HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-08-055 CITY OF RENTON CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 15f day of aL& _, 2008, between the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the State of W hin n hereinafter referred to a "CITY" P rp g s CITY and TRS Mechanical, Inc., hereinafter referred to as"CONTRACTOR,"to replace two screw compressors in the Mammoth roof top unit.Provide all labor,materials and applicable permits to achieve the following project scope: Lock out one compressor at a time, isolate the compressor,recover the refrigerant from the compressor and remove the compressor. Install a new compressor,evacuate the new compressor,start and test new compressor and performing such incidental or other work as may be necessitated by these operations. The single contract bid price includes the appropriate supervision,scheduling,and job site management. Located at Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057 The City and Contractor agree'as set forth below. 1. Scope of Services. The Contractor will provide all material and labor necessary to perform all work described in the Proposal which is included with this Agreement as Attachment"A." 2. Changes in Scope of Services. The City,without invalidating the Contract, may order changes in the Services consisting of additions, deletions or modifications, the Contract Sum being adjusted accordingly. Such changes in the work shall be authorized by written Change Order signed by the City and the Contractor. 3. Time of Performance. The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later than ten (10)calendar days after Contract's final execution, and shall complete the full performance of the Contract not later than 30 calendar days from the date of commencement. 4. Term Of Contract.The Term of this Agreement shall end at completion of the enclosed scope of work. This Agreement may be extended to accomplish change orders, if required, upon mutual written agreement of the City and the Contractor. 5. Contract Sum. The total amount of this Contract is the sum of $50,552.82 which includes Washington State Sales Tax. 6. Method of Payment. Payment by the City for the Services will only be made after the Services have been performed and a voucher or invoice is submitted in the form specified by the City. Payment will be made thirty(30)days after receipt of such voucher or invoice. The City shall have the right to withhold payment to the Contractor for any work not completed in a satisfactory manner until such time as the Contractor modifies such work so that the same is satisfactory. 7. Employment.The Contractor's employees are not employees of the City of Renton. 8. Assignment and Subcontract. The Contractor shall not assign or subcontract any portion of this Contract without express written consent of the City of Renton. 9. Record Keeping and Reporting_ The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records which properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended and services provided in the performance of this Agreement. The Contractor agrees to provide access to any records required by the City. 10. Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers,from and against any and all claims, including claims from third parties, losses or liability, or any portion thereof, including attorneys fees and costs, arising from injury or death to persons, including injuries, sickness,disease or death to Contractor's own employees, or damage to property occasioned by a negligent act,omission or failure of the Contractor. 11. Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain throughout the duration of this contract the following insurance requirements: General Liability insurance in the amount of$1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate; Professional Liability insurance in the amount of$1,000,000 per claim;Automobile Liability in the amount of$1,000,000 per accident; and proof of Workers' Compensation coverage. The City of Renton will be name as an Additional Insured on the insurance policy and an endorsement stating such shall be provided. 12. Compliance with Laws. The Contractor and all of the Contractor's employees shall perform the services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, county and city laws,codes and ordinances. 13. Conflicts. In the event of any inconsistencies between contractor proposals and this contract, the City of Renton contract shall prevail. 14. Prevailing Wage Rates. By executing this Contact, the Contractor agrees to comply with the State prevailing wage requirements as set forth in the Contract Documents. This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year written above. CONTRACTOR -ti CITY OF RENTON Signature Signature L. L60, Denis Law,Mayor Vf-e Printed Name and Title 5�_-c retn&zi Printed Name and Tide Business Name Attest 9OX J 3 is Bonnie Walton City Clerk Mailing Address Printed Name and Title J-►4A� `�)A 9 e,3 City 7 State Zip X53. 