HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-404203EPA) DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE PROJECT GECTE HNI AL INFORMATION EMcuSrpn EnnlCpn M. M94012V -d0A4 45E4.9W, Z65940EMU212 cap, of Rrruan DelpairT+NFr PJ Car,L,Ftryn,ry 8 femartin Drvrwomrh.' Fnvrrnr+v, p*Yn1 Revre .COnT»6n" Repon I WJ MUNSM AaW RMI&Mo:arr Eff, rwoa "Del tit &4wal 77. 2a r 5 P41C 5 pr f, I would collect surface water runoff from heavy truck use areas and the third would EoUect runoff from the Q roof " poll ution-generadN impervious surfaces wudd be directed to a water quality filter wault at the w southwest coffiirr of tfie site to treat the water before discharging Into tt)e rrglunal storn4water Facility. The project proposal would be subject to full drai riale review Under the 2017 City of Reston SuTfare Water VeSign Manual. AJI surfxfle water improvements would be subject to the requlrenmenls of this nrtorival. I# is anticipated Ihat the City't currently adopt" 2Q17 CJty of RiEntun SurfKe Water DelAgn Manual would mktlgate for any potentlal surfate water impacts that could be generated by the project proposal, therefa3re no !lathe r mitiEavon is recommended at this time. MltiE, lien Measures: No funf er MITigatlon recommended, Nexus: Not appI1Cable 3. Plan" ± lrnpllc'bk A Conceptual Landscape and T" Retonticin Plan (Exhibit 5) wiras submitted wltiw the print Appolotaon materials, According to the Liubmttted plan. the project r0 has a total of 135 slgnifIcant trees on 0 the praia[t srlr. Of these, 27 havr heon iderulrled as dmWroup by a cenIfied arborlst (fxinibilt6) and I am located within areas of putriac right-af gray dedtcanorl, resulting in is fatal ofi 1Q6 protected trees on site. No tree. ware Identifkrd it belnd located within ctltical areas. Howewet, based on the true retention plan provided, 11 appears that a} number of trees are liDeated an the prate-cted 51.0pie areas. The applicant is Ui pfaapotIng to ret41rp a total of 55 trees on the projtKI %Ile. It is anitOpated that the Clty's adopted TFR! Retention end Land CFearinj Regulatlons would mitlgste for any Impact resulting from tree rrmowal. Thor€fore, no further YrpitlgaLion it rtcaMmanded. Milimaltipn Me#su ; NO fUrthUr mltlg0rt OM FCCOMMrn"ded 0 rwrtLrus; Hot applicable .J 4. Recreation Impects: The drIveway.ncem.; hoc aled at the northeast cwnor of the pr+airct sltearcesses MrmsterAmd 5W vlb a Irlan&uko( shaped paacc of property owner by the City'n Community Sierweel DVPbrtrrWnt Iparcel no. CL 9188000130L which 16 parr of ft Macit RNer Rlparlim area. The applicarri: does not curreniN have an easement for NCM1 over this property. In exc#4a nge for gram Ireg an 08"Meau for Accost over th Is parcel, the CAV's CommianliyServices DeWrtmem liar d%iprrnlried ihat