HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-007111L - 6, _­ S E= ^ - i � -t - C _E=_� -,- W"—N- _. S' 00'27 W. 1 3 3 v. 6; o .6- z 0 V /I X 0-1 03 ! A3 .41: F 30 11 3 4 � E-Z s 5 1 C? 1-4 /A L E N C5 l"Y 14 IS- I IG I 17 IS 0 1 T!J, 6u bo SE -1-41 sT II 85 \70 60 0 12 60 6a 6a 6ogo G m -7 4 e No. I;z V It) St .5/d� n,fiy 1, e yciap L I'Ahck 6 an. + Ul r S14 9 th'. a1 X1 Qtl& WhIC17 aPe K1'P. 1, .. 4, e business _ o -47 1 ° 4 7 y5, tr co V, MAPLEWOOD 01 V� No; I embraces -i r 0 I 6,Twp Z3 Nf, FR 5 E:.vv-M. Y ollows /B&.3 ...... 3 +Ha. �11 9,'* Lot 4 N4 a,), c,o, I - Z-7' VI/ S. 0 0 4: 91 t No 10+ or 4":k�erk/a* -then c e 50 oo, 2 7,1 v\/ JI `ry rnvr cli, +once 'F 1132.264 +kencP 4-1 exc -r)-t-d 6­5ime6s use, sAall Joe &;vIcjw�j L r&44 all 204 993 F41 P += I e Road N o. -5 , 4 1,, en ce 5'73* Z0'15"IE: of cini-i la-r-+Ion easterly 1, Curve f o + ke r I 9tit Z e--tg!- 19, pl�,if- s ball be le-5 +11-� +ka at-earequiked of S�)8-14 -F+ a at, si-cinc. ­P Z443, 'Z4 -F+, for a use t s 4- s + . + eJ on +h 1.5 plat; a L" ; - - ------- - f+. -12.00 r 5q Li sldnce useAll 1�+,, 'lei­l ri H4-of-v, 1 1. 1 0, , , 7 .. _j 13 --j In- a, ne POpaseo, �+e F?aGol No, _S 4 Hene S Si-.3'15"E -1..9 0� 4h's plc+ or e t-es+rjc+eJ 4. R-1 n­jojovel�ej 1­4 and sLj6jea+ 4-o 41,e k'­3 a c "rve +. +He p-1 3k4 Having joravj_-ions of lf.vr,+Lj 7one Resalufion No. 6 4, D 4. course of N G 'a B'is" W -F+., The ten (,a) -F..+ park to I a n S, c,, real 5 k p +ken- along a c­,e +o 4-he (P-P+ hav,liq a yy on 4 his lalc 4 s Via I J bo used -For +Ho+ purpose T. O ohs+p�ce Of 102..81 -F4, 4Hence l.n o+3o.j8 46,9-7 'fb-ce o'lH. No al-ell,mg ml'.11 -Face sc,"4 plon+l" not- shall Q"Ll cli-lvewatis +a ol-ells-3-T 0 44, mor4l, e.s4-at-lLj -/om I �f acllws D-P 21c3.00 f4-, cr d,s4crn ce, f 3o.13 ;.+ cons+­+.al Eo6emen+s shown an +his STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KIN S 6­v� la-7.05 -ft, tA&n.er44S*23t)l"E pLof at-e. -F6, G-� +eJ jawi­pc>Ss5 on)Lj- . -rk-,5 "Ig ! B-2484f+ I - rHis tc,'IQ� s su6j­+ 4-, '4ric�j'�ns --,s is +- CE R-FTFY 4k.4 on Fh -th. p.,h+ of 6Q 'n1n �?­ 9 ec�i­cfj also t­ec­'J.J InVol. 17D e e,45, F o ,q e, be fore me,+he c, rJo+, ij Rw 6 1, c. . Li PIPes os sljo,n,n on Pio-IL. p ,s­ a ppE�, e�cl c" j IN 15Y THESE we +h. ­01 Bellil 1<l4k kis ,-,,Fe- iei-eb'l cl-F.47"i +ha+ 4he -,-Fhln plo4- of M,-iPLE\AI'00D-DlV. NoA is c4ulLf Qfalo_ved 6�j the 1<1 C.-+q pl­­" C +His W S � I c, and J E I s pe 4h R. k +-ol f'0 +ks, loerZ­5 -H. ey'eC,,f_ 4l,,II­� c�ncj who acknowlc!, e � e 'o and E715pQ'I'k Se I-S wI-Fe,o­ers i-Fee -------- ­F ---------- :�4, 4 Z5 '}hey signed 4­t sepleol -tk_ heresy taflecl, Qn.j +he Eq.,�o6(e -�,.e o-4 vols,,,+ai,Lq acf- cnj �t� 'ee 11e,el_j like Chc.rrnc,n a��( PL4,p.ses r-e;­i4,I"n&_.[.�te P. 61ir_ ----e -- - - WITNESS rn., hQ-4 -I of"Ictal !t I. s shown hereon For all PukP-5,,s -"cl 4ea, -F,,s+ a16ove C.r all ..61,- Is, -is- +t,,e k-15)',4- to marks -11 the Pilo -cop the record a+ +he eq�.e4 aF +�,e KJo+Q­j P-611c in c-if or on this plo4 in +ke C--i-I P/-nn.nq Commission +h,z .�4_­ c-F WQsHIna46" re S .