HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-371302CITY OF RENTON TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS Amended April 4, 2005 by Ordinance 5131 SECTION 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this code section is to establish guidelines for the nesicration of City streets disturbed by installation of uUli6es and our construction activities. Any public or private uN9ies, general contractors, a others permitted to work in the public dgMaf -way Will adhere to the procedures set forth in this policy. SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS Engineer. The term engineer shall denote the City project manager, inspector and/or plan reviewen or their designated representative. - SECTION 3 HOURS OF OPERATIONS Hours for work within the roadway, for asphalt overlays or much restoration shell be as directed by the Traffic Control Plan requirements and as approved by the Traffic Operations Engineer. - SECTION 4 APPLICATION 1. The following standards shall be followed when doing Uench or excavation work Within the paved portion of any Ci ty of Renton fight -of -way. -- o these standards may be authorized b the PlanninglBuildilg /Public Works 2. Administrator, or exemptions t y Y Administrator, or authorized representative, upon written request by the permitted, their contractor or engineer and demonstration of an equivalent alternative. SECTION 5 INSPECTION The Engineer may determine in the field that a full street -width (*"*-pavement to edge -of- pavement) overlay is required due to changes in the permit conditions such as, but not limited to the following: 1. There has been damage to the existing asphalt surface due to the contractors equipment. 2. The trench width was increased significantly or the existing pavement is undermined or damaged, 3. Any other construction, related activities that require additional pavement restoration. SECTION 6 CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS 1.' Pit materials and workmanship shall be in accordance With the City of Renton Standard and Supplemental Specifications (current adopted version) except where. otherwise. noted in these Standards. Materials and workmanship am required to be in conformance with standards for the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington Slate Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the Washington.Stale Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and shall Comply with the most current edition, as modified by the City of Renton Supptemental Specifications. 1 An asphalt paver shall be used in accordance with Section 5. 04.3(3) of Standard Specifications. A "Layton Box" or equal maybe used in place of the power - propelled paver. Rollers shall be used in accordance with Section 5. 04.3(4) of the Standard Specifications, Plate Compactors" and "Jumping Jacks" SHALL NOT be used in lieu of rollers. 2, Trench backfill and resurfacing shall be as shown in the City of Renton Standard Details, unless modified by the City Permit, Surfacing depths shown in the Standard Details are minimums and may be increased by the Engineer to meet traffic loads or site conditions. SECTION 7 REQUIREMENT FOR PATCHING OVERLAY OVERLAY WIDTHS All trench and pavement cuts shall be made by savicut or by grinding. Sawcuts or grinding shall be a minimum of one foot (1') outside.the trench Width. The top two inches (2 ") of asphalt shall be ground down to a minimum distance of one foot (1) beyond the actual outside edges of the trench and shall be replaced with two inches (2 ") of Class B asphalt, per City of Renton Standards. At the discretion of the engineer, a full street width overlay may be required. Lane -width or a full street -width overlay will be determined based upon the location and length of the proposed trench within the roadway cross- section.. Changes in field conditions may warrant implementation of additional overlay requirements. 1. Trenches (Road Crossings): a. The minimum width of a transverse patch (road crossing) shall be six and one -half feet (6.5'). See City of Renton Standard Plan Drawing #HR -23 (SP Page: H032A). b. Any affected lane will be ground down two inches (2') and paved for the entire width of the lane. C. Patch shall be a im mm um atone foot 1 beyond the excavation and patch length th shall be a minimum of an,entire traveled lane. d. If the outside of the trenching is within three feet IS) of any adjacent lane line, the enfire adjacent traveled lane affected will be repaved e. An area including the trench and one foot (1') on each side of the trench but not less than six and one half feel (6.6) total for the entire width of the affected (raveled lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2 "), A two -inch (2 ') overlay of Class B asphalt will be applied per City standards. 