a minimum of 5 pairking Waceli d#0pated For pall 4 um as "1 0% 11inr apinj and Witistrian walkway imprarwarnaRts vMuid be rrqulred. Pt is not gineWpated itltt Arty i dVir `1R trnlrrftu*ntal impacts would hr janeral d as a result of th is project prop"fil, - Thomfprq, no fufdmr mithptiarr is rrfC4R Wwndtd at this tlm#. r fWHtitatlo n Jhllaaitul i No fuTiier at,tlt;lil*km recommended. Nexus: Not applicable TmnWorlalOdon lmpuU: The applicant wbmltted r Traffic Scoping Memo prepared by Transpbrtation rn&LPring NcWthwesty dated Decambei 11, 2037 Ifarhibif 31). Acaordliil to the iubmltt€d tFaHic memo, the project Is anticipated to generate a total of 84 net Frew daily trips with 7 net new trips OCCkart'1 n8 to the AM peak hour and 5 net new trips occurnrig dur+na the PM peak hour. As the proporal would Penerate less thAri 70 net new trips during the weOday AAA or PM pi-wk hour, no Additlonal traffic anahVsls Is regwjra A Tfansportatlon CarKurra•_ncy Memo, dated June 20, 2013 (Exhiblr 221, wit completed and demonstrates that 5i7 fflC Reppr#_1rs01 "Onifer-180V7 Mr. then llyw y, %comber 2& 2017 We trml Aw inliirm u n pfe L nIM In this rep(wi It wiflit:ICnt for your Lumen nee&. f f you hitvc t;ny gipCk1nru1K ev rlhluireadditirxlal inllinrnulNm, fi1tLjkNL cull. Sincerely yoLErw. TERRA AK'NOWIAT K INC. WAZ �,I b,4y,� PrL!w No T-7716 Page No. ii boty a FtM4 Lops ltl 9094DGF-1 DGAO.45E4. M7 90694Z EA402C ltyy q ReMMO 47epae rmi-m cJ Cijo-orur. iry R FrDnewPia C'e•vo0evrirnf F;twGr)MPArGf Rrwe* Cnmmrrrer Rapper M brCRTMtroop IWI-MMR. KF +wan If(p4r[ 01 +irqJu11 77. 201 S PsMC G or & this project proposal would pass the transportatlan conrurrency test" No information regarding truck tnpr� or haul routes was submitted with the project application materials Traffic imparts are anticipated to be mltlgated through the payment of cods' requrrrd T►auspartation impact Fens at the applicable rate rn effect at the time of building permit issuance. Therefore, no further milig.rtion is reramrnended M44LPt1aN Measwres: No further mitlgattori reclommenQed. Nexus; Not applicable. E. C,ornmpo 4ts of Reviewing Departments W proposa I has been ttrcuNted to City Depirtrileaii and Division Rewewitm Where applicable. their comments h;ivr hrr`n incorporated into the tank of this report and/or "Advtsory NotrN to Appllea tit - e Copies *1 all Rtevlew Cinmrnemt are contained in the 011ridal Ste and may be attached to Ihis rcpin tit The Emrironmental Del erminati on duclsioT) wW become final if the decision Is not appealed within the 14-4aw appeal period Ipt:W 43.21.C,075(3;; WAC 197-11.690). Environmental PetermInation Aaoa±al Pupitss: Appeals of the an+rlronnnental MirrminaiIon must be tiled in wrl tang togel her with lha required Ise to. Hearing Exil miner, City of