HomeMy WebLinkAboutzS-3125Seto S-KRUFC SECTION 32, T 24 N, R 5 E fp FF_3rr.n �_ e lei W lSgiy9 d� -+� - I Cramer Northwest Inc. NSS c i t F I. THESE NOTES SMALL APPEAR FOR IaRO ECTS FOR Td1E WATER UTILITY. 2 All work material Met be In coatalaaba with the daalards end �adkotiono of uN City d Rentan Pla la4liluildin ftbife Wkwks Dwpubsent and that 1996 e ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & PLANNERS I I willon d the 11MOT /Ahw Simi" sew *C&drw. « apPrarw w wrw by the City d Renton in the Into stawrd aaa t spolrml�a. A Red of I� _ Z 945 N. CENTRAL. STE. #104. KENT. WA 98032 0 /STEM ��1 1 LOT 3 3. The approved h 0� Dori be khe a eIM d of tlaty dnMg aaeYuao C/1 = 1 Tht boon of rmrk N the street right d Rey afNll Re tilled L lk� AM to x30 INI on raMiyt assse othoraIna proved h i be Pkih9c War1ar 1 (• ) ) ( ) ( ) ( (fax) gIGL cif REPLACE EX CO 1 �+ sQ Fr -I ' t OslerYrad Fine Dp«bmal awl 919 whet be ncdNN 24 helm n advance, d wry rani In So rfgbt of watt 8 [53 852 -4880 (local) or 1- 800 251 -0189 toll free 253 2 -4955 fox (i1t hoist ACRE) Dpgrbmn d (425) 430 -7301. The Pdoe W SSNH. DTL 5/ o FF =3(30 i 4. W leCd M of reking UdKIN slaw re aWnaiaok and R afar be be arkractor'e E-MAIL, cni0eramornw.com DOMES 11y 31105 g ►sepasalkWYY the trlN Dad r4lreet Yatila a a to awdd damage IN` =30258 IE= 302.77 I r dNirbance. F« uNy bodes ad 46-har lecetrs (Hf0- 414 -Seth TL 4/6 5. An approved %ft Coatral No Is spored to be sul ollbed at the Ao- Cmelructlon meeting. i i I 4 g l I 6. Al setorebb *0 IS to be Cowan RW duclle bah *a cenfermi g to AMA 0110 and 0911 or latest rrAlon, thkbm dace 52. Conant mortar Rnbp and k a I f 6' PVC 0 3.0x: WW. and did confers M AM CIO I r Idwd rasbla iNiag b be Ciao G Al idle ben pipe and �. �lml vein � M w pwb-a r hasehakd yInt CeryTT�RY SFA*p!R NOTES ti o pt4P I 7' 8" PVC 0 114% %Wes dtd be poliawoom re1DM W AN/Aft C14111A11.543 SWNn Q Z t EX 0 r \ 5 7. Cad iron nerd ductN Ira fillings did he oswont FAN, rremre raiM a naiad an plena, ad in accardma with ANS /AW& CI10/A21.10 -67 Cement kdagE LL O W W 1. NI wt materials " be in conformance with the standards and apedficotion of the City of Raton Utility Department and the latest edition of the N5DOT /APWA Y' t �� dtd be in umdom SO AN9 /AWA C104/421/4 -9Q N fittiop we 3 M 12 bow k donstr ail have a boded Whir, bw Mbp io 'n accordance with Cq W J Standards ond Spedficetsns t - 49 8" PVC • Q4< afthr ANS /AWWA 0110- A21.WV r AN9 /AWPA Ci53/A21.W14. We (3) IFA to 12 lain dander fA+k4K a" have med=ded )Mite ad /ar fiaged j*ts. O � L.� 2. Al construction *hod be n accordance with 'Standard Spedficotlons for Yar eo Public Waft Construction' prepared by Washington State Ctbptar American Public drill be In earirNO wNlh AN9 /AWWA g10/A21.10A7 or e oahbnattah of ANft /AWWA C110/A21.10,67 sew w19 /AtIArA c153/52143 -24 ardr tbd aril prDa of w O Works Assotiat ion, latest edition (APWA) end City of Renton Standrd SpedfiDIUMs. the 111" din a wad 0*8) way be win AN/MIA 053 /0.WIN, W that prthe of ITN " with kaga d jdwi(e) " he to arardace with AWWA 0 U 3. All locations of existing utilities shown are approximate and R shill be the contracts s raponaibWty to verify the true OW correct location 30 as to avoid damage L - - - / Acoptace tptbhq b e00rla0e dad MUM 53.53 d ANW/AWWA eseNsrh 10-4._ of