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Award Date: J u 1T11 a 2011 CAG Awarded to: James W- _Fowler r Ca- law 12775 Westview Drive Dallas , OR 97338 $994,925.00 City of Renton: Bidding Requirements Contract Forms, Conditions of the Contract, Plans and Specifications City of Renton Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S Storm System Project Project No. SWP-27-3529 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Project Manager: Daniel Carey 425-430-7293 A Ilr IW ® Printed on Recycled Paper - aw CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for the Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S „ Storm System Project PROJECT NO. SWP-27-3529 June 2011 BIDDING REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT FORMS CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS PLANS ` p J. p�of WAS a �Q28 SS�ONA EN r. CITY OF RENTON 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 r ® Printed on Recycled Paper w James W Fowler Co. co General Contractors Project Name: Lake Ave S /Rainier Ave S Storm System Project— SWP-27-3529 List of Contacts: Responsible Officer: John Fowler Office: 503-623-5373 Cell: 503-209-8714 Project Manager: Shannon Phipps Cell: 360-239-7320 Agent: Park, Smith& Feek Office: 800-457-0220 Insurance: Kathy A. Bare Bonds: Karen P. Dever 12775 Westview Drive•Dallas,Oregon 97338 fW Phone 503.623.5373 •■A FAX 503.623.9117 n���,fTAtp r Stale of PRESORTI(1) 1 c � Washington I IRS'l-ClAss mml, I I .ti. PO.tiI'MU mil) 1'110111'#312 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES - PO BOX 44450 OLYMPIA WA 98504-4450 mr ' JAMES W FOWLER CO 12775 WESTVIEW DR DALLAS OR 97338 rr ®r , =;;�3 ���:.•��:=;�'t:�•A��l, :I. Il,fl.Ill.Illlll,lll.Gl 11111 llllll�l,ILIIIJIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIt �-- - I��I,irh :1nJ I�nl,l,n t'r(ulicur - _. • to DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES REGISTERED AS PROVIDED BY LAW AS CONST CONTR GENERAL i wr � REGIST.# EXP.DATE CCO1 JAMESWF101JZ 4/30/2012 EFFECTIVE DATE 4/9/1990 i � mo JAMES W FOWLER CO 12775 WESTVIEW DR (rr DALLAS OR 97338 1'025 Oil-(X)0(3/071 aw ---- - Ih•ia,11 And Ih,pl:n ColilliM" — rrir REGISTERED AS PROVIDED BY LAW AS CONST CONTR GENERAL Please REGIST.# EXP.DATE Remove ) �lrr CCO 1 JAMES WF101 JZ 4130/2012 And S1,111 EFFECTIVE DATE 4/9/1990 Ident111Catf011 Card Bcforc Wr JAMES W FOWLER CO 1'Itic Ilt`- 111 12775 WESTVIEW DR B i l 11'()I d DALLAS OR 97338 rr n.dui, I, urJ I � 111 1'�I2 I \I I-N I OI I.\lil)k VN1) INI)t 11 ti ow P625-05'-(NI0(S/97) i Business License Annual D City of o�` o Expiration Date o O 10/31/2012 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6851 r Business Location 12775 WESTVIEW DR Issued Date: License# DALLAS, OR 97338 07/11/2011 BL.033943 Licensee has applied for a City of Renton business license in accordance with Renton Municipal Code (the JAMES W FOWLER CO Code), Title V Business, Chapter 5 Business Licenses. PO BOX 489 The Licensee agrees to comply with all requirements of DALLAS, OR 97338 the Code, as well as State laws and regulations applicable to the business activity licensed. +rr rr rr irr r +r r wr r.r arr - (J city of i Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S Storm System Project - SWP-27-3529 CONTRACT DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Fair Practices Policy Summary of Americans with Disability Act Policy Scope of Work Vicinity Map Instructions to Bidders Call for Bids *Proposal and Combined Affidavit&Certificate Form: (Non-Collusion,Anti-Trust Claims, Minimum Wage) *Bid Bond Form *Schedule of Prices *Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addenda **Subcontractors List ❖Bond to the City of Renton ❖Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance ❖Contract Agreement(Contracts other than Federal-Aid FHWA) ❖Retainage Selecton Insurance Requirements Wash. State Prevailing Hourly Wage Rates Reference Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages,Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid Renton Certificate of Payment of Prevailing Wages #W Environmental Regulation Listing City of Renton SPECIAL PROVISIONS WSDOT Amendments Renton Survey Control Information Traffic Control Information Appendix A: Geotechnical Report, Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report App. D—Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Management Plan Allied/Republic Services Special Waste Profile Sheet Appendix B: DOT Form 350-042-EF Appendix C: Archaeological Monitoring Plan, DAHP Permit City of Seattle Right of Way Permit, King County Construction Dewatering Request Form Site Photos Standard Details Construction Plans (reduced 11x17) rrrr Documents marked as follows must be submitted at the time noted and must be executed by the Contractor, President and Vice President or Secretary if corporation by-laws permit. All pages must be rrr signed. In the event another person has been duly authorized to execute contracts, a copy of the corporation minutes establishing this authority must be attached to the bid document. wr * Submit with Bid ** Submit with Bid or within 1 hour of bid ❖ Submit at Notice of Award wo CITY OF RENTON - Public Works Department 02b-Contents-2011 Revised-perPMX.DOC\ go wr. ;rr CITY OF RENTON r SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 4085 It is the policy of the City of Renton to promote and provide equal treatment and service to all citizens and to ensure equal employment opportunity to all persons without regard to their race; religion/creed; national origin; ancestry; sex; age over 40; sexual orientation or gender identity; pregnancy; HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C status; use of a guide dog/service animal; marital status; parental/family status; military status; or veteran's status, or the presence of a physical, sensory, or mental disability, when the City of Renton can .r reasonably accommodate the disability, of employees and applicants for employment and fair, non-discriminatory treatment to all citizens. All departments of the City of Renton shall adhere to the following guidelines: ow (1) EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES - The City of Renton will ensure all employment related activities included recruitment, selection, promotion, demotion, training, retention and separation are conducted in a manner which is based on job-related criteria which does not discriminate against women, minorities and other protected classes. Human resources decisions will be in accordance with individual performance, staffing requirements, governing civil service rules, and labor contract agreements. (2) COOPERATION WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS - The City of Renton will cooperate fully with all organizations and commissions organized to promote fair practices and equal opportunity in employment. (3) CONTRACTORS' OBLIGATIONS - Contractors, sub-contractors, consultants +.. and suppliers conducting business with the City of Renton shall affirm and subscribe to the Fair Practices and Non-discrimination policies set forth by the law and by City policy. r Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all City employees, shall appear in all operational documentation of the City, including bid calls, and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate city facilities. CONCURRED IN by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, this7th day of March , 2011 +r CITY RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL r. Denis Law, Mayor uncil Pr sident ." Attest: Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk + S ALL j TED 41/,JAIiII IIV11111«\\\ +rr CITY OF RENTON SUMMARYOFAMBRICANS WITH DISABII1TIE4ACTP0LICY ADOPTED BYRESOLU770NNO. 3007 The policy of the City of Renton is to promote and afford equal treatment and service to all citizens and to assure employment opportunity to persons with disabilities, when the City of Renton can reasonably accommodate the ,,. disability. This policy shall be based on the principles of equal employment opportunity, the Americans With Disabilities Act and other applicable guidelines as set forth in federal, state and local laws. All departments of the City of Renton shall adhere to the following guidelines: (1) EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES - All activities relating to employment such as recruitment, selection,promotion,termination and training shall be conducted in a non- discriminatory manner. Personnel decisions will be based on individual performance, staffing requirements, and in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and other applicable laws and regulations. law (2) COOPERATION WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS - The City of Renton will cooperate fully with all organizations and commissions organized to promote fair practices and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in MW employment and receipt of City services,activities and programs. (3) AMERICANS WITH DISABfLrMS ACT POLICY-The City of Renton Americans r. With Disabilities Act Policy will be maintained to facilitate equitable representation within the City work force and to assure equal employment opportumity and equal access to City services, activities and programs to all people with disabilities. It shall be the responsibility and the duty of all City officials and employees to carry out the policies and guidelines as set forth in this policy (4) CONTRACTORS' OBLIGATION - Contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers conducti ng business with the City of Renton shall abide by the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act and promote access to services, activities and programs for people with disabilities. Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all City employees,shall appear in all operational documentation of the City, including bid calls,and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate City facilities. CONCURRED 1N by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, w. this 4th, day of October 1993. C RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL: Mayor ouncil President Attest: '1w City Clerk VU ow WW r CITY OF RENTON Lake Ave S /Rainier Ave S Storm System Project SWP-27-3529 SCOPE OF WORK The work involved under the terms of this contract document shall be full and complete installation of the facilities, as shown on the plans and as described in the construction specifications, to include but not be limited to: • Temporary construction fencing. • Installing and operating a temporary dewatering system. • Excavating and shoring boring and receiving pits, and open trenches. • Installing 432 feet of 42-inch steel casing by auger boring, and 432 feet of 34-inch FIDPE pipe rr within the casing. • Installing 57 feet of 36-inch, 99 feet of 34-inch, and 66 feet of 30-inch storm pipe. r • Installing one 84-inch,three 72-inch and four 60-inch catch basins. • Providing a temporary water service line and relocating an 8-inch water main. 0 Furnishing and operating a mobile laboratory on-site to test soil and groundwater removed by the project for contamination. • Disposal of any petroleum contaminated soil excavated during project construction. • Plugging and abandoning existing storm pipes. • Restoring asphalt pavement and parking lot paint lines. • Restoring all surface features damaged by construction • Restoring plants and landscaping. rr The estimated project cost is $1,100,000 to $1,300,000. +r• A total of 105 working days is allowed for completion of the project. For Bid Item Descriptions see Special Provisions Section 1-09.14 Any contractor connected with this project shall comply with all Federal, State, County, and City codes and regulations applicable to such work and perform the work in accordance with the plans and specifications of this contract document. rr rr 05-SCOPE-WORK.D00 +r �o a o �D °p OTT NZ Project RENT D� Location S 3rd Stu Ce 3rd � J��� dar o � � 0O ITT D 0 LI d a -405 �u a CU Vicinity Map Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S Storm System Project 0' 0.33 Miles N ' ' Scale: 1" = 1 / 3 Mile (1760') City of Renton Surface Water Utility D. Carey 5/11 rK r, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Sealed bids for this proposal will be received by the City of Renton at the office of the Renton City aw Clerk, Renton City Hall, until the time and date specified in the Call for Bids. At this time the bids will be publicly opened and read, after which the bids will be considered and the award made as early as practicable. rr No proposal may be changed or withdrawn after the time set for receiving bids. Proposals shall be submitted on the forms attached hereto. 2 Any omissions, discrepancies or need for interpretation should be brought, in writing, to the attention of the Project Engineer. Written addenda to clarify questions that arise may then be issued. No oral statements by Owner, Engineer, or other representative of the owner shall, in any way, modify the contract documents, whether made before or after letting the contract. 3 The work to be done is shown in the plans and / or specifications. Quantities are understood to be yr. only approximate. Final payment will be based on actual quantities and at the unit price bid. The City reserves the right to add or to eliminate portions of that work as deemed necessary. 4. Plans may be examined and copies obtained at the Public Works Department Office. Bidders shall satisfy themselves as to the local conditions by inspection of the site. 5. The bid price for any item must include the performance of all work necessary for completion of that item as described in the specifications. w. 6. The bid price shall be stated in terms of the units indicated and as to a total amount. In the event of errors, the unit price bid will govern. Illegible figures will invalidate the bid. 7. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities if it is deemed advantageous to the City to do so. 8. A certified check or satisfactory bid bond made payable without reservation to the Director of Finance of the City of Renton in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid shall accompany each bid proposal. Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately following the decision as to award of contract. The check of the successful bidder will be returned provided he enters into a contract and furnishes a satisfactory performance bond covering the full amount of the work within ten days after receipt of notice of intention to award contract. Should he fail, or refuse r to do so,the check shall be forfeited to the City of Renton as liquidated damage for such failure. 9. All bids must be self-explanatory. No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the r City may request further information on particular points. 10. The bidder shall, upon request, furnish information to the City as to his financial and practical ability to satisfactorily perform the work. rrr 11. Payment for this work will be made in Cash Warrants. r Revised:May 2011 tp M rr 12. The contractor shall obtain such construction insurance (e.g. fire and extended coverage, worker's compensation, public liability, and property damage as identified within Special Provisions, Specification Section 1-07.18 "Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance". 13. The contractor, prior to the start of construction, shall provide the City of Renton a detailed bar chart type construction schedule for the project. 14 Before starting work under this contract, the Contractor is required to supply information to the City of Renton on all chemical hazards Contractor is bringing into the work place and potentially exposing City of Renton Employees. +ir 15. Payment of retainage shall be done in accordance with Section 1-09.9(1) "Retainage". 16. Basis For Approval The construction contract will be awarded by the City of Renton to the lowest, responsible, responsive bidder. The bidder shall bid on all bid schedules items of all schedules set forth in the bid forms to be considered responsive for award. The total price of all schedules will be used to determine the successful low responsive bidder. ,rr+ Partial bids will not be accepted. The owner reserves the right to award any or all schedules of the Bid to meet the needs of the City. The intent is to award to only one BIDDER. r 17. Trench Excavation Safety Systems As required by RCW 39.04.180, on public works projects in which trench excavation will exceed a depth of four feet, any contract therefor shall require adequate safety systems for the trench excavation that meet the requirements of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, Chapter 49.17 RCW. These requirements shall be included in the Bid Schedule as a separate item. The costs of trench safety systems shall not be considered as incidental to any other contract item and any attempt to include the trench safety systems as an incidental cost is prohibited. 18. Payment of Prevailing Wages r In accordance with Revised Code of Washington Chapters 39.12 and 49.28 as amended or supplemented herein, there shall be paid to all laborers, workmen or mechanics employed on this contract the prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work in the same trade or occupation in the area of work regardless of any contractual relationship which may exist, or be alleged to exist, between the CONTRACTOR and any laborers, workmen, mechanics or subconsultants. The most recent issue of the prevailing wage rates are included within these specifications under section titled "Prevailing Minimum Hourly Wage Rates". The Contractor is Responsible for obtaining updated issues of the prevailing wage rate forms as they become available during the duration of the NW contract. The wage rates shall be included as part of any subcontracts the Contractor may enter into for work on this project. 19. Pollution Control Requirements Work under this contract shall meet all local, state and federal requirements for the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of public natural resources. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct the work in accordance with all applicable pollution control laws. The CONTRACTOR shall Revised:May 2011 tp irr comply with and be liable for all penalties, damages, and violations under Chapter 90.48 RCW, in performance of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall also comply with Article 4 in the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation III regarding removal and encapsulation of asbestos materials. 20. Standard Specifications All work under this contract shall be performed in accordance with the following standard �. specifications except as may be exempted or modified by the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications, Special Provisions other sections of these contract documents. These standard specifications are hereby made a part of this contract and shall control and guide all activities within this project whether referred to directly, paragraph by paragraph, or not. 1. WSDOT/APWA "2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction" and "Division 1 APWA Supplement" hereinafter referred to by the abbreviated title "Standard Specifications." A. Any reference to "State," "State of Washington," "Department of Transportation," "WSDOT," or any combination thereof in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be modified to read "City of Renton," unless specifically referring to a standard specification or test method. B. All references to measurement and payment in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be detected and the measurement and payment provisions of Section 1-09.14, Measurement and Payment(added herein) shall govern. .w. 21. If a soils investigation has been completed, a copy may be included as an appendix to this document. If one has not been provided for this project by the City or Engineer, the Bidders shall familiarize themselves adequately with the project site and existing subsurface condition as needed to submit their bid. Upon approval of the City, the Bidder may make such subsurface explorations and investigations as they see fit. The Bidder shall be responsible for protection of all existing facilities, utilities and other buried or surface improvements and shall restore the site to the satisfaction of the City. 22 Bidder's Checklist ❑ It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed on the attached index wY are included in their copy of the bid specifications. If documents are missing, it is the sole responsibility of the bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the missing documents prior to bid opening time. 'r"` ❑ Have you submitted, as part of your bid, all documents marked in the index as "Submit With Bid"? ❑ Has bid bond or certified check been enclosed? ❑ Is the amount of the bid guaranty at least 5 percent of the total amount of bid including sales tax? ■• ❑ Has the proposal been signed? ❑ Have you bid on ALL ITEMS and ALL SCHEDULES? Im ❑ Have you submitted the Subcontractors List(If required) ❑ Have you reviewed the Prevailing Wage Requirements? ❑ Have you certified Receipt of Addenda, if any? aw sw Revised:May 2011 tp r CITY OF RENTON Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Project, SWP-27-3529 «. ADDENDUM NO. 1 Date Issued: June 20, 2011 Date of Bid Opening: Unchan eg_d r NOTICE TO ALL PLAN HOLDERS �r The Bid Documents for the project are modified as described below. Bidders shall incorporate this Addendum into the Bid Documents. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification of his bid. Bidders shall acknowledge this Addendum by signing the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addenda form in the Bid Document, or by signing this Addendum, and submitting either form with the bid. +r THE BID DOCUMENTS ARE MODIFED AS FOLLOWS: rw The Call for Bids lists the wrong day(Tuesday). June 30 is a Thursday. Replace the following parts of the bid document with the new pages. SPECIFICATIONS: Remove the Call for Bids. Replace with Addm#1 Call for Bids(1 page). Daniel Carey, PE,Pro' ct Manager, Surface Water Utility Ph#425-430-7293 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA SIGNED: TITLE: NAME OF COMPANY: MW 01-ADDENDUM-1 LakeAve-Bid Day.DOC\ wr rr CAG-11-115 Addendum#1 err CITY OF RENTON "" CALL FOR BIDS to Lake Ave S /Rainier Ave S Storm System Project SWP-27-3529 Sealed bids will be received until 2:30 p.m., Thursday, June 30, 2011, at the City Clerk's office, 7th floor, and will be opened and publicly read in conference room#521 on the 5th floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057, for the Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Project. The work to be performed within 105 working days from the date of commencement under this contract shall include, but not be limited to: Temporary construction fencing. Installing and operating a temporary dewatering system. Excavating and shoring boring and receiving pits, and open trenches. Installing 432 feet of 42-inch steel casing by auger boring, and 432 feet of 34-inch HDPE pipe within the casing. Installing 57 feet of 36-inch, 99 feet of 34-inch, and 66 feet of 30-inch storm pipe. Installing one 84-inch, three 72-inch and four 60- inch catch basins. Providing a temporary water service line and relocating an 8-inch water main. ++ Furnishing and operating a mobile laboratory on-site to test soil and groundwater removed by the project for contamination. Disposal of any petroleum contaminated soil excavated during project construction. Plugging and abandoning existing storm pipes. Restoring asphalt pavement and parking +r� lot paint lines. Restoring all surface features damaged by construction. Restoring plants and landscaping. The estimated project cost is $1,100,000 to $1,300,000. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informalities. Bid documents will be available June 14,2011. Plans, specifications, addenda, and the plan holders list for this project are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc., at http://www.bxwa.com. Click on "bxwa.com'; "Posted Projects", "Public Works", "City of Renton", "Projects Bidding". (Note: Bidders are encouraged to"Register as a Bidder," in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the"Bidders List.") Questions about the project shall be addressed to, Daniel Carey, City of Renton,Public Works Dept., 1055 Grady Way, Fifth Floor, Renton, WA, 98057,phone(425)430-7293, fax(425)430-7241. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total of each bid must accompany each bid. The City's Fair Practices,Non-Discrimination, and Americans with Disability Act Policies shall apply. . Bonnie L Walton, City Clerk +• Published: Daily Journal of Commerce June 14, 2011 Daily Journal of Commerce June 20,2011 .r AW " CAG-11-115 CITY OF RENTON CALL FOR BIDS Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S Storm System Project S W P-27-3529 Sealed bids will be received until 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 30, 2011, at the City Clerk's office, 7th floor, and will be opened and publicly read in conference room #521 on the 5th floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057, for the Lake Ave S/ Rainier Ave S Storm System Project. The work to be performed within 105 working days from the date of commencement under this contract shall include, but not be limited to: • Temporary construction fencing. Installing and operating a temporary dewatering system. Excavating and shoring boring and receiving pits, and open trenches. Installing 432 feet of 42-inch steel casing by auger boring, and 432 feet of 34-inch HDPE pipe within the casing. Installing 57 feet +�+ of 36-inch, 99 feet of 34-inch, and 66 feet of 30-inch storm pipe. Installing one 84-inch, three 72-inch and four 60-inch catch basins. Providing a temporary water service line and relocating an 8-inch water main. Furnishing and operating a mobile laboratory on-site to test soil and groundwater ++� removed by the project for contamination. Disposal of any petroleum contaminated soil excavated during project construction. Plugging and abandoning existing storm pipes. Restoring asphalt pavement and parking lot paint lines. Restoring all surface features damaged by construction. rr Restoring plants and landscaping. The estimated project cost is$1,100,000 to$1,300,000. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informalities. Bid documents will be available June 14, 2011. Plans, specifications, addenda,and the plan holders list for this project are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc., at http://www.bxwa.com. Click on bxwa.com , Posted Projects", Public Works", City of Renton", "Projects Bidding". (Note: Bidders are encouraged to "Register as a Bidder," in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the "Bidders List.") Questions about the project shall be addressed to, Daniel Carey, City of Renton, Public Works Dept., 1055 Grady Way, Fifth Floor, Renton, WA, 98057, phone (425) 430-7293,fax(425)430-7241. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total of each bid must accompany each bid. The City's Fair Practices, Non-Discrimination, and Americans with Disability Act Policies shall apply. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk ,rr Published: rr Daily Journal of Commerce June 14, 2011 Daily Journal of Commerce June 20, 2011 r 1 - BID SECTION Lake Ave S /Rainier Ave S Storm System Project SWP-27-3529 The following documents must be submitted for the bid at the time noted, and must be executed by the Contractor, President and Vice President or Secretary if corporation by-laws permit. All pages must be signed. In the event another person has been duly authorized to execute contracts, a copy of the corporation minutes establishing this authority must be attached to the bid tw document. *Proposal and Combined Affidavit& Certificate Form: +■ (Non-Collusion, Anti-Trust Claims, and Minimum Wage Form) *Bid Bond Form *Schedule of Prices aw *Acknowledgement of Addenda "Subcontractors Subcontractors List Im * Submit with Bid ** Submit with Bid or within 1 hour of bid For Bid Item Descriptions see Special Provisions Section 1-09.14 22 Bidder's Checklist rr ❑ It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed on the attached index are included in their copy of the bid specifications. If documents are missing, it is the sole responsibility of the bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the missing documents prior to bid opening time. ❑ Have you submitted, as part of your bid, all documents marked in the index as"Submit With Bid"? ❑ Has bid bond or certified check been enclosed? ❑ Is the amount of the bid guaranty at least 5 percent of the total amount of bid including sales tax? ❑ Has the proposal been signed? ❑ Have you bid on ALL ITEMS and ALL SCHEDULES? ❑ Have you submitted the Subcontractors List(If required) ❑ Have you reviewed the Prevailing Wage Requirements? rrr ❑ Have you certified Receipt of Addenda, if any? +rr r O 08-BID SECTION.DOC\ w | , Proposal ! -Page 1nf 2 ! � Lake Ave S /Raimier Ave S Storm Systein Project SWP-27-3529 | i m� PROPOSAL ' l ^ T0 TI-IF CITY AP RENTON ' � REN70m, WASHINGTON / Ladies and/or Gentlemen: | The undersi gned hereby certify that the bidder has examined the site otthe proposed work and � thoroughly understand the plans, specifications and contract governing the work embraced in this m� improvement,=- -- - -- -- '`----°y `'~^~-,.x^^~*`"will be made for said work, and oun\p7�ethe work enbn�ediuddaioproveoxed�consoaoub ns-can� be completed propose n�| the oopnoy available, in accordance vvdbthe said p&mx, opeoUjcnbonxand contomtuodthehd in&umhedo|oofzafoa ! and prices: / ~~ (Note: Unit prices for all items, all extensions,and total bid should 6o � The undersigned certifies and agrees tuthe following provisions: — NION-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the identical person who uh itted the foregoing proposal or � m� bid.. and that such bid is genuine- ~- ----- sham or collusive^ ~ - or^^^~~~ in the interest^ on behalf of any p=wm~n / not therein named, and further, that the deponent has not directly induced u,solicited any other Bidder omthe / foregoing work n'equipment tn put bno sham bid, or any other person or corporation 1orefruio from bidding, | and that deponent has not io any manner sought hy collusion io secure tn himself mxto any other person any i � advantage over other Bidder urDidders ' ' i AND m� [ER'ITFICA17ONRB: ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER Vendor and purchaser rcuuAoizo that in actual e@m000dc T*umJue overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations are io fact usually borne 6vthe po/nhuamr' Therefore, vendor ho/n tn purchaser any and uUc]aioo/oruucbovw*cbxxg:ouaLogooduunUm�eriuiupuzcbosodi0000uoo~Do with this order urcontract except weto overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations commencing` 'after the date q{the bid, quotation, m� or other event establishing the price tinder this order orcontract, {n addition, vendor warrants and represents that such ofhis suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all Such claims tV purchaser, wuG*u< tothe aforementioned exception, ' � AND ! &8|lX[K8u&1WA AFFIDAVIT FO}0\� ' | 1, the undersigned, having duly sworri, deposed, say and certify that ioconnection with the performance of the -wurkof this project, I will pay each classification pf laborer,� vv H« mechanic cm � ' � in the i *w performance of such work; riot luuu than the yxpvwd' .rate of nm8o or not 1cyx than the minimum n,(m of | / .'rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale ` .rr , Proposal-Page 2 of 2 r wages as specified in the principal'contract: that have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. .r FOR: PROPOSAL;, NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT, ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT yr Name of Bidder's Firm .r Printed Name f Signature Address: Names of Members of Partnership: OR Name of President of Corporation YPcAFL5 \Nj EON" �++ Name of Secretary of Corporation i Corporation Organized under the laws of f With Main Office in State of Washington at Z( n4 LNAP k V\ err Subscribed and sworn to before me on this '-2-0* day of r OFFICIAL SEAL Notary Public in and or the State of*kahiffg4�i ®ULt S A. SCHIMIDT �L ? NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON Notary Print y�I D� s� n C0!vIi ISSION IO.424554 � � _20,0 1 Myappointment expires:_ ��--- err i rr r .'rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale 'BID DOND FOP,,M 14�powlfb.-and;-d'oposit 11i Wig:forth 0 a cereffie'd, 1 1100 k " ..0.4 amount NWh'J&,h,aII1DVnt js:.not fewthanlive perrc.aV;oT OwAdtalllyid. ,Knott A0 M4w4y-T)wOrw3iiL�,' ThAt �VL., James W. Fowler Cc I Liberty Mutual Insurance I 22m)�nzls S'(1rety- aS Obilgeol, Five Percent (50) of the Total Amount of Bid---- - Irol, the wud��'t "eofmorS' Y,and quVetAlly,4yftlM PVW Al for takc,�'Ave-gj 1 61h[Ek, Avg sf'em Proje-U 4W- P'61h I' Sto rib 9V pr awdi or bj-d made.by the 1'r*indJp91,flI&OQ Tnd the T io at:6'A't.1duly 11166, 0M 4wfirCl,od.. givo bohd.fQf-tho-fAi(h 'brn1ww.Q '6y-tho -Ir Aff poxr (hQI or. iho Pr,(fI0 pal,AW.*11.. ir.; do S0"POY kP.-010 - "bl*tfie'Pkf)4!*-nQVrV Of ft itePosi.t specified h0he cilllbi'W&, then ffils o`bfi�niion,siall benufaa-id. VQ'Id" shall t)t: Ef;t16 th'L 8w:a 4 j 16 -ft �' penillty.atxd 119w1dated dam4p.6f,ibe uniount of Phis bond', D k OWMI'Ine MONSA'SlWX-D ANO DA T90 'Vap 30th A, James MOM -P,ial'),"o"I A I. Z-d(4N Fig V') tz-VIL"Tt V t- IV 4 R Liberty Muutal Ins ranee Company e 14 Karen P. Dever, Attorney-in-Fact aw r. 10-fildlIhndMOM Provided to 13pilderg Exchange of WA, lhg4 For uS294 COndition.s Agreement sae www.bxW9xom•Always Yo�ify 80ale 4298778 THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON,MASSACHUSETTS POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (the "Company"), a Massachusetts stock insurance company,pursuant to and by authority of the By-law and Authorization hereinafter set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint SUSAN B. LARSON, DEANNA M. MEYER, KAREN P. DEVER, STUART A. O'FARRELL, SCOTT FISHER, JILL A. BOYLE, LILLIAN TSE, BENJAMIN L. WOLFE, ELIZABETH R. HAHN, JANA M. ROY, SCOTT MCGILVRAY,ALL OF THE CITY OF BELLEVUE, STATE OF WASHINGTON.............................................................................................................................. each individually if there be more than one named, its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to make, execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed,any and all undertakings,bonds, recognizances and other surety obligations in the penal sum not exceeding TWO HUNDRED MILLION AND 00/100 ************************************ DOLLARS($ 200,000,000.00********************* )each,and the execution of such undertakings, bonds, recognizances and other surety obligations, in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Company in their own proper persons. That this power is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-law and Authorization: ARTICLE XIII-Execution of Contracts:Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings. Any officer of the Company authorized for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president, and subject to such limitations as the chairman or the president may prescribe,shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds, recognizances and other surety obligations. Such 'f3 attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Company by their y signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company. When so executed such instruments shall be 44) N as binding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary. dBy the following instrument the chairman or the president has authorized the officer or other official named therein to appoint attorneys-in-fact: It Pursuant to Article XIII, Section 5 of the By-Laws, Garnet W. Elliott, Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, is hereby authorized to appoint such attorneys-in-fact as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make, execute, seal,acknowledge and _ deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations. O to V H O That the By-law and the Authorization set forth above are true copies thereof and are now in full force and effect. W IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Company and the corporate seal of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company has been affixed thereto in Plymouth Meeting,Pennsylvania this 18th day of December 0 CL 3 2010 Q M �N c� d LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 0 L. r 3 ;; By -- ,mss i/_ �� a ca Garnet W. Elliott,Assistant Secretary N o L COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ss COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY rte. o 0 = *� On this 18th day of December , 2010 , before me, a Notary Public, personally came Garnet W. Elliott,to me known, and acknowledged r d E' that he is an Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company; that he knows the seal of said corporation; and that he executed the above Gi Power of Attorney and affixed the corporate seal of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company thereto with the authority and at the direction of said corporation. IN TESTIMONY WH unto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at Plymouth Meeting,Pennsylvania,on the day and year t 0 0 first above written. ��o �° +�N (0 C COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA L 7 Seal _N E OP t ; F Teresa PaeteOa,Nattrry•Pu6tc w Piymcuth Twp.,klmtgpnety Ccunty By , r•,sy Comm!lion Expires March 28,2013 ; Ter sa Pastella,Notary Public v A�Y�°�� �.�,R:dur.Pcnr�,yi.��w.,ass��at�o:;<trwtE��i�; CERTIFICATE F 1,the undersigned,Assistan ecretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,do hereby certify that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy,is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and I do further certify that the officer or official who executed the said power of attorney is an Assistant Secretary specially authorized by the chairman or the president to appoint attorneys-in-tact as provided in Article XIII,Section 5 of the By-laws of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. 0 This certificate and the above power of attorney may be signed by facsimile or mechanically reproduced signatures under and by authority of the following vote of the board of directors of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of March, 1980. VOTED that the facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the company, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said company,this 30 day of i � By , �� Davi6 M.Carey,Ass' 't Secretary �r 1W Page 1 of 3 go CITY OF RENTON SCHEDULE OF PRICES LAKE AVE. S./RAINIER AVE. S.STORM SYSTEM PROJECT—(SWP 27-3529) rrr (Sales Tax Rule 171 Applies To This Project) SEE SECTION 1-09.14 OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR BID ITEMS Note:Show UNIT PRICE and TOTAL AMOUNT in figures only, ITEM APPROX. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT ar NO. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICED BID QUANTITY Dollars Cents Dollars Cents 1. Contractor Supplied Surveying 1 $ — LS Per LS do 2. Spill Prevention, Control, and 1 $ 117, $ Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) LS Per LS 3. Erosion/Water Pollution Control — LS Per LS Cp 00 ©^C-9 4. Utility Potholing 9 EA Per EA 000 5. Mobilization 1 1200 — LS Per LS 6. Traffic Control I ------- LS Per LS 10 Opp 7. Chain Link Construction Fence - LS Per LS 8. Soil Sampling and Testing for TPH 260 $ r $ --J157- �-" - EA Per EA 2 0 0 rrr 9. Groundwater Sampling and Testing 160 $ — for TPH EA Per EA 1) 10. Dewatering System 1 $ — LS Per LS b 0 11. Saw Cutting 2,400 $ I -,- A ---- -- $ -- ---- do LF Per LF- loop. 12, Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement 640 00 $ — Pavement Sy Per SY 13. Cold Mix 60 0 TON $ (()0 '0�91 Per Ton tir 01Y qj'Renton L -e A i-enue S.lRoinier Avenue S.Storm Project-(S WP 2 7 3529) 1 June 1011 nk 1184779-036(01/10) Contrao Documents Schedule of Prices )rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale QW Page 2 of 3 ITEM APPROX. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT NO. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICED BID QUANTITY Dollars Cents Dollars Cents 14. Structure Excavation Class B Incl. 2,600 00 Haul -$- -.------------- $ ar CY Per CY qikooZ� 15. Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B 1 $ ?-S-oO0 .c-`'I-------------- $ LS Per LS 16. Trench Backfill 3,600 $ c0 --11 ------------ $ TON PerTon 00 17. Crushed Surfacing Base Course 860 $- 00 - -(0,----------- $ TON Per Ton -760`G o 18, HIVIA CL 112 In. PG 6422 330 $ TON Per Ton 19. Catch Basin Type 1 2 $ EA Per EA 3 100 0. 20. Catch Basin Type 2 60 In. Diam. 4 $ 000 . -Co EA Per EA Zr7 oo o ov 21. Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Diam. 3 $ (, . DOC)-f" -r------------ $ - EA Per EA v 00 0. 22. Catch Basin Type 2 84 In. Diam. 1 $- EA Per EA 23. 34 In. Diam. High Density Polyethylene 100 $ I-oo -q-0 (HDPE) (DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe - - --------------- - LF Per LF Zb 000 24. 18 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe 46 $ — LF Per LF 25, 12 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe 34 $ foo,,,v $ 0C LF Per LF 26. 30 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe 66 -sj:N.qo $ Ic — LF Per LF 27. 36 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe 57 $ 2D o0 - .----- -------- $ LF Per LF 28. 42 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe 11 $ X300-00- $ - LF Per LF n. 29. Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain 50 $ 27- ,e Pipe ------------------ $ LF Per LF l too , 01Y qfRenten 218-1779-0,M)(01/10) Lake Avenue S.lRando-Avenue S.Storm Prqjeet-tSRT27-,?529) 2 Cuwraci Docum eeav June 2011 Schedide qj'Privev ..71rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale Page 3 of 3 ITEM APPROX. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT NO. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICED BID QUANTITY Dollars Cents Dollars Cents 30. Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain 335 $ Pie 'p LF Per LF 31, Temporary Stormwater Diversion 1 $ 2-4 000 - ,0.�? -- 4 - ------ $ LS Per LS 32. Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 432 $ 34 In. HDPE Carrier Pipe $ LF Per LF 4 v. 400 me 33. Testing Storm Drain Pipe 745 $ LF Per LF 34. Unsuitable Foundation Excavation 120 $ -31 Q Incl. Haul - -!-- $ -–-------—---- CY Per CY 35. Foundation Material 250 $ 00 ----------- $ TON Per Ton 36. Temporary 2 In.Water Service 1 $ A 0 00 --- --- - ---- - $ 0 LS Per LS 000 . 37. Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main, 23 $ 2 $ 8 In. Diam. LF Per LF 38. Television Inspection 745 $ LF Per L F lb 0.0-� .............. to 39. Property Restoration 1 $ fjo .'�-t -r —v ---- $ — LS Per LS 40. Paint Line 1,900 -0 --I-. --------- $ --- LF Per LF 41. Project Sign 2 $ 000.9-9 EA --- Per EA 2 000. 42. Minor Changes 1 $10,000.00 ...................... $10,000.00 LS Per LS 43. Force Account I ---$20,-500:90-------- $20,500.00 — FA Per FA (Sales Tax Rule 171 Applies To This Project) Total: $ CifY o.1 Renton 218-1779-036(()1/10) Sionn Project—tSRT217-3529) 3 June 2011 Contract Docwneftl'� Schedule qfPrices ,.:)rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see wvrw.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale CITY OF RENTON Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Project SWP-27-3529 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA. j NO. NO. DATE: NO. DATE: NO. DATE: NO. DATE: i SIGNED: ,All , V TITLE:. .._S�C'��t7 V , p NAME OF COMPANY:=1AiMff,-6 CL2 ADDRESS: air CITY/STATE/LIP: DL , g&� TELEPHONE: err i r r r:)rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale vw CITY OFF R.ENTON Lake Ave S/;Rainier Ave S$torm$ystem P V3eet, SWP 27�3529 I ADDENDUM NO.1 j err i Date Issued+:,June 20.20l 1 Date.of Bid'Openinga`fichanged i NOTICE TO ALL PLAN HOLDERS: 'T.he:Bid"Documents for the project are:modifiedas described below; ++++� Bidders:.kfi l!. :incorporate this Addend am i-iito:the Bid) octiin*nts:. Fail ireio:do.soinar§ubjecttle'bidderto:disquali ication:ofhisbid. %W Bidders.shatl acknowledge this Addendum l.y si&min :the Acknowledgement ofReceipt ofAWenda fonlff -ittie Biti Docuirient,;tir by i ii.ngthis fldde-du m,and submitting"e.ither form with. t►e bid:; i THE.BID DOCUMENTS.ARE M011IFED AS FOLI,O..S': 1W , 1 The Call for Bids lists tkie wrongday(Tuesda3), June 30 is;;a,TYiursday, rr Replace:-.the TUllowing parts ol.the b;c 'document tivith;the nevy Pages:: SITCVICATTONS;: Remove the Call Tor Bids, Replace with Addm#'1 Call for Bids ill page)" 1 i i " 1 i +■ Daniel Care%,:PE,Pro': ct Manager,Surface Writer.Utility Ph#425 39 7293 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TtI;CEIPT"O ADD:EN�A SICYNED; TrfLt: 1 i NAME Ofi:COMPANY: 01-ADDENDUM-11hkeAve-Bid Day DOD iced to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see..www.bzwa"com Always Verify Scale. Subcontractor List Pagel of2 SUBCONTRACTOR,LIST ` Lake Ave S /Rainier Ave S Storm System Project—SWP-27-3529 RCW 39.30-060 requires that for all public works contracts exceeding$1,000,000 that the bidder submit the names • of all heating,ventilation and air conditioning, and plumbing subcontractors as described in chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical subcontractors as described in chapter 19.28 RCW (this also includes the control system integrator subcontractor as well as other electrical subcontractors). If the subcontractors names are not submitted with the bid,or within one (1)hour after the published bid submittal time OR if two or more subcontractors are named to perform the same work, then the bid shall be considered nonresponsive and ,therefore, void. Complete the following: If awarded the contract, 1A—5 WM 1t Z 0-D will contract with the following subcontractors for the performance of heating,ventilation and air conditioning,plumbing,and electrical (including automatic controls)work: ww Bid Items) P1_j�1�1 z) —�►sGTC� Subcontractor Name r Address Phone No. State Contractor's License No. ..r Bid Item(s) Subcontractor Name Address Phone No. State Contractor's License No. ar Biel Item(s) ,r. Subcontractor Name Address Phone No. State Contractor's License No. Bid Item(s) Subcontractor Name Address Phone NU, State Contractor's License No. 9 h:ifile sys%swp surface water proiectsiswp-27-surface water projects(cip)127-3529 lake ave,minier ave\1114 specs-draft-pity-lake a:ve\13-subeonftuctor Iist- 2006.doe Revised 9/2006 MW?rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale Subcontractor List Page 2 of 2 +rr �r Bid Item(s) Subcontractor Name Address 'hone No, State Contractor's'License No, Bid Item(s) Subcontractor Name Address Phone No. State Contractor's License No. .ir gn re a A thorized Representative of Bidder Subscribed and sworn to be before me on this day oft1N� , 20#1 iAl_SEAT. Notary Public in and for '' A 'SCHIRAIDT the State of Wa E }� N ,TAi3Y F ( OREGON Notary(Print) ftA J Residing at My appointment expires: Z l I +r wr r� httfite syslswp-surface water projeets\swp-27-surface water projects(cip)127-3529 lake ave-rainier avell'154 specs-draft-city-lake avell3-subcontractor list- 2006,doe Revised 9/2006 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com-Always Verify Scale 2 — CONTRACT SECTION err INFORMATION ONLY Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Project SWP-27-3529 The contract documents in this section must be executed and submitted by the successful Bidder within ten(10) days following the Notice of Award. ❖Bond to the City of Renton ❖Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance ❖Contract Agreement(Contracts other than Federal - Aid FHWA) ❖Retainage Selection �w s L L L 14a-CONTRACT Section.DOC\ BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON \That L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: e und ersigned as princip\oe corporation organize and existing under the State of as a surety corporati , and qualified under the late of Washington to become surety upo n bonds of contrac rs with municipal corporatioare jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the ty of Renton in the penal sum for the payment of which sum on de and we bind ourselves and our successors, hei\nan tors or person representatives, as the c may be. This obligation is enterrsuance of the statutes of the State f Washington, the Ordinance of the City of Renton. Dated at on,this d of ,20_ Nevertheless,the condib e obligation are suc at: WHEREAS, under ant o Pu is Works nstruction Contract CAG- providing for constructke Ave Rainie Ave S Storm System Pro'ect SWP-27-3529 the principal is required to furnish a bond for t fa' ful performance of the contract; and WHEREAS, the principal has accepted, or is ab t to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner an i in the time set forth; 'JA NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shal aithfully rform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein s forth, or with such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all aborers, mechanic , subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said pri cipal or subcontractor with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and s I hold said City of Rento harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or pr, erty by reason of any carelessn s or negligence on the part of said principal, /tt ntracto in the performance of said work,an hall indemnify and hold the City of Renton om a damage or expense by reason of failur of performance as specified in the contradef is appearing or developing in the material r workmanship provided or performed c tract within a period of one year after its accep nce thereof by the City of Renton,tht event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it all be and remain in full force and Principa Surety S' ature Signature Title Title irr ern CONSENT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the undersigned are all of the Directors of James W. Fowler Co., an Oregon err corporation (the"Corporation");and WHEREAS, the undersigned wish to take the action as hereinafter set forth pursuant to the Oregon Business Corporation Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 2, of the Bylaws of the Corporation, the President is empowered to sign, execute and bind the Corporation to contracts in the course of the business of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, due to the exigencies of operating the business of the Corporation, it is not always possible for the President, James W. Fowler, or one of the officers, John B. Fowler, Vice President/Secretary, Candace J. Fowler, Treasurer, and Angela Stockdall, Assistant Secretary, to evaluate and sign each individual contract which may be of interest or benefit to the Corporation; and err WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 6, of the Bylaws of the Corporation, the Board of Directors in its discretion may appoint additional officers or agents of the Corporation and may prescribe the duties thereof; and wr 1M-ERAS, the Directors of the Corporation wish to authorize Mark T. Weisensee as a _ Project Manager of the Corporation to cause the Corporation to enter into contracts in the regular course of business of the Corporation, to prepare and submit bids on behalf of the Corporation, and to sign and execute contracts on behalf of the Corporation. Now, the following resolutions are unanimously adopted: BE IT RESCLV®, that in addition to James W, Fowler, President, John B. Fowler, Vice-President/Secretary, Candace J, Fowler, Treasurer, and Angela Stockdall, .r Assistant Secretary, Mark T. Weisensee shall be and is hereby empowered with the authority to cause the Corporation to enter into contracts in the regular course of business of the Corporation. Such authority shall include, but not be limited to, the power to prepare and submit bids on behalf of the Corporation, and the power to sign and execute contracts on behalf of the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned h c: hereunt set their hands on 2006. lames W. Fowler r�r rr CONSENT RESOLUTION DAMES W.FOWLE3RC0.) hI:\DOCS\4000-5999\4572\consenL Resolution(Weisensee).doc 04/04/06(EW1:iw) +Ilr C ndace J.. owler Oh . Fowler �r r r no so 10 Is CONSENT RESOLUTION DAMES W.FOWLER CO.) 2 N:\Docs1 4 000-5 9 9 4\4572\Consent Resolution(Welsensee).doc 04/04/oQEw1:jw) .r alr CONSENT RESOLUTION +r WHEREAS, the undersigned are all of the Directors of James W. Fowler Co., an Oregon corporation (the"Corporation");and WHEREAS, the undersigned wish to take the action as hereinafter set forth pursuant to the Oregon Business Corporation Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 2, of the Bylaws of the Corporation, the President is empowered to sign, execute and bind the Corporation to contracts in the course of the business of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, due to the exigencies of operating the business of the Corporation, it is not always possible for the President, James W. Fowler, or one of the officers, John B. Fowler, Vice President/Secretary, Candace J. Fowler, Treasurer, and Angela Stockdall, Assistant Secretary, to evaluate and sign each individual contract which may be of interest or benefit to the Corporation; and rr WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 6, of the Bylaws of the Corporation, the Board of Directors in its discretion may appoint additional officers or agents of the Corporation and may prescribe the duties thereof; and rr V+EFEASs the Directors of the Corporation wish to authorize Mark T. Weisensee as a _ Project Manager of the Corporation to cause the Corporation to enter into contracts in the regular u„titi course of business of the Corporation, to prepare and submit bids on behalf of the Corporation, and to sign and execute contracts on behalf of the Corporation. Now, TF$ the following resolutions are unanimously adopted: .r BE IT FESMVEEk that in addition to James W. Fowler, President, John B. Fowler, Vice-President/Secretary, Candace J. Fowler, Treasurer, and Angela Stockdall, Assistant Secretary, Mark T. Weisensee shall be and is hereby empowered with the authority to cause the Corporation to enter into contracts in the regular course of business of the Corporation. Such authority shall include, but not be limited to, the power to prepare and submit bids on behalf of the Corporation, and the power to r sign and execute contracts on behalf of the Corporation. IN -'WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned h c: hereunt set their hands on • Hn�-� `� 2006, James W. Fowler +tir stir CONSENT RESOWTION DAMES W.FOWLI;F2Co.) FI:\Does\4000-5995\4572\Consent Resolution(Weisensee).doc 04/04106(EWI:iw) wr w C ndace J. owler If oh . Fowler o so lrr No im mi CONSENT RESOLUTION UAMES W.FOWLER CO.) z li:\Docs\4000-5999\4572\Ccrosc<nl Resolution(Weisensee).doc 04/04/06(Ew):jw) �r Bond No.023017298 ow BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: .r That we,the undersigned James W. Fowler Co. as principal, and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations, as surety are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Renton in the penal sum of S 994,925.00 for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and r our successors,heirs, administrators or person representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington, the Ordinance of the City of Renton. Dated at Renton Washington,this 24 day of 20/t . Nevertheless,the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Public Works Construction Contract CAG-11-j4T 11$ providing for construction of Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Proiect SWP-27-3529 the principal is required to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of the contract; and WHEREAS, the principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the P PP Y P PP carrying on of said work, and shall hold said City of Renton harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the part of said principal, or any subcontractor in the performance of said work,and shall indemnify and hold the City of Renton harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in the contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or �.+ performed under the contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Renton,then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. James V fx`owler Co. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Prin pal Surety Si ure �ev�S�Ow�2 Signature ?�_'P_ Karen P.Dever,Attorney-in-Fact r Title Title rrr .r lilt THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. 4298789 This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY in BOSTON,MASSACHUSETTS POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (the "Company"), a Massachusetts stock insurance company,pursuant to and by authority of the By-law and Authorization hereinafter set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint SUSAN B. LARSON, DEANNA M. MEYER, KAREN P. DEVER, STUART A. O'FARRELL, SCOTT FISHER, JILL A. BOYLE, LILLIAN TSE, BENJAMIN L. WOLFE, ELIZABETH R. HAHN, JANA M. ROY, SCOTT MCGILVRAY, ALL OF THE CITY OF BELLEVUE, STATE OF WASHINGTON.............................................................................................................................. us each individually if there be more than one named, its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to make, execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed,any and all undertakings, bonds, recognizances and other surety obligations in the penal sum not exceeding TWO HUNDRED MILLION AND 001100 ************************************ DOLLARS($ 200,000,000.00********************* )each,and the execution of such undertakings, bonds, recognizances and other surety obligations, in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the be Company as if they had been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Company in their own proper persons. That this power is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-law and Authorization: ARTICLE XIII-Execution of Contracts:Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings. Any officer of the Company authorized for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president, and subject to such limitations as the chairman or the president may prescribe,shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make, M execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds, recognizances and other surety obligations. Such 'O attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Company by their y signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company. When so executed such instruments shall be 4) as binding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary. _ a V1 . O By the following instrument the chairman or the president has authorized the officer or other official named therein to appoint attorneys-in-fact: 1 Pursuant to Article X111, Section 5 of the By-Laws, Garnet W. Elliott, Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, is hereby authorized to appoint such attorneys-in-fact as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,execute, seat, acknowledge and c 'O deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations. R O o 01- d That the By-law and the Authorization set forth above are true copies thereof and are now in full force and effect. W O = > IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Company and the corporate seal of G Q Liberty Mutual Insurance Company has been affixed thereto in Plymouth Meeting,Pennsylvania this 18th day of December ! 2010 Q M -64 N LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY !C 3 CL By M �I Garnet W. Elliott,Assistant Secretary rn o y.., COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ss H COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY •.-o t $D p C y On this 18th day of December 2010 , before me, a Notary Public, personally came Garnet W. Elliott, to me known,and acknowledged �W2 O C that he is an Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company; that he knows the seal of said corporation; and that he executed the above .a A E}i Power of Attorney and affixed the corporate seal of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company thereto with the authority and at the direction of said corporation. a (D i � >% IN TESTIMONY WH unto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at Plymouth Meeting,Pennsylvania,on the day and year V 0 first above written. ONVY a { +-� .M C COMMONWEALIH0(PENNSiLVANIA OD i $�* wa ` . Notarial Seat £N OF i Teresa Paw°.ella,N."Public w Ch Plymculb Twrp.,Mm-tgnmrrp Corm^,y i By C • V My OW-m Wic"t Expires Nlarctr 28:2013 i O O t�� F Ter sa Pastella,Notary Public 0 Y�. �a M1?t:A�sr,F?�nr3,ylvar�e Associafiu.:ni NOtss;im; O 1 CERTIFICATE � � .0 I,the undersigned,Assistant ecretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,do hereby certify that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy,is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and I do further certify that the officer or official who executed the said power of attorney is an Assistant Secretary specially authorized by the chairman or the president to appoint attorneys-in-fact as provided in Article XIII,Section 5 of the By-laws of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. No This certificate and the above power of attorney may be signed by facsimile or mechanically reproduced signatures under and by authority of the following vote of the board of directors of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of March, 1980. VOTED that the facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the company, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. !1 IN T IM NY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said company,this a day of bll . ! By r R_ Davi6 M.Carey,Ass' nt Secretary rr 4N 0q,of CITY OF RENTON FAIR PRACTICES POLICY AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE � - �u�`AA� CC) hereby confirms and declares that: (Name of contractor/subcontractor/consultant) I. It is the policy of the above-named contractor/subcontractor/consultant,to offer equal opportunity to all qualified employees and applicants for employment without regard to their race; religion/creed; national origin; ancestry; sex;the presence of a physical, sensory, or mental disability; age over 40;sexual orientation or gender identity; pregnancy; HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C status; use of a guide dog/service animal; marital status; parental/family status; military status; or veteran's status. II. The above-named contractor/subcontractor/consultant complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws governing non-discrimination in employment. III. When applicable,the above-named contractor/subcontractor/consultant will seek out and negotiate with minority and women contractors for the award of subcontracts. Print Agent/Representative's Name r rr Print A e Re r e's Title en /Representative's Signature Date Signed Instructions: This document MUST be completed by each contractor, subcontractor, consultant and/or supplier. Include or attach this document(s) with the contract. ' H:\File Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP-27-Surface Water Projects(CIP)\27-3529 Lake Ave-Rainier Ave\1152 CITY-SPECS-FINAL-Lake Ave\16-Affidavit-fair Practices-FINAL 2011.doc wrr aw .r CONTRACTS OTHER THAN FEDERAL-AID FHWA go THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this A 0%* day of , 2011.by and between THE CITY OF RENTON, Washington, a municipal co oration of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and V� hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." or. WITNESSETH: 1) The Contractor shall within the time stipulated, (to-wit: within 105 working days from date of commencement hereof as required by the Contract, of which this agreement is a component part) perform all the work and services required to be performed, and provide wo and furnish all of the labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment, utility and transportation services necessary to perform the Contract, and shall complete the construction and installation work in a workmanlike manner, in connection with the City's Project (identified as No. SWP-27-3529 for improvement by construction and installation of: Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Project Work as described in"Scope of Work"dated June 2011 , attached hereto. rr All the foregoing shall be timely performed, furnished, constructed, installed and completed in strict conformity with the plans and specifications, including any and all addenda issued by the City and all other documents hereinafter enumerated, and in full compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover. It is further agreed and stipulated that all of said labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment and services shall be furnished and the construction installation performed and completed to the satisfaction and the approval of the City's Public Works Director as being in such conformity with the plans, specifications and all requirements of or arising under the Contract. The Contractor agrees ow to use recycled materials whenever practicable. 2) The aforesaid Contract, entered into by the acceptance of the Contractor's bid and signing of as this agreement, consists of the following documents, all of which are component parts of said Contract and as fully a part thereof as if herein set out in full, and if not attached, as if hereto attached. +++� a) This Agreement b) Instruction to Bidders c) Bid Proposal ,r d) Specifications e) Maps and Plans fl Bid g) Advertisement for Bids h) Special Provisions, if any i) Technical Specifications, if any 1 C!-2000 wr 3) If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work or any part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this Contract, or any ,. extension in writing thereof, or fails to complete said work with such time, or if the Contractor shall be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver shall be appointed on account of the Contractor's insolvency, or if he or any of his subcontractors should violate any of the provisions of this Contract, the City may then serve written notice upon him and his surety of its intention to terminate the Contract, and unless within ten(10)days after the serving of such notice, such violation or non-compliance of any provision of the Contract shall cease and satisfactory air arrangement for the correction thereof be made, this Contract, shall, upon the expiration of said ten (10) day period, cease and terminate in every respect. In the event of any such termination,the City shall immediately serve written notice thereof upon the surety and the Contractor and the surety shall have the right to take over and perform the Contract, provided, however, that if the surety within fifteen (15) days after the serving upon it of such notice of termination does not perform the Contract or does not commence performance thereof, the City itself may take over the work under the Contract and prosecute the same to completion by Contract or by any other method it may deem advisable,for the account and at the expense of the Contractor, and his surety shall be liable to the City for any excess cost or other damages occasioned the City thereby. In such event, wr the City, if it so elects, may, without liability for so doing, take possession of and utilize in completing said Contract such materials, machinery, appliances, equipment, plants and other properties belonging to the Contractor as may be on site of the project and useful .r therein. 4) The foregoing provisions are in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights or remedies available to the City. drr 5) Contractor agrees and covenants to hold and save the City, its officers, agents, representatives and employees harmless and to promptly indemnify same from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability of every type and nature including all costs and legal expenses incurred by reason of any work arising under or in connection with the Contract to be performed hereunder, including loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of any occurrence, omission or activity upon, on or about the premises worked upon or in any way relating to this Contract. This hold harmless and indemnification provision shall likewise apply for or on account of any patented or unpatented invention,process, article or appliance manufactured for use in the performance of the Contract, including its use by the City, unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Contract. .r The Contractor agrees to name the City as an additional insured on a noncontributory primary basis. In the event the City shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against Contractor, then Contractor shall proceed and hold the City harmless and he shall pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred or paid by the City in connection with such litigation. Furthermore, Contractor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees that may be incurred or paid by City in the enforcement of any of the covenants,provisions and agreements hereunder. rr Nothing herein shall require the Contractor to indemnify the City against and hold harmless the City, from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the conduct of the City, its officers or employees and provided further that if claims or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of(a)the Contractor's agents or employees and(b)the City, r 2 C 1-2009 its agents, officers and employees, and involves those actions covered by RCW 4.24.115, this indemnity provision with respect to claims or suits based upon such concurrent negligence shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence or the negligence of the Contractor's agents or employees. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115,then,in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the contractor and the city, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, the contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitute the contractor's waiver of immunity under the Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement. 6) Any notice from one party to the other party under the Contract shall be in writing and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by its duly authorized representative of such party. Any such notice as heretofore specified shall be given by personal delivery thereof or by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail. 7) The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later than 10 calendar days after Contract final execution, and shall complete the full performance of the Contract not later than 105 working days from the date of commencement. For each and every working day of delay after the established day of completion, it is hereby stipulated and ar agreed that the damages to the City occasioned by said delay will be the sum of per Section 1-08.9 of Standard Specifications as liquidated damages(and not as a penalty)for each such day,which shall be paid by the Contractor to the City. err 8) Neither the final certificate of payment not any provision in the Contract nor partial or entire use of any installation provided for by this Contract shall relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall be under the duty to remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within the period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the work, unless a longer period is specified. The •• City will give notice of observed defects as heretofore specified with reasonable promptness after discovery thereof, and Contractor shall be obligated to take immediate steps to correct and remedy any such defect,fault or breach at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. .rr Defective or Unauthorized Work. The City reserves its right to withhold payment from Contractor for any defective or unauthorized work. Defective or unauthorized work Ow includes,without limitation: work and materials that do not conform to the requirements of this Agreement; and extra work and materials furnished without the City's written approval. If Contractor is unable, for any reason, to satisfactorily complete any portion of the work, the City may complete the work by contract or otherwise, and Contractor shall be liable to .r the City for any additional costs incurred by the City. "Additional costs" shall mean all reasonable costs, including legal costs and attorney fees, incurred by the City beyond the maximum Contract price specified above. The City further reserves its right to deduct the .. cost to complete the Contract work, including any Additional Costs, from any and all amounts due or to become due the Contractor. .. 3 C1-21009 +rrr The Contractor agrees the above one year limitation shall not exclude or diminish the City's rights under any law to obtain damages and recover costs resulting from defective and unauthorized work discovered after one year but prior to the expiration of the legal time period set forth in RCW 4.16.040 limiting actions upon a contract in writing, or liability expressed or implied arising out of a written agreement. �. Final Payment: Waiver of Claims. THE CONTRACTOR'S ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT (EXCLUDING WITHHELD RETAINAGE) SHALL CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF CONTRACTOR'S CLAIMS, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY AND PROPERLY MADE AND IDENTIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AS UNSETTLED AT THE TIME FINAL PAYMENT IS MADE AND ACCEPTED. 9) The Contractor and each subcontractor, if any, shall submit to the City such schedules of q uantities and costs progress schedules payrolls, reports, estimates, records and miscellaneous data pertaining to the Contract as may be requested by the City from time to time. 10) The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security for the faithful performance of the Contract, including the payment of all persons and firms performing labor on the construction project under this Contract or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract; said bond to be in the full amount of the Contract price as specified in Paragraph 12. The surety or sureties on such bond or bonds must be duly licensed as a surety in the State of Washington. 11) The Contractor shall verify, when submitting first payment invoice and annually thereafter, possession of a current City of Renton business license while conducting work for the City. ar The Contractor shall require, and provide verification upon request, that all subcontractors participating in a City project possess a current City of Renton business license. The Contractor shall provide, and obtain City approval of, a traffic control plan prior to �r conducting work in City right-of-way. 12) The total amount of this contract is the sum of $994,925.00 numbers Nine Hundred Ninety Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars and no cents written words including Washington State Sales Tax. Payments will be made to Contractor as specified in the "Special Provisions"of this Contract. r.. 13) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement and that the Contractor has the ., ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. 14) LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. CONTRACTOR MUST, IN ANY EVENT, FILE ANY LAWSUIT ARISING FROM OR CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN 120 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE THE CONTRACT WORK IS COMPLETE OR CONTRACTOR'S ABILITY TO FILE THAT CLAIM OR SUIT SHALL BE +�+ FOREVER BARRED. THIS SECTION FURTHER LIMITS ANY APPLICABLE STATUTORY LIMITATIONS PERIOD. 15) Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option rr 4 C i_2009 rr +w rr conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. +ir 16) Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three(3)business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. 17) Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. ww 18) Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the city and Contractor. r 19) Compliance with Laws. The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Contractor's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. 20) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and the Contractor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above-written. r' CTOR # CITY OF RE TON re ident/Pa r/O ner c," , w\e Mayor Denis Law do ATTEST Secretary Bonnie I . Walton, City Clerk dba Firm Name t• y� check one _ ❑ Individual ❑ Partnership Corporation Incorporated in .rr «r 5 C 1-2009. .r rr CITY OF RENTON Lake Ave S /Rainier Ave S Storm System Project SWP-27-3529 RETAINAGE SELECTION Per Standard Specifications Section 1-09.9(1)Retainage, and RCW 60.28,a sum of 5-percent of the monies earned by the Contractor will be retained from progress estimates. The retainage will be used as a trust fund for the protection and payment of(1)the State with respect to taxes, and(2)the claims of any person arising under the Contract. wr. The Contractor shall select one of the options below for the retainage fund(check one): ..r 1.Retained in a fund held by the City(non-interest bearing),or .. _ 2.Deposited by the City in an escrow account(interest bearing)in a bank,mutual savings bank,or savings and loan association. Deposits will be in the name of the City and are not allowed to be withdrawn without the City's written authorization. 9 3. The City, at it's option,may accept a bond from the Contractor in lieu of retainage. If the Contractor selects option 2 or 3 it is fully responsible for selecting the bank or association to be r used, and for making all arrangements and paying all costs associated with that option. All arrangements and forms needed for option 2 or 3 shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. irr Release of the Retainage will be made 60 days following the Completion Date provided the conditions in Special Provisions Section 1-09.9(1), and applicable State Re ulations,are met. AW SIGNED: PRINT NAME: cl) COMPANY: �G�f�(\C.S \JJ •�uvJ\�� o DATE: r VW ` Insurance Requirements See Special Provisions Section 1-07.18 o- See attached sample Acord Certificate, and Special Provisions, for changes to Acord Form. 4; The Certificate holder should be address to: City of Renton ATTN: (enter City project contact 's name and department) 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 19a-Insurance Reference.doc\ ' A °® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DDIYYYY) THIS C TIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HO/PICIES HIS CERTIFIC TE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY TH BELOW. IS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AED REPRESENT TIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: I he certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED ubject to the terms and condi ns of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not con r rights to the certificate holder 1 ieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: PHONE FAX A/C o: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PRODUCER INSURERS AFFORDING COVERA NAIC# INSURED INSURER A: INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: - COVERAGES CERTIFICA NUMBER: 4 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSU NCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO T INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMEN TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, TH INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLCCI DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMI SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED B PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY POLICY EXP LTR POLICY NUMBER MMIDD MM/DD/YYYY LIMITS - GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I— PREMISES Ea occurrence $ 50 OrIn CLAIMS-MADE 7 OCCUR I MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5. PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 000 000 GEN-L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ POLICY PRO LOC $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 X F (Ea accident) ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ SCHEDULED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ HIRED AUTOS (Per accident) NON-OWNED AUTOS $ $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAR HCLAIMS-MADEF— AGGREGATE $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ER WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A 7 �Mandatory In NH) L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $ f yes,describe under E. DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I L ATIONS/VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space Is required) The City of Renton is Prim and Non-contributory Additional Insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Renton SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE C CELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN A ORDANCE WITH THE Attn: POLICY PROVISIONS. 1055 South Grady Way AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Renton,WA. 98057 ©1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights resXved. ACORD 26(2009109) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 1. ACO® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D.M(MM/DDNYYY) 111.� 1 07/08/2011 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Parker,Smith&Feek,Inc. PHONE FAX 425-709-3600 (AIC No):425-709-7460 2233 112th Avenue NE E-MAIL Bellevue,WA 98004 ADDRESS: PRODUCER CUSTOMER ID M INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED James W.Fowler Co. INSURER A:American Zurich Insurance Company Attn:Angela Stockdall,PO Box 489 INSURER B: National Union Fire Insurance Co.of 12775 Westview Drive INSURER C: Illinois Union Insurance Co. +101 Dallas,OR 97338 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: aeti COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. j� INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADOL SUER POLICY NUMBER M POLICY/DDIYYYY MM LTR IDD//YYYY LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY CP0286250308 11/1/2010 11/1/2011 EACH $ 1 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY � � PREMISES Ea occurrence $ X CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR 1 ^ L^ MED EXP(Anyone person) $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1 000000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ POLICY X JECT X LOC PRO- $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CP0286250308 11/1/2010 11/1/2011 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 A r_ (Ea accident) X ANY AUTO 7 X BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED AUTOS o ,r BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ SCHEDULED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ HIRED AUTOS (Per accident) NON-OWNED AUTOS $ $ B UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 20000490 11/1/2010 11/1/2011 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE (� AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 X DEDUCTIBLE $ X I RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION CP0286250308 VbC STATUS OTH- A AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY 11/1/2010 11/1/2011 y I X R ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N �°�` x�WA Stop Gap/Employers E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E] N/A I Liability 00 (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 f yes,descri be under E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1 Pollution Liability COOG24540522001 $5,000,000 Per Wron ful Act or Pollution C X 6/17!2011 11/1/2012 9 (Combined Professional&Pollution) Condition/$10,000,000 Aggregate 111111111 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) JWF Job No.2011-05-Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Project(Owner#:SWP-27-3529). The City of Renton,and its officers,officials,agents, employees,and volunteers are included as additional insureds and coverage is primary and non-contributory as respects General Liability per... (See Attached Description) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE air POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Renton Attn:Public Works Department AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1055 South Grady Way rlr Renton,WA 98057 - ©1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 26(2009/09) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 1 of 12 ,;,"MEiF�`VA,(TGBOO) DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1 ) endorsement UGL1175BCW 3-07 attached,and coverage is primary and non-contributory as respects Excess Liability per endorsement 86391 8-04 attached. r�1 Waiver of Subrogation included as respects General Liability per endorsement UGL925BCW 12-01 attached,Auto Liability per endorsement U-CA-320-B CW-4- 94 attached,Excess Liability per endorsement 80517 5-06 pgs 16 and 17 attached,and Pollution Liability per endorsement PF-29498 04-10 pg 13 of 14 attached. Per project aggregate included as respects General Liability per endorsement CG 25 03 05 09 attached.Separation of Insureds included. r as • rr rrr arr r w ur VL fCfJf 12 JfL _ 1;Y ` +r rr Waiver Of Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us Policy No, Eff,Date ot'Pol. l xp,Date iifpo; Efr nwe o ..nti. Agency No, AddL Prem Return t'rerlt. 2 03Q8 . . 7910QV N/A CP02$6 73 ( NJA W .. This endorsement is issued by lire L'CHTitiziny named in the DuclaralioiLs It changes the policy on the effective trine listcd above -it the Maur stated in the Declarations, .ori THIS Eitil OPUSEME:NT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Named Insured: +rr Address(including ZIP code): This endorsement m(Aifoes insurance provided Wider 11tc: Business.auto Coverage Form Truckers Coverage Form ro Garage Coverage Form Motor Carrier Coverage Form to SCHEDULE Name of Person or(Organization. ALL PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT WITH THE INSURED, EXECUTED PRIOR TO THE ACCIDENT OR LOSS, TEAT WAIVER OF SUBROGATION BE PROVIDED UNDER THIS POLICY. Yw We waive salty right of recovery we may have against the designated person or orgataizatitm sho'Arn in the schedule because of Payments we inake for injury or damage caused by an"accidcnf*tar"los,5'"resulting from the ownership,mainteuance,or use of covered "auto' ibr which a Waiver of Subrogation is retpired iro conjunction vrith work performed by you for the designated person or organization,The waiver applies only to the designated person or organization shown in the schedule. Countersigned: Date: Authorized iteprest ntaitive r l-CA-320-B CW(4/94) "" Pagel of l ,. 3 of -I2 J A M E f i'+,N'L(TGB0C; r ,rr POLICY NUMBER: CP0286250308 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 25 03 05 09 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT(S) GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT rr This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART rrr SCHEDULE Designated Construction Project(s): A General Aggregate Limit applies to each construction project where the Named Insured is performing operations, however,a General Aggregate Limit does not apply to any construction project where the Named Insured is performing operations that are insured under a wrap up or any other consolidated or similar insurance program. Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above will be shown in the Declarations. rrr A. For all sums which the insured becomes legally 3. Any payments made under Coverage A for obligated to pay as damages caused by "occur- damages or under Coverage C for medical « rences" under Section I—Coverage A,and for all expenses shall reduce the Designated Con- medical expenses caused by accidents under struction Project General Aggregate Limit for Section I — Coverage C, which can be attributed that designated construction project. Such only to ongoing operations at a single designated payments shall not reduce the General Ag- +■ construction project shown in the Schedule gregate Limit shown in the Declarations nor above: shall they reduce any other Designated Con- t. A separate Designated Construction Project struction Project General Aggregate Limit for General Aggregate Limit applies to each des- any other designated construction project ignated construction project, and that limit is shown in the Schedule above. equal to the amount of the General Aggregate 4. The limits shown in the Declarations for Each Limit shown in the Declarations. Occurrence, Damage To Premises Rented To ++� 2. The Designated Construction Project General You and Medical Expense continue to apply. Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the However, instead of being subject to the sum of all damages under Coverage A, ex- General Aggregate Limit shown in the Decla- cept damages because of "bodily injury" or rations, such limits will be subject to the appli- ++++ "property damage" included in the "products- cable Designated Construction Project Gen- completed operations hazard", and for medi- eral Aggregate Limit. cal expenses under Coverage C regardless of the number of: a. Insureds; b. Claims made or"suits"brought;or c. Persons or organizations making claims or bringing"suits". nrr CG 25 03 05 09 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc.,2008 Page 1 of 2 Wolters Kluwer Financial Services I Uniform FormsTm ,,,� 4 ref 12 „F,Pv11WFMA,L JGBOC} B. For all sums which the insured becomes legally C. When coverage for liability arising out of the obligated to pay as damages caused by "occur- "products-completed operations hazard" is pro- rences" under Section I—Coverage A, and for all vided, any payments for damages because of medical expenses caused by accidents under "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in Section 1 — Coverage C, which cannot be attrib- the "products-completed operations hazard" will uted only to ongoing operations at a single des- reduce the Products-completed Operations Ag- ignated construction project shown in the Sched- gregate Limit, and not reduce the General Ag- "�` ule above: gregate Limit nor the Designated Construction 1. Any payments made under Coverage A for Project General Aggregate Limit. damages or under Coverage C for medical D. If the applicable designated construction project rr expenses shall reduce the amount available has been abandoned, delayed, or abandoned under the General Aggregate Limit or the and then restarted, or if the authorized contract- Products-completed Operations Aggregate ing parties deviate from plans, blueprints, de- Limit,whichever is applicable; and signs, specifications or timetables, the project will 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Desig- still be deemed to be the same construction pro- nated Construction Project General Aggre- ject. gate Limit. E. The provisions of Section III -- Limits Of Insur- ance not otherwise modified by this endorsement shall continue to apply as stipulated. M a �r rr .r .r rr rn Page 2 of 2 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc.,2008 CG 25 03 05 09 r Additional Insured — Automatic — Owners, Lessees Or ZURICH Contractors Polioy No, Exp. Date of Pol. EIf Date of End. Agency No. AddL Prem. Retum Prom, CP0286250308 11 011111T01 10 73-791000 N/A NSA " THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANCES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Named Insured: +r Address(including ZIP Code): This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the: Commercial General Liability Coverage Part A. Section II—Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any person or organization who you are re- quired to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or written agreement. B. The insurance provided to the additional insured person or organization applies only to "bodily injury", "property damage"or"personal and advertising injury"covered under SECTION I-Coverage A-Bodily Injury And Prop- erty Damage Liability and Section I- Coverage B-Personal And Advertising Injury Liability,but only with respect to liability for"bodily injury","property damage"or"personal and advertising injury"caused,in whole or in part;by: orr 1. Your acts or omissions;or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf;and resulting directly from: r a. Your ongoing operations performed for the additional insured,which is the subject of the written contractor written agreement;or b. "Your work"'completed as included in the"products-completed operations hazard",performed for the addi- tional insured,which is the subject of the written contract or written agreement. .r C. However,regardless of the provisions of paragraphs A.and B.above: 1. We will not extend any insurance coverage to any additional insured person or organization: dM a. That is not provided to you in this policy;or b. That is any broader coverage than you are required to provide to the additional insured person or organiza- tion in the written contract or written agreement;and .r� 2. We will not provide Limits of Insurance to any additional insured person or organization that exceed the lower of- a. The Limits of Insurance provided to you in this policy;or b. The Limits of Insurance you are required to provide in the written contract or written agreement. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. U-GLA 175-B CW(3/2007) Page I of 2 ■r Wr rrr D. The insurance provided to the additional insured person or organization does not apply to: "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering or failure to r render any professional architectural,engineering or surveying services including: 1. The preparing,approving or failing to prepare or approve maps,shop drawings,opinions,reports,surveys,field orders,change orders or drawings and specifications;and m' 2. Supervisory,inspection,architectural or engineering activities. E. The additional insured must see to it that: 1. We are notified as soon as practicable of an"occurrence"or offense that may result in a claim; 2. We receive written notice of a claim or"suit"as soon as practicable;and 3. A request for defense and indemnity of the claim or"suit"will promptly be brought against any policy issued by another insurer under which the additional insured may be an insured in any capacity. This provision does not apply to insurance on which the additional insured is a Named Insured,if the written contract or written agree- ment requires that this coverage be primary and non-contributory. F. For the coverage provided by this endorsement: 1. The following paragraph is added to Paragraph 4.a. of the Other Insurance Condition of Section IV--Com- mercial General Liability Conditions: +rr This insurance is primary insurance as respects our coverage to the additional insured person or organization, where the written contract or written agreement requires that this insurance be primary and non-contributory. In that event,we will not seek contribution from any other insurance policy available to the additional insured on Wr which the additional insured person or organization is a Named Insured. 2. The following paragraph is added to Paragraph 4.b. of the Other Insurance Condition of Section IV—Com- mercial General Liability Conditions: This insurance is excess over: Any of the other insurance,whether primary,excess,contingent or on any other basis,available to an additional insured,in which the additional insured on our policy is also covered as an additional insured by attachment of an endorsement to another policy providing coverage for the same"occurrence",claim or"suit'. This provision does not apply to any policy in which the additional insured is a Named Insured on such other policy and where our policy is required by written contract or written agreement to provide coverage to the additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis. G. This endorsement does not apply to an additional insured which has been added to this policy by an endorsement r showing the additional insured in a Schedule of additional insureds,and which endorsement applies specifically to that identified additional insured. Any provisions in this Coverage Part not changed by the terms and conditions of this endorsement continue to apply as written. r Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. U-GI-I 175 B CW(312007) Page 2 of 2 ow to .. Waiver Of Subrogation (Blanket) Endorsement ZURICH to Policy No. Efl. Date of Pol. Exp. Date of Pol. Ef.Date of End. Producer Add').Prem } Return Prem. CP0236250308 11J01/10 11/01/11 11/01J10 73741C00 N/A N/A on THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANCES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the: w� Commercial General Liability Coverage Part • The following is added to the Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us Condition: n If you are required by a written contract or agreement, which is executed before a loss, to waive your rights of recovery from others,we agree to waive our rights of recovery. This waiver of rights shall not be construed to be a waiver with respect to any other operations in which the insured has no contractual interest. irr ar orr r ar rr err r U-Cal.-925-B CW(12101) Op i Page I of I'T' ('�/qfi\ V of 2 Ja.�,.;1EF�,AJI_t i GBOO) w �r C. Legal Action Against the Insurer err No person or organization, other than an "insured", has a right pursuant to this Policy to: 1. Join the Insurer as a party or otherwise bring the Insurer into a suit against any"insured"; or 2. Sue the Insurer in connection with this insurance unless all of the Policy terms have been fully complied with. A person or organization may sue the Insurer to recover after an agreed settlement or on a final judgment r against an "insured". However, the Insurer shall not be liable for amounts that are not payable pursuant to the terms of this Policy or that are in excess of the applicable Limit of Liability. An agreed settlement means a settlement and release of liability signed by the Insurer, the "insured", and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. D. Bankruptcy The insolvency or bankruptcy of any"insured", or any"insured's"estate, shall not relieve the Insurer of its obligations pursuant to this Policy. However, any such insolvency or bankruptcy of the "insured", or the "insured's" estate, shall not relieve the "insured" of the "self-insured retention" obligation pursuant to this Policy. This insurance shall not replace any other insurance to which this Policy is excess, nor shall this Policy drop down to be primary, in the event of the insolvency or bankruptcy of any underlying insurer. E. Subrogation In the event of any payment pursuant to this Policy by the Insurer, the Insurer shall be subrogated to all of the "insured's" rights of recovery against any person or organization, and the "insured" shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. The "insured" shall do nothing to prejudice such rights following: 1) the commencement of a "pollution condition" to which coverage afforded pursuant to this Policy may apply; or 2) its confirmation of, or its knowledge of allegations or circumstances indicating a reasonably likelihood of, a "wrongful act" to which coverage afforded pursuant to this Policy may apply. Any recovery as a result of subrogation proceedings arising pursuant to this Policy shall accrue first to the "insured" to the extent of any payments in excess of the limit of coverage; then to the Insurer to the extent of its payment pursuant to the Policy; and then to the "insured"to the extent of the"self-insured retention". Expenses incurred in such subrogation proceedings shall be apportioned among the interested parties in the recovery in the proportion that each interested party's share in the recovery bears to the total recovery. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Insurer hereby waives its rights of subrogation against Clients of a "named insured" where required by written contract executed prior to the relevant "professional loss", "loss"or"emergency response"to which this insurance applies. �r F. Representations By accepting this Policy, the"first named insured"agrees that: 1. The statements in the Declarations, Schedules, and Application for this Policy are accurate and complete; 2. Those statements are based upon representations the"first named insured" made to the Insurer; and 3. This Policy has been issued in reliance upon the"first named insured's" representations. G. Separation of Insureds Except with respect to the Limits of Liability, Cancellation Conditions 2.a. and 2.b., above, and any obligations specifically assigned to the"first named insured", this Policy applies: 1. As if each"insured"were the only"insured"; and 2. Separately to each"insured" against whom a"claim" is made. ar PF-29498(04/10) ©2010 Page 13 of 14 rr 9 r>f 12 .fF3MEF VVL(FCC1?0 w. r ENDORSEMENT No. This endorsement,effective 12:01 AM: Forms a part of policy no: 20000490 Issued to: James W. Fowler Co., Inc. By: NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Commercial Umbrella Policy Form Additional Insured Endorsement Primary ?nd,Non-Contributory err This policy is amended as follows: Section IV, Definitions, Paragraph E. is amended to include the following additional provision: Insured means: Any person or organization for whom you are performing operations when you and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that such person or organization is an additional insured on your policy, but only if such person or organization is included under the coverage provided by the policies listed in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance. Such person or organization is an additional insured only with respect to liability arising out of Your Work at the location designated. This provision does not apply to liability arising out of the sole negligence of such person or organization for its own acts or omissions or those of its employees or anyone else acting on its behalf. Coverage afforded No to these additional insured parties will be primary to, and non-contributory with, any other insurance available to that person or organization. ar+ • rir All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. w Christopher G.KopplOr Authorized Representative or Countersignature (in States Where Applicable) 86391 (8/04) �wr AH 1357 ,� 100f Q .ir'`1Pe EF VIL€TGB00%. 3. the total applicable limits of Scheduled Underlying Insurance will not decrease, except for any reduction or exhaustion of aggregate limits b y payment of Loss to which this policy applies; and 4. any renewals or replacements of Scheduled Underlying Insurance will provide equivalent coverage to and afford limits of insurance equal to or greater than the policy being renewed or replaced. If you fail to comply with these requirements, we will be liable only to the same extent that we would have, had you fully complied with these requirements. rr L. Other Insurance If other valid and collectible insurance applies to damages that are also covered by this policy, this policy will apply me excess of the Other Insurance. However,this provision will not apply if the Other Insurance is specifically written to be excess of this policy. M. Premium rs The first Named Insured designated in Item 1. of the Declarations will be responsible for payment of all premiums when due. The premium for this policy will be computed on the basis set forth in Item 6. of the Declarations. At the beginning of the Policy Period,you must pay us the Advance Premium shown in Item 6. of the Declarations. When this policy expires or if it is cancelled, we will compute the earned premium for the time this policy was in force. If this policy is subject to audit adjustment, the actual exposure base will be used to compute the earned premium. If the earned premium is greater than the Advance Premium, you will promptly pay us the difference. If the earned premium is less than the Advance Premium, we will return the difference to you. But in any event, we rr will retain the Minimum Premium as shown in Item 6. of the Declarations for each twelve months of the Policy Period. N. Separation of Insureds +rr Except with respect to the Limits of Insurance of this policy and rights or duties specifically assigned to the first Named Insured designated in Item 1. of the Declarations, this insurance applies: ■r 1. as if each Named Insured were the only Named Insured; and 2. separately to each Insured against whom claim is made or Suit is brought. so O. Transfer of Rights of Recovery 1. If any Insured has rights to recover all or part of any payment we have made under this policy, those rights are transferred to us. The Insured must do nothing after loss to impair these rights and must help us enforce �+ them. 2. Any recoveries will be applied as follows: • a. any person or organization, including the Insured, that has paid an amount in excess of the applicable Limits of Insurance of this policy will be reimbursed first; mr b. we then will be reimbursed up to the amount we have paid; and c. lastly, any person or organization, including the Insured that has paid an amount over which this policy is excess is entitled to claim the remainder. rr Expenses incurred in the exercise of rights of recovery will be apportioned among the persons or organizations, including the Insured, in the ratio of their respective recoveries as finally settled. 80517 (5/06) Page 16 of 24 AH2007 SPEC//V�E/y 2001 American International Group, Inc. Includes copyng to material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. 11 of 12 JA?v-ti_'r)`,A-(;G1600) 3. If, prior to the time of an Occurrence, you waive any right of recovery against a specific person or organization for injury or damage as required under an Insured Contract, we will also waive any rights we may have against such person or organization P. Transfer of Your Rights and Duties WWr Your rights and duties under this policy may not be transferred without our written consent. If you die or are legally declared bankrupt, your rights and duties will be transferred to your legal representative, but only while acting within the scope of duties as your legal representative. However, notice of cancellation sent to the first Named Insured designated in Item 1 of the Declarations and mailed to the address shown in this policy will be sufficient notice to effect cancellation of this policy. ■r Q. Unintentional Failure to Disclose Your failure to disclose all hazards existing as of the inception date of the policy will not prejudice you with respect r to the coverage afforded by this policy, provided that any such failure or omission is not intentional. R. Violation of Economic or Trade Sanctions Will If coverage for a claim or Suit under this Policy is in violation of any United States of America economic or trade sanctions, including but not limited to, sanctions administered and enforced by the United States Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"), then coverage for that claim or Suit will be null and void. VII. DEFINITIONS A. Advertisement means a notice that is broadcast or published to the general public or specific market segments urr about your goods, products or services for the purpose of attracting customers or supporters. For the purposes of this definition: 1. notices that are published include material placed on the Internet or on similar electronic means of an communication; and 2. regarding web-sites, only that part of a web-site that is about your goods, products or services for the purposes of attracting customers or supporters is considered an advertisement. B. Auto means: 1. a land motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer designed for travel on public roads, including any attached machinery °WW or equipment; or 2. any other land vehicle that is subject to a compulsory or financial responsibility law in the state where it is Wr licensed or principally garaged. However,Auto does not include Mobile Equipment. ■r C. Bodily Injury means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by any person, including death, mental anguish, mental injury, shock or humiliation resulting from any of these at any time. D. Crisis Management Event means an Occurrence that in the good faith opinion of a Key Executive of the all Named Insured, in the absence of Crisis Management Services, has or may result in: 1. damages covered by this policy that are in excess of the total applicable limits of Scheduled Underlying Insurance or the Self-Insured Retention; and wr 2. significant adverse regional or national media coverage. Wr 80517 (5/06) Page 17 of 24 AH2007 $PEC/A�EI� 2001 American International Group, Inc. Includes copyng to material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. 12 o3 12 l 4LCi ;.;i;L.t ttJBOC) jjW AL IF do ZURICH COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS am policy Number CPO 2852503-08 Renewal of Number CPC} 2$52503-07 Named Insured and Mailing Address Producer and Mailing Address JAMES W. FOWLER CO. , INC. PARKER, SMITH & FEEK, INC. .r (SEE NAMED INSURED ENDT) 2233 112TH AVE NE P.O. BOX 489 BELLEVUE WA 08004-2936 DALLAS OR 97338 Producer Code 73791-000 Policy Period: Coverage begins 11-01-2010 at 12:01 A.M-; Coverage ends 11-01-2011 at 12:01 A.M. The name insured is [l Individual El Partnership ® Corporation [I Other: This Insurance is provided by one or rruire of the stock insurance companies which are members of the Zurich-American Insurance Group. The company the provides coverage is designated on each Coverage Part Common Declarations. The company or companies providing this insurance may be referred to in this policy as"The Company",we,us,or our. The address of the companies of the Zurich-American insurance Group are provided on the next page. THIS POLICY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING COVERAGE(S): ?PROPERTY COVERAGE PREMIUM $ issued by ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PREMIUM $ issued by AMERICAN ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY INLAND MARINE COVERAGE PREMIUM $ ar issued by ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE PREMIUM $ issued by AMERICAN ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY rrr Wr .r THIS PREMIUM MAY BE SUBJECT TO AUDIT. TOTAL $ This premium does not include Taxes and Surcharges. SEE INSTALLMENT SCHEDULE Taxes and Surcharges TOTAL $ +� The Form(s) and Endorsements) made a part of this policy at the time of issue are listed on the SCHEDULE of FORMS and ENDORSEMENTS. Countersigned this day of 'k-Ahorized Kepr a nisi v� THESE DECLARATIONS TOGETHER WIT,I-i THE COMMON POLICY CONDiTiCNS,COVERAGE PART DECLARATIONS,COVERAGE PART FORM(S), FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS, IF ANY,ISSUED TO FORM A PART THEREOF,COMPLETE IHE ABOVE NUMBERED POLICY. sr U-GU-D-31 t}.A(01 I g3) Page 1 0l 1 �r W Wr COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART DECLARATIONS AMERICAN ZURICH INSURANNumber:MPANY 2 50 3-0 8 Named Insured JAMES W. FOWLER CO. , INC. ■r Policy Period: Coverage begins 11-01-2010 at 12:01 A.M.; Coverage ends 11-01-2011 at 12:01 A.M. do Producer Name. PARKER, SMITH & FEEK, INC. Producer No. 73 791-000 Item 1. Business Description: CONTRACTOR rrr Item 2. Limits of Insurance GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT $ 2,000,000 _ PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE LIMIT $ 2,000, 000 �r EACH OCCURRENCE LIMIT $ 1, 000,000 DAMAGE TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU LIMIT $ 300, 000 Any one premises MEDICAL EXPENSE LIMIT $ 10 000 Any one person PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY LIMIT $ 1, 000,000 Any one person or organizatryon .r Item 3.Retroactive Data (CG 00 02 ONLY) This insurance does not apply to"bodily injury'; 'property damage"or"Personal and advertising injury"offense which occurs before the Retroactive Date, if any, shown here: NONE (Enter Date or"None"if rxi tbtroactive Date applies} Item 4.Form of Business and Location Premises Form of Business: CORPORATION Location of All Premises You awn, Rent or Occupy:See Schedule of Locations _..._� .. _ ......... ._ item 5.Schedule of Forms and Endorsements Form(s) and Endorsements)made a part of this Policy at time of issue: See Schedule of Forms and Endorsements Item 6. Premiums Coverage Part Premium: $ Other Premium: Total Premium: $ aw U-GL-D-111 5-3 C`P;l(91 i)9) wr 4W ME 40 Stopgap Employer Liability Coverage ZURICH Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, duties and what is and is not covered. Throughout this policy the words "you"and "your"refer to the Named Insured shown in the Declarations. The words 'We" and "our"refer to the Company providing this insurance. The word "insured"means any person or organization qualifying as such under SECTION 11 -WHO IS AN INSURED. Other words and phrases that appear in bold face have special meaning. Refer to SECTION V-DEFINITIONS. SCHEDULE rr Stats(s) WA ew Locaton(s) ALL COVERED LOCATIONS err Linft of Liability: Bodily Injury by Accident Each Accident: $ 1, 002, 000 Bodily Injury by Disease Policy Limit: $ 1, 000, 000 Bodily Injury by Disease Each Employee: $ 1, 000, 000 Deposit Premium: INCLUDED Minimum Premium: $ INCLUDED L;-GL-274-C MU(05)2006) PEIge 1 Of 1 COMMERCIAL AUTO AMERICAN ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY 1400 American Lane .r Schaumburg,Illinois 60196-1056 1-B00-382-2150 ` BUSINESS" AUTO DECLARATIONS POLICYNO.: CPO 2862503-08 Producer PAR10R, SMITH & FEEK, INC. ITEM ONE NAMEDINSURED: JAMES W. FOWLER CO. , INC. (SEE NAMED INSURED ENDORSEMENT) MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 489 DALLAS OR 97338 POLICY PERIOD: From 11-01-2010 to 1 l-0 7_-2 0l 1 at 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at your mailing address shown above. PREVIOUS POLICY NUMBER: CPO 2862503-07 FORM OF BUSINESS: ICORPORATION n LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INDIVIDUAL �. []PARTNERSHIP Fj OTHEF? IN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PREMIUM, AND SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS POLICY, wr WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDE THE INSURANCE AS STATED IN THIS POLICY. Premium shown is payable at inception. $ - AUDIT PERIOD(IF APPLICABLE) X ANNUALLY SEMI- QUARTERLY MONTHLY ANNUAL LY qM ENDORSEMENTS ATTACHED TO THIS POLICY: IL 0017—Common Policy Conditions(IL 0146 in Washington) IL 00 21 —Broad Form Nuclear Exclusion(Not Applicable in New York) wr SEE SCHEDULE OF FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS COUNTERSIGNED BY (Date) (Authorized Representative) NOTE OFFICERS' FACSIMILE SIGNATURES MAY BE INSERTED HERE, ON THE POLICY COVER OR ELSEWHERE AT THE COMPANY'S OPTION. rr UCAD 600A 08106 Page 1 .r ITEM TWO SCHEDULE OF COVERAGES AND COVERED AUTOS This policy provides only those coverages where a charge is shown in the premium column below. Each of these coverages will apply only to those "autos" shown as covered "autos". 'Autos" are shown as covered 'hutos" for a particular coverage by the entry of one or more of the symbols from the Covered Autos Section of the Business r Auto Coverage Form next to the name of the coverage. COVERED AUTOS (Entry of one or more of the do symbols from LIMIT COVERAGES the Covered Autos PREMIUM Section of the Business Auto THE MOSTWE WILL PAY FOR ANY io Coverage Form ONE ACCIDENT OR LOSS shows which autos are covered autos LIABILITY 1 $1, 000, 000 Y PERSONAL INJURY SEPARATELY STATED IN EACH P I.P. PROTECTION(orequivG7lent 5 ENDORSEMENT MINUS INCL No-fault Coverage) DEDUCTIBLE. ADDED PERSONAL INJURY SEPARATELY STATED IN EACH ADDED P.I.P. PROTECTION(or equivalent ENDORSEMENT. Added No-fault Coverage) PROPERTY PROTECTION SEPARATELY STATED IN THE P.P.I. INSURANCE(Michigan only) ENDORSEMENT MINUS DEDUCTIBLE FOR EACH ACCIDENT. AUTO MEDICAL PAYMENTS 7 $ 5, 000 INCL MEDICAL EXPENSE AND SEPARATELY STATED IN EACH MEDICAL INCOME LOSS BENEFITS EXPENSE AND INCOME LOSS BENEFITS (Virginia only) ENDORSEMENT, UNINSURED MOTORISTS 2 $ 1, 000, 000 INCL. UNDERINSURED MOTORISTS (When not inrJuded in Uninsured ? SEE ENDT INCL ft Motorists Coverage PHYSICAL DAMAGE ACTUAL CASH VALUE OR COST OF REPAIR, COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE WHICHEVER IS LESS.MINUS SEE ENDT 10 DEDUCTIBLE.FOR EACH COVERED AUTO,BUT $ ■w NO DEDUCTIBLE APPLIES TO LOSS CAUSED BY FIRE OR LIGHTNING. See ITEM FOUR For Hired Or Borrowed"Autos'. PHYSICAL DAMAGE ACTUAL CASH VALUE OR COST OF REPAIR, SPECIFIED CAUSES OF LOSS WHICHEVER IS LESS,MINUS COVERAGE DEDUCTIBLE.FOR EACH COVERED AUTO FOR LOSS CAUSED BY MISCHIEF OR VANDALISM. See ITEM FOUR For Hired Or Borrowed"Autos". PHYSICAL DAMAGE ACTUAL CASH VALUE OR COST OF REPAIR, .r COLLISION COVERAGE 10 WHICHEVER IS LESS,MINUS SEE ENDT DEDUCTIBLE,FOR EACH COVERED AUTO. See ITEM FOUR For Hired Or Borrowed"Autos". PHYSICAL DAMAGE TOWING FOR EACH DISABLEMENT OF irr AND LABOR A PRIVATE PASSENGER"AUTO". TAX/SURCHARGE IFEE rr PREMIUM FOR ENDORSEMENTS $ 'ESTIMATED TOTAL PREMIUM $ For Scheduled Autos You Own - See ITEM THREE 'This pol icy may be subject to final audit. r UCAD 600A 08/06 Page 2 rr ow CHARTIS Umbrella Prime' Commercial Umbrella Liability Policy V'Jith CrisisResponse' DECLARATIONS Orr The company issuing this policy is indicated by an "X" in the box to the left of the compary's name. [_ Chards Property Casualty Company ❑ Illinois Natonai Insurance Company ❑ American Horne Assurance Company � � National Union Fire Insurance Company of Louisiana { } Charts Casualty Company Natonai Union mire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh,Pa. ❑ Commerce &Industry Insurance Company �_ New Hampshire Insurance Company ❑ Granite Star nsurance Company The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania (each of the above being a capital stock company) AdministrativeiMailing Address: 175 Water Strut,New York,NY 10038 Telephone No.212-458-51M POLICY NUMBER: 20000490 RENEWAL OF: NEW ITEM 1, NAMED INSURED. JAMES W.FOWLER CO. MAILING ADDRESS: 12775 WESTVIEW DR DALLAS,OR 97338 ITEM 2 POLICY PERIOD: FROM: November 1,2010 TO: November 1,2011 (At 1201 A.M.,standard time,at the address all the Named insured stated above.) ITEM 3. LIMITS OF INSURANCE rho Limits of Insurance,subject to the terms of this policy,are: A. $20,000,000 Each Occurrence 6, $20,000,U(X) General Aggregate tin accordance with Section IV.Limits of insurance) C. $20,OW,000 Products-Completed Operations Aggregate (in accordance with Section IV.Limits of Insurance) D. CrisisResponse Sublimit of Insurance E. Excess Casualty CrisisFund Limit of Insurance ITEM 4. SCHEDULED UNDERLYING INSURANCE-See Schedule of Underlying Insurance ITEM 5. SELF-INSURED RETENTION - 910,000 Each Occurrence ITEM 6. PREMIUM AND PREMIUM COMPUTATION ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL EXPOSURE RATES PER MINIMUM PREMIUM ADVANCE PREMIUM rrY ITEM 7. THIS POLICY INCLUDES THESE ENDORSEMENTS AT INCEPTION DATE: SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE PRODUCER NAME: PARKER,SMITH &FEE K,1114C. it ADDRESS: 2233 112TH AVE NE BELLE VUE,WA 98004-2643 as Christopher G. Kopser Authorized Re prosenUntive or Dste Countersignature (Where, Applicable) 80515(11109) Issue Date: 11,110ilO AH 2698 MY ar 40 ACE INA Excess and Surplus Insurance Services,Inc. 455 Market Street,Suite 520 Contractors Pollution Liability San Francisco,CA 94105 and Errors &Omissions as CA License#0594384 Insurance Policy (occurrence-based CPL coverage) do ACE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK Coverage Binder DATE: JUNE 17,2011 NO TO: KATHY BARE—PARKER SMITH AND FEEK BINDER#1 (This Binder supersedes and replaces Binder#N/A dated N/A.) to SURPLUS LINES INSURER: ILLINOIS UNION INSURANCE COMPANY A.M.BEST RATING: A+XV "THIS IS EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE PROCURED AND NAMED INSURED: James W.Fowler Co. DEVELOPED UNDER THE OREGON SURPLUS LIME LAWS,IT IS NOT COVERED BY THE PROVISOS Of POLICY NUMBER: COO 624540522 001 UM 7X510 TO 734.710 R U 7 NI(i To W ORLON INCEPTION DATE: JUNE 17,2011 INS~61iARA14TY A,MTO IF 7W • EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 1,2012 lSSM YN(IAINIAW* $ 04"W,7W ORM IlUllllNt"E RETROACTIVE DATE: JUNE 17,2011 (E&O—Ins 4Q *pM CUUM POLICY LIMITS: $5,000,000 Per Wrongful Act A � $10,000,000 Aggregate Limit of Liability for all Wrongful Acts&Pollution !C, Conditions 1e" RETENTION AMOUNT: $100,000 Per Pollution Condition $250,000 Per Wrongful Act AID PREMIUM": 'NS COMMISSION: TERMS&CONDITIONS: PF-29498(04110) Contractors Pollution Liability and Errors&Omissions Insurance Policy; Occurrence-Based Contractors Pollution Liability Coverage As per quotation#2,dated June 15,2011. **THIS PREMIUM INCLUDES A CHARGE FOR TERRORISM COVERAGE PER THE ATTACHED DISCLOSURE LETTER. w UTHIS PREMIUM DOES NOT INCLUDE A CHARGE FOR TERRORISM COVERAGE. SUCH COVERAGE WAS REJECTED BY THE INSURED. • Coverage will be provided on a surplus lines basis. Collection and filing of all taxes and fees is the responsibility of the producing surplus lines broker, as is inclusion of state-mandated surplus tines WIN INS WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS REFERENCE The State of Washington Prevailing Wage Rates applicable for this public works contract, which is located in_King_County, may be found at the following website address of the Department of Labor and Industries: https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wa elookup/prvWa elg ookup.asp Based on the bid submittal deadline for this project, the applicable effective date for prevailing wages to for this project is_June 21, 2011_. A copy of the applicable prevailing wages rates is also available for viewing at the office of the Owner, located at_Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington. Upon request,the Owner will mail a hard copy of the applicable prevailing wage rates for this project. frr to fir . rrr w 21a-State Prevailing Wages Reference.doc\ rrr EXAMPLE State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries aw Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 i i aw Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. No A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: aw 06/21/2011 County Trade Job Classification Wage Holiday Overtime Note King Laborers Air, Gas Or Electric Vibrating Screed $40.03 7A 1H King Laborers Airtrac Drill Operator $41.28 ZA 1H wr King Laborers Ballast Regular Machine $40.03 7A 1H King Laborers Batch Weighman $33.93 7A H King Laborers Brick Pavers $40.03 7A 1H King Laborers Brush Cutter $40.03 7A JH King Laborers Brush Hog Feeder $40.03 7A 1H King Laborers Burner $40.03 7A 1H Aw King Laborers Caisson Worker $41.28 7A 1H King Laborers Carpenter Tender $40.03 7A 1H King Laborers Caulker $40.03 7A 1H r King Laborers Cement Dumper-paving $40.77 7A 1 H King Laborers Cement Finisher Tender $40.03 7A 1HF King Laborers Change House Or Dry Shack $40.03 7A 1H King Laborers Chipping Gun (under 30 Lbs.) $40.03 7A 1H !I King Laborers Chipping Gun(30 Lbs. And Over) $40.77 7A 1 H f rr King L&Q[ers Choker Setter $40.031 7A 1H King Laborers Chuck Tender $40.03 7A 1H i 'King Laborers Clary Power Spreader $40.77 7A 1H .r� King Laborers Clean-up Laborer $40.03 7A 1H King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 0-30 psi $52.08 7A 1H 8�C King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 30.01-44.00 $57.08 7A 1 H 8�C psi i King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 44.01-54.00 $60.76 7A 1H 84 psi 1 King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 54.01-60.00 $66.46 7A 1H ?4 psi King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 60.01-64.00 $68.58 7A 1H, 8�C psi King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 64.01-68.00 $73.68 7A 1H psi King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 68.01-70.00 $75.58 7A 1H 8�C ' psi ,., https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/prvWagelookup.aspx 05/18/2011 aw Department of Labor and Industries 4��w sTArg 0� Prevailing Wage o 6 STATEMENT OF INTENT TO www 902-5335 - z PAY PREVAILING WAGES www.lni.wa.sov/TradesLicensin�/PrevWaee �',� .= y� • This form must be typed or printed in ink. ��r889 Public Works Contract • Fill in all blanks or the form will be returned for correction(see instructions) $40.00 Filing Fee Required • Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for processing. ow • Once approved,your form will be posted online at Intent ID # (Assigned by L&I) https:Hfortress.wa. ov/lni/pwiai)ub/SearchFor.aZ Your Company Information- '.. Awarding Agency Information no Your Company Name Project Name Contract Number ABC Company,Inc. Road Repair 2011-OIB Your Address Awarding Agency " 1234 Main Street WA State Department of Transportation rrr City State Zip +4 Awarding Agency Addres h Olympia WA 98501-1234 PO Box 47354 V Your Contractor Registration Number Your UBI Number City ',; c State Zip+4 ABCCI*0123AA 123456789 Olympia WA 98501 Your Industrial Insurance Account Number Awarding Agency Contact Name Phone Nit f nber 111,111-11 John Doe (55,5),3'55-5555 Your Email Address(required for notification of approval) Your Phone Number County Where Work Will Be Performed tr, City Where Work Will Be Performed prevailingwage @lni.wa.gov (555)555-5555 Thurston iy„'', _� ) Olympia Additional Details ” i".a= Contract Details Your Expected Job Start Date'(mm/dd/yyyy) Bid Due Data(Prime Contractor's), 3 a Award Date(Prime Contractor's) 1111 01/01/2011 08/01/2010 � }� 08/10/2010 Job Site Address/Directions _ Indicate Total Dollar Amount of Your Contract(including State Street a Plum Street sales tax)or time and materials,if applicable. $1000.00 call ARRA Funds Weatherizafion or Energy Efficient Funds Does this project utilize American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA)funds? Does this project,utilize any weatherization or energy efficiency upgrade funds El Yes ®No (ARRA or otherwise)? F1 Yes 0 N Prime Contractor's Company Information Hiring Contractor's Company.Information ry11 Prime Contractor's Company Name Prime Contractor's Intent Number Hiring Contractor's Company Name XYZ Company,Inc. 123456 ;'LL 'T ` Super Pavers,Inc. Prime Contractor's Registration Number Prime Contractor's UBI Number Hiring Contractor's Contractor Registration Number Hiring Contractor's UBI Number XYZIN*0123AA 987654321 'N SUPERPA123AA 321456987 k, Employment Information Do you intend to use ANY subcontractors? ❑Yes 0 ®No Will employees perform work on this project? ®Yes ❑No �w Will ALL work be subcontracted? ❑Yes ®No Do you intend to use apprentice employees? ®Yes ❑No IPA /'o r a Number of Owner/Operators who own at least,30%of the company,who will perform work on the project: [I None(0) ®One(1) [1 Two(2) ❑Three(3) '�� 1s Crafts/frades/Occupations_<(Do not list apprentices. They are listed on the Affidavit of Wages Paid only.) Rate of Hourly If an employee'works in more than one trade,ensu Number of Rate of Hourly re that all hours worked in each trade are reported below. Workers pa Usual("Fringe") For additional 'crafts/trades/occupations please use"AddetWum A. y Benefits +rr Laborer-Asphalt Raker« ** V� '4 k 2 39.28 5.00 Power Equipment Operator-Asphalt Plant Operator 1 48.04 2.35 Arc ' w Truck Driver-Asphalt Mtx over,11(6 Yds) 1 46.47 0.00 Signature Block «"• I hereby certify that I have read and understand the instruct d ~ ~I i1U Y fY ions to complete this form and that the information,including any addenda,are correct and that all workers I employ on this Public Works Project will be paid no less than the Pr l' Wa e Rate(s)as determined by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. Print Name: Print Title: ISignature: Date: For L&I Use Only '4 , Approved by signature of the Department of Labor and Industries Industrial Statistician 11 NOTICE: If the prime contract is at a cost of over one million dollars($1,000,000.00),RCW 39.04.370 requires you to complete the EHB 2805(RCW 39.04.370)Addendum and attach it to your Affidavit of Wages of Paid when your work on the project concludes. This is only a notice.The EHB 2805 Addendum is not submitted with this Intent. ow SAMPLE-F700-029-000 Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages 03-2011 Department of Labor and Industries ���STATEO� AFFIDAVIT OF WAGES PAID Prevailing Wage Program � Q (360)902-5335 ° 6 Public Works Contract rtr www.l ni.wa.gov/Tradesl,icensing/PrevWage 4z $40.00 Filing Fee Required • This form must be typed or printed in ink. Affidavit ID # (Assigned by L&I): • Fill in ALL blanks or the form will be returned for correction(see instructions). rrr • Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for processing. • Once approved,your form will be posted online at SAMPLE https•//fortress wa og v/lni/pwiapub/SearchFor aM Your Company Information Awarding Agency Information uW rrr Your Company Name Project Name Contract Number ABC Company Road Repair 1123-456 Your Address Awarding Agency ow 1234 Main Street WA St Department of Transportation City State Zip+4 Awarding Agency Address Olympia WA 98501-1234 PO Box 123 air Your Contractor Registration Number Your UB I Number City State Zip+4 ABCCI*0123AA 123456789 Olympia WA 98501 Your Industrial Insurance Account Number Awarding Agency Contact Name Phone Number 111,111-11 John Doe (555)555-5555 Your Email Address(required for notification of approval) Your Phone Number County Where Work Was Performed City Where Work Was Performed prevailingwage@lni.wa.gov ( 555-5555 Thurston Olympia Additional Details Contract Details ,' i to Your Job Start Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Your Date Work Completed(mm/dd/yyyy) Bid Due Date(Prime Contractor's) Award Date(Prime Contractor's) 2/1/2011 3/1/2011 1/1/2011 11/5/2011 Job Site Address/Directions Your Approved Intent ID# Indicate Total Dollar Amount of Your Contract am Plum and State Street 123456 (including sales tax). $10,000.00 EHB 2805(RCW 39.04.370)—Is the Prime Contractor's I If you answered"Yes"to the EHB 2805 question and the Award Date is 9/1/2010 or Contract at a cost of over one million dollars($1,000,000)? ❑Yes ®No later you must complete and submit the EHB 2805(RCW 39.04.370)Addendum. ARRA Funds Weatherization or Energy Efficient Funds (' > Does this project utilize American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA)funds? Does this project utilize any weatherization or energy efficiency upgrade funds ❑Yes ®No (ARRA or otherwise)? ❑Yes ®No Prime Contractor's Company Information Hiring Contractor's Company Information Prime Contractor's Company Name Hiring Contractor's Company Name XYZ Company CBA Company Prime Contractor's Registration Number Prime Contractor's UBI Number Hiring Contractor's Registration Number T456789123 ring Contractor's UBI Number XYZCI*0123AA 987654321 CBACI*0123AA Employment Information Did you use ANY subcontractors? ❑Yes(Addendum B Required) ®No Did employees perform work on this project? ®Yes ❑No Ian Was ALL work subcontracted? ❑Yes(Addendum B Required) ®No Did you use apprentice employees? ❑Yes ®No Number of Owner/Operators who own at least 30%of the company who performed work on this project: ❑None(0) ®One(1) ❑Two(2) ❑ Three(3) You must list the First and Last Names of any Owner/Operator performing work below List your Craftsfrrades/Occupations Below-For Journey Level Workers you must Number of Total#of Hours Rate of Hourly Rate of Hourly provide all of the information below. Owner/Operators-must provide their First and Last Workers Worked Pay Usual("Fringe") name no other information required. "Apprentices are not recorded below.You must Benefits use Addendum D to list Apprentices. General Labor 2 153 41.23 8.54 Carpenter 5 210 52.26 10.13 1W Signature Block I hereby certify that I have read and understand the instructions to complete this form and that the information on the form and any addenda is correct and that all workers I employed on this Public Works Project were paid no less than the Prevailing Wage Rate(s)as determined by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. 0 Print Name:Jane Doe Print Title:Bookkeeper Signature: Date:3/5/201 I For L&I Use Onl APPROVED: Department of Labor and Industries wo B Industrial Statistician SAMPLE-F700-007-000 Affidavit of Wages Paid 3-2011 •w .rr +r CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT OF PREVAILING WAGES Date: rr. Ref: Pay Estimate No. rrr Project Lake Ave S/Rainier Ave S Storm System Proiect SWP-27-3529 CAG No. This is to certify that the prevailing wages have been paid to our employees and our subcontractors' employees for the period from through in accordance with the Statements of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage filed with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. This form will be executed and submitted to the City of Renton prior to or with the last pay request. Company Name .r+ By: Title: do rr List of Subcontractors Used on the Project: rw +.r �r. err 20-Cert-Prevai l ing W ages-C ity.doc\ ar `rr .r aw ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION LISTING s do m* ow am to o .r REQUIREMENTS FOR'THE PREVENTION OF ENVIIRON Ni"FNTAL POLI UTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES �r In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 62, Laws of 1973,.'H. B. 621, the Contract or shall secure any permits or licenses required by, and comply fully with all provisions of the following' laws, ordinances,and resolutions: King_ County Ordinance No 1527 requires Building and Land Development Division and Hydraulics Division review of grading and filling permits and unclassified use permits in flood hazard areas. Resolution No. 36230 establishes storm drain design standards to be incorporated,into project design standards to be incorporated into project design by.Engineering Services. Review by Hydraulics Division Krr King County Ordinance No 800 No 900, No. 1006 and Resolution No. 8778 No 24553 No 24834, No. 6894 and No 11242 contained in King County Code Titles 8 and 10 are provisions for arir disposition of refuse and litter in a licensed disposal site and provide penalties for failure to comply. Review by Division of Solid Waste. Fuget_Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation 1: A regulation to control the emission of air contamunants from all sources within the jurisdiction of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (King, Pierce,Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties)in accordance with the Washington Clean Air Act,R.C.W. 70.94. ow WASIIINGTON STATE DEPARTRIENT OF ECOLOGY W-A._C_18-02: Requires operators of stationary sources of air contaminants to maintain records of emissions, periodically report to the State information concerning these emissions from his operations, and to make such information available to the public. See Puget Sound Pollution Control Agency Regulation L w R.C.W. 90-48: Enacted to maintain the highest possible standards to ensure the purity of all water Of the State consistent with public health and public enjoyment thereof, the propagation and protection of wildlife,birds,game, fish, and other aquatic life, and the industrial development of the state, and to that end require the use of all known available and reasonable methods by industries and others to prevent and control the pollution of the waters of the State of Washington. It is unlawful to throw, drain, run or otherwise discharge into any of the water of this State any organic or inorganic matter that shall cause or tend to cause pollution of such waters. The law also provides for civil penalties of$5,000/day for each violation. ow ILCW. 70.95: Establishes uniform statewide program for handling solid wastes which will prevent land, air and water pollution. Makes it unlawful to dump or deposit solid wastes onto or under the surface of the ground or into the waters of this State except at a solid waste disposal site for which +.M there is a valid permit. R_C.W. 76-04.370: Provide for abatement of additional fire hazard(lands upon which there is forest r� debris) and extreme fire hazard (areas of additional fire hazard near buildings, roads, campgrounds, and school grounds). The owner and/or person responsible is fully liable in the event a fire starts or spreads on property on which an extreme fire hazard exists. R.C.W. 76.04.010: Defines terms relating to the suppression or abatement of forest fires or forest fire conditions. H:DIVISION.SI UTILFnE.SIWATER\RICK\SpringbrookSpring-ABIDSPEC.DOCJbh air REQUIREME FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAI,RESOURCES R.C.W. 70.94.660: Provides for issuance of burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards,instruction or agricultural operations. R.C.W. 76-.04.310: Stipulates that everyone clearing land or clearing right-of-way shall pile and burn or dispose, of by other satisfactory means, all forest debris cut thereon, as rapidly as the clearing or cutting progresses, or at such other times as the department may specify, and in compliance with the law requiring burning permits. R. C. W. 78-44: Laws governing surface mining (including sand'; gravel, stone, and earth from barrow pits) which provide for fees and permits, plan or operation, reclamation plan, bonding,and inspection of operations. W.A.C. 332-18: Delineates all requirements of R.C.W. 76-04 pertaining to land clearing and burning. U.S.ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS do Section I of the River and Harbor Act of June 13 1902: Authorizes Secretary of Army and Corps of Engineers to issue permits to any persons or corporation desiring to improve any navigable river ow at their own expense and risk upon approval of the plans and specifications. Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (PL92-500 86 Stat 816)- Authorizes the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Corps of Engineers, to issue permits for the discharge of dredged or fill material into the navigable waters at specified disposal sites. Permits may be denied if it is determined that such discharge will have adverse effects on municipal water supplies, shell fish beds and fishery areas and wildlife or recreational areas. r�r MISCELLANEOUS FEDERAL LEGISLATION Section 13 of the River and Harbor Act approved March 3 1899• Provides that discharge of refuse without a permit into navigable waters is prohibited. Violation is punishable by fine. Any citizen may file a complaint with the U.S.Attorney and share a portion of the fine. PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE PROTECT ARE AS FOLLOWS: KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION fW King County Resolution No. 25789 requires an unclassified use permit for filling, quarrying (including borrow pits and associated activities such as asphalt plants, rock crushers) and refuse disposal sites and provides for land reclamation subsequent to these activities. A copy is available at the Department of Public Works or Building and Land Development Division. Shoreline Management Act 1971 requires a permit for construction on State shorelines. Permit acquired by Public Works and reviewed by Building and Land Development Division. King County Ordinance No 1488 requires permit for grading, land fills, gravel pits, dumping, w quarrying and mining operations except on County right-of-way. Review by Building and Land Development Division. aw H:IDIVt SION.S\LTrIL FnE.SIIWATERUZ}CK\Springbrook SpringslBIDSPEC.DOMh r REQUI REMENTS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES nr WASHINGTON,STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND GAME r Chapter 112 Laws of 1949` Requires hydraulics permit on certain projects. (King County Department of Public Works will obtain.), WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY W.A.C. 173-220: Requires a National Pollutant Discharge EIimination System (NPDES) permit before discharge of pollutants from a point source into the navigable waters of the State of aw Washington. W.A.C. 372-24: Permit to discharge commercial or industrial waste waters into State surface or ow ground water(such as gravel washing, pit operations, or any operation which results in a discharge which contains turbidity). W.A.C.508-12-100: Requires permit to use surface water. we W.A.C. 508-12-190: Requires that changes to permits for water use be reviewed by the Department of Ecology whenever it is desired to change the purpose of use, the place of use, the point of withdrawal and/or the diversion of water. W.A.C.508-12-220: Requires permit to use ground water. W.A.C. 508-12-260: Requires permit to construct reservoir for water storage. W_A.C. 508-12-280: Requires permit to construct storage dam. r W.A.C. 508-60: Requires permit to construct in State flood control zone. King County Public Works secures one for design. Contractor secures one for his operation (false work design,etc.) WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES R.C.W. 76.04.150: Requires burning permit for all fires except for small outdoor fires for recreational purposes or yard debris disposal. AIso the Department of Natural Resources reserves the right to restrict burning under the provisions of R.C.W. 76.04.I50, 76.04.170, 76.04.180, and 70.94 due to extreme fire weather or to prevent restriction of visibility and excessive air pollution. �wr R.C.W. 76.08.030: Cutting permit required before cutting merchantable timber. R.C_W. 76.08.275: Operating permit required before operating power equipment in dead or down timber. R.C.W. 78.44.080: Requires permit for any surface mining operation (including sand, gravel,stone, �r and earth from borrow pits). UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Section 10 of River and Harbor Act of March 3 1899• Requires permit for construction (other than bridges, see U.S.Coast Guard administered permits)on navigable waters (King County Department Of Public Works will obtain.) �Itr N:\DIVISION.S\UTI LYnE.SlWA7FR\RICK\Springbrook Springs\B1DSPEC.DOGbh r RE,QUIREMENTS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES' FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT R.C.W. 52.28.014 5228.020 52.28.030 52.28.040 52.28.050: Provides authority for, to requirements of, and penalties for failure to secure afire permit for building an open fire within a fire protection district. UNITED STATES COAST GUARD' Section 9 of River and Harbor Act of March 3 1899 General Bridge Act of March 23, 1906 and. General Bridge Act of 1946 as amended August 2 1956- Requires a permit for construction of ' bridge on navigable waters (King County Department of Public Works will obtain). King County Department of Public Works will comply with pertinent: sections of the following laws 11 while securing the aforementioned permit: Section 4(f) of Department of Transportation Act, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970. PUGET SOUND,AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY Section 9.02(d) (2)(iii) of Regulation I• Request for verification of,population density. Contractor should be sure his operations are in compliance with Regulation I,particularly Section 9.02(outdoor aw fixes),Section 9.04 (particulate matter -- dust), and Section 9.I5 (preventing particulate matter from becoming airborne). ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Title 40, Chapter Ic Part 61: Requires that the Environmental Protection Agency be notified five (5) days prior to the demolition of any structure containing asbestos material (excluding residential structures having fewer than five(5)dwelling units). The above requirements will be applicable only where called for on the various road projects. �f01 Copies of these permits, ordinances, laws, and resolutions are available for inspection at the Office of the Director of Public Works,900 King County Administration Building, Seattle,WA. 98104. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to familiarize himself with all requirements therein. All costs resulting therefrom shall be included in the Bid Prices and no additional compensation shall be made. All permits will be available at construction site. irr 9rr ,rr do No H:\DIVISION.SxbMrM.S\WATER\RICK\Springbrook Springs\BIDSPEC.DOCJbh ,r r li DCity of rY o CITY OF RENTON SPECIAL PROVISIONS as r err Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S. Storm Project — (SWP 27-3529) Contract Documents Prepared for an City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 so a� err Prepared by r+r Parametrix 1019 39th Avenue SE, Suite 100 Puyallup, WA 98374 253-604-6600 www.parametrix.com rr M Vw June 2011 PMX No.218-1779-036(01/10) wr CITATION Parametrix. 2011. Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S. Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529)Contract Documents. Prepared by Parametrix, Puyallup, Washington. June 2011. �r �r. �r CERTIFICATION +rr The technical material and data contained in this document were prepared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned,whose seal, as a professional engineer licensed to practice as such, is affixed below. +r �gEY c AS I�poYd rr jo s L ��yti �9 AL • Prep ed y e ley L. Coop, P.E. - - • o�Wash j Prepared by Michael R. Warfel,fG,LHG 19 8 @d G$° MICHAEL RAY WARFEL 61`L1 t t Checked by Paul A. Bucich,P.E. Appro ed b andolph S.Raymond,P.E. do fo City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) June 2011 Contract Documents Cert7j9cate of Engineer 40 +wr CITY OF RENTON 00 SPECIAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.......................... ...SP-1 ..................................................... 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS..........................................................................................SP-1 +rr 1-01.1 General.................................................................................................................SP-1 1-01.2 Abbreviations(Project No. SWP 27-3529)..........................................................SP-1 wo 1-01.3 Definitions...........................................................................................................SP-1 wo 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS.....................................................................SP-4 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal........................................................................................SP-4 to 1-02.6(1) Proprietary Information (New Section).............................................................SP-4 1-02.12 Public Opening of Proposals ...............................................................................SP-4 ow 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT..............................................................SP-4 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids..........................................................................................SP-4 err 1-03.2 Award of Contract.................................................................................................SP-5 aw 1-03.3 Execution of Contract..........................................................................................SP-5 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK..................................................................................................SP-6 w 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions Specifications, and Addenda................................................................................SP-6 1-04.3 Contractor-Discovered Discrepancies (New Section).......................................SP-6 r�r 1-04.4 Changes ...............................................................................................................SP-7 1-04.4(1) Minor Changes (Project No. SWP 27-3529)......................................................SP-7 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities (Project No. SWP 27-3529)..........................SP-7 rrr 1-04.8 Progress Estimates and Payments........................................................................SP-7 1-04.11 Final Cleanup.......................................................................................................SP-7 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK.....................................................................................................SP-8 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviations from Plans and Stakes....................................SP-8 1-05.4(3) Contractor Supplied Surveying (New Section) .................................................SP-9 1W 1-05.4(4) Contractor Provided As-Built Information (New Section)................................SP-9 rw City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) i June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents wry+ 40 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work.................................................SP-10 rr 1-05.10 Guarantees.........................................................................................................SP-10 1-05.11 Final Inspection.................................................................................................SP-11 Go 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date (New Section)...................................................SP-11 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection Date (New Section SP-12 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing (New Section)..................................................................SP-12 rr 1-05.12 Final Acceptance................................................................................................SP-12 1-05.14 Cooperation with Other Contractors..................................................................SP-12 1-05.18 Contractor's Daily Diary (New Section).........................................................SP-13 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL..........................................................................................SP-14 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use....................................................................SP-14 1-06.2(1) Samples and Tests for Acceptance............................ .............SP-15 ............................ 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance............................................SP-15 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC.....................SP-15 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed .........................................................................................SP-15 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses.........................................................................................SP-15 1-07.9(5) Required Documents .........................................................................................SP-16 .rr 1-07.11(11) City of Renton Affidavit of Compliance (New Section)..................................SP-16 1-07.12 Federal Agency Inspection SP-16 No 1-07.13(1) General...............................................................................................................SP-17 rrti 1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage(Project No. SWP 27-3529)...................................SP-17 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control.....................................................SP-17 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property......................................................................................SP-17 1-07.16(4) Archaeological and Historical Objects Project No. SWP 27-3529 SP-19 1-07.16(4)A Inadvertent Discovery of Human Skeletal Remains (Project No. SWP 27-3529)...............................................................................SP-19 wt 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities...........................................................................SP-19 1-07.17(3) Interruption of Services (New Section SP-21 City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) ii June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents wr 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance..............................................SP-21 w 1-07.18(1) General (New Section) ....................................................................................SP-21 rr 1-07.18(2) Coverages (New Section)...............................................................................SP-22 1-07.18(3) Limits (New Section).......................................................................................SP-24 1-07.18(4) Evidence of Insurance (New Section) .............................................................SP-25 1-07.22 Use of Explosives..............................................................................................SP-25 ,r. 1-07.23(l) Construction Under Traffic................................................................................SP-25 1-07.24 Rights of Way....................................................................................................SP-26 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS..............................................................................SP-27 r 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters (New Section).................................................................SP-27 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference...............................................................................SP-27 1-08.1 Subcontracting SP-29 ................................................................................................... 1-08.1(2) Hours of Work (New Section)(Project No. SWP 27-3529)............................SP-29 1-08.1(3) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of Contracting Agency Employees (New Section)....................................................................................................SP-30 1-08.2 Assignment SP-30 ........................................................................................................ 1-08.3 Progress Schedule..............................................................................................SP-30 rr 1-08.4 Prosecution of the Work.....................................................................................SP-31 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work................................................SP-31 1-08.5 Time For Completion.........................................................................................SP-32 .o. 1-08.6 Suspension of Work...........................................................................................SP-33 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages..........................................................................................SP-33 nw 1-08.11 Contractor's Plant and Equipment (New Section)...........................................SP-33 1-08.12 Attention to Work (New Section)....................................................................SP-34 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT.............................................................................SP-34 rr 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities................................................................................SP-34 1-09.3 Scope of Payment..............................................................................................SP-3 5 1-09.7 Mobilization.......................................................................................................SP-36 ■r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) iii June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents aw to 1-09.9 Payments............................................................................................................SP-37 wo 1-09.9(1) Retainage...........................................................................................................SP-3 8 1-09.9(2) Contracting Agency's Right to Withhold and Disburse Certain Amounts go (New Section)....................................................................................................SP-3 8 1-09.9(3) Final Payment (New Section)..........................................................................SP-40 Aw 1-09.11(2) Claims................................................................................................................SP-41 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction.....................................................................SP-41 1-09.13(3)B Procedures to Pursue Arbitration.......................................................................SP-41 BID ITEM DESCRIPTIONS................................................................................................SP-43 w1 1-09.14 Payment Schedule (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) .....................SP-43 1-09.14(1) Basic Bid (New Section) 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL.........................................................................SP-57 �i 1-10.1 General...............................................................................................................SP-57 1-10.2(1)B Traffic Control Supervisor.................................................................................SP-58 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans..........................................................................................SP-58 1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor, Procedures, and Devices................................................SP-59 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices.....................................................................................SP-59 + 1-10.4 Measurement......................................................................................................SP-59 1-10.5 Payment.............................................................................................................SP-59 w 1-11 RENTON SURVEYING STANDARDS (New Section)..............................................SP-60 1-11.1 Description.........................................................................................................SP-60 1-11.1(1) Responsibility for Surveys.................................................................................SP-60 1-11.1(2) Survey Datum and Precision .............................................................................SP-60 1-11.1(3) Subdivision Information....................................................................................SP-61 1-11.1(4) Field Notes.........................................................................................................SP-61 1-11.1(5) Corners and Monuments........................................... 1-11.1(6) Control or Base Line Survey.............................................................................SP-62 1-11.1(7) Precision Levels.................................................................................................SP-63 1-11.1(8) Radial and Station—Offset Topography............................................................SP-63 1-11.1(9) Radial Topography City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) iv June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents MY +�r 1-11.1(10) Station—Offset Topography..............................................................................SP-63 a" 1-11.1(11) As-Built Survey SP-63 1-11.1(12) Monument Setting and Referencing..................................................................SP-64 1-11.2 Materials ...............SP-64 ............................................................................................. 1-11.2(1) Property/Lot Corners.........................................................................................SP-64 wry 1-11.2(2) Monuments........................................................................................................SP-64 1-11.2(3) Monument Case and Cover...............................................................................SP-65 r. 1-12 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS (NEW SECTION) (PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529)......................................................................................SP-65 1-12.1 Description.........................................................................................................SP-65 �r 1-12.4 Measurement......................................................................................................SP-65 1-12.5 Payment.............................................................................................................SP-66 wr DIVISION 2—EARTHWORK..........................................................................................................SP-67 2-01 CLEARING,GRUBBING,AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP.........................................SP-67 2-01.1 Description.........................................................................................................SP-67 2-01.2 Disposal of Usable Material and Debris............................................................SP-67 �r. 2-01.4 Measurement(Project No. SWP 27-3529)........................................................SP-67 2-01.5 Payment.............................................................................................................SP-68 rr. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURE AND OBSTRUCTIONS.............................................SP-68 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs,and Gutters .....................................SP-68 aw 2-02.3(4)A Saw Cutting New Section Project No. SWP 27-3529 SP-68 2-02.4 Measurement(Project No. SWP 27-3529)........................................................SP-69 ow 2-02.5 Payment Project No. SWP 27-3529 .............SP-69 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT...................................................SP-70 r� 2-03.3 Construction Requirements ...............................................................................SP-70 2-03.3(14) Embankment Construction................................................................................SP-71 +rr 2-03.3(14)E Unsuitable Foundation Excavation(Project No. SWP 27-3529).......................SP-71 2-03.3(14)G Backfilling(Project No. SWP 27-3529)............................................................SP-71 ■. 2-03.4 Measurement(Project No. SWP 27-3529)........................................................SP-71 2-03.5 Payment.............................................................................................................SP-71 aw 2-04 HAUL................................................................................................................................SP-72 2-04.5 Payment.............................................................................................................SP-72 2-06 SUBGRADE PREPARATION.......................................................................................SP-72 2-06.5 Measurement and Payment................................................................................SP-72 w City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) v June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents aIM 2-09 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION........................................................................................SP-72 2-09.1 Description.........................................................................................................SP-72 No 2-09.3 Construction Requirements ...............................................................................SP-73 2-09.3(l) General Requirements SP-73 2-09.3(1)D Disposal of Excavated Material.........................................................................SP-73 2-09.4 Measurement(Project No. SWP 27-3529)........................................................SP-73 2-09.5 Payment(Project No. SWP 27-3529)................................................................SP-73 DIVISION4—BASES.........................................................................................................................SP-75 4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING(PROJECT NO. SWP 27 73529)............SP-75 4-04.3 Construction Requirements SP-75 4-04.3(5) Shaping and Compaction...................................................................................SP-75 DIVISION 5—SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS....................................................SP-77 5-02 BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT(Project No. SWP 27-3529).....................SP-77 5-02.1 Description.........................................................................................................SP-77 rrr 5-02.4 Measurement......................................................................................................SP-77 5-02.5 Payment.............................................................................................................SP-77 w 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT......................................................................................................SP-78 5-04.3 Construction Requirements ...............................................................................SP-78 5-04.3(7) Preparation of Aggregates..................................................................................SP-78 5-04.3(7)A Mix Design........................................................................................................SP-78 r 5-04.3(7)A2 Statistical or Nonstatistical Evaluation..............................................................SP-78 5-04.3(7)A.2 Nonstatistical HMA Evaluation.........................................................................SP-78 5-04.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing—HMA Mixture..........................................SP-78 5-04.3(8)A1 General...............................................................................................................SP-78 5-04.3(8)A7 Test Section—HMA Mixtures...........................................................................SP-78 5-04.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529).......................................................SP-79 5-04.5 Payment (Project No. SWP 27-3529)...............................................................SP-79 5-04.5(1)A Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA.............................................................SP-79 err 5-04.5(1)B Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA Compaction.........................................SP-80 rrir wrr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) vi June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents WA 5-06 TRENCH RESTORATION AND OVERLAY (New Section)....................................SP-81 ON DIVISION 7— DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS,AND CONDUITS........................................................................SP-87 im 7-04 STORM SEWERS...........................................................................................................SP-87 7-04.1 Description.........................................................................................................SP-87 No 7-04.2 Materials(Project No. SWP 27-3529)...............................................................SP-87 7-04.2(1) Temporary Stormwater Diversion (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529)...............................................................................SP-88 we 7-04.3 Construction Requirements (Project No. SWP 27-3529).................................SP-88 7-04.3(2) Abandon Existing Storm Drain Pipe (New Section) WA (Project No. SWP 27-3529)...............................................................................SP-88 7-04.3(3) Television Inspection(New Section)(Project No. SWP 27-3529)....................SP-89 wr 7-04.4 Measurement(Project No. SWP 27-3529) ........................................................SP-89 7-04.5 Payment(Project No. SWP 27-3529)................................................................SP-90 7-05 MANHOLES,INLETS,CATCH BASINS,AND DRYWELLS..................................SP-91 ow 7-05.2 Materials (Project No. SWP27-3529)...............................................................SP-91 7-05.3 Construction Requirements ...............................................................................SP-91 7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade...............................................SP-91 7-05.3(2) Abandon Existing Manholes..............................................................................SP-93 7-05.3(3) Connections to Existing Manholes SP-93 .................................................................... 7-05.4 Measurement......................................................................................................SP-93 1W7-05.5 Payment.............................................................................................................SP-94 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS.............................................SP-94 V90 7-08.3(1)A Trenches(Project No. SWP 27-3529)................................................................SP-94 7-08.3(1)C Bedding the Pipe(Project No. SWP 27-3529)...................................................SP-95 ow 7-08.3(2)A Survey Line and Grade......................................................................................SP-95 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying—General.......................................................................................SP-95 7-08.3(2)E Rubber Gasketed Joints.....................................................................................SP-96 dw 7-08.3(2)H Sewer Line Connections....................................................................................SP-96 7-08.4 Measurement(Project No. SWP 27-3529) ........................................................SP-97 r. 7-08.5 Payment(Project No. SWP 27-3529)................................................................SP-97 7-09 PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR WATER MAINS..............................................................SP-97 7-09.3 Construction Requirements ............................................................................... SP-97 7-09.3(15) Laying of Pipe on Curves..................................................................................SP-97 `r 7-09.3(15)A Ductile Iron Pipe................................................................................................SP-97 City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) vii June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents ar �r 7-09.3(15)B Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)Pipe(4 Inches and Over).........................................SP-98 7-09.3(17) Laying Ductile Iron Pipe with Polyethylene Encasement.................. so...............SP-98 7-09.3(19)A Connections to Existing Mains..........................................................................SP-98 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Block...............................................SP-99 so 7-09.3(23) Hydrostatic Pressure Test...................................................................................SP-99 7-09.3(24) Disinfection of Water Mains............................................................................SP-101 7-09.3(24)A Flushing...........................................................................................................SP-101 7-09.3(24)A Flushing and"Poly-pigging"...........................................................................SP-101 it 7-09.3(24)D Dry Calcium Hypochlorite ..............................................................................SP-101 7-09.3(24)K Retention Period..............................................................................................SP-101 rr 7-09.3(24)N Final Flushing and Testing...............................................................................SP-101 7-09.3(25) Joint Restraint Systems (New Section)(Project No. SWP 27-3529).............SP-102 7-09.4 Measurement(Project No. SWP 27-3529)......................................................SP-104 7-09.5 Payment(Project No. SWP 27-3529)..............................................................SP-104 rrr 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS...................................................................................SP-105 7-12.3 Construction Requirements .............................................................................SP-105 7-12.3(1) Installation of Valve Marker Post....................................................................SP-105 7-12.3(2) Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade (New Section)......................................SP-105 wt 7-12.4 Measurement....................................................................................................SP-105 7-12.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-106 7-20 AUGER BORING (NEW SECTION) (PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529)..................SP-107 7-20.1 Description.......................................................................................................SP-107 7-20.2 Materials SP-107 .......................................................................................................... 7-20.2(1) Equipment........................................................................................................SP-108 7-20.2(1)A Auger Boring Machine ..........SP-108 .......................................................................... 7-20.3 Construction Requirements .............................................................................SP-109 7-20.3(l) General.............................................................................................................SP-109 7-20.3(2) Auger Boring....................................................................................................SP-110 7-20.3(3) Jacking and Receiving Pits..............................................................................SP-111 7-20.3(4) Tol erances........................................................................................................SP-112 7-20.3(5) Submittals........................................................................................................SP-113 7-20.3(6) Restoration.......................................................................................................SP-115 7-20.4 Measurement....................................................................................................SP-115 7-20.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-115 City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project-(SWP 27-3529) viii June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents .. DIVISION 8—MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION...............................................................SP-117 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION(PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529)................................SP-117 8-02.1 Description.......................................................................................................SP-117 8-02.3 Construction Requirements ............SP-117 8-02.3(1) Responsibility During Construction................................................................SP-117 w. 8-02.4 Measurement....................................................................................................SP-118 8-02.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-118 +rr 8-05 DEWATERING (NEW SECTION) (PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529)......................SP-118 8-05.1 General........................................................................... ...............................SP-118 8-05.1(1) Design..............................................................................................................SP-119 8-05.1(2) Damages .....................................:....................................................................SP-120 or8-05.1(3) Equipment........................................................................................................SP-120 8-05.1(4) Maintaining Excavation in Dewatering Condition..........................................SP-120 8-05.1(6) Discharge Piping and Electrical Service Corridors .........................................SP-121 8-05.1(7) Discharge Location..........................................................................................SP-121 8-05.1(8) Maintaining Groundwater Control in Excavation ...........................................SP-121 8-05.1(9) Duration of Dewatering...................................................................................SP-122 8-05.1(10) System Removal..............................................................................................SP-122 aw 8-05.4 Measurement....................................................................................................SP-122 8-05.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-122 8-09 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS..............................................................................SP-123 8-09.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-123 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE (PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529)........SP-123 8-12.1 Description.......................................................................................................SP-123 8-12.3 Construction Requirements .............................................................................SP-123 8-12.4 Measurement....................................................................................................SP-123 Ar8-12.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-124 8-13 MONUMENT CASES...................................................................................................SP-124 8-13.1 Description.......................................................................................................SP-124 8-13.3 Construction Requirements .............................................................................SP-124 8-13.4 Measurement....................................................................................................SP-124 8-13.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-124 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING..............................................................................................SP-125 8-22.1 Description(Project No. SWP 27-3529) .........................................................SP-125 City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) err Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) ix June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents err 8-22.3 Construction Requirements .............................................................................SP-125 no 8-22.3(5) Installation Instructions ...................................................................................SP-125 8-22.4 Measurement(Project No. SW 27-3529) ......................................................SP-125 8-22.5 Payment Project No. SWP 27-3529 SP-125 8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS.................................................................SP-126 8-23.5 Payment...........................................................................................................SP-126 rr DIVISION9—MATERIALS............................................................................................................SP-127 9-03 AGGREGATES .......................................SP-127 ...................................................................... 