HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-376002w ZZ U W O K o_ F ( CL CL a CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. SCHEDULE AND ATTEND A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. 2. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. 3. INSTALL SILT FENCE. 4. CONSTRUCT OFF-SITE STORM & INSTALL CB INSERTS. 5. ROUGH GRADE SITE. 6. INSTALL REMAINING STORM WATER SYSTEM & UTILITIES. 7. FINE GRADE SITE. B. PAVE AREAS AS INDICATED. 9. HYDROSEED REMAINING EXPOSED SOILS AND COVER AS APPROPRIATE 10. REMOVE TESC BMP'S UPON APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF RENTON. LEGEND: Call 2 Working Days Before You Dig 1.800-424.5555 Underground Locati (ID,MT,ND,OR,WA) 29476 STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 5 E W.M. BLAKEY TOWNHOMES S 3rd L7t FILTER FABRIC FENCE 7 / ASPHALT REMOVAL EX CB AM 26.97 CONCRETEREMOVAL ------ EK CURB TO BE REMOVED REMOVE 1 '�i CONCRETE i 1 1 '7 1 71 L I INLEr PROTECTION nIIIIIIIIIIFiI�f�e�ltkl APPROX. LOCATION G) Call 2 Working Days Before You Dig 1.800-424.5555 Underground Locati (ID,MT,ND,OR,WA) 29476 STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 5 E W.M. BLAKEY TOWNHOMES S 3rd L7t -1_14 7 / - CITY OF RENTON SURVEY EX CB AM 26.97 12-3-13 CONTROL MON N0. 1140 aFiva KAL REMOVE N 179,,048..990 CONCRETE F. 7799198.120 L I V Yom`„ � IIj FOUND RRASS CAP WTH PUNCH WX /N CAST/N6 (11/06/06) ///'''CR CITY OF RENTON SURITY / R/M = CONTROL MON N0. 1898 li{ /E 17i N 1769659)8 E: 1,299,759.185 L J 11 Ex TOP SE RANGE BOLT FN REMOVE EX CONIC SIDEWALK - AS NECESSARY FOR UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS. SAWCUT AS NECESSARY SAWCUT AND REMOVE PVMT�, AS NECESSARY FOR UDLRY IMPROVEMENTS lap3 WAT REMOVE IX CURB ASS NECESSARY TO INSTALL w/w' UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS. ED SAWCUT AS NECESSARY COORD W/ COR FORS -9113� REMOVAL OF EX WATER SERVICE IW 03 SOMH PIN = 26.90 L40PER ON SONH /E 12, ADS W = 20.65 /E 12"AOS E = 2252 IE 11"A05 S = 10.94 r CB RIM = 26.57 /E 12"ADS E = 22.57 Ex LITCHFIELD ENGINEERING 12840 81ST AVENUE NE Kirkland, Washington 98034 (425) 821-5038 FAX (425) 821-5739 Ex IX C� �R/M 1699 r 1L J R'm = L/.OV / LADDER ON 1 FULL OF WATER /E 11" CVP NW, SW, SE NE = 1295 /E 11' PIPE N, E, W = 1J+1 -(AS BU/C T) a SSMH lM = 27.68 IN R ON NORTH NE = 14.18 11 E -W, B' Rel' S FLOW = 21.15 _ N 89'47JO" E _ S 6th St J1587' FOUND TACK /N LEAD /N C/ASTINO (12106�06� - I y -\ I y% ycso l0 0 L 3 -CB R/M = 17.04 lE 11"CYA W=2J J9 0 o /E 6"PVC S = 24.34 N 89'4730" E - 119.95' Q `� p.. H d R SSMH 16, R/M 1738 (ADDER ON N N g Bi,INC N -S o p Min `O 'O m av,NE = 11.E \ o o `CB INLET RIM = 2675 /E 11"ADS W = 3 1 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 2 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 1 SUBMRfED To CLEW N0. REVISION KAL -1_14 7 / uy \ J KAI 12-3-13 7' 11.1 COMPANYIII GAS aFiva KAL REMOVE I DATE I CONCRETE tnsrm KAL �. V+ nIIIIIIIIIIFiI�f�e�ltkl G) D C M D I T "1'1 71 1 . 1 "1 1 7.131 1 `CB INLET RIM = 2675 /E 11"ADS W = 3 1 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 2 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 1 SUBMRfED To CLEW N0. REVISION KAL -1_14 Z uy \ J KAI 12-3-13 KAL aFiva KAL BY I DATE I APPR tnsrm KAL /6' I STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION I ENTRANCE PER DETAIL SHEET 3 31 I I South 7th Street FOUND BRASS CAP WAN PUNCH U,f& /N CASRNO (12/06/06) EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. These notes shall appear far all projects - site improvements, surface water utility, wastewater utility; waterutility, and transportation plans: 2. Before any construction or development activity occurs, a pre -construction meeting must be held with the City of Renton, public wools design engineer. 3. The Boundanes of the Gearing limits and areas of vegetation preservation as prescribed on the plan(s) shall be clearly flagged by survey tape or fencing in the field prior to constriction in accordance with Appendix D of the Surface Water Design Manual and observed during construction. During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the clearing limits shag be permitted. The clearing !units shall be maintained by the applicant/FSC supervisor for the duration of construction. 4. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional measures, such as .constructed wheel wash systems or wash pads, may be required to enure that all paved areas arekept clean and track out to mad right of way does not occur for the duration of the project. S. All required sedimentation/erosion control fadlities must be casbucbed and in operation prior to land clearing and/or construction to prevent transportation of sediment to surface water, drainage systems and adjacent propene. All erosion and sediment facilities shall be maintained In a satisfactory condition until such time that clearing and/or construction As complebe and potential for on-site erosion has passed. The implementation, maintenance, replacement and additions to erosion/sedimentabon control systems shall be the responsibility of the permitee. 6. The erosion and sedimentation control systems depicted on this drawing are intended to be minimum. requirements to meet anticipated site condltiom As constructionprogresses and unexpected or seasonal mMitions diclate, the permitee shall anticipate that more erosion and sedimentation control facilities will be necessary to ensure complete siltation control on the proposed site. During the course of construcion, it shall be the obligabon and responsibility of the permitee to address any new conditions that may be created by the activities and to provide additional facilities, over and above minimum requirements, as may be needed, to protect adjacent properties and water quality of the receiving drainage system. 7. Approval of this plan is for erosion/sedimentation control only. It does not ronsubft an approval of storm drainage design, size nor location or pipes, resbictors, channels, or retention facilities. 8. Any areas of exposed soils, including roadway embankmeds, that will not be disturbed for two days during the wet season (October 14 trough March 30t) a seven days during the dry season (April 1a tough Septanber 30) shag be immediately stabilized with the approved ESC cover methods (e.g., seeding, mulching, plastic covering, etc.). 9. Wet season seasonal erosion and sediment canard requirements apply to all construction sites dearing between October 1 and March 30 inclusive, unless otherwise approved by the City through an adjustment process. 10. Cover measures will be applied in conformance with Appendix D of the Surface Water Design Manual. 11. Any area needing ESC measure, not requiring immediate attention, shall be addressed within seven (7) days. 12. The FSC fadildes on inactive sits shall be inspected and maintained a minimum or once a month or within 24 hours following a storm even. 13. At no time shall more than one (1) foot or sediment be allowed to accumulate within a catch basin. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment -laden water into the downstream system. 14. During the time period of October 1` through March 30°, all project distributed soil areas grow, that are to be left un -worked for more than 12 hours, shall be covered by mulch, sodding or plastic covering. 15. Any permanent rete bon/detention fadlity used as a temporary settling basin shall be modified with the necessary eroslon control measures; and shall provide adequate storage opacity. If the permanent facility is to fundmin ultimately, as an ird0bation system, the temporary facility must be rough graded so that the bottom and sides are at least three feet above the final grade of the permanent facility. 16. prior to the beginning of the wet season (Oct 1), all disturbed areas shag be reviewed to identify which ones on be seeded In preparation for the wince rains. Disturbed areas shall be seeded within one week of the beginn" of the wet season. A sketch map of those areas to be seeded and those areas to remain uncovered shall be submitted N the City of Renton for review. aaCITY OF .RENTON �� DATUM a rvu swc Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. F Itlf dE MI 4DVE /bGIOIMYY 3 � I Z uy \ J CJ D C r --1 0-1 O o H �$ Z Naz � S z V+ m G) D C � I uy \ J CJ D DATE: %I r --1 0-1 O o H �$ Z Naz � S z V+ m G) m; em C M D � I uy \ J CJ D DATE: %I r --1 0-1 O o H O Z Naz � S ' V+ m i i i R-316002 � CITY OF RENTON GRAPHIC SCALE APPROVED BY: 20 0 10 20 APPROVED BY:( SCALE IN FEET APPROVED v APPROVED BY: BLAKEY TOWNHOMES 604 MORRIS AVENUE S RENTON, WA 98055 TESC & DEMOLITION Dae 12-3-13 I SATE: towf/rf DATE: %I $ >A DATE: (a% uZ�1 DATE: c )� A G) Dae 12-3-13