539 -01q1 Telephone N%wr Attachment A MAMMOTH COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT for RENTON CITY HALL �Y ♦ '_- N CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FACILITIES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON,WASHINGTON April,2008 PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS MAMMOTH COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT - RENTON CITY HALL TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE NUMBER OF PAGES Tableof Contents.................................................................................................................................1 DIVISION 0-BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, CONTRACT FORMS,AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00020 Synopsis of Bidding Information............................................................................................2 00030 Invitation To Bid.....................................................................................................................1 00040 Bid Submittal Checklist..........................................................................................................1 00100 Instructions to Bidders...........................................................................................................3 00300 Bid Form-Form Of Proposal ................................................................................................4 00400 Non-Collusion,Anti-Trust, & Minimum Wage Form...............................................................1 00500 Contract.................................................................................................................................1 00700 General Conditions................................................................................................................1 00800 Special Conditions.................................................................................................................2 00900 Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance Form...............................................................1 00910 Bond To The City Of Renton Form........................................................................................1 00920 Insurance Requirements .......................................................................................................3 DIVISON 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work and Sequences........................................................................................1 01028 Change Orders......................................................................................................................1 01500 Construction Facilities, Utilities, and Temporary Controls.....................................................2 01700 Project Closeout......................................................................................................... ..........2 DIVISION 2-SITEWORK 02070 Selective Demolition..............................................................................................................2 ROOF REPLACEMENT CITY SHOPS TC- 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 111 ' BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, CONTRACT FORMS, AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT DIVISION 0 SECfhJ 00020-SYNOPSIS OF BIDDING INFO ATION A. PROJECT: Mammoth Compressor Replacement For Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 B. OWNER: City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 C. OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE: Greg Stroh, Facilities Manager Community Services Department City of Renton 1101 Bronson Way North Renton, WA 98057 Phone(425)430-6614 FAX (425)430-6603 D. BIDS DUE: Thursday, May 15,2008 2:30 P.M. Renton City Hall - Seventh Floor-City Clerks Office After Bids are received and time-stamped by the City Clerk, the bids will be opened in the Conference Room #519 on the Fifth Floor of City Hall E. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF WORK: The following dates represent the tentative schedule for the Work to be performed under this contract: Plans Available for Bidding Mon April 28, 2008 Pre-Bid Site Walk-Thru 10:00 AM Thurs May 8, 2008 Bids Due 2:30 PM Thurs May 15, 2008 F. TIME OF CONSTRUCTION: Thirty(30)calendar days. Liquidated damages thereafter at one-hundred G. BID SECURITY: dollars ($100) per day. N/A 00020.1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL SYNOPSIS OF BIDDING INFORMATION H. PERFORMANCE BOND&PAYMENT BOND: 100%of contract amount I. WAGES: Pay state prevailing wages rates. J. TYPE OF CONTRACT: Single lump-sum contract encompassing all work END OF SECTION 00020.2 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL SYNOPSIS OF BIDDING INFORMATION SECTION 00030 - INVITATION TO BID CITY OF RENTON CALL FOR BIDS RENTON CITY HALL MAMMOTH COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT Sealed bids will be received until 2:30 p.m.,Thursday, May 15,2008,at the City Clerk's office,7th floor, and will be opened and publicly read in the fifth floor Conference room,4519, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA,98057,for the Mammoth Compressor Replacement for City of Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,Washington. The project consists of replacing two screw compressors in the Mammoth roof top unit. Provide all labor, materials and applicable permits to achieve the following project scope: Lock out one compressor at a time, isolate the compressor, recover the refrigerant from the compressor and remove the compressor. Install a new compressor, evacuate the new compressor,start and test new compressor and performing such incidental or other work as may be necessitated by these operations. The single contract bid price includes the appropriate supervision,scheduling,and job site management. A performance bond is required. An approximate estimated cost is$50,000. Bid documents will be available Monday,April 28th,2008. Plans, Specifications,addenda,and plan holders list are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc.,at htti)://www.bxwa.com .Click on"bxwa.com", "Posted Projects","Public Projects","City of Renton","Projects Bidding".(Note.Bidders are encouraged to"Register as a Bidder", in order to receive automatic e-mail notification of future addenda and to be placed on the"Bidders List"). A pre-bid walk-thru will be held on Thursday, May 8th,at 10:00 AM,at Renton City Hall. Each bidder is fully responsible for familiarizing themselves with the work and site conditions. Attendance by bidders is mandatory. Questions shall be addressed to Greg Stroh, Facilities Department, 1101 Bronson Way North, Renton,WA 98057, phone(425)430-6614. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive minor irregularities in the proposal process. Bonnie I.Walton, City Clerk Published: 00030-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL INVITATION TO BID SECTION 00040-BID SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST The following items are required to be submitted for the Bid. Other forms not listed below but included in these Specifications are for informational purposes and need only be executed by the successful Contractor. LIST OF REQUIRED SUBMITTALS ❑ Bid Proposal Form (Section 00300) ❑ Combined Affidavit and Certification (Section 00400) ❑ Contractor's Certificate of Insurance(Section 00920) COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL 00040.1 INVITATION TO BID SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BID RS A. BIDDERS REPRESENTATIONS The Bidder, by making a Bid represents that he has read and understands the Bidding Documents and the Bid is made in accordance therewith. He has also visited the site, become familiar with local conditions under which the Work is to be performed and has correlated the bidders personal observations with the requirements of the proposed Contract Documents. Bid shall include Work in conformance with all applicable State Laws, Municipal Ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over the construction of the Project. B. BIDDING DOCUMENT INTERPRETATIONS Bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents shall contact the City's Representative at least four days prior to the date of bids due. Interpretations, corrections, and changes to the Bidding Documents will be made by Addendum issued no later than three days before bids due. C. SUBSTITUTIONS Substitutions not accepted. D. BID FORMS • Bids shall be submitted on forms identical to the form included with the Bidding Documents. All blanks on the bid form shall be filled in by typewriter or manually in ink. • Bid shall be accompanied by a signed Non-Collusion,Anti-Trust, and Minimum Wage Form (Specifications Section 00400). • Bid shall be accompanied by Contractor's Certificate of Insurance per Specifications Section 00920. Bids lacking these insurance documents will be considered non-responsive. E. SUBMISSION OF BIDS Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and marked with the words"Sealed Bid Enclosed". The envelope shall also identify the project name, bidders name, and the name of the person designated to receive the bid. COMPRESOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL 00100-1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Bids shall be deposited at the designated location up to the time and date for receipt of Bids. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. F. OPENING OF BIDS Bids shall be publicly opened and an abstract of the Bids made available to the Bidders. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received. The City further reserves the right to Award a Contract in whatever manner is in the City's best interest. G. AWARD OF BID It is the intent of the Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder provided the Bid has been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Bidding Documents and does not exceed the funds available. H. POST-BID INFORMATION AND DOCUMENT SUBMITTAL After Bids are opened, the Bidder to whom award of a Contract is under consideration shall submit to the City's Representative, additional documents requested in the specifications including: City of Renton Small Works Contract(provided to awarded bidder) City of Renton Business License Performance Bond and Payment Bond (Section 00910) City of Renton Affidavit of Compliance (Section 00900) The following document must be submitted prior to commencement of the Work and no later than 10 days after receipt of Notification of Intent To Award Contract: Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages I. NOTICE TO PROCEED A Notice To Proceed shall be given after the building permit is approved, the City Council, City Attorney, Risk Manager approves the Contract, and the Contract is signed by the Mayor. J. TIME OF CONSTRUCTION After the designated date of Start of Work, Contractor shall proceed with promptness and dispatch and shall be fully complete within thirty(30)calendar days. COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL 00100.2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS K. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES For each calendar day after date established by the above allowed time that any portion of the work remains incomplete(in the City's sole judgment)the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) not to be construed in any sense a penalty, but as fixed, agreed liquidated damages incurred by the City for failure of the Contractor to meet the scheduled completion dates. L. CHANGE ORDER When extra work is performed under an approved Change Order and paid for by acceptable lump sum or mutually agreed prices, the contractor will be limited to a markup of 10%overhead and profit. When extra work is performed as above by a subcontractor to the general contractor, the general contractor shall be limited to a 10% markup on the subcontractors work. No further markup shall be permitted to cover any other miscellaneous costs. COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL 00100-3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION 00300- BID FORM FORM OF PROPOSAL ( BID ) for the MAMMOTH COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT FOR RENTON CITY HALL 1055 South Grady Way Renton,Washington Bids Due: 2:30 