HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-08-015 ORIGNAL FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES OPERATING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RENTON AND KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT#40 I. Parties The parties to this agreement are the City of Renton, a State of Washington Municipal Corporation, referred to herein as the City, and King County Fire Protection District #40, a State of Washington Municipal Corporation, referred to herein as the District. II. Purpose Both Parties are authorized under the provisions of RCW 39.34.080 and 52.08.035 to contract with each other to establish fire prevention, education, suppression, and emergency medical services for the citizens within their respective boundaries. The purpose of this agreement is to set out terms of such service. Both parties desire to maintain the service within their respective boundaries in the entire service area, and believe that this will be most effectively furnished by establishing services on a contractual basis in the manner provided herein. III. Services and Payment A. Level of Service. The City shall provide fire and emergency services within the jurisdictional limits of both parties' boundaries pursuant to this agreement. In providing such service, the City shall endeavor to maintain a rating from the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau or any successor agency at least as favorable as that which is now held by each of the parties. The Washington Survey and Rating Bureau's current rating for the parties at the time of the signing of this agreement are: City of Renton—Class 3 Kin g Y Count Fire District 40—Class 4 B. The level of service shall be based on the Fire & Emergency Services Department's operational service plan as adopted through the City of Renton's budgeting process, reviewed annually by the Board of Commissioners prior to October of each year and as approved by the City Council. In preparing the budget for fire services, the City of Renton shall prepare or revise the operational services plan for the District's review, identifying incidents and responses in the service area, reporting on accomplishments, outlining the prospective work plan Page 1 of 10 initiatives, and summarizing departmental budget and staff resources. Fire services capital needs will be included as appropriate. C. Services Provided. The City agrees to provide to the residents of District 40 the same level of fire and emergency services as provided to residents of the City of Renton, consistent with Attachment A, Costs of Service. The District agrees to pay the costs of this level of service in two equal semi-annual payments made in May and November, with the payment amount to be adjusted annually based on the adoption of the City of Renton budget, the operational services plan, and with agreement of the Board as outlined in this section. D. Cost of Services. Service model costs are outlined in Attachment A and are based on the fully loaded cost for on-duty full-time equivalent staffing, and calculating department and city overhead percentages. E. 2008 Services. The City and District have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding as of January 22, 2008 (reference agreement CAG 08-010), in which the District delegates the authority to operate the District to the City of j Renton for the purposes for providing fire and emergency medical services effective February 1, 2008. The arrangement is a time-limited loaned executive model to manage the District until the effectuation of this agreement. The Memorandum of Understanding terms and conditions are incorporated herein by reference and provided as Attachment B. F. Effect of Annexation. There is the possibility that over a period of time portions of the district would annex to Renton or incorporate into a new city. It is the objective of the District that its residents continue to receive a level of fire and emergency medical services at least at the level provided by the City. The parties agree to adjust the annual costs of service as follows: 1) In consideration for a long-term contractual relationship, the City and Fire District agree that in the spirit of RCW 35A.14, the City of Renton will calculate and inform both parties as to the cumulative total of valuation of the District's area that has been annexed by the City and removed from the District beginning on January 1, 2009, and annually thereafter. Annual adjustments will be made to the base valuation as a result of re-evaluations by the King County Assessor's Office, new construction and reductions as a result of annexation. 2) The percentage change in assessed valuation removed from the District due to annexation will be deducted from the total estimated cost of service for the following year, pro-rated by month and credited for the prior year. This adjusted base cost of service will be used for future calculations. 3) In the spirit of RCW 35A.14.380, at any time after the total remaining valuation of the Fire District becomes less than 40% of the 2009 base, the District may choose to go to a vote of the people remaining in the District to determine if District residents desire to transfer the ongoing responsibility for Page 2 of 10 the delivery of fire and emergency medical services to the City in exchange for the net value of remaining assets and continued annual payment to the City of a reasonable fee for services. If approved by the voters of the District, the responsibility would transfer to the City for the net value of remaining assets and the fee would be set by the District agreeing to levy the maximum regular tax rate permitted by statute subject to RCW 84.55.010. G. For the year 2008, the estimated costs of service will be pro-rated monthly. H. The City and District have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding dated September 20, 2007 (reference agreement CAG 07-181), in which the District and City agreed