HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-06-158 I JIM,, • • Congestion Relief & Bus Rapid Transit 600-108th Avenue NE,Suite 405 Bellevue,WA 98004 Main 425=456-8500 Fax 425-456-8600 August 10, 2006 MS:NB82-250 Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Zimmerman: Re: Letter of Concurrence I-405 Cedar River Vicinity Charette Concept This letter documents that the City of Renton and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)concur with the July 2005, 1-405 Cedar River Vicinity Charette. The City of Renton and WSDOT work accomplished through July 2005 by the I-405 Wells and Parks Task Force was documented in a letter of concurrence dated July 8, 2005 and executed by the Mayor of Renton on December 13, 2005. Though this task force addressed many of the design challenges that are expected with implementation of the I-405 Corridor Program in the vicinity of the City's water supply system, Liberty Park, Cedar River Park, and the Narco property, many outstanding issues and decisions remain. To address some of these outstanding issues and decisions, a design charette was held the week of July 11-14, 2005. The workshop, along with solutions identified through the process, is summarized in the Cedar River Vicinity Charette, Solutions for Parks, Wells &Local Access report. The primary challenge addressed in the charette was to identify a means for three major public facilities—the City of Renton water supply system (pumps, wells and transmission facilities), the City of Renton Liberty, Cedar River and Narco recreational facilities, and an improved (widened) Interstate 405—to co-exist in a physically constrained area. Each of these facilities provides an important function to the public which can not be compromised. Through this charette process, the City and WSDOT were able to develop a concept(as portrayed on pages 16 and 17 of the charette report) which resolved the key issues associated with this primary challenge. While this concept was a major step in defining a solution for this difficult situation, it is only one step that is required to come to a complete resolution. Further details and refinements will be worked out as the I-405 corridor program progresses through these additional project development stages: • Footprint development for 1-405/1-5 to SR 169 Implementation Plan NEPA Environmental Assessment-funded by the 2005 legislature and initiated with agency and public scoping meetings held on May 23, 2006. • 15% design development in preparation of I-405 Implementation Plan for selecting a design- builder-currently unfunded. • Final design and construction of the I-405 Implementation Plan by the selected design-builder- currently unfunded. A1111111h, S:10051adminlcornmitmentsiConcurrencelCedar River CharettelCedar River Vicinity Charette Letter of Concurrence vTdoc TWO Washington State TI/ Department of Transportation Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/1 ­Jing/Public Works Administrator City of Renton too Page 2 August 10,2006 Adequate design details to confirm the feasibility of the charette concept will be developed as the project footprint is defined for the environmental assessment document. This is the stage of development that will assure that the proposed I-405 improvements: 1) will not compromise the City's water supply quality while maintaining the water transmission system and utility infrastructure and access to the City's pumps and wells facilities; 2) will not diminish the recreational value of the City's park facilities located in these areas adjacent to I-405; and 3)will provide congestion relief and safety for the traveling public, including surface street options to accommodate the closing of Houser Way. WSDOT will work closely with City staff to refine the design and develop additional details as the engineering progresses. The project team will consider the charette concept and the City's Park Master Plan as they progress with the Implementation Plan design. Expectations are to develop sufficient design to support the I-405 environmental assessment and to confirm the feasibility of the charette concept over the next three-months. Concurrence I am anticipating a project that will set a high standard of cooperation between the City and WSDOT. By signing below, the City and WSDOT concur with the Cedar River Vicinity Charette Workshop concept as the "Build Alternative"to be evaluated in the 1-405, 1-5 to SR 169 Implementation Plan (post Renton Nickel and Transportation Investment Partnership bundled project)Environmental Assessment. Sincerely, r r ?m4enry, PE I-405 Project Director City Qf Renton Concurrence: 2Jv Kathy Keliker Date Mayor, City of Renton cc: Administrators Executive Committee members City Design Team members I-405 Project Files Attachment I , Corridor Pr• • Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid Transit Projects Cedar River Vicinty Charrette Solutions for Parks, Wells & Local Access Mission: To identify a balanced, mutually supported design concept for the 1-405 improvements in the study area that responds to the City of Renton's needs and the requirements of a regional corridor. �, 7Washington State City of Renton Department of Transportation July 11 — 14, 2005 pox 101, h f a .0001 `�►r�r •4t r. Participants Charrette Team 1-405 Leadership Team Dave McNeal Kim Henry Park Planner(JGM) Chief Engineer Russ Prior Stacy Trussler Wells and Aquifer(PGG) 1-5(Tukwila)to 1-90 Project Leslie Betlach Manager Parks Director(Renton) Keith McGowan Lys Hornsby Environmental Manager Contents Water&Utilities Director(Renton) Steve Quinn Mike Stenhouse GEC Project Manager The 1-405 Corridor Program.....................1 Maintenance Service Director Allison Ray (Renton) Environmental Manager The Charrette...........................................3 Keith Woolley Transportation (Renton) The Challenge Defined.............................5 Andrew Laski 1-405 Staff/Charrette Support Performance Criteria................................9 Transportation (1-405 Team) Larry Kyle Marcia Wagoner QA/QC Manager Evaluation& Refinement........................11 Facilitator(PRR) Colleen Gants Public Information The Solutions..........................................16 City of Renton Leadership Karl Westby Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Traffic Analysis Manager Mayor Brian Wilkinson Appendices Terri Briere Public Information bound separately City Council President