2. Trenches Running Parallel With the Street: - a. The minimum width of a longitudinal patch shall be four and one -half feet (4.6). See City of Renton Standard Plan Drawing #HR -05 (SP Page H032). - b. If the trenching is within a single traveled lane, an entire lane -width overlay will be required a If the outside of the trenching is within three feet (3') of any adjacent fare line, the entire adjacent traveled lane affected will be overlaid. d. If the trenching is greater than, or equal to 30% of lane per block ( 660 -foot maximum block length), or if the total patches exceed 12 per block, then the lanes affected will be overlaid. Minimum overlay shall include all .patches within the block section:. 2 ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY SAW COT SNALL BE FORMAL 2^ MIN. =IN STRACAT 11%5 AS LANE LINE wMSxr mRECTm er THE uLlxsm MARKING REMOVE LOOSENED TRIM LONCRELE ENISTNC CONCRETE ]' -B" ASPHALT VERTCALLY STANDARD VEHICLE WHEEL PATH - PAVEMENT 1 -2" CLASS 'B' 2" SAWCUT AND REMOVE OR GRIND, SEAL WITH AR4000W 4.5' MIN. MIN -• \ \fit MI T PCRUSHED SURFACING COURSE EDGE OF PAVEMENT, - EDGE OF CURB & GUTTER, OR CENTER OF LANE LINE 2.5' MIN. CRUSHED ROCK, PLOWABLE FILL OR AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER -MINIMUM ACP CLASS 'E' or 48' SHALL BE: PRINCIPAL/MINOR /COLLECTOR ARTERIAL STREETS & INDUSTRIAL ACCESS STREETS - 6' ACP CLASS 'E'. on W. RESIDENTIAL ACCESS STREETS - 2' ACP CLASS 'E' or '8'. NOTE: UPON REQUEST OF ENGINEER, NEW ROADWAY. PAVEMENT SECTION MAY BE DESIGNED USING AN APPROVED METHOD FOR TYPICAL LONGITUDINAL PATCIT AND OVERLAY DETERMINING PAVEMENT THICKNESS FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT o ADOPTED ♦ Ptt W RCNMN 9O NDANO PLANS •OO rR LATL: a2/2= Wnm61m suss acv DWG. NAME: HR -05 SP PAGE: H032 DATE _ REVISION BY PR _ -_ 's /a'oln.xlz'tG+c DDwEt_J '"nlEnaxY M. DDwEL BULS OAR ®IB" ON CENTER - 6- MIN. ON ALL FOUR SIDES 6 E %ISPNG RICO BASE• M. 12' CCMPACffO TRENCH egCKFlLL CONPACIED CRUSHED WRFACW6 AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TOP CWRSE. CUT AND PANEL REPLACEMENT DETERMINATION: FULL CEMENT CONCRETE PANEL REPLACEMENT: FOR CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACE STREETS, THE MINIMUM RESTORATION SHALL BE FULL PANEL REPLACEMENT, IF ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWNG CONDITIONS EXIST: •COF BACKFILL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF RESTORING EXISTING RIGID BASE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER, TYPICAL PATCH. FOR RIGID PAVEMENT PAVEMENT PATCHING AND RCSTORATION DETAIL :'r a♦ ADOPTED CRY OF RECKON STANOAW PW!$ 0 151 AMBa ym GATE NEVISION m.. PPRO.. DWG. NAME: MR-22 SP PAGE:I1033 e. The entire traveled lane width for the length of the trench and an additional ten feet (10') at each end of the trench will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2'). A two -inch (2') overlay of Class B vdll be applied per City standards. 3. Potholing: Potholing shall meet the same requirements as trenching and pavement restoration. Potholing shall be a minimum of one foot (1) beyond the excavation. Al affected lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2') and paved not less than six and one half feet (65) wide for the entire width of the lane. Potholes greater than five feet (6) in length, width or diameter shall be restored to trench restoration standards. In all cases, potholes shall be repaired per Renton Standard Plan # HRO5 (SP Page H032). Restoration requirements utilizing vector equipment will be determined by the engineer. SECTION 8 PAVEMENT REMOVAL IN LIEU OF GRINDING The contractor in all cases can remove the pavement in the replacement area instead of grinding out the specified two inches (2') of asphalt. Full pavement replacement to meet or exceed the existing pavement depth Will be required for the area of pavement removal. SECTION 9 TRENCH BACKFILL AND RESTORATION CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1: Trench restoration shall be either by a patch or overlay method, as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR -05, HR -23, and HR -22 (SP Pages #H032, H032A, and HD33). 2. All trench and pavement cuts, which will not be overlaid, shall be made by sawcut or grinding. Sawcuts shall be a minimum of two feel (2) outside the excavated trench width. h s surfacing materials Confonnin to Section 3. All benching ithin the to four feet 4' shall be backfi led coil crushed s dace 9 9 9 P O Specifications. An trenchin over four feet 4' in depth may use materials approved b the 4 -04 of the Standard y g () p y pp y Engineer or Materials Lab for backfillirg below the four -foot (4) depth. If the existing material (or other material) Is determined by the Engineer to be suitable for backfill, the contractor may use the native material, except that the top six inches (6 ") shall be crushed surfacing top course material. The trench shall be Compacted to a minimum ninety-five percent (95 %) density, as described in Section 2 -03 of the Standard Specfficafions. In the top six feet (6) of any trench, backfill compaction shall be performed in eight to 12 -inch (8 -121 lifts. Any trench deeper than six feet (61 may be compacted in 244nch lifts, up to the top six-foot (6) zone. All compaction shall be performed by mechanical methods. The compaction tests may be performed in maximum four -foot, (4') vertical increments. The test results shall be given to the Engineer for review and approval prior to paving. The number and location of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. 4. Temporary restoration of trenches for overnight use shall be accomplished by using MC mix (cold mix), Asphalt Treated Base (ATB), or steel plates, as approved by the Engineer. ATB used for temporary restoration may be dumped directly into the trench, bladed out and rolled. After Boiling, the trench must be filled flush. with asphalt to provide a smooth riding surface. If the temporary restoration does not hold up, the Contractor shall repair the patch within eight hours of being notified of the problem by the City. This requirement applies 24 hours per day, seven days a Week. In the event that the City determines to repair the temporary patch, the contractor shall reimburse the City in an amount that is double the City's cost in repairing the patch, with the second half of the reimbursement to represent City overhead and hidden costs. 5. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B. shall be laced to the compacted depth as required and indicated on City of ph t P P P 9 ty Renton Standard Plans 4HR -05; HR-23, and HR -22 (SP Pages #H032, 11032A, and H033) or as directed by the Engineer. The grace of asphalt shall be ARADOOW. The materials shall be made in conformance with Section 9- 02.1(4) of the Standard Specifications. - 3 �MINIMINI MIN MI IN MINI L 6.5yMIN. -1 2" DEPTH OF GRIND OR SAWCUT AND REMOVE 4 - 6.5' MIN. 1' 1' 2 5' 1' 1' MIN (MftX MIN IMINIMIN 2" CLASS 'B' CRUSHED ROCK, PLOWABLE FILL OR AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER • FOR MINIMUM .STANDARDS, SEE DWG# HR -05, SP PAGE H032 -ACP CLASS" 6" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE TYPICAL TRANSVERSE PATCH FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT ♦ T p ADOPTED r/ a. OP PBYTON STANDARD PGNS LST DATE: D2 /2005 "DWG. NAME: HR -23. SP PAGE:HO32A 6. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement at edge of saw cuts and shall be emulsified asphalt grade CBS. 1, as specified in Section 9. 02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack shall be applied as specified in Section 5- 04 of the Standard Specifications. 7. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B. shall be,placed in accordance with Section 5 -04 of the Standard Specifications; except those longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of twelve inches (12'), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate . shall be in accordance with Section 9 -03.8 of the Standard Specifications. - •-,^., ,... hmn amac shall be feathered and shimmed to an 6. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement at edge of saw cuts and shelf be emulsified asphalt grade CSS- 1, as specified in Section 9- 02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack shall be applied as specified in Section 5- 04 of the Standard Specifications. 7. Asphalt Concrete Class E.or Class B, .shall be.placed in accordance with Section 5 -04 of the Standard Specifications; except those longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of twelve inches (12 '), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate . shall be in accordance with Section 9 -03.8 of the Standard Specifications. - All. street surfaces, walks or driveways within the street trenching areas': shall be feathered and shimmed to an extent that provides a smooth - riding connection and expeditious drainage Flow for the newly paved surface. Feathering and shimming shall not decrease the minimum vertical curb depth below four inches (4') for storm water flow. The Engineer may require additional' grinding to increase the curb depth available for storm water flow in areas that are inadequate. Shimmin and feather as required b the Engineer, I c om fished b colt red shall e na rro Y P Y n9 out the oversized aggregates from the Class B mix as appropriate. Surface smoothness shall be per Section 5- 04.3(13) of the Standard Specifications. The paving shall be connected by removal and repaving of the trenchdrify. Asphalt patch depths will vary based upon the streets being benched. The actual depths of asphalt and the work to be performed shall be as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR -05; HR -23, and HR -22 (SP Pages ill H032A, and H033).. Compaction of all lifts of asphalt shall be minimum' ninety -two percent (92 %) of density as determined by WSDOT Test Method 705. The number of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer, . Testing shall be performed by an independent testing lab with the rBOOKS being supplied to the Engineer. Testing is not intended to relieve the contractor from any liability for the trench restoration. It is intended to show the inspector, and the City, that the restoration meets these specifications. - 8. All joints shalt be sealed using paving asphalt AR-4000W. 9. When trenching within the unpaved roadway shouldeds), the shoulder shall be restored to its original Condition, or better. 10. The final patch or overlay shall be completed as soon as possible and shall not exceed fifteen 115) working days after first opening the trench. This time frame may be adjusted if delays are due to inclement . paving weather or other adverse Conditions that may exist. However, delaying of final patch or overlay work is subject to the Engineers approval. The Engineer may deem it necessary to complete the work within the fifteen (15) Working day time frame and not allow any time extension. Should this occur, the Contractor shall perform the necessary Work, as directed by the Engineer. 11. A City of Renton temporary Traffic Control Plan (from Renton Transportation Engineering) shelf Suubmitted and approved by the Engineer a minimum of three (3) working days prior to commencement of work. SECTION 10. REMOVAL OF UTILITY LOCATE MARKINGS FROM SIDEWALKS REQUIRED The Perr inee will be required to remove utility locate marks on sidewalks only within the Downtown Core Area. The permittee shall remove the utility locate marks within 14 days of job completion. HATrench RestorationURS 2005.doc RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Less than ten (10) yrd aid Ten (10) yYs or older Additional DATE BY DATE Requirements Local Access without BY DATE Bus Route No No Local Access with Doc Yes Yea Route Intersection (All Plus. one are boyond Streets Yes Yes the curb.return 402 Removal Yes Yes Excellent Condition U 3 (based an VIdLCl and /or Yes Yes n- destructive testing) Principal, Mina,, Yes. V twenty' tour (24) Yes, If twenty four (24) Collector Arterial and square Teel o Boor ai squa +o feet or more of O oil streets in COD and any panel needs toebe any panel needs to be oii bus route patched polch¢tl Q •COF BACKFILL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF RESTORING EXISTING RIGID BASE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER, TYPICAL PATCH. FOR RIGID PAVEMENT PAVEMENT PATCHING AND RCSTORATION DETAIL :'r a♦ ADOPTED CRY OF RECKON STANOAW PW!$ 0 151 AMBa ym GATE NEVISION m.. PPRO.. DWG. NAME: MR-22 SP PAGE:I1033 e. The entire traveled lane width for the length of the trench and an additional ten feet (10') at each end of the trench will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2'). A two -inch (2') overlay of Class B vdll be applied per City standards. 3. Potholing: Potholing shall meet the same requirements as trenching and pavement restoration. Potholing shall be a minimum of one foot (1) beyond the excavation. Al affected lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2') and paved not less than six and one half feet (65) wide for the entire width of the lane. Potholes greater than five feet (6) in length, width or diameter shall be restored to trench restoration standards. In all cases, potholes shall be repaired per Renton Standard Plan # HRO5 (SP Page H032). Restoration requirements utilizing vector equipment will be determined by the engineer. SECTION 8 PAVEMENT REMOVAL IN LIEU OF GRINDING The contractor in all cases can remove the pavement in the replacement area instead of grinding out the specified two inches (2') of asphalt. Full pavement replacement to meet or exceed the existing pavement depth Will be required for the area of pavement removal. SECTION 9 TRENCH BACKFILL AND RESTORATION CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1: Trench restoration shall be either by a patch or overlay method, as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR -05, HR -23, and HR -22 (SP Pages #H032, H032A, and HD33). 2. All trench and pavement cuts, which will not be overlaid, shall be made by sawcut or grinding. Sawcuts shall be a minimum of two feel (2) outside the excavated trench width. h s surfacing materials Confonnin to Section 3. All benching ithin the to four feet 4' shall be backfi led coil crushed s dace 9 9 9 P O Specifications. An trenchin over four feet 4' in depth may use materials approved b the 4 -04 of the Standard y g () p y pp y Engineer or Materials Lab for backfillirg below the four -foot (4) depth. If the existing material (or other material) Is determined by the Engineer to be suitable for backfill, the contractor may use the native material, except that the top six inches (6 ") shall be crushed surfacing top course material. The trench shall be Compacted to a minimum ninety-five percent (95 %) density, as described in Section 2 -03 of the Standard Specfficafions. In the top six feet (6) of any trench, backfill compaction shall be performed in eight to 12 -inch (8 -121 lifts. Any trench deeper than six feet (61 may be compacted in 244nch lifts, up to the top six-foot (6) zone. All compaction shall be performed by mechanical methods. The compaction tests may be performed in maximum four -foot, (4') vertical increments. The test results shall be given to the Engineer for review and approval prior to paving. The number and location of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. 4. Temporary restoration of trenches for overnight use shall be accomplished by using MC mix (cold mix), Asphalt Treated Base (ATB), or steel plates, as approved by the Engineer. ATB used for temporary restoration may be dumped directly into the trench, bladed out and rolled. After Boiling, the trench must be filled flush. with asphalt to provide a smooth riding surface. If the temporary restoration does not hold up, the Contractor shall repair the patch within eight hours of being notified of the problem by the City. This requirement applies 24 hours per day, seven days a Week. In the event that the City determines to repair the temporary patch, the contractor shall reimburse the City in an amount that is double the City's cost in repairing the patch, with the second half of the reimbursement to represent City overhead and hidden costs. 5. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B. shall be laced to the compacted depth as required and indicated on City of ph t P P P 9 ty Renton Standard Plans 4HR -05; HR-23, and HR -22 (SP Pages #H032, 11032A, and H033) or as directed by the Engineer. The grace of asphalt shall be ARADOOW. The materials shall be made in conformance with Section 9- 02.1(4) of the Standard Specifications. - 3 �MINIMINI MIN MI IN MINI L 6.5yMIN. -1 2" DEPTH OF GRIND OR SAWCUT AND REMOVE 4 - 6.5' MIN. 1' 1' 2 5' 1' 1' MIN (MftX MIN IMINIMIN 2" CLASS 'B' CRUSHED ROCK, PLOWABLE FILL OR AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER • FOR MINIMUM .STANDARDS, SEE DWG# HR -05, SP PAGE H032 -ACP CLASS" 6" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE TYPICAL TRANSVERSE PATCH FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT ♦ T p ADOPTED r/ a. OP PBYTON STANDARD PGNS LST DATE: D2 /2005 "DWG. NAME: HR -23. SP PAGE:HO32A 6. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement at edge of saw cuts and shall be emulsified asphalt grade CBS. 1, as specified in Section 9. 