HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS- Traffic Study Waiver RequestRenton (PRE17-000459) WEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS - REVISED March 2, 2018 RJ DEVELOPMENT - 0 r □: a S HOUSING DELIVERED --It*BET E V-Ji [£ □ J - ,<x • £>• ", * V Vi 'O j, Kft.;?£OC -T- : I -sf i G t & *i i:Vi .t | rt1 li n n- 0 □ f r' rf^ i I-■ --------rnt— --------------------------«.*••--------- □ l...v O -V • - ’ - Pr:. I ' &■ • fcC ° ^ - & ?: •:Vv 0 /**% -=■?*-?L 13'. CO !;.V >V X f □ ------□ T JTE . Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. Mark J. Jacobs, PE (OR and WA), PTOE, President 2614 39th Ave. SW - Seattle, WA 98116 - 2503 Tel. 206.762.1978 - Cell 206.799.5692 E-mail iaketraffic@comcast.net RENTON. AHEAD OF THE cuR City of 4enton Public Works Department JTE . Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. . m hark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE President 2614 39th Ave. $W - Seattle, WA 98116 - 2503 Tel. 206.762.1978 - Cell 206.799.5692 E-mail jaketraffic@comcast.net March 2, 2018 RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager 401 Central St SE Olympia, WA 98501 Re: Weatherly Inn Assisted/Memory Care - Renton (PRE17 - 000459) Traffic Impact Analysis - Revised Dear Mr. Durocher. I am pleased to present this Traffic Impact Analysis - Revised for the proposed 156 unit/beds (116 Assisted Living units including 10 - two bedroom units and 30 Memory Care beds) Assisted/Memory Care Facility. The site is located at 4500 Talbot Road South in Renton, WA. Access to the site is via a driveway on Talbot Road S. aligned with S. 45th Place. The refined project adds four units and is now named Weatherly Inn to what I had analyzed in Talbot Road Assisted Memory Care Traffic Impact Analysis dated December 1, 2017. In addition I have incorporated City comments contained in an internal City e-mail dated January 25, 2018, copy attached. A Pre-Application Meeting for the project was conducted August 10, 2017. Attached in the appendix are the Transportation comments that included the requirement to conduct a Traffic Impact Analysis. The study scope was determined pursuant my recent Renton project experience and review of the City’s TIA Guidelines for new developments. The City peak hour trip threshold is 20 trips. The site is projected to generate over 20 AM and PM peak hour trips. Peak hour traffic data collected at the Talbot Rd. S. at S. 43rd St - S. Carr Rd showed the AM peak traffic as only 65% of the PM peak traffic, thus the focus of this report is the PM peak hour. The following intersections are studied in this report: 1. SW 43rd St-SE Carr Rd./Talbot Rd. S. 2. Site Access - S. 45th PI./Talbot Road South I have reviewed the site and surrounding street system. The general format of this report is to describe the proposed project, identify existing traffic conditions (baseline), project future traffic conditions and identify Agency street/road improvements (future baseline), calculate the traffic that would be generated by the project and then add it to the future baseline traffic volumes. Operational analyses are used to determine the specific project traffic impact and appropriate traffic mitigation measures to reduce the impact. The summary, conclusions and recommendations begin on page 10 of this report. \Vt€_*nc\C\-Project Files \20i? C?1 -Talbol Drive Assisted-Vemory Care - RJ Dcvecpmenl - Renlor \la bolRoed-AssiS’edMetnoryCare TlA-Rl.doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, inc. PROJECT INFORMATION Figure 1 is a vicinity map which shows the location of the site and the surrounding street system. Figure 2 shows the preliminary site prepared by SCJ Alliance dated February 2018. The site plan shows the proposed 156 room/beds Assisted/Memory Care Facility, 87 parking stalls (including six accessible), internal circulation and access to Talbot Road South via the future 4th leg of the existing intersection at S. 45th Place. Full development and occupancy of the proposed Weatherly Inn Assisted/Memory Care project is anticipated to occur by 2018/2019, presuming the permits are issued in a timely manner. However, to ensure a conservative analysis 2022 has been used as the horizon year. EXISTING ENVIRONMENT Project Site An aerial image of the project site obtained from King County IMap is depicted below. RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -2- Weatherly Inn Assisted/Memory Care warn- -fi, \ % ji * 5K- ■ yfmrm- -vy rl.’ "Mi'.dy&r RJ DEVELOPMENT m-<Yf > . feaf 1 . m 4*IS- *J *-t- V The project site is currently not developed, however an existing gravel driveway exists at the proposed site access. \\jie_.nc\e\-Projec: F les\20l7 071 - Talbot! : Aasistcd-Vcmory Care • RJ Deveiopmert - Rentcn\TsibotRoad-tes!&teaMernoryCare-TlA-Rl doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -3- Street System Figure 3 provides information on the number of travel lanes, speed limits and traffic control on the primary streets in the site vicinity. The primary streets within the study area and their classifications per the City of Renton Arterial Streets per Resolution 4222 August 4, 2014 is depicted below. ---------------------------: IRJ DEVELOPMENT Principal Arterial Collector Arterial Streets Adopted August 4, 2014 Resolution 4222 Traffic Volumes The City of Renton Traffic Flow Mao. 2010 shows 14,400 vehicles per day (ADT) use Talbot Road in the site vicinity; see graphic to the right. Figure 4 shows the existing PM peak hour traffic volumes at the analysis streets and intersections. Traffic Count Consultants, a firm specializing in the collection of traffic data, conducted PM peak period turning movement counts at the study intersection. The count data sheets are attached in the appendix. I also included data from a TMC conducted in 2014 (Informational) on Figure 4 at the S. 43rd. St. - S. Carr Rd. at Talbot Road South. CITY OF RENTON 2010 TRAFFIC FLOW MAP uLif) I (T2,800} fV.QO 43RD ST OKR 1RJ DEVELOPMENT \\He_:nc\c\-Project Fites\2C17 071 - Talbot Dove Assisted-Memory Cate - RJ Development - Renton\JoN>otRo8dA$siSTC‘ClMefnoryCaic- TlA-Rl.doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. Mark A. Sandler, President BENCHMARK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY March 2, 2018 Page -4- I also had an AM peak period TMC conducted at the Talbot Rd. S. at S. 43rd St - S. Carr Road intersection. The AM peak traffic entering the intersection is 2,552 vehicles as compared to 3,933 during the PM peak hour. The AM peak traffic is about 65% of the PM, thus this traffic report is focused on the higher volume PM peak hour. Alternative Transportation I have reviewed the Metro Transit website for bus services in the vicinity of the proposed development. The map below is taken from Metro Transit System Map. Bus route JJsJs] runs along Talbot Rd. S. and S. Carr Rd. and route serves the S. 43rd. St. - S. Carr Road corridor. These routes can be accessed in the vicinity of the S. 43rd. St. - S. Carr Rd. at Talbot Rd. S. intersection within a Va mile of the site.. Further information on these routes can be obtained from the website, http://metro.kingcountv.gov/schedules/. T W r— Tukwila Stn 5 21st[154P tit 567 ' '95/SW 27th cr"O -----to 81 167 515-r-~ SW 34th 73o Valley SE 176thMedicai SW 41st SW 43rd Center□ J pacific Medicalc"- ter"O•ILF ac Rent567-C. RJ DEVELOPMENT[153 7953 92nd1 Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian sidewalks exist on the streets in the site vicinity. Intersection Operations Traffic engineers have developed criteria for intersection operations called level of service (LOS). The LOS’s are A to F with A and B being very good and E and F being more congested. LOS C and D correlate to busy traffic conditions with some restrictions to the ability to choose travel speed, change lanes and the general convenience comfort and safety. \Vte_ifK\c\-Pr».ect Fnes\2017 07* - T=Drive Assuied-Merrory Ca-e RJ Development Remon\T3ibo:Ro3<1-Assi5tedMemoiyCareTIA Rl doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -5- The procedures in the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual. 2010 were used to calculate the level of service at the study intersections. The following table depicts the LOS and corresponding average delay in seconds at signalized and stop control intersections: Intersection Type Level of Service A B C D E F Signalized <10 >10 and <20 >20 and <35 >35 and <55 >55 and <80 >80 Stop Control <10 >10 and <15 >15 and <25 >25 and <35 >35 and <50 >50 LOS Criteria The Transportation Element - City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Amended 06.22.2015 identifies the City’s Level of Service Policy, Policy T-48. The City’s Operational LOS is depicted to the right: LOS Analysis Software The LOS of the study intersections were calculated using the Synchro software program. Table 1, located at the end of text of the report and prior to graphics, shows the existing LOS operations of the study intersections. The study intersections are operating at LOS ‘D’ and better that meet City criteria. Incident History C. Operational LOS: Though the SEPA review process, apply the following operational LOS standard at intersections that could be impacted by a proposed development: 1. Arterials and Collectors: Except as listed in C.2, apply a standard of LOS D. 2. Alternative Arterial and State Route LOS: Apply a standard of Level of Service E Mitigated for the following: • Specific Corridors: Carr Road, Logan Avenue, Rainier Avenue, Grady Way, SR 900 and SR 515. • Centers: Renton Urban Center and Center Village • For the above Corridors and Centers, Congestion should be mitigated (such as increasing transit or other modes) when the p.m. peak hour LOS falls below LOS "E." Incident data was reviewed using the WSDOT accident data portal available online at https://remoteapps.wsdot.wa.gov/highwavsafetv/collision/data/portal/public/. This portal was used to review incidents in the site vicinity for the years 2014 to 2016. The WSDOT data is attached. The arterial intersection of Talbot Road S. atS. 43rd St. - S. Carr Rd. incurred 15 incidents in the three year time period reviewed, 2014, to 2016. One of the 2016 incidents involved a minor injury, 8 - were possible injury and the other 6 property damage only. The calculated accident rate at this intersection is 0.4 incidents per million entering vehicles. The rate was \\tte_inc\c\-Project r,ie3\2017 07* JTE, Inc determined per million entering vehicles using a “k” factor of 10 that is that about 10% of the daily traffic occurs during the PM peak hour. No recorded incidents occurred at the S. 45lh PI. at Talbot Rd. S. intersection in the three year time period reviewed. The WSDOT 2015 Washington State Collision Data Summary identifies a collision rate of 2.481 incidents per million vehicle miles in King County. The WSDOT accident rate is per million vehicle miles. The rates I calculated at the intersections are per million entering vehicles. Accident rates of less than 1 per million entering vehicles at intersections typically indicate that the intersection is operating satisfactorily. The study intersections operate satisfactorily with no apparent issue. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The City of Renton 6 year Transportation Improvement Program. 2017 to 2022, Resolution 4293 Adopted September 12, 2016 was reviewed. A portion of TIP Map from the program is depicted below. TIP #11, Carr Road Improvements, is noted in the vicinity of the project site. The City description of this project is included in the Appendix of this report. RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -6- 34 10 1' 1RJ DEVELOPMENT HORIZON YEAR CONDITIONS “WITHOUT” THE PROJECT Figure 5 shows the projected 2022 PM peak hour traffic volumes “without” the project. \Vte inc\c\~PfOjcd ftes\20l7 071 - *3 bet Drive Assisted-Memory Care Rj Development - Renton\Ta;to;Road-AssistedMemoryCareTlAR3 doc COLOR COPY ONL Y JTES Inc. These volumes include the existing traffic volume counts plus background growth. Figure 4 depicts a TMC conducted in 2014 (Informational) at the S. 43rd. St. - S. Carr Rd. at Talbot Road South. Comparison of the 2014 data (3,803 entering vehicles) to the 2017 data (3,933) indicates about a 1.2% per year growth rate. The actual traffic growth per historical City of Renton Traffic Flow Map 2000 and 2010 indicates that traffic volumes on streets on the immediate site area are relatively stable, Talbot Rd. S and SE Carr Road. A 2% per year growth factor is used for analysis that I believe to be reasonably conservative based on my knowledge of the area. TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -7- A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (exiting