Name: TILLICUM STREET,LLC UBI Number: 604 094 673 Business Type: WA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Business Status: acTrvE Principal Office Street Address: 200 S ORCAS ST,SEATTLE,WA,98108-2441,UNITED STATES Principal Office Mailing Address: 200 S ORCAS ST, SEATTLE,WA,98108-2441, LINITED STATES Expiration Date: 03/31/2020 Jurisdiction: UNITED STATES,WASHINGTON Formation/Registration Date: 03/13/2017 Period of Duration: PERPETUAL Inactive Date: Nature of Business: REAL ESTATE REGISTERED AGENT RCW 23.95.410 Registered Agent Name Street Address Mailing Address HELSELL FETTERMAN 1001 4TH AVE STE 4200, SEATTLE,WA,98154-1154,UNITED LLP STATES PRINCIPAL OFFICE Phone: Email: CORP@HELSELL.COM This document is a public record,For more information visit www.sos.wa.govlcoips work Order#:2019031300143356-4 Received Date:03l13/2019 Amount Received:$60.00 Street Address: 200 S ORCAS ST,SEATTLE,WA,98108-2441,USA Mailing Address: 200 S ORCAS ST, SEATTLE,WA,98108-2441,USA GOVERNORS Title Type Entity Name First Name Last Name GOVERNOR INDIVIDUAL STEPHEN SMITH GOVERNOR 1NDIVIDUAL R. HOWELL GOVERNOR INDIVIDUAL SCOTT 1VICHOLSON NATURE OF BUSINESS . REAL ESTATE EFFECTIVE DATE Effective Date: 03/13/2019 CONTROLLING INTEREST 1. Does your company own real property(including leasehold interests)in Washington? YES 2. Has there been a transfer of stock,other financial interest change,or an option agreement exercised during the last 12 months that resulted in a transfer of controlling interest? NO 3. Has an option agreement been executed in the last 12 months allowing for the future purchase or acquisition of the entity,that,if exercised would result in a transfer of controlling interest? NO You must contact the Washington State Department of Revenue to report a Controlling Interest Transfer IF: *This company owns land,buildings or other real estate in Washington State, AND *Answered"YES" to questions 2 or 3 above. Failure to report a Controlling Interest Transfer is subject to penalty provisions of RCW 82.45.220. For more information on Controlling Interest,please call the Department of Revenue at(360)534-1503, option 1,or visit www.dor.wa.gov/REET RETURN ADDRESS FOR THIS FILING Attention: Email: Address: UPLOAD ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Do you have additional documents to upload?No EMAIL OPT-IN ❑ By checking tlus box,I hereby opt into receiving all notifications from the Secretary of State for this entity via email only. I This document is a public record.For more information visit www.sos.wa.eov.•'coms Work Order#:2019031300143356-4 Received Date:03/13/2019 Amouat Received:560.00 acknowledge that I will no longer receive paper notifications. AUTHORIZED PERSON [� I am an authorized person. Person Type: ENTTI'Y First Name: HEIDI Last Name: HAVEMAN Entity Name: IfELSELL FETTERMAN LLP Title: PARALEGAL � This document is hereby executed under penalty of law and is to the best of my knowledge,true and correct. This document is a public record.For more information visit www.sos.wa.�ovlcoms work Order#:20190313Q0143356-4 Received Date:03/13/2019 Amount Received:560.00 . � � -_.,...._.,_._ �..� .. . ..... . .. .. - Parc�� ��2�30-L���� . . . - Num�er Name �TE�Lf.[��1�+! �TF�EET �L� , ._ -_._____�..__. _ ___ . � 5ite ' 1�� � TILLI�U� ST �8��� � � _ � Addr��s ......._......_.... . . __ .� __ _ -�--- - �. .�_�.._ __�.��.._. _. -- � 6���T�3�V RE�L �STATE C�S 1S� RE'NT�N L�TS 4�, � � � TG�! P�Ft HENRY H T�B�N D � Na 3`� �EING' eN NE ��� �F 1�-�3-�� DAF-B�EG AT C�N�R�TE #��NU�ENT AT �NT�N �F �IIL �F S�UTH T�8lC� ST � � ���a� 1�'LY R!'Jtif I�G�# E]F L�IKE�4�F S TH S 5�-13-dD E �4�FT TH l� QO-53-3a E 13� FT T� TP�E3 TH �{�NTG � ; �D-53-3� E 1�0 FT TAP �� 5�,�( R1�J11 M G� S TI�L��U 1� �T TH � ��-'13-�0 � g� FT Ta NE ��F� �.�T � z BLK '� F2Ff�T�N REAL E�TATE GC�'S FIR��' AD� T� R��VT��N T� � ��-�3-�Q 1�►� 1�d3 FT 30 SE C4R SD � � �T � "''"a� � x" �,..�� €�:; �'�� �'? 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"'_-_ _ __' "'- _ - ' A - Descriptior� v�:ry��;,t = � � - .��-s..,,..��....�.,. __ Y.��� �Scalt}-kativ�e�.Scx�tt f�Frc�ari.�ephen Srrr�h f _ _ � _ _.,. -- "�?��e , �. i --- ---- _�_- --- ._�.� �.. . , Robert Shuey From: Robert Shuey Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 10:51 AM To: 'Mike Catt'; Craig Burnell Cc: Stephen Smith; Scott Howell (showell@niius.com); Fletcher Farrar; Kermit Jorgensen;lim Kidder; 'SWinninghoff@helsell.com';Alex Tuttle Subject: RE: 109-121 South Tillicum Street, Renton - Fabrics for Less Hi Mike, I think in the interest of allowing everyone the time to review historical data and discuss options,an extension of Code Case 19-000138 to OS-15-19 is a reasonable request, and has been granted. Hopefully between now and then, a consensus can be reached as to how to bring the property into compliance with city ordinances. Respectfully, �� s�� Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshue,yC��rentonwa.gov Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. �►'�.�-, �: CODE COMPLIANCE pro�ram information PARKING ENFORCEMENT information BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information From: Mike Catt [mailto:mcatt@kiddermathews.