HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-10-119 orb Document Al 01"" - 2007 $tandard Form ofAgreentent Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of pay/hi&is a Stipulated Sum /1GREEMENT Inude,as of the O day of `� -'ii3ltieyear .ZCIo :1h0t•o1•ds,indicate da);month rmd yeah) BETWEEN tho Owner: (Arame,legal stafirs,address and ofhei•I7 foi-madon) City of Renton This document has important legal consequences.Consultallon vlith 1055 S.Clrtuly\Vay = an attorney Is encouraged vAth ItCi.tton,lj'A 98057 (aspect to Its completion or modification, AIA DowmentA20i114-•2007, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction,is adopted In this document by -M44116(,onf1 Odor; reference.Do not use Y41h other (tjrtr�l+c 7cgcj/stalis'tiddh ass aitd other h forntatlon) nonoral condlUons unless this Milnc ,Ltc document Is modliled. ) 19ctrl� 111582 172i!d DrSI? Moititoe;,)rA 98272 for the fo1101ving Project: (A4inre,loccr(loir rrjrd�lel�+l(c>d desc7 i)illon) Phitip,4Knold Parkl3alifleld 148lhlg Replacement Renton,WA.. I`ltc Archi(i;pfi �16111a legkl.'Vtatus atld+-ess and atheh•htfolvintiorr) -------------- Cierra 1?lectricolGroup,]JIG, _ =22Q1„Gth.A�etitto,Suite 1I00 Sc t Io VA 98121 1818 t - S The Owner and Contractor agree as follows. AIA DoeumentAioi"'-2007.Copyright61915,IM,1925,1937,1951,1958,1961,19 ,i967,f974,1977,1987,1995,1097and2007byTheMW#winsWeof hill, Archleds.AllrtghtsreservedAVARNING:This MeDocumentlsprotecredhyU.S,Copy ghtLwtandlutemaUonal7reaUes.UnauthodzMtroprottucUonor dlstrrbuUon orchis AIAnDocument,or any portlorc of It,may resuit in sevato civil and cdndnal penaldes,and villi be pros ecutedto Uio max mum rodent possible / widerUielaw,Thisti mmentwascreatedon 0712812010 M171i underthotermsof AIA bocunlents•on•Deniendtnorder no, 2005189795 ,ordts not for rosole.This downwl 13 lcensed by theAmerirnn lns.14do of kchleas fcone-Urne u3ony,6A may not be reproduced p6or to is oomp?600n. Age TABLE OF ARTICLES 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS i = 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT 3 PATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTiAL COMPLETION z9=_ 'CONTRACT SUM 5 PAYMENTS G_ DISPUTE RESOLUTION S LL7� 7 TERi4INATiOf OR'SUSPENSION, 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS - 0 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 10 ; ;%<,INSURANCE AND BONDS ARTIOU 1 -THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS C oiilrRct lltn ocuents Coll s.i (bfifiis Agreement,Conditions of the Coulract(General,SuppJcntcntaryand other Qfi liti9Jis);-Drawings,SpeeiflOtions,Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement,other documents listed in ,Ilii'°Agreenieut and A4odiftcRiioiis issued after execution of this Agreement,all ofwhieh form the Contract,and are as :-fiiily J;P,4tt of the Contract gs`ifattached to this Agreement or repeated liereht.The Contract represeltts the entire and _i iitte�r tqg agreement betweeiLtlie parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations,representations or agreomerts,either An enunleratioii'of the Contract Documents,other than o N4odiftcatlon,appears In Article 9. ART GLUU2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT =JTie Cotitr�iclor shall fltlly execute tile,Work described in liie Contract Docunients,except as specifically indicated lit the ; r. a�tltctpoctitnents to be lite responsibility of others, ARTICLE 3 PATE OF CQMMENCEMI+NTND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Tie t49f conmtencenieit QFtI>o Rrork shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated below or.)JID sJ lot is made for the dale to he fixed in it notice to proceed Issued by the Owner, (Inset t the We of commenceuten f.11 d fens front lite date of this zIgreement or,f eily4cable,stale that the date wi11 Le ;11i��d luoi?o11ce to proceed.) -_--�„ D'edill ;A,i t,d iu a notice to piocecd. If,'prioi-to ilio Commencement.of-the Work,the Owner requires time to file mortgages and other security hiteresls,the Owner's tinie requirement shad.boas follows: §3.