9-03.8 Aggregates for Hot Mix Asphalt......................................................................SP-127 9-03.8(2) HMA Test Requirements SP-127 9-03.8(7) HMA Tolerances and Adjustments..................................................................SP-127 9-05 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES,CULVERTS,AND CONDUITS................................SP-128 Wo 9-05.4 Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch.....................................................................SP-128 9-05.7(2) Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe..........................................................SP-128 w + 9-05.7(2)A Basis for Acceptance........................................................................................SP-128 9-05.7(3) Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints...................................................................SP-128 as 9-05.7(4) Testing Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints......................................................SP-129 9-05.9 Steel Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe..................................................................SP-129 9-05.14 ABS Composite Sewer Pipe............................................................................SP-130 9-05.17 Aluminum Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe.........................................................SP-130 wr+ 9-05.20 Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe(CPEP) (Project No. SWP-27-3529).............................................................................SP-130 9-05.20(1) Description (New Section) ............................................................................SP-130 so 9-05.20(2) Pipe Material and Fabrication (New Section).................................................SP-130 9-0520(3) Fittings (New Section).....................................................................................SP-131 rr 9-05.20(4) Installation (New Section).............................................................................SP-131 9-05.23 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE)(Project No. SWP-27-3529)..........SP-131 ■r 9-08 PAINTS AND RELATED MATERIALS.....................................................................SP-132 9-08.9 Manhole Coating System Products (New Section)........................................SP-132 9-08.9(1) Coating Systems Specification (New Section)................................................SP-132 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING............................................SP-132 .r 9-14.2 Seed .................................................................................................................SP-132 9-14.2(1) Hydroseed Bid Item (New Section)(Project No. SWP-27-3529).................SP-132 err City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) x June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents im 9-23 CONCRETE CURING MATERIALS AND ADMIXTURES...................................SP-134 +�r 9-23.9 Fly Ash.............................................................................................................SP-134 9-30 WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS...................................................................SP-134 9-30.1(1) Ductile Iron Pipe................................... ...........................................................SP-134 9-30.3(1) Gate Valves(3 inches to 16 inches).................................................................SP-134 ■■' 9-30.3(3) Butterfly Valves...............................................................................................SP-135 9-30.3(5) Valve Marker Posts..........................................................................................SP-135 ► 9-30.3(7) Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valves.................................................SP-136 9-30.3(8) Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly...............................................................SP-136 r.. 9-30.3(9) Blow-Off Assembly (New Section)...............................................................SP-136 9-30.5 Hydrants...........................................................................................................SP-136 +.► 9-30.5(1) End Connections..............................................................................................SP-136 9-30.5(2) Hydrant Dimensions........................................................................................SP-137 9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Tubing........................................................................................SP-137 9-30.6(4) Service Fittings................................................................................................SP-137 9-30.6(5) Meter Setters....................................................................................................SP-137 r rre r �w. r .rr r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) xi June 2011 Contract Documents Table of Contents wlrr irr SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION 1 ■. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS go 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1-01.1 General go Section 1-01.1 is supplemented with the following: aw Whenever reference is made to the State, Commission, Department of Transportation, Secretary of Transportation, Owner, Contracting Agency, or Engineer, such reference shall be deemed to mean the City of Renton acting through its City Council, employees, and duly authorized representatives for all to contracts administered by the City of Renton. 1-01.2 Abbreviations (Project No. SWP 27-3529) aw (******) DAHP Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation SPU Seattle Public Utilities rr 1-01.3 Definitions Section 1-01.3 is revised and supplemented with the following: Act of God "Act of God" means an earthquake, flood, cyclone, or other cataclysmic phenomenon of nature. A rain, windstorm, high water or other natural phenomenon of unusual intensity for the specific locality of the work, which might reasonably have been anticipated from historical records of the general ++ locality of the work, shall not be construed as an act of God. Archaeologist The Contracting Agency's consultant that prepared the archeological report and Inadvertent Discovery Plan who may or may not administer the archaeological requirements during the construction program for the Contracting Agency. Consulting Engineer The Contracting Agency's design consultant, who may or may not administer the construction program for the Contracting Agency. Contract Price Either the unit price,the unit prices, or lump sum price or prices named in the proposal, or in properly executed change orders. rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) wn Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-1 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I tier Dates ' Bid Opening Date: The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads bids. Award Date: The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder for the work. Contract Execution Date: The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the agency to the Contract. Notice to Proceed Date: The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract time begins. Contract Completion Date: The date by which the work is contractually required to be completed. Substantial Completion Date: See Section 1-05.11(1) of these Special Provisions. Substantial Completion Date for the overall project shall be the date that the Owner accepts the last phase as shown on the Plans as substantially complete. Final Inspection Date: See Section 1-05.11(2). Final Acceptance Date: The date the Contracting Agency accepts the work as complete per the contract requirements. so Day Unless otherwise designated, day(s) as used in the Contract Documents, shall be understood to mean working days. Engineer The City Engineer or duly authorized representative, or an authorized member of a licensed consulting firm retained by Owner for the construction engineering of a specific public works project. Inspector Owner's authorized representative assigned to make necessary observations of the work performed or being performed, or of materials furnished or being furnished by Contractor. Or Equal Where the term "or equal" is used herein, the Contracting Agency, or the Contracting Agency on recommendation of the Engineer, shall be the sole judge of the quality and suitability of the proposed substitution. The responsibility and cost of furnishing necessary evidence, demonstrations, or other information required to obtain the approval of alternative materials or processes by the Owner shall be entirely borne by the Contractor. Owner rw The City of Renton or its authorized representative also referred to as Contracting Agency. irrr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-2 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 ■li err Performance and Payment Bond Same as "Contract Bond"defined in the Standard Specifications. i„ Plans The Contract Plans and/or Standard Plans which show location, character, and dimensions of prescribed work including layouts, profiles, cross-sections, and other details. Drawings may either be bound in the same book as the balance of the Contract Documents or bound in separate sets, and are a part of the Contract Documents,regardless of the method of binding. The terms "Standard Drawings" or "Standard Details" generally used in specifications refers to drawings bound either with the specification documents or included with the Plans or the City of Renton Standard Plans. .r Points Wherever reference is made to Engineer's points, this shall mean all marks, bench marks, reference points, stakes, hubs,tack, etc., established by Engineer for maintaining horizontal and vertical control of the work. Provide Means"furnish and install"as specified and shown in the Plans. .r Secretary,Secretary of Transportation The chief executive officer of the Department and other authorized representatives. The chief executive officer to the Department shall also refer to the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator. rr Shop Drawings Same as"Working Drawings"defined in the Standard Specifications. wr Special Provisions Modifications to the Standard Specifications and Supplemental Specifications that apply to an individual project. The Special Provisions may describe work the Specifications do not cover. Such work shall comply first with the Special Provisions and then with any Specifications that apply. The Contractor shall include all costs of doing this work within the bid prices. r State The state of Washington acting through its representatives. The State shall also refer to The City of Ow Renton and its authorized representatives where applicable. Supplemental Drawings and Instructions Additional instructions by Engineer at request of Contractor by means of drawings or documents Ow necessary, in the opinion of Engineer, for the proper execution of the work. Such drawings and instructions are consistent with the Contract Documents. to Utility Public or private fixed improvement for the transportation of fluids, gases, power, signals, or communications and shall be understood to include tracks, overhead and underground wires, cables, ON pipelines, conduits, ducts, sewers, or storm drains. wr wr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-3 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I O 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal The third paragraph and Item No. 1 under the third paragraph are revised as follows: (******) All prices shall be in legible figures and words written in ink or typed. The proposal shall include: 1. A unit price for each item(omitting digits more than four places to the right of the decimal point), each unit price shall also be written in words; where a conflict arises the written words shall 1W prevail. ri Add the following new section: 1-02.6(1) Proprietary Information (New Section) Vendors should, in the bid proposal, identify clearly any material(s) which constitute "(valuable) formula, designs drawings, and research data" so as to be exempt from public disclosure, RCW 42.17.310, or any materials otherwise claimed to be exempt, along with a Statement of the basis for such claim of exemption. The Department (or State) will give notice to the vendor of any request for disclosure of such information received within 5 (five) years from the date of submission. Failure to so label such materials or failure to timely respond after notice of request for public disclosure has been given shall be deemed a waiver by the submitting vendor of any claim that such materials are, in fact, so exempt. 1-02.12 Public Opening of Proposals Section 1-02.12 is supplemented with the following: The Contracting Agency reserves the right to postpone the date and time for bid opening. Notification to bidder will be by addenda. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids Section 1-03.1 is supplemented with the following: All bids will be based on total sum of all schedules of prices. No partial bids will be accepted unless so stated in the call for bids or special provisions. The City reserves the right however to award all or any schedule of a bid to the lowest bidder at its discretion. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-4 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 w Mr 1-03.2 Award of Contract Section 1-03.2 is supplemented with the following: The contract, bond form, and all other forms requiring execution, together with a list of all other forms or documents required to be submitted by the successful bidder, will be forwarded to the r successful bidder within 10 days of the award. The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor shall be determined by the Contracting Agency. 1-03.3 Execution of Contract Section 1-03.3 is revised and supplemented with the following: rrr Within 10 calendar days after receipt from the City of the forms and documents required to be completed by the Contractor, the successful bidder shall return the signed Contracting Agency-prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by Section 1-07.18, and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03.4. Before execution of the contract by the Ow Contracting Agency, the successful bidder shall provide any pre-award information the Contracting Agency may require under Section 1-02.15. Until the Contracting Agency executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the Contracting Agency nor "" shall any work begin within the project limits or within Contracting Agency-furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas and for any materials ordered before the contract is executed by the Contracting Agency. If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the contract documents within 10 calendar days after the award date, the Contracting Agency may grant up to a maximum of 10 additional calendar days for return of the documents, provided the Contracting Agency deems the circumstances warrant it. +.r The Contracting Agency is prohibited by RCW 39.06.010 from executing a contract with a Contractor who is not registered or licensed as required by the laws of the state. In addition, the Contracting Agency requires persons doing business with the Contracting Agency to possess a valid City of Renton business license prior to award. aw When the Bid Form provides spaces for a business license number, a Washington State Contractors registration number, or both the Bidder shall insert such information in the spaces provided. The �++ Contracting Agency requires that legible copies of the Contractor's Registration and business license be submitted to the Engineer as part of the Contracting Agency's post-award information and evaluation activities. err City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-5 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK W& 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents,Plans,Special Provisions Specifications,and Addenda w? Revise the second paragraph of Section 1-04.2 to read: err Any inconsistency in the parts of the Contract shall be resolved by following this order of precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2,2 over 3, 3 over 4, and so forth): ■rr 1. Addenda, 2. Proposal Form, rir 3. Special Provisions, 4. Contract Plans, 5. Amendments to Division 1-99 APWA Supplement 6. Amendments to the Standard Specifications, 7. Division 1-99 APWA Supplement "a 8. WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction 9. Contracting Agency's Standard Plans(if any) 10. WSDOT/APWA Standard Plans for Road,Bridge and Municipal Construction Add the following new section: 1-04.3 Contractor-Discovered Discrepancies (New Section) Upon receipt of award of contract, Contractor shall carefully study and compare all the components of the Contract Documents and other instructions, and check and verify all field measurements. Contractor shall, prior to ordering material or performing work, report in writing to Engineer any error, inconsistency, or omission in respect to design or mode of construction, which is discovered. If Contractor, in the course of this study or in the accomplishment of the work, finds any discrepancy between the Plans and the physical condition of the locality as represented in the Plans, or any such errors or omissions in respect to design or mode of construction in the Plans or in the layout as given by points and instructions, it shall be Contractor's duty to inform Engineer immediately in writing, and Engineer will promptly check the same. Any work done after such discovery, until correction of Plans or authorization of extra work is given, if Engineer finds that extra work is involved, will be done at Contractor's risk. If extra work is involved, the procedure shall be as provided in Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier,4venue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-6 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 .r OW 1-04.4 Changes The last two paragraphs of Section 1-04.4 are replaced with the following: Renton does not have a formal policy or guidelines on cost reduction alternatives, but will evaluate such proposals by the Contractor on a case-by-case basis. 1-04.4(1) Minor Changes (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 1-04.4(1)is revised as follows: Payments or credits for changes amounting to $20,000 or less may be made under the bid item �. "Minor Changes". At the discretion of the Contracting Agency, this procedure for Minor Changes may be used in lieu of the more formal procedure outlined in Section 1-04.4. 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 1-04.6 is supplemented with the following: Because of the variable quantities that may be required for "Gravel Borrow Incl. Haul", "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation, Incl. Haul", "Channel Excavation Incl. Haul", "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul", "Contaminated Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul", "Trench Excavation Incl. Haul", "Contaminated Trench Excavation Incl. Haul", and "Foundation Material", the provision of this section shall not apply to these items. The Engineer is given complete discretion as to the need and requirement for the use of these materials on the project. 1-04.8 Progress Estimates and Payments Section 1-04.8 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor is encouraged to provide to the Engineer prior to progress payments an estimate of lump sum work accomplished to date. The Engineer's calculations and decisions shall be final in regard to the actual percentage of any lump sum pay item accomplished and eligible for payment unless another specific method of calculating lump sum payments is provided elsewhere in the r Specifications. 1-04.11 Final Cleanup Section 1-04.11 is supplemented with the following: All salvage material as noted on the Plans and taken from any of the discarded facilities shall, at the Engineer's discretion, be carefully salvaged and delivered to the City shops. Any cost incurred in salvaging and delivering such items shall be considered incidental to the project and no compensation wr will be made. The lump sum contract price for "Finish and Cleanup" shall be full compensation for all work, equipment, and materials required to perform final cleanup. If this pay item does not appear in the contract documents then final clean up shall be considered incidental to the contract and to other pay item and no further compensation shall be made. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) 4W Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-7 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 err 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviations from Plans and Stakes go Section 1-05.4 is supplemented with the following: (******) If the project calls for Contractor supplied surveying, the Contractor shall provide all required survey go work, including such work as mentioned in Sections 1-05.4(1) and 1-05.4(2), 1-11 and elsewhere in these Specifications as being provided by the Engineer. All costs for this survey work shall be included in"Contractor Supplied Surveying", per lump sum. The Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor will provide construction stakes and marks establishing lines, slopes, and grades as stipulated in Sections 1-05.4 and will perform such work per Section 1-11. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for detailed dimensions, elevations, and excavation slopes measured from the Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor furnished stakes and marks. The Contractor shall provide a work site which has been prepared to permit construction staking to proceed in a safe and orderly manner. The Contractor shall keep the Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor informed of staking requirements and provide at least 48 hours' notice to allow the Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor adequate time for setting stakes. The Contractor shall carefully preserve stakes, marks, and other reference points, including existing monumentation, set by Contracting Agency forces. The Contractor will be charged for the costs of replacing stakes, markers, and monumentation that were not to be disturbed but were destroyed or damaged by the Contractor's operations. This charge will be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor. wn Any claim by the Contractor for extra compensation by reason of alterations or reconstruction work allegedly due to error in the Engineer's line and grade, will not be allowed unless the original control points set by the Engineer still exist, or unless other satisfactory substantiating evidence to prove the error is furnished the Engineer. Three consecutive points set on line or grade shall be the minimum points used to determine any variation from a straight line or grade. Any such variation shall, upon discovery, be reported to the Engineer. In the absence of such report the Contractor shall be liable for any error in alignment or grade. The Contractor shall provide all surveys required other than those to be performed by the Engineer. All survey work shall be done in accordance with Section 1-11, Surveying Standards, of these Specifications. The Contractor shall keep updated survey field notes in a standard field book and in a format set by the Engineer, per Section 1-11.1(4). These field notes shall include all survey work performed by the Contractor's surveyor in establishing line, grade and slopes for the construction work. Copies of these field notes shall be provided the Engineer upon request and upon completion of the contract work the field book or books shall be submitted to the Engineer and become the property of the Contracting Agency. If the survey work provided by the Contractor does not meet the standards of the Engineer, then the Contractor shall, upon the Engineer's written request, remove the individual or individuals doing the survey work and the survey work will be completed by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. Costs for completing the survey work required by the Engineer will be deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-8 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 +W All costs for survey work required to be performed by the Contractor shall be included in the prices bid for the various items which comprise the improvement or be included in the bid item for "Contractor Supplied Surveying", per lump sum, if that item is included in the contracts. Add the following new section: 1-05.4(3) Contractor Supplied Surveying (New Section) When the contract provides for Contractor Supplied Surveying, the Contractor shall supply the survey work required for the project. The Contractor shall retain as a part of the Contractor Organization an experienced team of surveyors under the direct supervision of a professional land surveyor licensed by the State of Washington.All survey work shall be done in accordance with Sections 1-05.4 and 1-11. The Contractor and/or Surveyor shall inform the Engineer in writing of any errors, discrepancies, and omissions to the Plans that prevent the Contractor and/or Surveyor from constructing the project in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. All errors, discrepancies, and omissions must be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the survey work may be continued. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the Surveyor and perform his operations in a manner to protect all survey stakes from harm. The Contractor shall inform the Surveyor of the Contractor's intent to remove any survey stakes and/or points before physically removing them. The surveyor shall be responsible for maintaining As-Built records for the project. The Contractor shall coordinate his operations and assist the Surveyor in maintaining accurate As-Built records for the project. If the Contractor and Surveyor fail to provide, as directed by the Engineer and/or these Plans and Specifications, accurate As-Built records and other work the Engineer deems necessary, the Engineer may elect to provide at Contractor expense, a surveyor to provide all As-Built records and other work as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer shall deduct expenses incurred by the Engineer-supplied �. surveying from moneys owed to the Contractor. Payment per Section 1-04.1 for all work and materials required for the full and complete survey work required to complete the project and as-built drawings shall be included in the lump sum price for "Contractor Supplied Surveying". „■, Add the following new section: 1-05.4(4) Contractor Provided As-Built Information (New Section) It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to record the location prior to the backfilling of the trenches, by centerline station, offset, and depth below pavement, of all existing utilities uncovered or crossed during his work as covered under this project. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to have his surveyor locate by centerline station, offset and elevation each major item of work done under this contract per the survey standard of Section 1-11. Major items of work shall include but not be limited to: Manholes, Catch basins and Inlets, Valves, vertical and Horizontal Bends, Junction boxes, Cleanouts, Side Sewers, Street Lights and Standards, Hydrants,Major Changes in Design Grade, Vaults, Culverts, Signal Poles, and Electrical Cabinets. wo ris City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-9 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 VW M After the completion of the work covered by this contract, the Contractor's surveyor shall provide to so the City the hard covered field book(s) containing the as-built notes and one set of white prints of the project drawings upon which he has plotted the notes of the Contractor locating existing utilities, and one set of white prints of the project drawings upon which he has plotted the as-built location of the err new work as he recorded in the field book(s). This drawing shall bear the surveyors seal and signature certifying its accuracy. war All costs for as-built work shall be included in the contract item "Contractor Supplied Surveying", lump sum. 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work wW Section 1-05.7 is supplemented with the following: wr Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute work by Contractor forces, in accordance with the intent of the Contract and without expense to Owner, and shall bear the expense of making good all work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. If Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials and commence re-execution of to the work within 7 calendar days of notice from Engineer, Owner may correct the same as provided in the Standard Specifications. In that case, Owner may store removed material. If Contractor does not pay the cost of such removal and storage within 10 calendar days from the date go of the notice to Contractor of the fact of such removal, Owner may, upon an additional 10 calendar days' written notice, sell such materials at public or private sale, and deduct all costs and expenses incurred from moneys due to Contractor, including costs of sale, and accounting to Contractor for the net proceeds remaining. Owner may bid at any such sale. Contractor shall be liable to Owner for the amount of any deficiency from any funds otherwise due Contractor. 1-05.10 Guarantees Section 1-05.10 is supplemented with the following: If within one year after the Acceptance Date of the Work by the Contracting Agency, defective and/or unauthorized Work is discovered, the Contractor shall promptly, upon written order by the Contracting Agency, return and in accordance with the Engineer's instructions, either correct such Work, of if such Work has been rejected by the Engineer, remove it from the Project Site and replace it with non-defective and authorized Work, all without cost to the Contracting Agency. If the Contractor does not promptly comply with the written order to correct defective and/or unauthorized Work, or if an emergency exists, the Contracting Agency reserves the right to have defective and/or unauthorized Work corrected or removed and replaced pursuant to Section 1-05.8 "Owners Right to err Correct Defective and/or Unauthorized Work." The Contractor agrees the above one year limitation shall not exclude or diminish the Contracting Agency's rights under any law to obtain damages and recover costs resulting from defective and/or unauthorized work discovered after one year but prior to the expiration of the legal time period set forth in RCW 4.16.040 limiting actions upon a contract in writing, or liability expressed or implied arising out of a written agreement. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-10 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I .r •. The Contractor shall warrant good title to all materials, supplies, and equipment purchased for, or incorporated in the Work. Nothing contained in this paragraph, however, shall defeat or impair the tight of persons furnishing materials or labor, to recover under any bond given by the Contractor for their protection, or any rights under any law permitting such persons to look to funds due the Contractor in the hands of the Contracting Agency. The provisions of this paragraph shall be inserted in all subcontracts and material contracts, and notice of its provisions shall be given to all persons furnishing materials for the Work when no formal contract is entered into for such materials. 1-05.11 Final Inspection Add the following new section: 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date (New Section) aw When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete for the overall project, the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer and request the Engineer establish the Substantial Completion Date for the overall project. To be considered substantially complete for the overall project, the following conditions must be met: 1. The Contracting Agency must have full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities both from the operational and safety standpoint. wr 2. Only minor incidental work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, or correction of repair work remains to reach physical completion of the work. All casing and carrier pipe must be installed, all open cut pipe installed, all piping to be tested and television inspected, connections to the existing system completed, and casing grouted. The Contractor's request shall list the specific items of work in subparagraph two above that remains to be completed in order to reach physical completion. The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. If after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the Work is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. If, after this inspection the Engineer does not consider the Work substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer will, by written notice, so notify �. the Contractor giving the reasons therefore. Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever is aw applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized interruption, the Work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. +f. The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial Completion Date and the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for Final Inspection. to rr► City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-11 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I +irr Add the following new section: 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection Date (New Section) When the Contractor considers the Work physically complete and ready for Final Inspection, the Contractor, by Written Notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a final inspection. The Engineer rr will set a date for Final Inspection. The Engineer and the Contractor will then make a final Inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the Final Inspection reveals the Work incomplete or unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall be pursued vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been corrected. +nw If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the Written Notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon Written Notice to the Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to Section 1-05.8. , Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the Contracting Agency, in writing , of the date upon which the Work was considered physically complete, that date shall constitute the Physical completion date of the Contract, but shall not imply all the obligations of the Contractor under the Contract have been fulfilled. Add the following new section: 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing (New Section) wri Unless otherwise noted in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall give Engineer a minimum of 3 working days' notice of the time for each test and inspection. If the inspection is by another authority than Engineer, Contractor shall give Engineer a minimum of 3 working days' notice of the date fixed for such inspection. Required certificates of inspection by other authority than Engineer shall be secured by Contractor. 1-05.12 Final Acceptance The third and fourth sentences in the first paragraph of Section 1-05.12 are replaced with the following: The Final Acceptance date shall be that date in which the Renton City Council formally approves r acceptance of the Contract. 1-05.14 Cooperation with Other Contractors Section 1-05.14 is supplemented with the following: Contractor shall afford Owner and other contractors working in the area reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their respective work and shall properly connect and coordinate Contractor's work with theirs. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-12 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I r. aw Other utilities,districts,agencies, and contractors who may be working within the project area are: 1. Puget Sound Energy(gas and electric) 2. AT&T Broadband r 3. Qwest Communications 4. City of Renton(water, sewer,transportation) 5. Private contractors employed by adjacent property owners. Add the following new section: a.r 1-05.18 Contractor's Daily Diary (New Section) r Contractor and subcontractors shall maintain and provide to Engineer a Daily Diary Record of this Work. This Diary will be created by pen entries in a hard-bound diary book of the type that is commonly available through commercial outlets. The Diary must contain the Project Name and Number; if the Diary is in loose-leaf form, this information must appear on every page. The Diary must be kept and maintained by Contractor's designated project superintendent(s). Entries must be made on a daily basis and must accurately represent all of the project activities on each day. At a minimum, the diary shall show on a daily basis: w. 1. The day and date. 2. The weather conditions, including changes throughout the day. 3. A complete description of work accomplished during the day with adequate references to the Plans and Contract Provisions so that the reader can easily and accurately identify said work in the Plans. Identify location/description of photographs or videos taken that day.. �r. 4. An entry for each and every changed condition, dispute or potential dispute, incident, accident, or occurrence of any nature whatsoever which might affect Contractor, Owner, or any third party in any manner. 5. Listing of any materials received and stored on- or off-site by Contractor for future �r installation,to include the manner of storage and protection of the same. 6. Listing of materials installed during each day. ar. 7. List of all subcontractors working on-site during each day. 8. Listing of the number of Contractor's employees working during each day by category of employment. 9. Listing of Contractor's equipment working on the site during each day. Idle equipment on the site shall be listed and designated as idle. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-13 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 rr 10. Notations to explain inspections, testing, stake-out, and all other services furnished by Owner or other party during each day. 11. Entries to verify the daily (including non-work days) inspection and maintenance of traffic ,irk control devices and condition of the traveled roadway surfaces. Contractor shall not allow any conditions to develop that would be hazardous to the public. air. 12. Any other information that serves to give an accurate and complete record of the nature, quantity, and quality of Contractor's progress on each day. 13. Plan markups showing locations and dimensions of constructed features to be used by to Engineer to produce record drawings. 14. All pages of the diary must be numbered consecutively with no omissions in page numbers. wr 15. Each page must be signed and dated by Contractor's official representative on the project. .w Contractor may use additional sheets separate from the diary book if necessary to provide a complete diary record, but they must be signed,dated, and labeled with project name and number. It is expressly agreed between Contractor and Owner that the Daily Diary maintained by Contractor shall be the "Contractor's Book of Original Entry" for the documentation of any potential claims or disputes that might arise during this Contract. Failure of Contractor to maintain this Diary in the manner described above will constitute a waiver of any such claims as or disputes by Contractor. Engineer or other Owner's representative on the jobsite will also complete a Daily Construction Sri Report. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use rr Section 1-06.1 is supplemented with the following: The materials and equipment lists submitted to Engineer at the Preconstruction Conference shall include the quantity, manufacturer, and model number, if applicable, of materials and equipment to be installed under the Contract. This list will be checked by Engineer as to conformity with the Contract Documents. Engineer will review the lists within 10 working days, noting required corrections. Contractor shall make required corrections and file 2 corrected copies with Engineer within 1 week after receipt of required corrections. Engineer's review and acceptance of the lists shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for suitability for the intended purpose, nor for deviations from the Contract Documents. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-14 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I err r 1-06.2(1) Samples and Tests for Acceptance Section 1-06.2(1) is supplemented with the following: .w The finished Work shall be in accordance with approved samples. Approval of samples by Engineer does not relieve Contractor of responsibility for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance Section 1-06.02(2) is supplemented with the following: Unless stated otherwise in the special provisions, statistical evaluation will not be used by the City of Renton. ,rr► 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed Section 1-07.1 is supplemented with the following: Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary safeguards for protection of workers and the public; shall post danger signs warning against known or unusual hazards; and shall designate as Safety Supervisor a responsible employee on the construction site whose duty shall be the enforcement of safety. The name and position of such person so designated shall be reported in writing to Engineer by Contractor. Contractor shall, at all times, enforce strict discipline and good order among all employees and shall not employ any person unfit or not skilled in the work assigned to him/her. Necessary sanitation conveniences for the use of the workers on the job, properly secluded from public observation, shall be provided and maintained by Contractor. 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses Section 1-07.6 is supplemented with the following: irr The Contractor shall comply with all construction-related provisions of the DAHP permit, SPU right-of-way use permit, and other permits obtained by the City. The Contractor shall be responsible for making any changes required by the agencies, and payment of any fines, for violations of any construction related provisions. The City will not make additional compensation for any changes or fines due to the Contractors violations. The permits, easements, and right of entry documents that have been acquired are available for inspection and review. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-15 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 +wr Contractor shall be required to comply with all conditions of the permits, easements, and No rights-of-entry, at no additional cost to Owner. Contractor is required to indemnify Owner from claims on all easements and rights-of-entry. All other permits, licenses, etc., shall be the responsibility of Contractor. Contractor shall comply with the special provisions and requirements of each. Permits, permission under franchises, licenses, and bonds of a temporary nature necessary for and during the prosecution of the work, and inspection fees in connection therewith shall be secured and paid for by Contractor. If Owner is required to secure such permits, permission under franchises, licenses and bonds, and pay the fees, the costs incurred by Owner thereby shall be charged against Contractor and deducted from any funds otherwise due Contractor. 1-07.9(5) Required Documents rw Replace the first sentence of the third paragraph of Section 1-07.9(5)with the following: Contractor must submit weekly-certified payrolls for the Contractor and all subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors,regardless of project's funding source. No Add the following new section: (******) 116 1-07.11(11) City of Renton Affidavit of Compliance (New Section) Each Contractor, Subcontractor, Consultant, and or Supplier shall complete and submit a copy of the "City of Renton Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance." A copy of this document will be bound in the bid documents. 1-07.12 Federal Agency Inspection Section 1-07.12 is supplemented with the following: Required Federal Aid Provisions The Required Contract Provisions Federal Aid Construction Contracts (FHWA 1273) and the amendments thereto supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications and are made a part of this contract; provided, however, that if any of the provisions of FHWA 1273, as amended, are less restrictive than Washington State Law,then the Washington State Law shall prevail. The provisions of FHWA 1273, as amended, included in this contract require that the Contractor insert the FHWA 1273 and amendments thereto in each subcontract, together with the wage rates which are part of the FHWA 1273, as amended. Also, a clause shall be included in each subcontract requiring the subcontractors to insert the FHWA 1273 and amendments thereto in any lower tier subcontracts, together with the wage rates. The Contractor shall also ensure that this section, ,sit REQUIRED FEDERAL AID PROVISIONS, is inserted in each subcontract for subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors. For this purpose, upon request to the Project Engineer, the Contractor will be provided with extra copies of the FHWA 1273, the amendments thereto, the applicable wage rates, and this Special Provision. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-16 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I i1i1 1-07.13(1) General Section 1-07.13(1) is supplemented with the following: During unfavorable weather and other conditions, the Contractor shall pursue only such portions of the work as shall not be damaged thereby. No portion of the work whose satisfactory quality or efficiency will be affected by unfavorable conditions shall be constructed while these conditions exist, unless by special means or precautions w acceptable to the Engineer,the Contractor shall be able to overcome them. 1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage (Project No. SWP 27-3529) «r Section 1-07.14 is supplemented with the following: All references to the"State,""Commission,""Secretary,""Department,"and"officers and employees of the State" shall read"Contracting Agency." 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control irr Replace the first paragraph of Section 1-07.15 with the following: In an effort to prevent, control, and stop water pollution and erosion within the project, thereby protecting the work, nearby land, streams , and other bodies of water, the Contractor shall perform all work in strict accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations governing waters of the State, as well as permits acquired for the project. 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property Section 1-07.16(1) is supplemented with the following: ..� The Contracting Agency will obtain all easements and franchises required for the project. The Contractor shall limit his operation to the areas obtained and shall not trespass on private property. The Contracting Agency may provide certain lands, as indicated in connection with the work under the contract together with the right of access to such lands. The Contractor shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his equipment or materials. The Contractor shall provide, with no liability to the Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto not shown or described that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials. He shall construct all access roads, detour roads, or other temporary work as required by his operations. The Contractor shall confine his equipment, storage of material, and operation of his workers to those areas shown and described and such additional areas as he may provide. A. General. All construction work under this contract on easements, right-of-way, over private property or franchise, shall be confined to the limits of such easements, right-of-way, or franchise. All work shall be accomplished so as to cause the least amount of disturbance and a minimum amount of damage. The Contractor shall schedule his work so that trenches across easements shall not be left open during weekends or holidays and trenches shall not be open for more than 48 hours. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-17 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I B. Structures. The Contractor shall remove such existing structures as may be necessary for the performance of the work and, if required, shall rebuild the structures thus removed in as good a condition as found. He shall also repair all existing structures which may be damaged as a result of the work under this contract. C. Easements, Cultivated Areas, and Other Surface Improvements. All cultivated areas, either agricultural or lawns, and other surface improvements which are damaged by actions of the Contractor shall be restored as nearly as possible to their original condition. Prior to excavation on an easement or private right-of-way, the Contractor shall strip top soil from the trench or construction area and stockpile it in such a manner that it may be replaced by him, upon completion of construction. Ornamental trees and shrubbery shall be carefully removed with the earth surrounding their roots wrapped in burlap and replanted in their original positions within 48 hours. All shrubbery or trees destroyed or damaged, shall be replaced by the Contractor with material of equal quality at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. In the event that it is necessary to trench through any lawn area, the sod shall be carefully cut and rolled and �r replaced after the trenches have been backfilled. The lawn area shall be cleaned by sweeping or other means,of all earth and debris. The Contractor shall use rubber wheel equipment similar to the small tractor-type backhoes used by side sewer contractors for all work, including excavation and backfill, on easements or rights-of-way which have lawn areas. All fences, markers, mailboxes, or other temporary obstacles shall be removed by the Contractor and immediately replace, after the trench is backfilled, in their original position. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Agency and property Owner at least 24 hours in advance of any work done on easements or rights-of-way. » Damage to existing structures outside of easement areas that may result from dewatering and/or other construction activity under this contract shall be restored to their original condition or better. The original condition shall be established by photographs taken and/or inspection made prior to construction. All such work shall be done to the satisfaction of the property Owners and the Contracting Agency at the expense of the Contractor. D. Streets. The Contractor will assume all responsibility of restoration of the surface of all streets (traveled ways)used by him if damaged. Asphalt concrete pavement or bituminous surfacing outside the project area that is disturbed by the work shall be restored to its original condition. Asphalt pavement restoration shall comply with the provisions of Section 5-04 (Hot Mix Asphalt)of the Standard Specifications. All other surfaces disturbed by the project shall be promptly replaced or relocated to original W or better than condition. The Contractor shall restore all disturbed landscaping in conformance with Section 8-02 (Roadside Restoration). In the event the Contractor does not have labor or material immediately available to make necessary repairs, the Contractor shall so inform the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency will make the necessary repairs and the cost of such repairs shall be paid by the Contractor. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-18 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I wr The Contractor is responsible for identifying and documenting any damage that is pre-existing or caused by others. Restoration of excavation in City streets shall be done in accordance with the City of Renton Trench Restoration Requirements, which is available at the Public Works Department Customer Services counter on the 6th floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way. 1-07.16(4) Archaeological and Historical Objects (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Replace the first two paragraphs of Section 1-07.16(4)with the following: " Archaeological or historical objects, such as ruins, sites, buildings, artifacts, fossils, or other objects of antiquity that may have significance from a historical or scientific standpoint, which may be encountered by the Contractor, shall not be further disturbed. The Contractor shall immediately notify «r the Engineer of any such finds and implement the Inadvertent Discovery Plan and the provisions of the DAHP permit included with these project Specifications. The Engineer will coordinate with the archaeological consultant to determine if the material is to be salvaged. The Contractor may be required to stop work in the vicinity of the discovery until such determination is made. The Engineer may require the Contractor to suspend work in the vicinity of the discovery until salvage is accomplished. ■n If the Engineer finds that the suspension of work in the vicinity of the discovery increases or decreases the cost or time required for performance of any part of the work under this Contract, the Engineer will make an adjustment in payment or the time required for the performance of the work in accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-08.8. 1-07.16(4)A Inadvertent Discovery of Human Skeletal Remains (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Replace the first paragraph of Section 1-07.16(4)A with the following: " If human skeletal remains are encountered by the Contractor, they shall not be further disturbed. The Contactor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any such finds, and shall cease all work adjacent to the discovery, in an area adequate to provide for the total security and protection of the integrity of the skeletal remains. The Contractor shall implement the Inadvertent Discovery Plan and the provisions of the DAHP permit included with these project Specifications. The Engineer may require the Contractor to suspend work in the vicinity of the discovery until final determinations are made and removal of the skeletal remains is completed. 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities Section 1-07.17 is supplemented with the following: Existing utilities indicated in the Plans have been plotted from the best information available to Engineer. Information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing underground utilities or services at or contiguous to the project site are based on information and data furnished to Owner and Engineer by owners of such underground facilities or others, and Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof. It is to be understood that other aboveground or underground facilities not shown in the Plans may be encountered during the course of the work. r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-19 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 IM All utility valves, manholes, vaults, or pull boxes which are buried shall be conspicuously marked in a fashion acceptable to the Owner and Engineer by the Contractor to allow their location to be determined by the Engineer or utility personnel under adverse conditions, (inclement weather or darkness). Where underground main distribution conduits, such as water, gas, sewer, electric power, or telephone, are shown on the Plans, the Contractor, for the purpose of preparing his bid, shall assume that every property parcel will be served by a service connection for each type of utility. Contractor shall check with the utility companies concerning any possible conflict prior to commencing excavation in any area. Contractor shall resolve all crossing and clearance problems with the utility company concerned. No excavation shall begin until all known facilities, in the vicinity of the excavation area,have been located and marked. In addition to Contractor having all utilities field marked before starting work, Contractor shall have all utilities field marked after they are relocated in conjunction with this project. Call Before You Dig The 48 Hour Locators 1-800-424-5555 At least 2, and not more than 10, working days prior to commencing any excavations for utility potholing or for any other purpose under this Contract, Contractor shall notify the Underground Utilities Location Center by telephone of the planned excavation and progress schedule. Contractor is also warned that there may be utilities on the project that are not part of the One Call system. They must be contacted directly by Contractor for locations. Contractor shall make arrangements 48 hours in advance with respective utility owners to have a representative present when their utility is exposed or modified, if the utility chooses to do so. Existing utilities for telephone, power, gas, water, and television cable facilities shall be adjusted or relocated by the appropriate utility company unless otherwise noted in the Plans. These adjustments may be completed before Contractor begins work, or may be performed in conjunction with the contract work. Contractor shall be entirely responsible for coordination with the utility companies and arranging for the movement or adjustment, either temporary or permanent, of their facilities within the project limits. See also Section 1-05.14 of these Special Provisions. If or when utility conflicts occur, Contractor shall continue the construction process on other aspects of the project whenever possible. No additional compensation will be made to Contractor for reason of delay caused by the actions of any utility company and Contractor shall consider such costs to be incidental to the other items of the contract. Utility Potholing r Potholing may be included as a bid item for use in determining the location of existing utilities in advance of the Contractor's operations. If potholing is not included as a bid item then it shall be considered incidental to other work. The Contractor shall submit all potholing requests to the Engineer for approval, at least 2 working days before potholing is scheduled. Additionally, the Contractor shall provide potholing at Engineer's request. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S.Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-20 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 wr .r In no way shall the work described under Utility Potholing relieve Contractor of any of the responsibilities described in Section 1-07.17 of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. .r Payment Payment will be made at the discretion of Engineer, for the following bid item(s) in accordance with Section 1-09.6 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions: "Utility Potholing",per each. Add the following new section: 1-07.17(3) Interruption of Services (New Section) Whenever in the course of the construction operation it becomes necessary to cause an outage of �r utilities, it shall be Contractor's responsibility to notify the affected users and Engineer not less than 48 hours in advance of such outage. Contractor shall make reasonable effort to minimize the duration of outages, and shall estimate the length of time service will be interrupted and so notify the users. In the case of any utility outage that has exceeded or will exceed four hours, user contact shall again be made. Temporary service, if needed,will be arranged by Contractor at no cost to Owner. Overhead lighting outages shall not exceed 24 hours. All cost to Contractor for providing temporary +� overhead lighting to meet above requirements shall be incidental to the various unit and lump sum items of the Contract; no separate payment will be made. 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Section 1-07.18 is replaced with the following new sections: err 1-07.18(1) General (New Section; 2011 update) *' The Contractor shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect, from the Contract Execution Date to the Completion Date, public liability and property damage insurance with an insurance company(ies), or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner,pursuant to RCW 48. �r The Contractor shall not begin work under the Contract until the required insurance has been obtained and approved by the Contracting Agency. Insurance shall provide coverage to the Contractor, all subcontractors, Contracting Agency, and the Contracting Agency's consultant. The coverage shall protect against claims for bodily injuries, personal injuries, including accidental death, as well as claims for property damages which may arise from any act or omission of the Contractor or the subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. If warranted work is required, the Contractor shall provide the City proof that insurance coverage and limits established under the term of the Contract for work are in full force and effect during the period of warranty work. The Contracting Agency may request a copy of the actual declaration pages(s) for each insurance "e policy effecting coverage(s)required on the Contract prior to the date work commences. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-21 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 +rr Failure of the Contractor to fully comply during the term of the Contract with the requirements ► described herein will be considered a material breach of contract and shall be cause for immediate termination of the Contract at the option of the Contracting Agency. All costs for insurance shall be incidental to and included in the unit or lump sum prices of the contract, and no additional payment will be made. 1-07.18(2) Coverages (New Section) All coverage provided by the Contractor shall be in a form and underwritten by a company acceptable to the Contracting Agency. The City requires that all insurers: 1. Be licensed to do business within the State of Washington. 2. Coverage to be on an "occurrence"basis(Professional Liability and Pollution coverage are acceptable when written on a claims-made basis). The City may also require that proof of professional liability coverage be provided for up to two (2) years after the completion of No the project. 3. The City may request a copy of the actual declaration page(s) for each insurance policy affecting coverage(s)required by the Contract prior to the date work commences. 4. Possess a minimum A.M. best rating of AVII (A rating of A XII or better is preferred.) If any insurance carrier possesses a rating of less than AVII,the City may make an exception. ryt The City reserves the right to approve the security of the insurance coverage provided by the insurance company(ies),terms, conditions, and the Certificate of Insurance. r Failure of the Contractor to fully comply during the term of the Contract with these requirements will be considered a material breach of contract and shall be cause for immediate termination of the contract at the option of the City. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain the minimum insurance coverage set forth below. By requiring such minimum insurance, the City of Renton shall not be deemed or construed to have assessed the risks that may be applicable to the Contractor. The Contractor shall assess its own risks, and if it deems appropriate and/or prudent, maintain higher limits and/or broader coverage. Coverage shall include: A. Commercial General Liability— ISO 1993 Form or equivalent. Coverage will be written on an occurrence basis and include: w 1. Premises and Operations(including CG2503; General Aggregate to apply per project, if applicable). 2. Explosion, Collapse, and Underground Hazards. 3. Products/Completed Operations. rr 4. Contractual Liability (including Amendatory Endorsement CG 0043 or equivalent which includes defense coverage assumed under contract). 5. Broad Form Property Damage. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) -' Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-22 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 rri VW 6. Independent Contractors. 7. Personal/Advertising Injury. 8. Stop Gap Liability. w B. Automobile Liability including all: 1. Owned vehicles. 2. Non-owned vehicles. 3. Hired vehicles. C. Workers'Compensation: +r 1. Statutory Benefits(Coverage A)—Show Washington Labor&Industries Number. D. Umbrella Liability(when necessary): wo 1. Excess of Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability. Coverage should be as broad as primary. �.. E. Professional Liability — (whenever the work under this Contract includes Professional Liability, including Advertising activities) the (CONTRACTOR) shall maintain professional liability covering wrongful acts, errors and/or omissions of the (CONTRACTOR)for damage sustained by reason of or in the course of operations under this Contract. F. Pollution Liability — the City may require this coverage whenever work under this Contract involves pollution risk to the environment. This coverage is to include sudden and gradual coverage for third party liability including defense costs and completed operations. Contractor shall name City of Renton, and its officers,officials,agents, employees, and volunteers as Additional Insured (ISO Form CG 2010 or equivalent). The Contractor shall provide City of Renton Certificates of Insurance prior to commencement of work. The City reserves the right to request copies of insurance policies, if at their sole discretion it is deemed appropriate. Further, all policies of insurance described above shall: A. Be on a primary basis not contributory with any other insurance coverage and/or self-insurance carried by City of Renton. B. Include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause. C. Severability of Interest Clause(Cross Liability). +rte D. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency and all Additional Insured's with written notice of any policy cancellation,within two business days of their receipt of such ► notice. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) 40 Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-23 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 MW E. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute + ► a material breach of contract, upon which the Contracting Agency may, after giving five business days' notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the contract, or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, offset against funds due the Contractor from the Contracting Agency. 1-07.18(3) Limits (New Section) Limits Required Providing coverage in these stated amounts shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor from liability in excess of such limits. The Contractor shall carry the following limits of liability as required below. Pollution liability is required. Commercial General Liability 40 General Aggregate* $2,000,000** Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000** Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal/Advertising Injury $1,000,000 Fire Damage(Any One Fire) $50,000 Medical Payments(Any One Person) $5,000 Stop Gap Liability $1,000,000 * General Aggregate to apply per project (ISO Form CG2503 or equivalent) ** Amount may vary based on project risk Automobile Liability Bodily Injury/Property Damage $1,000,000 (Each Accident) . Workers' Compensation Statutory Benefits-Coverage A Variable (Show Washington Labor and Industries Number) Umbrella Liability Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 ritil► Professional Liability(If required) Each Occurrence/Incident/Claim $1,000,000 Aggregate $2,000,000 Pollution Liability Each Occurrence/Incident/Claim $1,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000 wr The City may require the Contractor to keep professional liability coverage in effect for up to two (2) years after completion of the project. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-24 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 irr .► The Contractor shall promptly advise the CITY OF RENTON in the event any general aggregates are reduced for any reason, and shall reinstate the aggregate at the Contractor's expense to comply with the minimum limits and requirements as stated above and shall furnish to the CITY OF RENTON a new certificate of insurance showing such coverage is in force. 1-07.18(4) Evidence of Insurance (New Section) Within 20 days of award of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide evidence of insurance by submitting to the Contracting Agency the Certificate of Insurance (ACORD Form 25s or equivalent) ++� conforming to items as specified in Sections 1-07.18(1), 1-07.18(2), and 1-07.18(3) as revised above. Other requirements are as follows: A. Strike the following or similar wording: "This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the Certificate Holder". B. Strike the wording regarding cancellation notification to the City: "Failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives". aw C. Amend the cancellation clause to state: "Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, notice will be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions." am For Professional Liability coverage only, instead of the cancellation language specified above, the City will accept a written agreement that the consultant's broker will provide the required ,,,,,, notification. 1-07.22 Use of Explosives Aw Section 1-07.22 is supplemented with the following: .w Explosives shall not be used without specific authority of the Engineer, and then only under such restrictions as may be required by the proper authorities. Explosives shall be handled and used in strict compliance with WAC 296-52 and such local laws, rules and regulations that may apply. The IM individual in charge of the blasting shall have a current Washington State Blaster Users License. The Contractor shall obtain, comply with, and pay for such permits and costs as are necessary in conjunction with blasting operations. .r 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic MA Section 1-07.23(1) is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling dust and mud within the project limits and on any d' street, right-of-way owned by other agencies, or parking lots or areas which are utilized by his equipment for the duration of the project. The Contractor shall be prepared to use watering trucks, power sweepers, and other pieces of equipment as deemed necessary by the Engineer, to avoid creating a nuisance. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-25 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I wry rrr Dust and mud control shall be considered as incidental to the project, and no compensation will be W made for this section. Complaints of dust, mud, or unsafe practices and/or property damage to private Ownership will be transmitted to the Contractor and prompt action in correcting them will be required by the Contractor. Contractor shall maintain the roads during construction in a suitable condition to minimize affects to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. All cost to maintain the roads shall be borne by Contractor. At least one-way traffic shall be maintained on all cross-streets within the project limits during working hours. One lane shall be provided in each direction for all streets during non-working hours. Contractor shall provide one driveable roadway lane and maintain convenient access for local and commuter traffic to driveways, businesses, and buildings along the line of Work throughout the course of the project. Such access shall be maintained as near as possible to that which existed prior to the commencement of construction. This restriction shall not apply to the paving portion of the construction process. 40 Contractor shall notify and coordinate with all property owners and tenants of street closures, or other restrictions which may interfere with their access—at least 24 hours in advance for single-family residential property, and at least 48 hours in advance for apartments, offices, and commercial property. Contractor shall give a copy of all notices to Engineer. When the abutting owners' access across the right-of-way line is to be eliminated and replaced under the Contract by other access, the existing access shall not be closed until the replacement access facility is available. air All unattended excavations shall be properly barricaded and covered at all times. Contractor shall not open any trenches that cannot be completed and refilled that same day. Trenches shall be patched or covered by a temporary steel plate, at Contractor's expense, except in areas where the roadway remains closed to public traffic. Steel plates must be anchored. 1-07.24 Rights of Way JW Section 1-07.24 is supplemented with the following: me Street right-of-way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are indicated on the Drawings. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits unless arrangements for use of private property are made. Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to Bid opening, all rights-of-way and easements, both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the completion of the Work. Exceptions to this are noted in the Contract Documents or brought to the Contractor's attention by a Mi duly issued Addendum. Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through property other than public right-of-way,the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any easement agreement obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private property. Copies of the easement agreements are included in the Contract Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as practical after they have been obtained by the Engineer. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-26 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 #. Whenever easements or rights-of-entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, these areas are so noted on the Drawings. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where rights-of-way, easements, or rights-of-entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right-of-way or easement is available or that the right-of-entry had been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to acts of omission on the part of the Contracting Agency in obtaining easements, rights-of-entry, or rights-of-way, the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time. The Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a breach of contract. Each property owner shall be given 48 hours' notice prior to entry by the Contactor. This includes entry onto easements and private property where private improvements must be adjusted. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability of the Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary,. construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the Work or not, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written permission of the private property owner, and, upon vacating the premises, a written release from the property owner of each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by reasons of construction pursued under this contract. The statement shall be signed by the private property owner, or proper authority acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary permits have been obtained or, in the case of a release, that the restoration of the property has been satisfactorily accomplished. The statement shall include the parcel number, address, and date of signature. Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before the Completion Date will be established. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Add the following new sections: 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters (New Section) 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference r. The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with up to 5 copies of the Contract Documents. Additional documents may be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction.Prior to undertaking each part of the Aw Work the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown therein and all applicable field measurements. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer any conflict,error or discrepancy which the Contractor may discover. After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the Contractor beginning the Work, a preconstruction conference will be held between the Contractor, the Engineer, and such other interested parties as may be invited. The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction meeting: rr • Contractor's plan of operation and progress schedule (3+copies). • Approval of qualified subcontractors(bring list of subcontractors if different from list submitted with Bid). • List of materials fabricated or manufactured off the project. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-27 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 rrr • Material sources on the project. • Names of principal suppliers. • Detailed equipment list, including"Rental Rate Blue Book"hourly costs(both working and standby rates). • Weighted wage rates for all employee classifications anticipated to be used on Project. • Cost percentage breakdown for lump sum bid item(s). • Shop Drawings(bring preliminary list). • Traffic Control Plans(3+copies). • Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control Plan. In addition,the Contractor shall be prepared to address: • Bonds and insurance • Project meetings—schedule and responsibilities • Provision for inspection for materials from outside sources • Responsibility for locating utilities • Responsibility for damage • Time schedule for relocations, if by other than Contractor • Compliance with Contract Documents • Acceptance and approval of work toil • Labor compliance, payrolls, certifications • Safety regulations for Contractors' and Owner's employees and representatives • Suspension of work, time extensions • Change order procedures • Progress estimates-procedures for payment • Special requirements of funding agencies • Construction engineering, advance notice of special work • Any interpretation of the Contract Documents requested by Contractor • Any conflicts or omissions in Contract Documents • Any other problems or questions concerning the work • Processing and administration of public complaints • Easements and rights-of-entry • Other contracts The franchise utilities may be present at the preconstruction conference, and Contractor should be prepared for their review and discussion of progress schedule and coordination. ti City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-28 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 r�r 1-08.1 Subcontracting Section 1-08.1 is supplemented with the following and with the following new sections: Written requests for change in subcontractors shall be submitted by Contractor to Engineer at least 7 calendar days prior to start of a subcontractor's work. rr Contractor agrees that s/he is fully responsible to Owner for the acts and omissions of all subcontractors and lower-tier subcontractors, and persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractors, as well as for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Contractor. ow Contractor shall be required to give personal attention to the work that is sublet.Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and Owner. Contractor shall be responsible for making sure all subcontractors submit all required documentation, forms, etc. imp 1-08.1(2) Hours of Work (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) See Mobilization and Traffic Control Bid Items for project-specific work hours. rwr Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Agency, the normal straight time working hours for the contract shall be any consecutive 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of a working day with a maximum 1-hour lunch break and a 5-day work week. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing the work. If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for permission to work such times. Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. an 6:00 p.m. is not w+� required. Such requests shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than noon on the working day prior to the day for which the Contractor is requesting permission to work. r Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the Contracting Agency's noise control regulations or complaints are received from the public or + adjoining property owners regarding the noise from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should such permission be revoked for these reasons. .r Permission to work Saturdays, Sunday, holidays of other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours Monday through Friday may be given subject to certain other conditions set forth by the Contracting Agency or Engineer. These conditions may include but are not limited to : requiring the Engineer or such assistants as the Engineer may deem necessary to be present during the Work; �. requiring the Contractor to reimburse the Contracting Agency for the cost of engineering salaries paid Contracting Agency employees who worked during such times; considering the Work performed on Saturday and holiday as working day with regards to the Contract Time; and considering multiple work shifts as multiple working days with respect to Contract Time even though the multiple shifts occur in a single 24-hour period. Assistants may include, but are not limited to, survey crews; personnel from the Contracting Agency's material testing lab; inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees when in the opinion of the Engineer such work necessitates their presence. OIL City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) wo Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SOP 27-3529) SP-29 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 ar 1-08.1(3) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of Contracting Agency Employees (New Section) Where the Contractor elects to work on a Saturday, Sunday, or other holiday, of longer than an 8-hour work shift on a regular working day, as defined in the Standard Specifications, such work shall be considered as overtime work. On all such overtime work an inspector will be present, and a survey crew may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall reimburse the Contraction Agency for the full amount of the straight time plus overtime costs for employees of the Contracting Agency required to work overtime hours. The Contractor by these Specifications does hereby authorize the Engineer to deduct such costs from the amount due or to become due the Contractor. 1-08.2 Assignment The second paragraph of Section 1-08.2 is modified as follows: (******) Contractor shall not assign any moneys due or to become due to Contractor hereunder without the prior written consent of Owner. The assignment, if approved, shall be subject to all setoffs, withholdings, and deductions required by law and the Contract. 1-08.3 Progress Schedule Section 1-08.3 is supplemented with the following: The progress schedule for the entire project shall be submitted 7 calendar days prior to the Preconstruction Conference. The schedule shall be prepared using the critical path method (CPM), preferably using Microsoft Project, or equivalent software. The schedule shall contain this information,at a minimum: �wNtr 1. Construction activities, in sufficient detail that all activities necessary to construct a complete and functional project are considered. Any activity that has a scheduled duration exceeding 30 calendar days shall be subdivided until no sub-element has a duration exceeding 30 calendar days. The schedule shall clearly indicate the activities that comprise the critical path. For each activity not on the critical path,the schedule shall show the float, or slack,time. 2. Procurement of material and equipment. 3. Submittals requiring review by Engineer. Submittal by Contractor and review by Engineer at shall be shown as separate activities. 4. Work to be performed by a subcontractor, agent, or any third party. 5. Allowances for delays that could result from normal inclement weather(time extensions due to inclement weather will not be allowed). 6. Allowances for the time required by utilities (Owner's and others) to locate, monitor, and adjust their facilities as required. rt 7. Sequencing and duration of boring between the boring and receiving pits shown on the Plans. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-30 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 err +.. Engineer may request Contractor to alter the progress schedule when deemed necessary in the opinion of Engineer—in the interest of public safety and welfare or of Owner, or for coordination with any other activity of other contractors, the availability of all or portions of the jobsite, or special provisions of this Contract, or to reasonably meet the completion date of the project. Contractor shall provide such revised schedule within 10 days of request. If, at any time, in the opinion of Engineer, the progress of construction falls significantly behind schedule, Contractor may be required to submit a plan for regaining progress and a revised schedule indicating how the remaining work items will be completed within the authorized contract time. r Contractor shall promptly report to Engineer any conditions which Contractor feels will require revision of the schedule and shall promptly submit proposed revisions in the progress schedule for acceptance by Engineer. When such changes are accepted by Engineer, the revised schedule shall be followed by Contractor. Weekly Schedule. Contractor shall submit a weekly progress schedule to Engineer which sets forth specific work to be performed the following week, and a tentative schedule for the second week. Failure to Maintain Progress Schedule. Engineer will check actual progress of the work against the progress schedule a minimum of two times per month. Failure, without just cause, to maintain + �. progress in accordance with the approved schedule shall constitute a breach of Contract. If, through no fault of Contractor, the proposed construction schedule cannot be met, Engineer will require Contractor to submit a revised schedule to Engineer for acceptance. The approved revisions will thereafter, in all respects, apply in lieu of the original schedule. Failure of Contractor to follow the progress schedule submitted and accepted, including revisions thereof, shall relieve Owner of any and all responsibility for furnishing and making available all or any portion of the jobsite, and will relieve Owner of any responsibility for delays to Contractor in the performance of the work. The cost of preparing the progress schedule, any supplementary progress schedules, and weekly schedules shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no other compensation shall be made. 1-08.4 Prosecution of the Work The title for Section 1-08.4 is revised to read: dw 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work Section 1-08.4 is supplemented with the following: Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract bond and evidence of insurances have been approved and filed by the Owner. The Contractor shall not commence the Work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the Project Site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date. The Work thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical completion of the work. There shall be no voluntary shutdowns or slowing of operations by the Contractor without prior approval of the Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor from the Contractual obligation to complete the work within the prescribed Contract Time. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) M Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-31 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 am im 1-08.5 Time For Completion rrr The first five paragraphs of Section 1-08.5 are replaced with the following: (******) The work shall be physically completed in its entirety within the time specified in the Contract Documents or as extended by the Engineer. The Contract Time will be stated in"working days", shall begin on the Notice To Proceed Date, and shall end on the Contract Completion Date. A nonworking day is defined as a Saturday, a Sunday, a day on which the contract specifically suspends work, or one of these holidays: January 1, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day,November 11, j Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. The day before Christmas shall be a holiday when Christmas Day occurs on a Tuesday or Friday. The day after Christmas shall be a holiday when Christmas Day occurs on a Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday. When Christmas Day occurs on a Saturday, the two preceding working days shall be observed as holidays. When Christmas lit day occurs on a Sunday, the two working days following shall be observed as holidays. When holidays other than Christmas fall on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be counted as a non- working day and when they fall on a Sunday the following Monday will be counted as a non-working +r ► day. The Contract Time has been established to allow for periods of normal inclement weather which, from historical records, is to be expected during the Contract Time, and during which periods,work is anticipated to be performed. Each successive working day, beginning with the Notice to Proceed Date and ending with the Physical Completion Date, shall be charged to the Contract Time as it occurs except a day or part of a day which is designated a nonworking day or an Engineer determined unworkable day. The Engineer will furnish the Contractor a weekly report showing (1) the number of working days charged against the Contract Time for the preceding week; (2) the Contract Time in working days; (3)the number of working days remaining in the Contract Time; (4)the number of nonworking days; At and (5) any partial or whole days the Engineer declared unworkable the previous week. This weekly report will be correlated with the Contractor's current approved progress schedule. If the Contractor elects to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4-10 schedule) and the fifth day of the week in which a 4-10 shift is worked would ordinarily be charged as a working day then the fifth day of that week will be charged as a working day whether or not the Contractor works on that day. The Contractor will be allowed 10 calendar days from the date of each report in which to file a written protest of an alleged discrepancy in the Contract Time as reported. Otherwise, the report will be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. The requirements for scheduling the Final Inspection and establishing the Substantial Completion, Physical Completion, and Completion Dates are specified in Sections 1-05.11 and 1-05.12. > Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: (******) Within 10 calendar days after execution of the Contract by the Contracting Agency, Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency with copies of purchase orders for all equipment items deemed critical by the Contracting Agency, including but not limited to signal controller materials, lighting standards, and signal standards required for the physical completion of the contract. Such purchase orders shall disclose the estimated delivery dates for the equipment. City of Renton ' 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-32 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 s +ML dw ow All items of work which can be performed without delivery of the critical items shall start and be completed as soon as possible. At that time, Engineer may suspend the work upon request of Contractor until the critical items are delivered to Contractor, if the Contracting Agency received a purchase order within 10 calendar days after execution of the Contract by the Contracting Agency. Contractor will be entitled to only one such suspension of time during the performance of the work and during such suspension shall not perform any additional work on the project. Upon delivery of the critical items, contract time will resume and continue to be charged in accordance with Section 1-08. err 1-08.6 Suspension of Work Section 1-08.6 is supplemented with the following: .K Owner may at any time suspend the work, or any part thereof, by giving notice to Contractor in writing. The work shall be resumed by Contractor within 14 calendar days after the date fixed in the �r written notice from Owner to Contractor to do so. Contractor shall not suspend work under the Contract without the written order of Owner. �r If it has been determined that Contractor is entitled to an extension of time, the amount of such extension shall be only to compensate for direct delays and shall be based upon Contractor's .. diligently pursuing the work at a rate not less than that which would have been necessary to complete the original Contract Work on time. 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages Section 1-08.9 is supplemented with the following: In addition, Contractor shall compensate Owner for actual engineering inspection and supervision costs and any other expenses and legal fees incurred by Owner as a result of such delay. Such labor costs will be billed to Contractor at actual costs, including administrative overhead costs. In the event that Owner is required to commence any lawsuit in order to enforce any provision of this •d• Contract or to seek redress for any breach thereof, Owner shall be entitled to recover its costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, from Contractor. Add the following new section: 1-08.11 Contractor's Plant and Equipment (New Section) The Contractor alone shall at all times be responsible for the adequacy, efficiency, and sufficiency of his and his subcontractor's plant and equipment. The Owner shall have the right to make use of the Contractor's plant and equipment in the performance of any work on the site of the work. The use by the Owner of such plant and equipment shall be considered as extra work and paid for accordingly. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-33 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 aMr r Neither the Owner nor the Engineer assumes any responsibility, at any time, for the security of the to site from the time Contractor's operations have commenced until final acceptance of the work by the Engineer and the Owner. The Contractor shall employ such measures as additional fencing, barricades, and watchmen service, as he deems necessary for the public safety and for the protection lot of the site and his plant and equipment. The Owner will be provided keys for all fenced, secured areas. Add the following new section: W 1-08.12 Attention to Work (New Section) The Contractor shall give his personal attention to and shall supervise the work to the end that it shall be prosecuted faithfully, and when he is not personally present on the work site, he shall at all times At be represented by a competent superintendent who shall have full authority to execute the same, and to supply materials, tools, and labor without delay, and who shall be the legal representative of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be liable for the faithful observance of any instructions delivered to No him or to his authorized representative. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT of 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities Section 1-09.1 is supplemented with the following: At Lump Sum. The percentage of lump sum work completed, and payment will be based on the cost percentage breakdown of the lump sum bid price(s) submitted at the preconstruction conference. The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of costs for each lump sum bid item. The breakdown shall list the items included in the lump sum together with a unit price of labor, materials, and equipment for each item. The summation of the detailed unit prices for each item shall add up to the lump sum bid. The unit price values may be used as a guideline for determining progress payments or alt deductions or additions in payment for ordered work changes. Cubic Yard Quantities. Contractor shall provide truck trip tickets for progress payments only in the following manner. Where items are specified to be paid by the cubic yard, the following tally system shall be used. All trucks to be employed on this work will be measured to determine the volume of each truck. Each truck shall be clearly numbered, to the satisfaction of Engineer, and there shall be no duplication of numbers. Duplicate tally tickets shall be prepared to accompany each truckload of material delivered on the project. All tickets received that do not contain the following information will not be processed for payment: 1. Truck number 2. Quantity and type of material delivered in cubic yards 3. Drivers name, date and time of delivery City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-34 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 MW 4. Location of delivery, by street and stationing on each street 5. Place for Engineer to acknowledge receipt 6. Pay item number 7. Contract number and/or name It will be the Contractor's responsibility to see that a ticket is given to Engineer on the project for each truckload of material delivered.Pay quantities will be prepared on the basis of said tally tickets. rw Loads will be checked by Engineer to verify quantity shown on ticket. Quantities by Ton.It will be Contractor's responsibility to see that a certified weight ticket is given to the Inspector on the project at the time of delivery of materials for each truckload delivered. Pay quantities will be prepared on the basis of said tally tickets, delivered to Inspector at time of delivery of materials. Tickets not receipted by Inspector will not be honored for payment. Each truck shall be clearly numbered to the satisfaction of Engineer and there shall be no duplication of numbers. Duplicate tickets shall be prepared to accompany each truckload of material delivered to the project. All tickets received that do not contain the following information will not be processed for payment: 1. Truck number 2. Truck tare weight(stamped at source) 3. Gross truck load weight in tons(stamped at source) 4. Net load weight(stamped at source) 5. Driver's name, date, and time of delivery ., 6. Location for delivery by street and stationing on each street 7. Place for Engineer to acknowledge receipt 8. Pay item number 9. Contract number and/or name 1-09.3 Scope of Payment Section 1-09.3 is supplemented with the following: Unless modified otherwise in the Contract Provisions, the Bid Items listed or referenced in the "Payment" clause of each Section of the Standard Specifications, will be the only items for which compensation will be made for the Work described in or specified in that particular Section when the Contractor performs the specified Work. Should a Bid Item be listed in a"Payment" clause but not in the Proposal Form, and Work for that item is performed by the Contractor and the work is not stated as included in or incidental to a pay item in the contract and is not work that would be required to complete the intent of the Contract per Section 1-04.1, then payment for that Work will be made as for Extra Work pursuant to a Change Order. The words "Bid Item," "Contract Item," and "Pay Item," and similar terms used throughout the Contract Documents are synonymous. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-35 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I If the "payment" clause in the Specifications relating to any unit Bid Item price in the Proposal Form 16 requires that said unit Bid Item price cover and be considered compensation for certain work or material essential to the item, then the work or material will not be measured or paid for under any other Unit Bid Item which may appear elsewhere in the Proposal Form or Specifications. Pluralized unit Bid Items appearing in these Specifications are changed to singular form. Payment for Bid Items listed or referenced in the "Payment" clause of any particular section of the at Specifications shall be considered as including all of the Work required, specified,or described in that particular section. Payment items will generally be listed generically in the Specifications, and specifically in the bid form. When items are to be"furnished"under one payment item and"installed" under another payment item, such items shall be furnished FOB project site, or, if specified in the Special Provisions, delivered to a designated site. Materials to be "furnished," or "furnished and installed" under these conditions, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor with regard to storage until such items are incorporated into the Work or, if such items are not to be incorporated into the work, delivered to the applicable Contracting Agency storage site when provided for in the Specifications. Payment for material "furnished," but not yet incorporated into the Work, may be made on monthly estimates to the extent allowed. to 1-09.7 Mobilization Section 1-09.7 is supplemented with the following: Mobilization shall also include, but not be limited to, the following items: the movement of Contractor's personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; the establishment of an office, buildings, and other facilities necessary for work on the project; providing sanitary facilities for Contractor's personnel; and obtaining permits or licenses required to complete the project not furnished by Owner. This item shall also include providing Engineer and Inspectors with access to telephone, facsimile machine, and copy machine during all hours Contractor is working on the jobsite; and a table and chair for their use when needed. The Contractor shall prepare a Mobilization Plan showing the proposed location for storage of all equipment and material proposed to be located at the site within the staging areas shown on the Plans. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or allowed through temporary construction easements, storage shall not interfere with use of the City of Renton right-of-way (ROW) or easements, City of Seattle ROW, and commercial and residential access. For any proposed storage on private property outside the existing City easement, or the staging limits shown on the Plans, the Contractor shall obtain a Temporary Use Permit for storage areas on private property. The Contractor shall be responsible for all fees, applications, and work needed to obtain the permit. The Contractor shall allow 3 to 4 weeks to obtain the Temporary Use Permit from the City. Working Hours Oil The normal working hours for the contract shall be any consecutive 10-hour period between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. of a working day with a maximum 1-hour lunch break, and a 4-day workweek. Working days are Monday through Thursday. Any changes to the work hours or work days must be requested in advance, in writing, and approved by the Engineer. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(STVP 27-3529) SP-36 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 ar aw Machinery shall not be started before 7 a.m. Work on weekends will not be allowed, except as approved in writing by the Engineer. The Contractor shall Prepare a Work Plan that shall include the followine• A. Mobilization Plan showing the proposed location for storage of all equipment and materials. B. Proposed Construction Schedule and Sequence for all major items of work. C. Temporary Erosion/Water Pollution Control Plan for all stages of the project. D. Traffic Control Plan, including provisions for cleaning and sweeping of any impacted roadways. E. Trench Excavation Safety Systems Plan/Provisions. �..` F. Temporary Stormwater Diversion Plan. G. Identify Disposal Sites for various waste materials, and provide copies of the site's permits and approvals. rr The Work Plan shall be submitted to the Engineer for review,and approval within 14 days of the contract award. °1 Payment will be made for the following bid item(s): "Mobilization",per lump sum. Payment for Mobilization will be made at the lump sum amount bid, which payment will be considered complete compensation for all materials, equipment, and labor required to complete this item of work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Up to 65 percent of this item will be paid after the Contractor is fully in operation, and construction on the new storm system has begun. Up to 20 percent of this item will be paid after the Contractor has completed the boring for Phase 1 and has started boring operations for Phase 2. r 10 Percent will be paid when the project is complete, cleanup and restoration is complete, and all items are completed to the satisfaction of the Owner. The remaining 5 percent will be paid after the Final Pay Estimate is approved by the City Council. 1-09.9 Payments Section 1-09.9 is supplemented with the following: Applications for payment shall be itemized and supported to the extent required by Engineer by receipts or other vouchers showing payment for materials and labor, payments to subcontractors, and other such evidence of Contractor's right to payment as Engineer may direct. Contractor shall submit a progress report with each monthly request for a progress payment. The progress report shall indicate the estimated percent complete for each activity listed on the progress r. schedule(see Section 1-08.3). City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-37 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 err fib 1-09.9(1) Retainage Section 1-09.9(1) is supplemented with the following: The retained amount shall be released as stated in the Standard Specifications if no claims have been filed against such funds as provided by law and if Owner has no unsatisfied claims against Contractor. In the event claims are filed, Owner shall withhold, until such claims are satisfied, a sum sufficient to satisfy all claims and to pay attorney's fees. In addition, Owner shall withhold such amount as is required to satisfy any claims by Owner against Contractor, until such claims have been finally settled. Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall become due until Contractor, if requested, delivers to Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in #A full in lieu thereof, and, if required in either case, an affidavit that so far as Contractor has knowledge or information,the release and receipts include all labor and materials for which a lien could be filed: but Contractor may, if any subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full, furnish a bond satisfactorily to Engineer to indemnify Owner against the lien. If any lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, Contractor shall reimburse to Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable engineer's and attorney's fees. Add the following new section: (******) i 1-09.9(2) Contracting Agency's Right to Withhold and Disburse Certain Amounts (New Section) In addition to monies retained pursuant to RCW 60.28 and subject to RCW 39.04.250, RCW 39.12, it and RCW 39.76, the Contractor authorizes the Engineer to withhold progress payments due or deduct an amount from any payment or payments due the Contractor which, in the Engineer's opinion, may be necessary to cover the Contracting Agency's costs for or to remedy the following situations: 1. Damage to another contractor when there is evidence thereof and a claim has been filed. 2. Where the Contractor has not paid fees or charges to public authorities of municipalities which the Contractor is obligated to pay. 3. Utilizing material, tested and inspected by the Engineer, for purposes not connected with the Work(Section 1-05.6). 4. Landscape damage assessments per Section 1-07.16. 5. For overtime work performed by City personnel per Section 1-08.1(4). at 6. Anticipated or actual failure of the Contractor to complete the work on time: a. Per Section 1-08.9 (Liquidated Damages); or b. Lack of construction progress based upon the Engineer's review of the Contractor's approved progress schedule which indicates the Work will not be complete within the Contract Time. When calculating an anticipated time overrun, the Engineer will make City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-38 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 Ift n.r allowances for weather delays, approved unavoidable delays, and suspensions of the Work. The amount withheld under this subparagraph will be based upon the liquidated damages amount per day set forth in Contract Documents multiplied by the number of days the Contractor's approved progress schedule, in the opinion of the Engineer, indicates the Contract may exceed the Contract Time. 7. Failure of the Contractor to perform any of the Contractor's other obligations under the contract, including but not limited to: a. Failure of the Contractor to provide the Engineer with a field office when required by the w Contract Provisions. b. Failure of the Contractor to protect survey stakes, markers, etc., or to provide adequate survey work as required by Section 1-05.5. c. Failure of the Contractor to correct defective or unauthorized work(Section 1-05.8). d. Failure of the Contractor to furnish a Manufacture's Certificate of Compliance in lieu of material testing and inspection as required by Section 1-06.3. e. Failure to submit weekly payrolls, Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage forms, or correct underpayment to employees of the contractor of subcontractor of any tier as required by Section 1-07.9. AK f. Failure of the Contractor to pay worker's benefits (Title 50 and Title 51 RCW) as required by Section 1-07.10. g. Failure of the Contractor to submit and obtain approval of a progress schedule per as Section 1-08.3. The Contractor authorizes the Engineer to act as agent for the Contractor disbursing such funds as r. have been withheld pursuant to this section to a party or parties who are entitled to payment. Disbursement of such funds, if the Engineer elects to do so will be made only after giving the Contractor 15 calendar days prior written notice of the Contracting Agency's intent to do so, and if prior to the expiration of the 15-calendar day period, 1. no legal action has commenced to resolve the validity of the claims, and ,w 2. the Contractor has not protested such disbursement. A proper accounting of all funds disbursed on behalf of the Contractor in accordance with this section will be made. A payment made pursuant to this section shall be considered as payment make under K the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Contracting Agency shall not be liable to the Contractor for such payment make in good faith. r� City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) + Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-39 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 rr Add the following new section: 1-09.9(3) Final Payment (New Section) Upon Acceptance of the Work by the Contracting Agency the final amount to be paid the Contactor will be calculated based upon a Final Progress Estimate made by the Engineer. Acceptance by the Contractor of the Final Payment shall be and shall operate as a release: 1. to the Contracting Agency of all claims and all liabilities of the Contractor, other than claims in stated amounts as may be specifically excepted in writing by the Contractor; 2. for all things done or furnished in connection with the work; 3. for every act and neglect by the Contracting Agency; and 4. for all other claims and liability relating to or arising out of the work. A payment (monthly, final, retainage, or otherwise) shall not release the Contractor or the Contractor's Surety from any obligation required under the terms of the Contract Documents or the Contract Bond; nor shall such payment constitute a waiver of the Contracting Agency's ability to investigate and act upon findings of non-compliance with the WMBE requirements of the Contract; nor shall such payment preclude the Contracting Agency from recovering damages, setting penalties, or obtaining such other remedies as may be permitted by law. Before the work will be accepted by the Contracting Agency,the Contractor shall submit an affidavit, on the form provided by the Engineer, of amounts paid to certified disadvantaged (DB), minority (MBE) or women business enterprises (WBE) participating in the Work. Such affidavit shall certify the amounts paid to the DB, MBE or WBE subcontractors regardless of tier. On Federally-funded projects the Contractor may also be required to execute and furnish the Contracting Agency an affidavit certifying that the Contractor has not extended any loans, gratuity or gift and money pursuant to Section 1-07.19 of these Specifications. If the Contractor fails, refuses, or is unable to sign and return the Final Progress Estimate or any other documents required for the final acceptance of the contract,the Contracting Agency reserves the right to establish a completion date and unilaterally accept the contract. Unilateral acceptance will occur only after the Contractor has been provided the opportunity, by written request from the Engineer, to voluntarily submit such documents, If voluntary compliance is not achieved, formal notification of the impending unilateral acceptance will be provided by certified letter from the Engineer to the Contractor which will provide 30 calendar days for the Contractor to submit the necessary documents. The 30-calendar day deadline shall begin on the date of the postmark of the certified letter from the Engineer requesting the necessary documents. This reservation by the Contracting Agency to unilaterally accept the contract will apply to contracts that are completed in accordance with Section 1-08.5 of for contracts that are terminated in accordance with Section 1-08.10. Unilateral acceptance of the contract by the Contracting Agency does not in any way relieve the Contractor of the provisions under contract or of the responsibility to comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations — Federal, State, or local — that affect the contract. The dated the Contraction Agency unilaterally signs the Final Progress Estimate constitutes the final acceptance date(Section 1-05.12). City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-40 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I .r 1-09.11(2) Claims Paragraph 5 of Section 1-09.11(2) is revised as follows: Failure to submit with the Final Application for Payment such information and details as described in this section for any claim shall operate as a waiver of the claims by the Contractor as provided in Section 1-09.9. 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction The first sentence of the first paragraph of Section 1-09.11(3) is revised as follows: ...such claims or causes of action shall be brought in the Superior Court of the county where the work is performed. 1-09.13(3)B Procedures to Pursue Arbitration Section 1-09.13(3)B is supplemented with the following: The findings and decision of the board of arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties, unless the aggrieved party, within 10 days, challenges the findings and decision by serving and filing a petition for review by the superior court of King County, Washington. The grounds for the petition for review are limited to showing that the findings and decision: 1. Are not responsive to the questions submitted; 2. Is contrary to the terms of the contract or any component thereof, 3. Is arbitrary and/or is not based upon the applicable facts and the law controlling the issues submitted to arbitration. The board of arbitrators shall support its decision by setting forth in writing their findings and conclusions based on the evidence adduced at any such hearing. irw The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the statutes of the State of Washington and court decisions governing such procedure. err The costs of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the City and the Contractor unless it is the board's majority opinion that the Contractor's filing of the protest or action is capricious or without reasonable foundation. In the latter case, all costs shall be borne by the Contractor. r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-41 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 w rtr (This page intentionally left blank) �t so City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-42 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I 60 go BID ITEM DESCRIPTIONS Add the following new section and subsections: NO 1-09.14 Payment Schedule (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) w General—Scope A. Payment for the various items of the Bid Sheets, as further specified herein, shall include all compensation to be received by the Contractor for furnishing all tools, equipment, supplies, and manufactured articles, and for all labor, operations, and incidentals appurtenant to the items of work being described, as necessary to complete the various items of the WORK all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including all appurtenances thereto, and including all costs of compliance with the regulations of public regulations of public agencies having jurisdiction, including Safety and Health Administration of the US Department of Labor(OSHA). B. The Owner shall not pay for material quantities that exceed the actual measured amount used and approved by the Engineer. C. It is' the intention of these specifications that the performance of all work under the bid for each item shall result in the complete construction, in an accepted operating condition,of each item. Work and material not specifically listed in the proposal but required in the Plans, Specifications, and general construction practice, shall be considered incidental to the construction of the project and the Contractor shall include the cost within the unit bid prices. No separate payment will be made for these incidental items. r�r 1-09.14(1) Basic Bid (New Section) rn This section is an outline of the basic bid items that will determine the low bidder for this project. Measurement and Payment,where described in a bid item, shall supersede Measurement and Payment listed in other sections of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. Bid Item 1: Contractor Supplied Surveying (Lump Sum) "Contractor Supplied Surveying"shall include all work and materials for the full and complete survey r work required to complete the project and as-built drawings as specified in Special Provision 1-05 (Control of Work) and Special Provision I-I1 (Renton Surveying Standards). Payment will be complete compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, travel, and surveying needed to construct the improvements to the line and grade as shown on the Plans, to provide the required construction and as-constructed (record drawing) field notes and drawings required to complete this item of work in conformance with the Contract Documents. Payment will be prorated over the construction period based on the amount of work completed for construction surveying, staking, and as-built information. Prorating shall be subject to approval of the WW Engineer. No more than 70 percent of the bid amount for this item shall be paid prior to the review and We acceptance of the as-built information by the Engineer. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-43 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 Y i; Bid Item 2• Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (Lump Sum) The Contractor shall include all work and materials to develop and implement a "Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan" (SPCC) for the duration of the project. Plan shall conform to the requirements of Standard Specification Section 1-07.15(1). The lump sum price shall be full pay for all costs associated with creating, submitting for acceptance, and implementing the SPCC Plan. Payment will be made in accordance with the schedule in Standard Specification Section 1-07.15(1). Bid Item 3: Erosion/Water Pollution Control (Lump Sum) "Erosion/Water Pollution Control" includes planning, installing, maintaining, and removing temporary erosion control measures needed for project construction. Erosion control consists of all activities needed to prevent soil erosion on the project site, creation of sediment-laden water, and migration of sediment-laden water into the City drainage system, other water courses, or private property. The Contractor shall develop a "redlined" Erosion Control Plan and submit it to the Engineer for review and approval. The Erosion Control Plan shall be based on the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual, as adopted by the City, and proper construction practices. After the erosion control system is installed, the Contractor shall make any field adjustments necessary to reduce or eliminate any erosion and discharge of sediment-laden water. All adjustments are considered incidental, and no additional payment will be made for adjustments. Payment will be prorated over the construction period. Prorating shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. Payment for "Erosion/Water Pollution Control" will be made based on the lump sum price, and will be considered complete compensation for all design, labor, equipment, materials, maintenance, and inspection by the Contractor required to complete this item of work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Bid Item 4: Utility Potholing (Each) _. k This item includes all work needed to pothole existing utilities as shown on the Plans. Any other potholing not directed by the Engineer shall be at the Contractor's cost. "Utility Potholing" includes excavation, identification, measurement, refilling the hole, temporary asphalt patch for potholes within excavation limits, and permanent asphalt patch for potholes outside of excavation limits. The Contractor shall identify the utility, pipe type and size, and provide accurate measurements from the ground surface to the top of the utility in writing to the Engineer per Special Provisions Section 1-07.17. If the native material is unsuitable to use to refill the pothole, imported backfill may be used. Imported backfill, temporary patching, or permanent patching for utility potholing will be considered incidental to utility potholing, and no separate payment will be made. Prior to beginning construction of the new underground utility, the Contractor shall pothole the existing underground utilities at the locations identified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall perform potholing a minimum of 5 working days prior to construction at the pothole location to allow for potential revisions. The Engineer may revise the design as needed if there is a conflict with existing utilities. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-44 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions av im The Contractor shall not have cause for claim of downtime or any other additional costs associated with "waiting" if the Engineer provides design revisions (related to the information supplied per this section)within 5 working days after the Contractor provides the surveyed elevations. im Measurement for"Utility Potholing" shall be per each. Payment for "Utility Potholing" shall be made at the unit contract price, which shall be complete compensation for all labor, tools, equipment, and materials required to complete the work in conformance with the Contract Documents, including but not limited to, excavation, dewatering, potholing for utility location, removal, hauling and disposal of all pavement, waste and excess materials, shoring, placement of backfill (native) material, compaction, water, grading, temporary patch, and cleaning. Removal and disposal of contaminated soils, if encountered during potholing, shall be paid for under Force Account. trr Bid Item 5: Mobilization (Lump Sum) "Mobilization" includes the complete cost of furnishing and installing, complete and in-place, all work and materials necessary to move equipment and personnel to the jobsite, provide and maintain all necessary support facilities and utilities, obtain all necessary permits and licenses, prepare the site for construction operations, and maintain the site and surrounding areas during construction. Mobilization shall be in accordance with Special Provision 1-09.7(Mobilization). Payment will be made in accordance with Special Provision 1-09.7 (Mobilization). rr Bid Item 6: Traffic Control (Lump Sum) err "Traffic Control" shall meet the requirements of Special Provisions Section 1-10 (Temporary Traffic Control). This bid item includes all traffic control needed for work during and outside of normal working hours. All adjustments to the Traffic Control Plan are considered incidental, and no additional payment will be made for adjustments. Measurement of"Traffic Control" shall be per lump sum and in accordance with Special Provisions Section 1-10(Temporary Traffic Control). WO Payment for "Traffic Control" will be in accordance with Special Provisions Section 1-10 (Temporary Traffic Control). IN Bid Item 7: Chain Link Construction Fence (Lump Sum) The unit bid price for"Chain Link Construction Fence" shall be full compensation for the costs of all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to furnish, install, maintain, and remove fences and support structures at locations shown on the Plan Drawings. rr to City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-45 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I °K All adjustments to the fencing, included revising the fence locations, moving fencing for the Phasing Plan, and adding or changing fencing as directed by the City, are considered incidental, and no additional payment will be made for adjustments. Payment will be prorated over the construction period.Prorating shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. The unit contract price for "Chain-Link Construction Fence" shall be full pay for furnishing and installing the fence complete. Bid Item 8, Soil Sampling and Testing for TPH (Each) The potential exists for encountering soils and or groundwater contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) on the site. The Contractor shall provide for the collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples in compliance with the Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report (see r Appendix A). Soil and groundwater sampling and analysis shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 1-12 (Soil and Groundwater Sampling and Analysis). Bid Item 9, Groundwater Sampling and Testing for TPH (Each) The potential exists for encountering soils and or groundwater contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) on the site. The Contractor shall provide for the collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples in compliance with the Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report (see Appendix A). Soil and groundwater sampling and analysis shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 1-12 (Soil and Groundwater Sampling and Analysis). Bid Item 10: Dewatering System (Lump Sum) "Dewatering System" shall meet the requirements of the Special Provisions Section 8-05 (Dewatering). The Contractor shall submit a Dewatering Plan prepared in accordance with Special Provision Section 8-05 (Dewatering) for review and approval by the Owner prior to installing the Dewatering System. The Plan shall be based on the information provided in the Contract Documents, the Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Report, Special Provisions Section 8-05, and proper construction practices. The dewatering information presented in the geotechnical report shall be used as a reference only. The Contractor shall perform additional exploration and testing if needed for the dewatering plan. After the Dewatering System is installed, the Contractor shall make any field adjustments necessary to reduce or eliminate water in the construction area, any erosion and discharge of sediment-laden water,and to facilitate boring and jacking the casing pipe. All groundwater encountered during construction shall flow through on-site settling tank(s) or other approved filtration system for testing prior to discharging into the King County sanitary sewer system, storm drain system, or other area as approved by the Owner. All adjustments to the Dewatering Plan are considered incidental, and no additional payment will be made for adjustments. Measurement of"Dewatering System" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 8-05 (Dewatering). W Payment for "Dewatering System" will be in accordance with Special Provision Section 8-05 (Dewatering). rMi City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-46 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions to to Bid Item 11: Saw Cutting (Linear Foot) This item includes all work and equipment to saw cut the existing asphalt or concrete pavement at to locations shown on the Plan Drawings or where required and approved by the Engineer. One saw cut will be allowed. Any additional saw cutting is considered incidental, and no separate measurement or payment will be made. Saw cutting shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-02 (Removal of Structure and Obstructions). tw Measurement for"Saw Cutting" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-02 (Removal of Structure and Obstructions). irr Payment for "Saw Cutting" will be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-02 (Removal of Structure and Obstructions). Bid Item 12: Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement(Square Yard) Payment for "Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement" will be full compensation for all costs associated with removing and disposing of the pavement materials regardless of depth or type, in accordance with the Contract Documents. Payment for "Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement" shall be for existing pavement removed by saw cutting or by grinding as approved by the Engineer. The limits of pavement removal shall be in accordance with the plans subject to approval by the Engineer. Pavement removal and restoration outside of these limits shall be considered incidental, and no separate payment will be made. rr All material removed for this item shall be disposed of at an off-site disposal facility per Standard Specification Section 2-03.3(7)C, (Contractor-Provided Disposal Site). The Contractor shall provide the location of the disposal sites and copies of all permits and approvals before any materials are hauled to the sites. Measurement for the removal of pavement materials shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-02 (Removal of Structure and Obstructions). Payment for the removal of pavement materials will be in accordance with Special Provision rrr Section 2-02 (Removal of Structure and Obstructions). Bid Item 13: Cold Mix (Ton) When an area where pavement has been removed is to be open to traffic, before pavement patching has been completed,temporary mix asphalt patch shall be required. Measurement for"Cold Mix"will be by the ton. Material placed shall have a minimum depth of 2 inches. "Cold Mix" shall be used at the discretion of the Engineer. Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04 and will be full compensation for all costs associated with the placement of the "Cold Mix" and removal of the material in its entirety before asphalt concrete pavement is placed. The actual quantity used in construction may vary from the bid quantity. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-47 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I dw i Bid Item 14: Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul (Cubic Yard) "w "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul" includes the excavation of non-contaminated soils for storm drain trenches, excavations for storm drain structures, excavations for waterlines, or excavation of boring or receiving pits outlined in the Contract Documents where installed by open cut methods. If workers enter any trench or other excavation that is 4 feet or more in depth that does not meet the open pit requirements of Section 2-09.3(3)B of the Standard Specifications, it shall be shored or other safety method constructed in conformance with WISHA requirements. Shoring or other safety methods shall also be constructed to limit excavation widths as indicated on the Plans. Excavation outside the excavation limits shown on the Plan Drawings shall be at no additional expense to the City. All non-contaminated "Structural Excavation Class B Incl. Haul" shall be disposed of at an approved Contractor-provided site. Non-contaminated soils removed for boring the casing pipe shall be paid for under"Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 34 In HDPE Carrier Pipe". Contaminated soils shall be disposed of in accordance with the bid item"Force Account." The actual quantity used in construction may vary from the bid quantity. The unit price will not be viii adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul"shall be measured by the cubic yard. Od Bid Item 15: Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B (Lump Sum) The Contractor is completely responsible for providing adequate shoring and support for all excavations to provide safe access for workers, prevent soil sloughing, soil loss, damage to pavement, structures, utilities, and ground adjacent to the excavations. "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B" shall comply with WAC 296-155, Part N; Standard Specifications 2-09.3(3) and 2-09.3(4); and all wi other applicable state and federal regulations. 7:4 The Contractor shall submit a Shoring Plan to the City showing how shoring will be accomplished and detailing the techniques and equipment that will be used. Shoring shall be capable of supporting all earth loads and traffic loads. The Contractor is responsible for showing that the proposed shoring system meets the regulatory requirements. The Shoring Plan shall reflect the actual footprint required for the boring and receiving pits and trench limits. The Shoring Plan shall be prepared for all excavations needed for the project. "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B" shall apply to trench excavations needed for the project. Shoring for boring or receiving pits shall be included in the unit bid item"Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing." The City may issue a Stop Work order if the Contractor is not following the Shoring Plan, or is not using shoring where it appears to be needed. The Contractor shall immediately stop work on that part of the project and shall apply the appropriate shoring measures needed. All delays, down time, labor and machinery, rentals, claims for damages, and incidental costs during any Stop Work order shall be at the Contractor's expense. If the Contractor does not rectify any situation where shoring is needed, the City may deny payment for any work items performed on that portion of the project. Measurement for "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B" will be prorated based on the percentage of trench excavation needing shoring or extra excavation Class B as approved by the Engineer. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-48 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions war Bid Item 16: Trench Backfill (Ton) The unit contract price for "Trench Backfill" shall include hauling, furnishing, placing, and am compacting aggregate for backfill above the pipe or above catch basin bedding within excavated pits or open cut areas. Aggregate for backfill shall be in accordance with Section 9-03 of these Specifications, or as shown on the Plans. No The actual quantity used in construction may vary from the bid quantity. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. io Measurement for"Trench Backfill" shall be in tons based on the weight of material installed into the work. Certified weight tickets shall accompany each load; a copy of tickets shall be given to the City Inspector or Engineer daily. Wasted materials will not be included in the measurement or payment. am Only materials placed within the pay limits shown will be considered for payment. Material placed outside of the pay limits shown on the Plans will be deducted from the certified tickets unless approved by the Engineer. Additionally, no payment shall be made for necessary compaction to err correct backfilled areas,which are not compacted in accordance with these Specifications Bid Item 17: Crushed Surfacing Base Course (Ton) The unit price for"Crushed Surfacing Base Course"shall include furnishing, placing, and compacting crushed surfacing base course as part of the pavement restoration section, in conformance with the Contract Documents. r.r The actual quantity used in construction may vary from the bid quantity. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. +r Measurement for "Crushed Surfacing Base Course" shall be in tons based on the weight of material installed. Certified weight tickets shall accompany each load; a copy of tickets shall be given to the City Inspector or Engineer daily. Wasted materials will not be included in the measurement or payment. Only materials placed within the pay limits shown will be considered for payment. Material placed outside of the pay limits shown on the Plans will be deducted from the certified tickets unless approved by the Engineer. Additionally, no payment shall be made for necessary compaction to correct backfilled areas that are not compacted in accordance with these Specifications. Bid Item 18: HMA C1. 1/2 In. PG 64-22 (Ton) The unit price for"HMA Cl. 1/2 In. PG 64-22" shall be full compensation for all costs incurred in the manufacture of the asphalt pavement material, haul, placement, and compaction of the pavement err material, all in conformance with requirements of Standard Specification Section 5-04 and the Contract Documents. See Special Provision Section 5-04 for measurement and payment for "HMA Cl. 1/2 In. PG 64-22." The actual quantity used in construction may vary from the bid proposal amount. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. wr we N City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-49 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I Bid Item 19: Catch Basin Type 1 (Each) The unit price for "Catch Basin Type 1" shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for s furnishing and installing the catch basin in accordance with Section 7-05 of the Specifications. The unit price for"Catch Basin Type 1"shall also include full compensation for furnishing, installing, and compacting gravel backfill for catch basin bedding; furnishing and installing the frames and covers as 4 indicated on the Plans; providing the connections to the storm drains as indicated on the Plans; and i adjusting the cover to final grades. "Catch Basin Type 1"shall be measured per each. Bid Item 20: Catch Basin Type 2 60 In. Diam. (Each) The unit price for"Catch Basin Type 2 60 In. Diam." shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for furnishing and installing the catch basin in accordance with Section 7-05 of the Specifications. The unit price for "Catch Basin Type 2 60 In. Diam." shall also include full compensation for furnishing, installing and compacting gravel backfill for catch basin bedding; furnishing and installing the frames and covers as indicated on the Plans; providing the connections to the storm drains as try indicated on the Plans; and adjusting the cover to final grades. "Catch Basin Type 2 60 In. Diam." shall be measured per each. Bid Item 21: Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Diam. (Each) The unit price for"Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Diam." shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for furnishing and installing the catch basin in accordance with Section 7-05 of the Specifications. The unit price for "Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Diam." shall also include full compensation for furnishing, installing, and compacting gravel backfill for catch basin bedding; furnishing and installing the frames and covers as indicated on the Plans; providing the connections to the storm drains as indicated on the Plans; and adjusting the cover to final grades. "Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Diam."shall be measured per each. 66 Bid Item 22: Catch Basin Type 2 84 In. Diam. (Each) The unit price for"Catch Basin Type 2 84 In. Diam." shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for furnishing and installing the catch basin in accordance with Section 7-05 of the Specifications. The unit price for "Catch Basin Type 2 84 In. Diam." shall also include full compensation for furnishing, installing, and compacting gravel backfill for catch basin bedding; furnishing and installing the frames and covers as indicated on the Plans; providing the connections to the storm drains as indicated on the Plans; and adjusting the cover to final grades. �t "Catch Basin Type 2 84 In. Diam." shall be measured per each. Bid Item 23: 34 In. Diam. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) (DR 32.5) Storm Drain trill Pipe (Linear Foot) The "34 In. Diam. HDPE (DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe" shall be HDPE, DR 32.5, black UV stabilized, as manufactured by Snap-tite or approved equal. All HDPE pipe and fittings shall be cut, fabricated, and installed in strict conformance with the pipe manufacturer's specifications and recommendations, Special Provisions Section 7-20 (Auger Boring), and Special Provisions Section 9-05.23 (High Density trill Polyethylene [HDPE] Pipe). "34 In. Diam. HDPE (DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe" includes pipe City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-50 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions wr to installed in open-cut excavations. The 34 In. Diam. HDPE pipe installed in the casing shall be included in the measurement and payment for "Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 34 In. HDPE Carrier Pipe". o All joints between pipes and fittings shall be mechanically set joints with groove-retained gasket to create a watertight joint. Installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's procedures and 60 specifications. The outside and inside pipe wall shall have a constant profile across the joint. Bells or fused joints will not be allowed. If the Contractor proposes a different pipe manufacturer, he shall submit a material specification sheet �r and shall show that the proposed pipe specifications and quality is equivalent to the original pipe specifications. The unit bid price for the pipe shall not be changed if the Engineer does not approve a different pipe manufacturer. ®rr Pipe bedding shall be placed from a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 6 inches above the top of the pipe and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557 in open cut excavations. to The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment to furnish and install bedding material shall be included in the unit price bid for "34 In. Diam. HDPE(DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe". nr All excavated material will be loaded and disposed of off-site. This includes all soil, existing storm drain pipe, ductile iron (DI) water main, and other excavated material. Excavation shall be paid for in wr the unit price for"Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul". Import trench backfill shall be used as backfill. Payment for backfill shall be included in the unit price for"Trench Backfill". Measurement of"34 In. Diam. HDPE (DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe" shall be per linear foot and will be based on linear footage measured horizontally over the centerline of the installed pipe from the end r• of the casing to the centerline of the connecting structure. Payment for furnishing and installing "34 In. Diam. HDPE (DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe" shall be at a„ the unit bid price per linear foot, which shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete the installation. Storm sewer trench excavation and dewatering shall be paid for separately. Payment includes furnishing and installing storm sewer pipe and fittings; r�r pipe bedding; connection to new or existing storm sewers and structures; all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, catch basin connectors, etc.); adjusting inverts; and cleaning and testing. aw Bid Item 24: 18 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) The "18 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Section 9-05.20 of these to Special Provisions. The unit contract price per linear foot shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation in accordance with these Specifications. Or Bid Item 25: 12 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) The "12 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Section 9-05.20 of these 10 Special Provisions. The unit contract price per linear foot shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation in accordance with these Specifications. ar City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-51 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I to r Bid Item 26: 30 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) oil The "30 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Section 9-05.20 of these Special Provisions. The unit contract price per linear foot shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation in accordance with these Specifications. Bid Item 27: 36 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) I The "36 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Section 9-05.20 of these Special Provisions. The unit contract price per linear foot shall be full pay for all Work to complete I the installation in accordance with these Specifications. Bid Item 28: 42 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) The "42 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Section 9-05.20 of these Special Provisions. The unit contract price per linear foot shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation in accordance with these Specifications. Bid Item 29: Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) The unit price for"Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe" will be full compensation for plugging and abandoning the existing storm drain as shown on the Plans. Existing pipe to be abandoned in place shall be filled with Control Density Fill (CDF). "Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 7-04 (Storm Sewers). Measurement of "Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Special Provisions Section 7-04 (Storm Sewers). Payment of"Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe"will be in accordance with Special Provisions Section 7-04(Storm Sewers). Bid Item 30: Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) The unit price for"Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe"will be full compensation for plugging and abandoning the existing storm drain as shown on the Plans. Existing pipe to be abandoned in place shall be filled with Control Density Fill (CDF). "Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 7-04 (Storm Sewers). Measurement of"Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in accordance with Special Provisions Section 7-04(Storm Sewers). Payment of "Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe" will be in accordance with Special Provisions Section 7-04 (Storm Sewers). Bid Item 31: Temporary Stormwater Diversion (Lump Sum) The lump sum price for "Temporary Stormwater Diversion" shall be full payment for all labor, equipment, and materials including, but not limited to, personnel, fuel, monitoring, power, pumps, piping, emergency standby equipment, trenching, temporary plugs, and all other work necessary to maintain uninterrupted stormwater services through the construction site from the existing 41 24-inch-diameter storm drain pipe at the north end of the project through the connection to the City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-52 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions Mi +w 8-foot by 10-foot box culvert at the southerly end of the project. The lump sum price shall include all mobilization and demobilization for "Temporary Stormwater Diversion" throughout the project duration. See Special Provisions Section 7-04.2. Payment for this bid item will be prorated while the Temporary Stormwater Diversion system is No operating. Up to 50 percent of the lump sum price for"Temporary Stormwater Diversion"will be paid after the diversion at the southern end of the project is installed and operating. Up to 40 percent of the lump sum price will be paid after the diversion at the northern end of the project is installed and operating. The remaining percentage of the lump sum price will be paid after all stormwater diversion required for the project is completed, the stormwater diversion system is removed, and all items associated with it are restored to the satisfaction of the City. Bid Item 32: Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 34 In. HDPE Carrier Pipe (Linear Foot) The unit price for "Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 34 In. HDPE Carrier Pipe" shall include full payment for all excavation of jacking and receiving pits; shoring, furnishing the 42-inch steel casing, jacking, boring, and tunneling of the 42-inch steel casing; furnishing and installing shims/casin g spacers, end seals and link seals; g rout if required outside the casin g; furnishing and installing the 34 In. HDPE carrier pipe within the casing, and all materials and appurtenances as required for a complete installation. The unit price shall also include the removal and proper disposal to of non-contaminated materials removed during the boring process. Furnishing and installing the 34-inch HDPE carrier pipe outside the casing will be paid for under am "34 In. Diam. High Density Polyethylene(HDPE)(DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe." See Special Provisions Section 7-20 (Auger Boring). to Backfill of boring or receiving pits will be paid for under"Trench Backfill." Measurement for "Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 34 In. HDPE Carrier Pipe" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 7-20 (Auger Boring). Bid Item 33: Testing Storm Drain Pipe (Linear Foot) "Testing of Storm Drain Pipe" shall be in conformance ' with Standard Specification Section 7-17.3(2)A and 7-04.3(1) and will be the number of linear feet of completed installation actually tested. Bid Item 34: Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul (Cubic Yard) The unit price for "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul" will be full compensation for the costs of all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to remove, load, haul, and dispose of the unsuitable material off-site at a Contractor-obtained legal disposal site. Measurement for "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-03 (Roadway Excavation and Embankment). go City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-53 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 urr Payment for "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul" will be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-03 (Roadway Excavation and Embankment). The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more the 25 percent. Bid Item 35: Foundation Material (Ton) -i The unit price for foundation material used in the excavation will be full compensation for the labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to furnish, haul, place, and compact the material specified. Foundation material will be paid for only where unsuitable foundation material is excavated as approved by the Engineer. Foundation material shall consist of broken stone, sound and resistant to weathering. Broken concrete shall not be used. Foundation material shall be 2-inch to 4-inch quarry spalls per Standard Specification Section 9-13.6,or as shown on the Plans. This item will be used when the bottom of excavations and trenches does not present a stable surface for placement and compaction of backfill or pipe bedding, and overexcavation is approved by the Engineer. Payment to remove, haul, and dispose of unsuitable excavated material shall be included in the unit bid price for"Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul". The actual quantity used in construction may vary from the bid quantity. The unit price will not be Sri adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Measurement for furnishing and placing "Foundation Material" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-03 (Roadway Excavation and Embankment). Payment for "Foundation Material' will be in accordance with Special Provision Section 2-03 (Roadway Excavation and Embankment). Bid Item 36: Temporary 2 In. Water Service (Lump Sum) r During construction at the north end of the project, a temporary water service shall be constructed between the existing 10-inch and 8-inch waterline. The temporary service shall be installed when necessary to construct the storm drain and the 8-inch waterline relocation. The lump sum price shall include all labor, tools, pipe, fittings, and equipment necessary to provide the temporary service and shall include trench excavation,hauling, and disposal of non-contaminated soils, and temporary support and protection of the temporary service. The lump sum price shall also include removing temporary connections and materials after the new waterline is constructed, after completion of the storm drain at the north end of the project. Pavement removal shall be paid for under "Grind or Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement." 41 Pavement restoration shall be paid for under"Crushed Surfacing Base Course" and "HMA Cl. 1/2 In. PG 64-22." All other restoration costs shall be paid for under"Property Restoration." r Furnishing and installation of taps, removal of taps, plugging temporary taps, and operation of existing valves shall be by City staff only. i City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-54 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions +r ' Payment for "Temporary 2 In. Water Service" will be prorated as the temporary line is installed. Up to 70 percent of the lump sum price will be paid after the temporary service is installed and successfully operating. The remainder will be paid after the temporary service is removed and all restoration is completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Bid Item 37: Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8 In. Diam. (Linear Foot) The unit price for "Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8 In. Diam." shall be full payment for all work to complete the vertical adjustment and installation of the water main including cutting existing water main, excavation, bedding, laying and jointing pipe and fittings, shackles, restrained joints, backfill ow material and compaction, concrete thrust blocking, testing, flushing, disinfecting the pipeline, cleanup, disposal of non-contaminated soils, testing, and appurtenances for testing. See Special Provisions Section 7-09. 60 Measurement for"Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8 In. Diam."will be by the linear foot. to Bid Item 38: Television Inspection (Linear Foot) The new storm drain shall be inspected by the use of a television camera before final acceptance. to The storm drain shall be cleaned and flushed before performing the television inspection. The television inspection shall be done with a minimum flow of water in the pipe and inspected in the direction of the flow unless otherwise approved by the Owner. �r. The camera shall have rotational capabilities and be used by the operator to provide best views of any nonconfonning items. rr Measurement and payment for"Television Inspection"will be in accordance with Section 7-04. Bid Item 39: Property Restoration (Lump Sum) The lump sum contract price for "Property Restoration" shall include all costs to restore areas of the property disturbed by construction, which the Engineer has directed the Contractor to work, including ' but not limited to, area preparation, topsoil placement, crushed surfacing placement, and all work to restore areas disturbed by construction to existing or better conditions or as shown on the Plan Drawings. to Property restoration shall match current land cover. Disturbed landscaping areas shall be restored to match existing landscaping vegetation. Established grass areas shall be restored with sod. to Contractor shall take care to not damage existing curbs or sidewalks. Any curbs or sidewalks disturbed by the Contractor shall be at the Contractor's expense. to Any disturbed areas beyond the limits of work directed by the Engineer shall be restored at the Contractor's expense, including, and not limited to, all aspects of storm drain pipe construction, trenching,boring, and construction activities. err Payment for "Property Restoration" shall be made at the unit contract price, and shall be prorated as- the work is accomplished. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-55 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 w Pavement within the saw cut limits shown on the Plans and approved limits within temporary construction areas shall be paid for separately under "Crushed Surfacing Base Course" and "HMA CL 1/2 In. PG 64-22". Removal of existing asphalt shall be paid for under"Grind or Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement." Damaged striping within saw cut limits shown on the Plans and approved limits within temporary construction areas shall be paid for separately under"Paint Line." Bid Item 40: Paint Line (Linear Foot) The unit contract price for "Paint Line" shall consist of replacement of the white parking stall lines removed during storm drain construction and as approved by the City. "Paint Line" shall be in accordance with Special Provision Section 8-22 (Pavement Marking). Bid Item 41: Proiect Sign (Each) The Contractor shall provide project signs for the Project. Project signs shall conform to the standard details and include required information from the Plans and these Specifications. Measurement for"Project Sign' shall be per each. The unit contract price for "Project Sign' shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, supplies, and incidentals required to complete all work to furnish, install, remove, and properly dispose of project signs. Bid Item 42: Minor Changes (Lump Sum) At the discretion of the City, all or part of this lump sum may be used in lieu of the more formal procedure as outlined in Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications. The unit contract price for "Minor Changes" is given in the Schedule of Prices and shall not be changed by the bidder. All work and payment under this item must be authorized in writing by the City Project Manager or Supervisor. Payment will be determined in accordance with Section 1-09.4 of the Standard Specifications. Payment for this item will only be for the changes and amounts approved by the City. If no changes are authorized under this bid item, final payment for this item will be $0(zero). Bid Item 43: Force Account (Force Account) At the discretion of the City, all or part of this Force Account may be used in lieu of the more formal procedure as outlined in Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications. Force Account, where approved by the Engineer, shall be used for hauling and disposal of contaminated soil in accordance with Special Provision Section 1-12 (Soil and Groundwater Sampling and Analysis). The price for -. "Force Account"shall be given in the Schedule of Prices and shall not be changed by the bidder. All work and payment under this item must be authorized in writing by the City Project Manager or Supervisor. Payment will be determined in accordance with Section 1-09.4 of the Standard ► Specifications. Payment for this item will only be for the amounts approved by the City. If no changes are authorized Ni under this bid item, final payment for this item will be$0(zero). City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-56 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.1 General Section 1-10.1 is supplemented with the following: rr When the bid proposal includes an item for"Traffic Control",the work required for this item shall be all items described in Section 1-10, including, but not limited to: 1. Furnishing and maintaining barricades, flashers, construction signing and other channelization devices, unless a pay item is in the bid proposal for any specific device and the Special Provisions specify furnishing, maintaining, and payment in a different manner for that device; 2. Furnishing traffic control labor, equipment, and supervisory personnel for all traffic control aw labor; 3. Furnishing any necessary vehicle(s) to set up and remove the Class B construction signs and � r other traffic control devices; 4. Furnishing labor and vehicles for patrolling and maintaining in position all of the construction signs and the traffic control devices, unless a pay item is in the bid proposal to specifically pay for this work; and 5. Furnishing labor, material, and equipment necessary for cleaning up, removing, and replacing of the construction signs and the traffic control devices destroyed or damaged during the life of the project. 6. Removing existing signs as specified or a directed by the Engineer and delivering to the City Shops or storing and reinstalling as directed by the Engineer. 7. Preparing a Traffic Control Plan for the project and designating the person responsible for �r traffic control at the work site. The Traffic Control Plan shall include descriptions of the traffic control methods and devices to be used by the prime Contractor, and subcontractors, shall be submitted at or before the preconstruction conference, and shall be subject to review and approval of the Engineer. 8. Contacting police, fire, 911, and ambulance services to notify them in advance of any work that will affect and traveled portion of a roadway. 9. Assuring that all traveled portions of roadways are open to traffic during peak traffic periods, +r 6:30 a.m.to 8:30 a.m., and 3:00 p.m.to 6:00 p.m., or as specified in the Special Provisions, or as directed by the Engineer. VW 10. Promptly removing or covering all nonapplicable signs during periods when they are not needed. If no bid item "Traffic Control" appears in the proposal, then all work required by these sections will ` ` be considered incidental, and their cost shall be included in the other items of work. fAw City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-57 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I N If the Engineer requires the Contractor to furnish additional channelizing devices, pieces of 00 equipment, or' services which could not be usually anticipated by a prudent contractor for the maintenance and protection of traffic, then a new item or items may be established to pay for such items. Further limitations for consideration of payment for these items are that they are not covered 4 by other pay items in the bid proposal, they are not specified in the Special Provisions as incidental, and the accumulative cost for the use of each individual channelizing device, piece of equipment, or service must exceed $200 in total cost for the duration of their need. In the event of disputes, the go Engineer will determine what is usually anticipated by a prudent contractor. The cost for these items will be by agreed price, price established by the Engineer, or by force account. Additional items required as a result of the Contractor's modification to the Traffic Control Plan(s) appearing in the Contract shall not be covered by the provisions in this paragraph. ` If the total cost of all the work under the contract increases or decreases by more than 25 percent, an equitable adjustment will be considered for the item "Traffic Control" to address the increase or No decrease. Traffic control and maintenance for the safety of the traveling public on this project shall be the sole r responsibility of Contractor and all methods and equipment used will be subject to the approval of Owner. Traffic control devices and their use shall conform to City of Renton standards and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Contractor shall not proceed with any construction until proper traffic control has been provided to the satisfaction of Engineer. Any days lost due to improper traffic control will be charged against Contractor's allowable contract time, and shall not be the cause for a claim for extra days to complete the Work. 1-10.2(1)B Traffic Control Supervisor The first and second paragraphs of Section 1-10.2(1)B are revised as follows: A traffic control supervisor(TCS) shall be on the project whenever traffic control labor is required or as authorized by the Engineer. The TCS shall assure that all the duties of the TCS are performed during the duration of the contract. During non-work periods, the TCS shall be able to be on the jobsite within a 45-minute time period after notification by the Engineer. 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans Section 1-10.2(2) is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that traffic control is installed and maintained in conformance to established standards. The Contractor shall continuously evaluate the operation of the Traffic Control Plan and take prompt action to correct any problems that become evident during operation. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-58 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions 1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor,Procedures,and Devices Section 1-10.3 is supplemented with the following: .w At the end of each working day, provisions shall be made for the safe passage of traffic and pedestrians during non-working hours. Barricades shall be reflectorized as specified in Part VI of the MUTCD, and shall be 3M diamond grade or equivalent approved by Engineer. Barricades shall also be equipped with flashers. 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices The fourth Paragraph of Section 1-10.3(3) is supplemented with the following: No separate pay item will be provided in the bid proposal for Class A or Class B construction signs. All costs for the work to provide Class A or Class B construction signs shall be included in the unit contract price for the various other items of the work in the bid proposal. 1-10.4 Measurement Section 1-10.4 is replaced with: .r. The lump sum contract price for"Traffic Control" shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment required to prepare the Traffic Control Plan and provide traffic control during the duration of construction, including temporary pavement markings, safety barriers, flaggers, mobilization, and demobilization. No specific unit of measurement will apply to the lump sum item of"Traffic Control". No adjustment �r. in the lump sum bid amount will be made for overtime work or for use of relief flaggers. 1-10.5 Payment Section 1-10.5 is replaced with the following: �. Payment for all labor, materials, and equipment described in Section 1-10 will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when included in the proposal: "Traffic Control", per lump sum. The lump sum contract price shall be full pay for all costs not covered by other specific pay items in the bid proposal for furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing traffic control devices required by the contract and as directed by the Engineer in conformance with accepted standards and in such a manner as to maximize safety, and minimize disruption and inconvenience to the public. �r tow City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SRP 27-3529) SP-59 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 rr Progress payment for the lump sum item"Traffic Control"will be made as follows: 1. When in initial warning signs for the beginning of the project and the end of construction signs are installed and approved by the Engineer, 30 percent of the amount bid for the item `o will be paid. 2. Payment for the remaining 70 percent of the amount bid for the item will be paid on a wa prorated basis in accordance with the total job progress as determined by progress payments. The item "Traffic Control" will be considered for an equitable adjustment per Section 1-04.6 only when the total contract price increases or decreases by more than 25 percent. + The Lump Sum contract price shall be full pay for all costs involved in furnishing the pilot car(s), pilot car driver(s), and the appropriate pilot car sign(s) for any pilot car operation. Any necessary flaggers will be paid under the item for traffic control. The Lump Sum contract price shall be full pay for all costs for the labor provided for performing those construction operations described in Section 1-10.3(1) and as authorized by the Engineer. The Lump Sum contract price shall be full pay for all costs for performing the work described in Section 1-10.3(3) and Section 1-10.3(4). This payment will include all labor, equipment, and vehicles necessary for the initial acquisition, the initial installation of Class A signs, and ultimate return of all Contracting Agency-furnished signs. The Lump Sum contract price shall be full pay for all costs involved when a person performs the duties described in Section 1-10.2(1)B including when performing traffic control labor duties. The Lump Sum contract price shall be full pay for all costs involved in furnishing the vehicle or vehicles for the work described in Sections 1-10.2(1)B and 1-10.3(2). Add the following new section and subsections: 1-11 RENTON SURVEYING STANDARDS (NEW SECTION) irr 1-11.1 Description 1-11.1(1) Responsibility for Surveys All surveys and survey reports shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a person registered to practice land surveying under the provisions of Chapter 18.43 RCW. All surveys and survey reports shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements established by the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors under the provisions of Chapter 18.43 RCW. 1-11.1(2) Survey Datum and Precision The horizontal component of all surveys shall have as its coordinate base: The North American Datum of 1983/91. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-60 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions aw All horizontal control for projects must be referenced to or in conjunction with a minimum of two of the City of Renton's Survey Control Network monuments. The source of the coordinate values used will be shown on the survey drawing per RCW 58.09.070. The horizontal component of all surveys shall meet or exceed the closure requirements of WAC 332-130-060. The control base lines for all surveys shall meet or exceed the requirements for a Class A survey revealed in Table 2 of the Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys jointly established and adopted by ALTA and ACSM in 1992 or comparable classification in future editions of said document. The angular and linear closure and precision ratio of traverses used for survey control shall be revealed on the face of the survey drawing, as shall the method of adjustment. The horizontal component of the control system for surveys using global positioning system methodology shall exhibit at least 1 part in 50,000 precision in line length dependent error analysis at "■' a 95 percent confidence level and performed pursuant to Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee Standards for GPS control surveys as defined in Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques dated August 1, 1989 or comparable OW classification in future editions of said document. The vertical component of all surveys shall be based on NAVD 1988, the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, and tied to at least one of the City of Renton Survey Control Network benchmarks. If there are two such benchmarks within 3000 feet of the project site a tie to both shall be made. The benchmark(s) used will be shown on the drawing. If a City of Renton benchmark does not exist within 3000 feet of a project, one must be set on or near the project in a permanent manner that will remain intact throughout the duration of the project. Source of elevations (benchmark) will be shown on the drawing, as well as a description of any benchmarks established. 1-11.1(3) Subdivision Information Those surveys dependent on section subdivision shall reveal the controlling monuments used and the subdivision of the applicable quarter section. .w Those surveys dependent on retracement of a plat or short plat shall reveal the controlling monuments, measurements, and methodology used in that retracement. 1-11.1(4) Field Notes Field notes shall be kept in conventional format in a standard bound field book with waterproof pages. In cases where an electronic data collector is used field notes must also be kept with a sketch and a record of control and base line traverses describing station occupations and what measurements were made at each point. Every point located or set shall be identified by a number and a description. Point numbers shall be unique within a complete job. The preferred method of point numbering is field notebook, page and point set on that page. Example: The first point set or found on page 16 of field book 348 would be identified as Point No. 348.16.01,the second point would be 348.16.02, etc. Upon completion of a City of Renton project, either the field notebook(s)provided by the City or the original field notebook(s)used by the surveyor will be given to the City. For all other work, surveyors will provide a copy of the notes to the City upon request. In those cases where an electronic data collector is used, a hard copy print out in ASCII text format will accompany the field notes. faw City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-61 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 or irr 1-11.1(5) Corners and Monuments Corner: A point on a land boundary, at the juncture of two or more boundary lines. A monument is usually set at such points to physically reference a corner's location on the ground. IN Monument: Any physical object or structure of record which marks or accurately references: • A corner or other survey point established by or under the supervision of an individual per Section 1-11.1(1)and any corner or monument established by the General Land Office and its successor the Bureau of Land Management including section subdivision corners down to and including one-sixteenth corners; and so • Any permanently monumented boundary,right-of-way alignment, or horizontal and vertical control points established by any governmental agency or private surveyor including street intersections but excluding dependent interior lot corners. rrr 1-11.1(6) Control or Base Line Survey Control or Base Line Surveys shall be established for all construction projects that will create permanent structures such as roads, sidewalks, bridges, utility lines or appurtenances, signal or light poles, or any non-single family building. Control or Base Line Surveys shall consist of such number of permanent monuments as are required such that every structure may be observed for staking or "as-builting"while occupying one such monument and sighting another such monument. A minimum of two of these permanent monuments shall be existing monuments, recognized and on record with the City of Renton. The Control or Base Line Survey shall occupy each monument in turn, and shall satisfy all applicable requirements of Section 1-11.1 herein. as The drawing depicting the survey shall be neat, legible, and drawn to an appropriate scale. North orientation should be clearly presented and the scale shown graphically as well as noted. The drawing must be of such quality that a reduction thereof to one-half original scale remains legible. If recording of the survey with the King County Recorder is required, it will be prepared on 18-inch by 24-inch Mylar and will comply with all provisions of Chapter 58.09 RCW. A photographic Mylar of the drawing will be submitted to the City of Renton and, upon their review and acceptance per the specific requirements of the project,the original will be recorded with the King County Recorder. If recording is not required, the survey drawing shall be prepared on 22-inch by 34-inch Mylar, and the original or a photographic Mylar thereof will be submitted to the City of Renton. The survey drawings shall meet or exceed the requirements of WAC 332-130-050 and shall conform to the City of Renton's Drafting Standards. American Public Works Association symbols shall be used whenever possible, and a legend shall identify all symbols used if each point marked by a symbol is not described at each use. An electronic listing of all principal points shown on the drawing shall be submitted with each NO drawing.The listing should include the point number designation(corresponding with that in the field notes), a brief description of the point, and northing, easting, and elevation (if applicable) values, all in ASCII format, on IBM PC compatible media. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-62 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions err ww 1-11.1(7) Precision Levels Vertical Surveys for the establishment of benchmarks shall satisfy all applicable requirements of Section 1-05 and 1-11.1. Vertical surveys for the establishment of benchmarks shall meet or exceed the standards, specifications, and procedures of third order elevation accuracy established by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee. Benchmarks must possess both permanence and vertical stability. Descriptions of benchmarks must be complete to insure both recoverability and positive identification on recovery. 1-11.1(8) Radial and Station—Offset Topography Topographic surveys shall satisfy all applicable requirements of Section 1-11.1 herein. All points occupied or back sighted in developing radial topography or establishing baselines for station—offset topography shall meet the requirements of Section 1-11.1 herein. The drawing and electronic listing requirements set forth in Section 1-11.1 herein shall be observed W for all topographic surveys. 1-11.1(9) Radial Topography r.r Elevations for the points occupied or back sighted in a radial topographic survey shall be determined either by 1) spirit leveling with misclosure not to exceed 0.1 foot or Federal Geodetic Control Committee third order elevation accuracy specifications, OR 2)trigonometric leveling with elevation differences determined in at least two directions for each point and with misclosure of the circuit not to exceed 0.1 foot. irr 1-11.1(10) Station—Offset Topography Elevations of the baseline and topographic points shall be determined by spirit leveling and shall satisfy Federal Geodetic Control Committee specifications as to the turn points and shall not exceed 0.1 foot's error as to side shots. 1-11.1(11) As-Built Survey All improvements required to be "as-built" (post construction survey) per City of Renton Codes, ,w Title 4 Building Regulations and Title 9 Public Ways and Property, must be located both horizontally and vertically by a Radial survey or by a Station offset survey. The "as-built" survey must be based on the same base line or control survey used for the construction staking survey for the improvements w being "as-built." The "as-built" survey for all subsurface improvements should occur prior to backfilling. Close cooperation between the installing contractor and the "as-builting" surveyor is therefore required. All "as-built" surveys shall satisfy the requirements of Section 1-11.1(1) herein and shall be based upon control or base line surveys made in conformance with these Specifications. +nr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) rr Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-63 June 2011 Contract Documents Division I +rr The field notes for "as-built" shall meet the requirements of Section 1-11.1(4) herein and submitted with stamped and signed "as-built" drawings which includes a statement certifying the accuracy of the"as built." rr The drawing and electronic listing requirements set forth in Section 1-11.1(6) herein shall be observed for all"as-built" surveys. 1-11.1(12) Monument Setting and Referencing All property or lot corners, as defined in 1-11.1(5), established or reestablished on a plat or other recorded survey shall be referenced by a permanent marker at the corner point per 1-11.2(1). In w situations where such markers are impractical or in danger of being destroyed, e.g., the front corners of lots, a witness marker shall be set. In most cases, this will be the extension of the lot line to a tack in lead in the curb. The relationship between the witness monuments and their respective corners shall be shown or described on the face of the plat or survey of record, e.g., "Tacks in lead on the extension of the lot side lines have been set in the curbs on the extension of said line with the curb." In all other cases the corner shall meet the requirements of Section 1-11.2(1)herein. All non-corner monuments, as defined in 1-11.1(5), shall meet the requirements of Section 1-11.2(2) herein. If the monument falls within a paved portion of a right-of-way or other area, the monument shall be set below the ground surface and contained within a lidded case kept separate from the 00 monument and flush with the pavement surface, per Section 1-11.2(3). In the case of right-of-way centerline monuments all points of curvature (PC), points of tangency wr (PT), street intersections, center points of cul-de-sacs shall be set. If the point of intersection (PI) for the tangents of a curve fall within the paved portion of the right-of-way, a monument can be set at the PI instead of the PC and PT of the curve. For all non-corner monuments set while under contract to the City of Renton or as part of a City of Renton approved subdivision of property,a City of Renton Monument Card(furnished by the City)identifying the monument; point of intersection (PI), point of tangency (PT), point of curvature (PC), one-sixteenth (1/16)corner, Plat monument, street intersection, etc., complete with a description of the monument, a minimum of two reference points and NAD 83/91 coordinates and NAVD 88 elevation shall be filled out and filed with the City. 1-11.2 Materials 1-11.2(1) Property/Lot Corners Corners per 1-11.1(5) shall be marked in a permanent manner such as 1/2-inch-diameter rebar, 4* 24 inches in length, durable metal plugs or caps, tack in lead, etc., and permanently marked or tagged with the surveyor's identification number. The specific nature of the marker used can be determined by the surveyor at the time of installation. 1-11.2(2) Monuments Monuments per 1-11.1(5) shall meet the requirements as set forth in City of Renton Standard Plans page H031 and permanently marked or tagged with the surveyor's identification number. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-64 June 2011 rllwi Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions 1 srr 1-11.2(3) Monument Case and Cover Materials shall meet the requirements of section 9-22 and City of Renton Standard Plans page H031. +r Add the following new section and subsections: 1-12 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS (NEW SECTION) (PROJECT NO.SWP 27-3529) +w 1-12.1 Description The potential exists for encountering soils and or groundwater contaminated with petroleum r hydrocarbons on the site. Identification of areas of soil and or groundwater contamination will be made through observations and through the sampling process. Procedures for collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples are specified in the Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report (see Appendix A). All construction work on the site shall comply with the Health and Safety section of the Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report(see Appendix A). Contaminated soil, if encountered, will be hauled to Allied Waste Services located at 2733 3rd Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98134 (phone: 206-332-7700). Prior to construction, the Contractor shall complete the project information sheet in Appendix A and submit the sheet with soil data from the Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report for acceptance of soils until additional analyses are performed. .M Hauling of contaminated soils and disposal costs will be paid for in accordance with Standard Specification Section 1-09.6 (Force Account) subject to approval by the Engineer. Contaminated groundwater, if encountered, will be discharged into the sanitary sewer. Contaminated groundwater shall be tested and discharged in accordance with the pollutant, flow rate, and flow volume limitations of the discharge permit in Appendix A. Contaminated soil or groundwater will not be stockpiled or stored on site. Soils and groundwater shall be tested by the mobile on-site laboratory and then properly disposed of. The Contractor shall identify off-site locations, subject to approval by the Engineer, for temporary truck parking if required. srr► Temporary truck parking locations shall be secure and shall be able to protect the truck contents from washing out until the materials are disposed of at the locations identified above. �r 1-12.4 Measurement Soil and groundwater sampling and analysis shall be measured as follows: "Soil Sampling and Testing for TPH",per each. The Contractor shall collect soil samples from approximately each 10 cubic yards of excavated soil, +wrr submit each sample to an approved mobile laboratory established at the work site, and analyze the sample for the gasoline and diesel fractions of TPH. VW "Groundwater Sampling and Testing for TPH", per each. go City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-65 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 1 00 �r The Contractor shall collect two groundwater samples from the construction dewatering system ' discharge each working day the dewatering system is active or as otherwise required by the sanitary sewer discharge permit, submit each sample to an approved mobile laboratory established at the work site, and analyze the sample for the gasoline and diesel fractions of TPH. Soil and groundwater sampling and analysis shall be measured for each sample collected, transported to an approved on-site laboratory, and evaluated for the specified analytes. The unit contract price as shall include the approved mobile laboratory that is on-site to test soil and groundwater samples. The unit contract prices for soil and groundwater sampling and analysis shall be full cost for disposal of dewatering water samples into the sanitary sewer system in accordance with the permit obtained by No the Contractor from the City of Renton. Uncontaminated soil samples shall be included in the measurement for"Structure Excavation Class B W Incl. Haul." No separate measurement will be made. Contaminated soil samples shall be disposed of by Force Account in accordance with Special Provision Section 1-12.1. +�r 1-12.5 Payment "Soil Sampling and Testing for TPH",per each. "Groundwater Sampling and Testing for TPH", per each. The unit price for "Soil Sampling and Testing for TPH" and "Groundwater Sampling and Testing for TPH" shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, mobile laboratory equipment, and material required to collect, transport, analyze, report results, and dispose of soil and groundwater samples. 46 END OF DIVISION 1 4* rt art City ofRenton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-66 June 2011 Contract Documents Bid Item Descriptions No 0" DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK we 2-01 CLEARING,GRUBBING,AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP "o 2-01.1 Description Section 2-01.1 is supplemented with the following: .r The limits of clearing and grubbing (construction limits) shall be defined as being the construction �. limit lines as shown in the Plans. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, any trees abutting or adjacent to the limits of clearing and grubbing are damaged and require removal, the Contractor shall remove such trees. Any trees flagged by the Engineer to remain within the clearing and grubbing limits shall be left undamaged by the Contractor's operations. Any flagged trees which are damaged shall be replaced in kind at the Contractor's expense. Existing landscaping outside the construction limits, including but not limited to, sod, rockeries, beauty bark, decorative gravel or rock, bushes, and shrubbery shall be protected from damage. The property owners shall be responsible for removing and/or relocating irrigation equipment, trees, r�r shrubs, curbing, ornamental plants, and any other decorative landscaping materials within the construction limits that they wish to save. The Contractor shall give property owners 10 days' written notice prior to removing landscaping materials. All landscaping materials that remain in the construction limits after that time period shall be removed and disposed of, by the Contractor, in accordance with Section 2-01 of the Standard Specifications,these Special Provisions, and the Plans. The Contractor shall receive approval from the Engineer prior to removal. 2-01.2 Disposal of Usable Material and Debris Section 2-01.2 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall dispose of all debris by Disposal Method No. 2—Waste Site. 2-01.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 2-01.4 is supplemented with the following: No separate measurement or payment will be made for Removal of Structures and Obstructions, but will be considered incidental to other bid items. wM r City oJRenton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SwP 27-3529) SP-67 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 �rlr aw 2-01.5 Payment Section 2-01.5 is supplemented with the following: The lump sum price for "Clearing and Grubbing" shall be full compensation for all work described herein and shown in the Plans, including removing trees and shrubbery where shown in the Plans and rr directed by the Engineer. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURE AND OBSTRUCTIONS ■r► 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks,Curbs,and Gutters w Item No. I of Section 2-02.3(3) is revised as follows: 1. In removing pavement, sidewalks, driveways, and curbs, the Contractor shall haul broken-up pieces to some off-project site. Section 2-02.3(3) is supplemented with the following: M When an area where pavement, sidewalk, or driveway has been removed is to be opened to traffic before pavement patching has been completed, temporary mix asphalt concrete patch shall be required. Temporary patching shall be placed to a minimum depth of 2 inches immediately after backfilling and compaction are complete, and before the road is opened to traffic. MC cold mix or MC hot mix shall be used at the discretion of the Engineer. Add the following new section: 2-02.3(4)A Saw Cutting (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Alt Where shown on the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall make a neat vertical saw cut at the boundaries of the area to be removed. Care shall be taken saw cutting so as not to damage any of the existing asphalt concrete to remain in place. Any pavement damage by the Contractor due to his/her operations shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at his/her own expense. wt Existing pavement shall be precut before commencing excavation, and shall be removed, as required, for the construction. All cuts shall be continuous, and shall be made with saws specifically equipped for this purpose. No skip cutting will be allowed. Any pavement which is damaged outside the allowable trench widths, as shown on the Plans, shall be repaired entirely at the Contractor's expense. Wheel cutting or jack hammering will not be considered an acceptable means of pavement "cutting," unless preapproved by the Engineer. However, even if preapproved as a method of cutting, or if the + Engineer directs the Contractor to utilize this method of cutting, no payment will be made for this type of work, but rather, it shall be considered incidental to the contract bid items and no additional compensation will be allowed, and as such, merged in the various unit prices bid in the Proposal. �rir City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-68 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 2-02.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Replace Section 2-02.4 with the following: rr Saw cutting existing cement or asphalt concrete pavements shall be measured by the linear foot along the saw cut, full depth. Wheel cutting of pavement will not be measured for separate payment, but shall be included in other items of Work. Measurement for"Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement"will be by the square yard i. measured horizontally over the area where pavement is removed. 2-02.5 Payment (Project No. SWP 27-3529) NO Section 2-02.5 is supplemented with the following: a (******) Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: 10 "Saw Cutting",per linear foot. "Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement", per square yard. Wb Payment for "Saw Cutting" per linear foot include all labor, equipment, materials, and handling to saw cut the existing asphalt or concrete pavement at locations shown on the Plan Drawings or where required and approved by the Engineer. Payment shall also include all labor, equipment, materials, ■o handling, and disposal costs to properly dispose of saw cutting wastes. Payment for "Remove Asphalt Concrete/Cement Concrete Pavement" shall made at the unit contract price, which shall be complete compensation for all labor, equipment, grinding of existing asphalt pavement, removal and disposal of all grinding spoils, protecting surfaces between grinding and overlay actions, required materials, and hauling and disposal. No additional payment will be made for work necessary to correct a grind and/or overlay not performed in accordance with the specifications. �r All costs related to the removal and disposal of structures and obstructions including excavation, backfilling, and temporary asphalt, shall be considered incidental to and included in other items �. unless designated as specific bid items in the proposal. If pavements lie within an excavation area and are not mentioned as separate pay items,their removal will be paid for as part of the quantity removed in excavation. If they are mentioned as a separate item in the proposal, they will be measured and paid for as provided under Section 2-02.5, and will not be included in the quantity calculated for excavation. The unit bid prices shall be considered complete compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials to complete these items of work in accordance with the Contract Documents. r rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-69 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 VMW 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2-03.3 Construction Requirements lit Section 2-03.3 is supplemented with the following: Roadway excavation shall include the removal of all materials excavated from within the limits shown on the Plans. Suitable excavated material shall be used for embankments, while surplus excavated material or unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Earthwork quantities and changes will be computed, either manually or by means of electronic data processing equipment, by use of the average end area method. Any changes to the proposed work as directed by the Engineer that would alter these quantities shall be calculated by the Engineer and submitted to the Contractor for his review and verification. Any excavation or embankment beyond the limits indicated in the Plans, unless ordered by the Engineer, shall not be paid for. All work and material required to return these areas to their original conditions, as directed by the Engineer, shall be provided by the Contractor at his sole expense. All areas shall be excavated, filled, and/or backfilled as necessary to comply with the grades shown on the Plans. In filled and backfilled areas, fine grading shall begin during the placement and the compaction of the final layer. In cut sections, fine grading shall begin within the final six(6) inches of cut. Final grading shall produce a surface which is smooth and even, without abrupt changes in grade. Excavation for curbs and gutters shall be accomplished by cutting accurately to the cross sections, grades, and elevations shown. Care shall be taken not to excavate below the specified grades. The contractor shall maintain all excavations free from detrimental quantities of leaves, brush, sticks, trash, and other debris until final acceptance of the Work. Following removal of topsoil or excavation to grade and before placement of fills or base course, the subgrade under the roadway shall be proof-rolled to identify any soft or loose areas which may 4* warrant additional compaction or excavation and replacement. The Contractor shall provide temporary drainage or protection to keep the subgrade free from standing water. Acceptable excavated native soils shall be used for fill in the area requiring fills. Care shall be taken to place excavated material at the optimum moisture content to achieve the specified compaction. Any native material used for fill shall be free of organics and debris and have a maximum particle size of 6 inches. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to prevent the native materials from becoming saturated with water. The measures may include sloping to drain, compacting the native materials, and diverting runoff away from the materials. if the Contractor fails to take such preventative measures, any costs or delay related to drying the materials shall be at his own expense. If the native materials become saturated, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to dry the materials, to the optimum moisture content. If sufficient acceptable native soils are not available to complete construction of the roadway embankment, Gravel Borrow shall be used. If subgrade trimmer is not required on the project, all portions of Section 2-03 shall apply as though a subgrade trimmer were specified. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-70 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 ift rr If sufficient acceptable native soils, as determined by the Engineer, are not available to complete construction of the roadway embankment, Gravel Borrow meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.14 of the Standard Specifications shall be used. jrw 2-03.3(14) Embankment Construction +.r 2-03.3(14)E Unsuitable Foundation Excavation (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 2-03.3(14)E is supplemented with the following: OW (******) Unsuitable Foundation Excavation, where approved by the Engineer, shall be performed for construction of the storm drain, drainage structures, or other project elements where unstable an material is required to be removed. Unsuitable Foundation Excavation shall also include haul and proper disposal of excavated materials. iW 2-03.3(14)G Backfilling (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 2-03.3(14)G is supplemented with the following: Voids,where unstable material has been removed as part of Unsuitable Foundation Excavation as approved by the Engineer, shall be backfilled with specified"Foundation Material." w. 2-03.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 2-03.4 is supplemented with the following: (******) "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul" will be by the cubic yard in place for material removed as approved by the Engineer. Any overexcavation not specifically authorized by the Engineer shall be replaced with foundation material at no additional cost to the City. Measurement for "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul" will be by the cubic yard in place of material actually removed as directed by the Engineer. Any overexcavation not specifically authorized by the Engineer, shall be replaced with foundation material at no additional expense to the City. At the discretion of the Engineer, "Foundation Material" will be measured by the ton based on actual tonnage weight as determined by measurement from a certified scale. na 2-03.5 Payment a. Section 2-03.5 is revised as follows: (******) Payment for embankment compaction will not be made as a separate item. All costs for embankment compaction shall be included in other bid items involved. Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul", per cubic yard. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-71 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 err "Foundation Material", per ton. IN When the Engineer orders excavation below subgrade, unit contract prices for roadway excavation and haul shall apply, unless the work and/or equipment to perform the work differs materially from the excavation above subgrade, then payment will be in accordance with the item "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul". In this case, all items of work other than roadway excavation shall be paid at unit contract prices. WA The unit contract price per cubic yard for"Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul" shall be full pay for excavating, loading, and disposing of the material off-site at a Contractor-obtained legal disposal site. Payment at the unit contract price for "Foundation Material' shall be full compensation for replacing materials removed under "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul' and replacing with the I" specified foundation material. 2-04 HAUL 2-04.5 Payment No Section 2-04.5 is revised and supplemented with the following: All costs for the hauling of material to, from, or on the jobsite shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit price of other units of work. 2-06 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 2-06.5 Measurement and Payment Section 2-06.5 is supplemented with the following: Subgrade preparation and maintenance including watering shall be considered as incidental to the construction, and all costs thereof shall be included in the appropriate unit or lump sum contract bid prices. 2-09 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION 2-09.1 Description Section 2-09.1 is supplemented with the following: rir This work also includes the excavation, haul, and disposal of all unsuitable materials such as peat, muck, swampy or unsuitable materials including buried logs and stumps. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-72 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 +rw 2-09.3 Construction Requirements 2-09.3(1) General Requirements wr 2-09.3(1)D Disposal of Excavated Material The second paragraph of Section 2-09.3(1)D is replaced with the following: All costs for disposing of excavated material within or external to the project limits shall be included in the unit contract price for structure excavation, Class A or B. The third paragraph of Section 2-09.3(1)D is replaced with the following: +rr If the contract includes structure excavation, Class A or B, including haul,the unit contract price shall wr include all costs for loading and hauling the material the full required distance, otherwise all such disposal costs shall be considered incidental to the work. 2-09.4 Measurement Section 2-09.4 is revised and supplemented with the following: Gravel Backfill: Gravel backfill, except when used as bedding for culvert, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, manholes, and catch basins, will be measured by the cubic yard in place determined by the r neat lines required by the Plans or by the ton as measured in conformance with Section 1-09.2. Gravel backfill shall meet the requirements of Gravel Backfill for Walls per Section 9-03 of these Specifications. rr 2-09.5 Payment (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 2-09.5 is revised and supplemented with the following: Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: ,■ "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul", per cubic yard. Payment for reconstruction of surfacing and paving within the limits of structure excavation will be at �r the applicable unit prices for the items involved. If the Engineer orders the Contractor to excavate below the elevations shown in the Plans, the unit contract price per cubic yard for "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul" will apply. But if the Contractor excavates deeper than the Plans or Engineer requires, the Contracting Agency will not pay for material removed from below the required elevations. In this case,the Contractor, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, shall replace such material with concrete or other material the Engineer approves. The unit contract price per cubic yard for the bid items listed above shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and pumping, or shall be included in the unit bid price of other items of work if"Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul" is not listed as pay item in the contract. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-73 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 r`ry so "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B", per lump sum. The lump sum contract price shall be full pay for all excavation,backfill, and compaction. The lump sum price shall be full pay for all excavation, backfill, compaction, and other work.required when extra excavation is used in lieu of constructing shoring. If select backfill material is required for backfilling within the limits of the structure excavation, it shall also be required as backfill material for the extra excavation at the Contractor's expense. Any excavation or backfill material being paid by unit price shall be calculated by the Engineer only for the neat line measurement of the excavation and shall not include the extra excavation beyond the neat line. �r If there is no bid item for Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B on a square foot basis and the nature of the excavation is such that shoring or extra excavation is required as determined by the Engineer, then shoring or extra excavation shall be considered incidental to the work involved and no further compensation shall be made. "Trench Backfill"or"Gravel Backfill for Walls",per ton. rM When trench backfill or gravel backfill is paid by the ton, the Contractor shall take care to assure to the satisfaction of the Engineer that such per ton backfill is only being used for the specified purpose ] and not for purposes where backfill is incidental or being paid by cubic yard. Evidence that per ton gravel backfill is not being used for its designated purpose shall be grounds for the Engineer to deny payment for such load tickets. END OF DIVISION 2 a City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-79 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 2 wrr DIVISION 4 BASES 4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING 4-04.3 Construction Requirements 4-04.3(5) Shaping and Compaction .rr Section 4-04.3(5) is supplemented with the following: The top surface of the final lift of surfacing material on each mainline roadway shall be trimmed using a trimming machine that maintains grade and transverses slopes automatically, through sensors that respond to reference lines on both edges of each roadway. The minimum width to be trimmed shall be the travelled way plus sufficient width for the treads of the paving machine. err The trimmed surface shall be smooth and uniform with no chatter or ripples. END OF DIVISION 4 AW ow I M City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-75 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 4 WW rr +W DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS 5-02 BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT (PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529) 5-02.1 Description Section 5-02.1 is supplemented with the following: W When an area where pavement has been removed is to be open to traffic, before pavement patching Ift has been completed, temporary mix asphalt patch shall be required. Material placed shall have a minimum depth of 2 inches. "Cold Mix" shall be used at the discretion of the Engineer. wry 5-02.4 Measurement Section 5-02.4 is supplemented with the following: w Measurement for"Cold Mix"will be by the ton. 5-02.5 Payment ar. Section 5-02.5 is supplemented with the following: aw Payment will be made for the following bid item when it is included in the proposal: "Cold Mix", per ton. `ft Payment for"Cold Mix"will be made in accordance with Section 1-04 and will be full compensation for all costs associated with the placement of the "Cold Mix" and removal of the material in its s entirety before asphalt concrete pavement is placed. rrr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-77 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 II�C 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT 5-04.3 Construction Requirements 5-04.3(7) Preparation of Aggregates 5-04.3(7)A Mix Design 5-04.3(7)A2 Statistical or Nonstatistical Evaluation Delete Section 5-04.3(7)A2 and replace with the following: rrr 5-04.3(7)A.2 Nonstatistical HMA Evaluation The Contractor shall submit a certification that the mix design submitted meets the requirements of Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6). The Contractor must submit the mix design using DOT Form 350-042 EF. Verification of the mix design by the Contracting Agency is not needed. The Project Engineer will determine anti-strip requirements for the HMA. The mix design will be the initial job mix formula (JMF) for the class of mix. Any additional adjustments to the JMF will require the approval of the Project Engineer and may be made per Section 9-03.8(7). 5-04.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing—HMA Mixture 5-04.3(8)A1 General da Delete Section 5-4.3(8)A1 and replace with the following: (******) 04 Acceptance of HMA shall be as provided under nonstatistical or commercial evaluation. Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for the acceptance of HMA. Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, gores, prelevel, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural applications as approved by the Project Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the option of the Engineer. The proposal quantity of HMA that is accepted by commercial evaluation will be excluded from the quantities used in the determination of nonstatistical evaluation. r 5-04.3(8)A7 Test Section–HMA Mixtures Section 5-04.3(8)A7 is deleted in its entirety. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-78 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 1 �r 5-04.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) The first sentence of the first paragraph of Section 5-04.4 is replaced with the following: Measurement of HMA Cl. 1/2 In. PG 64-22 shall be per ton with no deduction being made for the weight of liquid asphalt, blending sand, mineral filler, or any other component of the mixture. Measurement for furnishing and installing HMA will be based on actual tonnage weight as determined by measurement from a certified scale. 5-04.5 Payment (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 5-04.5 is supplemented with the following: O. (******) The unit contract price per ton for HMA Cl. 1/2 In. PG 64-22 shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidental costs necessary for placing, compacting, and constructing AW asphalt pavement in and along the Project including asphalt concrete driveways, trench patching, parking lot restoration, sealing all cold joints, tack coat, hauling, notifications, aggregate, sweeping, utility marking and adjustment, furnishing and preparing subgrade, and cleanup and all other incidentals necessary for a complete paving system to the lines, cross-section, and grades as shown on the Plans or as required to match existing conditions. 5-04.5(1)A Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA rw Section 5-04.5(1)A is replaced with the following: Statistical analysis of quality of gradation and asphalt content will be performed based on Section 1-06.2 using the following price adjustment factors: Table of Price Adjustment Factors Constituent Factor"f OW All aggregate assin : 1-1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" and No. 4 sieves 2 All aggregate assin No. 8,No. 16,No. 30,No. 50, No. 100 3 All aggregate assin No. 200 sieve 20 +•� Asphalt binder 52 A pay factor will be calculated for sieves listed in Section 9-03.8(7) for the class of HMA and for the asphalt binder. 1. Nonstatistical Evaluation. Each lot of HMA produced under Nonstatistical Evaluation and having all constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside the nonstatistical acceptance tolerance limits in Section 9-03.8(7), the lot shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate CPF. The nonstatistical tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the existing sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of three sets of results for evaluation. y, City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-79 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 ar 2. Commercial Evaluation. If sampled and tested, HMA produced under Commercial Evaluation as and having all constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside the commercial acceptance tolerance limits in Section 9-03.8(7),the lot shall be evaluated di to determine the appropriate CPF. The commercial tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the existing sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of three sets of results for evaluation. For each lot of HMA produced under Nonstatistical or Commercial Evaluation when the calculated CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix Factor(NCMF) will be determined. THE NCMF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 60 percent. The Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCMF, the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit contract price per ton of the mix. If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual pay factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the composite pay factor. 5-04.5(1)B Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA Compaction Section 5-045(1)B is replaced with the following: The maximum CPF of a compaction lot is 1.00. For each compaction lot of HMA when the CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Compaction Factor (NCCF) will be determined. THE NCCF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 40 percent. The Compaction Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCCF,the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit contract price per ton of the mix. at rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-80 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 I� +rr Add the following new section: 5-06 TRENCH RESTORATION AND OVERLAY (NEW SECTION) CITY OF RENTON TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS Amended April 4, 2005 by Ordinance 5131 re SECTION 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this code section is to establish guidelines for the restoration of City streets disturbed ,,K by installation of utilities and other construction activities. Any public or private utilities, general contractors, or others permitted to work in the public right-of-way will adhere to the procedures set forth in this policy. err SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS Engineer: The term Engineer shall denote the City project manager, inspector and/or plan reviewer, or their designated representative. SECTION 3 HOURS OF OPERATIONS Hours for work within the roadway for asphalt overlays or trench restoration shall be as directed by the Traffic Control Plan requirements and as approved by the Traffic Operations Engineer. SECTION 4 APPLICATION 1. The following standards shall be followed when doing trench or excavation work within the paved portion of any City of Renton right-of-way. 2. Modifications or exemptions to these standards may be authorized by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, or authorized representative, upon written request by the permittee, their contractor or engineer, and demonstration of an equivalent alternative. SECTION 5 INSPECTION The Engineer may determine in the field that a full street-width (edge-of-pavement to edge-of- pavement) overlay is required due to changes in the permit conditions such as, but not limited to the following: 1. There has been damage to the existing asphalt surface due to the Contractor's equipment. 2. The trench width was increased significantly or the existing pavement is undermined or damaged. 3. Any other construction related activities that require additional pavement restoration. ow City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-81 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 it SECTION 6 CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS 1. All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with the City of Renton Standard and Supplemental Specifications (current adopted version) except where otherwise noted in these Standards. Materials and workmanship are required to be in conformance with standards for the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and shall comply with the most current edition, as modified by the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications. An asphalt paver shall be used in accordance with Section 5-04.3(3) of Standard Specifications. A "Layton Box" or equal may be used in place of the power-propelled paver. Rollers shall be used in accordance with Section 5-04.3(4) of the Standard Specifications. "Plate Compactors" and"Jumping Jacks"SHALL NOT be used in lieu of rollers. mt 2. Trench backfill and resurfacing shall be as shown in the City of Renton Standard Details, unless modified by the City Permit. Surfacing depths shown in the Standard Details are minimums and may be increased by the Engineer to meet traffic loads or site conditions. SECTION 7 REQUIREMENT FOR PATCHING,OVERLAY,OVERLAY WIDTHS +rr All trench and pavement cuts shall be made by saw cut or by grinding. Saw cuts or grinding shall be a minimum of one foot(1') outside the trench width. The top two inches(2") of asphalt shall be ground down to a minimum distance of one foot (1') beyond the actual outside edges of the trench and shall be replaced with two inches(2") of Class B asphalt, per City of Renton Standards.At the discretion of the Engineer,a full street width overlay may be required. Lane-width or a full street-width overlay will be determined based upon the location and length of the proposed trench within the roadway cross-section. Changes in field conditions may warrant implementation of additional overlay requirements. 1. Trenches(Road Crossings): a. The minimum width of a transverse patch (road crossing) shall be six and one-half feet(6.5'). See City of Renton Standard Plan Drawing#HR—23 (SP Page: H032A). b. Any affected lane will be ground down two inches (2") and paved for the entire width of the lane. C. Patch shall be a minimum of one foot (1') beyond the excavation and patch length shall be a minimum of an entire traveled lane. d. If the outside of the trenching is within three feet (3') of any adjacent lane line, the entire adjacent traveled lane affected will be repaved e. An area including the trench and one foot (1') on each side of the trench but not less than six and one half feet (6.5')total for the entire width of the affected traveled lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2"). A two-inch (2") overlay of Class B asphalt will be applied per City Standards. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-82 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 rrr 2. Trenches Running Parallel With the Street: a. The minimum width of a longitudinal patch shall be four and one-half feet(4.5'). See City of Renton Standard Plan Drawing#HR-05 (SP Page H032). b. If the trenching is within a single traveled lane, an entire lane-width overlay will be required. c. If the outside of the trenching is within three feet (3') of any adjacent lane line, the entire adjacent traveled lane affected will be overlaid. d. If the trenching is greater than, or equal to 30 percent of lane per block (660-foot maximum block length), or if the total patches exceed 12 per block, then the lanes affected will be overlaid. Minimum overlay shall include all patches within the block section. e. The entire traveled lane width for the length of the trench and an additional ten feet (10') at each end of the trench will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2"). A two-inch (2") overlay of Class B will be applied per City standards. rr 3. Potholing: Potholing shall meet the same requirements as trenching and pavement restoration. Potholing shall be a minimum of one foot (1') beyond the excavation. All affected lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2")and paved not less than six and one half feet(6.5')wide for the entire width of the lane. Potholes greater than five feet (5') in length, width or diameter shall be restored to trench restoration standards. In all cases, potholes shall be repaired per Renton Standard Plan #HR05 (SP Page H032). Restoration requirements utilizing vactor equipment will be determined by the Engineer. SECTION 8 PAVEMENT REMOVAL IN LIEU OF GRINDING The Contractor in all cases can remove the pavement in the replacement area instead of grinding out the specified two inches (2") of asphalt. Full pavement replacement to meet or exceed the existing pavement depth will be required for the area of pavement removal. SECTION 9 TRENCH BACKFILL AND RESTORATION CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1. Trench restoration shall be either by a patch or overlay method, as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans#HR-05, HR-23, and HR-22 (SP Pages#H032, H032A,and H033). 2. All trench and pavement cuts, which will not be overlaid, shall be made by saw cut or grinding. Saw cuts shall be a minimum of two feet(2')outside the excavated trench width. 3. All trenching within the top four feet (4') shall be backfilled with crushed surfacing materials conforming to Section 4-04 of the Standard Specifications. Any trenching over four feet (4') in ++� depth may use materials approved by the Engineer or Materials Lab for backfilling below the four-foot (4') depth. If the existing material (or other material) is determined by the Engineer to be suitable for backfill, the Contractor may use the native material, except that the top six inches (6") shall be crushed surfacing top course material. The trench shall be compacted to a minimum ninety-five percent(95%) density, as described in Section 2-03 of the Standard Specifications. In the top six feet(6') of any trench, backfill compaction shall be performed in eight to twelve-inch (8"to 12") lifts. Any trench deeper than six feet(6') may be compacted in twenty-four-inch (24") lifts, up to the top six-foot(6')zone. wrr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-83 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 wr All compaction shall be performed by mechanical methods. The compaction tests may be performed in maximum four-foot (4') vertical increments. The test results shall be given to the Engineer for review and approval prior to paving. The number and location of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. 4. Temporary restoration of trenches for overnight use shall be accomplished by using MC mix (cold mix), Asphalt Treated Base (ATB), or steel plates, as approved by the Engineer. ATB used iw for temporary restoration may be dumped directly into the trench, bladed out and rolled. After rolling, the trench must be filled flush with asphalt to provide a smooth riding surface. If the temporary restoration does not hold up,the Contractor shall repair the patch within eight hours of being notified of the problem by the City. This requirement applies 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. In the event that the City determines to repair the temporary patch, the Contractor shall reimburse the City in an amount that is double the City's cost in repairing the patch, with the second half of the reimbursement to represent City overhead and hidden costs. 5. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B shall be placed to the compacted depth as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR-05, HR-23, and HR-22 (SP Pages #H032, all H032A, and H033) or as directed by the Engineer. The grade of asphalt shall be AR-4000W. The materials shall be made in conformance with Section 9-02.1(4) of the Standard Specifications. at 6. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement at edge of saw cuts and shall be emulsified asphalt grade CSS-1, as specified in Section 9-02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack shall be applied as specified in Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications. 7. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B, shall be placed in accordance with Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications; except those longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of twelve inches (12"), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.8 of the Standard Specifications. rrt All street surfaces, walks, or driveways within the street trenching areas shall be feathered and shimmed to an extent that provides a smooth-riding connection and expeditious drainage flow for the newly paved surface. Feathering and shimming shall not decrease the minimum vertical curb depth below four inches (4") for stormwater flow. The Engineer may require additional grinding to increase the curb depth Oil available for stormwater flow in areas that are inadequate. Shimming and feathering, as required by the Engineer, shall be accomplished by raking out the oversized aggregates from the Class B mix as appropriate. Surface smoothness shall be per Section 5-04.3(13) of the Standard Specifications. The paving shall be corrected by removal and repaving of the trench only. Asphalt patch depths will vary based upon the streets being trenched. The actual depths of asphalt and the work to be performed shall be as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans 4HR-05, HR-23, and HR-22 (SP Pages #H032, H032A, and H033). Compaction of all lifts of asphalt shall be a minimum ninety-two percent (92%) of density as determined by WSDOT Test Method 705. The number of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-84 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 +rat w Testing shall be performed by an independent testing lab with the results being supplied to the Engineer. Testing is not intended to relieve the Contractor from any liability for the trench restoration. It is intended to show the inspector, and the City, that the restoration meets these JW Specifications. 8. All joints shall be sealed using paving asphalt AR-4000W. 9. When trenching within the unpaved roadway shoulder(s), the shoulder shall be restored to its original condition, or better. 10. The final patch or overlay shall be completed as soon as possible and shall not exceed fifteen (15)working days after first opening the trench. This timeframe may be adjusted if delays are due to inclement paving weather or other adverse conditions that may exist. However, delaying of ,..r final patch or overlay work is subject to the Engineer's approval. The Engineer may deem it necessary to complete the work within the fifteen (15) working day timeframe and not allow any time extension. Should this occur,the Contractor shall perform the necessary work, as directed by the Engineer. 11. A City of Renton temporary Traffic Control Plan (from Renton Transportation Engineering) shall aarr be submitted and approved by the Engineer a minimum of three (3) working days prior to commencement of work. SECTION 10 REMOVAL OF UTILITY LOCATE MARKINGS FROM SIDEWALKS REQUIRED The Permittee will be required to remove utility locate marks on sidewalks only within the Downtown 1W Core Area. The permittee shall remove the utility locate marks within 14 days of job completion. Aw END OF DIVISION 5 aw JW ift. r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) arr� Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-85 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 5 am DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS 7-04 STORM SEWERS .rr 7-04.1 Description �+ Section 7-04.1 is supplemented with the following: ,. The Contractor shall require pipe suppliers to furnish certificates signed by their authorized representative, stating the specifications to which the materials or products were manufactured. The Contractor shall provide two copies of these certifications to the Engineer for approval. Certificates showing nonconformance with the Contract shall be sufficient evidence for rejection. Approval of certificates shall be considered only as tentative acceptance of the materials and products, and such action by Engineer will not relieve Contractor of his/her responsibility to perform field tests and to replace or repair faulty materials, equipment, and/or workmanship and Contractor's own expense. 7-04.2 Materials (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 7-04.2 is supplemented with the following: High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE)—9-05.23 of these Specifications. ` The steel casing shall be furnished, installed, measured, and paid for in accordance with Section 7-20. Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe(CPEP)—9-05.19 of these Specifications. The second paragraph of Section 7-04.2 is replaced with the following: Where steel or aluminum are referred to in this section in regard to a kind of storm sewer pipe, it shall be understood that steel is zinc coated (galvanized), Asphalt Treatment I Coated corrugated iron or steel and aluminum is corrugated aluminum alloy as specified in Sections 9-05.4 and 9-05.5. The Contractor shall require pipe suppliers to furnish certificates signed by their authorized representative, stating the specifications to which the materials or products were manufactured. The Contractor shall provide 2 copies of these certifications to the Engineer for approval. Certificates showing nonconformance with the Contract shall be sufficient evidence for rejection. Approval of certificates shall be considered only as tentative acceptance of the materials and products, and such action by Engineer will not relieve Contractor of his/her responsibility to perform field tests and to replace or repair faulty materials, equipment, and/or workmanship at the Contractor's own expense. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SKT 27-3529) SP-87 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 Add the following new section: 7-04.2(1) Temporary Stormwater Diversion (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain operation of the existing storm sewer system crossing the site throughout the duration of the project without any disruption of service until the new storm drain has been accepted by the City to receive stormwater flows, and connections are made between the existing and new storm based on scheduling approved by the Engineer. The existing storm drain receives flows from the storm drain system within and north of South 2nd Street, parking lots, and South 3rd Street. The existing storm drain may also receive groundwater flow through openings at existing structures,pipe joints,and pipe cracks. Flows range between 0 and 21 cfs passing through the 24-inch storm drain under surcharged conditions. The Contractor shall submit proposed methods for providing the diversions to the Engineer for approval prior to construction. The diversions shall have the least impact on property owners and traffic flow through the site. The diversions shall be installed, operated, and maintained only when needed where the existing storm drain system must be demolished to allow construction of the new system. If bypass pumping is provided, it shall be scheduled for continuous operation with backup equipment available at all times for periods of maintenance and refueling or failure of the primary bypass pump(s) or diversion system. The Contractor's bypass operation shall be sized to handle, at a minimum, the flow rates specified above. The Contractor shall submit a Temporary Stormwater Diversion Plan in accordance with Section 1-05. The Contractor's plan shall be reviewed by the City before the plan is implemented. The review of the flow diversion plan shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to provide a bypass system that conveys encountered flows without property damage or damage to the project or construction area. rri 7-04.3 Construction Requirements (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 7-04.3 is supplemented with the following: When obstructions are encountered (e.g., including but not limited to, boulders, logs, old foundations), the Contractor shall notify the Engineer promptly. The removal of such obstructions shall be done by force account as approved by the Engineer in accordance with Section 1-09.6. Add the following new sections: 7-04.3(2) Abandon Existing Storm Drain Pipe (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Where shown on the Plans or designated by the Engineer, existing pipe to be abandoned in place shall be completely filled with controlled density fill (WSDOT 2-09.3[1]E) for the entire length of pipe specified. The ends of each pipe run shall be plugged thoroughly. All pipe ends shall be plugged as specified in Section 7-08.3(4)(Plugging Existing Pipe). City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-88 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 Existing pipe adjacent to the ends to be plugged shall be removed, subject to the limits approved by the Engineer,to allow for the plugging and abandonment of the remaining existing pipe. 7-04.3(3) Television Inspection(New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) All storm drain main lines and laterals constructed as part of this project shall be inspected by the use of a television camera before substantial completion. The costs incurred in making the inspection shall be paid for under"Television Inspection." The Contractor shall bear all costs incurred in correcting any deficiencies found during television inspection, including the cost of any additional television inspection that may be required by the Engineer to verify the correction of said deficiency. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred in any television inspection performed solely for the benefit of the Contractor. Once the "Television Inspection"has been completed, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the written reports of the inspection plus the video recordings. Video recordings shall be in color and provided on compact disc in Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) format and compatible for viewing using Microsoft Windows Media Player, Apple QuickTime Player, and Adobe Flash Player. The Contractor shall use television inspection report forms as considered industry standard and as approved by the Engineer, and provide completed forms and video recordings of the completed "Television Inspection"to the Engineer. ow 7-04.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) The first paragraph of Section 7-04.4 is revised as follows: The length of storm drain pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation measured along the invert from the center of manhole or from the center of catch basin to center of catch basins and similar type structures. Measurement for"Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe"will be by the linear foot. rw Measurement for"Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe"will be by the linear foot. Removal of existing pipe that is required to plug the remaining pipe is considered incidental to plugging and abandoning existing pipe.No separate measurement will be made. Section 7-04.4 is supplemented with the following: UIL No specific measurement shall apply to the lump sum item"Temporary Stormwater Diversion". Measurement for "Television Inspection" will be the linear foot measurement of the installed pipe measurement. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-89 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 7-04.5 Payment (Project No. SWP 27-3529) The second and third paragraphs of Section 7-04.5 are revised as follows: (******) The unit contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of the kind and size specified shall be full pay for all work to complete the installation, including adjustment of inverts to manholes. When no bid item "gravel backfill for pipe bedding" is included in the Schedule of Prices, pipe bedding, as shown in the Standard Plans, shall be considered incidental to the pipe and no additional payment shall be made. Cost of connecting pipe to structures shall be included in the various unit contract prices for storm sewer pipe,and no additional compensation will be allowed. Section 7-04.5 is supplemented with the following: 96 (******) Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: "Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe", per linear foot. "Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe", per linear foot. The unit contract price for"Abandon Existing 8 In. Storm Drain Pipe" and "Abandon Existing 24 In. Storm Drain Pipe" shall be full pay for all work including all costs associated with furnishing and hauling the materials, pipe cutting, plugging materials, filling the pipe with the specified materials, removal of existing pipe, and excavation. "34 In. Diam. HDPE(DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe", per linear foot. The unit contract price for"34 In. Diam. HDPE (DR 32.5) Storm Drain Pipe" shall be full pay for all work including all costs associated with furnishing and hauling the materials, all connections, and for all labor,tools, equipment, materials, cleanup, pipe bedding and compaction, and incidentals required to install the HDPE pipe. The unit contract price shall be full pay for installation of HDPE pipe within open-cut excavations or the casing.No separate payment for pipe bedding will be made. nr 18 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe",per linear foot. "30 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe",per linear foot. "36 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe",per linear foot. "42 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe", per linear foot. The unit contract price for"18 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe", 30 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe", "36 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe", and "42 In. Diam. CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe", per imi linear foot, shall be full pay for all work including all costs associated with furnishing and hauling the materials, all connections to the existing and new catch basins, pipe bedding and compaction, and for all labor, tools, equipment, materials, cleanup, and incidentals required to install the CPEP pipe. No AM separate payment for pipe bedding will be made. "Testing Storm Drain Pipe", per linear foot. rri City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-90 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 "Temporary Stormwater Diversion", per lump sum. Testing of storm drain pipe shall be in conformance with Standard Specification Section 7-17.3(2)A and will be the number of linear feet of completed installation actually tested. The lump sum contract price for Temporary Stormwater Diversion shall be full payment for all labor, KW equipment, and materials, including but not limited to, personnel, fuel, monitoring, power, pumps, piping, emergency standby equipment,. trenching, and all other work necessary to maintain uninterrupted stormwater services through the construction site. do "Television Inspection", per linear foot. 7-05 MANHOLES,INLETS, CATCH BASINS,AND DRYWELLS 7-05.2 Materials (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 7-05.2 is supplemented with the following: Where called for on the Plans, the 36-inch-diameter catch basin access opening shall have a 36-inch-diameter clear opening within the frame. The cover and frame shall be constructed of gray iron confirming to ASTM A48 C1,3513, have a heavy-duty design load, and a neoprene gasket that is set into a groove within the frame. Frame and cover shall conform to Product No. 158167 by East wi Jordan Iron Works or approved equal. The City of Renton logo, which is shown on Standard Plan 204.50 for 25-inch-diameter covers, is not required for the cover for the 36-inch-diameter access opening. M 7-05.3 Construction Requirements Section 7-05.3 is supplemented with the following: All manholes shall have eccentric cones and shall have ladders. Sanitary sewer pipe to manhole connections shall be "Kor-n-Seal"boot or approved equal. 7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade Section 7-05.3(1) is replaced with the following: Where shown in the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the existing manholes, catch basins, or inlets shall be adjusted to the grade as staked or otherwise designated by the Engineer. �r. The existing cast iron ring and cover on manholes and the catch basin frame and grate shall first be removed and cleaned for reinstalling at the new elevation. From that point,the existing structure shall be raised or lowered to the required elevation. jo City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-91 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 11W N The Contractor shall construct manholes so as to provide adjustment space for setting cover and r casting to a finished grade as shown on the Construction Plans. Manhole ring and covers shall be adjusted to the finished elevations per Standard Detail BR29, SP Page B074, prior to final acceptance of the work. Manholes in unimproved areas shall be adjusted to 6 inches above grade. In unpaved streets: Manholes, catch basins and similar structures in areas to be surfaced with crushed rock or gravel shall be constructed to a point approximately 8 inches below the subgrade and covered with a temporary wood cover. Existing manholes shall be cut off and covered in a similar manner. The Contractor shall carefully reference each manhole so that they may be easily found upon completion of the street work. After placing the gravel or crushed stone surfacing, the manholes and manhole castings shall be constructed to the finished grade of the roadway surface. Excavation necessary for bringing manholes to grade shall center about the manhole and be held to the minimum area necessary. At the completion of the manhole adjustment, the void around the manhole shall be backfilled with materials which result in the section required on the typical roadway section, and be thoroughly compacted. In cement concrete pavement: Manholes, catch basins and similar structures shall be constructed and adjusted in the same manner as outlined above except that the final adjustment shall be made and cast iron frame be set after forms have been placed and checked. In placing the concrete pavement, extreme care shall be taken not to alter the position of the casting in any way. In asphalt concrete pavement: Manholes shall not be adjusted until the pavement is completed, at which time the center of each manhole shall be carefully relocated from references previously established by the Contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a restricted area and base material be removed to permit removal of the cover. The manhole shall then be brought to proper grade utilizing the same methods of construction as for the manhole itself. The cast iron frame shall be placed on the concrete blocks and wedged up to the desired grade. The asphalt concrete pavement shall be cut and ++ removed to a neat circle, the diameter of which shall be equal to the outside diameter of the cast iron frame plus two feet. The base materials and crushed rock shall be removed and Class 3000 or Commercial Portland Cement Concrete shall be placed so that the entire volume of the excavation is arl replaced up to within but not to exceed 2 inches of the finished pavement surface. On the day following placement of the concrete, the edge of the asphalt concrete pavement, and the outer edge of the casting shall be painted with hot asphalt cement. Asphalt Class G concrete shall then be placed and compacted with hand tampers and a patching roller. The complete patch shall match the existing paved surface for texture, density, and uniformity of grade. The joint between the patch and the existing pavement shall then be carefully painted with hot asphalt cement or asphalt emulsion and shall be immediately covered with dry paving sand before the asphalt cement solidifies. The inside ' throat of the manhole shall be thoroughly mortared and plastered. Adjustment of Inlets: The final alignment and grade of cast iron frames for new and old inlets to be at adjusted to grade will be established from the forms or adjacent pavement surfaces. The final adjustment of the top of the inlet will be performed in similar manner to the above for manholes. On asphalt concrete paving projects using curb and gutter section, that portion of the cast iron frame not am embedded in the gutter section shall be solidly embedded in concrete also. The concrete shall extend a minimum of 6 inches beyond the edge of the casting and shall be left 2 inches below the top of the frame so that the wearing course of asphalt concrete pavement will butt the cast iron frame. The existing concrete pavement and edge of the casting shall be painted with hot asphalt cement. Adjustments in the inlet structure shall be constructed in the same manner and of the same material as that required for new inlets. The inside of the inlets shall be mortared and plastered. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-92 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 iwr Monuments and cast iron frame and cover: Monuments and monument castings shall be adjusted to grade in the same manner as for manholes. Valve Box Castinas: Adjustments of valve box castings shall be made in the same manner as for manholes. 7-05.3(2) Abandon Existing Manholes Section 7-05.3(2) is revised as follows: Where it is required that an existing manhole be abandoned, the structure shall be broken down to a depth of at least 4 feet below the revised surface elevation, all connections plugged, the manhole base shall be fractured to prevent standing water, and the manhole filled with sand and compacted to 90 percent density as specified in Section 2-03.3(14)C. Debris resulting from breaking the upper part of the manhole may be mixed with the sand subject to the approval of the Engineer. The ring and cover shall be salvaged and all other surplus material disposed of. wr 7-05.3(3) Connections to Existing Manholes Section 7-05.3(3) is supplemented with the following: Where shown on the Plans, new drain pipes shall be connected to existing line, catch basin, curb inlets and/or manholes. The Contractor shall be required to core drill into the structure, shape the new pipe to fit and re-grout the opening in a workmanlike manner. Where directed by the Engineer or where shown on the Plans, additional structure channeling will be required. Connections to existing concrete drainage structures shall be core drilled. Existing concrete drainage structures shall be cleaned, repaired, and rechanneled as necessary to match the new pipe r configuration and as shown on the Construction Plans. A "connection to existing" item will be allowed at any connection of a new line to an existing structure, or the connection of a new structure to an existing line. No "connection to existing" will be "'• accepted at the location of new installation, relocation, and adjustment of line manholes, catch basins, or curb inlets. Any damage to existing pipe or structure that is to remain in place resulting from the Contractor's operations shall be repaired or replaced at his own expense. nr The unit bid price per each shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment required. 7-05.4 Measurement Section 7-05.4 is revised and supplemented with the following: Manholes will be measured per each. Measurement of manhole heights for payment purposes will be the distance from finished rim elevation to the invert of the lowest outlet pipe. wr City of Renton 218-1779-036(OVIO) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-93 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 M Adjustments of new structures and miscellaneous items such as valve boxes shall be considered incidental to the unit contract price of the new item and no further compensation shall be made. Adjustment of existing structures and miscellaneous items such as valve boxes shall be measured by "Adjust Existing ", per each, which shall be full pay for all labor and materials including all concrete for the completed adjustment in accordance with Section 7-05.3(1) and the City of Renton Standard Details. Measurement for"Remove Existing Manhole"will be per each. Connection to existing pipes and structures shall be incidental. ON (*****) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) The 36-inch-diameter frame and cover shall be incidental to the structure for which it is installed. No separate measurement will be made. 7-05.5 Payment Section 7-05.5 is supplemented with the following: (******) "Adjust Existing ", per each. The unit contract price per each for"Adjust Existing " shall be full pay for all costs necessary to make the adjustment including restoration of adjacent areas in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. If no bid item for Structure Excavation Class A or Structure Excavation Class B is included in the schedule of prices, then the work will be considered incidental and its cost should be included in the cost of the pipe. "Connect to Existing Catch Basin", per each. r.w "Connect Structure to Existing Pipe",per each. (*****) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) The 36-inch-diameter frame and cover shall be incidental to the structure for which it is installed. No separate payment will be made. erti Payment for catch basins shall include full compensation for furnishing, placing, and compacting catch basin bedding. 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.3(1)A Trenches (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 7-08.3(1)A is supplemented with the following: (******) Excavation of non-contaminated soils for the waterline construction shall be included in "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul" for the storm drain system. No separate excavation for waterline construction will be measured or paid for. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-94 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 w err rrr Excavation of contaminated soils shall be in accordance with Sections 1-12 and 2-09.3(5) of these Special Provisions. Wnr 7-08.3(1)C Bedding the Pipe (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 7-08.3(1)C is supplemented with the following: Pipe bedding for storm drain pipe shall be gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding consistent with Section 9-03.12(3). It shall be placed to a depth of 6 inches over and 6 inches under the exterior walls of the pipe. Hand compaction of the bedding materials under the pipe haunches will be required. Hand compaction shall be accomplished by using a suitable tamping tool to firmly tamp bedding material under the haunches of the pipe. Care shall be taken to avoid displacement of the pipe during the compaction effort. Pipe bedding shall be considered incidental to the pipe and no further compensation shall be made. 7-08.3(2)A Survey Line and Grade Section 7-08.3(2)A is replaced with the following: Survey line and grade control shall be provided in accordance with Sections 1-05.4, 1-05.5, and 1-11 in a manner consistent with accepted practices. The Contractor shall transfer line and grade into the trench where they shall be carried by means of a laser beam using 50 foot minimum intervals for grade staking. Any other procedure shall have the written approval of the Engineer. rr 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying—General (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 7-08.3(2)B is supplemented with the following: Checking of the invert elevation of the pipe may be made by calculations from measurements on the ++ top of the pipe, or by looking for ponding of 1/2 inch or less, which indicates a satisfactory condition. At manholes, when the downstream pipe(s) is of a larger size, pipe(s) shall be laid by matching the (eight-tenths)flow elevation, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer or shown on the Plans. rw All pipe, fittings, etc. shall be carefully handled and protected against damage, impact shocks, and free fall. All pipe handling equipment shall be acceptable to the Engineer. Pipe shall not be placed directly on rough ground but shall be supported in a manner which will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored at the trench site or elsewhere. No pipe shall be installed where the lining or coating show defects that may be harmful as determined by the Engineer. Such damaged lining or coating shall be repaired, or a new undamaged pipe shall be furnished and installed. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) OW Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-95 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 NNW go The Contractor shall inspect each pipe and fitting prior to installation to insure that there are not Ow damaged portions of the pipe. Any defective, damaged, or unsound pipe shall be repaired or replaced. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the interior of the pipe before lowering into position in the trench. Pipe shall be kept clean during and after laying. All openings in the pipe line shall be closed with water tight expandable type sewer plugs at the end of each day's operation or whenever the pipe openings are left unattended. The use of burlap, wood, or other similar temporary plugs will not be permitted. Where necessary to raise or lower the pipe due to unforeseen obstructions or other causes, the Engineer may change the alignment and/or the grades. Except for short runs which may be permitted so by the Engineer, pipes shall be laid uphill on grades exceeding 10 percent. Pipe which is laid on a downhill grade shall be blocked and held in place until sufficient support is furnished by the following pipe to prevent movement. so Unless otherwise required, all pipe shall be laid straight between the changes in alignment and at uniform grade between changes in grade. For concrete pipes with elliptical reinforcement, the pipe shall be placed with the minor axis of the reinforcement in a vertical position. 10 Immediately after the pipe joints have been made, proper gasket placement shall be checked with a feeler gage as approved by the pipe manufacturer to verify proper gasket placement. 'at 7-08.3(2)E Rubber Gasketed Joints Section 7-08.3(2)E is supplemented with the following: r Care shall be taken by the Contractor to avoid over pushing the pipe and damaging the pipe or joint No system. Any damaged pipe shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense. 7-08.3(2)H Sewer Line Connections so Section 7-04.3(2)H is supplemented with the following: go All connections not occurring at a manhole shall be done utilizing pre-manufactured tee connectors or pipe sections approved by the Engineer. Any other method or materials proposed for use in making connections shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. No Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all connections of lateral sewers to existing mains shall be made through a cast iron saddle secured to the sewer main with stainless steel bands. When the 06 existing main is constructed of vitrified clay, plain or reinforced concrete, cast or ductile iron pipe,the existing main shall be core drilled. rrr Connections (unless booted connections have been provided for) to existing concrete manholes shall be core-drilled, and shall have an"O"ring rubber gasket meeting ASTM C478 in a manhole coupling equal to the Johns-Manville Asbestos-Cement collar, or use a conical type flexible seal equal to Kor-N-Seal. PVC pipe connection shall consist of tee, nipple, and couplers as approved by the Engineer. to City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) IN Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-96 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 so *W ON 7-08.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) The first paragraph of Section 7-08.4 is revised as follows: Gravel bedding for pipe or catch basins shall be considered incidental to the pipe cost. No separate measurement will be made. 7-08.5 Payment (Project No. SWP 27-3529) .r Section 7-08.5 is replaced with the following: All costs associated with furnishing and installing bedding material within the pipe zone in the installation of culvert, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer pipes shall be included in the unit contract price for the type and size of pipe installed. Unless specifically identified and provided as separate items, structure excavation, dewatering and it backfilling shall be incidental to pipe installation, and no further compensation shall be made. All costs in jointing dissimilar pipe with a coupling or concrete collar shall be included in the unit contract price per foot for the size and type of pipe being jointed. 7-09 WATER MAINS The title for Section 7-09 is replaced with the following: 7-09 PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR WATER MAINS 7-09.3 Construction Requirements 7-09.3(15) Laying of Pipe on Curves 7-09.3(15)A Ductile Iron Pipe The first paragraph of Section 7-09.3(15)A is revised as follows: Long radius (500 feet or more)curves, either horizontal or vertical, may be laid with standard pipe by deflecting the joints. If the pipe is shown curved in the Plans and no special fittings are shown, the Contractor can assume that the curves can be made by deflecting the joints with standard lengths of pipe. If shorter lengths are required, the Plans will indicate maximum lengths that can be used. The amount of deflection at each pipe joint when pipe is laid on a horizontal or vertical curve shall not exceed one half of the manufacturer's printed recommended deflections. +rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-97 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 err w 7-09.3(15)B Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)Pipe(4 Inches and Over) Section 7-09.3(15)B is supplemented with the following: Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)Pipe shall not be used for water mains and appurtenances. 7-09.3(17) Laying Ductile Iron Pipe with Polyethylene Encasement Section 7-09.3(17) is revised as follows: The Contractor shall lay ductile iron pipe with a polyethylene encasement. Pipe and polyethylene encasement shall be installed in accordance with AWWA C105. The polyethylene encasement shall also be installed on all appurtenances, such as pipe laterals, couplings, fittings, and valves, with 8-mil. polyethylene plastic in accordance with Section 4-5 of ANSI 21.5 or AWWA C105. The polyethylene wrap shall be tube type and black color. Any damage that occurs to the wrap shall , be repaired in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5-93. Installation of the polyethylene encasement shall be considered incidental to the installation of the we pipe and no additional payment shall be allowed. 7-09.3(19)A Connections to Existing Mains Section 7-09.3(19)A is revised and supplemented with the following: The Contractor may be required to perform the connection during times other than normal working hours. The Contractor shall not operate any valves on the existing system. Water system personnel will operate all valves on the existing system for the Contractor when required. No work shall be performed on the connections unless a representative of the water department is present to inspect the work. When not stated otherwise in the Special Provisions or on the Plans, all connections to existing water mains will be done by City forces as provided below: City-Installed Connections: 1. Connections to existing piping and tie-ins are indicated on the drawings. The Contractor must verify all existing piping, dimensions, and elevations to assure proper fit. as 2. Connections to the existing water main shall not be made without first making the necessary arrangements with the Engineer in advance. A two-week advance notice shall be required for each connection which requires a cutting of the existing water mains or a shut-down of the existing water mains. The City reserves the right to reschedule the connection if the work area is not ready at the scheduled time for the connection. Work shall not be started until all the materials, equipment and labor necessary to properly complete the work are assembled on site. up City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-98 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 �r wr The Contractor shall provide all saw-cutting, removal and disposal of existing surface improvements, excavation, haul and disposal of unsuitable materials, shoring, de-watering, foundation material, at the connection areas before the scheduled time for the connection by the City. The Contractor shall Yr provide all materials necessary to install all connections as indicated on the Construction Plans, including but not limited to the required fittings, couplings, pipe spools, shackle materials to complete the connections. The Contractor shall provide and install concrete blocking, polywrap the piping at as the connections, backfill, and surface restoration at the locations shown on the Plans for the connections to the existing water mains. The City will cut the existing main and assemble all materials. No 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking ev The title of Section 7-09.3(21) is replaced with the following: 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Block Section 7-09.3(21) is supplemented with the following: Provide concrete blocking at all hydrants, fittings and horizontal or vertical angle points. Conform to The City of Renton standard details for general blocking, and vertical blocks herein. All fittings to be ' blocked shall be wrapped with 8-mil polyethylene plastic. Concrete blocking shall be properly formed with plywood or other acceptable forming materials and shall not be poured around joints. The forms shall be stripped prior to backfilling. Joint restraint (shackle rods), where required, shall be installed rr in accordance with section 7-11.3(15). Provide concrete dead-man blocks at locations shown on the Plans. The dead-man block shall include reinforcing steels, shackle rods, installation, and removal of formwork. Blocking shall be commercial concrete (hand mixed concrete is not allowed)and poured in place. �r 7-09.3(23) Hydrostatic Pressure Test Section 7-09.3(23) is supplemented and revised with the following: OW A hydrant meter and a back flow prevention device will be used when drawing water from the City r system. These may be obtained from the City by completing the required forms and making required security deposits. There will be a charge for the water used. Before applying the specified test pressure, air shall be expelled completely from the pipe, valves and hydrants. If permanent air vents are not located at all high points, the Contractor shall install corporation cocks at such points so that the air can be expelled as the line is filled with water. After all the air has been expelled, the corporation cocks shall be closed and the test pressure applied. At the conclusion of the pressure test, the corporation cocks shall be removed and plugged. ■r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-99 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 The quantity of water required to restore the pressure shall be accurately determined by either: +rr 1)pumping from an open container of suitable size such that accurate volume measurements can be made by the Owner or, 2) by pumping through a positive displacement water meter with a sweep unit pumping through a positive displacement water meter with a sweep unit hand registering 1 gallon per revolution. The meter shall be approved by the Engineer. Acceptability of the test will be determined by two factors, as follows: I. The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per hour as listed in the following table. so 2. The loss in pressure shall not exceed 5 psi during the 2-hour test period. All water used to perform hydrostatic pressure shall be charged a usage fee. Allowable leakage per 1,000 feet of pipeline* in GPH. Nominal Pipe Diameter in Inches PSI 6" 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" 24" 450 0.95 1.27 1.59 1.91 2.55 3.18 3.82 400 0.90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 350 0.84 1.12 1.40 1.69 2.25 2.81 3.37 275 0.75 1.00 1.24 1.49 1.99 2.49 2.99 250 0.71 0.95 1.19 1.42 1.90 2.37 2.85 225 0.68 0.90 1.13 1.35 1.80 2.25 2.70 200 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 1.70 2.12 2.55 *If the pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, the allowable leakage will be the sum of the computed leakage for each size. For those diameters or pressures not listed, the formula below shall be used. The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per hour as determined by the formula: L=N P sir 7400 in which: L= Allowable leakage, gallons/hour N= No. of joints in the length of pipeline tested D= Nominal diameter of the pipe in inches P= Average test pressure during the leakage test,psi err Delete the paragraph stating "There shall not be an appreciable or abrupt loss in pressure during the 15 minute test period." City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project-(SWP 27-3529) SP-100 June 2011 to Contract Documents Division 7 .r Ow 7-09.3(24) Disinfection of Water Mains 7-09.3(24)A Flushing "e The title of Section 7-09.3(24)A is revised as follows: to 7-09.3(24)A Flushing and "Poly-pigging" Section 7-09.3(24)A is revised and supplemented with the following: Sections of pipe to be disinfected shall first be poly-pigged to remove any solids or contaminated material that may have become lodged in the pipe. If the main cannot be "poly-pigged", then a tap shall be provided large enough to develop a velocity of at least 2.5 fps in the main. The "Poly-pig" shall be equal to Girard Industries Aqua-Swab-AS, 2 pound/cu-ft density foam with wr 90A durometer urethane rubber coating on the rear of the "Poly-pig" only. The "Poly-pig" shall be cylinder shaped with bullet nose or squared end. Delete the paragraph stating: "Where dry calcium hypochlorite is used for disinfection of the pipe, flushing shall be done after disinfection." Dechlorination of all water used for disinfection shall be accomplished in accordance with the City's standard detail. Water containing chlorine residual in excess of that carried in the existing water system, shall not be disposed into the storm drainage system or any waterway. 7-09.3(24)D Dry Calcium Hypochlorite Section 7-09.3(24)D has been replaced with: r Dry calcium hypochlorite shall not be placed in the pipe as laid. 7-09.3(24)K Retention Period Section 7-09.3(24)K has been revised as follows: Treated water shall be retained in the pipe at least 24 hours but no long than 48 hours. After this period, the chlorine residual at pipe extremities and at other representative points shall be at least 25 mg/l. 7-09.3(24)N Final Flushing and Testing Section 7-09.3(24)N has been revised as follows: err (******) Before placing the lines into service, a satisfactory report shall be received from the local or state health department or an approved testing lab on samples collected from representative points in the new system. Samples will be collected and bacteriological tests obtained by the Engineer. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-101 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 wr Add the following new section: 7-09.3(25) Joint Restraint Systems (New Section) (Project No. SWP 27-3529) General Where shown on the Plans or in the Specifications or required by the Engineer,joint restraint system (shackle rods) shall be used. All shackle rod joint restraint materials used shall be those manufactured by Star National Products, 1323 Holly avenue PO Box 258, Columbus, Ohio 43216, unless an equal alternate is approved in writing by the Engineer. Materials Mechanical joint MEGALUG®joint restraints shall be a bolted system (Section 9-30.2[6]). • MEGALUG® Series 1100 or approved equal. Steel types used shall be: • High strength low-alloy steel(cor-ten),ASTM A242, heat-treated, superstar"SST" series. • High strength low-alloy steel (cor-ten),ASTM A242, superstar"SS" series. Items to be galvanized are to meet the following requirements: • ASTM A153 for galvanizing iron and steel hardware. • ASTM A123 for galvanizing rolled, pressed, and forged steel shapes. I► Joint Restrainer System Components Tiebolt: ASTM A242,type 2, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SST 7:5/8-inch for 2-inch and 3-inch mechanical joints, 3/4-inch for 4-inch to 12-inch mechanical joints, ASTM A325, Type 31), except tensile strength of full-body threaded section shall be increased to 40,000 lbs. minimum for 5/8-inch _. and 60,000 lbs. minimum for 3/4-inch by heat treating (quenching and tempering) to manufactures reheat and hardness specifications. SST 753: 3/4 inch for 14-inch to 24-inch mechanical joints. Same ASTM specification as SST 7. SST 77: 3/4-inch same as SST 7, except 1-inch eye for 7/8-inch rod. Same ASTM specification as SST 7. Tienut: Heavy hex nut for each tiebolt: SS8: 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch, ASTM A563, Grade C3, or zinc plated. S8: 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch,ASTM A563, Grade A,zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized Tiecouplin : Used to extend continuous threaded rods and are provided with a center stop to aid installation, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS 10: for 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch tierods, ASTM A563, Grade C3. S 10: for 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch tierods,ASTM A563, Grade A. Tierod: Continuous threaded rod for cutting to desired lengths, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS12: 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch diameter, ASTM A242, Type 2; ANSI B1.1. 512: 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch diameter,ASTM A36, A307. Tiewasher: Round flat washers, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS17: ASTM A242, F436. 517: ANSI B 18.22.1. so City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-102 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 to go Installation Install the joint restraint system in accordance with the manufactures instructions so all joints are mechanically locked together to prevent joint separation. Tiebolts shall be installed to pull against the r mechanical joint body and not the MJ follower. Torque nuts at 75-90 foot pounds for 3/4-inch nuts. Install tiecouplings with both rods threaded equal distance into tiecouplings. Arrange tierods symmetrically around the pipe. to Number of 3/4-Inch Pipe Diameter Tie Rods Re uired we 4-inch 2 6-inch 2 8-inch 3 r 10-inch 4 12-inch 6 14-inch 8 16-inch 8 18-inch 8 20-inch 10 r 24-inch 14 30-inch (16-7/8-inch rods) 36-inch (24-7/8-inch rods) wr Where a manufacturer's mechanical joint valve or fitting is supplied with slots for "T" bolts instead of holes, a flanged valve with a flange by mechanical joint adapter shall be used instead, so as to provide adequate space for locating the tiebolts. Where a continuous run of pipe is required to be restrained, no run of restrained pipe shall be greater than 60 feet in length between fittings. Insert long body solid sleeves as required on longer runs to rr keep tierod lengths to the 60 foot maximum. Pipe used in continuously restrained runs shall be mechanical joint pipe and tiebolts shall be installed as rod guides at each joint. ,r Where poly wrapping is required all tiebolts, tienuts, tiecouplings, tierods, and tiewashers, shall be galvanized. All disturbed sections will be painted, to the inspector's satisfaction, with Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-m, or approved equal. rrr Where poly wrapping is not required all tiebolts, tienuts, tiecouplings, tierods and tiewashers may be galvanized as specified in the preceding paragraph or plain and painted in the entirety with Koppers Bitumastic No. 800-m, or approved equal. Tiebolts, tienuts, tiecouplings, tierods, and tiewashers shall be considered incidental to installation of the pipe and no additional payment shall be made. err irr ■r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-103 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 IM 7-09.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) +rir Section 7-09.4 is revised as follows: rl Measurement for trench backfill shall be in accordance with the unit bid requirements for "Trench Backfill". Concrete thrust collar blocking and thrust restraint components shall be considered incidental to the unit bid item"Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8 In.Diam."No separate measurement will be made. rr Connections to existing water mains shall be considered incidental to the unit bid item "Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8 In. Diam.".No separate measurement will be made. Measurement for trench excavation including haul shall be included in"Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul" for storm drain construction. There will be no separate measurement for waterline trench excavation. There will be no separate measurement for the lump sum item"Temporary 2 In. Water Service". 7-09.5 Payment (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 7-09.5 is revised and supplemented with the following: Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: "Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8 In. Diam.",per linear foot. at The unit contract price per linear foot for each size and kind of"Ductile Iron Pipe for Water Main 8 In. Diam." shall be full pay for all work to complete the installation of the water main including but "u not limited to bedding, laying and jointing pipe and fittings, connection to existing water mains backfilling, concrete thrust blocking, joint restraint, installation of polyethylene wrap, cleaning, temporary thrust blocks and blow-off assemblies, testing, flushing, disinfecting the pipeline, shackle rods, abandoning and capping existing water mains, removing miscellaneous pipes, removing and salvaging existing hydrant assemblies, and other appurtenances to be abandoned as shown on the Plans, and cleanup. ro "Temporary 2 In. Water Service", lump sum. The lump sum contract price for "Temporary 2 In. Water Service" shall be complete compensation for all equipment, labor, and materials to provide the temporary waterline at the northerly end of the project. The lump sum contract price shall include all costs for temporary piping, temporary valves, temporary connections, disinfection,thrust restraint, protection of the line during construction, and all incidentals required to maintain water service until the new waterline is accepted by the Engineer and placed into service. The unit contract price for waterline trench excavation shall be included in the unit contract price for "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul" for storm drain construction. No separate payment will be made for waterline trench excavation. r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-104 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS 7-12.3 Construction Requirements 7-12.3(1) Installation of Valve Marker Post Section 7-12.3(1)has been revised as follows: it Where required, a valve marker post shall be furnished and installed with each valve. Valve marker posts shall be placed at the edge of the right of way opposite the valve and be set with 18 inches of the post exposed above grade. The rest of this section is deleted. ar Add the following new section: irr 7-12.3(2) Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade (New Section) Valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade in the same manner as for manholes, as detailed in Section 7-05.3(1)of the Renton Standards. Valve box adjustments shall include, but not be limited to, the locations shown on the Plans. Existing roadway valve boxes shall be adjusted to conform to final finished grades. The final installation shall be made in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 7-12. wrr In the event that the existing valve box is plugged or blocked with debris, the Contractor shall use whatever means necessary to remove such debris, leaving the valve installation in a fully operable condition. +rr The valve box shall be set to an elevation tolerance of one-fourth inch (1/4") to one-half inch (1/2") below finished grade. 7-12.4 Measurement Section 7-12.4 is supplemented with the following: Adjustment of existing valve boxes to grade shall be measured per each, if included as a separate pay item in the Contract; if not a separate pay item but required to complete the work, then value box adjustment shall be considered incidental. Hydrant auxiliary gate valve will be included in the measurement for hydrant assembly and will not +•� be included in this measurement item. wr �r+ City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-105 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 7-12.5 Payment err Section 7-12.5 is replaced with the following: (******) rr Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: r "Gate Valve, 8 In.",per each. The unit contract price per each for "Gate Valve, 8 In." shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and material to furnish and install the valve complete in place on the water main, including trenching, as jointing, blocking of valve, painting, disinfecting, hydrostatic testing, cast-iron valve box and extensions as required,valve nut extensions, adjustment to final grade. 12 inch Gate Valve and Concrete Vault", per each. The unit contract price per each for the 12-inch gate valve assembly, shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and material to furnish and install the valve complete in place on the water main, including trenching, jointing, blocking of valve, by-pass assembly, cast-iron casting and cover, ladder rung, concrete risers as required,adjustment to final grade. 16 inch and larger Butterfly Valve and Concrete Vault", per each. The unit contract price per each for the 16-inch and larger butterfly valve assembly, shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and material to furnish and install the valve complete in place on the water main, including trenching, jointing, blocking of valve, painting, disinfecting, hydrostatic testing, concrete vault,cast-iron casting and cover, ladder,concrete risers as required,adjustment to final grade. "Blow-Off Assembly", per each. The unit contract price per each for each blow-off assembly shall be for all, labor, equipment and material to complete the installation of the assembly per the City of Renton Water Standard Detail, latest revision. "Comb. Air Release/Air Vacuum Valve Assembly, 1 In.",per each. The unit contract price per each for"Comb. Air Release/Air Vacuum Valve Assembly, 1 In." shall be for all, labor, equipment and material to complete the installation of the assembly including but not limited to, excavating, tapping the main, laying and jointing the pipe and fittings and appurtenances, backfilling, testing, flushing, and disinfection, meter box and cover, at location shown on the Plans, and per City of Renton Standard Detail, latest revision. rr "Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade", per each. The contract bid price for"Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade" above shall be full compensation for all labor,material,tools and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work as defined in the Contract Documents, including all incidental work. If not included as a separate pay item in the Contract, but required to complete other work in the Contract,then adjustment of valve boxes shall be considered incidental to other items of work and no further compensation shall be made. go City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-106 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 wr Add the following new section and subsections: 7-20 AUGER BORING (NEW SECTION) (PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529) 7-20.1 Description The work specified herein includes the requirements for auger boring a steel casing pipe with a minimum nominal diameter of 42 inches, excavation and support of jacking and receiving pits, and pit backfilling and compaction of baekfill materials. Auger boring shall be defined as a trenchless construction method that involves simultaneously jacking a casing pipe through the earth while removing the soil using a flight of augers within the �r jacking pipe. The auger flights are rotated to transport the spoils to the jacking pit. A hydraulic jacking system is used to thrust the jacking pipe forward while a mechanical drive creates the torque to rotate the cutting face and the auger string. r The publications listed below form a part of this Specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. Where a date is given for reference standards, that edition shall be used. Where no date is given for reference standards, the latest edition available on the date of issue of the Contract Documents shall be used. A. American.Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): ASTM A139 — Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion(Arc)—Welded Steel Pipe. B. ASTM A53 — Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black, and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless. C. Codes: All applicable Federal OSHA, Washington State OSHA, and Cities of Olympia and Tumwater rules and regulations regarding construction of underground structures and working in subsurface confined spaces. D. ASTM C150—Standard Specification for Portland Cement. .ir E. ANSI/AWS D1.1 —Structural Welding Code. 7-20.2 Materials Materials shall meet the following requirements: ,rr Steel Casing shall be smooth wall carbon steel pipe which conforms to ASTM Specification A139, Grade B. The casing pipe shall have the capacity to withstand the maximum anticipated jacking load with a safety factor of 2.5. The casing shall also be designed to withstand the anticipated long-term soil and groundwater loads with a safety factor of 1.5. Casing diameter shall have a minimum nominal diameter of 42 inches. Casing wall thickness shall be determined by the Contractor but shall not be less than 5/8 inch. Casing lengths shall be determined by the Contractor. Steel casing joints shall be(1)a pressure fit type (Permalok or equal), or(2)welded. Steel casings for welding shall be square cut with beveled ends. war City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-107 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 rr to Steel Casing pipe shall be furnished with 1-1/2-inch-minimum-diameter grout holes which .r conform to ASTM Specification A53, Schedule 40, with threaded plugs. Holes shall be regularly spaced on 20-foot centers. Longitudinal spacing between grout holes may be decreased to provide more extensive grouting/lubrication, but shall not exceed 20 feet. rr Grout holes shall be fitted with countersunk, full face, rubber gaskets to prevent infiltration of displaced earth during the jacking process. rr Grout used for filling voids outside the casing pipe shall be Type V Portland Cement conforming to ASTM C150 and shall have a fineness modulus between 1.5 and 2.0. Grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 50 psi in 24 hours and 300 psi in 28 days. Lubrication shall consist of bentonite and/or polymers and potable water. Polymers shall be non- toxic and shall not be used until the MSDS is submitted and accepted by the Engineer. Wood shims shall be used for the carrier pipe to allow for carrier pipe grade adjustments if required. 7-20.2(1) Equipment ' 7-20.2(1)A Auger Boring Machine The auger boring machine as described in Section 7-20.1 shall satisfy the following requirements: ' 1. Auger boring equipment selected for the project shall be compatible with the geologic conditions described in the Geotechnical Report. nr► 2. The auger boring machine shall be equipped with a water level and laser survey equipment. 3. The auger boring machine shall be steerable to allow the operator to maintain line and grade required to install the carrier pipe within the specified tolerances. 4. Augers that are more than one standard pipe diameter size smaller than the casing pipe are not permitted. 5. The jacking system shall be capable of delivering the estimated amount of jacking force with a safety factor of 2.0. 6. The jacking system shall be capable of continuously monitoring the jacking pressure, the rate of advancement, and the distance jacked. 7. The jacking system shall be capable of developing a uniform distribution of jacking forces to the end of the casing pipe. 8. A lubrication system shall be provided to inject pipe lubricant around the jacking pipe to decrease frictional resistance. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-108 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 to No 7-20.3 Construction Requirements 7-20.3(1) General as The 34-inch HDPE storm drain pipe shall be installed within a minimum 42-inch steel casing using auger boring methods between the limits indicated on the Plans to the specified lines and grades, and r utilizing methods that include due regard for safety of workers, adjacent structures and improvements, utilities, and the public. Jacking and receiving pits shall be located as identified on the Drawings, unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. The Contractor is responsible for establishing benchmarks prior to start of construction. The Contractor shall use these benchmarks to furnish and maintain all reference lines and grades for +.• auger boring. Submit to the Engineer copies of field notes used to establish all lines and grades and allow the Engineer to check setup prior to beginning auger boring. The Contractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the work and the correction of it, as required. wr All work shall conform to the requirements of OSHA. Perform all work in accordance with the current applicable regulations of the federal, state, and local agencies. In the event of conflict, comply .r with the more restrictive applicable requirement. Furnish all necessary equipment, power, water, and utilities for equipment removal and disposal of excavated material and other associated work required for the Contractor's methods of construction. rr Conduct all operations such that trucks and other vehicles do not create a dust or noise nuisance in the streets and adjacent properties. Promptly clean up,remove, and dispose of any spoil spillage. All work shall be done so as not to disturb roadways, adjacent structures, landscaped areas, or utilities. Any damage shall be immediately repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Notify the Engineer at least 5 days before beginning any excavation. Methods of construction shall be such as to ensure the safety of the work, Contractor's employees,the "w public, and adjacent property and improvements. Before beginning construction at any location, adequately protect existing structures, utilities, trees, shrubs, and other existing facilities. The repair of or compensation for damage to existing facilities shall be at no cost to the Owner. +r. Construct temporary fencing with locked gates, lights, and signs, as necessary around the staging areas to provide for public safety. Conduct all shaft and trenchless construction work, including excavation, shoring, temporary facilities,materials storage, and construction traffic within any construction easements established for the project. All work shall be in accordance with the applicable permits. wr City ofRenton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-109 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 �IMr 7-20.3(2) Auger Boring Auger boring shall not begin until the following have been completed: 1. All required submittals have been made and the Engineer has reviewed and accepted all submittals. 2. Jacking and receiving pit excavation and support has been completed in accordance with the tl10 requirements of this section. 3. Groundwater control for breaking out of jacking pits and into receiving pits has been rr established. 4. Site safety representative has prepared a code of safe practices in accordance with OSHA requirements and it has been accepted by the Engineer as stated in the submittal requirements herein. 5. A safety meeting has been conducted to provide safety instruction for all new employees as required by OSHA. 6. Pre-construction survey documents have been submitted to the Engineer. 'r'u Pipe installation by auger boring shall be completed in accordance with the submitted Shop Drawings and accepted submittals. No Prior to starting auger boring operations, survey the location and orientation of the pipe guide rails to ensure the rails are on the proper line and grade and check to see that the rails are properly supported. as Special care shall be taken when setting the pipe guide rails in the jacking pit to ensure correctness of the alignment, grade, and stability. Contractor has the option of installing a concrete platform under the auger boring equipment. A concrete platform shall be installed if required as part of the dewatering plan. Jack each pipe section forward as the excavation progresses in such a way to provide complete and adequate ground support at all times. Install dewatering wells as needed along the alignment in accordance with Special Provision Section 8-05. Line and grade of the casing pipe shall be maintained to ensure that the 34-inch HDPE storm drain me can be installed within the casing on the specified line and grade as shown on the Plans. Conduct auger boring operations to limit ground losses, surface settlement, or heave. so All welding shall conform to the applicable provisions of ANSUAWS D1.1-80 Structural Welding Code, Section 3 (Workmanship). All welded joints shall be welded using a full-penetration butt weld. Verify line and grade with laser readings at intervals that do not exceed 80 feet. ► City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-110 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 �r Augers shall remain within the casing pipe throughout the excavation, maintaining a soil plug within the casing at all times. Advancing the augers in front of the casing will not be permitted. The Contractor shall transport and dispose of all spoils properly. No stockpiling of material shall be permitted at the site. Only use disposal sites as identified in accepted submittals. All void spaces between the soil and the augered casing shall be grouted immediately upon completion of the auger bore. All construction debris, spoils, soil, grease, water, and other material shall be removed from the installed casing prior to the installation of the 34-inch HDPE storm drain. 7-20.3(3) Jacking and Receiving Pits rr The Contractor shall design, furnish, install, and maintain a shored system to allow auger boring in a safe manner, and to control ground movements. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for sizing the shaft excavations required for jacking and receiving pits, within the work area limits delineated on the Plans or shown otherwise. The size of the excavations shall provide adequate space for the Contractor's selected methods of construction. .r Design a shaft excavation support system for each jacking and receiving pit. Design support systems to withstand lateral earth pressures, hydrostatic pressures, bottom heave, equipment loads, applicable traffic and construction loads, thrust block reactions, and other surcharge loads to allow safe construction of the pipeline without excessive movement or settlement of the ground, and to prevent damage to adjacent structures, streets, and utilities. Excavation support systems shall be compatible with the geologic conditions described in the Geotechnical Report. The Contractor shall be responsible for the control of groundwater, including the removal, handling, and disposal of groundwater as necessary to construct the shafts and maintain a stable shaft excavation, and to comply with the dewatering discharge permit. The Contractor shall: 1. Design each member or support element to support the maximum loads that can occur during construction with appropriate safety factors. .w 2. Design the support system to limit horizontal and vertical movements to less than 2 inches, and to protect any adjacent improvements and utilities from damage. Design a support system to maintain the stability of the excavation and provide a factor of safety of at least 1.5 against failure. rn 3. Design a support or Dewatering System to provide groundwater control for each shaft. r 4. Employ whalers, struts, beams, and/or tie-backs for lateral support of shaft excavations. Provide struts with intermediate vertical and horizontal support as required to prevent buckling. 5. Design a sump system for shaft excavations to control groundwater inflows, prevent piping or loss of ground, and maintain stability of the excavation. err 6. Design a seal, if necessary due to soil type, at the entrance locations and product pipes to prevent loss of ground into shafts. rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-111 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 Wo 7. Provide temporary fencing, barricades, and plating as required around all shaft excavations in accordance with OSHA requirements. 8. Design shaft excavation support systems in accordance with all OSHA requirements. Review of the Contractor's plans and methods of construction by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to provide an adequate support system achieving the specified requirements. Begin temporary fencing of staging areas and shaft excavations only after Shop Drawings have been reviewed and accepted by the Engineer. Size and locate shafts and the work areas so as to minimize interference with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Provide shaft excavations with a concrete and/or gravel working slab equipped with a sump to pump out any groundwater or construction water. Install perimeter barriers in addition to temporary erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices as required to prevent surface run-off from entering into the excavation. The dewatering system shall lower the groundwater to a depth below excavation elevations as specified in Special Provision Section 8-05. All supports shall be installed tight against the excavation to provide positive support, and any voids between the support system and the excavation shall be filled promptly with flowable fill, sand, or pea gravel to minimize ground movements. A thrust block is required to transfer jacking loads to the soil behind the jacking pit. The thrust block shall be perpendicular to the proposed pipe alignment and shall be designed to withstand the maximum anticipated jacking pressure to be used, with a factor of safety of 2.0. No gasoline-powered equipment shall be permitted in jacking and receiving pits. Diesel, electrical, hydraulic, and air powered equipment is acceptable, subject to applicable local, state, and federal regulations. If necessary, when personnel are underground, furnish and operate a temporary ventilation system and air monitoring system conforming to the requirements of OSHA. Operate and maintain a ventilation system that provides a sufficient supply of fresh air and maintains an atmosphere free of toxic or flammable gasses in all underground work areas. Bore pits shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with Section 2-09.3(1)E. 7-20.3(4) Tolerances The following tolerances apply to the project: 1. Line Tolerance for the 34-inch HDPE Storm Drain Pipe: 2 inches. 2. Grade Tolerance for the 34-inch HDPE Storm Drain Pipe: 1 inch. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-112 June 2011 Uil Contract Documents Division 7 rr 7-20.3(5) Submittals Submit the following and provide sufficient detail to allow the Engineer to judge whether or not the +rr proposed equipment,materials, procedures, and qualifications will meet the Contract requirements. Shafts Submit details of the shaft design, complete with calculations, showing that the proposed shoring is capable of supporting all anticipated loads, including estimated jacking loads. The design should also account for the breach in the shaft at the entry and exit locations. This design shall be signed and stamped by a structural engineer registered in the state of Washington. • Details of the methods to control loss of ground into the shafts when breaking out of jacking pits and breaking into receiving pits. • Layout of jacking pits and receiving pits including details such as thrust block, equipment layout, dewatering, shoring, and other required installation components. wr Shop Drawings: Submit the following Shop Drawings for shaft excavations, excavation support systems, and other related information as required by the Engineer: 1. A site plan for each shaft excavation drawn to scale indicating the staging area limits; shaft dimension; site access provisions; site development details; traffic control details; fencing limits and gate locations; and the locations of the jacking pit, cranes, trailers, support WN facilities, spoil handling and loading, other equipment, and planned removal or abandonment of shoring. 2. Provisions for protecting or relocating adjacent utilities. All utilities within 5 feet of shaft excavations shall be addressed. 3. Site drainage and groundwater control details. Show details of the measures to control, treat, ++r+i handle, and dispose of surface water runoff, groundwater, and construction water. Provide details of working slab and any sub drains, and sump construction. ,w, 4. Details of materials handling, stockpiling, and disposal site for excavated spoils. 5. Plans indicating site restoration details. wr 6. Shoring to be abandoned in place shall be cut at a distance of 4 feet or more from finish grade. Cut shoring materials shall be removed from the site and properly disposed of. Auger Boring Qualifications: Submit the name of the subcontractor or contractor that will perform the auger boring work and written documentation summarizing the qualifications of the firm, description of reference projects including owner's name and telephone numbers, project superintendent, machine operators, and site safety representative. ,r Submit the following describing the boring equipment and construction methods to be employed: 1. A detailed description of the auger boring equipment and procedures to be employed. Provide manufacturer's literature describing in detail the boring system to be used including machine type, spoil removal system, guidance system, and any provisions for injecting pipe lubricants. Or City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-113 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 io Provide descriptions of projects on which this system has been successfully used including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of owner's representatives for these projects, as well as length, diameter, and pipe material used. 2. Provide details on the jacking system, including the maximum jacking force that can be delivered by the system. 3. Provide the estimated jacking force for each auger boring drive. 4. Calculations showing the casing pipe has the capacity to withstand the estimated jacking force with a safety factor of 2.5. 5. Planned installation line and grade for the casing to allow the carrier pipe to be installed to the line and grade shown on the Plans. a 6. Schedule for auger boring work identifying all major construction activities as independent items. The schedule shall include, as a minimum, the following activities: mobilization; No groundwater control at jacking and receiving pit shafts; shaft excavation and excavation support; equipment setup; auger boring for each drive; site restoration; cleanup; and demobilization. The schedule shall also include the working hours for each activity and a written description of the construction methods and equipment to be employed in completing mw each of the work activities shown on the schedule. 7. A description of the alignment control and steering systems. Provide manufacturer's literature, drawings showing setup and support provisions,and other details for the guidance system. 8. Capacity, number, and arrangement of main jacks. Provide details of thrust ring, jacking controls, and pressure gages. 9. Thrust block and jacking frame design and details. 10. Details of pipe lubrication injection system and pipe lubricants to be used during construction, including manufacturer's literature. 11. Excavated spoil handling,transport, and disposal equipment and procedures for spoil disposal at Contractor provided site. 12. Pre- and post-construction surveys including photographs, and field notes and sketches. 13. A safety plan for the auger boring operations including provisions for lighting, ventilation, and electrical system safeguards. go 14. Details of the pipe to be used indicating pipe wall thickness and joint details. irr 15. Details of shims used to maintain carrier pipe to grades shown on the Plans and to prevent. carrier pipe flotation. HDPE carrier pipe shall be installed within the casing in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Carrier pipe grade shall be maintained to match the grade shown in the Plans in accordance with the tolerances within these Specifications. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-114 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 rrr Pipe and fittings shall be stockpiled in a safe manner within the limits of the staging areas. The stockpiling shall be arranged to cause a minimum of interference to pedestrian or vehicle traffic. The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to avoid damaging the pipe. Pipe with cuts greater than 10 percent of the wall thickness shall be rejected and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Before inserting the HDPE pipe in the casing, the casing shall be cleaned if needed. All debris or other materials must be removed from the casing. .r. Television inspection of the 34-inch HDPE carrier pipe will be measured and paid for as part of the overall television inspection of the storm drain construction. �r 7-20.3(6) Restoration Restoration shall follow construction as the work progresses and shall be completed as soon as �. possible. Restore and repair any damage resulting from surface settlement caused by shaft excavation, dewatering, or auger boring. Any property damaged or destroyed shall be restored to a condition equal to or better than existing prior to construction. Restoration shall be completed no later than aw thirty (30) days after the pipe is in place along any tunnel segment. Final restoration that cannot be performed within the 30-day period due to adverse weather conditions, may be performed at a later date, upon written request that includes a proposed procedure and time schedule, as approved by the Engineer. wr 7-20.4 Measurement "Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 34 In. HDPE Carrier Pipe" shall be made on a linear-foot basis along the centerline of the casing from the face of the boring pit to the face of the receiving pit. Tunnel,jacking, and boring extension beyond the limits shown on the plans shall be considered to be for the Contractor's convenience without additional payment unless ordered in writing by the Engineer. 7-20.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Auger Boring 42 In. Steel Casing with 34 In. HDPE Carrier Pipe", per linear foot. Work shall include all equipment and materials needed to completely furnish and install the steel r casing pipe utilizing auger boring methods. This work may include, but is not limited to, all the labor, materials,tools, equipment, shoring of jacking and receiving shafts or pits, and apparatuses needed to perform the auger boring process and to install the steel casing pipe, and wood shims. The shoring plan for the jacking or receiving pits or shafts shall be submitted with the overall site shoring plan required under"Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B." Excavation, haul, and disposal of non-contaminated materials within jacking or receiving pits or shafts shall be paid for under"Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul." Backfill and compaction of backfill materials within jacking or receiving pits or shafts shall be paid for under"Trench backfill." END OF DIVISION 7 City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-115 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 7 Aw Iw1 irr mo r w r w so do w 4 0 No DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION (PROJECT NO.SWP 27-3529) 8-02.1 Description Section 8-02.1 is supplemented with the following: w This item includes restoration of all cleared areas and areas disturbed by construction with grass. All ,�. disturbed areas shall be raked smooth and shall be hydroseeded. The work includes spreading hydroseed, fertilizer, and mulch by machine in any sections. aw 8-02.3 Construction Requirements 8-02.3(1) Responsibility During Construction to Section 8-02.3(1) is supplemented with the following: ift (******) Hydroseed shall be as specified in the Plans, Special Provisions Section 9-14, and Standard Specification Section 9-14. The mix shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval, r including the seed vendor's certification for the grass seed mixture indicating percentage by weight and percentages of purity, germination, and weed seed for each grass species. Hydroseeding shall be performed only after all work affecting ground surface has been completed. The topsoil in the areas to be seeded shall be loosened to minimum depth of 4 inches, graded to remove ridges and filled to remove depressions, as required to drain. r The Contractor shall water as needed to maintain seeded areas in good condition until final acceptance. Water shall be free of substances harmful to plant growth. Water, hoses, and all equipment needed shall be furnished by the Contractor. Hydroseeded areas shall be inspected 1 week after germination to determine if coverage of seeding is acceptable. Hydroseed areas shall have a uniform stand of grass over 90 percent of seeded area. Areas which fail to provide a uniform stand of grass shall be reseeded. Areas reseeded will not be accepted until the required coverage is obtained. All areas that will be hydroseeded shall be reviewed and measured with the City inspector, and adjusted as directed, before the work occurs. Payment will be based on that measurement. Additional payment will not be made for any hydroseed outside of the previously measured area, unless approved by the City. w. The actual quantity used in construction may vary from the bid quantity. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-117 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 rr► 8-02.4 Measurement Section 8-02.4 is supplemented with the following: Measurement of"Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching" shall be per square yard for the hydroseed area that is accepted by the City. 8-02.5 Payment Section 8-02.5 is supplemented with the following: Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: "Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching", per square yard. Payment for Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching per square yard shall be complete compensation for all materials, tools, labor and equipment required to complete the work as shown on the Plans and specified in the Contract Documents and City Codes. Add the following new section and subsections: ( ** ) rr 8-05 DEWATERING (NEW SECTION) (PROJECT NO. SW?27-3529) 8-05.1 General The Contractor shall design and provide a Dewatering System using accepted and professional methods consistent with current industry practice to eliminate water entering excavations or casings under hydrostatic head from the bottom and/or sides. Design system to prevent differential hydrostatic head that would result in floating out soil particles in a manner termed as a "quick" or "boiling" condition. System shall not be dependent solely upon sumps or pumping water from within the excavation where differential head would result in a quick condition, which would continue to worsen the integrity of the excavation's stability. Well points or wells associated with the Dewatering System shall be installed and decommissioned by a well driller licensed in the State of Washington per Chapter 173-160 WAC. Well point or well design and construction and well or well point decommissioning shall comply with Chapter 173-160 WAC. The well driller shall obtain all required permits prior to the start of well point or well installation, and shall submit the required well construction and well decommissioning records to the am Department of Ecology and the Owner. The Dewatering System shall be of sufficient size and capacity to prevent ground and surface water flow into the excavations or casings and to allow all work to be installed in a dry condition. The Contractor shall provide a Dewatering System to allow for pedestrian and vehicular traffic patterns across the work area where indicated on the Plans. The Dewatering System shall control, by acceptable means, all water regardless of source and be fully responsible for disposal of the water. nfti City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-118 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 ■ The dewatering system shall be designed and implemented to not allow discharges into the sanitary sewer greater than 300 gallons per minute (432,000 gallons per day) or as otherwise required by the dewatering discharge permit. The dewatering system shall also be designed and implemented to allow for excavations and borings to proceed for project completion within the specified time period. Groundwater shall be controlled in a manner that preserves strength of foundation soils, does not cause instability or raveling of excavation slopes, and does not result in damage to existing structures. Where necessary to these purposes, lower water level in advance of excavation or boring, utilizing wells, well points, jet educators, or similar positive methods. The water level as measured by piezometers shall be maintained a minimum of 3 feet below prevailing excavation level or as required ++�+� for boring the casing to prevent groundwater from entering jacking or receiving pits. The Contractor shall commence dewatering prior to any appearance of water in the excavations and r continue until work is complete to the extent that no damage results from hydrostatic pressure, flotation,or other causes. Dewatering Systems shall be designed and installed to collect, convey and dispose of groundwater as "" required to allow for casing installation as shown on the Contractor's schedule. Unless otherwise required and shown on the Contractor's schedule, Dewatering Systems for casing installation shall not be installed for subsequent phases until the casing for the current phase is complete and dewatering along the casing in the current phase is no longer needed. 8-05.1(1) Design Contractor shall designate and obtain the services of a qualified dewatering specialist to provide dewatering plan as may be necessary to complete the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for all excavations to prevent the occurrence of surface water inflows, boils, seepage, loss of fines, quick condition, loosening or otherwise disturbing the foundation strata, slope instability, and bottom heave. The minimum requirements for Dewatering Systems shall be as stated herein. The design, installation, and operation of the Dewatering System shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The selection of the dewatering methods used is the Contractor's option. The methods may consist of wells, well points, collection trenches, cutoff walls, ground freezing, all or part of the above methods, or other methods as deemed necessary by the Contractor and as necessary to achieve the specified results. Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the drawings, design data, and operational records required. r The Contractor shall submit a plan for dewatering for review by the Engineer. The dewatering plan shall include the proposed well dimensions, layout of wells and piping, pump size, power hookup, emergency generator and transfer switch location, water discharge methods, water discharge permit documentation, instantaneous discharge flow rate and cumulative discharge quantity measurements, discharge sampling procedures, discharge chemical analysis, discharge permit compliance, and procedures for discharge containment and treatment if discharge samples results exceed permit limits. See Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report in Appendix A for groundwater management requirements. If ground freezing is used,the dewatering plan shall identify the type, size, and location of ground freezing equipment; methods to protect existing utilities; and methods to limit heave. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and any failure of any component of the system. City ofRenton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-119 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 IM Mb 8-05.1(2) Damages Contractor shall be responsible for and shall repair without cost to the City any damage to work in place, or other contractor's equipment, utilities, residences, highways, roads, private and municipal well systems, adjacent structures, natural resources, habitat, existing wells, and the excavation, including damage to the bottom due to heave and including, but not limited to, removal and pumping out of the excavated area that may result from Contractor's negligence, inadequate or improper design and operation of the Dewatering System, and any mechanical or electrical failure of the Dewatering r System. 8-05.1(3) Equipment sit Before operations begin, the Contractor shall have available on the site of work, sufficient pumping equipment, piping, temporary storage tanks, discharge flow meters, and/or other machinery to assure that the operation of the Dewatering System can be maintained. The Contractor shall provide an emergency generator with an automatic transfer switch of sufficient size to operate his Dewatering System in case of power outage. „` 8-05.1(4) Maintaining Excavations and Borings in Dewatering Condition Dewatering shall be a continuous operation. Interruptions due to power outages or any other reason will not be permitted. Continuously maintain excavations and borings in a dry condition with positive dewatering methods during preparation of subgrade, installation of casings, installation of pipes, and construction of structures until the critical period of construction and/or backfill is completed to prevent damage of subgrade support, piping, structure, side slopes, or adjacent facilities from flotation or other st hydrostatic pressure imbalance. Provide standby equipment on site, installed, wired, and available for immediate operation if required got to maintain dewatering on a continuous basis in the event any part of the system becomes inadequate or fails. If dewatering requirements are not satisfied due to inadequacy or failure of Dewatering System, perform such work as may be required to restore damaged structures and foundation soils at no additional cost to the Owner. System maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, 24-hour supervision by personnel skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replacement of system components and any other work required to maintain the excavation in dewatered condition. Closed pipelines shall be used to convey pumped water from the Dewatering Systems and from the rft excavation to an approved point of discharge. Install wells and/or well points, if required, with suitable screens and filters, so that continuous pumping of fines does not occur. Arrange discharge to facilitate collection of samples by the Owner. During normal pumping, and upon development of well(s), levels of fine sand or silt in the discharge water shall not exceed 5 ppm. Install sand tester on discharge of each pump during testing to verify that levels are not exceeded. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-120 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 rl v go 8-05.1(6) Discharge Piping and Electrical Service Corridors Discharge piping and electrical services within traffic areas shall be protected from traffic loading by temporary ramps of sufficient size and load bearing capacity to allow for anticipated traffic to cross .r over the Dewatering System within damaging the system. Flat pipe sections for road crossings such as manufactured by Rain for Rent or approved equal may be used in lieu of ramps provided that a ww sufficient number of well points can be installed for proper dewatering. Discharge piping and electrical service shall not be located outside of the temporary staging areas in areas affecting normal traffic patterns and normal operations without approval in writing by the +�+• Engineer. 8-05.1(7) Discharge Location .■ The Contractor shall dispose of all surface water runoff and water removed by the Dewatering System in an environmentally sound manner that will not endanger health, property, or any portion of the work under construction. The discharge location(s) shall be into the sanitary sewer system in accordance with a King County Industrial Waste Program Construction Dewatering Permit. Disposal of water shall be performed in such a manner as will cause no inconvenience whatsoever to the Owner, Engineer, or to others engaged in work about the site. The Contractor shall use sediment control methods, as required, to prevent silt and sediment from migrating offsite. Sediment control methods can include, but are not limited to, a sedimentation tank, filter fences, screens, and other methods as required. Discharge of water from the Dewatering System shall be piped to a minimum 5,000-gallon sedimentation tank with sand filter before being discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Dewatering discharges shall be tested for contamination in accordance with Section 1-12 prior to discharge. The Contractor shall implement, and be responsible for complying with the requirements of the permit for discharging the dewatering water into the sanitary sewer system. rrr 8-05.1(8) Maintaining Groundwater Control in Excavation System maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, 24-hour supervision by personnel skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replacement of system components; and any other work required maintaining the systems. Groundwater control shall be a continuous operation; interruptions due to wr outages or any other reasons shall not be permitted. The Contractor shall repair any damage to work in place and any excavation, including damage to the bottom because of heave and removal of material and pumping out of the excavated area, that may result from the Contractor's negligence; inadequate or improper installation, maintenance, and operation of the Dewatering System; and any mechanical or electrical failure of the Dewatering System. The supply of all labor and materials and the performance of all work necessary to carry out additional work for reinstatement of the structures or foundation soil resulting from inadequacy or failure of the Dewatering System shall be undertaken by the Contractor at the Contractor's sole expense. rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Ire Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-121 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 +r nt 8-05.1(9) Duration of Dewatering trr The Contractor shall keep Dewatering Systems in operation during excavation, construction, backfilling operations, and other construction until below grade work is completed or until such time as a written directive to cease operations has been received from the Engineer. 8-05.1(10) System Removal rr The Contractor shall abandon and remove from the site, in accordance with Chapter 173-160 WAC and Chapter 18.104 RCW, all groundwater control and monitoring system elements. The Contractor shall be, or employ the services of, a water well contractor licensed in Washington State to decommission all wells, and/or well points. The Contractor shall assume ownership and responsibility for the disposal of all removed groundwater control pumps, pipes, and other assorted system hardware. Mrr The Contractor shall decommission and remove the groundwater control and monitoring systems in such a manner that groundwater does not flow or seep through groundwater control or monitoring system penetrations into any structure or facility. rrF 8-05.4 Measurement Measurement of"Dewatering System" shall be per lump sum. ar The lump sum contract price for "Dewatering System" shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment required to prepare, furnish, install, operate, maintain and remove NO dewatering measures as shown on the Plans, and as directed and approved by the Owner, and as specified in the Special Provisions. The lump sum contract price shall also be full compensation for implementing permit requirements for disposal into the sanitary sewer system. Disposal fees for at discharge into the sanitary sewer system will be paid for by the City. 8-05.5 Payment lit Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Dewatering System", per lump sum. The lump sum bid price in the Proposal for "Dewatering System" shall be full compensation for the W costs of all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to install, maintain, and remove a complete Dewatering System. The lump sum price shall also include all costs to continuously operate the Dewatering System, all power costs and connections,permits,pumps,wells, pipes, fittings, and appurtenances. The lump sum price shall also include all costs to comply with the permit to discharge the dewatering water into the sanitary sewer system. Restoration of property damaged due to dewatering or settlement caused by the Dewatering System shall be the Contractor's responsibility. It is therefore recommended that the Contractor conduct an on-site survey before dewatering begins. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SPVP 27-3529) SP-122 June 2011 ■111 Contract Documents Division 8 a& rr 8-09 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS 8-09.5 Payment Section 8-09.5 has been revised as follows: r Payment will be made for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Raised Pavement Marker Type I",per each. .r "Raised Pavement Marker Type 2",per each. "Raised Pavement Marker Type 3 In.",per each. "Recessed Pavement Marker", per each. The unit contract price per each for "Raised Pavement Marker Type I", "Raised Pavement Marker Type 2", and "Raised Pavement Marker Type 3 In." and "Recessed Pavement Marker" shall a' be full pay for all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for furnishing and installing the markers in accordance with these Specifications including all cost involved with traffic control unless traffic control is listed in the contract as a separate pay item. +r. 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE (PROJECT NO. SWP 27-3529) 8-12.1 Description Section 8-12.1 is supplemented with the following: This work consists of furnishing and constructing chain link fences and gates for delineation and protection of temporary construction staging areas. Chain link fences and gates shall be of diamond woven wire mesh. 8-12.3 Construction Requirements Section 8-12.3 is supplemented with the following: Chain link fences and gates shall be mounted on steel posts set in portable concrete blocks or other appropriate foundation materials to provide for fence or gate stability. If posts are set in pavement, pavement shall be restored to existing conditions at no additional cost to the Owner. Temporary chain link fences and gates shall be installed and removed based on the approved construction sequencing and phasing plan as phases or sub-phases are completed. 8-12.4 Measurement Section 8-12.4 is supplemented with the following: rr "Chain Link Construction Fence"will be paid for on a lump sum basis. No separate measurement for fencing, temporary posts, gates, or other appurtenances or hardware will be made. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-123 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 Ur 8-12.5 Payment Section 8-12.5 is supplemented with the following: rr� "Chain Link Construction Fence", per lump sum, for temporary fencing, gates, and all required hardware and appurtenances. Payment shall be full compensation for delivery, installation, relocation for construction phases, and removal. 8-13 MONUMENT CASES 8-13.1 Description Section 8-13.1 is revised and supplemented with the following: This work shall consist of furnishing and placing monument cases and covers, in accordance with the .r Standard Plans and these Specifications, in conformity with the lines and locations shown in the Plans or as staked by the Engineer or by the Contractor supplied surveyor. 8-13.3 Construction Requirements Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Section 8-13.3 is revised and supplemented with the following: The monument will be furnished and set by the Engineer or by the Contractor supplied surveyor. When existing monuments will be impacted by a project, the Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that a registered surveyor references the existing monuments prior to construction. After construction is complete, the monuments shall be re-established by the surveyor in accordance with 1 RCW58.09.130. 8-13.4 Measurement Section 8-13.4 is supplemented with the following: All costs for surveying and resetting existing monuments impacted by construction shall be considered incidental to the contract unless specifically called out to be paid as a bid item. art 8-13.5 Payment Section 8-13.5 is supplemented with the following: "Reset Existing Monument"per each. Resetting an existing monument impacted by construction shall be incidental unless included as a pay item in the Schedule of Prices. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-124 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 rr 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING 8-22.1 Description (Project No. SWP 27-3529) The following item in Section 8-22.1 is revised as follows: Paint Line A SOLID WHITE line 4 inches wide to replace parking lot stripes removed or damaged during construction. + 8-22.3 Construction Requirements 8-22.3(5) Installation Instructions rrr Section 8-22.3(5) is revised as follows: ow A manufacturer's technical representative need not be present at the initial material installation to approve the installation procedure. 8-22.4 Measurement (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 8-22.4 is supplemented with the following The measurement for "Paint Line" will be based on the total length of each painted line installed as approved by the Engineer. Limits of paint line shall be as approved by the Engineer. Paint lines outside of staging areas that are damaged by Contractor shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to'the City. vrrr 8-22.5 Payment Y (Project No. SWP 27-3529) Section 8-22.5 is supplemented with the following: Wr "Paint Line",per linear foot. irr The unit contract price for"Paint Line" shall be full compensation for preparation and application of the paint to establish paint lines removed or damaged during construction. The unit contract price shall also be full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, material, and equipment necessary for removal of existing paint lines where required to apply new paint. .r City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-125 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 +r 8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS 8-23.5 Payment a�► Section 8-23.5 is supplemented with the following: If no pay item is included in the contract for installation or for removal of temporary pavement markings then all costs associated with these items are considered incidental to other items in the contract or included under"Traffic Control,"if that item is included.as a bid item. END OF DIVISION 8 ■o Ili nr rrl City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-126 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 8 �r DIVISION 9 MATERIALS 9-03 AGGREGATES 9-03.8 Aggregates for Hot Mix Asphalt 9-03.8(2) HMA Test Requirements Section 9-03.8(2) is supplemented with the following: yr ESALs: The number of ESALs for the design and acceptance of the HMA shall be less than three million. 9-03.8(7) HMA Tolerances and Adjustments err Item 1 is deleted and replaced with the following: 1. Job Mix Formula Tolerances. After the JMF is determined as required in 5-04.3(7)A, the constituents of the mixture at the time of acceptance shall conform to the following tolerances: r■ Nonstatistical Commercial Evaluation Evaluation r, Aggregate, percent passing 1", 3/4", 1/2", and 3/8" sieves f6% ±8% U.S.No. 4 sieve f6% f8% U.S.No. 8 sieve f6% f8% U.S.No. 16 sieve ±4% ±6% U.S. No. 30 sieve f4% t6% U.S.No. 50 sieve ±4% ±6% U.S.No. 100 sieve f3% ±5% U.S.No. 200 sieve f2.0% f3.0% Asphalt Binder f0.5% ±0.7% VMA 1.5 percent below minimum value in 9-03.8(2) VFA Minimum and maximum as listed in 9-03.8(2) .. Va 2.5 percent minimum and 5.5 percent maximum These tolerance limits constitute the allowable limits as described in Section 1-06.2. The tolerance limit for aggregate shall not exceed the limits of the control points section, except the tolerance limits for sieves designated as 100 percent passing will be 99-100. rr► City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-127 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 wr irl The gradation table in Section 9-03.12(2) is replaced with the following: Sieve Size Percent Passing 4 Inch 100 1/4 Inch 25-70 No. 200 5 maximum no Dust Ratio:%Passing No.200/%Passing No 40 2/3 maximum Sand Equivalent 60 minimum 9-05 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS,AND CONDUITS 9-05.4 Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch Section 9-05.4 is revised as follows: r Steel culvert pipe and pipe arch shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 36, Type I and Type II. Welded seam aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated steel pipe and pipe arch with metallized coating applied inside and out following welding is acceptable and shall be asphalt treatment coated. 9-05.7(2) Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Section 9-05.7(2) is replaced with the following: Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C-76 and shall be Class IV. Cement used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete pipe shall be Type II in conformance with ASTM C150. No admixture shall be used unless otherwise specified. 9-05.7(2)A Basis for Acceptance Section 9-05.7(2)A is supplemented by the following: All pipe shall be subject to: (1) a three-edge-bearing strength (D-load) test in accordance with ASTM C76; and (2) a hydrostatic test of rubber gasket joints in accordance with ASTM C361 or AWWA C302 except test pressure shall be 5 psi. 9-05.7(3) Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints Section 9-05.7(3)is replaced by the following: Joint assembly design shall be reinforced concrete bell and spigot type incorporating a fully retained single rubber gasket in accordance with ASTM C361 or AWWA C302. Rubber gasket material shall be neoprene. aril City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-128 June 2011 11 Contract Documents Division 9 WIN 9-05.7(4) Testing Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints Section 9-05.7(4) is supplemented by the following: Hydrostatic testing of rubber gasket joints shall be performed in accordance with ASTM C361 or AWWA C302 except test pressure shall be 5 psi. 9-05.9 Steel Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe Section 9-05.9 is replaced with the following: ,.r The manufacturer of spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall furnish the Engineer a Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance stating that the materials furnished comply in all respects with these Specifications. The Engineer may require additional information or tests to be performed by the r Contractor at no expense to the State. Unless otherwise specified, spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be furnished with pipe ends cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Pipe ends shall be cut evenly. Spiral rib pipe shall be fabricated either by using a continuous helical lock seam or a continuous helical welded seam paralleling the rib. Steel spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be manufactured of metallic coated (aluminized or galvanized) corrugated steel and inspected in conformance with Section 9-05.4. The size, coating, and metal shall be as shown in the Plans or in the Specifications. r For spiral rib storm sewer pipe, helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be essentially rectangular and shall be 3/4 inch plus two times the wall thickness (2t) plus or minus 1/8 inch (measured outside to outside) and a minimum of 0.95 inch high (measured as the minimum vertical distance from the outside of pipe wall immediately adjacent to the lockseam or stiffener to the top surface of rib). The maximum spacing of the ribs shall be 11.75 inches center to center(measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the corners of the ribs shall be a minimum of 0.10 inch and a maximum of 0.17 inch. If the sheet between adjacent ribs does not contain a lockseam, a stiffener shall be included midway between ribs, having a nominal radius of 0.25 inch and a minimum height of 0.20 inch toward the outside of the pipe. Pipe shall be fabricated with ends that can be effectively jointed with coupling bands. When required, spiral rib or narrow pitch spiral rib pipe shall be bituminous treated or paved. The bituminous treatment for spiral rib pipe shall conform to the requirements of Sections 9-05.4(3) and 9-05.4(4). For narrow pitch spiral rib sewer pipe, the helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be .375 inch plus 1/8-inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum of .4375 inch high (measured as the minimum vertical distance of ribs shall be 4.80 inches center to center (measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the corners of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an allowable tolerance of plus 10 percent. City ofRenton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-129 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 w 9-05.14 ABS Composite Sewer Pipe Section 9-05.14 is deleted. 9-05.17 Aluminum Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe Section 9-05.17 is replaced with: Unless otherwise specified, spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be furnished with pipe ends cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Pipe ends shall be cut evenly. Spiral rib pipe shall be fabricated by using a continuous helical lock seam with a seam gasket. For spiral rib storm sewer pipe, helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 3/4 inch wide by 3/4 inch deep with a nominal spacing of 7-1/2 inches center to center. Pipe shall be fabricated with ends that can be effectively jointed with coupling bands. to For narrow pitch spiral rib storm sewer pipe,helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 0.375 inch plus 1/8 inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum spacing of ribs shall be 4.80 inches " center to center(measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the corners of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an allowable tolerance of plus 10 percent. so For wide pitch spiral rib storm sewer pipe, helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 3/4 inch plus 1/8 inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum of 0.95 inch high (measured as the minimum vertical distance from the outside of pipe wall to top surface of the rib). The maximum spacing of ribs shall be 11.75 inches center to center (measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the corners of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an allowable tolerance of plus 10 percent. 9-05.20 Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe(CPEP) (Project No. SWP-27-3529) Add the following new subsections: 9-05.20(1) Description (New Section) Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (CPEP) shall be corrugated high-density polyethylene pipe with smooth internal wall manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems(ADS), or approved equivalent. 9-05.20(2) Pipe Material and Fabrication(New Section) CPEP shall be in conformance with the latest version of ASTM F667 or AASHTO M294, Type S. �t City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-130 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 .■ 9-05.20(3) Fittings (New Section) Fittings shall be gasketed PVC fittings. Gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477. Fittings shall conform to ASTM F1536 or ASTM D3212. Fittings shall be manufactured by Nyloplast USA, Inc., or approved equivalent. 9-05.20(4) Installation (New Section) Pipe and fittings shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommendations. Lubricate gasket and fitting socket with manufacturer-approved lubricant prior to pushing pipe into fitting. rr 9-05.23 High Density Polyethylene Pipe(HDPE) (Project No. SWP-27-3529) Section 9-05.23 is revised with the following: r HDPE pipe shall be made of high density polyethylene resins in accordance with the requirements of ASTM D3350. The cell classification shall be 345464C and shall have the Plastic Pipe Institute designation of PE 3408/PE 3608. HDPE pipe shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M326 and these specifications. HDPE pipe shall have a Dimension Ratio (DR) of 32.5. The HDPE pipe shall have a smooth non-corrugated interior and exterior surface. HDPE pipe shall be capable of being joined into a continuous length by an interlocking method. The joints shall be snapped together or threaded. The joints shall not create an increase in the outside diameter of the HDPE pipe to eliminate any coupling or jacking difficulties. The joints must be watertight, gasketed, and pressure testable to the requirements of ASTM D3212. Gaskets shall be capable of handling pressures up to 25 feet of head. The supplier shall furnish a manufacturer's certification stating that the material in the pipe meets the requirements of ASTM D3350 with a cell classification of PE 345464C with the physical properties w� indicated above. The supplier shall certify the dimensions meet the requirements of ASTM F714. At the time of manufacture, each lot of pipe and fittings shall be inspected for defects and tested for Elevated Temperature Sustain Pressure in accordance with ASTM F714. The Contractor shall not install any pipe that is more than 2 years old from the date of manufacture. At the time of delivery, the pipe shall be homogeneous throughout, uniform in color, free of cracks, holes, foreign materials, blisters, or deleterious faults. Pipe shall be marked at 5-foot intervals or less with a coded number which identifies the manufacturer, SDR, size, material, machine, and date on which the pipe was manufactured. City of Renton .218-1779-036(01/10) ar Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-131 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 OW 9-08 PAINTS AND RELATED MATERIALS Add the following new section and subsection: 9-08.9 Manhole Coating System Products (New Section) 9-08.9(1) Coating Systems Specification (New Section) rrr A. High Solids Urethane: Coating System: C1 Coating Material: High Solids Urethane Surfaces: Concrete Surface Preparation: In accordance with SSPC SP-7 (Sweep or brush off blast) Application: Shop/Field. The drying time between coats shall not exceed 24 hours in any case. System Thickness: 6.0 mils dry film Coatings: Primer: One coat of Wasser MC-Aroshield high solids urethane (2.0 DFT) Finish: Two or more coats of Wasser MC-Aroshield (min. 4.0 DFT) Color: White 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING 9-14.2 Seed Add the following new section: 9-14.2(1) Hydroseed Bid Item (New Section) (Project No. SWP-27-3529) art Description Contractor shall Hydroseed all areas disturbed as a result of the construction activities. Seed (addition) Seed mix for hydroseeding shall be as follows: Percent Percent Percent Meadow Seed Mix Weight Purity Germination Redtop or Oregon Bentgrass A rostis alba or Agrostis ore onensis 40 92 85 Red Fescue—Festuca rubra 40 98 90 White Dutch Clover—Tri olium re ens 1 20 1 98 90 Seed shall be applied at the rate of 120 pounds per acre. Fertilizer(addition) A commercial fertilizer shall be furnished.All fertilizer shall be pre-mixed prior to bringing on the job. Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 N-K-P slow release rate. Oil Fertilizer shall be applied at the rate of 90 pounds per acre. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-132 June 2011 at Contract Documents Division 9 go Mulch and Amendments(addition) Hydroseeded mulch shall be 100 percent wood fiber mulch manufactured by the deliberating process, from fir, hemlock, or alder. The mulch shall have a minimum of 77 percent of the total fiber �. exceeding 3.5 mm in length, and 60 percent of fibers 8.5 mm or longer. Wood fiber mulch shall be uniform in weight with the unit weight displayed clearly on each package. Fiber shall be dyed green in color to provide visual metering of application. Tackifier shall be incorporated into the wood fiber in the drying process Mulch shall be applied at the rate of approx. 1,000 to 1,500 pounds per acre. Soil Binder or Tacking Agent(addition) Tackifier shall be primarily composted of guar gum. Tackifier shall be incorporated into the wood ,,. fiber in the drying process. Percentage of tackifier shall not be less than 2 percent or greater than 10 percent, with the percentage used clearly labeled on the outside of package. Tackifier rates shall be adjusted by adding wood fiber mulch with tackifier and regular wood fiber mulch to provide tackifier rates equivalent to or greater than specified. Submittals Submit seed vendor's certification for required grass seed mixture, indicating percentage by weight, and percentages of purity, germination, and weed seed for each grass species. A. Perform seeding work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has been completed. B. Restrict all disturbances or other activities in seeded areas until grass is established. Erect signs and barriers as required. C. Provide watering equipment as required. Installation A. Perform seeding work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has been completed. B. Restrict all disturbances or other activities in seeded areas until grass is established. Erect signs s and barriers as required. C. Provide watering equipment as required. r�r D. Limit preparation to areas which will be immediately seeded. sire E. Loosen topsoil of areas to be seeded to minimum depth of 4 inches. F. Grade area to be seeded.Remove ridges and fill depressions as required to drain. G. Seed immediately after preparation of bed. Spring seeding shall occur between April 1 and June 1 and fall seeding shall occur between August 15 and October 31 or at such other times acceptable to the City. City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-133 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 r +rl H. Seed indicated areas within contract limits and areas adjoining contract limits disturbed as a result ,rrp of construction operations. I. Perform seeding operations when the soil is dry and when winds do not exceed 5 miles per hour. Warranty Hydroseeding: A. Hydroseeded areas will be inspected 1 week after germination to determine if coverage of seeding is acceptable. B. A uniform stand of grass and wildflowers over 90 percent of seeded area shall be obtained by ' watering and maintaining until final acceptance. Areas which fail to provide a uniform stand of grass shall be reseeded. Areas reseeded will not be accepted until the coverage required herein is obtained. rt 9-23 CONCRETE CURING MATERIALS AND ADMIXTURES 9-23.9 Fly Ash Section 9-23.9 is revised as follows: Fly ash shall not be used around waterlines. 9-30 WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS 9-30.1(1) Ductile Iron Pipe sk Section 9-30.1(1) is revised as follows: A Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally cast and meet the requirements of AWWA C151. Ductile iron pipe shall have a cement mortar lining meeting the requirements of AWWA C104. All other ductile iron pipe shall be Standard Thickness Class 52 or the thickness class as shown in the Plans. 9-30.3(1) Gate Valves (3 inches to 16 inches) Ail Section 9-303(1) is replaced with the following: Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating pressure of 200 PSI. Gate valves shall be Iowa List 14, Mueller Company No. A2380,Kennedy, or M&H. Approval of valves other than models specified shall be obtained prior to bid opening. 16 All gate valves less than 12 inches in diameter shall include an 8" x 24" cast iron gate valve box and extensions, as required. All 12-inch-diameter and larger gate valves shall be installed in a vault. See Water Standard Detail for 12-inch gate valve assembly vault and 1-inch bypass installation. Gate valves shall conform to AWWA C500 and shall be iron body, bronze mounted, double disc with bronze wedging device and O ring stuffing box. at City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-134 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 r� Resilient Seated Gate Valves Resilient seated gate valves shall be manufactured to meet or exceed the requirements of AWWA Standard C509 latest revisions. All external and internal ferrous metal surfaces of the gate valve shall be coated for corrosion protection with fusion bonded epoxy. The epoxy coating shall be factory applied to all valve parts prior to valve assembly and shall meet or exceed the requirements of AWWA Standard C-550 latest revision. Valves shall be provided with two (2) internal O-ring stems seals. The valves shall be equipped with one (1) anti-friction washer. The resilient gate valve shall have rubber sealing surfaces to permit bi-directional flow. The stem shall be independent of the stem nut or integrally cast. Manufacturers of Resilient Seated gate Valves shall provide the City on request that the valve materials meet the City specifications. Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating pressure of 200 psi. End connections shall be mechanical joints, flanged joints, or mechanical by flanged joints as shown on the project Plans. Resilient Seated Gate Valves shall be U.S. Metroseal 250, Clow, M&H Style 3067, Mueller Series 2370, Kennedy. Approval of valves other than model specified shall be obtained prior to bid opening. All gate valves �. less than 12 inches in diameter shall include an 8" x 24" cast iron gate valve box and extensions, as required. All 12-inch-diameter and larger resilient seated gate valves shall have a 1-inch by-pass assembly and shall be installed in a concrete vault per City of Renton Standard Details, latest revision. 9-30.3(3) Butterfly Valves rir Section 9-30.3(3) is supplemented with the following: Butterfly valves shall be Dresser 450 or Pratt Groundhog. re 9-30.3(5) Valve Marker Posts Section 9-30.3(5) is replaced with the following: The valve markers shall be fabricated and installed in conformance with the Standard Drawings. Valve markers shall be carsonite composite utility marker .375" x 6'-0" or approved equal with blue label"water." rr City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) rrr Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-135 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 in 9-30.3(7) Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valves Section 9-30.3(7) is supplemented with the following: 1-inch combination air release and vacuum release valves shall be APCO Valve and Primer Corp, "Heavy-Duty" combination air release valve, or equal. Installation shall be per the City of Renton Standard Detail, latest revision. Piping and fitting shall be copper or brass. Location of the air release valve as show on the Plans is approximate. The installation shall be set at the high point of the line. 9-30.3(8) Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly Section 9-30.3(8) is revised as follows: Tapping sleeves shall be cast iron, ductile iron epoxy coated steel, or other approved material. Add the following new section: 9-30.3(9) Blow-Off Assembly (New Section) Permanent blow-off assembly shall be #78 Kupferle Foundry Co. or approved equal. Installation of blow-off permanent blow-off assembly shall be per City of Renton Water Standard Detail, latest revision. Pipe and fittings shall be galvanized. Blow-off assembly shall be installed at location(s) shown on the Plans. Temporary blow-off assembly on new dead-end water main shall be installed at location shown on the Plans. Temporary blow-off assemblies for testing and flushing of the new water mains will not be included under this item and shall be considered incidental to the contract and no additional payment shall be made. 9-30.5 Hydrants Section 9-30.5 is supplemented with the following: (******) ' Fire hydrants shall be Iowa, Corey Type(opening with the pressure) or approved equal conforming to AWWA C-502-85. Approval must be obtained prior to bid opening. Compression type fire hydrants (opening against pressure) shall be Clow Medallion, M&H 929, Mueller Super Centurion 200, conforming to AWWA C-502-85. 9-30.5(1) End Connections Section 9-30.5(1)is supplemented with the following: (******) Hydrants shall be constructed with mechanical joint connection unless otherwise specified in bid proposal description. Iii City of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Lake Avenue S./Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-136 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 rr err 9-30.5(2) Hydrant Dimensions Section 9-30.5(2) is replaced with the following: irr Fire hydrants shall be Corey type (opening with the pressure) or compression type (opening against pressure) conforming to AWWA C-502-85 with a 6-inch mechanical joint inlet and a main valve opening (M.V.O.) of 5-1/4 inches, two 2-1/2-inch hose nozzles with National Standard Threads 7-1/2 threads per inch, and one 4-inch pumper nozzle with the new Seattle Pattern 6 threads per inch, 60 degrees V. Threads, outside diameter of male thread 4.875 and root diameter 4.6263. Hydrants " shall have a 1-1/4-inch pentagon operating nut opened by turning counterclockwise(left). The two 2-1/2-inch hose nozzles shall be fitted with cast iron threaded caps with operating nut of the rrr same design and proportions as the hydrant stem nut. Caps shall be fitted with suitable neoprene gaskets for positive water tightness under test pressures. The 4-inch pumper nozzle shall be fitted with a Stortz adapter, 4-inch Seattle Thread x 5-inch Stortz. Stortz adapter shall be forged and/or extruded 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, hard coat anodized. Threaded end portion shall have no lugs and two set screws 180 degrees apart. Stortz face to be metal; no gasket to weather. Stortz cap to have synthetic molded rubber gasket and shall be attached to hydrant adapter with 1/8-inch coated stainless steel aircraft cable. Fire hydrants shall be installed per City of Renton Standard Detail for fire hydrants, latest revisions. 9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Tubing .r. Section 9-30.6(3)B has been modified as follows: to Polyethylene tubing shall not be used. 9-30.6(4) Service Fittings Section 9-30.6(4)has been revised as follows: Fittings used for copper tubing shall be compression type with gripper ring. 9-30.6(5) Meter Setters wr Section 9-30.6(5)has been supplemented with the following: Meter setters shall be installed per the City of Renton Standard Details for water meters, latest revision. rr END OF DIVISION 9 Ciry of Renton 218-1779-036(01/10) Wr Lake Avenue S/Rainier Avenue S.Storm Project—(SWP 27-3529) SP-137 June 2011 Contract Documents Division 9 ilr �w +rr ` WSDOT AMENDMENTS The WSDOT Amendments are incorporated in their Entirety. The First Page is included as a Reference kw im 1 INTRO.AP1 2 INTRODUCTION 40 3 The following Amendments and Special Provisions shall be used in conjunction with the 4 2010 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 5 .. 6 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 7 8 The following Amendments to the Standard Specifications are made a part of this contract 9 and supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications. For informational .. 10 purposes, the date following each Amendment title indicates the implementation date of the 11 Amendment or the latest date of revision. 12 as 13 Each Amendment contains all current revisions to the applicable section of the Standard 14 Specifications and may include references which do not apply to this particular project. 15 so 16 02.AP1 17 SECTION 1-02, BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 18 January 4, 2010 4 19 1-02.7 Bid Deposit 20 In the first paragraph, the third sentence is revised to read: 21 22 For projects scheduled for bid opening in Olympia, the proposal bond may be in hard 23 copy or electronic format via Surety2000.com or Insurevision.com and BidX.com. 24 25 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal 26 In the first paragraph, the first sentence is revised to read: 27 28 For projects scheduled for bid opening in Olympia, each Proposal shall be sealed and 29 submitted in the envelope provided with it, or electronically via Expedite software and 30 BidX.com at the location and time identified in Section 1-02.12. 31 32 The following new paragraph is inserted after the first paragraph: 33 34 For projects scheduled for bid opening in the Region, each Proposal shall be sealed 35 and submitted in the envelope provided with it, at the location and time identified in 36 Section 1-02.12. The Bidder shall fill in all blanks on this envelope to ensure proper 37 handling and delivery. 38 39 06.AP1 40 SECTION 1-06, CONTROL OF MATERIALS 41 April 5, 2010 to 42 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use 43 This section is supplemented with the following new sub-section: 44 45 1-06.1(4) Fabrication Inspection Expense 46 In the event the Contractor elects to have items fabricated beyond 300 miles from 47 Seattle, Washington the Contracting Agency will deduct from payment due the 48 Contractor costs to perform fabrication inspection on the following items: 49 rr ASSEMBLED AMENDMENTS 1 tier �r RENTON SURVEY CONTROL AND MONUMENTS also see City of Renton Special Provisions Section 1 -11 Renton Surveying Standards w rr y 4w to N� am CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK iw Vertical Control err 3rd Order, 1st Class North American Vertical Datum 1988 Meters Horizontal Control 2nd Order, 1st Class North American Datum 1983/1991 Meters 1"Printing January 1995 2°d Printing January 1997 Revised&Reprinted May 2000 TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc Title 2 May,2000 ar r•i TABLE OF CONTENTS - SECTION I SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK DESCRIPTION.................................. i SURVEYING STANDARDS ............................................................1-11-1 MONUMENT CASE & COVER STANDARD PLAN.......................H031 SECTION II MAPS,DESCRIPTIONS &VALUES Section Index Map............................................................................... Index arr Section Township Range Page 13 T23N R4E WM..................................................................F2 14 T23N R4E WM..................................................................Fl . 24 723N R4E WM..................................................................G2 25 T23N R4E WM..................................................................H2 36 T23N R4E WM ..............................I2 ..................................... 