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 10, 2019 11:19 AM To: Robert Shuey<RShuey@Rentonwa.gov>; Donna Locher<DLocher@Rentonwa.gov>; Rick Lee <RLee@Rentonwa.gov>; Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.gov> Cc:Stephen Smith<stephens@niius.com>; Scott Howell (showell@niius.com) <showell@niius.com>; Fletcher Farrar <ffarrar@neilwalter.com>; Kermit Jorgensen<kjorgensen@neilwalter.com>;Jim Kidder<jkidder@kiddermathews.com> Subject: 109-121 South Tillicum Street, Renton - Fabrics for Less Hi Rob, � EXHIBIT � My name is Mike Catt, I am a real estate broker with Kidder Mathews representing Tillicum Street LLC owner of the building at 109-121 South Tillicum Street, Renton. I understand there is an upcoming deadline, April 15th 2019 for requested compliance by The City of Renton for the property and tenant mentioned above. We would like to request addition time so that we can have Tillicum Street LLC attorneys review, zoning, and historical use, previous business licenses issued by the City of Renton and State of Washington and other related documentation showing contiguous retail sales at the property since the year 2002 when Muscle Cars Northwest opened for business. For your reference most recent business licenses attached. We would like to request and 30 day extension to the April 15th Deadline. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Mike Catt Mike Catt KIDDER MATHEWS D 206.248.7309 I C 206.948.7602 ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ download vcard I view profile Please consider the environmeni before pnnting this emad In accordance with Washington State Law,real estate brokers are prohibited from offering legal advice; therefore,Kidder Mathews makes no representation as to the legal sufficiency or tax consequences of the document or the transaction. It is recommended that you consult an attorney prior to signing From: RShuev@Rentonwa.�ov [mailto:RShuev@Rentonwa.�ovl Sent:Wednesday, March 13, 2019 3:30 PM To:Corp<Corp@helsell.com> Cc: Donna Locher<DLocher@Rentonwa.�ov>; Rick Lee <RLee@Rentonwa.�ov>; Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.�ov> Subject: To whom it may concern, It has been brought to the attention of the city that a retail business has moved into your building. Although the zoning is such that retail is permissible,the structure itself is not approved for retail sales pursuant to the building code. According to the King County Assessor's Office,the use of the building is designated as Warehouse, not retail. In order for the building to be used as retail space, a Change of Occupancy would be required through the Building Permit Process. Representatives from both the Building and Fire Departments will be making a site visit tomorrow to make an assessment on the business located in the building. If it is determined that there is a danger to employees or shoppers, the city will require that the business be closed. It is imperative that you contact me so we can discuss this matter and put together a game plan on how to proceed with bringing the business and building into compliance with its current use, or discontinue the use altogether. I look forward to hearing from you. �� s�� z Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshue��C�renton�v_ a•�o�� Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information,may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. ��.�., '��1�� CODE COMPUANCE prog,ram information PARKING ENFORCEMENT information BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information 3 Robert Shuey From: Robert Shuey Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 10:07 AM To: 'Winninghoff, Samuel D' Cc: Craig Burnell;Alex Tuttle Subject: RE: Renton Code Case 19-000138 Hi Samuel, Thank you for calling in regards to this extension request. I understand the reason for your request in regards to trying to get documents pursuant to the public records request you submitted with the City of Renton. According to you, additional records are expected from the city tomorrow, which you will review and presumably use to work on making your determination on how to move forward with bringing the property into compliance. As we discussed,this will be the last extension that I'm comfortable making on my own authority. Any further extensions will require input from both the Building Official and the Fire Chief,as the current use of the building is in violation of both the International Building Code and the International Fire Code. Your request of an extension until 06-15-19 is granted. I look forward to discussing your progress after you receive the next installment of documents and have had a chance to research them. Respectfully, �� ��'""-7 Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshuer•{a�rentonwa.gov Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information,may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. ����i �L� , r CODE COMPLIANCE pro�ram information PARKING ENFORCEMENT information BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information From:Winninghoff,Samuel D [mailto:SWinninghoff@helsell.com] Sent:Thursday, May 09, 2019 11:57 AM To: Robert Shuey<RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> 1 EXHIBIT� Cc:Jacobs,Sam M.<SJacobs@helsell.com> Subject: Renton Code Case 19-000138 Rob, I wanted to update you on where we are on this matter on our hand.We have received the first installment of records from the City of Renton, but are waiting on further installments which we will not have until after our currently 5/15/19 deadline. While I cannot know when we will receive all of the records,the next installment is expected by 5/16. Would it be possible to extend our compliance deadline to at least 6/15/19 so we can complete obtaining ad reviewing the public records? Regards, Samuel Winninghoff�Helsell Fetterman LLP S�`,ltl�c'. \\.\ �)ti 1�1 illt'c' ��iC eiu; swinninghoff(a�helsell.com 2 Robert Shuey From: Winninghoff, Samuel D <SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 2:36 PM To: Robert Shuey Cc: Jacobs, Sam M. Subject: RE: Renton Code Case 19-000138 Attachments: C_of_O_611328.pdf; BuildingPermitApp.pdf Rob, Thanks for taking the time to chat today and catch up on the status of this matter. Attached to this email are the 1986 Certificate of Occupancy and 1985 Building Permit Application. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Hopefully this resolves the code compliance matter. Regards, Samuel Winninghoff�Helsell Fetterman LLP itilll [�l�li["tit:l�CRuc. �uiic-r_���� ��a[tic. ��'_��1ti I�=k dir�° l:i.� cin;� swinninehoff(a�helsell.com 1 EXHIBIT� 3•.!� `.[ r.'�`;+ti'' .+i i. ,,:e- ti: �. " _ . , . . . .Fy.- _ �: '-/; _ - • . • _ • f: t, ,.#n'. .t�; .�:_ _f'; .i � • " . . . ' . ,� . � '' . , ���t• y o�•�^`. 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" • THIS CERTIFIGTE MUST SE CONSPICUOUSLY POSTED A ��f � ' "• � - + ' AND PER11+{JINEldTLY AAAIh1TA1NED AT OR NE/1it THE MAlF1 ENTRANCE �:• +,;;": _, '';s .. • x , �� �t�, ?�,4�,� •�.•s'�.,".`Iv waN-'�a.''�""� , _' . . .,. �-.-�+. . , _" . _.. c a,'�r- w. ,i` .;+�• ' . . . ... , .. �r. . - `�ti '� �;`f�t�.��� ,}'..� z' t ' ' .. , �. ��'Y �fi r�:_!n�' '`:�''" _ - , • . ...i'l.r:��$� i. ��;•�, , - � - .��,. ��l;,i. 'r. ,r}iv � • � - . �' ',%''.:` .r�L'" � . , �f':3C�tJ `•� � `' . �"}��N.1 e. '_ '' ^ • . • . pa� �� i . . , ' . -2.,a{� 1_ , ' . . , � �' ,� �� ����4 ����E. '` �y ' ' � . • ` ' ' •��i.r��'�'iti� i . ' ... - . • .. . , ��LY' �, r-��-:r' -,- . , • "�,.'+i?9,',ra`��*„{,Y 't!£� ',. - . - - - •- ; ' .., _ . . - . � �+, , `� - l> :�;,f. r: t' . �µ�_ , _�t.. t� r ,� . ��'��` ,,f. , I•''� • _ . . • . -�'',' ,�'� •'d� -� _ . .. • , • - " �r'�+'.� r?� ,-. _. ._ ' -. -. , . � . ' -_ , - , , -. �z' ?' `?' t! , , . . . . - - . � -��tiz� �'� . - � " . - � p��; �s;g Y r � ; .:. . �}, �,. .�• �v � rt. - ;•�:'.: : r_. ..i:a.. s_�a�....�.. _..• �, � . Foxr� iis r'' �,., CITY OF RENTOM �lILOING PERNIT BUILDING & ZONING DEPART�£NT APpl.ICqTION 235-2540 ADORESS OF PROPERTY_ /Oq So. T/[cic��►f S7'. R�i�.7dA� W I� 9BO�.S— (IF NEW CONSTRUCTION, THIS pEpqRT1�EM M U, q55IGN qpDRESS) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TO 8E pERFQRMEp N a� � o VALUE OF CONSTRUCTIpP� IS: � s KING COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR'S AC NIfI�ER FpZ pRD�RTY ��Y � �1N� ON PROPERTY TAX STATEhENT QF TITLE PAPERS) IEGAL OESCRIPTION FnGp� ��yi,� � ��Rn�.+ o� x �, PAPER OhTlER OF PROpERTY_�ICMARD V rQ ntir., A STREET AppRE55 /09 So. 7i �icue. eT �MONE�SS 7faO CITY/STATE�yv__ ,_�_ZIP oy� CONTACT PERSON __R�cl� etn,woNe OL t.,A W C,�,C �. �., PHONE 2 S'S 7 fGD Cf]H7RACTOR t1? 's� SE:LCC7� ����' ��6z�� L'�� STREET ADDRESS_�'/.� /�P�� d o �� CONTRACTOR'S STATE LICENSE PAA�BER ,�, CITY/STATE � � ZIP )L�,j RENT�N lUSII�SS LICENSE NUhBER_ 7�p�G ��a�A � TAX NIA�ER C �7 ,� p���-.�_�- (IF TENANT SP , LIST: NM£, TYPE UF BUSIl�SS� SUITE NIA�BER) Us�Disfriet �J�� ��}TyM Elx S�ryla FI�PI El�v Bld Sq Ft �� 7�� flood prnot EI Lor fl El�r�• G �� SIf�Cw �•'Z�ji SwaNS�p}le SPwnc.. Y�eent Slt� T�r� Sh�ll of Bld /NlTilr�.. Sprinkl�r A�p NO ���1� ��o R•� Ooc Lo�d �� �vaewSl• 14v O�ys_ Sp�e MsTr Park Coa�rt_30 �Ipht Lteit Qrslltnp Count S��+ � Mise Cod� I Mlsc Cod�2 I certify that the information on this application furnished by me is true and correct and that the appl3cable requirenrents of the CITY OF RENTON uill be met. I understand that this application is valid for six m,mths from the applicetion date. If a permit is not issued d�rinp thls time period, the applicaUon will becane void. This applicetion does not constitute a pex�it to work. Work is not to comnence until buildin Fremises rt►ere work is to be perfornied. Work in public rights-ot e y i e�d jo=�utility easements are not authorized under this application. PERMIT FEE S G � 0 � INVESTIGATION FEE i DTHER FEE S �G.S T� PLAN CFECK � `�3 INAGE PLAN t�1ECK S . '-' �PA FEE S SIGNATURE � --� RECEIPT A�!�.S'�O DATE -r' � � .. . . . . � ��� .� Robert Shuey From: Robert Shuey Sent: Wednesday,June 12, 2019 8:42 AM To: 'Winninghoff, Samuel D' Cc: Alex Tuttle Subject: CODE 19-000138 Document Review & Determination Attachments: 109 & 121 5 Tilliucm St Docs.pdf Good Morning Samuel, I had a chance to go over your documents with our building official yesterday afternoon. The documents you provided were a Building Permit Application for 109 S Tillicum St, dated OS-01-85 and a City of Renton Certificate of Occupancy for 121 S Tillicum St, dated 07-17-86. Each of the documents show the respective buildings as being classified by the building department as a B-2 Occupancy under the current code adopted by the City of Renton at that time(see attachment). The 1985 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC)Table 5-A defines a group B-2 Occupancy as the following: • Drinking and dining establishments having an occupant load of less than 50 • Wholesale and retail stores • Office buildings • Printing plants • Municipal police and fire stations • Factories and workshops using materials not highly flammable or combustible • Storage and sales rooms for combustible goods • Paint stores without bulk handling As you can see,the B-2 Occupancy designation covers multiple types of uses and character of occupancies. According to the building permit application you provided for 109 S Tillicum St,The tenant for which the space was being constructed was Sunset Press. Under the UBC a printing press would be designated a B-2 Occupancy,the construction plans for the building would have been reviewed for that specific type of building and character of occupancy. That printing press use may remain perpetually for as long as that character of occupancy exists within that tenant space. Both the UBC and the currently adopted 2015 International Building Code (IBC) state that a change in use or occupancy classification or character shall not be made without having first made the building comply with the