Rer tFxp, 1055 5auth Grady Wary. RerLtorLr WA 9WS1, On 0 bafc+ra S;40 P.rO. Gh Soptombw 34, 2018. RMC 4-8-110 A(Iwrrrns ap¢eUls Ip ttiv fiv trLrlg EKanlint r and arddrtkln,il IrslotmiLtion rcg.trding th£ appeal Process rnipy beabilalned ffornl tiro CRY Clerlt'x Cltflce, Ronton City Half - 70' Floor, (42*al l3q-fi510, 517 £RC�Rtpart 1i�] �4tLxrrsler 380fX27 PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION Srlmmho r :6, No 17 Project Tin, T-7716 The swLT %Iola along ttno: wallfcm MLi4 of 111L: piopffly i3 shown on d1c (`ii} ttf RC71iVri tiltep Steipe rUin kc incline! b4imccn 25 and &reaper Ihull 411 pcmuiii would fit tht cfitCritt in imm iii a1boviz. Th4vsftwe- the silt would be tlpssiricd ma a ELJ 1) high landslide ha>'nnl am -a per lkic R%1C"" I lowevet. the {"ity of Renlon Lan6Iidc IIuewd Alta, d4wes rlol sho% the site as loxuted vi4hin a 1nttalslida< hauled anm AEruL dimiog tlttr silr ri'L'omnuismile r. we dW not L,hs -Y IIn) IradiL tlelnw LlrJrep watlod InKt*JJ4'ry QFI the �10pe fiWff ReLlt ,it AW1111.9W ilriulrs in &J.PI OU teat hrnrin ulihLrltlor*.uarohaaraL'oGx11nds1oricexrxi Life LxrLttFLiniLulsic�roho,lLry]r:1dtiL,'indicatingchartheale�c kc ctlnnr,r, id of hrclrcxk %ItMl if inilo.-mmly rtijhk in steep #nvirLsnrrit:nta 3.4.5 Cog Mlitic illlrurd iK�% IiI+n 4-f13.0OtI0 )1e) kif rho 11W, dlefilles Coal Mine llamtlbi a41hr 161htwtng: r 1 ilia l'l,al %ling Hararcis Il I I Air--m %LLh Iu, knpt411 Mini V111"kitlpx and IND PNQih.tLJ •LFt,71I0CIkC Whllc nL, FZtJI19LS nee 6n0WII in Ifiew arwai widoo imwriLVLl wiriil7g ill IwrloWn la We cwxumd. rr rw1L:iirialls {"Lull Mine 11alanrdll (L'.Mp ArW4 w11are Irvine workiilgil are duepo that« 201 ftxi tslr ,scepliv d}MWIL .vapm, ur dcepa alien 0 tirrice the Lhi J%iii- .+s orf iliac 4min kir Akhrkilip% lire gently didppiog wnnr's flpuw uld" FYabj Ix AfTvo: td by 1`ubsidrtnac w.114s;h (.'upl NllrwIhiznrdWtII AFtiva vrkih ehandoncLd 9116 impnVorly seined F141114L IlwrkIaljpl aurd ilr+m 4JtitiCF141iIL In nriaur work mip- sheilluwtr then VX1 fact in &-pO Wr !aAmpl} dIppiup ,L'arrLY, LN +ahallgwrr than 15 IIn14w Ilia I I11e;knr44 l i filar u1e1'rr or wiirlruTp Air pnl ly di p ping clams«, ncr%G arum lnaw be idTiNlud by i;Q110p*c yr t+iiler +IJ k+ilLterir4' 1lfAWJ 011 rill' L'Pty L,l KCnitUtl Lhp1 Lsirw I{Lfartd Al11Ly U kiK%Wr1 l:ONI ii1n14: WtL41ilCaMl to tkx wiith and va3t KThe 111.0%*w10, 9W rrlupr d 1`11UM of wren dou% Iwl vlOvnd o lit, tlli.� kehiom kite, 111rrel'ONL 111c .itw 6W% nr,I Ckiii17in 4 uRi raillo ILn�uILf Iwr il4c f� dC to 111%C1'~tti11f[+ AND REVO'41MENUATIONS ,I {;rncl'al In 47nT (nj11111L)", dlerc RIV lit) ge lledmiLol iznmiclormllvin Attic nviuld ptsslruk kvr1k rniallt of ttr - 1Liw. a plarulo. lirncrwCf. 