5 T22N R5E WM....................................................................J4 6 T22N R5E WM...................................................................J5 3 T24N R5E WM 4 T23N R5E WM..................................................................D5 5 T23N R5E WM..................................................................D4 wr 7 T23N R5E WM..................................................................E3 8 T23N R5E WM..................................................................E4 9 T23N R5E WM..................................................................E5 nr 10 T23N R5E WM........................:.........................................E6 11 T23N R5E WM..................................................................E7 14 T23N R5E WM..................................................................F7 err 15 T23N R5E WM..................................................................F6 16 T23N R5E WM..................................................................F5 17 T23N R5E WM .....................F4 ' 18 T23N R5E WM..................................................................F3 19 T23N R5E WM..................................................................G3 20 T23N R5E WM 21 T23N R5E WM..................................................................G5 22 T23N R5E WM..................................................................G6 29 T23N R5E WM..................................................................H4 30 T23N R5E WM..................................................................H3 31 T23N R5E WM...................................................................I3 ,rr 32 T23N R5E WM...................................................................I4 29 T24N R5E WM..................................................................B4 31 T24N R5E WM..................................................................C3 w 32 T24N R5E WM..................................................................C4 TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\controNcn.doc Table Of Contents 2 May 2000 to qW CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK ' The City of Renton Survey Control Network is the result of a three year project by the Technical Services Section of the Planning & Technical Services Division of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department and several private surveying firms working for the city. The purpose of this network is to provide an accessible common datum for all public and private projects within the city. Thus facilitating city wide infrastructure management and analysis and assuring compatibility between the various utility systems and system projects. r. This project started in 1992 with the formation of a Horizontal and Vertical Control Network Committee to prepare a plan for the development and maintenance of a Survey Control Network for the City. The committee members were: Robert Anderson PLS; Bush,Roed&Hitchings, Inc., Carrie Davis; Technical Services Section (Recorder), Abdoul Gafour; Utility Systems Division, Arneta Henninger; Plan Review Section, Development Services Division, Jae Lee; Transportation Systems Division, ` Robert Mac Onie; Technical Services Section (Chairman), Jon Warren PLS; Dodds Engineers, Inc., Dennis Wegenast; National Geodetic Survey. The committee developed the standards, specifications and phasing for all ensuing work. All survey work meets the requirements specified by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee in Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks dated September 1984. The project was split into three phases: 1) monument recovery, 2) horizontal control and 3)vertical control. The monument recovery project was performed by Dodds Engineers, Inc., under the direction of Jon Warren PLS in 1992 and early 1993. This project identified existing Public Land Survey System comer monuments and other monuments (NGS, C&GS, King County, City of Bellevue, major intersections and those located near current and proposed capital improvement projects) important to the development of a survey control network. In most cases, street centerline monuments were selected for both horizontal and vertical control due to stability and maintenance considerations. The second and third phases ran concurrently during 1993 & 1994. The horizontal control phase was executed by Bush, Roed & Hitchings, under the direction of Robert Anderson PLS, using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology per the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee Standards for GPS control surveys as defined in Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards & Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques dated August 1, 1989. This phase established NAD 1983/1991, Washington State Plane, 2nd Order, 1st Class, northing and easting values for 122 monuments in and r TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\contro(\scn.doc 1 2 May 2000 +w around the City. Four NAD 1983/1991 National Geodetic Survey (NGS) high precision geodetic network (HPGN) monuments (BROWN, PT B 1962, HAFF and MUD MTN) controlled the GPS survey. All coordinates show are "Washington Coordinate System of 1983/1991,North Zone." The vertical control phase was performed by Triad Associates, under the direction of Brad Freeman PLS, using a Wild NA2000 automatic auto reading level and Star*Lev adjustment software. This phase established NAVD 1988, 3rd Order, 1st Class, elevations on 190 monuments in and around the City with 70 of these being horizontal control monuments as well. The leveling project was divided into seven primary interdependent loops connected at a minimum of two points with common benchmarks. Additional legs were run across the primary loops tying into two benchmarks at both ends. A total of 15 NGS benchmarks were part of the network, four of which were held in the final adjustment (NGS Archive Numbers SY0232, SY0162, SY0163 and SY0617) and provided substantial agreement(less than or equal to 5mm)with 5 others. ' The City, in 1995, will have reference points set for all Survey Control Network street centerline monuments not currently referenced. Over the next several years monuments in need of upgrade will be reset as part of an ongoing maintenance program or where capital improvement projects would likely disturb them. As an adjunct to the Survey Control Network the city has developed the enclosed Surveying Standards. Al Hebrank of Hebrank & Associates developed the first draft of these standards which were modified to require the use of the Survey Control Network for all public and private development projects within the city and define the responsibilities of the surveyor in the establishment of new monuments and their nr associated records. The standards have been reviewed by at least ten licensed surveyors for completeness and suitability. The City of Renton and its urban growth area lie between latitudes 47° 25' North.to the south and 47° 32' 30" North to the north. In most cases the combined scale factor (elevation and grid scale) throughout this area can be treated as equal to 1.0000000. Table 1. shows the grid scale factors for each minute of latitude in the Renton area identified above. Please note that the relative accuracy for the grid scale factors is approximately 1 in 60,000 at 470 25' N to the south and 1 in 111,000 at 470 33' N to the north and thus for, most survey work will have no impact on surveys covering less than 1.5 miles. w TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc it 2 May 2000 1�1 TABLE 1. LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC PROJECTION TABLE Washington Coordinate System of 1983/1991,North Zone for Renton Tabular. Grid Latitude Radius Difference Scale for P of Lat. Factor • 470 25' 5807452.516 30.88355 1.00001659 470 26' 5805599.504 30.88353 1.00001310 470 27' 5803746.492 30.88352 1.00000970 470 28' 5801893.480 30.88351 1.00000638 470 29' 5800040.470 30.88350 1.00000315 470 30' 5798187.460 30.88349 1.00000000 470 31' 5796334.450 30.88349 0.99999693 470 32' 5794481.441 30.88349 0.99999395 470 33' 5792628.431 30.88349 0.99999105 The range of elevation in Renton is between 0 and 200 meters (0 and 656 feet). Table 2 shows the scale factor due to elevation. TABLE 2. SEA LEVEL REDUCTION TABLE Renton Elevation Sea Level Feet Factor Sea Level 1.0000000 500 0.9999761 1000 0.9999522 The worst case relative accuracy for an elevation of 650 feet with an interpolated scale factor of 0.99996893 is approximately 1 in 32,000. When combined with the worst case grid scale factor of 0.99999195 it yields a combined factor of 0.99995998 for a relative accuracy of approximately 1 in 25,000. It should be noted that Washington state uses the US survey foot and the conversion between feet and meters is 3937/1200 or 3.28083333 feet per meter. An analysis of the differences between NGVD 1929 and NAVD 1988 elevations in and around Renton yields a conversion factor of+1.092 meters going from NGVD 1929 to NAVD 1988. The information in this document has been extensively reviewed but there is always the possibility that some particulars of the monument locations, descriptions or values are either misleading or incorrect. If any such errors are found please contact the City of r Renton's Mapping Supervisor at,+ - 69. This document will be updated on an ongoing basis as monuments are upgraded, added or as corrections are made. TS_SERVER//SYS2\M"S\83m\control\scn.doc iil 2 May 2000 rw NOTES RISER RING DIMENSIONS APPROXIMATE 1. Dimensions may vary according to manufacturer. (SIZE) 1 12'p 2' 3' WEIGHTS 2. Base to be placed on a well compacted foundation. CASE 60 LBS 3. Monument case to be installed by contractor. COVER 19 LBS 4. See WSDOT Standard Plan A-10.20 for Monument(brass disc)type to place in TOTAL 79 LBS 2"O.D.galvanized pipe. 4 5 8" R. . 3/8' DIAM. m � D � � D'. •D D CONCRETE BASE '•o ,° DIAM. D N D 3 i/ .•G , 8" R.3 1/4 1. R. D•. D 3 7/8 R. 3 3/4" R. D ° SECTION A �D! o ° COVER • D •D ' 5 1/4" R. ' D D 4 3/4" R. 2" a D •C . D ' D D r N 1 3/4" PLAN VIEW _L ACP Class B, or as approved by the Engineer. 4" R. 5 3/4"R. ih SECTION ° D CASE D N Z CONCRETE BASE \� /\\�\� ; 10 1/2 DIAM. SAND \ '` I{ 9 1/2" DIAM. ISOMETRIC UNDISTURBED SOIL •..'. - � J GROUT nl /16» 2'0.0.GALVANIZED '\i1\ u—' STEEL PIPE-NOTE 4 A A SECTION OA INSTALLATION 8" DIAM. 9" DIAM. t/4 SECTION SECTION OF LETTER RISER RING IrY •S.Y PUBLIC WORKS MONUMENT CASE STD' PIAN — 113 DEPARTMENT AND COVER MAY 2009 �N'f0 nYll Iii rrr # ` ...,,:,_,,; 18 T24N R5E ;-:t?<? f:3E-:> IRE 5 T24N R5E : 14 T24N R5E 13 T24N R5E A3 - _ = A7 A8 23 T24N _:?:: q ?EI_ E 19 T24N R5E > 5E 22 T24N R5E 23 T24N R5E 24 T24N R5E 2 B B5 B6 B7 B8 26 ti- 4 :"_ - _ - _.-_ R4E 30 T24N _:-}: _.: 4 28 T24N R5E 7 T24N R5E _ _ :• 26 T24N R5E 25 T24N R5E 6-MEN - nit - :n 9 _ - E- 1v` �C6 C7 C8 35 T24N R4 " '` { :n _ ;'3 [S-._-,_;- 32 T24 R5 5E 31V24t4 R5E 35 T24N R5E 36 T24N R5E _ _ : _ : DF_ D 8 2 T23N R4E 1 T23N R4E = ---- t% 23N SE 4 T2 E 3 R 2 T23N R5E 1 T23N R5E..... law r w 1 2 E5 § 7 E8 T 3 R4E 12 T23N E O T23N 5E 8 1.R5 9 T23N P E 10 N 1 ,R5E 12 T23N R5E �,4J A'a1 Nu �yE\ NDYq( r � 6� 7 F8 14 T23N R E 187UMN R E T23N R5E 16 T2 E 1 T23N R5E 14 T23N R5E 13 T23N R5E s s s+ *0 Ala w SW u Sl 3 G m VA �0 2 N 3 R4E 1 3N 5E 20 T23 E 21 T23 22 T23N R5E 23 T23N R5E 24 T23N R5E Boka iW St,-- W BAS bl y � n � 6 i H g �an H5 6 H8 B H7 sw s x T2 1N R4E 23 R4E 30 3 5E 2 23N 5E 8P3�23N FR SE it 26 T23N R5E 25 T23N R5 :-_ S� 5 teoe St SY SL S A to 121 I's 18 17 35 T23 E 36 T23N R4E 31 TZ R5E 32 T23y 5E 33 T23N 34 T23N SE 35 T23N 36 T23N R5E 111M -= -= 1 J2 3 J N4,J __ _ ___22N WE 1 T22N NE 22 R5E 5E Ji RSE 3 T2 R5E 2T2 R5E CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK MONUMENTS & BENCHMARKS INDEX IS T23N R.51E NE 1/4 1149 —44-W1*43 1142 s �2-n 6c -�-73 7(Zy)�654-2658 L 0 1, 1—1151 2 n k1- L --n;5 —1-f47*,---u4 T152- 8 8 3'�-T- +674 +655 +241 -115 j-�+S++114 6 +2. -2566+-�115 6 44 158111 14 45 2-65-7-__ 84 I+1 1089 + 880 32-t n 4 F-- F -q49) + +1006 + +1139 1136'. 2260 40 2 5 8 5 8 3, ,8 8 1 1 8 'J66 14 1 f�j r _9 I 4 5 50+ +1138 1137+ + 1135 +1134 0 + + 0 Vil- -13 P1, F- 212 ---N i,�2500 +317 318 8 -A. + + � 499 .44 CL� LEALL&!cl 92 1, 1 878, +984 +1189 +1190 \, A.94 +1198 +119 +++ F! A + +1005 2 9!8! Z 4 r A 'Inj 1 194 -0 k4— --1 . P-Ift oo4, UZ4 8 301, 2 A +297 + 1506+ +1505 +2 44 ++150 — , -jI L �-2 1 L I -A + 00 18 ,6 1003 -8 YL-1 +331 +246 I Z +296 t2 4 5;: 79;(Tli�- 2328 /+ 1 ii L E +:7002 2 ---- tP- f 3 .IF fi n- 0 . 60 63 24.32 +576 +6t +34 1274*�2184-- 1276 1 ------+1278 +2285 z Z 73r' 76q, +2283 G3 19 T23N R.5E NE 11/4 LEGEND CITY OF RENTON 1111 0 Horizontal & Vertical SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK 2222 MONUMENTS & BENCHMARKS ® Horizontal Only 3333 •® TECHNICAL SERVICES I& Vertical Only • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS 02/14/00 Monument ___ F 3 ® 450 Renton City Limits 1:54 18 T23N R5E SE 114 �r it 1rr TRAFFIC CONTROL INFORMATION irr CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS-TRAFFIC OPERATIONS iR TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: APPL. DATE: w ADDRESS: PERMIT #: PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS: MOB./CEL. CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT: FAX #: ( ) PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: N/E/S/W OF: WORK TIME: APPROVED BY: WORK DATE: APPROVAL DATE: w NOTES: 1) WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD). 2) CALL 911 (USING A LOCAL PHONE) OR 253-852-2121 (USING A CELL PHONE), FIRE, AND POLICE ft DEPARTMENTS BEFORE ANY CLOSURE WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. 3) CALL METRO TRANSIT CONTROL CENTER AT (206) 684-2732 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS BEFORE ANY STREET OR LANE CLOSURE AND 30 MINUTES BEFORE THE ACTUAL CLOSURE. 4) THIS PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AT LEAST THREE (3) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO WORK. rrr 5) APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN MUST BE AT THE WORK SITE DURING WORK HOURS. 6) ANY VEHICLE AND/OR EQUIPMENT TO BE USED FOR WORK WITHIN THE CITY RIGHT OF WAY MUST DISPLAY A COMPANY LOGO (ANY LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE SIGN SHOWING A COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, r AND TELEPHONE NUMBER) AT A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ON THE VEHICLE OR EQUIPMENT. COMMENTS: "` SKETCH ' —NORTH— r rrr n OFFICE COPT T- I hove been informed of my responsibilities for traffic control and CONTRACraR agree to comply with oil traffic regulations of the City of Renton. DEV. SERVICE' INSPECTION 1K. KITTRICK/P, MILLER/K. GLASSY DEV. SERVICE, PLAN REVIEW it DOiSDN/A WAINGER/d WAN/R mono SIGNATURE• DATE: POUCE IKENT CURRY/CLARK WILCOX FIRE JDAVIO PARGAS/STA, III M:\O:»s;o.s\raANSPOR-TAT\opRm7vo\.wn\ror6e Dwoo ,\rrafrc Ceio-w awn\jcpf mt.d.q rr ' aw I, - representing agree to comply with all traffic regulations of the City of Renton. I shall prepare a traffic control plan and obtain City approval of that plan. That plan shall be implemented for all street and lane closures, and the plan shall be performed in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. I shall notify emergency services twenty-four (24) hours before any street or lane closures. I understand any lane or street closures not in ■. conformance with the approved traffic control plan and/or without notification of emergency services may result in my receiving a citation for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 through 47.36.220,9A36.050 Reckless Endangerment,and other applicable State and City codes. I certify I am responsible for the project and the responsible parry to be cited for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 through 47.36220 or 9A.36.050 Reckless Endangerment, and other applicable State and City codes. NAME: WORK ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: WASHINGTON STATE DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER: CATraBic OperadowUraffic Control PlanVcpforml.doc io OW era tw aw nr z O N n=_ N o Q� m p Occ c m o — o m �r D c a C C/� 0 0 m c) O � c a Q © 0 � O rra W C) U U z ° C: C/) O -- co U 0 W aD m to C3 � U U o ° < m °' 11111 L_ ¢ 0 Oc ° m m N � O O ry = O a a U Q Q Q OC CQ 0 N � no O O CU zQLD ( n N c X a: X _ CIO X 0 CO LU LL O (jOOC X O0w X _ co O o� 0 — m o = b c cJ = 0 c Q c 10 O U Q `r c O N z co v -- c m Y m � O ::D 5' ^ _ O X O ca J I-- d0 JU } � � W C Q L1_ J X c C/� o ° N � UQz o0 N c m wr, wU � Q X � 0 X � = � = p = "'a o coo Oc m Q .o cO d c c U Y O m ° m Y J m O LD ` Q� z ~ (D J^ rrr Q ED 0 � v O(D !Ltu °� � � � N � 0 X Q Q 0 XN Q = Q X a w X WO U O cn Q ao O `* c z Ocl ° m m 0 O m U m U Y m +� !'1llATC'�TUTT!'�►TTl11�T C�T!'11�TC� CONSTRUCTION R V C 1 llJl�l SIG1�1►7 r� 0 W20-1r-500 W20-2-500 W20-3r-500 W20-3s-500 W20-4r-500 W20-5L-500 WY do W20-5R-500 W20-7a W20-7-500 W21-1 W21-1a W21-1b ift ALL SIGNS SHOWN ABOVE CAN BE ORDERED WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING MESSAGES: EXAMPLE: If you wanted a sign that read 500 FT AHEAD "DETOUR 1000 FT" as 1000 FT 112 MILE you would need to order a 1500 FT W20-2-1000 srr rr� wr W21-2 W21-3-500 W21-4a W21-4r-500 W21-5 W21-6 W21-8 W21-9' W14-12 W20-P1 W20-P2 W20-P3 24"x 18" 24"x 18" 24"x 18" mrr �r► aw rr im1 m � _ >.cc �•Of1�NLOiIMAmY.ilY1!°I E m m ..1 W ou..M�auu..ouw.w.u.rru �• f:. M�r.1°ILYJIMYM+»�dMW'M)dpiLL E 8 v O b LU a E t uJ 8 H Q Ct 0 to % rrr g agQ a a Q a �LL, z� �'v og�y0 v W Z s n q a V O LL ¢ a. J1.01 a I$ o' .8 aN $W �� 00 f� Ix 2 fV Cd Y 1p m A m � R � � « Wz LU SOd o _ _ _ _ _ ° ° " 9L � n x a a L z > Alai m c3i i S w Y lz a v a p r ,e i0 w a1 me _ a a w o �SG2Y �• a a Lu z rc °c me o j3 ■ SSo W O ZO J q p g$ t yrr g S Fi .� YS NJ m w ° w W ® — q ° °d zz Z .J g $ d,, � ° Opp < $ b ® z W $ UIP » ° V m Y � 1 w L � IL ZI m $ W y x $ LU �r G NSIM 1 IG VN313 M NMVHG it rr APPENDIX A Geotechnical Report tr Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report, App. D Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Management Plan w Allied/Republic Services Special Waste Profile Sheet �r �r r it err rr irr REPORT OF GEOTECFMCAL INVESTIGATION LAKE AVE. S. STORM SYSTEM PROJECT RENTON,WASHINGTON S&EE JOB NO.912 FEBRUARY 10,2011 +rr err .r. 912rpt S&EE S&EE SOIL&ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS,INC. 16625 Redmond Way,Suite M 124 Redmond Washington 98052 (4251868-5868 rr February 10,2011 Mr.Jeff Coop,PE Parametrix,Inc. rr 1231 Fryar Avenue Sumner,WA 98390 Report Geotechnical Investigation Lake Ave. S. Storm System Project Renton,WA Dear Jeff: We are pleased to present herewith our Report of Geotechnical Investigation for the referenced project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this report or require additional information,please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, G SOIL&ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS,INC. lot cr. J zas p C.J.Shin,Ph.D.,P.E. President L 00005"M NOV 912rpt ii S&EE arr TABLE OF CONTENTS Section page 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................... 1 rr 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK............................................................................................................................................. 1 r 10 SITE CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................................2 3.1 SITE HISTORY.................................................................................................................................................2 1 3.2 GEOLOGY........................................................................................................................................................3 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS........................................................................................................................4 ar ' 3.4 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS..................................................................................................................5 4.0 LABORATORY TEST AND PERMEABILITY ESTIMATES.......................................................................5 err 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................................................6 ar 5.1 GENERAL..........................................................................................................................................................6 5.2 BORE-AND-JACK............................................................................................................................................6 5.3 CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATIONS................................................................................................................ 8 5.3.1 EXCAVATION OPTIONS.............................................................................................................................8 5.3.2 SUBGRADE STABILIZATION AND PIPE BEDDING...............................................................................9 5.4 BACKFILL...................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.5 PAVEMENT DESIGN.................................................................................................................................... 11 arr 5.6 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS AND HAZARDS.......................................................................................... 11 a�rr6.0 CLOSURE........................................................................................................................................................... 12 �r FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2: PLAN SHOWS ONSITE BORING LOCATIONS FIGURE 3: SOIL PROFILE ALONG BORINGS B-1 TO B-3 FIGURE 4: LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ON SHEET PILE WALL APPENDIX A:FIELD EXPLORATION AND LOGS OF BORINGS aw APPENDIX B:LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS APPENDIX C: GROUNDWATER INFLOW ASSUMPTIONS AND CALCULATIONS aryr aw a.r 912rpt iii S&EE err REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION LAKE AVENUE SOUTH STORM SYSTEM PROJECT RENTON,WASHINGTON For PARAMETRIX 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Lake Avenue South aw Storm System Project. A project location map is shown in Figure 1 which is included at the end of this report. We understand that the purpose of this project is to replace approximately 650 feet of the existing stormwater drainage system within the Lake Avenue South easement. The new drainage system will 10 crosses the City of Seattle right-of-way for the Cedar River pipelines near South 2nd Street,the Safeway parking lot,and the car dealership at the northeast corner of the intersection of Rainier Avenue South and South 3rd Street. The system will have the capacity to convey the design flows calculated based on City criteria, and will be designed to account for anticipated traffic loading, including semi-trucks, construction equipment and fire trucks in the parking lots. Preliminary design indicates that the new system will include a 36 inch—diameter storm drain and catch basins. The proposed 36-inch diameter pipe invert elevation will be a depth of about 10 to 12 feet below the existing ground surface. The existing system conveys stormwater runoff from Lake Avenue South north of South 2nd Street and from a variety of connections along the Lake Avenue South easement. The system discharges at the northeast corner of the intersection of Rainier Avenue South/South 3rd Street. The size of the existing concrete storm drain is 24-inch-diameter. Television inspection indicates that the existing pipe is cracked and broken at various locations and debris is deposited in portions of the pipe. Water was encountered at the time of the television inspection. �r 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK +rr The purpose of our investigation is to provide recommendations regarding the geotechnical component of the proposed storm improvement system. Specifically,our services included the followings: rrr 1. Attend project kick-off meeting. rr S&EE to 912rpt No err 2. Review existing regional and local geologic information, reports, and studies relevant to the project design. +r 3. Explore the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the site by the drilling of 3 soil test borings. 4. Perform a laboratory testing program which includes grain size analyses of the subsurface soils. err 5. Evaluate subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and provide recommendations regarding: +r • Excavation shoring and suitability of soils for jacking/boring or microtunneling construction methods 0 Temporary side slope 0 Construction dewatering • Subgrade preparation and stabilization • Suitability of onsite soils for use as fill, types of suitable imported fill, fill placement MW techniques,and compaction criteria • Pavement subgrade preparation and pavement design. 40 6. Preparation of this written report documenting our findings and recommendations. NO 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS wr 3.1 SITE HISTORY "" The project site is located about 2 miles to the south of Lake Washington. The Black River used to run out of the southern end of Lake Washington, flowed south through the subject site and then veered west. wr Plate 1, which is included on the next page, shows that until 1912,Cedar River emptied into the Black River and became part of the Black River,which then emptied into the Duwamish River. In 1911,the Cedar River flooded Renton. In the following year the town dug a 2000-foot-long, 80-foot-wide canal to reroute the course of the Cedar to the north so that it flowed directly into Lake Washington, in the hope of avoiding floods in the future. From July to October 1916, the construction of the Lake Washington Ship Canal wr lowered Lake Washington 8.8 feet. In the process, the Black River dried up, and the outfall from Lake Washington became the ship canal. The site area was subsequently filled to the current grade. (reference: Suzanne Larson, History of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, King County Arts Commission, 1975, Introduction, 23.) The site is currently paved parking areas. The site grade is relatively flat. .r 4W *V 912rpt 2 S&EE +rr Lake Lake +� �� yPashln�ton � �°,� Weshtnd ton 47° 30, `s 474.30 BIa clr Cedar- Ri ver �'edsr River Lake level lowered and Cedar and Black Rivers ' �} 4� diverted in 1917 C C VIA I . L L I t Diverted c, reed Mgr in 1906 Pep �rer 47° 15' J� 470 15' irr p ~' so 4?.�allUp� N U•y�llup . 0 2 4mi C A 112* 15" `; 2 4 6krn B 112* 15" . rl so Reference:Holocene Geologic History and Sedimentolopy of the Duwamish and Puyallup Valley, Washington, Stephen P. Palmer, Washington Department of Natural + Resources, September 29, 1997 S&EE Plate 1 Job no.912 3.2 GEOLOGY r�r General The project site lies in the middle portion of the Puget Lowland, an elongated topographic and structural depression filled with a complex sequence of glacial and non-glacial sediments that overlie Tertiary rr bedrock. Published geologic information (Geologic Map of The Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington by D.R. Mullineaux, 1965) indicates that the site area is covered with manmade fill which is underlain by Arkosic sandstone. Liquefaction Susceptibility Plate 2, which is included on the next page, shows that the subject drainage system is located within the previous Black River channel. The map also shows that the site is located in an area of high liquefaction �w susceptibility. Liquefaction is a condition when vibration or shaking of the ground results in the excess pore pressures ++ ► in saturated soils and subsequent loss of strength. Liquefaction can result in ground settlement or heaving. In general, soils which are susceptible to liquefaction include saturated, loose to medium dense sands. However, recent studies show that liquefaction can also occur in fine-grained (silty and clayey) soils during strong earthquakes. (Bray,J.D.,et. al. 2004). r Seattle Fault Plate 3, which is included behind Plate 2, shows that Seattle Fault is the prominent active fault closest to +r. the site. The fault is a collective term for a series of four or more east-west-trending, south-dipping fault strands underlying the Seattle area. This thrust fault zone is approximately 2 to 4 miles wide (north- south)and extends from the Kitsap Peninsula near Bremerton on the west to the Sammamish Plateau east of Lake Sammamish on the east. The four fault strands have been interpolated from over-water geophysical surveys (Johnson, et al.,, 1999) and, consequently,the exact locations on land have yet to be determined or verified. Recent geologic evidence suggests that movement on this fault zone occurred about 1,100 years ago, and the earthquake it produced was on the order of a magnitude 7.5. rwwr wr rr 912rpt 3 S&EE wr 1 '� �'�111 ��Gl'rt'f''� s� _ ,• -- �lhc — ALL 1:�{li; � I• ��� .. :. � �. 31110 '�\��l�c , f IV .; IV .. •- E '�r� � t \ ��_ � ,III Y . Iv. I Subject : . Drainage System r f I �, � �; ' -; � . , I � � •g. 111; ,, IV , t • d I V �, I V ► 11 EXPLANATION Geologic map units, derived from Mulllneaux, 1965a. I CATEGORY I Includes l roadways)dafnddplo ta l Vashontalluvium. LIQUEFACTION SUSCEPTIBILITY: HIGH II CATEGORY II Includes post—Vashon lacustrine deposits and colluvium. LIQUEFACTION SUSCEPTIBILITY: LOW TO HIGH Historic liquefaction sites Identified by the corresponding reference 0105 number In Chleborad and Schuster, 1990; Table 3 reproduces the quotations and comments given for the sites in table 2 of Ch leborad and Schuster, 1990. Historic shorellne of Lake Washington and the pre—ShipP Canal courses of the Black and Cedar Rivers mapped by Chrzastowsk1, 1983. y S&EE Reference: "Preliminary Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of the Renton Plate 2 Quadrangle, Washington, 1992 b hen P.Palmer" SCALE 1:24000 Job no.912 Q y Ste g S p am SKAGIT ..... .... . ... ... .. ...... .. .... .. ...._....... - 5L N Z !� V, CLALLANI - -NATIONAL 0. PARK JEFFERSON `�1� . w��l 1 '�� ��;, { } ���r Z fir+'''.. 'I f'» sot fli1�* .\t1{fi:;trr).7 .^�� � QUdl7;:3'Titi .,'.:.. �'. V � aTliitf1011 r E r f .f KITSAP 't ' ' t�itl IT oodS t f i.1 '4 {,. N �g,t. j'J ' ; Rattlesnake faultr one arr SITE Reference: Washington Department of Natural Resource, New Release April 16, 2009. aw S&EE Plate 3 - Prominent Active Faults in Puget Sound Area 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ,r We have explored the subsurface soil conditions along the drainage easement by the drilling of three soil rr test borings, B-1 to B-3. The locations of these borings are shown on Figure 2 which is included at the end of this report. Details of the field exploration and logs of borings are included in Appendix A. Our knowledge of the soil conditions was augmented by the review of the geotechnical data that were collected for the existing Safeway store and car dealership. .r In general, our borings and previous geotechnical data show consistent subsurface soil conditions in the project area, and the soils encountered are similar to materials described in the published geologic map. A soil profile along borings B-1 to B-3 is presented in Figure 3 located at the end of this report. From the top down,the subsurface conditions include the following strata: I) Fill The material ranged from 10 to 11.5 feet in thickness and consists of very loose to medium dense silty sand, sand and sandy gravel. Scattered organic matters (burned ash) and trace „r debris(glass)were encountered. II) Alluvium This layer is 15 feet thick at B-1 location and at least 41 feet thick at B-2 and B-3 locations. The soils were likely deposited by the previous Black River and include inter-bedded sand and gravel. They are loose to medium dense with dense pockets. A layer of organic silt was encountered at B-3 at depths of 13 to 15 feet. III) Sandstone Only Boring B-1 encountered sandstone. The top of the formation was encountered at a depth of 25 feet. The material was fine-grained and very hard. 40 so 912rpt 4 S&EE No 3.4 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS r At the time of our field exploration on March 3, 2010 groundwater was encountered at a depth of 10 feet at all three boring locations. This same groundwater depth was measured in two existing groundwater monitoring wells that are located in the southern portion of the project area in the vicinity of B-2 and B- �, 3. Based on our knowledge of the groundwater depth in the project area, we anticipate that the depth may vary slightly with season and precipitation. 4.0 LABORATORY TEST AND PERMEABILITY ESTIMATES �r Selected soil samples were transported to our sub-contracted soil laboratory,AAR Lab in Redmond,WA �. and tested for grain size analyses. The results are included in Appendix B. rr ESTIMATES OF SOIL PERMEABILITY Due to the relative loose condition and gravel content of the subsoils, the retrieval of un-disturbed soil samples was attempted but un-successful. We thus estimate the permeability of the subsoil using the following classic Hazen equation. K= 100*D10 2 K:Permeability in cm/sec D10: Soil particle diameter(in cm)at which 10%of the soil weight is finer. The results are summarized below. irr Boring Sample Depth Soil Permeability Permeability (feet) (ft/min) (cm/sec) +rr B-1 12.5 Silty sand and gravel 0.04 0.02 B-2 12.5-15 Silty sand and gavel 0.10 0.05 B-2 20-25 Silty sand with gravel 0.08 0.04 B-3 15-20 Sand and gravel 0.12 0.06 err B-3 25-40 Silty sand and gravel 0.04 0.02 wr We have reviewed our previous projects in the site vicinity. We conclude that the above permeability values are consistent with values we previously used and reasonable for the encountered subsoils. 912rpt 5 S&EE 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 GENERAL err 1. During the course of the project, the design team considered a few options for the construction of the new pipe. These include open cut, excavation with trench boxes or sheetpile walls, and bore-and- jack micro-tunneling. Pipe bursting was also considered but was ruled out because of the size and depths of the new pipe. The project team recommends the option of bore-and-jack due to the following advantages: • Relatively small amount of soil removal which reduces the potential amount of dewatering, contaminated soil/groundwater treatment,and/or archaeological disturbance; • Reduced amount of sheet piles(required only at boring portals); • Reduced risk of disturbance to Seattle Public Utility's water mains due to reduced excavation area. 2. Construction excavation will be required at bore-and-jack portals and at the south end of the project. all Excavation may also be considered at the north end for pipe crossing (under Seattle Public Utility's water mains). The excavation depths will range from about 12 to 14 feet. Our borings encountered alluvial soils at these depths. The soils are a mixture of sand and gravel and have a medium to high permeability. As alluvial soils tend to have a high variability both horizontally and vertically, the permeability value may increase by one order of magnitude at locations where more gravel than sand are present. As such, strong groundwater flow may occur and would require dewatering using deep wells or well points. The estimated flow rates presented herewith are based on uniform subgrade conditions. We recommend that the contractor prepare a contingency dewatering plan in the event that groundwater flow is greater than their sump pumps can handle. 3. Based on our evaluations, construction de-watering should incur minimal risks of excessive foundation settlement of the neighboring buildings. However, this should be confirmed by the as contractor once the details of their dewatering plan are available. 5.2 BORE-AND-JACK Bore-and-jack requires limited tracking and steering as the advancement is manually controlled and the cutting head is man-accessible. Line and grade are typically controlled by laser guide or waterline. High 40 912rpt 6 S&EE side friction can occur in granular soils such as those onsite. As such polymer may be required for side irr wall lubrication. Sometime, large voids can occur after the removal of large soil particles such as cobbles or boulders. To prevent loss of ground, the voids would need to be filled. Large and hard particles such as boulders or rock can be removed by a coring bit, or hand tools, if necessary. Cobbles and tree logs can likely be drilled through or passed by the conventional cutting head and auger. err Thorough specifications for bore-and-jack operation are critical to its success. To minimize unknown subsurface conditions, the contractor is encouraged to conduct further field explorations. Also, the contractor should retain a qualified dewatering contractor; perform their own evaluation regarding dewatering needs; and install and maintain the dewatering system during construction. Side Friction: The advancing casing of bore-and-jack will encounter mostly granular soils that include sand, silty sand, sandy gravel, and occasionally organic silt. These soils are loose and soft. For estimating purposes;un-lubricated sidewall adhesions can range from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds per square feet(psf). These values are based on the following soil parameters: wr Moist soil density: 125 pcf(pounds per cubic feet) Submerged soil density: 63 pcf Soil friction angle: 34 degrees +rr Cohesion: 0 psf Coefficient of friction at soil-pipe interface: 0.65 �r Surcharge load at ground surface: 50 psf(pounds per square feet) Please note that the pipe will be jacked through fill and alluvial soils, both tend to vary horizontally and vertically. Therefore, the soil parameters presented above are for reference only. The contractors should perform their own evaluation regarding lubrication and jacking requirements. Excavation Shoring and Sub2rade Stabilization at Jacking Ports: For the depth and size of pipe, the +rr jacking ports may have a rectangular shape with dimensions of about 10 feet by 40 feet, or a circular shape with a diameter of about 35 feet. We envision that the excavations be achieved with sheet pile ww walls. The lateral earth pressures and soil parameters for the sheet pile design are presented in Figure 4 which is included at the end of this report. Note that a soil reaction modulus of 40 pci (pounds per cubic inches) is recommended for the loose soil above the excavation depth. Depending on the selected sheet pile section, relatively large deflection, on the order of a few inches may occur at the top of the pile. Installation of internal braces should be planned accordingly. .rr w 912rpt 7 S&EE Ow Groundwater Control: Using an averaged soil permeability of 7.2*10-2 ft/min (3.6*10-2 cm/sec) and a 4-foot groundwater table drawn-down, our two-dimensional flow net analyses show that a flow rate on the order of 50 gpm (gallon per minute) may occur at the base of the jacking port excavation. The exit gradient at the base is estimated to be 0.15. (A value of 1.0 would represent a quick condition). Based on the flow rate and exit gradient, we believe that the influx of groundwater can be handled by pumping from sumps. wr To reduce groundwater flow for the duration of the bore and jack operation, we recommend that a concrete slab be poured at the subgrade. The slab should be thick enough to resist the uplift pressure from the hydraulic head. Dewatering along pipe alignment is advisable. Using a soil permeability of 0.1 ft/min (0.05 cm/sec)and a 4-foot groundwater table drawn-down, our two-dimensional flow net analyses show a flow rate on the so order of 5 gpm per lineal foot. 5.3 CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATIONS In addition to the excavation at the jacking ports, construction excavation will be required at the south end and may be needed at the north end of the project. The excavation at the north end will be about 80 to 100 feet in length. The purpose of this excavation is to allow for the crossing of the new storm pipe under the existing Seattle Public Utility's 60-inch and 66-inch water mains. The inverts of these water mains are about 7 to 8 feet below the ground surface and the invert of the new pipe could be about 12 w feet below the ground surface. The excavation at the south end near the intersection of Rainier Avenue South and South Third Street will be about 40 feet in length. This will allow for the installation of a section of the new storm pipe that connects the existing box culvert and the bored pipe. The excavation depths will likely range from 12 to 14 feet. Construction excavations with sloped open cut or shoring systems can be considered. Since the contractors will have the control over their manpower and equipment, they should be responsible for the arY stability of the side walls and safety of their personnel. 5.3.1 EXCAVATION OPTIONS Q) SLOPED OPEN CUT Temporary excavations should be sloped no steeper than 1.5H:1V (horizontal to vertical) above wr 912rpt 8 S&EE wI +rr groundwater table and 2.5H:1 V below groundwater table. Toe stabilization such as the use of sandbags may be required if severe erosion by groundwater seepage occurs. The slope should continue from top to bottom(without vertical cut at the toe). Flatter slopes may be required if sloughing occurs. ww Our evaluation shows that the groundwater inflow may range from 8 to 10 gpm per lineal foot of excavation side. (II)EXCAVATION SHORING WITH TRENCH BOX/SHIELD are Trench box or trench shield can be considered if the box or shield can sustain the lateral soil pressure plus hydrostatic pressure. The former can be estimated using an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf (pounds per cubic foot). The latter will acts on the lower portion of the side walls that are below the r groundwater table. Since shoring boxes will have minimal penetration below subgrade, the boxes would have limited rr ability to reduce groundwater inflow. Based on our estimate the groundwater inflow will be about 3 gpm per lineal foot of excavation along the trench. r (III)EXCAVATION WITH SHEET PILES SHORING We anticipate that cantilevered sheet pile wall can be used for the excavation shoring. Similar to the jacking port excavation, the lateral earth pressures and soil parameters for the sheet pile wall design are presented in Figure 4 which is included at the end of this report. Also, soil reaction modulus of 40 pci (pounds per cubic inches) is recommended for the loose soil above the excavation depth. Using an averaged soil permeability of 7.2*10.2 ft/min (3.6*10-2 cm/sec) and a 3-foot groundwater table drawn-down, we estimate that a flow rate on the order of 1/3 gpm per lineal foot may occur along the trench. 5.3.2 SUBGRADE STABILIZATION AND PIPE BEDDING Soft and wet fine-gain soils such as silt or clay may be encountered at the excavation subgrade. As these soils are highly susceptible to strength loss due to disturbance, the subgrade must be stabilized to prevent future pipe settlement. The stabilization method can best be determined at the time of construction. wr However, we envision that the unstable subgrade be over-excavated about 12 inches and the over- w 912rpt 9 S&EE VW we excavation be backfilled with 2-to-4 inch quarry spalls. The rock should be pushed down by the excavator's bucket until the subgrade becomes firm and non-yielding. do We recommend that new pipe and structures (vault, CB, etc) be bedded with at least 4 inches bedding go material that meets WSDOT aggregate specification 9-03.12(3). To avoid long-term settlement problem, it is critical that the bedding material is placed over firm and non-yielding subgrade. at 5.4 BACK-FILL at Structural fill should be used for excavation backfill. The structural fill materials should meet both the material and compaction requirements presented below. Material Requirements: Structural fill should be free of organic and frozen materials and should consist of hard durable particles, such as sand, gravel, or quarry-processed stone. Due to their variability, the on-site soils are suitable only on a selected basis. We recommend that its use be approved by an engineer from our office. Structural fill should be moisture-conditioned to+/-2% from their optimum moisture contents prior to use. Compaction Requirements: Structural fill should be placed in loose horizontal lifts not exceeding a thickness of 6 to 12 inches, depending on the material type, compaction equipment, and number of passes made by the equipment. Each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum density according to ASTM D-1557 test procedures. ' ww rw +rr 912rpt 10 S&EE wr �r. 5.5 PAVEMENT DESIGN r We envision that the soil at the subgrade will be disturbed and loosened by construction activities at the time of pavement construction. We therefore recommend that the subgrade be proof-rolled with heavy construction equipment such as a loaded dump truck. Any wet and loose areas should be over-excavated �. and backfilled with structural fill. The prepared subgrade should have a California Bearing Ratio(CBR) of at least 15. The following paving sections are recommended based on our experience with the subsurface conditions and the backfill soils. For light traffic ,w. (Daily Equivalent Axle Load(EAL)=5 or less; few vehicles heavier than passenger cars no regular use by 2 or 3-axle trucks) Recommended section: 2 inches asphaltic concrete over 6 inches base course. For medium traffic (Daily EAL=20 to 80;maximum 2,000 vehicles per day, including not over 10%2 or 3-axle trucks) Recommended section: 3 inches asphaltic concrete over 8 inches base course. The base course should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-1557 test method. The material should meet WSDOT aggregate specification 9-03.9(3), Crushed Surfacing Base Course,and have the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passine 1 1/4-inch 100 5/8-inch 50-80 +�+ 1/4-inch 30-50 US No.40 3-18 US No.200 7.5 max. %Fracture 75 min. 5.6 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS AND HAZARDS The project site is situated within Seismic Zone 3. We recommend that Site Class D as defined in the ow 2006 IBC be considered for any seismic design. As previously mentioned,the site is located in an area of W 912rpt 11 S&EE ow subsoils below groundwater table and above bedrock or a depth of 30 feet will have a high possibility of liquefaction during and after strong earthquakes(M> 7.0). The liquefaction will result in uneven ground settlement or heave, causing pipe joints to distort. The common method of liquefaction mitigation is to pile-support the pipeline and structures. It is our opinion that the best option to cope with this hazard is to perform post-earthquake maintenance which will include damage assessment and repair if necessary. For this option, the project owner will assume the risk and the proposed elements will be designed without liquefaction mitigation. However, if such risk is non-acceptable,we would be pleased to provide geotechnical recommendations for the pile foundations if requested. 6.0 CLOSURE The recommendations presented in this report are provided for design purposes and are based on soil art conditions disclosed by field observations and subsurface explorations. Subsurface information presented herein does not constitute a direct or implied warranty that the soil conditions between exploration locations can be directly interpolated or extrapolated or that subsurface conditions and soil variations different from No those disclosed by the explorations will not be revealed. The recommendations outlined in this report are based on the assumption that the development plan is consistent with the description provided in this report. If the development plan is changed or subsurface conditions different from those disclosed by the exploration are observed during construction, we should be advised at once so that we can review these 4* conditions,and if necessary,reconsider our design recommendations. am to ww as r► 912rpt 12 S&EE rile Jr,9,2tn ^, RcaSEYpii ;)' �,t t Hill-Novelty Hil s 'sx t hlazrtl5 a Sans aint Klrkland4 Bear Greek union , t Red�vnd Ro se:Hilll ° ` ! a9 Ifflon ^ . w ur i s �"xt wv rt �sdrq� rr lirr Yxrrour Pnt a4 1 S2Q ..: �`� later�aa/ , za_. 520 :....+taunts P " ^,t" i 4redaxe Sammamtsh �". "� = '. t3madmoor Sahalee Times Lake r hfedm B a" 5 Hughlands llevue d " Bellevue take HirPts - s � � Moortarrd u W'xtita e Atah is r eke N.11s * .F3AmmamisFi 9 14 ,& trrlcGilvara 6eauxAits ^ ,caon�sje -iFA �Sammarnish t S r a c '` F?i[!e Lake y�lSeetifefry �� ewport L 3�J ,� Mener Eastgate iWlt Id ���f?rn4tcence Ciq . "� Rmni slan Searre4ti '4 4' r !Newport Hilltop Boeing Field P41ng 4 Hills"' Isssq ah r (`ournty _ „j H ghland% i Laa Intematfonal Airport; y Newrstle =Coal Creek F 10 aius Issa uah 4 a ! r r h4161tr31n 1 .w .. a F', �s WCute K¢an dale 5 r Cerrtef `$g y e 5gar-€l4t,in r r Shorewood t�mural r�rpa Q r rl I N R�r SITE Coalfield ? t, r airn�n 't at h4rf�" WeS. i i 2 e aef 5{}s Huh Valley .� � 5g9 Arrport L 85t'Renton MoUn'arr } � Evansullle R Qf1,� Highlands " , rrr c a c� ." < 7ukk is SeahurSE E�unEnr�RtV�on � t 'Maplewood �gE f a Hei hts.,. 5 SeaTa� l t lareyn Mitrorrnorit i 5eattie4acoma Famvood Cedar ry a ghts-L Intemahonal Cascade�airvrood Heightatake Mountain 1$ Normandy Ix Airpvrf P Desire Ceda`1. ark r .� t< Pr:. >'Grove North Hlt1 !7 t vasty t68 Hobart ws r O'Brien,i" Hill-Meridian � r' r_9E2tbttr51 pes Moin es t Ch=h Rd " ry'�� :rc� irasil'Hltl slr38oin St ?,s t�RC },, Tru �� r Arcadia ,r ©201 Ma le� Map data 02010 Google- S&EE Figure t Site Location Map arr w N CU J � _ S 2nd Yoe Y{! h R qx : �.s ''- •t � �� `�� � p+`yrk'c'' �g1 3HE `'^':� r 9€; Replace F-khAing.�e , �g� Taco Time ] l� _ I Sto Line with _ `i 4 w..... 'l iiy y� l _ N.fflIz--alCS �-r.�B }f 9�•, - Ne Storm'L'iine so- Mv v.r n +s,rF aY t'SYS +Osin.,k,�i a °'`-. ,� S x• at»^o .#ri4s1 17 41 t*-. 6 �CU r I Replace F�ustmg Storm Line with• IPA . I Ne`w�_Storni Lme° r Safe y Store J $ B-2 Walkef's=Ren'fo .. Subaru Used Cars °3 •'X :R a E isltin� 7 c_ iiYt11 �LAkk Ak so6TE11 STREET`Vk ION - .• rt i t i �6D I,E EASE E1�T;_RETAINEdFOR St L r ±kith cli ;UTiuTIES) • Ne ry Sta'rm Lrrie 4 xi< - sting #x. r' i Sa way Gas x Sta ion B-3 . � . r > am NORTH S 3rd St PROJECT LOCATION 0' 100' LAKE AVE S / RAINIER AVE S I Scales 1° 100' STORM SYSTEM PROJECT = City of Renton Surface Water Utility B-1 Soil Test Boring Number and Location D. Carey 1/5/10 Figure 2 N -Value 0 B"1 (Blow Count) B'2 B'3 0 as /o i3 8 (1) FILL: Silty sand with gravel (very loose to medium dense) 8 /z 2 (0 — k= 0.04 ft/min 9 (II)ALUVIUM: 18 (medium dense with loose pockets) Gravel with sand SILT (organic) .r. 3 17 k= 0.1 ft/min (medium permeability) F W (I1)ALUVIUM: Sand with gravel \ k= 0.1 ft/min IW 2-0 = S z7 � 1 �\.. ■. F- (loose to medium dense with dense pockets) H 2-0 W i W k= 0.08 fUmin p (medium permeability) S-013° 32 �S r 30 23 k=0.04 ft/min CSC 30 (III) SAND STONE is (very dense) .r XGravelwithsand 3S �� 7 N-Value <4 very loose y ) 4-10 loose 10-30 medium dense 30-50 dense >50 very dense S&EE (No Horizontal Scale) Figure 3 .rob no.912 Soil Profile' aw Surcharge Load =200 psf(construction equipment) Qa1 0 aw 5 Sheet Pile Qa2 17 so ---------------------------------- 10 Concrete Slab , 15 ,a 20 CL 0 25 ► — 30 35 ua3 Q p r —40 (Not-To-Scale) Passive Soil Pressures(psf): Active Soil Pressures (psf): Qp = 3,400 gal = 60 6a2 =430 Qa3 = 900 Notes: 1. Hydrostatic pressure should be added to the lateral load on the sheet pile wall. 2. All pressures in pounds per square feet(psf). 3. Passive pressures include a safety factor of 1.5. 4. Recommended sheet pile embedment depth,= 1.5 times excavation depth 5. A subgrade reaction modulas of 40 pounds per cubic inches (pci) can be used for the soil above mudline. Figure 4 Soil Pressures on Sheet Pile Wall S&EE Lake Avenue S Storm Improvement, Renton, WA Job no.912 +111f to APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LOGS OF BORINGS The soil strata at the project site were explored with the drilling of three soil test borings, B-1 to B-3 on March 3, 2010. The borings were advanced using a truck-mounted drill rig (Mobil B-61). A representative from S&EE was present throughout the exploration to observe the drilling operations, log subsurface soil conditions, obtain soil samples, and to prepare descriptive geologic logs of the exploration. Soil samples were taken at 2.5- and 5-foot intervals in general accordance with ASTM D- 1586, "Standard Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils" (1.4" I.D. sampler). Larger sampler(2.5"I.D.) was also used to retrieve gravelly soils. The penetration test involves driving the samplers 18 inches into the ground at the bottom of the borehole with a 140 pounds hammer dropping 30 inches. The numbers of blows needed for the samplers to penetrate each 6 inches are recorded and are presented on the boring logs. The sum of the number of blows required for the second and third 6 inches of penetration is termed "standard penetration resistance" or the "N-value". In cases where 50 blows are insufficient to advance it through a 6 inches interval the penetration after 50 blows is recorded. The blow count provides an indication of the density of the subsoil, and it is used in many empirical geotechnical engineering formulae. For the 2.5-inch I.D. sampler, the N-value shown on the boring logs are the actual recorded blow counts. However, the values shown on Figure 3, Soil Profile, were scaled down with a ratio of 0.52. This ratio was calculated based on the geometry of the sampler. �. After the boring was terminated, the borehole was backfilled with bentonite chips. The boring logs are included in this appendix. A chart showing the Unified Soil Classification System is included at the end of aw this appendix. A field representative from Parametrix was onsite during the exploration. The representative used a photoionization detector (PID) to screen each sample retrieved above a depth of 12.5 feet. The PID readings show the concentration level of volatile gases and are presented on the boring logs. All soil cuttings were placed in 6 labeled 50-gallon drums which were stored onsite. The cuttings and drums were later removed and disposed of by Everson Econo-Vac. r. 912rpt S&EE rrr 1W BORING B-1 Soil Description co O CC tq O m a rn 1 4 O O U U a m i� C (2.5 inches asphalt pavement at ground surface) 0 • GPI Brown and gray fine to medium gravel with some silty sand (damp)(loose)(fill) SM 1 , i 1 • 0.6 8 1 18 3 18 •: 7 •; sM Brown silty fine sand with trace brick debris (damp)(loose)(fll) SP al1 1 1 ' 5 1 0.7, 4 :18 4 i 18 4 ' I ' 1 I GPj Brown fine to medium gravel with fine to medium sand (damp)(loose)(fill) 0.5 1 8 1 18 • SP 7 :12 , ' S 1 • 1 • a Q -10: o ; 4 ;18 sP Dark brown and dark gray fine to medium sand (wet)(loose) 5 110 3 Alit , 1 I I ' 1 I ' 1 0 8 18 -with fine gravel and trace silt, medium dense at 12.5 feet 1 9 110 9 1 I , 1 I , 1 i 1 SP Gray fine sand with trace fine gravel and organic matter(wet)(very loose) 15 1 1 18 4 1 4 1 I ' � I ' 1 1 1 I I 1 1 201--- -'--- (Boring log continued on Figure A-1 b) Client: Parametrix,Inc. Drilling Method: Hollow stem auger by Mobil B-61 Sampling Method: SPT(1A'I.D.and 2.5"I.D.)samplers driven by 140-lb auto hammer 11 Drilling Date: March 3,2010 Drilling Contractor: Holocene Drilling Figure A-1 a S&EE Lake Ave. S. Storm System Job No.912 a 'rr m w BORING B-1 (Continued) G y N ow o Soil Descripffon 20 'A18 sP Gray fine sand with trace silt(wet)(loose) I 1 I ss Brown fine-grained sandstone(damp)(very hard) 26 3s ' 9 pq � 1 50/3", 9 1 ' 1 I I AW 50/2 8 -light blue at 30 feet 30 I , Boring terminated at a depth of 30 feet on March 3, 2010. Groundwater encountered at a depth of 10 feet at the time of drilling. dw Y�III 1 ' 1 1 35 , i I , I I , I , , 401_ Client: Parametrix, Inc. Drilling Method: Hollow stem auger by Mobil B-61 Sampling Method: SPT(1.4"I.D.and 2.5"I.D.)samplers driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drilling Date: March 3,2010 Drilling Contractor: Holocene Drilling Figure A-1 b rrr JS&EE Lake Ave. S. Storm System aw » BORING B-2 ' Soil Description o � D O a m =-Si 0 (4 inches asphalt pavement at ground surface) 0 e' GP Crushed rock base course 1 I I 1 sm Brown and dark gray silty fine to medium sand with fine to medium gravel, trace glass debris (damp)(very loose to loose)(fill) I I 1rr 0 ; 6 '18 6 ;18 7 III I 6 0 18 blow count inflated by gravel at sampler tip 6 ' ° -very loose below 5 feet 5 1 li Vi I � I , � I I I I II i 0.5 0 1 18 � 0 114 -dark brown and burned ash at 8.5 feet I ' I W 0 1 0 18 1 I 2 6 I I GPI Gray fine to medium gravel with fine to coarse sand (wet)(medium dense) * SP 1 I 8 ;18 10 lit 15 112 • 21 0 I I 0 I > 1 , i 15 1 s 118 0 -brown and coarser at 15 feet 14 12 20 • sP Brown fine to coarse sand (wet)(medium dense) I I (Boring log continued on Figure A-2b) Client: Parametrix,Inc. Drilling Method: Hollow stem auger by Mobil B-61 Sampling Method: SPT(1.4"I.D.and 2.5"I.D.)samplers driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drilling Date: March 3,2010 Figure A-2a Drilling Contractor: Holocene Drilling f11[ SUE Lake Ave. S. Storm System Job No.912 X11 + a w BORING B-2 q=� Soil Description (Continued) 20 I 1 1a s 19 sP Gray fine to medium sand (wet)(medium dense) 19 , 1 1 , I ' I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 i I I I I I I 1 1 iw -driller report gravel at 24.5 feet 26 1 ; 6 '18 10 18 22 , Ywlt I ' 1 I 1 I I , I I , I I , I I I I I I I I I sP Gray fine to coarse sand with trace fine gravel(wet)(medium dense) i I i I I I i I I i I I I 30 s i1a 9 , 2 14 I , 1 i I ' 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 35, 11 118 32 1 18 ■r 27 -some fine to medium gravel at 36 feet, blow count inflated by gravel I ' 1 i ' I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 401---1 6-'-- 18 9 18 sP Bluish gray fine sand (wet)(medium dense) 13 AW Boring terminated at a depth of 41.5 feet on March 3, 2010. Groundwater encountered at a depth of 9 feet during drilling. Client: Parametrix, Inc. +* Drilling Method: Hollow stem auger by Mobil B-61 Sampling Method: SPT(1.4"I.D.and 2.5"I.D.)samplers driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drilling Date: March 3,2010 Figure A-2b Drilling Contractor: Holocene Drilling 9W Job S8cEE Lake Ave. S. Storm System a BORING B-3 a mo o Q Soil Description O � a A a m IS; c o (3.5 inches asphalt pavement at ground surface) 0 SM Dark gray silty sand with fine gravel,trace organic matter(damp)(loose)(fill) 2 1 11 :18 4 8 4 I I ' I I ' I 6 1 1 4 118 -with medium to coarse sand at 5 feet 2 ; 8 2 I I ' I I I I I I ' I ' 1 5 118 6 2 1 I 8 I 1 I I � , I � i 10 1 2 18 • GPi Gray fine to medium gravel with fine to coarse sand,trace organic silt(wet)(loose) 4 6 • SP 3 1 • I I •. 1 I 1 ' I ' • I I I • 1 7 X18 1 • r � z 10 MI- Black organic silt with wood debris(wet)(soft) ' I I ' I 1 19 15; 12 16 GPI Dark gray fine to medium gravel with fine to coarse sand (wet)(loose to medium dense) 1 ; 12 110 • SP 13 ' I ' I ' • I 1 I ' 1 ' • 6 118 8 I 1P, Dark gray and brown fine to coarse gravel with fine to medium sand (wet)(medium dense to dense) I I • 201--- -'---I (Boring log continued on Figure A-3b) Client: Parametrix, Inc. Drilling Method: Hollow stem auger by Mobil B-61 Sampling Method: SPT(14'I.D.and 2.5"I.D.)samplers driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drilling Date: March 3,2010 Drilling Contractor: Holocene Drilling Figure A-3a wi SUE Lake Ave. S. Storm System Job No.912 a�. w BORING B-3 Soil Descripffon (Continued) v 20 18 ;10 • GP Dark gray and brown fine to coarse gravel with fine to medium sand (wet)(dense) 31 • SP , r f I ' 1 • sP Brown fine to medium sand (wet)(medium dense) 26 6 16 1 10 ,10 15 -fine to medium gravel at 26.5 feet , 30; 7 ;16 7 ,10 7 , GP Brown fine to medium gravel with fine to medium sand (wet)(medium dense to dense) SP • , , 6 ,16 , 7 6 • 6 23 4 • 12 Jlt Boring terminated at a depth of 41.5 feet on March 3, 2010. Groundwater encountered at a depth of 10.5 feet during drilling. Client: Parametrix, Inc. Drilling Method: Hollow stem auger by Mobil B-61 Sampling Method: SPT(1.4"I.D.and 2.5"I.D.)samplers driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drilling Date: March 3,2010 Figure A-3b Drilling Contractor: Holocene Drilling S&EE Job No.912 Lake Ave. S. Storm System ■w UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ' O } I G DESCRIPTION MAJOR DIVISIONS j Lu (n GW WELL-GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, CLEAN LITTLE OR NO FINES GRAVELS °z m w I POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, (LITTLE OR } i J J_j �Oa Z w ¢N GP LITTLE OR NO FINES I NO FINES) I j Z�_ w> co J N LL SILTY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND-SILT I GRAVELS � r w w III p F w GM MIXTURES WITH FINES o o W Z w 0� (APPRECIABLE j = 0 i GC CLAYEY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY AMOUNT OF FINES) ! U z 0 o MIXTURES a • SW WELL-GRADED SAND OR GRAVELLY SANDS, CLEAN <' �? LITTLE OR NO FINES SANDS v w W a F w w °Zd vw-ia (n uiu �w ! r POORLY-GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, (LITTLE OR a°Z w `"s �' , °w $P NO FINES) =v¢N g 0 i Q O O 1 LITTLE OR NO FINES 0 Q< w "w Q g m¢i APPENDIX B w LABORATORY TESING rr wr: err rrr 40 r ar ar r 912rpt S&EE ow Particle Size Distribution Report a a a a u is a 100 90 80 70 I i ';Ili I w 60 I :i Z Z 50 w LLI 40 IL 30 20 j i 1Ii ( 10 0 j J!! I 0.1 0.011 0.001 500 100 10 1 GRAIN SIZE-mm %GRAVEL %SAND %FINES 1 %COBBLES CRS. FINE CRS. MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY 0.0 8.0 27.0 20.0 15.0 24.5 5.5 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC." PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X--NO) Gray,Sl Silty Sand&Gravel 1.5 in. 100.0 I in. 97.0 3/4 m' 92'0 Atterberg Limits 1/2 in. 86.0 PI= 3/8 in. 81.0 PL= LL= ##4 65.0 #10 45.0 Coefficients #40 30.0 Dg5= 11.9 D60= 3.91 D50= 2.59 #100 10.0 D30= 0.425 D15= 0.202 D10= 0.150 #200 5.5 Cu= 26.07 Cc= 0.31 i Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks Tested&Calculated by: M.Blackwell Reviewed by: Mike Blackwell Sampled-03/18/10.Received-03119/10,Tested-03/22/10 J (no specification provided) Sample No.: 05 Source of Sample: B-1 Date: 03/18/10 Elev./Depth: 12.5 ft. Location: + A.A.R. Client: S&EE Project: LK Ave Storm-Project#912 Testing Laboratory, lnC. Project No: 10-107 Plate 076 ■ii Particle Size Distribution Report S < < 0 M P4 100 90 - 80 1; 4- 70 Z LU 601— U- t Z 50 UJ 0 UJ 40-- CL 30 20 I I i i '! i �� i I 10 LLI Soo 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm %COBBLES %GRAVEL T %SAND %FINES CRS. I FINE CRS. MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY 0.0 .20.0 --F-32.0 12.0 17.0 15.7 3.3 err SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Gray, Sl Silty Sand w/Gravel 2 in. 100.0 1.5 in. 96.0 1 in. 85.0 3/4 in. 80.0 Afterberg Limits 1/2 in. 68.0 318 in. 61.0 PL= LL= pl= #4 48.0 #10 36.0 Coefficients #40 19.0 D85= 25.4 D60= 9-09 D50= 5.36 #100 6.0 D30= 1.15 D15= 0.318 D10= 0.220 #200 3.3 Cu= 41.30, Cc= 0.66 Classification USCS= AASHTO= rr Remarks Tested,Calculated by: M.Blackwell Reviewed by: M.Blackwell Sampled-03/18/10,Tested-03/22/10 (no specification provided) Sample No.: 01 Source of Sample: B-2 Date: 03/18/10 Location: Elev./Depth: 12.5- 15 ft. A.A.R. Client: S&EE Testing Project: LK Ave Storm-Project#912 Laboratory, Inc. Proiect No: 10-107 Plate 072 Particle Size Distribution Report ` Q¢D O 900 + ' r W 60 I Z_ I Z 50 UJ '-- 1 - ` is ! i a j �i i Ij ! � 'I I I ;i i '•{ � � j I' i i i will :LLL: k : 10 0 0.09 I 0.001 500 9001 1 90 � ©"� GRAIN SIZE-mm %GRAVEL %SAND %FINES %,COBBLES CRS. FINE CRS. MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY 0.0 2.0 1 10.0 10.0__1 44.0 32.4 1.6 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.' PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Gray/Gldn Brn,Sl Silty Sand w/Sparse Gravel 1.5 in. 100.0 1 in. 98.0 3/4 in. 98.0 1/2 in. 95.0 Atterbera Limits 3/8 in. 95.0 PL= LL= P1= #4 88.0p #10 78.0 Coefficients #40 34.0 D85= 3.46 D60= 0929 D60= 0.673 #100 3.0 D30= 0.381 D15= 0.248 D10= 0.210 #200 1.6 Cu= 4.43 Cc= 0.74 Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks Tested&Calculated by: M.Blackwell Reviewed by: Mike Blackwell Sampled-03/18/10,Tested-03/22/10 (no specification provided) Sample No.: 02 Source of Sample: B-2 Date: 03/18/10 Location: Elev./Depth: 20-25 ft. A.A.R. Client: S&EE Testing Project: LK Ave Storm-Project#912 at Laboratory, Inc. Project No: 10-107 Plate 073 Particle Size Distribution Report t � 100 90 I, I it f . f 80 ( t I ( + I 70 --- M UJ 60 t I! I f Z 50 LU V d 40 30 I 1 ,rr 20-- 10 500 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm �e %COBBLES %GRAVEL %SAND %FINES CRS. FINE CRS. MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY 0.0 28.0 30.0 8.0 17.0 1 14.9 2.1 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC." PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Gray Sand&Gravel 1.5 in. 100.0 re 1 in. 87.0 3/4 in. 72.0 1/2 in. 60.0 4 42.0 AtEerberg Limits 318# 52.0 PL= LL= PI= #4 #10 34.0 #40 17.0 Coefficients #100 4.0 D85= 24.4 D60= 12.7 D50= 8.74 #200 2.1 D30= 1.32 D15= 0.369 D10= 0.260 Cu= 48.89 Cc= 0.53 Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks Tested&Calculated by: M.Blackwell Reviewed by: Mike Blackwell +rr Sampled 03/18/10,Tested-03/22/10,Reviewed-03/22/10 (no specification provided) Sample No.: 03 Source of Sample: B-3 Date: 03/18/10 Location: Elev./Depth: 15-20 ft. /4.14.R. Client: S&EE Testing Project: LK Ave Storm-Project 4912 Laboratory, Inc. Project No: 10-107 Plate 074 rr Particle Size Distribution Report p (V < < = O O O vOP fOp d P 8 100 90 I I I r so 70 -- w 60 I I I UJ ►- 4 j - , 50 U 0f LU 40 I I' Q � � I T' + IL 20 01 0.1 500 a.ao1 50Q 100 10 0.01 GRAIN SIZE-mm GRAVEL %SAND %FINES COBBLES CRS. FINE CRS. MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY 0.0 9.0 29.0 10.0 21.0 27.1 3.9 SIEVE �FINER SPEC.* PASS? Material Description SIZE PERCENT (X=NO) Gray,Sl Silty Sand&Gravel 1.5 in. 100.0 1 in. 96.0 3/4 in. 91.0 1/2 in. 82.0 Atterberg Limits 3/8 in. 75.0 PL= LL= PI= ##4 62.0 #10 52.0 Coefficients #40 31.0 D85= 14.4 DBO= 4.11 D50= 1.65 #100 10.0 1330= 0.405 DI 5= 0.201 D10= 0.150 #200 3.9 Cu= 27.40 Cc= 0.27 Classification USCS= AA HS T0= Remarks Tested&Calculated by: M.Blackwell Reviewed by: Mike Blackwell Sampled-03/18/10,Received-03/19/10,Tested-03/22/10 ink (no specification provided) Sample No.: 04 Source of Sample: B-3 Date: 03/18/10 Elev./Depth: 25-40 ft. Location: so A.A.R. Client: S&EE Project: LK Ave Storm-project#912 Testing EELaboratorv, Inc. Project No: 10-107 Plate 075 vi APPENDIX C GROUNDWATER INFLOW ASSUMPTIONS AND CALCULATIONS r 912rpt S&EE to �r Sheet No. pZ Calc. No. Rev. No. Job No 9 Z Job Z-I< A-,,o • SA,--N- By GJS Date �� 0 Client Subject Chk'd.C i Date b i i i i 2O _ - -- 1 i { - 41 -� ag lot �4Q l lot - 60 946.9(7/91) Y� JOB NO. Z SHEET NO. Z Z do / DATE JOB NAME Lk /4V-Q- � yt�� COMPUTED BY SUBJECT CHECKED BY im Lam- - o, o LA r. fJ , rAA r JOB NO. SHEET NO. / /Z DATE /0 /iV/� S]�YYV✓ COMPUTED BY JOB NAME C> / l C_ CHECKED BY SUBJECT O I � � I M l � I L i 1 I I Cr 0 00 01\ �► o O JOB NO. SHEET NO. DATE 10-6-10 JOB NAME COMPUTED BY SUBJECT CHECKED BY rz '7z" arr /Ir wrr wr Xll Sheet No. Calc. No. Rev. No. Job No. 1 Z Job �.� v-.Q.• S�oYl�./ By G S Date Client Subject Chk'd. l JS Date O /0 - i 20 — V 3 3 0 _ :1 z x i�4 "vi CTP 1A wr d0 Sheet No. l/i r Calc. No. Rev. No. fib Job No. 9 Z Job LCD A/,re . By C,YS Date 441 o//. Client Subject Chk'd. C�_S Date Y�1•ot.�..oL� /�"�°� w/ /Y�iv�C.� ,D ox ��CC6;vv���o w err 3 � /o o Aw Im 3' --- �. 3a l j F Lam- O V x x -/�7 x z l SD err r OAR 0 17/01 Sheet No. T Calc. No. Rev. No. Job No. Job Zc kz AV-L , S7bY'^^^_ By (,US Date �d�4 Client Subject Chk'd. G Date /<x ' x Nf�i z a. o 7 z )< 3 o, o T� /f,t so lo l � i 30 LE v Sd ' r�r JOB NO. SHEET NO. _ 10 DATE 16 -11- 10 < JOB NAME -Z-Al AVZ COMPUTED BY ow SUBJECT CHECKED BY vidy o � i � ! i � � x I � wo Ar i i i Ii � t to ! pYCA�j �C/01� CA `i I I JOB NO. ` SHEET NO. 2-1 - DATE /D -//-/C) JOB NAME "'� '� "' ` Syr��e COMPUTED BY CHECKED BY SUBJECT Z L s-a/, s-- i YWI 111 rrr rr Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report Lake Avenue South Storm System Project (SWP-27-3529) Prepared for City of Renton 1055 S.Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 1Ar Prepared by ' Parametrix 1019 39th Avenue SE,Suite 100 Puyallup,WA 98374 T.253.604.6600 F.253.604.6799 www.parametrix.com ww March 2011 218-1779-036 im err ■r CITATION Parametrix.2011.Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report .r Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(S WP-27-3529). Prepared by Parametrix,Puyallup, Washington.March 2011. +r .w nr rY r� r` ar rr err 40 Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) City of Renton CERTIFICATION The technical material and data contained in this document were prepared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned, whose seal, as a professional Hydrogeologist licensed to practice as such,is affixed below. Prepared by Michael R. Warfel,LG,LHG w Checked by Lisa A. Gilbert,LG,LHG Approved by Kenneth T.Fellows,P.E. March 2011 218-1779-036 40 Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) City of Renton �t. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE......................................................................1-1 .r 2. STATUS OF ADJACENT CONTAMINATED SITES.........................................2-1 2.1 SAFEWAY PROPERTY.......................................................................................2-1 2.2 WALKER'S RENTON SUBARU PROPERTY....................................................2-1 2.3 DISCUSSION WITH ECOLOGY REPRESENTATIVE......................................2-2 *0 3. SOIL SAMPLING DURING GEOTECHNICAL DRILLING................................3-1 4. MANAGEMENT OF CONTAMINATED SOILS AND GROUNDWATER ""' DURING CONSTRUCTION ............................... ..4-1 .............................................. 4.1 POTENTIAL FOR ENCOUNTERING CONTAMINATION..............................4-1 go 4.1.1 Soil Contamination.......................................................................................4-1 4.1.2 Groundwater Contamination........................................................................4=1 4.2 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT APPROACH.........................4-1 o 4.3 WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ................................4-1 5. REFERENCES...................................................................................................5-1 tw LIST OF FIGURES 1-1 Project Location.....................................................................................................1-3 wr 4-1 Location of Potential Soil and Groundwater Contamination.................................4-3 LIST OF TABLES 3-1 Data for Soil Samples Collected from Geotechnical Borings................................3-1 APPENDICES A Information from Safeway Site Ecology File *a B Information from Walker's Renton Subaru Site Ecology File C Laboratory Report for Soil Samples Collected During Project Geotechnical Investigation rrr D Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Management Plan w ■rr rrr March 2011 1 218-1779-036 i wo t Contaminated Soils and Groundwa27-3 ter Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(3=- 529) City of Renton KEY TERMS µg/L micrograms per liter bgs below ground surface City City of Renton so Ecology Department of Ecology HAZWOPER hazardous waste operations to mg/kg milligrams per kilogram MTCA Model Toxics Control Act TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons UST underground fuel storage tank M March 2011 218-1779-036 iii WAS aw Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Proje 7-3 ct(SWP-2529) City of Renton a BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The Lake Avenue South Storm System project proposes to replace a portion of the existing City of Renton(City)storm drain system from the intersection of South 2nd Street and Lake Avenue to South, to the intersection of Rainier Avenue South and South 3rd Street (Figure 1-1). The existing storm system is located within an existing utility easement that was formed when the Lake Avenue South right-of-way was vacated between South 2nd Street and South 3rd Street. Based on information provided by the City,flooding has occurred on Lake Avenue South,north M of 2nd Street. During intense or prolonged rainfall,water has overtopped the curbs and flooded the properties on the west and east sides of Lake Avenue South. The scope of this project task included the following: r • Obtain information regarding documented soil and groundwater contamination adjacent to the storm drain on the Safeway and Walker's Renton Subaru properties; • Test soil samples collected during drilling of geotechnical borings at the project site and test these samples for the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons; • Assess the potential for encountering contaminated soils and groundwater during project construction (to be conducted by the boring and jacking method) involving soil excavation work and construction dewatering; • Develop an approach to managing contaminated soil and groundwater that could be encountered during construction;and • Document the methods,findings, and recommendations of this task in a report. rrr r �Ypr wr «r r aw aw rrr March 2011 1 218-1779-036 1-1 rrr . .+,.. J �+x <a Y > . ' E S 2ND ST TACO B-1 ME TI 11Yt � REPLACE EXISTING, j> STORM LINE WITH Q NEW STORM LINE I IX.. r SAFEWAY B 2 GROCERY E. STORE WALKER'S RENTON i -_ SUBARU.USED CARS r� LAKE AVE S STREET VACATION 60'WIDE EASEMENT RETAINED r , / FOR CITY UTILITIES I SAF�WAY t GAS STATION t S 3RD ST I ® B-# SOIL TEST BORING NUMBER AND LOCATION Parametrix DATE:Mar 18,2011 FILE:PU1779036F1-1 Figure 1-1 Project Location Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S o N loo Storm System Project + SCALE IN FEET City of Renton Surface Water Utility Mr Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3519) City of Renton No 2. STATUS OF ADJACENT CONTAMINATED SITES Parametrix reviewed files at the Department of Ecology (Ecology) office in Bellevue, Washington, in March 2010 to obtain information about former underground fuel storage so tank(UST) leaks at locations of the current Safeway and Walker's Renton Subaru properties. Both of these properties are listed by Ecology as sites of ongoing contamination cleanup. The following descriptions of each contaminated site were obtained from this file information. ow 2.1 SAFEWAY PROPERTY Safeway previously operated a smaller.store on the property and retained an environmental so consultant in 1996 to assess adjacent property purchased to build a larger store. A review of historical site records indicated that a gasoline service station formerly operated on the south side of the property and that the USTs may not have been removed. Subsequent subsurface wr investigations identified soil and groundwater contamination from gasoline-range compounds and the presence of three USTs (two 800-gallon tanks and one 1,000-gallon tank). The tanks were removed in May 1999, followed by excavation and off-site treatment of 1,160 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil (Environmental Partners, Inc. 1999). Former locations of these tanks and the contaminated soil excavation are shown in Appendix A. During the site investigation and remediation, groundwater was encountered at 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). Based on data collected from monitoring wells subsequently installed at the site, the groundwater flow direction beneath the site is generally towards the west(see Appendix A). Groundwater monitoring at the Safeway site has continued since 1999. The most recent monitoring report in Ecology files was prepared by Environmental Partners in November 2009 and showed the continued presence of gasoline-range hydrocarbons above the Ecology Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup levels in monitoring well MW-1 wr (see Appendix A). MW-1 is located in the southwest corner of the Safeway property, adjacent to the Walker's Renton Subaru property. The TPH-gasoline concentration at MW-1 in September 2009 was 1,600 micrograms per liter (µg/L), compared to the MTCA Method A cleanup level of 1,000 µg/L. Groundwater monitoring continues on a semi-annual schedule and is the responsibility of Safeway, Inc. 2.2 WALKER'S RENTON SUBARU PROPERTY An environmental assessment of this property completed in 1996 by Groundwater Technology, Inc. documented the presence of soil and groundwater contamination from three former 10,000-gallon USTs at the locations shown in Appendix B. A smaller UST associated with a former Texaco service station was also reportedly located on the property adjacent to Rainier Avenue South. A total of 100 tons of gasoline-contaminated soil was removed from the former pump island area and treated off-site (Adapt Engineering 2000). Approximately 10 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil was left in the ground near the northwest corner of the former pump island (see Appendix B). Data from soil borings in this area indicated concentrations of TPH-gasoline up to 1,200 milligrams per kilogram(mg/kg),which is above the MTCA Method A aw cleanup level of 100 mg/kg. Groundwater sampling conducted between 1996 and 2000 indicated contamination from diesel fuel in the eastern part of the site and gasoline in the vicinity of the three large former wr USTs (Adapt Engineering 2000). In-place treatment with oxygen-release compound in monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-4 (see Appendix B) reportedly reduced contaminant concentrations in groundwater below cleanup levels by January 2000. �Mr March 2011 1 218-1779-036 2-I dw IContaminated Soils and Groundwater Report Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-17-3529) City of Renton During the site investigation and remediation at the Walker's Renton Subaru site, groundwater was encountered at 10 feet bgs. Based on data collected during the site investigation, the groundwater flow direction beneath the site is generally towards the west (see Appendix B). No data regarding TPH concentrations in soil or groundwater after 2000 were available in the Ecology file. The file included correspondence from June 2000 that documents a"No Further Action" letter for soils on the site, provided that a restrictive covenant on the property is filed with the King County Assessor's Office. The restrictive covenant prohibits any activities on the site that have the potential to cause contact with, or a release of, TPH-contaminated soil + without prior written authorization from Ecology. 2.3 DISCUSSION WITH ECOLOGY REPRESENTATIVE Parametrix obtained the following Ecology contact from the project file correspondence and called him for information regarding the status of the two contaminated sites and potential impacts of the Lake Avenue storm sewer construction on these sites: Mark Adams,Hydrogeologist Toxics Cleanup Program Northwest Regional Office Washington State Department of Ecology Bellevue, Washington Telephone:425-649-7107 Email: mada461 @ecy.wa.gov rr Mr. Adams confirmed that the Safeway and Walker Renton Subaru sites are included on the Ecology Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List, indicating that cleanup has not been completed at either facility. He noted that both sites are or were part of the Voluntary Cleanup Program and that neither site was the subject of a cleanup order by Ecology or a restrictive covenant that requires Ecology approval of any actions that could affect existing soil and groundwater contamination. Therefore, any construction activities associated with the Lake Avenue sewer project that potentially involve contaminated soil or groundwater do Sri not require approval by Ecology,but do need to comply with the MTCA regulations to ensure the protection of human health and the environment. Mr. Adams appreciated the coordination with Ecology on this project. wu ru W +wr +rr 2-2 March 2011 1 218-1779-036 Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Wlrf Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) City of Renton 3i. SOIL SAMPLING DURING GEOTECHNICAL DRILLING Three geotechnical borings were drilled at the project site on March 3, 2010, at the locations shown on Figure 1-1 to assess engineering properties of soils along the storm sewer rr alignment. A Parametrix hydrogeologist was present during the drilling work to view soil samples from the borings and collected soil samples for laboratory analysis of TPH. Results of the soil sampling are summarized below in Table 3-1. The chemical results are expressed in milligrams of contaminant per kilogram of soil(mg/kg). Laboratory reports are provided in Appendix C. Table 3-1. Data for Soil Samples Collected from Geotechnical Borings Boring/Sample Number: B-1 /7.5 B-1 /10 B-2/7.5 B-3/7.5 Sample Depth(feet below ground): 7.5 10 7.5 7.5 Depth to Groundwater(feet): 10 10 9 10.5 r Parameters Units MTCA A TPH-Diesel mg/kg 2,000 27 U 260 U* 45 U 27 U TPH-Motor Oil mg/kg 2,000 53 U 2,600 90 450 TPH-Gasoline mg/kg 30/100 5 U 7.1 U 14 U 4.7 U Notes: U=Not detected above specified detection limit. wlr 'Detection limit elevated due to interference from motor-oil range compounds. mg/kg=milligrams per kilogram. - Model Toxics Control Act(MTCA)from Washington Administrative Code 173-340. MTCA Method A Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use:Table 740-1. fiYr Shaded values indicate a result that is above the MTCA cleanup level and must be disposed of at a permitted facility if removed from the ground. we The depths of the soil samples were selected by the Parametrix field geologist, based on sample appearance and odor. Of the three samples, only the 10-foot sample from Boring B-1 showed a result slightly above the MTCA cleanup level (for TPH in the motor-oil range). Because of this result,the soil from Boring B-1 was sent to a permitted facility for disposal. The sampling results indicate that TPH in the soil can be encountered in areas of the project site that are not within, or directly adjacent to, known prior locations of gasoline service stations or associated fuel USTs. The result at Boring B-1 is likely due to the presence of low levels of TPH in the material that was used to fill the area prior to development. Boring B-2 was located outside of the area of the former gasoline station that contaminated groundwater on the Safeway property and was not expected to show soil contamination.The boring closest to the former USTs on the Walker's Renton Subaru property (Boring B-3) is in the area where soil was excavated and remediated and,therefore, would not be expected to show TPH greater than MTCA cleanup levels in this area. Groundwater was observed in the three irr borings at an approximate depth of 10 feet. r �rlt March 2011 1 218-1779-036 3-1 rrlr do Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) City of Renton 4. MANAGEMENT OF CONTAMINATED SOILS AND GROUNDWATER DURING CONSTRUCTION 4.1 POTENTIAL FOR ENCOUNTERING CONTAMINATION 4.1.1 Soil Contamination Data from Ecology files for the two contaminated sites, and results from the soil samples collected from the geotechnical borings, indicate that petroleum hydrocarbons may be encountered in soils throughout the project area. Therefore, soils excavated during construction of this project must be evaluated visually and analytically for the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons,to allow for appropriate disposal options to be selected. The greatest potential for encountering TPH-contaminated soil that exceeds cleanup levels will likely occur along the southern segment of the storm sewer replacement project, on the Walker's Renton Subaru property where the boring for the new sewer pipe will pass through or near the area identified by Adapt Engineering (1999) as the "estimated area of residual TPH-gasoline and benzene contaminated soil" (Figure 4-1). The soil boring nearest to this area shown in the Adapt report indicated a TPH-gasoline concentration of 1,200 mg/kg. The potential also exists for encountering TPH in soil along the northern segment of the project near Test Boring B-1. 4.1.2 Groundwater Contamination Groundwater contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons has been documented beneath both the Safeway and Walker's Renton Subaru sites. Concentrations of TPH in groundwater at the wt Safeway site have been consistently monitored for a number of years and currently are localized in the vicinity of monitoring well MW-1 (in the southwest corner of the Safeway property [see Figure 4-1]). As noted above in Section 2.1, the TPH-gasoline concentration at MW-1 in so September 2009 was 1,600 µg/L (compared to the cleanup level of 1,000 µg/L), and TPH concentrations in groundwater at the Walker's Renton Subaru site were reportedly below the cleanup level in 2000. The TPH-gasoline concentration contours shown on Figure 4-1 were mapped by Environmental Partners (2009) and do not extend beyond the area near well MW-1 where they had collected samples. The dewatering system required to drop the elevation of the water table prior to pipeline construction for the project will intercept groundwater from beneath both the Safeway and Walker's Renton Subaru properties;therefore,the discharge from the dewatering system will potentially contain detectable concentrations of TPH-gasoline. rw 4.2 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT APPROACH Parametrix prepared a Soil and Groundwater Management Plan for inclusion in the bid specifications which is included in Appendix D. 4.3 WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Federal and State regulations require that personnel working on a contaminated site that is on a State or Federal contaminated site list (such as the Safeway and Walker's Renton Subaru sites) have appropriate training and carry out work under a formal Health and Safety Plan. Therefore, the plans and specifications will require contractor personnel who may come in contact with contaminated soils and groundwater to have 40-hour hazardous waste operations March 2011 1 218-1779-036 4-1 30 tow Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) 111 City of Renton (HAZWOPER) training and an up-to-date annual HAZWOPER refresher course certificate. +� The contractor will also be required to retain a Certified Industrial Hygienist to develop a Health and Safety Plan for on-site workers. r. wr Wo .r ar f. err �r nr .. ww 4-2 March 2011 1 218-1779-036 arr C I y Zp a p' 111J O I U -0.IS I V o cc 0 0 L) N \ KC R y C xz > 00 cc CD c LLJJQ' 1 \\ \\ \\ �• \ \ xW o o O �I Ir11 Z \ _ 7 K QKQ •\ \ \ i uu�� LU W 0 MW W \ / / N H � j o x = LL o \ 4! 10 Z \ w a \� 'Z \\ \ a > m V\\ 1 0 ! \ U V = w \ Fmz- \ oa wit.. 1 •\ \ `\ '� I a0 00 0 a �/ \s po EQZ w Epu Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) City of Renton rJ. REFERENCES Adapt Engineering, Inc. 2000. Voluntary cleanup program report, Walker Subaru used car lot, 250 Rainier Avenue South, Denton, Washington. Prepared for Walker Subaru. March 1,2000. Environmental Partners, Inc. 1999. UST removal and interim remedial action report, Safeway, 100 and 108 South 3rd Street, Renton, Washington. Prepared for Safeway, Inc. July 22, 1999. Environmental Partners, Inc. 2009. Groundwater monitoring report, September 2009, Safeway Store No. 1563, 220 South Third Street, Renton, Washington. Prepared for Safeway,Inc.November 23,2009. air Groundwater Technology, Inc. 1996. Phase 2 environmental assessment, Sound Subaru, 240-250 Rainier Avenue South,Renton, Washington. Unpublished letter from Justin Peach to Sandy Rodal,Pacific Northwest Bank.May 1, 1996. err r ■r March 2011 1 218-1779-036 5-1 f X } T 4,;}r } ri. ' 13 S r r r a a ' �r c tr F APPENDIX A Et t, k, Information from j e . Safeway Site Ecology File ri a� Wnn-)VA SNIM35 311HM DNDitl1 0 $ I I � l N I < z cN fir z Z z � z I V I I ti I - N 0 n 1 =t u? Oki ol U I I f•� IJrtt tC M � I U �f lei \� A\ +1 < z 0 z W X Z Z co J LO N aq 01 < I El 0 to la .r IJI 1 1 a 03 I � I --- om Z �� C at 8 K i mZ ti° r, zz I ZQ { a4o I w 6 h Z ����1c a i 2 I, i cwi n i ,� dim do I i II �V i 1 III k � I I � W K Z j/:.; fit• _ � o W II • '0 3 ~ z I j U QO J K W w I 2 Z O U c2 rr1 V Y � t S �4 jfkk( f¢•G y �e f K� LEA x.x• .t �' t i e b ,:4 t i . j k t y APPENDIX B ; {' Y z Information from z Walker's Renton Subaru Site Ecology File I 4 4fT ;as t - r ? �s2 'r= vo/ GJ/00 14:OZ2 1'-u LUb 401 0404 '� UitUl,.\ll31�K lt�tl I wo ow Q W Y Q W 4.y !FORMER � SB-7 r AUTO REPAIR FORMER RESIDENCES AND TRANSM SSION SHOPr SB-8 / r—`� FORMER PUMP L & UST • BUILDING � PORTION OF SITE �� LEASED FROM y� CITY OF RENTON Se— t SE-2 1G��� FORMER r S@—.3\ �. PUMP 4w S@—.3\ ISLANDS !_ L l APPROXIMATE FORMER USTs 1G --� I LOCATION OF / I FORMER GASOLINE L J STATION rr: APPROXIMATE / LOCATION OF PyOTO CHALET FORMER TEXACO „ STATION SOUTH 3rd STREET i LEGEND N rw ® GEOPROBE LOCATION mw 1-1❑ ❑D❑GROUNDWATER ° SITE PLAN FEEr 50 TECHNOLOGY SCALE cUENr: SOUND SUBARU FILE' PROJECT NO: pm RG/PE � 5P496 020600266 LOCATION. REV: 240-250 RAINER AVENUE S. ° RENTON. WASHINGTON � `SN GATE:°� _ CY 5 1 '96 '1 �r i sn .7 Z / I a Q Q p rn f 0 Z J X J X Q O O 000 w 3 U 0 Z Z Z Q m Q R W V N m 0 F F0 F d3 d y o m0W QU?'z Ja xN al :S m dd' aO W� J Q� a• 2Qy2 ww Z N u3a w x 3 o w O W3 Wa_Zv Zv Q 0� NS O Z O x F o�0 II Z w m�o u t O0 oa z U Z raj II �a I T 3N�3rn v��«OJ SOJ < av I cc 0 J ' t r' 3NIl A18L3d06d 'I� I � •a ` 'I 3 i' ° ' I C7 \\ on I� I \ w2 4 II O N Y \ a Q It) \ 'I (3 t \ co dp \\\ II C' C) CN II I I \ 7 ♦ i N M C? \ X d , �`I C 'CC) x • ____.�.Nj II O C Ln 1 I m • -_.__ 6� II N a \ d I x o O O 1E I I 1 ��• @may j CO W -e OO Jf I ? o�� bs)00 4. I yZj CL o 0 CL %II j umi m °~ i1t o Q 0 0 000 VI d V • \ 1 1 a' a \ I l � \\ �I Wm uQ. lit O N [7 ; II U 1 { N \ I a 11 C7 U O \\I W Ld 0- �Q Z J \' LLB w v)N Q N N 7 Z Q Z ( l II l wOh I J O�Z a f Q 1 \\ WIyQ? + U Qopa N 1 �Q IZ ,=Z 1 z I II NQap N N O \ m \\ m y l N \ I $ � W U a w a s J CL o • `�'i J x r Z m / x a y / m \ J \ O \ S \I 1 2 I \ Q ----- J \ ^ a / U O a �\ • 0 • � • \ \ -_f F11n 3f1N3�`1 tl34AW .r .n V�-<Z /a i/11�1 O rn -ti 0 V—r o m�Y' 3 am00 O O I z z��z�¢Qaua �z o I oa¢ ¢ LL 3 F I Z°\ Z�O o VO ¢°f Z K Z Z S to ZO¢Q ¢z 0, 0 U ow^z t-ll 3 Sw -' z o o¢_ w z VI z U O OZ O x zO �O >pZm ap I Ii1.53uf rn a=,WOOP Ca :<c ix 1, Ir I U K O WU OW4 op op ¢K4 d WL, �n ovOi m o� U....O¢MJ MJ VIOOU VI ? ; �/ 3N 3m Z Iy o O II m m uj � iN 1 � 1♦In r' I co�j} 3 a I I i o o rn T w z YID 11 I a I't Go/ � o N j1 I N pmj x I % CO) • d OC 1 i I J 6 I �' ,QI > °'o p0. ryOj C aL V I 1 1 6 I L!J '2..If1 w o o Z ~ i,'�c0 •�N / m O 0 0 . i vV I m Q �(n d I • I � 1 a Y o rn I EL i I \\ l Q ------- _--- C) V m C I !rte I I I � N I d 0 1 f 1 z W o w e a 4 N z i N W J U I I I N 2 O m --- N O m 111 mO w - ----- a I < 1 0 \�\ / n a 1 y ¢ 11 \ 0 ry WIW m a 1 O I \ I x I Q U O (� \\ co err+ � �tF S 4 ".t1" nca S F } S t Y r " hvY r APPENDIX C Laboratory Report for Soil Samples Collected During Project Geotechnical Investigation y X1'4 +,'tcg:.'S,. vY. z rr MIA. OnSite Environmental Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052• (425) 883-3881 W& March 11,2010 Mike Warfel Parametrix, Inc. rr 1231 Fryar Avenue Sumner, WA 98390 Re: Analytical Data for Project 218 1779 036 01 05 wo Laboratory Reference No. 1003-029 Dear Mike: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on March 3, 2010. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. jai We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures wr OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 orr This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. rr 2 Date of Report: March 11,2010 Samples Submitted: March 3, 2010 Laboratory Reference: 1003-029 Project:218 1779 036 01 05 at Case Narrative WI11 Samples were collected on March 3, 2010,and received by the laboratory on March 3,2010. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2°C to 6°C except as noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. ! NWTPH Gx Analysis Per EPA Method 5035A, samples were received by the laboratory in pre-weighed 40 mL VOA vials within 48 hours of sample collection. They were stored in a freezer at between -7°C and-20°C until extraction or analysis. Any other QA/QC issues associated with this extraction and analysis will be indicated with a footnote +W reference and discussed in detail on the Data Qualifier page. �t W IN OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 3 wwr Date of Report: March 11,2010 Samples Submitted: March 3, 2010 �.. Laboratory Reference: 1003-029 Project:218 1779 036 01 05 NWTPH-Gx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg(ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: B-2 7.5' Laboratory ID: 03-029-01 .iw Gasoline ND 14 NWTPH-Gx 3-5-10 3-8-10 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Fluorobenzene 85 53-126 Client ID: B-1 7.5' Laboratory ID: 03-029-02 Gasoline ND 5.0 NWTPH-Gx 3-5-10 3-8-10 r Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Fluorobenzene 98 53-126 Client ID: B-1 10' Laboratory ID: 03-029-03 Gasoline ND 7.1 NWTPH-Gx 3-5-10 3-8-10 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits rr Fluorobenzene 100 53-126 Client ID: B-3 7.5' wwr Laboratory ID: 03-029-04 Gasoline ND 4.7 NWTPH-Gx 3-5-10 3-8-10 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Fluorobenzene 93 53-126 ar; are tre rr wrr OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95`h Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 wwr This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. wrw . 4 Date of Report: March 11,2010 Samples Submitted: March 3, 2010 Laboratory Reference: 1003-029 Project:218 1779 036 01 05 at NWTPH-Gx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: M130305S2 1A Gasoline ND 5.0 NWTPH-Gx 3-5-10 3-5-10 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Fluorobenzene 102 53-126 fd Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags ! DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 03-029-04 ORIG DUP Gasoline ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 30 Surrogate: Fluorobenzene 93 91 53-126 i OnSite Environmental,Inc. 14648 NE 95`"Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 Old This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 5 err Date of Report:March 11,2010 Samples Submitted: March 3, 2010 Laboratory Reference: 1003-029 Project:218 1779 036 01 05 NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result POL Prepared Analyzed Flags air Lab ID: 03-029-01 Client ID: 8-2 7,5' Diesel Range ND 45 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y Lube Oil 90 90 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y Surrogate:o-terphenyl 78% 50-150 rw Lab ID: 03-029-02 Client ID: B-1 7.5' la Diesel Range ND 27 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y Lube Oil Range ND 53 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y Surrogate:o-terphenyl 86% 50-150 to Lab ID: 03-029-03 Client ID: B-1 10' "O Diesel Range ND 260 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y,U1 Lube Oil 2600 300 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y Surrogate:o-terphenyl 80% 50-150 rir Lab ID: 03-029-04 Client ID: B-3 7.5' Diesel Range ND 27 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y Lube Oil 450 54 3-5-10 3-5-10 Y .ri Surrogate:o-terphenyl 80% 50-150 VM r OnSite Environmental,Inc. 14648 NE 95� Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 irr This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. rr 6 r Date of Report: March 11,2010 Samples Submitted: March 3,2010 Laboratory Reference: 1003-029 Project:218 1779 036 01 05 NWTPH-Dx METHOD BLANK QUALITY CONTROL Date Extracted: 3-5-10 Date Analyzed: 3-5-10 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) Lab ID: MB0305S1 Diesel Range: ND PQL: 25 Identification: --- Lube Oil Range: ND PQL: 50 Identification: --- Surrogate Recovery o-Terphenyl: 90% Flags: Y it OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 s This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. +rr 7 rrr Date of Report:March 11, 2010 Samples Submitted: March 3, 2010 Laboratory Reference: 1003-029 err Project:218 1779 036 01 05 NWTPH-Dx DUPLICATE QUALITY CONTROL rr Date Extracted: 3-5-10 Date Analyzed: 3-5-10 ■w Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg (ppm) r Lab ID: 03-029-02 03-029-02 DUP r Diesel Range: ND ND PQL: 25 25 rrr RPD: N/A �+r r Surrogate Recovery + o-Terphenyl: 86% 81% Flags: Y Y rr w. orr wry wr OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. +r 8 Date of Report: March 11, 2010 Samples Submitted: March 3, 2010 Laboratory Reference: 1003-029 W6 Project:218 1779 036 01 05 %MOISTURE Date Analyzed: 3-5-10 06 Client ID Lab ID % Moisture B-2 7.5' 03-029-01 44 B-1 7.5' 03-029-02 6 B-1 10' 03-029-03 17 B-3 7.5' 03-029-04 7 Sri Sri rw ad ■o OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95'"Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. No 9 -J& OnSite Environmental Inc. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A-Due to a high sample concentration,the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B-The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C-The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E-The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. r F-Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H-The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation,and be impacting the sample result. �r I-Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J-The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K-Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L-The RPD is outside of the control limits. r M-Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 -Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range(toluene-napthalene)are present in the sample. 40 N-Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 - Hydrocarbons in the diesel range are impacting the lube oil range result. to O-Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P-The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q-Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. rrr S-Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T-The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical U-The analyte was analyzed for,but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 -The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. rr V-Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W-Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X-Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. Y-Sample extract treated with an acid/silica gel cleanup procedure. Z- ND-Not Detected at PQL PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit RPD- Relative Percent Difference Orr r OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052 (425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 41W i ein;sloW% �( 4 y I C\j ( ro tm s. a m ❑ I Q a a� b99L Aq W3H C w • . s12leW dl� (B)sIe}aW VdoFi IElol E dL9L8 Aq seplolgjeH O7 I ° m d LB08 A q seplollsed E Z90B Aq sood U L: a WIS/QOLZ9 Aq sHHd r lllii °' WIS/QOLZB 11q Sei!lElOnlweS C4 Z 90928 Aq selllaloA pe12ue60IeH c' �i i: 80928�q Sel!iElO� z ;� 1 0 cl xa-Hd1MN )t, 110-110 o cc J O[OH-Hd1MN F } CL I ` o O r CO c cm d+6 O ❑ ❑ O 1 wy � .0 Oc Y o � ]1 v 3 co i \ z U C > �Q l d w m m v, O cc � CD o ° C, I Cn N (n 0 CS NE _ m - ♦.. 'o p s m , - m m }� o / CID O L� a 4.0 =O�N IN W K �,=m O v OW�a `� m L/ � L: Cz a .n'• a A low CM ♦ 7 N W D N •O N •O CD ♦,• YYY N U U _ C N C cr m C N U O. d O. U U U U o O o m _ N 11 1 CC OC U a a a ot r v��A r � �r�Yip 9 ELF 1-c h K a 7 r at +~ i E 3 � ys`4 WA to to APPENDIX D 1 _ Contaminated Soil and ` i Groundwater Management Plan ' OW t i CONTAMINATED SOIL AND GROUNDWATER REPORT Appendix D Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Management Plan W ko irr Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report I Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) City of Renton APPENDIX D Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Management Plan 10 1. Contaminated Soil Management I.I. Contaminants of Concern I.I.I. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH),gasoline,and diesel fractions ,0 1.2. Analytical Tests 1.2.1. Gasoline Fraction:NWTPH-Gx 1.2.2. Diesel Fraction:NWTPH-Dx 1.2.3. Testing for other analytes as required by the soil disposal facilities(see 1.7 below) 1.3. Analytical Testing Equipment 1.3.1. Mobile lab equipment from a WA-certified laboratory located within construction trailer. Use of mobile lab contingent upon approved staging plan 1.3.2. Washington-certified fixed-base laboratory 1.4. Sample Turnaround Time 40 1.4.1. Less than 30 minutes for each sample 1.5. Soils to be Tested 1.5.1. Soils from excavation of pits for jacking and receiving of casing and pipe to 1.5.2. Soils from jack and bore advancement of casing pipe 1.5.3. Soils from any other open cut trenches, excavations or boring that penetrates the surface trr 1.6. Arrangement for Soil Transport 1.6.1. Licensed hauler for transport to disposal site 1.6.2. Dump trucks lined to prevent leakage of pore water, if present rrr 1.7. Arrangement for Soil Disposal 1.7.1. Licensed facilities for disposal of contaminated soils 1.7.2. Confirm concentration limits and testing requirements for soils contaminated with TPH-G and TPH-D 1.7.3. Specify facility for clean soils and facility for contaminated soils 1.7.4. Document TPH-Gx and TPH-Dx concentration criteria for disposal at each facility 1.8. Field Observations and Measurements 1.8.1. Staff. Prior experience with identification,sampling,and documentation of TPH- contaminated soils 1.8.2. Observe soil in each excavator bucket prior to loading into dump truck 1.8.3. Check for odors or discoloration;log presence or absence in the field notebook. 1.8.4. Head-Space Test:Place a portion of the soil in a glass jar to the half-full mark. Immediately cover the jar tightly with aluminum foil.Pierce the foil with the probe of a calibrated Field Photoionization Detector(PID). Record the reading in the field notebook. 1.9. Soils Handling 1.9.1. Excavated soils placed directly in dump truck 1.9.2. Full dump truck proceeds to staging area 1.9.3. Truck and driver on standby until sample results from the mobile lab are received (see 1.12 below) March 2011 1 218-1779-036 D-1 rr Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) City of Renton 1.10. Soil Sample Collection 1.10.1. Sampling Frequency:One composite sample from each dump truck load 1.10.2. Use clean rigid plastic or metal pipe or core barrel 1.10.3. Insert pipe at three locations in dump truck bed 1.10.4. Place all three soil sample aliquots into a stainless steel bowl 1.10.5. Gently mix soil in bowl with clean spoon or spatula 1.10.6. Fill a laboratory-supplied clean 8-ounce glass sample jar with soil from the bowl 1.10.7. Replace jar lid and label sample jar with sample date,time,location,truck number, and sample number 1.10.8. Deliver sample to on-site mobile laboratory 1.11. Soil Sample Analysis in Mobile Laboratory 1.11.1. Log sample in log book 1.11.2. Complete analysis for TPH-Gx and Dx 1.11.3. Record result in log book 1.11.4. Provide result to Contractor representative 1.12. Soil Disposal Decision Based on Sample Results 1.12.1. Select disposal site(clean or contaminated) 1.12.2. Document selection in log book 1.12.3. Inform truck driver of decision 1.12.4. Provide sample result documentation and load number to truck driver 1.12.5. Truck driver transports soil to disposal site and receives receipt 1.12.6. Truck driver provides the receipt to Contractor's representative 2. Contaminated Groundwater Management 2.1. Contaminants of Concern 2.1.1. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH), gasoline,and diesel fractions 2.2. Analytical Tests 2.2.1. Gasoline Fraction:NWTPH-Gx 2.2.2. Diesel Fraction:NWTPH-Dx rri 2.2.3. Testing for other analytes required by discharge permit(see 2.5 below) 2.3. Analytical Testing Equipment 2.3.1. WA-certified laboratory, or 2.3.2. Mobile lab equipment from WA-certified laboratory located within construction trailer. Use of mobile lab contingent upon approved staging plan. 2.4. Groundwater to be Tested 2.4.1. Discharge from construction dewatering system 2.5. Arrangement for Groundwater Disposal 2.5.1. Complete an"Industrial Waste Program Construction Dewatering Request''form using groundwater sampling data provided with this Plan and submit the form to the City of Renton Wastewater Utility 2.5.2. Obtain a permit from the City to discharge groundwater from the dewatering system to at the sanitary sewer manholes at the project site(as identified on the project drawings), including payment of fees associated with the permit 2.5.3. Post a copy of the permit at the project site D-2 March 2011 218-1779-036 1rr Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SWP-27-3529) iftt City of Renton 2.6. Groundwater Handling w. 2.6.1. Route any groundwater discharge to a holding tank with a valve-controlled outlet to the sanitary sewer manhole identified on the project plans 2.6.2. Tank outlet shall be equipped with a flow meter capable of measuring instantaneous flow and totalized flow in gallons per minute(gpm) 2.7. Groundwater Sample Collection 2.7.1. Staff.Prior experience with water sampling and sample documentation 1W 2.7.2. Use clean sample bottles provided by the laboratory 2.7.3. Collect the sample volume required by the laboratory 2.7.4. Label each sample bottle with the sample date,time, location,discharge flow rate to 1Y101 sanitary sewer,discharge manhole number,and sample number 2.7.5. Deliver sample to the on-site mobile laboratory 2.8. Groundwater Sample Analysis in Laboratory 2.8.1. Log sample in log book 2.8.2. Complete analysis for TPH-Gx and Dx 2.8.3. Record result in log book 2.8.4. Provide result to Contractor representative 2.9. Groundwater Discharge Permit Compliance Check 2.9.1. Compare groundwater concentrations to concentration limits specified in the dewatering permit 2.9.2. If sample concentrations are below the specified limits, log the results in the log book 2.9.3. If any sample concentrations is greater than the respective limit,collect another sample and submit sample to mobile laboratory for analysis 2.9.4. If any concentration in the second sample is greater than the respective limit, immediately shut down the dewatering system and contact the Engineer 2.9.5. Log the original and second sample results in the log book,along with the time of dewatering system shut down 2.9.6. If dewatering system is shut down for any reason other than completion of the project, ' the system shall not be restarted without approval of the Engineer 2.10. Groundwater Discharge Sampling Frequency 2.10.1. Every 4 hours r 2.10.2. If sample results are consistent and below the concentration limits specified in the dewatering permit, extend the sampling interval to once every 24 hours,with approval from the Engineer 2.10.3. If the dewatering system has been shut down due to exceedance of concentration limitsi resume 4-hour sampling frequency upon system start up, followed by extension of the sampling interval, if supported by subsequent sample results +rr March 2011 1 218-1779-036 D-3 r e,W A`iEPUBLICi SPECIAL WASTE PROFILE Page 1 of 211 SERVICES Waste Profile# Requested Disposal Facility:--- Select a Facility--- Saveable fill-in form. Restricted printing until all required(yellow)fields are completed. 1. Generator Information Sales Rep#: Generator Name: Generator Site Address: City: County: State:—Select a State- Zip: State ID/Reg No: State Approval/Waste Code: (if applicable) NAICS# Generator Mailing Address (if different):❑ City: County: State: — Select a State-- Zip: Generator Contact Name: Email: Phone Number: Ext: Fax Number: Ila. Transporter Information Transporter Name: Contact Name: Transporter Address: City: County: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: State Transportation Number: Ilb. Billing Information Bill To: Contact Name: Billing Address: I Email: City: State: Zip: Phone: 111. Waste Stream Information Name of Waste: Process Generating Waste: Type of Waster ❑INDUSTRIAL PROCESS WASTE ❑POLLUTION CONTROL WASTE Physical State: ❑SOLID ❑SEMI-SOLID ❑POWDER ❑LIQUID Method of Shipment: F1 BULK ❑DRUM ❑BAGGED ❑OTHER: Estimated Annual Volume: --Select Volume Type-- Frequency: ❑ONE TIME ❑ANNUAL Disposal Consideration: ❑ LANDFILL [—]SOLIDIFICATION ❑ BIOREMEDIATION IV. Representative Sample Certification ❑NO SAMPLE TAKEN +Iw Is the representative sample collected to prepare this profile and laboratory analysis, ❑YES or❑NO collected in accordance with U.S. EPA 40 CFR 261.20(c) guidelines ore uivalent rules? Sample Date: Type of Sample:❑COMPOSITE SAMPLE ❑GRAB SAMPLE Sample ID Numbers: ©Republic Services,Dec 2009 REPUBLIC SPECIAL WASTE PROFILE SERVICES Page 2 of 2 Waste Profile# V. Physical Characteristics of Waste Characteristic Components % bv Wei ht ran e 2. 3. a 4. 5. __ Color Odor(describe) Does Waste Contain Free Liquids? % Solids pH:' 7F lash Point �" ❑YES or❑NO °F Attach Laboratory Analytical Report(and/or Material Safety Data Sheet) Including Chain of Custody and Required Parameters Provided for this Profile Does this waste or generating process contain regulated concentrations of the following Pesticides and/or Herbicides: Chlordane, Endrin, Heptachlor(and it epoxides), Lindane, Methoxychlor, Toxaphene, 2,4-D, or [Yes or ONo 2,4,5-TP Silvex as defined in 40 CFR 261.33? Does this waste contain reactive sulfides(greater than 500 ppm)or reactive cyanide (greater than 250 ppm)[reference 40 CFR 261.23(a)(5)]? QYes or QNo Does this waste contain regulated concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyis (PCBs) as defined in 40 CFR Part 761? QYes or QNo Does this waste contain concentrations of listed hazardous wastes defined in 40 CFR 261.31, 261.32, 261.33, including RCRA F-Listed Solvents? ❑Yes or ONo Does this waste exhibit a Hazardous Characteristic as defined by Federal and/or State regulations?. QYes or [:]No reg Does other his n as defined in OuCFR concent 31?rations of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin(2,3,7,8-TCCD), or any ❑Yes or -]No Is this a regulated Radioactive Waste as defined by Federal and/or State regulations? Yes or QNo Is this a regulated Medical or Infectious Waste as defined by Federal and/or State regulations? E]Yes or QNo IWO Is this waste a reactive or heat generating waste? DYes or QNo Does the waste contain sulfur or sulfur by-products? QYes or QNo Is this waste generated at a Federal Superfund Clean Up Site? ❑Yes or QNo Is this waste from a TSD facility, TSD like facility or consolidator? OYes or QNo err VI. Certification I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,the information contained herein is a true, complete and accurate description of the waste material being offered for disposal and all known or suspected hazards have been disclosed. All Analytical Results/Material Safety Data Sheets submitted are truthful and complete and are representative of the waste. I further certify that by utilizing this profile, neither myself nor any other employee of the company will deliver for disposal or attempt to deliver for disposal any waste which is classified as toxic waste, hazardous waste or infectious waste, or any other waste material this facility is prohibited from accepting by law. I shall immediately give written notice of any change or condition pertaining to the waste not provided herein. Our company hereby agrees to fully indemnify this disposal facility against any damages resulting from this certification being inaccurate or untrue. I further certify that the company has not altered the form or content of this profile sheet as provided by Republic Services Inc— nr ._ Authorized Representative Name And Title(Type or Print) Company Name Authorized Representative Si nature Date rr. ©Republic Services,Dec 2009 +rs SAN x S.83d allleloA d10 c alRBIOA d10 c c .n y a a ai � c >1 a m O E E E E > ? > ? N .-. E E E E i5 2 _ N o 0 0 o (D W U U U U _ M Sle40IN d10 ° m m m � w p SMOIN dl0 N N N N c1 07 L 0 E E > > m H L a 10 'D E a� 3 Q c U U U V y X318 ,F, X319 Ha x x x x x x a Z _ O C: 'as V w L i C: F- Hdi x xxxx x o Hd xxxxxx 76 j m o N m E c E D m ca C) m a� O W c o- � a) W a C: CL Q x0l m Q XO it C c 'o °E Z E G Z m a O a E a) > Q W � ° U) a E N a J J O =J " 0 }ulodyselj w c O �ulodyselj c La) p W a� W 0. W W N L E ° C p y O O N N a m m Z N Z O w a cn CD 19 E N LL O E J (0 C O (D £ J @ C O N x G co C Xk L C J �_ 7 O O O ' C J — '3 0 W c 0 2 23 c c LL aci E O w r s W o LL c c 0 c c c m (0 w' w J 'O - (0 y fO/1 �f/1 f0 fO O > y 5. N IC - 0 v v O Q O C7 C� S Y e ocD c� xxY � � w 1 j a W ¢ tl L a x rw w iW 66 APPENDIX B DOT Form 350-042 EF r�rr tr IM ift 60 AW Aft Washington State �AP Department of Transportation HMA Mix Design Submittal Contract Information Contract Number State Route Section Date .r Project Engineer Region dw HMA Paving Contractor Submitted By HMA Class RAP to be Used in Production ESALs(millions) �r ❑3/8 Inch ❑3/4 Inch ❑ 1/2 Inch ❑1 Inch ❑Yes ❑No Percentage Gyration Levels roStatistical MA Evaluation Method n: N Max: N Initial: N Design: ❑Non Statistical ❑Commercial Asphalt Binder Information Primary Asphalt Binder Supplier Asphalt Binder Specific Gravity(Gb) Asphalt Binder Grade Proposed Pb Mixing Temperature Range Compaction Temperature Range Anti-Strip Type ■rr Secondary Asphalt Binder Supplier Asphalt Binder Specific Gravity(Gb) Asphalt Binder Grade Proposed Pb we Mixing Temperature Range Compaction Temperature Range Anti-Strip Type Contractor Aggregate Structure and Aggregate Test Data In the table below provide the"Material'identification(3/4"-0, Blend Sand,etc.),"Source"(J-199, E-320,etc.), "Ratio"(45%, 20%, etc.), and the percent passing each sieve for each stockpile used in the mix design as well as the combined gradation and the specification requirements for the class of HMA used. Report all stockpile gradations to the nearest tenth of a percent. Report the combined mbined gradation to the nearest whole percent except the U.S. No.200,which must be reported to the nearest tenth of a percent. rl Combined Specification Gradation Requirements urce Ratio 1 1/2" Square 1" Square 3/4"Square 1/2" Square 3/8" Square rr U.S. No.4 U.S. No. 8 U.S. No. 16 rrr U.S. No. 30 U.S. No. 50 U.S. No. 100 U.S. No. 200 Commercial Evaluation Uncompacted Void Content 40 Minimum DOT Form 350-042 EF Page 1 of 3 Revised 1/09 g Contractor's Aggregate Test Data In the tables below provide all of the aggregate specific gravity and aggregate quality property test data determined for each stockpile and the selected design aggregate structure(Combined Gradation)as required.The specification requirement only apply to the design aggregate structure(Combined Gradation). Aggregate Specific Gravity, Sand Equivalency, and Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate Material Combined Specification err Gradation Requirements Source Ratio •r Gsb Coarse Gsb Fine Gsb Blend Sand Equiv. 45 Min. tir Uncompacted <3m ESALs,40 Minimum Vold Content >3m ESALs,44 Minimum Coarse Aggregate Fracture The fracture requirements for the combined coarse aggregate shall apply to the material retained on the U.S. No.4 sieve and above when tested in accordance with Combined #Fractured Specification FOP for AASHTO TP 61. Faces p Gradation Single/Double Requirements U.S. No.4 90%Minimum Remarks rr rrt rrr �r rr DOT Form 350-042 EF Page 2 of 3 Revised 1/09 fly Contractor's HMA Mix Design Data In the table below provide the HMA volumetric mix design data determined by performing WSDOT SOP 732. The Va,VMA,VFA, and Gmb values must be determined from replicate mixtures compacted to the appropriate Ndesign gyration level in accordance to aWr section 8.2 of SOP 732, back calculated values from replicate mixtures compacted to Nmax are not acceptable. Primary Asphalt Binder Secondary Asphalt Binder -0.5% +0.5% -0.5% +0.5% rr HMA Properties Pb Design Pb Design Pb Design Pb Design Pb Design Pb Design Pb % Gmm @ Nini % Gmm @ Ndes a %VMA @ Ndes %VFA @ Ndes Dust/Asphalt Ratio Pbe rr Gmm Gmb Gse + Height @ Nini Height Q Ndes Contractor's HMA Mix Design Proposal(s) In the table below provide the HMA volumetric mix design data that comes closest to, or intersects,4.0%Va,from the testing performed via WSDOT SOP 732. This may be the same as the Pb design data from the table above. Also provide the%Gmm data developed from the replicate mixtures compacted to appropri ate Nmax qVration level. 9rr HMA Properties Primary Asphalt Binder Secondary Asphalt Binder Specification Proposal Pro osal Requirements Fb "r 7Ndes 96.0 %VFA @ Ndes Dust/Asphalt Ratio 0.6- 1.6 Pbe Gmm Gmb Gse % Gmm@ Nmax L98.0 I certify this HMA job-mix formula(JMF)has been developed in accordance to WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure(SOP)732 "Volumetric Design for Hot-Mix Asphalt(HMA)". The HMA JMF has been verified in accordance to section 10 of SOP 732 which consist of preparing replicate mixtures containing the selected design aggregate structure at each of the following binder contents:(1) the estimated design binder content, Pb(design); (2)0.5 percent below Pb(design);(3)0.5 percent above Pb(design). I am aware, in do accordance to Standard Specification 5-04.3(7)A subsection 2,that a response will be provided within 25 calendar days after a complete mix design submittal has been received at the State Materials Laboratory in Tumwater. rir Signature Title Phone Date rri DOT Form 350-042 EF Page 3 of 3 Revised 1/09 trr w it APPENDIX C - PERMITS Archaeological Monitoring Plan DAHP Permit (will be included when issued) City Of Seattle Right of Way Permit (will be included when issued) r King County Construction Dewatering Request Form rr i +rr «r. .rr Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project King County, Washington Submitted to Prepared for The City of Renton Prepared by a e Jenny Dellert, M.A. Shari Maria Silverman, M.A. Seattle, Washington March 11, 2011 .. �i Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Project Background................................................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Regulatory Context.......................................................................................................................1 2.2 Affected Tribes.............................................................................................................................1 3.0 Procedures for Archaeological Monitoring and the Treatment of Archaeological Resources...............3 4.0 Procedures for Human Skeletal Remains...............................................................................................5 5.0 References..............................................................................................................................................5 66 Attachment A Project Contact List 0 List of Figures Figure 1.Location of the Project Area..........................................................................................................2 wi 40 so ■iM iw Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington Historical Research Associates, Inc. i ilrr wr 1 .0 Introduction Historical Research Associates, Incorporated(HRA)was retained by Parametrix on behalf of their client,the City of Renton,to conduct an archaeological resources assessment and provide a monitoring plan, and unanticipated discovery plan, for the Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(Project). The Project area is located in the central portion of the eastern half of Section 18, Township 23 North, and Range 5 East Willamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, Washington(Figure 1). For background information on the environment and cultural context, please see Dellert and Silverman(2010:4-16). An HRA archaeologist will monitor onsite ground-disturbing construction activities in soils and sediments for archaeological resources that are 50 years old or older. �r 2,0 Project Background The City of Renton proposes to replace the existing storm system between South 2nd Street and the intersection of South 3rd Street and Rainier Avenue South with a new storm system at or near the existing system location. The Project area measures approximately 650 lineal feet w;,,,,, (approximately 210 meters)within an existing easement that is the vacated right-of-way of Lake Avenue South. Alternative routes may be considered;however the impact area is not expected to exceed five meters (16 feet)from the centerline of the alternatives. The additional alternatives are not substantially longer than the preferred alternative, and include the area to be trenched and the area that could be impacted by construction activities. HRA's work scope is intended to address areas that could receive subsurface impacts from proposed construction activities. 2.1 Regulatory Context This Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan(IDP)has been prepared at the request of Parametrix,on behalf of the City of Renton,as a part of archaeological monitoring activities. The procedures herein are meant to comply with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations,particularly: 36 CFR 800.13 of regulations implementing the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended; Title 27,Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 27.44, Indian Graves and Records;and Chapter 27.53,Archaeological Sites and Resources. 2.2 Affected Tribes The affected Tribes for the Project area include the non-federally recognized Duwamish ft Tribe, and the federally recognized Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and Suquamish Tribe. w Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington ""' Historical Research Associates, Inc. 7: I - Sourc�e RentonWA�1994�g _, w��t s�d1� �., , al z 7 5 minute USES Topographic Quadrang►es - Township '- Pro}ectlon NA D83 UTM Zone 1flN , k y t 1 I 5 y` ti t � • ') ra S 1� �r_f.._ �_r � `� ��,t" `� '�, e',.`�: �j` I 4•`' � '� ��'yYi` `�*`S. \ \ ,._-,..r` '�, ill I }'{►°�C'fankJ� ';cg,�,+r��f�-,\�,� ' i�lc � l ° r ,F// }1 :,_IS - - .}'y\� a CI'I _ Y•r�' 4f I(Yp-�id y t Y+t _ r }, y ti E ML L?AL I n �' ` taw 1, r �. �'-,� '•1 ` j -, PfOJeCtArea Pa �4Sr rk N Cpl f — P ��� \��D Park , L t w 3L•u+ ' \d�hriHty Ste s w.1,.- {� i k ^. ®1 ®�'"• �"-' Power{ � ati }l,l S } �,sn � �_ 111111 e ewac�o O's ! - { 1 4�1P''�- '1 .. •\\. .._® , J,; Ian � 1L� �` ✓ x -,�- w', r: I: t- ��, i \ Suhsla 14f[S -114 14 all {t r 111 , fX r t 1 jl,zta f �, 0 0.4 0.8 1.6 Kilometers f N Miles 0 0.25 0.5 +r i! al of Historical Research Associates Inc.,lffissoula NIT s Figure 1.Location of the Project area. r1f► Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington Historical Research Associates, Inc. 2 9- r. ow 2.3 Potential Archaeological Resources in the Project Vicinity One prehistoric site(Dexudidew the Little Cedar River Fishing Site (45KI587)was identified to within or adjacent to the northern boundary of the Project area. Cultural materials included shell midden, fire modified rock(FMR), calcined fish bone, lithics, and flecks of calcined shell (Lewarch 2004).Additionally, a large prehistoric village site was identified across S.2nd Street near the northern Project boundary. The Renton High School Indian Site(45KI501) included at '�' least three distinct occupations levels, shell midden, faunal remains,FMR, and lithics(Lewarch 2001). Therefore,the probability for prehistoric archaeological resources in the vicinity of the Project is high and may be encountered if any ground-disturbing activities occur on or near the as northern Project boundary, in particular. 3.0 Procedures for Archaeological Monitoring and the Treatment of Archaeological Resources 1. Archaeological monitoring will be conducted by a professional archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior's qualifications(Code of Federal Regulations, 36 CFR Part 61). If an archaeologist meeting the qualifications is not available but an experienced archaeologist(e.g.,one with five or more years of experience in a variety of archaeological field situations) is available to monitor construction activities, a "Supervisory Plan for Archaeological Monitoring"will be written and submitted to the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation(DAHP). 2. On the first day of monitoring,prior to the commencement of construction activities, HRA's Archaeological Monitor will brief the Construction Supervisor,environmental inspector and equipment operators on archaeological resource issues. The monitor will explain the purpose of the work,how it will be conducted,and what crew members can help watch for. This briefing will last up to one-half an hour depending on the number and nature of questions asked by the attendees. war 3. An archaeologist will monitor for archaeological resources that are 50 years old and older in soils and sediments during ground-disturbing activities. 4. The archaeologist will record the monitoring work as follows: daily activities will be �r recorded on a Daily Record Form and in a field notebook; overview photographs of the site, along with detailed photographs of particular construction areas, work in progress, and prehistoric or historic period cultural materials, will be promptly logged in a field notebook. In addition,the archaeologist will log in sketches/drawings of particular areas, features, and soil profiles; the locations of construction work that has been monitored will be noted on construction plans of the Project area. S. During construction,the archaeological monitor will examine soils, including in excavations and back-dirt piles.Equipment will include, as appropriate,a shovel, trowel, and screen of 1/-inch mesh. The archaeologist will watch for prehistoric or historic-period artifacts or layers/lenses of organic material or shell, and organically enriched midden soils that might indicate past human use. wn Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington Historical Research Associates, Inc. 3 rlri 6. The City of Renton will authorize the archaeologist to stop construction periodically, as needed, for a closer examination of exposed soils. The City of Renton will inform the construction contractor(s) about the archaeologist's monitoring work, and make provisions,within its agreement with the contractor, for work stoppage and for temporary shoring of the trench,when applicable, for inspection of possible finds. Ni 7. For safety reasons, the archaeologist will not enter any excavations deeper than 5 feet (1.5 meters)to inspect a possible find until the excavation has been shored by the Contractor,per OSHA standards at 29 CFR 1926.652 (www.osha-slc.govn. ' 3. If the archaeological monitor,or any member of the construction work force, believes - that they have encountered prehistoric (including,but not limited to, intact deposits of midden sediments; clusters of fire modified rock, charcoal, or other evidence of fire- related activities;and faunal remains in association with stone chips or tools) or historic- period archaeological materials (such as refuse concentrations, railroad grades and ties, p' machinery fragments,house foundations, sawdust,nails, stumps with springboard scars, or logging tools, adits, shafts and spoils piles) in any portion of the Project,the archaeologist will direct the onsite foreman or designee to stop excavation work in the immediate area. If the archaeologist is not present at the time of discovery,the foreman ' (or designee)will be responsible for stopping excavation work and immediately contacting the monitoring archaeologist. 9. Halting of construction for inspection of a possible find may take only a few minutes, but rr , rarely would exceed 30 minutes,to allow the monitoring archaeologist to identify whether it is an intact archaeological deposit. The archaeologist will take notes on the location observed(e.g., depth in metric units below surface),the sedimentary context, and other pertinent information, and will document the area with photographs.A buffer zone of 50 feet(15.2 meters)around the find will be established to protect the location, and the archaeologist,during this inspection. It may be necessary for the archeologist to Al request continued mechanical excavation of soils adjacent to the find in order to confirm the extent and integrity of the find;the City of Renton will coordinate with the archaeologist to direct the contractor in such circumstances. wN. 10. If the monitoring archaeologist believes that the find is a prehistoric archaeological resource or a significant historic-period archaeological resource,the foreman or designee will take appropriate steps to protect the discovery site by installing a physical barrier (i.e., exclusionary fencing)and prohibiting all machinery, other vehicles,and unauthorized individuals from crossing the barrier. The archaeologist will inform the City of Renton, which will then contact the DAHP and the cultural resources representatives for the affected Tribes(the Duwamish Tribe,Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and the Suquamish Tribe) (see Appendix A,Contact List). Under RCW 27.53, all prehistoric archaeological sites are protected regardless of significance or eligibility for national, state,and/or local historic registers. A determination of eligibility for listing on the ■rl NRHP by DAHP must be obtained for historic-period resources. It is presumed that historic-period resources are eligible for listing on the NRHP until and unless DAHP makes a determination that they are not. Treatment measures may include mapping, photography, subsurface testing, sample collection,and/or other activities, as determined appropriate by the DAHP and Tribal representative, and appropriate treatment. Eligible n Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington Historical Research Associates, Inc. 4 to rrr +rrr historic-period resources will require a permit to disturb under RCW 27.53. Appropriate treatment measures will be stipulated under a permit obtained from DAHP. 11. A permit will be obtained from DAHP prior to construction activities to minimize delays. The City of Renton will authorize construction to resume in the area of the discovery, after the find has been evaluated and treated to the satisfaction of the DAHP and the Tribes. 40 12. Any archaeological resources identified during construction activities will be collected by the archaeologist. The archaeological resources will be examined by the archaeologist and possibly analyzed by specialists, as needed and appropriate. err 13. Cultural features,horizons, and artifacts detected in buried sediments may require further evaluation using hand-dug test units to clarify aspects of integrity, stratigraphic context, or feature function. Test units will be used only when necessary to gather information on the nature,extent, and integrity of subsurface cultural deposits to evaluate the site's potential to address significant research domains. Units may be dug in controlled fashion to expose features, collect radiocarbon or animal/plant macrofossil samples from err undisturbed contexts, or interpret complex stratigraphy. A test excavation unit or small trench might also be used to cross-section a feature to determine if an intact occupation surface is present.Excavations will be conducted using industry-standard techniques for controlling provenience of recovered remains. r� 14. Sediments excavated for purposes of cultural resources investigation will be screened through 1/8-inch mesh. Spatial information, depth of excavation levels,natural and cultural stratigraphy,presence or absence of cultural material,and depth to sterile soil, regolith, or bedrock will be recorded on a standard form. Test excavation units will be recorded on unit level forms, which include plan maps for each excavated level, and material type,number, and vertical provenience (depth below surface and stratum association where applicable)for all artifacts recovered from the level.Radiocarbon and macrofossil samples will be taken from intact subsurface features exposed by shovel/auger probes or test units. A stratigraphic profile will be drawn for at least one ir wall of each test excavation unit. 15. All prehistoric and historic artifacts collected from the surface and from probes and excavation units will be analyzed,catalogued, and temporarily curated by HRA. r Ultimate disposition of cultural materials will be determined in consultation with the SHPO and the affected tribe(s). The preferred repository is the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture. 16. When monitoring work has been completed,HRA will prepare a report discussing the methods and results of the work. The report will be provided to the City of Renton for review within 21 days of completion of monitoring work. The City of Renton will 10 provide a review copy of the draft report to the affected Tribes and the DAHP. After a 30-day review period,the City of Renton will direct the archaeologist to make revisions that take into account review comments, and will provide a final copy of the report to each of the involved parties. 17. If monitoring reveals human remains,the procedures listed in Section 4 will be followed. �r Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the Ow City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington Historical Research Associates, Inc. 5 rrr �rl 4.0 Procedures for Human Skeletal Remains Any human remains that are discovered during construction of the Project will be treated with dignity and respect. The affected Native American Tribes are the non-federally recognized Duwamish Tribe, and the federally recognized Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and Suquamish Tribe. If ground disturbing activities encounter human skeletal remains during the course of construction, then all activity that may cause further disturbance to those remains must cease, ! and the area of the find must be secured,covered from view, and protected from further disturbance. In addition,the finding of human skeletal remains must be reported to the county coroner and local law enforcement in the most expeditious manner possible. The remains should not be touched,moved, or further disturbed. The county coroner will assume jurisdiction over the human skeletal remains and make a determination of whether those remains are forensic or non-forensic. If the coroner detennines oil the remains are non-forensic,then the coroner will report that finding to the DAI-IP,which will then take jurisdiction over those remains and report them to the appropriate cemeteries and affected tribes.The State Physical Anthropologist will make a determination of whether the remains are Indian or Non-Indian,and report that finding to any appropriate cemeteries and the affected tribes. The DAHP will then handle consultation with the affected parties as to the future preservation, excavation, and disposition of the remains. 5.0. References Dellert, Jenny and Shari Maria Silverman 2010 Archaeological Resources Assessment for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm Drain Project, King County, Washington, Historical Research Associates,Inc. Seattle,Washington. Submitted to Parametrix, Sumner, Washington.Prepared for the City of Renton,Renton, Washington. United States Geological Survey(USGS) 1994 Renton Quadrangle, Washington, 7.5 Minute Series('Topographic).United States Geological Survey,Denver. rW ■ii Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington Historical Research Associates, Inc. 6 rr Ow aw 40 Vw err Attachment A Project Contact List aw i Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm Drain Project, King County, Washington Ow Historical Research Associates, Inc. ill Attachment A: Project Contact List King County Sheriffs Office Archaeological Consultant 911 Historical Research Associates, Inc. (HRA). (State that the situation is not life-threatening) 206-343-0226 Brent Hicks-Ext. 17(cell: 280-1738) Lynn Compas-Ext. 12(cell:473.0684) �i King County Medical Examiner Parametrix Richard Harruff, Medical Officer Jeff Coop,Senior Engineer King County Medical Examiner's Office 1231 FryarAvenue Harborview Medical Center PO Box 460 ' 325 9th Avenue, Box 359792 Sumner, WA 98390 Seattle, Washington 98104-2499 (206)731-3232 phone (253).863.5128 phone (206) 731-8555 fax (253).863.0946 fax �i Email: richard.harruff @kingcounty.gov Email:jcoop @parametrix.com Duwamish Tribe City of Renton (Non-Federally Recognized) Daniel Carey Nei, Cecile Hansen, Chairwoman Civil Engineer, Surface Water 4705 W. Marginal Way S.W. 1055 South Grady Way, 5th Floor Seattle,WA 98106-1514 Renton,WA 98055 ` (206)431-1582 phone (206)431-1962 fax (425)430-7293 phone (425)430-7241 fax dcarey @renton.wa.gov Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Washington State Department of Archaeology (Federally Recognized) and Historic Preservation (DAHP) Laura Murphy,Archaeologist, Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Officer(SHPO) 39015 172nd Avenue SE Dr.Allyson Brooks Auburn, WA 98092 (360)586-3066 (253)876-3272 phone State Archaeologist (253)939-5311 fax Dr. Rob Whitlam . Email: [aura.murphy @muckleshoot.nsn.us (360)586-3080 Asst. State Archaeologist Suquamish Tribe Gretchen Kaehler (Federally Recognized) (360)586-3088 Dennis Lewarch, THPO Cultural Resources State Physical Anthropologist PO Box 498 Dr. Guy Tasa Suquamish, WA 98392-0498 (360)586-3534 (360)394-8529 phone (360)598-4666 fax Email: diewarch @Suquamish.nsn.us r Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Inadvertent Discovery Plan for the City of Renton Lake Avenue South Storm System Project, King County, Washington Historical Research Associates, Inc. A-1 .iii 3 IR S 2ND ST Ow CK F _ T n t �r u� f j W O Elf � .:w :• � }�,': v ".j Tw 'r � ".J - 1 (- S 3x ; i >5 k p PROPOSED„STOR DRAIN 3ALIGNMENT aw S 3RD ST PLAN SCALD IN FEET -.-40 80 iirlt !3_i.rna4rrtnFn � �� n,arLF.tCYAL. .._� By------------------ Cater,-_----- aYr______.._________ LC tqr________ �K,TAYLOR , in ___--_-___---- C]ate-____ ___ �-- i'r-"°---- vote--------- t:0. REJiSiDPI DY DALE AFFR fir CITY OF SEATTLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT (Expected to be issued shortly) aw RWG:bg AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE- SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES (SPU) 2011 0606 UTILITY CROSSING PERMIT NUMBER: 327-420 (2011) +r Whereas, the City of Seattle owns the 66 foot wide Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way (CRPL R/W) that abuts the South margin of South Second Street in the rva City of Renton, and Whereas, the City of Renton owns and operates a storm drain system that crosses the CRPL R/W at a point approximately 380 feet East of the East Margin wo of Rainier Avenue subject to the terms, conditions, and provisions of a permit issued to the City of Renton, as authorized by City of Seattle Ordinance 81305 on January 28, 1953 (SPU R/W File # 327-420) , and subsequently partially modified by City of Seattle Water Department Utility Crossing Permit issued we October 7, 1996 (SPU R/W File # 327-428 aka U96-021) (Copies attached) , and Whereas, the City of Renton has asked permission to again upgrade its Storm Drain System within the CRPL R/W at this location, and irr Whereas, the City of Seattle has agreed to allow the requested upgrade, Now, Therefore: SUBJECT to City of Seattle ordinances and regulations and to the following terms and stipulations: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GIVEN to the following named Permittee: so CITY OF RENTON Contact: Dan Carey 1055 South Grady Way Phone: 425-430-7293 Renton, WA 98055 Email: dcarey @renton.wa.gov as PURPOSE: To maintain and operate a Storm Drainage System as provided by the terms, conditions, and provisions of the Permit issued to the City of Renton, as authorized by City of Seattle Ordinance 81305 on January 28, 1953 (SPU R/W File # 327-420) , and subsequently partially modified by City of Seattle Water Department Utility Crossing Permit issued October 7, 1996 (SPU R/W File # 327- 428 aka U96-021) , and so to construct a new Storm Drainage System that will replace a portion of the existing Storm Drainage System. *a LOCATION: Crossing the "CRPL R/W" in a North - South direction, approximately 380 feet East of the East Margin of Rainier Avenue. SPU MAP BOOK PAGE. 327 im PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS: All construction is to be accomplished as per terms, conditions, and am provisions herein, and as described and depicted in the attached EXHIBITS, and in the 100% City of Renton Plans as marked approved by Seattle Public Utilities: EXHIBITS: CITY of RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: (1 page) Standard Plan 201.00 March 2008, Catch Basin Type 2 it CITY of RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: (1 page) Contract Bid Items 31 & 32 regarding Foundation Material for Catch Basin to WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.12(3) (1 page) S&EE Soils Report Job No. 915 (9 pages) to Page 1 of 4 w RWG:bg AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE - SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES (SPU) 2011 0606 UTILITY CROSSING PERMIT NUMBER: 327-420 (2011) r PLANS: LAKE AVE S / RAINIER AVE S STORM SYSTEM: Plan and Profile STA 13+50 to 17+20, Drawing C2 LAKE AVE S / RAINIER AVE S STORM SYSTEM: Temporary Phasing, Fencing and Traffic Control Drawing C4 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING: At least 2 weeks prior to construction Permittee shall arrange a pre- construction meeting with SPU staff. CONTACT WITH SPU: At least 1 week before construction, permittee shall contact appropriate SPU personnel (to be identified at the pre-construction meeting) so that SPU personnel can schedule to be on-site at the appropriate times. SPU Engineering: SPU Operations: SPU Real Property Services: Bob Gambill at 206-684-5969 SPU 24 Hour: 206-386-1800. Ext. #3 CONTACT WITH CITY OF RENTON: CONTACT WITH CONTRACTOR at 40 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. SPU has no objections to the Permittee' s Use of SPU right of way for access and staging for this project. However, Safeway and Taco Time have a current permit from SPU for the use of the right of way. Therefore the Permittee must make arrangements for the use of the right of way with Safeway and Taco Time. X11 2. Permittee will not allow any vehicles to enter the right of way with a live load that exceeds the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials HS20-44 Standard Truck Loading, without prior written consent of the City. 3. Add the following to Note 3 on Plan and Profile STA 13+50 to 17+20, Drawing C2: The contractor shall protect the SPU cathodic protection (CP) system and conduits. Notify Jerry Go (SPU) at 206-615-0633 or Jerry.Go @seattle.gov for inspection of conduit prior to backfilling the trench crossing the conduit. SPU will perform a test at the completion of the project to ensure that the CP system was not damaged by construction activities. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Page 2 of 4 Id RWG:bg AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE - SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES (SPU) 2011 0606 UTILITY CROSSING PERMIT NUMBER: 327-420 (2011) err 1. This Permit is not valid until signed by an authorized representative for the Permittee and counter- signed as APPROVED by the Manager of SPU Real Estate Services. 2. A copy of this permit must be available on site. 3. The Permittee is responsible for limiting the use of the R/W to those approved in the Permit. All work to be prosecuted with diligence, and with due respect to all property, contracts, persons, rights and the interests and convenience of the public. All work shall be completed by 1 year from issue date. 4. This Permit is intended to convey limited use and rights only. None of the rights granted to the Permittee shall affect Seattle's jurisdiction of over the right-of-way and or SPU's power to perform work on said right-of-way. Permittee's use of the right of way shall in no way interfere with the City's present or future use of the right of way for any purpose. 5. If at any time the Permittee's facilities interfere with the City's installation, repair or replacement of its own facilities this location, Permittee upon written notice from the City shall temporarily remove its facilities at its own expense during the City's installation, repair or replacement and shall replace same at its own expense under the supervision of the City. .r 6. Permittee agrees that the City shall not be liable for any damage to said facilities by reason of any construction, alteration or improvement by the City, its agents or representatives, except where such damage is caused by the sole or comparative negligence of the City, its agents or employees. 7. Permittee agrees upon being billed therefor to pay for any increase in the City's cost of installing, replacing or repairing the City's pipelines or other City improvements resulting from the existence of Permittee's facilities. 8. During the term of this Permit, the Permittee agrees to operate in compliance with any and all Environmental Laws and not cause or permit SPU's property to become contaminated with any Hazardous Substances or Pollutants. Upon notice or discovery of any release of any hazardous substance or pollutants caused by the Permittee to occur upon SPU property, the Permittee shall, at irr its own cost, immediately take all necessary steps to respond to, and clean up the same and restore the property to its pre-existing condition in accordance with applicable environmental laws and requirements. The Permittee and shall report any such release, to SPU within 24 hours of discovery. 9. The Permittee agrees to repair any damage to the permit area resulting from the Permittee's use, and to restore the permit area to its original condition within 30 days of completion of the work described herein or the termination of this permit, whichever is sooner. 10. Permittee agrees to pay to the City the reasonable cost of repair of any of the City's facilities damaged by the installation, operation or maintenance of Permittee's facilities. 11. If the Permittee has not corrected, or made an acceptable agreement with SPU to correct any condition caused by the Permittee that SPU determines as unacceptable within 30 days of notification by SPU, SPU may correct such condition, and all reasonable costs incurred shall be billed to the Permittee. Except .SPU may act immediately for conditions which pose a threat to public health, safety or the environment. The Permittee agrees to pay such costs. 12. The Permittee shall notify the City prior to installing cathodic protection to facilities approved by this Permit. Permittee will provide, at its own expense, appropriate corrosion control measures to protect the City's facilities from stray electrical current caused by Permittee's facilities. The City will notify the Permittee of any future cathodic protection facilities installed by the City, and Permittee shall be responsible for installing and maintaining'stray current mitigation measures to its facilities. The Permittee shall join with the City in cooperative testing for stray current interference. The City shall not be responsible for any corrosive damage to Permittee's facilities caused by the City's existing or future cathodic protection installations, except where such damage is caused by the sole or comparative negligence of the City, its agents or employees. 13. The Permittee agrees to protect and save harmless the City from all claims actions or damages of every kind and description which may accrue from or be suffered by reason of Permittee's use of the R/W, or the performance of any work in connection with such use; and in case of any such suit or action being brought against the City, or damages arising out of or by reason of any of the above in causes, the Permittee shall, upon notice to the Permittee of commencement of such action, defend Page 3 of 4 go RWG:bg AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE-SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES (SPU) 2011 0606 UTILITY CROSSING PERMIT NUMBER: 327-420 (2011) r the same at the Permittee's sole cost and expense and will fully satisfy any judgement after the said suit has been finally determined. 14. The Permittee agrees that the actions of any contractors, agents or invitees of the Permittee area considered to be the same as if performed or caused by the Permittee. 15. Now, and at all times, it is expressly understood and agreed that before any construction within the permit area, plans will be supplied to the City for review and approval. to 16. The City reserves the right to institute an annual fee for this permit. 17. This permit is not transferable. .r� Except as modified by this Amendment, all the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of the permit issued to the City of Renton, as authorized by City of Seattle Ordinance 81305 on January 28, 1953 (SPU R/W File # 327-420) , and subsequently partially modified by City of Seattle Water Department Utility Crossing Permit issued October 7, 1996 (SPU R/W File # 327-428 aka U96-021) , remain in full force and effect and apply to Permittee. APPROVED BY SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES By Date Judith Cross, Director, Facilities and Real Estate Services ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF REN ON Date ignature 1 R.a AIL 0 Printed Name Sure Vila-r��- V{-�1{!�/ E.�afn����U����S�s✓� 'ft Title nr a Page 4 of 4 fr KING COUNTY CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING REQUEST FORM Industrial Waste Program Page 1 of 5 King County Construction Dewatering Request Form Submit to the King County Industrial Waste Program 130 Nickerson Street, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98109-1658 Phone: 206-263-3000 Fax: 206-263-3001 • Submit one application for each construction site. • Answer all questions and include ALL required exhibits. Incomplete applications will be returned to you. • If you do not have an answer for the requested information, indicate so and explain why. a Indicate"NA" if a section does not apply 1 to your site. • Use additional pages, if needed. 0 Discharge approval will be issued to the owner of the site. As such,this form must be signed by the site owner, or their authorized representative, as defined by King County Code(KCC)28.82.050. A King County Delegation of Signature Authority form can be completed to delegate signature authority and can be found at: www.kingcounty.gov/environment/wastewaier/IndustrialWaste/—/media/environment/wastewater/Industri alWasteProgram/docs/Forms/OtherForms/sigauth.ashx Applicant/Project City of Renton/Lake Ave S /Rainier Ave S Storm System Project Name Project Location 200 S. 3r St (address, city and Renton, WA 98055 zip code) NOTE: Site owner information must be provided. The site owner will be issued the discharge approval. Contractor or consultant will be sent a co Site/Project Owner Contractor/Consultant Contact Name Daniel Carey, P.E. Jeff Coop, P.E. — Contractor TBD Title Civil Engineer Project Manager Company City of Renton, Surface Water Utility Parametrix, Inc Mailing Address Renton City Hall 10193 9t Avenue SE, Suite 100 1055 S. Grady Way City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Code Renton, WA 98057 Puyallup, WA 98374 Office Phone No. 253-604-6676 Cell Phone No. Fax No. 253-604-6799 E-mail Address DeareygRentonwa.gov jcool2gparametrix.com Primary person to Daniel Carey be contacted about this application Provide detailed The City of Renton Surface Water Utility proposes to replace approximately 415 project description linear feet of existing 24-in. dia. concrete storm water pipe due to poor pipe condition. The pipe will be replaced by a combination of auger boring a steel casing and open cut trenching. The project includes approximately 432 linear feet of 42-inch-diameter steel casing and 531 linear feet of 34-inch-diameter HDPE carrier pipe installed in the casing, open-cut trenching of approximately 215 linear feet of 12-, 18-, 30-, 36-, and- 42-inch diameter storm water pipe. The contractor will be required to prepare and implement a dewatering plan. rev. 0312011 Yrr s Industrial Waste Program Page 2 of 5 King County Construction Dewatering Request Form r Start Date of End Date of 8-1-2011 10-15-2011 Dewatering Dewatering Size of Area Approx. 432 LF of boring Environmental Permits SEPA, DNS-M and 313 LF of open trench Issued for Applicant Site determination (example: NPDES permit) List construction processes and activities generating wastewater w • Process/Activity Generating Wastewater: Enter a brief description and assign a process number for each process and activity (e.g., well dewatering, wheel wash, equipment cleaning, concrete curing,jet grouting, contaminated stormwater runoff) • Substances and/or Pollutants: List all substances contained in these wastewaters (e.g., sediment/solids, caustic and/or acidic, oil and grease, other contaminants if groundwater or soil is contaminated). • ype of Pretreatment: Identify the type of wastewater pretreatment provided for each wastestream (e.g.,filtration, chemical precipitation, settling,pH neutralization, electrocoagulation, chitosan). King County policy requires that, at a minimum, an appropriately sized settling tank(weir-tank preferred) must be installed to provide gravity separation. • Frequency o Discharge: Indicate the frequency of discharge. Enter "continuous"if you discharge wastewater continuously to the sewer as the wastewater is generated, or "batch"if you store wastewater and discharge it to the sewer in batches. • Daily Quantity Discharged: Calculate the projected daily average and maximum discharge volume. In the space provided directly below the table,provide thorough documentation of the information, methods, and assumptions used to calculate the discharge volume values provided in this table. Substances Frequency of Daily Quantity Process Process or Activity that and/or Type of Discharge Discharge in Gallons Number Generates Wastewater Pollutants in Pretreatment (continuous or Average Maximum Wastewater batch) 1 Excavation Dewatering TPH-G,TPH-D Setting Continuous 432,000 432,000 yrt. Documentation of Water Balance Calculations For each process listed in the table above,provide thorough documentation of the information, methods, and assumptions used to calculate your site's water quantity balance. For the purpose of calculating the maximum daily stormwater runoff volume, use a rainstorm event of two inches per 24 hours. Jacking Pits: Rectangular pits for inserting and receiving pipe during the horizontal jacking and boring process; open cuts at north end,center, and south end of alignment for connecting to existing sewer pipe. Pit walls lined with sheet piling; pit floor poured concrete slab with sump. Dewatering discharge pumped from sumps in pits and open cuts. Boring Alignment: Well points installed at regular intervals along jacking and boring alignment. Discharge to header system. All discharge to settling tank prior to discharge to sanitary sewer. For average soil permeability of 7.2E-2 ft/min and 4-foot drawdown,two-dimensional flow net analyses indicated flow rate on the order of 50 gallons per minute at base of the jacking pits and 5 gpm per lineal foot along the jacking and boring alignment. rev.03 12011 a Industrial Waste Program Page 3 of 5 King County Construction Dewatering Request Form If you are requesting to discharge greater than 25,000 gallons per day during November through April, you must submit a detailed explanation for why discharge to surface water is not feasible. Dewatering in potentially contaminated areas is planned to be completed prior to November 2011. Is there known groundwater or soil contamination on site? Yes If yes, provide a summary of the contamination and site history clarifying source of contamination. (If known groundwater or soil contamination is present on site, additional exhibits must be submitted. (See Exhibit D below in the EXHIBITS section of this application form.) Safeway property, 200 S. Third Street, Renton(project alignment passes through this site). Release from former underground fuel storage tank/dispensing system. Soil remediation in 1999. Groundwater monitoring since 1999. Most recent date in Ecology files showed TPH-Gasoline in one well at 1.6 mg/L, compared to the MTCA Method A groundwater cleanup level of 1.0 Mg/L. Benzene, ethylbenzene, and toluene all below King County wastewater discharge limits. Walker's Renton Subaru, 250 Rainier Avenue S., Renton (project alignment passes through this site). Release from former underground fuel storage tank/dispensing system discovered in 1996. Soil and groundwater remediation conducted 1996-2000. Subsequent groundwater monitoring in January 2000 showed contaminant r ► concentration below MTCA cleanup levels. Describe the site's temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) best management practices (BMPs) that will be implemented at the site. Erosion/Water Pollution Control includes planning, installing, maintaining, and removing temporary erosion control measures needed for project construction, Erosion control consists of all activities needed to prevent soil erosion on the project site, creation of sediment-laden water, and migration of sediment-laden water into to the City of Renton drainage system, other water courses, private property. The Contractor will develop an Erosion Control Plan based on the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual, as adopted by the City, and proper construction practices. After the erosion control system is installed, the Contractor will make any field adjustments necessary to reduce or eliminate any erosion and discharge of sediment-laden water. You must contact the local sewer agency (city or sewer district) to receive instructions on discharge conditions such as maximum discharge rate, discharge point, and discharge volume reporting procedures for assessment of sewer fees. Maps of King County's wastewater treatment service area and local sewer agency contact information can be found at: www.kinticounty.i!ov/environment/wtd/About/SewerAEencies.aspx Provide the name and phone number of the local city or sewer district personnel you contacted. Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor, City of Renton; 425-430-7212 rev.0312011 a Industrial Waste Program Page 4 of 5 King County Construction Dewatering Request Form Provide the maximum discharge rate (gallons per minute [gpm]) specified by the local city or sewer district contact. 300 gallons per minute (432,000 gallons per day) Provide sewer account number or billing method that will be used by the local city or sewer district to assess sewer fees. City of Renton Wastewater Utility will bill the Surface Water Utility for sewer fees and use. Discharge to the sanitary sewer will require a temporary sewer connection that must be approved by the local city or sewer district. The approved temporary sewer connection (point of discharge) must be clearly indicated in your facility site plan. (See Exhibit Ain the EXHIBITS section of this application form.) EXHIBITS Required exhibits for all sites: A. Site Plan—Provide a site plan indicating location of activities and processes generating wastewater, settling ponds/tanks, or other wastewater treatment system components, wastewater conveyance lines, point(s)of discharge (as approved by the local city or sewer utility), groundwater and/or sediment sampling locations, streets, and public sewer and storm drainage utilities. B. Wastewater Treatment System—Description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities including: 1. Diagrams/specification sheets and basic design data for wastewater treatment system components (for example, pumps, tanks, mixers). 2. Schematic flow diagram of the treatment process, illustrating the system piping, tanks, and control features. 3. Maximum flow rate for wastewater treatment system. Please note that King County may require that you provide engineering justification and/or other evidence demonstrating that the discharge from the site will meet applicable permit effluent limitations. City proposing a settling tank only prior to discharge, no exhibit needed. Required exhibit for sites requesting discharge approval for longer than six months: C. Dewatering Schedule—Provide a wastewater discharge schedule indicating when each process can be expected to generate wastewater for the duration of the project. For each process and discharge period, indicate the projected maximum daily discharge volume. The project will be completed within a 2-month period; therefore, Exhibit C does not apply. Required exhibit for sites where known groundwater or sediment contamination.is present: D. Description of contamination source(s) and chemical characteristics: Submit a summary (preferably table form) of all available groundwater and/or sediment quality data. Indicate groundwater and/or sediment sample locations on the site plan. (See Exhibit A.) rev.0312011 Industrial Waste Program Page 5 of 5 King County Construction Dewatering Request Form I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print), Title Signature Date This form must be signed by an authorized representative of the site owner. The term "authorized representative" is defined in King County Code 28.82.050. A King County Delegation of Signature Authority form(link below)can be completed to delegate signature authority. www.kinecountY2ov/environment/wastewater/IndustrialWaste/--/media/environment/wastewater/IndustrialWasteProCram/docs/Forms/OtherForms/sibauth ashK rr ar in irr rev.0312011 aw U T � v' u ¢ ¢w y W' zY si' z S ' ©° MO w �IdW `c so <oz -o °m 0 Lu Z I 1 I i co ~a' ..�.•�:a::w.'a' 3yM w cam 0 iff Wk.w� .y wAli ib jo N Rl- IF s > • aEl sates 2131NIV8 Na �( Jim°�r .,. .t `1'_.� ,;.... -E�:; ,�u�cY`,.ri...w..�x•,.a,�.5:,,«,`;2�..w.. z. ,:^z+arr:s,' '-.- ..:..i F.•..+...&'U° ���� 6ZSB LZ dMS W31SAS INIJOI.S S 3AV U31NIVU/S 3AV 3NVl 3mm 1�310ae Contaminated Soils and Groundwater Report Lake Avenue South Storm System Project(SYVP-27-3529) City of Renton 3. SOIL SAMPLING DURING GEOTECHNICAL DRILLING Three geotechnical borings were drilled at the project site on March 3, 2010, at the locations shown on Figure 1-1 to assess engineering properties of soils along the storm sewer alignment. A Parametrix hydrogeologist was present during the drilling work to view soil + + samples from the borings and collected soil samples for laboratory analysis of TPH. Results of the soil sampling are summarized below in Table 3-1. The chemical results are expressed in milligrams of contaminant per kilogram of soil(mg/kg).Laboratory reports are provided in 4W Appendix C. Table 3-1. Data for Soil Samples Collected from Geotechnical Borings �r Boring/Sample Number: B-1/7.5 B-1/10 B-2/7.5 B-317.5 wr Sample Depth(feet below ground): 7.5 10 7.5 7.5 Depth to Groundwater(feet): 10 10 9 10.5 Parameters Units MTCA A TPH-Diesel mg/kg 2,000 27 U 260 U" 45 U 27 U TPH-Motor Oil mg/kg 2,000 53 U Xg 90 450 TPH-Gasoline mg/kg 30/100 5 U 7.1 U 14 U 4.7 U Notes: U=Not detected above specified detection limit 111 `Detection limit elevated due to interference from motor-oil range compounds. mg/kg=milligrams per kilogram. Model Toxics Control Act(MTCA)from Washington Administrative Code 173-340. MTCA Method A Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use:Table 740-1. Shaded values indicate a result that is above the MTCA cleanup level and must be disposed of at a permitted facility if removed from the ground. The depths of the soil samples were selected by the Parametrix field geologist, based on sample appearance and odor. Of the three samples, only the 10-foot sample from Boring B-1 showed a result slightly above the MTCA cleanup level (for TPH in the motor-oil range). Because of this result,the soil from Boring B-1 was sent to a permitted facility for disposal. The sampling results indicate that TPH in the soil can be encountered in areas of the project site that are not within, or directly adjacent to,-known prior locations of gasoline service tir stations or associated fuel USTs. The result at Boring B-1 is likely due to the presence of low levels of TPH in the material that was used to fill the area prior to development- Boring B-2 was located outside of the area of the former gasoline station that contaminated groundwater on the Safeway property and was not expected to show soil contamination.The boring closest ' to the former USTs on the Walker's Renton Subaru property (Boring B-3) is in the area where soil was excavated and remediated and,therefore,would not be expected to show TPH greater than MTCA cleanup levels in this area. Groundwater was observed in the three wr borings at an approximate depth of 10 feet. �r► w March 2011 ! 218-1779-036 3-1 r r r✓�. .-ye'�.•r . x(11' G.: .'8 £' 1•*��4m,� se � F s-�t,.� ..ac.,'� -a„.r �' > s ow k is atevckcru sd xy �'1 4 r "k y } # i ZF �rss r,. N. bxs i a" i" +A+ _ alfa :q Alr4Y^-„ 'a" �4 3c '�' ..m' :d'.'£rsA.'• -', #': ' � "-,'. °T - . s'xct ' ', X4' I-? "'s� �S# � A16 kj a$F�i3L.x�s t� ui � l3k ry . s � 'fi� Ci v...fl.y.,sk.y r ,4,•,,sra7:°° �s _`•x-- ,� i.. w'nr>=Frtt �' `.. '.�h^.R-e..� � i. s 4 Y Sr::a.. Y ih.��la^'i ask y{ sl ��-"-� {X'r�`' � 1 �,.��g�^ j f [__' � ' � IM E yF q,� r tee--�°,.w`' `t "'s�' @ _ yia a... .Fw .....,,LL -"'a s7'` a7R •u....y Y, _ g S F _. Tp ..1 s €. �m ���-i,�� i •s.,,y.«. i�"*`� s•>Kr-„vT� r'��� ^'yx' ca`,-cc�fi,. „=�k.�..�, , -7, .y.•.^'r^�,t. ,.,.” ' vS, i`h-"aF ..r S„G- ,s r^,y'r-^?.c es. s i ,[* t-� "ys - '�', ^ �'-•r.} V11 y4 .. y:: r-r zh k ,G"i:x �..Y* a.,`° z .-� F _ JRi4 .7 FE�WAY RY 0 gm .. � E>wTAGAf I ON. �rtll x � w s' uYFa � y MOM r sKY` ,x, 5 .rt �,r<'"4-k�..-;� .:nz�y .,^' .r� �u �mart .?.^' '"�-.ro a-'`•, '*�rf>~`�T.,_�� . 't' '•.. Y at..,- .+a[,_,�"r. mr+LK""'r. : yk. 1 t -` � ��' s r �� ��� 'c ax3 9 ti�r'.� �3 `�'`, it ..�w`a's ,y s• 4 .�.!x? T•T6-aeta'Ps_. a '�". �� �'$ 1�'* � fir• "� } r 2A� k"�s"�t. r b� �r � � '� x � g. . �S� .n.+L�=�:i'i,P''Yir.:._. ® B—# SOIL TEST BORING NUMBER AND LOCATION parametrix DATE"Ma 18,2011 FILE:PU1779038F1-1 Figure 1-1 Project Location Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S 0- 100 Storm System Project, SCALE IN FEET City of Renton Surface Water Utility rr \ \ \ I I 1 I a f c ow C3 \ in< 1 I e am t � °s° d go b, v p 0 —,o R r . O_ --PAP �w Ia p o \ \ w� Cdr \ / oo _ mw 1 \ \\ y I 0z ¢ V Y <0 El C Y 3 \\ \\ ¢wy LU CD \• /. r o N 3 Q w o¢�/ a w azo \\ \ �Q0 o 1 m U - a F w¢mw a Ir z I o 0 All- 0 W �pp/ � R N a o Q N � I . Q m O T C 1 Lt z° O 3 co JSo o n D tar° m5 d U 0 ` `o 0 E5� Nm3N° ID� N 1 .. to c o IL 1 Fo O ar 3n y m w• O- �< or O v�a U 3 C m uo cl m O ♦ m a < ° � DI �r''1 ♦ I to -'. S r � ar.�o c�z z 2X=X 0 .0 �L� 4-9S w LU b In Ix i m3m 4 o'er l a 0 a� Q OW Nd Ww 6¢ W 1 pls � 1 U 1 O �Iaz a. \ 1 r?a I CD- I a Qd. N N C KF-r C�Z dd V - W w ova Ixljin is a J 'L `-MW J , IMF - J z m o C p c(n I •` 3 3 v I ,?�—t_• 0 m —3 C H Z O I TO O U`'VJ U o c I w 3ra rs r $8S z x cr i l 3m a I la W 6 J 10 O 10 O. co. c9 N N r Ip (IT-U)NOIIVAS-M I llr SITE PHOTOS v Lake Ave S 1 Rainier Ave S Storm Project Page 1 vw � t .mow "B-2 wr 3 �M ^e a Looking NE, Walker Subaru Lot ,g r: 11� Looking NE, Walker Subaru Lot Lake Ave S ! Rainier Ave S Storm Project page 2 we M.. C�-2 WA . . ;4 Ow 4b Approx Pipe Route .. a. a. Looking W, Walker Subaru Lot M *fix .•_.� ' .aw. A...a, ;. r k' Ow Looking N, Driveways on S 3rd Street Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S Storm Project Page 3 Safeway Gas Station ~C B-4 f.` #iftt'+ ? 4✓x�l'`'y� r^ ,. �z 1W aw do o. Looking E, toward CB-4 in Safeway Lot err► OW Or 40 Looking E, toward CB-4 in Safeway Let W. Lake Ave S / Rainier Ave S Storm Project Page 4 Taco Time r °" iALIP y r h � I Pi EY1 z 'YM ■Yw 1Yr Looking N, toward CB-5 in Safeway Lot r 40 sw u swat r r 40 YID Looking N, toward CB-6 in Safeway Lot Lake Ave S / rainier Ave S Storm Project Page 5 vW {fi from: rik rr 10 iii N r ice- RCN OW WO Looking NW, toward CB-7 in Safeway Lot dw 00 irr r ON Looking W, toward CB-7, 8 in Safeway Lot �r wr 11r wr STANDARD DETAILS .I. 5'MAX. 40 a DRAINAGE GRATE TRIM m GRATE FRAME S3 � p - SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS e OVERFLOW BYPASS as •v ''++..mss xa o °,;?x=+ ••t> BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE t� FILTERED Ylill WATER up • e e SECTION VIEW ilk DRAINAGE GRATE RECTANGULAR GRATE SHOWN RETRIEVAL SYSTEM(iYP.) NM sm No BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE OVERFLOW BYPASS(TYP.) 60 ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTES 1. Size the Below Inlet Grate Device(BIGD)for the storm water structure It will service. 2. The BIGD shall have a built-In high-flow relief system(overflow bypass). flf� 3. The retrieval system must allow removal of the BIGD without spilling the collected materlal. Nli 4. Perform maintenance In accordance with Standard Specification 8-01.3(15). aw PUBLIC WORKS CATCH BASIN FILTER STD. PLAN — 216.30 DEPARTMENT are MARCH 2008 AW N Y K PIPE ALLOWANCES m Z 3 MAXIMUM 0 PIPE MATERIAL INSIDE FRAME AND VANED GRATE DIAMETER REINFORCED OR 12" PLAIN CONCRETE ALL METAL PIPE 15" jA 30' CPSSP* 12" (STD.SPEC.9-05.20) S+ SOLID WALL PVC 15" (STD.SPEC.9-05.12(l)) PROFILE WALL PVC 15" 6"OR 12" (STD.SPEC.9-05.12(2)) *CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE ONE#3 BAR HOOP FOR 6"HEIGHT TWO#3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12"HEIGHT RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 7-�0(E6` rSFFN�T `SSE Fs� NOTES �Ql 1. As acceptable alternatives to the rebar shown in the PRECAST BASE SECTION,fibers(placed according to the Standard Specifications),or wire mesh having a minimum area of 0.12 square inches per foot shall be used with the minimum required rebar shown in the ALTERNATIVE PRECAST BASE SECTION. Wire mesh shall not be placed in the knockouts. #3 BAR EACH CORNER z 2. The knockout diameter shall not be greater than 20". Knockouts shall have a wall thickness of 2"minimum to 2.5"maximum. Provide a 1.5" N minimum gap between the knockout wall and the outside of the pipe. After the pipe is installed,fill the gap with joint mortar in accordance #3 BAR EACH SIDE with Standard Specification 9-04.3. 3. The maximum depth from the finished grade to the lowest pipe invert shall be 5'. #3 BAR EACH WAY 4. The frame and grate must be installed with the flange down. PRECAST BASE SECTION 5. The Precast Base Section may have a rounded floor,and the walls may be sloped at a rate of 1:24 or steeper. 6. The opening shall be measured at the top of the precast base section. 7. All pickup holes shall be grouted full after the basin has been placed. S. All grade rings and castings shall be set in mortar in accordance with Standard Specification 9-04.3. #3 BAR EACH CORNER 16"MIN. #3 BAR HOOP SEE NOTE 1 ALTERNATIVE PRECAST BASE SECTION ti'�Y o STD. PLAN - 200.00 + + PUBLIC WORKS CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 DEPARTMENT MARCH 2008 irr Z 0 �rlr °a CATCH BASIN FRAME AND VANED GRATE(DETAIL 204.00) m HANDHOLD m N ? RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION OR CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION w v GROUT,TYPICAL(SEE NOTE 5) h O Q FLAT SLAB TOP Ho Z I � o O t1 48',54',60',72',84'OR 96' ° MORTAR(TYP.) 0 STEPS OR LADDER LO N >a ~ o • Z x Z Q a MORTAR FILLET c REINFORCING STEEL(TYP.) �\ N 12• GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING SEPARATE BASE INTEGRAL BASE CAST-IN-PLACE PRECAST WITH RISER 'O'RING 12' GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR 6= PIPE ZONE BEDDING SEPARATEBASE CATCH BASIN DIMENSIONS PRECAST CATCH MAXIMUM MINIMUM BASE REINFORCING STEEL BASIN WALL BASE KNOCKOUT DISTANCE in2lt.IN EACH DIRECTION DIAMETER THICKNESS THICKNESS SIZE BETWEEN KNOCKOUTS SEPARATE BASE INTEGRAL BASE 48" 4" 6" 36" 8" 0.23 0.15 we 54" 4.5" 8" 42" B. 0.19 0.19 60" 5" 8" 48" 8" 0.25 0.25 72" 6" 8" 60" 12" 0.35 0.24 ow 84" 8" 12" 72" 12" 0.39 0.29 96" 8" 12" 84" 12' 0.39 0.29 ow NOTES PIPE ALLOWANCES 1• No steps are required when height is 4'Or less. CATCH PIPE MATERIAL WITH MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER 2. BASIN ALL SOLID PROFILE The bottom Of the precast Catch basin may be sloped to facilitate Cleaning. DIAMETER ONCRETE METAL CPSSP WALL WALL Aw 3 D PVCQ PVC® The rectangular frame and grate must be installed with the flange down. 48" 24" 30" 24" 27" 30" 4. The frame may be cast into the adjustment section. 54" 30" 36" 30" 27" 36" " Knockouts shall have a wall thickness of 2"minimum to 2.5"maximum. Provide 60". 36" 42" 36" 36" 42" +Irr a 1.5"minimum gap between the knockout wall and the outside of the pipe. After 72" 42" 54" 1 42" 1 36" 1 48" 5. the pipe is installed,fill the gap with joint mortar in accordance with Standard 64" 54" 60" 54" 36" 48" Specification 9-04.3. 96" 60' 72" 60" 36' 48' All grade rings,risers,and castings shall be set in mortar in accordance with W* Standard Specification 9-04.3. Q Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe(Std.Spec.9-05.20) p (D(std.Spec.s-os.12(1)) Q(Std.Spec.9-05.12(2)) 'C {y + PUBLIC WORKS CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 STD. PLAN —' 201.00 DEPARTMENT INTO MARCH 2008 ■r rlir #6 BARS @ 7"SPACING 12"(TYP.) 20"x 24", 24"DIAM.,48•DIAM. m OR 54"DIAM.HOLE r 2"(TYP.) 6" 12 Li L MIN. 112"V MAX. 84"or 96"FLAT SLAB TOP 12 PREFABRICATED LADDER 9r #5 BARS @ 6'SPACING 20"x 24', 11 24'DIAM.,48"DIAM. OR 54"DIAM.HOLE 2'(TYP �- TYPICAL ORIENTATION i— I FOR ACCESS AND STEPS ttJJ IIJJ —[1'MIN. STEP 2 112"MAX. 72"FLAT SLAB TOP 21 I #4 BARS @ 6"SPACING ;0 N r 20'x 24"OR 24"DIAM.HOLE 2"(TYP.) I r.�, 48"MIN. I L 1 1"MIN. 21/2"MAX. ECCENTRIC CONE SECTION 48",54",or 60"FLAT SLAB TOP 3p, 34" 5 S+ 6'OR 12" T ,� 'Ir" QONE#3 BAR HOOP ONE#3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" 4' TWO#3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12"O S+ CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 1.0 As an acceptable alternative to rebar,wire mesh having a minimum area of 0.12 square inches per foot may be used for adjustment sections. + PUBLIC WORKS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS FOR STD. PLAN - 204.60 DEPARTMENT DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 'P� p$ MARCH 2008 29 1/4' m Y C 0 3 as BOLT-DOWN HOLE(TYP.) - 50-11 NC,SEE DETAIL&NOTE 2 to v L � A N ow O TOP NOTES I. This frame is designed to accommodate 20"x 24"grates or we covers 2. Provide two holes in the frame that are vertically aligned with t he grate or cover slots. Tap each hole to accept 241/4" a 5/8"-11 NC x 2"alien head cap screw. r a Location of bolt down holes varies among different manufacturers. 3.Refer to Standard Specification 9-05.15(2)for additional +rr requirements. SECTION O wrr ,rr RECESSED ALLEN am HEAD CAP SCREW V N 15/08" , ' " � 5/8'-11 NC x 2" GRAM � ISOMETRIC VIEW � FRAME m � 2 12' SECTION DETAIL O BOLT-DOWN DETAIL SEENOTE2 "+ PUBLIC WORKS RECTANGULAR FRAME STD. PLAN - 204.00 DEPARTMENT MARCH 2008 ar m 24• Y K m 62 K o O 4 D m SLOT-SEE DETAIL W AND NOTE 1 U Q 0 1"OPENING .) W Cn W Q Z . of 0 Z O D O OUTFACE TO STREAM DUMP NO POLLUTANT 3/8"(9mm)RECESSED TOP LETTERING NOTES 1• Provide two slots in the grate that are vertically aligned with the holes in the frame. Location of bolt-down slots varies among different manufacturers. 2. Refer to Standard Specification 9-05.15(2)for additional requirements. 3• The thickness of the grate shall not exceed 1 5/8". 4.Unless otherwise specified,vaned grates shall be used with standard frame in the travel way,gutter or shoulder.vaned grates shall not be located within crossroads.Use vaned grates along rolled curbs. a a D 314" 1 1/4" D D 1 BOLT-DOWN SLOT DETAIL ISOMETRIC SEE NOTE 1 �ZY � PUBLIC WORKS RECTANGULAR STD. PLAN - 204.40 i DEPARTMENT HERRINGBONE GRATE MARCH 2008 r 12"[13mm]LETTERING - BOLTHOLES-3 PLCS EQUALLY SPACED 120' 10 APART ON 23 1N6"(586mm)DIA B.C. cu j x axrouiow f 08L1LE00 +,Irl a y RENTON MNNWW AHEAD OF THE CURVE qf-_a® DRAIN (1)t'(25mm) DIA PICKHOLE COVER BOTTOM VIEW 1 1/4'[32mm]LETTERING v PLAN VIEW to 25'DIA. (3)BLT SOC.(ALLEN HEAD) [635mm] 1' 1.5 SS mm] RUBBER WASHER 3/4' � [19mm] ! F' 8 3/4' L 2 1/2' [222mm] [64mm] 1i TYP COVER SECTION VIEW �rl EON BOLTING DETAIL 26 1/2"DIA so [673mm) 25 1/4"DIA [641mm] 1 1/16" 114"(6mm)DIA [27mm] 4111111111 NEOPRENE GASKET I ===E + 1/4" 6' [6mm] 1 1116' 1 [152mm] r [27mm] 5/8' 23 318"DIA CL OPEN [16mm) 4mm] 1/8' [3mm] 27 5/16'DIA 1/8' [694mm] [R3mm) 341/8'DIA GASKET GROOVE DETAIL [867mm] air NOTES FRAME SECTION VIEW ALL COVERS SHALL BE LOCKING LID PER EASTJORDAN IRON WORKS INC.No.3717C1 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 'sY PUBLIC WORKS STORM ROUND FRAME AND COVER STD' PLAN - 204.50 DEPARTMENT � p MARCH 2008 1wr �r *. 4' 1,-0" IN.6' SIDEWALK VARIES:S-6"MIN. 12'R. 1•R. 12"R.(rYP.) CURB NOT o 2%MAX INCLUDED IN BID fTLA,1 B. n SEE RAISED 1/4"PREMOLDED EDGE DETAIL JOINT FILLER NOTE EXTEND SIDEWALK TRANSVERSE JOINTS TO INCLUDE RAISED EDGE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK RAISED EDGE DETAIL WITH RAISED EDGE so VARIES z 1I6� T01/4' SIDEWALK MAY BE ADJACENT � r" SLOPE ROUNDING TO A WALL(SEE DETAIL) (WHEN SPECIFIED) - pp ��•. ' SIDEWALK BUFFER STRIP �O '•' VARIES;S-O'MIN. 5'-0• p•;p R p 12•R.(TYP.) CURB NOT 2% < 2%MAX IN�1 _ UDED 2%MAX ©CONTRACTION JOINT lit CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO BUFFER STRIP WALL OR BARRIER SIDEWALK VARIES SIDEWALK MAY BE ADJACENT 12"R. SLOPE ROUNDING TO A WALL(SEE DETAIL) (WHEN SPECIFIED) SIDEWALK VARIES:T-6"MIN. CURB NOT 114'PREMOLDED 12"R(TYP.) INCLUDED JOINT FILLER 2% 2%MAX._ IN BID ITEM t/a PREMOLDEO SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO WALL JOINT FILLER DETAIL CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB BROOMED FINISH 4"WIDE,SMOOTH oa 5�• TROWELED PERIMETER 51'0 5,•O C ." F' CURB AND GLITTER SHOWN) a 'NOT INCLUDED IN BID ITEM 3 . CONT)2AC,T10N JOINT r •p °—11111 ;SID EINAL"K ONLY FULL-DEPTH PREMOLDED --�- JOINT FILLER ANSION •„ "'e4E70' ::lO1NT IN BOTH CURB AND X " SIDEVJALK(SEE STD PLAN 101.1) O EXPANSION JOINT , oq� FINISH DETAIL NOTE:Access lids or covers will not be permitted in the sidewalk surface. See Std Plan 102.1. �Y o PUBLIC WORKS CEMENT CONCRETE STD. PLAN - 102 DEPARTMENT SIDEWALK y 2009 III rr. CITY OF RENTON 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING & PUBLIC WORKS J 2" N N , A PROJECT NAME � 2" v IEWMATENTREETIETC.� 4" 8" 10 1 BY: CITY OF SYSTEMS 3" CITY C*ACT: ( s" C CTOR A 2° SCH*, /YEAR TO MONTH/YE 3" a" 4'-0"x8'-0"x1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD Ll2" (SMOOTH BOTH SIDES, ABX) 2"x4" DIAGONAL BRACE DOUGLAS FIR STD. OR z_ a BETTER an � o 0 of Iw > 4"x4"x14'-0" n m VERTICAL POST a TREATED (TYP.) wr ow o I i7 ift NOTES: at 1. PAINTING.THE FACE AND EDGES OF THE 1/2 INCH PLYWOOD SIGN BOARD SHALL HAVE ONE PRIME COAT AND TWO COATS OF EXTERIOR ENAMEL THE POSTS, BRACES AND BACK OF SIGN BOARD SHALL HAVE ONE COAT OF PRIMER AND EXTERIOR ENAMEL THE BACKGROUND COLOR IS WHITE. at 2. LETTER TYPES. THE LETTER TYPE SHALL BE SOLID HELVETICA MEDIUM EXCEPT THE LOGO WHICH WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY. ALL LITERS AND NUMBERS WILL BE BLACK. 3. LETTER SIZE 4' LETTERS ARE 1/2" WIDE; 3" LETTERS ARE 3/8" WIDE; rrr 2' LETTERS ARE 1/4' WIDE APPROVED BY: am PROJECT SIGN DETAIL DATE: 04/10/06 1 SHEET: 1.0 J r sir ` CONSTRUCTION PLANS Reduced 11 x 17 Also see Full Sized Plans bw s vi z W U W w OJ E d ��n O N Z LJ / O _O U �y-� Z 0 � `'J 8v 4: NN zap U) w o- Q wm o.oU� W W O O ++U U_W Z_ o a z w w 2 CL > oa v¢�N��z �g O o zW oowQm U . � w � w0 ooOZ °o`°n',w°,Z� zo Q� ZZ O M N U U - W Z Q 0'U -p z o w o Jo J ¢¢zL'I& Z Y W O 1~ANZ,5,-Z8 JQ m O U l i l i O¢d'W 1- W ¢�ZN w�waa�3 ozoci a-(L o0 zQ'oUO o ix a� F } Z>O J QQ��Q:NK W W w N w QZQ R d Y a = O W O K O J m:2 Q W f0 UJNW:2 mm -F-3oW a u fA ° Q L Z Z 00 3 \ / cr h �H W S v LLI rn / y� Z 3 C// at / /� .p �\ CL O,/' anv a3Nliws sd O / �ji• r 11 �e a a Lo sanvs,aaow Z Z o O tw w . O y a N00 33AV Hla AWH $ W Q. �.: o Z r�,�� 7 J O Z F- '1�. U A _ J 3 O v N _U O 'o O � I� � `-1.�.� � V� `� \� �` � n- UKE AVE S in N >.Z Lu j U •S 41 i \ W .. v O Z �P' <� r � F � ` . LLj ! !. j 'Mh a _ r 4 V e d M na a.o a° n° n°.n° a i i( i i i r i �➢S$ is r i i wwwa - . m Wig 6256-LZ-dMS MISAS WaOlS S 3Ad U31NIVU/S 3Ab 3AV-1 3WVN 103f08d mmmmm komomli prrif iw•mww• Namawly Mwmp!o onumsr isaws Arrwi wrm-0 wMnwo $wow womowo lrNY oomw onsoo %worth cr O c�W yy p/l U' pcl rn O " z Lf F- ^ Q ILII /I z W M W O - \ / p w u U In Z ¢ W W Q W 0 K F Z p Q W Z z ZQ0 1w- � co, Lm, W .0 �U= W U � 3t~j10 Z� z J w t- Q O U � za z Of oL'i vz°z ° ad p 'o xw�m �z F>zL Z, ��aZ-� zm cr JQ3Za c0� Z�Z . dWt~il r0-Z ¢NW��i.IJW�O_�UZ��H=�ww~¢'K O aw�� v~i v=i az jQ Q d>wQQ 'Q xQ JXw Q ZwZg?wooOp 02d W H Ht-t-ww wQK W Q Q m U p-O p W W W la.O-J 2 M M z z O w Vl In N N w V1 Vl In F-t- 3 3 t- Q O Y ►_- g CC Q W m N Q x pm o w CL CL 0 W W li p a N w F-3 m U . 3 n QQ 3 Zu n ~_W.' a' U ry e a s 3 � ti g u W m w z � D o Q 2 0 Z a F z V7 1- Z J z w z WO Z p W U W Z K Z U ° m F 3 a o - z d v z a m � J Z z_ w cJoi a a m m c" v O > } p o. m > p x w m m O w a m = o m J o r d! r•� U Z - F p. vl z U m w c� z = 3 z o o w tw w z w 2 3 m U c� w w W ll.l O w w <? 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