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the(late of commencoment, AIA DocunienlA101 iu»2007.Copydflhl01015,1018,1025,1937,1051,1853,1061,1033,1007,1974,1977,1987,1091,iW7arid 2607 bynwAmerhvi fastNo0f 1itif' Arch:eas.All dohisreszrye0.WARNIF:G:ThisAleFxxtimentIspiotectedbyU.S,Copyriaht4,aivatxllntemallonalTreaUes.Un3trUIO MIteprodmilonor 2 dtsbibullonofthisAIA Document,oranypoil<onofIt,InayresultlnsevereCIA Ialid cif)dnallienatUes,endvAllbeproseculedtothantaxhtitin iextentposslble t UndortholayJ.lhSdeCVnlent57a3trealedOr1071281201013,17:11 undetthe tormsofAtAriwmants,on-DemandTMorder no. 2005180705 ,andls»ol for resale.7 h[s downwril is Gxnsed by Vie Anwican Institute,a Arch3tds foron,Mie use only,and may not be reproduced Wo ds Oomp`.ellon. §3,3 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire 1Vork not later than lnluety ( 90 )days from tho data ofcommiencemesit,or as follows: (Insert number-of calendar days.Alte)-nalivel};a calendar date Wray be used when coordinated w1th the dole of conrnrerrceruerN.Ifapproprlate,hrsert t•egi(h eme)its for•ear•Iler•Sabstauflal Completion gfcerlahi portlons of the!Pork} Portion of tta Work Substantial Completion tate i ',sitUjeot to adjnstntQli(�of tblj Coatraet Time as provided 1n file Contract Documents, jhlsi>r•t prol�Jslons,{!'guy for (i2uidrrted damages relating to fniira•e to achlere Subsfmrlial Completion on!late odor Gonrrs payments jor.em l} letlon of the 11'01 k.) ARTICLE 9 .C()N f;ACT.Sum §4.1 Tho Q�iner`_ all pay the Contractor the Contract Sum In current fields for the Contractor's performance of tile Contract.Tito 6 C Sunt shall be Coe Hundred Ninety Seven'ftiotisand Soven Hundred Thirly and 72/1110 Dollars (S 197,730.72 ),'stfbject to additions and deductions as provided in(lie Contract Documents. §4,2 The Cotitrlct 5tiii ls.Cased upon tine following alternates,if any,which are described in tl►a Contract Documents and are hereby aceltcd by the Olvner (State the rurnlbeis or other ideu!(llcntlmi gfaccepted alterWales.Iflhe bidding orproposal documents perurlt lire Ouvrer to accept other �lterrrates subsequent to Ure execution of this Agreement,attach a schedule ojsuch ollrer alter nates slioiilrlg l runonrt for each and the date when that amount etlrir es} None 4.3 Unit prces,lftnliy; (Identl�jl ait�l sldl"aloe 111di price;state qua flty lhuilallous,1far0;to which the unk price hill be applicable.) Units and Limitations Price per Unit($0.00) Inst. NA Document Ai01ly�2007.Copyright®1016,1$18,1925,1437,1951,1058,i661,16e3,1937,1874,1077,1887,1993,1697 arxi 20011ryTho Mlciicxi ln.Wtdoot /Vcltleels.AllrlghlsrwervedWARtllNG:ThfsAlA t)dcurnenttsprotetledbyU,S,CopyriyittLawan<fh�teniadonai7roatres,UnavUtorizedreproductbnor 3 (its Vib uVon of Vits NAs Document,or any paUon of it,may result Gr severo eMi g edmlual penalties,and A-AR be prosecuted to the maxtmum extent possible t urxloriholat.Thisdo%mentVMS voaledon0712812010 13:17:11 under the terms ofAtADocuments-on•Demend1°order no. 2005184795 ,"Isnol for rma;e.'ails downtent is Creased by tho Am,-doo a I nstlulo of tvchdecis rot ono-Ume use oniy,"may, not be reproduced W"to As oomp:elton. I §4.4 Allowances included in the Contract Start,if any: (Identify allowance and state exclusions, {far);folio the allowance price.) Item Price(St1.00) None ARTICLE 5 PAYMENT$„_ 51 PROGRESS PAYhIeNTs §.v i,113ased upon pf lications for Payment subitiltted to tho Architect by tiro Contractor stud Cerfiticates for Payutent jss icd by the Archi e tr tho Oiynel shah make progress payments on account of the Conh•act Sunt to tile Contractor as pl'4vided Uelo<ti arid elsewlieca in the Contract Documents. 5.12 Tile perictl covered by ebell Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on tie last day of(lie iiionth,or,tis foIrl oiys; The Clty of3jeittoil operates au n two week cycle according to the 2010 Accounts Payable Calendar,a copy of which will be prq�,Id to the Cotilgt�jor.Applicatfons for payment must be received by the Owrior a minintmn of one week prior to Vin)il>voice cat ot1 Attie.{o be processed in that rim, §61.3 Pxgvldd that au t11l1�jication for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the day of a ntoiilll{the Oivner,sliall mpke payment orthe certified amount to the Contractor not later than ilia clay of,tate(sante}(folloiitohi(t;.:If ati Application for Payment is received by the Architect uRer the application date flxe.<I aUo�e,.p iyineut,shail Ue ifiado by the Owner not later than ( )days niter the Arolltives(lie 1ppticat ioil for Payment. (Redet.gl, lrira or rotor that's mayrequIre payment irtthln a cerlahi perlod ojtlme.) §5.14 acji Applicatloq for'Aayment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values stibmitted by Ilse Contractor III accot<ifii�ce with the Contract Documents.Tho schedule ofvahtas shall allocate Lite cul ire Contract Su tit A111011 the various POO tolls the Work.'rho schedule of values shall be prepared fit slit]form and supported by such data to substantliil W iiccuracy;as.the h chitect may require.This schedule,tuticss objected to by tilt Architect,shah be used as a basis Cdr rcyetving tVte Co>itrtfotor's Applications for Payment. §515 ApllIh,dons for Pa}orient shall SItONV the percentage of completiofi of each l)ottloiiof the NVork as of tlic eiicl of the period coli Bred by theAj>}��iedtion for Payment. §51.6 Subject to other,Vir. is gals of the Contract Documents,the amount of each progress payment shalt be computed as 1 Take ttttit'pgr(tail of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by uttilliplying tie poreenlage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the Contract Stun allocated to that portion of the Work in the schedule,of values,less retaluage of Five percent( 5 o/o).Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of cltangos fu the Work,amounts not In dispute shall be included as provided in Section 7,3.9 of AIA Document A201'16L-2007,General Conditions of the Contraot for Construction; ;2 ' c&l that potion of the Contract Stun properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and siiitaUly stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction(or,if approved in fi6faice by the Owner,suitably stored off the site at a loca(lon agreed upon fit wrifing),less retalaage of - Five percent( 5%); .3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments endo by the Owner;and .4 Subtract innounts,if to y,for which the Architect has withhold or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided hi Section 9,5 of AIA Document A201 2007. Inif, AiADacumentA101r 2o07.Cohyright�1916,1918,1925,1937,1951,1958,1901,1963,1967,1974,1977,1087,1991,1997arid2007 by Thehnoi^zzntrigtvteof yuch3�cts.filaria]tsroscrvad.WARNINOtTtdsAle Document ispiolectedbyU.3,Copyriphtf-stvandtntamationalTreaVo.Unautirari:edreproductlonor 4 d iso lbullo n of this AiA"Docummt,or any portion of it,tray ra stilt in severe twat and criminal waides,and,41 be prosecuted to the maximum Went possiWa t under the ism.TW-sdow[rientwas created on07t2812o1013a7:t1 un der the terms of ALA vownients•on•DemendI"order no. 200518970S ,oMlsnot for resa!o,This doamient is licensed by the Anwimn lnsltule of Archteds torose tinfa use only,and may not bo reproduced poor to Its oompAw. 9 517 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Section 5.1.6 shall be fitrther madifted under the following circuatslatices: .1 Add,upon Substaatiat Completion of the Work,a sunt sufficient to increase the total payments to the fall amount of the Contract Sum,less such amounts as the Architect shot[determine for hicomplete Mork, retahiage applicable to such work and wiscitled cla'tuts;and y (Section 9,S,S aJifLt Docnruferrt�f201 2007 regfrdres release of appdtcable retairraga upolt Srrbstafntfal _= Coff 1*11on of 1101A a 11h conse7d of sure[};f a»)�} .2 Add,If final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of file Contractor, any additional amounts payablo in accordnnco with Section 9,10.3 of AIA Document A201--2007. §,618 Reduction or IJutitatiot of retainage,lrany,shall be as follows: (!f k is hntewletf,prinr to$ubstantlal Completlof of the 0111/1a 11"ark,to reduce or llinh the retahnage residli ng ft'ont the _:�rce7ntages_ri erteel In Sectlo77s a7n(I 5.1,6.2 above,and this 1s not ex1itained else)vhete hi the Co7ntract DocmneWs,It+sel•1Jiergp.l ai1fsions for srtelf reduction ar 111 rflatlon.) Ione := A x;1,0 Except NYW tltd Owner's prior approval,the Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for materials lufptttent:Nyl1�h'liavo not becu delivered and stored at the site. >§5.2.[INAL PMME(111 §5,2.1 Final pays=tent,constitilthig the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Stun,shall be made by the Owner to the 'o.6tr;tclor`g11en' 1. °tits 4'otltractor has filly performed the Contract except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct 1Vbrk ns provided in Section 12,2.9 of AIA Document A201-2007,and to satisfy otherrequirentents,if any��;'lticli extend beyond final payment;and .2, ti final Certificate forPti"`(ilettt has been issued by the Architect, §`6;2,23he Qtvilar, 's filial paytneit toalie Contractor shall be made no later than 30 days after the issuance of the I�rclliiect's fina[ r ct'tecate for Payment,oras follows; 1 -lie collttkkSfflias folly perfortitpd the Contract except fat the Conhactot's responsibility to correct Work-as l of lded in Section 12.2,2 of AIAT?bXiinent A201-2007,and to satisfy other requirements,Ifany,which oxtend .;�ie�onci f incl ji iyiitegti and ,2 Tho kwtoti City Council]las approved an Agenda.13111 for final payment;and 3. =1'to Slate RCvelltle Depar(menl and Department of Labor have filed releases,the statutory relahtage run without `61al'i s or tite.ctaims,z!gftinst relafnnge have been released,fully litigated,or bonded, ARTICLE 6. D>SPVTE RESOLUTION 6,1 INITIA0ECISI_ON MAKER ` 'f l,te.Architect Nyili serve as Initial Decision il4aker pursuant to Section 15.2 of AiA Document A2.01--2007,unless the -Ji ii ties appointtietojv another individual,not a party to this Agreement,to serve as Initial Decision N'Jaker. (lfllne pm Nes uufRud1),agree,Insert the manic,address and other contact h forrnallon gfthe Iiiitlal Decision kfaker,tf other that.the�irehliect) _ :None AIA DocumontA101TM-2007.Copyright01D15,1010,1925,1937,1951,1059,1W1,1OW Ve7,1974,1877,1987,1991,i997arx12007 by ThoM>erkantnsthtaof [nit, Archlecfs.AU rights roserved.WAIUMIG:This AiAePmornontlsprotectedbyU.S,CopyrlghtLevi and Into mallonalTreatlos.UnaWrorizodrepioduclbnor d(slrib"on of ttds IdA*Document,or any portion of It,may resuh In soveto oMl and ufnilnal penattles,and vAII be proseculod to the maldmum extent possibie / undertholavr.TtUsdocvmanlvrascrealed m07/261201013:17:11 under tit etermsofAIA Documents-on-Demand'"otderno. 2005169795 ,ondlamt for rosa'e.This document is rcen sed by the,Ameri:art t ns tiuto of ArchlWs for one-Vmo use only,and may not ha roproduced prior to Its con>p:etbrt, I §8,2 BINDING DISPUTE RESOLUTION For any Claim subject to,but not resolved by,mediation pursuattt to Section 153 of ATA Document A20t 2007,tate method of binding dispute resolution sliall boas follows: (Check the appropriate box,If the Owner and Contractor do not select a method of binding dispute resolntlon below,or _ °'rjo ttvt,s�t isogtrerttls agree ht a rlftng to a blrrdbrg cllspttte resohillon ittetliod otlret•iltait litlgatlon,Claims wll/be iesoh est Vis,lifigatlon In a court efcompetent jttrisdictlott,) © Arbltra(lon pursuaut to Section 15.4 of AIA Doctuncnt A201-2007 - ] L,itiga(lon in a court of competent jurisdiction r El : Olher:(Syectfj) ARTICLE 7 TERRiNATION QR SUSPENSION §7,1>i'Ite Conlrnot may he lentiivated by tiie Owner or the Contractor as provided In Article 14 of AIA Document A2Q.1 2007. . §Z2 The 1Vo kiilny be sustlejtded by the Owner as provided In Article 14 of AIA Dactunent A201-2007. 1171CLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS §M Where r8ferelica i8 ih de in this Agreement to a provision of AIA Document A201-2007 or anotlier Contract p-oci�itent,t[tcicfcrenccrafers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract §_82 haynte its due and.,iini�aid Under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment Is due at the rate stated betas,or Iii`lite absencreof,at the legal rate prevailing from tittle to time at the place where(lie Project is lecated, (1@4i -, t'atc of!>ile),estarrpon, t(any) per�iituun �`- §8.3 The414'ner's reprosctltfltive, ' (1 r-10,adebQ �1(1 011ie r it''i�ormatlort) I o 4l Mick,_ASLA p Cap.161 Projec[ordinatoi '- p Ct�_orRcnton _ p 1b55 S.Grad)<<AVay _ p ltetiton,WA 98057 II �elcphone;.i1�'5r.430-6571 p §'6 4 The Co t ctor's representative: crddr-4s ad outer•It formation) David R.Milne p «:.:; �11ilne Ll4c�rlc,Inc, p 14582 177tI'"r,S£s,Suite 1 p lviontoct\VA`98272 p elepholw. -863-9617,ext.5 )u( Fax 360.805.0287 p §8.5 Neldler the Owner's nor the Contractor's representative shall be changed without telt days written nonce to the other party. AIA Documont A101+� 2087,Copyricdht©1915,1918,1925,1937,1951,IM,M,IM,1007,1074,1977,1087.*91,1097"2007 Dy7t0PAWiw instA,Ae of lnit. A,di;wfs•All rights resetYod.1UARN(NG;iitlsAiA`DocumentisproteUedbyU.S.CopyrightLaw and IntornatlonalTrestles,Unauthwizedreproductlonor 6 &Wliu0onofOils AiA"Document,or any portion of a,may res tilt fit sovwroctvilanti cilmlualpit aides,and vAllheprosecuted toUtematclinumex#entposslblo 1 underthelwr. Ws docunwivascreatedono7128l20io13:1MI underthetemisofAtADowments-on-D ern and I"ord6rno. 2005189795 ,ondisnot for resale,Ilii I ntlUe of Ar6kecrs for one-thee use only,and may not bo reproduced prtor to lts eomptotion. i i §8,6 Other provisions: None ti I ARTICLE 0 C.�lUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS fl, The CQ&t Documents,except for Modiftcatlons issued atter execution of this Agreement,are enumerated Ili the - seF,tlons l3el�v, Thp 4recnlent is this:executed AIA Document A 101--2007,Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Cq�ilractoi•. §21,2.'1'he General Conditlon�'nto ATA Document A201 2007,General Coud Riot of the Contract for Constructlon. §9.1.3 The Suppleutelltaty`�1A(?(her Conditions of the Contract: Doctunan Title Date Pages Ap y i §9.1.4`Che Specifications (L'lther list the Speck diol?s here or mfe)-to air exhibit arlached to this Agi•eemetil) Divislon 0 and Division 1 Section 4 Title Dale Pages N AIA Docu meet A101 j°—2007,Copyright O 1015,IM,1926,1037,1951,1558,1901,1063,1987,1974,1977,1987,199 t,1 D97 end 2007 by The Amerkvi Inst'tute of hdt, Arcttlecis.All rlghis resenred.WARIMG:fifsAlffDocumentisptotectedbyU.S,Copyif{tht"wondlnletnaUonalTreates.UnauthorizedrepratucUonor 7 disUlUution of this A1A'Docunlent,orany poiVon of it,may to suit in sovoro civil and crbtdnal penalUes,0NIVAll be prosectded to tha Ma%In1Un1 oxtent Ibsstble / underlhelaw.Thlsdoamenl5vasctealodon 071281201013:17:11 under the terms ofAtADowwnis-on-DemendTMorder no, 2005189795 ,amisw fomsVo.ThIl document Is PArisod by thoArnwkw Instkuta of kofitects for one-tirm usoonly,and may nok be reproduced prior to rmmpwon. *rY" 015 The Drawings: (Either list the Avivings Here or refer to all eehibit attached to this Agreeitiew.) Philip Arnold Park-Balleeld Lighting Replacement Number Title Date y G/23110 flan&Shcet lndox Schedules ROne-Line Diagrams 6/23/I0 L1,2 Details 6123/10 132,0 Electrical Spcciticatioms 6/23/10 L�2,1 ; Jgctrical Specifications 6123/10 Utz 71}e A,�lcl_eiic}a, f iliy; -;3 Nlit►ler f Date Pages None - ,r 1'ortlot is-ofAdd diilaMAIIng to-bid diug i4lIre litenls arc slot part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirenleaiiS silo +iso eigiulcratd iti lifts Article 9. =:� § 0.1.7 Ad ii ioiial 4oc i"nlcv[N`1f auyt forming part of the Contract Documents: DocunlOt, 2QjV7!?007,Dight Data Protocol NXlllblf,if completed�by tho parties,or fife following: r., _ .2 Ot(ie yiloc tet(s;-if any,listed below: (List'%rens rfiy. iildttlottal documents that are tiilettrled to form paiY orthe Comi-act Doctimonts,AIA Dperruientif 201--2007p).01*1es!heti bitHbig regrdremetrls such cis arhel•tlsamem or•hisWation to bU,, fil.rh rrcliarrs to Bidders,sample fortds aitd t/!e COtih'aClor'S bid are Not pat t of the Conh•acl DocraueiNs ictllgss gjlumei•ated hi this Agi-eement. They should be listed liege only jf111(ettded to Ge pari of the l ottR•uct Documatils.) _ None in(t. MA Doormen(A1011O—2007.Copyrlaht61ol5,18t8,1925,1937,1951,1958,1001,1963,1087,1074,1977,1987,1991,1007 artd 2007 byTheAnwSow IAw.e of ArchlWs.All rlghtareswed,WARNIM;This AlA DoeumenllsprolectedbyU.S,CopyrightLu%yen<IlnlomatlonalTreaties.Unaugiodmireptoductlonor $ ctlstdbudonoflhisAlAsDacumont oranypottlonofIt,trayrosultinsovorocNilandetim! alpenatdes,and v/dibeprosecutedtothe maxlmumextent possible t undertltolai,7h'sdowmtnitvascreatedon071201201013:17:11 under the temisof ALA Documents•on•Demand"rorder no. 2005189795 ,arx13" fo resale.Thts docunv;nt k Wased by the Arneri_zn InsLAute of Archdeds for ona-Ume use only,and may not be reproduced po to As compellon, ARTICLE 10 INSURANCE AND BONDS Tile Conlraetor shall purchase anct tnailitain instirnnce and provide bonds as set forth fn Article 1 i of ATA Doetiment A20I 21)07. (S'late bondiug,equirerneuts, Vail)',mrd Iiurits ofllabilily�for i,tsrn•a„ce required i„Arllcle II ofIilrl Docrunent X1207 2007,) 7ypt)of Insurance or Bond Limit of Liabillty or Botid Amount($0.00) Liberty NW w/Propel lusurance(Tacoma,WA) see hlsnhance coverage Western Surety w/Parker Smith Peek(Bellevue,1VA) $197,730,72 This Agree t t1t ent6' into as'of t day and year first written above, t)Vt1Nf-R( gfralfuc CONTRACTOR Si , ( g ratnre) Denis ,aw, h sgor ._.JAyll,7 (Prlyttcd,t�1/re a,rd!file)-._` (P)-inted iranre mrd!file) At:test.- -Bonni -'J1. Walton, City Clerk 22 Intl. AIA fbcumentA18192p07,Copyright®1fl15,tole,iF25,1437,1851,1058,1031,IM,13e7,1874,1471,1987,1991,1887a td2001lryTheAmericaninsttuisof ArcblvA s.All rights res erve d,WARNING;This AV13ocument is protected by U.S.Copyright Lav,and Intomallonai Treaum.una utivized r eprodv<wn or dlstAbutlonofthis AlA"Document,oronyporUonofiymay tesultinsovoracivllettdcdniInalpenallies,and vAllboprosecuted tothe maxlmumextentposslblo S muter lho taw,Thls docun>enl vras crealod on 07/2812610 13:17:11 under lh8 terms of ALA pocumenls•on•t,emand"r order no. 2005184785 ,and is not for resWo-Thi document is rcensed by tho Ameft r tnslduio orkchlecis ror me-time use onY,arch may not be raproducad prior to ds comp.IdW, K City of \`-'./m '. Attachment 'A' Philip Arnold Park— Balif€eld Lighting Replacement-Construction Contract Scope of Work Milne Electric, Inc. will provide construction services to upgrade the existing field lighting at Philip Arnold Park. The scope of work includes removal of ten existing wood poles and lights, and installation of six Musco Sports Lighting metal poles and lights, all related underground conduit Including a new power cabinet, and installation of a conduit for future use to the nearby tennis courts. Payment will be a stipulated sum of One Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty and 72/100 Dollars ($197,730.72), which includes WSST. i I RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE,