HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 05 (10/24/1916 - 4/14/1925) __,.. __ ... .� .., w.,, M. . ....... ...... M ., ,...,..,.,.,,,...... _� n<n valoil(I • 1 i, - --L Onrley and vlE U a. 1 - 1 inute r las,I, -�ssi on n _ e i ?' __ .-)Yt 1''C '11�,fPC� }��i ..,.T. •mor.An v 4 ,..u, c;� _ i_. � ,�l�• i c�r: �.:i`l.;f .�;:� ,j f i�l O G 1s 20 P �d by rronert,;- Y.ors in vaci:nit, of � ) ' ;'"l,', ,'? lf�. . ,_ � ? , `1ii. _ )r1•;c' r of Sair1 G« f bv, tGt�Gt n - f I S I I , Y . ' 3 if r r _� � r 112 by 8 1t .front and 5 al roofir,� paper. This wvs recr);,,iel-1 Lcdd. Jahn S.Dav L s A'I lo rc' seconded report be received,filec' carried out ­'Led. Report jf' - Inance Co , ,,Attee examined and rmi ecoend payment -,,f t,':-.e followin,-7' bbills; . . United States I-iubber Co. Fire 11o.se., 200.00 17. ,T.TTewtoii, iRi-,)ound-L,-iL stock, 1.00 G.1`_.Hsrner, salary 48.75 Claude Davis .office Iaelp,�EnLr. Dept. 1.15 Tom Jenkins it it - tf of 8.75 C . �.Campbell,te,at-n work,Black -River, 10.50 Geo..hrthur,labor It of 12.00 C,eo.'Hancock, " it 3/'75 Labor pay roll, Sts.,^,- '47ater, 104.50 �J i��e d, T Lee �!onohon Co.m i �'' t� e c-,. ...Larkin,Thos .Ray�-iiond J oved and seconded report be received,filed and all. bills 0.17.d,be paid. Carried. 4 '"Fater Supt'.reports that lie finds that Car 'forks have tapped and have been using; City water without permission,and without baying for said beater used,and asks that some action be taken by t?:e Council in the matter. !loved and seconded said matter be referred to the Fire,LI�ht &; 1'a.ter Committee . Carried . jeport of City Attdrnry relative to letter of A.I • Cox £.. Co. in matter of rental of City pump read. :Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendat ions be carried out . Carried. Councilman Davis states that Section St .near mine dump is In nes--d of repair and asks that same be put in good condition. v"oved and seconded thr,t the neecessary amount of gravel to put Aid portion of said street in proper condition be placed there- on. Carried. 'Mayor Hughes addresses the Council relative to the allowing j of x'5.00 as prize for Halloween parade, statin.g that he considers that the money would be well spent in t1A,e ,,.,ay of 'olice protection. '-oved and seconded tli�.t warrant be drawn for above amount . Carried . Atty.houser ad.clre.,ses the Council,complirfienting said body on the good work being done,and contemplated,on tl-�e gravel strE:e:ts of the City. Where being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. 6fic 5 , I t ! U ?�" �;?� 1 y '-,(:S f :ii, roti',{ �� - ICDn 'aSI? erk. o:'C' Si 1 E' 1 Y !. �vE,U •Y O V` v off. ? L Tl n 1711 L t 1,,)n (}C - - •i �� i li �.i.; �Y1' (:..,I' 1'l.•i�1.(T .._C)v"t': '.2i. . � �'�'. ,a T'1_E i,t,,� � _ n�+,if y rt _,_c' �.. 1 n Y' . . _ othf=,r I :-)catiol-i. C,ai- i�' ? . e L L,son Vit., B(,acon I 1 IV c, [� , T. v() l 7Sil l i, _C' �' ..'o . Y� iil,� • T�V� �1l C'. til Y'c?•t]tti(3 C)-r),]_ed. 17f�proc3entat ive of act f1c Croc h. 771 t' rr?e vit liy� v iOl.NS ?i1 fJr {'1 ,E' . OVE C� Y:C� C t?C onC�f>Ca. l�e.Tli!? :`'� �7 Z_ l.''F; Y clY v C7t�*, 2to1_'T?ey dna- vi •L11� c1�,1" 'c:'.it<<'.T!t S' tile 95 at)o�ie L.1 ()t C'?' ,:!rFi i,Y11E'.` f,)r like E�eY,v1ce, . C^rri�d. C''.C'•part Of 1''in<nCe VQi.i!!ittteC� j "''e, our r'O' !iiit"%E=:" JY1 -' ,i_ ^F? h,'ve ex-,,), lined and re.co.t1Erid t til.E: f�•117V''i:[1' ::i11.S� a�a:hi_: oY� ,Tnsp.Pri iinr; r.lE'c t L �Yl, 4. 0 T t� If 4.80 Ja n� s Flynn,0 uC?•_;0 Ti " 4.80 Hamer . "" 4.80 1111 rc r71wift,C1 rk „ Lydia Trent of 4.80 J.L.7vans Insp. " 4.60 'Root .Po-+rrar_,Jude 4 .60 Ruth '1'vete " " " 4.60 i'l"artha Jarvis,Clerk " 4.60 Tither James, „ „ „ 4.60 C-eo.Arthur Insp. .4.60 Johan S.Hughe s,Judge " " 4 .60 Jane •Iiar_cock " " " 4 .60 Alice _r .Davis,ClPrk " " 4.60 Lizzie Jones " 4.60 r. r ''hitney Insp. " 5. 20 .T T. 'et,z Ju; e 5.20 (,,mma Dul1U_hant " „ " 5.20 Lily Irr Clerk " " 5.20 h thel *' cDonald " " " 5.20 ., Library `.. aintenance, 99.95 G.A. Hrarner, Salary 27.50 ...m.Kanen r.helper, 3.75 h'.Co.light 135.00 '".L.Ticknor, repc.j.irinw roof,office, 1.50 R.L."olfe ,police prote(,tion,holloween 5.00 Pacific Commercial Dlue Co.blue prints 2.52. '"dm.Kane ,labor &-, supplies., 18.92 L. r. Curley, repalrin-- Fn-r.tapes 1.75 Preibe Bros.tools .repairs &Fire hose carts 92.55 Fd.L.Terry, 5eattle for water 72.90 Pacific `-el .& Tel .Co.phonp, 1.50 . ??.',VcCurdy,cart,-q e , 4.30 56 E Denton Orin; ^tore,supplies 1.35 R. J. Pettie,Primary ballots 6 .50 tv"cPherson Bros suppli`-s 4.75 Labor pay roll Sts . , rater, 255.10 OiZ,ned,Tho s.Raymond,Lee 1Mionohon, Commnittee. ;roved and econded report be received,fil.ed. :end all bills O. -n, be paid. Carried. Report of Police SudE.e read . 1,1oved and ; econded same be received and filed and fees as set forth therein be paid . Cala--ied. Report of City l�nginee-r; 1.0 i:Iayor _ ouncil; Gentlemen; - 1 have to report the completion of they contract of C. n. Campbell for the improvement of streets in Renton Real Estate Companys lst Add. to the City of Renton as provided for under Ordinance �o.425. The followin�v is t'je final estixiate. on the above work. Clea.rin ; & --rubbing,lum--, sum, 150.00 1071 Cu.yd.s ,fill .50 .535.50 66?- " " filler x..;1.00 66 .50 1500 Lin Ft. side ;trading C 26 2/3 cts per.ft 400.00 iiuel,En r. help, steam roller13._00 Total, x11, 65.00 Interest,clerical work and printing Fixed esti-rate 2^5.00 • 7 43. I would recornetid that 70 of this amount be ,allowed according to the corltra.ct . Res )ectfully submitted, G.::. fiarner,City .Ener. ;;oved and seconder ._report be received, filed and recomendations be carried out. Carried. X11 Councilmen present vgting Aye. ?:;oveJ ane seconded wording as in call for bids,llist .=yo.75,be i%laced on varrants., "tarried . i;eports of Cit- Treasurer and 01-, rk for month of Oct. re: td ,ar, ' Filed. Co .,:i!unieatiori .from St., the L ainee r Val1ey ; perti s s- ior to pl<�ce. trace .ot� Couniiercial ^.ve .to take ,_jiovel from r-1-ver near brii' e re- d and r,; nted . Clerk rF:norts .no protests aL:ainst arsessmer+s Co; i:iunic��ti �n ,frocl c3 Car. !- F'dy Co .relative to water , cont rovor sy 1""',d . 'ri, h? were i,_ _3E> on sane by Counc i li!ten D:v:is , -i`;i7iond and : cl.nwin, tatinc- findin.,7 as, ner t.li?I7' J recti 'ation. O- Rc -�n be rect—lv(�l, Carl- - i-id c o co iidocl Clrk do o f',, 0 eXp_,Cl +uhtkt be, j,,!de iv —� j vvat'-t- u-ed. J. l said water. S t 1--i t e of xRkxrXU3;Rd. I' te cl. . COX t 0lcsiri ch(!cl< it, i,' ,o i n t, 7f - u ; on Perital 7f l.ii,1 3 IU I- b,-;e r b l-o' cI, oi 3 c S t i"U 0 the fl.�11 ,,)f pound., fees . 'url o-" 0 " f� • s TO, V O E,e n t o n Nov.21st.1916. ReSular se�-sior of the City Council called to order by the Nllayor. toll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Monohon,T)avis,Faull,Ja me °:rlcCowin and Raymond; City 11ttorney, 'nEineer and Clerk. ,,.,inutes, of last session read and approved. Petitions for water connection Acre Tract No.39 ,1.i- C- C. Co.No.1 b yoved and Luis "eioe ,and by Thos . JolliefR. C . C . Co .lqo 2 read. N1 seconded same be granted. Carried. T Petition presented by Dr.C. I-.Dixon asking permission to construct cement walk in front of his property,Lots 8-9,31ock 23,and that he be allowed to pl:,ce same 2 ht .froin property line read and Granted. Petition presented by property owners on 4th,Ave .N.askincr that City make temporary repsirs on said 4thAve .between Mill St .N.& Fnetory 1. t .repd and referred to Street & Alley Uoifi-mittee. Report of i7inance Committee . 'ilayor 8- council; - Gentlemen; _T!e your (-omniLtee on Finance have examined and re(,o,nend payment of the following bills; Renton Realty Co .rental for primary election 5.00 T. J. 1,Achanond Police Judge fees, 4.00 Trick &, 'Iurray,office supplies, 12.70 Jacob Annis ,rental ,prinary election 5 .00 Thos .T)obson,r"Lreas)refund sale of impounded stock,witness feos,postaiLef, 23.40 L.A. Cline.,labor)City Park., 2. 19 E, 7- T)U f f If it it 2. 19 Renton Rulletin,notice of primary election 2 .60 Signed,J. H.I,ark4Ln,Thos .Raymond,Lee 1.,onohon,UOL . Iiittee . Moved and seconded repDrt be received filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried. Report of IvVays & Means Gom;!:ittee on carva,-,s of primary elect- ion returns read and filed. Cot-anunication from City Attorney in -matter of Street iliprovement Renton Real Lstnte Co ' s,lst ..Add.read and laid on table for one week. Communication ffom T. J. Richmond in reference to window placed in building owned by hir-n and conducted as soft drink parlor on walla Walla Ave.read ard referred to License committee . Water Supt.Edwards reports interview with Mr.Trow of the Seattle C-ar &- Foundry Co .relotive to water controversy and payment for water used by the said Co. �a C After some discussion motion was :Wade and seconded that Clerk notify Car Co.that the Council upholds the i'vater aupt . in his demand for "'50.00 in payment for said water,and for ta.ppin6 .Hain without permis:vion,and that bill be sent the Co .for said amount ,also that the said Co.be notified to put in a suitable meter to connect with the main,to carry all- water used by the company from the City system, and that same be installed at the expense of the Co . Carried. Mayor ru;�hes appoints the following Inspectors and Jud es for General Election on Dec .5th. lst .7'ard Ins ector 'Im e ,. .B nnet Sr.��r ud .,1 � ivi P e s r.. .Ca rt wri��ht and 7 7 � r. 7 J ;hanker. 1st .Pct .2nd."'iard. Inspector,Joe ',"ood. Jud es,Mrs .C .I..Dixon and Pat Gibbons . 2nd .Pct .2nd.""-rd. Inspector A. C. Nilson. Judges Roger Jenkins and ,hrs .Thos.Raymond. 3rd.711ard. Inspector Renj .Ticknor. Judges 1,4rs .David Jones and J.T. Snyder. .�,.oved and seconded appointments as above be confirmed. Carried. Paul '`:T.Houses addresses the Council in behalf of Pistoresi Rros .relative to complaints in connection with barn at Cor .5th.t, Bur- nett , statinC that is the desire of said Pistoresi Eros.to comply with the requirements of the Council,and that every t hinF, possible would be done to abate said noise and disturbance. There bein" no further business before the Council motion ;made to adjourn. 10 Renton.Nov.28th, 1916 . Council :net in re`ular sessior.,Mayor Hughes nresidin� o loll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Polonohon,Davis ,Faull and Raymond, City Attorney and Clerk. ?:Iinutes of last session read and approved. Application for pool table and soft drink license ,by 'Tm.Lindg ren read and referred to Licerse Co, ,c:littee . Report of 1`inance vo:-rhi:ittee ; - '%7e, your l.o . .it tee on Finance h -ve examined and recomend payment of the fo2loswiri6 bills; R.O. Brown,filina saws .70 F.E. Duff, street repairing 7.36 Renton Lbr.. Co.lun:b er, St .Dept , 38.48 G.A. Iiarner, salary 20 .65 ' m ane ,EnVr.helper, 1. 50 -' . L. Ticknor,erectinj; hose cart shed 7.00 Labor pay roll , Sts.Water P, GarbaZe, 117.65 Signed,J.H.ILarkin,Thos .Ray ;ond,Lee I'onohon,0ommittee . ',^oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried. Finance Committee reports further as fol' ows ;'"'e,your Co.,..�Iittee on City 'I'arrar:ts and interest ,be , leave to report as follows; That we interviewed the Directors of the Citizens Bank concern- inZ; the reduction of interest on City '',arrants from 8 to 6 and they said they would take it under advisement ,and also stated as they are now pe.yin;� 2 on the City 's open account that they could not see their way clear at this time to take the City warra.r�ts at 6 ;, but advised that we take the question up with other banks in Seattle and if they would take our Cit;; warrants at 6 ; they (the Uitizens Bank) would tura our warrants over to them. li�ned,J.i .Larkir,lhos.haymond,Lee .ionohon, �-o;nEiittee. Moved and seconded report be received and filed. Carried. Report of Street & Alle.r Committee ; °e , ;our `'ommittee to whom was referred 4th,Ave,North improvement bei; leave to report as follows ; -"e recomend that a few loads of coarse .,ravel be put in the worst holes between Mill St .N.& Garden Ave . Signed John Faull ,John S.Davis , Co!nmittee. ,'-loved and seconded report be received,filed and reeomendation be carried out . Carried . Communication from S.O.Trow,of Seattle Car & I oundry Co .relative to bill for cater read and filed. eor Rezolution Pio .210 relating to readir-L, of ballots at elections, anal instructinc- Inspectors and Judges in said matter read . Moved and seconded same be adopted as read and Clerk make copy for Inspector of el-.ch precinct . Poll Vote ; "ll Council.ncen voting Aye . Bids for paint in,7,,.Varr i shinf-, and Kalsomining of (-orftfort Station Ono req,d.also recomendation as made by �Mr.O.N.Cochran. After so.-n-d discuss- ion as to the merits of the respective bids motion was made and seconded that contr,ict be awarded to O. N. Cochran. Poll Vote ,Raymond,D­_vis,Faull, and Monohon voting; Aye . Larkin votini; No. Carried. "loved and seconded that contract for above beheld up until Town Property Co.,-ilrnittee report as to repairs su,,"ested in reco--nendation of Mr.Cochran. Carried. Council.,,,-an Fault of Street & Alley Uomimittee reports ,bad condition of Third Ave. Yest ,and -air. St .rear crossing of P. S.E.Ry.a.t foot of hill leadir: to ',,iine,and reco,riends that mud be removed and - ravel placed on said streets ,as needed to put same in food condition. -oved and seconded :7treet Supt.be instructed to carry out recommendations. Carried. There bein­ no further business motion made to adjourn. Clerk. 12 Renton.De,c .12th. 1916. Council met in regular se -sion,iVyor iaHughes presidin-':'. 1 40 Roll Call ; Present 1-ouncilmen Larkix,Monohon,,Faul1 ,Davis,and ,jai-.,Ies; City Clerk,Attorney and n�;ineer. :,"linutes of last session read and approved. Report of Town Property Qom,�iittee ; - lv'ie,your Coai :,ittee on Town Property to whom was referred repairs on Comfort Station roof,be�-- leave to report a. s follows; That a falvanized cornice and cap be put on sa-e and that bids be called for sal-fle . Signed R. Tj.. Jafnez;,J. Fi .I,arkin.,J--)Iin S.Davis,Com;rtittee . "::owed and econded report be received,filed and recor,-Iendzation be carried out. Carried. Report of Finance "ommittee; - V-'e,your "'ommittee on finance have examined and recoiriend payment of the f ollowini-, bills ; E.H.McCurdy,carta-e & wood 5.25 Renton DruL Store, supplies 1.65 Thos.DobsonTreas. Industrial insurance 2. 71 R.'l,'ood"hay for pound 8.00 Crane Go. supplies 8.35 ?ZcPherson. stove and supplies 15.90 E.A. Shearer. supplies & labor 20.48 Renton Realty Co.rent for election 5.00 R. J.Pettie., election ballots 8.00 Ed.L.'Ferry, Seattle for water 49.45 Pacific Tel .& Tel. Co.phone &- L.D. calls 2. 10 Library IMairtenance 85.62 Joe ',.Ilood. Inspector,Election 5.80 P.Gibbons,Jud,.;re it 5.80 Mrs.C.L.Dixon 5.80 Mrs.Fellie Brown Clerk" 5.80 Audrey Lanich to 5.80 lff1 .F.Bennett, Inspector 6 .40 J.N.Marke r Jud. ,e 6.40 Vire-inia. Cartwright 6.40 Olive Lawrence,Clerk 6 .40 Gertrude Campbell 6.40 A. C. 711son,Inspector 6.20 Bessie Ra;;-piond, Judge 6. 20 Roger Jenkins it C.1 6.20 Thos.Jenkins, Clerk 6.20 lilorman Jones, if 6 .20 Benj .Ticknor, Irspector 6 .20 J.T. Snyder, Jud'--e 6 . 20 Mary M,.Jones, " 6. 20 Alice A.Davis, Clerk 6 .20 Lizzie i�i.Jones, it 6. 20 Hut,o Kelley, City publications 6 .65 Renton Bulletin.Election notice 2. 35 T. J. Richmond.Police JudCe fe.,,.s 2.00 Labor pay 11�oll , Sts .& pater 138.85 Sizned,J.11.Larkin,John 3-Davi s,Lee 1',oved and seconded report be received.,filed and all bills 0*1'�-d.be paid. Carr-Led. caC 13 Monthly reports of C1erk,Treasurer and Police Jud6e were read and filed. I Eleport of City Lxi�ineer. ?� To the Hon.Mlayor L council ; - Gentlemen; 'his is to certify ...i that thirty days have elapsed since the completion of the contract of C. R. Campbell for the improvement of streets in Renton Real Estate Companys First Add.to the City of Rentox,by gradin� and gravellin ,, as provided for under Ord.No.425,creatin�, L. I. D. No.75,and that, no uncompleted or defective work has been discovered. I hereby recomend that final payment be, made on sa.rne. w Respectfully submitted, G.A.Harner, City Ln6ineer, Tvoved and seconded report be received, filed and recomendation be carried out. Carried. City Attorney Gaby states interview with contractor Campbell in matter df wording, to be placed on warrants for above improvement to the effect that it has been mutually agreed that (KIaxxe special clause as inserted in call for bids for s •.id work be inserted in the contra.ct ,and that wordinf. x$ same as was placed on 1�utherford warr- ants,for improve.::ent Dist . �o.74,be placed on the warrants. potion made and seconded that -ccomendations of City Attorney be carried out. Carried. Poll Vote `'ouncilnen Larkin,Davis, James and Faull voting, Aye. Monohon voting No. Co_ni:unication from County Engineers Office asking that certain strip of land at :Springbrook be deeded for road purposes read and refe_�red to Engineer for investigation. St.Supt .was instructed to notify Car.Mf4L.Co .to lay walk in front of two lots in Block 2,Car �orks Add . 1n compliance with former instructions of the Council. Moved and seconded St.Supt .do necessary work on Tobin Ave .to put same in good condition. Carried. Moved and seconded '�')-ays ' Means Committee c�zrvass returns of City General lection. Carried. In matter of interest on City warrants,-notion made and seconded Clerk interview Seattle banks relative to handling of sarrie. Carried. There being no further usiness before the Council emotion made Clerk. to adjourn, 14 Renton,Dec .19th, 1916. Council ret in re --alar session, :,Zayor HuZhes presidin43;. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,l'aull , Davis, Jarnes,D-°eCowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Lnc,ineer and Clerk. Minute- of last re-;ula.r sessionread and approved. Petition of P. S.T.L.&; P.Co.asking permission to set one 35 ' pole on North side 1ifth Ave .between Main. & -ells St.read and �ra.nted. ?eport of Finance Committee ; - fe,your Cofitmittee on Finance have examined a.rd recomend payment of the followiriL; bills; &. L.E.Gurley,rapairinL EnLx. s,transit 6.00 Thos.DinninL,rent, election 5.00 Lowman & Hanford Co.Office supplies, 1.02 G.A. Harner, salary 2.50 Seattle Plumbir_� Supply Co. supplies 5.29 SiZ-ned J. 11.Larkin,Thos.Raymond ,Co-iiittee. T,14oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O. K. d,,pe paid. Carried. Report of Ways & l,leans Committee on canvass of General election read . .'oved and seconded same be filed . Carried. &alative to above report,and the findin�,s therein, �iayor LI HuEhes declares the followinL named persons elected to office . r.payor,'1m.Torkir.,Councilma.n lst ."a.rd,Ja.s.I.:eathley,Councilaian 2nd. Aa.rd,R.H. James, Counciltiian 3rd, "Jard,4 year term, J.B. Owens,Councilnia.n 3rd,':''ard,2 ye-r term,Lee '.-orn-at-larCe,B.F. Cake,City Clerk,C!rant Bates,City Treasurer,Thos.Dobson,City Attorney, Paniel Gaby. Report of City i ni jneer. "Mayor & Council; Gentlemen; -Referring to the co-imunication from Kine County Hi,.,,-ht-o-['-Way Yxrent asking, for deed to strip of land on Kin,., County Road No.159, I bei; leave to report as follows; I have exafiiined the descriptions of Rentons lard of which the strip asked for is a part, and find the description in the deed which the County is desirous of havir�7 executed would convey a strip which would complete the ri ht- of-qay. As this road is beim used b - t. e tra.velin� public at the present ti e,and t .e County beim desirous of further improvinE; it in the immediate future, I can see no objections to executing; and returning: the deed to Kind County. The strip asked for contains .05 acres . ' Respectfully submitted, G.A. Harner,City En ;ineer. geolpri 15 o� Moved ana -- ecorided report be received and filed and recomendations be car-pied out. Carried. Under head of miscellaneous businessyUourcilman ­cCowin brin,,.-, UP matter of closinn of high trestle and asks for information as to . the cause for said closing. It appearinE that the supports to the Ono steel snan over Black River are not in a safe condition,ikotion was made and seconded that Clerk write County Commisnioners .askinE that same be repaired at t-'ieir earliest convenience . Carried. In matter of pool table and soft drirk license application of 77m.Liridgren which has Y�een under consideration L'oved by vic-Cowir. seconded by Paull that ,license be -ranted. Poll Vote; Raymond,'vlccowin) Davis and Faull votirC, Aye . James and Larkin votircl ljo. Carried. There bein. - no further business before the Council motion made to ads ourn. Clerk. 16 Henton,Dee .26th, 1916. Rec--ular session of the Council called to order by the. 1iiayor. Holl Call ; Present Councilonen Davis,FRull,Jaaie s and Rayjmond, City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes -)f last sesr---ion, read and approved. F Report of vinance to:iumittee . 1,IT Mayor &-. Council. Gentlemen;- "Ie ,youib �o,.-Iaaittee on 1`inance have exa*kxRd mined the foll :)win,-, bills .-nd recomend th-at same be paid. -,7i-fl.Tane, IwirirL booths for election, 3.00 penton Lbr.Co.lu,-;,bf<,.r St .Dept . 31.49 P- 3- T.L.& P. Co .lic,ht, 135.00 Alexander llvlacLean.Floor brush 3. 75 Labor Pay Roll , St .& Water Depts . 163.15 -�vis,Thos.i�a-ymondC;o,-- inittee. *-IiI-.,ned,John S.D. ,A T,,"ovr--d and ,- econded report be received, filed and all bills O."'d,be paid. Carried. Resollition No.209 fixing date of heariri;,Dist No.75.read. 1-.`oved and seconded same be adopted as read. Poll Vote ; -I'-ll Council nen ARM LA f)resent voting Aye . 7 ,Toyed .and seconded Clerk call for bids for City Publications for the year 1917. Carried. There bein& no further business before the Council motion rriade to adjourn. Cl,,-.rk. 17 Renton,':Yn. Jany.3rd, 1917. Regular session of the Council called to oi-der by i4yor ilu�,hes. lLo l l Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,?,.nonohon,Faull ,Davi st,James, i IvIcCowin and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. r.., pIinutes of last session read and approved. Report of rinarice Committee; 1.71e,your Committee on i'inl.nce have examined and recomend payment of the following; bills; 'Arm.Kane,supplies & labor, 15. 01 R."Tood, rent ,priiribry F Leneral election 10.00 F. J. Hu;�hes,A;�t .gravel for stroets 15.00 G.H.Beale 8,: Co .-lass &. setting 1 .15 Pacific Tel .& Tel .Co.phone & L. D. calls 1. 70 R. O. Brown,filin,� saws .40 J. S.Hardie , supplies, 2.85 iE;ned,J. H.Larkin Thos.Raymond,Lee N-onohon,Co;airittee. Moved and. seconded report be received,filed and all bills O. K. d,be paid. Carried. 'Mayor Hughes and outgoing -ouncilmen vacate their seats and Mayor ilect Tonkin and new Councilmen are given oath of office by lull the City Attorney and seated. ComtLunication and bid of E.A. Shearer for repairin roof of Comfort Station read as follows; Mayor �- Council; Gentlemen; In regard to the leaky condition of the roof' of the Comfort Station I be,-,- to report that I have ;rade a careful exam- ination of the matter and will zuarantee to remedy the trouble by coverinC, the top of the wall with 26 `a.lv. sheet iron as -er sketch attv�ched for the sun, of :;;34.00 . In passing; on this bid I beg leave to remind the Council of the unusual increase in the cost of this _r,a.terial and the fact that it will require about 180 lbs .to do a. good job. Very truly yours , F.A. Shearer. roved by 'James seconded by Faull report be received and bid Pecepted. Application of John Stewart for night viarshal and Dr.K. J. Carried. Holtz for Health Officer were read and filed. Ma; or Tonkin makes the following appointments. Chief of Police Jo s.rdwards . Nicht �a.rshal,John Stewart . Health Off'icer,Dr.C . L.Dixon. Police Jud�;e,F.E.Duff. City F, - ineer,G.A. Harner. Committee appoint.iients were made as follows ; r 18 ays & vlea.ns Committee . Chairman ;J• B. Owens LPe Ivtonohon B.F. Cake Finance Committee . Chairman; R.H. James Thos .Raymond Jas .Leathley ^trect & Alley Co ._.:iittee. Chairman; John Faull Lee; ","onohon J. B. Owens i olice �, License �-o i mittee. Chairman; B.F. Cake Lee IMonobon J.B. Owens Law & Ordinance Uo:nmittee . Chairman; Thos.Rayraond B.F.Cake. R. I . Jame s, Fire ,LiZht & '.,Water Committee . Chairman ; Jas .Leathley Thos.Raymond John null City Property Co�Ta1ti tree . Cha iniian; Lee i4onohon Jas.Leathley R. H. James Park Board. Chairman; 'E.E.Duff B. Satterthwaite A.N.Fairchild. ,•_oved and seconded above appointments be confirmed. Carried. The following nominations were aiade by the `-ouneil for �iayor Pro-teen. Councilmen Raymond and Cake. Councilman Cake withdraws in favor of Councilman Raymond. Vote taken,Leathley,lv.onohon,l'aull, Cake , j James,and Owen voting Aye. Raymond votinrl leo. Councilman "ayniond declared elected as i�!ayor Pro-tem. Under head of miscellaneous business Councilman Cake brim,, up matter of =�lki soft Drink i'arlor license which had been referr- ed to a Committee of the old Council ,but on which no action had been taken. Eemarks and arguments were made by members of the i ; Council ,6ity Attorney,MaLyor and Citizens present,and the Chief of Police and Night Varshal were questioned as to their knowled�_e of the sale of intoxica.tin ; liquors at said place . The 11'ayor and several of the 'ouncilmvn expressed the opinion that this matter should have been finally disposed of by the former administration. I°otion was made by Cake seconded by i"'onohon that Alki Soft Lrink ec Pool noom license be revoked. After some discussion the above motion was withdrawn.-and new motion put as follows,; I9COBC 19 lioved by Cake seconded by "'onohon that Alki soft Drink & Pool license be declared void . loll vote ; Leathley,1lonohon, Cake ,James,Owen and Raymond vot ink; Aye. Faull No. Moved by Cake seconded by i�aymond that Proprietor of 14'elrose Soft Drink Parlor be cited to appear before the Council at the next regular meeting, and shoe cause why his license should not be revoked. Carried. Councilman y,onohon acIdres se s the Council relz.tive to a:mblinz and wames of chance and makes motion that City Clerk be instructed to notify all churches,lodZes, societies, stores ,places of busines, ,etc . where any card �-ames or � ames of chance of any description are permi- tted that same must be discontinued. No second to the above motion. The attention of the "ouncil was called to City Ordinance allowinZ card .:--eines and dice for confectionery and merchandise prizes, whereupon Councilman -onohon offers motion that new Ordinance, be drawn prohibiting all games of chance whatsoever. There beim, no second. to said :notion no further action was taken in the matter. "here bei.ni-, no further business before the Council ,motion was made to adjourn. Clerk. Y 20 Renton.Jany 9th,1917 . Council met in reTrular sessi-)nIMlayor Tonkin presiding. . Roll call ; Present Councilmen Leathley,t'lonohon,Fq-ull ,Cake, ., James,Owens and Raymone; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Application for moving., picture theatre license ,by Gertrude L. FePk read,and on motion duly seconded was �-ranted. Application of 1!11.H. 7�obson for soft drink and pool table licen- se for premises known as Alki soft drink & pool parlors was re:7d and referred to the License Co:-whittee. Relirzquishment of soft drink license of Melrose soft drilkk parlors.by L. J. Croas ,rtad. DvIoved and seconded same be accepted. Carried. Application of Tony Grecory for soft drink license for the IvIelrose parlors ,and reque2t that he be periaitted to operate same while said application is under advisement by the. License Committee read. Moved and seconded application be referred to the License Committee . Carried. 1,�oved and seconded that request as above stated be -ranted for one week. Carigid. Report of. Finance Co.rimittee . Mlayor & Council . Gentle,fflen; - e,your Committee on Dinance have examined the followiniL bills and re-cooiend payment of same . Preibe Bros . supplies and repairs, 5.50 R.7,lood,ce,uent,St .Dept. .75 P. S.T.L.9- P. Co.lichtI 136.02 Q, Pacific Commercial Blue Co.blue prints., 13.06 Ed.L.Terry, Seattle for water, 42.95 Thos.Harries .P. O.box rent, 1 .00 Thos .Dobson,,Treas,witness fees, stamps,etc .13.00 Hu:�o Kelley, City publications 9 .40 Labor pay roll , 'Streets , -',iater & Garbage 108.50 0& Si'ned R. H. Jam.es Thos Raymond,T. J.Leathley, Co:,.,i«ittee . ':roved and seconded report be received ,filed and all bills O.K.d) be paid. Carried . Report of Fire Chief Joe ''.Hood on fire equipmt!,nt ,fire alarms responded to during the year and a.,nount of loss by fires was read as follows; To the Mayor & City Council of the City of Renton. Gentle;nen; - I beE, to submit the followin - report of the fire fi -.i�.ht- inL-, equipinent on hand and alarms responded to durinZ the year 1916. 9CORC 21 Ilquipment on hard. Two combination wa�ons ,each 500 Ft .hose ; Two 3 Gal .chemicals and 3 ladders . Twelve small hose carts .each 250 Ft .hose ; Two Hundred Ft .extra hose ; Four extra ladders ; One extension ladder.; 1%,ozzles , wrenches ,etc .for all carts except Tobil St .Station , for which I would recomend that two nozzles be purchased. All the equipment is in good condition One luny motor with first aid equipment . Fires responded to durin.- the year,nine. Loss by fire. -400 .00. Insurance paid X137.50. Cause of fires three from overheated stoves one from overturned lamp,one from enLine sparkslbRlance unknown . Respectfully, Joe 'Nood,I'ire Chief. Moved add seconded report be received and filed2and recomendptions be carried out. Carried. Report s of City Clerk and City Treasurer for iLonth of Dec . 1916,read and filed. St.Supt.reports openin 'r to traffic of high trestle at south end of lake and recomendG that regulation be made lialitir, weight C.� i4l� Au� of loads over s.-me to four tons , same to conform to re,-,ulation made by the County for portion of said trestle out side of City limits . Moved and seconded report be received and recomendation be carried out,and City Attorney be instructed to draft ordinance li�,itinr load over said trestle to four tons . Carried. Coir..,Mnication from Seattle Car &- Foundry Co.relative to bill rerder�-d by the City for xxxxx unmetered water used at said plant, and fine for tappinj7, mainP was read. Moved and . seconded same be laid 4W over for one week and representatives of said C'o.be asked to be pr ,sent at next meeting to Go into matter more thorou- hly. Carried. L C�' Bids for printing of Official publications .of the City for the year 1917 were read same beim' as follows; Tenton Bulletin,2 cents per inch,per issue,for 8 point type ; Lenton Herald,10 cents per inch for first insertion, 5 cents for each subsequent insertion. for either 6 or 8 point type . .i.oved and seconded contract be let to the low bidder, the Renton Bulletin. Carried. 22 liquor invoices of the several drub stores of the City and amount of liquors purcha.sed, sold and used, since last report were read and referred to the License Ioaimittee,for report at next meetin . Ordinance Ido.435 relating; to clean_; of salaries of city Officials read first time and referred to the Ordinance Coimmittee . Under head of unfinished business Councilman Cake addresses the Council in matter of soft drink )a.rlors violating; liquor ordinance ,and makes motion, seconded by -onohon, that Thos .J . '�alker be cited to appear before. the Council at next regular sheeting; and show cause why his soft drink license should not be revoked. loll vote; all Councilmen _)resent votin Aye . Councilman iv`onohon gain addresses the Council relative to gambling and makes motion that City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance to comply with State law f,overning; same, talkin- at some length on the different phases of Lamblin­,and the evils of card game, as conducted by churches and societies . The above motion led to a rather heated argument by members of the Council,but as' there was no second to the motion no action was taken. Under Special Order of business St .Supt.yarner addresses the Council on road ;maintenance and the benefits to be derived by the City in nunieroi:is ways by the owning of a City team. Yioved and seconded question be referred to the '�iays & yeans Committee for investigation and report. Carried. Moved and seconded St .Supt .be authorized to put sufficient gavel on r.1ain St. south,near City limits to put same in crood con- dition. Carried. There beinJ no further business before the Council Motion made to adjourn. Clerk. 2CORC 23 Renton n. Jany 16th,1917 . ReEular session of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll. Call ,- Present Councilmen TvTonohon.Leathley,Faull , Cake, Owens,Jarnes and Raymond ; City Attorney and Clerk . Tv"Anutes of last session reld and approved. -Application of Tony Gregory for pool table license., at 'velrose Soft Drink Parlor^ read and referred to the License Co,,%,--,-1ittee . Report of Finance �onitriittee . Vayor & Council . Gent le:.rien We,your "o..,,a,ittee on vin�nce have examined and r.ecomend payment of the. fo2l3win,, bills, ; T . J. Rich.,Tond ,Police, Court Fees 2.00 McPherson Bros, supplies 12.95 Tm.T6nkin Co.election supplies 4.45 Renton Lbr.Co.lumber Ct .&. Fire Dept ' s, 57.82 Renton Realty Co .bords ,City Officials 37.00 Library maintenance 195 .,US 7 Signed IT. ja.rn e _ Tho s.Raymond,T. J.Leathle y,Committee . 'N"oved and seconded report be rcceivedlfiled and all bills O- rT.d,be paid. Carried. 1'.eport of Street & Alley Committee . Yayor F. Council . Gentleimen ; - ,Ae,your Comiuittee on Streets & Alleys to whom was referred conditions of street leadint to maccaron.1 factory beg leave to report as follows; -,, That as no improvement district h.-,.s been created on saistreet we reco;-aerd that the City Lnineer be, irstructed to compile the recessary data,and. cost of improvement to put said street in 7ood condition. tined John Faull ,Lee 'vorohon.J. B. Owens,Co Moved and seconded report be re.ceived.filed and recomendation be carried out. Carrie-d. Report of lolice & License Coamittee . !,,'ayor & Council . Gentlemen ; -4�`e,your �oirimittee on 'olice & License to whom was referred the matter of flrartirL license to Tony Gre`,ory for a soft drink anG pool ro-)m license in the ilAelr-)se buildinL, have investig- ated the matter and would recomend that , license. be Granted. -L&red B. F. Cake,J.B. Owens,Lee �ilonohon, vioved and seconded report be received., fil-cd and rec:) :icrdation be carried out . Carried. 24 In. matter of application for license of T. H.Dobson, colfii,,,ittee asks for one iore, week to investi-rate further. I-Lequest i;ranted. License Coin.riittee also asks for more time in aiakin_­ report on drug store invoices of liquors. Sane Ordinance. Coiiz.nittee makes verbal report on matter of salaries and recomends that Ordinance as drawn be passed.iiloved ancl, -seconded report be received and reco,-iiendation carried out . Carried. Report of City LnE;ineer. M Hayor & Council . Gentlemen ; -in compliance with your request at your last re,7u- lar meeting, for a report on the impassable condition of Third Ave . East ' from hill "It.To Renton Ave ; I herewith submit the followinL . find by irvestiJ,ation, tnat in order to maintain 0, roa- dw-ly on such a Er-de it will be necessary to construct wooden curb and ,gutters on both sides of the roadway and grade, the street to its fixed grade to give the necessary drairaLe. The esti-n.ated cost of such an improvement is 480.00. This estimate is based on the row theory of improving; thirty feet of the streot by r,,ridin�­_,- and LA L3 gr2ve2linE and -uttering . The side walks and parkin : strip's to be left as they are at present . Respectfully submitted, G . ' .Harn(-.r, CityE'nEineer. Moved and seconded report be received and referred to Street p. Alley Co,--jffjittee for investigation and report at next MeetinE . Carried. Com,,!=ication from F. C.Brendel relatinL, to sale and handling of alcohol read and filed. Resignation of Chas.McCowin as member of Library Board r: ad. Uoved and seconded resignation be not accepted. Carried . Communication from T. J."Talker qurrenderincr soft drink license, read. 11iloved and, seconded communication be receive-.d and filedand surrender of license be accepted. Carried. Communication from A. H.Cox fi--. Co.rela.tinr, to prospective sale of City pump,and price therefor read and laid on tc.ble for one week. Ordinance No.436 relatin -r to salaries City Officials read first time and referred to Ordinance. Co.:.;rittee . Ordinance Co.umittee makes verbal report reco,rrierdin,- that said ordinance be passed to second reading and adopted. 'Moved and seconded report be. received 2COBC 25 and recomendation be carried out . Carried. Ordinance No.436 taken up for second readir",>ections 1-2 and three reed and adopted . IMoved and seconded section 4 be added to the effect that said ordinance be in force five days from and after its adoption and legal publication. Carried. Said section read and adopted. iVdoved and seconded adoption of section 4 be reconsidered .Carried. proved and seconded said section be stricken from ordinance . Carried. ,ove-d and seconded ordinance as a. whole be adopted as read. Voll Vote; all Councilmen voting Aye. Al L Iayor appoints City C)erk as Purcha.sin ; Agent for the two year term, 1917-1913 . iioved and seconded appointment be confirmed.Carried. Bona of City Attorney read . Moved and seconded same be approved. Carried. Moved and seconded bonds of City Clerk,Trea:7;urer and Attorney be accepted. Carried. Relative to the Car 17orks water controversy,Supt Trow beim; present was called on for explanation of the position of the Go. in reference to same . Yr.Trow addresses the Council ,explaininr, conditions at Jar '*orks at some len�:th, and states that the Co . is willing; and desirous of paying for all water used but that they object to the payment of a fine as the tappinE of City main was not done intentionally. The matter was discussed by the Council and others present ,Councilman Cake statim that in his opinion the fine should be cbr.icken from the bill as he was confident the Co.would not try to take advantar_e of the City in the use of water. ?,otion was thereupon made by Rymond seconded by Paull that amount of fine be rebated ftom bill and that new bill in the aaoun£ of 25.00 for water used be rendered. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. y Clerk . 26 Renton,Jany 23rd,1917. Regular session of the Council called to order by the ''Mayor. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Leathley,ir:onohon,F'a.ull ,Cake, Owens ,James and Raymond; City tittorney and Clerk. I Minutes of la. t session read and approved. Petition of the Climax Locomotive Co .asking permission to use 600 or 700 kxxkk Gal .of water from Hydrant at car works for testing; boiler read. i4oved and seconded sr.°me be granted. Carried. Application for soft drink liceroe,by Joe 4ad.ele.ne ,for Covey building,formerly occupied as restaurant read and referred to the lieen e Committee . Application for soft drink license,by Thos.Dobon,for building at Cor.Burnett & Nalla 'Valla Ave .forinerly known as Eagle: soft drink -na_rlor read and referred to the License Committee. AI)Plication for water connection,by O.Ga.sper,Lot 6,Block 4, I-Rotor Line Add.. read and granted. The term of Grant Bates as member of Library Board havin` ex- pired,TvIayor Tonkin reappoints him as a member of said Board for five year term. Moved and seconded appointment be confirmed, Carried. Report of Police & License Committee . Iyiayor & `Iouncil ; - We, your Committee to whom was referred the ap :l- ica_ti on of `" . ..Dobson for soft drink and pool table license be leave to report as follows ; That we recomend saaT be granted. See, bill of sale attached. Signed,B. I . Ca,ie ,J. B.Owens,Lee _b_onohon,Co;nmitLee. 'Vioved and. seconded report be received,filed and recomendation be i carried out. Carried . Report of 'inance Committee ; - :`de,your 6*ommittee on r finance have examined and reco mrd payment of the following bills. T,.A. She ?re r,repairinv roof of Comfort Sta. 34.00 Jos.Edwarda,fumit .ztin ­ residence of Nllrs .Connell 3.50 O.N. Cochran, warnir_ signs,hi:�;h trestle , 6 .00 E.A. Shewrer, installing fire h; drant 6 .56 Labor Bay Roll , Sts.'Nater,etc . 98.70 Signed R. H. James,Thos.Raymond,T. J.Leathley,Co :iinittee . Pv'oved and seconded report be Peceived,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried. 1,=ayor Tonkin suggests that a. more detailed system of segrega- ?OBC 27 tion of expense items ,under proper headinL.,a,be installed, so that yearly comparis:on:3 may be made with the object of reducin�, if possible ,the runnin-; :expense of the City . roved and seconded matter be referred_ to the Finance Committee for inve.^tiGation. Carried. Report of i++days & Means Committee ; ':'e ,your Committee on v"ays & ,,Jeans to who:: was referred the matter of purchasing; a team bei leave to report as follows; After invesatiEating the matter we are favorable to the purchase of a team,but before making any further reconenda.tions in the matter would like to have the :subject debated in open Council. -i[;ned,J. B. Owens,B. I . Cake,Lee itlionohon,Committee . ifoved and seconded report be referred back to Committee for one more week . Carried. Report of Police & License Co.,rimittee in matter of handlin6 of liquors by drug; stores was read as follows; "layor ei. Council . Gentle.men; - '.",e,your Committee on Police & License to whoa was refer- red the, Jan.lst,reports of the various drub; stores have checked their records and wish to report as follows; ''alkersPharmacy. Their report of Oan.lst . Our Check Jan.lst . Difference . '`hickey 41F gal . 39-3/8 -al. 2-1/8 dal. Alcohol 38 " 38-- " x " Gin l4 " 12 '► none Palace of Sweets Pharmacy. Their report of Jan,lst, Our eheck,oan.lst , Difference . Beer 84 Pts 84 Pts none Port 4.'ine 4L gal. 4 gal. - 1 gal . ''`hickey 3 a1 .7:` ,Pts Sal. 7:7,- Pts; none Brandy 2-7/8 Lal 2 1_ `al - 5/8 gal. 'halt 24 Rt s. 24 Pts . none Alcohol 4 Lal . 3-3/8 dal. - 5/8 -al. Renton Drug, Store . Their report of Oa.n.lst , Our check of Jan, lst, Difference . r... Alcohol 10 gal. 212bal. - 202 gal. ''hiskey 15 Eal. 116-7/8 dal. 101-7,8 dal . Pcrmits issued for transferof whickey from Renton to Seattle 168 sal .makin� net difference 66-1/8 " Malt 55 Pts. 44 Pts. 11 Pts. Beer IAxXkax 14 its. 28 ,ts . X 14 ' ts. Brandy 3 Eal. 3-5/8 dal. X 5A gal. Sherry 20 Gal . 22' Lal x 2 1 It Port wine 20 dal . 18 a.l 14 �3_l. 54 gal ease E-oodss reported as received of which we accounted for 12 Sal .lea_vina 521 gal not taken into consideration in this report because of our not knowing contente . ''e further recomend that IMr.Brendel be called before the Council on Tuesday Jan.30th with invoices,bills of ladinE_ ,etc .coverin�S 54 gal 28 case foods as well as Bbl.foods. Respectfully submitted, B-F. Cake,J.B- Owens,Lee 11sloriolion,Com. x over -�t- short Explanations of conditions,etc .on above report were made by Councilmen Owens and Cake and matter discussed at some len6th. xmraxzIKo and explanations were also made by Attorney for L`Ir.Brendel . j,-roved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendatiDns be carried out. Carried. Remarks were made further on above matter relative to inabil- ity of Committee to secure acurate information,whereupon motion was mad(-, that the Mayor be empowered to procure an efficient invest- igator to check up the books,prescriptions,permits,etc .of the three dru,; stores expense of same to be left to discretion of the ',,!zyor. Carried. Councilman Faull makes verbal report in reference to proposed improvement of 3rd.3ve .East.to the effect that so�,,e of the property owners were opposed to said improvel-cient unless sidewalks were also put to E.rade ,anC_,, statin;­ that a meetingl, of the Committee and prop- erty owners would be held at City Hall on Friday even i ng,dany, 26 th. Report of CityincC->r. in matter of waste of water in ftighland Add.and reconendation that said Add.be metered was read and referr- ed to Fire ,Li-ht h Water Committee . T,',eport of City En�r.on condition of Burnett St .1,AI.north of 2nd. Ave .and cost of proposed improvement was read ard referred to the `Street F- Alley Committee . Moved and &,econded -readin& of­)yearly rtporto of Clerk and Treasurer be deferred to next ime5tin�. Carried. Ordinance 1Vo.437 approving, and confirminC, assepsment and assessment roll Dist .-No .75 read first time .and referred to Ordin- ance Col'.1mittee . Clerk reports no protests against the. levyinG of above assess- ment . Ordinance No.438 requirin6 a permit from Chief of Police for all sales of alcohol re.-;-d and referred to Ordinance Committee . ,roved By 4ionohon seconded by James that iv'4yor send tele ram to President 7!ilson indorsing; his stand and speech in matter of 19COBC 29 permanent peace league. Carried. Bond of Police Judge presented. roved . and seconded game be acc- epted. Carried. There being; no further business before the Council motion made �j to ,adjourn. Cl^rk. Renton,Jar_y 30th, 1917. Council celled to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call ; Pre^ent Council,r,e:n,"onohon,F'null ,%ake, Owens,James and Raymond; City Attorney and Cltrk. r,linutes of la rt se-Ision re,-,)d and approved. Petition of P. S. T.I.. P. Co.a,s-kinL perrnis�-,ion to set four 35 'poles on east side of High -15t .for light service read and referred to Eire Li _?.t and 'a'^.ter Comrittee . I sport of Ordinance Com ,ii tee . 7,t% ,your Co:::::iittee on Oddinince to whom ;,,as referred ordin^nce s No.437-438 reco--en(I the: adoption of said ordinances. mi ned Thos.Raymond,R.H. Js.rie" JR.F. Cake,Comm. ?,loved Pnd f, econded report be received.,fil:�d and recoinendattion be corr- 4 ied out . Ce rrieq. I Report of License Committee on applications of Joy . `adeline and Thos.Dobsaon for soft drink licence , recomendir.g that saiiie be `rpn- ted c,,,as reEd . �toveu. and seconded reports be reoce:iverd,file:d and reca_iie- ndations be carried out. Carried. Feport of finance Committee . `e ,yrour Committee on i'inance have examined and reco:7iend ptyment of the followin` billa; City Transfer Co .cu.rt^,,e , 2 . 76 G. H. Deale & Co.,map roller 2.50 R. J. Petti e,ptg.bondc.,')ist . 74 14 .00 .� «Til^on R. NTe.rlowe ,premium,bond polices judF e 5.00 1,11m.Tonkin ,chEs ,for telegram to President 1.00 -5.i ;ned E. H. Jame s,Tho s.Raymond, Committee . P,,loved -nd ,seconded report be received filed and xaaaxjVxajxR 2xxkax 0-11 bill^ O.F.d,bc pvid. Carried. I i 30 Yearly reports of Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. Report of City Attorney in .matter of T�la_ck River and recor,.e- nding that City 1=;nvr. ir:terview Col .Cav`nau"h reletive to apparent difference in En, inv :rind data in. ma.ttcr of fall .of B1ack .F'Liver read. '`oved and seconded report be receivf,d,filed and l ecomendatiax on be carried out. Remarks were ciade relative to i:,xid ,ratter by Council,men,the DA&yor,City Attorney and members of the Committee from the CoinrriF:rcial Club who had receantly called on Col . Cavana_u-11i, City Engr.&, other.. " otion was arende.d to read that City En6r. invite members of committee from Co:r,:riercial Club to accompany him on said trip. !,)lotion a^ ai;iended carried. Com:, unica_tion from F. C.Brendel in matter of case goods previ- ously referr-id to in report of license Corarnittee ,read and filed. Ordinance No.437 approvirZ a.nd con_firminv assessmr !,rt -rd ef7tsea- ssment roll Dist .75 passed to second readin-,read g_nd adopted by sections ,and on motion duly seconded was adopted a s a whole as read. Toll Note ;a.11 Councilmen pre sp.nt voting Aye . Ordiranee No.438,relating to sale of alcohol and requirin a permit from Chief of Police ,was passed to second reading, rt!ad and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole as read. All Councilmen resent voting, Aye . There beim; no further business before the Council motion rna_de to ^d j ourr_. Clerk. 9COBC 31 Renton) Nn. Feby 6th,1917. Council met in regular oe,-aion C-, .�Aayor Tonkin presidinLc. ',oll Call; Present Councilmen Lep-thley,ivionohon.,D'aull ,Cake,Owens, mom James and Raymond ; City Ergr.& Clerk. 111inuten of la,,:;t sesibon read and al-,proved. Report of F'nanc(!, Committee; "Ve,your Co-,,:,,ittee on Finance have Finance and recomend payment of the followini_-, bills ; Trick & 11.,"Urray,office supplies, 5 .23 Library maintenance , 112.06 Jos.Edwards,killinE dogs 9.00 'R. J. Pettie ,L. I .T). installme-,nt notice cardn 7. 7'5 Pacific Tel .& Tnl.Co.phone 2.05 Renton Drug Store,tiine books .50 Willia-Ms &- McKnight nails 12.85 Ed .L.Terry, Seattle for water 48 .05 United Stntea Rubber Co.hose nozzles 17.00 Labor pay roll , Sts.!!Vater & Garbage 132.40 SiZned R. H. Jaii�es,Thos.RayihondT.J.Le--thley, Coiriinittee . Moved and seconded report be receivedYfiled and all bills O. K.d.*be paid. Carried. Report of ilire.Light &- Water Co-Irimittee ; We,your Co.rmiittee on FireLight & Od-ater beg cD leave to report that we reque6t the City of Seattle to tent the meter on Highland Add.to make sure that it is correct. I'Ve also recoatend that 'the petition of the P.. S. T.L.?,,. P. Co. to set poles on east side of High St . be branted., same to be set 8 Ft. from margin of street on rtcom-ndatiin of City '.qn,,r. Signed T. J.Leathley,John 11'aull .Tho3.Rayaond,,Coififflittee . Moved and seconded report be rtceived.filed and recomendations be carried out. Carried. !-.nport of F)t.& Alley Co:-c,,,-Iittee; 'f'4, your Co. .:nittte on Sts .& Alleys recomend that the City 'nijneer make an estimate of the coat of r-r,,--,din- and -uttering Mill St . from Third Ave . south to City limits EWA Third Ave .East from Mill St .to Renton Ave .,",enton Ave .from, Fq, Third .Ave. U to Section St. Section St .from Cedar St to City limits . Vii--rned John liaull,Lee Monohon, J?B?Owen7,, Cot1ii"littee . Moved and c econded report be received,filed and recornerd tion be carried out. Carried. Proposition of Peter Dullahant to do team work and furnish wagons etc .for the City for a neriod of six months at W130.00 per month was read and referred to the Street & Alley Co,,,i,,rIittee for 32 Investi"ation and report. ILI Report of Police Judge Duff for month of January rnz_d and filed. Report of City EnEr.Aiad CoaLmittee from Commercial Club on interview with Col. Cavanauzh on Black River matter read and filed. City Attorney addresses the Cbuncil on above matter and suggests that a Co,--.q,-iittee of the Council draft petition to �'on�--'re3s Li urging immediate action in matter of dredging of Black river. Coflmittec i.,Ioved and seconded that the 7ayS & -Veans /take up said matter in conjunction with the Coinxittee fror-a the Coo'anrrcial Club,the City Attorney and hngr.wnd draw up said petition as soon as possible . Carried. There being no, further business before the Council inotion made to adjourn. 33 Feby 13th, 1917. Regular session of tine City Council called to order by . ayor Tonkin . Roll Call ; Present Coun c il,ncen v'onohon,Leathley,Fa.ull , Cake, Jal'fieaIad Raymond; City .n ;r.Atty.&: Clerk. ;:inutes of last session react and approved. Report of Street ez Alley Uo-,nrr,ittee ; 'Ye, your Committee on atreeta Alleys to whom was referred offer of Peter Dullaha_nt relative to team work for the. City beLl leave to report an follows; 'Ie beleive Mr.Dullahant ' s offer is very fair and would be refer- able to buying a team. We would rpcomend that the safue policy as fact year be followed and strict e:conof�ay be pra.cticed. ries also re-comicnd ecomoray in all other depart,lents so teat we can get on a cash basis Next year. Gigned,John 1,'<a_ull ,Lee> DIIonohon, Co.-Ilmitte:e . Moved and seconded report be re.ceived,filed and reco.:�endaticns be carried out. Carried. Report of I'inance uorc:nitte s. We,your Co rt.ittee on finance have exa&ined. and recomend pryment of the fol? owir` bills; Haleway & Brown, renairs .50 f Joys.Edwards ,fumigatinG 3.50 Pacific Coast Coal Co.briquets 10.30 `.Y. C.D. Edwares, supplies, 10.20 Renton Bullevtin,city pt'. 12.60 Daniel Gaby,ch s ,telegra.ma,Gon4ressmed 3.00 ,eport of Clerk,also Treasuresr,for month of January read and filed. Report of Em7r.& Water Supt.relative to Highland Adr..water sit- ua.tion. rn-,nd and filed. i.ioved and seconded City Attorney draft Ordinance restricting the use and ",a.ste; of via.ter,fixinL penaity,and giving 14atnr Supt.authority to enforce same, . Carried. Cor_.,munication from eJtIhite tiouexa ,':,VashinEton, D. C. in reply to teleg- ram to the President endorsing his stand on question of world peace was read and filed. Cornrrunication from Bureau of Inspection and Supervision of Public Offices cor ratulatin, the. City of Financial -howinL; read and filed. 34 Coyi:munication from 1v`Irs .Ka-tn Snyder complairinZ against noise and unsanitary conditions at barn of Pistormai Bros .near her residence was read and filed. Relative to above complaint,the Chief of Police and Health Officer were directed to irvestirate condition:. ,<epresertative of Phone Co .addresses the Council asking that recent agreement allowinlr,- the placing of cross armi on three of the City poles on illiamz Street be annulled and askin- T):Mrmiss-ion to set five poles on opposite gide of street . 14oved and seconded request be referred to the Fire ,Light & Water Committee &- St .Supt.with power to act . Carried. Councilman Faull states that the paving in certain places is in need of repair. 1.loved and seconded St .Supt .rtpair pavino, where necessary. Carried. There bein.; no further ;,usiress before the Council ;notion made to adjourn. pin Clerk. L AM LM 49COBC `5 Renton' vqn. Feby 20th, 1917. In the absence of ,ayor Tonkin. Council was called to order by Zhos . Raymon6lMayor --Pro-tem. Poll Call ; Present Councilmen Leatkley,1111jonohon'Faull Cake, James and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Petition frot'a S.& R.V.Ry.Co.askini; for priveleEe of construct- inE Ry.treck on Go,,!mercial Ave .tF Lo-.-,"-,n St .and asking" extertion of pre3ent permit on Dixie Ave .until such time as change can be effect- ed was read. Report of Finance Co.miiittee . Mayor & "ourcil ; ',!,,`e ,jour Committee. on Iinance have examin- ed and recom-,nd payment of the followin& bills; P. S.T.L.&- F. Co .lizht 135.90 O.Y.Tranmfer Co.two tons coal& cart,-.Lc- 10. 75 Labor Pay Roll ; Sts.'.�;ater A, Gf,,,rbaL-e , 124.20 ---)i6ned R. H. Ja..-tes,Thos.Leathlny,Thos .Ray.norc.- . .,,roved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills O.K.d.be paid. Carried. Report of City TEn-r.& 'Nater Supt. Ylayor & �ourcil ; Gentlemen; - Referrin.- to i-1iLhla- nd Add .waLer I beg leave to report as follows; I have had the :meter tested by the City of Seattle water Dept .and find the it allow--o. slippaGe which proves that we were only paying for 98�% of the water which we received from the Sity of Seattle . Then by shuttin6 off all service Pi-pt!,—, I find a loss through leakaue in the ma.inm of 66,-" of the. total a.1-nourt . On account of the porou", formation in this Add.there is none of these leaks come to the surface of the ground and, therefor-- cannot be seen. Respectfully submitted, G.A. Ea.rn e r. "a t eo r Supt Moved and seconded. report be received, filed and referred to the Fire .,Li,.,ht &- 'Fater Co.--:.-.,AtLee .Carried. T'Leport of Health Officer. !,,'ayor ec Louncil . Gentlemen; - The undersiL,--nf-,d,aT Health Officer of said --n 6,q t i r)r City would bei leave respectfully to make certain recortie 36 to your llonor,--�ble Body. That you pass a set of health lays si. ilar to those in force in the City of Yakima. TLhe public health report that contains the ordinance in on file in the City Clerks Office of the City of Ren- ton. Your attention is called to the barn on the corner of 5th,anC Burnett Sts . T,,,r.Edw,,rdsthe 1M'ayor and :-ftyself inspected it a week aLe and found the yard in a filthy condition and would recomend that the place be closed unless they will put up a bond or some Guarantee to keep it clean. The renters -)f the pIace, hove been notified at le-ast six ti-ries about itz condition. I would recomend that you fence, in the a.rbaGc dump and flush out th- septic tanks while the water is high. I think it would be a good plan to notify all bu7,iness places that it will be neces-,ary for they.ri to keep their back yards clean and see th,-.t all rubbish such as ashes and old lumber be re-,oved . I also notige th,-t some of the streets that are not paved are littered with papers,old rags and old cans,ard would recomend that a day be, an ointed to clean up iarie. I inspected the reservoir the other day and found P. lot of veL--- etation and would reco-iend that it be cleaned and white-washed. Deaths for 1916 Thirty . Births for 1916 r'ifty !'i :-,ht. 17'e have had very few cases of infectious disease- and no capes of typhoid fever for the year 1916 , which speaks well for our via-ter supply. Respectfully rubmitted, C . L. TDixon,Helath Officer. :,,,loved and seconded that recomendotion relating, to barn at 5th and Burnett be carried out to the effect that same be closed,and recomendation relative to health ordinance be referred to the City Attorney and Ordinance (-o,n,-r,,ittee,,a-nd that other reco!aendations be carried out as stated in report . Carried . ,,oved and seconded that application for Ry.tracks by S.&- R.V. Ry. Co .be referr�.d to Street & Alley 'o ,;, ,ittee,and extention of time be Granted for rresent location of line while said aplicati )n is under consideration. Carried. Courcil--.qan Cake calls attention to conditi,-)n of Street from, Zur- 2COBC 37 nett to mine over which coal from mine is hauled,same bein�-' in very bad condition. Dlovcd and seconded St .Supt.be instructed to repair same . C-,)-r r i e(I . ir-1 CounciLi;an Cake also addresses the Council relative to certain i)articc who zare buyin- old iron and junk from chiYren who are pickinV mod up same wherever it rriay be found reardless of the owners of same . This matter was discussed by t-',-ie Council and gitizers and Motion made and seconded that' City !Atorney draft -)rdina.yicn relating; to ard re,L-ulatin6 the handlin.L., of junk,and prescribiril., conditions to be complied with by all parties handling junk within the City. Carried. There beir)E-, no further businesn befof�e the Colancil motion 1na6e to adjourn. Clerk. lienton.Feby.,27th, 1917. Council met in reEular session, . ayor Tonkin presiding. Roll Call ; Present 'ourcilmen i0onohon,Leathley,Faull ,Cake.,James and Raymond; City Engr.Attorney and Clerk. 14inutes of last session read and approved . Regular order of business suspended to hear from representative of Carstens & -'Earles relative to the refunding; of the !j�;23,000. water bond issue now held by the State of ',ashington. i atter was discussed and proposition as follows offered; Carstens & Earles offerin&-, to take over the bonds and pay tile, City a premium of ' '500 .for saf-ae , ',.,'oved and seconded matter be referred to the ',;,�ays &- Means Comm- ittee for investigation. Carried. Supplemental application of S.&. R.V. Ry. Co. relative to track on Commercial Ave .and specifying time for which same is desired read. Moved and seconded swine be received and filed and original applicat- ion, with this amendment be granted. Carried. Application of P. S.T.L.& P. Co.for permission to install 50 gal . gasoline tank in building on property of Peter Szymonski read and referred to t1le IJre .Litht F- :Vater Co<n,i-iittee . Application of P. S.T. L.& P. Co.for use of two City poles on Pelly St .to serve light to residence of A. "I'T. Stuart read and referred to Fire .Lic,<Dht & ' ,,t 'tater Co. .,!,ittee and St .Supt.with power to act . 3S Application of P. S.T.L.& P. Co .for permission to set three 35 ft .poles on Logan St .to serve S.& H.V.gravel pit read and referr- ed to Fire,Light & 'dater Committee and St .Supt, with power to act . Report of finance Committee. Mayor & louncil ; Te,your "ommittee on Firance have examined and recomend payment of the following bi111; ; E.A. Shearer,Mtl.& labor 16.27 City Transfer Co,cartage 3.53 0.N. Cochran. ,tinting &. varnishingmmComf. Sta.36 .00 Richmond Paper Co.paper,Comf. Sta. 13.15 A. C.Tilson.Mgr.gravel for streets, 4.20 A.Hambach Co.hydrant cap . .47 Denny Renton C.&. C.Co,brick for St .repair 8.25 . wm.Kane, supplies & labor, 4.64 Signed,R. _':. James ,Thos.Raymond,T. J.Leathley,Committee . Moved a.nd seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried. Ordinance ho .439 relating to handling and sale of junk read first time and referred to Ordinance Committee . Councilman Raymond,Chairm an of Ordinance Committee makes verbal report recomending that said ordinance No.439 be taken up and passed to second reading; and adopted. gloved and seconded report be received and recomendation carried out. Carried. Ordinance ho.439 taken up for second revding,read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole . The attention of the Council being called to the fact that there is no penalty clause in the above ordina.nce,motion was made and sec- onded that motion to adopt be reconsidered and penalty clause inser- ted. Carried. Said clause having been inserted, same being rection 10, motion was made and seconded section 10 be adopted as read. Moved and seconded section 11 be adopted as read. Carried. moved and seco- nded ordinance as a whole be adopted . Poll Vote ; 'All Councilmen pres- ent voting Aye . Carried. Remarks were mide by representative of Pistoresi Fros.relative to barn which had been ordered closed . lifter discussing said matter motion was made and seconded that they be Given one week to abate said nuisance and put same in sanitary condition,and if not satisfac- tory at the expiration of said time said barn to be closed. Carried . Representative of Phone Co,addresses the Council relative to joint ownership of poles in the City of Fenton. moved and seconded ?COBG 39 said matter be referred to the Fire ,Light R; ,ater Co.and St .Supt . and that they interview City of Seattle relative to working; of sane . Carried. Attention of Council is called to bad condition of crossing at mine dump over which coal from ;nine is hauled, 1s1oved and seconded same be referred to St.& Alley Committee & St .Supt .to take up with Supt .of mine, said crossing being outside of the City limits . Carried.. Councilman 1Vlonohon addressed the Council on the matter of secur- � ing water right for the installation of lighting plant .After some dis- cussion on above :natter motion was grade and seconded that Engineer investipa.te conditInns,cost and practicability of said proposition. Carried. There being no further business befofe the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk.. Penton, ylarch 6th, 1917. mow Regular session of the City council called to order by IIayor I Tonkin. Poll Fall ; Present `'ouncilmen Leathley,Faul1 ,James,Owens, and Ij ila.ymond; City Engr.Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved ; Petition for water service,Lot 2,Block 5, Sartorisville ,by O.B. Woolley read and granted. Petition ,)resented signed by majority of property owners along ;ells St .between 4th,and 6th,Avenues,a.sking that said street be paved was read. P'oved and seconded same be received and filed and referred to the City Engineer for investigation and report . Carried. Report of Finance Cor�nittee; Ie ,your Co .mittee on mance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Ed.L. Terry, geattle for water and testing, meter 46. 72 Pacific Tel .&. Tel .Co.phone & L. n. calls 2.80 Mc Pherson Yros , supnlies 7.35 City Transfer Co .cartage 2.50 Penton "'a.gon "-orks,repairir.g 3.50 Jos.Fdwards ,fumi�;ating 2.50 Library ,4aintena.nce 132..08 Labor pay roll ,`?ts.& Tater, 144.05 Signed,R.H. James,Tho s. Raymond,T. J.Leathley,Comimittee . i'Ioved and seconded report be recei_ved,filed and all bills O.K.d, be paid . Carried. 40 Councilman Leathley,Chairman Fire ,Lig ht & Fater. Cor mittee ;Makes verbal report recomending that gasoline tank petitioned for by P. S.T.L.& P. Co.be installed in compliance with Gity Ordinances. Moved and seconded report be received and recomendation be carried out. Carried . Engineer reports on interview with Seattle Officials relative to joint ownership of light & power poles to the effect that same works very sa.tisfa.ctor*ly in Seattle . Coi ittee on said question asks for and is granted one more week in which to bring in report. Report of Police Judge for month of Feby.read and filed . City ''pater Supt .reports there are one or two houses using `>eattle water which might be connected with Renton system and reco- mends that same be done. zoved and seconded report be received and filed and referred to the Fire,Light &. Oa.ter Committee for investig- ation . Caryied. City Nngr.makes verbal report to the effect that forth pier of Williams St .bridge is in bad condition. "oved and seconded matter be referred to the Street & Alley Uommittee . Carried . 'Where being no further business before the Council motion :rade to adjourn . Clerk. 9COBC41 R ent on,lea rch 13th, 1917. Regular session of the Council called to order by the Mlayor. boll Call ; Present Councilmen Leathley,Monohon,James and Raymond, �, - City Attorney,Enginee,r and Clerk. Minutes of ]q.st session read and approved. Petition of Mayner & Burrows asking; permission to :Hove gasoline tank about 50 ' east from .present loc^tion read and referred. to the Fire,Light, & 'Nater Co f.mittee with power to act . Fire ,Light & Vater Co_iimittee report on Highland Add .water system and recomend.ing certain ciaan-;es,also report in matter of joint ownership of light & power poles, wa.s read. T,4oved and seconded report be received, filed and recorend tions carried out . Carried. Coiamurication from Park Board asking that portion of funds for Park purposes be spent on tennis court at high school grounds was read and referred to City Attorney for investiUation as to leg- ality of same . Monthly reports of Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. In matter of report of City Lngineer on petition for paving of ^=ells St .4th,Ave .to 6th,Ave . one more week was asked and granted. Guy McPherson adc].re uses the Council in _iiatter of ;.:roposed tennis Court at high school,whereupon -al or Tonkin appoints himxxx I to act in conjunction with the City Attorney in said matter. i There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. 42 Renton,'an. :,:arch 20th, 1917. i 1•egular session of the Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll call; Present Councilmen Monoghon,Leathley,Faull ,Cake, Owens and Raymond; City Attorne-y and Clerk . Minutes of 1•ast session read and approved. Report of Finance Committee; `! e,your I-of::;:ittee on rinance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Pacific Coast Coal Co.briquetts 5. 15 ".& L. E.Gurley.Engr.Supplies 2 .92 J. S. Hardie, supplies 3.75 Labor pay roll , Sts .':'pater & Garbage 120.10 3igned,T.J.Leathley,Thos .Raymond,Lee = onoEhon,Co.i..rmittee . 14oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d, be paid. Carried. Report of amity ngr.on proposed paving of Fells St .4th, to 6th, to the effect that petition as presented has been checked up and found to be correct ,and giving esti«.ate of assessr;ent per lot ,and assessed valuation of district read. Moved and seconded said re port be referred back to EnEr.for outline of district and estimate esti.nate to be. compiled by said Engr. Car_ ied . Under miscel.I-a.neous head the )roposition of using Park funds for establishing tennis courts on school grounds was discussed but no final action taken. Platter of purchasinE, additional ground from 'Sartori estate adjoing -present park was dis.ou.ssed,and motion made and seconded that Street & Alley ` o.niLittee and Park Board. take up ;:.atter at once and get prices on sane. Carried. T.J. Richmond addresses the Council in matter of securing water for ball grounds at nigh achool ,asking that City extend line to the grounds and furnish necessary water,or that credit be extended to ball club until such ti-rie as they are able to pay for said ,vork. referred Moved and seconded that request that City extend line be grxxiffd to Fire,Li ht & '!ater Cozi,-.iittee and. School 13oard with power to axdx21kXXXitkxfxry,iskxkkaxPYIRK XR]KdXXRXMr*.lea±Ix J.IXJKXkMxxtantLexpan- act ,the City to furnish the necessary pine and free evater. Carried. x�xxixixxisciiixgxsxm� xaxxxia€��x There being no further business before the ''ouncil rnotion made to adjourn. Clerr k. 20BC 43 Renton.March 27th, 191 7. Council met in regular session,iviayor Tonkin presidin�� . Roll Call; Present Councilmen Ia"onohon,Leathley,F'aull,Cake, Owens,Jarnes and Faymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last meeting; read and approved. Application for pool table and soft drink license, for building formerly known as Cottage Ba.r,by Thos.Jenkins,was read and referred to the License Co -r,ittee,privelege beim; granted to run said pls=_ce pending report of said Committee. Report ort of Vinrance Committee . 'Ne ,your �,oirrrriittee on Finance have examined and recornend payment of the following bills; Jessie Storey, .M. P. O.box rent 1 .00 P. S. T.L.& P. Co .light 155.90 City' Transfer Co.carta_�;e 2.2.5 Signed,R. H. James,Thos .Raymond,T.J.Leathley,Co�arnittee . Ploved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d, be paid.Carried. Report of Fire ,Light & 't%'a.ter Co�ur:ittee . `7,re,your Committee on Fire ,Light ��. '011'ater beg leave, to report as follows; That the request of the Renton Baseball Club for pipe for fountain on baseball ground be granted . Signed,T. J. Leathley,John F'aull ,Thos .F:aymond,Co .imittee . Ivioved and seconded report be received.,filed and recornenda.tion be carried out . Carried.. Pcport of Park Board and St .&: Alley (�o!;!mittee was read as foll- ows; March ,22nd,191 1. Special ncetinE of the Park Board of the City of Renton,meeting jointly with the Street �.- Alley �,orftmittee of the City Council of the LJ City of Renton,called to order by John "aull ,Chairroan of the Uomm.- ittee on Sts.&. Alleysra.t .8,�'. '' . in the Council Chamber. Present; John Fa.ull,Lee Mlonohon,and John Owens of the St .& Alley Uo.rrrr,ittee ,and .= . Duff,A.Pv.Fairchild and. '`'.B. Satterthwai to of the Park Board Ivioved and secondee: that City Clerk Grant Bp tes be requested to appear before the City Council at .its next reLular meeting; to explain financial condition of the City to the City Council . Motion carried. 44 Motion made by A.N.Fairchild ,in order to test judgement of Committee relative to valuation of property, seconded by Duff,that joint Com- mittee recomiend that tile City Council offer the Sartori estate the sum of 8500 .for all land bounced by River Avenue,Pacifie Coast IT Ry.ric=ht-of-way anca 7aterw.&y dom:l,iccion ribht-of-waj . DZoved by Mr.Satterthwaite seconded by Owens that above not- ion be amended so that amount offered be inade :;'7500. 11011 Call; Vote as follows; Ayes,B'airchild ,Owens ,Faull ,nuff and Satterthwaite. No.Tionohon. Original motion as amended ca °ried by roll call vote as foll- ows . Ayes,Fairchile,Owens,l'aull ,Duff and Satterthwaite , No.iAono- hon. Moved by Owens seconded by l4ionohon that coi_inittee recoiriend to Council that funds for purchasEng park site be raised by sale of 20 year serial bonds. i,.oti,)n carried by unanimous vote . ?coved by Monohon seconded by Owens that secretary be author- ized to copy minutes of this me'etin� and present said copy to City Council as a report of this meeting. Motion carried. iIvloved and seconded aieetinE-; adjourn. Carried. iF`.B. Satterthwaite,Sec .of Park Board. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomends.tion relating to offer of `;'7500.for proposed Park site be carried out , and City Clerk be directed to present said offer. Carried. Mayor Tonkin states that City Engineer has _given up his posit- ion and left town,a.nd by consent of Council wishes to declare the office vacant . !Motion made and seconded that office of City Ener. be declared vacant . Carried. All Councilmen voting Aye . ;:9 r,.F. "'. Harris being present is asked to state to the Council his �.roposition relative to the acceptance of position of City Fngr.which was made as follows . There not being sufficient work to take up all of the time of an Engr.l'v'Lr.Harris agrees to accept the position on a per dium basis at ""7.00 per da_y, 10 days per month guprranteed,mi.niinurn,total amount of salary not to exceed amount appropriated in the budget . Iaoved and seconded that Chi�:f of Police resume the duties of Street & '�iater Supt. Carried. l-. yor Tonkin a >points IvIr.D'.If. Harris as City '1-nL.r. ll.ioved and seconded aT--pointment be confirmed . Carried. All Councilmen voting , 49COBC Aye. Compensation of Engr.to be as above stated in proposition of Mr.Harri s. P,-oved and seconded that Chief of Police be all,-)wed xsxixxxsasg xsxsxIxKyxxi ten dollars per month as compensation for services as street ?,- water Supt . Carried . All Councilmen voting Aye . V There beinb-; no further business before the Council motion aide to adjourn. U Clerk. Renton,April 3rd,1937. Council met in regular session,Mayor Tonkin presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Monohon,Leathle.y,Cake,JarAes,Owens and Raymond.; City Attorney,Lngineer and Clerk. N7inutes of last meeting read and approved. a ' Application for water service,Lot 25,31ock 19,1"arm rla.t,by iwary ,wi ft,read and granted. Application for permission to construct drive way over curb on "cella '4"alla Ave .at rear of his store buildin8 ,wa.s made by J. S. Covey. loved and seconded sa cie be granted under supe rvi sion of Street Sunt . Carried.. Mayor Tonkin addresses the Council in matter of original Town owners Plat to the effect that property/on south side., of dValla °Valla Ave . are not getting full amount of property called for by their deeds. After discussion motion was made and seconded matter be referred. to City Lngineer and. City Attorney for investigation and report at next m(-.eting. Carried. Re.-)ort of finance o:,i iittee; 4e,your "orimittee on 1`ina.nce have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; �ibr ry 11•aintenance 93.85 Thos.Dobson,Treas,L. I . D.Assmts,City Prop. and postage ,etc 46 .97 T.dcPherson Bros,supplies, 12.19 Trick & Murra.ymwater Rect,books 98.00 Fd.L.Terry, Seattle for water 37.80 Labor 'ay Loll ; Sts.`Water,gP.rba,e,e.tc . 61 .00 signed R. H. Jame, s,Thos.Raymond,T. J. Leathley,Co.-.r!iittee . Mloved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills 0.K-d ,be paid .Carried. Report of Police & License Committee . ','e,your Col i,rjittee to whom 46 was referrwd application of Thos .Jenkins,beg leave to report as follows; That we recomend that a license for pool room and soft Jrink parlor be granted. igned B. F.Cake ,J.B. Owens,Lee "onohon,Committee . Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendation be carr- ied out. Carried . Report of water :)upt .on investigation of water service in High- land Add.and r©comending that water be turned into the pipes which were cut off,to prevent same from rotting,was read. 1vioved and sec- onded rPnort be received and filed,and recomenda.tion be carried out, and that valves be put in as required and water 8upt .be authorized to take necessary steps to locate leaks on said system. Carried. Report of Police Judge for month of ?,larch read and filed. Report of City .Engr. To the hanorable '�ia.yor and City Council ,City of Renton. Sirs ; In co nlia.r,c® with the provisions of Zec . 2 of Ord .1No .274,the undersigned respectfully reports; I have examined the petition for the improvement of ,"fells Street ,from 4th,Avenue south to the south line of Flocks 17 and 18,ar.d find the facts set forth to .be true . Therefore the -sayer of the petitioners should be granted. The district is composed of lots 1 to 10, inclusive, in B1k.16, .lots 1 to 101inc . in B1k. 17,lots 11 to 20, inc .in B1k .18,and lots .11 to 20, irnc,in 31k. 19,all in the plat of the Town of Renton. The estimated amount of cost to be assessnCt against each of they above lots is 1190.001makinL tie total estimate for the entire imp- rovement `u7,600 . The a4regateil assessed valua.ti -)n for the purposes of general taxation on all the property within the district is X11,920. R.,sDectfully submitted, F. Harris,City Ln-r. 1�4ioved and seconded report be. received and filed. Carried . oved and seconded further action be laid over. for one wt:ek and the property owners be notified of the increase in cost of said improve- ment ,also the change in number of .installments in payment therefor. Carried. Liquor reports of the several drug stores were read . i-'oved and seconded same be referred to the License Coimittee . Councilman Cakeg Chairman of said. Committee makes verbal report recomendinE that reports be received and filed. TAoved and seconded report be accepted and recomendation be carried out . Carried. Motion made to adjourn . � � f 908C ` Renton,April 10th,1917. Regular session of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen "flonohon,Leathley,F'aull , Cake,Owens,James and Raymond; City Attorney,hngineer and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved . ..� Application of Pacific Tel.& T( 1.Co. for permission to set three 30 ' poles in alley between 4th,Ave .N.and Marion st .read and referred to Fire,Lipht & Water Committee and St .Supt .with power to act . Report of Finance Committee; d'Ve , your �-omtriittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment -)f the following bills; Jos.Fdward.s,killing impounded dogs, 7.00 R."ood,cernent f- lime 5.96 F.A. Shearer, labor & repairing 23.34 Preibe Bros ,repairing tools 1.95 Renton Lbr.Co.lumber 40. 73 Pacific Tel.& Tel .Co.phone L.D. calls 2.40 Signed R. '. James,Thos . Raymond,T. J.Leathley, Co:nmittee. oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K..d,be paid . Carried. Reportsof City Clerk and of City Treasurer for month of March were read and filed. City Engineer Harris reports on :natter of property lines on 4th, Ave.in relation to :Block 20 and Tract A,and recomends that the amount of ground short in these. fractions be made up by a narrowing of 4th, Ave .between V-4ells and 'e`alla ','�alla.i,ioved and seconded report be rece- ived and be referred to St...& Alley Co !im.ittee and City Attorney for investigation and report at next meeting. Carried. City Attorney baby makes report relative to the above matter of Block 20,and Tract A also states that City 71arrants will be readily taken at 7;' interest ,also states that further data is requested by Senator Pbindexter in Black River :matter and sufg,ests that sane be referred to a cofn,-ciittee and the City Engineer. k Relative to matter of City "arrants,motion made and seconded that v all General udn warrants hereafter issued shall bear interest at not more than 7 1. Carried. In matter of Mack River,moved and seconded same be referred to St .& Alley Committee and City Lngr.with power to act . Carried. Paul '".Houser states to the Council that the Menton volunteer "drill team will parade on Thursday evening in connection with the exercises and lecture at High Sclliool ,and asks that the Council take 48 take part in said parade . Moved and seconded that the Council as a body accept invitation and participate in said parade . Carried. Councilman Cake, speaking on the subject of Patriotism makes motion that a flag be purchased for Council Chambers,also for Comf- ort Stat.i.on,and that suitable pole be set %xdxfixgxon Library grounds and flag flag be purchased for same ,and that . Ways & IJTeans Committee be given power to act in the matter. Motion being duly seconded same was carried by unanimous vote of tile. Council. Corrimunication from Dr.Sartori relative to proposed purchase of Park site read .Nloved and seconded matter be referred back to the orig- inal Committee for reconsideration of previous offer. Carried. Communication from bonding Company in reference to bond of Chief of Police read . and discussed. Miotion made and .seconded .that ordinance be amended to include bonding of .nib ht marshal,and that City Attorney investigate relative to the securing of said bonds. Carried. In the matter of proposed paving af' Fells St ,4th,Ave.to south line of Lot 10,Block 1.7,and Lot 17. ,Block 18,City =ngr.reports that all barties have been notified of the increase.d .estimgte of cost ,and change in number of installments in payment for same ,and were reques- ted to report any objections to said changes before the meeting,and that no such ob jestions have been +resented. 11oved and seconded that Council proceed to inagurate said improvement. Carried. roved and seconded Engr. proceed with making of estimate for improvement of certain ,streets on hill.. Carried. Councilman Cake takes up matter of conviction of R.M.Walker of "alkers Pharmacy,of selling liquor unlawfully,and makes motion,which was regularly seconded,that it is the intention. of the Council to revoke said Pharmacy license,axk xxxxxxMxx and instructs Clerk to cite r:`r.V.'alker to appear before the, Council at the next meeting and show cause why his license should not be revoked. There being no further business before t'.e Council motion made to adjourn. - _ C l e rk..�— ?eOBC 49 Renton,April 17th, 191.7: Regular session of the Council called to order by the Mayor. .loll Call ; Present Councilmen Mohohon,Leathley,i'au11. , Cake ,Owens,James and Raymond; City Attorney,-ngineer and Clerk. woo 'linutes of last session read and approved; Communication from Comrriissioner of Agriculture giving outline of City and Town orCinizations on war time food situation was read. payor Tonkin states that the organization has already been perfected in the City of Renton and urges all Citizens to co-operate in the work,and states that the County and State are looking to Renton to t -ke the lead in this matter and set the pace for other Towns to follow. Report of i ina.nce �Ioriiaittee; i'Ve,your Corrimitt: e on i''inance have examined and recomiend payment of the following, bills; E.E.Duff, Police Judge fees 6 .50 Bert r:rtayner,witness fees 2.20 Labor pay roll ,at .ec 'J'7ater Depts . 67.45 Signed,R.F. James,Thos .Raymond,J. Leathley,CI_-.:_rii t l,,-- . Y°oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K..d,be paid. Carried. Report of joint Committee on Streets ee Alleys and mark Board on matter of purchase of additional Jround for Park,and recommending that an offer of `;'81500.be made to the `?artori estate for that portion of the. artori estate now under considera.tion,for park purposes . ':',oved and seconded report be received and filed and reconiendatfon be carried out. Carried. City Attorney Gaby addresses the Council relative to bonds of Police Officers, sta.ting that he has prepared an ordinance to cover same and recomends that the said ordinande be passed. 'loved and sec- onded that' report be accented and. recomendati ,)n be cari,ied out . Carried. ;;loved and seconded that temporary flags be purchased and placed ..r - at City hall ,Comfort Station and Library Until such ti.tie as suitable flags can be secured . Carried . In matter of poles for flags,and size of flags to' be purchased, motion was made and - econded th t same be left to the discretion of I the Purchasing Agent . Carried . City Engineer makes verbal report relative to Town survey and recomends that replat of the Town as now surveyed be filed with the County Auditor. After some discussion motion was made and seconded 50 that recomend. tion of n ;r.relative to replat and narrowing of 4th, Ave .be carried out . After some argument the above motion was withdrKX raven and motion made and seconded that Council as a body, City Atty. and Engineer look over the situation and report at next meeting . Carried. Ordinance ilo.440 relating to bonding of Police Officers read first time and referred to Ordinance Co:iimittee. Councilman Raymond, Chairman of said Committee makes verbal report recomending tila.t the said ordinance be passed to second reading and adopted . ?!loved and cseconded report be accepted and recomendation be carried out . Ordinance No.440 taken up for second reading,read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole . Under head of unfinished business the question of revocation of drug store and pharmacy license of the IgValker Pharmacy w,s disc- ussed. Geo.Friend, �ouncil for Nlr.Walker,introduces ktty K_leiber, associate Council. iri the case,who addresses the Council in behalf of l%r.! alker. After considerable discussion by Attorneys and memb- ers of the (,ouncil motion was made and seconded that matter be ldtid on table until final action of the courts.Poll vote on said motion was as follows. No,Tilonohon,Cake and James . Aye I,eathley,Faull , Owens and Raymond . 14otion Carried. Motion was made and seconded that Attorney Caby be empowered to employ assistant council in the above case which is now pending. Carried . Resolution I�o. 211 fixing date of hea.rin�, on proposed improve- ment of Wells St .from 4th,Ave .to Soutn line of Lot 10,Blk 17,and lot 11 ,Block 18,was read. . Mloved and seconded -,,-me be referred to the ordinance Committee.Chairman of Ord.Comaiittee makes verbal rep- ort recomending that said resolution be pa�7,sed to second reading and adopted. Moved and : econded report be accepted and recomend::)tion be carried out. Carried . Resolution 1�o.211 taken up for second read- ing, read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole. Poll Vote ; Ionohon,Leathley,F'aull, James,6wens and H'aym- ' and voting; Aye .Councilman Cake asking; to be excused during the vote . Moved and seconded that Street Supt .be authorized to put necessary gravel on 6th,Ave.between Burnet'L and Smithers streets to put same in good condition. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. __ _ C1_erk.— 2eOBC 51 Renton,Apri1 24th, 1917. F.Cular session of the Council called to order by the 'vlayor. Roll Call ; Present "ouncilmen N[onohon,Leathley,Faull , Cake,Owens, James and Raymond; City Attorney,Lngineer and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Petition signed by Ceo.Hancock,Tim O 'Lea.ry and Thos .Faull asking that the Council. allow an increase in wages off 20 ; was read and referred to the ,rays &; Means Committee . Protest presented by Mrs .Kate Schneider against noise and un- sanitary conditions of the Pistoresi barn at corner of 5th,and Burnett read and referred to the Street & Alley �omnittee,the St . Supt .a_nd the health Officer. Moved and seconded regular order of business be suspended to hear from iJ;r. R. Sartori in matter of proposed purchase of Park cite . Mr. Sartori addresses the Council introducing Mr.Hesse ,Civil Lngr. and asks that ry°r.Hesse and the City Engr.N'r.Harris go over -)lat and compare figures as to area and prices . Said request being agreeable ..� to the Council the En4ineers retire to office of 14r.Harris and the f;egular order of business was aUain taken up. Report of finance "ommittee ; 1.1'e, Xxxxr your Committee on 'ma- nce have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Renton Drug Store, supplies,l�ire Dept. 3. 75 Fred Roschkot,mendigg City flag .50 P. S.T.L.& P. Co.l.Aght 135.90 County Treas.C.'i'. 1,V. tax, City property 5.09 Signed R. H. Jame$,Thos.Raymond,T. J.Leathley, Committee. Moved an6 seconded report be received,filed. and all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried. City Engr.Harris reports as follows ; �'-ayor & I-ouncil; Gentlemen, I`erewith a preliminary estimate of cost for grading woo and guttering following streets ; I Pill St .3rd,Avenue to 6th,Avenue,16 foot road,total cost of improve- ment "4500.or approximately �,75 .per lot . 3rd. n_venue,j'vill St .to Renton Ave.nue,24 foot road,total cost of improvement 1`;;1810. or .75 cts ,lin.front foot per lot . Renton Avenue,3rd,Ave .to Section ;St . ,16 foot road,total cost of improvement 1' 2030.or r75 .per acre tract . 52 Section St . Cedar St .to Pipe line . Cedar St to Renton Ave . ;;150 . Renton Ave .to Pipe line 4700 .or .50 ct.s .per lin .foot to lot owners . Yours truly, F. 'I .Harris,City Engineer. Moved and seconded report be received and referred to Street 8 Alley Co mmittee . Carried. Communication from Frank Davis relating to proposed action of the Council in adjusting property lines on 4th,ave .rea.d and f11 ed. Communication from Sec .of' State relative to collecting, licen- se fees on City owned auto vehicles read and filed. Engr.Hesse reports in ;natter of park site to the effect that if the property were laid off in lots of equal area to the �voolley and Fairchild lots recently purchased on Garden Ave .that said site would contain 13 lots ,which would be equivalent to 'w13,000.for said tract . After some discussion motion was madea nd seconded that matter be referred back to original Co,mimittee for further investigation. Carried. Attorneys Friend and Kleiber, in behalf of iv1r.talker, state to the Council that ivir.iTialker will plead guilty to violation of liqu- or law and pay fine,providing further action is suspended by the Council in matter of. revocation of license . This matter was disc- ussed at some l.ength. by the Attorneys,members of the Council and Judge Duff,and motion was made by ivionohon seconded by haymond that resolution citing 1�4r.'J'yalker to appear and show cause why his drug and pharmacy license should not be revoked be tabled. Poll vote; onohon,Leathley,I'au11, 0wens and Raymond voting Aye. Cake and James Pio . ivotion carried. There being no further business before the Council motion was made to adjourn.. 91 0BC 3 Renton,May lst,191-7. Regular session of the City Council. called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen,Vonohon,Leathley,Dl;,.ull,Owens,Jame.s and Raymond; City Attorney,"ng,ineer and ¢clerk. �N"irutes of last session read and approved. .� n�TTajority petition for improvement by grade and grsvel of 4th,Ave . I\Torth.,?'ill St .to City limit.s,east was read andreferred to t:_e City Engineer. r Petition presented by Ticknor & Boisseau asking for transfer of pool table license of H.Dobson was read and referred to the license committee ,applicants being given permission to run place until action by said Committee has been taken. Report of Finance Committee ; �e, your Committee on finance have examined and recomend payment -)f the following bills; F.'".Harris, suppli. es 2.83 Ed.L,.Terry,Seattle for Water 38.60 "'c Pherson Bros . supplies 10 .05 Davie Nichols ,impounding stock 1 .00 ILA Earlington Imp.Club,lights,3rd .Ave .W. . 20.40 F.IT. Harris,labor pmt .advanced N.G.1,7arnick 1 .50 Renton Bulletin.,City publications . 2.55 Trick & N'urray,Office supplies 3.76 City Transfer Co.cartage 2.50 E.A. She rerIMtl .& supplies 18.70 'Adm.Tonkin Co .tools 4.00 Labor p-ay roll, Stre(-�ts,�lvater,CTarbage,etcl49 .30 Signe-:d R. H. James,Thos .Raymond,T. J.Leathley, lioved and seconded report be received,filed and. all bills O.l;.d,be paid.. Carried. Report of Ways & Means Committee ; `19e,your on �4'ays & Means beg leave to report as follows ; Vie wish to recomend that the City employees asking for a 20 increase in waves at last meeting of the Council be granted same ,and that the Street & ':'Tater Supt .bei all- owed an increase of }710.00 per month. "'igned J.B.Owens,B.F. Cake,Lee ',''onohon, Committc-e . T!oved and. seconded report be received,filed and re,comenda.tions be carried out. Carried. Report of joint Committee,St .& Alleys,and Park Board was read. Potion in said report relative to proposed park purchase.. , " moved and seconded tli- t Council be advised that comr,ittee recomend.s that the offer of 6,8500 .for Sartori tract is a very liberal offer in view of previous condemnations and. recent sales,and that more should not be offered. Carried unanimously. " was discussed. by the Council. 54 Moved and seconded report be received and filed and recomend'tion be carried out,anc Clerk be instructed to transmit copy of said rmpox't ren_ ort to Mr.R. Sartori . Carried. Report of City Engineer on estimate of dredging of portion of Black River for sewerage purposes was read. i�Oloved and seconded same be referred back to Engr.and Attorney for further action. Carri ed. Health and sanitation ordinance presented by the Health officer was referred to the Ordnance Co_7imittee,Health officer and City Attorney, checking up before presentation for first reading. Chairman John F'aull. ,of Street & Alley Committee calls attent= ion of the Council to bad condition of 3rd.Ave .North between 'Rill s and Pelly Streets. Moved and seconded Street ;Supt.be authorized to have same put in good condition. Carried. Moved and seconded City Engineer and Attorney take up with property owners matter of adjusting fences to property lines in west half of Block- 19. Carried. There being no farther business before rouncil motion made to adjourn . 49(-,OBC . 5 Renton =vay 8th,1917. Council mit in regular cession,ijayor Tonkin presiding. Roll Call ; Present Council:Bien,'i,onohon,Leathley,Faull ,Jarnes and Raymond; City Attorney,Lrgineer and Clerk. Vinut'es -)f last session read and approved. Petition of Joe 'v'jalker for transfer of pool table license of the Fa.gle Soft Drink Parlor read and referred to tyle License Commi- ttee . Report of Finance Committee . We,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payorent of the following bills; Library 110aintenance, 82.53 Renton Drug Store ,Flags , supplies,etc . 22 .20 ., G. H.Beale Co .NTtl.e,, Labor 6 .15 7illiams & T.^cTKnight,,,tl . 2.00 "'n- .Rane setting flag poles, 8.00 Ka;lewa�-- Rrown,filing sairs .50 Pacific Coast ripe Co .water pipe 88.00 . pacific Coast Coal Co.coal 5.25 Pacific Tel .F,- Tel. Co.phone 1 .50 �'i fined Jarrie.s '7hos .�:a rriond J .Leatlile Com,,itt,ee, . oved and seconded report be rfceived.,filed and all Gil ' s O.K.d, f1.r be paid.Carried. report of olice Judge for month of April read and filed. 'eport of City Engineer on Black .River dredging and sewer auestion,giving, ertima.te therefor ,was read arid. filed. In matter of ":ells 8t .paving,it appearing that a number of the property owners ,who had -reviously signed t e. petition for said work, are now desirous of having same Laid over dr-til conditions become more settled,a.etion was deferrc�:d for one week,with the request by the Council that those of the property owners who have signed said petition and are now desirous of having same deferred,draw up and present to the Council a petition to tl:iat effect. Bond of Police Chief having b en approved by the City 1*,ttorney, r Motion was made and seconded t--at same be accepted. Carried . Peter Du7lahant states to the Council that 1,.e has an excavating contract on hill and offers to deliver to the City material. for filling portion of the south end of approach to 1,1ill St .bridge at .40 cts .per Cu.yd. ,' fter some discussion motion was made and seconded that said matter be referred to the Ctreet <° Alley Committee and the City Engineer,with power to act . Carried . There being no further business before the Council motion ;rade to ad j outer. Clerk. 56 Renton.Ma.y 15th,1917. Council met in regular session,'Nayor Tonkin pre-siding. Roll Call; Present CouncilriPn,'%Ionohon,Leathley,F'aull ,Owens , James and Raymond ; City Attorney,Lngineer and Clerk. Minuten of last regular meeting read end approved. Mayor Tonkin suspends regular order of business to hear fron Mr. P. Sartori in matter of park site . Mir.Sartori reads telegram from Dr. Sartori of Cal . st<sting that the heirs of the Sartori estate R± 'tween their former price and the price will Split the difference b offered by the City and accept �,10)000 . for the property under consideration. Petition presented by a number of the property owners on :youth :Fells St .whO had previously signed petition asking for pav- ing,asking that action be delayed until March,1918,was read. Moved and c,seconded same be received and filed and requcast granted. Carried. Report of r ina.nc e LIommitte:e ; 179,your Co timittee on r'inance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; P. S.T.L.& P. co.light 135 .90 Lee Monohon,labor,E'ngr.Dept. 3.00 R.71. Gilhaffi ,Agt.bond of Police Chief 5.00 Labor pay roll , S.ts .'kater,etc . 131 .30 ''igned R. H.James,Thos .Paymond,T. J.Leathley,Committee. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K•d,. be paid .Carr ied. Report of City Clerk,al>o report of T reasurer,for month ofbf April read and filed. City Engineer reports on the filling of the approaches to the "Ail l Ct.bri.dge,presenting offer of Ir.tv(urnerY.,' 3 .00"per day,f.or said work. After some discussion motion was made and seconded that the offer of iv1r.Mumery be accented. Carried. Matter of 4th,Ave .Nortr grade gravel improvement was dis- cussed,and motion was t!iade and seconded that petition be laid on table and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary resolution for the inauguration of said work. Carried. Communication from County Auditor,to City Clerk,asking tilat one parson in each voting precinct volunteer to act as reg- istration officer for the conscription re ;istration,and xx ?eOBC 5` thpt suitable places for said registration be secured, free of charge, warns read. The following per^ons offered to donate their services . Chas .i�,IcCowin,Thos.Dobson,H.D. Ioppini ,T?aniel Gaby,a.nd. Gr<art Bates, and said narties to secure places for registering. Cornimtunication from Attorney Rochester, representing v1'r:s .Ellen Jones,and bill for Doctors and nurses services,a:-s required for injury sustained by M rQ,Jones xkaxxa x by fallinE. on defective side- walk was read and referred to the ',11;ays & 14eans Committee. In the matter of Dark site and tlhe proposition of 1ir. Sart- ori ,motion 4 a- made -and seconded that same be referred to the original. park site coMmittee for report . Carried. Resolution No . 212 relating, to the designation yearly by the City Treasurer of certain bank as depository for City funds was read and on motion duly seconded,adopted as read. Resolution No.213 relating to the placing- of certain lake front property on the assessment roll of the City was read and adopted. Poll Vote ;all Councilmen present voting Aye. Clerk instructed to send copy of said resolution to county Assessor. Councilman Owens and Monohon,of the License Co umittee make verbal. report recomending that petition of 1v1r. Joe Walker for trans- fer of pool table licenRe of Thoa .Dobson be granted; .9oved and seconded report be accepted and recomendption be carried out . Carried. There being no further business before the council motion- made to adjourn. Clerk. r 58 Renton,lulay 22nd,1917. Regular sei--lion of the City Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen N11onohon,Leathley,Faul.1 ,Cake. Owens ,James and Raymond; City Attorney,Fngr.& Clerk. Vinutes of last session read and a_pnroved. Application for water service for Lot 1,Block 5,Sartorisville , by A.N.Fairchild read E.-nd granted. RPport of Finance Committee; !"e, your Co-uliiittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Renton Lbr.Co.lunber, 3.91 Ruth F?ush,typing health Ord. 7.50 Trick & Murray,del .assm 't , sheets 13.62 ITm.Kane Mtl .& labor 6 .00 :signed R. H. Jarries,T.J.Lea.thl.ey,Com;rriittee . Pvoved and seconded report be received,filed Rnd all bills O. K. d, be raid. Carried. Report of . Police & License Committee ; 'Ne, your Committee on Police and License beg lea,,-e to report as follows; That we recomend that license be granted to ''icknor & Boisseau for Soft Drink and Pool room. Signed B.F. Cake,.Lee Pv,onohon,Cocrimittee . P,!'oved and seconded report be received,fil.ed and recomendation be carried out . Carried. Minutes of the joint Park Committee were read to the effect that said Committee recomends that not more than 8500.be paid for the proposed park site. . ,loved and seconded that report be received and recomendation be "cortinlied with. Motion �_miended to the effect that Clerk write Vr. ^artori stating that if said price is not aCreeable that the City will proceed to condemn said site . Amendment carried. Above motion as amended was carried .All Uouncilmen votinE, Aye . Resolution_ Ivo.214 beim; resolution of intention to improve MiItx2kxW.4th,Ave .T\? from .ill St .east to City limits read and re- ferred to Ordinance Coiiimittee . Councilman Raymond, Chairman of Ordinance Goir:mittee ,ma.kes verbal report recomending that said resolution be passed to second read- ing, and adopted . Moved and seconded report be received and recogiend- a.tion be c5,rried out . Carried. 3?esol.ution 1Ao. 214 taken up for second reading,read and adopted 9CORC by sections and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as read . Poll vote ; All Gountil;Tlen voting Aye. Bond of Ni�,ht Mars .al was presented to the Council ame having been approved by t °e eity Attorney motion made ndseconded that the I said bond be accented . Carried. U04 Moved and seconded that Council take necessary action to initi- ate i:Tiprovement,by grade and gravel ,of 3rd ..Ave.east ,T"Iill )t .to pen- ton Avenue,all cost of sa.nle to be charged against abutting property, said improvement to include the lowering of sidewalks to gra.de,and that City Attorney be instructed to draw up resolution of intention. Motion carried . Councilman Cake brin` s before the Council matter of bad odor from gas nines in residences in the City,and states that he is advised on good authority that same is caused by the neglect of the Company in not keeping gains clean. 'vloved and seconded '''ayor appoint Committee to take up said matter with the Gas Co. Carried. i�,,ayor appoints on said Committee the "Nays & Means Cortnittee of the Council . r Junk waEon operator Who had been arrested and fined � 50. for operating without a license appeared before the Council asking for a rebate of a portion of the fine, Mating that he did not know of an ordinance requiring a license in the City of Renton . Also party who had four head of stock in pound slakes plea to the council to the effect that two of the stock belonged to a poor widow and asked that her portion of the fine be remitted .Matter of stock was discussed and motion made that one half of the pound fees be remitted. roll 'Note ,IvIonohon,Leathle y,i`aull James and r aymond voting Aye. Cake and Owens To. IMotion carried . .lotion was thenmade by Owens and duly seconded that one half of the fine of the Junk wagon operator be rercitted .Poll Vote ; Leathley, Faull ,Owens and Raymond voting Aye . Nonohon,Cake and Ja;nes,No. Ulotion carried . There being no furt -.er business before trie Council motion was made to adjourn. r Clerk. so Renton,rlIay 29th,1917. Regular Meeting of the Council called to order by the "Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Monohon,Lea.thley,Faull ,Cake,Ja.rnes and Raymond ; City T,ngr.Atty.Ar Clerk. Nfinutes of last sedsion read and approved. ;enort of Finance Co:riittee; '°Je, your CoKi�nittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Ben Atkinson,meals for jail .50 R.'k�ood ,hay for pound , 6 .65 Thos .Dobson,Treas, rebate of fine imposed on Junk "Talton driver 25.00 Bert Nfayner, storage of auto truck .50 E. E.Duff,Police Court fees 6 . 75 Labor pay roll , Sts .`"eater k Garbage, 147.03 Signed R. N. James,Thos .Raymond,T . J.Leathley,Committee . "loved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O .K.d,be na .i_d. Carried. Report of Police Judge for month of I.Iay was read. Moved and sec- onded same be laid over for one week. Carried. Motion made by Cake seconded by 01onohon that Junk Ordinance be amended to make minimum fine A25 .00. Carried. Report of City Attorney on matter of kdjustirient of Fourth Ave . and property abutting on the north,was read . i�iotion was made that City Engr.& Attorney appraise property affectedpand report at .next meeting. Carried . Communication from R. Sartori in matter of Park site and calling attertion of the Council to price Maid for present City Park triangle was read. Moved and seconded same be placed on file . Carried. Moved by I'vIonohon seconded by Leathley that Mayor appoint committee to draft resolution to present to Congress ,protesting against import- ation of Coolie labor. Carried . The j'ia.yor appoints on said Comertittee Councilmen '� onohon,Leathley and F a_ul l . Resolution No.215,being resolution of intention to improve 3rd. Ave .frorr! "'ill St .to Renton Ave.by grade,gravel and gutter was read and referred to the ordinance committee . J'- r.Chas.MIcCowin tenders his resignation as a member -)f the Libra- ry Board. Same accepted by the Council . I There being no further business before the Council motion ,made to adjourn. r k. 09COBC 61 Renton,May 31st, 1917. Special meeting of the City Council called to order by ",Tayor Tonkin. Present Col.zncilmen,11�onohon,Lea.thley,I'aull , Cal�e,Owens and James. Purpose of the meeting was stated by the Miayor, sane being consid- eration and passing of resolution to tie President and mef-,bers of Congress from the `=tate of "'ashington,protesting against the importat- ion of Coolie labor. `paid resolution was presented and read and on motion of Llonol�oni - seconded by Cake, was adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting Aye. There being no furt'_-Ier business before the Council motion xia_du to adjourn. Clerk. henton,June 12th,1917. Revular sess:i.on of the Council called to order by 'payor Tonkin . Roll Call ; Present Councilmen vonohon,ILepthley,I+aull ,Cake,James and Raymond; City Attorney, ,ngineer and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session and special session were reed and approved. Petition presented by E. E.Kirwin .for the N. P. Ry.Co.asking permi- s^ion to tap water main near eine dump was read and referred to the Fire ,Li�,ht, & '' at.er Comrrilttee with power inn to act . Report of Finance Co.nmittee ; ,Ile,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; City Transfer Co,cartege 5.25 F.A. cheerer.prepairing .75 Pacific Tel .c& T,�1 .Co.phone & L.D. calls 1 .80 Ed.L.Terry, Seattl.e for water 34.40 McPherson Bros . stpplies 5.30 F.'f.'.ITa rri s,Frt. .a-dvanc ed on donkey engine 37.00 E.T,4ummey,labor at 'Will St .Bridge & Frt . 370.00 Preibe Rros,repairing 8.95 G.H. Beale & Co .glass &- Ptg.signs 1.75 ••� O.K.Livery,cartage 12.25 Aimee I:anich,a.ssistin.g,Clerks Office 1.50 Danial Ctaby,expense ,filing papers 3.00 Thos .Dobson,Treas .Frt .on water pipe ,etc 5.60 R.A. Robertson, impounding stock 1 .00 Library Olaintenance 206 . 77 Labor pay roll, Sts.tater 8- Bridge 420.31 Signed R. H. James,`..nhos .Ray�Tiond,T. J.Leathley,Co:ninittee . IrJoved a.nd. seconded report be received,filed and all bills ``.K.d,be '� paid. Carried. 62 T!Toved and seconded wage scale for team work be fixed at `;;'7.00 per ctax. dad;'. Carried. Clerk reports no protests received against the ,,proposed imp- rovement of 4tb,Ave .N.from vlill St .to the City limits on the east, by grading and gravelling. 'Moved and seconded report be received and filed and. Attorney be instructed to draw ordinance for said improvement. Carried. Report of Clerk ,also Treasurer,for the month of Mla_y were read and filed. City Engineer reports on estimated cost of 4th,Ave .N.improvemen- t and assessed valuation of district . ilhioved and econded report be received and filed. Carried. petitioning Cha s ."gcCowin asks the Council to pass resolution Sit County Commissioners to connect 4th.Ave .to County road. N,oved and second- ed resolution be drawn as requested. Carried. .eport of Police Judge for month of May read a.nd fill d. Ordinance No.441 amriending ordinance I�o.439 relative to minim- um fine for collecting and handlinv junk without, a. license,was read first time and referred- to the Ordinance Committee . Councilman Raymond,Chai rman of ordinance Committee reports verbally on said ordinance recomending that same be passed to seco- nd reading and adopted. Mloved and seconded report be received and recomendation be carried out. Carried. Ordinance• No.441 taken up for second reading, read Land adopted by sections,and on motion duly seconded, was adopted as a whole as read. . Poll vote; all Councilmen present voting Aye. Under head of unfinished business 1r.R Sartori addresses the Council relative to proposed purchase of park s-ite , sta.ting that the Sartori Estate ,rathE�r than see the City stprI, condemnation, Proceedings will accept 9000.for said site,notwithstanding the fact that they consider said property worth more money. Councilman Cake° states that he considers the above offer very fair and just ,and as• there is only a difference of �500.between said offer and the offer made by the City, nakes notion that the offer of Mr. Sartori be accepted . Said motion bein- duly seconded, was put to vote by roll call ; all councilmen present voting Aye . Moved and seconded Clerk notify. Dr.Peach of the adjustment of property lines in west half of Block 19,and request that he instal ?eOBC 63 ItEev, ,3Ld'eo.alk in front of his property on 5th,eve. Carried. City ME-r.makes verbal report relative to running of lines on 4th.Ave.by request, of 141ayor Tonkin,and suggests that Council investig- ate before taking further action in the matter of establishment of permanent lines on said. street . Council agrees to visit said street on adjournment of Council meeting. Resolution 1lo.217 petitioning County Cor.missionerf-! to connect 4th,Ave .P? with County highway was read and on motion duly seconded was adopted as read . Resolution No.215 relating to and fixing date of hearing of protests against the proposed improvement of 3rd..,Lve .E.from "ti11 St . to 'E.enton Ave .by Er,-)de and gravel passed to second rending, read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded- was adon ted as a whole . Poll Vote ; all Councilmen present voting Airs. There, being no further business beforefhe Council motion made to adjourn . C,1erk, i r:en ton,June 14t h,1917. Speciol tpeeting of the City Council called to order by the P.,Iayor. Present Councilmen ,,onohon,Lea.t.hley,Fiull ,Owens, James and Ray- :Mond. wrayor Tonkin states purpose of the meeting', same being for the authorization of the payment of a small amount',as earnest money,to n,�r.F. rartori ,on purchase of park site . "otion was made by Monohon seconded by Leathley that the rum of `7'50.00 be paid to Mr; !7,,artori .for the purpose as a ;ove stated. Poll Vote; 1111 Councilmen present voting Aye . Clerk was instructed to draw said warrant and mail- same to ` !r. Sartori , with agreement dr2.r°rn in dt?plicate,relative to purchase of said nark Site . ri!otion rude to adjourn . - --- - ------City C 1 e rk, 4 Renton,June 19th, 1917. ouncil met in regular session,i-iayor `Donkin presiding. Roll- Call; Present Councilmien Ionohon,Vaull, Cake ,Owen. Ja<<:es and Rayinond; City Atto_rney,Lngr.ind Clerk. 7inutes of last regular session and special session read and approv- ed. City Attorney calls attention of the Council to the fact that the (.'ouncil had overlooked fixing; method of payment on improvement of 4th,Ave,N.at the last session. ti=otion was thereupon made and sec- onded that the minutes be corrected to read that payment for said improvement be by 5 year bonds,three installments . Said .notion carr- i.ed. Request of i'vr.3a.bcock for a license for Carnival Troune was discussed . Ticense Co:;Lmittee who had been previously interviewed on the matter makes verbal report recornending that a license be granted in the sum of :;;75.00. 'roved and seconded that report be_ accepted and recomendation be carried out. At this time petition was presented by R.M.Walke'r signed by a number of the business people of the City protesting against the ,ranting of the said license as above referr- ed to . The Council considered the petition as insufficient xn as it ;save no reason for or explanation as to why such license should not be Eranted,and further to the fact that City Ordinances now in force govern the rantinc of such licenses . Said petition was thereupon laid on the table. Question on the above motion. rill Councilmen present voting Ave . ,Motion carried grqntinE said license . Report of xinance Coriimittee; '�Ve ,your Co,nmittee on Finance have. examined and recortend Payment of t le following bills; Reil ivill Co. flag pole for Ljibrary 7.80 P• S.T.I .& P. Co.light 135.90 J. Jones,a.,sisting impounding stock 1 .00 Lowman & Hanford Co. sunolies,Envrs .office 2.25 F. E.Duff)labor,City park 15.75 L.A. Cline " " it 1.3.50 Signed, R.r_. Jame s,J.R. Owens ,Thos .Raymond, Comer i t teJ.e . Moved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills ^.h.d,be paid . Carried. City Engineer addresses the Council on lake front shore lands and annroximate value of lands it bed of Black River to which the "aterway Dist . rta.y make, claim. 'phis questi -�n was discussed at some length by City Attorrey,and members of the Council,and motion was made and seconded that City Tngr.confer with State Frgr.on the above matter. Carried . 7!oved and seconded City, Attorney be authorized to consult with Attorney France ,on shore lands question and aterway rights. Carried. Co�-Lfrnunications in reply to resolution of the Council against any charze in law regulating i...portation of Coolie labor were read from Represent.- Lives John F. :.iller,Albo.;rt Johnson,a.nd Lin .H.Hadley, and "enatorley T . Jones . laid co.miriunica.tions placed on file. In reference to purchase of n,,.rk Cite from tyre Sartori heirs motion was :made and seconded th,-..t i!ayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the neces ,ary contract for said purchase . Carried . Ordinance No.442 for the improvement of 4th.Ave .N. Mill St .to City limits on the east was read. and referred to the Ordinance Corim- itfee . Joe Rianchini addresses the Council relative to stock which had been i nounded,clai;rninC that sorr.e persons had wantonly opened gate and drove stock from nasture ,and. asking_ t_-iat pound fer`;s be re_ .itted. `w After discussing the matter motion wa.s ;rade and seconded that same be referred to Chief of Police for investigation a-nd .report at next meetirF;. Carried. Jlr.` . J.'.�lilliarns also reports th ,.t his stock had been reJ.^^.sed from sture by parties leaving gate open.. After questioning -`-r. " illia.Tis in the nl,�tfer .notion was rade and seconded that nound fees be, re,Atted with the understanding that Mr. '4-villia.ns keep the gate to said pasture locked in the future . Carried. There being no further business bnf-)rr, t,'re Council rn tion made to adjourn. -_. --_ Clerk. I 66 Renton,June 26th, 1917. Regular meeting of the City (Jouncil called to order by the i},11ayor. 'Fol! Call ; Present �,ouncil.men 1Mohohon,11'9u1l_ ,James and `ay- mond ; City Attorney,Engr.and Clerk . Minutes of last, session read and approvdd. Petition asking permission to trim tree at nark on account of same interfering, with wires of t o Co.was presented by P. S.T.L.Y, P.Co. i-oved and seconded permission be F-rr�nted unded supervision_ of the Street Supt. Carried . Report of l inance Co,n�riittec , TTe ,your on F'in,nce have examined and recomend payment of the following bills, Thos.Dobson ,Treas, v;edic2_1 Aid Ins . & F:xp.Ch`s, 4.31. 1:owrnan &. Hanford Co office sup_nlies, 3.00 Crane Co. supplies, 6�4a.ter Dept . Renton Edw. Co.tools & supplies 2.9.40 Halewnay & Brown, filing saw& 1 .90 J. S. Hardie , supplles ,' ater Dept . 7.25 Bradford ,Allison &. Fga.n,lst . ve .n .pavine case . 35.00 F.'17.Harris ,expense 3.35 Jesse torey, P. O.Box rent 1 .00 City Transfer Co,cartage , City Park . 75 Peter 'Dull a.hant,labor City Park 5.50 R. J. Pettie ,notices,Ileal.th Officers Dent. 2.00 SignPd,R. Ii. Ja_nes,Thos. Ra,yniond,Co.;,.rittee . oved :end seconded report be received,filed and all b�_lls O. '.d, be paid . Carried. Chief of Police reports on matter of stock of Joe Bianchini and motion wa.:; --made. cnd seconded. that a fine of :; 5 .00 be collected. Carried. City Engr.reports meeting with i`-aterwa:y Co-,I i^cioners in mat- tctr of waterway rights to bed of Black River and shore lands and that invnstigation is now und�-�r way. Co_.rirunic?tion from Senator Poindexterrela_tive to resolution pa^sed by the City on Subject of i: :norta.tlon of Coolie labor wa read. and filed . Ordinance 11o.442 relatint- to i :prove ie,nt of 4t h,Ave .N .ly:iIi St .to City limits on the east read and a.donted by sectiDns,and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as ret-,d. In connection with above ordinance City --n� r.calls attention to strip of land -reserved by Factory sites Co. west of C.P� P. S. right- of-way. ivioveO and seconded _`:nL;r.A "tty.t<ake- up rna.tter of securing right-of-way through said strip. Carried . Councilman la.ull States th .t trucks hauling, � ra.vel t',-- ough the City are damaging tl:e brick paving, Council r:-L;rees to investiLa.te conditions at adournme rt of meetin . Resolurion o.218 cal ing, special election for raising funds for purchase of park site was read and adopted . There beim;; no further business before t riP Council :notion made to <djourn. / _ caC 7 Renton, July 3rd,1917 . In the absence of the Mayor Council was called to orddr by the IMayor Pro-teir_,Mhos.Ra.ynond . Boll Call_ ; Present Councilriien r,1lonohon,F'aull ,James,Cake and Ray- mond ; City Attorney,Fngr.& Clerk. Minutes of last ses-ion were read and annroved. report of Finance Cornrnittee; We,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Library ','v=ainterance 89.81 Pacific Tel .& Tel. Co.phone Ps. I . >>. , s, 1 .90 Fd.L.Terry, Seattle for water 41 .35 Joe I'Vood,auto hire 3.00 City Transfer Co.cartage 2.50 McPherson Pro sum)lies 9 .97 F. F.nuff,police Judge fees 2.00 Pay .roll, Sts.','ater F,- garbaEe 332.91 Signed, Jafres,Thos .Ra.yGrior.d,ConiTiittee . ikToved and seconded report be recei_ved, fil ed and a.11bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried. 7eport of Police Judwe for month of June read and f i7 ed. ® Clerk reports no protests received against tne, proposed improv- ement of 3rd.Ive .East,Tv"il. l St .to Lenton Ave .by grade, ravel and gutt- er. Foved and seconded report be received, fi.1ed and Attorney be inst- ructed to draft ordi.nanee for said work. Carried. ?lotion was made and seconded. that Mode of payment on above work be by bonds,5 years ,three installments. Carried. Fnginer�rs report of estimated cost of said improvement and district comprising same was read and filed. 'Moved and seconded. St .Supt repair Renton Ave .at corner of i-enton and 3rd. Carried. Councilman Faull makes verbal report on condition of brick na.ve- rtent ,relative to hauling bver same by gravel trucks. ,'emarks were inade by the Contractor doing said hauling and the Triatter was discussed by ...d the Council . Contractor offer„ to pay to City ; 100.a.s recompense for injury to street . Motion was made and, seconded that said hauling be permitted to continue under the supervision of the Street, Supt .the contractor agreeing to place sand over bad places in pavement to elim- inate further damage . Carried. Matter of amendin`; traffic ordinance relative to weio-ht of loads was di 3cussed and on motion duly seconded was _referred to the ordinan- I 68 c committee,Attorney, 'It .Supt .and. Fngr.for amending !:3a-id ordinance . i'otion. ,&,a> made a. nd seconded that 7,t .supt .pl.ace warr_i-gg signs cautioning sl.ow driving,akxalIx near a1_1 School buildings in the City. Carried. Mr.Howard,and several others a k permission for private fire- works di%pl.ay. After some discussion motion was made and seconded k that same be granted . Carried. mere being no ,further bu3iness before the .Council motion ma .e to adjourn. 6lerk. .y .enton,July 10th, 1917. "e`;ular seasi.on of the Council called to order by the Mlayor. Roll Call. ; Present Councilmen,^,,Tonohon,Faull ,Cake,Owens,James and Raymond ; City Lngr.Atty.(% Clefk. . r�iinutes of last session read and anproved .. NNW - t�[rs.Fasher, wife of junk man ai,nested for collecting junk without license addresses the Council.,asking that fine be remitted, stating i: norance of, ordir_ance requiring licerse,and other reasons. T"otion was made_a nd seconded that said matfer be referred to the Police �, License. Colii~nittee for investigation and report . Carried. report of Finance Committee; `ve ,your Committee on I` inance have examined and recomend payment of the following; bills; County Clerk,fi.ling reriittitur,lst .Ave .naving case 1 .00 E.F'.Betz, Sign boards, 2.00 F.W.Har.ris , supplies,.Engr,, Office 5.63 F. J. Pettie,printing notices,heal.th dent . 1.50 J. Hardie., supplies , 1.70 national Pieter Co.meter supplies. 6 .80 "igned JE. H. Jame s;, IT.R. Owens.Thos .Raymond.Committee . 1 oved and seconded report. be received,filed and v11 bills O.T1.d, be paid.. Car ,ied; City Attorney reports on matter of coming park election stating that KKidxR1RiKk±mxx polls for said election shall open at 8)A.W. instead. of 1 , r.T.T. and urging that circu.l r letter to be signed by all City officers'Mayo.r &, councilmen and lark Board,be printed and mail_ ed. to voters . "oved and seconded. that said letter be printed and mailed as requested . Carried. 'Mayor Tonkin appoints the following Inspectors and Judges Cor the Special park election to be held on July 14th. 1st , 'vVardl Inspector,J?N?r,?Tanker,Judges,ivlrs .Flrrier TwTcDonald ,l'rirs .Dullahant. 1st .Pct.Qnd .'�°Iard. Inspector,T. J.1!,,cKinley, Jud es,Jas.F'lynn,J. S• Hughes. 2nd.Pct .end,'card .In,pector,Thos . Olson,Judgres ,Fsther James .Nirs .Raymond. 3rd . "'ard, Inspector,Benj .Ticknor,Judges,D. C .,,,1itchel1,?7rs .I9ag ie Farner. O-+ °oved and seconded a.npointments as above be confirmed . Carried. Ordinarce No.443 .for i;nprove^ tint of 3rd.Ave.E. read and referred to Ord. Coun.mittee . 1,Toved and seconded IUla,yor be. authorized to delegate party or pa torties + to visit and explain. matters rel -, p to secial park election, the voters of the City. Carried. There being no further burines- before thf� Council motion made to adjourn. -...-171. rK. 70 Renton,July 17th, 1917 . Council met in regular. se: sion, 'Jlayor Tonkin presiding. boll Call ; Present Councilmen TTonohon,I'aull ,Cake,Owens,James and Raymond. ; City "ttorney,r-ngr.&. Clerk. .?,Iinutes of last session read and approved . Report of Finance I'omniittee; We,Your Committee on Finance have exa- mined and recoi-nend payment of the following bills; Fenj .Ticknor,Ins .Special Election 5.00 iaggie Harner,Judge " 5 .00 Lyda Trent " " 5.00 Thos.Olson, Ins, " 4.60 Esther James,Judge " 4.60 Bessie Raymond " " 4.60 T . J.','*cK_inley,Ins . " 5.00 J. S•Hughes,JudEe " 5. 00 Jas.Flynn, " " 5.00 J.Y.Manker,Ins . " 4 .80 Jemima McDonald. , Judge " 4.80 Ermfla, Dullahant, " ". 4.80 Renton Bulletin Sta.& Ptg,Gen.Fund 8 .75 t? it t? Nater Fund 5.95 +..A.She�rer, supplies , Park. 4.16 Tony, I-,'ianfreida,impounding stock 1.00 Norman Davis ,wood for donkey Eng. 48.50 Jesse Storey ,envelones for office 4.06 Lee '�lonphon,Labor,Ln-.r.Dept. 3.00 Ind. Ins.Com. �edical Aid fund, St.Dept . 2.74 Dept. .92 Thos.Dinning ,rent , special election 5 .00 Pay :oll ,Sts .& ',Fater, 145.23 Signed, R. H. Janie s,Tho s.Raymond, Comajittee . Moved and seconded report be reEeived,filed and all. b ills O.K.d, be paid. Carried. . , Report of I 'ays & 14eans Committee ; We,your Co:imittee on ',lays and 'M.eans beg, leave to report as follows; F9e have canvassed the vote of the Special I-lection,for or against purchase of 'De on July 14th, 1917 and find the following For purchase of pl.rk,351 Against purchase of park 15; Total vote cast 366 . signed J.'). ;wena,B.F. Cake ,Lee _, onc�l on, Co :, :ittee . Council took up as a body the canvass of the above lag vote by precincts and same being found correct .motion was made and seconded that report of 7.ayk " Meano Co-,� ittee be accepted and filed. Carried. Councilman Cake,chairman of 7olice & License Comnlittee ,rnahes verbal report in matter of case of junk man, `-Tr.Kasher,who asked at previous meeting for rebate of fine arse :,ed for collecting junk without first procuring a license , stating that statements as made by said junk man have b en found to be trr.e and in his opinion are worthy of consideration. Letter was also read from Plumbers Union relative to said 14r.Kasher' and asking that Council act leniently in dealing with said case. Motion was made andsecondedthat fine be reb,-;ted,less amount of actual cost in said case . -Carried . Communication was read from A. H. Cox P:. Coto tTie effect that City pump has been placed for sale at x''350. '+ oved and seconded communica- tion be filed. Carried. Ordinance No.443,for improvement of 3rd.Ave .F,.i4ill St .To Lenton Ave .taken up for second re^ding,repd and adopted by sections,and on motion duly seconded was adopted. as a whole . Pole ote ,all Councilmen present voting Aye. Proved and aeconded. that Clerk notify iVIr.t . ^artori of result of Spl "Lection for purchase of perk and ask that deed be prepared for said property. Carried. Tr.Jackowski addresses Council relative to pound fees charged for impounded stock,asking that portion of sane be rebated. After some discussion ,notion wa: :Made and seconded that charges stand. Carried. Mr. Peter Dullalia.nt,on behalf ofxkiYRk2R2 R.V.F.D.invites City Officials and families to attend Firernans picnic at Snocrualmie on .Sunday,July 29thp Moved and seconded invitation be accented. Carried C)COBC 1 Mlotion was ,rade and seconded that Council allow w50 . as portion of expense of said Firernans picnic . Caoried. There being no further business before tine Council motion was made to adjourn. Mod ..__�1 rk Renton, July 24th, 1917. In the absence of the `ayor,also the Mayor Pro-tem, Coun�c.i�el was c 17 ed to order by Councilman Faull,actin; Poll Call; Present Councilmen Yonohon)Faull , Cwens and James; City Attorney,Fngr.&c Clerk. i;"inutes of last session read and approved. City rngr.Harris reads letter from Pacific Coast Ry. Co.rel.ative to Crade crossing at 4th, .ve.North. Moved and <seconded same, be receiv- ed and filed. Carried. ' Report of Clerk,al so report of Treasurer for the month of dune were rer d and `filed. mow Communication from Chas . Patferson relative to the use of water from his meter for Fd .Cudahie road camp was read'. �=oved and seconded request be granted. Carried. Resolution No.2.19 to state land Co:,,missioner Savage relative to repla.t o°° snore lands and rights of the City of Renton vrn.s read . !,%:oved and seconded that said resolution be adopted as read and same be foryrarded to Co _,,;,,issioner Savage by the City Atty,and that the City ';n­r.be authorized to take up with the Commissioner matters i relative to ownership of bed of Black x.iver and shore lands . Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. -- C1erk, 72 July 31st ,1917. :regular sessi )n of the Council_ called to order by Thos.Raymond, Tlayor Pro-tem. 1`oil Call ; Present Councilmen ll-onohon,i'^u11,Cake ,James,Owens,and t'aymond; City Engr.AttY.and clerk. 1) inutes of last session read and a_�_,roved . Feport of Finance Committee ; '.`Ie, your Cooiittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; .F.Duff,police court fees and lal,or at park 11 .50 j L.A.Cline,la_bor at n^rk 1. 50 Sanmy rdnvard.s, impounding stock 1.00 Jesse C)torey, stationery for office .29 Fred Rochkot ,mending flag . 50 P. Co. light 135.90 Richmond paper Co. supplies, Comfort ">ta . . 75 F.1F7. Harris, supplies,En rs.office 1.91 I'.enton Fealty Co .rIent for election 5.00 W. C .D.Edwards, supplies 6 .95 City 'of 'Seattle,'Uater 51.05 .. nton r.dw.Co. sunnlies 11 .85 Haleway R• Brown , filing saws 1 .35 Crane Co. supplies 61.62 R.V.F. D. expense,picnic 50.00 Pay Roll, St s .'"later,etc . 153.42 Si -ned k t- Jaiiies Thos .Ra mond Committee . "roved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.F.d, be raid. Carried. Report of Police Jud&e for month of July read. :roved and sec- onded same be accepted and filed. Carried . Roved and seconded Clerk advertise for bids for 3rd .A.ve .F. street improvement . Carried. Copy of deed for park site purchase was presented and read. Moved and seconded same be referred to City Atty.and that clause be inserted in said deed giving the City the right to erect pub- lic buildings on said site ,and that Tiver Stas shown ,or, plat , be dedicated and opened for traffic . 'iv;otion. as above was amended by James to strike out of deed clause pertaining to permanent use Of S,­"10 property for park pup', o,.,es or!­. I`o `_SCC Yld to above a.mend- ;r.ent . ^?°iginal motion put to vote and carried. P"'oved and seconded Town Property Committee act with City Atty. in matter pertainir)g to above deed. Carried.. Complaint was made that, 7\1. 7. freiiSht trains are bloc"- 1 oc' ing, cro- ssirngs it of time limit fixed by ordinance,especially the crossing leading to mine . Mloved and seconded Clerk write said Co . calling a. .Lention to City '`rdinance . Carried. ''ayor reports on trip to ;`lympia and conference held,and reads resolution passed bysaid meeting. "atter of use of water by party living in cabin at mine dump without payment for same was discussed and referred to the r`ire, Light 'Fater Committee for investiSation and repart. There being no furtlger business before the m-;-eting motion was made to adjourn. Carries; . 2COBC 73 Renton,Au6.4tb, 191.7. Special meeting of the City Council called to order by the Mayor Pro-tem. Present Councilmen P-lonohon,Cake ,James and Owers ; City Attorney-, lncr.Fire Chief and Chief of Police . v Purpose of the meetin` to take action rer,arding the destruction of the Kennyd.ale trestle ,ap;-roximately 64 -bents,by fire. Fire Chief Joe ''good addresses the Council statinf: t,}gat said fire was started from engine on . P. Ry. Councilman "onobon moves that the Fire Chief be instructed to secure all evidence in connection with the destruction of the Kenny- dale trestle . Notion seconded. by Councilman Cake . I'lotion cari�ied . "11 evidence to be turned over to City Attorney. "otion to adjourn . acting Clerk. �. Renton,Aug.7th, 1917. Council met in re--lar session,'�,ayor pro-tem Raymond prediding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen 2vionohon,Faull ,Cake and Raymond. City ' ngr.Atty,And Clerk. ".'inutes of last regular session and special session were read and approved. Report of Finance Committee ; 1l11e, your Committee on Firance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Library maintenance 85.99 "m.Nlockwitz 1.00 F..1!,'ood,cement,lime and hay 5.65 Fenton Drug '"tore , supnlies Fire Dept . 20.20 G. u.Beale &. Co.painting signs 5.90 Pacific Tel .& Tel . Co .phone & L. D. calls 3.60 ^ cPherson Pros, -„051 -ies, 'Ta.ter De t . Z , E.A. `;hearer, supplies, " " 10. 22 Signed,Thos.Raymond,Lee IvIonohon,Gommittee . Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bilis O.K.d,be paid. Carried. Citv F,n�-,r.makes verbal report relative to 4th.Ave .North ;rade crossing,to theeffect that matter has been taken up with CO.EnErs . office but that no definate time for starting their part of the work has been fixed. Also reports letter from Public service Commission "74 to the effect that they have referred .natter of crossing to Pacific Coast F.y.Co. City Attorney makes verbal report relative to progress made in investigation of fire at Y'ernydale trestle. Feport of City Clerk,also report of Treasurer,for the month of July were read and filed. Resolution 0 .220 relating to manner of obt€�.ining funds for payment of nark wa.s read . iV7atter .was discussed at some length by the Council and Attorney,and on moti -)n,duly seconded was adopted as read . Poll Vote ; T�Ionohon,Faull and Raymond voting Aye . Cake voting Aye under protest . Councilman a','lonohon introduces plan for new bridge to cress river at '"ells St . ",lotion was made and seconded so-me be referred to the Street & Alley Coiiiiriittee for investigation. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion was made to gdjourn. r� IPORC Renton,Au . l4th, 1927. CoL_,�c i l called to order bil r,4ayor Pro-tem : aymond . moll call ; Present Councilmen "ior.ohon,r'«ull ,CPke,Owens ar?d James ; City Attorney,Ln.Lr.a.nd Clerk. "inutes of 1 _st . regular session read and approved . report of Finance 6or,,mittee; We, your '-'o:rmittee on 1,'inance have ex- aminees and recomend payment of the followinG bills; Thos .Dobson,Treas .cash advanced to Frank Carson for watchman on Kennydale trestle 3.00 J.Kashed, rebate ,fine fpr collectir.` junk without license 22.00 Jess C,torey,P.P:-I, stamped envelopes for office 16 .60 J."lougardy,watchman at Kennydale trestle 3.00 'elm.Vockuvitz, 1 . 50 i fined,Tho s.Raymond,J.B. Owens,Committee . �Y,oved and seconded report be received ,filed and al.1 bill s O. K.d., be paid. Carried. City Attorney addresses tho Council rolati.ve to matters pertain- ing to Kennydale trestle and park purchase. Rid for improvement, of 3rd.Ave .'!vill t .to T?enton Ave .by r. J.Bll- iott was opened and read. Amount of said bid ;;1149.85 . Said. amount beim; in excess of 10 over estimate of City RrZineer motion wr=as made and seconded that bid be rejected .and Clerk be instructed to re-advertize for bids for sgid work. "otion carried. Resolution Wo. 221 relating to method of payment and means of obtaining funds for payment for "Jartori, park site was r-ead. resolution was discussed by the Council,also t' e resolution,No. 220,passed at last session limiting the amount of warrants to be issued to the sum of ';.6,000. '14otion was made and seconded that the said esolution. No.220 be reconsidered. Carried . IMIotion was then made and seconded that said_ resolution be amended fixin amount of narra.nts at ;;7,000. PAoti -)n carried. "loved and seconded that resol- ution be adopted as amended. Carried. )",oved and seconded that Resolution l o.221 be adopted. as read . C<?.rried. There being; no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. "76 Renton,Aub.21st, 191 7. Regular session of, the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Cali ; Present Councilmen Tv1onohon,Fau11 , Cake ,Owens and Ray- rnond . ; City 1^Lttorney,Enbr.t- Clerk. r,:Tinutes of l,-st session read. and approved. Request of J.F. Iiayes to break sidewalk in front of their property on 7"ells "t .to install ventilators under bizildirE was "ranted under the supervision of the City En`rr. Fire Chief Joe 'Mood makes verbal report on findings in matter of fire at -Kennydale trestl.e ,also reports that nozzle has been stolen from hose cart near lumber yard in No.Fenton ,a.nd brass coupling cut from hose . i; otion was made and seconded that a reward of .`50.00 be offered for information leading to the a.rrr�st and conviction of any •narty or nasties destroying,taking. away,or injuring in any any fire ap•oaratus belonging to the City. Carried. Report of t�inance Committee ; ' e, =our Co -:'_,dttee on r'inance have examined and recomend Payment of the following bills ; 'Wm.Kane,office lights,etc . 7.25 Rc.77ood,cartage of hose,F'ire Dept. 4.00 Renton Lbr. Co.lumber, St .Dept.& Park 21.56 Fsther James,Assisting in. office, .75 Ind.Ir_s . Com.i'v-edica.l Aid,'''ate r Dept. . 75 n It if nit `A .Dept . . 73 Pay Roll , Sts.'"ater P- Garbage, 186.53 SigBed,Tho s.Raymond,Lee Alonohon, Cornmittee . .!,loved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills O.K.d ,be Paid . Carried. City Engr.asks leave of absence for period of three months on account of being called to f a.shington,D. C. for training camp. :,,loved and seconded reauest be wanted . Carried. Communication from Attorney of N. P. Ry.Co. in matter of rebuildinc Portion, of trestle destroyed by. fire was- read and referred to City Enr. City Engr.to confer with• N. P.Engrs. relative to difference in estimates for the filling of said trestle . !�!r.R.. -Sartori being present addresses the Council in natter of deed and assessments on park site . The deed was read,also dedication agreement for openinCD g of River Avenue . The above matters were discuss- ed by the Coincil,Cit� _attorney Knt,",%r. :"artori ,and the Mlayor,after which moti ,;n was made by Cake seconded by Faul.l that deed and dedicat- ion agreement be accented by the Council,provided that description of property,as set forth in said instruments, is found to be correct on 9COBC 7 examination of same by City Lngr. Motion Carried. DIatter of probable injury to ",'illiarns "'t .brid�Se by hitching of cable and blocks to piling was discussed and motion made and seconded that Chief of Police notify the Valley "and & Gravel Coto keep all cables,blocks,etc .clear of said. bridge . Moti -)n carried. D*x On su` e+stion of City Attorney Clerk was instructed to notify County Assessor of the purchase by the City of portion of 5artori ' s lst,"dd.for park purposes, so that same may be eliminated from tax rolls . , otion was made and seconded Clark write Public 'Service Commiss- ion in matter. of grade crossing,4th,Ave .North,and urge speedy action by said 17) ),,Iy to same . Carried. There being no fu rther business before the Council motion made to adjourd. City "lerk. Renton,Aug.2oth, 1917 . Council met in rec'�ular se.sgionlluayor Tonkin nresidin4; . Roll Call ; Present CouncilmenIIIonoh.