provisions of the code for the change of use and obtaining a certificate of occupancy from the building official for the new use. Based on the documents you provided to the City, and the characteristics of the of the existing structure, it appears that the 109 S Tillicum St was constructed for use as a printing press and not for retail.There is no record of the building ever being issued a change of occupancy permit from the Building Official since is original use, and as such requires a Change of Occupancy pursuant to the IBC for retail use. For this reason,Violation#2 of the City of Renton Warning of Violation CODE19-000138 for No Building Permit for the change of occupancy of the structure located at 109 5 Tillicum St remains active. It would be appreciated if your client could make a determination on how he chooses to proceed by 07-01-19. In the eyes of the City of Renton the options are to discontinue the use ASAP (we can discuss reasonable timing) or the owner must hire a designer and begin the process of producing required plans and documents for a Change of Occupancy Permit. As always, I am available to discuss this matter with you anytime. 1 EXHIBIT� �� s�� Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 �mail rshue,y�i�rentonwa.gov Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disdosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the informotion you submit to the City via email, induding personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. ;�� �"��`,:� CODE COMPLIANCE program information PARKING ENFORCEMENT information BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information From:Winninghoff, Samuel D [mailto:SWinninghoff@helsell.com] Sent:Tuesday,June 11, 2019 2:36 PM To: Robert Shuey<RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> Cc:Jacobs,Sam M. <Slacobs@helsell.com> Subject: RE: Renton Code Case 19-000138 Ro b, Thanks for taking the time to chat today and catch up on the status of this matter. Attached to this email are the 1986 Certificate of Occupancy and 1985 Building Permit Application. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Hopefully this resolves the code compliance matter. Regards, Samuel Winninghoff�Helsell Fetterman LLP ti<<utic. \\ \ ��11�-� clirr�� ?tlf� n�'-1 '1 l li f�i� swinnin�ho�a.hel sell.com z Fo,tM 11s r r, CITY OF fi�1TOM aIILDII�lG PERNIT . BUILDINC � ZONING OEPARTI�NT APPLICATION 235-2540 • ADORESS OF PROPERTY O . T/c u C U�►i S]'. C,�,�oM W^ gQ S,� (IF NEW COlVSTRU�TIpp�� THIS p�Pp�T� M LL ASSIGN ADDRESS) TYPE OF CONSTRttCTlpp� TO BE pERFpAi�¢p N a� • VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION IS: � KING CEk)NfY TAX ASSESSOR'S CMAY BE FDUNO ON PROPERTY TAX STATEhEPfT pF��RqpE�Y ' IEGAL DESCRIPTION OkNER OF PROpERTy � STREET ApptE55 p NE�SS �� CITY/STATE,�i_Tw,�ZIP 96 Ss " , __. . _. CONTACT PERSpN tG C �.�A W l�.vC M r PHONE 2 SS 7 f 00 r��-�' '• I CF3Nf[R74CTOR_23? "s Q S6GB�'r E n �� �' �'�yrsz.��L'�v pHONE $T�� A�i�c§��y���� �d' Jo �ONTRACTOR'S STATE �ICENSE t�R �, CITY/STATE � ZIP �j RENTmN eUSIlVESS LICENSE N(�ER_���kG �.a��)N TAX MA�BER C /"7 O .� �/ �' (IF TENANT. . LIST: NA�E. UF BUSI�SS� SUITE NUt�ER) Us� Dlrfrtet ��,�.� El�e S�rrla FI�N PI El�v Bld Sq Ft flood preof EI I.ai FI El�v • 514�Cw �wNS�pfie S�'�.,K Vae�nt Sit� T�r�_ SMIi of OId�f4'T,�L gprlid�cbr T�� N�0 �{/e CO FbQulnd ��+p—a�Z Ooe Lwd_ �� �vocwSl• R�v O�ys_� Sp�e I�str P..k count_3�_. sforr camr � x•��,t�I.�t a.���np cou� Mise Cod� 1 Nise Cod� 2,� I certify that the information on this epplication turnished by me is ti�e �nd correct and that the yspiicable requirements ot thr CITY OF RENT(H will be met, I understend thet this ■pplication is valid for six m,mths fYom the appiicetto� dete, If a peimit is not issued d�'inp this tLne period. t� applicetion rill. becoa�e vcid, This applicetion does not constitute a peimit to wark, Nork is not to commence until buildiny permit is posted on premises where work is t� be pertorrt�ed. Nork in pubjic riphts-of-Mey and/or utility v�sera�nLs are not euthorized under this applicetion. PERMIT FE� i L � 0 � I1ryE5TIGATION FEE � / 1 PLAN C1ECK S OTHER FEE i�4.-S Z� SI[�WTURE � 3 3 INAGE PLAN GiECK "-" SEPA fEE S_7.�' r' RECEIPT I1,���.S,�O pqTE s � �. .. . � ��� � ,�1� ,c � �f S , , �,�4r , ;. . � .'�� .r`.M "!�, ' .ti;i �, :tT • � . � �a� ''' r • - . :�it . � . � ,fA�'``t �.�r�t-�. ,�+ t ;: ,. . • ...... .._, ' j.. .. . . ..vr_n�+r+er i F'! '.��...����Yy�r '��- +;F• � .. . � .•.`�i).� t ,..s•n�� ;*rl:.� "',N.,,: . • ^ • �1�:,?��F�`�?s��i�:;'i, � � �y . y '� +Y.3w'.�iYry{.�~°'. : ���� '��� ` �L'j��S,:�rY� V'�. �� �t � J�.�y��,�;;�,�,.:r��y:��'�. C�rtif ' ��'�l 3 7":.��2,986 �e O� ;���� �,�.�-�"r.�C'..r, � SERIAL NO. ].E03 , ,:. '...����j�-4' I�+��f.r�(),��fw.��� � /�.��. R• .X� ri.S1f�{I:�Vt ����ti,�'�� ��"�RI�ATE OF O�CUPANCY IS N �D �f� ;,;�y,,,r . ,;,,,,..;. HEREBY QtA T TO: ,.i�ia�r;�:+:.�.ir rJ�l���:�i.+' ':' • � � a �:A._�`•�i 'c' �ys�i �'r . � �h'�;���E�ir`�r�1;��.ft':.%�'!r � �f`��`]tivs� �u�,..;� , ;-,�`�, ,. : , - 121 S. TILLZC �' .�;X.(��'�! cr-i�ji,�,"���br�iG�.,T.,,1n�) UM STREET .. . �y�. ��;�':;�',{.,��• • . (ShMAi�l�) �f 'y��—.XK_lr�. �'��YH.} � ON FZT�.'' WTR4i AtfTT .���.��`� �' ��e D �' PSRItTT _ }. i7od.i �y� y,�� S��: - . ����'if���Ofl� �i 'i �'�iyJ.°t�. a�Fd��M�i_�� ,�i� � •. �.�,,.�; ,,g�c .t,� H1I328 •'`.�.. L y,•.?.�i���!'G�'� T�Ca�hretion qemi iF�:� y /�p� �E ti i �N0. , _�.����,,'�,�i±Of-'�; i�dfr�oe�/a prinliN�os follo�: �� '����}�;t7'%� "�'`�;��.{�. , , ,. . .:_ . , �' , ' �°�'r��,�� E�/► OCCUPANCY ' NUAASER OF PERSONS FLOO� LQADS !N .k �� �" t-..�f;' n�.; h, �' �:•` . �, ,��, �,��,,,,,,.. LK. PER S�. FT. ���;. �r�� ,: �.x ,.'. � x� � t. r � ���'.'��f �.: "r.''