Ross Fenton • Introduction Marcie Palmer Tukwila to Renton Contract Councilmember Manager • Agenda Tony Cube • Charrette kick-off notes Don Persson Councilmember Public Information • Mid-point notes Jay Covington John Donatelli • Report out notes Chief Administrative Officer Renton to Bellevue Contract Manager • Recommendations memo Dennis Culp Todd Merkens • Letter of concurrence Community Services Department Administrator Public Information Alex Pietsch Jim Jordan Economic Development Renton to Bellevue NEPA Manager Administrator Scott Guter Gregg Zimmerman Public Information Department of Public Works Matt Klontz Administrator Renton to Bellevue Designer Amy Olcese City of Renton Staff Public Information Sandra Meyer Brian Elrod Transportation Systems Director CSS Team Nick Afzali Laura Smith Transportation Planning and Tukwila to Renton Structures Programming Manager Ted Hickey Fire Department View of existing 1-405 corridor through fully Ra Sled developed urban Renton;Renton City Hall y at left. City of Renton Water Services Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11— 14, 2005 The 1 =405 Corridor Program Implementation Plan The I-405 Implementation Plan for the corridor will ultimately add up to two ` additional lanes in each direction from 1-5 in Tukwila to 1-5 in Lynnwood. It sz7 will include major transit system expansions supported by transit access and operational capital improvements to 1-405.Among the improvements will be the implementation of a bus rapid transit(BRT) system, major park-and-ride SNOHOMISHCOUNW _ _ _ expansions, arterial improvements and an aggressive transportation demand NINGCOUNT - - - - - - management program. 522 sss The Implementation Plan will improve 1-405 continuously from 1-5 in Tukwila to NE IM SL SR 522 in Bothell.The Implementation Plan's improvements will closely match the Master Plan from SR 167 in Renton to I-%,which has the lowest capacity and NE 13M St highest congestion of the corridor.The section from I-5 in Tukwila to Oakesdale / NE 120 and from 1-90 to SR 522 will have one additional lane added each way.The NE„NhSLNE 12am SI_i�— portion of this section from NE 70th to NE 116th in Kirkland will be constructed to near Master Plan level. Multi-modal aspects include transit access ramps, W park-and-ride expansion,BRT line implementation,and other transit service NEMSt enhancements. NE Tum& Roadway Improvements Freeway:+2 lanes NE,�St Freeway:+1 lanes NE NASI Arterial Connection/ Transit-HOV Improvements QSE SIS SI_ HOV Lane Access Point OSound Transit Funded r HOV Lane Access Point W Transit c c— P"SE Q� Park-and-Ride Lots Freeway to Freeway f HOV Connection ♦ NftsL W l L1P4 1N i 167 4�~ 181 SE 180N St. jj may. Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access The L405 Corridor Project Focus on Renton Threading highway improvements through a developed urban area is always a challenge,and in Renton that challenge is even greater.The area surrounding the I-405/SR 169 interchange lies over a sole-source aquifer that provides the City of Renton's drinking water.Along with wells on both sides of the freeway,Liberty Park,the city's oldest park, is located on west of the freeway and Cedar River Park with its new aquatic center abuts I-405 on the east.The Cedar River,with its recreational trail,crosses beneath the freeway and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad line that is pinched between Liberty Park and the I-405 travel lanes. The Renton Hill neighborhood, separated from the city center by I-405 and steep topography,has important residential and emergency access needs that must be met. City-owned office space that provides a current resource for business startups plus properties that offer economic redevelopment opportunities may also be affected by the transportation facility improvements. .'94M Liberty Park lip Cedar River Park ♦' " Stoneway Property 1-405 with Liberty Park and BNSF railroad trestle over Cedar River ► Narco Property Renton Hill St a ! A Charrette study area 2 Cedar River vicinity Charrette:July 11- 14, 2005 The Charrette Why a Charrette? WSDOT and the City of Renton have struggled to develop a solution that meets the transportation needs within the Renton section of the I-405 corridor while ensuring adequate access to Renton Hill,minimal affects to the city's aquifer and wells,and protection of the three parks in the project vicinity. The complexity of this design challenge and the length of time that had been devoted to trying to find an answer led the I-405 Team and the City of Renton to consider a different problem-solving method. The multiple responsibilities and different perspectives of WSDOT and the City of Renton, made it difficult to identify solutions.Though the process to date had secured some agreements, Mission project advancement needed a clear direction quickly in order to meet the To identify a balanced, mutually supported timeframe to secure possible future funding.WSDOT and the City of Renton design concept for the 1-405 improvements identified a charrette to create an excellent opportunity for success. The in the study area that responds to the City charrette would gather a team of experts who were familiar with the issue areas of Renton's needs and the requirements of to focus solely on identifying a balanced solution. By participants bringing a regional corridor. fresh but informed perspectives,devoting a week of time to understanding each others program needs, the complex relationships among the parks, wells and transportation functions, and possible alternatives, the charrette approach Guiding Principles offered the opportunity to find what had been elusive — a mutually supported solution and design concept. • Continue to support 1-405 Renton to Bellevue improvements as a critical The Cedar River Vicinity Charrette need within the Corridor. • Commit to working to solve one The Cedar River Vicinity Charrette began with presentations from elected another's issues. officials,City of Renton leadership and WSDOT staff and consultants to provide . Jointly work to minimize impacts and a full picture of the needs and challenges.The charrette team experienced balance benefits for the betterment of the area first hand with a site visit while raising questions and engaging in the community. discussions about their observations.The second day began with individual observations of the prior day,followed by smaller groups working to