�n,raul.l ,Owens ,James and Ray- mond; City _^ttorney,'�InE ineer and Clerk. ?r,inutes of last, session read and ap ,rov(;d . "ajority petition for local improvement, same beim; construction of sewer on '"i11s rt .3rd,to 5th,Avenues,was read and referred to City engineer for verification. :e port of finance Committee ; 'Ne , your Committee ori 'r finance have examined and recomend payment of the f oll.owing bill s; Dalton Adding 'vla.chine Co.cleanin.zj and adjusting machine 2.00 P. `3.T. L,� P, Co .l.i ]�ht 135.90 Berry Thomas,cartage ,75 Signed ,-'F,-.I;_. Jame s,Tho s .Raymond,Commit tee . .•� P,Toved and secs)nded report C,e received,filedand all bills O.K.d,be paid. Cartlied. City Ingr.reports as follows; +or. .:iayor & City Council ; sirs- Fegardi_ng the improve,iient of 3rd .n.ve ; Where ar- several fences and retaining; walls on 3rd.1>_ve . in. poor condition. I would -recome,,nd that the Contractor be rele'ived of any risk in connection gith these walls and fences when working on this job . The concrete retaining; wall in front of tr f° 17irkman property 78 P1a_y collapse at any time re ;-,rdl ess of t'-:® imnroverrient . Yours truly, F. . Tia.rrzs , City rn ;r. 1'oved and seconded report be re'ceived,filed and re>cornend^.tion b - carried out. Carried. Cotrmunication from Public Service Comiiission in lth. Ave .Y. rade `crossing read andfiled . Bids for iirioroveriient -�f 3rd .Ave:.i'.'il1 St .to rPnton Ave . w•ver(-t re-C-1. as follows ; 7R. J. h,lliott , 1 1179 .65 . F .T)riscoll , ;'1306 .30 . Bids were referre-d to City Fn-r.for vPrifica.tion,and on report of correctness of same motion was made and seconded that low bid be accepted and contrast be awarded. R"otion carried . Atty.7inder of the N. F. Py. Co.addrecses the Council in matter of enrl-dal.e trestle dama,�'Pd by' fire caused by sparks from locomotive , re L rating offer ir�ade by letter that t': e N. P. Co.would pay to the Citi, the sum of6,250. -providir the City would releive* the said I ` Co .from any further lia.bility,the City to make fill where said tt-est- . le was burned out,or if this offer was not aCreea.ble to the City the Co .woul.d rebuild t'ie trestle. ',Ir.Campbell beim' present and a re,F>a.r � to make said fill_ for the above price motion was made and seconded. I that offer of the NT. P. Co.be accepted and contract be awarded to r. i C�--.r-lpbell ,he to furnish rood 'and sufficient bond to cover said work. "atter of EnCirieerir.g expense was discussed,question be'inL as to whether cost of EnFineerin�; should be deducted from from above amount or assumed by the contractor, whereupon Atty."Tfinder agree-s to pay to the City an add tio.n.a.l 1i1()O.to cover Nn ;inearin expense . E IIotion was made and seconded that vote of thanks be. extended to Atty. '':'inder and the. N. P.Co. for their generosity and fairness in this matter. 1«1otion carried unanimously. Moved and seconded City Atty.drr.y necessary ordinance to cover above tr'ansacti -)n :With they P?. P. Co.and t',a.t an adjourred meetir • be held on " (-dnesday eveni-riz,,Aucy.29t , for passaLe of samA. Carried. City Atty.addresses the Council. in relation to conversation with -,ir.r. _)artori in matt4�r of a11cstract to property purchased by the City for public na.rk,to tire effect that 7r. 7artori has asked thct. • he be ^e rmit i_ed to retain tr-ie ,,bF;tr,a.ct 'iatt.er vas discusF>ed bi t -ie Council ,consensus of onirrion beinr� that the City should ret +in the a.bstract . 208C 7 P,att,rr of he' Cht -)f grxdm fillon Kennydale trestle improvement ,rias di scu. ,sed and mot on made' a.rcl 1� e.c ord ed that same be f fixed a.t cut off of pilin-7 now in pl?cea . Carried. Resolution Wo.222 fIxixg,estimate of budget . for 19183,and fixin.rry time and place of hea.ri.n,'_ ;m same,oras read . 11 (otion made and seconded that said . esolution be adopted as read. All Councilmen )re?sent voting There beim; no further bus�ne�s before they Council motion iii€"Je' to ?.d,'r'%4T .to 7:30 ,ednesday eveni - ----��- City "1 erk. enton,Auc.29th., 1917. Adjourned meetirE of the Council called to order by Vayor pro-tem Raymond ; Present Councilmen Ray mond ,'Ionohon,Fault ,Owens and James; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. The. purpose of the adjourned meeting as stated at regular session of AuE.28th,bein to consider and act on offer of p . P. l'y. Co.to nay to the City "6330. in full for dania ''e. caused to Kennydale trestle by fire, and ordinance relating to same having b(� n drfted same was read and referred to the Ordinance Co.r,mittee . Councilman James acting as Chair- man of sa.i.d Committee ,makes verbal report recomending that said ordi- nance be passed to second rea.dinc- and ado-oted.,Councilman Raymond also renorts favorable . Motion was- tboit' Vbon-!made �thatcre.port ,,ofr be accented -and re.comendati.on be carried out . I'Jotion carried. Ordinance No.444, same beim ordinance above referred to,was taken un f )r second rp.a.din�-, read and adopted by sections,and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole- as read. A1.1_. Councilm.rn -1')resent voting Aye. Other matters were discussed informal' y after which moti n ;Vas J made to adjourn. - City Clerk. 84 Rent on) Sept ,4th, 1917. Pe�:ul_ar session of the Council called to order by the iula.yor. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Monohon,Fnull ,Cake and James; City Attorney,& Clerk. '"inutes of last session and xnxx adjourr_ed session were read. F'elative to .report of City ','n;r.as sta.tad in minutes,ard app- roved. by the Council ,to the effect that the Council releive the contrr.ctor on the 3rd.Ave . east grading improvement of any lipbility on account of retaininZ walls which are. in danker of collapsing durin` said work,the City Attorney states that he did not und(!-rst- and the. wordinv of the report ,and further stats that in his o )inion the Council has not the authority to releive s +.id. contractor from liability. 2,. lengthy discussion followed as to what action any, should be ta_ken,as it was conced6:d that the rea.tininv walls would. by dangerous if . left in present condition,both during and after the f completion of said work. Motion was made and seconded that action of the Council it last me.eting in accenting the re.comend-tion of the hr r. relcivinV the contractor from liability he rescinded. 1�1otion carried. property owners TvTotion was then made and duly seconded th,,t xaxtir_x affected be notified to take care of and look after s^id retainirg walls. ,11otion carried. Contractor Campbell states to the Council_ thn.t plans as �)renar- cd by City L:ngr.call for gradin` of street to within two feet of the property line. It beim; tine opinion of the Council that street shoi,ld be graded to full :idth,a.s stated in orY i.na.nce,mot,ion c.s :rade and duly seconded that street be graded t o full vridth. Ca.rriAd. i Notion was aa.de anti seconded that minutes be approved as amend- ed . Carried. Petition for water connection,tract ;�_' 22 ,Tobin Don. C,l.aim,by TD. C .",Titchell read and granted. Report of Finance C7omi!itt(-e ; "In ,your C'o;iia!ittee on Finance h.-ve° examined and recomend na.yment of the s . 0. v. Transfer Co. cr rt ,; e 5 .50 Library illaintenance 66 .75 City of Seat'.1e , eater 55.40 Renton. Lbr. Co . lumber 12.4-8 2.7.Duffi,pol_ i.ce court fees & labor,p^rk 5 . 00 i L. F'ansea,l a.bor, �< rk 3.00 3.0 0 Labor pay roll , 8ts .P- `Fater 97.99 2e,-.OBC S1 Signed,R. H. Jame.s,B.F'. Cake, Committee . "owed ands - conded report be -eeceived,filed and all bills O. ".d,be Trx id. Carried . Report of Police Judge f or month of August read and filed. 1_eport of City rngr.on B11-ck River a.nd lake front situation read and laid over for one week. nenort of 7n,V;r.on con_trrct for Kennyda.le tre.stlw fill was read and. referred to the Street R- Alley Co.nr:iittee a-rid City Attorney.Ca.rried. ,.atter of appointment of City i n;l-r.to fill vacancy during absen- ce of I�n`r.T-'arris was discucsed,after ,,hich 'M-.,;or Tonkin appoints r.�r. "'arnick actin- 7n; r.to fill said vacancy. FJloved and sr.conded appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Councilman Cake calls attention of the, Council to the necessity of havir��, some, work done on "enton Avc .and for tele lotverir.- of the City water main on said Avenue . After some discussion motion ,vas made and seconded thatt question of street irrinrovemr.nt be. referred to the Street and Aller Corjmittee and City Lngr,a.nd if in their opinion said improvement is imneritax.e,that trey instruct City Attorney. to draft T=e°solu.tion for the crea.tin- of Local Improvement District for said work. Carried. T.'oved and seconded '';iter "upt.be instructed to lower wa.te;r main on said strut . Carried. 'T'here being no furti_.er ;business before the Council motion made, to adjourn . City Clerk. 82 T=renton, ept.11th,1917. in the absence of the Mayor Council was called to order by ;ayor Pro-tem Raymond. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Monohon,Fa.ull ,Cake ,Owens, James and Raymond. inutes of last meeting were read and approved. Petition presented by P. S. T. L.Pc P. Co .asking permis. ion to set one 35 ' pole on high 8t .f.or purpose of serving light to customers w;-s read and granted under ^upervision of the Street Uupt . ",rayor Tonkin addresses the Council in matter of damage suit brought ag°.inst tr,_o- Police Officers of th- City: in case of mfrs . Mitchell who was shot on ,'fill ")`U- .bridge stating that in his opin- ion the City should furnish attorneys to defend the said officers. Above matter discussed at some len�,th by the ,"vilayor,Gouncilmen and City Attorney. '"otion was made and seconded that City Attorney be instructed to after look afer '"the y�i',innn�.terests of the City and Officers I 4" Edwards and Stewart during trial of case . Pv7otion carried. Report of Finance Committee , 7!1e ,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bill-s ; cPherson Bros, supplies 8.80 P. Co.light 135.90 Pacific Tel . , Tel .Co.phone 1.50 Daniel Gaby,expense filing deeds 3.75 Renton Drug Store, supplies,Fire Dept. 9. 75 Renton Hdw.Co. supPlies 7.50 kaxxx Signed,R. F . James,Thos.Raymond,Co:nirtittee . i j T, oved andseconded report be received,fi'ed and all bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried. Report of :i_:ngineer 'arnick on proposed sever improvement on till St .read. Moved and econded same be received and filed and City Attorney be instructed to draw up necessary Ordinance f,-)r said im- provemrnt . Carried . R.M.Thorne,acti.ng for ngr.`''r�rnick,ma.kr s iaerba.l report in matter of storm sewer on 3rd.r:ve .east,recomending that sand box at intersection of 3rd,& Cedar be made larger. 17,lotion ;vas made and . seconded that report be acce_')ted and reco:.enda tion e carried out , and th t pine leading from said bok to north side of 3rd .ave .be replaced with 12" pipe . Carried. 2COBC 83 "I'onthl y reports of Clerk and ire^-surer were re'-d Pnd filed. '=ati, -r of issuance of P®rk Bonds was discussed,a.rd At•ty.a:as instructed to draw ordinance for sa.lne . Ponds to be for 20 years, optional after three years,intr-rest payable serrii-a-r,nually. Comnunica.tion from State H-IChwa.y Commission rela-tivt to highway sipn.s ,was read and referred to the St .B,, Alley Coir,rritt,ee, City Atty. and ^t ."upt. Councilman F'aull makes verbal report on matter of improvement of Benton Ave .recomend.ing that said Ave .be improved from 3rd .to Sect- ion, Ot. After some discussion motion k,,jas made and ^seconde.d that report be laid on table for one week. Carried. Contract for the filling of burned out portion of Kennydale trestle was read and discussed. Notion made that mayor and Clerk be authorized and directed to .sign same.,. Carried. •lotion was made and seconded that Chief of Police.,also City Clerk,be grarted annual vacation a.t t' eir convenience . Carried . Councilman jonohon brings up ma.ttear of ditch on County, road at, .sou lh limits of City, sta.ting that in his opinion sor-:^t r,ctior qh-)uld be. taken with the Countyto h^-ve ramie tiled . ' att r was refe.rr- ed to the Street F• Alley Connrittee for investigation. There being no further busiress before. the met-tir7 motior was m-de to ad j wrn . r.. S4 Renton' "ash. Sept ,l8th,1917. i i;eular session of thy° Council called to order by iviayor Tonkin. Roll Call; Present Councilmen ?�orohon,Fa.ull, Cake ,Owens ,James %xd and Raymond ; City Atty,rngr.and Clerk. 7inutes of last session read a_nd approved. Tu`o Kelley ad.dress'es the Council in matter of llearin€ of protests on the County Budget , stating that he would be pleased to rX represent the City of Renton at said hearing . Phis matter was deb- ated by the Council and motion was made and seconded that- 7-'r. Felly be. authorized to represent tee City at said hearing,with tl- e understandin,'T that " r.ual ly apnea_r before, the Council at next meet- in.- withxx outlined plan of proce'edure and list of items which app- ear to be exorbitant or unneccessary. cilotion carried. enort of " na.nce Uommittee ; `.'le ,gour Committee on Finance have examined and recomend pa;;Tme nt o' the fol lowing bills; lst pmt, Seattle ri'a.ctory Sites case 35.00 C . J.Francs , J_,e V ood,Auto hire, St .Dept . 4 .00 Pay -oll ; tre�-ts,'Vate.r and Garbave, 128 .42 Signed R.?I.tarries,Thos .R`ymond, Committr.e. "Dyed and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K. d,be ordered paid. Carried. Communication from Postal Telegraph & Llanit- Co ._re.lative to City wires on polys of said Co.wa.s read and by motion duly seconded I referred to the Fire,Li,-�ht and 'voter Committee and Street Supt . for investigation and report. ', oti-on carried_. P-1r.Auf�-.Uiesefske makes complaint to that Council as to conditi- on of water at his residence Corrlst ,Ave .North and "]ills St .n'orth, to the effect that same is not pure and has very bad odor . I4otion. r^s !ode and seconded that F.bove mane°r be referred to the Fire , I:i_=_ht &. 11�ater Cor_nittee and St . Supt.for invert i gation. Carried. Ecti_ng ''ngr."`a.rnick presents proposed Plat of parcel of ­round on Tobin Ave .owvned by Pvr.Kf-lley for a_rprova.l of thy. Council . It appearing tna.t Street thriuEh said Plat connecting with 1iest end of Tobin Ave . is only 50 ' in width,rncition ,m s and seconded F that Council demand platting of 60 ' stre6:t to conform to revular i width of streets in the City. carried . 'loved and seconded that Clerk call for° bids f­�r improvement 2COBC S5 of 4th.,Ave .North.Mill St .North to City limits on the east,by grade and gravel . "'Aobion carried . Resolution No .223,addressed to County Commissioners asking that the drain pine be placed in open ditch at south westerly limits of City, along County road,was read. Evioved and seconded that same be, adopted as read . Carried. In matter of communicntI.,,)n from State Highway ComrniFqi ')r relative, to placing of suns along State llii7hways,motion was mia(je. and seconded that said sins be erected under the supervision of th,,° 111.t,., _71n.-ineer. t,';Otlon carried. 'here being no further business before the Council motion mademxx to adjourn. of Cit'v, CT(:,.rk. Rerton'Oept,25th' 1917. - Regular meeting of the Council c,-111!.,d to order b,1 the 'Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen 'Vonohon.,Faull ,James,Owens and Ra.Tmond, City Engr.9nd Clerk. .,Tinutes of last meeting read and approved. Petition presented by property oWnf-rs or 3rd,Ave east asking for permanent sidewalk grade and requestir.0 that they be, allowed to lay sidewalk two feet from property line was read. Miotion made and sec- ended that petition be granted. Carried. Acting Engr. Wprnick addr(}sses the Council ir rpatil,!tr of sidewalk between Cedar ')t .e- Renton Ave.where street is beinF regraded to the effect that said walk is not of an even grade for the length of said block,and that It would necessitate some f,-xtr,,:,- work to put Same to 1 00 proper grade . Motion was made and seconded that matter be referred t the Street I, Alley �Jo ,I.mittee and Engr.for investigation and report. City 'Znc�r.makes re-port on petition for sewer on -:fill Ot .also C� - - assessed valuation of Dist .and approximate cost to the several prop- . .Y-,.;. y owners . I'loved and seconded report be accented and filed. Carried. Report of City Attorney on bond of R. J.Flliott,Zrading and grav- and advising the acceptRnce of the elling of 3rd,St .rIill to renton, 86 said bond was re-ad. ATotion made and seconded that report be accept- ed and filed. "otion amended to the effect that last, para_; raph in said report req-din ; a-, follows, " I do protest: a ainst the _rEineer and City Clerk ru.nrinv the of the City",be stricken from said renort .!+mendment to motion carried. l l Councilmen present voting Aye . Original moti -)n,as amended, was then nut• to vote and carr- ied . all Councilmen )recent voting Aye. T;roved and seconded that bond of R. J.Elliot ,as above referr�.d to, be accented.. Cirried . Ordinance No .445 relating to construction of clhimneys, smoke stacks,etc .was read and referr d to the Ordinance Co:,mittee . <esolution 1Tn.224 fixing d-te oaf hea ring on proposed i;n_�rovement of �'nortion' )f �Jll 8t .by conntruction of sexier was reed. TIoved and seconded said Fesoluti )n be adopted as read. Carried. ".., ,. .)r Tonkin brings up matter of inefficiency of dog ordima.rce a nd asks that Courc- l take- sone action to ab^t�, the dog nuisance . the above matter was discussed by the Council aft:-r which motion was made and seconded that same be referred to the a Tor and Ordinance Committee to take action as deeaed necessary in aniendin ; or revealing E present dog ordimance and the drafting of new ordinance to do away with the running -at large of drags on the streets . riot ion carried. There beim; no further business before the meetin7 motior_ made to adjourn. Cly:rk. Trenton , Wash. Oct .lst ,1917. Special meeting of the Council called to Order by the Mayor. { Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Cake ,James and Owers . Resolution relating to budget and fixing amount of taxes to be a-.sessed for the year. 1918 was presented. There not being, a quxxxm ouorum present and no objections beim, off_ ered,motinr pias made ,^nd duly seconded that hearing on s^id bi.ldCet resoluti -)n be. adjourned to Tuesday ever ing,Oct .2nd . ', oti.on c^rried. 'notion made to adjourn. , i 90130 Renton,Oct .2nd,1917. , Regular session :,1 t le Council c-�-,-_.ed to order by the Vskyor. Roll Call; rresent Councilmen T onohon,Faull ,Ca.kr, ,Ovvtns,Ja.ines and Raymond; City ??tty.F.ngr.&, Clnrk. "inutes of last meeting and -Ad iourne.d special meeting recd and approved. Petitinn presented by the P. 7,. T.I:.&, P. Co.asking. permission to set three 35" noles, ene at corner 3rd.p.- ;:rain and two on wells St .betwe:en 3rd,&. 4th, in North Lenton was read. 1.1oved and seconded same be referred to Fire,Ii: ht R- "''a.ter Cocrimittee and St . Supt .with power to act . Report of Finance �Jo_-Irrittee ; - y1-e, your Co °.:nittee or fi.na.nce 'cave examined and rec trend payment of th-a followirE, bills; Sea_t.tlt Daily Dulletin ,calls f,-)r bids, 12.90 Milson 8- �Tarlowe, fire insurance 75.00 Preibe i'ros , supplies,St.Dept. ": Pr>rk, 15.40 Carl Tvete,a.ssistirj Engr 15 .50 1,1.Thorne 1t of 22.75 nantel Ga%filirrr fees,caseT'_ dwnrds A Stewart vs;'�'itchcll v' 4.00 Library INia.intcn?nce 135.82 McPherson Fros, supplies . 30 City of Sea.ttl.e ,water 46.00 R. H. nuff,polict court, fees,: labor at Park 9.00 iho Labor pay roll , 7,ts .R- "Tater dept ' s, 91.20 Signed R. H. James,Lee r onohon,Co:rrriittee "owed and seconded .report be received , f. il_ed and all bill 1 s 0. T'.d,be re. id. Carried. Councilman Calze calls attention of the Council to re(--d of certain repairs at C mfort Station. Pioved and seconded said repairs be niade , St . Supt.to look a_fttr same . Carried.. Ftport of Police JudEe for month of Sept .wvas read a.nd filed. Ci tir Attorney- makes verbal_ report of Kennyda2- trestle contr,-.ct,reports recei-�t of. check from A?. P. to cover damage caused by fire as K_ennydale trestle,also renorts an �trrnr in the printing of resoluti-n fixing c3,to of he�,rin ' on "ill strf-�cat sewer imnrar ement and recomtrds that: Council reconsider their vote on adoption of said resolut- ion and that sa_mf- be ame_,�ded - fixity dr-te of hf—ring as Oet .23rd, instead of Oct . 16th, to allow of two correct publications of said resolution. T,Totion was thereunon made and seconded that motion at, previous meeting adopting t'-le said resoluti->r be reconsidered . Carried . Communicati n from County Co :imi.ssientrs office rel,^.ging to placing of tilt in obtn ditch at southerly limits wa.s read and laid on table for future corsid-ration. C,-)FQTnitr.ic^tion from County Assessor Zivin`, as^ csed vv lu .tion. f 9.11 property within the limits of ti:e Cit�Z of Fenton w s reed rd Xi�l®d filed . Communication presented by Paul "`.Houser from John F.7'iller, ember :of Gonres relative to data. on Black .Liver and Renton 1-.arbor vias read and referred to the City En r.ard City Atty. fids for the improvement of 4th,Ave .North,tgill St -to City limits were re^d and refs - red t,-,) the City -7�'nZr. for t�).bulptien.. Considern.tion of bud;-,,e-.tFstima.te , � �r� laid +giver frc�!n the ^p�;eial meeting of Monday evening on account of lack of a, quorum was taken up. The City Attorney calls a_ttenti�n of the Council to the necessity of minor cha.n<Ves in said estivate to conform to laws recently enacted. M,)tion oras mad.e and sncondrd th^ t estimates be ch�?n`ed to ,conform to resolution as car^vm 'by City Attorney. i,�.' ri�vci. resolution i o.225 a_dontiny buc,"et and fixing tax 1_evtr vvas re, .d. "oved and swcorded s,-Ime be adopted as read . Carried. moved ° .nd seconded that resolution for seder improvement on Till St.previaus action on which had br;er reconsidered and �a_mend- orient made,be adaT)ted ootion carried .^11 Cf uncil_mrn ire °r.t v�tir.r�, F Aye. Councilman Ca1re bri.nws before the Coi.ineil matter of Seattle rra.t.er main.,and da.n�erou, condition of sat;,e at point where steel and wood sections join,nea.r Cedar St . Chas ma.tt,er was discussed at somr, len` th by Councilman Cr-ke ,A. C ." ilson,'. J. iiuEhes, J . C..,.`arl- orae and others,the npir..ion beim th,,::t said nine is in a very da.ng- erous conditionliable to break at any moment causing gre,.t daniaLe f possibl H loss of life . to property «nd i 1:`c�tian Fva_s made a.nd seconded t,1ia•t Cit-T of 7)ePttle be, r�)tified by the City !.ttornf-y,to start imrredi^te repairs on said. water main ., and that if such repairs were not started within 4.8 hours that injunction nroceedirws be instituted. Carried. 'urth!-r motion ws.s r:-iade that if necessary Court nroc<,e-dinEs be instituted to compel the Tin of steel pipe to brow of hill e e 'poth mains of the Seattle Pipe line . n.lotion cprried. 4 ^�r.Temrne asks p-rmission to use portion of 3rd. St .whilf,, makir_g rena_irs to roof of ",Testrrn He-tel. Permission. ,ranted. 2COBC 89 Frr-irrer hl-vine; completed tabullation of bids f-)r improvement of 4th.Ave .N. srm,!� were arnounced las follows . C. T . C,-).i-iT)belI ,bid- 1:1761 .50 F. J.17cquaid k±R±&x "El'1961 .05 . 7,oth bids being,, more th,:in ten -n-r cent over the :)f thy! En`r.motion aas imide -ard seconded that same be rejected. Carried. Tfotion made and seconded that Rncrr.make new estimate for said 4th,Ave .improvement and tho-t bids be readvertisf,-d. Carried. IJ7. B. qL, -,ec .of the P-rk Board r-,iak,!,s verbal rend rt on proposed improvement of park site, stP;,-tin,, that the Board have secured the strvices.,free of charge,of the Supt.of Parks of the City of Seattle , and that blue prints and plans for permanent improvement will be made, and lasks that the City T,'n�,,r.be authorized to mz-,)-kr. print of park site Eiving elevatiors,etc . same beinE. asI:ed for by the "'Mnt .of Parks of the-t City of Seattle . 711oved and seconded report be, accepted and request ErRnttd . Carried. There beinE no further busir,!-ss before the reetint motion was made to adjourn. Ze 90 session -) or f theorder-d ti order b-,,, th.f-. '�`ayor. L -,nor I M- P Y,,"f,-, -n t r c 11 71,-�n k a,i d w r s Un o ho r ; Citi; Er u r n d A t t nut s of l 9t, s o-,-,s i-)r re,-,.d n rd ' a nnr ovr(9 Trvi-t�-Ifjor -xe,. t. ndP.d to theC,-�)urci I to -tt-�,ind b�-rquet of T -ir I A,- E - �cociatinr bv �.ve rude <.nd seconded that Council invitat! n of to bnnnitet ;-;ivi-n b-,, t',je i,,-rton Go: C I ub in h,)r--,)r -)f the Pair Associati -)n. Carried. City Attorney de.tailt:d st,,:-L�^1-fitnt and rer),x, t concerrir- 0 C i t f tilt -)i_-)e 1.1 r.e situation , a.lso read I t t t o-.r written t,,,,) City officials of ',)catutl- cincernir� spi*lie . Attorney mode 7,rerb,-I rennrt c-.)rc,-rniriT Black Liver survey,Ejvir- det^,Als of irtervie,.f -,,ith Yo tice received fr,,.).,n Ccpt .Acher so--ttir- 'Dct .24th,ryt as d,,nte for hearing on Black River ard Pe-rt.,)r Fiarbor. City FnEr.reports that large percentfLe of &Id- nlanks Or 3rd . Ave. east are in ba-d condition ard re.cn;riends th,-t one foot be cut off the plank makinr,, a 5 ' Nalk instead of 6 ' . P, oved and seconded the t the recomerdati,)n carried. out. Carried: T'nur.reports that he has estimate )f cost completed covering 4th.Ave .l,T.improvi!,mert and recomends that bids be called . Tv',)ved Prd seconded that rtcomendation be carried out . Carried. ­Resic-n,?tion of Agnes H.Richmand as member of the Library Board received . 'N'loved and seconded be accepted . Carried . T,,!9v o ed and seconded that TnL.r' s . rm,ixri estimate cove.rinE, 4th, Ave .Y. improvement be made public . Carried. ',Intie)r made and seconded that discussion of Kenrydalc fill be 19-id in tabl-!, nending investiEntion of minutes. Carried. 1,Tr.Olson brings to ?ttention of Council the need of sheds for h,,)usinr,, tea-ms . 'J!�ved and seconded th,-t matter be referred to T--)aTn Property Committee . Carried . Yo further business before the meotien was rriqde to adjourn. LI !-sting C1 irk. 2cC�f�C 91 ilenton,Oct ,l6th, 1917. Regular sessi-)n :)f the Council called to order by ' a­or Tonkin. :boll Call ; present Councilmen 'ionohon,Cake ,Owe.ns and J'-roes; City Attorney,s1.n�r.R,� Clerk. "linut®s of last session read and approved. A,D )liction for vater conneaction,Lot l ,Block 2, `otor Line Add.by ".`. C. T?.Tdwards read and granted. Report of rinc.nce Com.nittee ; 7e,your Co:ra7,ittee on j irl-nce have examined and rec.ri _ nd payment of t :e follo+; ing bills ; 17 Henry 1,loses ,ass istinE Black Fiver survey 3.75 R. .`.Thorne,assisting 28.00 . n`r. sal^ ry 05.50 G."Jarnick, Denny Renton C.& C. Co. se4°ser pi le 1 .95 f.:.A. Shea.rer TItl .{z Labor .repa_irs cmfort st-rtion 17.05 Lowman s;. Ea:nford Co.Treasurers cash b»k 24 .00 _ HaIe,wa'T s. 73roan,filir. says 1. 70 Penton 7rug �tore ,officE: supplies 2.10 R."',)od .Hay,Gravel, 6�. �0 Pacific Tel .&- T'E1.Co.phone F L.TD. all s 3.85 :`rational °etc r Co.mete�r su_ -olies 2.12 Henry 1'homa s ,c art a.ge 1 . 75 Rent }fealty Co.fire. insurance 73.75 Labor pay roll ,Streets, rater Steers, 79.99 Si,ned,R. IT.Jame s,J. B. Okyens ,Co iifiittee . '.roved and seconded report be received, fi2cd and all bills O. F.d,be naid. Ccrried. _'-;Pports of Cit;; Clerk a-rd City Trr:a;urer f'-)r month of Sept.yaere read and filed. Report of City Attorney in matter :of re-estimate of 4th,Ave .1\ . improvement reaE' and discussed by the Council and Attorney. ;_oved and seconded that resolution fixing date of hiaring and protest be: republished -);#ring to increased cost of said imp raeiient . Carried. `,Q.__,o � �,c..�►1.1..,v. S0'"".A�-'� .70-.. 7x-ssF,0'0,"y.,," I;i�'�'.`t!a. -'�„",../ Or in.-rice Xo. 46 prohibiting the. running at large f dogs within the City read first time ,-nd referred to the Ordinance CoiiLriittne . '3ond Df C. --.. Campbell for Kennydale road fill presented. Same having bf-yen a.)-,)roved E).c to form by t'.e City httorney motion was made and seconded that bond be accepted. Cr,rried. ... Moved and seconded Po vv-r Co.be ordered to move pole )n 3rd.Ave. e^st, said Tole .)bstructing line of si.deNalk. Carried. There being no furter business before the, ("-)uncil rnoti ;)n f,a.de to a.d j ourn. — - ------- Citi- Clle.rk. 92 EentonOct .23rd.,1917. r-,,A --rular session of the Council co.Iled to order by the !'Tayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Monohon,Faull , Cake ,Owens,Jame s and Raymond; Cit;; EnL-rwAtty.& Clerk. 11'inutes of last session read and approved. ',,,ayor Tonkin addresses the Council and Citizens present in matter of mass meting for 'VVed.eve.relative. to Black l=over and sewer problem,and suggests that a resolution be drafted to present to representatives of U. S.Government who will be present ,at said meeting. Notion was made and seconded that the '111alTor appoint a committee to draft re.soluti �n and that same be presented to the Council for adopti,)n. iotion carried. Mayor appoints on slaid commi- ttee Counci-lman Lee T'onolion and 'Tr.joe Thos .Dobson air d Paul T,.Ouse,,r Petition asking for r,,,eter for his prope,rty,,Axre. tract �o.22, r-,,. C. C. Co . 1"I kg presented by 11;1r.Hovie2ls. "oved and seconded sanie be -ranted. Carried. Petition presented by property owners in Highland Add.asking for a light at corner of Eighth Ave .&- Grant t .was read and referr- ed to the zire,LiEht ('� vvater CorIiiiiLtee . .,eport of Finance CoiiA,,ittt-c `e, ; our o[,iimittne on i,'ir,-nee hcue exantined and recoi.riend payment of the following bills; Ind. Ins. Com.i, edical t'IL' d fund 1 .11 R. 1`7-)od,cartage to Park 4.00 ' . Co.li6ht 135.90 Aimee Lanich. rele 'Lf in Clerks Office , 12.00 -Si fined,R. Ti. Jame.s,Thos .Raymond,C o;1-im!tt e,e-, . Tv'oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried . Communication from Post.-,I Telegraph & Cable, Co,nF7kir;, reply to -orevious letter relating to City wires on poles of s-id Co .wo.s read and referred to the Fire LiE_1ht & '"rater Committee and St . Supt .for investigation: Communication from A. H. Cox e, Co .with check in the amount of 31.5. in payment for City pump.ard askir-o" 1' or bill of sale ,was read. ^'Ioved Ord seconded szame be placed on file larld City 1,' Ltorney draw bill of sale as requested by said Co. Carried. Ordinance T�'o .447 authorizing the issuance of Park Bonds was 2eOBC 93 red arid referred to the ordir,ance report at this meetinE_ . Carried Councilman llaymond, Chairman of Ord. Com.makes verb.-Il report on said ordinance, recomerdir� that sa,,lie be taker up for second rec.dinE r and adopted. Mowed and seconded report be accepted Ord recomendation be complied with. Carried. Ordinance No.4,17 was thereupon tr.ken up for second re.adin,,,read and adopted by sections and on trioti ;n duly seconded w.-s adopted as a whole as rend. All Councilmen present v )tirE, Aye. Ordinance X0.446 :)rohibitir -- the runninL, at lo_rLe of d:)Ls with- in the City lii,,-.Ats was taken up for second readinLrecdl and adopt- ed by sectionc, and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as rer:.d . All Councilmen v,,)tin6 Aye. Referri.rE, to Pound fees as -prescribed in above ordinonce ,motion was made and seconded that Police Officers be entitled to retain one doll.--r of the fee collected for the impounding; of each doE t.-_ken up. T'otir)r carried. T"anker for dr,,maLes sustIvired by fall inL Claim of 114rs on side- walk .L ewalk was rel,.-,.d and referred to the City Attorney. ,,- solution No.1227 relctinr- to and protestiri,�:, -.C,,-,.inst raise in rites of Las to consumers was read and adopted. Fe solu ti �n lco.2-26 Pet it J_oninU. 5.C )verrimert to retair any --.nd ,;Il ric-lits of tI,_,e public to t­e bed of flack sliver vv,)s re-d and adopted. Councilman Faull strtes to the C.)uncil that on approval of t1hie Street Alley ­r.Campbell has reLrC.vell.ed portion of "'ill St .North between 5the,,: 6th,Averue,,s vil-lore said St .w!_-.s in very bad condition-,also asks tiliat old plank from the Kennydale trestle be utilized in layinE a two plank walk from said trestle to connect with walk :)r 1-ill St .T�orth. �'Ioved and seconded that St . supt .be auth'.)riz- ed to lay said walk. Carried. :atter of use of stec,mn - rolled to pack -vel 3rd .Ave .East _ was referred to St .?, Alle-,T Condition of pavinr-, on Llurrctt St ii,­.s discussed and motion mrde x,nd seconded that St .Supt.makce nccessary repairs. Carried. of ,`,It .r Supt.was discussed .atter of purchase of auto for use and motion made and secircled that a ii'-)rd car be purchrsed. sar-ne to be 94 fitted up with special delivery body,and to become a of ti_e water Dept .equipaient,ard to be i-),-, id for from the WE.'..ter fund . - 'Dtior carried. Ener. t1.1',-,.rnick reports completion of Kerin-dale, ro.-.d fill by .-,Ir.C .R.Campbell and recomends acceptance of same. 'Thirty day mainte-n,,n,rce period to s-L,:-,rt from d,--te . loved and sec - nded report be received and recoa,,e.nd:-,ti -.r be carried out. Corried. There beirE no further bu-Iine.,-,,s before the rrieetin�L motion made to adjourn. Clerk . 2COBC 95 r:€ nton,Oct .30th, 1917. Rec-ulcr se.sion of the, Council cU.l. led to ort'e4r by the ror. "';oll Cr 11 ; Present Councilmen .'jonohon,1r'aull ,Cake .Owens,James and Raymond; Citi and C1-_�rk. f ?°inut(�s of last session re.-P-d and approved. Petition aslrcing, permission to t.,--p waue:r Triain for st(:tam shovel at EarlinEton flats,by 1 . J (a.cquade was read and Vrantt d unded su ;er- vision of the Supt. I.ej)ort of Finance Coiimittee ; �:!c ,; our Co _imittee on Finance h',ve examined and re;come:nd )a. meant of the followin:-, bills; Pattie Printery et( r cards 7.00 R.T.1 Tl orne,l:^:bor, rsistin� .n r. 30.00 Der-.ny Renton C.�- C . Co.paving blocks 6 . 15 Paper "TLarchouse Co.toil( t pa ner,Coinfort Sta.tton 13.00 Renton lumber Co .lumber 2. 59 Joe E'dwards ,kill ink dots 3 .00 C .R.Campbell ,-r<-vel on 'Jill St .Torth 105. 00 37 i nwd,l .:l . Jamies . .hos .Ra ,mond,Con.r;ittee: . r,.``oved and seaconde°d report be received ,filed and all bills '),I� . d,be paid. Carried. lieport of Cit';T "ittorney on Claim of .'rs . ;a_rtha ':ranker for damacf�s for injury sust(� ine:d b;y fall on sidniiatlk,and a:_dvi:>in� t(c Council to decline to consided or rvcoEnize same ^._s a. claim a�;a.inst the City was read. ""oved and seeonde�d sa.ire: be file=d and re.coinendr tion b,: complied Coni:riunic�.tion from 'a, or Gill of "e r'ttle relc-tive to question of replaein� wood pipe lea_din-- to top o:L' hill with steel pipe ,vas re.,-.d . r"`oved and seconded came be received and filed . Carried. � : a c., Q s',��oveu and .:,�:cor_d,s_d ql.�e. tion areferrer.l. to in above coi�irnunicat ion be referred to tiie Fire: ,I:i ht "'at(°r Conmittec_. . Carried. .0rdirm.n.ce No.423 for in; movement of portion of 1,=ill -)t .b;,- const- ruction of l .t,:ra.l se:,mer r ;a.d first time and rciferre d. to the ordinance Coi"littee . ^tter of open ditch at City limits on the. south . :icli � as ay11xd previously rc.ferr: (' to t',.,e County Co ::iissioners iv -:s discussed and iriotion ma.dc ter(:.t G1 mrk write Commissione:rr ar a.in in reference, to ';,oti )n 'Iarri-d. solution to Coun.t� Co :i: ,issi orers re:la. tive to Rla.cl; i iver and City of :e -ton se-weer problem aas re<:.d . a.'_ov-:d ,.nd seconded saiiie be laid on table -for one week. Carried. 96 Plot of Victoria A.Ycelly' s lst 1`�dditon to tl City of :Lenton -id seconded st, 'Tie. be accented. was �,-)r,-,serted to the. Council . "."ov",d ai .1 Carri ed. ,vla-or Tonkin az_);-Jointsas r,,wirnber of the Library Board L a ':cCowin. to fill vacancy cause=d by the r,: nation Lon o'L Ch, I I d. oved an I s tcond-d aointment be confirmed. Carr�i-, pl -., - -r)-p There beirr- no further business "beforctne, Council motion faad,:, to adjourn. I ?C013C 97 Ri­nton,Yov.6th, 1917. e ;Llar session of the Council call sd to order b�� t':�u ,� R � o r. %oll Call ; Present Councilmen I�Ionohon.D'^.ull ,Cakn ar.d Owens. City Attorney,Entrineer and Clerk. 7inute s, of last mt,cetint; ,dwere� read c:.nd apnrove3d. � Y Finance of Finnce Committee; o , yC. our ommitteje on r ina.nce: have examined and recomend payment of the f ollovvint bills; Pettie Printery,printinL Park Ionds , 16.00 I;.enton rdw . Co. suppliess 12 .60 Ia_le¢va� 9-. ?rown,repa.iring .55 .[.G .��larnick,su?plies,LnLrs .Of'f'ice 3. 25 Lowman ct. H.-oford Co. suop1ic-s 1.35 Pacific Le1 .F: Iel.Co.phone L L. O.,cc..11s 4.40 Cit;;, of 8ea..ttle, ui, tesr 35. 35 Fenton 7ulletin,official publica.-tions 4. 10 r>T. SA!leiea.ch,aitness fe: ;s 2. 20 I'enry Thornas, itne -s fee°s 2.G\� :. _..Duff,Police Court fey. s 5.00 Libra..r. :.`:,internarce 118.21 T enry Thomns,co 1 for office:,CtL. rt .Tept . 7.00 Pay F o11 , trer.ts, � ter,L�.rb�. e 140 .89 Sign(,d,Leyr: '.'onohon,J.F. Owens,Committr'n !voved and se:conde:d report be receivcd,filed and all bills MF—d,be paid . Ca.rri end;. Report of Police Judge for month of October was re,;d and filed. I c=port of City LnLiriev.r. rv,ayor < Council ; Cc:ntlemn n; I have, to report. the compintion of r-.dingy 1-nd of or iinprove nient of Third Avenue according to con.trr.ct , eith t-?e ^xceotion of the l ; inL of one piece of round futte;r at C �d - r St . Contr -ctor has not y °t be.,en able. to obtr.in iiia.te=trial for, this. I reaeomt nd th-_t I . J.Ll1iott 70 of cost of this irnpro ,n,,�nt be p^- id to ..r.kxkxRxmphx.Ik,t: Contr- actor. 'TI.G.''.a.rnick,�^_ctin Cite EnL:inc r. ovcd an(", 2econdcad report be received a.nd file d. a.r..d reco,:eand- tion be carried out . C<a_rried. moo rI.ngin,,,ger also reports further ^.s folio ds ; ".,--.yor "_ Council ; I bet, lec.ve to report as f'olloers; 1'ha_t tale Lrcdin end Lri've 11 in- of fill to re:pl^.ce portion of bridge° burned out on Kennyd,-In1,o--d is completed Frith the cVice ,tion of comp16-ting the guard re.il ,and recomend thr.t 70'.-Q' of t'ie° contri ct prig: of sa.i,,c. be; paid to r.C . :. Cairipbe lythe contr.,ctor h!_ s done the ;work. City -nvr. 98 ♦r oved and secordfid report be, recF=ived,filed and re:cornendr.,tion. be carried out. Carried ;4-e G�"L1wE�. , •a'.a ' Cor 1Ilunicntifrom lfr.Fred -Fverett rcl�tive to cer•tific^.tes o� delinquency on certain property no,-,,, beinc used as strec�ts in the City, aas read and rf ferrc=:d to Cit;; a,n` r.c.nd Cit;- :attorney. Ordin^nee ;lo .44l for the improvei.icnt bu r .df° and ;;ravel of 4th,Ave . L�orth,=fill I�t .to City lirciits on the e^st was .read first tine and rnferrcj-c' to t"-(-. Ordinance Co..'it.ittte. Ordin .:nce R'o.4@@ fixi.nL t.-:.x levy for 1918 rc-gid first time and referred to ordinance Co:iinittee - Councilman -C^kf.; of ordinr^nce Co. _nittee makes verbal report on ordin�-.nce No.W reeorn ndin- that saune be passed to second reading and odo ted,. oved - nd fie -)nded report be received ?nd_ reeoi:ic:nd- ^tion be ca-rriead out. Carried . Ordinlance ho.49* taken up for second rer_din{ ,r,-,,d -nd adoDtc-d by sections,and on :notion duly secondcs'd, was adopted .,s vi_ :hole as read . Poll vote ; All Council.-nen _arc;sent v of ink Lye . 4< OrdinD.nce Pdo. or the imnrovenient of '-ill 5t .by lrtera.l sewer t7lrnn up for second r�Frdin ,rec.d and adopted b,; section,-, ,,and on motion duly seconded w:�,s adopted as o. i.:rhole as reL:d. Poly. '�.'ote ; till Cot_ncilmen -rsent voting Aye. Ordinonce No.445 r =lctin�S to construction of c Iii-inc;ys,etc . t^ken up for second r .r der;" and ^actions o 1 to 18 inclusive were adopted as rc:r'.d. Discussion • as he=re e:ntere�d into c.s to r manner of erforcin- Lion, re scribed �.nc nu-,> ;tion of obtc,in- i in nerrnits ,and motion l;tad�: -.nd °'Con(!:=Ci thL,u the. said ord ma- nce: be referr �d to the ordinance co_ii::.ittco for addition of section to cover snnie . T otion carried. ,Ir.T 7). Jones addr_:-ses the Council in bel-, if of the Patriotic Le,-C.ue,as'.rinC tli<-t the LeaLue be Liven control of all aliiutiercients in thcj Cite for the 0e:riod of tie dear and be u_llo:red to collect J: percent Le of the; prof. its, same to be used in remerriberin-; Renton boys nosy in the, arrij' `.nd n,.v!T by sending of necessary clothing, tob,'cco,Cl ".r'tt ,etc . After sO Ile discussion and rel-narks motion Y,zs ,.gade and s Qcondcd that ri��it be liven Le^_due to supe�.rvise nd collect from all amusc; ,ic:nts for y): ri od of the - war. i of >n c,arri::d. c�013C99 J. F ull appe,rs before tide Council .nd nt:: rs compl int rel,­tive to injury sustained by dog while in City pound caused by said dog be:inL pl,-.ced in sale comps rtrrient Frith other dogs. This matter w, s discussed at some length bar tr i. Council and motion vr,:s made,and seconded,th;A Chief of Police be authorized to have suffic- ient c�"ns constructed to alto t'.e- impounding, of do-s in separate compartments. .T, v:otion carried. There .being no further. business before the Council motion made to adjourn.. 100 I'Lot n t o nNov .16th 1917. ular secysion of the Council c­qle;d to order b the 11`.11 a y or iLoll Call ; Present Councilmen ',Iono hon,L .,-A,thIl cy.FI_ul 1 James --.nd Ray- mond; City Clerk. 1."inuteof 1:7-st se:­sj_ -)n read I-rcL o.e)j-,rr)ved . ",er)ort of Finance Coll;i.,Attee ; "IT e ,-17our -)n ins- n c e have examined rnd recorfil-Ind payment of the foll-win­ bili s ; Renton "-Lon "I'orks,rep,- irs ,Comfort S%a. 1.10 'tl .t,, repairs 5.10 E.A. Shearer,!Y Pettie Printery,tirne slips, St .Dept . 2.25 Pettie Printery,time slips, wTg_!r Dept. 2.25 E .Thorne, .jJ , lcbor,I.InLr.Dept . 2 .00 .114- Thos .Dobcon,Trea.,s,'.i'cdica1 j,'�id lund 1 .-09 C . R.Camnbf-ll M�, Kenrvdale fill c6ntr.-ct 4375 .00 R. 11iottj700 -u J. -,,T' 1. .1 ' 3rd. lve .E.conract 1085.00 _ / Zif,�nF:d,!'L. T-I. Jnric �-D,Thos. R , ,-.��riondT. T.I. I Cifli.-L t t �e t 0 c_t 11V 'Co, i t ', . be filud -rd all bills O.F.d Moved and second-.,d r,c, .-)ort be received, -naid. Carric.d. R,r-ports of City Clark and Treasurcr for i.,iorthi of Oct .re.-Id and .j filed. Coi-nii,unication from Co.15o,i,,,i-,issionv:rs rel^tive to op-n djAch at south xest limits of Cit;- read and referred to City Attorneu and spIi cial L IjI-)-,n T�-ulnd "hos, Dobson for action. e ­, Co,­,fl,unicL­.tion rell-t-L ve to filin- of statcintent of City AtItiorney in ,.-ia-II_­Lcr of %ecattle r pipes receiv,-d from Cit-,,, of Seattle. and seconded sa,-,o7 be filed . Carried . Coi�.,unication froai City Attorney in li-iattcr of re!rioval of do-- nound from -present location re,,-d and refcrr d to t�.e Town Property coffanittee. r ,)rdinancFs corr:iA- tee ,.alkes verbal r�:,port recoinendin� the of ordinance 'V`o.&50 for icriproveinent of 4th.Av"_ .N . Moved and s,,-_�condcl-d report be accepted and re co,,,-Iendtion be carried ouL . Carried. Ordinarce No.450 taken up for second ru,­dJj'_riL,,, re_-(I and .- do-ptod by sections, with an ext. t,,. section added repealinE, Pll ordinances or -parts of, ordinances in conflict ,and or otion duly ,seconde=d ado-Aed as -,- whole �.s ro,­d. Poll vote.; All Councilrficn )r sent votin, Th ,re beir� no fi;rth-tr business bef-)re t'­! mr7r°tir­ motion waf3 irlodc to adjourn. C geOBC101 Renton,Wov.20th 1917. Ren ular session of the Council called to order b ; moll Call ; Present Councilmen Fault,: onohon,' t::1.:> ,- .yrnond,0-,Tens and James . Minutes of Previous meeting recd and approved. Petition of Dr.C. L.Dixon relative to dog; pound was read and filed, said matter having; been referred to ` own ''roperty Corimittee at last mf:ctirg. Finance Coizriittee 0.17. s,and r- coiiiends payment of labor pay roll. ".loved and seconded all bills .';.d,by t}ie Fin-nee CoYmiitte°e be 17.o: ed. Curried. F.,�nort of Cit' :n r, is i cr e;,r of 1road fill. read. i-loved and seconded same be laid on tab'[ 1' or one geek. Cerri�id. ;n� iner!rs of .AlrrE_ukeE^ before the Council_ and explain electrification of said Com-oanys line t'- rough the City,sa_id explanation be^ir'. f vorably acce4�tec'< by t re Council . City En,(-inee:rs report on electrification of Milwaukee system vfas .... read and filed. City Attorney, -'ngr.L c-t .Supt. vYere instructed to i.nve2ti�a_te prop- osed electrification of "ilyra.ukct: system through ti-.e- City . ':otion made and seconded. that City Clerk be instructed to call for bids for 4th,Ave .;,orth improvement . Carried. I-oved and seconded St .Supt.be instructed to fill -rater barrels on the Kenn-,da.le tr -,stle . Carried. Th-re being no fort ler business before t _n Council motion made to adjourn . i':Ctin" Cl : � . 102 E ent on,Nov.2 7 t h,1917. Re, ular session of the. Council c.-,.11eed to order by the IMayor. Roll call ; Present Councilmen mull ,"Ionohon,Owens and Fa'Tfnond, City Attorney,En�Lr.&. Clerk. °�inute s of list session reL-d and €.pproved. Application for water service: .lot lo,block 10,F'arm P10.t,by "'ilson & 7,'.rlovfe ,ALts .was re;zd and fir: nted. Petition askin6 th^.t City install sewer to serve; lot , . block 2,and lot l ,block 1, "otor Line addition .-Ind th-,.t cost of same be . charged a�a.inst -)roperty owners was presented by and L.'�. Joncps . -"oved and seconded petition be �ra.nt(�d. C .rrir;d. Report of i`inance Co .oAttee ; 'e,your Co ,MI* ttE:e; on Fin.=.nce lic_ve examined and recome:nd payment of the foll owinL bills; Pry.ei fi e Coast Pipe: Co . wo ter pipe; 25.72 Joe ''vood ,auto truck 480.34 Pacific Car f: T'oundry Co .blue prints,P,�.rk, 1 .15 P. 3.7.L.R: P. Co .li ht 135.90 R. 1 ood,hay,ce.no,:nt,lime 5.40 Thos .Rowel ca rt. ,­(, 1.00 Joe ood,ca rte:Le 6 .00 R.Mood,truck to T? >llr-rd for water --ine-, 16.00 'i ,n,ad,Thos .F. mond,L onohon,Co - Iittce . Iove>d and seconded report be re coivFed,filed and all bills O. V.d,be paid. Carried. P,e-port of tree t All y Co :; :ittF.c ; c , our on St ­ nets C"� r lleys,be le:uve to report as fol] ows ; :,'c have examined abd would rccomend the final :-ince of the fill of the, burned out portion of Ker,ryda.le trestle,contr..ct by C?i "Campbell ,ard could re c om end f ina-1 p,- ymtn t. 2i­'ned JohnI4u11 ,Lct? { onohon,J.R.Owens,Corarnittec . ; ovcd`loved and s :conn ci rc;-)ort be receive�d,filtd ;r--.nd rrcomend..tions br. cc. . Tied out, `r.Ca_npbell to make affid.-vit thlat bills are pt� id. Cc:..rri ed. Council �Ionohon :hakes motion that vote. of thanks be tendered to _r.C . . Campbell f-)r effic ient work done on the Kenydl­le fill and othe=r contracts :rith thc, City. .;lotion b(�ir) dul sccondead s�::e. was carried. Mr.Campbell beim present addresses the Council and t-'a.yor tha.nk- ink them for their expressions of an; reeiation of his work. 2eOBC 103 Report of Cit J,.nEineer; hon 1• ayor r'- City Council ; Gentlemien, I beto report t',,-,t the contractor,TL,`r.', . J.Elliott ,hras co�ripl-;ted the round portion of curb cornctin-- the curb on they vest side of Cec ar street with taco curb r on the south side of Thkrd Avenue t'iiu eomplc:tin6 t�_e. viork required under this contrr- ct . ours truly, r nd c econd ,u r(°-)ort oe r--ccaived and file°d . Ca.rri:-d. City 'n;,-r.reports f,zrther as folio=vs ; -ayor Council .Gnntle: n�'n; I be,-- to submit t'!e roll s..o—*rL,, a.sse inst each lot end parcel of 1,nd ^,-fected by t---e improve Tient of Third Ave . T-,cspe'ctfull submitted. , .G . "a.rnick, '.ctin- -.n`r. i�ioveed and s-condcd renort' be acceptcad and filed and toll be a �1,)roved. Carried. `r.. Teport of City _:nLr. F;.: ich :: :.s laid over from last me;etin. ,said rer)ort rea.dinL�, as follogs" jion.-.r-;-or Uouncil . Gemtlemen; I have to report * hat I " vve run l: ve^ls over the fill made by .r.C. - . Campbell , n,)de to repla-(Ile t el. portion of trestle on tine Ken y d--.Ie i:o:-d d,:strolle:d bo fire ,a.nd find that them surf .ce. of t'-e- road is -t 7 � •- ^t four inches above t'-ic-: contr-.ct requirement for same . I also rind th^t t e rr vel is full ,- up to t,-e contract re:quir�,inc:nt ,both as to quality and C ua.iltity',t .':t t'":e -t..,,rd rail is completed in a satisf- actory in^nnear,anc t': " t I consider the: Thole work eompl<<t. d in eonpli- nee =`.'ith the contr�,ct,and rc oaei :nd its acceptance by the Council ,and th'-t t In cofra)l,s,,°tion of na.;yment be m,,cl.e for the work. 1•espe;°ctfully submitted, ".G. rnicl,,` tiny r:nr. was by ::otion duly se.conde°d,accept ed,and directed placed on file -,-nd recomend- or,^ c f�ri ed out . Ordinance P.o.451,bein,� ordinance Lrantir- to C . St .P. Iiy.Co .to Set ?poles and erect brid."cs for c.:7=,rin� vwire:r. �.nd troller s for e,l,-, l, of lines through Cit;;, was recd first time: nd referr::d to the ordinance co::.r ittee. Ordinance ivo.445,relatinL to construction of flues,chinne;ys,etc 104 sections 1 to 18, inclusive ,ha_ving been adopted at a previous meetinL: was Oken up and sections 19-20-21-22-and 23 ware read and adopted. Motion made: and seconded that ordinance as a whole be adopted as read. Poll vote ; all Councilmen pr- sent votinE aye . potion carried. lotion was made and seconded that Clork have 500 copies of above ordinance ;printed for the convenience andlinfprbdtion of the public . otion carried. City Attorney presents check in the: :f mount of ; 38.30 as refund of court costs and fine in case of Power vs City of Ennton,a.nd explains action in regard to same. Awed and s : cond- d aleck be acc- epted and action of Attorney re.lo tive to same be a_ groved. Carried. Councilman l onohon a: dresses the Council relative to the open- ing of drainaLe ditches in north Fenton and manner of doin`, same . loved and s:=ec )nded matter be rofee_,red to "trout F Alley Co;;nittee 8: St .5upt. for investigation. Carried. Clark reports no bids received for serer on rill Street . R Ation made and seconded Clark readvert_ise for bids in penton offic- ial ffic-ial p^.per and Seattle Daily Bulletin. Carried. `kk T. J. Dichmond addresses the Council in matter of inadequate l I telephone service and asks that some action be taken by the Council to force the Company to give proper sF_ rvice . Matter discussed by =a.yor and Councilmen and on motion duly seconded City Attorney wr s instructed to look up fry nchise of Company as to whethor OroDer service: can be enforced under terms of said franchise . -otion carried. There beim no furth r business before the meetinL motion male to adjourn. Clerk. 2COBC 105 Rtnton,Dec .4th. 1917. In the absence of the i'viayor regular session of the. Council called to order by iviayor --)ro-t�.-m " mond. - Y- Holl 0,,311 ; .."rttoent �-)uncillric-,n i,,'.-onohon,CL).k,-,Ovit.nP,,Jz,,;ri,,-,-. -nd -71,'-.-mond - Cit ! Attorney,.-n, r." Cl�.rk. Ainutas of 1,-,-s t session Fmcr,-k r:.P,d r^nd a:-)-roved. Petition for ranter connection for use of atcrr at c.-)-st ste,,l foundry by Pacific Car �,,- il'oundr'- Co. fv-s rt-,c,,d and 6-'rr--.nt�'.d, same to be under tl--,c su�-)ervision of the. V�at :r ")u P t R,e-.-port of -7o*inonce Go.,fii-,Atter� ; our Coirmitt�t� on rance hove. :txairiinc�d -,.rid rocomend pajymerit of t.1-1t. bills; . acific Cae.r cl-, Joundry 'o.bluprints 1 .50 21 one,:,,rt--r�inder-7 PrintirG do,ofJL--ice supplies, wat(-,.r De,-_)t . 54.91 auto license . 75 Joe "'ood, E.A. Shc,-�rcr, rv.p.:�Ars .50 71roY.rn,filin� s-,ws 1 .50 Renton T.br.Co.lu,,fib, r St .Dept . 8.33 Renton Hdq.Co. supplies 5.60 cPhcnrson Pro s. supplics , 8.49 City of ' Seatt!5' water 29.10 —J . 0ufr,policO judge fees 11 .00 J. "V.Butl�,r,coal for office 5.95 Libr,ary maj-nten,,),nceJ, 129. 76 Labor pay roll , S)treots, '.�ilattr G;-rba-t- 147.34 and seconded re--)ort be. rece-*Lve-,d,fi!_ -' d and all, bills O.K.d be, paid . Carri(nd. Councilman --onohon vc:rba.l reaoort relative: to ditchinL, of "trefits in T,",)rth i-enton to the ,ifftct that AL' lle-y ".joi.imitttte have decided said work should be done when weather conditions are, favorable. "oved Land s(,conded re-)ort be., accepted and Street Supt .bn instructed to do said work as rncoii-iendc-d. C.arl-itd. Ordinc,nce 0o:ni,-Attee mzakfs verbal report recoirfendinL adoption of Ordin�--nee No.451, sarne bein-- fr,,,nchise for elR,ctrific< tion of lin-s of C .I .& St .P.Ry.throu�h the City, said ordinance havin-, b en amended in certain particulars since first rv-dinC. 'v-'ovcd and seconded rr7-)ort . be accepted and recorritnd.-tion be crrrie-d out. C,-.rripd. Report of Police Jud.,,'e for month of 1�ov.was re rid and J"J* lnd. En7r.makes verb,--1 re-�ort thrt property asking; for sewer in motor Tine Add.have already been taxed for flush tank and recoiiiends that sftme be inst°- llcd in connection with the se-w�°r e.xt1!,-rtior and be the, City. Moved and seconded . nr i)aid for b 'i I. cr. inve,qtiate furthR,r and provi.I dir)6 st-.te,,rn(!-nt as above is found correct that said tank be in-t- 106 alled -t, the expense of tiie City. C.?_rrie.d. ordinance No.451 relmtin to electrification of CJl.&, St . ?.i,y. t:,.ken up for second re,-dingy. TtiIoved -.nd seconded Se.c .l be --.d.optcd �.s amended. Carried. Mov.& Sec . Sec .2.be dopted -,.s ai-:ended. Carried. '.'ov .�c Sec .Sec .3 be adopted as a aiend ed . Cearri*:d.iviov.& Sec .Sec .4 be adopted as amended. Carried. Wov.,- Sec .171ec .5 be adopted as amended . Ca.rried .l',.Tov.& Sec . Sec .6 be adopted fss aunendcd .Carried. ov.c�: "Dec . Sec .7 be 7donted as read. Carried. 711'. ov.F,- "ec . Sec .B be adopted -.s re ;-d. Carried. 1'Yioved Pnd seconded ordinr:.nce <°_s a whole be adopted as re-d. tarried. 'Poll. vote; all Councils l—n present v--)tin-" l_y® Councilm^n C^_=,c ,at request of Patriotic Lee_Cue ,asks Narmzxxixn that said Le'-.Cue be a.11ovrr.d to tack posters and notices on the plione and .li nt poles throughout tie City. -oved and secondcd that Chief of Eolice be instructed to Erant request . C< rried There bein,c, no further business before: the Council motion made" to adjourn. i F 2cOBC 107 Renton,D(L-c . 11th, 1917. RtEul?_r se«cion of the Council c�°..11ed to order b„� t :e �_; or . <_oll C€11 ; 'resent Councilriie:n,.;'onohon,Jafics,0;vens Ln_nd j'ly mond; Cit;- At c, .]nye: . ec. Cl ,­rk. 'inut. of last session re,,ad and ap,proved. atter of Council �. )propri.<._ti.nL sufficient funds for purchase of service fl<: for the. City' ;as discus sed,arid mntion made and seconded that furids be appropri�-Ltc d for said Ourpos e . Cc_rried. eport of Finance Committee ; e, ; our Cor!mittec, on inu.nce have examined and recoriend payment of tt1c; follo«rinU bills; "m. Shank auditinF,--& inspectin 97.80 John Stewart, impounciin c.:; killin, dogs 7.00 Pacific Tel .(': Tel .Co.phone L L.D. csa.11s 1 .40 Seattle D^.ily "ullctin,call for bids ,: ill at .se:er 6 .60 Denton ICt11 tin,Cit PtL;. 8.26 Signed,R.??. James,i''hos .I :_;;�mond,Committc�<.� . ' ove:d nd seconded repo t be receivod,filod and l.11 bills O. Y.d,be n^.id . CI-._rried. • r<er,ort of City !.,'n Now i1ayor & Council ; Now Gentlemen; I v(ish to report that on Dec . 7th, • hich ems, over 30 da-is aftc-r the acceptance of tree Third Ave . imorovement !:cork I examined the faori-� and found the contractor had mode suQh x e,,)n_irs as I had found necessary. ar.C. that t `-,-.t ias finall. , eoiciploted ,3.ccordin`, to eontroct ; I therefore recomend final .nc;nt )f' ^.,runt du,- ;: r.}:. J.r-;I_l.iott on this cortr :ct . .G -�arnick,Act`. Ci' .n_r. oved �.-nd -,-condtd said rc,,,ort bo laid on t_, 1_: for one, „c-e:k. C^.rrie:d. Com;runico.tion to Cit;; hn`r.in tri tt ;r of est,- blishii ent of pier head lin cs a1ony 31c_ck diver,from r. of }'ort Dist .,7 s r"<.d and discus^ed bV the Council P;nd City Attorney. l otion c e -_nd seconded Cl':rk ,,rite Co,.ii'!ii,, ion(r ava,e relative to s­aidi"11atte.r, and in r.1e .r. ti:Y '. '-n r.be �:_u thorized to give such ass i stance in the surv(, of ,-Lver .s :night be required. Carried. � Co:�] _u:�,ication from American j nfence :society relative to action to y,rote,ct the people in mutter of 'Germ n spy system and propaL;anda was rec_d . `roved 4._nd s econded Council endorse, proposed plan and that com. uni.cat,ion be turned over to 2'atriotic Lec-Lue for I. ction thereon. Carried. 10S yids on t'--,e %:-'L11 Apr virore -),pencd 7rid , ead as 1343.70. J."rickson 1546.80 -,-nd F,3ime & Lo�:�an follovis . 7. 7.Duff '994.84 . As all bids aere in r�xce.,-,s of 10/0 over the istima- te of the, Cit1jT made, and seconded t hA-t bids be laid on t,-ble for one w-ck -,.-nd G-*Ltl,,, Attorney investi-,-,ate as to wil-lethnr lo-,.�r bid could be Laccent ^dlon consent of the pro-,)erty ovqnc;rs in said district . i-otion carricd. i,iatter of ,alar- of Cit- kl"nLr rel---tive to af-rnefient that same should not exceed w100.00 -,-)er month i!,r bud�c-t allowance discus, ed said alloaanco having; been -,r,-.ct 4 C exhausted. 1.bA In view of ti-.e fact that a com-,iderablF, afioubt of extra -work- had bee=n ordered b-- the Council in surve.--in- and ins ,,-)piny of -L,-,)1-rk and surv---, of �Black i-,iver,1ttc ,,motion pias made and seconded tfan.t -a!,, rbe 21- o;J ed. Carrit-.d. -a,or -L'onkin aDpoints ,-rs. Kira-*Ln as member of t1 e Li-brar7; 6 Board to succetl.d rs .T. J.FLicl-uiaond, r��-,i,,.,ned. =-ovtd and secondc,.d aopointment be confirmed. Carried. There. bcln,-o, no further busintos bofore t1-:.1-,e, YHi ; J- ret` nnotinnoFamade to adjourn. Clerk. 2COBC 109 ent on T)ec 1917 Rejular SC33ion of the Council called to ord--r b,,, the,- I Roll Call ; Pre cent Councilmen P,�onolion,Paul l:,"Ca'i,-,.-,Ja;nes and Ro.:T- --in�.,�r and Cl�nrk. mond; City "inutes of last session were read and approved. Application for Yiat :r connoction,Lot 8,Block 5,b-,,- Ceo.Pasco -aas read and Eranttd . Report of 2inance- Coimr(iittte. ; vVe, -our GOL-jr�-IiLtn( on finance JjVVC ex- amined r,-nd recorfimnd pa,m -,nt of t1ie bills; T�enton Lbr.Co. 1umbnr, 3t .Dnpt . 32.83 Renton Lbr. Co.1umber"V--t,!-r D�-.Pt. 31.57 Lowman (,- Ilanford Co.office sup-)lies, 4.53 Daniel Smith, seder pipe 27.50 Br?. dford h- E6an,AtLys.fnt_�3 156.25 in. 7). Shrink,wat�-�r clas2ification 40. 20 Thos.Dobson Aid ,'Vate.r De-,-)t. .57 "'hos .0obsonIedic,�1 Aid t .Dent . .63 S EI .A. Sherrer, -' oakum for sever 1 .20 7a y roII ,:E'daards, Jones se4er 37.50 roll J Pay 11 ts .&- rtcr 92.00 . T'. Jac,,ics,Tho:i .',-- --,liond Coill-mit oved and -second-d report be rec-eived, filed zWealc2l. bills O.K.d,be . paid . Carried. report of Cl�:rklalF!o report of Treasurer �or month of !,.'ov. �Tere read and filed. Com,ri-(.-(nication for-i 3t to Auditor Clau,,�en in iflatt,!!r of lett-* n- L b contract for sewerl-lill read. !.loved and -n e.cond(-,d sa,ri(!- be filed.* and rncom�-nd,-tions be carried out . C,-.r:7:ied. Motion was iiinde andr-.-second d that contr,--ct for t1le sewer ir,-Ioro- ve,-ritnt on -ill St .be 2,-t to the loie�st bidder bond has been oresentrd bl, oroperty --)-finer., re.leiL vin- Cit;; for amount in excess of 10 / over nstirunte of '7n . ine- r. otion carrimd .All Councilmen rrtscrt votinE aye . CoI,,I.,,-.,un-L cation. from En�r.of Port Dist .to City 'b"n' r.re-lotive to surve,i, of "aver for pif)r IFS^d lines ics read n.nd filed. City A-LtornF, ; explains to Council re=sults of trial in Lilitchell case and asks if it is L'-e de sire of thc Council to have case of Ni, --ht -arshl-! Stawiart appealed to -"upre ne Court. -otion 4a.s made and seconded Cit:/ Attorney be instructed to sc-id case . Carried. 110 :solution Wo.223 fixinE date of homing on anse,s3mant roll for 3rd.Ave .7^st improvement was rend. Aved and seconded same be adopt- ed as recd. Carried. hasolution No.229 addressed to County Commissioners askinL for action in mattor of Renton seweraLt problem xxx said resolution <avinC been postponed form a yrnvious mn,tinL , gas taken up,read and ^donted.All councilman present voting; Aye . �att,er of first crese;ntinC said resolution to the Port Comnicc- ion for jointaction with the City ovs discussed and the la;;%or app- oints City Atty.0 Lnyr.a s committee to places said re olution Vfore: Port Commission and andervor to secure their co-operation in said matter. In matter of absence- of Councilman Leathley and indications that he would not again be able to a tend Council mvetinL s,Cle;rk was instructed to write Er.Trythley and ask that he send in his resin ation.providin` he expects to be permanently absent from the City. There being no further business before the. meeting; motion was :Wade to adjourn. CiL,�C.l rk. F i t r i i ' �008C � Renton,u 6d (3t11, 1918. Rotgt�lar sass Lon of the Cit; Council cal] ed t o orcte:r b r Roll call. ; Pry-sent �,ounc i l.men I/!onohon,F'a.ull ,Cake ,a.nCt Ja;iie s. inutcs of la F.t session reed and -A_)Provtd . Application for water ^ervicr. ,I,ot 24,B1ock 23,1,,entori Farm Plat was r!end and granted. Re-port of finance Committee ; ''le, dour committee on finance hove ex4.mine•d and r,-comfnnd pa ;r,ent of the follorfin� bills ; Thos.Dob son.Trea.s,post^ge and express clig^. 6 .25 Renton Hdw.Co . supplies, 12.30 Preibe Bros , sunplics 20. 70 G.H.Be,&lA R. Co.zla ss set tin p m^. roller 4.80 .Ka21e , u;�I�li�e 6.00 c:'herson Bros, supplies 1.62 Jesse "tore;;, ,'. O.Box rant T'z.leraay Brogn,repairinL .80 Renton nru "tore one battery .40, Joe good,auto smpilies V 1.6 .65 . Cit;; of Oe^ttle , r�a.ter 34.50 R."�.C�ilha.m,prprrium on bonds c "o1ice of'fice•rs 10 .00 , R^°nton Bulletin,Cit; Pt--. 1 .64. Librar;; aintena.nce 82.40, Labor Fa.y. roll , Sts. `,Vote-r, 128.45 .,igned,R. H. Janes,B. F. Cakes ,Co 'r itten. loved and seconded report be r=rceived,filed and a.11 bills O.K.d,be paid . Carrie-d. Co,,-runic^tion in ,-ia_tter of bonding; Co.relative to bond for contr- actors for '-;!ill "t . ,se' tier Yf rr-�-d and. Cleerk w,-s instructed to see inters-.^ted nropertyr o Wncrs in iria.t,te`r of sc°curin- bond for ^,-id cont- ra ctor� . Cite ',n -rs .rmnort re].rtive to completion of 3rd.Ave .'' i.ii.rove, Ment and r Coiiie;ndin` final -pa- -nd ^_nd seconded that 3 r;:P be receiv`.d, fil �d and rico Wrd tion bc:: c«.cried out. Tv-otion c .rri6ad. hlotion rrinde and seconded Clerk call for bids for Cit„ _grin _;in for Year 1918 . Cirri-®d. There bnin� no furth -r business before the ii,--tin motion r.a.de r..r to adjourn. Clerk. 112 Rc-nt on Jany.,15th, 1913. the t! j City Council cal to order bl, he Iv, -- or Roll Call ; Pre3(�nt (�ouncilmen ,Tonohon,Faull Cake and Owens, C,i t Atty.and Cl,==rk. Minutes of 11-st st-^­,ion were road and a])nroved. Report of Finance Coi-faait-Lee- `,7e , 17our ljoijimittee on 1,'inancf� have exl-min-ld labor n- rolastr-nets, watf-r -..nd _-,rb,-,.,e ,Jeny,lnt ,to 15th, and rnco,ie-nd that sa,-,,je be-- allowed. rimed * led ond r,,neorte,-ndation�-, be d rnoort be received,filed owed 7rd s�4condc-� cnrried out . C,- rrie:d . A,IonthlY report of Police Jud-e ,al-so report for yesr 1917 were r read and fil,!td. City Attorney addrn,­,s(rs the Council relative to survey of Blr:ck Iliver,also in m,tter of transfer of City funds . In matter of Funds, motion was -riadc& and seconded that, sufficient money be tre-_nsferrtd from the water fund to the Current Expense Fund to take tip outstand- inE, warrants and to carr--_ tx �tnse of said fund until tax Money beco- mes vavailable . ivloti -)n carried. Matter of Black River by motion dul ,- seconded rnferrod to the Ci t:, Attorne and Tn, inr° r. 0 t�'l i n ;- to his enforced abqence from thc; City Councilman T. J. Leathlev tenders his re.2,i�nation wyhich iias acce-)ted b-, the Council . Yotion v�as i--,ade and seconded that Mr.NancheFter ".'Valters be nor:- - inated for )o.si-tion of Councilman i-nadt- vacabyrt bre-Linati ,-)n of Councilman D-Pthley,and Clerk was instructed to advise of hic nomination. Carried. Bid of the. '1-,(-tnton Bulletin for official nrirtin� for year of 1918 was read, sa.ite bein- 15 cents -,,(;r inch for first publico,-tion 211-- cents per inch for subsequent publications. There, being no other bids motion o,--s imade and seconded that bid be accepted and contract the Bulletin. !,,otion carried. bfz� a,, rdTd to Cit-%T Tl_n,�'r.nrt,!-�ents roll for 3rd.Ave .Eait improvei!ient . Ther(- beinf- no protests off Breed b,,,, pro,)f.,rty oviners in .,raid district . motion w,-s, ,,,ade -.nd se�condrd th,-, t s., id roll be -,,,),)rove=d. Cc?rriFd. C1t,, En,,r,brin- s s- de .i^.lk urr.d(.s in North Renton, 2COBC f st,atin., -u -_a in his opinion ��rA.des os rloov estrwlish-u and th^t -rid,; as first established. b; former EnCr.Tvet to . After di,,^cussion motion oa s m .de and seconded th,-- t Er and rades ^nd re, )ort on Barrie. Carried. -,�! olution h o..230 relative to rental of portion of Cit of Seattle pr'oj),-rty� l,rin , south of Aver opposite City Pa.rk,as an addition to the p, rk >ias re-,-d and on motion dul; seconded was a.p-�roved -,.s read . ml:r.L.D. Jones and others address the Council in reference .to, cm se nov in courts against forniear '-Ica-or : uk:les,a.nd others involving the shooting of Mrs .MitchnlI ,v.nc4* asks that Cit; Council assume costs of said case for all nartiep. in,.'olvtd and, trig t saute be; a.nnenle'd to . State `z preme Court . Idiotion cai:ried. There being; no further business "befor(,: t _eA iiic;e T inf", riotinn made to adjourn.. Cit; Cl( rk. ' I 114 Renton,-Jany 22nd. 1918. I.,,,:,-- ular ses�ion of the Git:), Council Pias ca.11f-d to order by the Loll Call ; Pre-sent Councilmen [,.'onohon,Cake.,Jame s anc, Owen.-.-- I.Jinute-s of last �,�ere read and a:)Prov�7d.. 11 1 ':altars * prese=nt lotas given o- -ie ea of e a.-, 1,'r.f'arch(�,-.ter altors be-Ln-L, C� "-L CouriciliQnn to fill vac^nc,� cr-.uced by the resignation of Councilman T J.Lenthl-, R,o�--oort of 1{inancc-. ,,I,C ,Your Co,!,,,Att��e on i,'in,- nce� have- exl-.f_,ined and rccoi;-Iend t�y rri e n t of they: toll o�iin,.,, bills; ,rI - - Hou-�(-r,Atty.fn-ns ," itche,11-Hu ,hes Et .Al . �t;250.00 litriore '.I.ill ion L S—Ni-u— rtock 1.00 S,�attic nt fl, A-vminl- Co, s,,:rvicc f'laL 4:0..00 1. ",rood.ce,-i%r';ntand 1-1-7; 13.00 Pacific Tejl .Co. ,phoni!- � L. D.Calls) 4.75 3i-nedIR. T,T. Jaa-ie5, L,.e onohon Goiiinittce . oved and seconded report be received, filed and all. bills O.K.d,be - o,, 'd. Carried. . Ordinance 11o.452 -a- -)proving and confirming assessflert roj.1 ,Dist . No. 77,for iri-qrovenv!^nT, of 3rd.Ave .EastIv.`All St.to Denton Ave. was read. 11oved -.nd, Seconded be referred to the ordinance. Carried. OrdinancA CoM1IIIi--,ttcr:,- riinkcs verbal report on above ordinance and reco-ir-,iends that be; token u-o for second rn,-din- and ado-Otion. 11ovcd and secondcd of ordinance 00' ![-Lttt-,t, be -d and r(-.comcnd, tion be carried out . CO.r r i c d Ordinance I,io.452 taken up for second rcadin,�--, re-,-.d -.rd ado.)tcd b-, sections and on motion dul- cnd(.d w—s adoetc d as a ;hole as j y P,e. To : read. All CounciLiteni-.r°u-sent votir)L: Ayre. Councilman Jaiiit:s cnll. ,g attertim of the Council to poor condit- ion -i' vv.-,.Ik adjoinL. Ctntrol School on 'dill St . Stre-ct Supt . *a-q inst- ructeAd to repair s,-�mo and send bill to School -Bo,-;rd.for payment. There beir.V no furt-l'Inr "business bell'or-- t'zif- ray e tint motion ��Iade to adjourn. 20OBC 115 R(_nton ,J-7n,; R ;lar FlfL!-,si -)r of Git,/ � ,:mncil c,-,111 .d -u,) ord(tr by .`,ayor Lo I 1 C<<11 j:--e:�e n t Council :_c;r 0 n.0 rl an, I t r ,u11, it s ond Y Cit r. CI -;rk. ' s b-, in tili-- Add. c tL U e� on o 3 i d e�,v 3.k t!- 11 ct �7 1 on - 131-ock Onfn r., r,° ro >nd r(--f�-rred to tL 'it qtr=---=-- t All G i t t -)n r". n c v e Df' i'ir.,,-.nce our GOi'liriltt '. of t`lt,- fol lowin_, bills; C VId rd,-,, su Ali,-- s 6 .30 '71.1onkin, sacks 7.70 I ->. I .L., 7-. Co.liht Nov.�: M,c . 271.80 Trick 0if'ic tr. Su F, 1 13 9 .F o.n t or Tl u 2 2 e.t i n 1 0it publication ! 2.20 3 i, n c d 1i. Ja;-.,ea f7 Tho,-3 . ond 1 tc rs 00, t'6 Pov,,d -nd r7;4,con(fic-cl r�,-,�ort b� r co-*L,-,--,dlf`ile,---, alJ bills O.'- .d)bo paid. CL-rric.,d. Cit;j r ')ort on of ard tliat blu(. ,?-int oftho T'�I -.cl t t,,. r o i' c.n I o t,"t to t 3 nov, r�;!- to .)rocs in r t., t -r: c3 in j. orth ,!ntor i ti t-, P- rk, rd c-' Thzi,l ) v -�J,-,,n t 0'. T 1 11 1 t i t t-� 1' -,v D r k b r,- d,)n r d t, t i 1 r C OT' T, "I T3o., rd t0 I r t t s t e t,�-i r t o -r)otrt(:)-,-, to t1 -6 vr.,,r C.1 l "-,- .- 11 - 1. - '6, -1 11_ -L I -L L L,.) 2 � -J �-�lanction of ti'le '--,),,-,ncilto s,,.%.J-d -,.cti,)n. L ov��d rid c ordf-d tl-,,-' t tiv—, ��-o-,lnc 11 coon o tht! P,-.rk 73o,-l.rd in is iIr!r otion c,- iri ,d. ,D .-ncil. in v-," tc-r ol' !,-,cl- a rr.�. n- r.Thos .,)I son j. i- V- f. alor,,-, 7,ixth -v��., .north. s c-)In Cl P d T'l I r r, e r r e CI L 0 adjourn. - rn. Ij o',U 116 - Renton,Feby 5th,1913. tteAzular sesr>ion of the Council cf- I I.ed to order by t1je Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen iVonohon, "' .1te°rs,F'eull ,Coke, and Ra 'mond; Citi, Atty.En�r.end Clerk. !Ainutes of lost ^et=cion recd and approved/ Petition presente cd by C.A�.c�c St .P.R; .Co.0nd P�.cific Coast j�7. Co.askin� t : at portion of alled in Block 2, Smithers 5th,Add.end sre_11 trianrt:1 +r strip next to right-of-fray of Pe_ci fic COr st 1iy.Co. same being, portion of Fifth Ave .produced,br: vace.ted was reed. R�r r)re^sent4-tive of C.I1 .B . St .P.Co.bcinC' pry-re=nt explained to the Council yah;" they desired this prop,, rt� v,.cate;d. After discussion of the que^ tion ;,lotion �i s iii .dc and sc�cond.«d th<t ?etition be. rec- eived and filed 1r.nd resolution bei dro.a n fixi.n- d,.te of heerin- on said i-c-nAterr. lotion. csarried. V T, port of -Linonce o;�rr,ittee ; :de, your ''o ;.. ,itt<:c on i'ine_ncea "ave ex . nined and recomend payriie:nt oL t'.e i'311 o gin" bills; Renton �ce3 1ty Co. _�reiniurm on bon.:s of Cit; 0 f ciVls 37.00 Libr.,ry �ti1 .inte�nonce 86 .61 City of Seattle 'Iater 21.45 Pacific lel .& Tel.Co.phone a: L. D.calls, 1 .90 Joe iood,uasoline 7.35 Lovymcm c� H"nford Co.office supplies, 9. 71 L 3.80 E cPh�#rson Bros. su{�plies Ike Hancock,assisting; City 1 . 50 { Labor Day roll ; 96 .26 �i_s ncd Phos. ;. ond,Lc� Lfonohon,1M.Nalters ` oved and seconds-d rM_�ort be remcc:ivec':., filcd 4 nd all bills O.K.d, `� be paid. Carried. En-r.make-s verbol r^port rclative to north iienton side�ftalk r .7rndes. owing to inability to ak<-. coripic�te re-,port on <. ccount f of purvey not be' inL co ipleted mot' )n ar. d seconded thf t atter be laid over for one vreeik. C irric,td. iv'otion fist Tt-_de by ha;-mond !-;econded. b -onohon t l".t -'iotl.�n mr,de. p t llast :9tin` rel.4-tive to notification to certo in ;artic°s to construct cement aide:►:alk be reconsidered for t'..e ti ;ie bein€_ . Carried. F,equest was imide by cerrtcain -_rties for to haul to ,s over p�.ved streets of the (jity . leo action taken,question beim- left to atreet ... " lle �o .._ittce , `�t .`' . Y, . rd. Cit; Atty.for inve�s'tI- rtion. Th�.e be�n�; no f�:rt'.-er b _ ine �c;fore. t tin riiotion ries :i.'dn to adjourn. 117 ti­! l;it­ 'oilrci-, c,-! ] (-,d to o - n n d r A,)nlication for !"Teter -wz-t:-:r conn(-ction Lot 17,__J1K 2, '-rd, r,7rt�ld . :')etition si 'nrtd b O 'L(�,- ry and Philli, T poi: - �kin,.' for ?n of of .50 ov. _; L-od spnc.ondcd sa..vbe _rcr.t.".'d . (�­.rritd. -- nort -)f !,'inance Coir.i;--Atte�c - UO�_iJ' -L-r r�(� -)-.n ex,-. reds rid r,-co- our I �L u, � me!ncl op- :,;.e,,.nt of tic follo;­;in bill.:, "Cit-, public-..tion. . 70 6 .25 Co.Frt.Ch -s. . 25 herton Lu,,Ib�ar Co. lunib�r., St .7>�pt . 20,21 1 .50 Nor;; -,,)n '),­.vis,labor at Park 98.00 Au_', .Cis labor,P-.rk, 3.00 if Duff It 31 .50 Tom.E.Duff ' Poli cc Court fnts 2. 75 T Fe-nton i1,..rd,4-;are, Co. su­plies.,';,-ttr Dept . 1 .10 Labor h. J, roll , Sts . C,,,).rbc Si,n(!-d .TV It:.r.,-, cor:i;-ij-ut(7�0 T"'oved a-rd second �,d r-;oo.rt ben r�c(�iv(tdllfilt'.,d vro, all bill ,1 allovlpC be id . Co i c,d 1 of ?olicf- Jude for .iorth of Jc,ny., a-. s re,-.d ?.jid fi Re-nort of Cit; Clerk,vlso report of for Ionth of Jany, vy t!r t rta,­d and plo.ce-.d on fila . `/errly r,_�oorts of Cl�.,-rk end �'rc,­s-u..re�r vi(xre r­ _(J. end on ot i on .Y dulj --,;condz-.d ,ver ! rt:ferrc-,d to the lir ,s (;O,iiAt-L� for comp- ,grison with reports for 1916 . ".rrick r�1-7tive: to sid,n,,alk yr. c.e in Eorth ­­nton i -nd :';�comif be, laid ai t :b1 for- -novil -.i A of fr- rl­ I: In t i or. ack in r,;c tul,' t i rVitt' on L'-Di, 1917 M"d CDn_r. its fin,-.racial condition rct"d '-'nd filft(d. to '.-'oP7� -)f r-, port of St­ t.:: � Council and. b;, motion was refcrr­d to thn "'I'ays and ­oans Co.f,,iiittee for US sol .tti )ri l, o.231 fixin:; d .tr of he _rinL, or petition rr -ccntr,.61 by C.I\j.R.- wac,-,.tion of 1?21-.-;; t1ilrou''h portion ob Block 2, SmitherF; 5thA(_6. . ,,i,� re,,- d <rd on .-Lotion was adopted t.,:, ,"att -r- of hl-Julin, of lo`s ovi!�r tx-ved' stref-.,ts which i�o_s brou.'A'it be°for�- the Council at ,, I--,rttviou,, to -Itr,tct t"Ile " tL.--. aas, rt.ferr!!td to ..nd CourcLL,-Ian 11'e.ull of St .�,� Alla,� Lot.Ilittee r� ,ports tI =^ t ission has b,..°t;n liven the: -)e,titioners to Haul over ....ain St . said route bf-in.­ t.."ie shorte-st over pave-.d str ;r.ts . Iaowd _­nd second.-!d -ct_L-' on 0-1, All-, -,o I-i-ttee. in rantin- said ,-�,z�rmiission be L roved. C.-rried. r.O.B. 'Vooll%y _­.,pe.­rs before the Council relative to re- nadju-.t.-fient of propfrty ling R affectirL, his, property in North ­nton,b, 17'r -r. `�-rnick, st,­,tliag that nr�- do spot corm i�vith 7 -lints 7.s run by pry-vious b,,, a-)proximately tivo end one. -half ft,:et rm.d asks ti-i,, t Council t-kn C-ction to !I,-ve i-)rol);tr -lines locattd ,rd , st,- blishnd. After so,.,c-. di-_,cus.-.ion b r tl-10. Council notion and second(�d t'lat Cle-rk co:r,r.-,unicatc ,,J-th forii,er Cit­- IAn:. r.'J"ve.te cmd ,_m,6.tavor to sec= his ct-rvices to ;Io over -nd c1l(!ck u-'I on tj'-,(.- t�,,o mirve,,,-s . notion c<-,rrield . i 11 Thn-r�, bein no f-Lrti-ier biirlinrn ss be-fore; t.�e :,at` on was mei de to adjourn. r OBC 119 i,-neon,Febj 26 wi, 1916. .Council ir.t in re_uler ses,,ion Tonkin L)rtsidin,:'* Roll Call ; Prc:7ent UounciL-1,,en Janes and Ramond ; City Attv ." Cl-rk. `�inute7. -)-f l were re.ad and aporovtd. E Petition &skin& that rv..tet -for City work bn, incrc,- sed to "'8.()0 T)f-.r d-y, si -,n(-,d by Pctnr Dull,,h!-nt,A.Bishop,A.B �rI_nIIr.n rnd _N. C,". :-obell was re..d. Noved and s,-concLed be, referred to the "cans .-Attee for - mr�-�Ai ­tion and re.' ort. Carri-d. c o J_ D Petition vski-n­ for, increpsl,c in ­.--lary, si- ne.d. by Jos .17,dwe)rd�s -- _nd John 'St,,!,vv9.rt.,Cit, Police Oil­icer�-; was rico r-;! d c.rid r­f'crr-d to th�!° lict,)ort of iinance C'o -:.Att-c; �Ve,jour `jo,._,Attec: on kin,7,rce havt! Y _J exai.­iinf-d rrd re-co,fttnd pn, j,-I,�nt of the followinL- biI P. I).T.L.& '2r . Co.li,(Lht , im.90 Renton Bu2letin.Citv -oublic,-.tions , 16.80 ­i&ned, H. Jaiit s ers Tho-s y.,iond,moo.-_it tee . ,ov­"d e,,rd �-, �:c'ondnd re :�ort be rectivitdfil-d ard -_I1 bills ollowed b ®id. C.-rriitd. City Attorney brin,,..Ft u of Re-soluti'..)n -%r,:vio-",,cly passed b-,T th- ')oilncil rel,- tivm to penton smv,,erl): ek -,,roble!­ -ard i -kin- thzt Count, take k.,ction to rcleive- the. iitur.tion. Att- -! th thf- ili,�. t no (�,tion or cozii�luric�­tion �,-, yet b -- n lir d r,'�L Co at i on 7 i.xdee and st,.conded that thea �oli;Atl, �AF c3 jo,,36.d o � L�itj Atty.s.nd Council ,,an ionohon takt�- u ter forthwith with the 'Coi;I-i.s^!ioners. Carried. .,,vttt-r of i,orth Benton s do '-TI' _P-� uts if, s disco- (:d and -otion ­ .-I c.f­ri :-d thn-t be4 1,-,.id on t.-b!(-, f'(-)r one rV! _k, to look up rt-cord of ?reviou.­, action in )rC,3t.nt .w4ot i o i -'t . S'up­t .rnr)ko; re ),-drrs n rc` �-,econd�-,O tl-,,- t to Fire iP,ll to sto of roof. Carried . of lick -)f 1-1, I-A on 1-1,',nton Ave. e.nd ask-: th<,t li:�ht be ir­t��Ilt-d a .,sort di-Ac-,-rc7! north �f -�^ction ct . -ovrd and snconae4d r _o,fa,, C! to tll!� 1"Ll- PIA-ht I­ 'VL-t,,.-r Co ittte . Cnrrimd . �viattvr DI thro;vir, C^rG" 4i =.,s tL-ken un end. -otion it­-d,!- tl-r,, t colle-ctor­ re--mrt L-11 silch to the. ­'nrFh-,)l P-nd. h,- s� to Officetr . (,r.+rried. ptin; notion mos XXXXXV llv'gqg q0at! 703VIOUT Puc Cq Cn qWqq nPuUM004aWOM 770 JcJ W UOC 00'er� in -on a 7ujqkwnbvj UcTun 0a0lWyIV sIq jo ucjqjjV all paaanjoi 00" Tcqm ollumaj . Cu uumf -poyany1no pjlj : jo sq oucIlopua-cmi puu psymooi @q jacdoa qjq'.L P.pkogs ;Pa wpnUcTlu ' laccoa UT 7ajaanauco Q@qjj' co pla''; TO 0400 Uawljounco laolTarsM jC own acyc a "*g� PU2 vjuyux'� aoyb;_ aK -gA paroly Yq Ypuaciim TaIg j"qq o2p1papolLm sq •Cy aww 'gj" jc 6uanaDul U0 laq! -UTpuavoo Wfavpn juassuaOUT UO savolljo Qollog p Ismboa ol sATIalwa, laoc va 1"qa4A U6ja_­ WallIT ZOO 2ujyj q 67u� 4q1 1c uw� ajzqO'WuW: 0 uv�jTounc�) * pwTaasj ' pl ., wq P 'A"o SfEIP 113 PUU pW [TJ 'pWATWOV0 Oq JaCUM PPUUOQ6 PUU PGAC_ 0 oa p 7co sawq 13, - 'puc- ".g. 0Cqj'uWWcf -A *H u7ic- W901 cy7sqjun M aoqcj 66*9- acy awamcyo q- 3 ucluov A"UW(i W931 OoujuojuTu � facaqyj 0913 601ITL allj PCCMC jvllnp *�*f 1TOtull" [ jub u01un�--i is Qy) 90*9 7ulala:0a carr ply aullmn71poy sop 99* 1 tGa 1 sucuo' cq* j� ' jQj OjQO3cT 90' 91 C12anlipascx" Wjjjq 7almo.1jul v jc junnm pun- con j pu a aul { >Av:{ uc 0-111 c9 anc"wl fIVII . 00 AMAMI A ldc"n *pQlaano •qqlm pyllimo gq Isanboa pua pmwooa nq UQUIX, 4qq ! _qj PQPUCOQS pur *PO AW UCTIOW uussav uuWzjjTD puz [IOU -no, Wqf jc !KqnjNq uclusnoulp . co awijV Igm2a x 4poa7 qua -un7a.j s2 poulvaule- aq upwa- yjarppIc juQawaO qaqq -uTjsWucquw, qjaOu U1 taWUPC MJ .,: ca.,_ IMPIAIPUI 16 Aq pmZTo uclqlqwd jqj JC UVj0jAa10nW a�PUWMWU" PU' ,CC jl@ql jc ucTlaoL c pjjuq6a Cq V* j.j ajjjond q polussuaG ucjjjqQd- plwjogj paj P; ex V117S MEv '2[ %McM, wa0 d­ wy Jcy q( TT- ITI: 1p lu .j 'Qtroll m"-quo ac ucjqOouuc0 Jwj" , 3 Jcj W I1 101 0,10 7111 1 IA [ ic A IMI. , *4anjq :'f1jv 7213 pin E ; UOVIIDURC, Qpn -ILV. ' UQUOT a0 ' ! ' _q a ' nJC C ! M LL : 0 11001 CD U01 ." At j _ [�! T 4161 C qqg-a j. 'uc I uq� 09T 208C 121 be 1) -Ld for dvtt.; u ctrrert rr� t,rt of ed Mrd r-Co'-L�-n(_j--t-* on out . C; rri '- -Le�- to re-fcrred of �1' J-t F'i It n a cl(I i t i o n r. on L! n t o n r�c o.t-, n s t b, t, t, 'It to t north of 1 -)c,.-ttion of 1-1—ht bf� Zl.b'OUL tin feet hi -` .,r, -vMch in their opinion would theP purpoF-.,c- . and !me=cond-d r�--):)rt b�. ard r-co.:i-ndation be. carritd out . Carried. Counc-'LT,-,-,-n Cake brin s a -, unloadinzZ of Rj .carr, at irte-r!�f^ction of 3rd.and 1--till Wit . 'I'ovr'c';- r.rd. —,,c.,)nded th!- t 7--.y.Col S be notified to d-i .-continu,- �-,rf-ctil�e . Cvrvied . Courcil. .,v-n Oviemi qt,° tct� th- t not co ,,)Iin vi i th City ordinance requiring; tI,ie-. closin of toilets w.11-Ale -)aE,sin,, thr- o,.i,,h City . Cl rk wlas instri,.ctl-d to vfrite different r�-aur-tin,,- tl,-i,-t Drdirvnce� bf- Council.:!,+an Jalnes calls eatLention of the Council to the fea,cinr, of cl�.nirr, in til-, aisle:> of theatre, stating; th;-,t in case of fire or other undue excitA,,-,ent ia ,,-ie AT-*ht lewd to disastrous results. .id_ t T, r vi-.T r t�f i!�Y to Chir .f f of Police with instructions c,, to .9 c-e-', that oractisc is di-,continued. "'i _roti b -�--- �- -. wr,s being no frrther b�'..7)im-7,3 before t',.-L tin ;,i ad,� t o d j ourn 122 on, v,arch, 12th, 191 a --d z, o order b th , i a.,or . 'Inr )f ouncil call� I Lioli C,�.!l Prr.cf:)* .�ttorney. Petition receivnd fr ) nroparty orners on wells -t .askin... for ,-radin- and -r�vcllin -. ":Motion' L, dc: ),rd secr)nd�:d t,l-,,. t )C-tition of ro-otrt,1, own�rs be refe,,,rri-d to (7,itj �I-ttorne �v . G,-rrie-d. Petition r-,ad frx., k yr e Lo-, n aslkin-. for r(k.ti-i'm of their c rT, ? -*ii' �-.d c-' �-.ck in connecti -)n �.iith All -t . ,,se�,Ye-r bid . -oioti on e� and sPcord^d tht.t the-ck be returned. In view of lotttr-,, received fro,:. motion- .-litdt- and r,, L ,�!ncordd tiaat )f'flce of UY Ln r.b,- d,--c!,- d-;d,, v,- cL-.-nt . G.nrrind- . otion ,P.d�! 1-nd sctconc'ld tlfi^t be drLmfted ra n t i rL, aal City leave e-ntered 7U . S. rtrvice ,thT, ri vi I ed e: of rnt-1rrin:.-. to t1hn-ir for,-Ier x1xxxxx positions, i'L sucli t xi qt ,aft e.r bein..- di!7.c1-1.ar_ttd fro:i ai-rvice . C,-rrind. TL,,,otion 11--n-de nrd seconded tl -tet 'cr.Flo-, d =' llnn be, - s r.on !dills at . .m,- aer. CE�,,rried. OlAr �o on -Lj r r r c e, '.�'�--)ort of Fircrc�- '-o, ! ,J-,Lt,:-, - ex,-:..Arnd Mrd. re-co.iiend Ine. --- nt, of the folloivfin� bills; j q'ho- .Dobson,Tre,)s ,.vindical Ai*o, , vvfnt-tr deet . 1 . 79 It 1 .19 1worth PIf, Co.2t' i(!,tcr 65.25 A. She: rer"supl I i ns 2.17 Trick ?,: Miarray,of-Fice 2'.60 J Hale,,(,a, Brown.. rb e, du ) Xt 3.00 Thoi Ra-,,-aiond �do- iter e . ,�i n�-d I t e r s. oared and ccordcid report be received filed. arC, all bills 0. 1-7. uvbt allowed. C 0- rr i e�d. Co,-,: amice-.tion rf:-.ceived f ron the; Postal Tel .&: Cabjr- Co.askinl,_ C i 4-- o cros , ar-is &, mires fr,)-,- their -ooler� . Motion iadt� end T r-�nL'..oVe --.conde-,d that, co-- :imicL:tion be. rtftirr-d. to Ctty "tLornny. Carrind. Co 7: iinic;.Aion fro-. H.V. R*1,,.do.with refe-.r(-,ncm to tr,-.ck7-, on Co .-e`rcilal Av-!° .f.,- Lo,,-Lan St .receivtd. '.lotion ada and seconded tar t qac e be referrtu to Stre.ct 11, Al,l (-,/- Co :-Att,�t.� . Carried. Letter rective:d fro,4- Ktnnen �,- Kennen of Laddonia o. �,Vith r,zf'- er-rce to a lost L. I . D.bond oo.lned by iz,,,e .Lucy B.Vr.nDeventc:r and ,)ropoqin,,, th,- t t'Fi� give a I 4'600.hzmt Sure t-, bond inder,,-,,nifv-in- ('it,; -)tion thL-t bond of 800 . b(-, reaueste-d. . C,->.rried . 2OBC t,r':: :1, 1-i + -1-11tviart], rris . ,,Artivts alo., of 'It .7-,u--�t . - - ., r.rd ^t�cand ed atior be c,,7, ,-Led out. Carrie:d. ov,--d i.n,-k' ,-,ec or d6-d that To Co-frot "itc-tion and re-porT, 1--t next L -c r i,�-- b e n.-" n o f,;L rt 1 r b i ne- F, b e f o r t i r to adjourn. Actin,, Cie--.rk. Rent onlLarch 19th) 1918. Rf:�-Ular sr-Qsion of th,. Citi Council calind to order b-, the JIa,,-or . Roll Call ; Pre r-,�-nt Council ie.n iNlorohon,Walt e,rs i aul 1 at, Owens Ck Jvz],-,q and Raymond; City Clark. "Ti—tes, of lr, st se.3sion oere recd. and a r)n,r o v d )ort of rIinance Co Attee; - .Ie , your Vo t on F i no n c e hb.ve -nd recor--end nayrrLmnt of the fDllovinl�. bi) 2 -1 ; ;,x .Cir�sef ske ,labor at Park 40. 25 r1i L'..Jtor? oni j� Thos).Dobson lreasltr, cribin," kl,', 3 re Labor pa�� roll ,Port6.5Q 139. 25 Si; ned,R. TI.J&_reS C;0. i t t c Tho.q . -Raymond iIoved and seconded feport be rectived,filed and all billr, O.F .d,be paid . Cem.rritd. Councilman ivionohon of the St .& Alle!-, ittr r�-qport relative to Rl-,,.trnc1m� on Co —erci.1.1 Ave .bj, I -, ion that centf,.r of trr.cks be 2112" frog_ c e,nt r of s t r t )am. siibj-�ct to I-,I oval on thirty 1notice r - fro- _ thfCounciI ,ard recd :ends t11at t)ermimsion be. granted and rnt fdra?m i.-ith above c-.)nuitions . ivovtd an�.', second!�C re-,ort be vcceDtA(11 end fwt-co.,Ic,nO, ti-mi be' cc--rried out . Carried. Town Co ...-itLt-e-, ,mmkr-, verbal report rF"I -tivt to Go:,Ifort Station rcc,-xe.ndin,,-, tl,,-.t doors)t o .- hei,--ht of about six inc.,,.c,,,, above locks . -ov,-dend sec,)r,d,!,U- re )ort bc and reco-erdf=tions be c-1- 1 -7 Carried . y Clerk ane Cit' for iq,)r.th of 1�,37-jovts of Police illd"ICYCit'i ,:ere rn,,lC' Vrnd filed.. 124 ,'r-:part of Citi Atty . in ia.tter of wirps on soles of Postal `-Pe1.1: C b1� Co. wa_ re,^:.d. V:Lowed and second: (i bc- ecceatetd .cnd filecl,anc re•comnnd tions contained therein be cp.rried. out . Carried. Co , ,,unicition fro,,,-. ',In`r.Tvete.of Seattle, ,relative to location of corner of stre t at 2nd .Ave .North .,and G.rrden Ave . was read and filed. Cl:-,rk re:oorts no objections or protests filed a -ainst t -,e Dr000sed v4.cation of certain ,ro>>(-rt,, in STithers 5th,Add.:Block 2, as pf!,titioned for bl, the St.P. I-I'y.Co.a.nd. Pacific Coast RI,".Co . Ordinance �o.453 rela.tin- to v,-,c,-,tion of above )ro )ert ; eus reed first tine, and re°fcrr,;d to the ordinance Co :itte'r . uestim of letting of contract for r °dint; and �_ravellin,�-;; of 4th,Ave .north,%Iill ',t .To City li its on the east rias discussed and u =�Iotion Mads: and Seconded that a r,!!-estz n-tc of said Worl-, be Cdr beforr., ca_17 in,,, for bids . `potion cnrried. F by vr. Peter Mansei in u-_tier of prononed se«r-r I _ on. I',Ii11 St .to they effect that he and other nrope:rtI owners are of the oninion tht t it is not necessary to --lace r'id sender sa de°ep as noir nplanned,aand that a considerable cost can be saved to the 1�rop- ert-j owners . Phis :;;latter ;i—s discussed by the Council and moti ,)n and se-condnd thr-t the I.n r.en ; . ec;. to look after the-, work look un above :?a.tter in connection with trlc �,royjmr ,-,mde for said strr.e:t wl,imn L-:r,oroved. 1 otion carried. Council aa_n ' onohon bripl-s u_) I-Iattt-r of re pair of south y,)ier of Mill St.brid e ,a.nd r-oti.-)n yiai :,.ia.de and seconded th-t sa�„e be rnfe- rr�-,d to Y nLinccr. Carriv.d. Lo,--, ink; contractor who had been -ranted perf� iscion to haul over M$in St . addresses the Council static- th.�,t onca.:.:count of low v"l4 ter aanl and -ravel b,,^.rs thr. ; a ill be., unable-, to .. e s^.id route and asks for F k route over strr,.ets to connr.ct with road le,�din,� to tile- la.kp . Moved and' 3oconde;d aiatttr be ref'erre`d to the Stre.pt Alle Co.=;-.Attr.e �fith nower to act . Carried . Tht-re beim; no further biipir!-�;s bgf ore the ec tins: ,,-)Lion wag am d to adjourn . i rltrk�. I ' i geof3c 1195 F-6!-nton,k,,arch 26th.11918. Ir the absence of .'­ayor Tonkin Council alas coilletc, to order by Tho" .1R.- Cake ond Ja, -s and I City Atty.(- C'2o,rk. `:inute­- of 1p..st r­,,--,Ft(_ rd z, ,­),)roved. T _,)-)rt of 1,ircnce "o , itteo ; e. "'o-ar Go -.. .itt,!(, on -ulinance 'have,. e xa m�i n^-01, ,-.n re c 4 ty r d a-17 ,.e n t )f t in fo 1 1 o-;,i i r bills ; r.-!-,airin,;: -r.d cl-IRPLjnf..- trr!, t IiAits 37.77 Rprton Bi;ll otin,City public,-ti,-)ns . 70 P. CQ.li�-:ht 135.90 t , Im a.S P- I L. I .T).A,,:7s1.'1t Cit Thos .Dobson e" m). irk s 41 .04 Jesge. S_)t­)rp--, P. 0.box rant, 1 .00 Tho�7 . t-.,n ­ond. , ee4 . S i ed Y E. 1"­ j a, �,c s ,CoCoitt o v e d a r d e c o n d,-d r e,-)o r t b n r n,c e.,i v , filen! 2 r,("11 11 b T!,. a Counci l.fian U."_ke .,of the Ordinanc e. Co_-.1ttee re' )ort on ordinance T, o.453,vacatin,-,1 cnrtair .)roLL)erty in :,')! -)ck 2, S_--1_Jti!(-!r9 5th'Adcll .to C .I%`.<.� 11t. P. Ry.Co. st-^tin- t'"lict aq pro--)e�rtw oyinnr,,, in re°.fii- ndnd o,.r' Block h,-ve, no objections to scid vacation, ­,e- r(,,)co :endt that ordinance be t,-,ken .u-D for -r-concx re,,(Iin�'. -ove(I (�ml -e,condi�­d re-nort be accentTd. end rf�coi.-i�rd,-:tion be carried out . Courci!:­,cn Cake- al - ) rc:­")ort s in �,atte-r of securin.; Ian-r.for "illf. er.c.l. ot.h ,-) rr ivork tht he� lhel�,5 intc?rvit-wcl e. `.'r.Alln a_rd (t to t,-'.e tl-j, �,,.,.ork in, qboitt c� -)r ten d< z, tht-,_t he, eill be -bl ,mrd that �iould be ;i15.,)!nr (1,?y. -oved and stconcll(­clj -r. t _ ..len be for saJLcsio r` . Ordinance No.453 fvr u,,) for second. r( Y ,-trd I-IrC ado )ted by s(-ctions and on miotion secondf-,,c' vas ado,-)tt`, as All Councilmen oresent votinr Aye on roll cp,12 vote. . Re-ferrin,­ back to rmport of Cit Officers Cit ,; Atter(-. -)orts in miatter of --)f-rimit vsked for b- Seottle liainitr Vn!I?-. -) 10j .for use. of 0 Ij Drtion of rcicl Avt .for tracks to imvel bunker,th,.- t lie. vy ou I reco-il:end thot said petition be referrmd back to ti-,eCo ly a-rid that they be asked to dra„� -a;� franckige to cover their requir,°, I(mts and presert sml.e to thr. Council. •,Ioved and r- ccorda;d thl-t resort of Atty. be accente-d and reco.:erd­ti Ins be ce-rri(rd out . Carried. Councin`calls attF.rtior- )f the Uo,ucii. to conditions at i;-.,- tAer was retfr.rmd to irveqti -ation. (7"-) --r f 126 t ior r�'F, "-1- rl.'-::� t'-"'I r' OT!U- t I -A"' T,-1.0-1- b(, r,--. ,_rel, o I C i H -C' i r) C bc--' no n C 13 i . to ac`.jo1.'Lrr . Rcnton A-, r.2nd. 1918. Ld in, Council e'-.et in rc- --ul-nr session.1-ayor Tonkin. pros-L 1"011 Call ; Present Council -:,t-n f'onohon ,F,Ltilli .Ja,,--.1-s,Cg.ke,- and .i .y-mond; anti. City Clerk. "inutes of Jest session and. a;--;roved. Petition ,3i -,,ned by pi-i o D ert y oime rs on ea t s ic.C of ;!i 11 -St. -3rd.to 5th.askin- th,,,-t certain chan;---tc be - ade in plans for proposed se,ier was re,-add an . referred to the at . �,,- Alle--\r Go. ,: dEj �,ittee an - n�r, for investi,,,'o-tion and report. Report of Finance. "o -,:ittee ; '�`�e,your Go,,-I:.itTee, on �'irance na VO examined and' recoiierd payment of the followir.- bills; , .cPherson Bros , su,�plies 7.75 Joe 'Nood Auto sup li(�s -- soline 7.37 Library -'�.'aintenance , 145.69 1- 1 .30 3t City of r 24.10 Rnnton Bull.etin,--Irirtin_ 17.40 stock 1 .01() Labor .)ay roll Sts,"`v'�ter rb- 133.46 Sig,ned,R. H. Ja-ue sThos Rn Yi.iond Lee- : onohon,Co ;-I-ittee. :':oveC'L and secondied repast be r,,:-ceivnd, filed and all bills O.K.dbe paid. Carried. Cor".'.-::-Unic at i on f.ror.-i Floyd A] I en re lo t ive to nn-ine,,!�rir for the City was reod and filed. .Chief of Police Edwards -.7tkes verbal rv.-nort in -ziatter of visit to Seattle in endo-ovor to obtain co.apetent man to clean up the dols in City of };canton to the. effect that they hl-.v,- no tic.e ' or such work of -.)resent . -dovnd and secondc-C. -atter be2ikid over for one C a r r i e.d Petition for -of-rmit to lay track for hauling out -rnvel , L, on Co -,_!.-,ercial Avenue .by R.IT.Ry.0o. was re,ad and relative of -ner:nit or havinL fr�nchisn drawn was discursed,and I-I-oti-)n made and secondt2d that i,,'.attnr be to the City A invest i,-ate and obtain advise as to what authority the of Seattle issues sL-..-ilar perr:,itspas stated by said Ry.Co. "ar led. s eC .D. 1?dvvards 4 ask -or ,o L.,�issn to install o.G o 11 n C; tzank,Lot 1 7Uk.2,','otor line Add. Hovec., and s(3conclnd permis,-Ddon be urtnted under supervision of St . Supt . Ca'--:'ried. F,`otion vlJas .-:-,ade and seconded that in the cr.se of a. H.V. RY.Co . ,.atual -�i le rstandin -i - be that n ca se franchise is de-anded by the : nd Cit-j- that the Company -rau re .-.ove their tracks and discont- inue fr._nchil-e on tIlLrty da-,,,,s notice to the Council , said clause to be inserted', in fr: ncnise . ',7;tion carried. There bein, - no furtl-Ler b- - 2ine5s Ore. the GoL it _;tion was €.,ade- to adjourn. is:enton,April .9th, 1918. Regular sc^^ion of° the �'ouncil called to order by the Roll C-.11 ; ''resent Councilj-ie•n M'onohon,Faull ,Cake,Owens an(1 Ja _;es; City Attorre,r a-rd Clerk . mutes -�f' last titin vrere r ac and a,.)roved. Re;:,ort of i''ina-nce (-o ..ittee. ; Ne, your Co s .ittre� on i'�in-nce '.I've exaR;:.innd anc reg c o..jencl pay lent of tIne f o11 o vtir bills ; Pacific 1'el . Tf-,l .Co.phone- w L. P..ca.11s 2.55 Jos.lfdr�a.rc3s ,kil2inlL.- do s, 10.00 1 .A.Fulleer,reaL�a.irs,dog pound G .50 „ .Roy X.? cite ynolds ,court reporting; and typing stga.te-.ent of facts for a r:�ca.l,Hu hcs zitchell case 142.90 3i n d,I . ,T. Jc. . eS,I:ee .�o:nohon,Co _ itt?--e . r;'ovetd and seconded rp,,)ort be rcceaived, fil. e '. vrC a7l bi ',s 1,D.K.d1be Paid . C rri e:,d. Retort of 11ealth Officer for first qu<<)rter, l9l8,@.lso re:aue^t that he be a.11ooved increase �f r^l ^ry r�°�.�.'. . _Mand nd seconcec? e r 'c)ort be 4 au received and filed,and reco,­terd,-tions relative to health ce- , Tres be carried out anu. re-quest for ircrea:se of salery be to the 'V+a.ys ittee . Carried. Report of City Att .on a lie:tion for ne;r.,it for tra.c cs on o i2l Ili- ercia.l Ave .by S.�� R.V. Ry.Co.read,al3o co .. .unica.tion citing. a.iithority for i ssuir� peri its, froi '4'41tcr 'V .Brovrn,Ge+n. a.na. rar of the S.0 R.V. Co. was re<<.,.cl ii�otion taf7 acie and secondee that -.atter be inic- on table until S1icil ti.=_e as the St .car Co. :-,resents franchise for cons idem,.ti on of the Co,,,.ncil . "otion carried. Co :. ,unication froi:-i C kT.F.- St . .liy.Co.acce >tirnL� of Ordinance No.453, rias read. ';ovea and. secomled ai_.e be receives: -Inc:- filed. C,..rried. Council :a.n Faull calls. a. tention of the,, Council to n.ecearsity of ;placing; fille,;r in .fira.vcl on :":ill- St .North fro,? 6th,Ava;.to trestlei v'oved and seconded said e,atter be r,--f'trrtt, to t,,n St .!- Alley (;o :_ ittee with oo rer to act . Cr.rried.. Council ._gin Owens )resents, request of"'.C . T). E(.Iwards to c -,_t curb on 3rd,Ave . '"lest at tvvo diff-rant _)ointslin corneetion. with drJ.vea vi to r-^.^okra tank recently installed. :''lotion eras ::_4-cue �.rd second? -(l that the Council and =or inve�-ti,�;c.te said :.:atter ^t close of .cetir �;otion carried. r,m;r.Allen ; al e^ verbal report in connection vrith the sill St . sewer recomtnc,in`, that 6 pipe be* 1<a id' in ,)lase of 8" and that :anholes be eli: mated and S trrl)s be installed in place there.of ,a_nc,' stat: s that depth of se,,vrr will dc,r'end on prude adopted for stree-t . �,=ov.w Sec .ronort be accepted . There beim-:_ no farther business wtotion fade to 7djourn . 1:28 Renton,Aor.16th, 1918. R.� alar se,-.cion of the Council rva> called to ord-er by Councilian Rajmord. Roll Call ; Pre7�ent �o-_;.ncilM.e«n eionohon,F' �.u1l ,Ca.ke ,0'v;erls ane- ha-, .ons ; City Atty.A- Clerk. "inut� -of !,ast tin; were rea( `r_ _ zw )I}roared . Petition asking i or :oer ,a.nrnt 2ic'evlallc e r, de for ces-:ent ti.alk b '. ?. Satterth`awite v7a_ rt,r d. d ove C .nd ­n.conw.ed ,3a-::ir, be filed arc retgae -,t be `;ranted. Ci .rrlf"4"J . A� -A-ic^.tion •for -i^_tc-r servise,Harri s olace ,on STarin_L;brook lin(-,by ..'.' i!kknl^en mar re.,d anc. ref-rre:,d to thy^ F'ire ,Ii ht 9: ':',ater c.o ' ince a.ncI `,'?^ter Sunt.for investi ation ar,6 re -)ort. Re-oort of F'irarcc Co ,littee ; 'lc; ,four Co i t t n c -)n rin4 nce have exa :inpc and recor.cnd p y_-:ent of t e followink: bills ; Renton '.Va.-;on `,Skr, .reon.ir ,Cor;.fort St<n . .50 Thos .Dob^on,Treas ,Auto licen:�,e 4 .50 Geo. T.1,-itcho11 Wnn-r.su. mlica 14.95 t ,A. Shenrer, su_�_�lies 7.19 Thos.Dobson ITreas ,''. ''3.tax,port. ,_e, ttc , 14.39 Labor pay roll , Sts .(' 3.ter, 120.35 i •'i�:ncd ,R. II. Ja.;:e^,T'_ os.Rny:�ond,Co . , itt,�::,. • t "oved and seconded report be rcceived,•filed and x-11 bills O.F.d, be Carried . In rt.att�^r of increace^ of asked- for by t�?e He,,4nith -officer"", ;^ s p .ns -Co •r -_)orta favorably and Notion -,,de ane. ^c oncAed tint an inc re .,^e of ;;5.,-)er onth bc: a1•' ovied a y expense : ,oney. `lotion carried . Report of Clerk,al. -o report orf Tr(!,.azurer for '"torith )f ,�, _rch YtWas r n(_ and f1].W'd. i-:n­r.Allen r:^.ke° .^ verbal rroort and -)rer.ents for k T,'iII St .Grade -and fvr layin.�., of <,ewfer. ilotion eras and seconde.,, that prooc,.rty owners be notified to be ore: �.ent rat next ,nntin,� of the Council --t ihic l ti:;:e above utters will be di ,:~cuaf�cd. Carried, a K In .-tatter of ra.dir�, of -1_th,Ave .Iv.t.:otion vm—, n..de :enc+_ -seconded that Pacific Coast R Co.be notified to chance awitch lea.dininto Cn.r 'iVorks ,as <> r e is now in cent(:r of stre zt ,a.l so that- Car lvorks Co.be notified to rextove pole- now in Laid street . Carried , Chas. 9I_ e0BC I A2d 9 Ordinanc(� Ho.454 rcl� tin., to Y)ro­ooqed franchi ,,e to S.4,-. R.V. Ry. Co.on Ave .re,-,,1.u'. fir ti _:e q-nd rt-ferre,,,j to Ordinvy)-ce. L;w1,P;-,,_ ,','Ir.Char: .'ticcowin aslu,. for the 'plowin, of parkinc, strips or certain etre: is of TJ�ortlta i-cnton for the pumose of �.9rdl-,nin,.-r­rited . Ca.rricd. pur- bc, ,,�ovt! a n d seconded There bcir7 no further before:4 the .,.,.otion aid:^ to ad.journ. Renton.Anril 23rd,,1918. F��,ular session of th- Council called to order by Thoz .liay�;ond ,"'&y or Pro-tem. Roll Call ; Pre gent Councilmen FjLu1.l,Gake ,0wens and r-,a.Tr,,ond; City Atty,Tni'r.1,-, Clerk. Minutes of last session were rnzad and approve�6 . Report of Ordinance Co.,i,,Attee on proposed franchise to S.&- R.1r. Fy.Co .for trackaLe on Go ,.erciaj Aye .and recoraendrtions of said Coi,Aittee were read. Moved and 2econded report be accepted and rec- omendations be carried out . Carried.. T,eport of Police JuC4..e for month of Olarch wae rc,,-!6k anci filed. Renort of City En;;r.rnlative to plans and. s,,-,ecificationa for Mill St . xeffer was read ,&lso report on proposed r;rade of Will St . 1;,atter of ;Ctxing permanent grade for i,ell t.was discussed by the Council and property owners aloni-, said street ,&nd it &p-.pearinZ ',-)recent here &,�:reeable to nropo.,.;ed „radethat all property owners and that saAe w_-z the iost equitable for all partite ,a motion was a .-ade and seconded that proposed 1,rade as presented by City Enibr.be acce:ted and an ordinance be dray-fn fixin- sa:ae as the permanent grade of -ill St. 3rd .Ave .to 5th.,Aye . Y-Iotion carried. Motion was made and seconded th,-).t Clerk call for bid-P, for the construction of jilill t.lateral sewer. Carried . Estimate of EnZ;r.for said sewer was placed on file . Corn.xitnication from Insurance Co:U,-k-.is.sion relative to r ourth of July celebration and urwin�� the e.li;,Anation of all firefforks, etc . 10 was read and filed . 130 f In matter of .lacing filler in gravel on north end of dill St. North,motion was made and seconded that St .Supt.be authorized to proceed with said work to the extent of y50. Carried. Ordinance No.454 relative to franchise to S.&: R.V.Ry.Co.ss s amended by Ord.Com.mittee taken ap for second read- inZ,read and adopted by sections and on motion,d.uly seconded was adopted as a whole as read. Poll Vote; hll Councilmen present voting Aye. There being no further business before the Council motion was made to adjourn. Clerk. Renton,April 30th,1918. Regular session of the Council called to order by the Mayor. Boll Call ; Present Councilmen Monohon,Faull ,Cake,Janes and Raymond, City Atty.and 81erk. Minutes of last session were read and a,-)Proved. Petition frog property owners on west side of mill St. in Block 8 asking that parking strip front new grade of street be sloped to sidewalk lime was read and laid on table for one week. Report of Finance Coamittee ; We your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; E.A.Fuller,carpenter work 3.90 R.Wood,lime for reservoir 2.50 Renton Lbr.Co; Lbr,St.Dept. 4.20 R.Wood,hay,ete ., 7.05 P. S.T.L.& P. Co.light 135.90 Labor pay roll,Sts.Water and garbage 209.95 Signed,R. H. James,Thos.Raymond,Comc,ittee. F'=owed and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried. Councilman Monohon states that numerous complaints are being made of dogs running at large and scratching up lawns and gardens. 11oved and seconded matter be laid over for one week. Carried. Mr.Brown of the S.&: R.V.Ry.Co.being present asks permission in connection with franchise for tracks on Commercial and Dixie Ave.to use portion of unimproved street for the storing of ears to be loaded with gravel from their bunkers. Moved and seconded terlpo- rary permission be granted . Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion was made to adjourn. Clerk. 2COBC 131 Renton.1�7ay 7th, 1918. Courcil called to order by the Ilayer. Poll Call ; "resent Councilmen "on,ohon Faull .JaTies,Owens and Raymond. ; City Atty,lu-'ner.and Clerk. Minutes of last sessiin ' were read and a- roved. Petition by E.E. T)uff askinT for use of east 20 ' of I'illiai.,is St . in front of lot l.black 21,for i,lacing of building aiaterialand to cut si6evqalk for placing, of coal cellar, was read and Lranted.unc`er su,,,er- Yiaion of the St .Su-,)t . Report of Finance Com­_,iittee; Ne,your Coiiri.-.ittee on Finance have examined and reco.mend payment of the f^IlowinC_ bills ; Geo.JerEensen,rent of —itato planter,nark, 7.50 John Swales .seed potatoes 20.00 ,1�1-)�-)d,cartawe on potato R 0 _planter 4.00 Ole 17%eilsen,seed potatoes 10.00 A. J. Hackett .,labor 15.75 Norman Davi s.teaai work 071.50 labor 25.00 1,-.11.Duf f P Frank Davis , seed potatoes 4.00 E.E.Duff. Police Court fees 3.00 Floyd "'.Allen, salary,City j'ngr. 174.GO Kell-,T Printin, Co.breif,Hughes-Mitchell case 30.75 11rilliar"is Ll'c `TcKniEht,supplies 2.63 6 Paper '.'iarehouse ID.toilet S)t-a13.- tion j C�, Seattle Daily Bulletin.call for bir.,s,l*lill St. sevier 7.50 Library ',iairtenqnce 68.65 Renton Bulletin.City publications 5.48 City of Seattle ,water 23.75 Joe lfiood ,Las and auto repairing 17.55 Pacific Tel . : Tel.Ce.phone �, L.D. calls 2.3.5 Seattle Plumbirt, Supply Co. su­-,-.)lie.s 36. 59 Si n_ ed,R. H. JaiYies,,Lee -',,onohon,,Thos.',i.q.ymond,Cot-ib-iittee, -ovedand seconded, report be received ,filed and all bi7l-s O.K.d.,ize naid.. Carried . Report of Police JudLe for atonth of Aril was road and filed . Petition of -ro­-)ert1r owners Block 8 in r.,iatter of sle e of park- 2 P ins; strip,which was laid. over froiti last meeting ,was taken u-p and after some discussion was laid on the table indefirately. Resoluti )n No.232,relative to construction or re,,,•airing of Mill -)t.brid-Le by the County was read. *.,'oved and seconded sallie be adopted. Now ­Dti:Dn carried. 1,,oti �r ­iade and seconded that City Engr.be authorized to confer with County Officials.and. such other -,arties as he may dee.­.i advisable , relative to the renlacirr- by the County,of a bridge of adequate s-an across Cedar River at Weill St. i4,-)tiDn carried. City EnEr.presents estimate for work of -r,, _'inE, and Eravel2iner, '"ill �-'It .ta City litnits -)n the east of aT)T)reximately of 4th.Ave .North, AN000. ":Roti -)n made ancl seconded that new resolution be drawn fixing 132 Fixing date of hearing on said work. Carried. The following bids for the cozIstruction of Mill St. seaver; V. Bressi , Seattle , yT1610. C .R. Campbell ,Denton, 1316 .36 E.E.Duff, if 1248.88 J.T. Snyder, " 1275. G.B.Benjainin.,Seattle , 1.170.88 City Engr.ex,:oiines bias as to correctness of same and reco- mends that contract be awar4.ed to the low bidder,whereuVon otion was made and seconded that Mr.G.B.Benjamin be avra.rded the contract for construction of said sewer. iiiotion Carried. RXUNOiIXXMX2XKXNx Conc;itior. f sidewalks anc:. lack of sane on streets around block 10 was discussed by the Council,and motion ;trade and seconded that Clerk notify pro , erty owners to ;gut in cement vvalks,beginning at the south line of the Asia Thorne property on 11lain stand extene- inu around said bl^ck 10 to east line of alley through said block on 2nci._venue . �Motion carried. There being; no further business before the -.eetint :notion was made to adjourn. Clerk. 2"OBC 133 Renton.May lkth,1918. Regular session if the Council called to order by the 14"ayor. Roll Call ; Present louncilmen I'�,onohon,i'pull ,Cake,Janie s and haymond, City Atty.&- Clerk. t"inutes of last session were read- and a-proved. Petition oresented. by Matt GrtLdy asking :-)ermission to put in ash sidewalk in front if his -oronerty in ` ells "t.urtil such time as grade ;for cetment walk is given was, read and laid on table . Petition signed by numerous members of the M.-E.church rotest- ino, against the order )f the Council to install cement walk around church property was re.-Id and laid in table for one week. Protests were made by other -ro.-a-lerty owners on same sub ject ,but action '*as deferred for one week when the matter will be taken up and furtl-ier discussed. Re port of Finance (-o;-.,iittee ; '�Ve ,Vour Co ..'Attee on Oir.a Ince examined and recomen6 payment if the followin[_', bills; bow Lowman & Hanford Co.office su-',,I-lies 2.12 C. O.Tvete .Engineerin.,1, 15 .00 Renton ITd-i(.Co.supn -,lies, water Dept . 21. 50 Sit,ned,R. IT.JaiTies,Tho-s .F,c.,-mor-c3-,C-) -.rr,ittee. Moved and seconded re.vort be received,filed and all bills O.K.dtbe paid. Carried. Communication addressed to City Clerk from xlltty�s 2Levelle lievelle),-'l, relative t,-,) Mr. Peter `3zym, .onski in matter of installinF, ce.clent walk was read and referred- to the City Attorney . Resolution '1�o.233 fixing; date of -hearing on 4th,Aye .N.imp rove- ment kri-as read first time and referred to the Ordinance Co,-_ulittee. There being no further business before the meeting I.,ioti',)n was made to adjourn. 134 Renton.May 21st,1918. Re,P�ula.r sersion of the Council called to order by the ,'Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Yonalion,Fq.ull,Cake,Owens ,Ja:nes and Raymond; Cit; Atty,Entr.& Clerk. ',,'inutes of last session were read and a roved. Petition for water service,Cor.Cedar Section St .by !Iarry On- yder-, wa,s readi and Eranted. Petition protestin a�;Pinst the order of the Council for con- struction of cement walks,Block 10,sined by several of the sr�;�erty owners was read and laid on table. Relsort of Finance 'oinmittee ,all owing labor pay roll and bill of C.R.Ca .abell for coal for roffice,wa_s read and Motion ._-iade and seconded that re-",-)rt be received anf filed and bills be allowed. Report of Clerk,also re -)ort of Treasurer for month of Afrril was read and filed. City nttorney makes verbol report on letter of t,evelle &: Revelle in utter of cement sidewalk Peter .zymonski property. Co uf;unication fro::: Clerk of Board of County Co -_::.issioners in matter of re,,)air or rebuildinL of the i%ill, 't.bric' e,to the effect that matter had been referred to tie County EnEineer for investi a.t- ion and re-"Drt ,was read and filed. ''atter of sidewalk Block 10,and petitions previously presented orotestin against the construction of cement walks, at this t�irie was taken un and discussed at so:-.-.e length by the Council and' interested property ewners,and moti=on was li-, de and seconded that the atter be laid on the table . ?'otion carried. Resolution io .233 fixing date of hearing; for 4th,Ave.N.itk` rove- went was taken up for second reading,read and ac ol)ted by ,:,ecti ons, and on motion duly seconded, was adopted as a whole as read . Poll fate; All Councilmen =resent voting Aye. There bein no further business before the Council motion was made to adjourn. City Clerk. 200BC 135 Renton,Iilay 28th,1918. Regular zession of the, City Council called to order by lYlayot Tonkin. Roll Call; Present Councilmen MonohonFaull,James and RaymonW.; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last meetinE were read and approved. Report of Finance GoMatittee; '.e ;;our Committee on Finance have 31 LY examined and recomend payment of the following bills; P?.S'.T.L.& P. Co. ,light 135.90 John 0"tewart. impounding dogs 5.00 J. 'S.Hu,rhes ,meals for jail 2.00 Jos .7dwardq ,fumiSating 2.50 SiZned R. H. Jaines,Thos.RayiLond.Cor:LTiittee . 'fovea and seconded report be receiveC,,filed and all bills O.K.41.be paid. Carried. Ordinarce No.455 relating to obstructinL sidewalks read first time and referred to the ordinance Co.-rij-,littee . Ordinance llo.456,reloLive to the, granting of franchise for pole line,to C.M.?z St .P.Ry.Co.read first time and referred to the ordinance C0=itteevSt.?,-, Alley Committee and City Attorney. Fenresentative of C .M.& ST.p. .Ry.Co ,,:presents map showint proposed location of trolley -1oles and towers along Ialla alla. Ave ,for ap7. rov- al of the Council. Moved and seconded same be referred. to the ! lley Corrimittee . Carried. City Engr.Allen states that owinC, to other business he will be unable to dive his personal attention to the engineerinr of the City C-D 0 tD but introduces his associate.Mrlve,ld,and ,suSSests that he be. given -personal charge of the work,and states that he ,Mr.Allen,will be able to assist in an advisory capacity,and will hold himself subject to the call of the City at any time . !�o objection was offered by the Council to this arrangement. Bond of G.B. Benjaiuin for sewer on :.gill St.was accepted by the Council . L.D. Jones addresses the Council in connection with the. authority --ranted bA- the. Council. to the Defence Lea-ue relative to supervision of amusements,asking that Council amend xmcixvcrKxmx dance ordinance to close all dances at 12 o 'clock. Aft4some discussion matter was refe- rred to the ordinance committee . There being no further business motion was made to vdj -,urn. 136 Renton.,June 4th,1918. Regular session of th�e Council was called to order by the :vlaror. loll Call; Present Councilmen II'onohon,I"aull ,Cake,0wens and Raymond; City Attorney a;-Id Clerk. Minutes of last session were rerd and a,r, roved. Report of Finance Con-iittee ; V.'e,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills ; Sammy Edwards, iarpoundinr, stock, 1 .00 City of Seattle ,Park Dept . 26.07 E.E.Duff. Police Court fees 5.00 Floyd IV.Allen,salary,City Engr. 142.50 R.14,7ood ,hay & cement 6.10 Joe 71ood'gas !., auto supplies 5.52 Yc7herson Bros ' supplies ,City Hall .75 Fred II.Hayner,hydrant sup-,lies 2.00 Renton Hdw.Co.sun-olies .water Dept . 3.95 , Pacific Tel .& Tel .Co.�)hone & L.D. calls 2.30 City of -)eattle ,water 24 :00 Labor Pay Roll , Sts.& ',Avater 114 .25 Library Maintenance , 98.50 IiF,ned,Thos .R,-..ymond,Lee T,,,onohon,Comnittee . i'oved and seconded renort be receivedIfiled and all bills O.K.dl be raid. Carried. Report of Police Judge - for month of May was read and filed. Communication from office of County Cof.-imissioners relative to .reconstruction of the 1-iill 13t .bridtre was read. and laid on table . Co,,m-nunicati -)n from Federal Reserve -Bank of 'San Francisco in matter of government economy was re-d. ilvlove(3 and secondee saaie be filed and recomendetions therein contained be complied with.Carried. Chief of Police Jos.Edwards tenders his resignation to the Courcil'as follows; Honorable Nia,'-,or '., City Council,, City of Renton., Gentle.rr;er ; Owing to other business arrangements I an obliged to tender herewith my resignation as Chief of Police,Street -& Water Supt .of the City of Renton.same to take effect at your earliest convenience . My associations with the several Mayors and, City Councils .d'u- ring the Ifeast twelve yearshave been most rIeasant and harmonious, and it is with reluctance that IfeF;l obliged to sever my relations with your official body. �cCC 137 I wish to sincerely thank your I-onorable Body for the hearty su--),port and co-operation extended me during my term �)f office and to assure you that the same has been vary Zreatly a--preciated by me. Very truly, Jos .Edwards, Chief of Police ,Street ec eater Supt. :vr.rdwards , states to the Council that his reasons for tendering his resignation are not through any lack of harmony or dissatisfaction with his p:osition,but wholly with the expectation of bettering his eondition,and assures the Council that any assistance he ma- be able to give his successor in becoming familiar with the duties of the osition will be willingly proffere.6. Councilmen express their regrets at losing Ivir.Edwards,but -recog- nizing the right of all persons to better their condition,where poss- ible,a. motion was made and seconded that resignation be accented and successor be appointed soon as possible . 141otion carried. ordinance Cormnittee not having reported. on ordinance No.455 bow relative to obstructing sidewalks,motion was made and seconded same be laid o ver one week. Carried . Ordinance i"o.456,granting frarchise for pole line to C .M.er St .P. Ry.Co.taken up for second ren-ding,read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as read. Poll vot ; All Councilmen present voting rye. In matter of 11." meterconnection as asked for by Pacific Car do Foundry Co.motion rude and seconded that permission be Lrantedt to install saine,the Co,to furnish own meter. "otion carried . Street !r Alley Con,.nittee makes favorable report on blue mint showing location of towers and poles on 44alla 'galla Ave . for carrying electrification cables of Cjfl.& St .P.Ry.a-nd recomends al>>>roval of same. ,.� I-coved and seconded report be accepted and recomendation be carried out and said locations be ap^ )roved by the Council. i''liotion cn.t°r•ied. There being no- further business before the Council motion was made to adjourn. Jerk. 138 June 11th., 19i8. Regular session ,-)f the Council called to order by the slayer. loll Call; Present Councilmen ��onohon,i"a_ull,Owens,James and rtaymond, City Atty.&Engr.& Clerk, Minutes of last sessi-)n were read and a proved.. Ap-nlication of Frank "IcLaughlin for sewer connec tion was read, _.also application of R.',ti. narris for water. ".oved and seconded same be granted. under su_)ervision of Street � dater pt . Carried. itl)plication of C. R. Campbell for 2" connection at corner of 3rd, -enton for washing gravel was read ,a.nd after some discussion was xsf referred to the Fire,Light & Water Gxiamittee. Report of Engr.Allen relative to completion and amount of contract IOTill �'jt . sewer was reed. ,,oved and seconded same be, referred back toxkng Tngr. Carried. Clerk reports no protests received against proposed improvement of 4th,Ave it orth,Mill St .te City limits on the east. Engr."geld submits report and approximate assessment roll for 4th,Ave .North improvement,also man showing district assessed. gloved and seconded same be received and placed on file. Carried. Engr.'."eld also reports the establishing of permanent sidewalk grades on "ells St .between 5th,(!- 6th,Avenues . j"oved and seconded same be accepted and filed. Carried. Communication from the Mayor of Seattle relative to Fourth of July celebration and inviting the Citizens of Renton and vacinity to participate,was read. y�' oved and seconded same be filed and the invitation be accepted. Carried. Ordinance No.457 relative to improvement of 4th,Ave .North read and referrer. to ')rdir_ance Committee . moved and seconded Clerk notify Pacific Coast Co to construct plank crossing; at intersection of 4th,Ave .North with Railway track. '�rtotion carried. Complaint was made to method, of certain parties of replacing worn out sidewalk siih by filling in with gravel. iviation made and seconded said. matter be referred to St .& Alley Committee for invest- igo.tion.Carried. There being no further business before the, meeting a motion was made to adjourn. c0BC 139 hent-)n,June 18th, 1918 . In the absence of the Mlayor Council was called to order by 'mhos. Raymond,i' aJ or ;pro-tem. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen iy'ionohon,r'aull ,C�ke,Owe.ns ,James and Raymond, City Attorney an . Clerk. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved . Report of i''inance Committee; Ve, your Committee on Finance have examined and. recomend �a.yment of the following; bills ; Renton Bulletin,City publications, 9.00 Haleway tc Brown,repa_iring 1.60 Renton Drub Ntore ,office supplies .60 +Ices �dwards,kill ing dops , 7.00 ^Tilson k Marlowe, insurance ,Fire Hall 60.00 Labor nay roll, Streets &. Water 172.05 Signed,R. H. Jame s,Thos .Raymond,Committee. Moved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried.. Street tx. Alley Cor: iittee makes verbal report to the effect that where worn out sidewalks have been filled in with earth and gravel that it is the intention of the property owners to place ce;ient walks soon as nossible,and recomends that Council direct that a cement walk be constructed in front of the Hutchinson braperty on 3rd ,Ave . 'YioVed and seconded report be a :cepted and recomendotions be carried out . Carried. Report of Clerk,also report of Treasurer, for month of TVay was read and filed. City -Attorney makes report on i'iill ",t . sewer to the effect that Engineers re ) )rt has not been made in regular form,but that as the Contractor is desirous of having payment made ,and is satisfied with report of Engr,recomends that 70/ of the contract price be ?paid to contractor. " pVed end seconded report be received, filed and recomend- ations be ca.r,ried out . Carried. City Atty.also makes report on poor cone;_ition :of sidewalks and. liability Df the City for damaLe suits . Ordinance Committee makes verb11 report recomending second read- ing and passage of ordinance i�o.457,relvtive to 4th,Ave .Tuorth improve- ment. Moved and seconded report be accepted and recomendation be. com- plied with. Carried. Ordinance Ho.4.57 taken. up for second re-ading,re-ad and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as read. x:40 Poll vote; All Councilmen present voting Aye. OrW=inance No.455 relative to obstructing sidewalks was ;gassed to second re,ading,read and adopted by sections and on motion,wa_s adopted as a whole as read. Poll vote; nll Councilmen voting Aye. Fire,Light & "later Committee reports verbally on application of C . R.Campbell for 2" water connection for washing gravel ,and recomends that said an;Dlica.tion be rejected . iioved and seconded report of the committee be accepted and recomendations be comilied with. Carried. again Clerk was instructed to/notify Pacific Coast Co. to remove switch and nlank' crossing at 4th,Ave .iorth and iNewcastle kxxxx branch tracks. Resolution Mo.234 fixing date of hearing on assessment roll for Dist .No.78,lviill St . sewer,was read and on motion duly seconded was adopted as reg-,d . All Councilmen voting; Aye . .Moved and seconded Purchasing Agt .be authorized to purchase suitable wool bunting flags for City buildings. Carried. Mr.Fred Smithers calls attention of the Council to the numer- ous infractions of automobile ordinance ,and of boys under are driving; cars. Chief of Police was instructed to see that ordinance -Pertaining to same is complied with. There bein- no further business before the meeting motion was made to adjourn. Clerk. 2cOBC 141 Renton,June 25th, 1918 . Regular session of the Council was called to order by iiayor `2onkin. Roll Call ; Present councilmen ivionohon,Faull,Cake ,Owens,James and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Nlinutets of last meeting were re ci and anproved, Petition signed by nurficrous property owners in the vicinity of dog pound protesting; against neige and asking; that said Yiound be moved to some other location was read . Moved and seconded same be referr!�:d to the Town property Committee . Carries:.. Report of Finance Committee; We,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the fo-Ilowing; bills; Thos.Dobson,sta.mps-,express,etc . 16 .26 H.Thomas ,wood 1 .60 Jesse ^torey P. O.B-ox rent 1 .00 Bradford t, Egan,brief,Hughes-iy,itchell ca sel5.75 Renton Lbr.Co lumb- r,:�t .Dept . 63.62 Jose Raweaagh, labor,park 35.00 J.N.Manker " „ 2@.00 R. J. Roberts " " 10.50 Renton Bulletin,City Pt(;:-D, . 2.55 Signed,R. H. James,J.B. Owens ,Cemmittee . ..r ^~love€t and seconded report be receive€,filed and all bills O.K•d,be paid . Carried. Communications from Pacific Coast Ry.Co. in matter of crossing at 4th.Ave .N.were read and referred to the City Attorney. Ordinance No.458 relating to and defining the crime of criminal syndicalism and vagrancy was read first time and referred to the Ordinance Cornriittee and amity Attorney. Mayor Tonkin appoints Mr.Ge.o.Hancock as Chief of Police , St.�.- ''ater Sunt .to succeed Jos.Edwards ,resi ;ned. Moved and seconded th;�t the a) pointment ,as above,be confirmed. L"otion carried. `ill Councilmen present voting Aye. In matter of application of Marty near mine dump for City water, it appearing that a considerable amount of pipe would have to be used, a motion was made and. sec -)nded that water be furnished providing the party installs the necessary pipe from main to residence. 'Motion carried. There being no further business before the meeting motion was made to adjourn. Clerk. 142 r Renton July 2nd,1918. Council celled to order by Thos.haymond., vlayor pro-unm. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Monohon,FRull,James and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session were rnad and a—Droved . Petition from Renton Council )f Patriotic Service asking that a Dhone be installed at their headquarters in the Osgood Bldg. saine to be aid for by the City was read. Moved and seconded same be filed and request L--ranted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee.; We ,your Committee on r'inance have examined and recorner�d -,ayrnent of the following bills; Fred F.Weld, salary,City Engr. 53.00 VelDherson I3ros .office suloolies 1 .15 Library i,^aintena.nce 131 .72 R.'"'ood,hay far round 4 .50 Renton Realty Co.insurance,Fire Hall 60.00 P. S.T.L.& P.Co.liL�;ht, 135.90 Renton Bulletin,City ;publications 2.10 J.N.Manker,labor,dark 8.75 City of Seattle ,wa'ter 48.05 Pacific `1'el.& Tel .Co.phone to L.D. s, 3.10 Joe Wood,gas & Auto su1pplies 32.87 Labor Pay rell ,Sts.(Ir, "ater . 2 1 Irt RY`L- Signed R. H. James,Thos .Raymo:,id,Cornrnittee. T<«oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.dp be -)aid . Carried. Councilman Monohon makes verbal report relative to moving; of iog pound and suggests different locations for same . I owed. and seconded matter be lsid over for one week and prospective sites be investigated. Carried. City Attorney makes refport on 'ordinance relating to s ,,,ndacl ysm and vagrancy. 'Aov:-�'2 and seconded report be laid on table for future acti7n. Carried. Invitatiori from County Commiccioners to �'ayor & Council to attend launghing' at Anderson Bros.iwship yards at 4Wednesday July 3rd, was ;presented. . Iloved and secondeOT sane be accepted. Carried. `l^here being no further business before the Council motion was made to 'adjourn. Clerk . gc®BC 143 Renton,July 9th, 1918 . Regul.wr session of the `'ouncil called to order by the Mlayor. Roll Call ; Present ''ouncilmin-n Faull,Cake,,Owens,James and naymond ;City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. ,eport of Ordinance Cora,nittee; To the Honorable Mlayer & City Council of the City of "enton. e,your Co.iimittec,. on or to whom was referred the. ordin- ance on syndicalism and vagrancy herewith submit two ordinances , instead thereof. The same being copies of ordinances heretofore adoited by the City of Olympia., and we respectfully ask tna.t the same be read and considered by the City council . "igned, Thos .Raymond ,R. H. Jame.s,B.F. Cake ,Committee . Loved ande.conded report be received ,fi.led and recomendations be carried out. Carried . Ordinance No.459 relating to va rancy read first time and referr- ed to the ordinance committee. Ordinance Committee makes verbal retort recomending the )assage to second readinf; of above ordinance . Loved and seconded report be accented. and recamer_d-.tions be. carried out . Carried. Ordinance No.458 relating to syndicalism,taken up for second readingrea.d and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded was ado-pte6 as ar whole as read . Poll vote; all present voting aye . Rx Ordinance Ro.459 rel<�tive to vagrancy,taken up for second read- ing,read and adopted by sections and on motion was ado-)ted as a whale . All present voting aye. hatter of re-adjustment of light wires on .Ia l l p -a 1 la Ave-caused by the e.lectrificationxxof tracks by C .M.& St .P.Ry.Co.was discussed., and motion made and se^c,:)nded that same be referred to the �'ire,L•ight i�... and ",ester Co,r;mittee with ;r.)ower to act . Carried . Councilman Faullcalls attention of Council to necessity of U;uard rail or other means of protection at 3rd,& penton Ave. lvioved and second- ed said matter be referred to St .& t'.11ey Committee. Carried. C. R. Can;pbell again brings u matt . r of securingwater for washing gravel at ,pit near 3rd,& Renten,and after saiiie discussion motion was made by Cake , seconded by Raymond that iur.C;ampbell be given permission 1 144 to make 2" connection with service main on Ctd P St,conditioned necessary water for his purpose may be secured from City of Seattle . ^plot i-)n carried.. There being no further business before the meeting; moti�n was made to adjourn. Clerk . i I E CORC, 145 Renton,July 16th,1918. Council called to Order by Thos.Raymond ,Mayor Pro-tem. Roll call ; 'resent Councilmen Monohon,Faull , Owens and hl.ymond, City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Ititinute 5 of last meeting were read and approved. r.. Petition presented. by Joe Lenz asking permission to keetp alley through Block 20,rarm Plat,closed until about Oct. lst,was read and granted. Petition by P. S.T.L.& P. Co.asking permission to install a side- walk guy wite at Cedar and 5th,was read. moved and seconded same be granted under supervision of the street Supt. Carried. Petition by C.M.& Sf .P.Ry.0®.asking permission to temporarily obstruct portions of sidewalk and street while excavating and erect- ing poles and steel bridges for electrification of tr^cks through the City was read. Moved and seconded same be granted under the suye rv- ision of the Street -uDt . Carried. Report of Finance dommittee ; '� e ,your do:rimittee on i''inance have ... examined and recomend payment of the following; bills; Henry `Phomas,labor at Dark 41.50 G.H.Beale & Co.painting & tinting,Comfort Station 9.00 F.C .Brendel,,'ity flags,etc, .45.60 Renton Lbr.Co.lumber,park 1.50 Renton Hdw.Co. supa,,lies, St.Dept . 8.15 J. S.Hardie , supplies & labor,wa.ter Deet . 2, 50 J. S. Hardie, supplies ,City hall .50,Comfort statiwn 5.70--- 6 .20 Fred.F. °eld blue prints ,Engrs .office 2.15 J. S. Hardie , sup?dies,-bark 3.75 Seattle Daily Bulletin,call for bids 5. 70 John Stewart impounding & killing dogs 5.00 John Steele , lock for garbage dump gate 1.25 Yentan Bulletin,City rtg. 6.62 Labor pay roll , Stre ^ts & water 144.94 Signed,Thos.Raymond.Lee `ionohon,Conimittee . iVloved and secondee report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be pail . Carried. -r Reportsof Police Judge,City Treasurer and City Clerk for month of June were read and filed. Communication from Pacific Coast Ry.Co.relativb to crossing at 4th,Ave .N.and cutting of brush obstructing view of same was read. Moved and seconded satne be filed and. St.Supt.obtain !permission from Agt.of abutting property for permission to cut brush obstruct- ing view of said cror--sinL. Carried.. 1 146 Communication from Sire Chief of Seattle relative to annual convention was rer-,.d and laid on table for future action by ''ire, Light & Viater �Iommittee . Carried. Clerk reports no protests relative to assessment roll,Dist , 78, se�^:er,jfill rt . Ordinance No.460 aaproving and confirming assessment roll for Dist .No.78 was read first time rand referrc ei to the ordinance commi- ttee . Bice of C. R.Campbell for grading afid gravelling of 4th,Ave.N. Will St. to City limits on the er.st was read,amount of said bid being X2002.80. This being the only bid received a motion was made and seconded that contract be awarded to �ir.Campbell . - otion Carried. Moved and seconded sign To Seattle" be placed at corner of Logan & Tobin Sts. Carried. In matter of new location for doh; nound. ,motion was made and seconded that same be laid over one week. Carried. Notion made and secondee that City Attorney draw up resolut- ion to State Legislature to change present law which prevents Cities fixing speed limit for automobiles and collecting fines for violat- ion of same . Carried. Moved and seconded Chief of Police be instructed to notify all persons to cut thistles and weeds on their premises at once. Carried. I, oved a.nd . , econueci ardinance committee meet with City Attorne y with the intent. of drafting an ordinance regulating the wiring and plumbing of buildings . Carried. Clerkasks permission to take vacation of one week,beginning July 20th. ',',roved and seconded request be granted. Carried. There being no further busines motion w,4 made to adjourn. i ity Clerk. e0sc 147 Renton July 23* 1, 1918. j'egular meeting of the C ounc-LI called to orcier by the May r. Roll gall ; Present C ounc i Lnen "on.ohon,Faull ,Cake ,Jame,.s and Owens and City Attorneir "viinutes )f last meeting read and a :wreved. Petition for water service by G.H. Conklin,a.t Talbott was laid on table for one wee=k for investigation. Petition for water by Gea .Pruee ,Lot 6 ,B1k.8 ,Car "tlorks Add.read and granted. City Fngr.reports -30 days have elapsed since completion of 1,"ill at , sewer contract and recomends final payment on, same, . Moved and seconded report be a.cce )ted and recomerdation be carried out . Carried. Co:i<:Iunication from City Engr.relative to job; in 4th,Ave. .N .read and referred to tY�e 3t .& "lley (jommitiee . Communication from H.Halverson relative to unsanitary condition 3 ®f toilet on )od -property on Cedar 'it.and. asking that Council. take some action to abate same was read and referred to the Health Officer. Communication from Pacific Car & Foundry Co.d)n matter of repair of high trestle rend,but no definate action was taken .by the Council . 3 Motion made and seconded that �,100.be allowed for expense of Fire Chief to Convention at Oakland Cal . Carried. Ordinance N.o.460,up for second reading was laid over for one week. y�'/Jj/• �' '"`ti��� j/ad� / .r, �..Y. �/.!= /c���/c,;�. G_e.�. �' ...-`1 'y ''✓,,/(K !..� Wit...-a,... r: ® ,.+ w-t..d 4..c If{.0�" .+''qf_.. �C...Ae.�` �t,.: i6r�t_.1.a ..-P' .� �i. There beim; no further business before .the meeting motion was ` made to adjourn.. Acting. Clerk. x I i s 148 enton,Aug.6th,1918. negular session of the Council called to order by Councilman ILaymond,ivIayor Pro-tem. Holl Call ; Present councilmen 1laymond, vlonohon,Cake and James; City Atty.& Clerk. Minutes of last meeting read and amended to read that in matter of high trestle Council would be willing to put in a foot brimlLre over that portion destroyed by flood,to accomodate Pacific Car w Fdy Co. employees ,and Clerk instructed_ to so notify the Company. Petition for water service by G. H.Conklin,llalbott,was Eranted un6 er supervi s_on of water L)upt . Petitions for water by John oevina,,l.Grady and. J. S. Hardie were read and 8ranted, also ap, lica.tion for sewer connection by i�i.Grady. G Request, of 11i.Gr<<dy to remove worn out sidewalk in front of lots 3-4 & 5 'lock 17, -)reparatory to laying; of cement walk was C-ranted, conditioned that said cement walk be started within 30 days . Petition presented. by Citizens and. property owners of forth r`enton askinz, that Council take some action in matter of having lights instilled for their residences which have been refused by the Company was rc-ad and referred to the Fire. ,LiLht " `eater Committee: and City Attorney. Report of "ina.nce Co.amittee. ; I�Ve,your Committee on finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills ; R. Tood.hay for pound 7.35 Wm.Tonkin Co. sacks 1 .80 Joe ,Mood.,gas & auto repairs 2.73 Priebe Bras ,repairinE, 4.75 Bradford. & ELan,Atty.fees ftosts,hughes Mitchell case 163. 20 City of Sea.ttle ,water 61 .90 Pacific Tel.&• Tel .Co phone w L.D.call:� 2.55 Thos .Dobson,Treas,postave ,etc . 17.00 Fred.l+'.',,'Jeld, salary,e.ngineer and exl ense 122.50 Ulm.Tan e ,supp11es 4.75 Library maintenance 74.00 Labor pay roll , Sts.Water & GarbaE,,e 180.51 lip;ned,R.H. Jarrie s,Tho s.Raymond. ,Committee. ivioven and secondees report be received filed and all bills be fa id. Carried. City Att;;•.makes verbal rt:10ort in matter of work or fight ordinance and his visit to Olympia and custom emroloyed there in reference to same . Ordinance No.460 taken uta for second rear ing,read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as read. All Iaouncilmen v -)tinr_ Aye . St .& Alley Committee makes verbal report recomendinE, that 4th, ave .N.imarovement be carried out according to plans and specifications and grade stakes already set. Moved and. seconded same X a.ccezDted and recomendations carried out . Ca.rri ed .i14 of ion to adjourn. ��� Aug.20th, 1918 . >-,Ieeting of the Council called to order by Thos .j`aymond,'layar-Pro-tem. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Monehon,Cake ,Owens and Raymond, City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Petition presented by Tim O'Leary,Thos.Faull and Phillip Lassoie asking for an increase of .50 cents per day in wages was read and referred to the ways and means committee. Report of finance Committee ; We,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Renton Hdw.Co.supplies 11 .83 Renton i3ulletin,City ptg. 1 . 35 Thos .Dobson,Treas,Ind . Insurance ,St .Dept. 11.19 Thos.Dobson,i?reas,Ind . Insurance,'viater Dept, 2.17 E.E.Duff,P®lice Court fees 5.00 E.A. Shearer, sup.olies a.n6 labor 19.41 Geo.Pasco,interpreter,palice court cases 4.00 E:E.Duff,police court fc>es 5.50 Labor Pay Roll , Sts .& Water, 107.37 Signed.,Thos .Raymond,Lee Yionohon,Committee . Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O-K.d,be NNW vaid . Carried. Report of Police Judge for month of Jul,y,also report of City Clerk and City Treasurer,were read and filed.. Aprlication of John Tachell f:,)r sewer connection Lot 10,Bl,:)ck 18 was granted. Pdiatter of parties camping in City Park was discussed,al so lack of toilets at park,and motion made and seconded that said matter be re- ferred to the Park Board for action. Carried. Motion was made and seconded that party who have b-en camping at park for past two or three- weeks be directed by the Chief of Police to move off the Park grounds. Carried.. There being no further business beforeithe meeting a motion was made to adjourn. City Clerk. 150 Renton,Aug.27th, 1918 . Council called to order by Thos .Raymond,',ilayor Pro-tem. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen ivonohon,Owens ,James and Raymond, City Atty.& Clerk . Y,,inutes of last meeting; were read and approved. Councilman Owens of 'JV'ays & Idieans Committee makes verbal report on petition of City laborers for increase of .50 cts .per day in wages and recomends that same be granted . Motion was made and seconded that report be accepted and recomend ,tion be carried out . Carried.. Street Supt.reports several bad places in brick paving. 'Ioti -)n was made. anc seconded that he be instructed to nroceed to repair worst places in paving. Carried , Communicati3On from Labor Day Co_,T,itte:! inviting; the ia7ayor, City Council and otter City Officials to head the, Labor Day Parade was read,and on :roti -)n duly seconded was unanimously accepted. Resolution No.235, same being estimate of Budget for 1919,and fixing time and place of hearing on same was read_ and on motion was adopted as read . Poll Vote; `'ll Councilmen present voting Aye . 1�Iotion was made and seconded City Att jr,draw up ordinance to cover recent increases in salaries and proposed increases for the coming year. Motion carried. There being no further business before the meeting; a moti-)n was made to adjourn. City Clerk. 1c'CRC 151 Renton Sept .3rd, 1918 . Council called to order by Thos .Raymond ,�Iayor Pro-tem. Rell call ; Present Councilmen Fa.ull,Cake ,James and Raymond, City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last meeting were read and ap T-roved. r... Petition of thos Howe eand ".Terry for cement sidewalk grade for their property in I,lorth Renton was presented and motion made and seconded that same.. be granted. Carried. Petition signed by John Stewart and Geo.Hancock asking increase in salary of r'20.per month was reed and referred to the `days & Means Co.n:nit gee . _?eport of ,Finance Committee ; V'e ,your �Jommittce on ''inarjce have examined and recomend payment of the fol)-owing bills; Joe 'flood,expense for mire Chiefs convention, 100.00 Fred.F.Sffeld , sala.ry,City Engr. 78.00 Joe 71'ood ,eas !� auto repa.irinE 3.14 E. E. Duff, Police Court fees 5.00 P. S.T.L,& P. Co.light, June-July 27:-1.80 J. S. Hughes,meals for jail 5.00 Daniel Gaby,expense ,fees ,two tax cases 4.00 Labor Pay Roll ,Sts.'Tater & Garb,-)-, e , 135.46 �,. Signed,R. . J6tmes,Thos.Raymond ,Committee . TVIoved and seconded report be re,ceived ,filed and all bills O.K•d,be paid. . Carried. Pvlatter of -lights not being; kept burning by P. S. E. Ry.Co.at cross- ings was discussed and Chief of Police was instructed to notify the Co.to keen same in working condit i -)n. Councilman Cake brings up bad condition of kenton Ave .ar_�" by motion properly seconded same was referre€x to the -Street & Alley Committee . roti ,n mae'e and second d that the City Attorney and Treasurer Dobson interview County Co ,missioners in matter of safeguarding the I'aill St .bridge relative to high water and t;-.:e danger of said' brid.iie 1nr being washed out . Garried. I'yoved and seconded Clerk write P. S.T.L.& P.-Co .relative to petition of residents of North penton to whom light has been refused by the Co. Carried. There being no further business before the me=eting a motion was made to adjourn. r Clerk. 152 Renton,''ent .17th, 1918. Council called- to order by the PST,ayer . "oll. Call ; Present Councilmen V'onohon,Fa.ull ,Cake James ,Owens and. Raymond.; City Httorney and �,1e,rk. pTinutes of last m -etinL,; vvere read and approved. An-plication_ for water service by C .Lotti Tract #41 R.C. C.Ce.