P.M. Thursday, May 15, 2008 To: City Clerk, Room#728 Seventh Floor of City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 The undersigned hereby certifies that they have carefully examined the Contract Documents as defined in the General Conditions entitled "Mammoth Compressor Replacement For Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA and have examined the site of the work and the location where said work is to be done, and fully understands the manner in which payment is proposed to be made for the cost thereof, hereby proposes to furnish all materials and to perform all labor which may be required to complete said work within the time fixed, and upon the terms and conditions provided in said Contract Documents for consideration of the following amount: A. BASE BID Remove and Replace Two Hitachi Screw Compressors in Mammoth Roof Top Unit For all work shown in the Contract Documents, the sum of. $ Washington State Sales Tax: $ Grand Total Base Bid: $ B. CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL 1. Determination of Low Bidder: The owner reserves the right to'Award a Contract' based on the Contractor's Proposal Amounts for Base Bid and/or Breakdown , in whatever manner is in the Owner's best interest. 2. Overhead and Profit: All of the above Bid Prices shall include overhead and profit. 3. Sales Tax: All of the above Bid Prices shall include Washington State Sales Tax. 00300.1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL BID FORM C. PERIOD OF BID VALIDITY/ACCEPTANCE OF BID 1. BASE BID The undersigned hereby agrees that this BID as described in paragraph "A" shall be a valid and firm offering for the period of sixty(60) days from closing time for the"Receipt Of Bids." Acceptance of Bid: Within sixty(60)days after the opening of Form Of Proposal, the City will act either to accept the Proposal from the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder, or to reject all Bids. The City reserves the right to request extensions of such Bid acceptance period. The acceptance of a Bid will be evidenced by a written Notice of Intent to Award Contract to the Bidder whose Bid is under consideration for acceptance, together with a request to furnish a bond (if required), evidence of insurance to execute the agreement set forth in the Contract Documents, and other designated documents. D. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT If written "Notice of Intent to Award Contract" is mailed,telegraphed,facsimile,or delivered to the undersigned within the"period of Bid Validity" noted above, or any time thereafter before this Bid is withdrawn, the undersigned will, within ten (10)days after the date of such notification, execute a Contract in the form of the AIA Document A101 "STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR-STIPULATED SUM", 1997 edition E. TIME FOR COMPLETION The undersigned hereby agrees to"FINAL COMPLETION"of all Work outlined in the Contract Documents within Thirty(30)calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed with established Start Date. F. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the Contractor fails to complete the Work by the FINAL COMPLETION DATE (or such extension of that date which might be granted by the Owner), he agrees to abide by all provisions of the Contract. In addition, Liquidated Damages in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00)will be assessed for each calendar day that the Contractor exceeds the"FINAL COMPLETION DATE." G. ADDENDUM RECEIPT 00300.2 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL BID FORM Receipt of the following "ADDENDA"to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS is acknowledged: Addendum No. Date Addendum No. Date 00300.3 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL BID FORM H. EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL Name of Firm State License Registration No. Address City State Zip Code Telephone ( ) FAX ( ) The undersigned designates the above as the firm and address to which "NOTICE OF CONTRACT AWARD" may be mailed, hand delivered or delivered via facsimile. NOTE: If a Bidder is a corporation, write state of incorporation; and if a partnership,give full names and addresses of all partners below: The undersigned certifies that the above is a firm and valid BID to accomplish all Work and comply with all requirements of the Contract Documents. Date Signature Sgned Printed Title t. ENCLOSURES PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall provide the following enclosure with this Form of Proposal: 1. Non-Collusion Affidavit,Assignment of Antitrust Claims To Purchaser, Minimum Wage Affidavit Form, which is located in this Specification Section 00400. 2. Certificate of Insurance as specified in Section 00920. END OF BID FORM 00300-4 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL BID FORM SECTION 00400 - N -COLLUSION, ANTI-TRUST, ANDIVIINIMUM WAGE FORM NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the identical person who submitted the forgoing proposal or bid,and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named,and further,that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other Bidder on the foregoing work or equipment to put in a sham bid,or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding,and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself or to any other person any advantage over the other Bidder or Bidders. AND CERTIFICATION RE:ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER Vendor and purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations are in fact usually bome by the purchaser. Therefor,vendor hereby assigns to purchaser any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this order or contract,except as to overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations commencing after the date of the bid,quotation,or other event establishing the price under this order or contract. In addition,vendor warrants and represents that such of his suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims to purchaser,subject to the aforementioned exception. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I,the undersigned,having been duly swom,deposed,say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer,workman,or mechanic employed in the performance of such work;not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wages as specified in the principal contract:that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. FOR: NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT,ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT MAMMOTH COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT FOR RENTON CITY HALL Name of Bidders Finn Signature of Authorized Representative of Bidder Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of ,20 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at: 00400-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL NON-COLLUSION,ANTI-TRUST, MINIMUM WAGE FORM *Ave SECTION 00500 -CONTRACT City of Renton Small Works contract Form to be provided to awarded Contractor 00500-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 00700-GENERAL CONDITIO N/A for this Contract 00700-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 00800 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1 -COMPLIANCE WITH WAGE RATES AND FILING OF "INTENT TO PAY PREVAILING WAGES" HEREINAFTER CALLED"INTENT"AND "AFFIDAVIT OF WAGES PAID" 2.1 "Prevailing Wages on Public Works"-The Contractor and Subcontractors shall comply with 39.12 RCW and amendments "Prevailing Wages on Public Works."The prevailing rate wages to be paid to all workers, laborers, or mechanics employed in the performance of any part of this Contract shall be in accordance therewith. 2.2 Current prevailing wage data will be furnished by the Industrial Statistician upon request. Requests shall be made to the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. The Contractor is responsible for paying the appropriate wage rates. 2.3 The Contractor, and all Subcontractors,on or before the date of commencement of work, shall file a statement under oath with the City and with the Director of Labor and Industries certifying the rate of hourly wages paid to each classification of laborers, workers, or mechanics employed to perform work under this Contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages determined by the Washington State Labor and Industries. Such statement and any supplemental statements which may be necessary shall be filed in accordance with the practices and procedures required by the Department of Labor and Industries. 2.4 Copies of all"Intents" shall be on file with the Contractor, the Industrial Statistician, and the City. 2.5 "Affidavits of Wages Paid"-upon completion of project, the Contractor shall fully execute and file"Affidavit of Wages Paid"with the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and any other agencies required by law. Sample copy enclosed herein. Copies shall be provided to the City prior to Final Completion, Final Payment and release of Retainage. Each affidavit of wages paid must be certified by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries before it is submitted. 2.6 All costs and fees for and associated with the"Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" and "Affidavits of Wages Paid" are to be paid by the Contractor. ARTICLE 2-STATE LICENSING LAW The Contractor agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter 18.27 RCW. The Contractor agrees and covenants to furnish unto the Owner proper evidence that the Contractor has fully complied with the State Licensing Law of the State of Washington, Chapter 18.27 RCW, and a Contractor's Certificate of Registration shall be in full force and effect throughout the work project herein above enumerated, prior to starting work. 00800.1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 3-NON-DISCRIMINATION The Contractor shall offer equal opportunity to all qualified employees and applicants for employment without regard to the race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, or disability. Successful designated bidder shall fill out and complete the AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FORM included herein and submit with the signed Contract. ARTICLE 4-CITY OF RENTON BUSINESS LICENSE Prior to signing a contract the contractor agrees to purchase a City of Renton Business License and maintain the license in full force and effect throughout the work of the project. License may be purchased from the City Finance Department located on the First Floor of the City Hall Building, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA. END OF SECTION 00800-2 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL SPECIAL CONDITIONS CTION 00900-AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF RENTON AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE herby confirms and declares that: I. It is the company policy to offer equal opportunity to all qualified employees and applicants for employment without regard to the race, creed,color,sex, national origin, age, or disability. II. The company complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws governing non- discrimination in employment. III. When applicable,the company will seek out and negotiate with minority and women contractors for the award of subcontracts. Print Representative Name and Tide Representative's Signature (Successful contractor shall submit this signed form with sgned contract) 