HomeMy WebLinkAboutRenton Airport LS Geotechnical Report 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 1 of 1 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 14710 NE 87th Street, Suite A100, Redmond, WA 98052 p | 425.636.7900 f | 425.636.7901 March 19, 2013 Kleinfelder Project No. 00132120.000A Stantec 11130 NE 33rd Place Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 Attention: Mr. Erik Waligorski, P.E. Subject: Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Waligorski: This letter transmits our revised geotechnical engineering report for the proposed Airport Lift Station Replacement Project in Renton, Washington. This report reflects the current lift station location, which changed since our initial report was prepared, and includes information obtained from one additional boring we drilled as well as includes We appreciate the opportunity to provide geotechnical services on this project. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER, INC. Marcus B. Byers, P.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Project Manager 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page i of i March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................. 1 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 1 2 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING ..................................... 2 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION .............................................................................. 2 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING .......................................................................... 4 3 SITE CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 6 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS .......................................................................... 6 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ................................................................... 6 3.3 GROUND WATER ..................................................................................... 7 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................... 8 4.1 CUT RETAINING WALL ............................................................................ 9 4.2 WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT EXCAVATION SHORING ................... 11 4.3 GENERATOR AND CONTROL ROOM FOUNDATIONS ........................ 14 4.4 WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT STRUCTURES ................................... 15 4.5 WET WEATHER EARTHWORK .............................................................. 17 4.6 DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONSIDERATIONS ................................... 17 4.7 PIPELINE TRENCHWORK, BEDDING AND BACKFILL ......................... 18 5 LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................... 19 6 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 21 FIGURES Plate 1: Vicinity Map Plate 2: Site and Exploration Plan Plate 3: Recommended Earth Pressures for Temporary Shoring APPENDICES Appendix A: Exploration Logs Appendix B: Field Permeability Testing Appendix C: Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 1 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL This report presents the results of Kleinfelder’s geotechnical engineering study for the proposed lift station project to be completed by the City of Renton at the Renton Municipal Airport in Renton, Washington. The project location is shown on the Vicinity Map (Plate 1). Our study included field exploration and development of design and construction recommendations for the pump station and site retaining wall. The general layout of the project site is shown on the Site and Exploration Plan (Plate 2). Our client for this project, Roth Hill, has changed company names to Stantec since we issued our proposal and draft geotechnical report. We refer to them as Stantec for the remainder of this report. 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Our understanding of the project is based on conversations with Mr. Erik Waligorski of Stantec. The project involves construction of a new lift station consisting of a wet well, a valve vault, a small control room, and a small generator enclosure. The wet well will be approximately 8 feet in diameter and it will be about 22 feet deep. A retaining wall, with a retained height of approximately 4 feet or less, will be required along the west side of the new lift station development. This wall will retain a shallow cut into the toe of the existing Rainier Avenue embankment. The new force main leaving the new pump station will extend west to tie into the existing sewer system in Rainier Avenue. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 2 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 2 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION Our subsurface exploration was completed in two phases since the location of the wet changed after our draft report was issued. Our initial subsurface exploration included a machine drilled boring, two hand auger explorations, field permeability testing, and several dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) soundings. Based on the findings of the initial exploration, we issued a draft geotechnical engineering report dated May 17, 2013. On February 3, 2014 Stantec authorized Kleinfelder to complete an additional machine drilled boring in the new wet well location. Our exploration program is summarized as follows: • On March 12, 2013, we completed one machine-drilled boring, designated KB-1, and two hand auger borings, designated KHA-1 and KHA-2. KB-1 was located in the originally proposed footprint of the wet well and KHA-1 and KHA-2 were located at the north and south ends of the proposed retaining wall, respectively. • On April 10, 2013 we performed field permeability testing in the KB-1 monitoring well to evaluate hydraulic conductivity of soils around KB-1. • On April 12, 2013 we performed five dynamic cone penetration (DCP) tests, designated DCP-1 through DCP-5 to further classify the subsurface soil conditions north of the originally proposed wet well location. • On February 28, 2014 we completed one machine-drilled boring, designated KB-2, in the revised wet well location. The Site and Exploration Plan, Plate 2, shows the approximate locations of our explorations. Machine-Drilled Boring KB-1: KB-1 was drilled near the proposed wet well structure on March 12, 2013, by Holt Services, Inc. of Edgewood, Washington operating under subcontract to Kleinfelder. Disturbed soil samples were obtained at 5-foot intervals by means of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) in accordance with ASTM D-1586. The 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 3 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder SPT consists of driving a 2-inch outside diameter steel split-spoon sampler 18 inches into the soil at the bottom of the borehole with a 140-pound weight free-falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through each 6-inch interval is counted, and the total number of blows during the final 12 inches is recorded as the Standard Penetration Resistance, or "SPT blow count", in blows per foot. SPT samples were advanced using an automatic trip hammer. Boring KB-1 was completed with a 2- inch PVC monitoring well and a flush-mount monument, to facilitate ground water monitoring and field permeability testing. Hand Auger Borings: KHA-1 and KHA-2 were advanced on March 12, 2013 by Kleinfelder personnel, along the proposed cut wall alignment. These hand explorations involved dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) soundings followed by hand excavation and sampling. The DCP is a ¾-inch pointed steel rod that is driven into the ground with a 35-pound slide hammer free-falling 15 inches. The penetration resistance, measured as the number of blows per 4 inches of penetration, provides an indication of the relative density/consistency of the soil. At KHA-1, the DCP sounding extended to a depth of 10 feet below ground surface. At KHA-2, the DCP sounding met with refusal at 3 feet below ground surface. Following completion of DCP soundings, we completed hand borings at both locations. The hand borings were both excavated and sampled to depths of 7 feet below ground surface using hand equipment (shovel, post-hole digger, and a hand-auger). Field Permeability Testing: Falling and rising head permeability testing was performed by Kleinfelder personnel in the piezometer at KH-1. This testing consisted of monitoring the ground water level using an electronic pore pressure transducer and data logger. Falling head testing involves the introduction of a cylindrical displacement element to quickly raise the water level in the piezometer, and monitoring its return to baseline level. Rising head testing involves removing the displacement element, which causes an instantaneous drop in the ground water level, and monitoring the rate at which the water level returns to its baseline condition. This testing was completed in general 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 4 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder accordance with the method originally outlined by Bouwer and Rice (1976), and updated by Bouwer (1989). DCP Soundings: On April 12, 2013, we completed five (5) DCP soundings, at selected locations to further explore near-surface soil conditions. We designated these as DCP- 1 through DCP-5. Supplemental Machine-Drilled Boring KB-2: KB-2 was drilled in the footprint of the new wet well location on February 28, 2014, by Boretec, Inc. of Valleyford, Washington operating under subcontract to Kleinfelder. Disturbed SPT soil samples were obtained at 2.5-foot intervals from 15 to 25 feet below the existing site grade and at 5-foot intervals. SPT samples were advanced using a hammer that was operated by rope and cathead. Soil samples collected from KB-1, KB-2, KHA-1, and KHA-2 were field classified, placed in plastic jars, and transported to our laboratory for further examination and physical testing. 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory classification and tests were conducted on selected samples to characterize relevant engineering and index properties of the soils encountered in the borings. Results are presented on the exploration logs in Appendix A. Soil tests included: • Visual soil classifications were conducted on all samples in the field and on selected samples in our laboratory. All soils were classified in general accordance with the United Soil Classification System, which includes color, relative moisture content, primary soil type (based on grain size), and any minor constituent soil types. • Moisture content was determined in accordance with ASTM D2216 on 15 representative samples to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 5 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder • Percent Fines tests indicate the percentage of soil passing the US No. 200 sieve. This test was performed on nine selected soil samples in accordance with ASTM D422. • Atterberg Limits, also known as plasticity index, was performed on one fine- grained cohesive soil sample in accordance with ASTM D4318. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 6 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 3 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS The proposed lift station is located adjacent to Renton Municipal Airport, along the west side of the West Perimeter Road in a relatively level landscape area extending parallel to the road, and about 20 feet wide (in the east-west direction). To the west of this landscape area, the Rainier Avenue roadway embankment extends up to the west at approximately 2H:1V (horizontal:vertical) with Rainier Avenue about 8 to 12 feet above the West Perimeter Road. Vegetation in the area consists of lawn and trees. Overhead communications lines extend parallel to the road, approximately over the proposed cut retaining wall. There are numerous buried utilities running both up slope and down slope of the proposed structures. 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Below about 2 to 3 inches of sod and topsoil, we encountered fill, alluvium, and weathered siltstone. A general description of the subsurface materials encountered/interpreted during our exploration program is presented in the following paragraphs. Boring logs are presented in Appendix A. FILL: Fill was encountered below the sod/topsoil in KHA-1, KHA-2, and KB-2. The fill is medium dense and generally consists of silty sand and gravel with cobbles. We observed cobbles up to 8 inches in diameter in our hand auger explorations. We interpret this to be Rainier Avenue embankment fill. We expect the fill thickness to range from approximately 4 to 5 feet along the proposed retaining wall alignment. ALLUVIUM: Alluvium associated with the former Black River was encountered beneath the fill in KHA-1 and KB-2. The alluvium consisted of soft dark brown to black silt with fibrous organic material overlaying loose gray sand containing some silt. Moisture contents ranged from about 117 percent in the organic material to about 39 percent in 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 7 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder the loose sand. The alluvium increases in thickness from about 10 feet in DCP-5 to 17 feet in KB-2 (generally south to north). WEATHERED SILTSTONE: We encountered dense to very dense, low plasticity silt with fine sand below sod/topsoil in KB-1, beneath the fill in KHA-2, and beneath the alluvium in KHA-1 and KB-2. This unit was relatively easy to penetrate with the drilling equipment we utilized, and SPT blow counts varied from 36 to over 60 blows per foot. Based on geologic mapping in the area, we interpret this to be weak weathered siltstone bedrock of either the Renton or Tukwila Formation. Despite the geologic term “bedrock,” from a construction engineering perspective, the weathered siltstone is considered as very dense low-plasticity silt and fine sand (i.e., “soil”). KB-2 and our DCP sounding explorations suggest the depth to the surface of the weathered siltstone increases to the north. We encountered weathered siltstone at about 17 feet below ground surface in KB-2, which is near the center of the proposed wet well. 3.3 GROUND WATER A groundwater monitoring well was installed in KB-1 with its screened zone from 15 to 25 feet below ground surface (i.e., within the weathered siltstone unit and bracketing the expected 20-foot wet well excavation depth). We measured ground water at a depth of 4.5 feet below top of casing on March 29, 2013. We also observed groundwater seepage at about 6 feet below ground surface during excavation of exploration KHA-1 on March 12, 2013. Both of these observations correspond to approximate groundwater Elevation 23 feet. Groundwater conditions should be expected to vary with season, precipitation, irrigation and other factors. Regional ground water levels are typically highest from late fall to late spring during the high rainfall season. Irrigation of landscaped areas on or adjacent to the site can also cause a fluctuation of local groundwater levels. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 8 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our studies, the project is feasible from a geotechnical perspective. A brief summary of our conclusions and recommendations is presented in the following paragraphs. More detailed discussion along with design and construction recommendations, are presented in subsequent sections. Retaining Wall: Our explorations indicate the proposed cut retaining wall will be founded on weathered siltstone at the south end and alluvium at the north end. Based on settlement and stability considerations along the north end of this wall, the wall should be settlement-tolerant and should be constructed using precast concrete blocks or rock filled gabion baskets. Along the northern portion, where alluvium exists, it will be necessary to excavate and replace at least 2 feet of this material. The excavated material should be replaced with angular gravel such as Permeable Ballast. Differential settlement up to 2 inches over 50 lineal feet should be anticipated along the length of the wall. Detailed cut wall design and construction recommendations are presented in Section 4.1. Wet Well and Valve Vault: The proposed wet well and valve vault excavations will extend about 22 feet and 12 feet below the observed groundwater elevation, respectively. Temporary shoring could consist of interlocking steel sheet piles or soldier piles and wood lagging. A sunken caisson could also be used for the wet well excavation. Design and construction recommendations for temporary shoring and ground water control are presented in Section 4.2. Lightly Loaded Structures: Foundations for the small lightweight structures (generator structure and control room) can be grade-supported using thickened edge slabs on grade and/or spread footings. Foundation design and construction recommendations are presented in Section 4.3. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 9 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder Groundwater Considerations: Manhole and buried vaults should be designed to resist upward buoyancy forces. We recommend assuming that the groundwater is at the ground surface when designing for buoyancy forces. Utility Trench Excavations: We anticipate wet soil conditions and/or groundwater will be encountered during excavation of utility trenches below an elevation of about 25 feet. Excavated wet silty soil will require drying before re-use as trench backfill material. Dewatering will likely be needed where excavations extend below the observed groundwater elevation. Dewatering could consist of sumps and pumps, dewatering wells, or a vacuum well point dewatering system. Utility trench excavation and backfill recommendations are presented in Section 4.7. 4.1 CUT RETAINING WALL At the time of this draft report, site grading plans were not available. However, we understand a cut retaining wall will be required along the west side of the lift station site. Based on drawing number C7 from the 90% design drawings, dated August 5, 3013, the cut wall will be approximately 75.5 feet long. The current site plan shows the wall roughly coinciding with the existing elevation contour at 30 feet. The plans show the top of the wall at an elevation of about 30 feet and with a maximum exposed height of 4 feet. Our exploration KHA-1 encountered alluvium below embankment fill at the north end of the proposed wall. This material has a low bearing capacity and is prone to immediate and long-term settlement. Our exploration KHA-2 encountered dense silt and fine sand which is not likely to settle. We estimate that long-term differential settlements of about 2 inches will develop along this 75.5-foot long wall. Providing such settlement is tolerable, we recommend the wall be constructed either using segmental concrete blocks (e.g., Keystone or Ultrablock) or rock-filled gabion baskets (e.g. Hilfiker). Gabion walls can tolerate greater differential settlement than conventional segmental block walls. Pre-cast concrete blocks should have a minimum block width depth (measured 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 10 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder perpendicular to the wall) of 18 inches. The segmental wall should have an embedment depth (below finished site grade) of at least 18 inches. Due to the inclined backslope comprising the Rainier Avenue embankment, this cut wall should be designed to retain a static equivalent fluid pressure of 50 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Because the wall will be less than 5 feet in height, we do not consider it necessary to include a seismic incremental loading in addition to this static earth pressure. A wall batter on the order of 6 to 8V:1H (vertical:horizontal) is recommended to enhance the stability and long-term appearance of the wall. Unbalanced lateral loading on the wall will be resisted by friction and passive earth pressure. Wall friction can be evaluated using an allowable coefficient of 0.4 between segmental blocks or gabions, and compacted granular material. This includes a factor of safety of about 1.5. Passive earth pressure will develop along the vertical face of buried blocks/gabions. However, unless the front of the wall is protected by concrete or asphalt, passive pressure should be neglected. If the final grade in front of the toe of the wall is paved, then allowable passive earth pressure may be taken as an equivalent fluid pressure of 150 pcf. This includes a factor of safety of 2.0. To reduce the magnitude of differential settlement we recommend excavating native soils and replacing with at least 2 feet of crushed rock where the existing soft alluvium is within 2 feet of the bottom of the wall. Identify these soil may require potholing during construction. The 2-foot thick pad should consist of 2½-inch minus crushed rock, such as Ballast (specified in Section 9-03.9(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications). The width of this 2-foot thick gravel pad (in the east-west direction) should be 1 foot beyond the front face and 1 foot beyond the back face of the blocks or gabion baskets. As an example, if 2½-foot wide Ultrablock is used for this wall, the over-excavation/replacement width should be at least 4½ feet. If desired, the ballast may be covered with a choking/leveling course of 1¼-inch minus crushed surfacing base course (CSBC), as 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 11 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder specified in Standard Specifications Section 9-03.9(3). The finer CSBC choking/leveling course will help establish a uniform level surface upon which to build the wall. 4.2 WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT EXCAVATION SHORING The proposed wet well and valve vault excavations will extend about 22 feet and 12 feet below the existing site grade, respectively. The excavations will extend below the observed groundwater elevation by 22 feet and 8 feet, respectively. We understand the excavations will require shoring due to the close proximity of existing infrastructure. Appropriate shoring methods for the wet well and valve vault excavations include soldier piles with timber lagging, interlocking steel sheet piles, or a sunken steel or concrete caisson. The principal advantage of a relatively water-tight shoring system such as interlocking steel sheet piles or a sunken caisson is that construction dewatering may be accomplished from within the shoring, without significantly lowering the ground water outside the shoring. Use of a non-water-tight shoring system will require a dewatering system that will draw down the water table outside the shoring system. Design earth pressures for an internally braced shoring system after dewatering are presented in Plate 3. Based on our explorations and laboratory testing, we conclude that wet well excavations in the weathered siltstone (i.e., very dense silt and fine sand) can be accomplished using conventional earth excavation equipment and techniques (augers, excavator buckets with teeth, digging buckets, and grabs). It may be necessary to utilize relative large equipment and/or narrow buckets and grabs, and to maintain cutting teeth in good working order in order when excavating the siltstone. 4.2.1 Interlocking Steel Sheet Pile Shoring Interlocking steel sheet piles could be utilized to construct a relatively water-tight shoring system. The sheet piling could be extracted or cut below ground surface and left in place when the lift station construction is completed and backfilled. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 12 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder It may be difficult to drive sheet piles into the weathered siltstone underlying the lift station site. We recommend sheet piling with a minimum web thickness of ½-inch be used. A large vibratory hammer should be used to install the steel sheets. Sheet piling sections with a web thickness of 3/8-inch or less are prone damage when driving into the weathered siltstone underlying this site. However, field conditions may still require pre-drilling be done to facilitate sheet pile installation. The contractor should ultimately be responsible for the design and the safe/proper installation of the temporary shoring. 4.2.2 Permanent Sunken Caisson Temporary shoring could also be completed using the sunken caisson approach. This approach involves use of cylindrical sections of steel or pre-cast concrete, with excavation completed from inside the caisson and “in the wet”. As the excavation is completed, using excavator buckets and grabs, the caisson is eased/pushed down. Additional sections of steel or concrete are added as required. Once the excavation has reached the target depth, a concrete slab, of the order of 5 feet thick, is tremie- placed. After the “tremie slab” has cured, ground water is pumped out. The wet well structure can then be constructed within this permanent structure. 4.2.3 Soldier Pile and Lagging A solder pile and timber lagging system, combined with construction dewatering wells or well points, is appropriate for this project. Soldier piles consisting of wide flange beams would be installed into 24- or 30-inch diameter vertical drilled shafts, and backfilled with lean concrete. The soldier piles would be installed about 10 feet below the bottom of the excavation and they would be placed on 6 to 8 foot center-to-center spacing (in plan) along the shoring perimeter. As the excavation is made, timber lagging boards would be placed to span horizontally between the soldier piles. Internal bracing would be added as the excavation proceeds. Once the excavation has reached the design bottom elevation, a working surface consisting of 12 inches of crushed rock would be placed, upon which the pre-cast or cast-in-place wet well structure could then be placed or constructed. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 13 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder Depending how the shoring is constructed, it may be possible to extract the soldier piles, or they could be cut below ground surface and left in place when the lift station construction is completed and backfilled. Because of the high permeability of a soldier pile and lagging system, a construction dewatering system, consisting of a series of dewatering wells, or possibly well points would be required to dewater the site area before the excavation begins. 4.2.4 Construction Dewatering and Ground Water Control If a relatively water tight shoring system consisting of interlocking steel sheet piles, or a sunken steel or concrete caisson, is employed, ground water can be controlled entirely within the excavation. With either of these two approaches, excavation can occur “in the wet.” Once the excavation is completed, a concrete tremie slab can be placed. Once the tremie slab has cured, water within the excavation can be pumped out. The tremie slab would need to be sufficiently thick (of the order of 5 to 7 feet thick) to resist the upward hydraulic gradient due to ground water outside of the excavation. Minor seepage/leakage into the excavation could then be controlled using one or two sumps and trash pumps. It is necessary to consider the additional shoring depth, excavation volume, and tremie slab thickness with this approach. A formal construction dewatering system will likely be required for utility excavations and would also be required if the contractor elects to install a relatively pervious soldier pile and lagging shoring system. The system will like require use of wells or well points. Based on analysis of field permeability test data our piezometer at boring KB-1, we estimate the weathered siltstone has an average permeability on the order of 1x10-5 cm/sec. However, we expect the overlying alluvium, which gets thicker to the north, is more pervious. We anticipate dewatering in the proposed wet well excavation will require a discharge rate of less than 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm), likely between 2 and 200 gpm. The contractor should retain a dewatering specialist to design and operate the dewatering system. The contract documents should place the responsibility for all aspects of any construction dewatering system, on the contractor. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 14 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder Groundwater draw-down will potentially induce settlement in alluvial soils at and adjacent to the site. We estimate potential draw-down induced settlements to be two inches or less using general soil property correlations. Potential settlement will most likely be on the order of on inch, and will decrease with increasing distance from the dewatering wells. Based on the fact that construction of the existing lift station and associated deep utilities likely required temporary dewatering, soils in the area have likely been subject to draw-down induced stresses in the past, thereby reducing settlement potential. The contractor should limit temporary groundwater drawdown to no more than 4 feet below the deepest excavation to reduce the potential for draw-down induced settlement. 4.3 GENERATOR AND CONTROL ROOM FOUNDATIONS Small lightweight generator enclosure and control room structures can be supported on thickened edge slabs or strip footings, proportioned for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. This allowable bearing pressure may be increased to 3,000 psf for short- term transient loading due to wind and earthquakes. Footings should be buried at least 18 inches below adjacent exterior finished grade for frost protection. Strip footings should be a minimum of 18 inches wide, this will likely control over bearing capacity. All strip footings and thickened slab edges should be prepared by sub-excavating at least 2 feet below the bottom of footings, proof-rolling and/or probing, and replacing with compacted 2½-inch minus crushed rock, such as Ballast (specified in Section 9-03.9(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications). If desired, the ballast may be covered with a choking/leveling course of 1¼-inch minus crushed surfacing base course (CSBC), as specified in Standard Specifications Section 9-03.9(3). The finer CSBC choking/leveling course will help establish a uniform level surface upon which to build the footings. The width of sub-excavation and replacement should be 12 inches wider than the footing width in all dimensions. For example, for 18-inch wide perimeter strip footings, the sub-excavation and replacement should be 24 inches deep and 42 inches wide. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 15 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder Wind and seismic loads on the structures will be resisted by friction and passive earth pressure. The allowable passive resistance can be taken as 300 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) equivalent fluid weight. The upper 1 foot of soil should be neglected in passive pressure design computation unless it protected by pavement or slab-on-grade. The allowable coefficient of friction along footing bottoms can be taken as 0.40. These passive resistance and base friction values include safety factors of about 1.5, and are based on the assumption that all footing backfill has been placed and compacted as recommended in the construction recommendations. For footings designed and constructed in accordance with the above recommendations, estimated total static settlement is about 1 inch, and differential settlement is about ½ inch. 4.4 WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT STRUCTURES Below-grade wet well and valve vault structures can be supported on thickened edge slabs or strip footings, proportioned for an allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. This allowable bearing pressure may be increased to 2,250 psf for short-term transient loading due to wind and earthquakes. These values assume that footings will be buried at least 10 feet below finished grade and bear on prepared subgrade. Strip footings should be a minimum of 18 inches wide. We anticipate that wet well footings will likely bear on weathered siltstone; valve vault footings will likely bear on alluvium. All footings for these structures should be prepared by sub-excavating at least 1 foot below the bottom of footings and replacing with compacted 2½-inch minus crushed rock, such as Ballast (specified in Section 9-03.9(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications). If desired, the ballast may be covered with a choking/leveling course of 1¼-inch minus crushed surfacing base course (CSBC), as specified in Standard Specifications Section 9-03.9(3). The finer CSBC choking/leveling course will help establish a uniform level surface upon which to build the footings. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 16 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder In the event that particularly soft subgrade conditions are encountered, it may be necessary to increase sub-excavation by an additional 1 to 2 feet as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Where increased sub-excavation is required, the Ballast should be wrapped in a geotextile fabric conforming to Section 9-33.2(1) Table 3 Soil Stabilization of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Four- to eight-inch quarry spalls may be placed in lieu of ballast and geotextile and should be coked/leveled with CSBC. Sub-excavation below the wet well and valve vault should extend below the entire structure footprint and need only extend 12 inches beyond the perimeter footing, regardless of over-excavation depth. For footings designed and constructed in accordance with the above recommendations, estimated total static settlement is about 1 inch, and differential settlement is about ½ inch. Wind and seismic loads on the structures will be resisted by friction and passive earth pressure. The allowable passive resistance can be taken as 150 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) equivalent fluid weight. The upper 1 foot of soil should be neglected in passive pressure design computation unless it protected by pavement or slab-on-grade. The allowable coefficient of friction along footing bottoms can be taken as 0.40. These passive resistance and base friction values include safety factors of about 1.5, and are based on the assumption that backfill has been placed and compacted as recommended in the construction recommendations, or consists of existing native soils. We recommend below-grade structures be designed to resist an at-rest, buoyant earth pressure of 30 pcf equivalent fluid weight plus full hydrostatic head of 62.4 pcf, with an assumed ground water table taken at the ground surface. All buried structures should be designed to resist hydraulic buoyancy. Ground water should be assumed at the ground surface for buoyancy resistance calculations. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 17 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 4.5 WET WEATHER EARTHWORK General recommendations relative to earthwork performed in wet weather or in wet conditions are presented below. These recommendations should be incorporated into the contract specifications. • Earthwork should be performed in small areas to minimize exposure to wet weather. Excavation or the removal of unsuitable soil should be followed promptly by the placement and compaction of clean structural fill. The size and type of construction equipment used may need to be limited to prevent soil disturbance. • The ground surface within the construction area should be graded to promote run-off of surface water and to prevent the ponding of water. • The ground surface within the construction area should be sealed by a smooth drum roller, or equivalent, and under no circumstances should soil be left un- compacted and exposed to moisture infiltration. • Excavation and placement of fill material should be undertaken under the observation of a representative of the geotechnical engineer, to determine that the work is being accomplished in accordance with the project specifications and the recommendations contained herein. 4.6 DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONSIDERATIONS The native soils are easily erodible when exposed and subjected to surface water flow. Surface water runoff can be controlled during construction by careful grading practices. Typically, these include the construction of shallow earthen berms and the use of temporary sumps to collect runoff and prevent water from damaging exposed subgrades. All collected water should be directed under control to a suitable discharge system. Erosion can also be limited through the judicious use of silt fences and straw bales. The contractor should be responsible for control of ground and surface water and should employ sloping, slope protection, ditching, sumps, dewatering, and other measures as 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 18 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder necessary to prevent erosion of soils. In this regard, grading, ditching, sumps, dewatering, and other measures should be employed as necessary to permit proper completion of the work. 4.7 PIPELINE TRENCHWORK, BEDDING AND BACKFILL We anticipate that where possible, pipelines will be installed using traditional open trench construction methods, with trench support provided by trench boxes and dewatering as necessary. Pipe zone bedding and backfill should consist of gravel that can be compacted and shaped to fit the pipe profile and should conform to manufacturer recommendations. Crushed surfacing base course or top course (CSBC or CSTC) as specified in Section 9-03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications is generally a suitable material for pipe zone bedding and backfill. Some of the onsite soils will be suitable for re-use as trench backfill. However, the organic rich alluvium expected to be encountered in portions of the trench excavations along the northern portion of the site, are unsuitable for re-use as trench backfill. A Kleinfelder geotechnical inspector, or a City of Renton construction manager knowledgeable in such matters, should evaluate the suitability of on-site soil for re-use as structural backfill, on a case-by-case basis during construction. Trench backfill more than 4 feet below finished pavement elevation should be compacted to at least 90% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density, and trench backfill within 4 feet of the finished pavement elevation should be compacted to at least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density. In landscaping areas, trench backfill within 4 feet of finished grate should be compacted to 90% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 19 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 5 LIMITATIONS The recommendations contained in this report are based on the field explorations and our understanding of the proposed project. The investigation was performed using a mutually agreed upon scope of services, based on common geotechnical standard of practice. It is our opinion that this study was a cost-effective method to explore the subject site and evaluate the potential geotechnical concerns. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the subsurface information used to formulate our conclusions and recommendations were based on the limited information obtained in the discrete sampling locations. It is possible that variations in soil and groundwater conditions exist between the points explored. The nature and extent of these variations may not be evident until construction occurs. If soil or groundwater conditions are encountered at this site that are different from those described in this report, our firm, and the design team, should be immediately notified so that we may make any necessary revisions to our recommendations. In addition, if the scope of the proposed project, locations of facilities, or design loads change from the descriptions given in this report, our firm, and the design team, should be notified. Our scope of services did not include evaluations of the potential presence or absence of hazardous or contaminated soil or ground water on site. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design, or as required by the project plans and specifications. This report has been prepared for use in design and construction of the subject project for Stantec and the City of Renton, in accordance with the generally accepted geotechnical standards of practice at the time the report was written. No warranty, express or implied, is made. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 20 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder This report may be used only by Stantec, the City of Renton, and their sub-consultants, and only for the purposes stated within a reasonable time from its issuance, but in no event later than one year from the date of the report. Land or facility use, on and off-site conditions, regulations, or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Any party other than Stantec or the City of Renton who wishes to use this report shall notify Kleinfelder of such intended use. Based on the intended use of the report, Kleinfelder may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the client, or anyone else, will release Kleinfelder from any liability resulting from the use of this report by any unauthorized party. In addition, the client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Kleinfelder harmless, from any claim or liability associated with such unauthorized use or non-compliance. It is the responsibility of Stantec, the City of Renton, and their sub-consultants, to see that all parties to the project including the designer, contractor, subcontractors, etc., are made aware of this report in its entirety. The use of information contained in this report for bidding purposes should be done at the contractor’s option and risk. Further guidelines and information on this geotechnical report can be found in the ASFE publication entitled: Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report, enclosed in Appendix C of this report. 00132120.000A/SEA14R0134 Page 21 of 21 March 19, 2014 Copyright 2014 Kleinfelder 6 REFERENCES Bouwer, H., and R.C. Rice, 1976, “A slug test for determining conductivity of unconfined aquifers with completely or partially penetrating wells,” Water Resources Research v. 12. Bouwer, H, 1989, “The Bouwer and Rice slug test – an update”, Ground Water 27(3). WSDOT, 2012, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, Manual M41-10. Pl a t e s SITE The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. CA D F I L E : G: \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 _ P l a t e s . d w g PL O T T E D : 3/ 7 / 2 0 1 4 4 : 3 8 P M B Y : je f f s t e w a r t N 11 DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHECKED BY: REVISED: DATE: PAGE:of PLATE VICINITY MAP Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton, Washington 132120 J.S. S.F. 3-7-2014 1 Reference: OpenStreetMap, 2013. Not to Scale D (FT) H (FT) NOTES: 1.MAX GROUNDWATER TABLE ASSUMED TO BE AT GROUND SURFACE OUTSIDE THE SHORING AND BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION INSIDE THE SHORING. 2.ALL UNITS IN FEET AND POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. 3.APPARENT EARTH PRESSURES ACT OVER FULL PILE SPACING 4.IGNORE PASSIVE RESISTANCE OVER THE UPPER 2 FEET BELOW THE CUT LINE. 5.PROVIDE AT LEAST 2 FEET OF CATCHMENT AT TOP OF TEMPORARY SHORING. BRACED SHEET PILE OR SOLDIER PILES OR CAISSON WALL 130D 62.4H 0.25q CONSTRUCTION SURCHARGE LOAD q (PSF) BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION DESIGN WATER LEVEL INSIDE EXCAVATION 21H DESIGN WATER LEVEL OUTSIDE EXCAVATION EXISTINGGROUND SURFACE PASSIVE PRESSURE HYDRO STATIC PRESSURE SURCHARGE PRESSURE APPARENT EARTH PRESSURE 2 FEET The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. CA D F I L E : G: \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 _ P l a t e s . d w g PL O T T E D : 3/ 7 / 2 0 1 4 4 : 3 8 P M B Y : je f f s t e w a r t DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO. CHECKED BY: REVISED: DATE: PAGE:of PLATEEARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM FOR TEMPORARY SHORING Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton, Washington 132120 J.S. M.B. 3-29-2013 3-7-14 3 1 1 Not to Scale Ap p e n d i x A PLATE A-1Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington The report and graphics key are an integral part of these logs. All dataand interpretations in this log are subject to the explanations and limitations stated in the report. Lines separating strata on the logs represent approximate boundariesonly. Actual transitions may be gradual or differ from those shown. No warranty is provided as to the continuity of soil or rock conditions between individual sample locations. Logs represent general soil or rock conditions observed at the point ofexploration on the date indicated. In general, Unified Soil Classification System designations presented on the logs were based on visual classification in the field and were modified where appropriate based on gradation and index property testing. Fine grained soils that plot within the hatched area on the Plasticity Chart, and coarse grained soils with between 5% and 12% passing the No.200 sieve require dual USCS symbols, ie., GW-GM, GP-GM, GW-GC,GP-GC, GC-GM, SW-SM, SP-SM, SW-SC, SP-SC, SC-SM. If sampler is not able to be driven at least 6 inches a 3 inches diameter by 2.5 inches inch long 60 degree conical point drivenwith a 170 ±2 pound hammer dropped 24 ±0.5 inches. _ SILTY SANDS, SAND-GRAVEL-SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-GRAVEL-CLAY MIXTURES SW-SM CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-SILT-CLAYMIXTURES CL CL-ML > < < SANDSWITH5% TO12%FINES SANDSWITH > 12%FINES SA N D S ( M o r e t h a n h a l f o f c o a r s e f r a c t i o n i s s m a l l e r t h a n t h e # 4 s i e v e ) WELL-GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL MIXTURES WITHLITTLE FINES Cu 4 and/ or 1 Cc 3> CLEANGRAVELWITH<5%FINES GRAVELSWITH 5% TO12%FINES OL CH CLAYEY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES GRAVELSWITH >12%FINES > Cu 4 and1 Cc 3 >_ _ HAND AUGER SAMPLE DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION STANDARD PENETRATION SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER(2 in. (50.8 mm.) outer diameter and 1-3/8 in. (34.9 mm.) innerdiameter) _ GM GC GW GP GW-GM GW-GC __ _ INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLYCLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS GRAPHICS KEY < SAMPLE/SAMPLER TYPE GRAPHICS > < < > CLEANSANDSWITH<5% FINES GR A V E L S ( M o r e t h a n h a l f o f c o a r s e f r a c t i o n i s l a r g e r t h a n t h e # 4 s i e v e ) Cu 6 and/or 1 Cc 3 Cu 6 and/ or 1 Cc 3 > Cu 6 and1 Cc 3 SC-SM Cu 4 and1 Cc 3 <_ ORGANIC SILTS & ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OFLOW PLASTICITY SILTS AND CLAYS(Liquid Limitless than 50) SILTS AND CLAYS(Liquid Limitgreater than 50) WELL-GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL MIXTURES WITHLITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL MIXTURES WITHLITTLE OR NO FINES MH OH ML GC-GM CO A R S E G R A I N E D S O I L S ( M o r e t h a n h a l f o f m a t e r i a l i s l a r g e r t h a n t h e # 2 0 0 s i e v e ) UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D 2487) < Cu 6 and 1 Cc 3 GP-GM GP-GC _ __< > < < > SP SP-SM SP-SC SM SC <_< > WELL-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES WITHLITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES WITHLITTLE OR NO FINES WELL-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES WITHLITTLE FINES WELL-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES WITHLITTLE CLAY FINES POORLY GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES WITH LITTLE FINES POORLY GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES WITHLITTLE CLAY FINES SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SILT-SANDMIXTURES CLAYEY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY-SILT MIXTURES WELL-GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL MIXTURES WITHLITTLE CLAY FINES POORLY GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL MIXTURES WITHLITTLE CLAY FINES SW SW-SC POORLY GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL MIXTURES WITHLITTLE FINES Cu 4 and/or 1 Cc 3> > FI N E G R A I N E D S O I L S (M o r e t h a n h a l f o f m a t e r i a l is s m a l l e r t h a n th e # 2 0 0 s i e v e ) INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY ORGANIC CLAYS & ORGANIC SILTS OFMEDIUM-TO-HIGH PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS ORDIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILT INORGANIC CLAYS-SILTS OF LOW PLASTICITY, GRAVELLYCLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS GROUND WATER GRAPHICS OBSERVED SEEPAGE WATER LEVEL (level after exploration completion) WATER LEVEL (level where first observed) WATER LEVEL (additional levels after exploration) NOTES PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED:- gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j R : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ 2 0 1 4 . G L B [ G E O - L E G E N D 1 ( G R A P H I C S K E Y ) W I T H U S C S ] (# blows/ft)(# blows/ft)(# blows/ft) A-2 PLATE Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington 0 - 15 (%) RELATIVEDENSITYSAMPLER <4 or thread cannot be formed when drier than the any water content. The thread can barely be rolled and the lump when drier than the plastic limit FIELD TEST Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch SubangularRounded Angular CRITERIA Subrounded Gravel Sand Fines Wet DESCRIPTION fine coarse fine #10 - #4 GRAIN SIZE >12 in. (304.8 mm.) 3/4 -3 in. (19 - 76.2 mm.) 0.19 - 0.75 in. (4.8 - 19 mm.) 50+ SOIL DESCRIPTION KEY FIELD TESTDESCRIPTION plastic limit. the plastic limit. The lump or thread crumbles limit. The lump or thread can be formed without Same color and appearance throughout DESCRIPTION Stratified Laminated Fissured Slickensided Inclusion of small pockets of different soils, such as small lenses Blocky Lensed Homogeneous CRITERIA Alternating layers of varying material or color with the layer 0.0029 - 0.017 in. (0.07 - 0.43 mm.) 0.017 - 0.079 in. (0.43 - 2 mm.) to reach the plastic limit. The thread can be Very Soft DESCRIPTION None Strong Rounded DESCRIPTION Cobbles No visible reaction Some reaction, with bubbles forming slowly Violent reaction, with bubbles forming immediately Weak 0.079 - 0.19 in. (2 - 4.9 mm.) SPT-N60 Very Dense Dense Medium Dense FIELD TEST NP < 30 > 50 <0.0029 in. (<0.07 mm.) rerolled several times after reaching the plastic SubroundedParticles have smoothly curved sides and no edges Particles have nearly plane sides but havewell-rounded corners and edges Particles are similar to angular description but have of sand scattered through a mass of clay; note thickness to fracturing Alternating layers of varying material or color with layers Angular Subangular Boulders LL 30 - 50 Particles have sharp edges and relatively planesides with unpolished surfaces rounded edges at least 1/4-in. thick, note thickness medium Loose Very Loose DENSITY DESCRIPTION Dry Moist is required to reach the plastic limit.The thread cannot be rerolled after reaching The thread is easy to roll and not much time 5 - 12 A 1/8-in. (3 mm.) thread cannot be rolled at 5 - 15 15 - 40 40 - 70 85 - 100 65 - 85 35 - 65 15 - 35 >70 Damp but no visible water Visible free water, usually soil is below water table Cohesive soil that can be broken down into small angular crumbling when drier than the plastic limit lumps which resist further breakdown Fracture planes appear polished or glossy, sometimes striated Breaks along definite planes of fracture with little resistance APPARENT >60 <5 35 - 60 SAMPLERMODIFIED CACALIFORNIA <4 4 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 50 >50 less than 1/4-in. thick, note thickness Non-plastic Low (L) Medium (M) High (H) NOTE: AFTER TERZAGHI AND PECK, 1948 Crumbles or breaks with considerable Weakly Moderately Strongly FIELD TEST finger pressure finger pressure Will not crumble or break with finger pressure DESCRIPTION Crumbles or breaks with handling or slight It takes considerable time rolling and kneading coarse #40 - #10 #200 - #10 Passing #200 3 - 12 in. (76.2 - 304.8 mm.) 3/4 -3 in. (19 - 76.2 mm.) #4 - 3/4 in. (#4 - 19 mm.) SIEVE SIZE >12 in. (304.8 mm.) 3 - 12 in. (76.2 - 304.8 mm.) Pea-sized to thumb-sized Thumb-sized to fist-sized Larger than basketball-sized Fist-sized to basketball-sized Flour-sized and smaller Rock salt-sized to pea-sized Sugar-sized to rock salt-sized Flour-sized to sugar-sized SIZE APPROXIMATE Soft Very Firm CONSISTENCY SPT N-VALUES 9 - 15 Firm 0 - 4 5 - 8 16 - 29 30 - 49 Moderately Firm Hard 12 - 35 ABBR R Y GY G BG Red Yellow Red Yellow Green Yellow Green Blue Green Blue Purple Blue Purple Red Purple NAME YR B PB P RP Black N PLASTICITY REACTION WITH HYDROCHLORIC ACID GRAIN SIZE ANGULARITY STRUCTURE MOISTURE CONTENT APPARENT / RELATIVE DENSITY - COARSE-GRAINED SOIL CEMENTATION CONSISTENCY - FINE-GRAINED SOIL Munsell Color PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED:- gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j R : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ 2 0 1 4 . G L B [ G E O - L E G E N D 2 ( S O I L D E S C K E Y ) ( A R I Z O N A ) ] 2 inches of sod SILTwithSand(ML): trace to some coarse rounded gravel, evedence of a pocket of medium sand, non-plastic, brown, moist to wet, firm -no evidence in the sample or drilling action of gravel SandySILT(ML): fine sand, non-plastic, brown, moist to wet, dense SILT(ML): trace fine sand, non-plastic, brown, moist to wet, firm to hard -observed iron oxide marbling in the sample SILT(ML): trace fine sand, non-plastic, gray, moist to wet, firm to hard Flush-mount monument cased in concrete 2" SCH 40 Solid PVC Riser with Bentonite Seal 2" SCH 40 Slotted 0.010 PVC Screen with 20/40 Sand Pack Bentonite Chips BC=101521 BC=61117 BC=173615 BC=72634 BC=71623 BC=162026 22.0 27.6 24.8 29.1 32.7 26.3 72 70 95 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 A-3 PAGE:1 of 2 LABORATORY RESULTS PLATEBORING LOG KB-1 BORING LOG KB-1 FIELD EXPLORATION No Coordinates AvailableApproximate Surface Elevation (ft.): 27.5 Surface Condition: Lawn Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington S. FlowersLogged By:Date Begin - End: Hor.-Vert. Datum: Weather:Cloudy, 50 degrees Drill Equipment: Drill Crew:Drill Company: Not Available Hammer Type - Drop: Mud Rotary B-60 DerekHolt Drilling3/12/2013 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Auger Diameter: -90 degreesExploration Plunge:Drilling Method: 6 in. O.D. Li q u i d L i m i t (N V = N o V a l u e ) Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x (N P = N o P l a s t i c i t y ) MONITORING WELL* Blo w C o u n t s ( B C ) = Un c o r r . b l o w s / 6 i n . De p t h ( f e e t ) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Ap p r o x i m a t e El e v a t i o n ( f e e t ) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 Gr a p h i c a l L o g Re c o v e r y (N R = N o R e c o v e r y ) US C S Sy m b o l Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Pa s s i n g N o . 4 Si e v e ( % ) Pa s s i n g #2 0 0 S i e v e ( % ) Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Ex p l o r a t i o n M e t h o d gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j C : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ S R . 1 . 2 . G L B [ A U _ K L F _ B O R I N G / T E S T P I T S O I L L O G ] PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED: Sa m p l e T y p e SILT(ML): trace fine sand, non-plastic, gray, moist to wet, firm to hard The exploration was terminated at approximately 41.5 ft. below ground surface. The exploration was backfilled with a monitoring well installation on March 12, 2013. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: Groundwater was observed at approximately 4.5 ft. below top ofcasing 17 days after drilling completion.GENERAL NOTES: *See Laboratory Summary Sheets for additional lab results.The exploration location and elevation are approximate and wereestimated by Kleinfelder based on drawing LS1, Proposed LiftStation Preliminary Layout, prepared by ROTH HILL for the City ofRenton. BC=142725 BC=121825 25.8 95S7 S8 A-3 PAGE:2 of 2 LABORATORY RESULTS PLATEBORING LOG KB-1 BORING LOG KB-1 FIELD EXPLORATION No Coordinates AvailableApproximate Surface Elevation (ft.): 27.5 Surface Condition: Lawn Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington S. FlowersLogged By:Date Begin - End: Hor.-Vert. Datum: Weather:Cloudy, 50 degrees Drill Equipment: Drill Crew:Drill Company: Not Available Hammer Type - Drop: Mud Rotary B-60 DerekHolt Drilling3/12/2013 140 lb. Auto - 30 in. Auger Diameter: -90 degreesExploration Plunge:Drilling Method: 6 in. O.D. Li q u i d L i m i t (N V = N o V a l u e ) Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x (N P = N o P l a s t i c i t y ) MONITORING WELL* Blo w C o u n t s ( B C ) = Un c o r r . b l o w s / 6 i n . De p t h ( f e e t ) 40 45 50 55 60 65 Ap p r o x i m a t e El e v a t i o n ( f e e t ) -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 Gr a p h i c a l L o g Re c o v e r y (N R = N o R e c o v e r y ) US C S Sy m b o l Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Pa s s i n g N o . 4 Si e v e ( % ) Pa s s i n g #2 0 0 S i e v e ( % ) Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Ex p l o r a t i o n M e t h o d gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j C : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ S R . 1 . 2 . G L B [ A U _ K L F _ B O R I N G / T E S T P I T S O I L L O G ] PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED: Sa m p l e T y p e 2 inches of topsoil Fill SiltyGRAVEL(GM): brown, moist, medium dense, fine to coarse gravel, some fine to coarse sand Alluvium SILTwithSand(ML): non-plastic, black, no odor, wet, soft, fine sand, trace organic SiltySAND(SM): gray, wet, medium dense, fine to medium sand SILT(ML): non-plastic, brownish gray, moist, medium dense, trace fine sand SILTwithSand(ML): gray, wet, dense, fine sand SILT(ML): gray, wet, dense, some fine sand SILT(ML): non-plastic, brownish gray with red laminations, moist to wet, hard to very hard, trace fine sand, 4 to 8 inch iterbedded layers of fine sand BC=211 BC=656 BC=71118 BC=1718 27 BC=172429 BC=172428 BC=202732 BC=274250/6" 6 in. 10in. 18in. 12in. 12in. 12in. 14in. 18in. 16.5 26.7 25.4 24.2 39 96 74 89 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 A-4 PAGE:1 of 2 LABORATORY RESULTS PLATEBORING LOG KB-2 BORING LOG KB-2 FIELD EXPLORATION No Coordinates AvailableApproximate Surface Elevation (ft.): 27.5 Surface Condition: Lawn Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington S. FlowersLogged By:Date Begin - End: Hor.-Vert. Datum: Weather:Sunny, 40 degrees Drill Equipment: Drill Crew:Drill Company: Not Available Hammer Type - Drop: Hollow Stem Auger Trailer CarlosBoretec2/28/2014 140 lb. Cathead - 30 in. Auger Diameter: -90 degreesExploration Plunge:Drilling Method: 6 in. O.D. Li q u i d L i m i t (N V = N o V a l u e ) Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x (N P = N o P l a s t i c i t y ) Ot h e r T e s t s / Re m a r k s Blo w C o u n t s ( B C ) = Un c o r r . b l o w s / 6 i n . De p t h ( f e e t ) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Ap p r o x i m a t e El e v a t i o n ( f e e t ) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 Gr a p h i c a l L o g Re c o v e r y (N R = N o R e c o v e r y ) US C S Sy m b o l Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Pa s s i n g N o . 4 Si e v e ( % ) Pa s s i n g #2 0 0 S i e v e ( % ) Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Ex p l o r a t i o n M e t h o d gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j C : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ S R . 1 . 2 . G L B [ A U _ K L F _ B O R I N G / T E S T P I T S O I L L O G ] PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED: Sa m p l e T y p e SILT(ML): gray, wet, dense, some fine sand The exploration was terminated at approximately 41.5 ft. below ground surface. The exploration was backfilled with bentonite on February 28, 2014. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: Groundwater was observed at approximately 5 ft. below groundsurface during drilling.GENERAL NOTES: The exploration location and elevation are approximate and wereestimated by Kleinfelder based on drawing C7, Renton Airport LiftStation Replacement, prepared by Stantec for the City of Renton,dated August 5, 2013.. BC=152123 BC=172023 18in. 12in. S9 S10 A-4 PAGE:2 of 2 LABORATORY RESULTS PLATEBORING LOG KB-2 BORING LOG KB-2 FIELD EXPLORATION No Coordinates AvailableApproximate Surface Elevation (ft.): 27.5 Surface Condition: Lawn Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington S. FlowersLogged By:Date Begin - End: Hor.-Vert. Datum: Weather:Sunny, 40 degrees Drill Equipment: Drill Crew:Drill Company: Not Available Hammer Type - Drop: Hollow Stem Auger Trailer CarlosBoretec2/28/2014 140 lb. Cathead - 30 in. Auger Diameter: -90 degreesExploration Plunge:Drilling Method: 6 in. O.D. Li q u i d L i m i t (N V = N o V a l u e ) Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x (N P = N o P l a s t i c i t y ) Ot h e r T e s t s / Re m a r k s Blo w C o u n t s ( B C ) = Un c o r r . b l o w s / 6 i n . De p t h ( f e e t ) 40 45 50 55 60 65 Ap p r o x i m a t e El e v a t i o n ( f e e t ) -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 Gr a p h i c a l L o g Re c o v e r y (N R = N o R e c o v e r y ) US C S Sy m b o l Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Pa s s i n g N o . 4 Si e v e ( % ) Pa s s i n g #2 0 0 S i e v e ( % ) Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Ex p l o r a t i o n M e t h o d gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j C : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ S R . 1 . 2 . G L B [ A U _ K L F _ B O R I N G / T E S T P I T S O I L L O G ] PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED: Sa m p l e T y p e 2 inches of sod Embankment Fill SiltyGRAVELwithSand(GM): coarse gravel, fine to mdium sand, brown, moist, medium dense Alluvium SILT(ML): with fibrous organic material such as wood chips and small twigs, interbedded with two 1 to 2 inch thick layers of fine to medium sand, non-plastic, dark brown, moist to wet, soft Completed handauger exploration to 7 feet below grounhd surface. DCPT extended to 10 feet below ground surface. The exploration was terminated at approximately 10 ft. below ground surface. The exploration was backfilled with excavated material on March 12, 2013. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: Seepage was observed at approximately 6 ft. below groundsurface during drilling. GENERAL NOTES:The exploration location and elevation are approximate and were estimated by Kleinfelder based on drawing LS1, Proposed LiftStation Preliminary Layout, prepared by ROTH HILL for the City ofRenton. 111.8 117.4 S1 S2 A-5 PAGE:1 of 1 LABORATORY RESULTS PLATEHAND AUGER LOG KHA-1 HAND AUGER LOG KHA-1 FIELD EXPLORATION No Coordinates AvailableApproximate Surface Elevation (ft.): 29.5 Surface Condition: Lawn Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington S. FlowersLogged By:Date Begin - End: Hor.-Vert. Datum: Weather:Cloudy, 50 degrees Drill Equipment: Drill Crew:Drill Company: Not Available Hammer Type - Drop: Hand Auger Hand Auger S. FlowersKleinfelder3/12/2013 35 lb. DCPT - 15 in. Exploration Diameter: -90 degreesExploration Plunge:Drilling Method: 8 in. O.D. Li q u i d L i m i t (N V = N o V a l u e ) Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x (N P = N o P l a s t i c i t y ) Ot h e r T e s t s / Re m a r k s Blo w C o u n t s ( B C ) = Un c o r r . b l o w s / 6 i n . De p t h ( f e e t ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ap p r o x i m a t e El e v a t i o n ( f e e t ) 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Gr a p h i c a l L o g Re c o v e r y (N R = N o R e c o v e r y ) US C S Sy m b o l Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Pa s s i n g N o . 4 Si e v e ( % ) Pa s s i n g #2 0 0 S i e v e ( % ) Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Ex p l o r a t i o n M e t h o d gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j C : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ S R . 1 . 2 . G L B [ A U _ K L F _ B O R I N G / T E S T P I T S O I L L O G ] PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED: Sa m p l e T y p e 2 inches of sod SiltySANDwithGravel(SM): fine to medium sand, fine and coarse gravel, brown, moist, medium dense Encountered refusal with DCPT. SAND(SP): medium sand, brown, moist, loose SILTwithSand(ML): trace fine sand, non-plastic, black, moist to wet, firm The exploration was terminated at approximately 7 ft. below ground surface. The exploration was backfilled with excavated material on March 12, 2013. GROUNDWATER LEVEL INFORMATION: Groundwater seepage was not observed at the time of exploration.GENERAL NOTES:The exploration location and elevation are approximate and wereestimated by Kleinfelder based on drawing LS1, Proposed LiftStation Preliminary Layout, prepared by ROTH HILL for the City ofRenton. 11.8 20.7 77 S1 S2 A-6 PAGE:1 of 1 LABORATORY RESULTS PLATEHAND AUGER LOG KHA-2 HAND AUGER LOG KHA-2 FIELD EXPLORATION No Coordinates AvailableApproximate Surface Elevation (ft.): 30.0 Surface Condition: Lawn Renton Airport Lift Station Replacement West Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Renton, Washington S. FlowersLogged By:Date Begin - End: Hor.-Vert. Datum: Weather:Cloudy, 50 degrees Drill Equipment: Drill Crew:Drill Company: Not Available Hammer Type - Drop: Hand Auger Hand Auger S. FlowersKleinfelder3/12/2013 35 lb. DCPT - 15 in. Exploration Diameter: -90 degreesExploration Plunge:Drilling Method: 8 in. O.D. Li q u i d L i m i t (N V = N o V a l u e ) Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x (N P = N o P l a s t i c i t y ) Ot h e r T e s t s / Re m a r k s Blo w C o u n t s ( B C ) = Un c o r r . b l o w s / 6 i n . De p t h ( f e e t ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ap p r o x i m a t e El e v a t i o n ( f e e t ) 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Gr a p h i c a l L o g Re c o v e r y (N R = N o R e c o v e r y ) US C S Sy m b o l Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Pa s s i n g N o . 4 Si e v e ( % ) Pa s s i n g #2 0 0 S i e v e ( % ) Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Ex p l o r a t i o n M e t h o d gI N T F I L E : U : \ 1 p r o j e c t s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t \ l o g s \ 1 3 2 1 2 0 R e n t o n A i r p o r t L s R e p l a c e m e n t . g p j C : K L F _ S T A N D A R D _ G I N T _ L I B R A R Y _ S R . 1 . 2 . G L B [ A U _ K L F _ B O R I N G / T E S T P I T S O I L L O G ] PROJECT NO.:132120 DRAWN BY:SF CHECKED BY:MB DATE:3/7/2014 REVISED: Sa m p l e T y p e Ap p e n d i x B APPENDIX B GROUNDWATER DRAWDOWN AND RECOVERY ANALYSIS TEST PROCEEDURE AND ANALYSIS We performed a series of drawdown and recovery tests in the 2-inch monitoring well installed in KB-1. The purpose of the tests is to estimate the permeability of the soil surrounding the monitoring wells. The test consisted of bailing the water out of the well at an approximately consistent rate until the water level in the well reached equilibrium at the bailing rate. Then we stopped bailing the water from the well and, using a pressure transducer, recorded water level increase over time at ¼ millisecond intervals. We repeated the test three times. We then plotted the results of the tests on the same graph for comparison and analysis. Plate B-1 shows a linear plot of the test results as well as the logarithmic trend line and resulting equation used in our analysis. For the three drawdown and recovery tests we performed, the graph indicates that tests produced consistent, reputable results. We then used the Bouwer and Rice method to calculate the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer. To perform the calculation we assumed that the soil is saturated to a depth of about 30 feet below the existing ground surface. Based on the results of the calculation the estimated hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer surrounding KB-1 is between 5×10-5 and 5×10-6 cm/sec. Ap p e n d i x C