HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-362129Ed N Z W U CO W Q O 2 a Iii. 0 CO Z U.1 LU Er W W M�M 11 Z Q CO a'F- LU V W r tlOTS 1. STEPS 2. STEPS 3. CASTNI 4. WARM 5. ALL .0 6. AIIIUST ADM ,24,I T. SANTA COME APMO S. RUNER 0. CHANM I 0. CCNEC It. N um 7' L 1 NOT TO SCALE MANHCLE FRAME AND COVER SEE SID. PLAN 401 AD VSMENT RINGS (2" MIN.) SEE NOTE 6 MORTAR JOINT(S) (318' MIN.) SEE NOTE 5 CI.NC (ECCENTRI^.) RUBBER GASKETED JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE wit ASTM C-4.3 SICK - PMYMWE FNE STEPS SHALL BE INCLUDED CONCRETE Mal BY PIPE INC., OR APPROVED EQUAL. LADCERSE ATTACHED 10 SHALL es ATTApIED 1O MANIOLE MAX. PIPE SZE -'C CONCRETE SHELF PRECAST SASE SECTION OR CAST IN s+ELr. SECTIONS MC NS -A . A RJNNING F 3/4 OF ME *9RM DIAMETER OF THE LNhr l PAN:.. 0E USING GPK ADAPIMR, KOR -N -SEAN B M OR EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6" AND A MARMWM OF 12" WNMUN Y M WIER CONCRETE NNW PM AT GRADE. ALL MRECTIONS TO MATCH PAVING PUBLIC WORKS MD. no - 4901 DEPARTUM *T *MrrA" IWAMHOI:E -- 9EP1'tlfBWR 2011 6'DULDN, MWER 22 �I BUIXDWG. SEVER W WIN W. SSE OJT(ET I IR'XB'XB" WY `2 4" STUD MARNIIC POST, PANIL[ It SURFACE OFAN'JU1 MTIi M44111 VIP, `PE L -snR - SAN B r"'RCN RNG a WvTR IN,J" HI ARWNp 1 ANAMC s (EASr Mal nW MAL pnNDED 10 11E 11P Gr THE STUD %l5 di APYH AN EWA SPECIFY 'SETTER' ON LO. 6" fY't swH i,Ml n.,tGN: SE'IRf ST' PLAN W}I FOR WSTAWTW) ACCEPT1 PROCEDURES FOR SDF ISR COM%CWONS TO MAIN LRe6 AN AS MLOA6: A MTRNIED WY MAN - WT IN A NEW ICE Woo nE1tlaLE OPUNOR (Few-co OR ANADVR, MAO. S. CONCRETE MAIN - C E -DINUED MIX A RWAC SADDLE (OR APPROKD EWAy. C. PVC MAN - COTE -DRUED WIN A RWAC SADDLE (OR APPROVE) EQUAL) OR WT IN A NEW TEE USNG ARID Ms uiiOS O. OUCMF MW MAIN - CORE- DRILLED MIN A RWAC SADMF (OR MPR(IKD EQUAL) F. MANHOLE QOYNECIOY - AL CINNECDCNS TO M INOLES a L BE Al WANWFACARED FNOCK -MIS.W THE STRUCTURE SULLL FIE OGK-D111LE). O CN N MIX p OCRE E BLOCKNG q5 1 __ B" SIDE WT.ET TEE SEVER 8" MIN. MAIN CGUf2RFTF a aa(INr.��,E OF TEE. AT MAN OWR 2A DLVADMI IRON PIPE. t p?VM 0L O _ 2R.MW SUCK h(NIZOWTAL - WEA MAN TYPICAL nNE SEWEn fICYAPON UN& OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN, SIDE SEWER SHALL HAVE A MNWULM 2.5' COVER AT PROPERTY LNE OR 3-S' LOWER MIN THE LOMEST HOUSE ELEVATION. WtNEVER IS AWER. �Yael� PUBLIC WORKS MAID rN�>Nl w' MM - 4*U 1��� DKPARTMKNT INSTALLAmnom (INIWY6t trA' iIN TO Pneoust Y Meta) SEPTEMBER 2011 SOLTHOLES - 3 PLCS EQUALLY SPACED 120' APART IN 23 I /16' (596nh) DIP B.C. (SEE DETAIL) COVERDOTTM VIEW COVER 6 FRAME PLAN VIEW (3) OLT SOC . (ALLEN HEAD) [l9m] J1 J1. RUBBER WASHER 8 3/4'A 1 2 1/2' ES22.3 - (64nn3 TYP COVER SECTION VIEW EON BOLTING DETAIL ` [6 'IA A�- - [27m] l f2tT W .ET I M5 /e' 23 3/B' DIA CL DPEN ns.HT = • -,) GASKET G DETAIL �_ 1DIA NOTES: FRAME SECTION VIEW 1. JORDAN EON SHALL BE LONON13717C P R EEWAL. 