.. � '`���'+- �, �'��,�,t�,st+" � g�,,.. `,�r'_'.'. .? 'li��•�!T A-2 30 5� � �•;��• •f�,,;.•;,;.-._., . . , . I :�._ p'�7 �%'�'>�� . :�:`n '' , �+ ��;',.p j� ��^'n, _ .)I� 'S ����r,�y�s'�,,, ,.'•���Fr •. :i �y��.�� ,�..., ,� . d�' . �t� � � t�� � � . �� 'K+ {�j��,� '�l� * .1'�p,_�J�it"�,:'d�1. Yt.`. .'_.__.. �4� �.�-� ! �r�7 r _b`_:��� �'T�?Y . f *��L'�^i' •`e�'.�-��•.,'�:� . s. 'T: �-t�'�������`� �NY QIANOf�iV OCi�tJ�ANCY���DS m�s C�TIfICATf, ' �� � �' �r � ;::,; • "���.1_''j '�`�" •- - � ; .''����`,;��'r'?f-•�' ��3<�. ,f'� r��• THIS CERTIFIGTE MUST lE CONSp�CIJpUSLY M]STED � , �`�''�.� �;;s•�'���'•s • �� ��NENTLY MAINTAfNfG AT OR NEAR THE MtAlht ENTRANCE .�i��� :.N��'•';�' �Z ' ,,r.�.�r„� {�-.��,�:�. -,�-.......�- - • . �} �•�A j;,,s r;,�j_. + •.'Y'. �4 .� {?};j+ L �'.':��`fi . ��.'a`• t r- � ;:t!��'S. ' _t. �i�"l�..Y14�'�'Q -t. �x�•a, :..:`i_' `A� �"ii�.., � . Y �,=j. Y ` '.V�. r .F .:��`�� •�..�y+j 5' Y•�' � • .. .__�l� +S'', . � � ��a',..�.�y�ii31.f�y 4" . . . ' _ 't]� �t��'^~ -�%+ ,l� �,_y' _ti'if �.'?+.'.� ;� -. . � � `�:y'�t�x`�1 ! f�6�' �'>��d��`,r't' r• •�ij I •-r•• � . �}a+��:..�. r�r. • .t a�..���' - :'��'���: - �sy��'��� r'��..e�i4.f�' ''� ����' .,:.lti:Y�ii',r�,T.. �' •�i°t`���;s�, . �iy�l+:L'. ��'+`^+ i• . ;�t.���p'-.,�`.0 +:y:f'v�h��� . � i`t j��a;. .-�{, . �^' � {.� ^ .1 :.x,. �r ,F ;�1•'iM�s •� : � � .j ]iI ';�iy��; ; ` . ��{ �.' ;.{��'�t Yr� {,.�t. . . r V '� `,•^�r}�.��•'rf�� . . i �rt e�i•�4�C�F�:�L�Q���• . .. �S, ,y1 a�q ..., :�} i k� ���ur��`����•�xLdi�.�Y1EtY � ' � . .. . � . Robert Shuey From: Winninghoff, Samuel D <SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Sent: Wednesday,June 12, 2019 5:34 PM To: Robert Shuey Cc: Alex Tuttle;Jacobs, Sam M. Subject: RE: CODE 19-000138 Document Review & Determination Rob, We will take a deeper look at this and get back to you after discussing with our client, but my initial reaction here is that when we first discussed the matter,the building department was taking the position that the building was designated as warehouse occupancy, not retail, and therefore would require a change of occupancy even thought the zoning allowed retail use, because the occupancy class granted was not retail. However, the records clearly indicate that an occupancy class was granted allowing for retail use all the way back to 1985. As you mentioned, when the remodeling and addition work was being permitted in approximately 1985,the owner sought and received a B-2 occupancy classification,which allows for retail use.The building housed a printing press, as well as sales/retail space, per the building plans that were submitted during the permitting process.The permit was granted, inclusive of retail use in the new building/addition.All of these plans are in the permitting file for the 1985 permit that also includes the 1986 B-2 certificate of occupancy. The space has been used for retail sales purposes since then. It is therefore our interpretation that the use and occupancy has not changed.There has been no subsequent certificate of occupancy that we have seen indicating a change in occupancy class.Simply put, I don't see a change of occupancy that would have required any interaction with the building department or issuance of a new C of O, and in fact, no new C of O or other change of occupancy records exist, despite over 30 years of retail use going back long before my clients owned the building. After we have a chance to look into it further,we will follow up with you. Regards, Samuel Winninghoff�Helsell Fetterman LLP �,�,_,� � �.�«���� _������:�. _,��<« .�_,�„ ��attle. �\�;\941�-1 din tit�. �� swinnin hg offna,helsell.com From: RShuey@Rentonwa.gov<RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> Sent:Wednesday,June 12, 2019 8:42 AM To:Winninghoff, Samuel D<SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Cc:Alex Tuttle<ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: CODE 19-000138 Document Review& Determination Good Morning Samuel, I had a chance to go over your documents with our building official yesterday afternoon. The documents you provided were a Building Permit Application for 109 S Tillicum St, dated 05-01-85 and a City of Renton Certificate of Occupancy for 121 S Tillicum St, dated 07-17-86. Each of the documents show the respective buildings as being classified by the 1 EXHIBIT � Finding of Violation �� Denis Law Mayor �' � 4 �L � /. Community&Economic Development C.E. "Chip" Vincent,Administrator Issued To: Date: July 02, 2019 Tillicum Street LLC Code Case No: CODE19-000138 200 S Orcas St Owner(Tax-Payer): Tillicum Street LLC Seattle, WA 98108 Violation Address: 109 S Tillicum St Renton, WA 98057-5312 The undersigned City of Renton Code Compliance inspector hereby ce�tifies and states that a Warning of Violation has been provided to the named violator and the violation was not eliminated. The Violator has created, permitted to exist, maintained or failed to eliminate the following violation(s): Investigation Date VIOLATION 1: No Building Permit 07/02/2019 Code Text: No Building Permit: The City of Renton Municipal Code requires building permits to be applied for and obtained by any person,firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the city. Corrective Action: IBC Section 111 .1 Use and Occupancy. No building or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made, until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction City of Renton Records indicate that the structure located on this property is designated as an S-2 Classiflcation storage building.The City has no record of any change of occupancy on the structure, and as such, the use of the S-2 Classification storage building as an M Classification retail sales is in violation