identify the • Identify a project plan for regional functional requirements for various elements such as the wells and recreational funding decisions. facilities.With these requirements in place, the team began work on a master plan that responded to the functional requirements for the parks,protection of and other access to the wells facilities, the space for highway widening and interchange ramps,residential access and the relocated railroad.Work continued the following morning with added focus on the access requirements to Renton Hill. By early afternoon,the team had completed concepts for the parks master plan and Renton Hill access that they felt responded to the challenges identified in the opening presentations on the first day.A presentation to the I-405 and City Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 3 The Charrette of Renton leadership confirmed that the charrette team had indeed identified a promising, balanced direction.With counsel from the Leadership Team's comments and suggestions,supported by technical work from the I-405 team to test concepts,the charrette team focused their work on finalizing the proposed solution and presentation materials.The final presentations,hosted by the City of Renton,were met with strong support. Objectives The 1-405 Team engaged city staff, agency directors,project staff,designers and local consultants in a design charrette from July 11th to July 14th,2005 to arrive at a solution regarding proposed 1-405 improvements in Renton.The eight charrette team members were challenged to determine how to lessen or eliminate any effects to the City of Renton's parks, water and transportation systems due to the future expansion of 1-405.The four-day design session provided the opportunity for participants to identify a shared solution that met the needs of the City of Renton,the planned improvements to 1-405,and the local and regional communities. Charrette Stages Day 1: The Challenge Defined Leadership and the project team set the stage and defined the scope of the challenge. Participants examined the issues on the ground at an afternoon site tour and began to review the complex details and constraints. Day 2: Performance Criteria The charrette team worked to identify functional requirements for the wells, parks,neighborhood access and I-405 and initiated development of a viable solution set. Day 3: Evaluation & Refinement Team members participated in a morning working session and prepared for the afternoon mid-point presentation of early options with feedback provided by - City of Renton and WSDOT representatives. Day 4: The Solutions The team refined their proposed plans for meeting the charrette's objectives. They highlighted and supported the reasoning for the best solution for each issue in the final presentation to the Leadership Team. 4 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11— 14, 2005 The Challenge Defined Charrette facilitator,Marcia Wagoner,welcomed participants to the charrette f, kick-off on July 11,2005. Participants included the charrette team,the mayor and executive staff from the City of Renton and I-405 project staff and directors. ZOZ In their opening remarks, all participants expressed the importance of finding a 00 solution that responded to both the 1-405 project and local needs. Introduction and Overview - Charrette team members experience the study area while receiving background Stacy Trussler,l-405 Project Manager, noted the substantial and difficult work information from the project team on the completed to date and reviewed the challenge before the charrette team. Many Renton Avenue access to Renton Hill resources critical to the community of Renton lie in close proximity to the planned 1-405 improvements.The SR 169/1-405 interchange lies atop a sole- source aquifer that provides the majority of the City of Renton's drinking water. The city's oldest public park, as well as a skate park, various wells,community center,treatment facilities and a new aquatic park all bound the existing 1-405. The Cedar River, a critical natural and cultural resource,flows through this area. Above the river is the Renton Hill neighborhood,where important concerns regarding access for general purpose and emergency needs must be considered. In addition,numerous utilities lie in the immediate project vicinity and future development plans call for converting the nearby Narco property into an active park and sports facility. Ms.Trussler concluded that the charrette brought many .�. great minds to the table to address these concerns and discover the best path forward. Kim Henry,Chief Engineer for the 1-405 project,added his thoughts regarding the complex issues the charrette participants faced. In the past,every time a new solution was evaluated,there was always a difficult trade-off. "Despite these challenges,I am optimistic this team has all the resources to arrive at the right solution,"Mr. Henry concluded. The Challenge "I am confident everyone Members of the Leadership Team from the City of Renton were invited to will be proud of the results address the group and offer direction. Renton Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler achieved by the charrette noted that this project is probably the most important project in the careers of those sitting around the table. She emphasized the work must be accomplished team." within the budget,function efficiently and fit well within the community. It is a —Kathy Keolker-Wheeler complicated matter that warrants a creative approach. Renton Mayor Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 5 The Challenge Defined i Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer, said effects to places like Renton Hill must be minimized while improving traffic conditions for the city and the region. He noted it is critical to city operations to work together to address � . wells,parks and access.WSDOT and the City of Renton should be particularly sensitive to impacted neighborhoods. 1-405 bounded by Liberty Park, city wells, Funding Considerations the BNSF railroad and Cedar River Park The I-405 Implementation Plan is estimated to cost$4.7 billion,although that cost may change as the 1-405 Team works with the regional funding group to define a fundable package.As development of the regional package moves forward,there is concern about pressure to trim down the scope and costs.To be successful in "There may not be an easy securing sufficient funding from the regional package,there must be a clear vision answer that solves all of and a supported plan.If WSDOT and the City of Renton reach agreement on a plan and act together in support,the opportunity for success in securing regional the concerns." funding for a complete project is enhanced. —Kim Henry Chief Engineer, I-405 Project Discipline Overviews The City of Renton executive staff and I-405 project staff provided background regarding the specific elements under consideration. Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Economic Development Administrator for the City of Renton, expressed the importance of balancing the needs of the I-405 neighbors with the need to get traffic through town. Key parcels that are important to the City for economic development are potentially affected by the I-405 improvements. There are already development plans for the Stoneway site,and the old city hall, the 200 Mill Building, is a city resource that helps to start up young companies in the community. It will be important to avoid effects to this facility as much as possible, including maintaining sufficient parking which is already stretched at this site.These challenges demand a balanced solution that meets the time and budget requirements of the project. Mr. Pietsch noted that,"My goal is to complete the I-405 improvements because of the benefits they will provide to the community." Partnering Gregg Zimmerman,Department of Public Works Administrator for the City of Renton,highlighted the agreements agencies had already reached regarding The Cedar River pedestrian crossing below I-405 the I-405 mainline, the I-405/SR 167 interchange,drainage for John's Creek and the Springbrook wetland mitigation bank. He noted that even with these 6 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11- 14, 2005 accomplishments,there were still tough challenges for the charrette team to The Challenge Defined address: • A second primary access point to Renton Hill to meet community needs. • Preserving the wells,achieving access,meeting the geological concerns,and possibly relocating the corrosion control facility. • The relocation of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. • Effects to parks. • The flyover ramp from I-405 to SR 169 and the height of the ramp. "We need to work as a • The location of utilities in Cedar River Park and moving a utilities corridor. team to make sure these • A plan to obtain regional funding. Mr. Zimmerman suggested that the only way to evaluate and compromise on improvements will benefit these issues was to utilize a partnering approach. the public as much as the Parks needs of the agencies." The City of Renton Community Services Department Administrator,Dennis Culp, said that the team should go beyond mitigating effects to parks and —Terri Briere investigate opportunities to create a premier park complex. He reported the Renton Council President city recently received permission from the county for lighted soccer fields at the Narco property. Developers relay to city staff that the proximity of parks to neighborhoods is an important selling point and they should regard the parks as an asset. He added that access to Cedar River Park needs to remain convenient. At this time the proposed I-405 to SR 169 flyover is eye-level with the slides at the new aquatic center and could severely affect the quality of the aquatic park experience. Environmental Planning Process Allison Ray,I-405 Environmental Manager, said that the charette will address important issues that need to be resolved before the environmental process . begins for the Renton Implementation Plan Environmental Assessment(EA). The EA is currently scheduled to start in January 2006 with a scoping meeting for agencies and tribes as well as the public. From an environmental perspective, a key aspect of the charrette is to record the basis for all the decisions that are The Cedar River at Cedar River Park made.When the I-405 Team applies for environmental permits,the team will need to document these design decisions,both those that are the preferred designs as well as those that were dismissed from further consideration.This information from the charrette will be instrumental in successfully completing .� the permitting process. Cedar River as it passes under the BNSF railroad and 1-405 Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 7 The Challenge Defined Project Overview and Issues N Ross Fenton,Tukwila to Renton Contract Manager,addressed the proposed improvements to I-405 in the study area.Plans include completely rebuilding the SR 167 interchange south of the study area and adding two lanes to I-405 in each direction through the study area.These improvements will double the width 1-405 and SR 169 off ramp adjacent to of 1-405,requiring WSDOT to remove the two existin accesses at Renton Hill. Cedar River Park and city wells g This widening limits the options for rebuilding the current accesses due to right- , of-way and physical constraints that result in excessively steep grades. Proposed changes to accommodate the freeway widening may also affect parks and other Z r elements. Additional site considerations include emergency access to Renton Y m ti Hill. Currently,there are two existing locked south-side hill access points that are opened when weather and emergency situations require them;but,these are oO otherwise closed to prevent neighborhood cut-through traffic. Also,south-side access doesn't provide the required emergency response times. Liberty Park o�� Cedar 41` ,r River Park 00%G John Donatelli,Renton to Bellevue Contract Manager,discussed improvements to I-405 between SR 169 and the Cedar River. He described the domino effect that the Lys proposed 1-405 improvements have on issues in the surrounding area.Wells located A on the east and west sides of the freeway are constraints on the 1-405 alignment. N The future I-405 mainline alignment forces the relocation of the BNSF railroad Congestion in the area circled lead the approximately 50 feet west,which in turn,requires the relocation of the Houser proposal to cul-de-sac Houser Way Way South bridge over the Cedar River. As the railroad is relocated west,Houser Way might have to be lowered to maintain the current access point into Cedar River Park.However,lowering Houser Way impacts required access to wells 1,2,and 3, which is used by service vehicles on a regular basis.On the