2. USE FRAME AND DOVER FOR STORM (SPECIFY "DRAIN" ON COVER), SANITARY (SPECIFY "SEWER "), OR WATER (SPECIFY "WATER'). SID. PIM - 401 MANHOLE ritumm AND comil - MARCH 2000 W (SEE NOTE 4) BEDDING MATERIAL FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE (SEE NOTE 6) -\ FOUNDATION LEVEL LIMITS OF PIPE ZONE OF PIPE BEDDING FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE NOTES: 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES, 3. COMPACT BEDDING MATERIAL TO 95% MAX. DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE. HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. SEE "EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION OF TRENCH'. N ME SANITARY SEWER SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH W07H "W' AND TRENCHING OPTIONS. THE PIPE ZONE WILL BE THE ACTUAL TRENCH WIDTH. 5. TRENCH BACKFlLL SHALL CONFORM TO "BACKFIWNG° IN THE SANITARY SEWER SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, EXCEPT THAT ROCKS OR LUMPS LARGER THAN 1" PER FOOT OF PIPE DIAMETER SHALL NOT BE USED IN THE BACKFlLL MATERIAL. S. PIPE ZONE MATERIAL SHALL BE "GRAVEL BACKFlLL FOR DRAINS" AS SPECIFIED IN THE AGGREGATES SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 7. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS 70 ENSURE FLOW LOVE IS MAINTAINED. PUBLIC WORKS PIPE YEDDINO DEPARTMENT FOR SANITARY SINMRSr CONSULTING ENGINEERS LLC � � 0 1 FIRST SUBMITTAL WARNING: ® """"eotl I • I ®ICI 1 SECOND SUBMITD PPool Way, WAllag09 g� 2 MYLAR SUBMITTAL THE UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN N°" Will www.eemoivit.com ,,,®,,,W b'� ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. DEPTH UNKNOWN. CALL 1 -800- 424 -5555. ESM JOB #1352- 006 -007 W NO. Sao. PLim - 406 MARCH 2008 REVISION RECESSED UPT POCKET %° - 11 N.C. SOCKET HD 2" AC. SCREW 1 r LONG (BRONZE OR S.S.) 14' X 2' RAISED PADS 6" CONCRETE \ CLASS 300D `EWER JOINT PACKING 12 Y4° "k-WATER TIGHT le PLUG 2" is' r 1 46 (1/8) KW O I 1 + 2° 1 % + a° 41 + 2° + iP 12 Y4" I4 DIVE CAST IRON RING- AND COVER tVS' PIPE MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER PLUG 70 BE SEALED IN SAME MANNER AS MAN SEWER JOINTS. NOTES! 1. B° CLEANWTS SHALL M EAST JORDAN IRON WOWS. INC. Nor. 3688 OR EWAL. CLEAN OUT SHALL BE A WATER TIGHT ASSEMBLY. 2 IN UNIMPROVED AREAS, POUR A i' -0- THICK, 2' -0" SWINE CONCRETE, CLASS 300(1, PAD AROUND ME RING MID COWER. BID. PLAN - 408.1 • - + PUBLIC R09ABIfT 6 OR 6 INCH CLLGAN -IDUT -- ._.. MARCH moo Utility Specifications Sanitary Sewer Notes and Specifications THESE NOTES SHALL APPEAR ON PROJECTS FOR THE WASTEWATER UTILITY. 1. All work and work material shall be In ODnfamtMM With the standards and 5pedli®dorls of the City of Renton PlannlrgjBuilding/,PIA is Works Deparhnent and rite latest edition of the WSDOT/APWA Standards and SpeURradarls, as approved and modified by the City of Renton In the Renton Standard Plans & Specifications. A set of approved plans shall be kept on site at all times during construction. 2. The hours of work In the street right of way shall be per City speciReations on weekdays unless otherwise approved in writing by the Pla ming/ Ing,'Public Woes Department. An approved tragic control plan must be obtained prior to beginning any work within pubic right of way. 3. All locations of existing utilities shown are approximate and it shall be the mMractor s responsibility to verity the true and correct to alken an as to avoid damage or disturbance. 