111C -;011 011JJV1141 SOIic ih>wllied okitilIdL: of 1hU vmlaiing hudding arcs will he ylihliwt iii Crtr4ioli dafiirn urpJcr the exi-wetoid biii dirig Inutlm. rL, lnitlgJlta: illrk ;N1,tii}Ndatxia7n wetllcomil and reduce ENvrmstlnl pFrit comp ipittAin hLuldln# sctdemirni to Iufrrahlr kleci4. ike nnommcnd implamontpng r nuVdWge.'prclond prizWom In 0046111. the n*ti%u alluvial "hi would nal iu r,uilAhIV for i1InML%fadic dFreet auN%4M trf building ruurydal.kim. Ta cwtliblm+ mlit6it §upl'1L+rLt WL rjLuMnnCO toPleicirldi fhr uppicr two frail nf4miwtt11jG ikailw bcl;-Av 111r l!%*rnm Of f04+1Inp 14it11 taltalrr..inlLtarnl fill. No. b Oki EOTEIC REPORT 605 Monster Road SW Renton, Washington Prol"t No. T-771 Terra Associates, Inc, fpepterpiher 26. all i 7 Caroled no. T-7716 1 he rwlivr soils cneountucd al the rite Luetain a!mFBiLiciiL pLicentoge of Fimn; wild iwi11 be Jiff LUTr tL}Iccrrllp.WI 4S NIAIC14ari11 rill kh1wn Tad WILL. 1 'o nhilky to use 96)ik frUna sale C%VXVationw A% Aru4!!Unl fill %ill depeisd 0111 the .W� it moi%luae imotort acid the MviziTing weaftir ropr6tiowi ill rile lime L%f L.Y1n&I:ruUikm- "lihr ooditrador sl+Lluld he 11ied1LlrtLd to edR Lhe natiiv MN1x In}' awtslima during fhr 110nrall . dry summer louden in faciNalru %:.xnpacli Mi al Ninw itltatl fill. Altwmaoivelw, stsbiliring lht: rntpixtura in the tiaiiVe ulil %ith Pdrllatti tcrlmolt hit lime uhn be csln$idtred" tf Purling mliw11itis will iakc p1muc during ibc A iiitrr +lt amL ilia i4wilrsrelrwr almuld he prepsrcd 41 IMrA`1rt L:Ienn grnntpinr matennl for u as 4lruelLnrLTI Iill and hg4kfi11 'd'hr fJ1lr0wi2l8 x'Clkini f1n%Vjdr dUlailud PVI LlMt"I1da1 41rlw FC-AUding Ilse ahcixe 1laputN Nild L,lhur pcowuhnix4l LdeLiKn corlxidcMI;IkXkli. 11w%9 rc.L nlinal dafiLmc lhoufd kMt IncorrWMIrd into I:K rl"I oS.sign Orm%iile% isw con'trole arm sliri iflarx'ILi,I1w it Promo-atiopi In prcpnn Ow r4rir rilr von,41moIon, Jeimilii6:in Lif exnsiing Lpnrcrgim-h nhowW lnwh0i; ncrtimat of rxiKtpng I;11111J1.116MIN 111-tt to ba oncoFrwaled Into the ne+c L1ud Qhnrrd0mrl7ent 01 Livoirri:r0liffi I 4Cdlc IyMcros .1iliI. i0ior hLiflCd mihiici {tibal1ldtiriLryry# lttilit) par . tllnt roll aruL%ado of 1MnW hulldinp .Inn+ cull f loci ire plac4 pivvidred 111ry err wolcd iL1 prevam ilTtnillion of grclundwider secpage and inil The 4Lit1-11it1$ lidlilicN a.Valyd bL'HCILLrt lire ►Rioting flour slab carp k. ILft Ira P4"'F' fbnwwidk4d ltlgl 1119} W% 004pplclCIV flila:J %%n111 C"rit 14% pnrrl11 rilturLt %L:Iil4Lnpnr hwilcai.l'r Itie hlHh. in the landncalwd pLlrtkwi of Lhae eke all 4aflCWiL3n. rlrtwrppL kur#aic writ., wi.J 111iCr 4k-lrrerpL11J1 illnwriuf whtad be slrimA LUIIJ mnlr,rc,J rtil 1 ltic I1r "p.%od rivVC1.11irlctlt arcur 'I.plra1L nernuvlll iiirth ill atpflr 4rlr19Tly � }r 11.1 It ItW1110 r'FntaId tW IANXtr J ill the r1a%VJ rx,rtiwnli Ur the sitC r.nistitiP ""4PI ill pawtli,Lru *r11 he 19[t In oleo helot.