00900.1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE SECTION 00910-BOND TO THE CITY OF RENT FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we,the undersigned as principal,and corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations, as surety are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Renton in the penal sum$ for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors,heirs,administrators or person representatives,as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington,the Ordinance of the City of Renton. Dated at ,Washington,this day of ,2008 Nevertheless,the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Public Works Construction Contract CAG- providing for construction of Project Name the principal is required to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of the contract;and WHEREAS,the principal has accepted,or is about to accept,the contract,the undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; NOW,THEREFORE, if the principal shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth,or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics,subcontractors and materialmen,and all persons who shall supply said'principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work,and shall hold said City of Renton harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in the contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under the contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Renton,then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Principal Surety Signature Surety's Address Name and Title Agent's Signature Name and Title 00910.1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON FORM SECTION 00920*-tONTRACTORS INSURANCE AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM INSURANCE COVERAGE AND REQUIREMENTS The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain the minimum insurance coverage set forth below. By requiring such minimum insurance, CITY OF RENTON shall not be deemed or construed to have assessed the risks that may be applicable to the CONTRACTOR under the Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall assess its own risks and if it deems appropriate and/or prudent, maintain higher limits and/or broader coverage. (1) Commercial General Liability-Acord Form or equivalent, written on an occurrence basis, including: • Premises and Operations ( Including CG 2503 general aggregate to apply per project if applicable) • Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazards • Products/Completed Operations • Contractual Liability(including Amendatory Endorsement CG 0043 or equivalent which includes defense coverage assumed under contract) • Broad Form Property Damage • Independent Contractors • Personal/Advertising Injury • Stop Gap Liability (2) Automobile Liability including all • Owned Vehicles • Non-Owned Vehicles • Hired Vehicles (3) Workers'Compensation • Statutory Benefits -Show Washington Labor& Industries Number (4) Umbrella Liability • Excess of Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability. Coverage should be as broad as primary. 00920-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTORS INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The CONTRACTOR shall carry the following limits of liability as required below: Commercial General Liability General Aggregate* $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,00 ,000 Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal/Advertising Injury $1,000,000 Fire Damage(Any One Fire) $ 50,000 Medical Payments (Any One Person) $ 5,000 Stop Gap Liability $1,000,000 *General Aggregate to apply per project Automobile Liability Bodily Injury/Property Damage $1,000,000 (Each Accident) Workers'Compensation Statutory Benefits-Show Washington Labor& Industries Number Umbrella Liability Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 Pollution I iahi` If ro i— ;ref-Less $ 1 0001 ow Aggregate $ 11,000i Tl���uty 00920-2 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR shall Name CITY OF RENTON, and its officers, officials, agents,employees and volunteers as Additional Insureds(ISO Form CG 2010 or equivalent). CONTRACTOR shall provide CITY OF RENTON Certificates of Insurance and copies of policies, if at our sole discretion it is deemed appropriate Further, all policies of insurance described above shall: 1) Be on a primary basis nor contributory with any other insurance coverage and/or self-insurance carried by CITY OF RENTON. 2) Include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause. 3) Severability of Interest Clause (Cross Liability) 4) Policy may not be non-renewed, canceled or materially changed or altered unless forty-five (45) days prior written notice is provided to CITY OF RENTON. Notification shall be provided to CITY OF RENTON by certified mail. An example of an acceptable cancellation clause is as follows: "Should any of the above described policies be canceled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will eats mail 45 days written notice to the certificate holder named to the left. But-failefe-to ma+l suGh netiGe shall impose no obligation OF liability of any kind upon the u The CONTRACTOR shall promptly advise the CITY OF RENTON in the event any general aggregate or other aggregate limits are reduced below the required per occurrence limit. At his or her own expense the CONTRACTOR will reinstate the aggregate limits to comply with the minimum requirements and shall furnish to the CITY OF RENTON a new certificate of insurance showing such coverage is in force. Required insurance coverage shall be maintained throughout the term of this contract,except Automobile Liability and Workers' Compensation,for a period of two(2)years after the date of substantial completion of the project. On all