HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 3747CITY OF RENTON,WASmNGTON RESOLUTION NO.3747 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (HERITAGE GLEN,AKA WESTCHESTER KENNYDALE;FILE NO.LUA-04-147FP). WHEREAS,a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract ofland as hereinafter more particularly described,located within the City ofRenton,has been duly approved·by the Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department;and WHEREAS,after investigation,the Administrator of the Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat,and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest;and WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health,safety,and general welfare and for such open spaces,drainage ways,streets or roads,alleys,other public ways,transit stops,potable water supplies,sanitary wastes,parks and recreation,playgrounds,schools,schoolgrounds,sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school;and WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting ofthe subdivision and dedication; NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCll.-OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASmNGTON,DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SEgIONL SECTIONll. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. The final plat approved by the Planning/BuildingfPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate,to wit: See Exhibit IIA"attached hereto and made a part hereof as iffully set forth 1 RESOLUTION NO.3747 (The property,consisting of all.proximately 6.38 acres,is located in the vicinity of Monterey Ave.NE and NE 20 Street) is hereby approved as such plat,subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton,and subject to the findings,conclusions,and recommendation of the Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department dated March 10,2005. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11 th day of __Ap_r_J._·1 ----7,2005. Bonnie I.Walton,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11 th day of __A..:.p_r_i_l ---..:>,2005. Approved as to fonn: ~~;;renceiWCitYAttorney RES.I103:3/31/05:ma 2 LEGAL.DESCRIPT10N:" CHAMBERLAIN' TRACT in,c;D.HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF £DEN DIVISION NO~4, ACCORDING,TO THE PLAT THEREOF;RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PlATS,PAGE:82, IN KIN~:COUNTY,··.WASHINGTON~.'.......EXC~T THE EAST lQOFEH THEREOF;AND,£XCEPT THE SOUTH 80FEf;T 0FlHE WEST 12~FE:ET THEREOF.' BlONSKI' THE EAST 100 fEET'QFTRACT 272,C.D.HIWAAN'S LAKE WASHINGtbN,GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION ,NO:4,;ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF;RECORDED IN VOLUME 11, OF PLATS,PAGE 82,INKING COUNTY,WASHINGTON~",', ~,,' THAT PORTlONQFTRACT 263,C.D.HllLMAN'SLAKE:WASHINGTON'GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISloN:NO.,4,'ACCpROINGTO THE PlATTHEREOi'::RECORDEOIN VOLUME 11 OF, PLA TS,PAGE>B2,IN KING qOUNTY,~ASHINGTbN.','',' CQMME~CJNG.A TTHE SOlfrHWEST,CORNER ,OF,SAID TRAct;THENCE"NORili 'ALONG' THE .WEsT UNf THEREOF;.2a81!4FEn;,THENCE EAST IN.~smAICHT,UN~TO.A , POINT ON lHEEASTWNEOFSAIDTIV;CT,2BB1/4 FEET NOR1}:l .QF THESOUlHEAST CORNER ,OF SAID TRACT;THENCE SOUTHON SAID EASTUNE 130 FUT;'THENCE':NEST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY UNE OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED 1271!4 FEET;THENCE SOUll:!158 1/2 FEn TO THE SOLITH UNEOF,SAiD,TRACT;THENCE WEST,0t.-lSAIDSOUTHUNE1271/4 FEET,MORE OR LESS.TO>THE.POINT OF BEGINNIN~j EX,CEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS'FOLLOWS:."', BEGINNINGATA POINT ON 'THE SOUTH UNEaF SAID TRACT 263 DlS~ANT'~STERLY 127.25 FEET FROM ,THESDuTHEASTCORNER THEREOF;lHENCENoATHERlYPARALLEL WITH THE 'EASTERLYUNE OF SAID',TRACT 263••A ,DISTANCE OF 86FEET;'TH~CE WESTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH U.NE OF SAID TRACT 263,AQlstANCE OF 95 FEET(THENCE SOUTHERLY PARALlEL WI'THTHE ,EASTUNE OFSAlD~ACT263,A DfSTANCEOF86 FEET TO THE SOUTH UNE THEREOF;THENCE EASTERLY 95 FEET TO THE ~61NT()FB~GiNNING..,',,' ,CHAMBERLAIN·-'.,, TRACT 252,0;0.HILLMAN'S.lAKEWASHINGTON GARl>EN OF EDEN DlVlSlON NO.4, "ACC:ORDING TO :THE piXLTHEREoF;RECORDED IN'VOLUI.4E t1OF'PUTS;PAGE82, .IN KI,NG COUNTY;WASHINGTON;,".""' EXCEPT THE SOUTH 80 FEET THEREOF'_',.'.,",'. EXCEPTrHEEAST150 FEET LYiNGSoUlHERL,Y OF THENaRTH '2 FEET tHEREOF ALSO THE,WEST 15;5 FEET OFTH£EAST 165.5 FEET OF THE SPU1H80 FEET OF SAID TRAcr 252;'.,',,',",' ~OSJG~i8~~~~~fHJ'~~oO~~c\~~TH HALF OF.SAIDlRACr 25~AND, ·.... RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT A 3747 .~.. ......,-.. ..;. ;". .'.... .::. J.,. :'.~ '.'.~: ',;' ......... .,:: ':." ~... '.'.'." .,;...~.' ".'..'~"'"..',':"".. ,'. :.•.. RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT A 3747 ...'~ ...:-',. "'. .'.., :..~. '....:: :':. ..'.:::., ."".~.. '.'.,'.~ ".'...... .......: ....;