+ na%% %inic la m1 1111 mquiW to vwtdibl1411 Joi-agn Unwks pnv* kd 1t IM trau:tLmed in PIULL to in rim%hrium tier Fri wigtu inck► A. orgtLH19 rrltiwaill wimlI rill it he suitable for ulna us i1lnpowill I Iidd. tmit niny biz uwd for limsted dwhs Lit twkw4tmoural uritaw, lldec LkII14rlltlun And 44tartaltnpesal1110un are L{nilipli L1r, cpAI 4axi till Li;wrs ims a:itil to Al610 to esttlhlish dolt d NiiIldIrkg graklw., IFrlin ttr rkdlI 11111A MIL al vtrks%Q txaring `Liprfmkc% rhpuld tat LAlpsp -vd by is rMimRomiuuive Of kern A.1m Inuew, luL: iii ircrl1� milt umidItUllk% ILr4 uw K14p1'F; 4'a:l ilia! NUIWit1a: rnr IkUppiw't of FIOA fill Lx huiWing a'it'1tlwnt. Our rcprc,.mIuir►-c, niuly iequcut is prihAhIll USUIS I, Y ruII a1111md osyuipelltnt W d1r4 ITH111C if %P;y 1*01a11W wtrlr L"A y0ding a remi are prewnt Ir a%Lvmlivcl} }ltlding amm orc obnonw. OW Chit}- "ti mat be I&TAbINLd ILL Pfau+.; by vornpactiou, dic alTected Fw 1b. nkuwld bee ivwayalad and removed i4a rirm hmuinit uid Emdc ttslkmxi wlth new mniotivid 1 i11 1f the depth of ar,Yt:t Vialk13n Lts Mmovc uncLrIbic W11nb [A CXCCUTVV, The tISC t1(PLSlt Ix IIe W riCs., titch rLs Minifi 5MIX, or ail LMkilva,lernl fuhrlr. 4an N LLwd in i:MiiiISCtinn itltip clean gmnUiar oruclural t111. Our empertcma hats dlQ w<tl that, in Wriarai, a rnlnitnum of I ll irwhes of r clQm- grnnlalur %limetuml fill ptACo7cl lrllid comp oWd olevir the gcow-stik ftib�rlti should cmaNPOt a %to hie Isumnit,g ,urNL;c- Wu wommend supdxa-ling ronvemionpt sOMILi fLKIIITLg rc1Uttd>111un+ LW 14 n11ll1nILkill Of t*O fcti4 Of Ltrmiiiloir silnxrurnl fill dull npineew fhr natilrte 411uvwrl ILION And t11C CNIAing kkkw ftf mailerlllil. ThIl lurutTUrAl till'ihi+ilid C11WWI 11till imu111 OftliftV -fcsnl Intendr r'rrMi Ole ►tigtx 0IF1he Lo Mini loam Wall 4w 4itthttk'4f Cnlwnri fildingti 1 REV15ED PER CFTY COMMENT LETTER DATED 12/21 18 REVISED PER CFTY COMMENTS DATED 050.7f 19 3 REVISED PER CFTY COMMENTS TO C2.0. CE3-0 & C6" 4 REVISED PER CFTY COMMENTS TO C6.0 REVISED PER CFTY COMMENTS TO NGPA & WALL HEIGHTS NO, REVISION JPE 04/02/19 JPE 06 03 19 JRE OG/21 f 1� JPE 06/25/19 JPE 07/23/19 By DATE I APPR PW No- 7 J. Urom J. Heirs J. Eaaw J. lacers QH00QMS. Nelson NOT TO SCALE t1r1E r�Gl AT foil. mu r NOT W Lrlb, SC&E +400raDMT vEkrlC 4: wLao 100 FLtrt201rrrL: rMo iys5/tgpi DATUM TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. -i11.5 :y lei L r .11 -1 hlfw Ll EnKItirs-ririit i.cul it, arul kmr=vxrrrM�rtr.rl EaFTh .fir 4L*hri'4 !K.V.0 11Wr 26, 2017 Pr„ JX3 No. T-7716 #1i Lien 13ndpi1y 1)1 ' t indi.Lslria l "l51 Filth Avepuw, Suile 281E LJr. Wasturi$1li-111 08tt} 414111co. [ colvL Imieal Report 69! MIkmtc7 k<saol Sw RcntLini. Wacllrngtopl Dov Mr. BRrJ-k, . A!