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APPROVED- 7;�EET �7.F1. 1 ' 47 46 PLAT OF VICTORIA PARK No 48 / � lz 4. 4 49 /A// ;_7 S /2 " Gate Kalve Y/G, 9123 TALBOT ROAD C' wo fell L in e 13, PLAT i F TALBOT CREST i WI 5 'Cl d/opt/ 09, �b 13,16 l Ix. 6 I llc-ofe ilal�e VC TORIA PARK NO / 47 46 PLAT OF VICTORIA PARK No 48 / � lz 4. 4 49 /A// ;_7 S /2 " Gate Kalve Y/G, 9123 TALBOT ROAD C' wo fell L in e 13, PLAT i F TALBOT CREST i WI 5 'Cl d/opt/ 09, �b 13,16 l Ix. 6 I llc-ofe ilal�e VC TORIA PARK NO / ID IJS.J" � 4 � _ � W �__'.,�` _a • •� � �, : �� a ,', � 11YY ■ ,� s� � It+ i�iiiwiYee■iiiiiiiiiii �l�iiii a ®�i ®i���i s�wl�i�ee� iiiii i —wl w� i . iii iiiii iii �iiieeeiee iiiiwee®■♦0® ®ii iiiieeeeeliiii eeeesieee�!®�iieoeeeeesi iiwiiii i�Zle i��s iieeeeliiiieeeee�i�ieeeesi� ii iiiii iii i����i= i i i iiii i�iiwl��1�yr�i��iiwiwiiii wi■leli� iiie�w i�wiwi�Yliiiii�ww��e�ww�� �giis�ii �� ��i Y�1 ����ie�'e��■ s■ ®�i�_- ®_■ = ��iee�. ■® ���es�� s_i_e�� eeeee�i_> iiii�� reloar■ �. �r■ eee��si _eeeee�ti�errreeeesi_irrrr�_i � i�i�eeeee� �� ++— ==! _�tl�®l �'� ��•pI ®iiiiiii� ii�ii�w � eeelTeelirlie �i�siees�is�asi!• lillei�s iii �i� ���ee0•lr ieeeelsrefeeee ��IYellYtli� •ieeeeerieeelle�asiee�r�ii�i� iiiiii N,>1la•.iiii ear == �Irei� iiiii e�■�.tr >_�= lT-' i� i�� M=■ iw i �ieeesl ieYeele�lYe�ie�i L IYS =` isee i L�r:�i �_ erteel i i � iiie7re iii::e eeslre eesl ®Il�I. reOelriaeee i ®ieeeel � i ,Y '� riiw = =w���■IY■eYee ii =' i�eeeeeell�e��eersY■ 'I == ii i.:��i�■ii � Res/ e �� Y■tleeellY�lY� +Y�IY�leeee!�iii Y�i iYS� Yew ®.■■� neHYii sir.■usiii ii�Jee i.iYr�ee_i ®1 `It arr�r■ ®1 I�islsls���I■e�i_ii_rasi_w_� iii i�wlll�l•i Y■al�r�� IY�71eil1i�Y- 11��� ■ ■�i ■�� — ��1�'tl�iee�� �1'i��i a��°1����0■nii®°� ®— �. °��i�i�i s'eiies �sTi��iwcie�iiw i �i__ — iY►1t11'�iii�i� ei� i �'��l��i■ii�� �ii as IYOI!!�IYe�i Yf'a\.eeee+(elltl■�ieifCli� Yet ii iii iir�41YS1 — e1�1�elbel� ✓ll 1 ii �:7 YrJ ■i �i '- Ir��I �L�iil4t ��i i■r'lwi�Ye\a'iYt7 �.� ®iii r'�JrSl1fY. 1 -tr� � �iiiwi�3i`Yiw iiii iwbt�i� i i i�IIQ iiRVr!r!•1e11, IeeeeiTel� =ii lI�� �il�AiG'wiiMl Y��A ■imp• �ir i�■ � iii{ eeeeeeee l Irl 1 Ir�r°ailervL ilriiliielrii��^1e�IE�i 1I�l YVllevITyy��llial =�■i fil two lt�it'ii■lw�i_�� 1:• 11� i �eesil .■e !■!`lse r•i ■F.