=I, n I,U reefs shown +hel'elrl. 19 e 0 .'' I I I I (a 3 6 4. O x. e 451 > I WLE D' Di t ape portions `� the or '6 ir��Govlti Lot 291 23N- R�: mori. 19 fided, :'&A I dekc'�14d is *f'ol owsl- 'IV dint „wnach ­�is!Yth N'-'S f. Plat ;j. cc at 0 A4o.,, I. and.,* T a.,, P03m, on North Iine o z rQ 5� ft 4 from: R.E. Corner of 58.42jt. to the ing.. S a ;F, # carvd �tci the right having'& radius of _9 t.:of"93i6.78' f,,,, -to poi se curvature, nt of rey4r c' 6f!"A* curve ',having ii:radlug-of 580-75 a dist. of int of tangency, thendLi 378'47-30"E a dist. of 213-38 e6tl0avwith aline which is 34 ft. tzst of and 'parallel ne:.'df gaidkovlt Lot. 6, thence :Sl0041j6tw along said parallel -11 934.64, to a point on the norzh- 0' cduced"66titherly�a distance.pf 19. St to �Zad No. thehce-.-D46l0oq'15"W"bn said�boundary line a,dis��. of rner, ot, tL 8-,s� 0 h ,slat, of Ma-plaw6od.Div. No. 1 thence on the ar-� of a��' 6 & ht'*having 'a radius o. 301 a dist.'' of :47:.12• to point of reverse curvature to , the left haying a radius of 1501 -a diet. of 102.811 thence along a cu . rve 21 ipg,.a radius of 1501 -a dist. of 30-18i! thence N1004140"E a dist. of0146 97' nce anir, 4 curve having, . radius of 210.00 1& -a dt'st. of -30 thence 17'iO"W 137�.05'i 'A . .131 1136 HIERIFFOF we. hc,,� he,e” 1--.7- ono. P-ecoi-cied in Volurne- 01 1 ". , " I I ­ I !_ . i I­�+. Se+ oL4, a UiA. of 82404t thence N10041401T a dist. of 3101 to point of beginning. Rx a f-s P e 2 4 -3 Ax cepti-9 glt,of. Way of the Defense Plant Corp6rin, extending over and across sald tract being a strip -.1 LOAN A.S-SN. the center line of which bears�N52002730'?E from a point on 11ortherly bounda COU"_rY CIF MULTA/VOMAH -il - ILI I �0'�`5.,Estant N6J0 _9-rA-rE OF ORE-GO" ln��'iqidih , ry-* I 1 .1 1 09ql51IW from the Southeast Corner of this Plat. l,!69.82 1. This plat ir, _rH is Is +0 CERTIFY FY +H,4- +A's of rec + 14,4 t A q A"T ro*b( r. ­11-�6hc; J­1S.1a1lLJ Fpc­­11 RESTRICTIONS P. tl c1.r_>,1.S4a 6ef.,e ­ie, ord; als�6-�i�'Aements for Apes as:shown on plat. C�unfiq Au P, ,e4a, K. C-wn4-q' AuoJ-I4-.t- p�ds nU5 that .we, h c t cr pr)rti,�n of:.�l lot c,n this �e'Airl:afid,; lienry''W.' h-11ek"I ce, 411cli or Phe Eq,',��/./e SA101' Pros. And Vice Pies. S 1, r. tlia� +He p)cw4- mf MAPLEVVOOD -,j A.V. L,,­,.lgI­ei, v". e the undersigned, Vip 1 s1l' 1�!�e cl�all tx� (livid'O t _71 v;-' of Aafil6wood. Home 6 in'c'.. A Corp i : owner in qlas'_ xcr r) r al, e 'n "Ic T�Ilrlks boseal �P-n'a, Qc+L4QI Gui-veLf an 44,� n�a( 'o,e itt ed 'and the b- . I D IV. NO. 1 .4 L-17, 1qs5;,n, Me, 61'lab ereby, 15,le equita le --n! Sold or resol�_ c,,, C! R_--F\�P,23 r14 R lly E -6 Y 0' 56.1n. a, CorPL."j 'Wrtga ee, hereby declare transfarzed whereby �,'M� ­v,­ii�.r��Iiil� of 1, *F­4 tke cove see- a-a' �t'qle's cr,e f publi 1�riva�.e ��i, i- 5 cEate i -_ - the use 'o th, c f6rever bp 9 : por­�--�n c�f thiz3 stall les� -fHoiF +He es ,:,and public places sh6wn hereon ar�ea iox c'!;t'rict, st'I"i"d or +he uses ci cl u -A • hove leem Se .1af Iq+ c%,"aj block cornei-s s4-Q e n ihewt 10 inc ns en 11`1 Ifle Use k 4 P r 14�0 8 also' the right to make USC�. as a,! are r. P t T i. 00*1 R ff, • IT,; 3 4 ... 16... •