4. A pre - construction conference and a 24 hour notice shall be regWred prior to stmHng new construction. It shall be the contraloDOr's responaNkLy to seMlre all necessary permits prior to starting construction. (Inspection will be accomplished by a mpmA3entadve of the City of Renton.) It shall be the contr idoes responsibility to nody, the Public Works Inspector 24 hours in advance of backBlgng all awstnmmDn. S. Contractor is solely responsible (or the means, methods and sequences of construction and for the safety of workers and otters on the CDnsbuMm see. 6. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain street use and any other related permts prior to any construction. 7. Plans approved by the City of Renton, PUNIC Works DepartmeR shaN take precedence over all other plans. S. A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is In progress. 9. The Contractor shag provide the City of Renton with an as -bulk drawing of the sanitary sewer system, which has been stamped and signed by licensed proNsOm d engineer or licensed professional surveyor. 10. Bat"! shall be placed equally on both sides of the pits In layers with a loose average depth of 6 inches, maximum depth of 8 Inches, thoroughly tamping each layer to 95 percent of mapmtum density. These compacted layers must edend for ale pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or to the side of the trench. NataMk tD.compkte the fill over pipe shah be the same as described. 11. Open at road crossings for utility benches on existing traveled roadway shall be badfillel with cashed rock and mechanically compacted unless otherwise approved by 12. Datum for Vertical Control shall be worth American Vertical Datum 1968 Metes, and for Horizontal Control shah be North Arnedian Datum 1983 /1991 Meters unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton Pubic Works Department. Reference benchmark and elevations are noted on the plans. 13. AN disturbed areas stall be sealed and mulched a otherwise stabilized to the satisfaction of the Depeftmmt for the prevents of on-sdae emsion after the completion Of construction. 14. All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared foundatkm in accordance with the standards and specifications of the City Of Renton Plaoning/BulldhVilublic Works Deportment and the latest edition of the WSDOT /APWA Standards and Specifications, as approved and modified by the City of Renton In the Renton Standard Plans B SpecficabC . This shall include nary leveling of the trench bottom or the top of the foundation material, as well as plaaertert and compaction of required bedding material, to uniform grade so that the entire lengi l of the pipe will be supported on a uniformly dense, unyielding base. Pipe bedding shad be pea gravel 6 inches above and below the pipe. 15. Sanitary sewer pipe shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rubber gaskehed ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, or ductile iron class 50, unless.othervflse approved by the Wastewater Utility, 16. In unimproved areas, manhole to exted maxmum 6 inches and maximum 12 inches above finished grade a must have minimum V diameter concrete ring pound at glade. In paved area, Cover must slope In all directions to match paving. 5- 362129 CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS M _ /18/12 suRYLVEU sGNe o WARM A N0�1/1R2, HERITAGE PLAT M 12513 wa CITY OF M 1/213/1' dMWx: N R EN TON SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION PHASE 2 PMD OIL ATATWI_ - - - -OT WE N DATUM Planning/Building/Public Works De t SANITARY SEWER DETAILS ss -up Wm(m: P AN IF NY( WE Ndl BY DATE APPR ARRINN Q� 9M E ArmDINMY 13 15 'A' 'C' 'O' 48 VH 48" 13' MN. 5'MN 24" MIN. 21 G. 1 511 MH i 5 V_ 9 MIN. 5.3 MIN. 1 21F MIN. DF I.D. MEI ] 60 " -re- MIN. 6° MN 42- MIN 3D tQ SECTIONS MC NS -A . A RJNNING F 3/4 OF ME *9RM DIAMETER OF THE LNhr l PAN:.. 0E USING GPK ADAPIMR, KOR -N -SEAN B M OR EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6" AND A MARMWM OF 12" WNMUN Y M WIER CONCRETE NNW PM AT GRADE. ALL MRECTIONS TO MATCH PAVING PUBLIC WORKS MD. no - 4901 DEPARTUM *T *MrrA" IWAMHOI:E -- 9EP1'tlfBWR 2011 6'DULDN, MWER 22 �I BUIXDWG. SEVER W WIN W. SSE OJT(ET I IR'XB'XB" WY `2 4" STUD MARNIIC POST, PANIL[ It SURFACE OFAN'JU1 MTIi M44111 VIP, `PE L -snR - SAN B r"'RCN RNG a WvTR IN,J" HI ARWNp 1 ANAMC s (EASr Mal nW MAL pnNDED 10 11E 11P Gr THE STUD %l5 di APYH AN EWA SPECIFY 'SETTER' ON LO. 6" fY't swH i,Ml n.,tGN: SE'IRf ST' PLAN W}I FOR WSTAWTW) ACCEPT1 PROCEDURES FOR SDF ISR COM%CWONS TO MAIN LRe6 AN AS MLOA6: A MTRNIED WY MAN - WT IN A NEW ICE Woo nE1tlaLE OPUNOR (Few-co OR ANADVR, MAO. S. CONCRETE MAIN - C E -DINUED MIX A RWAC SADDLE (OR APPROKD EWAy. C. PVC MAN - COTE -DRUED WIN A RWAC SADDLE (OR APPROVE) EQUAL) OR WT IN A NEW TEE USNG ARID Ms uiiOS O. OUCMF MW MAIN - CORE- DRILLED MIN A RWAC SADMF (OR MPR(IKD EQUAL) F. MANHOLE QOYNECIOY - AL CINNECDCNS TO M INOLES a L BE Al WANWFACARED FNOCK -MIS.W THE STRUCTURE SULLL FIE OGK-D111LE). O CN N MIX p OCRE E BLOCKNG q5 1 __ B" SIDE WT.ET TEE SEVER 8" MIN. MAIN CGUf2RFTF a aa(INr.��,E OF TEE. AT MAN OWR 2A DLVADMI IRON PIPE. t p?VM 0L O _ 2R.MW SUCK h(NIZOWTAL - WEA MAN TYPICAL nNE SEWEn fICYAPON UN& OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN, SIDE SEWER SHALL HAVE A MNWULM 2.5' COVER AT PROPERTY LNE OR 3-S' LOWER MIN THE LOMEST HOUSE ELEVATION. WtNEVER IS AWER. �Yael� PUBLIC WORKS MAID rN�>Nl w' MM - 4*U 1��� DKPARTMKNT INSTALLAmnom (INIWY6t trA' iIN TO Pneoust Y Meta) SEPTEMBER 2011 SOLTHOLES - 3 PLCS EQUALLY SPACED 120' APART IN 23 I /16' (596nh) DIP B.C. (SEE DETAIL) COVERDOTTM VIEW COVER 6 FRAME PLAN VIEW (3) OLT SOC . (ALLEN HEAD) [l9m] J1 J1. RUBBER WASHER 8 3/4'A 1 2 1/2' ES22.3 - (64nn3 TYP COVER SECTION VIEW EON BOLTING DETAIL ` [6 'IA A�- - [27m] l f2tT W .ET I M5 /e' 23 3/B' DIA CL DPEN ns.HT = • -,) GASKET G DETAIL �_ 1DIA NOTES: FRAME SECTION VIEW 1. JORDAN EON SHALL BE LONON13717C P R EEWAL. 2. USE FRAME AND DOVER FOR STORM (SPECIFY "DRAIN" ON COVER), SANITARY (SPECIFY "SEWER "), OR WATER (SPECIFY "WATER'). SID. PIM - 401 MANHOLE ritumm AND comil - MARCH 2000 W (SEE NOTE 4) BEDDING MATERIAL FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE (SEE NOTE 6) -\ FOUNDATION LEVEL LIMITS OF PIPE ZONE OF PIPE BEDDING FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE NOTES: 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES, 3. COMPACT BEDDING MATERIAL TO 95% MAX. DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE. HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. SEE "EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION OF TRENCH'. N ME SANITARY SEWER SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH W07H "W' AND TRENCHING OPTIONS. THE PIPE ZONE WILL BE THE ACTUAL TRENCH WIDTH. 