HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-06-023 TM AIA Document A101 - 1997 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM 3/st AGREEMENT made as of the �°P=,....:T.third-day of May in the year of Two Thousand Six ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: (In words, indicate day, month and year) The author of this document has added information needed for its BETWEEN the Owner: completion.The author may also (Name, address and other information) have revised the text of the original AIA standard form.An Additions and City of Renton Deletions Report that notes added Renton Municipal Airport information as well as revisions to 616 W.Perimeter Road the standard form text is available Renton,WA 98055 from the author and should be Telephone`Number:425-430-7471 reviewed.A vertical line in the left Fax Number:425-430-7472 margin of this document indicates where the author has added and the Contractor: necessary information and where (Name, address and other information) the author has added to or deleted from the original AIA text. Lincoln Construction,Incorporated,General Corporation This document has important legal P.O.Box 730 consequences. Consultation with an Spanaway,Washington 98387` attorney is encouraged with respect Telephone Number: 253-847-6414 to its completion or modification. Fax Number: 253-847-6806 AIA Document A201-1997,General Conditions of the Contract for The Project is: (Name and location)' Construction,is adopted in this document by reference.Do not use with other general conditions unless Building 790 Secondary Egress Project this document is modified. Renton Municipal Airport 790 West Perimeter Road This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated The Architect is: General Contractors of America. (Name, address and other information) designers Plus 1540 Thorndyke Ave West,Seattle,WA 98199 Telephone Number: 206-217-4648 "As used throughout this Agreement,the term Architect shall mean the deemed architect exempt from Washington State Licensure Requirements pursuant to RCW 18.08.410 (9).11 The Owner and Contractor agree as follows. ORIGINAL. AIA Document A101 TM—1997.Copyright ©1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1967,1974,1977,1987,1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA` Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 1 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:15:39 on 04/26/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (2010084290) �..r '•p* ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement,Conditions of the Contract(General,Supplementary and other Conditions),Drawings,Specifications,Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement,other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement;these form the Contract,and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations,representations or agreements,either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents,other than Modifications,appears in Article 8. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents,except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION §3.1 The date of commencement of the Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. (Insert the Mate of commencement if it differs from the date of this Agreement or, if applicable, state that the date will be fixed in a notice to proceed.) The commencement date will be fixed in a notice to proceed. If,prior to the commencement of the Work,the Owner requires time to file mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests,the Owner's time requirement shall be as follows: 60 Calendar Days §3.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the date of commencement. §3.3 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than 50 days from the date of commencement,or as follows: (Insert number of calendar days.Alternatively, a calendar date may be used when coordinated with the date of commencement: Unless stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents, insert any requirements for earlier Substantial Completion of certain portions of the Work.) Portion of Work Substantial Completion Date subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. (Insert provisions, if any,for liquidated damages relating to failure to complete on time or for bonus payments for early completion of the Work.) $200 will be assessed for each calendar day that the Contractor exceeds the Final Completion Date. ARTICLE 4 'CONTRACT SUM §4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract. The Contract Sum shall be One Hundred Twenty-nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-one Dollars and Zero Cents ($ 129,851.00),subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. §4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates,if any,which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: (State the numbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If decisions on other alternates are to be made by the Owner subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alternates showing the amount for each and the date when that amount expires) AIA Document A101TM—1997.Copyright ©1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1967,1974,1977,1987,1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 2 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:15:39 on 04/26/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (2010084290) e $9,666o9 §4.3 Unit prices,if any,are as follows: Description Units Price($0.00) ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS §5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS §5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect,the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. §5.1.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month,or as follows: §5.1.3 Provided that an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the day of a month, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than the day of the following month. If an Application for Payment is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above,payment shall be made by the Owner not later than ( )days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. §5.1.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents.The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work.The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This schedule,unless objected to by the Architect,shall be used as'a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. §5.1.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. §5.1.6 Subject to other provisions of the Contract Documents,the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: .1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the schedule of values,less retainage of Five percent ( 5.00%).Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work,amounts not in dispute shall be included as provided in Section 7.3.8 of AIA Document A201-1997; 2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction(or,if approved in advance by the Owner,suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less reta page of Five percent ( 5.00%); .3, Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner;and .4 Subtract amounts,if any,for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided in Section 9.5 of AIA Document A201-1997. §5.1.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Section 5.1.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: AIA Document A101 TM—1997.Copyright ©1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1967,1974,1977,1987,1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA! Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 3 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:15:39 on 04/26/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (2010084290) .1 Add,upon Substantial Completion of the Work,a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to the full amount of the Contract Sum,less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work,retainage applicable to such work and unsettled claims;and (Section 9.8.5 of AIA Document A201-1997 requires release of applicable retainage upon Substantial Completion of Work with consent of surety, if any.) .2 Add,if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor,any additional amounts payable in accordance with Section 9.10.3 of AIA Document A201-1997. §5.1.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage,if any,shall be as follows: (If it is intended,prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work, to reduce or limit the retainage resulting from the percentages inserted in Sections 5.1.61 and 5.1.62 above, and this is not explained elsewhere in the Contract Documents, insert here provisions for such reduction or limitation.) N/A §5.1.9 Except with the Owner's prior approval,the Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for materials or equipment which have not been delivered and stored at the site. §5.2 FINAL PAYMENT §5.2.1 Final payment,constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum,shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when: .1 the Contractor has fully performed the Contract except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct Work as provided in Section 12.2.2 of AIA Document A201-1997,and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which extend beyond final payment;and .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. §5.2.2 The Owner's final payment to the Contractor shall be made no later than 30 days after the issuance of the Architect's final Certificate for Payment,;or as follows: ARTICLE 6 TERMINATION"OR SUSPENSION §6.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of AIA Document A201-1997. §6.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of AIA Document A201-1997. ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS §7.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of AIA Document A201-1997 or another Contract Document,the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. §7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below,or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. (Insert rate of interest agreed upon, if any.) )per annum (Usury laws and requirements under the Federal Truth in Lending Act, similar state and local consumer credit laws and other regulations at the Owner's and Contractor's principal places of business, the location of the Project and elsewhere may affect the validity of this provision. Legal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or modifications, and also regarding requirements such as written disclosures or waivers.) AIA Document A101TM—1997.Copyright ©1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1967,1974,1977,1987,1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 4 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AW.Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:15:39 on 04/26/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (2010084290) §7.3 The Owner's representative is: (Name, address and other information) Bruce Fisher 616 W.Perimeter Road Renton,WA 98055 §7.4 The Contractor's representative is: (Nome, address and other information) Daniel Lincoln P.D.Box 730 Spanaway,Washington 98387 §7.5 Neither the Owner's nor the Contractor's representative shall be changed without ten days written notice to the other party. §7.$Other provisions: ARTICLE 8 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS §8.1 The Contract Documents,except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement,are enumerated as follows: §8,1.1 The Agreement is this executed 1997 edition of the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor,AIA Document A101-1997. §8.1.2 The General Conditions are the 1997 edition of the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction,AIA Document A201-1997. §8.1.3 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated February 17,2006,and are as follows Document Title Pages Engineering Drawing 21 Project Manual for Renton Municipal Airport: Complete Project Manual Construction prepared for:City Quonset Hut-Building#790 Dated February 17,2006 of Renton Transportation System Design §8.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Section 8.1.3,and are as follows: (Either list the Specifications here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Title of Specifications exhibit: Table of Contents;Divisions 1-16(See attached Exhibit) (Rows deleted) §8.1.5 The Drawings are as follows,and are dated 12-08-05 and 03-17-06 unless a different date is shown below: (Either list the Drawings here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Title of Drawings exhibit: See Attached Exhibit AIA Document A101 TM—1997.Copyright ©1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1967,1974,1977,1987,1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 5 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA"' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:15:39 on 04/26/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (2010084290) w.✓ ., I (Rows deleted) §5;1.1;The Addenda,if any,are as follows: Number Date Pages A. RF1#001 and Responses 03-13-2006 Exhibits : A,B,C&D B. Exhibit«A»Revised: 03-14-06 Exhibit A C. Amended Bid Set Sheets 03-17-06 A2.05 and A8.01 Portions of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are also ehuri erated in this Article 8. 1§51.7 Otiiti"docurne4t;if any,forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (bit here,a'ny additugttul,"documents that are intended to form part of the Contract Documents.AIA Document A201- 1'b97 ptok es thaf binding requirements such as advertisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample foOns=`bnd Ike Cont�tietor"s bid are not part of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. They should be listed het'-only if intended to be part of the Contract Documents.) Agrew intent entered-into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original dies,of whitch"o is"ta delivered to the Contractor,one to the Ar hitect for use in the a nistration of the Contract„and the remainder to the Owner. OINK ` na 00) CO VTMUOR(Signs e IC1iy"Kecllterrr Daniel Lincoln,President {Prtnted name dn'd title) (Printed name and title) ATTEST:{Sicttui ;° Botz*,Witlton,Cty Clerk „(Print d narne and title) AIA Document A101TM—1997.Copyright m 1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1967,1974,1977,1987,1991 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA$ Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 6 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:15:39 on 04/26/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (2010084290) '*w r✓ TM RAIA Document A201 - 1997 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction for following PROJECT: (Name and location or addressl: ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: Building 790 Secondary Egress Project The author of this document has Renton Municipal Airport added information needed for its 790 West Perimeter Road completion.The author may also have revised the text of the original THE OWNER: AIA standard form.An Additions and (Name and address): Deletions Report that notes added City of Renton,Municipality information as well as revisions to 616 W.Perimeter Road the standard form text is available Renton,WA 98055 from the author and should be reviewed.A vertical line in the left THE ARCHITECT: margin of this document indicates (Name and address): where the author has added designers Plus necessary information and where 1540 Thorndyke Ave West,Seattle,WA 98199 the author has added to or deleted from the original AIA text. This document has important legal TABLE OF ARTICLES consequences. Consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS to its completion or modification. This document has been approved 2 OWNER " and endorsed by The Associated 3 CONTRACTOR General Contractors of America 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 8 TIME 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 1 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) I*w INDEX 3.1.3,4.2,4.3.4,4.4,9.4,9.5 (Numbers and Topics in Bold are Section Headings) Architect's Approvals 2.4,3.1.3,3.5.1,3.10.2,4.2.7 Acceptance of Nonconforming Work Architect's Authority to Reject Work 9.6.6,9.9.3,12.3 3.5.1,4.2.6, 12.1.2, 12.2.1 Acceptance of Work Architect's Copyright 9.6.6,9.8.2,9.9.3,9.10.1,9.10.3, 12.3 1.6 Access to Work Architect's Decisions 3.16,6.2.1, 12.1 4.2.6,4.2.7,4.2.11,4.2.12,4.2.13,4.3.4,4.4.1,4.4.5, Accident Prevention 4.4.6,4.5,6.3,7.3.6,7.3.8,8.1.3, 8.3.1,9.2,9.4, 4.2.3, 10 9.5.1,9.8.4,9.9.1, 13.5.2, 14.2.2, 14.2.4 Acts and Omissions Architect's Inspections,3.12.8,3.18,4.2.3,4.3.8,4.4.1,8.3.1, 4.2.2,4.2.9,4.3.4,9.4.2,9.8.3,9.9.2,9.10.1, 13.5 9.5.1, 10.2.5,13.4.2,13.7, 14.1 Architect's Instructions Addenda 3.2.3,3.3.1,4.2.6,4.2.7,4.2.8,7.4.1, 12.1, 13.5.2 1.1.1,3.11 Architect's Interpretations Additional Costs,Claims for 4.2.11,4.2.12,4.3.6 4.3.4,4.3.5,4.3.6,6.1.1,10.3 Architect's Project Representative Additional Inspections and Testing 4.2.10 9.$3,12.2.1, 13.5 Architect's Relationship with Contractor Additional Time,Claims for 1.1.2, 1.6,3.1.3,3.2.1,3.2.2,3.2.3,3.3.1,3.4.2,3.5.1, 4.3.4,4.3.7,8.3.2 3.7.3,3.10,3.11,3.12,3.16,3.18,4.1.2,4.1.3,4.2, ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.3.4,4.4.1,4.4.7,5.2,6.2.2,7, 8.3.1,9.2,9.3,9.4, 31.3,4,9.4,9.5 9.5,9.7,9.8,9.9, 10.2.6, 10.3, 11.3, 11.4.7, 12, Advertisement or Invitation to Bid 13.4.2, 13.5 1.1:1 Architect's Relationship with Subcontractors Aesthetic Effect 1.1.2,4.2.3,4.2.4,4.2.6,9.6.3,9.6.4, 11.4.7 4,2.13,4.5.1 Architect's Representations Allowances 9.4.2,9.5.1,9.10.1 3.8' Architect's Site Visits All-risk Insurance 4.2.2,4.2.5,4.2.9,4.3.4,9.4.2,9.5.1,9.9.2,9.10.1, 11,4.1.1 13.5 Applications for Payment Asbestos 4.2.5,7.3.8,9.2,9.3,9.4,9.5.1,9.6.3,9.7.1,9.8.5, 10.3.1 9.1(1, 11.1.3, 14.2.4, 14,4.3 Attorneys' Fees Approvals 3.18.1,9.10.2, 10.3.3 2.4,3.1.3,3.5,3.10.2,3.12,4.2.7,9.3.2,'13.4.2, 13.5 Award of Separate Contracts Arbitration 6.1.1,6.1.2 43.3,4.4,4.5.1,4.5.2,4.6, 8.3.1,9.7.1, 11.4.9, Award of Subcontracts and Other Contracts for 11.4.10 Portions of the Work Architect 5.2 4.1! Basic Definitions Architect,Definition of 1.1 4.1.1 Bidding Requirements Architect,Extent of Authority 1.1.1, 1.1.7,5.2.1, 11.5.1 2.4,'3.12.7,4.2,4.3.6,4.4,5.2,6.3,7.1.2,7.3.6,7.4, Boiler and Machinery Insurance 9.2,9.3.1,9.4,9.5,9.8.3,9.10.1, 9.10.3, 12.1, 12.2.1, 11.4.2 13.5.1, 13.5.2, 14.2.2, 14.2.4 Bonds,Lien Architect,Limitations of Authority and 9.10.2 Responsibility Bonds,Performance,and Payment 2.1.1,3.3.3,3.12.4,3.12.8,3.12.10,4.1.2,4.2.1,,9.6.7,9.10.3, 11.4.9, 11.5 4.2.2,4.23}4.2,6,4.2.7,4.2.10,4.2.12,4.2.13,4.4, Building Permit 5.2.1,7.4,9.4.2,9.6.4,9.6.6 3.7.1 Architect's Additional Services and Expenses Capitalization 2.4,, 12.2.1, 13.5.2, 13.5.3, 14.2.4 1.3 Architect's Administration of the Contract Certificate of Substantial Completion AIA Document A201 rm—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. .2 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_I which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) 9.8.3,9.8.4,9.8.5 1.6.1,3.2.2,3.6,3.7,3.12.10,3.13,4.1.1,4.4.8,4.6.4, Certificates for Payment 4.6.6,9.6.4, 10.2.2, 11.1, 11.4, 13.1, 13.4, 13.5.1, 4.2.5,4.2.9,9.3.3,9.4,9.5,9.6.1,9.6.6,9.7.1,9.10.1, 13.5.2, 13.6, 14.1.1, 9.10.3, 13.7,, 14.2.4 Concealed or Unknown Conditions Certificates of Inspection,Testing or Approval 4.3.4,8.3.1, 10.3 13.5.4 Conditions of the Contract Certificates of Insurance 1.1.1, 1.1.7,6.1.1,6.1.4 9.10.2, 11.1.3 Consent,Written Change Orders 1.6,3.4.2,3.12.8,3.14.2,4.1.2,4.3.4,4.6.4,9.3.2, 1.1.1,2.4.1,3.4.2,,_3.11.1,3.12.8,4.2.8,4.3.4, 9.8.5,9.9.1,9.10.2,9.10.3, 11.4.1, 13.2, 13.4.2 4.3.9,5.2.3,7.1,7.2,7.3,8.3.1,,9.10.3, CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY, 11.4.4, 11.4.9, 12.1.2 SEPARATE CONTRACTORS Change Orders,Definition of 1.1.4,6 7.2.1 Construction Change Directive,Definition of CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.3.1 3.11,4.2.8,7,8.3.1,, 11.4.9 Construction Change Directives Claim,Definition of 1.1.1,3.12.8,4.2.8,4.3.9,7.1,7.3, 4.3.1 Construction Schedules,Contractor's Claims and Disputes, 3.10,3.12.1,3.12.2,,6.1.3 3.2,3,4.3,4.4,4.5 4.6,6.1.1,6.3,7.3.8,9.3.3,9.10.4, Contingent Assignment of Subcontracts 10.3.3 5.4, Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims Continuing Contract Performance 4.6.5 4.3.3 Claims for Additional Cost Contract,Definition of 3.2.3,43.4,4.3.5,4.3.6,6.1.1,7.3.8, 10.3.2 1.1.2 Claims for Additional Time CONTRACT,TERMINATION OR 3.2;3,4,3.4,4.3.7,61.1.1,8,3.2, 10.3.2 SUSPENSION OF THE Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions 11.4.99 14 4.3,4 Contract Administration Claims for Damages 3.1.3,49 9.49 9.5 3.2.3,3-18,4.3.10,6.1.1,8.3.39 9.5.1,9.6.7, 10.3.3, Contract Award and Execution,Conditions Relating 11.1.1, 1.4.5, 11.4.7, 14.1.3, 14.2.4 to Claims Subject to Arbitration 3.7.19 3.10,5.2,6.1, 11.1.3, 11.4.69 11.5.1 4.4:1,4.5.1,4.6.1 Contract Documents,The Cleaning Up 1.1, 1.2 3,15,63' Contract Documents,Copies Furnished and Use of Commencement of Statutory Limitation Period 1.69 2.2.5,5.3 13.7 Contract Documents,Definition of Commencement of the Work,Conditions Relating to 1.1.1 2.2.1,3.2.1,3.4.1,3.7.1,3.10.1,3.12.6,4.3.5,5.2.1, Contract Sum 5.2.3,6.2.2,8.1.2,8.2.2,8.3.1, 11.1, 11.4.1, 11.4.6, 3.8,4.3.4,4.3.5,4.4.5,5.2.3,7.2,7.3, 7.4,9.1,9.4.2, 11.5.1,9.6.7,9.7, 10.3.29 11.4.19 14.2.4, 14.3.2 Commencement of the Work,Definition of Contract Sum,Definition of 8.1.2 9.1 Communications Facilitating Contract Contract Time Administration 4.3.4,4.3.7,4.4.5,5.2.3,,7.3,7.4, 8.1.1,8.2, 3.9.1,4.2.4 8.3.1,9.5.1,9.7, 10.3.2, 12.1.1, 14.3.2 Completion,Conditions Relating to Contract Time,Definition of 1.6.1,3.4.1,3.11,3.15,4.2.2,4.2.9,8.2,9.4.2,9.89 8.1.1 9.9.1,9.10,'12.2, 13.7, 14.1.2 CONTRACTOR COMPLETION,PAYMENTS AND 3 9 Contractor,Definition of Completion,Substantial 3.1,6.1.2 4.2.9,8.1.1,8.1.3,8.2.3,9.4.2,9.8,9.9.1,9.10.3, Contractor's Construction Schedules, 12.2, 13.7,3.10,3.12.1,3.12.2,,6.1.3 Compliance with Laws Contractor's Employees AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 3 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) NW-1 *400 3.3.2,3.4.3,3.8.1,3.9,3.18.2,4.2.3,4.2.6, 10.2, 10.3, 6.2.5,3.14 11.1.1, 11.4.7, 14.1,, Damage to Construction of Owner or Separate Contractor's Liability Insurance Contractors 11.1 3.14.2, 6.2.4,,, 10.2.5, 10.6, 11.1, Contractor's Relationship with Separate Contractors 11.4, 12.2.4 and Owner's Forces Damage to the Work 3.12.5,3.14.2,4.2.4,6, 11.4.7, 12.1.2, 12.2.4 3.14.2,9.9.1,, 10.2.5, 10.6, 11.4, 12.2.4 Contractor's Relationship with Subcontractors Damages,Claims for 1.2,2,3.3.2,3.18.1,3.18;2,5,9.6.2,9.6.7,9.10.2, 3.2.3,3.18,4.3.10,6.1.1, 8.3.3,9.5.1, 9.6.7, 10.3.3, 11 4.1.2, 11.4,7, 11.4.8 11.1.1, 11.4.5, 11.4.7, 14.1.3, 14.2.4 Contractor's Relationship with the Architect Damages for Delay 1.1.2, 1.6, 3.1.3,3.2.1,3.2.2,3.2.3,3.3.1,3.4.2,3.5.1, 6.1.1,8.3.3,,9.7, 10.3.2 3.7.3,3.10,3.11,3.12,3.161,3.18, 4.1.2,4.1.3,4.2, Date of Commencement of the Work,Definition of 4.3.4,4.4.1,4.4.7,5.2,6.2.2,7,8.3.1,9.2,9.3,9.4, 8.1.2 9.5 9.7,9.8,9.9, 10.2.6, 10.3, 11.3, 11.4.7, 12, Date of Substantial Completion,Definition of 13.4.2, 13.5 8.1.3 Contractor's Representations Day,Definition of 1.5.2,3.5.1,3.12.6,6.22, .,9.8.2 8.1.4 Contractor's Responsibillty, ,Ibr Those Performing the Decisions of the Architect Work 4.2.6,4.2.7,4.2.11,4.2.12,4.2.13,4.3.4,4.4.1,4.4.5, 3.3,2,3.18,4.2.3,4.3.8,5.3.1,6.1.3,6.2,6.3,9.5.1, 4.4.6,4.5,6.3,7.3.6,7.3.8,8.1.3, 8.3.1,9.2,9.4, 10 9.5.1,9.8.4,9.9.1, 13.5.2, 14.2.2, 14.2.4 Contractor's Review of Contract Documents Decisions to Withhold Certification 1.5.2,3.2,3.73 9.4.1,9.5,9.7, Contractor's Right to Stop the Work Defective or Nonconforming Work,Acceptance, 9':7 Rejection and Correction of Contractor's Right to Terminate the Contract 2.3,2.4,3.5.1,4.2.6,6.2.5,9.5.1,9.5.2,9.6.6,9.8.2, 4.3!.10, 14.1 9.9.3,9.10.4, 12.2.1, Contractor's Submittals Defective Work,Definition of 3.10,3.11,3.12,4:.2.7,5.2.1,5.2.3,7.3.6,9.2,9.3, 3.5.1 9.8.2,9.8.3,9.9.1,9.10.2,9.10.3, 11.1.3, 11.5.2 Definitions Contractor's Superintendent 1.1,2.1.1,3.1,3.5.1,3.12.1,3.12.2,3.12.3,4.1.1, 3.9, 10.2.6 4.3.1,5.1,6.1.2,7.2.1,7.3.1,7.3.6,8.1, 9.1,9.8.1 Contractor's Supervision and Construction Delays and Extensions of Time Procedures 3.2.3,4.3.1,4.3.4,4.3.7,4.4.5,5.2.3,7.2.1,7.3.1, 1.2.2,3.3,3.4,3.12.10,4.2.2,4.2.7,4.3.3,6.1.3, 7.4.1,8.3,9.5.1,9.7.1, 10.3.2, 10.6.1, 14.3.2 6.2.4,7.1.3,7.3.4,7.3.6,8.2, 10, 12, 14 Disputes Contractual Liability Insurance 4.1.4,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6,6.3,7.3.8, 11.2, 11`.3 Documents and Samples at the Site Coordination and Correlation 3.11 1.2 1.5.2, 3.3.1,3.10,3.12.6,6.1.3,6.2.1 Drawings,Definition of Copies Furnished of Drawings and Specifications 1.1.5 1.6 2.2.5, 3.11 Drawings and Specifications,Use and Ownership of Copyrights 1.1.1, 1.3,2.2.5,3.11,5.3 16,3.17 Effective Date of Insurance Correction of Work 8.2.2, 11.1.2 2.3,2.4,3.7.4,4.2.1,9.4.2,9.8.2,9.8.3,9.9.1, 12.1.2, Emergencies 12.2, 4.3.5,10.6, Correlation and Intent of the Contract Documents Employees,Contractor's 1,2, 3.3.2,3.4.3,3.8.1,3.9,3.18.2,4.2.3,4.2.6, 10.2, 10.3, Cost,Definition of 11.1.1, 11.4.7, 14.1, 7.3.6 Equipment,Labor,Materials and Costs 1.1.3, 1.1.6,3.4,3.5.1,3.8.2,3.8.3,3.12,3.13,3.15.1, 2.4, 3.2.3, 3.7.4,3.8.2,3.15.2,4.3,5.4.2, 6.1.1,6.2.3, 4.2.6,4.2.7,5.2.1,6.2.1,7.3.6, 9.3.2,9.3.3,,,7.3.6,7.3.7,7.3.8,9.10.2, 10.3.2, 10.5, 11.3, 9.10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.4, 11.4, 12.1, 12.2.1, 12.2.4, 13.5, 14 Execution and Progress of the Work Cutting and Patching AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 4 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) %age rr✓ 1.1.3, 1.2.1, 1.2.2,2.2.3,2.2.5,3.1,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.7, Insurance,Project Management Protective 3.10,3.12,3.14,4.2.2,4.2.3,4.3.3,6.2.2,7.1.3,7.3.4, Liability 8.2,9.5„9.9.1, 10.2, 10.3, 12.2, 14.2, 14.3 11.3 Extensions of Time Insurance,Property 3.2.3,4.3.1,4.3.4,4.3.7,4.4.5,5.2.3,7.2.1,7.3,7.4.1, 10.2.5, 11.4 9.5.1,9.7.1, 10.3.2, 10.6.1, 14.3.2 Insurance,Stored Materials Failure of Payment 9.3.2, 4.3.6,,9.7,9.10.2,,, 13.6 INSURANCE AND BONDS Faulty Work 11 (See Defective or Nonconforming Work) Insurance Companies,Consent to Partial Occupancy Final Completion and Final Payment 9.9.1, 4.2.1,4.2.9,4.3.2,9.8.2,9.10, 11.1.2, 11.1.3, 11.4.1, Insurance Companies,Settlement with 11.4.5, 12.3.1, 13.7, 14.2.4, 14.4.3 11.4.10 Financial Arrangements,Owner's Intent of the Contract Documents 2.2.1, 13.2.2, 14.1,1.5 1.2.1,4.2.7,4.2.12,4.2.13,7.4 Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance Interest 11.4 13.6 GENERAL PROVISIONS Interpretation 1 1.2.3, 1.4,4.1.1,4.3.1,5.1,6.1.2,8.1.4 Governing Law Interpretations,Written 13,1 4.2.11,4.2.12,4.3.6 Guarantees(See Warranty) Joinder and Consolidation of Claims Required Hazardous Materials 4.6.4 10.2.4, 10.3, 10.5 Judgment on Final Award Identification of Contract Documents 4.6.6 1.5.1 Labor and Materials,Equipment Identification of Subcontractors and Suppliers 1.1.3, 1.1.6,3.4,3.5.1,3.8.2,3.8.3,3.12,3.13,3.15.1, 5.2.1 42.6,4.2.7,5.2.1,6.2.1,7.3.6, 9.3.2,9.3.3,, Indemnification 9.10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.4, 3.17,3.18,9.10.2,'10.3.3, 10.5,, 11.4.7 Labor Disputes Information and.Services Required of the Owner 8.3.1 11.2,2.2,'3.2.1,3:12.4,3.12.10,4.2.7,4.3.3,6.1.3, Laws and Regulations 6.1.4,6.2.5,9.3.2,9.6.1,9.6.4,9.9.2,9.10.3, 10.3.3, 1.6, 3.2.2,3.6,3.7,3.12.10,3.13,4.1.1,4.4.8,4.6, 11.2, 11.4, 113.5.1, 13.5.2,,144.4 9.6.4,9.9.1, 10.2.2, 11.1, 11.4, 13.1, 13.4, 13.5.1, Injury or Damage to Person or Property 13.5.2, 13.6, 14 4.3.8,10.2,10.6 Liens Inspections 2.1.2,4.4.8,8.2.2,9.3.3,9.10 3.1.3,3.3.3,3.7,1,4.2.2,4.2.6,4.2.9,9.4.2,9.8.2, Limitation on Consolidation or Joinder 9.8.3,9.9.2,9.10.1, 12.2.1, 13.5 4.6.4 Instructions to Bidders Limitations,Statutes of 1.1.1 4.6.3, 12.2.6, 13.7 Instructions to the Contractor Limitations of Liability 3.2..3„3.3.1,3.8.1,4.2.8,5.2.1,7, 12, 8.2.2, 13.5.2 2.3,3.2.1,3.5.1,3.7.3, 3.12.8,3.12.10,3.17,3.18, Insurance 4.2.6,4.2.7,4.2.12,6.2.2,9.4.2,9.6.4, 9.6.7,9.10.4, 3.18.1,6.1;1,7.3.6;8.2.1,9.3.2,9.8.4,9.9.1,9.10.2, 10.3.3, 10.2.5, 11.1.2, 11.2.1, 11.4.7, 12.2.5, 13.4.2 9.10.5, 11 Limitations of Time Insurance,Boiler and Machinery 2.1.2,2.2,2.4, 3.2.1,3.7.3,3.10,3.11, 3.12.5, 3.15.1, 11.4.2 4.2.7,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6,5.2,5.3, 5.4,6.2.4,7.3,7.4, Insurance,Contractor's Liability 8.2,9.2,9.3.1,9.3.3,9.4.1,9.5,9.6,9.7,9.8,9.9, 11.1 9.10, 11.1.3,, 11.4.6, 11.4.10, 12.2, 13.5, Insurance,Effective Date of 13.7, 14 8.2.2, 11.1.2 Loss of Use Insurance Insurance,Loss of Use 11.4.3 11.4.3 Material Suppliers Insurance,Owner's Liability 1.6,3.12.1,4.2.4,4.2.6,5.2.1,9.3,9.4.2,9.6,9.10.5 11.2 Materials,Hazardous 10.2.4, 10.3, 10.5 AIA Document A201 T”'—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 5 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) Materials,Labor,Equipment and 1.6,2.1.1,2.3,2.4,3.4.2,3.8.1,3.12.10,3.14.2,4.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.6, 1.6.1,3.4,3.5.1,3.8.2,3.8.23,3.12,3.13, 4.1.3,4.2.4,4.2.9,4.3.6,4.4.7, 5.2.1,5.2.4,5.4.1, 3.15.1,4.2.6,4.2.7,5.2.1,6.2.1, 7.3.6,9.3.2,9.3.3, 6.1,6.3,7.2.1,7.3.1,8.2.2,8.3.1,9.3.1,9.3.2,9.5.1, 9.5,13,9.10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.4, 9.9.1,9.10.2, 10.3.2, 11.1.3, 11.3.1, 11.4.3, 11.4.10, Means,Methods,Techniques, Sequences and 12.2.2, 12.3.1, 13.2.2, 14.3, 14.4 Procedures of Construction Owner's Financial Capability 3.3.1,3.12.10,4.2.2,4.2.7,9.4.2 2.2.1, 13.2.2, Mechanic's Lien Owner's Liability Insurance 4.4.8 11.2 Mediation Owner's Loss of Use Insurance 4.4.1,4.4.5,4.4,6,4.4.8,4,5,4.6.1,4.6.2, 8.3.1, 10.5 11.4.3 Minor Changes in the Work Owner's Relationship with Subcontractors 1,1.1,3.12.8,4.2.8,4.3.6,7.1,7.4 1.1.2,5.2,5.3,5.4,9.6.4,9.10.2, 14.2.2 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Owner's Right to Carry Out the Work 13 ! 2.4,12.2.4. Modifications,Definition of Owner's Right to Clean Up 1.1.1 6.3 Modifications to the Contract Owner's Right to Perform Construction and to 1.1,,1,1.1.2,3.73,3.11,4.1.2,4.2.1,5.2.3,7,8.3.1, Award Separate Contracts 9.7 10.3.2, 11.4.1 6.1 Mutual Responsibility Owner's Right to Stop the Work 6.2 2.3 Nonconforming Work,Acceptance of Owner's Right to Suspend the Work 9.6.6,9.9.3, 12,3 14.3 Nonconforming Work,Rejection and Correction of Owner's Right to Terminate the Contract 2.3 2,4,3.5.1,4.2.6,6,2.5,9.5.1,9.8.2,9.9.3,9.10.4, 14.2 12.2.1, Ownership and Use of Drawings,Specifications Notice and Other Instruments of Service 2.2:1,2.3,2.4,3.2.3,3.3.1,3.7.2,3.7.4,3.12.9,4.3, 1.1.1, 1.6,2.2.5,3.2.1,3.11.1,3.17.1,4.2.12,5.3 4,4.8,4,65,5.2.1,8.2.2,9.7,9.10, 10.2.2, 11.1.3, Partial Occupancy or Use 11.4.6, 12.2.2, 12.2.4, 13.3, 13.5.1, 13.5.2, 14.1, 14.2 9.6.6,9.9, Notice,Written Patching,Cutting and 23 2.4,3.3.1,3.9,3.12.9,`3.12.10;4.3,4.4.8,4.6.5, 3.14,6.2.5 5x2.1,8.2.2,9.7,9.10, 10.2.2, 10.3, 11.1.3, 11.4.6, Patents 12.2.2, 12.2.4,13,3, 14 3.17 Notice of Testing and Inspections Payment,Applications for 1, 13.5.2 4.2.5,7.3.8,9.2,9.3,9.4,9.5.1,9.6.3,9.7.1,9.8.5, Notice to Proceed 9.10.1,9.10.3,9.10.5, 11.1.3, 14.2.4, 14.4.3 8.2,2 Payment,Certificates for Notices,Permits,Fees and 4.2.5,4.2.9,9.3.3,9.4,9.5,9.6.1,9.6.6,9.7.1,9.10.1, 2.2.2,3.7,3.13,, 10.2.2 9.10.3, 13.7,, 14.2.4 Observations,Contractor's Payment,Failure of 1.5.2,;3.2,3.7.3,4.3.4 4.3.6,,9.7,9.10.2,,, 13.6 Occupancy; Payment,Final 2,2.2,9.6.6,9.8, 114.1.5 4.2.1,4.2.9,4.3.2,9.8.2,9.10, 11.1.2, 11.1.3, 11.4.1, Orders,Written 11.4.5, 12.3.1, 13.7, 14.2.4, 14.4.3 1.1.1,2.3,3.9,4.3.6,7,8.2.2, 11.4.9, 12.1, 12.2, Payment Bond,Performance Bond and 13.5.2, 14.3.1,9.6.7,9.10.3, 11.4.9, 11.5 OWNER Payments,Progress 2 4.3.3,9.3,9.6,9.8.5,9.10.3, 13.6, 14.2.3 Owner,Definition of PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 2.1 9 Owner,Information and Services Required of the Payments to Subcontractors 2.1.2,2.2,3.2.1,3.12.4,3.12.10,4.2.7,4.3.3,6.1.3, 5.4.2,,9.6.2,9.6.3,9.6.4,9.6.7, 11.4.8, 6.1.4,6.2.5,9.3.2,9.6.1,9.6.4,9.9.2,9.10.3, 10.3.3, 11.2, 11.4, 13.5.1, 13.5.2,, 14.1.4 PCB Owner's Authority 10.3.1 AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. s Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) Performance Bond and Payment Bond Review of Contractor's Submittals by Owner and,9.6.7,9.10.3, 11.4.9, 11.5 Architect Permits,Fees and Notices 3.10.1,3.10.2,3.11,3.12,4.2,5.2,6.1.3,9.2,9.8.2 2.2.2,,3.7, 3.13,, 10.2.2 Review of Shop Drawings,Product Data and PERSONS AND PROPERTY,PROTECTION Samples by Contractor OF 3.12 10 Rights and Remedies 1.1.2,2.3,2.4,3.5.1,3.15.2,4.2.6,4.3.4,4.5,4.6,5.3, Polychlorinated Biphenyl 5.4,6.1,6.3,7.3.1,8.3,9.5.1,9.7, 10.2.5, 10.3, 10.3.1 12.2.2, 12.2.4, 13.4, 14 Product Data,Definition of Royalties,Patents and Copyrights 3.12.2 3.17 Product Data and Samples,Shop Drawings Rules and Notices for Arbitration 3.11,3.12,4.2.7 4.6.2 Progress and Completion Safety of Persons and Property 4.2.2,4.3.3,8,2,9 8,9.9.1, 14.1.4 10.2,10.6 Progress Payments Safety Precautions and Programs 4.3.3,93,9.6,9.8.5,9.10.3, 13.6, 14.2.3 3.3.1,4.2.2,4.2.7,5.3.1,10.1, 10.2, 10.6 Project,Definition of the Samples,Definition of I J A 3.12.3 Project Management Protective Liability Samples,Shop Drawings,Product Data and Insurance' 3.11,3.12,4.2.7 11,3 Samples at the Site,Documents and Project Manual,Definition of the 3.11 1.1.7. Schedule of Values Project Manuals 9.2,9.3.1 2.2;5 Schedules, Project Representatives, 3.10,3.Constructionl2.1,3.12.2,, 41:10 6.1.3 Property Insurance Separate Contracts and Contractors 10.2.5;11.4 1.1.4,3.12.5,3.14.2,4.2.4,4.2.7,4.6.4,6,8.3.1, PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 11.4.7, 12.1.2, 12.2.5 10 Shop Drawings,Definition of Regulations and Laws 3.12.1 1.6,3.2.2,3.6,3.7,3.12.10,3.13,4.1.1,4.4.8,4.6, Shop Drawings,Product Data and Samples 9.64,9.9.1,10.2.2, 11.1, 11.4, 13.1, 13.4, 13.5.1, 3.11,3.12,4.2.7 13.5.2,13.6, 14 Site,Use of Rejection of Work 3.13,6.1.1,6.2.1 15.1,4.2.6, 12.2:`1 Site Inspections Releases and Waivers of Liens 1.2.2,3.2.1,3.3.3,3.7.1,4.2,4.3.4,9.4.2,9.10.1, 13.5 9.10.2 : Site Visits,Architect's Representations 4.2.2,4.2.9,4.3.4,9.4.2,9.5.1,9.9.2,9.10.1, 13.5 1.5.2„3.5.1,3.12.6,6.2.2,8.2.1,9.3.3,9.4.2,9.5.1, Special Inspections and Testing 9.8.2,9.10A 4.2.6, 12.2.1, 13.5 Representatives Specifications,Definition of the 2.1.1,3.1.1;3.9,4. .1,4.2.1,4.2.10,5.1.1,5.1.2, 1.1.6 13.2.1 Specifications,The Resolution of Claims and Disputes 1.1.1, 1.1.6, 1.1.7, 1.2.2, 1.6,3.11,3.12.10,3.17 4.4,4.5,4.6 Statute of Limitations Responsibility for Those Performing the Work 4.6.3, 12.2.6, 13.7 3.3.2,3.18,;4.2.3,'4.3.8,5.3.1,6.1.3,6.2, 6.3,9.5.1, Stopping the Work 10 2.3,4.3.6,9.7, 10.3, 14.1 Retainage, Stored Materials 9.3.1,9.6.2,9.8.5,9.9.1,9.10.2,9.10.3 6.2.1,9.3.2,, 10.2.4, Review of Contract Documents and Field Subcontractor,Definition of Conditions by Contractor 5.1.1 1.5.2,3.2,3.7.3,3.12.7,6.1.3 SUBCONTRACTORS AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 7 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) 5 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE Subcontractors,Work by CONTRACT 1.2.2,3.3.2,3.12.1,4.2.3,5.2.3,5.3,5.4,, 14 9.6.7 Tests and Inspections Subcontractual Relations 3.1.3,3.3.3,4.2.2,4.2.6,4.2.9,9.4.2, 9.8.3,9.9.2, 5.3,5.4,,9.6,9.10 10.2.1,11.4.7,11.4.8,14.1, 9.10.1, 10.3.2,, 12.2.1,13.5 14.2.1,14.3.2 TIME Submittals 8 1.6, 3.10,3.11,3.12,4.2.7,5.2.1,5.2.3,7.3.6,9.2, Time,Delays and Extensions of 9.3 9.8,9.9.1,9.10.2,9.10.3, 11.1.3 3.2.3,4.3.1,4.3.4,4.3.7,4.4.5,5.2.3,7.2.1,7.3.1, Subrogation,Waivers of 7.4.1,8.3,9.5.1,9.7.1, 10.3.2, 10.6.1, 14.3.2 6.1.1, 11.4.5,11;4.7 Time Limits Substantial Completion 2.1.2,2.2,2.4, 3.2.1,3.7.3,3.10,3.11,3.12.5,3.15.1, 4.2.9,8.1.1,8.1.3,8.2,3,9.4.2,9.8,9.9.1,9.10.3, 4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6,5.2,5.3,5.4, 6.2.4,7.3,7.4,, 12.2, 13.7 8.2,9.2,9.3.1,9.3.3,9.4.1,9.5,9.6,9.7,9.8,9.9, Substantial Completion,Definition of 9.10, 11.1.3,, 11.4.6, 11.4.10, 12.2, 13.5, 9.8.1 13.7, 14 Substitution of Subcontractors Time Limits on Claims 5.2,3,5.2.4 4.3.2,4.3.4,4.3.8,4.4,4.5,4.6 Substitution of Architect Title to Work 4.1.3 9.3.2,9.3.3 Substitutions of Materials UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF 3.4`.2,3.5.1,7.3.7 WORK Sub-subcontractor,Definition of 12 5.1.2 Uncovering of Work Subsurface Conditions 12.1 4.3.4 Unforeseen Conditions Successors and Assigns 4.3.4,8.3.1, 10.3 13.2 Unit Prices Superintendent 4.3.9, 3.9 10.2,6 Use of Documents Supervision and Construction Procedures 1.1.1, 1.6,2.2.5,3.12.6,5.3 1.2.2,3.3, 3.4,3.12.10,4.2.2,4.2.7,4.3.3,6.1.3, Use of Site 6.2.4,7.1.3,7.3.6,8.2, 8.3.1,9.4.2, 10, 12, 14 3.13,6.1.1,6.2.1 Surety Values,Schedule of 4.4!.7,,9.8.5,9.10.2,9.10.3, 14.2.2 9.2,9.3.1 Surety,Consent of Waiver of Claims by the Architect 9.10.2,9.10.3 13.4.2 Surveys Waiver of Claims by the Contractor 2.2,3 4.3.10,9.10.5, 11.4.7, 13.4.2 Suspension by the Owner for Convenience Waiver of Claims by the Owner 14.4 4.3.10,9.9.3,9.10.3,9.10.4, 11.4.3, 11.4.5, 11.4.7, Suspension of the Work, 13.4.2, 14.2.4 5.4.2, 14.3 Waiver of Consequential Damages Suspension or Termination of the Contract 4.3.10, 14.2.4 4.3,6,, 114.9, 14 Waiver of Liens Taxes 9.10.2,9.10.4 3.6,, Waivers of Subrogation Termination by the Contractor 6.1.1, 11.4.5, 11.4.7 4.3.10, 14.1 Warranty Termination by the Owner for Cause 3.5,4.2.9,,9.3.3,9.8.4,9.9.1,9.10.4,12.2.2, 4.3.10,,14.2 Termination of the Architect Weather Delays 4.1.3 Termination of the Contractor Work,Definition of 14.2.2 1.1.3 Written Consent AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'''' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) `%We VMW 1.6,3.4.2, 3.12.8,3.14.2,4.1.2,4.3.4,4.6.4,9.3.2, 2.3,2.4,3.3.1,3.9,3.12.9,3.12.10,4.3,4.4.8,4.6.5, 9.8.5,9.9.1,9.10.2,9.10.3, 11.4.1, 13.2, 13.4.2 5.2.1,8.2.2,9.7,9.10, 10.2.2, 10.3, 11.1.3, 11.4.6, Written Interpretations 12.2.2, 12.2.4, 13.3, 14 4.211,4.2.12,4.3.6 Written Orders Written Notice 1.1.1,2.3,3.9,4.3.6,7,8.2.2, 11.4.9, 12.1, 12.2, 13.5.2, 14.3.1 AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 9 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) ,%NW *MW ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS §1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS §1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Agreement between Owner and Contractor(hereinafter the Agreement), Conditions of the Contract(General, Supplementary and other Conditions),Drawings,Specifications,Addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract,other documents listed in the Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of the Contract.A Modification is(1)a written amendment to the Contract signed by both parties,(2)a Change Order,(3)a Construction Change Directive or(4)a written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Architect.Unless specifically enumerated in the Agreement,the Contract Documents do not include other documents such as bidding requirements(advertisement or invitation to bid,Instructions to Bidders, sample forms, the Contractor's bid or portions of Addenda relating to bidding requirements). §1.1.2 THE CONTRACT The Contract Documents form the Contract for Construction.The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations,representations or agreements,either written or oral,The Contract may be amended or modified only by a Modification.The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of any kind(1)between the Architect and Contractor, (2)between the Owner and a Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor,(3)between the Owner and Architect or(4)between any persons or entities other than the Owner and Contractor.The Architect shall,however,be entitled to performance and enforcement of obligations under the Contract intended to facilitate performance of the Architect's duties. §1.1.3 THE WORK The term"Work"means the construction and services required by the Contract Documents,whether completed or partially completed,and includes all other labor,materials,equipment and services provided or to be provided by the Contractor to fulfill the Contractor's obligations.The Work may constitute the whole or a part of the Project. §1.1.4 THE PROJECT The Project is the total construction of which the Work performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part and which may include construction by the Owner or by separate contractors. §1.1.5 THE DRAWINGS The Drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents showing the design,location and dimensions of the Work,generally including plans,elevations,sections,details, schedules and diagrams. §1.1.6 THE SPECIFICATIONS The Specifications are that portion of the Contract Documents consisting of the written requirements for materials, equipment,,systems,standards and workmanship for the Work,and performance of related services. §1,1.7 THE PROJECT MANUAL The Project Manual is a volume assembled for the Work which may include the bidding requirements,sample fortes,Conditions of the Contract and Specifications. §1.2 CORRELATION AND INTENT OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS §1.2.1 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion'of the Work by the Contractor.The Contract Documents are complementary,and what is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all;performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the indicated results. §1.2.2 Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles,and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. §1.2.3 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents,words which have well-known technical or construction industry meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meanings. AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 1 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) §1.3 CAPITALIZATION §1.3.1 Terms capitalized in these General Conditions include those which are(1)specifically defined,(2)the titles of numbered articles or(3)the titles of other documents published by the American Institute of Architects. §1.4 INTERPRETATION §1.4.1 In the interest of brevity the Contract Documents frequently omit modifying words such as"all" and"any" and articles such as"the" and"an,"but the fact that a modifier or an article is absent from one statement and appears in another is not intended to affect the interpretation of either statement. §1.5 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS §1.5.1 The Contract Documents shall be signed by the Owner and Contractor.If either the Owner or Contractor or both do not sign all the Contract Documents,the Architect shall identify such unsigned Documents upon request. §1.3.2 Execution of the Contract by the Contractor is a representation that the Contractor has visited the site, become generally familiar with local conditions under which the Work is to be performed and correlated personal observations with requirements of the Contract Documents. §140WNERSHIP AND USE OF DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE § ,6;1,',Tli6"Drawings,Specifications and other documents,including those in electronic form,prepared by the Architect and the Architect's consultants are Instruments of Service through which the Work to be executed by the Contractor is described.The Contractor may retain one record set.Neither the Contractor nor any Subcontractor, Sub-subcontractor or material or equipment supplier shall own or claim a copyright in the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect or the Architect's consultants,and unless otherwise indicated the Architect and the Architect's consultants shall be deemed the authors of them and will retain all common law, statutory;and other reserved rights,in addition to the copyrights.All copies of Instruments of Service,except the Contractor's record set,shall be returned or suitably accounted for to the Architect,on request,upon completion of the Work.The Drawings,Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect and the Architect's consultants,and copies thereof furnished to the Contractor,are for use solely with respect to this Project.They are not to be used by the Contractor or any Subcontractor,Sub-subcontractor or material or equipment supplier on other projects or for additions to this Project outside the scope of the Work without the specific written consent of the Owner,Architect and the Architect's consultants.The Contractor,Subcontractors,Sub-subcontractors and material or equipment suppliers are authorized to use and reproduce applicable portions of the Drawings,Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect and the Architect's consultants appropriate to and for use in the execution of their Work under the Contract Documents. All copies made under this authorization shall bear the statutory copyright notice,if any,shown on the Drawings,Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect and the Architect's consultants. Submittal or distribution to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with this Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect's or Architect's consultants'copyrights or other reserved rights. ARTICLE 2 OWNER §2.1 GENERAL §2.1.1 The Owner is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number.The Owner shall designate in writing a representative who shall have express authority to bind the Owner with respect to all matters requiring the Owner's approval or authorization. Except as otherwise provided in Section 4.2.1,the Architect does not have such authority.The term"Owner" means the Owner or the Owner's authorized representative. §2.1.2 The Owner shall furnish to the Contractor within fifteen days after receipt of a written request, information necessary and relevant for the Contractor to evaluate,give notice of or enforce mechanic's lien rights. Such information shall include a correct statement of the record legal title to the property on which the Project is located, usually referred to as the site,and the Owner's interest therein. §2.3 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER §2.2.1 The Owner shall,at the written request of the Contractor,prior to commencement of the Work and thereafter, furnish to the Contractor reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract.Furnishing of such evidence shall be a condition precedent to commencement or AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 1 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) fir' Nwi continuation of the Work.After such evidence has been furnished,the Owner shall not materially vary such financial arrangements without prior notice to the Contractor. §2.2.2 Except for permits and fees,including those required under Section 3.7.1,which are the responsibility of the Contractor under the Contract Documents,the Owner shall secure and pay for necessary approvals,easements, assessments and charges required for construction,use or occupancy of permanent structures or for permanent changes in existing facilities. §2.2.3 The Owner shall furnish surveys describing physical characteristics,legal limitations and utility locations for the site of the Project,and a legal description of the site.The Contractor shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy of information furnished by the Owner but shall exercise proper precautions relating to the safe performance of the Work. §2.2.4 Information or services required of the Owner by the Contract Documents shall be furnished by the Owner with reasonable promptness.Any other information or services relevant to the Contractor's performance of the Work under the Owner's control shall be furnished by the Owner after receipt from the Contractor of a written request for'such information or services. §2.2.5 Unless,othorwise provided in the Contract Documents,the Contractor will be furnished,free of charge,such copies of Drawings and Project Manuals as are reasonably necessary for execution of the Work. §2.3 OWNER'S RIGHT,TO STOP THE WORK §2.3.1 If the Contxa0pf falls to correct Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents as xequired by Section 12.2 or persistently fails to carry out Work in accordance with the Contract Documents,thwner may issue a written order to the Contractor to stop the Work,or any portion thereof,until the cause for such order has been eliminated;however,the right of the Owner to stop the Work shall not give rise to a duty on the part of the Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of the Contractor or any other person or entity, except to the extent required by Section 6.1.3. §2.4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK §2:41 If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails within a seven-day period after receipt of written notice from the Owner to commence and continue correction of such default or neglect with diligence and promptness,the Owner may after such seven-day period give the Contractor a second written notice to correct such deficiencies within a three-day period.If the Contractor within such three-day period after receipt of such second notice fails to commence and continue to correct any deficiencies, the Owner may,without prejudice to other remedies the Owner may have,correct such deficiencies.In such case an appropriate.Change Order shall be issued deducting from payments then or thereafter due the Contractor the reasonalik.,obst of correcting such deficiencies,including Owner's expenses and compensation for the Architect's additional'services made necessary by such default,neglect or failure. Such action by the Owner and amounts charged to the Contractor are both subject to prior approval of the Architect.If payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amounts,the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. ARTICLE 3 CONTRACTOR §3.1 GENERAL §3.1.1 TheContractor is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number.The term"Contractor" means the Contractor or the Contractor's authorized representative. §3,7.2 The Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. §3.1.3 The Contractor shall not be relieved of obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents either by activities or duties of the Architect in the Architect's administration of the Contract,or by tests, inspections'or approvals required or performed by persons other than the Contractor. §3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR §3.2.1 Since the Contract Documents are complementary,before starting each portion of the Work,the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the various Drawings and other Contract Documents relative to that portion of the AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 12 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA"' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) virr Work,as well as the information furnished by the Owner pursuant to Section 2.2.3,shall take field measurements of any existing conditions related to that portion of the Work and shall observe any conditions at the site affecting it. These obligations are for the purpose of facilitating construction by the Contractor and are not for the purpose of discovering errors,omissions,or inconsistencies in the Contract Documents;however,any errors,inconsistencies or omissions discovered by the Contractor shall be reported promptly to the Architect as a request for information in such form as the Architect may require. §3.2.2 Any design errors or omissions noted by the Contractor during this review shall be reported promptly to the Architect,but it is recognized that the Contractor's review is made in the Contractor's capacity as a contractor and not as a licensed design professional unless otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents.The Contractor is not required to ascertain that the Contract Documents are in accordance with applicable laws,statutes, ordinances,building codes,and rules and regulations,but any nonconformity discovered by or made known to the Contractor shall be reported promptly to the Architect. §3.2.3 If the Contractor believes that additional cost or time is involved because of clarifications or instructions issued by the Architect in response to the Contractor's notices or requests for information pursuant to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2,the Contractor Shall make Claims as provided in Sections 4.3.6 and 4.3.7.If the Contractor fails to perform the obligations of Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2,the Contractor shall pay such costs and damages to the Owner as would have been avoided if the Contractor had performed such obligations.The Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner or Architect for damages resulting from errors,inconsistencies or omissions in the Contract Documents or for differences between field measurements or conditions and the Contract Documents unless the Contractor recognized such error,inconsistency,omission or difference and knowingly failed to report it to the Architect. §33 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES §3.