A�/AM 011kAMM 1 Ad be s by the 0110 521.10 -67. • assts +dAi 5. C/) Z a r disturbance I E_ ' ;'66 cabecter ad aaorRW to No ewer. � 4. Contractor le "Wy reponsibk for the means. methods and sequences of construction and for the safety of sackers whet stirs on the construction site 1 Z O 5. it deb be the responsibility at the contractor to obtain shat up and any other related prwfts prior to any construction, C Cobh vita sill M lea lliml fir @ fwaamt w eroth else dad ours o a20 p W abet es sho duf4lo box (AM 0500) o d resilient seaW typo ( L O Q � 6. Plans approved by the City of Rentaa Public Works Deportment shit take precedence over d other plans. 3x4 CSORo Valves drat b CwW t p a wWauw Reefer opown) pwwe et es pal Cato Wva whey be stow Lid 14. Ytbo O-S N0. 5 a* a N t ti tin Z 7. A copy of these approved plans must be on the jab site Ibmw canatruation b in progrpe A Fro hyhtafs Mat be l wroy !yes (epoang ed6h -tin harp) r aswpeealelt type (apaip agdnd prrfarre) cenkrwna M AttYM C- 502 -� hhRe a 8 net J t- Q 8. The contractor Md provide the City at Raton with on m-lwli draskp of tin aankn sever system which tens been damped and agned by o l censed FIOt>SE �� ial9alY lsrty medalcal )del Wet ad a wets Vohs gain (W.U.) d 5-1/4 lack, two 2-1/2 " hose noarles with Notional Standard Tlrei i 7 -1/2 thrords pr to& and Q J HOM 8 one 4 inch pwyr W* am to as SedW pa+lre 11 Rrai W boh, in debase V. brook addle disaster d wale tread 4.55 aM rat dlantler _ professional snow or licensed professional surveyor ti I• pootagmo epaatir! at � by tawyM asuntr dadhwbe (left) U p 9. saam Md be placed equaly on both sides of the pipe n layers with a loose average depth d 6 ndea maxinum depth of 8 khdh= thoroughly tamping each a 31 :? 4.1161 tlytemtm rhd have a i -1/4 loin z lays to 95 percent of madman density. These compacted layers :oust extend iar one pipe daneter an each side d the pope or to the side of the trench / -d LOT 2 1Q oho two 2 -1/2 hM han name dill be Mtad dad ad Inn Broiled cos wilt opadbg nut d No sail design awl praprtinm a the bowl star nut Mater ds to complete the fill over pipe shd be the sane a desc bed. a Cep std be ItW with rdlaMe mops p** fr pedtla saber ti jdase mods, bet prseeres. 1Q Open al road or for utfily trenches on exbing irovmNd roadway Md be backflled slth auaMd rock and macho" compacted. Cuts into the existing t^ 9138- sQ FT 11. 7ho 4 YW asphdt del be nwiftne alt Vitt sip n a contir-is lib. A temporary mot patch mud be placed k0odiat* after bo*M and - ripactin A permanent hot mix / I (0z1t ACRE) do% h«ioost aad=l Imsdal ail Wtoo sed hose a Seattle a d two set amass 1 D de Snort adapter Met o o be 4iA extruded to Udil6 patch and be placed wilt 10 days and shd be per eddy of Renton amrent standards / alp _314 314 Stan co Npm degrees seed, Shen foe M M stand. le gsekd to p0thc 11. Datum what be City of Renton. 1986 NAVO. I �a rrq{s • 12�M hylrads did be pdww with two cob M wall peY�Prselivdks pot m main 43-95 safety 1/6 bath, oodod daiia alai iaelt cable. 12 AN disbubed areas shit be UWW and matched or ollwdse stdliized to the satstocdon d the Department for the prevention of on-site rosion after the !! 11 pumper alhrectimm to face roadway eesahily. n(Ny lads r w0� completion of construction. / i �Ct71YC . 1 14. M hybats ibd be kddW per City of Rata Standard Dald for ore hydrants, latest revision. 13 AU pipe and appurtenances shit be lad on o properly prepared faundoliah in accordance with Section 7 of the current State of Washington Standard I 1S Al asking N 10 Nano ad rmdlr to webta n a tmhhwa Dew of 36 Inow below Ibleh grade. AN waterman 12 Miss and fag, shit be at a minimum Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Th -s 34 ''dude necessary leveling of the trend bottom or the tap of the faohdatim material. as well 05 STA 1 +20. 3.5 LT c: 48 bcha bets Sikh grade. Once utYiy eonGcb Dear, wale vaslas an to be lowed to clear. Placement and compaction of required bedding material, to ..norm grade so that the entp length of the pipe will be supported on a unifarmiy dense. unyielding ti Fg%F L 1/7 1& Al watenabm 6 base en1 longer n donsetor del be dwaul wMh 5 bap. Pepe bedkfiq shall be pea gre.� 6 metes above and helot the ppe pips deahihq rubber *W prior to dhnirow o iks °Pity pigs° dWl ht tcTr«d Industries Agra c.- ddride (PVCe and b vied ASTY D 3034. SDR 35, or docile iron dap 5Q 15 6' BLKG Swab -AS r apgrevwi egad. 1 i/eu. S. ialy taw with 605 irakmet« vrdhsm nitber apinq a the row of 'PC Wy. a o 14. Sanitary per pipe shall be po!04 9� / AtWaS?8Y amens I � a . 15 In unimproved areas manhde to extend mkienum 6 nabs and maximum 12 Indies above fnrhmd M paved area sow must dope in d d'rectians to DTL 3/7 17. °PIGS' dhd M eyibvdr slhgN with ballet nose « eprre oht TAa ambeolr r!r prlarrn the olessip wpraticn 9TH H f - i& All watamalm oil srvilen sbd be pvmoun iseW to a nhWmwhah d 200 pd r 150 pd over prdbg parrs in acardahce aith the peewcalians of the N H match vin Rea- 2500' _ 3 I -Ai D 1-3 /4°(REI.00ATED) WATER (7ly of Rrka ail tin y ` paving. Woiil pla Side No & Dparls at M pawns tedkp shit be doe In tin presence d a reprseentatkd of the alt d Renton. The Q o E I Au- Mkt k0 KIM � dad Lots. I, b, A 4% I ? arm,00 �� D VICES PER CITY gpanifty d war W (ran the mab Mali rat stceol the number d gallows W her a glad b City of Renton Standard Pfas t Spedlioetfas,7- 91.3(itj The 3 °� 1 I b= n psean Met net "Cud 5 pal dskp the 2 her tat Wiat t-•i it MtLyl NeNE A REs►ocNfikt, find SN�RIN m , 19. AN watennair and as do Md be denfxted by the hpcllw d a 50 win (mnnsm miceitrotion) ddarne /sat, "tim. DryCdckp Hypodlaite shall Z � a 5 (S(tn _ ' c % i I © loft. NOT be pieced n the *a a tall ddakb did be wetonl/bJmaW b nordeno with Section 7- tt3(12)E r 7- tt](12)F of the Standard Spod�fpu �! �-' W �L JlSCtN wart best smoo k Sii1N4 OF- tll►flfii/ 11KElib 20. A pro-•ecaaiuc0a conference is required prior to any cemleueUon. A wniam d the (5) workby days nctke is required for ndNddip. o LOT t I / ono Hfia A ogre 2t. Tent leer Z< ban monks sad be r 1 y- ( ) Mired priar to slartip no construction. U ` E le 1u1,iEA ►461tt(31 k SG1bli l se. I t 22 H kal be tlN contractors ratWbwlSy to man d aeonen pwmb peril« to starting construction. c � I (6 I,iMal f� �sss± . I M E � X A R6 SIM 061 A cNK me RIM W R NKL _ 6918±- AoeAts AND AM Tara 23. Installation d 4r j I arWab dope Cider services. Iihes eahl ,weirs Met mat be Ices wit d service ag eemrhts meter app'coiisu construction permits and If', 0- {W"fft EX. METER TO BE o ACRE) payment d fees have town wade to fin City d Penton. c s ABANDONED. CUT 15' WA j �I c rn h� tail - o� k CAP 0 MAINLINE Ig FF =3i5.35EAy�T. I I 24. AN amntila to oifip Realm in to M oaaampYMN by the Goy d Patam except wet taps stkih may be made by approved set top earktrayan with prnr �`' 8PvcfrWATWxAUtx approval Aran the Public Waken Dspariwat Al maarp aaustia and materials we 10 be suppled by the contractor on1 be Cie -site prior to City noti8wtims. FL * 1 Its 87 € I .i 1 25. Inspection will be wean III I by a rpra=tdb e d the City d Rata. N Mall be the contractors repor"y to mdWy Dowdolo 1. Services twenty for ROADWAY DEDICATION I I 9131 SQ. Ff. (0.021 ACRE D =305.7 (24) ban In edvahce of badkSlkhq d eonntuetlon. The contractor, a rd as the engkhers. Md keep as-bolt drosngs 620.04' ------ I srtE A. Ustractor b provide pk* goal tawWary Mon-of aaeailse it +ssili g awl WRY acceptance later to find tie -in. ®y - Px AlY r Aswwr 27. AM )skit restraint systeeN (dadds rok vets belts. dc.) Md be an nwuded«ad by the Star lioakcturbg Carlpay of Cokmba Oita or oWd, appoved in C. W 37 C.;NC. WALK _ EtEt! = 3 }53i writing by the Pd k Web Dportmhwt- g I 31 c r_ error GUtf@ �L BB - - Luli9 c' _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 28. Asphalt ad eoardw strset poving Mal bw assert too minimum dpth of two (2) Inches. 01 mot streets maybe pads cut Ala concrete. pavement 0 1 0 ASPHALT PAVEMENT $ j - 1 ® tarpon add mix o0olt patch dd it he placed a the day d see depth tak with a(pamiomnl, esded path to be plead of Renton policy, ruthn (/ PVC 0 k ZI t- = 10 den Call leer e . p s, AZ 2894 ST. ye is such Mpoetah pier to .the placement d u petal _ _ 3Q For City projects such se twhmetry eoNvN, the %C pj a ueil dhd M Al 1Aenm{eal passe Who MoY be edoinle n PVC pipe Sdvedtdo 40 h unimproved ASPHALT P�VEIpfNr- -- -- --EX 8" W - - -� anon and sMeils I10 pyC - - yROTY CL -¢� Y - -- _�- w_spuLT ravmErrr 6be lewder iepewd row Y - CONNECT TO EX SSMH B°g; ° J EL-315-12 IE= 304.38 SyA 0+09 1 3 5 LT a RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL - j;•' � �9 RIM EL375 -12 yr�TT AP DYL 4 a b BY:JX V� DATE: /- E. INV. EL. =304..79 12 Pvc 6x$ TApP91G TEE (WxFi) ! s W. !HV EL =3o4a8 (r2' Puy) PING f 1 1RFIICH PAIDU � i PER d1Y dF iENTON TOO �MSTORA70 TW coxmcr K �� LE FOR V& YLW THE LOCAWrv. 6' TAPPING GATE VALVE (ftldWj BY: � �•� :.�"'S�lt� _ DATE _� 5 Or VERT CROSS FOR POLYPIGWfG DIL 3/7 AM STW OWMAY REt;N/0ftN15 FOR A NMY t U SNU. . ANDD�OyMN �CF ALL EI�A�Oy{UnORM W,tya�HM SHOMw ON •• �-' CS#, caNxkift" b(/1Mf, eve f� t - AND YIRIIOmI 5PWm%i70 QQ116'iplcitON,aI: f THE SOU MUEDE By. C?v 7/P1Aarw as DATE. �Qk WATER & SEWER PLAN cuta+c u>wm d'ft •�H�9i io H (tt�,a/ SATE: � Ci �" r • =34 �w'i�HrFMCariHra�i]'T>tt av1DMEOd��cOnr�E J e BY m 4 cC0hW r �w upol.W AL PR09UW u:.........:.... :- ........:. :.........:................................................. .......... .......... ............ .---- ..._--- ...--- : - - - - -- - -- ..................... ................ ... ..:.... ......... ....... ......... ......... ......... .................... ....................... ......... ......... ...... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... .... .. ---------- ... .... t: !3!3 ern > -... 320.: g� .......................... ............:.••----.......... - --.................3L4... -----....:......................................---------.........