02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack shall be applied as specified in Section 5- 04 of the Standard Specifications. 7. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B. shall be,placed in accordance with Section 5 -04 of the Standard Specifications; except those longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of twelve inches (12'), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate . shall be in accordance with Section 9 -03.8 of the Standard Specifications. - •-,^., ,... hmn amac shall be feathered and shimmed to an 6. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement at edge of saw cuts and shelf be emulsified asphalt grade CSS- 1, as specified in Section 9- 02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack shall be applied as specified in Section 5- 04 of the Standard Specifications. 7. Asphalt Concrete Class E.or Class B, .shall be.placed in accordance with Section 5 -04 of the Standard Specifications; except those longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of twelve inches (12 '), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate . shall be in accordance with Section 9 -03.8 of the Standard Specifications. - All. street surfaces, walks or driveways within the street trenching areas': shall be feathered and shimmed to an extent that provides a smooth - riding connection and expeditious drainage Flow for the newly paved surface. Feathering and shimming shall not decrease the minimum vertical curb depth below four inches (4') for storm water flow. The Engineer may require additional' grinding to increase the curb depth available for storm water flow in areas that are inadequate. Shimmin and feather as required b the Engineer, I c om fished b colt red shall e na rro Y P Y n9 out the oversized aggregates from the Class B mix as appropriate. Surface smoothness shall be per Section 5- 04.3(13) of the Standard Specifications. The paving shall be connected by removal and repaving of the trenchdrify. Asphalt patch depths will vary based upon the streets being benched. The actual depths of asphalt and the work to be performed shall be as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans #HR -05; HR -23, and HR -22 (SP Pages ill H032A, and H033).. Compaction of all lifts of asphalt shall be minimum' ninety -two percent (92 %) of density as determined by WSDOT Test Method 705. The number of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer, . Testing shall be performed by an independent testing lab with the rBOOKS being supplied to the Engineer. Testing is not intended to relieve the contractor from any liability for the trench restoration. It is intended to show the inspector, and the City, that the restoration meets these specifications. - 8. All joints shalt be sealed using paving asphalt AR-4000W. 9. When trenching within the unpaved roadway shouldeds), the shoulder shall be restored to its original Condition, or better. 10. The final patch or overlay shall be completed as soon as possible and shall not exceed fifteen 115) working days after first opening the trench. This time frame may be adjusted if delays are due to inclement . paving weather or other adverse Conditions that may exist. However, delaying of final patch or overlay work is subject to the Engineers approval. The Engineer may deem it necessary to complete the work within the fifteen (15) Working day time frame and not allow any time extension. Should this occur, the Contractor shall perform the necessary Work, as directed by the Engineer. 11. A City of Renton temporary Traffic Control Plan (from Renton Transportation Engineering) shelf Suubmitted and approved by the Engineer a minimum of three (3) working days prior to commencement of work. SECTION 10. REMOVAL OF UTILITY LOCATE MARKINGS FROM SIDEWALKS REQUIRED The Perr inee will be required to remove utility locate marks on sidewalks only within the Downtown Core Area. The permittee shall remove the utility locate marks within 14 days of job completion. HATrench RestorationURS 2005.doc RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY_ DATE tPW3 DATE BY DATE BY DATE BY DATE 5- 311302 k a� ii . r.1 lel 'el 'Irr V W a W5 V i.t e •T p6 W A e r ab 0 a/l tV w Ql '�marnW N� �Qco a Eo ova 3 N C 0 YDO C W t O Zw c¢ Z O j Y Q O WQrnmo LU V O O C LL Go Q � o < 5, W Y � Nfn I42 d '0 0) Z m °. >= Q °oy >> lAmYa<> 2of-3 1 1 r d G y � a °z J X rye W °z W W d d1� N O Z Z •. a 2 U 3 W -1 O' O C O Q W 2of-3 1 1 r d G y � a °z J X rye W °z W