#1 was read and granted. Report of Finance Committee ; ',Ne,your Committee on finance have Examined and r:>comend payment of the following bills; Renton. Dulle,tin,Cit,y pts - 3.87 Pacific Tel .& Tel.Co.phone & L.D. calls 2.50 Renton Lbr.Co.lumber,St .Dept . 2'2 .02 Denny Renton C.& C . Co.paving brick 12.88 Library Vaintenance 105.06 Haleway & Brown,repairing 2.50 City of Sattle ,water 50.95 G' Labor pay Roll , Sts .Water & GarbaLe Signed. R. H. James,Thos .Raymond ,Lee Monohon,Committee. vloved and seconded repart be, receiveal, filed and all bills O.K.d, be paid.. Carried. Report of City Engr. Mayor & Council; Gentlemen; The fallowing materials have been placed and the work frformed in connection therewith on the contract for ,c;rad.ing and fill inE. 4th,Ave ,horth from Mill St .to the R. R. Excavation 1.38 yds ,at 45 cents 62.10 Gr^vel fill ,1538 yds ,at 95 cents 1461. 10 Overhaul , 7500 yds ,at 1 cent 75.00 `1598.20 Payment of the above amount with the proper with hold in accordance with the contract is due . It will be noted. that the above quantities exceed the estimated. quantities . The writer can offer no explanation of this difference except that the original estimate was based upon notes of a survey made some time -)reviously- I4'r.h1len used these notes in the �repa.rati on -)f the estimate . Respectfully submitted, F.F. 'Jlleld ,City EnEr. ''oved and secondeel report be received.,filed and 70,-llo allowed to cont- ractor. Carried. Com.riunication from P, S.T.L.& P. Co. in matter of lights for 1yorth Trenton petit loners was read and filed. Communication from Supt .i,iertens rel tive to brush obstructing view of 4th Ave .'K crossing read and referrer.; to the Street & "Iley orrimittee with power to act. ;Jllotion made and secondo-d St .Supt. o over defective sidewalks and sec that same are re- aired. Carried . "lotion to adjourn. Clerk. i October lst, 1918. Council calls-d to ore�er by Tvlayor Pro-teri Thos .Raymond . Roll Call; Present Councilmen Ivionohon,F'a,uli ,James and Raymond ; City Atty.3- Clerk. 111inutes of last session were. read and a�-)),roved.r Petition for alley through block 6 sided by property owners in said block was read and. filed and referred to the City attorney. lYcport of ' inance orrurittee ; "e ,your Committee on r'inance hove ex- amined and recomend payment -)f the f4ollowirE bills ; Thos .!)obson,Treas ,postage, 7.00 Jesse Storey, P. O.bax rent 1 .00 Paper Varehouse Ca.paper,Comfort -tit. 15 .52 John Stewa.rt , impounding dogs 5.00 E. E�.Duff,Police Court fees 18,80 P. S.T.L.k P. Co.light, 135.90 Fred F. `�'Jeld, sala_ry,City Engr. 54.00 R. 77ood,hay A- cement 14.45 F.A. She�_rer, labor repairing meters 7.20 Labor Day roll ,Sts .& I�Ya.ter, 141 .73 li -ned,R.11.Jame s ,Tho s.Ra ymond ,C ommi t tee. I'oved and seconded report be received ,filed. and ,all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried. Councilman Cake of the 'Afays & lulea.ns Committee to whom was referred. the petition of Police Officers for an increase in salary of Y20.-oer month makes verbal report recomending the granting of sairie . Moved and seconded re port be accepted and recomendation _be carried out . Carried. Co;nmunica_tion from Pacific (I'ar -Ody.Ce.ralative to reconstruction of high trestle was readd and referred to the Strr,et & Alley Com. ittee. Report of Police Judge relative to fees allowed a.n( asking for cshedule of same was read . Droved and seconded City Atty.furnish list as requested. Carried. Report of Police Judge for month of Augmstawas read a.nd filed.. Re;;ort of City Engr. i ,)Yor Council ; Gentlemen; All of the gravel has been placed. upon the fill of 4th,Ave.N.by the contractor. The following amounts being due him less the with holds provided in the contract . Gravel ton )inE, 530 yds .at "1 .20 636.00 ?balance of overhaul,1422 ydfi .at.Olct, 14.22 ;x650.22 The. work to be bone to complete the contract is outlined in a letter to the contra:.ctor,a copy of which is inclosed. 154 Respectfully submitted F.F. I�Ield,City Ener. Moved and seconded same be received,filed and referred to the Street & Alley Committee, . Carried . Report of Clerk and Treasurer for month of Aug. were read and, fil filed. Engr.report relative to giving of sidewalk Z.radns Lots 5-6 block 2 ,Farm Plat was read and filed. Claim of E. Sarteri heirs,by R. Sartori against C.R. Campbell,for gravel and dirt used in fill of 4th,Ave .N .was read and filed and referred to the C-ity tatty. Communication from Atty.Lot Davis relative to bond in L. I .D. X23 and asking; that City pay same was read and refexred to the City Attorney. Communication from State highway Commissi-on relative to constru-ction of roo ds, imp.rovements etc .read and filed . Ordinance �o.461 relating to licensing of dogs read and refe- rred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No.462 relating to salaries,City Officers read and. referred to the Ordnance Committee . These being no further business before the meeting a motion was made to adjourn. Clerk. Renton,Oct. 7th,1918. "oecial meeting for the purpose of hearing; protests against the preposed tax levy for current expense for the year 1919,an4 final action on budget called to order by Thos .haymond, vayor pro-tem. Present Councilmen haymond,Faull ,Ca.ke and James. Clerk reports no protests received by him,and no Citizens present offering any objec- tions to the pr3posed levy hesolution "o. 236 fixing amount of said levy was read. Motion was made and seconded that said resolution be adonted as read. Poll Vote Raymond ,Faull ,Cake and James voting Aye. Moti -)n carried.. There being no further business before the meeting a motion was made to adjourn. Clerk. 155 Renton,Oct,8th, 1918. iiegular meeting of the Council called to order by the ^Mayor. Present Councilmen i,Ionohon,Faull ,Owens and Raymond; City Atty.& Clerk . Minutes of last regular meeting and special meeting were re<-.d and approved. Petition for water service, Lot 41.3lock 7,by Airs.Ruth Janes was read and granted. Petition by 2mxkk1.%xkigktixg City of Seattle Lirht Dept .askinE permission to set pole at property line on Cedar St.North of Pine line right-of-way in order to connect with P. S.T.L.& P. Co .as directed by the war Dept .was mad ar(i referred to the Fire Light & ,and the St.&. Alley Committees . Report of Finance "ommittee ; 'Ue ,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; 'McPherson Bros, supplies,City Hall 1.50 Renton Drug Store " " it 2.80 Renton Hdw.Co . " St .Dept , 18.35 Library 1. aintenanc e 82.08 Joe ood,Gas & Aute repg. 3. 15 lum Pacific Tel.& Tel.Co.Phone &. L.D.ca.11s 3.15 City of Sea.ttle ,water, 53.25 F. F.Duff, Police Court fees 7.00 =signed Thos.Raymond,Lee PMonohon,Committee. 'v"Oved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills O.K.d, be laid. Carried. City Atty.makes verbal report in matter of claim of R. Sartori against C. R. Cam -)bell ,also in matter of petition for alley through block 6 . In Sartori claiir, recomends that amount of claim be withheld from a,nounts due vir.`�ampbell ,and in matter of alley to the effect that all property owners have not signed the ;etition. St .& Alley Committee makes verbal report relative to reconstruct- ion of high trestle or by new road on 6th,ave .ikx recomendinG that xx stens be taken to start improvement district for construction of road r on 6th,Ave . '-j)ved and seconded matter be referred to the City Atty. Carried. Report of Police Judge for month :-)f aept .was read and filed. Report of City Engr. Mayor Fes. Council . Gentlemen; The Contractor for gra c::ine and c ravellin - 4th,Ave .N .has completed his contract in a satisfactory manner. The ' followinF, additional material has be,( n )1a.ced since his last estimate . J _ s 156 120 ft . sewer pipe at 45 cts, "'54.00 il:e,sl)ectfull y submitted, F.F. 'Geld)City En6r. T,4oved anal secondee' report be received ,filed and 70% of amounts due be allowed. Carried . Communication from I?ealth Officer relative. to closing of public places on account of the spread of Spanish influenza was read and filed. Ordinance I�o .461 rela.tinL to the licensing; of dogs was taken x1a uo for second reading . -section one was read,and after discussion of the merits of the ordinance and if it would live the 0_esired effect in eliminating the dog; nuisance motion was made and second.- ed that the said ordinance be. laid on the table indefinately. i�,'iotion ca -1,ried. Ordinance 14o.462,relating to change in salaries of City Offic- jals taken un for second read.ing,read and adopted- y. sections and on motion duly seconded was adopted as . a whole as read. Poll. Ilote; all Councilmen ,,resent voting Aye . Owing to not beinL, able to obtain the Dinning; store building; for election purposes,motion w,-,s made and secondee that with the consent of the Library Board the basement of Library building; be used as voting place for coming City Primary -lection. Carried.. Mr.H.Newton addresses the council on bad condition of certain sidewalks leading to car shops ,p4rticularly at corner of lst ,Ave .i� . and Garden Ave. Moved and seconded that matter be referred to the St .& J'-lley Committee and St . Supt .to investigpte condition of all walks leading to car shops . Carried. Complaints were made by air.Newtton,and others of North Renton relative to cows running at large,and improper method of staking out of cows in strP::ts,etc . This question was discussed at some length by the 1411ayor,Councilinen andCitizens,and Chief of Police, was instructed to see that no stock is stakedocd or tied in the streets. Fire Cheif)Joe 'r'+'aod makes very interesting a..:Cress to the Council relative to his trip to Oakland,Cal .to Fire Chiefs convent- ion,and subjects taken up an& discussed at said convention. There beim; no further business motion made to adjourn. �o G qe of3c157 Renton,Oct,22nd, 1918 Regular m(!-.etinb, of the Council called to order by the Mlayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen i 158 r"o,ve€1 and seconded th,,).t recomendtion relative to payment of bond be carried out ,also moved a.nd seconded that matter of State load. be referred to the Street anal Alley Corarlittee ,`1'rec s.Dobson anal City Atty.to take up with County Uommissioners. 0a, rieal. Communication from Seattle Chamber of Commerce stating desire to be represented at Grange Fair read.i;`oved and seconded same be filed. and Clerk notify Chamber that no fair to be held this year. Carried. �,ornmunication from P. S.T.L.L_ P. Co .rela.ting to pctiti -)n of forth 11enton property owners for light,was read and Clerk instructei to senel. said letter to Capital Issues Committee for opinion on same . Resolution 1'o.237 fixing d to of hec!rin�: Dist .No.76 read. b loved and secondet same be adopted as redd. Poll Vote ; "ll Council- men r.resent voting Aye. Carried. Request of Chief of Police for annual vacaiion w .s presented and. granted. There being no further business before the meeting a motion was made to ad j �)urn. i 0 P) 159 Renton.!�ov.12-1918. Regular session of the Council called to order by Thos .Raymond, 1,11ayor Pro-tem. Roll Call; Present Councilmen "lonohon.1,'aull ,Owens,jame s and Raymond; City Atty.&- ,Clerk. Minutes of last meeting were read .and approved. Report of finance Canfiittee ; !Ve , your Committee on 1"inance have examined and recomend payment of the following; bills; L Denny Lenton C .A- C . Co.Daving brick, 44.13 Renton Hdw.Co. supplies 9.68 Joe 4004,Eas (°:. Aute re' 7.92 J. S. Hughes,meals for jail 4.00 Renton tire shop,tire repg, 4.50 Renton Bulletin.city PtE, 20.74 R'. "700d,hay ez cement, 21 .95 City of Seattle ,water 42.60 McPherson Bro2.su)plies ,City Hall , 3. 70 Pacific Tel .&. Tel .Co.nhone & L.D.calls, 1 .65 Peoples 'it ore,rent,p ri ivary election 5.00 Lowman & Hanford Co. office supplies 5.15 Fred F. y,ield' salary City EnEr. 31.05 Pettie Printery,notices for Health 'fficer 1.50 Primary Election 3rd, ,'yard,In ­recto r,Judge s & Clerks 25.00 r,_ 11 11 ist,pct .2nd.Wd. it it it if 23.00 it " 2nd,pct,2nd, IYd . ft if 1r it 25.00 ' 1.s t,ibia rig rr rr tt tt 21.00 E.E.Duff,police court fens, 1 .25 bow F.A. Full-er,carpenter work, 6 .46 Labor ,)ay roll , 7ts . Uater, 135.75 Signed,R. H. James,Thos .Rayrnord,Coinr,r,ittee . ,ioved and seconded report be receive6 , filed and all bills O.K.d.lbe na i d. Carried. Report of __'Olice Judge for month of October read ands filed. Question of repairint_- of "illiarris .;Pt .bric-'Le wns, discussed and motion made and seconded that said. matter be referred to the Street Alley CoiroQit-uee . CarrieCl. Communication from Pacific Tel .& Tel .Co. in matter of resetting of poles along valla 'J'ialla Ave .wns read and on motion referred to the Fire'T.ight & pater Coamittee and St .^Supt . Communication from P. F;.T.T LI.&. P. Co .re.lative to resetting and re- loci ting poles along ,alla -Aallp- Ave.rezad and referre.C. to Flire'LiLht ",later Comiriittee ,and St . Supt . Cominunic�tion from S.& R.V. Ry.Co.replyinr� to request of the Council that cars stop before crossing Main St .wls re_­d ,and motion made and seconded thr-, t Clerk notify the, Company to stop cars before. crossinE, said street . Carried . Communication from City ErL_-r. stating that the 30 clay period since completion of 4th,1%ve . improvement had elapsed.and recomending 160 final payment to contractor,was rel-d. Councilman Faull calls attention �f the council to cons iti �n of said. street at intersec- tion of Factory St .to the effect that kiil.:kng drain the does not extend out far enough from fill of street and that in making turn wa-ons fill up inlet of the with Gravel . motion was made and sec- onded that .Clerk & Atty.look up spe.cifica_tions to ascertain if same have been complied with at this r)oint ,and th,t in connectionxnickh with St .& Tilley Committee street be inspected and if found in good annO�L condition that b.:lance due contractor be .paid Carried. � A ddlega.tion of ladies beirE, present were asked to state their wishes ,whereupon d-rs.Bensinger adc'ressed the Council to the effect that on -.on6ay,Nov.11th,the : enton Drug Store had been selling whiskey indiscrimina.tely,anc? illegally. Mrs . vargaret -Morey then took the floor,and in the curse of her rema.rkr stated that the City `'lerk had ti_ned i'V1r.Brended to the fact that he was being wa,tchei by a delegation of ladies . City Clerk makes vie:erous prot- est to above insinuation,and u)on assuring the ladies; that he had not been in said store after his conversation with them on that evening,lvrs.Store,y m2kc s apol ►gy. Remarks were elso maele by _'r rs . T.'.''.Trimm,member of the Council,and. others,a.nd after discussing said matter at some length a motion was made and duly seconded that same be referred to the Police & License Committee for inves- tigation.,and that City Attorney and a committee of three ladies be appointed to assist . Ladies appointe.d were N?rS�Bensigge-r,Mrs.1'eiorgt . Storey and Moti:)n carried . Ursi.Trimm and 1virs.Bensinger also addresp(!-d the Council to the effect that _rambling was going on regularly in a certain vacant building; on V a_in St. It was mutually agreed by the Committee to investigate the Renton Drug Store immediately after Rdjournment of the Council. There, b&ing no further business before the Council a motion was made to adjourn. Cit; C1erh COBC 1.61 I-enton,3v .26th,1.915, I=LeFular session of the Council celled to order by the "ia.yor; "oil Call ; Present 1,auncilrrien ;,.'onohon,Faull ,Cake,Owens a.nd 11a.ymond ; City Attirney ar.d. Clerk. :1inuttr of last rmeetin,�, were read &rd a;:nrovea. Petition for water service,Lot 13,B1k,31 , Smithers lst,Adc'.by Thom" s, wa s read ene Lranted. DAr.S. H. Houch makes verbPol �.titi-an to the Council a_skinE, that they take action to have light pole moved on '"iells =ot .that obstructs entra- nee to his g ra+_Ee . '1ov^ end seconded said' matter be referred to the Fire,Ligz,ht Fr '+inter Corrcnittee and `3t . Suht.with power to act . Carried . Petition of Jim 4Ptind.o for Fermi^ ion to rent portion of Garden Ave .north of 4th,Ave. .for pmsturaLc , said portion .of za_ic' St .beins's not � in use -.r_G fenced in, war; referred to the, St .A•. Alley mar _rittee. . 'etition of Jas .Fa.11etta for permission to shoot few black bii6ts which are d''estroyin'; his cronc ,ard coizirriunica.tion from Gamic 'i,:reien rel- ative to same ,was read art�- motion made and scco)rde6 that City ordinance prahibitinL the disch.-rL:e of fire arms within the 6ity liiits be waived and he be allowed, to fire three or four shits on Lround in which crop is beir_E, destroyed for purpose of kill inL- few birds to use scare crows . Poll vote , ,sanohon,faull & Cake votirE 11-ye., Owens and �ni�ncf votin6 ivo. vation carried . Petition of E.L.Deen of the Pacific Coast r y.Co.a.>kin that the- Council take surae action in matter of siEn of iv r.Frea �octlevesen which he claims is a menace to br^kemen on tr-ins, wos read -nd moti )n made ar.6 seconded that same be referred to the St . Supt .for investiL:a.tion ani report . Carricd. Joe good addre.,ses the Council in matter of closing of doncero at 12 o 'clock,-and asks that nermi,;cion be ranted to con(Juct the hanks- Eivin-; eve dance until 2,A. Pv;. ar6 th)t two elance marsha-ls be a.pnointed from members of the, rales LOCLe ,to keep order. oveci and secondee' that =)ermission be L;ranted as requested. Carried. Report of Finerce ( oirimittee ; V'ayor �. Council ; Gentlemen ; �,e , your Corkmi.ttee on finance have examined pay roll , Strr'ets, a.ter and La_rba.`:e,a_nej rc-,corIena payme-nt of s a.rrir. . Signed thos.Ra.yaionc ,J.B.Owens,Co imittee. 162 Proveo and seconded report be rece.ived ,filed and nay roll be a l3 owed . Carried . Councilman Faull makes verb,-1 report on investi�ati -�n by St .L Alley `'o,';,nittee of tiling; at 4th North and factory St .t{o t <e effect that same iia: been installed a_ccordinL to contract ,a_n d t.h�at the street is in -Ood conditi )n with the exception of low spot at said. intersection which has since been filled by the contractor . :':roved and seconded report be acceotec. . Carrit-4. Councilman llaymond make, verbal report relative to petition of P. S.T.I.. P. Co.for permission to reset certain poles alonE a.11a 'allay Ave .rPcommndino that )Crmic cI7n Cie erante. . iu,Oved anCec- ordeuthat report be accepted and recomend.ation be carried. out. Carried. Clerk reports no protests aLr;a.in of assess:rent for im,.)rovement of 4th,Ave .YIorth,Dist .No.76 . 'loved and Q econdcd report be received and filed . Carried . Report of City Clerk for month of Oct .also report of Treasurer for said , -)Y"ath were read . moved and seconded re;oorts be rece,ivec l. a.nd filed . Carried . ivotion made :-and seconded that St . Supt . out few loads --)fter,- vel in bad soots on Ilactory St .lrr,_ding to Car 6orks . Carried . 'voti7n was also made and secondecl th,-1t few lords of Lra.vel be gut on 'y'cIIC rt .betwccn 4th,&, 5th,I-venues and that r r +_der be run over same to fill up ba.d ruts . Carried . Communication from Walter Mj.Rrown,ma._na.ger S.& R.IT.Ry. Co .to the effect thP:t .orders have been Posted to stop cars before cross- inE, 1'sin )t .re<;d and filed . Cornrnun c^tion from Public Uervice Commission that new rptin,r has been filed by ^>eattle L-*L htinE �do.e.liminatin2. discounts on payment of vas bill s was read and lsid o-.)er for one week and Clerk instructed to look up fronchis.(!- to Compa.n.y relative 0 rates ,etc . Comrnuniea.ti -m from G . ' '. ' ertens of the Pacific Coast ity.Co.in ina.tter of cutting of more underbrush near cro sins, of 4th,Ave .'orth was read,a.n.3_ mioti )n mode that Clerk obtain ;permission from parol)<. rty owners, for tl e euttin� -)f same. ",-L.Co .to eo sa.id cutting . Carried. Ordine-nce 10.463 a.pprovinF, and c onfirrninL, the a ,>ew sment and assessrne.nt roll. of Dist .ho.76 for tlie improvement by bride and L,ravel of 4th,Ave .h .iviill St .to City limits on the ez:st was read 42COBC 163 first time and re-ferre,.cl to the., )rdinance committee ,for report . Ordinance Committee makes verb��l report recomending passaLe to of above ordinance . ­-ov�-,d, end sec',,)nded report second readirL. _P rt be accent- ed mrd reco.mendpti,-)n be carried out . Carried . Ordinance No .463 taken up for second read.ing,reac; ard' adopted by -,(-cti,-)ns and on duly seconded was aidopted as a. whole as read. 11.1 vote ; All Iou ncilmen present voting Aye. Councilman :vlonohon brino's ur-L) matter of taking of plank from 5th, Ave .trestle,now abandonei ,for use of JVaterway in bulkheadinE river banks between St .bridve --ind bridle of P. C . Ry.Co. After some disc- ussion matter w.-s laid on table for one. week, ;�iatter of a,:)-pointment of Ir. ssectors and Jud, es for. comin6 City election was taken u-p and -a-yor was authorized to make said apnoirt- m,ents . There be-*LnE- no further business n-)tiDn was mad.e to adjourn to executive session for cons iderati,-)n of certri-n other inaLLers. Clerk. LJ 164 7 1Dc-c .10th,Lent on. 21918. Re�,-.'ulr.r se.�si )n -)f the, Council c-,0' ed to -)rcler by t1i.e ivI£ fir. hall C-'I I '13re.sent ''ouncilmen Morohoni'Frull- (,?tke and Owens. %,'i nut t-s of last :3e, sion were re-gel P.nd Petition received from nrooerty owners requesting that a light be installed at corner of 7thAve .& Grant street read and upon meti-)n was referred to the FireJTAu:ht R- "ater Cairimittee . Report of iinarceQoinmittee ; lle ,,your L.19171,mittee on -Oinprce.- hove examined and recomend payment --)f the following bil- 18; iVm.Torkin Co.zunoliec;.Gity "all 1 .05 F.E.T)uff,],u,,nber,,St,.Dept. 5.60 J.R. Storey,envelopes for office 2.66 P. S.T.L.&. 11. C--).light 135.90 Joe �Vood,gvg and auto re )airing 12.77 McPherson Bros mscl .supplies; 17.05 City of Seattle , water 41 .75 Library Vm-interp.nce,Oct .& Nov. 184.31 J.11.,1 . .Butler.,fuel for office 6 .15 `ATm.Fe-no- wiring booths for electiDrs 6 ,00 F,'lection,JiidEe�s, Tns-oe-.cter & Clerks,lst ,pct,2nd , ",-.rd 31.60 11 If It it It lst Y A"a ro. 29.00 3rei , 'aro 31.00 2nd .pc t,2nd ,Ward 30.00 F,D. Ton-rini ,rent ,polling place, 3ri, ward, 10.00 Daniel Craby,certified capies,le-al cases 3.70 Pacific Tel.&- 1,11el.Co.phone ?, L.D. calls 2.50 Geo.Hancock,fumigatint 10 .00 P`17.Ulmer,city PtE. 19.05 Labor pay roll f7ts .'�'ater & Earbr!�-e , 169 .71 Signed J. B. Owens,Lee 11'Jon;ah,-,Dn,Gommittee . T?oved and secande.d. r(---)ort be, received, fil-ed and all bills O-Y.d .be paid . Carried. Councilman Feull reports that matter of furnishing gravel for lViain St .hae been taken up with P. S. E.Co.R- 'Mr.L.:'.%Rean,Tacoma. Me'ved ard seconded Clerk write i�lllr.Bea.n with reference to P. S.E.Co. furnichinL, "_ravel necesp,,)ry fur -ravel.1-inE Main St .frem 4th,Ave . to 6th.Ave . Carried . Street �- Alley Goi-nmitte.e report„ in favor of renting; porti,,in of Gar6en Ave .North of 4th.Ave to Jahn IViRtinde provieinE, satisfactar rental can be vrrarLed and that re-pter obtain consent of abuttinr, .praperty -)wners . Moti -)n made that report be received and rec�irriend,-t- i-)n be. cnrrie.d out. Carried . Moved and second-. -(i that matter of movink, pole on ells -t .be I a i d over for one week. Carried. ,,.-oti -)n pre. e and seconded that matter if siEr of Fred Det . v sen be referred back to Mr.Dean with instructiors for ':jr-,q to take matter un direct with I'vIr.Detlevegen. Carried. Street & Alley 'emmittee reo)rts )r 5th.Ave north bridge plv.nk- .rgifan6 recr)!nendr^ that deckinE to a-:),,;roach on 5th Yive .be taken up and use-Ci in plankinE piling in frart of and onposite City Park. MWEIRm6% Moved- and seconded that report be. accepted ar6. r(-cofftenci.-tion be carried out . C a r ried. I'dIeved and seconded that St .& Ailey I-,OrImitte e ,AtT,:)rney and 6t . ,Lnipt look into matter )f obtaining right-of-way necessary in m.-)vinE, 'Williams "t .brieE!!ii to riuht ankle with rivf.-r. Ca r i�)i e 0-. U �Vioved and -econ6ed cor-Mmunicati )n from State Insurance Deet .be laid over for one week. Carried . There beinE- no further business ,notion was made to adjourn. Actin6 Clerk. Rentan.Dec .17th' 1918. Re.E,ulp, r -)f the Council called to olrder by Tho s.R,)jrrIor(Jv T,�.ayar pro-teal. Roll Call Present Councilmen -`4or -)han,FaulJ Owens ,JvLmt--.s and Fayman6 ; City Atty.pc Clerk. N'inutf-.,-- of Inst meeting; were read ard. P-rpravesi . A-,, �licatian for water !,ervice. ..Lat 39,L2time-rs Lake 'Aia-sh.Add . by J. H.Rt.ls,an read iiP.Ce and 2ec-)rdeC, that same be. L:rartf-cl . Carried . Ayrplicti ),n for water, service f,)r -hirLje- irtill neer PattRrson referred to the Fi-rn Lii�hx, ce an 5nrini�,-brook rapiL k.Y re�p" i T,atf-r Renart =of Firnrce, `.4, yaur GammitT,(-e. on -'V'irqrce have examire.6 and rtcammnd payment of the, fallowing bills ; T,owmqr & H,,,nford Co. :office .55 Je-pr Storey,P. O.box rent 1 .00 Thop, .Dobson,,Trea ,Industrial Tnsuranc�- , ,v�,�,-ter Dent . 6.27 It if itif 11 - Street Deot . 8.94 Peoples "`tare , rent for elf-cti -)n 5.00 Tabar pay roll , P)t .& "Vater T)e-pt ' sif 109.79 Sir re—d 1111.H. Jalf'e )i Owen's P coz:"Iit tee . -,)rd (;ecz)rdLe.*i re-oort be received,f i I ec.- v !,r�- all bilip 0.7.d,)be ci G F rri ed . Councilm,)n nayrnan6 ro!-,):)rt relative to '.)etition for light ,- or hill askirE for one more week t-..) investi,;,,-te. -­sme. crarted . Counc=ilman ipu3l makes v�rb,-;.l re port rel,stive to complaint of 166 T H.A. 7ellma-n of pole an :A interf,-r&ng with drive viay to E-*araLe ard reco-mend.s. t�' t s,-i6 -pale, be, removed . ill,,)tion iiia6e. and- �^ecLLanded that "t .Supt .rotify Power Coto remove P.PiC pale . Clarriei . Re,0art of Police JudLe for month .-)f November wLq-q read. City Atty. a F,k P, that bef -,re acti-or. be taken on said re-)-)rt that rep�:)rt m,-.ue by him relptive to Police Court matters be read. `Dt-oart of City Atty. -oertainirp: to the Brende& ct-) Ar. anei qcti -)r -)f Police. Judl-e in f-laid matter was thereul-,)an read ard discusseel by Co.uncil,City Atty.F-, Police, Jud-e . Mlatin made, an '_ secorded report of Police Jueip_(- be L) .received and filed . Carried. iv,oti -)n also .,,ade and secondec: that report of City Attorney be received and filed . Carried . iteports of City Clerk art[ City 'ireasurer for month if Nov.were read and an �iiotiDn placed an file * �jomiuunicati )n from Port Gommissior with re.ports and maps was -prep.enteal and moti )n made and sec,)naleiL that came be filed ,and thAt Clerk write Part Coml-riissian thqnkinF_- them for sa,e . Carried . ,!ays 4 Mearc Committee was a-,)Painted to canva-s, el—,.cti -)n return-- . Com�nittee recomends that renort as com-,piled by City Clerk be accepted. IvIlaved and seconded rtcariendati -)n be, carried out . Carried . Report. of Clerk was the. reupon read and- X41ayar -ora-tem,de-,clare,-- the following persons nlefted to office for the, ensuinE term. Mayor'T, m.'ionkirICouncilmvn lct . Ward, 2 year term,IVIrs.H.M. But lf-r, I-Iouncilman 1st ward ,4 ye^-r terin'Jahn i".-ull . Councilman -2nd, lyiarell 'LoLer Jenkins . Councilman 3rd , "ard,F.G. Smithers. Councilman-at-large Ed.Tankir . City Cl "rk Grant -0--tes. City Treasurer T. J. Richrrio' nd . City Attorney Danie.l. Gaby. i,(---)rer,entative of L'acific Tel .1- TeT .Co beir6 I)re^ent reque2tR that some action be taken upon their Petition f-)r readjustment of ,poles and lines ap necessitated by electrification of C . �,`.& 'St .P. RY.Co. Committee to whom said matter was referred agrees to take. up said matter on adj -Durnment of Council. Councilman Monohon asks that lieaterwayom�.-Asc>ion be allowed to take up and, use stringers on a -)reach of 5th,Avt.tre-stle far planking of piling along; river between "!ill S*t .A-, Pacific Coast -'LLy. Co .brivL,'es , as the plokking which was to have been used for said. purpose is in very -poor condi tion. 'Mation made and s(-,c .-)ndtd. said request be allawed. Carried. St .Supt.instructed to sne dairyman o. Sartari ranch and ask thct h I e clean out ditch along railway. alotion to t`ajourn. , Clerk. I O?eORC Fenton,Jany, 7th,1919. FeLrulor ses-,siDn of the, Council ca3led, to order b- -ayor Tonkin. Roll 'Call; Present Councilmen Monohon,Flau12 ,Cake ,Jame-,s and Ray-rional, City -ttorney and Clerk. Minutes of last meetin&-', were read ani ieoart of Finance Committees ; We , your Lo -,;t-littee -)n FJrarce have. examiner ard recomend payment !:)f the f.011 ;)wind; illi ms &- McYniE--,ht, supplies� 4,93 V.A. She-arer,labor & Mtl . 13. 75 Telly PtE.Co .bri(!-.f,Hufrhe,:z-1+ itche21 case , 27.00 P. S. T.T.-A- P.Ca.2i ,-ftt , 135.90 E.*7.Duff, P3licn Court fetes 16 .50 City of Stattle,water 34.20 Fred F."�eld , salary,City hn6r. 15.00 Penton T)rug 7tore, quz.)Plies .50, J. R. Storey,e.rvelo-ot- s 1 .62. Priebe Fr-3s .2abar Ic Mtl. 9.00, -H. F. Teeks L Go.E,,,qs &- oil 2'.23 T-?.ITVqOdIhay for paund 9. 161 McPherson Brza. sun-olieq 3.00, Co. q Renton n IT@jW ,Uj,)p lie S 3.40- Renton Lumber Co.lumb tr. 7t .Dept. 72.02- .P. 5.T.T-,.(I-. P.Ca. suoplies,liEht Dept . 2.82- Renton ',.,Vorks re;-,,qirr.,Comfart cit a . .50- R. O. Trow,wood.,City HpJl - 3.OG E.E.Duff.hvrve.stin � se.11in", potatoes City Park 84.95- Thos .Dobson Jrea- t-,-t,etc .water Dept. 13.00 Thos .T)obsonJ,Tre.-.)s,I S T, m 1)9 p o 2 t a e , i rinoundir;-,, stock, 16 .50 Labor pay roll. 17ts .'Vatnr ey, GarbaLe, 197.68 Moved ansecon6ed re-Loort be received., filed anO a2l bills O.K.tipbe paid. Carried . Street Sunt.reports that he has n )tified Tel.GO.relative to removr,l of cross arms on liL,ht pole- on "ells -t . south of 5th.Ave . but that no action has as yet been takem. i,:-)ve;i PnO s—. c,-)reecus_ that City write Tnl .Co.aqkin-- that same be removed. Carrie,~ . Camirturicati -)n from Bureau of J-nsnecti-r. 1-tar- tive to de-,Pi-nation of de?-)ocitfry of 'C'it-y funds recd a' no to incomint_, Council . Corr,municati,,-)n f lalice Ju6L:e, re-plyinL-, to camtiunicLien and report of City Attorney in reference to Hrendel case waread and an trj,-)ti -)n p2acnd on file. City Clerk reports on matter of rrcvel for ",lain St .to the effect that P. S.F- Go.will df-liver snme,City to the. unloadirL ,at - �nrox- irlatply .90 cents per Yd. Also re-ports on communication with Mr. T ser sign. -�,nc' sccr)nC. etI thot sign matter .)I, Detj�tvn �,n m tter be referre(y- to Citi Attorney. Carried . 1C.) acti ,)n taken by the IC -)uncil in �Tvatt�r.r of -ravel for 1-lain St . C- Councilman ivionohgn ma yes requeptin behalf of Coi-Urnnrciol �atle.,.rway #2 I 168 for T)ermission to correct with ',Yeld.inE, Co .pipe to obtain water for donkey Fn6. on derrick. Nlovo-.d and c. e-.conCe-crequest be ,ranted. . C arri ed . In matter of relocatinE, of meter of' J.R�.-P I Hayes in xnxnY.-akknmxxf relation to furnichinL of wEter. to J.A. Nelson, same Aras referre,.. to the. Fire ,li-ht & `.'rater Committee . 'P,,qr. Paul Bassen askq )ermis�- -L -)n to Cet load --)f' the old, plankinir beim; 'I torn un from 5th,.r.. ave. -,) a -oroch to hiEh trestle,f,-)r kin -lin- wood.. 111oved and seconded tl-k- t request be �ranted . Carried . Mayor Tonkin requests that outFoir - councilmen .vacate vRte stats, for -the installation of new members . hew Councilmen were stat.e-d and sworn in by the City Attorney. MIRyor Tonkin Pd6resSe.S the. outr,oin�� Cour-cil ,tharkin -: them for their interest and zeal shown V;-urinE the Past- terin,ond. for the harmony anci. &,)n6 will displayed by the inem- bers. in connection with their duties as Courcilmenand expresses the hope that the same deEree of .harm:-iny ane' &oo-d feeling, may be. exer-cised by the new Council . The first or,'er of business of the new Council was the el act- ion of a. Msyor pre-tem. Councilman R. H. Jame -.. w as nominqted for sal a office . i,Ioved ard seconded that nomin,)ti -)r^ be, Carr- itd. 1over! ant'. Ffconde.(,` thz� t Councilman James be c1e-cicred elected as lvlayor pro-tem. Carried . Resolution No.238 relsq.ting to the rssiEnati -,n' by the Treas. of depositary for City funds was read. TvT-)v(!-.(3 and second ed that said Resolution be adopted as renal and Trnps.be instructed to c,,-)M- ply with terms of so-me . Carried. Annlicati -)n;.; of John Stewartni6ht mo-rshalan�.- Geo .Hancock, Chief )f "t .&, Vv'-ter 1)ujot .for rean-nointment were reai ai,6 refe-.rr,!!cj to the Mayor for cons ideration. ' love M .6. an ' seconded Clerk call for bids for City for ensuing ye-,p-r. Carried . City Attorney addresses the Council relative to bond of City Treasurer,an' motion wls made and secineed that Trmssurer elect be, instructeiL to obtain bond in the amount of to app- r3vpl of City Attorney. Carried. There beinU no furth,, r bus ire ss mo ion was to ad,journ. ty Clerk. cGC X69 Rertan.Jany.14th,1919 . Recular -,essior -)f the, C-)uncil CaJ2ed to arae.r by Mayor Tonkin. I Tonkin Mrs.H.D.,%Butler R011 mall ; Present �Iouncilr.r.,en Smith,�trshd, R. H. James ; City -'ittorney vs.nc'l Clerk . Minutes of lost se2sian were read and P.Tlemded to state that woo Councilman R- H- Jaaies had been sworn in as Mayor pre-teir, . Minutes a_-,ppraved as amended . Mayor Tonkin announces the appointment of the following comimitt- q ; Ways & Mens Chairman J.R. Owl!,rs)F. G. !-"),-nitlitrs.,Ed.nL'onkirI Finance ; Jenkirs Mrs.H.M,.But]e r ,Street P- Alle.y,Ch,? rimsn John F.G. Sm. ithers, J.B. Owens Police & License; Edo-i rman,Ed .'Ionkin.,F.G. Smi the rs,J.B. Owers Law & Ordkrarce ; Rorrnr Jenkins,hd.Torkin,l). H. James Fire I.IEht A- iYater,Chairman.Mrs .H.Nf.Butler,Ro,--er Jenkins ,John baull . City Property; Chairmp-n,F'.G. Smithf-rs.liTrs .'-Ti.NI.Butler.,R.H.Jame-s. Further anpoirtmnntwere made as followg ; .Chief of Palicelst .L., !Nate-,r Su-nt; Geo.II-an c oc k. Nli6ht Policerrjar John -tewart ; Police, Jud.- e Now E.E.Luff. Mavo-d ard ­,,econdeb` that above apoointment , be confirmed . Carried. A_-�jplicatior for water service and sewer connectilar 'Lot 23, Block 2, -mithers 5th,Add.by Lester Hilliker w,­,s read and granted . oplication fir ceifiert sidewalk trade for above property.was laid over for future Action. Report of Finance �01-.Qlrjittee. ; "e , lour 'ammitLee on Fin,­rce have examined ar6 recxfend payment of the bills - hos. Deb Pon .%Treas.Medical Li(j , "ater Dept . 1.82 It it tt it ff I - a )t .Dela pt 3.53 P -cific Tel.,- Tel .Co.phone c� L.D. ,alls 3. 10 1,tIm.Kane Batteries,litht rlebts wiring 12 . 70 Libre- ry Ms.in tmr,?r ce 106.20 �iLned H. 1-1. Jaaje s 'Mrs .H. But le r,Coml,"li tte e. .end P.econdtd, report be, received , filed and all, bills O.Y.d .be moo r)ai d. Carried. hearort of Clerkalso report if Treasurer for month of, Dec . were readlard, on motion duly snconded were placed. an file . City Attan)(-;i reports an matter of sign of Nlr.FrecDi!,tlevese.n and action taken by him in -- itj rn,-tter and reads corrf.,sponee.rce with attorneys for railroad comiDar y. 114joved and so-.cone (-0 Atty be riven :)nt more, week in matter for further investigation . Carried. 170 Matter of Ernvti for Sin St .4-th to 6th, vv,--i,s discussed,also offer af . R. Sartari to furnish L- ravel -,.t nit at .1.0 cents per yard ,axkx xxx Matter :-)f draina.Ee-. on said street and crowning up of strtent was also rliscussf-dl. and referred to Street & -Iley �-Offlmitte-(i for further irve-sti,;,ation. Bid of lent-)n Fujl�-tin for Citi ,,irirtir�- Was rc-.-,,d :s follows ; First in.qertion .35 cents ner inch,all• subsequent irsnrtiono . 25. cents -1,!,r inchset in 8 This bid. being, so much higher than ;present c,:)ntr,?ct was referred to the "ays 6c Mo-,ans uommittee, f--,-)r inve--,-1tiE ,?ti,,-)n . Ponds of City Clerk were, nre�ented . City Attorney calls attention to omission of certain wards in bond of Clerk and motion made and" secondedth@t said bind be, returned to the t-lorrmary f,-)r correction. Iarried.. The bond of City Treasurer ar,6 City Attorney having; been a-,-)!)- roved ,,by the amity "tTorney,were accepted b,. the council . There bein'r, no further business before the Council a motion was inade to adjourn. C 1 rk-. Ui " ,gent on,Jany,21 st ,1919 . s-es-ion by t: � Ma ya r. Re.Eular , f t ,e. Council called to order Roll "all ; Present Councilmen Faull,Tonkin,Owens and Mrs . Butler. Minutes of lest meeting were re.i.4 and i,.nrroved . Report of -0inance, Committee ; "e,your Can-imittf---e an tinance have exRmined and recomend payment if the following bills ; H.D. Ion-oiri ,bands ,city officials 64 .50 Pettie Printery,notices far Health Officer, .13.50 "f .C.D.Fdwaria , supplies 6 .00 Labor Pay Rell ,Streets & "ater, 179.00 Sirned, E6 .Tonkin,H.V.Butle r,J.T3. Owens ,",'o,anittee . Moved and s-canded re.nort be received filed and. all bills O.K.-d .be Councilman Owens of the, Ways, �7, Means Committee make.-s vf,-rbq-1 rep- ort in. matter of bid for City printing. Letterg were read. from Kent and Issaquah giving or ices charged for similar work, and after- some discussion motion was made and seconded that contract be awarded to the hertan 13ul-l. etin at (-,rices as quoted in his bid. Carried . City Atty-makeg re-pport relative to Ditlevegen si,,Tn matter, stating that no futther ,roEres . has been made. Moved and seconded that are more week be giver Atty. to look up matter of respongibility of the City in cage of accident caused by said sign. Carried . Report of Treasurer 6.esignating Bitizens Bank as depositary of City fund2 was read,and on motion p1 aced on file. (:mart of Malice JudEe for Dec .algo yearly report.waz read and filed . Report of Park Boaroi ,Eivine- statement of receipts and. diizburse- ments on notate cron, w,-,.,; re�.4 and filed. Ordinance No.464relpting to Park Commissioners and duties,was read first time ani referred to the Ordinance 1-ommittee. wand ofamity Clerk as corrected and ar,�-jreved by the City Atty. was lvloverd and secondee! same be acce�--)te6. Carried., '%.,,qyor -ankir ar) )aints Purr.Joe quoad as vire Chief and Dr.C.L. Dixon Health Office.r for ensuing term. 1,1oveci and sec3ncieci. above ar)noirtrrentz be confirmed . Carried- Councilman I'aull makeg verbal re-port rnl^tive to -netitlor of iroperty owners for a light at 7thAve .�c G-rant Stand. at 8th.Ave .?,.� Grant 7)t . 9nd recomerids th,-).t said petition be Liranted . Recamendatior beinc, concurred_ in by �«!rr. .Butleralso of the i'ire.,Light & "nater Com- 172 irnittee,mDtior was made and seconded thv.t petition be granted, Corried. Hloved and seconded that Clerk ard Viater Supt.prepare bill for damage s to water line ,an4g cost of water uv-d from City of Septtle systeivi,cause4_ by the kr,-)ckinZ down of bent under -,pipe line at mine bridEe by switching of cars, Rxrrim*,x and pregent same to the Repton Coal, Co. Carried . Nfr.Gewers makes com-plaint to the Council in matter of surfpce water„ at i�lorris St .& -Railway tracks,to the effect that by construction of br.-nch line to gub-stati-_)n -.)f the, Milwaukee tlhie ariEin2l ditch for carryinEaway water has b-,en block(!-d up. After discussion r',I.id matter was referr(i-el to the Street & A.11-ey I. orrirrtit-Lee and st . su-nt'. wo.s inqtru.-ted to ascertain if trmperary releif can be obtained, with rower to act . Ca- :-rieti. There beinE_,; no further bil-siness motion ad r - to 'i, T City Clfrk. 2080 173 Rentor . WWaah Jan.28. 1919. Regular Session of thti Council called to orccnr by the mayor Roll callead ',­,re.�oent councilman.Smith-�!r�, . Faull . Tonkin . Jenkins . James . Butler: Ab!znntOwers . Attorney Gaby. Councilman Tonkin a--pointed Clerk protem. .ReadinE of minutes of previous meeting, PRSsei. Street and Alley committee, report on Morris street overflow. Reccammnded report be laid, or, table . Motion Carrie-al. Street and Alley.Conirrlitte,e re-port on Main Jxtreet re..ccomerd that ditches be cleaned permitting water to egcaDe . -motion to annrove carried . 43& Cimirritricatiar from The City Qf Ellensburg, Passage, relative to the Passage a Law perinitinE Cities of the, third Clasm'_ ircrease-d rowers of MM T2xation to lay on table carried . itizf�rk Rom of f Bank of Renton to T.J.Richmron 6 reavi !Jlotian to approve and file carried . Printing contract with The Renton Bulletin read- &rfi discussed by the Council Dilletion to accept carried . Bond of E.E.Duff an Police Justice read-Motion to accept a-_ne file Carried Provesed Ordinance relating to Signa ir the Streets and alleys of the, City Presented to the Council read and referred to committee on ordinances Ordinances No .464.Relatinm to Parks and Creating a- Park Boart Passed lbt .re2dirr, by unanimous vote . Passed 2 st . reading by sections as fallows . Sectiars I ouna"ilhQux . Secti4ns 2i;., it ,1 11 -- Sections 3. ti Motion to a6opt P_% a whole cprried. -ouncilraen Smiti'lers , Faull, Tonkin Jenkins ,and Butler voting aye on roll call . Motion to adjourn Carried. -------------- - ---------------- 1"74 Rent6r,WAzh. ,Feb.4th, I9I9. � �axaxsxixu� x�a�xS :tx '� xxtki ;�Ix �fr wxAx �47R 1 iJQ]IiY_ i A�X'�C:X.13 7�x.`� City Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Owens Present councilmen Smithers,Faull , JenkindAand Tonkin. ' Clerk Bates being absent on account of sickness, counci.lman Tonkin t was appointed Clerk prote:nl. Application of Jack Brattus xxxxxazakya t for water was received and referred to the Water Superintendent for investigation. The- Finance Committee recomended the payment of the following bills Renton Bulletin for printing " 6.29--City of Seattle for water $63.70 On motion the bills were ordered paid. Garnishment of E.J. Hughes was read,and the City Attorney .was in- st-tucted to obtain the opinion of the Attorney General ,as to right of the City of Renton to pay the judgment. The sign ordinance having been mislaid the second reading was postponed until next meeting. of the City Council . The Mayor appointed E.E. Duff,F.S. Saulsbury and � '1N Fairchild wry vy.Thenominations were confirmed + Park Cees-And the oath of office was duly administered to said Park ftrun-i , by Daniel Gaby,as Notary Public. i On motion the Park Board were instructed to request Mr. Colvin to remove the tents and shacks adjoining the Park. Park Commissioner Duff addressed the City Council in reference to the necessity of a comfort station in the Park. On :notion the City Park was named Liberty Park. Nays and Means Commiettee were instructed to neet with the Park Commi s' oners and report to the City Council as to the proposed �_. . provement. On motion adjourned. Clerk Protea. 4 a 17`5 Renton; Feb . II . T9I9 Regular meetinT called bo to order by-Gwaneil Mayor Tonkin. CD C., Roll call. Smithers. Faull . James . Tonkin. Attorney Gaby. Councilman Tonkin ai)pointed Clerk Prste,-.i. of Jar . 2 8 1919 . read and armroved . o TT Id Ir 14 IFU� s bll�-%n t,je jvjjj of ProvIde'lee VIAt Viere be taken fron 01tr midst, our reaMe'Pd Citi' rLrkl Mrant Pates 1-v%o passed fro-, ti,j3 life 0� 57aturday nt'll 1919; Culd riorninrr at 7:00 A. to-71 Tor ~pail ;heart; 7-i-, been elected by M2 fnjjo�,,- 'el 'Ien to flil office I Mr, I s of public trust ,uld hais nlljo' ld tls frionds.-ilp,, n the CItNt Of Penton of all 0 , t',4 coCO�qfldenceg rhe CI trult f 0 risid��nts of ji,,q hoje twIng and "'ASt an a caul e-t, riars.md 1.110 to b On inj pnreon iqq 00 a credit to hirwilf tilepqgelveje and to Mmun I t, 10'I If ivs -his 1091 as a Uvinn father be lrreparabl_ felt by %11j3 t,� - are left Mo'tlierle,3s and fat"' aree nPlendid dalirfAcre wl,.o T�e!,jt(M In a great blov,,, loa$ to ""'I)e city Of felt for -A, I(M-7 period; tO tile VA(IIIInIstration and. it mill be but at oll times �h( not orll;/ e�io� 71e do 111�3 o'-!n dixty �yell ,as ready and, to nlvt antistancalto "'Ore Iq charre of tj!�� do$+ 1089 19 one V�,jv- Of our fnAr city. An afr- d no �iearts of h frJnndS,, Car-mot bo, r��placed iv) t' alt 7q, as a f riend in every sen.,,jo of `sickness aad sorrwr, al%v4Y9 tl-,ere to c e rd, ,iat,!ri-aIl,y, ;a.id morally, OlInsel and 'nef�A,tld, nu , t?tersfore, be it n Sucl) assistance was �r `0 -r t v VII (71t c- A� rl',-ulcer isession On V t110 City of T'enton, da.7 of Pnbriary, 1919 ax� iilzFof (,,rant pate 8 ItS "leartfelt a,,,m . 10nce for tl�a 1036 of p s,, cats mnd lov, rig fat-her, a cc,.xt--,--,us 4' Public servant qjlose duty was Well done a friend of be proud, and a fello-I tuvinsman -,Tho 17ill donut be d n ofa 'riend' by all r kne-I %imp 7f 1) Vqat 'I Or -1.1,P 0 '1 0-:7 V is resolution 7ir* -:1 $prnad upon COPY therqOf b Of t'"a 0i4Y of Penton, still sent to tae ber.-aved f ivvnily, Clerk. C-). 176 ` e 177 Renton, Wash. , I9I8. Regular session of Coubeil called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call ,Present councili-inian. Smithers. Faull . Jenkins. Mrs.Butler. Tonkin. Attorney. &,Clerk, Bord of W.J. ' Ililliams Approved and Accepteul . Oath Of Office of W.J.Williamsread and filed. , mom Minutes of Arnvious meetinE, read and Armoved. Petition of Mrs . J. Nick for water at nre;nisms Lot I .Blk.36 . read on motion 1py or table., for lack of full descrintion of property. Anplication of Chas R.Timme for lka:bger water main on reccome-rdation of Fire Light and Water in -ranted and on motion referred to Supt .of water with rower to act . Petition- of Dauglax Lewis for used plank- from old bridwe read motion to reject, Carried. Re�iort of finance Committee or bills andPay Roll received &.reaol ..,otion to pay all bills a-,»roved carried. J.R.Storey. Postal Cards . AI0.00 Haleway & Brown. hepairinE, Saws. 5 .20 J.R.Storey. Envelopes . 28.47 Trick & murray. SU-0 I Plies. jT.93 1,Vm.Kare. -"lectric foods 12.05 J.W.Nutler, Fuel. i 6. 15 McPherson Bros . screen'. .75 Labor Pay Roll Of St & Water. ' 243.00 n"13nhly Salerys 20b,00 Communication of C.W.Clausen r8Earding Examination o-_7, City 8ffice read On Motion Communition of City Treasurer receivee and on* motion ordered Filed. CommunItion of Dexter Horton. Bank re,�;ariin,:r read reaand, on motion CD Clerk was ordered to communicate with Dexter Horton Co. carried. Petition of Clerk to renovate the Clerks Office orinotiin ib referred to Town Pro,-).nrt,,r Co:.rillittee Town Pro �erty Cbmmittee recomend that the Clerks Office, be, Par -red and Painted at ar expense not to excf!,.ed •28.00 on i:-Lotion recon iendations are Approved carrie-,d. Or. motion to Adjourn. W.J.wi.11iarAs 1!8 21PORC 179 IRenton . Vash. , Feb. 25.1919. rec-ular session of Council callee to order by Mayer Tonkin. Roll Call.Present Councilman. SmitherF� . Faull . Mrs. Butler. Tonkin. Attorney.& . Clerk. Minutes of previous mm eetinr; read and a ) proved. Petition of 'Vilson &. Marlowe for water at Premises lot 3. 5.6.B1k.7. Rentor Fara Plat and. N.Mill St . Ter_ant F.C.Wrirht . on motion Gra.rted. Petitior_ of Mrs.J.Wickk for water at prerm"iises lot I. B1k.36 .Smithers Add. . On motion granted . Petition of James Obrien for water at prernisrs lot I4.Blk. I. SrTMmithers Add, on motion wra.r.teel. Petition of John Martir for to install a Gass Tank and Pump at Corner of Main ar€? Fourth. on motion granted. Petition of ',tiilson &.Ma_rlowe for a Erade to establish a walk at lot I9 . R1k. I8. Town of Renton also to have notices rerdin�- co, rletiosi of Cement walk. On motion .,ranted.. Reports of Finance Cocr-mittee all Bills O.K. Carried. i W.J.'Nilliams . $2.00 Cl.arr.nce Williams . `�a0 00 E,E.Duff, X47,50 ' R.O.Tr®y. I4.37 D,H,Mothern. 4144. 15. ' ` C,R.Cargpbell, 7.40 Report of Councilman Tonkin charEe for water to Park. Library. &.so forth on motion granted'. Communication of the, Seattle' National Bank reEarelin the purchase of City.Coiirty. School or other Bonds .an motion ordered fia(-d.. Communication of Mlr.R,W.Gilliam.ln referrrnce to Rondj of Cittizens Bark to the City- of Renton on motion_ referred to City Attorneyfor approval Carried. Commmnication from R.W.Gilliam rerardirr parkin- strip motion to file and permission Ziven to continue. construction of walk. on motion. carried OQr. motion authorized. Clerk to Transfer from. L.eneral ^fund to L. I.D.Ne.60/ the some of 6T80.75 . Carried. Discussion of scttirg pole-s on Mr.Freel Ditlevesen parking strip on WilliaNs St, moved the Council as x whole me-et the Telephone. people at Ten O.Clack the next morninls. Carried. W.J.'Villiams. Clerk Igo Renton `"Ta,h , Mar. 4.I9I 9. R-gular fl!!�Ietin- called to order by Mayor Tonkir . f Rall call. Pres(int Councilman. Strother , Fa.tzll. Jenkins. T@nkin. Yrs .Butler. Jansen . And Clerk. Petition of Maynor & Burrows to i.r_stall a gasoline purap on pa rki.n strip between curb and sidewalk on third and Burnett Sts. formely 'Crescent Station. moved it be granted 'un6e.r inspection of viat^�r Su-ot. carried . CorY—iunicatior from County. as kine ertiissyion to ruri Tractor acro�-s paved streets when nesasarilly moved and secondeA we �ra.nt tempary permissior' to County. carried'. Communication of Atty. Daniel Gaby on Bonds from Citizens Bank of Renton . moved and secinded_ that the Mayor ret a copy of carried . Report Sf finance committeeon bills and pay rol.lreceived & reaa motkln and seconded all bills O.Kd. be' paid carried . � Fenton Realty Co.' I7e*00 H.F.Weeks. II.00 Wry Tor-kin. I.25 E.A,Shearer. 5.I5 J.S.Hardy. ,25 , Puget Sound Traction L.&.P.Ce.' Wilson & Marlow. 50 Pacific Telephone & teleEraph Ca. 3.I0 Pur-'et Sound Traction L.& P Co. 270.90 Maynor'& burrows . C .90 Trick & Murray. 27.65 Total w 375.45. R.mood. 3:85 R.Wood.. I5.00 Renton. Bulletin.Office 4.20 Labor Pay Roll. Street Department. I40.00 Tota1208.00 Water Department. 68.00 583.45 Disopssion on Assesstextsra rolls moved and seconded the Mayer b- -t "ewer to appoint so''^e one to -o to Seattle to ' look up Certified Assessments. Carried., ,moved to Adjourn. W.J.Williams. Clerk. 1 T,,'a r. 11, I 9I 9. Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll call. Present Smithers. Faull. Jenkins.Mrs.Butler.Owens. James . Atty.Gaby &Clerk. Petition of Joe Madalene for a soft drink licence for Eazle Bar room oneast corner of Walla 'ATalla & Burnett Streets .was read and on motion the Licence was granted. Petition of Mark Crombia for water or lot 5 B1k.22.Renton Farm Plat was granted. Petition of E.A.McCurdy to place a barber pole on west end of his shop lot 4 Blk 14 Town of Renton was referred to street and alley committee. The Finance committee reported favorably on following; bills . H.F.Weeks&co. II.4I Frank L Mitten. 96 .25 . City of Seattle. 74.50. Jack McCrea. I.gO L.F.Hohkins. 96.25. Library. 68.69 Clarence «Tilliams. 83.75 , D.H.Mothern 48.37. J.F.Spurgeon. 35.00 E,E.Duff, 43.87. Total. tit 559.89. On motion warrents were ordered drawn to pay bills. Report of Clerk for month. of FebruaryI9I9 was read and on motion filed. . , report of Treasurer for ,month of February I9I9 was read, and on motion filed. House bill No 5 and house bill No 4.from the Clerk of TNashington house of Representatives was read and motion placed on file. Dir Dullahant calledthe attention of the council. to the bad condi•tiom i of streets, between Inturban tract & N.P.tract on motion the matter was reffered to Street and Alley committee with power to act. On motion to Adjourn. r Clerk. 182 Rentondfash. March , I9I9. Regular meeting called to order by Mayor. Tonkin, Roll call,Preser.t councilman, Smithers ,Faull, Tonkin,Owens, Butler,& James ,Atty Gaby & Clerk. Petition of J,R,Gilliland for water on N,u',4 of W,' Sec ,23 range 5 on ' Main St,south of Renton,Moved & seconded netitionbe granted by paying costs, carried. Petition of Thomas Raymond for sewer connection at lot I9,Blk 8, was granted. Petition of pacific Te1,8-Tel,Co .to place -Doles on 'Mill St,moved & seconded be reffered to fire light & water committee with power tb act. Petition of Howard Wellman to—?ut in cement sidewalk at lot I8,Blk I6 Town of Renton,was granted. Petition of Park Board for an appropreation of .$I000.00 for Park purposes,was grant.ed.. The finance committee, reports favorable on following bills. MillerFc haviland, $28.00 . J S Hardie, 6.83 Pacific Tel..& . TeL.Co. 3.40 Puget Sound T L & .power Co. I35.00 Pacific Coast Stamp Co. ,B5 Trick & murray. 53.23 Jesse Storey. I .00 Trick & Miurray. I3.00 Trick & Murray. 84.02 Renton Bulletin. 22.70 Clarence Williams . 90.00 J F Spurgeon. 76. 25 D H Mothern. 52.86 E E Duff. 50.06 Edward T Moran. I5.00 C W Clausen. 7.50 $640.70 Report of City Atty, Gaby was read and on motion placed on file. Mr,E F Doff resigns Park Commissioner lklayor Tonkin suggested that other members of Park Board recommend an associate for appointment . Atty, Friend desired to present a matter in which the Mayor was personally interested President protem James was called on to preside, The matter of conflicting survey in Renton,was then considered and on ;notion the Council as a committee of the whole fixed Monday March 3Ist . at 6 :30 P.M.to meet at Mayer Tonkin?, old :sto-re building to examine into the same. Mr.Monohan asked permission to use more of the plank on the long bridge for waterway purposeson motion was granted under supervision of councilman Fault. Mr,McCowen addressed the council. in referrence to North Renton street crossings and purposed circulating a petitior�^onsidera.tion of the matter was deferred until presented. . On motion the Council adjour _r i +.-IT r 1 P"Iz i, 2c0BCx.83 Renton 'veash, April I. I9I9. Regular rieetin6 called to order by Mayor Tonkin, Roll Call, "resent, Councilman,Smithers, Faull, Jenkins, Tonkin,Owens, Butler & James & City Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Petition of E. E.Duff to cut curb in front of Dr.A.Bronson 's resid-int '' a s granted. a Petition of �Flm,Iingreen for a soft drink license moved 6—,'seconded license be not granted, carried. Petition of property owners on well "t ,along B1ks, I7 &. I8 Town. of Renton to put sidewalk two feet frov, pro j I ir_e,moved seconded petition was granted . The finance committee report,-z f _vor�a.b1F: __on following bills. _ . 'hrm,Kane Walworth manufacturing Co, 50.28 J?tai?Butler 6. I5 Geo.Hancock Fumigating, I0.00 -68.23 , Moved and. seconded report off# Fire light og, water be , placed or. file. carried. Moved & seconded Ordinance N9 .466 , relatingto Automobiles Autocyclj�,s be referred to ordinance committee, carried . Moved & seconded the City Aijy, draw up an Ordinance on plumbing etc , for server connections carried. Yoved seconded the City Atty, be instructed to draw up a Resolution to establish the old line on. the k�' side of fourth avenue. On motion. the-ddunci:l adjourns . 2 r �Aw.Ae_ City Clerk. 184 Renton IvVashf April B. I9I9. �� ? Regular Meeting called to order by Mayor Tonkin_.. Roll cal.l , Presen.t councilman, Smithers, Fall,Tonkin, Owens,Butler,& James Atty R- Clerk. Regular rainutes read and approved. V Permission was granted to the Power development Co .to install a new device 4awater wheel ) in Cedar river subject to approval of waterway commi -sioners and park board. The application of the Puget:-Sound Electric Co. to erect a. temporary toilet was ordered returned for more definite application. On recomendation the City Atty the CIbrk was authorised to correct a mistake and charge one dollar for water to N�,Fornelia. The finance committee reports favorable on foll.owin� bills . Payroll MQ.278. $I82.00 City of Seattle 33.45 Renton hardware Co . 4 .05 City of Seattle 5.02 R.M.Thorne 8.00 E.E.Duff 4.50 D. H.Mothern 4.50 E.A.Fuller 5;00 Pacific Tel .& Te1 .Co . 3.10 Library 70.00 D?H.Nlothern 40.50 E.E.Duff 40. 50 J.W.Butler 9:60 Williams & NcKniEht 005 A.Bishop I0�' Pettle Printa.% 4.75 County Auditor _ I .25 ;;287.07 The committee on Ordinances reported favorably on Ordinance No.466 . regulatinG - speed of Automobles,the ordinance was then read. by Sectionp and each section adopted on motion the ordinance was passed upon roll call all present voting aye. On reauest the couhcil ordered payment of the three lights between Renton and Earlinyton. N?r.McKay was granted permission to cross the sidewalk with his Automoble where he no'S resides on Burnette Street. On motion the council adjourns. City Clerk. i 12c,0BC Renton Wast. April I5. I�)I9. 185 Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Ca?.7. . Present counci7man.Smithers, Faull , Tonl'_r. , Jenkin,&Butler. Atty,& Clerk . The minutes of previous meeting we.,- read and corrected so as to shor that an Engineer was to be employed to l cate the center of 4th Ave,and Williams Street according to the original sa-near and plat of .the Town of Renton. John Banasky & Mrs Gertude Feek waregranted permission to connect up to csi ' P Sewer , City Clark asl�ed authorizationto draw a warrant to pay street a.ssessmeht on Park after some discussion concerningthe proper party to pay this assessment the matte-c was referred to the ways & means committee to report at next meeting. . Communication of eacific Car & Foundry d8. asking that the whole supply of waterbe considered when making charges on their dour meters az s read and after discussion Dy councilman was referred to councilman smithers to investigate and report at next meeting. Reports of Clerk, . Treasurer, and Police Judge for month of march I9I9. , was read and placed on file . Upon recomendatior of the City Park Boaed the purchasing agent was directed to supply said park with 600ft of - inch pipe with connections to be used in said City_ Park. The City Attorney was instructed tm draw up a resolution creating an Improvement district of North Renton and providing for a trunk Sewer. Engineer R.M.Thornes report, showing the location of the intersection of the center lines of Ifourth Xve, and Williams street to be 2.5 feet south of the present monument,was read and filed . after discussion by councilmWn Qity Att � Attorney Friend and Engineer Thorne the resol.ution establishing the North 1.ire of Fourth &vin accordance with the orfrinal survey and plat of the Town of Renton was addopt,ed. A communidation from F.W.Ha.rris calling, attention to danger of destruction- of estructionof valuable records and papers and the necessity of examingng an4 rearangingthe maps 8- papers and placing them in theCit y vault wags read and on motion R.M.Thorne was requested to carry out ti,c sugestion of Engineer Harris . Another Communicat orfrom engineer F. ,11.Harris was .read and placed on file. On motion the council adjourns . C- try Clerk. 186 April 30.I9I9 . Regular mleetin�-Aca).lec3 to order by "+layor Torkin . Roll call . Present Councilmln.Smithers. Fall. Tonkin . Jenkins . Butler & James . Attorney Fc Clerk. minutes^r•ead and approved. Henry Ioppini and 'Mrs.James Kirkman were granted permiasion to connect with the c'ewer. The petition of property owners in Block_ (6)six for an alley IO feet in width was read and the citIT attorney was instructed to draw a resolution in accordance therewith. The Finance Committee payment of the following bills . Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 5135.00 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 46.67 Puget Sound Traction Light &-.Power Co. 6.35 R.M.Thorne. moving & rearanging maps . 32.00 Renton Bul.ietin. 2.45 George Hancock . disinfecting 10.00 R. J. Pettie. clean up notices . 3,00 _r. ".Duf f. 49.50 Thomas Reynolds . 4.00 D.H.Mothern. 49.50 J(-,:in Stewert . c 5.00 i .A. Shearer. comfort station. 3.00 4 On motion the report was adIopted. G4,I,,4ti't �� �• Councilman Smithers ,to whom was referred the assessment on the Park, recomended payment by theCity, On motion the etty clerk was instructed to draw a warrent for the amount. The same Councilman reported in favor of allowing the Meters at Pacific Car & Foundry Co ' s shops to remain as at present time. The repprtkVi ..-IWZI a adopted by the council. The city attorney was instructed to examine the contract with the Libhting company and report whether said company was paying; rental for city poles in accordance with said contract . The Council ordered three 1 ib hts installed on Main Street- at places to be designated by the Fire Light and `tater Committee. The city attorney was instructed to- interview the -proper authoratives Jr reference to outlet for a North Renton Sewer. The city attorney was also instructed to locate the Sartori deed. On motion the council adj6urns . City Clerk. C 2CORC 1 187 Renton "ash. , May 6 .I919. Regular meeting of the Council was called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll. call . Present Council.men.Smithers , Faull ,Tonkin,Owens ,Butler & James . Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of G.W. Spurgeon for water in lot I� . Block I3 .Rer-ton Farm Plat was granted . Petition of J. S.MlcCrea to instal.! a gasoline pump on Third Avenue at . 16t IO,Block 22, was granted under supervision of the water Suptertendant . L.P.Harrnon was granted permission to erect bunkers for gravel and sand just above the Pill Street Bridge on the south side of Cedar River. The petition of L. P. Harmon to haul gravel and -samd overce.;rtain Streets in Renton was referred to the Street and Alley committee and City Attorney with power to act . - And the City Attorney was instructed to draw an agreement in accord with direction of Street and Alley Committee. The City. Attorney' s report was placed on file. And he was ordered to make �f further enquiries in reference to outlet of proposed IJort7g Renton Sewer. On motion the Clerk was instructed to write a letter inviting County Commissioner Thomas Dobson to meet the Council on next Tuesday evening. Street Supt .Hancock was instructedKcause a barracade to be erected at the east end of Third Avenue. The petition of property owners in. Blocks I3&14 Renton Farm Plat for light..On motion the City Attorney was instructed to take up matter with the+ Public Service Commissioners. On motion the City Clerk was instructed to write the Chicairo N,iI_) waukee tw 4! . and ST. Paul R?R. Co. ,a letter asking that z light be put thec�*rrc/- of Walla ITalla and Burnett Street:- and kept at expense off Company. The Finance committee recommendedpayment of the following bills. E.A. Shearer. wII.95 Payroll . I18.00 Robert Chesney. Park wo.rg 6. 12 George Thomas . " 35.00 E?E.Duff. 27.00 D.H.Mothe=rn " 27.0 George Hancock. Disinfecting. I0.00 Pacific Telephone &Tel .CO: , 3.65 Renton Hardware Co. , 7.20 Library. Salaries. 70.00 F. C.Brendel . For library. I.00 J. S.Hardie. . it Park. 2.07 J. S.Hardie. 4.56 323..55 On motion_ th,= report ' was adopted and the for:-Goin; bills allowed. The Mayor presented to the council the verbal request of C ?� P. S. Co. , to connect pipes with the sewer to carry off surface water. On motion referred to Street and Alley committee. On motion Ordinance No.467 relatin.M to Alley in block six (6)was referred to ordinance committee. • ' On motion the council adjourns. City Clerl Ig '� w A =mmunication from the State Higliway COMMUsaioner, in reference to t-:,!e 1304. sent to repair Arterial Highways in Renton,and reco'nend- ing tnat this mp :money be turned over to t', e, county- of King and that arrangernennta be made whereby the county will maintain t le primary highways within the city limits. Was discussed by the councilmen- lend-_ '1 gg Renton_ 'Nash. , May 24. 7929. 1 Regular Meeting of the council_ called to order by Mayor Tonkin.. Roll Call . present Councilmen. Smithers ,Faull ,Tonkin,Owens ,Butlur & Jerkins . Attorr.uy.8- Clerk. Commissioneer Dobson beins present in response, to an invitation of the Council gave an account of road improvements in which Renton was interested . The commissioneer havinE, stated that the . County of Kind; Would take care of the Arterial wars in. Renton of the 4r3041, (Renton, share of highway fund) wa_s t,,,-rnedov^^r to ing County,On motion of councilmen raVll the Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant in favor of King County for said 1304. Petitions of John Evans, Iictor �3ra.ndt 8 WiIson c;marlowe fo_, water was granted., The finance committee recommended payment of the fpljowing bills, Citv of Seattle. 638. 25 Walworth manufacturing Co, . 59.87 :Miller &x Haviland. 2.40 D.H.N,othern. 17.e2 Thomas Reynolds. 2.75 E.E.Duff 10.70 Pacific Coast Railway Co . , Freight charges .3I 130.7C On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The communication of R.H.Thompson was read and placed on. file, Ard t"^- rj+,., ^horn^^ '7a^ =_nstructed to commtani.ca.te with the State. Health Officer concerning the Yorth Renton Sewerage. On motion the Sea Hoard Construction Company was granted permission to haul gravel and sand over Streets under a like agreement as T4r.Harmon and the Attorney was instructed to draw up the agreement . The reports of the City Clark and Treasurer for the Month of April were r-.-d and filed. The City Attorney ir_formedthe City Council that upon investigating the petition for connectionswith electric light he found only the names of three property owners,the other signers beingrenters .On motion the matter was laid on the table until_ a proper pe-tition presented. Councilman Tonkin (the only member of the ordinance committee present) reported favorable on, ordinance 467 .creating an Alley ir Plock. six- The ordinance was then. read b<< suctions and adopted on roll call all councilmen present voting aye. On motion prayer Tonkin was Authorized to app66ibt two special policemen at a salary of ten dollars. per month. 8n motion the Council- adjourns. / r ( / City Clerk. i 2e0BGpr , Renton '.Wash: May- 20. .,1919-r_ . 18 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call. Present Councilmen. Smithers, Faull, Tonkin,Butler & James Attorney & Clerk, The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. 1 Petition of ':`Wilson r& marlowe for water at lot 20 Blocr,I2 Car Works Add was granted, The Seaboard Construction Company was grantedthe right to use City water for washing sand and gravel-That Company to furnish a meter-And the same to under the supervision of the Street & Nater Supertendant . . c The 'Miayorwas authorized to appoint Joseph Edwarda as additional Police- -man at a sal&ry of ( 26) Twenty Five dollars per month. . Also to appoint E.E.Belloir as special policeman at a salary .of $10 . per month. Aforesaid appointments were made and confirmed by City Council. The finance committee recomended payment of the following bills.. Payroll. $212.00 McPherson Bro s. Park. 60.77 McPherson Bros . Library I.65 274.42 On motion the I'repgrt-7was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. On motion commmnication of State Board of Health was read and filed. The communition of Chicago Milwaukee&St,PaulR.R.Co. ,was read and on motion placed on file. Councilman Smithers reported that it would be agreeable to Commercial Waterway Commissioners that garbage be dumped behind the piling along . Cedar Fiver on the east side of Williams Street bridge. And it was so ordered by the City Council. The finance committee was instructed to investigate and report whether the $500.00 mentioned in the esttmate has been credited t,6*,the Park fund. R.M.Thorne was authorized to act in conjunction with the Fire Light & WaterCommittee in getting data and checking up the water system. On motion the council adjourn City Clerk. 1 y 3 1 - e • ' 190 Renton Wash. , May 27.I9I9 Mayor Tonkin being absent,The Council was called to order by Mayor Protem R.H. James. Roll_Call. Present Councilmen, Smithers, Owens,Butler & James Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. I The Finance committee reported favorably on the following bills. Denny Renton C.&C.C�. $13.00 McPherson Bros. .90 Walworth Manufacturing Co. I0.92 Orcas Island Nursery. Grass seed Park. 24.00 j Geo. Hancock. Impounding dogs . 5.00 Puget Sound T.L.&.P.CO. , I35.00 Renton Bulletin. 6 .55 E.E.Duff. Police Court Fees. 2.50 • I97.87 On motion the report was addopted and the fore6oinZ bills allowed. The City Attorney presented a report referring to the right to exceed the estimate also the .necessity of making the vault more secure . On motion .the report was ordered filed. x A communication from Engineer Weld offering his service as engineer was received and filed. Therd being no more buisness the Council adjourn .. City Clerk. Q • IOBC Renten, lash. , June 3-.I9I9. 191 e Regular T'eeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin, Roll Call .Present Councilmen.Smithers, Faull,Tonkin,Jenkin, James . attorney & Clepl . Minutes of the last maPtin-1 were read and approved. The petition of . E.Duff to place grade stakes for cor_crcte walks at lots of `roe. Wood,Timothy O 'Leary and on east side of ',hells Street between%6— avenues,was granted. DR.Dixon(Iiealth officer) made,-.z written report showing the objections to dumping garbage on south side of Cedar River (near 71illiams Street bride ) The report eras refe-rred to the ',Nays & means Cornntttee. The Financt, committee reported favorably on the following bills. City Pay Roll. $I36.00 - .A. Shearer. I,25 Pliny L.AllAn Co. 3.00 , =.A I.Thorne . 53.00 Library Salaries . 70.00 Geo.Hancock. disinfect I0. "10 Janes Ta.c,i(i-ll. FI or I10.00 P. ;. . L,.&Power Co J.Lk ;. 9.44 6 Lo?_. t2_%pQrt was addopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The County Auditor acknowledged the receipt of X304. fromthe City of Renton-Fop maintaining County roads passim; throughRenton-Thi: corfmttriQation was filed, City Treasurer Richmond in. a written report- requcrsted that warrant be drawn for $ '4(6'50 to cover advances rade by Clerk Bates . The council ordered the warrant . And the report of the City Treasurer was filed. The communication from the Chicago Milwaukee -� ST.Paul Y.R. CO.-in reference to the light at intersaotion of .Nally Averur and Burnett Street-was referred to the Fire Light & water committee. The directions of the 'tate P.tedical Aid Board requiring the City of Rent6rj to provide a medical Aid kit- vas Consid6red by the council and the City Hea- -lth Officer was empowered to purchase; the necessary equipment, Engineer Thorne was authorized to purchaser ;naterial ori vhich to designate location of water Taps shut-offs etc, On motion the Council ordered that all Denton City employes receive Llhe Union wage scal,- . The council adjourned, i City Clerk. 192 Renton Wa-h. June I7 1919. Regular Meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call. Present Councilmen. Smithers, Tonkin, Jenkins, Owens & James Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Lot C.Peterson and Frank O'Harra for water was granted. Request of Ed.Williams for permibb&on to connect with the sewer at lots 4& 5 of block 2 of Smithers 4th addition was granted - The connection to be made under the supervision of Street & saber Supt. Storey Bros petition to install a free air pipe at their Garage was granted. The same to be under the supervision of the Street & Alley committee. The i"inance committee recommended payment of the following bills. R.M.Thorne $I06.50 PACIfic Tel & Tel Co. 3.00 Priebe Bros. _ I0.00 City.of Seattle. 47.25 Trick & Murray. 76.02 H.F.19eeks & do. 9.03 Water Dept Pay Roll. 80.50 Street Dept Pay Roll. I00.50 J.S.Hughes. - 2.00 A34.80� On motion the report wasadopted and the foregoing bills alowed. A communication from the Industrial Insurance commission asking $ I4.40 (amount due Accident Fund and Medical Aid Funds )Was mead and a warrant was ordered issued for the amount. Ways and Means committee was granted two weeks further time to report on garbage matter. The Cler* and Treasurers: reports for month of May I9I9 were read and filed. The Clerk was instructed to purchase tires for the City Auto. The Street and Alley committee was instrue-ted to examine the sidewalk in front of David LLoyd place on Morris Street. The Methodist ChTgrch was granted permission to place material inthe Street in in order to pave on sidewalk. Peter Dellahant request for the grade for cement sidewalk in front of his e premises in North Renton was granted. Seaboard construction Company was granted permiss4 on to haul gravel on Mill Street to Walla Walla -On Walla Walla to 4th Avenue -On 4th Avenue to Morris Street -on Morris Street to 3Avenue-same Conditions and restrictions as recited in signed aggreemebt. On motion the Council adjourns. City Clerk, ?eoBc Benton Wash. July I I9I9. 3 May6r and Mayor Protem being absent on motion councilmen Faull was chosen C to act as Mayor Protem. Roll Call. Present Councilmen, Faull. Tonkin, Owens & Butler Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Evan Rees was granted permit for water under Ordinance 343. Petition of S. E.rUright and F.K. Johnson for anoilstation and garage on lots I.&. 2.Rlock 3 Renton Harm Plats was referred to the City Council as a committee of the whole. Report of the Police Judge fof'r month of June was received and filed. The resignation of W.D.Bay as Trustee of Library was accepted. The Finance commttt.ee recommended payment of the following bills. Walworth Manufacturing Co $40.26 J. S.McCrea 24.40 R.M.Thorne 4.50 J.R. Storey- I.00 Puget Sound Traction Tright & Power Co 135.00 Puget " " " " " 1.87 E.F.Duff 2.25 Bryan 'Mood 2.50 Joe Edwards I0.65 R.M.Thorne 26.00 R. M.Thorne 53.00 Joe Edwards I5.00 E.A. Shearer I3.87 Payroll on Water Dept I0I.25 Payroll on Street Dept 63.00 R.Wood 9.95 $504.50 ^N motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Onmotion the council voted to set aside Ordinance No 202 from Midnight July 3 until Midnight July 4th. On motion the use of fire crackers longer than 3 inches was forbidden but residents of Renton were allowed to use fireworks on there own premises. The petition of the Redmond. State Bank asking that $ 88.52, now in City's hands for Local Improvement. District No 7, be credited on Bond No 2,so that forecloser might be made was received-And the City Clerk was - authorized t® draw a warrant for the amount and credit the same as requested. Engineer R.TvI.Thorne reported that the grades in North Renton did not connect and he was instructed to give the correct grade to Peter Dellahant. The Police Judge suggested that an Ordinance be drawn to coimeepand with the ... Probition Law-And th-e City Attorney was instructed to investigate and report at next council meeting. The Street Supt. was requested to examine the sidewalk on vacant lot adjouning the new cemeht sid ewalk on South 'tells Street and report to the council. Also to examine sidewalk on Evans property Con Main Street* The Council adjourns. Cit C erk. 194 Renton Wash. July 15. 1919- In the absende of Playor Tonkin,Py,ayor protem Jamescalled the council to order. Roll call . present councilmen. Smithers. Tonkin.Owene .Butler & James Attorney & Clerk. Minutes read and approved. Petitions Of Geo.Thomas, Elmer McDonald and A.E.Blais for water under Ordinance 343 were granted. Petition for an assment District tib construct sidewalks on South side of 3rd avenue between Morris & Whitworth Streets-East and ':Fest side of Morris Street between third and Fourth Avenues was referred to the City Engineer. Petition of Johnson & Aright for sidewalk grade was granted/and it was ordered that all sidewalks in North Renton be established and correct grades given by the City Engineer, The Finance Committee recokmended payment of the following bills. Library Payroll 77.00 H.F.@leeks & Co. I9.I6 City of Seattle 47.00 C.J.France I5.00 Pliny L.Allen Co. 3.42 Pacific Tel.&Tel Co. 3.00 R.M.Thorne I6.00 Oliver Martin. I3.50 St.Dept Payroll I83.87 Water Dept Payroll 99.00 476.95 On motion the report was addopted and the& foregoing bills allowed. The City Attorney made a verbal report in referrence to sidewalks and liauor.matters. Reports of Clerkand Treasurer for month of June were read and ordered filed. Demand of Industrial Insurance for $20.53 was read and a warrant was ordered for the amount. Communication of. Chicago Milwaukee %ST. Paul R.R.Co .was read and ordered filed-And the council ordered notices in large letters posted on bulletin boards-Take notice that on July I6.I9I9, the Renton substation will be energised with 6900 voltsof electricity. Liquor Ordinancdyras read �and referred to the ordinance committee. Engineer Thorne was authorized to have instruments repaired in accordance with his suggestions. The City. Attorney was instructed to draw a contract with Rubbero Lastic j Roofing Co. tg1recoat the roof of the Fire Hall etc-The aggreed price for work being $90.00 The City council instructed the Clerk to notify all persons in arrear to pay all back water rent on or before 25th of July I9I9-or water will be shut oTf. The foregoing refers to those who have not paid water rent for some time- The ordinance governing in all cases. The Council Adjourns. f . City Clerk i 91c0►BC Renton Wash. July 29 1919. 195 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rolleall . Present councilmen. Smithers. Faull . Tonkin. Owems James& Jenkins Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Tony Catuzo for water was granted. Petition of Frank O'Harra to connectto sewer was granted. The City Attorney was instructed to draw a resolution creating an assessment district for sidewalks on south side of third Avenue between Morris & `,httworth Streets and on East and West side of Morris street between Third and Fourth Avenues. The Petition of E. E.Duff stating that he had contracts for sidewal78s and asking for grade-was received and filed. The petition of Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. to set poles n East side of High Street between 7th street & 9thstreet was granted providing property owners get the old rate. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Renton Lumber Co $28.80 R.M.Thorne I2.00 Bryan Wood $.60 R.M.Thorne I2.00 Brown & Anderson 3.30 Renton Hardware Co. 3.95 IMc ' Pherson Bros. Park 3.37 U.. Rubero Lastic Roofing Co. Payable to Wm.Tonkin 90.00 r Joe Edwards. night marshallvacation 41 .60 200.60 On motion the report was addopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Ways &7Ne&ns committee reported that garbage could be dumped on bank of Cedar River near trestle--opposite the Denny Renton Brick yard. The Clerk was instructed to notify Archie Hutchinson to put in anew sidewalk. A commtnication from the Public Service. Commission notifying the council of application of Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. for raise in light rates was read.-The Ciuy council ehtered its protest against the- new rates- And instructed the City Attorney to prepare a pretest for the Mayor to sign-and forward to Public Service Commission. Ordinance No 454(Seattle & Rainier Valley R.R.Co. ) was read and referred .�. to the ordinance committee. The Council Adjourns. *Cty41&erk. 196 Renton 'dash. Aug.5.I9I9 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call. Present Councilmen. Smithers. Faull. Owens Butler & James Attorney & elerk. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. The Petition of Storey Brothers to allow them to put a free air hose in front of I.O.O.F.Hall-:vas referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Petition of Property owners for concrete paving 25 feet in width on Whitwor l, between Pacific highway and Fourth Street- was read-(The City Attorney reported he had drawn a resolution in accordance with the petition) A motion was made in favor of granting the petition but after discussion an amendment was made instructing the City Attorney to draw a resolution for the improvement to be made by paving with brick or cement-The paving to be 30 feet in width. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. City of Seattle 80.55 Geo.Chamberlin library 26.00 J.B.Owens " 1.00 Walworth Mfg Co 47.98 Puget Sound T.L.&Power Co I35.00 Pay roll water dept. 90.00 of " Street " 54.00 H.F.Weeks & Co. 9.23 R.Wood 5.90 O.N.Cochran Park 6.00 Renton Lumber Co. 4.90 Refiton Lurfiber Co Park I65.7I ,*�, On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. On motion a warrant was ordered drawn in favor of Joe 'Mood (Chief of the Fire Department) for the sum of I00000 to pay his expensesto the 26" Annual convention of Fire Chiefs to be held at Portland Oregon on the I5.16. I7& I8thof Sept.19I9. A motion was made that all persons in Renton using Seattle water install meters-after discussion -the City Clerk was instructed to notify all persons interested so that they can present objections at the next meeting. Resolution No.240 (in reference to cement sidewalks in Morris Street and Third Avenue) was referred to the ordinance committee. The appointment by 'Aayor Tonkin of E. E.nuff -and C.E.Longbrake,as trustees of Library Board, was confirmed by the City Council. Theoffer of M r.R.Wood to pay three years back water rent for the brick store building and twenty five dollars back water rent-for the building occupied by Mr.Pettie was accepted. Douglas Miller asked for the council to grant permission for the use of the Fire Hall by the Athletic Club-The Mayor was instructed to confer with the Fire Chief and then with the Athletic Club. The petition of James O 'Brien to connect with sewer was granted. ;With the concurrence of the City Council- The Mayor declared a holiday on Saturday afternoon ( the I)thday of August I9I9)in honor of the return of the soldiers. On motion the council adjourns. Clerk. 9(0Rc Renton Wash. Aug. 12 I9I9. 19 Regular meeting of the council called to order b; Mayor Tonkin. Roll call. present Councilmen. Smithers . Fa.ull . Owens . Butler & Jenkins Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Petition of F.F.Burrows for water was granted. The Petition of- Property owners (on Fast side of third Avenue and east and west sides of P!orris Street between Third and Fourth Avenues) for C grades and permission to individually construct cement sidewalks was granted The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. P.M.Thorne. $16.00 Renton Drug Co . 2.00 Renton Hardware Co. 9.30 W.&, L.E.Gurley. Fixing Transit . 20,00 47.30 _ On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bill allowed. The repoIrpt4of Clerk & Treasurer for month of Ju]Q7I9I9 was read & Filed. _ J A Communication from the Rubero Lastic Co. offering to cover the roof of the shed in rear of hall for the sura of $ 27. 50 was read and the proposition accepted. £. F..Duff was authorized to construct a cement sidewalk in front off; Mrs . F. Evans property (lots I & 2 on third Avenue in Smithers First addition to Renton. .r A resolution to pave Whitworth Street from paving on3 Avenue to North line of 'Fourth Street was read :end referred to the ordinance committee. The Chief of Police was ordered to examine the sidewalks on Main and Mill streets in North Renton and report at next meeting of the City Council, The request of J.R.Gilliland that 'Fells Street be opened up to the City limits on the South was referred to the Street and Alley committee. Interested parties using Seattle water appeared beford the C&ttgeillin respond to letters ordered by the Council- But no �further action was taken in the premises, Paul W. Houser,in behalf of the commercial Club, urged the necessity of filling in the uncovered shore lands at mouth of Cedar River b,,,T using the excavations from the channel of the canal-The further consideration of the same was postponed until a new map in possession of the waterway commissioners could be examined. City Clerk. 198 Renton '.7ash. Auggpiq. Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call. Present Councilmen. Smithers. Faull. Tonkin. Owens . Jenkins and James . Attorney & ClerIt. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Street and Alley committee reported against the extention of Wells Street South- And the report was addopted by the Council. The Mayor reported an agreement between the Athletic Association and the Fire Chief,which was approved by the council. Street Superintendant Hancock reported that all sidewalks North of lot 3 Block 5 on the gest gide of Mill Street North to Fifth Avenue North. had been condemned by him. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Pacific '. elenhone & Telegraph Co. 2.00 Pay' Ra11' Street Dept. I19.75 Pay Roll 'Nater Dept. 40. 0 Total. $1671.2,5 On motion the report was addopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Communication of Chicago Milwaukee & ST. Paul R.R.Co.was read and Filed. The Clerk was directed to request the company to publish their notice in the Renton Bulletin. The City Attorney was ordered to compel construction of a new sidewalk in front of Mr. Hutchinson 's lots on Third Avenue. The Plat of Wood 's Addition to Renton was referred to the Street and Alley committee and upon the recommendation of that committee the Plat was accepted by the City Council. Resolution No.24O providing for grading and paving Whitworth Street from the Street paving on third avenue to the north line of Fourth Avenue was ammended to conform to report of ordinance committee- And each sectionadopted and the resolution was passed by the council all present voting aye. - Mr. Bixil petitioned for connection with thu sewer ,- on motion the Engineer and Street Superintendant were authorized to act upon the Petition. On motion the council adjourns. i City Clerk. woo '91POBC199 ..gent&n.-Wash. „4ug�26j919--.. Regular meeting of the council called to order by ?payor Tonkin. Roll Call. Present Councilmen, Smithers, Faull, Owens . Jenkins & James. Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of Thomas WIFaull for water was granted. The City Engineer was instructed to establish grades for all sidewalks , in North Renton, which haUtbeen condemned by the Street Superindendant. y... The Finance Committee recommended payment of the following bills . R.M.Thorne. 20.00 J.A.Allison. 2.50 Joe Edwards . 7.50 30.00 Total. On motion the report was addopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Councilman Smithers called the City Council ' s attention to obstructions of the free flow of water in Black River-The Street Superintendant was authorized to open up the channel of said river. Esquire Duff 4 committee from the Chamber of Commerce suggested that a matter of a levy for a new 4illiams Street bridge across Cedar River and Park improvement be submitted to a vote of the City of Renton,-on motion the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee and City Engineer,, Mr. Houser reported to the City council that there had been a meeting of the Factory Sites Trustees and that the Company was ready to sign a petition .� for an assessment district to make the proposed fill on low lands near mouth of the canal-also that the waterway commissioners were favorable to the the measure -On motion the City Fngineer was authorized to make a preliminary survey- the same not to cost exceeding one hundred dollars. The Estimate for the year 1920 was considered and as amended adopted by sections and as a whole and signed by Mayor Tonking- On motion the Clerk was instructed to notify the School Board to put in a sidewalk,I)n school property, on west side of :Rain Street. The Clerk was ordered to notify the Athletic Association to remove the Russian horse from the Park. On motion the Council adjourn, '�" City Clerk. a 200 Renton Wash. August 29.1919. The City Council of the pity of Renton having been regularly summoned -Met in special session at 7 '38 P.M.at the City Hall for the purpose of considering the letter fvom the State Librarian in referrence to a special levy for Public Library Purposes. The Council was called to order by Mayor Tonkin, Rollcall. Present Councilmen. Smithers, Faull, Tonkin, Owens Q: Jenkins Attorney and Clerk. The Mayor stated the object of the special meeting and directed the Clerk to read the communication from the State Librarian. On motion *f,.CoUftcilman Faull an additional levy of two mills for Public Library Purposes-was made-all of the five councilmen present voting for the motion-the Buget,as so ammended providing for a total levy of 171 mills, was' addopted by the City Council , and approved by the Mayor in open session. On motion the council adjourned. • t City Ckerk. 09COBC Renton '_Nash. Sept 0. 19 9. 201 Regular meeting of the Council calmed to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall . Present Councilmen. Smithers . Faull. Tonkin.Owen+nd Jenkins Attorney and Clerk. The mintitag of the, last regular meeting read and approved. Also the minutes of the special meeting, held on the 29th day of August I919,were read and approved. Petition of Frank Evans and. Benjamir. Lindgreen for water was granted. mom Application for Bowling Alley by T. W. Jenkins and C.M.McDonald was read and on motion the same was allowed. The petition of Harold Evans and John Sedlacek for sidewalk grades were granted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Payroll Water Dept .. 90.00 Payroll Street Dept.. 60.75 Northern Pacific RY.CO• Freight. 4.51 Puget Sound Traction Light & 'ower Co. 135.00 itft " Light & Power Co Library. 4.92 McPherson Bros. 5 .25 Library Payroll. I0I.00 Contknenta.l Pipe Co. I79,00 William Nicholson- .. 4.90 E.A. Shearer. I*20 City of Seattle 75.30 R.M.Thorne. 59.00 Joe Edwards . 6.2.5 F.W.Roberts. 2.50 Pete Tamborine. 5.00 Joe Lenz. 5.00 H.F.Weeks & Co. 9.90 Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co. 3.05 1752.53 total. On motion the report was adopted and the. foregoing bills allowed. The bill of �A.I3 for the Industrial Insurance was read and a warrant ordered for thl_• amount. The report of the City Clerk and City Treasurer, for the month of August 19I9, were read and ordered filed. The report of the Police Judge was read and filed. No protests (either written of verball having been made against, the grading and graveling of Whitworth Street from the paving on Third Avenue to the.Y North line of Fourth Avenue.---- The City Council determinedon the Monolithic Brick pavement referred to in Engineers data and bonds on the (5)Five Year plan bearing interest At the rate og 7per cent per annum And the City Attorney was directed to draw an ordinance in conforillity thereto. The Street Superdendant reported (verbally)thatthe sidewalk in front of Block 6 in Sartorisville was condemned by him. -And the City Clerk was ordered to write to 7-illiam Nicholson to put in a cement sidewalk immediately. Paul I.V. Houser addressed the City Council or: the liability of the City for defective sidewalks. On motion the City Council adjourned. a City Clerk. 202 Renton :.ash. Sept .I6w I9I6.• _.w_ Regular meeting, of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall.Present Councilmen. Smithers, Faull, Tonkin,Owens, Butler and James. Attorney and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of property owners,for the extention of Williams Street South, was referred to the Street and Alley committee. The petition of Lake Washington Shore Land owners, for the form tion of a filling District . was referred to the Ways and Means committee. The Deed of R.H.James and wify and Matt Sternard and wife,dedicating a IO foot strip for an Alley through center line of Tract-27 in Renton E Co-operative Acre Tracts- we_ read-and on motion accepteland ordered recorded. The Finance committee recommended payment of Lhe following. R.M.Thorne. $40.30 Joe Lenz. 20.00 Pete Tamborine. 20.00 Williams & McKnight. 1 .90 J. S.Hardie. comfort Station 1 .80 Street Dept Payroll. 141.25 Nater Dept Payroll. I30.50 Priebe Bros. Park. 5.15 Thos Rowe. Park. IE^.00 R.O.Brown. I-000—A 371 .90 total. On motion the report was addopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The City Engineer reported that it would require fifty dollars additional to complete survey of proposed fill on Lake }Washington Shore LandsT on motion the City Engineer was directed to- complete the said survey at a cost no..- exceeding fifty dollars. The Ways and deans committee was directed to Classify different kinds of City employment and to recommend to the City Council the several amounts of wages to be paid to City employees. R.M.Thorne was appointed by Mayor Tonkin, City Engineer and the appointment was confirmed by the City Council, The City Attorney,verbally,reported to the City Council that Henry McKnight Esq.had informed him that the sidewalk belonging to the Hutchinson heirs( (on Third Avenue)would be replaced with- a cement sidewalk.On motion the resolution providing for construction fo said cement sidewalk was postponed one week, Ordinance No.469-for paving Whitworth Street was referred to the ordinance committee. Ordinance P:o.468win _referrence to liquor use.and traffic-was reported upon favorably by committee on ordinances and -read- the second time and addopted by sectiefts and upon rollcal] was duly passed by the City Council and signed by the Mayor,in open session. The claim of E. J.Auge for damaGes,and proof of services on the School_ 'Hoard also the letter of Houser and Davis in referrence thereto was read and on motion referred to the City Attorney. John Larkin Esq called the attention of the City Council to the line�taked out by the former City Ehgineer in Block No .2 of Motor line Addition,and wante4 o know it this fixed the lines between the lots in said block 2- He also called the attention to there being no alley in skid blockSl0.2- and the benefit it would lb® to him to have the lines conform to the Harner survey-On motionthe ;ity Engineer was requested to investigate and report on the matter to the City Council. The salary of the City Health Officer was on motion raised :`IO.per month. klaul ',,.HousebEsq .asked to be authorized to inform the Yesler Estate thata'if it would dedicate '30 -feet a * ;� on south side and along the 30 foot Street South of the Adsit-Addition to Renton-that the City of Renton would vacate the part of the High Tension Bridge Crossing the land belonging to thelsaid. Yesler vstate.On motion the City Counct greed to make the pro- , posed exchange. On motion the Council adjourned. • 908ll Renton ash. Sept . 23.19i9 3 Regular meeting of the council Balled to odderbby Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall. Present Councilmen. Smithers, Faull, Tonkin, Jenkins Butler and James. Attorney and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. The Ways. and Means committee made a report recommending that the Street Sweeper receive four dollars and fifty cents and the other street and water employes to receive five dollars per day- on motion the same was addopted- to take effect Sept I5.I9I9. Cn motion all sallaries and compensation raised by the City Council were retrc;;gctive from Sept I. 1919. Communication of William Nicholson on sidewalks was referred to City Attorney to draw up papers necessary to put in cement sidewalk. Moved the Street Supertendant and Cbty Engineer check up on all board sidewalks in paved district. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Penton Bulletin. $22.90 County Auditor. H.H. James deed to City. .60 R.M.Thorne . 5I.00 Joe Lenz. I5.P5 J.T.Snyder. I0.00 Steve Tamborine. I5.00 Joe Edwards . 5.00 R.M.THorne . �-)er "m Tonkin .checking water system. 25.00 $ I45.45 total. On motion the repdrt was addopted and the foregoing bills allowed. `ow Report of the Chief of police on bad sidewalks was referred to the City Engineer. Report of the City Attorney on the Lak6 fill was read and on motion was received and filed. The ordinance committee reported in favor of the passage of ordinance No.469. Paul "".Houser presented resolutions and ordinance for a fill of certain . shorelands- After the same were read they were referred to the ordinance committee. At the request of R.J.Roberts the City Engineer eas directed to give the sidewalks grade at his residence mn Cedar Street. Ordinance No.469 in referrence to the paving of Whitworth Street was read and addopted by sections and upon roll call was duly passed by the City* Council and signed by the Mayor in open session. On motion the council adjourned. �Q1 204 Renton Washington, �ct .8. I9I9 In accordance with the law of Washington the City Council of the City o of Renton, met at the City Hall this 6th daysof October,I9I9. Present Mayor Wm.Tonkin. Councilmen, Smithers, Faull, James and Jenkins. The ordinance levying an assessment for expenses of the City of Renton for the year I920 was read-Adopted by sections-and passed upon roll call by the following vote -Ayes Smithers, Paull, James and Jenkins . Noes None. The said ordinance was then signed by Mayor Tonkin and Clerk Williams in open session. On motion adjourned. Ci y Clerk. i 9ABC Renton Wash Octobar 7.19I9, 205 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rolleall . Present Councilmen. Smithers, Faull, Tonkin, Jenkins and James Attorne and Clerk. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved. Minutes of the special meeting read and approved. P6tition of John Comb to .connect with sewer was granted . Petitions of Frank Slusser and Joseph Bridcott for water was granted. Petition of Property owners on Whitworth Street for a 12 foot parking strip f in center of paving was refereed to the City Engineer to report at next meeting. Petition of Engineer was read and on motion was received and filed and the supplies were granted. Petition of property owners on Burnett Street for permission to construct a 5 foot sidewalk was granted. Petition of Daniel Gaby and Masonic Building Association for permission to construct a cement sidewalk in front of their property on «'illiams Street was granted. Petition of Property owners on Williams Street North and other petitions were on inotion laid on table until next meetins, The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. NNW Payroll Tater Dept . $I76t25 Payroll Street Dept. 47 .25 J.R. St orey. Iy00 Paper warehouse Co. I5.50 Lowman and Hanford Co. library. 4.60 Pliny L.Allen Co. 8.43 R.M.Thorne. 4o.00 E.E.Duff. 2.50 Frank Davis . Park. I5.00 Renton Bulletin. II .20 City of Seattle. 52.40 R.M.Thorne . 48.00 Joe Edwards. I.90 R.Mood. 3.00 Library. Payroll.. 76000 503.03 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The office of Deputy Clerk was created and Treasurer T. J.Richmond was appointed and confirmed- to receive C 15 per month as compensation. i On motion adjourned. r City Clerk. - Renton Wash. Oet I3.IgI9. 206 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by imayor Tonkin. Roll call . Present councilmen. Smithers, Faull. Tonkin,Owens & Jenkins . and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Communication bf the Library Board asking the council for a larger approprATtion :r; for the Library, an4, after discussion the council v - }, - ,. =r�,,,A s upheld#/ /Zk Petition_ of property owners along Block 7, Town of Renton, to construct a Latteral Sewer from 5th Avenue East running thence South through Block ,7 Town of Renton,to 6th Avenue East, was referred to the City Engineer. Petition of WM.Tonkin to connect with sewer was granted. Petition of Pacific Car & Foundry Co, for a fire Signal Station to connect with City Hall was on motion referred to the Fire Light and Fater Committee, The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Penton Hardware Co. 8.25 Rubbero Lastic Roofing Co, 27.50 J.R.Storey. 7.00 R.M.Thorne. 20.00 H.F.Weeks & Co. 21.13 Renton Bulletin. 3.15 87.03 On motion the report was pted and the foregoing bills allowed. Report of the City Engine on Whitworth Street ,the paving to be 24 feet between curbs w i standard curb and a. six foot Sidewalk to be two feet from the pro line,th.e contract to be let for the complete improvement of the St , including Grading Paving and sidewalks, gids to be called for nol c brick paving and`�; "ne course concrete paving wit Bonds to run ye s , and intereb of t� exceed 6%. oras rimed Reports of the Cle an Treasurer wa�a • " �� °p Report of Street Sup tendant and City Engineer on defective sidewalks was read and on motion was referred b4w4 to the City Engineer and City Attorney to draw necessary papers for the improvement. Petition of Property owners on Alilliams Street North was read and ria m wag referred,;to the City Engineer. F. to Audi�Or;_-`dff thank that a-charr-e-.fnlel_ ter• used by the City r Fire p cnalagainst the Park,on motion the Clerk was ins rutted too dr "=7 79 v ,� -- IV 1,9 0 � ��e 'g('Vf)la Renton .4'ash.Got;I3.I9I9., . 207 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcell Prdsent Councilmen. Smithers,Faull,Tonkin,Owens and Jenkins,& Clerk. The minuses of the last meeting were read and approved. The communication of the Library B rd asking the council for a larger vzu appropriation for the Library,,,,and after discussion the council upheld the Library Board. Petition ofproperty owners along Block 7,Town of Renton,to construct a Latteral from 5th Avenue East,running thence South through Block7, Town of Renton, to 6th Avenue fast, was referred to the Fire Light & water committee. Petition of Wm.Tonkin t& connectlwith sewer was granted. Petition of Pacific Car &E.Foundry Co, for a Fire Signal Station to connect with City Hall was on motion referred to the Fire Light & Water committee. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following.bills . Renton Hardware Co. 8.25 Rubhero Lastic Roofing Co. 27.50 J.R.Storey. 7.00 R.M.Thorne . 20.40 H.F.iNeeks& Co. 91.13 Renton Bulletin. 3.15 87.07l� ---- On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. ` Report of the City Engineer on Whitworth Street, The paving to be 24�feet between curbs with a standard curb and a six foot sidewalk to be two feet from the property line,the contract to be let for the complete improvement of the street ,including grading pavingcind sideWalks ,Bid;:yi"o be called 'or monolithic brick paving and for one course concrete paving,Bondsto run I2 years ,and interest not to exceed 6%,The Engineers report was adopted-and referred to the City Attorney. Reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. Report of Street Superintendant and City Engineer on defective sidewalks was read and on motion was -eferred to the Engineer and City Attorney to draw necessary papers for the improvement. ' The communication from T."".Shank State Examiner showing an error in entries in referrence ti water funds-was readsstating that :the Clerksbooks should show a charge against the City of $2 per month/,f(/or water used foe hydrants for fire protection-and 63 per month for water used for Parks-for the year Ij .� 19I8 and for IRI9 to date.P_nd the charge, made by the examiner were ratified by the City Council. The roposed ordinance in referrence to salaries =-:-.d referred to the City Attorney with instructions to include all salaries-rentals paid etc . Resolutions 500&501 in referrence to Lake shore land improvements was reported favorably by the ordinance committee tonly one member of the committe being present. pp . .continued from page 207. �oe City Council refused to confirm the report of the committeeSthln upon reconsideration the report was received and resolution passed by the City Council. Resolution 501 (determing that a fill of certain shorelar_d )e made and declaring the intention of the City Council) was adopted. Resolution of the commercial Club proposing that the question Of con- struction of a new City Hall building be submitted to the voters of Renton, was read and referred to the 'Ways and Means committee. The Athletic Assdciation ( by councilman Tonkin) asked the City of Renton to keep the Fire fall in repair and that bill for glazing be paid, The bill for glazing was ordered paid. And the request,.of the Fire Hall was referred to the Fire Light and water committee. On motion adjourned. City Clerk. ?CORC Rernton- Wash*044ty 19I9. 209 Regular meeting of the council called to order by mayor Tonkin. Rolleall . Present councilmen. Smithers, FaulloTonkin,Owens,Butler and James,Attorne*nd Clerk, regular ,Minutes of the last,, meeting were read and approved, Petition of property owners on ','hit:aorth Street for 24 foot paving between the South margin, of Third.. Avenue pavement and the North line of Fourth Avenue,and a cement sidewalk, was on mition referred to the City Engineer. Petition of E.W.Long for water was granted. Deed of Z.eb Shearer and wife to an extention of Burnett. Street was accepted by the city council conditionally and same was referred to the City engineer to find out if' discription of extention conforms to- present line of Burnett Street. The Finance committee recommends payment of the following bills. George Thomas. , 9.45 `eater Dept .Payroll. I53.12 Street Dept Payroll . 220.00 W.S. Shank. 63.I7 Pacific Tel &Tel Co. 3,25 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co. I5.00 463.99 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed . Committee to whom the matter of the erection of a City Hall had been referred reported a meeting with committee of Chamber of Commerce-And that F�neiit&er R.M.Thorne would prepare,,plans for the building. Report of Police Judge was read and Filed. Report of City Engineer on "hitworth Street petition was read and filed, The City Attorney, in writing,reported in referrence to construction of cement sidewalks on paved Streets, The report was received and filed. Communication of the Port of Seattle asking the City of Renton to accept $5.00 for a polling place December 6th I9I9 on motion the Clerk was ordered to answer the communication and ask for AIO.00 to cover the expense. The City Engineer reported the sidewalks on east and west sides of Tilliams Street -North were in bad shapeTthe report was received and filed. The petition of O.N. Cochran and others for a cement sidewalk on west side of Tilliams Street was granted, The proposed ordinance fixing salaries was read and referred to the Srdinance committee, A letter from Land Commissioner Savidge and resolution referring to Public Harber Reservations on Lake Washington, in front of Renton,were read and referred to the MayorlCity Engineer and City Attorney. The payor and City Clerk were requested to investigate as to publication of an ordinance providing for Fillinf Shore Lands. Verbal petition of the Grange 11!arehouse`Company for grading and ,raveling and extension of water mains at the North end of Burnett Street said extension was referred to the Mayor and Ci'.y Engineer. Petition of John Harries for sidewalk grade-was granted. Resolution No242 for improvement ofwhitworth Street from paving on third Avenue to the North line of Fourth Avenue (the same being a substitute for resolutiionNo.240)was passed by the City Council,Ayes council.nen.Smitiers, .-Faull,Tonkin,Oweris ,Butlerkrid James .Noes-None.andLteso ution no24d epealed. On motion the council adjourned. 210 -Renton-,Wash,*-Nov.4,19 19. . Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall.Present Councilmen.Faull, Tonkin, Owens,Butler and James Attorne;, and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Louis Hudson for Water was granted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. T. S.Shank. 75.59 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 270.00 Lowman & Hanford Co. I9.54 R.M.Thorne . 48.00 E.E.Duff. 1 .90 Renton Bulletin. 27.I0 Pacific Tel &. Tel Co. 3.50 Hancock & Adams Co. 9.00 George Thomas. I0.00 City of Seattle. 55.65 Payroll water Dept. I68.75 Payroll Street Dept. 80.00 Haleway & Curry. 2.00 Miller and Haviland. 24.I5 R.O.Broan. I.25 R.M.Thorne. 40.00 C.L.Dixon. I0.00 F846.43 Ofi motion the report was addopted and the foregoing bills- allowed. A resolution on Shore Lands and a report signed by the City Attorney (one member of the committee) was read- The City Engineer desired an amendment-referring to bed of Black River-The report was ordered amended to include reference to bed of Black River- And the resolution and report as so amended was adopted. The City Engineer reported that the deed to extention of Burnett Street was defective in not showing the number: of degrees variation froma west- direction across the 60 foot Street. Mr Nelson of the Grange Warehouse Company asked the City Counc-.1 for speedy action-In grading and graveling BurnettStreet and aisop xtention of 4 inch watermain with a `' inch connection both requests were granted, with instructions to Street. Supertendant to act speedily. City Attorney report in reference to Adsit road-way and Canal terminus- was discussed at length and petitioners for the shore-land-fill by Attorney Houser declared the Adsit road-way to be fully protected by -the deed of C.H.Adsit and the ordinance to be adopted and the City Council considering the canal to be outside of the fill,The report was received and filed. j A communication from the Port Commissioners declining to pay V O.for use of Fire Hall on election day was .,eceived and Filed. A communication from Elwood Miles Company was received and filed. Ordinance 472 creating Shore Land fill District-was read the second time and each section adopted by the council-and the ordinance passed by poll vote-all the councilmen voting for it . Ordinance 471 (on salaries)was reported favorably by the committee,and on second reading adopted by sections and then passed on roll call all the councilmen voting for its passage. Councilman Owens reported that a man was acting strangely and Qus,71.-t.ously ti the annoyance of citizens, A special meeting of the City Council to be held on Wednesday ,evening was called to take actiofn on said matter. On motiom to adjourn. City Clerk. u , 0#�C 11 Renton Wash-* )-.-Noy .18-th, 1919 legulat meeting of City C©une-i?_ callad -;,e order-by Mayer Tonkin.— Roll Ca114 Present councilman. Smithers , Faulls Tonkins & James. The minutes of the last meeting were read and appreoved. The Finance Committee recommended payment of the following bills Renton •Bu1letin Library Cards $� 7.50 Indian Mining Company Fuel •Library - 34:96 Library Payroll. 76.00 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 11.70 H. F. Weeks & Co. 6.96 Payroll Street Dept. 174.49 ... " Water Dept. 94.81 Renton Hardacre Co 11.05 R. M. Thorne 88.00 Joe Edwards 4.40 Bob Robertson 5.55 515.52 Communication of John Martin in reference to Interurban trains not complying with law was read and the City Attorney was ordered to notify the company to comply with the law. Eommunication from Pacific Car and Foundry Company in reference to Installing a fire Signal was read and the Council directed the Clerk to notify the Company that a representative should be present and confer with the Council. B*M59 The street Superintendent reported that the paving on .3rd Kvenue between and clear tracks of the S R & S also crossing of Logan Street should be repaired. On motion the clerk was directed to notify the Company to make necessary repairs . The reports of Cit�v Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. The City Engineers report on Whitworth Street paving was read and ... accepted. Harold Evans verbally protedted on account of cost of the improvement. The Council in view of majority of owners wanting improvement ordered that improvement be made. Corrected deed of Zeb Shearer to extension of Burnett Street was accepted and deed ordered recorded. An ordinance introduced by Councilman Tonkin in reference to heating hotels ate . , was read and referred to ordinance comittee. A communication for Attorney Houser and Davis presenting a claim for $621.00 instead of original claim of E. J. Auge was read and was referred to Ways and Means committee with directions to confer with School Board, Damage Claim df Louise Albott was read and referred to Ways and Means Committee and Councilman James. A resolution in reference to reservations in Harbor Area was read. On motion of Councilman Tonkin, the State Land Commission was requested to reserve all of the Harbor Area between the inner and outer Harbor Linesq from a point four hundred and twenty-five feet Easterly fron the center of the Adsit (or old wharf) road thence Westerly, to a point four hundred and fifty feet Nest of the West line of Black River. As ammended the resolution was adopted. Resolution for improvement of the West Side of Nilliams Street from Second Avenue to North line of Lot 19, Block 24, by constructing a cement sidewalk was read and passed by the Council, all present votlr,g in affirmiti.ve. k resolution providing for the construction of cement sidewalks on all paved. Streets was read and after arrimandment elimination several lots- was duly passed, all the Councilmen present voting in the affirmitive. Councilman Faulls reported favorably on constructing a Latteral sewer on East Side of Block 7, original town of Renton, fvvm fifth to sixth Street. This matter was reported to the City Engineer. 212 I a - c 9A CCOSC _ 213 •Washington, Nov. 18th, 1919 Ctntinued from page 211 The Mayor reported the resignation of Joseph Edwards as policeman and nominated Peter Dullahant in his stead. The nomination was confirmed by the Councilp On Motion adjourned. 214Eenton Wash., 24, 1919 Regular meeting .of- city eouiici l called--to order by mayor protem.k, 0#6� Ro'llcall,.Present . eour(,,ilmen.."Smithers;Fault ."Tonkin.. ,Owens ,But ler , James ,& Jenkins, alsoattorney &deputy clerk. The minutes of last meeting trere read and approved. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . Tilliams and McKnight. ` 4.00 tit R.M,.Thorne . 48.00 Bob Robertson. 2 .50 Puget Sound Elec .Ry.Co. 1.96 Norman M. Tardall. 60 57.56_ On motion the report wns adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Petition of Paul Houser et al ,asking the improvment of Railroad ave. and old Adsit road,was accepted and filed. Councilman Smithers of finance committefiLsuEgested that the councilmen all remain after adjornment to consider claims against the city for damage. Permit was granted L.F.Holmes for water tap on lot 6 of block 22 Renton Farm Plat . The City Atty. called the attention of the council of nec-,esity of repassage of resolutions 243& 244. A corrmunicatipn , was received from the City clerk in reference to meter at Howell property. On motion 4 lots were placed on the flat rate the 5th. lot to retain the meter. Communication from Seattle Penton & Sout.,hern street rai_`l co. promising to repair 3rd. ave. and explaihipg delay--was read & filed. Communication in reference to insurance upon Public Library was refered to the Library Board. Ordinance in reference to paving Whitworth street was read and referred to the ordinance committee . The ordir:ance in reference to heating Hotels, Offices etc . was read the second time and on motion tabled indefinitely. Councilman Faulk. reported in favor of allowing the Car works to install a connection with fire alarm at expense of the company.On motion the retort was adopted. On motion bids on shore land fill was opened; after reading the same , further consideration was postponed. one week. Resolutiom .presented by Paul Houser for grading and gravelling Railroad ave . and old Adsit road was read and adopted. A resolution asking the State Land Commision to reserve all the harbor area immediately in front of Renton , was read and on roll call failed of passage . the resolution drafted by the city Atty, in reference to request for reservations of harbor area wa;d adopted. On motion the vote on resolution no . 243 in reference to paving Williams street from second ave . to north line of lot 19 in block 24 was reconsid:_ Bred. The time for protesting was extemded untill. Dec . 16th. 1919. And the ordinance as amended was passed; Smithers , Faull , , Owens, But': ler Jenkins and James voting aye. Noes none. On motion the vote on resolution 244 for cement-sidewalks in paved dist ct was reconsidered,and thee time for protesting extended untill Dec .16th. 1919, and a-, amended passed. Smithers, ��'uull:;, Owens, Buttler, Jenkins and James voting aye. w Mr. Hopper chairman of a. committee from the Commercial Club, called attention to necessity of a new depot for the Interruban,also the danger in way cars were handled. ,n M r. Hoer from same committee on behalf of Commercial Club ask„ for the improvment of Main street frim 4th. street, south to city limits . !)n motion, the committee from the Commerical club was requesters to take matters un with the County Commissioners. 2COBC 215 The Concrete Gravel Co. was granted permission to tout material in W ili,.ms street while paving the masonic and Gaby sidewalks. City Clerk was directed to give to each property owner a copy of claim for damage On motion adjourned Deputy Clerk. r.. 216 .Renton �Wash Dee . -2.;I919. . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. P,ollcall. Present Councilmen.Faull,Tonkin, Owens,Butler & James ,Attorney and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Zeb Shearer for Sewer at North end of Burnett Street was read and on motion the same was granted. On motion the City Engineer was instructed to ascertain the cost of exte4 ing the Burnett Street Sewer the same to be paid by the abutting property, ` Acommunication from the City Engineer asking for an adjustment of his per diem and that same be $IO.per day-was read and referred to committee on Mays and Means, On verbal request the committee on gays and Means was allowed one week more to inisestigate damage claimj0 The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Puget Sound Traction Light $ Power Co. I35.00 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 20.74 Miller & Haviland. 2.20 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co. T6.80 Lowman & Hanford Co. 5.20 City of Seattle. 27.70 Pliny L. Allen. I.60 Payroll Street Dept. I20.27 Payroll eater Dept. Io2.28 R.M.Thorne. 32.00 R.Wood . I0.70 Renton Bulletin. 24.60 v7 299.69 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills alowed. The City Attorney verbally reported that the Puget Sound Electric Co.had sent a representa-'V* ?ve to Renton and that said Company would take stepFto avoid future complaint,Councilman Tonkin said the Depot matter and other complaints of Chamber o': Commerce should be considered. C.R.Oampbell verbally petitioned for taking out of meter at O.K.Gararra and that it be put on flat rate,On motion the petition was granted. Paul Houser presented a petition a Contract and a bond all having refer- - ence to the Shore-Land filling District . On motion the Bond was referred to the City Attorney. The City Attorney stated to the City Council thiat he was willing for j Attorney's Bradford and Houser to act in all matter pertaining to said Filling District and he believed that was the desire of the City Council . In this connecttob Attorneys Houser and Bradford explained to the City Council the reasons for the method of making the proposed contract, On motioaathe contract was referred to the City Attorney to report at the next meeting. Ordinance NO.473 for 'Chitworth Street Grading,Pavingand sidewalks was reported favorably by the ordinance committee and read and approved by sections and then passed on a poll vote all councilmen present votin - for it. On motion the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant on Local Tmprovemen.t District NO.7 Fund for amount. sufficient to pay Bond NO.2 of that District. Councilmen referred to the Health Officer acting on behalf of Pers^ns claiming to be injured by defective sidewalks ,And the City Clerk was a res: directed to %1Z..e t^ said Health Officer that the City Council deemed such action iri istAnt with his duties as a City Official. Mr.Marlowe and Mr.Hai. per of committee of Commercial Club reported that they had taken matter up with Vhe Board of County Commissioners and the County was willing to pay s of extent ion of Paving from end of present brickpaving on Main Street South to City limits , On motion the City Engineer was instructed to estimate the cost of the work. On motion adjourned. i Ctty Clerk. f I i 49 C Penton, Wash.Dec .9.I9I9. 217 ficgular mneting of the council called to order by ivlayor Tonkin. Rollcall.Present Councilmen. F'aull,Tomkin,Cwens,Jenkins and Butler Attorney and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Miller & Haviland. , $1.80 H.F.Weeks & Co. I5.22 Library Payroll 78.00 O.K.Transfer Co. I7.CO Pacific 'telephone & Telegraph Co. 3. 10, Earlington Improvement Club I2.75 Renton Lumber Co. 0 48.49 DennyT Renton Clay Coal Co. I9.98 E. A. Shearer. 48.75 Total X243.09 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Committee of Ways & ?,leans reported in favor of pad=ing claim of E. J.Auge in accordance with last letter of Rouser and Davis, On motion committee@ recomer_dation was adopted by the: City Council. The same committee recomended' that petition of R.M.Thorne for $IO.per day when employed by the Citr as Engineer-be grantred,On motion the _ recomendation of the committee was adopted. Committee of Commercial Club was allowed one week further time to report on Innterurban Depot etc. The City Engineer reported that Burnett Street Sewer would cost $70.42 which should be paid by property owners Zeb Shearer to pay $35.2I and Grange Warehouse Co to pay $35.21 On motion the City Clerk was ordered to notify each party, The City Engineer reported as to extention of sewer through lock 7. at his request he was grantt;d one week to confer .pith ppoperty owners. Also the � City Fngineer was allowed one weeks time tic complete estimate from 4th Avenue South. to City Idnsits. Upon the recomendation of the City Engineer it was ordered by the City Council that a 4 inch Compound Meter be instal-led at the South end of the Car Shop -Property, the Clerk was directed to notify- the Company. The Evans sidewalk on Main Street was reported by City Engineer as con- struction in violation of the City ordinance, the Clerk was directed to notify Mr.Harold. Evand to comply with the ordinance. The City Attorney made a written report on the shore land fill and the same was ordered filed. nenorts of Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed . On motion Lid of I,ee Monohan for constructing shore land fill was accepted to contain the provision recommended by the City Attorney to secure the City against liability,also Paul W.Houser and his wife were to file a waiver like the one filed -by Dr.Dixon and others. Also on motion the gond of Lee Monohan as contractor on shore land fill was accepted and approved by tile, City Council. City Clerk. 218 Renton Tash.Dec .I6.I9I9 . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall. Present Councilmen, Faull,Tonkin,Owens & Jenkins& Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Finance dommittee recommended payment of the following bills. Payroll on dater Dept. $k62.36 Payroll � on Street Dept. 107.86 R.M.Thorne. IIO.00 Rryan flood. I0.00 Ralph Robinson. 2.50 Renton Lumber Co. 5.48 , Renton Hardware Co. 4.25 E. J.Auge. Damage claim. 6I1.00 Peter Dullahant. 10.00 Miller & Haviland. 5.80 Renton, Bulletin. 3I.20 960.45 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bilis allowed. The City Attorney was ordered to collect the amount paid on claim of E. J.Auge from Scrool District No.7. Committee from Commercial Club was given ane week to report on Intarurban Depot etc . The City Engineer presented an estimate of 06 ,000 .00 as cost of paving Main "treet From South side of Fourth Avenue to City limits the report was accepted and filed and one weeks time given -the Engineer to interview Puget Sound Electric Company. Also the City Engineer reported in reference to sidewalks on Williams Street, .from 2nd Avenue to North line of lot 19 of block 24 on Motion the report was addopted . - A Communication from the Pacific Car & Foundry Co. :-;as received and ordered postponed until the General Manager of the Company returns. David H. Jones ,in writing, petitioned the City Council to delay sidewalk improvement until next, April on motion the communication was received and filed. Ordinance ,No- ,for grading and graveling a portion of Railroad Avenue etc, was read and referred to the ordinance committee. On motion special policeman. E. E.Belloir at Park was discontinued. E. E. Duff,verbplly,petitioned the City Council to construct a sewer from the Library-On motion the City Engineer was instructed to report the cost of construction of 'said sewer to Cedar River. Also Janitor of Library building on petition of E. E.Duff was granted an. increase of pay tL. $50.00 per month-the Library to pay 35.00 and the Park $I5.00. On rection the City Clerk was directed to notify* William Trim that his sidewalk did not conform ti the City ordinance. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk. IPO"C Renton ',"'ash.., nee .23.I9I9. wig Re&xlar meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rolleall, Present Councill.en.Smithers, Fault, Tonkin and James Attcrney and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. In response to letter written by the Clerk notifying Wm Trim that his sidewalk did not conform to the City ordinance- Contractor King verbally stated that he would change the sidewalk as required. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. R.M.Thorne. $55.00 Bryan 'Hood. 2,50 — $57.50 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing, bills allowed. Several members of the joint committee of Cbmmercial Club and City Council- made reports of theirinterview at Kent with Officials of the Interurban in reference to Depot and Loup. Engineer Thorne reported that there is no difference in cost of different methods of condtructing concrete sidewalks. The City Attorney verbally reported that all of the blanks in shoreland Fill contract were not filled in- and. especial attention was called to the omission. of Fngincors fixed estimate. - Also-Attention. was called to delay in filing estimates of proposed improvement. Mr.Houser said that the expenses of the City would be paid as the work progressed-and this statement in reference t6 the omission of the fixed estimate was satisfactory to the Council. A communication was read from the Attorneys of the Spencer F.Mougin I.state ;r -^oferrence to a settlement of the judgement claim filed against that estate (the same being the result of action by Baumgartner $ Mougin against the City of Renton)-On motion the matter was referred to the City Attorney with power to act in the premises. The City Clerk reported that there had been no protest or objections made or filed against constructing the � sidewalk-from Second Avenue to north line of lot-I9 in block 24 " hereupon the ordinance for the same was read and referred to the ordinance committee. Ordinance NO.474 for improvement of a portion of Railroad.Avenue-and continuing along the old Adsit road to the 1:11eander line was reported favorably by the ordinance committee,and read and passed by sections and then passed upon a poll vote of the Council all present votion Aye. On motion the Cour.ctl adjourned. City Clerk. i r�(5 220 Ranton Wash.,Deis .a0.I9I9. ; k 3 ° Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rolleall.. Present Councilmen, Smithers.Faull, Tonkin.Butler and James Attorney and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. hVM.Thorme. - $50.00 Chas Bunstine . I0.00 Ed Bunstine. 10.00 Geo Hancock. 3.50 MicPhersons Bros ., 5.25 J.R.. Storey. 6.89 R.M.Thorne. 1.50 JX.Robii)son. I0.00 97.!4 total. ---- — ��� - On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed . ' The committee from Council and dommercial. CILt reported in favor of an ordinance o govern the Interurban and was given unt=il next meeting to ' present the ordinance to the City Council. The Report of the Police Judge was read and filed. A communication-suggesting a conference- in reference to the Louis* Albott claim-was read YOn motion same was referred to the "Tays era Means com- mittee . Ordinance NO.475 providing for a cement ;sidewalk on west-side of Williams Street between Second. Avenue and North line of lot .I9 in block 24 was read the second time and adopted by sections-and passed on a poll vote all councilmen present voting Aye. The respective amounts due different parties for material and work on Filling District NO. I and an itemized account of amounts due the City of Renton for moneys advanced-were read to the City Council-and on motion duly made- A Local Improvement Warrant for $4I7.85 in favor of contractor Lee Monohon and also a Local Improvement warrant for e328.70 in favor of the City of Renton were ordered drawn the same to be paid out of the Funds in Local Improvement Filling Distriet. NO. I. The City Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant in favor J.D.Robinson for the sum of Ten Dollars the council having remitted one half' of the impounding fee. The City ,attorney and Councilman Smithers were directed ti examine the sidewalks near the City limits on the west . Mr.Fairchild requested the passage of a resolution for grading and gravel- ing Ist Avenue North and other streets in North Renton and for cement side-walX8_ ,On motion referred to the Street and Alley Committee. On motion the Council Adjourned. ty Clerk. LA I� �y 9(-4080 .Renton. Wash a ,Jan.IM920•- 221 Regular meeting of the Council called to ord3.- by mayor Tonkin. Rollcall .Pr3.!, t. Councilmer_.Faull .Tonkin.Owens &. James Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The petition of W.H. Lenhart foi• water was granted.. The petition of J.O.Fdwards for permission to construct a 'cement side- walk in front of his tract on Tobin Avenue was granted and the City Engineer was &nstructed to give the grade. j' The purchase of a new adding machine was authorized by the Oity Council. ,., Paul IN. Houser presented a. petition in writing showing that he was the owner of 65 per cent of land affected and asking the City Council to pass a resolution for gradin; and grsveli.ng of Renton Avenue from Yesler Street to south boundary of Lake Avenue proposed, On motion the same was granted. The- Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. H.D. Ioppini . $57.50 R.M.Thorne. 65.60 Bryan good. 26.25 N.P.Railway Co. 2•i6 Payroll !dater Dept . I82.55 PayroI3 Street Dept . 30.25 H.F.Weeks & Co. Art Concrete Works. 22.63 City of Seattle 38.65 E.A. Shearer I0.I8 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. I37.70 Puget " Co. 239.60 Wm.Kane. 11 .25 R.M.Thorne 5.27 R. J.Pettin 34.50 O.K.Transfer. 10.00 Peter Dullahant. I0.00 R.M.Thorne. 90.50 ,,.., Bryan u`iood. 32.50 Renton Bulletin. II.00 �IOI4.36 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The City Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Industrial Insurance Co.for $6.6T. Also the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Katherine H. Woolly to reinburse her for money advanced to pay Library Insurance. The Street and Alley Committee reported in favor of improving Garden Avenue and Second .Avenue North from Factory Street to Park Avenue, On motion a resolution was ordered drawn for grading graveling and Cement sidewalks - on these Streets. A communication from the Library Board was received and filed. A communication from Pacific Car & Foundry Co. asking for a continuation of present water supply was read and Mr,Jacobs an behalf of the Company asking for further investlSati.orn,On motion the matter was laid over until next meeting of the City Council. The City Clerks report for the month of December I9I9 was read & Filed. The reading of the report of the City 'Treasurer was posponed until next council meeting. City Engineer reported in favor of allowing Lee Monohon ' s account for workdone on. Filling Dist NoI . And warrants were ordered drawn. on the satd Dist ,improvement Fund for `.he sum-of 3;347.95 Also upon the report of the City Engineer a warrant was ordered against *'ne improvement Fund of said District NO, I . ;.Dr X94.25 in favor of the City of Renton. The City Clerk reported that there had been no protests either verbal or in writing against the construction of the cement sidewalks on all paved Streets . The waterway ccriiissioners asked the City Council for permission to allow contractor Nichols to use a way under Tilliams Street Bridge in removing gravel from, the bed of dedar River nn motion the CitJT Council concluded to Pxamine and report in reference to the same. There being unfinished buisness the Council adjourned until Thursday the I5th at '7 '30 P.M. Froo, r The Council Adjourned.. y UlerK. Renton `.":Yash. Jen.20. 1920. 222 Regular meeting of the Council called to order- by Mayor. Tonkin. Rollcall.Present Councilmen.Smithers . Faull .Owens & James ,Attorney Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A petition from property owners on Second Avenue North and Garden Avenue protesting against�A.riprovement until cost lessened was referred to the City Engineer. Petition of Edwin Tonkin for Bowling alley on Block ."A"was granted. Also petition of Roisseau &. Ticknor for Bowling alley In Evans building was granted. Petition of property owners for light on Burnett Street near the Grange Warehouse was granted, The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. R.M.Thorne . $77.00 Bryan Wood. 14. 25 Payroll Street Dept . 189.08 Payroll tauter Dept . 78.59 Maust Transfer Co . 17.85 Puget Sound Traction bight & PoWeif, Co, 137.70 Dalton` Add.ing Machine Co. I47.00 Total. 661 .47 On Motion the report was addopted and the foregoing bills allowed, j Committee o& the whole reported in favor of granting request of water- wa. Coma!18 3ioners- to allow ex_tention of R.R.Track under Williams Street Bridge-The report- was adopted by' the Council and the City Attorney was directed ti prepare an agreement. The Citl'T Treasurer report for month of December 19I9.,was received and riled. The City Engtneer° in writing,reporteL that the City of Fenton was entitled to 283. 75 for the services as Engineer-The report was filed and the City Clerk was directed to draw a warrant in favor of the City of Renton for b ae amount, A communication was received from the Fenton Coal Company asking the City of Renton for collect th3 water rentals from the individuals occupying their houses -after discussion the Clerk was directed to notify the Com-• pang to continue -to collect said water ..rentals and pay .the same to the City. An ordinar_ce was -introduced requtrin Street Rail-way Compantes to have a Motorman or other employee on the and of first- car in which same is moving was referred to the ordinance cerimittee, The estimate of City Engineer on resolution No.244 was received and filed. Resolution in referrence to Garden Avenue and Second Avenue North was laid over until the Engineer's report is reciived. Resolution No.24 lintrod.uced by Ivtr Flouser) for grading and graveling a portion of Yesler Street-wag passed-by pollvote-all councilmen present voting aye . Resolution_ NO.247(also introduced by Mr.Hot?ser)for grading and graveling a portion of Renton Avenue was passed by poll vote- all the councilmen present voting aye . Paul '.Houser was granted the right to use in connection with the fill the planking on that part of high Bridge east od Cedar River. The City Clerk was authorized to employ assisi,.3nce while preparing his annual report. Mr.Houser and Mr Fistoresi asked the City Council in referrence to a slaughter house on Cedar P.iver,the City Council concluded that Mr.Pist- - oresi in building a slaughter house was proceding at his own risk, 'The ways and Means committee reported against allowing the damage claim of Mrs .A.lbott-the report was adopted by the City Council. The Street Supertehdant was instructed to order the sidewalk repaired on alley at Timme ' sProperty. On motion the Council Adjourned. City Clerk. '?C08C Renton ',dash. Ja.n.27. I92O 223 VV Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Nlayor Tonkin. Rollcall. r-resent Councilmen. Smithers ,Faull, ,Owens & James .Attorney & Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Anthony 1114addison asking for permission to remave a part of side- walk on 5 & Vlorri8 Streets and replace with gravel & cinders until weather will permit putting in a concrete sidewalk-was granted. The Finance committee recomrirended payment of the following bills. R.ib.Thorne. $'70.00 L.F. Hopkins . 25.00 Frank L.Nitten. 25.00 National 'deter Co. , 10. 14 Total $ I30.I4 On motion the repof;t was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Lee MlonohanLreport O.t{..by the Engineer was read and a warrant was ordered I , drawn on Filling District NO.I . to pay the amount . ///X.�p y j A Comi-iunieation was react from the Menton Coal Company and the Street, and "rater ."