Certificates of Insurance,the Certificate Holder shall be listed as"City of Renton, Washington, Attention: Greg Stroh Facilities Manager" 00920-3 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 1 SECTION 01010 -SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The work to be performed within 30 calendar days from the date of commencement under this contract shall include, but not be limited to: Replacing two screw compressors in the Mammoth roof top unit. Lock out one compressor at a time, isolate the compressor, recover the refrigerant from the compressor and remove the compressor. Install a new compressor, evacuate the new compressor, start and test new compressor per Manufacturers specifications and quality assurance parameters. Installation shall be complete including performing such incidental or other work as may be necessitated by these operations. Work shall include a manufacturer and contractor's warranty for the work required by the contract documents and includes all labor necessary to produce such work, and all materials and equipment incorporated in such work. Contractor's work shall be performed as indicated, specified herein and as necessary to provide a complete project. B. Unless otherwise indicated, the work includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Providing and payment for labor, materials, equipment, tools, machines, facilities, and services necessary for proper execution and completion of work. 2. Paying required taxes. 3. Maintaining required egress in accordance with governing Codes and Ordinances throughout the work. C. Do not employ on work: 1. Unfit persons or persons not skilled in assigned tasks. 1.02 CONTRACT A. Construct work under a single fixed-price Contract. See Bid Form. 1.03 WORK SEQUENCE A. All efforts shall be made to perform all work without abnormally disturbing, inconveniencing,or interrupting the usage of the building, pedestrians, and vehicular traffic. 1.04 OBJECTIONS TO APPLICATION OF PRODUCTS Contractor and subcontractors submitting bids for this Project are required to thoroughly familiarize themselves with specified products and installation procedures and submit to Architect any objection in writing no later than seven (7)days prior to Bid Date. Submittal of Bid constitutes acceptance of products and procedures specified. END OF SECTION 01010-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL SUMMARY OF WORK SECTION 01028-CHANGE ORDERS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS A. Change Order Forms: AIA G701 to be completed by City's Representative. 1.02 DOCUMENTATION OF CHANGE IN CONTRACT SUM/PRICE AND CONTRACT TIME A. Submit detailed records of work to be done including time and materials. Provide full information required for evaluation of proposed changes, and to substantiate costs of changes in the Work. Document each quotation for a change in cost or time with sufficient data to allow evaluation of the quotation. B. On request, provide additional data to support computations: 1. Quantities of products, labor, and equipment. 2. Taxes, insurance and bonds. 3. Overhead and profit. 4. Justification for any change in Contract Time. 5. Credit for deletions from Contract, similarly documented. C. When extra work is performed under an approved Change Order and paid for by acceptable lump sum or mutually agreed prices, the contractor will be limited to a markup of 10%overhead and profit. When extra work is performed as above by a subcontractor to the general contractor, the general contractor shall be limited to a 10%markup on the subcontractors work. No further markup shall be permitted to cover any other miscellaneous costs. 1.03 CHANGE PROCEDURES A. The City's Representative may issue a Proposal Request which includes a detailed description of a proposed change with supplementary or revised Drawings and specifications, a change in Contract Time for executing the change and the period of time during which the requested price will be considered valid. Contractor will prepare and submit an estimate within 5 days. B. The Contractor may propose a change by submitting a request for change to the City's Representative,describing the proposed change and its full effect on the Work, with a statement describing the reason for the change, and the effect of the Contract/Sum Price and contract. 01028-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL CHANGE ORDERS 1.04 CORRELATION OF CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Promptly revise Construction Schedule and Application for Payment forms to record each authorized Change Order as a separate line item and adjust the Contract Sum. END OF SECTION 01028-2 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL CHANGE ORDERS SECTION 01500 -CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES,TJTILITIES, AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. Arrangements may be made to obtain electrical power from the existing building system. City will pay for cost of electricity. 1.02 WATER A. Arrangements may be made to obtain water from the existing building system. City will pay for cost of water. 1.03 SANITARY FACILITIES A. Usage of facilities in the Renton Community Center building is acceptable. 1.04 BARRIERS&FENCE A. Protect existing sidewalks, plantings, building, and adjacent properties from damage by operations. B. Fenced area shall be located over hard-surfaced areas only. 1.05 CLEANING DURING DEMOLITION A. Control accumulation of waste materials and rubbish dumping. Periodically dispose off- site in authorized dump sites. 1.06 STAGING AREA A. Staging will be addressed during a pre-construction walk through,to be scheduled after award of contract. B. Protect the existing building from any marring,scrapes, holes,or damage of any kind. Any damaged area due to the contractors work shall be replaced by the contractor. 