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work,using the Contractor's best skill and attention.The Contractor shall be solely responsible for and have control over construction means,methods,techniques,sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract,unless the Contract Documents give other specific instructions concerning these matters.If the Contract Documents give specific instructions concerning construction means,methods,techniques,sequences or procedures,the Contractor shall evaluate the jobsite safety thereof and,except as stated below,shall be fully and solely responsible for the jobsite safety of such means,methods,techniques,sequences or procedures.If the Contractor determines that such means,methods, techniques,sequences or procedures may not be safe,the Contractor shall give timely written notice to the Owner and Architect and shall not proceed with that portion of the Work without further written instructions from the Architect.If the Contractor is then instructed to proceed with the required means,methods,techniques,sequences or procedures'without acceptance of changes proposed by the Contractor, the Owner shall be solely responsible for any resulting loss or damage. §3.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees,and other persons or entities performing portions of the Work for or on behalf of the Contractor or any of its Subcontractors. §3.3.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for inspection of portions of Work already performed to determine that such portions are in proper condition to receive subsequent Work. §;3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS §3,4.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents,the Contractor shall provide and pay for labor, materials,equipment,tools,construction equipment and machinery, water,heat,utilities,transportation,and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work,whether temporary or permanent and whether or not incorporated or to be incorporated in the Work. §3.4,2 The Contractor may make substitutions only with the consent of the Owner,after evaluation by the Architect and in accordance with a Change Order. §3.4.3 The Contractor shall enforce strict discipline and good order among the Contractor's employees and other persons carrying out the Contract.The Contractor shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not skilled in tasks assigned to them. AIA Document A201 T'"—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 13 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) §3.5 WARRANTY §3.5.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner and Architect that materials and equipment furnished under the Contract will be of good quality and new unless otherwise required or permitted by the Contract Documents,that the Work will be free from defects not inherent in the quality required or permitted,and that the Work will conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents.Work not conforming to these requirements,including substitutions not properly approved and authorized,may be considered defective. The Contractor's warranty excludes remedy for damage or defect caused by abuse,modifications not executed by the Contractor,improper or insufficient maintenance,improper operation,or normal wear and tear and normal usage.If required by the Architect,the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. §36 TAXES §3.6.1 The Contractor shall pay sales,consumer,use and similar taxes for the Work provided by the Contractor which are legally enacted when bids are received or negotiations concluded, whether or not yet effective or merely scheduled to go into effect. §3.7 PERMITS,FEES AND NOTICES §3.7.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents,the Contractor shall secure and pay for the building permit and other permits and governmental fees,licenses and inspections necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work which are customarily secured after execution of the Contract and which are legally required when bids are received or negotiations concluded. §3.7.2 The Contractor shall comply with and give notices required by laws,ordinances,rules,regulations and lawful orders of public authorities applicable to performance of the Work. §'3.7.3It!is not the Contractor's responsibility to ascertain that the Contract Documents are in accordance with applicable laws,statutes,ordinances,building codes,and rules and regulations. However,if the Contractor observes that portions of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith,the Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect and Owner in writing,and necessary changes shall be accomplished by appropriate Modification. §3.7.4 If the Contractor performs Work knowing it to be contrary to laws, statutes,ordinances,building codes,and rules and regulations without such notice to the Architect and Owner,the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such Work and shall bear the costs attributable to correction. §3.8 ALLOWANCES §3.8.1 The Contractor shall include in the Contract Sum all allowances stated in the Contract Documents.Items covered by allowances shall be supplied for such amounts and by such persons or entities as the Owner may direct, but the Contractor shall not be required to employ persons or entities to whom the Contractor has reasonable objection. §3.8.2 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents: .1 allowances shall cover the cost to the Contractor of materials and equipment delivered at the site and all required taxes,less applicable trade discounts; .2 Contractor's costs for unloading and handling at the site,labor,installation costs,overhead,profit and other expenses contemplated for stated allowance amounts shall be included in the Contract Sum but not in the allowances; .3 whenever costs are more than or less than allowances,the Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly by Change Order.The amount of the Change Order shall reflect(1)the difference between actual costs and the allowances under Section and(2)changes in Contractor's costs under Section §3.8.3 Materials and equipment under an allowance shall be selected by the Owner in sufficient time to avoid delay in the Work, §3.9 SUPERINTENDENT §3.9.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance at the Project site during performance of the Work.The superintendent shall represent the Contractor,and communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor.Important AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA! Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 4 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) wr.r vrrr' communications shall be confirmed in writing.Other communications shall be similarly confirmed on written request in each case. 3,10 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES §3.10.1 The Contractor,promptly after being awarded the Contract,shall prepare and submit for the Owner's and Architect's information a Contractor's construction schedule for the Work.The schedule shall not exceed time limits current under the Contract Documents,shall be revised at appropriate intervals as required by the conditions of the Work and Project,shall be related to the entire Project to the extent required by the Contract Documents,and shall provide for expeditious and practicable execution of the Work. §3.10.2 The Contractor Shaul prepare and keep current,for the Architect's approval,a schedule of submittals which is coordinated with the Contractor's construction schedule and allows the Architect reasonable time to review submittals.' §3.10.3 The Contractor shall perform the Work in general accordance with the most recent schedules submitted to the Owner and Architect. §3.11 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE §3.1°1.1 The Contractor shalt maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of the Drawings,Specifications, Addenda,Change'Orders and other Modifications,in good order and marked currently to record field changes and selections made during construction,and one record copy of approved Shop Drawings,Product Data,Samples and similar required submittals.These shall be available to the Architect and shall be delivered to the Architect for submittal to the Owner upon completion of the Work. § 112 SHOP DRAWINGS,PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES §3.12.1 Shop Drawings are drawings,diagrams,schedules and other data specially prepared for the Work by the Contractor or a Subcontractor,Sub-subcontractor,manufacturer,supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the Work. 1121'.Froduct Data are illustrations,standard schedules,performance charts,instructions,brochures,diagrams and other information furnished by the Contractor to illustrate materials or equipment for some portion of the Work. §3.12.3 Samples are physical examples which illustrate materials,equipment or workmanship and establish standards by which the Work will be judged. §3.12.4 Shop Drawings,Product Data,Samples and similar submittals are not Contract Documents.The purpose of their submittal is to demonstrate for those portions of the Work for which submittals are required by the Contract Documents the way by which the Contractor proposes to conform to the information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents.Review by the Architect is subject to the limitations of Section 4.2.7. Informational submittals upon which the Architect is not expected to take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents.Submittals which are not required by the Contract Documents may be returned by the Architect without action. §3.12.5 The Contractor shall review for compliance with the Contract Documents,approve and submit to the Architect Shop Drawings,Product Data, Samples and similar submittals required by the Contract Documents with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner or of separate contractors.Submittals which are not marked as reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents and approved by the Contractor may be returned by the Architect without action. §3,12:$By approving and submitting Shop Drawings,Product Data,Samples and similar submittals, the Contractor represents that the Contractor has determined and verified materials,field measurements and field construction criteria related thereto,or will do so,and has checked and coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. §3.12.7 The Contractor shall perform no portion of the Work for which the Contract Documents require submittal and review of Shop Drawings,Product Data,Samples or similar submittals until the respective submittal has been approved by the Architect. AIA Document A201 T'"—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 5 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Al Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) 1%.r' rd` §3.12.8 The Work shall be in accordance with approved submittals except that the Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for deviations from requirements of the Contract Documents by the Architect's approval of Shop Drawings,Product Data,Samples or similar submittals unless the Contractor has specifically informed the Architect in writing of such deviation at the time of submittal and(1)the Architect has given written approval to the specific deviation as a minor change in the Work,or(2)a Change Order or Construction Change Directive has been issued authorizing the deviation.The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for errors or omissions in Shop Drawings,Product Data, Samples or similar submittals by the Architect's approval thereof. §3.12.9 The Contractor shall direct specific attention,in writing or on resubmitted Shop Drawings,Product Data, Samples or similar submittals,to revisions other than those requested by the Architect on previous submittals.In the absence of such written notice the Architect's approval of a resubmission shall not apply to such revisions. §3.12.10 The.Contractor shall not be required to provide professional services which constitute the practice of architecture orengineering unless such services are specifically required by the Contract Documents for a portion of the Work or unless the Contractor needs to provide such services in order to carry out the Contractor's responsibilities for construction means,methods,techniques,sequences and procedures.The Contractor shall not be required to provide professional services in violation of applicable law.If professional design services or certifications by a design professional related to systems,materials or equipment are specifically required of the Contractor by the Contract Documents,the Owner and the Architect will specify all performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy.The Contractor shall cause such services or certifications to be provided by a properly licensed design,professional,whose signature and seal shall appear on all drawings,calculations, specifications,certifications,Shop Drawings and other submittals prepared by such professional. Shop Drawings and other submittals related to the Work designed or certified by such professional,if prepared by others,shall bear such professional's written approval when submitted to the Architect.The Owner and the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy,!'accuracy and completeness of the services,certifications or approvals performed by such design professionals,provided the Owner and Architect have specified to the Contractor all performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy.Pursuant to this Section 3.12.10,the Architect will review,approve or take other appropriate action on submittals only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents.The Contractor shall not be responsible for the adequacy of the performance or design criteria required by the Contract Documents. §3.13 USE OF SITE §3.13.1 The Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by law,ordinances,permits and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the site with materials or equipment. §3.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING §114.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting,fitting or patching required to complete the Work or to make its parts fit together properly. § 3.14.2 The Contractor shall not damage or endanger a portion of the Work or fully or partially completed construction of the Owner or separate contractors by cutting,patching or otherwise altering such construction,or by excavation.The Contractor shall not cut or otherwise alter such construction by the Owner or a separate contractor except with written consent of the Owner and of such separate contractor;such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.The Contractor shall not unreasonably withhold from the Owner or a separate contractor the Contractor's consent to cutting or otherwise altering the Work. §3.15 CLEANING UP §3.15.1 The Contractor shall keep the premises and surrounding area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by operations under the Contract. At completion of the Work,the Contractor shall remove from and about the project waste materials,rubbish,the Contractor's tools,construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials. §3.15.2 If the Contractor fails to clean up as provided in the Contract Documents,the Owner may do so and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American (nit. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 16 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) 10000� *40 §3.16 ACCESS TO WORK §3.16.1 The Contractor shall provide the Owner and Architect access to the Work in preparation and progress wherever located. §3.17 ROYALTIES,PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS §3.17.1 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees.The Contractor shall defend suits or claims for infringement of copyrights and patent rights and shall hold the Owner and Architect harmless from loss on account thereof,but shall not be responsible for such defense or loss when a particular design,process or product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is required by the Contract Documents or where the copyright violations are contained in Drawings,Specifications or other documents prepared by the Owner or Architect.However,if the Contractor has reason to believe that the required design,process or product is an infringement of a copyright or a patent,the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless such information is promptly furnished to the Architect. §3.18 INDEMNIFICATION §3.18.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law and to the extent claims,damages,losses or expenses are not covered by Project Management Protective Liability insurance purchased by the Contractor in accordance with Section 11.3, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner,Architect,Architect's consultants,and agents and employees of any of thetnTrom and against claims,damages,losses and expenses,including but not limited to attorneys' fea,,axising out of or resulting from performance of the Work,provided that such claim,damage,loss or expense is attcittutabe to bodily injury,sickness,disease or death,or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself),but only to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor,a Subcontractor,anyone directly.or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim,damage,loss or expense is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate,abridge,or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to a party or person described in this Section 3.18. §3.18.2 In claims against any person or entity indemnified under this Section 3.18 by an employee of the Contractor, a Subcontractor,anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable,the indemnification obligation under Section 3.18.1 shall not be limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or a Subcontractor under workers' compensation acts, disability ben ,V,WS,or other employee benefit acts. ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT §4.1 ARCHITECT §4.1.1 The Architect is the person lawfully licensed to practice architecture or an entity lawfully practicing architecture identified as such in th'a Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number.The term"Architect"Means the Architect or the Architect's authorized representative. §4.1.2 Duties,responsibilities and limitations of authority of the Architect as set forth in the Contract Documents shall not be restricted,modified,or extended without written consent of the Owner,Contractor and Architect. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. §4.1.3 If the employment of the Architect is terminated,the Owner shall employ a new Architect against whom the Contractor has no reasonable objection and whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former Architect. §4.2 ARCHITECT'S ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT §4.21 The Architect will provide administration of the Contract as described in the Contract Documents,and will be an Owner's representative(1)during construction, (2)until final payment is due and(3)with the Owner's concurrence,from time to time during the one-year period for correction of Work described in Section 12.2.The Architect'Will have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise modified in writing in accordance with other provisions of the Contract. §4.2.2 The Architect,as a representative of the Owner, will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of the Contractor's operations(1)to become generally familiar with and to keep the Owner informed about the progress and quality of the portion of the Work completed,(2)to endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 17 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) deficiencies in the Work,and(3)to determine in general if the Work is being performed in a manner indicating that the Work, when fully completed,will be in accordance with the Contract Documents.However,the Architect will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. The Architect will neither have control over or charge of,nor be responsible for,the construction means, methods, techniques,sequences or procedures,or for the safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work,since these are solely the Contractor's rights and responsibilities under the Contract Documents,except as provided in Section 3.3.1. §4.2.3 The Architect will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.The Architect will not have control over or charge of and will not be responsible for acts or omissions of the Contractor,Subcontractors,or their agents or employees,or any other persons or entities performing portions of the Work. §4.2.4 Communications Facilitating Contract Administration. Except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or when direct communications have been specially authorized,the Owner and Contractor shall endeavor to communicate with each other through the Architect about matters arising out of or relating to the Contract.Communications by and with the Architect's consultants shall be through the Architect.Communications by and with Subcontractors and material suppliers shall be through the Contractor.Communications by and with separate contractors shall be through the Owner. §41:5 Based on the Architect's evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment,the Architect will review and certify the amounts due the Contractor and will issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts. §416'The'Architect will have authority to reject Work that does not conform to the Contract Documents.Whenever the Architect considers it necessary or advisable,the Architect will have authority to require inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with Sections 13.5.2 and 13.5.3,whether or not such Work is fabricated,installed or completed.;However,neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Architect to the Contractor, Subcontractors,material and equipment suppliers,their agents or employees,or other persons or entities performing portions of the Work. §4.2.7 The Architect will review and approve or take other appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings,Product Data and.Sathples,but only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design.coneept expressed in the Contract Documents.The Architect's action will be taken with such reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner,Contractor or separate contractors,while allowing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgment to permit adequate review.Review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and quantities,or for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems,all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor as required by the Contract Documents.The Architect's review of the Contractor's submittals shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligations under Sections 3.3,3.5 and 3.12.The Architect's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or,unless otherwise specifically stated by the Architect,of any construction means,methods,techniques,sequences or procedures.The Architect's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. §4,2.8 The Architect will prepare Change Orders and Construction Change Directives,and may authorize minor changes in the Work as provided in Section 7.4. §4,.2.9 The Architect will conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of final completion,will receive and forward to the Owner,for the Owner's review and records,written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor,and will issue a final Certificate for Payment upon compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. §4.2.10 If the Owner and Architect agree,the Architect will provide one or more project representatives to assist in carrying out the Architect's responsibilities at the site.The duties,responsibilities and limitations of authority of such project representatives shall be as set forth in an exhibit to be incorporated in the Contract Documents. AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. $ Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) V*Aw *400 §4.2.11 The Architect will interpret and decide matters concerning performance under and requirements of,the Contract Documents on written request of either the Owner or Contractor.The Architect's response to such requests will be made in writing within any time limits agreed upon or otherwise with reasonable promptness.If no agreement is made concerning the time within which interpretations required of the Architect shall be furnished in compliance with this Section 4.2,then delay shall not be recognized on account of failure by the Architect to furnish such interpretations until 15 days after written request is made for them. §4.2.12 Interpretations and decisions of the Architect will be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents and will be in writing or in the form of drawings.When making such interpretations and initial decisions,the Architect will endeavor to secure faithful performance by both Owner and Contractor, will not show partiality to either and will not be liable for results of interpretations or decisions so rendered in good faith. §4.2.13 The Architect's decisions on matters relating to aesthetic effect will be final if consistent with the intent expressed in the Contract Documents. §4.3 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES §4.31 Definition. A Claim is a demand or assertion by one of the parties seeking,as a matter of right,adjustment or interpretation of Contract tetras,payment of money,extension of time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract.The term"Claim" also includes other disputes and matters in question between the Owner and Contractor arising out of or relating to•the Contract. Claims must be initiated by written notice.The responsibility to substantiate Claims shall Test with the party making the Claim. §4.3.2 Time Limits on Claims.Claims by either party must be initiated within 21 days after occurrence of the event giving rise to such Claim or within 21 days after the claimant first recognizes the condition giving rise to the Claim, whichever is later.Claims most be initiated by written notice to the Architect and the other party. §4.3.3 Continuing;Contract Performance.Pending final resolution of a Claim except as otherwise agreed in writing or as provided in Section 9.7.1 and Article 14,the Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of the Contract and the Owner shall continue to make payments in accordance with the Contract Documents. §4.3.4 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions.If conditions are encountered at the site which are(1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents or(2)unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in the Contract Documents,then notice by the observing party shall be given to the other party promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than 21 days after first observance of the conditions.The Architect will promptly investigate such conditions and,if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of,or time required for,performance of any part of the Work, will recommend an equitable adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time,or both. If the Architect determines that the conditions at the site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents and that no change in the terms of the Contract is justified, the Architect shall so notify the Owner and Contractor in writing, stating the reasons.Claims by either party in opposition to such determination must be made within 21 days after the Architect has given notice of the decision.If the conditions encountered are materially different,the Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be equitably adjusted, but if the Owner and Contractor cannot agree on an adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time,the adjustment shall be referred to the Architect for initial determination,subject to further proceedings pursuant to Section 4.4 §4.3.5 Claims for Additional Cost. If the Contractor wishes to make Claim for an increase in the Contract Sum, written notice as provided herein shall be given before proceeding to execute the Work.Prior notice is not required for Claims relating to an emergency endangering life or property arising under Section 10.6. §4.3.6 if the Contractor believes additional cost is involved for reasons including but not limited to(1)a written interpretation from the Architect,(2)an order by the Owner to stop the Work where the Contractor was not at fault, (3)a written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Architect,(4)failure of payment by the Owner, (5) termination of the Contract by the Owner,(6)Owner's suspension or(7)other reasonable grounds,Claim shall be filed in accordance with this Section 4.3. AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 19 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIO Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) §4.3.7 Claims for Additional Time If the Contractor wishes to make Claim for an increase in the Contract Time,written notice as provided herein shall be given.The Contractor's Claim shall include an estimate of cost and of probable effect of delay on progress of the Work.In the case of a continuing delay only one Claim is necessary. §4,.3.7.2,If adverse weather conditions are the basis for a Claim for additional time,such Claim shall be documented by data substantiating that weather conditions were abnormal for the period of time,could not have been reasonably anticipated and had an adverse effect on the scheduled construction. §4.3.8 Injury or Damage to Person or Property. If either party to the Contract suffers injury or damage to person or property because of an actor omission of the other party,or of others for whose acts such party is legally responsible,written notice of such injury or damage,whether or not insured,shall be given to the other party within a reasonable time not exceeding 21 days after discovery.The notice shall provide sufficient detail to enable the other party to investigate the matter. §4.3.9 If unWprices are stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon,and if quantities originally contemplated are materially changed in a proposed Change Order or Construction Change Directive so that application'of such unit prices to quantities of Work proposed will cause substantial inequity to the Owner or 'Contractor,the applicable unit prices shall be equitably adjusted. §4.3.10 Claims for Consequential Damages. The Contractor and Owner waive Claims against each other for consequential--damages arising out of or relating to this Contract.This mutual waiver includes: ;1 damages incurred by the Owner for rental expenses,for losses of use,income,profit,financing, business and reputation,and for loss of management or employee productivity or of the services of such persons,and .2 damages incurred by the Contractor for principal office expenses including the compensation of personnel stationed there, for losses of financing,business and reputation,and for loss of profit except anticipated profit arising directly from the Work. This mutual waiver is applicable, without limitation,to all consequential damages due to either party's termination in accordance with Article'14.Nothing contained in this Section 4.3.10 shall be deemed to preclude an award of liquidated direct damages,'when applicable,in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. §4.4 RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES §4.4.1 Decision of Architect. Claims,'including those alleging an error or omission by the Architect but excluding those arising under Sections`10.3 through 10.5,shall be referred initially to the Architect for decision.An initial decision by the Architect shall be required as a condition precedent to mediation,arbitration or litigation of all Claims between the Contractor and Owner arising prior to the date final payment is due,unless 30 days have passed after the Claim has been referred to the Architect with no decision having been rendered by the Architect.The Architect will not decide disputes between the Contractor and persons or entities other than the Owner. §4.4.2 The Architect will review Claims and within ten days of the receipt of the Claim take one or more of the following actions: (I)request additional supporting data from the claimant or a response with supporting data from the other party,(2)reject the Claim in whole or in part,(3)approve the Claim,(4)suggest a compromise,or(5) advise the parties that the Architect is unable to resolve the Claim if the Architect lacks sufficient information to evaluate the merits of the Claim or if the Architect concludes that,in the Architect's sole discretion,it would be inappropriate for the Architect to resolve the Claim. §4.4.3 In evaluating Claims,the Architect may,but shall not be obligated to,consult with or seek information from either patty or'from persons with special knowledge or expertise who may assist the Architect in rendering a decision.The Architect may request the Owner to authorize retention of such persons at the Owner's expense. §4AA If the Architect requests a party to provide a response to a Claim or to furnish additional supporting data, such party shall respond, within ten days after receipt of such request,and shall either provide a response on the requested supporting data,advise the Architect when the response or supporting data will be furnished or advise the Architect that no supporting data will be furnished.Upon receipt of the response or supporting data,if any,the Architect will either reject or approve the Claim in whole or in part. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 20 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) fir/ 400, §4.4.5 The Architect will approve or reject Claims by written decision, which shall state the reasons therefor and which shall notify the parties of any change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time or both.The approval or rejection of a Claim by the Architect shall be final and binding on the parties but subject to mediation and arbitration. §4.4.6 When a written decision of the Architect states that(1)the decision is final but subject to mediation and arbitration and(2)a demand for arbitration of a Claim covered by such decision must be made within 30 days after the date on which the party making the demand receives the final written decision,then failure to demand arbitration within said 30 days'period shall result in the Architect's decision becoming final and binding upon the Owner and Contractor.If the Architect renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated,such decision may be entered as evidence,but shall not supersede arbitration proceedings unless the decision is acceptable to all parties concerned. §4,4.7 Upon receipt of a Claim against the Contractor or at any time thereafter,the Architect or the Owner may,but is not obligated to„notify the surety,if any,of the nature and amount of the Claim.If the Claim relates to a possibility of a Contractor's default,the Architect or the Owner may,but is not obligated to,notify the surety and request the surety's assistance in resolving the controversy. §4.4.8 If a Claim relates to or is the subject of a mechanic's lien,the party asserting such Claim may proceed in accordance with applicable law to comply with the lien notice or filing deadlines prior to resolution of the Claim by the Architect,by mediation or by arbitration. §4.5 MEDIATION §4.5.1 Any Claitri arising out of or related to the Contract,except Claims relating to aesthetic effect and except those waived as provided for in Sections 4.3.10,9.10.4 and 9.10.5 shall,after initial decision by the Architect or 30 days after submission of the Claim to the Architect,be subject to mediation as a condition precedent to arbitration or the institution of legal pr-equitable proceedings by either party. §4.5.2 The parties shall endeavor to resolve their Claims by mediation which,unless the parties mutually agree otherwise,shall be in accordance with the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect.Request for mediation shall be filed in writing with the other party to the Contract and with the American Arbitration Association.The request may be made concurrently with the filing of a demand for arbitration but,in such event,mediation shall proceed in advance of arbitration or legal or equitable proceedings, which shall be stayed pending mediation for a period of 60 days from the date of filing,unless stayed for a longer period by agreement of the parties or court order. §4.5.3 The parties shall share the mediator's fee and any filing fees equally.The mediation shall be held in the place where the Project is located,unless another location is mutually agreed upon.Agreements reached in mediation shall be enforceable as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof. §4,6 ARBITRATION §4.6.1 Any Claim arising out of or related to the Contract,except Claims relating to aesthetic effect and except those waived as provided for in Sections 4.3.10,9.10.4 and 9.10.5,shall,after decision by the Architect or 30 days after submission of the Claim to the Architect,be subject to arbitration.Prior to arbitration,the parties shall endeavor to resolve disputes by mediation in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.5. §4.6.2 Claims not resolved by mediation shall be decided by arbitration which,unless the parties mutually agree otherwise,shall be in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect.The demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party to the Contract and with the American Arbitration Association,and a copy shall be filed with the Architect. §4.6.3 A demand for arbitration shall be made within the time limits specified in Sections 4.4.6 and 4.6.1 as applicable,and in other cases within a reasonable time after the Claim has arisen,and in no event shall it be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such Claim would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations as determined pursuant to Section 13.7. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIO Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 21 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AW" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) §4.6.4 Limitation on Consolidation or Joinder. No arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract shall include, by consolidation or joinder or in any other manner,the Architect,the Architect's employees or consultants,except by written consent containing specific reference to the Agreement and signed by the Architect,Owner,Contractor and any other person or entity sought to be joined.No arbitration shall include,by consolidation or joinder or in any other manner,parties other than the Owner,Contractor,a separate contractor as described in Article 6 and other persons substantially involved in a common question of fact or law whose presence is required if complete relief is to be accorded in arbitration.No person or entity other than the Owner,Contractor or a separate contractor as described in Article 6 shall be included as an original third party or additional third party to an arbitration whose interest or responsibility is insubstantial. Consent to arbitration involving an additional person or entity shall not constitute consent to arbitration of a Claim not described therein or with a person or entity not named or described therein.The foregoing agreement to arbitrate and other agreements to arbitrate with an additional person or entity duly consented to by parties to the Agreement shall be specifically enforceable under applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. §4.6.5 Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims. The party filing a notice of demand for arbitration must assert in the demand all Claims then known to that party on which arbitration is permitted to be demanded. §4.6.6 Judgment on Final Award. The award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be final,and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS §5.1 DEFINITIONS §5.1.1 A Subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct contract with the Contractor to perform a portion of the Work at the site.The term"Subcontractor" is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and means a Subcontractor or an authorized representative of the Subcontractor.The term"Subcontractor" does not include a separate contractor or subcontractors of a separate contractor. §5.1.2 A Sub-subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct or indirect contract with a Subcontractor to perform a portion of the'Work at the site.The term"Sub-subcontractor" is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and means a Sub-subcontractor or an authorized representative of the Sub- subcontractor. §6.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK §5.2.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents or the bidding requirements,the Contractor,as soon as practicable after award of the Contract,shall furnish in writing to the Owner through the Architect the names of persons or entities(including those who are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to a special design) proposed for each principal portion of the Work.The Architect will promptly reply to the Contractor in writing stating whether or not the Owner or the Architect,after due investigation,has reasonable objection to any such proposed person or entity.Failure of the Owner or Architect to reply promptly shall constitute notice of no reasonable`objection. §5.2.2 The Contractor shall not contract with a proposed person or entity to whom the Owner or Architect has made reasonable and timely objection.The Contractor shall not be required to contract with anyone to whom the Contractor has made reasonable objection. §5.2.3 If the Owner or Architect has reasonable objection to a person or entity proposed by the Contractor,the Contractor shall propose another to whom the Owner or Architect has no reasonable objection.If the proposed but rejected Subcontractor was reasonably capable of performing the Work,the Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be increased or decreased by the difference,if any,occasioned by such change,and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued before commencement of the substitute Subcontractor's Work.However,no increase in the Contract Sum or Contract Time shall be allowed for such change unless the Contractor has acted promptly and responsively in submitting names as required. §5.2.4 The Contractor shall not change a Subcontractor,person or entity previously selected if the Owner or Architect makes reasonable objection to such substitute. AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIAe Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 22 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIAe"Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) §5.3 SUBCONTRACTUAL RELATIONS §5.3.1 By appropriate agreement, written where legally required for validity,the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor,to the extent of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor,to be bound to the Contractor by terms of the Contract Documents,and to assume toward the Contractor all the obligations and responsibilities, including the responsibility for safety of the Subcontractor's Work,which the Contractor,by these Documents, assumes toward the Owner and Architect.Each subcontract agreement shall preserve and protect the rights of the Owner and Architect under the Contract Documents with respect to the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor so that subcontracting thereof will not prejudice such rights, and shall allow to the Subcontractor,unless specifically provided otherwise in the subcontract agreement,the benefit of all rights,remedies and redress against the Contractor that the Contractor,by the Contract Documents,has against the Owner.Where appropriate,the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor to enter into similar agreements with Sub-subcontractors.The Contractor shall make available to each proposed Subcontractor,prior to the execution of the subcontract agreement, copies of the Contract Documents to which the Subcontractor will be bound,and,upon written request of the Subcontractor,identify to the Subcontractor terms and conditions of the proposed subcontract agreement which may be at variance with the Contract Documents. Subcontractors will similarly make copies of applicable portions of such documents available to their respective proposed Sub-subcontractors. §5.4 CONTINGENT ASSIGNMENT OF SUBCONTRACTS §5=4.1 Each subcontract agreement for a portion of the Work is assigned by the Contractor to the Owner provided that: .1 assignment is effective only after termination of the Contract by the Owner for cause pursuant to Section 14.2 and only for those subcontract agreements which the Owner accepts by notifying the Subcontractor and Contractor in writing;and .2 assignment is subject to the prior rights of the surety,if any,obligated under bond relating to the Contract. §5.4.2 Upon such assignment,if the Work has been suspended for more than 30 days,the Subcontractor's compensation shall be equitably adjusted for increases in cost resulting from the suspension. ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS §6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS §6.1.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces,and to award separate'contracts in connection with other portions of the Project or other construction or operations on the site under Conditions of the Contract identical or substantially similar to these including those portions related to insurance and waiver of subrogation.If the Contractor claims that delay or additional cost is involved because of such action by the Owner,the Contractor shall make such Claim as provided in Section 4.3. §6.1.2 When separate contracts are awarded for different portions of the Project or other construction or operations on the site,the term"Contractor"in the Contract Documents in each case shall mean the Contractor who executes each separate Owner-Contractor Agreement. §6.1.3 The Owner shall provide for coordination of the activities of the Owner's own forces and of each separate contractor with the Work of the Contractor,who shall cooperate with them.The Contractor shall participate with other separate contractors and the Owner in reviewing their construction schedules when directed to do so.The Contractor shall make any revisions to the construction schedule deemed necessary after a joint review and mutual agreement.The construction schedules shall then constitute the schedules to be used by the Contractor,separate contractors and the Owner until subsequently revised. §6.1.4 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, when the Owner performs construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces,the Owner shall be deemed to be subject to the same obligations and to have the same rights which apply to the Contractor under the Conditions of the Contract,including, without excluding ethers,those stated in Article 3,this Article 6 and Articles 10, 11 and 12. §6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY §6.2.1 The Contractor shall afford the Owner and separate contractors reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and performance of their activities,and shall connect and coordinate the Contractor's construction and operations with theirs as required by the Contract Documents. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 23 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'"' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) *owe +✓' §6.2.2 If part of the Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon construction or operations by the Owner or a separate contractor,the Contractor shall,prior to proceeding with that portion of the Work,promptly report to the Architect apparent discrepancies or defects in such other construction that would render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results.Failure of the Contractor so to report shall constitute an acknowledgment that the Owner's or separate contractor's completed or partially completed construction is fit and proper to receive the Contractor's Work,except as to defects not then reasonably discoverable. §6.2.3 The Owner shall be reimbursed by the Contractor for costs incurred by the Owner which are payable to a separate contractor because of delays,improperly timed activities or defective construction of the Contractor.The Owner shall be responsible to the Contractor for costs incurred by the Contractor because of delays,improperly timed activities,damage to the Work or defective construction of a separate contractor. §6.2.4 The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage wrongfully caused by the Contractor to completed or partially completed construction or to property of the Owner or separate contractors as provided in Section 10.2.5. §6.2.5 The Owner and each separate contractor shall have the same responsibilities for cutting and patching as are described for the Contractor in Section 3.14. §63 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLEAN UP §6.3.11f a dispute arises among the Contractor,separate contractors and the Owner as to the responsibility under their respective contracts for maintaining the premises and surrounding area free from waste materials and rubbish, the Owner may clean up and the Architect will allocate the cost among those responsible. ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK §7.1 GENERAL §7.1.1 Changes in the Work may be accomplished after execution of the Contract,and without invalidating the Contract,by Change Order,Construction Change Directive or order for a minor change in the Work, subject to the limitations''stated in this Article 7 and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. §,7.1.2 A Change Order shall be based upon agreement among the Owner,Contractor and Architect;a Construction Change Directive requires,agreement by the Owner and Architect and may or may not be agreed to by the Contractor;an order for a minor change in the Work may be issued by the Architect alone. §7.1.3 Changes in the Work shall be performed under applicable provisions of the Contract Documents,and the Contractor'shall proceed promptly,unless otherwise provided in the Change Order,Construction Change Directive or order for a minor change in the Work. §72 CHANGE ORDERS §7.2.1 A Change Order is a written instrument prepared by the Architect and signed by the Owner,Contractor and Architect,stating their agreement upon all of the following: .1 change in the Work; .2 the amount of the adjustment,if any,in the Contract Sum;and .3 the extent of the adjustment,if any,in the Contract Time. §7.2.2 Methods used in determining adjustments to the Contract Sum may include those listed in Section 7.3.3. §7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES §7.3.1 A Construction Change Directive is a written order prepared by the Architect and signed by the Owner and Architect,directing a change in the Work prior to agreement on adjustment,if any,in the Contract Sum or Contract Time,or bath.The Owner may by Construction Change Directive,without invalidating the Contract,order changes in the Work within the general scope of the Contract consisting of additions,deletions or other revisions,the Contract Sum and Contract Time being adjusted accordingly. §7.3.2 A Construction Change Directive shall be used in the absence of total agreement on the terms of a Change Order. AIA Document A201T"—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 24 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) **Ave Name §7.3.3 If the Construction Change Directive provides for an adjustment to the Contract Sum,the adjustment shall be based on one of the following methods: .1 mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to permit evaluation; .2 unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon; - .3 cost to be determined in a manner agreed upon by the parties and a mutually acceptable fixed or percentage fee;or .4 as provided in Section 7.3.6. §7.3.4 Upon receipt of a Construction Change Directive,the Contractor shall promptly proceed with the change in the Work involved and advise the Architect of the Contractor's agreement or disagreement with the method,if any, provided in the Construction Change Directive for determining the proposed adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. §7.3.5 A Construction Change Directive signed by the Contractor indicates the agreement of the Contractor therewith,including adjustment in Contract Sum and Contract Time or the method for determining them.Such agreement shall be:effective immediately and shall be recorded as a Change Order. §7 31Jfthe Contractor does not respond promptly or disagrees with the method for adjustment in the Contract Sum, the method and the adjustment shall be determined by the Architect on the basis of reasonable expenditures and savings of these performing the Work attributable to the change,including,in case of an increase in the Contract Suitt,a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit.In such case,and also under Section,the Contractor shall keep and present,in such form as the Architect may prescribe,an itemized accounting together with appropriate supporting data.Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents,costs for the purposes of this Section 7.3.6 shall be limited to the following: A costs of labor,including social security,old age and unemployment insurance,fringe benefits required by agreement or custom,and workers' compensation insurance; .2 costs of materials, supplies and equipment,including cost of transportation,whether incorporated or consumed;; .3 rental costs of machinery and equipment,exclusive of hand tools,whether rented from the Contractor or others; .4 Costs of premiums for all bonds and insurance,permit fees,and sales,use or similar taxes related to the Work;and .5 additional costs of supervision and field office personnel directly attributable to the change. §,T.3J,The''amount of credit to be allowed by the Contractor to the Owner for a deletion or change which results in a netdecrease in the Contract Sum shall be actual net cost as confirmed by the Architect.When both additions and credits covering related Work or substitutions are involved in a change,the allowance for overhead and profit shall be figured on the basis of net increase,if any, with respect to that change. §74.$Pending final determination of the total cost of a Construction Change Directive to the Owner,amounts not in dispute for such changes in the Work shall be included in Applications for Payment accompanied by a Change Order indicating the parties'agreement with part or all of such costs.For any portion of such cost that remains in dispute,the Architect will make an interim determination for purposes of monthly certification for payment for those costs.That determination of cost shall adjust the Contract Sum on the same basis as a Change Order, subject to the right of either party to disagree and assert a claim in accordance with Article 4. §7.3.9 When the Owner and Contractor agree with the determination made by the Architect concerning the adjustments in the Contract Sum and Contract Time,or otherwise reach agreement upon the adjustments,such agree ettt$hall be effective immediately and shall be recorded by preparation and execution of an appropriate Change Order. §7:4 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK §7.4.1 The Architect will have authority to order minor changes in the Work not involving adjustment in the Contract Sum or extension of the Contract Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Such changes shall be effected by written order and shall be binding on the Owner and Contractor.The Contractor shall carry out such written orders promptly. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Alit. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA! Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 25 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA''' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) r.r ARTICLE 8 TIME §8.1 DEFINITIONS §8.1.1 Unless otherwise provided,Contract Time is the period of time,including authorized adjustments,allotted in the Contract Documents for Substantial Completion of the Work. §8.1.2 The date of commencement of the Work is the date established in the Agreement. §8.1.3 The date of Substantial Completion is the date certified by the Architect in accordance with Section 9.8. §8.1.4 The term"day"as used in the Contract Documents shall mean calendar day unless otherwise specifically defined. §82 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION §8.2.1 Time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract.By executing the Agreement the Contractor confirm that the Contract Time is a reasonable period for performing the Work. §8.2.2 The Contractor shall not knowingly,except by agreement or instruction of the Owner in writing,prematurely commence operations on the site or elsewhere prior to the effective date of insurance required by Article 11 to be furnished by the Contractor and Owner.The date of commencement of the Work shall not be changed by the effective date of such insurance.Unless the date of commencement is established by the Contract Documents or a notice to proceed given by the Owner,the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days or other agreed period before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages,mechanic's liens and other security interests. §`8.2;3 The Contractor shall proceed expeditiously with adequate forces and shall achieve Substantial Completion within the Contract Time. §8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME §8.3.1 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the commencement or progress of the Work by an act or neglect of the Owner or Architect,or of an employee of either,or of a separate contractor employed by the Owner,or by changes ordered in the Work,or by labor disputes,fire,unusual delay in deliveries,unavoidable casualties or other causes beyond the Contractor's control,or by delay authorized by the Owner pending mediation and arbitration,or by other causes which the Architect determines may justify delay,then the Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such reasonable'time as the Architect may determine. §8,12 Claims relating to time shallbe made in accordance with applicable provisions of Section 4.3. §8.3.3 This Section 8.3 does ngt.preclude recovery of damages for delay by either party under other provisions of the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION §9.1 CONTRACT SUM §9.1.1 The Contract Sum is stated in the Agreement and,including authorized adjustments,is the total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor for performance of the Work under the Contract Documents. §9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES §9.2.1 Before the first Application for Payment,the Contractor shall submit to the Architect a schedule of values allocated to various portions of the Work,prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require.This schedule,unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. §9.3 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT §9.3.1 At least ten days before the date established for each progress payment,the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an itemized Application for Payment for operations completed in accordance with the schedule of values. Such application shall be notarized,if required,and supported by such data substantiating the Contractor's right to AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 26 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) Vme payment as the Owner or Architect may require,such as copies of requisitions from Subcontractors and material suppliers,and reflecting retainage if provided for in the Contract Documents. § As provided in Section 7.3.8,such applications may include requests for payment on account of changes in the Work which have been properly authorized by Construction Change Directives,or by interim determinations of the Architect,but not yet included in Change Orders. § Such applications may not include requests for payment for portions of the Work for which the Contractor does not intend to pay to a Subcontractor or material supplier,unless such Work has been performed by others whom the Contractor intends to pay. §'9.3.2 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents,payments shall be made on account of materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the Work.If approved in advance by the Owner,payment may similarly be made for materials and equipment suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing.Payment for materials and equipment stored on or off the site shall be conditioned upon compliance by the Contractor with procedures satisfactory to the Owner to establish the Owner's title to such materials and equipment or otherwise protect the Owner's interest,and shall include the costs of applicable insurance,'storage and transportation to the site for such materials and equipment stored off the site. §9.3.3 The Contractor warrants that title to all Work covered by an Application for Payment will pass to the Owner no later than the time of payment.The Contractor further warrants that upon submittal of an Application for Payment all Work for which Certificates for Payment have been previously issued and payments received from the Owner shall,to the best of the Contractor's knowledge,information and belief,be free and clear of liens,claims, security interests or encumbrances in favor of the Contractor,Subcontractors,material suppliers,or other persons or entities making a claim by reason of having provided labor,materials and equipment relating to the Work. §9,4 CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT §9.4.1 The Architect will,within seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment,either issue to the Owner a Certificate for Payment,with a copy to the Contractor,for such amount as the Architect determines is properly due,or notify the Contractor and Owner in writing of the Architect's reasons for withholding certification in whole or in part as provided in Section 9.5.1. §9:4.2 The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will constitute a representation by the Architect to the Owner, based on the Architect's evaluation of the Work and the data comprising the Application for Payment,that the Work has progressed to the point indicated and that,to the best of the Architect's knowledge,information and belief,the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents.The foregoing representations are subject to an evaluation of the Work for conformance with the Contract Documents upon Substantial Completion,to results of subsequent tests and inspections,to correction of minor deviations from the Contract Documents prior to completion and to specific qualifications expressed by the Architect.The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will further constitute a representation that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified.However,the issuance of a Certificate for Payment will not be a representation that the Architect has(1)made exhaustive or continuous on- site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work, (2)reviewed construction means, methods,techniques, sequences or procedures,(3)reviewed copies of requisitions received from Subcontractors and material suppliers and other data requested by the Owner to substantiate the Contractor's right to payment,or(4)made examination to ascertain how or for what purpose the Contractor has used money previously paid on account of the Contract Sum. §95 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION §9.5.1 The Architect may withhold a Certificate for Payment in whole or in part,to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the Owner,if in the Architect's opinion the representations to the Owner required by Section 9.4.2 cannot be made.If the Architect is unable to certify payment in the amount of the Application,the Architect will notify the Contractor and Owner as provided in Section 9.4.1.If the Contractor and Architect cannot agree on a revised amount,the Architect will promptly issue a Certificate for Payment for the amount for which the Architect is able to make such representations to the Owner. The Architect may also withhold a Certificate for Payment or,because of subsequently discovered evidence,may nullify the whole or a part of a Certificate for Payment previously issued,to such extent as may be necessary in the Architect's opinion to protect the Owner from loss for which the Contractor is responsible,including loss resulting from acts and omissions described in Section 3.3.2,because of: .1 defective Work not remedied; AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 27 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA"Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) NVOW .2 third party claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims unless security acceptable to the Owner is provided by the Contractor; 3 failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontractors or for labor,materials or equipment; 4 reasonable evidence that the Work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum; .5 damage to the Owner or another contractor; .6 reasonable evidence that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time,and that the unpaid balance would not be adequate to cover actual or liquidated damages for the anticipated delay; or .7 persistent failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. §9.3.2 When the above reasons for withholding certification are removed,certification will be made for amounts previously`withheld. §9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS §9.6.1 After the Architect has issued a Certificate for Payment,the Owner shall make payment in the manner and within the time provided in the Contract Documents,and shall so notify the Architect. §9.6.2 The Contractor shall promptly pay each Subcontractor,upon receipt of payment from the Owner,out of the amount paid to the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's portion of the Work,the amount to which said Subcontractor is entitled,reflecting percentages actually retained from payments to the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's portion of the Work.The Contractor shall,by appropriate agreement with each Subcontractor, require each Subcontractor to make payments to Sub-subcontractors in a similar manner. §9.6.3 The Architect will,on request,furnish to a Subcontractor,if practicable,information regarding percentages of completion or amounts applied for by the Contractor and action taken thereon by the Architect and Owner on account of portions of the Work done by such Subcontractor. §9.6.4 Neither the Owner nor Architect shall have an obligation to pay or to see to the payment of money to a Subcontractor except as may otherwise be required by law. §9,6.5 Payment to material suppliers shall be treated in a manner similar to that provided in Sections 9.6.2,9.6.3 and 9.6.4. §9.6.6 A Certificate for Payment,a progress payment,or partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by the Owner shall not constitute`'acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents. §9.6.7 Unless the Contractor provides the Owner with a payment bond in the full penal sum of the Contract Sum, payments received by the Contractor for Work properly performed by Subcontractors and suppliers shall be held by the Contractor for those Subcontractors or suppliers who performed Work or furnished materials,or both,under contract with the Contractor for which payment was made by the Owner.Nothing contained herein shall require money to be placed in a separate account and not commingled with money of the Contractor, shall create any fiduciary liability or tort liability on the part of the Contractor for breach of trust or shall entitle any person or entity to an award of punitive damages against the Contractor for breach of the requirements of this provision. §9.7 FAILURE OF PAYMENT §9.7.1 If the Architect does not issue a Certificate for Payment,through no fault of the Contractor,within seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment,or if the Owner does not pay the Contractor within seven days after the date established in the Contract Documents the amount certified by the Architect or awarded by arbitration,then the Contractor may,upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and Architect, stop the Work until payment of the amount owing has been received.The Contract Time shall be extended appropriately and the Contract Sum shall be increased by the amount of the Contractor's reasonable costs of shut-down,delay and start-up,plugs interest as provided for in the Contract Documents. AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American [nit. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 28 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) `'fir►" VAW §9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION §9.8.1 Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for its intended use. §9.8.2 When the Contractor considers that the Work,or a portion thereof which the Owner agrees to accept separately,is substantially complete,the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Architect a comprehensive list of items to be completed or corrected prior to final payment.Failure to include an item on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. §9.8.3 Upon receipt of the Contractor's list,the Architect will make an inspection to determine whether the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete.If the Architect's inspection discloses any item, whether or not included on the Contractor's list,which is not sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work or designated portion thereof for its intended use,the Contractor shall,before issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion,complete or correct such item upon notification by the Architect.In such case,the Contractor shall then submit a request for another inspection by the Architect to determine Substantial Completion. §9.8.4,When the'Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete,the Architect will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion which shall establish the date of Substantial Completion,shall establish responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security,maintenance,heat,utilities,damage to the Work and insurance,and shall fix the time within which the Contractor shall finish all items on the list accompanying the Certificate.Warranties required by the Contract Documents shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof unless otherwise provided in the Certificate of Substantial Completion. §'9.84 .7he Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be submitted to the Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of responsibilities assigned to them in such Certificate.Upon such acceptance and consent of surety,if any,the Owner"shall make payment of retainage applying to such Work or designated portion thereof.Such payment shall be adjusted for Work that is incomplete or not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. §9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE §9.9.1 The Owner may occupy or use any completed or partially completed portion of the Work at any stage when such portion is designated by separate agreement with the Contractor,provided such occupancy or use is consented to by the insurer as required under Section and authorized by public authorities having jurisdiction over the Work.Such partial occupancy or use may commence whether or not the portion is substantially complete,provided the Owner and Contractor have accepted in writing the responsibilities assigned to each of them for payments, retainage,if any,security,maintenance,heat,utilities,damage to the Work and insurance,and have agreed in writing concerning the period for correction of the Work and commencement of warranties required by the Contract Documents.When the Contractor considers a portion substantially complete,the Contractor shall prepare and submit a list to the Architect as provided under Section 9.8.2.Consent of the Contractor to partial occupancy or use shall not be unreasonably withheld.The stage of the progress of the Work shall be determined by written agreement between the Owner and Contractor or,if no agreement is reached,by decision of the Architect. §9.9.2 Immediately prior to such partial occupancy or use,the Owner,Contractor and Architect shall jointly inspect the area to be occupied or portion of the Work to be used in order to determine and record the condition of the Work. §9.9.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon,partial occupancy or use of a portion or portions of the Work shall not constitute acceptance of Work not complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. §9.10 FINAL.COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT §9.10.1 Upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a final Application for Payment,the Architect will promptly make such inspection and,when the Architect finds the Work acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed,the Architect will promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment stating that to the best of the Architect's knowledge,information and belief,and on the basis of the Architect's on-site visits and inspections,the Work has been completed in accordance with terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor and noted in AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 29 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIAe' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) �.✓ *Age the final Certificate is due and payable.The Architect's final Certificate for Payment will constitute a further representation that conditions listed in Section 9.10.2 as precedent to the Contractor's being entitled to final payment have been fulfilled. §9.10.2 Neither final payment nor any remaining retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Architect(1)an affidavit that payrolls,bills for materials and equipment,and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or the Owner's property might be responsible or encumbered(less amounts withheld by Owner)have been paid or otherwise satisfied,(2)a certificate evidencing that insurance required by the Contract Documents to remain in force after final payment is currently in effect and will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least 30 flays'prior written notice has been given to the Owner,(3)a written statement that the Contractor knows of no substantial reason that the insurance will not be renewable to cover the period required by the Contract Documents,(4)consent of surety,if any,to final payment and(5),if required by the Owner,other data establishing payment or satisfaction of obligations,such as receipts,releases and waivers of liens,claims,security interests of encumbrances arising out of the Contract,to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the Owner.If a Subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Owner,the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the=Owner to indemnify the Owner against such lien.If such lien remains unsatisfied after payments are made,the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all money that the Owner may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien,including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. §9.10.3 If,after Substantial Completion of the Work,final completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Ountraetor`orby;issruance of Change Orders affecting final completion,and the Architect so confirms,the Owner shall,upon Application by the Contractor and certification by the Architect,and without terminating the Contract,snake payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted.If the remaining balanoe'for Work riot fully completed or corrected is less than retainage stipulated in the Contract Documents,and if bonds have been furnished,the written consent of surety to payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Architect prior to certification of such payment.Such payment shall be made under terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall`not constitute a waiver of claims. §9:10A The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of Claims by the Owner except those arising from: .1 liens,Claims,security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract and unsettled; .2 failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents;or .3!+ terms of special warranties required by the Contract Documents. §9.10.5 Acceptance of final payment by the Contractor,a Subcontractor or material supplier shall constitute a waiver of claims by that payee except those previously made in writing and identified by that payee as unsettled at the time of final Application for Payment. ARTICLE 10 ,PROTECTION OP,PERSONS AND PROPERTY §10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS §10.1.1 The,Contractor shall be responsible for initiating,maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Contract. §10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY §'10.2.1 The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage,injury or loss to: .1 employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby; .2 the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein,whether in storage on or off the site,under care,custody or control of the Contractor or the Contractor's Subcontractors or Sub- subcontractors;and .3 ' other property at the site or adjacent thereto,such as trees, shrubs,lawns,walks,pavements, roadways,structures and utilities not designated for removal,relocation or replacement in the course of construction. §10.2.2 The Contractor shall give notices and comply with applicable laws,ordinances,rules,regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on safety of persons or property or their protection from damage, injury or loss. AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA* Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 30 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA* Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) §10.2.3 The Contractor shall erect and maintain,as required by existing conditions and performance of the Contract, reasonable safeguards for safety and protection,including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent sites and utilities. §10.2.4 When use or storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment or unusual methods are necessary for execution of the Work,the Contractor shall exercise utmost care and carry on such activities under supervision of properly qualified personnel. §10.2.5 The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage and loss(other than damage or loss insured under property insurance required by the Contract Documents)to property referred to in Sections and caused in whole or in part by the Contractor,a Subcontractor,a Sub-subcontractor,or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them,or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable and for which the Contractor is responsible under Sections and,except damage or loss attributable to acts or omissions of the Owner or Architect or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them,or by anyone for whose acts either of them may be liable, and not attributable to the fault or negligence of the Contractor.The foregoing obligations of the Contractor are in addition to the Contractor's obligations under Section 3.18. §=10.2.6 The Contractor shall designate a responsible member of the Contractor's organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents.This person shall be the Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated by the Contractor in writing to the Owner and Architect. §10.2.7 The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the construction or site to be loaded so as to endanger its safety. §10.3 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS §10.3.1 If reasonable precautions will be inadequate to prevent foreseeable bodily injury or death to persons resulting from a material or substance,including but not limited to asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl(PCB), encountered on the site by the Contractor,the Contractor shall,upon recognizing the condition,immediately stop Work in the affected area and report the condition to the Owner and Architect in writing. §10.3.2 The Owner shall obtain the services of a licensed laboratory to verify the presence or absence of the material or substance reported by the Contractor and,in the event such material or substance is found to be present,to verify that it has been rendered harmless.Unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents,the Owner shall furnish in writing to the Contractor and Architect the names and qualifications of persons or entities who are to perform tests verifying the presence or absence of such material or substance or who are to perform the task of removal or safe containment of such material or substance.The Contractor and the Architect will promptly reply to the Owner in writing stating whether or not either has reasonable objection to the persons or entities proposed by the Owner.If either the Contractor or Architect has an objection to a person or entity proposed by the Owner,the Owner shall propose another to whom the Contractor and the Architect have no reasonable objection.When the material or substance has been rendered harmless,Work in the affected area shall resume upon written agreement of the Owner and Contractor.The Contract Time shall be extended appropriately and the Contract Sum shall be increased in the amount of the Contractor's reasonable additional costs of shut-down,delay and start-up, which adjustments shall be accomplished as provided in Article 7. §10.3.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law,the Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, Subcontractors,Architect,Architect's consultants and agents and employees of any of them from and against claims,damages,losses and expenses,including but not limited to attorneys' fees,arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work in the affected area if in fact the material or substance presents the risk of bodily injury or death as described in Section 10.3.1 and has not been rendered harmless,provided that such claim,damage,loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness,disease or death,or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself)and provided that such damage,loss or expense is not due to the sole negligence of a party seeking indemnity. §10.4 The Owner shall not be responsible under Section 10.3 for materials and substances brought to the site by the Contractor unless such materials or substances were required by the Contract Documents. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 31 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA''` Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) *11we 1111111W §10.5 If,without negligence on the part of the Contractor,the Contractor is held liable for the cost of remediation of a hazardous material or substance solely by reason of performing Work as required by the Contract Documents,the Owner shall indemnify the Contractor for all cost and expense thereby incurred. §10.6 EMERGENCIES §10.6.1 In an emergency affecting safety of persons or property,the Contractor shall act,at the Contractor's discretion, to prevent threatened damage,injury or loss.Additional compensation or extension of time claimed by the Contractor on account of an emergency shall be determined as provided in Section 4.3 and Article 7. ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS §11.1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE §11.1.1 The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located such insurance as will protect the Contractor from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's operations under the Contract and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them,or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: .1 claims under workers' compensation,disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts which are applicable to the Work to be performed; .2'' claims for damages because of bodily injury,occupational sickness or disease,or death of the Contractor's employees; .3 claims for damages because of bodily injury,sickness or disease,or death of any person other than the Contraetoes employees; .4 claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage; .5' claims for damages,other than to the Work itself,because of injury to or destruction of tangible property,including loss of use resulting therefrom; .6 claims for damages because of bodily injury,death of a person or property damage arising out of ownership,maintenance or use of a motor vehicle; .T claims for bodily injury or property damage arising out of completed operations;and .8 claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable to the Contractor's obligations under Section 3.18. §11.1.2 The insurance required by Section 11.1.1 shall be written for not less than limits of liability specified in the Contract Documents or required by law,whichever coverage is greater.Coverages,whether written on an occurrence or claims-made basis,shall be maintained without interruption from date of commencement of the Work until date of final payment and termination of any coverage required to be maintained after final payment. §11,1.3 Certificates of insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner prior to commencement of the Work.These certificates and the insurance policies required by this Section 11.1 shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Owner.If any of the foregoing insurance coverages are required to remain in force after final payment and are reasonably available,an additional certificate evidencing continuation of such coverage shall be submitted with the final Application for Payment as required by Section 9.10.2.Information concerning reduction of coverage on account of revised limits or claims paid under the General Aggregate,or both, shall be furnished by the Contractor with reasonable promptness in accordance with the Contractor's information and belief. §11.2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE §11.2.1 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining the Owner's usual liability insurance. §11.3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE §11.3.1 Optionally,the Owner may require the Contractor to purchase and maintain Project Management Protective Liability insurance from the Contractor's usual sources as primary coverage for the Owner's,Contractor's and Architect's'vicarious liability for construction operations under the Contract.Unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents,the Owner shall reimburse the Contractor by increasing the Contract Sum to pay the cost of purchasing and maintaining such optional insurance coverage,and the Contractor shall not be responsible for purchasing any other liability insurance on behalf of the Owner.The minimum limits of liability purchased with such coverage shall be equal to the aggregate of the limits required for Contractor's Liability Insurance under Sections through AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 32 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Al Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) §11.3.2 To the extent damages are covered by Project Management Protective Liability insurance,the Owner, Contractor and Architect waive all rights against each other for damages,except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance.The policy shall provide for such waivers of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise. (Paragraph deleted) §11.3.3. The City of Renton is named as an Additional Insured on the contractor's policy,with that policy being primary and non- contributory with any other insurance the City may have. §11.4 PROPERTY INSURANCE §11.4.1 Unless otherwise provided,the Owner shall purchase and maintain,in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located,property insurance written on a builder's risk"all-risk"or equivalent policy form in the amount of the initial Contract Sum,plus value of subsequent Contract modifications and cost of materials supplied or installed by others,comprising total value for the entire Project at the site on a replacement cost basis without optional deductibles. Such property insurance shall be maintained,unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or otherwise agreed in writing by all persons and entities who are beneficiaries of such insurance,until final payment has been made as provided in Section 9.10 or until no person or ent ty.other than the Owner has an insurable interest in the property required by this Section 11.4 to be covered, whichever is later.This insurance shall include interests of the Owner,the Contractor,Subcontractors and Sub- subcontractors in the Project. §11.4.1,1 Property insurance shall be on an"all-risk"or equivalent policy form and shall include,without limitation, insurance against the perils of fire(with extended coverage)and physical loss or damage including,without duplication of coverage,theft,vandalism,malicious mischief,collapse,earthquake,flood,windstorm,falsework, testing and startup,temporary buildings and debris removal including demolition occasioned by enforcement of any applicable,legal requirements,and shall cover reasonable compensation for Architect's and Contractor's services and elrpenses required as a result of such insured loss. § If the Owner does not intend to purchase such property insurance required by the Contract and with all of the coverages in the amount described above,the Owner shall so inform the Contractor in writing prior to commencement of the Work.The Contractor may then effect insurance which will protect the interests of the Contractor,Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the Work,and by appropriate Change Order the cost thereof shall be charged to the Owner.If the Contractor is damaged by the failure or neglect of the Owner to purchase or maintain.insurance as described above,without so notifying the Contractor in writing,then the Owner shall bear all reasonable costs properly attributable thereto. § If the property insurance,requires deductibles,the Owner shall pay costs not covered because of such deductibles. § This property insurance shall cover portions of the Work stored off the site,and also portions of the Work in transit. § Partial occupancy or use in accordance with Section 9.9 shall not commence until the insurance company or companies providing property insurance have consented to such partial occupancy or use by endorsement or otherwise.The Owner and the Contractor shall take reasonable steps to obtain consent of the insurance company or companies and shall,without mutual written consent,take no action with respect to partial occupancy or use that would cause cancellation, lapse or reduction of insurance. §11.4.2 Boiler and Machinery Insurance. The Owner shall purchase and maintain boiler and machinery insurance regirited by the Contract Documents or by law,which shall specifically cover such insured objects during installation'and until final acceptance by the Owner;this insurance shall include interests of the Owner,Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the Work,and the Owner and Contractor shall be named insureds. §11.4.3 Loss of Use Insurance.The Owner,at the Owner's option,may purchase and maintain such insurance as will insure the Owner against loss of use of the Owner's property due to fire or other hazards,however caused.The AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 33 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) %W Owner waives all rights of action against the Contractor for loss of use of the Owner's property,including consequential losses due to fire or other hazards however caused. §11.4.4 If the Contractor requests in writing that insurance for risks other than those described herein or other special causes of loss be included in the property insurance policy,the Owner shall,if possible,include such insurance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor by appropriate Change Order. §11.4.5 If during the Project construction period the Owner insures properties,real or personal or both,at or adjacent to the site by property insurance under policies separate from those insuring the Project,or if after final payment property insurance is to be provided on the completed Project through a policy or policies other than those insuring the Project during the construction period,the Owner shall waive all rights in accordance with the terms of Section 11.4.7 for damages caused by fire or other causes of loss covered by this separate property insurance. All separate policies shall provide this waiver of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise. §11.4.6 Before an exposure to loss may occur,the Owner shall file with the Contractor a copy of each policy that includes insurance coverages required by this Section 11.4.Each policy shall contain all generally applicable conditions,definitions,exclusions and endorsements related to this Project.Each policy shall contain a provision that the policy will not be canceled or allowed to expire,and that its limits will not be reduced,until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Contractor. §11.4.7 Waivers of Subrogation..The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against(1)each other and any of their subcontractors,sub-subcontractors,agents and employees,each of the other,and(2)the Architect,Architect's consultants,separate contractors described in Article 6,if any,and any of their subcontractors,sub-subcontractors, agents and employees,for damages caused by fire or other causes of loss to the extent covered by property insurance obtained pursuant to this Section 11.4 or other property insurance applicable to the Work,except such rights as they have to proceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as fiduciary.The Owner or Contractor,as appropriate, shall require of the Architect,Architect's consultants,separate contractors described in Article 6,if any,and the subcontractors,sub-subcontractors,agents and employees of any of them,by appropriate agreements,written where legally required for validity,similar waivers each in favor of other parties enumerated herein.The policies shall provide:such waivers of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise.A waiver of subrogation shall be effective as to a person or entity even though that person or entity would otherwise have a duty of indemnification,contractual or otherwise,'did not pay the insurance premium directly or indirectly,and whether or not the person or entity had an insurable interest in the property damaged. §11.4.8 A loss insured under Owner's property insurance shall be adjusted by the Owner as fiduciary and made payable to the Owner as fiduciary for the insureds,as their interests may appear,subject to requirements of any applicable mortgagee clause and of Section 11.4.10.The Contractor shall pay Subcontractors their just shares of insurance proceeds received by the Contractor,and by appropriate agreements,written where legally required for validity,Shall require Subcontractors to make payments to their Sub-subcontractors in similar manner. §11.4.9 If required in writing by a party in interest,the Owner as fiduciary shall,upon occurrence of an insured loss, give bond for proper performance of the Owner's duties.The cost of required bonds shall be charged against proceeds received as fiduciary.The Owner shall deposit in a separate account proceeds so received, which the Owner shall distribute in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach,or in accordance with an arbitration award in which case the procedure shall be as provided in Section 4.6.If after such loss no other special agreement is made and unless the Owner terminates the Contract for convenience,replacement of damaged property shall be performed by the Contractor after notification of a Change in the Work in accordance with Article 7. §11,4111 The Owner as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and settle a loss with insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within five days after occurrence of loss to the Owner's exercise of this power;if such objection is made'„the dispute shall be resolved as provided in Sections 4.5 and 4.6.The Owner as fiduciary shall,in the case of arbitration,make settlement with insurers in accordance with directions of the arbitrators. If distribution of insurance proceeds by arbitration is required,the arbitrators will direct such distribution. AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 34 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA" Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) *awl *moo §11.5 PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND §11.5.1 The Owner shall have the right to require the Contractor to furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the Contract and payment of obligations arising thereunder as stipulated in bidding requirements or specifically required in the Contract Documents on the date of execution of the Contract. §11.5.2 Upon the request of any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of bonds covering payment of obligations arising under the Contract,the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of the bonds or shall permit a copy to be made. ARTICLE 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK §12.1 UNCOVERING OF WORK §12.1.1 If a portion of the Work is covered contrary to the Architect's request or to requirements specifically expressed in the Contract Documents,it must,if required in writing by the Architect,be uncovered for the Architect's examination and be replaced at the Contractor's expense without change in the Contract Time. §12.1.2 If a portion of the Work has been covered which the Architect has not specifically requested to examine prior to its being covered,the Architect may request to see such Work and it shall be uncovered by the Contractor.If such Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents,costs of uncovering and replacement shall,by appropriate Change Order,be at the Owner's expense.If such Work is not in accordance with the Contract Documents, correction shall be'''at the Contractor's expense unless the condition was caused by the Owner or a separate contractor in which event the Owner shall be responsible for payment of such costs. §12.2 CORRECTION OF WORK §12.2.1 BEFORE DR AFTER SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION § The C4ntractt'r shall promptly correct Work rejected by the Architect or failing to conform to the requirements of the C010act Documents, whether discovered before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated,installed or completed.Costs of correcting such rejected Work,including additional testing and inspections and compensation for the Architect's services and expenses made necessary thereby,shall be at the Contractor's expense. §12.2.2 AFTER SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION § In additioi, Contractor'anbligations under Section 3.5,if, within one year after the date of Substantial Cotnpledon.of"the Work or designated portion thereof or after the date for commencement of warranties established under Section 9.9.1,or by terms of an applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents, any of the Work is found to be not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents,the Contractor shall correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from the Owner to do so unless the Owner has previously given the Contractor a written acceptance of such condition.The Owner shall give such notice promptly after discovery of the condition..During the one-year period for correction of Work,if the Owner fails to notify the Contractor and give the Contractor an opportunity to make the correction,the Owner waives the rights to require correction by the Contractor and to make a claim for breach of warranty.If the Contractor fails to correct nonconforming Wart within a reasonable time during that period after receipt of notice from the Owner or Architect,the Owner may,correct;it in accordance with Section 2.4. § The one-year period for correction of Work shall be extended with respect to portions of Work first performed after Substantial Completion by the period of time between Substantial Completion and the actual performance of the Work. § The one-year period for correction of Work shall not be extended by corrective Work performed by the Contractor pursuant to this Section 12.2. §12.2.3 The Contractor shall remove from the site portions of the Work which are not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and are neither corrected by the Contractor nor accepted by the Owner. §12.2.4 The Contractor shall bear the cost of correcting destroyed or damaged construction, whether completed or partially completed,of the Owner or separate contractors caused by the Contractor's correction or removal of Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 35 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) 'W11rr'" Ord` §12.2.5 Nothing contained in this Section 12.2 shall be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to other obligations which the Contractor might have under the Contract Documents.Establishment of the one-year period for correction of Work as described in Section 12.2.2 relates only to the specific obligation of the Contractor to correct the Work,and has no relationship to the time within which the obligation to comply with the Contract Documents may be sought to be enforced,nor to the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish the Contractor's liability with respect to the Contractor's obligations other than specifically to correct the Work. §12.3 ACCEPTANCE OF NONCONFORMING WORK §12.3.1 If the Owner prefers to accept Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents,the Owner may do so instead of requiring its removal and correction,in which case the Contract Sum will be reduced as appropriate and equitable.Such adjustment shall be effected whether or not final payment has been made. ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS §13.1 GOVERNING LAW §13.1.1 The Contract shall be governed by the law of the place where the Project is located. §13.2 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS §13.2.1 The Owner and Contractor respectively bind themselves,their partners,successors,assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto and to partners,successors,assigns and legal representatives of such other party in respect to covenants,agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents.Except as provided in Section 13.2.2,neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract as a whole without written consent of the other.If either party attempts to make such an assignment without such consent,that party shall nevertheless remain legally responsible for all obligations under the Contract. §13.2.2 The Owner may,without consent of the Contractor,assign the Contract to an institutional lender providing construction financing for the Project.In such event,the lender shall assume the Owner's rights and obligations under the Contract Documents.'The Contractor shall execute all consents reasonably required to facilitate such assignment. §13.3 WRITTEN NOTICE §13.31 Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or a member of the firm or entity or to an officer of the corporation for which it was intended,or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail to the last business address known to the party giving notice. §13.4 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES §13.4.1 Duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents and rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation of duties,obligations,rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available bylaw. §13.4,2 No action or failure to act by the Owner,Architect or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of a right or duty afforded them under the Contract,nor shall such action or failure to act constitute approval of or acquiescence in a breach thereunder,except as may be specifically agreed in writing. §13.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS §13.5.1 Tests,inspections and approvals of portions of the Work required by the Contract Documents or by laws, ordinances,rules,regulations or orders of public authorities having jurisdiction shall be made at an appropriate time. Unless otherwise provided,the Contractor shall make arrangements for such tests,inspections and approvals with an independent testing laboratory or entity acceptable to the Owner,or with the appropriate public authority,and shall bear all related costs of tests,inspections and approvals.The Contractor shall give the Architect timely notice of when and where tests and inspections are to be made so that the Architect may be present for such procedures.The Owner shall bear costs of tests,inspections or approvals which do not become requirements until after bids are received or negotiations concluded. §13.5.2 If the Architect,Owner or public authorities having jurisdiction determine that portions of the Work require additional testing,inspection or approval not included under Section 13.5.1,the Architect will,upon written authorization from the Owner,instruct the Contractor to make arrangements for such additional testing,inspection AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 36 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) or approval by an entity acceptable to the Owner,and the Contractor shall give timely notice to the Architect of when and where tests and inspections are to be made so that the Architect may be present for such procedures. Such costs,except as provided in Section 13.5.3,shall be at the Owner's expense. §13.5.3 If such procedures for testing,inspection or approval under Sections 13.5.1 and 13.5.2 reveal failure of the portions of the Work to comply with requirements established by the Contract Documents,all costs made necessary by such failure including those of repeated procedures and compensation for the Architect's services and expenses shall be at the Contractor's expense. §13.5.4 Required certificates of testing,inspection or approval shall,unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents,be secured by the Contractor and promptly delivered to the Architect. §13.5.5 If the Architect is to observe tests,inspections or approvals required by the Contract Documents,the Architect will do so promptly and, where practicable,at the normal place of testing. '§13.5.6 Tests or inspections conducted pursuant to the Contract Documents shall be made promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the Work. §13.6 INTEREST §13.6.1 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract Documents shall bear interest from the date payment is due at such rate as the parties may ague upon in writing or,in the absence thereof,at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. §13.7 COMMENCEMENT OF STATUTORY LIMITATION PERIOD §13.7.1 As between the Owner and Contractor: <1 Before Substantial Completion. As to acts or failures to act occurring prior to the relevant date of Substantial Completion,any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued in any and all events not later than such date of Substantial Completion; .2 Between Substantial Completion and Final Certificate for Payment. As to acts or failures to act occurring subsequent to the relevant date of Substantial Completion and prior to issuance of the final Certificate for Payment,any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued in any and all events not later than the date of issuance of the final Certificate for Payment;and .3 After Final Certificate for Payment. As to acts or failures to act occurring after the relevant date of issuance of the final Certificate for Payment,any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued in any and all events not later than the date of any act or failure to act by the Contractor pursuant to any Warranty provided under Section 3.5,the date of any correction of the Work or failure to correct the Work by the Contractor under Section 12.2,or the date of actual commission of any other act or failure to perform any duty or obligation by the Contractor or Owner,whichever occurs last. ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT §14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR §14.1.1 The Contractor may terminate the Contract if the Work is stopped for a period of 30 consecutive days through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor,Sub-subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons or entities performing portions of the Work under direct or indirect contract with the Contractor,for any of the following reasons: .1 issuance of an order of a court or other public authority having jurisdiction which requires all Work to be stopped; .2 an act of government,such as a declaration of national emergency which requires all Work to be stopped; .3 because the Architect has not issued a Certificate for Payment and has not notified the Contractor of the reason for withholding certification as provided in Section 9.4.1,or because the Owner has not made payment on a Certificate for Payment within the time stated in the Contract Documents;or .4 the Owner has failed to furnish to the Contractor promptly, upon the Contractor's request,reasonable evidence as required by Section 2.2.1. AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA! Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 37 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) 1*901 V40# §14.1.2 The Contractor may terminate the Contract if,through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor, Sub-subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons or entities performing portions of the Work under direct or indirect contract with the Contractor,repeated suspensions,delays or interruptions of the entire Work by the Owner as described in Section 14.3 constitute in the aggregate more than 100 percent of the total number of days scheduled for completion,or 120 days in any 365-day period,whichever is less. §14.1.3 If one of the reasons described in Section 14.1.1 or 14.1.2 exists,the Contractor may,upon seven days' written notice to the Owner and Architect,terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner payment for Work executed and for proven loss with respect to materials,equipment,tools,and construction equipment and machinery, including reasonable overhead,profit and damages. §14.1.4 If the Work is stopped for a period of 60 consecutive days through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons performing portions of the Work under contract with the Contractor because the Owner has persistently failed to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract Documents with respect"to matters important to the progress of the Work,the Contractor may,upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and the Architect,terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner as provided in Section_14.1.3, §14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE §14.2.1 The Owner may terminate the Contract if the Contractor: ,1` persistently or repeatedly refuses or fails to supply enough properly skilled workers or proper materials; .2 fails to make payment to Subcontractors for materials or labor in accordance with the respective agreements between the Contractor and the Subcontractors; .3 persistently disregards laws,ordinances,or rules,regulations or orders of a public authority having jurisdiction;or A otherwise is guilty of substantial breach of a provision of the Contract Documents. §14.2.2 When any of the above reasons exist,the Owner,upon certification by the Architect that sufficient cause exists to justify such action,may without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Owner and after giving the Contractor and the Contractor's surety,if any,seven days' written notice,terminate employment of the Contractor and may,subject to any prior rights of the'surety: .1 take possession of the site and of all materials,equipment,tools,and construction equipment and machinery thereon owned by the Contractor; .2 accept assignment of subcontracts pursuant to Section 5.4;and .3 finish the Work by whatever reasonable method the Owner may deem expedient.Upon request of the Contractor,the Owner shall furnish to the Contractor a detailed accounting of the costs incurred by the Owner in finishing the Work. §14.2.3 When the Owner terminates the Contract for one of the reasons stated in Section 14.2.1,the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive further payment until the Work is finished. §14.2.4 If the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum exceeds costs of finishing the Work,including compensation for the Architect's services and expenses made necessary thereby,and other damages incurred by the Owner and not expressly waived,such excess shall be paid to the Contractor.If such costs and damages exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner.The amount to be paid to the Contractor or Owner,as the case may be,shall be certified by the Architect,upon application,and this obligation for payment shall survive termination of the Contract. §14.3 SUSPENSION BY THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE §14.3.1 The Owner may, without cause,order the Contractor in writing to suspend,delay or interrupt the Work in whole or in part for such period of time as the Owner may determine. §14.3.2 The Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be adjusted for increases in the cost and time caused by suspension,delay or interruption as described in Section 14.3.1.Adjustment of the Contract Sum shall include profit.No adjustment shall be made to the extent: AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 38 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA"' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) +err► .1 that performance is, was or would have been so suspended,delayed or interrupted by another cause for which the Contractor is responsible;or .2 that an equitable adjustment is made or denied under another provision of the Contract. §14.4 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE §14.4.1 The Owner may,at any time,terminate the Contract for the Owner's convenience and without cause. §14.4.2 Upon receipt of written notice from the Owner of such termination for the Owner's convenience,the Contractor shall: .1 cease operations as directed by the Owner in the notice; .2 take actions necessary,or that the Owner may direct,for the protection and preservation of the Work; and .3 except for Work directed to be performed prior to the effective date of termination stated in the notice,terminate all existing subcontracts and purchase orders and enter into no further subcontracts and purchase orders. §14.4.3 In case of such termination for the Owner's convenience,the Contractor shall be entitled to receive payment for Work executed,and tsYs incurred by reason of such termination,along with reasonable overhead and profit on the Work not executedz AIA Document A201TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976,1987 and 1997 by The American Init. Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA° Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties. 39 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA"' Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be / prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A201 TM— 1997 This Additions and Deletions Report,as defined on page 1 of the associated document,reproduces below all text the author has added to the standard form AIA document in order to complete it,as well as any text the author may have added to or deleted from the original AIA text.Added text is shown underlined.Deleted text is indicated with a horizontal line through the original AIA text. Note: This Additions and Deletions Report is provided for information purposes only and is not incorporated into or constitute any part of the associated AIA document.This Additions and Deletions Report and its associated document were generated simultaneously by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006. PAGE 1 Building 790 Secondary Egress Project Renton Municipal'Airport 790 West Perimeter Road City of Renton Municipality 616 W.Pemet r Road Renton,WA 98055 1540 Thorndyke Ave West,Leatt1e,WA 98199 PAGE 33 §44.34 The Owner-shefl net requke the Gentfaeter to inelude the Owner-,Ar-ehiteet of othef per-sons of entities as "11.3.3. The City of Renton is named as an Additional Insured on the contractor's policy,with that policy being Drimary and non- gpntrjl ijtgry with any other insurance the City may have. PAGE 39 Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A201 TM—1997.Copyright ©1911,1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,1963,1966,1970,1976, 1987 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright law and 1 International Treaties.Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:26:14 on 05/18/2006 under Order No.1000232520_1 which expires on 5/9/2007,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3262190784) Contractor: Lincoln Construction,Inc. Agency: The City of Renton 7 Daniel Lincoln,Presi ent Kathy Keolker, Mayor PO Box 730,Spanaway,WA 98$87 Columbia State Bank ` The above escrow instructions received and accepted this day of , 2006. Bonds and Securities approved by the Contractor: 1. Bills,Certificates,note or bonds of the United States. 2. Other obligations of the United States or its agencies. 3. Obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the Government of the United States. 4. Indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage Association. 5. Time deposits in commercial banks. Attest: Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk further liability related thereto.The estimated completion date on the contract underlying the Escrow Agreement is TBD.Upon requested by you,the City of Renton should advise you in writing of any change in estimated completion date.If the estimated completion date is changed,you are authorized to reinvest the monies held hereunder in accordance with the new estimated completion date. 4. In the event the Fiscal Officer of the City of Renton orders you to do so in writing,and notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement,you shall within 35 days of receipt of such order,reconvert into money the securities held by you pursuant to this agreement and return such money together with any other monies,including accrued on such securities,held by you hereunder,to the City of Renton,616 W Perimeter Road,Renton, WA 98055. 5. The Contractor agrees to pay you as compensation for your services hereunder as follows: Per prearranged,existing banking agreements. Payment of all fees shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and shall not be deducted from any property placed with you pursuant to this agreement until and unless the Agency directs the release to the Contractor of the securities and monies held hereunder whereupon you shall be granted a first lien upon such property released and shall be entitled to reimburse yourself from such property for the entire amount of your,fees and any unanticipated amounts which might be owing as provided for herein. In the event that the conditions of this escrow are not promptly fulfilled or that you are required to render any services not provided for in these instructions,or that there is any assignment of the interests of this escrow or any modification hereof,you shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for such extraordinary services from the Contractor and reimbursement from the Contractor for all costs and expenses,including attorney fees occasioned by such default,delay,controversy or litigation. 6. Should you at any time and for any reason desire to be relieved of your obligations as escrow holder hereunder,you shall within 20 days of the receipt of such notice,jointly appoint a successor escrow holder and instruct you to deliver all securities and funds hereunder to said successor. If you are not notified of the successor escrow holder within 20 days,you may return the subject matter hereof to the Agency,and upon doing so,it absolves you from all further changes and obligations in connection with this Escrow. 7. At no cost to the Agency,you may be required to submit monthly statements to the Agency showing deposits,balance,interest and payments. 8. This agreement shall be binding until executed by the Contractor and the Agency and accepted by you. 9. This instrument contains the entire agreement between you,the Contractor and the Agency with the respect to this Escrow and you are not party to not bound by any instrument or agreement other than this;you shall not be required to take notice or demand,nor required to take any action whatever except as herein expressly provided;you shall not be liable for any loss or damage not caused by your own negligence or willful misconduct. 10. The forgoing provisions shall be binding upon the assigns,successors,personal representatives and heirs of the parties hereto. The undersigned have read and hereby approve the instructions as given governing the administration of this escrow and do hereby execute this agreement on this day of 2006 ,CUt 3o no,C anarlal Ilugs suoponusui uallt rm qons no,C On12 of,Cliloglnu gltm suos[ad io uosaad agl jo oumu alp jo 2uijt.rnn ut paurro;ui no,C doo l puu no,C uuo3ui hugs uoluo-d jo AID OT IOJ 103WO 1103s13 211,1•',ClunoO uolsings jo3.raog30 ltOSIA agl urozJ suotlorulsut ual pta 111im 0outpl000u uI 1322x2(s)joago do sluuutm s,,Couafid aql jo uoilutlo2ou aql jo `soilimoas qons jo alus aql Uro.g pant.rap saruoUr AM JO)IUauraar�u sigl of noA Aq plaq sail!-moos oTjo 1.red,Cut 10 llu.rolouuao0 ag101 zantlap of paztloq;nu lou are nod £ •.rolouuuo0 og1,Cq 2uili.rm ut paloanp asiAuoglo are no,C Iuasuoo ualli rm ino,C gltm ssolun molaq ssa rppu aq1 It iolotuuo0 aqI of It pnAuq j put Isa.ralui qons looltoo Ilugs no,C `ptud si puu soruoou luaur2a rft SIT of luunsmd no,(Aq plaq sotltinoos aql uo Isa.ralut su puu uagM Z -jJOm to luaUlano.rduri plus 3o aoutld000t Itug 2111 2atmollO3 s,Cup 5J7 so 3oa.ragl suorsualxa Butpnloui`jot 4uoo ag13o uoilolduioo aqI 10i los altp ag1 of zoud so uo arnitur lsntu no,C,Cq posugomd puu,Clunoo agl,Cq panorddt Iolot4uo0 aql Aq poloolas slUOUrlsanut aqs •IuauzOOBV M013Sg SIT JO b gdt.rftnd ut poptnord st AlunoO aql .ro3.raOUjO ltosi q aql Aq os op of paiinba r an noX 31,Cauour olut sailtmoas.raglo to spuoq qons jo asugomd agI put no,C3o lunoiddu uoujim ssatdxa of loafgns .rolotuuoD agl,Cq poloolos oq Amu `sNools-jdooxa sailtinoos io spuoq asaTjo,Cut 3i,Crtssaoau st Iunoiddt laglan3 o11',Cou2SV aqI,Cq panoiddu sail!moas laglo io`spuoq qons 30 lsil u si pogouuv'uta.raq pan12OO1 uorlOanp uallr.rm Isul agl mollo3 Auui nok`astgoind qons gota jo osodmd aqI ro3'uoluo-d jo/�4i0 aql pun`no,C Aq panorddu put iolotuuo0 alp Xq uosogo satlimoos joTo io spuoq`iolotiluo0 oql,�q paloanp su`asugomd of no,C Aq posn aq Iltgs Iuuuum 10 3100go u qons oltp ogl3o st uotloalloO.roj Il gltm poltsodap uialt uu ioj uol2uigsuM jo oluls alp JO apo0 lutorauruzo0 uuo31un oTjo b oloiu`d of lutnsmd antq pinom 3lutq,Cloltsodap t gotgm satliligtsuodsa�put sailnp asogl,Cluo aq hugs carts aql of loadsar gltm sarliiigisuodsar pore saiInp mo,C`noA 01 parantlap ag hugs put Isoralui uu Tim poldnoo iamod t pauraap oq Iltgs jolourluoO agI Aq no,(polutB,Cgoioq luomosiopuo 3o.ramod aILL•cures agI Isanut put 3oaragl spaaoo rd agl an10301,itur no,C lugl os luuutm rO s)loago qons,Cuu aUrtu s,lolouuuo0 2111 ur os.ropua of iolouuuo0 agI Aq portloglnu,Cgoioq on nok'101OUu1100 aqI put no,C of Xllutof algt,Ctd sluuutm zo sjoogo auril mozj no,C of aanilap Ilugs AouaSV aq L SNIOLLO IHISAII •glroj Ias Jolivutai011 su011tpuoo put suralt agl uodn put suoporulsul Suimollo3 0111'PIm 0OUtp103310 ut no,C Aq 3o posodstp put plaq aq of an s)loogo so sluuutm gons •,illurof.rolotuuo0 aql put,no,C of alqu,Cud oq Bugs goigm `sclOagO ro sluuuum s1t noA of ranilap 01 ,COUa�d 2111 su of pa uajai ja}luuia raq `uolua d jo ,0110 aqI paloanp suq`iolOtuuoO OT Su of pauajga.raguuta.raq`•ouj`uoilonusuo0 uloout-1 `pau�tsrapun cgs jo uu}l glu}I:N.I V 060 Mg 1nH lasuon fro iV uolu, :auwjq loaford L8£86 dM umtuu S 'Ofq 10tuuOO TnoS onuany OU!Md Z09LI lkrtddwoo.csnxi do XNVG 6Z0,90000L'OM lun000d)Tutu }MVEI 9,LV LS VI$Nlfl'IOD :o,L i N aN213HOV M02I0SH a9vNIIviall 99086 WA`uoluag puog 1010UH10d M 919 lrodmy ludiOumW uoiva-d £ZO-90—OVO uoluall3o 4o CAC-06-023 I.C.W. GROUP ®INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST ❑EXPLORER INSURANCE COMPANY ❑INDEPENDENCE CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY 11455 El Camino Real, San Diego,CA 92130-2045 P.O.Box 85563, San Diego,CA 92186-5563 (858)350-2400 FAX(858)350-2707 www.icwgroup.com SURETY BOND INCREASE OR DECREASE PENALTY RIDER Bond No. 2175537 Premium$3,119.00 Description of Bond Performance/Payment Bond for Building 790 Secondary Egress Project Renton Municipal Airport,790 West Perimeter Road Know all men by these presents that we, Lincoln Construction, Inc., Principal, Insurance Company of the West, Surety, in favor of City of Renton Renton Municipal Airport, Obligee, do hereby,jointly and severally, change the penal amount of this bond from One Hundred Forty One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Seven & 89/100ths dollars ($ 141,277.89) to One Hundred Twenty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty One & No/100ths dollars ($ 129,851.00), effective from the 23rd day of May,2006. The continuity of coverage under said bond subject to changes in penalty shall not be impaired hereby, provided that the aggregate liability of the said Principal and Surety shall not exceed the amount of liability assumed at the time the act and /or acts of default were committed and in no event shall such liability exceed the larger of the above mentioned sums. Signed and sealed this 23rd day of May,2006. ACCEPTED: The above is hereby agreed and accepted: Lincoln Construction,Inc. Insurance Company of the West G� B B Y• y: Michael R.Highsmith Attorney-In-Fact GN-ICW 180(8/00) No. 0004612 1 ICW GROUP Power of Attorney Insurance Company of the West Explorer Insurance Company Independence Casualty and Surety Company KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Insurance Company of the West, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of California, Explorer Insurance Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of California, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas,(collectively referred to as the"Companies"),do hereby appoint CURTIS DYCKMAN,MICHAEL R.HIGHSMITH,ELIZABETH A.WHITT,SUSAN J.HUDSON, MARIE POULIN,GUIDA MCCLAIN their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact with authority to date,execute,sign,seal,and deliver on behalf of the Companies,fidelity and surety bonds,undertakings, and other similar contracts of suretyship,and any related documents. In witness whereof,the Companies have caused these presents to be executed by its duly authorized officers this Ist day of November,2005. ��QYP�NreF SORaNC �o V INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST oMOMrFOf��, �raQ.�,�°pvoa,��t`0`t 4+ d- EXPLORER INSURANCE COMPANY t 0((�,SEAL- c i+ 5 y INDEPENDENCE CASUALTY AND SURETY y'Aa+�, '.'o V'r .°�ate ; i COMPANY 1G1b '�`tj �F�RNII�., ��CIFOPM� •J� r V,� � 7.� Jeffrey D.Sweeney,Assistant Secretary John L.Hannum,Executive Vice President State of California } ss. County of San Diego On November 1,2005,before me,Francis Fafaul,Notary Public,personally appeared John L.Hannum and Jeffrey D.Sweeney,personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities,and that by their signatures on the instrument,the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted,executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. F y� M- t go Wow U - MRSKJAARRYiMt23�k+sMt F Francis Fafaul,Notary Public RESOLUTIONS This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed,sealed and notarized with facsimile signatures and seals under authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of each of the Companies: "RESOLVED: That the President, an Executive or Senior Vice President of the Company,together with the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary,are hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney appointing the person(s)named as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to date,execute,sign, seal,and deliver on behalf of the Company,fidelity and surety bonds,undertakings,and other similar contracts of suretyship,and any related documents. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the signatures of the officers making the appointment,and the signature of any officer certifying the validity and current status of the appointment,may be facsimile representations of those signatures;and the signature and seal of any notary,and the seal of the Company,may be facsimile representations of those signatures and seals,and such facsimile representations shall have the same force and effect as if manually affixed. The facsimile representations referred to herein may be affixed by stamping,printing,typing,or photocopying." CERTIFICATE I,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary of Insurance Company of the West,Explorer Insurance Company, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company,do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is in full force and effect,and has not been revoked,and that the above resolutions were duly adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of the Companies,and are now in full force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have set my hand this 23rd day of May 2006 Jeffrey D.Sweeney,Assistant Secretary To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney you may call 1-800-877-1111 and ask for the Surety Division. Please refer to the Power of Attorney Number, the above named individual(s)and details of the bond to which the power is attached. For information or filing claims,please contact Surety Claims,ICW Group, 11455 El Camino Real,San Diego,CA 92130-2045 or call(858)350-2400. All-Purpose Certificate of Acknowiedgl'I'Mnt _ State of Washington Count/ Of Pierce } On May 23, 2006 before me, Alice Marie Poulin OATS NAME OF NO T ARY PUBLIC personally appeared Michael R. Highsmith NAME(g)OF SIGNER(S) Q personally known to me - OR ❑proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the �ter►r�t� person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument e. `��,RfE A!'.