-,uperin_tendant was directed to notify the persons referred to by the Company' to sign the usual application. A Comr,iunication was read from the Board of Supervision of Control stating that omissions had been made in the complying of the third class city laws and that it required a petition signed by 60 per cent of frontage and 75 per cent of Arca, in order to include different streeta in one Irnp.rovement -District On motion the City Attorney was directed to draw resolutions for tree Streets when the City Engineer gives the data. On the written recommendation of the City Enfineer a warrant was ordered drawn against the Filling; District No. Z . fo.r X70.00 to, rei.mburse the City for engineer's compensation. A communication from Paul '".Houser was received and filed. The Engineer verbally reported that. a majority of the property owners had protested against improving Garden Avenue and fiecond Avenue llr.Rassen opposed the improvement atthis time lklr.Fairchil_d' favored the, improvement- The Ordinance committee reported in favor of the passage of resolutions WM No 249 for the improvement of Garden. Avenue and resolution No. 250 for the :improvement of "econd Avenue, Resolution NO.249 was read anis adopted by sections and passed by a poll vote all Councilmen present voting Aye. Resolution NO.250 wasread and_ adopted by sections and passed by poll vote all Councilmen present voting Aye. The provision about cross walks was eliminated from each resolution and it was ordered that the sidewalks he 2 feet frow the property lines. On motion the Council adjourned: City Clerk. I Wash* Feb . 3. I920. 224 Renton Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall .Present Councilmen.Smith,,rs,Fatill,Cwens,Jenki.ns & James, Attorney and Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting rere read and approved. The petition of D.F.Tilliams for sewer connection and water was granted. The petition of prop?rty owners for a cement sidewalk on Smithe.rs Street was referred to the City Engineer. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Renton $ulletin. $8.40 Payroll 'nater Dept. 82.3: Payroll Street Dept. 37.79 City of Seattle, 29.80 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. .3.10 161.4 2 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. City Clerkk reported that Renton Coal Company prefer to collect Nater rcrt rather then to tap Main for each house. Communication from Board of Supervision & Control congratulating the City on its financial condition as shown by the annual report-was received and filed. The matter of locating light on Burnett Street was referred to the Fire Light and Mater Committee. Mayor Tonkin suggested that additional lights be installed On motion t'ne oame was ordcrcd tinder supervision of the Mayor and Street Super- intendant . The City Attorney was instructed to inform the County Commissioners of proposed sale, by State of the material in the long Trestle and to present the claim of the City of Renton for said materia]. . On motion the Council adj&urned. City Clerk. 2(40BC Renton Wash.Feb.6. I920 2 25 In pursuar.ce of a Notice served upon each Councilmen qn the 5th day of Februrary I920,by the Chief of Police of the City of Renton-The City Council -met in Special meeting at V30 P.R . on the 6th day of Februrary I920-at the City Hall in Renton. Present on Ro , lcall .14'aull , Jenkins,Owens and James,Attorney and. Clerk. Resolution No. 25I authorizing the Mayor to assign the Judgement against A. J. Rum6ar(ner .and S.F.Maugin and the Claim against-the Spencer F. :liclugin boo Estate to Fvan -L Hyland was read and motion adopted all the Councilmen . present voting -Aye . On motion adjourned. C y Clerk. 226 Renton `Nash. Feb. 28. 1920. Regular meeting of the Council cculled to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll Call Present Courc amen. Smithe rs,Faul1,Jonkin^ ,C4!o.as and Janes Attorney and Clerk. The minutes of the last regular and special mfi,,tin g were read and approvod. The Petition-of Clarence Williams to connoot with sewer was granted. The petition. of D.M.iI^;;an to c�in_struet a cement sidewalk was granted. The Finance: committee eecommendad paj,nent of the following bills . Puget round Traction I:i�,at Power Co. $T3.77 James Hardie. T3.55 ?ayroll Street Dept . I85.72 Bradford & Egan. 125.00 Renton Bulletin. 8.40 George Hancock. 5.00 Lowman & Hanford. 58.22 Trick & Murray. 50.4I O. K.Transfer Co. I4.50 J. S.Hardie. 3. 13 Puget Sound Traction bight er Power Co. 137. 70 Peter Dullahant . 7.75 R.M.Thorne. 70.50 J.T. Snyder. I.25 R.M.Thorne. 70.00 J.T. Snyder. 2I.80 J_--_I,, Swail.. 24.90 ED.Bunstind. 2I .25 R.M.Thorne. 73.00 J.T. Snyder. I4.35 Ed.Bunstine. 10.00 Jack. Swai7 . 10.00 H. F.Meeks ,.Co. 2.50 ',Renton Lumber Co. ;.90 Nater Dept Payroll. 8^.8I Sunset Service Station. I.00 H. F.Weeks & Co. 7.03 Trick & Murray. 4.?I Priebe Bros. 4. 15 ?acific Tcl Q, Tel Co. 4.75 I037.5? total �` 10 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. City Engineer reported that warrants for A279.75 for engineering should be drawn in favor of the City of Renton against Filling District NO. I Lee Monohon reported that, warrant amounting to SIo2.O5 should be drawn against Filling District NO.1 On motion the foregoing warrants were ordered drawn. The Fier Light & water Committee reported in favor of the light on North end of Burnett Street being on t;.c: last pole,On motion the report was adopted and the City Clerk wa-s uirected to vet estimate of cost of installation of said light. The Engineers repott in favor of construction of sidewalk on Smithers Street was received and filed. Reports of Clerk and Treasurer for Janurary 1920 were received and filed. I'o. '-* of City EnCIneer in rFferrence to Resolution 24.4 :.10.s received and filed. A communication was received from the State Higtv;ay Commissioners stating that the City of Renton may continue to use the lumber on the High Treetle. The resignation of Mrs F.M.Rutler as memLer of City Comneil was accepted. The time for hearing an objections to .resolutions for improvement of Renton Avenue and Yesler Street havinZ passed-The City ClFi-,c reported that flo objections had been filed. Ordinances for each of said improvements were read and referred to the ordinance committee. E. J. Hughes petitioned the City Council to correct the assessment for L. I . D.NO.77-On motion thy; same was referred to the City Engineer. Resolutions for cement sidewalks onraved street- were referred to the City Engineer. The City Attorney was instructed to draw a resolution for cement sidew"lk on Smithers Street-From 3rd Avenue to i'ourth _^venue;-;end also to alleys . east and west of Smithers Street. Ladies representing the Christian Temperance Union: addressed the City Council requesting the enforcement of State Law in referrence to selling cigeretts etc to C. R. Campbell asked permission to unload cars of coal at intereettlon of 3rd Avenue-Mill Street & 71alla Walla Avenue,the City Council authorized the 1ayor to grant permission if' no liability incurred by tie City o8 Renton, and the City Attorney was instructed to examine the law and report to the Mayor. On m3tton the Council Adjourned. 1 � City Clerk. i Renton 'Wash. Feb. 24. I920 '227 Regular rneetimg of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll-call Present Councilmen. ,",mith �r:3 , Faull , Jenkins , Owens , monlri.n and Attorney. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The Mayor called attention to failure to enter the receipt, of $I489.57 in full. of Baumgartner and Mougin judgment with interest and casts. A communication of the -Central T-1afare League requesting poct.non:;mert of antion in reference to bulding a City Hall - was read and filed. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . "fin. Kane $7.35 R M. Thorne 67.50 Cn motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. On motion the contract to install street light near Grange buld.in6 on Burnett street for $85.00 was awarded to Wn. Kane. * 1- The City Engineer reported that the assessment of. J.H.HA Os estate; L.I.D. no, 77 had been satisfactorl.y adjusted . The petition of C .R.Campbell for permission to unload cars at intersectio of third and MtlJ street was denied on the report of the City Attorney and Mayor. The City Clerk reported that the Puget Sound `'Taction Light and Poorer Co. de: ircd the. C,it,i .'ariii51i t.ze future. for lamp at Illi- 1 st . bridge . On motf.on ,request. was referre ' to City Attorney. The communication and new ordinance for commercial spur tract of Seattle z4nd Ranier Valley R. Co. was referred tc the city Attorney. The resolution for improvers t of S.;mitr.ars s'reet wry:- rear and action F.,ostponed osis week. Fesolution for the irnprovment of Secor_,d .^ve . =ras 1°ead the seg and time and parsed- and immediately afterward the vote was reconsidered and all the resolutions in reference to sidewal.-kes in the paved district were refered to the City Attorney. Committee on ordinance reported in favor of passage of ordinances no. 476 and A77. Ordimapee no. 476 for improvement of Yesier street was rear by and adopte(ft by sections and passed by a_ful1v vote all five Counc-_linen 7i'�sP,nt votin.E aje. Or-dinance no. 477 for improvement of Renton Ave . was read by and adopted by sections and passed. b,yf a full vcta all five Councilmen present votinr- aye . `VIr. Monolion informed the City Council that a portion of Logan street was being badly. cut by heavy trucks. The streot Supt . was tnttructed to notify 101r. Nichols to repair street. On ;notion the Council adjourned. —Z Cit, Clerk Pro. Tern i i , a j 228 Renton Wash.March.8. I92c) Pegular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Pollcall Present Councilmen. Smithers,Faull,Tonkin,Owens & James .Attorney and Clerk . The minutes of the last meeting were, read and approved. Petition of Frank Vaise for garage building on corner of 6th Avenue and Mill Street was granted. Pettti'on of property owners in Block Five of original town of Renton fob lateral sewer wns read and after discussion t_'zf. City Clerk was directed to request the City Health Officer to report in writing to the City Council at its "next meeting in referrence to need of sewerage on the hill . The petition of Pistoresi Brothers for water in tract 63 in I�9.F,.F.a.tir:,Or's Addition to 'Seattle was rejected. The Cttl� Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant for $1. 25 for Auto hicense Plate. The City Clerk was instructed to write to the State Bureau of Inspection and Supervision in -reference to the payment of the City Attorney for cases in Supreme Court,and refer the answer to the Finance Committee, The Finance committee recommiended payment of the following bills. Trick & F?urray. $16.77 City of Seattle . 28.25 'Water Dept Payroll . 127.24 Street Dept- Payroll . 4I.52 Renton Hardware Co. 6.45 R.M.Thorne. 60.00 Renton Bulletin. 8.90 t289.I3 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The City r.ttorney ..reported that it is the duty of the -lighting Company to maintain the Light fixture's etcvexcept broken lamps. the vote on resolutions No 244 was reconcidered so that seperate resol- utions for each street might be passed . A resolution was adopted condemning all wooden sidewalks in the paved district. The petition of property owners for concrete sidowalks on Smithers Street and to alleys ­as referred to the City Attorney and City Ehgireer. Resolutions No 's 252-253-254-2;,,;-256-257-258-€irid 259-Providing for con- crete sidewalks instead of wooden sidewalks inthe paved district-were each read and adopted by, sections and passed all five councilmen present voting for each of said resolutions . , The City Engineer reported to the City Council that the / � was urchasi ng cement in quantities and selling the same i�c Eritii n� the he City Cngineer was instructed to enquire the wholesale price and repo t to the City Council. On motion the Rouncil Adjourned. ity Clerk. 49('oJC Renton Wash.March. 0. I920. 229 Regular meeting, of tha Council ca.lied to order b;;= Mayor i'on&in. Rollcall . Present ouncilm-n .Faull . Tonxin.Jenkins4 J&.ones Attormey and Cleric. The Minutes of r.e last meeting were rE.E,d ar.d approved . The Petition of Frank Zgolinsk._i. fcr water was granted. The g6tition of A:F.hdwards for grade for cement sidewalk was granted. Written protests against improving Garden Avenue and Second Avenu,a forth were reacl,after hearing objcc ,ions to the improvements-=.r'he council ordered that new rdsolutions he drawn provedind for the improvement of Seeond Avenue• from Mill Street Worth to Garden Avenue also Garden Avenue fron, Fi rst Avenue North to Second. Avenue, north each to be- improved by grading gravelin6 and cement sidewalks. The Finance committee recommends pa.�Cr;,ant of the following bills . Pacific Car &- Foundry Co. X25.90 Lowman & Hanford Co. 10.0£3 �1arru L?teel. 26.00 R.)M.Thorn e. 30.00. Daniel Gaby. 200.00 _ 4o29I.99 total On moticri the report was addopted and the foregoing, bills allowed . A communication was read from the State Board of Inspection and Supervision in reference to Attorney fees in the Supreme Court-and on motion the petition of Danicl GabJ for attorney fees in two Supreme Cases was granted. T. J. Richmond presented a commiLnicati.on,from the. commercial waterway Distr1ct,profering the Dredge for dredging Black River, on motion referred to the City Engineer and Street & Aller Committee. A written report from the City Health Officer,in reference to sewerage on the hill. was read and. discussed or. untion the City Attorney wa-s instruct. ed to draw a resolution for a. lai,teral sewer on the east side of Block five (in orginal town of Renton) from Fourth Avenue to Fifth. Avenue. the same to be for benefit of property in the east half of said Block 5. A communicat&on from the Fire Department and the City council appropriated 499 .00 and granted permission for Park commissioners to use the necessary lumbo, from. the High Bridge to build a Grand Stand in the Park. Guy McPherson was appointed and confirmed as Park Commissioner. on motion the coincil adjourned. A ity Clerk. i 230 Rentor, Wash. March.I6 .I920. Regular meeting of the council called to odder yayor Tonki.r . i =;ollcall Present Councilmer-Smithers , Faull , Jerikins ,Owens and James . Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved . mti�, petition of �v.Micklesoi. f)r water on the Hasting Place was referred to the water Superintendant, to report at next meeting. Property owners on Second Avenue Avenue North protested agalast the impro. vement at this time- the protest and the resolution were 6n`nlotton laid on the table . The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . Water Lrpt Payroll . $124.7r, Street Dept Payroll . 20T .94 R.!1M.Thorne. 50.00 Pacific Telephone,& Telegraph Co 3. I0 McPherson Bros. - II.00 The Daily Bulletin. 4.00 �i.F. 'leeks Co. & 11. 16 a4�5.95 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were -read and ordered filed. Engineer Thorne reported that he could not give the grade to A. B.'Rd.wards because no grade had been established and recommended that grades be esta- blished on Smithers and Morris Streets From Walla Galla. to Seventh Ave- nue and Nulla 'galla Fifth ans sixth from Burnett to Morris and that monuments be set at iTitersections. The City Clerk asked the Council fqr . 147.40 to pay assessment against the Park,On motion the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant and pay assessment in full. Property-owners on Williams street asked the Council to i�oject bids on sidewalk. improvement ,f'3n motion the bids vere rejected and the checks ordered. returned. Upon the suggestion of Mr.tsarlowe the resolution_ for improvement of Garden Avenue was posponed one creek. A resolution for iiaprovement oa` Alley in Block five original Town of Renton,from Fifth Avenue to Fourth Avenue by constructing a latt,eral sewer w'as read and duly passed all rive councilmen present voting aye. A. resolution asking State Highway Commissioners to change the location of the pacific Highway so that it will run ti.rough Renton-was adopted. Mr.Dullahant asked the City Council to .:gay standard wages for teamwork. I4r.Monohor, addressed the City Council in referrence to the right of the City of Renton to have water from the pipe line. On motion the Council adjourned. `4, 2 City Clerk. I I 49(boRe231 Renton '"Tash.Harch.3I . I92O. Regular 7'eeting of the Council called to order by "ayor Tonkin. Rol] call Present Councilmen.Smithers ,Fau].1,Tonkin,Jenkins & Owens . Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of.' the last meeting were read and approved . The petition of P.Sche.11ert for water was granted. - - Also a like petition of Mayor Wm.Tonkin was granted. .r The verbal petition of T. J.Richif:ond for a spur track was considered and a blue print and written petition was suggested before action .shoul.d be taken. Jackson Brothers were granted permission to build coal bunt,-;.rs and wood sheds on their property in 'Walsworth Addition. $356.00 Motor Vehicle fund received frorr. the State was ordered to be tu-ned over to Ting County. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Renton Ijardware co, wI .66 Renton Lumber Co. 36 .36 . -J. S.HPrdie . 2.25 Puget Sound Tractioh Light & Power co. 137.70 Peter Dullahant . 15.00 R.M.Thorne . 50.00 J.T. Snyder. 18.15 Lee Ik;onohon. I8.I5 Rentor. Bulletin. 46.30 ED ulolske . 72.00 Renton Realty Co. 12.00 I .Tood 5.80 r.C. D.E_:,Narda . 6 .30 J. R. ct.J1ey I.00 R.Vi.Thorne . 60 .00 J.T. Snyder. 21 .90 Lee Monohon. 8.75 _ Ed Bunistine . 9040 Wm Kane . 69 .;36 Puget round T.L.&?ower Co. - I5.C4 _ 607.72 total On motion ,the report was adopted and the foregoing, bills allowed. LeO 1�.Ionohon reported expenditures of $115.50 which was O.I .d by City Engineer and warrants ordered drawn against Filling District NoI .for the amount . Resolution No.26I approving Contract of contractor Lee Monohon with Puget Sound Bridge and Dredgkng Co.was passed by the City Council bids is not given in the resolution but Mr.Houser said it was �k'I080.00 for 24 hours . Mr.Houser asked authority of the City Council to, bring an action enjoining the construction of the Pacific Highway at the present loeation, in case _ the State Highway Board did not relocate the same so as to pass -through the City limits-Itvir.Houser stated that the action would be commenced in Thursi,on County but that it would not cost the City anything for Attorney fees as the Firm of ilou ur 8r Davis would act without fee.s,the City Attorney said that he had not been consulted and "Llhaught the, council should await action by the State Highway Board before passing the resolution the request of ivir;Rouser was granted. '•)uncilman Owens called a.ttcntion to the i,a.;l condition of the Street entering the Denr- enton Plant caused by lie I-eavy trt.cks of G. R.Campbell The Street, Superintendant was ole jered to invusatigate and request Mr. Campbell to repair the road. In order that Lard Commissioner IIon. Clark V. Sa,vidge could present the proposed Harbor reservations to the Citizens of Renton- The City Council. .Adjourned. CIty Clerk. 232 Renton,Nash. , Apri1.6.I920. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rol.lcall Present Councilmen.Srnithers,Faul_1 ,Owers Jenkins &, James Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of property owners on Second Avenue and Garden Avenue protesting against grading graveling and Cement sidewalks after discussion was laid on table one week. - Petition of Richmond Bros for a Spur Track from Walla fialla Avenue to lots 7-8-IOAII in Block 26 Town. of Renton was referred to Street and Alley Conu* mittee to report at next meeting. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Payroll Street Dept. $42.65 Water Dept. 112.27 R.?;;.Thorne. 51 .25 H.F.Weeks & Co. 8.25 City tof Seattle. 28.35 H.Weber. 38.50 R.A. Hamlin. 35.00 L. Hansen. 33.00 Renton Hardware.Co. I0.40 Renton hardware Co. 9.35 Pacific •Tel & Tel Co. 3. I0 $372.62 total On motion the report, was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Tae Chief of Police reported that the road to the Brick Yard has been re- paired. An Ordinance from the City of Seattle for a water main was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. A.n Ordinance from the Seattle Rainier Valley Ry.Co. was read and referred to the ordinance corwnittee. Ordinance NO.478 approving the plans and Specific--tions on Whitworth Street was road and adopted by Sections and passed ar_ poll vote all councilmen voting Aye. The Clerk reports that no protests were mia.de on resolutions NO 's 252, 253. 254, 2551256, 257, 258 ,&259. I At the request of the City Ehgineer the City Council approved the plans d for improvements tinder resolutions 252 to 260 inclusive . The City Attorney claimed that any approval of plan-- or specifications ahould be by ordinance. c mr.G.a. Conklin was granted permission to construct a cor_crete sidewalk un- der supervision of the City Engineer. Resolutions NO ' s252-253-254-255-?5G-257-2E8t259 &6" were duly passed all members .of the City Council voting in favor of each resolution. The Clerk reported that no proteste against .resolution No.260 providing for construction of Sewer in the alley from Block 5 to blonik 4- said resolution 260 was passed all councilmen present voting aye, The Engineer ask the City Council for all sidewalks to be two feet from: the property line except existing sidewalks the Engineers request was granted and the City Attorney was ordered to draw up an ordinance . The City Attorney wasinstructed to dryly ordinances for all improveraents foi� which resolutions passed. The bid fo imbrovement of Whitworth Street, being over 10 per cent over estimate-considerat-lon 4as posponed one week until the State Bureau of In- spection nd Control could Tive an opinion. - On motio4councilman Faull Manchester IValters »vas elected a Councilmen from the 1irst 'Pard. The Council Adjourned. C ty Clerk. n c� 1e08C Renton ',dash.April . I4. 1920. 233 ReEalar meeting o_ the Council called to order )y 14ayor Tonkin. Rollcall Present Councilmen.Smithers,Foul 1 ,Walters.Jenkins & James . Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petitions of Ora Hilliker and Chas Andrew for water wase granted. Petition of Frank ravls to taut in cement" kidewalk in Block I .was ;ranted. A perrrit, was granted to Richmond Bros for a spur track to Pacific Coast R. R. for a bunker on lots 7-8-10 & II in. Block 26. The objections to improvement of Second Avnnue North were referred to the City Engineer. . Favorable action was taken in referrence to vacating the High Trestle read. The Finance committee payment of the Following bills. Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. $38.I9 Puget Sound T " L " " Co. I37.70 Trick_ & Murray, 10.05 Pottie Printery. 6.75 Haleway & Curry. I.60 R.M. Thorne. 60.75 Miller & Havila.nd. I00.00 Harry Steel_. 2.00 Renton Bulletin. 6.80. On motion the report, was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The report of the Clerk & Treasurer were read and filed. Upon the sugestion of the City engineer the bid fornAhitworth Street imr)rovement was rejected the same being over IO per cent above ;;he estimate and a readvertizment. ordered also the City Engineer was authorized to change the Specification in reference to the curb. . Report of the City Attorney was read and Filed. Ordinances No 's 479-480-48I-482-433-484-485-486-487 8-488 were introduced and referred to the ordinance Committee. Resolutlon No.262 fixing time of hearing of the petition to vacate the High Trestle road was adopted . On motion the Council Adjourned. ,y Clerk. OWN 234 Renton 'tVash./ Apri l.27.I920, Regular moeting of the Cour:cil called to order by Major Tonkin. Rollcall.Preser_t Councilmen.Smithers,Walters,FPull and James .Attorney and. Clerk. Minutes of the last ineeting were read a,id approved. The petition of G.H. Conklin for sewer connection was referred to the City Engineer and Street Superintendent. The petition of Herman Lorenz for water was rejectc:. The petition of property owners for Alley in Block 3,of• Farm Plat and extending through Blocks 5 & 6 Sartorisville-asking for a Local Tmprovemeht District was referred back to petitioners with notice that-it would require signatures of all property owners for the Council to act, The petition of Citizens of Rentor_ asking thatvall paved streets be washed once each, week was laid on the table for one week. Tile petition off D.M.Hogan and J. B. Owens for sidewalk grades was grahted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills, F.A. Robinson. X80.50 1 enc,)c1, v. 11d ams. I I.50- Payroll Street Dept. I44.50 Payroll Water rept . I29.74 R.M.Thorne 25.00 The Peoples Store. .4.90 A. Jumper. 59.50 Kramer-Rissell Co Inc. 5.00 Lowman & Hanford Co. 4.24 E. E.Duff. 89.42 Norman Davis. 4.50 R.M.Thorne.a.nd Helpers. , 53,00 E. E.Duff. 12.50 L.Hans:;. 42.00 R.Bunstine . - - -42.00 _ A.Jumper. 42.00 G-eo.Hancock. .60 �,75I.40 total. On motion the report was adopted ani the fore going bills allowed. Lee Monohon 's report for week In Filling District No. I .was reaeL and a rra.rrant to pay for specified amounts in the total sum of $,399. 15 was ordered drawn in favor of Lee Monohon. The Engineer's report on remonstrance against the improvement of Second Avenue North was read and filed. A communication was read from the Young Mens Buisness Club showing the necessary of a Comfort Station on the Park ground-Or motion councilmen Smithers,Faull ?k James were instructed to act with the Park Board and report, at ,the next meeting of the City Council. Ordinance I;o.489 (creating a d^,- fund.) was read and referred to the ordinance committee-the passage of said ordinance having been recommended the ordinance was read by sections and adopted arC passed onpoli- Smithers,�4alter8,Faull & James voting aye. Ordinance No.479{regulating distance of new sidewalk from property line) was read and adopted by sections and passed Councilmen Smithers , *alters, Faull & Janes voting Aye. The Park Board askid an appropriation of $495.00 'cc) complete work on Grand Stand-Councilmen Faull.dlalters and James voting aye-Councilmen Smithery voting no.Tbe appropriation was passed. Resolution No.263 (for Improveigent of Second Avenue) was read and adopted all the councilmen present voting aye on roll call. Resolution No.264 (for Imtirovem2nt of Garden Avenue) rc•o road an adopted x all. councilmen present Aye or ;?e11 c L l 1 . tie Council <adjourned, City Clerk. r 2COBC Renton Wash. , May.4.I920 . 235 Regulai-, 1:_eeting of the Council. .added to order by ivTavor Tonkin. ;c 13call.Present Councilmen.Smithers,Faull,Jenkirns & James.A.ttornej '` t;rk. Minutes of' the last mPettng, were read and approved. The Finance committee recommended paymentu of the foliowirg, bills. R.Wood. $6.50 Renton T-_-nn Works . 3.00 City of Seattle 3I .50 H.F.Weeks & CO. I3.55 R.M.Thorne . 6I.25 • R. C. Amery. IT .5� N"errit Santee. II.55 Payroll Street Dept . I51.77 Payroll Water Dent . II9.76 E.r. Shearer. 5.01 Industrial Insilrarce Co. 4.97 t420.41 .ToYal Renton Realty Co. 30 .00 . 450.4I total On Motion tha repobt was ad-)pted and the foregoing bilis allowed. Feports• of Clerk-3c Treasurer were, read ana ordered filed. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ordinances 480-iW-482-434 485-486-487-and 468. A eommuni.cation wasread from American Legion asking the Council to brant a free license to run a Carnival at the Park from May I7th to May 22nd inclusive Cn motion their request was The Finance corbitittFe recommended pay1fient, oi' :"30.00 for Insural,ue for the Grar_6 Stand at t az _ and a warrant for tinP amount was orderod dra;vn. An ordinance vacating a portiar_ of the City Street known as State Road No.7 was reed and referred to the ordinance committee,No protests were: made E.gainst this ordinance. Ordinances NO's43O..?:82-484--485-4864£37-ar}d 483(for dement 3ide;valks c:;i ravt;d streets) were each read and adopted by :sections and were passed.-CounclImen Smlthera ,Faul1 .Jenkins a-rid. James voting aye on each roll call . Ordinances Yo.48I and 483 were o.racred amended-leaving out lots 2-3-4 ard5. In Block I .on Mill. Street-and leav&ng out lot, 20 in Block 16 on .Fourth Avenue., Resolution ordering hearin; on petition of Yesler Estate to Vaca.t+ portio) of City Street (known as state Road 'INTn.7 . ) was read ane; referred to the ordinar^e= co�iimittee. Falph Nichols application for material from high Bridge was referred to the City Engineer and Street and alley `.:).mmit.tee. The petition of Ralph Nichols for water on the North side of Cedar River was granted. _On motion the Council Adjourned. (.9itf Clerk. 236 Renton o'ash-. J.May.II .I920. Regular meetltI6 of the Cod-,'Gil Call. . to order by Yeyor Tonkin . • Rollcal_]. .Present Councjimen.5mithers?Faull, ,":alters & Jamof .A_ttorney and 0"lerk. Minutes of the laat meeting were read and approvea. Petition- of Mr.Chamberlairl for %ui7 oading logs into Cedar River was read and referred to the rJatev tray Commissionel,s. Tile �i.rna.rce committee recommended payment of the following bills . Pettie Printery. $12.09 R.M.Thorne. 00.00 R. C . ar,ery. I0.00 Rainier 'ta.11ey Auto FrPigh' ,c) . 6.70• r . L.Duff. . I5.00 Puget Sound Traction L.& Power Co. I38.55 H.F.�,7eeks . 144.00 jaekson Brothers . 5.00 O.K.Transfer Co. 30.95 Renton B-0-letin. 5I.00 Renton Hardware Co. I2.50 Pacific Tel, 7Tel- Co. 3.20 488.90 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Communication of Daniel Gaby asking; the Council for his Resignation was Accepted 9- d filed. Communication from County Assessor wishes to meet the Councilmen and Citizen; of Renton in revaluation of property and Taxation purposes an the 24th of May.was read and accepted . The Ordinance comimittee reported favorably on leaving out lots 2-3-4 &5 of block I .of ordinance No.48i . and lot 20 in block I6 of ordinance No.483. Ordinances No.48I ".-463 (for cement sidewalk in paved streets )were each read and adopted by sections and passed on rolleall all councilmen voting; aye. The ordinance c6mmittee reported favorably on ordinance 489. Ordinance No.489 for tc) vacate State Road No.7, was read by seCti ns nd adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye . ;4 `-� " ,? "`'� A Ordinance no.490.granting Jackson pros to buiid .swttch connecting with Northerr Pacific Railroad was read and referred to ordinance committee. Councilman Smithers asked the Mayor to enforce the Auto ordinance and to appoint a Traffdc Police on moit,mn the Mlayor wets ordered -to appoint a Police. The Clerk asked. the Council for two lights one on Logan Street and one on Tobin. , Avenue on motion was referred to the Fire Light & Fater Committee. .k Resolution Mo.265,for construction of Lateral Sewer on Third Avenue to Boundary of pipe line was referred to City Engineer & Ordinance Committee : The Mayor appoints "fr.Lot Davis as City Attorney and the appointr,iPr_t was con. firmed by the City Council . • On motion the Council Adjourns. 2eOBC Renton..'Nash.'May.I8. 1920 . 23 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall .Present Counci.lmen.Smithers,F'aull_, Jenkins & James .Attorney Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected . Petition of H.H.Beermar & Herman Lorenz for water were granted. Petition_ of E.E.Duff for sidewalk grades on Smithers :street were granted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . P..!,'.Thorne . $67.20 R. C.Emery0 I0.00 Merrit Santee . 10.00 A. Jumper. 91.00 f.H.Nason. 38.50 Payroll Mater Dept . I29.74 Payroll Street Deet 166. 20 Lowman Harford Co. II .25 Continental Pipe Manufacturing Co. 268.50 Wilson & Marlowe. 2.50 Lenny Renton Clay &_ Coal Co. 32.50 Renton Bulletin. 9.95 Renton Hardware Co. 112.80 $�950.I4.Total. On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Tax statements from the County Treasurer were .read and refrred to the City Attorney and Engineer. Lee '1,4onohon reported that work amounting to $563.50 against Filling District . No.I and O.K.d by City Engineer.an ,motion warrant. was ordered drawn for the amount . An ordinance providing for the granting of a. right to Jackson. Bros �o build a switch connecting with the Northern Pacific Railroad was referred t,) the City &ttorney. The Ordinance committee reported in favor of resolution_ No.265. Resolution No.265 was read the second time and adopted a1.1_ councilmen voting aye. The Street and Alley C-6yroi.ttee reported that the State Bridge' on the Vestside of. the waterway has been condemned and was in i'e.vD:, of giving_ flair Nichols the permission to take the lumber providing he cleaned everything as he went and Mr Nichols agreed to give the City of Renton 250 yards of gravel for the lumber, on motion the report was adopted and ordered carx•ied out . After a discussion of property owners on -Penton Avenue the Street Superinte erdant was instructed to move all big rocks from the Street on Rentor. Avenue. The City Treasurer reported that the County Assessor excepted the date of May 24th 1920 to meet the Councilmen and Citizens of the City of Renton, To discuss taxation purposes or motion, th`-: report ti.as excepted. The Bond of the City Attorney Lot Davis was read rd Excepted . On motion the Council Ad jol.arr.ed. 238 pent-oi �Aas},. ;h?ay� 26.I920, Regular •rieFting of +,e Council called to order by Ma;;Ior Tur_kin. Roll.call Present Councilmen.Smithrrs,Fay.11,".Ialt-e.rs.Jer.kins 8c James, Attorney & Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Thos Reynolds t.o remove his old sidewalk and fill with gravel wa-s granted. Petition of Young Den's Buisness Club of Renton asking the Council for Apprropriation of *Io-3.00 to establish a free camping ground at the Park was laid on table. Petition of property owners on Second Avenue North protesting against Grading,Graveling and- Cement sidewalks was The Fira�ommittee• recommended payment of the folic•iag bills. Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. $11 .04 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. 4.30 Renton Dumber Co. park 79.85° McPherson Bros. " 73.86 R.M.Thorne . 70.00 R. C,-. Emery-. 25.-00 Merrit Santee. I2.50 Ralph Gorml&y. 24.40 L.Hansen. 2. 25 $3112. 29 total On motion the report wasadopted and the foregoing bills allowed, The xngineer reported that.- wori; amounting to ' I99.35 against Filling District, No. I .on notion wary ant was ordered Jrawn for the amount. Coaimanieation from the Public Service Commission, `-Iotice of advfo--c.: in rate.. of Streets Car 72.re or notion the Clerk was ordered to ,et -,)roposed rates. Petition of Kaiser Fairj rig Co. !�'or water. at Sixth Avenue North- was on motion. 3-aid on table . Waterway Tax "tatements lvu,, read and a warrant was orderdd drawn for the P.-M9 ra.rriount of- 6'470.32. resolution N0.266 that portion of the City Street kroin a.nd designated as State r.®ad NO.7, bounded on the East by the right-of-way of Commercial. waterway District No.2 and on the west by slack river was read and adopted all councilmen voting aye. Resolution• No.267. that portion of. Renton Avenue,bounded on the north bjr '. t_' line of Third Avenue . ,knd on the South by the I�iorth tine of Section -Street : was read and adopted all councilmen voting aye. On notion the purchasing agent was ordered to get two flags one for the Com- fort Station and ()rid for, the City Hall . The Mayor proclamed Monday May 31th as a. holiday. The fire Dept- asked an appropriation bo fix Fast encs of Grand Stara at Park on motion "25. 00 was approprietion. The h4ayor ordered thy. ;, all tapping the water main outside of City limits wi-;Q. will have to pay all cost and expense for tapping. Mr Houses one of the Committee which met with the Public Utility Committee of Seattle assured the Council that we would get all the water wanted at a cost ?rice. kenton tF&sh. ,June I . I920. Regular meeting of the council call(,d to order by Mayor Tonkin. Ther being no quarim the Council adjourns. City Clerk. 2COBC Renton ":ash.. ,June .8. T920. 239 Regular n::cti .Z of C,euncil called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rolleall . Present Councilmen.Smithers ,Faull ,Jenkins & James .Attorney and IV"'.Prk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition of Barney Doyle for water was granted. Petition of Morgan T. Jonesto improve Lot I3.Block 33 by cement sidewalk wasgranted. Also petition of James O'Brien Itot I4 B1k33 for cement sidewalk was granted. Petition .of David H. Jones to build concrete sir�ewalh in front of lot 3 hl'k. I2 was rejected., Petition of property owners on Williams Streetin Blk 24 asked for grade to put in ce,nFnL sidewalk. was granted. Petition of property owners on Burnett askKcd .permission to put in cement sidewalk in p ,Qd District were rejected. The Finance recommended payment of the following bills. `. R.M.Thorne. 72.2& R. C. Emery. I0.00 Falph Gormley. 7. 5-0 Payroll_ Street Dept. . 54.90 Payroll Water Dept. 84.83. Agnes 171dwards. 3.00 Cite of Seattle ., 38.70 McPherson Bros. . 27.50 Pacific Car & Fly Co. I5.00 Thos `Yalke.r. 8.25 Walter Isackson• 6.25 Rert,on HardwareCo. 2.00 Renton Hardware Co. 24.60 E. E.Bell of r. .9.00 H.F. Weeks & Cc . 16.01 I..Fir g• I6.00 Lowman & Hanford. Co. 35.`O Puget Sound Traction Light cr Power, Co. II.49 Geo Hancock. v.00 John Stewart . 2.00 R.M.Thorne . 59.50 R. C. Emery. 2.50 Rufus Buck. 2o.00 Chas Hilton. I0.00 mow Otto Steele . 10.00 Ted White. 5.50 Renton Bullo'-.!.., 20.75 E.It .Duff. 28.25 $614.28 total. On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The Engineer reported that the City of Renton was entitled td49.00 for the sere-ices of hngineer agat Filling, District ,To I. Tha Clerk was ordered to Straw a warrant for the amount . Lee: Monohon reported Chet work amounting to S14.601.25.fo•r Di%od.Fe a.gair.st Filling District I'O. I .and C.I', .d- by City Engineer.Or motion the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant for the amo-u iL. k-�i or`, of 2olice• Judge Clerk and Treasurer were read olid t • 1 Engineer or � � a 7,'cc +t,, „y C"al— e �e*�ort. and. r:stit�cG e of .� �P City g Second yvenu„ t,�l'�1. .. .,.. �:,._...�,,.. Avenue were read and filed. The n»ope:)sed rates of the Seattle Rainier Valley Railway Company was read and after discussion the Clerk aas ordered to sena 7_r_ proi,E:st against higer rates . An ordinance providing for the construction,renewal,repair or cleaning the sidewalks in the City of Renton was read and referred- to the ordinance c01-WDit t,E,P.. - Ordinance No.490 was read ,uy sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye. The bid of Adams Hancock & Adams for Sewer from Block 5 to Block I ►gas .read tine amount being $865.00 was accepted and the City Attorney instructed to make all necessary papers for the Contractors. Now On motion the City Attorney was insttucted to draw tris orCinances one on Garde ani one on :second Avenue North. On motion the Clerk was oddered to perchase Motorcycle License for Traffic Cop. On motion tele Council Adjourns . City X 1.:�:,. 240 Renton tqash.June..I5. I920. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall Present Courcilmen .Smithe rs,FaVII .Jenkins & James .Attorney and Clerk. mitrutes of the last meetinE, were read and approved. Petition of F, F.Duf.f for s?.dewalk5 grades in front of N'rs Cart right, •ir.Ggreen, Fuller & and Bennett places were granted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . Water Dent Payroll. "�II9.36 Street Dept -ayroll. 911.69 Pacific Tel &. Tel Co. 4.10 Northwest P?i'Pnbing S19pply Co. 7.81 Yorthwest Plumbing :supply CO. 6 .30 C.A. Shaff. 20.00 Miller & Haviland. 2.20 E. F.Duff. I43.15 Paper Tarehouse Co. 19.02 R.M.Thorne. 78.50 Ted !White. I .00 Otto Steele. 20.00. R.C.Emery. 7.,50 Rufus Buck. 60.0.0 Chas Hilton. 25.00 t726.03 TOtal._ On motion the report_ wa:, adopted and the foregming bills allowed. Repot't of City Engineer and Data on Renton Avenue were ?^ead and. Filed. Attorney. The CityAreports that VIrs Albott was willing to settle damage •case against City for' 'Two Hundred .Dollars . (200.00)upon consideration of -which the Cit-y Council deter rained -that it would not make any settlement of the case at. any sum whatever. Communication of Northern Pacific ly Co.asking for ordinance or resolution of the vacation of Dora Street . r Communication of Park Board asking the City Council to secure from the City Attorney a written opinion coverning all points relating to the .supervis-ion and the financing of. this important. branch,was received and the- Attorney in.. structed to give written opinion. The Park Board asked~ the Council to appoint iv'r C.A. Shaff as police to look after the parkwas oto, motion laid on table one week. Commun_ic.a.,tion of P. W.houser and Deed frorm Yesler Estate were read. and Clerk was ordered to get Deed recorded and. ordinance n0.489.vacating a portion of the City Street known as State Road. No,7 was ordered published. Ordinance N0.492.providing for the improvement of Renton Avenue and Section S Section Street was read and referred to the ,)rciinance ,committee . The Clerk reports that. no protests were made a; ainst this impaovement. The Ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance NO.492. Ordinance NO.492 was read by sections and adopted as a whole 9.11 councilmen voting aye. The Traffic Cop R. E.Belloir asked the Council to get signs in the City of Renton on motion Mr Belloir was directed get signs for the City. The Mayor asked tile. Councilf they were willing tm pay to Police money they ` paid out inthe Mitchell cas( on motion continued one woek. Mr, D, H, Jones askedpermission to put in cement sidewalk in paved District along Second Avenue on motion his request was granted. On motion the Council Adjourns . l V_t)_ Clerk. I 49(1d C Rentor_ Wash. ., June 22.1920 241 Regular meriting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rolleall . Present Councilmen. lralters ,Faul.l. Jenkins and James . Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last, meeting were read and approved. The Finance committee recommended pay',rient of the following bills i.. J. Pet tie. $5.50 Forton Bulletin, I2.25 R.M.Thorne. 71.25 R. C. Fmery. 44. 35 Rufus .Ruck. 60.00 Chas Hilton. 5,00 Ted White' . I .50 _II99.85 'Total. ..�r On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed . Roport of City rnginear that, Adams Hancock & Adams have fullfilled their contract with "ewer through Block 5 and that they were entitled to payment in full op. mQtion the report, was ordered filed a:1d recommendation carr-ied out, The Bity Eng�neen reported that Filling District No.I . was indebted to the City of Renton to the sum of ;1,�23I ,30 on motion. the Clerk was ordered to a warrant .for the amount. Report of Lee f4onohon that work a,- ount-.' ng tcb a12I,403.16 against, :Willing Tistrict No.i . and G.K.dby City Engineer on motion a. warrant was ordered drawn for the amount. Moved the Librarian of the Library be raised to ;;)60.00 a month. Ordinance l.4 .493p494 and 495 was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The ordinance committee favorable on Ordinance No 494 .495 &-495. Ordinance No.493 an ordinance repealing Section 13 of ordinance 396 it shall be unlawful for the driver or operator of a motor vehicle to park said vehicle at the curb unless lis right hand is next to .the curb was read. the second ti,riie by sections and a.doptd as a '..11,1031-e. ^rdinarce No.494 an ordinancect)arging the rime of that certain strect known „! as Railroad Avenue to Williams Street 3L1lorth was read by sections and adopted as whole. Ordinance To.495 .an ordinance ch.-:.,?ging the name of Renton Avenue in C.H.Adsit; Lake 'Nashington Plat to Tonkin Avenue was "read by sections and adopted as whole. The ordinance committee reports fovorably obi ordinance No.49L. Ordinance No.49I an ordinance providing for the construction,renewaJ ,repa.ir or cleaning sidewalks in the City of Renton was read by sections and adopted as whole all councilmen Voting Aye. On motion the Purchasing Agent was Ordered to get a Combination Vise for the water DepartLont. The Pv"a,,)ir asked the council if they were willing to relieve our Marshalls of - the moneys paid out which they paid out in the Mitchell case. Mr F. J.Hughes was appointed Special Police by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council at a Salary of .`25.00r month and John Stewart and Peter Dulla.hant were also raised to ``'25.00 per month until this money is paidall councilmen voting Aje. Moved the Natter of Ivir H. Evans be referred to the Cit.1% 7_ttorney. Rr B.F.Cake made a verba.$ report about the road leading to the Brick Yard aslzing, the council to fix ur., this road, moved the matter bb referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Attorney look up owners of this .,.. Street . 'v",r Paul Houser the council to fix a temporary road to t:.- filling District so as to take people to see the property, on motion the request was grar•ted. Mr Jake Snydor asked the council for permission to put sidewalk in front rf and along suede of his 'property on motion his request was granted. On motion the City Attorney was instructed to draw up necessary resolutions for sidewalks in paved Districts . nr motion thF Oottncil srl iourn . , i Clerk. __r 242, Renton ' ash.July.6.I920. Regular Tpetin -ef the Council Called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rol leall.Present coancilrion.S.mithers ,Faul_1,Walters,Owens,Jenkin F James . A. ttorney and Clerk . Minutes of the last meeting were reed end approved. Petition of pi^operty owners or. Burratt Street to put in cement sidewalk were granted. Petition of Thos Dinning tic Lake up old. walk and replace with cement-walk was gran_`_ Petition of Concrete -Products Co.for use of Streeter. 4th Avenne in front Fora Service Station -was granted. Petition of Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co .for permit to set poles , bet peen Stn & 5th Street or. the Last side of Mill Sti,aat was referred to the Fire Light Ef `.4'ater committee with power to act. The Finance committee recommended payment of the followin� bills . R.M.Thorne , 5 60.00 Rufus Buck. 60.00 Dorthy Thomas. 2.50 Payr6ll Street Dept . 47.i4 • Payroll Tater Dept . II7.26 Norman DFvis . I8.00 Puget Sound Traction Light Power Co. I38.55 Renton Bulletin. I3.30 City of Seattle . 37.85 Jesse Story. I600 R.M.Thorne . 6`.00 Rufus Buck. 60.00 J.T. Sr►yde r. I0.00 '1.C.Emery. 17.50 Emporium Dept Store . 9.60 R.Wood. 9.70 E.E.Belloir. I40.00 $807.40tot91 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Street 9 Alley Covun,itte,1 repobts that by pvttin r plan_l�[ in road to Brick yard would do no good moved t,i:.: s matter he laid over one week. Report. od Police Judge for month of June -gas read and filed. - Cn motion the 'Traffic Cop be held on duty one more month with salary 4&W 140.00 per n oath. The City Attorney made a verbal retort that the City could not pay Mr.H.Evans any ,coney back which he paid fcr sewer. Report of Clerk& Treasurer were read and filed. Communicati.on of Pacific Coast Association of Fire tjhiefs was read and on m motion the Fire Chief was given Ioo.00 for expenses to Convention. Communication of the Public Service Commission was read and filed. Ordinance N0.42E . E_n ordinance providing for the impreiTement of (T'ardeh Avenue fromthe pavement on First Avec,ue. Ttorth to Second Avenue North was refereed to the ordinance committee . "Ordinance Na.497 an ordinance providing, for the improvement of Second Avenue froii HIM -,treet North to Garden Avenue , ;:as re.ferrefdto the ordinance. Ordinance committee reports favorably on Ord°nances No496 & 497. Ordinance NO.496 wets read the secondtime by sections and adopted as whole al). councilmen vetingaye. Ordinance No.497 was read the Qecond time by sections and adopted as whole 1.1 councilmen voting aye. Tie matter of J.W..Butler 's sidewalk was taken up and dissussed and 23ferred to Street & Alley Committee and Engineer. Resolution N0.268.declarirl-L the construction of cement sidewalks along cer- tain Streets was referred to the ordinance committee. ?fir H.Evans asked the council for sidewalk grade infron of his property. on motion his request was granted. Moved ?icense of the Bowling Alley be revoked all councilmen voting Aye. On motion the ":1aterway Commissioners were given all plank necessary for their needs from the State Bridge, On motion the Cniincil adjourns. ty C1erk. r 2eOBC 243 P.egUl€!r MeetArf of the Council Called to order by h.":ayor Tonkin. Rollcall.Present Cou.ncilmen.Smithers .Feull.T"alters & Jenkins.Attorney and C1er=_�• . Minutes of the Last meeting were read and approved as c,5rrected. Petition of James Lea.thlEy for cement sidewalk and grade on lots ';&6 B1k.I. Renton Farm Plat was granted. The Fi,iance committee recommended -)ayment of the following bills, Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co $I38.55 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 9.84 H.F.Weeks & Co. 2I,26 R.M.Thorr_e . 5I.25 Rufus Buck. I0,00 r.. Fay Slusser. 4.00 ffm.Kane. I.50 Jesse Storey. 10.00 .Pettie Print©ry. 2•J0 Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. 22.52 Renton Drug Store, I2.00 Renton hardware Co . 11955 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph.Co. 3.40 0298.37 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. . The Fire Light & Water committee reportsthat the Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. was granted permission_ to set poles between 5 & 6 Avenue on the East side of Mill >t.reet. The Street and Alley reported on the Sidewalk of J.'A'.Butler and after dis- cussion the walk was ordered temporiirly repaired. Ordinance _ NO.498.an ordinance relating to the use of public Streets,Alleys and public places therein,by Motor Vehicles, was referred to the ordinance committee. On motion the Clerk was ordered to write to the Pacific Coast Ry.Co.about gard rail on third Avenue and also ask damages for damage done to Motorcycle { Dr.C.L.Dison asked the council to hold up Railroad Avenue & Yesler Street `ow Improvement on motion was laid over one week. Resolution NO.268 was read the second time and passed as a whole all councilmen voting aye. The payor notified the City Council that their aas a vacancy in the council and he named James Leathley as councilmen at Large and the. council con- firmed the appointment. Mr Norman Davis asked the .Cour_cil to have the Police to notify all peoples to stop staking out horses and cows in the Streets on motion the 1F'olice,4,w,a,A to comply with the ordinance. On motion the Council. adjourns. Ci Jerk. 9 244 Pewltorn Wash.-, July 20.I920 Regular meet•inE of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. hollcall . Present Councilmen,SmIthers,Faull,'Waltfers,Jenkins and James . Aitorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of David Morrison cement walk on lots 20 & 21 Blk 2 was granted. The wall: cif W.R. Gay was condemned by the 'I reet Superindentant and the Clerk was ordered to notify vI. R. Gay to put 'in Cement walk. Protests 6 ; propekty owners along Railroad Avenue for the improvement c:f . Grading,Gfavelirig and Guttering were read and filed. The Purchdsing Agent was ordered to get Disinfecting for the Comfirt Station. The Torn Property comrni_ttee was appointed to look -it Gon`:.f". arid hale -LIA i ",_ icr. repaix--�ed. _'f;tition 'oF � acific Telephone and Telegraph Cotnrnatny was eeacl End referred to Fire 11jIl.,, and _..cl committee. • The Finarce committee recommended payment ° of -the following bills . Wm.Kane. $4.45 Payroll Street Dept ; 256 .59 PayrollWater dept. II4.77 R. J.Pettie . 51r'.00 R. J. Pettie. I8.00 Priebe Bros. 2.50 Priebe Bros. 5.3..E 7.14.'.Thorne. 90.85 Chas ;Mood. I .85549.86 total. . On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed . f The Fngtneer reported that the Filling Distrkct was in debt to the` City of Renton to- the amount of ',59.79 on motion thy, Cler was ordered to draw a warrant for the amount . Lee i4onoiior. repot-ted that work amounting to $ 37.00 against Filling District 'Io.I .and 0. 7.c.. by City T!ngineer.on motion a warrant was orde-rddd for the amount. Gommunic " 1 cn from, Pacific Coast Rg Co. asking the City Council to with draw their letter of the Fourteen was referred to the City AttorneIT. Me.Joe good made a verbal report on the Trunk Roads running in and out of the City and said they were in very bad condition and thought the City should see that these roads were repaired on motion Joe tVood,H.F. Week_s and I.,ot Davis were appointed as a committee to meet the- County Commissioners , Petition of John Kendtner- for cement wa?.k or. lots II-I2 ck-I3 in .dock 27 and to brake curb on lot I3 was granted. On motion the Council adjourns. Cit, Clerk. 19OBC Renton Wash. , July.21Z. t92O. �P •�":f 245 Re,oilzrirri7-Et.ing of cal).ed to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll call present Counctl. nen.Fatjll ,7VtlltE-:r•s ,Lea.thley,Owens,J€ilkirrs .& James Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read end approved. The Pinance cowmittee recommended payment of the following 'gills. t .n:.'fhorr e . w4I.25 J.R. Storey. II. I7 Renton Bulletin. 33.55 '85.97 totb.l. _ : ort, wa,s adopted and the foregoing billo allowed. The Bill f Dr Industrial Insurance was read and on Tt.otli nj « ma.rrant ;vias e ordered drawn for the amount.of 4�5.84. b The Cit;, Attorney .one of a. committee renorts.that the County r is ready to �. fix up the highways in the City of Uehton. The City Attorney= report that there was no deed made for the road running to the Brick yard,.and also reports that the Traffic Cop wanted to with draw the claim, froxrt the Pacific Coust Ry Co,On moiton the matter was ordered droped . Communication from. the Northern Pacific Ry Co.a.sking the Council to see that all Troll ies,Tei_ephone and Light wire; make the proper clea-ence of their right -of-way in the City of Rent.on.0n motion the Clerk was ordered to notify all companies. Communication of AI.W.Tells referring, to loose gravel in front of his Undertakin6 Parlors on 112111 -treet was on. mote.-- referred to the Street ' Superintendant. Communication from the City of Seattle recommended the they c6uld furnish water to the City of. Renton at manufacturer's rate was read and riled. "coved by Faull Seconded by Leathley -the later Deters be installed in the City of f:enton,Ca.-ried . Report of City Engineer on assessment roll on District 96.Samttary Filling District No. I as read and on 010ti.0n notice be given and date set for iq .hearing. The Bids for the inipnovement. of Second Avenu(- North were read and N. Davis being the lowest bidder was award.,-_d the contract. V/ r.. The Properly on Second Avenue Nottti� asked the Council to nava their side walk six feet from the. Property line, On motion the property owners were granted this privola-e if tha Uontracton is willing. The bids for %"Ta.r den Avenue were read and Paul ilei tan being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract . The !3Ids on Tesler Street were read and tie lowest bidder beim; N.Davis he was awarl_'4o she Contract. F The bids on Pa_l.road Avenue —,. -e read and Noiaan Davis being the lowest bidder he was awarded the -cntract. The s l dewalk of T.L. 4jones on lot I .P1'. 31_, Smithers Secor)u y001tior. was condemned and the Clerk was ordered to notify L. D. Jones to put in cement sidewalk. Dn motion taae Tire Chief was awarded $50.00 additional for transportation to convention. On motion the Conr.cil Adjourns . C' y clerk. ..i Rentor Wash. Aiig.3 I920 . ;regular, meeting of. the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin . hoilca!l . , Present;:Councilmen : Tal.ters,Jenkins,and Leathley,Attorney and Clerk. On account of the absence of so many of the CounctImen the Council adjI-)urned. City Clerk. Aua.IO 192 ��.� Rent.on,W"".ash. 0 . _ . „• .. rounci 1 calleci to ordc:ru by Meyor Tonkin. Regular meeting of the nollcall'. Present Councilmen, Faulls ,Jenkins ,James,Owens ,17alters ,Smi.thers , Attorney and Clerk. y,inutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Sunset' Garage concering air line referred to street and alley Comm. to report next meeting night . pbtition of M. Rees to put cement sidewalk on lot 4 block. I21 granted. Petition of P. Fisher for sewer cannection on lot 6 block 24, granted. Petition bf PUget Sound Traction Light & P6wer Co. referred to Fire Light and t7ater Comm. to report to Council at next meeting night. The Finance committee recommended. payment of the following bilks . Penton Hardware Co. 9.45 R. M. Thorne 56.25 R. C. Emery 22.50 Arthur Anderson 22.50 McPherson Bros. I0.95 0. K. Transfer .50 Puget Sound Traction L.&Po,. Co. 9.34 Payroll Street Dept . 53.08 o2.29 Payroll Water Dept, I Cite of Seattle 76.25 National Meter Co. 16.93 0. N. Cochran 57.50 R. M. Thorne 57.50 R. C. Emery. I9.05 Arthur Anders6n. Igen' 95.44 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Report of Clerk and Treasurer was read and filed. A motion was moved and seconded that the communication of N.P.Ry. be recieved and filed. The question raised by th- speed Cop was refered to ways and Means Comm. to report next meeting night. Moved and seconded that °automobile ordinance be withdrawn from( Comm. and passed. Carried. Ordinance No.498 an ordinance relating to the use of the Public Streets Alleys uLid public places therein,by motor vehicles,was read the second time and adopted as amended all councilmen present voting Aye . The matter concering the Willier-, 3j -cct bridge was refered to Street and Alley Comm. to report back to Council next meeting night. On motion the Council adjourned. city Clork Renton Wash. , • Aug. I7. I920. Regular meeting of the Council ca.l .Pd to order by Mayor Tonkn ,there beibg no quarim the council adjou;-r:s. Cite"/Clerk. . 4geof3C Rencun ':,Vas-1.At�g.24.IQ2G. 7 Regular meeting of the Council cal ? ed to order by 0�ayor Tonkin.. Rollcall Present' councilmen. Smithers,Faull Walters,Leathley,Owens and Jenkins .Attorney and Clerk. Yinutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of mhos W.Dinni.ng to extend sidevra.lk two feet, from ,property on lot i !ilk I .Renton Farm Plat was granted. Petition of Frank Gershak for water- on track 25 R.,C.C . Co.e.cre was granted. Lots in ''l•?c 24 mown of Renton and also lot I & 2 Lenton Farm Plat were Condemned and the •Clerk wa.s order•eJ to notify each person. Petition of Gregony Bros for Bowling Alley license was granted. . ^he Finance co %riitrtee recd amended paym6rit of the f.ollowinp; mills. _ Payroll Vifater Dept. ' Il9. '76 Payroll Street Dept. 122,29 R.',.'.Thorne. 6I . 25 R. C . Ymery. 25:00 Fd Williams. 1;3.014 J. S.Fardie. 75.6I F. E. Duff. 2.50 E.F.huff. x.50 McPherson Bros . 3,02 C.L. Shaf f. 20.00 C.F.Daniels. ,3,00 R.O. Brown. 7.00 Fenton Bulletin. 22,pG < R.IJP.Thorne . b2,50 Dave Nichols. 5.00 F. F. 'Jal l. 89..60 Lowman & I'•an.x crd Go. a.55 Pacific TeJ .& Tel Co. 3.55 Y642.03 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The Street and Alley committee reported that the Williams Street Bridge +gas in need of repair on motion the Nayor was to appoint, a coramittee . TSR, ''ays r- Means committee was extended one more creek to report on expenses of Speed Cop Motoroycie. - Budge3 for T92I was read an(! )_aid over one week, peport of Pol ico Jt de ;,as read and filed. On motion the Speed Cop the ordered to bet a sign end put it up for High School at 3rd and Morris street . The City Engineer reported that the improvement of Railroad. Avenue was �0; ' completed and that Norman Davis was intitled to ,'770.00 on motion the clerk was ordered to draw a warrant for the arraount . The '.City Exi6lrieer reported that the im-provement of Yeslrr 'treet was 75% completed and Norman David was entitled to .�7I7.50on motion r vrarraht gas ord -eyed for the amount . Communication of Cjii_eaLo Wilwaukee & St Paul, Ry Co was read and I'iled . :)rd i nance WAN authorizing the PY,ayor and Clerh to issue Bond; against I,oca.1 Improvement District No 92 was read and referred to ordinance comi_iiti ee A protest from property owners on Filling 7, strict filed by 14.Hoil.ser was on motion rejer.ted. Ordinance No 500 .appr•oving? and confirmtng the assessment roll of Local impro- -vementDistrict No96.saritary Fill No 1 . was rear! and referred to the ordin- ance committee. Ordinance No 501.an ordinance authorizing the P,,ayor and Clerk to issue bonds again, Leval improv^ment nistrict r o, :?f was referred to the ordinance comm! -ttee. The ordinance coomit.tee reported favorably on ordinances 499.500.50I. • Ordinance NP 499 was read 1..iv second time and by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye. Ordinance No.500 was read the second time by sections, and adopted as a whole allcounctlmen votinE; eye. Ordinance No.501 was read bj sections and aeon'. ,C asa whole all councilmen NEW voting aye. Resolutlt.on. No.269 . that it is "Le intention of the City Counc3.l o order the i iiprovement -f Fifth Avenue in the City of Rent on,bttween. Wells Street al)d Burnett Street, was adopted as corrected all councilr..ten ACTe. . .Hoaxer asked the council to fix Williams Street , the mayor haveto have '^illl,-,FIs otrot;t Fixea. mo e The matter of taking (jciwri the high t,restl.e was brPot.ght up and Lee Maonohon , offered to take Gown the tresLae and give the City of Renton all good plank and he would taka the piling etc on motion Lee P,"onohon way granted the permi ,;�sslon. John Combs one of the '"eli'are committee asked the Council. to lend the Labor day parade on motion thy; Council accepted the invitation. On motion the Council adjourns . ' 248 �Pnt�r� ")ash . , Aug.31 .1920 Regular meetIrg of tine c3urc3l called to order by Vayor Tonkin. Thrie being no quarim the council adjourned until t.uesday Sept .7.I920 %V. J. Will ia.n,s . Rentor. 'crash. Sept .7.IQ20, City Jerk. Regular meeting of tr)e council called to order by ikiia.yor 'onkin. Ro11cal.l.Present Councilmen.Smithers,Eaull., Walters,Leath)_ey, Jenkins and J,ames .Attorney and Clerk,. Minutes of the last m6ating were read and approved. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills , Renton R 2 letin $12,05 R.M.Thorne. � 51 .25 Joe Lenz. 5.00 lkate_r Dept Payroll . 199,.58 Street. 'Dept Playroll , 191.63 E.f .Duf f. 29.00 National Meter C-o. 16.43 ThosAte.-Ioolds o 2.50 u, n.vllE7arera Q7 V.A.Shparer. 21 .05 Nortit est Plumbing u0gIy Co. 41.96 ruget Sound Traction 1, & PowerCo . I38.55 . Industrial Insures^r.ce Dept . 14.10 R.M.Thorne . 45.00 R.C.Emery. 1,25 Dave Nichols . I.9 Renton Garage . 5.26 Lowman & Hanford, Co . 2.32 City of Sea*tle-v 79,00 P.S.E. Railway Co.. 1 .85A;736 .70 total On motian the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed, Report of the Clerk & Treasurer for Lhe rnorth of Aiz,-';ust were read & filed, Communication from Chicage Milwaukee & St Paul RST Co asking the CItyo.f. Renton to put in cement sidewalk iii front of L(it 3 Blk I Smithers 5th addition to Rector_ was- on motion received and filed and reonmmendations cabried out. Communication. from Frank W.Narris explaining the benefits of the new Merchant EIarir_e Act , wason motion received & Filed. . Notice , of Appeal from P.W—Houser .from the action of the City Council of the City of Renton, in confirming the assessment roll was read and filed. The Buget for the year of =92I was read and on motion adopted and ordered pub i.shed and date set, for hearing, On motion the Clerk was ordered to n6tify the Cit; of Seattle to fix their sidewalks along the pipe line in the City of Renton. Or. mo•ttan the Council adjourns. C .r,Y, er . Renton ' ash. , Sept 2I .1920. Regular meeting of the Council. called to order by Mayor Tonkinithere being no quarin. there cunc in. adjourned. r�T !'?.erk . 2eOBc ... .. Renton.. , asii,; Sept v28-,1920s 249 ; eguiar-meeting of the- 'ouncil- ca:? led to order by iv;ayor Tonkin. Rol lcall.Present councilmen.'Val+ers ,Faull,Owens,Jenkins & James Attorney and Clerk. Petitions of John Comb,Thoe Harries and John Adams for dater were granted. Petition of J.G.'vh to for sewer conecticn was sranted. Property owners .on t4ill Street Nortr. asking for lights was referred to the. Fire Light and «-►ester committee. The Finance committee recommended payment -) ' the following bills. Payro'.' Tater Dept . $119.76 Payroll Street Dept. I64."3 Will lams & 'McPnight . 2.67 wow Fenton ?iardwar-, C°o. I9.78 _ Pullet Sound Traction Llight & Power Co. I38.55 Light &. Power Co. 2I.75 Pettie Printery. 4.48 Trick Murr-ay. 26.25 R.M.Thorne. ?IO.00 R. C.Emery. 20.00 J.P. Storey. I.00 O.N. ^ochran. 7.00 -Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. 3. 25 R.11.Thorns. 57.50 R.C.Emery. 7.,0 Wm.Kane, 4.75 Lee Monohon. 67.00 $775.97 total _ On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills all.o',xed . The corrrittee on the Williams Street Bridge ror-orts that they are progressing slowly but are not rea.d!T to make there fi.nal report. Health Officer Dixon reports that the comfdrt was in need of repair moved. the Town Property committee be appointed to look after the Comfort Station and have power to, act. .eport of- Police Judge was read and Filed. On mot th. e ity Attorney was ordered to draw up an ammendment to the Traffi n o read from Two Dollars instead of Oen ten to one iiundrea, Report of city Engineer on r'ifth Avenue between ells Street and Burnett Street by grading and graveling, moved the report be accept.ea ana 30 feet of the street be graded and graveled. Communication from 'lashinghton Surveying and Eating rureau was read and referred to the Fire Chief.. Ordinance No 502 was read and referred to the ordinance committee. Ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance +10 502. Ordinance No 502 an ordinance providing for the improvement fo Fifth Avenue South between Wells Street and Burnett Street by grading and graveling , was read the Pecond time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting ave. Mr Fichols asked the council for some lumber from the high tention Bridge Moved this be referred to the .street and Alley committee with power to act. The Seetarr of the Park Commissioners makes a report on Liberty Park for the— Year of I920 moved the report be received and filedand published. 'roved Vic Council order the cement sidewalk. of,-L.D.Jones in immediately on the corner of 3rd and Srrithers all councilmen voting aye. On motion the council adjourns, r 250 Renton 77ash. Oct.5 . I920 regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall .Present councilmen.Faull.Walters.Leathley.Owens & James Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Thos Harries for a six inch sewer connection was granted The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . R.M.Thorne . $33.00. R.0?Emery. 2.50 Fay Slusser. 3.50 Street Dept Payroll. 85.93 Nater Dept Payroll. I32.23 Trick & Nlur,ay. 9.25 City of Seattle. = 58.25 Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. I2.50 H.F. Weeks & Co. 61 .55 Industrial Insurance Department. �. 28.76 4'427 .47 total . On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills alowed. The itimized bill of E.E.Belloir was read for motorcycle expenses and on motion was allowed., The Fire Light and '.Vater committee reported that if people in North Renton wanted light it wou-Id cost them a minimum rate of $ 2.00 until half of the cost and expense of- putting in wire and poles, on motion the referred to City Attorney. The Street and Alley committee reported that they gave Lee Monohon the con- -tract to take all the plank off of the High Tention Bridge at aAcost of $4.00 per thousand. The mayor instructed the City Ehgineer to get all data and cost of the Williams Street Bridge and report at next meeting. Report of City Treasurer that district No.$2 known as the sewer district through Block 5.is credited with $559.20 and up to date, there is nothing been paid to the credit of Filling district NO.96. On motion an ordinance was ordered drawn according to treasurers report. Rejort of the Clerk & Treasurer were read and filed. Ordinance No.503 was read and referred to the ordinance committee,the ordinance committee reported favorbly on ordinance no•.503. Ordinance No.504 was read and referred to the ordinance committee.the ord- inance committee reported favorbly on ordihance no.504. Ordinance N0.503 wn ordinance levying and assessing a tax upon the property within the City of Renton was read the second time by sections and adopted ..,r as a whole all councilmen voting aye. Ordinance NO.504 an ordinance amending section 27 of ordinance N0498 of the traffic ordinance of the City of Renton was read the secbkdn time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye. Resolution NO.270 was Bead and on motion laid over one week. Fire Chief Joe Food being back from the convention made a verbal report to the council and also turned over to the minutes of the twenty Seventh convention of the Fire Chiefs the report was excepted and the minutes filed. On motion the Street Superintendant was ordered to fix drain sewer on north end of Main Street . The Clerk asked the council to have the roof of the clerks office repaired on motion the Mayor was instructed to get a earpenterto repair the roof. On motion the Council adjourned. C&ty Clerk. ('OBc _ . �w�, .� Renton--i�ashw.-8et.12-ol 2 �_ __.. _,._ _._ 251 Regular Meeting of the Council Called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcal.l .Present Councilmen.Faull.u!altera.Loathley.Owens.Jenkins & James Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The finance committee reoommended payment of the following bills. ' Haleway & Curry. $3.50 Renton Hardware Co. 9.10 Puget Sound Traction Eight & Power Co. 7.20 R.M.Thorne, 60.00 99.80 tOtal. On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The Bridge committee on the Williams Street bridge makes a report to the Council after discussion it was moved the report be received & Filed and recommendations carried out.and an option taken on land north of Williams Street Bridge.. 'loved the City. Attorney draw up an ordinance for submitting to the people a Bond issue for$5000.00 for to rebuild the Williams Street Bridge.:' {� Ordinance NO.50I was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance NO.50I. Ordinance No.50I was read by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting Aye. Moved the ordinance of the Seattle Rainier Valley Railway Co.be referred to the City Attorney. estimated The ,Engineer reported that the cost of the 5th Avenue improvement under ordinance nO.502 in accordancer\with revised plans and specifications has ger order of the city council on date of October 5th I920 will be $960.30 and a bid of Norman Davis was received and it being less than I0% higher than the estimate Norman Davis receive the contract, The Street Superintendant Was authorized to look up all bad sidewalks in the City of Renton and condemn the Samn T.J.Richmond asked the council if It would not be better to stop the Street Car in front of the Comfort Station instead of the West side of Main Street after discussion the council said they would draw up an ordinance and make a- safety zone on'both sides of Third Avenue a distance of Seventy Five feet from Main Street. On motion the Council Adjourns. City Clerk. 252 ._ _.._._.. - Refit OR,-Wash.Oet-.19.1920, Regular meeting of the conndil called to, order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall .Present Council:men.SmithersgFaull,Walters .Leathley.Owens ,and Jenkind Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Walter White for water on lot I .block 25 farm plat was granted. Petition of property owners for sewer in North Renton was read and on the City Attorney was Ordered to draw up a resolution to comply with the petition. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills , R.M.Thorne. $43.75 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 3 4 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co. 58.46 Payroll Street Dept . 184.21 Payroll Water Dept. 129.73 Renton Realty Co. Io6.75 J..N.Beale & Co. 61 .50 To 'gest Disinfecting Co. 45052 Archway Bookstore. 7.20 Pattie Printery. 6.75 Pattie Printery. 25.00 $673.07total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The Water Superintendant reports some people are using water without paying for it,Moved this matter be referred to the Fire Light & Fater and Mayor to repobt at next meeting, The Street Super-intendant baports bad walkJon pally Avenue & Main Street in North Renton and South end of Williams Street and he has condemned the same . on.motion the report was accepted and recommendations carried out. Ordinance N0.505. was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reports favorbly on ordinnace nO.505. Ordinance K0.506 was read and referred to the ordinance committee, ordinnace N0.505.9n ordinance pertaining to the use of streets by motor vehicles and providing a penalty for the violating hereof was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting AYE. On motion the council adjourns . Wt a-, i y C erk. 2COBC 3 Renton Wash.Oct .26.I920. Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall.Present councilmen.Smithers,Faull.Walters,I3aathley & Jenkins. Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting wesro read and approved. Petition of Zeb Shearer & John Comb for sidewalk grades were granted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. H.F.Weeks & CO. $40.4I H.F.Weeks & Co. I .00 R.M.Thorne/ 51 .25 R.C.Emery. 3.75 Western Hotel. .5096.9ltotal On motion the report wasadopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The bill for Insurance for the City Hall Store Room etc was read and on motion the bill was ordered paid. The Fire Light & Water committee reported about back water rent and on gotion was referred tib the City Attorney. Ordinance No 507 was read and reffered to the ordinance committee . The City Attorney reports that the Francise of the Rainier Valley Railway Co.was in good shape for passage. The City Engineer notified the council that tha Renton Avenue improvement was ready to dall for bids on motion the Engineer was ordered to call for bids. Mr.Nichols asked the council they could fix some way for the gravel company to go under the Williams Street Bridge,after discussion was on motion referred to the Street and Alley committee and Engineer.t:o report at next meeting, On motion the council adjourns. Minutes of & special meeting of the City Council of the City of menton, held at the City Hall on the 3d day of November 1920. • Present: William Tonkin, Mayor. Councilmen, Owens , Leathley, Walters and Faulls. The City Engineer having: reported that Ptorman Davis had completed the work according to the plans , specifications and the contract for the imrpovement of Second Avenue Ilorth, Local Improvement District No. 95 , and recommending the pay- N' ment of seventy ( 70) per cent of the cost. Upon motion duly seconded, the City Clerk was in- ;. structed to issue warrants to all persons having bills filed and pay the remainder to T?orman Davis except the thirty (30 ) yr per cent which he is to hold until the expiration of thirty days from this date. The City Engineer having filed his report, certify- ing that Paul Neilan had finished the work on garden Avenue , Locel Improvement District No . 94 and that teventy (70 ) per cent be paid to him, it was duly moved and seconded that the Clerk issue to all persons having unpaid bills on file , warrants covering the same and to Paul Neilan the remainder of the said seventy ( 70) per cent and that t-he balance be held for thirty (30 ) days as is by law prow ed. The said motions having ft wcvv. each been put by the Mayor Punanimously carried. There being no further business the council adjourned. CITY CLARK p� 2(10BC _. , Renton- Washi...Novr9 :1:920. 255 Regular meeting of the Council. called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall.Present Councilmen. Smithers,Walters.Faull,Owens,Jenkins and James and Attorney. Minutes of the last regular meeting and Special meeting read and approved. Resignation of E.E.Belloir was read and accepted. Petition od Property owners on High Street In referrence to grade was referre ed to the City Engineer. The Water Superintendant asked the council to issue a warrant for Two dollars to cover the expense on meter parts on motion the request was granted. Petition of L.F.N-omes for wa .er was granted on _lotI6 Blk 6 farm plat. The Finance committee recommended payment of the Following bills. H.F.Weeks & Co. $3.00 E.F.Weeks & Co. 9227 R.M.Thorne. 22.50 E.E.Duff. 2.20 E.E.Duff. 62.9I A.Bishop. 29.00 R.M.Thorne . 50.00 Ed.Duff. 2.50 E.A.Shear. er. 3.56 R.Wood. 17.20' Payroll grater Depi,. I82014 Payroll. Street Dept . 63.88 McPherson Bros. I4.00 City of Seattle 38. I5 Industrial Insurance. 7.20 Renton Bullbtin. 26 .60 J. R.Storey• 4.02 $536 .I5 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. The City Attorney files a communication and Tarriff sheet in referrence to light rates received from the Public Service Commission was read and filed. a The City Engineer reports that the 5th Avenue improcvement has been completed and he recommemde that 70%of the bid be paidMoved by James Seconded by 'Halters that the amount be allowed. Communication of Seattle Rainier Valley Ry Co. referring to filling in gravel was read and referred to the Street Superintendant to investigate Comminication from Department of Agriculture was read and referred to the Health Officer. Ordinance No.506 was read the second time by sections,sections 1&2 was adopted section 3 be amended to read said election to be held on Dec .7th I920 and be voted on in each precinct section 4 adopted aection 5 amended to read said Bonds to run IO years interest payable semi annually January & July. .11 and I2 adopted as read. Ordinance NO.507 an ordinance regulating length of logs was read the second time and adopted asa whole. A verbal complaint made in referrence to Mr.Coffin by councilman Walters moved that matter be referred to City Health Officer. The Bid of Contractor Geo.Banderet in reference to Renton Avenue improvement was read the bid being $14,233.60 moved by Owens second by ,'alters that the bid be accepted and the contract awarded to Geo Banderet . Mr Fairchild spoke in reference to cross walk In North Renton,on motion same was refered to Street and Alley committee. 'he matter of stub piling in appaoach to high tention bridge on motion the matter was referred to the Street and alley committee. on motion the council adjourned. Renton Wash. Nov.I6.I920 City Clerk.7/� 47 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. There being no Luarim the meeting adjourned. T.J. Richmond. Deputy Clerk. 256 Rentor Washi , Nov.24.I920. Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rellcall. Present councilmen.Faull, Walters,Owena,Jenkins and -James.Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last two regular meeting were read and approved. Petition of Property owners on Rento Avenue was read and on motion Mr. Banderet was given three days to sign up contract or the contract would be canceled. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Payroll 'Tater Dept. $159.68 Payroll Street Dept. II9.80 Election Board 2nd ward I Precinct. 25.00 2nd ward 2nd Precinct. 27.60 " 3rd ','lard. 25000 Ist Ward. 25.00 Wm Kane. 5.50 Trick & Murray. 45.38 R?M.Thorne. 47.50- E.E.Duff. 5.00 Renton Hardware Co. I2.35 Lee Monohon. 243.00 Norman Davis, 20.00 Earlington Improvement Club. 25.50 R.M.Thorne/ 60.00 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 277.10 McPherson Bros. 2.50 Q"II25.9I total. On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Report of the Health Officer was read and .:'iled and the Attorney was instructed to look up ordinance on nuisances. Report of Police Judge was read and filed. Report of the City Engineer on Fifth Avenue and Second Avenue North was read and on motion filed and recommendations carried out. The City Engineer submits his final estimate on Railroad Avenue and reports that the work is done in a saMs ct#ry manner with one exception the brush is not disposed of,and Mr Davi$�ifnotifietd the council that he was not satis- fied,on motion Mr.Davis was ordered to put up a Bond 60 $200.00 to cover the disposel of brush and the mayor was ordered to get an Engineer to Check up this improvement.a.nd 70 of the estimate was ordered paid. The Engineer submits his report on Yesler Street and als6 the final est- imate and reports that the work was done in a satisfactory manner and recommends that 70% og the estimate be paid. Report of Engineer on statements for sidewalks put i.n by E.E. Duff moved these property owners be notified this is immediate. payment . Report of the Street Superintendant was read and filed. Report of the Clerk notifying the ^ouncil that there is not sufficient money in the General fund to carri .the City until the Taxes comes in. Report of City Attorney that Mr.D.H. Jones would pay three years back !dater rent on Faach place that were delinquent . The Assessment roll, of Second Avenue,Garden Avenue and Fifth Avenue were read and ordered published. Mr.Combs asked the council if the council would help the property owners to get an alley through Block 24,on motion was referred to Street and Alley Committee. { Mr.Dobson.County Commissioner asked the council if they would help the County to get permission of the Smithers Estate to run a drain pipe through there field to Black River on motion the matter was left to the Mayor and Attorney. On motion the Council Adjourns. "CC f Clv:bk. ,COBC Renton Wash. , Nov .30. I920. 157 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall. Present Councilmen.Faull,Walters ,Jenkin and Owens .Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of George Pritchard for water on lot 2 blk I2 farm plat wC?s granted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Payroll Street Dept. $55.38 Payroll Water Depb 114.77 - Steam supply & Rubber Co. 48.60 Miller & Haviland. 3.75 Renton Lumber Co. I8.29 Renton Bulletin. - 33.35__ 274.14 total . On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The bill of the city Engineer was read and after discussion was ordered paid, The bill of T. R.Gay for cement sidewalk put in by E. E. Duff was on motion the engineer was ordered to check up the work and the clerk ordered to draw warrants for the amounts.and the Attorney was instructed that he was in power to collect these bills. On motion the Clerk was ordered to allow the usual rate of interest. The Mayor Attorney and councilmen Faull as a committee reports that they went to Mr.Smithers for an easment through his property and he absolutely refused.moved the- report be accepted. The Street and Al-ley committee reports that if the people in block 24 town of Renton would put up a fence along Mr.Shearer' s place he would give them an outlet. Reports and final estimates of the Engir..eer on Yesle:r Street and Railroad Avenue were read and on motion be accepted & carried out. The Ordinance of the Seattle and Rainier Valley Railway Co. was read and referred to the ordinance cimmittee. The Attorney reports that Mr.Banderet had not got rid of the bonds for Renton Avenue so Mr.Bandereld was asked to cancel the contract which he exeepted and his. check was ordered returned. The Attorney reports that he looked up the ordinance on nuisances and he sail that it was the Health Officers duty to report on all cases of nuisances and he recommended that the ordinance be changed as to form on motion the At -orney was ordered to fix up the ordinance. On motion the council adjourns. C y Clerk. 258 Renton Wash. , Dec .I4 .I920. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall. Present councilmen. Faull, Walters .Owens and Jamen Attorney & Clerk. Minutes of 'the last meeting were read and approved. Petttion of R. J.Roberts for water on Trick 8. R.C.C .Co.track was granted. The Sidewalk in front of lot 7 blk I Renton Farm Alat was condemned by the Street Superintendant and O.K.d by the council and .the Clerk was ordered to notify the owner to put in a sidewalri at once. Verbal petition asking for permission of Mr.Sedlacek and D.M.Hogan to put in cement crossing in alley on motion the request was granted. . The Finance comm&ttee recommended payment of the following bills. Election Board 2nd ward Ist Precinct. 37.50 " Ist ward. 38.75 " it third ward. 37.50 " " 2nd Bard 2nd precinct. 40.00 E.A.Shearer. 6.70 R.M�Thorne. 55.00 Ed Duff. 7.50 Renton Bulletin. I0.20 Pacific Tel & tel Co. 6.00 City of Seattle. 43.95 Wm Kane. 2.00 R.J. Pettie. 20.50 Burrows Garage . 1 .69 R.M.Thorne. 45.00 352.29 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Report of the Clerk and Treadurer were read and filed. The Engineer reports that only 43 % of the property owners on High Street have signed the petition on motion the petition was filed. The Clerk asked "the council to look up the deed to the Park on motion the Attorney was ordered to look u? the deed and get a certified copy. Mr Duff notified the council that in order to cash the L. I .D.warrants it would him 2 % and he did not feel that he ought to stand that on motion the clerk was ordered to draw a warrant for the amount of the two Districts and pay him out of the Currant fund. The Clerk reports certified copies of the general Election on motion the report was ordered filed. Ordinance No.508 an ordinance directing the mayor and Clerk to issue Bonds for the will6ams Street Bridge was Pead and referred to the ordinance comm- ittee. The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance No.508. Ordinance No.508 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye. The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance No.509. Ordinance no.509 an ordinance granting the Seattle and Rainier Valley Ry Co . its successors and assigns a Franchise to construct,maintain and operate a-a commercial spur track in the City of Renton, was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye. The Waterway Commissioners asked the Council if they could have the Williams Street Bridge high enough so the drudge barn come under the bridge on mition it was referred to the Street and Alley Conunittee and the Engineer. The matter of the City owning a Cutoff on the Street was brought up and Robert Miller said he had no cutoff onthe Street on motion the Tater. Super- intendant was ordered to put a cutoff at this place. Mr Lamcik told the council that water id blocked in the alley by his place on motion the Water Superintendant twas ordered to look this up. on mtion the council adjourned. City, Clerk. �cC�BC Renton Wash.Dec .2/ 1920. �59 Regular meeting of the Coi..ncil called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Rollcall .Present Councilmen.Fau11 , T�alters,Owens and Jenkins Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting wero read and approved as corrected. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . R.M.Thorne. $40.00 Payroll Street Dept. 103.32 Payroll Fater Dept. 159.69 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. I38.55 H.F.Weeks & Co. I8.91 Priebe Bros . 8.65 Renton Hardware Co. I2.65 '-481 .77 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. r..� The people that took the plank from the Williams. Street by mistake reported that they did not want to do anything wrong and was willing to do what the council thought was right on ,motion the Street amd ,Alley committee was continued one more The report of the Engineer�on�lRailroad Avenue of Plat was read and filed and ordered published. The Clerk asked the Council who they wanted to cell the Road and Bridge Bonds on motion the Clerk was authorized to get rid of the Bonds the best way possible. Ordinances No"s %10- 511&512 were read and referred to ordinance committee. The Ordinance committee reports favorably ori ordinances No 's 5I0-511 &512. Ordinance NO.5IO was read the second time by sections Ed d ,adopted as ,a whole rollcall. Walters ,Faull,Owens and Jenkins. Ordinance NO.5II .was read the second time by sections do ted as a whole on rollcall, Walters, Faull,Owens and Jenkins. Ordinance NO.5I2 anordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of local improvement District NO.97 was read bt[e second time by section and adopted as a whole on rollcall . IAalters,Faull,Owens and Jenkins . ,: - L 3 The Clerk reported that no objections were made against fifth Avenue assessment roll . Communication from I G O'Harra was read ;and ordered filed. Communication from the Public Service Commission was read on motion the City Attorney was ordered to write and get proposed rates and if the rates �.. were raised to protest against the same. Mr Duff asked the council if they wanted to close the deal for the land on the North side of Cedar River on motion the City Attorney was ordered to close the deal. On motion the Council adjourned. ty Clerk. X60 Renton 7ash, Dec .28.I920. Regular meeting of the council. called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roilcall.Present councilmen.Walters, Faull,Jenkins ,Owens & James Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. VJm.Kane. $8.80 Williams & McKnightl 2.45 R.J. Pettie. ' I8.00 Renton Bulletin. 14.70 $43.95 On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. Report, of City Engineer on assessment roll and map of Yesler Street L. I.D. 83 was orderddfiled and published. The Street amd Alley committee reports that they seen the people thet took the- the lumber from the Williams Street Bridge and they- decided to pay at the rate of .$10.00 per thousand or $43.00 for the lumber they took. Mr.Pullahant notified the council that the fire Station at Mill street and Third Avenue in North Renton was in need of repair On motion the council ordered the station repaired. Bob Roberson asked the council if they had any objections of having a lunch wagon to stand on `the corner of third Avenue and Mahn Street to serve lunch,on motion the privelege was granted. The City Attorney reports that the deed to the park has been recorded on motion the report was ordered filed. in Cities The matter of the County *Iakkng over the bridgesnby the County was brought up and discussed Moved the council have our Representitive,and Attorney and Councilmen Faull as a committee act in conjunction with I .G.C'Harra and try and get this bill passed. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.' �r 2 'OBC JAN.4,192I . Meeting called to order by Mayor Tonkin. Roll 'Call.The following councilmen were present :Walters,Faull,Jenkins, and Owens.Attorney Davis and City Clerk Williams wre also present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved The finance committee recommended the paymentofthe following bills : 'Co,Renton hardware 1,-",4135 City of Seattle 44.95 Payroll St.department 98.38 Payroll water department I44.69 50 O.N.Cochran I . } F. C.Brendle 2.2255 R.M.Thorne 40.00 R.M.Thorne 50.00 C.A?Shaff 40.^0� Total 4426.I2 On motion the report was adoptisd and the foregoing belle allowed. Moved by Walters, and seconded by James that the council give a ris- ing vote of thanks-to Mayor Tonkin. Mayor Tonkin reciprocated by saying a few words .He wished to extend to the council and to the public at large thanks for the cooperation and fine spirit exhibited.While holding down the mayor's chair,he said,at all times he endeavored to do his -duY. Mayor-elect Thos.RaymondA was then sworn in by the retiring mayor. Councilmen-elect Walters,Owens,Campbell and Cochran were also sworn in by Mayor Tonkin.-City Clerk 111i11.iams and Treasurer T. J. Richmond were sworn in by city attorney,Lot Davis. appointments. Following his taking of the chair,Mayor Raymond made his app Peter Dullahant was appointed chief od police and water superintendent. This appointment was moved and confirmed by the new council body. David Mitchell was appointed night marshall.Appr&ved anf confirmed. Vincent Stewart was appointed extra night marshall.A.pproved and con- firmed. Elmer McDonald was appointed dance marshall.Approved and confirmed. Jacob Snyder was appointed police judge.Approved and confirmed. Joe Wood was appointed fire chief.Approved andc,onfirmedonfirmed. Dr.C.L.Dixon was appointed health officer.A.pp rovod and Moved and carried that the bond of the city attorney be accepted and filed.Moved that the report of the attorney concerning the report of the S.& R.V.R.R.Co. be accepted and filed. Bonds of the city treasurer were read.The attorney reported favorably on them.yoved and carried that the bond be approved. Moved and carried that the clerk be allowed until next week to get his bond. City engineer Thorne exhibited a pencil drawing of the proposed bridge over the Cedar River at Williams St.Moved and carried that the drawing be approved and accepted. A,loved and carried that councilman John Faull be elected mayor protem. Claim for damages by Agnes Stockdale were read and referred to the city attorney for further investigation. Moved that the city clerk be allowed such help as necessary to get out his work. Carried. Under unfinished business Thos.Raymond and the other members of the city council made a few remarks to the public and the large audience which over-crowded the auditorium Pter Dullahant notified the council that a great deal of the sidewalk in North Renton is in very bad tondition. Referred to they Street and Alley committee with power to act.Sothh Main St.which was reported to be in very bad condition was also referred to the Street and Alley committee. Mr.Davis addressed the council. City Treasurer Richmond notified the council that there was not suff- }.. icient funds in the treasury to have all. the NAj'K sidewalks paved. Moved and carried that the street & alley committee concerning the taking of planks from the Williams St.bridge be deferred over until next meeting night. ON MOTION THE COUNCIL ADJOURNED. 262 Renton Wash. , Jan.II .I92I. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by 114ayor Raymond. Rolleall . Present councilmen Walters ,Faull,Owens and Cochran Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Roy Hilliker for water and sewer connections were granted. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills. Paper Warehouse Co $24.02 Renton Realty Co. I4I.80 First Presbyterian Church. I0.00 August Bishop. 28.50 J. R. Storey. I.20 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. II .40 Trick & Murray. 3.43 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 3.20 Wilson & Marlowe. 5.001228.55 total On motion the report was adopted and the foregoing bills allowed. The Street and Alley Committee notified the Council that' the lumber taken from the Williams Street Bridge was paid for. c The- Street and Alley Committee reported that th�ould� not help pave Main Street at the present time but the County notified the council that they would fur- nish trucks and gravel to gravel Main Street moved the 'report be received and recommendations carried out . Moved the Street Superintendant put -im Main Street in shape for graveling. The City Attorney reportd that the deed and Abstract' are ready to close the deal for the land M,opv he ,Clerk be iri power to pay this off and get the deed. in�fc acI � vc The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. - The report of the Fire Chief was read and filed and recommendations taken under consideration. The 'dater Superintendant reported that he thought the City was loosing to much money on tapping the water on motion this was referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee. The application of H.A.Hawkins was read and Filed. The application of J.H.HRnley was read and filed. t.Gl� The application of R.M.Thorne was read and Filed. The Bond of the Renton State Bank was read and excepted.0�,Oe-ziz...� 4.oil c Moved the Bonds of W. J.Williams,David Mitchell, Peter Dullahant and Jacob Snyder, be, accepted. The Mayor appointed R.M.Thorne as City Engineer for a period of -Thirty Days woo ander conditions as set forth in his application, Moved the appointment be excepted. The Mayor also appointed the same Park Board on motion his -appiontment was confirmed. Councilmen Owens brought up the matter of punch boards and slot machines and he thought some action should be taked in this matter,the Mayor instructed the Chief of Police to look into this matter. Moved by coehran seconded by Walters that the City Attorney bring all Ordinances up to date as soon as possible carried. Moved the City Clerk be authorized to give the City -Attorney the ordinance Books so as to work on these ordinances carried. The Mayor notified the Audience that the council has taked steps against gambeling in the City of Renton. On motion the Council Adjourns. YZ,I zi,�Z_ city ler'". .)COBC C Renton 19ash. Jan. I8.I92I . 263 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Rollcall.Present Councilmen.Walters,Owens ,Cochran and Jenkins .Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Finance committee recommended payment of the following bills . Payroll Street Dept. $I93. 23 Payroll `dater Dept. 73.59 Geo Custer. 76.40 Pioneer Bindery & Printing Co. 7.61 H.F.Weeks & Co. 4.00 Miller- & Haviland. 2.00 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co. 3.20 R.Wood. I.25 R.M.Thorne . 25.00 ,r J.T. Snyder. 2.50 R.M.Thorne . 24.00 Renton Bulletin. 4.30 Harry Gilard. 6.00 $423.08 total On motion the report was adopted and foregoing bills allowed. The Fire Light and 'Fater committee recommended that the Clerk get all necessary supplies for the Fire Department with the exception of the Truck and that to be laid aside,Move the report be excepted and recommendations carried out. The Fire Light and Plater Committee brought up the matter of tapping the water main,Moved the Attorney have one week to look this matter up. The City Attorney notified the council that he was not ready to repobt on the damage claim and would like to have one more week and he also stated that the liquor ordinance was still in force,moved the report be accepted and recommendations carried out. The City Clerk notified the council that no protests have been made OR against L. I.D.Fund 's 80.and 83. Crdinance No.5I3 an ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roil of local improvement District No.80 for the improvement of Railroad Avenue by grading and graveling the same was read and referred to the ordinance committed. Ordinance No.5I4 an ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No.83 for the improvement of Yesler Street by grading ang graveling the same was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The Ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinances No 's 5I3 & 5I4. Ordinance NO.5I3 was read the second time by set*4cns and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting Walters,Owehs,Cochran and Jenkins . Ordinance No.5I4 was read the seond time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting Walters,Owens,Cochran and Jenkins. The Clerk notified the council that there should be a call for bids on City printing,on motion. the clerk was ordered tilcall for bids. The Cit;; Treasurer read the Bond of the Citizens Bank which expired May 22. I920. and also read a letter from R.W. Gilham which stated the bond was a contineous bond,on motion this matter was laid over one week. The Clerk asked the council to order a warrant drawn for the amount of Sixty cents to record deed for land purchased north of Cedar River. O.N.Cochran as Chairman of the Town Property Committed notified the council that if the City would furnish the material to fix the City Hall J.B. Ownes would fix the plastering and he would paper the hallWmoved the report be excepted and recommendations carried out . Moved the cCity Attorney draw up a Fire ordinance embracing the City T. J.Richmond brought up the matter of signs on the fire Hydrants so the people could see the signs . �.. The Mayor brought up the matter that Mr Nichols would like to get -some lumber from the high tention bridge after di-scussion the council thought it better to keep the lumber. The Mayor appoints Mrs T. J.Richmond and Mr.Wm Tonkin as Library Board Moved the appointment be confirmed. ` The City Attorney notified the council that there should be a special meetin at 7 O'Clock on the 20th January. On motion the council adjounrs until 7 P.M. January 20 1921 *- Renton Wash.Jen.20 I92I . Special meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. - The Clerk notified the Council that no protests C ty Clerk. were made against L. I .D.District No.Bo or 83. on motion the council adjourned. 264 Renton Wash. , Jan.25.I92I. � The regular meeting of the City Council ,of the City of Renton was called to order by the Mayor, Thos . Raymond. Roll-call .present-councilmen Walters ,Faull,Cochran and Jenkins .Attorney and Clerk. Thk minutes of the last regular meeting,a.nd the minutes of your special meeting held Jan.20. were read and approved. The report -of the Finance Committee was read and payment of the follow- ing bills recommended. Renton Lumber Co. II6.19 Jackson Bros . 5.00 Trick & Murray. 97.34 R.M.Thorne.- 32.00 16vI50.53 total It was thereupon moved moved and secoipded that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasurer,in payment of same carried. The City Clerk requests that a warrantbe drawn to pay a balance of ,75 cents due for the filing of a deed. It was moved and duly .carried that a warrant be drawn on the Cite Treasurer in payment of balance aforesaid. Fngineer Thorne submitted plans and specifications for the proposed Williams Street Bridge,accompanied by certain recommendations .Itas mavedand seconded that the recommendations be carried out and thee gineer be instructed to proceed with the work.Carried. City Attorney Davis thereupon submitted the contract for the Citizens Bank of Renton,and the State Bank of Renton, re city deposits City Treas- urer Richmond objected to same on the ground of insufficient protection The City Attorney declared that the treasurer has no right to approve said contracts whereupon the City Treasurer submitted that such City treasurer is empowered by statue. It was moved and seconded that the City Treasurer have one week in which to take steps most expedient in adjusting the matter . Carried. Motion was made and duly carried that the communication of the Secretary of the State of Washington,that all officials take the necessary steps for the proper protection in relation to their official duties, be aacepted. A Communication of the European Relief Committee,was read Moved and duly carried that the matter be left to members of the City Council,to act according to their discretion as individual citizens but not as members ' of the city Council. The Town Property Committee reported that the condition of the Fire Hall is such as to render it unsafe for large gatherings to congregate there owing to the decayed condition of the foundation,a.nd recommended that the sane be repaired at once and the building put into proper and safe eondition.,`otion made and duly carried that the report be accepted and the necessary steps taken to carry out said recommendations . The question of the purchase,by the City,of the strip of land,owned by Joe Iiood and lying between the line 6f Commercial Waterway District No. 2 .and the property- purchased by the city from Allen and .Nelson Mill Co. was introduced Mr Joe Wood offered to sell this strip of land to the City for the sum of $I00.00 It was moved and seconded that the offer be accepted and that the city purchase the strip of land aforesaid,and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary instruments for the transfer of title of said property. Carried. The Renton Bulletin submitted its bid for the City Printing for the ei):~ ->. ensueing year on the following terms .to-wit. 35 cents per inch for the first insertion and 25 cents per inch for sub- sequent insertion.this being the only bid submitted,it was moved and se- conded that same be accepted and that the contract for the City Printing be awarded to the Renton Bulletin. Carried. Councilmen Cochran introduced a resolution embracing four different, proposals for the purchase of a site for a new city Hall and for the erection thereon} of a building to be used as a City Hall . It was proposed that Dodgers,setting forth said proposals,be printed and disttibuted to afford ample opportunity for citizens to nonsider the question involved. It war and seconded that the resolution be adopted and 2000. copies of p1roposals ,therein set forth be ordered .printed. Mr.L.Monohon brought up the question of providind for an increase of the water supply of the City.after discussion,it was moved and seconded that the Mayor and City Council view the proposed additional source,i .e Sartbri Spring. Carried. . Mr.Coombs asked that the Mayor and City Council consider the matter of over-time labor in work on the dike,with a view of seeking a distribut- ion of same to those unemployed.The Mayor & City Council expressed # willingness to do what they could in the matter but no official action was taken.. It was moved and seconded that the City Attorney and the City Clerk be Instructed to take necessary steps in the matter of Collecting unpaid assessments due since I9I2 and I9I3. Carried. The City Attorney requested that the Mayor,Clerk?Treasurer and members of the City Council,meet at 7 ' O'clock P.M.Friday Jan.28.to discuss the question of a claim preferred against the City.It was moved and duly carried that a Special %'eeting,in accord with said request .be called. 49eoBC 265 Continued from page N0.264. Superintendant Dyllahant recommended that certain work be done on tie Spring Brook rei*PV'Ar at an approximate cost of $ I50.00 motion made and duly carried, that the work be done as recommended. Motion was to adjourn was made and seconded. Carried. . Renton Wash. ,Feb.I .I92I The regular, meeting of the City Council of the City 6f Renton .was held at- the City Hall at 7;30 O'clock,P.M. Roll-call Those present :Mayor,City Clerk,City Attorney,Treasurer and Council- men Faull.Jenkins Cochran and Walters. The m6nutes of the previous meeting were read and approved no minutes were written for the Special meeting which had been scheduled for Jan.28 as no formal meeting was held on that date. The report of the Finance committee was read and it- was recommended that the following bills be paid. City of Seattle. $39.60 Pettie Printery. f9.50 R. J. Pettie. 9.00 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. I38.55 Payroll Street Dept, I77.38 Payroll 'Mater Dept. 95.40 Miller & haviland. 38.5I Lowman & Hanford. 6.75 Puget Sound Electric Co. I.45 R.M.Thorne. 40.00 Agnes Edwards. 2.009568.I4 Total Motion was thereupon made and duly carried that warrants be drawn upor. the City Treasurer, in payment of said amount. The question of Sartori Springs in relation to water supply was discussed informally.It was stated that it lookedas though there would be plenty of water there and- that the city would condemn the property if necessary,but no formal action was taken. The repobt of the Police Judge was read and filed. The City Engineer reported the receiptfrom C.V.Savage of a communication, relating to the Lake Washington Shore-lands,and also a map of the Shore-lands, showing the reservations as made by the Land Commissioner-On recommendation of the City Engineer,the motionwas made and duly carried that said communi- cation and map be filed in the office of the City Ehgineer. 0rdinancesNo.5I5,%i6 and $17 was readit was moved and seconded that the ordinances be referred to the ordinance committee. The contract of the Renton Bulletin for the City printing,was read same we.s approved and duly accepted. The contract of the Citizens Bank of Renton with the City of Renton,was modified,and approved by the city treasurer as so modified. The City Clerk requested the transfer of $2000.00 from the water fund to the Currant Expense Fund,The City Treasurer stated that the Mater Fund should receive. interest (2 ')on same .Motion made and duly carried that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars by transferred as requested,the loan to bear 20 interest. The City Engineer submitted quotations on beams to be furnished for the new- bridge.It 4as moved and seconded that offer, of the Car Works to furnish the beams ;4� be accepted.carried. The question of the logging trucks and the damage incident to the hauling of i;nmense logs over the city Streets was discussed.The motion was made and seconded that the city Attorney instruct the marshall as to the rights of the city and the proper enforcemant of same and that thosehauling logs through the city be compelled to chain the logs securly on the trucks . Carried. - . The 'Vayor brough up the matter of certain Local Improvement Bonds and requested the Attorney to prepere his written opinion for the same. Motion to adjourn made and duly carried. ^ r Citr Clerk. r�-' c0-6 Feb.8.I92I . The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Renton met at the City Hall at 7;300'clock,P.M. Roil-call ;those present were the Mayor,City Attorney,Clerk,Treasurer,and Q. Councilmen Faull,Walters ,Campbell,Cochran and Jenkins . The m6nutes of the last gieeting were read and duly approved. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. McPherson Bros. $8. I0 Denny Renton C.& C.Co. 8.75 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 3.30 J. R.Storey. 2.00 177m.K.Price. 25.00 Wm.K.Price. 25.00 Renton Hardware Co. I7.22 R.M.Thorne . 39.00 Lowman &. Hanford Co. 5.00 Williams & McKn&ght. I.25 Trick & Murray. 4.43 R.Wood. 6.00 H.F.Keeks & Co. 38.23tI83.28 total. It was moved and Seconded that warrants be drawn upon the City treasurer for -the following amounts. The reports of the Clerk and treasurer were read and it was duly ordered same be filed. The City Treasurer read a communication from the County Treasurer relating to delinquent taxes on certain lots in Renton.Moved and seconded the matter be laid over for one week. In the matter of permission sought to put up a sign on the Mill Street Bridge it was moved and duly carried that permission be given to erect the sign,the sign however to be subjevt to approval of the City Council. Ordinance No 5I8,to issue bonds against LocalImprovement District No 94, was. read and referred, to the ordinance committee. Ordinance No.5I9,to issue bonds against Local Improvement. District No.95,was read and referred. to the ordinance committee. Ordinnace committee No.520,to issue bonds against Local Improvement District, 97,was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinances 5I5.5I6 and 5I7. carried. Ordinance No.5I5 was there upon read for the second time by sections and duly adopted as, a whole Councilmen Faull, Walters,Campbell,Cochran and Jenkins voting aye the motion carried. Ordinance No.5I6,confirming assessment and assessment roll of Local Improveme District .No.83.was read by sections and same duly adopted motion was then made and seconded that ordinance no.516 be adopted as a whole carried ,council- men FaullryJenkins,Walters,Campbell and Cochran all voting aye. ; Ordinaace No.5I7,authorizir_g Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract for the printing with the Renton Bulletin was read by Rections,and same duly adopted .moti.on was then made and duly carried,that the ordinance as a whole be adopted, all councilmen present voting .aye, ; The ordinance committbe reported favorably on ordinances No 's5I8,5I9 and 520. Ordinance NO.5I8, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to issue Bonds for Local improvement District NO.94,was read by sections and duly adopted,all councilmen voting aye. ; ordinance NO.5I9. authorizing the Mayor and Clerk t& issue bonds for Local improvement District NO.95 was read by sections and by sections adopted.,motion. was made and seconded that ordinance nO.5I9 be adopted asa whole all councilmen present voting aye. ; Ordinance no.520 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to issue Bonds for Local improvement Didtrict no 97,was. read by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye .Faull, 'Valters,Campbell,Cochran and Jenkins. Bids for the contract to build the Williams Street Bridge were opened.It was , moved and seconded that the contract be awarded Norman Davi !the lowest bidder. Motion was thereupon madeand seconded that the certified chece returned to the unsuccessful bidder. ; Carried. 94 X1 t** Resolution NO 570,relating to the proposed improvement of Mill Street North. by paving 5 feet on each side of the proposed paving of said Street,was introduced read and on motion made and duly carried. Resolution NO.57I,for the proposed improvement of North Renton by constructisa of a trunk sewer w s r1troduced,read and on motion made and duly carried was adopted. The question of sewer for the Rentor. Library was discussed it was moved and seconded that the necessary steps be taken for the construction of a temporary septic tank carried. Ordinance no 52I ,authorizirg the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with Norman David for the construction df the Williams Street Bodge was read moved and seconded th at said ordinance be referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee renortP-d fev0rRb7 y or nrdin�_nee. Ordinance nO.521 was read a second time and on motion made and dule carried. said ordinance was adopted as a whole,Cou.ncilmen Faull ,Walters,Campbell ,Cochran -.nd Jenkins al voting ay. ; The City Treasurer reported that he had obtained collateral security from the citizens Bank to cover deposits over the amount covered by Bond. 9E'o Feb.8 I921 continued. e Mayor declared the seat od Councilmen Smithers vacant,It was moved 267 and seconded that a vacancy exists,as declared.Canried. ; Notion made and seconded that the Council. Adjourn.Carried. ; Renton 1,Vash. ,Feb. I5.I92I . City�Clerk, �� w ~ The regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call; those present were 7ayor,City Attorney,Treasurer,Clerk,and Councilmen Faull,IValters,Owens,Cochran and Jenkins. The minutes of- the last meeting were read and approved so- as to read that the contract for the Williams Street Bridge be awarded to Norman Davis , Lee Monohon and J.T.Snyder.Carried. The report of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. A.Bishop. $ 0.00 ,o„ J.R. Storey. 5.00 J.T. Snyder. 3.00 R. J.Pettie. 19. 75 -Haleway & Curry. .95 -Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 138.55 R.M.Thorr_e . 29.00 Renton Lumber Co. 4.571230.82 total. It was moved and seconded thap warrants be drawn upon the Cit;, TreasurlDr for the following amounts. The City Attorney reported that the Supreme Court passed on the protection of public� ide of Cities and said he had an ordinance for this purpose. el - Ordinance No.522 was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordonance committee reported favorbly on ordinance N0.522. Ordinance No.522 an ordinance providing for the use,Protection and preser- vation of the Public Streets,Roads and Highways within the City of Renton, Washington and prescribing Penalties for the violation thereof,was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting Aye, Faull.Walters,Owens,Cochran and Jenkins. Mr.Frank Davis asked the council to have the Street form Second Avenue to the Grange 77arehouse repaired in motion the council ordered the holes filled up with gravel. W. J.TFilliams brought up the matter of putting a few loads od gravel on j Logan Avenue and Tobin Street in order to fill up the holes . - Joe Kollins also asked the Council to put some gravel on Cedar Street the a. Council ordered the Street Superintendant to go aheah and fix up the holes in these Streets. Motion to adjourn was made and seconde,Carried. ty Clerk. 26S Renton Tash.Mar,i.I92I . Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond . Rollcall ; Those present were t'_-.e rtayor,Clerk.Attorney,Treasurer and coincil- men Faull, Walters ,Owens and Cochran. Petition Of 1m Monaghan to move a garage to the "'est side of Seventh Avenue movedand seconded the petition be granted under. supervision of the Street Superintendant .Carried. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be. paid. City of Seattle. $47.40 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 63.92 J. S.Hardie. I9.83 Payroll '".Tater Dept . 11 1.01 Payroll Street Dept . I40. I4 R.!.!.Thorne. 82.00 $464.30 total It was moved and Seconded that warrants be drawn upon the City- Treasurer for the following amounts. The Bill 6f Taxes for the land North of Cedar river or Williams Street Bv- Bridge was read on motion the Clerk. was ordered to pay the bill if it bel- ongs to the City. carried. Report of the Police Judge was read and filed. Communication of the County Assessor to R.M.Thorne to get description of propet,lry in North Renton the Assessor notified the Engineer if he would send an assistant he would turn over the books the Mayor appointed Sam Boxill to got these r3tc-1 and the appointment was confirmed by the council. The Engineer reports that he received a ".?ap and Profile from the County 9- Engineers Office moved the report be received and recommendations carried - out. J.T. Snyder Police Judge handed in his resignation after discussion the Attorney was instructed to look up the Law on this matter.Carried Yroved the report on raving Mill Street North be laid over one week Moved report on Sewers in North Renton Be laid over Two 1,Veeks. ` ` Communication from the Vice Sonsulate of the Netherlands was read and the Clerk was ordered to communicate with with this consul. Ordinance Yo.523 was read and referred to the ordinance committee . The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance No.523. Ordinance Y0.523.Authorizing the purchase by the City of Renton of the land after described for City purposes and author:tzing the Mayor and Clerk to issue warrant in the sum of One Hundred dollars ( I00.00) was read the second time by section s and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye .Faull , Talters,Owens and Cochran., Moved the Cite pay the taxes on this land for the year of I92o Carried. The Clerk read the votes on the City Hall that were east, the total amount was 87 votes after discussion it was ordered tabled. The Mayor appointed Andrew Sedlacek for Councilmen to take the place of F.G. Smithers Moved and seconded the appointment be confirmed,Carried. Mr Joe Tood put up a proposition to give the City of Renton a Street - straight accross cedar river if the City would vacate the present Street, after discussion it was referred to the Street and Alley Committee . Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. C tv C1erY.. 2080 -Renton Wash. Mar.8. i92i . 269 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Wayor Raymond. Roll -call ;Those present were the Mayor.Clerk,Attorney, Treasurer and Councilmen Faull , ','alters ,Cochran,Jenkins and Sedlacek. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition of Emil Hendrixon to connect to sewer on lot i2 blk 33 was granted. Petition of ';acyl Salswich for sewer and water connection on lot 6 blk i9 was granted. Petition of Wasyl -Salawich for permission to use Williams Street between 4th and 5th Avenue to move a house.,on motion the request was granted under supervision -of the Street Superintendant . Petition of James O 'Brien for a couple of yards of gravel inthe alley at lot i5 blk 33 Smithers first Addition was on motion refereed to the Street and Alley Committee. Andrew Sedlacek being present the Mayor laid buisness aside and he was sworn in as councilmen off the Third Ward. The report of the Finance committee. was read abd it was recommended the following bills be paid. Vincent Stewart . $I6 .00 Haleway & Curry. 4.00 Renton Motor Co. II .30 Wm Kane. 4.25 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 3.70 Renton Hardware co. 20.00 Renton hardware Co. 7.45 C.F Daniels . 3.00 R.M.Thorne . 5I .00 , J.T. Snyder. 3.I5 S.H.Boxill. 29.50 $153.35 total It was moved and Seconded that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasurer for the following amounts. The City Treasurer read a letter from the Attorney General with his advise stating that no City Officer can contract with any City and referred him to the City Attorney . The City Clerk asked the council to issue a warrant for the amount of $I .25 . for a license for the city Auto,moved a warrant be drawn for the amount. The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Report of the City Engineer and data on Mill Street Notth Paving:a=s read and on motion was adopted and filed. Petition of property owners between 5th & 6th Street on mill Street, North not to have in front of th&ir property was read and ordered placed on file. Ordinance NO.524 an ordinance providing for the improvement of Mill Street North was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The Street And Alley Committee notified the council that they looked at the property on well Street that Joe Wood wanted to exchange for property on main Streetand wanted the council as a whole to look into this matter, Moved this be laid over one week and the council asa whole inlr6stigate this property.Carried. John Larkin brought up the matter that there is an offset on Second Avenue between the East side of Burnett and the 'Test side of Burnett Street and he would be willing to take the advice from the city Engineer moved the Engineer look up this matter and report next meeting. Councilmen Cochran notified the council that Councilmen 'Halters and himself was out to see the dam at the head works of the City' s water system and he would like to see the City get more water and statt to get iron pipe to replace the wood pipe,Moved the Clerk call fob bids on iron pipe Carried. J,V - Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. )a..• / 6 ty Clerk. a- 2'70 Renton ' as o A�arch. IS+.^I92I. . ,• - , ., Regular meeting of the Council called to order- by-Mayor Raymond . Poll-call -Those present were the Vayor,Clerk,Attorney ,Treasurer,and councilmen '7a1ters•,Faull ,1_ed1acek,0wens and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition -of property owners on Logan `'treet and Second Avenue for a grade for Cement Sidewalk was granted. The report of the Finance committee was read and it, was recommended that the following bills be paid. Renton Bulletin. $6I .20 Payroll later Dept . I34.I0 Payroll Street Dept . 91 .69 A .L.'Uells . 3.75 $2.90.74 Total. It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the treasurer for the following amounts . Councilmen "'alters brought up the matter of the Street between Second Ave- nue and cedar River ar.d said D. H. Jones would give a deed to the property if the council would turn over the property on Main Street. between Second . Avenue and Cedar River,Moved By Faull Second by Cochran the trade be made and the City Engineer draw the 1114nes. The Street and Alley committee reports that the City has not been fixing up Alleys and thought there were enough Streets to fix Moved the ,report. be received and .recommendati_ons carried out . The matter of the North Renton Sewers was brought up and the Engineer was not ready to report and it was moved and seconded. the Engineer have two more weeks to report . Ordinance NO.524 an ordinance providing for the improvement of Mill Street North between the South Marginal line of Sixth Avenue North and the North west Marginal line of First Avenue North was read the second by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye Walters , Faull,Sedlacek, Owens and Cochran. The Clerk notified the council that he had a price on wood�_ n pipe for Tilliams Street after discussion it was moved the report be received and filed and to be taken up next meeting night . Councilmen T alters brought up the matter of a bill for putting in a glass in the door of the Comfort Station moved and seconded the bill be allowed. The Mayor brought up the matter of sidewalks put in by E. E.Duff in front od R.Tood's property on Mill Street ,after discussion it was moved and ee seconded the pvvperty owners be notified that the sidewalk did not conki - form with the ordinance. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of buying or renting a concrete mixing machine to put in cement sidewalks after discussion it was moved and seconded the clerk Get prices on machines . The City Attorney made a verbal report construing Sec-767I-32 Rem.Code to the effect that he adhered to his former opinion on the question of a subordinate officers right to contrabt with the City,but that the question hak. notbeen decided by the Supreme Court, and suggested that in order to avoid useless litigation over the matter that it might be adviseabie to accept the resignation of of J.T. Snyder as Police Court Judge. Adrian Butler brought in a protest for his mother for water used because they were keeping a couple of boarders and said she was not willing to pay Two dollars for water rent moved the Attorney look up this ordinance and give his opinion and the clerk was to receive one d611ar until this t time. Mution to adjourn was rade and duly carried. ty Clerk. 2080 �er�ton . ?as3�. ,I ap:2 :I9aI . ..__. ,_. .�.,.. !,271 + .. • + ... • w, ........, ......�,.-. .....vw .s..1-.. .. ._n..w r`+r/ F.+YRYA ... . w..• ..lY—. lwe.<.. Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll.-Call ;Those Present were t_:eT!jayor,Clerk,Attorrey,Treasurer 'g-rd Councilmen !salters,Faull ,Campbell , Owens,Cochran and Jenkins . Minutes of the lest- meeting were read and approved. Petition of Ben Lindgren to put iron post in sidewalk next to the curb in front of his store for the support of an Electric sign was on motion referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The report of the finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid . O.K.Garage . $14.84 Renton Tire Shop . .85 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. I38.55 R.M.Thorne . 49.00 Roy Hilliker. 1 .90 R.M.Th_orne . 5I.00 A."V.Ise 11 s. 5.00 _ 126I . I4total. It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the following amounts . The Clerk notified the council that he seen R.Wood about the sidewalk in front of his property and he said he would do nothing with it ,after dis- cussion it was moved and seconded that the Clerk notify R. Wood that he must comply with the City Ordinance .Carried. The City Attorney reported that any one keeping boarders was considered as a boarding heuae and must pay ` 2 .00 per month for water rent moved the report be received and carried out . The Clerk opened the bids on iron pipe by carload load lots and it moved and seconded that it be referred to the Town Property Committee for one week.Carried . Joe 'A'ood Trustt- respectully petitions this honerbal for the vacation of that portion. of Main Street lying north of Cedar River and south of River Avenu.e ,was on motion ordered filed. Resolution NO.272,fixing time for hearing; for vacating that "portion of Main Street the hearing to April I9th I921 was read and adopted. The !Clerk read Quotations on wooden water pipe for 1m! 'Williams Street it �#as moved and seconded that the clerk order the needed pipe and it was moved and seconded that the pipe be laid on top of the walk on the ''illiams Street Bridge.carrted. The Clerk read Quotations on Concrete Mixing Machines it was moved and seconded that the communication be filed and referred _to the Town Prmperty committee. It was moved and seconded that we enaugerate a permit system for putting in cement sidewalks.carried. The 'Fater Superintendant notified the council that the City should be reimbursed by the Seattle Rainier Valley Ry Co. for the damage done to the water pipe on Third Avenue and Main Street,moved the City Attorney draft a letter to this company.carried. Mr.A.N.Fairchild brought ut the -natter of the Seven Day Adventus wanting a camping ground and he said he showed them different places in the city and said they would like to clime to our city it was moved and seconded we invite them to our city and we would furnish them with such water as we can spare , carried. Councilmen Campbell notified the council that he has moved out of First ward and was not a property owner at the present time and asked the council to except his resignation it was moved and seconded that if this is all the reason fob 11,7r Campbell turning in his resignation they would not except it . carried. Motion to., adjourn, was made and duly carried. it C1 r . 272 . . _ ,., Renton- Washy jMar.29.I9P,1, .._.,. - Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond . , Roll-call .Those present were the Pv2ayor,Clerki;Attorney,Treasurer and Councilmen Sedla.eek,`aialters,Faull ,Ownes ,Cochran and Campbell . The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of G. "'.Beanblowson to put gasoline tank on third avenue 35 feet from the corner of 3 avenue and Wells Street was granted. � The report of the finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Pacific Car P- Foundry Co . $349.00 American Express- Co . .38 Lowman & Hanford. Co . 6 .52 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. 29.00 A.H.Adams . I0.00 Continental Pipe- Mfg.Co . 2IB.i5. J. R. Storey. I .00 woo Leah Woods . 3 .00 F.C.Polk. I53.64 R.% .Thorne . 56.00 Roy Hilliker. .65 $827.34 total It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasurer for the following amounts . The Town Property Committee notified the council that they were not ready to report on the bids of Iron Pipe or the bids on. Concrete mixing machines and asked for an extention of timeand it was granted. The City Engineer notified the council the the Tilliams Street Bridge was nearly completed and he recommended that Norman Davis be allowed $2000.00 at this time , it was moved and seconded that the report be received and recommendations carried out. The data and estimate of the City Engineer on the North Renton Sewers read and after discussion it was moved and seconded that the hearing be posponed for two weeks carried. The Clerk asked the council to order a warrant drawn for the amount of $3I50.00 to take up water bonds it was moved. and second wishes be granted. A communication from E. E.Duff was read and it was recommended that the re- quest be granted. Petition of E.E.Duff for sidewalk grade in front of F.G?Smithers property on fourth avenue was granted. Bid of E.E.Duff on concrete mixing machines was read and referred to the Town Property committee. It was moved and seconded that the Street Superintendant be instructed to make property owners put in cement sidewalks according to the City ordin- ance. Moved and seconded the Clerk notify all property owners in the paved District to put there cement sidewalks in. inside of Twenty days or the City will put it in and charge it to the -property carried. The Clerk asked the council - to have some of the old books and papers of the C6ty ' s destroyed it was moved and seconded the clerk be in power to destroy such papers under the direction of the City Attorney. The Town Property Committee reports favorably on Ben Lindgren putting an Electric sign in front of his store it was moved and seconded the permiss- ion be granted under direction of the Street Superintendant . Joe Wood brought up the matter of the exchange of the property on Main Street for the property on Wells Street and asked the council to drop all matters pertaining to this exchange it was moved and seconded the request be granted. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Ci Cle k. i Coss ` 3 Renton 'Aash .Apri1 .5. I92I. Regul °r me,-ting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll -call Those present were the Mayor.Clerk,Attorney," reasurer and council. men Sedlacek,'A'alters ,Eaull,Campbell ,Owens Cochran and Jenkins . The miniltes of the last meeting were read and approved. The resignation of City Engineer Thorne was read and it Moved and seconded they resignation be accepted to take affect the I2 of April i922,Carried. The report of the Finance was read and it was recommended the following bill s be paid. Rensselaer Valve Co. $7.20 " E.A.Shearer. 2.34 Pay-roll Street Dept . 52.9I Pay-roll Water Dept. 255.06 City of Seattle . 45 .30 R.M.Thorme . 50.00 Renton Bulletin. II .75424.56 ,total It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn for the following amounts. The Clerk notified th e. Council that he had a tax statement against the City for the amount of $7.33 it was moved and seconded the clerk draw a warrant for the amount carried. The City engineer notified the council that the Williams Street Bridge was completed and Norman Davis was entitled to the rest of his money it was :roved and seconded that the clerk draw a warrant tothe amount of 7Oo of the contract .carried . The City Engineer repotted that curbs on 2nd avenue west of Burnett street had been plated to confirm with the curb on 2nd Ave. East of Burnett street and that property holders in block. could move their lines south to conform with curbs but this would necesttate at least two houses being movedand he did not believe the City had anyjurisdiction in the mater of changing lines within the block therefore recommended that the south margin of the side walk on the south side of Second Avenue and west of Bunnett Street be placed IO feet south of the outer edge of the curb. Moved and Seconded the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . • The Engineer reported that the North margin of Fourth Averse as laid out in the original plat of the Town of Renton is not parrallel to the curb and recommended that the north margin of side walk on that side of th Street be placed parallel to the curb and a distance from the curb equal to the distance of the North Margin of Fourth Avenue as ori inally plated from the outer face of curb at Burnett Street .Moved and seconded the rep-)rt be accepted and recommendations carried out . The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed.carried. Ordinance NO.525 and 526 was read and referred to the 'ordinane'e committee. The- Town Property committee reported that they will recommend the the City buy a car load of Electric Cast Iron water pipe and the clerk order it at once moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out . Mr.Fa_irchild one of the Park Board reported to the c6ty council that he had a drawing for a comfoft station and building for the park and would like to have the cotncilto help them to help get this building under construction moved and seconded the council meet the park board at 7 P.M O 'clock monday evening April II .I92I carried. Councilmen Owens brought up the matter of the pavement on third Avenue and Los ran- and councilmen_ Eaull notified the council that the County was going to fix the pavement at once. Lee Monohon brought up the matter of the timber from the Williams Street bridge he thought the old timber belonged to the contractor after discusslar it was moved and seconded Mr Monohon be granted his request .carried. Resolution N0. 273 a resolution to order the improvement of Mill Street between the south marginal line of third avenue and the Ng th mv4inal line of Sixth Avenve South was read and adopted .carried. y . Thos Harries one of the School Board asked the council to help the School Board to take the Renton High School into the City Limits after discussion ; it was laid on the table . Moved and seconded the Street Superintendant put a load of gravel on the Street by James O 'Briens property carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. V-1 'i Clerk. 1 274 Renton Wash. Apri 1 .I 2. 1921 . Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Rqymond . _ Roll-call .Those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney, Treasurer,and Councilmen .Sedlacek,'Nalters ,Faull , Owens .Campbell,Cochran and Jenkins . Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition of R.B.Bushnell for water connectkdn was granted. Petition of property owners of North Renton to open an Alley between block 3 in Renton Farm Plat and Block 5 and 6 in Sartoriville the marginal line of the alley to be 5 feet on either side of the present division line was granted. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. John Toman. $I6 .00 John Toman , 20.00 McPherson Bros. 2.50 McPherson Bros. I .05 Williams &: McKriight. 2. 21 Continental "ipe Mfg Co. 6I .50 Renton Drug Co. .25 Lowman & Hanford Co. 5920 RJ%Thorne . 62.00 A. Jumper. 5.00 J.T. Snyder. 