1.07 POLLUTION CONTROL A. Provide methods, means, and facilities to prevent contamination of soil,water, and atmosphere from discharge of noxious,toxic substances, and pollutants produced by any construction operations. END OF SECTION 01500-1 'COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES,UTILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS �..SECTION 01700- PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUBMISSIONS FOR FINAL COMPLETION A. General: Submit the following documents: 1. In progress payment request coincident with or first following date claimed, show either 100%completion for portion of Work claimed as"Final Completion",or list incomplete items, value of incompletion,and reasons for being incomplete. 2. Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in these Contract Documents, 3. Submit statement showing accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. 4. Complete final cleaning up requirements, including touch-up of marred surfaces. 5. Submit updated final statement, accounting for additional(final)changes to Contract Sum. 6. Submit final payment request with final releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. 7. Submit certified copy of City Representative's final punch list of itemized work to be completed or corrected,stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance,endorsed and dated by City's Representative. 8. Payment and Release of Liens B. Inspection Procedures: Upon receipt of Contractor's request, City's Representative will either proceed with inspection or advise Contractor of prerequisites not fulfilled. Following initial inspection, City's Representative will either prepare certificate of Final Completion,or advise Contractor of work which must be performed prior to issuance of certificate;and repeat inspection when requested and assured that work has been substantially completed. Results of completed inspection will form initial "punch list"for final acceptance. 1.02 FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS A. Submit a final statement of accounting to City's Representative. B. Reflect all adjustments to Contract Sum. Indicate following: 1. The original Contract Sum. 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Previous Change Orders. b. Deductions of uncorrected Work. C. Other adjustments. 01700-1 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL PROJECT CLOSEOUT 3. Total Contract Sum,as adjusted. 4. Previous Payments. 5. Sum remaining due. 1.03 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Submit final Application for Payment in accordance with procedures and requirements of Owner. 1. Submit"Affidavit of Wages Paid"from Contractor and all subcontractors. 2. Lien waiver from General Contractor for entire contract. 3. Proof of Payment of taxes from the State Dept of Revenue END OF SECTION 01700-2 COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTO CITY HALL PROJECT CLOSEOUT "*r' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISIONS 2 THROUGH 16 SECTION 02070 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A Remove existing Hitachi Screw Compressors. B. Disposal and or recycle as necessary. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Coordinate related work specified in other parts of the Project Manual, including but not limited to following: 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Special Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Comply with all governing requirements and regulations regarding dust, dirt tracking, noise, routing of trucks and similar regulations. 1.04 SALVAGE STORAGE, TRANSPORTATION,AND HANDLING A. Truck all debris from the demolition work off the project site to a location approved by the State and Federal agencies which have jurisdiction. The demolition contractor shall utilize an agency approved dumpsite and shall hold the Owner harmless in the event the dumpsite is challenged. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protection: 1. Erect barriers,fences, overhead protection,walkways,guard rails, chutes, shoring and the like to protect personnel, construction to remain, if applicable. 2. Do not damage adjacent existing construction. B. Maintain safety of existing mechanical, electrical systems at all times. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 SALVAGE COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL 02070- 1 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION A. Demolished material shall be considered to be property of the contractor and shall be completely removed from the job site. PART 3- EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify demolition may safely and appropriately begin. B. Obtain required permits and permission from local governing authorities and Owner prior to commencing work. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protection of existing structure: 1. Do not interfere with existing or neighboring buildings, normal activities, in-so-far as possible.. a. Protect existing and adjacent structures and facilities from damage. 2. Cooperate with occupants in maintaining their continuous operations. 3. Perform demolition by methods that will protect persons, existing materials, and adjacent structures. 3.03 DISPOSAL A. Remove demolition debris. B. Transport demolition/debris off-site and legally dispose of. Maintain hauling routes clean and free of any debris resulting from work of this Section. 3.04 DAMAGED WORK A. Repair or replace entirely, as required by Architect, any portion of work damaged during demolition. END SECTION COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT RENTON CITY HALL 02070-2 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION