HomeMy WebLinkAboutT-192202.0 mi SIGNAL HEADS CA /2" 3,1,5� 6,7,e PEDESTRIAN HEADS ,9 , 1,1,11,12,13.16 v e L fli- 0 A 15&, SIGNAL PHASING JO/ 02 09 Nw l° 0/1 605-dW Ave. IV SEQUENCE DIAGRAM phase Aiwds < Cr a 1 > W Ir 0 Ir CL "4 017 QQ 2 -3 4 5 6 5R R-e - ellpt 718 A R R R R R G R 2 S,6 ,4 R R G A 9 R R 6 Real FN N A/ H V N A/ /-9, /-"1 4, Aq Ll I I A/ H w CO 00 In X M< z E5 w LU M E5 m 0 LLJ ODLL < Z W W z 3: 3cD ui w J� - k 9 �q g r P n G A H DEN N-0 C F, ---------- - OZF 17 . ..... 47 7 z 7 IN -------- 05 3 7. 7 7 9 1'\ 1 1; A . .. . ...... .............. - - -------- ---------- - ------- T 4 P L A p-1 ::I- v rp -v CO (K) N7K z 8 m CONDUIT & WIRING �SCHEDULE 7 CONSTRUCTION NOTES CD co, U) Run MO. C017014117, Size Wire Size llntall Ga1v. Steel Slgl7al POle Tj,,0e F I Allth 37" Mast A-lnj Two kehlcle 51qnal,41eads lVfq Type 'Z',w/th Square 900ts, /0 5" Back Plates and ralwel 1,-Isols, 7"- Pedestrian Signal Heads M719. 7Poe -',4' and Trio Aeqes/,--1&o 4) Rush gutfO17S AlMh 06 1 51_q175. stall 200 Wall 5. V Ze1)77i17a4-e 35'1Yoe1,?-11,?g AY- 5ee Spec PI-owslons, 9e?4all 517eetS a17O` Std. = Ald,7S. 0 Q ect) 0 1126/all 17&6dp191P lgib-eAhle "IfI171h 70-10 R-OdeS111917 Sl�wallleads. MfP. Type Vey;i2d;75w ARIdL 13 m 0 06 -rnstall Gclil:� SA--el Sigwal Pole 7-, 'M 451 Mast 4rm • j Two Yel?X�le sl voe F-1 A// _�,nal meads Mtg. Type '1-' Al/M Squqt-e ZIC 5171d) 5'Back Plates and Tunnel VX5ors, 017e Pedestrian 51g'17a1'Aeqa1 IV7' w _q. Type e 'a and One PeOe57-rIC/7 oush Button N 67'11 5r Sr4. 4,- 47.25 141i;112 Signs- install 200 M71,1 5. // Zaminalre 35' Mounting W. see spec. A-oi-1s16)?s, 51�eefs 17/70( Std. Plans. 5 Ile GWRO,�Al A ME 5 TA. 13 23. 70 i i, 04 Z175i'all Oalv: Steel S/ 30'11-lasl-A-177, Zwo "M17 Square Doors, Signal Pole Type E-i Allth I-Iehl;fle 5/��7�/ 116'00.'5! Mtg. &,Oe 'L' Av 6 2", 5171d.), (2 -#8 .5e,-w,ce, z - #6 z 1912;,'Ing,) 5',Oack Plates and Tunnel Visors, C�ie Pedestrian S1 -lead, Mtg. T e 0170' 0,7e Aedesto-la,7. PU54 3U7'yLon AIIA5� Type Signs. Install 200 1W,7& 5- 1/ Z 61MfnCire 35' I-10antIng �� See spec. Provisions, Detail 517eets a/7& Plans. 7 3 �2' (2-51C, 1-31C ShId.), (?-#6) ? Instal/ Evergelwy VeIM71e aptIcal Detector. see soec Provisions, De/all Sheet and Sld. Plans. ui A-9 3'1, Z& (5-51C, I-9 1c Sh1d, 1-31c sl?ld-), (1-6 Pr. 11C, 4-21C,5171ol, 0- 06) LLJ 9 3fl, /�/k# 11751'all Controller and Controller Cabinet 7y-pe on Ralsv& Concrete See 5,vec. Proi-lslOns, DM7/1'� F- (f - 51C, 31C sh Id.), 5heets and Std Plans z 3", 20 (5 -5 /c, 5 -2 /C Sh Id.), 6 Pr- 11C #6) LLJ Install 6',r 6' Z17&1&ion Loop Oetector. See Spec. 101-ows1oas, OeAail Sheets and S te 2 F- 2" 0 - 6 1r 5171d. Znlercopneci) Ld to > Instal! 7jlDe 'B' Cowcl-ete LTZ117clfloI7 Box. See Spec. Plvfllslaos, Detail S17eefs and Std Plans- 0 _j a- Z,-7.5tG11 Type 'C'ConCl-ete ,rt//7C/-/0/7 BOX. See 5,0eC RI-Owsl'ol?s, Detail 512eets awal Std. Plans. C(5 113\ 3 (3- 51C), z 0 A14 3- (3 - 51C, 0 - OIC ShId.), (Z - 0,9) 117-5tall Pole IVO(117/ed Terminal Box (16-x 133&1'x 5y8'). See Spec. PI-0111,51017S, Oel`011 512eel'S M701 SAY PIO,-7S - "J, p 41 N D < 3 0// h-lecA-ical See-vice Rolhf AAOO'/�Y' ZXI�5M7 a ev-y < z Li (4 - 51C) 4ddII7 q EleC-1,171C / 5 / e y g a 40.4177p, 240 1/, 2P Street ZI�Oting Sub - breaAer and 30 240 240 Y- CootqcAor axid 4dding a 40�,dnp, Ld I /90 1///,0 S/ _q17a/ Yub-breaker.! Coo,-a'117a/e AIM12 061get S00n&,OO1Wer 0170'Zlgh,L 7001-: C017nd-CflOn Reqtlll-&77&27,�s. !Z O SpIlce 1�7710 Existin COO,-Cf1*,17a/e or A//M Cl 1 of Renton firaff Ic _q Interconnect Cable! Existlng -TelnctloI7 ox fy 0 i Engineering. Lu w gRelocate: 'Ev :57'1�71 -e a �,fandal-d to sta /Z 00 20 Rt 31-eak 1n1,O Existing Street q &-InYnal) 17d .1, : " i 4 19b, ng cl�rcqlf Conduit A 3'13 3 (7 -51C) , (5 - e1C S171d, 2-31C Shlol), *8 ServIce, I - 6,01- Interconnect) Rem A0 A-011iOie AOAle,-.� Install 6rvnction Box Type /v2 ; A2 21C 5171d), rZ - #6 Service, Z - #a G fighting) :21 9dll-Styl- Zlq Stwda,d 101h: e00 PVelt IP&arIbw Vapa,avp, 35' Mounting Height. (3 - #O Service Re/77011e EX. 3 - #6 Install Cell-b RaMD. 5ee 5/Abl. P-atails. fo 0 20 40 60 eo �N w WNUON� �22 EX. z Scale irn Feet I AL I 1I -__ < Cr a CO w 0 > W Ir 0 Ir CL AF -�Z QQ F - k 9 �q g r P n G A H DEN N-0 C F, ---------- - OZF 17 . ..... 47 7 z 7 IN -------- 05 3 7. 7 7 9 1'\ 1 1; A . .. . ...... .............. - - -------- ---------- - ------- T 4 P L A p-1 ::I- v rp -v CO (K) N7K z 8 m CONDUIT & WIRING �SCHEDULE 7 CONSTRUCTION NOTES CD co, U) Run MO. C017014117, Size Wire Size llntall Ga1v. Steel Slgl7al POle Tj,,0e F I Allth 37" Mast A-lnj Two kehlcle 51qnal,41eads lVfq Type 'Z',w/th Square 900ts, /0 5" Back Plates and ralwel 1,-Isols, 7"- Pedestrian Signal Heads M719. 7Poe -',4' and Trio Aeqes/,--1&o 4) Rush gutfO17S AlMh 06 1 51_q175. stall 200 Wall 5. V Ze1)77i17a4-e 35'1Yoe1,?-11,?g AY- 5ee Spec PI-owslons, 9e?4all 517eetS a17O` Std. = Ald,7S. 0 Q ect) 0 1126/all 17&6dp191P lgib-eAhle "IfI171h 70-10 R-OdeS111917 Sl�wallleads. MfP. Type Vey;i2d;75w ARIdL 13 m 0 06 -rnstall Gclil:� SA--el Sigwal Pole 7-, 'M 451 Mast 4rm • j Two Yel?X�le sl voe F-1 A// _�,nal meads Mtg. Type '1-' Al/M Squqt-e ZIC 5171d) 5'Back Plates and Tunnel VX5ors, 017e Pedestrian 51g'17a1'Aeqa1 IV7' w _q. Type e 'a and One PeOe57-rIC/7 oush Button N 67'11 5r Sr4. 4,- 47.25 141i;112 Signs- install 200 M71,1 5. // Zaminalre 35' Mounting W. see spec. A-oi-1s16)?s, 51�eefs 17/70( Std. Plans. 5 Ile GWRO,�Al A ME 5 TA. 13 23. 70 i i, 04 Z175i'all Oalv: Steel S/ 30'11-lasl-A-177, Zwo "M17 Square Doors, Signal Pole Type E-i Allth I-Iehl;fle 5/��7�/ 116'00.'5! Mtg. &,Oe 'L' Av 6 2", 5171d.), (2 -#8 .5e,-w,ce, z - #6 z 1912;,'Ing,) 5',Oack Plates and Tunnel Visors, C�ie Pedestrian S1 -lead, Mtg. T e 0170' 0,7e Aedesto-la,7. PU54 3U7'yLon AIIA5� Type Signs. Install 200 1W,7& 5- 1/ Z 61MfnCire 35' I-10antIng �� See spec. Provisions, Detail 517eets a/7& Plans. 7 3 �2' (2-51C, 1-31C ShId.), (?-#6) ? Instal/ Evergelwy VeIM71e aptIcal Detector. see soec Provisions, De/all Sheet and Sld. Plans. ui A-9 3'1, Z& (5-51C, I-9 1c Sh1d, 1-31c sl?ld-), (1-6 Pr. 11C, 4-21C,5171ol, 0- 06) LLJ 9 3fl, /�/k# 11751'all Controller and Controller Cabinet 7y-pe on Ralsv& Concrete See 5,vec. Proi-lslOns, DM7/1'� F- (f - 51C, 31C sh Id.), 5heets and Std Plans z 3", 20 (5 -5 /c, 5 -2 /C Sh Id.), 6 Pr- 11C #6) LLJ Install 6',r 6' Z17&1&ion Loop Oetector. See Spec. 101-ows1oas, OeAail Sheets and S te 2 F- 2" 0 - 6 1r 5171d. Znlercopneci) Ld to > Instal! 7jlDe 'B' Cowcl-ete LTZ117clfloI7 Box. See Spec. Plvfllslaos, Detail S17eefs and Std Plans- 0 _j a- Z,-7.5tG11 Type 'C'ConCl-ete ,rt//7C/-/0/7 BOX. See 5,0eC RI-Owsl'ol?s, Detail 512eets awal Std. Plans. C(5 113\ 3 (3- 51C), z 0 A14 3- (3 - 51C, 0 - OIC ShId.), (Z - 0,9) 117-5tall Pole IVO(117/ed Terminal Box (16-x 133&1'x 5y8'). See Spec. PI-0111,51017S, Oel`011 512eel'S M701 SAY PIO,-7S - "J, p 41 N D < 3 0// h-lecA-ical See-vice Rolhf AAOO'/�Y' ZXI�5M7 a ev-y < z Li (4 - 51C) 4ddII7 q EleC-1,171C / 5 / e y g a 40.4177p, 240 1/, 2P Street ZI�Oting Sub - breaAer and 30 240 240 Y- CootqcAor axid 4dding a 40�,dnp, Ld I /90 1///,0 S/ _q17a/ Yub-breaker.! Coo,-a'117a/e AIM12 061get S00n&,OO1Wer 0170'Zlgh,L 7001-: C017nd-CflOn Reqtlll-&77&27,�s. !Z O SpIlce 1�7710 Existin COO,-Cf1*,17a/e or A//M Cl 1 of Renton firaff Ic _q Interconnect Cable! Existlng -TelnctloI7 ox fy 0 i Engineering. Lu w gRelocate: 'Ev :57'1�71 -e a �,fandal-d to sta /Z 00 20 Rt 31-eak 1n1,O Existing Street q &-InYnal) 17d .1, : " i 4 19b, ng cl�rcqlf Conduit A 3'13 3 (7 -51C) , (5 - e1C S171d, 2-31C Shlol), *8 ServIce, I - 6,01- Interconnect) Rem A0 A-011iOie AOAle,-.� Install 6rvnction Box Type /v2 ; A2 21C 5171d), rZ - #6 Service, Z - #a G fighting) :21 9dll-Styl- Zlq Stwda,d 101h: e00 PVelt IP&arIbw Vapa,avp, 35' Mounting Height. (3 - #O Service Re/77011e EX. 3 - #6 Install Cell-b RaMD. 5ee 5/Abl. P-atails. fo 0 20 40 60 eo �N w WNUON� �22 EX. z Scale irn Feet I AL I 1I -__