2.50 R.Bunstine. .65 Renton Motor Co. 7.76 I86 .62tOta1 It was moved and seconded that be drawn upon the City Treasurer for the fcllowing amounts . Report of the City Engineer for the construction of the North Renton Sewer and new estimate was read and excepted and laid on the table. Resignation of Guy McPherson as Park Board Commissioner was read and excepted. Communication of the Library Board was read asking to raise the salary of the Library jatitor after discussion it was moved and seconded be referred to the Plays and Means Committee . Report od the 'ark Board recommending that a Shelter House be put in the Park and that plans and specifications would be in the council next meeting night after discussion it was recommended that report be concurred in but not to exceed Two Thousand dollars (2000.00) carried. Communication of peter `;zymonski was read after discussion it was moved that we create a Local Improvement Districts of these Properties Moved the council procede to put in sidewalks necessary under Local Improvement Districts.Carried. Ordinance NO.527and 528 was read and referred to ordinance .committee. The ordinance comnittee reports favorably on ordinance nO.525. Ordinance no 525 an ordinance providing that all persons desiring to build or remodel,add to, change or move any building,within the City of Renton Washington, and all persons desiring to construct sidewalks, to procure a permit from the City Clerk therefor providing for the payment of a fee therefor, was read ;#hesecond time by sections and adopted as a whole all E councilmen voting aye Sedlacek, "'alters,Paull?Owens ,Campbell,Cochran and The office of ' th e City Engineer being' vacant ' the Mayor appoints S.L. Hanley as City Engineer andd the appointment was confirmed by the Council . The Clerk asked the council for a cabinet for the Cterks office after discussion it was refeered to the Finance coinmittee. John 141onaghan brought up the matter of Cattle running at large and wished the council would take some action in this matter the :payor notified the Street Superintendant to notify all people that has cows that they would have to comply with the ordinance. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ' 01 Pty 'Clerk. Renton Wash. April 26 .I92M. This is to correct the minutes of the meeting of April I2th I92M the minutes are to read as follows; The Improvement of Mill Street between the South Marginal line of Third Avenue and the North Marginal line of Sixth South, and Fourth Avynue between the East Marginal line of Mill Street and the 'jest marginal line of Cedar Street by Grading,Graveling,Guttering the same and construction cemen# sidewalks on either side thereof was read and adopted. carried. (City Clerk. j2eaBcr� Renton Wash. April .26 .i92I . 2 Regular meeting of the council called to order by "payor Raymomd. Roll-callthese present were the Mayor,Clerk.Treasurer.Attorney and council- men Sedlacek,',ilalters,Faull,Owens,Cochran and Jenkins. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of property owners along Logan Street in Block I asked for Side- walk grades it was moved and seconded that grades be established. Petition of Albert •rvlee to have light ploe moved from in front of his property was read and referred to the Fire Light & Water committee. -The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Bishop & Jenkins. $29.00 Payroll INater Dept. 142.50 Payroll Street Dept. 2I2.62 Wm Dane. 4.90 rarlington Improvement Club. I5.30 John Pritchard. 5.00 Perry Richardson. I2.50 S.L. Hanley. 22.00 Renton Realty Co. 30.00 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 277.I0 Puget Sound Traction Light &. Power Co 30.I2 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 4.65 S.L. Hanley. 47.00 2total. 22 83 $855 5 Renton Lumber Co. � .; It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the treasurer for the following amounts. The Clerk read a bill from Bradford and Egan Attorneys in the Abbott case the bill being 1I07.00 for service s moved the Clerk draw a warrant for the amount .carried. - The clerk notified the council that he received $534.00 from the State of "Ftashington from the highway fund Moved and seconded the clerk send it to the county to take careofthe highways through Renton Carried. The ',Mays and Means committee reported that they are willing to grant the increase for the janiton of the Library it was moved and seconded that the request of the Library Board be granted.carried. Report and data of the City Engineer of Mill Street was read and it was moved and seconded that the hearing on this improvement be laid over one ,..., more week. The resignation of E. E.Duff as a Library Trustee was read and Excepted. Resignation of H.B.Campbell as councilmen of the fire t Ward was ru_, ti_.a•� Resolution No. 274 orderingthe improvement of the siaewalk on the north side of 3rd Avenue along and in front of lits ten and Eleven and on the west side of -mill Street along and in front of 1&ts eleven,Twelve,Thirteen,and Fourteen Block IO of the original Town, now City of Renton. was read and adopted. Resolution Yo275 .ordering the improvement of the sidewalk along block eleven of the City of Renton as fallows;on the north side of Second Avenue,along Lot seven and along the west side of Mill Street in front on ,lots seven,Eight Nine and Ten. was read and adopted. The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinances N0.525.528 and 528. Ordinance No 526 an ordinance regulating theuse of Electricity in the City of Renton,7,,'ashington,and to protect pipes and other structures in said City from the effects thereof was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole al councilmen voting aye Sedlacek,':"alters,Faull ,Oaven^,Cochran and Jengins. Ordinance NO.527 an ordinance to establish the grade at the intersection of Second avenue and Logan Street in the City of Renton.was read the Second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye.carried. Ordinance No.528 an ordinance relating to Public Parks of the City,creating a Park Fund,fixing power and duties of the Park Commissioners and providing for toe expenditure of the Park Fund was read the second time by sections ••• and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye Sedlacek, Walters ,Faull. Cwens;Cochran and Jenkins. ?Vm Joseph asked the council for sidewalk grades in front of his property and the property of J.W. Harries and it was moved and seconded the request be granted. Wm Tonkin asked the council for extended time to put the sidewalk around Block A.because he tntended to fix up the property Moved and seconded the request be granted. 6 �t..✓� a ,,. , , ',�¢ The Mayor de&lared the vole taken. y the cou ciltwo weeks ago was not legal and upon calling for a vote it being tie the M y p wanted one wee tq decide VIP vntee .�(r4 The Clerk broug,t up the matter of a t,ax statement from the Coun y Treasurer being incorect and asked the council what he should d6 with th statement after discussion it was moved a warrant be drawn to cover the check.carried. The %'ayor appoints James Flynn as a Park Board Commissio e� an it was con- firmed bey_the council craorri,?L. ,�„�� 216 Renison Wash. , May.3.I92I Regular meetinE, of t-:e Council caped to order by Mayor onkin. Roll-Call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney,Treasurer and Council- men. Sedlacek,'Nalters,Faull,Owens,Coehran and Jdnkins . The minutes of the last; meeting were read and approved as to read that the motion was to reject the proposition of the Park Board to put a building in the Park.those voting for to reject the proposition were Sedlacek,Owens , and Jenkins and against were Nalters,Faull and Cochran. James Leathley and Ben Lindgren'sname s were placed before the council for councilmen of the First 'Tard and after discussion was layed over one week. Petition of the Citizens of Renton to fix Renton Avenue on South side of Third Avenue was read and after discussion it was moved and seconded this be referred to the Street and Alley cornr:ittee and Street Superintendant to —,gee what work should be done. Petition of property owners in Block 4.Renton Co-Operative Coal Company's Addition to the City of Renton,for the improvement of that portion of ',,ill Street lying between the intersections of Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue, by grading,graveling and guttering to one uniform gradeand by laying con- crete sidewalks on both sides of 'dill Street and protest against any and all plans heretofor submitted,and the protest of Mrs T.C."Xilliams was read against this improvement it was moved and seconded the petition be received and filed znU.q�, est pertaining to single grade from third to Fourth be granted anbsidewalks be eliminated.carried. The report of the ,Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Payroll Street Dept . $106.30- Payroll nater Dept . 43.64- Renton Hardware Co. 15.40 - City of Seattle. 56 .60 - R. J.Pet tie. 2.50 S.E. Sonnicksen. Architect fva Park. 60.4011 Renton Bulletin. I7.85* S.L.Hanley. 40.00• Perry Richardson. 7.50- Industrial Insurance Co. 37.06- Medical 7.06Medical Aid Fund. 42.90•Tota.l $429.75 € It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the following amounts. The bills of M.H.Layden Ed 'Nolske and MIcPherson Brod,were read and after discussion the Mayor ordered the Clerk to send these bills back ,to the Park Board for there Signatures as an O.K.for the bills. Communication of King County Health Officer was read and designated the week commencing �Aonday May 9th as clean up week it was moved and ,seconded the communication be received and recommendations be concurred in and it was sujected the Mayor notify the School Supe.rintendant that the week commencing May 9th will be clean up week in the City of Renton.Carried. Mr Robinson brought up the matter of taking care of the Sewer in Black River after discussion it was moved and seconded that the Mayor appoint a special committee and the Engineer to look up this matter, the Mayor j appointed the Council as a whole to look up this. matter. Ordinance NO.529 an ordinance providing for the improvement of Mill Stract South between the South marginal line o:C Third Avenue and the South Marg- inal line ,of 7ixth Avenue was read and referred to the ordinance committee. It was moved and seconded that this improvement carry 8% interest and the Bonds to run Seven(7) years at Five(5)installments . The Fire Light and `,Mater committee recommended that the Light Pole on Well j Street be moved it was moved and seconded the .report be received and recommendations carried out. It was moved and seconded a warrant be drawn for the amount of 30% of the contract for the Williams Street Bridge to Norman Davis & Co ,carried. oe good and Fred Smithers were named as police Judge after discussion it was layed over one week. The Park proposition was brought up and after discussion the City Attorney thought it best to draw up an ordinance. The Treasurer brought up the matter of the $2000.00 lent to the Current expense fund and asked to have it transferred back to the 'Nater Fund it moved and seconded. the Clerk make the transfer.ca.rried. Motion to adjourn. was made and duly carried. 2� C � it Cerk. o�- The matter of hearing to property owners on the proposed improvement of Mill Street coming on to be heard by the City Council , and there being one written protest against the propesed improvement the council upon motion, duly seconded unanimously voted to proceed with the improvement of Mill Street. AU C Renton Wash. May I0.I92I . 27-7 Regular meeting- of--the Council Galled t o--©rdep-by, Mayor- Raymond. -- Guy McPherson one of the Citizens of Renton notified the Council that -,theT were having a party for t�.e benefit of Ben Cake on Mlonday Night ''ay I6 .I92� and gave the Council an invitation. Roll-call those present were the itiiayor, Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and council men. Walters,Faull .Owens and Cochran.. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition of F.A. Robertson for water on lot 8 block 7 R. C.C.Co acre tracts was granted. Petition of property owners of North Renton for the nomination of T. J.Leathle was read moved and seconded the petition be filed and recommendations carried out . The Mayor appoints T. J.Leathley as councilmen of the First `Va.rd and the appointment vas confirmed by the Council. The report of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Lowman 5. Hanford Co. $I6.I3 • R. J.Pettie . 3.50 - A?E?Wol.ske . 8.00 Priebe Bros. 6.05 , -- "".H.Layden. 80.00 --- Ed Wolske . 50.00- J.R. Storey. 5.00• McPherson Bros. 30.45 • Renton Motor Co. 6.31• S.L. Hanley. 46 .00• Perry Richardson. , I0.001 Renton 0.00 - Renton Bulletin. I5 .004Total $276.44 It was. rnoved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer f`:b the following amounts. The Bill of the Architect for the Park was brought up and after discussion the bill was ordered paid. The Reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and approved. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance NO.529. Ordinance NO.529 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole All councilmen voting aye Talters,Faull ,Owens and Cochran. The Street and Alley Com:iittec reported that they recommend that some work be done on Renton Avenue South after discussion it was moved and seconded the recommendations be carried out. - The Clerk asked the Council to have the License ordinance changed it was moved and seconded the Attorney bring in a new ordinance. The P4ayor appoints Joe Wood for Police Judge but the appointment was not confiriied the vote being a tie vote Talters and Faull voting for the appoint- ment and Cochran and Owens against the appointment. Resolution NO.276 ordering the improvemant of the sidewalk on the East side of 1illiains Street in front of lot IO block 19 original Town now City or Renton, and on the North side of 5th Avenue along the North side of said 16t was read and adopted. James O'Brien brought up the matter of a defective chimney on the Davis property on motion the Steeet Superintendant was ordered to look into this matter. Councilmen Faull brought up the matter of the Comfort Station and after discussion the council thought it best to call for bids and it was moved and seconded that the council meet with the City Attorney and draw up plans . The Street Superinten.dant brought up the matter of the lumbr piled on Willian Street and said Tie P•.Aoore wanted to buy some of the lumber on motion the Street Superintendant was ordered to dispose of such lumber that he would not need at �IO .00 per Thousand. Also the matter was brought up about the Iron left f romthe ',�Tilliams Street Bridge on motion the Street Superintendant wasordered to dispose of the Scrap the best he could. Motion to adjourn was mads and duly carried. .i y Clerk. 278 Rentoia Wash. f--May.1-7.,I921.,. Regular meeting of-the•-Gouncil called to order by Mayor Raymond. T.J.Leathley appointed Councilinen of the First Ward being present re was sworn in by the 'payor. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. S.L.Ha.nley. $48.00 ' Perry Richardson. 9.39 ' PayRoll Street Dept. I30.02 - . Pay-roll Water Dept . 152. I71 Wm Kane . 5. 10 , Wm . IO - Wm mane. 2.50 - Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. I.9.00 _Total .< 365._17 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the following amounts . Report of the City Engineer made inwritting on the Sewer of the City of Renton was read and after discussion it was moved and seconded the Enginee-r draw plans for the first proposition. The City Engineer brought in a report on sidewalks being T.wo feet from the property line and asked the council to have the sidewalk put on the property line on Mill Street on motion the report was .ordered filed an and recomme-ndations carried out and the City Attorney was ordered to-b*4 bring in an ordinance to cover this prpposition. The Cite At-torney brought up the matter about the Stats Highway Fund and said a -law passed in I9I9 that this money belongs to the City and recommended that this money be sent back to the CityMo.ve the report be accepted and recommendations carried out. . The report and data filed by the City Engineer for the improvement of Third Avenue,'•.ralla Walla Avenue and Mill Street by constructing side. walks was read and it was moved the report be received & Filed. The report and data flied by the City Engineer for the improvement of Second Avenue and Mill Street by constructing Concrete sidewalks moved and seconded the report be received and filed. Communication from the Fire Department notifying the council thatthay went on record as favoring the erection of a comfort Station in the City Park and wished the council would take some action within the currant year moved and seconded the communication be received and filed. Ordinance NO.530 an ordinance relating to Licenses was read and referred to the ordinance committee . The Clerk asked the council to have an ordinance to cover the tapping of water mains moved and seconded the City Attorney bring in an ordin- ance to cove the tapping. G. 'T.Beanblossom brought up the matter of putting up a building along side of the tire Shop after discussion it was ;roved and seconded this matter be laid over until. after the report of the building committee. Andrew Sedlacek brought up the matter of the s&dewalks on Logan Street and notified the council that the property owner -wanted some assurance that this ,was an established grade and he was notified that there was an ordinance establishing this grade. The Clerk notified the council that there were no protests against the sidewalk improvement along Second Avenue and Mill Street . And also no protests against the s6dewalk impvovement on Third Avenue,walle .'lalla ,:,Valla Avenue and Mill Street. The C6ty Attorney was ordered to bring in two ordinances to cover the improvements of the sidewalks on Second Avenue and Mill Street and also Third Avenue,Walla �1alla Avenue and Mill Street . Councilmee bran brought up the matter of repairing of paving by taking' up the olre they are bad and replacing with cement . Councilmen Owens brought up the matter of sidewalks being put in and said he thought that everybody in the paved district was notified to put in cement sidewalks and said that along Third Avenue on the North side of the Street there was no sidewalk put in and along the Park Property in North Renton. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. We city tri `?('Qp C� c Renton ":'ash.May.24.I921 . 79 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Report of the Finance com:_.ittee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. - S.L.Hanley. 48.00 - Perry Richardson. I6.87., Barney Doyle. I$88 - R. J. Pettie . 2.50 pacific Tel .and Tel. Co. 3.60 ' Renton Bulletin. 10.80 ' Ed Wolske. 72.5OTota11I56 .I5 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the following amounts. Ordinance- NO.53I an ordinance defining and establishing the Fire Limits of the City of Renton,Washington,and specying the Building to be erected within ii.. said Fire Limits,Providing for the issuing of Permits before the construc- tion of any building within said Fire Limits,Providing for the construction of Fire Escapes in Buildings within said Fire Limits , and providing a penalty for Violation thereof.Moved and seconded the ordinance be ref Erred to the ordinance committee. Ordinance 5or. 51ttee reports favorably on ordinance no 530. Ordinance NO 530 was read the second. time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye.l,,lalters,Leathley,Faull,Jenkins & Cochran. The Mayor appoints D.H.M othorn as Police Judge and the appoinment was e confirmed by the Council.D.H.Mothorn being present he was sworn in by the Mayor; Councilmen 7falters brought up the matter of a Comfort Station in rk after discussion it was moved and seconded the City carry out th �0!eawas deposited with the Clerk provided the �KI600.00 was deposited with the City Treasurer.and it was moved and seconded that the City Engineer take Charge of the Plans and specifications and make alternations necessary and the City Attorney was ordered to bring, in an Ordinance to cover this proposition Councilmen-'Walters brought up the mi4twellk sidewalk along H. Evans property along Third Avenue and after discussion moved the request be granted three feet from the Property providing he pave the other Seven Feet. Bids on Mill Street Improvement were opened and read there being two bids and both bids being WO above the estimate it was moved and seconded the bids be rejected and the certified checks be given back to the contractors . and it was moved and seconded this matter be laid over one week.ca-rried. �r The City Attorney brought up th.e matter of putting ina Cement Sidewalk on Lot I0 Block I9 Town of Renton, that this lot has been sold to the County and said we cannot do anything until the County disposes of this Lot ,Yoved and seconded this be left to the City Attorney. Moved and sec&nded the Street Superintendant put this walk on Lot IO Block I9 in a safe condition. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ty Clerk. i, 280 Renton ':7rash.May.3I .I99: POW R enton `unlash. , June . 7.I92I . 281 ' Regular meeting -)f the Council. called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call .Those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney, Treasurer and council- men.Sedlacek,Faul.l, Ow6ns,Leathley,Jenl�ins and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of the N. P. Railway Co. ,to cross Street to connect with Sewer was read it was moved and seconded the petition be granted subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Petition of H.Evans to put in Cement on lot 7 block IO .Town �f Renton, was read it was moved and seconded that H. Fvars be notified that the City has advertised for bids on this lot and it was to late for to ask to put in his own walk and he was also notified that after tha bids are let he could make an agreement for to put in. the other foot in order to make his side- walk 7.feet. Report of the finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following Bills be paid. Pacific Tel .& Tel . Co . $3.20- 0.R.Evans. 4.00 ' O.K.Transfer CO. 8.00 • Ed 1Volske. 32.50 David Morrison. I5.00 Hugh 'Phite. I5.00 '"'. iV. Jones.. I5.00' Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. 4(6. i2 - City of Seattle. 51 .85• R.Wood. I6 .70- R.Wood. 9.20- Trick and Murray. 3.637- S...Hanley. 40.00 • Perry Richardson. 20.00 • Dave Morrison. I5.00 "'m.Pyrurray. 2.50 Geo Arthur. 20.00-Tota1.$3I7.70 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the following amounts . Com,nunication from Daniel Gaby about the cross vialk in the Alley between Williams Street and Burnett Street wsa read after dtascussion it was moved and seconded the communication be receive;t and filed. Communication from P.T.Houser expressing his approval of the splendid job done on Renton Avenue was read and it was moved and seconded the L.. communication be received and filed. Ordinance No.534.an ordinance in relation of tha connection of private property to the water and gas mains upon the streets of the City of Renton, Tashington,about to be permanently paved as well as in the case of unimproved "treets,fixing, the charges , and prescribing the duties of the City Engineer and of the water Superintendant was read and referred the ordimance committee Crdinance NO.535,an ordinance providing for the construction of a comfort Station in Liberty Park and appropriating from the General Fund as a loan to the Park Fund the sure of Two Thousand Dollars ($k2000.00) was »ea.d and referred to the ordinance com:r;itt.ee. The ordimance committer: repotted favorably on ordinances NO, s 532 & 533. Ordinance Yo.532 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye.Faull,Sed.lacek,Owens,Leathle. ,, Jenkins and Cochran. Ordinance No.533,was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye ,Faull,Sedlacek?Owens ,Leathley, Jenl�irs & Cochran.. The resignation of Jas .P.Flynn as a Park Board commissioner was read anted accepted. Report of the City Engineer notifying the council that he has finished. time cleaning out the channel of Black River but he thought it would be necessary to add some old discarded pipe to the outlet of the sewer.moved and seconded the report be received and filed and recommendations carried out. r The Bond of the Police Judge was read and approved by the Cit; Attorney and accepted by the Council. Councilmen Cochran notified the council that the Commercial Club passeda motion to present the $600 .00 to the City of Renton, for the Park suild.ing. Councilmen_ Cochran notified the council thet he got a letter from Mr. Hardie ., and said that some of the property owners along Black River are running raw sewerage in Black River,Moved and seconded this be referred to the Health Officer. The City Attorney notified the council that the Venning Machines that was shown to the council the week previous was nothing but Gambeling machines, on motion the report was received and filed. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of the prtition that G. 7 .Beanblossorri r"f-,RontPO to the council. about nuttir_7 un a. building along side of the Tire shop after discussion it was moved and seconded the petition be granted. Communication from Percy Kirkman notifying the council that he has turned a check over th**to the Clerk for §1090, 00 mgde payable on certain fermis was readand it was moved. it be concu�re in subject to passa _e of ordinance . after the vote was taken it being a tie vote it was move that the check be 282 Continued. returned with many thanks,and that vote being taken and that being a tie voth it was ]a,-ed on the table . Councilmen 0,3iens brought uj) the matter of putting a few loads of gravel on ?Whitworth Street after discussion it was moved and seconded the Street Superintendant put, in the necessary gravel carried, Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of a warrant issued to J.T. Snyder as engineer helper issued by the City of Rentori,and said the warrant was ordered stopped by the City Treasurer,the City Attorney notified the council that he would buy the warrant it was moved and seconded we except the Attorney ' s propersition. carried. Bob Rebertson brought up the matter of selling lunches at the Park and asked the council if they had any objections it was moved and seconded -the request be referred to the Park Board. T. J. Richmond brought up the matter of railroading ordinances he told the council he thought the ordinances ought t6 be studied before they are passed. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Ci J Jerk. ?C OBC Renton Wash. ,June I4.I92I . 283 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Ma;; or Raymond. Rollcall . Those present were the Tlayor,Clerk, Attorney, and Councilmen . Fau].1 ,7-,eathley, Owens ,J_�nkins and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills. be paid. S.L.Hanley. $44.00- Perry Richardson. I7.20- Dave Morrison. I5.00• j D.H.Mothorn. 5.00 R.O.Brown. 2.95• W. S. Shank. 272.60 ' Economy Tire Shop. I0.95- Renton Realty Co. x.50 Lowman & Hanford Co. 3.61• Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 138.60- Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co. Renton Bulletin. 45.00• - I3.55*Total 570.96 It was moved. and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the following amounts. The bill of Ole Nelson for cutting rass in the Park was read and after discussion it was referred back tXle Nelson to have it O.K.d. by the man that hired him and get it signed by the Park Board. The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. The Communication from Louis F.Hart about the system of Taxation was read and ordered filed. Communication from the *Wa.shimgton Surveying and Rating Bureau was read and referred to the Fire Chief. Communication from Percy Kirkman was read and after discussion it was moved and seconded this be referred to the City Attorney to put in the claus that if the City Council give Mr.Kirkman one Years notice he will vacate the building after Five Years rent with the approval of the Park Board. Thr Resolution of the Commercial Club was read by A.N.Fairchild notifying the Council that it share (660.00 to the Renton Park F'und to be used in the construction of a pavilion and Comfort Station in Liberty Park as soon as the contract was signed. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ordinance No.534. Ordinance No.534 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting ,aye.Faull ,Lea.thley, Owens,Jenkiris and Cochran. NNW The City Attorney notified the 6ouncil he got a letter from the Property Department about lot IO Block I9 Town of Renton and said that King County advertised this lot for sale in I920 but owing to the amount of Taxes and Local Improvement the County received no bid.and said the County will not advertise again unless some one advanced the cost of advertising King County has in the neighborhood of $160.00 dollars besides the Local improvements oared to the City of Renton and wanted the City to buy the Property after discussion it was referred to the City Attorney to secure the deed. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ity Clerk. 284 Renton 117ash. ,June.21 .I92I . Regular meeting of zhe Council called io order by Mayor Raymond . Roll-call These present were the ^ayor,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and Council- men. 1alters .Faull,Leathley,Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkinsand Cochran. The m6nutes of the last meeting were and approved. Petition of Ward Smith to connect to Sewer rias. granted. Report of the Finance Committee was read .and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. McPherson Bros. I .35- Wilson & Marlowe. 60.00 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. I38.60 - of it to Light & Power Co. I6 .48- KIng County. 30 .00 • Renton Realty.Co. 60.00 • Payroll Street Dept. 140. 25- Payroll. Wates Dept 92.30 • Willia::is & McKn6ght. 2.£�C• Burrows & Brown. 9 .30. D.H.Mpthorn. 5.00 ` S.L.Hanley. 39.00- Perry 9.00Perry Richardson. 8.13- Renton Hardware C o. 6 .i O. T ota.l .„�609.3I It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the treasurer for the above amounts. The City Attorney reported that he made arrangements to get deed on lot IO Block I9 Town of Renton and said we would get the deed in a couple of weeks. The 'Nater Superintendant asked the Council to get 64 feet of 61nch Iron water pine to put in North Renton Moved and seconded the purchasing Agent order the necessary Pipe. A..N.Fairchild one of the Park Board read his I920 rEport and also makes a report on the one Story Building and Comfort Station which was to be erected by Percy Kirkman,and notified the Council that the Board was opposed the* to the proposition at the present time but asked the council to have a care taker to take care of the preseh£ comfort station under the Grand Stand, Moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out. The Ordinance cQmmittee reported favorably on ordinance No.53I . Ordinance No.53I .was read the second time by sectiohs and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye.1>falters,Faull",Leathley,Sedlacek,0wens, JHrikins and Cochran. The bill of Ole Nelson was read and the Park Board r Amended the bill be paid moved and seconded the bill be paid carried. � ... Repott of City Engineer on sewer was read moved and seconded the report be filed and recommenddtions carried out. The Mayor appoints Bert Maynard as a member of the Park Board and it wa.s confirmed by the council. The Mayor appoints John Monaghan jr.as extra N&ght Marshall and it was confirmed by the council. It was moved and seconded the Clerk call for bids on District I04 and I05 for sidewalk improvement. The bid of P.H.Adams for the Mill Street South improvem� t. was read and there being only one bid the contract was awarded to Councilmen 'Halters notified the council that the contrac:.ar i'oz, the North Renton Paving could not bid on the paving until he got rid of the bonds and asked the council to call for bids again moved and seconded the Clerk call for bids to be opendd July,I2 .I92I carried. Raymond Hansen asked the council if the Stores could sell Fire ?"forks for the fourth of July- after discussion it was moved and seconded the City Attorney bring in an ordinance to sell Fire Crackers up to Two inches. The Mayor nDtified the Council that there ought to be a Fourth of July Celebration for the Children after discussion it was moved the Mayor be in power to appoint a committee to work in conjunction yith the committee of the Fire Andrew Sedlacek brought up the matter of paying for Enginer work for sidewalk grades and thought everybody should pay for their grade. Motion tb adjourn was made and duly Carried. it ► Clerk. ' 90008C Renton 'Hash. ,June .28.192I . 285 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and council :Tien Walters ,Faull,Leathley,Sedlace and Owens. Minutes of the last meeting werKAd approved as corrected. T. J.Richmond brought up the ���atter of furnishing water for the racific Coast Company in tanks and said they would make petition in writing later on moved and seconsed the permit be granted. Petition of Martin Bodgen to finish the garage building on Fourth Avenue was granted. Petition of R.Ferris Taylor to run Show in the City of ,Renton, moved and seconded the permit be granted. Report of the Finance com-nittee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. A.Bishop. 4.50 - Grange INarehouse Co. 5.40• J.F.Woods. _ I.50- Paper Warehouse Co. I8.O2, J.R. Storay. I .O0. Denny Renton Clay and. Coal Co. 36.90• Pacific Car & Foundry Co. 33.II- Renton Bulletin. 24.85' S.L.Hanley. 48.00- Perry Richardson. ,_ 5.00tOtal $I'78.28 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Communication from W!T!.A Gaines County Treasurer notifying the Council that Lot IO Block I9 Town of Renton would be sold on July 9th i92i ,Moved and seconded .it be left to the City Attorney to represent the City. The Bond of Adams Hancock and Adams was read and it was moved and seconded the Bond be approved by the Council Carried. Ordinance No.535authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into Contract with Adams,Hancock and Adams for the improvement of Mill Street was read .and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance reported fovorably on ordinance PTo.535. Ordinance NO.535 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting Aye.'yalters ,Faull ,Leathley,Sedlacek & Owens. The City Engineer department asked the Council for certain supplies and his request was granted. Councilmen ''Palters brought up the matter of the Trunk Sewer after discus.=ton it was moved and seconded the Engineer .be in power to work out the necess- ary plans and the City Attorney was ordered to bring in a resolution creating the District. Moved and seconded the City Attorney bring in a resolution to cover A**Oy Sidewalk in Alley Between Burnett Street And Williams Street . Lawrence Mitchell brought up the matter of paying for sidewalk grade and said he thought that the sidewalk was put in before the ordinance was passed A.Beerman brought up the matter of a feww holes on Whitworth Street and a drain broken down after discussion it was moved and seconded the City Attorney bring in a Resolution for the improvement of Whitworth Street by Grading and Graveling. Councilmen Owens brought up the matter of Attomobiles running through th City of Renton at a high rate of Speed and with their mufflers open the notified the Police to take notice. t Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. C y Clbrk. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond . .^ Roll-call Those present .we -e t ,e ",;a,---r,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and council- men ?Rlalters,Faull,Leathley -and Owers . The 'viinutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Dominick Alimatt for water was ;ranted. Report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Renton Hardware Co . 'J2.83 . S.L.Harley. 48.00 Derry Richardwaze. 22.50, Dan Jones . 2.50 James Highton. 9 .38 , Lowman & Hanford Co. 13.23 ' 0.K.Garage . 1 .30 - Lowman .30 .Lowman fix. Hanford C o. 18.80- Pay-roll Street .Dept . 86 .82- Pay-roll Water Dept . II4.76 - Division of 'Niuni.cipal Corperation. 3.00 ' 5333 .I2 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The bids on the sidewalk on Second Avenue S& Mill Street were .opened ,and Adams Hancock &- -Adams Co being the lowest bidder it wa.s .moved and seconded it be laid over one week. The bide on the sidewalk on Third Avenue and .Halla Walla were opened and Adams Hancock and Adams being the lowest bidder the contract was awarded to the 11owest bidder, The Clerk asked the Council what they wanted to do with the Local Improvement Districts that are delinquent it ,.as moved and seconded they be turned over to the City Attorney. Resolution No.277. That it is the intention of the City council to order the improvement of Whitworth Street between the South Marginal line of Third Avenue and the South Marginal line of Fourth Avenue was read and adopted. The matter of the sidewalk in front of Frank Evans property -on 1hitworth Streetwas brought up and it was moved an,,-'. seconded the Attorney bring in ' a resolution. The matter of the City buying lot IO Bloch I9 town of Renton was brought up and discusd and it was moved and seconded a warrant be drawn for the - amount of $I6o.0O to buy this lot. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. i CM Clerk. e _ ..M Renton Mash. ,July I2.I92I . Regular meeting of the council cal ed to order by 'Mayor Raymond . Roll-call Those present were the mayor,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney,and Council- ner. ' `',,Ialters,Faull, Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkins and Cochran. Petition of Frank Davis for permit to put up Garage Building .as granted under existing ordinances. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. $I0.50- Preservative Paint Co. Albert Jacobson. I0.50 - G.H.1:2othorn. 5.00- Will iams & "I cK_night . 2. i0 Pacific Tel .7z Tel Co. 4. 20 Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. 49.21• Lowman Hanford Co. 39 .50 R.A. Shearer. .55• S.L.Hanley. 36 .00• Perry Richardson. I2.50- James Highton. 17,.50• Renton Bulletin. 6 .55�otal .i94.ii It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The Clerk brought up the matter �f an assessment against the City after discussion it was moved tO be turned over to the City Attorney for intives- tigation. The C/le brought up the matter of the Motor Vehicle Fund and after discuss& iDn was moved and seconded the clerk draw a warrant for the amount of $534.00 to the County Treasurer. The Bid for the improvement of Cement sidewalks -on lots 7,8,9,a.nd IO block It was brought up after discussion it was moved and seconded the contract be awarded to Adams , Hancoch and Adams Co. qtrThe bonds for the improvement of Second Avenu nd the bonds for the impro- vement on Third AVemue +Walla '`:ails were readNnd approved by the Council. It was moved and seconded that the Mayor and Clerk enter into contract with Adams?Hancock and Adams (3o.for the sidewalk improvements. The matter of buying Lot IO Block I9 Town of Renton was brought up and after disdussion it was maved and seconded it be laid over Two weeks. The Bid for the Paving for 1:4111 Street North was opened and the bid being - - IO 1� above the estimate it was moved and seconded that the bid be rejectedp ... and the check returned. Resolution NO .218 .that it is the intention of the Ciyty Council .to order the improvement of Whitworth Street between the South marginal line of Third Avenue and the South Marginal line of the Railroad Rightaway eby grading and graveling wa. read and adopted. Resolution No,219 • Being a resolution of intention to create a Local improvement District for the purpose of ;Waking alterations in and 6xtentions to the North Trunk Sewer System was introduced and,upon motion,a.dopted. Resolution ATO AO.that it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of the sidewalk abbuting on lot 9 Block I on ',hitworth Street by constructing a cement sidewalk was read and adopted. Resolution NO.2$i . that it the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of lot I Block Three and lot I 1131ock 4 Motor line Addition by constructing cement sidewalks was read and adopted. Councilmen Owens brou p the matter of the sidewalk of Mrs Davis on the corner of Smither Fourth Avenue the Street Superintendant_was ordered to notify r.Irs Davis . M-_)tion to adjourn was made and duly cabried. r ' (My Clerk. 1288 Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk.Treasurer,Attorney and Councilmen 1.1'alters,Faull,Leathley,Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkins & Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The City Engineer recommended that 70 jof the contract of Adams,Habcock and Adams on aka Local Improvement District 3o.Io5 be paid at this time moved and seconded a warrant be drawn folLe. amount of 6327.25 The City Engineer recommended that $500.re, Adams,Hancock & Adams on Local Improvement District No.I03 it was moved and seconded a warrant be drawn for the amount. Report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. D.H.Mothorn $5 .0, 0 . -- Pay-roll 'Fater Dept . 204.5i Payroll Street Dept. I25 .28 . A.Bishop.- 25 .00• Eagan Ridenour. 20.00• S.LHanley. 48 .00- Perry 8 .00Perry Richardson. I2 .50, James Highton. I2.50, S?C,Boofer. 8 .57 • R.Wood. 5 .75 John Tachell. 4I .50 . : . I.Erickson. 20.00 • C . Haleway. 8 .60' 'illiams & McKnight . I .80Tota1..$54I.5I It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn iftponthe Treasurer for the above amounts. Report of the City Engineer on 'V'jhitworth Street Improvement was read. and after discussion it was moved and seconded the Engineer brin6 irl an estimate onConceete and Wooden Curbs . The City Attorney reported. the Damage Clain to the Council Lind told th^ Council that ':e asked for a new trial after discussion it was moved and seconded that the report of the Attorney be received and recommendations carried out . a - ,. �' The City Attorney notified the Council the he received a P-ip� -se from the Puget Sound Traction Light 8� Power Company asking the Council to sign a Contract for Five Years after discussion it was mlved and-seems seconded the Attorney draw up a contract and bring it in next meeting night. The Mayor recommended to the Council a reduction in wages and after discussion it was moved and seconded there be a IO % reduction begining August I .I92I . J.T.Leathley asked the Council for a leave of absence for 30 days it was moved and seconded the request be granted. C.N.Cochran brought up the matter of bad sic'ewalks om Williams Street and after discussion it was moved and seconded the Attorney bring in a resolution next Tuesday Evening. The Street Superintendant Notified the Council the 'ost , all the Sidewalk in North Renton was in badd condition after discussion it was moved and seconded that the Street Superirtendant and the City Engineer go over these walks and bring in a report . The City City Engineer was n6tified to go over. the Sidewalk or. Mill Street Yorth in front of the Butler Property and check up grade and bring in report . A Beerman brought up the matter of Thistles not being cut in the City of Renton. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. t '� City Clerk. x� 20 8 C Renton Wash. , Aug. 2 : 1921. 289 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney,and Councilw)" Walters ,Faull,Sedlacek,Jenkins and Cochran. The Minutes of last meeting were read and approved as correat'ed Matt Laing"s petition for water on 1,?t block was granted. Peter Hansens petition for sewer was =;ranted. The petition of property owners on Whitworth Street for concrete curb and small gravel, was discussed moved and granted. The complaint of Peter Szymanski concerning his sidewalk was refered to Street and Alley committe. Report of Finance committee was read and it was the following bills be paid. Lowman 'and Hanford Co. 9.30' Payroll Street Dept. 74.83• Payroll Water Dept. 642.41 • Rensselaer Valve Co. 4.50 • Priebe Bros. 9.75' S. L. Hanley 48 .eo: Perry Richardson 25.31- James Highton I0.00 • City of Seattle 64,;05- Renton Bulletin 25.30- 0 R Garage 13.07- Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. 62.I6- R. C. Polk I05.24• N. P. Ry. Co. 2.24' American Ry. Exp. Co. .42' Conyinental Pipe Mfg, Co. 78.64- So 8.64S. L. Hanley 46.00. -Perry Richardson I1.88 • James Highton 3.12 . Wn. Tonkin 8.80 * Geo. Hancock 8.80 • P.S.T.L.&P.Co. 6.96 • P.S.T.L.&P.Co. 138.60 • Division of Municipal Corporations 6.50• Jno. F. Moods 2.80• Jack Stewart 3.00 • R.C.Polk 803.52MTotal 22I6.20 The Report of City -Engineer Concerning Curbs on Whitworth' Street was recieved and filed. Report of City Engineer on sidewalk grade in North Renton was reed & filed. Butlers sidewalk was discussed and referred to°Engineer & Street & Alley Committee. They will report at next meeting night. Report of City Engineer recommending that t 750.00 be paid Adams,Hancock- and Adamson E.I .D. No, I03 Mill St. improvement was allowed. It was moved and seconded that the Engineers report & estimate on Whitworth Street be received & filed & plans & specifications be adopted. It was moved and seconded that the report of the City Engineer on Lot9 Block I,Smithers fourth add. be received and filed.There being no protests improvements will co tinue. The At orne& will prepare Ordinance to cover improvement. p- It was moved and sec nded that the Report of the City Engineer on Second Ave. be Received and filed. The Reports of Engineer and St. Supt. waveread concerning sidewalks in North Renton and it .,as moved and seconed that the Attprrnn y submit Resolrutior covering the several sidewalks in No th Ren ons° �� � � " '"� s The date for hearing protests againsE the a ova district was set for Aug. I6 I9214 Ord. 536, 537, 538 was referred to the Ord. Committee. The Ord. Committee renorted favorably on Ordinances 536, 537 & 538,they were read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole , all Councilmen voting aye. Walters, Faull, Sedlacek, Jenkins & Cochran. The Petition of Mr. McHugh for water in North Renton was granted. The Walk along the S. R. S. between Burnett & Logan Street was referred to the City Attorney. Councilman Walters brought up the matter concerning the alley along bloc?, 5. It was moved and seconded that the 3t . Supt. be ordered to notify the people that this Alley must be opened. City Attorney reported that the Motor Vehicle Fund was supposed to stay in the City. It was moved and seconded that the report be read & filed and the check be canceled. Carried. The City Attorney reported on the proposed contract. -.,ith the P.S.T .L.& Power Co. It- was moved and seconded that the Report be accepted. Tt WAq mnvPd x PPCnrdPd that Oesolution No. 28I be adopted. It was moved and seconded that People be instructed. to cut their Thistles. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. � r T I 290 Renton #ash.Aug.9.I92I/ Regular meeting og the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Treasurer,Att )rney and Council- men ',Salters,Faull,Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkins and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. T. J.Richmond made a verbal petition in behalf of the Eagle Lodge asking the Council and Mayor for the use off the Par"x and to appoint extra Police on August 28.I92I for there Annual Picnic moved and seconded we grant them the police and full privelages of the Park and give them Welcome. Petition of the property gwners on Mill Street South for a five foot sidewalk was read after discussion it was moved and seconded the petition be granted and the Attorney bring in an ordinance next meeting. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. Renton Hardware Co. _ L .65 - Renton Bulletin. I2.00 - Adams,Hancock and Adams Co. 7.50• A. P.Smith Mfg Co. 30.00• S.L. Hanley. 48.00• Perry Richardson. 12.09' James H&ghton. 9.00 , Total t120. 24 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasdrer 'for 'thd above amounts. Report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered 'filed. The Street Superintendant reported that he notified naarly allthe propePty 'AwRopa . owners alomg the alley in Block 5 to move their fences. The Clerk asked the Councii what they wanted to do with the Check that was wrote to buy lot i0 block i9 after discussion it was moved and seconded the check be canceled. Councilmen Sedlacek brought up the matter of the bad sidewalk Along the property of L.D. Jones and R.Bunstine on Logan Street after discussion it ' was moved and seconded the City Attorney bring in a resolution . It was moved and seconded that the City Attorney bring in a resolution for a sidewalk cin lot i5 Block 33 Smithers Ist Addition. Street and Alley committee° reported that the sidewalkaround the property`of Peter Szymonski is a little rough on account of some ridges after discussion It was moved and seconded the report be received and the contracton be 'noti- fied to dress down the ridges. The Street and Alley corn ittee reported that they went over the sidewalk of Mr.Butler but could not come to no agreement with him after discussion it was referred to the City attorney for on week. The City Attorney reported that the sidewalk between Burnett street and Logan Street had been used for a number of years and if anyone would. get hurt the City would be liablemoved and seconded the City Attorney look this up and see if the City of Seattle can be made to put in this °walk° and if so to bring in a resolution. Resolution from the commercial Club was read as follows.'Ahereas,the Pacific Highway is continously paved from the City of Olympia on the South to the City of Snohomish County on the ?\rorth,a distance of approximately Ninety Seven Miles,save and except for a nineteen hundred (19-10ft) foot section thereof lying immediately South of the City of Renton. it was moved and seconded the resolotion be adopted. Councilmen Walters brought up the matter of numbering houses moved and see- onded the City Engineer be in power to work on thid proposition, Councilmen Cochran brought up the- matter of Curbs busting out on different corners and thought there ought to be an expansion joint between sidewalk and curb moved this be referred to the City Engineer. Councilmen Sedlacek brought up the matter of a danger Signal on Logan Street after discussion tt was moved and seconded theRenton Rainjee Malley Rail- way Company be notified to put signal on Logan Street. . Moved and seconded we call for bids for the improvement, of 'Nhitworth Street Grading graveling and Curbs .and the Sidewalk on !i'uhitworth Street in front of Lot .9 block I . and on second avenue i1ong lotiblock 4 and lot I black 3. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. CitSV Clerk. � COBC 291 Renton Wash. ,Aug.I6 .I92I . - Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and Council- men Walters,Faull,Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkins and Cockran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Ileport of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. Thos Reynolds . I .^0 • S.L. Hanley. 48.00.- Perry Richardson. 6.75 • -- James Highton. 6.75 • Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. 80.14• m.. - Trick & Murray. 5.04 Payroll Street Dept. 78.36 • - Payroll 'Yater Dept . 5I0.47- Wm.Kane. 5.I0- Renton Hardware Co. 6.59 ` Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 4.20, Continental- Pipe Mfg Co. 8.35• Total 4760.75 It was moved and- seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The City- Fngineer reported that a satisfactory Bond was put up by the late Norman Davis for the disposal of brush on Local Improvement District No.83 and said the buush was disposed of and he would recommend that the necessary steps be taken to release the Bondsmen it was moved and seconded the Bonds- men be released. The City Engineer recommended that 70%of the estimate on Local Improvement - - District No.104 be paid at this time it was moved and seconded the report be received and the estimate be concurred in. The Report of the Engineer and data on the Williams Street improvement was read and it was moved and seconded the report be approved and adopted. Ordinance No.539 an ordinance providing for the improvement. of sidewalks on Gist sied of "jilliams Street was read and referred to the ordinance committee. - Ordinance No.540.an ordinance of the City Of Renton r6lating to the width of Concrete sidewalks was read and referred to the ordinance c6mmittee. Ordinance NO.54I an ordinance approving and confirming assessment roll on Local improvement District NO.IO5 was read and refdrred to the ordinance committee. The Clerk notified the Council that their were no Protests on the Williams Street Improvement . Resolution No. 283 ordering the improvement of cement sidewalks on Logan Street abutting upon lot I Block I Motor Line Addition was read and addopted. Resolution NO.284 ordering the improvement of-Cement sidewalks on. the West side of Logan Street abutting lots 6,7gLfid 8 Block I Motor line addition was read and adopted. Resolution No. 285 ordering the improvement of cement sidewalk along the Nort] side of Fourth Avenueabutting upon lot I5 Block 33 Smithers First Addition was read and adopted. Councilmen Cochran brought up the :natter of the road cressing the Williams Street Bridge on the North side and said it needed a fewyvloads of gravel moved and seconded the Street Superintendant be instructed to put the necessary gravel on this Street . The Library Board reported the bad condition of the Toilets in the Library after discussion it was referred to the Town Property Committee. -- The City Attorney notified the Council the Puget Sound Traction Light and Power Company would take over the poles that belongs to the Ci'ry if the City wanted to dispose of them it was moved and seconded this :natter be referred to the Town Property Committee. Motion to adjourn was made and duly Carried. .o C Jerk. " 292 1 . Renton Wash. ,Aug.23.I92I . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond . Roll-call those present were the Mayor, C1erk,Treasurer,Attorney and Council- men '"ralters,Faull ,Sedlacek,Owens and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved The Report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended-the following bills be paid. Eagan Ridenour. 4I0.50. McPherson Bros . I0.40 F. E.Duff. I7.,-,O S.L. Hanley. 40.00 ' Perry Richardson. 4.50Total $82.90 Itwas moved & seconded that warrants be drawn upon. the Treasurer for the fe above amounts. The Town Property Com.rittee reported on the Cespool at the Library and re. commended that the Street Opperintendant fix the old. one if he could and if not to build a new one just as he sees fit it was moved and seconded the re+ port be received and recommendations carried out. The Town Property committee reported that they thought it best to dispose of the poles that belongs to the City after discussion it was moved and sec onded• the report be. received and recommendations- carried out . �+ The City Ehgineer• recommended that an allowance of $800.00 on Estimate to Adams,Hancock and Adams for Local Improvement District. No.I03 moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out. Communication_ from Pacific Coast Associations of Fire Chiefs was readand asked that the City be represented at the Convention after discussion it - was moved and seconded the comm.unication be received and filed. The matter of the sidewalk between Burnett Street and Logan Street was brought up and discussed after discussion it was moved and seconded the City Attorney be in power to take this proposition up with the property ew- owners abbuting this property And report next meeting. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance n0 's 539 & 541 Yoved and seconded the report be received. Ordinance No.539 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye,'A!alters,Faull, Sedlacek,Owens and Cochran. Ordinance No.54I was read the sec6ihdp time be sections and adopted as a w;}ole all councilmen votin aye,Talters,Faull,Sedlacek,Owens and Cochran. 7,he bids of "'hitworth Street were opened and read Adams, Nancock and Adams rft Compamy being the lowest bidder the contract was awarded to. them. The Bids for Lot 9 Block I on Whitwofth. Street were opened and read and Adams,Hancock and Adams being the lowest bidder the Contract was awarded to the lowest bidder. The bids for the sidewalk improvement on Second Avenue were opened and .read and E.E.Duff being the lowest bidder the Contract was, awarded to the lowest bidder.ard the checks(returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Councilmen Sedlacek asked thle Council why the Council as a whole was going to act on the Buget and wanted to know if the Committee that was appointed was not satisfactory.6e4stry It eras moved and seconded the Clerk communicate with the County Commissioners asking them to provide in their buget to Pave Main Street . The Payor appoints Peter Hansen as a member of the Library. Board. Resolutions No 's 286, 287 and 288 were Bead and adopted. Ordinance's 542-543 and 5*were read and referred to the ordinance committee. Councilmen Sedlacek brought up the matter of property owners kepping . the the grass cut on the parking strip the Street Superintendant was ordered to notify all property owners . J. E.Farmer brought up the matter of water running from the mines and no GIN drainage to take care of the water moved the matter be referred to the Engineer and Street and Alley Committee. Jesse McCowen brought up the matter of willows growing up in the Street LM by his prperty and asked to have them cut moved this be refferred to the Street Superintendant. Peter Szymonski brought up the matter of his sidewalk cracking and said 4koy they ought to be something done with the sidewalk. Peter Hansen brought up the matter of the Sewer on Mill Street and wanted to know if. there was enough cover or. the sewer the Engineer notified him t-ho that the sewer would be under the gutter. Motion to adjourn was made and duly Carried. Cit�erk �� 2(108C Renton Wash. ,Aug.30.I92I . 9&%C-1 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those pre-,ent were the Mavor,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and Council- - Men ",'alters ,Faull,Leathley,,Tenkins and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved . The report of the Finance Committee was load and it was recommended that the following, bills be paid. - American Ry.Express Co. .45- Renton Hardware co. 4.30• S.L.Hanley. 40.00- Perry Richardson. 10.13 - James Highton. 6.75 , D. H.Mothorn. 2,5()- Total $64.I3 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The City Engineer -reported that there is a balance of $I40.25 due Adams, ... Hancock and Adams for work done on Local Improvement District No.I05 and recommended this amount be paid, it was moved and seconded the report be received and a warrant drawn for the amount. The report of the City Engineer and data for the Improvement on Fourth Avenue abutting Lot I5 Block 33 was read and it was moved the report be received and filed. The report of the 'J'ngineer and data for the improvement of Cement sidewalks ----- on Logan Street abutting lot I . block I . and across the pipe line right of way of the City of Seattle was read and it was moved the report be received and filed. Ordinances No 's 542.543 and 544 was read and referred to the ordinance - Committee. The Bonds of Adams,Hancock and Adams were read and it was moved and seconded the Bonds be accepted by approval of the City Attorney. The Bond of E. E.Duff for the improvement of District Ivo.IO8 wasread-and.- lt was moved and seconded the Bond be Accepted. Ordinance No 's 545 and 546 were read and referred to the ordinance committee The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on oddinances No ' s 542.543.544 . 545 and 546 it was moved and seconded the report be received. The Ord6nance committee reported unfavorably on ordinance No .54o after discussion it was moved and seconded the retort be rejected. Ordinance No.542 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye ,'Nalters ,-i'aull,Leathley,Jenkins and Cochran. Ordinance 1?0 .543 tilos read the second tine by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye.71'alters ,Faull ,Leathley,Jenkins and Cochran. ARM Ordinances No ' s 544.545 and 546 were read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye. 7alters,Faull,leathley,Jenkin.s and Cochran. Gouncilmen 7�7alters Wrought up the matter of sending the Fire Chf to the r Convention,itwas moved and seconded we allow the Fire Chief $70.00 for expenses for the Convention.carried. The matter of Cedar Street being in bad-condition- vas-breught up and discuss ed and after discussion it was moved and seconded this matter be referred to the Street Superintendant . Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of the Motor bus lines operating between the City of Renton and the City of Seattle and also read a resolutioi and asked the council to pass the resolution after discussion it was moved and seconded the resolution be laid on the table one week. ".lotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. City Clerk. i 294 Renton, Wash. Sept .6 .I92 I . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Treasurer, Attorney and Council- men.'"alters.Leathley,Sedlacek,Owens and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.- Petitions of Thos Olsen and L.Iii. Shook for water were granted. The report of the Finance Committee was read and it, was recommended the foll- owing bills be paid. . A.Bishop. $5.50- Renton Bulletin. 63.20 -, PayrollV t -r Dept. I45.90 Payroll ` Dept. 71 .08 . E.A. Shearer. .8.82 • City of Seattle. 93.bO.• S.L.Hanley. 48.00. Perry Ric1hardson. 4.50 • TOtal $440.60 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The Clerk asked the Council to have a warrant for the amount of $4A in favor of the Medical Aid Departmeht it was moved and seconded that a warrant be drawn for the amount . The City Engineer recommended that an estimate of "'800.00 be allowed to Adams,Hancock and Adams on Local Improvement District NO.I03 it was moved and-se and seconded that the report be receiced and recommendations carried out. Reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. . Reports of the Engineer and data on Resolutions NO's 286.2.87 and 288 were read and it was moved and seconded the reports be received and the City Att- orney bring in ordinances to cover the Improvements. Communication from 'Leter Szymonski was read and after discussion the Mayor opdderd ordered it filed. Ordinance$ NO.s 547.548.549 and 550 were read and referred to the ordinance committee . Ordinance no 540 was brought up and discussed and it was moved and seconded the ordinance. be laid over one week. The bid of Adams,Hancock and Adams for the improvement of s1dewalk on 7illiams Street was opened and read and it being the only. _. bid the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder. I# n sec. rd.ed the City ttorney brin in an ordinanceAuei I _t rove and seconded nuto Cage t'esoluti n b reed carried. Harold Evans asked the Council for a permit to tear down the Blacksmith Shop on the corner of Third and Main Street it was moved and seconded the permit be granted. Councilmen. Sedlacek recommended that the sidewalk along the Street Car Track between Burnett Street and Logan Street be taken up and the Streets closed - off it was moved and seconded the recommendations be carried out . Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of hireing an Auto Truck and get the County road scraper and fix all the graveled roads in the City of Renton, It was moved and seconded the Street Superintendant the Auto Truck and Scraper and fix the Streets . "Notion to adjourn was made and duly Carried. t erk. - '('OBC Renton `:lash. s 7ept I3,192I . 295 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond . Roll-call those present were the Mayor, Clerk Treasurer,Attorney and Council- men "'alter._> ,Faull ,Leathley,Sedlacek,Owens ,Jenkins and Cochran. Minutes -�f the last meetf.ng wa-; read an_`. approved . Petition of E.P.Whitney Estate for water was granted. The report of the Finance comrpittee was read and it was recomi«ended that the following bills be paid. S.L. Hanley. $40.00• Wbod Caf6. I .50, Sanderson Safety Supply Co. I3.I0• R. J. Pettie. 4.00 R. J.Pettie. 6.50' Pettie Printery. 5.50- Renton Hardware Co. . 2.IO A.Bishop. IIO. • Williams & McKnight .. I .I5 - r 14m Dane. •80` Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 3.50• Total $I88 .39 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The City Engineer recommended that an estimate of $500 .00 be allowed to Adam! Hancock and Adams Co. it was moved and seconded that the report be received and recommendations carried out. The Ways and Means Committee reported the Buggdt to the City Councilafter discussion it was moved and seconded the Budget be referred one week and - the Council was ordered to meet Tednesday to discuss the Budget . Repobt of the 'Engineer on water drainage which comes from the Renton Coal Co. Property was read. after discussion the report was ordered filed and recomm- endations carried out and the Company to take care of the drainage. Communication from the State of 'Washington asking the City Council to return the Cannor. the was loaned ,tu the American Legion Post of Renton,it was Moved and seconded. the Clerk notify the State that they could get the Cannon any time they delivered the receipt .for the same. The Ordinance com A ttee reported favorably on ordinance No 547 . Ordinance N0.547 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye .7alters,Faull , Leathley,Sedlacek,Owens,Jen.kins and Cochran. The "id of E. . Duff for improvement of sidewalk on lot I5 Block AS 33 Smithe: Fourth Addition was read and it being the lowest bidder the contract was awarded to E?:E?Duff. The Bid o-f E.L.'Duff for the improvement of sidewalk on lot I Plock I was rea( and it being T00above the estimate it was laid over one week. Councilmen Sedlacek brought up the matter of the sidewalk around Block A and thought it should be put in It was moved and seconded the City Attorne§t bring in an ordinance to cover this improvement . The Clerk was ordered to notify F.G. Smithers that he would have to put in a sidewalk along his property on the North side of third Avenue to connect with the sidewalk of Harold Evans and The L. D. Joned Property within 20 days or the city would put it in and charge it to the property. The. Clerk was ordered to notify the property owners on 5th Avenue between Pain Street and wells ;Street on the South Side of the Street and between Williams Street and Wells Street on the South Side of the Street and on the East• Side ot1 Williams Street Between 5th Avenue and Sixth Avenue to put in their sidewalks within 20 days or the City would put it itin and charge it to the property. It was moved and seconded the Clerk send a copy of the building ordinance - to 71m Tonkin,hd Jones,IAlm Trimm and R wood and notify them that they would have to comply with the ordinance. Councilmen Leathley brought up the matter of the Pacific Telephone and thle- graph Company putting up poles in the City Stre t without a permit the Street Superintendant was ordered to notify them that they was to put no more poles in the City without a permit. The City Attorney reported to the Council that he received a report from the Judge in the Stockdale case and wanted to know what he should do it was moved and seconded that the Attorney do as he seen best . On motion the Council Adjourned. Renton Vlash. ,Sept. I4.I92I . ' Special meeting of the Council called by Mayor Raymond -Thoseresent were the T� -- - '� p ayor. City Clerk. Cierk ,Treasurer,Attorney and Councilmen "'alters, Faull ,I.eathley, Sedlacek, Jenkins & Cochran. The meeting wqs called on account if the Budget, It was moved and seconded That the office of Assistent eater Superirtendan be created at a salary of !125.00 per month. carried . It was moved and seconded the hiurs of the Night 1rarshall be reduced to Tight hours and the salary be reduced accordingly to $I25.00 The Clerk was irdered to send a communication to the Park Board and ?:ibr- ary Board notifying them that it was the wish of the Council to combine the Library Janitor Job and .Park keeper for the purpose of efficency and 2916 .._ .. _., .. . -Penton-.Wash. ySept-.20.I92I. r Fegular meeting of the Council called to order by "ayor raymond . Roll-call talose present were the '-ayor,Clerk, Attorney and Councilmen 'Falters,Leathley,Sedlacek,Jenkins and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Bert Custer for water was granted. Petition of F.M. Smithers for extention of time for the sidewalk along the North side of Third .Avenue was granted. The report of the finance com::iti.ee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. Lowman Hanford Co. 9.00 Street Dept .Payroll . 7I .I0 ` Water Dept Payroll . _ I05 .5I + Renton Lumber Co. _Rensselaer Valve Co. 19.90 • , S.L. Hanley. 3.53 • Barney Doyle . 48.00 • I . I3• total'�`258 . I7 _ I? was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The City Engineer made his Final report on the 1,4ill Street South Improvement and recommended that .the balance of 70�o or $I56I.00 be paid at this time, It was moved and seconded the report be filed and recommendations carried out . The City Engineer reported that the contract for Local Impr6vement District No . I08 was coppleted and he recommended that 70%or ,283.72 be paid at this time , it ,,as .moved and seconded the -eport be filed and recommendations carried out . Communication from the P.g. E.Church inviting the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Renton to attend the Public reception given in honor of the Teachers of the Public Schools was read and ordered filed. The ordinance committee favorably on ordinance No .548 . Ordinance NO.548 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting Aye,'"alters,L;eathley,Sedlacek,Jenl�ins and Cochran. The ordinance co,mmittee reported that they were in favor of eliminating certain lots in block NO.25 mit was moved and second that the report be received and recommendations carried out of ordinance 549 . Ordinance NO.549 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all. cour_ci-1men voting aye,lvalter••s ,Leathley, Sedlacek,Jenkins & Cochran. The ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance NO.550 Ordinance No.550 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole aI all councilmen voting for the ordinance.`Jtalters,Leathley,Sedlacek,g Jenkins and Cochran. James Tachell notified the council. that his sidewalk along his property on Fifth Avenue was a new walk and he did not like to tear out a good walk to put in concrete . The ordinance committee recommended the the Engineer look up all bad walks in Renton it was moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out . The Resolution adopting the Budget was read and it was moved and seconded the resolution be published as required and the council meet at 7 '30 P.M. on the 3rd day of October to rear all objections . The Contract of E.F.Duff for a cement sidewalk on Logan Street was brought up and discudded and after discussion the contract was awarded to E.E.Duff. It was moved and seconded the Bonds of E.E. Duff be Accepted. s It was moved and seconded that the Mayor and Clerk enter a contract with E.E.Duff fro the improvement on Logan Street . It was moved and seconded the Street Superintendant remove all dangerous sidewalks in North Renton. it was moved and seconded that the City of Seattle be notified to put in a sidewalk across the pipe line on the Fast side of Logan Street . Councilmen Sed] c k brought up the matter of Sanitation in tl,e ,t� f,,,� � ton and thought an' l.andling food in the. City should be examined it was mdl�ed and se seconded. the City Attorney bring in an ordinance to cover this matter. The Street Superintendant asked the Council to have the roof of the City Hall repaired it was moved and seconded the Street Superintendant be in power to have the roof fixed. P.Fotinn to adjourn was made and duly carried. , City Clerk. 200BC....__ , .__ - , _.Ren4on- `'asci-.Sept .27.1921 . .- . _ _ , _..._. 297 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond . Roll-call those ,-)resent were t- e Mayor,Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and Council- men 1'rialters,Faull,Sedlacek,and Owens. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of John Comb' for water was granted. P-Z,ition of F. H.Moline for entention of time on sidewalk on Fifth Avenue was read and after discussion it was moved and seconded the petition be rejected.carried. Petibion of the Cunset Service Staticr asking the Council to issue a permit to build a_ frame addition about I6 x60 on the North side of Garage located at 3rd and Logan it was moved and seconded the permit be granted. The report of the Fir:ance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. S.L. Hanley. $48.00- Barney Doyle . 10.69- Geo Arthur. I0.69• J.R. Storey. I.006 - O.K.Garage . 6.55-Total $76 .93 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The City Engineer reported that there was a balance of$12I.74 due Adams, Hancoch and Adams for work done on Local Improvement District No. I04 and he would recommend this be paid it was moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out . The City Engineer reported his final estimate on Local improvement District NO.I07 and he recommended that 7o% or $39.83 be paid at this time, it was moved and seconded that a warrant be drawn for the amount. The City Engineer reported his final estimate on Local Improvement District NO. IIO and lie recommended that 70/10"or �IIO.52 be paid at this time, It was moved and seconded that the report be received and recommendations carried. out . .Councilmen Sedlacek asked for reconsideration of the E.M. Smithers petition It was moved by Owens seconded by sed.lacek that the petition be reconsidered and after discussion Sedlacek with drawed his second. T. J. Richmond asked the Council how far the catch basin was from his property line he was notified that it was seven feet from the property line. It was moved and seconded that the Clerk notify the City of Seattle to put in a sidewalk accross there Right-of-'''ay on Mill Street and also along their Right-of-'Vay between Burnett Street and Logan Street . The IMayor brought up the matter of bad sidewalks on the 'Test side of Logan Street beginning at Second Avenue and running Yorth to connect with Boncrete sidewalk on motion the Clerk was ordered to notify the property owners to put this sidewalk in within twenty days or the City would put it in and charge it to the -property. The 'Mayor brought up the matter of lights on Logan. Street and Tobin Avenue It was moved ?nd seconded that this matter be referred to the Fire,Light and Water committee . a.N.Fairchild one of the Park Commissioners read a report from the Library Board and Park Board about combining the work of the Janitor of the Library with that of a care-taker of the Park after discussion it was moved and see- onded the report be received and filed. en motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. i y Clerk. I G I ._ _ ., . . __ .....,,,,,.� �.,,_. __.,-. •-:Re�ten--�i'a5�r�;Oct-�4-:I9�I ,_..__.._. . _.._ .. .... ' _ �._ _ _ Regular meeting--of--the-Goun-all called to order by Tvlayor Raymond . Roll-call those present were the Mayor Clerk Attorney and councilmen Faull Walters Leathley Sedlacek and Jenkins . The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the finance committee was read and it was recommended th e bills be paid with the exception of one from the mark Board. R.wood. X5.75 • City of Seattle . 65.40• S.l .Hanley. 48.00. Barney Doyle. I .70. Geo Arthur. 2.25 - Renton Hardware Co. 6 .50• Payroll Street Dept . 78.78• Payroll Tater Dept . I48.I4' E.A. Shearer. 37.98 • Renton Bulletin. 48.70 - Burrows & Brown. 9.35• Williams & McKnight . I .75 McPherson Bros. 3.00` Northwest Plumbing Supply Co . 3.25 , J.S. Hardie. 3I .26 •S49I.8I total It was :moved and sedonddd thatwarrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The Tire Light and "'ater Committee reported a light should be put on Loghn Street Moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out and the Clerk notify the Power Company to put in the light . Communication from the City of Seattle was read Moved by Leathley second by Walters the communication be received and recommendations carried out . Moved by Walters seconded by Sedlacek the Clerk be in power to ask the City contractors to bid on this walk,and send the bid to the City of Seattle for their O.K. and report next meeting. Ordinance No .s 55i .552.553.and 554 were read and referred to the ordinance committee. ordinance 110.551 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a (7he hole all councilmen voting aye.tAialters,I:eathley,Sedlacek and Jenkins . he ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance nO.55i . Report of the Engineer on Local Improvement District NO. III was read Moved amd seconded the report be received and recommendationd carried out . I50 .90 The bid of Adams Hancock and Adams on Main Street ''ells Street and Third North was read Moved by `"salters Seconded by Leathley the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder. iia district . The Bids of Adams,Hancock and Adams and E. E.Duff was read and the bid of E.E.Duff being the lowest bidder the contract was awarded to E.E.Duff. Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley the Engineer pay special attention to the fills on sidewalksto aee that they were properly safe and that there would be on sinkage before the walk was laved. The Bids of E.E.Duff and Adarus Hancock and Adams were opened and read and E.E.Duff being the lowest bidder it was Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Walters the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder. The Street Superintendant asked the Council to have all Contractors putup Bonds to make them replace walks and asked to hold their bonds until the__ walks are in safe condition. i Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Walters that the Street Superintendant put in steps on Fifth Avenue on Main Street and on dill Street . Moved by Leathley seconded by Sedlacek that the Contract of the Puget Sound-T` Traction Light and Power Company be referred to the Fire Light and hater Committee . Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. i y Clerk. Renton 7Flash. ,Oct .II .192I . Regular meeting of the Council called ti order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the ",Rayor,Clerk,Treasurer.Attorney and Council- men Faull,Leathley,Sedlacek and Jenkins. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition of Property owners in the Highland Addition asked the Council to put a light on the cornersof Grant Street and Seventh and Fight Avenues Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Faull this matter be referred to the Fire,Light and '.dater Committee Carried. The report of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be' paid. S.L. Hanley. $40.00, Geo Arthur. 1 .13- Barney Doyle. 3.94 • John Pritchard. 3.94 • David" Pugh. I2.50- O.R.Transfer Co. I0 .40• Gorham Fire Apparatus Co. 6.00• Pacific Tela, Tel.Co. 3.8-5- R. 71ood. 8.80,total t9O.56 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The Report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The City E&gineer reported that the Contract on Williams Street , for Local Improvement District NO.Io9 was completed and he recommended that 70% or 720.43 be paid at this time.Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley that the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. The report of the Engineer was read recommending that the allowance of $800.00 be paid to the contractors at this time,Moved by Sedlacek Seconded by Leathley that the report be received and recommendations carried out Carried. The report of the City Engineer on the Trunk Sewer was read and it was moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley the report be received and filed.carried Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley that Thursday Evening Oct.I3 be set for a Special meeting for discussion on the Trunk Sewer Carried. Communication from Mrs M.M. Jones notifying the council that she makes no protests against improvements moved communication be received & filed. Communication form the Tashington Surveying and Rating Bureau was read and the Clerk ordered to answer the communication. Ordinances No.s 555 and 556 were read and referred to the ordinance committee. Ordimance No's 552.553.554.555 and 556 were read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye. Fau]_l,Leathley,Sedlacek and Jenkins. The City Attorney notified the Council that he met Mr.Brown Superintendant of the Seattle Rainier Valley Ry.Co.and Mr.Brown said he would recommend that some of the bill be paid,Moved by Sedlacek Seconded by Faul.l that this matter be referred to the Finance committee and the City Clerk to confer with Mr.Brown Carried. Moved By Sedlacek seconded by Jenkins the Clerk send the bids which he received from the contractors for the sidewalk accross and along the Seattle 'Pipe Line Right of "!'ay to the City of Seattle and ask them to comrntLnicate directly with the bidder carried. The Bond of Adams,Hancock and Adams was read, it was moved and seconded the bond be approved Carried. ,Uov The Bonds of E.E.Duff e e read it �,as moved and seconded the bonds be approved carried. Councilmen leathley brought up the matter of an alley between 5 avenue and 6th avenue between Mill street and Cedar Street moved and seconded the Clerk notify these property owners to open this alley at once carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ( City Cleek. i 300 Renton Wash ,Oct . I8 . I92I . R::gular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the i,%ayorgClerk,Treasurer,Attorney and Councilmen Talters,Faull ,Leathley,Sedlacek, Jenkins and Cochran. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected . The repobt of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Payroll Street Dept . $I60.31. Payroll 7-Tater Dept . 87.54► Northern racific Ry Co. 2.48 Continental Pipe Mfg Co. , 67.92 • S.L. 11ariley. 45.00F Barney Doyle. I6.3I , John Pritchard. I6 .3ITbtal 0395 .87 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for, the above amounts . It was moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley that a lI gh't be pint on Grant Street and Seventh Avenue and one put on Grant Street and Fight Avehue Carried, The Street Superintendant notified the Council that the Alley between Mill Street and Cedar Street and Between Fifth and Sixth Avenue wab so steep that they cannot drive through the alley moved by Sedlacek seconded by Paull the report be accepted and the Street Superintendant notify the property owners to open this Alley for Traffic .carried. The Clerk read the bids for lumber from the Renton Lumber Co.the Seattle Mill & Logging Co and from. C.T.Oliver the bid of C . T.OLiver being the lowest bidder #h* ' it was moved by Sedlacek Seconded by Faull the Clerk be instructed to purchase the necessary lumber for Mill Street Bridge from the lowest bidder carried. Mr.Brown of the Rainier Valley and Southern Ry.Co on behalf of the Company offere to pay the bill of the City of Renton for extraordinary labor and material caused by Electrolysis resulting in injury to the water pipe across Third Avenue and al- ong Main Street and asked that the City Cooperate with the Company to ascertain what Company is responsible for the damage and if it were ascertained that same other Company was liable that the City would refund ; it was suggested that upon payment of the amount that the City would assign the bill without recource on the City so that the Company could present the claim to the company found liable and recover the amount and this be agreeable it was moved by Cochran seconded by Walters the City settle the matter with the company carried. Councilmen Sedlacek brought up the matter of a Valve' leaking at the corner of Third Avenue and Mill Street and. said it ought to be fixed. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of fixing the Streets after discussion it was referred to the Street Superintendant. Mr.Brown of the Rainier Valley and Southern Ry Co. on behalf of the Company asked the Council if they ever thought anything about the Auto Busses using the same Strebt corner as a loading station after discussion it was moved by We Waltevs seconded by Cochran the Council take it under' advisment for a week or two carried. Motion to adjourn was :Wade and duly carried. C y Clerk. Mr. Cl.ark 'and Mr.Grant on behalf of the Puget Sound Traction Light and Power Co, met with the Council to discuss the City Light Contract and said that the Puget Sound Traction_ Light and Power Co-were willing to buy all poles and lines #Ite# from the City that they now own and that they would put up one pole and e string wires for each property owner that contracts with the Company for light , at the expense of the Company It was moved a.ns seconded the City Engineer go over the City and get the amount he thinks it is worth.carried. 20BC 301 Renton "lash. Oct .25 . I92I . Regul«.r meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor.Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen Ialters,Faull,Leathley, Sedlacek and Owens. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Finance committee was read and it' was_ recommended�.that the following' bills be paid. E.A.Kass ner. $I9.60 - S.L.Hariley. 28.00• Barney Doyle. 5.63 • John Pritchard. 5.63 - 1111m Kane. 4.00 - Seattle .00 .Seattle Plumbing Supply co. I5.87- Northwest Plutbing Supply Co. 23.32-Total �Ib2.05 It was moved and secomded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . Moved by Walters seconded by Faull that the City Attorney and City* Clerk communicate with the Council of the City of Seattle to see what they could furnish the City of Renton with light . carried. Moved by Owens seconded by Faull that the property owners on ?V-ill Street be notified to put in their sidewalk.carried. Moved by 'halters sec6nded by Owens the Fire Chief be in power to buy an Electric Fire Alarm for The City and have it installed Carried. The mayor appoints Geo Arthur as Night l.,Iarshall it was moved by_Leathley seconded by Walters the appointment be confirmed carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ty Clerk. " i i 302 Renton "'ash. ,ivov . I .I92I. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by 10ayor Raymond, Roll-call those present were the 'Tayor,Clerk.Attorney. and councilmen TA'alters, Faull ,Leatkley, Jenk�ns and Cochran. The minutts of the last meeting was read and approved. The Report of the Finance co;nmittec :!a.s read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Payroll Street Dept . $II2.86 - Payroll Water Dept . 65.05 City of Seattle . 75,95. Renton Bulletin. 23,25' R. J. Pettie. 29.00,, S.L. Hanley. 48.00• John Pritchard. .60 - E A Shearer. I .�5— Puget Sound Traction Light & ' ower Co. 4I5!80- Puget Sound `fraction -fight newer Co. 20.66• Oliver and E'dris . 2I6.27,11968.79 total. It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Mr.Ciark and Mr. Grant bn behalf of the Puget Sound Traction Light and Power Co. , brought up the matter of lighting the City of Renton, they asked the council to with draw the contract that was given to the City and said that they could give the City a better rate moved by Cochran seconded by Walters the contract be handed back. They also notified the Council that would give the City a check for $2667.00 for the line that belongs to the City,114oved by Cochran Seconded by Walters this offer be taken under consideration. The City Engineers report was read recommending that the thirty per cent on Local improvement District noI07 or ' [7.07 be paid at this time,l"oved by Cochran seconded by Jenkins the report be rec6ived and recommendations carried out carried. The report of the Engineer was read recommending that the 30%of local improvement district no.IO8 or $12I.63 be paid at this time Moved by Faull sec -)nded by C. Cochran the report be received and recomiinendations carried out carried. The report of the Engineer was read recommending that the 30 reserve or 47.36 be baid on Local Improvement District No. IIO. Nt Moved by Cochran seconded by Faull the report be received and the recommendations carried out carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Cit Clerk. c08C3�3 Renton Wash.',Nov.S.I92I . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Pviayor Raymond. Roll-call these present were the "layor, Clerk, Treasurer,Attorney and - Councilmen ,7a1ters,Fau11,Leathley,fiad Sedlacek. Meeting of the last were read and approved . Petition of Clyde McDonald and Frank Vaise for Pool license on Main Street Mloved by Sedlacek Seconded by Walters it be referred to the Fire,Light and Tater **ma444e* and License Committees carried. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. D.H.7,Aothorn. "2.50 Fenton Motor Co. 21 .15 - Priebe Bros. 7 .45• A. Rishop. 26.87- 71illianis &: 14cgnight z 1 . 20 ' E.A. Shearer. •55 • mow ,,Tm Kane . 6 .70 - Richmond Ice Co. 15.00- Sanderson Safety Supply Co, 7.42• - ----- S.L.Hanley. 40. 00- John Pritchard. .60• Tatal.I30. 24 It was moved and seconded that, warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for -- the above amounts . The report of the Engineer was read recommending that 30oof Local Improve- ment District 70. 103 or t2I04.70 be paid at this time Moved by Faull Secondee by Leathley the report be received and recommendations carried oVt earlAed. The reports of the Clerk and Treasurer .were read and ordered filed. The Treasurer notified the Council that the Currant Expense fund w�� s depleated Moved by '"alters seconded by Faull that a loan of $2000.00 be -- - - transferred from the water fund to the Current expense fund carried,. , Moved by `'edlacek seconded. by `.F:Talters that the Bond of David Mitchell be canceled and sent back to the bonding company and ask for a rebate and the Bond of Geo-yrthur be accepted carried. Councilmen Sedlacek brought up the matter of water standing on Logan Street and asked the council to take some action for disposing of this water moved by lValters seconded by Sedlacek this matter be reffered to the utreet Superiritendant . carried. The Mayor declared Friday November TIth I92I a Holiday. Motion to adjourn. was made and 'duly carried. 6xtity Clerk. 304Renton Tash. ,Nov. I6.I92I . Regular meeting of the. Council 'calle'd 'to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Wayor, Clerk,Treasurer,Attorney and councilmen. T',7alters,Faull ,Leathley,Sedl.acek, Owens ,Jenl&ins and Cochran. The minutes of the last Meeti'ng was reed and approved. Petition. of Property ownerson Mill Street North asking the Council for a Street light in the center of Block,Moved by Sed"lacek Seconded by Owens the petition be granted. Petition of property owners on Mill Street South on the west -s-i-de--o-f--said Street on Block 9 asking the council fir an extention of time for td put in their cement sidewalk moved b ,seconded by Sedlacek the petition be granted. The report of the Finance Co±i± .�i Lee was read a.nd it was recomrrer�ded that the p following bills be paid . Payroll Street Dept. 0116.49 - Payroll `"later Dept . 2II .57- O.K.Transfer Co. , •82.IOtotal 94I0.I6 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer- for the above amounts. The members of the Police and License Committee recommended that no License be granted for a Pool Hall in the "V.Trimm building on Main Street Moved by Wa;4ope Walters Seconded by Paull the report be accepted and filed. The Clerk notified the council tliat _•.e made an over charge for inter•eston Local Improvement District NO.80 and asked the council to have a check 6E x.2.90 drawn to cover the amount ,lioved by Walters seconded- by Faull the Clerk libr be in power to draw the check.Carried. Ordinance NO .557 was read and referred to the• ordin_ar.ce committee. The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance No 557. Ordinance NO.557 .was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye `x'alters,Faull ,Leathley, Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkirts and Cochran,. I, The Lighting Contract was brought up and discussed after discussion it vasee� moved by Faull Seconded by "..'albers we except the Five Fear Contract Carried. Moved by Leathley Seconded by Faull the Contract be excepted. Ordinance PTO ' s 558 and 559 were 'read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance NO 's 558 and 559. Ordinance nO .58 an ordinance directing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a contract with the Puget Sound Power and Light Companyfor lighting the Streets,Alleys and other Public places of the Cite of Renton, was read the •secd)nd time by section and adopted as a whole all cotancilm.en voting ave 'Nalters ,Faull , Leathley, Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkins and Cochran. Ordinance NO 559 an ordinance authorzing ard. directing tieJiayor and Clerk to execute the Contract for the sale of the Poles,'"iees and other equipment that the City of Renton owns in connection with the system of Electric lighting in the City and of the Streets,Alleys,Parks and public places thereof,was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye `'alters,Faull,Leathley,Sedlacek, Owens,Jenkins and Cochran. !lotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. City erk. `)CORC Renton 7Tash.P?ov.22.I92i . 305 Regular meeting og the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and councilmen Faull ,'Yalters,Leathley,Owens and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition of Property owners on High Street asking the Council for a Street light on the corner of High Street and Eight Avenue was read and re�'e�re to the Fire,ILight and '.Fater Committee . The report of the Finance Com: itte was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. A.Bishop. $6.50' Jackson Fuel Co. I0.50 - Tiller & Haviland. 1 .70- Pacific Tel and Tel Co. 3.85• O.K.Garage . II .'501 - Renton Tire Shop. I5.3, •Total49.35 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer fern the above amounts . The report of the Engineer was read recommending that the 30%of Local Improvement District NO.IO9 or „308.75 be paid at this time,litoved by Cochran Seconded by Owens the report be received and recommendations -carried out .Carried. The report of the Engineer was read recommending that X600.00 be paid to Adams ,11ancock and Adams on Local Improvement District No .I06 moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. Fire Chief Joe Wood brought up the matter of the Fire signal and said it would cost about tIO0.00 for the signal and to have it installed and he said he would recommend that this be deme moved by Cochran second6d by Owens that the recommendations be carried out .carried. Moved by Leat.--ley "econded by !"alters that a light be installed in the City Park under the supervision of the Street Super-intendant carried. Councilmen_ Cochran brought up the matter of E.A. Shearer doing work at the park and said he had some trouble to get *his money Moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the Park Board be requested to make a repobt next meeting carried. Cochran suggested that the Mayor appoint a committee to work on th* an estimate for a building in the Park Moved by Faull seconded by Owens this be referred to the Town Property connittee carried. 1".otion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Cit Glerk. I i r i I 306 Renton Wash.Nov.30. I92I. Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll--call those present were the Mayor, Uerk.Treasurer,Attorney and Council- men i,A'alters,Faull,Leathley, Sedlac'bk,Jenkins and Cochran. Fejjtjs of the lest meeting was read and approved. Petition of Arland Swanson for water was granted. The report of the Finance Committee was read and ;.t was recommended that the f6llowing bill be paid. Renton Hardware co. $34.47 • It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upor the Treasurer for the above amounts. The Town Property committee reported that they made some changes in the plans for the IDark and 'said they changed the building frcrfit a woodenstruct- ure to a Brick building Moved by Paull seconded by Jentins the report be received and filed.carried. The Fire ,Light and water committee that they would reccommend that the petition for a light on the corner of Eight Avenue and High Street be granted Moved by Cochran seconded bS Leathley tile -report ue received and recommendations carried out.carried. Resolution N0.289 was read moved by Wailll seconded by 'Ralters -the resolut- ion be adopted 'carried. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of the Eagle Lodge wanting to have a Carnival or what they call the days of Forty Nine and asked the council for permission to run thisCarnival and appoint enough extra Police to take care of the crowd Moved by Faull seconded by 'Palters the permit be granted carried. Bob Carnes brought up the matter of the Auto Trucks that are hauling logs and asked the council if they could drive up Main Street to Fourth Avenue and he said that they would keep Main Street graveled at all times after discussion it was moved by Walters seconded by Faull tris matter be left to the Street Superintendant. The matter of the old plank from the Mill Street Bride was brought up and discussed after discussion it was moved by Cochran seconded by Jenkins this matter be left to the Street Superintendant. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ity Clerk, 2COBC 307 Renton 71ash.Dec .6. I92I. Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor, Clerk,Attorney, and Councilmen "alters,Faull ,Leathley and Jenkins . Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Finance comnitee was read and it• was recommended that the following bills be paid. Eagan Ridenour. $64.70• O.K.Garage. 9. 70• Renton Bulletin. 10.60 , E.A.Kassner. 3 .20- Payroll ?later Dept . 2I2.05: Payroll Street Dept . 2.0.8I• R. J.Pettie . 50.00• Jackson Fuel Co. 2I.00 - Standard Paper Co. I7 . I5• '7illiams & i1cKnight. 2.85 Puget Sound Traction light & Power Co. I38.60• --- Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. II.S8. -- City of Seattle . 40.70• Icing County District NO.6 I29.60•Total 732.84 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. - The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The matter of the break in the Storm Sewer on Cedar Street was brought up and discussed after discussion the Street Superintendant was ordered to repair this soon as possible. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. i T er . i i 308 Renton Wash. ,Nov.I4.I92I. Regular meeting of the Council called to' order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor, Clerk.Treasurer,Attorney and Councilmen Talters,Leathley,Jenkins and Cochran. _ IMinutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Report of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. R. C. Polk. 0976.08 ' D.H.Mothorn. 5.00 • Pacific Tel and Tel Co. 4.05 • Trick and Murray. II.28' Miller and Haviland. I2.50• Total �I009 .4I It was moved and seconded, that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Councilmen ^wens notified, the Council that he would be out of mown for some time and asked the Council. to be excused Moved be Cochran seconded by Wd 71alters the request be granted carried. Councilmen Cochran one of the Town Property Committee brought up the matter of the roof of the Fire Hall being in very bad condition and said it ought 4a to be fixed at once moved_ by ',,11alters seconded by Leathley that Cochran get &0 some one to fix the roof carried. The Water Superintendant notified the Council the he had the water mains connected again but said the system was in very bad condition moved by Walters seconded by Jenkins $he report be excepted carried. . I,tio ed by, Cochran seconded by Jenkins the Street Superintendant and Engineer work ol)t some system to over come the slide on dill Street and put it in shape carried. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of open toilets in the City within the Sewer District Moved by Cochran seconded by '"alters the Health Officer be requested to report to the Council next meeting all toilets that are not conected to the sewer within the District carriedy Councilmen Leathley brought up the matter of the "Mill Street Bridge and asked the Council if the;; thought it was safe after discussion the Clerk was ^rdered to loom up the contract to see how long the piling is . Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Cit Clerk. t' i �c0BC 309 Trenton '°Wash. ,Dec :27. 192I. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and councilmen V.Talters ,Faull, Leathley,Sedlacek and Cochran. Trinutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of C.C.Brown for water on lot IO blk I woods addition was granted. Petition of Peter Griglione and Charles Dock for Pool License for the corner of `.Valla JTalla. and Wells Street known as the Melrose Bar was granted. The report of the Finance committee was read a.nd it was recommended that the following bills be paid. J.R. Storey. $I .00- Payroll Street Dept. I99.44. Payroll '"later Dept . 244.96 Christie Swules. 4.50• Continental Pipe Mfg Co. , 21 .18- Northwest Plumbing Supply Co. , I5.38•total 486.46 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The report of the Engineer was read recommending that 70% or $681 .5I bf Local Improvement District No.II2 be paid at this time moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the report be received and recommendations be con- curred incarried. report of the Engineer was readrecommending that an estimate of $980.00 of local improvement District no.II4 be paid at this time Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the report be received and recommendations be con- curred in carried. At the request of the Council the City Health Officer reported the Toilets not connected up to the Sewers it was moved and seconded the Clerk send out notices to the property owners to comply with the ordinance and to connect up within thirty days carried. The City 'Clerk notified the council that he received 028I2 .60 from the Puget Sound Traction Light and Power Company as payment from the sale of the .ity 's Light Poles and Equipment Moved by Leathley seconded 'by Cochran that the sum of f,28I2 .60 be placed in a Special Fund for the erection of a Corrfort Station in the City Park and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution to that 'ffect carried. The Mayor appoints Jack Stewart as night Marshall to take effect January Ist I922 moved 'by Cochran seconded by Leathley the appointment be confirmed, carried. 1%lotion t6 adjourn was made and duly carried. 2 C ty Clerk. ... i 10 Renton '.,'ash}.Jan.`- .I9 22 . Regular meeting of the Council Called to order 'by Raymond. Roll-call 'those present were the .ayor,Clerk,Attorney and councilmen Talters,Leathley,Sedlacek and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Thos Iddings for permit to run Comfort Station Moved byLeathley seconded by Sedlacek the permit be granted carried. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was rc°comrriended that the following dulls be paid. 79- Payroll Street Dept . 123. Payroll 17ater Dept . I23 .4466 Pioneer Binding and Printing Co. 6.6T - Puget Sound Traction Light and Power Co. I4I.70- Puget Sound Treation Light and Power Co. I2.06-* Trick and P�"urray. 56.55 City of Seattle. 23.80 Industrial 'Insurance . Dept . 60.87 ' Medical Aid Dept . I5.55 , Thos Reynolds. I .00 - Frank L. Small . II5.00•Total $654.39 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The Clerk asked the Council to have a. warrant of $I .25 dPawn for an Auto License moved and seconded the clerk draw a warrant for the amount .carried. Communication from the park board was read and filed . Ordinance NO.560 anigEdinance confirminf the assessment roll of Local improvement District was read and referred to the ordinance committee . The ordinance committee reported on ord&nance NO..II2 . Ordinance NO. II2 was read the second Ume by sections avid adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye .Waltei•s,Leathley, 'Sedlacek and Cochran. Resolution NO.289 was read whereas plans and specifications for the Comfort Station heretofore adopted Yid the park board are subject to revision by tYe Council as to the Material with which the building is to 'be erected and that the amount of $28I2.60 which was received from the puget Sound Traction Light and Power Company for the Citry's light poles wires etc be put in a. Special Fund for the erection of a. Cmmfort Station was adopted . Moved by Cochran seconded by 17alters that a resolution be brought ' in the council next Meeting to order the sidewalk in front of lot 8 Blk I Car works addition and for clerk to notify the property owner carried. u cilmen brought up the matter of bad sidewalks at the South end of Cedar Street the Street SuperintendanL was ordered to bring in a report on this sidewalk next meeting. The City Clerk asked the Council for some help in order to get out his Yearly report on time Moved by Cochran seconded by '"lalters ti-ie Clerk get the necessary help carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Sedlacek that the City Attorney bring in an oppinion on having card tables in Bowling alleys carried . The City Attorney reported to the Council that the ordinance Books are nearly - completed moved and seconded the repobt be received and filed. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Czty Clerk. �� 91 COB ' Reston Wash. , Jars. I0.i 922. 31.1. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call Those ?'resent were the mayor, C1erk,Treasurer,Attorney and Councilmen Talters, Faull,Leathley, Sedlacel; and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeti_rig xere read and approved. Petition of Ticknor,Boisseau and Swift for a License for Pool tables BowlinE Alleys and Soft drinks wirer read and granted . The renort of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended ghat the following bills be paid. Williams and McKnight . I .05-' D.Yi._^•-^othorn. 2.50 Miller and Haviland. 9.I0• Jackson Fuel Co. 2I .00' Denny 'R- nton Clay and Coal Co. , 5.40, Burrows and Brown. 9.05 ' Renton Hardware Co. ; I0. I01 Renton Hardware Co. , 5.I9•Total w63.39 It was moved arid sedonded that t1io-Follewing-bill warrantS be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. z The Street Superintcndant reported that the sidewalk on Cedar Street if, good condition, arid -also reported that he thimks the pilin; under the Mill Street Bridge are on hardpan and the Bridge in safe condition. D. S.McKibben asked the council for an extention of time ib connect to Sewer until Septemb r 22 until lie overhauls his building moved by Faull seconded by-Z6441 y .I the request "e granted carried. The Street Superintendant was ordered to fix the sidewalk between Burnett Street and Logan Street . The City Attorney notified the Council the price3 for licenses Mloved by Sedl Beek seconded by 'A'alters that the attorney* bring in an Ordinance fixing the prices for Pool Tables ,Bowling Alleys, Soft Drinks and also for Card tables and to fix the license on card tables at One Dollar for each Card + table carried. The assessment roll on Local Improvement District T?O.I2 was filed and the date of hearing for the property owners will be on January 3I I922 . viotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ... ity Clerk. , r.r i � Renton 'Pash. , Jan.19�2. Regular 'meeting of the Council. called to order by N[ayor Raymond. Roll -call those present were the Mayor, C1erk,Attorney and Councilmen 7'alters ,Leathle ' Sedlacek,Jenkins and CoQhvetii. inures ,-)f iiieeting were read anr' approved as corrected. 'Petition of James Gregory for license for Bowling Alley Card Tables and was read and referred to the License comjnittee . Communication from Thos Iddings notifying the Council that he was no longer an applicant for the Comfort Station moved anti seconded the communication be received and filed. Petition of 'IIm Brink for care Taker of the Comfort Station was read *the Mayor appoints 'Nm Brink as care taker of the Comfort Station Moved by "gaiters seconded by Leathley the appointment be confirmen carried. Petition of Robertson_ and Davis to break curb was read moved by Leathley seconded by T''altPrs the petittori be granted carried. The report of the finance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be maid . Payroll Street Dept . ---- ---------- $275 .24- Payroll Hater Dept . 1I0.55 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 5 .60 ' Foods Cafe . I .00 Grange 71arehouse Co. I .25 Renton Tire Shop. 15.05 - Priebe Bros. 12.05 - 0.11T, . Garage . I2.90 F. Sonnichsor . 1 .50 ' Clarence Williams . 7.80 - S.L. Hanley. 16.504Total .-"459 .44 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The Engineer recommended an allowance of $300.00 to Adams,Hancock and Adams for Local Improvement District NO.II3.I11oved by `halters seconded by Leathley the repor be received and recommendations carried out carried. The reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and filed. The Street Superintendant reported that Idill Street was completed and that there were 708000 feet of new sement sidewalk laid th I92I ,and 2I60 feet of new Iron "eater main laid and Police Court fines amounted to '402..50 Moved by Cochran seconded by Jenkins the report be received and filed.. Councilmen '.'alter,; brought up the matter of the bill the Rainier Valley Railway Company owes the City and thought it ought to be paid moved by ".'alters seconded b;* Cochran the City Attorney notify the Company that the 9-14y City will give them two weeks to pay this bill or the City. will issue procedings against them carried. Leathley brought up the matter of D. S.McKibben ' s cespool moved by Leathley seconded by Sedlacek be reconcidered Carried. Moved by Leathley seconded by Walters that he be given to May I .1922 to connect with sewer and the Clerk to notify him carried. The Town Property Committee and Park Board reported that they are setting along nicely on the plans for the Comfort Station for the Park,but have made some changes and asked the Council as e. whole to meet with them next Friday evening at the City Hall to approve the Plans Moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. Mloved by Cocl_ran seconded by Leatrl.ey the Clerk call for bid on Iron water pipe carried. IvTotion to adjourn was made and duly curried. Cit Clerk. �200 BC 313 Renton'Wash. ,Jan.24.I922. Regular meeting of the Council called to or-der by Mayor Raymond. Roll-Call those present were the Playor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen 'ValtersiFaull,Lee.thley,Jenkins and Owens . Pdinuted of the last meeting were read and approved. Town Property committee reported that they have everything ready for the Comfort Station for the City Park and have called for bids and the Council as a whole and Park Board will have a Special mem-ting Thursday Evenigg at 7130 O`Clock. The License comnittee reported that they were tilling to give James Gregory a License for Bowling Alley and Card Tables but this license may be revolked at any time carried. Moved by, '.'lalters seconded by Leathley the Liceense of James Gregory for Bowling Alley and Card tables be reconsidered carried. a..• Moved by Leathley seconded by Walters that tames Gregory be granted a Bowling Alley only carried. The report -of the Finance was read, and it was recommended that the rfollowing bills be paid. Frank L.Mitten. $25 .00 Leslie F?Hopkins. 25.00 " Puget Sound Traction Light 8. Power Co. , 13.29- Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. , I45.35- Moran Fire Egyipment Co. , 42.00total 62250.64 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer fer the above amounts. G '�'`► Ordinance No .56I was read fixing Licenses in the City of Menton, moved and seconded the ordinance isato be amended to 'read that all licenses is to be paid annually carried. Councilmen Leathley brought up the matter of the glass being broken in one of the doors in the Comfort Station the Street Superintendant was ordered to have this matter taken care of. iiiotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. �111� Renton Wash. ,Jan. 216. 1922' . Special meeting of thc: council called to -)rde-r by P,Iayor Raymond. Poli-call- those present •w re the Mayor.Clerk,anc? councilmen '"'alters , Leathley,Cochran.A.iv.Fairchild. and Vr.E. E1. Duff. lie bids for the "Teta Comfort Station for Labor on Carpenter work were opened and read0Toved by Leathley seconded by `ATalters thA bids be taken under & advisement for one week carried. The Par's Board abd Council as a whsle discus-ed the proposition thouroughly and after discussion it was moved and seconded we adjourn until next Thursday evening at 7132 P.M carried . Ci e k. 31-4 Renton "`ash. Jan.31 . I922 . Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were Chancilmen ;!alters,Leathley,Sedlacek,JenJ&ins, Cochran,Attorney,Engineer and Deputy Clerk Richmond. - Minutes of the Regular and Special meetings were read and approved.as read. Petitions of Mrs Rockwood and J.E.Vioue for soft drink license wereread, Moved by Cochran seconded by 77alteos that matter be referred to license 0"',h* Committee carried. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. nay roll hater Dept . t 53.85" Payroll Street Dept . 70 .34 . Jackson Fuel Co 21 .00' E.A. Shea.rer. I .00• Total xpi46 .12 It was moved and seconded that ,varoants be dra,.n upon the Treasurer for the abive amounts. Quotations on Iron. Pipe received from R. C. Polk and Crane & Co. , was read moved by Cochran seconded by Jenkins that the matter be referred to the ':`Dater Superintendant he to submit recommendations next meeting night carried. . The matter of the completion of the -Alley in Block 6 came up for discussion. moved by Talter's seconded by Leathle-j that same be referred to the Street and. Alley Committee carried. The City Attorney makes an oral report and recommends consolidating the various ordinances in reference to the Pool,Bowling,Theatre etc .ordinances and asks an extention of time.Moved by 77alters seconded -by Sedlacek the request be granted carried. :,lotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. T. . Richmond Deputy Clerk . �_ -� Iqe,OBC RAAt.on Wash. ,7eb.7. i92?. 315 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mlayor Raymon$. Roll-call those present were the '..ayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen _ Faull, -edlacek,Leathley,0.wens and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of F. C. Brendle and Hanson Bros for a soft drink License were read and referred to the License committee. 141r.Anderson asked the, council for a permit to reshingle the building known as the Third Rail building after discussion it was moved by Cochran seconded by Sedlacek this matter be referred to the council of a whole to report --- next meeting. Petition of Puget Sound Traction Light and Power Company to put eight Forty foot poles on the North side of second Avenue North between Factory,iaeadow, Garden.Mill and Pelly Streets after discussion it was moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the permit be granted under approval and directions of the Street Superintendant carried. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recDmmended the following bills be paid. Renton Hardware co. 5.i5 • Williams St . Garage . 6.50 • City of Seattle. 37.00• Lowman and Hanford Co. 9.64- Crane Compamy. 5.38 . Total L63.67_ It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon, the Treasurer for the above amounts . The reports of the Cler',. and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The report off the 'dater Superintendant was read recommending the American Cast Iron Pipe,after discussion It was moved by Sedlacek seconded by Cochran the Clerk order the amount of Iron, P'ipe that the ' ater Superintendant needs and have contract signed for ti-,e sane carried. The matter of trestling the ravine at Panther Creek to carry the water pipe was brought up after discussion the Engineer was ordered to bring in a report soon as possible carried . There being_ po protests against Local Improvement District No.II2 Ordinance NO.560 approving the assessment roll was r-ad and referred to the ordinance committee The ordinance coimmittee reported unfavorably on ordinance no.560 Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Owens the City Engineer change the assessment roll according t6 law carried. r..r� The Street and Alley Committee reported that the alley between Cedar Street .and 14111 Street is open but is not passable for traffic on account of the steep grade and recommends that the Clerk send notices to the Property owners that they will have to pay for the--grad_i-z-g-o1'--this alley carried. The City Attorney brought up the matter of the suit pending in Court for -- to establish the lines along Lake T•ashington and said he has with drawn his name from the summons and said he woulq do all he could for the City of Renton, in this case . Motion to adjourn was made and dulycarried ^ .o. ss " Ci y Clerk. ��� 316 Renton 'rdash.Feb. I4.I922. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor, C1erk,Attorney and Councilmen Iffalters, FaullmLeathley,Sedlacek,Owens,Jenkins and Cochran. ?Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved to read that in establishing the lines along Lake Tashington the Firm of Houser and Davis has with drawn �3Qf3�dF'��4tk�hdbi6 from the summons . Petition of the Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co . , to put in Cement- sidewalk on the '"est side of Mill Street between third and FouT'th Avenues was granted. Petition of H.H.A.Hastings for water was read moved by Cochran- seconded by ;;e4 Sedlacek bq referred to water Superintendant for recommendations carried. The report of the Finance committme waU read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. James Toman. $4.00 - Trick & Murray. 2.67 • O.K.Transfer Co. , 73.65 - O.I�.Garage . 5.80.• Tota1986.I2 It was moved and seconded- that warrants be drawn upon t-he Traasurer for the above amounts. The bill of .'16I.84 for Taxes was read Moved by Cochran seconded by Sedlacek a warrant be drawn to cover the amount carried. Councilmen Cochran one of the Committee of the Council as a whole asked that �W4�s the Fire Ordinance NO.53I be read so all the Council would understand the the ordinance after discussion the committee recommended the building be torn dowia Droved. by Sedlacek seconded by Paull that the Fire Marshall appoint one member of the Committee and the Owner appoint one and the Two appoint the other and bring in a written report on the condemnation of the building known as the Third Rail Building carried. The City Attorney notified the council that all abutting property pays for the Alley crossings after discussion it was moved by Faull seconded by Owens the report be received and recomr_endations carred out. Communication from Carl L. Leon Company was- readand ordered filed. The ordinance- committee reported favorably on ordinance No.560.2 Ordinance No.560 was read the seconded time by sectionsand adopted as a. whole all councilmen voting aya '�laltbrs,Faull,Leathley,Sedl.acek,Owens, Jenkins and Cochran. - Moved by Cochran seconddd by Walters that Lot 4 Block 2I Town of Renton be ordered to connect to Sewer Carried. Councilmen Cocliran brought up the matter of paving Mill Street North after discussion it was moved by Sedlacek seconded by Cochran the City Attorney "6pli3g bring in a resolution to pave Five feet on each side of the present paving from First Avenue to Fauptlq-AvAp�ie the North side of Fourth Avenue carried. resolution NO.290. was read that it is the intention of the City Council to a,Q order the improvement of Trunk Sewer in the City of Renton."owed by Sedlacek s seconded by Walters the resolution be adopted carried. Moved by Sedlacek seconded by Cochran the Alley between Cedar Street and Mill Street be .referred to the Street and Talley Committee carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried ?cdBG Renton Wash..,Feb .21 .1922. 301' Regular meeting of th council called t,a- ordd.r by N-ayor Raymond._ _ Roll-call those present were_ the Nayor-,_ C1-ark.Tr_easurer, Attorne-y and Councilmen "Jalters .Faull , Leathley, Sela-cek ­arnd Cochran-.----- ---- --- -- Petitions of D.,vi.Hogan and Joe Madelene for a licenseson pool tables and card tables was read and referred to the License corunittee. Petition of Matt Grady to reshingle the buildin; on 16t I2 B1k.22 Town of -Renton was referred to the Fire,Light and 'dater Committee . -carried. ti?rs .Babb asri-d the council if they could start a whist Club and have card parties m-)ved by Sedlacek seconded by Walters this matter be referred to the City OW . arried. The report )i 01,he Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the fallowing bills be paid. D.H.!Viothorn. $2.50 Payroll St.re,et Dept . I3I .28 - Payroll '"'ester Dept. 67.35• DTobthwnst T'lumbing Supply Cc, 2.30• Pacific Tel & Tel Co. , 6.I0- Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. 147.33• Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. , - II .58- S.L. Hanley. 40.00• John Pritchard. I .70•Total 4I0.I4 It wac moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The Street and Alley Committee reported that they thought the Alley between Cedar Street and Mill Street from Block four to block six should be put under a Local Improvement District moved by Cochran seconded by "'alters the report be received and the City Attorney bring in a Resolution carried. The report of the Com;,-:ittee that was appointed to appraise the building on lot I3 Block I5 original Town of Renton was read as follows : 7e, the undersigned appraisers having been appointed,George ''.Custer as the representative of the City of Renton selected by the Fire Chief a-ad Emmett Fuller having been selected as a representative of the owner of said buildin and R.M.Thorne selected by the Two so selected.to act as a Third appraiser, having made a careful examination of said property,on this ISth day of Februrary I902 do report as follows; That the building upon said 16t is a one story frame structure,erected on or about I879 and that by reason of .w decay and depreciation thereof that it has been damaged to the e..tent of 70% "."oved by Sedlacek seconded by 7alters the report be received and filed and a. copy sent to the owner carried. The City Engineer reported that the improvement on Whitworth Street is completed and he recommends that 1335.43 be paid at this times-, moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. The City Engineer recommended that the 30 reserve on Local improvement District NO.II2 be paid at this time Moved by Cochran Seconded by Walters the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. The report of the City Engineer in regards to the Trestle relating to the water !RaiXs���;' rose Panther Cileek was read �11oved by halters seconded by Leathley be+eviceived and filed and the engineer submit plans to e County Commissioners .carried. The City Clerk notified the Council that he had a bill of 42I .13 against t1-ie City for an Alley crossing in Local Improvement District No .II2 moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leath"iey a warrant be drawn for the amount carried. Moved by Talters seconded by Sedlacek the City Attorney bring in an Ordinance tc 6jj1 the prc "ane Language in the Pool rooms ire the City of Renton Carried. �ouneflriE; T "�_i � ,T brought up the riaLLer Di .lir Gans in the CIL" of Renton,after discussion it was moved by Leathley seconded by Sedlacek the Attorney bring in a Ordinance prohibiting the use of Air Guns carried. Nom/ Motion to adjourn was :rade and duly carried. Cit,, Clerk. ____ 318 Renton -i4Tash•.-,P'eb. 23. I922 spee1al-rfieeting_ led-ta-epEiep-by-the-5kair- kam-a€-the -rapl�-Heap-A��ir eipehils�. '�kese-ppeser�t-wepc-lla�i:F&ipsl�ll�T�allsb�py;trdrbya.6b.xey asci}seek.?Geerpan, Cita-Att9p�ey-Bala,-aid-the-6i�3'-Clepi�. Renton '.'ash. ,Feb.23.I922. The Special meeting of the Park Hoard and Council ac a w1hole was called to order for thA purpose of considering proposals for the buildind of the Com- fort Station in the Park. These present were Fairchild.Salisbury,Leathley, Sedlacek,Cochran,City Attorney Lott ^avis and City Clerk. Moved by Salisbury seconded by Sedlacek that G.7T. Custer be appointed Super- intendant of construction of the Comfort Station in the Park carried. Moved by Salisbury seconded by Sedlacek we accept the Bid of J. S.Hardie for the Plumbing carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley that INm •Kane be awarded the contract for wiring the Comfort Station Carried. Moved by Leathley secondeld by Sedlacek that the painting be under the unpaid supervision of O.N. Cochr-an .carrted. Mlotior to- adjourn 1r,as ma.-dp and duly carried. moi' ,;1-erk. i i i NLA "20,0BC Renton "Tash. ,Feb.28.I92`2. Regular meeting -)f the council called to order by Pvlayor Raymond. 319 Roll-call those present were the r.,iayor,Clerk,Attorney,and Councilmen 7'alters ,Faull ,Leathley,Sedlacek,Owens and Coahhain. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of the Puget Sound Traction Light &: Power Co was raedd asking to to reset old poles on th west side of Renton Avenue and to put in Eight new poles between Factorf,,Dileadow,Gardeii,Pvill,Pelly and Main Streets, moved by Cochran seconded by Faull the petition by granted subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The report of the Finance comrUtte- was read and it vvas recorruiended the folling bills be paid. S.L. Hanley. $48.00 ' Lowman &: Hanford Co. , 5.90 . Payroll Street Dept I9.69. Payroll "Dater Dept. 40.40 - Jackson Fuel Co. , 2I .00- E A Kassner. 23.8(3 T-)tal I58.79 It was moved and. seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Petition of property owners on' Mill Street protesting against the Local improvement District for the Alley in Block Five was read moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the petition be granted carried. . Report of the Fire Light and water com,nittee recormmending the petition of Mott Grady to reshingle his building on I2 block 22 moved by Cochran secon- ded by Leathley the report be received and recommendations carreid out;. The City Engineer recommended the allowance of $400.00 be raid to Adams, Hancock and Adamd for Isocal In: )rovement District NO.II3 moved by Cochran seconded by Sedlacek the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. u ,.gin ,the report -,f the Citu Attorney it was moved b_y:'Walters seconded by 1,.�dlaco-k that no License be granted ^Irs .Pabb carried. ,r, Moved by ::alters seconded Ly Cochran the City Attorney notify 1Jr.Smithers that the City does n6t want to buy a Right-of-Way but would like to get a right of way throught the property carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the Action of the Park Board and Council as a whole be received and concurred in carried. %loved by '"alters seconded by Sedlacek the State Highway Commissioner Yr. Allen be notified that the City of Renton has takers no action in paving the Four hundred foot strip at the end of the City Limits and the City Attorney enlighten ivlr.Allen chid notify him that tine South side of the road Is not inthe CZbty Limits carried. i. oved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley the communication from Fred F Neld be received and filed carried. Resolution NO.29I .that it the intention of the city council to order thee improvement of Mill Street North between the north Marginal line of the pavement now in place and the South marginal line of Fourth Avenue by constructing a strip of concrete pavement on each side of the pavement now in place between said termini and the construction of a. concrete curb on either side thereof moved by 'lualters seconded by Leathley the resolution be adopted carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. City Xlerk. 320 Renton Nash. , ""far. 2 .I922 Special meeting of the Park Board and Councilm as a whole was called to order for the purpose of breaking the ground for the Comfort Station ih the Park it was moved and seconded that ;:e start to break the ground Momday morning March.6 .I922 Carried.. These Present were the. Jayor,Clerk, Fairchild, G.1N. Custer,Cochran,Leathley, "Ia1teT's ,Faull , Sedlacek, Engineer and City Attorney. The bid from the Chas "'. Rogers for the Terrazzo for the. floors of the toilets was read moved by Cochran seconded by Fairchild the bili be accepted carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the bids of the lumber be turned over to G. '"'.Custer Superintendant and A.N.Fairchild Carried . Moved and seconded the Gravelbo� ordered and delivered on the groung carried. Regularly moved and seconded the matter offthe location bf the Sewer, and Cespool be referred to the City Engineer carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried Cit, C_ crk. w . Renton ""ash. ,March. 7. I922 . regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond . Rollcall those present were the Mayor, Clerk,Attorney, and Councilmen '"alt-rs ,Sedlacek and .Cochran. There being no !uorum the Council adjourned . V. tyT Clerk. t 20,OBC -penton `'Jash. ,iv11ar. I5.I922. 321 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by ",rayor Raymond. _ Roll-call those present were the n,Iayor,Attorney,and councilmen `r'alters,Faull, Leathley,Sedla.eek,Owens and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved to read tl)e ,I\Torth Warginal line of Fourth Avenue instead of the South lire for the strip of paving on "ill Street 1,1otth Communication from R.Bur_stine was read moved by Sedlacek seconded by Faull the communication be received and filed.carried. The report of the Finance com:aittee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. Pacific Tel &. Tel Co. X6.00 • S.L. Hanley. 48.00 - T 8.00 • D,H.Mothorn. 2. 50• L. Davis . .40 . , J.F. ?Moods . 2.50- Lowman & Hanford Co. 29.025- 77m Kane. 12.00 % City of Seattle. 33.30• °O.K. Garage . 4. 70. Industrial insurance . ,26 • .1?enton Bulletin. 22,33 . Trick c1c Murray. 22. I9 • • S.M.V1iberg. I4.00, Steam Sulbply & Rubber Co. , 2,79. Renton ?rotor Co. , I. 25• National Pieter Co. , 3.41. D. H.AMothorn. 2.5,0 - S.L.Hanley. 48.00-Total 5255.40 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Vol"' The bill from King County for grav&l amounting to .A=2.2,0 was read moved and seconded this bill be allowed carried. The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered -filed. Report of the City Engineer relative to changing the water main over Panther Creek_ was read ,Moved by Walters seconded by Faull the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. The report of the City Engineer in referrence to the new Trunk Sewer and 6 disposal plant was read moved by Leathley seconded by Sedlacek the report be 11 received and filed carried. `..i The Communication from Ed Smithers malative to the Trunk Sewer Right-of-way was read moved by Leathley seconded by Sedlacek the communication be. received and filed carried. The report of the City Health Officer- was read moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the report be received and recomaendations carried out carried. Communication from James Allen State Highway Commissioner relating to the pavement within the City Limits -,yas read moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley the communication be received and filed carried. I�"oved by Leathley seconded by Owens the _natter of the Navinj; be referred to the ;street and alley committee to see the County Commissioners carried. The communication from the High Power Telephone Company Moved by Owens seconded by Faull this matter be referred to the Park Board carried. Ordinance NO.56I vefering to Street numbering houses in the City of Renton was read and referred to the ordinance committee. Ordinance NO.562 to prevent persons under the age of Eighteen years ffomitobeing on the Streets,Alleys,etc in the City of Renton after certain hours was read and referred to the ordinance committee. Commercial Mater way tat eale nts were read Moved by ?Halters seconded by .Owens the Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant to cover the amount carried. Resolution N0292 weferring to the improvement of Section Street was read e*#*adopt, 4r2oved ,by Leathley seconded by Sedlacek the resolution be adopted carried. Petition of Mr.Crooke of the Renton Laundry asked the Council for one and one half inch meter moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley this matter be referred to the Nater Superintendant and the Fire,Light and Water Committee to report next meeting carried . Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. O.N.Cochran. Sectary Protem I 322 .Renton .'Wash. ,'j arch.2I .I922. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the V&y4.Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen trdalters,Faull ,Leatrley,Sedlacek and Cochran. - Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of A.B.Lindgren and 'lum Moran for water connections were granted. Petition of Tm Moran to connect with sewer was granted. {r d Petition of R.M. Rlalker for a soft drink License was ¢ } � The report of the finance committee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. . Water Dept .Payroll . I59 .37 - Street Dept Payroll . I06 .557P Brick and Mile Delivery -Co. , I49 ` Joe Wood. 4.50 S.L.Harley. 48.00• Western Printing CO. , 57.50-Total $525.34 . It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for .Y the above amounts. The report of the Street, Superintendant and the Fire Light and '"ater osmmittee was read r,&-commending that the meter be taken out .of the Grange and put in at the Renton Laundry moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley the report be, received and recom-mendations carried out carried. The Street and Alley Committee that they had taken up the matter of the strip of Paving at the end of the City Limits with County Commissioner Dobson and he assured the committee that the County would look after the paving moved by Leathley seconded by Walters the report be received and filed.carried. The Engineers report and data for the improvement of Mill -street North between the north line of First Avenue North and the North line -of Fourth Avenue North by wideing-the concrete roadway and constructing curbs along each side of said roadway was read moved by Leathley seconded by Walters the report be received and filed. carried. The Clerk notified tie Council that there were no protests against the Whitworth Street Improvement . Ordinance No.563 an ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local improvement District no.I06 was read and referred to the ordinance committee. Crdinance Yo.564.relating to resisting a Pu})lic Officer and Providing the Punishment thereof was read and referred to the ordinance committee. Sedlacek brought up the matter of water running from the mine on Mr.Fariner's - 40 land moved by Sedlacek seconded by Leathley , this •matter be referred to the Health Officer Carried. Councilmen Sedlacek stated that a letter written to the County Election Board had been referred to him for investigation that the letter- had been written without authority from the council by same one other Jthan the Mayor,after discussion councilmen Sedlacek admitted Lhat the letter in question had been given him by T. J'.Richmond and the Mayor stated that he considered that the proper and courteous thing for P/:r.Richmond to have done was to have conferred with the -""ayor and council as to the names of persons to be appointed Moved by Cochran seconded by '.';alters that a letter be sent to the election board by the Mayor recommending names for appointment carried. The Clerk notified the council that there were no protests filed against Resolution no 290 known as the Trunk Sewer resolution. Councilmen Cochran brought -up the matter of the Seattle water mains running through the Town and suggested that the Engineer look over the -streets to see which would be the best street for the water mains . -- motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. _ ` f City AC1erk. , Renton wash. ,March. 27.I922 . Joint meeting of the Park Board. and City Council called to order by '91ayor Raymond. Regularly moved by Fairchild seconded by t',alters that J. S.Hardie be authorized to make the following additions in Plumbing provide floor drain in ladies toilet one hose bibb in each toilet catonment seats-hot and cold water and sewer conn- ' ections through wall and under wood floor in store .Rough in for three fixtures bath room on the upper floor and install hot water tank in kitchen.carried. O.N. Cochran Secetary protem. 20,0BC Renton .Wash.n ar.'S.I922.. 323 Regular -meeting of the Council call c�. to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call these present were the Ma or,Clerk,Attorney,and councilmen '"lalt-rs,Faull,Leathley,Sedlacek,Owens and Jenkins . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as corrected. Petition of Ed Williams for water connection was granted. Petition of Geo '.white to connect with sewer was granted. Request of J.",.Lanich to fix sewer right-of-wa.y, was read and referred to the street Superintendant . The resignation of Andrew J. Sedlacek was read,moved, by ',Flalters Seconded by Faull the resignation be granted carried. The report of the- Finance -coaLmittee was read and it was recommended the following bills be paid. AIg.50• Jackson Fuel Co. ,- J. S.Hardie . 7.I0- J.S.Hardie. i .i5- 11,uget Sound Traction Eight and Power Co. , IO.I7- 12.00- Adams Hancock and- Adams. 4.000 71m.Kane . 42.00 • S.L.Hanley. 183 .25* Park Pay-roll. I46 .60 • Brick and Tile 'Delivery Co. Total X425 .77 Re-port of the City Engineer was. read recomrr' ;,inE that the 30 reserve on Local improvement District I06 to the amount of 743.'?5 be paid at this time moved by Leathley seconded by `3edlacek the report be received and recommendations carried out .carried . Ordinance NO.565 providing for the improvement of Mill Street North between the South marginal line of Ist Avenue North and the North marginal line of 4th Avenue North,by paving a five foot strip on each side of the concrete roadway now in place was read and referred tc the ordinance committee, Ordinance NO.566 granting the Standard Oil Company a California Corporation permission and authority to locate erect,maintain and operate warehouse or warehouses, storage tanks and other necessary buildings and appurtenances, - together with all necessary pipelines and conduits on that certain tract of land in the City of Renton was read and referred to ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance TT0 's562-563&564 "loved and seconded the report be received a.nd filed.carried. Ord I'nalanaQb*A**66R***.A -'rd*t"h t*noaolid*ii*tt"-,b7'`*tt't L Ordinance XO ' s562-5613 and 56-4- were read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye,5alalters,Faull,Leathley,Sedlacek Owens and Jenkins . lam.'",'.HOuser appeared before the council in regard to the assessment levied against his property in Filling District NO .I .after discussion of the matter it was moved by Owens seconded by Leathley the matter be referred to the City Attorney,Carried. r,;4otin to adjourn was made and duly carried.. 32 penton.'"'ash. ,April.4.I922. Regular •meetin6 of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and councilmen 'Halters, Faull,Leathley,Jenkins and Cochran. ,4inutes of the last meeting wwas read and approved. Petition of Joe Lenz for water was granted. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommiended that the following bills be paid. - Payroll ''Tater Dept. $I03. 24- Payroll Street Dept. 69.84 . 'Woods Cafe. 2.50 - R. 'Nood. .50R. 'Nood. X8.30 Burrows and Brown. I3.00 ' City of Seattle. 4.83• City of 'Seattle . I07.85• Fenton Bulletin. I7.I5- racific TP1 and. Tel Co. , 6.00- Engineer and lle'per. 48,50+ Pay-roll Park Comfort- Statior . I7I .96-total 573 .I2 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon tre Treasurer for the above the amount.- The bill for Local Improvement District, NO.1D6 for , 70.40 was read moved by Walters seconded by Leathley the Bill he paid carried. A report accompanied by a Check of $600.00 was read by A.N.Fairchild. This covered a transaction between the Renton Commercial Club and King Co. , Pomona Grange whereby the Renton Com_nercial Club donated the sum of "600.00 to the City of Renton to bgused in the construction of a Comfort Station in Liberty P'ark,t_1e report was read and a vote of thanks extended carried. The report of the health Officer and Engineer was read moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. ordinance NO .567 was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance NO 's;�66 & 567. Ordinance NO 's 566 and 567 were read the second time by sections and ad- opted ak a whole all councilmen voting aye,Walters,Faull,Leathley,Jenkins and Cochran. the prop-osition of Zeb Shearer offering to deed a strip of land 60 fe"t in width and 2I6.5 •feet in length for a continuation of Burnett Street north Was upon motion by Coahran --seconded by Faullaccepted carried. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter ®i& that G.rQa-tteo has not made a start to connect to the sewer the Street Superintendant was ordered to look this up and report next meeting. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the matter of the Tonkin building be referred to the City Attorney carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by *7alters that from April I7 to 22 be clean up weeg in the City of Renton carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley tie matter of the Pistorest Bros . Barn be referred to the Health Officer carried. The City Attorney notified the Council Lhat the Smithers Estate would not take anything less than *1350.00 for land and right-of ways for the Trunk sewer . Moved by Cochran seconded by Faull that L.B.Yisung be notified the-Gearveij council will meet with him or a corrmUttee ir_ the City hell o,: � edresday April 12 , I922.carried. Y was made and duly carried. t �2, Cit C April 19 , 1922. A special ureeting of the Park Board and the City Council , acting as a comrrLittee of the whole, was called to order by Mayor Raymond for the purpose of considerirng and finally adopting rules and regulations covering the use and occupancy of the Comfort Station in Liberty Park. Those present were Messrs r`airehild and Maynor of the Park Board and the City Council , represented by the Mayor and Aldermen Cochran, Faulls , Walters , Owens and Leathly, City Attorney Davis and the City Clerk. A, draft of the 1:roposed rules and regulations was then read by Alderman Cochran. On motion it was decided to adopt then. section by section.. Sections 1 to 10 inclusive were adopted as read . Section. 11 was subjected to an amendment and adopted. All the remaining sections were adopted as read. Upon motor_ of Fairchild and second of 'J.Talters it was decided that the term of the lease be l'or a period of three years . The City Attorney then read and submitted a form. of bid to be used which was upon motion of Cochran and second of Waltecs adopted . the Chairman of the Park Board then asked the City Council to act jointly with them in awarding the concession. Adopted. It was ordered that the call for bids be published and that Wednesday, April 26 , at 8 p.m. be set as the date for opening, same. Act Secretary . fff� LOT DAVIS.ATTORNEY ! I DR,C.L.DIXON,HEALTH OFFICER I JOHN FAULL GEO,HANCOCK.CHIEFOF POLICE MANCHESTER WALTERS JAM CITY OF RENTON J. OWENS ROGER JENKINS J.B WENS KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FRED SMITH ERS COUNCILMEN ED TONKIN WM. TONKIN, MAYOR COUNCILMAN AT-LARGE WM. J. WILLIAMS. CLERK T. J. RICHMOND. TREASURER April 27 , 1922. A special joint meeting of the Park Board and City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 8 p,m, Those present wrere Mayor Raymond, Fairchild , Cochran, Leathley and Faulls . The meeting; beim; called for tree purpose of opening bids for the concession in Liberty Park, the matter was taken up and the followin6 bids opened and read Jess McCowen, a bid of •e40.00 per month . Chas MitcY:ell, a bid of 425.00 per month. Percy Kir .man, a bid of 135.00 per month. Upon motion of Leathley and second of Faull , thu bid of Jess McCowen was accepted. After this matter was disposed of several miscellaneous matters were discussed and disposed of, as follows : Cuuncilman Cochran recommended that a concrete; walk, approximately 50' in length be constructed in front of ttie new building. Upon -motion of .Faulls with a se,'ond by Cochran it was resolved that the Council o on record as being favorable to the construction of this piece of work. On motion of Cochran with a second by Leathley it was decided to extend an invitation to the K.of P. Band to render a few selectio- ns upon the occasion of the furl-n i *, „ :potion by Faulls and second of Leathley the Street Supt was authorized to finish up the drain and cesspool for t:ie buil- ding. CdB� Rent-on "asr...,�"'.pri1 .I8. I922. 2 325 Regular meeting of the Council to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were thy- "°ay;;-r,Clerk, Attorney and Councilaien ''.'alters,Faull,I2eathley,Owerls, Jenkins and Cochran. i4eeti1q8-e€-t 11inutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petitions of Jobie 'F'hite,Geo Conklin and Mi. E.Ravaraugh for -to connect to the sower were Granted. Petition of Ben Atkinson for crater connection was granted. Petition of ". J.Andrews to repair building on Burnett Street was granted. The report of t};.e Finance com.-,Attee -ras read 'and it was recommended the following bilis be paid. Enginter Dept. X55.58 • lsVilliams & IvicKnight . 5.45 Ed "Jolske . 8.00 • Renton Haedware Co. , 21 .57- Thos Harries. I .00► Capitol City Map. & Blue Print Co. , _ 4.8.3` Payroll for Park. I60.30 -" R.7lood. I26.90 E.A. Snearer. L .20` Payroll Street rept. I38.47 • Tayrol_.1 'Mater Dept. 62.75• R. J. "ett,le . '10.50 • Engineer & Helper. 5I .38• Payroll for "ark. 149.50 - Seattle ": ill ,& Login; Co . , 378.69 , ll J. S.Hardie. I .60%Tota1SIi57.72 • It was ::roved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered *fi•led. Fenort of the Engineer recommending that ��503 .82 be paid Adams,Hancock and Adams for Local Improvement District Tao II3 carried. The report of the EnSineer and Street Superintendant on sic1ewalks from Burnett Street to Morris Street Dn `:"Valla "'ally Aven.ueand from Walla "i;alla ~ to Sixth Avenue on the west side of Smithers Street- e� fe-�� +eet� and on the south side of Fifth Avenue from Smithers Street to r�,Iorris Street �- - was read moved by Cochran secnrded by 'falters the report be receiv d and filed and the Street Superintendant was ordered to notify the property owners to put thein walks in a safe condition carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Jenkins the Grading and •;raveling Of Smithers and Morris Street be referred to the Street and Alley Comiftittee to report next Meeting.carried. Report of the health Officer was read and ordered filed. Report of the Park Board was read by A.N.Fairchild relating to rules for Liberty P'ark,TMoved by '."Falters secdbnded by Cochran the report be received and referred to the City Attorney to bring in an ordinance to cover the rales carried. Councilmen Cochran reported that 25 members of the L'agle Lodge had offered their services for one day in Liberty Park moved by Cochran seconded by 17alters the offer be accepted carried. Communication From the Stste of "..ashington was read and ordered filed. Councilmen Leathley extended the City Council an invitation to Sartori School meeting next Monday evening April 24th I922 Moved by Faull seconded by ';J'alters the ir-,vitai,ion be accepted cap vied. Ordinance No 's 568.569.570 and 57I were read and referred to the ordinance committee.The report of the City Attorney on Bowling Alleys was read and ordered filed .carried.. The ordinance c6mmittee reported favorably on ordinancesno ' s56I X565 moved by Faull seconded by Walters the report be received carried. Ordinance No's 56I and 565 were the second tirr:e by sections and adopted as j a whole all councilmen voting aye "lalters,Faull,Leathley,Owens, Jepkins �— and Cochran. Councilmen Cochran brought up the .natter of I'avins 1"din Street Moved by . Cochran seconded by Faull thiel matter be referred to the City Engineer to report next meeting carried. The Street Superintendant brought up th'- =natter of the Lot on the Corner of Fifth Avenue and Williams Street to see if there could be some way to put in a sidewalk around this property moved by Cochran seconded by `Tvlalters this matter be referred to the City Attorney carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carrked. .� fit Lxier . 326 Renton Wash. ,April.25.I922. Regular meeting of the council called to order by mayor Raymond. Roll-call those 'present were ti.e Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen `h'alters ,Faull,Leathley and Cochran. Minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and approved. Petition of EYKJArnold for hater on lot 20 Blk.6 Farm flat was -� anted-_ _ Petition of J.111.Duncalf for sewer connection was granted. The Resignation of F.S. Salisbury as Park Board Commissioner was read moved by Leathley Seconded by Walters i_he resignation be accepted carried. .The report of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Auto :service House . 50.50 Renton Realty Co. , 30.Q0 E.' .Hall .Co. , I ;6' .60 Payroll on Park' Comfort Station. ° 20.00 ` J. S.Hardie. 236.72 , Police Judge & Jitness. - 3.50i Earlington Improvement Club. 30.60 •. Puget Sound Traction Light & Power CO. , 271 .80 S.L.Hanley. 48.00 Sid 'Wilkinson. 92 .50%Total &785.22 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . Moved by Leathley seconded by Faull we draw upa Resolution thanking the Eagle Lodge for the work there members donated in the Park carried. The report of the Street and Alley Com<<ittee was read Moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran the report be received and filed. YI 'oved by Leathley seconded by Cochran the City Attorney bring in resolution covering sidewalks on Smithers Street from `Valla '1!alla to Sixth Avenue, & from ?Ialla `galla to Sixth Avenue on Morris Street along both sides of the street and along 'A'alla 1.valla from Burnett Street to Morris Street carried. Petition of AiN.Fairchild to put in side-walk was granted. 117a report of the City Engineer on Main Street Paving was read ,'Yioved by Cochran seconded by 77alters the City Attorney bring in resolution covering ora and one half bldck carried . Comlriunicat ion from the Cedar Grange complaining about rubbish beim; dumped along_tYi^_Gou,�� _P,o«d wad read ' oved by Cochran seconded by ''alters the communication be received and filed,and referred to the Street SuperinteriA dant carried. Communicati,�)ri from the Office of Chief Engineer San Francisco Fire Depart. ment was read moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran the communication be received and filed.carried. Communication from J. S.Covey notifying the council that he made application " to the Seattle Lighting Company for Gas for his house and the Company refused the application ","loved by Cochran seconded by Yalters this matter be 12 referred to the City Attorney to report next meeting carried . Ordinance NO.572 was read and referred to the ordinance committee. �. The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance NO's 569-57Iand 572. Ordinance NO 's 569-57Iand 572 were read the second time br Title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye Talters ,Faull,Leathley and Cochran. The 1ayor appoints T. J.Leathley as a member of the Park Board,Moved by Cochran seconded by 71alters the appointment be confirmed carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ity C 2COBC kenton '"rash.May.2. I922 . 327 Rebu), meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-Gall those present were the Mayor.Clerk.Attorne.y, and Councilmen- Ifalters, Faull,LeathleyT,Jenl&ins 'and Cochran. rvtinutes of the last regular and Special meeting were read and approved. Petition of Miller and haviland for water was granted. Petition. of John Hayes,Nielsen Bros,George Buratto and J.:�:.Keatinb for water outside the City Limits were referred to the "later Superintendant . Petition of Annie F.Jones and Dominick Roochie to build dwelling houses were read moved by Leathley second bl, Faull this matter be referred- to the Council as a whole carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley that the Committee on Fire Light and 7later,Fire Chief and Water Superinte.ndant to report to the Council as a whole carried. Petition of Thos Olsen for a sidewalk permit was granted. The report of the Vinance committee was read and it was recommended that moo the following bill, be paid. R.'Rlood. S26.45 O.K.Garage . I7. I5- J.V .Fales Paper Co. , I6.is- TAiller & Havlland..' IO2.o3- Crane Co. , I823.96- City of Seattle . 40.05• Payroll Street Dept . 83•.3T• TTayroll `,Fater Dept. 154.9011 A. Jacobson. 7.00- S.L.Hanley. 48.00• Payroll Park Comfort Station. I37.60�2456 .68 total r It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The report of the Engineer was read mcved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the report be received and filed . Communication of L.E.Duff 5uperintendant of 1�'ount Olivet Cemetary was read moved by Faull seconded by Leathley this matter be referred to the Town Propert;; Comiittee carried. Ordinance No' s 573 and 574 were read arc' referred' to the ordinance comaittee. The ordinance commiI'tee reports favorably on ordinance No 's 570,573 and 574. Ordinance No 's 570,473 and 574 were read by title and passed as a whole all council nen votiny aye Walters,Faull,Leathley,Jenkins and Cochran. Resolution TJo 's 293, 294 and _295 were read and adopted. Mtoved by' Talt5rs seconded by Leathley the deed of Smithers Estate for francisl for sewer was referred to the City Attorney to brin7 in ordinance carried. W otion to adjourn was made and duly carried. r �cy . ..r 328 Renton 1fash.May.$ .I922. Regular meeting of the Council called- to *order 'by Mayor Raymond. . Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen «'alters,Leathley,Owens, Jenkins and Cochran. 7'�'inktes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of A.R.DePerry for water on lot II blk.4 Farm Plat was granted. The report of the Finance comiriittee was read and it was recommended that the followin bills be paid. "Tilliams &: R4gKnight . '$bills �4 0 D.H.Mothorn. 2.5 .E Lowman $c Hanford Co . , 4.39 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co . , 297.19 - Archway Book ~tore . I6.79 - Lorrrnan & Hanford Co. , 47.00• ` 4.50. "illiams 8- McKnight. 8.00 Richmond Ice 8-, Xce Crean: Co. Renton Hardware Co. , 3.10- Renton Hardware ('o. , 36.00- 1 4.00 , * 6.I0 • Pacific Tel & Tel Co . , 50'.25• Engineer Dept. Renton Bulletin. 20.00 , Jackson Fuel Co.., 8.75` Medical Aid Fund. 7.72' G.W. Custer. I53 .00R ED. Swingle . _ 35'.20 -Total X470.20 It was moved and, seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The report of the fire Light & Water Committee was read recommending three divisions or zones in the Fire Ibistrict Moved by Leathley seconded by Owensthe report be received & Filed and recommendations carried out carried. Therep -)rto of the Engine�:r on Smithers Street,Morris street and `:"'alfa 'Valla were read moved by '.Falters seconded by Leathley the reports be received and filed carried. T c Sc Cochran seconded b The report of the 'mater uperintenda�nt was read,moved by y Owens the report be received and concurred in carried. The report of the rnuineeron Nill Street North and Garden Avenue was read, moved by .."valters seconded by Leathley the report be received and filed and a Standard roadway be put at this crossing carried. The report of the Cierk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Communication from the Northern Pacific hy.Co .and the Puget Sound Electric Ry.Co. , reference to drainage along their right of way ware read and Ordered fii.ed. Ordinance NO.575 wa s read. and referred to the or(i-inance com!nittee . The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance nO 's 568 and 575. The rules governing the Park were read and after discussion it was moved by Cochran seconded by Jenkins the rules be referred back to the Park Board for reajustrnent carried. Ordinance 11\?0 .568 and 575 were. retad by Title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye.Walters,Leathley,Owens,Jenkins and Cochran. The Bids of Adams ,Hancock4pAdams,Auburn Construction Co. ,E.E..Duff.Chas RyarlCo. i and Louis Kind; for the five foot strip of Paving on mill Street T'?orth were readmoved by `Falters seconded by Owens the contract be alrrarded the lowest 4 bidder which was the Auburn Construction Co. ,carried. 0a7y p�oa iv'oved cy Leathley seconded by Cochran the matter of sidewalks on Second Avenue North and Pelly Street be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer.Carrie u. A4otion to adjourn was made and duly carried. City Clerk. , Renton '.'Tash. ,May.I6.I922. ``��. .loved b Leathley Second by INCouncilmen Cochran act as Mayor Pro`s . y ire alar meeting og the Council called to order by +payor Protem Cochran. Rollcall those present were Attorney,Clerk, and councilmen Cochran,'£7aiters, Leathley,Owens,dnd Jenkins. Minutes of tie last meeting was read and approved. Petition of the Standard Oil Company for water, was granted, The report of the Finance committee ffVs read and it was rr.comiricnded the following bills be paid. Payroll Tat e:r 'Jept- 129 .49 • .82• Payroll Street Dept. I29 King Co. , Auditor. 1 .35. Engineer Dept. 64.345• Seattle Park Dept. I,7.00 - Renton Tire Shop. I0 .65- Dominick Alexander. .50• Payroll Park Comfort Station. 60450' ... -'m Kane . 95.60• To'Lai t77I .46 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The report of the Engineer was read recommending that $648.85 be paid to E.E.Duff against Local impromement District NO.II4 moved byLeat.iley second by ,'alters the report be received and recommendations carried out .carried. The report od the Engineer recommending that the Plumbing ordinance be referred to the ordinance committee moved by Walters second by Leathley the report be received and -ccommendations carried out carried. F,eport of Health Officer relation to unsanitary cor_dItion existin6 on land of the Pacific Coast Ry Co. ,near the Brichette Plant and recommending that a ditch be dug to drain certain stagnant poolo& ponds was received moved by `Halters seconded by Leathley the .report be received and the Clerk notify the Company to carry out the recommendations of. the .Health Officer carried. The City Attorney reported the Stockdale case to the council moved i►�i and seconded the report be rec&ived and the Attorney be instructed to proceed NitYi the case carried. Report of the City Attorney on Gas was that the Company must meet require*-- ments of Property owners to connect gas to houses moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. Ordinance NO.576 was read and referred to the ordinance com Uttee. The ordinance committeereported favorably on ordinance FO.576. ?!oved and seconded the Bondpof the Auburn Construction Company be approved carried. Ordinance N0.576 was read by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting ayeWalters,Leatilley,Owens,Jenkiris and Cochran. Resolution NO'S 296 and 297 were read and adopted. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the City Engineer bring in a report on Street name Plates for street corners carried. Moved by 71alters seconded by Owens that ti-le matter of Garbage Cans be left to the Street Superintendant with power to act carried. Upoi6 motion of Walters seconded by Owens the Water Superintendant was authorized to purchase a dye fIr the water department carried.. OR Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. 54ty "le.rk. , I G L 330 Renton '"ash.Yay.23. I922 Re6UJa.r meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-Call those present were the aiayor.Clerk.Attorney and Councilmen I'Valters, Faull,Leathley,Jenkins and Cochran. ".Tinutes of the last meet ingv ead and approved. Petition of Ton;; Delaurentiro=t 16 31k.6 was granted. petition of Property owners on Mill Street South in Plock 9 asking the council. to set sidewalk out two feet was rejected. Petition of S. J.Andrews to build porch over sidewalk in front of his building was rejected. The report of the -Finance committee was read and it was recommended the followin.� bills be paid . King County Auditor. :N 2 .OQ Crane Co. , 3I . II ', D.H.Nothorn. 2.50 Renton Agency, lnc :, 5 .28 - Engineer ' ept . 54.75• Park Pay roll . = 289.49.• I8.33 Suess :Mass Co. , l C65.OQ Seattle vlill and Loging Co . , I67.67=Total S836.I3 It was •moved and seconded that warrents be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The report of the Engineer recommending that 2515.92 on District II3 be paid at this timemove and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. Communication from t-he 'pacific Coast By Co. ,was read oand ordered filed. The Clerk notified the Counell-that no protests were made on Smithers Street, Morris Street and 1alla. Nalla Street . a Ordinance No 577.578.579.580 and 58I were read and referred. to the ordinance committee . The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance no ' s 577,578,579,580 and 58I . -- Ordinance NO 's 577,578,579,580 and 58I were read the second time by Tille and. adopted as a whole all councilmen voting e.ye,"halters,Faull ,Le.athle.y, Jenkins and Cochran. The Bias of the Auburn Construction Co . ,Keating ,& Ryan Co . ,F.A.Fr(ancis Co, . Romano & Rosella ?3ros Co. ,and the Interstate Construction Co . , were read moved by Leathley seconded by 'falters the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder which was the. E.A.Francis Co. ,but the matter of the pipe is to be considered one week carried. moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the Checks be returned to the un- succes-ful bidders carried. Councilme-n Cochran proposed that the City Council Co-operate with the Fire Department in making the Fourth of July celebration a success moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the mayor appoint a committee to act with the Fire Department which was carried-,, ,e ' ayor appoints the Council as a wk®le whole to act . P . The Mayor appoints Jess McCowen as a4police officer of Renton to act with- out pay and the appointment was confirmed by the Council . Moved by Cochran seconded- by Leathley the City Engineer bring in a report on the Gravel road at the North end of the Mill Street Bridge carried. r:Toved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the Council set a ?ate to fix hearing of Chas ')ock for not complying with the City ordinance carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried . ity Clerk. , _ --`_ 9CORC Renton 7iash. , 1Aay.30. I922. 331 :regular i:ieeting of the Council- called to order by :.ayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen Walters, Faull, Leathley.Owens,Jenkins and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as. corrected. Petition D.H.".iothorn for water on block 25 was, granted. T11-le report of the Finance Cotwnittee was read end it was tecomniended tJ_L the following bills br paid. R. C. Polk. 4IoI .37- Earlington Improvement Club. 7 .65• Win Kane. 13. 10. Engineer Deet. 50.25*Total SI72. D It vas moved and -seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. , Communication from the Rainbow Club was read and ordered filed. Communication from Mrs C .A.Kendtner was read and after discussion it was moved by Owens seconded icy Cochran that the letter be sent back to the ov;ner carried. The Complaint of -Chas Dock having Liquor in his possession was read and after dee- aye- ams-+gee- ,ae -- d-was-�,a�e�-��-�ea�l��ey-e Read®c�-b�--�a�aena �.��s-x�ab�e�-�e-la�s�-ate-gable-awe-weerea���ed. ;«sued-a3�-�ea�+���►�-beear��bd-}a�-Wa�te�s-eke-i�a��e�-a�-eewa�-�as?��,-tae-�a�c�-e�e�+-_ discussion it was moved by Leathley seconded by Walters the license be revolked and he be given ten days to sell his stock brie-aebes-�e�-�a-�eve�� fide-1laeRse9-waa- 968kFan-against-was-Faull YGWORe aid-jeJRl4tgis moved by Cochran seconded by Faull he amend the motion to give him thirty days to sell his stock which upon motion lost . and the motion to give him ten dayds was voted or and for the motion was 1alters ,Leathley and Cochran and against was Faull,Owens and Jenkins . which was a tie vote. Moved by Cochran seconded by Talters the License be-revolked and he be. given Twenty days to dispose of his stock the votes for the motion was 71alters, Leathley and Cochran against, was Faull,Owens and Jenkins upon roll call. Moved by Leathley seconded by "'altars ti7is matter be Uid on t'rie table one week.carried. Moved by Leathley seconded by "salters t1ie matter of sewer pipe- be laid over one-week.- Thos Harries brought up the -matter of inen-being drunk on the-streets in the, City of Renton and asked the counailto take steps to have this stoped the Mayor notified him that the police are doing all they can to stop it . On motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. 332 Renton Tash.June .6. I922. r . Iie,t;ular meeting of the Council called to order by iUlayor Raymond. Roll-Call those present were the ' ayor•, C1erk.Attorney and Councilmen ','alters, Faul1,Leathley,0wens,Je-nkins and Cochran. _ Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. The Wayor appoints E.A.Fuller as councilmen of the Third 'yard and the appointment was confirmed by the -Council . The r-port of the Finance, committee was read and it was recomir-ended that the following bills be paid . Street Payroll. X60.89 ' ',dater Payroll . 519.06- Renton I9.06 Rentor. Bulletin. 60.90- City Attorney FxpensG. I0.00• City of Seattle . 4I .85. Crane Co. , I .05 City of Rentor.. 28.00• Millen & Haviland. 58.55• Renton Hardware. Co. , 97.72' Albert Jacobson. 7.00' O.K.Transfer Co. , 24.40'' S.L.Hanley. 40.00• Cement- Prociueta-C-evf-- -------------------- ---Z7.4Q---------- R.77ood. . --- -------------- ----- -L6��9Q`_------- --Park _Payroll w- - --------- - ---- ------ --- -- ----- ---- 2�4.5Q� h 4 32 Total ----------------- It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts: ------ - The—report-of the -clerk anti-Treasurer-wer-c`_read_uan arUertu_filed_. -- _-- The report of tine City Engineer was read recommending that an estimate -of _12000.00 be at this time to the Auburn Construction Co . ,on account of Local Improvement District No. , II6 moved and seconded the report be received and recomi-fiendations carried out carried . Moved by Couhran seconded by Leathley the Bond of the E.A.Francis Construction - be approved carried . Ordinance N0.582-w&s-v®a4 authorising the Mayor: aind`,Clerk to sigYi a contract with the 'E.A.Francis Construction Co. , for a. trunk was read and referred 'to the ordinance committee. Tile Clerk notified the Council that no Protests wocre made+ against the assessment Roll on Local Improvement District No .II4 . Ordinance nO.1783 approving and confirming the assessment roll of Local ' Improvement District II4 was read and &deiatec -ex-gall-gall-all-seur�eilei4 -Fuller.L,eabhleyTAa ems Taer�;�ins-at -Gee14raxiT referred to the ordinance corivaittee. The ordinance comr:ittee reports favorably on ordinance No.582 and 583 Ordinance nO.582 was read the second time bit sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye 'Vajtors,Fau.ll,LeathleIT,Fuller,Owens,Jenkir,s and Cochran. Ordinance N0.583 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye '.!alters Faull Leathley Fuller Owens Jenkins and Cochran. Moved by Leathley seconded by "alters the License of Chas Dock be revolked and he be given ten days to dispose of hi_ stockOn rollcall those voting for the motion were Walters .Leathley,and Fuller against the motion were Faull,Owens,Jen} ins and Cochran. Moved by Faull seconded by Owens that Chas Dock be given one more chance on rollcall for the motion were Faull,Owens, Jenkins and Cochran against the motion ,riere 117alters, Leathley and Fuller the motion carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Faull the City Attorney bring in a resolution for cement sidewalks on lot I3-I4 and I5 in block 8 Town of Renton carried. Moved by "'alters seconded by Cochrantr e; matter of the approach on t7if North side of iu',iii Street Bridge ue referred to the Street and Alley Comraittee and O.N. Cochran to take the matter up with County Commissioner Dobson Carried. " h2oved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the City Clerk call for bids on Cast Iron "later pipe carried. Mr.S.D.Martin demonstrated Sanitary Garbage Cans to tLe Uit Cuuncil an ordinance was read to give S.D.14artin a Ten Year I'vanchise to place these i ^' Ili- ti-it Cit" �f irerltOrl [tivvtd 'U" cvaltCr's cans free on Street and Alley corners y scconded by Faull the ordiiZa.nce be referred to t1it ordinance committee— carried. Moved by 1,11alter•s seconded by Faull the Street Nuperintendant notify S. D. Martin how many cans the City can use carried. Moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran that a card of thanks be sent to the,. Eagles Glee Club and the K of P Fand carried. On motion the Council adjourns . C y Clerk . 2COBC Renton Wash. ,June. 13. I902 . 333 regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor.Clerk.Attorney and Councilmen Talters.Leathley.Fulle'r and Cochran. 1�,qnutes of the last meeting was read and approved.. Petition of Wm Jane, .R.F.Lawrence and Miller & Haviland _for water was granted. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Woods Cafe. . '4.50 ' C 4 rane Co. , . Joe good. 4.5500 ' Thos Harx'ies . I0.96+ City of Renton. 47.70 Chas `H. Rogers Co. , I9a.90• 3 Chas Faul_1 . 2 .50- D.H.Mothorn. .50•D.H.Mothorn. 5.00' �. Engineer & llel;er. 50,25• Pacific Tel & Tel Co. , 5.60 Albert Jacobson. 7.00- S *'i berg. . 27 .I5 - Goodridge Tire & Rubber Co. , 4.00-Cotal �374.3i _ It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the .above amounts. - The Street and Alley Committee and 0;,N. Cochran brought up the aiatt,er of the approaches to the Mlill Street Bridge and said they had taken the matter up with County Commissioner Dobson and he said if the City would buy the I4at- erial the County would do the work Moved by 1F1alters seconded by Fuller that the City take advantage of the work carried. Communication from the State of Washington District Engineer was read moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the communication be received and filed and they be notified that it is the intention og the ,City to have the highways through the City fixed and to ask them Stae to ?yelp-witch this work carried. - -- The report of the City Engineer on Street Signs was read and ordered filed. The report of ti:ie City Engineer on Sewer Wipe was read 'roved by Leathley seconded by 71a.lters the report be received and recomrnendations. carried out all councilmen voting for the motion "Talter's .Leathley Fuller and Cochran. The City Engineer reported the cost of Concrete curb on Smithers Street from Third Avenue to Fourth Avenue,moved by Leathley seconded by F-41ler that we extend the time )f hearing one week carried. .... The report of the (Tater Superintendant on the cost of Cast Iron ',i!ater Mains and the laying the pipe was read moved br Cochran seconded by Leathley the report be received and placed on file carried. The ordinance com;nittee. reported favorably on ordinance NO .584. Ordinance N0.534 was read the second time by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye Walters,Leat;hley,Fuller and Cochran. The City Clerk notified the Council that there were no protestsmade against the improvement of Meadow Street . Moved by 'Halters seconded by Cochran the City Attorney bring in in ordinance covering the Improvement of "leadow Street carried. The bids from the E.A.Francis Construction Co . Auburn Construction Co, E. E.Duff and Adams ,Hancock and Adams for the improvement of Smithers Street , Morris Street and 7alla '.Halla Avenue were opened and read iv'.oved by Leathley seconded by 77alters the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder which was the Auburn Construction Co. ,Carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by ,�Talters the checks be returned to the un- successful bidders carried. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of the Curfew ordinance and thought it_�rould be a good thing to enforce this ordinance moved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the Clerk request the Light Company to blink the lights three times at Nine O'Clock so the children would get off the Streets carried. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of finding a* Garbage dump the Street ruperintendant was ordered to look for a place. A.N.Fairchild one of the Park Board brought up the matter of making a Civic Center of the City Park this means condemning a piece of property moo centrally located,discarding old municipal buildings, was read moved by _ Walters seconced by Cochran the report be taken under cinsideration and Park Board set a date to meet which is 'Mordayune .I��µrried. Resolution NO. 298 ordering the improvement of4 o sno I3-I4 and I5 in Block Eight was read and adopted. Councilmen Leathley brought up the m&tter of Thistles on lots in the City of Renton and thought they ought to be. cut before they go to seed. on motion the Council a.d j,ourns. City Clerk. 334 Renton '":'ash.June • "20. 19210 Raymond. =,egular meeting of the COuhoil callea to order by Y Roll-call those present were the Mlayor,Clerk,Treasurer, Attorney and counciinen Faull,Leathley,Fuller,Owr.nsand Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petitions of R.F.Benton and School District No& for water were granted. Petition of Wm Jane for sewer connection was read and granted. Petition of Raymond Gieldseth toshoot fireworks on his property -on the 4th of July was read,moved by Owens seconded by Fuller the petition be granted according to the City Ordinance carried. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the foiling bills be. paid. King Co Auditor.', .50 • . Crane . Co . , 4.90'" Albert Jacobson. 9;50• Lot Davis. I4.75 , O.K. Garage . 3.509- Robert .509Robert R.Brott. II2.25 - Water Dept Pe.y roll . 69.88- Street Dept Payroll . 49.-13, ) � Err6ineer & Helper. 20.00TOta1285.4-1 Tiros Harries. It was '11o¢ed and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The report of the Engineer was read - recaormnending the estimate of y�"p2000.00 be paid at this time to the Auburn Construction Co against Local Improve - ment District NO.II6 1.1oved by Owens seconded by Fuller the report be received and recomnendations carried out carried. The pr6test of property holders on Srriitiers against the improvement of constructing a Concrete Curb was ri1ad there not being sufficent number of signatures it `,'as moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the protest be ordered filed carried. Ordinance NO's 585-586-5187-588-559 and590 were read and referred to the ordinance committee. T;he ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance• NO 's 585 and 588 . -586-587 and 588 were read the second time by sections Ordinance NO's 535 ole 2.11 councilmen voting aye Faull,Leathley,Fuller, and adopted as a wh Owens and Cochran. -Petition of S.J.Andrews. for a soft drink License was read moved by 00 Cochran seconded by Faull the petition be granted after discussion it was moved by Cochran seconded by Pulled the motion be reconsidered and referred to the License Com;nittce the license committee reported favorablyon- the license moved by Faull seconded by Cochran the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. The Street and Alley coir�inittee reported that they had seen County Cormmissioner Dobson and he said it would cost about N .00 per yard to fix Zhe approaches to tLe 1'a11ill Street Bridge moved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the report be reccyved and recommendations carried out carried. Council-nen Cochran hilought up the matter of an open toilet ori the McKibben property moved .by Cochran secohded by Owens tine Cierk notify �.,_ , _ cei,ried . file _�art;y looking Axl Lr.r• �111s yr,�-per'�,� Councilincrr Owens brought up t,re maLter of flushing fire Streets -moved by Cochran seconded by Owens tiie Street Superintendant flush t'rre ^trcets 'before the 4th of July carried. Councilmen Fuller brought up the matter of two bad corners for traffic One at Second and Mill Street and the other at Third and Burnett Street kfter discussion it was moved by Owens seconded by Fuller that a sign be put at second and i„iil Street to sloio down and Dark no cars within l�c conic;- of second" and _Mill Street .on theaA one hundred feet frolu t South side of second Avenue carried. A.2oved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the Clerk notify the Milwaukee Co. , to eliminate the danger to traffic on the iron signal pole at 1,;ill Street and "jalla 7valla Avenue carriedl Councilmen Owens brought up the matter of the Sidewalk along the Propert of the Smithers Estate on Third Avenue Pnd notified the council that there time has expired to have this walk put in,moved by Cochran seconde by Owens the City Attorney bring in a Resolution creating a Local Imp- rovement Dis-trict to cover this walk carried.. The Street Superintendant notified trie councilthat there were certain walks onJ11 Street North that the property owners were notified to Put in a Ar discussion it was moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the City Attorney bring in re-olutions to cover th'_s property carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. City lerk. �cCV ,Renton 'jVmsh. ,June.28. I922 335 Regular meetingeof the council called to order by Mayor Raywond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen `!lalters,Faull,Leathley,Fuller.Owens,Jen'�ins and Cochran. . Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. Petition of the Puget Sound Traction Light �- rower Co to set two poles on Burnett Street between first Avenue and Cedar River was read.Moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the petition be granted subject to the approval of the Stra t Superintendant-earned. .Tlie report of the finance committee, Was read and it was re;commeinded that the following bills be paid. E.A. Shearer. $6.95- Gorham Dire Apparatus Co. , 4.70• R. J. Pettie . 23.50 • Thos Harries. I.009 Engineer Dept . 59 .70. Total ;:95.85 It was moved and seconded that warrants . be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The report of the .Engineer recommending the estimate of $I5II .96 be paid to the Auburn Construction Co . ,against Local Improvement District Vo.1I6 was read moved by. Cochran seconded by Fuller the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. Communication from the Pacific Coast Stam_n 'Forks relative- to Otreet name plates was read ;roved by Cochran seconede by Jenkins this matter be laid oved one week.carrled. Communication froa, F.B. Churchill relative to the McKibbeb sewer was read and ordered filed.carried. The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance NO !s5@9 and 590. Ordinance NO ' s 589and 690 were read the second time by. sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye ' alters,Faull,Leathley,Fuller,Owens , Jenkins and Cochran. The Claim of Jane - Hancock for damages was read and referred to the City Attorney. The bids on Cast Iron ;nater pipe from Crane Cc and R. C. Polk was read moved by Leathley seconded by 71!alters the bids be laid over one week carried. Councilmen 17alters brought up the matter of fixing Fifth Avenue Forth moved by `Valters seconded by Owens the Street Superintendant be instructed to fix this Street carried. Moved by Leathley seconded by Owens the motion_ made to fix the approaches of the Mill Street Bridge be reconsidered. Now Moved by Leathley seco,:ded by ".'alters the City just spend what money is in the Motor Vehicle Fend to fix the Streets on the highways carried. Moved by Walters seconded by Faull the City Attotney bring in a resoluL on ordering he eem nes dewalk in in front of lot I4 block 9 town of Renton carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the City Attorney bring in a new ordin. ance on water changing Ule sprinkling hours from six 919look to eight O'Clocl in the morning and front ` -) tight O 'Clock in the evening, for the months of July and August carried. Olin Hansen asked the council if the mnrcha.nts would be allowed to sell fire works in the City of Renton,the fire works ordinance was read and after discussion it was moved by Faull seco nded by Walters the ordinance be lived up to but if people wants to Got a ermit to shoot fire works on there own property in the evening they can get it from the Street Superinterd�r.t and Fire Chief carried. Resolutions NO '.s 299.300 and 301 were read and adopted . Moved by Talte»s seconded by Cochran the City Attorney bring -in a Resolution for cement sidewalk on lot I block 2 Renton Farm Flat carried . Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. - -- t Clerk. 336 Renton Wash. , July. II.I922 _..; ular meeting of tie Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. - ,,oil-call those present were tie 1`4ayor.Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen Walters,Faller,Owerls and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of Laude Manifold for water was granted. Petition of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co asking the Council to trim a tree on Burnett Street was read and vegreo*4 granted subliect to the approval of the Street Superintendant. Petition of property owners on Mill Streit North asking the Council to change the name of mill Street 1Jorth to Dark Avenue,Yoved by Cochran seconded by Owens the peciion be granted and the City Attorney bring im an ordinance changing the name of the Street to Part: Avenue carried. . The report of the. Finance co:r i�dttee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Renton Tulletin. $4-4.20 Puget Sound Traction L & "ower Co. , 294.I0 Union Oil Co. , I70.35 Renton Hardware Co. , I2.30 R.'Nood. 4.40 Puget Sound Traction L & Power Co . , 28. 95 Lowman and Hanford Co. , 1 .50 Petttie Printery *W. , 7.50 Eishop & Jenkins . I8.00 Archway Book Store . 62.I2 Payroll Street Lent . 75.57 D. H.Mothorn. 2.50 .A. Shearer. 48.90 Renton Bardw re Co. , 7.95 G.11 . Custer. 40.34 Suess Class Co. , 32.05 Payroll ','later Dept. 132.45 City of Seattle . , 96 .75 Crane Co. , 7.29 Pacific Tel & Tel Co . , 6.5-0 :Engineer Dept . I05.38 Harold Phirtney. 7.50Total :1106.60 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the Purchasing agent buy such meters as the City needs carried. The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Report of the Engineer recommending that the 30j reserve on L. I .District No. II4 amounting to '!' 9C3.80 was read moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the report be received and recommendations carried out cirri.ed. Report of Engineer-on data for lots No. I3-I4 and I5 Block was read moved by Owens seconded by Fuller the City Attorney bring in an ordinance to cover this improvement carried. Report of the Engineer on buyingChlorine for the use in our sewerage dis- posal plant was read Moved and seconded the Mayor and Clerk be authorized , t: to signcontract after same has been approved by the City Attorney and �-;.e , report be received and filed.carried. The report of the Engineer on Iron "eater Pipe was read and ordered filed. .�, Ordinance No.59I and 592 were read and referred to ,t'-'-e ordinan(,e eornmitte:�, A The ordinnance committee reports favorably on ordinance no.59I . Ordinance No.59I was read the second time by sections and adopted as a g whole all councilmen voting aye Walters,ruller,Owens and Cochran. The bid of Adams Hancock and Adams for the improvement of Jicadow Street read tr�oved by Cochran seconded by Owens the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder carried. Moved and seconded the Street Name Plates be liid over one week. moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the Clerk write to F.B.Churchill to I4�4 connect to sewer on -i,_ie 'McKi.b'Deil property at ance carried. Tile water Superintendant asked t6a purchase water pipe to fix wains at the mine and paint water 'tanks oil the frill moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. Roved by Cochran seconded by Walters the Street Superintendant cut thistles on lots at lower end of Tobin Street and Citpe! orney bring in an ordinance charging the same to the pDoperty carried. {�`o Moved and seconded the City- Attorney bring iesolution to put in Cement sidewalk on lot i Block I8 Town of Renton Tv1oved by Cochran seconded by Owens the Tater Superintendant notify the Car Warks ti rut a 6 itch mf-tr,r rnitside of there x-)ronerty. ,ZI "., Moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the Clerk notify the Pacific Coast that the City ^rdina.nce will be. enforced about spark proctectorsy in the,- City of Renton. futAA�. 'loved by Cochran aesonded by 9 .Nens the Clerk notify the City of Se tale to put in acement walk alonf; their right-of-way between 'calla "'alfa acrd Mill Street carried. Resolution 11�?0.302 was read and adorted. P pr 2eORC Rent r.. '!'ash. July . 1922 . 337 Fegular° meeting of the Council called to order by N.ayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and councilmen Walters 9.nd F&V11 : There being no "'uoram the Council adjourned. W. J. 711l'l isms City Clerk. , Tre Clerk notified the council that there ware no protests on the assessme+, roll of Local I rye °�T,-ement, ^istrict No II6 .0rdinance ro .59592. Renton "'ash. ,July 05 . I922 3IA$ `nR Regular meeting, of the council called to order by 4ayor Raymond. 1-call those present were the ®yor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen "alters,Faull,Leathley,Fulyer ond0ochran and Jenkins . ?vlinutes of the last meeting was read and a proved. Petition of Florenzo Di-laurenti ,James C. i,itchell and C. C. Culltton for water was granted. Petition of the Fuge Sound Traction Light & Power Co .was read asking permission to set a ole on the west side of 11e11y St between 4th & 6th ave and one: pole on. the T�orth side of 3rd Streetnorth between Factory and C.P. S. RR.Tracks was read and granted under the supervision of the Street Superintendant . i The report of the Fin�r.ce committee was read and it Y;as recom-Iended that 4 the following bills bc\paid. Engineer Dept . $79.50 Street Payroll. .I39 . I8 Jackson Fuel Co . , X4.00 Union Oil Co. , 22.79 Payroll on Highway. 659.18 Cement Products Co. , 2.00 Pettie Printery. 48 .50 J. S.Hardie . 44.55 reattle Plumbing Supply Co. , 32.20 Pacific Water "forks Supply Co. , I45.26 ',v'ater Dept Payroll . 89.79 -- 177m Kane . 4.00 Puget Sound Traction L.& Power Co. I47.05 Puget Sound Traction L & Power Co. , 5.68 E. E.Duff. I4.9I Engineer Department . 86.25 Total t1574 .84 _ It was moved and seconded that - warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . Report of the City Engir.:eer and data on resolutions No .999,300,30Iand 302 were read moved by Fuller seconded by Leathley the report be received and filed and the City Attorney bring inOrdinances to cover these improvements carried. The report of the City Engineer recommending that 70 % or „442 .07 on Local Improvement District e paid at this time to Auburn Construction Co. ,moved be Cochran seconded by Leathley the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. Report of Engineer recommending that 70 ' or 1865.87 on local im-Drove:rient district No II8 be paid at this time .coved by Fa � seconded by 7.alters the report be received g,, recommendations carr&ed//A� arried.. Report of Engineer recommending that 70% or Ifi97.93 o- Local improvement district No.II9 be paid at this tin,u,Moved by Cochran seconded by Faull the report be received and recommendations carried out ca.rrierl Report of the Engineer recommending an estimate of $5000.00 to E.A.Francis Construction Co.against local impro-veaint district Ko.II5 moved by Cochran seconded by T;eathley the report be. recei \ .td and reconmoendati; Y �- carried ' out carried. The report of th;: Fire Chief and 41ater Superintendant about testing Fire hose was read avid crc'er•ed filed carried . �. Ordinance NO 's 593, 594 and 595 were read and referred to the ordinance committee . ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance NO 's 592,593, 594 and- 595 moved and seconded tlzr report be received carried. " Trdinance NO's 592, 593,594 and 595 were the second time by sections and c:dopted as a whole all councilimer, voting aye "i:alters,Faull,Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. The Bond of Adams ,17encock and Adams for the Improvement of Meadow Street ,AAs read and approved by the City Att :rney as to form moved by Leathley ^e- conded by "'alters the Bone be accepted carried.. The 'aids of r. T_'.r!uff and Adamd ,Fancock and Adams were opened and read for the improvea�erit of Smithers street moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the contract be awarded to the lowers bidcaer which was E. E.Duff carried. TPov�-d Ly Yalters seconded by Faull the City Engineer have the Alley cross ing put In on Smttlrers Street Carried. Resolution No.303 was read and adopted. The matter of sending the Fire Chief to the Convention was brought up and after discussion it was moved by Faull seconded. by 1,71alters the Five Chief be gived t125.00 for expenses to the: conventiorW arried. The matter of cows running at large in the City- was brought up and after discussion it was left to tt-_e Street Superintendant . Councilmen ',""alters brought up the ratter of a drinkin` fountain ;fit the -)f Mair Strm�t and Third Avenue moved by Cochran seconded` by Faull the Fater Superintendant put a drinking fountain at this :}lace cirri ed. p .. du7 c rri d clerk `—�.T.ra yo r,-- — l Lr s t July P,6 , 1922. s ecial meeting of the city council, to consider the matter of A p F rrarting a franchise to the City of Seattle; fo5 laying a water supply �u � ld �q def' by main through certain streets and avenues , was ca Mayor Raymond at 8 p•m• waiters , Faults , Jenkins , Leathley, iMuller Those present beim and Cochrane with the City Attorney. Those present and representin; tae City of Seattle were Supt L.B.Youn ,s of the Water Department, and City Engineer A.H.Dimock. The proposition was discussed in all its phases and, upon motion of Cochrane and second by Leathley , tiie following proposition ., ' xaa put up to the City of c.eattle: That the City of Seattle grant the City of Renton a rate of X0.03 per 100 cubic feet for water taken frog the supply mains of the C: $y Of Seattle and the replacement of such pavements as i t may be necessary to tear up during the period of cons ruction of the City of Seattle' s new supply main. Also tha _ a quarantee be given Seattle that said pavement will be maintained for by the City of gainst damage caused frog, the construction a period of five years a t':iat the City of Seattle g Of said main. Or- rant the City of Renton a rate of ."0.04 per 100 cubic feet for water taken from the supply mains of the City of Seattle; the construction of a standard concrete pavement alon; and in such struts as is to be occupied by the City of ceattleis pipe line and the payment of X5000.00 in cash . Eitner of the above propositions to be a renumeration to the City of Renton for the use of its streets under tyle terms of the franchise sought by the City of Seattle. 1 -_ . .--,K •� ���. _ rP-. i t w�v �`C'0BC Renton '.''ash. Aug.:I .I922 339 Regular meeting of the Council call ed. t(Y' order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the M,ajor�Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen Walters,L6athley,Fuller and Jenkins. ' Minutes of the Last meeting was read ar�d apl,roved. Minutes of the Special meeting was read and approved. Petition of Ruts- Jones for water was ranted.. The, report of the Finance committee wal> readand it was recommended that the following bills be paid. O.u.Transfer Co. , X24.00 Street Payroll . 129.99 "Tater Payroll . I52.0I Engineer & Helpers . 77.25 Total 3£ 33 .2.5 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon. the Tre-asur(-r for the above amounts Ordinance FO 's 591,591 and 591 were read ane-_ referred. to the ordinance committee . The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance No .59(- Ordinance no,34- was read the second t1ifie by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen votinLi aye `v'alter•s,Lea.thley,Fuller and Jenkins . The Clerk notified t} e Council that there were no protests against resolution@ No 's 300 ,301 and 302 moved by Leathley seconded by "Halters the City Attorney brin€ in ordinances to cover these improvements carried. !,owed by Leat_ley seconded by Walters the Clerk get prices on Stencils for 21- and 3 inch letters carried. The matter of Revocation -of S. J.Andre..ws License was read and i4r.Andrews asked that this nrtter be laid over until after the trial in t}-.e Superior Court after discussion it was moved- by Leathley seconded by Walters the license be revolked immediately on roll call for the motion 'Nalters,Leathle-TT,Fuller and Jenkins The :payor thanked the Council for the action taken and said he thought they took the right stand. ?Nater Superintendant Dullahant asked the council for his vocation moved by Leathley seconded by Wialters t'ne request be granted carried. %.. T. J.Leathley notified the Council that R. J. Pettie donated a. set of Park rules to the City of Penton moved by Leathley seconded by Walters that Mr. 7ettie be sent a card of thanks carried. On motin the Council adjourns. r f i i I 340 Renton Tash.Aug.8. I922 . Regular meeting of tre Council called to or6eic, b ,,, N-ayor. Raymong. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attbrney and Councilmen t Walters,Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. i k Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Report of tiit Finance comjr,Attee was read and it was recommended that t' e. following bills be paid. R. i.pe(ILie. IS.Oo Joseph P.Parker. 28.05 . renton Hardwave Co. 8 .70 City of Seattle. I5I .30 Renton Hardware Co. , I5 .00 Engineer & Helpers . 86 .25 Bish„p & Jenkins . 77.50 Pacific Tel •2: Tel Co. , 6 .50 James Hardie _398.87 $787.I7 Total it -w-as moved atu seconded that warrants oe drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Moved by Leathley seconded by Walters the City purchase a Floral piece for the deceased Gouncilmen Faull carried. , oved by Leathley seconded by Walters a committee be appointed to draft a resolution of Condolance for the dectased .councila.,en carried. ',"roved by Lic,athley seconded seconded by:__W,alter_s-, we suspend .all regular order of buisness carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. T'• C Clerk , 341 Regular meeting of the Council called by Major Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor, Clerk,ALtorney and Councilmen 'Nalters,Leathle-72Fuller,Ower. , ,Jejjrii. is and Cochran. �;inutes of the last meeting was read and ap proved. Petition of Td Irr for water was granted. Petition of Pistoresi to build wareliouse and Garage on cornea of Fifth Avenue and Burnett Street was granted subject to the Duildin;_ ordinance. Report of the FinahL. 30mmitt',ee, was read and it was recoi7,mendea that the fallowing bills be paid. Tluget Found Traction L & Power CO. 5 .68 Puget Sound Traction L &. Power Co . , 71.1 I2Z.25 Lxi sneer & I elpe7.500 rs . x`.5 D.:'.?`othorn. 125.00 A.gne s Ed,r __ I U.K. Garage. 33 . ...� Payroll Street Dept . 33.922 40.45 O.K. Garabe. ';later Dept Payroll . 95.4-0 McPherson Furniture Co. , ___ 4.I5 Ictal ` 551 .95 _ It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the TreaGurer for the Above amounts. The report of -ci:e Enginefr way read recommending the 30 reserve on Local Improvement District No.II6 or $'2362 .24 moved by Otivens seconded by ',7alters the report be received and recorri.:endations carried out carried . ,GC .00 The report of tY,e Engineer was read recouiaiendin ; U�_I�,.':' i=�c,v,a!,I be paid. to Adams,rancock and Adams against local improvement District No.I20 Moved by I.:eathley seconded by 'falters the report be received and recocr:o:end-• ations carried out carried. Report and data on resolution no.303 was read moved by Cochran seconded by Walters the report be received and filed . ordered filed. The report of the Clem, and Treasurer were read and Coir: junication from lvrs.John Faull and Family for the Floral offering renderE in there recent bereavement moved by Cochran sec, deal I at ,lE th e comn_unicati.on be received and filed carried. The Clerk notifies: the, council that there were n protests against District NO.II7.II8 and IT9. Ordinance 1170.599,600 and 601 were read and referred to the ordinance Committee. The Clerk notified the caur.cil that there were no ?:protests against ePd Districts no .I22 .I23 .I24 and I27. ... Ordinance N0,598,602,603 and 604 were read and referred to the ordinance committee . The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance N0.5990600 and 60I . Crdinanced no.599,600 and 60I were read the second tl. e. by sections and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting; aye Walters,I.eathley,Fuller,Owens, Jenkins and Cochran. The Clerk notified the Council that he gist prices on stencils moved and seconded this matter be referred to the Street and Alley com;nitte�: carried. P.,+%Houser notified the council that the Towns on the East side of I:ake VJashington were joining in a celebration for August 26th for opening the new paving and asked the City of Renton to join with them moved and seconded the City call aspecial meeting Friday night to arra.nge for the Celebration carried. Frank Davis asked the Councul to extend the storm water sewer on second and r"ill Street moved by Cochran seconded by VIalters tyle matter by referred to the City Engineer with power to act carried. Councilmen ?'falters brought up the mat-iler of inauling lags through the Cd)ty of Renton and said they ought to be chaired on the trucks moved by Owens seconded by Cochran the Clerk notify these companies to chain there loads carried , Moved by Leathley secondedi-bg Cochran the Street and Alley c=iiittee look over the Street and Alleys and make a report next meetine, carried. The Resolution of condolence of the deceased councilmen Faull was read moved by Walters seconded by Leathley the resolution be adopted and acopy a -- sent to the Family carried. The matter of sidewalk between the Seattle Lighting Company'sproperty and Fifth Avenue after discussion it was referred to the City Engineer to report next meeting carried. 1otior.. to adjourn was made and duly carried. i��ay°or 342 . �Iwl Resolution of Condolence. HF'FEp S D EtTi1 HAS PEM—OO*ED FF 9V OUR VIUST OUR ESTEEMED FELLOT C IT I.-:-F-W V JOITN FI ULLS, AND Whereas the City of Renton in his untimely death has logit are of its most valued members of the City Council, the community a loyal, public spirited and couragous member and his tlisb family a kind, indulgent and loving husband and: father. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fenton, in reLplcr ses!ion assembled: ?'.net the heartfelt sympathy of the "embers of the City Council be extended to the family of ouryidecessed co-vorker: T,Iiet in the death. of Courci lM.0 r, thie City and the community 4t lar ,e has suffered a 4�rta_t . ass That a. copy of this resolution be spread upon tLe minutes of this meetinE and a oopy thereof signed by the "ayor a.r_d City Clerk be forwarded to the wife of our deceased friend John Faulls. Approved this tug. 15th. 1922. "eyor. Passed this Aug* 15th. 1322, City Clerk. GG' 343 Renton., Wash. August 29 , 1922. RAgula.r meetin" of the 'City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll Call- Present CouncilmenWalters, Leathley, Bennett , Fuller, Owens , Jenkins and City* Attorney Davis . The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition? of Leo Gotte fcr wa&er service was react and upon motion was granted. Petition of W.J.Willisms for permit to make connection_ to sanitary sewer was react and upon motion was ;;ranted. Petition of John Williams for permit to make connection to sanitary sewer was read and upon motion. was granted. Petition of R.M.Thorne for permit to make repairs to a. certain dwelling on Main St was read and upon motion was granted. Petition of G.W.B-eanb;ossom for permit to construct frame garage at Third Avenue -.nd Morris St, was read and upon motion was granted. Petition of S.J.Andrews asking for a license to operate a soft drink establishment on Burnett Street `was read and, upon_ motion, was referred to the License Committee . The report of the: Finance Committee was read and, upon motion, the following bills were ordered paid. Engineering Dept pay roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `p72. ' 5 Seattle Mill and Logging Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •132.92 _ Muncy - ---------------- rt_Co_. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75 Engineering Dept•pay. rol1. . . . . . . . . 70. 50 -Total----j,2g P--- -------- W.� Bennett, Sr was appointed by Mayor Raymond to fill the vacancy *the Firpt Ward. ,,Upon motion the appointmer:t was f conrmedhe � , ., The rosition of President, f the Cour_c+1 beim; vacant, Councilman- At- Large Manchester Valterswas unanimously electe( to fill the unexpired term. Petition of the Renton Stearn Laundry for permission to, install a gasoline supply tank was granted subject to the supervision of the Street Superintendent . Report of O .N.Cochran on Street Signs was, upon motion, received and laid over for one week. Councilman Leathley made a report regarding a conference with Gov . Hart relative to a new bridge over Cedar River. Upon motion the report was recieved and filed. The .report of the City Engineer. on s.idewa.lks on Burnett Street was read and ordered filed. The Cit. Clerk was instructed to notify the owners of property covered in this report to construct cement sidewalks within twenty days . The reports of C .L.Dixon, Health Officer, relative to sanitary cond- itions in the northeast portion of the city was read and upon motion the :Matter was referred to the City Engineer for an investigation and later report. A communication from C.L.Dixon regarding certain railroad tracks and fences in Sixth !avenue north was read and, upon r .ot.ion, was ordered filed. The report of the City Engineer recoirmendinL that the final estimate in favor of E.F.Duff for work done in Local Improvement District No . 121 was read and, upon motion, was ordered laid. The report, of the Cit;; Engineer recommending that an estimate of j4COO.000 be allowed the E.A.Francis Construction Co . for work done in Local Improvement District No .115 was, upon motion, received and the recommendation ordered carried out. The report of the City Engineer, recormnendi% that an estimate of 411000.00 be ellarwed Adams, Hancock and Adams , for work done cin Local Improvement District No 120 wa , upon motion,received and the reco- mmendation ordered carried out. 344 Communication from. the City Clerk relative to the City' s share in the expense in certain Local improvement Districts was, upon motion_, received and action deferred for one week. Ordinance No 597 relating to the closing of certain streets to vehicular ,traffic , upon a favorable report from the Ordinance Committee was placed upon its second reading by sections and adopted as a whole , all councilmen voting aye- Walters, Lea',hley, Bennett ,Oowan_s and Jenkins and Fuller. Ordinances Nos 598, 602, 603 and 604, relating to the construction of sidewalks, were placed upon their second reading; by sectionsand adopted as a whole , alrl Councilmen voting aye- Vvalters ,Leathley, Bennett, Fuller, Owens and Jenkins . Ordinances 605 and 606, relating to sidewalks were read as of the first reading and, upor motion, were referred to `the Ordinance Committee.. The question of finding a suitable location for the road sign to be erected directin,; traffic along ,the Lake Drive was refereed to the City Engineer and the Street Superintendent with power to act . It was moved by Walters and seconde.. by Leathley that the Street and Alley Commi-tee confer with A.N.Fairchild regarding the prop- osition of acquiring a part of the lot at the intersection of Park Avenue and First Ave Nor;h with the object of elimnating the dangerous turn at this point . Carried. A report was recieved from the City Attorney relative to the assessment made in Local Improvement District No 116. Upon motion the report was received and ordered filed. There bein�;, .no further bus-&ness the meeting was thereupon adjourned. y Approved -�q �--n- �.!'_// � .. city-- - --- - �ayor.- Clerk CSB Renton i'�'ash. ,Sept.6. I922. B egular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. 345 Roll-call those present were the Ivayor.Clerk,r.Ittorney and Councilmen 7;alters,Bennett,Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of the Citizens Bank to build Fire proof building on lot IO block 22 was 6ranted.according to the City Ordinance. Report of the Finance committee was read and it was reoorrmended that the fol. lowing bills ,be paid. S.L.Hanley. 048.00 _ California Filter Co. , 43.69 Wm Kane. 2.00 Priebe Bros. 9.05 R.Wood. . 9.40 L. H.Stoles. 10.00 City of Seattle . 65.75 D.H.Mothorn. 7.50 edater Payroll. I03.27 Street Payroll. 62.20 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. , 5.45 ,�Qdical Aid Dept . 5.99 Northern Pacific Ry .Co. , 7.II Total �379.6I. It Oras moved a _ii seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The License committee recommended tr�a.t r�o license be , given to S. J.Andrews Moved by 71alters seconded by Cochran the report be received and r(�comLen- dations carried out .carried. Councilmen. Cochran repor-,ed tale prices on Street Si4rs and recommended that the City purchase enough, si€;is to double the signs on Fftr**,Second,Third Fourth and Park Avenues 4nd single sign all the rest of the Streets moved by Leathley seconded by ,falters the report be received and filed and recoirmli - endations carried out carried. The report of the City Lx.gineer recomi lending that the final esti plate in favor of the Auburn Construction Company for work done in local improvement District NO . II7 was road. and,upon motinn,was ordered paid. . The report of the City Er.oineer recommendir_g that the find estimate or 4,37I . o8 for work done on Locai ir. provement District NOIIS was read and,upon motin,was ordered paid .tp the Auburn. Construction Company. The retort of the City Lngineer was read recommending that the • fimal estimatE in favor of the Auburn Construction Company for work done it local improve- ment district NO.II9 was read,and,upon motian,was ordered. paid. The report of the City engineer oil Sewer drain in T,dobth Renton, was read riioved by halters seconded by Leathley tine report be received and filed. Moved by Walters seconded by Fuller the City Engineer rr:a.ke an estirrate on the _i O - rth Renton Sewer and set g grades where needed carried. 'loved by Leathley seconded by J"alters the Clerk b(� authorized to buy a clock for t'rie City Clerk's Office not to exceed VI2.00 carried. The Clerk notifier. the council That " here was a'oill of 01527.130 for t.e in- tersection of Park Avenue moved by Leathley seconded by 1.17alters the clerk pay one fifth of the amount carried. The Clerk,notifie�a the council that there was a bill for '1'57.60 far Alley e Crossings on local improvement L'istrict 110 . 117 to be paid moved by Walters seconded by Leathley the Clerk pay the bill carried. the _ The report of the City Attorney was read recouunending that Aooqordinance L 0 tree City of Seattle be amm:ended,moved by 4alters seconded by Coghran the City Attorney .amriend the City of Seattle ordinanceyt pea as sugested by the City Attorney. " ?�' '- % z Communication from the City of Seattle was read and ordered filed. `Ordinance NO 's 607 L:nd 606 were read and referre4 to the ordinance corrin.ittee. The Clerk notified the council that there were no protests against ordinance NO 's 605 and 606 . . Ordinance No8'J' 605 and 606 were read the second time by sections and the ,hr third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilriien voting; Aye valLer•s,Bennett,L,eathley,ituller and Coci,ran. ^rdinailue No 's 607 and 608 were the second tl-�e second tine by sections and the third time by title and adopted .as a while all -councilmen voting aye !Flalters ,Bennett,Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. Resolution No.304 making and adopting 'LI-le estimate of the amount required to meet expenses of tile City of Renton for the Year I923,was read and adopted. w There being no fut;ther buisness the council adjourned Tayor Cit, lex k. C, 0� i � rvZ 346 A,j,�, Renton Tasci. ,Sept .I9.I922. regular meeting of the council called to order by Mlayor .Raymond Roll-Call those present -were the Mayor Clerk Attorney and councilmen "falters . Bennett,Leathl.ey and Fuller. The minuted of the last -meeting iwas read and approved to read that th.e Uity Attorney a.mmend the City of Seattle ordinance in referrence to 71ater 1'4ains and Franchise on Mill Street and Second Avern-e in the City of Renton. . Petitions of Lester Faull,E.A.Francis Construction Co,C. C.Proctor.and Beanblosso-w for water were granLed . Petition of G.7. Beanblossom to break the curbing in front of lot -6 and. 7 blk . 34 Smithers 2nd addition -to Renton,and place driveway on same lots on Mlorris Street was granted. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co .to place poles on 7th Street was read and referred to the Fire,Light and 'Nater Committee -and Fater Supt. l Petition- of the vestern•vfashington Fair Association to place Banner inthe Street to advertise the Fair was read and granted under the supervision of the Street Supt. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recomiiended that the following bills be paid. S.L Hanley. $40.00 Renton ?ul?etin. - 39.65 Continental Pipe lifg,Co. , 3.30 Mercantile Lumber Co. , I0.95 R. J.Pettie . 35.00 A. Gebenini . 37.75 Colby & Dickinson Inc . 3.00 Renton Hardware Co. , I.30 Renton Agency Inc . 2.25 Engineer & Helper. - 50.25 - Renton Hardware Co. , 1.65 Pettie Printery. , 7.50 W.H.'Natkins . 13.50 Water Payroll. I56 .I5 Street Payroll. I38.34 Total w540.59 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. tepvrt of the Engineer was read recommending that an allowance of $1000.00 be paid to Adams,Hancock and Adams on local improvement District No I20 moved by Wim : 7-alters seconded by Leathley the report bee-received-ane filed and recoin,riend- ations carried out .carried. The report of the Lngineer recomliending that an allowance of $3000.00 be paid to the E.A.Franeis Construction Co . ,on Local Improvement District No.II5 moved by Leathley seconded by nr`alters the report be received,Filed and recommendations , carried out carried. y The report& of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The Clerk notified the Council that no protests wer made against local imprcvemerit District NO.I2I .Smithers • Street Improvement. Ordinance Tvo.609.6IO,6II and 612 were read and referred to the ordinance committee . The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance No.609,6IO,bII and b12. Ordinance NO.609,6IO,6II and 6I2 were read the second time by sections and the third time -by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye Walters, -Bennett,Leathley,and Fuller. The bids of E. E.Duff and Adams,Iiancock and Adams for* the sidewalk improvement on th&rd Avenue were opened and read moved by !,falters seconded 1y Leathley the -contract be awarded to the lowest bidder which was E.E.Duff.carried. The bids of Adaiiis,Iiancock & Adams and E. E.Duff foie the improvement of sidewalk in front of lot I block I8 on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Williams Street were opened and read moved by Leathley seconded the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder which was E.E.Duff carried. The bid of. E.E.Duff for the improvement of sidewalk on Mill street in front of lots I3-14 and I5 in block 8 Town of Renton was read and the btd being not p properly filled out it was moved by Leathley seconded by ".Falters the bid be laid over one week carried. The bid of E.E. Duff for the improvement of lot I&2 block 2 Renton farm neat for cement sidewalks was opened and read moved by Fuller seconded by 'halters the contract be awarded to E.E.Duff n.arried. Mr Houser brou61-,L up the natter of stopping the Parking of cars on third Avenue and said the Stage Company made arraingement for a depot in the Alki Resturant and asked the council to set aside 30 feet for the Stage company moved by Leathley seconded by Walters the matter be referred to the Stree-L_,a:nd Alley comiidttee carried Moved by `;falters seconded by Leathley the Street Superintendant_ get signs for all City Limit Hi ways comiriing in the City- of Renton and these signs to conform to the :€kty' ord nanc3e and State Laws carried. i Motion' to '`�ad j:our�n was made and duly carried. ��apr Renton "ash,Sept .27 . I922 teaular �rieetirg of the Council called to ord r by Mlayor Raymond. 34 Roll-call those present were -the Iaayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen - Bennett,Fuller,Leathley,Oweris and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. The report of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Miller & Haviland. t27. I0 Renton Realty Co. , 72.00 Puget Sound Traction Light z, Power Co . , 147 .05 Puget Sound Traction Light pt Power Co. , 2.36 Thos Harries. I.00 S.L.Hanley. . 48.00 'PJilson & Wa.rlowe . 72.00 Jesse McCowen. 3 .I0 total W372.61 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Report of the Engineer was read recommending that the Thirty percent reserve amounting to S I80.00 on local =Laiprovement district No .I2I moved by Cochran seconded by Owens the report be received and reconuriendatior_s carried out . carried. Report of Engineer was read recommending the amount of 579.79 on local i,Tprovernent district 120 �:�oved by Cochran seconded by Owens the report be received and recommendations carried eut carried. Communication from the Disabled American Soldier8 was read Y1oved by Owens seconded by Leathley the corr,;iunicatioi.be received and filed. carried. The bids of E. E.Duff and Adams,Hancock and Adams were opened and read on Local Improver,:ent District NO. I26 the certified c-Leck of E. E.Duff not being sufficent to cover the five percent the contract was awarded to Adams, Hancock and Adams cai�rie;. "'he bid of E. E.Duff and Adams,Tiancock and Adams were opened and read on local improvement District NO.I27 the check of E. E. Duff not being sufficent - to cover the five percent the contract was awarded to Adams,Hancock and Adam; Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the bid. of E. E.Duff on lot NO. I3-I4 & 15 ?n block 6 be rejected because it was ten percent above the cstirnate and the Clerk call for bids on the same district carried. ivioved the Bonds of E.E.Duff on Local improvement District No . I23-124 and 125 be accepted carried. ,, ' The resignation of hoger Jenkins cou`ricilmen of the second ward second prec-ih- ct was read moved by Fuller seconded by Cochran the resignation be accepted carried. Ordinance 1,.0 .6I3 was read arc' referred t� the ordinance committee. The ordirnance committee reports favorably on- ordinance NO.6I3 . Ordinance N0.6I3 was read t}ie second time by sections and the third tit-ie by title and adopted as a whole all counciiaien voting aye iBennett,Leathled;, Fuller,Owens ans Cochran. . E.A.Fulier one of the Street and Alley Ciamiiittee reported that Tie thought the Auto Stages ought to be moved down the streetther and not be where the Street Car Stops moved by Leathley seconded/Ai L1!X repori, be received and and laid on the table one week carried. Councilmen Cochran brought up the matter of a baby born itl Liberty Park ai)d it was moved by Cochran secoiided by Fuller the City Attorney draw up a resolution of welcome to our City and the i4[ayor authorized to sign the same carried. The City Attorney Reported to the Council that Ed Smithers would give the City of Renton a piece of land north of Third Avenue and Last of N11orris Street for City Buildings Moved byCochran seconded by Leathley this iiiatter be laid over tvio weeks carried. Joe 71ood Fire Chief iidde averbal report about the lFire Convention at San € 'rancisco and said it was agreat success moved by Leathley seconded by Owens the report be Received carried. Motion to adjourn vias mace and duly carried. U.7—City Clerk ��ayor. dam% / /f / Renton Qct .3,I920 34%6ular •meeting; of tiie council culled i,. order by !�'a or lLayriiond. Roll-call those present were the mayor ,Clery.Attorney and councilm n_'74'alters, Bennett,Leathley, Fuller and Owens. Minutes of the last regular and SpeciAll meetin6s neve and approved. Petition of J.F. Strnard for eater was read and granted. Petition of Elton Jackson for water was read uroved by Walters seconded by Fuller the petition be granted under t..e supervision of t1ie eater Super- int end ant.carr1uq The report of the Finance committee was read and it ai.c recommended that the following; bills be paid. Water Dept Payroll . 'R Street Dept Payroll . 223 •C0 Sunset service Station. I .65• City of Seattle . . 62.20 D.H.'7othorn. 2 .50 Cement Products Co Inc . 6 .48 O.K.Garage . 29 .75 Miller & Flaviland. 52.00 Joe ''Dood. 5.00 S.L.Hanley. 48.00 Total _ 569.59 It was >noved and seconded tl-�at warrants be drawn upon: t o Treasurer for the above amounts . . The City Engineer remote his final report on the Trunk Oewer and recormnended that the balance of the 70a or 12587.66 be paid to E.A.Francis Construction Company Lloved by I:eathley seconded by Owens t?ie report be received Faded and recommendations carried out carried. The ';Dater 3uper4fi4evintendant ioade u report or: the water rua r;s and water meter for the Pacific Car Z., Foundry Co moved by Leathley* seconded by Owens the report be received carried. "Ile Fir^ =i ri £ water Committee reported favora'ply for c he iacific Telephone Telegraph company to place poles on Seventgl revenue tioved by. 11alters se:corded b by Bennett the report be received carried. Ordinance nO 6I4 and 6I5 were read and referred to tle ordinance comAttee . The bonds of Adams Hancock and Adams for local improvement district NO. I26 and-I27 were read and. approved. The ordinance comrmittee reported favorable on ordinance NO.6I4 and 6I5. Crdinance NO 614 fixing the tax levy for the year of I923 was rEad by sections the second time and the third time by title and adopted as a whole all council men voting aye 7'alters,Bennett , Leathley,Fuller and Owens . Ordinance NO.6I5 directing the P,'ayor and Clerk to sign contract with Adams liar_cock and adams for Local Improveizient District 111-0 126 and Ili was read the second time by sections and tie third time by title and adopted as, a whlle rad' all counQilrnen voting aye "altersi Bennett,Leathley,Fuller and, Owens. 'he damage claim, of Maurice t.Geerir.b for damages ryas read and referred to the City Attorney. The matter in regards to the Stage was brought up and discussed and after disc;- ussion it was left just the same. Walters brought up the iilatter of the City Engineer making a n,ap and getting the data for the water and sewer system :roved by 'DDalters seconded by Fuller get such data and make the necessary map carried. E.A.Fuller brought up the ,natter of,marking the Street Intersections for Auto traffic moved by Fuller seconded by Owens the Street Superiritendant have the intersections marked carried. Mlotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ayor Cit,; eWrl, __ �- Renton ',''ash. ,Oct . I7 . I922 200RCRogular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor haymond. 34 Roll-call -those present were the IvIayor,Clerk.Attorney and Councilmen 7,,alters,P.ennett,Leathley,F'uller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was, read and approved. Petition of Virginia Cartwright for water was read and granted. Petition of prpperty owners on Marion Street for a Street Light was read and referred to the Fire Light and hater coi.umittee to re. ort next meeting. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was readmmended that the following bills.be paid. _ E.A. Shearer. $I .20 Wm "ane . 5.20 R. J.Pettie. 20.00 Industrial Insurance . I7.38 See & Sons. 3.96 Chas F.Hause Mfg Co . , 2.20 Renton Hardware Co. , 7.00 ... Colby & Dickinson. 20.85 Renton Bulletin. 48.50 Engineer 8:; Helper. 59.50 American Express Co , . .52 J.�,%Fales aper Co. , 23.50 Earl E.Richards . I0.00 IT.Muller Mfg CQ . ., 65.65 Engineer & Helper. 58.I3 Payroll Water Dept II6 .74, Payroll Street Dept . 98.58 Total �' 558.9I It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The F:eport of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The Engineer made his final report on District No. I23 and recommended that 0116.30 be paid to E.E.Duff,Nloved by Walters seconded by Cochran the report be received,filed and recommendations carried out carried. , The report of the Engineer was read recommending that 70of Local improve- ment District NO.I25 be paid to E.E.Duff moved by Leathley seconded by Cochr, an the report be received filed and recommendations carried out carried. Comimunica.tion.fromthe department of Public Norks in referrence to telephone rates was read and ordered filed . Communication from the City of Seattle approving the Ordinance of tl�e City of Renton for a Franchise for. water mains was read moved by Ilialters secondee by Cochran the communication be received,filed and referred to the City Attorney carried. sow Communication from the State Highway Commissioners notif; ing the Council that the dill Street Bridge was in a dangerous condition and said it ought to be fixed at once moved by Walters seconded by Fuller the Engineer and Street Superintendant make the necessary repairs cerried. "voved by .falters seconded by Fuller the City Engineer figure out the weight each bridge will carry and put up signs on each bridge carried. The Clerk notified tie council that there were no protests against the assessment rolls,, on local improvement District NO . II5 and I2I . Ordinance N,0.6I6 .6I7 .6I8 and 6I9 were read and referred to the ordinance Committee. The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance NO .6I6 .6I7.6I8 &6I9 Ordinance NO.6i6,6I7,618 and 6I9 were read the second time b- sections and ti the third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting Aye Walters,Bennett, Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. The Clerk read the report from the State Auditor and it was moved by Cochran secmnded by Walters the report be received filed and published.carried. ?Motian to adjourn was made and duly carried. / J Paayor iClerk. , 350 Renton Wash. ,Oct .24.I922. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,glerk,Attorney and . Councilmen Walters,Leathley,Bennett ,Fuller and Owens. Minutes of- the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of E. H.Bragdon and H.D.Bruce for water were read and granted. - The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Adams,Hancockk and Adams. I9.20 Jackson Fuel Co. , I7.00 Pacific Tel and Tel Co. , 5.80 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. , I47.05 Puget Sound Traction Light ' Power Co. , 5.68 O.K.Transfer Co. , 83.I0 Engineer & Helper. 48.60total $326.43 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The report of the Engineer was read recorcimending that 70/% of Local impr-)vement District No. I24 orN55I.26 be paid at this time moved- by Leathley seconded by W Walters the report be received,filed and recommendations carried out carried. The city Engineer made- hid final report on Local Improvement District No.I26 and recommended that 70or 232.85 be paid to Adams,Hancock and adams moved by Walters seconded by Faller the report be received filed- and reoemmendations carried out carried. The City- Engineer made- his final report on local improvement district No.I27 and recommended that 70oor $2I2.97 be paid to Adams hancock and- Adams moved by Fuller secomded by Walters the repobb be received filed and recommendations carried- out carried. Moved by Walters seconded by Fuller the City Attorney draw up the necessary papers to make lot I8 block 24 Town of Renton to connect to the Sanitary Sewer carried. Moved by ``alters seconded by Owens the Clerk call for bids on two car loads of cast iron water pipe carried. The Fire Light and VJater committee reported favorably on petition of property owners on marion Street for street light moved by Leathley seconded by Fuller the report be received filed and reconin;endations carried out carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Mayor. ity Clcrk. , 9C OBC Renton V�ash. ,Oct .3I . I922. 351 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by i.ayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Layor,Glerk,Attorney and counc _2men Bennett,Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last iiieeting was read and approved. Petition of C.A.Brown for water was read and ;ranted. Petition of Delia Elliott to connect to Sewer was read and granted. The r°eport of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. 'dater Dept Payroll. y�I34.69 Street Dept Payroll . I43. 2I S.L. hanley. 40.00 1w:3I7.90 It was firoved. and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The report of the Engineer was read recommending that the 301; reserve of Local improvement District No.I20 or $I3I9.9I be paid to Adams. hancock and Adains moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran the report be received, filed and recommendations carried out carried. Ordinance No.620 was read and referred. to the ordinance com.,:ittee . The ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance No.620. Ordinance No.620 was read the second time by sections and the third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye Bennett ,Leathley, Fuller and Cochran. Communication fro.n ti-,e State Department of Health was read and ordered €4!l4 filed .carried . Loved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the Street Superintendant fill up the roles on Fourth Avenue North Carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the Street Superintendant notify the Puget Sound Electric Co .to fix their crossings in a safe condition carried. Haddock broaght up the matter of the, City putting a light at the bridge between Renton and Earlington moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the matter be referred to the Fire,Light and Nater committee to report next meeting carried. Douglas Lewis asked the Council if the County could put a sign on Mill Street Bridge,14oved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the request be granted under supervision of the Streer Superintendantcarried. Eouncilmen Leathley notified the Council that he spoke to N"Ir Peterson Teacher of the Manual Training room at the High School about making tile Lm boards for tle Street Name Plates and he said they would be: glaol to do the work if the City bought the lumber Moved by Leathley seconded by Bennet' the City purchase the lumber for the plates carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. r;;Iayor.. Cit Clerk. ,, i �• i 3152 Renton, Wash. Nov 14, 1922. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. .Roll Call- Those present: Mayor, Clerk, Attorney and councilmen Waltsrs, - Fuller, Leathley and Oochran. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. , Petitions of guard Eaton, Id. Kamouchi , E.A.Sto.11 and Annie Longville for water service were granted. Petition of the Renton Steam Laundry to install a fuel oil tank in the alley in the rear of Lot 1, Blk 19 , O.T. was granted subject to the supervision of the Street Superintendent. The Finance Committee reported upon the following bills: - J.S.Hardie 77.43 Trick and Murray 24. 55 California Filter Co. 25. 50 Wm. Kane 3.90 Renton Hardware Co. 2. 60 Bishop and Jenkins 9.00 Williams and McKnight .77 Cement Products Co. Inc . 2. 53 i City of Seattle 85. 60 Continental Pipe Mnfg Co. 104.41 R.J.Pettie 8. 50 S.L.Hanley 96.00 Renton Bulletin 39.00 480. 14 Upon motion the report of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills orddred paid. The reoprt of the City Clerk was .received and ordered filed. Tne report of tree City Treasurer was received and ordered filed.. The City Engineer made his final report on Local Improvement District No.113 which was read and ordered filed. The E.A.Francis Constriitction Co. to be paid tze balance due less claims of the Cement Products Co. and the Cedar River Gravel Co. Communication from the E.A.brancis Construction Co read and ordered filed. Communication from the City of Seattle relating to brick to be taken up during pipe line construction was read and ordered filed. The Fire right and Water Committee was given another week in which to report upon the advisibility of placing a street li6ht at the wast end of Third Ave. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Franchise Ordinance No.621. Ordinance No.621 was then read by sections and adopted. Ordinance No .621 was then placed upon its third reading and adopted as a whole All aldermen voting aye- Walters, Fuller, Leathley and Cochran. The Town Rndperty Committe reported that, in their opinion, it was inadvisable to accept the tract of land offered the City by the Smithers Estate for the purpose of constructing a City Hall thereon. Moved by Cochran and seconded by Leathley the report be accepted and the City Clerk instructed to notify Mr. Ed Smithers of the action taken. Moved by Leathley and seconded by Walters that the City Engineer proceed to make detailed plans for a City Hall along the lines of the preliminary plans submitted. Carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Approved: P�ylerk. Mayor. �� - �� 4-c C)C0Bc Renton ;'�ash. ,Nov.28.I922 . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by lla- or Raymond. 353 Poll-call Those present were'the t:layour,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen l°'alters,Bpnnett,Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. Yinutes of the Last meeting was read and approved. The resignation of J.B.Owens wus read and accepted. ,Y The mayor appoints J.T.E4wards as councilmen of the Third ward to- fill. t ,e unexpired term of J.B.Owens and tie appointment was confirmed. by the council. " 15oved by Leathley seconded by Wa"*&* Fuller that Thos Olsen be appointed Councilmen of the second ?':yard motion carried. V The report of the Finance committee was read 4nd it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Street Dept Pay roll. . II5 .98 I,Ja.ter Dept Pay roll. 148 . 17 S.L.Hanley. 48.00' Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. , I47.05 .. Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. , 8.96 Trick & P.Iurra.y. 25 .00 Renton hardware Co. , 4.40 D.H.Hothorn. 2.50 Pacific Car & Foundry Co . , 8 .30 King County Road Dist No.6 . 138.08 J.R.Storey. r 19,25 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. , 5 .40 R. J. Pettie . 58 .00 S.L. Hanley. 48.00 Total J777.0I It ihvas roved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley that a light bb put over the road at the west end of Third Avenue above the curve carried. The report of;6the Engineer on local improvement Districts No ' I23- I24-I25- I26 and '127 were read Moved by Cochran seconded by Walters the reports be received Filed and recommendations carried out carried. Communication from Kent inviting the City Council over to Kent next Tuesday evening December 5.I922 for the dedication of their new City Hall moved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the commmnication be received and filed and the cler�l: notify them that the council will be present carried. Communication froii the State of 1,?ashington supervision of Highways was read moved by Cochran seconded by Vlalt_-rs the communication be received and j filed and the Street Superintendant be authorized to move any sign op according to the State Law carried. by sections . Ordinance 410.622-6'6'3-624-6"5-626-627 and 628 were read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance 622 .623.624.625 .626 . aid:-627 and 628. The Clerk notified the council there were no protests . Ordinance N0.622.r623-624-625-626-627 e.nd 628 were read by title the second and third time and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye Falters, Bennet t,Leathley,Edwards, Fuller amd The bids on Cast iron pipe were opened and read and referred to tiae hater Su_,erintendant and the City Engineer to report next meeting carrier. The Clerk was orderdd to call for bids for the City Printing for the Year of I923 : otion to adjourn was _rude and duly carried Mlayor Ci - lerk. , II ' L , 354 Renton ,','ash. ,Dec .8.1922. Regular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the mayor,Attorney and councilmen Walters , Bennett,Edwards, Leathley,Fuller and Cochran. Thos Olsen being present was sworn in by 11,4ayor Raymond for Councilmen of the second 7 ard. The minutes of 'the last meeting was lead and approved. The report of the Finance committee was-read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid.* City of Seattle. 062.40 Renton Bulletin. 30.40 Street Dept Payroll. 415-5.I4- �Iater Dept payroll . I63.87 S.L. Hanley. 48.00 Total `�,349 .8I It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The report of the 11-oat'er Superintendant and City Engineer or; water pipe was read and recommending' that the prepared joint Cast Iron pipe be purchased from R.C. Polk and th'e Valves be purchased from the Pacific Water works Supply Co Proved by 71a'lters seconded by Cochran the report be received filed and recommendations carried out carried. Mr Elliott appeared before the Council in regard to ,getting an Easement accross the Right of Way of the Puget Sound Electric Company . owed by Halters seconded by Leathley this matter be referred to the City Attorney and Street Superin- tendant carried. "lotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. F r I,Javor. Ci y Ult ,.,. i r -- i i 9013G Renton, 7kash. ,Dec .I2. I922. 355 Regular m"t.ing of the Council called to order by Tviayor Raymond. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney -.nd Councilmen T�Ialtern,Leatffiley.,Edwards,Olsen,Fuller ,.nd Cochran. The minutes of the Last meeting was read �_nd approved. The report of the Finance committee wad read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid . O.K.Garage. I9.50 Renton Hardware Co., 5.30 O.K.Transfer Co . ,. 36.75 S.L.Har_ley. 48.00 _ 'Total �I09.55 !t was moved Frd .seconded that warrants be drawn. upon the treasurer for the above amounts. L `the Judgement of Agnes Stockdale was read Moved y Leathley seconded by Coch- ran the bill be paid carried. The bids of the Renton Bulletin and R.J.Pettie for City Printing for the Year of !923 was .opened and read the bid of R. J.Pettle being the lowest it was moved by "alters seconded by Leathley the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder carried. Moved by Fuller seconded by Cochran the City call for bids on a. new Truck for the use of the City Carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. lvayor, i y Clerk. , • 356 Kenton- Vash. ,Dec . I9 ..L . regular meeting of the Council called to order by ".:ayor Layrriond. Roll-call those present were the Iv;ayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen - ";alters,Bennett,LeathleysEdwards,Clseri,Fullar and Cochran. The minutes of the hast meeting was read and approved. The report od the finance committee was react and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. 'Tater Dept.Payroll. I05.50 Street Dept.Payroll. • LC10.58 Trick and Niurray. 5.45 Puge-t-"S-o�c- Tr-action •Li6ht & Power Co. , I47.20 , Puget Sound Traction LigYit & Power Co. , 93.20 Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. , 11.68- Frederick and Nelson. 45.24 Steam Supply and Rubber Co. , I.4I Jackson Fuel Go. , I7.00 Pacific Tele. Tel Co. , 5.80 S.L.11anley. 48.00 Total X590.06 _ It was moved- and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the l'reasu.rer for the above amounts. The Clerk was notified to call for bids on trucks from one to two tons . Ordinance No.629 was read and referred to the ordinance committee. S.:,darozny made application for a soft drink License moved by Cochran seconded by •`4'altcrs this matter be referred to the License comr:.i.ttee carried, Fuller nitified the council that there ought to be a light on the west side of Burnett Street moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran this matter be referred to the Fire,Light and VV'ater Committee carried. Cochran brought up tl?e matter of a City Scales after discussion it was moved by Leathley seconded by Bennett this matter be placed in the hands of the Town Property Committee carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the Street Superintendant notify all Truckdrivers hauling logs that they should use Fourth Avenue North from the Iaighway to Park Avenue Carried. Loved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the Street Superintendant look ovF•r 161-li the County Graders and make a report next meeting carried.. Iv"otion to adjourn was made and® duly carried. Mla.yor. Renton 'Wash. ,Dec .26.I922 35 Regulary �,izt;t, n6 of the Council called to order by ,ti7ayor Raymond. Roll-call, those present were the iviayor, Clerk,Attorney and councilmen Bennett,Leathley,Edwards, Olsen,Fuller and Cochran. - The report of the Finanve coaiii . i tee was read and, it was recomaiendod that the following bills be para. Lowman & Hanford Co. , "9.70 S.L•.Hanley. 48.00 Total $57 .70 ��- ` It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . " ' e Police and License committee reported that theywere riot in favor of C .PTarozn;, getting a soft drink license until after the trial. is settled in T the Superior Court ,'Vloved bly Cochran seconded by Fuller, this matter be laid on the table until after the trial carried. Communication from -the City of Seattle accepting the- Franchise granted to the City of Seattl& by Ordinance No.62I of the City of Renton, moved be Cochran seconddd b Leathley the CormTiunicatiari be received and filed.carried. Ordinance NO, s630,6.3I ,632,633,### and 634 were read. & Referred to the. ard- inance committee. • 629 The ordinance committee reports favorably on ordinance No. F,1,630,631,632,6301 and 634. - Ordirrance •NO, s 629,f30,63I,632,633 and 634 were read the sec6md* and -third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye,Bennett, Leatiiley,Ldwards,Olsen,nuller and Cochran.- Moved by Cochra-n seconded by Leathlezr that the Clerk obtain the services of an Auditor for the purpose of getting out the usual Yearly report,carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Fuller that 62000.00 of the 4x5000.00 (receive:d )► for Franchise from the City of Seattle) be placed in a special fund,for tree purpose of purchasing furniture for the new City nail-and. to be preserved subject to the Bond Election in Yay I923.carried . "roved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the bealance of t X5000.00 be iolaced in the general fund for to buy a Truck and grader for the use of the City. carried. The Fire,Li6ht and T'"ater committee reconmiended that no light be put on Burnett Street ,moved by Leathley secmnded by Fuller the report be received and filed.carried. i,'otion to adjourn was made and duly carried. Mayor. ity Clerk. i 35S menton 1IIa sh. , Jan.S. I923 . Regular meebin6 of t��e Council called to jrcier %y ;ia. or Raymond. Roll-call those present, were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen 'Ialters.Berinett,Leathley,Olsen,Edwards and Fuller. The minutes of the lc-st mceting were res.. ' and approved. Petition of Ticknor,Boisseau and Swift .Chas Dock and Dan Logan for a renewal of their Licenses were read and referred to the License Cormrrittee. The rer.,ort of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Water Dept Payroll. $67.35 Street Dept Payroll. I55.64 Industrial Insurance. 25.95 City of Seattle. 83.90 Advertising Art Bulletin Co. , I06.4I E.E.Burrows. 4.00 S.L.Hanley, 40.00 Thos Harries. 3.00 King County Auditor. I.25 R. J. Pet tie. r 46.00 Total.t 33.50 It was moved and seconded thatiwarrants be drawn uNon the Treasurer for the aboiee amounts . Bids on Auto Truck were received.on motion of Leathley seconded by Walters the matter, be taken underadvisement for one week.carried. Notion to adjourn was made and duly carried. iviayor, z y Ark. f 91POBC -� r?;�� ��� 359 Renton.Wash. ,J .9 an. .I922 . ' w.. _ - Regular meetin& of the Council called to order by Mayor Ray:jlond. Roll-call those present were the Maor,Clerk,Attorney and Council.nen Walters, Bennett ,Leathley�,Edwards,Fuller arYd Cochran. The h.inttcs of the la*t rtjeeting were read and approved. petition of Joe Madelene for soft drink license was readand referred to the license committee. The report of the Finance coj :,ittee was read and it was recomrTjended that the following bills be paid. $,48.00 S.L.Hanley. 23.69 Archway Book Store. I.92 Pacific "aier ''orks aui�t�lyCo. , 33.00 , oed udilson & Marlowe. 5.OQ "Iilson & Marlowe . ". 50 , D.H.P.,iothorn. 2.60 Daily Journal of Cpmmerce . 20.30 , Renton Bulletin. 9.50, Bettie Printery. 24.32 See & Sons. 8.25 Renton Tire Shop. 127.30 Total Renton Realty CO. ,, — ,, c m r the It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upo�� the Treasurer for above amounts. Chas Doc The License corr,nittee recommended that no license be given to C goisseau �j'he License conir�ittee recommended that a license be given to Tic�ennett the & Swift.Dan Hogan.and Joe L14adelene onsCcabriedlout$carried .nded by report be received and rev Treasurer were read and ordered Filed.The report of the ClerY, and Moved by Leathley secor_ded by "'alters Chas Dock be riven tvrerity days to dispose of his stock carried. seconded by falter:., the Ford Truck with a Lee or Martin �jioved by Leathley fj Perry Body be purchased car•ri�d. e ��oved 'ay 1 : ocl_r.an seconded by Fuller that, an sdcii tional tI000.00 of, the „5000 received from the City of Seattle,be added to tjle fund of 20GC .00 already provided for furnishing tl.e proposed new City hall carried. Moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran irYiat a Committee, confer With the Libr- ary Board about books carried. Ordinance no .635 was read and referred to tY�e ordinance conjr;ittee . ordinance comalittee reported favorable on ordinance nu - Thethe tl.ird tirrie Ordinance leo,633 rias rt-acY th8 second time by sections an by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen voting aye 'x7alters,Bennett, Leathley, Edwards Fuller and Cochran. r oved by ,'falters seconded by Leathley file City Attorney brin6 �r. aresolution creating a sewer district for .worth Renton carried. -et all tlie r,forir,ai ; ur r„owed by Cocj-jMh sou3nded by T'uller the City Attorney Ylain Street carried. he San froth tlje Couty Conrnissioners about Nav:ng iJoved the ruatter of filling the Black River be left to the Cit;,. AT'torney� to see the County Corimissioners carried. Engineer be serf to Moved by Walters seconded by Leath the t"a;or and Olympia to confer about a :new 'Bridge for 'Mill Strut Carried. motinn to adjourn was trade and duly Carried. i y Clrrk. Mayr. 360 Renton Wash.Jan.I6. I923. Regul6.r meeting of the Council called to order by F...:u -or Ftaymorid. Roll-call those present were the Mayor,Clerk,Attorney and Councilmen Walters, Dennett,Leathley,Olsen,Fuller a.r;d Cochran. - The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Peti.tion of A.1v.nairchild for water was granted. Petition of Marie Connelly and George Thurston for license was read and referred to the License Committee. The report of the Finance conniittee was read and it was recom1hended that the followinf bills be pari. Engineer &. Helper. • 116.50 97. Payroll Street Dept. II4.09 Payroll Tater Dept. 914 Miller & Haviland. 3.00 Renton Hardware Co . , 6.59 Frederick & Nelson. 61 .80. Lot Davis. 8.00. O.h. Garage . I3.49 Pacific• Tel & Tel Co., 5.50 Pacific Water ?'lorks Supply Co. , 87.10 Adams ,11ancock & Adams. & I7.00 Total t47I .24 It was . owed and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer- for the above amounts. ' The committee on License reported in favor of giving S.Narozny a. soft drink . license i,cveci by vialters seconded by Cochran the report be received and "recomlLendationd carried out .carried. mr�r� report of the St reE:t Superinterldant was read moved by Cochran seconded by "falters 'the report be received and placed on file carried. The City Attorney made v. verbal report of tie -trip to Olympia and said it was a success and said the outlook for an appropriation for a bridge over 6edar River appeared. favorable. Report of the: Fire Chit-f was read and ordered filed . roved by Olsen seconded by Walters the recommendation of the vire Chief for a n(jvr fire Truck .)e carried out carried. Communication froal the Seattle Rainier Valley Railway Company was read and ordered Filed. Communication from John E;Price was read and ordered filed.-. Resolution No.'305 was read for the i.mpr•ovement of Sewers in ;otth Renton and disposal plant :roved by Cochran seconded by "!alters the resolution be adopt ed and an ordinance drawn carried. iviotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. clerk. 194408C361 January 23, 1923. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roil Call: Those present:- A:alters, Bennett, Leathley, EdwaEds, Fuller and Olson. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Report of the Finance Commitee was read and the following -bills - - ordered ollowing -bills -- ordered paid: Wm. Kane 9.45 ..� Auditor, King Co . 1. 25 Renton Agency, Imo. 953.95 P.S.L.& Power Co. 18.08 It 150.00 O.K.Transf er Co. 3. 65 S.L.Hanley 48.00 Total tin1263. 25 Petition of Hansen Bros . for license to operate a soft drink establishment received and referred to the License Committee. - The License Committee recommended that licenses be granted to Marie Connolley, Geo , Thurston and Hansen Bros. Reccomendation approved and licenses granted. The Water Superintendent brought up the question of metering the water supply of the Pacific Car and Foundry Co and presented a letter covering the subject. After discussion it was moved by Laethley and seconded by_ Walters that the Water Superintendent notify the Company by letter to install a meter at the entrance to their plant. Carried. --- Moved by Leathley and seconded by Walters that the Attorney ascertain if there is an ordinance coveringthe chaining- of logs on trucks while being transported through he city streets and, if there is not, to pre-sent one covering the subject. Carried. Moved by Leathley and seconded by Edwards that the question of the light on Tobin Avenue. be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Carried. There being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned. Approved: Clerk. Mayor. 362 Renton 71'a s.i. ,Jan.3I . 1023. Regular Lion > t'_1 : Co, ilcll ca 11er 'e �y r.ayoi, aynionu. Roll-call those present. 7Ialters .Benrett,Leathle ;r,Edivards ,Olsen",Fuller and Cochran. The i11nutes of t're last meeting was read and approved. Petiti -,n of Louis Caraccioli for water was granted. ' Petition of the Standard '0"11 Coai;,any to construct an Oil Station on the eepe -9fSouth Last Corner of Third Avenue & Burnett moved by Cochran seconded r"y Edwards the petition be granted subject to the provisions of the ruilding ordinance carried. The report of tl_e Finance coii.n;ittee was read and it was recom ended that the following bills be paid. S.L.Han. ey. X48.00 Renton Cronicle . U. 15 Pacific ,ester• '17orks Supply Co. , T6.05 _., -ood. I1.40 Douglas Lewis. 2 .50 0.K. 'Garage . 22.00 J.IM,cCOwen. 6.26 Total tII4 .36 _ It was :roved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for tie above amounts. The Fire Chief made a verbal report recoinrnendinE that the erection of oil storage tanks be prohibited in certain proscribed liir,its and that tl�e rdtt�ftiee . restricted district comprise all territory First and Fifth Avenae 1,ut+Yoetr n Cedar and.'".orris Street,I+ oved by Leathley seconded by INalters uhe report be received and recommenuations carried out carried. Communication from the King County Treasurer was vead eioved by Leathley seconded by Falters the communication be laic ovF r one week ca.rr�i ed.. i Ordinance i o. JE was read and referred to t.,-.e ordinance coarnmittee". The bidsw of the Renton Agency Inc a4d the Sunset Service Station were opened and read moved 'by Leathley seconded 1y Olsen this matter be left to the Town Property Commlttee ,Fire Chief and the Street Superiritendant to resort next !neeting carried. The Fire Light and 7tater committee. reported that they had investigated the-gaii question of rye-vi-146 removing th,e center lighi, on .Tobir.� Avenue from its present location to a pointon the pole imiiiediately East and recommended that it be moved immediately,.^moved by Leathley seconded #4byFullerthe report be received r.d recommendal.ions carried out carried. `potion to adjourn w&8 made and duly carried. Mayor. Cit;' Clerk. �(?0BC 1ienton .",'ash. eb .7.Iy23 . 363 Re-ular .r.e-etinL of the CoL_ncil called to or-dei, Ly iv-.ayor Iayrr=d. • Roll-call those present wepe palters,Bennet t,Leat?iley,Edwards ,Cls en,Fuller and Cochran. mile ��'inutes of - '.Lt; last meeting v,,as read. and approved. _ "etition of 1; orris -Iougardy and E.Burghdorf for water were granted. -"etition of T.F.Vioue for soft drink licerse was �!i2aRt,&4referred to the icense cor, nittee. the rerort of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. ' Mater Dept.Payroll. nI27 .96 Strut Dept .?ayroll. I35.29` Priebe Dros . r 13:05 'eo.Dawes . •SO Trenton Hardware Co. , 9. 15 Jackson Fuel Co. , 17.00 .... See & Sons . 92.04 California Filter Co. , 51 .00 Lowman r.anf ord Co. , - I9.06 James Martin# 13.60 ' Ping County Treasurer. 64.36 S.I .11-anley. 48.O0 total „'S24.3I It was .roved and seconded ana-seeeRded that warrants be ' drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . .The City Clerk reported that he found the statement of delinquent taxes received fr'oa, the County Treasurer on certain lots in North Renton correct, °Quad by 81sei3 Leathley seconded by Olsen that the County Treasurer be notified tm collect all interest and penalties dui: t:'.e City of Fenton, carried. The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and orderdd filed. report of the City 'r nEineer and data on the sewer disc osAl -plant for the North renton sewer was read r.-i^oved by Cochran seconded ;)y Fuller the report be received and fi.led.carried. Communicate on fro.n t'-.e Seattle Post Intelligencer and resolution was read .roved by Leathley seconded by ';';alter•- the Comifiunication be received and filed and the resolution be signed and returned carried. CrC._�iance IJo.636 was road and referred to tl.e ordira',--lee committee. Ordinance No.- V.as read and referred to the oddInance coni„littee. Ordinanue no.637 vias read and referred t:; the ordinance co . t, The Town Property conimittee recommended the purchase of a Ford Chasses for the Fire Department moved by Leathley seconded by Olsen the report be receive and recomrr,endations carried out. The Ordinance corumittee reported favorably on ordinance No.636. Ordinance T,?o.636 was read the second time by sections and the third tiaie by title and adopted as a whole all councilk,en voting aye'.'"lalters,Bennett, Leat'riley,Ldwards ,Olsen,Fuller and Cochran, Resolution ho 306 ,closing the traffic to l 'ng trucr�s on Factory Street betteem First Avenue and Fourth Avenue North was read moved by `Halters seconded by Olsen the resolution be adopted ,�arried. Miotion to dd journ was ;rude and duly carried. 364 Rent6n Tash. Feb.I3.I923. Re6ular iii,eting oftLe Courcil called i.o girder f-,e 'c - PclI-call 'hose ,,resent .7Falters ,Leathley,Fd:,azds,OlsEr.,Full.er and Co-chran. The iiiinutes of the last r,,ec tine was lead and approved. Petition of A-Burgess to build service station and sheds for storing Gars on lot 6-7 and 8 Block I3 Car .ores Addition vias. rea,d,Moved by. Cochran sA6a� secondbd by Fuller the_petitior� be granted subject to the Buildin =' Ccdinance. carried. L) The report )f the Finance Go-iiiii i tee was Pead and it -ijus, 'f;Gomiiended that the following bills be paid. Renton Hardware Co. , 3.9b Bishop & Jenkins . I2.00 7illiams & 1V,cKni6ht. 1 .45 ' Archway Book Store I26 .24 ' Pitts'qurgh Pieter Co: , 27.72 ' "filler & AHaviland • 12.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co.', 7.40 Riebe Soap & ChemlcLl Co. , I0.80 L,A.Siie�rer. 3.V0 City of Seattle. 130.56 S.L.Y:anley. 48.00 Total y387.57 It WAS moved e�nd seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for tile. above am 'unts. The License comr:iittee repo:bte:d favorably gn the soft drink license of j. 1"9;;4! ioue 'V'ovad by Leathley seconded by Fuller t-Le report be received,carried. The Ordinance com_nittee. committee repotpted unfavorably on the ordinance read last Tuesday ATight ,moved by LeatYiley seconded by 71alters-tY�e -report 3� � be received. Carried. The Clerk notified the couilGil there were no protests in writiry a.E;ainst the Aiorth Renton Sewerage Disposal plant . Ordinance 11vo .638.639 and k0 oere read and referred to the ordinance conimittee. The property oivnars a10n , rp.hird Avenue prote4sted against outside oil tanks ,eing constructed along Third Avenue . she ordinance conunittee reported favorably on ordinance ivo.637. ordinance No.637 was r-ead the second tL,,'eby sections and the third time by title and adopted as a whole all couL�ci -men voting aye .'a-lters ,Leathley, Edwards ,01sen,Fullar and Cochran. AFoved by' Cochran seconded by Fuller a perspective plan he made of the Proposed nee; City Yiall.Carried. E Mowed by Cocliran seconded I'ullrr that 1jeathley beappointed as a coanmittee of one to set a price on the Brick tarsen up from Second Avenue . L�,E�thley re,port'ed that a fair price world be A 15 .00 i-,er thousand for the bottoiri brick and X5.00 per thousand for the ton course,"oved by "'alters **Cc* seconddd by Olsen the report be received and recorimendati.or_s carried out . carried. ' Motion to adjourn was made and duly parried . c mayor. C ' t� 20ORC Renton `.d'ash. ,Feb.2V.I923. alar meeting of the Council called, to order b1,- Mlayor Raymond. 365 :oil-call those present were the were the Mayor ,Clerk.Attorney and Councilmen' 7falters ,Bennett,Leathle y,Fdwards ,Olsen,Fuller and Cochran. TIle minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of Reco Venianni for water was &ranted. _ petition of ?i. S.Gieldseth for- .5,000 brick and permission. to Pile them on his parking strip moved by Leathley seconded by malters the petition be Lranted ,Carried. The report of the Finance committee was rand and it was recomaended that t the following bills be paid. 695.95 Renton Abency Inc . 30.00 Arne Sorvig. .50 Turcott 6: LTlyatt. • 123.40 King Courty. Puget Sound Traction Ligl.t & Power CO- , .222 •`iS Lowman & Hanford Co: , 12.7C .... Pacific ylate�r `r'orks 'Supply Co. , 17,32 II2 Continental Pipe Mf6.Co. , 70 Renton 'Drug Store. S.L. Han 1ey. X4..00 Payroll tuater Dept . I48 .I7 Payroll Street Dept. 39.65Total��`wI442 .47 It was moved and seco-:.ded that warrants be drawn upon the `lr•easurer for the above 8.moun.ts. The ordinance committee reported favorable on ordinance No.6�9. _ Ordinance T7o.639 was read the second tine by sections and the third t1we . by title and adopted as a whole all- vounci1n lfen votin6 aye . Leatr_ley, Ldwards ,Cls en,Fuller aiLd Cochran. Idoved by 77alters seconded by Leathley the Clerk call for Lids on the i orth Penton Trunk serer aigid Sub-Cewer•s and disposal Plant ,Carried. Moved by Walters seconded by Leathley the City Treasurer be requested to file a list of securities meld by. Lim to secure the City Funds.,carried. Fire. Chief ''food niade a recommendation to the City Council to have the the Fire Department of Seattle to build one 25 ft extention ladder &iq one 16 foot extention ladder, and one fourteen foot roof ladder moven by Walters second Cochran the recommendation be carried. out,Carried. T.Joved by Olsen Seconded by Walters the Street Superintendant find a suteable place to pile the brick taken from Second Avenue,Carried. T:"oved by Leathley seconded by Olsen that no cars be parked on Fourth Avenue ,.,., North between Park Avenue and the Highway,Carried. l?olion to adjourn was made and duly carried. 1Y7a yo r. �____. ,l t y Clerk. i 3 � Renton 'lvash. ,Feb.2 i, i923. E _ - - :` ire ,ulur meeting of tl,e cA u1ci1 call"d t,� ord� r i. uy Dii:aymond. E - Roll.;-call those prF;seiii .Leathley,Berinett ,Edvrard^,C1sen,Fuller and Cochran. o Minutes of the last :iiectir.6 was read and approved. ' petition of R.W.Thorne 'bent for the "riithei•s Estate asked for an adjustment of the sewer assessne.tt on tax Lot Tobin Donation Claii., was read 'I':oved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the petition be not granted,Carried . The report of the finance' i'ei;-d and it was r,ccorrrrtiended that the folloviing bills be -paid. Enameled Steel Sign Co. , 40. I3 Trick & Murray. IO.B4 Archway Book Ston,, : 9 .95 Jackson Fuel Co. , I7.00 1A S.L.Hanley. 4£3.00 Total__,,)!25.9� It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. ,"ove(ft by Clsen seconded by Fuller the City purchase 390 feet of Eight inch pipe &*a 360 feet of six inch pipe and 96o pounds of lead from the City of Seattle, carried. The ordinance commi 4tec reported favorably on ordir ance- I,,0.639 . god�J�iafi 'Moved by Cochran secobded by Olsen the ordinance N0.638 b referred back to the City Attorney for corrections.Carried. O.N. Cochran recommended that no more of the bottoin course of brick be sold until after the City Engineer inds out hoii many the City has . I>"oved by Olsen seconded by Fuller the Lo-;;ing Compal s have permission to pian_ the Bridge at the �':ortl� end of '_'ark hveriau three plank wide for each wheel on the East side of said bridge,Carried. The City Attorney notified the council that the property owners along ",°ain Str"-t were not satidfied withl tiiG 1l6Iits the Pubet Sound Electric Company was furnishing moved by Cochran seconded by Olsen the V'ler•k ilotify the Cowpany •to see that t-hese lights be kept in repair,Carried. Motion •to adjourn was i:ia.de and duly carried r - b I,"ayor. _ City Clerk. r►w r 2('()$C Renton Wash. ,Mar,6.I923. 367 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. " ;;oll-call those present, yaIters,Bennett,Leathley,Olsen.bluller and Cochran. I',".inutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of the Buisness 1vien a-rid Sportsmen A sociation was read asking the City Ccuncil to purchase five Acres of land. across from the Denny 1: 368 Renton, vVash. ,Var,13.I923, Regular meeting of the Gounci.lcalled to order by Mayor Raymond. ' Roll-call those present .Bennett,Leathlt:y,pdwards,Olsen,Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of property owners along Second Avenue aaking the council to have Second Avenue made Four feet wider on each side of the Street,IwIoved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the petition be received and the City Attorney bring in a resolution creating a. Local Improvement District,Carried. The report of the Finance Committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. ^olby & Dickinson. $11 .95 Lowman & Hanhor.d Co. ,, 5.60 Renton Agency Inc . I08.07 City of Seattle. I52 .6o t A. Jacobson. 8.40 D.H.Mothorn, 5 .00 Crane Co. , 58.85 Williams & McKnight. I9.02 Williams & McKnight . 8 .6I S.L.Hanley. 48.OQ Total X426 .30 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts.. , R-loved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the City Attorney draw up the necessary papers and proceed to have the old Central School Building recked,Carried. The Town property Committee reported that it had written' for aprice on land on Cedar River and. would report more fully later. Moved by Cochran seconded by Leathley the City Attorney ask the Couttry to put Lot IO Block I9 Town of Renton up for sale.Carried. Moved by Cochran seconded by Olsen the City Attorney bring in a resolution orae ordering the Cement Sidewalk in in front of Lot I3-I4 and 15 in Block 8 Town of Renton,Carried. -- O.N.Cochran one of the ;:rater-Nay Comrzissioners e;.iterided an invitation to the City Council to Eo to Elliott Bay Sunday March I8.I923 and make the trip through the Locks back to Renton on their necv Scour, !notion to adjourn was made and, duly carried. r Payor. City Clerk. 2eOBC 36 Renton, Wash. earth 20 , 1923. Regular meeting of &he Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll Call- Those present- Bennett, Edwards, Walters, v tiiav as ro, F uller, Cochrane and Olsen. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Petion of Citizens Bank f'or permission to extend sidewalk to curb line on west side of bank property was granted. The matter of moving tie fire hydrant on this corner to the curb line was left in the Bands of the Water .Supt. Petition of F.A.Cutler for water sPiauice on Lot 25 , i3lk 9 , Renton. Farm Plat was granted. Petition of H.S.Gieldseth to construct building on Lot= b, Blk• 13 on Wells Street and to make connection with sewer on Main Street was granted. The report of the finance committee was read and it was ordered that the following bills be paid: Trick and Murray 125.44 California Filter Company 2A.50 Puget Sound ` Taction, L & P Co 213. 13 - --- --- Lowman and ha.nford Co . Jess McCowen 4. 50 Owl Garage 1. 10 Bishop and Jenkins 27.OU Engr Dept Payroll 52.50 Water Dept Payroll 125.72 Street Dept Payroll 112. 10 D.h.Yothorn 2.50 Total •; 1048.95 Communication from County Election Board asking that Clerk and Attorney be present at a meeting to be held March 81 was read. loved oy Cochran, seconded by Fuller that these ofi'icers ... attend the meeting. Carried. Resolution No 307 , relating to certain sidewalk construction ,.on dill Street was read. On motion of Cochran and second of Olsen the resolution was adopted. Motion to adjourn was duly made and carrApd�� Approved City Clerk. - - ------.._ .� Mayor. 370•,..• � Penton 'Wash.Mar.27.I923. Regular meeting of the Counci ' called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present.74alters ,Bennett ,Leathley,Edwards,Olsen,Cochran and Fuller. Mlir_utes of the last meeting was readand approved. Petition of Francis Kane,A.Burgess and Virginia Cartwright for water was granted . Petition of Virginia Cartwright asking to connect to sewer was granted. Petition of property owners in Block 4 Penton Farm Plat for an Alley ten feet in width was granted and the City Attorney ordered to draw the necessary papers.Carried. The Report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. City of Seattle . $95.50 Continental Pipe i` fg Co. ., 83.79 Trick &. IvIurray. I0.87 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. , 7 .80 D.H.Mot horn. 5.00 S.L.Hanley. 40.00 Total 2412 .96 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon tee Treasurer for the above amounts. Communication from the County Assessor was read and referred to the City Attorney. Ordinance No.64I was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution No.309 s!n4_4J8-wase read moved by Leathley seconded by Cochran the resolution be adopted.Carried. Resolution NO 3I0 was read Moved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the resolution be adopted.Carried. /' The bids of tl e -7?rth Renton Sewer and Disposal .'last were read and the j McDonald Brothers GE;i:, e Lowest "Meader it ;vas moved by Cochran seconded c az'u.,r;d to the Lowest bidder,and the .checks sen by Fuller the Cor�trt back to .the.`unsrecessful 'bidder�y.0arrie� . This being the night designated for receiving bids for the 'construction of t the North Penton Sewerage System,the following bids were opened and read: McDonald B®os . Concrete Pipe . $36364.28 to it It Vitrified. . to $39,890.72 Adams,Hancock %Adams . Concrete P7ipe . 3� it Vitrified to t 3' A9,R—.4e T�407I0.40 F.A.Keasal `Concrete Pipe 4I038 .32 it to to Vitrified Pipe w43960 . 18 E.A.Francis . Concrete Pipe $44084 .37 Vitrified Pipe 148935.44 Coluccio & Erickson. Concrete Pipe 38327.00 It It It Vitrified Pipe $4IS85 .02 Romano &: Co. Concrete Pipe $38045 .20 Vitrified Pipe 40455 .00 Harner &. Campbell . Concrete. Pipe $40305 .52 to to " Vitrified Pipe 45407.34 Upon motion of Cochran seconded by Fuller the contract was awarded to McDonald Bros . Motion to adjourn was made and duly Carried. Mayort City C erk. r ?COBC Renton Wash.April .3.I923 . 371 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by "'layor Raymond. Roll-call those present .Bennett,Leathley,Edwards and Olsen. :��linutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of John Bologltni$ :iike 11VAller,Union Oil Co, Geo Delaurenti and H.C.Bohn for water were granted. Petition of the union Oil company construct an oil Station and to break curb on lot I Block I .otos Line Addition was granted. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Payroll Street Dept . �I68.62 Payroll !mater Dept. 334.43 Engineer Dept, 52 .50 See a Sons. 8.87 Thos Harries . I .00 Joe Wood, 6.00 N. P.Railwa.y Co. , 90 .52 A.W.Dimmitt . 25.00 total ',,686 .94 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. The water Superintendant notified-,,the" that the Hydrant on the corner of 3rd Avenue & Williams was for wood pipe and he recommended that a new Hydrant be purchase for Iron pipe,Moved by Olsen seconded by Edwards the report be received. and recommendations carried out.Carried. The City Attorney notified. the Council that the Puget Sound Traction Lilt and Power Company would ta•_kke care of the lights on Main Strect for he Puget Sound Electric Company.Moved by Leathley Seconded by Olsen. the report be received.Carried. The damage claim of 'tdilliam 1,1eins was read and. referred to the City Attorney. T.J.Leathley notified the Council. that the Yesler Estate will sell one Acre of land for Sewer purpose moved by Leathley seconded by Edwards the Engineer rind out the Taxes an. assessments against this property,Carrked. Motion to adjourn was made and duly Carried. ` y I:ayor. C.,rty Clerk. Renton, dash. April 10 , 19�3. Regular meeting of the City Council ca.-Lied to order by payor Raymond. Roll Call---Those present; Walters, Bennett, , �,eathley, Edwards,Olsen, Cochran and Fuller. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Matt Laino, for water service was granted. Petition of W.C.D.Edwards for water service was hold up pending the filing of a Plat of the land on the nortli side of Third Avenue, ui�o&_L which his buildin,,, is situated. WNW The report of the Yinance Committee was read recomaendin6 that the fol,IowinZ bills- be paid: 'Nm Kane. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .._2-CL Renton Agency Inc. . . . . . . . . . L-05 ,4ashinston Machinery sand Storage Company-o . . . . . . . . . . 12O.OC City of Seattle,. . . . . . . . . . . u0.18 D.i..Mrothorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 50 California orn.-La Filter Co. . 6.OQ Renton hardware Go. . . . . . . . . . J. 1d Engineering Dpet Payv Roll 57- 56 Renton Chronic."Le . . . . . . . . . . . 20- UTotal. . i'1'1.3l8-'Z)0 It waa moved and seconde.. that warrants for the above amounts ofa Issued. Tihs reports of tine Clerk and Treasurer were -and and ordered filed. The report of the City En6ineer on land for sewer purposes was read. Moved by Coc4rah seconded by Olsen that the report Do reoeived and concurred in and that he; City Attorney pr6ceed with t,-16 legal phases in the matter. Carried. Cominanication from Renton Local 2-37 , Brick and Clay Workers was read. Moved by 6jehran, seconded. t,y 7alt-rs the rommunica'u- ion be recleved and filed. Carried. The bond of McDonald Bros . , in connection with the North Renton contract T was presented and, upon motion of Cochran and second by Leathley the ,bond was approved- Ordinance No.642 was introduced, placed uj)on Its first reading and referred to the Ordinance Goizijltteo - The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No.642. It was then read and adopted by sections.,., ., Ord iso (,42 was then placed upon Itid- third readin6-, and adopted as a who Lu Ur,oA Motion of Waiters and second of Edwards, it was decided to use Vitrif ied P1 ,e in the construction of the North Renton Sewer Sy tern. rl,he Ordinance Committee reported favorab13 on Ord No 0.565 and , aVter being adopted on its second redding was, upon motion,adopted as a whole. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No . 641 and, after being placed upon its second reading and passed by sections was adopted as a whole. The Clerk notified the Council that all recent filine, of candidates had begin withdrawn. 1.1ave u by Cochran and seconded by Leathley that with- drawals be accepted and filinb fees returned . 'Carried. A delaeation of students of the Hi6h. Schooll, appeared before the Council and, throu6h. their spokesman, John Delfaurenti, proposed that the Council designate a certain week L'or ,eneral clean up purposes. After discussion it was decided that the Council and tile students of the High School co-o�)erate on the proposition and that April a0th, U2 :,5th be designated as U ecl-z,n -a- period. Tne committee of students ap-peariag b;e fore the Council consisted of Joirin Delaurenti, helen Kiel , i5iutlh Kerwin and William Wood. lz-o',Ion to adjourn was i�,-,Rde and duly carried. 2COBC 373 • Renton, Wash. April 17 , 1323. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by MRyor Raymond. Roll Call ; Those present- Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Fuller, Cochran, Edwards and Olsen. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Petition of Joe Argano for water service and petition of G.W.Dean- blossom for sower service Granted . Petition of W.C .D.Edwards for permission to rearrange concrete curb- ing in front of his ,lace of business was granted. Petition of property owners on Park and Garden Avenues, between Third end Fourth Avenues North, for an. alley was upon motion by O1se► .and second by Walters referred to the City Engineer fora leter report . The Finance Committee reported favorably on the followin- bills, which upon motion were ordered paid. H.Mueller Mfg. Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23. 62 Philip DeWinter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 50 Coley and Dickenson. . . . . . . . . . . . . .13. 50 King County (Road Lravel) . . . . . . . . . .68. 50 E.A.Shearer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 61 Street Dent Pay rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. 66 Water Dept Yayroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351. 36 Engineering Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.68=-_Total. .:'j')587. 25 reported The Water Superintendent on the petition of W.C.D.Edwards for water service and, upon meticn by Walters and second by Olsen, the petition was ,ranted. The City Attorney reported that all the necessary steps had been taken to secure a tract of land from the Yesler Estate for sewer purposes and, upon motion of Walters and second of eller the City Row Clerk was directed to draw a warrant for the same when the deed was presented. The matter of the Sewer assessment on the Trim property was referred to the Attorney and Engineer for adjustment . The matter of securing suitable tempo-rary quarters for. the city offices if the City Hall bond's are authorized was brought up by Coel}ran. Upon motion the matter was placed in tree hands of -the Town Property Oomm.ittee. Moved by Cochran thatthe Street and Alley Committee , with the City Engineer make a surveyof sidewalk conditions. Carried. by Fuller, that the City Clerk comniunicate Moved by Cochran, seconded with the Water Dept of the City of Seattle regarding sidewalk between Walla Walla Ave and Mill Street. Carried. 'Tpon motion the City Attorney was instructed to secure deeds for all property necessary for right of way in connection with proposed br idge over Cedar River. Carried. 1p,otion to adjourn was made and duly carried.. AT,-,proved Clerk. 374 Renton Wash. ,Apri 1.24 . I923. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Laymond . Rollcall those present ;Walters ,Bennett,Leatliley,Edwards,Olsen and Fulled. 14inutes of the last was read and approved. Petition of Property owners along Mill Street and Second Avenue was read Moved by Leathley seconded by Olsen the petition be laid on the table orae week,Carried. _ Petition of 1.7.G.Bensinger and Frank Katzer for water were granted. Petition of Union Oil Company for vacating Alley was read moved by Walters sego seconded by Edwards petition be held up until Clerk gets pay for publication of same ,Carried. _ A.N.Fairchild . Chairman of the Purk Board . , appeared before the Council ` and read a communication he had received from the Supt. of_ Parks of aeattle Moved by Walters, seconded by Bennett, the re port be recieved and filed. Carried.The report of the Finance committee was read and. it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Pac1fic Water .17orks Supply Co. , X36.00 Pacific V.rater works Supply Co, . 69.66 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. , 7.55 Phillip DeWinter. 76 .50 Thos Harries. 33.96 Sea.ttlp. Plumbing Co .., 72 .87 Puget Sound Traction L.& Power Co. , , 2I6 .40 Engineer & Helpers. 61 .50 Seattle Union Record. Io.I3 Penton Real Estate Co . , 30.00 total .6I4.57 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . Report and data e -Iia -gibes of the . City Engineer for Main Street was read moved by 'Halters seconded by Leathley the report be received and filed. Report of Fire Chief condemning building on lot IO and II block I3 was read Moved by Walters seconded by Leathley the report be received and recommenda- tions carried out.Carried. The Town Property Committee reported that they have taken up the matter of renting a suitable place for City Offices providinf the City Hall Bonds carried Moved by Leathley seconded by Bennett the report be received,Carried, Communication from the Union Oil Company and esaement through block IO was read moved by Walters seconded by Edwards the communication be filed and the Engineer get sewer through alley soon as possible ,Carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly Carried. Mayor. it C14r?- � -------------- -- 2C' Dir [:fIay.2.I923. 3"75 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present .Walters,Leathley,Bennett,Edwards,Olsen,Fuller and Cochran. ' Mimutes of the last was read and approved. Petition of Mark' Crombie and Union Oil Company for water were read and grant< The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Plater paypell Dept Paytoll . • $330 . I7 Street Dept Payrmll . I28 .9I Industrial Insurance Dbpt, 25 .94 City of Seattle . 52 .04 Pacifiv :Vater 7orks Supply Co . , II .�8 fit' D.H.Mothorn. 5•.00 Wm Kane. 2 .75 Engineer Dept . • 66 .00 McCrea Bros: 27,00 King County Auditor, 1 .35 Park Dert Fayroll. _ 242 .I2tota14892 .76 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Fire Chief Joe ?good recommended that some of the hose carts to disposed of Moved by Cochran seconded by Walters this matter be left to the Fire Chief and Street Superintendant to se11 the same carried. Communication from the Renton Vdirkmen 's Social Club was read and ordered filed. Communication from the Carl L.Leon Company about toy Cannons was read moved by Cochran seconded by Olsen natter be referred to the Fine Chief, Carried. Petition. of property owners on 'second Avenue And Mill Street was brought up and after discussion it was moved by Leathley seconded by Olsen the petition be referred back to the petitioners,Carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried, Mayor t Clerk. s 0`7k Renton Wash.May.15 .I923 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by .,, ayor Raymond . Roll-call Those present i';'alters,Benrett ,Edwards,Olsen,Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. ' Petition of Isack Chapman,Lenard Sepenan and Percy Kirkman for wat6r were. granted. Petition of John Bologini to connect to sewer was granted. The report of the l'inance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid . Paper 71ar ehouse Co . $27.00 California Filter Co . , 52.50 Fngineer & Helpers. 6I .50 Rensselaer Valve Co . , 78.25' Taylor Booh Co., 11 .88 Park Dept Payroll . 93.I5 ' Walworth Mfg.Co,. , 33.35 E.A. Shearer. 6 .08 ' Renton Hardware. Co . , 5.20 ' Priebe Bros . , , 250.00 Water Dept Payrll . 413.83 Street Dept Payroll . 96 .28' Engineer &: Helpers . 52 .50 Total ''IIBI .52 It was moved. and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for tti.e above amounts . ' The bill for local improvement district No.I16 was read moved by Cochran seconded by 'Halters the Clerk pair the Bill .Carried. I Toe report of the Engineer was read recommending an estimate of ,;:4000.00 be paid to McDonald Bros.Noved by Cochran deconded by Walters the report be received and Tiled and recommendations carried out .Carried. The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. ' The Damage Claim of Isabelle Adams was read `moved by Cochran seconded by Edwards the Claim be referred to the City Attorney and the Attorney �o notify the responsible party in the case .Carried. ' Moved by Walters Seconded by Olsen the Clerk notify the State Auditor to examine the Books .Carried. Cochran brought upthe matter of the New City Hall and of reeking the buildin"s and clearing the ground David llitbihell one of the 'School Board asked the Councilfor the Fire Hall building for school purposes after discussion it was moved by Cochran seconded by Fuller the Clerk call for bids on each building seperate .Carried. Moved by Cochran seconded bT :falters the City rent the building known as the old Citizens Bank Building.Carried . Moved by Olsen seconded by Edwards the rentin g of the building be left to the Town Property CommitLee .Carried. P.1oved by Olsen seconded by Walters the City Attorney bring in an ordinance ordering the Cement sidewalk in in front of lot I3-I4 and I5 in block 8 Town of Renton.Carried. Joe Kollirs one of the property oviners on Cedar Street asked the Council to have the sidewalks fixed on Cedar Street this matter was referred to the Street and alley Committee . Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. i Mayor. C ft y C erk. • 2eOBC -Renton. Wash.May.22 .I923. 377 Regular meeting of the Councilcalled to order by Pv.ayor Raymond. ;,ol.1-ca.11 those present .Ialters,Bennett,Edwards,Leathley,Ft?ller,Olsen and Cochran. Minutes of *the last meeting was read and approved. The report of the finance Committee was read and tt was recommended that the following bills be paid. Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. , '200.I2 Walworth P, f6.Co . , 22 .45 City of Seattle . .I5.00 Northern pacific Ry.Co . , 85.84 Pacific Tel and Tel Co . , 7.25 Priebe Bros . I6 .55 . .,� Bish©p & Jenkins. 8 .I0 Engineer & Helpers. 86.25 Renton Agency Inc . II .06 Park Pay Roll . 268 .62 Total .k72I .24 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Trnasurer for the. above amounts . The bid of School District ITo. 7.for the removal of the Fire Hall was opened and read Moved by Walters seconded by Cochran the bid be axcepted for tie L--- consideration of one dollar.Carried. Roved by "alters seconded by Cochran the old Citi tall bt left to the Street Superintendant to dispose of it .Carried. The Street Superintendant notified the Council that he was ordered to Stop dumping Garbage along the Cedar River . oadand said he was looking for a ;dace ,,loved by Cochran seconded by Fdwardr,-t ie-City-ehanC:,e-the-re-meeting -place--- of the Council to the new temp )rar. ��'uarters .Carried. The City Attorney asked tie Council to have the parkins; of all cars supped on Main Street ,and have the Street Cars stop at the end of Third Avenue , while 11ill Street is under construction,lioved by Vtalt�-rs seconded by Bennett the. request of the City Attorney be granted and the Attorney-notify the am parties concerned.Carried . moved by li"alters seconded by Cochran the City Att(brney bring in a resolution creating a local iY:provement district for sewer on Cedar Street ,a.nd also for the extention of the sewer between Cedar Street and ".^ill Street .Carried. "shoved by Olsen seconded by ?''alters the Clerk notify all pr9perty owners along the lower side of Cedar Street to put in cement Sidewalks.0arried. J An application was received from a iVir.French atiking for a. permit to conduct a dcg and animal show on motion )f Cochran seconded by Fuller the permit was granted. t j Motion to adjourn was wade and duly carried. ilayor. ty Clerk . i s I 3178 Renton Wash.May.29 .I923 . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Pdlayor Raymond. Roll-call those present .V,ralters .Bennett ,Leathl_cy,Edwards,Olsen,Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved to read that the Boucher Frebch Show be granted a License, according to the City Ordinance . Petition of A.N.Fairchild,Griff Jones,Chas i4attioda,Joe Pecorraro and Agnes Ksinanzyk for water were granted subject to the approval of the water Superintendant . Petition -)f J. 7.Butler. �r. to extend gtdewa.lk from the present sideway to the Curn in front of his place. of buisnessmoved by olsen seconded. by Walters the request be granted.Carried. , The report of the Finance committee was read and it was .recommended that the following bills be paid. Engineer Department. Colby & Dickinson.Inc. II .64 , Lowman & Hanford Co. , 22 .40 R. "wood. 6.20 wing County Treasurer. Taxes. 243 .42 Ross Sherlock. __ 6 .I9 Tota1 .fjZ8I .74 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Report of the Engineer recommending that an estimate of �,*'5000.00 be paid to McDonald Bros, loved by !"alters seconded. -y Cochran the report be received and filed and recommendations carried out,Carried. The Street Superintendant notified the Council thct he had taken up the matter of a Garbage Dump with nrr. train Supgrin;,endant of the Fenton Coal Company,and P, r. Strain said they had some ground in the harlington Flats ti and said the City could dump all the Garbage on their Prpperty they wanted to, moved 1;,y and seconded the repor . be received,Carried. Communication from the Seattle Rainier Valley Company was read and ordered filed.Carried. �eee�u�3er�-Pls��» Resolution No.3II creating a Local Improvement for Sub-Sewers on Cedar Street was read and adopted . Counsilrcien 11',-alters brought up the matter of McDonald Bros using the brick for manholes taken from the paving of Second Avenue and said their was some V objections mcde ,after discussion it was moved. by Fuller sFconded by Olsen this matter beg left to the Cip y Engineer.Carried. '."he Street Superintendant "otified the Cour.ctl thpt the State Engineer said the "ta.te would loan their machine to fix the Street and hF thought the Streets would be fixed moved and ieconde:d the Street Superintendant have aothork* authority to have the Streets fixed.Carried. Proved by Leathley seconded by Cochran the Clerk call for bids on the Few City Hall,Carrieil. Moved by Leathley seconded by Palters the Clerk call for bids for the City Hall Bonds,PHarried. . The :''ater Superintendant as ped for a leaf of absence for Decoration-Day____ moved and seconded the request be, grapted.Carried. The matter of the City Pound was brought up and discussed as to whether fit was on Private Property or on aCity Street moved and seconded this matter be referred to the City Attornet,Carried. Moved by lFuller seconded by Cochran the City Attorney brinL in a Resolution creatin,; a :.ewer District for Logan and Tobin Avenue,Carried. An invitation was received from t'.-e W. C.T.U to attend a lecture to be held at the HicTh School, Thursday evening, May AI . Invitation accepted, Motion to ad journecl was _.ade and. duly carried. e illayor City Clerk . �� geo8 r Renton Wa:sh.June .5 .I923 . 379 Regular meeting ofthe Council called to orde., by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those p-reser_t .Walters,Bennett,Lcatliley,Ldwards,Fuller and Olsen. Minuted of the last was read and approved. Petition of Meredith Rees for water was read and referred to the 'Nater Superintendant . Petition of Foster and Kleiser to place sign in the Cit;; of Renton was read ai4d-iapap moved and seconddd the petition be -granted providing they put up a Fire Proof structure Carried. Petition of Henry Farrow to connect to North Trunk Sewer was granted. The report of tyle Finance committee was rea, and it was recommended that the following bill sbe paid. Payroll Street Dept. 6,63.85 Payroll Water dept. 480 .35 Lowrnan &, Hanford Co . , 29 .I5 City of Seattle . 65 .76 Renton Tire Shop . 1 .68 E.A. Shearer. 2 .05 Pettie Printery. I5 .00 Renton Agency Inc . 12 .8I Sunset Service Station. I .90 Engineer Dept . 91 .88 F,.Wood. 384.60 Archway' "tore . 307.95 total I457.I8 It was moved and seconded that warrants be dawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts. Moved by Leathley sec'oncted by Fuller the Street Superintendant have the roof og the Comfort Station station fixed up.Carried. Report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Moved by ',1.+alters seconded by Olsen tha Cit;;, Treasurer name the Banks in which she makes her deposttories,The Treasurer named the Citizens Bank and the State Bank as depositories,.Moved by Leathley seconded by VIalters the report be received.Carried. -The following appointments were made by -ttire Mayor. Chief of Police & !dater Superintendant------Peter Dullahant . Night nTarshalls----George Arthur—John Stewart . Fire Chief and Police Judge----Joe Wood.. Health Officer----C.L.Dixon. Park Board--A.N.Fairchild--T. J.Leathley--Bert Mayner. City Engineer-----S.L.Hanley. ... Library Board--T�'rs.Fairchild. VIrs Kirwin.`Ym Tonkin.I'eter Hansen & T.W.Young. The appointments were confirmed by the City Council. The followineEletive Officers suscribed to there Oath of Office . Mayor--Thos Raymond--Clerk .W. J.V'Jil.liams---Treasurer.Agnes Edwards .-Attorney - Lot Davis .--Council.Tten at large Manchester [M1Taltcrs .CeLlncilmen Bennett- ` Leathley.Edwards .Fuller and Olsen. Resolution No .3I2 creating a sewer District on Logan Street and Tobin Avenue was read and adopted. Councilmen 1,falters brought up the matter of parkin- cars on 10win Street, "11oved by '.`'alters seconded by Leathley the City Att,)rney bring in an ordinance limiting the tine of Parking cars on r,"ain street to 30 minutes .Carried. Franri Davis made a complaint of pipe laying on Tiill Street,moved and seconded ithe Clerk com-aunicate with the City of Seattle about these pipe .Carried. The ;,Iayor thanked the people of the City of Eenton for there suport and also the City Council in Cooperating with him in the City affairs . Mrs Fairchild one of the Library Board made a report of the Library for there term of officeMoved by Walters seconded by Olsen the report be accepted and the Council :;xtend a vote of thanks for the good work of the Library Board, Carried. A.N.Fairchi•ld one of the Park Board made a report for there term of office , Moved by Bennett seconded by Fuller the report be accepted and placed on file . Carried. Tv"oved by Olsen seconded by Fuller the Ciyt A torpey bring in a resolution creating a sewer district between Block 54 6"bn Mill Street .Carried. PvIoved by Walters seconded by Olsen the bill for Election Clerks be Pai.d.Carrie TJotion to adjourn was made and duly carried. M .Mayor. City Clerk. 380 Re, . Wash. June I2 .I923 . Renton P;egular meeting of the council called to order by Mayor Raymond. pollcall---those present .V`alters,l�ennett,Lea.thley,Edward.s ,Olsen,F'uller and Cochran. Vini;.tes of the last meeting was read and adopted to read that to resolution creating a se�ger district should be from Fifth Avenue to Sixth Avenue instead of from block Five to Block Six.on Ivlill Street . _ Petition of Antone, C-ruhailo,M.L.Hollister and Gusseppi Del Santo for water were granted. Petition of the Foster & Kleiser Sign Company to put sign on Burnett Street was granted . The report of the Finance committee: was read and it was .rccommended that the following bills be paid. Engineer Department . II5.5O Walsworth Mfg Co. 20 .45 E.E.Duff. 20.87 Wilson and Marlowe . 2 .50 Total MI59 .32 It• was moved and second^vd that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The bill of the Northern Pacific Ry,Co was r•ead,inoved by Cochran seconded by 74'alters the communication be referred to the City Attnney.Carried. The bill. for Local Improvement District No .69 for the amount of .Tr 33.8I was read, moved by Cochran seconded by Olsen a warrent be drawn for the amount .Carrie The report of the Engineer recommending an allowance of ';6OOO .Oo to NMcDonald -B- Bros for work done on Local. Improvement District No.128 ,moved' by Faller seconded by '�Fralters the report be apcepted and recommer_dations carried out, Carried. Communication from the City of St,attle ryas rc.ad,moved by '.`salters seconded by C®e Cochran `L-11.e communication be accepted and the City Attorney call their attention to the City Ordinance,Carried. The Bond and Affidavid of tiReJoe Wood Police JudCe was read and ordered. 1P placed on file .Ca.rried. Contract of the. Citizens Bank for Depositories was read,Nloved. by 17,-alters seconded. by Edwards the Counpil approve the contract and authorize the Mayor and Treasurer to sign the Contra.ct .Carried. _ 'Droved by Cochran seconded by Walters the date of the City_ Fall Bonds be fixed as July IT.I923 jand the City will furnidh the Bonds but the Bond buyer will have to furnish its own legal opinion.Carried.__ _ 1Vloved by. ,')alters seconded, by Leathley the "treet and Alley committee meet with the City Attorney to bet up an Ordinance on Parking Cars in the City of Renton,Carried. Moved by Bennett seconded by 7alters the old, resolutian creating a sewer District on Cedar Street be dropped and a new resolution be brought in, Carried . Cochran brought up the matter of the condition of the Park and said some provisions should ,be made for the Tourists. -, - for the Justice of P6sce Joe Wood asked the Playor � use,et,he Clerk' s Office for a Justice Coart Room,The Cl-rk protested � ainst aving the office used for that purpose , The Wayor granted the request of the Justice of Puce over the p otest of the City Clerk. Mlotion to adjourn was made and duly carried, Mayor C y Clerk. ?IPOBC Renton Wash.June .I9 . I923 . 3001 1 ?IPO I_e�ular meeting; of the Council called to order by I'Jayor Raymond. Roll-call those ;present .Leathley,Bennett,Ec?wards.Olsen and Cochran. Minutes of the last me.etinL was read and. approved . .Petition of Albert -Stone for water was granted. The report of the finance committee .as read and it w�&s re•comm-ended that the following bills be .paid. Engineer Dept . w80.00 Puget sound traction Light L- Power Co. I99.02 Bertha. Lindgren. 8 .00 Renton Garage . 2 .50 �hrater Dept Payroll. 438.78 Street Dept Payroll . 103 .56 Tota.1 .�I'83I .86 It was; moved and seconded that warrants be drawn ,upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . y. The Bonds of the Clerk,Treasurer and Chiu of Police were read and approved. Contract of the Renton State Bank was rea.dYmoved and seconded the Mayor and Clerk be authorized th ,sign the Contract Carried. The Bonds of the Renton State Bank and the Citizens Bark of Renton were read and accept:�d. The bids for the "JT ew City Hall were opened and read, E.A.Francis Construction Co . , w20,460.00 Hans ederson it Co. , 20•I50.00 C.7. Carkeek it Co. , 21 .366 .00 Emil Pohl . 22 .970 .00 rNest Coast Construction Co. , I6 .990.00 It was ,Moved by Leathley seconded by Olsen the two lowest bids be., held for one week.Carried. The Bids for the Plumbing and heating for the New City .Hall were opened and read, f: • IvTortii Side Electric Shop. X3,675 .00 J.,".Yardie . 3,6I8 .00 E.A. Shea.rer• 30770.50 moved by Cochran seconded by Edwards the bid of J. r%Hardie bt accepted for the Plumbing and Ileating.Carried. Moved and seconded the checks be returned to the unsuccessful. bifid^rs ,Carriec ` Resolution No .313 creating a sewer District on ',:"ill Street betweF�n 5th and 6th Avenue was read ane' adopted. --- Resolution No .314 creating a sewer District on Cedar Street 3rd and 7th Avenue Was read and adopted. Ed Hughes asked. Council to break the curh in front of his prope rty,mioved and seconded the request be granted,Carried. Mlotion ,to adjourn was made and duly carried. n _ �f��LiL�I.rAA�wO nay r. i Clerk -- - - 3S2 :enton 'TFlash.June .26 .I923. Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present .?,falters .Bennett,hdr,,ards ,Olsen.l'uller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting was read and apr.voved. retition of Edith Dunham to remodel ?souse on Lot 3& 41n block I3 was read and grarted. Petition of Sunset Service Station to place Gas Pump on Third Avenue 36 feet from the Last Corner of Burnett Street was read and referred to the Street & Alley Committee, and Fire Chief. The report of the Finance committee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Thos Harries. wI .00 Farlington Improvement Club . i 30 .60 pacific Tel 8c Tel Co . , 6 .50 American Cast Iron. Pipe Co . , 3,£ 38 .46 Joe Wood. 7.&0 Bertha E Jones. 9.00 Daily Journal o f Commerce . ; .40 A.Jacobson. I0.50 Walworth P:Zfg Co. , . 42.95 Engineer Dept. 75.00 Total �4026.9I It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn upon. the Treasure r for the above amounts . The bill for Local improvement District Bo.83 was read Moved by TFtalte.rs seconded by Olsen a warrant be drawn for the amount of H22 .87 to cover this hill.Carried. Report of the City Engineer and data on sub-sewers on Logan: Street and Tobin Avenue was read after discussion it was moved by Walters seconded by Fuller the report of the .Eh6ineer be received and recommendations carried out.. carried. Gust Macris asked to ,connect to the sewer in north Denton after discussion it was moved by Walters seconded by Cochran the .petition be granted anc the City Attorney draw up a contract to be signed by the prpperty owner that he will sewer only one lot .carried. Ordinance no .643 An ordinance of the City of Renton,Vlashington,providing for the, erection of a new City Hall and the issuing of Bonds in a sum not-te to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars to pay therefor and providing for &-8 a Special Election at which the voters of the. City of Renton may vote for or against said proposition was read and referred to the Ordinance commit- tee . The Ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance No.643 . Ordinanc^ 1o .643 was read the second time by sections and the third tirne , by title and adopted as a whale all councilmen voting aye .7.'alters .Bennett, Edwards,OlseitFuller and Cochran. Moved by 'halters seconded by Cochran the bids for the prpposed City hall _ be rejected and the checks returned.carried. Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. ia• or. i ,� �� r.,- y Clerk. 200BC Renton. !`ash.July .3 . 1923 . 383 Fegular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present we12e Beathley.Edwards.Olsen and Fuller. Minutes of the meetin vias read and approved. Petition pf EdcCiesefske and DAT. D.Gosset for water were granted . Petition of Standard Oil Company to install Gasoline supply Station was Bead Moved by Olsen seconded by Leathley petition be granted.Carried. Petition of property owners on Williams Street was read,11oved by Leathley seconded by Fuller the petition be referred to City Engineer to check up. Carried. Petition of the Sunset Service Station was brought up and discussed and after discussion it was moved by 'Edwards seconded b3-01sen� the 'Petition be grazed.- Carried. Th•e report of the Finance c'onotittee was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Eengineer Departmert . $75 .00 ' Sunset Service Station. 1 .75 Joe Wood . w .50 ,. S.Hardie • 16.20 . Renton iG.r dvrare Co. , II .86 - £Table 41lood. 8.50 . J. S.Ha.rdie . 9 .II City of Seattle . ' 73.I2 E.E.T)u-ff. 28 .74 - Payrol2 Street .Dept . I45.77 Payroll 'eater Dept . 386 .I4 - R.Wood. I0.80 -Total 769 .49 1t was mo-ved. and seeondedclthat warrants be c l,awn upon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The report of the "En ineer recommending an allowance of 7000 .00 to �' cnonald Brothers was rf-ad moved and seconded the report be receiced and recommendati-a-H ions carried out .Ca.rr'ad . The Clerly notifies the Council that there were no protests on the 'Mill Street or the Cedar Street Sewer,. se4er The report-incl-data- of the , City Fnt,ineer and data on ^twill Street was read Loved by Leathley seconded by Olsen the report be 1 �_aIved and filed and the City Attorney `tn bring in Oddinance to cover the same .Carried. The report of the City Engineer and data on the Cedar Street Sewer was read l•?oved by Leathley seconded by Clsen the report be received and filed,and the City Attorney t6 brimg in ordinance to coven same ,Carried. 11oved by Leathley seconded by Olsen that Councilmen 7.1'alters be named Mayor Protem.Carried. Fuller broug?iit, up tide _natter of cutting; down the trees betwween the water: way and Second Avenue on Well Street,NIoved by Leathley secdnded'by Olsen ~ this matter be referred to the Street acid Alley Committee for one week.Carriec Resolution No.3I5 requesting the County Election Board to call a. Special Election in the City of 1entori was read and adopted. The question of the Stages parking cars was brought up and referred to the Chief of Police . Motion to adjourn bras ,lade and duly carried. Mayor. Clerk I y • Renton 7`ash. Jule .IO.I927. `qg lar meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. R91-1-call those present .7alters,Bennett ,Leathley,Edwards,Olsen.Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of 'the 7.ast meeting 'was read' and approved Petition of Peter Delaurenti ,Richard Holden and Martin Suspancic for ':'Fater conrectiona were granted. Petition of :Matt Leino to connect to sewer was granted. The report' of the 'finance commit-coe was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. 967 - Renton Agency Inc . 17. Joe "food . 7.5500 `5.69 Trick and Murray. C. FTaleway. 4.50 Piemonte Grocery. 4.50 66 .40 Walworth Pd°fg.Co . , Engineer Dept . 49 .I3 'Total 5I76 .39 It was r-noved and secdnded that warrants be drawn uVon the Treasurer for the above amounts . The Street and Alley 'Committee reported that they looked over the land between Second Avenud and the TiatervWay on 'VUell Street 'after discussion it was moved by Olsen seconded by Falters that whwn ever Mr.Jorres lays out the Street the City will move their building.Carried. Report of the Treasurer and Clerk were read and orderdd filed. Report of the City Engineer and data on Williams Street was read,' moved by Cochran seconded by Edwards the report be received,'Filed and recommend- ations carried out .Carried. The Repdrt of the Citta- Attorney was read and or iilec. ' Moved by Cochran seconded bt Talters the Clerkca7.1 for bids for the purchase of x25.000 of serial Bonds for the construction of a new City Hall,Carried. Ordinance No.644 and 645 were read and referred to the ordinance Committee . Moved by Walters seconded by lsen the Clerk dravJ a warrant for tree amount of �I5 .00 in favor of Ed Ciesefske .Carried. Councilmen "falters brought up the matter of the 'Mill Str .et BridL"e after discussion it was moved by V%alters seconded. by Leathley the ;Jngineer be sent to 01ympia to take up the matter with Mr.Allen.Carried. It was moved by Olsen, seconded by Fuller that the "Itreet and Alley Committee with the Engineer and Street S-I._erinten.dent look into the matter of finding d way for traffic to cross from Williams to Logan Streets along; the right of way of the Commercial Vv7aterway 111oved by Olsen, seconded by fuller that the Street Superintendent look after cutting weeds on land owned by the City on Shattuch Street , north of 'Third Avenue . Motion to adjourn was made and duly carried. :;ayor. City Clerk. ?("M��rr Renton Vash.July.I8.I923. �eguiar meeting ofthe Council called by Mayor Raymond . Roll-call those present.Waltors,Bennett,Edwards and Olsen. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved . _ Petition of Elias Nieme for water was granted. Petition of John Gamalero for Soft drink License was read and referred to the License committee . The report of Lhe Finnace was read and it was recommended that the following bills be paid. Payroll Street Dept. 0207.77 - Payroll 207.77 -Payroll Mater 'Dept . I30.2I ` L. D. Davis . I .50 ' Standard.0il Co . , 94.42 , ijvoods Cafe . 4 ,25 Renselaer I.Talve Co. , 12 .30 - Trick 2 .30Trick P: Murray. I .00 . California Filter Co. , 51 ,005 E."A. Shearer. 3.40 City of Seattle . 40.00 Paper "rarehouse Co. , 6.50 A. Jacobson. 7.00 Joe 'Hood, 7.50 Crane Co. , .50 . '"m Kane , 2.00 Pay-roll Vehicle Fund. 335.33 - Engineer 35.33Engineer Dept. 49 .I3 Total 994.37 It was moved and sec :)nded that warrants be drawn upon the treasurer for the above amounts. report c:' the City Engineer recommending that „.2000.00 be paid to McDonald Bros on account of Local Improvemerit District No.I28 was read moved and seconded the report be accepted,Filed and recommendations carried out.Carried, Communication from the state Vice T'restdbnt of Fire Chiefs was read and ordered filed . Communication from D.E.Furgeson asking the City Council to name the Election Board for the Special Election moved and seconded the communication be received and filed and the Clerk send in four Plames .Carried. Andy Adams . Jas .P.Flynn,Mrs Evan Rees and Margaret Edwards . Communication From the Department of Labor and Industries was read moved and seconded the communication be received,Filed and recoiPmend.ations carried out .Carried. i.. a �zp �ra�le -€ e; - d-Abe�e- cl� t�g City On petition of Ed Stone to have the Prepare a deed suit Claming a I5 foot strip on Section Street for Syreet Purposes the City A77orney was ordered to prepare a. deed for mr Stone Lo sign and acknolegge. �7oved by "'falters secohded by Edwardsthat the people be asked to fix up their Alleys in a passable condition .carried. The Tater Superintendar_t recommended that a new chassis be bought for the '"'iter c'opartment moved by 'halters seconded by Edwards the ?P:'ater guberinten- dant purchase a new car Carried. r,,rotion to adjourn was i-Lade and duly carried. "Tayor _t • CIern. , i i I 386 Renton ?Nast, . , July.24 . I923 . Regular meeting oF` he Council called to order by ir;ayor Ray pnd . Roll Call- ��alters , �'k+ller, Bennett , Edwards &iid Atty Day .s. C&�����C, petition of Reed Millhuff , David Griffith and Andy Madison for ;erg;ice was granted. A ret- tion from the SmIther' s Estate asking; the Council to accept and approve of a plat of Smither' s Sixth Addition was racer ed. 'Moved by 0l seri, seconded by Walters tliat the plat be not accepted until such a time as tiiat iicrtion of. Second Avenue occupied by the Seattle pipe Line be dedicated as a public tnoroj.�Thfare . ^arried. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following- bills Trick and 'Murray 5. 47, pac Tel and Telegraph Co . 6. 1G L.D.Davis • 25 Engr Dept . 54. 20 - • Total 66.02 *Jpon motion the bills were oraered maid. A b111 from the Northern pacific Railway Co , , upon lotion, was ordered not paid. The Street and. Alley Committee reported favorably upon constructing a temporary roadway .from Williams Street to Logan Avenue . Mr I;ee !Jionahan offered to put the roadway in shape for the sump of .,)Co.4. C0 *which offer. was accepted by the City Council . . The City Atto ney w s instructed to draw un the necessary agrer,rriant with Mr►---T 12P an �� t Third Avenue Corrmunicatio fror .? .Railway Co .Co regarding ,lankin;, and Burnett Street was received and, upon motion, was ordered filed. 'ordinance No . 644 reported favorably by the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No 6414 was then_ n1 aced ,anon its second reading and, ,upon third reading was pass-ed. All mer.hers voting aye . Ordinance 646 was introduced, read and reieri,ed to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance Cotrmit,tee reportod favorably on Ord a,4-c' . T+ was then niaeed upon its second reading and, after being read for the third time was massed. All members voting; aye . It was moved and seconded that The Mayor sign certain L. I .D. transfers , Carried . `9C OBC 23 . Re ular r.meetink of tl:e City Council called to order by �Ia;:)r Rayir�ond. Roil Call : - Those _r,reser:t-• Zaalters , Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller, Cochran and Attorney Davis . ' Minutes of last �;�ectinL were: read and , after ce++tain corrections , were approved. Petitions of Ann Jories and Jack Plano for water service were granted . Petitions -of Vir inia Cartwri,­rit and H.M.Butler for nermissicn t:' connect Lot 1c , Block 37 , Srnithers Addition to toe sanitary serer syste.. was Eranted. . Petition from prof:,erty owners on Williaxis c'treet that no curbir. . r ncluded in --the proposed improvement . of that street; was granted. The Finance Comsftittee re-ort-ed favorably upon the follcwinL- bills which -tikere ordered paid . ..�. Payroll `Fater Dept. 251. 4± - Payroll Street Dept 162. 63 Pe.yroll Ener T1 50. 25 Frank Rhodes P,6. 80 Trick and Murra;. 2C. 3,,5 Joe Wood 7. 50 rackson Fuel Co . 28.0C P.S.L.and P. Co . 207. 81 - Priebe Bros 87. 50 Vilul. Thomas 2. 5C J.H.Mor-ran 600. 00 LA �Tota'l ;14;4. 78 It ,pas moved that a Warrant for "I. CC be drawn in favor of the St ate Treasurer for license for Fire. Truck. Carried. Report of Fire Chef Wood on the cost of Fire Truck and asking tLat a. siren be purchased for same was eecieved. Rey ort ordered failed and recommendations carried cut . The bond of the City _"attorney was presented, read and approved . Communication From Adolph Bronson v;-;-,.s received, read and. .referred to the Street and Alley Corunittee . Ordinance go ,645 , provltlin�-, for the improvement of Williams Street was read and referred to t%he Ordinance Cor TnIttee. Ord3r;ance 645 was reported favorably and placed upon :its second reading, after which it was placed upon It' s third readinv and .passed. Ali 'rren;bers votin. aye. Ordinance No. C-47 , providint for the improvement of r. ill Street between Fifth and Sixth `Avenue was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance TTv ,647 was reported favoraLly and placed upon it' s, second rea.dinE after which it was placed lii,on it' s third reading and ra.ssed . All rrerbers voting; aye . Ordinance No .648, providing,; for the irr.r1roverlent of Cedar Street between Third and Seventh Avenue was read and referred to tale Ordinance Committee . Oddinace No .648 was rei,orted favorably and nla.ced upori 1_t ' s second readin after wgich it was rla.ced u' on it' s third reading; and pas:,ed . All r_embers votir:L aye . Moved by Walters, seconded by Olsen that the Clerk call for bids for the construction of new City ITall ; Rias to be op•eried at a regular _ n.eetin; of the City Court it to be held A 14, 102 . Carried . Mover! by Walters a 1 seconded by Olsen that the Fire Chief be allc- wed "I sum of :ulCC. Q for expenses to Fire Chief Convention. serried . The Mayor appointed T.J.Richmond to a.ct as temporary Police Jude duras_ the absense of Joe Wood. Moved by ftsen seconded by "'alters the appointment be confirmed . Carried . Moved by Cochran, seconded by Olsen that the City Clerk notify all Power Pompan'o`s havini high tensions linea within the City Limits to make an inspection of their poles to determine their condition as reg- ards decay at their butts. Carried. Moved by Olsen, seconded Cochran that the City Attoeney draw up a �■.. Doi Ordinance sirlilar to the one in Seatt,:ie . C;areied. ,loved by Cochran, seconded by Walters that the City Clerk be aothor- ized to purchase a set of the latest State Codes . Ca.rr.ied. ?loved b.ir Coo?-ira.n, seconded by Olsen that the City Council offer M. Rees "2000.00 for land necessary <'or riC -it of way for neer bride; the owner to assume all responsib-I l_i,y for inov in,; of the improveMents now on theyr,,roperty; and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance i,reparatury to condemnation .proceecl.i.i; s if the offer is not accented; and t'rhat he be authorized to :lose the deal on the ab o p- basis if the offer is accepted. Carr ied. ilo"Ted b�T Cochran, seconded by Edwards that the nlatt'er of 'T.P . rig t of way, et,� be left in the han 'a of the End neF:r and Attorney for report .in two weeks . "loved and sec:onde t r.;eotin� adjourn. Carri ��d �7,h 388 Renton ins l. 191,;?'. 1 � RE ��.1ar meeti.n� of +,ale C .t.y Colzncil caller? '� ')rder bar Ma--or Ra—mond. Roll Call : Those present- Waiters ,Bennett ,� Fdwaeds, FLtllar, Cochrane and Olsen. Vinutes of last meetin read and approved. Petitions of E.^ .Bragden and Andrew Zenko for ,nater service were �rafitled. et ; tions of R.C .wilkitlson, Join Laminersnik, Jack Llewellyn, David Harr s : .^ ."Jillhuf, A .T,.?tiL_znn, P.Fisler, L. A.Iiarrisol, J.:v.Butler, Grant Bates Estate and GI-.dys Steele for permission to make connections to sanitary sewer were ;;ranted . The Finance Committee reported favorably upon •tr_e followinE bills : R.J.Pattie o. 510 - 0 .K.Garage 20. 68 . Q .K.Gara;;e 20. 1 3 Renton Hardware Co . ?5. 1:: Renton hardware Co . 11. 38 Colby and Dickinson 1?. 5() City of Seattle 126. 808 . Lee .14onahan 60. 00 Citizens Bank Wilson and Marlowe 2. 50 - Mary . 50 •Mary J.Rees 2000.CO - L of Davis 7. 00 - Erlineerin Dept 51. 3R - Total x12471. 33 The reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The City _Attorney reported that all deeds for r.rol,erty secured for richt of ray purposes had been secured Rnd that they had been forwarded to the "tate flighway Cor mis9ion. Report ordered filed . Comau_nication from. Northern Pacific Railway company relative to - plankintg at Third Ave and Burnett Street received , read and ordered rile The Street ',Ur,t,, wp.s instructed to set a date o+. which to zmeet a .representative of- the Railwa7r Co , 10 ,-o over the proposed work. Moved by 17valters , seconded by 0ochrand the Clerk be instructed to rublish a notice setting a date for riearin` on the Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District I?e ,l ?8. Carried. ?payor Raymond issued a procla«Gtion de;llarin;; Friday, •Aup-, 10 , a holiday on account of the funeral of the late President Hl arding. The question of cer;;ensatIon fors specia-1 route duties :P�s discussed and, upon motion of Cochran and second of Fv.11er, the Chief of Police was authorized to ray up to 'I.00 per hour for such sex-vices . Moved by Cochrane, seconded by Walters L.hat the City Engr investiEate, the corditiot of the main sewer in Second Avenue and re)ort . Carried. Moved by Walters, seconded by Cochran that ti.e EnDineer look after +hP ~natter of havin6 a pror..r intersection 'constr-acted in the x,avemer.t at, the int�ersa�;tion of Second Avenue and the -or, rased n. .v road to+tis?1 Street Bride. Carried. Til-on notion of 10y'altens and second of Edwards the City Clerk was attt- - '-orized to purchase A. suitable fii_inc- cabinet Cor hIs office . Upo�r, motion the Council thereupon adjourned.* �:pr,roved Mayor. Cijty Clerk. 20080 Renton, Viash. Aug. 14, 19-23. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. I R111 Call : Those present - Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Fuller- and Olsen. mom Minutes of last meetin;; read and Approved as read. Petition of G. C . Davis for water service was granted. Petitions of Hugh White, 114m. Stockdale, Mrs . E. Henwood, Francis Kane, J. . . Johnson, A. N: b'airchild, ' School District #7, Mrs. V. Cartwright, W. G. Bensinger, L. Burdorf, John Lamsick, M. L. Hollister, 7m. Munn and P. H. Gresier for permission to make connections with sanitary sewer were granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills : A. Jacobson - - - - - - - - - - $7.00 McPherson Bros - - - - - - - - 2.40 Kin County - - - - -- - - - - - 14.00 E. . Shearer - - - - - - - - - 2. .20 Renton Agency, Inc . - - - - - - 17.25 Renton Agency, Inc. - - - - - - 7.11 City of Seattle - - - - - - - -918.05 I'alworth 11,1f6. Co. - - - - - - - 54.17 Engr. Dept. - - - - -- - - - - 50.81 y 1073.00 It was moved and seconded that warrants be drawn on the treasurer for the above amounts. Carried . Report of the Engr. and final estimate of Local Improvement District #128 was received., filed and recommendations ordered carried out. Communication from the State F�iohway Engineer notifying; the council that the bids would be opened on Sept . lith for the Mill St . bricxge j wa^ read and- ordered fi led. The bids on the City Hall were opened and read. Test Coast Construction Co . was the lowest, bidder and Chas . V, . Carkeek was the next, lowest bidder. The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, but the two bids were held and checks order- ed returned to unsuccessful bidders. Bids for plumbing and heating on the City Hall were opened and read. The 1&gdxxs contract was awarded to the lowest bidder which was J. S. Hardie and checks ordered returned to the unsuccessful bidder. The bids on the Tobin St. sewer were opened and read The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder which was Elmer 11.Tc- Donald and the checks ordered returned to the unsuccessful bidders. r The bids on the City Hall bonds were opened and read. It was moved and seconded that the two best bids be takenunder advisement for one week. Communication from Peter McFarlane relative to loot bonds Nos. 47 and 48 of Local Improvement District No. 1I.6 in the sum of x;100.00 each; also indemnifying bond in favor of the City of Renton for X200.00 signed. by Jno. McCoy & P,?.s. Edith S. Dunham, as sureties and affidavit of Peter D::cFarlane, received. It was regularly moved and seconded that the interest only, on these two bonds be paid at this time, interest being; in the sum of -210.00. Carried. 390 �Dr. ' Bronson asked to have the sidewalks along placed in as good condition as when the City of Seattle Pipe Line started work on said street. This was referred to street Supt and Engr. The City Clerk was ordered to publish a notice of Sale for tract of land on Third Ave & Shattuck St. Moved by Walters, seconded by Leathley the.t the glerk* be granted a vacation. Carried. :roved. by !Falters, se,,onded by Leathley that the police officers salaries be raised w15.00 a month, same effective MSV. 1, 19,21. Carried. 0. C. Cochran asked for a leave of absence for three months. Regularly movedand seconded that CouncilIT_L�}1 Cochran' s request be grunted. Ca ,ried. No further business appearincc , regularly moved and seconded to adjourn. Carried . City Clerk Apir cved; _ t A �c0B 391 i Regular session of the City Council called to order by Walters, UcLyor, Pro Tem. roll gall : Present : Edwards, Olson.. Bennett, . ]:Fuller & Leathley. Minutes of the last meeting read and after the fol- lowing correction, ap m oved as read: That the motion in reference to bids on the city hall ,... bonds be corrected to read as follows : "That the bid on bonds of the City Hall be awarded to State Finance Co . and that we hold the bid of the First National Bank for another week." Petitions of. Elmer Kinunne, Tom Richards and Louis Hansen for water service were granted. Petitions of L. M. Shook, Manchester 7alters, R.. R. Naud, Art Jones, '.F'!Tl. Bennett, Jr. ,, Join Suffia, David Morrison, Elias Nieme, Margaret D. Ullom, E. Schmalz, Tljos Reynolds, Mark Crombie, H. Banderet, Louis Hudson and Mrs . Edw. Irr permission to matte connections with sanitary swwer were granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills: Pay roll, ?'later Dept. X239.06 Pay roll, Street Dept. . . . . . . . . 127.21 Pay roll, Engr. Dept. 57.00 P. S. P. & L. Co. 186.82 Wm�. Kane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.00 Standard Oil Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1.23 Bancroft rhitney Co . . . . . . . . . 41.00— Mrs. 'nary B. Rees . . . . . . . . . 41 .50 Renton Agency Ina. . . . . . . . . 479.42 Total '1209.24 It was moves: and seconded that warrants be drawn on Treasurer for the above amounts. Carried. Petition of William Rcid, David H. Jones and A. Maddison for the abandonment of North Main St . running from the river line to First Ave . and for the straightening of said St. Moved and seconded that the Petition be received and referred to rhe city engineer. Petition of property owners in Blocks 1 and 2 of Gunn's Addition for the construction of a sub-Sewer to be laid in Morris & Smithers St and asking that a Local Improvement District be establised was received. . - Regularly moved and seconded #that the petition be re- ferred to the engineer. Carried. Attorney reports on letter received from State Finance Co. relative to sale of bonds and states that the state cannot take them. Moved by Fuller, seconded by Olsen that all bids on the bonds be rejected tnd that we re-advertise for bids for the sale of bonds, first notice to ap (( ar in tt i s week�T tsisue, �� the paper. Carried. -std -sale to p ityt :�a , �e Communication from Ballard & 11oughton relati`e; to injury sustained by Gust Girias . Regularly moved and seconded that the communication be filled. Carried . Letter from Atty. Davis enclosing Deed from Lee Monohon to the City of Renton to a portion of Lots 9 and 18, Block 100 Renton Farm Plat was received . Regularly moved and seconded that the Deed be filed I with the County Auditor. Carried. t 392 Ordinance No . 649, ar_ ord°mance E_,zthorizing the May & City Clerks to sign contract for the construction of the City Hall was read and referred to the ordinance committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably. on Ordinance No. 649. Ordinance No. 649 was read a second and third time by title and adopted as a whole, all councilmen voting aye, Bennett, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. and Leathley. Councilman Edwards asked that we use Denny Renton brick on the front of the nZw City Hall Building. lifter considerable discussion, a motto made by Olson, seconded by Edwards that wd .use Renton brick ^ The motion being put to a vote (�idriot cd J ... . Councilman Olson asked .that the city grant an ease- ment to Harold Evans, over the land, the. city, is advertisin&; for sale. The matter. was. laid on. the table until sale of the land, . No further business. appearing,, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. t D eputy City Clerk. _ Approved: Mayor Pro-tem. . c0RC 393 Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond, August 28, 1923. Roll call: Present, Bennett, Edwards , Olsen, Fuller and Leathley. • Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petitions of Thos. Rowe , David Gr•iffit4s, Leona"d Seppanen, John Garnero, eels G. Johnson, John .Colwell, Frank S. to C.E. ,..., Mom, "rs . Annie Sipple and Mrs. A. B. -Lindgrei fo ewer nnec-- tion were granted. the Plat of Smithers 6t AdrdiWoenr. ame was referred Petition of Edwin M. Smithers, et al, asking that the city The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the fol- lowing bills: Engineer Dept . . . . . . . . . . . 657.00 ` Calif. Filter Company . . . . . . . . 1.50 . $58.50 It was moved and seconded that the Rbove bills be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasurer to cover. Carried. 17ritten report from the Engr relative to constructi:;n of sub-sew r on 'Morris & Smithers St. Regularly moved and seconded that the 7pert be received and the property owners notified of the Engineer' s finding. Carried. nanca .T r��.s rI n , . , _ , a. �,lih 7.rs s.h°o I z., ;u, t an ordinance authorizing and directing the signing of contract for sub-sewer on Tobin fit Logan Sts. It was then referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reports favorably on Ordinance No. 650. .r Ordinance No. 650 was then read a second and third time by title and adopted as a whole , all councilmen voting aye. City Clerk reported that no protests had been received against Yo. Fenton sewer. Ordinance No. 651 was read, being an Ordinance approving the assessment and assessment roll of Local Impt. Dist . 128. It wasthen referred to the Ordinance Committee . The cr dinance committee reports favorably on ^rdira.nce No . 651. Ordinance No. 651 was then read a second and third time by title and adopted as a whole , all councilmen voting aye . It was regularly moved and seconded that the Cit;;T Attorney bri.n in an Ordinance re ting to vacation of r,.2a n St No , of the river between 1st Ave . N & Cedar I ver & procure a Deed o� Dedcation of a strip of land necessary to open a St . N.of the river where ''ells St produce northward to S line of. C.7.7% right of way;thence on a line so as to intersect 1st Ave N. at right angles . Carried. Bids on gradin; & t- ravelling Williams St . opened. The bid of Adams, Iancock & Adams was the only bid received same being in. thic amount of ";"630.00. It was regularly moved aieAbe thet rtfedhidk bb% jkAqfi i and e, re-advertise for bids., and . Carried . "Tr. R. Thorne addressed the council relative to his petition submitting the Plat of Smithers 6th Addition to the Town of Renton and asked that some definite action be taken on same this evening. The plat having; been previoulsy referred to the Lngr. Engr was called upon to report on same. The engr. having reported favorably on same an ordinance was introduced at this time, being Ordinance No. 652, accepting the Plat of Smither' s Sixth Addition to the City cf Renton. Tip- Oi-dinance was then referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance coiml-iittee reports favorably on the ordinance . It was then read a second and. third time by title and adDpted as a whole, all councilmen voting aye . Resolution No . 316 for the improveiment of `Whitworth and 394 Norris .Sts. by grading and gravelling and constructin; concrete curbd and sidewalks. Ivloved by Leathley, seconded by B-'_ utt that the Resolution be adopted. Carried unanimously. • 'Mr. Frank Davis made complaint against the condition of Pull St. , It was •etularly .moved and seconded that the attorney be instructed to notify .the City of Seattle that they must clear this street .immediately and aleo U1 if s�iiie is not taken care of iiiiiiiediately the city will file a cleaim against them." Carried. Olsen reports on the condition of the crossings on Logan St. This matter ara, referred to the St . Supt. Fire .Chief ,Joe ,'"food gave an interesting; account of his trip to Yellowstone Park and the r'ire Chief' s Convention in `°lallace, Idaho. No further business appearing, regularly moved and sec-)nded that we adjourn. Carried. City Clerk i Attest : Mayor, i 9(?dl.1G .._..Renton-Wash:�e�,t �4•,T9C;� ; _ 7777.._ 395 Re roar c ret n - o€- the euncilealTed to-•order-by--Mayor Faymond. Roll-call Those present .Valters ,Benrett ,.�dwards ,0lsen and Fuller. ivinutes of the last meetin- was read and approved . Petition of ElorE.rce Guitteau,Alden See,Leno Azzola,F.F.Burrows,Vincent Stewart,Frank 01sen,Thos Pridham,John Parker,Annie Johnson,Ben Linc,,Lren and Ted Charbonneau for serer Connections were Granted.. Communication from the Brick and Clay Workers union asking the' City Council. to use Denny Fenton Brick for the PIew City Fall was read and ordered filed. Communication from L.D.Kendtner was read and referred to the City Attorney. Communication from Lee McKenzie was read arid ordered filed and Clerk notified to answer Communication. l,j.oved and seconded the Deed of Edward Sto.zu be received and recorded carried The Bids on Cedar Street Seaver were cpened and read moved and secondedthe Contract be awarded to the lowest bidder which was Adams,HancoCk 'and Adams and the Ckeck returned to the, unsucessful bidder Carried. The Bids on I'Jil_1 Street Sewer were opened arid read moved and seconded the Contract be awarded to t} e lowest ,bicder which was Adams,Hancock and Adams and the Check returned to the unsuccessful bidder Carried. A Committee of Citizens asking the City Council to use Derny Renton. Brisk for the Front of the T?evr City Hall was laid or the table one week. The question of arranging; for a detour over the right of way secured for rill street bri.dLe during; the construction of the' Second L1verue pavement was broui ht up and,upon mo; ion, was left to the City Engr and Attorney Mo.tior to adjourn was made and duly carried. ye� Mayor _ it.;• Jerk . The report of the finance was. read and `.t was recoLimended that the 1'r)l r lowing bills be ordered paid , Water Dept payroll , 8119. 60 - Street l19. Bio -Street Dept Payroll, 1 x9. 79 - Industrial Insurance, 65. 35 hum Lowman- and Hanford Co , 11. 25 S.L.Hanley, 4870,0 - City of Seattle, 125. 72 - Sanderson Safety Supply Co , 5716 Sewer Assessment , & 141. :37 X759. 74 Total 7777 396 Septe:atber 11, 19 w3. Regular session off the City Council :,allerd to order by Mayor Rayma.nd at 8 p.m. Roll Call : - Those present- Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen Duller and City _Atty Davis. The Minutes of the previous meeting, were read and approved . The applications of Katherine Moore,John Farraw, Earnest Bennett., Ann .Tones, Olaf LindLj;ren, Geo Heighton, 14. Pollock, H.C .Bohn,Nellie Williams,E.J.Auge and D .C .Mitchell or sewer service connections were granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the .followink bills: Lowman and Hanford Co . 444. 43 R.J.Pattie 36. 50 Matt tarwick 59 .00 ` Pacific Tel and Tel Co. 12.75 Trick and Murray 15.59 ' See and Sons 27.50 - A.Bishop' 90. 40 Engineering Dept 52. 50 Total 738.07 Upon motion t:-ie report of the Finance Commitee was accepted and the bills ordered paid. cted to Upon motion the Clerk was instru ;Taus certain deeds recorded and to draw a warrant to cover the cosy of same. Reports od the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed . A communication .from the N.P.Railway Co relating to planking between rails at Third and Burnett Street was ..read and the City Attorney instract ed to look certain matters in relation thereto . Ordinance No . 653, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign a contract with Adams, Hancock and Adams for construetinCa sub -sewer in Mill St was read as of its first readinz; and referred to the Ordinance Comm- ittee. Ordinance No 653 was reported favorably and placed upon its second reading. It was then placed upon its third readin,6 and passed as a whole , all members voting aye- Walters, Bennett , Edwards, Leathley , Olsen and Fuller. Ordinance No. 554 , authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to si{3n a con- tract with Adams , Hancock arid Adams forconstriictill , a sub-newer In edar Street was read as of its first reading and referred to the Ord- , T'namce Committee- Ordinace No. 654 was reported favora'ily and placed upon its second reading. It was then placed upon its third reading and sassed as a arr:ole, all members votinc.; aye- Walters, Bannet't, Edwards, Leathley , Olsen and Fuller. Upon motion tqe Contract with the Caloforni.a Filter .Co for f`arnishin6 Chlorine Gas for use in tle sewar;e plants was renewed for one year. It was moved by- ,, .Fuller, secdnded by Edwards, that the Council recon- sider its action of Aub; 21 when a motion to use Denny Renton face brick. in the City Hall was defeated. Carried. Moved by Olsen, seconded by Edwards , that the City use Denny-Renton face brick in the front of the City Hall 'building,providing the Denny Renton Company furnish the bri-k at the same price as those originally specified. It was moved by Walters and seconded by Fuller that the above motion be amended to read- Viat tine City use Denny Renton face brick in the front of the City Hall, provided that the Denny Renton Company furnish the brick on the site of the building for. 425.00 per M and that theif City rickEngion be authorized to make a chane in the manner of trimming t + ' + cast stone as shown on a blue print submitted by hila. �R ,,,�e front wz�::l Carried. Jae Wood brought up the matter of people trespassing on his prto -hAtLy. + e Atty. near the Williams Street bridge. The matter was referred Councilman Walters notified the Council ti':at the Library Board had about exhausted its budget allowance for the year. Moved by Olsen that the Clerk notify the Library Board to this effect- Carried . There being no further business the council thereupon adjourned. City C1erk. Approved Mayor. 149COBC 397 Sertember 18, 1923. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at S p.m.. Roll Call- present- Walters, Bennett, Leathley , Edwards, Fuller, Olsen and Co chran. The minutes of the last meeting weee read and approved. Petition of C .C .Procter for water service was Srantad. Petitions of Ben Atkinson, R.T.Miller, Alexander Sterlir.;, James Martin, D .C .Mitchell , S8, Mary Priebe, Ricco Viviani , Elmer McDonald, David Mitchell Jr and C .C.Proctor for permi6sion to make connection to the sanitary sewers were granted. The Vinance Committee reported favorably on the following bills: Water Dept Payeoll 160 . 49 Street Dept Payroll 73. 66 T.J.Richmond 5.00 Engineering Dept . 57.00 Philip DeWinter 11. 25 Renton Garage 2. 50 Renton Drug Co . 3. 50 Total 4"313. 57 Upon motion the report of the Finance- Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid. Upon motion Adams, Hancock and Adams were allowed an estimate of 4300. C( on tae dill Street sewer contract . Upon motion the thirty percent reserve with-held from the final estim- ate of McDonald Bros on contract in, local Improvement District 128 was ordered paid. Upon motion Estimate No 1 in' the' sum of* ,"2457. 14 was allowed the ',Nest Coast Construction Co on- account, of the- City Hall contract. A communication from Tree- State' Highway Commission was read and ordered filed . ' This being the' date set for opening bids for a •p25000 .00 issue of City Tull Bonds, the followin6; were opened: State of Washington- 5,o par. B1ytn Witter and Co . 5-12j�, accrued interest and premium of ', 217.510 . Carstens and Earles- 5-1;4/o, accrued interest and premium of �217.5C . This being tae nibht designated for opening bids for Grading and graveiin;, Williams Street the following were opened: Adams, Hancock and Adams . . . . . . . *600.00 Elmer McDonald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535.00 Upon motion tree contract was awarded to Elmer McDonald. The Claim of Gust Girias for personal injuries was recieved, read and, upon motion, referred to the City Attorney. Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to have a notice of nearing on , the Assessment Roll for Local Improveaent District No . 129 published. Resolution No .313 was read and adopted. Resolution No .319 relating, to .laying water mains and sewers in SmitAers Sixth Addition was, read and adopted. Resolution No .316 was read and the date of hearing changed from Sept 18th to October 16th. A committee of ladiesappeared before the council and asked permission to place a bronze tablet, containing the names of all soldiers and sail- ors �.'rom Renton who took part in the late World War, in some conspicuous place in the new City Hall. Upon motion the ratter of finding a suitable location for the same in the building was left to the City Engr. The annual Budget was presented and, upon motion, the Clerk was instr- ucted to have it published. Upon, motion the City Attorney was instructed to bring- in a Resolution creating an improver.ent district for constructing walks on Cedar Street . Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to notify all persons having any obstructions upon the right right of way to the Mild. Street bridge to remove same. Tnere being no furtizer business the council thereupon adjourned. Approved ity clerk. Mayor. - 398 Sept. 25, 1923. Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor,Raymond at 8 P. Psi. Roll Call: Those present : Walters, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller and Citi; Attorney Davis. Minutes of the previous meetinf; read and apgr owed as read. Application of Florenzo Delaurenti for sewer connection was granted. Applications of Owen Roberts, A% U. Jones, Joseph Upton and Dan Mogan for water service were granted. Communcation from D. H. Jones and Win. Reid relctivE to straightening North Tlain St, received and upon r-notion the Engineer and Attcrney were instructie'-1. ;.o prepare the necessary papers, j) ovided, tb_ore is left for street pArposes a width of 71 .03 feet. Motion carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills : _ Engineering Dept. .. . . . . . . . �i 52.50 P. S. T. L & P. Co. . . . . . . o 175.14 . Geo. To Custer . . . . 250.59 Park sewer . . . . . . 164.29 Joe Flood 5.00 . Renton Hdw. . . . . . . . 9.31 Pacific W,-iter Works Supply Co . . . . 139.32 Rensselaer Valve Co. . . . . . . . . 5.90 . x;802.05 Upon motion the report ct' the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid._ Moved by 'lualters, seconded by Olsen that the City Clerk notify the Park Board that their fund is hxhausted. Carried. Report of the Engineer on the 111 i.11 St . dewcr. regularly moved and seconded that the Engr' s report be received and recommendations carried out and that X6 .11 paid Adams, Hancock & Adams at this time. Carried. Report of the Engineer on the Logan & Tobin Ave . sewer, i egularly moved and seconded that the engineer' s report be received and recommendations carried out and that 11548.00 be paid Elmer McDonald at this time . Carried. Ord. No. 655, authorizing the Zvla,yor &. City' Clerk to sign a contract *ith Elmer T11cDonald for gradini & gravelling ,dlilliams St . under Ord. No. 643, was read for the first time, and referred _ to the Ordinance Committee, Ord. No. 655 was reported favorably and read a second and third time as a whole, all iaem-)ers voting aye - '!,'alters, Edwards , Olsen and Fuller. + Resolution No . 321 being a Resolution for the improvement of Logan St . for construction of concrete walks was read and adopted. Resolution No.320, $K fixing the 23d• da5� of Oct . t23 as the day of hearin- on the assessment roll for the improvement of Mill St . was read and adopted. J'-i '.illiams asks the City Council to add a piece 12 x 16 to the Ice Plant . Moved that the peti ,ion be granted under the supervision. of the street superintendent. Moved by Walters, seconded by Edwards that the St . Supt. have the Comfort Station painted on the inside . Carried. There being no further business , the council thereupon adjourned. Carried. City Clerk, Apt ° owed. T,1ayor.. CORC 399 SPEC IAL SESSION City Council met at B P. , for a hearing on the budEet . Present : Councilmen, falters, Olsen, Gochran, Edwards., Bennett and Fuller. In the absence of the Mayor, Councilman '.".`alters , Na;;,or Pro tem took the chair and there being no objections to the ti,udget being made . The budget as prepared was on, motion of Cochran, seconded by Fuller duly passed according to the milli6e shown there- in. i City Clerk. 400 Regular session of the City Council was called to order by 11:iaJor Raymond, Tuesday, Oct•. 2,, 1923 . Roll call, those Present : 1,17alters , Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller & Cochran. , Minutes of the last meeting an d of special meetin- read and ap;x° owed as read. Applicationsof J. 0 . Edwards, Mlartin Jorgensoniy John Carnero, E. E. Brooks, Thos. Richter and Attlio Paglio for - sewer cervice connections were grantcd. Applications of J. E. Hayes, Mrs . Ruth Powell and Mattie 14achem for water service were granted. Petition of property owners along ?Fell St. to put Mill St. bridge on '.'cells St. After discussion it was moved that the petition be laid on the table one Meek and the engineer and attorney were instructed to bring, in estimate on moving bridge. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the fol- lowing bills: Pae Roll, Street Dept . . . . . w 99.45 ` it , i'iater Dept . . . . . . 130.21 City of Seattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.08 R. Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 Cement Products Co. . . . . . . . . . 1.60 0. K. Transfer Co. . . . . . . . . 13.50 Engineer Dept. . 51.38 w385 .72 Upon motion the report of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid. Report of the Engr. recommending the allowance of an estimate in the amount of X700.00 to Adams, Hancock & Adams on Local Impt Dist . #132. I'oved and seconded that the report be received and filed and recommendations carried out* Carried. Report and data of the Engr. relative to sub-sewers through Blocks 6 and 7 Town of Rentor_ was received and ordered filed . City Clerk notified the council that no protests had been received against the sub-sewer through Blocks 6 and 7. Town of Penton. PeF,ularly moved and seconded that the attorney, bring in Ordinance for sub-sewer through Blocks 6 and 7, Town of Renton. _ Communication from Ward & Ward to close road at end of Mill St. bridge was granted. Communication from Library Board asking the council for a loan "of 4404.00. Moved by Falters, seconded by Olsen that the Clerk notify the Library Board that the loan will be ordered. s Ord . No. 656 being an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to issue bonds against Local Inept Dist . 128 was read for the first time and referred to the Ord. Committee. 2080 401 Ord . No. 656 was reported favorably and read a second and third time as a whole, all rrf ;,,_rs voting aye. V/ Ord. No. 657 being an Ora. authorizing a tax of 191 mills for the budget for the coming year, was read for the first time and referred to the Ord . Committee . Ord. No.657 was reported favorably and read a second and third timA as a whole and adopted, all members voting a je Resolution No. 322 being a resolution a,-,kin.,- fo _h3 Vacation of a po.,til.or. Of Main -);�. ^iorth,, :,jas read. an! olut,ion No . 323 being a resolution for a sub throug�i Block 5, Car "1:�rk� Addition °;as, rea" un? ad.zi: ad. Mr. Thite asked the council to have his sidewalk fixed. Regularly moved and seconded that the matter be left to the En gr. and 2,t . Supt. and alley committee, they to report next meeting night. Mloved and seconded that the meeting stand adjourned until Thursday, Oct . 4th. City Clerk Mayor Pro-Tem. r.. 402 Oct. 4, 1953. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll call : 'T,"alters , Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran . The meeting was called for the purpose of finding out the cost of taking; the Mill St. bridge and erecting same on ":ells St . City Engineer said the appyoxima.te cost would be about 15000.00 to put bridge on !wells St and cgmplete it for uJ traffic ; the approximate cost of rocking bridge would be about 'W1E00.00. After discussion the same was left for the state to reek the bridge. City Clerk. y, r - i 2c08C 403 hee,ulap session of the City Coux:eil eras called to order by T11a;ror Raymond, Tuesday, Oct . 9, 1923. Roll call, those present : Walters, Jennett , Ed,aards, Olsen jxci Fu'icr, Leathley and Cochran. 1Aiijutes of t11e la.s riee '.r g and cad journed meeting read and on motion approved as read. Application of John Feterr.el for sever connection iaas granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the fol- lowing bills: California Filter Co . 1.00 . See & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . 3.30 . Paper Warehouse Co. . . . . . . 15.00 Trick & Murray . . . . . . . . . . 50.23 Walworth Mfg. Co-, . . . . . . . . 3.92 King County 10.50 S. L. Hanley 43.00 X131.95 Upon motion the eport -of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid, + Street & Alley Committee recommend that the City of Seattle put in a plank sidewalk along the pibP line, temporaryaow-,y Moved and seconded that ;,he report be received and recommendations carried out. ' Moved by Cochran, seconded by Fuller that the matter of getting grade on Second Avenue walk be left to the City Engineer. Carried. ' Reports of Clerk and City Treasurer were read and ordered filed. ' Report of the Engr. on Dist., 132 was .read and ordered filed and recommendations carried out . Ordinance Noe 6� .; ,lr� dr ordinance L :)r t1le con- 4 F,�Of " ?. , — �F:i+r,r 4 FCC' , T a'r: vf' FErtCrl �'c.: 1E�,a t1_C first rc referr(A7. to the ordinan co .'_1committee. Ordinance No. 658 was reported favorably and read a %ik©ojrd and third time as a whole, all members votinL Aye . grid same was adopted as a whole. F Moved by Leathley, seconded by Cochran the Fire, Light & 7.'ater Committee ,;a7.k over lst Ave . North and see about puttin in light between Main St, and t"'ells cat. ,,rith po,�ier to act. Dyed by Cochran, by the property owners along s- u h side f •l(/s/t z Ave. �NortbPu`tZ In cP�-rt -� ;sidewalkCarried. Moved by gochrart, seconded by 7,etthl-e r t,1. Engineer draw a plan showing a good easy corner from 1st Ave . Vorth on Williams St . Carried. Resolutio t 1, o. 324 being a Resolution for grading, gravelling and constructing a concrete curb and sidewalk on Wells St . North was read and adopted. Regularly moved and seconded that the Attorney bring in a Resolution for improvement of Thain St. in front of Henry Ford School by putting in concrete sidewalks. Carried. Moved by Walters, seconded by Leathley that the 'dater Supt. connect watermain from North Denton main at Sec -.r-d Ave . ur •-,t„ St. to connect to Seattle 'v�atermain. Carried. seconded that we �, � iher bud d�ppraaring, regularly moved and CIT-r: C L :F K 404 Regular, session of tyle City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond , Tuesday, 0 :':. . 16, T923 at 7:30 P. M. Roll Call : Vialtei', Bennett, Edwardis, Olsen,/Fuller. Minutes of last meeting read and approved as read. Applications of Dave NicTa6ue, 'fir. G. ILichards, Dan Hogan, Ceorge Spurgeon and Presbyterian Church for water connections were granted. Petition of Margaret Storey for repair of building was granted. The, Finance Committee reported favorably upon the fol- lowing bills , S. L. Hagley_ x48.00 Pe,ttie Printery 65.70 PY i,ller & IIvLv;iland 2.50 ;F ' Jackson uel_ Co._ 8,75 Pay boll (St . dept. ) 69.58 ' Pay Roll (tater dept. ) 264.95 City of Seattle 116.27 575.75 Upon motion the report of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid. The r'ire, Light & Water committee recommended no light ,between Main and Wells St on 1st Ave : north. Moved and seconded that the report be concurred in. City Attorney notified the Council in writing that the Giras case against the Milwauket Icy Co. was settled and that the city of kenton was released from all claim. City Attorney turned in a written report on the Northern Pacific Ry. Co. hegularly moved and seconded that the report be received and filed. Carried. City Clerk reports that there has been no protest aE-ainst assessment on L. I. D. 129. Ordinance No. 659 being an Ordinance confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local Improvement bistrict No. 129 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance Committee .reports favorably on Ord. No.659. It was then read by title a second and thid time and adopted as a vvhcble. Resolution No. 325 being a Resolution for the improve- ment of sidewalk on North side of 5th Ave. by constructing a concrete sidewalk was ,read and adopted. Clerk reports that there were no written protests received against P.esolutiorxs No. 316 and 319 for the improvement of Smither' s 6th Addition, Regularly moved and seconded that the matter be laid over unt-.1 next meeting. Carried, Fred Ditlevensen asked council for permit to repair garage on il!illiams St . 1`'01red and seconded that permit be ;,ranted, No further business appearing, regularly mar ed and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. C1 e,rk 9CGBC 405 "egular session of the City Council was called to order by mayor Raymond, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1923 at 7:30 P. PvI. Roll Call: Vfalters, Bennett, Edwards., Olsen xxd Fuller.and Leathley. Application of PJlike Burger for water connection was granted. Applications of A. Burgess and Jesse Storey for sewer connections were granted, , Fire Chief Joe '.'ood asked the council for their approval of a place on the new city hall to place new fire horn. Moved by !°'alters, seconded by Edwards that the request of the Fire Chief be granted and the engineer instructed to have place built . The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the follow- ing bills : Talworth .Mfg. Co. 9.94 , Puget Sound Light & lower Co, 207,48 Joe '.food . . 5.00 Hansen Bros. 1.15 Calif. Filter Co. 51.00 City of Seattle . . . . . . . . . 79,43 Thos Harries . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Renton Hdw. Co. . . . . . . . . . 8.55 Miller & Havi land . 61 ,00 - So L. Hanley . . 48.00 ti 472.55 Upon motion the report of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ord,,redpaid.. Bill from Superior Court by Uldo Hesse to-,the amount of $19.81 was read. Tvloved by ?t:'alters, seconded by Fuller that tho bill be paid. Report of the Engr on Resolution No, 321 , same being a resolution for the improvement of Mills St . Logan Ave & Cedar St , by construction of concrete walks, was received and filed and Ordinance ordered drawn on same . Report of the Engr. recommending payment of $131.19 to Adams, Hancock & Adams for sewer construction in Local Improvement- District mprovementDistrict No. 131, was received and recommendation of the engineer ordered carried out , Report of Engr. recommending payment of $665.00 to Elmer McDonald on L. I.D.#129 was received & recommendatiors ordered carried out . `!,later Supt, Dullahant, recommended that the city c all for bids for foo 2500 ft. 6 in. pipe ; 2000 ft 4 in pipe; 2 - 4x4 T; 4 - 6x4 T; 4 - 6x6 T; 1 - 8x6 T; 4 - 6 in. valve gates . Regularly moved x d seconded that the recommend tion cf the ?"`ater Supt be carried out and that the city clerk call for bids on pipe and fittings, Carried, The City Clerk informed the council that there had been no protests on Local Improvement Dist. 131. Ord. 660 being an Ordinance confirminf and approving the assessment roll in Local Improvement District No. 131 was read Ono and referred to the Ordinance Committee, Ord. Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 660. It was then red by title a second and third time and adopted as a whole, lytw ./ ' Ord. No. 661 being 6n ordinance for the improvement of the sidewalk in front of Lots 1 an d 2, Block 4, 14otor Line Add. and Lots 11, 12, 13 and 17, Block 5 ; Lots 131, 15, 17 and 18, Plock 6; and Lot 14, Block 4, of the Ordinal Town, now City of Renton by const.,ucting a concrete sidewalk in front thereof was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. I 406 Ordinance Committee reports favorably ,on Ordinance No, 661. It was then read a second and third time. by title and adopt.- �►c' a whole, all councilmen vat- g._.ayef �/�'g Moved by Walters, seconded by Fuller that the city engro i&xtmgxtxx proceed to prepare an estimate of the cost of the work as proposed under 'Resolution No. 324; also to prepare an estimate on the cost of removing and — ��'Ang the old Mill St . bridge on the proposed 'ells St . site . - Carried. No further business appearing, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. Clerk, x e C < < • 2CO13C 407 Regular session of the. City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1923 at 7:30 P. P1. Roll Call : Walters, Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Applications of J: C . Shook, Homer Iren, Anna V. Erickson and Douglas Miller: for sewer connections were granted. Petition of Puget Sound Traction Light & Power Co. to construct frame building was read. Moved by Olsen, seconded by Edwards that the petition be granted. Moved and seconded that the Clerk ihotify P. S. T. L. & P. Co. to put in sidewalk within twenty days. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the follow- Lig bills: Olympic foundry C©. . • w 29.00 ' R. 0. Brown 3.25 Standard Oil Co. . . . . . . . . 9.47 American Express Co. . . 3.05 Eng. Dept. 49.70 ^ac. Tel & Tcl . Co . 6.45 X96.92 Upon motion the report of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid. Report of the Engr. with reference to construction of a sanitary sewer through Mock 5 in Car Works Addition received and ordered filed. .. Street Supt . recommended to council that the Park Ave. bridge be closed to logging trucks . Moved by Cochran, seconded by Olsen that the attorney bring in Re olution closing, the bridge, to 1org,ing trucks . Carried. The City Clerk reports hat no written protests .have been received against Ord . 662, Ord. No. 662, being, an Ordinance for t.'-,e construction of a sub-sewer in the alley north of 4th Ave in Block 5, Car Works Addition to the City of Fenton, was read and referred to the Ordincnance committee. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. 662. It was then read by title a second and third time and adopted as a whole. On roll call, al.l councilmen present voting aye. Petition of the Park Board for a loan of ''75.00 was read, and on motion allowed. Moved by Cochran, :seconded by 7alters that the improvement referred to in Resolution Nos. 316 and 319, sane being for the ir_raprovement d' Smi ther's 6th Addition be liad over until next iMarch. Carried. Resolution No . 326 being a, Resolution for the improve- mow of certain lots in Block 5, far °lorks Addition was read and adopted. C. L. Dixon complained of his sidewalk in front of his house and requested that the City of Seattle repair same . I+roved by Olsen., seconded by Edwards that the City of Seattle be requested to put in new sidewalk. Carried. 1 408 Bids of Adama, - Iiancock & Adams and McDonald on sewer in Blocks 6 and 7, Original Toim of` Renton we' re received. Moved and seconded that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder and check returned to tho unsuccessful bidder. "'arri ed . G. W. Custer complained of sidewalk in front of his housep stating that�Tsame was sunk in places and also that the City of Seattle had filled his parking -tfip with gravel. Relgu; ly mw ed and seconded that the city engineer pxk run his level oni idewalkes on 2nd Ave , and if he found any sunk, he was given power to act also to notify the City of Seattle to put in new sidewalks. Carried. E' E. Duff brought up the matter of Jim 'Williams builing certain buildings around his building which he +.I -ht fire , t;rQps ; IV?r. Duff also stated that his fire insurance had been raised.. The matter w�Ls referred to the City Attorney. No further business appearing, regularly moved and seconded Lhat eve, ad j ou-n. - Carried. City Clerk. �� LZ Ad a ` 409 Regular session of the City Council was called to order. by Mayor Raymond , Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1923 at 7: 30 P.M. Roll Call : Walters, Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller . Leathley and Cochran. . Minutes of the last meetiriL", read and approved as read. Applications of Ed Ciesefski, P. J. B. Jehl and 'Mattie Machem •for sewer corrections were granted . Petition of Bert Mayner to deck long bridge at the north end of the city so that it can be safely used by his heavy logging trucks. After discussion, it was moved by Cochran, seconded by Olsen that his petition_ be r<.nted subject to the fulfillments at date resolution goes into effect. `bile Finance Committee reported favorably upon the f'ol-- lowing bills : Pay Roll, water uejjurtmcnt y.229.09 Pay Roll, Street Dept 133.70 R. J . Pettie , 0'2.25 Interstate Machine Products Co. 35.00 Rensselan Valve Co. 57.55 See & Sons 72.96 City of Seattle 50.40 Jess TvIcCo en 19.34 Eng. Dept. 64.03 _,^ ',754.32 Upon motion the report, of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid. ','bitten report of the Engr. relative to 30% reserve withheld from the final estimate of Adams, Hancock &: Adams for sewer construction in L. I. D. #132 and recomm^• Y ;, ..� t same be paid. Tre recommendation of the engineer was ordered carried outp and warrant drawn for 1"482.67. o Written report of the Engr, r-lative to t final estimate of Elmer McDonald for grading and gravelling Williams St. in L. I . D. 130 and recommending; that same be paid. Recommendation of the engineer was ordered carried out and warrant drawn for $435 .00. r� Report of the enbineer and data: or, Resolution No. 324 was read and ordered ff.led,, and Clerk notified council. that no protests had been filed against this improvement. Ord . I`o. 663, beirg Car ordinance µf;p,roving the bond of Adams, Hancock & Adams and di rectinb t1le Ma- yo r and Clerk to sign a con- te°act Kos rcvC a.rd referred to th.f Ordinance Corriittee . T'<<:rce Ccr'n!it.tccc reLori e,' 01`C . 663. It was then read by title a second and third ti-ne and adopted as C whole. On roll call , al-1 councilmen voting aye. The Clerk stated that no written protests had been filed against Resolution for the vacation of the alley in Block 10, Renton i arm Plato Ordinance No. 665 was then introduced, same belr,6 an MIEN ordinance vacating; a portion of the alley in Black 10, renton Farm Plat, same was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee, Ordinance Comiait ue reported faorably on Ord. No. 665 It was then read by title a second and third time and adopted as r whole . On roll call, all councilmen present voting aye. R&t Clerk notified the council that no written protests had been filed. against L. I. D. #132. Ord.. No. 664 was then read, same being an Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L. I D. 132 f r tYe inguement of Cedar Street by construction. of a. suh-sew r, an re erre o the Ordinance committee. 410 Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 664. It was .then read by title a second and third time and adopt- ed ac a whole . On roll call, all councilmen gresent voting aye, John Larkin protes4ags_inst his sidewalk not being fixed. Mr. Duff asked to have 3d Ave . straiChtened out . Moved by 7"palters, seconded by Edwards that the Engineer give the lines oil this property and that the attorney brim; in a Resolution con- demning the land , Carried. Francis Kane, reprsenting a committee from the Eagles asked permission to bringiR show for the benefit of the Eagles same to be, held in. the Eascnic Hall, beginning Nov. 20 to 24 inclusive . roved by Cochran, seconded by Leathley that the request of the Eagles be granted subject to city ordinance. Carried, Resolution No . 327, being a Reeolution closing the Mill Street bridge permanently to all logCinE, trucks was read and adopted. No. further business appr.,arin ;, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. , City Clerk. t I IDABC 11 Rentor,, Wash. November 13, 1923. Regular rreetin6 of the City CouncSl ,tilled to order'.by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m:. Rollcall,:, those, present- Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The minutes cf the last regular -meeting were read acid approved. The petitions of C :Holloway, John 'xirliami, Joe Lenz, F.C.L•a*irence and J.H.Lawrence for sewer service connections were granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following; bills: Engineering Dept 52.50 Renton Agency 34. 69 Trick and Murray 6. 45 Pettie Printery 29 . 70_ Total 123. 34 The reports of the City Clerk and Citi* Treasurer were presented, read and, upon motion, were ordered filed. The report of the Engineer upon the estimated cost of work proposed to be done under Resolution No .325 was read and ordered filed. Ordinance No .666 , creatin; Local Improvement .District No . 136 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Ordinance No.066. Upon motion the report of the Ordinance Committee was recieved and the Ordinance placed upon it' s second reading . It was then placed upon it' s third reading and passed as a whole all aldermen votsn4� aye: Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. r� y, ,f}t,i Lhe. cortr�aas awar_iu 1.0 b�cDon Resolution No .328, fixing; the date of hearing on the Assessment Roll. for Local Tmprovement District No . 3.30 was introduced and upon. motion was adopted. Moved by Cochran, seconded by Edwards, that the Street Supt rep air certain walks on Cedar Street. Carreied. Moved by Cbc}j.ran, seconded by Bennett , that the City Clerk address a communication'to the Supt of Schools asking him to call to the atternw tion of the children the bad fea.t:ares of the practice of defacinf; newly liid sidewalks. There being no further business the meeting thereupon adjourned. A.pprc)v ed Clerk ------------ --------_- ------- V.,ayor. 412 Renton, Wash . , November 20 , 1923. ReLular meetine, of the City Council tailed to order by r..ayor Raymond at 7. 45 p.m. 1-res e.rf t, ��•54-i, u r Minutes of last meetinZ were read The City Attor�ey ldvised that the contract awarded for sewer construction at the meeting; of Nov . 13 was awarded throuE_h an error in, tithe and thkt the contract' should be re-awarded ^;ov .20 . The former action was ordered stricken from the record. The minutes were thereupon approved. Petitions of Feed Millhuf, R.D.Roberts, W.A.Fox, W.D.Jones and Robert 'Roberts far sewer services were granted. A petition from the teachers and scholars of the Henry Ford School that garbage cans be placed at the school was , upon motion of Cochran and second of Fuller, granted. The Finarice Committee repo.-ted favorably on the follcwinL bills which were ordered paid: Pay Roll Water Department 121. 22 Pay Roll Street, Department 143. 1? Pay Roll Ener Dept . 48.CC - Renton Tire Shop 40 .00 Williams and McKndght 24. 25 Walworth Mnfe Co . =:x. 69 Trick and Murray 3.50 Total. . . . . . . . 384. X33 Bids on cast iron water pipe wera opened and read. . Action on award deferred for one week. Bids on furniture for City :tall were one%Led and read as follows : Trick and Murray 1378.0C Lowmian- and Hanford 1950.00 McPherson 1?urnitura Co . 1568. 10 •Renton Hardware Co . 1453.55 ;4'ilt_tams and McKni;rht 1771. 00 Upor: motion action was deferred for one week. In the mearrtiine the council to act as a co-immittee to look over the articles u;on whic:i the proposals were based. • Communication from the Pacific Car and Foundry Co vas read and referred to 'the Water Superintendent . Ordinance No .667 was read and referred to the ordinance coi-amitt ee. Ordinance co:rr::rittee reported favorably on Ord 111,10 .667 . It was then read the second and third time and passed as a whole, all aldermen votinL aye- Nalt.ers , Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Cochran and Fuller. ordinance No . 063 was read and referred to the Ordinance Comid- ttee. Ordinance Coiwnittee reported favorably on Ord No.6(63. It was then read the second and third time and passed as a whole, all a?der:ien votinc; aye- alters , Bennett , Edwards, Olsen, Coc.iran and Ful ler. The contract for constructinF., sanitary sever in Local Tmprcvemez:t ^.istrict No .135 was awarded t -•--------_- - Councilman Leathle-Y was granted a thirty day leave of absenee . Moved by Walters and secondee: by Olsen t .et the Ilayor appoint a .nmi`.tee to :deet the Memorial Cornittee and arr3:iLe for dedication of City Hall . Carried . The mayor thereupon appointed Cochran, Waiters and Fuller. :,loved r� '1t'alters, sacon�ie�l `o;y Olsen tLat Mr. Laws he Lranted per- mission to construct concrete walk abutting; his property . Carried. There beim; no further business the Council thereupon adjourned . Approved lerls, Mayor. 413 Renton, Wash. Nov, 271 1923. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Naypr Raymond at 7:30 P. M. + Present : Walters, Bennett, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. a Minutes of the last' meeting; were read and approved as read. The petitions of August Ciesefske, D. Alexander, ... Thresa Kreier and. D . H. Jones for sewer connftction were granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following; bills : T,!. P. Ry Co. s s 23.75 Pac. Tel & Tel . Co. s 5.45 Wm. Kane . . . . • . • • • . 6.35 ' Trick & Murray 7.90 P. S. T L. & P. Co. 204.50 Engineer &. Helpers . . 57.50 "t305.45 i Upon motion the report of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid . The bids on furniture for the new city hall which had been deferred for one week was brought up for final disposition. The Council, as a whole, having; s6en the different furniture for which bids had been received, reported on same and recommended that the bid of Williams & McKnif-ht for furat ure be accepted. Report of Vater Sut, recommed"ning that we purchase the prepared joint from R. C . Poke of the Lmerican Cast Iron Pipe Co. was received and recommendations ordered carried out . ""w Report of the City "'»� r. �recommrndine that J. S. lit die be vllowed x1750.00 on the h� �,.tz.n _ contract ii,, he, Cit - - .'_1 was received a-nd recomr~enda_tion-,-, order€°d ce.r• 'i(;•d out . Deport of the City Engr, recommending that3338.65 by paid the West Coast Construction Co was received an_d recommendations ordered carried out. Report of the City Ln;r. recommending that yAA66.33 bar aici ' - time to Adams, Hancock & Adaz-.s on L. I . D. x}133 was received and recommendations ordered carried out . St. Supt requests that Lot 16, Block 7, Town cf �enton be stricken. from the assessment roll, as owner has put in sidewalk himself. Moved that the request of the St . Supt be granted. Ord. No. 668, an ordinance directing the mayor and city clerk to sign a. contract with ',">illiams & ivrcEnight for furnishing V the city hall, was read and referred to the Ordtnance Committee. Ord. Committee reported favorably on Ord. 668 . It was thRn read by title a second and third time and adopted as a whole. r On roll call , F " councilmen present voting aye. Ord. No . 669, an ordinance authorizing the Mgyor & City Council to issue bonds in the sum of .„174.92 against L. I. D. #13J eras read and ref erred to the Ord . Committer,. Ord. Committee reported favorably on Ord. tE . It was then read a second and third time and adopted as a whole. On roll call, all councilmen present voting; aye . Ord . No. 670, awn ordinance author izir.g the May,-.)r & City Clerk to sign a contract with the American Cast Iron Pipe Co. was read and referred to the Ord. Committee. Ord. committee reported favorably on Ord. 670. It was then read '_ t-4+ 1a secrdd and third time and adopted as a whole. On rill' call, all councilmen present voting aye. 414 Report of the State yxamirier was read and ordered filed and published. Carried. Y No further business appe arini ,, regularly moved and sdconded that we adjourn. Carried. City Clcrk. 2COBC 415 Penton, '.Flash. Dec . 4. '23. -le ulai° session of the City Councii Nias called to order by Mayor Raymonday, at 7:30 P. DI. _ Present : Bennett, Edwards , Fuller and Olsen. Minutes of the Inst meeting read and approved as read. -The petitions of A. T. Dimmitt and Gor, ;;r Jones for sewer connections were read and granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills : Pay Roll (Street Dept . ) X139.93 . Pay Holl (Mater Dept) . . 105.51 American Ry Express Co. . 2.63 City of Seattle . . . . . . 4-5.36 Calif Filter Co. 3.00 0. K. C:ta�e Co . . . . . . . . . . . 5.97 Priebe Bros . . . 22.70 , Engr. Dept. . . . . . . . 48.00 x373.10 Upon motion the report of the Finance Committee was accepted and the bills ordered paid. Ord. No. 671, an or,_inance approving and confining the assessment roll of L. I . D. #130 for the improvement of 117illiams at . was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance Commitee reported favorably on OrG , 671. It was then read a second and third time by title and adgpted aE , •Nhole . On roll call, 'all councilmen present voting aye. with certified. checks Bides were received for time improvement of 14ain St . & 5th now -ve . and for the improvement of Cedar St . and Logan St . , bids being as follows, to-wit : JOn Nain St. 5th Ave. improvement : Adams, Hancock & Adams - - - - 705.00 Elmer McDonald - - - - - - - 686.00 On Cedar St . & Logan Ave . Adams, Hancock & Adams - - - - ;'628.16 Elmer IacDa onald - - - - - 599.90 Mov-d by Olsen, seconded by Edwards that the contracts be awarded to the lowest bidder in each bid (same being Elmer McDonald) and that the kids certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be ;returned. Carried. Moved by Fuller, seconded by Bennett that the City Engr take up the matter of oil burning in furnace of the new City Hall. Carried. No further business appea.rinU, regularly moved and seconded that ,we adjourn . Carried. ,J City Clerk. 416 December 11., 1923. Regular meetln6 of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 8.00 p.n,,. Roll Call- Those present : Iyalters, 'Bennett , Olsen and Cochran. The minutes of the last meetin„ were read and approved. Petition of L, Schindler for water service ,n-id the Three "hem+ Advertisin Co . for Bill Poster' s Licence was granted. The Finance Committee retorted "favorably upon the following bills which, upon motion, were ordered paid. Wilson and Marlowe 50.00 Pettie Printery 22, 85 . Renton Hardware Co- • 6. 95 Trick and Murray • • '51.C5 Colby and Dickinson 23. 20 Jackson Fuei• Co. 13.75' . Stewart Eleetric Co .* . . . . . . . . ° 10.00' American Railway Express J.W.Harries . •10°.00 . Forst Nation-ai Banff: • 24C.00• • • ' S.L.Hanley _ 8.QQ Total 471.4 The rer)ort of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The report of the Engineer relative to the' t?nihty percent reserve in contract for Local Improvement District No . 130 was read and recorrim- endations ordered carried out . - The final estimate submitted by the En6ineer for Local Improvement District No . 135 was read, a_ proved and ordered paid. A communication from, the West Coast Construction Co . askin" for a fifteen day extension of time for the completion e-f the City Hall ,xas read and the extension of time ranted . Ordinace No .672 was introduced , read and referred to the Ordinance Corunittee . Ordinance NO 672 recievin; a fav3rable report was placed upon its second and third -readings and passed as a whole . All Ald- ermen votin; aye- Walters, Bennetu, -Olsen and Cochran. Ordinance No . 673 was introduced , read and referred to the. Ordin- ance Committee . Ordinance No.673, receiviyn, a favorable report, was Nlaced upon :its second and tI+IJrd -readinEs and passed as a whole. Al Aldermen votin aye- Iyalters, Bennett, Olsen and Cochran. Ordinance No -674 was introduced, rend and referred to the Ordinance Coru,ittee. Ordinance No .u74, recievirib a favorable report , was placed upon its second and third readimEs and y assed a s a whole, All Ald- ermen votin, aye- Walters, Bennett , Olsen and Cochran. 1!n additional bond of the City Treasurer was rresented , approved and ordered filed. . The matter of Insuraknce on the Librar- Building was brouht up and , u;:on :notion, was refereed to the Library Board. Alderman Cochran brow ht up the question of draftin a plumbing, and electric wirin-; ordinance. After discussion the matter was left in abeyance. The bond of Elmer _McDonald for cont-racts in Improvement Districts Nos 1-34 and 136 were presented and approved. Resolution No .329 was read and adopted. There beinw no further business the ineetin�; adjourned. Approved . City Clerk. Mayor. `,�� 9COBC 417 Decemuer 18, 1923. Regular meeting of the City "o,ir^il was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7:30 P. I�• Roll call, those present : '�Jal'ers, Qorn-++ � Olsen, Fuller and Leathley. Minutes of tYiet last meeting read ar d approved as read. Pet- cion for wider Efc2-vice ccr_r:ectior_ from 11,rs . Rosenstein wa.s Lrarted. The rinrance Committee reported favorably upon the followin bills : , Williams & vicKnight 16.79 Walworth MfG Co . . . . . . . . 76.18 Joe 7.00d 2.50 Crescent Pro,-,'ucts, Co J. S. Hardie . . . . . . . . . 3.65 Berton Agency . . . . . . . . . 0,32 Auto Servic I'_cu_se . . . . . . . . . 1.75 Miller & "aviland, ,. 8.00 Pay moll `,11a_ter, Dept. . 133.t>5 Pay Roll Tater Dept. .".. L. Hanley 48.00 g R. V. Trcrre . . . . . . 33.00 n589.10 Upon motion the- r-eport -of_ the Finance Co,4iitt,-e was ac-cepted aY d 2-e L ills cxdmrsd -Aadd-. - - - - - - i•i 11, i r. (_i.aU' af ---� - -. . n_ .. .. ;".' 7 ._, r 1.f:. r' `.-) ' _c , ' » - BV wn.s_ ordered paid. Ord. No., 675, -an- ordinan -- '7 proving, and confirming the assess- ment sell of L.. I. D.- X1-133 was read and, referred tp the Ordina.n.- Ordinance commit-tea repo-rt-ed fa-vo-r�ably on Ord,. 675 . It was then read a secpnd and -tr-Ard -time- b- -tl.�,lp and adopted z.L a valiole. On roll call , a.V1 co-i ac-i1.a:ier -jir, sent , vot.ir.g aye„ Ord. No., 670, ter.- crdir n� e- 'oz tY� -L-.prove nen.t of Tots a to 10 inc . in Block 5, Car ;'corks-Add, by -construe-t -Lon- of a sidewalk was read and referred to-t hey- Ordiina.nce- committee . Ordinance Committee_ reported Favorably on Ord. 676 . It was then read a secpnd and_ third_ time by title -and adopted, as a whole . On roll call , all count-ilzien Vires-en.# -voting, aye., It ;,,as rnoyed %�_ �l yen, Iccpnded' b.y Les.tl-rley that the engineer have two lock•erp built- in the new city,;hall for Fire, Dept . Carried. Petition of ._ ". -lavd-ie- to construct a -fire -proof shed back of Osgood Bldg For work_ shop -wa- ready _ klotion made by Bennett , seconded by Leathley that- petition be_. grant.-d , Carried. (two of the Finance Committee) Moved by 7alters , seconded. by Olsen/that the City Clerk write up pay roll Jany. 2, 1924. Moved by Olsen, seconded by Fuller that we take: out X18 ,000. insurance on city hall building; and x;2000. on furniture . . Carried. pved by Olsen, seconded kka:k: by 1,7alters that fire extinguishers in city ra11 building be left to Engineer, and St. Supt . Carried, Lesolution No. 330 same be '�� the irn rovement of P:iain St . by constructing a. sanitary sewe � �r�nd adopted. Resolution No. 331, same being E,-ir-solution fixinG t1fe date of hearing on L. . I . D. 135 oras read a.nd adopted. I14'o further bu inegs appearing rEt,ularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. arr•led. CITY CLERK. 418 Jany. 6, 1924. Regular meeting of the city council called to order by �,Jayor Raymond at 8 P. M1. C t r Roll Call: Those Present : Bennett, Olsen, Ieathley, Fuller & Cochran. Y P,,?inuted of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petitions of J. C . Snyder, Thos . Dinning arid. NF1. 5,1. Eaudack for Kar water service connection were read and ;-ranted. Petitions of C. R. Campbell, Thos Dinning and George Bruce for sewer connection ware read and granted. Petition• of j':arie Connelly. for ,license to operate Crand Theater for the year- 1-924 referred. to 'he License Committee . Petition• of Geo.- I!!.. Thurston for license to operate Melrose Pool Hall for 1924" wa.s• read end refereed to the -License Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . Petition of- C.. J.- ?rJili isms & L. S. Shew to erect garage on Lots 9 & 10, Block 25•, Town- of Renton- -'or R. C. Storey was granted subject to Fire Ordinance .. The Fine.nce Coinm1ttee •re-po•rted- favor,bly upon th,!e following bills �Aihich upon motion-, af.ere• ordered. paid :- Renton Hardware Co Kin : Co. Road Dist . #6 - - - - - --165 .50 Jackson Fuel Co - - - - - - - - - 14.00 A. Eishop - - - - - - - - - - - - 19.40 E. A. :hearer - - - - - - - - - - - 3.25 Trick. & ?,hurray - - - - - - - - - 10.09 Cite of Seattle - - - - - - - - - - - 45.12 Talworth Mfg. Co. - - - - - - - - - 16.£6 . Calif. Filtcr CQ. - - - - - - - - . 3.00 See & `Sons - - -�r - - - - - - - - - 11 .57 Ent'-. r'`ep+ . - - - - - - - - - - - - 91.40 U Industrial Ins. - - - - - - - - - - 50.98 Continental Pipe Mlf6s Co. - - - - - 75.67,• J. 111. Harriss - - - - - - _ - - - - 10.00 . Jas . H. iMilatthews & Co.- - - - - - - 93.50 • . Joe V!ood - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 2.50 H. faller Mfg. Co. - - - - - - - - - 129.28 Barcroft ,.1iitney Co. - - - - - - - 7.50 h Jacdabsor. _ - -- - - - - - - - 7.00 P. S. P.. &* L. Co. - - - - - - - - - 174".73, Pittsburg Mletcr Co . - - - - - - - - 7.90 Olympic Construction Co.- - - - 13.40 ° • Pa.c . Tel lel Co. - - - - - - - - - 6.05 Pay Roll - St . Dept. - - - - - - - - 117.98 • Pa.y Roll - `Nater Dept,, - - - - - - - 116.74 Thos . Harries - - - - - - - - - - - 3 .00 • S. L. Hanley - - - - - - - - - - - 40.00 `'1249.82 Reports of Clerk_& Treasurer received and filed. Report of the Liter Supt, was read and filed. Report of Police Judge received ar.( filed. Report of Er.! inecr recommending payknent of` w2418.82, to West Coast Construction Co. or account cr City Hall cortrzct . Moved =.r;._ secerc'A' t 3 ror'Te ecoauacridat i ons be carried out. , Repo,rt of. the Engineer recommending payment of $76.00 to Elmer McDonald being the 30% reserve for sewer construction was read. Moved - and seconded that the recommenda•tion of the Engineer be carried out . Deport of the Engr. recommending payment of, av285.57 to Adams, Hancock & Adams for sewer construction, same being 30% reserve was read. Moved and seconded NLiat the recoa:n»iidation of the engr. be carried out . Ord. No. 577, authorizing & directing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue L. I. Bonds against L. I. D. 130 was read and referred to the Orainance Committee. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 677. It was then read by title. a second and third time acid adopt-d a L. r On roll cnlll sill Ordinance No. 678, approvirl a.n.d confirmin-L the assessnext and assessment roll of L. I . D. 135 for the improvement of Black 51, Car 'Works Additiox, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinince Committee rrep®htid' favorably ox Ord. No. 678. It was thea read by title a sedoid' and " thik^d tim6 and adopted as a whole. On roll "call, ell councilmix`prebeit voting aye. Bid of' the Rent6x' Chr6nicle ' f6r' city printing Was read. Moved by Cochran; secoedsd by` Lsathley' that the contrat be awarded to the Renton Chronicle. ' Moved by Fuller, seconded by Cochran that the insurance for the new City Hall be laid over orae week. Carried. Moved by Olsen, seconded by Fuller that we re-consider the rhotiox with reference to city hall insurance, Cirriid. It was regularly moved and seconded that Clerk get copy of Ordixaxice xamixg the depositaries of the city's fuxd to Wilson & 'Marl6we. ' No further business appearing, regularly moved and seconded j... that we adjourn. Carried. City Clerk Approved : ' Mayor. ' Jl- : r� 420 Jany. 15, 1924. 1'egular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 8 P. M. Roll Call: Those present : Walters , ;Bennett; Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved sLs Bead. Petitions of Ticknor, & Swift; and Ands- Corsi for license to operate pool rooms was react and referred to the License Committee. The Fin nee Committee reported 'favOra.bly upon the following bills which upon motion, were ordered paid : :penton Hardware Co. 99.00 A. Bishop . 36.00 Trick & Murray, . . . . . . . . . 355.58 P6ttie Printery . . . 48.22 R. Wood7.01 Pay Roll W;ter Dept . . 0 85.30 Street Dept. 74.83 C. L. Hanley ' 48.00 x753.94 Feport of the Engr. on construction of a sanitary sewer on Main St. rwas' read and ordered filed. i `ord. No. 679, an Ordinance for the improvement of Main St. North of Se6ond Ave. by' construction of water mains and sanitary sub-- sewer was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. Ord. Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 679. It vias then read a second and third time by title and adopted as a whole. On roll call, all councilmen present , voting aye. Moved by Cochran, seconded by Maltere that ' city attorney write the Seattle Lighting Company asking for gas to be used for heating water for shower baths in the new city hall. Carried . Moved by Walters, seconded by Fuller that we insure for 90% or y 21,000.00 on city hall building. Carried. I1loved and seconded that we insure the furniture in the nevi city hall for- x;2000.00. Moved by Bennett , seconded by falters the insurance be given to Gilham, Mrs. Bensinger, Wila-on & Iviarlo we and Max Thorne. Carried. Mr. Clark invited the council, Mayor & Chief of Police to a banquet at the high .school next Thursday night given by the five loosing teams in the Commercial Basket Ball Club. Resolution No. 3329 being a resolution for the extension of Wells St . North was read and adopted. Motion to adjourn prevailed., City Clerk. Attest : May o r. t . �cQBC1 Jany. 22, 1924. Regular meeting of the city council was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7:3o P. M. Roll Call , those present : Walters, Bennett,' Fuller, Cochran, Fuller, Edwards and Olsen. 1'4nutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. * Petitions of Wm. Farrell and Sam Hough, for water service r.. aaxiamxkiox was read and granted, Petition of D. S. Williams for sewer service connection was read and gl-arited. The Finanace Committee reported. favorably upon the follow- ing bills, which upon motion, were ordered ga. id : P. S'. T. lj. & P. C-o. .' $200.24 Joe `,,00d .' .' .' �. .< ,. ' 5.00 A. Jacobsen .' .' 7.00 Pac Tel & Tel. 'Co'. .-.` '. 7.00 Perfeclite Mfg.' C'o.',, 300,00 S. L". Hanby 48.00 T",567.24 Peti^tions 'of Rins61 Drug Co.', Palace' of Sweets, Hansen Bros. Fe U . isrendal,- D. 14i.* Hogan xxd Gamab-ro Giovane`ni and Jens Mc Cowin for license to operate soft drinl parlor was read 'and' referred to the License Committee. ` - - - - - ` - - - ' Bin of 0.' G. "El-li"s -fdr 'legal 'advic"e `was read: -Moved by Cochran, seconded by V"tahte`re that -the 'bi`ll' be 'al`lowed. i Report of the l'ngineer recommending that t,,972.24 be allowed J. S. Hardie for plumbing & h( ating in city hall. Moved and seconded L.. that the report be received and filed and recommendations carried out. Report of the City Engineer on the city hall. Moved by Walters, seconded by Bennett that the report of the Engineer* be re- ceived and recommendations carried out. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows : For Accepting the building: ` Walters, Bennett & Olsen. Lgainst accepting the building: Cochran, Fuller, Leathley and Edwards . Moved by Cochran, seconded by Fuller we notify the contractor- that the finish on the painting was not satisfactory so we cannot accept the building. Water Supt . Dullahant recommended that we 'lay about 3000 ft of galvanized pipe on the hill. Moved by Cochr:,n, seconded by Leathley that same be referred to 'Fire, Light & Water committee. Carried. Water Supt . Dullahant asked for a ner, street cart. Moved kjr and seconded that the Supt be empowered to make purchase. Carried. 333 Resolution Eo./ was read and adopted. Mr. Emerick & Mr. Young were present' and talked on insurance. Mr. Richmond stated that he thought an injustice had been done his company relative to letting of insurance policies . Moved and seconded that the street Supt . s:_ingle the tank on the hill. Carried, No further business appearing, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. � t Attests Clerk Makor, 422 ' Jany. 29, 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council' was called to order by Mayor Ra ymond at 8 P. ivi Roll Call: Those present : Walters, Bennett., Fuller, Cochran, Olsen a nd Edwards. Petitions of M. L. Hollister, miller & Haviland, F. Evans and Dominick Regis for sewor service connection read and granted. Petition of Election Board of King County for rental of City Hall By.ilding for polling place read and' granted. , The Finance Committee reported favorably Vpon the following bills which upon motion, were ordered paid: Renton HardAare Co. §353.77 Wm. Kane `. 162°.37 Tachell` & Co. ." .` .` 123.60 McPherson Fur`ni•ture' & Hdwi. Co. . 1103.1.2' Trick & Lvurra'y . . - 24.7.7 Margaret Olsen ' . 2.20 Tommy Olsen 2.20' Johanna Olsen o 0 a 2.20 to 0 . James . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 Joe "Mood o . . a . . . . . 02.15 ` The Fyr--Fyter Co. 27.00 Miller & iaviland 1.40 J. S. Hardie . . . . 0 8.09 C. Spbkely . . . . . . . . . . 52.00 S. L. Hanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 __ §1907.07 The License Committee recommends that all license heretofore received for the year 1924 be granted. Street & Alley Committee recommend the Plater Supt lay pipe on hill. Moved and seconded report be received and recommendations carried out . Report of Engr recommending that $538.16 be paid to Elmer IvlcDonald ,being the 30% reserve. Moved and seconded that the above recommendation be carried out * recommending the acceptance of the new city hall and Report of hngEr/ ita final esti:.::: t.e of the cj.tr hall 9.nd recommending that` same be paid in the amount of §1143.62. Moved and seconded that the recommendation of the engineer be 'carried out. Communication from State Board of Health was read and re- ferred to the water Supt. Ord. No. 680, same being an ordinance authorizing the Mayor &. City Clerk to issue bonds against L. I. D. #. 133, was read and re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee , Ord. Committee reported favorably on Ord. No.' 680. ` It vv�_s then read a second and third time by title and adopted as a whole. On roll "call , all councilmen present , voting aye. Moved by Cochran, seconded by Edwards the City Lngr. bring in a report of his findings for an outlet for the south end of Williams St. Carried. Moved by Cochran, seconded by Leathley, that the Clerk, Engr. Police Dept and Water Dept. move into the new city a hll at once and meet next Tuesday night . Carried. Moved by Bennett , seconded by Walters that, �, be named as the day for dedication of the new City 11. arried. geoBc, A23 Councilman Fuller brought up the matter of the City Council endorsing the boy scout movement . Moved by Olsen, seconded by Fuller the council endorse the Boy Scout Movement . Carried. J No further business appearing, regularly moved and j seconded that we adjourn. Carried. Now 6 Clerk Mayor°. . 1 { 424 Feb. b, 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Payor Raymond at 8 P. W','- Roll Call : Those present: Bennett , Fuller, Leat.h_ley, Cochran, Olsen and Edwards. Petition of k'lbert Peterson for sewer connection was read and granted. The Finanae Committee reported favorably upon the following bills which upon motion, were ordered p: id: Pay roll, ot, dept. w; 215.01 Pay Roll, Water dept. 101.01 - Miller & haviland 2.30 Auto Service House 12.85 Renton Realty Co. . . 9 9 178.56 Wilson & 111arlowe . . 178.56 R. M. Thorne 163.80 R. Gilham . . . . . . . . . 178.56 City of Seattle . . . . . . . . . . 53.48 Renton Stearn Laundry 1..00 Priebe Bros. . . . . 3.60 Renton Chronicle 28.66 S. 1-'. Hanley 48.00 will.iams & McKnight 1904.60 3069.99 Report of City Engr, recommending the all.orance of 300.00 to Elmer McDonald on account of L. I . D. x`136, received and recommendation ordered carried out. Communication from the Treasury Dept. asking permission to meet the taxpayers making returns of income at the City Hall, Feb . 21 was read and request -;ranted. 'loved and seconded that the Clerk call for bids for pipe listed by Plater Supt. Carried. Ord, No. 681, same providing for building a bridge across Cedar River, was read xn d referred to the Ord. Committee. Ord. Committee reported favorably on Ord. 681. It was then read a second and third time by title and adopted as a whole. On roll call, all councilmen present, voted dye. The bids of Elmer McDonald and Adams , uancock & Adams were opened and reads same for construction of watermain on Main St. Moved and seconded the contract, be awarded to lowest bidder, to-wit : Elmer McDonald and check returned to unsuccessful bidder. Carried. Bids of McDonald and Adams, Hancock & Adams for sidewalk in Block 5 , Car Works Add. were read. Moved and seconded the contract be awarded to lowest bidder, to-wit : Adams , Hancock & Adams and check returned to un- successful bidder. Carried. Councilman Fuller asked for hermit for Grand Theatre to build a room for pipe organ. Moved and seconded that permit be granted. Carried. Waterway Commissioners ask permission to meet in the City Hall. Moved by Olsen, seconded by Edwards that request be granted and they have permission to meet in the big hall. Carried, Judge P�`ood asked for place to try his cases . Moved and seconded that Justice Court be granted permission to use city ha?1 Thursday night. Carried. 9013C 425 Moved by Leathley, seconded by Cochran any civic - or local or,;aniw zatian � tshing to use the hall must ask permission c' the city council. Carried,. "/loved and seconded that the Fire Chief paint the Hose Wagon. Carried. The City Engr. no _.ified the council that there will be four lamp posts on Mill St . bridge and ranted to know if the city would maintain these lights after they are installed, lJoved by Leathley, seconded by Bennett the City supply the necessary conduits for Mill St . bridge and city maintain the lights. Carried. The City Engr. brought in a re-plat of B16ck 6, Sartoria- ville and asked the council to approve the plat. Moved by Bennett , seconded by Edwards that the plat be approved. Carried. No further 'business appearing, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Ca rri d . Clerk. Attest : May o r. L.. 426 Feb. 122 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 8 P. kv% Roll Call: 1hose present : Walters , Bennett, Cochran, Olsen a,nd Ed;Yards. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read . Petition of the Denton Lunch Room for license was read ard referred to the License Committee . The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills, which upon fiotion, were ordered paid : Lowman ` Hanford- . $591.40 Pacific Co:kst Stamp Works . . 55.05 Lowman & Hanford . . . . . . . 52.00 King County Road District No. 6 74.00 $672.45 Reports of the Clerk and Treasurer for month of January were read and ordered filed. Clerk reported that no written protests had. been filed against L.I .D. x'134 for the improvement d Cedar -Street & Logan Ave. Ordinance No. 682 was then introduced, same being an ord- inance for 'the improvement of Cedar St . & Kogan Ave . It was then read and ref6rred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No. 683, same being an ordinance providing for the re-assessment of L. I.D. No. 96, Sanitary fill No. '1 was read and referred to tl,,e Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 684, same being an ordinance approving the bond of Adams, Hancock & Adams, for the improvement cf, Factory St. was read and referred to the Ordinance Comittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinances NIs. 682, 683 and 684. ''ame wem read by title a second and third time hxxttttz and adopted as a whole . On roll call, all council- men present voted aye on all ordinances read . Bids of Walworth & Crane were opened and read. ivloved and seconded that the bids be referred to Vater Supt .for recommenda- tion. John Bolonini brought up the matter of sewer backing into his basement . Moved and seconded that the matter be re- ferred to the St . Supt & Engr. Carried. No further business appearing; regularly moved a7 d seconded that we adjourn. Carried. �j r , —' V City ulerk. Approved : Ma yor. ?c0f?Cg Regular meetinY of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 8 o clock, Tuesday evening, February 19th. Roll Call : Those present were Councilman Olson, Bennett , Fuller, Edwards , Leathley and w'alt,ers. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read . Petitions of Geo. W. Custer to repair Ed Wood ' s house and hainier• Valley Renton Auto Freight Co. for permit to install gas pump and tank on Lot 3, Block 20, were read and granted . Petition of Seattle LiEhtingCo . for permit to lay gas mains on certain streets (also plat showing said streets) was read ad granted under the supervision of the Street Buperintenderit. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills, which upon motion, were ordered paid: Walworth Mfg. Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �v78.00 H. Swingle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Pac. Tel ' Tel Co . 3.70 General hepair Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.15 Tylatt Starwich, rhff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.00 Paper 1,17arehouse Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.75 0. K. Transfer Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.80 S. L. Hanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.00 P. S. P. & L. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.52 Pay Roll ( St . Dept. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171.97 Pay Roll (Water Dept . ) . . . . . . . . . . 166.13 A. Bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 33.90 $798.92 Bid of Crane & Co . was accepted upon written recommendation of the water superintendent . The report of the City Engr. in the matter of the Storey Garage at the corner of Third &. Burnett riot being in accordance was discussed by the Council and the matter was referred to the City Fngr. and the Fire Marshall for further action, it being the census of the City Council that the building should be erected ir_ accordance with the fire ordinance . The bond of Elmer 14cDonald in the sum of 4Y892.00 with the U. S. Fidelity & Casualty Co. as surety was approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk directed to sign a contract with Elmer iv'cDonald for the improvement of Alain St. north of Second lve, under Ord. No. 685. Resolution, No. 335, fixinj the 18th day of March 1924, at 8 o 'clock P. M. as the time for hearing on the assessment roll of L. I . D. ,x136. It was moved and seconded that a. vote of thanks by extended to Williams & McKnight, McPherson Furniture and Hdw. Co. and the First National Bank of Renton for the flowers furnished f". r he dedication of the City Ball and to all persons who assisted In the deoication services . Councilman Fuller brought up the matter of the erection of a number of frame garages on the Ditlevensen lot and also for permission to repair the old frame building on Burnett St . formerly occupied by the Renton Bulletin by changing the front and putting in an entrance suitable for a garage . The matter was referred to the Fire , Light and Water Committee with power to act . The City Attorney was requested to bring an ordinance amend- ing the firm ordinance as to zone , etc . and also an ordinance provid- ing that when a customer outside the City Limits secures an exten- sion pipe and pays for the same, that it must be under contract that if any person beyond thein desired to attach on to the line , that they would have the right to do so under a regulation requiring the new customer to pay for all new pipe and the pro-rat® with the former customer, the cost of the: original extension, and that all r ch 430 service shall be metered. The following committee was appointed t3 prepare a memorial resolution for the late F. G. �'mithers, to-:a t : Hanley, Davis , !'falters and Bennett . ' There being no further business, the council on motion adjourned. W. J. Williams, City Clerk. Attest: Mayor. �c�C�t3C 431 Regular meeting; of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 8 P. M. Tuesday, February 26, 1924, Roll Call : Those present : Olsen, Fuller, Edwards, Leathley, Cochran and Falters. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petitions of M. W. Guild and Walter Jones for sewer service connection were read and granted. Petition of Thomas James for water service was read and granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the fol- lowing bills, �vhich upon motion, were ordered paid: Calif. Filter Co . w9.00 Joe Wood 2.50 Miller & Haviland 0 1.60 S. L. Hanley . . . . . . . . . . . 48.00 161.10 The Fire, Light do Water Corm,.ittee reported that the Ditlevensen property was not damaged 50% and that Ditlevensen be allowed to change the door of said build. It was moved and seconded that the above report be received and recommendations ordered carried out. Report of the Engr recommending that the 30% reserve to be paid to James Hardie on the plumbing. Regularly moved and seconded that the recoi-mendation of the engineer be carried out. Carried. Communication fro:,: the Pac . Car & Foundry Co. stating that an over charge of $153.03 has been paid by them to the city covering a period of seventeen months . Regularly movedad seconded that the matter be referred to the Fire, Light & 'eater Committ-e. Carried. Regularly moved and seconded that the ordi_n_s.nce committee meet with the attorney to draw up building ordinance . Resolution of Condolence was read and ordered spread on the minutes, to-wit: RESOLUTION OF RESPECT AND CONDOLENCE. WHEREAS in the Divine Providence, our fellow townsmen, Fred G. Smithers, former Mayor and member of the Council of the Clty d' Renton, Washington, has departed this life, and UEREAS the City Council of the City of Renton, Vlashington, in common with the people therein, have noted his departure with keen sorrow and regret and feeling the loss of him kind counsel and influence for the good of the city. THEREFCP. E BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc t l of the City of Renton, Washington, that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Council, as expressive of our sympathy �•• and condolence, and a copy furnLshad to the Renton Chronicle for publication. Thomas Raymond, Mayor W. J. Williams, Clerk. Moved by Fuller, seconded b$ Cochran that the Town Property Committee be appointed to look into getting a larger piece of ground for park purposes. Carried. 432 'fovea and seconded that the city attorney bring in an Orc?in,�nce repealing; the 0mokin6 Ordinance . Carried, The Uniform Flat d- Decorating' Co. of Omaha, Neb. asked permission to slake flag pole holes in front of the business houf:s in Renton and place a 12 ft. flab; pole in same. On motion made and seconded the af)ove company was given permission. Mr. "Alli.xms asked permission to cut curb on Burnett st On motion permission granted. On motion moire: and seconded ` the council a.d journe. . City Clrrk. Mayo r. a.11 2080 433 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Raymond, Tuesday, March 4, 1924, Roll Call: Those present: Olsen, Fuller, Edwards., Leathley, Cochran, Walters and Bennett. Minutes of th.e last meeting; read and approved as read. Petitions of 111m. Farrell Ind J. a. Hardie for -st-wer service connection were read and granted. Petitions ��x�Mffixx�� du�asx�r, David Phillips, Tony Carl- son, D. TV1. slogan, and J. S. Hardie for water service connection were read and granted. Petition of Jno. Goldaberry for water service was granted subject to supervision of the Water Supt. Petition of Geo . Dawes for license to sell soft drinks at Eagle Cafe was read and referred to the License Coinmitt.ee. Petition of Richard Gospori for transfer of license from Andi Corsi to himself was read and referred to the License, Committee. Petition of property owners on Main St . and adjacent thereto for the improvement of said street by concrete curbs and side- walks was read and date of hearing; on same set for Tuesday, March 18th at 8 P. IJ. The Finance Committee reported Favorably upon the following bills, which upon <iotion, were ordered paid : 71m Kan e w 1.10 A. Bishop . . . . . . . . . 8.65 S. L. Hanley 40.00 Colby & Dicktn;on 4.15 1.r Colby & Dickinson , 32.25 . Canon .95 City of Seattle . . . . . . 63.04 See & Sons . . . . . . . . . . 14.64 Wm. Kane . . IF� . 9.90 Pay Roll (Water Dept. ) . . 141.43 Pay Roll (St . Dept. ) . . . . 113.49 R. J. Pettie . . . .. . 0 . 54.35 $483 .95 V/' Report of the Engr, recommending final payment of $5,773.40 to "Jest Coast Construction Co. was read and recommenda- tions ordered carried out . Report of the Engr. recommending payment of $230.64 to Elmer McDonald on L. I.D.134 was read and recommendations ordered carried out. Report of the Er Gr. recommending payment of $200.00 to Elmer McDonald on L. I.D.138 was read and recommendations ordered carried out. Communication from State Hir,hway Engineer relative to disposal of steel bridge was read and ordered filed. Communication from Revelle & Revelle relative to donation of a strip on ?Valla Walla Ave was ,read and ordered filed. Communication from Renton Eagles was read and ordered filed. �xa�ei��dx 'Regularly moved and seconded that the St. Supt have street repaird on 2nd Ave & Burnett and on 4th & Burnett Sts . 434 Moved by Olsen, seconded by Fuller that a committee be, appointed to meet with Mr. Kird relative to buildings in rear of parr. Carried. Mr. Houser asked City Council to slash roads on Filling District which belongs to City. Moved by Olsen, seconded by Fuller that the St . Supt. have a strip of the street slashed for a roadway. Carried,. Moved by U;alters, seconded by Fuller that the atto may -bring in an ordinance making; the o*ner .of a dog re spo}zsPrludrk"dog running at large and that a fine be .imposed on o at large. Carried. No further business regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. C,?_rried. Clerk - Attest : _...,._,__. ........ 2COBC 435 Regular meeting; of the Gity Council was c&lied to order at 8 P. M. Tuesday, March 11„1924 by Mayor Raymond, Roll Call : Those prE:sent, Olsen, Fuller, Edwards, Leathley, Cochran, Walters and Bennett. Petitions of J. h. 'NIorgan axsed for water service on two k places were granted. San Hough Petitions of E. Fuller f and A. Maddison for sewer, service connection were read and granted. Petition of J. h. Mlord an to move building was read and granted. Petition of F. A. McKenna for permission to erect a Zzsoline, service station was granted, su4Djoct to supervision of the St . Supt. Petition of G. W, Bearnblosson, fpr permission to install a. gasoline pump and storage, tank was reyLd and granted. The Finance committee rPpQrted favorably upon the following; bills, which upon motion were, ordered paid; Trick 6, Murray A A 11.22 Renton Hardware Co. . 2.10 • it It 14.25 Engineer Dept. 68.25 95.82 License committee recommended license be granted Geo . Dawes and Melrpse . f Report of the Clerk & Tregsur•er was read and ordered filed. i hum Report of Health Officer was read and ordered filed. Communication from Denny Penton Clay 61 Coal Co was received and filed. Mpved by !Valters, seconded by Bennett the Clerk deduct the penalty against the Yesler estate . Carried, No further business appearing, re6ula.rly moved and seconded to adjourn. 436 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order Tuesday, March 18th, 1924 at 8 P. III. by Mayor Raymond. Roll call: those present, WAlters, Bennett, Leathley, i?dwards,xxt Olsen and Cochran. i Minutes of the last meeting; read and on motion approved as read. Petitions of Maurice Hougardy and Henry Busine,llo for water service were read and granted. Petition of Lawrence Schindler for sewer service connection was read and granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills , which upon motion, were ordered paid: Pay Roll, water dept. . . . . . x,341.23 if St dept. 118.73, P1icPherson, Bros. .• . 16.02 'Valworth Mfg. Co. 178.40 Renton Hardware Co. . . 16.45 Lowman & Hanford Co. 17.75 - Crane Co. . . 601.80 . A. Bishop . . 17.00 Eng. Dept. 60.38 ",1367.76 Report and data, of engineer on improvement of T-1a.in St. ..by construction of concrete walks etc . was read and ordered filbd. i Report of Engr. recomLmending payment of 620 .82 to Elmer McD.nald on L. I.D. 138 was read and ordered that recommenda- tion of the Engr. be carried out . Ord. No, 686 was read , sane beim; an ordinance providing; for tre issuance of Local Improvement Bonds for L. I.D No. 134, and referred to the Ordinance committee Ord. No. 687 _ , same being an ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L. I.D. No. 136, was read and referred to the Ordinance committee . The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 686 and Ord. No. 687 - . Same were read by title a. second and third time and adopted as a wkiole . On roll. call, all councilmen presente voted aye on both ordinances. Petition of Foster & Kleiser to erect sign on corner of Main &- Walla Walla Ave was read and granted. Report of Engr. on L. I.D.136 recommending the payment of $233.60 to Elmer McDonald was read and recommendations ordered carried out. Report of the Engr, on Wells & Williams Sts outlet was read. It was regularly moved and seconded that the matter be laid on the table one week for furthnr invest,i�aticr:.., married, It was also moved and seconded that this matter be referred to theto take up with Seattle Electric Co. to see about gettin�tlets for these streets. Carried. The St . Supt , reported that Mr. "L'rimm had not yet torn down his building and recommerided that the city take the proper action on this matter. It as mov-cd and seconded that the City Clerk write Mr. Trimm ordering; this building torr, down at once. Carried. The Clerk asked the city council to approve the aQ`j"Oz1' t44t"P him a.nd attorney relative to surrender and 19e,OBC 43 and cancellation of warrantaIn Social Improvcmont District No, 83, Thereupon the City Attorney recommended that an ordinance be brought in that in case settlement must be made in court that the treasurer is given authority to cancel. MR warrants . Regularly moved and seconded that the actionphe Clerk be approved and that ordinance above referred to be brought in. Carried. E Councilman 'Yalters brought up the matter of Mr. Jones ...r wishing to sell two lots along 11!ells :"'illiams St . for a roadway. r V oved by Walters, seconded by Bennett that the street do alley committee investigate the alley between 2nd & 3d Ave. relative to opening; same up. Carried . Moved by Valers, seconded by Olsen that the City Atty, sHe the Postmaster about free delivery. Carried . Moved and seconded that hearing on Main St . be postponed one week. Carried. The First Dept. announced that they are- having a et-together meeting Wednesday, March 19 and asked the council and city officers to be present . Regularly moved and seconded that the council accept the invitation. Carried. -oi-�' ... MW 438 1 9CQBC X139 March 25, Regular 21,80ti;hg of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 3 p.m. Present: - Bennett,., Fuller, Edwards, Olsen and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petitions of Clarence VYill'iams and Joseph Edwards for sewer services were granted. Petitions of Joseph Edwards, Clarence Williams and the Norman Davis Estate for water service were granted. Petition of the Pacific Cara and Foundry Company, relating to the vacating of certain streets and alleys in the Car Works Addition, was read and upon motion, ordered filed. Petition frbs the Renton Steam Laundry askinj for a flat rate on water service was' .read and upon notion 'vas" referred tb the Water Sup- erintendent with the recommendation that the water meter on this servi: e be repaired. The Finance Committee re -orted favorably upon the following bills which, upon notion, were ordered paid: Joe Wood 2.50 P.S.T.L.& P.Co. 217. 64 Peoples Store 3.75 Engr Dept 55_.83 Total 279. 77 The Street and Alley Committee reported concerning conditions in the alley between Park and Garden Avenue . Upon notion the Street a-rid Alley Committee , with the City Atto- rnay ,were instructed to proceed to have the allay opened. Upon motion the Water Superintendent was authorized to purchase 350 feet of 3" galvanized pipe for use in the water system. A communication from the Seattle Lightinu Company relative to &as for tae City Hall was read and upon notion ordered filed. A communication from-the City Clerk. of Auburn inviting the City Officials of Renton to attend a reception to be held in the new City Hall at Auburn-on Saturday--evening, March 29-, was read and upon motion the invitation was ac-cepted. - Ordinance No.688; creating Local- Improvement District No 140 , was introduced-and-placed upon- its first reading. After which it was, upon motion,-referred to- the -orainance. committee. Thr Ordinance Committee reporting- favorably Ordinance No. 688 was then placed upon it-s second and-third-reading Motion to adopt as a whole was carried-ail Aldermen voting aye- Bennett, Fuller^, Edwards, - Olsen and Cochran. Ordinance No.669 , relating to dogs, was reported favorably by the Ordinance Committee and was placed upon its second and third reading. Upon notion Ordinance No.689 was adopted as a whole-all Aldermen voting aye- Bennett, Fuller, Edwards, Olsen and Cochran. Resolution No. : 335, relating to the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the Cur Worms Addition was read and, upon motion, adopted. Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to have the necessary posting of notices done in connection therewith. . Aldermen Olsen protested against the practice of using the small bulletin boards for posting large placards. After discussion the City En�6r was instructed to submit a design for a board that can be used for all purposes. The question of placing the fire bell upon the roof of the City Hall was referred to the City En;,ineer for a report as to the best method of doing so. There being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned. City Clerk. " 440 Rprt1 1, 1924. Regular meeting 'of the City Council was called to order Tuesday, April 1, 1924 at 8 P. M. by Mayor Raymond. Roll call, those present : Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Minutes of the last meeting; read and on motion approved as read. Petitions of J. 0. Edwards, Blah Telban, Jac.. McDonald :0 J. H. Ivorgan and Mrs . A. Chapman for sewer service connection were read and granted . Peti tions of%m. Hawke, Pre:bytrrian Church and John Giriae for water service were read and granted. Petition of R. Mood to build an addition to his present, buildinLT on Main St . was read and granted. Petition of No. Renton property owners protesting against staking cows on the streets was read and it was thereupon m6ved and seconded that the ordinance relative to cows be enforced. , Petition of Pacific Car & Four-dry ry Co to vacate certain sts and alleys was read and ordered filed. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills, which upon motion were ordered paid : "later Dept . (Pay-' Rol.l) - - - - - - - - $215.52 Street " (Pay Roll )- - - - - - - - 116.49 Park - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 170.61 E. A. Shearer - - - -- - - - - - -- - 4.89 Thos Harries - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1100 - Lowman & Hanford Co - - - - - - - - - 23,40 - Crane Co. - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - 50.88 Walworth Mfg. Co. - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ,73 - Wood Cafe - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - _ 2.55 Eng. Dept - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57.00 R. Wood - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 .55 Renton Cronicle - - - - - - - - - - - -_ 3,.70 $689.52 St . & Alley committee reported on alley between Park � Garden Ave . and the same was referred to the City Attorney. Report of Engr, on Dist. 137 recommedning that 261.40 same being the final estimate, be allowed at this time to Adams, Hancock & Adams. Ord. No. �� an ordinance vacating that portion ct' Main St. on the North side of Cedar river was read and referred to the QY- d. CornL.ittee. �j / Ord. No. I/ an ordinance granting to Washington Compressed Gas Company, P .rmission to lay pipelines across Fourth Ave . No, was read and referred to the Ord. Committee. Notice of Hearing on assessment roll for improvement of Main St. by construction of sewers and watermains fixing April 22, as time for hearing; was adopted. Notice of Hearing on assess. ent roll for improvement of Block 5, Car Works Addition by concrete sidewalk and fixing April 22 as time for hearing was adopted. Resolution No. 337 same being a resolution fixing time for hearing of petition of Pac. Car & Foundry Co. for the vacation of certain streets and alleys fixing April 29th as time for hearing was read and adopted. No further business appearing, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. L CLERK 2c�FC 441 ,Zpril 89 1924 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order Tuesday, April 8th, 1924 at 8 P. h4. by Mayor Rgmond. Roll call, those present : B6nnett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller,xxck Cochran, and Walters . Petitions of Jack Stewart, Vincent Stdwart, Oliver Martin, Francis Van 7/inkle, Joe Lenz, Ed Zood, V. Cartwright ,, and Mary Monaghan for sewer service connection were read and granted. Petition of Elmer E. Carlson for transfer of license of S. Marozny to name of petitioner was read and referred to the license committee. . The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the follow- ing bills, which upon motion were ordered paid: A. Bishop - - - - X26.35 , See & Sons - - - - - - 4.71 - Walworth Mfg. Co.- - - 246.67 City of Seattle - - - 145.76 J. 1:�. Mayner - - - - - 2.65 , filler & Havi land- - .- 3.35, Calif. Filter cCo, - - 6 .00 Engineer. Dept, 40.00 A475.69 Communication received from Olympia stating that 05.00 must be remitted with .certif icate of election to cover filing fee . Regularly moved -and seconded that X5.00 be sent the Secretary of State for filing pla-t .- - - C-arrIed. Reports of . tie Glary- & t'reasurer were read anti ordered filed . Ord. No. 690 , an ordinance vacating that portion of Main St, on the North side of Cedar :aver was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ora. No. 691 , an ordinance providing; for t he improve- ment of Main St. by construction of concrete sidewalks was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. -Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 690 and Ord. No. 691. Sarna were read by title a second and third time and adopted as a whole. On roll call, all councilmen present voted aye on both ordinances. Bids for the Wells St. bridge viere opened andread and laid on the table for one week. Bids for grading, gravelling and walks and curbs on Wells St.. weno opened and read and laid on the table one week . Mr. Brown & Mr. Meacham asked the council for a right of way across the city property near the Williams St . Bridge North for a spur track. Moved and seconded that the matter be referred to the Engr, to- report on next meeting night. Carried . Councilman. Fuller--brought up the matter of providing for mo n✓ water. for the City of Renton. Moved by Fuller, seconded by Cochran the Fire, Light R Water Committee proceed to look into the matter. Carried, Vcv,ed and seconded that the St. Supt. , be empowered to fix the street at the new f,-'ill St . bridge. Carried. Moved andseconded that, t'he matter of auto speeders be referred to the Chief of Police. for• recommendations . Carried. No further business app earing, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. . r a_ City Clerk. 442 April 15, 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order Tuesday, April 15th, 1924 at 7:39 by Mayor Raymond. Roll Call : those present : Bennett , Leathley, Fuller, Cochran, Edwards, Olsen and ""alters. Minutes of the last meeting, read and on motion approved as read. Petitions of Lorenzo BertaEni , 0. B. .Woolle;y and 7'. A. Nichols for sewer service connection were react. and granted. Petitions of Ted Charbonneau, Walter Suspancic and Ed Mlorgan for water service were read and granted. - - -Co, - Petition Co. -Petition of Seattle Llghtin&,/for permit to lay gas mains & services in alley west-of Park Ave . was read. and granted. Request of the .Renton-Cemmerclal Club for .permission to use Assembly Room in the City Ball was read and granted. The Finance Committee-reported favorably upon the following bills, which upon motion were ordered paid. Eng. Dept. G. Littlejohn - - - - - - - 5.00 Philllp DeWinter - - - - - - 6.75 Joe Wogd - - - - - - - - - 5.00 A. Bishop - -- - - - - - - - 33.85 Tfater Dept (Pay Roll) - - - 473.e7 Street Dept (Pay Roll) - - - 67.59 - $642.36 License Committee reported favorably on license transfer from Naronzy Rosi to Elmer E. Carl-son and transfer granted. Communication from the Democratic Club asking for permissionto use Room in the CitHall. Permission was granted they to use the Assembly Room on pril 21, 1924. Communication from Jatmn ec Bressi for our co-operation to place Renton Ave . in better condition, was read. , Regularly moved and seconded that the matter be referred to the St . Supt. Carried. Ordinance No. 692 same. being an o.ndinance granting to Washington Compressed Gas Co. permission to lay pipelines across 4th Ave . No. was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorly on Ord. 692.. It was then by title a second and third time and adopted ass• a whole. On roll call all CO. i�r i tr rY' ' resent voted. aye. PUL It was regularly movegand seconded by Cochran that the lowept two bids on concrete piers be held, to- iit.: Francis Construction Co. - $5756.40 Elmer ]McDonald - - - - -- 5623.50 and that checks be returned to ,the unsuccessful bidder. Carried. _ Regularly moved arra seconded that the contract on Wells St . grade and gravel beawarded to the lowest bidder,. to-wit : Adams Hancock do Adams in the sum of $4879.50. and checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders . Carried, Resoluticn No. 338 same being a Resolution setting the 16th day of May 1924 at 8 O'clock P. M. as the date for hearing .on the Fill kc . 1 assessment roll. 2eOBC 443 Councilmen Cochran brought up the question of appointing a man to take care of traffic on 5urnett do 33 Ave.1 from 4 o 'clock A. to 9 o 'clock. It was regularly movec7. and seconded that the` c it,y attorney write to Public Safet� Committee at Olympic to ascertain: if city can plank over N. P. rossings. Carried. Chief Joe Vigod brought up the matter of parking cars on 3d Ave0! Main Stein front of the City Hall on each side of the street. It was regularly moved and seconded that the street be alley committee and the St. Supt, work out a plan by next meeting. Carried. Fire Chief Joe Wood ask the council to get automatic con- trol for fire hose.- Moved and seconded that Fire Chief be authorized to purchase same. Carried. It was regularly-moved and seconded that the Fire Chief and Engineer ,place -fire bell on pity Hall in a working condi- tion. Carried. No further business -pe regufarly moved 'and secgnded that we adjourn. _ _ Ca Tied. City Clerk. bow ' s Y� — 444 April 22, 1924. ' Regular session of the City Council was called to order Tuesday, April 22, 1924 at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Raymond. • Roll call: those present: Bennett, Cochran, Leathley, Fuller, Walters , Edwards and Olsen. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petition of John Lloyd for water service was read and granted. Petition of Ed Swanson for sewer service connection was read and granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills, which upon motion were ordered paid: p. S. P. & L. Co. - - - - - - - - - - - i t196.89 Thins . Harries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16.98 . Olympia Foundry Co. - - - - - - - - - - - 6.50 . Seattle Lighting Co._ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.98 A. G. Long Co. Inc . - - - - - - - - - - - 380.00 • Walworth Mfg. Co. (_ .. - _ _ _ _ _ - _ 211.66 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. - - - - - - - - - - - 6.55 • Malmo & Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12,00 . Engr. Dept. - - - - - - - - - - - '- - - 59.26 , J>897.82. Special committee from the Fire Dept, asked to have roofs of the fire houses repaired. Moved and seconded that the matter be left to the St . Supt . Carried. St. & Alley Committee requested that no car be permitted to remain in one place on the following streets for more than one hour at a time between the hours of 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. , said streets being as f���,l. ows, to-wit : -2nd ori• Main St . to north side of Walla Walla Center of block on T611s St. in front of the City Hall to tAfalla Walla and on 3d Ave . from Main St . to Smithers St. Fest and recommended that the Clt� Attorney bring in an Ordinance on same. Moved by Leathley, seconded by Walters that the report of the committ- ee be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Report of the Engr'. recommending that $353.69 (the 30% reserve) be paid Elmer McDonald at this time on L. I. D. #138. Moved and seconded that the report be received and filed and recommendations carried out. Carried. Communication from the Democratic Club thanking the City Council for their kindness in permitting their Club to use the Assembly room was read and ordered filed. Ord. No. 693, same being an Ordinance approving and confirm- ing the assessment roll of L. I. D. No. 137 for the improvement of Factory St. was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. Ord. No. 694, same being an ordinance approving and confirm- ing the assessment roll of L. I . D. No. 138 for the improvement of Main St, was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. Ord. No. 695, same being an ordinance authorixing the direct- ing the City Engr to call for bids for the improvement of Whitworth & Morris Sts was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. Ord. No. 696W same being an Ordinance authorizing the im- provement of Whitworth and Morris Sts between Second & 3d Aves by construction of a sub-sewer was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinances No.s 693, 694, 695 and 696. They were then read by title a second 2080 X45 and third time ana adopted as a whole. On roll call, all councilmen present voted aye, Bond of Adama, Hancock & Adams in the sum of $4,879.50' for the improvement of Wells St, between 2nd Ave. and the south line of 1st Ave . North by grading, gravelling, etc. was accepted. Ord. No, 697, same, being an .ordinance authorizing the mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract with Adartls, Hancock & Adams for the improvement of Wells Ut. between 2nd Ave . and the south line of lst Ave . north by grading, gravelling etc. was read and ! referred to the Ordinance committee. now The Ordinance committee reported favorably. on the above Ordinance. It was then read by title a second and third time and adopted as a ,whole. All councilmen present voting aye. Bond of Elmer McDonald in the sum of $5,623.50 for the Construction lof a pony truss across Cedar River at 1,11ells St. was accepted. , Ordinance No. 698 same being; an ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract with Elmer McDonald for the construction of a pony truss bridge across Cedar River at '.`rel.ls St. was read and referred to the Ordinance com ilttee. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on the above Ordinance . It was then read _by ti Ll e_a- second and third time and adopted as a whole._ _ All councilmen present voting aye, It was move: and seconded that that checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders on the 17ells St . bridge . Carried. Property owners in Earlington Gardens petition City for water. Moved by Cochran, seconded by Leathley that the matter be referred to the Fire Light u Dater committee and the `dater Supt . and that they meet with these property owners. and report back next council meeting. Carried. The following lids were received for the improvement of Main St . from Sec-)nd Ave . to a point 442 feet north by concrete paving, sidewalks and curbs Adams, Hancock and Adams - = - - - $6612.50 Elmer McDonald - = - - - - - - - - 7211.80 Regularly moved and seconded that the*confract be awarded the lowest biddar, ' to-unit : Adams , IIancock & Adams, and check of the unsuccessful bidder he returned. Carried, Moved by Cochran, seconded by Fuller that the City Engr. bring in report and estimate of what it will cost to pump water for the City of Renton for a 200 foot head. Carried, 1`o further business appearing, regularly moved add seconded thdt we adjourn. Carried. �.. pity Clerk. i I 446 April 29, 1924. k',egular session of the City Co Incil , was called to order Tuesday, April 29 , 1924, at 7:30 P. M. by r,Iayor Raymond. Roll c,,ill : those present , Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Minutes.bf last meeting read. and approved as read. Petitions of R. 1-I. Morrison, Matt Steknich, Raymond Giel.d-eth, Frank Spencer, and hoy C . Sandahl for water service was read and granted . ,Petitions of Roy C. Sandahl, Frank Spencer, Jennie Isackson, 71. S. 'Sherlock, G. B. Agnecina, R. H. Morrison, Payrtiond Gieldseth for sewer service connections were read and 6rarated. Petition of 1- ashington Compressed Gas Co . was read and upon motion was referred to the Street & Alley Committee and St . Supt , The Finance Committee reported favoratly upon the follow- ing bills, which ypon motion were ordered paid : Trick & Murray .3.67 Walwroth Mfg. Co. - - - - - - - 8.23 Renton Hdw Co. - -- - - - - - - - - 9090 Wilson & 1117arlowe - - - - - - - - - -- 15.00 Engr. Dept. - - - - - - - - - - - - 48.00 84.80 Report of Fire, Light & Tater committee regarding petition of residents of Earlington for water service recommend that the matter be dropped. On motion the report was received . • Report of ingr. on Dist. 137 recommending that 30/ rekm - serve amounting to 112.01 be paid was read and upon motion was ordered received and recommendations carried out. Earried . Is Communication from County Engr. regarding long trestle North of town was read and ordered filed. The bond. of Adams, Hancock & Adams covering contract in L. I . D. was presented and approved. Ord. No. 699 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sigi contract with Adams, Hancock & Adams for work in L. 1 . D. x'139 vias read arm referred to the Ordinance committee. - The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ord. 699, It was then read by title a second and third time and adopted as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye. ` Protest against vacating certain streets in North Renton was read and ordered filed and action postponed one week. Nearing on petition of Pacific Car & Foundry Co. for vacation of certain streets was upon motion of Olsen, postponed one :®ek. J Upon motion a street light was ordered installed on Main St. Movdd and seconded that Chief of Police be empowered to make arrangements for a dog catcher. Carried, Mr. Dick Clark representing the Commercial Club appear- ed before the Council in regard to new tourist park. Moved by YValters, seconded by Bennett that the matter of devolping the new tourist park be referred to the Park Board and the Commercial Club to get estimate and bring in recommendations next meeting. Carried . 9x eOBC 447 Mowed by Cochran, seconded by Fuller that the Clerk write fir. Allen relative to appointment with him and a delega- tion of citizens. Carried. No further business appearing, regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn . Carried. City Clerk. ..MO 448 May 6, 19 24. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order By Mayor Raymond at 8 P.M. Roll call- All members present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Petition of L.Brado for sewer connection was granted. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: Payroll Water Dept 1.92. 42: Payroll Street Dept 222.50 . Payroll Engr Dept 70.50 - Payroll Park 81.00 Industrial Insurance 100.96 Renton Chronicle 46. 25 See and Sons 56. 10 Rennselear Valve Co 4.50 Wm Kane 5.50 City of'Seattle 79. 44 Joe Lenz 2.53,.!'_ 864.70 Claim of R.B.Downie was read and laid on the table. Park. Board reported proSeess in outlining plans for new park. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City Atty bring in an ordinance for a spur track for the Washington Compressed Gas Co. '"he reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Deeds for land along Wells Street were presented and ordered recor- dad. Ordinance relating to parking autos was referred to Ordinance Com. Resolution No,1fi relating to sale of bridge bonds was adopted. Moved by Walters , seconded by Edwards that the Engineer prepare a plat of certain parcels of land along 'dells Street and present same at the next meeti ng. Carried. The matter of compkkints against certain premises was ordered placed in the hands of the Health Officer. :'armission was granted to Dan Hogan to tear down a certain building located on the corner of Fourth and Burnett St. The street and alley committee was instructed to look over the above corner with a view to widening the street at this point. The matter of the hearing on the vacation of certain streets and alleys in North Renton was postponed one week. There being no further business the Council theaeupon adjourned. Mayor. Clerk. 2COBC 449 May 13, 1924. Regular meeting of the city Council was called to order Tuesday May 13th, 1924 at 7:30 by Mayor Raymond . Rolls' Call : Those presr,nt : Bennett, Leathley, Faller, ` Cochran, Edwards, Olsen and halters . Minutes of the last meetir.g read and approved as read . Petition of the ~Jashington Compressed Cas Ce ., for water service was read and granted. Petition of Fred Peacock for sewer service connection was read and granted. Petition from W. A. Avey, representing the baseball players for permission to use the Fireman' s Room for one evening was mead and referred to the Fire Chief whose was given power td act. Petition from Renton .Soccer Club for permission to use the Assembly Room on Tuesday May 20th was read and grsnted.. Petition of property owners along Wells St for a concrete paving was read. T41oved by Halters, seconded by Bennett that the petition be granted subject to Engr's and Atty' s opinion. The following bills were. approved by the Finnance Committee and ordered paid : Engr. Dept . - - - - - - - - - - - 56.45 Calif. Fileter Co.- - - - - - - - 4.50 E. A. Shearer - - - - - - - - - - 31.38 Mary B. Rees - - - - - - - - - - 38.75 Matt Starwich, Shff. - - - - - - - 8.00 " C. R. Campbell - - - - -- - - - 91&80 $230.88 Mattes of widening the street at Hogan' s corner, 4th & Burnett St. carne up for discussion. The matter was referred to Engr. to bring in report next meeting. Petition of Clarence Williams to break curb on Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, for purpose of making a driveway was read and granted. Report of the Engr. recommending that $1000.00 be allowed Adams, Hancock h Adams on L. . I . D. 140 was read and recommenda- tion ordered carried out. Report of the City Health Officer was read and filed. Communication from State highway Dept. setting the 20th day of May as a day for meeting a Renton delegation. Ord. No. 700, same regulating the parking of cars on certain streets was refid and referred to the Ord. Committee. The Clerk notified the council that David & Jane Morrison had withdrawn their names from the Protest against .the vacation of certain street in North Renton. 'loved and seconded that the Petition be granted. Whereupon the following Ordinance was introduced: Ord. No. 701 being an ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in North %nton was read and referred to the Ord. Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 700 and Ord . No, 701 . They were then read by title a second and third time and adopted as a whole. On roll call, all councilmen present voted ayep on both Ordinances. 450 R6gularly moved and seconded tnat Elmer McDonald: be awarded the contract, he being the ,lowest bidder, for sewers and `watermains , and the checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned. Carried . Carried. c �' regularly moved and seconded hat Elmer IMICDonald be awarded the contract, he being the lowest bidder, for grading & gravelling ?Morris & �'�hitworth Sts, and the checks of the unsuccess- ful bidders returned. Careied. Frank Vaise asked for permission t o put on an ametur bossing match. Same was referred t o the license committee, Boucher French asked to put on a show in the City of Fenton. Moved and seconded the petition be rejected. Carried. Dick Clark notified the council that the Commercial Club were ready to go to Olympia to help get pavement from :Main to i11 St. Moved Pr dseconded that the bids of Interstate Con- struction Co. be thrown out on account of check not sufficient. harried. No further business appearing,. regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn . Carried. City Clerk. R s t 2 0BC 451 Renton, Wash. May 16, 1924, SPECIAL MEETING of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond Friday, May 16th,* 1924 at 8 P. M. for the purposes of Hearing on the Assessment and Assessment Roll. on Local Improvement District No . 96 . Moved by Bennett, seconded by Talters the hearing be postponed uptil next Tuesday evening, IMay 20, 1924 . Carried.. City Il erk. • 452 May 20, 1924. Regular meeting of the city council was called to order Tuedday, May 20th, 1924 at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Raymond. Roll call. , those present : Bennett, Leathley, Walters, Fuller, Olsenand Edwards. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings read and approved as re?_d. Petition of Reese Morgan and Louis Delaurenti for water service was read and granted. Petition of John E. Johnson for water service was read and referred to the 'Nater Supt, with power to act. Petitions of Ed Moore and John Lloyd for sewer service connection were read and granted. The following, bills were approved by the Finance Committ- ee and ordered pntd: Pay Roll (-ester Dept) - - - - - - - - -T570.22 . Pay Roll (Street Dept)-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 138.92 American Ry Express Co. - - - - - - - -- 10.00 Geo. Shrive (For J. '' . 'sutler, Jr) - - - 9.1.2 Resselaer Valve Co. - - - - - - _ - - - 34..15 Trick & Murray - - - -- - - - - - - - - 7,70 - S. L. Hanley - - - - - - - - - - 48.00 - Puget Sound Power h Light Co . - - - - 188.20 .$1006.31 Report of Engineer on pumping water mains for city Moved the report be received and filed. Carried. Report of Engineer on bridge. Moved and seconded the recommendations of the Engr. be carried out. Ord. No. 702, approvinJ the bond of Elmer McDonald for the improvement of Morris & 'Rhitworth Sts was read and re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. (Grading, gravelling etc . ) (k-d. No. 703, approving the bond of Elmer McDonald forthe improvement of Morris & Whitworth Sts for the improvement thereof by construction of sewers ac d watermains was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. Nog. 702 and 703. They were then read by title a, second and third time anO adopted as a whole. On roll call, all councilmen present voted aye on both Ordinances. Ord. No. , granting a franchise to the Tashington Compressed Gas Co. t6 c nstruct siding etc . was read and re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. NNX Protest was read against the assessment and assess- ment roll of L. I. D. #96, Sanitary Fill No. 1, Moved by Walters, seconded by Olsen the assessment and assessment roll. be approved and attorney bring in Ordinance. Carried. License Committee reported they gave the amateur 1�ox- ing Club privilege to have boxing match. Moved end seconded the report be received. Committee, from the city making_ the trip to Ol zmtnir notified the Council that the question of paving from Main St. to Mill St. would be put up to the Governor upon his return to Olympia. seconded to No, further bCus iness appe arinwre- ul rly moved and ad,Journ. arried. � ?cOBC 453 May 27 , 19 24. Regular meeting; of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Those present Walters, Edwards, Leathley, Bennett, Fuller and Olsen. . The minutes of the last meetin were read and approved. e` itions of Loren o 4erttaii, nor water ervice and Lorenza BerLatii, L.B.L�ecker and Ora rt llil ar for sewer service were granted. Petition of Virginia Cartwright to construct driveway across curt on Meftdew-7&tr"t was granted. A petition for permission to ln6tall a certain type of gum vending machine in fhe 'stores of the city was rdfused. The followitlg bills were oked by the finance committee and ordered paid. O.F.-Transfer Co 40.50 Joe Wood 2.50 West Disinfecting Co. 10 . 50 Seattle Paper Co. 14. 50 . J.R.Storey- - - - - 5.00 Northern Pacific-Railway Ce. -_14. k34 Williams and -YcKnt ht .7. 70 Adams, narcc�ck-ani Ac�a�:s-116:04 Engr•Dept - - - - - - - 61. 50 . Philip DoWinter - - _ -54,.00_ ' 451.90 Upon motion the-Clerk-was-authorized to pay Commercial Waterway taxes on city property. - - - - - •Report of-the-Enginear reeoirimanding the allowance of Estimate No..01 to Adams, Nancock and Adams was read-arid ordered allowad. Ordinance No. 9lt, 705-and-706 were read and referred to the Ordin- ance Committee.- - - - - - - - - - • The Ordinance committee reported-favorably upon Ordinances 704, 705 and 70o, when upon motion t.1ey were placed upon their second and third reading; and passed as a whole. All Aldermen vot;i.:g' aye. A report was recieved from the Fire, Light and Water committe-- and upon Motion of �aatiily and second by JValters its recommendations were ordered carriad jut. The mater Supt, . was authorized to plata connection in the water main near the Mill Street Bridge for future use. Resolution No.310 to create a Local Improvement, District fo^ the purpose of constructing Nater mains and sewers in Wells Street, was adoptad. Upon motion the City Clerk was authorized to purchase a flan for the Cit.; Hall . ;,re report of the City Atty on the Wells and Williams 9tree, extensions was received. There being no further business the Council theroupoh adjourned. Mayor. City Clerk. A 1 qb S i 454 Regular meeting of the City council was caller to order by Mayor Raymond at 7:30 P. M. Tuesday, Jun` 3, 1.924. Present : 11"al.ter•s, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petitions of I . Righi, A. J. Linn and A. " . Fairchild for sewer connection v7ere read and granted, The following bills were o.k'd by the Finance Co=littee and ordered paid: Pty Roll (St . Dept. - - - - - - - Pay Roll. (Lalater Dept, )- - - - - - - - - 770.77 , - Colby 70.77 . - Colb,y & Dickinson - - -- - - - - - - - - - 132 .70 D . E. Ferguson, King Co. Auditor- - - - 3.45 Renton Hardware Co . - - - - - - - - - - 1.85 ,Yalwor•th Mfg. Co. - - - - - - - - - - 5.50 Olympia: Foundry Co. - - - - - - - _ - 29.05 Pacific Coast Ry. Co. - - - - - - - - - 4.00 City of Seattle - - - - - - _ - - - - - 154,32 Renton Chronicle - - - - - - - - - 61.22. City of Renton (L. I. D., 116 - - - - - 378.76 Engr. Dept . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75.00 Renton Hdw Co. - - - - - - - - - - - 36.98 Peter Dullahant - - - - - - - - - - - 2.53 McPherson Bros. - - - - - _ _ _ -- - - 12.05 $1786.66 Ord. No. 707 providing for t he improvement of `Fells St . between'the north marginal line of aecond Ave . and the south end of "'ells St . bridge was read and referred to the Ord. Uoinmittee. The Ord. Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 707. I was then read by title a second and t .,ird time and adopted as a whole, all coincilmen presente voting aye. draw up a. 1roved by Walters, seconded by Olsen the attorney7call for bids for the bonds of the Well St. bridge . Carried. Iuloved by Cochran, seconded by INalters the- St. Supt . purchase a stencil for puvttng signs on commercial zones . Cal,ried. 14r. Ua.m Hough asked the council. if it was not possible, to have the sidewalk RK fixed in front of corner lot on 5th and Willie-ms St . Moved by Cochran, seconded by Leathley the city ask Co. Com'r Dobson to sell said lot, the city to pay the expense of the publication of notice for scale . Carried. No further busines^ appearing, regularly moved and sec.3nded t qat we adjourn. Carried. City clerk. 2eOBC 455 Renton '"'ash. June .ID.I924. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll Call .Those Present .,"alter•s ,Bennett,Leatliley,Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of M.L.Hollister,John Peternell_ and G.A. Crawford for water, service were granted. Petition of J. R. Storey and U.N. Jones for sewer connection was read and granted. ,. - The following bills were O.K'd by the Finance - Committee and ordered paid . Phillip '9ewinter. $29.25 California. Filter Co . , 4.50 , A.G.Long Co. ,Inc . 55.00 - Agnes Edwards . I0.00 Joe 'Vood. I2.50 Engineer ')ept . 57.00 Total .$I68 . 2.5 Report and data of the Engineer for the construction of Water Tlai.ns and Sewers on 'Fell Streetwas read and filed. Report of the Fngineer on District No. I39 reco;nm�nding an allowance of 750.00 to 'Adams .Hancock and Adams was received and recommendations carried out carried. - Communication from the !Va,chtngton Compressed Gas Co . ,excepting the Franchise for a spur Track frog~ th? City of Renton was read and ordered filedl An Ordinance granting the Flovi.,i�ag 7,11ater Power, Company of 'Nashington, a Franchise to construct,Maintain and operate a snitch or spur tract in the City of Renton was read and referred to the Ordinance/ Coiar�tee . This betnc the night desibnated for receiving bids for" /fthe construction of the Well Street Brid e,the City of Renton being- the only bidder it wads moved and seconded the bid be awadded to the City of Renton- at 9 par#//z� 4. carried. Vick Clark one of the Corirrerci-al Club gave the City Council an Invitation to a Banquet held at the Presbyterian Church r"+ednesday night moved and secon the Council except the invitation. carried. Moved and seconded the City Attorney brine; in an ordinance than -IrE the the hours for sprinkling in the evening from 6 .P`.M.to 7 .P.M . instead of from 7 P.M to 8 P.PvI. carried . No futther buisress appearing,regularly ;noised and seconded we adjourn. carried. n,as yo r t; 1 e rk. ,fir . "'asn.'are .I8 .I91?4 . •�5�.j Fegv, ar, n tire' of t .^ Council called to order be 'Rayor- Paymord . Rollcall . those r)reser.t .Walters .Beni e ,i, .Leathley,E)war�a.s,OL"EiJ?FULLER. T.Unutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petition of DomInicr: Alirratt and Mckenzie for mater conr.ectior_ was granted. T'etiti.or. of Joe Belmorde,'9en Lindgren and D.H.T,4othorn for sewer connections were read and grant d. Petition of Toni Stanley to move house in North Renton was read and granted. Petition from King County to run road drainage into sewer was read and referred to th e City Engineer. . The FollovT ng bills were J.K. d by tine Finance committee and ordered paid. Tater Dept 4roll . $525 .32 Street Dept Payroll . 78 .58 Joe Wood. 6 .50 , Renton Hardware Co . 2.74 . Renton Hardware Co . .85 Engineer Dept Payroll. . 72.76 Priebe Bros . 50.I0 - Renton Creen Louse . 7.I0-Total ATt 745 .08 "oved and seconded City Attorney bring in an ordinance transferring all fixed estimates to engineer fund carried. Report of Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Report of the City Engineer on Well Street Bride recoil-i.riendir_g an sitimate of $750.67 to Elmer 1vicdonald on account of Contract moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out carried. RepDrt of the City Engineer on District No.I42 recommending an .Estimate of w774.20 to Elmer t,."cdorald on Smithers nth Addition for sewer contract moved anal seconded the report be receive) and recom:nerdatioiis tlt .Carried. The Clerk notified the Council. that there were no protests against )Fell Street 'Sewer and "Fater %!ains . Ordinance No. s 708 .709 and 7I0 viere read and referred to the ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reported favorably or. ordinance No 708 .709 and 7IO . Ordinance no 708 an ordinance a=xceptin€; the replat of Block 21 Renton Farm Plat 't0 . ivas read. b; title the second and third time and adopted as a whole O1 ccilmen present voting aye. Carried. rdinance No .709 and ordinance providing for the improvement of Well Street by Sewer and. :")ater mains between Second Avenue and Cedar River was read by title the second and third time and adopted as a whole . all councilmen present voting aye . O,r� inance no 7I0 an ordinance amending Rule II of ordinance No .5I or ally p ordinances or sections of ordinances Amendatory thereof,fixine, th6 time for sprinkling from 7 A.IV to 8 A.1." and from 6 P.M. to 7 P.M was read the secbtd and third time by title and adopted as a. whole all councilmen present voting aye . V, Moved by 'ttalters eeconded by Olsen that x'3000.00 be transferred to Current Expense Fund from 'Mater Fund to take up Bridge Bonds .Carried . Moved by Teathley seconded by Bennett that the City Attorney bring in an Ordinance giving; the right to use sprinklers carried. Mr Millhuff ask the Council for permission to have the Test ':Vindow owe iia the Comfort Station fixed moved and seconded permission be rrar_tad under supervision of the City Engineer,fgarrie:d . Resolution No.34? that it is the intention of the City Council to order the iirorovement cf Re-Platted Block 21 of Lenton Farm Flat No .5 by constructing Sill-sewers in the Alley as replated and 'dater Tains on the Test side of Bloc was read and adopted. N%ayor. i y Clerk. .. 2cGQC 457 Penton if ash. June .2,4 .I924 . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by 'Major Raymond . Roll-call those present .'alters .Leatriley.Edwards .Olsen.Full.er and Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Seattle Lighting, Co. , was read and referred to Street Supt . , and Engineer as to location of pi=es . Petition of Emporium ')epartment Store for parking Zone was read °r .Rejected. Petition of Renton Soccer Club asking fjr permission to use Asembly roo.n or July74th read and granted. Petition from the Rerton 19asea Ball Leagi.;e asking for permission to on Smoker Thursday Night was granted . The following bills were O.K.d by the Finance corri,rittee and ordered paid. J.-9.Mayr_er. $11 .70 Pacific Tel and Tel Co. , 6 .4-1- Puget .45Puget Sound Powex• and Light Co. , 184 .39 - Geo Friend. 9.00 • R. C.Polk. , 6542.30 King County Road District No .6 . 3?.50 Renton Agency Inc . , IBI .89 California Filter Co. , 4 .50 Fngineer Dept . , FI .38 •total .!14'7024.1 I Report and estimate on `. ell Street was read and recommendations carried out . carried. Communicat=ion from State Highway Commissioner +vas read and ordered filed. Co..imunicat;ior_ f^crr; Rentor. Soccer Club -was -read and filed. Valley League Rall •Team asked for permission -to use asembly room Thursday nighttheir permission was granted. - Ordinance 'No .7II 'was -read and. referred -to the ordinance committee:. The or-dirernee Cortmtttee reported •favorafly on ordinance No.&II . Ordinance •No .7II : an •orcitnance •regulating Sprinkling and providing a penalty AMNO fCr the violation thereof and repealing all ordinanced •or parts of ordinance in conflict therewith was read the second and Lhird titre by ti_ tl. e and. adoc�te?d as a whole all councilmen n present voting Aye . The Bid of •Adams Hancock and Adams on j4'ell Street -Pavin6 was opened and read ,it being the only bid and with it IO ;of the Estimate the contract was accepted. Bids if Adams Hancock and Adams and 3',:3tmer McDonald were opened and read Moved and seconded the Contract ,be awarded. to the lowest bidder which was Adams Hancock and Adams and check returned to unsuccessful bidder carried. Harold Evans trade protest against siEn accrossed the Street from his pro c4rt erty after discussion was referred to City Attorney. There being no further buisness appearini- the Council adjourned.. Tdayor. "i y Clerk . 458 July 1, 1924. Regular Hire-ting of the Co,,)iac'il called to order, by Mayor Raymond. Roll call, those present : Walterso .Sennett, culler, Leathley, EdwardU & Olsen. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Thos. Duffy, Thos . Stanley & Chas . Shaft Petit ionsof ferry Skerbirrf for water connection wereread and granted. Petition of F. A. Me enna to break curb on Second Ave . was rejected. ,I Petition of S. Narozny to transfer license from Elmer Carlson to Narozny was read and granted. I Petition of property owners to vacate property fn North Renton was read . Loved and seconded that same be referred to St . & Alley _Corimittee and St . Supt . to go over ground. Carried. The following bills were o . k. 'd by the finance committee and ordered paid: 4 Etre et Elept. (Pay Roll.) . . . . . . . . . $351 .81 . Tater Dept . (Pay Roll) . . . . . . . . 231.23 f VcPherson Eros. . 18.00 Seattle Lighting Co. . . 10.98 Joe 'Hood . . 4. 50 'Walworth. Mfg. Co. . 53.18 National Meter Co. . . . . . . . . . 76.80 Chas. H. Harden & Co. . . . . . . . 37.46 Renton Sand & Gravel Co. 15.30 S. L. Hanley 0 48.00 817.26 St . Supt . asked the council what the, wanted to do with lights on bridge . Moved and seconded that the St . Supt. be given power to purchase a clock to time lights. Carried. r City Atty, made report on sign boards . Moved and seconded that the report be accepted and turned over to Ordinance committee . Carried. Report of Engr. or. L. I. D. 139 recommending the payment of $530.85 to Adams, Hancock & Adams on their contract was read and recommendations ordered carried out . Moved and seconded that the bonds on District No. 144 be approved. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the bonds on District iIo . 143 be rejected. Tillotion carried. An ordinance relating to fires and regulating traffic on public streets in vicinity of a fire was read and referred to the Ord. Committee. Ordinance No . 712' approving and confirming the bond of Adams , Hancock & Adams was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. The ordinance committee reported. favorably on Ordinance No. 712. It was then read by title a second and hi rd time and adopted as a whole, all. councilmen presented voting aye. Carried. 2COBC Bond of the "'enton State Bank read andreferred to the City Attorney. Moved and seconded that the St . suet . fix walk on Bronson way to bridge . Carried. Moved and seconded that the city council_ ask county commissioners to put road through from Kanasket to connect with �., Maplevallep road. Carried.. Moved and seconded that the St . 'Supt get oil to put oil on road at bridge . Carried. No further business appearing, regularly Moved aid seconded that we adjourn. Carried. City Clerk. rr j 464 July 8, 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mla j-or Raymond, Tuesday at 7 :30 F. 4- Roll call, 'ths e present : ktlters , .,ennett , Leathley, 'awards Olsen a. nd r'ul l c.r. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petition of A. N . Fairchild for water service connection was read an:' granted. Petition of Fred Ditlevenson to -reg,. it building was r. f'—ad and referred to Fire, Light & eater committee. 'Petition from. County Election Board to rent building for election- 4as read. Moved and seconded that the request be Granted. Tile following bills were o.k. 'd by the Finance Committee and ordered p atd: Joe 400d - - - - - - - X27.50 Williams & McKnight - - - - 12.95 CD Williams & McKnight - - - - 39.19 Trick & Murray - - -- - - - 3062 ° City of Seattle -- - - - — 64.88 C. Haleway - - - - - - - - 4.25 Earlin'cton Improvement Club 30.60 ' Renton Chronicle - - - - - - 51.36 Rainier Valley Auto Freight 5140 ' Engr. Dept. - - - - - - - - 50025 ' Philip Deviinter - - - - - 81.00 - $371.00 Report of Treasurer & Clerk was read and ordered f fled. Report of Engr, recommending that ;991.03 be IR id to Elmer McDonald on account S bridge contract, moved and second- ed that the report be received and recommendations ordered carried out . Regularly moved and seconded that the bond of Adams, Hancock & Adams in the sum of $6376.15 for L. I .D.#143 be accepted. Ordinance No. 713 approving and confirming the bond of Adama, Har_;ock & Adams was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No . 714 declaring a public emergency etc and appropriating the: sum of X5000.00 for steel pipes for water works department was .read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinances No. .713 and 714. - hey, were then read by title a second and third time and adoptAd as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye. Carried. Regularly moved or d seconded that the bond of the Renton State j3ank be accepted. Moved by Talters seconded by Leathley the Engineer survey P.ailroad Ave . from 1st Ave . to 4th Ave . Carried. No further but ness appearing, regularly moved and second- ed to adjourn. Carried. City Ci_ irk, 2COBC July 15, 1924. Regular meeting of t.he City Counc i 1 'vas called to order by Tvtayor haymond, TuesdaN at 7 :30 P. M. Roll call , those present : Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Winutes of the last meeting, read and a pproved as read. Petition of Archie Beerman for water service connection was read and granted. The following bills ,%re o. k. 'd by the I"inance Committee =:.nd ordered In id Pay Roll (Wa� er Dept. ) X222.25 Pay Roll (Street Dept. ) . . . . . . . . 158.82 Thos. Harries . . . 1.00 Trick & Murray . _. . 6 .12 E. A. Shearer . . 1.30 S. 1. Hanley . 48.00 A. Jacobson . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 C. Haleway . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 • <A445.99 Special committee representative of the 1"iremen were present and invited the council to attend Firemen' s Picnic Sunday, July 20th. Fire, Lj6ht 'Rater committee reported favorably on Dit- ] evenson petition to put roof on building. Aeport was accepted. Report of the Eng,r, giving data relative to improvement mentioned in Resolution No. 341 for the construction of a sanitary se•wer and estimated cost and expense of said improvement, Report was accepted and recommendations ordered carried out. The Clerk notified the council that no written protests had been filed ar ainst�,.t Improvement of Block 21 for the con-- struction of a sewer. � Ordinance No. 715 for the c )nstructlon of a sewer in alley etc in Block 211, Renton Farm Plat was read and referred to the ordinance committee, The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance Pio. 715. It was then read by t i_ tl e a second ar d third time and adopted as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye. Communication received from Board of County Commissioners . Same was read, received and ordered filed and the Street and alley committee notified to go over the bridge and report next meeting. Tdoved by Leathley, seconded by Bennett that notices for vacating property in 'forth penton be posted. No further business appearing„ regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. r City Clerk. I A62 F Renton '`Tach., Jul y. 22 .I923. Regular meeting of the Counc '_1 called to order oy "ayor R€,Dnd. f Rollcall those present . Walters .Bennett,Leathley,rdwards and Olsen. r Minutes of the wast meeting read and approved. Petition of Ethel Taws ans Margaret J Mikkelsen for water was read granted.: Petition of T•.".H. A1ler ,John Rartelaon ,Jerry Skirbiri ,Geo Gruver,,Antone Swam and Nnr,ry 1.17 rst for seAer servicao taro granted. Petition from Bert, Ms ynar to put up Electric Sign has read and refereed to the St:reot and A11e; Comiittee . The following Bills were J.K ..d guy the Finance Committe and ordored maid . Pacific Tel and Tel Coo - $ 3 .45 . Puget ;,sound Power and Light Co. 179 .63 . Engineer Dept Payroll . 6I .50 `Total .1244 .58 Report of the Street -and -Alley -Committee recommending that one plank pe laid lengthwise along the Bridge -at Forth* End -of Park Avenue and have the approach fixed -Moved -by 'Falters Seconded bar Olsen the report -be accepted and the Street •Superintendant fix the Bridl Carried. Report of the Rngineer •recommendIng that an allowance of QI500.00 be paid to Adams,Hancock and Adams on account of Local Improvement District iVo . I39 on account of the Main Street Contract ,Moved and seconded the report be-Peaeived received and ;recommendationsIcarried out .Garried. CnmmunIcation from Frank Paul King County Commissioner was read and ordered filed. Communication from the Renton Fire Department asking the City Council to send th, Fire Chief to the Convention at -Pasadena California was read recommendations carried out .Moved by Edwards seconded by Talters the Fire Chief be Allowed "150.00 for expenses for the Trip.Carried. V, No further Ruisness appearing,regularly moved and seconded to adjourned . Carried.- . Mayor. CityClark. 2COBC 4-63 Menton '"iash. ,July.I924 Regular Imeeting of the Council called to Rieder by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call these n.resent .Walters .T:cathiey,Edwards ,Olsen,Full. er Cochran. n"inutes of the last rneetin_g read and approved . Petition of F.F Wilkenson for water service was granted. Petition of .'rs McArdle for Sewer service connection was granted. -.. The following bills weve 0.7.d by the Finance and ordered paid. T?enton -Hardware ro woe Wood. ?.50 "al.w-rth N!fg 'o. , I00.i 2 , . Pacific Tassermar_n Laboratories. 15 .00 . Engineer Dept. 4Y3 .25 Phillip DeTinter. 47 .85 • Total "2 0.17 Ti'e Street and .Al&ey committee recommer_ded that petition of Bert Pdayner to put up Electric Sion be granted,Moved and seconded the report be excepted and recomrnendations ,carried out .Carried. Report of the Engineer recommending that an allowance of '.A,''2000.00 re paid to Elmer Mcronald on account of Tell Street Bridge Contract ,'Moved and sec:ont ed the report be received and recommendations carried out .Carried. Communication from the Puget Sound .Power and Light Co . ,about 7illiams and '.'ell Street was read and ordered filed. Ordinance No.716 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance committee reor•ted favorably on ordinance No.716 . Ordinance No .'Ti6 providing; The the enforcing of house numbering was read the . second and third time by title and adopted a.s a whole all councilmen present voting aye . r '?'he Cite Engineer ren orted that he had the ','titer tested from the neu City Tell and the test showed it was pure ,moved and seconded the City Engineer proceed and construct the well for future use .Carried . There being no further buisness the council adjourned . 'layor. City Clerk. , t6 ' ,.... . .. ,.. ....*_. .Renton-Washu.A.0"v524 Eegular "fee ink; of the, Council called to order by Mayo, Raymond . R .:oil-call those present -Vialters ,Bennett,Leathley,Edwards.Olsen,Fuller and Cochra Minutes 'of the last meeting read and approved. i 'Petition of Wm Manual fcr sewer connection was granted . The = following bills were O.K.d by the Finance committe and ordered paid. $320.62 . '`ater Dept Payr(ll . IO8 .26 , Street Dept Payroll . 3I .50 . 7iebe Soap and Chemical Co . , 178.60 "iVy of Seattle . 52.50 . Lowman & 'Hanford Co . , 10 .85 '!,00d' s Cafe . 48.00_ tota1750.33 S.L.Hanley. :;ep5rt of the Engineer recommending an allowarAce �fIT I^ .,OOfl00 to Elmer McDonald on account of of ? ocal Improvement District No A42 moved and seconded ttile report oe received and recommendations carried out . Carried. - Perort' ^f tre ''ngineer recommending an allowance of fAoo.00 to Elmer McDonald on account of I.oca.l Improvement District No .I4I .RRoved and secobded the report be received andrecommendations -carried out .Carried. Report of Engineer recon-:ending an allowance of : '294 .3I to Elmer McDonald on account of Tell Street Bridge moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out Carried. Report of theEngineer recommending an allowance of I99I .54 to Adams,Hancock and Adams on account of Local Improvement District No.I39 ,moved and second:-d the report be received and recommendations carried out .Carried.. Air Moore and Mr Mertins Superintendant and General Manager of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company met with the City Council and talked over the loading of logs on Railroad cars after discussi(,)n it was moved and seconded this matter be left tc the railroad Officials to safe Guard their loads .carried . ',Roved and seconded the City Treasurer transfer all overages in different Local. Improvement Districts to the Local Improvement General Fund Carried. Moved by Cochran second. by Fuller the City Council send a Vote of thanks to Dr.C.L.Dixon for the pleasant outing he date the City Officials August the 2nd and 3rd. Carried . Movers and seconded the Renton Rainier Valley Ry Co . ar_d Pioneer Sand and Gravel Co .be notified that they must 'peep the Black River Channel open and clear for sanitary conditions .Carried . Yo further bui sness ap,_earing repularl y moved and second to adjourn. carried . n1!a yo r CitClerk. 9088 Aug. 122 192 4. P`gul �r m�%etin of the Council was called to order by Mleyor Raymond Tuesday, Aug. 12th at 7:30 P. M. Poll call. ; thcr e present : Walters , Bennett , Leathley, Edwards and Fuller. - - Minutes of the last meeting read and a p;.-roved as rel:d. Petition of Chas . Mattioda for sewer service connection was read and granted. The followinZ_ dills were o . k. 'd by the Finanace committee and ordered paid: Phillip DeWinter - - - - - - - - $276' 00 Renton Agency - - - - - - - - -- 69.10 , Milson & Marlowe - - - - - - - - 5.0.0 ' Matt Starwich - -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.00 ' Engr. Dept. - - - - - - - - - - 510' 38 ' Joe '::god - - - - - - - - - - - 2.50 • X200.98 Reports of the- Clerk & Treasurer were read and or de red filed . Bond of Elmer McDonald In the su-i of 62242.72 was rhad and approved . Ord . No. 717 approving the bond of Elmer McDonald for L. I.D.;#145 Pnd ordering and directing ,the Mayor R= City Clerk to sign a contract with him was read and -referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported .favorably on Ordinance No. 717. It -was then read by title a second and t hird time and adopted as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye . Carried unanimously. The following protests were filed by property owners or their agents against the vacation of Pigott Ave , and Factory Sts E. A. Sutton; Dorothy 'Hood and Frank E. Wood; C. B. Drown, aEent for David Keith et al. Regularly moved end seconded that the vacation of these streets be 1 id on the table for another geek. Motion carried. Resolution No. 342 fixing the date of hearing on the assessment. roll of L. I.D.139 for the improvement of. Main St. as September 16th, 1924. No further business app aring, regularly moved Ti d seconded that we adjourn. Carried. City Clerk. ..r 466 August 19 , 1924. Regular me etir- of ;,he .City , Council --ailed to order by Mayor Raymond. at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call: - Those present- Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards , Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petitions of E'.E.Burrows and Anna Peterson, for sewer service, and petitions of E.E.Burrows, Anna Peterson RnJ VCm Dak ar for water service were Granted . . Petition. of E.A.Fuller to cut t'se curb in front of Lot 7 , Blk 19 , on Wijliams Street for lire purpose of cons.tructiix a driveway was �ranter3. petitcinn of W.F.Bennet-t ,_ Jr -for .perrussiosl to erect a si n on Lot 1, Block ?, Renton Farr. Plat- w_a.s- arvai ed, -- - zi The XollowinZ; biLls wea,e-d -o.ed- by -tom -Ftnano-e Committee and ordered t3 Nater Department Payroll , 9 , . • • • • • • • • • • 130 21/1' Street DeptPayroll . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .1-53. 70 En;ineertn , Dept Payroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 .5 cityof Renton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.01 California Filter Co . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . 4.150 � A.Jacobson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .G� .Toe Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5G i pi, et Sound Powe. and Livht Co . . . . . . a .192.96 Paciftc Telephone and Telegraph Co . . . . 2.90 ` Lot, Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Cxo - Total. . . . . . p879. �+ . The report of the City Engr recommending that Estimate No .3 in t -e amount of X1300.00 be allowed Elmer McDcnald on account of Local itnn- rovenient District No ,142 was read and ordered allowed. The report of -the Water Superintendent relatin; .ta .certain reservat- ions to be made in connection with the water maims in certain, vacated } ° ° '� 4. Ur�on motion the Cit Att streets in North Renton was read .*1.�� U y y was instruotei to introduce a new ordinanee covering the vacation of these Streets, in which is to be incorporated the reservations as set forth in the Water Superintendent' s rerort . zesointion No . 343, providinE, for the cozastructior: of a water main .n Yesler Street, was adopted and the City Clerk instructed to notify each owner of property within the proposed district by mail of the date of heRrin; and the imnroverzent proposed. Them beim no further business the Council thereupon: adjourned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "its' Clerk. igcOBC -�, 3 1'u,;ust 26, 1,�2.4. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor RP.yrron.d at 7 n. Poll Call- "Inose present- Bennett, Leathlez , Edwards and Olsen. The minutes of the last meetin€ were read and aprroved. Petitions of Pearl Wilcox and Nellie Brooks for never service; --i�xrore ,;rahted. Petitio.n of Herman Priebe to reshirf le dwelling on Lor Z , Bloc. ^^, was granted. The fol.lc-wird; bills were oked by the Finance Comm—Itte,- rrlerE=� .Foe Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0 Wir Kane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . 75 . Walworth. 14:1% C:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 43 P.S .L do P Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 Rento Tire Shop. . . . . . . . . . . 10. 35 Trn Fane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 80 Phil DeWinter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.00 Fngineer Dept Payroll . . . . . . 43.00 10E.00 Ordinance No .718 was introduced and phaced urcr: its first reading and referred totthe Ordinance Committee. The bid of The Moran Mnfr Co . on pum- ing machirerY vr,-.s opened and , •arca r,ction, was lair'd over for one week. The use of the assembly room for a meeti.n ,• to be held on Sept 6 , was granted to Mr. Kinnear. _ The Chief of Police was authorized to have window in jail altered and re'raired. Uron motion the City Clerk was authorized to rent t.-le Asser"bly Room for Political meetings. A charge of "2. 50 to be made for each mieet,r-,L There beim no further business the Council thereuron adjourned. Clerk. 1 46S Regular rneetinE, of galled to crder by Mayor Rayrncr..d Rt 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Present : - Walters, Bernett ,Leathle;,r, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller a.nd Co chrar! . The minutes of the last meet in6 were read and approved.. The p6t;tion of "'m `'train fror water and server service Lyas-Cranted. The Finance C6m. nittec reported favorably on the fol.lowin; bills whi:;h k"ere ordered aid: Renton Feed Store. . . . . . . . . . . . .6.CC > Hiller and Haviland . . . . . . . . . 24. 85 T,alworth Mnf f- Co . . . . . . . . . . . 5E. 31- Ca13.fornia Filter Co . . . . . . . 4. 50 ' Gtreet `Dept Payroll. . . . . . . . 112. 25 ' 'dater Dept Payroll . . . . . . . . . 143. 07 • Engr Dept Payroll_ . . . . . . . . . ._ 61. 50 Total '40''. 11 .ne report of the EnC_Iuee:• or survey of Railroad- Avenue wars read, accepted and ordered filed. r,cn motion the City Attorney v►a.s ' instructed to * dray- n • leases�-recments with owners of property in Block ' , Car "lcrksA;iciiticn cover- o- ,their occupancy of certain ror+.;on .' cf' RPS1rOadyAVent.e . Upon :Notion the bond of the Rentor.. State Bank was al,provpf . T'rcr} 11lnt.ipn VieC^ +tact "iiLh tI P • r'"1 f forma- Fi3.ter Co .- for furn ishIn nriorire -as to the City' was ordered renewed and the Citi* htty was Instructed to -resent an ordinance coverin- the ratter. '?!mon motion the bid of th8 'Doran Ynf- Cc for itlrni.s'hin` rpr+ ain r. rNachinery wa.s a.cce ted and the Lits Atty instr�icted to brim to an ordinance coverin; the mptter. ^rdinance QTc ,ry1', nPl_at in- to the vacation of certain streets a.r.. North 3e Itcn_ was reported favorably from the Ordinance Committee and , upon motion, the rer,ort was accepted. Ordinance No.713 was then -' aced upon its sesor,d and t'_aird rnadir- cknd? , 4.on mot '_cn, r n.sst4 as a whole. All members votin-r ayA- m-Iters , Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, OIF!P" , Fuller and CO^hrnn. There beim, no further business the Council thereurom adjourned. City Clerk. 2eOBC 469 Renton, Wash. .. September 9 , 1924. Regular mee&ing of the City Council called to order by Mayor- Raymond at 7. 30 P.m* Roll call: - Those present Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Ful- ler. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petitions of Ben Lindgren, Peter ,Deler. aunti, a.nd Lou Johnson for water service and of E.Goudal ardof Iguazio Toschi for sewer services were granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills which, upon motion., were ordered paid- Renton Hardware Co . 12. 30 Rentor: Tire Shop 9. 50 H. Mueller Mfg Co 14. 60 Jackson. Fuel Co . 32.00 S.L.Harley 40.00 Seattle Lighting Co . . 75 City of Seattle 104. 62 Highway Repair payroll 395. 23 Renton Chronicle 39. 74 Total X648.74 The reports of the City Clerk and City Treasurer were read and ordered filed . The report of the City Engineer reco,m;ending that the 3(_)p reserve on account of Local Improvement District No . 139 be paid to Adams, Hancock and Adams was read and, upon motion, ordered paid. The report of the City Engineer recoiranending the payment of the balance due Elmer McDonald on account of the Well' s Street Bridge contract was read and, upon motion, the balance was ordered paid . Estimate No 1 in the sum Of X1500.00 was allowed Adams, Hancock and Adams or. account, Iof Local Improvement District No .143 . y... Estimate No ,2 in the sun, of X900.00 was allowed Elmer McDonald on account of his contract for Local Improvement District No .141:. Ordinance No . 719 , relating, to a X3000.00 issue of bridge bonds was introduced and placed upon its first reading. Upon motion Ordinance No ,719 was referred to the Ordinance Comiruittee. Ordinance No .720 , authorizing the Mayor wad Clerk to si6r, a contract with the Moran binfg Co for pumping machinery, was introduced and placed upon ,its first reading. v Ordinance No.720 was, upon motion, referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No .721, authorizing; the Mayor and Cl erk to sigr_; a contract with the California Filter Co for chlorine gas, was introduced and, upon motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Coituriitt.ee reporting favorably on Ordinances Nos 719 , 720 and UWQ 721 the report was, upon motion, received. Ordinances Nos 719 , 720 and 721 were then placed upon their second and third readings and passed as a whole, ail Aldermen.° votinp, aye- Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Upon r:notion the City Clerk was instructed to have a certain deed, executed by the Pacific Car and Foundry Co to the City of Renton recorded. Louie Champa lodged a complaint with the City Council regarding damage ,... done to his trees by reason: of escaping gas from the plant of the Washington Compressed Gas Co . Upon motion the matter was referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation. The Street Supt was authorized to make a change in the 'Location of the street light at Second Ave and Main Stand to provide for the surface draina.6 e at the south end of Cedar Street . There being no further businness the council adjourned, City Clerk, V f 4'70 September 16, 1924. Regular meeting of the City .Council called to order by Mayor. Raymomo at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call : - Those present; Walters, Leathley , Edwards, euller and Cochran The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of E.E.Duff to cut curb and construct private crossing in front of Lot 4, Block 34, Smithers Second Addition was granted. Petition of John Paternell i•or sewer service permit was granted. Petition of V7illiam Tonkin to construct building on Lot 3, Block 20 , in the Original Townsite was granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills which were ordered paid: Water Dept Payroll 213. 16 Street Dept Payroll 134.70 Engr Dept Payroll 43.00 Union. Oil Cp. . . 96.97 Matt Starwich, Sheriff 66.00 Olympic Foundry Co . 7. 30 Seattle Paper Co . 14. 50 Rainier Valley Renton Frt Cp 18. 85 Total i�6CO.00 The street and Alley Comnittee reported upon the complaint of Louis Chanrpa, lodged with the Councilt the preceeding w..ek- The Street Supt was instructed to remove the wooden sidewalk located on the City of Seattle Right of Way between Burnett and Logan Streets . The report of The Engineer relative to the c . st of constructing a system of water mains in Yesler Street was read and ordered filed. The protest ofthe Yesler Estate against the creation of a Local Improvement District for the purpose of constructing water mains in Yesler Street was read and ordered filed. This being; the night set for hearing protests against the confirm- ation of the Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District No.139 , the Clerk reported that no protests had been received. Ordinance No .722, beinG, an ordinance confirming and approving the assessment roll -for L. I .D. No.139 , was introduced and referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No .722 was reported favorably by the Ordinance Committee, placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole- all ald- ermen voting aye- Walters, Leathley, Edwards, r'uller and Cochran. Upon motion the Chief of Police was instructed to deputize C .A.Finchell, care taker of Liberty Park, as aspecial police officer. oe Wood, representing the Corranercial Club, appeared before the meeting asking tie Council to designate Friday afternoon, Oct 1C , as a fire prevention and general cleanup holiday. Upon motion the Council concurred in the proposition, and the Mayor authorized to declare the date mentioned a holiday. Owners of property located north of Sixth Avenue north appeared before the council with the proposition that that portion of the City be disincorporated. No action was taken. Upon motion the City At .orney was instructed to draw up a suitable contract between the ''ity and the Puget Sound Light and Power Co . for power to be used in pumping station now under construction. There being; no further business the Council thereupon adjourned . Clerk. J + 0, 2eOBC 471 Renton I.ti"ash. , Sept . 23.I924 . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by mayor Raymond. Roll -Call Those Present .'ajalters ,Bennett ,Leathley,Olsen ,B. Cochran The Minutes of the Last meetin _; were read and approved. Petition fop. of Prank Monohon and George Berndt for water was granted. Petition of Frank Monolion for sewer services was granted. Petition of the Seattle Lighting Company to lay Gas Mains in Alley East of 'ark Avenue was granted. -irhe r'inance committee reported i'avoranly on the i'ollowing oills whicn were oruered paid. b.L.rianley. 44b.00 Puget Sound Power oe Light uo. , 1 fo.57 , Phillin De'Ninter. 24.75 . 0.x .Garage . ;�;4.e,5 Paper Mills Agency. `8 .00 hay Feeder. 150.00 . Harold Phinney. 48.84 0. K .,i,ransl'er uo . , 20.75 ' Total 503 .T6 nIoved and seconded the Iocal Innnrovement Alsersment on PMain Street Pavin lzr be divided into installments Carried. F enort of Cit,; Engineer and Final Esti .,._ate on Local I. ove;aent District No.I42 was read moved and seconded the report be. received and recommendations carried out Carried . loved and seconded the Contract with the ?uget wound Power and Light Co. , be accepted and the letter be filed with th(� contract Carricd. !"oved and seconded ;ower Co,pany put in light on second ave & ..orris Street . Resolution No .344 fining the I th day of October at 8 ^ ' Clock p.A4.as the _date of hearing on assessment Roll No.I42. was .•r " r.Lee of the Todd Protectograpr Coampany� demonstrating his machine to the. Council after discussion the mayor appointed the Finande Coamittee Treasurer and Clerk to look into the feasibility of purchasing such a ..achine . Their being no further buimness the Council adjourned . City Cler4 i i � -, 472 September 30 , 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7.30 p.m. Roll Call: - Those present- Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and City Attorney Davis. The minutes of the last meeting wrere read and approved.--- Petitions of Axel Peterson and Margaret Phillips for water and sewer service were granted. Petition of W.J.Fenell to cut curbing in front of 122 First Avenue North for the purpose of constructing a private driveway was granted. The petition of 'Thos Dobson for a permit to construct an addition to the Renton Clothing Co . building was granted subject to the provisions of the Building 'Ordinanea. 'The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills which were ordered paid: - .Y- Joe Wood 5.75 ' Lillie -Allen 2.00 Fannie Illian 2.00 Thelma Cross 2.00 Frank Davidson 2.00 Seattle Lighting Co. 3.52 Seattle Paper Co . 13.92 Pliney L.Allen 3.62 Renton Agency Inc. 39.79 Engr Dept Payroll 43.00 Indistrial Insurance 81. 24 Water Dept Payroll 316. 59 Street Dept Payroll 118.98 Total $639. 41 The report of the Finance 'Committee, recommending that a check prot- ecting device be not purchased, was received and recommendation concurred in. The Engineer' s report recommending the allowance of Estimate No.3 in the sum of :J1000.00 to Elmer McDonald on account of--his contract in Local Improvement District No .141 was read and, upon motion, ordered allowed. The Engineer' s report recommending the allowance of Estimate No .I in 'the sum of J350.00 to Elmer McDonald on account of his contract In Local Improvement District No .145 was read and, upon motion, ordered allowed. The Engineer' s report and final estimate on Local Improvement District No .144 recommending that it be allowed was read and, upon motion, ordered allowed. The City Attorney made a verbal report concerning the proceedure to be followed in detachint, certain tracts of land now within the City limits. Upon his advice the matter was deferred until the next general city election. T"ere being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned. Approved: - _ City Clerk. M or. r 2COBC 473 Oct. 14, 1924. Begular meeting of the City Council wa.s called to order t>y ;r ayor Raymond- at - 7:30 P. M. Present: Leathley, Ben Ctt, Edwards , Olsen and Fuller. The Minutes of last meeting, d ere read and appy ov A^ as read. Petitions of Thos . nowe and Steve Taraborini for ifvater service ,.. were granted Petition cf 3i,tive- Tamborini for _­v-_ce 6rant5d. The petition of Wm. Tonkin. to crit curb on Lot 3, Block 20 Town of Penton .,ia-- gr=- Aed. The Finance Coamittee reported iairorably upon the following vi11e uJ: I%h up-N mnotlon wei o o1 uC,i,ed pal.d: Thos Harries - - - - .. 1 .00 Trick & Murray - - - .- - - _ - 1.09 Caliiolria Filter Co._________ - 4 .50 Ci�"ty of' Sou{+.rte _ _ _ _ _ 4'1 .26 Renton Hardware Co. - - - - - C.74 Puget Sourd Power & Light Cd. 3.66 E. A. Shearer - - - - - _ - _ 3:91 Wm. Rare - - - - - - - - 1.31 S. L. Ilam ^t- - - - - - - - - 96.00 Williams & McKnight - - - - _ 104 ;88 Renton Sand & Gravel Co - - - 79.50 J. p. Mayner - - - - - - - - 2010 Joe Wood - - - - - - - - - 7100 Agnes Edwards - - - - - - 5.00370.95 .. Report of the Engr. on Dist. . 143 recommending the allow- ance of Ettim^+ e, Tio. 2, ir_ the sum of :';3718.80 -was read and upon motion allowed. 11 The Clerk- noti-fCied the council that 1 here wire no protests on Di strict Pio. 142. *'o . "23 w,*.z read and referred to tl.e ordinRncc committee , same being an ordinance confirming the assessment and assessment roll of District No. 142. Moved and seconded that the budget be adopted. The motion lost. l,,Towed by Leathley, seconded by Bennett we revise the budget. Carried. Moved and seconded that the budget be adopted as revised. Carried. Ordinance No . 724 sane being an ordinance adopting the budget under the provisions of Sec. 4, Chapter 158, Laws of 1923. r read and referred to the Ordinance committee. Ordinance No . 725, an ordinance of the City of kowntmn, V, In'--tern, fixing the arn - nt of tax levy necessary to raise the amount, nf estimated expense, less the total estimated revenues from se-rrceR nt. hpr than taxation, includinm Qv,; ilable surplus oia read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Orain*� ce Committee reported favorably on Ordinances Nos . 723. 724 and 725. Ordinances No. 723, T24 and 725 were read by title a second and third time and adopted as a whole, all councilmen present votin a3- . Carried. i 474 Moved byjennett ) scoorded by Olsen all monies received from fixed est ates be credited to tl,e L. T. D. "cnern-1, lurd A r"s -ad of the currc;rt CYPCn,Se L -Md - F C,E c 1,t i()r r c 4G :.'.rc) a c. o r f (7 r t h F: I ID r c v c i,e n.4-1 o Bronson Tay between Main and !4ill St. ai-id TAill L St, on each sid,!: of Rlvcr bride ,,vas road ark a-dopted. IT ' � ,_- _: I t - - 343 1 -.� xl_n3 the 11th day of Yc . . 9 1P. M. as the time for hearing on the improverneiit of Wells St. and the improvement -)-' Smithprs St . was adopted. Resolution No. 347 fixing the llth day f November 1924 at 0' P. Y. as the time for hearing, on 2-_e improvement of Nelis St , wa3 adopted.. (ra-vi-1, ;,'­'clution No, 34a fixing the 11th day of kJoveiriber 1924 1.t S, F. V. a s ;,he tizraCi for h`-'-a—IMLor', tic It- ;,) , r C'm Cnt Of .2 1,c!c.�;, r ric-11-jo Z 1 r n r --re L: 7,a r :::Qv (' Clc) rk. Ap,.- o-vr-d : � 208C `75. 4 October 21, 1924. Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Those Present: Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller, Cochran and Atty Davis. The minutes of the last regular session were read and approved. The petitions ofG.W.Smith, E.A.Fuller, Peter Bellatore and Emily Henwood i'cr water and sewer service Weee granted. The petition of Thomas Rowe for permission to cut curb for the purpose oc constructing private drivewagt in front of lots 13 and 14, Block 8. Car Works Additionw was granted with the proviso that the work be done under the supervision of the Street Supt. The following bills were O.kd by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: Payroll Water Dept 144. 48 Payroll Street Dept 206. 53 Bishop and Jenkins • 266. 83 Matt Starwich, Sheriff 64. 50 a James Martin 6.95 Geo Friend 12.00 Pacific Tel and Tel Cos 6. 9G S.L.H-anley 48.00 Total 756. 19 Upon motion the matter of foreclosing on certain property for unpaid assessme-is was referred to the City Attorney with power to act. Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to have Local Imp Dist bonds printed for L. I.D. No .139 . The Mayor appointed A.W.Dimmitt as a members og the Library Board to su*j:Ceed W.W.Young. ` Upon motion a street libht was ordered installed at the south end of Wells Street bridge. There being no further business the council thereupon adjourned. Approved: Clerk. Mayor. i C I 76 Renton 'A.'ash.Oct.28.I924 . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Foll Call Those present-Bennett,Leathley,Edwards,Olsen,Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Joe Argano,Henry Farrow and M, Hougardy for se °ier was granted. petition of Fred Ditlevensen for water service was granted. The Finance committee reported favorably on the following bill which were ordered paid. Depertment of Labor & Industries . $118 .09 "Warrant No. ,9I3 Mater Dept . , S. L. Hanley. 34.00 914 "Talworth Mfg . Co . 5 .01 915 J?S.Hardie . 2I .57 916 Yakima Printing & Binding Co . 4 .86 2017 Current . S.L. Eanley. I4.00 2022 Joe Mood. 2.50 2023 Puget Sound Power & Light Co . I92.88 2024 J. S.Hardie . 12.62 2025 i 305.53 Report of the Clerk and Treasurer wereread and ordered filed. Reportof the Engineer and data on Bronson llay,Tflill Steet and First Avenue North on Paving was read and ordered filed . The Engineer' s report recommending the allowance of Estimate No 4 . in the sum of "*'844 .27 to Elmer McDonald on account of this contract in Local Improvement District No.I4I was read and upon motion ordere« allowed4' The Engineer's report recommending that the M% reserve with held from Eltmer 9cDonald on account of his contract it Local Improve_nent District No .I42 was read and upon 'lotion was ordered allov+ied . The Engineer 's report recommending the allowance of estimate No 4 in the sum of y489 .IO to Adams,Hamcoek on account of their contract in ... I.;ocal Improvement District No .I40 was read and,upon motion,ordered allowed . The Clerk notified the Council tha' there were no written protests �� against the Paving on Bronson 1!ay,Mill Street and First Avenue North-Ap OI Moved and seconded the report of the Clerk be, received,Carried. Ordinanee No.726 an ordinance providing for the` improvement of Bronson 117ay,Mill Street and First Avenue North was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . There being no further buisness the Council thereupon adjourned. City Clerk. Apt roved: - Vayor. roc4 17 Renton 7iash.Nov.4.I924 Regular meeting of the Council called to order byu`_ayor Raymond. Roll-call Those Present .-Bennett-Leathley-Edwards-Olsen-Fuller & Cochran. The Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as corrected. T,etition of gad E.A. Shippy for water was granted. The Finance committee reported favorably on the Following bills which were ordered raid . T .H.Reynolds . N .50 - 'Tarrant NO.725 Current . Puget Sound Power R: Light Co. , 1 .80 727 Renton Feed. Store . 5.80 728 S. L.Hanley. 39.00 729 Ora Hilliker. 2.25 730 Tames McDonald. 2.25 73I Pay-Roll Street Dept. I90.82- 732 to 738. S.L.Hanley. $9.00 Warrant No.917 'A'ater Fund. Elmer McDonald. I6.I7- 9I8 Pay-roll 'Mater Dept. I54.32• 019 to. 924 inc . Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ordinance No .726 . Moved by Cochran seconded by Fuller that trho Ordinance 726 be adopted as a whole . Upon Roll Call those voting Aye .Bennett-Edwards-Olsen-Fuller and Cochran. Nay.Leathley. Moved by Leathley seconded by Fuller that the passage of the Ordinance No. 726 be reconsidered and laid over one week.Carried.- There being no further buisness the Council thereupon adjourned. .City Clerk-.- Approved : lerk-.-Approved ; Wayor. ..r 4"78 Renton Wash.Nov.II .I924. Regular meeting of the Council Called to order by Mayor Raymond, Poll-call These present .Bennett.Edwards .Olsen.Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee repotted favorably on the following bills which were ordered paid. Woods Cafe . $9 .50 'Narrant No. 2045 Current Expense . Seattle paper Co . , II .27 2046 Daily Journal of Commerce. 6 .20 2047 Renton Cronicle . Io5.57 _ 2048 S.L.Hanley. 38.00 2049 Seattle Lighting Co. , .75 2050 California Filter Co. , 4.50-- 2051 McPherson- Bros. 34.30 925 !Nater Fund. City of Seattle . 45. 22 926 Frank Rhodes. I2.50, 927 ':ti'alworth Mfg.Co. 16 .23 928 Thomas Harries . 33.96 929 Renton Hardware Co . , 8 .50 930 S.L.Hanley. _10.00 931 Total `"336 .50 Report of the 'Fater Gpew# Superintendant recommending that I200 ft of IO inch Pipe .2000 ft 4 inch pipe . I000 ft of 6 inch pipe.IY.IOto 8 reducer. 2-45-10 inch Bends .Prepared Joint pipe be called for bids 'Moved and seconded the report of the water Superintendant be received and the Clerk call for bids.Carried. Ordinance No .727.728 .229 and 730 were read and referred to the ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorable on Ordinance No.727.728.729 and 730 .The Clerk notified the council that no protests had been received. Qpd igaiqee-No-q,i7-beiIRg-an-eFdi-Iq&yea-6PA91F%4!14g-anise*end,, dell-e€9�-Leeal-l�p�e�e�ter��-�ist��e�-T�aeT14A-�'�ie-G�s�l�-�epe��e�l-that-mss p�e�eets-had-Mesa- eeelued,all-Seu�a�le�-L'�eee�t -Vetljqg-Aye. Ordinance No .728 being and ordinance confirming and approving the assessment" Roll for Local Improvement District No.I4I was read the second and third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen present voting Aye. Ordinance No727 an ordinance confirming and approving the assessment roll for local improvement District No .I40 was read the second and third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen present voting Aye . Ordinance No.229 an ordinance confirming and approving assessment Roll for local improvement District No .I43 was read the second and third by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen presenr voting Aye . Ordinance No.730 an ordinance confirming and approving the assessment roll for local improvement District No .I44 was read the second end third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen present voting Aye . The Ordinance committee reported favorable on ordinance No .726 moved by Fuller seconded by Tdwards the report be excepted. Carried . Ordinance No.726 an ordinance providing forthe improvement of Bronson Way between the East margin line of ?Jain Street amd the '"'est Margin line of � "ill street and for the improvement of :Jill Street between the present Brick pavement North of Cedar River Bridge and the present Brice pavement z was read the second and Third time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen present voting Aye. The Bids of Adams ,Hancock and Adams .E. E.Duff and A.L. Clark were opened and read,moved and seconded the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder which was E. F.Duff his bid being. $6883.70 and the checks returned to the unsuccessful bidder,Carried. irrr Joe Wood Fire Chief recommended to the Council to -let 250 fe"t of 1i'ire Hose Tloved and seconded the report of the Fire Clief received and authorized to purchase the h-)se carried. There being no further buisness the Council thereupon adjnnnned. Approved. �1 Mayor. City Clerk. -9c-"OBC � 1 Renton, Wash. November 18, 1924. Regular session of the City Council called to order by mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call: - Those present Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last regular meetin6 were read and approved. The petitions of N.H.Proctor for sewer service and Dave Harris for f water service were granted. I The following bills were reported favorably by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: S.L.Hanley 13.00 Warrant No . 932 Water Fund . Water Dept Payroll 136.90 if it 933 to q37 ine of See and Sons 9. 24 It " 938 Walworth Mnfl; Co . 19 . 40 it " 939 Standard Oil Co . 2. 25 Warrant No .2052 Current Expense See and Sons 75. 40 it 2053 It If Trick and Murray 3. 76 11 " 2054 " Joe Wood 2. 50 if " 2055 It DeWinter 33. 75 of 256 �� � Pay Roll St Dept; 95. 40 It " 2057 to 2059 incl S.L.Kanley* 40. 62 " of 2060 to 2062 of The reports of the City Clerk amd City Treasurer for the month of October were read and ordered filed. The report of the City Engineer recoi;aTendin6 that the 30;6 balance, amo- unting to 42236. 65 , due Adams, Hancock and Adams on their Wells Street pavihig contract be paid was read . Upon motion the amount was ordered paid. Ordinance No .731, Approving; the bond of E.E.Duff in the sum of X6882.90 for work to be done in L. I.D. 146 and directing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract , was read for the first time and referred to the. Ord inance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No .731 and, upon motion, tine report was received. Ordinance was then placed upon its second and third reading " and passed as a whole. All aldermen present voting; aye" . Upon motion the Clerk was instructed th have a deed conveying a part pf Lot, 12, Blk 11 in the` Town of Renton to the City of Renton by Raimano and- Fellicita Bellando recorded. E.E. Duff was appointed to act as Police Judge during the absense of Joe Wood. Bids for supplyi, g cast iron water pipe and fittings for the nse of the water department were received from the following firms: R.C . Polk: 12CO ft 10" "Class b" , Bell and Spi ot- JJe444 X1. 825 per ft 1.000 " 6" " " If " if 00 .9525 of of 2000 " 4" u " It of " iO. 6675 of of Fittin6s �S Walworth lAnfg. Co. 1200 ft 10" "Class B" Bell and Spigotl. ts3 per ft . 1000 " 6" If of rr 2000 of4" " " " 0. 09 " of F ittin ;s x,49.. 75 46 ,� Pacific `hater Works Supply Co . 1200 ft 10" "Class B" Bell and Spigot X1. 83 per ft 1000 116.r ;0. 97 2000 " : 4" n " " It 0. 69 11 n Fittings 49. 75 Upon motion the contract for furnis .ine, the above pipe and fittln6s was awarded to R.C .Polk. There being no further business tide Council adjourrIpod , Mayor. 4, 80 Tenton ',ash. ,Nov.25 .I924 . Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present.Bennett,Leathley.Edwards .Olsen.Fuller & Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of John Belinonda and w . H.Proctor for water service and Renton Agency for sewer service were granted. Petition of Joe Argano to hang* erect sign in front of his place on third Avenue was granted. The Finance committee reported favorably on the following bills which were ordered paid. Colby R, Dickinson Inc . ',108 .95 !"arrant .1'7o.945 '-eater fund. Renton Agency Inc . 28 .02 946 S. L.Hanley. 4.00 947 Trick & Vurray. I2.44 2067 Current Fxpense . F att Starwich Shejiff. 2I .00 2068 T'esley Smith. 2.50 2'-1169 Chas H. Harden &. Co . , 230.3I 2070 Renton Agenc. Inc . 48.63 2071 Puget Sound Power & Light Co .�02.43 2072 Engineer Dept . 35 .38 2073 & 2074 Total .$692.66 Moved and seconded the Clerk pay assessment on Local Improvement District. No.I40 to the amount of �"6o3.00 and District No .I43 to the amount of X1237.70 and District No .I44 to the Amount of '3299 .30 Carried. Ordinance Yo 732 directing the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Contract with the Americam Cast Iron Pipe Co,for the purchase of Prepared Joint Cast Iron Pipe. was read and referred to the ordinance Committee . The Ordinance committee reported favorably on ordinance No.732 . Ordinance No . 732 was read the second and third time by title and adopted as a whole.all councilmen present voting Aye. Carried. Moved and seconded the delinquent assessments be referred to the City Attorney with power to act Carried. Moved by Cochran seconded byOlsen that Notices be posted on the Bridges at the Nothh end of Park Avenue, that the Bridges will be closed to all Traffic on Jan.I .I925. Carried. Moved and seconded the Clerk Notify Margaret Phillips to put in Cement sidewalk in front of her property on Threr being no further, buisness the Council thereupon adjourned. Approved . Miayor. City Clerk. Now 20OBC 481 Renton WashvDec*2,I9Q4. Regular meeting of tre Council aalled to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present .lfalters.Bennett",Leathley,Fdwards, Olsen &. Fuller. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as corrected. Petition of A.P�, . Johnson for sewer connection was granted. Petition of Telephone Co to set poles on 6th Avenue North to City Limits was read and granted under supervision of the Street Superintendant. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills which were ordered paid. Water Debit payroll. $123.47 'Uarrant .NO.948 to 952 dater) City of Seattle . 36,64 953 Pacific Car & Fly Co. , 2.83 954 Trick & Murray. 72.64 955 Priebe Bros . 56 .85 956 S.L.Hanley. 32.00 957 Payroll St.Dept. I07. 76 ''`arrant TTo.2079 to 2083 (Current) Cement Products Co. 2.85 2084 E.E. Duff. 7.50 2085 California Filter Co. , 4 .50 2086 Tilson & Marlowe . 50.00 2087 Engineer Dept Payroll . I9�25 2085 to 209Itota.3bI6 .29 The report of the Cit,, Engineer recommending that the 30% balance amounting to $1366 .75 due Adams,Hancock & Adams on their ITell Street Grade & Gravel Contract be paid was read.moved and seconded the amount be ordered paid. The report of the City Engineer recommending that the 30 balance amounting to ,:1'347 .55 due Elmer McDonald on hi :. Contract in Smithers 6th Addition tie paid.was read Moved and seconded the amount be ordered paid. .The report of the City Engineer recommending that Estimate No.2 in the sum of 'I246 . I0 be paid to Elmer McDonald on account of his contract for lVater Mains and sewers in Block 2I Renton Farm Plat .moved and seconded the amount be ordered paid.Carried . Communication from the Tashington Survey and Eating Bureau about standard- izing the Fire Equipment was read and referred to the Water Superintendant and Fire Chief. Ordinance No.733-an ordinance prohibiting drunkeness or while drunk creating a disturbance or using profane or indecent language in any public place , street or meeting or committing any assault or breach of peace ,an providing a penalty for so doing.was read and referred to the ordinance committee . The ordinance committee reported_ favorabl_ y on ordinance No .733. Ordinance No.733 was read the second and third. time by title and adopted as a whole all councilmen present voting aye. A committee from the commercial club asked the council if' there could be a way to get the Bridge at the North end of Park Avenue replanked after discussion it was left to the City Engineer to investicate the bridge to see if the caps an.: stringers would stand replanking. The Clark Bros asked the Council if they could purchase a strip of land from the City along Bronson Way,moved by Walters seconded by Fuller this property be disposed of at the same price per foot they paid for their other lots and the City attorney bring in an ordinance 1- Moved and seconded the clerk ask the Commissioners of Commercial waterway District No .2. to remove the Jam at the Mill Street Bridge . Resolution No349 whereas there remains unpaid in Local Improveaient District No .i42 created under ordinance N.696 the sum of Three Thousand Twenty Four and 33%Ioo (�.'3,024.33)dollars and it is necessary to issue Bonds as provided in said ordinance for the payment of the cost thereof,therefor-Be it resol -ec by the city council of the city of Renton that the :.Mayor and City Clerk cause to be printed,bonds in the aggregate sum of three Thousand Twenty Four and 33/I00 (3,024.33)Dollars.Bond NoI being for the sum of $24,33. Bonds No. 2-3I both inclusive,to be for the sum of q"�'I00.00 each,dated December 5, I924, payable on or before seven (7) years from date in five (5) equal,annual installments bearing 8% interest and having plainly printed in the face thereof all the requirements of the laws of the State 6f Washington.. said bonds maybe sold. for cash at not less than par and accrued interest }iqteipesi or delivered to the contractor on the job. wa2Zread and adopted. Resolution. No.350 setting the date of December as the date of hearing on District No I45 war read and adopted. Their being ro further buisness the Council There upon adjourned. approved. Mayor C/- C ty Clerk. 482 Renton, Wash. December 9 , 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Those present :- Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Cochran and City Atty Davis. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of Fred Reese for water and sewer service was granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills which were ordered paid.' Walworth Mnfg Co . 446. 13 Water Fd Warrant .# 958 S.1Hanley 14.00 " " to #959 Seattle Lighting Co .75 Current Ex ed " X2092 S.L.Hanley 26.00 If 11 " #2093 ... Ordinance No.734, Being an Ordinance relating to the sale of a certain tract of land to the Renton Securities Company was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance 734. Ordinance 734 was then placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. Al Aldermen voting "aye" . The report of the City En6r relative to the long trestle on the Lake Washington road was received. The question of what was best to do in the bridge matter was then declared open for discussion. After representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Lo ;6ing Companies had expressed tieir views the Council went on record as wis4ing a little more time in order to try and work out a solution of the matter. A certain definite offer was made by one of the logging companies. Upon motion by Cochran and second by Walters it was decided toh hold the offer in abayance pending farther action. In order to bring the matter to a head it was moved by Olsen and second by Leathley that the Street and Ailey Committee, together with the Street Supt . , the City Engr and the City Attorney meet with a committee from the Commercial Club and the LogL,ing interests Friday evening at 7. 30 p.m. There being no further business the council thereupon adjourned. City Clerk. Approved: l� c0BC 4S3 December 16, 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council wa.s carded to order by Mayor Raymond at, 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Those present- Falters, Edwards, Fuller, Cochran and City Atty Davis. The minutes o.f t-e last neetinF; were read and approved. The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid . Street Dept Payroll 114. 75 C .E. Wts 2100 to 2103 incl . Renton Chronicle 61. 45 it " 2104 E.E.Duff 5. 00 " 2105 Mayner Motor Co . 2. 50 2106 Williams and McKnight 7. 20 " " 2107 Wm. Kane 11. 18 " " 2108 Ener Dept Payroll 33. 00 " " 2109 to 2111 incl . Water Dept Pa roll 208. 77 Water 4yks Nos 960 to 964 in S .L.Hariley 24. 00 " ,965 The reports of the City Cl..rk and City Treasurer were read and ordep ed filed. A communication from the Health Officer was received arid, upor. motion, kis recommendations were ordered carried out . A communication from the County Engineer relating to pipe line over bridge rear mine was read and referred to the Water Supt for action. A communication from the County Engineer relating to paving of Main Street was read and referred to the City Attorney. Upon motion of Walters with a second Edwards it was ordered that a load limit of five tons be placed upon the two trestles at the north end of Park Avenue. The i4eport of the State Auditor was read and oruered filed. I Upon motion of Walters and second by Fuller it was decided to ask our Senators and Ret;resertatives to work for the passage of a bill requiring the State and Countries to construct and maintain arterial or through highways in cities and towns of the second, third and fourth class and instructing t e City Clerk to coymunicate with thy_ City Coun- cils of such cities asking their co-operation. O .Iv.Cochran, just hack_ from the Good Roads Convention, gave an outline of what it was hoped would be accomplished during the coring I.eeislative session. T"-.ere beim; no further business the Council thereupon. adjourned . Approved�� 1i1�GY City Clerk. May or. �� J 484 , r w". December 23, 1924. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 3. p.m. Roll Call- Thos present- Walters,Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Atty. Davis. The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: Hanley, S-L' 48.00 C .E.Warrant -No-2112 Harries, 'hos 9. 66 Water 966 Obdinance No -735 , approving and confirming the a:5ses-sment Roll of Local Improvenent District No . 145 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably, Ordinance No . 735 was placed upon it' s second and third reading and passed as a whole. All Aldermen present voting "Aye" . Resolution No .350 , authorizing the issuance of bonds in the SUM of -V2. 531. 65 against Local Improvement District No . 140 was ad- opted. Resolution No .351, authorizing the issuance of bonds in the sum of �2. 194. 69 against Local Improvement District No . 141 was ad- opted. Resolution No .352, authorizing the issuance of bonds in the sum of '2. 893.91 against Local Improverent District No . 143 was ad- opted. Resolution No.353, authori�:ing the issuance of bonds in the sum of ; 876.00 against Local Improvement District No ,144. was adop- ted. A letter of felicitation was received from the Mayor of €,wishin - the members of the Council the usual the City of Auburn, happy returns of the season. There being no further business the Council thereupon j adjourned. M City Clerk. Approved . _ Mayor. I I i I 1 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS the cost of the iflprovement of Local Improvement District No. 140 under Ordinance No. 688 for Fou: Thousand five hundred fifty-five and 85/100 ($4,555. 85) Dollars and there has been paid of that amount the sun of Two thousand twenty-four ($8,084.00) Dollars leaving a balance to be covered by bond issue in the sun, of Two thousand five hundred thirty-one and 85/100 (08 ,531. 85) Dollars, THEREFOR; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washin;ton, that the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby directed to cause to be printed or enuraved, bonds in the aggregate sum of Two thousand five hunurea thirty- one and 85/100 (�2 ,531.85) Dol lar s , dated Deceifioer 31 , 1924. Bond No. 1 to be for the suer. of Thirty-one and 85/100 ($31.85) Dollars and bongs numbered 2 to 26 , moth inclusive , for the sun of One hundred ($100.00) Dolars each. Said bonds to be Maid on or before seven (7) years from date in five (5) equal , annual installwents bearing eight (8) per cent interest and to have plainly printed in the face thereof , the previsions re- quired by statute as to all local improvement ponds and all Ln accordance with legislation in said Local Improvement Dist- rict Tido. 140 under Ordinance No. 688 passed on March 25 , 1924. APPROVED this 23d day of December , 1924. Mayor ATTESTED this 23d day of Deceuiber ,, 1924. City Clerk. r f ' A � {r RESOLUTION NO. `5 t WHEREAS the coat of the improvement of Local Improvement District No. 141 under Ordinance No. 695 for Four thousand four hundred ninety-one and 82/100 ($4 ,491. 82) Dollars and there has been paid of that amount the sura bf Two thousand two hundred ninety-seven and 13/100 ($2 ,297.13) Dollars leaving a balance to be covered by bond issue in the .sure of Two thousand one hundred ninety-four and 69/100 ($2,194.69 ( Dollars. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington , that the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby directed to cause to be printed or engraved, bonds in the aggregate sum of Two thousand one hundred ninety- four and 69/100 ($2 ,194.69) Dollars , dated December 31 , 1924, Bond No. 1 to be for the sum of Ninety four and 69%100 ($94. 69) Dollars , and ponds numbered 2 to 20, both inclusive , for the surra of One hundred ($100.00) Doi.iars each. Said bonds to be paid on or before seven (7) years from date in five (5) equal , annual installments bearing eight (8) per cent interest and to have plainly printed in the face thereof , the provisions re- quired by statute as to all local improvement bonds and all in accordance with legislation in said Local Improvement Dist- rict No. 141 under Ordinance No. 695 passed on April 22 , 1924. APPROVED this 23d day of December , 1924. Mayor ATTESTED this 23d day of Dece Ther , 1924. City Clerk. E ° � I I a AL 4 RESOLUTION NO. r WHEREAS the cost of the improveir�ent of Local Improvement District No. 143 under Ordinance No. 707 for Seven thousand four hundred fifty-five and 45/10 0 ( 7 ,455. 45) Dollars and there has been paid of th .t amount the sura of Four thousand five hundred sixty-one and 54/100 ($4,561. 54) Dollars leaving a bal- ance to be covered by bond issue in the suzn of Two thousand eight hundred ninety-three and 91/100 ($8 ,$93.91) Dollars. THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washingtom, that the Hayor and City Clerk be , and they are hareby airected to cause to be printed or engraved, bonds in the aggregate sura of Two thousand eight hundred ninety- three and 91/100 ($8 ,893.91) Dollars , dated December 31 , 1984, Bond No. 1 to be for the sum of Ninety-three and 01/100 093.91) Dollars , and bonas nuiLbered S to 89 , both inclusive , for the sun of One hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. Said ponds to be paid on or before seven (7) years froiia date in five (5) equal , annual installments bearing eight (8) per cent inter est and to have plainly printed in the face thereof , the provisions re- quired by statute as to all local improveirlent bonds and all in accordance with legislation in said Local Iiiiproveirent Dist- rict ho. 143 under Ordinance No. 707 passed on June 3 , 1984. APPROVED this 23d day of December , 1984. Mayor. ATTESTED this 23a day of Deceiiiber ,, 1954. City Clerk. RESOLUTION WHEREAS the cost of the improvement of Local Improvement District No. 144 under- Ordinance No. 709 for Two thousand trio hundred thirty and 80/100 ($ 2 ,23$.80) Doliars and there has been collected of that amount the sura of One thousand three hunared fifty-four and 80/100 ($1 ,354.80) Dollars leaving a balance to be covered by bond issue in the sum of Eight hundred seventy--six (V?876.00) Dollars. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton , Washington , that the Uayor and City Clark , be , and they are hereby directed to cause to be printed or en6Taved, bonds in the aggregate surd of Eight hundred seventy-six ($870-.00) Dollars , rioted Decea,ber 31, 1924, gond no. 1 to be for the sub. of Seventy-six ($76.00) Dollars ana bonds numbered 4 to 9 , both inclusive , for the sura of One hunured. (4100. 00) Doi.iars each. Said bonds to be paid on or before seven (7) years fr orri date in five (5) equal, annual installments bearing eight (8) per cent interest and to have plainly printed in the face thereof , the provisions required by statute as to all local iuprovenzent bonds and all in accordance with legislation in said Local Improvement District No. 144 under Ordinance No. 709 passed September 30, 1924. APPROVED this 23dsday of December , 1924. - - -Mayor. - ATTESTED this 26d clay of Decerri ber , 1924. City Clerk. ____ 2080 4S5 Dec6mber 3C , 1924. Regular meetin6 of the City Council -called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Those present- Bennett, Edwards, r'uller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meetinL were read and approved. The followin6 bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: P.S.P and Li6ht Co . 209.96 C .E.Warrant No . 2117 - Trick and Murray 23. 93 " 2113 E.E.Duff 5. 00 " 2119 Williams and McKni ,ht 4. 65 " 2120 Pacific Tel and Tel Co . 5. 50 " 2121, Renton Hardware Cc . 11. 21 " 2122 City of Renton (Ass,)U4 303. 30 " 2123 Renton Chronicle 94. 17 " 2124 Rentor. Sand and Gravel Co 102. 65 " 2125 Frank E.Rhodes 2. 25 " 2126 S .L.Hanley 40. 00 2127 Renton Agency 30. 3C 2125 Hanson Bros. 2. 45 2129 Frank E.Rhodes 2. 95 Water Fd Wt 972 Renton Agency 26.09 " 973 Reid and Cook 10. 00 " 074 On motion of Cochran and second by Bennett it was ordered that a resolution of appreciation be extended the Seattle Fire Department for the aid extended at the recent theatre fire . On mot.-Ion of Cochran and second by Fuller the matter of ,... installing; a street liLLt at Morris Street and Seventh Avenue was referred to tae Fire, Light and Water Committee . On motion of Cochran and second by Bennett the matter of providing; sewerage facilities for that portion of town lying; south cf Sixth Avenue and between Burnett and Shattuck Street was referred to the City Engineer for a report. There beirg no further business the Council thereupon adjourned. Approved } ' City G 1 e rk.��'�' i 486 January 6 , 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Edwards Olsen Fuller Roll Call: - Those present- Walte, Leathley, , and City Atty. The minutes of the last meeting were read and 'ai,proved. The follo,ving bills were oked by the Finance Commwttee and ordered paid: 136.94 C .E.Wts Nos 2130 to 2135 inc Street Dept Payroll „ 2136 State Treasurer 83. 24 �- " 2137 Seattle Lighting Co . 0' j5 � 2138-2139 Police Court 4. 50 California Filter Co. 4. 50 " 2140 2. 50 " 2141 D.E.FurZ;uson 2142 S.L.Hanley 40.00 Water Dept Payroll 170. 60 Wates titits 975 tp 982 irc 17. 66 if 983 State Treasurer It98,4 E.A.Shearer 7. 58 50 985 City of Seattle 33. 15 " 986 Priebe Bros 1. 25 " 987 D.E.Furguson - - -- `1'ot.al 568.97 The Fire , Light and Water Cori,mittee reported unfavorably upon the installation OV street li6ht at Morris St and Seventh Ave. The reoprt ci' Engineer on L. i .D.145 was received and recommendations ordered carried out . There being no further business .tie Council thereupon adjourned. Approved ,,/ City G e rk ayor. 90BC ��- January 13 , 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7:30 P. M. Roll Call, Those present; 'Falters, Bennett , Edwards, Olsen and Cochran and City Attorney. The Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. The following bills were o. k. 'd bybthe Finance 6ommittee and ordered paid : 40. Thomas Harries - - - - - - - - - - Ats-. No. 2143 . . 1.00 Woods Cafe - - - - - - - - - - - - - No. 2144 . . 7.00 S. L. Harley - - - - - - - - - - - - " " No. 2145 . .48.00 E. E. Duff - - - - - - - - - - - " " No. 2146 . . 2.50 58.50 Petitions of Samuel Evans, Percy Kirkman and Joe Thomas for sewer service connections were read and granted. Petition of Ticknor, Boisseau and Swift was read and referred to License committee . Petition re-establishing the boundary lines of the city limits was read and on motion granted and ordered placed on the ballot at the general election. Reports of the Clerk & 'jreasurer were read and ordered filed. Report of the Engineer on sewers on Smithers , Norris and Burnett Sts was read and ordered filed . Regularly moved and seconded that our `files relative to swwers in Gunn ' s Additiori be looked up . Carried. Report of the Engineer on L. I .D. #146 recommending the allowance to E. E. Duff, contractor of w4337.04 was read and recom,nendations ordered carried out. Report of the Police Judge was read and ordered filed. The following (resolution was read being hesolution No. 354 was read V'IIEREAS a petition of qualified electors within the corporate limits of the City of Renton, '"'lashington, containing more than twenty per cent of the number of total votes cast at the last regular municipal election held in the City of Renton, V�ashington, praying for r. he sub mission to the voters of the City of Benton, the question of the reduc- tion of the corporate limits of the City of Lenton by cutting off and detaching therefrom the following described property, to-wit : Beginning at the NE corner of the Nlau"4 of the SE! of Secs . 8 and 23, Twp. 23 North, hange 5 East, V.`. M. ; thence north along a line running north and ' south between the E: of the Ez and the W� of the E2 of the said Sec . 8 to the North line of said Sec . 8 ; thence west along the north line of Sec . 8 to an intersection with the easterly marginal line of the right of way of the ivortherr. Pacific belt Line "a.ilway; thence southwesterly along said easterly marginal line of the right of way of the Northern Pacific Belt Line hailway to an intersection with the east and west center lines of Sec . 8;:. thence east along said east and west center line to the point of beginning, and WHEREAS it is necessary to certify the s ame to the County Election Board to the end that the same may be placed upon the ballot as a proposition to be voted on at the municipal election to be held in the City of Menton, k'Vashington, on the 10th day of March, 1925, and WHEREAS, the boundaries cf' the City of Denton, after the exclusion of said territory will be as follows: "Beginning at the corner common to Secs . 17, 18 , 19 and 20, Twp. 23 North, grange 5 East, r.n,t, ; thence east along the south line of 4S8 Sec . 17 to the Nsrthwest corner of 'Ua-1}*erth Addition; thence S. 0 deg. 9' E. 614 .91 feet ; thence North 89 deg. 51 ' E. 320 feet ; thence S. 0 deg. 9 ' East 400 ft ; thence No. 89 deg. 51' East 340 ft ; thence S. 0 deg. 9 ' East 15,9 feet; th(=:nce North 39 deg. 51' East . 670 feet t.-) t.,-_e SE corner of Said 1 nd Ac�ditionthen e,o�1$na line 60 feet, west of and p�a'r e ` �io t e no�� out i c enter inef of Cedar River; thence Northwesterly along the canter line of Cedar River to an intersection Uaith the easterly marginal line of the right of way of the Columbia & Puget Sound Railway; thence in a northeasterly direction along; said right of way through the Nz of Sec . 17 and the SW-4 of the SES of �'ec . 8, Twp. 23 North , "Lange 5 East , W. iui. to the north boundary of said SW4 of the SE1 of Sec . 8; thence east along said north boundary line to the northeast corner of the said SW4 of the SES of Sec . 8; thence north on a line running; north a nd south between the Ed' of the E:2 and the ,dPL of the E1 of said Sec . 8 to the NE corner of the NWI of the SE4 of Sec . 8; thence west along the east and west cneter line, of Sec . 8 to the easterly marginal line of the f :Xht of way of the "northern Pacific Belt Line r�ailwa,y; thence in a northeasterly direction along said easterly marginal line of the Northern Pacific Belt Line Rail- way to the north line of Sec . 8; thence gest along the north line of Secs . 8 and 7 to the inner harbor line of Lake Washington; thence in a southwesterly and westerly direction following said inner harbor line to the east bark of Black River; thence in a southerly direct- ion along the east bank of Black River to an intersection with the south line of the City of Seattle Cedar River pipe line right of way; thence east along said right of way to a point whit h is 521.7 feet north and 360 feet west of the northwest corner of Block 1, Smithers Fifth Addition to the Town (now city) of Renton.; thence south 0 deg. 13 ' 'Fest 521.75 feet to the south line of Third Ave; thence east along the south line of Third Ave to the 'fest line of Shattuck St . thence south along the 1 Qst line of Shattuck St to the south line of Sec . 18 ; thence east 262.x:2 feet along the said south line of Sec . 18; thence south 660 feet ; thence east and parallel to the south line of Sec . 18 to the southeast corner of 1F,alaworths Addition; thence north along the east line of Sec. 19 to the point of beginning." ANDWHEREAS it is necessary to have the matter submitted In a ballot form not to exceed twenty-five words. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, that at least forty-five days before the date of such election, such proposition in the form of a ballot title, not to exceed twenty-five words be certified to the County Election Board, of King County, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following be the form of the ballot title or proposition to be submitted: "For the reduction of the corporate limits " Yes "Against the reduction of the corporate limits" No BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Election Board of King County, State of Washington, be and they are hereby requested to have the some placed upon the ballot at the municipal election to be held in Renton, Washington, on the 10th day of March 1925. PASSED by the City Council this 13th day of January 1925. Thos . haymond, Mayor Attest : W. i . Williams , Clerk. " On motion made and seconded the above hesolution was adopted r and signed by the Mayor and Clerk. No further business appearing regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. Attest : City Ulerk. Mayor. 9 •eOBCL Renton blas .-.. January 20.I925 Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll Call Those present were ;Walters .Bennett .Leathley.Edwards .Olsen.Flzller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petition of G. W.Beanblossom and Jess McCowen for, water Connection and Jess McCowen for sewer Connection were granted. Petition of Marie Connelly for renewal of Theatre License was read and .referred to the License Committee. Petition of S.Narozny f,)r renewal of soft drin'_� license was read and referred to tl:e License Committee, The following bills were O.K.d by the Finance comnittee and ordered Paid; Payroll Street Dept . (current ( �IK .45 '"arrant . NO.2I53 to 2I57 S.L.Hanley 40.00 ft U0.2158 Payroll ',ater Dept . (tater) I86 .32 ",arrant NO.988 to 994 Moved and seconded Y:r,r ri t,,- tttrr-r> �—I ng i.r, a resolutionfor the improvement of Alley 461q-BIae4 betw6en .First Avenue and Fourth Avenue North and between Park and Garden Avenue . Bids for City Printing were opened and read moved and seconded bids be taken under consideration for one week. Peterson Brothers asked the Council for permission to haul logs over fourth Avenue to Burnett Street on Burnett Street to Second Avenue on Second Avenue to '"illiams Street and on 7Tilliams Street to Cedar. River,Mr Peterson said they would put up a Bond as Guarantee to keep .road in good condition,Moved and seconded permission be granted to haul 2000.00feet of logs routed as designated by Council subject to Surity Bond of $560.00.Carried. The Tater Superintendant asked the Council to have hadd Rubber Tires put on the Garbage Truck,14oved and seconded the recommendations be carried cut Carrie Moved and seconded the City Attorney bring in a resolution for Proposed sewer in Gunns Addition.Carried. Moved and seconded the Clerk get Polling places for the Primary Election February IO. I925. Carried. L.. There being no further the Council thereupon Adjourned, � City Clerk Mayor. 61 490.. Ren#�tiq- 7"ash:..--dan.27 vI925,. . Regular me_�ting of the Council called to order by Mayor Raymiond. Roll-call those present .Bennett,Leatbley ,Edwards,Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of J.F. Strnard,R.E.Lawrence and Lou John for sewer services were granted. Petition of Dan Hogan for renewal of soft drink license was read and referred to the License Committee . Petition of Joe ""ood to put up wilding on Lot 3 Block 15 was read and granted. The following bills were O.F.d by the Finance committee and ordered paid. Puget Sound Power and Light Co. $2I6 .54 Tarrant No-2159 current Renton Tire Shop . 195 .30 " NO .2I60 " -Puget Sound Power and Light Co. 756.5 of NO 995 Tater. Trick and ,Murray. 9 .80 it nO 996 " Renton Garage 8.50 " nO 997 " S.L.Hanley. 48.00 " nO I-L. I .General The License Committee reported favorable on the Licenses of Marie Connelly S.Narozny and Boisseau,Ticknor and Swift ,T-,Roved and seconded the report be received and licenses granted.Carried. --- ----- The report of the City Engineer recommending that -the 30% balance amounting to 1684.04 due Elmer McDonald on his contract in Block 2I Renton Farm Plat be paid,moved and seconded the amount be paid. Carried. Retort of Fire Chief Joe Wood was read and aedered Filed.Cerried. Moved and seconded the Bond of 'a'. J. 7,.1illiams with the Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York be released. Carried . Moved and seconded the printing Contract be awarded to the Pettie Printery Carried. ResolutLon No.355.7'hereas the total cost of constructing sewers and in- stalling water mains in Block Ttenty-one (21 )and in the territory west of it between Williams Street and the Northern Pacific Railway.is Two Thousand Two Hundred Eighty and I4/100 (-"2,280. I4) Dollars, of which the sum of one thousand one hundred two and I4 100 ($I ,IO2. I4 )Dollars has been paid leaving the sum of One thousand one hundred seventy-eight ($I ,I78 .00)Dollars to be covered by bonds issues, and - 'Thereas ordinance T,1o .715 in said Local Improvement District No .145 provided for the payment of the same by issuance of bonds payable on or before seven (7)years in five (5)installments bearing eight (8) per cent r interest , Therefor,Be it !=resolved by the City Council that the Mayor and City Clerk be,and they are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be printed or engraved,in the man-:er provided by statue,bonds in the total sum of One thousand one hundred seventy eight (',,"'I ,I78 .00 Dollars.Bond NO .I to be for the sum of Seventy-Eight (78 .00)dollarsand bonds No .2-I2 both inclusivq for the sum of One hundred (,�`I00.00)Dollars each.Said bonds to be dated as of January I6 .1925 wa s read and adopted. Resolution '\To .356fohat it is the intention to improve the Alley between First Avenue and Fourth Avenue North and between Park Avenue and Garden Awenue,and the alley 'C,etween First Avenue North and Fourth Avenue and between Garden and '.:eadow Avenue was read and adopted. Resolution No .357.that it is the intention to improve all the property lying south of Sixth A4enue and North of Seventh Avenue between Burnett and Shattuck Streets by constructing sewers was read a-d adopted. Joe Tood fire Chief asked the City Council to apprppriate $ 200.00 Dollars to commence a fund to take care of men getting hurt while working as firemen moved and seconded the request of the Fire Chief be Granted. Carried. Communication form O.N. Cochran and I'ami-ly was read and ordered filed. Carried. 4- Resolution of Respect and Condolance . Mr and Mrs O. N. Cochran & Family. Whereas,the City Council of the City of Renton has learned of the death of your daughter and deeply sympathize with you in your sorrow; - Therefor be it resolved by the City Council; that we express to the now family our deep symrathy and trust that time will deal tenderly with you and help to heal the wound caused by your recent bereavement . Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes; one sent to the family and one given to the n_ ress for publication . The City Council of the City of Renton. M ,torr there being no further buisness the Council thereupon Clgrk. adjourned Mayor. CityClerk 491 Renton ;Vas i. , r'eb .4 . I 925. Regular meetinc, of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond. Roll-call those present .'-'alters.Bennett ,Edwards,Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. Petition of John Gamalero,H.C.Platt,Benj ,Wzzn .F'ey**d-and J. W. Coomh andj.. . for licenses were read and referred to the License Cominittee . The following bills were O.K.d by the Finance committee and ordered paid. Street Dept Payroll. $186 .33 Current warrant h o.2I66 to 2I7I ini Paul 's Cleaning Service . I .00 " 2172 �:Aayner .Rotor Co . , .85 " 2I73 Continental Fuel Co . , 34.00 " 2I74 IN,-n Kane . 3.94 " 2I75 Nater Dept Payroll. 2I5.5I ater warrant No. IO03 do I009 inc City of Seattle . 4I .54 " V.'o . IOIO Engineer Dept Payroll . 52.5,0 L. I .General No . 2-3 and 4 The License committee reported. unfavorably on the License of D. ,I.Hogan, Moved and seconded the report be received and recommendations carried out , Carried. The report of tree Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered Filed.Carri ed . Moved and seconded the Clerk publish noticed of Special Election.Carried. There being no. further buisness the council thereupon adjourned. Mayor. � City Cle k L 492 Feb . 10, 1925. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Raymond- 'toll call those present : Bennett , Leathley, Ldwards , Olsen ant Fuller. and halters. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petitionsof John Combs , fF1f. '�'. Hayden and Renton Security Co. for viater service were read and granted. Petition of Mrs . -red Ditlevenson to reshingle old printing office was read and granted. The following bills were o. k. 'd by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: '+arrant Police Judge and witnessess p 8.5b 2182 to 85 Seattle Lighting Co. . . . 1.05 2186 Calif. Filter Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 2187 Trick & Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.93 2188 Jackson Fuel Co. 14 .00 2189 Renton Sand & Gravel . . . . . . . . . . 39.79 2190 Walworth Mfg. Co. . . . . . . . . 297.39 1011 S. L. Hanley . . . . . . . 48.00 1012 yW441.1.6 The license committee reported unfavorably on Melrose license. The lictnse committee reported favorably on licenses of John Gamalero , Benj . Wm. rey and J . 6. Coomb U . I. Comb to put up $100.00 bond. The same being put to a vote carried. Regularly moved and second..d the Cri ?f' of Police give the necessary time sell out s t o ck q%oLt • . J�-«- No further beusiness appearing motion t o adjourn prevailed.. Carried . s City Clerk. Attest : N?ayor./ 2CaBC 493 geb. 17, 192 Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 P.M. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.. Petitions of Alton Fuller and William Dobson for grater services were 6rante3. '?etition of Altion Fuller for sewer service was r a t The application of the Palace of Sweets Pharmac ss referred to the license committee. The following; bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered y� paid: Street Dept Payroll 156. 25 C.E.Wts Nos 2191 tp 2197 incl Wm Kane 3. 15 2198 Father Carey 5. 00 1199 Election Board 2nd Ward 2nd 28.00 2400 to 2203 1st 27. 00 2204 to 29QT 2.3. 00 2204 to 2207 3rd " 30 . 35 2212 to 2216 Denny Renton Co . 21.00 2216 Water Dept Payroll 271. 64 Water Fd 'JUT 1013 to 1018 Olympic Foundry �o 22. 50 10. 1.9 - Walworth Mnfg Co . 10. 15 1020 City of Seattle 18. 18 10. 21 `Vm Kane 3. 42 1022 Colby and Dickinson 32. 35 1023 S .L.Hanley 2.8.00 1024 The report of the City Attorney relating to Elections was read and ordered filed . The report of the City En�;r on proposed sewers was read was read, accepted and the City Atty instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinances . The report of the City Engr on the improvement of certain alleys was read and ordered filed. Tne night of hearing on the proposed improvement of the above alleys was postponed for four weeks. The Cl, erk Notified the Co- ncil that no protests had leen received against th . construction of sewers as outlined in the report of the Engr. Ordinance No.736 was introduced and placed upon its forst, reading, and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably, Ordinance No .736 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. All present voting aye- Walters, Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Resolution No -54 was read and adopted. Upon motion the rejection of the apllication of the Melrose Bar for license was taken under advisement for one week. 'Dr. Branson appeared before4 the Council in regard to safety zones in the intersection of Bronson Way and Second Avenue. Upon motion the matter was referred to the Streat and Alley Corran- ittee with power to act . Tizere being no furtiier business the Council thereupon adjourned. Approved City Clerk Mayor. Ai ' i 494 February 21, 1925 Regular session of the. City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call.- Those present : Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Cochran and Fuller. The minutes of the last meeting were read a.rd arroved. The petition of R.M.Thorne to rent a tract of City land on Third Avenue for garden purposes during, the LTrowi ng season was read and, after discussion, it was decided to rent the tract for the sum of w10.00 for the season provided however that a sale of the tract by the City while in his possession would invalidate any right he might have in the premises. The pttition of Josie White for permit to construct private garage was granted subject to the provisions of the Fire Ordinance. The petition of A. Forma ciari for sewer service was granted. The Following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: P.S.P.& L.Co . 222. 67 C .E.6varrant 2217 Thos James 35. 73 2216 Walwort.11 N�nfg Co . 6. 45 2219 Adams, Hancock and Adams 9. 10 2220 F.S .P.& L.Co. 64.58 Water Wt 1025 Standard Oil Co . 2. 40 1026 S.L.Harnley 24.000 1027 Adams, Hancock and Adams 66. 65 1023 S .L.Hanley 24.00 L. I.D . tit 5 The matter of the Melrose license was laid over for ,one week so that the License Committee might have an opportunity to give the proprietor of the place a hearing. The petition of the Palace 'of Sweets for license was granted. The Engineer presented the final estimate on Local Improvement District No . 146 which was ordered paid. Fire Chief Joe Wood, on behalf of the Fire Department, brought up the subject of providing insurance for the active members of the Fire Department while or, duty. After discussion it was ordered that a policy as outlined by the Fire Chief be obtained. There being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned. Approved: �Yu City Clerk. PP : O '" � � ( / Mayor. � � 495 March 3, 192$ Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p .m. Rpll called showed those present- Bennett, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of Connie Gleason for water service was granted. The petition of F.C .Brendel for License was read and referred to the License Committee . The following,; bills were oked by the Einance Committee and ordered paid Pay Roll Street Dept 67. 35 C .E.41ts Nos 2225 to 2227 California Filter Co . 4. 50 it 2228 Trick and M4rray 16.05 2229 Jackson Fuel Co . 14.0C 2230 Renton .Feed Store 19. 80 2231 Paul' s Cleaning Service 2. 00 2232 Renton Sand and Gravel Co . 52. 25 2233 Water Dept Payroll 303.06 Water Wts 1034 tp 104C Renton Feed Store 193. 97 1041 City of Seattle 43. 42 " 1042 Contractors Machinery Co . 230. 00 " 1043 Moran Mnfg, Co . 1319. 01 " 1044 S .L.Hanley 44. 00 L.Z.Gen 6 The License Committee reported favorably upon the petition of Hansen Bros for license and, upon motion, sage was granted. The reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. The Water Supt reported that the recently installed pumping plant of the Water System had been put into commission with satisfactory results. The report of the City Atty regarding right of way for pipe line over property of the Renton Coal Company was received . Upon motion the bond given by the now defunct Renton State Bank to cover City deposits was ordered cancelled . Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to take up the matter of securing certain lands of the Pacific Car and Foundry Co adjoining Liberty Park 004#4 for use as a "Tourist Camp" . Upon motion the City Atty was instructed to communicate with the owners of certain tracts of land lying immediately south of the south end of Wells Street to the end that Wells Street be produced south to the city limits. Upon motion certain delinquent assessrrents were referred to the City Attorney for collection. The Insurance Policy covering members of the Volunteer Fire Dept was read and referred to the City Attorney. There being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned. Approved_1 '`(o`'� "' � Clerk. E l 496 Td arch 10 , 19 25 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Those present- Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, r'uller and Cochran. The minutes of the last rf_r;etine :iero re,.d and ay,j:roved. The petitions of John Mihalsik and Dave Harries for water service and 1 of E.K.Arnold for sewer service were (;ranted. The petition of the Ea6le Cafe for license was referred to the License Con:rr_ittee. The petition of ti.e Renton Steam Laundry for a permit to construct boiler room was granted. The following bills were ok:ed by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: McCowan and Thomas 161. 25 C .E.Vit leo .2240 Seattle Lighting; Co . . 75 to 2241 EnLr Dept Payroll 53.00 L. I . Wt 2- 8- 9 McPherson Bros 1. 50 water " 1C45 Continental Pipe Pfg Co . 215. 46 it 1046 Renton Sash and Dorr Co . 15 . 25 of 1C47 Olympic F oundry Co . 9 . 75 if 1048 Bishop and Jenkins 15.00 1049 Walworth Nnfg Co . 152. 83 ° 105C E.A.Shearer 4. 71 1051 Janes Gaffney 63. 13 1052 Leo Gruhalla 31. 56 " 1053 Tile License Committee reported favorably or. the petitions of r'-C . Brendel and the Eagle Cafe for licenses. Upon motion ti-,e licenses were granted . The report of the City Engr an proposed paving; was read and ordered filed. Upon motion. it was oraered that the Traffic Ordinance be amended so that the north side of third Avenue between Burnett and Morris Streets may be brought within the zone of limited parking;. Upon motion. ti.e Clerk was instructed to notify the owner of the building recently partly ciestj,c).,116ci py fire on Valla Walla Avenue to remove the same . The petition of the W.G.Savage Lumber Co to construct a spur track over and across Morris Street was granted subject to the supervision of the City Engr. Ordinanceo .7� r beir_g ar. (%rdinance granting; a. franchise to tre W. G.Sav age -Lor the constructior: cf a spur track over and across Morris Strete in Smithers Sixth. Addition was introduced. and placed upon its first reading. Ordinance No .737 was teen, upon motion, referred to the Ordinance Committee. , Resolution Pio .355/&setting the 31 st Day of March as the time for hearing or. the assessment roll for L. I .D . 146 was read and adopted . Dick Clark of the Rentor: Agency z-1appeared and invited the members of the Council arid other city officials to attend a celebration to be held in their new building, on the evening, of Friday , March 13th which invitation was accepted. Upon invitation; the Council accepted an invitation to join with the Comner tial Club in a celebration to be held orn, the sane date. The Street and Alley Committee was instructed to look, into the matter of the cow and :ow stal.le nuisance and report, later. There being, no further business the council thereupon adjourned . Approved ��a� Ci.erk� A t'; y y 497 March 17 , 19 25. -� Regular session_ of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll call showed those present to be Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen arid Fuller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved . The following. bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid: - Pay Roll Street Dept 170. 61 C.E. Wts 2242 to 2247 Joe Wood 2. 50 2248 Rentor. Chronicle 71. 04 2249 Denny Renton Co . 6.00 2250 Jackson Fuel Co . 4. 50 2251 Wilson and Marlowe 5. 00 2252 Pacific Car and Fdy Co . 36. 25 2253 Engr Dept Payroll 52. 50 L. I.Gen Wts 10-11-12 Payroll Water Dept 224. 49 Water Wts 1054 to 1060 Colby and Dickinson 18. 25 1061 See and Sons 42. 94 1064 Walworth lVnfL Co . 5. 92 1063 Reid and Cook 79 . 71 1064 Rentor. Fidw Co . 19. 86 10. 65 Pacific Car and Fgy Co . 104. 60 1066 Renton' GaraLe 3. 50 1067 Engr payroll pump station 72. 00 1068-1069 A communication from the ,-Vacific Car and Foundry Company rei ardinj; land souLht to be used in connection: with Liberty Park was read and such data as necessary was ordered furnished the Company. Ordinance No .7073, being an Ordinance defining; and fixing the corp- or-ate limits of the City, was placed upon its first readinL and referrer, to the Ordina nce Committee. Ordinance No . 737 , being and ordinance Lrantine, a franchise to the W.G.Sava6e Lunoer Cc to construct, a spur track across Morris Street in Smithers Sixth Addition was reported favorably by the Ordinance Comm- v. ittee. Tire report was accepted and upon motion the Ordinance was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole : the following votinL aye- Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Cochran. Resolution No .356 , beim; a .resolution froviding for the improve- ruent of Third Avenue in North Renton was read and adopted. Tile Clerk was instructed to notify the Seattle Renton and SoutherB Railway Co.' to repair tyre Williams Street bridge and to do such other thinLs in connection with the tearing up and removing of their spur track in Commercial and Dixie Avenues as is required in the provisions of the ordinance granting thein a franchise to use these streets. The matter of taking; care of certain draina; e along Bronson Way was left to the Engr and St Supt . The question of parking restrictions along BronsonWay was referred to the Street and Alley Couunittee and the St Supt for a report at tyre next meeting. There bein& no further business the Council thereupon adjourned. AII)roved . er Mayor. 498 March 24, 1)2, Regular session. of the City Council called to order by Ilayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll call showed these present to be Walters, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Co rhran. The minutes of the last neetin,; were read and approved. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the followinf; bills which were ordered ,aid : t t P.S.P. and L.Co . 216. 50 C .E.Vit 2258 ice Wood 2. 50 2259 Geo A.Grant 13. 20 22.. 60 Engr Payroll 14. 75 2261 to 2263 Hersey Anfg Co . 30. 10 `Nater dot 1078 Endrs Payroll 45. 20 it107.-to 1'17 S.L,.Fiarley 24.00 I . I . Gen 13 The Street and Alley Committee reported and recommended that park- ing of cars or, Bronson Way be confined to tn� west 60 feet on the north side of the street and to the east half of the west half of the block on the s outh side and that the time 1i.mi,� be to-irty minutes . Upon motion the report was accepted and the recommendation ordered incorperated in the graffic ordinance. The report and recor'mendati on of the City Engr on the 15/' reserve due E.E.Duff on his contract in L. I .D . 146 was read and upon motion the reserve was ordered paid . A comunic.:.tion from Frank Davis relaLive to parkin; cars on m ;Gill Street was read and referred to tl.e Street Comn.ittee for a report next week. A communication from tree Pacific Telephone and Tele�,rar,h Co, was read and ordered filed . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Ord. No .738. The report was received and the Ord placed upon its second and third r reading; and passed as a why%le , all aldermen voting °aye"- Walters, Edwards Olsen Fuller and Cochran. The� 1-ea.se from the Pacific Car and Foundry Co was ordered signed . The time of rearing protests against the proposed paving of a portion oned until Tuesday, April 7th.. Third Avenue was postp Bids for the constructio:. of certain sewers were Opened . Upon notion the contract was awarded to Adaras, Hancock and Adams, they being; the lowest bidder. F.esolut ion Ido .3519 was read and adopted. The Street and Alley Committee was instructed to meet with the Park Board in connection with prpcsed improvements in the Park. the question of dogs running at lagge. Councilman Fuller brought up Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for and ,secure the services of a "dog catcher r sr D.g.Jones for Upon motion tale tract of' land donated to the city b, park purposes was named and designated as "Jones Park" . There beim; no further business the council thereupon adjourned. r 1®rk. Approved . Mayor. ���� � �°'✓��` l' �c�a3C499 V March 31 19 2 , 5 . Rebular session of the City Council called to order by or Ma Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Y Y Rpll Call : - Those present- Bennett, and Fuller. Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, C ,hran The minutes of the last meeting; were read and approved. The followin ; billsw were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid : Pay roll Street Dept 154. 616 C .E.Wts 2264 to 2269 Calif Filter Co . 4.`50 " 2270 y.. J.Grarit Hinkle, Secy State 5. 00 " 2271 D.E.Fur6eson, Co ._Auditor 2. 80 2272 Salvation Army Store 1.00 " 2273 Miller and Haviland 15. 55 2274 Renton Sand and Gravel Co . 238. 5C " 2275 Water Dept Payroll 208. 708 Water Wts 1079 to 1C,84 Cit;' of Seattle 34.06 " 1035 Walworth Mnf6 Co . 7.07 it 1086 Renton Hand and Gravel Co . 4. 0C If 1037 Engr Dept Payroll 41. 13 .L. I .Gen 1.1 and 15 Upon motion the Street Supt was instructed to construct a passable road into the proposed tourist park. Upon motion it was ordered that the parking of czars for a distance of SO feet south from the southwest corner of Mill St and Bronson Pray be not allowed. Upon mioticn the Street and Alley Cor,,mittee and the City Engineer were instructed to make a survey of needed sidewalks in North Renton and to have a Resolution ooverino the sane ready for the next meetin;;. Upon motion the City Attorney Baas instructed to prepare a Resolution coverint; the construction of certain sidewaiks on Cedar Street. A communiettion from the Seattle and Rainier Valley Railway Cc was read and ordered filed. A protest from Thomas DInning against being, assessed in Local Imp- rovement District was read and ordered referred to &he- C"Ity Attorney Ordinance No -739 , being and ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll for Local" Improvement District No . 146 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The bond of Adams, Hancock and Adams covering their contract for work in Local improvement District No . 147 was approved . Upon motion the old bonds of Peter Dullahant and Jake Snyder were cancelled. The request of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co to erect certain poles and attach a conduit to the Mill Street bridle was granted subject to the Supervision of the Street Supt . Upon motion the City Wttorney was instructed to j,repare a Resolution coverinL the Lradinr; and 6ravellin{ of both sides of Second Avenue from. Logan to Morris Streets . Those voting "aye"- Bennett, Leathley, Fuller and Cochran. Voting "no?- Olsen and Edwards. Upon motion the City Clerk Fra, instructed to notify Trios Trimm and Jonn Duncalf to construct sidewalks abutting their property. There beir.6 no further business the Ccuncil thereupon adjourned . Approved- = =-- - '=� - City Clerk. Mayor. M 5®0 N April 7 , 192,15 . Ree,ular session of the City Council called to order by payor Raymond at 7. 30 p•m. Roll call showed those present to be- Bennett, Leathle;�, Edwards, Olsen and Baller. : Thc: lil,u tes of the last meeting were read and approved. t� Uaon motion ti.e petition of R. Belandc to construct an oil station on Lot 11, Block 1]. was brarited. Upon motion the petition of to construct private oroi;Ei � at Lot 1 , Block 19 , O.T. was granted. The followin;, bills were oked by tree Finance Committee and oraered paid: Paula Cleaning Service 2. 00 C .E.r4ta No . 2276 4 ' 2. 50 " 2277 Joe `Hood 11. 16 2278 See and Sons 66. 44 2279 REr11.011 AQrIC j' 1.00 2280 « Thos Harries 2281 °< Marine Natnl Bank 25.00 10BS Puget Sound Light and Power Co. 54. 31 Water 1069 Renton A,ency 29 . 30 14. 1J " 1090 Renton Feed Store 51. 1.5 1G91 Colby and Dicki.r:son 61. 50 L. I.General En&rs Pajroll 1G-1''1 18 The report of the Street and !alley C,m..mittee on sidewalks in North `' ° Renton was react and accep1y�a.Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered The reports of the city filed . "'l-- report oftne City FrrLr on proposed irrprovemant of Third Avenue c. north was read red filed- reported that the protost rac9ived against asc- i yAttorney e,ssL.ent in L. I.D . No . 140" was insufficient Ordirla:lce No .739 , being an Ordinance ap=proving and ,c:�11f hei0rdine Assessment Roll for L. I .D •No•146 , was reported favorab 1y by g arse Committee whereupon it ryas placed upon itsesaC°Bennetd, 'theathley3�n� . and passed as a whole. All aldermen votiri� ay K Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. ?� pr�;test of property owners against pav ins, Third Avenue ;alas rec- eived representing sufficient area to kill the improvement . r' ,jesolution No .359 , providinL for the improvement of .Second Avenue between LoFan and 'Morris Str:=ets was adopted• .. Resolution No.360 , providing for constructin; side�val}:3 in North1.tr Renton was adopted U pon motion the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ord- ; inarce rprohibitin; the storage of cars in the streets. Tile wak of April. 13 t,o 18 th was designatod as "Clean up Week" • Upon motion the St Supt was instructed to sell the old fire = whistle. Council thereupon ad journet There being no furt:zer busines�t the City Clergy: Approved - --- - - — - --- - - - Mayor. $»� O I I April 1.1, 1925 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. ,)11 Call- Lnose present- Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and. Fuller. Tile minutes ofi-the last session were read and approved. The following bills were audited by the Finance Committee and ordered paid : Pacific Car and Foundry Co . 1. 00 C .E.Wt No . 2268 Seattle Li;rtini Company 1. 50 " 2280 Mary B.Rees 49. 5C " 2290 E.A.Shearer 2. 05 " 2291 Joe Wood 7. 50 " 2292 Renton Hardware Company 1. 25 2293 Renton Hardware Company 11. 72 " 2294 Enginnerin ; Dept Payroll 12. 94 " 2295-2296-2297 L. T .D . T3o . 146 3049 . 69 " 2298 American Cast T.ron Pipe Co . 4597. 40 Water Wt No . 1092 Miller and Haviland 12. 60 " 1093 E.A.Srearer 10. 30 " 1094 EnbineerinL; Dept Payroll 54. 26 L. I .Gen Wt 19-20-21 The report of the engineer relative to the cost of work propoaed under Resolution No .3 8 was read and ordered filed'. Ordinan(;e 130 . 740 , being an Ordinance relating to tiie storage of ;roods and vehicles on the sidewalks or streets, was read and referred to the Ord- inance Committee. The Ordinance Coinmittee reporting favorably, Ord No .740 was then placed upon its second and third reading, and passed as a whole- all present votin,; "aye"- Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and r'uller. Ordinance No.741, beim; an Ordinance relating to the exchant,e of certain parcels of land between Frank Manifold and the City of Renton, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Tile Ordinance Committee reporting, favorably on Ord No 711 the same was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as� a whole. All 7ldermen votiri6 "aye"- Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Ful1Er. This being tiie ni6.it set for hearing protests against the improvement f Third Avenue North, a protest was read against the improvement as propo- ed. Tiie protectants asked for the elimnatiorl of concrete curbing and that he street be improved for a width of twenty instead of thirty feet . Upon motion the petitdon of the ,rotestants was granted . After the preceeding motion was passed, the council, upon motion and econd , decided to reconsider. It was then moved and seconded that the City .Attorney bring in an Ord- ofaance co verinz tie gradin; afid eravellin�; Third Avenue North by con- t.ruct:in6 a thirty foot roadway and constructing cement walks along both ides of 'the same. Motion carried. Rasolution No ,361, rela--inn toti:a vacation of certain street areas, as adopted. Upon raotion the City Attorney was instructed to draw u,1 iaasas )vering that portion of Railroad Avenue now occupied by owners of ad joining ^operty. The Park Board presented a detailed plan t'or use in the improvement i,lberty Park ,4nd asked to lave the same adopted . Upon motion the plans presented were ddopted and the City .Attorney as instructed to prepare an Ordinance covering the name . -here tieing no further business the C ouncil thereupon ad jourAed. Clerk. proved : -, Major. � e 1;L--v ✓lid01-2 r c