-0.0 and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies);and that by his/her/their ®��'��a��1O" ••,G� signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon NOTARY s = behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. m► :, PUBLIC,,:o Witnes y hand and ial s al. s .0 o, �'��Eenrrror��� I NA I URE OF NOTA Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT($) ❑ individual(s)... Type of Document C3 Corporate Officer, C Title(s) ❑ Partner(s) Number of Pages d Attomey-in-Fact C3 Trustee(s) ❑ Subscribing Witness Date of Document ❑ Guardian/Conservator ❑ Other: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S)OR ENTITY(10) Insurance Company of the West THE AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCIECTS AIA Document A312 Bond No. 2175537 Performance Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Principal Place of Business): Lincoln Construction, Inc. Insurance Company of the West P.O. Box 730 11820 Northrup Way So., #E-130 Spanaway,WA 98387 Bellevue,WA 98005 OWNER (Name and Address): City of Renton Renton Municipal Airport 616 W. Perimeter Road Renton,WA 98055 CONSTRUCTION Date: May 23,CONTRACT/./'// RAC 23, 2006 � Amount: $141,277.89 Description (Name and Location): Building 790 Secondary Egress Project Renton Municipal Airport, 790 West Perimeter Road BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): May 23, 2006 Amount: $141,277.89 Lk Modifications to this Bond: XX None ❑ See Page 3 CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) Lincoln Cans tion, I Insurance Company of the West Signature: Signature: Name and Title: angel C. n I e ident Name and Title: Michael R. ig smith,Attorney-In-Fact (Any additional signatures appear on pa de 3) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY- Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or other party): Arthur J.Gallagher Risk Management Services,Inc. P.O. Box 2925 Tacoma,WA 98401-2925 (253)627-7183 AIA DOCUMENT A312•PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND•DECEMBER 1984 ED.•AIA THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVE.,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A312-1984 1 THIRD PRINTING•MARCH 1987 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly id severally, bind which*Kay be liable to the Owner and, as soon as themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors practicable after the amount is determined, tender and assigns to the Owner for the performance of the payment therefore to the Owner; or Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by .2 Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner reference. citing reasons therefore. 2 If the Contractor performs the Construction Contract, the 5 If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4 Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this with reasonable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed to be Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in in default on this Bond fifteen days after receipt of an additional Subparagraph 3.1. written notice from the Owner to the Surety demanding that the 3 If there is no Owner Default, the Surety's obligation under this Surety perform its obligations under this Bond, and the Owner Bond shall arise after: shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.4, and the 3.1 The Owner has notified the Contractor and the Surety at Owner refuses the payment tendered or the Surety has denied its address described in Paragraph 10 below that the Owner liability, in whole or in part,without further notice the Owner shall is considering declaring a Contractor Default and has be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the Contractor and the Surety to be held not later than fifteen 6 After the Owner has terminated the Contractor's right to days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to performing the Construction Contract. If the Owner, the act under Subparagraph 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 above, then the Contractor and the Surety agree, the Contractor shall be responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater allowed a reasonable time to perform the Construction than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be right, if any, subsequently to declare a Contractor Default; greater than those of the Owner under the Construction and Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond, but subject to commitment by the Owner of the Balance of the Contract Price 3.2 The Owner has declared a Contractor Default and to mitigation of costs and damages on the Construction formally terminated the Contractor's right to complete the Contract,the Surety is obligated without duplication for: contract. Such Contractor Default shall not be declared earlier than twenty days after the Contractor and the Surety 6.1 The responsibilities of the Contractor for correction of have received notice as provided in Subparagraph 3.1; and defective work and completion of the Construction Contract; 3.3 The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the 6.2 Additional legal, design professional and delay costs Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of resulting from the Contractor's Default, and resulting from the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; perform the Construction Contract in accordance with the and terms of the contract with the Owner. 6.3 Liquidated damages, or if not liquidated damages are 4 When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 3, specified in the Construction Contract, actual damages the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take one caused by delayed performance or non-performance of the of the following actions: Contractor. 4.1 Arrange for the Contractor, with consent of the Owner, 7 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others for to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Construction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price 4.2 Undertake to perform and complete the Construction shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated Contract itself, through its agents or through independent obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any contractors; or person or entity other than the Owner or its heirs, executors, 4.3 Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified administrators or successors. contractors acceptable to the Owner for a contract for 8 The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including performance and completion of the Construction Contract, changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by the subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. Owner and the contractor selected with the Owner's concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment 9 Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in bonds issued on the Construction Contract, and pay to the which the work or part of the work is located and shall be Owner the amount of damages as described in Paragraph 6 instituted within two years after Contractor Default or within two in excess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years the Owner resulting from the Contractor's default; or after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond, whichever occurs first. If the provisions of this 4.4 Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of promptness under the circumstances: the suit shall be applicable. .1 After investigation, determine the amount for AIA DOCUMENT A312•PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND•DECEMBER 1984 ED.•AIA THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVE.,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A312-1984 2 10 Notice to the Surety, the Owner c e Contractor shall by the Owne i settlement of insurance or other be-mailed or delivered to the ad s shown on the claims for darNawAs to which the Contractor is entitled, signature page. reduced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction 11 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a Contract. statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this 12.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement the Owner and the Contractor identified on the shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions signature page, including all Contract Documents and conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement changes thereto. shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not 12.3 Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, as a common law bond. which has neither been remedied nor waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the 12 DEFINITIONS Construction Contract. 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount 12.4 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments Contractor as required by the Construction Contract or have been made, including allowance to the to perform and complete or comply with the other Contractor of any amounts received or to be received terms thereof. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS BOND ARE AS FOLLOWS: (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties, other than those appearing on the cover page.) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Signature: Name and Title: Name and Title: Address: Address: AIA DOCUMENT A312•PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND•DECEMBER 1984 ED.•AIA THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVE.,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A312-1984 3 THIRD PRINTING•MARCH 1987 THE A%eRICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCFwo(ECTS AIA Document A312 Bond No.2175537 Payment Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Principal Place of Business): Lincoln Construction, Inc. Insurance Company of the West P.O. Box 730 11820 Northrup Way So.,#E-130 Spanaway,WA 98387 Bellevue,WA 98005 OWNER (Name and Address): City of Renton Renton Municipal Airport 616 W. Perimeter Road Renton,WA 98055 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: May 23, 2006 Amount: $141,277.89 Description (Name and Location): Building 790 Secondary Egress Project Renton Municipal Airport, 790 West Perimeter Road BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): May 23, 2006 Amount: $141,277.89 Modifications to this Bond: XX None ❑ See Page 6 CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) Lincoln Construction, Inc. Insurance Company of the West Signature: Signature. AA, b Name and Title: C. ' c n esi ent Name and Title: Michael R. ighsmith,Attorney In-Fact (Any additional signatures appear on age 6) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY-Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or other party): Arthur J.Gallagher Risk Management Services,Inc. P.O.Box 2925 Tacoma,WA 98401-2925 (253)627-7183 AIA DOCUMENT A312•PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND•DECEMBER 1984 ED.•AIA THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVE.,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A312-1984 4 THIRD PRINTING•MARCH 1987 1 The,Contractor and the Surety, jointl'*Vfid severally, bind 6 When the Claim*aq(has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors 4, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take and assigns to the Owner to pay for labor, materials and the following actions: equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by 6.1 Send an answer to the Claimant, with a copy to the reference. Owner, within 45 days after receipt of the claim, stating the amounts that are undisputed and the basis for challenging 2 With respect to the Owner, this obligation shall be null and any amounts that are disputed. void if the Contractor: 6.2 Pay or arrange for payment of any undisputed 2.1 Promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly, for all amounts. sums due Claimants, and 7 The Surety's total obligation shall not exceed the amount of 2.2 Defends, indemnifies and holds harmless the Owner this Bond, and the amount of this Bond shall be credited for from claims, demands, liens or suits by any person or entity any payments made in good faith by the Surety. whose claim, demand, lien or suit is for the payment for labor, materials or equipment furnished for use in the 8 Amounts owed by the Owner to the Contractor under the performance of the Construction Contract, provided the Construction Contract shall be used for the performance of the Owner has promptly notified the Contractor and the Surety Construction Contract and to satisfy claims, if any, under any (at the address described in Paragraph 12) of any claims, Construction Performance Bond. By the Contractor furnishing demands, liens or suits and tendered defense of such and the Owner accepting this Bond, they agree that all funds claims, demands, liens or suits to the Contractor and the earned by the Contractor in the performance of the Construction Surety, and provided there is no Owner Default. Contract are dedicated to satisfy obligations of the Contractor and the Surety under this Bond, subject to the Owner's priority 3 With respect to Claimants, this obligation shall be null and to use the funds for the completion of the work. void if the Contractor promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly,for all sums due. 9 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner, Claimants or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the 4. The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants under this Construction Contract. The Owner shall not be liable for Bond until: payment of any costs or expenses of any Claimant under this 4.1 Claimants who are employed by or have a direct Bond, and shall have under this Bond no obligations to make contract with the Contractor have given notice to the payments to, give notices on behalf of, or otherwise have Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) and obligations to Claimants under this Bond. sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a 10 The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including claim is being made under this Bond and, with substantial changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related accuracy,the amount of the claim. subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. 4.2 Claimants who do not have a direct contract with the 11 No suit or action shall be commenced by a Claimant under Contractor: this Bond other than in a court of competent jurisdiction in the .1 Have furnished written notice to the Contractor location in which the work or part of the work is located or after and sent a co the expiration of one year from the date (1) on which the copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, Claimant gave the notice required by Subparagraph 4.1 or within 90 days after having last performed labor Clause 4.2.3, or (2) on which the last labor or service was last furnished materials equipment included in n performed by anyone or the last materials or equipment were the claim stating, with substantial accuracy, the furnished by anyone under the Construction Contract, amount the claim and the name of the party to whichever of (1) or (2) first occurs. If the provisions of this whom the a materials were furnished or supplied or Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of for whom the labor was done or performed; and limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of .2 Have either received a rejection in whole or in part the suit shall be applicable. from the Contractor, or not received within 30 12 Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be days of furnishing the above notice any mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature communication from the Contractor by which the page. Actual receipt of notice by Surety, the Owner or the Contractor has indicated the claim will be paid Contractor, however accomplished, shall be sufficient directly or indirectly; and compliance as of the date received at the address shown on the .3 Not having been paid within the above 30 days, signature page. have sent a written notice to the Surety (at the 13 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a address described in Paragraph 12) and sent a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that construction was to be , an erformed a claim is being made under this Bond and P y provision in this Bond enclosing a copy of the previous written notice conflicting with said statutory or legal requirements shall be furnished to the Contractor. deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed 5 If a notice required by Paragraph 4 is given by the Owner to incorporated herein. The intent is that this the Contractor or to the Surety,that is sufficient compliance. AIA DOCUMENT A312•PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND•DECEMBER 1984 ED.•AIA THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVE.,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A312-1984 5 THIRD PRINTING•MARCH 1987 Bond shall be construed as a statuto and and not as a in the Com tion Contract, architectural and common law bond. engineering sees required for performance of the work of the Contractor and the Contractor's 14 Upon request by any person or entity appearing to be a subcontractors, and all other items for which a potential beneficiary of this Bond, the Contractor shall mechanic's lien may be asserted in the jurisdiction promptly furnish a copy of this Bond or shall permit a copy where the labor, materials or equipment were to be made. furnished. 15 DEFINITIONS 15.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the 15.1 Claimant: An individual or entity having a direct signature page, including all Contract Documents and contract with the Contractor or with a subcontractor of changes thereto. the Contractor to furnish labor, materials or equipment for use in the performance of the Contract. The intent 15.3 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has of this Bond shall be to include without limitation in the neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the terms "labor, materials or equipment" that part of Contractor as required by the Construction Contract or water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone to perform and complete or comply with the other service or rental equipment used terms thereof. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS BOND ARE AS FOLLOWS: (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties, other than those appearing on the cover page.) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Signature: Name and Title: Name and Title: Address: Address: AIA DOCUMENT A312•PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND•DECEMBER 1984 ED.•AIA THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVE.,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A312-1984 6 THIRD PRINTING•MARCH 1987 ' ICW GROUP No. 0004612 ' Power of Attorney Insurance Company of the West Explorer Insurance Company Independence Casualty and Surety Company KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Insurance Company of the West, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of California, Explorer Insurance Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of California, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas,(collectively referred to as the"Companies"),do hereby appoint CURTIS DYCKMAN,MICHAEL R.HIGHSMITH,ELIZABETH A.WHITT,SUSAN J.HUDSON, MARIE POULIN,GUIDA MCCLAIN their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact with authority to date,execute,sign,seal,and deliver on behalf of the Companies,fidelity and surety bonds,undertakings, and other similar contracts of suretyship,and any related documents. In witness whereof,the Companies have caused these presents to be executed by its duly authorized officers this 1 st day of November,2005. Y ���oowrkvre��� 'Se aRNp� veyT �o�� INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST oevo�r to v° 'F�'. 4 X EXPLORER INSURANCE COMPANY 1� SEAL..1;l; m a INDEPENDENCE CASUALTY AND SURETY *oft" ,Aso COMPANY Jeffrey D.Sweeney,Assistant Secretary John L.Hannum,Executive Vice President State of California } ss. County of San Diego On November 1,2005,before me,Francis Fafaul,Notary Public,personally appeared John L.Hannum and Jeffrey D.Sweeney,personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities,and that by their signatures on the instrument,the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted,executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. FRAMM F�� SAN MMaNH y- Francis Fafaul,Notary Public RESOLUTIONS This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed,sealed and notarized with facsimile signatures and seals under authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of each of the Companies: "RESOLVED: That the President, an Executive or Senior Vice President of the Company,together with the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary,are hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney appointing the person(s)named as Attomey(s)-in-Fact to date,execute,sign, seal,and deliver on behalf of the Company,fidelity and surety bonds,undertakings,and other similar contracts of suretyship,and any related documents. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the signatures of the officers making the appointment,and the signature of any officer certifying the validity and current status of the appointment,may be facsimile representations of those signatures;and the signature and seal of any notary,and the seal of the Company,may be facsimile representations of those signatures and seals,and such facsimile representations shall have the same force and effect as if manually affixed. The facsimile representations referred to herein may be affixed by stamping,printing,typing,or photocopying." CERTIFICATE I,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary of Insurance Company of the West,Explorer Insurance Company, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company,do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is in full force and effect,and has not been revoked,and that the above resolutions were duly adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of the Companies,and are now in full force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have set my hand this 23 day of May 2006 Jeffrey D.Sweeney,Assistant Secretary To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney you may call 1-800-877-1111 and ask for the Surety Division. Please refer to the Power of Attorney Number, the above named individual(s)and details of the bond to which the power is attached. For information or filing claims,please contact Surety Claims,ICW Group, 11455 El Camino Real,San Diego,CA 92130-2045 or call(858)350-2400. rn g NO an PROJECT MANUAL FOR CONSTRUCTION including Specifications and Calculations for RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT: QUONSET HUT - BUILDING #790 at +�++ Renton, Washington r Prepared For: City of Renton Transportation Systems Design 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425.430.7372 Fax: 425.430.7376 r •+� Date of Issue: February 17, 2006 r. Table of Contents DIVISION 0-CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00010 Bid Submittal Checklist 00020 Synopsis of Bidding Information 00030 Call for Bids 00100 Instructions to Bidders 00200 Contractors Qualification Statement 00300 Bid Form 00400 Nqn-Collusion,Anti-Trust,and Minimum Wage Form 00500 Contract 00700 General Conditions 00800 Special Conditions 00810 Insurance Conditions 00910 Bond to The City of Renton Form DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work 01060 Regulatory Requirements 01300 Submittals 01400 Quality Control 01510 Temporary Utilities 01530 Barriers and Enclosures 01550 Access Roads and Parking Areas 01560 Temporary Controls r 01620 Storage Protection 01630 Substitutions and Product Options 01710 Cleaning trr 01740 Warranties and Bonds 01750 Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK 02000 General Site Work 02223 Trenching,Backfilling and Compaction 02525 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks 02667 Water Lines 02710 Pavement Marking DIVISION 3 -CONCRETE 03100 Installation 03200 Slabs on Grade 03300 Cast-in place Concrete rr rir DIVISION 4-MASONRY 04200 Unit Masonry 04250 Masonry Veneer r DIVISION 5 -METALS 05120 Structural Steel 05500 Miscellaneous Metals DIVISION 6-WOODS AND PLASTICS 06100 Rough Carpentry 06190 Wood Trusses 06196 Plywood Web Joists 06200 Finish Carpentry 06300 Wood Treatment air DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07160 Bituminous Damproofing 07190 Vapor and Air Barriers 07200 Insulation 07250 Fire stopping 07310 Roofing Shingles 07460 Siding ■ DIVISION 8 -DOORS AND WINDOWS 08100 Steel Doors and Frames 08200 Wood Doors 08300 Special Doors 08305 Access Doors 08400 Windows 08710 Finish Hardware 08800 Glazing DIVISION 9-FINISHES tl 09250 Gypsum wallboard 09280 Vestibule Floor Covering 09311 Ceramic Tile 09511 Ceiling Acoustical Treatment 09650 Resilient Flooring 09688 Carpeting Glue-Down r 09900 Painting rr DIVISION 10- SPECIALTIES rr 10300 Fireplace 10400 Identifying Devices 10505 Metal Lockers 10520 Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets 10550 Postal Specialties 10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories 10820 Tub and Shower Enclosures rr DIVISION 11 —EQUIPMENT NOT USED DIVISION 12—FURNISHINGS �r 12300 Cabinets DIVISION 13 —SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION NOT USED DIVISION 14—CONVEYING SYSTEMS NOT USED DIVISION 15—MECHANICAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements aw 15450 Basic Plumbing Requirements DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS 16010 Basic Electrical Requirements 16120 Conductors and Cables 16130 Boxes 16141 Wiring Devices 16170 Grounding and Bonding 16510 Interior Luminaries ■ „ SECTION 00010-BID SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST rr ++� The following items are required to be submitted for the Bid. Other forms not listed below but included in these Specifications are for informational purposes and need only be executed by the successful Contractor. air LIST OF REQUIRED SUBMITTALS ❑ Bid Proposal Form (Section 00300) ❑ Non-Collusion,Anti-Trust,&Minimum Wage Form(Section 00400) �` ❑ Contractor's Qualification Statement(Section 00200) rr END OF SECTION �r s rrr BID SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST-00010 _ 1 _ SECTION 00020 - SYNOPSIS OF BIDDING INFORMATION A. PROJECT: BUILDING NO. 790 SECOND FLOOR EGRESS UPGRADES • Quonset Hut Maintenance Building NO. 790, 790 West Perimeter r Road, Renton, WA 98055 B. OWNER: City of Renton, Transportation Systems Division go 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 C. OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE: Bruce Fisher,Airport Operations Specialist Transportation Systems Division-Airport 616 West Perimeter Road Renton,WA 98055 Phone 425.430.7471 FAX 425.430.7472 s D. Designer: designers Plus 1540 Thorndyke Avenue W. Seattle,WA 98199 Phone 206.217.4648 E. BIDS DUE: March 23, 2006, 2:30 p.m. at the City Clerks Office 7th floor conference room, and opened and read publicly in room#521of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98055. F. NOTICE TO PROCEED: Approximately April 15, 2006 G. TIME OF CONSTRUCTION: Sixty(60)calendar days. r H. PERFORMANCE BOND &PAYMENT BOND: 100%of contract amount. I. WAGES: Pay state prevailing wages rates. END OF SECTION �r r r.� SYNOPSIS OF BIDDING INFORMATION-00020 - l - SECTION 00030—CALL FOR BIDS City of Renton CALL FOR BIDS Airport Quonset Hut Building #790 Renovations, and Parks Buildings ADA Upgrades Sealed bids will be received until 2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 23, 2006,at the City Clerk office, 7th floor, rr and will be opened and publicly read in the fifth floor conference room, #521of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98055, for the Airport Quonset Hut Building #790 Egress and ADA Upgrades project. The work to be performed within 90 working days from the date of commencement under this contract shall include, but not be limited to: ` o Renovating a portion of the existing second floor and constructing a steel observation deck and stairs at Airport Quonset Hut Building#790, located at the Renton Municipal Airport; and as Renovating four nearly identical activity buildings at four separate parks in Renton by remodeling the restrooms and kitchenettes in the buildings. o Q ,. Bid documents may be obtained at Olympic Reprographics, 1016— 1st Ave South Seattle, WA 98134,by phoning 206-343-1569 or by going to their web site at www.olyrepro.com and clicking on the"P1anWell, Public Planroom." Prospective bidders will be required to pay reproduction costs. orr The buildings will be open for a walk-through on Tuesday,February 28,2006, from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Attendance by bidders is strongly recommended but not mandatory. rr Questions regarding this call for bids or the plan holders lists should be directed to Jim Bryan, Designers Plus, at 206-265-0744. If a bidder has any questions regarding the project, please contact the Project Manager, Michael Nolan,at 1055 S. Grady Way,Renton, WA 98055 or 425-430-6608. err A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent(5%)of the total of each bid must accompany each bid. ow The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informalities. The City's Fair Practices,Non-Discrimination,and Americans with Disability Act policies shall apply. �r rr Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk Published: irr Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce February 17 &24,2006 a' CALL FOR BIDS -00030 - 1 - w SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.01 STANDARD FORM Incorporate by this reference the Instructions to Bidders, 1997, AIA Document A701, as follows.Articles 1 through 8 inclusive are included as a part of this contract. The Bidders + Contractor and all Subcontractors shall read and be governed by them. 1.02 SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS rr The City's fair practices and non-discrimination policies, and State Prevailing Wage Rates apply to this project. A Notice To Proceed shall be given after the building permit is ow approved,the City Council,City Attorney,Risk Manager approves the Contract,and the Contract is signed by the Mayor. Upon Notification of Intent to Award Contract,the following documents must be submitted prior to commencement of the Work and no later than 10 days after receipt of Notification of ow Intent To Award Contract: a. Standard Form of Agreement(Section 00500). ■r b. Bond To The City Of Renton(Section 00910). c. City of Renton Business License(Section 00800). d. Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages(Section 00800). e. Certificate of Liability Insurance(Section 00810); naming the City of Renton as additional insured. f. Project Time of Completion and amount of Liquid Damages are stated in the Form of Proposal. g. Progress Payments will be subject to retainage of 5%as stated in the Standard Form of Agreement Owner and Contractor. r 1. Sealed bids for this proposal will be received by the City of Renton at the office of the Renton City Clerk,Renton City Hall,until the time and date specified in the Call for Bids. lrr At this time the bids will be publicly opened and read,after which the bids will be considered and the award made as early as practicable. r No proposal may be changed or withdrawn after the time set for receiving bids. Proposals shall be submitted on the forms attached hereto. 2 Any omissions, discrepancies or need for interpretation should be brought, in writing, to the attention of the Project Engineer. Written addenda to clarify questions that arise may then be issued. No oral statements by Owner, Engineer,or other representative of the owner shall, in any way,modify the contract documents, whether made before or after letting the contract. +rr INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS—00100 ' 1 - SECTION 00100 -INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 3 The work to be done is shown in the plans and/or specifications. Quantities are understood to be only approximate. Final payment will be based on actual quantities and at the unit price bid. The City reserves the right to add or to eliminate portions of that work as deemed necessary. 4. Bid documents may be obtained at Olympic Reprographics, 1016— 1 st Ave South Seattle, WA 98134,by phoning 206-343-1569 or by going to their web site at www.olyrepro.com and clicking on the"P1anWell, Public Planroom." Prospective bidders will be required to pay reproduction costs. Bidders shall satisfy themselves as to the local conditions by inspection of the site. 5. The bid price for any item must include the performance of all work necessary for completion of that item as described in the specifications. 6. The bid price shall be stated in terms of the units indicated and as to a total amount. In the event of errors,the unit price bid will govern. Illegible figures will invalidate the bid. 7. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities if it is deemed advantageous to the City to do so. ow 8. A certified check or satisfactory bid bond made payable without reservation to the Director of Finance of the City of Renton in an amount not less than 5%of the total amount of the bid shall accompany each bid proposal. Checks will be returned to .r unsuccessful bidders immediately following the decision as to award of contract. The check of the successful bidder will be returned provided he enters into a contract and furnishes a satisfactory performance bond covering the full amount of the work within ow ten days after receipt of notice of intention to award contract. Should he fail, or refuse to do so,the check shall be forfeited to the City of Renton as liquidated damage for such failure. ' 9. All bids must be self-explanatory. No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the City may request further information on particular points. 10. The bidder shall, upon request, furnish information to the City as to his financial and practical ability to satisfactorily perform the work. 11. Payment for this work will be made in Cash Warrants. 12. The contractor shall obtain such construction insurance(e.g. fire and extended ar coverage,worker's compensation,public liability, and property damage as indicated on forms enclosed under Attachment A herein and as identified within Specification Section 1-07.18. 13. The contractor,prior to the start of construction, shall provide the City of Renton a detailed bar chart type construction schedule for the project. +wr 14 Before starting work under this contract,the Contractor is required to supply information to the City of Renton on all chemical hazards Contractor is bringing into the work place and potentially exposing City of Renton Employees. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS—00100 -2- rr SECTION 00100 -INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 15. Payment of retainage shall be done in accordance with Section 1-09.9(1) "Retainage. err 16. Basis For Approval • The construction contract will be awarded by the City of Renton to the lowest, responsible,responsive bidder. The bidder shall bid on all bid schedules items of all schedules set forth in the bid forms to be considered responsive for award. The total price of all schedules will be used to determine the successful low responsive bidder. Partial bids will not be accepted. The owner reserves the right to award any or all schedules of the Bid to meet the needs of the City. The intent is to award to only one rr BIDDER. 17. Trench Excavation Safety Systems As required by RCW 39.04.180, on public works projects in which trench excavation will exceed a depth of four feet,any contract therefor shall require adequate safety systems for the trench excavation that meet the requirements of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act,Chapter 49.17 RCW. These requirements shall be included in the Bid Schedule as a separate item. The costs of trench safety systems shall not be considered as incidental to any other contract item and any attempt to include the trench safety systems as an incidental cost is prohibited. 18. Payment of Prevailing Wages In accordance with Revised Code of Washington Chapters 39.12 and 49.28 as amended or supplemented herein,there shall be paid to all laborers,workmen or to mechanics employed on this contract the prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work in the same trade or occupation in the area of work regardless of any contractual relationship which may exist,or be alleged to exist,between the CONTRACTOR and it any laborers,workmen, mechanics or subconsultants. The most recent issue of the prevailing wage rates is not included within these specifications under section titled"Prevailing Minimum Hourly Wage Rates". The Contractor is Responsible for obtaining updated issues of the prevailing wage rate forms as they become available during the duration of the contract. The wage rates shall be included as part of any subcontracts the Contractor may enter into for work on this project. 19. Employment of Resident Employees err The CONTRACTOR and subcontractors shall employ Washington State residents in accordance with the requirements of RCW 39.16. �.r 20. Pollution Control Requirements r Work under this contract shall meet all local, state and federal requirements for the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of public natural resources. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct the work in accordance with all applicable pollution control laws. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with and be liable for all r. penalties,damages,and violations under Chapter 90.48 RCW, in performance of the r INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS—00100 -3 - r.. SECTION 00100 -INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS work. The CONTRACTOR shall also comply with Article 4 in the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation III regarding removal and encapsulation of asbestos materials. 21. Standard Specifications All work under this contract shall be performed in accordance with the following +.r standard specifications except as may be exempted or modified by the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications, Special Provisions other sections of these contract documents. These standard specifications are hereby made a part of this contract and shall control and guide all activities within this project whether referred to directly, paragraph by paragraph,or not. 1. WSDOT/APWA "2004 Standard Specifications for Road,Bridge and Municipal Construction"and "Division I APWA Supplement"hereinafter referred to by the abbreviated title"Standard Specifications." A. Any reference to "State," "State of Washington," "Department of Transportation," "WSDOT,"or any combination thereof in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be modified to read"City of Renton," unless specifically referring to a standard specification or test method. B. All references to measurement and payment in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be detected and the measurement and payment provisions of Section 1-09.14, Measurement and Payment(added herein)shall govern. �r 22. If a soils investigation has been completed,a copy may be included as an appendix to this document. If one has not been provided for this project by the City or Engineer, the Bidders shall familiarize themselves adequately with the project site and existing • subsurface condition as needed to submit their bid. Upon approval of the City, the Bidder may make such subsurface explorations and investigations as they see fit. The Bidder shall be responsible for protection of all existing facilities, utilities and other buried or surface improvements and shall restore the site to the satisfaction of the City. 23 Bidder's Checklist ❑ It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed on the attached index are included in their copy of the bid specifications. If documents are missing, it is the sole responsibility of the bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the missing documents prior to bid opening time. �r ❑ Have you submitted, as part of your bid, all documents marked in the index as "Submit With Bid"? ❑ Has bid bond or certified check been enclosed? ❑ Is the amount of the bid guaranty at least 5 percent of the total amount of bid including sales tax? ❑ Has the proposal been signed? ❑ Have you bid on ALL ITEMS and ALL SCHEDULES? ❑ Have you submitted the Subcontractors List(If required) ❑ Have you reviewed the Prevailing Wage Requirements? + INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS—00100 -4- rr SECTION 00100 -INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ❑ Have you certified receipt of addenda, if any? 1.03 BIDDER SELECTION CRITERIA A. Contractor's Qualifications Statement", Section 00200 will be the basis of establishing bidder's responsiveness,and ability to perform the work for this project. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or irregularities in bids received. wr END OF SECTION r. r +rr wr wr r. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS—00100 -5 - w. SECTION 00200 - CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT r 1.01 STANDARD FORM wr A. The"Contractor's Qualification Statement". 1986,AIA Document A305 follows and is included as part of this contract. The Bidders,Contractor and all Subcontractors shall read and +r be governed by them. END OF SECTION rri r w .r �r rr nr r CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT—00200 Page 1 of 1 r. SECTION 00300-BID FORM FORM OF PROPOSAL ( BID ) the Airport Quonset Hut Building#790 Egress and ADA Upgrades +ww Clayton Scott Airport 790 West Perimeter Road Renton, WA 98055 Bids Due: 2:30 RAI Thursday, March 23, 2006 +�r To: Room# 521 Fifth Floor of City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 The undersigned hereby certifies that they have carefully examined the Contract Documents as defined in the General Conditions and have examined the sites of the work and the locations where said work is to be done, and fully understands the manner in which payment is proposed to be made for the cost thereof, hereby proposes to furnish all materials and to perform all labor which may be required to complete said work within the time fixed, and upon the terms and conditions provided in said Contract Documents for consideration of the following amount: A. BASE BID For all work shown in the Contract Documents the sum of: $ Washington State Sales Tax: $ w Grand Total Base Bid: $ + + B. ALTERNATE BIDS ALTERNATE NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION: ALTERNATE#1: Deduct interior and exterior painting DEDUCT: $ Washington State Sales Tax: $ ■r Total Alternate#1: $ �r BID FORM-00300 - 1 - war ALTERNATE#2: Deduct interior and exterior ADA Upgrade DEDUCT: $ r Washington State Sales Tax: $ Total Alternate#2: $ �r Total Alternates #1 and #2: $ C. CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL 1. Determination of Low Bidder: The owner reserves the right to 'Award a Contract' based on the Contractor's Proposal Amounts for Base Bid and/or Breakdown, in whatever manner is in the Owner's best interest. 2. Overhead and Profit: All of the above Bid Prices shall include overhead and profit. D. PERIOD OF BID VALIDITY/ACCEPTANCE OF BID 1. BASE BID The undersigned hereby agrees that this BID as described in paragraph "A" shall be a valid and firm offering for the period of sixty (60) days from closing time for iw the "Receipt Of Bids." Acceptance of Bid: Within sixty (60) days after the opening of Form Of Proposal, the City will act either to accept the Proposal from the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder, or to reject all Bids. The City reserves the right to request extensions of such Bid acceptance period. The acceptance of a Bid will be evidenced by a written Notice of Intent to Award Contract to the Bidder whose Bid is under consideration for acceptance, together with a request to furnish a bond(if required), evidence of insurance to execute the agreement set forth in the Contract Documents, and other designated documents. E. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT If written "Notice of Intent to Award Contract" is mailed, telegraphed, facsimile, or delivered to the undersigned within the "period of Bid Validity" noted above, or any time thereafter before this Bid is withdrawn, the undersigned will, within ten (10) days after the date of such notification, execute a Contract in the form of the AIA Document A101 "STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR- STIPULATED SUM", 1997 edition. BID FORM-00300 2 r F. TIME FOR COMPLETION The undersigned hereby agrees to "FINAL COMPLETION" of all Work outlined in the Contract Documents within 60 calendar days of receiving the Notice To Proceed.. G. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the Contractor fails to complete the Work by the FINAL COMPLETION DATE iW (or such extension of that date which might be granted by the Owner), he agrees to abide by all provisions of the Contract. In addition, Liquidated Damages in the amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($ 200.00)will be assessed for each calendar day arr that the Contractor exceeds the "FINAL COMPLETION DATE." H. ADDENDUM RECEIPT +rr Receipt of the following "ADDENDA" to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS is acknowledged: Addendum No. Date Addendum No. Date ow Addendum No. Date �rw L EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL Name of Firm it State License Registration No. iW Address City State Zip Code ir Telephone_ ( ) FAX_ ) w. The undersigned designates the above as the firm and address to which "NOTICE OF CONTRACT AWARD" may be mailed, hand delivered or delivered via facsimile. NOTE: If a Bidder is a corporation, write state of incorporation; and if a partnership, give full names and addresses of all partners below: The undersigned certifies that the above is a firm and valid BID to accomplish all Work and comply with all requirements of the Contract Documents. BID FORM-00300 3 r .r 4w Date Signature Name& Title aw ow END OF BID FORM jw �Irrr OW iw w iw io i iw 60 BID FORM-00300 -4- ,r. SECTION 00400 -NON-COLLUSION, ANTI-TRUST, AND MINIMUM WAGE FORM +� NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being duly sworn, deposes and says,that he is the identical person who submitted the forgoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and further,that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other Bidder on the foregoing work or equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding,and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself or to any other person any advantage over the other Bidder or Bidders. AND CERTIFICATION RE:ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER Vendor and purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations are in fact usually borne by the purchaser. Therefore,vendor hereby assigns to purchaser any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this order or contract,except as to overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations commencing after the date of the +0 bid, quotation,or other event establishing the price under this order or contract. In addition,vendor warrants and represents that such of his suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims to purchaser, subject to the aforementioned exception. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I,the undersigned, having been duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project,I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work; not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wages as specified in the principal contract: that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my NO knowledge and belief. FOR: NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT,ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO iirr PURCHASER AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT 10 Name of Project Name of Bidder's Firm Signature of Authorized Representative of Bidder Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of 20 am Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: NON-COLLUSION, ANTI-TRUST, AND MINIMUM WAGE FORM-00400 1 rr SECTION 00500 - CONTRACT 101 STANDARD FORM The Standard Form of Agreement Between the Owner and the Contractor Where the Basis of ■r. Payment is a Stipulated Sum, 1997,AIA Document A-101,as follows,Articles 1 through 9 inclusive. They are included as part of the contract. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall read and be governed by them,with enclosed modifications. r END OF SECTION r rrr rtr :rr on .r err CONTRACT-00500 1 w SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 101 STANDARD FORM The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 1997, AIA Document A-201,as follows,Articles 1 through 14 inclusive. They are included as part of the contract. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall read and be governed by them. stir END OF SECTION Ift r rrr r r ■r GENERAL CONDITIONS—00700 1 r. SECTION 00800 -SPECIAL CONDITIONS rr The following supplements modify the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", AIA Document A201, 1997 edition, as a part of these Contract Documents. �r ARTICLE 1 -COMPLIANCE WITH WAGE RATES AND FILING OF "INTENT TO PAY PREVAILING WAGES"HEREINAFTER CALLED "INTENT" AND "AFFIDAVIT OF WAGES PAID" 1.1 "Prevailing Wages on Public Works"-The Contractor and Subcontractors shall comply with 39.12 RCW and amendments "Prevailing Wages on Public Works." The prevailing rate wages to be paid to all workers, laborers, or mechanics employed in the performance of any part of this Contract shall be in accordance therewith. 1.2 Current prevailing wage data will be furnished by the Industrial Statistician upon err request. Requests shall be made to the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. Wage data is also available at http://www.lni.wa.gov/prevailingwwag_e/prev wage rates htm The Contractor is responsible for paying the appropriate wage rates. r 1.3 The Contractor,and all Subcontractors,on or before the date of commencement of work, shall file a statement under oath with the City and with the Director of Labor and Industries certifying the rate of hourly wages paid to each classification of laborers,workers, or mechanics employed to perform work under this Contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages determined by the Washington State Labor and Industries. Such statement and any supplemental statements which may be necessary shall be filed in accordance with the practices and procedures required by the Department of Labor and Industries. 1.4 Copies of all "Intents" shall be on file with the Contractor,the Industrial Statistician, and the City. 1.5 "Affidavits of Wages Paid"-upon completion of project,the Contractor shall fully execute and file "Affidavit of Wages Paid"with the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and any other agencies required by law. Sample copy enclosed herein. Copies shall be provided to the City prior to Final Completion, Final Payment and release of Retainage. Each affidavit of wages paid must be certified by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries before it is submitted. r�r 1.6 All costs and fees for and associated with the "Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages"and "Affidavits of Wages Paid" are to be paid by the Contractor. it ARTICLE 2 - STATE LICENSING LAW The Contractor agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter 18.27 RCW. The Contractor agrees and covenants to furnish unto the Owner proper evidence that the Contractor has fully tw complied with the State Licensing Law of the State of Washington,Chapter 18.27 RCW, and a Contractor's Certificate of Registration shall be in full force and effect throughout the work project herein above enumerated, prior to starting work. ARTICLE 3-NON-DISCRIMINATION SPECIAL CONDITIONS—00800 - 1 - �r The Contractor shall offer equal opportunity to all qualified employees and applicants for employment without regard to the race,creed, color, sex,national origin,age,or disability. ARTICLE 4- CITY OF RENTON BUSINESS LICENSE Prior to signing a contract the contractor agrees to purchase a City of Renton Business License ,r and maintain the license in full force and effect throughout the work of the project. License may be purchased from the City Finance Department located on the First Floor of the City Hall Building, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA. rr. ARTICLE 5-SITE AND STREET CLEANING Contractors working dump trucks and/or other equipment on paved streets and roadways will be required to clean said streets at the conclusion of each day's operation or as directed by the City. If the area is not properly cleaned or the condition of the excavation warrants or if required by other City or State ordinances or requirements, the Owner shall direct the Contractor to provide ' facilities to remove clay or other deposits from the tires or between dual wheels before trucks and/or other equipment will be allowed to travel beyond the construction site. Any violation of the above requirements shall be sufficient ground for the Owner to order the area in question cleaned by others,the cost of the operation to be deducted from the Contract amount. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to control dust at the construction site by watering as required or as directed by the Owner. All costs in connection with the above work shall be�considered as incidental to the construction, and payment shall be considered to be included in the prices bid for the various items comprising this improvement. ARTICLE 6-PERFORMANCE BOND (CONTRACTOR'S CONTRACT BOND): The Contractor shall execute and deliver to the Owner a bond on the form included in this Contract Documents,with an approved surety company, as surety in the sum of the full amount of the contract price including the Washington State Sales Tax, in compliance with the Revised Codes of Washington, and any amendments thereto. The bond shall also guarantee the Contractor's material and workmanship on the project for a period of one(1)year from the date of the issuance of his Certificate of Substantial Completion by the tect. ARTICLE 7-TRAFFIC SAFETY AND STREET USE: �'� % The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of barricades and the safety guards and any �. other structures of improvement necessary for the complete protection of the public or workers including traffic study requirements as directed by the City in consultation with the Public Works and Police Departments. The Contractor shall further abide by all rules and regulations of OSHA as amended or supplemented by WISHA. Contractor shall be responsible for any permits required due to construction activity or staging in the public right-of-way including, but not limited to,traffic control and flaggers as required by City Public Works Department. All costs in connection with the above work shall be considered as incidental to the construction, and payment shall be considered to be included in the prices bid for the various items comprising this improvement. SPECIAL CONDIT-IONS—00800 -2- rrr r ARTICLE 8-PERMITS: r The Owner will pay directly for the Building Permit. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to apply for and pay for the plumbing,mechanical, electrical and elevator permits and to secure all other Municipal,County, or State permits and licenses necessary or incident to the actual performance of the work under this Contract that have not been addressed in the contract documents,and shall,during the work progress, comply with all laws,ordinances, and .r governmental regulations pertaining to carrying out of the work. END OF SECTION . r �r r r +r. irr SPECIAL CONDITIONS—00800 -3 - r SECTION 00810-INSURANCE CONDITIONS MINIMUM INSURANCE COVERAGE AND REQUIREMENTS The following supplements modify the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", .,, AIA Document A201, 1997 edition, as a part of these Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain the minimum insurance coverage set forth below. rrr By requiring such minimum insurance, CITY OF RENTON shall not be deemed or construed to have assessed the risks that may be applicable to the CONTRACTOR under the Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall assess its own risks and if it deems appropriate and/or prudent, maintain higher limits and/or broader coverage. (1) Commercial General Liability-Acord Form or equivalent, written on an occurrence basis, including: • Premises and Operations ( Including CG 2503 general aggregate to apply per project if applicable) • Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazards • Products/Completed Operations ,,,,, • Contractual Liability • Broad Form Property Damage • Independent Contractors „� • Personal/Advertising Injury • Stop Gap Liability (2) Automobile Liability including all • Owned Vehicles •Non-Owned Vehicles ' • Hired Vehicles (3) Workers'Compensation • Statutory Benefits - Show Washington Labor&Industries Number (4) Umbrella Liability • Excess of Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability. Coverage should be as broad as primary. (5) Builder's Risk O'or new construction only; City will procure Builder's Riskfor remodels) • Builder's Risk insurance covering interests of the City,the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the Work shall be provided by the Contractor. Builder's Risk insurance shall be on an"all-risk"policy form, and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage, including flood and earthquake, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief,collapse,temporary buildings and debris removal. The Builder's Risk insurance covering the work will have a deductible of$5,000 for each occurrence,which will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Higher deductibles for flood and earthquake perils may be accepted by the City upon written request by the INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS—00810 1 +r.r WM Contractor and written acceptance by the City. Any increased deductibles accepted by the City will remain the responsibility of the Contractor. The Builder's Risk insurance shall be maintained until Final Acceptance of the Work by the City. CONTRACTORS INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS w The CONTRACTOR shall carry the following limits of liability as required below: Commercial General Liability General Aggregate* $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal/Advertising Injury $1,000,000 Fire Damage (Any One Fire) $ 50,000 Medical Payments (Any One Person) $ 5,000 Stop Gap Liability $1,000,000 *General Aggregate to apply per project ■ Automobile Liabilitv r Bodily Injury/Property Damage $1,000,000 (Each Accident) Workers' Compensation Statutory Benefits - Show Washington Labor& Industries Number r Umbrella Liability Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $1,000,000 dw Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 Builder's Risk Shall be written in the amount of the completed value of the project with no coinsurance provisions. Pollution Liability_(If required) Per Loss $ 1,000,000 Aggregate $ 1,000,000 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS -00810 2 +irr ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR shall Name CITY OF RENTON, and its officers, officials, agents, employees on and volunteers as Additional Insureds (ISO Form CG 2010 or equivalent). CONTRACTOR shall provide CITY OF RENTON Certificates of Insurance and copies of policies, if at our sole discretion it is deemed appropriate Further, all policies of insurance described above shall: err 1) Be on a primary basis nor contributory with any other insurance coverage and/or self- insurance carried by CITY OF RENTON. �,. 2) Include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause. 3) Severability of Interest Clause (Cross Liability) 4) Policy may not be non-renewed, canceled or materially changed or altered unless forty- five(45) days prior written notice is provided to CITY OF RENTON. Notification shall be provided to CITY OF RENTON by certified mail. An example of an acceptable cancellation clause is as follows: "Should any of the above described policies be canceled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will endeavor to mail 45 days written notice to the certificate holder named to the left. But failure to mail stteh notice shall impose no obligation or-liability of its agents-op+epFesenWi,es The CONTRACTOR shall promptly advise the CITY OF RENTON in the event any general aggregate or other aggregate limits are reduced below the required per occurrence limit. At his or her own expense the CONTRACTOR will reinstate the aggregate limits to comply with the minimum requirements and shall furnish to the CITY OF RENTON a new certificate of insurance showing such coverage is in force. Required insurance coverage shall be maintained throughout the term of this contract, except Automobile Liability and Workers' Compensation, for a period of two (2)years after the date of substantial completion of the project. rr On all Certificates of Insurance,the Certificate Holder shall be listed as"City of Renton, Washington, Attention: Ryan Zulauf, Director of Airport Operations". • INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS-00810 - 3 - SECTION 00910 -BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned as principal, and rr corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations,as surety are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Renton in the penal sum $ for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors,heirs,administrators or person representatives,as the case may be. a` This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington,the Ordinance of the City of Renton. Dated at , Washington,this day of 20 Nevertheless,the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Public Works Construction Contract CAG- providing for construction +rr of Project Name the principal is required to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of the contract; and WHEREAS, the principal has accepted, or is about to accept,the contract,the undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; NOW,THEREFORE, if the principal shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers,mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen,and all persons who shall supply said principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said .r. work, and shall hold said City of Renton harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in the contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under the contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Renton,then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. it Principal Surety 4r Signature Surety's Address +rr BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON FORM 1 +w Name and Title Agent's Signature err Agent's Name and Title Agent's phone number r wr rrr r� irrr r r BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON FORM 2 WX wr DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work: wo p J i�Ora or� n hree (3) d frame apartment building This ro' t con connected to e( 2(3)sto fr ame supp building. 01060 Regulatory Requirements: No Contractor shall comply with the 2003 International Building Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances,as well as secure all necessary permits and licenses. Structures in this project are classified Type III Ad Construction. No 01300 Submittals: 40 Submit Shop Drawings, Samples, and Product Data to Designer for review. ar Designers review does not relieve Contractor from his obligations and duties under the Contract. Contact Owner for information in regards to required submittals. as 01400 Quality Control: err All material and workmanship shall be subject to inspections, examination and test by the Developer/Owner's Representative at any and all times. r Manufactured articles, materials, and equipment shall be applied, installed, .. connected, erected, cleaned and conditioned per manufacturer's written r,r recommendations and/or trade association standards. ■0 01510 Temporary Utilities: r The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing all services and connections for water,electricity, and fuel for construction,and shall pay all charges entailed. `r 01530 Barriers and Enclosures: r The Contractor shall provide barricades and temporary fences where needed. The Contractor shall also provide protection for any trees or plants,which are to be saved. The .Contractor shall coordinate and provide continuous legal exiting from the �. existing building as required by governing codes and authorities. r 01550 Access Roads and Parking Areas: Temporary roads and/or paths shall be provided as needed to facilitate a minimal impact on activities as usual. Temporary roads and/or paths shall be provided as needed to facilitate a minimal impact on activities as usual. air 01560 Temporary Controls: The construction site shall be cleaned and maintained again, to minimize the impact surrounding property and right of ways. r�r GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 irr ..r r rr ,�. 01620 Storage Protection Materials, equipment, fixtures or any other future components of the work shall be protected from the weather, stabilized at building temperature and moisture content or the like, as recommended by the manufacturer of the product. rrr 01630 Substitutions and Product Options: 'rr Cost saving alternates, substitutions, and proposals are acceptable and should be wr submitted to the Owner for approval. irr 01710 Cleaning: tr • At the completion of the work, remove all excess material, construction debris, tools and construction equipment from the site. The entire site areas shall be left clean and in ready to use condition, including but not limited to: visible labels removed, and all other exposed surfaces wiped,mopped or washed clean. 01740 Warranties and Bonds: so up The Contractor shall provide written warranties and proof of adequate bonds for work proposed. 01750 Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials: Appropriate materials shall be provided to the Owner as needed for maintenance. rw r END OF DIVISION 1 .r► �r +rw ww wr ,.r err GENERAL REQUIREMENTS _2 _ DIVISION 2 -SITEWORK PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 Scope of Work ww This section covers all work related to the construction of cement concrete curbs and sidewalks including, but not limited to, furnishing all plant, labor, equipment and �. materials required to complete the work as shown on the plans, described herein and/or requested by the Owner. +rr 1.02 Applicable Publications In accordance with drawings and City of Renton Standard Plans and Specifications, Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) Standard •r Construction Specifications Manual,current. A. GRADING SPEC: irr All grading&drainage work to be performed according to the plans and the current City of Renton, Washington Standard Drawings and the Standard Specification for Public Work Construction current edition and per the Geotechnical Investigation prepared by: BLANK B. STREET IMPROVEMENT SPEC: rr All street improvements to be performed according to the plans and the current City of Renton, Washington Dept. of Public Works Standard Specifications and Special Provisions Improvements of Subdivision Streets and Standard Reference Drawings. 4W 1.03 Related Work Specified Elsewhere r Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete air PART 2 PRODUCTS .r rr. 2.01 Concrete .rr r Concrete shall be ready-mix conforming to the provisions of Section 03300 including air entrainment provision. �r 2.02 Pre-molded Joint Filler Pre-molded joint filler shall conform to the provisions of APWA Standard Construction Specifications Manual. .r w SITEWORK - 1 - .. DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PART 3 EXECUTION ww 3.01 General err All concrete work shall be in conformance and meet the standards as specified in Section 03300, Cast-in-Place Concrete. Cement concrete curbs and sidewalks shall be constructed in conformance with the drawings and City of Renton Standard Plans and Specifications. " 3.02 Preparation err The subgrade shall be shaped to the lines and grades shown on the plans or requested .� by the Owner and compacted to 92 percent of maximum density prior to placing to concrete. All soft and yielding material shall be removed and recompacted to the specified density. Evacuation shall be made to the required depth and to a width that will permit the installation and bracing of forms. rrr Forms shall be of wood or metal and shall extend the full depth of the concrete. All forms shall be straight, free from warp, and of sufficient strength to resist the pressure of the concrete without springing. Bracing and staking of forms shall be such that the forms remain in both horizontal and vertical alignment until their removal. When set, the top of the form shall not depart from grade more than 1/8 inch when checked with a 10-foot straight edge. The alignment shall not vary more than '/ inch in 10 feet. Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the Contractor shall carefully inspect the .rr form .w proper grade, alignment and rigid construction. Forms which vary from the specified tolerance shall be reset prior to concrete placement. The foundations shall be brought to the final grade and thoroughly wetted approximately 12 hours before placing the concrete; except standing water shall be allowed to drain before concrete is placed. rrr 3.03 Placement of Concrete err A. Concrete shall be placed in the forms thoroughly consolidated to provide a .� dense, compacted mass free of rock pockets and struck off with a rigid straightedge. The rate of concrete placement shall not exceed the rate at which the various placing and finishing operations can be performed in accordance with these specifications. Concrete shall have cured at least 72 hours prior to paving of adjacent roadway. B. Curbs: The face form of the curb shall be striped at such times in the early .r curing as will enable inspection and correction of all irregularities that appear �r thereon. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has set sufficiently to retain its true shape. The face of the curb shall be troweled with a tool cut to the exact w SITEWORK -2 - DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK section of the curb and at the same time maintain the shape,grade and alignment of the curb. r wr Expansion joints shall be constructed at intersections with other curbs and at a maximum distance of 15 feet. C. Sidewalks: Curb cured a minimum of 72 hours may be used as a form for sidewalks. The other forms for the sidewalk shall be stripped at such time in the early curing as will enable inspection and correction of all irregularities that w appear thereon. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has set sufficiently to retain its true shape. The top surface of the sidewalk shall be troweled with a tool cut to exact section of the curb and sidewalk and at the same time maintain the shape, grade and alignment of the sidewalk. Exposed sidewalk surfaces shall be finished full width with a trowel and edger. The top of the sidewalk shall receive a light brush finish. w Expansion joints shall be constructed at intersections with curbs and other rr sections of sidewalk and at a maximum distance of 15 feet. ar+ END OF SECTION r" err �r. wr .r. w +rr rr rrs err SITEWORK go -3 - MW ,r. .r SECTION 02221 —TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Scope of Work +rr This section covers the work for trenching, backfilling,trench compaction and all other earthwork incidental to the construction of trenches, utility lines, imported backfill for shrinkage, structural slab, and additional excavation and backfill which may be required for unsuitable material removal and replacement in trenches. rw 1.02 Applicable Publications American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM): D1557-78 Test for Moisture Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-Pound Rammer and 18-inch Drop. �r 1.03 Related Work Specified Elsewhere Section 02296 Sanitary Sewerage Systems Section 02667 Water Lines Section 02720 Storm Drainage Systems ++ Section 02687 Site Gas Lines ,rr „r, 1.04 Caution During Construction. am END OF SECTION aw go +rr ON w "` TRENCHING,BACKFILLING _ AND COMPACTION 1 "" ow +wr SECTION 02667—WATER LINES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES wr A. Pipe and fittings for water lines including domestic water line and fire water line. ..r B. Valves and fire hydrants. C. Water Valve Boxes 1.2 RELATED SECTIONSr A. Section 02221 —Trenching, Backfilling and Compaction. aw 1.3 REFERENCES .r A. ASTM D1557 — Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil r Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 lb(4.54 Kg)Rammer and 18 inch(457 mm)Drop. B. AWWA C502—Dry Barrel Fire Hydrants. C. AWAA C509—Resilient Seated Gage Valves for Water and Sewage Systems. err D. UL 246—Hydrants for Fire—Protection Service E. AWWA C104 — Standards for Cement-Mortar Lining for ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water F. AWWA C 111 -Rubber-Gasket Joints for ductile Iron and Grey Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. G. AWWA C151 — Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Molds or Sand-lined Molds,for Water or other Liquids. H. AWWA C506 — Standard for Backflow Prevention Devices, Reduced Pressure Principles, and Double Check Valves Types. rrr I• AWWA C600 — Standard for Installation of Ductile-iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances. fr. J. AWWA C 900—Standard for Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)Pipe, 4 in. through 12 in. for ab Water Distribution. .r K. Supplement to City of Renton Standards& Specifications, current. WATER LINES .rr trr rr 1.4 SUBMITTALS FOR REVIEW rr A. Product Data: Provide date on pipe materials, pipefittings, valves and accessories. or 1.5 SUBMITTALS AT PROJECT CLOSEOUT .r A. Record actual locations of piping mains, valves, connections, thrust restraints, and invert elevations. B. Identify and describe unexpected variations to subsoil conditions or discovery of uncharted utilities. +wr 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with City of Renton Standards. aw B. Valves: Manufacturer's name and pressure rating marked on valve body. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store valves in shipping containers with labeling in place. B. Store PV pipe material away from exposure to Ultraviolet(UV)radiation (sunlight). rr. 2.1 WATER PIPE A. Ductile Iron Pipe: AWWA C151 .r 1. Fittings: AWWA C151 2. Joints: AWWA C111 �r B. PVC Pipe: AWWA C900 2.2 GATE VALVES—3 INCHES (75 MM)AND OVER A. AWWA C509, Iron body, bronze trim, resilient elastomeric valve seating, non-rising stem with square nut, single wedge, mechanical joint ends, control rod, extension box and valve key. as err rr `w WATER LINES 2 rr am .r err. w r 2.3 HYDRANT �.r A. Hydrant: Waterous Pacer WB67-250m M&H 129. Or Clow Medallion per City of Renton fire Department and Water Department. B. Hose and Streamer Connection: Match sizes with City of Renton, two hose nozzle, and one pumper nozzle. C. Finish: Benjamin Moore, industrial urethane alkyd gloss enamel. Colors: M22-21 w Safety Red / M22 Safety Green / M22-82 Safety Black. Body to be painted Safety Red. Caps and bonnets are to be painted Safety Black for those services by 8"main, and Safety Green for those serviced by 12"main in this project. +� 2.4 BEDDING AND COVER MATERIALS r A. Bedding: Fill as specified in Section 02221 �r B. Cover: Fill as specified in Section 02221 r 2.5 ACCESSORIES „ A. Valve boxes: Olympic Foundry, Inc.; Part# VB 910 (10" or 18: high top)w/"W" or "water" stamped in lid or equivalent—equivalent meaning: cast or ductile iron make- up and minimum 7" inside diameter to allow for 6: PVC use for extension pipe. Bottoms and Extensions are to be 6" PVC use for extension pipe, Schedule 40, to fit inside the VB910 with 6"to 8"of overlap from bottom to top box—to allow for future rrr adjustments. B. Main Dead-end Blow-off Assembly: In accordance with drawings and City of Renton Standard Plans and Specifications, current. C. Double Detector Check Valve Assembly and Vault: Manufactured in accordance with AWWA C506, Standard for Backflow Prevention Devices, Reduced Pressure rr► Principles, and Double Check Valve Types. Vault to be of pre-cast concrete as manufactured by Wilbert Vault or owner-approved alternative. Post-indicator valve to be compatible with Double Check Valve assembly and vault. ..r PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION r A. Verify that building service connection and municipal utility water size, location, and invert are as indicated. .. WATER LINES 4M tier► .w nr 3.2 PREPARATION Ow A. Cut pipe ends square, ream pipe and tube ends to full pipe diameter,remove burrs. B. Remove scale and dirt on inside and outside before assembly. C. Prepare pipe connections to equipment with flanges or unions. rw 3.3 BEDDING A. Excavate pipe trench in accordance with Section 0221 for work of this Section. Hand trim excavation for accurate placement of pipe to elevations indicated. B. Place pipe thrust restraints at any change of pipe direction. Provide thrust restraint as shown on the thrust restraint schedule on the drawings. C. Maintain optimum moisture content of bedding material to attain required compaction density. rr 3.4 INSTALLATION—PIPE A. Maintain separation of water main from sewer piping in accordance with City of Renton code and as shown on the plans. .r B. Install pipe to indicate elevation to within tolerance 0.1 feet r. C. Install ductile iron piping to AWWA C151 and ductile iron fittings to AWWA C151 in the locations shown on the plans. .r D. Route pipe in straight line. E. Install pipe to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe or joints. Yrr F. Install access fittings to permit disinfection of water system. G. Slope water pipe and position drains at low points. H. Install thrust restraints at each elbow or change of direction of pipe main. W I. Establish elevations of buried piping to ensure not less than 4 ft of cover. .w. J. Backfill trench in accordance with Section 02221 w► �r► ow wr WATER LINES _4 .rr .w yw .rr 1 +rr 3.5 INSTALLATION—VALVES AND HYDRANTS ww A. Set valves on solid bearing. rr B. Center and plumb valve box over valve. Set box cover flush with finished grade. .w C. Set hydrants plumb; locate pumper nozzle perpendicular to and facing roadway. irr D. Set hydrants to grade, with nozzle at least 20 inches above ground. E. Locate control valve 24 inches away from hydrant. eN.r F. Provide a drainage pit 36 inches square by 24 inches deep filled with 2 inches washed «r gravel. Encase elbow of hydrant in gravel to 6 inches above drain opening. Do not connect drain opening to sewer. G. Paint hydrants in accordance with the City of Renton standards, as noted in sub r section 2.3 (C). 3.6 DISINFECTION OF DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SYSTEM Flush and disinfect system in accordance with AWWA C651-92 and the following procedure: A. Chemicals: AAWA B300, Hypochlorite, AWWA B301, Liquid Chlorine, AWWA aw B302,Ammonium Sulfate,or AWWA B303, Sodium Chlorite. B. Verify that piping system has been cleaned and inspected. wrr C. Provide a preliminary flush of subject pipe. ..r D. Perform scheduling and disinfecting activity with start-up, testing, adjusting and balancing, demonstration procedures, including coordination with related systems. �r E. Provide and attach required equipment to perform the work of this Section. 4W F. Inject treatment disinfectant into piping system at a super-chlorination level. .w G. Maintain disinfectant in system for 24 hours. err H. Flush, circulate, and clean until required cleanliness is achieved; use municipal «r. domestic water. Test for presence of bacteria per State of Washington Standards. I. Replace permanent system devices removed for disinfection. r J. Pressure test system to 150 psi. Repair leaks and re-test. r .r WATER LINES -5 - .r. rr .r► raw 3.7 SPRINKLER SERVICE CONNECTION A. Connect sprinkler system pipe to new 8" C900 PVC water main on site as shown on drawings. irw .r 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compaction testing will be performed in accordance with ASTM D1557. iro B. If tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, replace, and retest. END OF SECTION 02667 ar w •r W■ w A* WATER LINES .rr C. Ensure reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, formed expansion and contraction joints, and are not disturbed during concrete placement. ■� D. Install joint devices in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Maintain records of concrete placement. Record date, location, quantity, air temperature, and test samples taken. F. Place concrete continuously between predetermined expansion, control, and construction joints. G. Do not interrupt successive placement; do not permit cold joints to occur. �. H. Saw cut joints within 24 hours after placing. Use 3/16 inch thick blade, cut to depth indicated on the plans. .r+ 3.4 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Immediately after placement, protect concrete from premature drying, excessively �. hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical injury. B. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at relatively constant temperature ., for period necessary for hydration of cement and hardening of concrete. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide free access to Work and cooperate with appointed firm. B. Submit proposed mix design to Owner for review prior to commencement of Work. C. Tests of cement and aggregates may be performed to ensure conformance with specified requirements. D. Three concrete test cylinders will be taken for every 100 or less cu yds of concrete placed. E. One additional test cylinder will be taken during cold weather concreting, cured +r. on job site under same conditions as concrete it represents. F. One slump test wil l be taken for each set of test cylinders taken. .� 3.6 PATCHING A. Allow Owner to inspect concrete surfaces immediately upon removal of forms. B. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable. Notify Owner upon discovery. C. Patch imperfections in accordance with ACI 301. WN CONCRETE 5 �" .. err w DIVISION 2—CONCRETE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS PART 1 GENERAL �. 1.01 Scope of Work This section covers all work related to the construction of cement concrete curbs and sidewalks including, but not limited to, furnishing all plant, labor, equipment and materials required to complete the work as shown on the plans, described herein and/or requested by the Owner. 1.02 Applicable Publications In accordance with drawings and City of Renton Standard Plans and Specifications, Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) Standard Construction Specifications Manual, current. "` 1.03 Related Work Specified Elsewhere Section 02610 Asphalt Pavement Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 Concrete ft Concrete shall be ready-mix conforming to the provisions of Section 03300 including air entrainment provision. W. 2.02 Pre-molded Joint Filler Pre-molded joint filler shall conform to the provisions of APWA Standard Construction Specifications Manual. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 General All concrete work shall be in conformance and meet the standards as specified in Section 03300, Cast-in-Place Concrete. Cement concrete curbs and sidewalks shall be r CONCRETE 1 - "` constructed in conformance with the drawings and City of Renton Standard Plans and Specifications. do 3.02 Preparation The subgrade shall be shaped to the lines and grades shown on the plans or requested by the Owner and compacted to 92 percent of maximum density prior to placing concrete. All soft and yielding material shall be removed and recompacted to the specified density. Evacuation shall be made to the required depth and to a width that will permit the installation and bracing of forms. Forms shall be of wood or metal and shall extend the full depth of the concrete. All forms shall be straight, free from warp, and of sufficient strength to resist the pressure of the concrete without springing. Bracing and staking of forms shall be such that the forms remain in both horizontal and vertical alignment until their removal. When set, the top of the form shall not depart from grade more than 1/8 inch when checked with a 10-foot straight edge. The alignment shall not vary more than '/4 inch in 10 feet. Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the Contractor shall carefully inspect the proper form grade, alignment and rigid construction. Forms which vary from the specified tolerance shall be reset prior to concrete placement. The foundations shall be brought to the final grade and thoroughly wetted approximately 12 hours before placing the concrete; except standing water shall be allowed to drain before concrete is placed. 3.03 Placement of Concrete A. Concrete shall be placed in the forms thoroughly consolidated to provide a dense, compacted mass free of rock pockets and struck off with a rigid straightedge. The rate of concrete placement shall not exceed the rate at which the various placing and finishing operations can be performed in accordance with these specifications. Concrete shall have cured at least 72 hours prior to paving of adjacent roadway. B. Curbs: The face form of the curb shall be striped at such times in the early curing as will enable inspection and correction-0f all irregularities that appear thereon. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has set sufficiently to retain its true shape. The face of the curb shall be troweled with a tool cut to the exact section of the curb and at the same time maintain the shape,grade and alignment of the curb. Expansion joints shall-be constructed at intersections-with other curbs and at a maximum distance of 15 feet. �r. CONCRETE 2 - `" rr o.r C. Sidewalks: Curb cured a minimum of 72 hours may be used as a form for sidewalks. The other forms for the sidewalk shall be stripped at such time in the early curing as will enable inspection and correction of all irregularities that appear thereon. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has set sufficiently to retain its true shape. The top surface of the sidewalk shall be troweled with a tool cut to exact section of the curb and sidewalk and at the same time maintain the shape, grade and alignment gnment of the sidewalk. Exposed sidewalk surfaces shall be finished full width with a trowel and edger. The top of the sidewalk shall receive a light brush finish. rr Expansion joints shall be constructed at intersections with curbs and other sections of sidewalk and at a maximum distance of 15 feet. ,M rr END OF SECTION 02525 so FAII �rrr ar. it ,mot am Mik ar ar, CONCRETE -3 - 04200—UNIT MASONRY PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary conditions and Division 1 Specifications Sections, apply to this Section 1.2 SUMMARY .r A. This Section includes the following: 1. Concrete unit masonry r. B. Products furnished but not installed under this Section include the following: 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide unit masonry that develops the following installed compressive strength (fin)at 28 days. +�r 1. For concrete Unit masonry: As follows,based on net area: a. fm= 1500 psi(10.3 Mpa). 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specifications Sections. B. Product data for each different masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured product specified. C. Shop drawings for reinforcing detailing fabrication, bending and placement of unit masonry reinforcement bars. Comply with ACI 315 "Details and Detailing of concrete Reinforcement: showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing diagrams of bent bard, and arrangement of masonry reinforcement. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to those of assemblies with fire resistance ratings determined per ASTM # 119 by a testing and inspecting agency, by equivalent concrete masonry thickness,or by another means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. MASONRY - 1 - B. Single-Source Responsibility for Masonry Units: Obtain exposed masonry units of a uniform texture and color, or a uniform blend within the ranges accepted for these characteristics, from one source and by a single manufacturer for each different product required. C. Single-Source Responsibility for Mortar Materials: Obtain mortar ingredients of 40 a uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, from one manufacturer for each cemenitious component and from one source of produce for each aggregate. im 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING IN A. Store masonry units on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, corrosion, and other causes. If unit becomes wet, so not install until they are in an air-dried condition. it B. Store cemenitous materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location a. C. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. D. Store masonry accessories, including metal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Protection of Masonry: During erection, cover tops of wall, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at the end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. + B. Do not apply uniform floor or roof leads for a t least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or columns. W. C. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from the staining masonry to be left exposed or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such masonry. +rr Cold-Weather Construction: When the ambient temperature is within the limits indicated, use the following procedures: rr 1. Cold-Weather Construction: When the ambient-temperature is within the limits indicated. a. 40 to 32 deg F (4 to 0) deg): Heat mixing water or sand to produce mortar temperature between 40 and 120 deg F (4 and 49 deg C). r MASONRY - 2 - ow b. 32 to 25 deg f(4 to-7 deg C). Heat grout materials to produce temperatures between 40 and 120 deg f (4 and 49 deg C). Maintain mortar and grout above freezing until used in masonry. C. 25 to 20 deg F (4 to 7 deg. Q. Heat mixing water and sand to produce mortar 25 to 20 F(4 and 49 deg C). Maintain mortar and grout above freezing used in masonry. Heat masonry units to 40 it deg F (4 deg C) if grouting. Use heat on both sides of wall under construction. d. 20 deg F (-7 deg C) and below: Heat mixing water and sand to produce mortar temperatures between 40 and 120 deg F (4 and 49 deg C)Maintain mortar and grout above freezing until used in ,r. masonry. Heat mixing water and sand to produce mortar temperature between 40 and 120 deg. F (4 and 49 deg Q. Maintain mortar and grout above freezing until used in masonry. Heat masonry units to 40 deg F (0 deg C). Provide enclosures above 32 deg F deg C)within the enclosures. 2. Cold -Weather Protection: When the mean daily temperature is within the limits indicated,provide the following protection: a. 40 to 25 deg F (4 to -4 C): Cover masonry with a weather- „i„ resistant membrane for 78 hours after construction. b. 25 to 20 deg F (-4 to-7 deg C): Cover masonry with insulating blankets or provide enclosure and heat for 48 hours after rr construction. C. 20 deg F (-7 deg C) and below: Provide enclosure and heat to maintain -temperature above 32 deg F (0 deg C) within the enclosure. 3. Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F (4 deg C) and above and will remain so until masonry has dried out, but not less than 7 days after completion. E. Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect unit masonry work when temperature and .r. humidity conditions produce excessive evaporation of water from mortar and grout. Provide artificial shade and wind beaks and used cooled materials as required. Do not apply mortar or substrates with temperatures of 100 deg F (38 deg C)and above. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS A. General: Provide shapes indicated and as follows for each form of concrete masonry unit required. 1. Provide special shapes for lintels, corners, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding, and other special conditions. .r MASONRY - 3 - .w 2. Provide bullnose units for outside corners, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Provide square-edged units for outside corners,except where indicated as bullnose. B. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 90 as follows: 1. Unit Compressive Strength: Provide units with a minimum average net- area compressive strength indicated below: a. 1990 psi(13.1 Mpa) b. Not less than the unit compressive strengths required to produce concrete unit masonry. .. 1. Construction of compressive indicated. 2. Weight Classification:Normal weight. 3. Aggregates: Do not use aggregates made from pumice, scoria,or tuff. 4. Provide Type 1, moisture-controlled units. 5. Size: Manufactured to the actual dimensions indicated on Drawings within tolerances specified in the applicable referenced ASTM specifications. 6. Exposed Faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, unless otherwise ar Indicated. 2.6 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type II or I except for cold-weather construction_ Provide Natural color or white cement as required to produce mortar color indicated. B. Mortar Cement: U.B.C. Standard No. 21.14. C. Hydrated Lime ASTM C 207, Type S. D. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144; except for joints less than %4 inch(6.4 mm), use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing the No. 16 (1.18 mm)sieve. E. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 404. F. Cold-Weather Admixture: Nonchloride, noncorrosive, accelerating admixture complying with ASTM C 494, Type C, and recommended by the manufacturer for use in masonry mortar composition indicated. G. Water: Potable 2.7 REINFORCING STEEL A. Steel Reinforcing Bars: Material and grade as follows: 1. Billet steel complying with ASTM A 615. .. MASONRY -4 - rrr a. Grade 60. 2.8 MISCELLANEOUS ANCHORS A. Anchor bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A(ASTM F 568, Property Class 4.6); with (ASTM A 563 M) hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers; hot-dip galvanized to comply with ASTM A 153, Class C; of diameter and length indicated and in the following configuration: 1. Noseheaded bolts,bent 2-inch horizontal let. 2.9 MASONRY CLEANERS A. Comply NCMA TEK Bulletin 2-2. 2.10 MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES A. General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-repellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. „�. 1. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. 2. Add cold-weather admixtures (if used) at the same rate for all mortar, regardless of weather conditions, in order to-ensure that mortar color is consistent. B. Mortar for Unit Masonry: Comply with I.B.C. Table 2103.7(1), Proportion Specification, for Mortar Cement mortar. Mortar shall be of type M or Type S. C. Grout for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM 476. Use of grout consistency indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, of consistency(fine or coarse)at time of placement that will completely fill spaced intended to receive grout. 1. Use fine grout in grout spaces less than 2 inches (50 mm) in horizontal dimension, unless otherwise indicated. ®r. 2. Use course grout in grout space 2 inches .(50 mm) or more in least horizontal dimension,unless otherwise indicated. rr 3. The compressive strength of grout shall not be less than 2,000 psi. 2.11 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. The Owner will engage and pay for the services of an independent testing agency to perform the following for source quality control: Payment for these services will be made from the Inspection and Testing Allowance, as authorized by MASONRY - 5 - +rr Change Orders. Retesting of materials failing to meet specified requirements shall be done at the Contractor's expense. B. Concrete Masonry Unit Tests: For each type of concrete masonry unit indicated, units will be tested for strength, absorption,and moisture content per ASTM C 140. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION .r A. Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of unit masonry. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. Examine rough-in and built-in construction to verify actual locations of piping r connections prior to installation. 3.2 INSTALLATION,GENERAL A. Thickness: build cavity and composite walls and other masonry construction to the full thickness shown. Build single-whythe walls to the actual thickness of the masonry units. Using units of thickness indicated. B. Build chases and recess to accommodate items specified in this and other Sections of the Specifications. C. Leave openings for equipment to be installed before completion of masonry. After installing equipment, complete masonry to match construction immediately adjacent to the opening. D. Cut masonry; units with motor-driven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped r. edges. Cut units as required to provide continuous pattern and to fit adjoining construction. Use full-size units without cutting,where possible. Allow units cut with water-cooled saws to dry before placing,unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces and,where possible,cut edges concealed. 3.3 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES A. Variation from Plumb: For vertical lines and surfaces of columns, walls, and rises, do not exceed '/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3m) nor 3/8 inch in 20 feet(10 mm in 6m), nor'/z inch in 40 feet(12 mm in 12m)or more. For external corners, expansion joints, control joints and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed '/4 in 20 feet(6mm in 6m), not'/2 inch in 40 feet(12 mm in 12m)or more. For vertical alignment of head joints, do not exceed plus or minus 1/'/4nch in 10 feet(3 m), 6 mm in 3 m),nor '/2 inch(12 mm)maximum. B. Variation Front Level: For bed joints and lines of exposed lintels, sill, parapets, horizontal groves and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed '/4 inch in 20 feet (6mm in 6 m), nor V2 inch in 40 feet(12 mm in 12 m)or more. For top surface of MASONRY - 6 - bearing walls, do not exceed 1/8 inch (3 mm) in 10 feet (3 m), or 1/16 inch (1.5mm)within width of a single unit. C. Variation of linear building Line: For position shown in plan and related portion of columns,walls and partitions, do not exceed %Z inch in 20 feet(12 mm in 6 m), nor 3/3 inch in 40 feet(19 mm in 12 n), or more. D. Variation in Cross-Sectional Dimensions: For columns and thickness of walls, from dimensions shown, do not exceed minus'/4 inch(6 mm)nor plus ''/z inch(12 mm). �r. E. Variation in Mortar-Joint Thickness: Do not vary from bed joint thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch (3 mm), with a maximum thickness limited to '/2 inch(12 mm). Do not vary bed joint thickness from bed- joint thickness of adjacent course by more than 1/8 inch (3 mm). Do not vary from head joint thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch(3 mm). Do not vary from collar joint thickness indicated more than minus %4 inch(6 mm) 4" or plus 3.8 inch (10 mm). 3.4 LAYING MASONRY WALLS A. Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint widths and for accurate locating of openings, movement-type AW joints, returns and offsets. Avoid the use of less-than-half size units at corners, jambs, and where possible at other locations. B. Lay wall to comply with specified construction tolerances, with courses accurately spaced and coordinated with other construction. C. Bond Pattern for Exposed Masonry: Lay exposed masonry in the following bond pattern: do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch (100) horizontal face dimensions at corners of jambs. 1. One-half running bond with vertical joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below. D. Stopping and Resuming Work: In each course, rack back '/2-unit length for one- half running bond or 1/3-unit length for one third running bond; do not tooth. Clean exposed surfaces or set masonry, wet clay masonry units lightly if required, and remove loose masonry units and mortar prior to laying fresh masonry. E. Built-In Work: As construction progresses, build-in terms specified under this and other Sections of the Specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in terms. F. Fill space between hollow metal frames and masonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. G. Where built-in terms are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of metal lath in the joint below and rod mortar or grout into core. MASONRY - 7 - H. Fill cores in hollow concrete masonry units with grout 24 inches(600 mm)under bearing plates,beams, lintels, posts, and similar items otherwise indicated. 3.5 MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING A. Lay hollow concrete masonry as follows: 1. Will full mortar coverage on horizontal and vertical shells. 2. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all cavities to be filled with grout. 3. For starting course on footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed, including areas under cells. 4. Maintain joint widths indicated, except for minor variations required to maintain bond alignment. If not indicated, lay walls with 3/8-inch (10 mm)joints. rr B. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard,using a jointer larger than joint thickness,unless otherwise indicated. '* 3.6 INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY A. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained sufficient strength to resist grout pressure. 1. Grout shall be placed in grout lifts not exceeding 4 feet. +rr 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The Owner will engage and pay for the services of an independent testing agency to perform the following testing for field quality control: Payment for these services will be made from the Inspection and Testing Allowance, as authorized by Change Orders. Testing of materials failing to meet specified requirements shall be done at Contractor's expense. ow B. Inspection of reinforcing placement shall be provided prior to grouting to ensure that location, size and splices are in accordance with the plans and specifications. r. C. Testing Frequency: Tests and Evaluations listed below in this Article will be performed during construction for each 500 sq. ft. (460 sq. m) of wall area of portion thereof. D. Mortar properties will be tested per property specification of ASTM C 270. E. Mortar composition and properties will be elevated per ASTM C 780. F. Grout will be sampled and tested for compressive strength per ASTM 1019. +rw MASONRY - 8 - dw G. Prism-Test Method: For each type of wall construction indicated, masonry prisms will be tested per ASTM E 447, Method B,and as follows: 1. Prepare 1 set of prisms for testing at 7 days and 1 set for testing at 28 days. 3.8 REPAIRING,POINTING AND CLEANING A. Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or if units do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units; install in fresh mortar or grout, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement. B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weak holes, and completely fill with mortar. Point-up joints, including corners, openings, and adjacent construction, to provide a neat, uniform appearance. Prepare joints for application of sealants. .w. C. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit masonry as work progresses by dry brushing to remove mortar fins and smears prior to tooling joints. D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured,clean exposed masonry as follows: 1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. w. 2. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain Architect's approval of w sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. 3. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasonry surface from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyethylene film,or waterproof masking tape. 4. Wet wall surfaces with water prior to applications of cleaners; remove rr cleaners promptly by rinsing thoroughly with clear water. 5. Clean concrete masonry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8- ,,,, 2 applicable to type of stain present on exposed surfaces. E. Protection: Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure unit masonry is without damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. 3.9 MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAL A: Remove masonry waste and legally dispose of off Owner's property. IAN 04250 MASONRY VENEER No MASONRY - 9 - row am PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES No A, Masonry veneer over wood framing system. w■ B. Reinforcement, anchorage,and accessories. 1.2 PRODUCTS INSTALLED BUT NOT FURNISHED UNDER THIS SECTION A. Section 07620 — Flashing and Sheet Metal: Placement of reglets for flashings and flashing material. „■, 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASTM A82—Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. B. ANSI/ASTM C73—Calcium silicate Face Brick(Sand-Lime Brick). C. ANSI/ASTM C652 —Hollow Brick (Hollow Masonry Units Made From Clay or Shale) D. ASTM a123—Zinc(Hot-Dip Galvanized)coatings on Iron and Steel Products. E. Northwest Masonry Guide,Masonry Institute of Washington. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data under provisions of Section 0 13 00. B. Submit samples under provisions of Section 0 13 00. C. Submit manufacturer's affidavit that shrinkage and moisture content of units have been tested in accordance with requirements of ASTM C426 not more Will than 12 months prior to their delivery to the site. D. Submit manufacturer's Installation instructions under provisions of Section 01300. rr 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS go A. Installer: Company specializing in performing the work of this Section with a minimum 6 years documented experience. am 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING A. Store and protect products. Store all masonry units covered and protected from the weather. Store reinforcing off the ground and protect from moist conditions. B. Accept units on site. Inspect for damage. 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Maintain materials and surrounding air temperature to minimum 50 degrees F prior to, during and 48 hours after completion of masonry work. ., MASONRY - 10 - w. B. In.freezing weather, do no masonry work unless approved means are furnished for heating materials and the completed work is protected from cold and frost until mortar has hardened;adding antifreeze ingredients will not be permitted. C. In rainy weather,do work only under cover. In hot weather,above 80 degrees F., provide water fog spraying to maintain proper absorption rate to avoid block and brick from absorbing moisture from mortar too quickly. D. When work is not in progress, keep tops of walls covered with non-staining �r. waterproof material; when work is resumed, clean top surfaces of loose mortar and other foreign materials. 1.8 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate work under provisions of Section 01040 B. Coordinate the masonry work with installation of window anchors. 1.9 A. Submit under provisions of Section 01700 B. Furnish 20 of each size, color, and type of masonry units. Furnish 2% of the number of special trim units provided. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 BRICK UNITS A. Brick: ANSUASTM C216, Type FBS, Grade SW; Mutual Materials"Inca Mission"type and style. ■o 2.2 REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHORAGE as A. Reinforcing bars: in accordance with requirements of ASTM A615, Grade 60, unless noted otherwise an the drawings. Provide bars free from rust and loose scale. tw B. Anchors: galvanized steel anchors in the sizes and gages as noted on the drawings. C. Expansion anchors: galvanized steel anchors, in the sizes and gages as noted on "` the drawings. 2.3 ACCESSORIES No A. Preformed Control Joints: Polyvinylchloride material. Provide with corner and tee accessories,heat fused joints. to B. Joint Filler: Closed cell polyvinylchloride' oversized 50 percent to joint width; self-expanding % inch wide by maximum lengths. C. Building Paper: Two layers 415 asphalt saturated felt. r D. Weep Holes: Preformed plastic tubes with wicks to be pulled after masonry is dry. E. Cleaning Solution: Non-acidic, non-harmful to masonry work or adjacent materials. ,., MASONRY - 11 - wrr PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive work. B. Verify items provided by other sections of work are properly sized and located. C. Beginning of installation means installer accepts existing conditions. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Direct and coordinate placement of metal anchors supplied to other Sections. B. Provide temporary bracing during installation of masonry work. Maintain in place until building structure provides permanent bracing. 3.3 COURSING A. Establish lines, levels and coursing indicated. Protect from displacement. Establish lines, levels and coursing indicated. Protect from displacement. B. Maintain masonry courses to uniform dimension. Form vertical and horizontal joints of uniform thickness. C. Lay masonry units in patterns indicated on drawings. D. Joint type: raked. 3.4 PLACING AND BONDING A. Buttering corners of joints or excessive furrowing of mortar joints are not permitted. B. Remove excess mortar as Work processes. .p C. Interlock intersections and external corners. D. Do not shift or tap masonry units after mortar has achieved initial set. Where adjustment must be made,remove mortar and replace. to 3.5 WEEPS A. Install weep holes every third vertical joint and horizontally at 24"maximum and above through wall flashing, shelf angles,and at bottom of walls. B. Provide filter fabric and drainage material. 3.6 CAVITY BEHIND VENEER A. Do not permit mortar to drop or accumulate into cavity air space or to plug weep holes. 3.7 REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHORAGES A. Install horizontal and vertical joint reinforcement as scheduled on the AM MASONRY - 12 - 40 +.r rr Structural Drawings. B. Lap joint reinforcement ends minimum 6 inches. Extend minimum 16 Inches each side of openings. 3.8 MASONRY FLASHINGS A. Lap end joints minimum 6 inches and seal watertight. err B. Use flashing manufacturer's recommended adhesive and sealer. C. Parge mortar to drain at horizontal ledges and coat with sealer. a. 3.9 CONTROL AND EXPANSION JOINTS A. Do not continue horizontal joint reinforcement through control and expansion joints. B. Form control joint with a sheet building paper bond breaker fitted to one side of the hollow contour end of the block unit. Fill the resultant elliptical core with gout fill. Rake joint at exposed unit face for placement of backer rod and sealant. C. Size control joint in accordance with Section 07900 for sealant performance. D. Forman expansion joint as detailed. +rr 3.10 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation From Unit to Adjacent Unit: 1/32 inch. B. Maximum Variation From Plane of Wall: t/4 inch in 10 feet and V2 inch or more. C. Maximum Variation From Plumb: '/4 inch per story non-cumulative: %2 inch in two stories or more. D. Maximum Variation from Level Coursing: 1/8 inch in 3 feet and %4 inch in 10 feet; ''/r inch in 30 feet. E. Maximum Variation of Joint Thickness: 1/8 inch in 3 feet. 3.11 CUTTING AND FITTING A. Cut and fit for conduit,sleeves,and other inserts. Coordinate with other Sections of work to provide correct size,shape and location. B. Obtain Architect approval prior to cutting or fitting masonry work not indicated or where appearance or strength of masonry work may be impaired. 3.12 CLEANING .r. A. Clean work under provisions of Section 01700. B. Remove excess mortar and mortar smears. C. Replace defective mortar. Match adjacent work. D. Clean soiled surfaces with cleaning solution. E. Use non-metallic tools in cleaning operations. MASONRY - 13 - +r low 3.13 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Protect finished installation under provisions of Section 01500 B. Without damaging completed work, provide protective boards at exposed external corners,which may be damaged by construction activities. END OF DIVISION 4 rr MASONRY - 14 - ,.r DIVISION 5 - METALS SECTION 05120- STRUCTURAL STEEL: r Wide Flange Shapes ASTM A 992 Fy=50 ksi Plates, Shapes,Angles ASTM A36 Fy=36 ksi Structural Pipe A53B Fy=35 ksi Structural Tubes A500B Fy=46 ksi Wood/Steel Connection Bolts A307 Fv=10 ksi Steel/Steel Connection Bolts ASTM A 325 N All structural steel shall be shop primed with SSPC Paint 15, Type 1, red oxide, or zinc rich type for galvanized surfaces. SECTION 05500-MISCELLANEOUS METALS: Steel Sections ASTM A36 Plates ASTM A283 Tubes ASTM A500,Grade B Bolts,Nuts,and Washers ASTM A307 Gal rrr All structural steel shall be shop primed with SSPC Paint 15, Type 1, red oxide, or zinc rich type for galvanized surfaces. ■ SECTION 05723 HORIZONTAL STEEL CABLE RAILING SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Horizontal stainless steel cable railing system. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 05 5100-Metal Stairs. 1.3 REFERENCES err A. ASTM A 36-Carbon Structural Steel. B. ASTM A 53 -Pipe, Steel,Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless. C. ASTM A 108- Steel Bars,Carbon, Cold Finished, Standard Quality. D. ASTM A 276- Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. E. ASTM A 312 - Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes. +. F. ASTM A 314-Stainless Steel Billets and Bars for Forging. G. ASTM A 320-Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service. Horizontal Ultra-tec Railing System _ 1 4® DIVISION 5 -METALS H. ASTM A 479-Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels. I. ASTM A 500-Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes. J. ASTM A 554-Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing. K. ASTM A 582 -Free-Machining Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars. L. ASTM B 211 -Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire. M. ASTM B 221 -Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars,Rods,Wire, Profiles,and Tubes. w N. SAE/AMS QQ-S-763 -Steel Bars,Wire, Shapes,and Forgings; Corrosion-Resistant. 1.4 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Cable railing system, including top rail, bottom rail,end posts, intermediate posts, intermediate cable .� braces, cables,and cable hardware shall be designed to conform to building codes and loading requirements. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01300 - Submittal Procedures. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including installation instructions. C. Shop Drawings: Submit fabricator's shop drawings, showing sizes,dimensions, details,and installation err of railing frame components, intermediate cable braces, cables,cable hardware,and grommets. Show details of anchoring cable railing system to mounting surface. D. Material Samples: Submit samples of the following: 1. Railing frame components by fabricator. 2. Intermediate cable braces by fabricator. 3. Cables by manufacturer or fabricator. r .4. Cable hardware by manufacturer or fabricator. 5. Grommets by manufacturer or fabricator. E. Fabricator's Quality Assurance: Submit fabricator's certification that materials comply with specified requirements and are suitable for intended application. G. Warranty: Submit manufacturer's standard warranty for cables and cable hardware. Submit fabricator's warranty for railing frame components and intermediate cable braces. .. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Single Source Responsibility: Cable railing system components shall be product of a single source. Horizontal Ultra-tec Railing System -2 DIVISION 5 -METALS B. Preinstallation Meeting: Convene a preinstallation meeting(1)one week before start of construction of railing frame component mounting surfaces. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this section, including Contractor,Designer,Fabricator, and Installer. Review the following: 1. Specific method of installation of railing frame components into mounting surfaces. �. 2. Installation, adjusting,cleaning,and protection of cable railing system. 3. Coordination with other work. 1.7 DELIVERY,STORAGE,AND HANDLING A. Delivery: Deliver materials to site,with labels or other markings clearly identifying material name and contractor or fabricator. B. Storage: Store materials in a clean,dry area. . C. Handling: Protect materials and finish during handling and installation to prevent damage. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER OF CABLE HARDWARE AND GROMMETS/SUPPLIER OF CABLE A. Ultra-tec Cable Railing Systems, 5224 Highway 50 East,Carson City,Nevada 89701-1484. Toll Free (800)851-2961. Phone(775)885-1443. Fax(775) 885-2734. Web Site www.ultra-tecrailings.com. e- mail www.infogultra-tecrailings.com or equal. 2.2 HORIZONTAL STEEL CABLE RAILING SYSTEM A. Horizontal Stainless Steel Cable Railing System: Ultra-tec®Railing System. 2.3 RAILING FRAME COMPONENTS �r A. Style: Structural elements. 1. Members: As indicated on the drawings. 2. Material: As indicated on the drawings. .r. ■ Horizontal Ultra-tec Railing System -3 B. Top Rail: As indicated on the drawings. C. Intermediate Posts:As indicated on the drawings. 1. Maximum Spacing: As indicated on the drawings. 2. Connect top rail to mounting surface as indicated on the drawings. r. D. End Posts: As indicated on the drawings. E. Corner Posts:As indicated on the drawings. F. Welded Receiver: As indicated on the drawings. Weld into outside wall of an end post. Hide weld by grinding welded surface to original contour. G. Welded Tab: As indicated on the drawings. Weld into outside wall of an end post. Hide weld by grinding welded surface to original contour. H. Invisiware®Threaded Tab: Screws into drilled and tapped hole in the inside wall of an end post. + ► I. Rail Height: As indicated on the drawings. J. Pipe Railing End Post Transition to Top Rail: As indicated on the drawings. K. Post Mounting: As indicated on the drawings. L. Intermediate Cable Braces: 1. Type: 1-piece. 2. Size: 1/4 inch x 1 inch. 3. Spacing: As indicated on the drawings. 4. Material: stainless steel. M. Finish: 1. Mill. 2. Apply final finish before installation of cable hardware,and cables. N. Grommets: 1. Material: UV-resistant HDPE. 2. Cable Grommets: Provides barrier to abrasion of intermediate posts and cable braces bored for cables. 3. Color: Black 2.4 CABLES AND CABLE HARDWARE A. Cables: 1. Material: 1 x19 Type 316 stainless steel strand, left-hand lay,per dimensional properties contained in MIL-W-87161. 2. Diameter: 5/16 inch. 3. Orientation: As indicated on the drawings. 4. Spacing: As indicated on the drawings. 5. Finish: Mill. METALS _4 _ �r. B. Cable Hardware,General: 1. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 276 and A 479, SAE/AMS QQ-S-763,Type 316 stainless steel. 2. Swaging: Swage hardware onto ends of cables in field,using manufacturer's ++• recommended methods. C. Cable Hardware Components: 1. Swaging Ferrule: Retains nonadjustable and adjustable clevis fittings onto cables. 2. Swaging Stud: Use with receiver to provide a means of tensioning cables. Use with welded receiver to connect to end post,non-tensioning end. Threaded surface treated with baked-on moly-based surface treatment to prevent thread galling and sticking. 3. Receiver: Invisiware®Receiver. Allows tensioning hardware to be hidden within end post. 4. Nonadjustable Clevis Fitting: Fixed Jaw. Held onto cables by swaging ferrule. Connects to end post by means of welded tab or hole drilled in tee. 5. Adjustable Clevis Fitting: Adjust-A-Jaw®. Provides a considerable amount of take-up in cables. Connects to end post by means of welded tab,threaded tab or hole drilled in tee. 6. Adjustable Fitting: Adjust-A-Body—with Threaded Bolt: Screws into a drilled and .,r tapped hole in the inside wall of an end post. 7. Adjustable Fitting: Adjust-A-Body—with Threaded Eye: Connects to end post by means of welded tab,threaded tab or hole drilled in tee. 8. Radius Ferrule:Nonadjustable. Attaches cable to post with hardware hidden inside post. 9. Clip-on Stop: Nonadjustable. Secured to end post with clip and washer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas to receive cable railing system. Notify Designer if areas are not acceptable. Do not begin installation until unacceptable conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install cable railing system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions at locations indicated on the drawings. B. Install cable railing system plumb, level, square,and rigid. C. Anchor cable railing system to mounting surface as indicated on the drawings. D. Do not field weld components. E. Install specified cable hardware onto ends of cables using manufacturer's supplied swaging equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. METALS - 5 - err F. Use manufacturer's supplied cable hardware. .rr G. Terminate and tension cables in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. H. Tension cables to a minimum of 400 pounds each in sequence in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .� I. Ensure cables are clean, parallel to each other, and without kinks or sags. J. Replace defective or damaged components as directed by Designer. K. Repair damaged factory-applied finish as directed by Designer. �ww 3.3 ADJUSTING A. Adjust cables and cable hardware as required to provide properly installed cable railing system as directed by Designer. .rr 3.4 CLEANING +. A. Clean surfaces with soap and water or commercially available stainless steel cleaners. B. Do not use abrasive cleaners. .�r 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect cable railing system and finish from damage during construction. END OF DIVISION 5 r err METALS -6- w. DIVISION 6-WOODS AND PLASTICS 06100 Rough Carpentry: Structural Lumber: Hem-Fir NO. 2 graded in accordance with IBC 2003 addition Chapter 23 and per WCLIB specifications,current. Glue-Laminated Beams, fabrication, cover and handling per ANSI/AITC A190.1-83 and recommendations. Adhesives shall be for wet use conditions,and sealer shall be applied at trimmed ends. wr Plywood sheathing: U.S. Product Standard 1-74, exterior type. Each piece shall bear APA grade stamp. 06190 Wood Trusses: r Roof Pre-Fabricated Wood Trusses shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Truss Plate Institute's (TPI) rr recommendations. 06196 Plywood Web Joists: Floor and roof joists where noted shall be manufactured by the Truss Joist Corporation. Designation and size as shown on drawings. 06200 Finish Carpentry: Interior Wood Timber: Douglas Fir, Larch, Pine, Mahogany or Hemlock AWI clear "Custom" grade - same species and grade throughout. S4S per AWI recommendations. Prefinished wood wainscot paneling and molding as indicated on drawings. Casework Fabrication: Comply with AWI recommendations for at least "Custom" grade work, using same species throughout - Douglas Fir, Hemlock, Mahogany,Birch or Oak. .r 06300 Wood Treatment: All structural wood used as plates that come in contact with concrete or any wood that comes in contact with the ground shall be pressure treated with a preservative chemical to increase durability. END OF DIVISION 6 +rr WOOD and PLASTICS Page 1 of 1 .r. DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07160 BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING: Provide 3 coats of an asphalt emulsion conforming to ATM D1187 to concrete foundations and exterior vertical concrete surfaces of the elevator pit. 07190 VAPOR AND AIR BARRIERS: Walls, Ceilings: 6 mils sheet polyethylene plastic or vapor barrier integral with insulation maximum permanence rating of 0.13 perm. 07200 INSULATION: Batt Insulation: Batt type-fibrous unfaced or faced blanket-with thermal values as follows Roof: R-38 Vaulted Ceilings R-38 Walls: R-21. Sound Insulation, walls: Batt type-fibrous faced blanket-R-13 min, Perimeter Slab Insulation: Extruded Polystyrene board. R-10 min. Floor/Ceiling sound/fire insulation: 1 inch(6 pcf minimum)USG Thermafiber or Fibrex FBX mineral wool Batts. Eave Ventilation Troughs: preformed rigid fiberboard or plastic sheets designed to fit between roof framing members. 07250—FIRESTOPPING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work ,. specified in this Section. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Firestopping: Material or combination of materials used to retain integrity of fire-rated construction by maintaining an effective barrier against the spread of flame, smoke, water, and hot gasses through penetration in fire-rated wall and .. floor assemblies. 1.03 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK OF THIS SECTION Only tested firestop systems shall be used in specific locations as follows: +• A. Penetrations for the passage of duct, cable, cable tray, conduit, piping, electrical busways, and_raceways through fire-rated vertical barriers (walls and partitions), THERMAL AND MOISTURE _ 1 .., PROTECTION horizontal barriers(floor/ceiling assemblies), and vertical service shaft walls and partitions. B. Safing slot gaps between edge of floor slabs and curtain walls. C. Openings between structurally separate sections of wall or floors. aw D. Gaps between the top of walls and ceilings or roof assemblies. E. Expansion joints in walls and floors. F. Openings and penetrations in fire-rated partitions or walls containing fire doors. G. Openings around structural members,which penetrate floors or walls. 1.05 REFERENCES +rr A. Test Requirements: ASTM E-814, "Standard Method of Fire Tests of Through Penetration Fire Stops," (July 1983). B. Underwriters Laboratories(UL)of Northbrook,IL runs ASTM E-814 under their designation of UL 1479 and publishes the results in their "FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY" that is updated annually with a mid-year supplement. C. Test Requirements: UL 2079, "Tests for Resistance of Building Joint Systems," (November 1994). D. ASTM E-84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. E. All major building codes: UBC,ICBO, SBCCI,and BOCA. F. NFPA 101 -Life Safety Code. G. NFPA 70-National Electric Code. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's direct representative(not distributor or agent)to be on-site during initial installation of firestop systems to train appropriate contractor personnel in proper selection and installation procedures. This will be done per manufacturer's written recommendations published in their literature and drawing details. �w B. Firestop System installation must meet requirements of ASTM E-814, UL 1479, or UL 2079 tested assemblies that provide a fire rating equal to that of construction being prepared. C. Proposed firestop materials and methods shall conform to applicable governing codes having local jurisdiction. THERMAL A N D MOISTURE -2- ,,., PROTECTION D. Firestop Systems do not re-establish the structural integrity of load bearing partitions/assemblies, or support live loads and traffic. Installer shall consult the structural engineer prior to penetrating any load bearing assembly. E. For those firestop applications that exist for which no UL tested system is available through any manufacturer, a manufacturer's engineering judgment derived from similar UL system designs or other tests will be submitted to local Awl authorities having jurisdiction for their review and approval prior to installation. Engineer judgment drawings must follow requirements set forth by the International Firestop Council(September 7, 1994). rn 1.07 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Product Data: Manufacturer's specifications and technical data for each ,r. material, including the composition and limitations, documentation of UL firestop systems to be used and manufacturer's installation instructions to comply with Section 01300. www 1.08 INSTALLER QUALIFICATIONS A. Engage an experienced installer who is certified, licensed, or otherwise qualified by the firestopping manufacturer as having the necessary experience, staff, and training to install manufacturer's products per specified requirements. 1.09 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING .r A. Deliver materials undamaged in manufacturer's clearly labeled, unopened containers, identified with brand,type,and UL label where applicable. B. Coordinate delivery of materials with scheduled installation date to allow minimum storage time at job site. C. Store materials under cover and protect from weather and damage in compliance with manufacturer's requirements. D. Comply with recommended procedures, precautions, or remedies described in ,.. material safety data sheets as applicable. E. Do not use damaged or expired materials. 1.10 PROJECT CONDITIONS .r. A. Do not use materials that contain flammable solvents. B. Schedule installation of firestopping after completion of penetrating item installation,but prior to covering or concealing of openings. C. Verify existing conditions and substrates before starting work. Correct unsatisfactory conditions before proceeding. THERMAL AND MOISTURE -3 - PROTECTION D. Weather Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of firestop materials when temperatures exceed the manufacturer's recommended limitations for installation printed on product label and product data sheet. E. During installation, provide masking and drop cloths to prevent firestopping materials from contaminating any adjacent surfaces. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 FIRESTOPPING GENERAL A. Provide firestopping composed of components that are compatible with each other, the substrates forming openings, and the items, if any, penetrating the firestopping under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by the firestopping manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Provide components for each firestopping system that are needed to install fill material. Use only components specified by the firestopping manufacturer and approved by the qualified testing agency for the designated fire-resistance-rated systems. 2.02 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS �. A. Subject to compliance with through penetration firestop systems listed in Volume 11 of the UL Fire Resistance Directory, provide products of the following manufacturers as identified below: ` 1. Hilti Construction Chemicals,Inc.,Tulsa, Oklahoma (918)252-6901 2. Tremco Sealants&Coatings, Breechwood,Ohio (216)292-5000 3. 3M Fire Protection Products, St. Paul, Minnesota (612) 736-0203 rr 2.03 MATERIALS A. Use only firestop products that have been UL 1479, ASTM E-814, or UL 2079 tested for specific fire-rated construction conditions conforming to construction assembly type, penetrating item type, annular space requirements, and fire-rating involved for each separate instance. B. For penetrations by non-combustible items, including steel pipe, copper pipe, rigid steel conduit,and electrical metallic tubing(EMT),the following material is acceptable: 1. Hilti FS 601 Elastomeric Firestop Sealant 2. Hilti FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant 3. 3M Fire Stop Sealant 2000 4. 3M Fire Barrier CP25 5. Tremco Tremstop Fyre-Sil Sealant THERMAL AND MOISTURE -4- �,,,, PROTECTION low 11" C. For fire-rated construction joints and other gaps, the following material is acceptable: 1. Hilti FS 601 Elastomeric Firestop Sealant 2. Hilti FS 604 Self-Leveling Elastomeric Firestop Sealant 3. 3M Firestop Sealant 2000 4. Tremco Tremstop Fyre-Sil Sealant D. For penetrations by combustible items (penetrants consumed by high heat and flame) including insulated metal pipe, PVC jacketed, flexible cable or cable bundles and plastic pipe (closed piping systems), the following material is acceptable: 1. Hilti FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant 2. Hilti CP 642 Firestop Jacket 3. 3M Fire Barrier CP25 4. 3M Fire Barrier FS-195 Wrap/Strip 5. Tremco Tremstop WBM Intumescent Firestop Sealant r, E. For penetrations by combustible plastic pipe(open piping systems),the following material is acceptable: 1. Hilti CP 642 Firestop Jacket 2. Hilti FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant 3. 3M Fire Barrier PPD Plastic Pipe Device F. For large size/complex penetrations made to accommodate cable trays, multiple steel and copper pipes, electrical busways in raceways, the following material is acceptable: `wc I. Hilti FS 635 Trowelable Firestop Compound 2. Hilti FIREBLOCK �.. 3. 3M Firestop Foam 2001 4. 3M Fire Barrier CS-195 Composite Sheet 5. Tremco PS Pillow System G. For openings between structurally separate sections of wall and floors. Top of walls,the following material is acceptable: I. Hilti FS 601 Elastomeric Firestop Sealant 2. Hilti FS-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant 3. 3M Fire Barrier CP-25 H. Provide a firestop system with an "F" Rating as determined by UL 1479 or ASTM E-814,which is equal to the time rating of construction being penetrated. I. Provide a firestop system with an Assembly Rating as determined by UL 2079, which is equal to the time rating of construction being penetrated. THERMAL AND MOISTURE - 5 - �„ PROTECTION PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Verification of Conditions: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be,performed and identify conditions detrimental to proper or timely completion. 1. Verify penetrations are properly sized and in suitable condition for application of materials. 2. Surfaces to which firestop materials will be applied shall be free of dirt, grease, oil, rust, laitance, release agents, water repellents, and any other substances that may effect proper adhesion. 3. Provide masking and temporary covering to prevent soiling of adjacent ,r surfaces by firestopping materials. 4. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for temperature and humidity conditions before,during, and after installation of firestopping. 5. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Regulatory Requirements: Install firestop materials in accordance with published "Through-Penetration Firestop Systems" in UL's Fire Resistance Directory. �• B. Manufacturer's Instructions: Comply with manufacturer's instruction for installation of through-penetration materials. I. Seal all holes or voids made by penetrations to ensure an air and water resistant seal. 2. Consult with mechanical engineer, project manager prior to installation of UL firestop systems that might hamper the performance of fire dampers as it pertains to duct work. 3. Protect materials from damage on surfaces subjected to traffic. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Examine sealed penetration areas to ensure proper installation before concealing r or enclosing areas. B. Keep areas of work accessible until inspection by applicable code authorities. C. Perform under this section patching and repairing of firestopping caused by cutting or penetrating of existing firestop systems already installed by other trades. 3.04 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Remove equipment, materials, and debris, leaving area in undamaged, clean condition. B. Clean all surfaces adjacent to sealed holes and joints to be free of excess firestop materials and soiling as work progresses. THERMAL AND MOISTURE -G- "" PROTECTION r. 07320—CONCRETE ROOF TILE PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES A. International Building Code(IBC): Chapter 15—2003 Edition. r. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Samples—the type and color as selected. B. Manufacturer's literature. ,W 1. Product descriptions. 2. Recommended installation procedures. C. Tile Compliance Report. 1. UCBI ER 2656 2. ICBO ER 2093 3. NER 301 4. SBCI75101 5. LA RR 23700 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Distribute stacks of tile uniformly not greater than 12 high to facilitate tile installation. B. Protect the underlayment during the tile loading. 1.4 JOB CONDITIONS A. Install underlayment and tiles on dry surfaces. B. Project tile from other trades. C. Repair any punctures or tears in the underlayment. 1.5 WARRANTY A. Roof Tile: MonierLifetile's limited lifetime warranty against defects in roof tile f or the life of the structure. B. Workmanship: applicator limited warranty against defects for one year. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MONIERLIFETILE CONCRETE A. Profile Espana. THERMAL A N D MOISTURE - 7 - PROTECTION aw "r B. Accessory tile Type: Confirm with Owner C. Tile Type: Color Through. D. Surface Finish: Confirm with Owner r. E. Color California Mission Blend C/T 2.2 UNDERLAYMENTS �r A. Type#40 base sheet ASTM Standard 2626 2.3 FASTNERS A. Nails 1. Type: aluminum 2. Length: penetrate deck minimum 3/4' or through thickness of deck or batten. B. Screw Fasteners 1. Type: corrosion resistant fasteners formed from aluminum. 2. Length: penetrate deck 3/4' or through thickness of deck or batten. C. Storm clips—refer to MonierLifetile recommendations. w. 2.4 METAL FLASHING A. Minimum 2b gauge, G-90 corrosion resistant metal —-conforming to ASTM A 525 and A 90. B. Minimum 2.5 pounds per square food lead. w 1. Use Lead Association recommendation for lead counter flashing requirements. to 2.5 ADHESIVE/SEALANT im A. Asphalt plastic roof cement—conform to ASTM D 4588, type II, non-asbestos, non-running,heavy material composed of asphalt and other mineral ingredients. B. Adhesive formulated for use with concrete roof tile. im 2.06 EAVE CLOSURE "" A. Prefabricated metal eave closure 2.7 BATTENS +� A. Pressure treated conform to minimum Wood Preservative Institute Standards LP-2. THERMAL AND MOISTURE - 8 - PROTECTION B. Size: Use nominal 1 inch by 2 inch for standard installation andl inch buy 4 inch if installed on counterbattens. �. C. Do not use bowed or twisted battens. PART 3—EXECUTION rrr 3.1 EXAMINATION Wo A. Verify surfaces are uniform, smooth, clean and dry. B. Commence installation after required inspections. " 3.2 UNDERLAYMENT APPLICATION A. Two Ply No.40. 1. Install 19 inch wide starter striping. 2. Secure near top edge with nails,spaced 24 inches on center. 3. Install 36 inch wide sweat sheet down center of valley 4. Secure-near edge of sweat sheet 24 inches on center. 5. Install 36 inch sheet over starter sheet. 6. Secure near top edge with approved nails, spaced 24 inches on center. 7. Install with minimum 19 inches head lap and 6 inches side laps. 8. Extend underlayment up vertical surfaces minimum of 6 inches. B. Single Ply No. 40. 3.03 RIDGE VENTS w. A. Install(choose from manufacturers). 1. Follow vent manufacturer's installation recommendations. 3.04 HIP AND RIDGE NAILER BOARDS A. Install nailer boards. 1. Use fasteners of sufficient length to penetrate minimum 3/4 inch into trusses. 2. Attach with No. 26 gauge galvanized strapping minimum 24 inches on center. 3.5 VALLEYS A. Ribbed Valley Metal. 1. Minimum width 24 inch stretch out stock. 2. Minimum height of center diverter I inches. 3. Minimum edge returns 1 incl. .. 4. Minimum lap joints 6 inches. THERMAL AND MOIS'I`I.)RE -9- ,. PROTECTION a■ 3.6 SIDE WALL FLASHING as A. Install preformed metal pan flashing at base of wall over under underlayment starting at lower end and working up. 40 1. Vertical flange minimum 4 inches. Adjust for excessive flow. 2. Base flange minimum 6 inches. Adjust for excessive flow. 3. Metal edge return 1 inch. wr B. Secure 1 inch edge returns to either deck or batten strip with roofing nail through metal strap. wr C. Nail vertical metal flange near top of metal edge. 1. Minimum lap joints 6 inches. D. Counter Flashing 1. Lap top flange of base flashing minimum 3 inches. 2. Nail metal near edge 6 inches on center or set metal into reglets and seal *" thoroughly. 3. Lap joints minimum 3 inches. 3.7 HEAD AND APRON FLASHING A. Nail near top edge of vertical flange with a minimum 4 inches on tile surface. B. Lap metal 6"and seal laps with flashing cement. 3.8 FLASHING AT STANDARD CURB MOUNTED SKYLIGHTS,CHIMNEYS,ETC. A. Install curb high enough to meet tile height. 1. Underlayment must be turned up a minimum of 4 inches at all sides of curbing. 2. Refer to skylight manufacturer's installation instructions. B. Install flashing as noted above for sidewall and head wall. 3.9 FLASHING AT PIPES, TURBINES,VENTS,ETC. A. Install base flashing—sealed or lapped by underlayment. B. Install second flashing interlaced with tile coursing. 1. Galvanized metal for flat tile. 2. Malleable lead or dead soft aluminum for profile tile. C. Seal with sealant. a 3.10 BATTEN INSTALLATION A. Install top edge of 4 foot horizontal batten to horizontal line. A. B. Fasten and secure maximum 24 inches on center with nails or screws of sufficient length to penetrate sheathing minimum of 3/4 inches. THERMAL AND MOISTURE - Io- wa PROTECTION ,a. C. Allow '/2 inch space between batten end and between batten and metal edge return. �r. D. If battens are being used then chalk last course 1 '/2 inches from ridge. 3.11 TILE INSTALLATION A. Layout—horizontal 1. Overhang 2. Minimum Head lap—3 inches. B. Layout—vertical 1. Staggered/cross bond tile installation. C. Tile Installation 1. Eave treatment. • a. Combination Prefabricated Metal Eave Closure and Drip Edge 1). Fasten minimum 12 inches on center along eave. ,., D. Storm clips -refer to MonierLifetile recommendation. 3.12 FLAT,MEDIUM AND HIGH PROFILE TILE A. Ensure all tile overhangs drip edge evenly. B. Secure field and perimeter tile in accordance with IBC Table 1507.3.7. C. Maintain minimum 3 inch overlap of tile courses. low D. Lay succeeding courses of field tile. E. Cut field tile to form straight edge at center of hip, ridge and valley. w. 3.13 VALLEYS A. Preformed Metal With Water Control Ribbing 1. Closed Valley—Miter tile to form straight border at center of valley. 3.14 HIP STARTER A. Mechanically fastened. 3.15 HIP AND RIDGE INSTALLATION A. Mechanically fastened. 1. Install nailer board of sufficient height to support trim tile. 2. Protect nailer board with: a. Type 30 asphalt felt. y. b. Pressure sensitive adhesive C. Mortar THERMAL AND MOISTURE - ,,,� PROTECTION r d. Preformed metal closure 3. Mechanically fasten trim to nailer board with minimum 3/3 inch penetration. 4. Use approved sealant or clips. w. 5. Point mortar and finished to match tile surfaces. 3.16 RAKE/GABLE A. Rake/Gable Tile I. Adjust first course to match field tile. 2. Nail rake tile with minimum two corrosion resistant fasteners of sufficient length +a. to penetrate framing minimum 3/4 inch. 3. Abut eave succeeding rake tile to nose of field tile above. "W 3.17 WALL ABUTMENTS A. Install minimum No. 26 gauge flashing in accordance with manufacturer's wr instructions. B. Install tiles so as not to inhibit water flow on flashings. C. Install Batten Extenders to support tile over flashing. w. 07511 BUILT-UP ASPHALT ROOFING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes built-up asphalt roofing systems. «. 1.2 DEFINITION A. Hot Roofing Asphalt: Roofing asphalt heated to its equiviscous temperature, the temperature at which its viscosity is 125 centipoise for mopping application and 75 centipoise for mechanical application, within a range of plus or minus 25 de-F , measured at the mop cart or mechanical spreader immediately before �. application. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each product indicated. B. Samples: For each product included in roofing system. C. Maintenance data. w THERMAL AND MOISTURE - 12- PROTECTION law *r 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer,approved by manufacturer to install manufacturer's products. B. Source Limitations: Obtain components for roofing system approved by roofing system manufacturer. C. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide roofing materials with the fire-test- response characteristics indicated as determined by testing identical products per test method below by UL, FMG, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Exterior Fire-Test Exposure: Class B; ASTM E 108, for application and aw roof slopes indicated. D. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Project Site: 790 W. ,�. Perimeter Road, Renton, Washington. 1.5 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form,without monetary limitation, in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of roofing system that fail in materials or workmanship within 15 years from date of Substantial Completion. Failure includes roof leaks. PART 2-PRODUCTS .w 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to,the following: B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by ""' one of the following: 1. Built-up Asphalt Roofing: a. CertainTeed Corporation. �. b. GAF Materials Corporation. C. Johns Manville International,Inc. d. GENSTAR e. Or equal +w 2.2 BASE-SHEET MATERIALS A. Sheathing Paper: Red-rosin type, minimum 3 lb/100 sq. ft. THERMAL AND MOISTURE - 13 - PROTECTION WW ,,, B. Base Sheet: ASTM D 4601, Type II, non-perforated, asphalt-impregnated and - coated, glass-fiber sheet,dusted with fine mineral surfacing on both sides. C. Base Sheet: ASTM D 4601, Type H, SBS-modified, asphalt-impregnated and - '� coated sheet; with glass-fiber-reinforcing mat,dusted with fine mineral surfacing on both sides. D. Base Sheet: ASTM D 4897, Type H, venting, non-perforated, heavyweight, asphalt-impregnated and -coated, glass-fiber base sheet with coarse granular surfacing or embossed venting channels on bottom surface. 2.3 ROOFING MEMBRANE PLIES A. Ply Sheet: ASTM D 2178,Type IV, asphalt-impregnated, glass-fiber felt. B. Cap Sheet: ASTM D 3909, asphalt-impregnated and -coated, glass-fiber cap sheet,with white coarse mineral-granule top surfacing and fine mineral surfacing on bottom surface. 2.4 FLASHING MATERIALS ,w A. Backer Sheet: ASTM D 2178,Type IV,asphalt-impregnated, glass-fiber felt. B. Backer Sheet: ASTM D 4601, Type II, asphalt-impregnated and -coated, glass- 4M fiber sheet, dusted with fine mineral surfacing on both sides. C. Flashing Sheet: ASTM D 6164, Type I or H, polyester-reinforced, SBS-modified asphalt sheet; granular surfaced; suitable for application method specified and as ON follows: 1. Granule Color: White. ... D. Flashing Sheet: ASTM D 6162, Type I or II, composite polyester- and glass- fiber-reinforced, SBS-modified asphalt sheet; granular surfaced; suitable for UN application method specified and as follows: 1. Granule Color: White. 's E. Flashing Sheet: ASTM D 6163, Type I or H, glass-fiber-reinforced, SBS- modified asphalt sheet; granular surfaced; suitable for application method specified and as follows: 1. Granule Color: White. F. Flashing Sheet: ASTM D 6222,Type I or H,polyester-reinforced,APP-modified asphalt sheet; mineral-granule surfaced; and as follows: VW 1. Granule Color: White. THERMAL AND MOISTURE - 14- "' PROTECTION an 1W 2.5 ASPHALT MATERIALS A. Asphalt Primer: ASTM D 41. B. Roofing Asphalt: ASTM D 312, Type III as recommended by built-up roofing system manufacturer for application 2.6 AUXILIARY ROOFING MEMBRANE MATERIALS A. General: Auxiliary materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use and compatible with built-up roofing. B. Asphalt Roofing Cement: ASTM D 4586, asbestos free, of consistency required by ,,. roofing system manufacturer for application. C. Cold-Applied Adhesive: Roofing system manufacturer's standard asphalt-based, one- or two-part, asbestos-free, cold-applied adhesive specially formulated for compatibility and use with built-up roofing base flashings. D. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion- "' resistance provisions in FM 4470; designed for fastening roofing membrane components to substrate; tested by manufacturer for required pullout strength; and acceptable to roofing system manufacturer. E. Aggregate Surfacing: ASTM D 1863, No. 6 or No. 67, clean, dry, opaque, water-worn gravel free of sharp edges. w. 2.7 SUBSTRATE BOARDS A. Substrate Board: ASTM C 36, Type X gypsum wallboard, 5/8 inch thick. B. Substrate Board: ASTM C I I77/C 1177M, glass-mat, water-resistant gypsum substrate,Type X, 5/8 inch thick. C. Substrate Board:ASTM C 728, perlite board, 3/4 inch thick, seal coated. D. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470, designed for fastening substrate panel to roof deck. 2.8 ROOF INSULATION: A. See section 07200. 2.9 INSULATION ACCESSORIES THERMAL A N D MOISTURE - 15 - PROTECTION A. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting w' corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470, designed for fastening roof insulation to substrate,and acceptable to roofing system manufacturer. a. B. Cold Fluid-Applied Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard cold fluid-applied adhesive formulated to adhere roof insulation to substrate. C. Insulation Cant Strips: ASTM C 728,perlite insulation board. D. Insulation Cant Strips:ASTM C 208,Type II,Grade 1,cellulosic-fiber insulation board. E. Tapered Edge Strips: ASTM C 728, perlite insulation board. F. Tapered Edge Strips: ASTM C 208, Type H, Grade 1, cellulosic-fiber insulation board. G. Tapered Edge Strips: ASTM C 726,glass-fiber insulation board. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 ROOFING MEMBRANE INSTALLATION A. Install built-up roofing membrane system according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions and applicable recommendations of ARMA/NRCA's "Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing." B. Where roof slope exceeds 1 inch per 12 inches, install sheets of built-up roofing membrane parallel with slope and backnail. C. Coordinate installing roofing system components so insulation and roofing membrane sheets are not exposed to precipitation or left exposed at the end of the workday or when rain is forecast. .. D. Substrate-Joint Penetrations: Prevent roofing asphalt from penetrating substrate joints, entering building, or damaging roofing system components or adjacent building construction. rw E. Loosely lay one course of sheathing paper, lapping edges and ends a minimum of 2 inches and 6 inches, respectively. F. Install one lapped course of base sheet, extending sheet over and terminating beyond cants. Attach base sheet as follows: 1. Mechanically fasten to substrate. 2. Spot-or strip-mop to substrate with hot roofing asphalt. 3. Adhere to substrate in a solid mopping of hot roofing asphalt. THERMAL AND MOISTURE - 16 - PROTECTION G. Install [three] ply sheets starting at low point of roofing system. Align ply sheets without stretching. Shingle side laps of ply sheets uniformly to achieve required number of plies throughout thickness of roofing membrane. Shingle in direction to shed water. Extend ply sheets over and terminate beyond cants. 1. Embed each ply sheet in a solid mopping of hot roofing asphalt. H. Cap Sheet: Install lapped granulated cap sheet starting at low point of roofing system. Offset laps from laps of preceding ply sheets and align cap sheet without stretching. Lap in direction to shed water. Extend cap sheet over and terminate beyond cants. 1. Embed cap sheet in a solid mopping of hot roofing asphalt. I. Aggregate Surfacing: Promptly after installing and testing roofing membrane, base flashing, and stripping, flood-coat roof surface with 60 lb/100 sq. ft. of hot roofing asphalt. While flood coat is hot and fluid, cast the following average weight of aggregate in a uniform course: 1. Aggregate Weight: 400—lb/100 sq. ft. 3.2 FLASHING AND STRIPPING INSTALLATION A. Install base flashing over cant strips and other sloping and vertical surfaces, at roof edges,and at penetrations through roof,and secure to substrates according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. +r B. Extend base flashing up walls or parapets a minimum of S inches above roofing membrane and 4 inches onto field of roofing membrane. VW C. Mechanically fasten top of base flashing securely at terminations and perimeter of roofing. D. Install stripping, according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions, where metal flanges and edgings are set on built-up roofing. 3.3 WALKWAY INSTALLATION A. Walkway Pads: Install walkway pads using units of size indicated or, if not indicated, of manufacturer's standard size according to walkway pad manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Sweep away loose aggregate surfacing and set walkway pads in .. additional flood coat of hot roofing asphalt. B. Cap Sheet Strips: Install cap sheet strips, approximately 36 inches wide and in lengths not exceeding 10 feet, leaving a space of 6 inches between strips. Adhere W. in hot roofing asphalt. THERMAL AND MOISTURE - 17- *SW PROTECTION *W +M. END OF DIVISION 7 ..r ..r w r. THERMAL AND MOISTURE • PROTECTION DIVISION 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS 08100 Steel Doors and Frames: +*r Exterior 16 gage H-M frames,and 18 gage faced insulated metal doors 08200 Wood Doors: VV Pre-hung solid wood core maple veneer doors to meet 20 minute UL label in Timely Brand frames. Pre-hung wood veneer doors non-rated in wood frames. 08300 Special Doors: See Plans 08305 Access Doors: Provide Wall&Attic Draftstop access doors,UL or FM labeled, Fire-rated wall VW access doors, and Fire-rated ceiling access doors. Insulated, fire-Rated Access doors shall be self latching units consisting of frame,trim, door, insulation, and hardware, including automatic closer, interior latch release, as manufactured by aw Acudor Product Inc, Bar-Co, Inc, Div, Alfab, Inc, Cesco Products; Elmdor Manufacturing Co.; J.L. Industries; Karp Associated, Inc.; Larsen's Manufacturing Co,Milcor,Inc.,Nystrom,Inc.; The Williams Bors. Corporation of America; or approved equivalent. Submit complete schedule, including types, general locations, sizes, wall and ceiling construction details, latching or locking provisions, and other data pertinent to installation and shop drawings showing fabrication and installation of customized access doors and frames. w.. 08400 Windows: ... Double glazed extruded aluminum with mill finish. Aluminum frame to have thermal break. Exterior double glazed unit shall be low-E-coated with air space, interior light clear. Provide tempered and safety laminated units as required. Interior glazing shall be per window schedule 08710 Finish Hardware: Locks and latches shall be the product of one manufacturer and one knob design with finish called for by Owner. Panic hardware as required by code at exits. Fire alarm activated closures at area separation doors and smoke doors. Weather `" stripping and thresholds,at exterior doors. 08800 Glazing: Glass:-Glass shall comply with Federal Specification DD-G-45 Id. See window schedule DOORS AND WINDOWS - 1 - Tempered Glass Manufacturer: O'Keeffe, Inc. Glazing shall meet the requirements of Federal Specification DD-G-1403B, and the safety requirements of ANSI Z97.1, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission wo Standard 16 CFR 1201 Cl and CU. Tong marks shall not be visible in the installed work. Tempered glass shall be permanently marked showing special characteristics. Provide glazing as shown in the window and door schedules. Clear Insulating Glass: Shall be two sheets of 1/4" clear tempered float glass (with a low emissivity film for windows facing South, West and Southwest), in a END OF DIVISION 8 WW .. DOORS AND WINDOWS -2- w. DIVISION 9-FINISHES SECTION 09210-PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Portland Cement Plaster Finishes: (Stucco). 2. Metal lath. 1.2 SUBMITTALS �.• A. Submit per section 01300. First paragraph below assumes manufacturer's standard-size Samples are acceptable. Revise to suit Project. r 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Where indicated, provide assemblies " identical to those tested for fire resistance per ASTM E 119 by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements, General: Comply with requirements of referenced plaster application standards and recommendations of plaster manufacturer for environmental conditions before,during,and after plaster application. . . PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 LATH ,,. A. Expanded-Metal Lath: ASTM C 847. 1. Material: Zinc-coated(galvanized)steel sheet,structural quality, with .. coating complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M,G60 coating designation. Diamond-Mesh Lath: Flat aw a. Weight: (3.4 LB/sq.yd.) 2. Rib Lath: .. B. Paper Backing: Factory bonded to back of lath, complying with FS UU-B-790, Type 1. FINISHES _ 1 1. Vapor-Permeable Paper: Grade D, Style 2. 2.2 ACCESSORIES w A. General: ASTM C 1063. Coordinate depth of accessories with thickness and number of plaster coats required. .r B. Metal Corner Reinforcement: Expanded, large-mesh, diamond-metal lath fabricated from zinc-alloy or welded-wire mesh fabricated from 0.0475-inch diameter, zinc-coated (galvanized) wire and specially formed to reinforce external corners of Portland cement plaster on exterior exposures while allowing full plaster encasement. .. 1. Galvanized Steel: Minimum 0.0172 inch thick. C. Cornerbreads: Bull nose comerbeads with expanded flanges of large-mesh diamond-metal lath allowing full plaster encasement. 1. Material: Galvanized steel. ow D. Casing Beads: Square-edged style, with expanded flanges. 1. Material: Galvanized steel. E. Curved Casing Beads: Square-edged style, fabricated from aluminum coated with clear plastic,preformed into curve of radius indicated. ow F. Control Joints: Prefabricated with removable protective tape on plaster face of control joints. 1. Material: Galvanized steel One-piece control joints are not available in aluminum. 2. Type: 2-piece,casing beads with back flanges formed to produce slip- joint action, adjustable for joint widths from 1/8 to 5/8 inch. G. Foundation Sill(Weep) Screed: Manufacturer's standard profile designed for use at sill plate line to form plaster stop and prevent plaster from contacting damp earth, fabricated from zinc-coated(galvanized)steel sheet. .. H. Lath Attachment Devices: Material and type -required by ASTM C 1063 for installations indicated. MW 2.3 PLASTER MATERIALS A. Base-Coat Cements: Plastic cement, ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except for limitations on insoluble residue, air entrainment, and additions subsequent to calcination and with maximum plasticizing agent content not exceeding 12 .. percent of total volume. FINISHES _2_ t.. B. Job-Mixed Finish-Coat Cement: Plastic cement, ASTM C 150, Type I or H, aw except for limitations on insoluble residue, air entrainment, and additions subsequent to calcination and with maximum plasticizing agent content not exceeding 12 percent of total volume. C. Stucco Finish Coat: Manufacturer's standard factory-packaged stucco, including Portland cement, aggregate, coloring agent, and other proprietary ingredients. 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 2. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by: *W a. Highland Stucco colors, see elevations. D. Aggregate for Finish Coats: ASTM C 897 system. 1W 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Fiber for Base Coat: Alkaline-resistant glass or polypropylene fibers, 1/2 inch long, free of contaminates, manufactured for use in Portland cement plaster. B. Water for Mixing and Finishing Plaster: Potable. C. Bonding Agent: ASTM C 932. aw D. Finish Coat: Dash Finish 2.5 PLASTER MIXES AND COMPOSITIONS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 926. .. 1. Base-Coat Mixes and Compositions: Adjust mix proportions within limits specified to attain workability. M 2. Fiber: Not to exceeding 1 lb/cu. ft. of cementitious materials. Add to mixes according to fiber manufacturer's written instructions after other mix components have been mixed at least 2 minutes. Reduce aggregate quantities accordingly to maintain workability. B. Three-Coat Work over Metal Lath: 1. Scratch and Brown Coat Mixes: Scratch, 1 part plastic cement, I part Portland cement,2-1/2 to 4_parts aggregate; brown, 1 part plastic cement, 1 part Portland cement, 3 to 5 parts aggregate. aw C. Two-Coat Work over Concrete Unit Masonry: .. FINISHES -3 _ 1. Base Coat Mix: 1 part plastic cement,3 to 4 parts aggregate. D. Job-Mixed Finish Coats: 1. Stucco Finish Coat: Add water only, comply with stucco manufacturer's written instructions. Stucco Manufacturer: Highland. PART 3-EXECUTION I No 3.1 LATH AND FURRING INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Standards: Comply with ML/SFA 920, "Guide Specifications for Metal Lathing and Furring,"and ASTM C 1063. B. Install supplementary framing, blocking, and bracing at terminations in work and for support of fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, handrails, furnishings, and similar work to comply with details indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, to comply with applicable written instructions of lath and furring manufacturer. C. Isolation: Where lathing and metal support system abut building structure horizontally and where partition or wall abuts overhead structure, isolate from structural movement to prevent transfer of loading from building structure. I Frame both sides of control joints independently and do not bridge joints with furring and lathing or accessories. D. Install additional framing, furring, runners, lath, and beads, as required to form r openings and frames for other work as indicated. Coordinate support system for proper support of framed work that is not indicated to be supported independently of metal furring and lathing system. 3.2 LATHING A. Install where plaster base coats are required. Provide appropriate type, configuration, and weight of metal lath selected from materials indicated that comply with referenced ML/SFA specifications and ASTM lathing installation aw standards. 1. Suspended and Furred Ceilings: Use flat, diamond-mesh lath. ,,. 2. 2,-Ply Black Paper by Plaster Craft or Equal. 3.3 PREPARATIONS FOR PLASTERING A. Protect contiguous Work from damage and deterioration caused by plastering with temporary covering and other provisions necessary. FINISHES -4- B. Clean plaster bases and substrates for direct application of plaster, removing loose material and substances that may impair the Work. C. Apply bonding agent on concrete and concrete unit masonry surfaces indicated for direct plaster application. D. Apply finish product: Highland Ultra- Bond coat on concrete surfaces indicated •� for direct plaster application. Substraight to be prepared per product manufacturer's specifications. E. Install temporary grounds.and screeds to ensure._accurate rodding of plaster to true surfaces;coordinate with scratch-coat work. F. Refer to Division 6 Sections for installing permanent wood grounds. G. Refer to Division 7 Sections for installing flashing. �. H. Surface Conditioning: Immediately before plastering, dampen concrete and concrete unit masonry substrates,except where a bonding agent has been applied, to produce optimum suction for plastering. 3.4 PLASTERING ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with referenced lathing and furring installation standards for provision and location of plaster accessories. Miter or cope accessories at corners; install with tight joints and in alignment. Attach accessories securely to °- plaster bases to hold accessories in place and in alignment during plastering. 1. External Corners: Install Bullnose corner reinforcement at external +.r corners. 2. Terminations of Plaster: Install casing beads, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Control Joints: Install at locations indicated or, if not indicated, at locations complying with the following criteria and approved by Owner: a. Where an expansion or contraction joint occurs in surface of construction directly behind plaster membrane. b. Distance between Control Joints: Not to exceed 18 feet in either direction or a length-to-width ratio of 2-1/2 to 1. C. Wall Areas: Not more than 144 sq. ft. d. Horizontal Surfaces: Not more than 100 sq. ft. in area. e. Where plaster panel sizes or dimensions change, extend joints full width or height of plaster membrane. B. Where sound-rated plasterwork is indicated by STC ratings or other notation,seal work at perimeters, control joints, openings, and penetrations with a continuous bead of acoustical sealant. Comply with ASTM C 919 and plaster manufacturer's written instructions for location of sealant beads. C. Install sound attenuation blankets within stud cavities where indicated. FINISHES _ 5 _ A. Cut, patch, replace, repair, and point up plaster as necessary to accommodate other work. Repair cracks and indented surfaces. Point-up finish plaster surfaces around items that are built into or penetrate plaster surfaces. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, check cracking, dry outs, efflorescence, ""' excessive pinholes, and similar defects. Repair or replace work as necessary to comply with required visual effects. W. B. Remove temporary covering and other provisions made to minimize spattering of plaster on other work. Promptly remove plaster from door frames,windows, and other surfaces not to be plastered. Repair surfaces stained, marred or otherwise „„ damaged during plastering work. 09250 Gypsum Wallboard: 1. Typical interior finish: Gypsum Wallboard, 5/8" Type 'X', at all walls and ceilings. 09280 Vestibule Floor Covering: 1. Per Interior Designer 09311 Ceramic Tile: 1. Provide ceramic tile at base, floors and walls as indicated in the Room Finish Schedule, or shown on the drawings. 09511 Ceiling Acoustical Treatment: 1. Corridors and other areas as indicated in the Room Finish Schedule. Mineral fissured 2'x 4'accessible ceiling the scored 2'x 2'. 09650 Resilient Flooring: 1. Sheet vinyl in core service areas, toilets, and unit bathrooms (see finish schedule). Seamless sheet goods in kitchen and food service areas. See kitchen �.. drawings. 09688 Carpeting Glue-Down: (See finish schedule) 09900 Painting: 1. Only "first line, best grade" products shall be used, Sherwin Williams or equal. Apply per manufacturers written instructions. a. Drywall (Typical): Primer + 2 coats washable acrylic enamel (sheen as indicated). See Kitchen drawings for precedence. b. Drywall(Toilets and Kitchen): Primer + 2 coats alkyd enamel vim (sheen as indicated). See Kitchen drawings for precedence. Im FINISHES .00 C. Interior Wood: 1 coat stain,sealer and clear lacquer,or Primer+ 2 coats paint. d. Exterior Wood: 2 coats semi-transparent stain, or Primer + 2 ' coats paint. e. Exterior Decks: Koba-Thane or equal. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Contractor to submit samples to Owner's Office. r END OF DIVISION 9 "W ,. 60 FINISHES _ 8 Now DIVISION 10-SPECIALTIES 10300 Fireplace: Zero clearance gas fireplace: Model: CFX—Cresant, heat circulating as manufactured by Heat-N-Glo or approved equivalent. Install per manufacturer specifications aw 10400 Identifying Devices: aw Room and space identification: ADA approved permanent signage; Residents room, number with two windows for changeable text for resident's name; all other rooms,room number and name,braille as required by code; staff and public toilets,word-picture type. 1. Parking and traffic signs: IS ga min bonder;zed steel, screen printing, baked enamel. r 2. Exterior sign: Owner furnished and General Contractor to installed. +� 10505 Metal Lockers Provide multi-robe locker/coat rack with number plates, louvered vents, and 6" legs, as manufactured by Republic storage systems, or approved equivalent, at staff locker room. Submit manufacturer's color charts for initial color selection by Architect and Owner. 10520 Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets: rrr Provide fire extinguishers and recessed cabinets in locations required by the Fire Marshall. 1. J. L. Industries, Ambassador Steel Series #1017F l OFX, or equal fire rated. Finish: White Epoxy Primer. 2. Fire Extinguisher: Multi-purpose dry chemical extinguisher for class A,B and C fires, nominal capacity of 5 lbs. 10550 Postal Specialties Furnish and install mailboxes and accessories where indicated on drawings. Mount with government lock at 58" above finish floor. Materials, sizes, construction,and installation shall comply with all current USPS Regulations. 1. Manufacturer: Bommer Front loading standard size "A" Series 6200. Install per manufacturer specifications. Finish: natural anodized aluminum 628. Total number of boxes per-interior elevations. Verify law with Owner. No SPECIALTIES _ 1 W" 10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories: MW Furnish and install toilet accessories listed: Acceptable manufacturers: RSI Home Products Sea Chrome Bobrick Approved Equivalent 1. Items referenced are from manufacturer: Bobrick. B-359 Recessed Paper Towel Disp. At public toilets and as shown on drawings. r. B-6677 Recessed Toilet Tissue Dispenser for Single Roll. At all toilets. B-2113 Soap Dispenser. At public toilets and where shown on drawings. B-6806 Series Grab Bar.(Size as shown on drawings.) B-6827 Hat and Coat Hook. At public toilets. Sanitary napkin disposal units.At public and staff toilets. B-530 Stainless steel towel bar,24" long. At all resident toilets. B-211 Robe hook. At all resident apartment toilets. B-223 Mop and Broom Holder. At janitors'closets. B-207 Stainless steel shower curtain rod with concealed mounting. +. 2. Trap Assembly Insulation Wrap (second floor and public toilets, Owner will provide in other units on an as needed basis): Wheelchair accessible lavatories and sinks to be insulated with Brocar "Trap Wrap" insulation kit, or equal. P-trap assembly shall have foam insert covered with vinyl outer shell. Angle stop covers shall have access to allow easy emergency shut off. 3. Mirrors shall be 1/4" plate glass with beveled edge, size as detailed on drawings. B-398 Recessed medicine cabinet mirror, (15" X 36" for 4" nominal wall), at resident toilets. B-290 series framed mirror, (see drawings for size),at public and staff toilets. 10820 Tub and Shower enclosures Furnish and install Model #60-1-12 fiberglass shower stall, Model #100-H fiberglass tub/shower, or Model #36-H fiberglass shower stall as shown on .� drawings. Enclosure manufactured by Fiber-Fab (503-792-3456) or approved equivalent. Location of controls varies-see unit drawings. END OF DIVISION 10 1.. SPECIALTIES ow DIVISION 11-EQUIPMENT: BLANK 11102 11110 11400 11450 END OF DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT r low .. DIVISION 12-FURNISHINGS 12300 Cabinets: Factory fabricated cabinets equal. Counter tops,edges and backsplashes shall be high pressure plastic laminate. END OF DIVISION 12 wir err �w wr i.r .r FURNISHINGS - 1 - aw w. "m DIVISION 14-CONVEYING SYSTEMS; BLANK 14245 .r END OF DIVISION 14 aw to wm ow go wr wr. wr to &w wo ow CONVEYING SYSTEMS - 1 - ". + r SECTION 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PART- 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Basic Mechanical Requirements specifically applicable to Division 15 in addition to Division 1, General Requirements. B. Furnish all design,materials,labor,equipment and services necessary for all mechanical work in accordance with the contract documents. C. Provide all supplementary or miscellaneous items,appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for complete,operating systems. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. All ventilation and heating work and equipment. +r B. Temperature controls. C. Associated insulation. D. Connection to all utilities. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Washington State Indoor Air Quality Code Section 302.2.2. B. IBC 2003 addition. C. International Mechanical Code. D. Washington State Residential Energy Code 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01300. B. Submit shop drawings including schematic design drawings and product data, grouped to t,„ include complete submittals of related systems and products. PART-2 PRODUCTS as 2.1 HEATING AND VENTILATION EQUIPMENT A. Forced air furnaces acceptable manufacturers: BLANK.. B. Furnaces: BLANK. BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS wr %W �r C. Exhaust fans: BLANK. w+r 2.2 DESIGN CONCEPT: A. FORCED AIR HEATING AND VENTILATION: BLANK Wo B. VENTING FOR GAS APPLIANCES: BLANK �r. C. ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT ROOM: BLANK PART-3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for particular conditions of installation in each case. If printed instructions are not available or do not apply to project conditions, consult manufacturer's technical representative for specific recommendations before proceeding with work. 2. Install all mechanical work to permit ease of maintenance and replacement of parts. 3. Provide access panels in equipment and ducts as necessary for inspection and maintenance. 4. Comply with all local codes and ordinances 3.2 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING w A. Adjust all equipment for satisfactory operation and correct operating sequence. Check all safety devices and controls for proper operation. B. Clean all exposed and concealed work. wr 3.3 PROJECT CLOSE-OUT A. Comply with Division 1 requirements. B. The following items shall be completed prior to final inspection: a. Inspections required by local authorities. b. Cleaning of equipment and premises. C. Provide operating instructions and maintenance manuals to Owner. d. Testing,adjustment and balancing of systems. e. Record drawings. f. Warrantees. END OF SECTION err BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS _2_ +rr �.r SECTION 15450 BASIC PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS PART- 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Basic Plumbing Requirements specifically applicable to Division 15 in addition to Division 1, General Requirements. B. Furnish all design,materials,labor,equipment and services-necessary for all plumbing work in accordance with the contract documents. C. Provide all supplementary or miscellaneous items,appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for complete,operating systems. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. All plumbing work, fixtures and equipment. B. Associated insulation. C. Connection to all utilities. a 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. International Plumbing Code. B. IBC 2003 addition. ,r C. Local Codes and Ordinances wr 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01300. B. Submit manufacturers data sheets for all products and equipment. r PART-2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM—ADA COMPLIANCE A, Water closet: Kohler Greenwich K-2030, Color: White, Trim to be installed. B. Urinal: Kohler Dexter K-5016-ET,Color: White,Trim to be installed. BASIC PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS _ 1 _ D. Bathroom Sink: Kohler Greenwich K-2030,Trim to be installed. E. Bathroom Faucet with blades: Kohler,chrome finish,to be selected by designer. w. Trim to be installed. PART-3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION r. A. General: 1. Fixture connections: Provide in accordance with rough-in details of manufacturer. «r Include water,soil,waste and vent connections as required. 2. Sealing of fixtures: Seal edges where they interface with walls,counters,and floors with narrow, uniform width bead of clear latex sealant. Apply only after adjacent surfaces are clean and dry and walls have been painted. 3. Faucets: Install on sinks at holes provided. Install claps and accessories provided. 3.2 PROJECT CLOSE-OUT A. Comply with Division 1 requirements. B. The following items shall be completed prior to final inspection: a. Inspections required by local authorities. b. Cleaning of fixtures,equipment and premises. C. Record drawings. d. Warrantees. w. END OF SECTION wr .s �,, BASIC PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS -2- r.. SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART- 1 GENERAL rs 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Basic Electrical Requirements specifically applicable to Division 16, in addition to Division 1 General Requirements. B. Furnish all_design,materials,-labor,equipment and services for all electrical, lighting, and communications work in accordance with the contract documents. C. Although such work is not specifically indicated,provide all supplementary or miscellaneous items,appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings, including schematic design drawings and product data grouped to include complete submittals of related systems, products,and accessories in a single submittal. �. 1.3 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable Building Codes as adopted by the City of Edmonds. B. Fire Protection: Conform to all fire codes as adopted by the City of Edmonds, Washington, including but not limited to ANSI/NFPA 70-National Electrical Code and NFPA 101. C. Obtain permits and request inspections from authority having jurisdiction. 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS ..r A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum 3 years experience. PART-2 PRODUCTS 2.1 NOT USED PART-3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION r WS BASIC ELECTRICAL 1 .n SECTION 16120 CONDUCTORS AND CABLES PART—1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Building wire and cable. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16111 -Conduit. B. Section 16130-Boxes. C. Section 16195 -Identification. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSUNFPA 70-National Electrical Code. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency specified under Regulatory Requirements. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this Section r. with minimum three years experience. 1.6 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSUNFPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories,Inc. or testing firm acceptable to authority having jurisdiction as suitable for purpose specified and shown. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS r. A. Verify that field measurements are as shown on Drawings. .� B. Conductor sizes are based on copper. C. Aluminum conductor shall not be substituted for copper conductor. D. Wire and cable routing shown on Drawings is approximate unless dimensioned. Route wire and cable as required to meet Project Conditions. E. Where wire and cable routing is not shown,and destination only is indicated, determine exact routing and lengths required. r. CONDUCTORS AND CABLES - 1 - PART-2 PRODUCTS 2.1 WALL SWITCHES A. Manufacturers: 1. Hubbell. 2. Leviton. 3. Bryant. r B. Device Body: Ivory plastic with toggle handle. D. Voltage Rating: 120-277 volts,AC. E. Current Rating: 15 amperes. F. Ratings: Match branch circuit and load characteristics. 2.2 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES A. Manufacturers: 1. Hubbell. 2. Leviton. 3. Bryant. B. Device Body: Ivory plastic. C. Convenience Receptacle: Type 5-20. D. GFCI Receptacle: Convenience receptacle with integral ground fault circuit interrupter .. to meet regulatory requirements. 2.4 WALL PLATES r A. Decorative Cover Plate: Ivory, smooth plastic. PART-3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify outlet boxes are installed at proper height, i.e. installed at height to match existing. B. Verify wall openings are neatly cut and will be completely covered by wall plates. C. Verify branch circuit wiring installation is completed,tested,and ready for connection to aw wiring devices. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Provide extension rings to bring outlet boxes flush with finished surface. rr WIRING DEVICES -2 - B. Clean debris from outlet boxes. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install devices plumb and level. C. Install switches with OFF position down. D. Install receptacles with grounding pole on top. E. Connect wiring device grounding terminal branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. F. Install decorative plates on switch,receptacle, and blank outlets in finished areas. G. Connect wiring devices by wrapping conductor around screw terminal. 3.4 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Coordinate locations of outlet boxes provided under Section 16130 to obtain mounting heights specified and indicated on Drawings. B. Install wail switch 48 inches above finished floor. C. Install convenience receptacle 12 inches above finished floor. D. Install convenience receptacle 6 inches above counter. E. Install telephone jack 12 inches above finished floor. F. Install telephone jack for wall telephone 54 inches above finished floor. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect each wiring device for defects. B. Operate each wall switch with circuit energized and verify proper operation. C. Verify that each receptacle device is energized. D. Test each receptacle device for proper polarity. E. Test each GFCI receptacle device for proper operation. 3.6 ADJUSTING A. Adjust devices and wall plates to be flush and level. END OF SECTION W WIRING DEVICES 3 SECTION 16170 GROUNDING AND BONDING PART- 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Grounding electrodes and conductors. B. Equipment grounding conductors. C. Bonding. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 70-National Electrical Code. do B. NPFA 99-Health Care Facilities. 1.3 GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM A. Existing Metal underground water pipe. ' B. Metal frame of the building. C. Rod electrode. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide data for grounding connections. 1.5 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. or testing firm +�. acceptable to authority having jurisdiction as suitable for purpose specified and shown. PART-3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install Products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Provide bonding to meet Regulatory Requirements. aw C. Equipment Grounding Conductor: Provide separate, insulated conductor within each feeder and branch circuit raceway. Terminate each end on suitable lug,bus, or bushing. r 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL GROUNDING AND BONDING - I - SECTION 16510 INTERIOR LUMINAIRES PART- 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES AK A. Interior luminaries and accessories. rr B. Lamps. C. Luminaire accessories. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16130-Boxes. ,r 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI C78.379-Electric Lamps-Incandescent and High-Intensity Discharge Reflector Lamps-Classification of Beam Patterns. B. ANSI C82.1 -Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps- Specifications. C. ANSUNFPA 70-National Electrical Code. D. ANSUNFPA 101 -Life Safety Code. E. NEMA WD 6- Wiring Devices-Dimensional Requirements. rr 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions and components for each Luminaire that is not a standard product of the manufacturer. B. Product Data: Provide dimensions,ratings, and performance data. C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate application conditions limitations of use stipulated UK by product testing agency under Regulatory Requirements. D. Manufacturer's Instructions: Include instructions for handling, protection,examination, preparation,and installation of product. oft 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS sk A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this Section with minimum three years experience. 1.6 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSUNFPA 70. INTERIOR LUMINAIRES _ 1 _ B. Conform to requirements of NFPA 101. C. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.or testing firm rr acceptable to authority having jurisdiction as suitable for purpose specified and shown. PART-2 PRODUCTS err 2.1 LUMINAIRES A. Furnish products as specified on Drawings. B. Install ballasts and specified accessories at factory. 2.2 BALLASTS A. Fluorescent Ballast: 1. Description: ANSI C82.1,high power factor type solid state ballast. 2. Provide ballast suitable for lamps specified. 3. Voltage: 120 volts. 4. Source Quality Control: Certify ballast design and construction by Certified Ballast Manufacturers,Inc. PART-3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXANIINATION A. Examine substrate and supporting grids for luminaries. AW B. Examine each Luminaire to determine suitability for lamps specified. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturers instructions. B. Install accessories furnished with each Luminaire. C. Connect luminaries to branch circuit outlets provided under Section 16130 using flexible conduit. D. Make wiring connections to branch circuit using building wire with insulation suitable for temperature conditions within Luminaire. E. Bond products and metal accessories to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. F. Install specified lamps in each Luminaire. INTERIOR LUMINAIRES _2_ 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Operate each Luminaire after installation and connection. Inspect for proper connection and operation. 3.4 ADJUSTING r A. Relamp luminaries that have failed lamps at Substantial Completion. ar 3.5 CLEANING A. Clean electrical parts to remove conductive and deleterious materials. B. Remove dirt and debris from enclosure. C. Clean photometric control surfaces as recommended by manufacturer. D. Clean finishes and touch up damage. END OF SECTION .r INTERIOR LUMINAIRES 3