5. TRENCH BACKFlLL SHALL CONFORM TO "BACKFIWNG° IN THE SANITARY SEWER SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, EXCEPT THAT ROCKS OR LUMPS LARGER THAN 1" PER FOOT OF PIPE DIAMETER SHALL NOT BE USED IN THE BACKFlLL MATERIAL. S. PIPE ZONE MATERIAL SHALL BE "GRAVEL BACKFlLL FOR DRAINS" AS SPECIFIED IN THE AGGREGATES SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 7. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS 70 ENSURE FLOW LOVE IS MAINTAINED. PUBLIC WORKS PIPE YEDDINO DEPARTMENT FOR SANITARY SINMRSr CONSULTING ENGINEERS LLC � � 0 1 FIRST SUBMITTAL WARNING: ® """"eotl I • I ®ICI 1 SECOND SUBMITD PPool Way, WAllag09 g� 2 MYLAR SUBMITTAL THE UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN N°" Will www.eemoivit.com ,,,®,,,W b'� ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. DEPTH UNKNOWN. CALL 1 -800- 424 -5555. ESM JOB #1352- 006 -007 W NO. Sao. PLim - 406 MARCH 2008 REVISION RECESSED UPT POCKET %° - 11 N.C. SOCKET HD 2" AC. SCREW 1 r LONG (BRONZE OR S.S.) 14' X 2' RAISED PADS 6" CONCRETE \ CLASS 300D `EWER JOINT PACKING 12 Y4° "k-WATER TIGHT le PLUG 2" is' r 1 46 (1/8) KW O I 1 + 2° 1 % + a° 41 + 2° + iP 12 Y4" I4 DIVE CAST IRON RING- AND COVER tVS' PIPE MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER PLUG 70 BE SEALED IN SAME MANNER AS MAN SEWER JOINTS. NOTES! 1. B° CLEANWTS SHALL M EAST JORDAN IRON WOWS. INC. Nor. 3688 OR EWAL. CLEAN OUT SHALL BE A WATER TIGHT ASSEMBLY. 2 IN UNIMPROVED AREAS, POUR A i' -0- THICK, 2' -0" SWINE CONCRETE, CLASS 300(1, PAD AROUND ME RING MID COWER. BID. PLAN - 408.1 • - + PUBLIC R09ABIfT 6 OR 6 INCH CLLGAN -IDUT -- ._.. MARCH moo Utility Specifications Sanitary Sewer Notes and Specifications THESE NOTES SHALL APPEAR ON PROJECTS FOR THE WASTEWATER UTILITY. 1. All work and work material shall be In ODnfamtMM With the standards and 5pedli®dorls of the City of Renton PlannlrgjBuilding/,PIA is Works Deparhnent and rite latest edition of the WSDOT/APWA Standards and SpeURradarls, as approved and modified by the City of Renton In the Renton Standard Plans & Specifications. A set of approved plans shall be kept on site at all times during construction. 2. The hours of work In the street right of way shall be per City speciReations on weekdays unless otherwise approved in writing by the Pla ming/ Ing,'Public Woes Department. An approved tragic control plan must be obtained prior to beginning any work within pubic right of way. 3. All locations of existing utilities shown are approximate and it shall be the mMractor s responsibility to verity the true and correct to alken an as to avoid damage or disturbance. 4. A pre - construction conference and a 24 hour notice shall be regWred prior to stmHng new construction. It shall be the contraloDOr's responaNkLy to seMlre all necessary permits prior to starting construction. (Inspection will be accomplished by a mpmA3entadve of the City of Renton.) It shall be the contr idoes responsibility to nody, the Public Works Inspector 24 hours in advance of backBlgng all awstnmmDn. S. Contractor is solely responsible (or the means, methods and sequences of construction and for the safety of workers and otters on the CDnsbuMm see. 6. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain street use and any other related permts prior to any construction. 7. Plans approved by the City of Renton, PUNIC Works DepartmeR shaN take precedence over all other plans. S. A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is In progress. 9. The Contractor shag provide the City of Renton with an as -bulk drawing of the sanitary sewer system, which has been stamped and signed by licensed proNsOm d engineer or licensed professional surveyor. 10. Bat"! shall be placed equally on both sides of the pits In layers with a loose average depth of 6 inches, maximum depth of 8 Inches, thoroughly tamping each layer to 95 percent of mapmtum density. These compacted layers must edend for ale pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or to the side of the trench. NataMk tD.compkte the fill over pipe shah be the same as described. 11. Open at road crossings for utility benches on existing traveled roadway shall be badfillel with cashed rock and mechanically compacted unless otherwise approved by 12. Datum for Vertical Control shall be worth American Vertical Datum 1968 Metes, and for Horizontal Control shah be North Arnedian Datum 1983 /1991 Meters unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton Pubic Works Department. Reference benchmark and elevations are noted on the plans. 13. AN disturbed areas stall be sealed and mulched a otherwise stabilized to the satisfaction of the Depeftmmt for the prevents of on-sdae emsion after the completion Of construction. 14. All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared foundatkm in accordance with the standards and specifications of the City Of Renton Plaoning/BulldhVilublic Works Deportment and the latest edition of the WSDOT /APWA Standards and Specifications, as approved and modified by the City of Renton In the Renton Standard Plans B SpecficabC . This shall include nary leveling of the trench bottom or the top of the foundation material, as well as plaaertert and compaction of required bedding material, to uniform grade so that the entire lengi l of the pipe will be supported on a uniformly dense, unyielding base. Pipe bedding shad be pea gravel 6 inches above and below the pipe. 15. Sanitary sewer pipe shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rubber gaskehed ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, or ductile iron class 50, unless.othervflse approved by the Wastewater Utility, 16. In unimproved areas, manhole to exted maxmum 6 inches and maximum 12 inches above finished grade a must have minimum V diameter concrete ring pound at glade. In paved area, Cover must slope In all directions to match paving. 5- 362129 CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS M _ /18/12 suRYLVEU sGNe o WARM A N0�1/1R2, HERITAGE PLAT M 12513 wa CITY OF M 1/213/1' dMWx: N R EN TON SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION PHASE 2 PMD OIL ATATWI_ - - - -OT WE N DATUM Planning/Building/Public Works De t SANITARY SEWER DETAILS ss -up Wm(m: P AN IF NY( WE Ndl BY DATE APPR ARRINN Q� 9M E ArmDINMY 13 15