east side of 1-405,in the Cedar River Park,a ramp alignment that avoids the well heads and water treatment facilities has been identified.However,this alignment limits access to the current corrosion control treatment facility. The SR 169 and Sunset Avenue intersection is frequently congested due to heavy left turn volumes to SR 169, the southbound ramp onto I-405,traffic on Houser Way and the adjacent railroad crossing. Recent studies from a previous charrette have recommended turning Houser Way into a cul-de-sac to eliminate one of three closely spaced intersections.This would improve traffic operations between Sunset Avenue, SR 169,and Bronson Avenue, which many residents take to travel through town. Prior to adjourning the kick-off meeting, the charrette team was directed by the City of Renton leadership to look at all the options and present the benefits and Existing pedestrian bridge over the Cedar drawbacks of each alternative for their consideration. s River with/-405 overhead 8 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11—14, 2005 Performance Criteria Pump & Wells Considerations The charrette team identified the following criteria for consideration prior to developing solutions for wells.In Cedar River Park,clearances are sufficient for wells 8 and 9, treatment facilities and the corrosion control facility to function successfully in their current locations when the new off ramp is constructed. Modification is also required for well 9.There is logic in keeping them adjacent to I-405 and the off-ramp rather than using additional park property to accommodate a new location. In addition,there is concern about getting the same yield if new wells are drilled. a Wells 1,2 and 3 drive many of the site decisions for Liberty Park and they should" only be relocated as a last resort.Access needs for the trucks,supplies and special equipment required to maintain function of the wells appears achievable though it may require reconfiguring the well house structure around the remaining Ross Fenton, Russ Prior and Mike well heads to compensate for the narrower adjacent roadway due to the I-405 Stenhouse discuss wells concerns expansion. Well & Corrosion Control Facility Access Needs Wells 1, 2 & 3, 8 & 9 Corrosion Control Facility • Daily maintenance—vans, 1'/2 ton flatbed (20') • Sodium hydroxide—70'tanker,2 to 3 times per month • Chlorine(semi-monthly)&fluoride(monthly)—2 ton • Boom truck/crane—tank replacement flatbed (40') • Drill rig—Well maintenance/redevelopment(40') • Boom truck/crane—pull pump for replacement Wells & Utilities Needs Geohydrology Study Emergency Response/Spill Control Plan • Background/baseline on well yield,water quality Environmental Coordinator during • Evaluate reduced recharge Construction • Evaluate need for additional monitoring wells Design Considerations Utility Relocation Plan Containment—spills and storm water, roadway and ponds • Relocate utilities out of 1-405 footprint (curbs,walls, liners) • Spread footings—avoid aquifer penetration, location, no • Provide casing for those that can't be relocated(Carco Road footings in river 24-inch?) • Borings—no mud rotary, properly seal with>_30%solids • Alternate location for 24-inch main on Houser Bridge bentonite (Railroad Bridge?) • Protect 100-foot sanitary control radius Groundwater Monitoring Plan 9 Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access Performance Criteria Parks Considerations Participants determined functional and design considerations for the parks in the project vicinity.The three park properties should be integrated into a whole. Current central parking needs to remain in the scheme with added parking at the Narco property connected by a trail to Cedar River Park. Bronson Avenue �► at Garden Avenue is the best choice for Liberty Park access if Houser Way is Charrette team at work closed. Constructing a new access point off of Bronson Avenue at Garden Avenue requires relocating the impacted ball fields,possibly to the Stoneway property if it is acquired. Functional Considerations v • Access is required from Liberty Park on Cedar River Park to the Narco property. E y �L 'k &W • The aquatic center plans to double in °r'� {' size in the future. 4.ft 8 n•da • For the Cedar River Trail to pass 0 beneath 1-405 it must meet the necessary height restrictions for it to m J pass above the river and below Renton ! Avenue. • The pedestrian bridge creates conflict with the community center and prevents access between the parks. • The historic community building is = ,'� sited on current meadow site. '- • A green belt along the river is desired.- �.r, •- • Trail at well house needs to y accommodate service vehicles. • Lengthen railroad bridge to open up -- � visual and pedestrian trail connection between Liberty Park and Cedar River wMs,,e,s w.Pa rk. • The marketing of high-end mixed uses t' rail for both Stoneway and South lake * �} _ - e Washington. f • Some potential soil contamination �g,,k�r"`� � - �� � ,•r-,� concerns at Stoneway site. *a A, { t--Rr'K Cr_ l Ovn N Sketch focusing on pedestrian routes through Liberty and Cedar River parks and along the Cedar River 1 10 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11- 14, 2005 Evaluation & Refinement Key Elements of the Parks Proposal At the mid-point presentation,the charrette team presented their initial design concept for the Leadership Team's consideration and feedback. More information regarding evaluated elements is included in the appendix. Parks Proposal Highlights • Evaluate Liberty Park, Cedar River Park and the proposed park facilities on the Narco property collectively. • Consider relocating the Liberty Park ball fields and creating a large playfield in the center of the park. • Move the skate park next to the new teen center to address the loss of"drive-by" supervision previously provided from Houser Way. • Relocate the Liberty Park baseball stadium to allow space for the proposed relocated park entrance at Garden Avenue and eliminate the need for Houser Way access. • Remove Houser Way to allow for additional parking for the former city hall and space for an access road or trail. • Relocate the existing pedestrian bridge beneath 1-405 to create a continuous route for the Cedar River Trail. !`W`'I"(��YS —•r L „np x(AIN �5}1tf GAJ IA y 'fbot, t + � gr iv5s Fwaw 'mom, wms - + S 've STT aA Sketch of possible parks layout and pedestrian routes Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 11 Evaluation&Refinement • Provide service vehicle access to the community center in Cedar River Park through the existing parking lot. • Convert the open space between the aquatic center and 1-405 northbound exit ramp into an activity meadow. • Realign the merge location of SR 169 to move the flyover ramp further away from the aquatic center to improve the aesthetics and function of the center. • Build a new bridge to provide vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian access between Narco property and Cedar River Park. Evaluation of the Park Proposal The following is the charrette team's comparison of their proposed design concept to existing conditions. Parks proposal presentation of concepts Cedar River Park with Stoneway Parcel and evaluation by Dave McNeal Plus • Maintains existing wells • Maintains two access points to park • Provides access for chemical delivery • Stoneway acquisition allows for • Adjusts SR 169 flyover ramp potential relocation of ball fields alignment for improved park and • Improves visual and pedestrian aquatic center access,function, and connection between Liberty Park and aesthetics Cedar River Park • Added flexibility in the locating the • Community center,theater and aquatic touchdown for the 1-405 to SR 169 center remain flyover ramp • Relocated signalized access from • Improved trail connectivity and SR 169 access to Narco property with a new • Relocated existing pedestrian bridge pedestrian and vehicle bridge • Enhanced aquifer protection/recharge to enhance regional trail between Cedar River Park and Narco property with a new site provided at Stoneway • Increased revenue generation by combining programmed ball fields Neutral • Improves greenway along river Modified parking configuration • Protects sensitive slopes along the Cedar River 12 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11— 14, 2005 Evaluation&Refinement Liberty Park Plus Neutral • Increased park area with removal of • One pedestrian bridge underneath Houser Way railroad bridge • Improved park access from Bronson • Relocated skate park Avenue at Garden Avenue • Relocated tennis, basketball, parking • Improved trail access and connectivity . Maintains connection to library between Cedar River and Liberty Parks • Improved picnic and play area relationship . • Potential to increase tennis capacity • Large active meadow • Maintains existing wells and access • New teen center • Enhanced greenway along river Narco Property Plus • Enhancement along river at former bridge location(s) • Improves connection to Renton Hill • New access between Cedar and Narco properties Cedar River Park without Stoneway Parcel (Full 13+ Acres) Negative • Lost opportunity for three programmed ball fields at Stoneway parcel • Eliminated site for aquifer protection/ recharge • Shared access with any new development at Stoneway parcel Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 13 Evaluation&Refinement Evaluation of Parks Proposal on Wells The concerns and potential risks of moving the wells outweigh any opportunities that the charrette team identified. Service access to the wells in Cedar River Park could be provided under the exit ramp alignment from I-405 northbound to SR 169. Plus Negative • Buildings for well 8 remain Major modification of buildings for well 9 and wells 1, 2, 3 Neutral Further encroachment into sanitary • Access for chemical delivery truck control area • Access for daily maintenance • Difficult access to some underground utilities(water main in Narco Road) Key Elements of the Access Proposal PE-6-16n 141 I Several schemes developed by the 1-405 team were explored by the charrette team for access to Renton Hill. (See the appendix for descriptions of these Need access schemes) Of those schemes, Option C and Option Q showed the greatest CSP-nr:x�,y: Opi+on C promise to the charrette team. GP —GecoKC(arl: G/FX";) Eme"•Kc.l- FH mart op+lo-Com; Access Options Option C combines two existing routes b providing a crossing of 1-405 at Renton -qt- f�eloc2d��t 5}aii,,, 9 Y P 9 9 ' ` Avenue with a connection to Main Avenue for primary access. Wc�nf Option C requires additional access on the north side of Renton Hill or a new fire GP- i�iMN� �+on c C gym:) station must be built on the south side. GP co.uia 7 Op++o� Option Q provides desired connections and fire and emergency access with a Eller j,-nc j- IPn,,.WJ: c stacked structure. E-me lto,cI - Se"Ad" c)Fh-0 Option Q minimizes effects on the Narco property. Renton Hill access considerations Direction from Leadership Team • Investigate moving railroad under 1-405 • Continue with plans to remove Houser Bridge • Develop"no acquisition"option (if Stoneway parcel is not available) • Relocate Liberty Park baseball stadium • Keep moving forward and continue the outstanding efforts 14 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11— 14, 2005 Evaluation&Refinement 44 n Fft a Will i r s ft 14 - NO CROSSING i AT CEDAR AVE i 3 Development of proposal by charrette team Plan view of Renton Hill access Option Q1 with Mill Avenue structure shorter than Q option NO CROSSING -- - AT CEDAR AVE. ---- :!' {I / I Plan view of Renton Hill access Option C with Option Q stacked structure 3 Charrette mid-point presentation to City of Renton and WSDOT leadership Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 15 The Solutions T- . r I r, . t� kart'RK, �µ e y..: r� \\ f /f/ f ` may' �•,/ 4, .e 'A .. 10, "4 " °a . #1 ¢4fi 4 Sketch combining parks, wells and Renton Hill access design as developed by the charrette team 16 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11- 14, 2005 PeutK f� � DAM r4 y , ; NqqzjP 5a' 40-ff ed e y - ter 'A r y - 1' �sRoPE MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY TO COAL CREEK PARKWAY EXH; RENTON HILL ACCESS AND CEDAR RIVER PARK ACCESS OPTIONS EXHIBIT Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 17 The Solutions Important community resources are located within the vicinity of the planned Parks Solutions at a Glance I-405 freeway expansion near the Cedar River in Renton.WSDOT and • Integrate Liberty Park, Cedar River the City of Renton needed to find a solution in order to move forward with Park and Narco property. improvements to I-405 while addressing any effects to parks, wells and • Provide primary entrance in Liberty local access,especially Renton Hill access.The charrette team was brought Park at Garden Avenue and Bronson