HomeMy WebLinkAboutzS-3042Setrs 1 V M a a a 1 acv sN SAhuay SEW NOTES 2' -0" o � S. K R Upc CONCRETE - Ln fi y WAS �f 1. All work materials shall be in conformance with the standards and specifications of the City of CLASS 3000 ? pF y 9 � ton Utility Department and the latest edition of the WSDOT /APWA Standards and Spec ifcoi Dins. C Ya 1 Northwest Ren o ENGINEERS, SURYEYf)RS & PLANNERS 2. The hours of work in the street right of way shat be limited to 8:30 am. to 3:30 p.m. an weekdays .4 �4� unless otherwise approved in writing the Plannin uidin ublic Works Department at 235 -2620. (n 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 iSiE� �` 9 y 9� 9� - � (253)852-4880 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (fox) /O1VAL E�' Al street closures, partial a full, shill be approved by the Planning/Building/Public Works *3/4 " SQUARES SPACED - 3/4" local or 1- 800 251 -0189 toll free (253)852-4955 fax z$ 4 -3/4" O- E-MAIL* cniOcramernw.com EVIRES 11/46/ Department 72 hours in silence. The Police Department, Fire Departfient, and 911 shall be INDICATED - HT. 1/8" a_ notified 24 hours in advance of any work in the right of way. 12 \ STA 15 +01.3 3. All construction shall be in accordance with "Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works V 1 /2•' FIBER JOINT EX. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE p y 9 PACKING Construction prepared b Washington State Chester American Public Works Association, latest Q � RIM EL.= 300.34 1:1 II< \ \S I S.E. INV. EL.= 292.43 (6" PVC) edition (APWA) and City of Renton Standard Specifications, J Z W \ ( - - - N. INV. EL.= 292.27 (6" PVC) 4. All locations of existing utilities shown are approximate and it shall be the contractors a a_ � J \ \ $\ \ W. INV. EL.= 292.04 (8" PVC) responsibility to verify the true and correct IocaRon so as to amid damage or disturbance. Y w CD 5. A preconstruction conference and a 24 hour notice shall be required prior to starting new RAISE -1/245' (1 /8) BEND o P�c aonslruction. it shop be the contractors responsibiiiy io secure dl necessary permits prig to WIDE BORDER starting construction. (Inspection will be accomplished by a representative of the City of Renton.) ii W Q Q \ c' \ \ \ shall be the contractors responsibility to notify the Utility Department 24 hours in a!vonce of �; r•;,t'. :T' > �• 10" backfilin all construction. z \ \ 9 S O J \ ® \ 6. Contractor is solely responsible for the means, methods and sequences of construction and for the g" I = \ \ \ \ \ safety of workers and others on the construction site. \ 8 -3 4" ro \ \ 7. It shill be the responsbiity of the contractor to obtain street use and any other related permits \ \\ \ prior to any construction. 1 _ 1 /4 1 /2" 2" 5/8" ; \ a Plans approved by the City of Renton, Public Works Deportment, shill token precedence over all � I \ \ \ 2-7/8 4 PIPE MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED \ \ other plans. -� BY THE ENGINEER \ \ \ \ \ \ 9. A spy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is n progress. 7" \ \\ \ 10. The contractor shall provide the City of Renton with on as -buit drawing of the sanitary sewer 7 -3 4" o \ \ system which has been stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer or licensed AT;\ \ \ professional surveyor. 8„ °w \ \ \ Y \ \ $ \ it. Badcfil shill be placed equally on both odes of the pipe in layers with a !Dose overage depth of 15" 8 a 3 < N88' 17'06 -E 51.48 \ 6 inches, maximum depth of 8 inches, thoroughly tamping each layer to 95 percent of maximum [r°�-h \ \ \ density. These compacted layem must extend for one pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or to CAST IRON RING AND COVER a \ \ \ \ \ the sale of the trench. Moteids to ceapkte the fill over pipe shill be the sane as described• \ NOTE: rno / \ \ \ 12 Open cut road crossings far utility trenches on existing traveled roadway shdi be boddEW with 2 -0 "I SQUARE CONCRETE, POUR 1 -0" THICK PAD AROUND PLUG TO BE SEALED IN SAME MANNER AS :o / \ \ crushed rack and mechanically compacted Cuts into the existing asphalt shill be neatiine cut with RING AND COVER. m' E '------------- - - - - - -; \ \ \ �� saw in a continuous I'ne. A temporary mix patch must be Placed immediately fter back5t and MAIN SEWER JOINTS. Y IN ASPHALT ROADWAYS RESTORE AROUND CLEANOUT RING x \ Q P compaction. A permanent hot mic patch shall be placed within 10 days and shall be pr City of AND COVER AS REQUIRED BY STANDARD DETAIL DRAWING BR36. / $ STA 12+01.7 CLEANOUT � END 12 01.7 Ni \ C �� Renton current standards. 13. Datum shall be City of Renton, U.S.C. and O.S. ,`r0 14. All disturbed areas shat be seeded and mulched or otherwise stabilized to the satisfaction of the NTS 5 UTIL17Y CONFLICT NOTE S / / I \ \ Department for the prevention of an-site erosion after the completion of CdIStNCilOin. THE CONTRA AND SHALL BE ALL EXISTING FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION. - /v/ \ J'� \ \� \ 15. All and appurtenances shill be Idol an a cored foundation n accordance with DIMENSION. AND DEP1H OF ALL ExINGP UTILITIES, wHEniER SHONN ON / P4K �W property prep aTM �T OL P r�o�coN LION. TMs c - - -- - - - _ / �� \ Section 7- 023(1) of the current State of "- -hngton Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOGTE 8 ,- 800 - 424 -5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING uBL ��E5 AT LOCATION OF L?IUrY CROSSINGS \ STA 11 +41.62 106TH PL S) Construction. This shall include necessary leveling of the trench bottom or the tap of the foundation TO PHrIunES S SHO tYHETHER OR NOT S ARE TOT GUARANTEED i ANS of ARE _ _ S89'45 50 E 132° 15' /_ _ os STA 21 +07.48 ((SITE RD) SUBJECT TO �TION NI6 NC SSHOULD FOR• THE CONTRACTOR 38.39 50.00' 43.76' material as well as placement and compaction of required bedding material to uniform grade so that SHALL CONSULT CRAArER NOROMEST fNG TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS +D \ the entire length of the pipe will be supported on a uniformly dense unyielding base Pipe bedding PRIOR TO PROCEEDING 1YTTbl CONSTRUCTION. STA 11+39.3 '0 STA 20 +00 -- \ SSMH DTL 6/6 shat be pea gravel 6• above and below the pipe. RECOMMENDED FOR_APPROVAL ii END OF PAVEMENT STA 20 +35 I ' o RIM =30258 IE= 296.05 ((N��) 16. Sanitary sewer pipe shall be pdymyl ddoride (PVC) rubber gasketed AS1M D 3034, SDR 35 or 1 p STA 20 +00 CTLEAN�W DTL 1/5 \Nei, �� IE= 296.15 lw1 �Ci4 I{: ductile iron class 50. BY° DATE' _� RIM = 302.63 I 6T SS STUB, lYP \ �\ \ SET 60D NAIL 17. In unimproved areas, manhole to extend m'm'enum 6 inch and mat 78 inch above finished IE= 297 °2 (Ei STA 20+45 I DTL 5 6 \ ASSUMED ELEV =3oo.00 BY° DAiE0 2 IE -297.3 (N7 _ I / \ \ grade. In paved area, cover must dope m all directions to molds paving. 4M0. 304201 V5 - -- - - -- - -- -- -- -- -- --- - - --- SANITARY SEATER PLAN BY: DATE ,' =20' BY: _ DATE: a Y r Y u.................... ............................... .304........................... NEW GRABE IL NEW GRADE Om �: : / \ - - c - - - _ . .. - . -.. .. ....... 0.=i0 :: / : - :� - • / \ .� ...:......... : .............................. .......................302..... / /J ..302 ...:. -. -._ ._. __. _l ......: . - • EX GRADE.. ... ..... ........ ....... - . ......... ... ...... ......... ... -.. : .EX. GROUND Q - - - - - J m ............ ............................... ...................... OO...... ..............._. ........ ........._.........;.. ...:.... I.. ...300 ...:.........:......... ......... :......... :......... :.........:........._.........:.........:.........:.........: ......... :........._......... :. .. .... ......... E T(E RIM= 302,63 - . .... - - -- ...... _ -_ ..... ....... ............................... .................. ccL, ppNN UU 6 UB, TYP -� IE 292 - : ................. ............................... ... ............................... ]E= 296.a5NCfi) ,F -297.3 (W) - .... 298 ... .................. .................... .......... :......... :........-. : - - 3E =2%165 (W) . -Ii • - : : : : : : : : : 0 0 -DTL _ - ' Z y ... : SIE S=N2 H %:ROS It:A -CN3) 0 2 56 - : .. : : : : ......: . .........: ..... ....: _: ... .... : ...... ... : . .........:......... ........ : ....... ...:......... .........:......... . .....:........ :....... . ...... : ....... ......... 21400 496 ... 20 +00 n .... Z DTL 66.165: - 2 : : : : : 362'8' PVC 8IY• - .. O ........:. ........ :......... :......... :.. .... ... :.. ..... ..:... ..........:....... ..:.. N =�0�4� • ........ - - .Il .. ..... .......... ............ ...... ..............,..,..... . .4 (B'•sE, SITE ROAD SEATER PROFILE ; - 2 °VE�IZ C) : : ...... IE =?4 04' (8' W7 - . ...294 ......................... _ _ : .: ..... ........................ :....... + ......:...... ....................... :..... -• 14+dD ......:..... ............................... 1$ +60 .......................... :......... :......... :................ E - N(�!NFNIAIA292 - ,3' Od ' , =20' HOR72. +oil 106TH PL. S.E. SANITARY SEATER PROFILE =2' vERr scAMNE9 pa1R 2 82003 Z ero•tn - :� ->x��a W 1 us W w YL 0 C4 eL N 8 04 fl 0 x Q Z CL LLB Q Y O 0 Ln Li >� Q cy_ O (' LL_ i i Cramer Northwest Inc. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS do PLANNERS w C Ln C;6 F- (/7) CL Co � o o: Y •C C� o 'E 3< Q U w v F _ o C) � o M f us W w YL 0 C4 eL N 8 04 fl 0 x Q Z CL LLB Q Y O 0 Ln Li >� Q cy_ O (' LL_ i i Cramer Northwest Inc. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS do PLANNERS w C Ln C;6 F- (/7) CL �E ME l 'N 'C C (31 C CP • F N 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 S � (253)52 -4880 (local) or '1- (800)251 -0189 (toll fro*) (253 )852 -4955 (fox) A L E -MAIL: cnl0cram *rnw.com (� 11/26/2003 pP I ♦ ` t - -Ar 1 -o` O ♦ i ♦ N88' 17'06 "E 51.48' `! -------------- - - - - -, \ r , r � r � $ STA 12 +01.7 END OF PAVEMENT r \ r r �1s-; u�t,T � Y S woTEs , -ii os 1. At wk tndwi* shall be is will nnanoe *M the standards and W ecircetians of the City of STA 15 +01.3 �- EX. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIAI EL. = e388 -34 4WV_ 45 3 • 1'1 S.E. I NV. EL. -292.4 (6 " PVC) A*w -m 4A 5 N. INV. EL•= 292:,x+7 (6" PVC) 4�ta 444-10 W. INV. EL. 2 (8" PVC) 44 �7 444.8 %4 ♦ p' ♦ X i ♦ ♦ Renton UMy Dew rtment and the beat edition of tae rrsDOT /AftA Standords and SQ«,�f�00tiDehs. 2. The hours of want in Ow meet dot of ray shall be knit+ed to & 30 awn:• to 3: 30 p.m an weekdoys unim cUherwise approved in writiuq by the Works Department at 235 -2620. Ar street doexes. partial or fuh. shat be approved by the Works Deparbrherht 7"2 hours is odvonce. the Police DeparWant, F',re Deparb cent, and 911 shol be notified 24 hours in advance of any wont in the right of woX 3. AN construction anal be in occordorrce with 'Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works . • prepared by Washington State Chapter American Public Works Association. latest u° edition (APWA) and city of Renton Standard Specifications 1 4. AN locotions of existing utilities show are approximate and it shall be the contractor s respons+b8ty to verify the true and correct location so as to avoid damage or 6sturbonce. 5. A preconstruction conference and a 24 hour notice shall be required prior to starting new construction. R shall be the contractor s responsibility to secure all necessary permits prior to starting construction. (Impaction wil be accomplished by a representative of the City of Renton.) It shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the Utility Deportment 24 hours in advance of back9fiing all construction. 6. Contractor is solely responsible for the mews, methods and sequences of construction and for the safety of workers and others on the construction site. 7. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain street use and any other related permits 3 prior to any construction. 8. Plans approved by the City of Renton, Public Works Department, shat take precedence over all other plans. 9. A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is in progress. 10. The contractor shall provide the City of Renton with on as -built drawing of the sanitary sewer system which has been stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer or licensed professional surveyor. 11. Bockfil shall be placed equally on both sides of the pipe in layers with a loose average depth of 6 inches, maximum depth of 8 inches, thoroughly tamping each layer to 95 percent of maximum density. These compacted loyers must extend for one pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or to the side of the trench. Materials to complete the fill over pipe shall be the some as described. 12. Open cut rood crossings for utility trenches on existing traveled roadway shall be bockfiiled with crushed rock and mechanically compacted. Cuts into the existing asphalt shall be neatline cut with saw in a continuous line. A temporary mix patch must be placed immediately after backfill and PV compaction. A permanent hot mix patch shall be placed within 10 days and shall be per City of Renton current standards. 13 Datum shall be Cit of Rent U S C d G S yon, ... an . . 14 All disturbed areas shall be seeded and m I heal th tabi' d t t ' f f 1" CONCRETE CLASS 3000 3/4" SQUARES SPACED -- 3/4" AS INDICATED - HT. 1/8"' 1 " 1/2 ,. RAISE-1/2 " WIDE BORDER /8„ 2-7/8" 4 12 "0 FIBER JOINT PACKING 450 (1/8) BEND ?*-now . ��.• 1X.. y►v PIPE MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER CAST IRON RING AND COVER NOTE: IN UNIMPROVED AREAS POUR 1' -0" THICK 2' -0" SQUARE CONCRETE, CLASS 3000, PAD AROUND RING AND COVER. IN ASPHALT ROADWAYS RESTORE AROUND CLEANOUT RING AND COVER AS REQUIRED BY STANDARD DETAIL DRAWING BR36. CLEANOUT 1 �-- 4-3/491 •� •- r'LV V 1 V C3L JCf\LCU IN SAME MANNER AS MAIN SEWER JOINTS. � u c or o erw�se s Sze o he sags action o the N 15 5 UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE Department for the prevention of on -site erosion after the completion of construction. P P P 'THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION. 4 ' DIMENSION. AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON o f } f �j \ 15. All pipe and appurtenances shalt be laid on o properly prepared foundation in accordance with THESE PLANS OR NOT BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE Section 7-02.3(l) of the current State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge NORIZONTAL AND VERftG4I. LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS O.) g d9 SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE O 1- 800 - 424 -5555 AND THEN I _ _ 589.45'50 "E 132.15' _ O\ STA 11 +41.62 (106TH PL S) POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATION OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS ---- -- - - s STA 21 +07.48 (SITE RD) Construction. This shill include necessary leveling of the trench bottom or the top of the foundation TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF 38.39 5Q• 00 43.76' i� material as well as placement and Compaction of required bedding aterial to uniform rode so that SAID UTILITIES TO V, RUT SHOWN IF THSE PLANS :ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE 9 9 CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR +00 \ SHALL CONSULT CRAMER NORTHWEST INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS 0 STA 20 +00 -" - STA 11 +39.3 the entire length of the pipe will be supported on a uniformly dense unyielding base. Pipe bedding PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. n END OF PAVEMENT STA 20 +35� ' -' 0 ♦ SSMH DTL 6/6 shall be pea gravel 6" above and below the pipe. o RIM- 7 �1 4ss.4f RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL •s -s• So 16. Sanitary sewer i shall be polyvinyl chloride PVC rubber asketed ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, or t� STA 20 +00 STA 20 +05 \ �`'p �" IE_�,,� � 7 '� � Y P Pe ( ) 9 \ � ie A47 r `5 CLEANOUT DTL /5 STA 20 +55 BENCHMARK. Gs ductile iron class 50. RI . O SET 600 NAIL -- BY . DATE: ZA102 �15e•� 4tt:`Qs 1E =2M E STA 20+45 DTL /6�8� O ♦ A99t�MES ELEV =39 98 17• In unimproved areas, manhole to extend minimum 6 inch and maximum 18 inch above finished • IE= 2M R \ -W4ro e8 M 03 45Z. 63 --------------------- _ - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - - ♦ ..sr grade. In paved area, cover must slope in all directions to match paving. BY• DATE: ! 0 2 z g�c.HnM4K SeC sN6E'T / off' fo z SANITARY SEWER PLAN BY: DATE: M 1 " =20' < Y Y Y • N J BY- DATE: ..304- .....................;.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:....................................................................... ............................... ........ ... .504...... .. ......... .... . . . . . .. . NEW GRADE: / \ • : : ; Q : 0.50 % ;NEW GRADE. ' ...... ..............................� .302• N Q ; EX GRADE • • ` --�_ .... + .. ..... .......... ..... .... .. . . D • -�.. , --�- • EX. GROUND ji`,r,� • W • r . , . . • • .�yu • • . • • • • • • • • . • • . • . • • • • • • . • • . • . . • • • . • • . . • . • • • • • . • r • • • • • • • . • • . . • • • • • . • • • r • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . r • . • . • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••�/�/• • • . • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • ' • • • • . • • • ' -455.41 . . . . . . ' . . . . i' . . . . • ' t�G• = '1"TT•� �jN� • ' �i �L'ET(E RIM= •O ; : . E..�-4t -IE= (W) •� ;-�► '40.•1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....298 ..................... .................. .................... ............................... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........ r........... ....... r.. :................... .......... . ......298... .DTt•1` /5•. . .. ........ .. .. .... ....... • 6' tt :STUb, tYP_ _ film ' ' M= . . . . . . . . . } . . • . . • •DTL 6/6 • 4 • f : : . . . . . . . . . Uh ...296•....... ...................... ...............•...........................•.............................................................. ............................... .`......................2g6. ... .. ..: • TL 6/6 • )'►l �44b-: W . : ; • z 44 . Zf. 6 Si. 20 ±00 21+00 . W . . . . : . IE - 44 . to i.,N • . • . . . . , � : :1 E = 447.00 ;Cj) � � .362' g• PVC � 1�_ 444 •�T ($.. W, ,. ; ,�- y . . 5 p N) Q 294 ......... 447. .10 (1.!) ...... . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ...... ............... ......... ...... ......... (W. SE-) - - 0 . : E =�i2:$4' (8' W) SITP:ROAD SE WER: �'ROFI�LE , *• ' ♦ 2 VERT. cc IL . . . r . . . . . • ; • !?9S •�'� +./� . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r1� +�. . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�./ +V� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • • • • • • • • •14+�. . . . . . . . . . , . . • • • . • • • . r . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . �� +�. . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • r Z � � 1 X20' HORIZ• SCANNED NNEO NOV 7 2003 4-NNNNAA 1 "•2' VERT. • "'e> 5t a 4 2 C. L� 5'_ ,0. + / SCANNEO MAR 2 6 Z�3 J V f 06 • Co � o o: Y •C C� o 'E 3< Q U w v �E ME l 'N 'C C (31 C CP • F N 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 S � (253)52 -4880 (local) or '1- (800)251 -0189 (toll fro*) (253 )852 -4955 (fox) A L E -MAIL: cnl0cram *rnw.com (� 11/26/2003 pP I ♦ ` t - -Ar 1 -o` O ♦ i ♦ N88' 17'06 "E 51.48' `! -------------- - - - - -, \ r , r � r � $ STA 12 +01.7 END OF PAVEMENT r \ r r �1s-; u�t,T � Y S woTEs , -ii os 1. At wk tndwi* shall be is will nnanoe *M the standards and W ecircetians of the City of STA 15 +01.3 �- EX. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIAI EL. = e388 -34 4WV_ 45 3 • 1'1 S.E. I NV. EL. -292.4 (6 " PVC) A*w -m 4A 5 N. INV. EL•= 292:,x+7 (6" PVC) 4�ta 444-10 W. INV. EL. 2 (8" PVC) 44 �7 444.8 %4 ♦ p' ♦ X i ♦ ♦ Renton UMy Dew rtment and the beat edition of tae rrsDOT /AftA Standords and SQ«,�f�00tiDehs. 2. The hours of want in Ow meet dot of ray shall be knit+ed to & 30 awn:• to 3: 30 p.m an weekdoys unim cUherwise approved in writiuq by the Works Department at 235 -2620. Ar street doexes. partial or fuh. shat be approved by the Works Deparbrherht 7"2 hours is odvonce. the Police DeparWant, F',re Deparb cent, and 911 shol be notified 24 hours in advance of any wont in the right of woX 3. AN construction anal be in occordorrce with 'Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works . • prepared by Washington State Chapter American Public Works Association. latest u° edition (APWA) and city of Renton Standard Specifications 1 4. AN locotions of existing utilities show are approximate and it shall be the contractor s respons+b8ty to verify the true and correct location so as to avoid damage or 6sturbonce. 5. A preconstruction conference and a 24 hour notice shall be required prior to starting new construction. R shall be the contractor s responsibility to secure all necessary permits prior to starting construction. (Impaction wil be accomplished by a representative of the City of Renton.) It shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the Utility Deportment 24 hours in advance of back9fiing all construction. 6. Contractor is solely responsible for the mews, methods and sequences of construction and for the safety of workers and others on the construction site. 7. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain street use and any other related permits 3 prior to any construction. 8. Plans approved by the City of Renton, Public Works Department, shat take precedence over all other plans. 9. A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is in progress. 10. The contractor shall provide the City of Renton with on as -built drawing of the sanitary sewer system which has been stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer or licensed professional surveyor. 11. Bockfil shall be placed equally on both sides of the pipe in layers with a loose average depth of 6 inches, maximum depth of 8 inches, thoroughly tamping each layer to 95 percent of maximum density. These compacted loyers must extend for one pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or to the side of the trench. Materials to complete the fill over pipe shall be the some as described. 12. Open cut rood crossings for utility trenches on existing traveled roadway shall be bockfiiled with crushed rock and mechanically compacted. Cuts into the existing asphalt shall be neatline cut with saw in a continuous line. A temporary mix patch must be placed immediately after backfill and PV compaction. A permanent hot mix patch shall be placed within 10 days and shall be per City of Renton current standards. 13 Datum shall be Cit of Rent U S C d G S yon, ... an . . 14 All disturbed areas shall be seeded and m I heal th tabi' d t t ' f f 1" CONCRETE CLASS 3000 3/4" SQUARES SPACED -- 3/4" AS INDICATED - HT. 1/8"' 1 " 1/2 ,. RAISE-1/2 " WIDE BORDER /8„ 2-7/8" 4 12 "0 FIBER JOINT PACKING 450 (1/8) BEND ?*-now . ��.• 1X.. y►v PIPE MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER CAST IRON RING AND COVER NOTE: IN UNIMPROVED AREAS POUR 1' -0" THICK 2' -0" SQUARE CONCRETE, CLASS 3000, PAD AROUND RING AND COVER. IN ASPHALT ROADWAYS RESTORE AROUND CLEANOUT RING AND COVER AS REQUIRED BY STANDARD DETAIL DRAWING BR36. CLEANOUT 1 �-- 4-3/491 •� •- r'LV V 1 V C3L JCf\LCU IN SAME MANNER AS MAIN SEWER JOINTS. � u c or o erw�se s Sze o he sags action o the N 15 5 UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE Department for the prevention of on -site erosion after the completion of construction. P P P 'THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION. 4 ' DIMENSION. AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON o f } f �j \ 15. All pipe and appurtenances shalt be laid on o properly prepared foundation in accordance with THESE PLANS OR NOT BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE Section 7-02.3(l) of the current State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge NORIZONTAL AND VERftG4I. LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS O.) g d9 SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE O 1- 800 - 424 -5555 AND THEN I _ _ 589.45'50 "E 132.15' _ O\ STA 11 +41.62 (106TH PL S) POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATION OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS ---- -- - - s STA 21 +07.48 (SITE RD) Construction. This shill include necessary leveling of the trench bottom or the top of the foundation TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF 38.39 5Q• 00 43.76' i� material as well as placement and Compaction of required bedding aterial to uniform rode so that SAID UTILITIES TO V, RUT SHOWN IF THSE PLANS :ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE 9 9 CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR +00 \ SHALL CONSULT CRAMER NORTHWEST INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS 0 STA 20 +00 -" - STA 11 +39.3 the entire length of the pipe will be supported on a uniformly dense unyielding base. Pipe bedding PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. n END OF PAVEMENT STA 20 +35� ' -' 0 ♦ SSMH DTL 6/6 shall be pea gravel 6" above and below the pipe. o RIM- 7 �1 4ss.4f RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL •s -s• So 16. Sanitary sewer i shall be polyvinyl chloride PVC rubber asketed ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, or t� STA 20 +00 STA 20 +05 \ �`'p �" IE_�,,� � 7 '� � Y P Pe ( ) 9 \ � ie A47 r `5 CLEANOUT DTL /5 STA 20 +55 BENCHMARK. Gs ductile iron class 50. RI . O SET 600 NAIL -- BY . DATE: ZA102 �15e•� 4tt:`Qs 1E =2M E STA 20+45 DTL /6�8� O ♦ A99t�MES ELEV =39 98 17• In unimproved areas, manhole to extend minimum 6 inch and maximum 18 inch above finished • IE= 2M R \ -W4ro e8 M 03 45Z. 63 --------------------- _ - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - - ♦ ..sr grade. In paved area, cover must slope in all directions to match paving. BY• DATE: ! 0 2 z g�c.HnM4K SeC sN6E'T / off' fo z SANITARY SEWER PLAN BY: DATE: M 1 " =20' < Y Y Y • N J BY- DATE: ..304- .....................;.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:....................................................................... ............................... ........ ... .504...... .. ......... .... . . . . . .. . NEW GRADE: / \ • : : ; Q : 0.50 % ;NEW GRADE. ' ...... ..............................� .302• N Q ; EX GRADE • • ` --�_ .... + .. ..... .......... ..... .... .. . . D • -�.. , --�- • EX. 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