or entering) inside the proposed development. Traffic generated by development projects consists of the following types: Pass-By Trips: Diverted Link Trips: Captured Trips: Primary (New) Trips: Trips made as intermediate stops on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination. Trips attracted from the traffic volume on a roadway within the vicinity of the generator but which require a diversion from that roadway to another roadway in order to gain access to the site. Site trips shared by more than one land use in a multi-use development. Trips made for the specific purpose of using the services of the project. Trio Generation The proposed Talbot Road Assisted/Memory Care project is expected to generate the vehicular trips during the average weekday, street traffic AM and PM street peak hours as shown in Table 2. The trip generation for the project is calculated using trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation. 10th Edition, for Assisted Living (ITE Land Use Code 254). All site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including commuter, visitor, and service and delivery vehicle trips are included in the trip generation values. National ITE data projects that the Weatherly Inn project would generate 30 to 41 trips during the AM and PM street peak hours, respectively. On a daily basis about 406 net new trips are projected. \Vte_'f>c\c\-Pro;e=t Files\2017 071 - Talbot Drive Assisted-Memciy Care - RJDevelopment - Rciton\Ial00lRoad-AssisiedMetiioiyCaic-llA-Rl doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTEj Inc. RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -8- TABLE 2 TRIP GENERATION TALBO f ROAD ASSIST ED/ MEMORY CARE RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS [ irne Period Si/e (X) TG Rate Enter %Enter Trips Exit Exit 1 rips Total{T) Proposed: Assisted ••'Memory Care (Ift LlC 254: 156 uruts/beds) Weekday 156 2.6 50% 202.8 50% 202.8 405.6 AM peak hour 156 0.19 63%18.7 37%11.0 29.6 PM peak hour (City) 156 0.26 38%15.4 62%25.1 40.6 Where X = units; f = trips 111 I rip Generation 10th Edition Trip Distribution Figure 6 shows the site generated traffic assigned to the street system. Trips to and from the site were distributed to the surrounding street network based on the characteristics of the network, existing traffic volume patterns, anticipated shared traffic and the location of likely trip origins and destinations (residential, business, shopping (comparison shoppers), social and recreational opportunities). HORIZON YEAR CONDITIONS “WITH” THE PROJECT Traffic Volumes Figure 7 shows the projected 2022 PM peak hour traffic volumes “with” the proposed project at the analysis and site access intersections. The site generated peak hour traffic volumes shown on Figure 6 were added to the projected background traffic volumes shown on Figure 5 to obtain the Figure 7 volumes. Level of Service Table 1 shows the calculated LOS for the horizon year (2022) “with” and “without” project conditions at the analysis intersections. Based on my operational analysis the analyzed signalized intersection, S. 43rd. St. - S. Carr Rd. at Talbot Rd. S., would continue to operate at LOS ‘D’ or better for both “with” and “without” project conditions that exceeds the City criteria. The Talbot Rd. S. at S. 45th PI. - Site Access intersection, the stop controlled eastbound approach projects to operate at LOS ‘E’ without and with the project. With the required street frontage improvements and minor striping on the west leg, to provide a separate left turn/through and right turn approach lane, the LOS would be improved to ‘D’. See next section. \\Jxc_rc\c\-Pfoject rilss\20l7 O’l Taloot Drive Assated-McmcwyCare RJ Development Renton\TalbotRoad-A53 atedMemoryCare -Tl A-R1 docCOLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. Street Frontage Improvements RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -9- A Conceptual Channelization plan, Figure 8C, was provided in Talbot Road Assisted Memory Care Traffic Impact Analysis. The City indicated that the plan has merit and that further details would be needed. City notes from the August 10, 2017 pre-application meeting identify for a 3-lane street way, but then indicate providing 28.5’ of paved width from the street centerline, that is for a 5- lane street section. There is existing sidewalk along the site’s street frontage. The curb to curb street width from Google Earth measurement tool is about 42 feet. A 42’ street width is consistent to a 3-lane street section. The City recently installed a sidewalk along the projects street frontage to Talbot Road South. Talbot Road South is transitioning at S. 45th Place from a 4-lane street to the north to a 3- lane street to the south. I believe the appropriate street frontage is to simply close the gap in the existing street channelization. Figure 8E depicts the existing channelization and 8C revised provides a Conceptual future channelization with the street frontage improvements in place. The City commented to add left turn channelization to the north and south approach legs to Talbot Road S. at the S. 45th Place intersection. In addition, the Conceptual Plan provides for a separate right turn pocket, via a modest restripe, on the south approach leg. Traffic volume data does not warrant the need for left turn side street approach channelization. Also depicted on Figure 8C are planning level dimensions. I have coordinated with the City on the Conceptual Channelization plan depicted on 8C. The appropriate street channelization needs to be coordinated with the City. Further refinement to the plan would be needed if the street is widened, if this occurs I would suggest that an edge stripe be installed in place of the existing curb line that could relocate further east. Site Access/Circulation The project site access on Talbot Road South is aligned with S. 45th Place and is conceptually depicted on Figure 8C. Site circulation was inspected and would operate satisfactorily. AGENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS The City of Renton has a Traffic Impact Fee program per Ordinance #5670 effective January 1,2013. Renton’s TIF is based on Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation, Parks and Fire Protection dated August 26, 2011. The 2017 City TIF schedule was reviewed. The City’s TIF list does not include Assisted/Memory Care; the City used the TIF rate for Senior Housing, see August 10, 2017 notes, that is not correct. I believe Nursing Home is a better fit from the City’s schedule; both have similar PM peak hour trip generation rate. The JTE, Inc. City TIF rate per Nursing Flome Bed is $893.23. Table 3 below provides the estimated TIF for the project. RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -10- TABLE 3 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TALBOT ROAD ASSISTED MEMORY CARE RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Use Assisted/ Memory * * :ily TIF/rate j Estimated I IFSize 156 $ 893.23 $139.343.88 * 201 If 2018 City of Renton Fee Schedule ** Nursing Flome, related LUC rate used The projected TIF using the City’s rate for Nursing Flome is $139,344 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report analyzed the traffic impact for the proposed 156 room/beds Assisted/Memory Care Facility. The site is located at 4500 Talbot Road South in Renton, WA. Access to the site is via a driveway on Talbot Road S. aligned with S. 45th Place. Existing traffic data was obtained at the street intersections identified for analysis. Future horizon year traffic volumes were derived using a growth factor of three percent per year. Level of service analyses were performed for existing and projected future horizon traffic volumes during the weekday PM peak hour. The evaluation of the traffic impact of the proposed project included adding project generated traffic to the future traffic volume projections and calculating the level of service. The “with” project traffic operations were then compared to the “without” project operations. The comparison of traffic operations “with" and “without” the project identified that the project would not cause a significant adverse affect on the operation of the study intersections. In addition, sight lines and safety inspection were conducted at the study intersections and no apparent deficiencies were noted. Based on my analysis I recommend that Weatherly Inn Assisted/Memory Care be allowed with the following traffic impact mitigation measures. > Construct site in accordance with applicable City requirements. > Install site access per City requirements > Appropriate street frontage needs to be coordinated with the City. City pre­ application notes do not appear consistent with the transitioning street section noted. > Figure 8C provides a Conceptual Channelization plan based on the street transition and the location of the recently installed sidewalk along the site’s street frontage to Talbot Road South. Further coordination with the City on this item is required. \\Jie mc\c\-Pioect Fies\20l7 071 ”a fcot Dri.-e Assisted-Merrory Ca^e Sj Development - nenton\7alB3*.RDad-AssisteaMemoiyCare-TIA-Rl doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. > Pay the appropriate Traffic Impact Fee, based on the City’s Nursing Home data and the calculated TIF is $139,344. If you have any questions you can contact me at 206.762.1978 or email me at iaketraffic@comcast.com. RJ DEVELOPMENT Attn: Frank Durocher, Project Manager March 2, 2018 Page -11- Very truly yours, Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE, President JAKE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, INC. EXPIRES A-I3/Z&2-Q \\JTe_r.c\C\-Project Files\2017 0?1 - TalDOt Drive Assisted-Meno-y Care - RJ Development - RentonViilbolRoad-AssiatcdMemoryCare-TlA-Ri doc COLOR COPY ONLY JTE, Inc. TABLE 1 - PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE TALBOT ROAD ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS INTERSECTION APPROACH EXISTING 2022 W/0 PROJECT 2022 W/ PROJECT 1. Talbot Rd. S. at S. 43rd St-S. Carr Rd.Overall C (34.4) D (45.6)D (47.4) 2. Talbot Rd. S. at S. 45th PI. - Site Access Overall EB WB A (1.9) D (29.3) A (2.4) E (38.6) With LT/TWLTL* Restripe west leg** A (3.3) E (44.5) D (29.5) A (2.5) D (31.8) D (29.5) * - With street frontage improvements Left Turn/TWLTL channelization is provided for, see Figure 8C Conceptual Channelization ** - Restripe west leg to provide a separate left turn/through and right turn pocket. See Figure 8C Number shown in parenthesis is the average control delay in seconds per vehicle for the intersection as a whole or approach movement, which determines the LOS per the Highway Capacity Manual. \\jte inc\c\-Prcject Fles\201? 071 -IalDot Drive Asa atec-Memoiy Care - RJ Devdoprrenl - Renlon\TaibotRoad AssistedMemoryCaie TlA Rl doc COLOR COPY ONI Y Project: Weatherly Inn Assisted/Memory Care - Renton Location: 4500 Talbot Road South t NORTH S I20!h SI</> Boulevardv Park NE 6lh St < WE 4th St n Pi''■V'.v.iV Shorcivnml g 4 SW 128th St S 128th St m #Bt SE 128th St28th % "“I SUir^%p.! 1 «> SEi3«h5t hf*i-* rs H 2%S 144th S Sfc 144th St J rflEisctt yi Joe*’ Rd SWr c sc s5W 140th 31 S 14Sth SI J? S 146th SI Burien ^a v ne SW 152na St <4^SlS4thSt S.14601 StHeight*4^ Maplewood I15 <P a & s is*h. sj , Sunrryciae 5if . <n *isi S tEtXh 2 SE 164th SJSW 27th SJ <T35; 1 SW 34th St |i ■s'w Ig ? -=V> CP 8 ag &s -4 2w -SeatLe-Tecorn^ S 176th 3t ^ Internationa- Airport <■ < “ PeirovHskv%W'.; V P*rkS 180th St — 1 i dS looiri si Normandy Park s - | 194!h St > S 152nd a SH I92rxi si< STVeevaBeyiyee;GolH Sediac iseih aCourse £ q S 200th St S 20Qth St I 5 8 Project Siter-gr-SE 204th i/iryww3 204th s Lsx* rot/ng: SE 212lh SI TheBoeng CMpm Pak-hstiiSE 208th St I S S 212th St g SE 216th St S « 2’6Jh St * SE 218th Pt§ 1 seai*® s 21 gth SJS 2161h St S 216th St ? %S 220tM St S 223rflSt SE 224th StF 6 226*1 S' ties Moines -S . .,9 SE 227th PIS 226th SiyittetsouM**/ s f k Jams 3 W JM'«s - Si » 8 &6 240h a |SE 240th SI 4O Zch«h S24OthSt80 u> Si E Jarnef. Si NM covimtion™ f JTE, Inc. FIGURE 1 WEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Reprint in Color Only VICINITY MAP Project: Weatherly Inn Assisted/Memory Care - Renton Location: 4500 Talbot Road South NORTH - © .'©*• . rc* \ it ,:©:i . © ::I! : \ o □□t,, i: □ c . \y K V * ;V 1I • ? T: V ll-.v |f □ -La©58________________________________________________________-?Vr-------------- O FFE 15',03 Sr: .4 £.5 . -■ r. 1 >-■ -> X wmmJif T Note: An 8.5 x 11” copy of the Site Plan is included with this Traffic Letter JTE, Inc. FIGURE 2 WEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Reprint In Color Only PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN SEC. 31, T23N., R5E., W.M.6J784.16\msmm{TJn/0" *> © 1 /0\ 14-»—I‘"MikIJ\XJ-~-©FFE:179' 1—20-4_ .-I I/0 • 1» I©KIU14U3 E129WJ93 iH/io eiktrcai fASncNT i PP> RtC. HO 6023496 /aaocranxrrT---------/— 2.S0 —7FFE:167.00Atf©I' v— JO-. \s«7 ' ^ O D -5P':V7-7L __ _K:IK*2.\ N: 1CZ961.70—'WH - V -msaizut 6 slLEGEND®£0.PROPERTTUNC ftUDNS STRAEX IN­TONING LfCfWOSD BUttONC SIMi COUNTcoon cwotrt nwnc curbCOhCRHE SJWALK 90m<K RAMP•hells ra*WTANNG Wit[a] CONSTRUCTION NOTES1 tras* [Naoans2 COtfRfO PARK NS3 4’ «M IMIT PAINT Sim 1 •CI1ST0P5 CUR8 RAMP6 Acas»urf stwa7 CBS TNG P0** PO£ TO K RELOCATED t COMPACT STALLLANDSCAPE ANALYSIS:mcposto wwM nwu so n• PROPOSED MlOWCS:. nRST FLOOR. 71.776 SO FT• SICCHO FLOCK 40.673 SDH• THRO FLOOR. 38.999 93 Ft. FORTH fl(WR 38.993 S3 nP AMONG LOT LAXDSCARNG:. NTTROR: 12.310 SO FT . P1RIC1ER 7S.48S SO FTLOT COVERAGE:PARKING ANALYSIS:PAMGNG KWtt. 1 PCR 2 FUPlOTEFS 1 PER 3 BEDS I BUS PARK NS STALL36 O*\0ntS =18 STALLS 125 BEDS - 42 STALLS TOTAL = M RCQMZDCALL BEFORE YOU DIGTHE COMPACTOR SMAX 9£ FUXY RlSPONSBlE FW IME LCCaI^. AND FfiOTCTlON Cf ALL EXISTING UTLlTES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERH All UTLHY lCCOOHS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Br CAUNG THE ISOERGRCONO LOCATE UN[ AT (aCO) *24 5555 A UNMJU Cfn-)0U)u2 «<1%RENTON SENIOR HOUSING 'aSt«•*>l"NORTHLEGENDv,-; Vr«- » -?-■*.. ,4 «' s*"4-L 35MPH• #1-SBTWLTLNBf£if*S*■■ :m««.i.'IProject Sites; 35 MPH1 U:ruIrWH/|\/?0S. 43rd St. at Talbot Road SouthS. 45th PI. at Talbot Road S.Approach Lane & DirectionStop Sign Traffic Signal|~x] Analysis I/S # # of TravelX-LsXX MPHLanesPosted Speed LimitImage obtained from King County IMapFIGURE 3»f ; ~-*&**rr•Reprint in Color OnlyJTE, Inc.EXISTING STREET CONDITIONSWHEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS i.tV ' ^ ■ '’’ -:U{: A- ’* ■r.**m*rv*ir,** ri'-T/l-f*>- LM2 *< ** :..V? f —-w4.r...i1■ i^ 4-L's; 35 MPH1-SB, TWLTL, 2-NB*&l........."..V • ,•*• *1*Project Site*■'3-L's; 35 MPH*sT**.tl_l259260126K 40'|Si4- 597j ✓ 61216 /»F1,222 —►r\t/733 \26310056---0* « H O H29 ^ 63 ^\t0) 00 ClmTuesday 10.31.2017 S. 43rd St. at 1645-1745 Talbot Road SouthS. 45th PI. at Wednesday 11.01-2017 Talbot Road South 1645 -1745NORTHLEGENDPM Peak Hour —► Traffic Volume and DirectionStop Sign ^ Traffic Signal [x] Analysis I/S #X-L'sXX MPH# of Travel LanesPosted Speed LimitImage obtained from King County IMap0inff) C0 Cl N rt iH201 /< 1,209 627 \v 44^ 628£ 64t/CM HWednesday 02.26.2014 1615-1715 (Informational)JTE, Inc.FIGURE 4Reprint in Color OnlyWHEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSISEXISTING PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES PM Peak Hour Traffic Volume and Directionp Stop Sign ^ Traffic Signal[x] Analysis I/S # # of TravelX-L'st&Am> >'sffi&M1^.1/- iam/ ^NORTHLEGEND■<*J*., -.T.-1 V**«£4-L 35MPH4i1 SBTWLTLNB<m<(kwsBfmV»SiteProject4*tt3 L35MPH%[71 wI----1 m m0in in © co co ■«PI N HH H\45660✓ 1/ 6530 ✓ Nf70 \ = S2401,350 —*810 \ SS®CN HS. 43rd St. at Talbot Road SouthJTE, Inc.FIGURE 5Reprint in Color OnlyXX MPHLanesPosted Speed Lim itImage obtained from King County IMapS. 45th PI. at Talbot Road SouthWHEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSISPROJECTED 2022 PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITHOUT THE PROJECT r •'*»r a :s p?vau■C-i• ••' if ,6\oi ml.A £'J7.1^ ":vinv3J-■tv.0|om*r■ :..45% - 7/11@13^$*■r'...■tM * % &' 3 *£T\ >4 vw-' o^ ■"* CM-• \9 ' . 3?r - 2S'-> Si . '„ ? » :/ .* • » '>«' JL **iv‘# 4fLjit '..., «££--■. #:& • -fl f.4.- '"A '* 'i li. *5 V:___Aw r2 1 Project5% - 1/1Sites4TS*m sL ' *%0020\✓ 4Entering:Exiting:Tota i:\/07 \(£) P5tNORTHLEGENDPM Peak Hour -* Traffic Volume and DirectionStop Sign g Traffic Signal[x] Analysis I/S #Image obtained from King County IMapPM. P e ak -H-P-ur Jraffic16 25 41XX% Distribution - Enter/Exit Peak Hour TripsS. 43rd St. at Talbot Road SouthS. 45th PI. at Talbot Road SouthJTE, I sic,FIGURE 6RReprint in Color OnlyWHEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSISPROJECT GENERATED PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMESAND DISTRIBUTION ' A ;h. '•*<&#/. *r*fv.n m. s&"fH.* - •f .MjflpVfcr-?#4.Jim4-L35MPHSBTWLTL NB“A-■y#i s> M4.' ff?ojSitect'. r'r3-L's: 35 MPH"*L- ® *i| in ai o-* / 00 00 ^/ W N H\ 45\14— 660J / 67240 / c\ 1,350 —►rsty817 \30111663______m « co20\H H H/ 430 yiVt/7005 CNS. 43rd St. at Talbot Road SouthS. 45th PI. at Talbot Road SouthtNORTHLEGENDPM Peak Hour Traffic Volume and DirectionjiJJ} Stop Sign§Traffic Signal|~x] Analysis I/S #X-L's# of Travel LanesXX MPHPosted Speed Lim itImage obtained from King County IMapJTE, Inc.WHEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSISrluiUnt l KReprint In Color OnlyPROJECTED 2022 PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMESWITH THE PROJECT it NORTH LEGEND V i.£ Image obtained from King County IMap •<: « v • aVT >'•***/• -M / * % ft RJ DEVELOPMENT SENIORS ROUSHS PEUVEREP ^m met r; i £■■ ’ > *jir * * ’' . «* 5v‘ '-t ,K," » ^ '< . rer-, 3%: 5?* f5 rw<a-■ m ■. fJ* * M h W v ^ V - H' ::.i * ' 2 —J JTE, Inc. FIGURE 8E TALBOT ROAD ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Reprint in Color Only EXISTING CHANNELIZATION -3 NORTH'< /tm m LEGEND Image obtained from King County IMap:-7‘ m ■ s 4 m50 * ~60 ' ’■■H • :?sSt •f! v$-Ti RJ DEVELOPMENT SEN ONS H0USIN6 0EU*ERED a*m 10 11V A1J % 1 r' •m■s-------------:1 f m ■ji *•*- m■ *!•■ p ■ ’» RS i MHPN, Ii£L!•>.;,k JTE, Inc. FIGURE 8C - R WEATHERLY INN ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE - RENTON TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Reprint in Color Only CONCEPTUAL CHANNELIZATION From: Chris Barnes [mailto:CBarnes@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3:27 PM To: 'Mark J Jacobs, PE, PTO'; Ann Fowler Cc: Bob Mahn; 'Frank Durocher' Subject: RE: 2017.071 - Weatherly Inn Renton - City Comments Received Mark/Ann, The layout sent with the email below looks good to me. Please be sure to include removal of existing RPMs and pavement marking that conflict with the proposed layout. Proposed marking material will have to conform with current COR standards. Thanks, C hris M. Barnes, Sr. Transportation Operations Manager City of Renton, WA Ph. No. 425-430-7220 cbarnes(5)rentonwa.gov From: Mark J Jacobs, PE, PTO [mailto:JakeTraffic@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 6:57 PM To: jaketraffic@comcast.net; Ann Fowler Cc: Bob Mahn; 'Frank Durocher'; Chris Barnes Subject: RE: 2017.071 - Weatherly Inn Renton - City Comments Received Ann Attached is what I propose based on City feedback and the site access is a driveway not a public street. I tweaked the lane widths to 5’ -1T -10’ - 1T - 5’ per City. These widths work within the existing curb to curb street width and are reasonable. Let me know if the Refined Conceptual Channelization suffices? The detailed Channelization Plan would be prepared by the project Civil Engineer. Contact me with any questions/comments. Thank you Mark 206.762.1978 0 206.799.5692 c As a side note: There are 116 Assisted Living Units 10 of which are 2-bedroom units + 30 Memory Care units, thus 156 beds/units. From: iaketraffic@comcast.net [mailto:iaketraffic@comcast.net1 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 1:09 PM To: Ann Fowler Cc: Bob Mahn; 'Frank Durocher'; Chris Barnes Subject: Re: 2017.071 - Weatherly Inn Renton - City Comments Received Ann Thank you for the City input! I think TWLTL starting north of 45th would be better, a designated LT pocket into a low volume private driveway may not be the best use of the center space. With a TWLTL the EB to NB LT motorists could use the space. City thoughts? Mark Cc: 'Frank Durocher'; 'Ann Fowler' Subject: 2017.071 - Weatherly Inn Renton - City Comments Received Bob I received City feedback to the TIA I conducted for the Weatherly Inn Assisted/Memory Care project. The unit count is 116 Assisted Living Units and 30 Memory Care Beds aka 146 units a slight increase to the 142 per the site plan I had at the time of December 1,2017 report. I’m in the process of refining the Traffic Report to incorporate City comments, the site plan refinement and to use the recently published 10!h Edition Trip Generation. The City comments and the use of the 10th Edition result in no material change to the analyses. The item wanted to further dialogue on is the Street Channelization. Attached is a refined Conceptual Channelization that incorporates City comments, except I the addition of LT channelization on the north and south leg that is not needed based on the Traffic Volume data.<