► rvi;wAvd. 44C 1WVV tiulldLMVJ aI Kaatrrhllicdl a riltinaarit g taar.i, for tlw sL1hlv0 prujim?. Tbc anschdd urine[ I F6Wrilii utii t14ldnl$1t tied mvi,atttirH41111ILAA tar the RL'"e,CCLII,IiCrl1 LtaP"14 uJ r M cct J"ipik prpd titvkKnwdcm. (h r tlald eXplt iro Om i ndicltt►n lh Ph xu r6ce 04W datI(M% nr the +I to: } imur,111} CklFaatlriktid of t-S ki A inc-WA itr Asphalt pllvermml in p46inyi ara,4,l aqd -1 to R.5 inclica of voncrot: fT~ritr stiLh in1!4j& Of f#W e*Lr+tinyf irlxtltyfrtal tp Aiing Steil u,liditlaanli t+kl =-VL d ulWe6ying thcwo pwvcmantt #ciicral13, Cbrisirxed Lpi' a ki t teat sal k,nac iL+ vefy der" inewoLaaw fill matdfial owlying .1 to 21.5 I#Vl (if surf ILF LloWW inkrrhuddcct rlluxiai Q-41PL ecinijoing %,X wilt, e1a), wd %l.14%MVVl IT1lklLIM5 In the n*arit} of dw btxingii, rraidual wile atlLi LwLy igLplt r} bFrclrtxk mo ubserved Liiid:rl*ing ilia allui, Ink uallin to tha< tennIrUIN 01'014 houinjwx. Wd utllw urrrt L'ni: IM19n:ii In 9 Ill'thr Ili LIMi tuvinp 11611h ckpl Its Ilf 7 " ice 20 11 acl Indical In ie the prrbrikv of it shidlow RrIlUMI -Ac: trble 11i oh.r kip 111iOt). suppon I,r tlic dFLItit31rC addiiikln uMhV *Iuudard irIxud fMinA itwuw.ioli,iraf +.ill bee fcksibir Hawve,or, III oWAV to Paul %LLitubJt t1upporl. all fmt1dathim. w11[ iivvd lu be iuppkuU%i+an u murrnum of two+ iLvt ut 0"nL114Y ~&JkclurAI lilt KrLsl iho FW% hi4iWing pdKt Area, u cal nerd lip b sL1bpxlt!d Iir a %wk:hxrV6 ;wTYpqm ti.) mil ippc Pusr 4 Ln1151r1iowis wirlunnent IXlailod rwh-opmendlrlitien reprditig foucl4plwr? .uppon a.txig wish odwr P4c o hnlcnl doip mild t:Pri, stniolco .o nsii iaratiuils axe rummrl.rimJ in the itlmhrd mplet. 122 Ft I I 1 1th Avenue NE, Ste. r3U. KiFkldnd, Washinsirm *3 34 Phorm 1425)921-7"? • Fax 1425102t 4334 hi rl�l > ,1116 .. 15V A " ' L .o *01 ONAL REU SE OF DOCUMENTS W 150M M W SUN 920 RKCI`RG*1 LL'f IN AOCTMMKi all WAC M-23-07U AND UW TER 19.34 RC'A4 UNRIV130M ALi NtM aF &V It tW WppoaAPOC L11F M amRlfld 91411"IlM4• ill THE IC M AND WROS i40MF RAtm fEWK AS M xt3ll PAUtT OF THE PRW031 % MhKEE IS THE MFERTV ff r VNA Mri'r$M ANO Is NOT TO K UW1. IN 1FKU 00 Lit PART. FOR Nil' OTHER PMUT WIMM 1MET1rtFi AUEILTp¢iL9ltlra 1p IlrallM rJtorTm NNOV, architects 950 Pacific Avenue. Smite 450 Tacoma, WA 98402 25 - 72-400 1 �1 PROLOGIS 12720 Gateway Dr., Suite 110 TukMa, WA 0816 206-414-762 R-404203 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS RECORD DRAWING 03-15-2021 NO RECORD INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING A main 07131 /2019 WE CITY F PROLOGIS RENTON 0 11 16 18 601 MONSTER ROAD SW FlEUX9lKK . W E T Record Drawing documents 03-15-2021 P,F p;2,WriNc rno. Planning/Building/Public works Dept. PROJECT CONDITIONS C1 . (SEPA) DNS (CONT.)." EOTECHNICAL INFORMATION 1 541EET: 3 51 00 r z 0 Ut�--II Ir 0 J 0 CL