-••--- .................... :..:.... ...... 314.:.. .....: .�a_.......O -GRADE :- .: .... ::: ...:: ...:::... EX GRADE J.. .... .. ... ..... ..... .... .... .. ................. ..... . 336 ...:. .. ....................... .... ....... .......... ....... ........ -.... .............. ........ ..... .. ..... .fie :... fi 316 .... q ..... ... :.. .. .... GEx- GRADE. .. .. ... .. ........ ... .. ....... -. .....- ..- .. D . I 1f(I. Q O DAD ACL - - ... .. ... Z - : : : EXB'.VATER...... ......:................ .........:.........:. ............. ..:......... :........ : :.:... :.. : ..... : ......:.. .. ...... ........ ........ :... 3r1 ... �.... EX .... ...... ......................fig....... .... ...... ...... _....... _. ..__.. - - 1I3'8'DI - - I. 3 3 STN I1+T8.T 3.5' LT. ; :WATER SERVICE. TYP : : 49' 8' PVL w 0.4% MIN _ _ ' .:. ... - . - Nsy�E�y,l k,g W W w .. uE p E - ... - . ..... wWF335sANODIE ... 4x { APPING T ERIJxF) - ;NEW FIRE HYIJRANT 57 8' PVC O O O gg - 4 . ST* 1 +3a. 3.3. LT ... - : :............ .....: ... : :.......:.... . U 00 GVCF�.xMJ) LUNG BLKU .......................... \:.......... :.........:.. ................... ............................... ....... ..... �3.12.IEi30A39 ........... .. .... �g ......... VER..-GRDIiS(MJxFi) ..... . . .................. ............................ 302...:.. \SSH .. - 3aT' ::: U U U REPLACE Elk - 2. SSMH- RIM=311.65, IE= 302.81 : 8' Ih= 312.10. IE= 303.01: - ..... .. : - .. :: :: : : ::::. .:: .: : :.... .... :...:.. . Eft !i• RIM =311AS,;IE =302.58 - ' a a a - - - - _ :. . . :::: :::: - :::. SCANNED *1111 2 0 o ......- 0 +bb ....... . ........:.. :..............-• i+ OG..........................:.........:.........:.........:.........:...... ...:.........:....-•-----r' =20' Hoa.............................. ........................,: ::::: ....... .......:..::: :...,::::1... ......... IM N z a..,e.s9. aia�' WATER PROFILE ;: :oY�. ONSITE SEWER PROFILE r - =4'T n�VE 2f� -N SEER PROIILE t vEaT. � I �J N N N A� R I 01L L 913, F R M we � a • Ny T R s 4 i I M Cramer Northwest Inc. N � ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS k PLANNERS aN YES N. C[NTRAL. fT[. jfK UK WA NW! , (sss�u -wao (l000i) « i- (Soo)=ai-ova (au n«) (use -uss (ax) CL CL SacTfojv US r J4 N R s jr �- Z Y SE jM NQM O LL w 1. 1143 work rnoterioN eataM be in cdnierntana rills Iht tlortdetdt tN1 of ytt City N NOW Illiity trtd Ytt wM elNia of Ytt wS00T /APwI► J Stanrordt end Spe�iloatiorM. F- O W l.i 1 M coNdirt um d ws be in va "Standrrd for Mu lojdt Pli�t Oofltt ' prdporrr by Wmbbt# art Stele Cwptr Aftw1cm Atbk O W C) Waft Aetoeiolio % loteet edition (APIA) ear CRY of Awdoa Surd U 0 bcoUOM at eWWM utMtidt dwtMNt we atyptrartirttelt a w N did is ltd otftlfaw'• w vrfily lte bw OW =I I Ise" tt a to ow d dump 3S Z 4d � d 4. Controotor M sdNy ruponeblo for alts n»ara, tateb i ft CITY se*uertote of ooadb+uetioa sad for VM safety of wrMors CITY otwert on the contlru cti« situ Z Q o 5. K d MI be 1ht y of the ambaalr Is *A* Mnet wt Dad arty soar fdleltl pwmtN• pfar is ray otatbrdiert. Plond 'altar w i. QW00dd by the Clay of WM atpor11 alts pfrotdrtw •wr or aw � 0 -j m Z Q 7 A copy of OHM owowd punt n d be at Mat job ob rhda«dr cadliwadlla b Is PIPM A. The oonM+octr swat provide the City of Ad do trot a of -Malt *Uhf of lit• Wy hu btea WpW by unstated to •Mr