HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-143202I CLE GABION WALL -5EG DETAIL 13 TYPICAL CUT SLOPE J _t:_I_.MAX. $TLCFNF5S -SLOPE 1OCK111C, SEE DETAIL.. I58 C]Q'p .,....I � 1 I $ PERMANEI.I.T ACCESS ROPO 1 -&) --- 5 -..• C¢ "OR 9'..SEK�IICE LN- rtEIRAI- SEE CO TT I-- :TYPICAL.F'ILL:SLOPE - TOE.. NOT BEYOWD FLOWING � _STRcAMBANK EXCEPT WHERE A.UTHORI.tt_D SPI MIGHEAD SEEPAGE CONTROL `SEE DETAIL- l 9 I IZ C.M.P. CULVERT RT - SEEPAGE CONTROL DITC SUBDRNIN : - -- -� dpUTLET ti 5£E DLIKk -L °--- 5h jjjj CITY- COUN CY BoU1.LDARY G C C INSTREAM ROCKING � GRAVELING SE:t DETA:iL 8 11-1 11 CaEtJER� ►L I1i0°I`ES 1. An 8 foot wide permanent. access road with bridge structures is to be constructed from the pump station to a turnaround at Station 68 +40 ±. Interceptor sewer pipe is to be located within the access roadbed. except at locations where stream crossings are required: Upstream from Station 58 +40 the pipe is to be aligned in the exi "sting stream bed. e artment of Ecolo 2. In addition to Standard Washington State D p gy i is overned 6 State re uirements for construction design criteria y 9 9 9 The 1984 ermit for De artment of Fisheries. ermit re u'rements. p P P q De which a supplement must be issued by the Fis heries Department, , prior to start of construction) is bound with these documents. 3. The design edge of the permanent access road scour protection rock shall not be constructed beyond the edge of the flowing stream bank except at specific stream crossing locations designated. 4. Any variance to design location must be approved by the owner in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Fisheries. 5. Typical roadway excavated .uphill slopes shall nat be constructed steeper than 1:1. Where steeper excavated slopes are required, gabion basket stacking may be used when authorized. Gabion baskets are to be laid on the slope or stacked in specific locations when authorized. 6. Procedures for "healing" existing slough scarps and protecting newly excavated slopes have.beerr reviewed with g eo t ethnical engineers who will be retained by the owner's engineer to provide technical advice during construction. 7. The contractor will be required to "pioneer" a roadway along the desired alinement for purposes of evaluating: slopes and selecting specific methods of slope erosion stabilization. 8. Seepaye within slopes to be excavated and in existing slough scarps is to be relieved and surface stabilized by one of several means detailed in these documents. 9. Slope erosion protection measures other than jutemat are bid by the unit to permit selection of the most suitable method for given I locations. 10. All excavated slopes are to be jute matted and planted by hydroseeding. fFRG"SON d SONS INC 81516 L 2- 25 5 o P I A EX1ST1A(C PUMP SrAT(OAl e,WLT WELL uAIDER PHASP I COAfSTRUCrIOA/ 8T, / /LV- LE. /9.3.//✓E —.c- ' cv - " /.&.---4, r') TO CpA� VIA 5, E. 95 R TQ---. --� .E. F�1 _ S4 E A/ 4 I / �1 rQM i g,�R G 11- 2, � IW (< 7 EXJ5r 1Ar6 CO,14^i CULV „'t \ /E /B9 EK Po, _ � \_ -- --.3 J%' ��. l �' ti -T Nom. -- t 9a T,, 5y AJ N nv�1p5 ,5 f;'' J P EVW' -_ --'O i "qD5 C61'ell/EL. /9G.5 l is �. 12" CMP: CLJI_V. --T-- CLEAN OUT I \ �� ��_ \ _ A _- - �5_ _ ti _ LF:`I�tS, 33 _ - - - °- — ROAD M - _ -- { I. E, 2a1. x - - — s - - 11 I _ i /9/.7 - /2N _ i / � rZ'cMP GULP. - 5 ~ RErER'ro PHASE I ci \\ Cows -rp,u rioNI RECORD o> . FIA-t `IWot5 FUR PUMI? . 12" POLYETW' EN E- STATIaN LAYOUT -4 5P1ID(iE W/ Di TAIL. "V CREEK SPILLWAY 12" CMh CuLV. -CITY LIMITS PENbiNGt ANN.I XATIOt4 /. E. 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