HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 06 (4/21/1925 - 9/08/1931) 1396a 1 April 21, 192 Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymn ' nd at 7. 30 p .M. Rpll call snowed tnoes present to ue Walters, nennett, Edwards, Olsen and Cochrane . The minutes pf the last meeting were read and aj,proved. The following bills were oked by tie Finance Committee and ordered paid: Pay Roll Water Dept 377. 11 W.Wts Nos 1095 to 1109 Olympic r'oundry Co . 24. 70 If 1110 A. . Puget Sound L and P.Co . 154. 26 " 1111 Payroll Street Dept 152. 65 C .L. " 2299 to 230t1- Pu6et Sound Power and L. C,o . 217 . 78 " 2307 ` Engr Payroll 40.00 L. I.D . " 22 The report of the City Enbineer on cost of propoeed work under Resolution No .360 was read and filed . A communication from the Seattle #nd Rainier Valley tY` Railway Co was read and ordered filed . An acceptance of Ordinance No .737 was received from n, tale W.G.Sava6e Lumber and Mnf6 Co . Communication and acceptance ordered filed. Ord.inance No . 742, ue.ing an ordinance providing for the improvement of Third Avenue North was read and rederred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No .743, ueing an ordinance providing for tree cons'�ruction of sidewalks along the north and east side of knock 25 , R.r'.Plat No -5 , was read and referred to tine Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably on uotn j Ordinances Nos 742 and 743 they were placed on tneir second f and third readini and passed as a whole . Ail Aldermen votin6 r: "aye"- Walters,Bennett, Edwards, Olsen and Cochran. ' A petition from property owners in Block No .9 in tine Car Works Addition asking that that portion of :Railroad .Avenue lying immediately east of said Block No .9 ue vacated was read . _ Upon mo tion the petition was tabled for tNwo wr eks. Upon motion tree City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance authorizing trie Mayor and Clerk to sibn a deed conveying a certain strip of land lying west of Weils St E and between tiie Canal and r'irst Ave No to Frank Spencer. "t There bein6 no further ousiness the Council thereupon x., adjourned . Attest City Clerk Niayor. I 1 ;fry L 2 April 28, 1925 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p .m. Roll Call showed the following present- Walters, Bennett Leathley , Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last meetinwere read and a,-proved- co The petition of Fred Illian and b'rank V aise for license to conduct soft drink establishment was read and referred to tine License Committee- The License Cosianittee reporting favorably on the above pet- ition, a license was granted. Petition of property owners on ?Morris Street between Third and r'ourt Avenues for the construction of concrete curbing and parking strip was read and granted . The following bills were oked by tree Finance Committee and ordered paid: - .C . James 10. 60 C .E.Warrant No .2312 E.E.Duff 2. 5Q it PacTel and Tel Co . 4. 75 2314 Jackson Fuel Co . 7.00 Trick and Murray 16. 20 " 2316 Wm. Kane 6. 00 " 2317 Priebe Bros . 11. 50 " 2313 Cal . Filter Co . 4. 50 2319 Lowman and Hanford 4. 42 � 232U Miller-Haviland 4. 70 2321 Witness Fees 26. 40 " 2322 to 2325 Renton Sand and 2326 Gravel Company 165.00 S.L.Hanley 48.00 L. I.Gen. 23 The City Engr submitted his report on proposed work on Second Ave between Logan and Morris Street . Ordered filed . Upon mot ion ttie hearing to be had on the matter covere(t in the preceeding report was pestponed for one month. This being the date set for hearing objections against woo the proposed sidewalk improvement prdi ram, in North Renton the Clerk notified the Council that the Council tha�,ononprolests 11ad --CIerk- also notified bzen filed against tie vacation of a certain tract of land abtr - tting Bronson �vay on the north. Ordinance No . 744, relating to the construction of side- walks in Not;th Renton: Ordinance No .745 , relating to the sale o ' a ee- rtain tract of land to Frank Spencer and Ordinance. No . 746 , relating tF o tiie improvement of Morris Street were read and ref- erred to tYie Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 747 , ddopting the improvement plan of Liberty Park as submitted by the Prak Board . Ordinances Nos. 744, 745 , 746 and 747 wrere then placed upon their second and third readings and passed as a whole- In "aye" . Walters, Bennett , Edw"ds, Leathley, all present vot Olsen and FullMV. The matter of the Postal Telegraph Company removing 1,:oles from certain premises on the north side of the river was ref- erred to the City Attorney . There being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned . ' C / Y� ity Approved � ` �ayorl/ BtClerk. j 1396 3 May 5 , 19 25 . Regular session of the City Council called too order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 P.M. RoIlCall - Present- Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last session were read and approved . The petition of Angelo Poli to have license in the name John Garnarero transferred to himself was read and referred to the License Committee. In the, matter of tna vacation of RaJlrod Avenue abutting Block No .9 in the Car Works Addition the Street and Alley Committee reported unfavorably upon the petition received and referred to t"iem on April 21 st . Upon motion the report was adppted. The following bills were oked by the Finance Com mittee and warrants ordered drawn for the snare: Pay Roll Street Department 130. 21 C .E.Wt No . 2327 to 2334 inc Seattle Lit�;ntini Company C. 75 It 2335 Pauls Cleaning Service 2. 00 of 2336 E.E.Duff 28. 16 If Jackson Fuel Co . 16. 50 " 2336 Industrial Insurance 71. 52 " 2339 Renton Chronicle 125. 03 2340 I Tater Department Payroll 604. 32 Water Fd 1117 to 1133 incl Industrial Insurance 40. 54 to 1134 Continental Pipe Mnfg Co . 256. 21 it 1135 City of Seattle 29. 34 " 1136 Renton Feed Store 6. 60 1137 Standard Oil Cp. 3. 35 " 1136 L. I.General Payroll) f .l 45.00 L. I .Gen 24 The f'ollowin; bids were received for work to be done in i Local Improvement DJs..riet No . 148 lThir(A Avenue North) Adams, Hancock and Adams p4507. 80 Elmer McDonald 5045. 56 E.E.Duff y5529. 4ti Upon motion t :e contrast was awarded to Adams, Hancock and Ad pons . The followin„ bids were received for constructing walks in Local Improvement District. No . 149 . Adams , Hancock a:ld Adar:s '624. 93 E.E.Duff a 639. 93 Gebinnini and Rocco x,56. 10 Elmer McDonald :665. 10 Upon motion th.e contract was awarded to Adams, Hancock and Adams. A motion instructing the City Attorney to T_rei are a.ng Ordinance prohibiting the picketing of cows in the streets and the maintainin6 of cow bars within five hundred feet of any residence was lost . There being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned . - � 0 Approved ed CCity Clerk. I k ' ,� ,��� �,% / (f g1396j 5 May 12, 1925 . Regular session of tiie City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p .m. Roll Call- Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwaeds and Olsen. The minutes of ti.e last meeting were read and approved. Trie petition of tiie City of Seattle Lighting, Department to set eight PFJ poles on Cedar Street was granted. The following billsw were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid : Frank E.Rhodes 1.50 C .E.Wt. No . 2347 Denny Renton Co . • 50. 13 11 2346 Elmer McDonald 59.02 " 2349 Pratt Pal.-,er Co . 25.00 " 2350 S .L.Hanley 44.00 " 2351 r'rank E.Rriodes 14.00 Water Wt 1139 Walworth lvinfg Co . 70. 90 it1140 The License Com nittee reported favorably upon the transfer of license of John = c�vtid 7 GLS abs Upon motion the rei,ort was accepted and the transfer approved . Ordinance No .746, authorizing tree Mayor and Clerk to issue bonds for the improvement of Bronson Way was read and referred to the license committee. The Licensed Conunittee reporting favorably Ord No.745 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. All Aldermen present voting "Aye"- Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards and Olsen. The following bids were received for trie construction of A+alks in LID No . 150 : Adams, Hancock and Adams 411236.00 E.E.Duff 11145. 50 McHugh and Coluccio 33330.00 Kura Case 12915.00 Upon moyion tnc award was Wade to F..E.Duff .. This being the date set for a hearing on the proposition of vacating a strip of land abutting Bronson Way the Clerk read a protest against vacating. Upon motion tine nearing on the matter was continued until 1�ay 19th. Ira Tui,tle was granted permission to operate his logging trucks over certain streets under the supervision of the Street Supt . while the bridge on trie Kennydale road is being filled . Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to loatk after the matter of having theiiPacific Telephone and Telegraph Co remove poles front certain property in North Renton. There being no further business the Council adjourned . A : roved iiayor ity Clerk. i O 6 May 19 , 19 25 . Regular session of tree City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p .m. Roll Call- Bennett , Leathley , Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Tile minutes of the last session were read and approved . J The petiton of Thos. Dobson for permit to construct a building on Lot 11, Block 21, U.T. was granted . The reports of the City Clerk and City Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Ordinance No .749 was place(! on its first reading and refe- rred to tine Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No .750 was placed on its first reading and refe- rred to tide Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No .751 was placed upon its first reading and referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Ordinances Nos. 749 , 7bC and 751. UpQ,n motion the report of the Ordinance Committee was acc- epted . Ordinance No .749 was the placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. All Aldermen voting "aye"- Bennett, Leatiiley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Ordinance No -75C was placed upon its second and third read- ing and passed as a wizole. All Aluermen voting "aye"- Lennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Ordinance No 751 was placed upon its second and third read- ing and passed as ' a whole. All Aldermen voting "aye" . - Bennett, Leathley, Edwards , Olsen and Fuller. Upon motion the bonds of Adams, Hancock and Adai;.s, covering their contracts in. Local Improvement Districts Nos M and 149 were approved . Upon motion the bond of E.E. uff covering his contract in Local Improvement District No . 15C was approved . Upon motion the date for rearing protests against .the vac- ation of asstrip of land adjacent to Bronson Way was postponed one week. The following bills were oked uy the Finance Colx:mittee and ordered paid: Street Dept Pgyroil C .E.Wts Nos 2352-21359 Pnil DeWinter 6. 75 2360 vtioods Cafe 4. 50 " 2361 McPherson Bros. 7. 30 2,362 J.R.Storey ll. b0 " 2363 Water Dept Payroll 61b. 12 Wat8r Wts 1141- 115 O.K.Garage 5. 75 " 1166 bishop and Jenkins 9.00 " 1157 Engineer' s Payroll 67.00 L. I .Gen. 25-26,27 Elmer blcDonald,being the lowest bidder, was awarder the contract for constructing turning in L. I.D . 151. Upon motion tine City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance covering the operation of street cars over Morris Str ;et. There being no further business the Council adjourned. Approved . Tvi ay 0 r 6'�%/ City C1erk. I `7 May 261 1: 25 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 3U p.m. Roll Call : Present- Walters, Bennett, Leathley; Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of trie last session were: read and a,lproved . Upon iris verbal )etit.ion Clarence Kirkman was granted a permit to reshine;le frame dweelin on Lot No .6, Blk. No .15 . The followin;; bills were oked by the Hinanee Committee and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Puget Sound Power and Li6ht 0o . 218: 87 , C :E.Wt . No .. 2364 C .A.Tincaer 69 . 50 if 11 2365 Puget Sound Poorer and Light Co . 131.95 Water Wt " 1158 En6rs Payroll 75.00 L. I .Gen. 28-29-30 Estimate No .l , in the sum of 4750.00 , was allowed Adams, Hancock and Adams on the..ir contract for constructing sewers in Local Improvement Dist,riet No .147 . The 'Nater Supt recommended that the hours for lawn sprinkling tie made from 6 to B o' clock in the morning and from b to 3 o' clock in the evening to be effect on and after June Ist, 1925 . Upon motion the above recommendation vas ordered put into effect . Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to purchase a one v.. year' s subscription, for the use of the Police Dept , of the SttLte Moter Vehicle License Hooks. Ordinance No . 52, Approving the Bond of Elmer McDonald and authorizing the Jerk and Mayor to sign the contract for Improvements in L. I .D . 151 was read and referred to t•ne Ord- inance Committee . Ordinance No .753, Providinj for the manner of nomin- ating of candidates other than Councilman at barge for ti-ie Z)osition of Alderman, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No . 754, Vacatin a portion of Bronson archy, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . On motion of Bennett, seconded by Walters, the protest received against the vacation of a portion of Bronson Wadi was over-ruled . The Ordinance Cormuittee .retorted as follows on Ord- inance No .754. For �assa6e, Cochran. Against passa6e, Olsen and Leathle;; . Upon motion the minority report was accepted and the Ordinance was placed u,:)on its second and third res-ding and passed as a wiole by the following vote: Yea- 'Walters, Bennett, Edwards, Fuller and Cochran. Noes- Leathley and Olsen. i Ordinance No .753 was reported favorably by the Ord- inance Committee and placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole Aldermen voting "aye" , Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, ,cp, 1u11er and Cochran. No . Olsen. Ordinance No . 752 was reported favorably tay the Ord- inance Committee and placed u,:on its second and third reading and pa6sed as a whole . All Aldermen voting "aye" , Walters, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller tinct Cochran. Resolution No .3i;//, setting the date for hearing on tine ass- r essment roll for- Local Improvement District No 149 was adopted'. Mr' culler, as Chairman of the Memorial Day Committee, extendmd an invitation to the members of the City Council and other City Officials to take part in the Memorial Day Parade IIpon motion the invitation was accepted. There bein6 no further business tkie Council thereupon i adjourned. Approved. ayor. Jerk. _7 i i 1 a c a 1 1 1 7 I 3 d a U# 1396j 9 June 2nd , 1925 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Raymond at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- those present : - Walters, Bennett, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, roller and Cochran. The minutes of t`ie last meetinfz, were .read and approved . The followin;. mills were audited by the r'inance Committee and warrants ordered drawn fort the same. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND : Street Dept Payroll 101.02 Wts Nos 2372-2376 Lowman and Hanford 13. 50 2377 Paul' s Cleaning Service 2. 00 2376 Local t«p, Dist No . 116 354. 34 2379 Mac' s Service Station 11. 60 2360 E.A.Snearer U. 10 2381-2,382 Park Dept Payroll 117. 25 2333-2339 WATER KIND: Water Dept Payroll 502. 88 Wts Nos 11.64-1176 Olympia Foundry Co . 13. 60 1177 City of Seattle 61._73 1178 Hersey Mnfg Co . 30-10 1179 Renton Tire Strop 13. 25 1180 Mac' s Service Station 10. 10 1181 Priebe Bros. 25.05 1132 E.A.Sne arer . 44 1183 LOCA. :IPAP.GENERAL FUND: Engineers Payroll 42.00 31.32* 33 A communication from the retirinw City Attorney, Lot Davis, ` was read and ordered filed . -he report of the Water Supt . covering the period from June 4st , 1921 to June 1st , 1925 , was read and ordered filed . The report of tine Park Board was presented and read by its President, A.N.Fairchild . Upon motion the report was ord.ered filed . At this point , the business of the retiring Council bein& concluded , Mayor Raymond in a few well chosen words thanked the members of tine Council and City Off;cials for their co-op- eration ;Iuring itis tern;,. Aldermwi Bennett, retiring Councilman from the Virst Ward, took occasion to express his Good wishes to his successor and to his former colleagues. Mayor Raymond then relinquished his chair to Mayor Thomas who , in a short address, outlined his plans. Councilman elect Kane of the First Ward then took the chair vacated by Alderman Bennett and t'_ne newly organized Council proceeded with tine regular order of business. City Attorney Elect richmond then thanked all who had ,iven her support and stated that she would give of her best efforts in carrying out the duties of +ier office . Ordinance No -7,55 , Regulatinw; the speed oft the Seattle Rainier Vailey Railway Company cars across. Dorris Street was .laced upon its first reading and referred to fire Ordinance Coj,ifilittP'.e. Ordinance No .756 , prohibitin, t-,ie parki% of cars on certain stroets, was placed upon. its first reading .and referred to tine Ordinance Committee . 10 Ordinance No .757, providing for the manner of nominating candidates i'ur the offices to be filled, was placed upon its forst reading and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Com— ittee reported favorably on Ordinance No .755 . Upon motion tie report Eras accepted and the Ordinance placed upon its second and third read in;, and passed as a while. All Aldermen voting "aye"- Walters, Kane, Edwards, Leathley, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The following; az--,pointments of City Officials were then announced by Mayor Thous s and confirmed by the City Council . Chief "Of V�oIiceP Water Supt . Peter Dullahant . Night Marshall- John Stewart . Ni;,ht Marshall- Gearg e Arthur. City En6ineer: S.L.Hanle>> . Health Officer- C .L.Dixon. Library .Board- Mrs Fairchild, 1hrs Kirwin, A .W.Dimmitt Wm. 'Tonkin and Peter Hansen. Park Board . - A. J .Fairchild , T.J.Leathley and Bert Maynor.. COUNCIL CO!v1MITTES: Finance- Waiters, Olsen and Cochran. Str;-�ets and Alleys- Kane, Fuller and Edwards. Police and LicenseA Leathley , Fuller and Edwards. Fire, Light and Water- Walters, Olsen and Kane. Town Property- Cochran, Walters and Kane . Ways and Means- Edwards, Fuller,Leathley Law Alderman Cochran, in a snort talk, ,gave iiia views on such subjects as he considered should have the attention of tae newly organized council. There being no further business the Council thereupon adjourned . ' City Clerk. APp��ed �1' Mayor. i .Tune 2 , 1925 . 11 Regular session of t!ie City Council called to order by mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Present: - Walters, Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen Fuller and Cochran. The minutos of tine last meeting, wee read and al-,proved .. .del T e following bills were -audited by the l+ lnance Committee and warrants drawn for tine same. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Renton Chronicle 6. 50 Warrant No . 2390 California Filter Co . 3.00 2391 Williams and ;dcKnight 23. 62 2392 Renton Hardware Co . L3. 62 2393 Priebe Bros . 6. 00 2394 Williams and McKnight 22.05 23951 Joe Wood 6. 40 2396 C .HRIeway -.CC 2397 Seattle Lighting Co . . 75 2398 Park Dent Payroll 117. 26 2399 to 2505 WATER FUND: Walworth Mnnfg Co . 10 . 26 Warrant No . 1.184 Denny Renton Co . 7. 80 1135 Reid and Cook 19. 30 11136 L. I .General Fund : Renton Chronicle 41. 30 34 Engr Payroll 50.00 35-36-37 The report of the City Treasurer and City Clerk was read and ordered filed . Estimate No .l, in tine sum of , 1343.06, wass allowed E.E. Duff on L. I .D.No . 150 The final estimate in the sum of 1�64t3. 52 was allowed Adams, Hancock and Adams on L. I .D . No .149 The City Treasurer desi ;nated the First National Bank of Renton as gine depository for city monies, which action was a,.proved by tine Council . A communication from the Suttle Renton and Southern Ry Co . was read and ordered filed . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordlnarnces Nos 756 and 757 whici. report was received by tide Council . Ordinance No . 7b6, after its second reading was , was held up until tue next meeting for correction. Ordinance No .757 after being placed upon its second and third readin,c,, was defeated by tine following vote: "Ayes"- Walters, Olsen and Fuller. Noes'l- Kane, Leathley, Edwards and Cochran. Upon motion Ordinance No 757 was referred to t.qe City Attorney for an opinion as to its legality and its consistency. Tile, Mayor appointed E.E.Duff as alternate Police Judge which a�apointment was confirmed by ttie Council . Aid Cochran reporteU that the Williams Street brig e needed painting. .' The matter w,+.s referred to the Street, and Alley Committ:;e for a report next Tuesday. The Street and Alley Committee was Instructed to look into the condition of the old plank walk on fourth avenue between Main and Mill Streets and report at tyle next meeting. A proposition to secure the services of a Traffic Officer who would be employed jointly by tiie cities of Kent , Auburn and Renton was brouLht before the Council . After discussion the matter was i laces in tiie hands of tree Police and License Committee, in conjunction with the Police Chief, for a report at the next, meeting. There oeinE; no further business the Council thereupon ad jo!.irned . Clerk. Appravea W. ayor. 12 June 16 , 1925 . Resular session of the City Council called to order at 7. 30 p.m. , President of the Council Walters presiding. - The minutes of the last session were read and arproved. Roll Call- Triose present- Walters, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. A petition from the Put,et Sound Power and Light Co for permission to erect voles in the alley in the rear of the Sava"e Mnfg Co . plant was i,ranted . The following bills were audited by the Finance Committee a,-.d warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Pay Roll Street Dept 132. 44 Wts Nos 2413 to 2418 Earlin6ton Imp. Club 30. 60 " :419 Nilson and Marlowe 55.00 " 2420 Park Dept Payroll 109 . 50 2421 to 2427 R.M.Thorne 17.00 2428 WATER FUND: Water Dept Payroll 177. 35 Wts Nos 1187 to 119 Rensselaer Valve Co . 7. 50 " 1193 Olympia Foundry Co . 1. 60 " 1194 -L. I .GENERAL FUND: Engineering Dept Payroll 67.00 Wts Nos 38-39-40 This being the date set for hearing on the Assessment Rollof Local Improvement District No . 149 , the Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been received against such assessment . Ordinance No .75b, confirming and approv int; the aasessnient roll of L. I.D. No . 1.49 , was read and referred to the Ordinance Cot-:mittee. Ordinance No .756, relating to parking on certains streets, which was referred to the Attorney at the last rtleetint for correction was read aria referred to tqe Ordinance Committee. Ord . No .75t3 was reported favorably and placed on its second and third readings and passed as a whole. Ail present voting "aye"- Walters , Leatnley, Edwards, Olsen, r'uller and Cochran. Upon motion the bonds of the various City officials were approved . Upon motion all old bonds of City officials were cancelled . The matter of constructing sidewalks on Fourth Ave uetween Main and Mill Streets was deferred for one week. The Street and Alley Committee reported favorably on the petition of Thos Rowe to make alterations in curbing on first avenue north . Petition granted . The Street and Alley Committee reported that the Williams Street Bridge should be painted . Upon motion the Street Supt was instructed to have the work done . On motion the Engineer was instructed to communicate with the State Highway Dept in regard to road work at the west end of Third Ave . Tne Police and License Committee reported favorably upon securing the services of a Traffic Officer. The matter beim; left in the hands of the Coirmittee with power to act. There being, no furtrier business the Council adjourned . Approved Psi �� Clerk. U11396a 13 June 23, 19215 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p .m. Roll call- those present- Walters, Kane, Leathley, Edward and Olsen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following accounts were audited by tale Finance Comar,- ittee and warrants ordered drawn for tine same: CURRENT EXPENSE FU.ZD: Renton Hardware Co . 16. 15 Wt No . 2429 Park Dept Payroll 120. 50 It 2430 to 2435 Pete Rasmussen 2.5.00 " " 2436 Joe Wood 2.6.00 " " 2437 Puget Sound P & L,Co 203 .09 " " 2438 WATER FUND : Walworth Mnfd Co . 8. 87 " " 1195 .Puget Sd . P & L.Co . 52. 30 " " 1.196 L. I .GENERAL FUND: Engineer Dept Payr roll 49 .00 " " 41-42-43 Estimate No - 1, in the sum of X1205. 50 was allowed Adamd, Hancock and Adams on account o t' work done in L. I .D.No . 143. A communication i'rom the Volunteer Fire Dent , reccommendin_ the appointment of Joe Wood as Fire Chief was read and ordered filed . The af,pointmer.* of Joe Wood as Fire Chief was announced �✓ by Mayor Thomas , which appointment was confirmed by the Council . Ordinance No .756 was read and referred to the Ordinance committee . Ordinance No .756 was favorably reported, placed upon its second and t .ird reading and passed as a whole. All present voting "aye"- Waltera, Leathley, Edwards , Kane, Olsen. The Strf e. and Alley* Corarittee reported that the sidewalk on Fourth Avenue between Main and Mill Street was beim;; repaired in a satisfactory manner. Report received and filed . Mr' Sla.yuon, of the Warren faros Company, appeared before the Council and gave some facts concerning; the advisibility of re surfacing brick pavements with asphaltic concrete. Upon his invitation the Council expressed its willingness to visit certain nearby towns where such work has been done and , upon motion, the Council decidad that as many of the members as possible make the trip to Tacoma Thursday morning. There beiin6 no further business the Council adjourned. Approved: -�� Mayor. I I � f b)%C1,C nRT[J(' u0 T.ITLfITCL I r-E--Lg UPA1C ^.•Te IM-ft's 1' r,f>ou lwce I Xou'' Orc r, i A TIlf ("GLl'UTu UGIL' jjfk)Il VT8 TUATP,,4r La �?PLT.�,CTuF nLTCY f ti� CoruCTT ui.lq ` ,W,L e Tu Sr ROTTS- OU T,,o17LrT- T' I wed• a fi -111396 15 Jure 3C , 125 . Regular session, of tY:e City council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 Roll Call- Those present- Kane , Leathley, Edw:-rds, Olsen ' Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of Mary Tenure to remodel building, on Lot 11, Block 22 in the Original Tibwrrsite was granted. The petition of S.C .Treadway to erect tent was granted. Thef following billsvv were audited by the Finance Coyrinittee and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND : Joe Wood 8.00 Wt No . 2443 J.S.Hardie 2.00 " " 2444 J.S.Hardie 1. 65 " " 2445 Pay Roll Street Dept . 263. 43 " " 2446 to 2453 Rentor. Chronicle: 14. 00 " " 2434 WATER FUND J.S.Hardie 25 . 70 " 1202 D .Alexander .50 " " 1203 Payroll Water Dept 130. 20 " " 1204 to 1207 Rentor: Chronicle 7. 50 " " 1206 L. I .GENERAL FUND Renton Chronicle 15. 50 " " f4 S ..L.Harley 48.00 " 45 An Estimate of :; 400 . 00 was allowed Elmer McDonald on his contract for work in L. I .D . N0 . 15v. Resolution No -363 providir,6 for the construction of cement walks in front of certain lots was adorted. Pete Adams notified the Council that he was starting to grade Main Street and asked the Council to notify the Puget Sound Electric Company to take care of their track. The matter was referred to the City Clerk and Attorney for attention. Mr Fairchild read a cor.:munication regarding Park Board affairs . Uron motion the City Engineer was instructed to represent the Council at trie wekly meeting of the Corr.;riercial Club and lay before that body such facts regarding the resurfacing of the brick pavements as are in his possession. There being no further business the Council adjourned. Approved City Clerk. Mayor. �/ �/ - 1 16 July 7 , 1025 . Regular session of the City Council called to order b; Mayor Thomas ab 7 . 30 P.11. Roll called showed those present to be Walters, Karie, Leathley, Edwards , Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last rr:eeting were read and approved. The following bills were audited by the Finar.ee Conim.- ittee and ordered 'paid. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: See and Sons 57. 7 'tit No . 2455 Seattle Lightint, Co . . 7F " 2456 Miller and Haviland 2. 20 " it 2457 Joe Wood 11.00 " " x'458 Renton Feed Store 7. 20 " " N450 Renton Agency 103. 36 " " 2460 WATER FUNP: City of Seattle 66. 34 " " 1209 Walworth Iinfg Co . 3. 57 " " 121: Hersey Mnfg Co . 29 . 79 " " 1211 Thos Harries .1.00 " " 1212 Renton Agency 16. 79 " " 1213 L. 1.GENERAL, FUND : Engineers Payroll 46. 75 " " 46 and 4'7 A cogziunicatiolz z rori_ the owner: of property in Blo;k 24 in the original Town of Renton offeribg to deed a ten foot throuL,h said 9118; "MV' block for alley purposes was read . Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to prepare deeds for the same. The reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed . Estimate No .2 in the sum of .v355,7. 50 was allowed E.E.Duf ,' on ;lis contract in L. I.D .No . 15C . The final estimate to Eimer 11:cDonald on account of his contract in L. I.D.No . 151 was allowed. The matter of spark arresters on locomotives was brought up and , upon motion, the Clerk was instructed to ccrmunicate with the Pacific Coast Co in regard to the ratter. In the matter of the repair of the Temme building it was, upon motion, ordered that the Contractor doing the wort: be t,iven until 12. M. July 8th, tp furnish bond covering the work,. Upon rciotior, the use of the 4ssesmbly Room was grahted to to the Renton Sportsmen' s Assn. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays JTpon motion the use of the same room was granted to the Commercial Club for the night of July 16th. Upon motion a license was granted for an Uncle Tom Show for the day of the Sth. A resolution 364 setting time for hearing on the assess,ent roll for the Morris St improvement. was adopted . Upon motion ti.e Street and Aller; Committee was instructed to look into the Matter of sewers for Renton Ave and other parts j of Renton hill . I Upon motion the P.3 .E.Ry Co was to be notified to repai� I damage done to curbing at the corner of Third Ave and Mill St . There being no further business the Council Adjourned . Approved . Clerk. May or 0 I - k 1 v13961 1 '7 July 14, 1925 . Re6ular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll call- Triose (..resent- Walters, Kane, Edwards, Olsen and 0o chran. "'he minutes of the last meeting were read and a,-,proved. Petion of L. Johnson to construct addition to building; on Lot 14, Block 7 , Car 1.orks Addition was granted. The following, bills were oked by the Finance Conirittee and warrants ordered drawn for the sante: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND J.B.Wissler 7. 50 Warrant No . 2467 Pauls Cleaning Service 2.00 if 11 2468 'Nilson and Marlowe 10.00 " " 2469 Joe Wood 10. 00 " 2470 F.A.ATcKer:na 20. 05 " " 2471 Trick and Murray 13. 66 " " 2,=72 Renton Hardware Co . 3. 65 " " 2473 Eula Bensinger 50.00 " " 2474 Thos h.T rim 54.00 " " 2475 WATER .FUND : F.A.McKenna 8.00 " " 121.1 L. I .GEN.FUND : Engineers Payroll 50. 25 " " 48 and 29 The Street and Alley CormUttee were granted more time to ;ring in their report or. Alley in Block 24 and on Renton Hill ftmprovements . Estimate No .2 in the sura of 41;500. 00 was allowed Adams, Hancock and Adams on their contract in L. I .D. No . 148 CIrrmunication from Governor Hartley was read and filed . Communication from P.C .Ry Co was read and filed . Corrsr,unication from Sportsmens Assn was read and filed. The bonds of John Stewart and George Arthur were approved . In the rr;atter of the paving of stain Street it was ordered that if the P.S.E.P.y Co did not, start to -cut the ties to the proper length for rzvir.g thatthe Engineer and St , Supt start to do the work at once. After discussing different phases of the parking ordinar;ce the matter rroposed aiiendments and changes in the same was referred to the Street and Alley Ccmar:ittee for a report at the next meeting. There being no further business the council adjourned. i Ai oved: City 61Ar'c /�� Mayor. 1 � July 21, 1925 . Regular session. of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas a& 7. 30 p.m. Roll call- Those present Walters, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last zieeting were read and approved. The fina:ice Committee reported f avoraoly upon the following 14100 bills and warrants were drawn for the same . CURRENT EXPENSE: St Dept Paroll 1 '75. 86 Wts Nos 2476 to 248C Denny Renton Cand C Co . 05. 00 2481 Police Judge and Witnesses 40. 00 2432 to 2484 F.S.Elec Co . 204. 13 2486 ` .TER FUND; Water Dept Payroll 144. 78 Wts No . 1215 to 1220 P.S.Elee Co . 137. 36 " 1221 Walworth Mnfg Co . 2. 38 " 1222 L. I .GENERAL: EnLineers Payroll 52. 50 " 5C and 51 The fifteen percent reserve amounting to 1x:97. 26 due Adams , Hancock and Adams on their contract in L. I .D. 149 was ordered paid . The report of the City Engr on Resolution No .363 was read and filed. Coraxunication from State Highway Dept was read and filed . Communication from P.S.Elec Co . was read and filed. Communication from Renton and Southern was read and filed. Ordinances Ncs 757 and 758 were read and referred to the Ord- imance Committee. The Ordinance Conanittee reported favorably on Ordinances Nos 757 and 758 which report vias received. Ord No .757 was then placed on its second and third reading; and gassed as a whole- all present voting; "aye" Walters, Leathle; Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Ord No .758 was then placed on its second and third .reading and Massed as a whole-all present voting; "aye"- Walters, Leathley, Edwards , Olsen and Fuller. The Clergy: notified the council that no protests rad been received against creatin�' a Local Imp .District for doing the work proposed in Resolution No .363. Upon motion the St Supt was instructed to secure the services of the State Highway Repair crew for repairing; Third Ave; First Ave No . ; Burnett St and Seventh Ave SO . The matter of paving; between the rails of the P.S .E. Co tracks was laid over for one week. There being no further business the Council adjourned . �p Clerk © r pred.v Mayor. i I i t1396a 19 Jule Regular meetinj; of the City Council called to order b; `a'ror Thomas at 7. 50 p.m. Fuller Roll Call- Those 1)resent- 'Walters, 7d,�,Prds , Kane and 0UW Tile minutes of the last meeting were read and a;rroved. The foil c�rt�i � b,11s were o17.Ad by the Finance Corn_mi'.tee and warrants ordered drawn for the same: OU-rent Expense Fund : Malrro and Co . 1.7E.CO VJts No 2490 Joe Wood 1J . tC n 24x1 I.. I .General Gund Engineers Payroll 5"'. °•• No~ 7 1 a::d IF Ordinance No .r, "c.' was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reporting faverably Ordinance No . 759 was placed upon its second and third readin� and passed as a. wiol.e . All ; reser_t voting, "a3•e" Walters, Kane, ' ��E31T Edwards and: Ful13r. Tle Cl er}. notified cil that there had been no protests filed against the Assessment Roll for^ L. I .D. 151 . Ti)ere beim no further business the Council adjourned . A roved . Mayor. City Clerl," . i i s i 1 i i { 2® Auq,ust 4, 1925 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by T.Fayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll call : -Those present Walters, Edwards, Uisen, Fuller ?.rd Cochran. The r..iinut.es of the last Meeting were read and approved . low 6A petition from owners of preperty on Wells Street between Second and Third Avenue asking that "Jells Street be widened eight feet and resurfaced was read. Upon motion the petition was granted a-nd the City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinancu covering the proposed work. 'A petition from the Pacific. Telephone Comp any to erect three poles on IFJells Street northward from Second Avenue was read. Upon motion the matter was referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the Street Superintendent with power to act . A petition from owners of rrol,erty on Main Street between Second "--d Third Avenue asking that the said Main StrPat be widened ei-ht feet was read. Upon motion the r..etitior. was granted and the City. Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinance coverin4 ti.e proposed imT,,rovement . The Finance Committee reported favorably ur-on the following bills. Report accepted and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT FXPETISE FUND Payroll Street Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.6.C5 ;fit No .2492 to 2497 Jackson Fuel Co . 34. 50 11 2498 Mac' s Service Station 7 . 61 it2499 Paul' s Cleaning Service 7. 50 2500 Pa;;roll State Highway CreT 377 .CG 1 to 6 *do ry(� it q Wm Kine 14.110 It 1Q Joe Wood „ Renton Feed Store 4-• 50 11 California Filter Co . 3.00 " 12 Renton Hardware Co . 11.95 " 13 Renton Chronicle 14.00 " 14 E.A.Shearer 55. 65 tt 15 WATER FUND Payroll Water Dept 152. 60 " 12213 to 1231 Mac' s Service Station 12. 40 1232 " Olympic Foundry C© . 10 . 70 1233 Cit ► of Seattle 108. 10 1234 Z 7 . 00 " 1235 Renton Chronicle „ E.A.Shearer 1. 7.2�. $644441' L. I .GENERAL FUND : ti Renton Crrcnicle 34. 4C II S .L.Hanley x£3.GC 65 The Licence Cor.:r.:ittee reported favorable upon the petition pf Les uilliker for License. Report accepted and license granted . The report of the City Clerk and City Treasurer were read . Reports accepted and ordered filed . IT the report of t:.e City En-r Estimate No . ' ir. the sum of ; 750.00 ries allowed Adams, Hancock and Adams on their contract in .L. I .D .No . 147 . Upon report of the City Engr Estimate No ,3 in the sun of '14000.00 was allowed E.E.Duff on his contract in L. I.D. Na • 15C Upon report of the City Engr Estimate No .3 in the sum of $750 . 00 was allowed Adams, Hancock and Adams on their contract in L. I .D . No . 148. "t1396i 21 Upon report of the City Engineer, the fifteen ercent reserve with-held from the final estimate to Elmer McDonald on his contract in L. I .D ,No . 151, amounting to M96. 2 , was ordered paid. The Street Supt notified the Council tri at, the State Highway Maintenance Crew whotr, he had emplo7red to repair certain streets had been called off' the job and recommended that encuLji cars and irons to carry on the work with city forces be purchased . upon motion the purchase of the necessary equipment was authorized. In the matter of tl•-ie pav inn- of the right of ,Nay of the Puget Sound Electric Co . on Main Street the Street and Alley Committee reported that they had had a plan prepared showing the manner in which they recommended that the right of way be paved and they further recommended that the P.S.E. Company be notified that such pavement should be completed within sixty days. Upon motion the report of the Committee was received and concurred in. A communication from Mayor 1�rown of Seattle was read and filed. In a discussion of the advisibility of a division of King County each member of the Council present went on record as being opposed to any legislation along these lines. Uron motion the City Clerk was instructed to communicate with State Senator Houser and advise him of the atuitude of the City Council on trie matter. Scott Lewis a_ Neared before the Council and stated that his wife had oeen badly injured by falling over an obstruction in the street during the construction of the Main Street(or County Road) paving. Upon motion the matter was referred to the Claims Committee. There being no further business the Council adjourned. .. ✓� /� Approved. Mayor. City Clerk. � r 22 August 111 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council called tw order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. 8611 Call- Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Ful , ler ' and Cochran. The minutes he last meeting; were read and approved. Peti :ioa of Qf,.Store. to cJnstrue.t buildin; on Lot 10 , Block 25 was Granted subject to postin; of usual bond . Petition of Guy McPherson and Wiri. Bennet for sort drink license was referred to the License Committee. The folloNino bills were oked by the Finance Committee arid ordered paid : 0URRE1117P EXPENSE ?UND: Main St Assessment 461.06 Warrant No . 16 . 75 " 17 Seat' le Lighting; Co . � Matt Starwich, Sheriff 42.00 13 Renton Sand. and Gravel Cv . 82.OG � 19 Thos Trim 46. 30 „ 20 The Peoples Store 38. 35 2 Miller and Haviland 1. 50 22 Calil'ornia r'ilter Co . 3.0C 23 E.E.Duff R.00 " 24 A .N.R i chino nd . 91 � WATER FUND: 1237 See and Sons 95 95 " 1238 F.C .Brendel . American Cast Tran Pipe Co . 240. 70 It L. I .GENERAI: „ 56 and 57 Engineer' s Payroll 52. 5'' Bids for constructin; sidewalks in Local Imp. District No . 132 were receiver as f©ilaws: E.E.Dui:f ;546.08 Adars , .Hancock and Adams , 537. 80 Upon motion the award was in,-Ade to ti.e lowest bidder. The c.lain of Mrs Lewis for damages received by an injury was referred to-:, the City Attorney and tide claim ordered, seat to the Contractors and the County olmnissioners. Resolution No 3&J providing for the widenin" of Main Street between Second and Third Avenues was adopted. ResolutiOn leo .34� providing for till widening and surfaci g of dwells Street bet,ween Se04nd and Third Avenues etas read an ado-' ed Resolution "1© .J4J setting a night for a hearing on the Assessme:it Hall for L. I .D .No . 150 eras read and adepted. i Upon n notion Resclution was ordered prepared for the construction of walks an the east side G ! air. Street , Fifth avenue and t le 'ast side of Burnett Street . Thera bainI& no further business the Council adjourned . Approv e Mayor City Clerk. , I 0 i i t l- t i396j (23 August 18, 1925. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7 :30 P. M. Roll Call - VMaltevs , mane , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved as read. Application of Alfred Boas to erect an electric sign on the corner of 3d and Main Streets was read. It was regularly moved and seeonded that same be granted subject to the supervision of the Street Supt , Carried. Petition of the Renton Soccer Club for the use of the Assembly Room Aug. 19th and every Monday night during the season was read. Regularly moved and seconded that they be allowed the use of the Hall , 4ednesday, Aug. 19th. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills. Report accepted and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 'Tarrant No. Joe 11ood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r4.00. 69 P. S. P. & L. Co . . . . . . . . . . .#203.44. 40 Isaacson Iron Forks . . . . . . . . . 92 .55 41 City of Renton 43.36 42 Pay Roll (Street Dept. ) . 272.17 32 to 38 inc WATER EXPENSE FUND: Warrant No. Pay Roll ( Fater Dept . ) 98.78 - t0-43 inc P. S. P. & L. Co. . . . . . . . . . 201.28 -1244 Walworth Mfg. Co. o 1.50-1245 L. I. GENERAL: Engr. Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.25 - 58 & 59 Upon report of the City Engr. , Estimate No. 3 in the sum of X568.56 was allowed Adams, Hancock & Adams on their con- tract in I . I . D. No. 147. Upon report of the City Engr, Estimate No. 4- in the sum of ='1551.90 was allowed Adams , Hancock & Adams on their contract in L. I . D. No. 148. Upon report of the City Engr. Estimate No. 4 in the isum of x:1477.63 was allowed E. E. Duff on his contract in IL. . I. D. No. 150. Communication received from California Filter Co. relative to Chlorine contract . Regularly moved and seconded that said contract be signed by the Mayor and Clerk. Carried. Communication from Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs relative to having our Fire Chief, Joe Wood, attend Convention in Seattle was read.. Moved and seconded that the Fire Chief be authorized to attend the Convention. Carried. Resolution No. 368 , fixing the 1st day of Sept. 1925 at 8 P. iul. as the date of hearing on L. I.D. No. 147 for the improvement of lateral sewer on 6th Ave. was read and adopted. Resolution No. 369 , fixing f-"in-g the 1st day of Sept . 1925 at 8 P. M. as the date of hearing on L. I. D. No. 148 for the improvement of 3d Ave . N. by grade, gravel and sidewalks was read and adopted. 24 The question of making; a ditch and a drain tile on the east side of IMain Street as suggested by the county engineer' s office was brought up. Upon motion it was regular ' ly moved and seconded that the clerk notify the county enginee s office that the same would be taken care of. The repairing of the curbs on 5th & Main Streets was referred to the Street & Alley committee to report at next council meeting. �Ir, _Ed. Tonkin appeared before the council relative to getting city water in his neighborhood and made suggestions as to how it could be done. After some dis- cussion it was uioved and seconded that the matter be referred to the fire , light and water comtittee and they to make re- port next Tuesday night . Tarried. Several prominent business men were present and spoke of the advisibility and necessity of widening and re- pairing Third Avenue from Burnett St . to the city limits and asked the cooperation of the council in getting this improve- ment through as speedily as possible . After, considerable discussion it, was moved and seconded that a Resolution be brought in next Tuesday night for this improvement . The same carried unanimously. The matter of better illumination of our city was brought up for discussion.by Councilman Kane. A representa- tive of the P. S. P. & L. Co . vvas_ present and gave a short talk on the cost of same. Upon motion made and seconded the matter was referred to the Fire , Light & 'eater Committee. Upon motion made and seconded the city clerk was instructed to notify the 6upt of the Northern- Pacific that the crossing at 6th Ave . No . and Williams St. was badly in need of repair. Carried. There being no further busirne9s the council ad- journed. City Clerk Pro `1'em. Approve - Miayor. Us- 1396a 25 Aug. 25 , 1925. Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7 :30 P. M. Roll call : Walter°s, Kane , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Minutes of the last, meeting read and approved as read. `Petition of Max Boas of the Federal Securities Corpora- tion for permission to construct building -on Lot 15, Block 1.3, Town `was read . Moved and seconded that permit be granted subject to suitable bond being furnished . Carried. Petition of Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to re-set pole on Stir corner of 6th Ave. & `Fell s St was granted subject to supervision of St . Supt. Petition of Puget Sound Power & Fight Co. to hang an electric sign at its office building on 3d & Main Sts was granted subject to ordinance covering erection of signs . Petition of Puget Sound Power & Light Go . to set pole on West side of Wells St . was granted. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the fol- lowing bills . The Report was accepted and warrants ordered drawn for the same : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: V!arrant No. ivicPherson Furn. & Hdw. Co. . . . . . . .7 .75 - 43 Jackson Fuel Go . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.00 - 44 Alvin E. Puller . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.50 - 45 Bishop & Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 - 46 Renton Sash Door . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 - 47 Chas . D. miller . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 - 48 IATATER EXPENSE FUND McPherson Furn. & Hdw. Co. . . . . . . .35- 1246 I. T . C 'NI . FX?"J c'F' FUND Engr. Payroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.00 - 60 Bill in the amount of ~;88 .00 for witness fees in the case of the City of Renton vs . Mike Potoshnik was received . Moved and seconded that the bill be allowed and the clerk authorized to drawn warrants to cover. parried. Report of the City engr. with blue print attached, relative to widening of Wells St . between 2nd & 3d Aves . from 31 to 39 feet was read and accepted as read . Report of the City Engr. , with blue print attached, relative to widening of Main St . between 2nd & 3d Aves . from a width of-31 ft . to 39 ft . was read and on motion accepted as read. This beim; the d-te set for hearing, on the Assessment Roll of L. I. D. No. 150, The Glerk notified the Council that no protests had been received against such assessment . Ordinance No. 762, confirming and approving the assess- roll of L. I . D . No. 150 was read and referred to the Ordi- nance committee. The Clerk not ifted the Council that no Ir otests had been received against creating a T . I . D. for doing the work proposed in Fesolution No. 365. Thereupon Ordinance No . 760 for the improvement of Main St. , be- 26 tween Second A- Third Aves . by uvidening roadway to a width of 39 ft . was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Clerk notified the Council that no. protests had been received against creating a L. I . D. for doing the work pro- �r posed in hesolutior_ No . 366. Ordinance No. 761 for the improvement of wdells St. between Second & Third Aves. by widening the roadway to a width of 39 feet was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 763, approving and confirming the bond of Adams , Hancock & Rdams , given under their contract for the improvement of Pelly Ave . and other streets by construction of cement walks creating Imp rovemPnt. District No. 152 , was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . 760 Ordinances Nos./761, 7620 76� - r were reported favorably and placed ' on their second and third readings and passed as a whole. All present voLing "aye" - Walters, Leathley, Idwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. hesolution No. 370 for the improvement of 'F'il'th "ve . & Burnett St, . by constructing by constructing cement walks and fixing the 15th day of Sept. as the date of hearing on same was read and adopted as read. Pesolution No. 371 for the imnrovemAr.t of Main St by - constructing cement walks and a the drain and fixing the 15th day of September 1925 as the date of hearing objections there- to was -read and adopted as read. Resol.utio- No . 372 for the improvement of Third nve . by widening the roadway four feet on each side and fixing the 15t-h day of Sept . for hearing objections thereto was read and adopted as read. Dr. Dixon extended an invitation to the city administra- tion to -make a .tr.ip with him in his yacht . Moved and seconded that the administration accept the invitation and as many go as can. -The -City Attorney called attention of the council to the fact that no contract had been entered into with the r'irst National bank relative to collateral since 1923. Regularly moved and seconded that the city attorney draw suit- able contract, between the bank and the city. Carried. Regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. Clerk Pro Tem. Mayor. `� - 1-ttit396a 2'7 September 2, 1925 Regular maeting of the Citj Council called to order by ' B[ayor pro test Walters V►t 7. 30 p.m. Roll call- Those present Walters, Rano, Edwards, Olsen Fullereand Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved Petition of D.M.Hogan to construct private gara6e on `M.., Lot 11 Block 27 was granted. The petition of property owners in Blocks 10 and 13 asking that no licenses be graxted any person to operate pool or billiard halls or bowling alleys on Mama Street between Second and Third Avenues was read. After discussion the petition was ordered filed. Petition of Dick Woods to construct driveway opening in curb in frox� of Lot 4 int Block 6 on Main Street was gran- ted . The fallowing bilis were oked by the Finance Coxmittee' and warrants ordered drawn for tits same. CURRENT. EXPENSE FUND: Payroll Street De)t 400. 13 Wts Nos 67 tp 72 State Treasurer 39. 68 "' 73 A.Jacobs(-)n 7.00 if 74 Renton Sash and Door Co. 9. 25 " 75 Lowman and Hanford 31. 50 " 76 Joe Wood 14.00 " 77 Renton Feed Store 6. 30 " 78 Mac' s Service Station 18. 60 " 79 Jackson Fuel Co. 4. 50 " 60 E.A.Shefarer 8. 92 " 81 NATER FUND: Payroll Water Dept 44. 88 1252 to 1256 State Treasurer 20. 78 " 1257 City of Seattle 88. 54 " 1258 Mac' s Service Station 11. 60 1259 L. I .GENERAL FUND: S.L.Hm ley 46.90 " 61 The reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Ordinance No.764, authorizixg tate Mayor and Clerk to sign bonds for the improvement of Morris Street in L. I.D.No.151 was read and referred to the Ordinance Coxmittee. An Ordinance pr,::hibiting the opexixg, maintaining and con- ducting of pool and billiard halls, rooms and parlors In certain parts of the City of Renton, was read. Upon notion the orddA"ce was tabled. The Ordinance C^msittee reported favorably upon Ordinanc6 No. 764 . Report received and Ordinance No .764 placed upon its second and third #reading and passed: as a whole. All aldermen preanrt voting "aye" Walters, Kane, Edwards, Olson, Fuller and Cochran. Resolution No.348, fixing September 8th at 8 oValock p.m. as the time for hearing ox the assessment roll for L. I.D. No.147 was adopted. Resolution No.369 , fixing September 8th at 8 o' clock p.m, as tite time for hearing on the assessment roll for L. I.D. No.148 was adopted. Upon notion the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign contract with the First National Bank. IIpon notion the Clerk was instructed to notify the City of Seattle Lightixg Dept to move pole on the north side of Second `�• Av eraue. The City Attorney was, upon motion, Instructed to acquire title to certain property necessary for the widening, of the street on the south side of Block 10 and to bring in a resolution coYarimg the proposed work. The City Attorney submitted a written opinion on the bond presented by the owner and builder of the Storey Buildi&Z on Third Avenue. Upon notion the opinion was acce ,ted. The Clerk presented the preliminary budrFet for tate following year. Ther, being no further business the Council adjourned. ���Approved Clerk .� //r— Mayor. 28 September 8, 1925 . Regular meeLi% of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochrane. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of E.E.Duff to construct private driveway on 'Nhitwort� Street was granted. Petition of property owners on Wells Street north asking to have sidewalks constructed abutting certain lots was read and referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FYMD: Pauls Cleaning Service 2.00 Wt No . 82 J.R.Storey 12. 75 " 83 Trick and Mytrray 40. 50 it 84 Pac. Tel . and Tel . Co . 24. 20 85 Renton Chronicle 36. 25 " 86 See and Sons 51. 44 " 87 i X33=. Olympic Foundry Co . 54.50 " �o Local Imp. Gen Fund: En;rs Payroll 50. 25 of and 63 The Clerk notified the Council that no pretests had been filed a ainst t, e Assessment Rolls for Local Improvement Dist iota Nos. 147 and 143: II Ordinance No4§1j' 765 , Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll for L. I.D. No. 147 , was read and referred tot the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No 760, Approving; and Confirming the Assessment Roll for L. I .D. No .143, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No.765 , whereupon it was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. All present voting "aye"- Kane, Leathly, Edwards, Fuller and Cochrane. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 766, whereupon it was placed upon its secand and third reading and passed as a whole. All present voting "aye"- mane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Upon motion the contract and bond of the First National Bank ;eras accepted and approved and the old bond ordered cancelled. The following bids were opened and read for work to be done in L. I.D. No .153. E.E.Duff j2167. 68 Adams, Hancock and Adams j')2219 . 40 Upon motion the contract was awarded to the low bidder, E.E.Duff. Upon motion th- Council agreed to meet in a session after the regular meeting adjourned for the purpose of discussing the proposition of making; changes in the Ordinance Governing; fire limits and the construction of buildings. Upon motion, duly seconded, the Puget Sound Electric Railway Company was granted permission to improve its right of way in Dain Street by means of planking. Permission being; granted for a period of three years only. The petition og Lou John for a license to conduct Poll Hall and Card Room on Main Street was presented and read. Upon motion the petition was referred to the License Committee. There being no further business the Council adjourned . Approved. City Clerk. r+ Mayor. I Ut139 2 SeLtember 15, 1925. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thorr.as at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Coll: Walters, Kane, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller= and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of Meredith and Mary Rees askitg for the vac- ation of a certain strip of land by the City was read. Upon motion the City Attorney was instructed to prepare all the necessary legal papers for vacation proceedinp.s with the understanding that an amount equal to that whichc was paid for the property be received by the city. A protest of owners of property on Fifth Avenue and on Burnett Street against the construction of cement walks was presented and read . Upon motion the" protest was over-ruled . The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and , upon motion, warrants were ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND : Joe Wood- Police Judge Fees 12.00 Wt .No. 95 Seattle Lighting Co. City Hall Gas . 75 11 96 Katt Starwich- Meals for prisoners 4.50 of 97 Renton Hardware Co. Supplies Park and Library 10. 38 " 98 Woods Cafe- Meals for. prisoners 6.0C it 99 Renton Sand and Gravel Co . Street surfacing material 44. 55 to 100 Pay Roll S&reet Dept- St repairs 102. 52 of 101 to 105 WATER FUND . Water Dept Payroll- Maintenance 248.03 to 1260 tp 1268 L. 1.GENERAL FUND: Engr Dept Payroll Work on impro- 51. 40 to 64 and 65 vements The report of the Street and Alley Committee recommending that certain walks be constructed in North Renton was read and , upon motion, the recommendations were ordered carried out. The final estimate to Adams, Hancock and Adams, in the sum of "560. 60 for work done in constructing walks in Local Improvement District No . 152 was allowed. The report of the City Engineer on the cost of proposed wokk on Main Street was read and filed. The report ofthe City Engineer on the cost of proposed work on Fifth Avenue and on Burnett S&reet was read and filed. The report of the City= Engineer on the cost of proposed work on Third Avenue was read and filed. A communication from the City Attorney, relative to the bond of the contractor constructing the Storey Bldg, was read and, after discussion, the matter was referred to the Ordinance Committee with power to act. Ordinance No.767 , providing for the creation of L. I.D . No .155 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee:. Ordinance No .766, providing for the creation of I. I.D. No .156 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No.769 , provoding for the creation of L. I.D. No .157 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No .770 , Approving the bond of E.E.Duff and author- izing the Mayor and Clerk to sign a contract with the said E.E.Duff f'cr work to be done in L. I.D. No .153 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. 30 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No .531 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinances Nos 767 , 768, 769 and 770 were repLdr. ted favorably Ly the Ordiance Committee and report was received. Ordinance No 767 was then_ placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole- 4" voting "aye"- Walters, •.n Olsen, Fuller, Cochran, "No"- Edwards. Ordinance No . 766 was then placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. 4$$ Toting "aye"- Walters, Olsen, Fuller, Cochran. "No"- Edwards. Ordinance No .769 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed a whole . Toting "aye"- Walters, Edwards, Olsen_, Fuller, Cochran. Ordinance No .270 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. Tot-ing "aye"- Walters, Edwards, Olsen, Fuiler and Cochran. The clerk reported that no protests had been- received against the creation of L. I.D. Nos lty and 157. The Committee on Licenses asked for an extension of time for report. Extension granted. py the following vote. "ayes"- Walters , Fuller, Cochran. Noes Olsen and Edwards. Resolution No .373, fixing the 6th day of October as the time i.or hearing objections to the creation of a L. I.D. for the constructions of walks in North Renton was road and adopted. i Resolution No.374, fixing the 6th day of October for a hearing on the Assessment Rol]. for Local Improvement District No.152 was read and adopted. There being no further business the Council adjourned. 01 Approve Mayor City Clerk, i i I I i i i I i ..r% i i llt1396j. September 22, 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call : Walters, Leathley, Kane, Edwards, Olsen, Fuiler and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Margie E.McPherson to reshingle and remodel dwelling on Lot 19 in Block 25 was granted . Petition of Pete Szymonski to remodel house on Lot 11 in Block 10 was granted subject to the provisions of the Fire Limit. Ordinanc®. The following bills were audited by the Finance Committee and warrante ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Callfornia Filter Co. Chlorine Gas 43. 50 Wt No . 106 Joe Mood , Police Court Fees 6. 50 of 107 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 310. 66 of 108 Lowman and Hanford, Library Supp. 98. 10 It 109 Standard Oil Co. St Supplies 13.04 if 110 Renton ChrDnicle, LibraBY Supplies 6. 50 It 111 P.S.P.and L.Co . , Power and Lights 207. 19 t1 112 ( NATER FUND: Crane Co. C . I .Pipe 61. 76 " 1269 Walworth Mnfg Co . 36. 84 " 1270 P.S.P. and L.Co . Power 187. 76 " 1271 �L. I .GENERAL FUND: Renton Chronicle, Printing 27.00 " 66 Engrs Payroil 54. 75 " 67-68-69 A bill from Adams, Hancock and Adams for work done on Blain Street during paving operations was read and referred to the Finance Committee . Upon report of the City Engr the fifteen percent reserve with-held from the Final Estimate to E.E.Duff in L. I .D. N0 .150 was ordered paid . Upon report of the City Engr. the fifteen percent reserve with-held from the Final Estimate to Adams, Hancock and Adams in L. I.D. No . 148 was ordered paid. Upon report of tree City Engr the fifteen percent reserve with-held from the Final Estimate*to Adams, Hancock and Adams in L. I.D. No. 147 was ordered paid . Communication from the Washington Rating and Surveying Bureau , was read and ordered filed . Resolution No .375 ,Fixing the time for hearing on vacation proceedings was adopted. ,,,here being no further business the Council adjourned. Approved: • //A�; 1 1 Mayor City Clerk. 32 September 29 , 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olser. and Fuller. The minutes of the last meeting werer read and approved . The petition of F.A.McKenna to construct addition to Service Station at corner of Main Street and Second Avenue was granted. The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and warrants aodered :.drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: P611-ce Jud6 a and witnesses 46.90 Wt No 117 and 118 Bishop and Jenkins- Coal 6. 20 X119 C .K.Brown Library repairs 50.00 120 WATER FUND : Rennselear Valve Co . Hyd Supplies 5. 89 1277 L. I .GEN FUND: S.L.H&'.ley 48.00 70 Ordinance No.771, An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to si6n bonds for improvements in Local Imp.Di'st No .150 , was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No.772, An ordinance granting to the Puget Sound Electric Railway Company an extension of time for paving, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably on Ordinance No . 771 it was placed on its second and third reading and passed as a whole All voting "aye"- Bane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fu11er. This being the night set for opening bids for work in L. I.D. No .155 , the followin were opened and read. E.E.Duff t926- 14 E.McDonald 979. 60 Adams, Hancock and Adams 1,881. 48 Upon motion the award was made to the lowest bidder. This being the night set for opening; bids for work in L. I. No. 156 and no bids being received it was upon motion ordered that the proposed work be dropped for the present . Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police tlidPj-p�$$64J 4 that the license of S.Narozny be revoked same was, upon motion, done and said S.Norozny give thirty days to dispose of his stock. There being no further business the Council adjourned. Approved City Clerk. Mayor. i -awe i t 11 3 9 33 October 5, 1925 . A special meeting of. the Council was called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. for a hearing; on the Budget for the year 1926 . Those present- Kane, Leathley, Edwards and Fuller. A committee from the Renton Commercial Club appeared before the meeting with the proposition that the City Council make some provision for the maintenance of a proposed ornam- ental street lighting system. No definite plans having beer. outlined and no available figures shown as to the cost of tree proposed system the matter was dropped . The Budget being read and discussed a motion: to adopt the same was carried unanimously. A poll vote showing "ayes" Kane, Leathley, Edwards and Fuller. This concluding the only business to be transacted the Council adjourned . Approved: City Clerk. Mayor. October 6, 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 P.M. Roll Call- Present : - Walters, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of the Cement Products Company to erect an IMainentrance arch over the roadway at the south city limit line on Street was granted. The petition of the Pauline Investment Company for permit to erect building on the east side of Alain Street in Block 10 was granted. T This being the night set for hearing objections against the creation of a Local Improvement District for constructing walks on. Park, Pelly4: Fifth Avenues and on Wells and Main Street in North Renton, a petition signed by the owners of property - within the proposed district was received protesting against said improvement . The petition being found suffiefent to take the matter of the creation of the proposed district out of the hands of the City Council , the creation of said district , was uponn motion, deferred until spring. The petition of Geo Custer to mare repairs to the found- ation of the building on the southwest corner of Third Avenue and Wells Street was granted. ( The application of Herbert Jordan. and E.C.Wilson for ``�• license to operate a confectionery store and billiard parlor on Main Street was referred to the License Corrsnittee. 34 � r � The following bills were audited by The Finance Committee and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Street Dept Payroll 191.02 Warrant No . 121 to 126 Pauls Cleaning Service 2.00 " " 127 Mac' s Service Station 9 . 60 " " 128 J.M.Adams 50. 4C " " 129 Rentor Sand and Gravel Co . 6. 50 " " 130 Pac Tel and Tel Cg. 2. 90 " " 131 E.E:Duff 4. 00 " If 132 Renton Feed Store 13. 90 " If 133 WATER FUND : Olympic Foundry Co . 17. 10 " If 1278 City of Seattle 59. 58 " " 1.279 Water Dept Payroll 149. 83 " " 1 to 4 Rensselear Valve Co . 4. 35 " " 5 Mac' s Service Station 12. 80 " " 6 L. I.GENERAL FUND: Trick and Murray 59. 36 " " 71 S.L.Harley 48,C0 " " 72 The bill of Adams, Hancock and Adams was re-referred to the Finance Committee. The reports of the City Clerk and Trea:>urer were read and ordered filed. Ordinance No .772, being an ordinance granting an ext- ension of tirre to the Puget Sound Electric Railway Co . for pav- ing between its tracks on Main Street , was reported favorably by the Ordinance Committee, placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole on the following v©te - (Ayes") Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Moes") Walters . Ordinance No .773, Adopting a Budbet for the year 1926, was read and referred to the Ordinance Con:rnittee. The Ordin- ance Committee reporting favorably, Ord. No .773 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole by the foll- owink poll vote . (Ayes") Walters, Kane, Leathley , Edwards , Olsen and Fuller. Ordinance No 774, being an ordinance confirming and approving the bond of Adams, Hancock and Adams and aubhorizin;; the Mayor and Clerk to sign a contract for work to be done in L. I.D. 155 , was read and referred to the Ordinance Conzr;ittee. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably, Ord No ,774 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed As a whole by the following poll vote: (Ayes") gaiters , Kane, Leathley , Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Ordinance No 275 , being an ordinance confirming and app roving the assessment, roll for L. I .D. No . 152, was read and refe red to the Ordinance Cor.:mittee. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably OrdNo'775 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as. a whole by the following poll vote; (Ayes") Walters, Bane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Upon motion a number of delinquent local improvement assessments were referred to the City Attorney for cdllection. This being the -night set for opening; bids for work in Local Imp- rovement Districts Nos_ 154 and 157 the following bids wrere opened and read. Local Improvement District No . 154. Warren Construction Co . X4935. 72 Upon motion the award was made to the Warren Construction Co . U t 1396a 35 Local Improvement District No 157 . Warren Construction Co . 49980. 51 Upon motion the award was made to the Warren Construction Coupanj . �► Resolution No.376, being a resolution fixing October 20 tl at o o' clock p.m. as the time for hearing on the assessment roll for Local. Improvement District Nc . 153 was adopted . The matter of regulating the kind and the installation of 6-,as appliances used in the city was brought up for discussion -and, after hearing; several rrembers express their views on the subject, the matter was laid over until further information alone; these lines can be secured . There beinb no further business the Council adjourned. Approved : _ Clerk. Mayor. October 13, 1925. ;gebular meeting of the City Colzncil called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call: - .falters, Kane, Olsen, fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meetinG were read and approved. Petition of F.G.Brendel for permit to construct building, on Lots 4 and 5 in Block 12 was granted . The followinb bills were audited by the Finance Co7nm1ttos and ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Renton Chronicle 62. 20 Warrant No . 140 Trick and Murray 14. 39 " It 141 Thos Harries 24. 98 " it 142 Pratt Paper Co . 13.00 " of 143 Seattle Lie,hti% Co . . 75 " " 144 Renton Hardware Co . 14. 45 " " 145 WATER e[IND Walworth .Mnfg Co . U5.47 " " 7 L. I .D.GENERAL FUND S .L .Hanley 44.00 " " 73 Upon report of the City Engineer the final estimate in the sum of . 2777.91 was allowed E.E.Duff on his contract 'or work done in L. I.D.No . 153. A cdmmunication from the Pacific Coast Coal Company inviting the City Officials to be present at the formal opening of the new B.iack Diamond :dine wa read and accepted. +...- In the matter of granting a license to Messrs Jordan and Wilson to operate a billiard parlor on Whin Street the only member of the License Committee present reported favorably on the petition A motion to receive the report and brant the License was carried by the fol.lowinb vote-"Ayes" Kane, :Fuller and Cochran; "Noes" 'Walters and Olsen. 36 Ordinance No.776, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign bonds against L. I.D. No . 147-, was read and referred to the Ord . Committee, was reported favorably, placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole by the following vote . "Ayes" Waltars, Kane, Olsen , Fulle r and Cochran. Ordinance No .777 , authorizing the Mayor and Clark to sign bonds against L. I .I . No . 143, was read and referred to the Ord Com- mittee, was reporte(I favorably, placed upon its second and third r' reading and passed as a whole by the following vote : "Ayes" Walters, Kane , Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Ordinanc No 273, vpcatinl; a portion of Branson Way , was read and referred to the Ord Committee, was reported favorably, placed iii-on its second and thir-i readings and pa, sed as a whole by the following vote: "Ayes" Walters, .Kane, Ol3zn, fuller and Cochran. Ordinance No 77� , approving and coni'ironing the bond of the Warren Const' Coofor L. I.D, No .154 was read and referred to the Ord" Committee, was reported favorably, placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole by the following vote: "Ayes" Walters, Kane, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Ordinance No 730 , approving and confirming the bond of the Warren Const , Co : for L. I.D. No 157 , was read and referred to the Ord . Committee, was reported favorably , placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole by the following vote: "Ages" Walters, Kane, Olsen, Fuller and Cocljran. The Clerk notified the Council that no protest had ween made against vacating a portion of Bronson Way. In the matter of safety in the operation of gas appliances a committee consisting of Kane, Fuller and Olsen was appointed to make an investigation and report at the next meeting. Mr Haddock,of the Earlin;;ton Improvement Club, apj eared before the council and asked its co-upeartion in providing sidewalks between Renton and Earlington. Upon motion the matter was .referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Aid Kane proposed that some system of signals be installed whereby 44 the night Marshal might be reached in case of nece- "'r ssity. Upon metion the matter was placed in the hands of the follo win committee. Walters, Kane , Cochran and the Police Chief. There being no further business the Council adjourned. Approv d; Clerk. �/ _ Mayor. - 1111396j 37 October 20 , 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call- Walters , Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Co-Iran. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved . The petition s of the Methodist and Presbyteriam cong- regations, proteating against the granting of a license for a pool hall on Main Street were read and ordered filed. The petition of James O' Brien for permission to rove dwe- lling was read and granted. The request, of the Federal Securities Co. , by Max Boas, to drop the license granted for, pool !Zall on Main Street , was read and petition granted . The following bills were audited by the Finance Committee and warrants ordered drawn for the same: Current Expense Fund : St. Dept Payroll. 152. 66 Wts No 146 to 150 Plagb Sound P,and L.Co . 202.07 151 Agnes Edwa:^ds 5 .00 152 Thee Harries 1.00 " 153 California Filter Co . 3.00 " 154 Bishop and Jenkins 13. 40 " 155 Robt F Hamlin 27 .00 " 156 James Weed 27.00 " 157 Water Fund: `Nater Dept Payroll 157. 13 " 8 to 13 P.S.P and L.Co . 162. 65 " 14 L. I.General Fund. S.L.Ha: lep 48.00 " 74 r..r Engrs repua�t on reserve of X84. 12 due Adams, Hancock and Adams on L. I .D. No .152 was .read and reserve ordered paid. The City Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been filed a; ainst the Assessment Roll for L. I.D. No. 153 Ord. No .781, confirming and approving the assessment roll for LI.D. No . 1L 3 was read and referred to the Ord. Committee. Said Ordinance was favorably reported , placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole by the following vote "Ayes" Walters, Kane, Leathley, Edwa:ds, Olsen and Cocl}ran. Ord. No .732, prohibiting the opening, maintaining and conducting pool and billiard halls in certain parts of the city was read and referred to the Ord. Committee. A majority of the Ord . Committee reporting f avorbly Ord . No .732 was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole by the following vote: "Ayes" Walters, Leathlay, Edwards , and Olsen. by Kane and Cochean. Rasoliztion No .377 setting NOV. , as the date of hearing on the Assessment Roll for L. I.D . No .155. There being no further business the Councila adjourned. i Approved. City Clwrk. I / / Mayor. I i 1 1 38 October 27, 1925 . Rebular meetin6 of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p,M, Roll Call : - 'Walters, Kane, Leathley , Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting, were read and. approved. The petition of .Fuller and Bartlett for permission to use a portion of the street while constructing building; on Lot 15 , Block 13 , was 8ranted . The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and warrants ordered drawn for the same. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Denny Renton C and C .Co . 3.99 Warrant No , 162 J.S.Hardie 1. 20 " 163 McPherson Bros 14. 35 " 164 Renton Chronicle 62.00 " 165 WATER FUND: J.S .Hardie 1. 40 " 20 L. I .GENERAL FUND : Renton Chronicle 64.00 " 75 Engrs Payroll 52. 50 " 76-77-73 Upon report of the City Engineer the final estimate in tha sum oC �878. 40 was allowed Adams, Hancock and Adams for sidewalk construction in L. I .D . No .135 . The Mayor§ veto of tree pool room ordinance was presented and , upon motion, ordered f Med . The Committee , to whom was referred the matter of safe- guarding, a;;ainst accidents from ga.s fixtures reported that It recommended an ordinance covering the subject . The report was accepted and the City Atty instructed to prepare an ordinance along the lines outlined by the Committee. Upon motion tree City Atty was instructed to prepare an ordinance requiring the posting of a bond by any person usi ng any portions of the streets or sidewalks during construction work. Upon motion Fuller and Bartlett were ailowe:i to proceed with their contract as soon as they have posted a bond of the same kind as heretofore posted by contractors. Upon motion Thomas Rowe was notified to construct sidewalk in front of his premises on First Ave No . Aid Olsen brought up the proposition oft the City ins&alling a City Scale. After discussion the matter was deferred until further information could be secured . There being no f=urther business the Council adjourned. Approved . Clerk. Mayor. i Wi 139ba 9 November 3, 1925 . Regular meeti% of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call: - Leathley, Kane, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller artd Cochran. ...- The minutes of the last, meeting were read and approved. The petition of W. Bennett to remove dwelling, house from Lot No .2 in Block No.6 to Lot No .12 in 'Block No .4 of the Renton Farm Plat was granted . The petition of the Pucet Sound Power and Licht Company to set three poles at Seventh Avenue and Morris Street was wranted. The petition of Scott Lewis to construct driveway through curb in front of his property on Allain Street was granted. The fol..lowing bills were audited b,�; the Finance Committee and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Pay Roll Sgreet Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89. 71 Warrant No 166 to 170 Savage Lumber Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53.59 of it 171►s 172 Kenneth H.McRae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 to Pauls Cleaning Service. . . . . . . • • • • . . 2.00 173 It �� 174 Pacific Tel and Tel . Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 45 it " E.A.Shearer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.95 175�� 176 Mac' s Service Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.05 " " 177 Joe �l'god . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 50 178 J.R.Storey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64.00 Renton Chronicle 73. 35 180 W-+TER FUND : 21 to 26 Nater Dept Payroll 247. 44 4�. 34 11 to 27 City of Seattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 1' 28 Walworth Ninfg Co _ 55. 30 2. 48 It -11 29 E.A.Shearer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i, If 30 Mac' s Service Station. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. 40 if 0 31 Sea and Sons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19. 68 L. I .GENERAL: If It 79 S .L.Hanley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48.00 The reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Upon motion the Council appropriated X2. 60 for the purpose of paying freight on a shipment of War Trophies alloted to this city. Ordinance No .763, approving; and confirming the Assessment and Assessment Roll for L. I .D . No.155 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. An Ordinance , regulating the use of gas in hotels , rooming houses, lodging houses and apartment houses, was read Rnd referred to the Ord. Committee . An Ordinance, relating to permits and bonds in building and other constructi011 was read and referred to the Ordinance Cowx,ittee . An Ordinance, changixik, the meeting nights of the City Council from weekly to bi-monthly was read and referred to the Ordirance Consr.ittee. 40 The Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been received against the Assessment Roll for L. I.D. No .155 . The Ordinance Corranittee reported favorably on Ordinance No .782, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third reading and pssed as a whole by the fallowing poll vot-e: "Ayes" Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The Ordinance Committee reported unfavorably on the Ord- inance proposing to change the night of meeting of the City Council from weekly to bi-monthly, which 'report was adopted. Ald Kane reported that a system of signals for the police department could be installed for approximately I100.00. Upon motion, the conmittee and the Chief of Police were authorized to have the sa stem installed . The Water Supt recommended that bids be called for on the following amounts of C . I. B & S. Pipe. 8" . . . . 2000 lin ft. " 6 . . .?aoo ? „ 4" . . . . 1000 " Upon motion the Clerk was instriznt,ed to call for bids for the amounts of pipe specified . There being no further business the Council adjourned. Approved/; C l ark. NEW Mayor. r.rrr ,Kl1396a 41 November 17 , w 25 . Re7uiar session of the City Council 3alleal to order )y Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call : - Nalters , Kane, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller, Cochran. The minutes of the lase meeting were read and approved. T12e petition of the Pacific Tel . and Tel . Co . to set pole on t .e west side of Smitfters Street at Third Ave was granted. The petition of W.C .Smith to install gas pump on the curb line on Park Avenue was rejected. The petition of Geo , Custer for permit, to repair buildin , on Lot 3, Block 20 was granted . The fol?owing, bills were audited by the Finance Committee and warran s ordered drawn for the same: - CURRENT EXPENSE FUND : J.R.Storey -04.00 Warrant No .187 Standard Oil Co 1. 3£3 of 11 1£38 Joe Wood 2. 50 " " 1£39 Williams and icKnight 2.5. 23 " " 190 Trick and Murray 14. 51 191 W.H.Watkins 2.00 " " 192 Seattle Lightin;_ Co. . 75 " " 193 Bishop and Jenkins 139. 55 " .134 Street Dppt Payroll 127.93 " " 195 to 200 Lowman and Hanford 48.05 " " 201 Union Oil Co . 11. 39 " " 202 Wm. Kane 3.60 " " 203 Now WATER FUND; Renton Hardware Co. 4. 10 " " 32 Williams and McKnight 18. 55 " " 33 Renton Garage 4. 50 " " 34 Walworth Mnfs, Co 40.57 " 35 Wa .er Dept Payroll .180. 81 " " 36 to 40 L. I .GENERAL FUND: Engr. Dept Payroll 10)n.00 " " 80-81-82 Upon report of the City En,-:,r the reserve amountin6 to . 416. 69 due E.E.Duff on his contract for widening Main St was ordered paid . Upon report of the City Engr. 8stimate No 1 in the sum of §791.00 was allowed the Warren Construction Co . on their contract '.:r widening Wells Street . A communication from the County Health Officer was read and filed . Bids for cast iron pipe were opened and referred to the Water Supt and Engineer who renorted that they recommended that the bid of the American Cast Iron Pine Co . be accepted. Upon motion the award was made to the abovo company. Ordinance No . 734, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to issue bonds against L. I.D. 152, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No 785 , re-ula.ino the use of gas in hotels, etc, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No .734, was favorably reported , the report received , and placed upon its second and third readini, and 42 passed as a whole . All votinL "aye" : Walters, Kane, Edwards, Olsen, Faller and Cochran. Ordinance No.785 , was favorably reported , the report received, and placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. All votilaE; "aye" : Walters, Kane, Edwards, Olsen, lFuller and Cochran. Upon motion the City Engineer was named to act as Buil- �he`wonrrector until other provisions may be made to care for Upon motion by Walters and second by Cochran the rules were suspended and the next regular meeting set For Tuesday, December 1, 1925 . There being no further business the Council adjourned . Apprcved City Clerk. mayor. �a/ " jt1396j 3 December 1, 1925 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call : - Walters, Leathley, Kane, Edwards, Olsen, Cochran and Fuller. �"' The minutes of the last meetina, were read and approved. Upon petition of property owners on Williams Street between Second and Third Avenue a street lig ht was ordered installed midway in the block. Upon petition, Mary Tem_me was granted an extension of fifteen days ,in which to install vents on las heaters in the Western Hotel . The petition of J.White to construct gara;e on Lot 17 , Block 22 was rejected. The Finance CUamnittes reported favorably upon the followinJ bills and warrants were ordered drawn for the same. : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Payroll Street Dept. . Labor 130. 8:; Wts 208 to 210 California Filter Co Chlorine Gas 42.00 " 211 J.K.Gill Co . Library Books 23. 34 " 212 Milson and Marlowe- Library Insurance 50. 54 " 213 Sanderson Co . Fire Dent Supplies 21. 50 " 214 P.S.P h L.Co . Strett Lights 220. 28 " 215 Square teal Grocery- Library Exp. 8. 15 " 916 West Parer Co - Park Simnl i_es 2.4. 50 X17 Lacs Service Station- Gas and Oil 13.00 " 216 McCallister-Campbell Cp. T.reas Bond 95. 00 " 219 Miller And Haviland- Street Paint 2. 30 " 220 �.► S.L.Hanley- Engineer Salary 83.00 221 WPTER FUND: - 'Nater UND: -- "+Fater Dept Payroll- Labor 255. 93 " 46 to 50 P.S.E.& L.Co . Power pump Sta. 144. 53 " 51 Trick and Murray- water Receipts 79. 50 " 52 Mac' s Service Station- Gas and Oil 8. 80 " 53 Upon report of the City Engr the balance _..-counting to "'131. 76 , due Adams, Hancock and Adams on L. I .') . 3o.155 was ordered paid . An ordinance °Regulating, the use and occupancy of public _ places during the construction Rf buil.din,;s" was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . Upon motion the bond of the City Treasurer was accented. Upon motion the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sicn a contract with the American Cast Iron Pipe Co'. for pipe. Upon motion deeds to portions of the lots in Block 24 Oriluktal Town of Renton were acoepted and ordered redorded. U,-on motion the Clerk was authorized to purchase a new typewriter. Upon motion the following Resolution was adopt®d : RESOI.JTT ION No .378. WHEREAS the cost, of the improvement of Local Improvement District. No .153, under Ordinance No .760 , is Two Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Dollars and Ninety-one cents (, 2277.91) and there has been paid of that amount the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred forty-four Dollars and seven cents (;�164`i• 07) leaving a balance to be covered by bond issi.ie in therslim of ne,�4 asand Orae Hundred thirty-three Dollars and eighty --our ('� i. 44 i f THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City" Council of the City of Renton, Washington, thet the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are herebir directed to cause to he ?printed and engraved, bond in the aggregate sum of One Thousand One Hundred Thirty-thrae Dollar and eighty-four cents (.p1133. 84) , dated December 19th, 1925 Bond Noel to be for the sum of Thirty-three: Dollars and eig�ty- four cents (,p33. 84) and bonds numbered 2 to 12 inclusive , for. the sum of One Hundred Dollars (4100. 00) each. Said bonds to be paid on or before seven (7) years from date in five (5) equal , annual installments bearing eight (8) percent interest and to have plainly marked in the face thereof, the provisions requirerd by statute as to all local improvement bonds and all in accordance with legislation in said Local Improvement District No .153, under Ordinance No .760 , passed on October 2pth , 1925. Approved this 1st day of December, 1925. Geo .H.Thomas ATTESTED this 1st day of December, 1925 . Mayor. W.J.eVil l tams, City Clerk. T.1e Renton Lodge of Eagles were granted pe-mission to put on a series of smokers subject to the approval of the . Chief of Police. Upon motion a street li:grt was ordered installed an . Wells Sgreet midway between Secor_d Avenue and the Wells Street Bride . There being no further business the Council adjourned . proved . Clerk. Mayor. i i 'H 1396 5 Decemoer 8, 1925 . Regul, r session of the City ''uncil cal _ed tp oider by i;a Dor Phomas at 7 .30 p.m. .:oll CallX-ane , Keathley, Edwards . Olsen and Cochran. The minutes of the last meetin ; were read and aNl"roved. T e petition of the racific Telephone and Telegraph Comp- ny to eject pole at Sxth <1venue and I,iain Street was granted. The petition of owners of ;lro�erty in Blpck io.9 in the ':_.r orks addition askinE that a certain portion of railroad :,venue be vacated was read and, upon motion, the necessary steps were ordered taken to,:: �rovide for the vacation y,,roceedi- ngs. _'he Street and :alley Committee were _,ranted another waek in which to report on conditions on ,.ain St . eet drainage. Upon the recommendation of the Street Supt. the following streets were closed to lo, ;ging trucks: Fourth _we. fro::. Main to Burnett Streets . Alest :3urnett Street from Valla Valla xve• to city limits on the south. Third "avenue fret 3urnett to - 'hitworth Streets. F rst tsve . 'north from Iark _'eve to city limits on the ewst . The reportts of the City Clerk and City Treasurer were re- ad and ordered filed. cor.=,,unication from: the arlington Improvement Club was read and filed. 11he resignation of 3ert ;,7.ayner as a member of the mark 3oard was read and accepted. ,_n Ordinance amending Section o Ordinance No 531 waU read and referred to the Ordinance Committee . resolution lro . 79 ,reading; as folk,vas was acto )ted. RI;SO ,UTIOPT iso . 679 . 6Ar ER1',1,.S the cosi of improvement of :vocal Improvement Distr- ict No .I55 under Ordinance oto . 767 , is Light Hundred Seventy- eight Dollars and forty cents and there has been paid of that amount the sum of Five Hundred Two :Dollars and seventy cents (."$12.70) , leaving a balance to be covered by bonds is-,ue in th.; sum of Three Hun�_red Deventy Five Dollars and seventy cents ( ,._ 75 . 70 ) . THEFcI;FO ;E, 3y IT RSOI V—'D by the City Council of the City of "Lenton. 'dashington. thet the 1,1a',!-or and City Clerk be , and they are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be printed or engraved, bonds in the aggregate sum of Three Hundred Sev- enty Five Dollars and seventy cents (.;,:375 .70 ) ,dated December ward, 1925 . 3ond rumoer one to be for the sum of `-:eventy :.Five Dollars and seventy cents (.,'75 .70) , and on(is numbers 2 to 4, both inclusive , for the sum of One undred Doll,rs each. Said bonds to be paid on or before seven ( 7 ) ;,ears from date in live (3 ) e, ual, aniraal installments bearing ei ht (8) per cert interest and to have plainly printed in the face thereof, the provi sions required by atatute as to all local improvement bonds and all in accordance with legislation in said vocal Improvement District ''umber 155, under Ordinance ,\lumber 767 , passed on September 15th, I925. i.,proved this 3th day of December, I9_25 . Geo .H.Thomas T. "a �or. ttested this 'th day of :December, I925 . J-Villiams , City Clerk 46 The Street Superintendent recoimended that a "one man motor operated road grading outfit" bepurchased. Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to adverti(e for bids for such a piece of equipment. The Fire Chief recommended that alloroximately I000 feet of fire hose be purchased from the Seattle Fire Dept. Upon motion the Chiefs recoiimendation was concurred in. r'loyd Lawrence was aj:pointed to fill the vacancy in the nark Board caused by the resignation of Bert Mayner. The app- ointment was confirmed by the council. There being no further business the Council adjourned. C- ty Clerk. _approved . I.Iayor. ' i U t 1 396 Dec , 22, 1925 . 47 Regular meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call : - Walters, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. 1 a The minutes of the last meetinc were read and approved . i The petition of Geo . Custer to build garage on Lot 19 in Block 22 was granted subject to an amendment of Section 6 of Ordinance . 531 betnz, passed. The following bills were audited b;; the Finance Committee and ordered paid . 1 CURRENT .EXPENSE FUND: Renton Feed Store Cement 8. 20 Wt No. 228 F. A.Shearer Sewer Supplies ?. 30 229 J.S.Hardle Library Exp, 6. 40 230 Renton Sash and Door Shop C .Hall 9. 25 231 Seattle Lighting; Co . C.Hall Gas . 75 232 Pac. ,Tel and Tel Co . Telephone 1. 10 233 Renton Chronicle Printing 17. 80 234 Pauls Cleaning Service C .Hall Exp 2.00 235 E.E.Duff: Police JudL;e 2.00 235 l Frank Rhodes F.D.Exp 3.QO `_?37 Renton Agency Auto Exp 70. 17 238 Pay Roll Street Dept Labor 94. 29 239 to 243 Lowman and Hanford Lib. Books 198. 40 244 Jackson Fuel Co . Lib Fuel 4.00 245 A.J.Burney Lib. Repairs 182. 55 246 Renton Chronicle Printing 14. 50 247 Frederick and Nelson Lib Books 46.96 248 Renton Hdw Co. Lib Exp. 11. 70 249 S.B.Tircher Park Exp. 45.00 250 Seattle Tent ca) Awning Cc o'.D .Exp 70 . 20 251 City of Seattle F.D.Exp 125.00 252, E.A.Shearer Park Exp. 9 .70 253 S.L.Hanleu Eng;r Salary 96.00 254 C.A.Tincher Parl Labor 51. 80 255 Priebe faros Toll Exp. 20 .05 256 mcPhersom Bros St Exp. 5. 25 257 Renton Agency 1'.D.Supplies 6. 41 258 4'Villiams and McKnight Park Exp , 17. 70 259 Enfrs Payroll Labor 9 .00 260 and 261 Joe wood Police Judge 2. 50 2,62 Pac Tel and mel Co . Telephone 4.00 263 Harsen Bros Police Exp. 1. 80 264 Woods Cale Jail ideals 3. 35 265 Renton Sand and Gravel Co St. Exp 50. 25 266 Wm Kane F.D .Exp. 9 . 72 267 WATER F77ND : Cit,r od Seattle Water 50. 30 54 Hersey Mfg. Cc. Supplies 3. 30 55 Renton Agency Auto Exp. 37. 29 56 :Frank Rhodes �� 33. G5 57 Water Dept Payroll Labor 193.06 58 to 62 American Cast Iron Pipe Co , Pine 290.00 63 Olympic Foundry Co . Supplies 19. 40 64 Renton Agency Auto Supplies 17.00 65 + L. I.GENERAL FUND : Renton Chronicle Printing Bonds 11.00 83 1 a Y 7 3 48 Upon report of the City Fncr Estimate No .J was allowed to the 'Marren Construction Co . on L. I .D . No .154 in th•e -sum of : 3621. X31 Upon report of the City Engr Estimate No 1 was allowed the Warren Construction Company on L. I.D. No :157 in the sum of '7076.05 An Ordinance appropriating '3000. 00 for nurchasinL a grader .fir and materials was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No .786 was reported favorably by the Ordinance Committee, was plaaed upon its second and third readinb and 'passed. as a whole. Voting "Aye" Walters, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. Sealed proposals for furnishing a motor operateri road grader were opened and read. Upon motion -the aids were referred to the City Ener and Street Supt for a report;t next meeting. Upon motion the City Clerk was instructed to pay off' the Wells Street Bridge Bonds and all Local Ipprovement Assessments against City property. Upon motion Resolution No . 380 was adopted. Upon motion Resolution No.381 ':+vas adopted. Upon motion Resolution No .382 was adopted. There being no further business the Council adjourned . Approved . C i tb,J C erk. Mayo r. i I "4113961 9 December 29 , 1925 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 30 p.m. Roll Call : Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of the last meetin; were read and approved. The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: P.S . P. and L.Co . Power and light 213. 85 eft, No . 275 Trick and Murray Clerk supplies 56. 59 " 276 Seattle Tent and AwninC. Co . P.Dept 9. 00 " 277 Dalton Adding Mch . Co . Repairs 4. 50 " 278 Malmo and Co . Park supplies 34. 62 " 279 Renton Chronicle Printing 36. 20 " 280 Laurence Plano Park labor 4. 50 281 David Morrison " " 4. 50 " 282 L. T .D. Assessment Dist 154 544. 2E " 283 S.L.Hanley Engr 88.00 " 234 WATER FUND 71 P.S .P. and L.Co . Pcwer acid Light 72. 27 The report of the Fire Chief for the year 1925 was read and ordered filed. The report of the Police Judge for the year 1925 was read and ordered filed . The Street Supt , and City Engr. recommended that the street grader demonstrated by Howard- Cooper Company of Seattle be purchased . Upon motion of Olsen and second by Edwards the grader recommended was purchased. This being the niht set for hearing, on the Assessment Roll for L. I.D. No . 154 the Clerk reported that no protests had been filed against the same. Ordinance No . 78f, approvin and confirming the Assessment Roll for L. I.D. No . 154 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 786 whereupon it was placed upon :its second and t_-:ir3 reading and passed as a whole. "Ayes '= Kane , Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and .Fuller. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 707 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole . "Ayes"- Kane, Leathley, Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. Resolution No .363 , setting; the night of Jan 12, 1926, for a hearing on the Asse:;sment Roll for L. I .D. No . 157 was read and adopted. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that a sidewalk be constructed on the wast side of Main Street below Fifth -e,,. Avenue- the same to ue constructed as soon as possible in the spring. There being no further business the Council adjourned. proved Clerk. /r Mayor. p� , January 5 , 1925 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Thomas at 7. 3. p.m. Roll Call : - Mane, beathley ,, Edwards, Olsen., Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meFtin, were read and approved. The petition of R.Bellando to pave portion of parking stri east of his property on Mill Stre et was granted. The petition of Benjamin Fey for License to conduct Moving Picture Theatre was read and referred to the License Committee. Upon a favora.ol.e report from the License Committee the above License was Lranted . A petition from the Seattle Lighting, Company asking permission to extend a. bas main from Third Avenue northward in the alley in Block 25 , Town of Renton, was Lra.nted . The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND : pay Roll Street Dept Labor 197. 53 Wts 283 to 222 Howapd- Cooper Corp. Road Grader 2186.00 293 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas . 75 " 294 Pauls Cleaning Service Labor 2.0r) 295 Renton Auto Freight Freight 1.00 296 Renton Feed Store Supplies 16. 85 " 297 Dave Morrison Park labor 9 . 00 " 298 State Treasurer Ind Insurance 49. 40 " 299 Underwood Typewriter� Co . Typewriter 72. 64 " 300 Renton Hardware Co . Supplies 3. 30 " 301 Mac' s Service Station Gas and oil 14.00 " 302 S.L.Hanley En,r 48. 00 " 303 NATER iUND: Water Dept Payroll Labor 118.96 " 72 to 76 State Treasurer Inti Ins 11. 33 " 77 City of Seattle Water 27. 16 " 76 Mac' s Service Station Gas and Oil 11. 40 " 79 Upon re_ ort. of tte City Engineer the Final Estimate to the adarren. Construction Company was allowed in the sum of 4"3051 . 25 for work done in L. T .D . No .157 . Upon motion_ the City Engr was instructed to look over the storm sewer on Williams Street and report at [he next meeting. Upon motion it was ordered that all business houses requiring a license which have not applied for the same before February 1 st be closed by the Chief of Police. There being no further business the Council adjourned. Aipro ed : City Clerk. / _ Mayor. t "t 139 51 Renton, Wash. , Jan. I9 1926 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by ;.ayor 11homas at 7 ..',0 p.m. Zoll Call:- Lane , E'dwa.rds, Fuller, Cochran. 12,he minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of the operators of the Grand ' heatre for a renewal of their license was read and, upon motion, the same was �;ranted. The petition of Hansen pros . for a renewal of their license was read and, upon motion, the same was granted. The petition of Boisseau, Tickner and Swift for a renew-- 1 t'' of their license was read, and upon motion, was referred to the License Committee. The petition of Jaynes liardie to move a garage on Lot 20 in Block I3 a distance of rive feet in an easterly direction was read and, upon motion, the same was granted, The petition of Josie .shite to erect a garage on Lot 17 in Block 22 was read and, upon Motion, the ame was granted. The petition of the Riverside Service Station to make cer- tain alterations to their station on the southwest corner of the intersection of Bronson :lay and 1L.Till Street was read and, upon motion, granted. This being the night set for a hearing on the matter of vacating a certain portion of Railroad x�venue , a petition of protest was read; after which, on the verbal petition of the interested parties , a motion to defer the matter for two wjeks was cwrried. The following bills were okcd by the Finance Committee and warrants ardered drawn for the same : CURRENT .,al!"FTSE r Ui B :'ayroll Street Department Street ,abor 264.91 Wt No.3I0-3 6 .'u'...i.Shearer Library Repairs 1 -40 " " u17 J.S.Hardie it r' I25 .00 " " 3I8 Pacific Telephone Co. Tel Service 2.00 " it 3I9 Lawrence 1-1ano 1'ark labor. 4.50 " " 320 Thomas Dobson and Son. Fire Dept. Ins . I8I .25 " 'i 321 State Treasurer Ind. Ins. 2.00 " tr 322 California Filter Co . Sewer supplies 3.88 " " 323 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. F.D. exp. 3.12 " " 324 Renton IT ardware Co. Liurary supplies I.00 " " 325 Thos Harries Box rent. 1 .00 " It 326 S._j.Hanley �ngr services 92.00 " T1 327 IAU3L1':2R FUND: vlater Dept 1 ayroll i,abor. 67.30 'i " 80-8- Rensselear Valve Co . .`later dept exp. 52.40 'i " 84 The reports of the City Clerk«and City Treasurer were read 3 and ordered filed. The report of the City -_"ngr. on the Williams Stre t storm sewer was read and, upon motion, the Street Superintendent was instructed to construct a storm sewer as outlined. This being the night set for a hearing on the �IsseL sment Roll for L. I.D. No. I57 , the Clerk notified the Council that no 3 protests against the same had been filed. 3 Ordinance ivo. 789 , being an ordinance confirming and apl,ro- z 52 ving the assessment and assessment roll for .L. I.D. No.I57 , was read and referred to the Ordinance Couuittee . The Ordinance Co�.,mittee reported favorably on Ord. IIo. 789 . The reyort was received and said orainance placed on its second and third reading and passed as w whole . Lll present voting "aye"I- I'=ane , _Awards , Fuller and. Cochran. m agreement covering the installation of a police alarm system ith the City of Renton as the party of the first part and the 2cLcific Tel. an Tel. Co. as the party of the second part was read. Upon motion by Cochran and second by Fuller the .iayor and Clerk were authorized to sign the agreement subject to the approvement of said agreement by the City sittorney. The City Clerk made a statement to the Council in which he explained that,throuEh an oversight,t:_e City Treasurer was bonded in an aL,io­.nt which was I0,00U.OU in excess of the amount required, and asked that a bond in the amount of $10,000.00 , written by The Continental Casualty Company, being the bond causing such excess be cancelled. On motion of Cochran with a second by Fuller the bond written by the Continental Casualty Company in the amount of �I0,000 .00 covering the office of the City Treasurer, was ordered cancelled. as of the date of June 12th , 1925 . O.N.Cochran presented. his resignation as alderman from the Second ':lard to take effect on February 9th. vn a motion by Fuller with a second by Kane the resignation was accepted. On a motion by "ane with a second by 1idwards , it was ordered that hereafter the City Clerk record in his minutes of the Council proceedings the name of the member by whom any motion is made together with the name of the member by whom such motion is seconded. The Street and i�lley Corn.:_littee recommended that a safety railing be erected at the north a_.proach to the 79ells Street 3rigge. On a. motion by Cochran with a second by Fuller the rec- ommend.ation of the Committee was ordered carried into effect and the Street Snperintendent ordered to erect th; necessary safeguard. i There being no further business the Council adjourned. City Clerk pi roved: ; , F or. �taa3 Tebruary 2, 1926. Regular meeting of the City uounci- _al__au to vruei Mayor Thomas at 7.30 �o.m. Roll call- pane , Edwards , Olsen, Fuller and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read arid. a. ,,)roved. The petition of 1ingelo r'oli for renewal of license was, upon motion by Olsen and second by Cochran, referred to the license Committee. The petition of illian and Vaise for renewal of license was, upon motion of 0,lsen and second by Cochran, referred to the License :committee. The y,etition of 'J. .;.Vioue for renewal of license was, upon motion of Cochran and second by Olsen, referred to the License Committee . The petition of Jansen and Senff for license to operate an Archery Gallery was , u,,on motion by .-.'dwards and second by Cochran, granted. The following bills were oked. by the Finance Committee and- warrants ndwarrants ordered drawn for the same: CUttR l`uT E 'ETAS FUND: Lowman and Hanford- Engrs Supplies 28.93 �,dt No- 332 'dilson and Iaiarlowe Library Ins . 33.00 if 333 Lowman and Hanford " supplies 4I .75 " 334 City _assessment Local Imp. 3I7 .4I " 335 F.S. and L.1.Co. Light 225 .27 " 336 Joe -.good Police Judge 5 .00 " 337 Water 7,'ks and 'ower Equip. Co. 53.25 " 338 Sewer Suyr.lies. Renton Feed Store St. Supplies !0 .25 " 339 Chas Hardin & Co . St Supplies .90 " 340 Fay Roll St Dept Labor 287.34 " 341 to 353 Mme ' s Service Station Oil & Gas 15 .65 " 368 Geo. Smith otund Dept I .50 1T 355 .H. 'aul City Hall <,p 2.00 T' 356 Renton Sand and Gravel Co . Str:;et 190.00 " 1357 California Filter Co. Sewer Sup. 42.00 " 358 S. Manley ngr 84.00 " 359 WAT 2 FUND: Riverside Service Station Gas , etc 13 .45 " 359 and L.Co . -ower 135 .19 " 90 City of Seattle water 38.98 " 91 Mae ' s Service Station Gas, etc I3.00 11 92 ';dater Dept Payroll Labor 53 .88 t1 93 and 94 The report of the City Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered- -f ile(l. rdered-filed. The License Committee reoprted favorably upon the petition of Tickner,Doisseau and Swift for license . Upon motion by Edwards and second by Ful.Ler the re_.ort was received and the license granted. This being the night set for 'nearing on vacation procee(iins relating to Railroad .Ive-ue the matter was , ui:on motion b.r Xanei and second by Fuller. deferred for one week. i,Tayor Thomas appointed L. J.Cross to fill the unexi)ired term, of O.N.Cochran. it motion of Mane , seconded by Cochran, to confirm the appointment was lost. Resolution No.384. relating to the issuance of bonds a�7ains L.I.D. No. 154 was adopted. Upon motion by Fuller and second by !�dwa.rds the City Bitty wads instructed to make a settlement with the owner of a certain bond. outstanding against L.I.D. No.33. The matter of waking certain repairs to the Comfort ;�tatmonI ( was referred to the Town Property Committee. �r There being no further business the Council adjourned. rove_ / City Clerk � � , 54 RESOLUTION N0. ?WHEREAS the cost of the improvement c,f Local Improvement District Number 154, under Ordinance Njnber 761, is Hive Thousand Two Hundred Three Dollars and thirty-one cents ($5203. 31) and there has been paid of that amount the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Eighty--one Dollars and seventy-eight cents (4i?'2281.78) leaving a balance to be covered by bond issue in the sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-one Dollars and fifty-three cents (0"2921. 53) . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, that the Qlayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby directed to cause to ,,,e printed or engraved, bonds in the aggregate sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty- one Dollars and fifty-three cents ($2921.53) , dated February loth, 1925. Bend Number One (1) to be for the sum of Twenty- one Dollars and fifty-three cents (.; 21. 53) and bonds numbered 2 to 30 inclusive, for the sum of One Hundred Dollars (­,100.00) each. Said bonds to be paid on or before seven years from date in five (5) equal, annual installments bearing eight (8) per cent interest aria to have plainly printed in the face thereof, the ,provisions required by statute as -�c .�11 local improvement bonds and all in accordance with legislation in said Local Improver^.ent District Number 154, under Ordinance Number 7ol, passed August x, 1925. Approved this day of Feb izary, 192 . A TMTED this day of February, 1922 e City Clerk. I _ � "t139( 5 February 9 , I92e . Re:-ulcer meeting of the City Council called to order by Iiayor Thomas at 7.�0 p.m. Roll call: Kane, -_Awards, Olsen and Cochran. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Before being approved the City attorney was asked for an opinion as to the legal sta-tus of a motion to confirm the appointment of Z. J.Cross made at the meeting of February 2nd. The nttorney held that the motion in �iuestioii was lost, whereupon the minutes t°;ere approved. The petition of F.Sumriers for license to conduct a junk business was upon motion of Fuller and second of Olsen referred to the license com:;aittee . The petition of the -acific Telephone and Telegraph Co . for y,ermission to set certain poles was upon motion of, Ful.ler and econd by Olsen referred to the :street and Willey Comr.iittee . The petition of the Brendel Drug Co. for renewal of license was on motion by _lsen and second by Fuller referred to the License Com;nittee . The petition of R.IVi.Walker for renewal of license was anon motion by Olsen and second by Fuller referred to the License Committee . The petition of G.I..Harner regarding the vacation of a portion of RL-.ilroad _venue was read and ut;on motion by Kane andl second by Fuller the matter was laid over until the next meetin�. report from the Street and .11ey Committee was read and filed. The report of the :street and _.11ey Committee on Logan, Dixie and Commercial _.venues was read and upon motion of Olsen and second by -dwards was ordered filed. i'he report of the Town i roperty Committee reg°arding the Comfort Station on Hain Street ivas read and upon motion by Olsen and second by Tuller the recommendations were ordered carried out insofar as funds are available for the purpose . On motion by Fuller and second by Olsen the (attorney wasp instructed to prepare a ;proper lease covering the occupancy of the Comfort Station by the tenant. The report of the City -engineer that the reserve with-held from the final estimate to the '. arren Construction Corcipany for work done in L. I.D. I1o.I54 was now pa %able and reco::,qrnend ng tha� it be paid was om motion by Kane and second by Edwards accepted, and the oalance ordered paid. Ther report of the City engineer that the reserve with-h(lld from the final estimate to the '� arren Construction Company for pork done in L. I.D.No .I57 was now due and payable and recommending that it be paid was, upon motion by Mane and second by 11`u.11er, accept,ed and the balance ordered paid. The Licence Comnittee reported i"avorably on the applicat ons of Illian and vaise , �geloIoli and J.__�'.+Tioue for renewal of their licenses . Upon motion by Kane and second by Olsen the resort was received and the licenses ordered granted. The Li :;ense Co,'imAttee also reported favorably on the app� i- cations of the Brendel Drug Co . , R.:._. :"'alker and F.Sunrners for i renewal of licenses . Upon motion by Olsen and second by I.ane the report was received and the licenses ordered granted. The :street and :alley ;o:.jA ttee reported favorably on the petition of the acific Telephone and telegraph Co . for permisson to set certai moles . Upon motion by Olsen and second by Fuller the report was received and the permission granted. The ::=ayor ay�i;ointed L. J.Cross as councilman to fill the I vacancy caused by the resignation of 0. .Cochran. id:oved by ran and seconded by :Ldwards that the appointment be confirmed. Upon a roll call the vote was as follows: ;' 1-es" .rune and Edwards . "Noes" Olsen and Fu!_er. I f 56 Upon motion by Fane and Second by Edwards , Councilman at Large :'.alters was granted a leave of absence until such time s he can again take up his duties. Upon motion by Olsen and second by Fuller it was ordered that Councilman T. J.-Ueathley be asked to secure a leave of absence Uy,.on motion by Olsen and. second by killer a_,jlicants for .Licenses were given one more w<;ek in which to a� ly for their licenses . The City :attorney reported that a settlement in regard to the autstanding pond against L.I.D. No.S3 could be made for x;400.00. Upon motion by Fuller and- secong by ;d,rards it was ordered. that a settlement be made for that amount . There being no further business the Council adjourned. Cler k �p roved. Hay or. t1396j 57 February I6 , 1920. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by .ayor Thomas at 7.50 p.m. Roll call:- ,alters, 1s:ane , -.I'dwards, Olsen and fuller. The minutes of t ie last :meeting were read and ailyjroved.. The petition of the Renton :IIublic 11arket for a license was read. 1,10ved. by bane, seconded by Fuller that the i etition be referred to the license Cornrmittee . Carried. The petition of Benjamin Aarple for a license was read. :Loved by Olsen, seconded by Fuller that the retition be re er- red to the License Committee . Carried. The petition of y ercy Kirkman for license was read. :Loved; by -":ane , seconded by .Faller that the retition be referr, d to the ;License Committee . Carried. The petition of -.11.'.Swanson for license was read. :. oved. by Olsen, seconded by Fuller that the petition be referred to the License Committee . Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following ui11s . Report received. loved by Diane , seconded by Fuller that ctrhrrants be ordered drawn for the same . Carried. CURR-uiy T EXPENSE rNSE FUND: Street Dept L'ayroll tabor 536.75 ','its No. 567-478 City 'Issessment 95.00 TT TT ; 79 Standard Oil Co . gas and oil 1.98 'T TT 380 Renton Hardware Co . Street supplies 3.55 T1 TT 381 I Cement products Co . . Storm sewer pipe 227.50 TT TT 382 Jackson Fuel Co. Library expense 4.50 TT IT 383 Olympic Foundry Co . Street expense I4.85 tt t' 384 ko� ee and Sons Street expense I8.I5 TT IT 385 11 -acific Tel. and Tel. Co. Telephone 5.75 TT TT 386 Seattle lighting Co . City Hall gas .75 TT TT 387 11 owman and Hanford Co . Library books 21 .71 TT T, 388 ".L.Hanley ;ngr 88.00 TT TT389 j WATER FUND:- ater Dept _ ayroll Gabor 31 .43 it 95-97'. hos Harries _. ostage 21.98 TT IT 98 FUND:- enton Chronicle 1,rinting 26.40 TT TT 84 r The License Committee rey�.,orted favorably on the a .,plication f P _e Renton -_uolic I rket, Benj . :aarple , Percy iirkman and i1. Swanson for licenses. ,loved by Olsen, seconded by ',`Walters that he report be accepted and the licenses Grailted. Carried. T. J.Leathley asked for a leave of absense for a period of wo months . ',Loved by Walterp seconded by Duller that the recques! e granted. Carried. Ordinance Llo. 790, being and ordinance declaring an emergency jand providing means for the payment of Bond % o , 58 against l.T. . 10. 33, was read. _:.oved by Lane , seconded by 7lalters that Ord. lq . 90 be referred to the irdinance Co.._:ittee . Carried. The report of the State .Uuaitor for the year I915 was read. ..'ove by mane , seconded by "awards that the report be filed..-Ca rzed. 1n the matter of the vacation of a portion it was moved by 2uller and seconded by Kane that ithe 1petitioneo e he proi;erty owners asi.ing for the vacation be .ranted. Carried 1 - 58 I The question of selecting an lIderman to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of O. a.Cochran was intavod-uced. On motion of Olsen and second of Edwards the name of J. T. Snyder was presented. There being no other nominations a vote j was teken with the following result. ! For the election of J.T.Gnyder- Talters , �dwards , Olsen and Mler Against the election of J.T.Snyder- p=ane . Upon the reciuezt of Fuller the matter of installing a street light at the west end of Tobin avenue was referred to the Fire, Light and .Yater Committee . There being no further business the Council adjourned. >>y roved1r PESOLUTION WHEREAS the coat of tae imrrovement of jUcjl japy6vemwnt District under Ordinance lumber 762, is Eleven inc Hundred Twenty-three Dollars and eilLty-eight cents (111,923.88) and there has bean raid of that amount the sim of Seven Thousand Ave Hundred Thirteen and 36/100 Dollars Q7,513.3b) , leaving a balance to be covcred by bond issue in the s,,= of Four Thousand Four Hundred Ten Dollars and fifty-two cents (44,410.52) . THEPEFORE, 3E IT PESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Penton, Mshington, that the layor' and City Clark be, and they are hereby direct8d to cause to be printed or engraved, bonds in the aggregate sum of Four Thousand Four Hundred Ten Dollars and fifty-two cents (14,410. 52) , dated ftbruaTy 2uth, 1926. Bond Number One 11) to ba for the sum of One Hundred Ten Dollars and fifty-two cents (1110- 52) and bonds numbered 2 to 44, both in- clusivej for thu sum of One Hundred Dollars (1100.00) each. Said bcnd6 to be paid on or before seven years from ante in five (5) equal, annual installments bearing eight (8) per cent interest and to have Ylainly printed in the face thereof, the provisions required by statute as to all local improvement bonds and all in aaxwdance with legislation in said Local Improvement District Number 157, unaer Ordinance Number 70, rassed' September l5th, 1JS5. Approved this 23rd—day of Ftbruury, 1926. ATTESTED tM6 23rd day of February, 1926. Clerk. i 60 arch 2, 1926 . e -u.lar meeting; of the City Council called to order by .Iayor Thomas at 7 .30 p.m. Roll Call :- sane , Edwards, Olsen and Fuller. The minutes of tree last meting were read �,r�d aiproved. The petition of :with Dunham for permission to construct a garage and wood shed on Lot 4 Block I3 was read. . On motion of Fuller and. second by 14dwadas the petition was granted. The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and ofdered paid. CURR:._ �'T �Xr"'FNSL FUND: Payroll Street Dept. Labor 160.41 Vats 395 to 41 0 Trick and Ylai,ray Supplies 94.54 " 401 Riverside Service Station it16.60 t' 402 cauls Cleaning Service City Hall _x. 7 .50 " 403 See and Sons L-Luioer 15 .60 " 404 J.S.Hardie Comfort :station "F,xp 5.90 " 405 Jackson Fuel Co. City Hail Coal 14.50 " 406 Renton Feed Store Cement 6.30 11 407 O.N.Cochran atreet S,_gns 3.50 " 408 P.S. and L.Co. rower and Light 216.49 " 409 1-1almo and Co. nark Shrubs 79 .75 'i 410 i,iac Is Service Station Sup plies 2.80 " 411 E.x.Shearer Sewer ripe 2.00 'r 412 S.L.Hanley Lngr 80.00 WATER FUND:- Payroll Nater Dept Labor 74.06 t' 104 and 105 Walworth P.In.fg Co. Supplies 8.25 " 106 -7.S.r.and L.Co . rower 126.33 " 107 , i City of Seattle Vdater 37.30 11 I08 .vacs Service Station Supplies 12.60 109 The ';+iter Superintendent reco--amended. that ripe be purchased to replace certain worn out wooden mains in the Higland audition. The amount recoraaended being Z00 feet of 311 ; 200 feet' 2" ar�d 500 feet of I2 inch. On motion by Olsen and second by Fuller the report was concurred in and the pii-le ordered purchased. Upon complaint of ',Alliam meed the City cIttorney was instr- eted to take action in the matter of the Postal Telegraph Company -removing certain poles. .'here being no further business the Council adjourned. City Clerk o r. 4,41171-1 04 6,4 t13 61 'luj),Iu 0_ xi0.L a u,­1 110, Off", -tranzfl:1 1 Z-. Ww 'aO 'k Vr � vllb O '� V.LT, %j ol nolli.Lo, a-XV7 3alwo-Liol U_, lit; O'l eet�tl gon"'mi On , � nQV:j_, bfj{' OM,� 'rjojOf.. fl ai i id a-Q.OA i, OU s�u 0 Q '1061;L: lo ol I I O'lvo soil jf,ld i,-,, 0* moll a0ne,': WbIl rjotx,.�:. 'Lo' , a unoli"j'ale'l, •0 lo'. line 10L .013A �*l •Ov" 0- J;Mo k I*V.';>.13 dti7OU brio blu;,; torso.,_ fjo�'jj_L_ aeul btivo_ 8 1 O's�r. lqo(i %G:L, Beit, : :.1 .O ) 'A.1,41 a oboll;_' Amrwl 0 i S,04 bj;bll saw 9*­:.Xt%, lievilz •r.ObuV' slit *z 10 'I'l lii,:, o�iJ abev,,,au. ,A hu o,;a bmneal, anlJtai;u qriu- ui i`x $° v'.,4o L,, _;0" I u, a4jl av_ ov, teal-t t� ovxvo exit lo :iw, d Ln000r3 _o r j bus bovieDt"I Jolo, ,,,I oill-I nt)a '01. 10 be I 11- bjW baell OIJOVI -1o%VU.60T! b" A-IL)LI, fjll:� 40 5AlOAU-llu aim 1101dw Q� ell't moll noitooi.J:A:11'00 1r J:0 U Ol'i 011v flIO'I'l rloil.201nm=00 '00 ol,kt Onj*. U O'low vrtoizlj.,* xuw.­ 1U1u; .10',z muij _.rf' 0: bw�zlvlolllvz Olovi V no itol:zlil' dtlolmo%.) -if V Va a—1 '101 no Ol I Iaq: ci-i­'v mAsirvAtai 'to vr�: ,,Jtzlri od� j i. bu,, �Wlj , ortJ of bou'lo I�),l ., .111A Vd nol-1,0in a Aoa.16 bm, 'lu e i 'i o oi o cu 0 rxt w,tj -ru i l o lvl�ts au c;Dj,.( .0 10.1 10 jjoiala��Ovj.,L Mit 3ala _ji I d owl u 110%1X41, 62 menton ash.-,-ar3h.-6.192'6 "e -alar iieeting of the City Council called- to order by :.:a, or ' homas at 7 .30 p .m. 1toll Call:- I.-ane , Leathley, *;Awards, ;;lsen and faller. The minutes oft the lust meeting r;ere read and airy roved. The etition of property owners on `robin :venue for stree light was read and referred to the Yire Light and -at;;r Comm- ittee . petition of ;.F. ,'var_s to construct private driveway on a:;_°k ..venue was granted. ""he Finance Co,- ittee rey-orted fEvorably on the fol: owin bills . Uj;on motion by :ane and second by T,ea.-hley they were ordered paid. vUtiiwT�l yj iii L;E FTu'iD. 1 ayroll Street Dept .,,abor 92.04 `","t No 420-22 ;','m lane .:aterial 4.32 Sunset Lunch I:eals 6 .25 " 424 ttienton Hdw Co ,Jib au;., lies 2.75 " 425 Lowman Hanford Co. ..br- ry 3ooks 52.05 Renton Hdw Co. St Sui,�lies 4.25 " 427 Fac . Tel and 'Tel. Co . Telephones 5.80 " 428 Seattle Lighting Co . City Hail .75 Renton Sand and Gravel Co 6t gravel 24.00, Renton :agency Repairs 33.x4 " 431 John -_drews 11ound. fees 1.00 " 432 FUIVD grater Dept yay- roll Labor 108.87 " IIO iia ralworth Co. uy.plies 495.02 " I14 'rank Rhodes uj�p1ies 2.25 Renton rgency Gas, etc 12.05 TT 116 Report of the Street 0oimnittee on the proposition of wide- Hing rill Ar et at the cedar River :3ritige was read. On motio jby Olsen and sec _:nd by : wards the report was i°eceived and fil d- The rej.ort of the Street Coi.,L-.i ttee regarding the cutting back of the curve at First rive and 2ark lave was read. On motioi, of Leathle;,T and- second by _'lsen the report was received and filed. The reports of the City Clerk and 'Treasurer were read and r �, c,rd.ered- filed. co li=:a-ii.cation from the City s:ttorne - to which was attached a communication from the office of the attorney General was received. �n motion of Fuller and se,,sond by rune the co.nmuni- cationr were filed. Ordinance No . 49I was read and referred to the Ord. Comnitt e On motion by Kane and second by Fuller the I.ayor and Clerk were authorized to sign a lease with ;;.s.iAlhuff for the Comfort Station on Iain Street . On I;otion 3y Kane and second b, _beathikey the c erk was auth- orized to called for bids for city L)rintin€. The matter of Interurban Cars blocking traffic on IaiStree was referred to the Street and .:alleyttee and St Nupt. un motion by Fuller and secong by Olsen the Clerk was Inst- ; rutted to send a communication to Supervisor Cole of the Highway : patrol endorsing the proposition of a patrol o:.ficer between :Lenton and SnocTualmie . There being no further business the council adjourned. -�rroved_ _ Clerk l�ii �39 a 63 I:arch �0 , Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Hayor Thomas at 7.30 p.m. Roll Call:- 'mane , i.,eathley, I.Awards , Usen and E`uiler. The minutes of the last meeting were read and a,.Lrovea. The petition of 3ert LIayner to install gas tank under sidewalk on Burnett Street was referred to the Street and elle Committee and the Street Superintendent. J.T.Snyder L-resent-e;i an "Cath of Office', form,sworn t ., before a Justice of the Peace, as alderman from the Second Ward. fter discussion the Ldayor ayu,,ainted J.T. Hyder to fill th vacancy existing in the office of alderman from the rirst irec 'nct of the Second ;Yard. On motion by Kane , seconded by Leathley, the appointment was confirmed by the following vote . Voting " ;ye" Kane . Leathley, Edwards and Fuller. Refusing to vote- Olsen. i On motion by :Leathley and second by Kane the Ci;;rk was aut- horized to purchase co.Aes of the Vehicle :License Records. 3ids opened for city printing were Ls follows: jRenton Chronicle :- .;0 .40 per column inch for the first ins- ertion and . O.woi'er column inch for each subsequent insertion,; Renton Eagle :- O.�o per colum inch for the first insertion and ,;�O .I8 per column inch for each subsequent insertion. On motion by Fuller and second by Bane the contract was awarded to the jo;,rest bidder provided the lowest bidder could- qualify ouldqualify as being a legal publication for such purposes. The Street and alley Committee reported that ,Ir. Fairchild had offered to donate the necessary ground for reconstructing the curb on the northeast corner of mark ,.venue and First venue Uorth. On motion by Fuller and second by Olsen it was ordered that the corner be reconstructed according to plans prepared by the City "-ngineer. The I;iayor appointed i...",.Swanson as a special police officer for the lark. The a`:pointment was confir:i:ed. The question of a certain alley in Smithers SixthAditi��n being obstructed by pourer line poles was discussed. The. he matter! was placed in the hands of the Street and :-Llley Committee and the City Engineer for a later report. There beim; no further business the council adjourned. Approved. Clerk. -or. 64 Oril 6, 1926. Regular session of the council at 7 .30 p.m. The Mayor and Councilman at Large being absent Phos . Olsen,on motion by Fuller and second by Kane, acted as 15yor pro tem. Roll Call:- Kane , neathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and Sny er. ife minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of the iacifid Tel. and Tel . . o to erect two ;,poles was read. ::roved by lane and seconded by :Edwards that the petition be granted. Carried. 'The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following; bills. Loved byEdwards and seconded by Leathley that the Finance Com: ittee ' s report be accepted and warrants ordered drawn for the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUDD: ' Street Dept Payroll Labor 152.66 Wts No . 439 to 414 cauls Cleaning Service IT 2.00 it It 445 Joe Wood Police Judge 2.50 IT H 406 American Ry Exp. Co . Freight .39 it IT 447 pacific Tel and Tel Co . Telephone 0.50 IT IT 448 jocs Srvice Station Gas 4.04 IT " 449 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas .75 IT IT 450 Thos . Harries - . 0.3ox Rent 1.00 " 451 .S. Toyer and Lgt Co . Lights 198.55 " ` 452 Wm. Kane iolice Signals 100.00 IT IT 453 Trick and !Array Stationary 2.95 IT IT 454 .1 - Co . Sewer�e�rent products ewer pipe. 6.00 1c IT 155 Stewart i;:ai.ling hist Co . Auto Boobs 25 .00 " IT 456 Riverside Sertice Station Gas, etc I4.84 1i " 457 David r,Lorrison lark Labor 45 .00 IT IT 458 S.L.Hanley Engr I04.00 " " 459 'Vinegar 1rinting Co . Printing 3.75 " " 460 WAT II L FUND. Payroll Water Dept. Labor 356.05 IT IT I: i to I '5 Olympic Foundry Co . fittings 219 .75 IT N 1&6 Eriebe 3ros . Tool Repair I1.15 IT IT I67 Renton Tire Shop Tire 13.50 IT IT 08 P.S.P and L. Co. lower I23.54 IT '' Ind Renton Feed Store Lime 5 .80 " " 146 City of Seattle Tater 32.94 IT It 141 See and Sons lumber 46.26 t' IT 142 h1aes Srvice Station Gas 16.88 IT i' 143 Colby and :Dickinson Lumber 12.47 IT IT 144 Federal Pipe Co. Wood Pipe I65 .43 IT " 145 Walworth I.Infg. Co. Fittings I98.97 IT " I46 L. I.G-�!liter , FUND. Renton Chronicle Printing 57 .80 " " 35 The re.;orts of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. There tieing no further business the council adjourned. "o,roved.. Clerk. C5 April I , I926 1Ze alar session of the City C _uncil called to order by Mayor thomas at 7 .SO p.m. 11� Roll Call : - Kane , Leathley, Ldwa±ds, Olsen, Fuller and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of the Puget Sound iower and might Co . for permission to reset ;Doles on First revenue forth was, upon ii:oti on by Olsen and second by Leathley, referred. to the Street and. ,.11ey Committee with power to act. The petition of I-'.J.O'Brien for license to conduct a soft drink establishment on Burnett Street was read. :;roved by Kane and. seconded by :Ueathley that the petition be referred to the License Committee . Carried. petition was read from parties who had formerly signed a petition protesting against the vacation of Railroad .venue , askinS that their names be withdrawn from said petition. . i oved. by _:_ane , seconded by Fuller, that the petition be received and filed. Carried. communication from the State Highway ratrol supervisor relative to the placing of a highway patrolman on the ;;unset Highway was r ad. and ordered 'yiled. _.-oved ny Fuller and seconded by Kane that the week from .pril 19 to 24th be designated as "cleanup week" . Carried. On motion by -_L:.ne and second by Snyder the City ,ttoriley was instructed to prepare an Ordinance covering the contract for city printing recently awarded to the Renton !Jagle . There being no further busine:,s the Council adjourned. u.L roved Clerk , ILayor. i 66 Renton, Wash. zpril 20, 1926 Regular session of the City Council called to order by ,gay rTlieffrTs at 7 .30 .m. Roll Call- >ane. ueathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fullar and ;gin" der. The minutes of the last coveting were read and a,proved. h petition from 'r7.S.I�Iillhuff asking for a soft drink lic nse w�.s read and on motion by Fuller and second by Olsen was referjed th the License Committee . I The License dommittee re+orted favorably on the above Se ition and, upon motion by Olsen and second by Kane the license was granted. The License Co.imittee also rei)orted favorable on the app i- cation of J.F.O'Rrien for soft dring license .and, upon mot. on of Kane and second by Olsen the license was granted. Ordinance 1�o .791, relating to the vacation of a portion of Railroad C.enue , was read. Upon ..:otion by Kane and second ,y Fuller it was referred to the OrdinLuice Coirnmittee . Ordinance 1Io .792, authorizing the ialayor and Clerk to sign a contract with the ',7inegar Frinting Co. was read and, upon motion referred to the Drdinance Coimittee . The Ordinance Committee re.Uorted favorable- on Ordinance 140 792. .von motion by Kane and second by Ful , er the report was received and Ordinance 11o .792 was thereupon placed on its second and third reading. On a motion by Leathley and second by Mane Ord.. 14o.792 was ad.o.)ted as a whole . "ryes" Kane , Leathley, wards Olsen, Fuller and Snyder. The following bills were oked by the Finance Committee and on motion by Leathley and second by Kane , were ordered paid. CURRE" T EXI)II dSF FUND. Payroll Street Dept Liabor 85 .�G �Vts los 467-4 I Trick and Murray stationery 8.59 472 Standard Oil Co . Floor ail 2.25 4:7-'-51 Renton .L-,ency uto repairs 3.54 474 Renton IIdw Co. Street brooms 3.09 475 Denny Renton Co newer pipe 11 .25 476 Frederica and nelson Library books 20.00 477 Lowman and Hanford " " 76.69 478 California Filter Co Chlorine Gas 42.00 479 D..nlexander Su.Mies 1 .25 480 S.L.Hanley Engineer 84.00 481 Thomas Trim lark labor 40.50 482 17kT ER FUNj) 1i7ater Dept Payroll Labor 509 .64 147 to I6I Renton Tire Shop Tubes 6.50 162 Renton regency siuto fire 16.15 I63 ..merican Cast Iron pipe Co . iiloe 5346 .30 164 Miller and Haviiand ';Tnite lead 2.10 165 Walworth >Infg co . Gate Valves 39 .00 I66 There beim, no further business the Council adjourned. approved Clerk. r �hC 1.':ayor. I4j1i396j 6 7 Renton, -,:ush. -_pril 29 , 1926. special meeting called by the ,iayor to determine what should be done in connection with the injunction proceedings instituted by the Board Of County Connissioners and the County Health Board was conveiied. at 7.30 p.m. Roll Call- 1Lane . 1,eathley, Edwards, Olsen, Fuller and 'Snyder. The City .ttorney,being called upon, stated what was necess- ary to be done in answering the ...atter. On motion by Ir.ane and second by Fuller, the :attorney was instructed to take whetever steps were >>ecessary in the matter. i Ln motion by T,-,'ane and second by yeller, th ; City -ingineer was instructed to make a daily inspection of the 'Sewage Disposal -Tants until otherwise directed. Where being no farther business the Council adjourned. Clerk _1-proved �.,. a'�ror. 68 =pril 27 , T9�16 . _`t 7.30 p.m. tie 'Layor wrrd :Mayor pro-tem being absent , a motion by Leathley, seconded by i;dI-tirard.s and Fut by Snyder, that Thos Olsen act Lis mayor pro-tem was carried. Roll call:- =:ane , Leathley, _ dzrards, Olsen, culler and 'Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read. and approved. petitbon from C .VI.Yettibone asking for a soft dri(L: license was read. On motion by Fuller and second by �Idwards the petition , was referred to the License Committee. petition from joss Leine and Tom Rubatina for permisUion to erect a wooden covering over an ice box in the rear of the 1rd�ebe 3ldg was read. _n motion by =:ane and. second by Fuller th_: petition was gr4.nted. subject to the supe.°vision of the Fire Chief. The resignation of Goe . 1._.Thomas as ayor was read. On motion by 'ALwards and second by Snyder the resignation was accepted. The resignation of Lanchester 'falters as Councilman -� t Lar 'e was read. On motion by Puller and second by l=ane the resignation was accepted. There being a vacancy in the o 'fice of Mayor the chairman asked for nominations to fill the office . The name of i;.a�chester 'r""alters was presented by Fuller and the nomination was seconded by Leathley. '--here being no further nominations the council proceed to ballot . The result being '_ yes"- 1-'ane, Leathley, dwarLs , Ols n, 'uller and Snyder. The name of 'i.F.Bennett , Sr. was presented by Leathley andA seconded by " Awards as a nominee for the office of Counci rnan at Large . There being no further nominations the Council proceeded t ballot. -!he result being "eyes'*- Pane . Leathley, -�dtirards, lsn, Fuller and Snyder. i in motion by Leathley and second by 'Awards , Thos Olsen was elected as I.:ayor pro Tem. On motion by ;:nyder and second by Leathley the matter of drainage on :._ain Street was referred to the S'treet a'n(i ..11ey Committ ;e. There being no further business the Council adjourned. Ipproved_ Clerk � pril N9 , 1926 Special meeting of the City Council called to order by -,,,,:ayc,r Yro Tem Olsen at 7 .30 p.m. moll Call: - -i.-ane , Leathley, Fuller, Jlsen and Snyder. The City _ t orney presented a communication dealingv with the litigation over the sewage disposal proposition and recommelLded. that an expert consulting engineer 'be retained during the case. On a motion by Kane and second by Fuller it was ordered a#) ,the CityIttorney be authorized to secure the services of 'carne t B: Hussey of Seattle , a consulting engineer, to act as an expert witness and investigator at a monthly fee of 300.00 for the fist month or part thereof and n;lOC.UG per month for each succeeding month or part thereof, should the case re. uire such a length of time . There beim- no further business the Council adjourned, !Approved Clerk . _ayor.. 1--ft1396 ay 4, I9 6 . 69 Regular session of the City' Council called to order by 1;'ayor pro tem Olsen at 7.30 p.m. Poll Call'- Kane . Leathley, Edwards , Snyder and ;__.sen. ";im. X'.Bennett , Ur. , elected Gouncilnan at Lame at the meeting held on .pril 27th, being present, was sworn in and assumed the duties of the office . The Finance Conurittee reported favorably upon the followin. bills. report received and bills ordered pLid. Current xpense : Street Dept _. ayroll Labor IO .27 '"-ts No. 488 to !49I State Treasurer Ind ins 70.26 192 Puget Sound power and Light Lights 214.58 493 Jac!-:son `uel Co. Coal 9 .00 494 Joe 7"ood. olice Judge 2.50 495 City of "enton - ark _Issessinent 188.79 Z=96 .:�dwards Ulerk expense 5 .00 497 . .Shearer ::;ewer supplies 1.75 498 Hauls Gleaning :service City Hall 2.00 499 .;eattle Lighting Co. Gas .75 500 Trick and . array Lngrs expense 7 .97 501 Riverside ;�ervi.ce :Station Garbage -max 12,.86 502 .iaaerica.n Railway -'xpress _Jxp .73 503 Penton __gency Inc . ,as , etc 10.95 504 ._ngineers payroll -abor 120.75 505-5061 71at e r Fund: - Nater rept - "ayroll "abor 631.35 171 to 466 State Treasurer Ind Ins . I7 .98 _87 Walworth 7:Tnfg. Co . : applies I5 .=5 I88 - .get Sound pourer and eight (ower IO2.59 l�9 Rensselear 'Valve Co . Hydrant parts 93.35 m®0 City or Seattle 'later 27.06 I9I Olraypic oundry Co . Supplies 29 .60 I9 2 i:I. Pees IT auling pipe 4.00 I9�3 i,iacs Service ;station Gas , etc 16.00 19 4 J Renton _Lgency '_",as and regi:J.irs 19 .75 X 9 5 The Licemse Committee reported favorably on the petition of _ettibone for license . On motion by Leathley and second by :.Awards the report was received and the license granted. i the Street and- alley Co:_rnittee re .orted that it tivished t e City -:ngineer to bring in a report on the cost of constructing a drain on l;iain Street . On motion by -,,eathley and second by L;nyder the report was received and concurred in. j The reports of the di.ty Clerk and City treasurer were red and ordered filed. i On motion by Wane and second by Lieathey the City a;nf inee� was placed under a salary of .;x200.00 monthly instead of on thle rer diem basis . There being no further business the Council adjourned. Approved Clerk. � 02 � 1 70 � M negular session of the City Council called to order by T'layor pro tem Olsen at 7 .30 p.m. Roll Call:- Bennett , :ants, seathley, sdwards , Olsen, F'tal er and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved_ petition from the pacific Telephone and leleZD Co . was read relating to the setting of certain poles. :roved by Lane and seconLed by Sennett that the petition be granted insofar as it concerned any poles to be set within the strr-,et lines . Carried. petition from the : eattle sighting Company asking for a permit to lay a gas main on First venue forth. !-loved by Sennett and seconded by Jdtrvards that the petit: n be granted subject to the provisions of the Ordinance covering such work. Carried. 1� report from the City � gi -eIr, recoriunending that a newt ' type of pump be purchased and insta--1ed in the Dlack ;Liver Sewage Disposal "plant was read. :`oved by Fuller and seconded by Snyder thtt they report be referred to the 'v';ays and Ieans Committee for a retort at the next meeting. 1Lotion lost . VIved by Dane and seconded. by 3erniett that the City Clerk 1,10 call for bids on the e uij)ment . }fids to be read Tuesday, �-ay T . ..lotion Carried . i engineer was read reporting the report from the City estimated cost of constructing a the drain on Main ;street . :?oved_ by Kane and seconded by Fuller that the re.:ort be received. Carried. w oved by Sennett and seconded I:ane that the City _.ttorney prepare a Resolution for the creation of a I,ocaj Improvent District for the purpose of constructing such drain. communication from jrnest 3.HLssey was read. oved by Kane and seconded by Fuller that the report besrsgelvd received. and placed_ on file and that the Council as a whole , with the City :engineer, make a tour of inspection of the sewage plants. Carried. :here bein6 no further business the Council adjo4rned. ..pproved_ C.le ' I o- ^ � !,.ray or �. WW96a 71 -,-ay I 8, 1926. { Regular session of the City Council called to order by I,ay 'r pro tem Olsen at 7 .30 p.m. 1 Roll Call:- :Sennett Kane Ieathle y, I'dwards, ;:nyder and- Olsen. ndOlsen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. petition from Edith Dunham asking for permit to erect a sign over the sidewalk was read. :;loved by Kane, swconded by Menne t that the permit be granted subject to said sign beim erected } as provid: d by ordinance . Carried. 1 petition from ".'-.r -Fuller asking fora permit to make repairs on a building on Lot I2 in Elock 22 was read. I:oved by heath ey, I seconded by Bennett, that the permit be granted subject to ordinance . The following bills sere oked by the Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by :2"dwards and second by Kane . MURENT " -DENSE FUITD. j Payroll Street Dept. ,,ab or 62.86 d't ITo. 514-515 Tom Trim dark Labor 81 .50 516 2,1almo and Company lark shrubbery 3.50 517 Geo. ';;.Custer -ark benches I18.00 518 Pacific Car and Fdy Co. rare lease 1 .00 519 JR.Story 'ark labor 2.00 520 i Renton Hd.w Co . park supplies 23.17 521 Genera$ Repair Shop ark Labor 1 .50 522 State T :°easurer end. lnsurance 2.00 523 __. Jacobson -Police expense 7 .00 524 City of Seattle ;;ewer expense X7 .50 525 ::loran ."Infg Co. Sewer expense 10.00 526 California Filter Co . Sewer exp 42.00 527 J.R. Story Library e�­_pense 4.75 528 ':`lilliams and I;IcKni ;ht City IIall exp 7 .65 5u9 Fenton Chronicle .printing 6.65 50 'Tater FUND. :later Dept Payroll Gabor 429 .52 196-209 j ':'alworth Llnfg Co . Fittings 6 .81 2I0 .%'illiams and McKnight 12.70 21I Reid and Cook 27 .47 212 The Council as a ',,,hole reported through Kane that they had made a tour of inspection to the two sewage disposal plant:: and all that had been recoialaended. had b-:;-"n taken care of. 1 inspection trip was also made to the source of the Citys water supply at Springbrook. �fter discussion it was moved by Snyder and seconded by Kane that the City Engineer make an i_lvestigation of the S; rin ;brook source of supply and report what, if anythiw- can be done to increase it and also to estimate the cost . Carried. The bid of the Fairbanks I,iorse Company of ",695 .00 for a pump fpr the Black River Sewage Disposal i-'lant was read . I:oved by Mane and seconded by �nyd.er that the bid be accepted and the City C erk authorized to purchase the same . Carried. Resolution 1' o .v86, providing f or the creation of a vocal imp- rovement District for constructing a drain on Iain ;street was �ead. : 72 May 25 , 1926 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by 11ayor pro tem Olsen at 7 .30 p.m. Poll Jall:- Bennett, Kane , Leathley, .Awards , Fuller, Sny er and Olsen. ' The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. communication was read from the _uburn Commercial Club . E On motion of Leathley and second by Bennett , the ceaLamu- nication was ord .-red filed. r� communication from the Thomas Jefferson emorial Ti-'o id-- ation was read. i_oved. by Leathley and seconded by Sennett that the comic nidation be filed. Carried. ..roved by I--ane : nd seconded- by Snyder that the two cormnu- nidations mentioned above be turned over to the _;ayor. Carried. Loved by Kane and seconded- by Snyder th"t the office of .;'ayor be declared vacant. Carried. There being a vacancy in the office of is-ayor the Council proceeded to fill it. Thomas Olsen was nomitated. for I,Iayor by Leathley. ominution seconded by Cdwards. There being no fur her nominations the Council proceeded to ballot . Result- "'dyes"'- Bennett, Kane , Leathley, Edwards, Fuller, Snyder and Olsen. There being a vacancy in the office of iayor pro tem the Council proceeded to fill it . J.T.Snyder was nominated for the olice by Leathley. Som - na-Aon seconded by Edwards. There being no further nomination the Council proueeded to ballot . Hesult ".ayes"- Bennett , Dane Leathley, Idwards , �ruller and Olsen. I'Noes"- Snyder . The City Clerk presented a list of projerty upon which there were unpaid delingu.ent assessments and asked the Council to order foreclosure proceettings instituted. I:ioved 'by Kane andL seconded by Sennett that the City _ttorney take charge of the i matter. Carried. j There being; a vacancy in the office of alderman from the ri Second precint of the Second ',lard, the 1,,ayor appointed- 'Thomas Raymond to fill the y;osition. roved by Kane and seconded by Bennett that the a;:pointment be aovroved. Carried.- all voting „ayes i :loved. by Bennett and seconded by Puller that the City ung ineer prepare an estimate of the cost of relining and repairir • the City' s reservoir on Talbot Hill. Carried. JKoved by Leathley and. seconded by Snyder that the 'treet and Alley Committee investiL;-to t1e matter of y i_tiV cars at the corner of Second Lvenue and- Bronson 'q°ray with the Street Superintendent . Carried. There being no further business th e Council adjourned. "pproved. Clerk. I,,ayor.. V !jrft1396a 73 June I, I920. Regular meeting of the City Council called. to order by :iayor Olsen at 7 .30 I% .m. Roll Call:- Sennett , --,-.ane , Leathley, Edwards, Raymond, Fuller and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and api;roved. petition from ii:rs . .mnie Wood asking the City to establish th center line of streets on top of Renton Pill was read. ivloved. by Snyder and secondad by Raymond that the matter be referred to the Street and alley Committee for a reyoort at the next meeting. Carried. The Finance Committee reiorted favorably on the bills presented for their consmderation. IIoved by Leathley and seconded by Raymond that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn for the same . Carried. CURRENT ExTENSE FUND: Payroll Street Dept. Gabor 74.08 Wts ITos 5:�7-54I Seattle Lighting Co. City Hall Las .75 542 1`uget Sound P and L.Co St. Lights 227 .34 543 California F lter Co. Chlorine I23.00 544 Trick and 1-array. Office supplies 4.64 545 I Renton Feed Co. Cement 6.30 540 ' clherson Bros . St Supplies 16.20 547 I eter Dullahant fees 4.40 548 John Stewart " " 4.40 549 Geo . "rthur " " 4.40 550 f Joe ',",rood " r' 4.40 55I Riverside Service Station Gas and oil 14.84 552 O.N.Cochran L'ainting Comfort Station 74.45 553 E.rL. Shearer Sewer Expense 6.20 554 Colby and Dickinson Lumber 15.00 555 Tom Trim is ark labor 37 .70 556 _ `,Villard De:buche Sewer labor 43.87 557 Agnes H. Richmond Filing case . 7 .00 558 :IF TER FUEL D:- Water Dept payroll Labor 69I.43 217-233 City of Seattle Water 26.98 234 alworth Infg. Co . Supplies 6.50 235 Rensselear Valve Co. Supplies 75 .60 236 Puget So-a.nd '. and L. Co . rower 154.77 237 Priebe Bros Shar,_ening tools 4.05 238 I `The Street and alley Committee re.�orted, through Chairman! Bane that they recommended that a no parking zone be created o4 j the corner of Second. .venue and :Bronson 'lay. I4loved by Kane seconded by Fuller thtt the Street Su, erintendent mark the int r- section and iulace buttons where necessary. Carried. The City Engineer submitted w report on the operation of the two sewage disposal plants . or the month of Trlay. Loved by Se !net and seconded by Leathley the report be received and the recoiim ndat- ions carried out . Carried. The 1'�rdinance Committee Reported favorably on Ordinance I'?o 79.'L�. 1 .roved by Fuller seconded by Kane that the retort be accept d. Carried. # Ordinance '-7o.793 was then placed on its second and third re =ding. On motion by Dane and second by puller Ordinance vias ad-optei as a whole . -ill present voting " ire"- Bennett , Kane , ileathley, :-'dwards, Raymond. Fuller and Snyder. There being no further business the Council adjourned. approved Clerk �y i Renton '„��sh. June .S .I926 74 egular meeting of the City Council cal--ed to order .by ;,- ayor Olsen. f .?oll-call:Sennett,l.ane .Ed-wards,Paller,Raymond and Snyder. The I,iinutes of the last meeting read and approved. L petition frons the I-acific Telephone ans i2elegraph Co , ,was _:ea relating to setting certain poles, roved by 1'--ane seconded by Bennett that the ;;,etition be ;;ranted. l'etitiorl fro. the Ceattle Lighting Co . ,asked for permission to ay ` gas mains i.4L alley Last of brill street between second.- -arid thir, avenue ; and on :.rain street fron third avenue to a ;Uoint Zoo ft south. Moved by Bennett seconded. by Raymond t :e I;etition_be -granted. petition of to build Garage on Cedar street w,s askad. for T.oved. by Mane seconded by Bennett the petition be -ranted. _Moved by ilayi,,,ond seconded by :2dwards the City Engineer set l<'on cents on hill. carried The report of the Clerk and Treasurer were read,movea. by Bennett seconded by Kane the reports be received acid filed.Carried. Thee report of the City - n_;ineer on cost of relining the iesery it was read I.:oved by Fuller seconded by Rayarnond the report be rec ivea : and filed. Ordinance 1;o .794.relating to holding, weekly meetings exce .t dur4g the months of June?July and august of each year was read, iv.oved. by bane seconded by Ilayinond the ordinance be refers-ea to the : ordinance committee. ; Ordinance No.795.an ordinance providing for the irnproveff.ent of that certain portion of "Iain Street from Fourth ' venue to a mint So-)'-h where a larce drain passes beieath the pavement be improved by constructing a drain was read., , oved by Bennett seconded by. -°_ane the ordinance be referred to the ordinance Co .miittee. ! The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ordinance Tdo .794 w795 . This beiiig the nigh set for hearin` on :gain street Imj)rovei,ient th,� clerk notified the Council that there were no protests agar st the I;.ain Street I-.�provement. he otclinance committee reported favorably on ordinance no ,794 w 795 . Ordinance �'o .994 was placed on its second and third reading an assed as a- whole .all voting aye”- Beniiett,Ka;ne , ;dwards,RDymond,iiiaa Fuller and Snyder. rdinance ho .795 was placed on its second and third reading and assed. as a whole .all voting aye. Sennetl- ,Iane ,Edwarus .Raymond, ller and Snyder. lir Fairchila asked to have a syUecial police a}:point a for the ra k oved by Kane seconded by Raymond if the Chief seer, he could apy int on Moved by Bennett seconded by Raymond the City httorney bring in an- er Ordinance to force people to cut the grass on the Parking strip in from. tf their property. etition of )'.C.Haraie to buil(i buildinE on lot 6 block 13 Townof- . Renton was read moven by Snyder seconded. by Bane petition be Lr ted. "etition of the Sprin Hill Improvement to erect sigrl in City L rnits moved by Raymond seconded. by Eclwards the petition be granted ixaaer he direction of the Street Superintendant . The :::atter of ovinig a pole on Corner fo Factory atreet was bro- ght up moved by Snyder seconded by Bennett this :;,atter be referrecl to the Street and ;alley co :_mittee to report next meeting. There being no further buisness the council adjournea. Cler_-k I j 75 Renton, ',;gash, June I5, I926 Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by ,Ayor Olsen at 7.�0 p.m. Roll Call:- Bennett, Leathley, Edwards , Raymond, Fuller and Snyd-er. The minutes of the lost r:.eeting were read— and approved . " petition from the racific Telephone and 'Telegraph Co , asking permission to set certain popes was read. On motion by Raymond and second by 3ei-inett the petition was referred to the Street and .alley Committee and the Street �;upt with power to act . The Finance Committee reported favorably on the outstanding bills. i;Ioved by Bennett and seconded by Edwards the report be received. and warrants drawn in payment thereof. Carried. CURREITT =:-"*NSE. FUITD: :payroll Street Dept Labor 24 .89 �yts 566-574 Olympic Foundry Co . 'Traffic signs 21.00 575 'auls Cleaning Service City Hall ',=Exp 2.00 576 Joe "Mood. -'olice Jad.ge 5 .00 577 L.".Duff Street Pavement 207.43 578 Renton Hardware 'o -'ark "; ��� . T . G ;79 Thos Harries Jnvelopes 21 .98 580 Howard Cooper Corp. Street Cart 35.00 581 Renton Hdwv. Co Street supplies 4.40 562 Renton -.uto Freight Freight 2.40 583 r �Yinear Printing Co . printing 5 .99 584 j Nilson and -Liarlowe 3onds 15 .00 585 -.gnes N.Richmond Fees 3.00 586 j J.G.-Priestly Chemists fees 12.00 587 Tucker, Hyland and Llvidge .tty Fee 150.00 588 Falkenberg and Co . Chemists fees 5 .00 589 a 2.3.Hussey Consulting ngr. 00.OG 590 Tom Trimm z ark Labor 39 .60 591- Hansen 91Hansen 3ros . i:wrk supplies I5 .00 592 17"T'I;R FUND: Payroll 'Nater Dept Labor O64.I8 239-253 See and Sons Lumber 24.64 254 7,41alworth Iinfg. Co . Curb Boxes I9 .20 255 :acs Service Station Gas , oil, ete 15 .34 256 iational lc eter Co . i. et ars I4�).50 257 The City Engineer submitted a report and recommendations concerning the 31aek Diver Sewage :Disposal dant. i,oved. by Bennett, seconded by Fuller that the re ort be received and filed and the reeoiiimer_dations carried oat . Carriod. .Moved by Raymond and seconded by Fuller thet the :payor L'ublioh an ai .peal through the local papers for the owners of L ro,-)erty i j to see thtt all tall brass and weeds overhanging their sidewal�ls is cut. Carred. l Idoved by Raymond and seconded by Snyder that the City Fngr I investigate the switch stand on ;'walla u'dalla "venue and report at the next meeting. Carried. i' Resolution No .387 , providing for the creation of a Local Imps rovement District for the purpose of constructing an additional sedimentation unit at the 31ack river Sewage Disposal ylar_t was intorduced and read. Isoved by -eathley, seconded by Rayond that the resol-ation be adopted. Carried. There being no further busine-s the Council adjourned. .19.,oroved. Clerk age p � a`ror. ' 76 July 69 I926. Izegular session of t'_Io ',ity Council called- to orLer 'by Mayo Olsen at 7 .30 p.m. Roll Call:- Kennett, Kane , Ld.wards, Raymond, Diller and Sny er. The minutes of the last meeting were read and. ayy,roved. i the Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following I current bills. On motion by Fuller anti second by ILane the report 1was received and the bills ordered paid. i CURRE,ITT = aP'ESE =iU -D: Street Dept. . ayroll ijabor 175 .10 dts 599-604 Denny Renton C .C . Co . Brick 9 ,00 605 Eagle Cafe i;.Leafs I .50 000 S.Power and L.Co . lo��er 20' .68 607 California Filter Co . Ch. Gas .09 .60 p08 J.x..�.mes '! Co . ' ark badges 5 .00 609 '.'dm Bane ramps , etc I5 .9 0 6I 0 Riverside Service Station Gas and oil 18.30 611 Seattle :Sighting Co. Gas .75 612 Thoi,,as Ilarries , Box Lent 1 .00 6I3 General Repair Shop mark exp. 2.50 614 Thomas Trim _ark labor 38.81 615 Farlington Imp. Club Lights 30.60 616 Pacific Tel. Co. Telephones 8.75 oil E.H.I'aul City Hall exp . 2.00 618 agne s r. Richmond-. Telephone exp. .70 619 O.H.Lameroux Reporting fee . 3.75 620 Colby and .)ickinson Lumber 5 .45 62I Renton Igency Repairs 4.75 622 �`JxTLR FUHD: 4Vater .Dept payroll yabor 150 .40 262-267 .Lilley and. Iiavilaud- aint 11 10 268 .5. P.and L.Co. lower 132.28 269 City of Seattle Yater 51 .42 270 IYlacs Service 5tati.on Gas-o _l 17 .78 271 Walworth I.;nfg. Co, 3u. -lies 13.48 272 j Renton agency Repairs 13 .15 273 a re)ort from the City _ngineer re,-arding switch stand on galla valla ' enue was read. .Loved by Lennett, seconded by Iia e thtt the re_�ort be accepted and filed. Carried. reyuort from the City -SnLr covering the operation of the s wU.ge disioosal plants for June was read. ...Loved by I ane , secon(ied bT "eller that the re ,ort be received and filed. Carried. - a report from the City Engr regarding water supply wa-- read Lloved by Kane, seconded by Raymond that the report be rete: ed `..nd taken up later for discussion. Carried. I Ordinance Igo . 796, being an ordinance creating a local imp- rovement district fo__- the pur;)os of enlarging the Slack river :sewage Dislosal dant was introduced and read. On motion t e ame ,,eras referred to the Ordinance Corunittee. "LIoved. by Snyder and_ seconded byaymond that payments to be for work done under Ordinance i�o 79 be made by *tT arrant Issue' . Carried. The Ordinance Committee reyoorted. favorably on Ord. 790. L','ovE d by Kane and_ seconded by Inwards that the report be received. C rried. Ordinance lio .796 was then yolaced upon its second and. third rE ading and passed as a whole . 'Dote- "ayes"- Bane , Sennett, Edwards , Raymond, Fuller anti Snyder. p i X1139 64 77 This being the night set for opening bids for work to be do#e in y.1.D. Ifo . I50 the following bid from E.E. 'muff was ojuened a d read. 400 lin ft Err drain the in j,lace: X0.32 jeer lin ft. 400 tt tt 81f it it n tt ., o.38 it rr tr Idoved by -;.ane and seconded by Snyder the contract be �rarcid to E.L.Duff. Carried. IQ?. i.N.Fairchild ay jjeared before the council and asked fo an extension of time in which to connect certain jremises in Iuo th Renton with the sanitary sewe r system. l,Ioved by -pane , seconded by Snyder that an extension of time be not jranted. Car °ied. Loved by Raymond and, sceonded by Bennett that a certain premium ,amounting to •;x50.00 for City Tr,. asurers bond be maid and that the City ttorneT attend to the matter of securin€; a pro-rata refund on a certain bond that had been cancelled. Car ieId. ;. duff ayjeared before the council in the interests of residents living; in the vicinity of the mill of the Savage I,umb r Company in order to see if anything might be done to alleviate the jeresent smoke nuisance . Iubved. by Snyder and seconded by I Fuller that the matter be referred to the Fire , LiLht and ;•Tater Committee for a re- ort at the next meeting. Carried. a. oved by Snyder and seconded by -Lane that a "No L`arkingrr si In e placed on Aronson ,'Tay and on s; k valla V alla �,venue between 1Iain and i; ill ,Street . Carried, � There being no further business the Council adjourned. ' i n;pproved. City Clerk. ..,yor. i r i i I 78 i July 0, 1926. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by ,Mayor Olsen at 7.30 P.M. Roll Call:- 'rune , :eath;ey, wards , Raymond, r oiler and J Snyder. i The minutes of the last meeting were read and roved. petition from property owners on Cedar :street regarding I a shortage of water was read. j�:oved by lane and seconded by L lies that the matter be placed in the hands of the Fire, Light and '.dater Committee for an investigation. Carried A petition from Harold Lvans asking permission to make minor repairs to a building on Lot 4, Block I4, was read. 1•: ovea. by Fuller and seconded by Raymond. that the permit be granted subject to the rules of the Building ordinance . Carried. The following bills were audited by the Finance Connanittee nd. ordered paid: CUlUiENT '' ETuSE FUND: Street Dept rayroll Labor 298.02 +its No. 630-638 Joe '.flood police Judge 2.50 639 Emil Usibella ood I6.00 640 Riebe Soap and Chemical Co .3rooms 36.75 641 Trick and Iurray Stationery 44.50 642 T. S.Trimm iark labor 36.00 643 City of Renton Library assessment 40.78 644 �'�est raper Co. Toilet paper 13.50 645 Jdilson and " arlowe Treasurers Dond50.00 646 .L'.att Starwi.ch aeals 23.00 647 WiAegar .'rinting Co. hinting I7.8Z 648 Penton Sand and Gravel. Co . Sand. 7 .00. 649 '�V�iTER F'[JTVD Water Dept .ayroll Labor 53.88 274-275 Renton Garage Labor 2.50 276 Renton Hardware Co Supplies °10.65 277 T,ioved by T;ane and seconded by Fuller that the matter of the smoke nuisance at the Savage Lumber Co . slant be left in the hands of the coriunittee for another two weeks . Carded. The s reet and alley committee reported that the role at the intersection of Factory Street and First L�_Lvenue T;orth should. -be moved-. 1,ILoved. by Snyder 'and second-id by Edwards that the report be received and the recommendations carried out. .oved by Keathley and second d by Raymond. that the motion be amended and that the Council as a whole look over the matter. C carried. The report of the City Clerk for the month of June was read. On motion by Fuller and second by rune the report was ordered. received and filed. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of June was iead. Cn motion by Kane and second by Raymond the report was orde ed received and filed. ri report from the City nttorney regarding tivork to be done ilL L.I.D. T;o .I59 was read. On motion by Snyder and second by T'u ler the report was received and ordered filed.. Ordinance Tio .797 , providing for tht,,T work to be done in L.1.D To .I59 was introduced and read, and referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee rey orted. favorably on Ord. 797 . _.roved litjt39 4 by I:ane and seconded by Raymond that the reyort of the Ordina ce 79 Committee be receive(I.. Carried. .oved by Leathley that Ordinance Pio. 797 be placed on its � second and third reading ana- passed as a whole, Carried. 12,,ye s- I.-ane, '.'d.wards, Leathley, Raymond, Fuller and :)nyd-e r. 'doveL by Snyder and seconded by Duller that the matter of th cancellation of a certain T'reasurer' s 3ond be referred to the City ,ttorney. Carried. z letter was read from James Richmond, holder of certain bon s of Filling District No asking what was being done in regar to the payment of the se . '.loved_ by Snyder and seconded by Raymond.' that the Clerk give l;ir. Richmond the necessary information. :loved. by Raymond and seconded by Snyder that the Clerk notify theacific coast Railway Co to move the switch stand at the intersection of ',`ialla "Halla .1venue and :dill atreet over to the north curb line of galla Walla Lvenue . Carried. j ',loved. by Fuller and seconded by Snyder that the - ostal i'el egraph Company be given 30 days in vihich to remove _ Lv s iff the property of Vm Reed. Carried. There being no further business the Council adjourned. f Lpi�roved. City Clerk i,iay0r,. i r I a 1 1 i so IULUS t v• 19 .6. Regular m eting of the City Council called to Dreier by ilayor Olsen at 7.30 p.m. Roll Call:- Bennett, Kane , -Awards, Raymond, Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ai,,jrovea, A petition from the i., .E.Church asking permission to Liake certain re-airs to building on Lot 19 , Blk IO was read. l,oved,b Sennett seconded bj Snyder thtt a permit to make the repair be granted. Carrie rs jetition from J.J.uoodman asking for a license to operate a public card room and soft drink establishment was read. Loved by - ennett, seconded by Snyder that the petition be referred to the License Committee. Carried. n petition from ItiIatt Grady asking fob a permit to construct certain buildings on Lot 72, 131k 22 was read. ..roved by nyder, seconded b -awards that a permit be grant d subject to he provisions ofhe Fire Ordinance and t0 lnspec ion by the -;uilding Inspector. Carried. A petition from troperty owners in North menton asking that certain sidewalks e constructed was read. lrloved by Raymond, seconded by ;awards that the petition be received and filed a d. a resolution for the work presented aa, the next meeting. Carded. n petition from Ben Lind.E:renasking permission to chane his :sidewalk and construct a driveway was readg . Loved by l;ennett, seconded by Kane that thepetition be referred to the Street a d alley Committee. Carried. The following bills were ai;y�roved by the i'inance Corru_iittee an ii upon motion by Kane and second by Snyder they were ordered pai . CURREliT EXP—,ld SL FtTidD; Street Dept ilayroll Labor 249 .I8 ;;'ts d0 656-66 Puget Sound y-ower and bight Co. L ower 208.62 664 Frank 11hodes auto supplies I5 .I2 J.R.Storey T. 8.50 665 T uf00d 666 roe 'good yolice Judge l.ennydale Puel and transfer Co . good 4.60 667 71inegar Printing Co . printing 008 ea tle .Lighting Gas . 7 669 en on �,`'ehcyCo -, . 7I;iayner ,.otor sand Oil 6670 . Oil 671 S.H.y aul 'Nindow 'flashing 0. 75 672 Riverside :service dtation Gas-oil .00 67`' Tom Trigon garb .uabOr 20.96 674 Williams and �;rC n! htSu `I .`5O 675 i�1ies 16 .65 676 �fltiT,~JR FUIuD;- Water Dept .1ayroll Labor ti Puget Sound - o wer Co. y 7` 7.96 282-285 Olympic Foundry- Co . ower 208.42 206 Boyd lies I5 .40 287 See and Sons --Lumber City of Seattle 'W 22.78 288 Williams � ,fuer 75 .94 end :LcKnignt �:ul,plies 3.50 289 II�acs Service Station Gas-o l 2010 44 menton 1�gency auto re.oairs 76.96 7Y.90 291 the report of the City Clergy for elle rlonth of July was read.. 11oved by 1Lane , seconded by Bennett that the report be filed. Carried. The report 0f the City Treasurer for the month o ' Moved by Bennett, seconded-',July was read. Carried. by _c wards that the res:.,ort be fit d. ab esonthe from the City Lngineer covering expenditures for labor on the dis-60sal plant in L. moved b I•�. 1,0 - 159 was read. y Bennett, second.eE by 1--ane that he estimate be orderea paid. Carried. I-Jiti3964 ' n re-,ort from the City 1,ngr was read covering an estimate for i materials purchased for Q.I.D. No .I59 . i;loved by Bennett, seconded by Raymond that the bill coveredr by the estimate be ordered paid. jarried. ved- by "dtiwards, secondee. by Denaett thet the Layor and Clerk be authorized to sign a contract with -�:,. C.Duff for work in I58. Carried. 4Loved by rune , second-e,'-,- by :iAdwards that the bond of --:.L.Duf" covering his contract in L.I.D. 138. Be accepted and ay, 1ro%red. Carried. ,roved by Raymond, seconded by Snyder that the 'tVater Supt be authorized to lay a pile line to suyu ;ly water to certain proper les on Cedar Street . Carreid. .,Loved by Kane , seconded by Sennett that they Clerk communicat with the gavage Lumber Co asking for a date on which they could meet with the City Council concerning the snore nuisance . Carri d. Tvioved. by Raymond , secondee. by -"Awards thtt the a..plicant fo a permit to stage a certain show be allowed to do so -,r oviding he pays the necessary fees. Carried. In the matter of :roving the switch stand- on "(ally 7ialla .«ven e the Street Supt reported that the road master of the pacific Coast Company had offered to install a flood light over the switch in lieu of moving it. . :loved by Dennett, seconded *by Snyder that the Company be allowed to i.�lace the light as re,yuested. Carriell. There being no further business the council adjourned. ��pproved. e Clerk I s _ 1 i i 82 lug. 17 , 1926. Regular meeting of the city council called to order by Llayor Olsen at 8 P. M. athley, Roll Call. - Benne et, J LdyTards, Raymond, S nyder and Fuller. n petition from W. C . D. Edwards asking for a permit to erect buildinE on hot 13, Block 15 , Town of Renton, with bond attached, read. Moved bar Leathle-,r, seconded by Bennett that a permit be granted, and the bond be accepted. Garried. Petition from Lirs. Faull to put in cement sidewalks on Lots 1 to 6. inc. Block 10, Renton Farm Plat was read. I,Ioved by Leathley, seconded by Bennett that a -.3ermit be granted. Carried. Petition from Fda & Cook to rebuild a rest room on Lot 1 , Blk. 6 , Lown of menton was read. T,1ove�y Leathley, seconded by, Fuller that a permit be granted. Carried. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committe , and upon motion by Leathley, seconded by Eawards they were ordered paid. CURRENT EXPENSE FIRID Street Dept. Payroll - labor - x;94.29 Wts. 6S4-C8 1 a? 2.85 687 Matt Starwich Shff. - Board prisona31.00 688 R. 0. Brown, - sharpening tolls- 2.35 689 Renton Send & Gravel - sand- 6.90 690 J. R. Storey - library fuel - 91.65 691 ' 0. N. Cochran - 11 sign cards - 3.15 692 Jno, E. Tachell - pa:i2tIng at park .-65.00 693 j T. W. Trimm - park labor - 29.82 694 McPherson F urn & Raw Co - su.uplies 6.05 695 Leah Woods lFrionsers ' meals - 9 .00 696 WATER FUND Water er Dem. ray roll - labor - X141.42 29 3-29 6 in amount of 4.171.25 a report from the engr on Dist 159 submitting payroll for labor in sald district and recommending that same be al- lowed was read. Moved by Leathley, seconded by Bennett that same be ,;Jaid. Carried. Resolution No. 388, providing for the improvement of Park, Pelly and Fifth kve, ldziin & Wells Sts. by constructing cement walks in front of certain lots in Renton Farm Plat and fixing the 7th day of Sept. 1926 as the time when ob- jections thereto would be heard was read. Loved by Leathley, seconded by Edwards that same be adopted. Carried. .Lsst. Chief Dullahant, acting as spokesman of a committee from the Fire Dept. asked the council for an apporopriation toy send the Fire Chief to the convention. Tilloved by Raymond, seconded by Leathley that the matter be laid on the table until next meeting night. Carried. LOA f i �Ut1396a 83_ i Committee mn petition of Ben LindCren was Eranted an extension of time until the next meeting for a re0ort. I It was moved by Raymond, seconded by Leathley that The application of Hr. Goodman for a license for card room be laid on the table for one geek. Carried. Mt. Goodman then requested the return of his check deposited on license fee. Abved by Leathley, seconded by Bennett that same be re- turned. Carried. Ad in.s7a' 114 i.4 d� 111oved by Raymond, seconAed by Leathley that, an arc light :rte- Anstal7sO at corner of 6th c vYel t . , ��orth. r+�F- T� r-re4 ??e fhe Fire,�i��ltr}ta/C/ C'om, -- � r rr e� O ed by Raymond, ..; conded by Edwards that 12r. Fairchild. be permitted to install a septic tank on his lot in North j Renton. Carried. No further business appearing it was regularly moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. 1 s, { j City Glerk i E �j r Mayor. i i i 2 } 7 3 i 3 1 i 84 w�ezul2ir wuatw of we 'City Auuncil called 1n i�r uy .iav r Asen at 7 .80 p.m. Roll Call:- Bennett , Kane , wenthley, :.awards , WmOnd, Ful er and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and "ozroved. n petition from the costal Telegraph Company to construct a down anchor on one of its poles was real. hvveL by ,Bennett , seconded by Snyder that the permit be granted provided the cons ru.ct- ion is approved_ by the City Ener. Carried.. A petition from S. Aerkirk asking for a license to conduct a soft drink stand was read. Moved by Bennett , seconded by Kane the petition be referred to the License Committee . Carried. The petition of Matt Grady to construct a warehouse , EaraEe etc on rear of Lot 12, Blk tit was read . .,roved by Kane , seconded b Edwards that the petition be granted. Carried. The Finance Cor_ ittee reported favorably on the following; bills which, on motion by mane and second by !awards , were ordered pa- d. Current Expense 'und.:- Street Dept payroll ;;Shop 152.00 u�ts 708 07 70 Seattle bighting Co. Gas .75 9 Ind, Ins State Treasurer Ind Ins . 57 .49 709 Lowman and Hanford Library Books 97 .50 710 Winegar Zrin.ting Co . 'rinting 6 .82 7II .S.I'.and L.Co . Street Lights 205 .77 712 Trick and. urray Stationery 23.24 70 California Filter Co . Chlorine Gas 312 .00 714 Williams and li`c?:night fark supplies 06 .00 7I5 See and Sons Lumber 1 .86 716 Joe ':'good police Judge 12.50 717 E.1"Paul City Hall Expense 2.00 7I8 E.K.Shearer Sup plies 2.70 719 Water Fond. Water Dept !ayroll:- yah 132.42 302- 005 State Treasurer 11nd. 1n ,rance 19 .21 806 P.S.P. and L.Co . Zovrer 138.76 307 Walworth Company zipe.. 35 .48 308 T,% cs Service Station Gas a ail 11.98 809 City of Seattle water 00.82 810 '.F The City Engineer AAomitted a report covering the amount due for materials used Tri 'the construction of the 131:wck River Sewage Disposal plant as follows : L%Pherson Hardware On . Supplies u<.81 Williams and ..cKriight TT bL .88 Colby and Dickinson TT 49 .40 pacific Car and Fly. Co . Labor 16.90 Renton sand and Gravel Co. Cement , sand, etc 648.98 Fairbanks-1.:orse Co limp a , 098.20 Walworth Company ripe , fittiucs , etc 467 .51 Wallace and Tiernan Co . Gas apparatus 278.45 Water Wks and rower Equipment Co. Supplies 22.50 !.!.Shearer Supplies 16.51 -9�o4 Lloved by Kane ant seconded by Edwards that the bills sub- mitted by the City Engr be paid. Carried. The City engineer submitted his payroll covering work done on the Black River Sewage Plant. ,,roved by lane :seconded by Edwards the Payr 11 be ap,roved and ordered paid. Carried. i i 1Ut139 ' a i V The City 'engineer sub.-r,itted estimate I�To I and final to J.1 . 'f on account of his contract in L.I.D. 14o.I58 . Moved by :3ennett and. seconded by Kane that the e stimate be allowed. Carried. The City `..engineer submitted his report as provided by Resolution Ilio . 388. .1vioved by Snyder and second-e- by n received and filed. ^�.rr ^I.. i I, The reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer Zor the month of august were read. lrioved by 3ennett and seconded by Raymond that the reports be received and filed. Carried. The City nttorney submitted a report recormneiding the cancell `tion of a certain Tre��surers Bond. l:Ioved by bane and seconded by Sennett that the report be filed and the reconunendations cirri: d out Carried. The Fire , Light and. 'Alater committee recommended that the matter of installing a street light in ITorth Renton be laid over and taken up when next yers budget is made . l;oved by Sennett and second d i by Isaymond the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. I !,loved by Leathley and seconded by Raymond that the petitioa of Sen Lindgren to construct driveway over his aalk be not Erante . Carried. The petion of W.F.Sennett, Jr to move Car `corks Hotel from ' ts present site to Lots I , 2 and. in Blk 6, R.F.rlat was E;NLA§pd read. -owed by Kane and seconded by Raymond the hermit be grante provided G. sufficient indemnity bond is provided and the v,:rk ,one under the inspection of the Street Dept. Carried. commiunication from the -� .C.ma.ilway Co . relating 'to a lit h at Walla 'Walla and Third was read. Idoved by Bennett and seco den by Snyder that the Clerk give the company official notice . Ca vied. corrimunication rias read from the Icing County Coirmii. sioners roved by Le-thley seconded by Fuller the communication be f led. Carried. leoved by Leathley and seconded by Sane that a contract for ''Morin Gas be signed :ith the California Filter Co . Carr ied. i The Clerk notified the Council th:.t no protests had b, en filed- against i edagainst the creation of a Local Imp. District for constructing cerient walks in North menton. i ' Ordinance ITo . 798, creating a Local Imp. District for const t-;ting walks in Ilorth ':penton was read. referred to Ord., Coniinittee . Ord. 'Coriuilitte<j re ported f .vor��bly on Ord. I o• 298. Moved by Kane and seconded by Fuller that the report be received L.nd th Ord placed on its second reading. Carried. Moved by Bennett and seconded by Bane that the Ord be jilwced on its third reading and passed as a ,,,,hole . Carried. "._yes" Sennett. Kane , Leathley, Ld.wa.rds , I wyirond., Euyler, S der. j The question of aking an appropriation to send the :'ire , hief to Oacific Coast and Nnternationa.l Conventions wI-.s brought up or discussion. !Moved by �ane and .seconded by Sennett th_.t the ti m of L250.00 be appropriL,ted. for the �urpose . ;;;lotion lost. roved by Dane and seconded by Raymond. that 46ige _ :. ;istL,nt Ch of oulla.hant be I;=eni-ait-;ed 'to tu. k oto the subject . CJ-rried. !'.loved by nyder , nd seconded by Bennett that the mi.tter of m, king an ai�propri-ution for this purpose be mode a special order of b siness t 8.30 p .m. at the meeting to be held Sept . t17St . Carried. i Resolution No . jq setting a. time for hearing on - sse:: srne t Roll for L. I.D. ITo.I58 vas read. "oven by Kane and second -i-_ yr Sennett the resolution be ado-ted. Carried. 1:oved by ea.thley and seconded Sennett that the - by or olice be �;r�.nted. a vacation starting Saturday. Carried. September 14, I926. Regular meeting of the City Council caller to ord:;r by May r Olsen at 7 .30 P.M. Roll Call- Bane . Iueathley, Edwards, Raymond, Fuller and nyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and all.L?roved. retition from Ed. iYood asking permit to make repairs to bu;cldin in dock 22 was read. K'oved by Mane, seconded by Faller petition be granted. Carried.. Petition from James Tachell for permit to construct mason y Garage on Fourth avenue between Wells and ,%filliams Street was ead. loved by Kane , seconded by Snyder that the petition be gra ted.. Carried. The License Committee reported favorably on the petition o S.Oderkirk for Soft Drink License . !roved by Raymond and. secon ed by Kane that the report be received and license granted. Carried!. communication from the Pacific Coast Issociation of Fire chiefs was react. . oved- b-\r Kane , seeonLed by Fuller that the pom- :nunication be filed. Carried. On motion by Kane �,.nd second by Fuller the Fire Chief was authorized to attend the Fire Chief' s Conventions at Fresno and lv ew Orleans . G.W.Beanblo,2som appeared before the Council and spoke on behalf of a movement to install a system of ornamental lights in the business section of the city. I,ioved by mane and seconded- by eco - edby Raymond that the council meet with a conunittee of property owners from the proposed district on --NednesLay evening, Sept 22. Carried. Idoved by Kane and seconded by Leathley that the Clerk fiend , Fire Chief Wood a congratulatory telegram on behalf of the CitV Council on account of the First ,yid Team of the Fire :Departme t :;inning first prize at the contest held at `Xalla 'fialla. Car led.. { r�a�urfher au rn I rove Ut139 4 Seltember � I, 1926 keE'u.lar meeting of the City Council called to order by 1,ay r u1_sen at 7 .30 �.m. �Roll Call:- Lennett , Mane , I-I'dwards , Leath�ey, Raymond, Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and a .Lroved. L, petition from fir. :Sronsom, asking for a ,permit to erg_ r Hos petition building was read. 30d6hEd ,oved by Sennett and s conc_ed by Kane that the permit be I petition from the Luget Sound yotiver and Light Con ant' as ing j,ermis; ion to erect a jole line on %'ark :venue from :sixth L vei ue north to the city limits was read. -oved by J,eathle-r and seconded. by Raymond that the m .tter be referred to the Fire , !Ai ht and ;Mater Committee . Carried. a y The Finance Cori ittee re;�,orted favorably on the fol' n-»n list of bills vhieh uron motion. by Leathley and second by roan were ordered ijaii. Current �Exfense Fund: I'ayroll Street Deft Labor 172.89 its os 727-7' 0 ':��c -'herson Bros . I:�ateriC'. o .00 7211 'Atest .racer Co . Sul�.�lies . I3.00 732 Matt .Starwich ideals 5I .00 733 Pacific Tel and Tel Co . Phones 3.I0 704 Renton Hardware 'Co . Supplies 5 .90 735 Torn Trimm lark Labor 39 .75 736 Geo . Boyce Teals I .00 737 '"ngrs ayroll Labor 9.00 738-7' 9 Renton sand and Gravel Co . I.idtar als 0 .00 740 i�. .Shearer Library xl 1 .25 74I � - t n 1:gency Gas , oil, etc 4.95 74 'tater Fund:- payroll ',mater Bept Labor -10.00 Renton --,Tency Supplies 4.70 314 The Cityengineer submitted an _stimute covering labor o Sewage pis,,)osal slant. lZoved by Kane and seconded Leathley at tht payroll be ordered Laid. Cc2^rdied. Ordinance TIo, 799 , confiraing and aprroving the assessme- t roll for L.I. 7. No .I58 was intrmduced and read. I:Ioved by Kane and EeconLed. by Bennett that Ora 799 be referred to the Ord. Committee . Ca ried. I j The ordinance Comiaittee reported favorably on Ord. 799 . ; o ed 1 by Kane and seconded by Bennett that the report of Ord. Comu_ii tee be received and the Ord, placed on its second and third reading. Carried. k roved by Sennet and seconded by :'ane that Ord. 799 be ado• ted as ' a whole . Carried. 11_�yes"- Sennett , ;:a.ne , Leathley, _:d- ards , aymond and Snyder. j The followinE bids were orened f �r constructin ce.l.ent 4 a1 s in L.I.D. Fo . I60; l�dams and "o . :3325 .00 .' .Luff 3722.00 "hew and Hart 4428.00 -oved by 3ennett and seconded by Leathley the the c ntr4ct be awarded to dams and Co . Carried. There being no further business the Council adjourned. 1pproved. 'C � s i y 88 i September u = , 192'6 . iL special meeting of the City Council was called to order by 1,Iayor Olsen at 7 .60 p.m. The ijurjose of the s,-ecial meeti €� was to discuss gays and means for the maintenance of a L,ro; ose ornamental lighting system on certain of the business streets . sifter the matter had been thorn ghly discussed it was moved by Bane and seconded. by Snyder that the ma .ter be referred to the Fire , Light and '.`later Committee , which committee was to meet with a committee of property owners desiring the proposed imij- rovement and, if 1ossible, work out some recomLiendation and I. submit it to the Council at a later meeting. ,otion Carried, There being no further business t e council adjourned. 4& ' approved /1 Clerk _.:a ro r. /' /i Sept 28, 192'6. The council was called to oraer by !�,Iayor Olsen but no (Io-urwa being _,resent the meeting was adjourned. Roll call showed t-',,.ose present to be- Bennett and -.2idwards. 6 Clerk. October 4, 1926. ] I r� a special meeting wasgalled. to order by ,Ijor Olsen at 7 . P.M. for a hearing on the budget for the year 1927 . There being no objections to the budget as read it was moved by _ane and seconded by Raymond that the budget be adopted eas read. 1,1oti n carried. z roll call snowed those present to be- pane , i,eathley, Edwards , Raymond, Fuller and Snyder. Un r_'iotion the Council dult adjourned. Clerk,, t Approved y� off. r nt139 a 89 October 5 , I926. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by ,-�ay�r Olsen at 7 .50 p.m. moll Call:- Bennett, 4 ane , Edwards, Raymond, 1`uller and Snyder. The minutes of the last regular meeting and two special meetings were read and approved. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the current bills submitted. i;oved by Ful!er and seconded ,by Edwards the report of the committee be received and the bills ordered yaid� Carried. t Moved by Lane and seconded by :Sennett that the bill submited by E. .Shearer for repairs done at the -;ain Street comfort sta ion be paid. Carried. l,lovee by Raymond and second-:;d by Bennett that the petition of the Puget Sound rower and Light Company for hermit to construct a pole line on the east line of Park n�enue from Sixth «venue North to the City limits be be granted. Carried. Current Expense Fund: - Street Dept r'a,yroll Labor 97 .54 V1t. 1,71 o 750 -753 P.S.P and '-'U- .Co. might 212.22 754 Joe Wood. -olice Judge 2.50 755 ;i Trick and 121urray Supplies 7 .64 756 ' 0.1� dochran Supplies 5 .75 75711 Pacific Tel Co . Telephone 3.15 758 J.R.Storey Coal 16.55 759 ! '�iinegar -minting Co. Printing 15 .41 760 E.H. 'aul City Hall expense 2.00 76111 Lowman and Hanford Librar-, expense 9 .78 7621 Riverside Service Station Gas and oil 19 .46 763 Tom Trim .ark labor 49 .50 764 Water 1j,and:- Water Dept2ayroll Labor 159 .59 319--322 Y.S.P and L.Co . Power 241.66 323 See and Sons Dumber 42.1832411 iMacs Service Station Gas and Oil 8.12 325 The report of the City Clerk wa-; submitted and read. cioved by 3enntt seconded by Lane that the re_ ort be receiyed. and filed. Carried. T _e report of the City Treasurer was submitter_ ana _.:...�, . _—ved. by Kane -u•; soc!crrt— 6ne Vejjorz Ue received and filed. Car.Aed. 1 Ordinance iio .800 , and ordinance adopting a budget for the year 1927 , was introduced and placed on its first reading-and referred to the Ordinance CoruAtee . 1"he Ordinance Co .sAttee reported favorably on Ord. 800. .'oved by Y'aller and seccnded by Kane that the retort be r e- eivea. Carried. ,roved. by Sennett and seconded by !pane that Ord 110 .800 be placed on its second and third reading and adopted as a whole . arried- "--Lyes"- Bennett , Kane , :Edwards , Raymond, ;'inlet, -V g6vr. :over by RaytnonA and s condec_ oy I'. j--Ler that the bond of Zd Oo. uoverinev,ork to be done t �� �_n �:.!.�y. luu Ue approved. Carried. _ ove3 by bane and seconLed by Fuller that the ;Mayor and C . be authorized to sign a contract with wAams and. Co for work to be done in L.I.D. I60. Carrie$. loved by Bennett and. seconded by Bane that no meeting be h id. on October I2. Carried. There beim; no further business the council adjourned. 1.pprovecL Clerk 90 October I9 , 1Jb . Le -LL] ar meeting of the City Council called to order by i4iayo ; Olsen at 7 .30 p .m. Roll Call:- Sennett, lune , Leathley, Edwards, Raymond, Snyd. r. The minutes of the last meeting were read. acid aj�jrovea.. \i .ii report was received. from the Fire Light and Water coiimi.tt e reco:: 14t1396 RESOLUTION NO. t"HEREAS, the cost cf the improvement of Local Improvement District Number 158, under Ordinance Nixrber 795, is Three Hundred 7 Fifty-eight Dollars and fifty-seven cents ($358. 57) and there has been paid of that amount the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($3CC.00) l-aving a balance to be oovered by bond issue in the sum of Fifty-eight Dollars and fifty-seven cents ($58. 57) . THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton, '.'Washington, that the '41ayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby directed to cause to be printed or engraved bonds in the aggregate sum of Fifty-eight Dollars and fifty- sever. cents (4*58. 57) , dated November 10th, 1926. Bond number . Ore to be for the sum of Fifty-eight Dollars and fifty-seven cents (58. 57) . Sond bond to be paid on or before seven years from date in five (F) equal installments beating eight (8) " pex cert interest and to have plainly printed in the face ' thereof, the provisions required by statute as to all local j.mprover.ent bonds and all it accordance with legislation in said Local Improvement Disttiot number W, under Ordinance - Number 795, passed Oef 1926. Approve. tris 26th day of October , 1°26. qayor ATTESTED this 26th day of Octorer, 1P%. r ty Clerk. 92 November 2, 020 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by ;gay r Olsen at 7.30 p .m. 0011 C all:- 3e nne t t, Kane , Leathley, Adwards , aaymond and Snyder. petition from F..�. ,�cl:enna asking for a permit to construat a building for washing and oiling cars was _read. ,_:0ved by mane and seconded by ;;nyder the yetition be grant d. Carried. T .rt 3, f .t�;r .b! � on the current The Finance Committee �.'3`���y ,,,.� _ -.. �� bills. Fovea by Leathley and seconded by Raymond the retort f the committee be concurred in and the bills raid. Carried. Current expense Fund: ray roll street dept. Labor 176.22 ,*,Its 797-8C2 Union Oil Co . Street supplies IO.IB 803 4'Voods Cafe heals 15 .00 : 804 r 1,S.iower ant bight Co . Lights 215 .30 806 8 0 California Filter Co . Sewer exp. 6.00 Fairbanks Morse Co . " if 81.05 806 F. ;.Duff Police Jndge 5 .00 807 Jackson Fuel Co. Coal W.00 308 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas .75 809 Renton "gency auto repairs 68.21 BIC Priebe 3ros Blacksmithing 20.40 811 R.J.reVie Printing 10.00 812 Riverside Service StLtion Gas , oil 19 .76 813 E.E.puff lark sidewalk 87.00 814 L.H.2aul City Hall exp. 2.00 815 Tori Trim Park labor 52.31 816 Water Fund:- pay roll water u.ept . Labor 71.84 338-339 r.S.P and L.Co . lower 249 .27 340 City of Seattle Nater 24.34 341 Renton Hdw. Co . Supplies 2.16 342 Irides Service Station Gas , etc 12 .50 a report from the City Engr recommendinL that the reserve with-held from the final estimate to �, I.Duff in L.I. J. 158 be paid. 1yoved by Letthley and seconc ed by Kane the report be received and the reserve ordered paid. ;tarried. There being no further busyness the Council adjourned. Clerk llyroved k0yor. '1 i i nt139 a 93 ldovember 9 , 1926. - I Regular Lieeting of the City Count'-1 called to order by I l;ayor Olsen at 7..-,0 p .m. Roll Call:- 3enriett. Bane , Keathley, '_.Awards, lLayilond and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and apj,roved. petition from the Renton Ice and :ice Cream comj;any for a permit to erect a fire 2roof structure on jot 18, block 25 , was read. loved by Snyder and seconaed by �ayuiond a �ermit be brant d. Carried. The re.1ort of the City Clerk for the month of October was read. :roved by 3enrlett and seconded by Dane the report be recei ed and filed . Carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of Oetober was read. 1_oved by Bane and seconaed by Benxiett the report be recei ed and filed. Carried. report from the City F,ngineer, recommending the allowanc of an estimate of ,,700 .00 to "dams and Co . for wore. done in _. . .�. 1-o .I60 was read. .oved by Sennett and seconded by rune the rey),ort be concurred in and the estimate allowed. Carried. report from the '41ater Superintendent recommending that 5� 0 feet of I0" , I�75 feet 811 , 2000 feet 611 and 500 feet 4" ca t iron pipe . �,aerican made , of the prepared joint type , be contr cted for for spring delivery. 1:oven by Kane and seconaed by Bennett that the report be c�nc- urred in and the Iurchasing "gent instructed to call for bias on same . Carried. 4_ _Trim n motion by ;-)nyder and second by :�dwards it was ordered t'h t be notified to construct a cement walk in front of his property at Fourth 11.venue and i,iain Street within twenty days . Ordinance 1:o . 80I , "Ln Ordinance approving and confirming "ssessment Roll for notal Improvement District Yo . I59'T was inihe ro- duced ,.nd read. ,.roved. by Bane and seconded by Sennett the ordinance be ref( rred to the Ordinance Committee . Carried. The Ordinance CormAttee reported favorably on Ordinance 801, .Moved by Kane and seconf-ed by Bennett the report be receive ; the Ordinance placed on its second and third reading and L)Iae" as a whole . "Ayes"- Sennett. Tune , Leathley, Ed-wards , z�aymon and Snyder. _.loved. by Kane and seconded by i,eathley that the matter of constructing a cement walk on the west side of 1,an Street sou h of Fifth ,venue be referred to the Street and j�1:_ey Committee for one week. Carried. There being no farther business the council u�.._:._ .. .�. �ip rovedG City Clerk. .'.ay or. i 94 November 16, 1926. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Tayor Olsen at 7 .30 p .m. Roll Call:- Kane , Ed-ward-s, Raymond anu Sn4auc. The minutes of the last meeting were read and al ;;:roved. petition from J.V.Davidson for license to operate a soft drink and card room in the ;'ielrose Building was rez,.d. 1,1oved by Kane and seconded by Raymond that the petition be referred to the License Committee . Carried. The following bills were okea by the Finance Committee and, upon motion by Bane and second by Snyder they were ordered paid. Current Expense Fund: ayroll Street Dent . Labor 161 .63 ','dts Eio. 825-E28 "/m Kane City Hall supplies .8.85 829 The Rook Tiart Library Books 30.67 830 Pioneer Bindery Library Books 63.91 831 J.R.Storey Coal 88.40 832 1,layner 11.1otor Co. hewer Sup.�;lies x.7a , 833 'ac. Tel. amd Tel Co. Telei�ho_ 2.SO834 Colby and Dickinson Lumber. 5 :20 835 City of Renton assessments 21.15 866 ,Vm. Bennett Supplies .68 8'7 Renton Feed Co . Supplies 35 .00 833 Water Fund:- Payroll `,Vater Dept. Labor 8 .06 34,1-2146 AOMbL J.S.Har(fie Supplies 18.92 347 :,loved by Kane and. seconded by Ldwards that property .,wners on the west side of 1:ain Street construct cement, walks abutting Lots 17 , I8, 19 and 20 in Block 17 and that they be given the usual 20 day notice to so construct . Carrie . -'here being no further business the Council ad-�ourne . .,roved. Clerk. 1,,ayor. • "t1396?j 95 November 213, I926. iecular meeting of the Jity 'O ncil called to order by T,layor Olsen at 7.30 Holl ;;all:- 3'ennett, ',Lane , Leathley, :Awards, ilaymond, Sinyder. ;The -.mutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The License i0_lli:ilttee reported favorably on the a_L)licatio for a license to operate a card room and soft drink establis- hmerLt in the 1;ielrose Motel building. Loved. by ',:.ane and seconded by. Raymond that the re ort of the license Committee be recel . __. _ ail: _::er. v �',..; _. Carni d. This being the date set for oy1ening bids on cast iron bile , bids from the following were ojiened. and read: United States, Cast Iron Ti.-,e and Foundry Company. Walworth Comp any .A.merican Cast Iron I'il:e Coral?any. Loved. by Leathley and seconded by -6ennett that the fore- going bids be referred to the Fire ,�_.Light and ';pater Co nunittee and. the '.'pater Sul)erintendent for one week. Carried. On motion by Sennett and second by Snyder the Cit Clerk was instructed to call for bids for painting the interior wall of certain rooms in the City Hall. Moved by Leathley and. seconded by Raymond. that four stop signals be -urchased. Carried. There being no further business; the Council adjournel. -qjyroved. City Clerk. i 9 96 iovember 30, 1920 Reyular meeting of the City Council called to order by !,--ayor Olsen at 7 .30 .m. Roll Call:- Bennett , Leathley, :aidwards, Raymond-,luller. The minutes of the last meeting we •e read and a,.. roved. -etitmon was read- from asking for a permit to construct a two-car garage on the rear of Lot 15 , Bloch: Imo . love_ by Leathley and SecoLded n by Bennett that the necessar3 parmit be granted. Carried. The Finance Coilu-Attee repprted favarably on the following current bills: CURIC!-_U'TT il'�T iwW�����#,�ll��lf'II�If"ff��rt7r�f`R'l1 G I14���TY#!t 11 ��J��tY if A'C'f'ii li l.'•!Y�(t �N��!ti N'� Payrol. U . Labor i39 ._L7 IWts 845-849 E.E.Buff Iolice Jud{ eIO.00 850 Trick ard ,-urray Stationery 7 .38 851 R.J.rettie lrinting I3.50 852 .S.Z.and. L.Co . Power 223.40 853 N.Jordan Dog Catcher 18.00 854 Jl�i'1'�R I�U1a.11. Payroll Ilater dept Labor II8.98 352-:_:50 r.S.r'. and L.Co . lower 258.55 35,3 City of Seattle :Dater 31. 18 35$ Walworth Co. Fittings 7.50 357 'roved. by Leathley Qnd seconded by a`aller that the reporl of the Finance Corunittee be, received and. the bills ordered. lai(I. Carried. n report was read from the Fire, Licht and 7-dater Co-,ii-Attee and the ":'later Suet. recommend-in.- th'-A the contract for furn- ishing cast iron -Aj)e be awarded to the aaerican Cast Iron Company. i.oved. .by 3ennett -nd seconded by miller that the re sort be received and the contract awarded iiud c-".s recoaenedd . Carrie . 1,oved. by Leathley and seconded 'by Edwards that the ,."ayor ala Clerk be authorized ti sign a contract with the iaaeri.can Cast Iron Vise Comi:any for yjipe to be furnished. Carries-. ,oved. by Raymond. and second- d by Leathley that the City of Seattle be notified to place cleats on its wooden sidewalk along its pipe line ri-ht of way at all dangerous places . Carried. On motion by Raymond and secl-:nd by Edwards the City .ttorney was instructed to look up all :natters concerning nailrod. f>.ven-u and take such steps as are necessary to straiLhten the matter (ut. There being no further busines_ the Council wdjourned.. np.�roved Clerk. l:iay or ltg �39 (a 97 i)ece ober 7, 1926 Re.L°ular meeting of the City Council called to order by �-8,yor Glsen at 7.30 a011 Call;- 0erinett, Kane , LieL,thley, Edwards , Raymond, �Ailler and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ay,proved. 0 .1L.I'Ia.rion, as,IinE for a license to opera 4. soft drlr� stablishment on l.lain Streat was read. loved by- Kane and seconded by Snyder that the petition be referred to the :ficense Corr ._ittee. Carried.. The yicense Cornnittee reported favorably on the foreEoin ietition and recommended that a license be granted. ;roved by ;;nyder at�A seconded by &�?-raond that the rep ort off' the License Con iittee be accented and the license granted. s an a...enLrrent to the above motion it was ::roved by Bennet and second-,d by Leathley that the matter of Crantin the above mentioned license be laid over for one week. C,- rr ed.. The report of the City Clerk for the month of move_ :ber, 1926, was presented, and read. loved by Bennett and seconded by Leathley that the_ reiort be received and Filed. Carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of iLovember, 1926 , was jorezented.. and read.. oved by Leathley and seconded bythat the rey,ort be received and filed. Carried. n re,ort from the Cit-,.r Engineer re=ranendinL that !�sti�.late Iu . 2 in the anno-apt ofl;1277 .SO be allowed .Ldams and Co . on account l of their contract for work in 1,. L. �. i�10 .160 was read. . 1 ..loved by .3erniett and. seconded by lune that the re,ort of the inE;ineer be received arid. the estimate orde,'ed Maid. Carried.. 1'his beinE, the niE ht designated for o,,)eninE. bids for i aintin r in the City Hall the Clerk oyvened and read buts fumm reale and Burney and from Tachell and Co . for do in`; the work. .,loved by Kane an(i seconded by Sennett that the bid-s be referred to the Town property Co-,-L,,Iittee for a report at the next reetin •. Carried. The street liL,-hting contract between the ruuet Sound -ower and Light Company and the City of menton for a terra of five years as read. i,oved by Leathley and seconded Raymond that theayor and- Clerk be authorized to sign said contract . Votine ".,�ye7 - Bennett, Kane, Leathley, Edwaxids, Raymonci and fuller. Voting "NO"- Snyder. Carried. The City attorney was instructed to prey.,are a resolution of inte .tion coveri.nE the iini;rovement of a -roposed road from Cedar to Jones Ntreet on ;vection street. ' oved by Kane and secondees by -ennett that the urchc S 111fi`,' regent procure and install door checks on the toilet room doors . j Carried. Fire Chief Wood, beim; called upon, have an interesti.nS account of his trip to the Fire Chief' s Conventions. 'here beim no further business the Council adjourned. p-proved. Clerk. � e { ;Iay o r. . i� 98 .i;ecainber I4, 192u lLe `ular Meeting of the City Council called to order by :,ayor Olsen at 7 .50 p.m. a011 Call:- re , L uneathley, Ldrards, Raymond, Fuller, Snyd r. The minutes .of the last meeting were raved and,after being j corrected so as to include the words "card room'' in the record of ,the a;i lication of for a license , were app roved. rtn a-, lication for a renewit of his license to opemte the Renton Theatre was received from 3.`X.Fey. On motion by Raymond and. second by Curie the above a,.2licat ' on for license. was referred to the License Coiuimittee . i The Finance Co=,,ittee audited the followin.L list of current accounts against anc� recor��riended that theye y:aid: r CURRE, �T .u11 is +11�L' FU1V J� California Filter Co . Sewer supillies 2.00 Vit. 862 Killer and Haviland Supjlies 4 .50 863 K.L. rickson Stop lights 57 .4Q 864 Rnegar :hinting Co. Trintine, 21.10 865 Lowman and-Hanford Library books 40.29 86 Renton Sand c: Gravel co. Str--et suyi-lies174.45 867 Joe ';good Fire Chief Lx.6.;76.00 868 Union Oil Co . Street supi,lies 1:x.48 8"69 Riverside :service Station Gas and- oil 19 .60 870 i.i-aul City Ball ex1,. 2.OG 87i ir.y.R�r Co . Fre i"';ht .59 672 Lowman rind Hanford Co. :mgrs sui:,,lies 4.7 875 Standard Oil Co . City Hall exp. 1.98 874 See anc1 Sons Lumber 18.85 875 W.Jordan jAE. catching 18.50 876 Seattle Lighting Co . City Hall gas . .75 877 Henton Hdw. Co. Supplies 4.10 878 archway gook Store Library 3ooks• 69 .75 879 J.H.Gill Co. Suy, ies 2Z, .62 880 Tom TrirtTai nark labor 45 .55 881 g i lies , . .75 882, J.S. �.rdie Su �,_ � .r ,,._„ Ins . 55.00 88L �.li.Thorne - iie IYLalmo and Co . 1 .rk shrubbery 148.75 884 0 ;rC, Federal ipe and dank CO. ripe 91• � �JU dacs Service Station Gas and oil 6.58 559 On motion by Leathley and second. by da .res the report or the Finance Co imittee was concurred in �i.nd the accounts ordered ,a d. Loved by 1killar and seconded by 1dwwrds that the licG.ti n of J..,,.iIrion for a license to conduct a soft drink establishri nt and card room be land over until the next ine=etinE. Carried. The Town -- ro,erty Coi:imittee submitted a re.;ort recei:mendin that the contract for painting the City Mall be awarded to `i'ae ell and -Co . ank that all of the rooms be paintad. l;:oved by JSeathley and seconded by Raymond. that the re ,ort Ibe received s:nd the recommendations concurred in. Carrie(I. x resolution of intention was reg>d provic_in for the imji ro vement of erection 3,treet . voved by Raymond. and seconded by Ueathley that the resolut on be laid over until the '. nE;ineer secures further data on the 1)ro1posed improvement. Carried. idoved by taymond. and seconded. by Leathley that a stop sign be erected on the east side of nark .venue L-t its intersection witlh Fourth ��venue Forth. Carried.. There being no °further business the Coiuicil journed. npi roved. Clerk 111139dict 99 December 21, 1926. Iegu.lar meeting of the City Council called to order by l;iayor Usen at 7.30 i, .m. Zoll Call :- Bennett, !Lane, Ijeathley, Ldwards , Zaymond, filler and Snyder. The minutes of the last meetinZ, were re"a !jyI°QVed.. j-etition from the .Renton ice and. ice "ream Comi,any for f )ermission to construct driveway across the ijarking striy� in front of 'Uot 18, dock 25 , was read. !;loved by 3ennett and seconded by lane that the )etition be granted. Carried. The Finance Co?unittee re bills : -orted favorably on the following; l UR11"E T L,ar. %yaL r(Tilli: iayroll Street :ie it Str:;et 'U"abor '0" .05 "'Vt 885-888 .S. -ower and U.Co. .eights 206.58 889 Trick and hurray Stationery 21 .87 890 .S. lower nd i,.Co. dobe 891 jas Hardie City hall ex,ense . ;5 892 hos frim mark labor . ' G 893 i .:het"linter TT :T __ 5 894 :-R FUND:- i ayroll ":eater 0ey t abor 159 .65 360-364 r y .a._ower gild i,.Co . �o,.,v,er 262.22 365 Gn motion by -eathley and second by Edwards the resort of bhe Finance Coimittee was concurred. in and the bills, ordered Maid In the matter of the a,,,,lication of J .l:..L.arion for a licenS to conduct a soft drink establishment and. card room on : ain Street it was moved by Leathley and seconded. by ;:;nyder that the license aj lied for be not ;;ranted. Jarried. : n motion by Keathley and second by tray fond it was orc ere« that the City Clerk notify - ax Boas to construct saitaVe chimneys oii his building on din otr�ct . ;arr=ed. S'�-� �- Gn motion by Raymond c:.nd second by i,-athley the City a1e:!- ws instructed. to notify the i"uget Sound ower and right Co . to re.�)air the str - ;t light on the Seattle file kine light of lay between4 ill and- CedLar Street. There being no farther business the Council ac•journed. too december w8 , 19wo . regular m�etin­ of the City Council called to order by 7 ."0,iayor Olsen a 1 . a hle oda ards Hai. mond �joll gall:- Sennett , Wane , �,e t y, Haymond, Fuller avid anyder. I he i.inutes of the last meeting were read and a; rovea. ii l-etition from '2ickner, _0sseau a!-Ld ,)wift, for a renewal of their license to oyjerate the "oll �,,.nd Card to m was read. _roved by lane and seconded by Snyder th4.t, the y etition be referred to the License Committee . tarried. ti communication from the 1�.ayor of the �it;y of 'lacoraw dealing with a L�roj,osed_ measure concerning; the distri..:utiorl oft the taxes derived from gasoline sales was read. 1,,oved by Leathley and. seconded by anyder that the ,tate Sel2Gtor and. ��eL.resentative frog this District be advised th ,t the Cit.. Council of ienton is in accord with the -ro- yosed lelislttion. JLrried.. There beinZ no further business the ;ouncil adjourned.. xroved.. ler1� „gay o r i I )41139()Q 101 January 4, 1927 . LeL-alar meeting of the City Council called to order by ._lsen at 7 .30 Loll Call:- Sennett, Bane, "dwards , Raymond, Fuller, "nyde The a.inutes of the last meeting were read and a,._roved. ietition from Hansen 3ros . asking for a license for a soft drink establishment was read. ;::_oved by sane and seconded by Raymond that the ,etitiorl be referred to the License Committee . Cwrriec_. The Finance CowAttee rey orted favorably uyuon the followinE list of bills and recomended that they be Maid: CURRENT EYUr' NSE FL'lD: :�yroll Str:,et cert . -,-..bor. iI6.74 dt vo . 901-°G5 Thos azar ies _ .v. �ox rent l .uu 902 J.r�."hearer ;ity parks 3 .35 . 907 `,'allace wnd Tiernan Sewer exp. 94.40 906 "tate Treasurer Ind. :ins. S5 .90 909 uoti,n.ian and HEnford Library 3ooks 70.82 9I0 Kenton Chronicle printing 53.75 . 9I Wrrn I:ne Library exp. 2.00 912 Trick and -_array ;u ;Ilies 1.72 . 913 Joe Nood Lolice JudCe I2.50 9I4 t . Jacobson police x1). 3.50915 Howard Cooyer Corp. "treet exp. G.GO 9i6 John Juliano newer exp. .OU- 9I7 r Colby and Dickinson cement .90 9I8 { «'., erside "cation Gas aid oil. 17.08 97' . _ Sul Cite hall exjo . 2.00: 920 1L� lton band �,r vel Co . Otreat 225 .50- 921 Hansen 3ros. yolice exy. 1 .70 92 "goods Cafe -olice ex-'. 9 .50 923 1 Villiarls 131aAEht Uu .lies 27 .30- 924 rliiutt rJv):— ayroll -y'ater 3eyut. Labor 200.011 370-375 la'acs "ervice "tation Gas, etc 12.77 372 "tate Treasurer Inca.. Ins . 9 .44- 377 City of Seattle "eater 46 .38 378 alworth Go . it e 19 .0579 . , oved by -wards and seconded by !Lane the rep ort of the Finance Corimittee be acce-Ited wnd the bills ord erect :aid. Car I,ied. License Colriunittee reiorted favorably on the al,j-.lication of Ticknor, 3osseau and 6wift for a renewal of their license . . oved by lane and seconded by .Sennett that the re y:ort of the License CorrAnittee be accented and the license granted. Carried. n re Ort from the City Ingineer was read. regarding the rop osed imiyrovement of Renton ,,venue and "ection Street. roved by Sennett and seconded by �;dwardst the reNort be accey. ted. Carried. loved by !;ane and seconded_ by 3enett that a resolution be introduced coverinL the work outlined in the -n-;inerrs rei:ort . . Carried. L re,.;ort from the Fire Chief for the Year 1926 was read. ,-oved by Hane and seconded by Fuller the rcyort be accepted . Carried. .she rey;ort of the olice Jugg;e for the year i?;?,u was reed. 1,7vved b.-,f :3-111iet and seconu.ed. Dy that the report be acce,t,;�ci. ;a2 R i I q)1 1 3 102 -erx re-ool-red that the runty `.i'veasurer had. made collection of ' uI.28 for a 4elin;,;uent local imyroveme^nt ass- essment which hast been formerly i)aid. x,�oved by Sennett and seconded by Mane that the pity lre��s- hurer return •, H .28 to the owner of the Lro�perty. ".carried. �Loved. by ander and. seconded by Raymond that the Sity V'lerk req.u.est roster and 17eiser to a ;.j�licataon for ,,i.cense in the ragular manner. parried. ,roved by a)nycder and seconded. by Sennet that the matter of ex=)enses incurred in a recent case be referred to the Jity rttorrley and 'TovJn -Lro.,erty Committee . Sar-ried. neo . Thomas,of the ',,aterwal-Y Corrulission asked the council for the use of the .assembly Room for a L;ablic. meetinL,; in conn- ection with matters ;,pertaining to the ;waterway jistrict . Use of room granted. There being no further business the Jouncil adjourned.. �1 ,roved Jlerk -A/ i 1 C "t139 a danlla.rjj lI, ly�f�. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by mayor Olsen at 7.30 p.m. Roll call:- Bennett, Kane, Leathley, Edwards , Raymond, Fuller and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition for licenses for soft drink and soft drink and card room licenses were read from S.Oderkirk, Lngelo poli, Louise .�eRae and Davidson and lirmstrong. Moved by Bennett and seconded by Kane the applications be referred to the �,icense Committee. Carried. petition from Swift 's "' thletic Club asking for a permit to hold a smoker in the 1,asonic Hall, January 27th was read. Moved by Kane and seconded by Raymond that the permit be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND:- Priebe Bros. Blacksmithing 8.I5 Vit No. 925 Thos Harries Envelopes 28.06 926 Renton regency Gas and oil, etc . 29 .96 927 Renton Laundry Laundrying Flags 1 .75 928 West Paper Co. ?Fixtures 6.00 929 Seattle Lighting Co. City Hall gas .75 930 Bishop and Jenkins Coal 35 .70 931 Tachel and Co. City Hall painting, 693.45 932 W.41TER FUND:- Renton agency Gas , etc 20.34 380 National Ty.eter Co . ;:eters 115.20 38I See and Sons Lumber 31.08 382 roved by Leathley and seconded., by Edwards. that the red:ort of the Finance Committee be received and the bills ordered paid. Carried. Tlie Town 'roperty cnn)mitte4 submitted a report regarding the purchase of a On motion duly seconded the report was received ",and Ln emergency ordinance ordered prepared covering the purchase of such a truck as recommended. The License Committee reported favorably upon the following applications for licenses: Hansen Bros. , S.Oderkirk, �,ngelo loli, Louise i:cRae and Davidson and i�rmstrong. ,roved by Leathley and seconded by Snyder that ther report be received and the license granted. Carried. The sinal Estimate to ,tdams and Co for work in L.I.D. 160 was submitted by the City -Engineer. Moved by Bennett and second.ed, by Kane that the report of the Engineer be accepted and the estimate allowed. Carried. In the matter of placing the insurance on the City Hall it was moved by Leathley and seconded by Kane that it be placed with iVilson and ilarlowe and Dobson and Son. Carried. a The I,ayor submitted the following list of Judges and Ins- pectors for the primary elsction to be held February- 8, 1927 3 s 104 FIRST ':BARD:- Inspector- Mrs. Jorgensen Judges. . Mrs . Chas. Campbell Urs. Jesse Storey SECOND HARD:- FIRST PRECINCT:- Inspector Liatt Oehm Judges. . Kate 'White Urs. Frank llen SECOND ` kRD:- S :GOND FREGINT:- Inspector Be:,sie Raymond Judges Jennie Liitchell, Mary Ivonaghan THIRD VhRD:- Inspectoo Jennie Edwards Judges Margaret Bunstine Bertha Jones. Moved- by Kane and seconded by Bennett that the Judges and Inspectors for the primary election appointed by the ISayor be confirmed. Carried. , ovee_ by Fuller .and seconded by Raymond that- the Clerk arrange for polling places for the coming primary election. Carried. Resolution No.3.92-, fixing the date for hearing on the ass- essment roll for L.I.D. Io0 was read. Moved by Kane and seconded. by Bennett that PJasolution ivo. 392 be adopted. Carried. Resolution No -393 , declaring it to be the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of Renton 1,venue and of Section Street- by g&ading, guttering and graveling, ' was intriduced. and read. i,ioved by Kane and seconded by Edwards that R,:solution ITo. 393 be adopted. Carried. The question of handling garbage was discussed and on motion by Kane and second by Raymond. the matter was referred to the Days and Irieans Committee for a leter report . m On motion by Bennett and second by Kane the City Engineer was instructed to have the woodwork in the City Hall varnished. r Moved by Kane and seconded by Bennett that the City Clerk be instructed to purchase 4 dozen folding chairs for use in the assembly room. Carried. There being no further business the Council adjourned. l�pjrove �. Clerk Mayor. ' "t1396i 95 January 18 , 1927 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order �y .Layor Olsen at 7 .30 p.m. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Roll Ca-'-l:- Bennett, Fane , Leathley, Edwards, Raymond, :-.eller and Snyder. The petitions of J.E. '•ioue and F.C.3rendel for soft drink licenses and of Foster and ileiser for a bill rosters license were read. Loved by Fane and seconded by 3ennett that the petitions be referred to the License Committee . Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the foll- owing bills : CURRENT laFENS114 FUND: Payroll Street Dept Labor 101 .02 Xt 940-945 Winegar irinting Co. minting 8.54 946 J.E.Vioae Supplies .30 947 California Filter Co . Tank rental 17.00 948 Trick and Eurray Supplies 9 .33 949 Joe 'flood Police Judge 2.50 850 Tachel and �Co. i'ainting 75 .00 951 Pacific Tel Co. Telephones 1 .35 952 ` 'ZiTER FUND:- Pay roll 'Hater Dept . Labor 139 .19 383-380 Trick and Murray Stationery 72.81 387 .roved by Leathley and seconded by Fuller that the report of the Finance Colrimittee be received arid. the bills ordered Maid Carried. `.v e "fl `76 d"eeI f rear . Aloued 6y 8en"d, scc b y !{'une O'd 6V� !v6 ? +- �•`cef . �cirrit-cf, Aloved l y Snyderri anc1 seconded by Edwards that a communi- cation be sent to the Renton Commercial Club asking their co-operation in opposing a bill authorizing the construction of a bridge across make Washington. IViotion lost. Yove(I by Leathley and seconded by Snyder that a communi- cation be sent to Senator mouser and Representatives Webster and ivioran protesting against the passage of a bill introduced in the Legislature authorizing the construction of a bridge across hake ',lashington. h1otion carried. I,loved by Snyder and seconded by Raymond that the South End Improvement Club be allowed the use of the .".ssembly Romm in the City Hall without charge . I.Aotion carried. Th ere being no further business; the Council adjourned. C 1 e rk '�'/ approved.. Mayor. � I I I 166 Janu:. .ry 25 , I924 Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Ilayor Olsen at 7 .30 yj .m. ;doll Call:- Bennett, -7,ane , Leathley, Edwards and Raymond. The minutes of the last meeting were read and api;roved. The License Committee reported favorably upon the aipl- cations of J.E.Vioue, F.C .Brendel and roster and hleiser for licenses. gloved by 3ennet and seconded by Raymond that the report of the License Committee be accepted and the licenses granted Carried. The report of the City Clerk for the month of _)ecember, 1926, was read. !,loved by Bennett and seconded by Kane that the report of the City Clerk be received and filed. Carried. The report of the City Treasurer for the month of Decenbe , I926 was read. Moved by .ane and seconded by Edwards that the report of the City Treasurer be received a,.c1 filed. Carried. ti communication fvvm Representative Chas , A. Moran was read. !,loved by Bennett and seconded by Kane thtt the communicat' ln be filed. Carried. Ordinance 1Jo .M0 , lin ordinance confirming and approving the Assessment Roll for L.I.B. No .I6O was introduced and read. loved by Bennett and seconded by Kane that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. , The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Ordinances Nos, 802 'and 803. Moved. by Kane and seconded by Bennett that the re;.vort of t e Ordinance Committee be accepted. Carried. Loved by Bennett and seconded by Kane that Ordinance No.802 be placed upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. "ayes"- Bennett. Kane . Lea�.hley, Edwards and Raymond. .moved by Kane .and seconded by Edwards that Ordinance No. 803 be �Iaced on its second and third reading and ijasseL as a whole . "Ayes"- Bennett , Kane . Leathley, Edwards and Raymond. -,loved by Kane and seconded by Bennett that the City Clerk be authorized to make certain transfers from the L.I.D. gen- eral Fund %Jda7TY5fA7tlg7M7l7277Gg2erUl7?-g2g to certain L.I.D. Funds and from certain L.I.D. Funds tot the L.I.D'.Genaral Fund in order to close the accounts of several districts. Carried. There being no furth _r business the Council adjourned. Approved Clerk.), n Layor. r' 39 4 107 February I, I927 . Re -ular meeting of the City Council called to order by hIayor Olsen at 7.30 p.m. Roll Call:- Bane, Edwards , Raymond, Fuller, :;nyder. i The minutes of the last meeting were read and ai�proved. The i:etition of B.'�,.Fey for a renewal of the Grand Theutre ' license was read. Moved by Raymond and second-ed. by 'nyder that the petition be referred tQ the License Committee . Carried. i The Finance. Committee re.,orted favorably upon the followi 'g bills: CURRE'N'T -iaFESvSE FUND: Payroll Street Dept , Labor 152.64 A 961-964 L.H.Faul City Hall Exp. 7 .50 965 Riverside Service Station Gas , oil, etc 20.35 966 Wallace and Tiernan Sewer supplies170.5I 967 Wm. Kane " " 9 .00 968 City of Rentgn assessment 16.50 969 Kroll Yap Co, Dlue Prints 10.00 970 Bishop and Jenkins Coal 34.40 971 P.S.P.&L.Co., Lights 265 .28 972 Stewart iaailing List Co. Police expense 25.00 973 Trick and L,iurray Supplies 25 .04 974 Lowman and Ila.nford Co. Engrs su�)plies 7.25 975 Renton Sajid & Gravel Co. Road gravel 99 .00 976 i wineear i-rinting Co. Printing 26.20 977 i o kTER FUND: 'Nater Dept Payroll Labor 89 .80 !. I .S.P.& L.Co,. Power 254.62 3 D. City of Seattle 'Nater 38.10 393 Mac ' s Service Station Gas. oil. etc . 11.83 39�c Moved, by Snyder and seconded by Fuller that the report of the Finance Committee be received and the bills ordered paid. Carried. A communication from the Renton ltthletic Club was read- and, eadand, upon motion by Raymond and second by Fuller was ordered filed, and ipvitation accepted. Moved by Fuller and seconded by Snyder that the City Clerk , insert an advertisement for Motor -umping Engine and Hose Car in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Carried. A communication regarding City Hall insurance was received Xrom R.IuI.Thorne . Communication placed on file. Moved by Snyder and seconded by 1-"'ane that the two i)olicies for insurance on the City Hall in the amount of ?., 5500.00 each and the .policy covering members of the Fire Department be approved. Carried. i IVioved- by Raymond and seconded by roller that each precint Election 3oard be allowed clerks for the primary :lection on February 8, 1927. Carried. ivioved by Kane and seconded by Fuller that a siSn be placed along the road crossing the property of Joe Wood notifying the public that the ground occupied by said road was riot publicr property. Carried. I There being no further business the Council adjourned.. approved. Clerk j Mayor. i i 1�8 February I5, 1927 . I Regular meeting of the City Couneil �called to carder by Mayo Olsen at 7 .30 p.m. Roll Call:- Bennett, Kane , Leathley, Edwards , Raymond, Fuller and Snyder. The minutes of the last -meeting were read and al;yroved. The petition of n.F.IViowatt, asking for a permit to construe a parochial' school on Shattuck Strut was read. Yoved by Kane and seconded by Bennett that the permit be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following list of current expense bills : CURRENT "EXPENSE FUND: 1"ayroll Street rept. . Labor IoI.62 Wt No 983 989 J.R.Storey Coal 17 .85 986 Engrs Dept Labor Labor 15 .00 991-992 California Filter Co. Sewer supplies 312.00 993 General Repair Shop Supplies 9.50 994 Wallace and Tiernan Sewer supyjlies 28.88 995 Harry Sleighter Coal 7 .60 996 Fayroll. Election Boards Primary election 112.50. 997710Im Renton Hardware Co. Street supplies 4.65- I0I2 "Xilson and laarlowe Fire Dept Insurance 182.0 1oIB R.1d.Thorne Insurance 17 .00 1014 Colby and Dickinson Lumber 2.75 101& aeallle Lighting Co . Gas .75 1015 Trick and Hurray Stationery 3.20 1019 Claude Bannick Meals 28-.00 1018 Fac . Tel Co. Telephone 5 .45 1019 Daily Journal of Commerce 'Printing 5.80 1020 Dobson and Son " Insurance 363.$5 Io2l Univers,1 Book Co. Books 20.30 1022 Win. Kane Miring 3.50 1023 Renton agency Auto repairs 40.05 I024 71.&TER DE -ARTMENT =''NSE FUND:- Fayroll Water Dept Labor 98.78 395-'Z96 lerless Co . Lead, etc 158.23 397 Lioved by Snyder and seconded by Laethley that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in and the bills ordered paid. Carried. The report of the City 1,neineer on the cost of the pro- posec! Renton Avenue and Section Street improvement was read. i�.oved by Bennett and seconded by Snyder that the report e received and Llacea on file . Carried. A report from the City Engineer recommending that the 15j reserve due Adams and �o . for work done in 1,I:D No.InO be paid was read. hioved by Snyder and seconded by Fuller that the report bc� received and the balance ordered paid. Carried. The City Clerk submitted a report for the month of Januw y. Iaoved by Bennett and seconded by Snyder that the report be received and filed. Carried. i The City Treasurer submitted a report for the month of January. Roved by Snydar and seconded by Raymond that the report �e received and filed. Carried. i 1396a 10 9 x communication from, the lark Board, said communication b ing in the nature of a resolution asking the City Council to tak steps to secure the tract of lend lying immediately north of Libert lark cfor park purpose_, was read. luioved by Icane and seconded by :3ennett that the conimunica ion be received and filed and that the Council co-operate with tie nark Board on the proposition. Carried. W... This being- the night set for hearing objections to the pro posed improvement of Renton revenue and section street and it appezring to� the Council that further time should be given tie matter, it was moved by i�eathley and seconded by Bennett tha the hearing be postponed one week. Carreid. This being the night ste for opening bids on :,iotor Fire Apparatus, the following bids were opened and read. Seagrave Co. V75I0.00 and 5e9510.00 L.G.Long and -Co. I;8350.00 kiack C o. 48500.00 Howard Cooper Corp. ;x8000.00 and X9800.00 Federal Truck Co. ;x9992.00 :,:oved by Kane and seconded by Leathley that the matter of selecting the apparatus be referred to the Council,as a whole, and the Fire Bepartment for two weeks. Carried. On motion by Kane and second by Fuller the Clerk was instructed to call for bids for the City'.s legal printing. Carried. 0xi motion by Lane -,,nd second ;;nyder it was oru.ered that Ben Lindgren be allowed to alter his sidewalk in accord with a sketch -,-,resented. iYle matter of reimbursing the Chief of -olice in the sum of -,J38.00 for monies expended by him in defending himself in a suit instituted against him by Ivike letoshnick on a claira of false arrest ,was brought up by Kane . The matter was discussed at length, during which discussiol the City attorney rendered a verbal opinion to the effect that the City was not liable for expenses incurred in this instanc rafter the discussion it was moved by ':wne and 'seconded b.' " iennett that the bill of the 3hief of iolice for money expended. in the sum of ;138.00 be allowed. Carried. there being no further business the dotuicil adlJourned. I A�;y,roved. Clerk. i Y 110 Larch Regular meeting of -the City Council called to order by 'ayir Olsen at 7.30 p.m. I Roll call:- Kane, Bennett , Leathley, Edwards, Raymond, I Fuller and Snyder. The minmtes of °thd last meeting were read and a.L,iiroved. The Finance Committee re list of bills : ported favorably on the following CUR E- T EXI ENSU FUND: ray roll Street Dept Labor II6.74 art ho 1034-37 Z.H.1aul " 2.00 I03 Vim Kane Supplies I.00 1039 Bishop and Jenkins Coal I8.28 1040 California Filter Co. Sewer expense 7,00 I041 J.R.3torey riood 4.50 104 O.U.Cochran Street exp I1.85 1043 I:ayroll Election Board Salaries 35.00 1044-48 Trick and'Larray Stationery 3,02 1049 Windgar : rinting Co. Printing 28:58 I050 Riverside Service Station Gas and oil 20.57 Io5II Renton Sand Gravel -Co. Road gravel 36 .00 1052 'W"LTER FUND: Payroll Water Dept Labor 84.15 400-�03 l�iacs Service Station Gas and oil 9 .I3 404 ; ',loved by Letahley and seconded by Iiane that the report of th Finance Committee be concurred in and the bills ordered paid. Carried. The License Committee reported favorably inion the application f B.W.Fey for license for the Grand Theatre . Moved by Leathley and seconded by Bennett thet the report of t1le License Committee be concurred in and the license granted. Carried. ' The City Attorney submitted a written report upon the Railrouit "venue question. Moved by Leathley and secondee_ by, !Cane that the report be received and filed. Carried. Ordinance No.804 was introduced and read. Loved. by Kane and seconded by Bennett that Ordinance No.804 be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance 804 I;ioved Leathley -end seconded by Bennett that the report of the Committee be received and Ordinance No.804 be placed on its second and third reading and passed as a whole . "Ayes" Bennett. Kane, Leathley, ydwards, Raymond, Yuller ans Snyder I,ioved by Leathley and seconded by Snyder that the night fo hearing on the: proposed Renton ,�.venue Improvement be postponed until such a time as a committee appointed by the 1-Jayor can take the matter of obtaining financial assistance up with the City of Seattle and the County Commissioners and relort back to the Council. Carried. The Mayor appointed on this committee Iiane, Chairman of the Street and l.1ley Committee , the City Engineer and the City t�tto ney.� In the matter of the iurchase of a, fire truck it was moved by Leathley and seconded by Bennett that the bid of the Howard Cooker Corporation be accepted and the contract for furnishing the particular piece of fire appa:rafue be awarded to them. Carried. :.roved by Bennett and seconded Leathley that s street light be installed in front of the Ford School on `.fells Street. C rri d. I,Toved by Kane and seconded by Raymond that the City Snginee take up with the Puget Sound ];lectric Rail�,•iay Co 'the matter of of the possibility of easing the street grade at third. venue and I'iill Street . Carried. Where being no further business the ";ouncil adjourned. "pproved Clerk i 1:Iayo r. GU I i i 4 I i a 396� X11 1.I rch 15, 19-27 . iteEular Lieetin- ,.`f the laity l,ouncil t0 r-', r Day% 1v1a�Tor Olsen at 7.30 p.m. Roll Call:- Bennett, Edwards, ii"ymond, l,.zller Liid I;nyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and roved. relitition received from cerey Kirkman for license to ope- rate soft drink establishri.ent. 1vioved by uennett and seconded by Fzzller th��t theetition be referred to the License Com,, ittee . Carried. petition of Thos . Rowe to remove 25 feet of curbing on First I Avenue north for the purpose of constructing a private driveway entrance was read. I,,oved by Bennett and seconded by Faller thz:,t the ;petition be ' referred to the Street and ,.Iley Committee with lower to act . i Carried. The Finance Committee re forted favorably on the folloviing bills: l C RRE''N T EX QTY SE Il il'i): rayroll Sheet ijept. Labor 107.75 Its i o . 1660-e3 Zuget Sound lower Co. rower,lights252.66 1064 i1.--".Church Hall rent 5 .00 1065 C.G.Bannick,` Sheriff ideals 28.00 1066 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas .75 I067 ,ac . Tel and Tel Co . yhones 1.80 1068 Renton Chronicle printing 17 .50 1069 J.1,.1storey Librav c.oal 38.75 I070 lie-person Bros . auy:y.lies 5 .15 1071 Joe 'wood Loilce Judge 2.50_ 1072 Universal :book Store Nooks 65 .40 1073 Lowman and Hanford Books 145 .49 I07� 460) - l.ayroll Water pept. Labor 103 .26 405-408 i .S.r.L.nd L.Co. -ower 417.70 409 j 61ymp i s 1.i,oundry J o . y l i e s 149 .10 410 j City of Seattle later 35 .78 '4I1 lvioved by Edwards and seconded. that the report of the Finance { Coi-Lrriittee be cones-erred in and the bills paid. Carried. The report of the Ci_ty Clerk was read for the month of February. Moved by Sennett and seconded by Edwards the report be received and filed. Carried. The report of the ity Treas-}firer for the month of 1,ebruary was read. iVloved by Rayriond , iid. seconded by .3erii.ett th-A the report be received and filed. Carried. 1;1 oved by Bera,.ett and seconded by �ao:L.rds t',La t the j.etitior, o El-ler IVICI)onald be laid over for one week. Carried. i,.oved by Edwards and seconded by RuymonL th< t the street remove :lank walks on menton i�venue . iiotion lost. 1y10ved by ,;nyder .rad secondee by 3ennett that this m '.tter be n eferred to the atreet and Alley CoLii:rittee for one week. Carried. Idoved by Bennett and seconded Sn&der that the matter of .!.).assessments L--ainst 'VIter;vay gist . Eo.2 be referred to the "Jity ratty. Carried.. ILJiiioved by Bennett and seconded by Ful-1_er that the matter of Xtending Second Avenue to Black Aiver be referred to the ity Lngr and City Atty for rey ort. Carr:l_ed. There being no further businetis the council adjourned. Approved. Clerk. iaayor. X-741, 112 logo i C nt139 a . , � � 113 n !aLzo u, 1 2 7 . ReLnilar meeting of the City Council called to order by iayor Olsen at 7 .30 roll Call:- -Kane , :ietthley, Edwards. Raymond and Snyder. The minutes of the last meeting were read and. a, .Ilroved. The Street and alley Jommittee recommeni:ed. that the ..etitio i of Thomas Rowe to cut c Lrbing on First avenue north be r�vnte Moved- by ;;ny(ier and seconded by Raymond that the rei)ort an recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Street :and nlley Committee recoi_nmended that the wou(i sidewalk on the east side of Renton ,venue be removed.. Loved- by :)nyder !'nd. seconded by Raymond th-, t the retort be concurred in and the walk ordered rer.loved_. Carried. -'he pity Engineer submitted. a yreliminary flat of "rot01- Second Lvenue extension. idoved. by Snyder and seconded by Leathley that the Cit-Lr xtty be authorized to confer with the representative of the oi.-.ithe s Estate in regard to the r.ekuired right of way . Carried. The -ark Loard submitted a letter from the reyuresentatives of the ;Sartori "'state tluoting a vricd on .lancl ajacent to Wibert,;r Larz . 1:ioved by Ray,,_nond. and secoilded by Ed-wards that the Town rot- erty Committee {na the Lark oard. submit a re;:ort at the next meeting . Carried. The City nttorney subrsitted a verbal retort regarding the ,,ro nosed loading slim to be constracted by :Slmer xacbonald and associates oil 'daterway iio .2. Oil mot_'on the matter wUs laid over until the next meeting. the Chairman of the Streets nd Gilley= ;;orviiittee retorted on the aenton revenue -ro j ect and, or, motion by ;;nyder and aerond by Ueathley the final night for hearing was set for ir.wr.'9 . idioved by Snyder and seconded by "'eathley that the Street and. nlley . ornmittee look over G�_.rden ,ve=nue and i-vieadow Street and bring in a retort at the next meeting. Carried. George rritchard. lodged a coiayulaint against 'lie condition of his cement walk on Fifth &veffae North. ivioved by Raymond a,ndseconded by Snyder the Street . iid n,-Ile ' CoruAttee investigate . Carried. There being no further basiness the Council adjourned. A_y rove(` �leri� or. _ J 1 11.4 A W ,V1L+r i h N✓ , 19 27 Re pular rrieeting of the City Council called to orc_.;r by Mayor ulsen at 7.30 . ,-doll Call:- Bennett , vane, -Edwards, Raymond, Fuller';wnd art der. The minutes of the last meetinE were read and a..roved. The re-.ort of the 6treet and Alley Co:�unittee reMmmerldinL that .cement sidewalks be ordered constructed along both side of ideadow Street from First to Fourth &venues north was read On notion by Snyder s.nd second by Raymond the report was concurred in L.nd the City Clerk instructed to serve the usual 20 day notice to the Lrolerty owners along the street . The rej,ort of the Street and Alley Committee recommending that a resolution of intention be. introduced for the ;)urjose of creating; a Local imijrovement i)istrict for E;radinL , gravel ng and constructing cement walks on Garden t,.vercze from Second to Fourth Avenue Jaas read. On motion by Raymond and second by :�dwards the rej?ort wa concurred in and the City Attorney instructed to Irejjare the necess =--ry resolution. !,Loved by -Bennett and- second;,d .Lune that C. new lease be entered into between the City and Reed idlillhaff for the use of the comfort station on 1jain ;street Lend 'hird "venue . Carried. Moved. by Snyder and- seconder. by itaymond that the City E.ran a ,hermit to the Stoneway Hock Comjjany to use a j,ortion of a tract of land at the west end of Yesler Street as an weans o egress to a loading dock to be constructed in Cedar River. The said ijermit to have a clause &rovid-in€, for its revo ,t- ion Qn ninety days notice and to -,rmvide for a yearly rental of, 1.00. Carried The Clerk notified the Council that no y,,rotest had- beer, filed; against the creation of a L.1..J. , for the improvementof Renton Avenue . % O! Ordinance do.'. . . , ,rovidine, for the creation of a Uocal lnij�rove Lent district for the imy rovement of Renton Avenue and Section Street was introduced and read. iuioved by 3eni ett and seconded by Raymond that thr ordina ce be referred to the Ordinance Cor.:mittee. R.1rT.Thorne , on behalf of the Smithers -;state , offered to sell to the City a right of Garay for the -1roposed extension of Second livenue for the sum of .,'500 .00,providing the t no assessments against the abutting jro�erty of the estate for future ;)avements were to be levied, an-! for the sum of X1500.00 if assessments were to be Levied. On notion by Raymond and second by Edwards the matter was laid over for one we—k. The Street and Alley Committee made a verbal retort on the ' condition of a certain sidewalk in north Renton and asked. for another week, which extension of time was granted. There being no further business the Council adjo-arned. I A ;roved. Clerk 1'uiayor. < ✓ u i 39 4 115 ReE.-alar meeting of the City Council called t;' order by Mayor Olsen at 7.30p.m. i boll Call:- Sennett, 'bane, Ldi"wards, Raymond, Fuller, O'iiy'der. The minutes of the last meetinL were read and. a&�proved. a jetiti t �, 1 or from prorert�r owners on Rainton ;.venue �.nd 6e,tion Street protesting aUainst the makinE of any im-rovements on these etreets was read. 3 -Lis the petition contained only 174 percent in area of tle property within the district and was filed a week after the f'nal hearing on the -proposition of improving the streets, it Teras m ved by Kane and seconded by Snyder that it be filed. Carried. On motion by Raymond. and s econdeci by Snyder, Olaf Lindh 'en was permitted to construct �,rivate driveway acro:>s the parkin -- strip in front of Lot 29 , 31ock 3, Car dorks "dd.. A L etiton from C..u.Lixon and J.` .Harries was read askitl the Council to vacate that portion of the y�lat of the iiew Renton Home 3iter lying within the city li::iits. :.:oven. by 'em-lett and seconded by Ldwards that the y:etition be granted and the tat vacated. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and retorted favorauly II.L-'011 the following; bills: „r� -�, „_, -' S-, lJ U I :IW 1 .usil I lu�J P L V lu l� Street rept rayroll Labor 211.01 :its 1083-I08 Bishop and Jenkins Coal 17 .85 1089 California Filter uo . C'ilorine Gas . 51 .50 1090 Joe 'mood lolice Judge 10.00 1091 Renton Hardv, °- =e C o . Sup lies I .95 1092 Trick amd. 10irn-y aui es 3I.84 1092 Jackson Fuel Co. Coal 17 .60 1093 Colby and Liakinson C meat 1 .60 1094 fac . Tel and Tel Co . Telephones 1.10 1095 P.6.r.-"nd L.Co. Lights 243.89 1096 Phil ewinter ark Labor 90.00 10.017 .H. 'aul + City Hall .lixp. 2.00 1098 Riverside ;;erv. ata. Gas and Oil 24 .28 1099 dilliams and vicKnion;ht City Mall 6,aij lies 87 .63 1100 WiLTER FuiuD: mater -De. t payroll Labor 83.06 414-415 r.S.r.and L.Co. lower 280.33 416 City of Seattle -crater 24.10 417 Olympia Foundry Co . Supplies 23.65 418 Rennselwer valve Co. Supllies 96.55 419 Frank F,.Rhodes Tire 12.45 420 1;iacs Service Station Gas _.nd uil 9 .69 421 lvioved by Kane and seconded by Edwards that the rey_,ort of the Finance Committee be concurred in and the bills .Laid. Carried. The reuort of the City Clerk for !,:arch, 19217 , wa.� read. Or, motion by -ennett and second by ILane the report was ordered filed. The red ort of the City Treasurer for the month of 14arch, 1927 , was read. On .notion by Sennett and second by Kane the report was ordered filed. r a corimunication from reE:--rdinE vi ter mains on Renton t3.venue was read, iioved by Kane and , econded by Snyder that the mLtter be referred to the Viater Supt s.nd the Fire , Light and. 'Viater Comm ittee . Carried. i 116 The Ordinance Corfmittee reported favorably on OrdinL;nc, o. 805 , creating L.I.D. lio .I6I. i�,oved by Kane and seconded by .Sennett that the report be re- cieved and the Ordinance beyl ,ed on its second end th',.rd reading and sassed as a whole . "Ayes"- Bennett, !L'ane , Edwards, Raymond, Fuller and Snyder. The City Attorney made a verbal retort concerning the it bible expense attached to condemning a tract of la.td for the purl se of extending; ;:second, revenue estzvard to Black River. Idoved by Snyder and. seconded by Fuller th�Lt the City attorney take the necessary steps to acquire the land needed for the y,urpose . Carried. On motion by Bennett and second by Snyder the I.U.G.F. o(Ice was ranted yuermission to wreck old buildin-s red. construct new building on Lots I and 2, Block 26. Resolution 11o.394 , x resolution of intention to improve Garden Avenue from Second to Fourth avenue by grad-ing and -raveling the roadway and constructing concrete walks L,.nd curbs , was read.. 1vioved by Bennett and seconded by Snyder that the resolution be adopted. Carried. On motion by 6ny er and second by culler it ,.;as ordered that the owners of Lot 5* n Block 9 , U.TQ rel�ove the resent loa ing ljlatform in front of their building and construct a cement wulk in front of the property. Carried,. Harold Evans apy)eared. UgIT27 before the Council and protested against allowing large sign boards to be erected in front of or along side of residenses. On motion the matter was y laced in the hands of the : tr( et and Alley C o'mmittee for a retort. There being no further busiiiess the Council adjourned. Aprrovecl Clerk. inlay o r. i ,t1396'J 117 -- ReL-alar i­e'dtinE of the Ci%, 0.,!ledo order by tU 1-ijayor Olsen at 7 .10 the r.,iinutes. of the 1"- st were read L.nd_ LL, .rovad. .Li. jetition from the lacific Tejiej�hone und- Tela,(--ra i - C�I h Co asking 1)ermisEion to set Doles on the street near the Vv'ells L'itreet bride was read. luoved by Kane and. seconi-ed by ,Snyder that the jetition be -ranted jrovided the C� boles sere set in locations indicated by the City Ln •r. Carried. etition si-ned by owners of property in Block 22 askinL; for the creation of an imIrovement district to grade and Lrava the Llley now existing and to extend the alley .vas read. Ivioved by Oavrder and seconded by Raymond the matter be jLc3a, in the hands of the Street and alley Committee and the City En,,r for a rej)ort. Carried. A ietition of U' o,,Lis Delaurenti was read asking; permission to remove his present frame store building, located on Lot 10 in Block 22,to Lot 9 in the same block in order thc�,t_U a new structure be erected at its present locution. Luoved by Snyder and seconded. by Uel: thley the w"tter be referred to the Street and alley Committee. Carried. A - etition from the uSet 0 oarid. rower unci Light Comi any asking for y»ermission to set certain Ijoles on 11hird. "venue between Main and iviill Streets was read. Moved by -Uerathley and sceonded by ;,nyder the _oetition be referred to the Fire , U'Lig-ht and dater Committee. Carried. A 'etitiion was iresented by o-,-iners of y)roj_;erty in the recently created, L.I.L. No.161 protesting against the Council L�oine any fiirther with the improvement . i.,oved. by Snyder Lind seconded by Puller that the petition be referred to the Cit-v Engineer for checking. Carried. The Street 'find n-lley CoLuiiittee submitted a report on the construction of certain walks. 1-.,ov �d by Snyder and seconded by Raymond that the re,,ort be filed. Carried. the k'.')treets _111d alley Committee submitted a rejort on the location and erection of advertising, bill boards. iuoved by Ra- yi-Iond and seconded by 6nyder th-,,t -the reiport- be "I concurred in. Carried. The Fire uiEht and. tdater committee submitted a rej:ort recommending the installation of certain street lights and the changing of location o,__ certain others. 1doved by Leathley and seconded by Edwards the re,,,ort be concurred in. Carried. Ihn ordinance providing for the extension of Second hvenue westerly to Black River was introduced and read.. moved by Nll--r and, seconded by ;;nyder th-at the ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Corunittee. Carried.. Ihe report of the 'tate Auditor was presented. and. read. Lioved. by Snyder z_,nd seconded by Fuller that the retort be filed. Carried.. X Bids for the City' s legal printing were opened. idoved by Bane and seconded by Snyder th��t the bid of the Renton Chronicle be accented. Carried. 118 j.-,..uixon, health Officer, nide a com. lwir_t i .st the condition of the building known as the 'V'ashi lgton Hotel. ivr. 30L-den, owner of the building was y%resent and . s21ed for an extension of time in which to make the needed re�:airs to the roof and interior of the building. Moved by Raymond and. seconded by Ldwariis th,,A the repairs be made inside of two weeks aid in -the u.eantime thtt the electric service to the building be disconnected, L'nd further, that before the building is again occ .ti)ied. it ._,ass the insjection of the Health and sire jep �rtments . Carried. 'fat this _,�oint in the y roceedinvz the ilayor �iivited disc- ussion on the ,lroosed extension of Second .venue . Oeverul of those iresent Lave their views on the matter. ;ir. iuelson, lessee; of the remises involved in the recent o order of the council to remove loading platform and construct concrete walk, a,;yeared before the Council Ln,:i asked for w modification of the order. itiioved by anyder and seconded by Raymond- alley aymond t'r. t the , tr. et nr:d alley Committee investigate and report at the next meeting. Carried. Councilm"n Snyder brought up the matter of a certain -tree . brawl that took place on Williams atreet 6,aturday night . The _-;;atter was .discussed but no action taken. 'ihere being no further business the Council adjourned. approved Clerk ,,iay o r. X39 a 119 ReLc7alar meeting of the City Council callea to order by Mayor Olsen at 7.310 p.m. Holl Call:- Bennett, Kane, Leathley, Edwards, 4ayrjoi.d, miller and Snyder. The minutes of the last ,meeting were read and aylroved. I/ i,etition signed by ljrojperty owners,,endorsmne the actior. of the City Council in its attempt to extend Second avenue was read.. 141oved by Bennett and seconued by Kane that the i etition i be filed. Carried. J A , etition from owners of property who will be assessed j if Second Avenue is extended and improved was read. ivioved by Leathley and. seconded by Snyder that the +etition be filed. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for 1. uYllnerit the following bills: CURRILiT �l;.i4o FUND: 2ayroll Street Department Labor 60, 60 guts i.i09-.1TT3 3 Joe Wood rolice J,ad`.e 2.50 .114 Gill taint ivinfg Co. saint 27.00 .1,i 15 Thos Harries r.O..Box rent I .00 i ii6 City of Renton rark tax .178.05 iii7 California Filter Co. Sewer ex .L; IlIB Seattle Lighting Co . Gas 0.75 1119 Claude G. 3annick !vieals 2.00 1120 lhiliy. Dei�Iintor nark labor 67.50 I12I Bren;l Drug Co. Library books 5C.40 11•'2 nrchway Hook Store 19,66 TT23 Frederick and ielson " tr 9 .45 TT24 Renton Sand O'c Gravel CO. Gravel 156.25. TT25 Win Kane rark exp. W.60 1126 Water. Dept roll Labor 426.54 422-436 rerrless Co . read 88.79 437 American vast iron iy e 0o. rime 5109 .24438 lv oved by lea.thley ana seconded by l;dwards that the rej�ort of the kina.nce Corunittee be concurred in and the bills oro erec y aid. Carried. i'he Street a.nd rilley Corimittee submitted written recom— hiendation concerbning the ero,,osed. ai.le;: im .rovement in Mock 22. ivioved by ;;nyder and seconded by Fuller, that the report be received and the recommendations of the Corzmittee be con- curred in. Carried. _ The 3tr et and alley Coiuittee re�jorted on the constructs r_ of a sidewalk in front of the Vrood lro-,erty on lain Street and recorimer�ded. that the original order in connection therewith be carried out. iviovea by Leathley and seconded by Snyder that the re j:ort of the Co_irnittee be concurred in. Carried. The Street and jilley Committee resorted th�.t they felt it the duty of the coiziaoil as a whole to tame action on the petition of Louis Delaurenti to move store building. itioved by Le�,thie;r ana seconded by 3erinett tliat a y erl;:it be ;;ranted Louis Del�urenti to move building. Carried, 1.20 The City -ine tir , submitted- " report oil the ie suJ_,­fi3O ij il cc,,jr Of the Letition of ­16test fil-L �_Licist the ,ro os-L i V-- 1i V.1- U I id�;ro - ,me -'enton Avenue (�-nd_ 6ectioxi 'treet . `.�he y;etitioxi re;.- resented of n L I a rese-nte(i ZkG.51 percent of the preliminary roll. Jvioved. by Sennett and secolider0i_ by itaymoncl that the re_,0i,.­'U- be filed-. Carried.. The City EnSineer submitted. LL report on the estimated Dost of iii-i.).roviiaL.- Gard-en Avenue .. iviovecl by jjC--thley and seconCLed. by 1;'dward_s thi-- t the report be filed.. :.carried. from County Coiril..issioner J--a-al -was read.. .,.Iovea by 11--ane _-,i-_d_ second-ed. by Raymond that the coimiraaication be file,`L. Carried.. A­communication was read. from County CoLfnissioner Suark- � _,, 21'l-,11 laoved- by Raymond and secondees by Kai-ie tht the J or1.1u- nic"­tion be filed. Carried.. A co==unic:i.tion from County Jo.,;imiss:.Loner Brown caws rewd.. 1doved- by Leathley ._,nd_ second-ed by kai-le th--,t tlIe coi ,L1vLl-_.io_AiQi be filed. Carried. J The Ordinance CofimAttee re.,,)orted. unfavor"-bly ( jjeL74t711e r L-nd. Raymond- against ­.nd. anycler for) oil the Ordinance L.,roviJLinZ for the oondeunat ion of lwnd_ for the extension of aeconcl Avenue ivioveC_ by irieaie -,.iid seconCLed- by ,!,'I_'LwL_r,.Ls th. t tile_ reort of the Ordinance Jocf.UA-ttee be conc7arred. in. rried.. Re3olution No.395 , A Resolution -,-'rovid-in,,- for the cons- truction of sidewalks on bleaclow LA3.­eet was introLucel and. read. iviovecl by Kane and secondecl by Aa1'j1-ioi,_d. th;.t the resolution be adopted. Caxried. 'Fuller brought up the nis .tter of inst"llin;- automatic warninE: signals at the railroad on Walla -Avenue, - by I KLxie th-,.t the 61ei,k ivioved- by 3elinett and. secon�LeLL -III colfLliunicLLte with, -the railroads on the subject �JLLrried_. AlLerman Kane, chairman. of the streets and. Alleys CoLu_o- V I-ee reported ported. that a crew would soon be here to replace defective Lavement on Wells Strt,�',et . -Lsii- ss the Council- L-Cljourne .cl There bein,-- no further b-L ie Aj)yroved Clerk. Jili39 j 121 x; ril 20, 1927. i?e"ular meeting of the City Council called to oreder by Li a`ror d.1sen at 7 .30 m. moll Call:- Bennett, mane , -,e�-thley, i dwards, Raymond, )ller and ;.nyder. she minutes the last meeting here read. und. oy,l;roved. i - A etition from rLnna il'icholson askinE; for a Lermit to erect building on Third iivenue was read. i,oved_ by and seconded- by 6nyder th-,t the y.ennit be -rwnted.. Carried. the Clerk notifiA- the council that no _.rotest haft been iled u-A inst the imrovement of Garden "venue. :6loved by Mane c'nd. seconded by Sennett .that the City attorney y rep _re an ordinance covering the imi;roverlent . t Carried. i There being no further business the Council adjournec.. I x�yroved. City Clark. Are- �4a luiayo r. c�� 122 Regular r{eeti_ri- of the City Council called to order by mayor Ulnen at 7 .17 0 M. i Roll call:- Bennett, Mane, Leathley, 1!.awards , Raymond., { �elle r and Snyder. The Anutes of the last meeting were read and ay.y�roved. The Finance Coizaittee audited the following list of accounts against the City and recor_tinended that they be raid: CUIy'TSE -I1i�iD:- rayroll atreet Dept. Labor 87,54 Ydts II35-1139 Rainier Valley Fuel Co . Coal 26.110 ii40 14411ace --Ind. Tiernan Co . Sewer Su ,flies 1.73 I 14 1 Trick and iviurray Supplies 9 .79 Ii42 Joe Wood rolice Judge 5.00 . ,State Treasurer Insur`wnce 68.07 1144 L.h.raul City hall exr 8.50 II45 Colby and :Dickinson Sewer sul,lLlies A .u0 I.L46 riiverside Service Sta. . Gas and oil IT.00 1147 Renton Chronicle lrinting 9.00 148 Lowman and Hanford Library Books 42.61 1149 Winegar minting Co. .minting 18.51 1150 r.S.P.and L.Co. Power and. light 12177.58 1151 F.DeWinter bark labor 49 .50 Ii5 : WATER FUi L:- Payroll -;tater Deet . Labor 682.36 44I-4.56 peerless Co. Sup;jlies 6.22 457 OlymiAc rdy. Co. It 13.00 458 State treasurer InsurUnce 18.49 457 i,dacs Service Station Gas and oil II .68 458 l .a.P -.nd L.Co. lower 328.51 459 Moved by 6nyder and. Seco.-id-ed- by d)-,.arse thtt the re.;,ort of '11 finance Corn:T_�ittee be received and concurred in. Carried. A corimunication from the Board of County Coryiissioners asking, the City to have a representative :resent at. a rieetin's to be held on !day A for the plarpose of discussing the new laws regarding sale of prolerties for delinquent taxes, was read. .wloved by ;:nyder �_nd seconded by Inane th:-t the cciall-unicatio be filed. Carried. %loved by I:ane L-LLind seconded by Snyder that the City attorney C.nd. City Treasurer attend the meeting with the CoriLmissioners on lyiay 10th. Carried, Ordinance Ivo.806 , providing for the imirovemerLt of harden .avenue was introduced and read. vioved by .Bennett and seconded by Kane that the 6rclizlance be referred to the Ordinance Committee , Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on 6rd.in nice No.806. ivioved. by iiane and seconded by Bennett that the report of t'.. Ordinance Committee be accepted and that that the Ordinance Q'e placed on its second and third readings and Massed as a whole , Carried- Bennett, Kane , Leathley, Edwards , Raymond., Snyder. idoved by Leathley and seconded by Bennett that the City .attorney proceed :with the collection of Special assessments due from Kin€; County Corunercial '� ater-ray i4o.2. Carried. ,vioved by Snyder and seconded by Bennett thr.t the ,. tr--et and alley Committee •investieate the condition of certain wooden wal s end also the condition of the 3.r.Railway crossing at Third . and Burnett. Carried. Ut139 a 123 Dioved by Raymond and seconded by roller that the ;street ;;art be instructed to mark with a white Euid.e line the intersection� of Second nvenlae and :Burnett Street. Carried. This bein- the niht set for recievinE bids on the `.Xvork rrorosecl in the imrrovement of Renton &venae and .-vection Stre. t the Clerk notified the Council that no hills for t1le work had been recieved. i There beim; no further business the Council adJourneai. a errroved. City Clerk. 7 i i 1 I 4 a 3 t 1 • a s a 124 i .icy i0, i9-7 . ,:eular r;eeti�l; of the City ;o�ulcil called to o r .er by mayor Olsen at 7 .30 .rl. Moll O ll:- -bennett, riane , ..,uthley, Raymond, ler and any er. The minutes of the last rreeting ,;ere read and "..,_roved, On -,,-,lotion by KL.ne and second by roller ud.C.�.T;dr�wras was granted a I)ermit to construct buildinL; on T,ot 8, -61ock 25 . 'The' atreet and 1illey Cor:.niittee r,�tortea on the condition of the ivorthern ,.wcific Aailway crossing at Third nvelyae wnd 1(tirnett Street and. recommended thatr the Aailway Oorltaxly be notified to r_xake the necessary retwirs. i,ioved. by Snyder and seconded. by nwyiiond tho.t t'�.e retort be concurred in and the railway Comy,any given the necessary notice. Oarried.. The atreet Laid alley Oornrnittee submitted a retort recoLrLr- ending that cement walks be ordered constructed on YwJ?ious streets. iuioved b7r ,6ennett and seconaed by Snyder that the re1)ort be concerred in and the l.roerty owners effected ;riven the us-awl twenty days notice to construct the tiral s. Carried.. The rel ort of the City O ; tril_erk for the month of xwas read. ivioved. by ,'ennett and seconded by !:�Lr;e thwt the retort be received and 1L ced on file . Carried. The re port of the Jit- it ,surer for the rlonth of o L ril was read.. lriovei by 'Jennett and seconded by ,:aynmon thwt the reto- be received and filed. Carried.. The retort of the City ;;ngineer relative to the estimated cost of constructing ce lent walks on ILeadow street was reu.d. ivioved by Fuller and seconded Snyder that the re,)ort be received and filed. Carried. the Jerk notified the council that no y rotest Ijud. been received against the creation of a local imyjrove :ent district for constructing cement walks on lvieaclow Street. Ordinance iyo.807 , iia ordillance creating a T,ocal Lr_i-rc)ve ;ell ,)istrict for the Luryose of constructing cement walks on 14iead.ow atreet was introduced and read, iV:ove:t by Kane and seconded by Sennett that Ordinance iqo . S07 be referred. to the Ordinance Committee . Oarried. The Ordinance Committee retorting favorably it rnas movedL by Fuller L.nd seconded by n.Lin e th$t Ordinance itio.807 be y,laced- on its second and third reading and jassed �,s a whole . Oarriea- .11ennett , Kxne , Leathley, Raymond., fuller, ;nyd_er. There being no further business the Council adjourned. Ateroved. Olerk., i -�'t.A_r i =� Iror. t 139 a 125 iuiay 17, 10,27 Re !1wr meeting; of the Cite Council was called to orn er jIT iviL ­or Olsen at 7:30 r. ivi. ' moll Call - i e-an-e t t, Kane, Aaymond, Fuller and The minutes of last meeting; were read and ay,proved as read. x protest from certain property owners in Gunn's Addition objecting to a sidewalk i�I.provezent c-oink through was 3'aad. lAoved. by Raymond, seconded by Sr ti der that s z. e be la i(� ori the tele . Carried: the Finance CorflMitf, ee audited and recor_uileilded for current the following bills: CURRENT rCEE116E FUND Payroll Dei t Labor 9109.99 arts 1160-66 inc . Geo . Peacock L-Luaber 7.55 11;x7 Wallu.ce ( Tierman Tank connect. 10.65 6.8 0. 1,T. Cochran Glass for ilark 69.00 69 Seattle Lizhtinc Co Gas .75 70 rac. Tel W' Tel Co Teley)hone .75 71 4--st icy er Co Sud lies 11.44 72 Mcrherso-n 1,"uni if 9 .90 73 Bisho , 6Jenkins Fuel 17.00 74 Priebe Dros Sup_ulies 21.00 75 > Re-,;ton Hdw Co 6 76 Woods Cafe Beals 8.00 77 Wilson & Marlowe Insurance 10.00 78 Pettie krintery Printing Deeds 7.50 79 E. a. 51iearef Sul plies-park 3. 66 80 Ad-arras Lros Wading "Pool 284.50 81 Phil DeWinter Park Labor 51.75 82 wax' 'r li FUND ayroiI ( Water Dent) Labor 599 .41 Wts. 462-77 in3. ivwticxial iuieter Co teeters 143.50 478 Renton lire 6hop Tire CC tube 13.70 479 City of aeattle eater 25.78 480 3 Peerless Co of Wash Supplies 77.73 481 loved by Kane , seconded by Fuller that the report of the' finance cormnittee be received 'an�t concurrred in. Carried. Mrs. :Richmoncl gave a detailed.. report of the conference hold # in the Co. Comrs office relative to the new assessment law. U on j motion by Snyder, seconded by Bennett, the rei�ort Fvws ordered e- . corded in the minutes , the sale, in brief, is as follows: 'The new law has worked a ch,La,zge in the nzAure and l-,rocedure of han i l g the delinquent local impts of the various cities and to­ns in Kind Co. anc! the Co. Comrs are very anxious to have the o,atlyiZg eo:.uaurlites,cities oo towns cooperate with them Ln so far "s the ciis- yositlon of t;lie lwnc�.� clld in b r the Co , a:;on fo_.c :,- 1� of th . lands ,in accordance wit,, the 'me th,od provided in 'he sty, utes. Thiq beiii,; the . lute set for the openinL of bids on Gar n i veno impro,veme:a-V, the fol;lowiL , being the onl;; bid received was opened and read: E. ;. Duff I luovwd by 13erinett, seconded by lone that -':he bid be t held up one week. Carried unanimola.sl� . I 126 lvir. J"onklin was present and asked the council for uu extension of tirrie before erecti_nL sidewalks on his y)ro1=er Ly in Smithers Addri. ivioved by Siiyder, secondecl by Kane that the request a be (ranted iiroviaed he send a written cor.urrurlicwtion to the council stating the ci rcimstances. Carried. unanimcNasly. Mx, J. 111. Yor,�an was jresent and asked for ate enten- sion of time on his sidewalk in 6mithers kith Add-ition'. %owed by Ra,mond, seconded by Kane that the Etter be referred to the Street & Alley ;or-mit-tee. Barri ed . s ' On eo :j,laiiit b; ivir., r:. x. Fuller of excessive .noise and di.starbaace cw-Li ,ed by acel'tain lo�� in truck b`einE start- ed o.arly in the rriorn"6, the, . 6t 6i t was ilistrueted to in- a-e ars attend to the _atter._ Bo farther business it re ;:alarly, :.fo-,,ed and seconded to adjoun, r . w7'r=�d i Clerk Protein AL---rove !via;ro r. llit1396?a 127 May 24, 1927 i Reg-alar meeting of the City Council was called to j orcj er --- iuIwyor Olsen ut 7:30 r M. i ' Roll Gall: Bennett , Kane , Leathley, it gond, Fuller avid Edwards. idnutes of the lust meeting read and moved. Petition of G. H. Conklin asking for a sixty day e - tension .on his sidewalk imi,rovement on Lots l to 7 in B ocl: Z5, Slithers Record !Lc_dition vias read. 1 AQved by Kane, seconded bvr Bennett that the et•ition be `rantted. Carried. ?' r'etition of Oscar Olsen to enlwrE e woodshed on Lot 2, Block 25, Tov-�i of I aton was read. i Ido ved by 6nyder, seconded by Ra.y-mond that his petit-Lo be granted. carried. The Street : alley Comi-ittee reported on the J. H. 1jorgan lots in amithers addition and recommended a sidewa11; around said lots. 1_ movea by Raymond, seconded by KLne that the reyort of the Street W Alley Committee be accelited and their recoil"e.0 dations ,a.rri ed- out. Ga,rri d unani iiously. i Communicz�-ti on from Senator ;haul W. Houser calling t-,ie ci% r s attention to certain lanverous obstructions to tic c on "Tally Wallaeve near Mills at. ,loved by Sxiyder, seconded b� puller that the ::a-tter be °referred to the Street lle 7 Co imittee and a.ttorn-y for invresti`a.tion and advice. Carried. iloved by Bennett, seconded by Fuller that the bid Duff -Irden eve . submitted- last week be laid over of L. L. D ff n G o ano+her wee._. Carried. I This being the date set for the oiienin� of ' ic?s oa iYeado:Fr Street i:_:y:rovement, the following bids were .oleued: Raams pros . - - - - - , 11,E-=i.00 .duff - - - - - i1o1.00 moved by Leathley, seconded- bu i3einett th- the con- tr-ct be a "--rded to tine lowest bidder. Carried urs �i:av��sly. i�.oved by iiennett, seconded by 6nyler ti.at the mayor :xd Cor.ncil draft a letter of condolence and forvi-ard sa:.0 Io ivixs . z is hnoni?. Carried ana.nimous ly. Thera being no further "jusiness the 6u-cmcii ac jotL°neL . ivies',r o r 128 iri:y 31, 10 7 . te�;alLx 'neatinr; of the City Cou�lcil called to or Ler by �jor Olsen ut 7,.'70 . im. Holl C '_1:- Bennett, nzne, yeathlay, jjaymond.,Fuller, ony; i a r he minutes of i 1 e 1�_.st meeti,rig were recd and wr,. rovec . The Finance Co.1imittee retorted favorably on the followirig bills : Current Ilixvense r'und: 1 i�.;,rroll Street Beyut yabor 106.33 t i92-I 9p rri�:be Bros , r'ire jjey�t 5 .0G villi_ms ward u "l' ura a y:l:lies 8.50 i9� Livht, etc 225 .46 Q I iieivnd Cook ae�aer 7 .30 Trenton agency Cas, etc ..24. - )04 .:hil De.Anter i .rk labor S.Z8 doter Fund.:- Payroll ';;ater beT�t _uabor ^6.77 31^_--407 J.H.Lu.wreuce jrayirlg r.a.P.and L.Co. rower 276.97 3 iensselacr Vclve Jo. Vclves C iriebe Bros Tool re ,�_ir 12.30 x 1 Renton Lgency Gas, etc _1 �' ` `� . �,oveC by ;�nJ pier �4nd. seconde- by Raymond.• th-,t the re o t of the Finance Co:n-Iittee be 1ccei)teci and tl� ,:bi_1 orderer id.. Carried. • _ •;, •f . . �. cor_UTanic:�tion from the City Lttorney vii_s, eW t oved. b� aril dpr -and s�e`Corided bar. illar tl� t 64,9 cou u- nic,-tion be received and filed, Carried. Loved by &,.y Ilond. -nd seco _ed b.1 ;;nyder t' �t the ���;�-or Lind. Clerk be �Luthorized to sign- w c,c�r,�t , ct r=+ �r , Bufl f02' + .� �} �,I <1 l yT4 Tri A.,. • I'U. .:1 4ts S+1' Ld. �h., co��stract'ion of "n Ze=�� iuoved by anyaer _md. secoz I = by 1c:�,ymond. that the bids r ;cai, ed for viork to be done on �;Lal�e n venue be r e j ectjqd;(AAd. the wor' rewdvertisecl. Carr ed. J.H: ,nor n . ' e red 1�efore the Council �_ L.sked for all ext ell- s>*on 0f- time in �r�ich' to",crlstruct' w vILL:..vTw11_ I- 11,, siC.e of is lot on Sixth �,.ve lue, stating that he co�xd roeure y,et i tion signed by 100 i..,ercent of the residents iii the district 4- hsl;ing the Council to a hlm such an. eXuai-isi0n_. roved by ennett L�n3' seco�lu� by ;,nz �. r t]z l�w� �zr e /� -y� L,_- r Lo,•ld res`tl1Vr . lc'<id. over mor, b�wo ,ve.aks 11''' fL t'tiC LJetlt�0il a Ll c y varried. der -+ �ovec_ by Leathley nd seconded by Jny th t ��. . .�0 � r be notified- to reir.ove that y�:ortion of his rL�> o-- �i-u nv -:hich ; rojects into. the street. Carried. • • a "' ;e-oved u ,jeathley LYid sec0Li_ e - by ILLale thtt .t' al u rit � `3'ii ' bring inw solution ci e .ti w 100w1 for r� :� the 1,ur)osv of Oorstn-Letion sidewalks in f.0`+ a U '• ++ems' yrCs:e1'tf OilGt. J�_rrleLL, od by �L .iie �-lld seco�ii b. Faller the-.'t t� e �t�t iu� r '�e rstracted to install fire bell on the roof t'-'4C tty C:.�rri.ed. 1` � - ,ere bein", _lo further bu.siresz= �� C0L TI-`i �u �lrrov Clerk Ul1396pu . 129 r J.are ; 7 IV Rei Ll:xr r:lvetixz o ' the City to orue b;i X�Ljlor Chen wt 70--':Q r. M. Roll C x,11. J3e rxrxe t t, Kzi.;.i t, , rt�� ..:o nu, u Llizutes cfthe, lest aeetillE: wex°e' rewcl L. ld ll: �ove as read. The retort of the City Clerk for the -,orl' of ivla was read. Moved and seconded that the re-,,ort 'be a 1)laced on Nile. Carried. The rel,ort of the City Treasurer for the aonth of h�iy, was read, • Moved. aaa seconded_ ul_ , the ieyort be reee,iveci z:yiic1 Carried-,!:laceri on file. Carried_. Resort of the Water Suit. from Jany. 1, to tate was read. Moved seconded tha yh`_ �erort be received axed :laced o z file. Carried. The City Clerk then re ported. that the followiri� rer- soas z,a vizi xed. 'heir oaths o'i Off1'3e, UQ-Wit: G. W. Beaziblossom, favor 1. r'. Meehan Treasurer Anes Edwards Clerk Aenes N. richmond., xttorriey . DouClas killer, Co7nmil--an t lame Geor •e :fiasco it David iviitche"tel, Jr. it Alfred Boas :r J. F. Crook There i 81':i i0 !urther b-asiiaess, ,he meetine i - Clerk -A, 130 Jt�e � 19 z 7 At 7.4r5, immed.iate7..,< after the ad` ....u.lu..eut 0-1 u.. . retirinE council, the newly elected id�gor, Gecr�•e u`V. �e�alcss rn Co rneilaan KLaie, and the newly el-cted. co'u il::�a:., Alfrad. Boaz J. ii,. Crook, Gecr�e z—asco, Dave Mitchell, Jr. and Do L] 'idilar, ar.cd the newly elected cite offi c+G1 s; viz: y es N. HiclZ or d, attorney, 1 . F- keehan, `i'reas,—lrer cu1d iL nes City C1 ;rk, :: et in the col-mcil el:aa'bers. llie L:eetih- ;ias opened uy Geor_;e W. Dem - lasso: , Mayor, who , well closer : 396Q 131 D U-1 L xlfrv'd Boas J. ECLward-s- -UIGHT AND `A.,i:j�Ext julvlbaTTE�; -'r o ok Qin J!AOkERTY UOILUTTEL J. To Eawaras, .,avid -Idi-LU c h e 11 :v'. W. Kane YAK BU4i-O UO No Cochran Fl o N?,d. Lam-e-nue Bill Sennett, Jr, L-13A.KI_ GUARD W. Dimmitt R. D. Jollife 1virs . Kate Vnite ldrs . A. 1v-. r, lrc�'llci Moved. I mitchell, zeconded- by "ghat t'-h-e -i'ol'o— going com.-rdttee ___.,jintmeits be confimed.. Carried. uxi"iai- mousl' xuayor Be_-__,blossom asked- that sdm' e member of the 001­LuciL -1 President of the Council, to act LU the absence _�r, vihereupon ,j . F. Crook x"- s nominated.. ;21je noMinLtJ_ons wex,e thea .3los-d. iaLuu ,otima 0- L�f J-UsCo, seconded- by done, 'J_. Fe -_ Crook res elected. President of the Council. Sale beinL; 1)ut to a vote carried unanimously. The Mayor called upon hIrs. Richraond- for jyrs. Richmond stat-ed that she would. F-iorx i;erforLI her dut.',;. Lo the best of her ability in the future as she has clone La tie -ic U past and. assured. the co,,u J-1. _�_, I of her co-oeratio-,.1 in evarythinG of interest to the city* U Mayor Beanblossso.-_'. exteiaed. a corLU"­1 invitation to the retiring council to visit the council `T-aesday evenings. 4 Pasco, Secondees b�e 'rook th"t a Iijotjo)a ;vas made b;,` the outgoing council be extended all official ackl'Owled.L; ent of the ai,,ireciat`Lon of this city for the wonderful service renclered. during the term. erm, U U p TT.Ie members Of the Cit', Co, icil allI ci% " f C' als v - em.L�rks, _'ter wl-,ich were ther, cv,11ed. u.,on for �_4 few r- - u to .­.�journ :prevailed., ------ ------- 132 s i a • a 4. 4 �*-4 w `t1 Q ti � . Jure 1•�, 132 r etlll,. 0rt 1'U 1i oOrder by YILL-Gr Bean ,lo2soii, at v i • 14'1 c e AC-LI CL.11: - BOLLS, idiler, •ra ;;G w ri� � yell. a [. (` f tii}..�i 1 � /yy11�_i.ilVU 'J.L C.,.wi 'J ..�.��e J�+1V Pre 111 r,; '4, ... _L .._ 1. .,_ •201 of Y�• • Ed' ardU to ova u l ilai 2g o .Ce LXv • r c � Lot 1°:, � �r�_ lv, c':rn of iL:_ to l to bac : of lot, ,.L.s kovc , ly lull s :coni ec Uy ;id'Io ell taw'; b 6� W_- ter cU_-i::li t '✓y rot_ t 10�: of W. to erect t a one build_ i O::i Lot- 11•, lZI, a!oval, Vrus ad. viove,, ...,n,._ cr o lied t1hat suc th- Fig°. , L'ir-'h'u 6-c V'V:tee 13 1 i '`tee. G1 L• L' • Good-rid` i l 1r1U JC�31 wsUliiZe tG,nk 0'�l Lot , Bloch 1G, Car u�orl.s bras read. hi,_ J y` �vdller, _lded uy 13oL,s y� ` � `� th-- J i:,,a✓t�vr be referrer. to t__e Street �; A11.., �0._mittee. Petition of '4. h. b-' _ckaCL der, contractor, to con- struct buildir.E on 3d ave. for Louis uelalarerLti ",rws road_. koved and seconded that thelet be grafted. Carried• Petition for the of the. Plat "New xeritoli I Hoiae Sites" was read. 7,1 oved by Pasco, seconded: by rviiller that the 1eti- 1 n,r r,��r� ,, 5 �,a'Cen -to vacate the tio1i be fiildw1_d tele __v.,.,ssar��� �ste;, _ y�lat. i;arried. undrli ,ously. Petition of J. H. lvior,�,an for a. thirt-- day ex- te'L siozi before Lainc: sidewall iinrrove .ent was read. 1:l Moved b`- 30_S , seconded bar iiiller that tl-ie ...atter bU referred to the Street w alley Coru'dttee • Carried. Balli ao .�sl�. Ae-,ort of t1e Er_-r ol, L. 1. D. 163 recoL_.endin the X.;&yrient of 9`95.3.83 to E. E. Dlzff on cement walk con- str�ietion was read, Moved L;,id secoad.ed. that the re+,ort be received : nd filed wlid r::'CG 'j er 'sti0ns 3a.rried_ Out. Ca.rriec? A protest against Garden Ave . ira.rovement Was Made by ILr. J. W. harries, cha 3 r' _a i- of tree School Board in ce.,;wif of ts. Sartori school. ool. A ,.lotion s unlade by casco , seconded b Boas that the matter be referred to the St. cc alley co.:lnittee and the bid of E. E. Duff be laid[ over one week L.t -;471-ich time the St & Willey =_andttee will reylort. Motion Carried unanimous ly. The city treasurer w&,s called. upon to naLie the elepositary for the city f`drnds whereuy)on the First K �Gtional Bank was designated as such by Ivir. Meehan, treasurer, a report or: the :rotor camper recentl;- tes ted .wr:.s received.. Fire Chief, Joe Wo0u. as cL�led upon and stated. 4400 that the motor p};i:rer ha.d passed Lull tests in a sati.sfad;to y i allner. it was :novel. by killer, seconded by casco that the rey)ort be referred tc; the Fire, Light 'dater Co..:Attee so that -the, might familiarize themselves with sLLle� and DrLa in their re-ort next meeting night. Carried. 134 .tion i�To. 3� 6 , decla�°ink; it tl�f� �l',o tiara ti Council to or ex �.ayrovenient of Luta �, 5 of z, vi and. v, in Block lour., a n tor., by constr zetion of �eL.ent sidevial -Is was read. Moved by Boas, seconded .by uiithcel-7- rivet R�;si�lution No. 3,-,4 6 be adoyutedt• Carried. IL". ]:d Tot.kinmale regaest for %%-ter o� Siert r,ve . 140ved and secoil(ied t' wt sane be referred to the Fir , Li _: -t 4iatc'r Lorsiittne♦ Fire Chief Wood asked_ the council to improve the lar"e room for the Fire 'Dej�,t by mahing a dor litory and d;lub room for the boys. l� On Notion of Pasco , seconded by Mi.theell the iaut�1 vas re,erred to the r'ire, L�"ht �. Ww�er cor�.ittee to brinj iu � rel.-ort next- uesd�.�` 1 t• Carried... The folioivinE bonds, X11 bein ; ay droved b`; the city attorney were acce.�)ted and. ordered filed.: Vincent- Stewart, Chief of Police, A,Z. ues N. richmond, Attorney T. F. Meehan, Treasurer Joe Viood, police Jude psi >s id a .rds, Clerk Th@ chief of Ijjliee�Lsked 'for t'.-,e faliowy�. su; dies: 2 f�ashli�hts, 3 Nomealon�s 2 hand cuffs 3 clubs iuioved .d seconded tFwt sa:r.e be ordered. Carried.. There beiil€; no further ,business, it eras -moved. wild seconded to d-Journ. Carried. Q 1L�"ld��lel�CLl4/ G32e _ : - ..'roves 1 Jbi v. 1396a 135 June 21, 1927 'Resgular sesson of the City Council called to order by J. F. Crook, Layor Protem. Roll Call: Boas, Kane, I;Iiller, Pasco and j4tc �41- The minutes of the lL.st meeting were rewd and approved. The Finance Committee resorted favorably on the follow- . ing bills : CU IT Z�FE S FU tats Pettie Printery Printing6.50 -12161 McPherson Furn. & Hdw Supplies 15.45 17 Joe Wood Fees 7.50 , - 11 Colby & Dickinson Cement 9 .00 . 1 F. A. Shearer Supplies 3.90 2 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel 15..00 21 E. H. -Iaull Window Cleaning 2.00 24 0. Iv. Cochran Supplies 3.35 2q Calif. Filter Co. Chlorine 315.002 L. D. Davis Supplies 1.80 2 Fac . Tel &: Tel Co Toll 1.65 2 Seattle LiChting Co. Gas .90 2 Riverside Ser Sta Gas &: Oil 17 .80 2 Williams & .161cKnight Supplies 17.10 2 Phil.De :`linter- Furk Labor 54.00 3 Tom Dobson cQ Son Ins. 60.00 3 Wilson & L.Lwrlowe Ins . 50 .00 3 R. I1. Thorne Ins 22.00 3 141 Renton Feed Co Hay 1.75 3 Harold E.- Bowers Park L- oor 8 .40 3 Donald iIcDonald It 8.40 3 Ge o�ge Swift it - 17.44 3 I Cement Products Co Material 2.75 3 Pay Roll 194.65 3 -43 inc . W 1T",. FUUD J. S. Hardie Supplies 11.46- 493 manTs Service Sts, Gas, Oil 6.58 4 City of Seattle ';dater 23. 06 5 rettie Printery Printing; 4.50 6 Renton Feed Co Lime 5 .80 7 Peerless CoSupplies 19 .63 8 National Tleter Co Repwiring meters etc 49 .31 9 ' Olympic Foundry Co Supplies 2.75- 500 Pay Roll ' 157.81 501.5 inc a ljoved by Kane, seconded by Boas that the report of the Finanae Committee be received and concurred in. Carried. i Communication from Sonsolidated South District Corrmer- I dial Club received. 3 -Novel and seconded thwt same be received and filed. Carried-. Report from Street w alley Committee recommending that bids on Garden :'Lve. '.)e re j ectec- andchecks returned- to bidders. Mo-ed by LAiller, seconded by Boas that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . Carred. 1 Report from Str:et L.nd laley Committee recommending a 30-day extension of time to J. H. Morgan. ; Moved- by !miller, seconded. by Boas t_ the the re_ :e recei-red and iiLr. morgan gaited an exte .s_-.._l -j'I tilae, obi his siclealk i :i:z°oar .gent. Carried.. Report read from Fire , Light & 'Nater recommending; that the fire truck be accept and w rrant drawn in payment of s`,-me, d ,^ analso commend. that a tM_Un be drawn. apl oprik.ting t he aum of :,x700.00 to be used in furnishing a dormitory end club 136 room for the Firemen . Iloved. by Miller, seconded by LIitchell i that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . II Carried unanimously. I Street & Llley Committee "sking for another week before making report on petition of G. L. Goodridge was received. novel bar boas, seconded by ,,diler that the request' be granted.. Carried, Petition receivea zrom ire Fire, , Light & `.Aer Committee recommencing tria.t the city angii:eer make a survey of the ;�,pringbrook water shed. It wa.s moved aqui 6doullued that the reconuueuda.tiu.is suggested by ;,ria aaove cuu"Witted be carried out. ;arrieci. j the Fire, Light Water Committee made certain recommend.a,tioli�.reg4ra.ing the ourning of rubbisu, etc. after consi(iera ale discussion, it wds moveu oy !Laneseconded by kasco that the City "ttorney, lore Jhief and t1he Fire, .eight C'Z Wwter Committee get -uutethii r "a raring in an ameniuue It to tale !ire ordinance. ylotiozl ca.rriea un"i- �,iously, iyotioe of withdrawal of applioatiuzi fur ,ieir"t to move builaing on Idain 5t�, roan W. C. D. �'�u.�+aras was recta. iuloved by 5ecurueu. bi Pasco th-t same oe uceive(l �:a2uj filed.; i;urried• j Re-Oor°t received from the Fire , Y+ight w "tor Committee recom,iending that the peti,cion of W.C.D.-awards for the eree tion of a store on Main 5t, ue granted. i,.oved by u, itchAll, saovuaeL oy Iidller that the report. be recaived and. �;unuurred in. Carried. Tile r'ire , moi.ht ,'7 ter coLi2itgee rel•ortzd or t' petiti,011 ofEd Tonkin for water stating that �r. TorLvzin would rind; in u petition signed by the property uwner 6 in ,lit4t vicinity asking for 4:ater. ;,loved by Ldtchell, saconaed by .:�iller -u 11"t tree report- ue -ecaivad. Ca °vied. ,r. Coc'rir�fi^ , r.e},resetitin6the rark i3 uaxd, a.sAeci that the cit;; Improve the street leading; > o Fade l ark ana dugs ested -6.rIL,,G plwceu_ thereon as quickly o.s possiule. _o ed by 'Poas 't.'^.at the reUuest of the Park 3oard be referred to the Street & alley Committee , they to take action immediately. llotiox; seconded by Idiller arid. carried unanimously. ;loved by Kane , seconded by Pasco- that a 100 G.D. light -be installed ®-A ITLain St. between ?nd & 3d rive . - Carried.. No further business appearing, moved and seconded to adjourn. Carried. move' • Clerk May o r I t39 - A , , June 28, 1VIr" Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Ma--or Beanblossom, at 8 P. Roll Call: Boas, Kane, Pasco , Crook and Mitchell. iinutes of the last meeting were read and approved. i Petition of L. L. Goodridge for permission to install a gasoline tank on hot 10, Block 6, Car "7orks was read. The former petition of 1r. Goodridge was withdrawn. I:Toved by Kane , seconded by Boas that the petition be turned over to the Fire , Light C ?Nater vOLlmittee. Carried. Petition of iroperty owners on Sixth - ve . Forth for water was reaii. Loved by Kane , seconded by IYTitchell that a Resolutions of Intention to create a Local Iliiprovement District be brought ' in. Carri-1 . etition of TNillis 'Nilson for license to operate pool hall in ---Melrose Hotel was read. Moved. by Kane , seconded by Boas that the petitioii be referred to the License committee. Carried. Report from Engr Hanley on Springbrook Water Shed- was hedwas read. Idoved by Kane , seconded by lilitchell that we proceed with the work as outlined by Mr. Hanley and put same in oiler- ation as soon ys y.ossible . Carried. Report from Street 83 1'Llley Committee on the parking problem, with a list of locationswhere no parking should be allowed was read.. Idio-7ed by Boas, seconded by Crook that the retort be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Communication received from 4.merican Legion, Tacoma. Idoved and seconded that same be received and fildtd.. Carried.! The Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been filed against the ssessment Roll for T,ocal Im-n ovement ristrict No. 163. Ordinance No. 808 approving and confirming the Assessment Roll. _for T.. I. D. No. 163 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance leo. 809 , providing for the appro ;riation of the sum of x;700.00 for the purchase of furniture and supplies for a dorimtory and. club room for the Fire Department was read and referred. to the Ordinance coim-,iittee. Ordinance No. 810, relating to the starting of fires outside of buildings , et., was read. and referred. to the Orlinance Committee. Orlin wrlee No. 611, relating to the manufacture, j sale , transportation etc of intoxicating liquor was reacly and referred to the Ord;_nq.^ce oi--uAttee. i i i i 138 The OrdinLnce Committee rejorted favorably on Orli. No. 808 whereupon it was p11Lced. upon its seconu and third reading and passed as a whole. rill present voting aye Boas, Kane, r,sco , Crook and Mitchell. The Ordinance Committee reported. favorably on Orsi. 0 i:o. 809 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third- re ad-ing hirdreading and passed as a whole . All present voting aye - Boas , Kniia, Pasco, Crook ;:mad 'Llitchell. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 810 whereupon it was placecl upon its second and third read.ing and passed as a whole . all present voting aye - Boas, Kane , Pasco, Crook and Ll.itchell. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. j lIo. 811 whereupon it was placed. upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole . all present.voting aye Boas , Kane , Pasco, Crook and. 'Hitchell. 1"oved. by Kane , seconded_ by Pasco that the attorney bring in a.- Ordinance appropriating 41200.00 for the iiaprove- ment of the Springbrook Reservoir. Carried. unanimously. 1,r. Cochran, President of the Park Board expressed his appreciation for the speedy action taken in improving the street leading to Eagle Park. Mr. Reed, representing the Jones-Thompson- Investment Co. was present and brought up the question of dredging Bla^k River, and suggested. that our engineer make a survey of saLie. .Lfter considerable discussion, it was moved by Pasco, . seconded. by Mitchell that the matter be referred to the Fire, bight later Committee. Carried. unanimously. No further business appearing the Council C-1joarned. v i City Clerk � xljprov�d. l,a")Tor. { i l , 1 U t 1396] 39 July 5, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. M. Roll Call: - Boas, Kane , Pasco , Crook and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and after the fol- lowing correction approved: "Petition of L. E. Goodridge for permission to install gasoline tank on Lot 10, Block 6, Car Works was read. The Street & Alley Committee reported favorably on same whereupon it was moved by Boas, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried." The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Wts. Pay Roll (St. Dept) - - - - - - - - - - 492.33 1256 Mac's Ser. Sta. Gas - - - - - - 2.99 60 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - 42.93 61 Woods Cafe Meals - - - - - 5.50 62 Thos Harries, P. M. Box Rent _ _ _ _ _ 1.00 63 Pac. Tel & Tel Co Toll .70 64 Puget Sd P. & L Co Lights - - - - -2 15.88 65 Calif. Filter Co Rental - - - - - 3.00 66 Seattle Lighting Co Gas - - - - - .75 67 Colby & Dickinson Supplies - - - - - 25.15 68 Joe Wood Fees - - - - - 7.50 69 Tom Dobson & Son Ins. - - - - - 10.00 '70 Brendal Drug Co Supplies - - - - - 6.00 71 Earlington Impt Club Lights - - - - - 30.60 72 E. H. Paull Window Cleaning - - 2.00 73 Geo. Swift Park Labor - - - - 45.00 74 Renton Agency Supplies - - - = - 11.48 75 WATER EXPENSE FUND Pay Roll (Water Dept) - - - - - - - - - 484..63 507-11 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - - - 30.62 51:5 Fac. Coast R. R. Co Frght - - - - - - - 3.09 513 Colby & Dickinson Supplies - - - - - - .60 514 { City of Seattle 'Nater - - - - - - 38.94 516 Puget Sound Power Electricity- - - - - 289.66 512 Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Boas that the report of the Finance Committee be received and concurred in. cCarried. j The License Committee reported favorably on the application of Willis Wilson for license to operate pool hall in Melrose. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Boas that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. Communication received from Town Property Committee recommending that the office of City Engineer be moved from its iresent quarters to the two rooms in the front of and the present quarters be used for a court room. �. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried unani- mously. Report received from City En r. in compliance with previsions of Resolution No. 396 providing for the improvement of Main St. This being the night set for filing protests against Marin St. improvement, Mr. Nelson was present and protested against the improvement. Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. -x_40 The following bonds, both being approved by the city attorney were accepted and ordered filed: Oliver Martin Night Marshall David Reid Night Marshall Ordinance No. providing for the appropriation of $1560.00 to pay for enlarging the reservoir and operating expense, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Mr.' Kane, Chairman of the Fire , Light & e"d ater committee asked for another week before making report on the Black River situation. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the request of the above committee be granted. Carried. Resolution No. 397 for the improvement of 6th kve . No from Williams St. to .14WV river by installing four inch water mains was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Boas that the Resolution be adopted. Carried unanimously. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that the Ways & Means Committee be instructed to bring in a report showing how a car can be purchased for the Police Dept. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell thatthe garbage question be turne°d over to the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the Clerk be �. instructed to write the Health Officer asking for a report of any unsanitary conditions in Renton, naming them specific- ally so that we can act. Carried. No further business appearing regularly moved and seconded to adjourn. Carried. City C lerk Ap owed: 1 Mayor. ` ii 9b July 12, 1927 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by MaJUor Beanblossom at 8 P. M. Roll Call: - Boas, Kane, Miller, Pasco , Crook and �,. Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of the Seattle Lighting Co to lay gas mains on 4th Ave. was read. that same Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook/be granted subject to the supervision of the engineer. Carried. The Street & Alley Committee recommended that the city attorney prepare an ordinance for the improvement of Tots 4 5 and 6 in Block 9 , Town of Renton. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. Mr. Kane , Chairman of the .F ire , Light & ,dater Committee askedfor more time on the Black River question and auggested that the council as a whole meet with the County Commissioners. Report of the City Clerk for the month of June was reed. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the report be received and filed. Carried. Report of the City Treasurer for the month of June was read. I.Toved by Boas, seconded by yliller that the report be received and filed. Carried. Communication from Renton Aerie of Eagles thanking the city for work done on road to Eagles Park, was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Boas that the communica- tion be received and filed. Carried. Communication from Lot Davis asking for the privi- lege of using the Assembly Romm for the State Football Assn. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that Mr.Davis be notified that we have disposed of the Assembly Room but they may use the other room in the rear of building upstairs. Carried. The question of the source from which to obtain money for the proposed improvement relative to increasing the present water supply was discussed. Moved by Crook, seconded- by econdedby Pasco that the question be referred to the city attorney to report on next Tuesday. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that Ord. Not for the appropriation of X1560.00 for enlarging the reservoir be laid over another week. Carried. Ord. No. 812 roviding for the improvement of Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block 9 , Town of Renton by construction of cement walks, was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. 142 The Ordinance committee reported favorably on j Ordinance No. 812 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. All present voting aye: Boas, Kane, Miller, Pasco, Crook and Mitchell. reporte Mr. Crvok, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, progress on the garbage ouestion and asked. for another week before bringing in a final report. i Mr. Crook asked for another week before reporting on the prowler car. iG7r. Pasco spoke of shortage of water on the hill. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the Fire ,yight & Water committee and the city engineer go over the situation and the city engineer be instructed to install meters where he thinks necessary. Carried. Request of the property owners on Sixth Avenue , North, for a change in the improvement as follows.- That ollows.That a 2 inch main be installed instead I of a 4 inch main, lon account of the expense. Moved by Boas , seconded by Crook that a Resolution be brought in next Tuesday night on same. 'tarried. The matter of the damage done to Comfort Station was brought up and discussed. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the City Property Committee, Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk C Mayor. X396 2143 -1 July 19 , 1927 s Regular session of City Council was called to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. TA. e Present: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. �J Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Ida B. Genshaw to operate a sandwich stand and soft drink counter from a truck was read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Kane that same be referred to the License Committee, Carried. Petition of property owners requesting the improvement of Cedar St. between 7th & 8th fives by widening and gravelling same was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted and as 2esoluticn brought in creating an improvement district. Cakried. Petition signed by majority of the merchants of Renton asking the Council to declare Thursday July 28th commencing at 1 P. 11. a holiday on account of Renton Swimming Carnival at Eagles Park. �I'cved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that Thursc4ay,, afternoon, J`ul.y 2$th ,, be declared a holiday. 0 arried. unanimously. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Wts. E. A. earer Labor & 'Material 417,95- IM4 Riverside Ser Sta. Gas & Oil 10.33 5 Joe wood Fees 15.00 6 Renton Hdw. Co Supplies 11.08 7 R. 0. Brown Supplies .75 8 Standard Oil Co. Oil 3.45 9 Reid & Cook Supplies 11.50 1290 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel 18.25 1 Priebe Bros Supplies 1.25 2 Hilma Muhonen Laundry Work 1.50 3 Calhoun's Utility Shop Labor 4.70 4 Wm. ,Kane Supplies 2.70 5 C. Haleway Labor 1.25 6 Art Trudgian Labor & 1,1aterial 37.40 7 City of Renton Library assessment 38.14 8 Pay Roll (St. Dept) - - - - - - - - - - - 77.33 1299-1304 inc B. E. Bartlett Lockers & Repairs 190.00 1305 George Swift Park Labor 54.00 6 R. T. Miller Park Labor 56.25 7 R. H. Wood City Hall Labor 37.40 8 WAFER EXPENSE 1=D Peerless Co. of Wash. Material 22.81 517 Pettie Printery Printing 33.00 8 Priebe Bros Supplies 2.25 9 Olympic Foundry Co Supplies 5.35 520 Pay Roll (Water Dept) - 234.54 521-30 inc. Moved by 11iller, seconded by Kane that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in and the bills ordered paid. Carried. Report received from State covering audit from Jany 1, 1927 to June 7, 1927. Moved and seconded that same be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Boas that the Ordinance committee and the city attorney draft an ordinance providing for a fee to be paid when applying for a license. Carried. 4 Report of the St. & Alley Committee recommending that the engineer make measurements and bring in a plan of replac- ing curbing at corner of Bronson 'Nay & Main Stf was read. Moved by Miller, seconded. by brook that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. Councilman Crook of the Nays & deans Committee re- ported that they had found funds from which the prowler car for the Police Dept can be purchased. Mayor Beanblossom then appointed Geo 71, Basco as chairman and the chairmen of the other committees to act with him in purchasing a prowler car. The Clerk notified the council that this was the night set for hearing protests against the vacation of the plat "New Renton Home Sites" and none had been filed. Moved by Kane , seconded by Boas, that the petition to vacate the above plat be granted. Carried. Councilman Crook of the Ways & Means Committee report- ed thatthey had found a site by the new Mine on the Kent Road that could be used for a garbage dump. Report of Councilman Crook recommending that the money requiredd, for improving the Springbrook Reservoir be taken from the water fund. Moved by Miller, seconded by TIl tchell that the report b:; received and concurred in, &Ad , OrdinaZLee relating to appropriating money for the Springbrook Reservoir be tabled. Carried. A recess was taken for the License Committee to re- port on the petition of Mrs. Genshaw, after which the committee brought in the following recommendation: That the license be denied for a soft drink counter and sandwich stand on truck on the streets of Renton. Moved by Crook seconded by Kane that the report be received and concurred in. Carried. Floyd. Lawrence, representing the Fire Dept. , notified the CouncIl. that the Firemen's Convention would convene about the 1st of August and asked that the council consider sending the Fire Chief to this convention. Moved by Boas, seconded by Pasco that the matter be refferred to the Fire, Light & gUater committee. Carried.. Resolution No. 398 for the improvement of 6th Ave . No* by installing a 2 inch water main was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by 14iller that same be adopted. Carried. Chief of Police Stewart, spoke of the dogs running at large. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the Chief hire a dog catchers Carried unanimously. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that The matter of grass overhanging the sidewalks be referred to the Fire, Light & 'Nater Committee with full power to act. Ca rriecl. No furtherbusiness appearing, meeting adjourned. ..r Clerk r Mayor. - #W 9 ca I , July 26, 1927 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. TvI. Mitchell, Present. Boas , Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Gladding, McBean & Co. to erect sign on SE corner of Mill and Walla Walla Ave was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the peti- tion ,be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Davis to have city repair pavement in front of Owl Garage was read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Miller that same be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Report read from Fire , Light & ',Xater Committee recommending the payment of $125.00 to Fire Chief Wood for expenses to the Fire Convention. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out. Carried. Ordinance No. 813 vacating the Plat of "New Renton Home Sites" was read anT referred to the Ordinance committee. Ordinance No. providing for the improve- ment of Tracts 1, 2, 3, and 4,�ighland addition was read and referred to the. Ordinance committee. 1 The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 813 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings, and passed as a whole. All present voting aye: Boas , Kase, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. The Ordinance committee report&ng on Ordinance No. requests that same be laid over another week. Reques-f granted. Health Officer Dixon reported on sanitary con- ditions as he found same in our city stating 3sa.me were. - - - very good. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the Fize Chief be requested to bring in a report. of fire hazards -in our city. Carried. The water situation on the hill was brought up and thoroughly discussed, whereupon Motion was made by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the City Attorney and ordinance Committee bring in a report next Tuesday night. Carried. Councilman Pasco asks for another week Nef'ore reporting on prowler car. Request granted. Mr. Dulla.hant asks for his vacation. Moved by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. L CLERK lv!,LYOR. 4 Aug. 2, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order by I'layor Beanblossom at 8 P. 14. Present: Boas , Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. „w/ The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills: CURSNT =i ENSE FUND "Vts. Pay o Dept. ) - - - - - - - - - - w98.5613 Joe 'rood (Convention Expense)- - - - - - 125.00 1320 P.S.P. & L. Co (Lights)- - - - - - - - - 226.89 26 Renton Garage (Gas) - - - - - - - - - - 3.14 27 R.0.Brown (Labor) - - - - - - - - - 3.50 28 Trick & Murray (Supplies)- - - - - - - - 47.40 20 C. Swingle (Labor-Parka - - - - - - - - 18.37 48 Renton Hdw Co. (Supplies)- - - - - - - - 70.60 31 McPherson Furn & Hdw Co (Supplies)- - - 206.10 32 Chas. H. Harden & Co tt. - - - 6.30 33 Joe Wood (Fees) - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.50 34 R. T. Oliver (pole-Fire Dept) - - - - - 42.50 35 Haws Swanson (Park -Labor) - - - - - - 14.00 36 :Hest Disinfecting Co (Supplies)- - - - - 9.25 37 Sanderson Safety Suuply Co. (Supplies)- 14.04 38 Pac. Tel & Tel Co (Toll) - - - - - - - 1.10 39 R. T. Miller (Park Labor)- - - - - - - - 13.50 40 Geo Swift (Park Labor)- - - - - - - - 52.88 41 Gladding McBean & Co. (Supplies) - - - - 13.48 42 Steve Giovenelli (Park Labor)- - - - - - 15.00 43 E. H. Paul (Window Cleaning) - - - - - - 2.04 44 A. Tradgian (Labor & Paint) - - - - - - 69.70 45 Renton Chronicle (Printing ) - - - - - 121.90 46 low Lawrence Fuel & Transfer (Labor & Dray. ) 29.08 47 WATER EXPENSE FUND - 527 . o. ower) - - - - - - - - 9 2.9595 28 Olympic Foundry Cc (Supplies) - - - - - 22,95 bu 29 E. A. Shippy (Drayage ) - - - - - - - City of Seattle (Water)- - - - - - - - 108.38 30 Pay Roll ('.dater Dept) - - - - - - - - 247 .67 531-537 Colby & Dickinson (Lumber) - - - - - - 95.35 538 Moved by Boas , seconded by Kane that the report of the Finance._Committee be received and concurred in. Carried. Petition of Brendal Drug Co to cut curb on Bronson Way was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that petition be granted subject to supervision of Street Supt. Carried. Petition of Commercial Clubrequesting city to provide 9"1200. for maintenance of street lights in the budget was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that same be turned over to the Fire, Light & "dater Committee. Carried. Report read from the Fire, Light & Water Committe on the gater situation on Cedar St. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the report be received and the engineer instructed to carry out the recommendations suggested. Carried. 1411396 Report received from Fire Chief Wood recommmending that certain frame buildings in Block 21, Town be condemned. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the Fire, Light & 1ater Committee. Carried. Report read from City Engr. recommending that $168.32 under Dist 163 be paid E. E. Duff. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the report be received and recommendations carried out . C arried. Communication received from City Attorney relative to new law effecting local improvement districts a.nd. sub- mitting Ordinance establishing a Guaranty Fund. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Clerk notified the Council that no protests had- been filed against the 6th Ave. No, improvement contemplated in Resolution No, 398. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the city attorney bring in an Ordinance creating a local improvement district. Carried. Mrs. Richmond reported on the sewer ordinances and recommended that a new ordinance be drafted and repeal the other sewer ordinances. Moved by Pasco seconded by Crook that the reeommenda- tion° made by city attorney be carried out. Carried. Yloved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the St. Supt have the paved streets washed within a week. Carried. Communication received from C . L. Dixon offering for sale to the city a ten acre strip in Filling D istrict •..-- No* 1. T"rved by Crook, second.-ft by Mitchell that the communication be referred to the City Property Committee, they to confer with the Park Board and bring in a report. Carried. The Mayor appointed J. F. Crook, President of the City Prpperty Committee in the absence of John Edwards. Communication received from Fenton Athletic Club. '.=owed by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that the communication be received and placed on file. Carried. Ordinance No. 814, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to issue bonds against Local Improvement Dist 163, was read and refdrred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Ordinance No. -814 whereupon it was placed upon its second and t1lird readings and passed as a whole. All present voting aye: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that we call for bids for a prowler car. Moved by Crook, seconded by Boas that the above motion be tabled until the committee get together and report. Carried. No fuather business, meeting adjourned. .NW Clerk Mayor. 14 August 9 , 3,927 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by 8 P. I; . by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas , Kane , Miller, Crook and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. . Report of the City Treasurer for the month of July was read. Report of the City Clerk for the month of July was read. Moved. and seconded that the reports be received and filed. Carried. Communication read from Agnes N. Richmond, Exe- cutrix of the Estate of D. H. Jones, Deceased and communica- tion from Agnes N. Richmond as city attorney. Moved by Miller, seconded by Boap that the communi- cations be received and filed and recommendations carried out. Carried. Moved by Crook, seconded by Boas that the Clerk be instructed to call for bids for prowler car and that a committee be appointed consisting of the Chairman of the License Committee, Chairman of the Fire, Light & ,'Vater Committee and the Chairman of the City Property Committee to work with the Clerk in preparing specifications. Carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 815 , providing for the improvement of 6th Ave . No. by installing watermain was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported. favorably on Ordinance No. 815 whereupon it was placed upon its tecond and third readings and passed as a whole. All present vot- �. ing aye: Boas , Kane, Miller, Crook and Mitchell. No further business motion to adjourn prevailed. Clerk Mayor. August 16, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. 7 . Present Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the fol- lowing bills: CURET EXPENSE FUND Vifts. W. or on Dog catcher - - X57.50-1U= E. A. Shearer Supplies & Labor - - 4.49 8 Riverside Ser Sta Gas & oil - - 7.15 9 J. S. Hardie Supplies - - 39.34 1360 Seattle Lighting Co Gas - - .75 1 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds - - 13.50 2 Thus Harries , P.1':?. Envelopes - - 21.98 3 Track & Murray Supplies - - 3.61 4- Renton Renton Agency Gas & oil - - 5.83 5 Tom Dobson & Son Truck License - - 1.25 6 A. N. Richmond Exp. - - 10.20 7 Renton Hdw Co Supplies - - 34.40 8 Mc'herson Furn Supplies - - 1.75 9 Mae 's Ser Sta Gas & oil - - 4.33 1310 Geo Swift Park Labor - - 47.82 1 Pay Roll (St. Dept. ) - - 72.41 13723-4 WATER EAXPENSE FUND Peerless Coo of Wash Supplies - - 155.46 -539 E. A. Shearer, Supplies & labor - - 4.32 40 L. D. Davis Repair Work - - 2.50 41 Fairbanks, Tdorse & Co Pump - - 420.89 42 lic='herson Furn & Hdw Supplies - - 9.19 43 Reid & Cook Gas , etc - - 16.36 44 Pay Roll (Water Dept. ) - - 324.97 45-50 inc. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the report of the Finance Committee be received and concurred in. Carried. Petition from Boas Investment Co. , Inc for permission to erect a building on Lot 12, Block 13, Town. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the petition be granted subject to the supervision of the S treet 'Supt. Carried. Petition read from Park Board asking; for the repeal of Ordinance No. 747 same being an ordinance pertaining to the improvement of Liberty Park. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the petition be granted and the necessary steps taken to repeal said Ordinance. Carried. Petition from the Park Board with 125 names recommend- ing the purchase by the city of the waterfront property known as "Eagles Park" was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the petition be turned over to the Town Property "ommittee Carried. Report from the Street & -Alley Committee recommend- ing that tine City Engr be instructed to replace curbing at Main & Bronson ;Relay. Moved by Boas, seconded by Miller that the report be 4 50 received and recommendations carried out. Carried. Report read from the Fire, Light & ;'Yater Committee recommending the installation of a 400 C.P. light at the center of the intersection of the Mill St. bridge instead of aK the 71est approach to bridge. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the recommend- ations be carried out. Carried. Health Officer Dixon made report on certain dwelling houses that were not connected with sewer and stated that he had notified them to connect up with sewer. Communication with contract enclosed received from, California Filter Company. Moved by Boas, seconded by Pasco that the Idayor, and City Clerk enter into contract with above company for supply of chlorine. Carried. Fire, Chief Wood gave a lengthy report of the Fire Chiefs Convention at Portland. T'ais being the night for opening bids on the prowler and, 'tea 'bids viere taken under consideration by he committee., i The committee recommended the purchase of the following car-: One new Chevrolet TouriiW- Car including extra tire and tube , front and rear bumpers in the sum of X600.00 from. Bert Rayner. Moved. by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that the report --�, be received and recommendations carried out. Carried unanimously.- Moved. nanimously.Moved by Crook, seconded by Mitchell that we hold our next regular meeting August 30th. Carried, committee meeting Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that we hold a_/next Monday night in the office of the City Attorneys at 8 P. M. Carried. No further business, moved. and seconded to adjourn. Carried. az�� J. Jerk A d: payor. xf t 13964 Aug. 30, 1927 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas , Kane, Lliller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of property owners on 3d Ave. , No. for curbing was read. Loved by Crook, seconded by Boas that same be taoled until next meeting night. Carried. Report from the Street and ;dley Committee recommend- ing the removal of certain obstructions to traffic on Second Ave. North between Park and warden Ave. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Pasco that recommenda- tion be carried out . Carried. Contract between the First National Bank of Renton and the City of Renton was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that same be accepted and the proper officials authorized to sign same . Carried. Renewal of lease of land of the Pacific Coast Rail- Road Co. to the City of Renton for park purposes was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by IjIi 6chell that the lease be entered into for the coming year. Carried. An ordinance appropriating the sum of 9700.00 for �.. the purchase of a prowler car was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. An ordinance establishing a Guaranty Fund was read and referred to the Ordinance committee. The following bid was received for the improvement of Yesler St. from Williams St. North by constructing a two inch water supply line: E. F. Duff - - - - - - - X535.65 Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the contract be awarded to E. F. Duff. Carried. No further business , motionto adjourn prevailed. Carried. r Clerk Mayo r 4., 1.52 Sept. 6, 1927 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Irl. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Thomas Rowe to move pole and break crave at corner of First Ave. , No. and Factory- St. was read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Miller that same be re- ferred to the Street & Alley Committee, Carried. Petition of Thos . Dobson for permission to remodel store building on corner of Lot 110 Block 21, Town. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the petition be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably upon the following bills: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 'Tts. Pay Roll (St . Dept ) - - - - - - - - - 157.18 1ZTb*90 Joe Wood Fees - - - - - - - - 10.00 1391 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas- - - - - - - .75 2 P. S. P. & L. Co Lights - - - - - 235 .35 3 Calif. Filter Meter Rental - - 6.00 4 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - 11.00 5 E. E. Duff Concrete Work - 30.56 6 F. J. Friedel Gas - - - - - - 2.93 7 Olympic ,Foundry Co Manhole Lid - - 3.75 8 Colby & Dickinson Lumber - - - - - 3.85 9 E. H. Paul Window Cleaning- 2.00 1400 Pac. Tel & Tel Toll 1.90 1 L. Hilliker Park Labor 18.00 2 New Renton Bakery Pound .45 3 Woods Cafe Meals 12.00 4 Geo. Swift Park Labor 57.95 5 E. A. Shearer Supplies 5.45 6 WATER EXPENSE FUN Pay Roll :dater Dept. ) - - - - - - 160.23 552-6 P. S. P. & L. Power - - - - - - - - - -317.14 557 Peerless Co. Supplies - - - - - - - 4.58 8 J. S. Hardie Supplies - - - - - - - 1.05 9 See & Sons :Lumber (Springbrook)- - 191.04 560 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil - - - - - - - 10.39 1 City of Seattle 'later - - - - - - - - - 148.70 2 E. A. Shearer Supplies - - - - - - - 3.87 3 Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the report of the Finance Committee be received and concurred. in. Carried. Bond received. from E. E. Duff in amount of ; 535.65 covering work to be done under Dist 164. TIoved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the bond be accepted. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the IdW or and Clerk be authorized to sign a contract with E. E. Duff r..ry for work to be done mr_der Dist. 164. Carried. WW96a The Ordinance Committee made the following report on the ordinances referred to. them last week: The ordinance establishing a Guaranty Fund be laid over one week. Ordinance No. 816 appropriating the sum of '700.00 to pair for a prowler car, was reported favorable. Ordinance No. 816 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. Roll Call: Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco arid. Mitchell. Ordinance No. 817 was then introduced, same being an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 747 , and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 818, amending Section 6, of Ord. No. 17, entitled "Offenses affecting the administration of Justice, " was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Ordinances No. 817 and 818. Ordinance No. 817 was then placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. A 11 councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane, 1.1iller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Ordinance No. 818 was then placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole . All council- men present voting aye: Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Councilmen Kane reported that the property owners ` on Garden Ave . North would nit object to the improvement of said Street, whereupon it was Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that the �— GELrden Ave improvement be brought up again and we re-advertise for bids. Carried. Tfoved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that a Resolution creating an improvement district on Cedar Street from Ord to 7th kves be brought in. Carried. There being no further business the Council ac j ourne d.. Clerk I i I Mayor. I i' I I h I l poo 7/ _x_54 �iq Sept. 13, 1927 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by 8 P. Irl. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas, Miller, Crook, Pasco. and Mitchell. Minut=es of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Park Board for transfer of X300.09 surplus in the bond redemption fund to salary fund and outlay fund.was read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the petition be granted. Carried. Report of the City Treasurer for tl-emonthof August was read. Report of the City Clerk for the month of August was i read. Moved and seconded that both reports be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the petition of property owners on Cedar St. for grading and gravelling said street be granted. Carried. Resolution No. 400 :nor the improvement of Cedar St. between Section St and Center Ave by grading and gravelling was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the Resolut- ion be adopted. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 399 for the improvement of Cedar St. from Third Ave to Section St by constructing curb and gutter was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that the Resolu- tion be adopted. Carried unanimously, � Street & Alley Committee reporting on the petition of Thomas Rowe recommended that the petition be granted. subject to the supervision of the City Tngr. Moved by Miller, seconded. by Pasco that the recommenda- tion of the above committee be concurred in. Carried. The Ordinance committee was given one more week to bring in report on the Guaranty Fund Ordinance. As a result of a telegram sent by Mr. Charles Cady of this city reau.esting that Col. Lindbergh circle Renton on his way to Seattle, on Tuesday at 1:45 "Lindy" did fly over Renton & dropped "Greetings" to our city. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Boas that the council, in appreciation of Mr. Cady's services, extend to him a vote of thanks and that Mr. Cady be designated custodian of the "Greetings" . Carried. In response , Mr. Cady assured the council that he would be glad to rettin the Greetings until such time as a Community House would be built, at which time he would turn same over to the Council. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that Rule No. 1 be changed to read: "Council to meet at�otion'clock the unayear round unless otherwise provided." unani- mously. .r+� No further business , meeti_ng adjourned. j Mayor Clerk. / 396 1.55 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Ivlayor Beanblossom, Present: Boas, Miller, Kane, Crook and Pasco. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of E. H. Flood. to erect garage on hot 6, Block 22, Town was read. Moved by' Pasco, seconded by Miller that petition be granted. Petition of property owners on Main St . No. from 1st to 4th Aves and 3d Ave. No. from Park to Williams St. for concrete curbing, etc . was read. i Moved by Kane, seconded by Iyiiller that the petition be granted and a Resolution brought in for said improvement. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: CURRENT EXPANSE FUND `Nts Pay Roll (St. Dep - - - - - - - - "49-.92 1417-20 Renton Garage Gas - - - - - - 5.51 1421 J. S. Hardie Supplies - - - , 2.01 22 Riversiae Ser. Sta Gas - - - 8.96 23 Tom Dobson & Son Ins - - - 56.05 24 Joe Wood Rees - - - 5.00 25 " Renton Clo Co Supplies - - - 3.25 26 jA. Jacobson Test- Liquor_ - 3.50 27 Calif Filter Co Cholorine - 318.00 28 Mayner Motor Co Prowler - - - 600.00 16 Gec. Swift Park Lauor - - 11.25 29 Pettie Printery Printing - - - 7.50 30 117m. Kane Supplies - - - 29.40 31 State Treas. Ind. Ins & Ivied. 68.58 1407 WATER EX =NSE FUND Pay Roll (Water ept) - - - - - - - 4232.03 565-70 Wallace & Tierman Supplies 13.20 71 Bishop & Jenkins Drayage - - - 15.00 72 Federal Pipe & Tank Pipe 339 .59 73 Pettie Printery Printing - - 13.50 74 Wm. Kane Supplies - - 4.60 75 State Treas. Ind Ins & Med 22.59 76 Moved by Boas, seconded b;r Kane that the report of the Finance Committee be received and all 'Dills ordered paid. Carried. Fire , Light & 7later Committee recommended that one 100 C.P. street light be installed on the 71. side of Burnett between lst & 2nd eves. 1ioved by Pasco , seconded by 11"iller that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. and tra.nsf rring Ordinance No. 819 , appropriatingjthe sum of $300.09 supplus in the Park bonds & interest funds to the - - - park salary fund and outlay fund, was read and referred. tc the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. 819 , whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole . xll present voting aye: Boas, Kane , 1vililler, Crook and Pasco. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord- inance rd- inane No. 820 , being an ordinance for the establishment of a Guaranty Fund, whereupon it way; placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. All councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco. Report from the Fire , Light &- Water Committee recommending that ; 3500.00 be appropriated to maintain the water department to the close of the year. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the report be received and recommendations carried out, and the attorney instructed to bring in the necessary documents. Carried. Fire , Light & later Committee recommended that the two water systems on the hill be improved at an approximate cost of "8000.00. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the recoomenda- tions be concurred in and the city attorney bring in the documents necessary to make the appropriation. Carried. Resolution No. 401 for the improvement of slain St. North, et al, by constructing concrete curbing, etc was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. j Resolution No. 402 for the improvement of Block 22 in Town by grading and gravelling alley was read. Moved by Boas', seconded by Pasco that the Resolution be adopted. Carried.. The City Attorney recommended that we procure an easement from Mr. Joe VTood over his property on the south side of Cedar River between Williams and Burnett Sts. Moved by Boas', seconded by Miller that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to report on next Tuesday night. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. IF-%I 1- 7 Sept .27, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Al. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present. Kane , Miller, Crook and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition from Matt Grady to erect small shed on Lot 12, Block 22, Town was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the petition be granted subject to supervision of City Engr. Carried. Petition of Attorney hot Davis for permission to use council chambers on Oct. 18th for meeting of the Board of Public Works was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the petition be granted. Carried. Street & Alley Committee made the following recommenda- tions: 1: City Attorney be authorized to enter into an agreement with Mr. Joe Wood relative to roadway from Williams St. to Logan Ave. 2: City Engineer interview the Seattle , Renton Railway Co. relative to straightening their tracks at Third Ave. & Burnett St, 3: City Clerk communicate with Seattle, Renton Railway Co. and request company to notify their operators to stop cars at Logan St. & IIorris on inbound and outbound cars. T�oved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the ahove report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. The Chief of Police made certain recommendations relative to parking at the high school. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that 'the recommendations suggested by the Chief be carried out. Carried. The City Engr submitted a report on L. I. D. 164 and recommended that E. E. Duff be paid x,497 .25 at this time on his contract. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the report be filed and recommendations carried out . Carried. Report read from Engr with necessary data in com- pliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 399 . Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the reiort be received and placed on file . Carried. Report and necessary data in compliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 400 was submitted by the Engr. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the report be received and placed on file . Carried. The Clerk notified the council that no protests had been received against the improvement on Cedar St. contemplat- ed. in Resolution No. 399 and Resolution No. 400. Ordinaslce No.821 _)roviding for the improvement of Cedar St. by construction of curb and gutter was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. F Ordinance No. 822 providing for the improvement of Cedar St. by grading and gravelling a 12 foot strip was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 9 i i The Ordinance Committee reported favorably upon Ordinance Nos. 821 and 822. Ordinance No. 821 was placed upon its second and- third ndthird readings and passed. as a whole . Y-Lil councilmen present voting aye: Kane , Miller, Crook and ili.tchell. Ordinance No. 822 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. ayes: Kane , Miller, Crookma.nd. Mitchell. There being no further business the Council ad- journed. Carried. i Clerk. Approved- Mayor* October 3, 1.927 a special meeting was called to order by Idayor Beanblossom at 8 1 . 1,1- for a hearing on the budget for the year 1928. .resent: Boas, Kane , Crook, Pasco and P!,itchell. There being no objections to the budget as read, it was iioved by Pasco, seconded by Kane , that the budget be adopted as read. Carried unanimously. On motion by Kane , seconded by Mitchell the council adjourned. Clerk I ' Mayor. "t 1396i 1-59 October 4th, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. I.I. Present: Boas , Kane , Miller, Pasco, Crook and Mitchell. Iainates of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee audited and recoimnended for payment the following bills: CURRE XT ='ENSE FUND Wts. State Treasurer Ind Ins . & Med bid . . . 14. 5- 1444 Pay Roll St . Dept. . . . . . . . 119.77 1445-49 Pac, Car & Foundry Furn. Fire Dept . . . 39 .50 1450 Pac . Car & Foundry it Park Dept : . . . 36.00 51 Lowman & Hanford Books - Library 184.67 52 Mac 's Ser Sta Gas & Oil 6.78 53 Seattle Lighting Co Gas . . 1.95 54 E. H. Paull Window Cleaning . . . . 2.00 55 R. E. Lawrence Idaterial & Labor . . . . 16.00 56 Fac . Tel & Tel Toll r . . . . . . . . . 2.85 57 Renton Fuel Co Wood . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 58 Renton Hdw Co Supplies 15.15 59 P. S. F. & L. Co Light 221.28 60 General Repair Shop Labor 6.75 61 Wm. Kane Repair Nork. . . . . . . 1.00 62 R. 0. Brown Labor . . . . . . . . . 2.30 63 Art Trudgian Labor - Library. . . . . 6.00 64 E. A. Shippy Drayage 4.50 65 Joe Wood Fees . 2.50 66 Trick & LFurray Supplies . . . . . . . . 34.65 67 Trmayner Motor Co Auto accessories . . . . 24.00 1 it tt tt It tt 40.00 IiIcPherson Furniture Supplies . 18.96 2 -R. T. Hiller Park Labor . . . . . . . 4.50 .3 Standard Oil Co Supplies e 6.16 4- Olympic Foundry Co. it 0 10.00 5 Palace of Sweets it 0 7.10 6 E. A. Shearer tt & Labor . 40.23 7 Riverside Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 11.22 8 Williams & O'Hara Gas & Oil 2.85 9 WATER EXPENSE FUND State Treasurer Ind. Ins. & lied- dd 5.68 577 Pay Roll Water Dept. . . . . . . 306.29 578-85 Olympic Foundry Material . . . . . . . 27.85 587 7 Renton Hdw Co. Supplies . . . . . . . . 15.83 P. S. P & L. Co. Power 310.16 8 Supplies 30.48 9 Peerless Co. 91.16 590 City of Seattle 'Nater . . . . . . . . Colby & Dickinson Lumber . . . . . . . . . 8.35 1 i Tvioved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from St . & Alley Committee. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that Cthe report be received and recommendations carried out. Report from Engr. on work contemplated by Resolu- tion No. 401 was read. :Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the report be received and filed. Carried. I j 160 Report from Engr with necessary data in compliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 402 was read. Moved. by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the re_jort be received and filed. Carried. Ordinance No. 823 adopting a budget for the year 1928 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. i Ordinance No. 824 fixing the amount of tax levies was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. An ordinance declaring an emergency and appropriat- ing the sum of 95060.00 to pay for repairing and enlarging etc the reservoir was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Main St. North was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Block 2w, Town of Renton-, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nb. 823 and Ordinance No* 824, Ordinance No. 823- was read a second and third time and passed as a whole. All present voting aye: Kane , Boas, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Ordinance No. 824 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole . All present voting aye: Boas , Kane , Miller, Croak, Pasco and ILitchell. The Ordinance Committee asked for one week before reporting on the following Ordinances: Ordinance declaring an emergency; Ordinance providing for the improvement of Main St. North and Ordinance providing for the improvement of Block 22, Town. "Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the request be granted. Carried. Resolution No. 403 fixing the date for hearing on the assessment roll in Dist 164 was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the Resolu- tion be adopted. Carried. IdJove& by Pasco, seconded by Liller that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to bring in a Building Ordinanae according to the recommendations of the City Engr. Carried. No further beusiness , motion to adjourXi prevailed. Clerk Approve Mayor. lita396a 161 Got. 11, 1927. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 i:l. with I«ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Kane , Hiller, Pasco, Crook and Mitchell, minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of J. R. lffilliams to build garage and sure room on Lot 18, Block 25, Town, in rear of ice cream planta was read.. Moved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Petition of Mr. peacock to move building on hot 10, Block 26, Town to rear of Lot 14, Block 26 , Town was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded bybFasco that same be referred to the Fire , Light w ','Dater Committee . Carried. application for building permit received from Save Lumbex Co. ! Moved by Pasco , seconded by ,Titchell that same be referred to, the Fire, Light w 'eater Cormunittee to report on ne:�t Tuesday evening. Carried. Report of the Treasurer for the month of Sept. was read. Report of the City Clerk for the month of Sept. was read-. _ Twioved b,, Kane , seconded by Crook that the reports be received and filed. Carried. Report from Citly 7nf,r on the tra.eks of the Seattle , Rainier Valley Ry. was react and. ordered filed. Communication from Seattle, Rainier Valley Co relative to cost of moving tracks on 3d and Burnett St. was read:, and referred to the city engineer, he to confer with the cit y attorney. Communication received from Seattle, Rainier Valley Co. relative to operation of cars at Morris and Logan Sts . Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the city clerk communicate with above company notifying thet that it is the Till of the councilthat they stop cars inbound and outbond at Morris and Logan Sts. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 825 , whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole . All councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane , Diller, Crook, Pasco and - C The Ordinance Committee asked for one week more before reporting on ordinance providing for the improvement of Main St. North, and Ordinance providing for the improvement of Block 22, Town. Ivoved by Crook, seconded by LIliller that the request be granted. Carried. _62 The following bids for curb and gutter on Cedar St. were opened: Dist 165 Adams Bros - - - - - - - - - - -- E. E. E. Duff - - - - - - - - - - 3743.10 Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the contract i be awarded to the lowest bidder, Adams Bros, Carried. Bids for grading and gravelling; Cedar St. were opened: Dist 166 G. A. Harner - - - - - - - - - 9415.00 Adams Bros. - - - - - - - - - - 494.00 Moved by Pasco, seconded by , Boas that the conti•act be awarded to the lowest bidder, G. x. Harner. Carried. Mr. Kane reported that the sewer connection foD the library would cost about ;;,125.00 and the wrok was ordered done. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane , that a meter be installed on the Herold Evans property. Carried. f No furtherlbusiness, meeting adjourned. Carried. City Clerk 1 Mayor. lit 1396a X63 October 18 , 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to orier at 8 P. 1:1. by I.1ayor Beanblossom, Mitchell. Present; Boas , Kane, I.Tiller, Pasco , Crook and 'r.► Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of W. P. Rowe for permit to construct dwelling house on Lot 4, Block 13, Renton Farm Plat was read. Iloved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the permit be granted. Carried. Petition of R. Bellando to construct chimney in dwelling on Lot 9 , Block. ll, Town was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of J. H. i;iorgan to erect one-story build- ing on Lot 5, Block 11, Town was read, lioved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of J. H. Iaorgan to break curve on Bronson Way in front of Lot 5 , Block 11, Town, and also a 30 ft break in curve on blain St and removal of pole on Main St was read. Moved by 1,11itchell, seconded by Kane that the sw,,e be referred to the Street w "lley Committee. Carried. Petition of Thos. VI.. Pratt for permission to con- duct ameteur boxing contests in Masonic Hall for season of 1927-28 was read. IYloved and seconded that the petition be referred to the License Committee, The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; bills ; CURRE"VT EXEI] SE FUND '.vts. Pay Roll ( St. Dept . ) - - - - - - - - - 4241.39 18-23 inc. Rentdn Hardware 'Co (Supplies - - - - - - - 3.55 24 Calif. Filter Co. Rental - - - - - - - 4.50 25 Emil Usabilli Wood - - - - - - - 9.00 26 J. R. Storey TT - - - - - - - 4.50 27 Trick 6; Hurray Supplies - - - - - - 3.30 28 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - - 13 9 .37 29 Joe Wood Fees - - - - - - - 12.50 , 30 Union Oil Co. Material & Drayage - - 62.96 31 Pao. Tel'& Tel. Co . Fire Dept. Telephone- - 11.40 32 W. H. fiatkins Repair Work - - - - - - 2.75 33 WATER EXPENSE FUND Pay Roll (Water Dept. ) - - - - - - - - - - w 52.39 592-95 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 4.80 96 I,loved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. C arried. The Chairman of the Fire , Light w ',dater Committee asked for one more week before reporting on the petition of the Savage Lumber Co. aig. petition. of.bgr. Peacock. *4WW Moved by Itili iiel , seconded by L itchell that the re- quest be granted. Carried. Fire Chief ',food made report on fire inspection tour and submitted a list of fire hazards in our city. Hoved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the report be received and the city clerk instructed to write to those Carried. having fire hazards on their premises. i x_64 t En.gr. Hanley asks one more week before reporting on Rainier Valley Railway Company matter. Request granted. 11r. Hayden 'Arilliams , representing the Renton Athletic Club, asked for permission to use the Police Court Room, ;Monday night, Oct. 24th. Moved by Kane , seconded by l,itchell that the re- quest be granted. Carried. Bond from Adams Bros. in amount of : 3,423.56 covering work to be done under Dist. 165. Moved. and seconded that the bond beiaccepted and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign a contract` with ,Adams Bros. Carried. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with G. 11. Harner upon the furnishing of a proper surety bond approved- by pprovedby the City attorney. Carried. The Ordinance Committee asked for more time before reporting on the improvement Ordinances referred. to, them a few weeks ago. i The Chairman of the License Committee made the following report-.,. _ i rmission be granted Thos. W. Pratt to conduct ameteN co4tests in the Masonic Hall, for season of 1927-28. %loved by Kitchell, se, onded. by Crook that the recommendation4 be carried out . Carried. This being the night for opening bids on the Garden Ive. improvement, the following were received.: Dist 162. E. E. Duff - - - - - - - 85741.33 Adams Bros - - - - - - - 5274.10 G. A. Harner - - - - - - 5132.68 Moved by Kane, seconded_ by Pasco , that the contract be awarded -to the lowest bidder, G. A. Harner. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the City Clerk have °printed.: Permits to burn Notice to Clean-up Fire Hazards. Carried. Chief of Police, Stewart was instructed to have the City Comfort Station put in a sanitary condition. Moved by Boas, seconded by Pasco that a letter of condolence be forwarded Tamil the bezeaved y- of A. N. Fairchild. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ac Clerk. Ivlayor.. lit 1396 . 165 Oct. 25 , 1927 . Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1 . with I,Iayor Beanblos'som presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and 1,1itchell. I-dinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Hugh Hay to erect dwelling on Lot 10, Block 6, R. F. P. was read. I.Ioved by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that the permit be granted subject to the supervision of the Engineer. Carried.. Petition of E. H. Beil to erect dwelling and garage on Lot 1.�, Block 23, R. F. P. was read.. ' Roved. by Kane , seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of 1dr. Peacock to erect double garage on Lot 14, Block 26, Town was read. Moved by LUtchell, seconded by Pasco that the petition be referred to the Fire , 11ight & Water committee. Carried. Mr. Kane , reporting for the Fire, Light & 7,ater Committee on the petition of Mr. Peacock, recommends that no permit be granted. Moved- by Pasco, seconded by Litchell that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. The Fire , Light & Nater Committee , reporting on the petition of the Savage Lumber Company, recommended that the same be referred to the Council as a whole. after due consideration it was moved. by Kane , second- ed by Pasco that the petition be granted. Carried unanimous- ly. In reference to the Seattle Rainier Valley Railway matter, the city attorney advised that no action be taken at this time and suggested that the committee get together with the company in an attempt to adjust the matter. Invitation from the Renton Firemen to attend their Get-together-'U�eeting, Nov. 5th was read. I.Ioved by Boas, seconded by Crook that we accept the invitation and they be so advised. Carried. Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been received against assessment roll in :D.164. Ordinance No. 826 approving and confirming the assessment roll of L. I. D. 164 was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 826, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. All councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane , Lliller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 827 , being an Ordinance for the improvement of Llain St. , North, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole . All councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane , Diller, Crook, Pasco and ;Iitchell. The Ordinance Committee reporting; on Ordinance for the improvement of alley in Block 22, Town, recommended that sane be referred to the St. & Alley committee to bring in report next Tuesday. Request was granted. 1.66 i i i Bond from G. Ii.. Harner in amount of 05,132.68 covering work to be done under Dist. 162. Moved by Illitchell, seconded by Pasco that the bond be accepted and the T,ayor and Clerk authorized to sign a contract with G. ". Harner. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the bulletin board on the JLlki be moved and that the city property committee be instructed to find locations for four bill boards for public notices. Carried.- Mr. Ed Tonkin complained of the Northern Pacific trains blocking the crossing at 6th five. North tax too long at one time* lv�oved by i,Tiller, seconded by Crook that the city attorney communicate with the N. P. Ry. Co. calling their attention to the crossing at 6th give. No and also request them to widen the crossing at that point. Carried. No further business, a motion was made and- seconded ndseconded to adjourn. Carried. Clerk kp oved: Mayor. ° o i Ut139 4 1-67 November 1, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 F., by :payor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , 17,11iller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. ::mutes of the last meeting read and after the following correction in the motion referring to bulletin boards , approved: ttMoved by ;Titchell, seconded by Pasco, that the City Property Committee be instructed to fin(i locations for four more bulletin boards for public notices . Carried..« Petition of George Peacock to erect building on Lot 14, Block 26, Town, was read. Toved. by 'asco , seconded by Crook that the petition be granted subject to supervision of the City "rngr. Carried. Petition of J. C . Kirkman to build.--- marquees was read,. Moved. by Pasco, seconded by 410iitchell that the petition be granted subject to supervision of the City 1;ngr. Carried. Petition of W. Ti. -�7atkins to install a street clock in front of the Hardie Building was read. Moved. by Boas , seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed subject to supervision of the City "rook Carried. Petition of R. Bellando to erect Gar'U e on Lot 10, Block 11, Town was read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted subject to supervision of the Gity " nngr. Carried. .,, Petition of property owners in Block 5, asking for the improvement of alley in said block was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted andthe attorney bring iil a Resolution creating an improvement district. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the fol owing bills: CURRANT 'EXPENSE FUND VIt s. Pay Roll (St . Dept) - - -- - - - - - - - - - ;289 .71 4 -54 inc E. A. Shearer, Labor &: Supplies- - - - 39 .90 55 Woods Cafe Prisoners meals - - - - 32.00 56 Pac . Coast Stamp Vlks. Supplies - - - - - 10.50 57 ff.2.Fuller & Co. Paint - - - - - - - - - 13.75 58 P.S.P.&C L.Co. Lights - - - - - - - - 222.05 59 Wm.Kane , Supplies &: Labor - Fire Dept - - 30.50 60 Fairbanks , Morse Motor - - - - - - - - - 69.51 61 Renton Fuel Co . 7ood. - - - - - - - - - 18.00 62 Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel - - - - - - - - - 33.25 63 Reid & "'look Gas & Oil - - - - - - - 16.90 64 B.'E.Bartlett Labor &: Material - - - 68.00 65 Jas. F. Ferguson Park Labor - - - - - - 13.50 66 Geo. Heighton TT _ _ _ _ _ _ 13.50 67 R.IP.Iv i11er tt it - - - - - - 22.50 e8 Joe Food. Fees - - - - - - 10.00 69 Riverside Ser Sta Gas &: Oil - - - - - - 19 .23 70 J.S.Hardie Supplies - - - - - - 2.10 71 Renton Sand & Gravel Drayage & Material - 63.00 72 0. Priebe Material - - - - - - - 21.50 73 Colby & Dickson Lumber - - - - - - 9 .80 74 1.68 WLTER EXPENSE FUND it s. Pay Roll (N .ater Dept - - - - - - - - - - X106.05 - 59$�6'�2 P.S.F. & L. Co. Power - - - - - - - 194.27 603 American Cast Iron Material - - - - - - 64.80 604 City of Seattle 'dater - - - - - - 48.14 605 Peerless Co. of 'Un Supplies - - - - - - 25.97 606 Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane thatthe recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report from the Street & Alley Committee recommend- ing that the improvement of Block 22, Town be left in the hands of the city engr. 1,11oved by Miller, seconded. by Crook that the rey ort be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. Report read from the City Engr on Dist. 166, recommending that Estimate No. 1 in amount of : 300.00 be allowed G. h. Harner. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Report from Engr. on Dist.165 recommending the pay- ment of 9"1200.00 to Adams Bros. Lloved by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Mr. Cochran, of the Park Board, brought up the question of whether or not the city was going to purchase a bathing beach. After considerable discussion, Mr. Mitchell of the City Property C �ttee, volunteered to call a meeting of the committees anjrort to the council. Ordinance No. 828, providing for the prosecution and punishment of the violation of ordinances, was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. •�+ An ordinance providing for the closing of places of business selling soft drinks etc was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 8289whereuponnit was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. All councilmen present cot- ing aye: Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. 140ved by Kane, seconded by Crook that ordinance for the improvement of Block 22, Town, be tabled. Carried. Street & Alley Committee recommended that the city- engineer ityengineer procure four new bulletin boards. I 1-Toved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tions be carried out. Carried. T10 further business appearing motion to adjourn prevailed. Carried. Clerk Approv Mayor. 169 November 8, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. with 4�ay6r Beanblossom presiding. Mitchell. Roll Call: Boas , Kane, Miller, •Crook, Pasco and Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of R. McComb to erect a garage 16 X 20 on Lots 5 and 6, Block 16, R. F. P. was read. Moved. by Kane, seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of George peacock to tear down old- Renton ldRenton Ice ,plant was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. Resolution from Renton Eagles urging the City to secure bathing beach at south end of Lake Nashington, was read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Miller that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee . Carried. Heport read from City Property Committee on bathing beach. Moved by 1141iller, seconded by Mitchell that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Loved. by Crook, seconded byLLiller that the Street J& Alley Committee be given power to act on the petition of J.H.Morgan asking permission to break curve on 3ronson Way. Carried. The treasurer's report covering the month of October was read, and on motion ordered filed. The clerk's report covering the month of October was read, and on motion ordered filed. Engr's report read recommending the sum of ; 87.75 be paid E. I . Duff on District 164. Roved by Boas , seconded by I1Titchell that the report be received and. recommendations carried out. Carried. 3 Communication received from School Dist j7. hiloved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the communica- tion be placed on file . Carried. Communication, acknowleding letter of condolence, received from Mrs. Fairchild. Moved. by Kane , seconded by Crook that the communication be received and filed. Carried. i�,oved. by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the ordinance relating to closing of places of business etc , be tabled in- d.efinitelyl CaL°ried. Resolution .No. 404 providing for the improvement of Block 5 , Town was read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by 1itchell that the ,resolution be adopted. Carried. `..r This being the night for opening bids on L'-,ain St. North, the following were received: Dist 167 E0 E. Duff - - - - - - - - %-3734.50 Adams Bros - - - - - - - - 3017.50 G. ';darner - - - - - - 3324.50 170 Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the contract be awarded . d the lowest bidder, ' ams, Bros . Carried. ir!oved. by Crook, seconded by Pasco , that the Health Officer bring in a rel,ort to the Council the first meeting; night of each month. Carried. ° A representative of the kutomatic Coal Burner Co . was present and explained the operation of an automatic coal burner. The matter was referred. to the Fire , Lipht Water Committee °and the -day's w Means Committee. The Idayor gave a' short talk on the zoning map prepared. by the city engineer. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk ` Iay o r. ,now, 0 Ut139 a 1-71 November 15, 1927 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 81P. Tl. i7y 11'ayor Beanblossom,, Roll Call: Boas , Kane, Idiller, Crook, Pasco and I1itchell. YTinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of J. TDD. Klingo raise house and build concrete basement was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Boas that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of George Peacock to move Varty building to hot 13, Block 31, Smithers Add. was read. Moved by I'Titehell, seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT i;X!?EUTSE FUITD Wt . Pay Roll (St- Dept) - - - - - -$196.64- 85-86-88-zinc. St . Treasurer - - - Ind . Ins.- - -269.54- 84 'ADalter Jaudon Dog Catcher - - - -25.00 87 Gladding,McBean Tile - -- - - -20.30 91 Renton Hdw Co . Supplies - - - 14.03 92 E. H. Paull, Window Cleaning 2.00 93 Art Trudgian Laeor-Fire Mall 7.50 94 Seattlt Lighting Co . Gas - - - 3.78 95 Pao. Telephone Co. Telephone - - 3.60 96 Calif. Filter Co . Rental - - - 3.00 97 i Frank Rhodes Tube - - - - 13.25 98 Mol"hersor. Furn. Supplies - - 19 .82 99 Vince .Stew^,.rt Toxpense- Tel 3.77 100 'Villiam Kane.-, Supplies - - 8.70 101 Pac . Coast R. R. Rental - - 1.00 102 R. T. hiller Park Labor - 22.50 103 Renton Garage Gas Cc Oil - 15.12 104 New Renton Bakery Pound Supplies 1.40 105 ;Tae ' s Ser Sta. Gas & Oil 3.22 106 %D .TZRI FUND State Treasurer Ind. ns . - - 607 Pay Roll (water Deist) - - 97.81 608-612 inc. Bishop & Jenkins Drayage - - - 2.50 613 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil - - 15.25 614 Loved by Boas , seconded by Kane, that the recommenda- tions of the Finance Committee be carried out. Carried. Street & Alley Committee reorted on the breaking of curve on Bronson Way and recommended that a certain pole owned by the Telephone Co . be moved. north a distance of 36 ft. Proved. by Boas, seconded by Crook that the report be received and recommendations carried_ out. Carried ., The Fire, Light 8c 7,1ater Committee reporting on the automatic coal burner recommended that the city take advantage of thes±aty day free trial offer, without obligating the city. Moved by Pasco , seconded by TLitchell that the above L.• recommendation be carried out. The City property committee asks more time before r3j,orting on the park matter. Request granted. Communication ru from the Automatic Coal Stoker Co . received and on motion ordered filed. 1'�2 Moved. by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the Ordinance Committee be given two weeks in which to bring in reort on the Liotor Vehicle Ordinance. Carried. Bond received from Adams Bros on D ist 167. Lioved by Boas , seconded by Pasco that when bond has been approved by the city attorney, same is to be accepted and the a cohtre.ct signed by the proper city officials and ,dams Bros. Llotion carried. LIr. Llilthuff was present and asked for certain repairs and supplies 2) r the Comfort Station. Moved. by Kane , seconded by Crook that the City Engr. be instructed to have repairs made and, order necessary supplies. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by PZiller that the City Property Committee investigate' the Comfort Stationand. report to the council in two weeks with recommendations as to how same can be kept in a sanitary condition. Carried. LIr. L'Liller was appointed by the IIayor on the above committee to take the place of John dwards. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. �. _ as . U t 1396a 73 November 22, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.i. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Irii:chell. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , hiller, Crook, Pasco and Minutes of the last meeting read and appr" oved. Petition of J. vv. Thomas to erect garage on Lot 130 :lock 31, Smithers was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by I,Iiller that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of F. K. 161'onohon to erect garage on Lot 13, Block 4, I;Iotor Line Addition was read. Moved by iIiller, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. The following report wa : read from the Fire, Light & Water Committee: That a 200 c . p. light be installed at the corner of Walla Walla and Main St; A 200 c . p. light on Wells St. between° 2nd & 3rd Ave. A 200 c. p. light on Smithers between 3rd & 4th Ave. A 100 c . p. light on on 1st Lve. Forth between Park an4pelly: Sts. n h 100 c. p. light on Burnett St. between 3rd and- Walla ndWalla Walla. A 100 c . p . light on the north end of Logan • Between aecon(. and Third Lvezraes on Main St. the 100 c. p, light be changed to `�•► 200 c . p. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that the above recommendations be carried- out. Carried. r Health Officer Dixon was present and reported on the health and sanitation conditions of our city. n representative of the State Department of agriculture was present and outlined plans for combating the earwig nuisance and asked for the cooperation of the city council. The Clerk notified the council that no protests had been filed against the imirovement of Block 5, Town of Renton, whereupon Ordinance No. 829 for the grading and gravelling of the alley in Block 5 , Town was read. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 829 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. All councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane , Killer, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. On motion made by Pasco, seconded by IvUller, Mr. John Stewart was allowed the sum of �46.66 for services rendered. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk 11ayor. 174 Nov. 29 , 1927 Regular session of the City Council =wa-- called. to order b`r . ayor Beanblossom at 8 P. M. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , Iudller, Crook, Pasco and 1,,litchell. n t ,Iitchell. l,linutes of the last moeting -read. and aeproved. Petition of �,'Iatt Lux to erect base:ilent on Lot 10 , Block 2, Morgan's 'Grand View Addition was read. Moved by :,tiller, seconded by�!,rIitchell that the petition be granted.. Carried. Petition of J. Uhite to reshingle house, at Lot 17 , Block 22, Town was read. Roved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Vito Poli asking that license issued- to �,Mgelo ssuedtoMgelo Poli at Eagles Pool Hall be transferred to petitioner. 'Moved. by Kane , seconded by Pasco that the petition be referred to the License Committee. Carried . o Proposal of �utomutic Coal Burner Co . and recorapen- dation of the City attorney on same was reade loved. by Crook, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of t-he city attorney be concurred-, in. Carried. recommends The city engineer/that Estimate- No. 2, under District 165 in he amount of Q"1500.009 be paid Adams Bros . on their contract. I ' I,iaved by T:Tithhell, seconded by Kane that t1le `,/ recommendation of the city engr be carried out . Carried. _ Communication received from the Hancock family. Ioved and seconded that the communication be received anct filed. Carried. Communication from E. E. Duff asking that interest coupons on bonds 2, 3 , and 4, Dist 147 , amounting to 424.00 be paid. Opinion of the city attorney on the auove o+uestion with recommendation that same be paid was read. %loved. by Boas , seconded by Crool� that the recommenda- tion of the city attorney be concurred in. Carried* moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the earwig menace be referred. to the ".7ays w IIeans Committee to investigate and re1jort. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i Clerk *40i 1,2ay o r. i i I Jiig396j "75 December 6, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order by lilayor Beanblossom at 8 P. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , Alliller, Crook, ,asco and 1:itchell. 1. inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition from John Lloyd toerectgarage on Lot 9 , Block 15, R. F. P. was re,.A. I.Ioved by Boas, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition from W. C . D. Edwards to wreck old building ancL build gara-e on Lot 3, Block 6, Smithers 6th ,'.d-dition was read. Roved. by Boas, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. replication from Harry Steele on behalf of the Renton Lthletic Club to use the Police Court for meeting of the King County Coaches Dec . 13- was read. Moved by Kane, - seconded by Idiller that the regilest be granted. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CU T EXPENSE FUND 'dt. Pay Roll (St . Dept . ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4248.50 1-5-25 State Treasurer - Ind Ins & Med. LidL- - - - - - 22.75 126 Howard-Cooper Corp. Supplies - - - - - - 98.32 128,'2Q T,rick'& Hurray Reguistration Books- - - - 56.60 130 reerless Co. of 71ash. Material - - - - 8.8Q 131 Lovvrlan & Hanford Supplies - - - - - - - - - 40.62 132 Fac : Tel & Tel. Telephones - - - - - - - - 8.20 . 3 lZacts Ser Sta. Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - 2.26 4 E. H. :mull Labor - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00 5 Brunswick Balke Supplies (Fire Dept) - - - - 49.98 " 6 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel - - - - - - - - - 544.43 Art Trudgian Labor & Miaterial - - - - - - 61.50 8 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - - - - - - - - 4.56 9 Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel- - - - - - - - - - - 33.25 140 Joe 'Nood Fees- - - - - - - - - - - 7 .50 l E. A. Sheerer LaOor & Supplies- - - - - 6.00 14-2 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - 2.46 Williams & icl'might Supplies - - - - - - - - 50.26 4 Pettie Printery Printing - - - - - - - - 29 .50 5 Union Oil Co . St. Material- - - - -- - - -53.94 6 J. R. Storey `ldood - - - - - - - - - - 4.50 148 Renton Chronicle sepal P-a.blications - - - 193.86 149 I' S, P, & bight Co. Lights- - - - . -. - _-- - - - 237X19 127 L.n.Fuller Labor & Material - - - - 23.40 147 Riverside Ser. Sta. Gas & Oil - - - - - - - 40.73 150 R. T . 1,.iller Park L�Ibor- - - - - - - 6.75 151 Adams BrosLabor w diaterial- - - - - 49 .50 152_ Renton Hdw.. Co . Supplies - - - - - - - - 5.00 153, Tom Rubattino Prisoners Meals- - - - - 1.50 154 WkTER EXPENSE, FUND Pay Roll ("Nater Dept) - - - - - - - - - - - - - e9 .85 f�21-19 P*S.P.& L.CO. Power - - - - - - - - - - - - 143.22 City of Seattle Water - - - - - - - - - - - - 72.58 622 Fairbanks Iviorse Supplies- - - - - - - - - - - 36. 623 State Treas. Ind. Ins & med. Aid - - - - - 1.7766 620 i .,loved by Miller, seconded by Kane , thatthe recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Street & ialey Committee recommended that con- crete sidewalks be constructed in front of Lot 16, Block 1, Lot 24, Block 2, Smithers Ldd. Loved. by Boas , seconded by Irliller that the wuove recommendation be carried out and the property owners notified. Carried. The City Engr. recommended that Estimate W3 in the amount of x;,475 .13 be allowed Ldams Bros on their contract under Dist 165. !:loved by Idiller, seconded by Pasco that the recommend- ation of the engr be concurred in. Carried. I�joved by Pasco , seconded by Iailler that $24.00 be transferred from the L. I.O. fund to current to pay for 3 int. coupons under Dist. 147. Carried. The License Committee recommended- the transfer of license from i' 7ngelo Polie to Vito Poli on the Eagles Pool Hall, Carried. Communication received from i'lutomatic Coal Burner Co. relative to installation of burner, idloved by Pasco , seconded by Iuliller that the burner be installed as per proposal. Carried. Ioloved. by Kane , seconded by Crook that the city attorney bring in ordinance requiring owners to keep the sidewalks free from overhanging shrubbery, trees , etc. Carried. I4loved. by Boas, seconded by "filler that an invitation be sent to Is. Jenner of the SVashinCton Survey &. dating Bureau to address the council next Tuesday evening., ,. Carried. ,I.loved by Kane , secorid.ed by Pasco that the Fire Dept. be asked to decorate the City Hall for the holiday season. Carried. J,o further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk May o r. Ut1396rj December 13 , 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called. to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. L . Present: Boas, Kane , Crook, Pasco and Mitchell, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Resort was read from the Treasurer covering the month of,hovember. Report of the City Clerk read. iioved. and seconded that both resorts be received- and eceivedand filed. Carried. ID:,. Paul Braun of the dashington Survey and Rating Bureau gave an interesting talk on insurance rating. This being the night for opening bids on Block 5, Town of Renton, the following was received. Dist 168 G. 1A. Harner - - - - - - - - - X135.00 Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, G. 41. Harner. Carried.. 1.1oved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that a vote of thanks be ext endAd. the Fire Department for the artistic manner in which the City Hall vv--,s decorated. Carried. No 'further business assearing, meeting adjourned. i Clerk I 411ayor. December 20, 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called. to order by ;Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. M. Roll Call: Boas , Kane- Miller, Crook, Pasco and 1 itchell. u2inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of John yloyd to erect garage on Lot 10 , Block 25 , R. F. P. was read. Moved. by seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. The Finance Committee audited. and recommended. for payment the following bills: I CURB"1NT =, E TSF FUND N s . - Pay Roll (St. Dept ) - - - - - - - - - - 4129 .73 164-= � Howard Cooper Corp. (Fire Dept supplies- 21.00 8 J. S. Hardie Labor supplies - - - - 25.05 9 P.S.P. & L. Co. Globe - - - - - - - - - 2.67 170 "Nilliams & O 'Hara Gas & oil- - - - - 1.84 1 2.70 2 mayner Motor Co . A.Uto accessories - - - - 13.55 3 'Foods Cafe Prisoners meals - - - - Reid & +Cook Gas & Lajor. - - - - - 21.69 4 B. E. Bartlett Bill boards - - - - - - 7 .00 5 Joe ',doad Fees - - - - - - - - - 22.50 6 F. E. Rhodes Repair Work - - - - - - 1.50 7 Vince Stewart Expense - - - - - - - - 2.00 8 rschway Book Store (Library Books - _ _ _ 52.02 9 Gaylord Bros rr - _ - - 9 .80 180 Renton Greenhouse 2xpense - - - 5 .00 1 16.50 2 Calif Filter Co. Chorline etc - - - - - - 3 - 8.80 3Iwo Leo L. Lohmeyer Firemens decorL,tions- _ _ 52.31 4 Renton Sunbeam Coal (Library Fuel - _ _ 4.00 5 E. A, Shearer Supplies - - - - 68.00 6 h. R. Clark Book binding library- _ 484.80 7 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel & drayage - - - 'N"ATE i Ey,.-PFNSE FUER 64.87 624-27 Pay Roll ('dater Dumber _ _ 97 .11 8 See & Sons - - - - _ _ 37 .79 9 Trick & lurray Supp _lies - - - - - - Pac . Coast R. R. Freight - - - - - - - - _ ._1.17_ 1,11 630 J. S. Hardie Supplies - - - - - - - 11oved by Kane, seconded. by 11iller that the recommen- dations of the Finance Committee be concurred. in. Ca.rried..Il The days TTeans Committee recommended. that ?IZOO.00 be appropriated to fight the earwig nuisance. y.oved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that a sum not exceeding w300.00 be appropriated. Carried unanimously. Ordinance No . 830 , providing for the removal of grass etc . overhanging sidewalks was read and on motion re- fereed to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No. 831, creating a special or sinking fund- to provide for extensions, etc . of e inance`raterittee ,in was recta and on motion referred t,n ordinance requiring street railways to stop at certain crossings was introduced and on motion referred. to the ordinance committee. The Ordinance Committee re )orted favorably on Ordinace No. 830, whereupon it was placed upog its second and third readings and p assed, as a Whole - r,ll councilmen present Uti39 a j 1_'7 9 I voting aye: Boas, Kane, Diller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on j Ordinance No. .831, whereupon it was placed upon its second and i third readings and passed as a whole . L11 councilmen present voting aye : Boas , bane , IMiller, Crook, Pasco and L-itchell. Certified check in the amomnt of , 135.00 was re- ceived- from G. x. Harner under Dist . 168. ,Moved. by Boas, seconded by Pasco that the check be accepted and the Mayor & Clerk enter into contract with G. 11. Harner. Carried. Complaint was made of trains passing through Renton with logs unfastened and beams projecting out over sidwwalk. Moved 'by .Crobk,°rpeconded by Miller that the city attorney bring in an ordinance covering this question if one is not in force and the city clerk communicate with the Pacific Coast Railroad and the Iilwaukee regarding same. Carried. ?:roved. by Boas , seconded by Crook that we call for bids for the publishing of the city legals for the year 1928. Carried. l:ioveI by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the Fire Deist. be authorized to purchase grappling hooks. Carried. No further business appearing, motion to adjourn prevailed. Clerk 7 May or. � o �, e ISO December 27 , 1927 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. T:I. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Kane , 11iller, Crook, Pasco and .Mitchell. Minates of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Ticknor, Boisseau and Swift asking for a renewal of their 11_icense for the year 1928 w�,.s read, iroved b7rKane, seconded by Mitchell that petition be referred to the License Committee . „drried. i Report read from fire, Lielit 7tater Committee recommending that certain work be done in order to conserve the water supply. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the res ort be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. Communication received from Pascific Coast RailiZoad Co. Moved. by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that same be received and placed on file for reference. Carried. Ordinance No. 832, prohibiting the driving of motor vehicles while under the influence of intoxicating liquor was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No, 833, 4ppropriating .money...or_.thex.ppecial fund to provide for extensions of the water system was read and- referred ndreferred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 832, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole . al councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane, Culler, Crook, Pasco and T:iitchell. The Ordinance ommittee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 833, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. nll councilmen present vot- ing aye: Boas , Kane , I;Iiller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Resolution No. 405 , fixing a time for hearing on the assessment roll in Dist. 165 was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Boas that the Resolution , be adopted. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for the publica- tion of the city' s legal, the following was opened and read: Charles L. Winegar It was moved by Pasco , seconded by ,Iitchell that the bid be rejected and we recall for bids. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the Clerk make application for automobile licenses and draw warrant to cover. Carried. 1,1.,oved by Taller, seconded by Crook that the city attorney be given two weeks to baring in report on the question j of cabling of logs on trains passing through our city. Carried. T:Ioved. by Boas, seconded by Mitchell that the city Uj1 3 attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance requiring all persons selling milk to first procure a license from the city clerk. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. I I Clerk f i • j Mayor. " e • i IS2 I Jany. 3, 1928 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.I. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , Tdiller, Crook, Pasco and Kitchell. I:Zinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee audited and reconunend.ed for pay- ment the following bills: Current Expense Fund Wts. Pay Roll (St . Dept) . . . . . . . 7.12 200=�ZS4 Lowman & Hanford Library Books . 143.29 5 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds . 11.50 6 E. H. Paull Labor . . 5 .00 7 Riverside Ser Sta Gas & Oil 22.70 8 Renton Agency Inc 1T " 4.93 9 Jas. Hardie Supplies 1.28 210 Pioneer Inc. It 5.50 1 W. F. Fuller & Co. Freight . . . . . . .50 2 I Renton Hdw Supplies (Police ) 51.800 34 0. K. Garage Gas &: Oil. Williams & O'Hara TT n . 1.43 5 Mac's Ser Sta " " 2.94 6 Reid & Cook 6(j57 7 Woods Cafe Prisoners ' Meals. 13.00 8 A. Jacobson Test (Liquor) 7.00 9 Jow 'Wood Fees . . . . 10 .00 210 Archway Book Store Books (Library) 2.56 1 Gaylord Bros Supplies 'T 3.00 2 Renton Hdw Co. TT It 1.05 3 Pioneer Library Bindery TT (Binciiugj 48.79 4 Howard C000per Corp . Firemen Su;;plies . . 181.75 5 Iwo P. S. P. & Light Co. Lights . 242.46 6 Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel 0 0 41.50 7 ULTER EXPENSE FUND 79 .84 633-34 Pay Roll (;dater Dept) . . . 62.72 5 P.S. P. CP L. CO . Power . . . . . . Renton kgeney oupplies - buck. 13.77 6 'Nater . 46.82 7 City of Seattle 1.84 8 Jas. Hardie Supplies. 9 0. Priebe 'T 3.00 iId.J.Ranken " 8.58 40 Tz .58 1 Fairbanks :corse2 ,`dater �(ks Supply " 60.69 Pac . `� 3 Remington Rand Repair 'ldork lu.UO ioved by i�Iitchell, seconded by Kane, that the rec- TCommittee be concurred d. in. Carrie ommendation of the Finance petition of Frank 1]. Rhodes to erect garage on Lot 6, -,lock 11, Town was read. T�,Ioved by Pasco , seconded. by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. ,application from B. W. Fey for renewal of Licenses for the Grand and The Renton Theatre for the year 1928 was read. seconded by I;Iitchell the-t the same I:�oved by Kane , Carried. be referred to the License Committee . r Ut139 a Mr. 1. itchell, one of a committee who visited J. T. Edwards, submitted 11r. Edwards verbal resignation stating -that alderman Edwards wished to resign as councilmen from the third ward for the reason that he ovould not be able to officiate at council meetings for some time and in justice to the city felt that he should resign. The Committee recommended that lir. Edwards ' chair be declared vacant. Loved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the abpve resignation be accepted -and recommendations carried out . Carried. The engr recommended that an allowance in the sum of $550.00 be made to Adams Bros on their contract in Dist 167. 1'. oved by Miller, seconded by Kane , that the recommend.a- tion be carried out . Carried. Report read. from the Chief of rolice coverinC, the year 1927. Loved by Kane, seconded by Boas that the report be received and placed on file . Carried. Report read from the Fire Chief covering the year 1927. 11oved by Boas , seconded by TIiller that the report be received and ,laced or, file and the department be commended for their efficient work during the year of 1927. Carried, Health Officer Dixon retorted on the anajcysis of water taken from the Springbrook clam stating that same con- forms favorably warmth the U.S. standard for drinking water. a few samples of milk were also tested and found o . k. out the milk test has not yet been completed. Loved and seconded that the report be received and placed on file . Carried. Communication received from a. C . Wilson relative to water leakage. 11oved and seconded that the Fire, Light & ','pater Committee, I,Zr. Hanley and 1e1r. Dullahant meet with 1Ir. Wilson on this matter and bring in report . Carried. The License Committee recommended that renewal of license be granted Ticknor , Boisseau & 5wfit and also recommended that the Health Officer investigate all places requiring licenses. 1.1oved by Boas, seconded by Kane that the above report be received and recommendations carried_ out. Carried. The bids for the publication of the c itys leL:als were opened: Renton Chronicle , ;1.40 for 100 words for first insertion and •x.80 for subsequent insertions. 'The Renton News Record_, ; 1.40 for 100 words for first insertion and 9.80 for second and subsequent insertions. TIoved. by Kane, seconded by Iditchell that the Coll- tract be awarded to the Renton Chonicle for the year 1928. Carried unanimously. The license charge of Foster & Kleiser for signs we's referred to the License Committee to bring in report next Tuesday. -L short recess was taken after the Mayor appointed W. 1'i. avey to fill the chair vacated by J. T . Edwards. 1 1.84 12doved by Mitchell, seconded by Millir that the 'al?point— ; ment be confirmed. Carried unanimously. Chief Vdood recorpiended that the house on the N.E. c orne� _ of 6th Lve . No. & Park Ave. be repaired or removed. . The City 2Lttorney was instructed to draft an ordinlar;ce compelling owners of buildings partly destroyed by fire to either repair or remove such building.. On Lnotion made by raE�co , seconded b cok the Fire , Light &: 'r'ater Committee and the Fire Chief � confer with the attorney on drafting the above ordinance. Carried. 1 o further business appearing, motion to L,.d.journ' prevailed. Carried. Clerk ...ay o r. f i s 1 i i s 1411396a 185 Jany. 10, 1928 _ Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I'''T. with l. ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Kane, I.Iiller, Crook, Pasco , "Avey and T,,Iitchell. I.Tinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Sam Senwoodis to erect garage on hot 1, Block 31, Smithers was read. Iloved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee . Petition of H. Evans to repair roof on hot 7 , Block 1C , Town was read. Moved, by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of IT. Deacy to construct concrete sidewalk on Lot 24, Block 5 , Smithers was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by lvritchell that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo. Emery for renewal of license to conduct junk shop was read. Petition of Bred-Ll Drug Co for renewal of license for soft drink fountains in both drug stores was read. Idoved and seconded that both petitions be referred to the License Committee* for license `W Petition of Vito Polito conduct pool room in Eagles Pool Hall was read. Moved by I.iiller, seconded by Kane that the license be granted. Carried. Petition of J. I!cCowin to break curve and build cement driveway on Lot 2, Block 4, R. F. P. was read. !,roved by Kane , seconded by Boas that the petition be granted. Carried. Report of the Fire , Light L'Water Committee on the seepage of water on Cedar Street was read.. Iroved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the retort be received and placed on file . Carried. The License Committee reported favorably on the licenses of B. F. Fey to operate the Grand and The—Renton Theatre. I,Toved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the recommendation of the License Committee be concurred in. Carried. The question of Liberty Park improvement came up for discussion. LIoved. by I;Iiller, seconded by Crook that the matter be referred to the Park Board and the St & Alley Committee to report on in the near future. Carried. The St & I;11ey Committee recorunended that the Seat4e Renton be notified to plank the crossing at 2nd e-- Whitworth and that the Savage Lumber be notified to reinforce the side- walk on the west side of Logan St. under the supervision of the engr. Droved by Boas , seconded by Idiller that the recommendations of the above committee be carried out . Carrie I i j 186 Re -ort read from the City Lngr. recommending the payment of .7%560.32 to, Adams Bros . on their contract in Dist 165. L oved by 1,1Iiller, seconded by Crook that the re,ort be received, and recommendations carried out . Carried. 'the ,city atty :..7ad.e verbal report on the logging trains saying that siC had taken the same u : direct with Supt. iiertens . Lssurance was Eiven that the R. R. would use every means possible to avoid a repetition of any trouble and that the logg- ing trains would operate over the northerly tracks on Oyalla 'Walla* Claim for damages for personal injuries received from John Plano and Della Plano . I oved by Boas, seconded by 11itchell that the clatter be referred to the City :attorney and the claims Committee . Carried. :1r. K-ne , representinE the Fire Dept. stated they had an opportunity to sell the old fire truck. vTovei by I;filler, seconded by Crook that the City Property Committee confer with the Fire Dept on the above matter. Carried. IJioved and seconded to �.Ljourn. Carried. Clerk Llayo r. ' j f 1"t139604 187 Jany. 17, 1928 Regular session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 Present: Boas , Kane , Liller, Crook, Pasco, '.veer and Mitchell. i I 1:inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of T. Morgan to break curbing in front ' of Lot 3, Block 11, Town was read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the St L alley Committee. Carried. Petition of Geo. W. Custer for F. C. Brend-al to make certain alterations in the Brendal Drug store on .",fells St . was read. t 21oved by 11itchell, seconded by Boas that the peti- tion be granted subject to the supervision of the city engr. Carried. t ippli.cation for license for year 1928 to operate pool hall in T,Zelrose from Wilson &- ;Nilson read. l1 Lioved by Kane , seconded by -asco that the license be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the followin bills: Current 'Jdt s. Pay Roll (St. Dept. ) _ . . . . .' . . . 54.90 19Tv-46 Williams & TTeKnight Supplies 0 2.68 229 Renton Cloth. Co. " (Fire Dept) : . 6.00 0U McPherson Furn IT ( " rt ) 16.00 31 Seattle Lighting, Co. Gas 4.82 32 Fac . Tel & Tel. Co. Teilephones . . . . 5.65 33 See & ;ons Lumber 27.99 34 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil . . 9 .01° 4-7 E., -.. Shearer Lauor 1.25 48 Renton Hdw Co. Supplies . . 4.45 0 E. Shippy Drayage . . . . .75 50 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel . . . . 668155 51 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel . . 18.00 5?- Joe zJoe -Tood Fees 0 0 12.50 53 Vince Stewart Exi,enses . . 2.00 54 Standard Oil Co. Suiu.�lies . . 2.25 55 Nater Pay Roll ('.`Tater Dept235.53 645-51 . . . . . . . . . . . . Olympic Foundry (,.,Teter Boxes. 22.10 662 Peerless Co. of ''lash Supplies . . . 42.56 3 National Heter Co. it . . . 5.21 4 Standard Oil Co. Oil 0 4. 0 1.88 Moved by Hitchell, seconded by Kane that the recofimiendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report react from the City Treasurer covering the month of December. Report from the City Clerk covering the month of December was read. To ved. and seconded that both reZjorts be received and placed on file . Carried. Report real from the Fire , Light & '.Vater Committee recommending the installation of meters on both hill systems and the purchase' of meters in lots of 40 . T.Ioved by T.litchell, seconded by Pasco that the re- port be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. The Claims Committee recommended that the claim referred to them last week be denied. ;`coved by Boas, seconded. by Crook that the recommend- ation be carried out . Carried. Police Committee recommended that a police signal be installed at Nilliams and 'ldalla Walla. I:Zoved by Paseo , seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the Fire , Light & '.Vater Committee. Carried. Report received on sample of milk from the Spring Hill Dairy. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the report be received and Nlaced on file . Carried. The necessity of some action being taken to protect the river banks at the Newcastle bridge was discussed: Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the city property committee take the matter up with the waterway commissioners. Carried. The License Committee reported favorauly' on the licenses for Brendal Drug stores. No protests having been filed against L. 1. D. 165 Ordinance No.8Z4 approving and confirming the assessment roll in L.I.D.1-65 was read$ and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee resorted f avoraOly on Ofd. 8Z4 whereupon it' was placed upon its second and tiird. readings and passed' as a' whole. 2i11 councilmen present voting aye : Boas', Kane', Miller, Crook, asco, " ey and Mitchell. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. C<le rk mayor.' ti J-iti396a 1..89 Jany. 24, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 F. 1:1. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: KELne, hiller, Crook and Lvey. T;Tinutes of the last meeting read ant -approved. Petition of L. Hilliker to move house -around. on Lot 3, Block 28, Town was read. 1,1oved. by Miller, seconded by Ivey that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. A. L. Peterson to move garage from Lot 3, Block 12 to Lot 16, Block 6, Car -�lorks was read. r,ioved by Kane , seconded by Miller' that the peti- tion be granted. Carried. , Petition of Z. H. Beil to erect house and garage on Lot 12, Block 23, R. F. P. was react. Lloved by 1;Iiller, seconded by _1,vey , that the petition be granted. Carrieu. The following applications were received for licenses: Hayden Williams , - - - soft drink parlor Louise McRae - - - soft drink parlor Sam Panzica - - - peddlar license i`:oved and seconded that same be referred to the License Committee . Carried. St & 'Alley committee recommended. that L IvIorgan `'�.• be granted permit to creak 14 ft of curbing on Bronson +flay and 10 ft. on Main St. Moved -by Crook, seconded by ; filler that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Report read from the City 1-roperty Committee ' on the Ford fire truck. Ir-oved by Miller, seconded by Crook that th6 Peport be acceptea. Carried. MovecL by Miller, seconded by Crook that the city property committee be instructed to use their oval judgment regarding the sale of the Ford fire truck and work in con- junction with the fire department committee. Carried. The City property Committee asked for more time before making final report on the wash-out near the New Castle track. 14oved by Crook, seconded 'by Diller that an exten- sion of time be granted. Carried. Complaint was made< of persons dumping ashes in the alley. The T,,Tayor referred the matter to the St & Llley Committee for investigation and report next Tuesday night. No further business , meeting adj ourne'd. Clerk i I Mayor. r 190 Jany. 31, 1928 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. H. with mayor 'Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Ivey, Boas , Crook, tiller, Kane , Pasco and _Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Application of W.C .I.Edwards for water connection and installation of meter was read. Moved by biller, seconded by viitchell that sane be granted. Carried. Application of A. S. Gieldseth & Co . to -erect fence on hot 13, Block 13 , Town. Moved by Boas , seconded by Pasco that same be re- ferrel to the Fire , Light & !'later Committee . Carried. Application for license for' soft drink parlor from R. M. Walker read. miller that same moved by IIZ litehell, seconded by Te be referred to the License Committee . Carried . The Finance Committee audited anti recommended for payment the followint; bills : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Wts . Pay Roll (St . Dept) - -- - - - - - - - - ; 42.72 265-682.6U 69 Owl Cafe Prisoners ���eals- - - - - 16.UO 69 70 Bishop & Jenkins Library Fuel- - - _ _ 9 .10 71 Woods Cafe Prisoners Teals - 87 .60 7 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel - - - - 2 72 Matson Ser Sta. Gas & Oil - - - - - -- 1.84 °74 Thomas Harries Stamps & Env - 233..84 98 75 Joe wood Fees - - - - - _ 1.80 76 k.N.Richmond Expense - - - - - _ 8.82 77 Trick & murray Supplies- - - - - _ - P.S.P.& Wo . Lights - - - - - 2.58.41 78 NATER WENSE FUND - 334.33 659-664 Pay Roll (`.'M _er Dept} _ _ _ _ _ _ 73.49 6.65 P.S.P.& L. rower - Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee reIortsthat tcesFord- Truck was sold to the City of Tenino for YOU. Communication from Savage Lumber Co . relative to broken sidewalk on Logan 2treet read* oved by TvIitchell, seconded by Tiller that same Carried.. be r ;ceive? and olaced on file - No ile .No further business appearing, motion to adjourn prevailed. Carried.. 9 1 Clerk may o r Ut1390a Feb. 7, 1928 Regular session of the City Council was called to° order at 8 P. 17. by ITayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: t�vey, Boas , Crook, Kane , Pasco and Mitchell. h.inates of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of F. 'N. BlicXle to build garage on Lot 14, Block 6, R. F. P. was read. 11oved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of F. iL. .T:IcKenna to erect building on the north side of service station was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded bybPasco that same be re- ferred to the Fire, Light &- Water Committee. Carried. Petition of S. I& Niberg to make alterations 'in '�riproium ,was read. TToved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that same be granted subject to the supervision of the City. Eingineer. Carried, d bul Petition of Frank G. Gustine t2 tourists cabins and 4 garages and Service Station on Lots 15 and 16 , Block 1, Car Works Add. was read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the Fire , Light & 'Nater Committee. Carried. Petition of property owners on I,Tarion St . TIorth between 3d & 4th "eves for improvement of said street was read. Jjoved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the attorney be instructed to bring in Resolution on same. Curried. Recommendation read from the Police and License Committee reporting favorably or, the following licenses: Hayden 'Nilliams , Louise McRae , R. li. Walker, Saxe Panzica. Moved by Boas, seconded by Kane that the recommendations be carried out. Carried. Fire , Light & ':Yater Committee recommended that Gielclseth Co . be permitted to erect fence and no charge be made for permit . Ialoved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that the recormienda- tion be carried out. Carried. L'Oved by Crook, seconded. by I;Titchell that the city atorney be instructed to bring in the necessary ordinance on the collection of EarbaCe . Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and City Clerk covering the month of January were read* yoved by Kane , seconded by I:iitchell that the reports be received and placed on file . Carried. Verbal report made by Dr. Dixon on certain business houses asking for licenses end. making certain recommendations . Loved by Boas , seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out. Carried. Dr. Dixon alsorreported on samples of milk seat to the laboratory, stating that the examination was not finish- ed yet. IIr. Thos . Harries protested against the meter rental charge which he has been paying ttating that lie owns the mater. The matter was referred to the 'Nater Supt for investigation. 192 LIP. Cochran, of the Park Board, asked permission l to break curb in front of Park and mals some improvements in park. I;ioved by Crook, seconded by ANey that the matter be turned over to the St & Alley Committee and the Nays & Committee to work in conjunction with the Park Board, Carried. City Engr. recommended the allowance of Estimate No. 1 in the sum of , 400.00 to G. A. Harner on Dist 162. hbved by Boas , seconded by i, itchell that the recommendations be carried out. Carried. Ordinance No. 835 approving and confirming the assessment Roll etc in Dist 165 was introduced and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favoraOlY on Ordinance No . .835 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole . All councilmen present Doting aye : Avey, Boas , Crook, Kane , Pasco and Ui t c he 11. I Moved and seconded to adjourn. . Carried. T_ Clerk Ivlayor U t 1396a 193 Feb. 14, 1928 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F. iI. with I'dayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , i:Iiller, Crook, Pasco , .Avey and Mitchell. L'Unlites of the last meeting read and apyoroved. Petition of FrarLc Davis to make an addition to building on Lot 5, Block 1, Town. 14oved by Pasco , seconded ley J. vey that the petition be granted. Carried. retition of Frank Gustine to build a garage and woodshed on back of Lot 1 , Bloch 1, Car .'forks. Lloved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the petition be °ranted under the supervision of the City `Engr. 'Carried. Petition of Dominick idiment for _Permission to cross" 7th ' ve at I:iain with road was read. ,Ioved by 1,1itchell, seconded by Crook that the peti- tion be granted under the supervision of the City Engr, the city reserving the right to remove fill at any time. Carried. kpplicat.ion for renewal of soft drink license from S. Oderkirk read. Y'Ioved by Boas , seconded by Kane that the same be referred to the License Committee. Carried. The St . & nlley Committee reported that they had met with the Park Board and agreed that the Park Board should proceed to make as much improvement as their funds wihIld permit. The License Committee recommended that license be granted LZr. L'inery to conduct junk shop. ° Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the recommendation be carried out . Carried. The Fire , Light ,& 'Nater Committee stated that 1acls Service Sta had withdrawn their petition. The petition of Frank Gustine for permiissiOn to erect tourist camp was withdrawn by petitioner. Lir. Hanley reported on the automatic coal burner stating that same was working nicely and a saving of x;50.00 in fuel and labor had been effected the last two months . Bill in the Laiiou.nt of 475 .00 from automatic Coal Burner Co. was presented. Ldoved by Crook, seconded by I:filler that warrant be drawn for same. Carried. Nave d by Kane , seconded by A vey that an ordinµrnc e be drawn GoVering the registering of dairies . Carried. B elsewhere Councilman Boas reported that certain old "buildings ec on 3d ,Ivey were fire hazards and should be removed. Uoved by Pasco, seconded by rivey that the Fire , Light & Water Committee bring in report next meeting night regarding means of eradicating same. Carried. Rbsolution No. 406 for the improvement of I"1ar_ion St. No. was' read. 11"oved by Kane , seconded by Crook t-hu.t the aesolu- tion be adopted. Carried. Meeting adjourned. 6 / Inlay o r 194 Feb . 21, 1928 Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. with Idayor 3eanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , Crook, Parco , iveY and T:�a i,u he it. "mutes of the last meeting read and approved.. Petition of F.A.T.TcYenna to erect latice fence to replace old one was read. I;loved by Kane , seconded. by Baas that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of J. 0. Edwards to reshingle house on Lot 11, Block 3, Motor Line addition was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by ,ivey that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of A. E. jilclTeil to erect garage on Lot 15 , Block 10, Town was read. Ttiloved by PaLco, seconded by %Iitchell that the .6etition-be granted. Carried. petition of property owners in Talbot community for water service was read. i:oved. by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Fire , Light & 'Vater Committee. Carried.. certain petition o�I?orth Renton property owners requesting that a certain district be zoned as a residential district was read-,- by Pasco , seconded by %'atchell that same be referred to the 'Nays %leans Committee for investigation and report. Carried. application for renewal of license for soft drink j fountain read from Percy Yiirkmano lToved by Kane , seconded by Boas that same be referred to the License Committee . License Committee reported favorably on License of S. Oderkirk. seconded by Crook that the report be ,,loved by Kane , accepted and license granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT EX EiISL FUED Its . =8-94. l rs Teals V ay Holl St Dept. - - - - �`3 00 95 C.G.Bannick, Shff. prisoners - - - 5 .U0 6 - - - - - - - - - - 5 Joe Wood Fees - Gas Oil- - _ _ _ _ 24.92 7 Riverside Ser. Sta. Supplies- - - - _ - 04.10 8 : Trick T.lurray _ 56.15 9 ��m. Kane Labor � Supplies- -- 20._ '75 �� Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel - - - - _ 7.25 1 Pa.c . Tel. Labor ---_-_ _ 2.00 2 E. H. Paull Labor - - _ _ _ 5.86 3 Seattle Lighting Co- Gas - - - - - - 6.25 4 pettie Irintery g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33.60 5 Renton Sd& Gravel Gravel - _ 2.41 6 P.S.r. Light Co . Repair 5'Vork - - 25.00 7 - MList Co. License Directory - _ 20.0 8 , Renton agency Gas w Labor ��.�5 ;V;st Disinfecting Co. Supplies- Park niti396 1.95 Current Expense Sc_: rterson _ern .��!_: .`�9 31� .,.rt T�u.dgian Painting at rwrk - - - 108,50 1 Williams W I,icKnight Suplilies - - - 6.61 2 Dobson & Son Firemen's tic . Ins - 161.25 3 p� rlm. Kane S'upp1ies, - 8.70 324 F''..%r Roll ater Dept - - - 376.77 667-73 Trick &C Murray Supplies - y- - - 121.36 686 J. S. Hardie - - - - 1.35 7 City of Seattle Water - - - - 42.02 8 Renton Sd Cc Gravel Gravel - - - - 0.00 9 SPEC IfLL W.LTER FU HD Pay Roll Special Nater Deist - - 266.77 674-81 Federal Pipe &: Tank Co . Tank - - - - 355.00 82 Pacific `Vater Works deters - - - 475 .00 3 M'cfherson Furn Supplies 183.70 4 Renton' Sd dc Gravel Co. Gravel 179 .90 5 oved by Kane, seconded by IT^itchell that, the recommendations of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire , Tight Water Committee asked for another week before -reporting on the glas :.cation in T orth Renton. Fire, Dight W ',later Committee rei)orted progress on the matter of tearing down fire hazards . Ordinance relating to bill posters was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 'esolution 11o. 407 authorizing and directing the City Clerk to issuer- warrants on the Special ','later Fund was read. loved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that the Hesolution .01 be adopted. Carried. Loved by Crook seconded by Boas that the Clerk be instructed to write both fish markets notifying them to connect up with the sewer within ten days . Carried. No further business aij joy ari.ng, motion to adjourn prevailed. Carried. L12 diZ�,.4-&d- Clerk v 11ayor. '4 136 Feb. 28, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. IM. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas: Crook, Pasco , Miller, «vey and luIitchell. Petition of `N. H. Burnett to erect house on Lot 18., Block 22, R. F., r. was read. Moyed by :Iitchell, seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Carried. ;:etition of Peter Hansen to make an addition to garage on Lot 10, Block 4, Town was read. Iipved by Crook, seconded by Boas that the petition be granted.. Carried. P.otition of Lee Backman to remodel house and build basement, on Lot 18, Block 31, Smithers was read. loved by Pasco, seconded. 'by vey that the petition be granted. Carried . Petition of George Diem to erect a double garage and remodel 'house on hot 16 , Block 19 , Town was read. Moved by T�_itchell, seconded by Crook that the petition be referrea to the Fire , Night & 'ddater Coriunittee . Carried. Petition of S. M. udiberg to remodel Walker' s a Pharmacy was read. ;Moved by Boas , seconded by Miller that the petition be granted. License Committee re-,sorted favorably on the license of Percy Kirkman. Moved by Boas , seconded by Crook that the license be granted. Carried. The "days x Means Committee recommended an increase of X10.00 a month in the salary of the St . Fore1an, same to be effective Feb. lst . ved. by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that the repm ort be received and recornendati.ons carried out. Carried.. The -,days & Means Committee reported unfavorably on the zoning; of certain blocks in Tlorth menton at this time. Moved by Pasco , seconded by ;iitchell that the report be accepted and zoning refused at this time. Carried. Fire , Light & 'Nater Committee reported favorably- on avorablyon the petition of Frank Gustine to erect service station. Moved. by i,Iiller, se :onded by L'asco that a permit be Lranted. Gustine , subject to the supervision of the city engineer. Carried. Report read from City Engr. recommending that Estimate lio. 2 in the amount of •,1000.00 be a.11o%,red. nd.ams Bros in Dist 167 . I.-loved. by yiller, seconded bywey that the recommendation of the engr. be carried out . Carried. Data in compliance with Resolution TJo. 406 for Marion St . iqorth improvement was read.. Moved by Boas , seconded aby "a.co that the report be received and placed on file . City Clerk rel orted. that the county trees:,urer had blade collection of X28.48 for a delinquent assessment which had been formerly paid. Ioved by Pasco, seconded by Ivey that the city 1.treasurer return -„28.48 to the ovaier of the f-roperty. Carried. U t 1396] 9'7 Dr. Dixon reported favorauly on the �;mery Junk Shop license. Chief of Police reported that both fish markets were connected Faith the sewer. Claim for damages, received from J. T. Krwrmi by reason of the diversion of the water at Suringbrvok.was read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee to act in conjunction with the city attorney. Carried. Ordinance To. 836 authorizing the ;Iayorw Clerk to issue bonds in Dist 164 was read and on motion referred to -the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No . 837 authorizing the I;iayor u C lerk to issue bonds in Dist 165 was read and on motion re erred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance '''o . 838 for the improvement of Marion St. 41orth, no protests having been filed, was read, and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos , 836, 837 and 838, whereupon Ordinance No. 836 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. �Lll councilmen present voting aye: Boas , ;filler, Crcok, Pasco , Ivey and ."itchell. Ordinance No. 837 was read a second and third time and. passed as a whole. 'll councilmen present voting aye: Boas , rKriller, Crook, Pasco , ..vey and Mitchell. Ordinance No. 838 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole. h 11 councilmen present voting aye : Boas, T,.iller, Crook, Pasco, ..vey and l..itchell. j Fire , Light and Idater Committee reported favorably on the petition of the Talbott Hill residents and the city engr was instructed to furnish h atever size tap was necessary* lrloved by Pasco, seconded by iller that the above rocon� iexid,. ior�s be carried out. arried. llo ' farther business, meeting; adjourned. C1,erk f I I r A 198 March 6, 1928 Regular meeting of the City Council was .,called to order at 8 . T1. by TaIayor Beanblossom, Present: Boas , Kane , iller, Crook, Pasco , :�vey and Kitchell. . id'inutes of the last meetingread and approved. Petition of C . S. Huit to remodel house on Lot 2, :dock 2, Car ':'Forks, was read. Moved by Kane , seconded. by TIiller that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Independent Street Lietal Co. to erect marquees on the Brendal Bldg. , Osgood Bldg and Hardie Bldg. was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by �vey that the petition be granted. Carried. Application for soft drink Licenses read from Hansen Bros. and J. E. Vioue, for the year 1928. !,.loved an.d seconded that same be referred to the license committee. Carried. tipplication for transfer of license of .Eagle Pool Hall from Vito Poli to .�.ttilio Poli was read. ,doved by Kitchell, seconded by Kane that same be rederred to tine License Committee . Petition for permit to tear ,down fence around :]'aL;le Pool Hall and erect a new fence was read and on motion made by T4iller, seconded by Tiitchell was referred to the Fire , Lig t dater Committee. Carried. The Finance Corrulaittee audited and recommended. for payment the following bills : CURRENT =)ENSE "It s . 'ray Roll (St.. Dep t) - - - - - - - - _ 132.22 35=32 Renton Sd. & Gravel (Gravel - - - - - - 123.75 3.�3 Bishop & Jenkins Library & City Hall fuel- 34.00 4 Renton Chronicle Publication legals- - - 43.98 5 Pac . Tel & Tel Phones - - - - - - - 19 .07 6 Joe ybod Fees - - - - - - - - - 7 .50 7 P. S. F. & Light Lights etc - - - - - - - 279.34 8 Reid. Cook Gas Oil - - - - - 19 .27 9 r.04 340 Seattle bighting Co. Gas - _ - 4.50 1 Nilliams &. McKnight Supplies - - - 19 .42 2 Riverside Ser Sta Gas - - - _ 3.30 3 Jas. Hardie Supplies - - - - _ _ - 8.50 4 TvlcPherson Furn. j' Park - - - - _ it _ _ _ _ - _ 1.10 5 Pac . Car Fd-r. - 2.00 6 E. H. Paull Labor - - - _ _ 5.96 7 Shearer Supplies- Park- - - _ 4.58 8 TvZac . Ser. Sta Gas - - - - _ 1.03 9 Ilatson Ser Sta1.85 350 Renton Garage VU,TLR EXPENSE - - _ 89 .82 693-98 Pay Roll (Water Dep - - _ - - - _ 4.45 706 TLePherson F'u.rn Supplkles - - - _ - - - 2.48 7 Pac. Car & Fdry. Labor - - - _ _ - - 39 .62 8 City of Seattle Water - - - - _ _ - 264.43 9 i.S.P. L.Co . Power - - - - - _ _ _ 34.30 710 See &. Sons Lumber - - - - - m1396j 199 SPEC I!L AT ^1:V ND Pay Roll - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q241.05 699-705 111herson Furn Supplies= - - - - - - 5.75 IdIG Pac .'dater Wks Pipe & meters - - - - 657.05 7 Rensselar Valve Hydrants L values - - 390.40 8 WilliamsMcKnight Supplies - - - - - 8.05 9 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel - -- - - - - 478.70 710 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - 359 .88 11 J. S. Hardie Supplies - - - - - 36.12 12 E. S. Shearer " - - - - - 11.01 13 Moved by laitchell, seconded by Kane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. St . & alley Committee recommended that Block "K" Town be improved by construction of cement walks and. the owner notified. ,loved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the above recommendation be carried out. Carried. Councilmen 1,1itchell, reported a 10 ft strip of defective sidewalk on Tobin St and recommended that permission be granted the owners to make the necessary repair. Moved by Tiller, seconded by Cr6ok that the owners be notified to proceed with the work. Carried. recommended License Committeethat soft drink license be grant- ed Hansen Bros and J. V. V10ue . Moved by Crook, seconded by Boas that the re.ort be accepted and licenses granted. Carried. Treasurer's report- covering the month of February • was read. Clerk's report covering the month of February was read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that the re- ports be received and filed. Carried. The Ener. recommended that 1131.40 be paid G.K. Harner on Dist . 168. Loved by I.iitchell, seconded by .vey that the ener's recommendation be carried out. Carried. estimate No . 2 in the amount of 1202.48 was recommended by the Engr. on Dist 166 in favor of G.i.Harner. Moved by hare , seconded by Kitchell that the recommendation be carried out. Carried. The engr. recornniended the payment of 11007.92, being estimate No. 3 in Dist 167 to Adams Bros. Moved by bUlle r, seconded by xvey that the amount be allowed. Carried. Communication received from General Committee on Eagle Park. Moved. by 'duller, seconded by Crook that the report be received and turned over to the City property committee. Carried. Resolution No. 408, fixing the date for hearing on 1. 1. D. 166 assessment roll was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Resolution No. 409 fixing the date for hearing on assessment roll in Dist 168 was read. Hovel by Kane , seconded by miller that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. 200 Resolution No. 410 authorizing; the Treasurer to pay money out of Special or Sinking Fund was read. T,ioved. by Boas , seconded by 11ditchell that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Tioved by TuTiller, seconded. by Crook that all those having failed to apply for licenses be turned over to the � police License Committee. Carried. T2oved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the City -;ngr. bring in the necessary data and estimates of cost of connecting the hill with sewer. Carried. Fire , Light w ~Tater Committee re;uested. that a light be installed on Morris St. between 2nd & 3rd ,Lve and suggested that certain lights be placed on a span rather than the pole . TIoved by Trliller, seconded by tLvey that the re:,uest be granted. Carried. Fire , Vlater Committee recommends the purchase of some kind of a car for the City Lngr. TCioved by Tiiller, seconded by Kane that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee to work in conjunc- tior�vith the City jLttorney. Carried.. No further business , meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. "gi396i 21 I:Iarch 7 , 1928 r Sii-ecial Meeting of the City Council called by .Mayor Beanblossom for the Lurbose, of considering ways and means for taking care of i;endine and threatened litigation, was. held in the City Hall on Wednesday, IILarch 7th, 1928. The meeting was ealled to order by Mayor Beanblossom. Fresent: Boas , Kane , Crook, Pasco, miller and .Ti tchell. Upon, motion duly made and carried the City Council unanimously voted that the City tty, be authorized, direct- ed and instructed to employ legal assistance in connection with the following litigation contemplated by the City Coun- cil, to-wit: fiction by the City of Renton against Commercial Waterway District No . 2, for failure to pay rtain L.I.D.assessments ; Springbrook water supply condemnation roceedings; Foreclosure of delinquent local ij iprovement assessrients , compensation therefor to be agreed between the City Attorney and the -attorneys to be so employed. subject to approval and confirmation of the City Council. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and carried the meeting adjourned. Clerk IIay o r. i i i 202 Larch 13, 1928 The Council met in regular session at 8 P. I:i. with Idayor Beanblosson _)residi ng. Roll Call buns , Kane , Crook, Pasco , onm iive.y. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Petition of J. R. Storey for use of Police Court room for meeting of Democrats , March 2,�th, was read. 11ovea by Boas , seconded by Crook that permission be granted. Carried. Petition of A. D. Davis to erect dwelling and garage on N 6 and Lot 7 , Block 8, L. F. j-'. w,a;� read. Isoved by Kane , seconded by IjTiller that the pet-ition be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. 'L. ,in.derson to erect two rood cabin on Lot 3, Block 1, GunnsAdition was read. Ljoved by I: filler, seconded by 1Lvey that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of General Committee on Eagle Park for survey of street leading to Lake was read. I'oved by Driller, seconded by Kane that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to work in conjunc- tion with the City 'Engr. Carri :d. City Property Committee recommend the purchase of a automobile for the engr. in an amount not to exxceed X200.00. loved by Pasco , seconded by Diller that the recommend.- ; tion be carried out . Carried. License Corimittee reported favorably oA the transfer of license at Eagles Pool Hall. I e re,�ort be I.Zovea by Kane, seconded by Crook that th accepted and transfer of license grcnted. Complaint was made of certain houses on Cedar St. not being connected up with the sewer. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the matter be referred to the city engr for investigation and report next Tuesday. Ca riec . Huaitn ufiicer, Dixon, recommends that a sewer 'be put in on 2nd i�ve. above Idill t. Iovea by Kane, seconded by i�vey that the matter be referred to the City Engr. for immediate report. Carried. Fire , Light & 'Yater Committee retort Banderet house on welly No . not connected with sewer. Miller , seconded by Avey IY�oved by that the re1jort be accepted and Health officer investigate. Carried.. - ve that the question of I�.oved by Crook, seconded. by x y 16, Block 22, Town be referred to the stagnant water on Lot &- .Iley committee to report on next Tuesday night. St Health Officer read a very favorable report on examination of milk of Jno. idl. -mound dairy. Ordinance No. 839 appropriating the sum of not to exceed 9200.00 for purchase of an automobile for the engineering department was read- and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. i W96 203 Ordinance No . 840 authorizing contract to be entered- into nteredinto for the employment of legal assistance was read aria on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance dommittee reports favorably on Ord. ,No. 839 and Ord. No . 840. Ord. 839 was then read a second and third time and- passed ndpassed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane , .filler, Crook, Pasco and !Lvey. Ord. 840 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole , all councilment present voting aye: Boas , Kane , Killer, Crook, casco and Avey. Resolution No. 411 fixing the date of hearing on assessment roll in Dist 167 was read, moved by Kane , seconded by rixey that the Resolution be adapted.. ,Carrie?. The City Clerk was instructed 'to write Dark Board and Library Boad and request a written report 'on their work by the second Tuesday in each month. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk !�aayor. ! arch 20, 19 Regular rli,,eting of the City Co-ancit wa.s c � led to order at 8 P. id. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas , Kane , 1,:illcr, Crook; Pasco �_.nd -\Fey. Minutes of the last meeti nL read and. approved. Petition of Geo . T. Attiberry to erect small cabin on tract of ground on Commercial Ave. was read. Moved by Crook, seconded. by Boas that the permit be granted and engr inspect same. Carried. The Finance committee audited and reco7ruiieneded for payment the following bills: CURR:�NT MPENSE Yits. Fay Roll (St . Dept. ) X132.24 360--5 " ; Renton Sunbeam Coal Co . Library � C.H. 6:6 - 74.75 3.75 67 Mayner :.otor Coo Repair Work - - - Wallace w Tierman Material Labor- - 65.60 68 Al ,.organ Gas & Oil - - - - - 2.56 69 Albert Jacobson Test - - - - - 6.00 70 Renton Hdw Supplies Lib . Dark 8.40 71 Fettie Printery Printing Bonds - - - 16.50 72 Wt. Trimm Labor - Library- - - 4.00 73 Vince Stewart xi) . Seattle - - - - 1.00 74 - Joe r"o0d Fees - - - - - - -- 10.50 75 J. S. Hardie Library Supplies - - 1.05 77 76 Tom Dobson & Sons License auto - - - - SPl,;CIAL W;,.TER FUND 2.83.73 720-31 Pay Roll 302.25 39 Cascade Pipe & Fume Co. Mood Pipe Water Wks Supply Iron pipe meters 908.13 40 Fac VV a i City of Seattle Pipeline Connect. 37 .83 1 i C.H.& St. P. Ry Frt chgs 3•x19 42 4'Vti 1 ix� Pay Roll ;Vater Dept. - - - _ ` _ _ 92.31 732-34 `�".70 3 Renton Feed Co . Cerrrent - - - 3.50 36 Pettie Printery Printing - _ _ _ _ _ _ 257.25 . 37 First Natl DQl , Drain Pipe ( _assignee Cement Products Co.} - - - _ _ 200.00 38 Jolly rotor Co . ��utomobile - - , moved by Kane , seconded bar Crook that the re - tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee reported the purchase of a Ford roWdster, 1926 , for the engr. in the sum of x;200.00. Engr. reported that - - his time staking the street to ;ales Park Mould. cost not to exceed X10.00 . T,Ioved. by Pasco, seconded by nvey that engr proceed- to roceedto survey said street and the committee notified to bring on their volunteer worker . Carried. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the City Clerk communicate with the P.S.P.dc b.Co* regarding the removal ont of Rd Rowe Service Sta. Carrie . of pole in fr TrZr. Crook reported that there were no. school cross- ing signs at TLorris ,+Whitwor moved by Miller, sethconded by on 6d. VeCrook that ttile mutter! • be turned over to the engr for imrnediate action. Carried. i 1396s� ,05 Moved by Boas, seconded by Paseo that theflat water rental charge on the theaters or the installation of meters be left in the hands of the Fire , Light L :later Committee for report. Carried. Kroved by Crook, seconded by Miller that a meter be installed on the Brown Apts. Carried. Lloved by Crook, seconded by _ivey that the Dominick Slovitske residence be notified to connect up with sewer. Carried. Lngr. report read on extension of the .,econd eve. sewer eastward. Resolution Flo . 41� directing the city treasurer to jay money out of the special or sinking fund was read, l;ioved by Boas, seconded by Pasco that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Fire Chief Wood- requested that "750.00 be given the Fire Dept to purchase chassis and equipment. '.Ir. Wood stated that the balance needed for the eriuiprnenf would be #aken from the Fire Deet. budget. 1'.1oved by xvey, seconded by Crook that "'750.00 be appropriated. Carried. No further business, appearinE, motion was made and carried to adjourn. Clerk i Urayor. „:arch 27 , 1928 The Council met in regular session at 8 l;"i. with :Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , Crook, Hiller, Pasco and vey� iinutes ofthe last meeting read and approved. Petition of property owners on lst rive. Forth between :lark YLve and i,:ain St asking that curbing be constructed ten feet from property line . roved by 'rune , seconded by Crook that Resolution of Intention be brought in. Carried. Fire, i,ight &?: 'Nater CoT.rmittee reported that meters had been installed on both theatres. i - �Lloved. by Kane, seconded by Crook that Resolution of Intention for the improvement of 2nd eve. Fastwa.rd. by sewer be brought in. Carried. Communication read from P. S. P right Co. regard- ing removal of pole on 1st �ve. north. !Loved by Boas, seconded by Crook that communication be received and placed on file . Carried. Communication read from Committeeman, Democrats. .. QYoved by iller, seconded by Lvey that the communication oe received and placea or_ file . Carried. This being the night for Yiearing protests on assess- ment rolls in Districts 166 and 168. No protests having been filed_, the followinL-; ordinances were read. Ord. No. 841 ai,Yroving and confirming the assessment Roll Dist 166 was read and on motion referred to the orainc.nce committee. Ord. iso. 842 approving and confirming the , ssessTnent Roll Dist 168 was read and on motion referred to the ordinance{ committee . Ord. No . 843, appropriating the sum of ,75U.UQ for chassis and equipment was read and. referred to the Ord. C The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 841 and Ordinance No. 842. Ordinance No. 841 was then read a second and third � time ad passed as a whole . !ill councilmen present voting aye: :boas , Kane , :Miller, Crook, fiasco and Ivey. Ordinance No. 842 was read a second arid- third time and passed as a whole. rill councilmen present voting aye: Boas, mane, %tiller, Crook, Pasco and I,vey. This vein£; the Night for opening bids for tike i.�:p:rovement of 'arion t. i;orth, Dist 169 , %he following were received: -, 2 Duff - - - - - - - - -"2219 .15 naams Bros - - - - - - - - 1900.UU G, i's. 111arne r- - - - - 19'79 .40 Lloved. by 'Miller, seconded by Pasco that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder. Carried. The city attorney reported that the case of the city vs C!3.r'V.r'2 came up in S.C. before Judge Gilliam on defendants ' demurrer* The city Avon the first battle in this suit; Judge Gilliam held that the city had a right to assess the district and that a 7,rit would. issue to compel them; that this was the proper procedure . This was the first time the case had ever come before the court. The city atty. after having served and filed a petition commene- gainst the district discovered ing suit on behalf of thecity a that no certificate of the assessment h,,-,,(l evern been served on t'ae district at the time the assessment was levied and that the Jiti3964district expected to rely on this , the city atty voluntarily � � dismissed. the action be�,,un, certified the assessment as re- quired. and then started the present suit . resolution No. 413 for the improvement of 1st Ave. North was read. Moved. by Bows , seconded by Crook that the Resolution be adorted. Carried. The ;'uestion of changing the names of certain streets was brought up an.d discussed. LTovecl by Fasco, seconded by Boas that the L�ayor aipoint 'the chairiaan of three different committees, as 'a cOMMr ttee to uct in conjunction with the city engineerf Carried. The Mayor appointed the following: David. Ki tChell F. W. Kane W. A. livey. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk i' ivay or. 28 April 3, 1928 regular meeting of the City Council wa6 called to order at 8 P. II. by 1 ayor Beanblossom. Present : Boas, Kane , lililler, Crook, Pasco, i,.vey, and 1.7itchell. I.Iinut es of the last meeting read and apjiroved. Petition of F. x. McKenna to tear down building on Lot 7 , Block 1, Renton Farm Plat was read. Moved by casco , seconded by "vey that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of John Ialcloir to enlarge garage on Lot 11, Block 28, Town was read. I;Ioved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that the petition be. granted. Carried. Petition of F. Xi. I.'IcKenna to break curbinL in front of Service Station was read. I.Ioved by Miller, seconded by ,-vey that same be re- ferred to the St . & ,,.Jley Conu-aittee . Carried. Petition of J. F. Crook to build basement anti remodel house on Lot 3, Block 16, Town was read. 1Ioved. by Boas , seconded by IIi.tchell that the petition be granted. Carried. The Finance Gon�rnittee audi.te�_ :gin recommender! for j pa;;,-ment the following bills: CURLICENT Pay Roll St. Dept . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62.36 387-91 G. G. Bannick, Shff - Prisoners Keals - - - - - 41.50 392 Pae. Coast it. R. Rental -.ark ppty- - - - - 1.00 3 Mae Ser Sta. Gas & oil - - - - - - - - 1.23 4 Williams & hIcKnight Supplies - - - - - - - - 17.00 5 INm. Kane Labor & SujiVlies- - - - - 16.65 6 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - - - - - - - 18.00 7 P. S. P. & L. Lights etc- - - - - - - - 269 .37 8 mayner Motor Co. Repair Car - - - - - - - 62.20 9 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - - . 0 400 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones- - - - - - - - 6.660 2 Joe Wood Fees - - - - - - - - 5 .00 2 Renton Sd & Gravel Park Impt Contract- - - 522.92 3 Riverside Ser Sta. Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - 13.31 4 ,:r Labor - - - - - - - - 2.00 5 E. H. i aul _ 5.45 6 0. Friebe tt - - - - - - - - _ 26.15 7 Reid & Cook Ga.s & oil - - _ 7 .46 8 tt Al 7,-.o rgan Sy CIAL T&LT"ER 74 6-5 Pay ::Zoll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 .25 J. S. Hardie Suy�plies - - - - _ 22.50 < Rensselaer Valve Co. S1 - - - - _ - - - _ - _ 2.95 769 . ; . Shearer - - - _ - - - 66.30 770 Olympic Foundry - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.50 1 Bishop & Jenkins Drayage- - - - _ _ _ 232.50 2 Cascade Pipe & - - _ _Fume Pipe- - - _ 2„8.69 3 Pacific Nater Wks aupply pipe etc- - - - _ - - 59 .88 757:60 + Pay Zoll dater Dept Power - - - - - - - - - 93.96 761 P. S. `r. & L. Co. ' Supplies- - - - - - - - 22.17 r16 , Peerless Co. _ _ _ 43.70 763 , City of Seattle dater - - - _ - _ _ _ 6.15 E. ��. Shearer Supplies _ - - _ 5 .20 5 gilliams & 3LcKni.ght Yi - - _ _ _ _ _ 14.10 0 . Priebe 1_ h1oved by Kane, seconded by Li.11er that the recommend- anion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Iiller, seconded by Pasco that the quest- ion of a telephone in the Firemen's Dormitory be- turned over to the city property, committee for investigation and report. Carried. Loved by Boas, seconded by �"vey that the city atty. bring in all available information on the pole in the Vdm. Reid ppty. Carried. 1,10ved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the owner of Lot 6, Block 28, 'Town be notified to connect with sewer. Carried. No rotests beim; filed against ,:�ssmt Roll Dist 167 , Ord. Izo. 844 approving and confirming the assessment Roll Dist 167 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 843 and. Ord. Ho, 844. Ord. 1;o. 843 was read a second- and third time and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane , 1"iller, Crook, Pasco , hvey and lstchell. Ord. No . 844 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole , all councilmen 1;resent voting aye: Boas , Kane , 'killer, Crook, lasso , ,ve�r and 1Iitchell. Bond in the amount of �11905.00 from iAams Bros. covering work to be done in gist 169 was received_. Moved by Crook, seconded by huller that the bond be accepted and the �.Iayor w Clerk authorized to sign a contract with .dams Bros. Carried. Resolution No. 414,' authorizing City Treasurer to pay money out of the Special Yater Furid. was read. %loved by Idiller, seconded by Crook that the Resolu- tion be adopted. Carried. Resolution No. 415 for the impt of Second .eve. between Dill etc by constructing a six inch sewer° was read. idoved by, Kane , seconded by LIitchell that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Lpplication for lease of Comfort Stations read- from eadfrom John Stewart* dove(i by Crook, seconded `by lZiller that same be referred to the City IropertJ Committee . Carried. S .Application for lease of Comfort Station read from Reed Millhuf f. loved by Boas , seconded by rook that same be re- 1. ferred. to the City iroperty Committee . Carried. Moved- by 1j:7ill er, seconded by Avey that the city engr. ' be instructed to repair pavement in front of Frank Davis ioroj?crty. Carried. ,No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Idlayo r. 210 Lpril 10, 1928 . The Council met in re6ulnr session at b 1. Y. with 'ayor Aeunblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , Miller, Crooh, Pasco , Avey end .i t c he 11. _:inutes of the last meeting read and &.. :;.TQvet.' Petition of C. N. IbDonald to 'erect house on :lot 1, 31ock 11, Town was read. aovet by Tiller, seconded by 'Kane that the petiti.oh 'be granted. Carried. petition of W.C.D.Edwards for permit to erects building ,on hots 4, 5 , ant 6, Block 2, Sartorisville . ° loved by Kane, seconded by Crookm.tha,t the petition be granted. Carried. ° on Lot 6, Blk 5 , Town Petition of 1. . ili.ne to :_rove housQ/ &nd m o e into garage was read. Moved. by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that i,etition be granted. Carried. ' Petition for installation of lighting system was read. : Loved by Iyiiller, seconded by Pasco that the `petition be referred to the Fire ,; Light & Nater committee . Carrie?. City Property Committee recommended' that the phone be left in the Dormitory. City property Committee asked for :mother week before making report on Comfort Station lease. Request granted. St & Alley committee recommdnd.s that the petition of F. A. McKenna to break curb be not granted. Moved by Hiller, seconded° by Crook that the recommenda- tions be carried out . Carrie?. The retorts of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of March were read and on motion ordere? filed. Engr recommen?ed that '88.6& be paid G. 1 . darner or_ Dist 166. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by hiller that the recommientations be carried out. CaTried. Zngr recommen?e? the payment of 9,23.20 to G. A. Harner on Dist 168. loved by Mitchell, seconded by Croak that the recommenta- tions be carried out. Carried. Engr. recommended the payment of ; 451.40 to ,La zas Bros for work in Dist 167. wove? by Crook, seconded by Pasco that -this be held up one week. Carried. Retort of the ;secretary of the Library was read. Bove? Tiller, seconded by Avey that same be received and- filed ndfiled ant the St . w alley Committee investigate street leading to the library and the city ener stop the seepage in basement. Carried. Report read from the ;secretary of the Dark Board. IIoveL by Kitchell, seconded by,nvep that the rel,,ort be received. and filed and the bills turned over Finance Committee. Carried. 211 Chief of folice red orted of broken' sidewalk in j front of Curly's Service Station. The Clerk was instructet to write the Ser. Sta' and notify them to mage repair at once . Communication received from the High School asking for use df the grader and dump truck. T.Toved. by Iditchell, seconded by Crook that the engr be authorized to loan same to the school. Carried. leo further business , meeting adjourned. 1' City Clerk mayor. 212 l�jril 17 , 1928. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Boas , Kane, Liller, Pasco and l;itchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of H. Venianni_ to erect sidewalk in front of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, Town wat read. Loved by Kitcehll, seconded by Basco that the petition be granted subject to the supervision of the engr. Carried. Petition of R. K. Clark to erect house on Lot 43, Renton Co-op was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the ;.petition be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited. and recommended for payment the followin ; bills: CURR RT Pay Roll St . Dept. - - - - - - - - - - - - 9094.83 -417-21 Woods Cafe Prisoners ' meals- - - - - - - - - 21.30 22. Seattle Lighting, Co . Gas - - - - - - - - - 5 .99 3 Joe Wood Fees- - - - - - - - - 5.00 4 - Frank Rhodes Tire & tube- - - - - - - - - 13.10 5. !�Iayner :rotor Co. Battery & Labor- - - - - --- 2.00 6 i. Jacobson Test - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.50 7 Brendals Supplies - - - - - - - - - - .75 8 0. B. Brown Labor on tools - - - - - - - 1.00 9 d.Li Eit Pay Holl `dater Dept . - - - - - - - - 92.31 -775-9 Frank Rhodes auto accessories- - - - - - 18.70 789 Olympic Foundry Supplies - - - - - - - - - 4.50 90 Hersey Mfg. Col " - - - - - - - - - 32.00 41 SPECIAL OUTER FUND Y Pay toll - - - - - - - - - - - 116.03 -780-84 Rensselaer Valve Co . Supplies - - - - - 22.00 85 ���ci�herson Furn " - - - - - - 8.20 86 See Sons Lumber - - - - - - 72.13 87 Supplies - - - - - - 14.91 88 Peerless Co . of Wash. loved by Killer seconded by Enne that the recommenda- tions of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. I Finance committee recommended that the Park ;r3oard meet with the Finance Committee relative to work done in parktl and they be so notified. yoveL by Boas , seco..ded by miller that ' the date of protest on the 1st Ave- North improvement be set ahead two weeks. Carried. seconded by Pasco that the removal l�Jloved by 1-,1111er, of pole in the Reid property be referred to the St. & Alley Committee and the city attorney for a definite report. Carried. :Moved. by Miller, seconded by Kitchell that the quest- ion of replacing the wooden .pipe on 5th between Lills & Cedar with cast iron pipe -be referred to the Fire, Lid ht & ''dater committee for action. Carried. Ut1396(. 213 The feasibility of making a turn-table at the end of lain St was referred to the St. & alley Committee for w definite report next Tuesday. ..:oved by Pasco, seconded by I: filler that the chief of police place-_: a traffic officer at the intersection on Bronson 71ay each Sunday morning from 9 :45 to 11:15 . Carried. iioved by Kane , seconded by l,iitchell that a Resolution of intention for the impt of Block _oven, be brought in. Carried. i.loved. by Pasco , seconded by Boas that the iiilwaukee R. R. be liven twenty days notice to erect sidlewalks on Lots 13 to 17 , 3lock 2, Smithers Ldd. Carried. roved by Pasco, seconded by i;iiller that the owner of Lot 14, Block 2, Gunns 1adition be given notice to connect up with sewer. Carried. Moved by Boas , seconded by Kane that the engris estir,ate in the amount of X451.40 be paid Adams 3ros on their contract in Dist 167. Carried. Resolution 14-o. 416 authorizing the City ' reasurer to pay money out of the Sy_)ecial dater aund. was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting; adjourned.. �•- C 1 e rk i;iayo r � d I �Lpril 24, 1928. k The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Avey. Now Minutes of the last meeting read and a.Lproved. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: CURRENT `ddt• wm. 0. McKay Co. Chassis- Fire Dept. - - - X475.00 -430 Geo . E. Pardee Park Labor - - - - - - - 120.00 1 Renton Chronicle Legal publications - - - - 124.71 2 Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the recommendations of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Petition of John Pritchard to erect coal shed on Lot 4 , Block 229 Town was read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. i Petition of Jim Johnson to partition store occupied by fish market was read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the petition - be referred to the Fire , Light & 'Nater Committee. Carried. Petition of Service Laundry & Cleaners to put in concrete floor, etc was read. etition Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that the p be granted. Carried. Report read from City Atty on the pole in the ft. Reid property* that the report be Moved by Crook, seconded by Ave y accepted and placed on file and Mr. Reid notified. Carried. St . & Alley Committee endcof MaindSthdand. thePostal turn-table . and bulk-head be put in at Telegraph Co. notified to remove their pole. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tions be carried out. Carried.. Fire, Light & «tater Committee reporting on the leaks in alley of Block 5 , Town, found the water pipe in very poor condition and aswell' 'several other places. in town. Moved by Pasco, seconded. by Crook that the report be received and the matter left in the hands of the city engr for an estimate on price of replacing wood pipe with steel l where repair is impossible. Carried. Engr. report on sewer on Second Ave. east of Mill St. was read and ordered filed. Sunday Chief of Police reported on the/traffic on Bronson "day and. suggested that a stop signal be installed. � Tyloved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the matter be referred to the Fire , Light & Nater Committee for report next Tuesday night. Carried. U t :096a 15 Notice of hearing on construction of wharf on Lake Washington was read and ordered filed. I 'No portests having been filed against the improvement of Second Ave. mast by sewer, Ord. No. 645 for the improvement of Second eve. between Mill St. and South line of Waterway' Dist it2 was re:ad and on motion referred to the Ordinance committee. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 845 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and hvey. City Property Committee recommended the application of John Stewart for lease of comfort station. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and the tenant notified. Carried.. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk. Mayor. May 1, 1928. The Coincil met in regular session at 8 P. IVI. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Kane , Crook, 111iller, Pasco, Avey 'and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of property owners for the improvement of Garden Ave. et al, was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Paseo that a Resolution of Intention be brought in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: CURRENT Wts. Pay Roll St. Dept. The Hertzberg Bindery Library Books - - - - 27.50 447 Marian Duff Librarian' s Asst - - - 6.00 8 Jr R. Storey Woof-Library - - - - 5.00 9 Frank B. `Nilson Library Books - - - - 11.6.8 450 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel - - - - - - - - 165.40 1 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - - - 7.00 2 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - - 2.00 3 O.K.Garage Gas & oil - - - - - - 12.88 4 Joe Wood Fees - - - - - - - - - 15.00 5 Lowman & Hanford Library Books- - - - - 44.45 7 Williams & McKnight Supplies - - - - - - -- Great Western El. Chem. Co. Chorine - - - - - 277.50 9 P.S.P.& L.Co. Lights - - - - - - McKee & Wentworth Supplies - - - - - - - 2.00 460 West Disinfecting Co. " Park- - - - - - - 4.75 1 Joe ',Mood Chemical Tank etc F.D. 160.00 2 E. H.Paull Labor - - - - - - - - 2.00 3 S.L.Hanley Expense - - - - - - - 1.75 4 -, WAT i.m Pay Roll ,later Dept - - - - - - - - - - - 190.87-796-800 S.M.wiberg Labor - - - - - - - - - 19.67 801 Crane Co. Material - - - - - - - - - 5.27 2 P.S.P.& L.Co. Power - - - - - - - - - - - 81.54 3 Peerless Co. Material - - - - - - - - - - - 39.13 4 , Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be carried out . Carried. Fire, Light & :'Vater Committee reported verbally on traffic signals. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the committee be given another week to bring in report. Carried. Fire , Light & ;'later Committee reported on the Johnson petition* Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the Johnson petition be tabled iniefinitely. Carried-. Communication received from ',vashington Surveying & i Rating Bureau. Moved by Crook, seconded by Mitchell that the communication be filed. Carried. i Report read from the engr on approximate cost of cast iron pipe. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the report be turned over to the Fire, Light & 'Fater Committee for in- vestigation and report. Carried.. 1396j 17 The Fire , Light & "dater Committee , after due consideration of the above report, recommended that we call for bids on 23001 6" C.I.Pipe 17001 4" n n 3600 lbs lead. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that the" report be! accepted and instn ctions carried out. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the hearing on Resolution 413, 1st :eve. No. impt be continued one week. Cexried. h1oved. by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the street & alley committee be instructed to investigate and make pirovision for a dog pound and bring in a report of their fi.nd.ings next Tuesday night. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. L.. May 80 1928 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Beanblossom at 8 P. M. Present: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, nvey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and after the following correction approved. Motion in reference to dog pound. be changed to read: "Referred to the City Property Committee." Petition of hirs. H. Priebe to reshingle house on Tract 20, Tobins D. C. was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Petition of R. Romiti to erect house on Lot 120 Block 5, Town was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the petition. be granted. Carried. Petition of Dan Caneparoli to remodel house at 608 Cedar St, was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Petition of Mrs. Emil Bahnke to move house around on Lot 149 Block 21 Gunns Add. was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Renton Stage Line to place re- movable signs on certain streets was read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Avey that the petition be referred to the St & Alley Committee for report. Carried. Report read from St. & Alley Committee recommending that Resolution J413 be changed to read 't aft 611from outer edge of sidewalk to curb." :moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the retort be accepted and recommendations carried out. Carried.. St & «lley Committee recommended that W.C.D.Edwarda be notified to estaulish sidewalk line and rej�lace necessary curbing in front of his property on First Ave. North. Movcct oy Crook, seconded oy �Ney that St, c; ;'-liey 'a ,.•Cvol:uueudation be carried otit. Carried. Complaint -.ras made of a fire hydrant in rront of ;,ue garage 01 Mrs- Ed nloore' proyerLy on Wells Si.. Iaorth. Moved by Miiler, seeonaed by ,,i>icsiieil i,nat the mauter be reierreci vo the Fire , Ligtlt; & Slater Committee. i Carried. %I Coinojujoation received from Emil Bahnke asking icer an ax�auaion of tima .,eiore vouueuting tivith the beware hivvdu by Paboo, beconded by Miiiar uh" the itt u6cLe bes raiarrc di to tna F�.rc, Li ;n i. &> 7:u�or Commit tee. Cary ied. i The ;,,x uaou�•ar anu cleric reVor is covey ung tua -' month of April was read and ordered filed. i Librarian's report read and ordered filed. Ord No. 846 relative to delinquent local improvement assessments was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance committee. Ordinance No. 847 authorizing the issuance of bonds in Dist 166 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance co-.=ittee. Ordinance No. 848 authorizing the issuance of bonds in Dist 167 was read and on motion' referred to the Ordinance committee. The Ordinance committee reported favorably, on Ordinance Nos. 846, 847 and 848 whereupon Ord No. 846 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. Ord. No. 847 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. Ord. No. 848 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane , Crook, Miller, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. City Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been filed against Resolution 413, 1st .Ive. North. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that the city attorney bring in an ordinance covering 1st eve . North. Carried. Resolution No. 417 providing for the improvement of Garden Ave. et al was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the Resolutign. be adopted. Carried. Resolution No. 418 providing for theAmpro vement of Blook ;"A" Town was read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Mitchell that the Resoltuign be adopted. Carried. This being the night, for opening bids on cast iron pipe, the same were opened and read. Move& by Miller, seconded by Kane that the bids be referred to the Fire ,Light & Water Committee and the City Engr to report next Tuesday. Carried. Meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. 20 May 15, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , Crook, I,Iiller, Pasco , Avey and Kitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. J. Dobson for permit to make altera- tions in house on Lot 8, Block 33, Smithers, was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that the petition be granted. Petition of John Guiliani for permit to made an addi- tion to house on Tract 43, Tobins D.C. was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by L11itchell that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of J. J. Rauma to remodel and shingle roof of house on Lot 8, Block 18, Town was read. Moved by nvey, seconded by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: ` CURIE NT - Cit of Renton Park Assessment - - - - : 167 .20 475 Pay Roll (St. Dept) - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 4179 .65 481 480 Ser Ldry & Cleanrs Ldry-Fire & Police Dept - 19.50 Gas & Oil - - - - 31.29 2 Hamilton Bros. 3•F.Bishop Co. Power mower, 350.00 3, Park - _ _ _ _ Joe 'Mood Fees - - - - - - - - - - - 12.50 4 18.43 5-495 Renton Hdw Co. Supplies - - - - - - - - - Al Morgan Gas & Oil - - - - 1.44 6 Arthur Trudgian Painting - Library 96.00 7 - - - - - 3.67 8 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - _ _ _ 9 .50 9 M Pae. Tel & Tel Telephones - - - - - _ 5.86 490 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ 54.38 1 Aenton Sand & Gravel Gas Oil- - - - - - - - 6.67 2 Reid & Cook _ _ _ _ 56.93 3 Renton Agency Material & Libor_ _ _ - _ _ 5.68 4 ,,Villiams & O'Hara Gas & Oil ., NxTER _ yp174.64 806-811 Pay Roll (Nater DeptGas & Oil - - - - - - - - 19 .59 12 - Al Morgan - - - - - - 85.03 13 Peerless Co of �'Vash Material - - - - _ _ X70 14 E.A.She are r Supplies - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - 35.62 15 City of Seattle 'Nater - IIoved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tions of the Finance Committee be carried out . Carried. St. & Alley Committee reporteceuovavorable ly onns othe petition of G. H. Williams for placing Third Ave. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the report be accepted.. St. & Alley Committee recommended. changing the avenues names of certain streets &seconcledoby Crook that the report Moved by Pasco, be accepted and recommendationcarried- stas suggested.y steps taken to change the names of Carried. 11 i CQe k ra�delinq that assessment whichdhadde a collection o `�• formerly been paid. Miller that the City Moved by Kane , seconded by property. Carried. Treasurer return $1.90 to the owner of the prop X13 Fier r•�;+ The Fire, Light & Water Committee, to whom was re- ferrred the bids on iron pipe, recommended the bid of the American Cast Iron Pipe Co in the sum of 92131.12 for 2300 ft 6" pipe and 1700 ft 4" pipe Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the report be accepted and contract entered into for the -purchase - of the above pipe. Carried.. The City Engr recommended the allowance of an estimate in the sum of ; 900.00 to G.A:Harner for work done in L.I.D.162. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that the recommendation of the engr be carried out. Carried. Estimate No. .l in the amount of 41400.00 to . dams Bros on account -of work completed in L.I.D.§169 was recommend- ed by the city engr. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that the recommenda- tion of the engr be carried out. Carried. Ord. No. 849 for the improvement of F irst1ve. No. between Park and 1,1ain Street was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 849 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane, Tiller, Crook, Pascorp Avey and Mitchell. The following bids , for the sewer improvement on Second eve eastward, were opened and read: Dist 170 E. E. Duff - - - - - - - - - - - -1248.00 Adams Bros - - - - - - - - - - - 239.00 Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that thecontract be awarded to the lowest bidder. Carried. Moved by Boas , seconded by Crook that the City attorney be instructed to communicate with the N. P. Ry- relative to infringement of our rights. Carried. Complaint was made of the street car parking on 3rd & Main too long with the car d-oor open making it danger- ous for motor vehicles to pass. . Moved by i:Iiller, seconded by Kane that the matter be! left in the hands of the St & Alley Committee and the ci.tyengr. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. Carried. �r.r s May 22, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 Y. L . by Mayor Beanblossom, Present. Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and 1:1itchell. "Nor I: inates of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of U. Grady to reshingle building on Lot 12, Block 22, Town was read. Moved by kvey, seconded by Crook that the °petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Matt Lux to erect house & garage on Lot 10, Block 21 Morgan°s Grand View was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of S. H. Wiberg to make addition to sterlee house on Lot 12, Block 19 , Town was read. 'Vloved by Kane , seconded by Lvey that the petition be granted.. Carried.. Petition of Ben "' tkinson to repair building on Lot 6. Block 20 , Town was read. Moved by Miller, seconded. by Pasco that same be re- ferred to the Fire, .dight & ,`dater Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Enoch Hyde to erect garage on Lot 7, Block 25 , R. F. P. was read. Moved. by Miller, seconded by Crook that the matter be referred to the Fire, Light & 'mater Committee with power to act. Carried. lawo Petition of Martin Lopanto remodel house on Lot 6, Block 2, Town was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by vey that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of S. Vechioni to erect coal shed on Lot 17 , Block 37 , Smithers was read.. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Sam Porcello to erect garage on Lot 8, Block 32, Smithers was read.. .Moved by Pasco , seconded by kvey that the same be referred to the Fire, Light & "later Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of N. C. D. Edwards tomeonstruct sidewalk and driveway in front of his property on 1st rive. North. Moved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that same be grant- ed subject to the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of kdams Bros to enlarge driveway on Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, Motor Line odd, was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed. Carried. - , Communication read from Davis & Ingersoll request- "P", ing that a certain fence across Meadow St. be removed. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee. Carried. U t 1396] k St . & Uley Committee recommended that four police signs be installed on Third Ave. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane thatthe recommenda- tions be carried out . Carried. City -roperty Committee submitted. lease and agree- ment between the Park Board and Williams & Son and recommended favorable action. that recommendations be., carried out & NOW Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook/that the Mayor be authorized to sign the lease and agreeokt Same carried unanimously. Kane,Miller,Crook,Pasco, hvey ana Mitchell. Communication received. from Reed Millhuff on Comfort Station; the Mayor turned same over to the City Property Committee. Mr. Scheklert complained of his sidewalk -being broken in places. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the; - -St & Alley Committee and the city engr for investigation. Carried-. Bond of Adams Bros was presented. Moved by Mlitehell, seconded by Kane that the bond be accepted and contract entered into with Adams Bros. in L.I.D.170. Carried. The matter of oiling the streets wa bFQught up land discussed and same was highly recommend�� 8 diad tried the same out* • Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that a notice be published in the paler stating the cost of oiling by blocks, j" etc;. Carried. " No further business meeting adjourned. f CLERK MAYOR 1 C 22� May 29 , 1928. . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. lei. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Kane , Boas, miller, Crook, Ivey and Mitchell. VAW Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of hike lrnone to erect garage on Lot 5, Block 2, R.F.F. was read, lvfoved by Kane, seconded by ditchell that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of 71m. fanuel to make addition to house on Lot 19 , Block 6, Car `fforks read. idloved by Mitchell, seconded by Ivey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Gustine to break curb on Lot 16, Block 1, Car .!Yorks was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the St & alley Committee. Carried. Petition of the Pao . Tel Co. set six poles on the west side of Shattuck-."Jhitworth Sts alley was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by miller that same be ` referred to the Fire , Light & water Committee with power to act. Carried. St. & klley Committee, after investigation, recommended that the sidewalk in Impt Dist. 1169 , be accepted. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the report be received and filed. Carried. Report read from the zngr. relative to data on Resolution 417. Moved by Kane, seconded by :filler that same be received and placed on file . Carried. `rngr. reported on Resolution 418 by giving the necessary data as required. Moved. by Boas , seconded by I,Zitchell that same be received and placed on file . Carried. Communicatho read from Bureau ourcity Control stating that 3000 lbs ��11 seconded b Miller total cost of 0139 .50. y Moved by Boas,1that the plan as outlined by the Bureau be carried out and the city engr provide a suitable place for storing the bait. Carried. Ord. No. 850 changing the names of certain streets and avenues was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ord. No. 851, granting to officers the right to examine property for earwigs was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committe�inancerejorteNofavorably was on Ord Nos . 850 and 851, whereupon O read a second and t hird time and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane , &filler, Crook, kvey and Mitchell. Ordinance No. .851 was read a second and third- 1j time and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye; BoE.s, Kane, Miller, Crook, Lvey and laitchell. Protest receved from certain property owners on Garden kve and the matter Movea by Boas , seconded by Kane that hearing be contld-/ referred to the St & Alley Committee . Carried. Pretest read from the owner of Block "Ktt protesting against the improvement. hearing be continued. e vreek ana Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell thathe matter be referred to the city attorney for an opinion. aCarried. Protest read from H. Schellert on Marion St. sidewalk. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the matter be laid on the- table for future reference. Carried. Ur, Peacock asked for permit to move Yeomen Hall. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that the same be (turned over to the Fire , Light & ':later Committee with power to laet. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. CLERK MAYOR a i • I I i 6 June 5 , 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. lni. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas , Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read. and. approved. � Petition of Ike Hancock to remodel building to be moved on Lot 24, Block 18, R.F.P. Moved by 2,vey, seconded by Miller that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of `. . .Klingo to break curb on Lot 12, • Block 33,° Smithers lst was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St &- Alley Committee. Carried. Petition of J. L. Jones to reshingle house on Lot 11, Block 34, Smithersswas read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by �'wey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: CURRENT Wt s. Pay Roll St . Dept - - - - - - - - - - : 154.70- 5-10 Strain Coal Co Fuel - - - - - - - - - - 20.75 511 Riaes Ser Sta Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - 5.91 512 Jas Hardie Supplies - - - - - - - - - 10.47 513 Woods Cafe Prisoners' meals - - - - - - 8.75 514 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds - - - - - - 25.00 515 , C.V.A.11attison Painting Fire Truck- - - - - 60.00 516 P.S.P.& L.Co Lights - - - - - - - --- 266.75 517 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - - - - 17.51 518 low., Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel - - - - - - - - - - 73.50 519 D.D. 'Tatson Dog Catcher - - - - - - - - 54.00 520 Tom Dobson I Son Bond Prem - - - - - - - - - 60.00 521 Wilson & l arlowe TT ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.00 522. Pao. Tel & Tel Co. Telephones - - - - - - - - - 8.35 523 ' Frank B.Wilson Inc Library Books- - - - - - - - 11.59 524. Pao Library Bindery Tf Supplies _ _ _ _ _ z6.50 526 5*68 525 H.B.Hunting Co Books _ Hertzberg Bindery it it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 115.00 527 Union Library Assn " tt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9.35 528 Renton Hdw Co. " Supplies - - - - - - 4.35 529 Marian Duff " Services - - - - - - 6.00 530 Pioneer Supplies - - - - - - 2.50 531 Great Western Ti _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.50 532 Trick & Murray Ti - - - - - _ 6.22 533 Shearer ii - _ _ _ _ 8.13 534 E•A• - - 5.00 535 A.N.Richmond. Expenses - Filing Fee - 1-4.64 536 O.K.Garage Gas & Oil - _ _ _ _ 6,25 537 E.A.Shippey Drayage - - - _ Joe Wood. Fees - - - - - - 12.50 538 Hamilton Bros Gas & Oil - - - - 11.64 539 J.E.Viowe Supplies - - - _ _ _ 1.05 540 _ 312.50 541 Williams & Son Park Labor - - 2.00 542 E.H.Paull Labor - _ _ 112.25 543 Renton Chronicle Legal publications - Wa.TER - 235.18 819-24 41 Pay Roll Water Dept _ _ _ _ _ _ 1976 825 City of Seattle Water _ _ - 42.20 826 Trick & j,.urray eater Books - _ _ _ 11.75 827 See & Sons Lumber - - _ _ _ _ 54.63 828 Peerless Co Supplies - _ _ _ _ _ 45 .71 829 P.S.P.& L.Co Power _ _ _ _ 19 .25 830 Frank E.Rhodes Labor & Material- - 113 4 2 Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. St. & Llley Committee 'askeci that the hearing on Garden Ave improvement be continued two weeks. Granted. Ord. No. 852, prohibiting the driving of motor vehicles while under the influence of intoxicating liquor was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 852 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Opinion of the city attorney on protest of property owner of Block "moi" was read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that the report be received and placed on file. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that protest ggainst the improvement of Block "t1" Town, be tabled indefinite- ly and that Ordinance creating the district brought in. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on First Ave. North, Dist 171, the following were read: Adams Bros. - - - - - - - - - X792.80 G.A.Harner - - - - - - - - - 734.20 Moved by Boas , seconded by Crook that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk _-tel Mayor. 4 s s 228 June 12, 1928 The Council met in reE.-alar session at 8 P. m. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Kane , I.Liller, Crook, Pasco , "vey and- Mitchell, ndMi.tchell, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of J. F. Crook to erect two garage stalls on Lot 3, Block 16, Town read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs . k. B. Lindgren to raze old store building on Lot 10, Block 5, R.F.P: read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John T. Edivards to reshingle house on Lot 24, Block 31, Smithers, read, luoved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition read from certain citizens requesting the { re$eal of the dog ordinance and suggesting a license fee on , all dogs. " i�fter considerable discussion it was moved by Kane , seconded by xvey that the matter be turned over to the Ord- inance committee for report. Carried. St & Talley Committee reported. favorably on the - petitions of Gustine and Klingo. r.►r Moved by Ifiller, seconded by Crook that the report be received and the curbing broke under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. The treasurer' s and the clerk 'sreports covering I the month of May were read and ordered filed. "Engr report read recommending the allowance of estimate No. 3 in the sum of9%2750. to G. ,.. Harner for work 000mpleted in L.I.D.#162. Moved. by Mitchell, seconded by IIiller that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . Carried. Report of the Renton Public Library was read and ordered filed. Ordinance No. .853 providing for the improvement of Block "i3.n Town was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee* Ordinance No. 854 , appropriating the sum of w139 .50 to pay for earwig bait was ._•ead and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. I The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 853 whereupon it was placed upon its seoond and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , i�vey and I,Iitchell. Bond in the amount of $734.20 from G.ia.Harner cover- ing work to be done in Dist 171 received, I Moved by Kane, seconded by ed to sier gn the bond- nacte accepted and the T�iayor & Clerk authors with G. 1. Harner. Carried. No further business aI;.pearing, meeting adjourned. U t 13 9 a 2 419 June 19 , 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F. Id. by Mayor Beanblossom, Present: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Ivey and ;,Iitchell. Yi.nutes of the last meeting read 'arid. ajproved. Petition of LI. V. Erickson to erect three garages on Tract 17 , Tobins D.C. read. Moved by i:Iitchell, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of W. E. Isackson to raze coal shed and erect new one on Lot 19 , Block 3, Car Works was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 'Thos. Olsen to reshingle and torepair house on Lot 24, Block 13, R. F. P. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of S. 19I. Stanley to move building to be used dor lunch and soft drink counter on Lot 5, Block 33, Smithers was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Ilitchell that same be granted. Carried. application for soft drink license read from S. I:i. Stanley. KioveI by Crook, seconded by Boas that same be referr- ed to the license committee. Carried. Petition of W. C. D. Edwards to erect a show room and gas service station on hots 1, 2, 3 Block 3, Sartorisville; also petition to break curb on above lots. Moved. by Kane, seconded by Boas that the petition for show roomMand service station be granted and, petition°to break curb be referred to the St & Daley committee. Carried. Petition of J. S. Tonkin to move store building from / Lot 17 , Block 26, Town to Lot 12, Block 25, Town was read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the Fire , Light Sc '~tater Committee for report. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT Wts, Pay Roll St. Dept - - - - --- - - - - - X192.12-553-57 Al Morgan Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - - 9.35 8 Ser Ldy & Cleaner F.D.Ldry - - - - - - - - 2.70 9 Renton Garage Gas 7 Oil - - - - - - - 7.21 560 Earlington Impt Club Lights - - - - - - - 30.60 1 Aowma.n & Hanford Library Books - - - - 5.81 2 R. M. Thorne Bond Prem - - - - 22.00 3 Creofloat Mfg. Co. Disinfectants - - - - 7.89 4 'Nash. t'lmiesite Co. �Lmiesite patch - - - - 212.75 5 R. 0. Brown Sharpening Tools - - - 2.00 6 Pac. Car To Fdry Labor - - - - - - - 1.50 7 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - - - - - 5.73 8 Great Nestern E1 Chem. Chlorine - - - - - - - 313.50 9 McPherson Furn Supplies - - - - - - - 44.55 570 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil - - - - - - 9 .50 1 Owl Cafe Meals - - - - - - - .90 2 Mayner Motor Labor - - - - - - - 12.70 3 mp-gnolia Killing Co. Earwig Bait- - - - - - 139.50 4 P.S.P.& L. Co. Lights - - - - - - - 257.20 5 Strain Coal Co. Fuel - - - - - - - 20.75 6 X30 IU0ER FUND Pay Roll Water Dept.- - - - - - - 4125.38 - 832-37 Al. Morgan Gas & Oil - - - - - - - 7.62 838 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power - - - - - - - 101.04 839 SPECIAL WATER FUND J. S. Hardie Supplies - - - - - - - 90.17 840 Pac. Water las Deters - - - - - - - 475:00 1 Rensselaer Valve Co. Supplies- - - - - - - 89 .80 2 Moved. by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that all bills be paid as recommended by the Finance Committee. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that the Comfort Station matter be turned over to the city -attorney and a notice to vacate served on tenant. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the recornmenda- tion be carried out . Carried. St. & Alley Committee reported that grass and weeds were still overhanging certain sidewalks. Moved by Pasco, seconde& by Miller that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ''later Committee for re. ort. Carried. Letter of thanks received from the Library Board, same was ordered filed. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. 854 whereuiion it was placed upon its second and -third reaclings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco , l.,vey and Mitchelle j resolution No. 419 authorizing the city treasurer to pay money out of the Special 7.7--ter Fund was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that same be adopted4 Carried. Fire , Light & :'tater Committee recommended. that the Fire Station at Logan & Tobin be razed and the lumber used for something else. The same being put to a vote carried unan- imously. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by 11iller that a Resolution of Intention for the improvement of Main St. by a sub-sewer be brought in. Carried. i No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. . i low I Y. 136j 231 ` June 26, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Ilayor Beanblossom at 8 P. M. Roll Call. 'Killer, Pasco and , '�vey. There being no quorum, the council adjourned. i i Clerk. i 232 July 3, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. I1, with Yayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , nvey and .1a 1,itchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition to erect house and garage on hot 1, Block 21, R. F. P. was read. 1,11oved. by Killer, seconded. by "My that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of 1dTrs. Fred ILinardi to make addition to house on hot 11, Block 19 , R. F. 13. read.. Moved by IiIi Uchell, seconded by Ivey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jessie E.I. Sterret to make addition to house on Lot 12, Block 22, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Killer that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Edmund Cross to erect house on hot 6. Block 6, Har 'Yorks read. Idloved. by l itchell, seconded by 3d filler that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Sam J. Smythe to remodel house on Lot 24, Block 12 , Car °forks read. Moved by ..vey, seconded by lUtchellthat same be grante Carried. Petition of Peter Dullahant to erect garage and shed on Lot 10, 3lock 2, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Hiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ray N. Davis to erect service station on Lot 13, :Block 6, R. F. P. read, moved by Kane , seconded by Iiller that same be granted Carried_. Petition of Ray N. Davis to break curb on 1,ot 13, Block 6, R. F. t'. was read. I;Ioved. and seconded that same be referred to the St. & alley Committee. Carried. The St. & alley committee resorted favorably on same, whereupon it was Iroved by Crook, seconded by ,nvey that the petition be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of Geo Peacock to raze old store building on Lot 17 , Block26, Town was read. Moved by Miller, seconded by nvey that same be granted* Carried. Petition to erect store building on Lots 16 and 17 , Block 26, Town was read from 1m. A. Blackadder. Moved by Iitchell,seconded by Croo$ that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. Z. Denzer to erect small house on Lot 6, Block 6, Car "+orks Addition read. Moved by Crook, seconded. by ,,.Vey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and. recommended for pay- ment the following bills: 14113961 233 CURRENT lilt s. Pay Roll (St. Dept. ) - - - - - - - - - - "220.81 -586 '1 Joe flood -Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.00 592 Al.. I,Iorgan- Gas & Oil - - - - - 10.63 593 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - 2.40 594 Hamilton Bros Gas % oil - - - - - 28.44 595 Thos . Harris, F.I.I. Stamps & Env. - - 25.21 596 `�-- E. H. Paull, Labor - - - - - - 13.50 597 Marian Duff Library Asst. - - - 6.75 598 ',Villiams Park Conf. Park Labor - - - - 62.50 599 A. N. Richmond Service Fee Exp - - 2.40 600 Gl.adding, McBean Sewer pipe - - - - 47.74 601 H.B.7Jilson Co. Library Supplies- - 10.50 602 ✓ Trick& Murray Su;jplies - - - - 92.09 603 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - - - - - - 5.73 604 Vince Stewart Expenses - - - - - 3.40 605 General Repair Shop Park Expense- - - - ° 3.00 606 - Floods Cafe Prisoners Meals - - 12.65 607 Renton Agency Fire Dept Chassis - 316.08 608 Renton Agency Labor & Material - 12.96 609 Z9kT ER pay Roll (Water Dept) - - - - - - - - - 133.48 846-49. Winegar Printing Printing- - - - - 19.00 850 Renton Agency Material- - - - - 7.65 851 Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from the City Engre recommending the pay- ment of "203.15 on L.I.D.170 to°.dams. Bros. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the recommenda- tion be c&rried. out . Carried. St. & Alley Committee reported favorably on the petition of"N.C.D.Edwards to break curb on lst «ve. North. Moved. by Crook, seconded by Lvey that the petition be granted subject to the supervision of the city engr. Carried.. Iolice & License Committee reported. favorably on the petition of S. 'Ll. Stanley for soft drink license. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and license granted. Carried. Fire , Light & "dater Committee reported favorably on the petition of J. S. Tonkin, to move his store building. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by, .ILvey that the petition be granted subject to the following provision to be inserted by the City nttorney: "That the building will be moved within 90 days upon written notice from the City Council. Report was made of progress on the city portals and ' a request for an appropriation of "75.00 from the city toward- erection owarderection of same. ;Moved by Mitchell, seconded by xvey that the matter be, referred to the :'Jays & Means Committee. Carried. Protest against L.I.D. 173 iinpt was read and filed. This being the night for opening bids on Block � impt , Dist 173, the following were read: �- E. E. Duff - - - - - - - - - - - ;'335.00 !,Aams Bros .- - - - - - - - - - - 385.00 G. A. Harner - - - - - - - - - - 318.75 Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder. Carried. Resolution No.420 for the impt of Main St. was read. Moved. by I! itchell, seconded by Crook that the Resolu- tion be adopted. Carried. No f3ptper business, meeting adjourned. 3 July 10, 1928. Regular .meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom, Present; Boas , Kane , 1"Litchell, Pasco , vey and Crook. Minutes .of the last _meeting read and. approved. .nrr Petition of N.- I . Thomas to make addition to house on Lot 14, Block 32, Smithers, read. 11oved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Don Johnson to erect shed on Lot 14, Block 7, Car Sorks, read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petitiorwof Jacob Koss to make addition to house on Lot Z1, Block 11, Car Works, read. 1.1oved by Svey, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Treasurer's report covering the month of June read and ordered filed. Clerk 's „report covering the month of Jure read and ordered filed. Rei ort of the Renton Library read and ordered filed.* .:Mgr's report read recommending an allowance of x,453.60 under Dist 169 to ,Adams, Bros. ,'loved by Crook, seconded. by Kane that the report be received and recommendations garr•ied` out . Carried. Ordinance No. 855, fixing the water rates was read and. on motion referred to the -Ordinance Committee: The Ordinance Committee reporter favorably on Ord. 855 whereupon it was placed inion its second and third readires and , passed as a whole , all councilihen present voting aye; Boas, Kane , Mitchell, Pasco , Avey and. Crook. ' Certified check in the amount of 1,318.75 received from G.A.Harner on Dist 173. Moved by fiasco, seconded by Kane that check be accepted and the Mayor & Clerk enter into contract with G.A.Harner. Carried. Resolution leo. 421, fixing the date of hearing on the Assessment Roll Dist 170 read. Moved by Kane, seconded- by i1itchell that same be adopted. Carried. To further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk i Mayor. 3 July 17, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 E.Y. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Miller, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Petition of E. A. Fuller to remodel house on Lot 13, Block 32, Smithers lst Add. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Mary Ditlevenson to reshingle house on. Lot 59 Block 21, Town read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Adolph Diambri to make addition to house on Lot 14, Block 15, R. F. P. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment thenfollowing bills: Current Wts. Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4192.13==2-27 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Supplies- - 7.89 628 New Method Bk Bindery IT " - - 2.15 9 Hertzberg Bindery it " - _ 12.65 630 Dodd, Mead & Co. It tt - - 7.00 1 Renton Haw Co. " - - 13.51 2 Jas . Sutherland n Expense - - 12.00 616 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher - - 42.00 7 Geo. Russel Read Co. Library Expense - - 1.37 633 Demco Library Supplies " " - - 13.59 4 Trick & Murray Supplies - - 3.09 5 Wellaee & Tierman Material - - 124.89 6 Pa,-3, Tel & Tel Telephones - - 6.15 7 King Printing Co. Printing - - 7.50 8 Pettie Printery it - - 7.50 9 Seattle Waxine Co. Supplies - - 48.55 640 0, F. Beil Park Expense - - 50.00 1 Claude G. Ban-nick, Shff Prisoners Meals- - 2.00 2 R. 0. Brown Labor - - 2.25 3 New Renton Bakery Pound Supplies - - 9.75 4 Al Morgan Gas & Tir e - - 17.72 5 J. S. Hardie Supplies - - 7.52 6 Marian E. Duff Library Asst. - - 6.00 7 Williams & McKnight Supplies - - 13.80 8 J. E. Vioue " - - .85 9 Joe Wood Fees - - 20.00 650 City of Renton Park Assmt - - 35.50 1 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel - - - 129.55 2 P. S. P. & L. Go. Lights - _ ` 249.63 3 Chas. Haleway Repair Work - 7.50 4 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. - - _ _ _ - _ _ 89.93 853-57 29.25 8 City of Seattle Water Oil - - - - - - - - - 6.13 9 Al Morgan P.S.P.& L. Co. Power - - - - - - _ _ _ 86.21 860 SP EC IAL A.TER FUND 00 861 Pe.c . Water Works Supply Co. Meters- - - - - - 475. Material - - - - - 31.60 2 Peerless Co. of ,`dash Cement - - - .90 3 Colby & Dickinson 23 ` Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Carried. A representative of the Harrington Seaboard. Corpora- tion wasp resent and explained the traffic signal lights. The Mayor suggested. that the street & alley committee and. the Fire, Light & Water Committee work in conjunction, and bring in a report within the next two weeks on the signals. Report read from the City Engro recommending an allowance of $717.70 to G. A. Harper in Dist 171. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried.. Report read from State of Ifiashington, Department of Health on analysis of effluent from sewage disposal plant, Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that same be received and placed on file . Carried. Resolution No. 422 fixing the hearing on assessment roll Dist 171 read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that same be adopted. Carried. Resolution No. 423 authorizing the Treasurer to pay money of the Special Water Fund read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that same be adopted. Carried. No further business appearing, meetingadjourned. U Qlerk Mayor. x.39 Ff July 24, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order at 8 p.m. Payor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Application of David Morrison for permit to erect garage on Lot 20 in Block 2, R.F.Plat was read. Moved by Avey and seconded by Mitchell that permit be granted. Carried. Application of W.H.W�en for hermit to reshingle house at Lot 26, Block 3, C.W.Add. was read. Moved by Miller and seconded by Pacso that the permit be granted. Carried. Application of The Seattle Lighting Co. for permit to extend gas main westward on Tobin Ave . a distance of 100 feet was read. Moved by Mitchell and seconded by Avey that a permit be granted. Carried. The representative of an amusement company appeared before the council and asked for a license to operate a merry go round and other attractions. Moved by Pasco and seconded by Mitchell that the matter of granting a license be referred to the License Committee with power to act. Carried. The question of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Main Street and Bronson Way was discussed after which the Fire, Light and dater Committee recommended ,that such a device be installed. -- Moved by Miller and seconded by Avey that the report of sELid committee be recieved and concurred in. Carried. The Renton Athletic Cclub, in a communication to the Council asked that the afternoon of August Ist be declared a holiday OXL account of the Third Annual "later Carnival being held at that time. Moved by Pasco and seconded byCrook that the Mayor declare said afternoon as a holiday. Carried. Mr. Nielson of the Smither's Farm Dairy appeared before the Council in an effort to interest said council in taking steps to regulate the sale of milk in the City. after diseussinnit was moved by Pasco and seconded by Crook that the Health Officer be asked to report the best means of handling the situation. Carried. An application from R.UT.Milhuff asking for a license to operate a soft drink and card room in the Boas Bldg on Main Street was read. Moved by Mitchell and seconded by I'wey that the same be referred to the License Committee. Carried. The Clerk reported that no protests had been received against the proposal to create a special improvement district for constructing a se wer on Main St. Ordinance N0.856, creating a local improvement district for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer in main St. was read. Moved by Mitchell and seconded by Miller that the ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinatce No.856 238 whereupon it was moved by Crook and seconded by Pasco that Ordinance No.856 be plased. upon its second and third reading and passed as a whole. eyes;- Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. The City Engineer presented the final estimate to G.A.Harner for work completed in L.I.D. No.I62. Moved by Miller and seconded by Mitchell that the final estimate be allowed. Carried. There being no further business the Council adjourned. APP roved. City C rk� Mayor. I July 31, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Gall: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Avey, :Pasco ani Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of A. D. Angwin to alter house on Lot 15, Block 20, R. F. P. read. Mored by Kane, seconded by Boas that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Parker to erect wood shed on Lot 4, Block 8, Car Wks read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Mitchell that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Jas. J. Harmon to construct bungalow on Lot 10, Blk 1, Adsits Lake -Washington read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Boas that permit be granted. Carried. Petition of dim. G. Richards to make addition to house on Acre Tt J4, Renton Co-operative Coal Co read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of G. W. Beanblossom to construct brick chimney in show room of 0. K. Garage read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted . Carried. Petition of Thomas Rowe to break curb on let & Factory Sts. read. - Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be re- ferred to the St & alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Big Otto Show Co. for license to operate dog & pony show read.. Moved by Crook, seconded by -Kane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : Current Wts. Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - $188.38 06-71 n n Park - - - - - - 53.03 672-73 Williams Park Confec. Park Labor - - - - - 62.50 4 Arthur Trudgian Police & St. signs- - 31.75 5 doe Wood - -Y- - - - - - - - Fees- T _ 12.50 Bancroft 71hitney Co. uittiu nooks - - - - 50.00 7 Renton Garage Gas & Oil - - 3'25 8 Wallace & Tierman Material - - - - 38.50 9 0, F. Beil n Park - - - 8.75 680 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - 4.69 1 King Printing Co. Library Printing- --- 7.50 2 Water Pay Roll 'Water Dept. _ _ _ _ 150 .97 867-71 T3!iok & Murray Supplies - - - - - 34.26 872 Walworth C o. it - 2.61 3 - - - - - - 66.92 4 Peerless Co. of 'Nash Material 48.90 5 K.Lng Printing Co. Printing - - - - - 7 .00 6 Pettie Printery Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. z40 License Committee reported favorably on the petition of R. m. Millhuff to conduct soft drink and caid room in Boas Bldg. , Moved by Crook, seconded by Mitchell that petition be granted. Carried. City Property Committee recommended renewal of insurance on police car. Moved by Boas , seconded by Pasco that recommendation . of the above committee be carried out. C&rried: Engr. report recommending the allowance of final estimate in Dist 170 in amount of $35.85 to Adams Bros was read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Tiller that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. j Communication and report read from the Bureau of Earwig Control. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be placed on file . Carried. Ord finance No. 857 approving and confirming the assessment roll Dist 170 was read and' on motion referred to the ordinance committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 857 whereupon it was placed upon its seconded and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilment present voting aye- Boas,, Kane ,0 Miller, Crook, Pasco, Lvey and Mitchell. Resolution No. 424 fixing the date of hearing on Assessment Roll, Dist 162 was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be adopted. Carried. ' Moved by Boas, seconded by Miller that the matter of getting the N. P. CQ. to clean their right of way on Burnett st, be referred to the st. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. C lerk Mayor. - 1132 ,241 Aug. 8 * 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and 1ditchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petition of Peter Dullahant to break curb in front of Lot 10, Blk 2, R.F.P. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Ivey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of S. M. Wiberg for Thos Dobson to move house from Lot 16, to Lot 17, Blk 2, Motor Line Add, and remodel sfLme t read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of A. B. Lindgren to erect house on Lot 8, Blk, 59 R. F. P. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey "that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Peter Caneparolli to build basement on Tract 4, Renton Co-operative Coal Co . Acre Tracts read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. City Property Committee recommends that the 3d Ave. Comfort Station be repaired and put in order. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the report be, accepted and recommendations carried out . Carried. City property committee recommends that the two trucks and engineer's car kz be covered with liability insurance. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the same be referred to the City Property Committee for further investigation with power to act. Carried. Treasurer's report and clerk's report covering the month of July was read and ordered filed. Librarian's report read and ordered filed. Fire Chief Wood spoke of grass & weeds on vacant lots creating fire hazards and asked that the council take some action. The Mayor referred the matter to the city attorney for report. Communication read from Shorett, McLaren & Shorett relative to theSS reservoir. of Mr* Downie . Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the matter be turned over tothe Fire, Light Yater Committee to work in conjunction with the city attorney and report next Tuesday night. Carried. This being the night of hearing on the Assessment Roll Dist 171, no protests having been filed, Ordinance No. 858 approving and confirming the Assess- ment Roll, Dist. 171 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. g�AL 9 � 0 - The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 858 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Resolution No. 425 fixing the date of hearing on Ass6ssment Roll Dist 169 was read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that same be � 'adopted as read. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. . 't ' r x' ii 1 _ =_p The Council met in regular session at 8 F. 11, with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, Lvey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of C . J. Anderson to reshingle house on Lot 7, Blk, 17, Town, read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Boas that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mattie Bevan to reshingle house on Lot 49 Blk. 5, Sartisville read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas . Mitchell to erect garage° on Lot 199 Blk 5, Town read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Ozura to remodel house on' Lot 2, Bl.k, 319 Smithers read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of A. Beerman to reshingle house on Lot 23.9 Blk. 1, gmithers, read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller, that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. D. Hughes to repair house on •Lot 9 , Blk. 19 , Town, read. moved byn Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. E. Duff to erect house on Lot 1, B.Lk, 4, Smithers 6th, read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be grant- ecL. Carried. Petition of E. F. Betz to reshingle garage on Lot 13, Blk. 23, R. F. F.. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Thomas Rowe to made addition to oil station read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Miller that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Application for soft drink license re - from Rose Garnero read. Moved by Kane ,, seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the License Committee. Carried. mSt•. & Alley Committee reported unfavor4bly on the Petitions of Ray Davis and Thos Rowe to break curbing. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the report be aa'cepted and concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. • a , Cle rk 2jayor.. X44 Aug. 21, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Miller, Crook, Pasco and Avey. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of D. H. Mothorn to build garage. Moved by Boas , seconded by !,.vey that same be granted. Carried. Bros Petition of Brownin Carnival to conduct carnival. The Police & License Commi tee reporting favorably on same, i it was moved by Crook seconded by Pasco that the report be \ received and petition granted. Ctrried. Petition of Alice Davis to remodel house on Lot, 9 , Blk. 37 , Smithers 3d read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook- that same be granted. Carried . Petition of John Lamsek to reshingle and remodel house i on Lot 3, Blk 19 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. W. Campbell to reshingle Sartori School read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ivft. Jane to reshingle house at ,42� Whit- :y. worth St. Moved by Avey , seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. City Property Committee reported that a five year lease had been drawn up covering the occupancy of the Comfort 3tat- tion on Main St. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the report be accepted and the lease executed, mv4- the hours when same must be kept open to be from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Carred. Police & License Committee reported favorably on the petition of Rose Garnero for soft drink license. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the report be accepted and license granted. Carried-. Fire, Light & dater Committee asked that the letter relative toyniascoSeafile . seconded byMiller that bthe above Moved by Pasco, recommendation be carried out . Carried. e The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: CURRENT Wts. ) 0270.13-693-98 Pay Roll (St. Dept. ' ° ' 39.76 693 Union Oil Co Asphalt • Lights 248.86 700 P. S. P. & L. Co. 4.92 1 Pioneer Supplies E Arthur Trudgian Labor & Material. 16.12 2 n n 18.80 3 0 . Priebe 24.00 4 D. D. .watson Dog Catcher supplies 5.12 5 Trick & Murray 10.30 6 Pac . Tel & Tel CO Telephones 2.75 7 J. S. Hardie Supplies • „ 9.85 8 E. A. Shearer 7.75 9 Williams & McKnight Gas & Oil 16.15 410 Hamilton Bros. Labor 2.00 1 E. H. Paull a� 1vt s. Bishop Jenkins Mood p18.00 712... Western Tire Shop Material . 9.85 3 Standard' Oil Co. Supplies . . . . 2.25 4 Tom Dobson & Sons Insurance . . . 117.45 5 Vincent Stewart Expenses . . . 2.00 6 C.G.Banniek, Shff. Prisoners board. . . 31.00 7 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 27.38 8 Al Morgan IT " 20.26 9 Ser. Ldy & Cleanrs F. D. Ld.ry 3.00 720 General Repair Shop Labor & Material . . 12.90 1 Woods Cafe Prisoners Meals . 17,85 2 Joe Wood Fees 37.50 3 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil 17.12 4 Wm, Kane Labor F. D.. . o 17.50 5 Williams & O'Hara , Gas & Oil 7.39 6 WATER Pay Roll Water Dept. 57.50 878-82 0. Priebe Material 7.55 883 E. A. Shearer '1 1.65 4 P. S . P. & L. Co. Power 83.18 5 Moved by Miller, seconded by Boas that the Finance Committee's report be received and concurred in. Carried. Engr's report read recommending the payment of 4327.12 to Adams Bros. on L.I.D.169. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that payment of same be held up until next meeting night. Carried. Engr recommended the payment of x;126.64 to G.A.Harner on Dist 171. Moved by Crook, seconded by Boas that the -recommenda- tion of the engr be concurred in. Carried. Report read from engr recommending the payment of $270.00 to G. A. Harner for work done in L.I.D.173. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the engr's recommendation be carried out. Carried. Engr. recommended the payment of 4812.00 to G.A. Harner for work done in L.I.D.16P. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. Clerk reported no protests had been filed against L.I.D.162 , whereupon Ordinance No. 859 approving and confirming the assess- ment Roll, Dist 162 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 859 whereupon it was placed upon its secondand third read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilment present voting aye: Boas , Miller, Crook, Pasco and Avey. Moved by Avey, seconded by Boas, that the question of the °P. S. P. & L. Co. breaking walks to set poles be referred to the St & Alley Committee. Carried. Resolution No. 426 fixing the date of hearing on the Assessment Roll Dist. 173 read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be adopted. Carried. No bids were received on Main street sewer, Dist. 174 No further business, meeting adjourned. , Clerk Mayor. Aug. 280 1928, The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossbm presiding. Roll- Call.' ° Kane , Miller, Paac4 and Mitchell, ° Minutes of° the last meeting read and approved. - Petition, of M. Grady to reshingle house on Lot 5, Blk. 17, Town and° reshingle out-house on Lot 16, Block 17, Town, read, ° Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that petition be granted.. Carried. . . Petition. of See & Sons to re-roof office and sheds on Lot 6, Blk. 9 , Car Works read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that that petition be granted, Qarried.. Petition o� Emil Fontana to build basement on Lot 15, Blk. 33, $mlthers read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of John Adams to build basement and chimney on Lot 12 , Blk. 2, Motor Line Addition read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of G. A. Harner to build basement on Lot 249 Block 1, Smlthers read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of J. S. Covey to break curb on Lot 70 Block 21, Town read. ,Moved° by Kane , seconded by Miller that same be referred to the Street & Adley Committee . Carried. ' This being the night for hearing on the Assessment j Roll Dist. 169 , Marion St. Impt. protest was read from certa-44 property owners on Marion St. Moved by Miller,' seconded by Pasco that same be re- ferrel to the St & Alley Committee to confer with city attorney. Carried. St. & Alle,�y Iommittee reported that the N. P. Right of "Nay had been taken care of. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the en its report on Marion St. recommending the payment of the 30� reserve be held up until the Committee' s report is i brought in. Carried. Petition of property owners for ornamental street lighting was presented. same Moved by Miller, seconded.Committby co fortre ortbe keferred to the Fire, Light & Water Carried. The question towithhpower to actlogs trough the ty was referred to the S Y Commitee Carried. meetin adjourned. No further business appearing, g AAA &f Clerk ..• I Mayor i HiE1396j September 4, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by TZayor Beanblossom. Miller Present: Boas ,/Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Minutes ofthe last meeting read and approved. Petition of 0. K. Garage to bury a gas tank in the front end. of lot adjoining 0. K. Garage was read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that same be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of P. Poor to reshingle house on Grant St. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ed Morgan to erect garage on Main St. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jack Llewellyn to make addition to house and reshingle garage on Lots 8 and 9 Blk. 14, R. F. P. read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: CURRENT Wts. Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - - - - ,, 77.37-737-41& 56 Al Morgan Gas & Oil 5.57-742 E. H. Paull Labor - - - - - - - - - - x.00-'l4Z Hamilton Bros. Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - - 1.2.73-744 C. M. & St. Paul Freight on signal- - - - - - - 13.86-746. Renton Sd & Gravel Co. - Gravel - - - - - - - - 34.20-746 Wallace & Tierman- Material - - - - - - - - - - 5.50-74T Pac. Tel & Tel. Telephones - - - - - - - - - 10.75-74a Mac Ser. Sta Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - 2.13-749 Detroit Graphite Co. Paint - - - - - - - - - 35.65-750 West Disinfecting Co . Supplies - - - - - - - 9.50-:151 Vincent Stewart Expenses - - - - - - - - - 5.00 -752 Williams Pk Confectionery - Park Labor - - - - - 62.50-.753 0, K. Garage Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - 2.81-754 Renton Sd & Gravel Co. Labor & Material Tennis Court, Park- - - 636.56-755 WATER Pay Roll Water Dept - - - - - - - - - - - 479.84-890-94 City of Seattle Water - - - - - - - 214.28-895 Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Material- - - - - - - - 3.29-896 SPECIAL WATT Pay Roll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 120.85- 910 361.77- 897-909 Peerless Co of ""dashington IVTaterial- - Mooed by Boas, seconded.accepted. aby lndler that the recommendationsoearort �ied the Finanace Committee be out . Carried. St. & Alley Committee recommended that the final payment on the Marion Sto improvement be held up until the sidewalk has settled. rdoved by Boas , seconded by Crook that the reiort be Carried . accepted and recommendations carried out. s�A Resolution No. 427 authorizing the City Treasurer to pay money out of the Special or Sinking Fund read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i Clerk I , Mayor. i Sept. 11 , 1928. egular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8' P.M. By Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas, Kane , Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of M. D. Storey to shingle house on Lot 4, Block 1, R.F.P. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of M. R. Coleman to erect house on Lot 7, Block 1, R. F. P. read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the petition be granted. Carried. Petioh of J. G. Manville to make addition to house on Tract 23, Highland Addition read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Mitchell that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Dick Storey to put up staging for purpose of stuccoing building on Burnett St. read. ?loved by Avey, seconded by Pasco that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of L. Delaurenti to, break curb an Williams St . read. Moved by Boas , seconded by luvey that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. St . & Alley committee reported that hthe Covey petition had been acted upon favorably. The treasurer's and clark's reports covering the month of August were read and ordered filed. Communication read from Great Western Electro-Chemical Co . read, relative to our contract. Moved by Kane , seconded by Paitchell that the contract be signed by the proper officials . Carried. Communication received. from 'Nashington Surveying & Rating Bureau inviting the Fire Chief to Fire Convention in Sacramento. Moved by Paseo , seconded by Crook that the trans- portation and expenses of the Fire thief to the ConventioZI be paid. Carried. Cbomunication received from City Comptroller's Office , notifying us of meeting of Municipal officials to consider financial problems, etc. ve*vw- I&ved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the City xtty and City Clerk attend the meeti,ng. Carried. This being the night for hearing on Assment Roll Dist 173, 'Ylock "A" Town, protest received from Lot Davis, atty. ' i,,Ioved by Crook, seconded by IZitchell that the hearing be postponed two weeks . Carried. No further business , meeting adjournee)d* ie awil 6� A �� fClerk Mayor. j { i 2w Sept. 18, 1928. i The Council met in regular session at 8 F. m. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Miller, Crook, Pasco, xvey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. i Petition of F. A. Fuller to build basement on hot 20, Block 17 , Town read. Moved. b Mitchell, seconded by nvey that same be granted. Carrie. Petition of Geo. W. Custer to build garage on hot 11, Blk. 3, R.F.P. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchellthat petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo. W. Custer for permit to erect church on bots in Blk. 23, Town read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. I Petition of Geo. Peacock to reshingle porch on hot 14, Block 26, Town read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that petition be j granted. Carried. j Petition of Geo. Peacock to break curb on hot 14 , Blk. 26, Town, read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by kvey that same be re- ferred. to the St. & Alley Committee. Carried. Petition of S. 1,1, Stan).ey to Move hot dog stand back four feet and erect side shelters read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that same be re- ferred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee. Carried. Application for license to operate billiard and snooker tables in Boas building read from Reed Milhuff. Moved by Mitchell - seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the Police & License Committee. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: CURR-;NT Wts. Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - - - - _ 447 .42-76T=?72 McPherson Furn & Hdw. Co. Supplies- - 6.25-773 Great �iaestern 21. Chem Co. Chlorine- - - 314.00-774 Supplies- - - 4.14-775 J. S. Hardie Gas - - - 3.16-776 r Thos. Rowe Lights - - - 2.50.24-777 F.;.P.& L. Co. 10.50-778 � Zellerbach Paper Co. -SUPplies ,Comft.Sta.- -' 55.50-779 Zenith Agency, Inc. Fire Destrooyeerlies- - - 1.25-780 Remington Rand Bus . Ser. Gas &. Oil - - 23.80-781 Renton Garage Repair Work - 5.50-782 R. 0, Brown Drayage - - 4.00-783 Bishop & Jenkins _ 3.45-784 Williams & O'Hara Gas & Oil _ - 5.05-785 Seattle Lighting CO- Gas - Material- - - 25.75-786 Howard Cooper Copr. Supplies- - - 6.28-767 Trick & Murray Ldry - - - - 8.75-788 Ser. Ldry & Clearners Legal Pub._ _ 142.20_789 Renton Chronicle Suiplies - - 6.10-790 J. R. Vioue Labor - - 30.65-791 Mayner Motor Co. 1396 g WATER IM NSE FUND Wts. Pay Roll Water Dep . - - - - - - - - 7.47-97.2-14 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power - - - - - - - - 91.05-929 Renton Feed Co. Suiplies - - - - - - - - 6.70-930 SPE' IAL WATER FUND Pay Roll - - - - - - - -y 683.65-915A-926 Peerless Co. of Nash. Material- - - - - - 38.64-927 Olympic Fdry. Co. tt - - - - - - 37.05-928 Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the report of the Finance Committee be received and recommenda- tions carried out. Carried. Fire, Light & Water Committee asked that the matter of ornamental lighting be turned over to the city attorney for investigation. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion of the above committee be carried out and the city attorney and city engr bring in report next Tuesday night. Carried. The question of removal of poles and wires by the P.S.P.& L. Co. from overhead to underground within the ornamental lighting district was discussed: Moved by Boas, seconded by Killer that the matter be referred to the city attorney for an opinion. Carried-. Dr. Dixon reported on the analysis of the water systems i1a Renton and said same were all o. k. Report read from the Library and ordered filed. Ord. No. 860 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to issue bonds against L..I`.D.171 read and on motion referred to �- the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 860 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Boas , Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchello Ordinance relating to the licensing of second hand dealers read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. !Loved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that The matter of the Fire Chief's expenses to the Conventions =be- referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee to work in conjunction with the Fire -Chief and Fire Dept. Carried. Petition of citizens was presented asking that an election be called for the purpose of acquiring land for park purposes o3Q Lake Washington and for the issuance of bonds, read. Moved by Diller, seconded by Boas that the petition be referred to the City Property Committee for report. Carried. Resolution No. 428, authorizing the issuance of warrants out of the Special Water Fund read. Moved byb Mitchell, seconded by idiller that same be adopted. Carried. No further business , metting adjourned. Clerk 2 Mayor. J2 Sept. 25, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom, Roll Call: Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petition read from Albert Moe for permit to erect garage on Part of Lot 12, Blk. 18, Town. Moved by Killer, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried . Petition of Mary Arthur to make addition to house on Lot 14, Blk. 2, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kitchell, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of k. Rivoli to build basement on Lot 249 Block 33, Smithers 1st Add. read. Move& by Mitchell, seconded by Idiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John McLaughlin to re-shingle cabin on Lot 3, Block 22, R. F. P. read`. Moved by Kane, seconded by �vey that same be granted. Carried. Nays & Means Committee recommended that 075.00 be takaen from the Street Maintenance Fund to pay for city portal erected within the city limits. Moved by Kane, seconded by «vey that the report be accepted and instructions carried out. Carried. The Fire, Light & Nater Committee recommended the pay- ment of 0265.00 in Rill to Joe Mood, Fire Chief,, for expenses to conventions. Moved by Boas , seconded by Miller that the above recommendation be carried out. Carried. This being the night for hearing on Assmt Roll 173 same having been contiliiied from Sept.11th, the matter came up in due course , the owners of Blk. "All being reirresented by Lot Davis , who stated his objections , whereupon Ordinance No. 861 approving and confirming the Assessment Roll Dist 173 was read and on motion referred to the ,Ordinanee Committee. 1 Ord. The ordinance committee reported favorably on No. 861 whereukon it was placed upon its second and third. readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Ivey and Mitchell. The Mayor stated that the Police Judge would be absent about three months and appointed J. F. McFarland Police Judge Pro tem. Moved by Kane, seconded by Boas that the appointment be confirmed. Carried.unanimously. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that a special meeting be held Wednesday evening to consider the buo;get. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ,..r 3/5 NA Clerk, TTayor. t s 4U WN * a. 5 61 a. �rvY 5� 't�;c4r Ate(✓''� c t k � t k t. Y, f r- e p. F 9 T' Q� • r � l , L 7 1 �'.54 i 25 i October 1, 1928. 1 I i i i A special meeting was called to order by I;Zayor Beanblossom at 8 P. IA. for a hearing on the budget for the I year 19I�. j Present; Boas , Kane, lciiller, rLvey and Litchell. There being no objections to the budget as read, j it was i Moved by Kane , seconded by IviitcIBILthat the budget be adopted as read. Carried unanimously. On motion of Kane , seconded by Miller, the council adjourned. Clerk IuIay or. I -5001, 1 t 136 October 2, 1928. The Council met in regular session at 8 •. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas , Kane , !miller, Avey and 11-itchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Paul Bassen to shingle and repair house on Lot 4, Block 11, Sartori, read. Moved by Boas, seconded by Miller that same be. granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Janet Faa.11 to make repairs on house on Lot 12, Block 2, R. F. P. read. ' Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Andrew Postishek to shingle house at 620 Reldton Ave. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by kvey that same be granted. Carrierd. Petition of David Luke to build basement on Lot 91 Block 2, R. F. P. read. Iloved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that Same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Lighting Co. to extend gas supply line on Felly St. from 3rd to 5th Ave. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by. Miller that petition ebe granted. Carried_. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: CURRENT ffts. Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - - X91.07 805-10 Fettie Printery Printing Bonds - - - 9.00 811 E. H. Paull Labor - - - - - 3.00 812 Lowman & Hanford Books - Library - - - - - 73.80 813 Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel t' - - - - - 16.20 814 mcPherton Fern Supplies - - - - - 16.50 815 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance - - - - - 4.3.88 816 Wilson & Marlowe , tt - - - - - 43.89 817 Renton Hdw Co. Supplies - - - - - 3.25 818 E. A. Shearer 5.36 819 Williams Pk Conf. Park Labor - - - - - 62.50 820 Renton Tire Shop Labor F. D. - - - 5.00 821 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil - - - - - 4.14 822 Trick & Murray SuNplies o - - - - - 10.82 823 Bishop & Jenkins Drayage & Fuel - - - - _ 25.00 824 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel - - - - 13.54 825 25 826 Gladding, McBean Co. Material - - - 13.17 827 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil - - _ _ _ .9Q 828 Renton Feed Co. Cement - Great Western El. 1,.Iaterial - - - - - 9 .00 829 K.E. rickson Co. Traffic Markers - - - - - 45.00 830 E A1. Morgan Gas & Oil - - - - _ 13.21 831 Renton Auto Freight Drayage - - - - 3.82 832 Renton Agency Inc . Labor & Material- - - - 119 .58 833 Wr"LT"r_',RR "pater Dept. - - - - - 24.96 -`•'4'5-946 Pay Roll Renton Agency Inc* La;;or 25.87 -947 City of Seattle tt - - - - - - 8.84 -948 Tt tt Water - - - - - - 57.12 -948 Peerless Co. of Nash. Material - - - - - - 35.00-949 IAT, ern -MVR 'CTNJ Pay Roll - - - - - - - - -X412.94-934-44 Peerless Co . of `clash. Material - - - - - - 27.00 95M American Cast Iron Pipe Iron Pipe - - - - -2138.69 951 f .� 2-5-4 Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the report of the Finanae Committee be received. and recommendations carried out. Carried. The city atty. reported that the petition fcr the crea- tion of a L.I.D. for purpose of installing ornamental street lights was insufficient to meet the requirements of the statute and it lao� would therefore be necessary to initiate the impt by the introduc- tion of a Resolution of Intention. Moved by Boas , seconded by in. Kane that the report be accepted and filed and. Resolution of I.brought Carried.. . Engr's report read. recommending the payment of reserve amounting to Q47.64 to G. A. Harner oU Dist 173. Moved by Kane , seconded by �.vey that the report be received and recommendations carried, out. Carried. Report of Engr. on st. lighting read and ordered filed. Ord. 862 repealing Ord. 782 prohibitin& the maintaining of Pool Halls in certain parts of the city read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ord. 863, adopting a Budget for the year 1929 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, Ord. 864, fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1929 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos. 862, 863 and 864, whereupon Ordinance No. 862 was placed upon its second and. third readings and. passed_ as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Boas, Kane , i Miller, Avey and Iilitehell. I Ordinance No. 863 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Boas , Kanet Killer, Ivey and Mitchell. Ordinance No. 864 was, read. a second and third- time hirdtime and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Boas, Kane, biller, r�vey and Mitchell. Resolution No. 429 authorizing the city treasurer to pay money out of the Special or Sinking Fund., read_. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that the Resolution' be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 430 for the improvement of Bronson Way and other streets by construction of an 6rn&nental' Lighting System read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that same be adopted as' read. Carried. No further business, motion to adjourn prevailed. d7 X41 Clerk ' Mayor. t 1�t1396a 25"7 Oct. 9 , 1928. Regular session-of the City g'ouncil w4s Galled to order at 8 P. i: . by Mayor Beanblossom, Roll Call: Boas , Kane, 11iller, Crook, Pasco , ,Ivey and Mitchell. 'Ito, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Yary Prieve to repair house on Lot 20, Tobins D. C. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. The License Committee reported favorably on the license of Reed Ylilhuff. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the report be received and license granted L7ilhuff to operate- pool hall. Carried. Treasurer' s and Clerk's reports covering the month of September read and ordered filed. Report of the Librarian read and ordered filed. Ordinance No. 865, authorizing the issuance of bonds in Dist 162, read and on motion referred. to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 865 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane , ldiller, Crook, Pasco , kvey and 1-Utchell. The Fire , Light and vVater Committee submitted a plan �... drafted by' the ";iter Supt. for increasing the water supply from Springbrook. Idoved by Kane , seconded by Boas that the matter be laid on the table one week. Carried• Fire, Light & ':Yater Committee recommended that a 6" watermain be °laid on �Villiams St . North from 6th t;ve to a point. 2300 fet. north. Moved by T:iiller, seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . Carried. The necessity for larger lights on certain streets was discussed. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell, that the matter be referred to the Fire , Light & ',Yater Committee with power to act,. Carried. .The City attorney reported that the City of Renton has won the suit against the Commercial ',Yaterway District to compel the payment of assessments levied against the district for local im provements. t.ccordinL; to the -judgment of the Court a Writ will issue against the commissioners of 3 Commercial 'Jaterway District No. 2 to compel them to draw warrants to -pay the outstanding and unpaid local improvements. l the case to the Supreme Court. They must either pay or appea There being no further business, meeting adjourned. 4r * Mayor. J, Oct. 16, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by IvTayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Boas, Miller, Crook, Pasco, ivey and Mitchell. I4Ioved by Crook, seconded bar Mitchell that we dispense with reading the Minutes until next regular meeting. Carried. Petition of Fred Peacock to,erect house and garage on Lot 7 , Block 19 , R. F. P. read. Moved. by Hiller, seconded by .Vi-vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. IV. Beanblossom to erect roof over wash rack on Lots 5 and 6. Block 34, Smithers read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. D. Bruce to make addition to house on Lot 4, Block 7, R. F. P. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of George Peacock to. erect garage on Lot 18, Block 28, Town read. Moved by IvUtchell, seconded by hiller that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ";iater Committee. Carried. Petition of Frank Davis to erect garage on Lot at J1116, 2nd Ave. read. Moved by uitchell, seconded by iivey that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ',Vater Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited End recommended for payi;tent following bills : CURRANT .- Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - - - x,180.92 - 843-8 Reid & Cook Labor & l"a.terial- - 73.00 849 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications- 99.00 850 McPherson Furn & Hdw Supplies - - - - - 15.00 851 R. 0, Brown Labor - - - - - 3.60 852 Al Idorgan Tire , etc- - - - - 12.00 853 Fac. Tel & Tel Telephones - - - - 10.95 854 Lawrence Fuel & Trafr Drayage - - - - 12.50 855 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - 4.43 856 Pettie Printery Printing bonds - - 16.50 857 i Ser. Ldry & Clearners Ldry, (F.D. ) - - 2.00 858 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - 3.40 859 Lagan Ridenour Court reporting- - 7 .50 860 861 Claude Banniek,Shff Prisoners meals - 24.98 862 Thos. Harries Envelopes , etc - Lowman & Hanford Supplies - - - - 8.50 863 New Renton Bakery " Pound - - - - 3.25 864 Hamilton Bros Gas & Oil - - - - 9 .38 865 See & Sons Lumber - - - - 30.20 866 A. Blackadder Labor - - - - 2.00 867 12.30 868 Williams & KeKnight Supplies - - _ _ 10.60 869 Renton Hdw Co. TT y Harrington-Seaberg 54.76 870 Corp.. Signal- - - - 64.52 870 1 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance- - - - T ,viLT 'R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x;109 .78 -953-57 Pay Roll slater Dept . - _ - _ _ 4.68 958 Rensselaer Valave Co. Material - i U t 1396a 2 59 Xfli.TER Olympic Foundry Co. 11aterial - - - - X2.75 - 959 Al 11orgasn Gas & Oil - - - - 8.26 - 960 Federal Pipe & Tank pipe - - - 1083.75 - 961 See & Sons Lumber - - - 25.85 - 962 Moved by Ililler, seconded. by Boas, that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report of the Engr. on Ornamental Street Lighting read, lJoved by Mitchell, seconded by .Boas that same be held for reference until next Tuesday evening. Carried. Communication read from Richard K. Clark on st. lighting. Moved. by 1141itchell, seconded by Boas that same be received anal filed for reference. Carried. Communication read from Thos. Olsen on ''dater System. Moved by Boas, seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the Fire, Light & dater Committee. Carried. The Fire, sight & .dater Committee was given another week to bring in re1jort on the Springbrook dater S ystem. No further business , me tinadjourn d, I Clerk Mayor. e N�wJ October 23, 1928. The Qouncil met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayo.- Beanblosgom presiding. Roll Call: Boas,Kane , 1,1iller, Crook, Pasco , Ivey and Kritchell. Tviinutes of the last two meetings read and approved. Petition of Renton Haw. Co. to make repair to store .r located on Lot 9 , Blk. 21, Town read. Moved, by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of A. T. Butler to make addition to house on Lot 20, Block 6, Town read. L.joved by Avey, seconded by Crook that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Ben Allen to erect house on Lot 17, Block 10, Town read. Moved by LUller, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Z. H. Babcock to build double cottage on Lot 20, Block 24, Town, read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that petition be- granted. Carried. Petition of A. A. Anderson to erect garage on Lot 10, block 11, Car 7.Norks read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Ivey that same be granted. Carried. i Petition of Ike Hancock to break curb on Lot 24, Block 18, R. F. P. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by xvey that same be re- ferred. to the St. & alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of J. H. morgan to move building ZOO ft. south on Lot 1, Block 11, Town, read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Yiller that same be granted. Carried. The Fire, Light & ;tater Committee reported favorably on petition ofm Geo. Peacock. I .,loved by 1,1iller, seconded by Boas that the recorrunenda- tion of the above committee be carried out. Carried. The plan drafted by the ,Fater Supt and recommended- by ecommendedby the fire , Light & eater Committee, for inereasin the water supply at Springbrook and furnishing Springbrook water to the hill system was brought up for final disposition. After considerable discussion it was moved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that the plan as submitted be adopted and j the work on same commenced. Carried unanimously. This being the night for hearing protests against Resolution 430 for the improvement of certain id. nostreetsne by ybcon structing an ornamental Lighting oy filed, it was Moved by Kane , seconded by Boas that an Ordinance, creating the district be prepared and submitted next meeting. Carried unani mously. .moo i 261 Protest with 101 signatures was presented against the maintenance by general taxation of the projosed lighting system. The '.Krayor informed the audience that remarks would be welcomed at this time on the subject. Many availed themselves of the opportunity and expressed themselves in favor or against a lthe maintenance of the lighting system, whereupon it was :Vdoved by Boas , seconded by :.:teller that the protest be referred to the Fire , Light & 'Water Committee. Carried. • No further business meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. s I • 1 262 October 30, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called—to order at 8 P. I.I. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present; Kane , %Tiller, Crook and Pasco. Klinutes of the last meeting read and a r)roved.. Petition of Nello Pistoresi to erect house on Lot 6, Blk. 2, Car '.Yorks read. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by tiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of l.1 ;tiTorgan to erect garages on Lot 3, Blk. 11, TovrApead.. Tovell by Boas, seconded by 11,aller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo . Peacock to erect garage and repair house on Lot 6, Blk. 28, Town react. Idoved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. ripplication for permit to do business as a Phrenologist read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by ;rook that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Petition of the Renton Ice Cream Co. to install gas pump and tank read. _ Moved. by Crook, seconded bir Pasco that same be referred to the Fire , Night Committee with power to act. Petition of Foster & Kleiser Co. to erect billboards on Lot 7 , Blk. 5, Smithers read. Protest by property owners on same read. ;:loved by Pasco,, seconded by Crook that same be re ferrel to the Police a; -uicense Committee and the city attorney for re.�ort . Carried. St . &- Willey Committee reported favorably on the Hancock petition. Communication 3mzI from the North Renton Impt Club i commending the Council on the action taken to install an Ornamental Lighting Systems read and ordered filed. Ordinance No. 866 providing for the improvement of certain streets by instilling an Oratnamental Street L i€hting System read and on motion referred to the Ordinance C ommittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably ,on Orainance No. 866 whereupon it was placed upon its secondland third readings and passed. as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Kane, Miller, Crook and Pasco. i No further business, meeting adjourned.. s Clerk Mayor. 1�t 1396j 263 Nov. 6, 1928. The City Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11,I. with IIayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Kane, Crook, Pasco , "vey and .14i.tchell. Minutes of the last meeting react and approved as read:. Petition from E. F. Betz to repair and move house to 'center of hot 17, Blk. 23, R. F. P. read. !roved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of D. Alexander to erect garage at 429 'Mill. St. read. I,,loved by Kane, seconded. by .1�.vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition. of J. H. I,Iorga.n to erect house on ;,ot 20, Blk. 1, Gunn's1ddition read. Koved by Pasco, seconded by ,,vetr that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas Idlattioda to repair garage on Lot 25, Blk. 17, R. F. P. reado, h1oved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Hatt Grady to erect stairway on Lot 12, Blk. 22, Town read.. iioved by Pasco, seconded by livey th��t same be referred to the Fire , Light & 'yflater Committee with power to ``► aqt. Carried. Petition of E. H. Stokes to erect funeral parlors on Lots 4 and 5 , Blk. 5, Smithers rea&. Protest against granting a permit for same read. moved. by Crook, seconded by Kane that the I:Layor appoint a Special Committee of five to investigate with power to act. Carried. Whereupon the I,,iayor appointed the following: Crook, Chairman, Mitchell, Avey, Pasco and Kane. Application of Fred Illian for 1;0siti0rLIof Marshall read. L loved by kvey, seconded by Crook that same be filed. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - _ _`125.00-887-886 J. E. Iuic FarlandFees - • Leah ';floods prisoners' meals - - - - - 29 .20-888 Ray Davis Gas & Oil - - - - - - _ 2.00-889 Thos. Harries, P. M. "Envelopes- - - - - - 4.36-890 P. 5. P. & L. Co. Lights - _ _ _ _ _ 254.80-891 Marion Duff Library Asst. - 8.00-892 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners F. D. IAry - - - 2.20-893 E. H. Paull Labor - - - - - - 2.00-894 ,gilliams Pk Confect, Park Labor- - - - 62.50-895 z 264 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - - - - - 4.95-896 Gladding, l,icBean & Co . Material- - - - - - 56.50-897 � Renton Sdw. Co. Library Supplies- - 1.55- 398 E. E. Duff Labor at Library- - 6.00-899 King Printing Co. Printing tT - - 3.50-900 Pest Go-Company Disinfectants - - 16.71-901 A. N. Richmond Expenses to Tacoma- 2.65-902 Agnes Edwards t' 2.65-903 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - 12.15-904 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - - 22.55-905 Great 701elstern El. Co. Chlorine - - - - - 264.00-906 A1. 'Llorgan Tire , Gas etc - - - 15.87-907 E. ". Shearer Supplies - - - - - 1.00-908 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel, Williams St 1127.25-909 W. R. Huntting Library Books 261.08-910 Vincent :;tewa.rt Exoenses 4.50-911 NATER Pay Roll Water Dept . - .- - - - - - - -254.50-966-972 Al Morgan Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - - 9 .83-52a 973 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power - - - - - - - - - - 34.50-974 i Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material - - - - - - 152.30-97.5 City of Seattle Water - - - - - - 51.28-976 Peerless Co . of '!Bash. Material - - - - - - 76.59-977 E. I.. Shippey Drayage - - - - - - 6.00-978 Olympic Younary Co. Material - - - - - - 65.70-979 Moved by Zane, seconded by Crooh -that the report of the Finance Committee be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Police & License Committee reports favorably on the petition of Foster & Kleiser. loved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the rej.ort be received and petition granted. Carried. The City :attorney reporting; on the case of Tonkin vs City recommended that same be taken to the Supreme Courto loved. by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the attorney take the ncessary steps to enter ai;peal and make report to Council. Carried. Communication read from Supt of Renton Schools relative to American -.ducation 71eek. Moved by Crook, .seconded by Kane th��t same be ref erre3 to the Mayor for action. Carried* l,',oved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the city alerk notify ',%C.D.Eawards to repair sidewalk at 3rd & Logan Carried. an lir. ;Vinegar representing the Fred Hancock Dost , rneric Legion extended an invitation to the city officals to attend the i�rmistice Day services at L;30 P. la. Nov. 11th Odd Fellows Hall. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the invitation be accepted. Carried. Moved. by Crook, seconded by Kane that the matter of I adjusting signal and bell on Bronson '.%lay be referred to the Police & License Committee. Carried.. No further business appearing, mebting adjourned- Clerk djourned.Clerk T,{{lay o r. W96j 265 Nov. 13, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. II. by Hayor Beanblossom. Present: Kane , Boas , LiTiller, Crook, Pasco , iIvey and I.Iitchell. �., I'dinutes of the last meeting read aid aoproved as read. Petition of H. F. Bowers to erect Service Station on Lot 18, Blk. 14, ft. F. P. read. Iyioved by Kane , seconded. by Boas that same be granted under the supervision of the City Lngr. Carried Petition of Geo . Boyes to erect garage on JLAot 5 , Blk. 2, Town, read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Hiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. H. Conklin to erect office building on Lot 1, Blk. 35 , Sm. read. Iddved by Miller, seconded by Kane , that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. T . t"Lttibe.rry to erect shop on Commercial .''Lve. read. Moved by I.Iitchell, seconded by .vey that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of the Seattle _iehting Company to lay gas mains on f1hitworth St. read. moved by Pasco , seconded by Tiller that saute be granted under the supervision of the City Ener. Carried. L petition of the Fac . Tel Co . to set poles on the ,Vest side of worth Hain St . read. !Moved by Crook, seconded by nvey that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried.. The reports of the treasurer and Clark covering the month of October was read and ordered filed. Report of the Librarian read.. Moved by casco , second- ed by nvey that same be accepted and filed and the Librarian commended for efficient work. Carried. application read from 0. G. Gilliland for work on Lolice force ate. :owed by Boas , seconded by nvey that same be received and filed. Carried. Ordinance No. 867 authorizing the issuance of bonds against L. I. D. 4173 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee rej:orted favorably on Ord. No. 867 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Kane, Boas, I:Tiller, Crook, Pasco , ,Vey and Tlitchell. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook, that the street department be authorized to investigate the cost of a truck for garbage purposes and make report to the Council as soon N-,,,W as possible . Carried. Tloved by Iaitchell, seconded by Crook that an Ordinance be drafted requiring all residents to get * container5for garbage. Carried. 266 Loved by 111itchell, seconded by Crook that the city engineer get eptimate on installing a gas pump for city purposes. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on the Street bighting System, same wereread: No. 1. - Kuhns & DeVore neon �e a fg. Co. - - - - - - - -9824.00 No. 2. - NePage McKenny Company Granite - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9500.00 Union Metal - - - - - - - - - - - 11700.00 Nemco aafety bletal Standards - - - 11Z00.00 Cast Iron Standards- - - - - - - 11500.00 No . 3. - C . B. Campbell union lleta.1 - - - - - - - - - - - 9187.50 Cast Iron Standards 10792.62' No. 4, - Herbert C. floss Granite - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9310:00 Union Lietal - - - - - - - - - - - 9250.00 Union I'lletal, without bracket - - - 8700.00 No. 5 , - City Electric & Fixture Co. Granite - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11335.70 Union T;letal - - - - - - - - - - - 10547.30 Cast , Iron Standards - - - - - - - 11939 .50 Moved by 1�asco, seconded by Miller that same be re- ferred to the Fire , might & Vater Committee to report on next Tuesday. Carried. i Lloved by 1,aller, seconded by Crook that the city attorney notify the Fac . Tel Company not to re-set any more r y6oles without permission from the City Council. Carried. t lZo further business, meeting; adjourned. r Clerk - -Val May o r. t { X67 lyovember 20, 1928. The City Council met in regular session at 8 P. ivy. with Payor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Boas, Kane , Miller, Crook, 1asco and. iivey, minutes of the last meeting read and. ai-proved. �. of ',%, Diem PermiVto erect garage on Lot 19 , Blk. 19 , Town read. Koved by KanT, seconded. by is filler that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jones Estate to erect fence on Lot 3, Blk. 21, Town. Poved by Boas , seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Im. J. Seguin to erect garage on Lot 15, Blk. 19, R. F. P. read. Proved. by Kane, seconded by Pasco that same be granted.. Carried. application for transfer of pool hall license from Reid PvILillhuff to L. B. Olmsted read. Pbloved by Kane , seconded by Boas that same be referred to the License Committee . Carried. The Fire, Light & 'later Committee asked for another week before reporting on the street lighting bids. P'ioved by Miller, seconded by Crook that their request be granted. Carried. The following bills , were audited and recorrmended for payment by theFinance Committee : CURiRENT - - - "It s. Pay Roll St. Dept. - - X117.27 -922- - See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - - - - - 53.64 -928 Pao. Tel w Tel. Co . Telephones - - - - - 12.80 -929 a.gnos N. Richmond Zxpenses - - - - - 8.90 -930 M. F. Young Supplies - - - - 2.50 -931 Colby (% Dickinson Lumber - - - - - 25 .00 -932 Stoneway Dock Co. Gravel - - - - - 57.00 -933 Renton Hd.w. Co. Supplies - - - - - 13.13 -934 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - - 22.00 -935 L. Co. Lights - - - - - 268.96 -936 vYilliams & O'Hara Gas - - - - - 2.53 -937 Union Oil Co . nsphalt - - - - - 55 .47 -938 D. D. ,11atson Dog Catcher - - - - 8.50 -939 7INAT ER Pay Roll Idater Dept . - - - - - 295.05 -981-87 Olympic Foundry Co . Supplies - - - - - 16.75 -988 Gamon Pieter Co. Ideter - - - - - 91.80 -989 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co . rump - - - - - 338.79 '990 Pao . t+ater '�Tks . Valves - - - - - 61.00 -991 P.S.P. & L. Co. Power - - - - - 59.50 -992 Yloved by I':iller, seconded by Kane that the report mf the Finance Commitee be received and recoMMendations carried out. Carried.. The r;ngr. reported that a gasoline pump installed. would cost not to exceed X85.00. Proved. by Kane, seconded by killer that the engineer be instructed to purchase one . Carried. l ' 26 replication for a position as -'olice Officer read from R. T . Blankenship. 1,11oved. by Boas, seconded, by Miller that same be received and placed on file . Carried. Ordinance No. 868, same being an Emergency Ordinance appropriatinC the sum of ; 300.00 for litigation was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. %loved by Boas, seconded by Pasco that the motion with reference to the purchase of a gasoline pump be tabled for the time being. Carried. Moved by 3oas, seconded by Hiller that the City Property Committee be instructed to bring in a report on the j feasibility of the city installing a gasoline pump. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. fl Clerk. Mayor. led y ' I a j( 1396j 269 November 27 , 1928 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.I. by I;iayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas , Kane, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. L;inutes of the last meeting read. and unproved as read. Petition of J. C . Kirkman to construct building on Lot 5, Block 13, Town, read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Kane that same be granted under the supervision of the City Lngr. Carried. Petition of A. 3. Lindgren to break curb on Park Lve . Loved by Boas , seconded by r�vey that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee. Carried. Petition of F. x. icKenna to erect apartment house, store and garages on Lots 1,2 and 3, 31ock 23, R. F. P. read. 11oved by ,ivey,, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Application read from Pacific Telephone Co . to set poles on the following locations.- Two ocations:Two poles on the east side of I;.orris St; two poles on the west side of Burnett Smithers Sts alley; two poles on the south side of 2nd ��ve. west of Burnett St . Moved. by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be referr- ed-to the St. & :alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Police License Committee reported favorably on transfer of Ellillhuff license to Olmsted. Loved by Kane, seconded by I,:itchell that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out. Carried. Fire, Light & ."later Committee reporting on the street lighting bids recommend that the City of Renton install the polised. granite poles. Y.oved by i.itchell, seconded by Avey that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . Carried. Fire , Light & Water Committee recommend that the contract be awarded NePage IIchenny Companyo iuloved_ by Mitchell, seconded by casco that the recommendation be carried out . Carried. �,ioved by Kane , seconded by Crook that the I;layor and Clerk be authorized to sign a contract with Lepage YjcKenny Company for the installation of the street lighting system Carried. ',pplication read from Howard Ta.chell for position of Police Officer. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Boas that same be re- ceived and placed on file . Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 868, An emergency ordinance appropriating the sum of w300.00 for pending litigation# whereupon it was p3.aeed upon Nftwl its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Kane , Crook, !ascot xvey and 11itchell. 27® The collection of garbage by the municipality or by private ownership was brought up by Councilman1Vitchell and discussed at some length. The T. ayor set next Tuesday night for final hearing and d.is :osition of the garbage question and asked that each councilman bring in all the av,&&lable in— formation and facts on same and the general publigas ,well. II fir' No further business, meeting; adjourned. Clerk. lylay o r ��9rn•?.4 T I r.k� e r "t 13 9 (j �?'71 December 4 , 1928. The City Council met in regular session at 8 1. L:. with Y.ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Kane , Crook, Pasco , ;.Ivey and, i,itchell. %W Kinutes of the last meeting react and approved. Ietition read from S. si. Niberg to make addition to house on Lot 3, Blk. 23, Town. ' Moved by 11itchell, seconded by Crook that petition be granted.. Carried.. application for transfer of license `From uttilio l'oli to Joe Recarrda read. (eagle fool Hall) Moved. by Kane , seconded by 1ditchell that same be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for j,ay- ment the following bills : 1 i Current :Its . Pay Roll - St. Dep -t. - - - - - - - - - - - - - W123.53-949-55 Hamilton Bros. Gas & oil, trucks , - - - - - 52.68-956 Vincent Stewart Expenses - - - - - - - - - - 2.00-957 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas - - - - - - - - - - 5.60-958 Claude Bannick,Shff Prisoners ' Board - - - - - 11.50-959 Zellerbach Paper Co. Supplies - - - - - - - - - 19.00-960 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - - - = - - 22.55-961 Agnes N. Richmond Title Insurance - - - - - - 30.00-962 Wm. Jualler Labor - - - - - - - - - 2.00-963 Wilson & Yiarlowe Insurance -Library - - - - 25.35-964 Winegar Printing Co. Printing - - - - - - - - - 16.75-965 Williams Pk Conf. Dark Labor - - - - - - - - 62.50-966 Great Jestern M. Material - - - - - - - - - 7.50-967 Wallace & Tierman it - - - - - - - - - 3.36-908 Fairbanks ,i ofse , Co. tt - - - - - - - - - 9 .11-969 R. 0. Brown Labor - - - - - - - - - .90-970 P.S.P.& L. Co. it - - - - - - - - - 19 .01-971 Joe "Mood Fees - - - - - - - - - 50.00-972 J. E. IdeFarland It - - - - - - - - - 30.00-973 Water Pay Roll - dater Dept . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; 319 .38-990-1003 pac . Car Foundry Labor - - - - - - - - - 1.10-1004 Olympic Foundry Co . 'Material - - - - - - -- 101.25- 5 Peerless Co. of ':lash. It - - - - - 35 .51- 6 City of Ceattle ,'Dater - - - - - - - _ 98.04 7 Federal Pipe - Tank i� aterial - - - - 1233.52 8 Bishop & Jenkins Drayage - - - - - - - - 2.00- 9 E. �. Shearer ije.terial - - - 5.70-1010 L11oved. by Kane , seconded. by i,Utchell that the reyjort of the Finance Committee be accepted and concurred in. Carried. The question of obtaining a desirable garbage dump was discussed. Y ved by Pasco , second "led by TYiitchell that the matter be referred to the ,,,lays & ileens Committee to bring in a report on a desirable location. ,/ The collection of garbage by the munici.�ality or by contract to a private owner was brought up and thoroughly after cussed from all angles, by the audience and councilmen, which it was r 272 Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the City of Renton collect its own garbage for the coming year. Carried unanimously, Liloved. by w'sco , seconded by Kane that the type of truck,' tonnage , etc, be referred to the C ity rro�erty Committee , ..i the Layor gncl ': ngr. for a rejort next Tuesday night. Carried. � No further business, meeting adjourned. I i Clerk Lgay o r. I 1-Wit1396a N73 December 11, 1928. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11.1. by Hayor Beanblossom. Present: Kane, Crook, Pasco , uvey and Mitchell. :linutes of the last meeting read and ai.proved. The following bill was recommended for payment by the Finance. Committee: Tucker, Hyland & ].vidge , on account fee City vs Commercial Waterway "Dist. „2 X100.00 sco that thre�ort of the Finance bCommitteelbesacceated.baa and. the bill paid, Carried. St. �, Willey Committee •re.: orted favorably on the Lindgren petition for breaking curb on Park Lve. LIr oved by Kane , seconded by Ivey that the reyUort be accep]bbd and concurred in. Carried. The City Property Committee recommended that the City call for bids for motor truck chassis with capacity of 8000 lbs. ' i: oved by Kane , seconded by Pasco that the report be accepted and the city advertise for bids. Carried, ^ Fire Chief ';tool gave a very interesting talk on his trip to the Fire Chiefs ' Convention. The reports of the treasurer 4.nd clerk covering the month of November were read and ordered filed. `.. The iibrarian's report covering the month of° November was read and ordered filed. .�n Ordinance defining garbage and providing; for the manner of collection and disposal thereof was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for report next Tuesday night. No further business, meeting adjourned. CILRK . I . n I I i 2"74 December 18, 1928. The City Council met in regular session at 8 F. Me with I,:ayor Beanblossom irresiding. Present: Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , .,.Vey and i:itchell. r Minutes of the last meeting read, and alproved. 1 Petition of ILlbert .Ioe to erect garage on Lot 1, Blk. 20, R.F.F.read. ,loved: by Kane , seconded by vey that same be granted. Carried_. e 1 Petition of E. K. Ivlonohon to erect duplex house on Lot 13, Blk. 4, I,Io t o r Line l:'Lddn. Moved by ::.filler, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. , Petition of hI. 1,. Iiollister to erect garage on Lot 1, Blk. 1, Car Works i.ddn. read. Moved by iivey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Sloonick to erect garage on Lot 199 Blk. 28 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of V. Cartwright to erect house on Lot 9 , Blk. 18, R. F. r . read. Moved. by Kane, seconded by t�vey that same be granted. Carried. r� Petition of Emma -Jones to erect garage on ;ot 18, Blk. 37 , Smithers read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that same be gr�:nty ed. Jtrried.. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: I CURB-ANT ay oll St. Dept. . 82.36- 984=�30 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil. . . . . . 2.08- 991 Reid & Cook " Tr -. 18.09- 992 Mac t s Ser Sta. " " 25 .48- 993 Magnolia Fertilizer Co. -Earwig Bait 71.25- 994 Vim. Kane Re-wiring fire alarm . 16.65- 995 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel - sts. 0 287.70- 996 i Jolly Rotor Co . Gas & Oil. . . . . 1.60-997 Pettie Printery Printing . . . . • • 14.00- 998 Trick & 'Murrayay Supplies . . • • • . ' .00- 999 999 - 1000 Renton Sunbeam Co. Fuel - Library 27.00 Lowman & Hanford 43.55- 1001 Library Nooks. . • • 3.69- 1002 'Phos . :.owe Gas & Oil • Ray Davis Ser Sta. Tl It 1.58- 1003 82.20- 1004 Renton Chonicle Legal Iublications 0 .80- 1005 Union Oil Co . Material • • • 6.50- 1006 J. S. Hardie Supplies 2,50- 1007 J. F�. irlcFa 'ld. eels 23.65- 1008 - op & ezl ins r e City H�11 . 539 .53- 101 pray-TToll ;Vater Dept . 159 .15- 1026 Renton Sd & Gravel Cement 465.00- 102' Delaval Steam Turbine rump 84X90- 1028 r-ac . 'Vater SVks idleters 1.35- 1029 Renton Hdw Co. Supplies • • . - 28.04- 1Q30 Lumber • • • 1001 See & Sons _albor 168.65- '.Vm. Kane 396 275 ail. Morgan Gas & oil 19 .90- 1Q32 Glauber Brass lrlfg. Co . St. 1111aterial. . 49 .92- 1033 Renton Garage Labor. . . . . . 4.50- 1034 J. S . Hardie i;aterial . 25.40- 1036 Irioved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the red;ort of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Folice & License Committee were granted an extension of time before reporting on transfer of eagle Pool Hall license. The Ordinance Committee reported favoraoly on the Ord. No. 869 , providing for the collection of garbage where- upon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting alre: Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, nvey and ZLitchell. This beim; the night for opening bids on garbage chassis, same were opened and read. % oved by casco , seconded by Crook that the bids be referred to the City Property Committee for report at the Recessed Ideeting. Carried. dr The Clerk notified the i:layor & Council that our contract for legal publications would expire Dec . 31 , 1928. I-Loved by Kane, seconded by Crook that we advertise for bids for the city's printing. Carried. I:.oved by Kane, seconded by Crook that this meeting be recessed to next Friday, Dec . 21st at 8 i'. Il. Carried. �r< Clerk I:lay o r. 276 December 21, 1948. Recessed ineetinE from December 18th called to order at 8 . i:. by Idayor Beanblossom. Present: Biller, Crook, Pasco, Ivey and. l:iitchell. City Property Committee recommended that the bid- of idof the International Harvester Company for chassis be accepted.. I„oved by Mitchell, seconded by :;filler that the recommendations of the City Property Committee be concurred in. Carried unanimously. Loved by Yiller, seconded by Pasco that the City -Property Committee be authorized to equip truck. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by L-Atchell that the Ordinance Committee have an Emergency Ordinarice drafted appropriating the sum of ;'3100.00 covering purchase of garbage truck and equipment* Carried. Moved by !Ziller, seconded by Crook that the matter of securing an experienced garbage collector be placed in the hands of the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. 4 mioved by ',Kitchell, seconded by Crook that the City Engr. be, authorized to construct shed for truck. Carried. i Hoved, by Pasco , seconded by Crook that we adjourn to meet Vasty. 3, 1929 . Carried. Clerk Llayo r. i; 4 1 1 i i I I 1 j t 1 - I Itti396a 277 Jany. 3, 1929 . adjourned meeting from December 21st was called to 'order at 8 P. bl. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas, 1.1iller, Crook, Pasco , i,.vey and I, i tche 11.' 1:inutes of the last meetings read and approved. ' i etition of J. ' H. Jones to erect 'garage on not 8, B.lk. 4, ILVtor Line iLddn read. �,�oved by Diller, seconded by Pasc,p that same be granted. ' Carried. 'etition of Frani Gustine to erect garage on Lot 15, Blk. 1,' dar Works addn. read. ' 11"oved by Boas , seconded by Pasco that same be referred to' the Fire , Light a ."dater Committee with power to act. Carried. ' Petition of- IV. Hoyt to erect a double garage on Lots 7 and S, Block 4, R. F. P. read i:ioved by 11vey, seconded by Boas that same be granted. Carried. ' Petition of ;d. Hoyt to break curb on above lots read. T.�oved by -Lvey, seconded by ;rook that same be re- ferred to the St. & ;lley Committee with power to act. Carried. ' Petition" of Matt Grady to erect a garage on Lot 12,' 31k. 22', Town read* roved. by Boas , seconded by itchell that same be referred tothe Fire, Light & lVater Committee. Carried. ' Petition of Bert Custer to enlarge garage on :jot b, 31k. 5 , Sartorisville read. T,ioved by 11iller, seconded by _,vey that same be granted. Carried. eetition of iaurice Houghardy to erect house and garage on Lot 13, Blk. 21, H. r'. P. read. Lloved by I'Litchell, seconded by .,vey that same be granted. Carried. application for permit to operate a for-hire car same to run from ;gain St. to Stone debster Plant was read. Koved by Boas , seconded by 1, itchell that same be referred to the Police & License Committee . Carried. St. &; ialey Committee recommended that John Bolognini be hired as garbage collector at ?6.00 per day same to be effective Jany. 15th. T.oved by idiller, seconded by Crook that the recommendation of the S t. r,lley be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee rey)orted that the garbage truck had been equipped by the Isaacson Iron 'dorks for 4733.00 . oved. by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the report j be accepted and the City .Property Committee commended for their efforts. Carried.. !roved by Pasco , seconded by 3oas that the matter of location of garage for truck be left to the City Property Committee and the City Engr. with power to act. Carried. 278 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: CUR= -It s. Payer St. Dept. - - - - - - - - - - 85.49 2=57 nc. Pac . Tel TeleNhones- - - - - - - - - - - 7.78 6 Stone & ,7ebster Corp. Labor on city st - 186.87 7 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - 6.11 8 T. F. ehan Dq, enses - - - - 1.69 9 wdm. Waller Labor - - - - - 2.00 10 `olilliams Sweet Center Park Labor - - - - 62.50 11 'C. Bevan Labor - - - - 1.00 12 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry - - - - 5.60 13° Seattle Li€-hting Co. Gas - - - - 5.47 14 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - 28.05 15 Mae Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 13.60 16 J. E. McFarlane Sud ,lies - - - - 4.00 17 0. F. Beil Cedar posts - Park 41.40 ' 18 W. F. Bennet, Sr. Labor - - - - 27.00 19 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lights - - - - 285.38 20 '.floods Cafe Prisoners I:ieals - 64.45 21 Great trestern Llectro Material - - - - 7.50 22 enton l,Uency Labor & Material - 87.69 23 Renton Sd ., Gravel Labor - - - - 1.50 24 J. S. Hardie Supplies - - - - 15.40 25 McPherson Furn & Hdw tt - - - - 1.00 26 First iVatl Bank Licenses - - - - 8.00 27 Williams & 0tHara Labor L Itaterial g 39 .85 28 ',fiT'` moll ''dater Dept . - - - - - - - - - 220.57 1039-45 City of Seattle Yater - - - - - - - - - 94.40 1046 Pac . Car & Fdry Labor - - - - - - - 2.45 7 P. S. P. & L. Co . lower - - - - - - - - - 59.50 8 -- Rensselaer Valve Material - - - - - - 85.00 9 . Olympic Foundry Co. It - - - - - - - - 77.40 1050 J. 6. Hardie It & Labor - - - - - - 3.35 1 IricPherson Furn Supplies - - - - - - - - 16.32 2 Roved. by Boas , seconded by I: filler that the recoiarenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. �,n Emergency Ordinaiice appropriating the sum of ; 3100.00 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. This being the night for ok)eninE bids for the city's, to inting the following were opened and read: Renton Chronicle The Renton Trews 1ecord The Renton Stimulator Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell th +t tY e bids be referred to a Special Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. Thereupon the Mayor appointed the following: Pasco , Crook and %itchell. I;Ioved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the burnt house on the Bakle property be referrdd to the .Fire , Light ',dater Committee for immediate removal. Carried. I.Ioved by I;liller, seconded by Crook that the erection of a guard-way along Hill .St . between 4th 6th eves. be referred to the St . & �Liley Committee to work in conjunction with the city engr and bring in xeport next Tuesday. Carried. No further bu$iness , meeting adjourned. df 11".le rk ay o r I 141396a 9 fzO Jany. 8, 1929 The City Council met in regular session at 8 with Tor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Boas , Kane, I: iller, Crook, Pasco , '.Vey and Litchell. 'I' I:Iinutes ofthe last meeting read and. approved.. Petition of Geo Hightong to reshingle out houses and porch on Lots 25 and 26,, B1k. 18, R. , F. P. read. Moved by Boas , seconded by Crook that same be granted., Carried. The License Committee reported favorably upon the following applications: Soft Drink License - J. B. Williams TT Ti " - John Stewart TT TT TT - Mrs . Thos. Raymond TT if - Rose Garnero TT TI n - S. Oderkirk TT TT TT - Olin Hansen ool Hall License - F. B. Olmsted iT It TT - Wilson Wilson TT n n - TicknorBoisseau Tt TT TT - Joe laic ardy The Grand Theatre License B. 'v4. Fey The Renton TT TT B. �V. Fey Junk License - Geo . -Emery 11,ovred by Boas , seconded by Crook that the reg-ort of the License Committee be received and licenses granted. Carried. The St . &: Alley CoEmiittee recommended that work begin in-imecliately on the guard-way on Irlill St. loved by Boas , seconded by Crook that the reeoz-ulenda- tion of the St. O: Alley Committee be carried out. Carried. St . & Alley Committee reported. favorably on the petition of W. Hoyt to break curb on Park ,�ve. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the report be acceuted and petition granted., work to be done under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried. printf of Special Committee reporting on the bids for the city's legal publications recommended- the bid of the Renton Chronicle. Roved by Idiller, seconded by ; Vey that the reLjort of the Special Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fire, Light and ',dater Committee asked for �Lnother week before reporting on the Gustine petition. Granted. The Fire , .Light fie. 'Nater Committee reported unfavor- ably on the Grady petition. l:oved by Ttilitehell, seconded by Ivey that the resort be accepted and concurred in. Carried. Police & License Committee was granted another week on the 11Ielville application* l_ 280 The Ordinance Committee reports favorably! on Ordinance Yo. 870, appropriating the slue of w3100.00 to yuay Garbage Truck u ;;quipment . Engrts report read on new improvements in water system showing that the hill is being supplied with Renton water at less that one-half the price paid for Seattle water. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Mane that the report be acce, ted and the Fngr. highly commended for his good work* and the .report published. Carried. , Report read from the Librarian and filed. Gommunication read from secretary of Lpiscopal Church asking that a strong lightx be placed in front of the church. Moved by 21itchell, seconded by ,,filler that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ;Mater Oommittee with power to act . Carried. Ordinance No. 870 was read a. second and third time: and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Boas , Kane , Iv filler, Pasco, Crook, hvey and LdtcheL 1.1oved by Pasco , seconded by Litchell that the City' Clerk be authorized to make certain transfers from the L. I. G. Fund to cert�_�in L. I. D. Funds and from certain L. 1. D. Funds to certain :1. I. General Funds in order to close the accounts of several{d.istricts. Carried. The following appointment was made by the 11ayor: 0. G. Gilliland Extra Iolicement Koved by Iditchell, seconded by Boas that the appointment be confirmed. Carried unanimously. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the Ord- inane ;ommittee brim; in an Ordinance relp�tive to braking of curbs. Carried.. No further businesK, meeting adjourned. Clerk 1.O,yor ° U11396j 281 Jany. 15, 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F. K. by liayor Beanblossom. present: Kane , Tiller, Crook, Fasco , !ivey and Mitchell. I:iinutes of the last meetinE,- react an-d. at;proved. Petition of -. F. Betz to erect house on hot 1, Blk. 22, R. F. ri . read. 1.1oved by Kane , seconded. by Hitchell that same be granted. Carried. The License Committee reported favorably on the following licenses: Soft DrirkLicense - Palace of Sweets tt tt tt - 3rendal Drug Stores . edd.lar's license - Sam Panzeca :Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the re Mort of the License Committee be concurred in and licenses granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Wt s.. Pay Roll St . Dept. - - - - - 4'159 .22 39-46 inc Pay Roll Water Dept. - - - - 1.52.20 1056-60 Loved by Tdiiller, seconded by Tlitchell that the "aw recommendation of the Finance Committee be carried out. Carried.. Communication read from the Secretary of St. Luke 's Church thanking the Council for prompt action on street light on 'Jells St. Ioved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be riled.. Carried. The Clerk notified the Council that the contract for the city's printing was ready for execution. Moved by Pasco , seconded by r,vey that the ;:payor Clerk sign same. Carried. Ordinance Ido . 871 amending Sec . 35 of Ord. 855, relating to the l;unicipal Wator Supply Systerl of the City of Renton, was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. Ido . 871, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third- readings hirdreadings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Kane , i1iller, Crook, Pasco , ,Lvey and Mitchell. FIRST The %.Mayor submitted the following list of Judges and- Inspectors ndInspectors for the primary election to be held February 12, 1929 : FIRST -JILRD Inspector: Gertie Campbell Judges; Della Lawrence T,,irs . lift. Nichols SECOND tJJ1dM FIRS,T 2.qECIMCT Inspector: Hatt Oehm Judges: !rirs . Thelma Cross ;Irs . Kate `Nhite 282 SECOND NARD SECOND PRECINCT nspec or: mrs . Nellie Duncalf Judges: Mrs. 1, ary 111,onaehan Mrs. Jennie 1.1it chell THIRD yVaRD ' Inspector: Riobt Lowery, :3r. Judges: 1.1argaret 3unstine Farri e Williams LLoved by Tnitchell, seconded by fiasco that the Judges and Inspectors for the primary election appointed by the ;slayor be confirmed. Carried. moved by iIitchell-, seconded by Crook that the City Clerk be instructed to arrange for polling places for the coming primary election. Carried. i There being no further business the Council adjourned. Clerk i: ayo r 1--f1it392 283 Jany. 22, 1929 . Theylj -ity Counc4net in regular session at 8 P. M. with 11 or 3eanblossom presiding. Present. Kane , ;;Miller, Crook, Avey and I;litchell. i uinu'tes of the lest meeting read L-nd approved. Fetition of ji. Bishop to erect scales on his property on delis St. , read. Moved by luliller, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. W. Harries to erect garage on Lot 15 ,° Blk. 1, Smithers recd. Loved by 1,11itehell, seconded by �Lve;r that same be granted. Carried. Fetition of Sarah Davis to re :lodel house on Lot 7 , Block 37 , Soithers read. Moved by 11'itchell, seconded by hiller that same be granted. Carried. retition of Thos Rove to erect house on Lots 13 and 14, Blk, 8, Car Works read. Uoved. by 1Iitchell, seconded by nvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jack IicFauden to erect house on Lot 14 , Blk. 24, .own r ad, , .own y xvey, seconded by �,itchell thc.t same be granted. Carried. Petition of Fred Peacock to remodel and repair house on Lot 14, Blk. 22, R. F. P. read. 11oved by Kane, seconded bvr i;vey that same be grE+rated. Fire , Light "later Committee reilorted favorably on the Gustine petition. Moved- by 1 filler, seconded by IIitchell that report be received and petition granted. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills: CURRENT ','t s . T. F. LTeehan lbipenses - - - - - 1.00 47 Howard Cooper-Corp. Kateriaal - - - - 18.40 48 Renton Hdw. Co . Supplies - - - - 10.62 49 Hamilton Bros . Gas & Oil - - - 10.88 50 Al !k10 rgan tr it - - - 7.44 51 Reid & Cook " it - - - 18.39 52 Q. K. Garage 1.93 53 0. Priebe 1zaterial - - - - 5.85 54 Lowman &- Hanford Co. Library 3ooks - 16.91 55 C. G. Bannick, Shff Prisonersf Board 21.50 56 Auto farts & Wrecking Labor 3.00 57 i,. Jacobson Liciuor Test 3.50 58 Joe -food Fees 15.00 58 C. Bevan Labor 1.00 00 j Lellerbach Paper Co . Suuplies 7.00 61 ' P. S. P. & L. Co . it 4.90 62 , Tom Dobson Son Insurance 48.95 63 Isaacson Iron Nks Garbage Truck 733.00 64-65-66 International Harvester Co . Chassis 2058.00 67 See & Sons Lumber 134.36 68 Renton Tire Shop Tire & tube 59 .95 69 Thos . Harries, .1, . envelopes 48.23 70 i 284 1 2L- t See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - - - . 54.00 I-Q68 0. Priebe Haterial - - - - - - - 2.90 67 Frank Klashke n - - - - - - - 8.90 66 F.' S. P. & L. Co . Power - - - - - - - 27.56 65 Renton luto Freight Drayage` - - - - - - 6.85 64 Fac . Car & Fou.)-Ary Labor - - - - - - 3.10 63 Federal Pipe & Tank 11aterial - - - - - - 30.25 62 Peerless Co . of '(ash n - - - - - - 191.00 gal roved by hiller, seconded by I.Utchell that the reobmaend.,�tion of the Finance Committee be concurred- in. Carried.. Report of the fire Dent. for the fast Near read . Moved by Crook, seconded by Hiller that the report be received and filed- and the Fire Dept. highly commended. Carried. The re.,orts of the Treasurer and. Clerk covering the month of December were read- and ordered filed. No further business appearing, meeting; adjourned-. �r Clerk Idayo r s 39 a 285 29 , 19 29 . at 8 1. 1.1' e lar meetinE ofthe City Council was called to order %dayor Beanblossom. Present: Hiller, Crook, Pasco , tj. vey aua Llitchell. l Tinutes of the last meeting read and aroved. Petition of H. Evans to erect a buildinE on i,ot 10 and pt of Lot 9, Block 10, Town reed. Moved by ;;filler, seconded. b _.vey that same be L-ranted under the supervision -of �he citNr e n ;r. Carried. The sewaEe system of the c ity wets brought up by Health Officer, Dr. Dixon. s� yd'JteeoYohmcjbe referrevo ��eP�tsco, �eeommt , twrkinonunction with the City ':�n­r. , City Itty and Dr. Dixon and brinE in a report next Tuesday. Carried. Report read from the fi'olice Dept . covering; the year 1928. roved bNT Crook, seconded by Pasco that the report be received and a letter of commendation sent them for efficient service •durin,Z the past year. Carried. Ref,ort read from the Police Jud.`e. i ° T:ioved by casco seconded by I:iitchell that saLie be received and ;laced on File . Carried. ILoved by 11iller, seconded by Crook that the St. Supt r,i c the -intersections of snow if he deemed it necessary. Carrie d�, No further business , meetin€ adjourned. Clerk i 2S6 February 5, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey Grid Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. • r Petition of Ben Pedegana to remodel house on Lot 10 , Block 18, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. ` The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: CURRENT tats. Pay Roll St. Dept.- - - - - - - - - - 0 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - - - - - 168.56-91 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - - - - - - - 51.45-92 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - - - - - - 39 .39-93 Al Morgan Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - - 17.84-94 � Joe 'Wood Fees - - - - - - - - - - 35.00-95 Palace of Sweets Supplies - - - - - - - - - - .70-96 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas - - - - - - - - - - 2.55-97 Pac.Tel & Tel Co . Telephones - - - - - - - - - 6.80-98 Winegar Printing Printing - - - - - - - - - 10.00-99 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance - - - - - - - - - 5.00-100 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor- - - - - - - 62.50-101 Vincent Stewart Expenses - - - - - - - - - 1.00-102. Great western El Co. Material - - - - - - - - 3000-103 Mads Ser Sta Gas & Oil - - - - - - - - - 19.66-104 Cady's Sport Shop Supplies - - - _ _ _ _ _ - 3.00-105 'Nm. 71aller Labor - - - - - - - - - 2.00-106 Reid & Cook & gas - - - - - - - - - 141.94-107 P.S.P.& L. Co. Lights - - - - - - - - - 280.80-108 .r►r WATER . Pay Roll 'Water Dept. - - - _ _ _ _ _ = 13.71-1073-76 J.S.Hardie Material - - - - - - 16.24-1077 E. A. Shearer " - - - - - - - - - 6.93-1078 Peerless Co. it - - - - - - - - - b7 .19-1074 P. S. F. & L. Co. Power - - - - - - - - - 175.15-1080 Moved by :Tiller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from the St & il.ley Committee recommending that the city engineer be authorized to start a preliminary survey for a complete. sewage disposal system. 11ovect by Crook, seconded by Miller that the report be received and filed and recommendations carried out . Carried. Moved. by Miller, seconded by Crook that the question of school signs to turned over to the City LIngr. and Chief of Police to work out. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that the Health Officer notify the Cathat they must procure garbage cans at once. C Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the Ordinance Committee bring in an 15mendment to the Garbage • w Ordinance. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. ji t 1396 Feb. 12, 1929 . Regular meeting; of the City Council was called ' to order at 8 P. Y. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas , Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and ai proved. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Hyland, Elvidge & Alvord - - - X110.00 (Waterway District case) Moved by Hiller, seconded. by Boas that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of Jany. read and ordered filed. Report read from Librarian and filed. Moved by Crook, seconded by 171iller that the St . & Alley Committee investigate and report on Street in front of Library. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. LIa2IP-JI Clerk Mayor, I I i Feb. 19 , 1929 The Council met in regular session at 8 P. !,I. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey, Mitchell and Boas. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition read from Matt Grady for permit to repair building on Lot 12, Block 22, Town of Renton. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Fire, Light & ',"dater Committee. Carried. Petition to build barn read from Joe Paroli. Moved by Crook, seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the Fire, Light & 'Mater Committee. Carried. Petition to open and dedicate an extension of 7th Ave. North read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Attorney, Engineer and St & alley Committee. Carried, The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - - - - - - 9'321.16 122-28 Renton Hdw Co. Supplies - - - - - 29.84 129 Cadyts Sport Shop " - - - - - 7.50 130 Renton M. E. Church Hall Rental - - - 7 .50 131 Catholic Church n n - - - 7.50 132 Sanderson Saftey Supply Material - - - 3.10 133 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor - - - 62.50 134 Pettie Printery Printing - - - 25.00 135 Frank E. Rhodes Material - - - 6.60 136 Natkins Jewelery Repair ;York Library 3.00 137 H & W Specialty Co. Supplies - - - - 6.00 138 Williams & O'Hara Labor - - - - 2.50 139 Renton Garage Tire , etc - - - - 61.55 140 Service Ldry & Cleanrs Ldry Fire Dept. 3.95 141 Election Board 3d Ward 32.50 142.46 Election Board 2nd- 2nd 32.50 147-51 Election Board 2nd- 1st 32.50 152-57 Election Board 1st Ward. 35.00 157-61 Dr. H. H. Adams Prisoners Med Aid 2.50 162 Vincent Stewart Expenses - - - - 1.05 163 C . Bevan Supplies - - - - 1.50 164 Renton Agency Inc n _ - - - 7.74 165 Wallace & Tierman 7.76 166 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - 28.05 167 Hamilton Bros Gas & Oil - - - - 25.64 168 Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel - - - - 20.75 3:69 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil - - - - 2.90 170 Great Chem E1 Co . Material - - - - 204.00 171 Jack Evans Dog Catcher - - - 7.00 772 1 Howard-Cooper Corp. Material - - - - 90.54 173 Renton Sunbeam Coal Co. Fuel - - - - 20.75 174 N. F. Railway Co . Frght - - - - ..89 174 ';dater � 11 5.00 1085-86 Pay Roll Water Dept. - - - _ _ _ - - - 9.50 1087 Pettie Printery Printing - City of Seattle Water - - - - - - - 11.38 1088 Peerless Co. of gash Material - - - - - 36.00 1089 Frank E. Rhodes " - - - - 17.45 1090 i orse & Co. " - - - - - 19 .50 1091 Fairbanks , M ti. 6a 289 1.1oved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. An Ordinance providing for the licensing of all public dances was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance �— Committee. I-loved by Crook,seconded by Miller that the question of paving Williams St. be referred to the St. ?. AUey Committee for report . Carried. Moved and seconded that we °adjourn. Carried. Clerk Mayor I, i i Feb. 26, 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. H. by mayor Beanblossom. Present: Boas, Miller, Crook, Avey, Pasco and Twitchell. Minutes of the last meeting rea<< and approved. ` Petition of J. H. Larkin to remodel building on Lot 10, Block 24, Town read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Creok that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Dr. H. H. Adams to erect house on hot 18 , Block 22, R. F. P. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that same be i granted. Carried. Petition of Arthur Carlson to erect garage at 742 Grant St.read. Moved. by Mitchell, seconded by i�vey that same be granted. Carried. Report read from the St. & Alley Committee relative to paving "Villiams St and asking for an extension of tike before reportirk: on the bridge proposition* gloved by Crook, seconded. by Miller that the property owners interested be notified of the approximate coat and the St. & Alley Committee be given more time on the bridge matter. Carried. Dloved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the St. Alley Committee be given more time on the 7th Ave. extension *, matter. Carried. Fire, Light & "later Committee rei:orted favorably on the Grady petition. , Moved by 11iller, seconded by Twitchell that the petition be ranted sub ect to the supervision of the Fire Chief and Cit fir. C rried. Fire , Light & Water Committee reported favorably on the Parolli petition. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by twiller that the report be h accepted and permit granted. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 871 providing for the licensing of public dances, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Boas, Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and l:litchell. An invitation to attend the Fire Dept. banquet+ was , extended the city officials ,\at the I.O.O.F.Hall March 2nd, by Mr. Dullahant. Moved by Boas , seconded by Miller that the invitation be accepted. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. low Clerk Mayor. 29-1 March 5 , 19 29 . � The Council met in regular session at 8 P. m. with Ilayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Boas , Kane, Hiller, Crook, Pasco , YLvey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and app roved. Petition of Mike Stuznik to repair house at 736 Grant St. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by _ vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of S. N. Clare to erect house on Lot 23, Block 15, R. F. P. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by xvey that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the City E ngr. Carried.. Petition of J. D. Hughes t0 erect garage and wood shed on Lot 19 , Block 28, Town, read. Roved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; Current Pay Roll St. Dept. - - - - - - - - x,275.50-186-93 Tom Dobson & Son Fire Dept. Ins- - - - - - - 161.25-195 Pioneer Supplies - - - - - - - - 3.35-196 Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel - - - - - - - - 40.50-197 David Reid Freight Expense - - - - - - 1.64-198 Pac . Tel & Tel Telephones - - - -- - - - - 7.85-1.99 School Dist 47 Library Expense - - - - - - 6.50-00 Pioneer Library Bindery " TT - - - - - - 12.32-g0l Bellingham Bookbindery T: tt - - - - - - 7.59-202. Al Morgan Gas & Oil - - - - - 16.47-203 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel - - - - - - 207.00-204 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas & Oil - - - - - - 1.50-2.05 Wm. `.taller Labor - - - - - - 2.50-206 71illiams Sweet Center Park Labor - - - - - - 62.50-207 Vincent Stewart Expenses - - - - - - 1.75- 208 Leah 'idoods Prisoners P+leals - - - - - - 33.25-209 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - _ _ _ _ _ 22.28 210 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil, Labor 37 .71-211 P.S.P.& L. Co. Lights - - - - - - 290.02212 Renton Garage Gas - - - - _ _ 1.40-213 McPherson Furn & Hdw. Supplies - - - - 19 .54-214 A. N. Richmond Supreme Ct Briefs - - - - 35.50-2.15'.. Nater 5-96 Pay Roll "dater Dept. _ _ _ _ - _ 27.38-1097 r 59 .88-109 City of Seattle Water Hersey Mfg. Co. Labor - - - - - - 4.00-1098 Peerless Co. of '.Nash Material - - - - - - 1.02-1099 - - - - - - 135.48-2000 P.S.P.& L.Co. Power Moved by Mitchell, seconded by I.Ziller that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carriede, loved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the question of radio interference be turned over to the City Atty and Ordinance Committee for investigation and report. Carried. Moved by Crook, seconded by I:Ziller that the city attorney notify Itrualarie Baele to remove old burnt building within 30 days. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. (--�C U.0H; 2I 2 March 12, 1929 . The council met in regular session at 8 P. 11. with Ilayor Beanblossom presiding. Present. Kane, Miller, Crook, Avey and I:Zitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and a.yproved. Petition read from John Podriznik to erect a garage on hot 9 , Block 7 , Car "forks. 1,11oved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. I Petition from Devi Avoledo to raze Episcopal Church and erect house was .read. Move& by Kane, seconded by ,Crook that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of Mary Omack to remodel house on Lot 21, Block 23, R. F. P. read . Idoved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. pLy„ dor �3er :. r fig � ; tp; er ct R. yl�L'!I`11`��ttTf11`�Kt, Petition of J. "T. Klinga to erect house and. garage on LotA la and 17 , Block 15, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Olaf Lindgren to erect garage on Lot 29 , Block 3, Car Works read. moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Chas . R. Temme to roof and alter porch on Temme Bldg. read. Idoved by Kitchell, seconded by ;vey that same be referred to the Fire , Light & 'Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co to set poles on Login & Commercial Aves read. Roved by Crook, seconded by lLvey that same be re- ferred to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. r Clerk Mayor. I- i 13 ti 13 March 19 , 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. LI. with t,layor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Boas, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. . Minutes of the last meeting read and ai,proved. Petition of M. L. Hollister to erect a house on Lot 1, Blk. 1, Car ~Forks read. 11oved by I'vey, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. Z. -Walker to erect house and. garage on Lot 19, Block 21, R. F. F. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Boas that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of V. Cartwright to erect house on Lot 23, Blk. 12, R. F. P. read. Moved by Boas . seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition read from Mrs. S. H. Talker to erect house on part of NE corner of Sec . 18, Twp . 23, N.R. 5 Ea-, t. Idoved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Alex. Ferrat to erect a house on Lot 8, Blk. 2, Car Works Addn. Moved by T,Iiller, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Llrs. 0. Erickson to erect house on �r. Tract 17, Tobins D. Co Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Davis to build woodshed, garage , etc on Mill St. read. Moved by Liller, seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the Fire, Light & :`Pater Committee with power to act. Carried. St. & alley Committee recommended that permit be granted P.S.P.& L. Co. to set poles on Logan & Commercial Sts. Fire , Light & :'Pater Committee asked for another week before reporting on Temme petition. Granted. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT Pay Roll St . Dept. ; 279 .99- 225-31 Pao. Car & Fdry. Co. Hlueprints. 46.80- 232 See & Sons Material . 3.46- 233 Mac 's Ser Sta. Gas & Oil . 7.78- 234 Vm. Kane Material . 10.16- 235 Joe ?Mood Fees 0 40.00- 236 Pao. Tel & Tel. Col Telephones. 8.70- 237 Standard Oil Co. Material . 2.25- 238 Pettie Printery Printing . 8.25- 239 Arthur Trudgian Labor - signs 29 .00- 240 King Printing Co. Printing . . . . . 6.25- 241 C . Bevan Labor . . . . . 3.75- 242 Western Tire Service Repair 'Pork . . . . 1.75- 243 Bishop & Jenkins Library Fuel. 16.00- 244 Lowman & Hanford " Books 55.15- 245 H.R.Huntting Co. TT TT 160.28- 246 Hamilton Bors . Gas Cil 3?.71- 247 2A WILT'm Pay Roll "Vater Dept. -X126.01 - 3-5 TYm. Kane Labor & Material. . . . . 397.75 - 6 King printing Co. Yater Receipt Books. 72.75 - 7 Fairbanks , Morse & Co. Material. 19 .50 - 8 Glauber Brass Mfg. Co. " 35.04 - 9 Moved by Mitchell, seconded by I..Iiller that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire , Light & Water Committee recommended that the traffic signs on 3d Ave be moved and the streets hll painted at the crossings. I,.Ioved by Boas, seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tions be carried out. Carried. Mr. Sanders of the Bryant Lumber Co. appeared before the Council and asked for their support in recommending to ,the '1Var Dept that the bridge across Hake Union have a clearance of 152 feet. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by IdLller that the Mayor appoint a committee of three to wrok with the atty in draft- ing a Resolution. Carried. The Mayor appointed, Crook, Avey, Pasco. Reports of the Treasurer & Clerk covering the month of February were read and ordered filed. Librarian' s report covering the month of February was read and ordered. filed. Claim for damages in the amount of 4300.00 read from R. B. Downie. P:Ioved. by Boas , sec_!ncdecd by rlitchell that same be- turn- ed e- turned over to the Finance Committee and City Attorney for report. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Boas that the city attorney request affidavits from all the candidates of the NOW Citizens Ticket and their eami) ?ign manager seating for the charges of graft made by them 4gainst `.he present administra- tion. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned_. Clerk. Mayor. 1-ft1395a. % 5 March 26, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Id. with I:7ayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Kane. Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and- Iii t c h e 11, ndMitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Petition of Frank Reffaro to remodel house at 718 Renton Ave. react. Carried.Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Petition of LZrs . 1. V. Doty to erect small house on Lot 9 , Block 18, R. F. P. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same ,be granted. Carried. Claims Committee reporting on Downie claim for damages recommended that same be filed. It4oved by Miller seconded by Kane that the recommendation be carried out . Carried. Committee on Lake Union bridge ask more time. Granted. Communication relative to dogs running at large read. Moved b Miller, seconded by Crook that same be turned over tothe Chie of Police. Carried. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the parking qxffxt+zx problem on 4th & Factory be turned over to the St . rilley Committee and the Chief of Police. Carried. `-- �Lpplication read from Olmstead and Betktell asking for change of location of pool room from Rain St . to the new Kirkman building when finished. 11oved by Crook, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Police & License Committee. Carried. Resolution No. 4�l fixing the 16th day of April 1929 at 8 P. I.T. as the time for hearing on the street lighting assessment roll, read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that same be adopted. Carried. Moved by Crook, sedonded by Pasco that the city attorney proceed to get deed from property owner of Lots 9 .10 and 11, Block 4, R. F. P. to the alley in. rear of said lots. Carried.- - No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk IIay or. 296 April 2, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Id. with I;layor B�_:eanblossom presiding. Present; Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and ai,,:roved. ..►► Petition of I.I. Laws to remodel house and erect garage at 521 I,Iills St . read. :Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of David Phillips to erect double garage on Lot 5, Block 21, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. i Petition of Ronald McDonald to set up portable garage on Lot 4, Block 23, Town, read. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Crook that same be referred tQ the Fire, Light & ;"later Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition pf Mrs. Anna Peterson to erect house on Lot 2, Block 17 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Inane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Shell Oil Company to constructtiand maintain a wholesale distributing depot for handling petoleum n Lots 111, 3-2 and 13, Block 11, R. F. P. read. Carried. Moved by Pasco, sedonded by Mitchell that same be re- ferred"to the Fire, Light & '"later Committee to work in con- junction with the Fire Chief and the City Engr, with power to act. Carried. ""'` • The Finance Committee audited and recommended. for payipent the following bills: CURB NT 1240 10 - 259-65 Pay Roll St . Dept. ti� • 6.00 Claude G. Bannick Prisoners' Meals. 26 `llilliams & O'Hara Labor & Material. 86.73 - 268 Trick & Priurray Su)plies 4 62.50 - 269 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor ?Nm. 'Haller Labor 0 3.25 - 270 32.55 -- 270 'goods Cafe Prisoners Meals 25 90 - 272 McPherson Furn r • laterial Al Morgan Gas & Oil . 15.84 - 273 P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights 286.96 - 274 Pettie Printery Printing . . . . . 12.50 - 275 'Vinegar Printing " . . . . . . 19 .50 - 276 GladdingtT,IcBean Co. P�Taterial . 1.20 - 277 Automatic Coal Burner Labor 7.50 - 278 Fairbanks , Morse & Co . Material. . . . . . . 2.64 279 Bishop & Je nkins Fuel . . . . . . . 21.18 - 280 Gas . . . . . . . 17.18 - 281 Mac Ser Sta. 0. Priebe Material. . . . . . . 3.35 - 282 ':IAT ER Pay Roll Water Dept . 144.22 -13-17 Peerless Co. Material 11.12 -18 Olympic Foundry n 8.15 -19 P.S.P. & L. Co. Power • 148.98 -20 wool �x 36.98 -21 City of,Seattle dater 1.50 -22 Pettie Printery Printing 10.05 -23 0. Priebe material • Ut1396( 7 Moved. by Hiller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tions of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from St . L- !Llley Committee on parking on Factory & 4th iJve recommending that the city proceed with the improvement, the Fac . Car having consented to share in the expense. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded. by Crook that the question of watching parked cars on 4th & Factory be referred to the Police & License Committee for solution. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lvey that the end of Main St. be ,provided with a proper stop sign and the matter referred to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Engr. report read recommending that 98075.00 be paid NePage-McKinny. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Communication read from Vincent Stewart and ordered. filed. Resignation of Alfred Boas read, Moved. by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be placed on the table for two weeks. Carried. Communication received from Citizens Party. moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that same be turned over to the city clerk and filed.. Carried. Ordinance No. 873 making it a misdemeanor to deface etc. city property read and on motion referred to the Ordinance `. Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord., 873 whereupon it was placed. upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Kane. Miller, Crook, Pasco, !°.vey and Mitchell. Fire Chief 77ood tecommended that an Ordinate be drafted requiring that all aisles in public gatherings be kept open and also parking in front of public buildings be regulated. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the Ordinance committee bring in an ordinance covering the above points. Carried. No further business appearing, meeting; adv d ourne . A City Clerk. Mayor, k 298 April 9 , 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.I. by Mayor Beanblossom. I Present: Kane, Mille r, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and a ;troved. Petition of Albert Iloe to erect porch at 539 Williams St . North. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Service Ldry to make repairs to wash shed read. Moved by Crook, seconded byn Avey that same be granted. Carried. petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to set poles on 'Yells St. No. read. Moved by Michell, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. I:Ioved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that the Fire , Light & YVater Committee get in touch with the P.S.F.& L.Co. relative to placing poles in alleys when possible. Carried. Petition from llayner Motor Co. to break curb in front of Oakland-Pontiac Bldg. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Pasco that same be re- ferred to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act . Carrie. Police & License Committee report favorably on the Olmsted-Becktell application for pool hall in the new Kirkman Bldg. on tells St. wool Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in and license granted., Carried. St & Alley Committee recommend that a reflector sign be purchased by the St. Supt and placed at the end of Ilain St. i 11oved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the report be received and instructions carried out. Carried. St. & Alley Committee recommended that certain street signs on 3d Ave be moved. ! Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the matter be referred to the St. Supt & Chief of Police. Carried. St & lley Committee recommended that the position of St. Foreman be abolished iIa.y 1st and all street employees work directly under the supervision of the city engineer. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the recommenda- tions be carried out. Carried. Reports read from the treasurer and clerk for the month of March, and ordered filed. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Miller that certain signs on 3rd t�ve. which project over the sidewalk be referred- to eferredto the Fire , Light & ''tater Committee for report next Tuesday night. Carried* Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the question of radio interference be referred to the city attorney to take up direct with Dr. Libbee. Carried. J.T.Snyder, representing the Municipal League asked for the use of one room in the City Hall one ni€ht each month. Loved by Miller, ; seconded by Crook that the matter be left in the hand,§ of the Janitor. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. �� nYDR. _ _ CLERK April 16, 1929. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. I,l. with Mayor Beiftnblossom presiding. Mitchell.Present: Kane, Crook, Miller, Pasco , 11vey and 11inutes of the last meeting read and approved. garage onPo�tjjn SJocl: jno_Wd orPpere j�.to erect house and :loved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. d. Karns to move bldg from Lot 6, Blk. 14, to Lot 17, Blk. 13, R. F. P. read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Wilson to erect house on Lot 11, Blk. 13, R. F. P. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Protest read against granting license to operate pool hall on Wells St. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that we hold this matter over for two weeks for solution by the interested property owners. Carried. The F' anCe C ttee audited and recommended for payment the folnlowing alas : W t s. CURRENTv 2 7 9 13-29 3-� Pay Roll St. Delt. v Hamilton Bors. Gas & Oil . . . 26.33-900 Great W- estern Material . . . 226.50-301 J.E.Vioue Supplies . . 4.60-302 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas 1.50-303 Renton Hdw. Co . Supplies . . 110.02 -304 Renton Garage Labor , . . 5.50-305 Pac. Coast R.R. Rental . . 1.00-306 West Disinfectant Supplies . . 10.75-307 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil 2.58-308 Ser Ldry & Cleaners Ldry . . . 5.35-309 Rayner Motor Co. Labor . . . . . . . 9.55-310 John Bolognini Expenses . . . . . . 1.00-311 See & Sons Lumber . . . . . . 25.20-312 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel . . . . . . 22.28-313 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil &.Labor. . . 89.90-314 J.F.Strnard Supplies . . . . . . 6.00-315 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications . . 50.45-316 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel 156.17-317 W 10ER Fay Roll Water Dept. 124.75 27-30 Reid & Cook Labor 3.00 31 American Cast Iron Material 13.80 32 Loved by I:Iitchell, seconded by miller that the recommendations of the Finance Committee be concurred in. carried. �..- Moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that we accept the resignation of Alfred Boas, Councilman from the First ti`ar& and the Clerk write him a letter of thanks for services rendered the City. Carried. j 0 0 Communication read from Dr. Libbee relative to radio interference. Moved by I,:Iitdhell, seconded by Crook that the communication be accepted and filed and a S i:ecial Committee appointed to confer with Dr. Libbee. Carried. The I.Tayor appointed the following: Kane, Pasco and Avey. Librarian's report covering the Honth of T,Zarch read and ordered filed. Communication read from R. B. Downie. l.Toved by Crook, seconded by I,gitchell that same be turned over to the city atty. Carried. This being the night for hearing; on the pis'sessment Roll Dist 175 and communication received from N. P. Ry. on � same, it was Moved by Kane, seconded by Eliller that the hearing be continued one week. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk. 1 ' IJlayo r. 1 Jiti396ct 301 April 23, 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom, Present: Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and livey. Minutes of the last meeting; read and approved. �... Petition of Frank Gustine to break curb. on Lot 1, Blk. 15, Car Norks Add. read. I,.oved b Miller seconded by I:ane that same be re- ferred to the ST. &J Alloy Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of L. L. Niccum for permit to make addition to house on Lot 9 , Blk; 2, Car Works read. Moved by 1Lvey, seconded by I,:iller that same be granted. Carried. Petition read from III. Frantila for permit to build basement on Lot 7 , Blk. 18, Town. Idoved by .1vey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Report read from the Secretary of Bark Board on improvements made the past year and a half. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that same be re- ceived and filed and the Board commended for their effieient work. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the week beggnning I.Tay 6th to 12th inclusive be designated as "Clean up geek" Carried. Moved. by Kai e , seconded by Crook that the hearing on the assessment roll District 175 be continued one week. Carried.. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that the St'. Supt. bring in a detailed report on the cost of a dust prevention solution to be applied on the unpaved streets. Carried. The Mayor appointed Floyd Lawrence to fill the chair vacated by Alfred Boas. Moved by Pasco, seconded by I:Iiller that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried unanimously. The question of widening 3rd Ave. between Hain - hill St was brought up by Mr. Evans. ItiJoved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the matter be referred to the St. &; Alley Committee , City kitty and City Engr for an early report. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. Clerk M,Vc or. April 30, 1929. T�w Council me in regular session at $ P. M. with Mayor Bean essom press ing. Present: Lawrence , Miller, Crook, Kane , Pasco, xvey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and app-roved. Petition of Nello Fistoresi to break curb on Lot 7 , Blk. 2, Car Works read. Moved by Kane, seconded b& Crook that same be granted under the supervision of the Ci y b& gr. Carried. Petition of Frank Manifold to move garage to rear of lot in Blk 23, Town, read. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of Gordon Pritchard to build basement and repair house on Lot 3, Blk. 6, Car ',ffks. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by ,.vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Wm. Kane to erect house and garage on 'Alells St. Blk 23, Tova, Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that sane be granted. Carried. I . Petition of Urs. 11anuel to remodel house on Lotl9 , Blk, 6, Car Works read. Mov�d b r Kane , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. arr ed. Petition of 11. .Edwards to build basement and remodel house on Lot i, Blk. 3 Motor Line Addn. read. , Carried. Moved by Kane, secondeA by Crook that same be granted. Petition of J. 1. Richardson to erect garage on Lot 17, B1k,17 , Town read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. Y. Thornton to connect buildings in rear of Marr's Grocery by enclosing passage read. " 4,1oved by nvey seconded b Crook that same be referred to the Fire , Light & 'later Commitee with power to act. Carried.. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the question of sewerage on Main St. `South be referred to the St. & �dley Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following b1lls: i CURRENT It s. , Pay Roll St. Dept . . . . . . . . . . . 0282.76- 331--3'7 Trick & Murray Supplies . . . . . . 2.14 338 Vincent Stewart Expenses . . . . . . 3.75 339 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas . . . . . . .75 340 Udo Hesse Blueprints . . . . . 4.00 341 Renton Radiator & Fender Repair . . . . . 5.50 342. Fac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones. . . . . 8.15 348 Renton Tire Shop Material . 18.50 .344- Wm. 44Wm. ,'faller Labor 9.25 345 C. G. Bannick, Shff Prisoners Meals 47.00 346 K.E.Erickson Co. , Inc Material . . . 9 .67 347 Williams & McKnight Supplies . . . 51.48 348 P.S.P.& L. Co. Lights . . . 340.24 349 Joe Wood Fees . . . 30.00 350 North Coast Chem & Soap Supplies . . . 8.75 351 "lash. Amiesite Co. I!Ta.terial . . . 138.00 352 "'l13 6a 3 3 Isaacson Iron Works Repair ;'fork 8.45- 353 Olympic Foundry Co . riaterial . 26.85 354 Leah Floods Prisoners Meals 9.00 355 J. S. Hardie Supplies . . 2.75 356 .K.N.Richmond Expenses . . 14.60 357 Art Trud.gian Labor - Park. . . 14.60 358 D. D. 'Watson Dog Catcher . 31.50 359 �► NATER Pay Roll 'Vater Dept * . . . . . . 116.02- 36-39 Peerless Co. Material . . . . . . . . . 155.71 40 Fairbanks, 171orse & Co. Material . . . . . 67.55 41 P.S.Po& L. Co. Power . . . . . 99.18 42 Hersey Mfg. Co. Material . . 115.50 43 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 114 . . . 9.00 44 J. S. Hardie Supplies . 22.03 45 1.Zoved by 1ilitchell, second by hiller that all bills be paid. Carried. City Engr report on cost of oiling unpaved streets read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be received and filed for reference . Carried. Move& by Pasco , seconded by 11itchell that the St . 'Foreman be given a 15 day vacation with pay . Carried. The hearing on the Assessment Roll Dist 175 was continued another week. No further business , meeting adjourned. r.- Clerk Hayor. Jilay 7,, 1929. j Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. by' Myor Beanblossom, Present: Lawrence, Kane, Tiller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and T. itchell. Minutes 03 the last meetiAg read and approved. Petition of Thos., Edwardo for permit, to erect a garage on hot 18 Blk. 19 R. F. P. read. Moved ty .ri'tcheil', seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of property owners north and west of Blk. 23 and 24 for sewer was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by 1-11itchell that the petition be accepted and placed on file and a Resolution of Intention brought in.t� Carried. Petition of E. W. Graybeal to operate a meery-go- round and other concessions on 3rd and Morris read. 11oved by Crook, seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried.. Petition of the P. S. P & Lt Co. to set poles on Main St. No. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition read from Mary Find Harry Sehellert on the Ldarion St. impt. I:11oved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be filed for reference. Carried. St. & Alley Committee reporting on the Main St. So. sewer said it was not feasible to create a local improvement district but suggested that the property owners do the job themselves. Moved- by Crook, seconded by Kane that the report be accepted and suggestions carribd out. Carried. Report read from the City Engr, recommending the payment of ; 1425.00 to Ne-Page Mc envy Co. 11oved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the reco=ienda- tion of the engr be carried out . Carried. The reports of the treasurer and clerk for the month of April were rea& and ordered filed.. Report read from the Librarian and ordered filed. Ord No. .874 approving and contirmine- the assessment Roll Dist 175 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, Ord. No. 875 approving and con.firminS the Assessment Roll Dist. 169 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Ord.* + No . 874 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Kane , T:Tiller, Crook, Pasco , Lvey and 11itchell. l Wi 13 9 rj 5 The Ordinance Committee re orted favorably on Ord. No. 875 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings. and passed as a whole, all councilment present voting aye: Lawrence, Kane, T:Tiller, Crook, Pasco , Aver and i:iitchell. The St . . 1lley Committee recommend that the Engr. report of balance of final estimate of ; 327.12 on the Marion St. impt. be allowed. Moved by l:Ziller, seconded by Pasco that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. St. L9, Alley Committee reported that they had a meeting with the interested property owners on the matter of Ylidening 'hila :"Walla eve and had given them an estimate of the cost of samet and the property owners had agreed on the impt. Moved by Crook, sea�onded by Kane that the rel,,ort be accepted. Carried. No further-business, meeting adjourned. Mayor i Clerk I I i L a I:Zay 14, 19 29 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. K. with Ilrayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Crook, Pasco and Ivey. Petition of I. Righi to ,erect house on Lots 21 and 229 Blk. 16 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of B. Lindgren to erect house on Lot 10, Blk. 5 , R. F. P. read. Idoved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of C. Haleway to extend store building out to sidewalk at 425 Park !eve. read* moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried. Dr. Dixon, County Health pfficer add made a verbal report on sewerage conditions and the condition of Black River in general. ��fter discussion it was moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the City Lngr. prepare and. present plans for a sprinkling filter system to be installed in conjunction with the south side sewage disj;osal plant. Carried. ?resolution No. 432 for the improvement �of ':yells St . Block 23,Town by sewer was read and on motion made and seconded adopted as read. No further business, meeting adjourned. low Clerk Mayor. 1 MW96; !s 1.1ay 21, 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council was celled to order at 8 P. I.I. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence , Kane, It2iller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meetin- read and approved. Petition of J. 0. Edwards to reshingle house at 524 TobinIve. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. to set anchor on Park Ave. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by iwey that same be referr- ed to the Fire , Light & dater Commitee with power to act . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: CURRENT Pay Roll St. Dept . 9293.23 382-90 Service Ldry Laudnry 1.50 391 Great 'Iestern El. Chem Material 1.50 392 0. K. Gargge Gas & Oil 3.53 393 Williams Park Confer. Park Labor 62.50 394 Mac 's Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 24.10 395 Remington Rand Supplies 3.33 396 Flax Mfg. Co . tt 1.00 397 Renton Garage Gas 1.00 398 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 16.50 399 J. F. Strnard Supplies 1.65 400 Trick e. Illurray it 31.82 401 iNilliams & OtHara Gas & Oil 6.84 402 No .Renton Ser. Sta Gas 1.35 403 E. A. Shearer Labor & Material 2.01 404 Hamilton Bros. Gas & Oil 33.28 405 Al Morgan n 20.10 406 Reid & Cook " 25.16 407 Earlington Impt. Club Lights 30.60 408 Fac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 9.50 409 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel & Drayage 127.76 410 P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights 61.43 411 WILT ER Pay Roll rater Dept . X130.99 52-56 71. S. Darley & Co . Supplies 6.20 57 City of Seattle 'later (2 mos );, 77.32 58 Reid & Cook Gas 1.40 59 Olympic Foundry Co . Material 154.85 60 P.S.P. & L. Co. Power 128.50 61 Moved by I,Iiller, seconded by iTitchell that the recommendations of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Health Officer Dixon submitted a favorable report on analysis of .,ample from Renton Sewage Plant -.ind stated that Une Renton Sewage System is purer than 9/10 of the drinking water in King County. i 38 ;roved by Kane, seconded by Miller that °he question of street lights on Brooke St at Factory be raferred to the Fire, Light & 7.7ater Committee for report. "rried. Tdoved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the City Council endorse the 4th of July celebration projjosed by the xmericaA Legion and the Fire Dept. Carried. No further business , wetting adjourned. Clerk, Mayor, 'Iwo, { I X396 9 Tia,,,T 28, 1929 . The Coancil met in regular session at 8 P. T.. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , .wey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of irvid Swanson to erect- house on Lot 18, Blk. 19 , Town and raze old building read, loved by A,Vey, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. E. Highton to alter and reshingle garage etc . on Lot 25, Blk. 18, R. F. P. read. Moved by 1.1itchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of L. Sepanen to erect small house on Lot 7, Blk. 1, R. F. P. read. 1loved by Kane , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of L. apanen to erect house on Lot 22, Blk. 12, R. F. P. read. 11oved by 11itehell, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of bars . llary Horney to reshingle house at 437 Pelly St. read. Hoved by Iulitchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be 1`, granted. Carried. Petition of J. G. 'Jhite to remodel house on Lot 17 , Blk. 22, Town read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Gustine to make addition to Oil station for a market read. 11oved by Pasco , .seconded by Kane that same be granted. ;tarried. Petition read from property owners on 'lilliams St. for concrete paving. J.,oved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that petition be referred to the city engr and city atty and a Resolution of Intention drafted. Carried. Petition of Dave 71illiamS to raze old gara£;e and e-ect new one on Lot lo, Blk. 24, Town. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Directors of School DistIr 47 requesting that all property adjoining the present High School Bldg* and other property contemplated to be purchased by the district be restricted to a distance of at least one block to such uses as will not interfere with the full use and enjoyment r.., of the school read. Moved by Kane, seconded by jivey that same be referred to the City Engr and the City Atty for report next Tuesday. Carried. 310 Fire , Light & `,dater Committee resorted favorably on the petition of Fac . Tel & Tel. Co and recommended that permit be granted on condition that they ax willing to move d saianchor at any time when objections wva- t be raised. 1.1oved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the re- port be re ceivecl and recommendations carried out . Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that property owners on main St. South not connected with sewer be notified to connect up at once. Carried. Fire, Light & Water Committee recommended that a p. lamp be installed on Factory at Brookes St . 11oved by 11Iitchell, seconded by L awrence that the j:ecommendations be carried out . Carried. Cards of Thanks received from Mrs. Jas . Martin � family and Mr, & Mrs. Emanuel Martin &: family and ordered filed. i Health Officer Dixon submitted a list of pereons not connected up with sewer ani recommended that they be officially notified to connect up at once. Idoved and seconded that the recommendations be carried out and city atty. notify them. Carried. P. S. 1. & L. Co. submitted a contract on street lighting service. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the City Engr. & City Witty. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk • Mayor, �: 1-tig396i 31.1 June 4, 1929. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by T.Tayor Beanblossom, Present: Lawrence, Kane , Hiller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Margaret Phillips to erect garage on Lot 14, Block 12, Town read. . Ilov(�d by Kane, seconded by ,Tiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Lester Hilliker to repair and make certain alterations on the Grady building read. Moved by Crook, seconded by t,vey that same be referred to the Fire, Light & ;dater Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Browning Bros. Amusement Co. for license to operate carnival on Lots 2 to 5, Blk. 5, Town. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: ' Y CUR=,NT Pay Roll St . Dept. - - - - - - -•4587.55 413-21 Moods Cafe Prisoners' Meals - - - 23.25 422 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil - - - - - - 5.75 423 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - 51.93 424 Mae 's Ser: Sta Gas & Oil - - - - - - 38.60 425 Williams & McKnight Supplies - - - - - - 7.31 426 J. S. Hardie Labor - Park Fountain - 43.00 427 Renton Agency Inc . Labor Material - - - 35.80 428 Williams Sweet Center Lark Labor - - - - - - 62.50 429 West Paper Co. Supplies - - - - - - 17.50 430 Wm. Waller Labor - - - - - - 2.00 431 Vincent Stewart Expenses - - - - - - 9.00 432 Pac . Car & Foundry Repairing- road grader - 50.06 433 Gaylord Bros. Library Supplies - - - 25.75 434 Emporium Fire Dept . Supplies - - 103.15 435 King Printing Co. Library Supplies - - 4 .50 436 Claude G.Bannick,Shff. Prisoners ' TTeals - - 19.00 437 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - - - .75 438 O.' K. Repair Repairing Prowler - - - 49.75 439 Joe :'flood Fees - - - - - - 42.50 440 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance - - - - - - 60.00 441 Hamilton Bros. Gas & Oil - - - - - - 35.60 442 J. S . Hardie Labor & Material - - - 9 .90 443 ':dAT Pay Roll ?dater Dept. - - - - - - 32.45 4 62-63 Renton Agency Inc. Material & Labor - - - 32.59 - 66 Olympic Foundry Material - - - - - - 20.40 - 6� Moved by Kane , seconded by Kitchell that the recommenda- tions ecommendations of the Finance Committee be concurred in and bills paid. Carried. 1Toveeby Pasco , seconded byTitchell that the P.S.P.& L. Co . notified to repair certain sidewalks on the north side. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mritchell that the Fire , Light & Nater Committee be emiowered to move light on Burnett St. between 2nd & 3rd rives to the intersection. Carried. T.ioved. by Miller, seconded by Crook that the city atty. be given another week to report olzoning district. Carried.. r..� Report read from the Engr, on proposed improvement described in Resol. No . ,432. lJoved by Kane, seconded by Uller that same be filed for reference . Carried. Librarian's report read and ord.erea tiled. Ord. No . 876 providing for the improvement of '.yells St. by constructing a sanitary sewer read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reijorted favorably on Ord. Tido . 876 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Kane , Yiller, Crook, Pasco , Axey and iwlitchell. Claim of R. B. Downie served on the City, was read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that same be referred to the City ::Ltty. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by „tiller that the question of gasoline for city cars The referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and report. Carried. Yoved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the question of stock inside the city be referred to the, Ordinance Committee for solution. Carried. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Pao. Telephone Co. to more certain poles on 2nd Ave. No. Carried. �,Ioved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the matter of an alley in the rear of lots on Park ',ve. between lst 2nd. eves. be referred to the City Atty. for report . Cp.rried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. C = _ MAYOR. ' t Ut1396j 313 June 11, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11, with Ylayor Beanblossom presiding. Present; Lawrence , :filler, Pasco and LUtchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. i Petition of Mrs . Margaret Phillips to erect house on Lot 14, Blk, 12, Town. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by .Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo. Brown to erect garage on Lot 20, Blk. 18, Town read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of ff. H. Dobson to remodel house on Lot 11, Blk, 7 , Car Works read. Loved by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. H. Linge to erect garage building on Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 6, Sartorisville read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Report read from the City Atty on Zoning the city. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that same be placed on file. Carried. The City Atty' reporting on the City of Renton vs Waterway district litigation stated that the Supreme Court had affirmed the decision of the lower court compelling the district to pay local assessments. The following appointments were made by the r.ayor: City Engineer S. L. Hanley Street & Water Supt. S. L. Hanle Chief of Police Vincent Stewart Health Officer C. L. Dixon Fire Chief Joe Wood, Sr. Police Judge Joe Wood, Sr. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that all appointments be confirmed. Carried. The Mayor then appointecl the following committees: PARK BOARD U. Cochran Floyd Lawrence 71m. Bennett, Jr. 31.4 LIBRARY BO.,M amp ell, li. J. Dimmitt J. E. McFarland Mrs. Kate White Mrs. A. N. Fairchild SERVICE COL MTTEE W As Avey, Chairman George Pasco J. F. Crook '..'JAYS jLND iv,tiNS COMMITTF2 t Urook, Chairman Douglas Miller -F Qi FINANCE CLUMS AND ACCOUNT C0I,2UTTEE George Pasco, Chairman J. F. Crook r"J. A. Avey STREET nM ALLEY 1CO1,UaTT4' David Mitchell, Chairman George Pasco F. W. Kane LAW I1ND ORDINANCE C0M11ITTEE Floyd Lawrence , Chairman David Mitchell Douglas Miller POLICE AND LICEI SE COTIIMITTEE oug as ,li e r, airman George Pasco W. jL. Avey FIRE,,', LIGHT & '3ATER COMMITTEE F. W. Kane , Chairman Floyd Lawrence J. F. Crook CITY PROPERTY CO1.1MITT1,1E We A, Avey, Chairman David Mitchell, F. W. Kane Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the foregoing committee appointments be confirmed. Carried.. Moved. by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that the Service Committee have cardsprinted containing the names of the different committees and city officials.c Carried. Co-.._incilman Lawrence stated that the Fire Chiefs Convention would be held in Vancouver, B.C. this year and suggested that we send Chief .flood and recommended the payment of X100.00 expenses. Moved by` Miller, seconded by Pasco that the matter be referred to the way & Means Committee for report next Tuesday night . Carried, No further business , meeting a�d/1jjourned. a ' Clerk rn , Mayor. t1396i 31. 5 June I8, i929 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by I:Iayor Beanblossom at 8 o 'clock p.m. Present-- Lawrence , Kane , 1.4iller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. The IBinutes of the last meeting were read. and apjjroved. Petition of John eil to erect garage on Lot 9 , jlk I8, H.F.Plat read. .Moved by _wey and seconded by I:Iitchell that petition be granted. Carried. petition of H.Shepherd to erect garages on .Lot 13 Blk 6, R.F.Flat re,wd. Moved by 1,1itchell and seconded by Lawrence thet petition be granted. Carried. Petition of J.T.I.Kyes to remodel house at ,;eventh rive and Smithers Street read. Moved by I,Iitchell and seconde- by .vey that p etition ' be granted. Carried. Petion of .H.Stokes to cut driveway thvough curb on Lot 5 , Blk 5 , Smithers =addition read. TAoved by Kane and seconded by I::itchell that i,etition be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas Termne to make alterations on house on Lots I and- 2, Block 25 read. I:Iove(l by HUtchell and seconded by . vey that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of E.L.Kirwin to erect E;arage on Lots 19 and 20 , Block 5 read. 111oved by _asco and seconded by _,vey that the petition be referred to the Fire , bight and ':Tater Committee with power �.,. to act. Carried. dtition of I.I.Hougardy to erect garage on Lot 13, 31k 2I , R.F.P. read. Moved by Lawrence and seconded by I:Iitchell that same be granted. Carried. Fetion of Chris Vistressi to erect house on Lot I Blk 28 read. roved by Mane and seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the lacific Car and Fdy. Co for permission to move building from .gots I and 2, Blk.3 C.W. idd. to Car 1,1/orks property read. a$ed by Pasco and Seconded by T:Iitchell that same be granted. Carried. I-etition pf V. Gambini to move house on Lot I� Blk. 3, R.F.F. read. Moved by ;_;jawrence and seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the semi- monthly payrolls. "oved by Biller and secondees by -awrence that the rdport be accepted and the current payrolls paid. Carried. The Streetand iIlley Committee asked for and were granted more time on the proposition of widening Walla Walla nve at I:Iill Street. The `Nays and T.Teans Committee asked for and were grantea one more week on the matter of sending the Fire Chief to Convention. The reports of the Clerk and Treasurer were read and ordered filed. Y 31 �2he City Treasurer reported that he designated the First ?`rational Bank of Renton as the City depository. T:loved by Crook and seconded by TTitchell th t the same be referred to the City _"tty. Carried. 1--loved by T:Iitchell and seconded Kane that the petition of property owners asking for the opening of Seventh ..venue north be referred back to the signers. Carried, The Fourth of July Committee of the Fire D e_A and _.merican Legion reported through 1,11m. Bennett, Jr. that they would furnish the services of ten men to act as s,ecial ptlicemen on the Fourth. Moved by -.asco and seconded by Crook that the Chief of police be instructed to deputize them for that day . Carried. Resolution No. 433, providing for the paving of Williams Street from Second Lvenue to First 1:ve. Not , First �'Lve north from Wells to ':`7i lliams Street and 'dilliams Street North from First to Sixth 'ivenue was introduced and read. Tloved by Kane and seconded by Pasco that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Ilovec_ by Mitchell and seconded by casco that the Fire, Light and T:dater Committee and the Fire Chief investigate the manner in which a building at First Avenue North and Garden Street is being constructed. Carried. It was reported that in several locations there are small buildings which have metal smoke pipes extending through wooden roofs. T>Ioved by Hiller and seconded by Crook that the Fire. Chief investigate. .there being no further business the meeting adjourned. Poll I i r U t 1 396 317 June 25, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 Z. id. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Bane , Crook, Pasco , iivey and 'Mitchell. Minutes of the Last meeting read and ai,proved.. Petition of L. F. Betz for permit to erect house and garage on yot 2, Block 22, R. F P. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Val. Klayneck to re-roof house at 435 Renton St. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by i.vey that same granted. Carried. Petition of I.Irs . Alice Hathaway to make addition to house on Lot 4, Block 7 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Sam Petchnik to reshingle house at 503, Renton St . read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded. by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. C. Davis to make addition to house on Lot 11, Blk. 8, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried.. Ways & Means Coiunittee recommended that ; 75.00 be paid the Fire Chief for convention expenses to` Vancouver.- Moved, by Kane, seconded by Avey that the report be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. O .G.Gilliland Service Committee recommended. the appointment of Dave Reid & the same police force,whereupon the Mayor ailiointed Oliver Martin, Moved. by 1,1itchell, seconded by -awrence that the appointmentsbbe confirmed. Carried. Ordinance No. 877 authorizing the , ayor & City Clerk to isslze bonds against L.I.D. No. 169 was read, and on motion refer;rea to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance ro. 878 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.J. No. 175 was read and. on motion referxed to the Ordinance Committee. The Or tainance Co,,. nittee re.,orted favorably on Ord. I, os. 877 and 878 whereupon Ordinance No. 877 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Kane , Crook, Pasco , Llvey and Mitchell. Ordinance llo . 878 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Kane, Crook, Fasco , Ave-,7' and Lilitehell. No further business, meet ' adjourned. Mayor Clerk. i i 31- 8 July 2, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. I.I. with Mayor Bea.nblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco and hvey. I.inutes of the last meeting read a.n& aliproved. Petition of E. Hyde to make addition to small house on Lot 7 , Blk. 25, R. F. P. read. I:Ioved by Crook, seconded by 2Lvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Louis Traverso to repair and remodel house on Lots 11 and 12, Block 12, Town. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 1,1. Hoyt to remodel house on Lot 9 , Block 4, R. F. P. road. Moved by .vey, seconded by Lawrence that same be gran4 ed. Carried. Petition of Savage Lumber Co to build lumber storage shed on Lots 4 and 5 , Block 1, Motor Line addition read. I,.Ioved by Kane , seconded by hvey that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Nater Corunittee for rel;ort. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- Iment the following bills : CURRI NT Wt . Pay Roll St. Dept . - - - - - - - - 4311.43 - 475-82 Renton Garage Repairs Fire Truck - - - - 152.54 483 Pact Tel & Tel. Telephones - - - - - - - - 13.75 484 Claude G.Bannick, Prisoners ' lvleals - - - 2.00 485 North Coast Chem Supplies - - - - - - 3.00 486 Art Trudgian Labor - - - - - - 6.50 487 Pettie Printery Printing bonds - - - - 45.50 488 D. D. ,watson Dog Catcher - - - - 15.00 455 Nilson & Marlowe Bond Prem - -- - - 50 .00 489 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry Fire Leet . - - - 2.15 490 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - - - 11.00 491 Trick & Murray Supplies - - - - - - 3.56 492 R. M. Thorne .bond Prem. - - - - - - 22.00 493 'Mn. 'Waller Labor - - - - - - 2.00 494 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Drayage - - - - - - 22.00 495 ngnes N. Richmond :3xpenses Downie case- - 3.00 496 Seattle v'Paxine Co . Supplies - - - - - 7.35 497 Seattle Lighting Co, . Ga's - - - - - - 1.35 498 Lowman & Hanford Library Books - - - - - 24.24 499 ruilliams Sweet Center Park Labor - - - - - 40.00 500 ,williams & 0 THara Labor & Material - - - 15.02 501 «utomatic Coal Burner Repair 'Work - - - 3.92 502 Rentor} Garage ReNair Mork - - - 9.50. 503 Sanderson Safety Supply Supplies - - - 8.00 504 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights - - - 341.47 505 Great '.western E1. Chem Rental Cylinders 1.50 506 tWilliams & McKnight Supplies - - - 5.96 507 1,1 Dorgan Gas & Oil - - - 12.85 508 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel r - - 9 .00 509 Clarke Bros , Motor Co . Labor & idaterial - 104.90 510 .rrr' General Repair Shop Repair ,'fork - - - 4.00 511 Renton Tire Shop Material - - - 215.60 512 0. K. Garage & Stage Gas & Labor - - - 2.45 513 Joe 'stood Fees - - - - 50.00 514- Reid 14Reid & Cook Gas & Oil & Labor 88.87 515 %McPherson Furniture Supplies - - - 9 .44 516 lnt139604 319 WATER Wt s . Par Roll 'mater Dept. - - - - - - 4117.26 74-79 Reid & Cook Gas , Oil & Labor - - - - - 21.38 80 F.S.P. & L. Co . Power - - - - - - - - 149.44 81 Hersey Ilfg. Co. Material - - - - - - - - 144.00 82 Olympic Foundry Co , tt - - - - - - - - 3.60 83 Renton Hdw. Co. Supplies - - - - - - - 11.85 84 ILd Pace Water irks Material - - - - - - - 103.00 85 City of Seattle y"dater - - - - - - - 2.42 86 Fay Roll - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14.97 1-2-3 Ljoved by Kane , seconded by Crook that ° the recommendations of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried.. Ordinance licensing motor vehicles was introduced and read. and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 11r. Ross Phillips complained of a leak on his property. Loved by Crook, seconded by Tviiller that the matter be referred to the Fire , Light & 4Vater Conzaittee and the City Lngr. Carried. No further business, meetinS adjourned. CL:IIK I { i I i a i Y u j 7 l 320 July 9 , 1929. Regular session of the City Council vas 'called. 'to order at 8 P. T,,,I. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco ,may and Avey. Hinutes of the last meeting read and approved.. Petition of t.ugust Suffia to erect small house on Lot 21, Blk. 16, R. F. P. read. Moved. by Avey, seconded. by filler that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. +'dellman to erect garage on Lot 16, Blk. 18, Town. Proved by Kane, seconded by "vey that same be grant- d'. Carried.. Petitiozi of r lbert 7r-u,r to erect small house on Lot 60 Blk. 3, Gar Works read. Hoved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended the payment of the following pay rolls: � Current Pay Roll . . . . . . . . . x119 .96 525-26 Water Pay,Roll 49 .90 89-90 moved by Kane, seconded by Giller that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month � of June were read and ordered filed. This being the niht for opening bids in Dist 176, sanitary sewer the following were read: E. E. Duff w1830.92 G. A. Harner . o . . 1549 .00 S. Macri & CO. . . . . . . 2391.50 Peter Dullahant. . . . . . 1°35.00 Adams Bros. 1798.25 Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence thLA the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, G. A. Harner. Carried.. I'�oved by Lawrence, seconded by miller that the Ordinance Committee call a special meeting Monday, July 15th, at 8 p. m. in the City Hall to consider the tentative ordinance on licensing of motor vehicles, and the City Clerk be instructed. to notify all business men to attend. Carried.* do further business , meeting adjourned. G le rk 9-2 Mayor. ,Kt1396a 3 21 July 16, 1929. so aegular meeting of. the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Id. by L ayor Beanblos som. . .,,' Present: Lawrence , Miller, Kane , Crook, 11vey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and ap.L.roved. Petition of Harold Evans for permit to erect a building on Lot 10 , Block 10, Town. moved by Mitchell seconded by Killer that same be referred to the Fire , Light & later Committee and the City Engr. with power to act. Carried-. Petition of Peter Ballatore to reshingle house at 3d & Garden Sts. Moved by i:.itchell, seconded by Lvey that sauce be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Lighting Company for permit to install gas main at 708 2nd- xve. Moved- by Kane , seconded by Miller that same be granted uiider the supervision of the City Engr. Carried, The Finance Committee audited and. recommeridecL for payment the following; Zayrolls: Current . . X244.18 slater 0. 74.85 Uoved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tions of the Finance Committee be concurred. in. Carried. r.► Bond of G. A. Harner in Dist, j176 read. Iioved by Miller, ds�!.p W by Lawrence that the I,Iayor & Clerk be authorized to sign with G. A. Harner. Carried. Resolution Ifo. 433-k fixing; the date of hearing on assessment Roll for Williams St . aving read.. I:oved by Kane, seconded y Crook that same be adopted. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the curbing on 1st i�ve. No . be referred to the 'St - cc iklley CoLimittee for immediate action. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. i i I 322. • j • a • e • c , e k dew-��e � kJ� � r�c� ear (��ss ��\ (��� �t1396a 35 July 23, 19w9 . ReL7ular session of the City Council called to order by Iilayor 3eanblossom at 8 p.m. Present: Lawrence, Kane, JUller, Crook, Pasco , Ivey and ori tchell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and_ a,,iroved, rs ljetition from Frank Rhodes asking for a jermit to make certain alterations to a building located on Lot I , Blk ' of the T:Totor Line Addition was read. On motion by lrlitshell and second by 1Lvey the l.etitioii was referred. to the Fire , Light and :"tater Committee. The Street and Alley Committee reported that rejairs had been made to curbs and walks on the north side . On motion by Crook and second by Litchell the City Lngr was instructed to raze the walls of a burned building; owned by 1:;rs . Beale . The Street and Alley Cor_rnittee rel)o rated that the I.et- ition for widening WElla Walla 2.venue in front of Block IO had been fully signed up. :.Loved by Crook and seconded by Lawrence that the re';or.t be received and that the matter of the legal procedi.ire to be followed in making the improvement be referred to the City jittorney. Carried. The Fire , Light and Water Committee recommended- that the water sulj .ly line bettiveen the City and the Cityts reservoir on Talbot Hill be enlarged and that bids be, calied for for the necessary materials . On motion the recommendation was concurred in. silderman I.Titchell suggested that the City Council draft a suitable resolution of condolence on the death of ITr. "Nilliam T. i igott and on motion the , c�yor appointed the following committee to act in the matter- Crook, ,vey and Lawrence. There being no further business the council. adjourned. attest: City Clerk A � � i Mayor, � i I i i I i 326 - r } L I ..l A t 13 9 6 7 July 30, 1929 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Bea-.-blossom at 8 1?.11. present:- I;awrence, Kane , :.filler, Crook, Masco and l,.vey. The minutes of the last meeting were read and aiproved. -etition from H. Viniani for permit to make repairs on house read. On motion by TCliller and second by �,awrence L ermit granted. Petition for hermit to erect house on mot Ia, Blk.S, R.F.P. asked for by I:.rs. ...H.Newman. On motion by Lawrence and second by 1'Lvey, hermit granted. i?etition from _t .Grassi for permit to erect dwelling on Tact ?, 'IZ.C . read. On motion by idiller and second by kvey Netition granted. petition from JIton Fuller for permit to remodel dwelling at 223 !'ark _Lvenue read. On motion by -.Lawrence and second by I'diller permit granted. .ii petition for a license to conduct a \show during the week of liug.5th to ,',ug. I2 was read from Leavitt , Brown and Hyggins . On motion they.etition was referred to the I'olice and License Committee. The i'olice and License Committee recommended that the petition be not granted and on i:iotion the recommendat.Lon was concurred in. petition from ai;rroximately fifty business concerns -,, asking that the City Council declare the afternoon of Lag.6th, a holiday on ELc :ount of the ,later Carnival was reWd.. On motion by Lawrence and seconCE by Crook theriayor was ,uthorized 'to declare said afternoon a holiday. i The Fire', Ijigh,t and later Committee reported favorably on the petition of Frank Rhodes to make alterations to his service station. , i�ec_o:nmendation concurred in -t6nd permit -granted. x bid from the Federal Pii)e and Tank Co. to furnish i,i;ie as specified for a new ,)ipe line between the City and Talbot for $109 .80 per 100 linear feet was read. Moved by ivIillerr and seconded by Crook that the bid as submitted be accepted. Carried. F? v .Uder, Chairman, o,f the 01d Timer' s ricnic invited the Council and, offic� als to attend. Invitation acce ted. The Street and Gilley Committee reported that in the matter of widening, Walla l 'jalla "avenue everything was, rrogressing smoothely. t.nd,, based- on this report, it was moved by Crook . and seconded by Lawrence that the City Ln.gr. i,roceed with the necessary 1reliminaries . id carry out the imlrovement as soon as the, money_ therefor was made available . 3arried. Fire Chief good made a verbal report covering his trip to the convention of the Facific Coast Fire Chief's at Vancouver B.C . The City LLttorney reported as follows concerning the suit of the City, vs Coi-maerci al -daterway District No.2 for a collects n of special assessments: "The attorneys for defense filed an ai'i:lication 'or rehearing vi�th Supreme Court. hpplication denied. Hemittur now issued.. Case closed." There being no further business Council adjourned. J attest City Clerk Mayor. 3�� 6, 1929 , The Council met in regular session at 8 I . If. with Elayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Kane, Miller, Crook ;�nd j.vey. Minutes of the last meeting read. arid. &:1iliroved., retition of E'. J. Slake to install gasoline tanks and pump at old Edwards market on lst 'Lve. No. read. Moved. by Kane , seconded by Avey that same be referred- to eferredto the Fire Chief. Carried. Petition of Frank Delaurenti for Vermit to erect two houses on Acre Tract X12, Renton Co-operative Coal Co. read. IJloved by Kane , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Lester Hilliker to make basement under house on Lot 9 , Block 1, fiar 71orks lAd. read. I;ioved by Crook, seconded. by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jinn Johnson to make partition in store bldg. on 3rd & Idain St . read-. I.Ioved by Avey, seconded- by Crook thq,t same be referred to the Fire , Light & eater Cormnittee for investigation, with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: CURR-1,24T 'It s. Fay Roll St . Dejt . . w192.43 547-J= Renton Sunbeam Coal Fuel Library . . . . 27.00 552 King Printing Company Printing . . . . 25.75 553 Fac . Tel Co . Telephones . . . . 17.75 4 Vm. 'daller Labo r . . . . 2.00 5 Dodd, Mead & Co . Library Bks. . . . . 7 .00 6 G.E.Stechert &: Co . Tr if 3.78 7 Hertzberg Bindery " " 31.05 8 Jr�o . LcQuade, Jr. If Fuel 22.00 9 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas 2.40 56:0 Mac 's Ser Eta. n 1.80 1 John A. Mmes Supplies 1.95 2 D. D. '!Mtson Dog Catcher . . . . 55.50 528-35 Vince Stewart Expenses . . . . 3.00 563 Pioneer Inc . Supplies 0 0 10.50 564 R. 0. Brown Labor 0 6 1.20 565 E. F. Duff " 18.00 566 j Renton Sd & Gravel Concrete 32.80 7 F. S. P. & L. Co . Lights 335 .17 8 Great Vestern Fl. Material . 199 .50 9 H.R.Huntting Co. Library Books 202.99 570 0. ]]vans Park Labor 0 0 10.00 1 Jno. Farrow Si it 35.00 2 i ';Jilliams Sweet Center it it 85.00 J Woods Cafe Prisoners ' Ideals 55.35 4 Williams & McKnight I'viaterial 16.86 5 Union Oil Co . " 18.09 6 Joe Wood Fees 0 62.50 7 Trick &: Murray Supplies 0 27 .73 8 Ser. Ldry x Cleaners Ldry 6.00 9 New Renton Bakery Pound Supplies. 12.32 580 Renton Garage Gas Park 2.70. 1 See & Sons Lumber 0 40.83 2 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Material . 106.75 3 State Treasurer Drivers ' Licenses . 4.00 4 Howard Cooper Copr. material . 29.69 5 Thos . Harries , F. Iii. Envelopes 56.55 6 i "ti39 ou 329 Ohi.TER Wt s. Pay Roll '.later Dept. . . X121.03 97-? — Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil . , 18.30 100 Renton Garage 111ateria1 . . 3.00 101 P. S. Il. e L. Co. rower . . 192.63 102 Pac. ~Nater 7,11cs 11LLterial . . 43.57 3 Grinnell Co. " . 12.93 4 City of Seattle Water 63.68 5 1doved. by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the recor:mienda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the Hilwaukee be notified to extend their t_-olley truss between uIai,n & Kill on ',Valla ':Valla live. Carried. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that we call for bids for the widening of 71alla ;galla give. Carried. This being the night for hearing on the Williauns St . paving, protests were read. On motion by Kane , seconded by Crook same was referred to -the City Engr and City !Aty. for checking, i�fter a short recess, the city engr. and city atty recommended one week in order to determine the actual desire of the property owners. Moved by Crook, seconded by xvey that they be given one week. Carried. i,ioved by Kane, seconded by Uiller that the city lengr. be instructed to get certain street signs within three days . Carried. i Fire Chief "food, invited the city council and officials to attend the Firemen and American Legion icnic Sunday, August 10th. Invitation accepted. !Io further business, meetin`; adjourned. _y City Clerk E.'Layor. L 330 iiug. 13, 1929 . regular, session of the City Council was called. to order by "Lor Beanblossom ,at 8 F. Present: Lawrence, Kane , LZiller, Pasco, and �wey. 11inut es of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of V. Cartwright to erect house and garage on Lot 16, Block 12, R. F. I. read.. I.Ioved by Kane, seconded by Ysvey that sante be granted. Carried. Petition of Steven Caslmas to erect house and garage on Lot 18, Block 3, Car 'Yorks read. Moved. by uvey, seconded- by Lawrence that scu rye be granted. Carried. Petition of Elmer listorasi to break curb on Lot 22, Block 19 , R. F. P. read. Petition of H. Evans to break curb on .mot 10, Blk. 10, Town read. Petition of Frank y. Rhodes to break curb on Lot 1, Blk. 2, I.otor line read. iaoved by Lawrence , seconded by Pasco that all three petitions be referred to the St. & alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of the F. S. F. L. Co. to set poles on Shattuck St. read.. Carried. Moved by Kane, seconded by Axey the-t same be granted.. Petition of F.E�.T.IcKenna to erect garages on Lots 2 & 3, Blk 240R.FP Mov byr Kan se onde br.ri ey that same be referred to the Fire Ch ti�1 pi5wery yacty � iesubmitted a report on the 17illiams St . paving showing that the protest carried by con- siderable majority thereby killing the petition for paving. T;ioved. by Lawrence , seconded by hvey that the report be accepted and protests filed. C,-Lrried. Reports of the Treasurer w Clerk for the month of July were read. and ordered filed. Report of the Librarian for the month of July read and filed. Rei;ort of the City Engr. read recormitending the pur chase of one new chlorinating machine. 1:oved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be accepted and recommendations carried out. Carried.. Chief good spoke of the advisibility of equipping the Lincoln Fire Truck with a pump and recommended the pur- chase of same. Moved by Miller seconded by Iwey that same be re- ferred to the Fire , right & `rater CorIzAttee for investigation. Carried. No further business, rneeting adjourned. r City Clerk. Mayor. 396 331 1`Lug. 20, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 I'. i. . with Ilayor Beanblossom presiding. �,.. Present: Lawrence , Kane , Diller, Croak, ::rico and Lvey.. 11inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Pietro Gotti to erect house on Lot 2, Blocl¢ 13, R. F:, E. read. 'loved by Lawrence , seconded by i,.vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of i'dbert Jenni to reshingle house on Lot 10, Blk. 28, Town, read. Moved by Eiiller, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 3• " Bartlett to erect new Sartori School Building on Lots 1 to 10, Block 3, ,Sartorisville read. LIoved by Hiller, seconded by Pasco , that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of 4Lndreina Pistono to erect house and gorpge on Lot 1, 31ocx28, Town rear. ::loved oy Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of I;Irs . Idabel Bahnke to :.iove house uLst 100 ft . on hot 14, Blk. 2, Gunns Add. 11oved by LTiller, seconded bir ;Lawrence that sane be granted. Carried. Petition of Columbia Lumber Co to erect warehouse On bots 1,2,3 and 10, Block 35 , Smithers read. Idoved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Fire, yil-ht & `,'Tater Committee with j?ower to act. Carried. Petition of Jack hinge to build ayjproach to build- ing on Lot 1, Block 6, Sartorisville read. 1joved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. tspplication for transfer of license of Eagle Pool Hall from Joe Recarrda to I. Camerini read. Tioved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to tie Police & License Coimaittee. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the followint, Pay-r6lls: Current . . . 9137 .77 - 596-600 Nater . . . 533.35 - 110-130 Communication read from the C .I.7.& St* maul relative to widening of Ylalla walla "ve . and ordered filed. (this week) 'loved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that we call for; �... bidl/on the widening of 'lalla '.galla give. provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the faeifie Coast Railroad. Carried. Protest against the condition of Henton �,ve. read Lloved by Pasdo , seconded by Crook that same be referred to the City Engr. for investigation and report next Tuwsday. Carried. I_ - _� 332 ;loved by Pasco , seconded by T,iiller that the matter of ashes on Cedar St be referred to Health Officer Dixon for investigation and report. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on the chlorinat- or, the following were read: Wallace & Tierman - - - - - 9847 .00 •ogo racific ``dater ;Yorks Supply- 847 .00 Moved by Kane , seconded by !�,vey that same be iurchased from the l ascific Nater .Yorks Supply Co . Carried. Uo -further business , meeting; adjourned. Clerk Mayor. U113964 333 1�ug. 27 , 1929 . Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.J. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence , Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting, read and approved. Petition of C . J. Anderson to remodel house on Lot 7, Block 17 , Town read. Idloved by Lawrence , seconded by 1:liller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of n. t. Ticknor to reship le house on Lot 19 , Block 19 , Town read. Yoved by ,-Lvey , seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Peter Fischer to reshingle house on Lot 6, Block 24, Town. Moved by Crook, seconded by Ivey that same be granted_. Carried. Petition of Stone-Webster to erectwarehoiase and service bldg. at ;uilliams & 6th i�ve . , re"-(I. \\ Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of Id. Houghardy to erect. garage on Lot I 13, Block 21, R. F. P. read. Ialoved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be referred. to the Fire , Light &,71ater Coimnittee with pourer to act . Carrd.. ::etition of Geo . Thomas to erect garage on Lot 13, Block 2, F. F. F. read. 1+loved. by I.liller, seconded by !�vey that sariie be granted. Carried. Petition of B . Bartlee to erect garage on Lot 9 , Block 33, Smithers . Idoved by Lawrence , seconded. by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. ietition of Ldrs . Margaret Lnderson to make base- ment, 308 LJill St. read. Moved by Kriller, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. yetition of Isaac Chapman to erect house <:nd garage on Lot 20 , 2lock 15, R. F. E. read.. Moved by Kane, seconded. by .Vey that swine be granted.. Carried. Petition of Chas. Doran to move bldg. from Lot 2, Block 2, Smithers to Lot 1, Block 1, Smithers read. :,loved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried.. Petition read from Pas. Tel. to set pole on Nit L,... side of is t .ve. N4 IYioved by Kane, seconded by Lvey that same be referred to the St & lLlley Committee with power to act. Carried. i . 334 i .plication read from the ,',merican Legion to conduct a series of Smokers read, Moved by hiller, seconded by avey that same be granted. Carried.. iolice and License Committee report favorably on transfer of license at Eage fool Mall. Moved by Crook, seconded by We that the report be received and recommendations carried. out. Carried. AnVort read from City Engr on Renton Lve . sidewalks and filed. loved by Crook, seconded by avey that the Renton ave. sidewalks be investigated by the St. a alley Committee and bring in recommendation next Tuesday. Carried. Loved by Pasco , seconded by Atchell that the Renton ave. sidewalk be condemned and the proper steps taken to remove dame . Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. Clerk i i i j Kjor. i "t 13961 335 Sept. 3, 1929 The Council met in regular session at 8 i. K. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane , tiller, Cruok, Pasco and xvey. 1%W Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition read from C. 2.. Terrane to repair floor in Palace of Sweets. "loved by iivey, seconded by Crook that sauce be granted. Carried. Petition of Jno. Lamsek to break curb on Lot 3, Block 19 , R. F. F. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St. _& �lley Committee with power to act. C arried.. Petition of N. G. Johnson to reshingle house on Lot 28, Block 6, Car 'dvorks read. proved by Lawrence, seconded by T:liller th1-t same be granted. Carried. .,plication for license' to conduct clog and pore show Sept. 4th read from J. Henry. rloved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that same be re- ferred to the iolice & License Committee . T he Police License Committee reported favorably, whereupon it was moved and seconded. that license be granted. Carried. Fire , Lig ht 'Nater Committee reported. favorably on the Houghardy petition. T,loved by Lawrence , seconded by Avey that the report be received and recommendation carried out . Carried. at. & .11ey Committee were granted one more week to report on Renton Ave. sidewalks. St & Alley Committee reported favorably on the Rhodes petition to break curb. iloved by I,liller, seconded by Crook that the report be received and petition granted. Carried.. The Finance Committee audited and -recommended for paFy- ment the following bills ; CURR"L iT ti'its. Pay Roll St . Rapt. X166.22 - e11-14 idle Pherson Murn L IT Supplies 2.30 - 615 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor 62.50 - 616 Renton Garage Gas & Oil 10.00 - 617 Blake,11offitt Material 5.25 - 618 � . L ahearer ?I2.25 - 619 WEA. ""faller Labor 2.00 - 620 J. D. fdilliams E:tpenses 1.00 - 621 C. G. Bannick, Shff Prisoners ' Lreals27.00 - 622 Jno. Bartle son Labor 15.00 - 623 Reid � Cook Gas & Oil 11.67 - 624 viest Disinfecting Co . Supplies 13.00 625 Tom Dobson &,Son Insurance 51.00 - 626 Great :'lestern Chem Co . Material 3.00 - 627 -,Vallace Tierman IT 47 .39 - 628 1%W A. J. Burner Labor at Lib. 40 .95 - 629 Renton Iidw. Co. Supplies 29 ,93+ 630 Trick & Murray T' 49 .63 - 631 Vince Stewart 'expenses 1.95 - 632 336 ;Yt s, Eagle Cafe prisonersa Meals . 23.50 - 633 T-1. S F. & L. Co . Lights 335.16 - 634 Fac. Tel 6.^ Tel. Co. Tele.,hones 12.15 - 635 Joe r`Jooa Fees 25.00 - 636 Llayne r Motor C o . Labo r 5.20 - 637 Shearer Supplies 3.10 - 638 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 44.70 - €�39 WJITM, Fay Rohl Water Dekt . X1783.03 -133:64 Neal Turner Explosives 25.21 -165 Tower 258.95 -166 F. S. s. & L. Co . Renton 5d & Gravel Material & Labor 341.00 -167 Lade Cafe Prisoners Meals 4.50 -168 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 7 .25 -169 Olympic Foundry Co . Material 139 .40 -170 pettie printery Printing 2.75 -171 Federal Pipe & Tank Material 6994.21 -172 City of Seattle Water Dept. 66.96 8173 moved by Miller , seconded by Ka; e that all bills o.k. Id by the Finance Committee be allowed. C arried. Communication read from Secretary of Lease relative to parking on Bronson lay 6; Second Ave, ISoved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the matter be referrc; t to the police Dept . Carried., Chief of Police re;_L�orted 2nd Ave. No. between and Garden a very dirk street. 1:1oved by Pasco , seconded by 11iller that same be re- ferred to the lire , -iE;ht &: ',Yater Committee with power to act. Carried. I No further business appearirjj , meetin€; adjourned., Clerk ,dayor. y f ,"t1396a 337 Sept. 10, 1929 . Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 . 1d. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco, and- Mitchell ndMitchell Minutes of the last meeting read„ and approved. Petition of D. Boisseau to break curb on Lot 15 , Block 2, Motor Line read. Moved by '`Miller seconded by Crook that saane be referred to the St. Alley Coimittee. with j.)ower to act,. Carried-. Petition of B. Doyle to reshingle house on "Lot 4, Block 5, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that se-me be grant- ed. Carried. e c Petition of L. Lazzarini to erect house on Lot 3, 37k. 14, R. F. P. read. Moved ,by Mitchell, seconded. by La:�ireace that same be L,ranted. Carried. Petition of D. T. Harries to make sidewalk at 1214 3d ave. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by %,Mitchell that same be granted. Carriad. Petition of C. O'Brien to reshinL;le garage at .32'7 LvIorris St. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Al laorgan to erect canopy on "lest side of building to extend over sideti,,jwlk on Lot 4, Block 12, <T own read. .roved. by Crook, seconded by Miller that same be referr- ed to the St. ea alley Coaimittee with power to act. Oarried. Chief of Police made cert"-in recormiendations relrtive to stre6t signs and signal lights. Moved by Crook, seconded by I::iller that recoLur�end.ations relU.tive to street signs be concurred in and the signal lights referred to the Street & saley Coimittee for investigation and report. Carried. Reports of the Tre4surer and the Clerk for the month of August were read- and ordered filed. Librarian's report covering month of august read and ordered filed. iwo further business, meeting adjouarned. �.► City Clerk Vlayo r d 338 aelt . 18, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at' 8 P. I.I. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Kane , Uiller, Crook, Pasco , .avey and Mitchell. jinutes of the last meeting read and approved.. Petition of J. T . Snyder to reshingle house on Lot 3, Blk, 221, Town read. Ivoved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. petition of .11. J. Faull to reshin,Ie wnd repair house on Lot 6, Block 3, R. F. r . read. 1.11oved by Kane , seconded by "Llitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Florence rdwards to reshingle house on Lot 2, Block 10, Srnithers 4th read. 1.1oved by Crook, seconded by 1diller that se+xne be granted. Carried. 1=etition of Geo . '.V. Custer to lower floor in Gieldseth 1,1arket read. 1':Ioved by Kane, seconded by litdbell that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of J. gid. Harries to raze old house on Lot 5, 3lock 11, R. F. Z. read. iioved by Kane, seconded by lIvey that same be e rante . Carried. Petition of I.Irs . .�. Roberts to erect small two room house on Lot lo, lock 4, Srnithers road. I'loved by Kane, seconded by rook that same be re- ferred to the Fire , Light :. -:,"ter Committee with pourer to act. Carried. Petition of Mrs . Mary Harney to move house to 'front of Lot 10, 31ock 17 , R. F. F. read. Loved by Pasco , seconded by l.vey that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of David Phillips to erect c-oub le garage on Lot 5, Block 21, R. F. P. re-, d. Uoved by Kane, seconded by Kitchell that same be referred to the Fire, yiht & water Committee «pith powerto act. Carried. Petition of Geo . .Shearer to raze sheds and erect garaa on Trwct 53, Tobins D. Moved by Mitchell, seco-,ded. by Kane that saipe be granted. Carried.. ! Petition of Jesse G. Young to break curb on Lot , Blk. 26, Town.. I,ioved by 'LLiller, seconded by Pasco that sai e be referred to the St . & ,,.I-ley Committee with rower to aut. Carried. of N. ,i.. iivey hyjrlication/for license to overate soft drink parlor on 3rd :eve . read.and Moved by Kane , seconded by L:i.11er that same be referred to the Folice & License Committees Carried. The Finance Cor_zmittee audited and recoiuzended for uyment the semi-monthly pay roll: Current ;��?2.4307 ',Nater 414.18 n t 1396j 339 St. & t�lley CoLr.mittee re ,orted favorably on the D. 3oisseau petition to break curb. i Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the report be accepted and petition gr4nted. Carried. Ste w t�lley Committee wVe given one more creek ,.. to investigate the "l Uor€an request. This being the night for opening 'bids on the 'Walla Nalla t".ve imrovement, the following were opened and read: G. . Harner . . . y1326.2.5 E. 2. Duff . . . e 1393.45 . .dams 3ros . . . . . . . . . . 1563.00 'loved. by Pasco , s.-uonded by i.iller that the con- tract be awarded the lowest bidder, u. x. iiarner. Carried. .i. deleeation from the Garden Club was present asking the council to take some action to compel property owners to out the weets on, their property. after considerable discussion, it was moved by Pasco, seconded by i.-iller that a Notice be published in the papers asking the people to cooperate in this matter. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned.. i C=X LUYCI i I I 340 Sept. 24, 1929 . The Council met in regular sessmon at 8 . 'Ll. with Illayor Beanblossom presiding: -resent: Lawrence , Kane , 1liller, Crook, Pasco , !ivey and LIitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. ietition of H. L. Underwood to erect bungalow on Lot 2, Block 25 , R. F. P. read. -Moved by Kane, seconded by _Ivey that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of Mrs . Farrow to reshingle house on Lot 26, Blk. 6, R. F. P. read. Moved. by Lawrence , seconded by Idiller that some be granted. Carried. Petition of Columbia Lumber Co. to make con- crete driveway on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 35 , Smithers read. Moved by Kane , seconded by tLvey that same be granted under the supervision of the City Fngr. Carried. Petition of Matt Grady to reshingle building; on Lot 12, Block 22, Town read. Moved by Killer, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Fire , Light 8c Nater Committee and the Fire Chief with power to act. Carried.. Petition of P. Co. to set two poles on Garden St. read. Tuoved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the St . & Gilley Committee with power to act. Carried. St . &. alley Committee reported unfavorably on the petition of ld- Morgan to erect canopy, ,,loved by Miller, seconded_ by Lawrence that the report be received. and permit denied. Carried.. ;,t . .Llley Committee reiorted favor"bly on the ,,petitions of Jesse C . Young and D. Phillips. Moved. by Crook, seconded by Kane that the report be receigtd and recorrW:endations carried out. Carried. rolice & License Cornrmittee report fa.vora. ly on the Lvey license. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the report be received and license issued. Carried. The Special Co:timittee , to whom was referred the purchaseof a pump for the Fire . Dept, steted that same i can be purchased for X1200.00 including necessary equipment and. installation and. recommended that same be purchased* moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . C arried. Certified check in the amount of 41326.25 received from G. i�. Harner on the Valla ',Valla i_.rprovement. T,Ioved by Crook, seconded by 11diller that the Iayor and Clerk be authorized to execute contract with Harner. Carried. Ut1396ct 341 St . � . Tilley Committee recommended that some steps be taken to widen Sidewalk ,ori Third ,Lve. between Burnett and Iviorris Sts. moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the St. � Willey Co--ffnittee for investiZation and report. Carried. iLlderman Dane stated that the YAghway Dephp ' asked permission to attaches highway markers on theMits through the City, coved by Lawrence, seconded by biller that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Ener. Humes that permission was granted. Carried. !coved by ; itchell, seconded by Liiller that `the question of more light on Williams St . betweerr: 'Ind w 3rd isves . and on Garden St. between 3rd o¢ 4th be referred to the fire , Light & ,dater Committee . Carried. 1' . Harries, on behalf of the Lostmasters , took the opportunity to thank the council for their co-opdration during the Convention. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the ,re :.ort be received and filed. Carried. No further business , meetinc adjourned. Clerk i Mayor. 342 Oct . 11 1929 . Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 i. i: . by ,;ayor Beanblossom. %resent: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Avey and Litchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and upproved. , Petition of Mrs . Ella Dock to reshing le house on Lot 3,• Block 16, H. F. i. read. ,..loved by livey ,, seconded by :iitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Wm. Trimm to reshingle house an Lot 6, Block 10 , Town read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same be referr- ed to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with pourer to act. Garried. Petition of Arthur Evans to erect garage on Lot 11, Block 1, Gar Works . ,.:loved by litchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Qolinski to repair house on Lot 18, Block 1, Gunns addition. Loved ,by Bane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. 2etition of Louis Johnson to erect three house:: on Lot 12, Block 10, Car Works read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. 4 Petition of Harola Evans to erect small building on Lot 10, Block 10, mown. loved by Avey teconded by Kitchell that same be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Wm. Kane to break curb on his property in Block 23, Town. Moved by ,.Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of F. ti. McKenna to break curb and close drive- way on ,.rot 7 , Block 1, R. F. 1. re ed. Moved by Kvey, seconded by Lawrence that same be re- � ferred to the 'St. w t-.11ey ootymi ttee with power to act . Carrieis The Finance Committee audited and recotm Andel for pay- ment the following bills ; CURRIN 1 A s . Pay Roll St . Dept. - - - - - - -- - 94295.96- 669-676 Renton Garage Gas - - - - - - - - 1,50 677 P. S. 1. & L. Co . Lights - - - - - - - - 613.85 8 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel - - - - - - - - 20.00 9 Great Western Electro Material - - - - 3.00 680 1 Renton Hdw & Furn. Supplies - - - - 8201 1 Fairbanks, Torse Material - - - - 118.70 2 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor - - - 62.50 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance - - - 38.60 4 Frank : . RhodesLabor - - - 3.25 5 Ut139 2 343 Wt s. Reid Cook, Gas Oil - - - - - - - - w 40.91 - 686 Art T-rudgian Labor on signs - - - - - 9.G0' 7 Menton Ch=-,1e Leggy 'ublications - - 56.50 8 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas - - - - - 3.75 9 Fac. Tel & Tel. Telej;hones - - - - - 12.50 690 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldr. - - - - - 5.00 1 Williams c' McKn.gi€ht Supplies - - - - - 12.35 2 . Jacobson Liquor Test Renton Tire Shot Gas �c Ua.terial - 185.45 4 Joe Wood Fees - - - - - 50.00 5 R. a. Brown Labor - - - 7.10 6 Pettie wintery hinting - -inting - 14.50 7 dim. '.Waller Labor - - - - 2.00 8 0. gibe TT - - - - - 27.40 9 Northern Fac . icy. Co . Freight - - - - - 4 . 49 700 Palace of Sweets Supplies - - - - 1.85 1 S. 1 . Wiberg La.bo r - - - - - 3.00 2 iY�Tr�R Pay Roll ,Yater Dept. - - - - - .Z09,58 19 2-9 7 ,P. S. P. & L. Co. Power - - - - - 324.18 198 ,GrinnelllUo . Tlaterial - - - - - 124.81 9 Pac. ,°later `."lks TT - - - - - 162.73 200 See w Sons Lumber - - - - - 146.94• 1 J. S. Hardie Supj"lies - - - - - 6.74 2 City of Seattle 7later - - - - - 30 .20 3 Renton Hdw. Co . Supplies - - - - - 57 .37 4- Renton Renton Tire Shop Gas &: Oil - - - - - 20.55 5 ,a. N. Richmond m eases Downie Case- 11.40 6 11oved by Kane, seconded by "vey that all bills o . k. Td by the Finance Coini.iittee be allowed. Ca.rri ecl. Lt . C'I Xlley Committee re-Lorted favorably on the Pac. Tel. Co . Permit, Fire , 'Wight &C 'hater Committee recoLniiiended a light on Garden ave . between 3d &: 4th lives. Itloved by iviitchell, seconded by hvey that we call a special meeting for next Lionday night at 8 P. ll,i:. for the purpose of a.doi)ting a budget for the year 1930. C .rriecL. No further business , ­ieeting a.djouriied.. Clerk } MayorLO . i j 344 October 7 , 19219 . n �c j)ec ial meeting was called to order bAT Llayor Beunb7,ossom at -8 1. .I. for a hearinE on the budget for the year 193G. Present: Lawrence , Kane, T:Ii ller, Crook, and,, l;vey. There being no objections to the budget as read, it was T:ioved by Lawrence , seconded by Hiller that the budget be :.doted. as read. Carried. o On motion by Crook, seconded by Kane, the Meeting adjourned. Garried. Clerk Mayor. H t 1396a 345 Oct . 8, 1929. d The Council Let in reenlar session at 8 P. ii. with i,-ayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Kane, Hiller, Crook, Pasco and tLvey. Minutes of the last reE,-ular and. spe,ci,,,l meetings were read Und approved. Petition of J. C . Kirkman to make oLrtitlon in store building at 216 ','Jells St . read. ,ioved by tivey, seconded by Crook that same be re- ferred to the Fire, sight & ',Yater Committee with povier to act. Carried. Petition of J. :3. ',gnessani to erect a garage at 611 Cedar St. real. roved by Crook, seconded by livey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. Bartlett to raore SaraECe from Lot 22, to Lot 21, Block 12, R. F. P. and repair same. Moved by Kane, seconded. by -Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of nil Bahnke to make ac;dition to house on :;ot 14, Block 2, Gunns }add. rea(h_. Tioved. by Kane, seconded by I:1iller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Bert Z. ;ee asking the to vacate a portion of Railroad 41ve , was read. L11oveL by Miller, seconded by ,ivey that sane be turned- over urnedover to the City itty for oi)inion. Carried. Ln.gr, report read recommending estimate No. 1 in the sum of '600.00 under Dist 176 be paid G. " . Hcanner# iZoved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the resort be received and recoru�iendations carried out . Carrie&. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of Sept. were read and ordered filed. Librarian's r.ey)ort covering the month of ae .at. r z d and orLLered filed. The proposition of co-operating with the City Palnning Commission in relation to railroad terminals was brought up by F. W. Harris. !,Ioved by Paseo , seconded by ivey that same 'be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee, City «ttorney and City Engineer, for report. Carried. Ordinance No . 879 adopting a budget for the year 1930 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 879 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , €,.11 councilmen present voting; aye : Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and LLvey. Ordinance No . 880 fixin€: the amount of tax levies was read and, on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 880, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Kane, LvAller, Crook, Pasco and svey. Moved- by Pasco , seconded by Crook. that letter of appreci do n be forwarded %,ibrar.�! '3oard for tin'air co-oL)eration in the appointment of Jack Rtitchard as janitor at the Library. Carried. II in€; a(ijourned. ILiYOR CTl,T:RK 346 Oct. 15, 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1,11. by Hayor Beanblossom. Present : Lawrence , Kane, T:Iiller, Crook and ,.vey. Hinutes of the lest meeting read aad. approved. Petition of �.. P. Taigwin to erect house on Lot 10 , Block 20 , R. F. Z. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane thet same be ,ranted.. Carried. Petition of I.I. Starbank to erect garage on Lot 16, Block 10, Car ;'corks read. Loved by ,Lvey, seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of J. r. Johnson of the, Seattle Lighting Comp7,7e any to install gas service on llst. to the rlirkman Bldg. , read. !'loved. by Crook, seconded by C'&vey that same be granted under the supervision of the City Engr. Caryiecl. o Petition of Frank Gustine to erect house on Lot 15 , Block 1, Car "forks Acid. read. Tiloved by Lawrence, second.eLl by lwey thtt same be granted. Carried. Petition of C . R. Temme to remodel front entrance of Temme Bldg. , reed.. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lvey thtat same be granted. Carried. application for license to operate soft drink stand at 611 3d eve .' read, iIoved by Kane, seconded by Lawrenc that same be re- ferred to the License Committee with ,jower to- act . C,Lxrie( . The Finance CoLT.Attee audited and recommended_ for payment the following: Curre nt -Vt s. Pay Roll St . De.A- - - - - - 9297 .46 713-20 Pay Roll ixater Dept. - - - - 274.49 209-14 J. N. Hedberg Siren - - - - 40.00 721 ,,,loved- by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concizr.red in. Carried. Ordir!tnce appropriating the sura of y"1200.00 for pump & accessories read and on motion referrecL to Ct-he Ordinance Committee. I� aiepresentatives of the Uivic Club were ;)resent and drought up the question of installing a swimming tank in Jones Park. rafter discussion it was moved by Kane, seconded by .Lvey that same 'be referred to the Park Board and the City Property Coiamittee to reyUort next Tuesday. Carried. No further business , meeting adjournede itiay or i Clerk 1 U l 1396 347 Oct. 22, 1929 . The Council met in regular session at 8 Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Prieent: Lawrence, Dane, iailler, ;;rook, Pasco , ;Lvey and I,Ii t c he 11. i•:inutes of the last meeting read arm a ;provec-. } Petition of Ward Thompson to reshingle house zA 418 Mill St . read. :.Tovell by Pasco , seconded. by ova that same be granted. Carried. letition read from Shell Oil .Company to make addition to office building; and garage on Lot 6, Block 6, R. F. P. Petition of B. '. 1i.11en to .Hove washhouse to rear of Lot 16, Block 10 , and remodel same for dwelling, read. Petition of Renton Fuel Company to erect bunkers on Lot 10 , Block 7-18, Toim, read.. Petition of H. n. 1Yellman to erect coal bin in rear of Kirkman building, read, Loved. by Pasco , seconded by !Mitchell that the above petitions be referred to the Fire, might w :later Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Herbert N. terry to erect garage on Lot 6, Block 10, R. F. !:. read. ;loved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. The City Froperty and Park Board Committee were granted more time before rey,ort n" on swimming pool. The Finance Conunittee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT .Its. Lowman & Hanford- Library Books - - - - x;54.06 723 fest Raper Co. Supplies - - - - 16.50 4 creat Nestern :I1. Material - - - 3.00 5 'J. F. Leavelle Supplies - - - - 4.50 6 Fac . Tel Telephones - - - - 15:55 7 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners ,audry - - - - 1..45 8 Mayne :sutler Repair vlork - - - - 1.00 9 H. 'ail. Howard Police Books - - - - 5.00 722 Renton Hdw Co . Supplies - - - - 27.27 730 h. G. Jones Map _ - _ - 13.85 731 Fac. ater lorks Chlorinator - $47 .00 2 Renton Garage Labor & yIaterial- - - 3.25 3 J. a. Hardie it it - _ _ 4.00 4 The Desk Library Furn. - - - 52.50 5 Bellingham 3ookbind.ery n Books - - - 15.35 6 ,rt . Trudgian Labor - - - 10.89 7 Vince Stewart -- zi;enses - - - 3.80 8 D. D. '+fatson Dog Catcher - - - 22.50 703 Trick e-- Murray Supplies _ _ = 57.20 739 King Printing Co. Printing 10.00 740 Eagle Cafe PrisoZlers ;,Teals - - 12.50 1 F. S . r. ca. L. cc . Light s - - - 332.65 2 :�lilliams I:IcKnilht Supplies - - - 7 .30 3 348 Glauber ,Brass I:Tfg. Co . material - - - - ,"71.16 - Federal wipe &: Tank Co . n - - - - 122.90 217 Hersey Mfg. Co. LTeters - - - - 147.00 8 menton auto Freight , Drayage - - - - 1U.00 9 S. P. L. Co. o.,ier - - - - 305.$2 2-20 Loved by ;filler, seconded by 1.1itchell that the recommendation of the Finance Coinmiittee be concurred in. Carried. The Ordinance !Committee reported. favorably on Ord. No, 881 appropriating the sum of X1200.00 for installing pump on Lincoln chassis, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third. readings and passed as a whole , all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence , Kane, Miller, Crook, !asco , "vej and Iditchell. The buildings on Lot 15, Bloch 1, Car '.'darks 1'udition were referrel to the Fire Chief for inspecti on and report. The :?enton Fire Dept. & iLmerican LeC;i on extended an invitation to the city officials to attend their annual banquet to be given at the Episcopal Churgh October '2,6th, at 6;45 1'. , . Council accepted. i No farther -business, meeting adjourned. s� City Clerk,. I I s 1Ipy or. o i o j i lit 13 9 64 349 Oct. 30 , 1929. Regular meeting of the City Counoil,was called to order at 8 P. 11, by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Avey. Minutes of the last meeting read and apgroved. Petition read from R. McComb to remodel house on Lot a, Block 16, R. F. P. Moved by Kane, seconded. by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition from H. Manuel to erect house on Lot 20, Block 6, Car Works read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition from John Kovacie to erect house at 496 High St. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition read from K. M. Butcher to erect house, office and storage building on Lot 13, Block 2, Smithers. Moved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that sauce be granted. Carried. Mr. Meeeham, representative of the Southwestern Engr. Corporation was present and explained the workings of a new garbage disposal plant. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the same be referred to the City Engr. for investigation and report. Carriedo no further business appearing, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. I _ 3E s"' 5-0 Nov. 5, 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council 'was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell, Minutes of the last meeting p read and approved.,. Petition of Lester Hilliker to erect house on Lot 21, Block 2, Smithers Add. reed. Moved. by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Matt Grady to erect double fire-proof garage on Lot 12, Blk. 22, Town read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that same be referred to the Fire , LigjEt & :'dater Committee. Carried. I Petition of Frank Gustine erect garage, repair shop and woodshed. on Lot 15 and 16, Block 1, Car Yorks Add. �. oved by Pasco, aaconded Tiller tn��t carne be re- ferred. to the File; , Light; &. u,ater Coixaittee with 'power to act and that all unused permits be cancelled. Carried. The Finance Committee sud.ited and recommended for payment the following: Pay Roll St. Dept. ,4Q3.39 -756-64 Pay Roll Water Dept. 87.33 -223-28 Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of October were read, and ordered filed. I •r► Librarian's reeort covering the month of October I was read and filed. The Mayor ai;pointed J. E. McFarlane to fill the position of Police Judge during the three months absence of Judge Mood. -oved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. The Fire, bight & Water Committee rejjorted favor- I ably on the petition of Usabilli for new coal bunkers. Moved by Mitchell, seconcled by Avey that the report be accepted and, recommendation carried out. Carried. The matter of condemning a strip of land at the end of Williams St. South was referred to the City Atty. for report. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the matter of locating a new garbage dump be referred to the City Engro for investigation and report. Carried. City rEngr. reporting on the garbage disposal plant stated that same is not practicable for our city in view of I the expense of such a plant. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the report be received and filed. Carried. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that an old barn on Renton Ave declared to be a fire hazard be referred to the Fire, L*ght & dater Committee for action. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned-* MLYOR. Clerk Ug 1396a Nov. 12, 19 29 . 351 The Council met in regular session at 8 F. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane, Crook and Lvey. Minutes of the last meeting react and approved. �.. I:oved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the Lsst. Fire Chief and the Fire, Light & Water Committee be given another week before reporting on the Grady petition. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: CU LRENT 17ts. Lowman & Hanford Library Expense ; 30.13 774 King Printing Co. n Printing 16.25 5 Vince Stewart Expenses 3.98 6 Automatic Coal Burner Labor 6.75 7 K. E. Erickson St. Signs 202.50 8 L. Hilliker Labor 2.50 9 Howard Cooper Corp Repair Nork 10.40 780 E. A. Shearer Labor & Material 6.70 1 Tn. Waller Labor 2000 2 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil 7.35 3 Seattle Lighting Gas 1.80 4 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor 62af;O 5 Trick & Mirray Supplies 1:40 03 6 Williams & 0tHara Labor 1.00 7 Renton Hdw & Furn. Material 45.30 8 Beamants Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 92.10 9 Service Ldry Ldry 7.20 790 Williams & McKnight Supplies 4.96 1 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 7.87 2 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 1.0.30 3 Joe ?good Fees 30 .00 4 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 70.55 5 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals 29.90 6 Renton Scd & Gravel Gravel at Park 2.50 7 vhi-TER City of Seattle Water 15.14 232 Pac . "later Wks Supply Material 58.73 3 Grinnell Cimpany n 36.00 4 Seattle Plumbing Co. t' 12.16 5 Beamants Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 23.85 6 Renton Clothing Co. Material 13.45 9 Renton Sd & Gravel Concrete 23.34 8 Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Katie , seconded by Avey that the LYCr be authorized to place sign at N P. crossing on 6th Ave . leo. Carried.. Communication read from Peter S�monski. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be referred to the 'Pays & Means Committee. Carried* Contract for supply of chlorine for one year read from Hooker Electrochemical Co. Iroved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the con- tract be entered into with the above company and the proper city officials be authorized to sign same. Carried. The opening of certain strrets at the south end of the city was brought up and discussed. �Iove�_ by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be referred to the St . & Alley Committee to work in conjunction with the city attorney. Carried. �i 8o further business, meeting adjourned, r.U�YOR. C LRr, 30-2 November 19 , 1929. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. ri. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present; Lawrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco , Lvey anal Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and aj:proved. Petition of Mayne Butler to rebuild Carafe on Lot 7, Block 1, Smithers addition read. Move& by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. F. Snyder to erect garage on Lot 10, Block 13, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that sane be granted. Carried. Petition of Alex Cugini to remodel and enlarge garage and install gasoline tank on Lots 6 and. 7, Block 1, j Woods Add. read. I Moved by Kane , seconded by Crook that same be granted under" the suYervision of the Fire Chief iLsst. Carried. Petition of Chas. Ribling for kermit to erect garage on Tract 2, Tobins D. C . react. Moved by Avey, seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo. Peacock to build garage on Lot 14, Block 2, S``mithers Add. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Lighting Company to lay gas mains in certain streets in North Renton, read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell thwt same be granted under the strict supervision of the St. Supt, Carried. Request read from the Library Board asking; for a street light to the West of the Library Building. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Aveythat same be referred to the Fird, Tight & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following ijay-rolls: Current Pay Roll - - - - - - - - :2242.56 - 798-803 Water - - - - - - - - 52.39 - 2.39-41 :roved by Mitchell, second.ea by Laurence that the recommendation of the Finance Cowmittee be concurred in. I Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that a certain open ditch with stagnant water in the south end of the city be referred to the City Health Officer for investigation and report . Carried. The Ways & Means Committee were given more time ....� to investigate the 7talla Walla Ave. improvement job. ti 113 9 6 3 53 Report read from the City Engr. recommending the payment of ; 729 .40 to G. A. Harner in L. I. D. 176. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the re.-Oort be received and recoranendations carried out. Carried. P.ngr. report on the Walla Walla &ve imi,rovement read recommending the payment af_ V1192.63 to G. ti. . Harner. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that the amount recommended be allowed. Carried. Resolution No. 434 fieing the 10th fray of December 1929 as the hearinu on the Assessment Roll Dist 176 read.. Moved be Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. L.,oved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the City Clerk communicate with Insurance Rating Bureau relatize to a reduction in fire insurance rates. Carried., l:o further business meeting: adjourned. Clerk � J �`�"' Mayor. 3 5 Nov. 26, 1929, The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present; Kane, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and a.L.proved. S Petition of Dominick Tara to remodel house at 619 Burnett St . read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas . Godfrey to erect garage on- Lot 20, Block 2, Car 'dorks Add. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of R. Romit to erect garage at 433 Cedar St. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Wilson & Marlowe to partition store at 914 3rd Ave. react. Moved by Avey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of R. Gieldseth to remodel front of store at 914 3rd Ave. read. :loved by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of H. A. Wellman to erect storehouse in rear of Kirkman Bldg. read. .../ Hovel by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be granted under the supervision of the city engineer. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to set pole in alley near Evans Bldg. , off Walla 13alla Ave read. 11oved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that the request be denied and the Fire, Light & "dater Committee be authorized to work with the company in finding a suitable place for the pole. Carried. Claire for damages was filed by Peter Symonski in the summof ;?55.00 for damage done in moving his house. nays & Means Committee reporting on same stated that the claim was an unjust one and recommended denial of same. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that the reeonnendations and report of the Committee be accepted and concurred in. Carried. The widening of '.dells St. from 3rd to 4th Ave. was discussed at some length, whereupon it was Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the matter be referred to the St. & Alley Committee for investigation and report next Tuesday. Carried. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kanethat the question of angle parking on 2Sain St, be referred to the St . & A lley Committee and the Police Department for report. Moved by Mitchell, seooncled by kLvey that the � question of more lights on Culla yialla Ave at Mills St. be referred to the Fire , Light w ,dater Committee. Carried. health Officer Dixon made verbal report on ditch Rt the south enc? of 73urnett St . and stated thq,t spsne eras not unsanitary. Meeting adjourned. _.MAYOR t 1396 "5 December 3, 1929 . Regular meeting of City Council was called to order at 8 P. H. by Mayor Beanblossom. Fresentr Lawrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco, iLvey and Mitchell, Minutes of the last- meeting read and approved. Petition of E. H. Beil to erect three-car Carafe on Lot 12, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills; CURRENT Wts. Pay Roll St. Dept. . . . . . . Y'301.46 816-(2'3 Pac . Tel 0 Tel. Co. Telephones. . 12.70 824 'gym. :faller Labor 0 2.00 5 Joe good, Jr. Fire Dept. Liquid 17.28 6 Yet. F. Leavell, Registration Books. 26.00 7 Renton Sunbeam Coal Library Fuel . . . 10.80 8 Lewis Motor Co. Labor & Material. . 2.00 9 D. D. 'Matson Dog Catcher . & 28.50 804 Dave Reid Expenses 0 0 3.25 830 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 8.50 1 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr " . 13.50 2 Renton Automotive Ser Labor 23.15 3 Standard Oil Co. Material 2.25 4 P. S . P. &. L. Co. Lights & Su )plies . 354.93 5 Hamilton Bros Gas & Oil . . . . 54.81 6 Great Western E1. Co . Material . . . . 13.50 7 Hooker Electro 144.00 8 See & Sons Lumber 239 .75 9 J. S . Hardie Labor & Material. . 5.UO 840 Ser Ldry Fire Dept.LDry 1.70 1 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor . 62.50 2 Pac. Goodrich Rubber Fire Hose 0 . 240.00 3 Columbia Lumber Co. I'laterial . . . . 24.60 4 E. H. Beil Gradd.stand Repair 283.95 5 A. N. Richmond Expenses # 1.60 6 D. D. '7atson Dog Catcher u7. 00 7 h0ER Pay Roll later Dept. 49.93 244-46 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 0 158.86 247 Hamilton Bros. Gas & Oil . 14.45 8 City of Seattle Water 4 40.70 9 J. S. Hardie Material . 7.19 250 Hersey Mfg. Co. it 0 11.69 1 Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of Ifiovember were read qnd filed. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that a light be installed on Burnett St. between 1st & and Ave. Carried. Communication read from Revelle & Revelle relative to Szymonski property. �,.. Moved by Crook, seconded by Laurence that same be referred to the attorney for reply. Carried. Lastment Lead from the Standard Gil Company to the City over their property on the north end of Burnett St. Moved by Crook seconded by Kane that the Mayor & Clerk be authorized to sign same . Carried. Z:foved by Crook seconded by Avey that the Deed for the extension of 2nd Ave. be referred to the St & Alley Committee for recommendation next Tuesday. Carried. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the engineer submit plans and aha estimated. cost of a sewer on the east side of Renton !�.ve. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk i Wor. i i December 1Q, 1929 . The Couneil net in regular session at 8 P. 11. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane , Crook and Avey. 'Tdinutes of the last meeting read and arproved. Petition of George Pritchard to make basement on Lot 12, Block 2, R. F. P. read. Moved by Avey seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Henry Cooks to remodel rear porch on Lot 12, Block 7, 3, F. P. read, roved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Lighting Co to lay gas mains on certain streets in North Renton read. Moved by Crook seconded by Kane that same be „granted under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried. of Olmsted & Becktell Application for License to operate billiard room and bowling alley at ZZI Main St. read. Move& by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Police & License Committee for report next Tuesday, Carried. Moved 'by Kane, seconded. by Crook that a Resolution of intention for the hill sewer be drafted and presented next Tuesday. Carried. This being the night for hearing on the assessment roll Dist 176, no protests being filed, Ordinance No. 882 approving and confirming t he Assess- ment Roll Dist 116 read and on motion referred to the Orainance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 882, whareugon it was placed upon its thcond. and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen voting aye : Lawrence, Kane, Crook and Avey. Libr�krian's report read covering the, month of november and filed. Lloved, by Crook -seconded by Kane that the decorating of the City Hall, be left in ,the hands of the, City 'Property Committee. Carried , No fuxt,her - iisiness, meeting adj ourned. Cle rk Mayor* 35-8 December 17, 1929 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order at 8 P. Pd. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Kand, Hiller and Crook. Minutes of the last meeting; read and al-proved. Petition of E. A. Fuller to reshingle house at Lot 17, Block 20, Town read. Moved by Crook seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. � Petition of Geo. i�-ttiberry to erect buildixig for storinE :umber on Commercial Ave read. Moved by YLvey seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. • Petition of Fac . Tel. Co. to set certain roles eras read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. k.oplication of W Wilson to operate pool hall in Melrose read and referred to the Police & License Committee. Moved by Crook seconded by Miller that we have no council meeting until Jany. 7, 1930. Carried. Police & License Committee reljort favorably on the Becktell & Olmsted petition and favorably on the I.I. ?'Filson petition. Moved by Crook seconded by Avey that the report be i accepted and licenses granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recornaended for payment the following bills: Current "Its. Pay Roll St. Dept. . . . . . . 0321.40 85�" Seattle 11axine Co. Supplies. 11.67 864 Vincent Stewart Expenses, 10.00 5 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 27.00 6 0. K. Garage Labor & Material. 12.35 7 Gladding.1.1cBean & Co. Sewer Pipe . 8.25 8 , T. F. Meehan Expenses 0 2.50 9 Seattle LiChting Co. Gas 0 1.95 870 Renton Sd & Gravel Labor & Material 77.67 1 Lawrence Fuel Fuel 47.45 2 Art Trudgian Labor & Material. 19.50 3 Dobson & Son Licenses 8.75 4 ILTER Pay Roll Water Dept. . 48.67 255-58 Loved by Miller seconded by Kane that the recorraend-a- I::ion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Kane seconded by Crook that the Mayor and Clerk enter into contract with P. S. P. & L. Co. subiect to the approval of the city attorney. Carried. Moved by Crook seconded by Miller that we call for bids for the cityl: printing. Carried. Favorable reports on the water and sewage plants read from the Health Department and ordered filed. =ETING 10JOURIII;D. Clerk Mayor. Jiti396j Jany. 7, 1930. The Council met in red-alar session at 8 P. Ti. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane, ISiller, Crook, Tasco , Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and avproved. Petition of Christian Science Society to erect church building; on Lot 2, Block 5, Smithers 6th Addn read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Hitchell th�.t same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. a: L. Co. to set two boles on Jones St. read. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Lighting Co . to lay ga:; mains on 4th Ave. No and Factory St . read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of Chas Mattioda to eruct garage on Lot 24, Bloch: 17 , R. F. P. read. 11ovect b r Miller seconded by Mitchell that came be granted. Carried. The following apylieations for licenses for soft drink parlors were read. '3. s.. Avey I:[rs. Jno. Stewart J. -�. Vioue Geo . 'Y. Baird Urs . Thos. Raymond For Pool Mall License: Ticknor e Boisseau Mario Camerino For Fruit & Vegetable truck license: Sarn Danzica For shows : 3. % Fey (Grand & Menton) Moved by Pasco seconded by I,Ziller that all arplica- tions be granted and licenses issued. Carried. I:Ioved by Kane seconded by Pasco that a Resolution of Intention for the ic;11rovenent of Third live . from Mill to Benton Ave. by sidevialk and curb be drafted. Carried. Moved by Miller seconded by Crook that the matter of gas stations obstructing the sidewalks be referred to the St . & Alley Committee for investigation and, recommendation. Carried. The Finance audited and recoixnended for payment the following bills : i CURRI"NT Pay Roll St. Dept. w338.36 - 888-94 0. K. Garage Gas F. Oil . . . . . . . 4.97 895 Beaman's Ser. Sta. 3.45 }396 0. Priebe Labor & Material, . 36.70 7 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 4.25 8 Reid & Cook Labor & Material. . . . 27.30 9 Pao . Car & Fdry Bluerrints . . . . . . 3.60 900 Great Western El. Uaterial . . . . . . 13.50 1 "" Renton Garage Labor . . . . . 2..00 2 See & Sons Lumber . . . . . 6.69 3 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools. . . 2.25 4 Renton Sd & Gravel Gravel . . . . 89 .55 5 Kutomatie Coal Burner Labor . . . . 10.29 6 Seattle -i�-hting Co. Gas . . . . 2.40 7 B1ake ,Moffit & Towne Sulplies . . . . . . 21 .00 8 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor 62.50 9 Eagle Cafe Prisoners' Beals. 47.50 910 'I. S. Darley & Co . Supplies . . . . 3.03 1 Pao. Tel & Tel. Col. Teleiihones . . . . . 11.50 2 "TI'S. ',taller Labor 0 2.00 .3 Trick & Iturray Supplies 3.45 4 Clarke Bros . Liotor Labor 0 86.21 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 4 363.82 6 Clarke Bros . Motor Co . F. D. Exp. 149 .11 7 Howard-Cooler Cor,.. Material . . . . . . 49.49 8 Renton Tire Shop " 98.35 9 Howard.-Cooper Copr. " 16.57 887 Pump Equipment Co . n 733.00 6 Hamilton Bros. Gas & Oil . . . . . 23.22 921 J. E. McFarland Fees 6 37.50 920 Pay Roll ?"Tater Deet. X82.35 261-65 0. Priebe Labor & Material. 7 .50 266 City of Seattle Water 47.52 7 Woe P. S. P. & L. o . Power i33166 8 J. S. Hardie Material 3.15 9 Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the recommenda,tiorl of the Finance Committee be concurred- in. Carried. 'mgr's re,,ort read recommending the la,,ment of X234.60 under Dist 176 to G. A. Harner. Iioved, by Kane, seconded by I:iitchell that the recommendation be carried out . Carried-. Resolution "Lpproving the action taken by the City of Seattle in investi,;ating, the terminal situation read. Iaoved by Kane , seconded_ by Crook that sage be adopteas read. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for the city's printing for the year 1930 the following was receirved: Renton Chronicle. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Ililler that the con- tract be awarded the Renton Chronicle. Carried. Moved by 'Mitchell seconded by i�vey that the question of acquiring a garbage dump on Tobin :Eve. be referred, to the St & Tilley Committee to caork in conjunction vaith the city engr. and city atty. Carried. 110 further business , meetineadJournado l� Clerk Ma -or. 36 1 Jany. 15, 1930. The Council met at 8 P. ff. in regular session, with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present ; Kane, Crook, Pasco and iIitchell s and svey. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Howard Tachell to remodel house on Lot 13, Block 7, Town read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Avei that same be granted. Carried. Petition of ;gym. Hawk to make basement on Lot 4, Block 21, R. F. P. read. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of V. Cartwright to make addition to house and erect garage at 349 No. Main St, Carried. Moved by Kane seconded by Avey that same be granted. Petition of S. H. j"liberg for Jones Estate to re- shingle house on Williams St. read. 31oved by Mitchell seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. The following applications for license were read: Br6ndal Drug Stores Williams Sweet Center Moved by Mitchell seconded by Kane that same be � referred to the Police w .uicense Committee with power to act. Carried. -- The St & Alley Committee asks more time on the Tobin St. garbage dump. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for VE;Y - ment the following bills ; Thos . Rowe. Gas & Oil 4.7 923 Renton Hdw & Furn. Material 10.35 4 Renton Auto Frbight Drayage . .75 5 Howard-Cooper Corp. ;,Zaterial . . . . . . 41.00 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 34.95 7 Moved by Kane, seconded b, Mitchell that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. More light on Ilain St was discussed, and the matter referred to the St. & alley Committee to work with the Fire, Light & 'Mater Committee. Moved by Crook seconded by Avey that the Mayor & Clerk be authorized to enter into contract with the Renton Chronicle, after approval by the city attorney. Carried. Resolution No. 435 for the improvement of Third eve. between bill and Renton St, by sidewalks , etc, was read. Carried. Moved by Kane seconded by Crook that same be adopted. � idr. McCowin of the North Renton Improvement Club was present and. spoke on beautifying parking strips stating that certaharm:n tels and shrubs we e es c ' all ade,tea whi�e others wereu to concrete anc asks M Cooperation o the city council in controlling such planting. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Crook that the natter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. 91/0 �YOR. C"RK 362 Jany. 21, 19300 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblotsom. Present; Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell, i Minutes of the last meeting; read and avijroved. law, Petition of Philip Lang toerectsmall store building on Lot 4, Block 33, Smithers read. ?Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Fire , Li6ht & ;dater Committee with poi,,er to act. Carried. 11oved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the Pacific Coat Railroad be notified to paint pole on Main &. Walla ,calla Ave. Carried. Moved by Miller seconded by Crook that a certain pole on Walla W411a be referred to the St & &Uey Committee for - investigation and re ort. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; Pay Roll . . .Current . . X123.51- 273-78 Fay Roll . . . Water . . 281.20- 936-42 Moved by Miller seconded by Kane that the recomm da. tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report of the Police Department covering the j year 1929 was read. Moved by Crook seconded by Kane that the report � 1100,, be accepted and filed and the department commended for their efficiency. Carried. Retorts of the Treasurer & Clerk covering; the month of December read and filed. Librarian's report uoverine the month of Dec . read and filed. Communication read from Frank Davis. lioved by Puller seconded by f�vey that sane be tiled. Carried. Invitation read from the Jlmerican Legion inviting the city officials to attend their district meeting Jany. 25th in Recreation Hall. j Moved by Crook seconded by 12i.11er that the in- vitation be accepted. Carried. Resolution No.436 calling for a special election March 11th was read. Moved by Crook seconded by bane that same be adopted. Carried. The desirability of a blanket insurance, for city property was brought up and discussed.. Moved by Crook seconded by Pasco that same be •referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and. report. Carried. No furthar business, meeting adjournad.. <x/ :a City Clerk. Mayor. r U t 1396 364 365 Jany. 28, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. H. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. I'resent s Lawrence, Inane, I.Tiller, Crook, Pasco, kvey and ]'Mitchell. NNW Minutes of the last meeting read and a.gproved. Petition of John Suffi4 for permit to build small house on Lot 11, Block 12, fi. F. P. read. Moved by Diller, seconded by Kane that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Fred Peacock to erect garage on hot 14, Block 22, R. F. P. read. Loved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo . Custer for Robt. Lowery to reshingle and repair house on Lot 22, Block 31, Smithers read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Hitchell that same be Cren ted. Carried. St. & Alley. Committee reported that I.Iain St. is in as safe condition ai8possible to make same . Moved by Crook seconded by Lawrence that the resort be accepted and concurred in. Carried. Chief of Police suggested that another police signal be installed on 1st Ave . No . & Park, Moved by Crook seconded by Pasco that same be re- ferrred to the Folice & Licanse Committee with poti,er to act. Carried. Moved. by Lawrence seconded by Miller that the Water Supt preliare data on the issue to be voted on at the coming election, same to be distributed among the school children. Carried. Councilman Dane reported that certain gas trucks park across the sidewalks-while unloading gas. Lloved by Crook seconded by Kane that the matter be referred to the Police Department for action. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor i February 4, 1930, The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11, with J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding. Present. Lawrence , Dane, Pasco and hvey. Minutes of the last meeting; read and approved. Petition of Joe Fillory to enlarge house on Lots 11 and 12, Block 18,- Town read. Moved by Kane, seconded by vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of See & Sons to erect storage shed on Lots 6 and 7 , Block 9 , Car ;Yorks read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by ILve,y that same be granted. Carried. The following payrolls were o. k. 'd by the Finance Committee and ordered laid; Pay Roll Water Del-t. . . . . . X189.63 Pay Roll Current . . . . . . 290.93 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that the reconunendation of the Finance Committee be -concurred in. Ca-rried.. Ener. 's report read submitting data on Resolution No. 435 was read. The Clerk reported that no protests had been filed against this improvement, whereupon it was moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that an Ordinance ereatin& an ..r' improvement district be brought in. Carried. Ordinance No. 883 authorizing the Mayor 6 Clerk to issue bonds against L. . I. D. tI176 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 883 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Kane, Pasco and Avey. Ordinance No. 884 relating to and adopting a system for acquiring additional water and submitting the proposition to the voters for ratification or rejection at a special election was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re,orted. favorably on Ordinance into. 884 whereupon it waE; placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all coulicilmen present voting are: Lawrence , Kane, Pasco and Ivey. No further business , meeting adjourned. Clerk 'A Llayor. X6"7 Feb. 111, 1930 . F,e.,,ular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F. 19. by I3ayor Pro Teen Crook. Present : Lawrence, Kane, Pasco, Ivey and I,Iitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and apQroved. Petition of C. R. James to repair house and erect garage on Lot 12 , Block le, R. F. P. Carried. IMoved by Kane , seconded by "Vey that same be granted. Petition of Zeb Shearer to erect house and {7,,.rage on Lot 4, Block 2, Shearer Add.n. read. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Lawrence that same be ,-ranted. Carried. Petition of R. Bellando to break curb on Lot 9 , Block 11, Town read. 1.1oved by Lawrence seconded by Kane that same be re- ferred to the St & Alley Committee . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills ; CURRIENT Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 2.15 - 971 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil . . . . 13.93 2 ,Vater ',Yorks & Power Equip. 11,1aterial . . . . .97.50 3 F. H. Beaman Gas & Oil. . . . 7.05 4 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 19 .50 5 Trick & llixray Supplies 18.99 6 Hooker-Electrochem Co. Chlorine 144.00 7 P. S. F. a, L: CO. Lights 358.21 8 Renton radiator & Fender Co . Re1)air ' orks. . 4.95 9 Wm. Waller . Labor 0 2.00 980 Seattle LiChting Co. Gas 0 2.25 1 0. K. Garage & Stage Co . Gas 0 6.55 2 J. D. Williams Park labor . . . 62.50 3 Pettie Printery Printing; . . e 10 .00 4 Fac . Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones . • . 13.60 5 I11m. Kane Supplies . . . 18.72 6 General Repair Shop repair ":;'ork . . 11.80 7 Renton i:l. Store Globes 3.30 8 Clarke Bros. motor Co . L ..bor & Ietaterial 10.84 9 Jilli ms & O'Hara gas & Oil . . . 70.66 990 - Alfred i'rimm Library Fuel . 45.00 1 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 77.91 2 J. H. Lawrence Fuel . . . 411 .60 3 A. Richmond expenses(Dovinie) 9.00 5 Hyland,Elvidge & !avord t Fee n 100.00 6 Elmer Crosby 71OM FUTND it n Tr 5.00 296 Dick Harris " " n " 5.00 294 "rt Gregor-i ;-: 5.00 29, H. Clary Zx enses Witness Fee ") 1:0.00 30@ Peter Dullahant Witness fees 'T 6.50 X2,99 A. Li. ER Williams & O'Hara uabor & Iiaterial 18761 289 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 140.374.91 Jas . Hardie Su_,Plies 12.60 29Q Grinnell Co . " 12.21 292 City of Seattle Water 196.76 29� ffinegar Printing Coo Printing 8.50 294 Frank Harris Witness Fee (Downie) 15.00 295 368 Moved by 11itchell, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The question of another light on 12ain St . north was on motion by Pasco , seconded by Avey referred to the Fire Light and :'dater Committee for reg ort. Carried. Communication read from the Pacific Coast Railroad relative to painting pole on i'dalla Nalla read and filed. Ordinance No. 885 for the im.; rovement of Third Ave between hill & Renton St. was read and on motion made by Mitchell. seconded by Kane referred to the Ordinance Committee. Motion Carried. The question of the contract for the city 's light came up, the city attorney having ayproved a prosjosed contract and- the P.S.P. & L. Co. havin£ refused to sign same , P.S.P.& L.Co. submitted another contract wherefore it was Moved by Pasco seconded by Kane that the Mayor & City Clerk sign same. Carried unanimously. Parking on ;Valla 7,'1alla Ave was discussed can& referred to the St. & Alley Committee x1to ,,iork in cor4unction with the Folice Dept and reyjort next Tuesday. No further business, meeting adjourned. atirTr.ro Clerk Mayor Protem. Ut1396a 39 Feb. 18, 1930. Regular meeting; of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: TIiller, Pasco , AveV and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and akproved. Petition of G. i�. Craarford to move garage was read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by -;Tiller that sage be granted. Carried. Petition of Ii. H. Deacy to construct concrete curb on Lot 24, Block 2, Ssmithers. iUd. Moven by Mitchell, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. The city property Committee rei.orted that after a careful investigation they could not recommend that blanket insurance be taken out . The report adopted. Fire Chief Yood ai,peared before the Council and asked that expenses of two men from the Fire DejA be allowed to attend the school for Firemen to be held in Seattle. Hover by Pasco , seconded by 11iller that request be granted. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded .by Pasco that the City Property Committee purchase a clock for the Council Chambers . iCarried.. ! The following pay rolls were recommended �,aid by the Finance Committee : Fay Roll Voater Dept. Al2.7.23 rr r: Current . 312.39 Moved by I.iitchell, seconded by Miller that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried-. No further business, meetinCadjourned.. , Clerk idayor. I 1 v } i 1 1 Feb. 25, 1930 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11,1 Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Kane , Hiller, Pasco, Crook and .kvey.. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Lee Monohon to repair house and make base- ment on hot 44, Todins D. C. read. Loved by Miller, seconded by Crook that sane be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Harr, Schellert to erect garage on Lot 3, Block 11, Car Works read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo . Spurgeon to remodel house on Lot 11, Block 7, R. F. P. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be grant- ed. Carried. Application for License to operate a second hand and junk dop read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that saule be re- ferred to the Police & Zicense Committee for report. Carried. Petition read from pro ,arty owners on Hain St. worth between 5th & 6th ,%.ve.for constructing concrete sidewalks. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that a Resolution of Inten- tion for the improvement of said street be drafted.. r Carried. Sp t . &. Alley Committee reported favorably on the R. 3ellanda petition. l�Ioved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the report b received and permit granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended- for p4 - ment the following: CURR7�11IT Fits C. Bevan Supplies Renton Haw. Co. " 0 15.82 - 18 K. 1]. Erickson Co. , Inc. 11,aterial. 19 .19 - 19 j Trick & Hurray Supplies . . . . 1.55 - 20 R. ISI. Thorne Lib, Ins * # . . 39 .00 - 21 'Nilson & Marlowe City Hall Ins 182.60 - 22. Vincent Sitewart Expenses . . 8.25 - 23 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones . . . . . 11.25 - 24 Thos . Harries, .i. M. Envelopes , etc . . . 69 .82 - 25 Dobson & Son Insurance 46.00 - 26 Lawrence Yael & Tsfr. Fuel 0 34.50 - 927 Renton Sd & Gravel uaterial 0 231.85 - 28 Loved by miller seconded by Kane that the reconL.,ienda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of Treasurer & Clerk for the month of Jars*s read and filed. The Ordinance Committee reported favorablir on Ord. No, 685 for the improvement of 3d �.ve . by constructing curbs. etc. Moved and seconded that same be placed upon its seconds* and thir� re��inga e a t�a�r�ncegd'K�e, �I}��,,a17, councilmen presen vo ng Y Crook, Pasco and Avey. No further business, meeting adjourned.May or. "1a396a 3'71 11arch 4, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1I. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco Avey and Mitchell. ilinutes of the last meeting read, and approved. The Finance Committee audited an.d recommended. for payment the following; pay-rolls; Current 231.19 rJ�-t e r 2.44.71 Uoved by .ti.11er, seconded by bane that the reeouunerxia- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Committee City 2roperty1re;,jorted on the clock for the Council Chambers. Moved. by Pasco, seconded by Crook th�.t the `e?_ectric clock be placed in th� cl;rkls office and the old one in the Council Chambers . Carried. Librarian's report for the month of Februray read and ordered filed.. Cotmunica.tion read from Gust 11acris relative to burnt house on Park rive. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be filed. Carried. Fire , Light &. ',Ther Committee rey;orted favorably on the petition of the Savage Lumber Company for storage shed Ont Lot 5, Block 1, 11otor Line Add.. Moved and seconded by that rey,ort be received and recommendation carried out . Carried. 1I.1derman Kane rejjorted that the trucks were cutting into the sidevaalk at the corner of 5th & Main St. I.,loved by Taller seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred to the St, & hlley Committee for recormiendation. Carried. The mayor appointed T:Tr. Kane as a represent"t'iv�� of the Council to take up 11.vjith the North Renton Improvement Club the matter of having all poles of the P. S. P. & L. Co . placed in the alleys, ,if possible. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Y ivma or. 372 March 1t, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.I. by Mayor Baanblossom. Present. Lawrence, Kane, Diller, Crook, Paseo, Ivey and iditehell. ..r 11inutes of the last meeting read and al)proved. Petition of A. Omaek to move garage around on Lot 21, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Avey that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of Thos . Dobson to move house from Lot 1 to Lot 4, Block 8, Car ''lorks. Moved by Crook seconded by Kane that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of D. Phillips to make addition of house on Lot 5, Block 21, R. F. P. read.- Moved ead.Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petitionnof P. Pigozzi. to reshingle house on Tract 13, Tobins D. C. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jack Kalens to erect house for chickens on Tract 35, Highland �iddition read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that same bu referr ed to the ordinance committee, city attorney and Health Officer for investigation and report . Carried. II .�►'" Petition of the Seattle Lighting Co. to lay gas I mains on ,Whitworth St. read. Moved by Kane seconded by Piller that same be grant- ed under tie supervision of the city engineer. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recorataended for payment the followin` bills : CURR IIT D. D. 'Iffatson Dog Catcher 431.50 - 45 Howard-Cooper Corp. Material . 17.90 46 Pioneer Supplies . . . . . . . 2.50 47 Vincent Stewart Expenses . . . . 11 .00 4.8 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance. . . . . 368.85 75 Raymond Trainor Reporter (Downie case) 32.45 50 William Trim Park Labor . . . . . . 5.00 51 Gaylord. Bros. Library Books. . . . . 20.00 52 Hertzberg Bindery it " . . . . . 103.50 53 Trick &. Murray Supplies . . . . . 19.04 54 1,7m. Naller Labor . . . . . 10.00 55 Thos. Harries Envelopes . . . . . 4.36 56 .ger. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry . . . . 4.45 57 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas . . . . 2.10 58 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor . . . . 62.50 59 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel . . . . 49.50 60 Renton Hdcvr. Co . Supplies . . . . 5.45 61 Art Trudgian Labor . . . . 1.00 62 B & R Garage Labor & L'laterial . . 11.50 6.3 Renton El. Store Supplies 2.10 64. P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights . .384.90 65 Joe blood Fees . 30.00 66 King Printing Co . Supplies & Printing 45.15 67 Jiti396j 373 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power X136.52 - 317 City of Seattle ;Rater 101.44 318 Moved by Kane seconded by .Mitchell that all bills o.k. Id by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Moved by Miller seconded by Crook that the matter of a new garbage dump be referred to the -.°day & ; 3'74 Harch 16, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F. M. by Mayor 3eanblossom. Present : Lawrence , Kane, Crook, Pasco , livey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Geo. W. 3aird to reshinele building; on Lot 3, Block 26, Town read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that same be re- ferred to the Fire, .Light & 'eater Co?mmittee with poyier to act. Carried. Petition of Thos. ,3nedden to erect house & garage in woods Addn at 6th ; Burnett St . read. LvIoved by 1'�vey seconded by Crook that scime be granted. Carriecl. ' Petition of A' . 71. _�dvrards to erect garage on Lot 11, Block 3, 'Hotor Nine I�dd. real. Lioved by Crook seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. i Petition of D. ,.volecLo to remodel house on Tract 40 of Tobins D. C . read. i Hoved by Hitchell seconded by Pasco that swine be granted. Carried. 1 petition of property owners on Logan 3t , for i r improvement of street by grading, gravelling and curbing was , read., iloved by L[itchell, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee and t he City EnUr for report next Tuesday. Carried. i Petition of property owners in forth Renton to have the P. S. F. & L. Co. place their poles in the c-Heys read. ..loved by 11itchell, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St. e Alley Corimittee. Carried. Police & License Committee report favorably on the petition of L. J. vdaters to operate a junk shop. LIoved by I,,itchell seconded by Kane th,�_t the report be accepted and recommendation carried out . Carried. Finance Conbnittee audited and recoiiaended fix payment the following pay-rolls: Pay Roll Current V322.38 I Pay Roll Water 134.73 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. i Carried. I Re,;orts of the Treensurer and Clerk for the month of Feb. were read and ordered filed. Communication read from North Renton Imptovement Club and filed. I v Cor:,rnuication from. Hoard of County Commissioners relative to permit to tea complete aork contemplated. along Road Ito . 80 read. Moved by Kane seconded by Crook that the ilayor and Clerk apply for this permit from County Cammissioners. Carried. JIti39 a 375 r Noved by Pasco seconded by Crook thEA a special committee be appointed to work in conjunction with the Park Board to devise ways and means ofprccuriae a errand stand for the nark. Carried. 11r. Ray 3rown, representative of the Fire Deft. spoke of the three-day session of instruction to Firemen and thanked the Council for their coo ion in making; it possible. for the Renton Firemen to attend. City kitty. reported that the injunction suit in- stituted by 14r. Downie against the City for a +jermanent injunc- tion was tried. and, terminated in favor of the City of Menton. This is the second suit in which Downie was ilaintiff "-nd the City- defendant., both of which terrainated in favor of the City of Renton. Zio further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk LEWor. , t, I 376 i , arch 25, 19309 The City Council met in regular session at 8 P. Id. pith ;Mayor Bearlblossom presiding. { Present: Lawrence, Kane , Hiller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and TIitchell. Petition of Jno. 1eternell to move shack. from Stone-`-7ebster plant to and of Mlain St . south, and remodel same Moved by Crook, seoonded by Pasco that same be referred to the vire , Jj _,ht & eater Committee with pov er to acb. carried. Petition of L-Irs. Jane Hancock to move garage from Lot 4 to Lot 5 , Block 4, -T.Iotor Line kdd.n and repair same , j Moved by Mitchell, seconded by kvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Peter Delaurenti to make basement at house on Lot 7, Block .'211, 11. F. P. read.. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by LILit chell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Wm. Manuel to erect E;arage on Lot 19 , Block 6, Car Works read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Zane that same be `ranted. Carried. Petition of Urs. Clara biller to rake basement on house at 6th & Burnett St. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried., Petition of Western Fuel Co. to use the north side of 6th live. No between Park and Williams Sts for storing slab wood read. ;moved by Miller, seconded b,`r Mitchell that same be referred to the St . & Alley Committee to work in conjunctio with the Fire , 'ight & ',later Committee for investiL;ation and report. Carried. St & Alley Committee reporting on the moving of poles by the P. S. P. & L. Co . stated that the company would not make any change in the �josition of their poles on Park. kve• St & Alley Committee asks for more time before reporting on the Logan St. imI ovement. Ordinance Committee re,Lortine on the Lje;tition of Jack Kolens re Sommends that same be denied,. until further report from comimmttee.iloved by Pasco seconded by iatchell that the ra+ort be accepted and recommendations carried out . Carrie . ` The Finance Committee audited and. reconunend.ed for payment the following bills: CURB:3-UT "71t• Jas Madlin Labor . . . . . . 5.00 - 76 R. 0. Brown !1 on tocols 1.60 - 77 dater Wks Porier & -Equip. material. 27 .50 - 78 Bishop & Jenkins Drayage. . . 1.50 - 79 Reid & Cook Labor & Material. 51.60 - 80 H. R. Huntting CO- Library Books 178.47 - 81 Renton Tire Shop Tires & gas . 32.56 - 82 J. S. Hardie Radiators at Library113.00 - 83 Kroll Map C o. Ilap s . . . 1.55 - 84 uagel Cafe Prisoners meals . 30.00 -' 85 139 a 37 a CURB=:'NT s. See & Sons Lumber . . . . . . . V72.31 - 86 Pump . Equipment Co . Mraterial . . . . . . 4.44 - 87 C. Bevan Material . . . . . . 1.85 - 88 Seattle PLager Co . Supplies . . . . . . 33.00 - 89 pac . Tel,& mel. Co. Telephones 10.15 - 90 Kuker-Banken Inc. Ener. Supplies . . . 39 .99 - 91 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber . . . . . . 17.20 - 92 Watkins Jewelry Clock & Repair lJork. 34.50 -- 93 Frank Rhodes I _..terial . . . . . . 2.00 - 94 Lowman &: Hanford Library Books. . . . 96.87 - 95 Hertzberg Bindery it n . . . . 20.70 - 96 L112 ER D. Llexander Leather . . . 2.50 324 Northern Pac. Ry Freight . . . 8.63 325 Renton auto Freight Drayage 1.50 326 j Lloved by 11itchell, seconded by Hiller thatthe recommend- ation of the Finance Co.amittee be concoured. in. Carried. a,jecial Committee on the Grandstand reco.imend that the city pay for all material in a sum not to exceed , 250.00. ;;loved, by Miller seconded by 11itchell that the rey,ort be accepted and recomriendationarried. out . Carried. Communication received froz.n the election Board of King County showing that the bonds had. carried. Ioved aad seconded that same be filed for referenc . C�C.rrieI by Pasco by 1L2itchell 1Eovedj�nd seconded/that we adver�js for bide or. the Utility Bond-s, same to be y-Lb?ished in tr�ei o-ficial neivsp�pr and the official paper of the City of Seattle. Carried. Moved by Pasep, seconded by Miller that the alley in Block 3, R. F. P. be referred to the St &- Alley Committee for report and recommendation next Tuesday evening. Carried.. i No further business, meeting: adjourned.. U City C lerk i L Mayor. f Y i i 378 April 1, 19:�U. ! The Council met in regulzar session at 8 P. 11. with h:Iayor Bea.nblossom presiding. Fresent : Lawrence, Kane, 1,1iller, Crook, Paseo and. 1410, I,linutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of G. L.. Harner to erect garage on Tract 32, Renton Co-operative Coal Co. licre Tracts, read. Lloved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Bill Lewellyn to move house forwarcl on Lot 24, B?ock>5 , R. F. P. and remod-el sEzie read. Kloved. by Lawrence , Seconded by i�vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Florence Guitteau to erect sidewalk on Lot 9 , Block 1, Car ;'forks read. I Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that same be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. i Petition of proy erty owners on Tobin Zve for extension of Tobin !ive. read. roved by Crook, seconded by iLvey that same be re- ferred. to the St . & alley Coi^_,aittee to ork in conjunction with the city engr. Carried. Ordinance Committee re,ort_ i'wvorably on the petition of Jack Kolens. 1.1oved by Kane , seconded by �ivey that the rei ort be accepted and. pe writ granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited u d recorYnend.ed. for 1 ayment the following; pay-rmlls: CU:"NT Pay Roll - - - - - - St. Dent.x,411.70 ;Yater rr 82.33 :Novel by Lawrence, „econded by ILIiller that the ` recozranend.ation of the Fina,:- ce Com- ittee be concurred in. Carried. Resignation of Oliver .Extin as Police Officer read, iNovel by Dane , seconded by Crook thrt the resignation be accented. Carried. The Clerk reported that no protests had been filed against the ir.;prover ent of IIain St . North. T:owed by Kane, seconded by Tiller that an OrcLinanee Gamed. The cre��:tiny; an improver:ent di-: urict be c rafted. The i;ayor appointed Fred illi:a.n a.s Police Officer. Hovel by Pasco, seconded by Ivey that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. i:r. Richard Clark sub-Bested- to the Council th�Lt in the improvement of 3rd i'eve. the curb opIosi.te Cedar t. be raised to form a bulkhead. Loved by y:iller, seconded. by Crook that the matter be referred to the St. ea Tilley Corauittee to work in conjunction with the city engr. Carried. No further business, meeting a.dj ourned.. Clerk I:fayor. liti396a 3'79 t�yril 80 1930. The Co-,incil. :net in r.e -ilc-r sessiony &t S 1• -d. with Ik,gayor Be.anblossom. presiding. Present : Lawrence , Kane , Diller, Crook, Pasco, Ivey and .Utchell. Minutes of the last meeting reed and auproved.. Petition, 1�. 11. Thorne for sanitary severer in glary F. Thorne iAd, ready. Loved by, Kane, , secpnded by Crook that the zjetition be accep-ted .and a Resolution of Intention croating an Improve- ment District drafted. Carried. Petition of Joseph Daler to erect house and garage at the enc- of Lorin St. read. Movecl by Kane , seconded by I:litchell that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of Martin Forniglia to make basement on Lot 14, Block 31 , Smithers Wald., .Hovel by Kitchell, seconded by Crook that same be grantecd. Carried.. Petition of Hary horney to erect garage on Lot 10, Block 17 , R. F. P. "oved by Lawrence , seconded. by Kane that same be referred to the Fire, Light & ester Coimittee with povier to act . Carried. , Protest read- from property owners in the 400 block Felly kve. against the erection of garage read and ordered filed. 5t . &C Willey anct Fire, Light & Mater Committee re- l-,or. ting on the petitiion of the "7estern Fuel Co. recorri-Liends the denial of same . !:loved by Crook, seconded 'by Lawrence thz,t the recommendation of the &.cove coimittee be concurred in. ..:.•Pied. The Finance Committee audit ed and recomr lend ed for payment the foilowlnE., bills : CURIE ITT `J t: • -D. D. 't'latson Dog Catcher . . . . . . . 24.50- 118 F. H. Seaman Gas & Oil . . . . . . . 7 .05- 119 Sanderson Safety Sply Co. Material. . . . . . . 7 .66- 120 Seattle Lighting Co . Gas 2.85- 1 J. S. Hardie Suiplies . . . . . . 0 1.43- 122 nim. "!daller Labo r . . . . . . . . 2.00- 3 Ray Brown 3 I:?'en t s exp. Fireman C onvent ion30.00 4 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry • • • • • • • 6105 5 52.50 6 TV, illiams Sweet Center Park Labor . . . . . 0. Priebe Li-.bor & Material . , 18.15 7 kenton Garage LE-uor " 14.25 8 Pac . Coart R. P, Park Lease 1.00 9 Joe 'Nood Fees 15.00 130 Pac . Car & Foundry Material 380.5 131 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil . . . . . . . 73.87 132 P. S. P. L. Co . Lights 265.86-133 Automatic Coal Burner Co. Repair 7 orl.. . . 17,70-13t- See 7.70-134See c. Sons Lumber 30.90-135 3SO Williams & I.icKnight Sul, _)lies ?21.70 - 136 Lawrence Tsfr Fuel . . . 45 .35 - 137 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 41.00 - 138 Travelers Ins . Co . Library Ins . Q';x.00 - 139 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil 110.09 - 140 Agnes IT. Richmond xpenses Dovinie . 14.40 - 141 City of Seattle Water . . . . . . . . .9 .72 - 333 Pettie Printery Printing. . . . . . . 4.50 - 334 Glauber Brass 111f C. Co . IL-terial. . . 90.01 - 335 National :,Teter Co. tt . . 10.20' - 336 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil . . . . 18.00 - 337 Renton Chronicle Printing 6 32-.00 - 338 Co. Power . 138.10 - 339 A lbert tt. Richards Court Reijorter(Downie) 15.70 - 340 Dick Harris 'Xitness Fee n ,: 7.50 - 341 gloved by Lawrence, seconded byKane that the recommendation oi` the Finance Cofwnittee be concurred in. Carrie(i. St . & Alley Committee re commended th�.t the ailey ue •;.;i.Jeen Park & Garden and between 1st & 3rd :`eve be improved and that a Resolution be drafted... Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the recommendation be carried out . Carried. Rei ort of .Fngr. recommending the 15 j� reserve amounting to x,210.46 be i-aid G. A. Ha.-xaer on the ,Valla ffLq lla. Axe. iiipro vement bid. - ;oved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Re;jorts of the Treasurer and C leri: for the month of Larch were read L.. nd filed. Librarian's re;,,,ort for the month of Barth read �.nd filed. Report on analysis of .-.iter read and filed. The question of a sewer at the lower end of :,lain St. was brought up and referred to the Ordinance Committee and the Hec;lth Officer --_:.or ru,ort and recoijuiiendation. Ordinance Tao. 886 for the i�_iprovement of Lain St. No. between 5th & 6th Ives was read and referred to the Ordi-nance Committee. The Ordinance Committee rel orts favorably on Ord. � No. 886 ivhereupon it was placed upon its second. and. thdrd readiri ;s and passed as a whole, all councilmen present 'voting aye i,awrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco , �ve­ �.nd ::Mitchell. Resolution No. 438 issuing ., 100,000.00 of Renton "Tater-Extension Bonds read* gloved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the ,resolution be adopted. , Carried. No further business, rmeetin€- adjourned. j City Clerk i i I i,Ia.�,),or. P_W :096a 381 t�i,ri1 13, 1930.. Reji.lar meeting of the City Council was c<<lled to order at 8 F. hi, by Ha.Tor 3eanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Kane, I:11iller, Crbok.., Pasco, Y vey and Hitchell. Itiinutes of the last meeting read and a proved. Petition of J. E. Denzer to moose house from Lot 3, Blook o, to "Lot 4, 3lock 6, Car '+forks read. Moved by Lawrence , soconded b * Kane' that same be granted. Carried. Application for License to operate soft drink parlor at 21(i 1.1fells St by Rose Garnero was read. Loved by iIitchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Fire , Light & :';pater Coiimittee :,.or re1,ort. Carried. The Finance Co.lmittee audited and recor_a ended for pay- ment the follo�ving: Current Fay moll St . Dept. 92.02.61 E. H. 3eil Labor & Material Park Grandstand 189 .56 ;dater Pay Roll ffater Dept. . . . X244.50 i.Ioved by Kane, seconded by i:iitehell that the reeo:nr�zenda- tion of the Finance Co:imittee be concurred in. Carried. St . c�. Alley Committee re.y orting on the Tobin St . improvement recoira-vends that the ever get- in touch with the N. F. Ry and ascertain their attitude tow,, rd the improvement, also the approximate cost. This being the night for opening bids on the pipe and fittings the following were opened and read: Federal Pipe & 'bank Co . :Food Stave Fine x;1.49 lin. ft. %restern Pipe & Steel e Co . Steel Pipe 1.21 rr IT xreher Blower e Pipe Co. Steel Pipe . . . . 1.24 rt rt 3L-Lffelen 71ood Pipe Co'. ",Tood Stave Fipe . 1.46 rr .r lationa.l Pipe w "Tank Co . i'1ood Staxe Pipe . 1.54 ri rr King Brothers Steel Fipe . . . 1.3485" tr The Steel Tank & ripe Co. Steel Pipe . . 1.34 rr r► Beall Pi )e Tank Corp. ateel Pipe . . . . 1.39 rr rr Cast Iron Fipe cc Fittin€s . Crane oompar it . 30,834.58 Hugh G. Purcell Co. 29 ,795.95 Fac . "dater ',forks Suj ply Co . . . . . . . . . . . 27,710.10 - Water Works & rower Equipment Co. . ° . . . . . . 29 ,117.50 Rensselaer Valve Company -�artia.l Bid on valves 2,513.40 Roved by Kane, seconded by hiller- ths.t the bids be re- ferred to the City Ener. for tabulation to act in conjunction with„ a committee to be appointed by the Hayor. Carried. Resolution \lo. ,439 , authorizing the City Treasurer to advertise and offer for sale 1100 ,000 .00 ;dater ;bonds 1930, read. !.loved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. On motion by Miller, seconded by Kcze , the al j,,roach to the underground passage of the hill St. bride be referred to the 7t . i111ey Committee for invest ie,'Ltion. C arri ed. No further business ai,pe&rinC,, meeting adjourned, I:uifUR gray AVVA� CLERK 382 22, 1930. _-�e,alar, meeting of the City Council l`ic called to I order at 8 P. LT. by Mayor 3canblossom. � Present: Lawrence, Kane , Hiller, Crook', ;?rico, Ivey and I;itchell. iinutes of the last meeting; read and '-1rproved. Petition of Joe EIVIards to erect small house on Lot 8, Block 2, 6mithers 4th read. Lloved by Kane, seconded by" hiller that same be granted. Carried'. Petition of G. iL. HL rner to construct residi epee or, Tract 31, Rentor. Co-o erative Coal Co. Bracts read. 'moved by miller, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carriecl. Petition of 1.1. Grady to build concrete baseiient on Lot 5 , 3lock 17, Town read. Loved by 1"litchell, seconded by Latiirence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of V. Armstrong to construct marquis on garage building &.t lst -Lve and Park. %loved by Lawrence , seconded by Iniller that' sanie be granted. C-°-rried. Petition of jeattle Lighting Co . to lad gai; mains on Garden 5t. read., Hoved by Hitchell, seconded. by Avey that saL�e be � granted under the supervision of the City ngr. Carried. of TV.-E.Parker i1,;;,lication/for license to operate merry-go-round rljril 1 to Hay 3 inc. read. Hoved by Lawrence , seconded by Bane that same be referred to the Police & License Committee . C arried.^ 5t. &. ialey Committee re.L)orted th�.t the under bridge passage at. 11ill St. ilo. would be taken care of _ imin edi�.t e lir. rol,iaa and, Li canse Coi=i tteye r ,,ort favoraibl0 ir . on the license, of Rose G'arnero. ljove4 by Kane, seconded by i,dtchell th€-,.t the re_,ort ' be accented a 4d ,li.cense granted. Carried. S; ec>sal, Committee on bias asks another week before making rei.,ort. .fore time granted. ilesolution Teo. 440 for the il q)rovement of the alley) between P,�.rk and. Garden read. I:Ioved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be adopt d.. Carried. Resolutmon ilo. 441 for *the imrrovement of the i:ary -E. Thorne addition reed. lioved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same 'be adopted. Carried. Iiovect by Lawrence , seconded by Ialler thLA hill St. be referred to the 3t. a 'aley Committee for report. Carried. No -further business , meeti.ne adjourned. ���1C�L1�►,(/� Ci i�K 1396x - 3 t. April 29, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called at 8 P. M: by J. F. Crook, Mayor Protem, Present: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Pasco, ,Avey and Mitchell, Minutes of the la t meeting read and approved.. Petition of R. T. Miller to move bldg. , from Stone Webster plant to Tract 38, Tobins D. C. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Jas. Bullman to erect house and garage on Lot 15, Block 12, R. F. P. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Evan D. Raymond to repair house on Lot .20, Block 2, Car Works read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jas. Zarwoodis to move old bldgs. , from Stone Webster plant to Camp at Sring Hill Market. Moved by Kane, seconded ty Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Application for license to operate soft drink parlor by Jas. O'Brien in the Argano Bldg. , read. ;Moved by Kane seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the Police I License Committee with power to act. Carried. Police and License Committee report unfavorably ' on the petition of Parker to operate merry-go-round. Moved. by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the report be accepted and license denied. Carried. Special Committee on vlater J orks recommends that the City make application for membership in the American Water Works Assn. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the re- port be accepted and recor_imeniations carried out . Carried. Fire , Light & Water Committee recommend the purchase of a portion .of land in Tract 9 , Springbrook here Tracts«in the sum of 41800.00. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the report be received aid recommendations carried out. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recoi=ended for payment the following bills; CURRENT Trick & Murray Supplies - Renton Clothing Co. Material - - 13.90 173 Tom Dobson & Son Ins. - - - - 5.00 4 Buffalo Fire Appliance Corp. Material- - - 10.15 5 �. J. R. Storey Library Fuel - - 14.60 6 McPherson Furn & Haw Material - 48.40 7 Vince Stewart Expenses - - 4.00 8 Renton Sd & Gravel Material - - - 1.20 9 3S4 Yvts. Williams & O'Hara Labor & Material - - - 928.35 180 North Coast Chem Soap Supplies - - - - - - 7.68 1 General Repair 'a-hop, Repair Work - - - - 15.25 2 Wilson & Marlowe Insurance - - - - - 10.00 3 Blake, Moffett & Town Supplies - - - - - - 5.00 4 Lowman & Hanford Library Books - - - - 29 .13 5 H. Henrickson Park Labor - - - - 20.00 6 .,.,. Benton Tire Shop Gas & Oil - - - - - 33.90 7 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals - - - 10.10 S Renton Chronicle Legal Publications- - 12.40 9 'N��TER ,Agnes N. Richmond Title Ins. (Springbrook) 18.00 Hyland, Elvidge. & Alvrod Fees (Downie) - - 200.0Q W Daily Journal of Commerce Legal Publications 11.20 6 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material - - - - - - 139.76 7 Pao. Water 'Works Supply 't - - - - - - 88.90 8 Renton Hato Freight Drayage - - - - - - 7.45 9 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil - - - - - - :1.77 360 Moved by Miller, seconded. by Mitchell that the recommendation of the Finanee Committee be eoneurred:in. Carried. Communication read from the ;miller engineering Co. to construct watermain on portion of State Road No,. 2 read.*- i Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be re grantetl under the supervision of the CityEngr and City ;Lt to rney. Carried. S,-,ecial ,Committee on pipe & fittings recommends that the bid an the city's.distributioh• system be awarded to the Pac. Water Works Supply Go* Moved by Pasco, seconded b,,-* Kane that the reeoimenda- tion be concurred in. Carried* Special Committee on Pipe asks more time. Granted'. No farther business, meeting adjourned.* Citi* C lerk or VYVV1 I-U1396a 385 May 6, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Crook, 'Pasco, �— Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read dnd a�uproved. Petition of A. S. Fournier to make addition to house on Lot 9 , Block 12, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Alfred Boas Inv. Co. to remodel front of Emporium $ldg. read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that same be granted subject to the supervision of the Fire Chief and the City Engr. Carried. Petition of Jim Hardie to make concrete warehouse in rear of Hardie Bldg. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that same be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Angelo Phillips to repair house on Lot 1, Block 13, Motor Line Addition read. Moved by Miller, seconded by :Mitchell that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of Maurice Hougardy to make addition to house on Lot 13, Block 5, R. F. P. read. Moved by Miller seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ,Yater Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Pay Roll St. Dept. $257 .51 - 190-96 Pay Roll dilater " 224.55 - 363-68 S. L. Hanley Expenses-Portland. 25.00 - 369 G.W.Beanblossom it n 25.00 - 370 C.F.Gage, Deputy Clerk 1.50 - 371 Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that all bills o.k. Id by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Police & License Committee report favorably on the application for license of Jas. O'Brien. Moved by Crook seconded by Mitchell that the report be accepted and recolmiendations carried out . Carried* Special Committee on awarding contracts for material for water supply reconstruction recommend that the contract be awarded. to the Archer Blower Company of Seattle. Moved by Miller seconded by Pasco that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried* reports of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of April were read dnd filed* Librarian's raport covering the month of April- read prilread a.nd filed* Communication read from R. Bunstine relative to stagnant water on the north side of the property of the Sagege Mill. Proved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Health Officer for investigation and report. Carried. Permit to lay pipe to reservoir received from Board of County Commissioners, with a fee of 41.50. ;dove& by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the permit be filed and the 01.50 pard _Clerk of Board of Com'rs. j Carried* ! 0 Ordinance for the preservation and pfoteotion of the water supply of the City of Renton read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee, Carried. St. & Alley Committee recomilend that we call for bids on the 3rd Ave. improvement as per original plana. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that the i reeonunendation of the comittee be carried out. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on Main St. North the following were opened and read; E. E. Duff X570.50 Adams Bros. 594.50 G. A. H&rner . 533.00 Moved by Miller, seconded: by Pasco that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, G. A. Harner. Carried. Moved by Crook seconded by Miller that the 11py or law, and Clerk enter into contract with the Pacific Water 'Yorks upon the furnishing of a proper bond. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the properU officials sign contract with the Archer Blower & P ipe Co. after pond has been approved. Carried* j No further business, meeting adj our:ied. City C lerk x Mayor* 1 11396a May 8, 1930. Si'1'CI:�L MIE'ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WAS CALIE.D BY THE IL�YOR ILLY 8th, 1930 at 5 P. YL. for the purpose of considering the bids on ester .;xtension 3onds . Iresent: Lawrence, Bane , Crook, Pasco , hvey and Mitchell. The following bids were received, opened and read: First Seattle Dexter Horton Securities Co. 997 .27 - 5j Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom 97 .08 - 52j Marine Elational Company 97.31 - 5�0 First National Sank of Renton & Peoples Securities Company . . 97.60 - 5a Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Mitchell that the bids be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. The Finance Committee , after aue coneidera- tion, recommended the biti. of the First National Bank of Renton & Peoples Securities Company. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in and bid of the First National Bank of Penton and P eoples Securi- ties Company accepted and Mayor & Clerk sign contract. Carried. i Clerk Mayor. 500 i law i 0113 6j "'87 May 14, 19 30. Regular meeting of the City Council was called. to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present ; Lawrence , Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and alp roved. Petition of Dave Hunter to erect garage at 500 Mill St. read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Michael Burger to make addition to House on Lot ?, Block 10, R. F. P. Eoved. by Mitchell, seconded. by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Sam Petchnik to repair house aad make basement at 503 Renton Ave. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jack Vidmar to repair house at 500 Renton Ave. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of W. H. 'Natkins to move clock from Hardie Bldg to Boas Bldg. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the surervision of the City Engr. C arried.. The Finance Committee audited. and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 62.58 - 205 Service Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 7.25 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 358.83 7 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones . . . . 15.93 8 Renton Garage Labor & Material. . 3.60 9 Vincent Stewart Expenses . . . . 12.25 210 W. F. Quarrie & Co . Library Books . . . 62.50 1 Williams & McKnight Supplies 0 . . . 2.30 2 Bellingham Bookbindery Library Books . . . 44.50 3 Renton Radiator & Fender Repairs . . . . 3.30 4 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor . . . 62.50 5 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel . . . . 41.20 6 Seattle Lighting Co. Gas 0 2.55 7 Wm. 71aller Labor 0 5.00 8 Ea.rlington Impt Club Lights 0 30.6.0 9 City of Renton Park Assessment . . 145.65 220 Ivan W. Lee " Expense :lower . . 27.12 1 Renton Hdw Co . Material 26.97 2 i1f,=R Daily Journak of Commerce Legal Publications 16.20 374 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools . . 5.30 5 City' of Seattle Water . . 24.56 6 See & Sons Lumber 4.02 7 Hersey Mfg. Co. Material . ., 140.25 8 P.S.P. & L. Co'. Power .. . • 817.95 9 3 f 1 I Moved. by Mitchell, seconded. by Miller that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. St & Alley Committee reported that after a thorough investigation they find the Tobin St, improvement cost would be exorbitant and recommend that the petition be re- turned to petitioners. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the report be accepted and reco:zimend-a.tions carried out . Carried. The Finance Committee reported that the Council had met in special session on May 8th, 1930 at 5 P. 111. to consider bids for the purchase of the Water Extension Bonds, the following bids being received: First Seattle Dexter Horton Securities Co. $97.27 - 5t-j Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom . . . . 97.08 - 5-% , Marine National Company . . . . . . 0.31 - 517" First National Bank of Renton Peoples Securities Company . 97.60 - 52 The bid of the First National Bank of Renton, Peoples Securities Company being the. best bid, it was moved by Pasco seconded by Miller that the action of the City Council in special meeting accepting bid of the above company be approved and confirmed in all things. Carried unanimously. Report of Engr. submitting data, on Resolution 440 read and ordered filed. Engr. ts report submitting data on Resolution No. 441 read and ordered filed. Communication read from American Legion asking for cooperation of the Council on Memorial Day read. Moved by Kac:e, seconded by Crook that the communication be received and filed and representative appoint- ed to meet with the Legion. Carried. The Mayor appointed F. IN. Kane * Ordinance No. 887 for the improvement of alley between Park and Garden from lst to 3d Ave. ,read and on motion referred �to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 888 for the improvement of a tract in Mary E. Thorne Addition by construction of sanitary sewers was read -and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos.887 , 888 and Ordinance No. 889 , creating a water shed. Ord. No . 887 was read a secpnd and third time and passed as a whole, all councilment present voting aye: Lawrence; Kane ; Miller, Crook, Pasco , kvey and Mitchell. Ordinance No. 888 was read a second and third time and° passed as- a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco , kvey and Mitchell. Ord. No. 889 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence-, Kane-, Killer, Crook, Pasco , kvey and Mitchell. I,rr. Parker was present and asked the eooperetian of the Councih in getting Black River dredged. I Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that we go on record favoring this improvement and draft a Resolution t 1396a X89 petitioning the County Commissioners to dredge this channel. Carried* St &: Alley Committee recommended that the City Engr. be authoriezed to use the state appropriation and additional funds for the improvement of 1st Ave. North and Burnett St . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by i,vey that the `.., recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the sewage question of Renton Ave. be referred to the City Engr. and the Health Officer. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. 3d: 0 may 20, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Kane , TAiller, Pasco , Crook and Avey. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. low Petition of E. E. Burrows to make addition to house; on Lot 2, Block 19 , mown read. Moved by m'vey' seconded by Kane that same be grantecl� Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Wts • Pay Roll St. Dept. 9,207 .61- 22== 23` it it Water 'i . 261.97- 380-84 11oved by Miller, seconded by tLvey that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. ;,loved by Kane, seconded by Miller that a Resolution of Intention for the improvement of Old Renton Hill by sewer be drafted.. Carried. Representatives of the Kiwanis Club and were present and asked the Council if Jones Park could be improved and fixed for a playground for boys. Moved by Pasco, seconded br ,awrenee that the matter be referred to the city engr. for approximate cost. Carried.. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the Tobin St. improvement be referred. back to the St & !alley Committee to work in conjuAction with the city engr. for full details. Curried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the proposition of an outlet for traffic a the ball grounds be referred to the St & Alley Committee to work in conjunction with the city engr. Carried. No further business aggeari.ng, meeting adjourned.. Clerk 3L . ayor, Pro Tem. U t 1396a 391 May 28, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro -Tem. Present: Lawrence, Kane , nvey and Mitchell, *... Minutes of the last meeting read and. approved. Petition of John Peternell to erect garage on Lot 18, Block 11, Car Works read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Gustine to move house from Lot 15, Block 1 to Lot 1, Block 2, Car Works read. .Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee with power to act, ° Carried, Application of Browning Amusement Co. to conduct show June 4th to 7th inc. read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with Power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : CURRENT Wts. Tom Dobson & Son Insurance . . . . . . 65.00 243 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones. . . . . . 14.20 4 J. Henry Chambers Supplies . . . . . . 40.00 5 Rei& & Cook , Gas & Oil . . . . . . 50.82 6 Lowman & Hanford Library Books . . . . 34.01 7 E. H. Beil Labor & Material (Park) 66.53 8, Hooker Electro Chem Chlorine . . . . . . 288.00 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights . . . . . 357.61 250 R. iuT. Thorne InsarEace . . . . 22.00 1 Bancroft Whitney Law Books . . . . 75.00 2 W10ER Neal Turner Explosives . . . . . 30.00 388 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil . . . . . 2,86 9 Hersey Mfg. Co, Material . . . . . 107.50 390 P. S. P. & L. Co, Power . . . . . 83.20 1 Moved by Kane , seconded by Mitchell that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. St & alley Commmittee recommended that we purchase a signal light for $168.00. Moved by Kane, seconded by nvey that the matter be referred to the May & Means Committee with power to act* 1 Carried. Resolution Uatitiong the Board of County Commiss- ioners to expend county funds in the dredging a portion of Black River read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the Resolution be adopted as read and copy forwar&ed County Commissioners. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the engr. be instructed to draft plans and specifications for delivery truck and we advertise for bids. Carried, Meeting adjourned.* alekk mayor, J{•�1r p, June 3, 1930. The Council met in regular session at S h. Ni. bith Mayor Beanblossom. Present : Lawrence , Kane, Crook,- Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read a,nd approved. Petition of Harold. .Trimm to erect small house on Tract 15 , Highland Addition read. Moved by kvey, seconded by Lawrance that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Seattle G4s Company to lay gas mains on 4th Ave . North, read. Moved by Kane, seconded. by Crook, that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the City Engr. , Carried. . St •& Alley Committee recommend that the request of property owners on Wells St. for the vacation of a portion of said street be denied. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that the recommend- ation be concurred in. Carried. City Engr. reported that anoutlet for traffic at the ball grounds had been located. The Finance Committee audited an,& recommended for payment the following: Pay Roll St. Dept. $271.50 - 254-60 Pay Roll pater Dept . . . .x,1172.50 - Ijoved by 2;iitehell, seconded by Crook that all bills oe k. td by . the Finance Committee be paid. Carried* No further business, meeting adjourned. aal Clerk Bffayor. I 396 3 93 June 10, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of E. F. Betz to raze old green house and build new one can Lot 17, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved. by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. A. Wellman to build coop for chickens on Lot 169 Block 18, Town read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Application for soft drink license of Mrs. H. B. Patterson read, gloved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried, south a- & Alley Committee reported that the property owners on/R ve. between Burnett & 14orris Sts. have agreed to the widening of the sidewalk. gloved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be re- ferred to the City Engr and City 1�tty. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of.May were read and ordered filed. ,,ibrarian's report for month of May read and filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for- payment the following bills: CURRENT its . North Coast Chem & Soap Works Supplies. . 0 30.45 -21T Blake, Moffitt & Towns " . . 11.00 270 Reid & Cook Material . . 15.38 1 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil . . . . 3.10 2 Renton Tire Shop tt tt . . . , 19 .32 3 Union Oil Company Material . . . . 9 .78 4 T. H. Beaman Gas & Oil . . . . 85.11 5 Wash. Amiesite Co. Material . . . . 103.50 6 Vincent Stewart --Exkenses . . . 3.50 7 Seattle Gas Co Gas . . . 2.40 8 Trick & Murray Supplies . . 4.85 9 Wm. Waller Labor . . 2.00 280 Williams Sweet Center Park Labor . . 62.50 1 Eagle Cafe Prisoners' Meals . 10.50 2 Joe Wood Fees 0 42.50 3 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry # 3.25 4 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 155.15 5 WATER R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 5.60-414 Beaman's Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 21.87 5 City of Seattle Water 28.30 6 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 0 14.33 7 Renton Chronicle Printing Pub. 4.75 8 3A Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on truck, the following were opened and read: Now Sterling : 1759 .00 General Motors Truck . . . 1295.00 Ford Truck . . . . . . . . 791.00 Chev. Truck. . . . . . . . 842.00 Moved by Pasco, seconded by 'Twiller that the bid be awarded the Chevrolet for 4842.00 complete. Carried. Moved b Crook, seconded by Mitchell that the � Mayor & City Clerk enter into contract with Mayner Motor Co. for the purchase of Chevorlet truck. Carried. Mr. Dave Williams, representative of the Fac. Coast submitted a plan for the removal of the signal on Walla Walla at Mill St. Moved by Miller, seconded by -Crook that the matter be referred to the St. & Uley Committee for investigation and they be given power to act. Carried. Ordinance No. 890, authorizing the iss'qance of special water revenue bonds in the sum of 100,000.00, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No . 890 , whereupon it was jlaced upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, al > aye: Lawrence , Miller, Crook, Pasco and Mitchell. No further business, meeting adjourned. •nr C ity Clerk a "-ft1396j, 395 'F_W June 17, 19,30 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, �... Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Clyde Clylow to make addition to house at 615 High St . read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited aid recommended for payment the following.- Pay ollowing:Pay Roll IVater Dept. $4630.99 Pay Roll St. Dept. • 204.50 Mayner Motor Co, Truck. o 842.00 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Mitchell that the recommendation of the Finance Coiimittee be concurred in. Carried. Nays & Means Committee reported favorably on the purchase of a signal light, . Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the report be accepted and signal purchased. Carried. T,�oved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the city engr. prepare specifications on the 3rd Ave. improvement and on the alley improvement on 1st Ave. between Park aiid Garden. Carried.. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that the Police Department be authorized to notify all persons violat- ing the water shed ordinance giving them 30 days in which to comply with same, Carried, No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk s Mayor. I • i i i 21111396a. 397 July 1, 19 30. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem. Present : Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and ,approved. Petition of Joe Curry to move house 8 ft. south on Lot 21, Block 2, Car ':Yorks. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo. Peacock to reshingle, repair foundation of house on Lot 18, Block 28, Towm. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Thos. Bevan to tear part of house down, move back 12 ft. and remodel sane on Lot 9 , Block 15, Town, read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that same be referred to the Fire, Light & 0Vater Committee with power to act . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for paym nt the following: Wts . Pay Roll St . Dept. 4142.74 315-16 Pay Roll 7later Dept. 2839 .90 518-566 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that all bills allowed by the Finance Committee be paid. Carried. Police & License Committee reported on the Levitt, Brown & Huggins license reporting that they had j)EL id 0330.00. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that the report be accepted. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that th e pity treasurer be instructed to create -a fund for the proceeds of the sale of the water extension bonds, same to be. designated. "Special '~'Vater Bund.rr Carried. Lioved 'by Lawrence , seconded by Pasco that the city engr. be instructed to draw plans and specifications for the uncompleted portion of the water system and call for bids on same. Carried. Resolution No. 442 fixing the date of hearing on assessment roll Dist 178 for the 22nd day of July was read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Miller that same be adopted. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk L 'v;ayor, Pro Tem. 398 Julir 8, 19:50. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco , k vey and ,Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved* etition of August Suffia to erect garage on Lot 210 Block 16, R. F. P. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. J. Hughes to reshingle house on Lot 41 Block 19 , Town read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Lighting Co. to lay gas mains on Whitworth St . read. i Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that same be granted under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that the Nuys & 1 Means Committee confer with Seattle Gas Company telative to rates on City Hall gas, Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: CURR=, Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.70 327 Vince Stewart Expenses. . . . 1.00 3"26 ' Joe Wood Fees . . . . 55.00 328 Thos. Rowe Gas & Oil . . . 37 .65 329 Wm. Kane Signal Labor . 59 .10 330 Clarke Bros . Jiotor Co. Labor . . . . 8.74 1 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil . . . 9 .51 2 Howard Cooper Corp. Nozzle, F. D. . 20.13 3 Kirkman Toggery Ma� terial F. D. . 98.00 4 Western Tire Service Material . . . 9.91. 5 J. D . Williams iark Labor . . 62.50 6 i Wm. Llewellyn Park Labor . . 10.00 317 Williams & McKnight Supplies . . . 47 .66 337 Renton Radiator & Fender Works Labor. . .90 8 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfer Fuel 0 . 16.50 9 Wm. Waller Labor ' . . . 2.00 340 WATER Grinnel Col Material . . .4194.46 569 City of Seattle Water . . . 84.48 570 General Repair Shop Repair Work . . 6.05 1 Thos. Rowe Gas & Oil . . 72.00 2 MoveL by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried.. Fire, Light & water Committee report favorably on the petition of Thos. Bevan. Moved by Pasco , seconded by TYiiller that the report be received to d. permit granted. Carried. 1396a 399 Communication read from Pacific Coast $ssociation of Fire Chiefs and filed. Communication read from County Com'r Brinton offering to i.urnish voting machines ror nhe Tall election here. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the City Clerk write letter accepting the offer. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mitchell that the question of the proper place for the signal light on Park Ave . be referred to the Fire, bight & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the grad- ing of the alley on rain St. North be referred to the St. & Alley committee for recoin-.,e iLation. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the question of thistles be referred to the Fire, ,.Light & Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. F/Y "n'L'2'AtI Clerk I i i i i Mayors i i I o i i i i 4Q 0 i July 15 , 1930. { I Regrzlar meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 11. '1.1. by Mayor Beanblossom. i Present: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. .,e Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of J. H. Lawrence to repair house on Lot 1, Block 18, R. F. P. read. Moved- by Lawrence, secomded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank G. Gusti ne to erect garage on Lot 1, Block .2, Car Works read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Fire , Light & 'Nater Committee with lower to act. Carried. Petition of Seattle Lighting Co . to lay gas mains on 5th Ave. and on Morris St . read.. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted under the supervision of the City E ngr. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and, recommended for payment the following: Pay Roll Mater Dept. X763.53 Pay Roll St . Dept. . . . . . 152.22 Moved by Millex, seconded by Kane that the recommen a.— tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. on This being the night for opening bid laying cast iron watermains , the following were read: Elmer McDonald . . . . . . . . ..7157.50 Peter Dullahant. . . . . . . . 5349.40 T. Macri & Co. . . . . . . . . 4017.50 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Pasco that the bids be referred to the Fire , Li -ht & 7later Committee for recommendation. Carried. The advisibility of selling the old water wagon was discussed, whereupon it was moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the City Property Committee with i)ower to act. Carried. Ho further business , meeting adjourned. ! CLIE'la MkYOR i J39ba 4 July 22, I930. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order at 8 o 'clock, p.m. President of the Council J.F.Crook presiding. Roll Call, Lawrence, Kane, Pasco, Avey and Yitchell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and api;roved. On motion by Ivitchell and second by ,,vey a i•ermit was granted to Frank Davis to repair a dwelling house at 220 Mill Street . On motion by Lawrence and second by Mitchell a permit was granted Louis Johnenn to construct three houses on Lots I, 2 and 3 in Block 10, Car Works Add. On motion by Mitebell and second by ;.wrence Mrs . E.F. Betz was granted a permit to rebuild a garage on Lot 17, B1k.23, R.F.Plat. On motion by Lawrence and second by nvey a permit was granted to reo . h. Bruce to add an addition to dwelling on Lot 8 in Blk.6, Car Wks Add, k petition from J.'N. Neiman asking for a permit to operate a pop corn vending machine or t, truck was read. On motion by Kane and second by Lawrence the petition was referred to the Folice and Licence Committee with power to act. A petition from the P.S.P.and L.Co. for permit to reset poles on the east side of :Burnett Street south of Fifth Avenue was , on motion by Lawrence and second by Avey, referre,i1 to the :;treat and Alley Committee with power to act. On motion Kane and second by Lawrence the ijetition of .,., the Seattle Gas Company to lay a gas main in Mill Street was granted. The City Property Committee reported that it did not favor selling the old water wagon at the price offered. On motion by Lawrence and second by Iitchell the report was concurred in. This being the night set for final nearing on the assessment roll for L.I.D. No.I78, the clerk reported that no protests against said rola ht%d- been filed. Ordina.nee 'No.89I, being an Ordinance approving arid conf- irming the assessment and assessment roll for L.I.D No.I78 was introduced and read. On motion Kane and second Mitchell Ordinance No.891 was referred to the Ordinance Committee . After a short recess the Ordinance Committee reported favorably. On motion by casco and second by Avey the report was accepted and the Ordinance ordered placed on its second and third reading and passed as a whole . "Ayes"- Lawrence , Kane , Fasco, Avey and -1-Mitchell. The Fire, Light and 'Fater Committee reported that it was still considering the bids received for 1,:-ying cast iron pipe and asked for more time in wYjich to render a final report. Request granted. There being no further busines' the meeting adjourned. Mayor. City Clerk. v i � I 6 ,� July 29 , 1930- Regular 930.Regular meeting of the City Council called to order at 8 p.m. ; President of the Council J.F.Crook presiding. Roll Call- Lawrence , Kane , Miller, Avey and Mitchell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion by Avey and second by -Aiitchell the petition of Felix Gigli to construct a basement under dwelling at 725 Renton Avenue was granted. On motion by Lliller and second. by Lawrence the petition of ;vers. Dunham to construct a chicken house on Lot e in Block 13 of the R.F.P was referred to the City Health Officer. The fire, Light and Water Committee asked for and was granted one iore week for the consideration of bids received for the installation of cast iron water mains. On motion by Mitchell and second by Kane the report of the City Engineer recommending the payment of 480.90 to G.A.Harner as the final payment for work done in L.I.D. I78 was accepted and the amount ordered paid. This being the night set for opening bids for furnishing all labor and certain specified materials for the install- ation of a steel gravity supply line to Springbrook, the following were opened, and read.: Seattle Water Main Construction Company. . .,�7287.50 queen City Construction Company. . . . . . . . . . . 788I.00 " Coluccio & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . . . . . . . . . . 81,219 .00 IMP/ Macri and Nati.rmoso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95II.00 Joe Coluacio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 9544.00 G.A.Harner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .".. . . X0374.00 Argentierre and Colorossi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10570.00 Congiusta Construction Company. . . .. . . . . . . 10620.00 R.Pole and Co. 5937 .30 J.W.Hoover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 16688.00 j On motion by Kane and second by Mitchell the contract . " was awarded to the Seattle Water Nita " stkruotion Company. and ordered signed by the Idayor & i y `�, er • On motion by Lawrence and s�cond by Kane the matter of allowing the Community Band the use of the City Hall was referred to the City Property Committee. There being no further business the meeting adjo'arnacl. �. xppro ed. City Clerks . . . . . . . . . . ..�. . . . . . . . . ... Gam► Mayor. Q. 13 6a T)3 Aug. 6, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Avey and Bennett to erect club house on Lot 9 , Block 5, Smithers read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of F. F. Stewart to make addition to hous e on Lot 9, Block 13, R. F. P. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be grant- ed. Garrie4. Petition of James Tachell to move house from F. Davis lot to cemetery read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that upon furnishing proper bond, same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Ganalero to repair roof of house at 124 Burnett St. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that sante be granted. Carried. Petition of Milt :Yilliais to raze old store bldg and erect garage on Lot 2, Block 3, Motor Line Ada. _,Ead. Moved. by Lawrence , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. _OW Petition of John Girias to ereot. green house on Lot 4, Block 31, Smitbers Addn. read. Ljoved by Pasco, seconded by Tiller that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and reco.iimended for payment the following bills; CURREPNT Wt s . Pay Roll St . Dept. . . . . . $221.57 - 358-65 Pao . Tel Telephones . . . . . . 15.95 366 Renton Sd & Gravel Drayage . . . . . . 9 .00 7 Woods Cafe Prisoners' Meals . . 30.25 8 Howard Tachell Witness Fees 2.50 9 Beaman's Ser. Sta. Gas & Oil 19 .78 370 Reid & Cook Labor & Material. . 27.45 1 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lights 6 330.22 2 Seattle Paper Co . Supplies 10.30 3 Williams Swwet Center Park Labor . . . . 62.50 4 Genl. Repair Shop Repair Durk . 6.00 5 Wm. Haller Labor . . 2.00 6 Tom Dobson & Son Aut License . 1.25 7 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry . . 6.65 8 Eage Cafe Prisoners Meals 11.50 9 Trick & Marray Supplies . . . 55.50 380 Sanderson Safety Supply Material. 3.88 1 Art. Trudgian Painting grandstand 96.50 2 J.,Reans " Fire Station. . 40.00 3 .. A. N. Richmond Expenses 0 10.85 4 4(?4 WkT-LM Pay Roll later Dept. . . . : 274.45 625-30 Gould & Gould Insurance . 18.80 631 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools . 6.60 2 City of Seattle Water . 98.36 3 , P. S. P. & L. Co. Power .1`1.60 4 Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda— tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. •.r' Fire , Light & ;dater Committee recommended the rejec— tion of all bids for the installation of cast iron pipe. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the report be received and recommendation carried out. Carried. City Clerk was instructed to write IY'Ir. Macris about old burnt building at the end of Park Ave. notifying him that same must be disposed of by the 15th of Sept. Lxaminer's report read and ordered filgct. No further business , meeting adjourned. Clerk 0 Mayor Pro Tem. I i Iti 1396a 4(05 August 130 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. J. Y. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Miller, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. Minutes read and approved. Petition of Angelo Philliks to erect garage on Lot 1. Block 3, Motor Line Add. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Gamba to erect coal and wood shed on Lot 23, Block 31, Smithers Add. read. Moved by Miller, seconded. by xvey that same be re- ferred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Hayden Williams to erect house and garage on Lot 24, Block 16, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Avey that same be grant- ed. Carrie(I. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for 1)EV- ment the following bills: 'fits. Current Pay Roll $39.92 - 387 Nater Pae. "Mater Works Supply Co. Pipe 429 ,317.83-635-6--7 Grinnell Co. Material . 370.00-638 Glauber Brass Mfg. Go. a 168.25- 9 Rensselaer Valve Co. 1t 222.50-640 Archer Blower & Pipe Co. 4' . . . 15,772.80- 1 Columbia Lumber Co. lumber . . 293.85 2 Renton Auto Freight Drayage. . 49 .93 3 iHeal Turner Material, 51.50 4 Renton Hdw. Coo it 274.11 5 I Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. n 11.21 6 Hyland,Elviage & Alvord Fees 250.00 7 Renton Sand & Gravel Labor & Material 1027.95 8 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the ree- ommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The following bids for reservoir construction were received: E. E. DUFF . . . . . . . $6200.98 Seattle Watermain Construction Go. $7000.00 G. A. Garner . . . . . . 4926.45 Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, G. A. Rarner. Carried. The City Clerk notified the Council that the money had been received for the water utility bond issue. 'o further buainess, meeting a aj ourne&o Clerk -MaLyor Pro Tem. 406 August 19 , 19.30. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: CURRKNT Pay Roll St. Deet. . . . . . . 4183.90 WATER Pay Roll Water Dept. 937.76 Archer Blower & Pipe Co. . . . . . . . . 2805.35 .. � :loved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. , Carried. Petition of Mike Rubattino to make basement under house on hot 11, block 1, Smithers read. i Loved by Mitchell, seconded. by Avey that same be granted. Carried.. Application of Nifti Putt Golf Links Zor soft drink license read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Application of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains in alley between Pelly and Park Sts. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by xvey that same be granted. Carried. ago, Police & License Committee report unfavorably on petitionnof S. W. Neimen. . Moved by Kane, seconded by, Mitchell that the report be accepted and eonmrred in. Carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Mitchell that the license fee of Browning Bros. be referred to Police & i+icense Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Pasco that the chicken ordinance be referred to Qr dinanee Committee for report and recoimnend.ation. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Mitchell that the Clerk be authorized to mare certain transfers from the L. I.G. Fund to certain L.I.D. funds and from certain L.I.D. Funds to L.I.G. Fund in ordeLr to close several distracts. Carried. 'treasurer's and Clerk's rekorts for the months of June and July were read and ordered filed. No further business, meeting adjourned. CLFRK kfi- ji396a 411)`7 Aug. 26, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 F. M. with J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Ro11 'call Lawrence, Miller, Kane , Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. ..r Pet'it'ion 'of Frank O 'Hara to reshingle* house on Lot 17, Block 24, Town read. Moved bar Lawrence , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Paul Kump to make basement and repair house on Lot 2, Block 28, Town. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Mitchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of S. C. Koofer to build concrete steps Lot 7, Block 6, Town read. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Victor Salo to erect garage on Lot 15, Block 2, Gurinls Add. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Belmoncda to remodel rear porch rears. (732 Renton Ave) Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains on Mill St. from 5th to 6th Aves . read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted, under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: CURRENT Williams & OtHara Labor & Material . 410.00 414 McPherson Furn Supplies e 8.40 5 Joe Wood Fees . 45.00 6 Clarence Dullahant Labor on Fire Trucks 6.75 7 Lewis Motors Labor & Material . . . 16.86 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights . . . 335.86 9 Renton Garage Labor & Material . . . . 22.09 420 Lowman & Hanford Library Books . . . . . 22.53 1 Seattle Gas Co. Gas . . . . . 2.70 2 Wilson & Marlowe Ins. . . . . . 50.00 3 Thos. Harries 'Envelopes . . . . . 70.76 4 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil . . . . . 109.92 5 Pac . Tel & Tel. Telephones . . . . . 11.75 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies . . . . . 12.45 7 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals . 28.00 8 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance . . . 52.20 9 Bertha Welsh Room Rent . . 1.00 430 Howard Tachell Service Fee . . 2.20 1 J. S. Hardie Labor & Supplies. . 28.78 2 Hyland,Elvidge & Alvord. Fees (Assmt Forecl) 250.00 3 Howard Tachell Police (Carnival) - 20.00 4 4 � WATER ' art. J. S. Hardie Material 458.16 69U 0. Priebe Labor & Material 27.35 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power . . . . 364.17 2 Olympic Foundry Co. Material . . . . 382.10 3 McPherson Furn & Hdw. Supp;lies . . . 4.50 4 Rainier Fuel & Tsfr Co . Material . . . . . 13.60 5 N. P. Ry. Co. Freight . . . . . 17.95 6 Agnes N. Richmond Expenses . . . . . 5.00 7 Fal.kenburg & Co. Material . . . . 238.59 8 Trick & Murray Printing Bonds . 120.00 9 Moved by Miller, seconded by 1.1itehell thatthe recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance Committee, after conferring with Health Officer Dixon, recommended the repeal of the chicken ordinance* seconded by Kant Moved by Mitehellithat -the rej,ort be concurred in and the Ordinance repealed. Carried. Communication read from the Fire Dept. recommend- ing the sum of 4200,00 as travel expenses for Fire Chief to attend the Fire Chiefs Conventions read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that we confirm the recommendation of the Fire Dept . Carried• I No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem.- . . a a '" t 1396j 409 Sept. 2, 1930, The Council met in regular session at 8 P. K, with J. F. CROOK, :Mayor Fro Tem presiding. Roll Gall: Lawrence, Miller, Mane, Avey, Pasco �.. and blitchell: ;Minutes of the last meetin; read ,n d ayproved. Petition of Ryle to make addition to house on Lot 7, Block 25 , R. P. P. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of vdesle�r Shaff to erect garage on Lot 17, Block 3, Car :forks read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of rete Parolli to erect garage at 712 Cedar St. read, moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be ,ranted.. Carried. Petition of G. W. Spurgeon to reshingle and make addition to house on Lot ll, Block 7, R. F. P. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of Peter Ballatore to make basement on house on �►Ot :;, :duck , Sartorisvii le read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded. by Tait chell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of M. YL. -tephens to enclose s dace between Flynn shop and shoe store on 1.1hir d. rive for display shop. Moven by Lawrence , seconded by Tai.tchell that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains on lst Ave. N. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Kane that same be granted. Carried.. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following pay-rolls: Water Dept. . . . . . . . 41847.80 St. Dept . . . . . . 15745 Moved by .1itehell, seconded by Lawrence that the re;,ort of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from Seattle Gas Company relative to free gas rew.. Koved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the letter be laid. on the table for reference . Carried. Ordinance Noe 892 authorizing the :mayor & Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.B. 178 reads and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported f avorably on Ordinance No . 892 whereupon it was placed upon its second andl� third. readings �_nd; passed G.s a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Kane, miller, Pasco , Avey and ,Iitchel�* bloved by iUl"ler, seconded by Pasco, that the light at 1st kve. No & Pelly be changed from the corner to the 410 center .of the street and- a complete check of all dull lights on the streets be referred to the Fire, bight & 'Nater Committee aid the Police Dept. for investigation and report. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk VPI-4 o Mayo r I nr/ X11396a x-1.1 Sept* 9, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called. to order at 8 P. M. by J. F. Crook, :,Jayor Pro Tem. , Roll Call. Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Joe Thomas to reshingle and repair foundation of house at hot 6, Block 6, 11. F P. read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. Manuel to reshingle house on Lot 19. Block 6, Car Works read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried* rngr. report read recommending the payment of $4000.00 on contract of Seattle latermain Construction Co. for installation of 201, steel pipe line. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the report be received and reeommen'dation carried gout. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Dane that the Wells St. bridge be re-planked. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the city hall gas question be referred to the gays & Means Committee for investigation and report . Carried. r.. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor. i Sept. 16, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. - Petition of EA Morgan to erect small house and move garage to south side of Lot 4, Block 12, Town read. Moved, by Avey, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Fire , Light & water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Joe Parolli to reshixjE le house at 712 Renton Ave read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be grantecl. Carried. Petition of B. W. Fey to do general repair work on Grand. Theatre read. Moved by Kane, seconded by iivey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mike Arnone to reshingle house on ,Lot 5, Block 29 R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Matt Grady °to partition store former- ly oeeipued. by Beaeoek read. Moved byKane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of L. D. Dixon to conduct shooting gallery on 3rd Ave. read. The Mayor referred the same to the Police & License committee for investigation. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: Current Pay Roll St . Dept. - - - - - - - 4147 .47 446-9 Seattle Gas Co . Gas - - - - - - - 5.61 450 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies - - - - - - - 31.12 1 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - - - 18.97 2 J. E. Vioue Supplies - - - - - - - 6.35 3 Renton Garage Gas & Oil - - - - - - - 55.11 4 Renton Tire Shop �' " - - - - - - - 12.55 5 Reid & Cook - - - - - - - 55.11 6 Alfred Trim Library Fuel - - - - - - 47.50 7 Wm. Waller Labor - - - - - - 2.00 8 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds - - - - - 10.00 9 williems & McKnight Supplies - - - - - 14.20 46Q Gladding, McBean Sewer ripe - - - - - 3.92 1 Renton Radiator & Fender Labor & Material 19.65 2 Eagle Cafe Prisonerst Meals . 25.50 3 Walkers Cafe n " - - - 41.20 4 J. D. Williams Park Labor - - - - - - 62.50 5 Sanderson Safety Spply Material - - - - 3.50 6 wm. Kane Supplies - - - - - - - 7.80 7 Trick & Murray 1i - - 9 Renton Auto. Ser. Repair Work- - - - - - 9 15.65 14.70 X7 •.. Ser. Ldry & Cleaners LdrY - - - " 1411396a 413 WATER Pay Roll Water Dept4 - - - - 032.43 737-9 Pettie Printery Printing - - - - 7.50 740 Renton Tire Shop Labor & Material - 22.91` 1 C. Bevan Supplies - - - - 1.90 2 W. S. Darley & Co. n - - - - - 14.60 3 Federal Pipe & Tank Material - - - - - 35.96 4 . City of Seattle Nater - - - - - 71.40 5 SPECIAL WATER Pay Roll - - - - - - -*1703.74 - 746-778 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools '- - 11.00 736 E. A. Shearer Supplies - - - - - 2.15 779 Williams & McKnight n it _ _ _ _ _ 30.60 "780 Renton Furn & Hdw n ,1 _ _ _ _ - 20.25 1 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. Material - - - - - 147.2,0 2 See & Sons Lumber - - - - - ' 90.63 3 Renton Garage Gas & Oil - - - - 54.14 4 Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred. in. Carried. Engrts report read recommendirig the payment of $1500.00 to G. A. Harner on the reservoir jab. Moved by Kane, seconded by Mitchell that the report be received axid recornmendations carried out. CzZried. Alderman Pasco, representative of the hill district brought up for discussion the question of meters on t t 11 stating that the reading of same should be discontinue Iter the balance of the city is metered. !,fter considerable discussion, it was - Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the readings be discontinued ur:til the town is metered., except apartment houses* and the matter referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee and the City iitty. Carried. Hovel by Mitchell, seconded. by Lawrence that the city property committee get prices on meters and report next Tuesday. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. 7I City Clerk I Mayor Pro Tem. 414 September 23, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane , Miller, Pasco , Avey and. Mitchell. Mimites of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of sm. Reid to erect small bungalow at 305 1st Ave. No. read. Moved by Kaae, seeonded by kvey that same be granted• Carried. ' Petition of George Boyes to reshingle house at 232 Mill St. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of L. H. Reynolds to reshingle house and garage on Lot 21 , Block 1, ymithers. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Allen to erect garage on Lot 13, Block 19 , Town read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be re— ferred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of J. Steele to erect garage at 311 1st Ave. No . read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried.* Petition of H. L. Underwood to erect garage on Lot 2, Block 259 R. F. P. read* Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Fire, Light & water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of F. Littlefield to reshingle house on Lot 8, Block: 219 Town read. that same be Moved by Pasco , seconded by Avey re- ferred to ,the Fire , Light & IVater Committee with power to act. Carried* Petition of Paeific Tel. & Tel. Co. to set two poles 2nd Ave. N. & 3rd live. Loved by mitdhell, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recouunended. foot payment the following: x,150.63 Say Roll • pecial Nater Fund P Moved by Mitchell, seconded.• by Lawrence that the recommendation be concurred in. Carriedo moved by Pasco, seconded by Idiitehell that the police & License Committee be given power to act on the petition of Dixon for a shooting gallery. Carried. Ul139 ca 4145 I City Property Committee reporting on meters recommend that we call for bids on meters. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Mitchell that the l report be accepted m d recommendations carried out. C arried. Reports of the treasurer and clerk for the month of August were read and filed. I Librarian's report covering woe the month of August read and filed. This being the night for opening bids on the 3rd Ave. improvement job, the following were opened- and read: G. A. Harner . . . . . $1.713.00 E. E. Duff . . . . . . 1474.00 Moved by Pasco, seconded by Mitchell that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, E. E. Duff. Carried.. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Kane that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into contract with E. E. guff upon his furnishing proper bond. Carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that the city engr. be instructed tb place school signs on Burnett St. at 5th Ave. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. a", Ed Qazy,- City Clerk Mayor! Pro Tem. 416 Sept . 30 , 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. I& , • with Councilman Kane , Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Owing to the absence of both Mayor and Pre sirl.ent of the Couneil, Mr. Kane was duly appointed Mayor Pro Tem. • Roll Call; Lawrence , Avey, Kitchell and Kane. h1inutes of the last mebting read and approved.. Petition of Martha Jenkins to erect garage at 1118 3rd rive read. ' Loved by. Avey, secpnded by Lawrence that same be referred to the St & h11ey Committee with power to act. Carrked, petition of Vlesley Shaff to erect house on Lot 17f Block 3, Carrtiorks read. I„oved. by Lawrence , seconded by .�vey that same be . granted. Carried. The Fiinance Committee aua.i•ccd anu reoommenaeo- j or payment the fallowing: �14g 97 _ a8n_490 ' Pay Roll St. Dept. , . • it it dater a 42.41 - 808-810 tt tt Special Nater . 690-.01 - 811-825 , tt tt Park . . . 335.34 - 491-494 Loved by Lawrence, seconded by 11i.tchell that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Engrtsreport read recommending the payment of ' V' $1500400 to G. A. Harner on reservoir job, being estimate No. 2. Moved by Lvey, seconde& by LZitchell that report be accepted and amount, raic.. ,Carried. Report read from ngr. on installation of 20" pipe line recommending the payment. of $2184,14 to Seattle Watermain Construction Co. being Estimate J2. Moved by Mitchell, seconded by Lawrence that the report be accepted and recommendation carried. out. Carried* loved by Lawrence , seconded by Avey that we call for bids on prowler car in a sum not to exceed $1000.00. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, - seconded by 1�.vey thatthe engr. be instructed to prepare specification for oil burner and clerk call for bids on same. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem. ° 3 9 6c 417 October 6, 1930 . A special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F. I.I. by F. N. Kane , Mayor Pro Tem, for a hearing on the 1931 budget. Present: Lawrence, Miller, Pasco, Avey and Mitchell. There being no objections to the budget as read, it was Moved by Pasco , seconded by A vey that same be adopted. Carried. On motion by 111ler, seconded by Lawrence, • the meeting adjourned. r Clerk Mayor ,Pro Tem. s > . . f ••• J I r 10.E 4118 October 7 , 1930. a The Council met in regular session at 8 T . M. with F. W. Kane, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Miller, Fasco , Avey and Auithhell. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings read and approved. letition of Frank Davis to erect wood shed on Lot 2, Block 1, Town read. Move& by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Margaret Williams to remodel house on Lot 10, Block 2, Motor Line Addition read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Miller that same be granted. carried. Petition of M. J. Atkinson to reshingle part of Melrose and make repairs. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited e,nd recommended. for payment the following bills; Current A. T. Sullivan Making keys . . . 2.75 494 Renton Hdw Co . Supplies . . 7945 5 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry . . 8.30 6 John W. Ferwerda Labor . . 1.2.5 484 Pao . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones . . . . 12.60 491 J1 R. Storey Fuel-Library . 5.00 1 8 Trick & Murray Supplies . . 17.38 9 Wm. Waller Labor 0 2.00 500 Seattle Gas Co. Gas . . 2.10 1 J. D. Williams Park Labor t 62.50 2. P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 403.11 Hooker Electro Chem Chlorine 192.00 4 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 37.80 5 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil . 66.53 514 Water Renton Choniele Legal rublications . 6.80 828 F. S. P. & L. Co. Power . . . 62.73 9 r Art Trud.gian 'Labor . . . 5.00 830 City of Seattle Water . . . 95.12 1 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil . . . 24.18 2 Special Water Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 34.55 832 Olympic Foundry Tzraterial 125.05 3 0. Priebe Labor & Mat6rial. . 9.40 4 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 39.80 5 Renton Hdw Co . Supplies 20.22 6 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the recommendation of the Finanee Committee be concurred in. Carried. J-1 3 1 Ordinance No. 893, adopting, a budget for the year 1931 reed and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. .894 fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1931 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The ordinance ComdAttee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos. 893 &.nd. 894 whereupon Ordinance No. 893 ' was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Miller, Pasco , Avey and Mitchell. Ordinance No. -894 was rlaced upon its second and third readings and passed. as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Miller, Pasco , kvey and Mitchell• ;coved by Lawrence, seconded by Avey that the city engr. bring in report and recommendation on the fol- lowing streets: $mithers & Walla Walla and 5th & Morris. Carried. Resignation of, Dave Mitohell, councilmen from the Third 'Nard read. Moved by xvey, segonded. by Lawrence that the resignation be accepted, and a letter of thanks written Mr. Illitehell for services rendered. Carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Miller that Mr. Crawford be given written notice to dispose of all chickens and rabbits at once. Carried, Mayor Pro Tem appointed Wm. Jane to fill the un- expired ;term of Dawe Itilitchell. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the appoint- ment be tonfirmed. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. Clerk I I Mayor* i l 4 642! PRO Oct. 14 , 1930. f j The Council met in reg-ilar session at 8 F. &i. with 14ayor F. ,V. Kane , presiding. Mr. Jane having signed the Oath of Office took his place at the table. Present: Lawrence , Miller, Avey and Jame. � Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Jas. Tachell to make basement , Lot 1, Block 17 , Town read. Moved by 14111er, 7 ' seeond6d by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Claim of Mrs. Plesko for damages rea.d.a The bjayor Pro Tem xeferred the claire to the Ways & Means ConLmittee and the City Atty. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk read and filed. Librarian's report read and filed.. The following bids were received on the oil burner: J. S. , Hardie . . . . 4575.00 Olympic Heating Supply Co. . 475.00 Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the bids be referred. to the City Property Committee. Carried. The following bids were receives-' for prowler car:, (Armstrong & ) 1929 i'lymouth, four door . . . . . . . 0550.00 ( Sons ) 1930 Plymouth, 700.00 (Storey Motors) Oakland Eight four door 1000.00 (Clarke Bros) Ford Standard Fordor Sedan . 746.00 (,uotor Co. ) (NIayner Motor Co) Chevrolet Standard Sedan 6 846.00 (Renton Motor Co) Essex Sedan 0 765.00 (Sands Motor Co) Studebaker Six 4-door sedan . . . . 1155.00 Studebaker two door sedan . . . . 1095.00 (HAIIILTON BROS) Few Willys six standard sedan . . 907.25 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Iviiller that same be referred to the City Property Committee for recouLmen datior_. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. a City Clerk MAW, Mayor. `U1396j 1 Oct. 21, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with F. :Y. Kane, Kayor Pro Tem presiding. CnOQ3� > Roll Call: Lawrence, Miller,)/Pasco, ttvey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and ayuproved. Petition of rete Delaurenti to erect ao-able garage cin Tract in 2 Tobins D. Co ° Moved by Avey, seconded by Pasco that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Geneva Oldland to erect house and- garage ndgarage on Lot 19 , Block 9 , R. F. P. read. Moved by seconded. by Lawrence that same be granted:. Carried, The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: .Vts . Pay Roll - - - Current 0360.3M 529-539 tt It - - - Park 64.87 540-541 n it _ _ _ Water 92.31 842-845 tt It _ - _ Special 590.00 846-856 Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Committee be concurre(i in. Carried. The City Property Committee recommend that the bids for oiler burner be rejected and recommend that we pur- chase the Oakland car for the police department. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the report of the committee relative tp purchase of Oakland car be concurred in. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by casco that the "�-- rboommendation relative to oil burner be concurred in and all bids rejected. Carried. The St & k1ley Committee r.es)orted that an arrange- ment had been made with the County Commissioners for the pur- chase of the necessary road gravel to put all streets in goof condition and the County will furnish the road grader at cost of operation. TY:oved by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and that we proceed with the work at once, and if necessary the )roper officers enter into contract i0-- th the County. Carried. Report of the F,ngr. recor�mnending :estimate i3 V in the sum of V,750.00 be allowed G. A. Harner on reservoir contract. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Report read from Fn.gr. recommending that the remaining wood: pipe between Fa-arth Ave and Main St and the city's reservoir bere-. l aced with cast iron ?ipe. Moved by Crook , seconded that the re;uort be accepted and recommenu.ation carried out* and that wq call for bids on pipe and for the installation of same. Carried. 422 Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the claim of TYss . rlesko be transferred fro:!t the tiraX &sYleans Committee to the Finance Claims Committee and the City ,attorney. Carried. Moved by Jtiller, seconded by Crook that the condition of Third. & Burnett St, be referred to the St & alley Committee for rei,ort and reco.nmendation. Carried. ivlr. JJm. Strain, Jr. thanked the Council for their good judgment in rejecting all bids on oil burners and and stated. that he would like to -bid for the stoker. 1uioved by Pasco , seconded by ldill'er that the sale ' of the stoker be referred to the City I' roperty Committee. Carried, No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk. Mayor, Pro Tem. Ut09 cx 2 Oct. 28, 1930 The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1�1. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Petition of J. F. 5trnarcl to erect gara e on Lots 5 and 6 Block 8, Car ;Yorks addition. ToToved by Lawrence, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recomrrien.ded for payment the following: Current ;tits. Pae. Car & Foundry Co. Material & Labor x,41.50 54-2-- K. E. Erickson Co . , Inc . Material 11.75 3 Joe Wood Fees 37.50 4 Blake , Moffitt & Towne Su��plies 16.50 5 Renton Automotive Service La or 5.00 6 Eage Cafe Prisoners ' Meals 5.00 7 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 41.72 8 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 20.20 9 Packer Scott Co Supplies 29 .56 50 J. W. Reans Sign Paintin .50 551 Eagles Sales Corp. St. Signal 267.52 2 J. R. Storey Fuel 21.85 3 Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 10.00 4 P. S. P. L. Co. :,jiphts 4.01.64 5 Water P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 4451.36 858 Gould & Gould Insaranee 6.50 9 Agnes No Richmond Expenses (Downie) 21.35 860 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 15.00 861 Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from the Finance Claims Committee on the Pleske claim for damages against the city recommending that the claim be disallowede roved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the report be accepted and recommendation carried out . Carried. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the City rattyo communicate with the No P. Ry. relative to their crossing at 3rd & Burnett St. Carried. Communication read from City Atty. relative to in- stallation of additional pipe line and ordered filed. Communication read from City Clerk of Grazed Rapids, Mich. asking that the Cowrxoil adopt a Resolution with some sort of con- structive measure to build up condidence and re-establish normal- cy in Commerce. ITloved by Pasco , seconded by xvey that same be referred to the Service Committee. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that a Resolution creating an improvement district of all unimproved alleys in Notth Renton be drafted. Carried. move& by Pasco , seconded by Crook that we readvertise for bids on cast iron pipe on account of error in first call. carried. 424 i Mr. Monohon of the Good Road Committee, s-joke to the Council of the new Empire highway and stated. that 'the highway would enter Renton via Tobin Ave and suggested. that the Council use the end of Tobin for a garbage dump for the next four months. .Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred to the St & Alley Committee for report and reco:,uiendation. Carried 11r. Richard Clarke asked permission to build bulkhead in front of his property. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by nvey that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. j The public was given an invitation to attend' the dedication of the new reservoir lv'ednesday Oct. 29 , at 1:30 P. M. No further businiss, meeting adjourned. ff PIN- &W-10- 44 -7 �. City Clerk �y Iwiayor. i WW9ba 425 November 4, 1930 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. ivl. by Mayor Beanblossom, Roll Call: Lawrence, Miller, ;rook, Pasco „Avey and �... Jane, Yxinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of 17m. M. Bowers to erect garage on A-L' corner of Lot 12, Block 14, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by _;.vey that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of John Comb to move house to front of Lot on Williams St . read. :Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be grant- ed. Carried. St . Cc Alley Committee reports favorably on Mr. Clarke's request to erect bulkhead in front of his proy6erty. St . & klley Committee reporting on the Tobin St. garbage dump stated that they did not think it advisable to lase same at this. time . Moved by Crook, seconded by j-,vey that the reports be accepted and concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited aid recommended for pay- ment the following: alts • Pay Roll St . Dept. 4547.93 536-564- It 56-564tt it yr-.ter It 51.15 862-865 it tt Special 'Water 598.83 866-875 Pvloved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. C arried. City Property Committee reported that the stoker had been sold for '100.00. Fngr Is report read recommending that the 15;17) reserve in the amolznt of '1091.32 be paid Seattle 7,Va.ter Pain Construction Co. moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the engr. be concurred in. C'.r=ia(I Report read from engr. recommending that specifica- tion be prepared for a::ld bids called on the following: Reconditioning of old reservoir Construction of a fence to enclose the grounds A pump for installation at Springbrook. 1910ved. by Pasco , seconded by June that the report be accepted and bids called for the above . Carried* moved by Crook, seconded by xvey that all bids on cast iron pipe be returned unopened and the company notiyied of new call on pipe. Carried.. J*U 1396] 27 November 20, 1930. Adljourned meeting of _the City Council was called to order at 8 PM Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, C rook, Pasco, Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a.-t?proved. Petition of Strnard to break curb in front of Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Car Works. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of Marino Gentile to erect garage at 510 Burnett St. read. Moved .by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of A. B. Lindgren to break curb at 235 Park Ave . read. Moved. ,by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that same be granted under the su :,ervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of R. H. James to erect house and garage on S.W. corner ,of lot at 5th & Wells St . read. Moved by Kane, seconded by T,Iiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Al Morgan to sink 6000 gal storage tank at Bronson Way ,& Main St. read. Movecl by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be referred to the Fire Chief for investigation. Carriecl. Petition of Pacific Coast R. R. to remove one steel bracket pole and install one cew cable pole in Walla Wa11a Ave. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by lHiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of property owners on Williams St. N. for sidewalk improvement read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be re- ferred to the city engr for report. Carried. ,The Finance Committee audited. and recommended for pay- ment the following bills : Current 'tits. Pay Roll St. Dept. 9442.14 578-85 A. T. Sullivan Keys .70 565 Wm. Waller Labor 2.00 574 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.95 587 See & Sons Lumber 66.96 8 Bancroft Whitney Law Books 10.00 9 Renton Tire Shop Gas etc. 20.65 590 Ser Ldry - Ldry 5.00 1 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 10.50 2 Tom Dobson & Son Auto license 1.25 3 Fac . Car & Fdry Material 272.00 4 Lewis Motor Co. Labor & I4aterial 19.10 5 Gould. & Gould, Inc. Insurance - prowler 58.13 6 Gladc.ing, McBean & Co. Material 22.54 7 428 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil P 7 .18 598 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 75.00 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Surplies . 87.38 600 Northwest Folice Journal Subscription 1.50 1 J. D. Williams Park Labor 62.50 2 Renton Automotive Ser. Labor 2.00 3 .. Storey Motor Material 52.25 4 J. R. Storey Fuel 40.85 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 335 .12 6 Williams & O'Hara Gas & Oil> 111.40 7 Trick & Murray Su�;plies 72.81 . 8 Renton Sand & Gravel Material 18.05 9 Strnard's Photq Shop St. photos 5.50 610 Pettie Printery Printing 15.50 1 SPECIAL Wj1.TER Pay Roll $628.90 879-89 & 990 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 10 .10 995 J. S. Hardie Material & Labor 50.68 6 Renton Sand & Gravel Material 131.31 7 Williams & O'Hara. Gas & Oil 28.25 8 Paco Water ;V'ks. Material 952.88 9 Columbia Lumber Co . " 100.05 1000 See & Sons Lumber 283.18 1 E. A. Shearer Material 4.52 2 Williams & McKnight Supplies 15.75 3 WATER Pay Roll 54.89 991-3 Fac. 'Mater Works Nre-terial 31.20 9: 10004 P. S. P. & L. Co . Power 484.32 1005 Renton Haw & Furn. Co. Supplies 34.27 6 Grinnell Co . , -Material 36.23 7 �. Daily Journal of Commerce Publications 30.45 8 Reid & Cook Labor 4.50 9 'gilliams & O'Hara Gas & Oil 19.58 1110 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Avey that all bills o. k_. 'd by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Engr. Report read recommending the payment of 0827.30 to G. A. Harner on reservoir job. Engr. report on 3rd Ave. job read recomiaendine, the pay- ment of $900.00 to E. E. Duff. Moved by Crook, seconded. by Miller that the reports be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Data submitted by engr. on Resolution No. 443 read and placed on file. Opion of city atty, on acquirin€; more land at Spr_in.g- brook read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be placed on file. Carried. Bids on pipe were received from the following companies; Pacific 71ater Works Supply CO. , Inc. Construction Supply CO* American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Unitea States Pipe & Foundry Coo Move! by Pasco, secondea by Kane that the above bids ..► be referred 'to the Fire , Lid ht & '.dater Comi4ittee for report. Carried. Treasurer' s Clerk's and Librarian's reportscovering the month of October read and ordered filed. Ut1396j. 429 The following companies submitted bids on meters: Construction Supply Co. Gamon Teeter Company Steam Supply &,Rubber Co. Neptune bleter Company Hersey Mfg. Co. Pacific Water Works Supply Co. , Inc. Crane Company Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. National Meter Company The Worthington Co. , Inc . Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that all bids be referred to the Fire , Light & 1,11ater Committee for report. Carried. Bids on pump were received from the following companies: Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Company Cascade Machinery & Electric Company De Laval Steam Turbine Company The Worthington Company, Inc . Construction Supply Company Steam Appliance Company Buffalo Steamp Pump Company Pump Equipment Company "Darren Steam Pump Company, Inc. Moved by Kane, seconded by Avey that all bids be referred to the Fire , "ight & ?'later Committee for resort . Carried. 11r. Ross Phillips complained an water on his premises cauting his house to settle. •� The Fireman extended an invitation to the city council and officials to attend their annual banquet Dec . 6th. Invitation accepted. No further business, meeting adjourned. e fl iity C lerk. I/layor. 430 November 25, 1930 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order , t 8 F. M. Mayor, Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, hliller, Crook, Fasco , Avey and Jane, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of ,Abe Williams to make basement under house on Lot 18, Block 18, Town. Moved by Miller, seconded by Avey that same be grant- ed. Carried. I Petition of S. I& firiberg for Jones Estate to el'ect garage on Lot 20, Block 23, Town. Moved by Avey, seconded. by Crook that same be granted.. Carried.. Petition of Peter Ballatore to erect gas service station on Lot 1, Block 4, Sartorisville. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. i Engr. rel:ort read on improvement of Block 15 , R. F. stating that petition is sufficient. Moved by Kane, seconded. by Avey that the report be accepted and Ordinance drafted for the improvement. Carried. Fire , -wight & Water Committee rei;orting on the bids for pump recommend. the Delaval Company in the amount of 40-85.()0. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Culler that the report be concurred in and recommendation carried out . Carried. Fire, Light & 'mater Committee adk for another week before reporting on the meter and pine bids. Same was granted. Claim of R. Phillips in amount of 4150.00 read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Hiller that same be referredto the Claims Committee. Carried. This being the night for hearing propest;s against the improvement of alleys in certain blocks in North Renton, several protests were read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the improvement be referred to the city engr and the street & alley, committee for a thorough check. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that the hear- ing on the above improvement. be continued two weeks. Carried• Alderman Lawrence suggested that a Resolution be drafted and forwarded Wa.shington, D.C. relative to adjusting compensation of ex service men. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that a committee be appointed to take care of same. Carried. The Mayor , referred same to the Finance and Claims Committee. No further business, meeting adjourned.. City Clerk V Mayor �a 'e r - 4 t c3 N eta i Ti o walls lu r r F I o 1111W b } kA �*t�,, M w � 'f 71 i 'an 3 n is a low 432 December 2, 19400. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , Avey axed Jane . 11inutes of the last meeting. react and- approved. Petition of 1. Hoyt to break curb on Lots 6 and 7 , Block 4 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee and City Engr. Carried. Fire , Light & ;Vater Committee recommend that all bids for water meters be rejected and. ask another week before resorting on pipe bids . Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the report be received and all meter bids rejected they be allowed. another week on pipe bids. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and reco=fien&ed for payment the following: alts. Pay Roll Current . . . . . 82.81.46- 625 I Pay Roll 'later . . . . . 54.91 1114-17 Pray Roll Special . . . . . 376.29 1118-24 Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that all bills o. k. 'd by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Cobuainea.tion .read from City of Seattle asking permission to reconstruct — their pipe line under Third Ave. read. v..' Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that this be referred to the City Atty. for a thorough investigation and report. Carried. Communication read from City of Seattle asking the City of Renton to vacate the Seattle Pipe Line Right of Vlay 66 x 180 extending from olalla '.Valla Avenue to Mill Street. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be turned over to the City Atty for opinion. Carried. No further business, meetinq&journed. City Clerk Ylayor. .rr' 11113964 433 December 9 , 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F. Al. by Arlayor Beanblossom. .,,..,. Roll Call: Crook, Masco, Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Lester Hilliker for Norman Davis Estate to repair porch at house on Lot 4, Block 2, Town. Moved by lLvey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- meni the following: CURRIIINT "dt s. F.�y Roll St . Dept. $119.76 - 640-2 Renton Haw & Furn Co. Supplies , 18.00 643 Williams & O'Hara 1,1aterial & Labor 24.85 4 Renton Garage Gas & Oil 8.95 5 - 0. K. Garage Gas etc . 2.50 6 Trick & Murray SUIJplies 4.82 7 i Wt. '*faller Labor 3.00 8 R J. . Storey Fael 21.85 649 W. Hollerbach Supplies 1.45 650 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Lary 2.00 1 Renton Tire Shop Gas etc . 40.60 2 Union Oil Co . Gas 23.45 3 Beaman Ser Sta Gas & Oil 51.83 4 Art Trudgian Sign painting 11.15 5 Joe Wood Fees- 22.50 6 Hamilton Bros Gas & Oil 27 .22 7 Fac . Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones 13.15 8 Storey Iriotors hira.terial 30.80 9 Renton Sd & Gravel tT 6.37 660 Renton Chronicle Legal Public 86.25 1 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 62.43 2 McPherson Furn & Hdw Supplies 5.80 3 Lewis Motor Co. Labor & Material 2.10 4 J. D. Nilliams Park Labor 62.50 7 WATER Beamands Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 11.70 1227 Hamilton Bros tt Tt 9 .90 8 Renton Chronicle Legals 75.15 9 SP"]I C Ii1.IL E. A. Shearer Labor & Material 16.46 1230 Renton Hdw & Furn Material 41.85 1 Renton Sand & Gravel tt 140.70 2 Neal Turner Explosives 20.50 3 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 9 .20 4 Moved. by Jane, seconded by I'Lvey that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire , Light & ;.pater Committee rei:orting on pipe bids recommenda the rejection of all bids. -Moved by Pasco , seconded by Zane that the report be received and concurred in. Carried-. Finance Claims Committee reporttunfavorably on the Ross Phillips claim for damages. lioved by Jane, seconded by Crook that the re_port be accepted and claim denied. Carried. 434 Engr. re,jort read recommending the payment of $410.70 to E. E. Duff on the 3rd Ave . job. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the recon enda- tion of the engr. be concurred in. Carried. Letter oi' Protest read from I.O.O.F. Lodge against the City of Seattle bearing up Third Ave. for pipe line . Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be filed r" for future reference . Carried. The night for hearing protests against the improve- ment of certain alleys in North Renton having been continued to this evening, the protests received two weeks ago were duly consideredcl.eand the following motion made. Lioved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that all alleys with a 60,12 protest be eliminated from the ir.irproveir:ent and the necessary steps taken to proceed with the improvement. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the Cita pay its proportionate share of the Xmas decorations on ';dells St . in the amount of 415*00. Carried. The City kitty. was given more time before reporting on the C'ity of Seattle request. No further business, meeting adjourned. i City C 1 erk moo Mayor i e i 435 December 17, 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 F. M. with Mayor Beanblossom iresiding. Present: Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minates of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Robert Martin to break curb on bots 6 and 7 , Block 8, Car Works read. Mover_ by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that sane be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Petition of Edmund Cross to erect garage on Lot 6, Block 6, Car Works read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Standard Oil Company to install gas- oline tanks and pumps on Lots 6 and 7 , Block 8, Car :`forks read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pac . Tel Co. to set one pole on the West side of Shattuck St. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of various persons on Third Ave asking that the city of Seattle be permitted to relay its pipe line along Third Ave. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferrel to the St & .Alley Committee . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommendecl for payment the following: Pay Roll St. Dept . 0567.94- 668-77 " tT Water TT . 19.96 1236-7 n n Special . 39.92 1238-9 TIoved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk coveringthe month of November were read and ordered. filed. Librarian's re.:ort covering the month of November read and filed. Ordinance No. 895 providing for the improvement of Fourth Ave . N. et al read and on motion referred to the Ordi- nance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ford No. 895 whereuion it wax placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane* Judge Wood having been granted a leave of absence, the Mayor appointed_ J. E. McFarland, Judge during his,absence. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Mr. Iv,onohon appeared before the Council the asked that the Council cooperate in opening up Tobin St. �- After discussiol, ij; was moved by Crook, seconded by G OS Pasco that the engr estimate .,o said improvement including the necessary right of way. Carried, No further business, meeting° a.cijourqied.. i _ City Clerk Mayor. 436 December 17th, 1930 . SPECIAL I STING OF THE CITY COUNCIL NAS CAi 1,70 TO ORD',R AT 7:30 P. M. BY MAYOR A'104BIIOSSOIS FOR THE FUR.�OSE OF CONSIDERING THE APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF SEAT'T'LE FOR PERI,1IT ► TO ,T!=,, UP OLD PIPE r,ND LAY A 66 in TIATFWVI IN ALONG THIRD AV= IN TH CITY OF RENTON, AND HE'r RING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AS TO 'KHAT MIGHT BE DOE IN THE MATTER. ROLL CALL: L"O.VRRENCE, Iy2ILLER, CROOK, P1151-&0, AVzr AND JIM. After hearing the resort , the foll.owir;; motion was made: Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that Ordinance Nos. 122 and 621 of the City of Renton be revoked and the grant of the Bing County Commissioners passed August 8th, 1899 be declared void and that Paragraph 5 thereof be repudiated. Carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 896 was then introduced and read, same being an ordinancd: repealing Ordinances No . 122 and 621 of the City of Renton, and on motion referred to the. Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee resorted favorably on Ordi- nance No . 896 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Hiller, Crook, Pasco, Ivey and Jane . The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION NO. 444 that: BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Renton (11 That the application of trr� City of Seattle by and thru itsengineering department of December lst, 1900, for apermit to proceed with certain reconstruction work on No. 1 Pipe Line be and the same is hereby refused. (2) That the City Clerk be and she is herdby directed to notify the said City and its engineering del)artment- there- of forthwith. (3 ) It is further ordered that the City Clerk be directed to forthwith notify the City of,Seattle , its ,Dater. Department , and its engineering, department of the action of this body at this meeting in passing Ordinance No. 895 and to send them each a copy of said Ordinance. Approved this 17th day of December 1930 . G. "V. Beanblossom, Mayor Passed this 17th day of December 1930 . genes Edwards , City Clerk. Date of first jublicatiorl: Dec . 18, 1930. Date of second publication:Dec . 24, 1930. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried unanimously. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the permit of the City of Seattle be refused and that the city attorney be authoriz- ed and instructed- to take such steps as are necessary for the protection of the city in respect to its rights in this matter. Carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. City Clerk —' Mayor. ,K t 13 6a c Dec . 2 1930. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 14i. with Tvfayor Beanblossom presiding. and Jane . Present; Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey Minutes of the last regular and special meetings read and approved. Petition of Win. Reid to erect bungalow at 305 lst Ave. No. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Fire , Light & slater Committee with sower to act. Carried. P ki) on of H. 7l. Smith to remodel garages and mae same into thre artment read(on Lot 13, Block 6, R. F. F. ) { Mo ed by Lawrence, seconiied. by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of various persons on Third Ave. asking the Council to do all in their power to prevent the City of Seattle reconstructing their pipe line on Third Ave. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that saine be filed for reference. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recocmiended for payment the following bills ; CURR_i',NT wt . Andrew Glide Material ; 12.12 - 6� Dobson & Son Auto Licenses 11.25 1 Renton Feed. Co . Supplies .90 2 Union Indemnity Co. Fees (Stewart case) 178.35 3 Walker's Cafe Prisoners ' Heals 36.85 4 P. S. P. & L. Co . Heater -Ball Park 45.00 5 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 12.50 6 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 11.90 7 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 3.77 8 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 13.50 9 J R. Storey Fuel 23.25 700 Eagel Cafe Prisoners heals 4.50 1 Lowman & Hanford Supplies 7.05 2 Renton Sand. & Gravel Shovel & Material 602.00 6 Agnes N. Richmond Expenses (Pipe Line) 20.25 3 Palace of Sweets Supplies 6.05 5 ` N. P. Railway Co. Freight 12.90 6 Gladding,11.2cBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 111.52 7 Pac . Goodrich Dubber Co. Fire Hose 595.(0 8 !^ureka Press Printing 26.40 9 WiLTER Renton Sand & Gravel Material 2.25 1242 Renton Clothing Co. tt 7.25 3 SPECIAL 'V LT I'IR Grinnell Co . Material 91.43 1244 DE Laval Steam Turbine Co . rump 385.00 5 See & Sons Lumber 78.16 6 Renton Garage. Labor 5.75 7 Agnes N. Richmond N enses 14.40 8 438 Moved by Lawrence, se3onded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in an_d bills Laid. Carried. Engr. report read recou,iending the payment. of 4807.76 to G. A. Harner on reservodr construction. Moved by Avey, seconded by Jane that the reyjort be ..� received- and recommendations carried out . Carried. Communication read from t3. W. Fey asking for re- duction in show license. Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Police L License Committee. Carried. Ordinance No . 897 declaring void a certain grant by the County Commissioners read and. on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 898 repealing Ordinance No. 122 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 899 repealing Ordinance No. 621 read ani: on motion referred to the Ordinance Comdttee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 897 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third rera.d.ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye; Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Lvey and Jane . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 898 whereupon it was placed upon its seoond and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane . The Orlinance Committee reijortedi favorably an Ordinance No. 899 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed, as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: ' Lawrance , Killer, Crook, Pasco, k'Lvey and Jane. Resolution No . 445; for the improvement I of certain alleys in No. Renton read. I.toved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be adopted as read. Carried. f No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. r_ i t1396j 439 Dec . 30 , 1930, The Council met in reg-alar session at 8 11. 14I. with - P::ayor Beanblossom y residing. `..- Roll Call: Lawrence , Itiiiller, Crook, casco, Avey and Jane. R:iinutes of the last meeting; read anci a_� provea. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the clerk call for bids on city's printing for the year 1931. Carried. i,Ioved. by Fasco , seconded by Crook that the rat situation at the garbage dump be turned over to the city property committee to work in conjunction with the Health Officer and they be given power to act. Carried-. Pio .further business, meeting: adjourned.. City Clerk • Ijay o r 440 I Jany. 6, 1924* The Council met in regular session at 8 F. IT. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. j Present; Lawrence , Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and � Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read. and al-).1roved. j Petition of Marie Connelly to enclose rear porch i of Grady Building read* Moved b iLVseconded by Jane that same be referred o the Fire , Light &" ,titer Committee with power to act. harried. The following ajplications for license received: Pool Hall Willis ';Nilson I. Camerino Pool Hall Dave Boisseau Pool Hall i S. A. Avejt Soft Drink Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be beferred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended. for payment the following bills : CURRENT Wts. Fay Roll St. Dept . 1x,561.95 - 7ITT=21 J. S. Hardie Plumbing - Park 167.80 746 L. J. Cross Gas 10.09 723 A. N. Richmond Ex ,enses 1.00 4 Clarke Bros Motor Co . Labor & Material 15.46 5 0. K. Garage Gas & Oil 119 .32 6 7,7m. Kane Supplies 15.10 7 Renton Tire Shop Labor & Material 2.6.54 8 Reid. & Cook Material 8.70 9 Renton Garage Labor & Material 11.95 730 Williams & McKnight Supplies 4.55 1 ,Wayne Butler Material .75 2 Frank E. Rhodes Labor 1.50 3 G. N. Duke Keys 1.00 4 Pettie Printery Printing 6.50 5 Roy Pratt Fuel 31.25 6 Service Ldry Ldry 2.45 7 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.39 8 Storey Motors Material 22.65 9 J. D. Williams Park Labor 62.50 740 Wm. ',Valle r Labor 2.00 1 Joe Wood Fees 12.50 2 J. E. McFarlane Fees 20.00 3 Mayner Motor Co. Repair Work 11.40 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 328.04 5 Storey Motors Frow1er 1014.25 72Z* WATER Pay Roll Nater Dept . 29.94 1250-52 P. S. F. & L. Co. Power 218.84 1260 City of Seattle eater 27.56 1 Clarke Bros . Motor Co. Labor & Material 21.22 2 U t 1396] 441 SP--'ICIYiL WATER Pay Roll x,76.85 1253-59 Olympic Foundry Material 2.50 1263 0. Priebe Labor & llaterial 22.85 4 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 7.60 5 Grinnell Co. Material 38.96 6 Wm. Kane Labor & Material 43.80 7 J.- S. Hardie Labor & Material 65.94 8 Moved by Miller, seconded by Jane that all bills o. k. td by the Finance Committee be allowed. C arried. Communication read from Denton Stimulator asking permission to use the cognomem, "Official Directory of the City of Renton" for their new city directory. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that permission be granted. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook ,th�.t the engr, be instructed to proceed with the Third Ave. sidewalk. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that the cndi- tion of the street at 7th Lve. be referred to the St. & lLlley Committee for report. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the Ylayor & Clerk enter into contract with the Hooker Electrochemical Co. for the 1931 chlorine. Carried. representation from lower Earlington was present and asked for city water. Proved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that the matter be referred to the Fire, Light & eater Committee and the city engr. for report. Carried. " Pio farther business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. 442 I Jany. 13, 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to , order at 8 P. M. - By Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Janee oiinutes of the last meeting read and- approved. Petition of Geo . Berndt to erect small house on Lot 12, Blk. 19 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. ietition of property owners between Section and Center Sts. agreeing to give a five foot strip for alley �ur.,oses read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee to work in conjunction with the Engr. Read. Report reajt from Police & License Committee recoi.. end- ing that the show license be reduced from $100.00 to 000.00 per year payable in advance. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the rec- ommendation of the Police & License Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Mayor reported that he and others had visited the Northern Pacific railway officials and they agreed. to permit the city to widen the turn at 2nd & Burnett St. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that 7th Ave. between Cedar and Lenton Sts . be referred to the St . & Alley Committee to work in conjunction with the City Engr and •.rr bring in full report next meeting. Carried. Communication read from Seattle & Rainier Valley Railway Co. relative to bus service during reconstruction work of pipe line. Moved by Crook, seconded by Jane that the communica- tion be tabled uati1 definite arranger4ents have been made regarding the reconstruction of pipe line. Carried. The Mayor submitted the following list of Judges and Inspectors for the primary election to be held February 10, 1931: FIRST Wr'.RD � inspector: Elmer McDonald- Judges: GGertie Campbell Rinnie 3. Nicholl SECOND lff.iRD, FIRST PRECINCT: inspector: Matt Oehm Judges: Grace Hough i' leanor Evans SLCOND ''d.=s.RD, SECOND PR--;, INCT: inspector: ennie Mitchell Judges: &nary Monaghan Nellie Duncalf THI RD (YARD Inspector: George Friend Nellie OTBrien ' Parrie Williams t 11oved by Crook, seconded by Lawreiice that the Judges and Inspectors of the Primary Election appointed by the ;payor be confirmed. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on city printing the following were read.- Renton ead.- Renton Chronicle - - 40V per folio first insertion 20V rr 2 rr subsequent rr Winegar Printing Co. 28¢ per legal square loll rr rr subsequent It Hovel by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be referrOd to the 'clays w means Committee for decision. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk d 444 Jany. 20 , 190-1. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. IT. Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present : Lawrence, Crook, Pasco and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of H. =rd. Smith in install an additional gas pump at 351 Park St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the super3rision of the Fire, Li€_•ht & 'Nater Committee. Carried. Petition of Lou Cross to break curb on Lot 8 , Block 19 , Town read. Roved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. The following application for licenses were read: Pool Hall E. B. Olmsted- & Becktell Soft Drink Anna C. Libbee Theatre (Grand) B. W. Fey Theatre (Renton) B. I.W. Fey .:loved by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee with power to ' act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recoir.mencted for payment the following: C r 'T WtS . Pay Roll St. Dept . 1229 .57- 755-64 P. S. F. & L. Co. lights 455.39 765 Hooker Electro-Chem Co. Chlorine 192.00 6 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel 650.00 7 Hamilton Bros. Gas 1.20 8 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 58.40 9 Fac . Tel & n'el. Co. Telephones 9 .15 770 Eagle Cafe Prisoners ? Meals 6.50 1 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 12.50 2 Seattle Office Equipment Supplies 1.40 3 Seattle Gas Company Gas 3.39 4 Richard Dowdahl Baiting Garbage dump 9 .65 5 SPEGIAL l! TSR Pay Roll X296.45 1271-7 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 60.25 1278 See & Sons Lumber 5.00 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. (wAT,{ ) Power 58.04 1280 Williaxls & OtHara Labor 3.95 1 D. Alexander Leather 1.00 2 Grinnell C.o. Material 4.16 3 Eureka Press Printing 38.75 4 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. .Garried. St. & Alley Committee recommended that the engre proceed with the iml.rovement of 7th Ave. between Cedar St. & Renton Ste Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the St. & Alley Committee be concurred in and engr. proceed with the work. Carried• -1- 11344 445 Reports bf the Treasurer & Clerk covering the month of December were read and filed.. ngr. submitted data on the gradin€, and graveling of certain alleys in North Renton. Moved by raseo , seconded by Crook that the rel,ort be accei;ted and filed.. Carried. Ordinance No. 900 fixing license fee for theaters and shows read. Ylovea and seconded that same be referred. to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee rejorts favor- ably on Ordinance No. 900 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence, Crook, Pasco and Jane . This bei.ne the night for hearing protests against the alley improvement in North Renton and no 1,rotests having . been filed, it was Moved by Lawrence, secor_ded by Crook that an Ord- inance for the im)� rovement be draffted. Carried.. PYo further business , meeting adjourned. A / i & City Clerk Vew d Mayor i 446 Jany. 27 , 1931.. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. H. with Mayor 3eanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and aj�proved. Petition of A. R. Shirey to repair house on Lot 6, Block 6, Town. 4oved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Carried. F,ngr. Is report read recommending the payment c . X231.30 on L.I.D.177 to E. E. Duff. Yoved by Avey, seconded by Jane that the rei,ort be receiver and recommendations carried out. Carried. Report of the Fire Dept . covering the year 1930 read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the re;•ort be accepted and filedand the Fire Dept. commended for theta efficient way in which the department has handled their work. Carried. Communication read from the '7ashington Surveying and ;dating Bureau. 11oved by Crook, seconded by -Avey that same be filed. Carried. Ordinance No. 901 providing for the improvement of certain alleys in North Renton read, and on motion re- ferred tQ the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee red orted favorably on Ordinance No. 901 whereupon it was placed upon its thcond. and third readings and passed as a whole, all present voting aye: Lawrence, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane . Carried. Resolution No. 446 fixing the 17th day of Feb. for hearing on assessment rolll Dist . 177 read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be adopted. Carried. Easement from Zeb Shearer to the City of Renton read. P;ioved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the 1.1ayor & Clerk be authorized to sign same. C arried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. City Clerk mal Mayor. AJO (Resolution for Notice of Assessment Roll.) RESOLUTION No. X46._----- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: Section 1: That the .1.7.th.... day of ------Febxiuxj............ 1913.0..-, at ...... .... o'clock ....P. It., is ereby fixed as the date of hearing on the ---------------------------------------------- assessment rolls for the following Local mprovement Districts, viz.: Third five. between Dill and Renton Streets ---- --- -do----17 7-----for the improvement of------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------et al. under Ord. No. ---8851- do-----------------for the improvement of---------------------------------------------- --_---------------------- - -et al. under Ord. No----------------- -;o----- ----------------•Jo----- ------ ----for the improvement of.............. ------------------------------- ---------_--------_-------.--et al. under Ord. No.---------------- Jo-----------------for the improvement of------------ ------------------------------------- ----------_-et al. under Ord. No.-----------_-- Qo-----------------for the improvement of------. ------------------ ---------------------------- -------------------.....et al. under Ord. No.-- ------------ \To-----------------for the improvement of.----------- -------------------------- --------------- ----------------------et al. under Ord. No.-,-.------------- Section 2: That the City Clerk be, andEhe is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of ;he City of Renton, notices thereof as required by law and the ordinances of the City of Renton. Approved this ---27th----- day of .........T4AY...... ---------- 191.31.--- G. W. 11dcs�,Q3S0� - ------------------------ ------................... ........... ----------- ..-.-. Mayor. Passed this ----.Z7 th---- day of .. Jay = -- ----- . . "GIL,S ED`°ARDS - ---------- --------------- ---------- ----------------- ------ ........ City Clerk. Date of first publication .....Jany-.---29-.,.-..19-31.-_ - ----- ---------........................... s Feoy. 5 , 191. Date of second publication --------------------- ---........... -----------.-._-.---. I 1v- 113961 44"7 Jany 3, 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P, U, by Mayor Beariblossom. Prezentt Lawrance, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and. approved. Petition of Joe O 'Brien to erect house & garage on Lot 12, Block 1, Smither's 4th Addition read, i,2oved by Lawrence ; seconded by kvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of I'llden Fisler ,to erect billboard on Lot 13, Block 13, Town read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that same be referred. to the Fire, Light & ':'later Committee ,%Pith power to act . Carried. Application for soft drink license -for J. D. Williams read and on motion referred to the Police & License Committee. The Police & License Co;:nmittee reilort favorably on same. Roved. by Pasco , seconded. by Jane that the reilort be received and concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- rent the following: CiTRUi4TT Pay Roll St. Dept. : 595 .25-792-8002 g C. A. Nichols Zublishing Co . Library Books 79 .80-791 ,7alkup Ylap .3o , 11'ap . . . . . . . . . . 4.90-803 Packer-Scott Co . Supplies . . . . . . . 38.35- 4 Renton Tire Shop Labor on car . . . . . 4.00- 5 Mike Crogan It 2.00 6 Wm. ':'faller tt 1.00 7 J. R. Storey Fuel 21.55 8 Torii Pratt Fuel 12.50 9 Seattle Gas Co. gas 3.52 10 ffm. Kane Supplies 6.05 811 Williams & McKnicht It 5.15 L Storey 11,11otors Labor & Material . . . 9 .20 3 The Garland Co. Material . . . . . . . 108.00 4 Lowman & Hanford Supplies . . . . . . . 9 .81 5 Walker's Cafe Prisoners' Meals a 20 .65 6 fril:�Ll lay Boll 102.81-1289-95 SEE &SONS Lumber & 3.52-1296 City of Seattle :Yater & 40 .34- 7 Pay Roll SP$CrsL . X148.47-1.296-1300 Pac . Car & Fdry Material . . . . . . . 35.69-1301 Lloved by Lawrence,; seconded by Jane that the re-- ort of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report of the Police Department covering the year 1930 read and ordared filed. i f. 448 The following bids for the construction of cement walks on Williams St between 4th & 5th lives . North read: E. E. Duff x,705.00 W. H. Scherer . . . . . . . . 745.00 G. ,I. Harner . . . . . . . 760.00 " oved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the bid be awarded the lowest bidder, . E. Duff. Resollztion No . 447 instructing the Mayon to communicate with City of Seattle relative to Cedar River Piie Line read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that same be adopted as read. Carried. F 'oved by Crook, seconded, by Pasco that the city attorney take the necessary steps to have Block 4, Kelly's Addition to the City of Renton and that portion of T ,obin St . lying immediately north thereof voted out of the eor,,orate limits ofthe city. Carried.. No further business meeting; adjourned. Clerk Mayor. Y� , i y 1 ,ano e . r � s RESOLUTION NO. 447 That Whereas, the City of Seattle , has by letter of Jany 27, 1931, declared its intention of proceeding to replace the pipe line along Third Avenue in the City of Renton under the franchise granted on the 3rd day of August 1899; and -,'hereas , the City of R.. nton has declared said franchise void; and Whereas , we desire to answer same, Now therefore, be it resolved that the mayor be Eznd he is hereby instructed to answer the City of :eattle , as follows : Department of Public ,forks, City of Seattle , Office of the City Engineer, C cu my-City B4ilding, Seattle , `'.'a.shington: Attention: R. H. Thompson Gentlemen: "Re : Cedar River 2i,,e-Line. "We are in receipt of the oommunic-ation of Janutzy 27, 1931, from qtr. R. H. Thompson, in which you state that on bgonday morning, February 16, 1931, you will beLin breaking pavement on Third Avenue in Renton, preliminary to excavating for the removal and re- placement of Cedar River Pipe-Line No . 1, mh ieh you state is in accordance with the franchise granted ,august 3, 1899. "We desire; to inform you that the City Council of Renton has been advised that the franchise is invalid and our council did so declare it, and did revoke and repudiate any and all rights which may have been covered by it by Ordinance No.. 898 sassed by the City Council, on the 23rd day of December 1930. By that ordinance, copy of which is enclosed herewith, that franchise was canoelled. The City Council deems that frtmchise invalid and will not permit the continued use of rights thereunder by the City of Seattle . At the same time ordinances were passed declaring in- valid Ordinances 897 and 899 relative also to easements of the City of Seattle and revoking and repudiating such easements for invalidity, Copies of these Ordinances are handed you herewith. "Authorities of the City of Renton will be constrained to place under arrest any workpan vho attempts to break pavement or make excavation in the City streets of the City of Renton where rights have not been obtained by due condemnation or durohase. The City Council st&;nds reaUy to enforce the city's right by injunction. "The City Council of Menton, however, will be very glad to treat with the proper authorities of the City of Seattle with a view to having prepared and executed a formal agreement between the two cities, creating and defining their resi,eotive rights as a basis for having a valid and proper franchise granted to the City of Seattle in return for adequate concessions for the construction and maintenance of pipelines through the City of Renton. And be it further resolved, that the officials of the City of menton be Lind they are hereby directed to enforce the ordinances of the City of Renton, by arrest, if necessary, of any person vdio violt:.tes any ordinance of the City of Renton in connection with or by reason of the foregoing. � .Aproved this 3rd day of February 1931. u3S'OM Mayor. Iwo Passed this 3rd day of February 1931. �ZII, S iAD'iL DS Date of first publication, February 5, 1931. City Clerk Date of second publication Februa* 12, 1931. 1 , Ut1396a 449 February 10, 1931. The Council met in regula�session at 8 P. with 1dayor Beanblossom presiding. Present : Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , x1vey arid Jane . 1111inute2, o� the last meeting read and .al;i)roved. Petition of H. H. Pratt to enclose porch on Lot 4, Block 1, Smithers read. F,�oved by Lawrence , seconded by ' vey that permit be granted. Carried. The Fire , T ht & Nater Cormriittee erey)ortee. favor- ably on the petition of Phil Lang to erect building at 3rd- Burnett rdBurnett St. :.loved by aseo, seconded by Jane that permit be issued under thy; supervision .of the- rAty engr. Carried. Way &: Means Committee recommends that the contract for city ;printing be awarded the lowest bidder, Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the re,-)ort be received and concurred in. Carried. Fire , Light & 'dater Committee re1jorteci favorably on Elden Fisler sign. :loved �y Jane, seconded by Avey that permit be granted. Carried, Loved � y Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the St R 1,,lley Committee investigate the new street signs with power to act. Carried.. No f4rther business, meeting adjgarned.. City Clerk Klayo r. i o { I 1 i 3. 3� 1 450 Feb. 17 , 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council ,was called to order at 8 P. A11. by I'layor 3eanblossom, Present: Kane , Hiller, Crook, Pasco , Avey, Jane Lawrence. Minutes of the last meeting read and al)l;roved. Petition of J. G. Idanville to erect garage at 734 Grant St . read. 11oved. by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be granted.: Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains on 'Kiorris St. read. ,,,loved by Jane , seconded by .;ane that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from E.13.Duff relative to 3rd Lve. water pipe line . ,,Moved by Killer, seconded by Crook that same be filed. Carried. The Finance Committee C..udited and. recommended for pay- ment the following: Current fay Roll St . De_ot. :; 263.99 825-31 Paget Sound News Co. Library Books . 3.75 832 Tom Pratt Fuel . . . . . 12.50 3 Seattle Gas. Company Gas & tRe.�air 11.02 4. Vim. Kane ',,Wiring St . Sigmal 313.20 5 Ding County Gravel 500.00 6i, Jno . Dower Lumber Co. Material 73.83 Trick & IuUrray Supplies 2.52 8 „oo Election Board (1st .'lard) 37.50 839-843 i ection Board (2nd P. 2nd 7l) 35.00 844-848 I ;lection Board (1st P. lst 71) 35.00 849-853 Flection Board (Third 'Hard) 35 .00 854-858 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 134.58 859 Hyland, lvidge & Alvord Fees 250.00 860 George Emery Truck Hire 5 .00 861 Lowman & Hanford Supplies 22.00 2 Eagle Cafe Prisoners ,,,Teals 18.10 3 Alfred Trimm Libilary Fuel 19 .00 4 :penton Chronicle ye ;al 11ub. 58.80 :�. 0. K. Garage & Stage Gas etc. 4.10 b li�ureka rress Printing 13.20 7 T. F. 11 ehan 'rxi,enses 1.00 8 Special "Water Pay Roll X .31.58 13Q5-1313 A.Shearer wiaterial 2.98 1.316 Nater Pay Roll 9 .98 1314-1315 Jno. Dower Lumber Co . Special 196.20 1317 ,Loved by j.:iller, s econci ed by Jane that all bill o .k. t d by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on repairing reservoir the following was read: The Gunite Cor_ipany . . . : 3183.00 .oved. by Dane, seconded by ?asco that same be referred to the city engr. Carried. Ut1396j 451 The following bids were opened and read for grading gravelling alleys in North Renton. 11;. '_:. DUFF . . . . . . . . .X4284.60 elm. Hoyt . . . . 3207.50 G. L. Darner . . . . . . . 3174.20 ( Elmer KcDonald ?773.20 I'Zoved. by Kane , seconded by Crook th-a.t• all bids be referred to the St. C"c JULley Committee and thee city engr. for report . Carried. No protests having; been filed against the assess- ment Roll Dist . 177, it was I4Ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that an Ordinance be drafted -aprrovin€ and confiraing the assessment roll. 'Jarried. Ro further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk. �- ivlay o r, 4 2 Feb. 24, 1931, The Council met in regular session c.t 8 P. Al. with Mayor Beanblossom. presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco, �„✓ Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. Application for permission to operate bus service into Renton from Buffalo temporarily while 3rd ave. is torn up for reconstruction of pipe line read. �lovedd by Crook, seconded. by I1illar that same be granted. Carried. St. & Alley Committee was granted more time on the bid for gravelling alleys in North Renton. .of bigire, Light & ;later Committee recommends the rejection of the Gunite Company for repairing old reservoir, and the eit� engrowas instructe:d to work out some other method of relining same . Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried.. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of Jany. were read and filed. Librarian's report covering the month of Jany read d.nd filed. Resolution No. 10723 of the City of Seattle relating to reconstruction of pipe line along Third Ave . read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the Resolution be filed for reference . Carried. - Ordinance No. 902 approving and confirming the Assessment and Assessment Roll, Dist. 177 read and on motion ' referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Commitee reported favorably on Ord- No. rdNo. 902 whereizpon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen 1�reserit voting- aye: otingaye: Lawrence , Kane , ;t.iller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Resolution No. 448 relating to the proposal of the City of Seattle with respect to a franchise for waterraains through certain streets in the City of Renton read. Moved_ by Kane, seconded by Avey that same be adoptee. Carried. Mr. Thorne representing the Good Roads Committee was present and suggested that parking on 2nd Ave. & Bronson Way be prohibited. This question having been considered by the St & Alley Commitee was referred back to the committee to work in conjunction with the chief of ---olice* Moved by Crook, sedonded by Jane that the Mayor & City Clerk execute contract with the Renton News Record for year 1931. Carried. 452 R SULUTION NO. 448 A `RESOLUTI ON RLInTZNG TO THE CERTAIN PROPOSAL OF THE CITY OF SEATTILE WITH RASPECT TO A FWOHIS: FOR ` "TEA MAINS THROUGH C ERTf.IN STREETS IN T' i CITY OF RENT ON: TELT °;dHEREkS, the City of Seattle has submitted a proposal as embodied in a certain Resolution, being, Resolution No . 10722 gassed by the City Council of the City of Seattle on the 24th day of February, 1931; a.nd FERE S, by said Resolution the City of Seattle offers to the City of Renton in return for a fifty-year franchise for its water mains through certain streets of the City of Renton, to pay to the City of Renton the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (: 30,000 .00; in cash "together with any sum over and aoove the cost of standard concrete gavinL between curbs as they now ' exist on Third _venue in the City of Renton from the western margin of Burnett Street to the southeastern margin of Walla ''rala „veliue, occasioned by the existence of street railway tracks thereon," and grants to the City of :penton certain other rights and privileges , all as set out in s,id Aesolution No . 10723; Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton that the said proposal as set out in Resolution No . 10723 of the City of Seattle be add the nacre hereby is accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RES LVED that the City attorney, together with issociate Counsel, be instructed to forthwith prepare a franchise and/or franchises in conformity with said resolution. Roproved this 24th day of February 1931. G. Ar'. B.OANBLOSSOM, Mayor Passed this 24th lay of February 1931. "GNES EDWDS, City C1 er: Date of 1st publication: Feby. 26th, 1931 Date of second publication: Mar. 5th, 1931. 1°i t i396a 4503 Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the city engr. call for bids for the construction of a storm sewer and the raving of Third Ave. Carried. 3vioved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the matter of acquiring the right to construct a fire alarm system between the city hall and. the Pacific Car Shops on moles of the P. S. P. & L. Co referred to the Fire , Light & Prater Committee for report next . Tuesday. I Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk v� Mayor i j kow T 454 T:arch 4, 1931 The Council wqs called to order at 8 P. INI. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present : Lawrence , Kane , Crook, Pasco and Jane . YTinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of S. Alexander to erect small house on Lot 15 , Block 8, Town read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 71m. Kane to repair houseat 409 Cedar St. read. 1.1oved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Application for soft drink license read from the following: I,Irs . S . Stewart S. Oderkirk Moven by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Police & License Committee. Carried. Petition of property owners on Third rve. between Shattuck &: Alder St asking for concrete sidewalks read,, and ordered filed. St & Alley Committee was given another week before reporting on gravelling North Renton alleys. Committee on 2nd c1 Bronson parking reported that it would be impractical to prohibit parking. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current lay Roll p442.66 - 884-92 Reid &: Cook Labor & Material 64.20 893 Renton Haw & Furn Supplies 20.19 4 Walker's Cafe Prisoners ' Ileals 67 .20 5 J. W. Reans Setting Glass 10.10 6 ',Nm. 'Nal le r Labor 4.50 7 Williams & McKnight Supplies 5 . 25 8 King County Gravel 500.00 9 Howard-Cooper Cory, Material 28.30 900 Al. Morgan Gas & Oil 108.12 1 E. ,'L. Shearer Labor 1.25 2 Pac. Tel L% Tel. Co . Telephones 10 .15 3 A. T . Sullivan making Keys 1.05 4 Tom Pratt Fuel 12.50 5 1N. J. Thompson & Co . Gas 2.72 6 5 7 Ser. Lary & Cleaners Lary 716 7 Columbia Lumber Co . Lumber 27.20 8 Williams &. O 'Hara Labor & Material 5.15 9 J. E. TUIcFarland Fees 50 .00 910 SP EC InL ,Vii T ER � 33.94 1322-25 Pay Roll Renton Haw & Furn 160.00 1331 I "TAT ZR Pay Roll y 70.48 1326-30 Al Idorgan Gas & Oil 39 .08 1332 City of Seattle ';`later 59 .6$ 1333 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the re ,ort of the Finance Committee be concl rred in. rl P,-r-1 PCT_. I 55 Engrts rey)ort read recommending Estimate #1 in amount 0500.00 to E. E. Duff in L.I.D.IJ179 . Mloved by Pasco, seconcLt i by Crook that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out . Carried. Engr submitted plan for repairing old reservoir in lieu of process known as ItGuniting" Moved by Pasco , seconded by Dane that the engr. report be accepted and 'that he be authorized to proceed with the work. Carried. Ordinance granting franchise to the City of Seattle read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for report. Resolution instructing the City Engr to prepare specifications for the repaving of Third _Lvenue read, and laid over one week. loved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney draft an Ordinance relative to wages etc to be paid by contractors doing city work. Carried. W. R. Sparrow representing the Renton Athletic Club was present and enumerated the different imp rovene ;.ts made during the term of office of the present administration and highly commended the TvIlayor & Council for their accomplishmentse The 11ayor thanked the Club - for their interest in ,aiaric affairs and assured them that the menton City Council stood behind them ever willing to copperate. No further business, meeting adjourned. ' e City Clerk � l I,Iay or. o march 10, 1931. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. MI. with !,Mayor Beanblossom, presiding. Present: Lawrence, Crook, Pasco , kvey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Fd Wolske to erect house�nd garage on Lot 20 , Block 4 , Town of Renton read. Roved by Avey, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Louise Burger to repair house on Lot 6, Block 10 , Car Works read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that 'same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs . Alice Davis to repair house at 528 Renton Ave read. I,1roved by Jane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo . Peacock to move house frora Lot 1, Block 19 , to Lot 6, Block 28, Town and erect garage 'read. Idoved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be be granted. Carried. The following applications for license were read: Soft Drink license - Brendal Drug Store , 2nd hve. Brendal Drug Store , 3rd rive. Tr T� iT - Olin Hansen 110101I,Zoved by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Police & License Committee. The Police & License Committee reported favorably on the above licenses and on the Stewart and Oderkirk wppli.cations for licenses, and recoi,,miended. that licenses be granted. I.Zoved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the re- port be accepted and rF coria.,endations car •ied out . Carried. St . & 1_lley Committee reyjortirg on the bias for gravelling north Renton stated that all contractors had with- drawn their certified checks with the excektion of G.1..Harnert and. recoaffpenOed that the bid be awarded G. A. Harnery,� cantra.ct :signed. I;ioved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the rej,ort be received and recon:111endations carried out . Curried. Fire, Light & "Dater Committee reported. that the Fac . Car was already to install their fire alarm signal, they to pay for the installation and maintenance and recommend- ed that the city take irnmediate steps to have the line in- stalled. mioved by Pasco, seconded 'by tLvey that the report be accelAecl and rec o,.miendat ions carried out . Carried. Ordinance Committee reported fa.vonably on Ord. pyo. 903, being franchise to the City of Seattle, whereuion the Ordinance was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye; r Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. .moll, Resolution No. 449 instructing the City Engr. to call for bids for repaving Third iLve . read. Y.oved by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that same be adopted. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk A a L� RESOLUT1ON U6. 449 THi�T ''lH"; M a franchise has been granted to the City of Seattle on certain terms and conditions as more particularly set forth in Grdinance No . 903, in consideration oz the raj ent to the City of penton of the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (4130,000 .00) , and AITEHZ.;;, it is to the best interests of the City of Renton to immediately proceed with the repaving of Third ,venue , NjT rd-HR-T]FOR:, BE IT RESOLVED That the City Engineer be and he hereby is instructed to prepare the necessary specification: and estimates for a contract for that Liurr,ose, and upon the ap- proval of said s.,;ecifications and e-:.timates by the City Council, to immediately cell for bids . .,,,,.jroved- this 10th day of Irlarch 19:D1. ay or Passed this 10th day of .March 1931. . GIUS LDA,RLDS, City O1r Date of first publication: March 13th, 1901 Date of second publication: Iv rch 20th, 1931. a 1 3j { Yi •� R I f 3 k i �+I t 1396] 457 Iuarc h 17 ,19 31. The Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by TiIayor Beanblossom. Present; Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , t,vey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of John Skufca to erect garage on Lot 10 , Block 7 , Car rlorks read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be grant- ed. under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. nppli.cation for transfer of pool hall license by JTames McRae and i;. J. Zook read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the olive & .License Committee with power to act. Oarried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : Current "tts . Pay Roll St. Dept . : 461..61-920 - First Natl. Bank Park Labor 99 .00-932 Standard Oil Co. Supplies 1.36 3 Gaylord. Bros. Inc Library Books 60.95 4 The Desk Exchange Library File 22.00 5 Gladding,McBean & Co . Material 4.00 6 ?North Coast Chem Co. Supplies 7 .68 7 Joe Fillory Labor on Fire Truck 41.00 8 Dan Anderson rT TT rT IT 4.00 9 King County Gravel 500.00 9140 Harding Vis a Film Co . Police Dept . Supplies 50.00 1 H. R. Huntting Co . Library Books 5.84 Z Hertzberg Bindery I' " 183.55 3 11m. Kane Supplies 6.60 4 Agnes IN. Richmond Exp. Plesko case 5.40 5 J. R. Storey Fuel 19.85 6 al. TriTnmFuel 12.50 7 Special plater Pay Roll 91.82 1337-41 Water Pay Ro11 35.4.3 1343-42 Fac . ':dater :Forks Supply Material 57.07 44 lioved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that all bills. o, k. 'd by the Finance Corunittee be allowed. Carried. Reports of the 11".'reasurer and Clerk covering the month of February read and filed, ;ibrarian's report read and filed. :Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the fire signal of the Pac . Car be referred to the Fire, Light & Ylater Committee for further investi=--•ation and report 2nd. recorTienda- tion. Carried. I:. City Property Committee recommended that we call for rids on decor_ ting interior and painting exterior of ' city hall. Moved. by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the } report be accepted and the city engr be instructed to prepare speeifications and call for bids. Carried.. 4 5-8 Communication read from Mrs Harthe Jenkins relative to 3rd live. sidewalk. Yoved by Crook, seconded by iuvey that same be re- ferred to the St & .11ey Committee to work in conjunction with the city engr. Carried. loved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the city ' property committee consider the purchase of a car for the •..� city engr and reyuort next week. Carried. Moved by Avey, seconded by Crook that the feasibility of acquiring a right of way for street at ball park to open into Factory was referred to the St � Alley Committee, to work in conjunction with the city engr and chief of police�a re ,ort next Tuesday. Carried. ;Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the city engr. submit cost of widening and re-paving First !eve . north from bridge to railroad tracks. Carried.. The City Atty. was instructed to check uji vn calling a special election to vote out of the city certain lots on Tobin St. No further business, in:;etinZ acLj ourned. City C lerk 11ayor -"11396] 459 !.:arch 24, 1931. The Council met in reEular session at 8 T. I'v . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present : Lawrence, Lane , Crook, Pasco , �vey and- Jane . ndJane . T,iinutes of the last meeting read and aj)i�roved. Petition of H. 0. Lunsford to erect garage on Lot 24, ;lock 34, Smithers read. Loved by i..vey, seconded, by Crook that same be grant- ed. Carried, Petition of Frank O'Hara to make addition to house on Lot 17, Block 24, Town read. Loved by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of W. J. 14P.lkup to erect house on Lot 15, BloQk 5 , R. F. P. Moved- by: Kane , seconded. by kvey that seme be vranted. Carried_. Petition of H. F. Burgess to install two gas ttanks at Curley's Service Station_ read. moved_ by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Bower Lumber Co . to install gas tank & pump on Lot 12, Block 9 , Car storks read. �aloved byLawrence , second-ed by t�ve � that same be granted. Carried. t-iuplication for soft drink license read from .rs . Thos Raymond, gloved by Crook, seconded by June that same be re- ferrel to the -yolice & License Committee with power to act . Carried,, Communication read from Renton sire Dei)t. relative to installation of fire alarm system. Moved by Crook, seconded by nvey that same be re- ferrel to the Fire,, Light & Vater Committee . Carried. j The Fire , Light & eater "orr_mittee was ,giver- more time before re., orting on signal for Pac . Car. City Pro7:erty Committee rey,ortedi unfavorably on purehasp of car for engineering department at this time, }llovecj by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the re .ort J be accepted and. no car i�urchased at' this time. Carried. 1 St. & Yaley Committee was given another week before reyoorting on the street to be opened at the ball mark, lolice & License Committee rel>orted favorably on the transfer of license of Past Time Pool Hall to vlcRae M Zook and on the soft drink license of 1drs. {aymonci. ;:-loved by Crook, seconded b; kvey that the report be receivea and licenses granted. Carried. No further business , meetinc adjo ed. City Clork JA a Nr o r 1 .i j 'II 46 March 31, 1931, The Council met in regular session at 8 P. id. with l_ayor Beanblossom presiding. - Present : Lawrence, Kane, ;,tiller, Crook, Pasco , Avey` and Jane. itinutes of the last meeting read tnft a,-:proved. Petition of J. E. Vioue to enlarge basement of Palace of ;sweets . Koved by bliller, secondek by Kane that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of E. L. Shearer to install 1500 gas tank on Lot 2, Block 19 , Town. Idove,l by casco , seconded by Miller that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ,dater Committee . Carried. Petition of Thos. Rowe askinE the city to remove sand end. boulders on lst jive . No . w Factory St. Moved by Kane, seconded" by (tiller that same be referred to the City Engr. for reco.runendation. Carrie:i. St & Alley Committee ;aid Chief of Police, stated that arrangements had. been made with the Pacific Coast Co. to lease �-rou,-�d for street purposes same to omen out on Factory St. ivioved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the erection of a fence tit lst and Factory be referred to the r...►� St lLlley Committee for rejort . CRrried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Its . Pay Poll St . Deet. 4920.83-967-989 TT n Water 'T 29 .44-134'7-50 TT it Special 8.48-1351-52. These being the night for opening bids on 3rd xLve . paving, the following were opened and read.- 30-day ead.30-day cure riigh, early, sfre`n�,-,1Tz`- E.E.DUFF '9 ,996.60 R.G.STEVIMSON 7 ,582.00 8,553.00 G.A.MLRPFER 9 ,280.00 10,120.00 LRICKSON r1OVING CO. 11,974.50 13,487 .00 The bids were referred to the City ;ngr. for tabulation and the St. C1 Alley Committee for re;,ort. After a short recess the St a Alley Committee recom-mender. the following: Bid of R.G.Stever_s on in the amount of 9'8,553,00, he to hire all Renton labor if y,,ossible , jse , ent64 products and hay a minimum wage of y"4.50 per day. Moved by ;Miller , second-ed- by xvey that the report be accept and contract awarded_ Z.G.Stevenson. Carried. i Resolition No . 450 to submit to the vote of the people the reduction of the city limits by excluding Block 2, Kelly's Add. was read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be adopted. Carried_. Moved by Ivey , seconded by Crook that th,,; 1',layor appoint one member of the Council to act as Chairman anct sag€est to all other orCknizations interested that one member be appointed to work out plans and fret ail data and informatio for he erection of a Community Hall. C.ar.ried. �� eetinr, adjourned. alltt. - dw"Ah R;SJLUTI ON NO. 450 ri RESvLUTION OF TIL CITY COUNCIL OF TH, CITY OF RL,"NTJN TO THE NECESSARY ST22S TO SUBMIT TO THL VOTE uF THE' PE PLE THE REDUCTION OF THE CITY LIMITS BY ,:+.XC::UDING BUCK TWO OF VICTORI« 1� ` KELL EY'S ADDITI ON TO .,T 1 ON UPON THE 'i SSING OF UTION BY THE, COUNTY COMArlSSIONERS OF' KING CJUNTY, ^,SHINGTON, UNDERT.KING i'HE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LP'ROnCH AM FIZZ. OF TIS PROPOSED GOOD"dlN ROAD BETWEEM THE PR E�ENT CITY LIMITS ..ND ENGINEER'S ST.n.TION NO. 3 - 77 ON THE 7FISiT 'il-tRGIN OF L:XE STREET. 'Iir;REna, the County of King has commenced the construction of a certain highway known as the Goodwin Road, which road is an extension of Empire Way; and MERc;xs, said road, as pru,,osed will enter the City of Renton at the city limits on the east bank of Black River, and cross Block Two (2) of Victoria -�. Kelly 's addition to 3ienton, and connect with Tobin l-.venue at the intersection of Tobin -venue with sake Street ; and 'M RE:i , the J ount y of King, by Don Evans , 1. 3. Bint on, and J. x. '-arley, its Board of County Commissioners , deems it exped- ient that said road be extended through the City of Renton as proposed; and 'HERE"'ILS, The City Council of the City of Renton finds that the property abutting upon the road as proposed Mould not be able to bear the ex,)ense of the improvement , as ,,ror;osed; and "IMIREAS , the C JUNTY Of King, by Don Evans , '07.33.Brinton and J. A. Earley, its Board of County Commissioners , has agreed that it will construct the approach and put in the neoessary fill between the present city :Limits at a point known as Engineer's Station No . 3 = '77 on the west margin of Lake Street, if the City of Renton will cause the city limits to be reduced to exclude the property lying west of the gest margin of said Lake Street, to-wit; all of Block Two (2) , of Victoria Kelly 's ,-Adit ion to the City of Renton; NO'i, THER JFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Jounail of the City of Menton, that the City Council of the City of menton shall immediately upon the passage of a resolution by the County Commissioners oz -ging County that the said King County agreesand undertakes to construct the a.�yroach and j)ut in the necessary fill between the city limits at a ijoint known as Liingineer l s Station ho . 3 = on the west margin of hake Street, in con- sideration that the City of Renton shall Liroceed to take the necessary steiis to submit to the jeo_jle of the City Of -Kerltun, at a s) ecial election to be called for that )urpose , the ,,re- ,,Josition to reduce the city limits of the City of Renton by excluding the following described �,roderty , to-wit; nll Of Block Two t2) , Victoria 1,.. Kelley 's addition to the City of renton. � � roveu this 31st day a Ylarch 1931 G. 8� 3i,� �0I4S, Llayor Passed this 31st day of March 1931 AGAVES L D''L.RDS, City Clerk Date of first .jublic, tion: _.y ril 3, 15 u1 Date of second public, tion: :��ri 1 10, 1931 U t 1396a 461 !iprll 7, 1931. The Council met in regular session at8 i:1, with J. F. Crook, Iayor Fro Tem presiding•. Fresent: Lawrence, Dane, I,:iller, Paseo', tivey and Jane. �► 'I inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of F. a. r. & L. Co . to set poles on Renton rive and on Ka.in 6t . l orth. Ivoved by Lawrence , seconded by ,ti.vey that same be granted. Carried. St . & al7_ey Committee reported that poles at lst kve. No . & Factory St . had been removed. The Finance Committee audited and recom-mended for payment the following CURRANT F. J. Ed.gerley Jail. Labor 4.50- 96 Agnes N. Richmond Filing Deed 4.20- 6 F. C. Ilikkelsen Services 5.85 992 Daily Journal of Commerce Legal Publications 11.90 3 Olympic Foundry Co . Hat eria.l 12.00 4 Packer-Scott Co . Supplies 23..10 5 Walker's Cafe Prisoners t 1.1eals 32.90 6 Gladding,McBean & Co . M..:terial 37.71 7 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co . Tele hones 12.50 8 Rainier Valley Tsfr Co. Drayage 1.50 9 King Connty, Gravel 500 .00 1000 Renton Hdw & F irn Supplies 47 .94 1 Kroll. 11ap Co . Irlap s 29 .25 2 F. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 713.57 3 Williams & McKnieht Su )plies 4.33 4 ?Nm. ,Valley Labor 2.00 Eagle Cafe Prisoners 1 Meals 4.50 6 Renton Tire Shop Gas 2.17 7 0. K. Garage & Stage Co . Labor & Material 6.28 8 Tom Pratt Fuel 6.25 9 A. J. Burney Fainting - Library 25.00 lU E. H. Booker Library Books 15.00 1 Alfred yrir+m. Fael 13..00 /1; H.F.Huntting Co . Library 3ooks 32.543 3 Lowman & Hanford It TT 46.84 4 Hooker-Electro-Cher" Chlorine 216.00 5, W. C . Ross Library Material 20.42 Electric Signal Corp. Sell 35.00 68 Esther Eastman Typing - Specifica. 15.00 New Renton 3akery Fouiid Feed 2.50 9 J.J.Bonnell Nurseries shrubbery-Library 70.50 20 E. A.. Shearer Labor & Material 21tE3 1 0-pep-O agency Supplies 1.00 Renton Garage Labor & Material 44.64 3 First National Bank Park Labor 119 .25 4 Torn Dobson & Son Insurance 231.50 - 5 Fac . Coast R. R. Land I;ental 1.00 b Reid & Cook Labor & Material 57.99 7 Union Oil Co. Gas & Oil 205.69 8 J.E.IvicFarland- Fees 50.00 9 0 Freight 1.56 � i r i 46 VAT"ER Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 420 .10-1353 F. S. P. � L. Co. Power 60 .08 4 City of Seattle +(a.ter 64.48 5 Moved by Biller, seconded by Jane that the recovi-mende, No/ tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried-. j Re ,orts* of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of March read and filed. Librarian's rei)or.t read and ordered filed. The followinE bids for painting; city Hell opened: and read: F. H. Beale ----- $548.00 Ta.chell & Co ---- 650.00 17oved by Lawrence , seconded by Lvey that same be referred tothe City Property Coi,imittee to report next ,Tuesday. Carried. Iijoved by T,ai�,rrence, seconded by Kane that upon a ��,roval of Stevenson bond, thgA contract be signed Ali, by )roy�er. officials . Carried,. 14o further business appearin€-, meeti.nr adjourned. City Clerk jtIayor Pro Tem e U11346a 463 j hpril 14 y 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 r. H. by Mayor Beanblossom. 1... Present: Lawrence, Kane , j1Ziller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane . I:Tinutes of' the last meetin - read and ap.,roved. Petition of E. A. Shearer to enlarge garage on Lot 3, Block 19 , Town react. Moved by Jane , seconded by Kone that same be granted. Carried. Application of W.C.D.Edwar.ds to include his property on Third Ave . within the city limits of Renton read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for rey.ort . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended- for payment the following: CURRENT Wt. No. Pay Roll �769 .99 - 991- 39 to 57 inc . First National Bank 59 .00 58 Hyland,Elvid.ge & iUvord. 574.40 59 Roved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that the reco:nnendation of the Finance Committee be cone,i_rred. in. Carried., City Property Committee reeorYffgend.ed that the contract be awarded F. H. Seale for painting City Hall9 in the amount ,of 548 .00. . Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the recommendation of the City Property Committee be concurred in. Carried.. Ordinance No. 904 authorizing iiiE,.vor & Clerk to sign bonds in Dist. 177 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee red orted `favorably on m Ordinance No . 904 whereupon it was plaiuea upon its second- and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Kane, Iviiller, Crook, Pasco, Lvey and Jane. I,1Ioved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the city call for bids for relining old reservoir with reinforced con- crete . Carried. It Moved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the City Atty. be instructed_ to prepare prover ,etitioils for: � 1: The exclusion of certain territory from the city limits; 2: The inclusion of certain other territory with- in the city limits. n 3: Voting bonds in a siL!Tq�o exceed x,48,000. for the purpose of erecting a civic auditorium. Carried unaniviously. The Mayor appointed W. A. �� vey , F.W.Kane &.-WM• Jane ,City rroperty Committee Lr meet with members, of other organizations to work out plans for Community Hall and report next Tuesday. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the drain- age of 3rd hve . be referred to the city engr for retort. f',�.rrj Arl • IIe etin - adjourned. I ----- --- _ __� City Clerk Maygr 464 April 21, 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. IT. by mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane. Minutes read and approves_. Petition of Joe Plute, Jr. to re-roof house on Lot 6, Block 28, Town read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. H. Babcok to erect double garage at 101 Williams St . read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Thomas Harries to erect house and garage on Tract 43, Renton Co-operative Coal Cots Tracts read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Mr. Avey fegorting for Committee on Community Building stated that progress is being made and asks more time .b&9axe St . & Alley Committee recommended that R.FII.Thorne be appointed inspector on the 3rd. xve. paving. Moved by Avey , seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion df the committee be concurred in if satisfactory arrange- ments can be made as to compensation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills: CURRENT `Vt s . Mayner Hotor Co . Re�oair Work $8.55 -77 Junior Literary Qu.ild Library Books 74.00 78 S. it. 71iberg Library 7,11ork 54.62 9 Puget Sound News Co. n Books 3.00 80 Kuker Ranken Co. Supplies 24.13 1 King County Gas & Oil 98.00 2 Pac. Car & Foundry Material 1.10 3 Columbia Lumber Co . Lumber 83.75 4 Packer Scott Co. Supplies 16.30 5 Beamants Ser. Sta Gas & Oil 2.40 6 Sanderson Safety Supply Material Fire Dept. 4.43 7 Pac. Tel &,Tel. Co. Telephones 18.35 8 Electric Signal Corp. Bell 27.00 9 Al Trimm Library Fuel 28.50 90 Eureka Press Supplies 7.80 1 J. E. McFarlane Fees 10.00 2 Renton Chronicle Printing 69 .00 k j Palace o*" Sweets Supplies 9.55 4 Stanley Rutkowski Labor 13.50 5 i7ATER Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 452.22 1367 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 4.60 8 Chas . H. Harden & Co. Material 18.49 9 Moved by Jane , seconded by Kane that the re+port and recommendation of the Finance Commd4ttee be concurred in. Carried. R �S�LUTION NO, 451 R S LUTION bUTHORIZITdG TH:; ,,xZOR -ND THS CITY Ci,E RK TO EXECUTE =diD D 1,IV R DEED TO JOHi�T IORG.;N TO h PORTION OF TIE PIROF'��'T'Y Vr.C�� ED BY idTD UNDER ORDINZCE NO. 754 OF THE CITY OF RENTON, Pk`i"SED YI Y 26, 1925. MRr.i�S, the City of Renton, i;rior to the 26th day of 11'ay 1925 , acquired certain property for the � uri,ose of opening and constructing a public highway within the city limits of the City of Renton known ds Bronson -fay, and 'KRFUS, subsequent to the acquisition Of said y,,ro ert the city vacated a certain portion Of' the property acquired y as set out in Ordinance Fo . 754 of the City of Renton; and 7MREAS, John Morgan purchased from th g p e City y of Renton, and paid the sum of One Hundred Dollars 0;100.00) therefor, a portion of the �,roL,erty vacated under sajd Ordinance, which .property is hereinafter more particularly described; and Y'ERtriS, no deed was ever executed or deliverea to said John Morgan by the Oity of Renton: NO-A' THEREFORE, BL IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton that the ;yayor and the City Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute and deliver to John Morgan a quit Claim Deed to the -following described property, to -wit, b fractional part Of Lot Three (fi) in Block Eleven (11) , Town of menton, described as Beginning Lt the S.1. corner of Lot three (f'llows thence east along the south line of Trot 'T'hree (�), 28.63 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N. 48 deg. 171 Last 42.53 feet; thence south along the north and south center line of Lot three (3) 13.56 feet; thence S. 48 deg. 17 1 =_f. 2 .49 west along the south line of Lot three2(3) feet; thence feet to the point of beginning: ) 14 .77 r. fractional parts Of Lotffour (4) in Block Eleven (11) , Town of Renton described Beginning at the N.W, corner OfLotFour�(4�llows: thence east along the north line of Lot four ' S 48 deg. 171 feet to S. the true point of beginning; thence S 48 d, 38-86 feet• thence South line of ;ruin Street 13.56 feet; thenceN 4blde€x, 1171 east 58.87 feet ; thence west along; the forth line of Lot Foul, g east (4) , 14.77 feet to the point of be€ginning, Of King, State of t'ashin County gten. y i Approved this 21st day of 4ril 1931. G. Al. BEAIBLOSSOM, Mayor Passed this 21st day of Ai,ril 1931. AGNEI S EDA'hRDS, City Clerk Date of first publication: hpril 24, 1931 Date of second publication: May let, 1931. e 13a 465 Resolution No. 451 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute and deliver Deed to John H. Morgan read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Mr. Sherwood of the Signal Equipment Cor,1joration spoke of a fire alarm system for oir city. T he matter was left in the hands of the Eire, -Light & eater Committee. �Zr. Zanga thanked the Council for their assist- ance in securing an outlet for traffic at the ball park. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the city purchase some rat poison. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. (' City Clerk ' I Mayor* i t April 28, 1931. The Council met at 8 P. M.in regular session with Mayor Beanblossom -presiding. Present: 1 i.11er, Lawrence, Kane , Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane. Mimates of the last meeting reac_ and approved. Petition of Thos . Rowe to install 3000 gal tank on Lots 13 and 14, Block 8, Car 'Yorks read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. to -Petition of Louis Johnson/make addition to house on Lot 14, Block 7 , Car Works read." Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Elden Fisler to erect signs on property of Waterway District on South side of river on Mill St. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco, that same be re- ferred to the Fire , Light 8c Water Committee with mower to act. Carried. ngrts report read reeormnending the payment of $1903.00 in L.I.D. 180, to G. A. Harner. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Avey that same be held up until St. & Alley Committee investigate and bring in report. Carried. Report read from Engr. recommending the payment of $281.08 in L.I.D.179 to E. E. Duff. Moved by Pasco, seconded. by Lawrence that same be held up until St . & Alley Committee investigate and report. Carried. Communication read from John E. Burkheimer relative to Mr. Wm. Tonkin deeding to the City of Renton Block "An for park purposes, upgn payment by the City of certain taxes on same. City Property Committee reported. that they were unanimously in favor of the city accepting the property. Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the report of the City Property Committee be concurred in and a letter of thanks sent Mr. Tonkin. Carried. i Ordinance No. 905, for the preservation of morality, peace , safety, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee retorted favorably on Ord. No. 905, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Killer, Lawrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane. Report from Xngr. relative to claim against Queen City Construction Co. for damage to walks etc. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and claim sent above company. Carried, Engrts rel-ort read recommending chlorinating machine Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation be concurred in and the city call for bids. Carried. 14t1396a 46 7 This being the night for opening bids on the reservoir, the following were opened and read: E. E. Duff . . . . . . . $2184.25 G. A. Harner . . . . . . 1937.80 After a short recess to consider the bids, it was Moved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, G. A. Harner, and signed-by the proper officials aj)on approval of bond. Carried. The engr. filed written report on 3rd Ave. storm sewer. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the report be referred to the St & Alley Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. Loved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the engr. be authorized to have streets oiled when the property interest- ed.has collected the money. Carried. No further business, meeting, adjournecl. City Clerk Mayor. i I i II I I r 4 468 May 5 , 19 31. Regular- meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 13. 11. by Mayor Beanblossom, Present: Lawrence, Xane , 111iller, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and a� proved. Petition of A. A. Anderson to erect garage on Lot 10, Block 11, Car Works read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that sane be re- ferred to the Fire, sight & ':dater Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of P. N. Mormons to reshingle house on Lot 5, Block 28, Town. Moved by Avey, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Delaurenti to erect double garage and make basement at Lot 4, Block 36, Smithers read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Renton Tire Shop to repair building at 3rd & vTorris read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Pasco, that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pae. Tel & Tel. Co. to set pole of Last Side of Factory St. extension read. Iovad by 2aseo , seconde:l by Crook that same be granted subject to lease of Pao. Coast Railroad or approval of owner. Carried. Petition of property owners on Whitworth St . asking for paving read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the city engr. for checking. Carried. Fire , Light & 71ater Committee re .orted favorably on the Elden Fisler petition for permission to erect sign, for one year only. St & Alley Committee recommended that, 41000.00 be raid G. A. Harner on dist. 180 an& 4281.08 be paid E. E. Duff on Dist. 179. Moved by Miller , seconded by Brook that the re .ort be received and recommendation carried. out. Carried• St. & Alley Committee reporting on the storm sewer recommended that the plan as presenteE by the city erkgr be adopted and that that portion of the sewer lying under the new pavement be constructed by the paving contractor and that that portion lying west of Burnett St be let by contract. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll . . . . . . 0401.70 96-105 0. G. Gilliland. . . 11.33 106 Oliver Martin . . . 15.00 107 R. Lord Park Labor, 24.00 108 Al Clarke 20 .00 109 "VATER Pay Roll 176.63 1370- 1401 SPECIAL n n 549 .41 1380-94 n 29 .94 1395-1400 RESvLUTION NO. 452 RESOLUTION DF,STGNnTING "ND CRATING -iL SPECI" FUND TO BE 12iQM"M AS' THE SPECIAL P.LVING tiND BUILDING FUND. TH.0 TERZkS, a Franchise for three pipe lines or mains for water supply purposes in certain streets of the City of Renton as set out in Ordinance No . 903 of the City of Renton has been granted to the City of Seattle ; and ":'HERE-S, in consideration of the privileges therein granted the City of Seattle is to ray into the City Treasury of the City of Renton the sum of Thirty Thousand Doilars 030,000 .00) and in addition such sum over and above the cost of standard concrete paving between curbs as they now exist on Third Street , in the City of :penton, from the west margin of Burnett Street to the southeastern margin of galla Wailes avenue , as is occasioned by the existence of street railway tracks thereon; and -HLl�r.S, the City of Renton desires to expend the surplus after defraying the 'cost of relaving as set out in Orainance No . 903 for building purr oses; NO',r THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That there be and there hereby is created a Special Paving and Building Fund ; and BE IT FURTh sR RESOLVED That the said. sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (w30,000.00) and such additional sum of money as may be paid by the City of Seattle to the City of Renton under and by virtue of Ordinance No . 903, be paid into the said Si,ecial Paving and Building Fund fur the L-,urp oses of': 1: Paying the cost of re-paving and other expenses incidental to the sale of the franchise and I procurement Uf funds; and 2: :3uilding, eructinE and constructing a Civic 'auditorium. n�proved this 5th day of May 1931, G. LauuOSavIVt, I�4ayor amassed this 5th day of iday 19,61. L D tl':�I�DS, Date of first publication: :Tay 8th, 1931"GNE S City Clerk D-te of second publication- !lay 15th, 1961 l- i5j 9' 69 Coi mincation read from Shorett & Shorett relative to wash-out line for new reservoir. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that saute be referred to the Fire, bight & 'eater Committee, city attorney and city engr. The Clerk notified the Council that $30,000.00 has been received from the City of Seattle for pipe line franchise. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be received and placed. in a special fund. Carried. Resolution No. 452 creating a Special Fund to be known as "The Special Paving & Building Fund," read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be adopted as read. Carried. St. & Alley Committee recommended that the city employees of the street & water department be put on a 52 dayweek during the months of June , July & August and be said accordingly, Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the rey:ort be received and concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that the Ford roadster be put up for sale. Moved by Crook, seconded by Dane that the recommendation be concurred. in and the city property committee empowered to sell same. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that thecity attorney be instructed to get in touch with the City of Seattle relative to speeding up the pipe-line job. Carrie d. Moved by Kane, seconded by avey that the city engr. be instructed to draft plans for city garage and work shop and bring in estimated cost. Carried. No further business,w�eeting adjourned.. e f E r City Clerk i R - � Mayor. ` I n j i I I 470 may 12, 1931. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. P+f. with Mayor Beanbl.ossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane, Killer, Crook, Pasco, kvey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a.j;provede yetition of Mrs. C. Carey to make addition to house on Lot 13, Block 34, Smitherg read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of S. P,% Niberg to reshingle part of north side of Cochrants Faint Store read. Moved by hiller, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Fire , Light & 7later Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Geo . Hood to erect garage at 623 Cedar St. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of 'Ed "`lolski to break curb on Tract 4:�, Renton Co-op read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of F. W. Rhodes to remodel roof of ..r' gasoline station at 3d & Burnett. Moved by Lawrence , seconded. by Kane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recolmnended for payment the following: CURRENT Service Ldry & Cleaners Laundry 6.60 118 Wm. 1Valler Labor 2000 9 Fettie Printery Printing bonds 10.50 12.0 First National Bank Park Labor 19.68 1 , Gladding,MeBean & Co . Material 3.15 2 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 52.36 3 arlington Impt Club St. Lights 30.60 4 Renton Garage Labor & Material 48.19 5 Standard Oil Co. Material 1.10 6 Seattle Waxine Co . Supplies 2.75 7 Winegar Printing Co . Legal Publications 23.18 8 Renton Tire Shop Labor & Material 17.80 9 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 98.93 130 Seattle Gas Co Gas 3.30 1 vlash. ;tate Penitentiary Highway Signs 14.40 2 W"T E+' Renton Garage Labor 1.751 R. 0. Brown °t on tools 19 .10 2 City of Seattle dater 45.96 3 i Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 25.79 4 It1396a 4 71 Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer & Clerk covering the month of kpril read and ordered filed. Lease alixxt from Pacific Coast Company covering strip of ground adjoining Renton Ball Park received. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that upon approval of city attorney, same be executed by the Mayor & Clerk. Carried. Communication received from Pacific Car & Foundry Co. relative to fire alarm system. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. The following bids were received on the chlorina- tor machine: Pac . dater Works Supkly Coo . i 4 . vi847.00 ;7allace & Tierman 0 847.00 Moved by Pasco, seconded by Ildller that same be referred to the Fire,; Light & ?Mater Committee to work in conjunction with City Engr. and reyjort next Tuesday. Carried. Mr. Avey, reporting for the Community Center Committee, recommended that R. H. Thorne be retained as architect with the understanding that if bonds do not carry no charge will be made for services of architect. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the reconunendation be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the Community Building be erected in Jones Park. Carried. Moved by biller, seconded by Crook that the intersection at 3rd & Logaw be referred to the St. & Willey Committee for action. Carried. The question of a mire un Oedar S t. strung Ita parking strip to protect a garage rias bruught uv and aiscussecl . ;,loved by Lawrence, seconded by bane that sane be referred to the City attorney for a-pinion as to liability in case of an accident. Currit:cL. No further business , meeting adjourned. i City Clerk Mayor. May 19 , 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Dane, Crook, Pasco , xvey and Jane. linutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Geo Peacock to raze part of old build- ing at corner of Walla. Walla & Burnett read. Moved by xvey, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recormaended for payment the following; Current Wt s. Pay Roll St. Dept. X711.88 - S33=r46 Renton Sand & Gravel Material 377.00 147 j First stational Bank Park Labor 60.75 148 Water Pay Roll 55.75 5-10 Special dater Pay Roll . . . . . 15U.84 11.17 Moved by Jane, seconded by Kane that all bills o. k. ?l by the Finance Co"imittee be allowed. Carrie L* Moved by Fasco , seconded. by Crook th&t the city engr. be instrtuoted to Qlaar the sidewalks &iid pa kia6 strips of tz�.11 grass & weeds . Carried. Fire, Light & Water Committee recommend that con- tract for chlorinating machine be awarded the Pacific Water Works Supply Co, Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the I recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee reported that -the Ford- roadster ordroadster had been sold for ;"9 .00. Resort from Engr. read recoiLuiending the payment of y�1389 .58 to G. Il. Harner on reconstruction of old reservoir. r' Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and recommendation carried out. Carried. ;ng,rts report read on Whitworth paving stating that c the petition is sufficient for the district betwen Second and Fourth kvenues on Whitworth St. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the report be accepted and Resolution of Intention drafted. Carried* Moved by Kane, seconded by Lvey that the City ".rngr place the necessary signs at railroad crossings. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that the brick in the city hall building be cleaned and treated. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the city engr prepare specifications and call for bids. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i City C Jerk H Mi yore i --.. 13964 473 May 26, 19:)1. The Council met in regular session at 8 'r. hi. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. ,*SAW Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane, Miller, Crook, xvey ,,and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read- and approved. Petition of Frank Delaurenti to erect house and garage on, Lot 22, Block 10, R. F. P. react. Moved by i�.vey, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Victor Salo to erect house on Lot 15, Block 2, Smithers 5th kddn. b oved. by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for Payne nt the following: CURR:uNT 1+'7t s. 0. Priebe Labor & Ms.terial x;19 .10 16";- First Natl Bank Park Labor 46.00 5 Art Trudgian St, Signs 13.2U 6 Joe Wood Fire Dei t . Expense 2.U0 7 Kane & Harcus Co . Supplies 12.82 8 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 14.75 9 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 4.90 170 Jesse Young Rerair Work 6.00 1 �-" Agnes N. Richmond Exi;enses 17.95 2 Hyland, Elvidge & Alvord Attys. Fees 575.UO 3 & 4 Lowman & Hanford Library nooks 55.25 180 Puget Sound News Co . tt " 2.80 5 j Union Oil Co. Gas & Oil 77.70 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 36.76 7 Renton Sand & Gravel Gravel 18.60 8 Lewis Motor Co . Labor 5.10 9 R. ?:7. Shorne Insurance 30.00 - 7q- D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 19 .50 1 King Co . Gravel 500.00 2 Mayner Motor Co. Tabor & Material 6.85 3 Al Trinm Fuel 2:x.00 4 Joe Wood Fees 27.50 7 J. E. McFarlane Fees 7.50 n Williams & O 'Hara Labor & Material 102.92 V11,21 ER National Meter Coo Meters 107.50 22 Genl. Repair Shop Labor 1.25 3 Moved by Jane, seconded- by Miller that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. St . & alley Committee recommended that the balance of 4903.00 be paid G. n. Harner on Dist 180 withheld from Ingr. Estimate, xgz8 upon his signing written agreement that he will maintain alleys for one year from date of agreemento Yloved by Miller, seconded by Crook that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. 4"74 City i,.ttorney recommended that the wire strum; on Cedar Ste be removed forthwith. kttorney was authorized to notify owner. Mr. Avey stated that sufficient signatures had been obtained to call for a special election on voting in certain pro,verty, excluding some and. for Community buildings b;oved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the city attorney be instructed to call for Special Election. Carried. F.esoltuion No *4:53.k for the imiroveiiient of Whitworth St. between Second & Fourth rives by paving read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the Resolu- tion be adopted. Carried. The question of the location of the Community Bldg. was discussed. Moved by Kane, seconded by Ivey that the action of the City Council relative to locating same in Jones Park be rescinded. and the matter of location be held up for the time being. Carried. Moved by .Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the sale of old brick be left in the hands of the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by 11i:�ler, seconded by nvey that the question of- moving old building at corner of Burnett & Walla Walla be left in the hands of the Fire , i ieht & 0fater Committee with Power to act. Carried. plans Loved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the city engr. be authorized to have sidewalk in front of Fire Station painted , "No parking. " Carried. such &Ir. Cochran representing the mereha.nts on Thira xvee asked the cooperation of the Council in celebrating mt the opening of Third xve, and asked that st be, closed one days gloved by Crook, seconded by nvey that the request of the merchants be granted and the city council cooperate to the fullest extent . Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. � City Clerk ;Zayor* i i 141 '139 1475 June Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8-P. M. by irIayor 3eanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, miller, Crook, Pasco and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and a,�,proved. Petition of Louis King to repair and reshingle house on Lot 23, Block 1, Smithers 5th Add. read. Carried.moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that same be granted. Petition of Amy D. Pritchard to erect house & garage. on Lot 39 Block 1, Smithers 8th Add. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of T. H. Williams to tear down old garage and erect new one at 220 Burnett St. Carried.moved by Miller, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Petition of Andy Gorjup to reshingle and repair rear porch at 436 Main St . read. I Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Pasco that sai:ie be granted. Carried. Petition of Renton Tire Shop to install gas pump & tank at 3rd & 1Xorris read. Moved by Lawrenca, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Renton Hardware Co. to hold a chopping deomonstration in front of their store on June l5ta w block sto Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that request be granted and 'jvells St. blocked during the contest. -Carried. The Finance Committee audited and reeoluiiended for pay- ment the following: CURR'L:I`TT Wts . Pay moll St. Dept* x;788.33 - 188= 2 F. H. Beale Painting at Hall 611.50 203 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books 6006 232 Jm. uda,ller Labor 2.00 214 Bellingham Bookbindery Library Exp, 8.36 216 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 18.71 214 B & R. GArage Labor 24.60 215 Ray Brown 1st hid team to Con. 162.50 216 Gould & Gould Inc Insurance 23.80 217 Renton Garage Labor & Material 11.34 218 Winegar Printing Co. Printing Legals 3.30 219 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 55.00 220 King County Gravel 500.00 221 Gaylord Bros Library,Exp. 5. 60 222 Sanderson Safety Supply F. D. Expense 9 .13 223 Service Ldry Ldry Jork 7 .85 .22.4 Art Trudgian Sign painting 15.20 225 First Natl Bank Park Labor 6.75 226 476 Dodd, 'Wead & Co. Library Exp. ip 6.Fi5 — 227 Dan Anderson Labor 2.00 228 Wenatchee Motors Inc . Labor & Material 147.80 229 W. J. Thompson & Co. Gas & Oil 11.8.1 200 Talker's Cafe Prisoners meals 50.30 2:51. WILTER Pay Roll Water Dept. yp 61.62 24-27 E. k. Shearer Labor & Material 8.15 28 City of Seattle Mater 24.40 29 Moved by Lawrence, aecondea. by Miller that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. C arrie d. Rej,orts of the Treasurer a Clerk for the month of May were read and filed. Librarian's rerort for May read and ordere(i filed, it r The City Treasurer, design,�teL the First N"tionul Rr4nk of Fenton as depositary for the citytfunds whish action was approved by the Council. Letter of thanks read from persons attending the citizens classes in the City Hall Bldg, and filed. Ordinance No. 906 providing for the erection of a civic auditorium and the issuance of bonds in a sum not to exceed "70,000. was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee rei)orted favorably on, ,Ord. No. 906 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco , and Sane. The following appointments were made by the Mayor. Chief of Police: Vincent citewa.rt Officers: Dave Reid, U. G. Gilliland, Fred Illia.n. HQaith a iicer C. L. Dixou Fire Chief Joe W o od, Sr, 1?9lice Judge Joe Wood, Sr. ilgved by Pasco , seconded by millgr that all appointments be confirmed. Carried. The Mayor then appointed the following committees: PARK BOizRD �0. N. Cochran Floyd Lawrence ylm. Bennett , Jr. LIBRARY BOARD Campbell A. W. Dimmitt J. E. McFarland Mrs . Kate White Mrs. A. N. Fairchild U t 1396j 47"7 SERVICE 0014=TTLE avey, Chairman George G. Pasco ti.. J. F. Crook WAYS & 1rEnNS COMD.IITTI J. F. Crook, Chairman Douglas Miller Floyd Lawrence FINaNC N C L.LL S riND aC C OUNT C 01LII T T M George G. Pasco, Chairman J. F. Crook W. ii. iLvey STR]Uil & ALLZY 0011 IITTEE M. Jane , Chairman George G. Pasco F. W. Kane L 1Y Sc ORDIN'NCE C 01LETTEE Yloya Zawrencey=iairman Vim. Jane Douglas Troller POLICE & LIGASE COMMITTEE oug as ri er, airman George G. Pasco W. %. Avey FIRE, LIGHT & Wkt= C OM14ITTIE . ane, E733: �an Floyd Lawrence J. F. Crook CITY 2ROP"ERTY COMITTY.H! W. ti., xvey , Chairuan Wm. Jane �} F. W. Kane Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the fore- going committee appointments be confirmed. Carried. Resolution No. 4.53 calking fox• a Special Election �. to consider the following propesitions: Reducing the city limits annexing certain property Issuance of bonds for civic auditorium. Moved by Lawrence , seconders by Miller that same be adopted. Carried. Moved by Paseo, seconded by Crook that the clerk forward a letter of condolence to the widow of S. L. Hanley and a check for two weeks pay for vacation woney of S. L. Hanley., Carried• Mr. Thorne , acting engr. 'made certain recommenda- tion along 'third Ave* Moved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the engr proceed with the work as suggested. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned• ✓/v �E/ City ulerk Mayor 4�7 8 June le, 1931. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Tei. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding* Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , Crook, Pasco , nvey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting react and a,,proved. Petition of J. C. Webber to erect house gnu garage and tear down old bldg on Lots 4 and 5 Block 4., Town read. Moved by nvey seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Urs. B. ntkinson to repair garage on Lot 16, Block 17 , Town.. Moved by Crook, seconded by ,,vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Menton merchants for permission to sell fire works read and ordered filed for refernece. _ The Finance Committee audited and recommended for . payment the following: gifts . Fay Roll I St. Dept. 4333.61 234-47 II tt Special Paving 248.54. 248-51 ,r n Water 165,04 : 3-42 Special 499.08 43-53 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Mane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by nvey that the city .,., atty notify the Milwaukee Co. to move pole on Walla Walla to another location. Carried. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the fence around reservoir be left in the hands of the Fire, Light & Water Committee for report. Carried. Fire, Light & eater Committee recommend that we call for bids for fence. Moved by Pasco , seconded by nvey that the rei.o rt be receivod and recommendations carried out . Carried. Communication read from the County r,uuitor en- closing Resolutions calling for' three special elections July 28th, 1931, Moved by Kane , seconded by nvey that same be filed. Cor�uiiunication read from P. S. i'. & L. relative to alarm circuit. Moved by Kane, seconded by ,Crook that same be placed on file . Carried. This being the night for hearing protests on Whitworth St. paving, it was Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that sarue be continued to July 7th. Carried. Complaint of property owners against the sign on the river bank read. •..• Moved by Pasco , seconded by nvey that same be referred to the Fire , eight & Jater Committee for investigation and report. Carried, No further business , meeting adjourned. Clerk �` Mayor. � Ui13 6a 4"7'9 June 23, 1931. The Council met in regular session at 8 P.M. with Mayor Beanbl.ossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petit-ion f Mrs . Ted Walker Vo erect garage on Lot j , Block read. Move y ane, seconded by Crook that same 'be granted. Carried. Communication from City Attorney relative to application for purchaGP of certain lots read. Moved by Avey that same be received and filed; seconded by Pasco. roved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the matter of granting the application for purchase of certain lots be referred to the City Property Committee, together with the City Attorney for report. Carried. Communication received, signed by property owners , to withdraw names from petition to pave itworth Street. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be received and filed for consideration at tine of hearing protests , July 7, 1931. Short recess declared. City Property Committee' reports on the question of sale of certain lots . Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the matter be referred to the City Attorney with power to act. Carried. `.- 'Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the Acting Engineer be instructed to call for bids for material and labor for storm sewer. Carried. Mayor Beanblossom appointed R. 11; Thorne to ,¢ take charge of the city 's work in connection with the engineer's office. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the ap- pointment be confirmed. Carried. No- further business , meeting adjourned. + Clerk j t Y 1 . e w � e 1 480 June 30, 19:51, The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Frank Gustine to make addition to house on Lot 1, Block 2, Coir 'Uorks read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that s&me be granted. Carried. Petition of Alton Fuller to break curb for driveway on Lot 13, Block 5, R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Crook that sate be granted. Ca.rrked. Petition of Llys. Jack Urick to reshingle house on ' Lot 1, Block 36, Smithers read. Moved by Kane, seconded by r,vey that sane be granted Carried. Petition of J. E. Duke to erect garatee on Lot 14, Block 2, Car Works read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be granted Carried. The Finance Committee audited anu recowmer;ded I:or payment the following-. CURR!NT 89 to 92 Pay Roll St. Dept. 9"'862.87 - 269-70-72-86- Pac. Coast R. R. Freight 2U*16 - 4;52* D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 10.50 - 2U8 Rainier Fuel &: sfr ;food 35.25 - 295• Kuker-Ranken, Inc. "rngr. Supplies 33.65 - 4;96 King County Gravel 406.25 - 497. Lowman & Hanford Library Books 13.23 - 298 Seattle Gas Co Gas 10.01 - 4:99 J. W. Reans Painting at Park 15.UU - QUO Williams & McKnight Supplies 16.53 - 301 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 7.70 - :.502 Wm. Kane Supplies 6.60 - ;= J. W. Graham & Co . n Library 7.50 - 304 Pao . :dater rvks Supply Chlorinator 826.84 - 305 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 60.89 294 Pao . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 13..25 - :SU6 Agnes N. Richmond Exi eases 7 .90 - 307 Fred Gilham baps x.00 - :508 Milson & Marlowe insurance 50.00 309 SE,.nderson Safety Supply Material F. D. 114.95 - 310 Winegar Printing Co. Legal Publica Renton Saldd & Gravel Park - Material 8.43 - 287 Redd & Cook Gas & Oil 27.94 - 312 Pao . Coast Company Land Rental 1.00 - X13 McPherson Furn Supplies - Park 29.74 - 314 Union Oil Co. Asphalt, gas 51.95 _ '.351 Lewis Motor Co. Labor 22.09 .A rt.Biarnsid.e Supplies - Police 12.37 Lawrence Friel & Tsfr Drayage 4.50 - 318 ,,bell. Olson, Co. Clerk i;xp . case 61.45 - 320 THIRD AVE Pay Roll 25,00 293 Gladding,MeBean & Co. N'aterial 2397.44 - :519 1-fit1396a 481 �dnT� Pay Roll x,161.23 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 8.75 City of Seattle grater 3G.36 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 16.16 � ay Roll JPLC Z21TfIr.il 1p 25.00 Gladding,hcBean & Co. Material Moved by Jane, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of the finance eonunittee be concurred in. Carried. "rngr. Rei,ort read recommending• the payment of 19983990 ao G. n. Harner on reservoir job, same being i.a full. Carried. ReVort read from I ngr. recoti;mendinE the payment of 47000.00 to L. C . Stevenson on Third xve. job. Moved. by Crook, seconded by ',vey that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. Ener. recoanae:_ded that tg� ordinance relative to erection of sidevialkSbe repealed. an grainance d.raft6rl. Moved by Pasco , seconded by hvey that the ordinance be referred to the Ordinance committee. CL..rried. City &tty resorted on the lease from tine F&c . Coast Com!)&ny to the city QW street at pwrk.b Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that after � same has been submitted to the Pacific Coast and approved by City atty that the proper officers sign same . C arried.. Resolution No. 454 authorizing the Mayor & Clerk to sign a suit Claim Deed to Lots 31,: 2, 33 and 34, Block 3, Renton Real Estate Addition, Moved by Kane, seconded bybLawrence that same be adopted. Carried. No further businesx, m.eetinp.; adjourned. Mayor City Clerk 482 July 7, 19Z1. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. wits Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present: Lawrence , Pasco, Ivey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a.�,proved. Petition of Louis Traverso to reshingle house at 337 , Cedar St. Moved by Jane, seconded by hvey that ssme be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of �L. H. Johnson to reshingle hose at 430 Park Ave read. Movea by Ivey, seconded. by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. F. Snyder to make addition to garage on Lot 10 , Block 13, H. F. P. real. Koved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane tint same be granted. Carried. This being the night for hearing protests a_ainst Cdhitworth St Improvement same were considered. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the protests be referred to' the city engr for checking and report next Tuesday. Carried.. Tris cPing the ni; ht for oioening bids on chain link fence for reservoir, the following bi;, was retia. i,. ,. J. Bartells Go* : 835 .00 Moved by Pasco , seconded by hvey that same be referred to the City Lngr and Fire, sight, & ia.ter Committee for rej)ort. Carried. No bids having been received. for the Third xve. sewer it was moved by Lawrence, seconded by xvey that we readvertise. Carried. Resolution No. 455 fixing the 28th clay of July for hearing on `ssessment Roll Dist. 179 read. Moved. by Lawrence , seconded by avey that same be adopted. Carried. No further business, meeting .,djoui°nea. City Clerk , Gl Mayor. 3 9 6a 148113 -Ally 14 , 1961 The Council met in regular session at 8 2. A% with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Miller, Crook, Pasco, iivey and Jane. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: CURRIMT lilliams & O 'Hara Labor & Material 8.45-329 Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 27U.00-33U y. H. Beil ,abor 5.00 1 Renton Choniele Legal Pub. (Feb) 9.20 2 Walker's Cafe Prisoners' Ideals 30.00 3 Renton Garage Gas & Oil 27.85 4 Reid & Cook " ►t 14.35 5 Ray Brown Expenses , F.D. 9.70 6 Vim. ,Taller Labor 12.00 7 W. J. Williams Park Labok 2.25 8 Ser. -dry & Cleaners Ldry 13.80 9 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Gil 35.49 34U Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 1.50 1 Lewis Motors Gas & Oil 11.88 2 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 46.99 3 Thos . Harries Enveloges 43.93 4 Wm. Kane Supslies 6.15 5 Eureka Press Supplies 8.50 6 P. S. P. & L. Co . ;Rights (2 mos) 827.26 7 Renton Hdw 6C Furn Su;),plies 71.68 8 i D. D. Matson Dog Catcher 12.00-350 i✓ ( Pay ;doll St Dept. 302.86-351-61 XATIM IJ. S. Hardie Labor & Material 55.82 76 C. Bevan Material 1.15 7 Reid & Cook Labor & Material P. S. P. & L. Coo Power 275606 9 9e,4tRoLGarage Gas & Gil 55 ggp Ij Dater 2H:6+ 82-88 Moved by Jane , seconded by Miller that the resort of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. I;ngrts resort read recommending the bid of L.J.Bartells Co. for chin link fence. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Miller that the re,„ort be accepted and recommendat carried. out. Carried* 2ngr, resort on Whitworth St. read. Iaroved by Pasco , secondecl by Miller that the ,vhitworth paving matter be contin.�.ed. one week and settled next Tuesday* Carried, �'egort read from engr. recommending the payment of 2,429.17 to R. G. Stevenson on 3rd eve. paving, being Estimate 2, Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that report be concurrQa in and redo=;-endatiUns carried. out. Carrie , Communication read from E. K. Uonohon asking that meter be installed on her property. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be re- ferred to the Fire , Light 00 Water Committee and city enEr to i report next week. Carried. Resorts read from Tret surer & Clark for the month a;. June and filed. 4 City rngr. asked that we purchase a Monroe calculat- or. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that sante be referred to the City Property Committee for rel•ort. The City Property Committee revorted favorably on the purchase of same. Moved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the report be received ana concurred in. Carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the pur- chase of a filing cabinet for the city atty. be referred to the City Property Committee with ,jower to act. Carried. No further business appearing°, meetin6 adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. ,..e 485 July 21, 1931. The Council met in regular session at 8 P.Y. with Mayor Beanbiossom presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, Yliller, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Bill of Robert 2rudgeon for supplies and materials x379 for the repairing of the Comfort Station , in the amount of X50. 77, presented. Recon needed by the City Engineer that the same be paid. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane , that the recommendations f the engineer be concurred in. Carried. Petition of D. Burmester to erect house and garage on of 25 , Black 25, Renton Farm Plat read. Y.oved by Kane , seconded by Hiller that the same be ranted. Carried. Petition of Tony Arnone to erect garage on Lot 11, Block 31, Smither's , read. Yoved by Ti iller , seconded by Kane that the same be granted. Carried. Petition of Yrs . Y. J. Sheridan to erect building on lots 4 and 5, Block 2, Smither's 5th Addition , read. 11oved by Pasco , seconded by Aver that the same be granted. Carried. Petition of Agnes N. Richmond to repair roof on ouse on Lot 1, Block 4, Totem of Renton , read. Moved by Kane , seconded by Avey that the same be ranted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company for laying of gas mains read. loved by Kane , seconded by Diller that the same be granted , subject to the supervision of the City Engineer. Carried. i Moved by Crook, seconded by Pasco that the City Attorney order the filing cabinets and supplies required. Carried. Commun cation from City Attorney with reference to property included in city roreclosure proceedings read. I,11oved by Paso , seconded by Kane that the same be filed. Resolution No . , rescinding Resolution Ila. 454 read. I+11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Hiller that the same be adopted. Carried unanimously. ITIoved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the City Attorney be authorized to proceed to take the necessary legal steps to initiate trustee proceedings as recommended. Carried. Report of City Engineer in reference to the ptotest against the improvement of ?Tnitworth Street read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the report of the City Engineer be accepted and filed. Carried. hToved by Pasco , sec::nded by Miller that the City Paunc:il proceed with the improvement of Whitworth Street and Gall :for bids . Carried. Bids on the sewer received as follows . E. E. Duff, .,,ueen City Construction Company. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the same be Fefer.red to the Cit;, Engineer for report next meeting. Carried. I 486 The Street and Ally Committee requested one more week for their report.on We! s St. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Ave, that the same be granted. Carried. Yoved by Pasco , seconded by Avey that the City t Attorney be authorized to hire the necessary assistance to proeeed� to close up all matterWas required by law, in con vection with. property included in the foreclosure proceeding4 . Carried. Reort of tthe City Property Committee in reference to the old shevrolet read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that, the same be referred to the City Property Committee with power to act. , Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk, Pro Tern a Mayor. i i j i II ! ,n113964 48"7 July 28, 19e51. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. rdl. by ',.ayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Crook:, casco, avey and Jane . 1r11inutes of the last meeting read and approved. retition of Eva Dobson to erect garage on Lot 11, Block 7, Car :forks read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by avey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Dave Boisseau to remodel house on Lot 5, Block 2, Motor Eine Add. read. Moved by avey, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Report of the City 2xier. read on rer)airing 'Nells St. between 2nd & &d rives. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the report ! be accepted and bids called for on same. Carried. i i City Engr's rel)ort read on bids for storm sewer, with recouunend.ation that all bids be rejected and the city proceed with the work. Loved by Lawrence , seconded by «vey that the resort be accepted and recommendation carried out. Carried.. Report of 'rngr. recommending that R. G. Stevenson be paid the 15;s reserve amounting to 41663.97. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the recom_.qendation of the engr be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance No. 907 approving and confirming the assessment roll List. 179 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the Ordinance wherevpon it was placed upon it s second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Crook, Vasco , avey and Jane. I 14,oved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the Council meet in special session Monday, �.ug.ust 3d at 5:30 P. M. to canvass the vote cast at the special election. C arried. No further business, meeting G.c jcurned. �F City Clerk I layo r. i 4 488 i kug. 3, 1931. 1 SPECIAL 1F;,'!:TIXG OF TH- CITY COM,1CIL was held at the City Hall at 5:30 F. M. on Monday , August 3, 1931 for the '"ll, purpose of canvassing the votes of the special elections held I in the City of Menton on the 8th day of July 19 1. sleeting called to order by Mayor Beanblossom. Present : Lawrence , Miller, "vey and Jane. The City Council thereupon proceeced to canvass the votes of the special election held for the rurpose of annex- ing territory, and find as follows: , Total niunber votes cast 616. Within city limits: For . . . 464 .gainst . 115 Nithin,'pgrtion of CecLar River Free ct Vote ,ca, rt ,l9 For . . . 19 •,Lgainst 19 And it appearing that the proposition, having receiv- ed a majority of all of the votes cast , that the proj,osition has carried. It was thereupon Idloved by Miller, seconded. by Avey that the City Council does hereby declare the proposition fir the annexa- tion of certain territory as set out in the notice of election be and the same is carried and that the City , clerk be and she hereby is instriJcted to transmit a certified cony of the result of said election to the Secretary of State. Carried. The City Council thereupon proceeded to canvass the votes of the specXal election held for the pur�_,ose of ex-• eluding certain territory from the city li. i.ts , ano- find as i follows: Total number of votes cast 616. For reduction . . 446 kgainst reduction . . 153 And it a,,pearing that the proposition, having, re- ceived the necessary three-fifths of the total ntunber of votes cast , it is hereby declared carried. It was thereupon '111'oved by Avey, seconded by Jane that the City Council does hereby declare the prolosition for the reduc- tion of certain territory as set out in the notice of election be and the same hereby is declared carried and that the city clerk be and she hereby is instructed to transmit a certified co.y of the result of said election to the ;secretary ui St€ t�• City Clerk itiay o r. r Ut1396j 489 august '4, 1531. Council net in regular session at 8 I. K. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , "miller, Crook, Fasco , Avey -and Jane, Minutes of the last regular and sjecial meetings read and approved. Petition of Thos Olsen to reroaT house on Lot 8, Block 16, Town read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that s2me be grant- ed. Curried, i .tition of E. Buhl to erect garage at 207 G&rden I;t. read. Moved. by Lawrence , seconded by bvey th�.t same be granted. Carried. Petition of A. ISI. Fradden to reshingle house at 420 4th Ave. No. read. Moved by Miller, seconded-, by Crook that same be granted.. Carried.. letition of Fac. Tel & Tel. Co. to replace certain poles on Pigott & Factory Sts read. .oved by r,asco , seconded by 2-,vey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: CLTRR�:1 �: ta7t s. Pa.v Roll St. Dept. 0291.21 D. D. Watson Doi; Catcher . . 16.50 382 Frank Moore, .;r. Repairing-park mower . . 6.00 383 Ed edolske Gas & Gil 0 4.66 4 ,'lestraker Co . Suioyulies . 8.50 5 Hamilton Bros. Gas & Oil 0 11.97 6 lac . Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones 0 16.85 7 Hub City Chev. Co . Labor & LI&terial . 14.65 8 Joe Wood Fees . 35.00 9 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 59 .16 390, Renton Garage Labor & Material . . . 43.95 1 Lovmian & Hanford Library Hooks 7.42 2 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 5.00 3 Daily Journal of Commerce i;eLal rub. 9.45 4 Monroe Calculating Tvlch Machine . 475.00 5 Seattle Waxine Co. Supplies 2.50 6 17,1m. 'taller Labor . 2.00 7 Thos. Rowe Gas & Oil 27.10 8 Jno. Farrow Park Labor 20.25 9 State Treasurer Drivers ' Licenses 7.UO 400 Renton Sand & Gravel M.--terial . . 60.61 1 Thos . Dobson & Son Insurance . . . 39.60. 2 Fred. Schroder Labor . . . 11.10 363 Thos. Marries Stamps: . . 2.00 4 MW S2"C.It�, THIRD a JL :day Roll 229.13 403-31� 490 Pay Roll x.267.41 92-100 Pae . Coast R. R. Freight 12.46 91 Renton Clothing Co. Material 6.95 101 Winegar Printing Co . Printing 9.00 2 City of Seattle ,'later 112.80 3 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 5.00 a Those Rowe Gas & Oil 20.05 5 Hamilton Bros. it it 35.92 6 dove's by Jane , seconded by Crook that the recor,r,end.a- tion of the Yin&nce Co.:=Iittee be concurred in. C arried. Ordinance No. 908 providing; for the improvement of "vrhitworth St. read# and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No . 909 defining the eor ,,orate limits and excluding certain territory read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Oraina-.x ce No. 910, annexing certain territory to the cory)oration read and on motion referred_ to the Ordinaz_ce Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported fa,voral-.1y on Ord- inances 908, 909 and_ 910, wher.•epon Ordinance Teo . 908 was placed upon its secarid. and third readings a.nd passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Hiller, Crook, Pasco , livey and Jane. Ordinance No . 909 was placed upon its second. and thir(I readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present votingl aye .- Lawrence , Miller, Crook , Pasco , hvey and Jane. Ordinance No. 910 was placed upon its second and thin. readings and passed as a, whole , �,ll councilmen present voting aye: La.F.,rence,, Lli�ller, Crook, Pe.sco, nvey and Jane. T'lo fue°ther business, meeting; u.c?jourred. > , . iity Clerk s J 491 ��ug. 11, 1931. Regular meetinE; of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , Idiller and Jane . Hinutes of the last meeting read and aeproved. Petition of H. D. Jones for repairing house on Uot 2, Block 12, gown read. !.oved. by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Ellen Overton to erect house on Lot 21, 3lock 13, _1. F. i'. read. Hoved by Kane , seconded by L-Iiller that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recor�t iend.ed. for Ijayment the following: Special Current. Pay Roll 9707.06 - 443--444 453-�89 Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. married. , Reoorts of the Treasurer and Clerk mead and ordered filed. ' July reports ) Librarian's report for ruonth of July reau and placed on file . No farther business , meeting adjourned,. y eleric a n Irlayo r. . nug. 18 , 19'1. i The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with I "lad;or Beanblosso:n jirosiding. Roll Call; Lawrence , Kane, Pasco , Ivey and Jane. iuiinutes of the last meeting read and ayyroved. Petition of J. C. Your; to repair rear Porch and remodel inside of building on Lot 4 , Block 26, down reari.. Moved by Jane, seconded by nvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition cif ivirs. Fannie Damon to erect house & garage at 112 Jells St. read. i,.oved by Kane , secunded by &vey that same be granted. Carried. :petition of Clan. S. Gregory to erect small house on Lot 8, Block 1, Kdsits Lake *lash. Moved by Ivey, secondees by Janie that same be granted. Carried. "Petition of Dr. H. H. xdaTns to remodel house on Lot 12, Block,2, Motor Line ii-dd.n. read. uloved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane the,,t same be grant- ed. Carrier.. Pet.i.tion of Mrs . H. "Pistoresi to reshi.ngle house at l,ot 1, Block 32, S,lithers read. iviovea by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be grant- ed. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended. for pay- ment the following Dills. j CURB NT Warrant Nu Pay moll St. Dei t . 4178.�EU-27 lilts Jno . Dower :,umber Co. Lumber X9 .66 528 Union Oil Co'. Gas etc. 22.84 9 Jno Tachell Painting at Nark 474.55 00 Renton Hdw & Furn Suii.�lies 166.91 7- Seattle Gas Co. Gas 3.78 2 Williams & O 'Hara Gas 7 .W Lewis Kotor Co. Labor & vIaterial 21.10 5 Lowman & Hanford Library Hooks 14.75 6 Frank L. Hixenbaugh Library Books 11-0.00 7 Renton auto Freight Drayage 4.'10 8 Eagle Signal Sales Corij. iviaterial 25.24 9 ',;talkers Cafe Prisoners' ideals .15.00 540 D. D. Watson Dog Cau-cher 16.50 517 W. J. Thorr�ljson & Co. Gas & Oil 8.19 541 Rainier Fuel & Tsfr hood 9 .75 2 Trick & I&rray Files - t tty. 88.50 3 Md. Kane Labor & Material 33.70 4 iteid do Cook Gas & Uil 'X . 30 534 1,areka Press 34.50 545 utiiT� 4130 j Fay Roll Water Dey,t. v� 78.1.0-109 111-118 int Redid & Cook Gas Oil 21.50 129r Sr��(.'�ti1a 4drll r Pay moll . 327.66-119-128 inc . ray moll Storm Sewer . 17220,6 ,3.--491-94 inc -490-99 ine500- 511 i110516-514 516-18-19 inc 44:x-4-�r5 �-89 inc . 546-48-5U t.o 503 inc. lxti. 139Fj 43 1vioved by Kane , seconded. by livey that Block 11x'1 donated to the City of R,--izton by uJm. Tonkin, for park purposes, be Turned over to the Park Board. Carried. This oeing the nighT for ouenlna_ gids on r,[nicwortn \ tine foltowing were read: (.k,lte.rn=tte Bid.) (,�ueen City Construction Co . . . . X6032.36 None K. G. Stevenson 5277 .42.-,?5617.10 G. h. Harner 6165.25- 7126.15 J. B. Covello . 5441.80-X6390.66 H. J. idler Co. . 5855.54-96517.82 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the bids be referred to the St & iiiley Committee &.nd the City ;r r for report. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on Wells 5t. re-i;aving the following were opened and read: L. Ii. Duff . . . . . . . . R. G. Stevenson. . . . . . 1246.00 J. B. Covello . . . . . . 1112.5U H. J. -idler Co. . . . . . . . . 1U59 .10 Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the bids be referred to the St & Willey Committee and the City ,�Lngr. for re,)ort. Carried. The Mayor delcared a short recess, after which the committee bought in the following rej;orts: r Sto do iUley Committee recommends the acceptance `.• of the lowest bid for the Vdhitworth St. jpav:ing (high early strength) in the soul of 45617.10, R. G. Stevenson, Contractor. Moved by tivey, seconded by ,Miller that the recormnendation of the St . & Liley Committee be concurred in 'and contract entered into with R. G. Stevenson. Carried, St. & &7lley Committee recoDziiends the rejection of all bids for the Wells 6t. re-having, all being 10 , higher than Engr. Is Estimate. Moved. by Kane, seconded by iivey that the recommenda- tion of the St . W h1ley Committee be concurred in and ill bids rejected. Carried.. No further business , meeting ud-journed* j r j City Clerk mayor, t� ' 494 .pug. 26, 19 61. The Cour_eil met ,in regular session at 8 1. IVI. with Mayor 3eanblossom presiding. Doll Call: Lawrence , Kane, Miller, &vey and Jane. LUnut es of the last meeting read and approved., letition of Mrs. Flo Edwards to remodel ai,rtments and ,install tank for oil burner in karking strip read.. 4oved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be grant- ed under ,the supervision of the ,city enr. Carried.. Petition of J. C . Kirkmantoerect garage on Lot 5, Block 13, Town, read. Moved by BUIler, seconded by Kane that sv.me be granted. Carried. Petition of John Gamarlee to repair foundation of house at 124 Burnett St. Migved by Kane , second.eE by Lawrence that sante 'be granted. Carriecl. Petition of John Fanzica ;to reshingl'e house on ;lot 8, Block 32, Smithers read. ivloved by ,ivey, seconded by Jane that sante be granted. Carried. Petition of Kl biorgan to remodel garage on corner of Bronson and Main St. Moved by Miller, seconded by gvey that same be re- ferrea to the Fire , Light & eater Committee with power to act* 4 Carried. moo Petition of J. F. Danielson to reshingle house on Lot 22, Block)n2, Smithers 5th -.ddn. read. lvioved ,by Kane , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried.. f Petition of C . iZ. Tea.-me to to erect scaffold over sidewalk While painting Temme Bldg. , Moved by Kane , seconded by Jane thati same be granted subject to opinion of attorney on the ciuestion of liability* Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Co. to lay mains in ally on Felly St . read. Ivlovea by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. S ept. 9 to 12th rL11plication for license to operate merry round etc, feadt from Browning Kmusbment Co . just outside the city. Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. i Petition of property owners on Whittivorth St. asking that regular cement be used in paving rather than the high early strength. Moved. by Kane, seconded by j vey that the petition be received and regLilar cement used. Carried. Moved by Kane, seconded by Biller that the motion relative to contract for paving ji1itworth St. be rescinded and contract for regular cement entered into by the proper city officials. Carried. 1tit396( 495 I St., ,alley Committee reconmienas the payment of 3 $2 \� 4142 to G. x. Harner in Dist. 180. ;moved. by xvey, seconded by Lane that the report be accepted and reeormiendutions carried out . Carried. Health Officer Dixon made certain recommendations regarainthe wE-Aer wnd sewer systems. 11 Moved by Kane, seconded by "Vey that the city engr. proceed with the work as outlined by Health Officer Dixon and report progress from time to time. Carried. Koved by "Vey, seconded by Lawrence that the city clerk be instructed. to write Gas . Co. relative to getting permits for gas mains here on time. Carried. Bill Dernett was present and suggested. that a new license covering hucksters be drafted. The Mayor re- ferrel the matter to the Ordinance Committee. No further business, meetjnL-` Udjourned. i City Clerk I Idayor. d 1 496 Seth. 1. 1931. I.egular meeting of the City Council wqs called together at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane, miller, nvey "d Jane. " !Minutes of the last meeting read and aoi,rovud. Petition of F. L. Roberts to re-roof house at 438 Cedar St . read. Moved by hvey, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Fred Illian to guild basement at 429 Burdett St. read. Moved by tLvey, seconded by Jane that sa.rne be granted. Carried, Petition. of F. H. Beale to reshingle house at 131 Williams St. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Miller that same be granted. C�j.rxied . Petition of Guido Sea i,ijini to erect garage at 432 Cedar St . read. Iukoven by Kane, seconded by hvej that same be granted. Carried. Petition of :rlrnil Fontana for transfer of fool hall license at Lagle tool Hall from 1. Camerino read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be � referred to the License Cowraittee . Carried. The Finance Committee uuditeu and recorrmrendecl for i)ayriient the following: CURT T Pay Roll St. De;Lit. . . . . . . 9199 .72 -586-92 C. Bevan Material. 35.51 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools . 21.60 -5` 44 Hamilto:,i »nr: . Gas & Oil . . . . . . 3.61 5 J;Uo. ,Dower ,Lmbr,�;Q. Lumber 20 .97 uO7 i r. S. Y. oc L. Co. Lights (2 raos) 738 .le -596 Hooker-Electro Chem Co. Material 3.00 - 7 ' Pao . Tel do Tel. Co. Telephones 13.70 - 8 Kuker-Nankin, Inc. Su..Oplies 25.90 - 9 Bellingham Bookbindery Rebinding books 15.36 -600 Vim. ;caller labor L. x. Shearer Labor Material 6.00 - 2 Columbia. Lumber Co . Tools 108.80 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 4.22 Service Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 8.85 4 Eureka Press 6uyylies 17.55 bU8 �t1Li �(.�• LJJ-46 Pay Roll a-ter Iie.LA. # u Jno . Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 0 168 Renton Feed. Co . Material . • • . 11..3U 151 0. Priebe Labor & Material. . 12.75 u j Glauber Brass kfg. Co. Material 13Ei.44 3 Grinnell do . zt 30.70 4 City of Seattle Water P. S. P. coo L. Co. rower 496.00 d w o S. Hardie Laaor & Laterial 73.94 7 �1it1396a 497 SrEC.CtL ;,ITM Fay Roll. . . . x;466.96 -147-60 E. J. Bartells Co. Fence at Reservoir 914.80 169 STORY SEWER Pay Roll 1: 4.20 576-85 liorthwest Testing Labora.tires LE.bor 16.00 606 Iv oved by Miller, seconded by KLd,ne that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Engr. 's rejort read recommending the paymexit of 92165.00 to Imo. G. Stevenson under Dist 181. Ivlovecl by Kane, secondee. by Lawrence that the report be accepted &nd recormiend.ations carried out. Carried., Ord. Ijio. 911 fixing the license fee of Ve6cilars res,d and on r_iotion referred to the Ordinwice Comaittee . The Ordinance committee rexcrts favorubly on Ord ido. 911 whereulor. it was placed ux,oii its second and third reaC izigs uric i,assed as a whole , all councilmen, jiresent , voting aye : Lawrence, Kane , Idiller, Avey wid Jane. _ No i'urther Business , meeting udjuurneci. ' 6 City Clerk MILLyor . j i i t i I i 8 II I The Council met in regular session ut 8 12. I�. with regular f .Mayor Beanblossom ;?resiting., Roll Call: LaIwrenee , Kane, Pasco , nvey ana Jane. Iviinutes of the last meeting read and a-,jjroveL* :petition of Jno . Duncalf to erect house on -sot 14 , Block 27, Town, read. Moved. by Kane, seconded_ by Ivey that same be grant- ed... Carried. . Petition ofe . 1.,. Hollister to erect garage on Lot 1, Block 1, Car Works re"L. 1doved by xvey, seconded by Kane that same be grant ed. Carried.. petition of �. W. Dimmitt to reshingle house at eA 426 Cedar at. read. Koved by Jane, seconded by j.,vey that sane be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of x. Cugini to enlarge garage at 617 4 Burnett St. read. Loved by Kane, seconded b;� nvey that same be granted. 6 Carried. V petition of H. -:vans to re-air founriation of build.- ing occupied by r.lki Fool Hall read. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be re- ferrel to the Fire , Light do Water Committee with _.)ovaer to act. Carried. Ordinance No. 912 authorizing the Kayor City Clerk to issLie bonds against Local ml�rovement Dist j179 read I ` and on motion referred to the Ordinunue Committee. ( 1 The Ordinance Coiwaittee re- orteu. favorably on Orua innce No . 912 whereu�,on it was iiladed u�pn its ::,�cono and. third readings and gassed as whole, all couneilmeV i,resentVVA voting aye: Lawrence , Kane , Pasco , hvey aria Jane. No further business , meeting adjourned-. ` 1� City Clerk Td4or.. i I - i gg OF CQ •id I -