to to address the potential impacts and transition of a shift in jurisdictional responsibility for fire and emergency medical services assuming successful passage of a measure proposing annexation of the Benson Hill area to the City of Renton. The Memorandum of Understanding terms and conditions are incorporated herein by reference and provided as Attachment C. IV. Administration The Fire and Emergency Services Administrator shall be an employee of the City under the direction of the City's Chief Administrative Officer. It is understood that the authority to hire, discipline, commend, or terminate the Fire and Emergency Services Administrator rests with the Mayor. The Commissioners agree that the Fire and Emergency Services Administrator shall be the Fire Chief of the District and their Chief Administrator and Operational Officer. The administration of this agreement is viewed as a partnership between the two governments, and regular dialogue between the parties is encouraged in keeping with section V.B, Meetings. The intent of this section is to create an open environment to discuss the operation of the agreement and any suggested modifications or improvements. Because the Fire and Emergency Services Administrator is the primary contact and administrator of services provided to the District, it is in the interest of both parties to allow input into decisions that will affect the administration of the agreement. Any input provided by the Commissioners may be used in making decisions. Renton's Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer shall include the District Commissioners, to the extent possible, in the interview process for hiring a new Administrator. The Board shall be notified of significant decisions regarding the hiring or termination of the Fire and Emergency Services Administrator prior to the information becoming public. V. Contract Administration A. General. The parties mutually agree: Page 3 of 10 1) To execute all documents necessary to give effect to this agreement. 2) The City shall exercise discretion and determination over the quality and quantity of supplies, vehicles, equipment, materials, or character of work performed in the construction, alteration, or repair of any fire service facilities consistent with the operational plan. 3) Administration of this agreement shall be the responsibility of the City's Chief Administrative Officer, under the policies of the governing bodies of the parties to this contract as set forth in the operational plan. Under the direction of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Fire and Emergency Services Administrator shall implement this agreement to its fullest extent in order to provide the services identified herein. B) Meetings. The Mayor and Fire and Emergency Services Administrator shall meet with the commissioners no less than annually as part of the District's regular meetings to ensure that this agreement is being administered in the best interest of both parties and consistent with the operational plan, and the Fire and Emergency Services Administrator or his designee will regularly attend monthly meetings of the District's Board of Commissioners. C) Modifications. No modification or amendment to this agreement shall be valid unless evidenced in writing, properly agreed to, and signed by both parties. During the term of this agreement, either party may request in writing to renegotiate specific provisions of the agreement or to settle other differences of the parties. In the event such a request is made, the parties agree to negotiate such provisions in good faith. In this regard, the parties acknowledge that there may be actions by others that could impact the delivery of emergency services. Such actions may be annexations, incorporations, tax reform, and new government(s) being formed. It is therefore in the best interest of both parties to fully examine these types of actions and jointly take steps to mitigate or eliminate any negative effects of such actions. To that end it shall be a requirement of the parties to meet and discuss potential actions that could adversely affect either party and if such action(s) are taken by a third party, it shall be mandatory for the parties to meet and take steps to mitigate or eliminate the impacts for the benefit of both agencies. A request made under the provisions of this paragraph shall not be considered a notice of intent to terminate the agreement. D) Dispute Resolution. 1) Participation. In the event that any dispute arises between the parties as to the interpretation or application of any term of this agreement, or as to the Page 4 of 10 validity of any claim made by either party against the other as a result of this agreement, and the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the parties agree to participate in a nonbinding, neutral evaluation and mediation of their dispute at a mutually agreeable location prior to commencing legal action. Either party may request that any dispute be submitted to neutral evaluation and mediation at any time upon the giving of written notice to the other party. 2) Selection of Mediator. Upon the giving of notice by either party as provided above, the parties shall attempt to select a neutral person to evaluate and mediate the dispute. If, after thirty (30) days, the parties cannot agree on any of the persons named, or if acceptable persons are unable to serve, or if for any reason the appointment of a neutral person cannot be made, either party may terminate the dispute resolution process or the parties may, by agreement, seek other means of resolution. 3) Conflicts of Interest. Each party shall promptly disclose to the other any circumstances known by it that would cause justifiable doubt as to the independence or impartiality of any individual under consideration or appointed as a neutral mediator. Any such individual shall promptly disclose such circumstances to the parties. If any such circumstances are disclosed, the individual shall not serve as neutral mediator unless both parties agree in writing. 4) Compensation of Mediator. The neutral mediator's charges shall be established at the time of appointment. Unless the parties otherwise agree, the fees and expenses of the neutral mediator shall be split equally and each party shall bear its own costs and expenses. 5) Mediation Session. The mediation session is intended to provide each party with an opportunity to present its best case and position to the other party and the neutral mediator and for the parties to receive opinions and recommendations from the neutral mediator. The neutral mediator shall facilitate communications between the parties, identify issues, and generate options for settlement. The neutral mediator shall also discuss with each party separately the neutral mediator's opinion and evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of that party's position. The terms of any settlement made by the parties as the result of the mediation shall be set out in a written addendum to this agreement. 6) Confidentiality. The dispute resolution process identified in this paragraph is a compromise negotiation. The parties agree to maintain in confidence all offers, promises, conduct, and statements, oral or written, made in the course of the mediation by either of the parties, their agents, employees, experts, representatives or attorneys, or by the neutral mediator and agree that the same shall be deemed negotiations in pursuit Page 5 of 10 of settlement and compromise and not admissible or discoverable in subsequent legal proceedings pursuant to Washington Evidence Rule 408. The neutral mediator shall be disqualified as a trial or deposition witness, consultant, or expert of either party. This paragraph, however, shall be subject to the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. 7) Reservation of Rights. In the event that the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through the dispute resolution process established in this paragraph, the parties reserve any and all other rights and remedies available to each of them regarding such dispute. E. Term of Agreement. The term of this agreement shall commence March 1, 2008 and shall end on December 31, 2028. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be fully renegotiated, and endeavor to reach agreement regarding renewal or replacement of the agreement, at least two (2) years prior to the expiration date, unless this agreement is previously terminated as provided in Section F, below. F. Early Termination. This agreement may be terminated prior to December 31, 2028 by either party, effective as of the end of the budget period, upon giving written notice thereof to the other party not less than 30 months prior to the end of the annual budget period. VI. Assets A. Assets include all real property and improvements thereto, apparatus, equipment, computer software and rights to technology applications, and leases that are normally maintained or utilized in the facilities located in each jurisdiction. B. All Fire District assets used throughout the service area shall be titled in the District, subject to future asset transfer agreements that may be made between the City and the District. All City Fire & Emergency Services Department assets used throughout the service area shall be titled in the City of Renton. Use of equipment and/or property shall not affect ownership. C. It is the intent of this agreement that all such facilities, properties, and equipment of the District shall be used for the purpose of this agreement by the City and shall be maintained and insured by the City on substantially the same basis as other property owned and maintained by the City. D. The City shall furnish all required fuel, lubricants, normal service, minor and moderate repair and parts necessary for the proper operation of District equipment used to perform the services to be provided by the City under this agreement. It is recognized that the vehicles will be utilized periodically in the City, which is the basis for the City handling moderate repairs. Page 6 of 10 i • E. The District shall be responsible to fund all major capital repairs as a result of normal wear to its station facilities, such as a roof or heating systems replacement. A major capital repair shall be any single repair that results from normal wear to facilities and costs at least $5,000. Major capital repair costs will be adjusted annually based on changes in the Seattle Area CPI-U and will be in effect for the following year. It does not include major repairs as a result of accidents and damages typically covered by insurance. However, the proceeds of insurance shall be used to repair said asset. In the event of an emergent non-insurable capital repair, the parties will negotiate to determine the responsibility for payment for repair. F. The District shall be responsible to fund all major capital repair and replacement of vehicles and equipment. A major vehicle or equipment repair shall be any single repair that results from normal wear to capital related vehicles or equipment and costs at least $2,500. Major capital repair costs will be adjusted annually based on changes in the Seattle Area CPI-U and will be in effect for the following year. It does not include major repairs as a result of accidents and damages typically covered by insurance. However, the proceeds of insurance shall be used to repair said asset. In the event of an emergent non-insurable capital repair, the parties will negotiate to determine the responsibility for payment for repair. G. All proceeds from sale, lease or rental of surplus real property and improvements thereon shall be paid to the jurisdiction which owns the real property. VII. District Budget In a separate budget, the District shall provide for payment of salaries and expenses of the commissioners, the cost of state audits, elections, insurance premiums, capital expenses not covered per the agreement with the City, pension and medical benefits and expenses for former District employees, and other expenses peculiar to the District as a separate legal entity. These expenses shall be paid for out of District revenues and shall not be considered part of this Agreement. Said expenses may include, but are not limited to legal expenses specifically incurred by the district and the administration and appeals of benefit charge collections. General Obligation Bonds. Each party shall be responsible for payment of any general obligation bonds it issues or has issued for acquisition of equipment, real property, and improvements for the benefit of fire and emergency services. VIII. Capital Improvements Decisions regarding capital improvements shall remain under the authority of each jurisdiction. Where a capital improvement is anticipated that will affect the other party to Page 7 of 10 the agreement, the City or District will provide adequate notice to the other to allow the continued effective operation of fire and emergency services within the service area. IX. Insurance The District shall maintain comprehensive general liability, errors and omissions, and automobile insurance and shall name the City as an additional insured party. The City shall maintain liability, property, automobile and casualty insurance on all personnel, facilities, apparatus, vehicles, and other assets. The City shall provide proof of insurance to the District when requested. Both parties will coordinate insurance coverage to the extent possible to save costs and reduce coverage disputes. The City of Renton shall provide property coverage to insure the replacement costs of all Fire District 40 buildings and equipment utilized by the City of Renton or by the City or Renton on behalf of Fire District 40, except for the former headquarters station, 10828 SE 176`h Street, Renton. The District shall maintain property insurance on the former headquarters station. Fire District 40 shall be named a loss payee on all City insurance policies for claims involving Fire District 40 buildings and equipment. X. Severability If any provisions of this agreement or its application are held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected. XI. Notices All notices provided for in this agreement shall be in writing, signed by an authorized official, and sent either by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. A. Notice to the City of Renton shall be sent as follows: City of Renton Attn: Mayor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 B. Notice to Fire District 40 shall be sent as follows: King County Fire District 40 Attn: Chairperson 18002 1081h Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Page 8 of 10 XII. Enforcement Should either party bring suit against the other to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to redress any breach thereof, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney's fees. No action shall be commenced prior to completion of the dispute resolution process set forth in section VI above. Any such action shall be brought in the Kent Division of King County Superior Court. XIII. Equal Opportunity to Draft Each party has had opportunity to consult with counsel in connection with the negotiation, execution and delivery of this Agreement. Each of the provisions of this Agreement has been reviewed and negotiated, and represents the combined work product of both parties hereto. No presumption or other rules of construction which would interpret the provisions of this Agreement in favor of or against the party preparing the same will apply in connection with the construction or interpretation of any of the provisions of this Agreement. XIV. Indemnification A. The District shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees, or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason or arising out of any negligent action or omission of the District, its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, in performing obligations pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the City, the District shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense, provided that the City retains the right to participate in said suit if any principal of governmental authority is involved, and if final judgment be rendered against the City and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against the City and District and their respective officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, the District shall satisfy the same. B. The City shall indemnify and hold harmless the District and its officers, agents and employees or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason or arising out of any negligent action or omission of the City, its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, in performing obligations pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the District, the City shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense, provided that the District retains the right to participate in said suit if any principal of governmental authority is involved; and if final judgment be rendered against the District and its officers, agents, employees, or any of them, or jointly against the City and District and their respective officers, agents, and employees or any of them, the City shall satisfy the same. Page 9 of 10 • C. The City and the District acknowledge and agree that if such claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses and damages are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of the City, its agents, employees, and/or officers and the District, its agents, employees, and/or officers, this section shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of each party, its agents, employees and/or officers. The parties hereto have expressly bargained for and do waive for purposes of this Indemnification section, only, the immunities of Title 51 RCW, as it relates to any claim, suit or cause of action by one party's employee(s) against the other party. D. The provisions of this Indemnification Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. Dated this 8 day of February 2008. King County Fire Protection District 40 City of Renton, Washington Craig Violante, Chair Denis Law, Mayor District Secretary Bonnie 1. Walton, City Clerk Approved By: Approved By: Kinnon W. Williams, District Attorney Larry Warren, City Attorney Page 10 of 10 • • Attachment A Costs of Service for Fire and Emergency Services Operating Agreement Between City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District#40 Costs of service for this contract are based on the City of Renton's costs to operate one fire station (Station 41) with one engine and one aid car, and the costs to provide fire prevention and education services in the service area of Fire District 40. This is consistent with a Departmental goal to increase the staffing on engine and/or ladder companies to a four-person minimum, staff an additional aid car across the entire service area, and create an on-duty safety officer response through the dispatch of both of the battalion chiefs to working incidents. Further characteristics of Renton's service level include: • Staffing on response operations engine and ladder truck units to be increased from three minimum to four staff across the service delivery area to meet national guidelines, and to reduce the number of units dispatched on initial response to first alarm incidents. • An increased commitment to BLS transport with a goal of 90% of patients being transported by Renton Fire & Emergency Services Department transport units. • Safety Officers will be on duty in dual roles as battalion chiefs, as opposed to being called in from off-duty or other activities for alarms. • Rescue assets will be centralized at one fire station (Renton Station 14). • Fire company-level inspections would be discontinued with the exception of "pre- incident surveys" in favor of additional certified fire inspectors. • The City will provide inspection services and will coordinate enforcement of inspections with the King County Fire Marshal. Costs of service are derived by multiplying the number of staff needed to provide service by the City of Renton's salary and benefit costs for that year. The resulting direct service cost is then multiplied by a departmental overhead and city-wide overhead factor. All three figures are then added together to reach a total cost of service. For 2008, the District's annualized cost of service under this agreement total $4.12 million, which, pro-rated monthly per section III.F, will total $3.433 million. The complement of staff that will support the agreement includes: FTE Position 18.00 Firefighters 2.00 Battalion Chiefs 2.00 Captains 6.00 Lieutenants 1.00 Administrative Secretary I 1.00 Lead Inspector 1.00 Communications Specialist II 31.00 Total FTE to support agreement Costs of Service-City of Renton,King County Fire Protection District#40 Agreement Page 1 I� • The Fire & Emergency Services Administrator will produce an operational services plan in September of each year for the review and agreement of the Board that illustrates the City's costs for the upcoming year. Costs will be adjusted annually at the time of adoption of the City of Renton budget and will be in effect for the following year, and subject to Board review and approval as outlined in Section III.B. of the agreement. Service model costs are based on the cost for an on-duty staff position, fully loaded with department and city overhead percentages. The primary unit of cost is the number of 24-hour on-duty positions (command, company officer, firefighter, and support positions) employed to provide fire and emergency services. Once on- duty staffing is determined, a backfill factor is calculated based on Renton's leave/time-off averages. Renton's operations backfill factor is 4.3 per on-duty position (that is, for every three firefighters on duty, four FTE positions are needed to provide 24-hour coverage, with the additional 0.3 FTE added in the form of overtime dollars). The backfill factor is based on the number of staff persons needed based on leave/time-off averages for the prior three years. "Departmental overhead" refers to the Fire Department's costs, which is the proportion of all non-uniformed support within the department to all uniformed support and includes supplies, other services and charges, costs of intergovernmental services, capital outlay, and interfund payments. For 2008, the Departmental overhead rate is 18.6%. ."City-wide overhead" consists of support for the Fire Department's share of city-wide Finance, Human Resources, and Legal Services costs. For 2008, the City-wide Overhead rate is 3.2%%. Overhead costs relating to the Mayor, City Council, or other internal service departments are not included in the overhead charges to the District. Benefit charge billing and appeals and bond administration will be handled through the District's budget and will not be provided by the City. Administration and appeals of the benefit charge will be handled by the Board and contract legal counsel to the District, and supported by the District Secretary. The Board will have full and free use of City of Renton meeting spaces and District facilities. Costs of Service-City of Renton,King County Fire Protection District#40 Agreement Page 2 • Attachment 6 • CAG-08-010 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING By and Between The City of Renton,Washington and King County Fire Protection District#40 WHEREAS, King County Fire Protection District 40 and Renton currently provide the Benson Hill neighborhood with fire protection and emergency medical services; and WHEREAS,voters of the Benson Hill neighborhood approved annexation at the November 6,2007 general election, shifting the primary responsibility for fire protection and emergency medical services from King County Fire Protection District#40 to the City of Renton on March 1,2008; and I WHEREAS,Renton and King County Fire Protection District 40 previously agreed that upon annexation,the parties would discuss a contract for service whereby the City of Renton would provide fire and emergency services in that remaining portion of Fire District 40 that is not part of or affected by the Benson Hill Communities annexation,to determine if mutually agreeable terms for such a contract can be met for both parties; and WHEREAS, it is the parties' goal and intent to effectuate a transition plan for fire protection and emergency medical services in 2008 to address the potential transfer of assets and employees to provide fire protection and emergency medical services in the entire service area; and WHEREAS,both parties desire to effectively maintain the level of service within the Benson Hill annexation area and to provide for consistency and service and to prevent impact on the citizenry and Fire District employees during the transition period; i NOW THEREFORE,the parties agree as follows: j i King County Fire Protection District#40 hereby delegates the authority to operate the District to the City of Renton for the purposes for providing fire and emergency medical services effective February 1,2008. The arrangement will be a time-limited loaned executive model to manage the District until the both parties have adopted an interlocal agreement for Renton to provide fire and emergency medical services to the entirety of the District. If the City incurs out of pocket costs for administration beyond the salaries of command staff during the time-limited period,the City will bill the District for those costs. 1 i I I King County Fire Protection District City of Renton,Washington 40 f 4 f CraigNiolante ,Chair De 's Law,Mayor t ATTEST: ATTEST: District Secretary Michele Neumann,' Deputy City Clerk C41 A*'4k^-w* a I Kinnon W. Williams,District Attorney Larry Warren, City Attorney I i i i E j I i • Attachment C MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING By and Between The City of Renton,Washington and King County Fire Protection District#40 This memorandum of understanding is entered between the City of Renton, Washington and King County Fire Protection District#40, a State of Washington municipal corporation,to address the potential impacts and transition of a shift in j jurisdictional responsibility for fire and emergency medical services in the"Benson Hill" area assuming successful passage of a measure proposing annexation of the area to the City of Renton. WHEREAS,King County Fire Protection District 40 currently provides the "Benson Hill"neighborhood with fire protection and emergency medical services; and • i WHEREAS, a proposition has been set before the voters of the"Benson Hill" j neighborhood at the November 6,2007 general election regarding the question of whether or not the"Benson Hill"neighborhood should be annexed to the City of Renton; and j i WHEREAS, should the vote be affirmative,the responsibility for fire protection and emergency medical services in the"Benson Hill"neighborhood will shift from King County Fire Protection District#40 to the City of Renton; and i WHEREAS, in order to effectively maintain the level of service within the "Benson Hill"annexation area and to provide for consistency and service and to prevent impact on the citizenry and Fire District employees during the transition period; NOW THEREFORE,in order to allow sufficient planning between the Fire District and the City to occur,the parties agree as follows: i 1. It is the parties' goal and intent,that should the annexation be approved,to effectuate a transition plan for fire protection and emergency medical services prior to December 31,2008; such plan will address the potential transfer of assets, employees and contracting for fire protection and emergency medical services. i I I I_ i Memorandum of Understanding Page 1 City of Renton/King County Fire Protection District#40 i. i 1 2. Should the"Benson Hill"annexation measure be affirmatively approved by the voters of the"Benson Hill"annexation area,King County Fire Protection District#40 will provide fire protection and emergency medical I services to the annexed area for a period of time following the effective j date of the annexation up to December 31,2008,or until the City of Renton provides written notice assuming full responsibility for the annexed area(the transition period). I 3. In consideration of the District retaining all liability for fire and emergency medical services and serving the"Benson Hill"annexation area during the transition period,the District will collect all taxes levied, benefit charges imposed, contract fees,and EMS funds attributable to the Benson Hill annexation area for fire and emergency medical services, at all times during which the District provides services to that area. Should the City of Renton assume responsibility for providing fire protection and I emergency medical services prior to December 31,2008 fire service related revenues attributable to the area shall be prorated as of the effective date on which service is provided and distributed to the City of Renton. 4. Should the annexation be approved,immediately upon the effective date of the annexation the City of Renton will be responsible for all fire investigation,code inspection and enforcement in the annexed area. 5. Should the annexation be approved,the parties will discuss the possibility of a contract for service whereby the City of Renton would provide fire and emergency services in that remaining portion of Fire District 40 that is not part of or affected by the Benson Hill Communities annexation,to determine if mutually agreeable terms for such a contract can be met for both parties. Dated: 9' i Kathy Keol er, Mayor City of Renton Dated: Nick Bujanovic , Chair i King County Fire Protection District 940 Memorandum of Understanding Page 2 City of Renton/King County Fire Protection District#40 i