tytirt� rwiaA tlatpN std o Ncawal (Z.. profdteioad angirw or & gootcfr U Q dltaM be 06cw eguoliy at bob ** .,. lte pl" In ko" Iwt a lover fow dpa of i lift fateriit�M � of • behe VvMWvMy savor - Z kW 10 96 prodnt of rftoaKi fmn ddrI MY. UM cdtatpMM lofdrt ww.t attlrtr tar as *e Mrut W alt vest airs of rat pjt r a ltd tilt M ltd buds, Mtldrialt to ow*Me the N ow pip d wd bt twt me M detain 141, Opm M roar asubp for tfMy bsttdtdt a «rtartr bower fwtl•oy droll be Md A W .wt arttwi fsdt oW faddt o« o l d i t Cub rtto to odd" eeph ell dltdM be neoWne cut v t star In • aratww be A Immay writ pdd Yawn. M o�tr wbN A wdt main � �w� petdt did be omd jai W 10 aad dotal be of Attu« owfv alarm Ili 11. Dobrtt dwell be CRY f 1943 NAV L 12• Al daAAW arearawal be uWW eW wulo6tl or olwriet r"i"ved M No - for we pre s*m of ateesk eraia afar Vw atmpletion of I& Al v4e end oppertena>I ei obd be Idd an o pnapefly pirpwW bAdetla b M! -Aaa .Mw SeCUM 7 of 00 awat Stets of Mlttltirow Skndard SpaciAooate for Aoad end Bridge Gatebtirtiort. Alit #4 btolAI atcetttry Wing of In btadt betwtt or to Up of rat fowAWm ntoltrid, a ref a pliculul t and canpation of request MddM fttoterK 10 urtiltfrw gala M taco rat arrow I00 41 68 PIP IN N ttyptrltl a • whit* data wtomidrg . bat, Pje beddirtq dheN bt pen crow i faster dbwt tad belttr lit 1 a ° 14. S"" sever Pipe dotal" be pdy6o cltlerare (PVC) nrbier gatbeietl AM D JIM MR JL or daft boa den SCI 1 t M 156 IN wtitttproad arena, n dWs is adead ntythttrtt i bdM aid Mod tt M u Mantas dM Artiflto � M POW • ft am mitt slope in a1 di odbaa to I- w Z « E -notch WAS. Hall 11 ��a 00 of Au, WA lot%& (am oft I, Z wr�c Ht►�E A lfrsl� N�� ►� Firlt N a r4 12L V w CL SYS�Ctr1 . 1 U g' r yriCt�l � 1A %u a�tio �r►« Nfic �t[�l � SBlarf � u� � � 1 E 'fir of L1fiCb &I A tai iiM f� Soli W t. �. AB �( o �,e,, 'O Sc CAP o MAMAJNE w ! 1 REPLACE rx CO W Say+• k s/* =311.060, a� -en- 1 L ff � V it� =311.0 Alm LOT 3 noo: SQ. Fr. J (0.1e: ACRE) FF -313.0 A . �,ti AY DEDICATION# I rU sq. Fr. (o.af � ' r i _ • _ ' CW. MIK 11 C::NC. NftK awn 310 • �`-"�' �� Cl� �" '� cow, -._._ aim T PMVEWDT L Jx Bah ST. ,1 "111� AS"WT PApm So, spe �, o�►cl -��- PVC • a4X Z ��1 �ge" PVC • 1.OA M Ji• i ovi o rs-�r• #12 s W-W) r PVC 0 94X FIE ��4 ' arrl� r MEW MOM sea�a i � LOT 2 81361 SQ. FT (0.211 ACRE) � Ex. T M-14 'M r _ fTA 1+20, IT' LT 1 I M"v Mc OIL 3/7 Abd -�0�0' 3 1 AND 1- 3 /4'(IROCA"IM) WAU t oo"We - METERS t S PER CITY Of RIENM , on �. UK (ig. LOT I I �r �. Sill fttau WN& 766.61 1 SQ. Fr. I I �Ir+titM (o.1ef I I Mtotrttr ACRE) .� AATTEE I FF= 315.3 15�t�11yt1RN It - •�� - - P.K. !wK w T RF�oivro �/'t3w1 =3! 3 �S•ji x 8 WAIL .�.�.,.� Y - - - - - - - - - ASPfNLT P1�IVENf 1• MM NO= OW,L AltKM �� � � K VAU UUM. I Ali � e* nekM " be b aafrwaM ob ltd dad" oM ff - M be qty M AMIM �t OotrMtditt aw 1a titla of to IOT/" il•Itdtf�i w1 iOetlleeYaa a 4v ow ad slow It ft ft M ft" it N a" �� PM a ���a A d� M � N � M w '" •Nt •t � Ilatar iriy tlrrtt � ww Od be bW It 643 w w 341w a rtrtitft � Am o1M nko gp eed w � by w cwt Mrlr st (40) 430-7301. IM / 1Mt artd 431 altti�be now 34 kews M �M d sq =6 M w• ii " •f ww 4L M it•adew• of aritlirti WNW apart « ow N alto" be be tartwtlr • b � lit• wt ad wNrl Ittwrt a • w "M dwtep r rr wrlhr bWo ad �- wew+t � -4wow S M "plow Inn t Orin 11ett M fe4" to M dl WA M of alts ML__ � A 43 wleattebt 0 jt It M be met Ito "a ka M w�ir� Is AAA qN OW qty r I" f«it M wiolriw Chat a &MW �trIV aw ad etelbt1 dd ertlrrw w MM 90 or I" wrl kL 1w � M be Pala -art r trotter w M are C M Eft b�trt fed w g "Mantra 1� ��"1 � ■MPed Itr a�/ 7. Cain be ad drttM b�trt oft " he owtaM �ti 110 l 0 t•IM • a" of *a ad M to AIM/A�A CHO/A L". COMM Mq dwdr be In and b-ot � Ahw N CM/OASS a M Mp .e 3 Is u Wo w r ad i« gloo w oft w � " w « •. w� d wr ANO/A A MISAI -a r "A co Wo (31 W tt 12 b6 rw�tlar WM� OM 1« w116ab I Ob M M!N �, dMti w it ootwiftM rNlt AM�/A a1�Af Ow ar • terttlitaYalt al AID/ MAIL" art/ CI�/�1.�l1 •rN " as 0eflltlt of ill. NMnO I& • Slow" bwe) " M so NM/A�A a0JVA31.13 -N «r wt wwt M w Mq Wei �t1 bkQ Od to M .wt AEI► Ctto�/A�t.10 -a. Aye 1� M «rMwt go tall« �i ef 4011110 W" M Mr�ll�l► at�G«.t�•p rr1 M i1itM w w aNbrtlar end r w •trw. . A Galt valor star M irrft It1A IntMtA- ot�rM� ft ft if a* hmn �t0 �t ad 0.6@ arr�rt01•r (MM Iii tr M a" gait"•/ t0 (AAA C301j. *m trail M in pW w • wh wry •eltr "W" 0irerwa d �M Pi MM vrtrtt " M Mttr Lint-14 wi tr c"my a AIM r 0 i iL A Fir ItytiBig dMi M aNr antra (arewiti tilt IM or tM1.0titM prrlttlf� t•tttf.tit0 ft Ate. arri . $44. atttwartiedl joint bits add • m* vow aPa" Ito M 0.1/4 w1► to i-1 wit "teat aeetlat rwt rtllartM Marrs Itftt•It W MNed• 0tr ittalt oral wa 4 bA waver mob Wb IM am amb 6 wr Par wi~ r 4W M kt .Mrdt dMift M •art wl .t/ Batt dt.ttltr 4.013. NPM* di I« a 1-1/4 Malt 0attlt�ttt ore ty w1 Mw+ by 6909 t JWW a Nbft � It 1st tat r-1)l "last nu ft it be MITI � veal 1wt rtlredtd Mp � MGM wt d Nt rata dttip ad M rr MMiw coast OWL 11. Cop roar be «N Wb atlNtiit t uvw Atitle for Putt reltr Y jo�bw rl & lad bA 0ir #w mob tort be Mled oft • On •iWWi 0 b�tlt "relit Oned a f hart litrs love boor ant/ be %Wd ors * Marts No-10 dwAva tarot hwti�tttt mebt lru M tM pFft dkd fast a by ad tart tat smin 0 4*w Mehl. !left to r M WK M «its M ••error. 91r: et0 M bw tyA011t MOW fw1•r 9" 4W dd he atMe" M MlirM gal � b�tlt, a" McMM " d" oft 11 Fir• hO "alts/ be pd*d oft In mob t1 trtir a 17. plitt0ar Mfttttrtit It fart 1� � � � �� � 14, Fkv did be wow Mt SodW Odd Mr � Moat mdk% 1� N rtl lO b>tlttt at/ �trj witltbt • fttitittrrrt mw M bat er of M wwet ball Otto M« •tMtM am. wti�raaitt• •wt r M I«�trsl�ltlt'It�, d1 wrrrttirt 1Z YaMtt t�t1 MrMr altr be •t • ttiti�twt IL M Maltreat O ww ad "cart b Mattltr dial be aitr ed Wb *e dw tt� W hair M wit '�tlw PIMP dd M OW itr vMu A" Sari -AS r gpaW M, I i/w. L 6m* I= Wb MA tymWtr rant« MW dray aft to war M 'MIS 64 17. W altr be a&& d qW tttNlt brie" wt r opm tai 'Art amber r M rtt itttbty q wdka 1A M rtldfaWW gad twvw dd be 0frtt« ItMt/ M • frtMbiwrtt a1 M r •tar M oft as of No CRY of At"t"ar ad rat lob NtrM Al w w M ' M i tt rtt M�ttht► Ott wrw�rttt �t � � CNN M w"Y of trelr Isd A►�tftt be awbt done ant noW rat amobw o/ �t Par Mar ar rMtd b ft M loft Nand � • .16 -1!•t its leaf M praa�ro tart fart ante d S 011 � No 2 Mar fart PM4 1a M -_ -_ aiat w/ w*w dotal he MtWWW by Mt wWAP d • i0 Nr �m ) elierM�ireNr tdbfl o. by Cddw IlittaMrAt opal NOT be piano" w Mt y jar • MA O tin dd be M Ntww•t so iNaYrt 161t.* err 7- It•x1w M w Nil ��toed d A awfweaa b NOW Pier is my A wiitirtttrtt of so (a) re"I ant •elite b Raft" far Wei" 31. Tw s -Naar (34) M« oft air he fW*W 0tiar N titlYrtl it« 71. N dwol M lit «rNfttltr t y M Mrtw r ft•t«y prttttrt Misr r elativ! 73�. bttldMita of oefpeode depa vew tw*M Nrttt w tailw rare fret be matt oW M twit attlr P� add poyrftditt of foot lea bm mart M rat ft 01 maim 24. M aaaawa 1• eritiirtw trait• M M he by rat c4 M Artler< aMot art 4M twerp Drew b• trot by epaw ad IM sill prix oWevel fu�tm M habit Srltt M fttdtte�ry oMtlirt air fttMrfitlt w M M .ttPPlyd bw rat aalfwlr wt1 M ortNt Pfitr It M • N rat CA1► of Attltft, r alto M rot oetirrMar • w a* SWAM Ittrtlr fern (2) IneMwa of badit�rt0 M t wit oertlr=1W$ • ctrl a ltt altar bw ttmbtrlt dfwtits 1�f«iM IWI� tar aatwrrw 11•. -eN .trtirt• Or I.lbtO .tt/ 0tir tt � rt-it� 27. M 0 rddb *11 gltrttt (dwtt-A fttia IOU betla � rMtl M •t by rat filer OtfttPetw M Qb t w Arta► or goat opow M by ft�� AoW call nowdt shwa ps*q shat be Mart w o antra doll of in (2) b dm 01 tarot *a* atew be out at N draw oaafe1% 0ettwtdato dirta�" a*% of t %gad iria" "'T" let doted he mud a • anittitttwt dolt of he (2) irtd w r arm al w M ode t! eoertt o � A A wtupefatry air Naha •D"ra"t Putt alto be OMW be dry of Ili w ttttoelia rill • povin L allied pA61t be 1" M 0# d Ar"r"an 0� riY b 1 �CN Cd for oft" beedba � bd CRY prejtelt Itlt�tdiry so6L MC pit Aced altar ltd M olAWW pf•tw bu dl d be otelttft 40 PVC pja StlW t 40 M once oad too" 0 PC 0w rarer it "Ned «t, � � RECOMMENDED EOR APPROVAL if� . . ' • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . .. . D.. A.. T.. A .. ... ... ... . .. , ., . d ..• . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . , . . .. . . . . . . . . : ; , . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • : ' ' 33. . 0 0. },• . ' r ► �. � . ' . . • . . � . PVC " S� • • . �ST A T � 0+0&1 3• • . 6 5' � T ee � t .1 BY. DATE S( M.t .:.In1 � tLw , ) 1 W. V. sP 1 r 'K v� �. � � ; M► . . • i0.W. ' o. s N. . . • . �. 1 . ; r . 1p . . E . ,. � . T , . • . . � . - . . . . • . • . � • • i , , ; • . . ' � • , . . . . . . . . . . • , , . , . . . . . . . . . � . . � . . . . . . 1 o 'i ?1CA_ PPING GTE VALVFRL#i TOC PAYN OWL PER on o MNN WOO Aw►T0 >� u ff ' t. • , , r �, : ir w r- e - r ' • , . , , , , . na LocA n. • • ; . • , . . , • • J wB Y• DAM VR CM run Pae on 3/y � A AM Mal OMAY ICY Et• AM oM M AU Erw wrd SHOW or it" 61606464 NOV wr so It j 1 . . C BY: DAM � 04cu CALLa MUNI Loom • t 0" To" WA & SE P"N BY: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AS - GUILT DRAWING . . . • . • . • • . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • : • • • . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . I4' io- f M0-,%1' 3Y •CFR1 IFY THAT THE iNt . : : : : : : : . : : : : : . : : :: . : . :.: . ; ::.: :: . . . . . • Iv�.r,itrtil AM) VEK11CkL J 0� .. , . . . . . . • . ti i • . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . • ... . . . . . . _i a SIrlTARy DEir�/f AND art M!I #N AE flit Rf k AT 0P A FIELD UE 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! • • •s r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • / . . . c.,{ 1 1 t1 I� E^ D Uf N 1P U . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . .. 01V At 6 „v AGGOri AE 10 6UNLRAi LY jJ ,'te t cJJtOyAt $,tJtrY NRCTICf WL led so roo W MA A MI EITHER a ................ 0 :• ...••••••..•••.•••.././/•..././/././/./../•••//••.••../• . 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