�_■ilii_i_i ■ ®�iiw�eYlgtl]`7ieYQi ieeeee�iieeeernelCte,Ar3eee�rr eeeetlti4�ll'rlf'I�I.I i1 1e1r�■ii ® ii i� ��i m�aii �iiFli =w =�= i w Iri_Ye�e��r.ir .."fttllllt� —�� ■1 r1y��Q�'•�1 islfliieee�ll ��■ -' ■ ■i.r�ii��� i�7NwlO ■.. ��si ■� �r1 lJ�� YRl1L'r ��� ®ate Yi ■�i • l'tellYlY.C�ll■Ifyrl:�7 1� �j■i►ii �l.a� �ICUl�i� ieeY� Si ■Iii ®i�iw ®�riwii� s.'JIIAi�I# I,rtl, ., I i i�iw�� am =— ii�� _IeLKt7el s IQil`�IGiii ,f��ieeeL'! / ■■.1'�"a ■��_ .. ��■ llf�l�i ieeeee:Jl� � �IL`t �i �1Y1■ IYVl1 1Y�ier�/ 1e�iii�iii ■■]iiYO_wi_7/eL��■Yl'_ii_Ci eesii_YI7Y�1L I�seliiii_eeeee�'�.dr����_ iiiieeet�[I�ile�l■'ar■i_ [eT MI {`Yeti` ■reel�e���9— ��wi_��s Yr��r 111 r �_Ii__ �iii�LYrii�r�Ti �_Y� iwi■>;aiiw_ w R-yr�� ,:• �1= l�l�.w ��eelle���re�F== ®���s —� ■il1w =�_ ���ee■e�fY�l� IY iii i i�— Ye•iwi �OI 4� ■iDS/P ���i=== i =��1= = 'w�1i�e�liMM �� .7rlsOi��.e��_�� i iiii —. -'�- ieeee�i =� iiii 6t i�.srY•i ii Tel l%Ii Noma= ®—``ii i i. iii =am i� O -1 'lls—�:reliiwww IeeOLIrI►�'��i�i�� " '���ii eeeeleeeeeefww!_eeeeeeeeeree� ITie� �® i i_Yl _ wii w �� i i —� i�� �. YsYI •. �i eeeelw i iieeeee�ei�lies�r� —� ds�� —�ii r eeeee� i. �� sYi Y■Il�iir e� wi■r���s �_���_�_ii�_�_iS_��i��� iiiii!• iiw � �_�i_�i�_�_ii� _ a� �lerrr eeeYt reeeelr .fir i� i_i_ ii_i_ i __lleee�e�s>•eeeee�eeeeee�ie�l� _ieeeeiii= ii �i �iw iiiaii� ®iE i iiw wiiiiiii i� M iii ® iiwiw �iMEMME iwi ii iiiiii M ii iii i� =i ®m i�iiwi M==EN ii i iwiwii . s� �e_. Y —Y ®�' ii � __■■ iww �i >_ �eeeeesrlree_ w ��1�� ®i'i■>■�ruelli�i® ®_. i �i����� —i eeeee�YYee iiii ��__�iii_��i i�YSi iii iii�� �i_ a ■�ieeeee�ii� i_i�w__iSi, �i =� 'l � �- ®-- e�a� =��� Y�1 I��i == _�_i_i_eeeee�� i_ —■ �iieeee■Aii�i� ii —i . 'fir �� =am ��YW i�i�liiyi— ��iiiiw �i._ reeertrr� :�ea�. �iw ������ wiiii rre� ii=Bwwiii ==BMW= � iii �i i_i_i�_ eeeee�eeeeee � ■�eeeeeeri�sLe��eerr i —• iiiiiiiiiii� i i iiwiwiw �ee� �i�eee�rise�i iiiii i i w�wiiii il•ees =�i �w �ee��iireeeerle� ii� i eerYi �lis��r erYli�elo_I� i�ii� �i�i ii i �e�eerllrrel��ee�i�re leeee■Iree�l�iY�sr�r� iii�i�ii �ii�iiii yl�iieeeee� ee i ia�iii i r�iri ■r MWiw eYC iii i ssell■r ll�e�r�e��li� ��s■ lTr■iieeee�ii ID IJS.J" ID IJS.J" � 4 � _ � W �__'.,�` _a • •� � �, : �� a ,', � 11YY ■ ,� s� � It+ i�iiiwiYee■iiiiiiiiiii �l�iiii a ®�i ®i���i s�wl�i�ee� iiiii i —wl w� i . iii iiiii iii �iiieeeiee iiiiwee®■♦0® ®ii iiiieeeeeliiii eeeesieee�!®�iieoeeeeesi iiwiiii i�Zle i��s iieeeeliiiieeeee�i�ieeeesi� ii iiiii iii i����i= i i i iiii i�iiwl��1�yr�i��iiwiwiiii wi■leli� iiie�w i�wiwi�Yliiiii�ww��e�ww�� �giis�ii �� ��i Y�1 ����ie�'e��■ s■ ®�i�_- ®_■ = ��iee�. ■® ���es�� s_i_e�� eeeee�i_> iiii�� reloar■ �. �r■ eee��si _eeeee�ti�errreeeesi_irrrr�_i � i�i�eeeee� �� ++— ==! _�tl�®l �'� ��•pI ®iiiiiii� ii�ii�w � eeelTeelirlie �i�siees�is�asi!• lillei�s iii �i� ���ee0•lr ieeeelsrefeeee ��IYellYtli� •ieeeeerieeelle�asiee�r�ii�i� iiiiii N,>1la•.iiii ear == �Irei� iiiii e�■�.tr >_�= lT-' i� i�� M=■ iw i �ieeesl ieYeele�lYe�ie�i L IYS =` isee i L�r:�i �_ erteel i i � iiie7re iii::e eeslre eesl ®Il�I. reOelriaeee i ®ieeeel � i ,Y '� riiw = =w���■IY■eYee ii =' i�eeeeeell�e��eersY■ 'I == ii i.:��i�■ii � Res/ e �� Y■tleeellY�lY� +Y�IY�leeee!�iii Y�i iYS� Yew ®.■■� neHYii sir.■usiii ii�Jee i.iYr�ee_i ®1 `It arr�r■ ®1 I�islsls���I■e�i_ii_rasi_w_� iii i�wlll�l•i Y■al�r�� IY�71eil1i�Y- 11��� ■ ■�i ■�� — ��1�'tl�iee�� �1'i��i a��°1����0■nii®°� ®— �. °��i�i�i s'eiies �sTi��iwcie�iiw i �i__ — iY►1t11'�iii�i� ei� i �'��l��i■ii�� �ii as IYOI!!�IYe�i Yf'a\.eeee+(elltl■�ieifCli� Yet ii iii iir�41YS1 — e1�1�elbel� ✓ll 1 ii �:7 YrJ ■i �i '- Ir��I �L�iil4t ��i i■r'lwi�Ye\a'iYt7 �.� ®iii r'�JrSl1fY. 1 -tr� � �iiiwi�3i`Yiw iiii iwbt�i� i i i�IIQ iiRVr!r!•1e11, IeeeeiTel� =ii lI�� �il�AiG'wiiMl Y��A ■imp• �ir i�■ � iii{ eeeeeeee l Irl 1 Ir�r°ailervL ilriiliielrii��^1e�IE�i 1I�l YVllevITyy��llial =�■i fil two lt�it'ii■lw�i_�� 1:• 11� i �eesil .■e !■!`lse r•i ■F.�_■ilii_i_i ■ ®�iiw�eYlgtl]`7ieYQi ieeeee�iieeeernelCte,Ar3eee�rr eeeetlti4�ll'rlf'I�I.I i1 1e1r�■ii ® ii i� ��i m�aii �iiFli =w =�= i w Iri_Ye�e��r.ir .."fttllllt� —�� ■1 r1y��Q�'•�1 islfliieee�ll ��■ -' ■ ■i.r�ii��� i�7NwlO ■.. ��si ■� �r1 lJ�� YRl1L'r ��� ®ate Yi ■�i • l'tellYlY.C�ll■Ifyrl:�7 1� �j■i►ii �l.a� �ICUl�i� ieeY� Si ■Iii ®i�iw ®�riwii� s.'JIIAi�I# I,rtl, ., I i i�iw�� am =— ii�� _IeLKt7el s IQil`�IGiii ,f��ieeeL'! / ■■.1'�"a ■��_ .. ��■ llf�l�i ieeeee:Jl� � �IL`t �i �1Y1■ IYVl1 1Y�ier�/ 1e�iii�iii ■■]iiYO_wi_7/eL��■Yl'_ii_Ci eesii_YI7Y�1L I�seliiii_eeeee�'�.dr����_ iiiieeet�[I�ile�l■'ar■i_ [eT MI {`Yeti` ■reel�e���9— ��wi_��s Yr��r 111 r �_Ii__ �iii�LYrii�r�Ti �_Y� iwi■>;aiiw_ w R-yr�� ,:• �1= l�l�.w ��eelle���re�F== ®���s —� ■il1w =�_ ���ee■e�fY�l� IY iii i i�— Ye•iwi �OI 4� ■iDS/P ���i=== i =��1= = 'w�1i�e�liMM �� .7rlsOi��.e��_�� i iiii —. -'�- ieeee�i =� iiii 6t i�.srY•i ii Tel l%Ii Noma= ®—``ii i i. iii =am i� O -1 'lls—�:reliiwww IeeOLIrI►�'��i�i�� " '���ii eeeeleeeeeefww!_eeeeeeeeeree� ITie� �® i i_Yl _ wii w �� i i —� i�� �. YsYI •. �i eeeelw i iieeeee�ei�lies�r� —� ds�� —�ii r eeeee� i. �� sYi Y■Il�iir e� wi■r���s �_���_�_ii�_�_iS_��i��� iiiii!• iiw � �_�i_�i�_�_ii� _ a� �lerrr eeeYt reeeelr .fir i� i_i_ ii_i_ i __lleee�e�s>•eeeee�eeeeee�ie�l� _ieeeeiii= ii �i �iw iiiaii� ®iE i iiw wiiiiiii i� M iii ® iiwiw �iMEMME iwi ii iiiiii M ii iii i� =i ®m i�iiwi M==EN ii i iwiwii . s� �e_. Y —Y ®�' ii � __■■ iww �i >_ �eeeeesrlree_ w ��1�� ®i'i■>■�ruelli�i® ®_. i �i����� —i eeeee�YYee iiii ��__�iii_��i i�YSi iii iii�� �i_ a ■�ieeeee�ii� i_i�w__iSi, �i =� 'l � �- ®-- e�a� =��� Y�1 I��i == _�_i_i_eeeee�� i_ —■ �iieeee■Aii�i� ii —i . 'fir �� =am ��YW i�i�liiyi— ��iiiiw �i._ reeertrr� :�ea�. �iw ������ wiiii rre� ii=Bwwiii ==BMW= � iii �i i_i_i�_ eeeee�eeeeee � ■�eeeeeeri�sLe��eerr i —• iiiiiiiiiii� i i iiwiwiw �ee� �i�eee�rise�i iiiii i i w�wiiii il•ees =�i �w �ee��iireeeerle� ii� i eerYi �lis��r erYli�elo_I� i�ii� �i�i ii i �e�eerllrrel��ee�i�re leeee■Iree�l�iY�sr�r� iii�i�ii �ii�iiii yl�iieeeee� ee i ia�iii i r�iri ■r MWiw eYC iii i ssell■r ll�e�r�e��li� ��s■ lTr■iieeee�ii ID IJS.J" ID IJS.J" � 4 � _ � W �__'.,�` _a • •� � �, : �� a ,', � 11YY ■ ,� s� � It+ i�iiiwiYee■iiiiiiiiiii �l�iiii a ®�i ®i���i s�wl�i�ee� iiiii i —wl w� i . iii iiiii iii �iiieeeiee iiiiwee®■♦0® ®ii iiiieeeeeliiii eeeesieee�!®�iieoeeeeesi iiwiiii i�Zle i��s iieeeeliiiieeeee�i�ieeeesi� ii iiiii iii i����i= i i i iiii i�iiwl��1�yr�i��iiwiwiiii wi■leli� iiie�w i�wiwi�Yliiiii�ww��e�ww�� �giis�ii �� ��i Y�1 ����ie�'e��■ s■ ®�i�_- ®_■ = ��iee�. ■® ���es�� s_i_e�� eeeee�i_> iiii�� reloar■ �. �r■ eee��si _eeeee�ti�errreeeesi_irrrr�_i � i�i�eeeee� �� ++— ==! _�tl�®l �'� ��•pI ®iiiiiii� ii�ii�w � eeelTeelirlie �i�siees�is�asi!• lillei�s iii �i� ���ee0•lr ieeeelsrefeeee ��IYellYtli� •ieeeeerieeelle�asiee�r�ii�i� iiiiii N,>1la•.iiii ear == �Irei� iiiii e�■�.tr >_�= lT-' i� i�� M=■ iw i �ieeesl ieYeele�lYe�ie�i L IYS =` isee i L�r:�i �_ erteel i i � iiie7re iii::e eeslre eesl ®Il�I. reOelriaeee i ®ieeeel � i ,Y '� riiw = =w���■IY■eYee ii =' i�eeeeeell�e��eersY■ 'I == ii i.:��i�■ii � Res/ e �� Y■tleeellY�lY� +Y�IY�leeee!�iii Y�i iYS� Yew ®.■■� neHYii sir.■usiii ii�Jee i.iYr�ee_i ®1 `It arr�r■ ®1 I�islsls���I■e�i_ii_rasi_w_� iii i�wlll�l•i Y■al�r�� IY�71eil1i�Y- 11��� ■ ■�i ■�� — ��1�'tl�iee�� �1'i��i a��°1����0■nii®°� ®— �. °��i�i�i s'eiies �sTi��iwcie�iiw i �i__ — iY►1t11'�iii�i� ei� i �'��l��i■ii�� �ii as IYOI!!�IYe�i Yf'a\.eeee+(elltl■�ieifCli� Yet ii iii iir�41YS1 — e1�1�elbel� ✓ll 1 ii �:7 YrJ ■i �i '- Ir��I �L�iil4t ��i i■r'lwi�Ye\a'iYt7 �.� ®iii r'�JrSl1fY. 1 -tr� � �iiiwi�3i`Yiw iiii iwbt�i� i i i�IIQ iiRVr!r!•1e11, IeeeeiTel� =ii lI�� �il�AiG'wiiMl Y��A ■imp• �ir i�■ � iii{ eeeeeeee l Irl 1 Ir�r°ailervL ilriiliielrii��^1e�IE�i 1I�l YVllevITyy��llial =�■i fil two lt�it'ii■lw�i_�� 1:• 11� i �eesil .■e !■!`lse r•i ■F.�_■ilii_i_i ■ ®�iiw�eYlgtl]`7ieYQi ieeeee�iieeeernelCte,Ar3eee�rr eeeetlti4�ll'rlf'I�I.I i1 1e1r�■ii ® ii i� ��i m�aii �iiFli =w =�= i w Iri_Ye�e��r.ir .."fttllllt� —�� ■1 r1y��Q�'•�1 islfliieee�ll ��■ -' ■ ■i.r�ii��� i�7NwlO ■.. ��si ■� �r1 lJ�� YRl1L'r ��� ®ate Yi ■�i • l'tellYlY.C�ll■Ifyrl:�7 1� �j■i►ii �l.a� �ICUl�i� ieeY� Si ■Iii ®i�iw ®�riwii� s.'JIIAi�I# I,rtl, ., I i i�iw�� am =— ii�� _IeLKt7el s IQil`�IGiii ,f��ieeeL'! / ■■.1'�"a ■��_ .. ��■ llf�l�i ieeeee:Jl� � �IL`t �i �1Y1■ IYVl1 1Y�ier�/ 1e�iii�iii ■■]iiYO_wi_7/eL��■Yl'_ii_Ci eesii_YI7Y�1L I�seliiii_eeeee�'�.dr����_ iiiieeet�[I�ile�l■'ar■i_ [eT MI {`Yeti` ■reel�e���9— ��wi_��s Yr��r 111 r �_Ii__ �iii�LYrii�r�Ti �_Y� iwi■>;aiiw_ w R-yr�� ,:• �1= l�l�.w ��eelle���re�F== ®���s —� ■il1w =�_ ���ee■e�fY�l� IY iii i i�— Ye•iwi �OI 4� ■iDS/P ���i=== i =��1= = 'w�1i�e�liMM �� .7rlsOi��.e��_�� i iiii —. -'�- ieeee�i =� iiii 6t i�.srY•i ii Tel l%Ii Noma= ®—``ii i i. iii =am i� O -1 'lls—�:reliiwww IeeOLIrI►�'��i�i�� " '���ii eeeeleeeeeefww!_eeeeeeeeeree� ITie� �® i i_Yl _ wii w �� i i —� i�� �. YsYI •. �i eeeelw i iieeeee�ei�lies�r� —� ds�� —�ii r eeeee� i. �� sYi Y■Il�iir e� wi■r���s �_���_�_ii�_�_iS_��i��� iiiii!• iiw � �_�i_�i�_�_ii� _ a� �lerrr eeeYt reeeelr .fir i� i_i_ ii_i_ i __lleee�e�s>•eeeee�eeeeee�ie�l� _ieeeeiii= ii �i �iw iiiaii� ®iE i iiw wiiiiiii i� M iii ® iiwiw �iMEMME iwi ii iiiiii M ii iii i� =i ®m i�iiwi M==EN ii i iwiwii . s� �e_. Y —Y ®�' ii � __■■ iww �i >_ �eeeeesrlree_ w ��1�� ®i'i■>■�ruelli�i® ®_. i �i����� —i eeeee�YYee iiii ��__�iii_��i i�YSi iii iii�� �i_ a ■�ieeeee�ii� i_i�w__iSi, �i =� 'l � �- ®-- e�a� =��� Y�1 I��i == _�_i_i_eeeee�� i_ —■ �iieeee■Aii�i� ii —i . 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