Avenue. together to critically examine these impacts and develop a design concept that • Remove existing Houser Bridge. balances community benefits and project needs.The following are the solutions • Create a new pedestrian bridge to link developed by the charrette team. the trail between Cedar River Park and Narco property. • Aquire Stoneway property. parks & Wells Solutions • Remove ball fields and stadium from Liberty Park and relocate at Stoneway property. Create strong connections between Liberty Park, Cedar River Park,the • Expand existing Parks Department undeveloped Narco site and the Cedar River Trail to produce the feel of building at Liberty Park to allow for a new teen center. one large park complex.The Cedar River Trail and the parks have existed • Relocate skate park next to public there for some time as seemingly separate facilities, and the trail appears street. to disconnect under the railroad where it currently crosses the Cedar River. • Keep theater, community center, Redeveloping the parks and the trail will allow the city to integrate them more aquatic center and existing parking at Cedar River Park. effectively.The Narco property is a hidden treasure that will become a great • Convert multi-use field at Cedar River resource to the City of Renton.The design concept assumed development of the Park into a general purpose meadow Narco site with sports fields and acquisition of the Stoneway property. to allow for future expansion of the aquatic center. • Move the 1-405 and SR 169 flyover Close off Houser Way south of the Cedar River and provide a signal and ramp to the median to provide pedestrian crossing at Garden Avenue and Bronson Avenue to create separation from water slides at the aquatic park. a new access point to Liberty Park. Offering access at this point would • Open up existing berm under require removal of the old oak trees in that location,but given the long-term the railroad to provide visual and benefits of improved park access, it is more important to provide a primary pedestrian connection between Liberty and Cedar River parks. park entrance. Relocating the park entrance impairs the existing stadium ball park,but creates an opportunity to develop Liberty Park with recreational features more in alignment with adjacent neighborhoods. Since Houser Way is eliminated,the Houser Bridge is no longer required and is removed in this plan. In addition,the railroad bridge is relocated to the abandoned Houser Way.With the reconstruction of the railroad bridge,there is an opportunity to remove the barrier created by the existing railroad bridge, increase the length of the bridge and eliminate the berm. By removing the railroad berm and replacing it with a bridge structure,the more open trail could be created between the two parks. A new pedestrian bridge connecting the Cedar River Trail and parks will replace the pedestrian bridge that currently crosses the Cedar River beneath 1-405. Relocating the bridge also provides an opportunity to keep the Cedar River Trail as continuous as possible. For trail users to be directed around the community center event lawn,which functionally requires separation from pedestrian traffic, the trail is realigned to direct pedestrians around the event 8 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11— 14, 2005 The Solutions center and into Cedar River Park or the Cedar River Trail on the opposite bank. In Liberty Park,the trail would be realigned to separate the picnic and play area from the trail traffic. The main pedestrian through traffic will cross the bridge to the Narco site and continue the Cedar River Trail. Cedar River Park users can continue to the park facilities. As a way of providing a second park access point, construct a new vehicular bridge with sidewalks to Narco to link access to Renton Hill and Narco property.The former ball fields at Liberty Park will be converted into a meadow and the tennis courts relocated to the former stadium location. The decision to relocate active field sports out of this park appears to produce the most beneficial use of opportunities at Liberty Park when considered in combination with the adjacent park resources.The facilities moved from Liberty Park could be replaced by converting part of the Stoneway site into ball fields. If the Stoneway property is not acquired,then it could mean losing the ball field from this site. With the closure of Houser Way south of the Cedar River,the skate park location becomes somewhat isolated from view.Therefore,the skate park facility is moved closer to an area that can be monitored more effectively.The new location is adjacent to Bronson Avenue next to the proposed future teen center in Liberty Park.In addition,if Houser Way were is turned into a cul-de-sac,the existing area south of the river where Houser Street is located could be incorporated into additional parking which the city desires for the old city hall building. In Cedar River Park,the design concept retains the existing theater,community center and aquatic center.To provide for a possible expansion of the aquatic center,the baseball field and soccer meadow between the aquatic park and I-405 exit ramp are converted into a general purpose meadow.The parking lot at the site remains in its current formation and provides service access to the community center.A100-foot wide greenway is proposed along the river. Elimination of the entrance to Cedar River Park from Houser Way requires a new access, therefore a new vehicle and pedestrian bridge from the Narco property across the Cedar River is constructed to replace the lost access. A key advantage of acquiring the Stoneway property is added flexibility in locating the touchdown for the I-405 to SR 169 flyover ramp. It is less safe if the end of the flyover ramp occurs at a signalized entrance to the park and SR 169 intersection, so the ramp is proposed to touchdown beyond the intersection. Next to the proposed flyover is a water slide and pool.The ramp as planned would be about the height of the slide.Different ideas were evaluated to minimize effects to the park expericence. One option resulted in implications from moving the entire structure into the hillside. Instead,the preferred option Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 19 The Solutions Wells Solutions at a Glance would move the ramp out of the immediate proximity of the aquatic center, • All existing well heads are maintained. as far as 50 feet to the north of its originally proposed location, and into the • Add gated service route along BNSF middle of the future roadway alignment. By moving the taller element of the right of way to provide access to wells flyover further back from the slide it creates a buffer to reduce visual and noise 1, 2and 3. • Provide service route under proposed distractions. exit ramp from northbound 1-405 to SR 169. In Cedar River Park, service vehicles could approach the well house(s) via • Utilize park paths as emergency a gated service path proposed along the east side of the I-405 right of way. access routes. • Route trucks with chemicals to enter Adjustments to the well house for well 9 are needed to provide overhead access facilities from SR 169(limited access for pulling pumps. Service vehicles exiting the wells facility and treatment driveway)and exit empty through facility would go under the proposed I-405 northbound exit ramp alignment Cedar River Park. • Make structural major modifications to at SR 169.Trucks could off-load chemicals and then exit through the park via the building for wells 1, 2, 3 and 9. the parking lot and access road,which also provides service and emergency , . ►N►mvr r Opm Is IwaRMXaI \\Q� _��qqQQ��sjM tP+�+P `n' t rte, "J! � I Sketch of parks layout 20 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11— 14, 2005 The Solutions vehicles access to the back of the community center. If needed, hardened paths throughout the park could serve as emergency access routes including access to the drinking water fluoridation facility. In Liberty Park, an access path next to the realigned railroad could provide access to wells 1, 2 and 3 for large maintenance trucks. Major modifications of the well house for wells 1,2 and 3 will be required to provide service access as a result of the narrower adjacent roadway due to the I-405 expansion. It will be necessary to maintain or replace the two water lines that are currently on the Houser Way Bridge. To- EXI6TING1 PROPpSP,L scrsnH 1.mu.b w�vr iww��c�rmlc OPTION•1 4-=' oPrlay•2 Sketch of Cedar River aquatic park and southbound 1-405 to southbound SR 169 ramp options PI Alternative park access if Stoneway property is not acquired Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 21 The Solutions Renton Hill Access Solutions In order to provide two access points to Renton Hill,Option Q(Cedar to Narco property) and Option C (Renton Avenue to Main Avenue) are proposed solutions. Option Q utilizes the existing Mill Avenue right-of-way and provides access from a lowered Mill Avenue on Renton Hill down along the southeast side of I-405 into the Narco property, under I-405 to the existing Narco property access road, then to the existing intersection with Houser Way and Mill Avenue.An"upper"3rd Access Solutions at a Glance Street—commonly referred to as Mill Avenue—is constructed over the"lower" • Preferred solution is Option Q in Mill Avenue to provide access to Renton Hill homes located off of Mill Avenue combination with Option C. and to maintain local Renton Hill circulation between Renton Avenue and Cedar • Option Q utilizes space under the PP Avenue on the north side of the hill. Between"upper"and "lower"Mill Avenues, existing Mill Avenue. • Mill Avenue descends at the 4th Street a 14-foot vertical clearance is required to allow emergency response vehicles. and Mill Avenue interchange and ends At the 4th Street and Mill Avenue intersection, Option Q utilizes space under at the Narco property. the existing Mill Avenue.The new homes that front Mill Avenue would continue • to their nts homes on frlom the`Upper"Mill l Avenue have ss to have access from"upper"Mill Avenue with"lower"Mill Avenue beneath it Avenue. providing access to the park and the connection under 1-405.The stacked structure • "Lower'Mill Avenue provides access is open on the side facing I-405. to the park and to the existing Mill Avenue and Houser Way intersection with the connection under 1-405. Option Q has minor effects on the Narco property and provides long-desired vehicle access between Renton Hill and the city's three riverside parks. During construction, four homes on Renton Hill fronting Mill Avenue will have temporary restricted access. Option Q requires utility relocation. Estimated construction costs are comparable with other options that were developed. Pedestrians will be provided with a trail on"upper"Mill Avenue to the Narco property and Cedar River Trail since there are no pedestrian facilities on "lower" Mill Avenue. Overall,this option has minor effects to residential areas and l "Upper"Mill Avenue u I 1 -..... , "Lower"Mill Avenue Perspective of Renton Hill access Option C with Option Q structure Computer-generated model of access solution as developed by sketched in black the charrette team 22 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11—14, 2005 The Solutions i 56 405 Y1 1 Y ' Existing access to Renton Hill Existing typical section at proposed Renton Hill access may' m t r yy a a� { I t� � i Mot At Photo-simulation showing access solution as developed by the charrette team Solutions for Parks, Wells&Local Access 23 The Solutions businesses,does not accomodate cut-through traffic, and will meet required emergency response times. {r Leadership Team Response The Leadership Team was impressed with the results of the group's efforts and --. believed the charrette team solved many difficult issues,while improving future conditions for residents and parks. In particular,those attending the presentation Final presentation were pleased that the design concept included siting the SR 169 flyover ramp at the center median,providing two access points to Renton Hill, meeting the needs for improvements to I-405,reprogramming the parks complex and "The charrette team has maintaining access to wells 1, 2 and 3. done a wonderful job As a next step,the charrette team will brief the Renton council, mayor and residents with the results of the charrette. and displayed a lot of ingenuity." —Don Persson Renton City Councilmember "After the number of years we have battled these issues, the final concept looks amazing and there are so many positives." —Marc! Palmer Renton City Councilmember 24 Cedar River Vicinity Charrette:July 11- 14, 2005 Appendices bound separately • Introduction • Agenda • Charrette kick-off notes • Mid-point notes • Report out notes • Recommendations memo • Letter of concurrence