of city ordinances and the International Building Code.A building Permit must be obtained for this change of Occupancy. In this regard, apply for a building permit within 14 calendar days of the date of this notice. You may contact the building department at 425-430-7200 for information on permit process and requirements. Respond to all plan review comments within 14 calendar days of request. Obtain the building permit within 15 calendar days of permit approval. Call for inspection within 15 calendar days of permit issuance. Respond to all correction notices within 15 calendar days of notice and call for re-inspection. Obtain additional permits as needed. Fees: Description Amount CODE-Violation Fine $250.00 Violation 1 Subtotal: $250.00 . . � . � - 111 Payment of$250.00 must be made within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Finding of Violation. All city codes listed on this Finding of Violation must be brought into compliance within fifteen (15)days of the date of this Finding of Violation. Invoice to follow. EXHIBIT� i certify under penalry of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I have issued this Finding of Violation on this date and at the location stated above. I certify that I believe by a preponderance of the evidence that the violator comrnitted the above violation(s). Signed: Date: � l Issued By:Rob huey Code Compliance Inspector 425-430-7235 rshuey@rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 3 Code Case No:CODE19-000138 Date: July 02,2019 Violation Address: Total Amount Due: $250.00 109 S Tillicum St Renton,WA 98057-5312 NOTICE OF RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATION The City has elected to establish a non-judicial hearing and deteRnination system to enforce Renton Municipal Codes(RMC)civil code violations.Therefore a code violation penalty,consistent with RMC 1-3-2.P is imposed,not including any costs,fees or assessments. You may respond in the following manner: � I deny creating,permitting to exist,maintaining or failing to eliminate the violation(s)and I am requesting a hearing to contest this Finding of Violation.Appeal requests must be received by the Renton City Clerk's office within 15 days of the date of this Finding of Violation. Please send me a hearing date. I promise to appear on that date.The administrator must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that I committed the violation. I understand that under RMC 1-3-2.G that the administrator shall decide whether the opportunity to be heard will be only in writing or in person,or both.The ciry is not required to call witnesses to testify at the hearing. Pursuant to RMC 1-3-2.K,failure to attend the scheduled hearing makes the Finding of Volation final,and I may be subject to additional costs if I fail to withdraw or resolve my appeal prior to the hearing date. I also understand that the city has not waived any rights or remedies under the law. Appeals should be mailed to: City of Renton Attention: City Clerk 1055 S Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 � I admit that I have created,permitted to exist,maintained or failed to eliminate the violation(s)and do not need or want any kind of hearing.As a result, I have enclosed a check or money order(do not send cash)in the amount of$ . I understand I am required to bring the property into compliance with City of Renton Municipal Code. I also understand that if compliance is not achieved I may be issued additional Findings of volation with increasing penalties,and or criminally prosecuted. NSF checks will be treated as failure to respond. Payment should be made to: City of Renton Attention: 1st Floor Finance 1055 S Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Complete infoRnation below:(PLEASE PRINT Name: Street or P.O. Box: Ciry: State: Zip: Telephone:Home: Work: Signature of Violator. Date: Page 3 of 3 BILLING INVOICE EG00100565 ' � � � . 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057 DEPARTMEN7: CED-Code Compliance Transaction Date: July 02, 2019 AR: Eden Invoice: BILLING CONTACT Tillicum Street LLC 200 S Orcas St Seattle, WA 98108 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME TRANSACTION PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID TYPE METHOD CODE19-000138:No codeCODE-Violation Fine-RMC 4-5-050/4-5-060 No Fee Payment BiIVPO/Invoice to Building Permit Buildin Permit Finance :Job or PO#:RS 000.000000.007.359.90.00.000 $250.00 5 . SUB TOTAL $250.00 Notes: Created Bv Date Note Rob Shuey 07/02/2019 Violation Address is 109 S Tillicum St, Renton, WA 98057 Printed On:July 02,2019 Prepared By:Rob Shuey Page 1 of 1 Robert Shuey From: Winninghoff, Samuel D <SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Sent: � Wednesday, July 03, 2019 10:31 AM To: Robert Shuey Cc: Jacobs, Sam M. Subject: RE: CODE19-000138 - Finding of Violation - 109 S Tillicum St Rob, We received the finding of violation and have discussed it with our client.While we still disagree with the City's conclusion and intend to appeal the finding, we would like to set up a meeting the week of July 15t'' if possible to try to work toward an agreeable resolution. Are there a couple of times that work for you that week?We are fairly open other than the morning of the 17th, and the 19th.A representative of our client would be joining us for the meeting as well. We would certainly be open to including whoever the City would like to involve, including the building official or potential a city attorney if you believe it is warranted. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Samuel Winninghoff� Helsell Fetterman LLP 1QI�1 � . S�atllc. e� 1 ���1�-+ dir�i� :'Ot, t,�9.'I 1 l, f:n swinnin h�off(�a,helsell.com From: RShuey@Rentonwa.gov<RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> ��5ent:Tuesday,July 2, 2019 7:54 AM �To:Winninghoff, Samuel D<SWinninghoff@helsell.com>; 'dennis@niius.com' <dennis@niius.com> Cc: Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.gov>; Alex Tuttle<ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: CODE19-000138-Finding of Violation- 109 S Tillicum St Please see the attached Finding of Violation. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Respectfully, �� s�� Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshuey(��rentonwa� Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information,may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. i EXHIBIT� Robert Shuey From: Robert Shuey Sent: �21 Wednesday, July 03, 2019 11:18 AM To: �JJ 'Winninghoff, Samuel D' Cc: Jacobs, Sam M.; Craig Burnell Subject: RE: CODE19-000138 - Finding of Violation - 109 5 Tillicum St Samuel, I am out of the office all that week attending an educational seminar. I'm actually not person that you need to discuss the matter with anyway, as the Building Official,Craig Burnell makes all interpretations and determinations in regards to building code and occupancy matters. Craig is familiar with this issue, as we discussed the occupancy of the building prior to my sending you the determination based on the information you provided. I've cc'd Craig into this email and suggest you contact him to schedule a meeting. If Craig prefers that I be present for the meeting, I am available next week between the 9th and 12th, and then I will return to work on Tuesday the 23�d. I can usually adjust my daily schedule to accommodate most any meeting time between 8 am and 3:30 pm. Craig may also be contacted at 425-430-7290. Respectfully, �� s�� Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshuey-�rentonwa.go�� Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 41.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, induding personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. s',;�� �- 3 CODE COMPLIANCE prosram information PARKING ENFORCEMENT information BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information From:Winninghoff, Samuel D<SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Sent:Wednesday,luly 03, 2019 10:31 AM To: Robert Shuey<RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> Cc:Jacobs, Sam M. <SJacobs@helsell.com> Subject: RE: CODE19-000138 - Finding of Violation- 109 S Tillicum St Rob, 1 To: Robert Shuey<RShuey@Rentonwa.�ov> Cc:lacobs, Sam M. <SJacobs@helsell.com>; Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.�ov� Subject: RE: CODE19-000138 - Finding of Violation- 109 5 Tillicum St Ro b, Can we confirm that we are scheduled for 7/25 at 11AM? Thanks, Samuel Winninghoff� Helsell Fetterman LLP lUtli 1 �nirth.�\�enu�. Suu�1"UO S�attl�. \��.\ 9;t1;-4 dir� lii� swinninghoff(a�helsell.com ; From: Winninghoff, Samuel D �1 Sent: Friday,July 12, 2019 3:09 PM To: 'RShuey@Rentonwa.gov' <RShuev@Rentonwa.�ov> Cc:Jacobs, Sam M.<siacobs@helsell.com>; Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.�ov> Subject: RE: CODE19-000138- Finding of Violation - 109 S Tillicum St Ro b, Let's reserve 7/25 at 11 AM if that still works on your end.There will be 4 people in our group. Regards, Samuel Winninghoff�Helsell Fetterman LLP �+���� t�ourth :���_nuc•. :,u�ic�r_v�, Seclttle.��\ �)S 1�-� �iiic' fa� ••� swinnin�ghoff(a;helsell.com From: RShuev@Rentonwa.�ov<RShuev@Rentonwa.�ov> Sent:Thursday,July 11, 2019 2:31 PM To:Winninghoff,Samuel D<SWinnin�hoff@helsell.com> Cc:Jacobs, Sam M. <SJacobs@helsell.com>; Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.�ov� Subject: RE: CODE19-000138- Finding of Violation- 109 S Tillicum St Samuel, I've talked with Craig Burnell,the building official and he asked that I be present at the meeting. As you know, I am out next week. I have checked Craig's and my schedules and we are able to set a meeting for anytime between 11am and 3pm,July 23,25`h or 26. Please let me know what day and time works for you and I will get the meeting on our schedules, and get a meeting room set aside.Additionally, I will need to know the number of people in your party in order to reserve a properly sized room. I look forward to hearing back from you, z Robert Shuey From: Winninghoff, Samuel D <SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 9:07 AM To: Robert Shuey Cc: Jacobs, Sam M.; Craig Burnell Subject: RE: CODE19-000138 - Finding of Violation - 109 5 Tillicum St Hi Rob, I just wanted to follow up and see if we are on for Thursday so we ca confirm with our client and plan accordingly. Thanks, Samuel Winninghoff�Helsell Fetterman LLP �cattic.�1_A�)�(�-t �lir«t _'U��(��i�) 'l 1l� ta� swinnin hg off(a�helsell.com From:Winninghoff, Samuel D ��� Sent:Wednesday,July 17, 2019 4:57 PM To: 'RShuey@Rentonwa.gov' <RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> Cc:Jacobs,Sam M. <sjacobs@helsell.com>; 'Craig Burnell' <Cburnell@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: CODE19-000138- Finding of Violation - 109 5 Tillicum St Rob, Can we confirm that we are scheduled for 7/25 at 11AM? Thanks, Samuel Winninghoff� Helsell Fetterman LLP �ct;lt�le. �1 1 ���I�-� c�u�e�f ?Uf�.(�ti9 �l I(� ta� einait swinninghoff�;helsell.com From:Winninghoff, Samuel D Sent: Friday,July 12, 2019 3:09 PM To: 'RShuey@Rentonwa.gov' <RShuev@Rentonwa.�ov> Cc:Jacobs,Sam M. <siacobs@helsell.com>; Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.�ov> Subject: RE: CODE19-000138- Finding of Violation- 109 S Tillicum St Ro b, Let's reserve 7/25 at 11 AM if that still works on your end.There will be 4 people in our group. 1 Robert Shuey From: ��- � Winninghoff, Samuel D <SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Sent: [ /J Tuesday,July 23, 2019 8:51 AM To: � Robert Shuey Cc: Jacobs, Sam M.; Craig Burnell Subject: RE: CODE19-000138 - Finding of Violation - 109 5 Tillicum St Perfect—thanks Rob. Samuel Winninghoff�Helsell Fetterman LLP I1111 l 1 l.Ill11L1 1\l'lllll". ,�Ulli'-t_Vt! �eel[1C �� \9}i��-4 �.i i rc� lit� er� swinnin�hoff;a.helsell.com From: RShuey@Rentonwa.gov<RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> ��� Sent:Tuesday,July 23, 2019 7:48 AM To: Winninghoff,Samuel D<SWinninghoff@helsell.com> Cc:Jacobs, Sam M. <SJacobs@helsell.com>; Craig Burnell <Cburnell@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE:CODE19-000138- Finding of Violation - 109 5 Tillicum St If nobody else has replied,yes we are scheduled for that time and date here at city hall. Come to the 6th floor and ask for me. �� s�� Code Compliance Inspector,City of Renton Development Services Division Desk 425-430-7235 Email rshue ,�rentanwa.gov Advisorv: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information,may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a pub/ic record. ��� ��l'`". , CODE COMPLIANCE pro&ram information PARKING ENFORCEMENT information BUILDING&SIGN PERMITS information From: Winninghoff,Samuel D<SWinnin�hoff@helsell.com� Sent:Wednesday,July 17, 2019 4:57 PM 1 �G�T��� Q� �.�, Renton Regional Fire Authority • • 18002 108TH AVE SE �� � � Renton,WA 98055 �4c�,���' Notice of Fire Code Violation on Business Name: Fabrics For Less Business Phone: (425)228-2277 Address: 109 S TILLICUM ST Renton,WA 98057 An inspection of these premises has been conducted; any violations of the City of F2enton Fire Code are noted below. This notice is an attempt to gain voluntary compliance with the Code. As a service, one re-inspection will be conducted following the specified compliance date without charge. Failure to correct these violations within the time period specified will result in a charge for all subsequent re-inspections and can result in the issuance of a citation and/or a fine for every day that the condition or violation remains unresolved. Re-Inspection fees start at ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS($150.00)for the second re-inspection. If additional time is needed to correct violations, an extension may be requested through the inspector prlor to the time frame allowed for correctlons. .- . .- . -. -. . . - �. � • :- Violations Date Found Date Cleared Fees 01-ADMIN Change of Use or Occupancy 3/14/2019 00:00:00 $- Long Desc: Contact the Renton Building Department for a permit for a change of use. (IFC 102.3) Comments: Consult with building department regarding occupancy type change. 06-BLDG SRVCS Extension Cord Prohibited 3/14/2019 00:00:00 $- Long Desc: Extension cords shall not be used as a substitute for permanent wiring. Remove extension cord(s)as noted. (IFC 605.5) Comments: Remove extension cords. Prohibited Installation of Cords 3/14/2019 00:00:00 $- Long Desc: Extension cords,appliance/fixture cords shall not be affixed to structures, extend through walls,floors, ceilings, or under doors/floor covers. (IFC 605.5) Comments: Lighting cords and extension cords affixed to and through walls must be removed. 08-INT FINISH Requirements Interior Finish 3/14/2019 00:00:00 $- Long Desc: Interior wall and ceiling finish shall be restricted by combustibility and flame resistance according to occupancy group in accordance with IFC Tbl 803.3. (IFC 803.3) Comments: Plastic hung from doorways. 05-FIRE SRVC Blocked Exterior poor Signage 3/14/2019 00:00:00 $. Long Desc: All exterior doors of a building that are blocked by storage on the interior side shall have a sign affixed to the exterior side of such door stating,"THIS DOOR BLOCKED"in 6-in.letters with 3/4-in. stroke on contrasting background. (IFC 504.2) Page:1 EXHIBIT /Z Notice of Fire Code Violation on Business Name: Fabrics For Less Business Phone: (425)228-2277 Address: 109 S TILLICUM ST Renton,WA 98057 An inspection of these premises has been conducted; any violations of the City of Renton Fire Code are noted below. This notice is an attempt to gain voluntary compliance with the Code. As a service,one re-inspection will be conducted following the specified compliance date without charge. Failure to correct these violations within the time period specified will result in a charge for all subsequent re-inspections and can result in the issuance of a citation and/or a fine for every day that the condition or violation remains unresolved. Re-Inspection fees start at ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($150.00)for the second re-inspection. If additional time is needed to correct violations,an extension may be requested through the inspector prior to the time frame allowed for corrections. .- . - .- . -• -• . . �. � • :- Violations Date Found Date Cleared Fees Comments: Label blocked garage doors 10-EGRESS Aisles Shall Be Provided 3/1412019 00:00:00 $. Long Desc: Aisleways serving as a portion of the exit access in the means of egress system shall be provided from all occupied portions of the exit access. Provide an aisle as indicated. (IFC 1017) Comments: Clear pathway to labeled exit door which is currently blocked by fabric. Pathway must be as wide as the exit door. 03-GENERAL 2-Ft.Clearance For Storage 3/14/2019 00:00:00 $_ Long Desc: Storage in non-sprinklered building shall be orderly, shall be more than 2-ft.from the ceiling,and shall be so located as not to endanger exit from the building. (IFC 315.3.1) Comments: Boxes piled to ceiling next to lighting fixture in storage closet. Total Fees: $0.00 Signature Recipient: Inspector . Cti�-C.��' Naomi Roberts Page:2