HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 04 (7/30/1912 - 10/17/1916) I Renton,July,30 tho 1912 I (`i.ty C.uncil rnet in regular session R2rAw 3mithers presiding I - Roll Call.-Council-nan S;nrift,Evans ,Cake ,Dobgon,McCowin,Hansen,Eng-ineer r, Attorney, 1Peasurer and Clerk beim; present.- 7;. Minuetq of the last regular session were read and approved. i j Application for sewer service from Lot 7 Block 13,T.H.Priebe a� r owner ,Lot 14,Block 31jas , Spence owner, I Application for w Ler service for acre # 24 H McCormick,owner same beinZ out of city limits . Adoved by Evans seconded by McCowin that all petitions for sewers and water be granted except one outside of City linite it to be refered to the Water Supt ,carried.- Remons trance recieved from Mrs I Cliffdrd -g ains t any improvements in front i[f her property on Burnett St.being made. Moved by McCowin. seconded by Dob,.) that the remoras trance be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- Finance cornmi ttee approved the follo,:vini-- bills; G 1IRrner, Eng Dept. 24.00 Joe Lenz �� 20.00 Loved by McCowin seconded by Iignsen that all bills 0.r.8d DY, R ''ire finance committee. allowed, -carried.- I Finn ce committer; given one week in which z)to settle matter of Loan St Sewer,controversy, Seattle Lighting Co filed petition asking for permission to lay gas wins on the followin streets ; i On Morris St;from 3rd,Ave ; to Walla Wallsa Avanue. On 4th Ave ;fro:n Smit, 'ers St, to Whithworth St. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the pee ti ton be granted. carried.- City arried.- Cityr Engineer filed varitten report as follaas ; The following; is the estimated amount of work completed on the con tract of Geo Banderet for the improvement of Main 3t.from Fourth Ave- south to city limits under ordinance No.295,crea'iting district No 52. Cleari.nu, and grubbing 80;ol of $300. 00 240.00 Bulkheard timber4550 lin ft.6 15cts. 682.50 Earth work 3700 ca.yds , �9 55 cts , 2035.00 - Total---------- 395-7. 50 Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin Caat the report of the Engineer be accepted and placed on file and that a warrant for 70% of to thio amount be drawn in favor of. contractor,Banderet,carried.- 2 Communication reci eved from the Denny Renton Clair & Coal Co askint_; thit the City draw up an agreement holding; said Company harmless from any damage .from construction or operation of pipe line that city desires to run across the said company' s property. Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that 'the City Attorney be instructed to draft an agreene nt as soon as possible, carried.- Ordinance No 314-confirming; the asses;srtent roll of district No.53 borad sidewalk on Foutth Avenue North from Main St, to Garden Av-t ue . read first time.-Moved by Swift seconded by Evans tl1at the Ordinance be refered to the ordinance: COTIMittee ,-carrid... Ordinance No 315-confirming the assessment roll of district No 54 board sidewalk on the east side of Main St.North from 3rd Ave-to 4th Avenue North,read first time.Moved by Evans seconded by IdcCowin that the ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee carried.- Ordinance No 308-approving and confirming assessment roll No 52 for the improvement of #ain St fron Fourt?, Avenue to city limits ,nassed to final reading.- Voved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec,l-be adopted as read ,carried. Vo,red by L crowin seconded by Hansen that Sec-2-be a#opted as read, carr ie d.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec-3-be adopted ad read,_ carrLed. ead,- carrded. Pdoved by Evans seconded by Dobson that Sec-4-be adopted a,; read, carried Moved by I:icCowin seconded by Evans that the ordibance be adopted as a wholt, as read ,-carri.ed.- k Ordinance No 307-approving; and confirmin , the asse:ss.ment roll of district No 43,.for the improvement of Fourth Avenue Et-al by grading gravelling and guttering passed to final reading.- Moved by McCovrin seconded by Evans that Sec, l-be a&op ted as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by ?;vans that Sc-c, 2-be adapted as read, carried.- Moved by vans seconded by McCowin that Sec, 3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCovrin seconded by Dobson that Sec, 4-be ad,)rted as read, ca,rriod. .. Moved by Svrif t seconded by Evans that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- ' i 3 Ordinance No.309-approving; and confirming assessment roll No 55,for the improvement of portion of the alley running; north and south through the center of Block 6 menton Farm Plat.by grade and gravell passed -to _final reading.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCozvi n that Sec, -1 be adopted as read, carried.- Now Moved by McCowin seconded by ?,vans that Sex, -'-be ad-.-)-)ted -as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by YcCowin that Sec,3-be adopted as read, carried.- coved by Evc-,ns seconded by Dobson that Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin secon(ied by Cake that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,ecarri cxi.- Ordina.nce No.206-approving and confirming th- asoessment roll for the improvement of portion of alley through Block 18 Renton Farm Piat by grade and gravel passed to final reading.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that aec ,l-be adopted as read,carried Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec, 2-be adopted as read, - carried. Moved by Dobson seconded by I.TcCowin that S®c ,3-be adopted as read, carried.- coved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Sec ,4-be adopted pis read,- ca;ried.- coved by McCowin seconded by Swift thIth the ordinance be adopted ala a whole- as read, -carried.- Ordinance ead, -carried.- Ordinance No.310-approving, and confirming the assessment roll for tte improvement of. Alley thorugh Black 5 Renton F ir.m Plat by ,rade and gravy. passed to final readin�.- Moved b,,r IicCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-1 be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by 19cCowin that Sec ,-2-be adopted as .read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec,3-be adopted as read,- carried.- Moved ead,- carried.-?loved by Mccowin seconded by Evans that Sec, 4-be adopt-AL as rear,- carried. - I< Moved by McCowan seconded by Dobson tInALt t};e ordinance be adopted as a whole as read.-carried - Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that tete Health Off icer be by the City Clerk notified/to meet with the Council next Tjtesday night Aug, 6th, 1912. Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that the ordinance commi tte confer with the Cit;; Attorney Thursday Aug ,lst relative to drafting a satififac tory sewer ordinance, carried. - Resolution No 122-A -providin; for the improvement of certain streets sou+'i of Walla Walla Avanuepassed to final reading. .':loved by Swift seconded by Cake that Sec 1-be adopted as rea.d, carri.ed Moved by LZ*ans gertnded by Swift that Sec, 2-be adopted as read, carried. Moved by Swif t seconded by Dobson that ,3)ec,3-be adopted as read,carried. Mo-,red by Swi*'t :seconded byHansen that Sec, 4-be adopted as reapcarried Moved by Ilan sen seconded by D bson that the resolution be laid on the table one week,-carried.- Resolution fixing date of hearing; on asmessment rolls 53 pr 54 passed '.nd approved.- There being no eutther business Moved by Cake seconded by Evans that C -unc it adj ourn.-carried. - 1%Y rC City Clerk. I I i MW E 5 Renton,Aug,6th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding; Roll Call.-Councilman Swift,Cake,Dobson ,Evaris ,Storey,!IcCowin,tiansen, Attorney,Fngineer ,"eaalth Officer ,and Clerk being; present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved, f L.. Protests recieved from property owners residing; in proposed .nprovemen t district lying south of Walla Walla Avenue and west of Main Street.Moved by McCbiwin seconded by Swift that the propests be recieved and ref^red to the Street & Alley Committee: to be investigated. carried. - Finance Commi ttee filed written report on the followin ; bills; Labor Water D•"pt. 154.36 City Seattle water 44. 50 422. 95 1enton Ind-`l'el Co 1. 50 Fuller Pub.Cb 5.10 0 K Transfer Co 8.00 Kenton Lumber Co 2.45 Mored by McCowin seconded by Storey tha t all bills 0 K' d by the M nance Cormnittee be allowed.-carried.- Ordinance Cor-znittee filed written report az follows ; We your committee on ##-### ordinance have examined sewer ordinance and recommend i to passage. Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the report of the Ordinance committee be accepted and that said ordinance be laid over one mo•e week -carried.- Finance Committee liven one more week on Logan St.sevier •matter Police Judge files written report for July Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that the Police Judge report be accepted and pl=iced on file,-carried.- Treasurer 'Tonkin filed written report f.o r the Month of July. lobed by McCowin seconded by Cake that the report of the `iireasurer be accepted and refered to the, Finance Committee ,-carried.­ boo City Clerk filet: written report for the Month of July, Moved by MIcCowin Peconded by Store that the report of the Clerk be Pecieved and placed on file ,-carried.- Ordinance ile ,-carried.- Ordinance providing; additional. duties forthe treater Supt,read first time.-Voved by Sf,rift seconded by Dobson that said ordinaae be i refered to the ordin�v ae cor7ni•ttee,-carried.- I Memorandum of Agreement filen by the Denny Renton Clay & i Coal Co relative to allowing; City of Renton to lay pipe lire across its property. Moved by Swif t seconded by Dobson that said memorandum of Agreement be ratified by this Council.- carried.-Ordinance No 314-confirming the assessment roll of Local improvement district No.53 passed to final reading.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec,l-be adopted an read. carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that %,ec-2-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by MOCowin that Sec ,3-be adopted as read,- carrded.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec, 4-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-cgxried.- Ordinance No.31.5-confirming local improvement district No.54 passed to f inal reading.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec ,l-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that Sec ,2-be adopted as read,- carried.- Moved ead,- carried.Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,3-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec, 4-1^e adopted as read. carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that the ordinance be adopted as a Yvhole as read,-carried. - Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that the Mayor use his discretion in the appointment of a Marshal to servd in the absence of Liarsha,l Edwards .-carried.- Queetion of sending Fire Chief to Loa Angles to convention of Fire Chiefs discussed; Moved by Stift seconded by Evans that the Attorney be instruc- ted to draft a Resolution appropriating the sum of $100.00 from the General Fund to defray the expenses of the Fire Chief to Los Angles. carried.- Resolution No.1.23-A for the improvement of Williams St,from Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue by p av ink; same with brick read first time. Moved by Evans seconded by Swif t thdt same be refered to ordinance comm- MITE 7 it6e ,-carried.- Resolution No.124 -A appropriatirr the sum of $100.00 to defray the expenses of the Fire Chief to Los Angl`es ,read first time. Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said resolution be refer ed to the ordinance committee , -carried.- Notice of Assessment given by Treasurer and published for improvement of alleys through Blocks 5-6-18-Renton Farm Plat . Notice of hearing on assessment rolls 52-43 set for the 20th day of Aug,1912 at 7.30 P.M. There being no further business Moved by Evans sem nded by Dobson that 'Council Ad#,ourn,-carried. . City Clerk. Renton,Aizg,13 th11912 City Council met in regular session Vrydr 2mithers presiding Roll Call.-Councilman Evans, lyift,Dobson ,iiansen,Attorney Engineer and Clerk being present.- Minuets of the la.s t regulTar session were read and approved. Applications for sewer connections for the following prop+ rty Lot I Block 32 S ,lst Add.',,9jr -i"aj or, owner,Lot 13 Block ,27 J .B'.Kendtner owner ,Lot 20 Block 2711 'iown Renton,E.A. Ahe!irer, owneyr,Lot 8-9 Block 34 2nd ,Add- F?G?Smithers, owner , Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson teat the sewer applications be granted, -car rigid.- Finan ce Committee filed written report recomending payment of the following billB; E.E.Puff sewer inspector 43.50 G.TvI.Conard 22. 50 Joe Reid 15.16 i Pettie Printery 13.00 R Bunstine 3.00 VI & L.E.Gurley 4.00 L'ovnan & H-iford 11.85 Moved by Hansen (seconded by Dobson thiLt all bills O.K' d by the finance committee be allowed. Street & Alle T Corrmi lXte filed written report as follows ; We ,your committee to whom was r.efered i.he remonstrance against the adoption of Resolution No .122-A,recomend that said resolution be laid of the to hle ,-#######Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen th:I L Lhe report'. w of the committee be recieved and placed on file and the recomand ttions I i in saem carried out.-carried.- Blank contract recieved from Dalton Adding; 14aehine Co Moved by Swift seconded by "vans L'Ait the clerk an:; mayor be author zed to sigh} said contract for repair & m-:.int=o&nance of City machine. carr ie d..- f Ordinance Rmending Section 2 of Ordinance No 276 providing; Iadditional duties for the St & eater Supt ,came up for final passage. I ' Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said ordinance be laid over dne f more week.-carried.- Ordinance relating to sewers !ind drainage of private premises cam up for final reading.-Moved by .Dobson seconded by Swift that said ordinance be laid over one more week.-carried.- Remolution qpropria 5ng the sum of $100'.00 to defray the expenses of the fire chief to Loa Angles .passed to final reading. � .3 XITE ]Moved by Evaris soc onded by Swift -that See l-be adopted as re-id, carried. Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift th4t ''ec,2-be adopted as rea,d, carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Sec,3-be adopted as rerid ,carried Moved by Swif t seconded by HtAnsen that the resolution be adapted as a whole. as read, "carried.- Resolution No 123-A providin for brick paving, on '-Villi=ams Street from 4th Avenue to . 5th,Avenue passed to final reading. Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec ,l-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans thAt Oec ,2-be adopted as read ,carried. Moved by Hansen k econded by Dobsob that; "ec tion 3 be adopted as re,td, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec ,4-be --tdopted as read, -carried Moved by Dobson seconded by "wif t that the resolution be adopted as a whold# as read, ocarvied. Resolution No 124-A fixing the date of hearing on District No 45. for lateral sewers read first time.Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee.-c!irried.- Treasurers no,ticb given on Dist,53 ,54, There being; no further businegr moved by Swif t sem nded by Hansen that Council adjourn.carried.- - City Clerk. i i } 10 Renton,Au,,, 20 th,1912 City Council met in regular session MV- or Smithers presiding Voll Call-Councilman Swift Dobson ,13toresJ,TAcCowin,Evans ,"ansen,�ttorney .Wnginner and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regul--.r session were reed and approved. Applications for sewer connections for the followintc property; Lot 1:�3-Block 22,"�att 'Grady owner ,Lot 14 ,Blo.ck 37 Mrs ,TA nranni ek,owner, Moved by McCowin setnded by Dobson that all sewer applications be granted, -carried. - Petitions reciev3d from the Seattle Li ;hting, Co , asking for permi�;sion to lay gas mains on following s Lreets ; 4" main from 3rd,ave-gives t to 4th ave-west, 411 main from 5th ave-west to ,Valla 71alla "ve-On .Beacon Blvd,2" main from Ceder �' t, to High St,On dhi tworth St,from 3rd, ave west to 4th ave-west. Moved by M-insen seconded by YlcCowin that petition-, of Seattle Lightinu Co be granted, -carried.- T+'inance Conn-ni tte?e filed following report; Labor , .. ".tree is & ;Vater Dept. 331.60 j'enton,Herald 23.55 J.3.Tiardie 3.10 P-S-T-L-&-P-Co 126.00 V1.S.Jones 5.F35 Moved by McCowin seconded by. Hansen th-it all bills 0 K' d by the finance committee be ordered pa9d,-ca,rried.- Conrnunica.tion reci eved from G.W.Mertens relative to s tree t crossing signs ,Moved by awif t seconded by levans that said communication be recieved and refered to the St .Oc Alley co=, ittee to report back next regul,ir meeting,-carried.- resolution No 124-A f ixinG date of Inearini; on local improve- ment district No 45,Shattuck Street Et-a,1 p.7insed to final reading Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec ,l be adopted is read, carried. - Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec,2 be adopted as read, ca,rrid Moved by Swift sem nded by "va.ns that the resolution be rvlopted as a whole as read,-c-1rried .- Notice of hearing; on said. assessment .roll seit for Sept 3rd, 1912 at 7 .30 P. Com. Resident of North Renton notifies council that open ditch running; from gar Works in overflowing, and needs cleanin. out. Loved by Swift secon?ed by Dobson that this matter be refired to the Street Supt,he to notify Car Works Co , to have said ditch cleaned out. carried.- 1 XITEj 11 iZesident of r1ii11 at owning; Lot 14 ,Block 7 asks council for permission to make road to his property.Moved. by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Pyr Dominick be allowed to fix street at his own expense under the supervision of the city .C�ngineer ,-carried .- Ifioved by McCowin seconded "by Swift that the question of water from Crys Lal Springs be refered to the city Enginee.r,'ric to investigate and report to the council whether it is ponsible to syphon water from said Sprints over hill ,- carried.-There being no further business Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that council adjourn, -carried.- City Clerk. 12 Ren tor.,Aug ,27 th,191? City Council mot in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding Roll Call, -Councilman Swift,Cake ,Evans ,rdfcCowin ,Storev,Iiansen,Attorne,i Engineer land Clerk being present. TAinue is of the last regal it sess ioAi were read and approved. Applicationd for sewer connection from property owners in new sewer district read.1doved by Cake seconded by Swift that said c,pplications be laid over until said sewer is complbted and accepted by the city.-carried.- Application for sewer connection Lot,3 Block 2 IUotor Line Aid- John Larkin ,owner ,Moved by IvicCowin scoo nded by Hansen that said applica tion be granted.-carried .- 14oved by McCowin seconded by Cake that matter of Logan St Newer be laid over and that committee report to council next mee:tin,T night,-carried.- Petition recieved from the Seattle Lighting Co,asking for permission to lay gis m=ains in followin,-; streets;. On Lo;r=in S t;4"mai n,f r om 3rd,ave-w. to 2nd, ave ,W. On grad, ave, ,ies t,4"mein,from Logan St.to 200' west. Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that petition of said Company be granted.-carried.- Finance committee filed written report on following bills ; 0.? .Conard, J2. 50 E.E.Duf.f 27.00 John Hancock 1.88 Joe Lenz 11.88 G. A.Har ner 23.25 P Dullahant 24.00 Denny Renton C & Coal Co 2.39 Renton Ildw,Co 20. 70 Moved by T.IcCowin seconded by Hansen that all bills 0.K' d by the Finance committee be ordered paid, -carried.- Street & Alley committee filed written report as follows ; Afe your committee on Streets & Alleys to whom was refered the m=uter of placing signs on Walla Walla "venae bet; leave to report as follows ; That we recomend that the warning signs , sketch submitted to street °c "lley committee ,be set at each crossing on 'alalla `,Valla Avenue so that thay can be seen from north and south. Moved by Swift seconded by fake that the report of the Street &r-^lley comani ttee be accepted and placed on fila and recomenda,tions in same ca:,rird out, -carried. - 1 X I T I13 Street & Allev committee filed written report recomending that street crossings be place on the followinE s tracts ; First Avenue North & bill St North;Plctkk crossing. Nor th side of iJeadow St and Fourth Avenue North,plank south Nide of Garden and Fourth Avenue North,plank First Avaue North Fac Pelly Avenue ,agheg . Pelly at First Avenue , ashes . First Avenue at Main St,North,ashes . Second Avenue & Pelly,ashes . Pelly and Third Avenue,ashes . Third Avenue and Main,ashes . Pelly and Fourth Avenue ,ashes. Fourth Andnue and Main St North,ashes. Also recomend the improvement of the following Alleys with ashes . Alley between Factory St, and Meadow SG,north side of the street. Alley betweeH felly and Main Street North, on Second Avenue North. Alley 'Third Avenue North,between dill St,North & Pelly. Alley Fourth"Avanue North, between Mill St & felly. Alley ,between felly & IAain,on Fourth Avenue, south side. Alley Well St, & Main St,on Fifth Avenue North. Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the report of the Street and Alley co: mi ttee be accepted and recomendations carried ,out.,-carried. 'in-ince Commi tee filed written report showing the estim�-tted `w amount of expenditures for the year 191:3, including deficit for year-,40'W' 191;2; Deficit 1912 5000.00 City Hall N:,intainence 2 .00 Fire Dept ,Equiprnent 1000.00 Street Maintainence 1800.00 Interest on Water bonds 'a -00 Garbage C llection 504-.00 Electric Light 14tiintainence 1800.00 Strcet Crossings 1000.00 Bridge Fund 5000.00 Day T&irshall 80.00 per month Nicht " _ 80.00 Special " 25.00 P15,ter Supt 80.00 City Clerk 75.00 City yreasurer 175.00 City Attorney 75.00 Police Judge 25.00 Health Officer 20.00 City Engineer 125.00 Janitor City Hull 10.00 8040. 00 dater System Maintainence 2500.00 29065.00 Reciepts Water Rentals 8000.00 Liquor I.icennes 5715.00 Annual Show License 100.00 Pound Fees 100. 00 Police Fines 100.00 Dog Tax 50.00 Amount necessary for Municipal purposes 10000.00 Amount necessary for deficit for 1912. 5000.00 X9065.00 Moved by C=ake seconded by Swift that the report of VAL 14 Finance committee be recived and pl=iced on file and same adopted and accepted for year 1913.Poll rote ,Storey yeas Lvans , ye 8 CIli<e yes IvIcCowin yen Hansen yes Swift yes carried unanwrously. City .Engincer filed written report on lateral sewer district as follows ; The folio dnfr is the estimated %mount of work completed on the contract of Erickson Bro' s for construction of lateral sewers district No.45 in the Smithers Additions. 1424.7 linen ft. 10" sewer (s64cts 911. 31 3653.3 " of 811 " "59c ts, 2155.45 61. 5 " " in vertical height of 23 mahholes t_--4 $10.00 615.00 To tal 3682.26 I would recomend the r,llowince of seventy per cent on this amount for work completed. Moved by Hansen :seconded by Swift that the report of the Engineer be accepted and recomendations in same carried out,-e:arried. Commuriica.tion rccievecl f .c,rr the KinL County Fair Association aski rnr city of Renton to de s ign,.tte a Ren tort .Day" at the f iir . Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the eoranunication be renieved and that the city Clerk notify the said Kind; County Fair Asso- cdLation that }?Renton will accept Friday Oept,13 ,1912 as "Renton Day"at s=tid fair.-carried.- Ordinance air.-carried.-turdinance No.316-providing:; for the pavine, of Williams Street frorn 4th, to 5th Avenue reed first time. Moved by Swift se-o nd8d by Evaris that said ordinance be refered Lo the Ordinance Committee, -carried.- Crd finance No 308-approving and confirming the assessment roll r-rnd assessment c;fid District No 52 read first time-14oved by Evans seconded by Swift that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee.carried. kirdinanc;e No. 307-approvinLt and confirming the assessment rand assessment roll .of district No 43,read firs., time,koved by S'wifL :seconded by Ev,ins3 J tyiat said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee ,-carried. - P'foved by Cake seconded by Swift that the City Clerk notify the City ,Attorney to draft ord.iriRnces covering salary of the City Engineer, Water Supt, tind City Treasurer for 1913.carried.- Eloved by "'wif. t secon:led by Evans that the Ci Ly Attorney be notified to draft a Resolution askinh County Commissior_crs to appropri- ate $4000.00 toward cost of new bridges in the City of Renton , carried. Moved to adjourn by Evans and Cake , �- 1 X AWE 15 Renton,Gept,3rd, 1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding Roll Call .- Councilman Swift, Cake ,Dobson ,Storey,McCowin.,Evans Hansen , Engineer and Clerk beingpre sent.- Minuets of the last rcgulrkr session were rErad and approved. E r' Finance Committee filed written report as follows ; Ci..Ly of Seattle For water 364 .80 P Lassoip Labor 6.25 T OLeary 19.68 Robt F'aull 2. 50 Chas Faull 2. 50 Geo Hancock 12. 50 P Dullari.a,nt 1. 50 Moved by McCowin seconded by H�iaen that, all bills 0 K' d by the F'inrtnce committee be ordered paid.-carried.- City Engineer Tvete filed written report as follows ; I herewith report the completion of the contract of Geo Ba-rder et for grading and Cravelling of Main Street from I+OUrth Avenue south to the coty limits under ordinance No.295 cre.a. ;.ing, local improvement district No 52. rind would recomend the acceptance of the same. the follirvinC is the final estimate on 9ai(i contract; Clearing and Grubbing; 300.00 5521.6 cu yds Grading Cs 55cts 3036.88 4550 lin ft cribbing timber leets 68 2.50 312 cu yds gravel :0, 9ncts 280.80 Extra 1 abor on ditches and culverts 62. 50 Lumber for culverts 8 .03 Fixed Estimate /97. 7S_ Printin - --- C Engineering 519,14 - ---- �'1,. 3 '-e n t a l Yoved by hcCowin seconded by Evans that tAe report of the :;nCineer be accepted and that his re come ndations for acceptance of s tic? job be carried our, -carried.- Communication recieved from the Kin;; County Fair Asso.•ciation stating that Friday Sept, 13th has been set aside for Renton Day at the F'air.Moved by 1.IcCowin seconded by Evans that the communicalLion be re- `.w cieved a,nd priced on file . carried.- OrdinRnce -amending; Section 3 of Ordinance No.276 relative to duties and salary of Street & Water Supt.read first time .Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that said ordinance be refered to the Ordinance co:mmi ttee.-carried.- Ordinance repe!+linE Sections 1-2-3-4-5 of Ordinance 11o.284 rel hive to duties rind salary of deputy ` eacurer and providing for salary of ` reasuror for 191?. read .first ti.me .tloved by Cake seconded 16 by Swift that said ordinance be refered back to the Attorney for correction.-carried.- Ordinance amending Section 2 "of Ordinance I';o.203 relative to salary of City Engineer reed firt time ,Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee, -carried.- Ordinance No.316-providing; for the improvement of Williams Street from Fourth Aventu to Fifth Avenue by grading paving; and curbing the same with brick passed to fin=al reading. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Section,]. be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,2-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin th'it Sec, 4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec,A be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Street Supt,be instructed to notify Norman Davis to repair sidewalk on Renton Avenue.- carried.- Moved venue.-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Seattle Traction Light& Power Co. to remove old light and power poles at once.carried.- By reason of Tbird Avenue being blocked to traffic by paving; contr-3ctor ,Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that matter of fixing Whitworth Street be refered to the St & Alley co-mittee and St,Supt. with power to act.-ca-ried.- Resolution asking; County Commissioners to appropriate a certain sum of money to assist in reconstructing bridges in the City of Renton,read first time.Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said Res- olution be refered to the ordinance committee,-varried.- 1 "there being no further business moved by Cake seconded by 1 Evans that council adjourn,-carries}.- • City Clerk. i�, � 17 I xenton,Sept,10th,1912 City Council met for regular session Mayor Smithers F # presiding. Roll call# councilman Storey,Rvans ,19cCo:vin, and Clerk being present. There not being a quorum present it was Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that council adjourn until next Tuesday, 7.30 P.1-T. carried.- City Clerk ,k 18 , ikenton ,Sep t,lTth 1912 City Council .met in regul.xr session Mayor Smithers Presiding,-Roll Call ,-councilman Swift,C=eke ,.2vans ,Me`'owin,3torey,Han sen,Attorney Engin- eer and Clerk beim present. Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that the minuets of the adjourned session of Sept,10th,1912 be approved,-carried.- M nuets of session of Sept,3rd,were read and approved. Application for sewer connection for the following property; Lot, 10 Block 21,D.H.Jones ,owner ,Lot,3 Block 12"D.H.Jones ,owner,Lot, 7 Block 21 D.H.Jones ,ownexr ,Lot 1.0 Block 23,D.H.Jones owner ,Town of Penton. water .Zrickson Bro' s/connection for four Flush 'Tanks ,sewer systern. Lot 5 Block 6 Ren6on Farm P1-.t,J.J.Bei.d, owner,Dairy Farm of B Cugini ,North ` enton,I"oved by Swift seconded by Evans th=at all sewer pettitiond in old district also all water petitions be granted.-carried.- Property owners in Block 19 Benton Farm Plat make verbal petition to the council for permission to gravel .alley in said block without going to the expense of advertizing said work.14oved by Catce seconded by Swift that property owners in said block 19 be allowed to fix alley under the supervision of the city Enf:ineer,-carried.- 'Petition recieved from property owners in Block 28 Town of Renton settin ; forth fact that a nuscia,nce was being maintained on Lot 1 Block 28 which is a manance to health,"Moved by Cakes seconded by MbCowin that said petition be recieved and p1riced on file,-carried.- Petition ile,-carried.-Petition recieved from the Seattle Li 'rt tin;; Co,asking; for Permission to lay gas n7'ins in the following; streets ; On Second Avenue Last ;r.4'main,from ?gain St to Mill St. On Elill St;6" Ma,in,fro-n 2nd Ave ;east to 3rd,Ave ,-41. On Iffel.l St;4" u2ain fron 5th Ave ,ll to 6th Ave ,E.Moved by Evans secon:Ied By McCowin that the petitions be granted,-carried. - Ordinance Committee filed written report as follows ; 'Me your cornittoo on ordinances have examined the salary ordinances and would rdcomend that the salary of the City Treasurer be .175.00 per month, Street Supt,0'f10.00 per month,City Engineer $125.00 ner monti'l commencing; Jan, lst 1913.]Aoved by Swift seconded by Evans that the report of the ordinance committee be recieved and placed on file.-carried.- Finance committee filed written report re come nding payment of the f ollowin�: bills ; v.A.Ilarner Eng,labor 23.63 A A Dickenson Labor 17.19 1 XI(FE 19 Geo Renton Labor. 2• b0 G .r .Conard inspector 40.00 i'`enton Tel Co 1. 50 PS TL & PCo 131 . 50 Kenton Tel-Co .45 0 IT Cochran 1. 50 Moved by McCowin seconded by Ii;a,nsen that all bills 0 Kp5d bg the finance corQni ttee be allowed.-carried.- r... health Officer Dixon filed written report as follows ; I wish to report that I have inspected Lot.l Block 28 , Town Of. Rentort and find tht premises to be clean and in my opinion in a sanitary condition as far as it is possible to keep a barn so , Moved by McCowin seconded, ny Hansen that the report of the Health Officer be recieved and placed on file ,-carried-. City Engineer. filed written report as follows ; I have t report the completion of work on contract of Erickson Bro' s for construction of lateral sevrer under local improvement district No.45 and would recomend acceptance of The following is the final estimate for said contract. 1445.7 Lineal ft. 10" newer 4 64c is 925.25 3740.8 " to toL59cts 2207 .07 r.. 190.0 �� n 4" a (,ZOc is 57.00 4 Flush Tanks 6 $70.50 each 282.00 64.26 Lineal f t, in vertical heif ht.24 manholes Cti $10.00 642.60 Axtra fill over 811 pipe 16. 50 IIa.ulirit pipe from brick yard 4.25 1. 4/8 Y $1.25 6-4/10 Ys 10.80 12.00 : Cutting in. 4/10 Y 2.00 Dij-;ging three ditches , aba.ndoned (no pipe laid) 3.00 Fixed Es tiina to Printi.n" "115.00 Inspection 72.00 Engineering 157 .15 244.15 _ Total 4395. '2— Moved Moved by McCowin seconded by H-inson that the report of the Engineer on sewer contract be accepted and placed on file,-carried.- Moved by Ev.%ns seconded by McCowin th=tt the contract of Erickson Bro' s .for construction of sewer be accepted,according to the report of the City Engineer ,-carried.- Treasurer 'Tonkin filed written report for the month of August showin;; reciepts and disburements for said month. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report of the 'Treasurer be accepted and refered to the Finance comi ttee-carried.- Police Jude filed written report .for the month of August,1912 Moved by Coke secD nded by Swi.f t that the report of tTie Police; Judge: be recieved and placed on f ile,-carried.- Ci ty Clerk filed written report for Lhe month of August t 20 showing; disburements from Lhe various funds . Moved by Cake seconded by Evans Ltiiat i:lie report of the Clerk be recieved and. refered to the Finance Committee, -carried.- ORDIN1edCE NO 318-confirming the assessment an(l assessment roll of district No 45, f'or the improvement of Shattuck St.Bt-al by lateral sewers ,re'td first time,- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the ordinance be refered to the ordinance commi ttee,-carried.- ORDINA110E 110 307-confirming; the assessment and assessmenr roll of district No 43 ,Fourth Avenue Et-a,1 by grading gravelling and g uttr,ring, ,read first time ,Moved by Evans seconded by 11'cCowin that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee ,-carried.- ORDINANCE NO 303-confirming the assessment and assessment roll of district No 52,fdr the improvement of Main St,.from Fourth Avenue to the city limits , sout1h ,by grade and gra,vel ,rerad first time ,.4ioved by Swift seconded by Evans that said ordinance be. refered Lo the ordinance committee, -carried.- ORDINANCE NO 319-providint; for salary of 1*)75.00 per month for the Treasurer for 1913 ,rdad first time.Moved by Tva.ns seconded by McCowin that said ordinance be refered to Lhe ordinance committee, -carried.- ORD3l1A110E NO 320-providing, for salary of $125.00 per month .for the City Engineer for 1913 ,paededitoLfi:inaA.I ,reading, Moved by Cake seconded by Swift th=it Sec ,l be adopted as read,-carried. Woved by Swift se conned by Evans that Sec, 2-be adoptd as read,-carried. Moved by Swift seconded by IMcCowin that the ordinance be adopted as a Whole as read,-carried. ORDINANCE 110 321-providing for s 31=ary of the 6 tree t 'dater Supt for 1913,vassed to final re:adinf�. - Moved by C%Ice seoonded by Swift that Sec, l-be -ad )pted as rea.d, ocarried. Movee by Evans Seconded by TAccowin that Sec, 2-be adopted as read,-carrie Moved by Evans seconded by Hensen that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read, -carried.- 0IIDIN.L4CE N0 322-repealing; sections 1-2-3-4-5 of ordinance No 2f_;4 pertaining to the office of Deput.�r Treasurer passed to final reading , Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Scc ,1-be .adopted as read ,car~ied Loved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec, 2-be adopted as re-ad,carried. Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that ti-ie regular order of business be XWE 21 Suspended to here from Mr Houser,relati-ire to disposing of gr=avel from Commercial date -.rway District No 2. 11oved, by Swift seconded by Cake that vie, City Clerk be ordered to adver tine for bids for the gradin; gravelling and guttering of ser tains s greets as outlined in Mrd nanee No.293 resolution No 107-A Ordinance pertaining to sewer connection to be taken up# by the Ordinance committee for consideration. RESOLUTION NO 125-A-asking County Commissioners to appropriate $4000.00 to assist in reconstructing bridges in tyle City of Renton,passed to final reading. Moved by EvanFz seconded by Swift that See, l >e adopted as read ,-carried. I;oired by Swift seconded by YcCowin that Sec 2,be adopted as read ,carried Loved by 1 cCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec,3-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved by I.TcCowi.n seconded by Hansen that the :Resolution be adopted ras a whole as read ,-carried.- Moved by Swift s e co*tied by McCowin that the Attorney draf t a resolution to Congressman Huipphreys askirnf him to use his influence 6w to E;at a free mail delivery in the City of Lenton. carried,- !loved by Swift seconded by McCowin that the City Clerk be instructed to notify N Davis to 'repair side,%alk on Renton Avenue, carried.- Sept 10 being date set for hearing protests on Williams "'t paving and there being no meeting same was adjourned to Sept 17th, I hereby report that I recieved no protests against said paving,A.W.`d"•ick nor ,city clerk.first publication of notice to contractors on Wil.ldLams St paving "ept,20th.1912 There being no further business Moved by Cake seconded by .Evans that council adj ourn. carried.- c%ric-ef'Y city Clerk. i i 22 Ren to n,Sept,24th,1912 City Council met in regulir session LTayor Smithers presiding. Roll Call.-Councilm-i,n :iwift,jio,nscri ,Dobson ,PtcCowin ,Evans ,Attorne�r Engineer -ind. Clerk being present.- Ul'inue is of the lest regul=ir session were read and approved. Petition from C.H.J. Stoltenberg for Prater on S.W. j of S.E. Sec930 Tp- : 3.R.5 recieved ,Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the said petition be refusedd and clerk be '. inttructed to notify owner of said property to that effect.-carr. ied.- Claims & "ccounts Committee filed written report on having; e ermined gnd recomending payment of t►ie followiq� bills .- G ilarn_er 1-tbor En .Dep L. 11.63 E A L3icken,sen 7. 50 G 11A Coila.rd inspec for 54. 50 P.O .Box rent . 45 lee ter Dullahant 36.00 14e If-tncock 28 .75 Robt Fa,ull 12.50 John Sullivan 12. 50 Tin 0 Leary 38 .12 'Watkin Evans 15.00 P Lassoi.e 30.62 M Cooper 10.00 Robt Bowren 12.50 A Adams 11.tib Hentor Herald_ 11. 75 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hasen that all bills O.K' d by the 2inar;ce Committee be allowed .-carried.- City Engineer 'ive to filed wri ttenrepr rt as follows ; The follon�ninC, its yhe estimate of work completed on contract of Chas Campbell for Zra,d.irig and gravelling of Fourth Avenue Pt-ql under Ord-inance 2Jo .288 Improvement Dist,No .43 Clearing and Grubbing; 100.00 600 Cu Yds u-rHding 6, 60cts 360.00 1400 Cu Yds G avel C� 95cts 1330.00 40000 F.B.M.. Lumber C. 17 .00 680.00 o ta,l 24TO—.OO AP; per Contract I would rccofnend the allowance of 70° on the above total . C .0 .T ve to City Eng. Moved by SIvif t seconded by IIcCowin that the report of the Engineer be accepted and pl-tced on file :ind the 70 be allowed.- carriod.- X W E 23 (Jrdinance prohibiting; the use and maintainence of outside toilets read .first time.hToved by Swift Qeconded by Evans that said Ordinance be refered to the ordinance commi ttee, -carried.- ORI)HU2TCE 240 319-providing, for salary of the City Treasurer for the year 1913 passed to final reading,.- Moved by Swift seconded by -Evans that Sec, 1-be adopted as read ,carried .- Roved by ryvans seconded by McCowin that Sec,2-be adr,pted as read, carried Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,?)-i,e adopted as read, carried Idaved by McCowin seconded by H,--,nsen that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read, -c.arried.- ORDIYANCE NO 'A08-Approvin- and confirming, the assessment and assessment roll of District No 52.rassed to final reading,. • Moved by !:,cCowin seconded by Swif t t) -,. t Sec , 1-be ad6pted as read, carried.- Moved by .Evans seconded by Dobson that Sec,2-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by 2AcCowin seconded by Jansen that Sec ,3-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved arried.-Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec ,4-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Iiinsen that the ordinance be adopted as a Bole as reed,-carried.- OI?DITd.)6TdCE NO 318-t►pproving and confirming; the assessment and a,;sessrnent roll of District No.45-passed to final rea.din-.- Moved by McCowin secc,nded by Evans that Sec, l-))e adopted as reed , carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec , -be �,.dopted as read , carri cd .- Moved by Dobson :seconded by McCowin that Sec ,3-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved oved by Swif t seconded by Evans ttilat Sec, 4-be adop tcd as read , cirri ed.- Moved by Dobson :seconded by 2.TcCowin that Sec ,S-be adopted as read carried.- Moved arried.-Moved by 2.rcOowin seconded by Hansen that,. the ordinance be adop6ed. as a vihole as rea.d ,-carried.- ORDT',ANCR 110 -'07-c,)rfiz,7ning, roll of Dist Ido 43 lain over. 24 Applmc,ations for sewer connections from following property; Lot 18 Block 1 Smi thers is t Arid-Erickson I3ro' s,Ager3 is , C & P S Ry Depot Erickson Bro' s,tIgenLs ,Lot 15,Block 34 , Smithnre 2nd Add-J .&'3edaleck , owrer ,Lot 19 ,Block 33 ,J .R.Dobson , owner,l.toved by AicCowin seconded by Ev,.ns that sewer connections in Dis t,45 be granted, -carried.- Question of vacation of Dora St,Burne tt St came up for discussion; In behalf of the U-M-',;V-A,E .A.Dickenson asks `-'ie City Council to have said streets surveyed. City Attorney Houser submitted written report .on question of Vacation of ;said Streets ; Loved by IicCowin seconded by S�srift that the City I;ng ineer I?e instructed to run linen of said streets and also block out the Wals- worth `addition.-carried.- ^,uestion of S-R &• ,S Ry Co planking transfer track at 3rd,Avernue and Burnett St discussed.- 1.-,oved by 14cCowin seconded by Dobson that the S R & 3 Ry Co be notified to pave rr%id transfer track.carried.- Idloved by 1.Ic'owin Heconded by Dobson tti�at the N.v.Ry Co be notified by the Clerk to pave their track at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Burnett Street. carried.- Proved by Swift seconded by Evans that that the council sus- pent tlrl- rIAles and hear from Fires Chief Jos good rel-i,tive to his trip to Los Anoles to the Fire Cliiesfs Convention.-carried.- There being; no further business moved by Evans seconded by H;,nsen that council adjourn.-carried.- City Clerk. XIIFF 25 Penton,Oct, lsa t, 1�?1;' City C,?uncil met in regular session, in absence of Ioa.yor Smi thers3 it was moved by Swift seconded by Evang that Co-,L�nci In-in Cale act as Mavor pro-tem.Carrie.d. ]VInuc►,ts of the last regular scssiogr were read and approved. Petition recieved from property owners on Burnett "treet and Sixth Avenue asking council to take necessary action to install a light at the corner of say d S treets.Yoved by Swif tseconded by ansen that said petition be refored to the light Committee .- Finance ommittee .-Finance Commttee filed written report recomending payment of the followinL; bills ; menton Iid' ty Co . 7.10 .�Im Kane 5.90 Ci tv of S)eattle Water 160.20 D-P-C-&-C-Co 1. 58 Priebe Pro' s 7 .00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hareen uhtt all bills O.K. ' d by 'lie finance con,mi ttee be allowed. Engineer `i'vete reports verbally that he has blocked out otreeb in ;;he Walsworth "dd-as poo instructions .Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that said report be accepted. carried.- Communicration recieved from A.1+..P,�risih,"sse.,saor of KinE CouriLy ,`i.vas liington, as follows ; I hereby certify and return that the a:3BOssed va.l.uat;on of all the property situate within the boundary of the Town of Penton King County.-Washin ;ton, ass equalized rtn(I fixed by the County =end State Board of Equalization for Lhe ,year 1912, 1- as follvws ; Real . Person a1 ioLal 933,078 2030907 1 ,1.360985 T;'oved by Swift seconded by McCowin that the Communication be recieved and placed on fila .-carried.- Communication. recieved from 3eattle,lienton & S uthe..r Ry Co . relative to pavino, of transfer track connecting s.a,id Ry,wi th the N.P. Ivsoved by I'vanm seconded by McCowin that th(- same be recieved: and pla.cect on file.-carried.- ORD IP1A1ICr N0, '323-prohibiting the maintainence or use of outside toilets within one block of a jbublic sewer,p-Lss=sed to final reading . r Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that Sec, l-be adopted as read. carried. Moved by YbCowin seconded by Evans that Sec, 2-be adopted as read. 26 carri,id .- A„oved by Evans, seconded by Swift that Sec ,3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by fcuowin seconded by Swift that the ordinance be acsop ted as a whole as read, -carricd.- Bid recieved from C.R.CRmpbell for the pa,vin of %%illi;ems :itreet from Fourth Ave-to Fifth Avenue .Brime as follows ; Fixed Estimate 100.00 Clearing & Grubbinf 50.00 250 Cu yds Grading 6 65cts 162.50 1700 sq yde p%vi ng � 11 .65 2805.00 1000 Lin ft concrete curb C�35cts 350.00 500 Lin ft 4” drain tile (G 100 is . 50.00 300 Lin ft,F," :storm sewer 35cts 105.00 1 Ca,tcli basin 35.00 1 Inlet & Connection 7 .50 32 Lin ft wood stop 20cts 6.40 1 MR nhole a.dj`usted 2. 50— l0 talf7. .90 Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that the bid of. C .R. Campbell for the pavin of Williams Street# be acce=pted .Off Poll V&v--swif t, -aye ,#i insen, aye, McCowin, riye ,Storey, aye ,Evans, c,ye , Carried unanamously- moved by McCowin .seconded by Storey that the City Trerisurer be instructed to notify property ovine, s when installments are due on any and all. assessments. carried.- Question or Crystal Spring water system discussed-'Tater `'upt, pity Lngineer,and Oouncilman C-ike to inlrestigate . Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that C .R.Cvripbell a.nd Street & Aller Committee meet and settle matter of replacirg of sidewalk on Renton Airenue.-carried .- Treasurer to give notice of assessment due , or. 'Dist, ,No52-45 There be ink* no further business moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Council adjourn .-carried.- City Clerk. l X IWE 27 Ren Lon,Oct,,? Lh,1912 City Council met in :special .yesaion as a Board -of Equalization for they purpose; of hearing protests or object_ ons ;ainst }the estimate setting; forth the amount of expendiLur^s for 1913 inclu- ding the defici L for 1912. There beinf�, no objections filed against the said es timate , i t was moved and seanded tha L there shall be and hereby is levied ar_ai nst all of the real and personal estate within �.i-e boundaries of the Cit: of Ren ton ,Washington the sum of Fifteen Thousand (4$15000.00)Dollars . There being no further business council adjourned. City Clerk. a 28 Renta# Oc t,8 th,1912 City C.uncil met in regular session JAVor Smithers presiding Poll Call,-Councilman Fvans,Swif t,Dobeon,Iiansen#!,.Icuowin ,Caltie, Attorne.y,Engineer ind Clerk being present. Iainuets of the last session were read -inti approved. Petition for sewer connections from the followinLx property; Lot 22 Block 33,I) Bardinson, owner,Lotll.Block 28 ,.reter Jorgensen, owncr ,Lot 7 Block 1 Smithers 5th `kid-Denj `1'ic',cnor, owner,ldoved by H-�Lnsen seconded by McCowin thr-' t said applications for sewer be gr-rnted. carried.- Petition recieved from the P-S-'1'-L-k--P-Co asking to be allo,:7ed to use poles owned by the City of Renton, on Williamw St, between 2nd,Avenue and Cedar River,for the purpose of stringing mires to serve houses in the viainity with electric ligIt. gloved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that said petition be refered to the Light Committee.- carried.-Finance commi t tee f iled wri tten report recomending payment of the follimoin g bills ; G.M. .Conard 38 .00 Labor SLreets & '1--iter Dept. 196.00 Postige 2. 00 P.S.T.L.&.P.Co 131.50 Ken tor,, TP1 Co 1. 50 Moved by McCovrin sem nded by 11,insen that -.11 bills 0 K' d by the Finance committee be allovied ,-car.ried.- Fire Light & -Water Cornni ttee filed written report as follows ; On the petition of the property owners on Gtn Avenue and Burnett St for street lii;ht,we recomend that the same be installed.- Lloved by VcCowin seconded by r,vans that the report of the committee be recie:ved and placed on file and reeomendations carr. i ed out.-carried.- City Lngincer Tvete filed written report as follows ; Tb.e followtn; is they estim--.te of work completed to date on contrast of C,R,C-rnPbell for tb?P improvement of `r:-iird Avenue dept by grading, carbinl, and p-,vin g same under local im-porvement district No 57 . 1 would recomeyll the allowance of 70% of this -mount as per contract; V:�timate ; Clearing & Grubbing 50.00 650 Cu yds gradino U 50cts 32b.00 2700 Sq yds pavi nt; L ? 1. 65 4455.00 1000 Lin ft plain curb, concr. e to t 30c is 300.00 X WEj 29 240 Lin ft armoured concreto curb (,y 60 cts 144.00 4 Monument cases 6 5.50 22.00 to ta,l 5296.00 Iutoved by Swift seconded by YcCowin L.ia L the report of the Engineer be accepted and plriced on file and ;he 70;% allowed. carried.- City Clerk filed written report for the month of Sept. Moved by Cake seconded by IJIc`'owin that the said report be accepted and refered to the Finance Cormni ttee ,-gaVried.- City Treasurer filed wri (.ten report for tre mbntb of Sep L. Moved by Mc"owin seconded by Dobson th=at the report of the `Ireas- be accepted and refered to ,ale I'' n.-trice committee, - carried.-..Judges report for the month of alp L.read, there being slight error in same it wris refered back to the Judge for co !-rection. Communication recieved from I Sartori offering; to the City of Renton as a gift, two lots as site for C-irnegie public library. Loved by Cake sc¢nded by Dobson that the communication be refered co the Town Property Committee, -carried .- Cormnunication recieved from the eatele Car &c Foundary Co. protestigg plat t,,) be filed by I Sartori . 14oved by I:icCowin scconded by Swift that the communication be recieved and placed on file.-carried.- Communication recieved from the Yrtvor of `aJalla, Walla exte i- din„ an invitation to tulle Mayor of Renton to attend the convention of the League of Pacific Northwest Municipalities, Lo be held u c t 024th & 25th, 1912. Moved by Sw'_ft secon ed by Dobson that Lhe communicate on be recieved and, placed on file and that the Mayor of Lenton attend said convention at his own expense►,-carridd" .- Resolution No 126-a-determining; Lhe: amount of taxes to be levied upon the carrent assessment roll for the City of Renton ,for the ensueing year.read by sections as .follows ; Moved by 0- wif t seconded by 1%vans that Sect 1-be adopted as read, c-irried.- 'I"Oved by IicCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec, 2-bre adopted as read, carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Cake that Sec ,3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moves. by Cake sere nded by I.ZcCowin that the resolution be a.doptcd �. as a whole as reid. -ca.rrifd.-un.in=srnoui%lLv. �30 Proved by Cake s ecomied by JTcCowin that the City Clerk be instractcd to notf v R.':Jood. 'o fix sidew:ilk in Eras of store buildir� on Vain Ot. carricd.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift ttiiat the City Clerk be instr- ucted to notify TI.Wood an(Z 11,1and to build sidewalk in fron of theil( property on the west side of Main St, carried.- Moved by JAcCowi n seconded by Dobson that the Cit-,), Clerk write letter to Lhe- Attorney' of the Davis EstaLe relative to having sidewalk built in frontof said property.cgrried.- There being no further business moved by Cake seconded by G)wi.f L t1-m t Council adjourn, -c,-Lrried.- City Clerk. XkFF' 31 Ren ton,Oct ,15th91912 City Council met in regular session and in absence of Mayor Smithey$ Loved by Fvzr;:; seconded by Dobson that Councilman M.F, Swift act as Mayor pro-tem.-carried.- I'.oll Call.-Councilman Swif ti,Iia.nsen,Evan-,,Hobson ,I.TcCowin, r.. Store,y,h'rgineer , and Clerk being present. M,inuetis of Lhe las L regular session were read and approved. Petition recieved from rarties desiring; to operate a portable skating rink in the City,Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that said petition be refered to the License Committee ,- carricd. Petition recieved from property owners along; west Nide of Burnett St between 2nd & 1st Avenue asking; that a street light be installed near intersection of lst Ave-& Burndtot St.Moved by Me- Cowin that said petition be refered to the Fire Light -& 'Water Committee, -carried.- Claims & Accounts Committee filed written relbort as follows ; R Wood 1.2.5 G Harner 19 .13 E Dickenson 10. 94 r.. Renton Myd ,Co 16. 94 O.K.LIvery 5.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Manson that all bills 0 K' d by the Finance COTrmi ttee be alln sued ; c=arried. City Marshall Edwards asks council for bedding and stove for j =zil.Move►d by Evans seconded by Hansen that Md irshall Edwards be allowed to purchase sa.me. carrried. Question of Public. Scales discussed; Moved by Dobson seconded by .Evans that matter of public scales be refered to thn Town 19ropert,T Committee they to report back to council. at the next regular mee ting,. carried.. Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that the City Clerk be instructed to notify ti-iePuget Sound Electric 139r,Co to put in at'(! maintain electric lights on MainSs t as per fr=anchise. carried. There being; no further business moved by Evans seconded by H5amsen that council adjourn.-carried.- City Clerk. 32 Renton,Oct,22nd ,1912 City Council met, in regular session Mayan Smithers presiding. Roll Call.-Councilman Swift,(%ake ,Evans ,l.iccotvin ,iiansen ,Lngineer ,Attorney and Clerk being present.- Minuets of the last regular gessioffi were read and approved. retition recieved from the (J .M.W.A. askin€; council for a permission tQ erect a temporary building on or near the ease enol of 7th Avenue near the intersection of Burnett St,Soutli. Moved by ToTcCowi.n seconded by Evans that the petition be refered to tie St.& Alley committee with power to act. carried.- Police & License Committee filed written report as follows ; We recommend that the petition of `1'ruccanno & Walters to oro-rate a portable skating rink in the City of Renton,be rejected.11oved by Swift, seconded by McCowin Mat the report of the committee be accepted and placed on file ,-carried.- Claims & Accounts Committee filed written re?-rrt as follows ; Pettie Printery 5.25 McPherson Bro' s 3. 00 14oved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that all bills O.K. by the Claims & Accounts Committee be allowed.-carried.- Street & Alley Committee filed written report as follows ; We recomend that the petition of the property holders for a street light at the intersection of Burnett St.with the south line of Lot 7 ?dock 4 Motor Line Add-to the City of Menton be granted.- 1,Toved by Cake seconded. by Evans that the report of �:Le Street & Alley Committee be accepted ;,nd thg! re come ndations in said report be carried out,-carried.- City Engineer Tve to filed written reprt ass follows ; I have to report the the completion of work on contractof C R.C�impbell nor improvement of Third Avenue :`Jest from Burnett St, to 1.,Torris Stas provided for under ordinance No.302 creating Local Improvement Dist. No. 57 and would recomend acceptance of same . Clearint; ec Grubbiyurr 50.00 660 Cu Yds Grading 450cts 330.00 2750 Sq yds Brick P%ving c 11 .65 4537.50 1027 Lin Ft.Pl�in Curb <r'30cts 308 .10 240 Lin Ft, Armoured " c' 60cts 144 .00 4 monument cases u $5.50 22.00 278 lin f t.wood stops a 18 cts 50.04 307 Lin l't termp-headers Cy 06c is 18 .42 Extra for sidewalk exteinsions 24.07 Fixed Estimate Printin„ & Clerical Work 30.00 Engineering- & Ing-nec tion _221.82 5735.4x5 1? 33 Moved by 13wif t seconded by Cake that the report of the Engineer be recieved and pl.a,ced on file and that the job be accepted according to the Engineers report.-carried.- Communication recieved from City Clerk at Kent,givinL�; information about public scales at said. City.T'vioved by Evans seconded by McCowin th-at the communication be recieved and placed on file.- carried.- Communication ile.- carried.- Communication recieved from tr.(-, Public Srvi ce Commission Moved by McCowin recon;led by Swif t tl).at said communication be recieved and placed on file.-carrled.p Communication recieved from the P.; .R,.R,y .relative to light %ns street F�rade on EZain St. Moved by Swif t seconded by Evans tha,t said communication be recieved and placed on file .-carried .- Communication and resolution recieved from tide Renton Commercial Club" advi_sin, the acceptance or the offer made by I Sartori of a Library Site. Yov(;(l by IricCowin seconded by Swift that the c ommunication and resolution be accepted and. placed on file a,, d that this :natter be taken up by the Town Prop"r ty Corrnni ttee, -carried.- Ordiance to prevent making of flying switches by locomotives motors Ec t read first time .Moved by 13wif: seconded by i+'Ivars Via t, said ordinance be refered to ordinance co rni ttee, -carried - Purchase of Public Scales reported nn by `i"ovrr Pr )x)ert•,r Commi t tee ; I.Toved by Swift seconded by Cake that the Purchasing Agent be instructed to purchase a ten (10) ton F,-iirbanks Scales ind have same installed.-ca,rried.- Committee on Crystal Springs reports verbally; Engineer Tvete .reports that kink in iron pipe i:i cause of trouble, Councilman f Cake offers to have same fixed if it is satisfactory to r.w t1he council,14oved blr Evans seconded b�7 Ii•arisen that we accept Council- man Cakes offer to fix pipe. carri,�d.- Resolution ##*# No.127-A fixing date of hearing on Local Imp-Dist No. 57-58 for November 12th, 1912 read first timer . Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that same be refered to the brdinance committee- , carried.- Moved by YcCo to seconded by Cake that the S T-`1'-L-&-P-Co 34 be no by the Clerk to clean up refuse on sidewalk at 'Jalla Walla & I'Aill "'t. carried.- Movrd bill' TIcCotivin seconded by Cake that the C.?c P S ??y be notified to keep the 'good Spur also tr=ansfer track to S-R-,%-S-Ttv clear of empty cars allowed to stand on street crossings . ca.rried.- There being; no .further business moved by 77a,ce gee )nded by Swift that council adjourn,-carried .- City Clerk3' XI(FP4j 35 Renton,Oct29th,1912 City Council met in regul.sar session Mayor Srnithers presiding. 'loll Call.-Councilman Cake ,Swift,Exans ,McCowin ,Storey,iia,nson , Engineer ,and Clerk being, pregenL.- Minues of the last rei;ular session were read -•incl approved. .Ve tition recieved from the Seattle. Lightin- Co askin x for permiss- ion to lay gas mains in following streets ; On Logan St;4" ma,in, from .0rid ave-to '.robin ' L. On 'Tobin Ave-4" main,from Lown pit, to a point 600' west. On 11.1ain 5t;6" main fron 4th to 5th Ave . On ''Will.ia,-ns St;4" main,frorn 5th to 6th Ave , Moved by ?ucCowin seconded by Lvans tAstt said petitions be granted carried ,- Ordinance Cornmittee filed written report as follows ; de ,your committee on ordinances have ermined ordinance prohibiting flying switches acrnss the :streets & alleys within the city limits and would recornend its passage. Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the repott of the ordinance committee, ve recieved and recomendations in same carried out,-carried. - Claims & Accounts Co-mmittee .filed written report on havinx, examinddjj ani recomendini; payment of the following bills ; Labor ,S t,ec Water Dept. 274. 50 N.P.Livery Gtab1,� , cold 5. 50 71m K�tne 16.55 G Earner 7. 510 E -Dickinson 5.00 ;coved by Ii-tn.gen seconded by Cake th ir, all bills 0 Kid by the finance committee bea-t1lowed.-carried.- •Special Committee reports verbally that Crystal Springs pipe line has been repaired.1hoved that same be accepted ,-carried.- Communication recieved from t}le C fie P S Ry Co regarding boy injured by train.also advisability of keeping; people off of rock car: in future to prevent repetition of accident. 11�ove±d by Evans seconded by atoer_y that the communication be reciA- ved and p3aced on fi le , a,nd that the Clerk be instr,xcted to notify the Company tb!at they city will co-operate with ttiiem to try and stop practice . carried.- Communication recived relative to unsightly condition around public fountain,brought up question of ownership of property,14ayor amithers agreein,; to give qui t claim deed to s!une , 36 Moved by McCowin sec.-)ncled by Storey that Attorney prepare Quit Claim deed to .said pr,operty.-ca•,-ried.- Moved by YcCowin seconded by Cake that the City Engineer draft plans and specifications for a confort station on said nvvperty also to give approximate cost of sane. carried.- liloved by Crtke seconded by Evans that t}te Town Property Committee advise with the Engineer in regard to comfort station.-carrifyd.- Comrnunicat7nn recieved from C Pc P 8 ii y acknoTvle�,:� i.18 reciept of lettor regarding blocking~ of s Lreet crossings . 14oved by T.TcCowin seeon led by iia,nsen that the communication be recieved and placed on file , -carried.- Communication recieved from the I3oard of County Commissioars, stati.nr; that the.-Ir had appropriated $4000.00 from the Road & Bridle Fund towards thn reconstruction of. the Williams ' treet and Mill St. brid =es . Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that the communication be recie- ved %nd pl.ace(l on file and that the Clerk acknowledge reciept of same . carried.- 'Mayor Smit vers reports verbally on havirg investigated matter of letter recit�ved .from Probation officer of SeaLtle , and gL,�Lcs that an anolegy iR f. orthcomin;.also reports on matter of meter test. report accented.- 01101,,! `� CE' NO 324-prohibiting r.iRkinti, flying sivitcheo across any public str^At,allcy or avenue in the city of Renton n issed to final readinFg. Moved by Lv%ns seconded ry Hansen that Sec, 1-be adopted -is reed .car rigid lvfoved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec, 2-bf? adopted as reed, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded ry Evans that Sec,3-be adopted 4.s read,-carfied Moved by Lva.ns seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as a, whole as r. ead,-carried.- 1 T?SOLU`'ION NO 127-A fixing date of hr.arin6 on Lonal Improvement Districts 57-58 .for Nov,12th 1912 passed to final rea,ciing. Loved by Swift seconded by Evans that Scc, l-be adopted as read,-carried Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec, 2-be adopted. as read, carried.- "Loved by Swift seconded by Evans that the resolut in be adopted as a whole as re!�td,e carried.- XI(F'Il 37 Vayor Cmithers appointed the followin ; men to act as ,judges at the Primary election to be held Nov, 5th, 1912. `'econd Ward- Frank Clegg Robt Lowrie Alex Richardson First Ward- John Faull Frank Da7ri5 Chas Mitchell Moved by Cake seconded by Evans that the Mayoras appointments be confirmed. -carried , Quest on of It ';flood not having fixed s idewa.lk at intersection of `.Valla 'Valla Avenue & Main at, discussed. Moved by Cake. seconded by Evans that the City Clerk notify R. 'good 'to either repair and open up sidewalk at said point or bre subject to rena,lt , of ordinance ,also that the a ECo be boti.fied to clean up si dewRl c at "alla vialla & Mill St . carried. - May or suggests that a street light be l-iced at the intersection Y �C t, P of `ihtrd Avenue and Shatt#uck "'t. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that giAestion of light at said point be refered to the lig hL Committee -carried .- There being, no further business Moved by Cake seconded b y Swift that Council adjourn,-carried.- City Clerk. 38 Nov .51t Mayor Smit-hers called council to order at 7.30 P.M. there not bein- a quorum present said meeting; was adjourned until Thursday Nov, 7th, 7.30 P.M. City Clerk. IXRFE 39 Ren Lon ,Nov, 7th, 1912 Adjourned :session of council came to order at 7 .45 P41.1 '°`ayor Smither presiding.- Roll Call- ,Councilman Dobson,Owift,H=tnscn.McCowiri,Evarre , EnFlneer,titto rncy and Clerk beo% present;. Minuetq of the last session were read and approved. Finance committee filed written report on having; examined and recomending payment of Lhe following, bills ; Mike Cooper 3.00 Jo s i,1dward.s 2. 50 Jas Evans 3.00 Archie Adamg 3.00 Ceo Hancock 3.00 Menton Incl Tel Co 1.75 Win Kane 2.00 Ci Ly of Beat tln 167.00 Election Board 4ard # 2 33.00 Election Bo-ird vdard # 1 E A She,-Lrer .20 Industrial Ing Comm- 6.74 rick & 1.Turra.,y 35.26 Moved by IT%men seconded by YcWviin that all bills 0 K' d by tri finance comml Ltne be ordr�red paid .-carried.- Communication recieved from C & P 3 Ry Co relative to keeping; people off of rock cars .- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that said communication be recif,v(-d �ird placed on f ile.-carried.- loved by T!cCowirr seconded by Evans that matter refered to in said letter be turned over to Lhe Police & License committee with power to act.-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded McCowin aha L the Mayor an(] Clerk be aut},.prized to sig bonds for District, No 45,lateral sewers . carr: ed ._ question. of drift wood lodged in fron of Mill Est bridge di amicus sed, - Loved by Dobson seconded by Swif t that matter of clearing drift wood from river in front of Mill St,brid e be refered to Lhe Street Ac Alley committee with power to act.-carried.- Moved by McCowin meconded by Evans t'traL City Cle rk write letter to the P.S."E. Co asking_: said C )mean y to pl�+,nk 3tts track on Mliin Street from 4th Ave-to 6th ,Ave-carried .- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans tv,at question of slide on Main SLrpet be refered to tftE' Street & Alley Committee and city Enc;ineer they to report back next Tuesday nib ht.carried. 40 There being no furtlter business 2;olrfA by Dobson seconded by Csvift tha L Council adjourn.-carried l i City 'Clerk i 41 Renton ,11ov,12th., 1912 City Council met in regular :session Miyor Smithers presiding Roll Call.-Councilman 3torey,Swif Evanslu"cCbvain ,Hansen ,Do-bson, Attorney,-Engineer anti Clerk being; present. Minuets of the lest regular session were read and approved. now Petition recieved from Seat tlo Lighting; Co, asking; for a 4" T" in water main in front of buildirt.,; situated on Burnett St. said Co .desiring to connect with said "`L"' with 4" pipe to be used for fire purposes . 1,Tov;7,d. by McCowin seconded by Evans that said petition be refered to the 14ire Light & W"lr�ter Committee ,-e=irried.- Street & Aller Committee filed written report as follows ; ira re ,of elide of Vain Street le tween 4th & 5th Avenues , 'tie estim=ate about 150 tabic yards of earth and loose rock to have fallen or about to fall upon sidewalk and would rec- omend that Strc*et Sup-t,secure the necessary labor and teams and remove rill said m=aterial from street. Moved. by Dobson seconded by Swif t tha t the report of r the St & Alley 'ommi ttee be recieved and recomendation in s%Trie carried out,-carried.- Attorney Houser filed written opinion stating that the City of Renton wri s not liable -P-,r d -;W�qr�ee to the abu'lting proxw ty on MAin St b re-.:son of the , y tradinE; of said street. Ploved by Swift seconded by Evans that the report be accented and placed on file,-carried.- Claims & Accounts committee filed written report on lvavin m=ide a canvas of the primary elfiction and find same correct as per Whe ,judges reports of same. 1.1oved by YcCowin seconded by Storey that the report of the, committee on the election be recieved rand placed on f ile ,s carried. bow Finance committee filer], written report as follows ; :Fred Axtell For saw 5.00 lien ton iidw, Co 13.3? 0 Y Livery 1. 50 Labor Bills 122.52 0 N Cochran 4.00 A E Butler 3. 00 I:oved by YcCowin seconded by Hensen that all bills 0 K by the finance committee be allowed.-carried.- 42 Police & License committee filed written report as follows ; We recomend that there be a special officer f# appointed to co-operate with the C & P ;; Ry Co in helping to keep the people from gettin4; on the trair:s of said 0o .for the purpose of picking coal . Moved by Dobson �?c conded by Swift that the re-,port of the corr;mittee be =accepted and placed on file . 4%ity Engineer filed written reV t on contract of C I► Ci pbell. ror the improvement of. Williams St as follows ; Clearin6 & Grubbing 50.00 200 cu yds of gradin; "I 65C 130.00 700 sq yds brick p% ving $1.65 1155.00 950 lin-ft concrete cure C; 35 C 33:;. 50 50 of of 411 drain 50.00 ZOO " " 8" storm sewer 9 35c 105.00 32 " " wood stop U 20c 6.40 1 ma.nholc adj us ted 2. 50 I would recornend the 0.1otiRranee of 70,1'' on the above e9 timf-tte. Moved by Swift seconded by Evanq that the report of the Engineer be accented and .70"4, allowed.carried. Mater Sup t,f ilea written request for rrraterialXoved by Evans seconded by McCowin that said report be refered to the Purchasi n ,; agent with power to act. Cler'_z report for Oct,rea.d..1,1oved by Ev.zng seconded by Swif L L'h:'tt same be recieved and plaited on file.earried. Tre=asurer filed report for Oct,Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that s!trne be accepted and pl-iced or. fila.-carried3- Poli ce Judz,;e f il.ed wri teen report.for Oc t.1.1oved by Swif t seconded by Dobson that same be recieved and placed on file, -ca,rrie Communication recieved from S }Z Fc S Ily Co stating that persons havint, claims against tb.e Co must file same on or before December 17th, 14a1`?.R[oved by Dobson seconded by Swif t tha t sr-.id communication be recieved a,nd placed on file,-varried.- Ordinance confirming the assessment rind asse;;smenrt Roll .Gist 57 ..f.or the; improvement of Third Avenue West.read first time. Mloved by rva,ng :seconded by Swift thrc, L same be refered to t'ne Ordin ince Commi -ttee-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Storey that the m=uter of placing asher, on street crossings in North Renton be refered to Lhe Street ek Alley Committee with power Lo act,-ca.rried.- X WE 43 TAoired by Dobson sccanded by; Swif t that the m!',tter of fixirip MorGan Drivc 1)A ref. Bred to the St R Alley Committee with power to act.-carried.- atrect Supt, instructed by the Mayor to fix Milli=ims St, bridge b%irricade , hiy Nov, 12t}i, 191,� beint, date fixed for hearing protests t.;;ins t the p ivi no; of Third Avenue Vies t, I hereby report thvit I recieved none.-A.W.Ticknor, City Clerk. There beaino no .further busincss A;toved by Swift se�co�ncied by Evans that council adjourn .-carried.- 60_K1 Z� Cite Clerk. 44 i`en ton,Nov,l 9th ,1912 City Council met in regular session Yjayor Smithers belting absnnt Nloved by Salo seconded by Evans thaL Councioman Swift act as Mayor Pro-ten,-carried. 0 Objection to aseessmern t roll recieved from Thos Dobson Dist , 57. Uoved by -vans seconded by Stake that s-iirt remonstrance be referred to the city Attorney -carried.- Petition recicTred from prorcrt,,r owners at the intersection of 7orris St,& Wal 1a Walla, Ave nue for s trent light. Aloved by Cake seconded by Tkc.Cowin tba,t said petition be referesd to the Fire Light & 'Nater Committee,-carried.- Fin r ee committee filed written report as follows ; Pettie Printery 11. 50 P S T L & P Co 172.If) '.im K%n e 69.65 J S Isar die 7. 20 Renton Lumber Co 62.28 Move ct by tticcowin sec:)nded by Cake 'Jiat all bilis 0 K I3,y the finance committee be kllo%ved.-carried.- Light Committee filed written rerx,, rt on petition of Lhe Seattle Lighting Co for 4" SIT" # .###0# for fire purposes, 'IS follwos ; ti+e reeomend that s iici petition be granted provided t'hat said comnection be used for fire protection only. 11otred by -weans sem nded by McCowin that the report of the Fire Light :G Fater Commiteee be accented and re comendatttons carried out.-varried.- Ordirlance fixing; licanse to be paid by skatin,r rinks witI:in the city limite or within one mile of same re:ad ,first time. Moved by Dobson seconded by Iianaen tha L said ordinance be ref< rod to the Ordinance Committee-carried.- P,:ovod by Cake s edonded by IIti nsen. th- L—G the P S `1' L & I' Co be notified to -##;#### take dorm and remove all old ligli L roles as per agreement. carried. - Moved by Cake :sexonded by Hrtnsen that m=uter of fixint bad placcs in street in North Benton Street be left in hands of t'1p St & Al.lpy eommi tutee provided cost does not exceed ,$.4.00-carried.- Moved by Crake gec,)nded by Dobson that the Attorney draft an � 9#441#00 1iegolution providing, f;)r thn ;rade ,gravel and guttering of Cedar Street from Third Averue to Section St.carried.- 45 Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the matter of driveway to 11�r Gatby' s property be refered to the at & All. Committee-cgrried.- Moved by Cake s econ,ied by Evans that matter of fixing; roof of Fire Hall & City IN11 be refered to the Town Property Committee with power to act.-carric-H . - There be no further busindss moved by Cake erconried by Evans that Council adjourn .-carried.o ..r r 46 Renton,Nov,2Gth,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayo t Smither.s presid-ing Roll Call.-Councilman Swift, SLore y,Tv!cC&win,Evans ,llansen ,Dobson Attorriey,-'ngineer and Clerl; bein- present. 1.1,'inue is of the last re�ula.r session were read and approved. Petition recieved from the Beattle LighLing Co for pe=rmission to lay gas mainn on the followinG; street; On Cedar Street;2"rna.in from present encs of main south of fourth Avenue to a point about, a 100' south. of 6th. Ave Vo,red by 1alcCowi.n seconded by Evans that the petition be ,ranLed, -carried.- Claim;; & Accounts Committee filed written report on h�tvinr- examindd -xn(l recomendinj payment of the following; bills ; P Dull.xhan t 30.00 Labor,Streets Pc %�a.ter system 83. 75 JaR Flynn,Adv=xnce on freight .90 P Du; 7 ahan t coni for Cite Hall 5.: C) Moved by 1'cCowin serorded l)gr H=xnsen that all bills 0 KI d by the Finance Committee be allowed .-carried.- Fire Light �F Water Committee filed written report as follows ; On tiie petition for a s trent lif;ht at the corner of Y'orris S treet & Wall i Walla Av num,vic recommend that Lhe sa.,,ne be ins t%lled..- 1, oved b.y Evans seconded by 1,1cCowin th i.L the repor L of the committee be recieved a.nd recomendations in same carried out, - carried.- City -nttorney filed wri sten opinion relative to deed to property for a Library site to be donated by I Sartori ,Ad.vises city that wn wait until plat of s--id propert,,y, has been accepted before executinz a deed or contract of. •-xny kind. Molied by Lv=�nq seconded by Dobson that Jhe report of Lhe Attorney bf� accepted and placed on file, -carried.- City Attorney reports on matte: of on,jection of Thos Dobson to assessment roll Local Imp-Dist,No 57.advis.es -rassa ;e of a. new Fosolihtiona, aind g i-int, of proper notice . hioired by Swift seconded by McCowin plat i}ie report of the Attorney be accepted acid pl�xcnd on file, -carried.- V'ov,sd by Swift seconded by Storey that the City Attorney be MME 47 instructed to commence condemnation proceedings %t,a.inst they NortherIT Pacific Railway `'ompany for Lho acgiesition of a strip of ground on the west side of Burnett street between Second Avenue and 'Third Avenue: for a. street. carricd- Communication recieved from Lbe P.S.I.' Ry Co stating Lha.L m they did no L desire to plank their track on Main Street. Moved by Evans seconded by Stoer,y t)VIL the communication be recieved and pli-teed 6n file-c i.rried.- ORDINANC : Ido 327-fixin ; the license to be paid by skatinj, rinks in the City of Rento,*, or within one mile thereof,p-issed to final reading.- Moved by TAcCowin seconded by Evans that Section 1-be arrimcrded to read ,,$100.00 per ,year payable quarterly in advance instead of .1500. Carried.- Y,oved by TAcCowin seconded by Storey that Sec ,l-be adopted as amended, ea.rried.- L:oired by Lv-ins seconded by Dobson that Sec ,2-be adapted as re-td, -carricd.- Mloved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec, 3-btu ado?-)ted as read, -carried.- TV�olred by TAcCowin seconded by Evans that the ordinance be adopted as a Ivrlole as/ammenited and read, carried.- T_ayor Smi Lhcrs .appointed t,te followinU men to act as Inspectors and jud. ;es for the election to be held Dec, 3rd, 1yl2 First Ward , Inspector-Frank Davis. Judgr-s , n t tI&Ch-ts T"itchell aecon« u7ard ,-Inspector, .19-� � JudFes ,Yla,tt Gr ;,d� , E E Duff. . Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson tti.aL the Mayors appoint- ments be confirmed by Lho C,,uncil, -carried.- Complaints about bad condition of Renton Avenup , Moved by Swif L seconded by a0,vans that tide St.Supt be instructed Lo fix said street temporially, -carri ed.- Resolution fixing; dat of hearing on assess-ent roll for Dist No 57, -re,:.d first time, -TToved by Swif L seconded by ''vans tliat same be refered to Lhe Ordinance Commitree, oc%rried .- Ci L'r ''tt,orney advises Lhat i IV is necessary to re-district t icy Ci tv, as Lyle number of voters in ward #2 has over run zu}le number 48 allowed by law. E[oved by Evans seconded by Storey that `lard # 2 bre divided as follows ; `1bnt all territory lying; west of Burnett Ot in Oe City of Renton be desIgnated as Ward No .3--Carried.- There being no further business Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Cuncil Qjoirn.-carried.- City Clerk. XU Ri 49 lien ton,Dec,3rd, 1912 City Council met in reGalar session JAv.vor Sm.ithers presidiri;; `.i'herd not beim a quorum present it was moved by Cake 9econc,(-,d Dec ,4th, 1912 by Evans that Council adjourn until VIednesday-####4#, 7.30 P.Li. City Clerk henton ,De;c, 4 th, 1912 /adjourned session of Council crime to order gat 7.30 P.T1. ami the 's presidi.n6. there not bein6 a quorum present i t was moved by McCowin seconded by ilansen th`dat Council 'i.c journ anLil 'Tuesclv.r,.0ec,10tti1, 7 .30 P,I.:. carried. r 50 lien ton Deco 10 vi, 1912 City Council met .in reE;ul•-tr serAsion Mayor C,mither. s presidint. Roll Call.-Councilman Dobson, t, iant�en ,Caka , 3torcv,lricCowin,yJv;�n Engineer ,AtLorney and Lllerk beim; present. I'dinue is of the last ate rsion were read and. appro-,red. Applications for water connections were read ;s follows ; Lot, $block, 2-E .11 .14elber ;, owner, Acre Tract No .], R-C-C-CO.S .-regory, owner,Lot, 4 ,Block, l8 ,Wilson & arlow, A,ents,Lot, 4,Bloek , 35 ,S-2n,1 ,Add- v.S."r ^.a ;ent,Lot,3 ,PSlock, lJ :Iedlock, owner , Application for :fewer connection for the following property; Lot,3,B;oc1c, 1 T.Totor lin(; Ado-J .�edleck, owner,Lot,3,Block,34 ,S-2nd ,ti1d- 1 .E.'juff .owner,Lot,8 ,:Block,32,S-1st,Add-P.-assoie , owner,Lot,21 ,Block, 1 3-54w- 1,Add-A.jeermen, o•,rrner..Ajo t, 18 ,Blocic ,3l , O 1s t,A(Id.- ,'N.G. 'horn is , owner, Lot)14,Block, 25, Town Renton ,Jag ,Ia�rans , owner ,Lot, 3,Bloek, 25,'4'o,vn ,i�enGon , Walter Jokes , a.& en L,Lo t, 7 ,-13locic, 17 , `1'own .Ften ton ,C.J. AndersonI owner ,IAo U- 24 , 24 ,Block, 1, S, 5:�h,Add.:3 .A.Dickinson, owner,C & P S Section liouse ,D.L. Cline, a.gent,Lot,3,Block, 4 '2own Rent,m,'galter Jones ,a�nnt,Lot, l Block 340 0-2nd,Add.E .E .-Duff, o,vner ,Lo t, 1 ,Block, 1 ,S, 4 tFi,Add-FP, .E, ,Duff, owner, Lot,1&2 Block, 4, lown Renton, A Riclmond, owner ,Loto14 ,Block, 19 , "own Lenton li,',ary TVt.K1ine , owner , I,Tovnd by Evans seconded by IficCowi n that all wa Ler and sewer just; read . applications/be t ranted .-ea.rried.- Claims ?c Account9 commi '.tec filed written report as follows ; recomcndinS paymenL. of foblowing bills ; Tim. OLeary 1.2b Chas 'S toren 6.00 J Agnew 2 .50 Geo Hancock 4.37 hent & Raton 'eel Co 1.60 Oeattle 20.90 Matt Grady 6.. (30 E J Hughes 6. 60 P.H.Ad!tms 6. 60 E E' Duff 6.60 J?oe Vlood 6.60 VIM Youne 7. 50 II Pridham 1. 50 M' Terry 5.00 •'&lex Richardson 5. 00 Joe Edwards 6.00, Ren tan ;Drub; Store 2.00 Priebe Bro' s 7 .00 Ren ton, 4ifdw Co 14.85 U S & `1' Co B tnk 15. 50 F Ousterhoudt 6.37 P 0 T L & P Co 133. 50 Pettie Pr intoxy 23. 50 Rcnton Herald 19.8 5 Pacific Coast Pipe Co 356.93 D R C & C Co 18 .94 Crane Co 67.96 F Davis 6, 20 Chas Mitchell 6.20 51 veo High ton (3.20 .','._idm, ondson 6.20 B rtrney Doyle 6.20 Moved by McCowin seconded by 111%nsen that all bills 0 K ' d by the finance committee be allowed.-earried.- i'eti tion recieved from Dairid Gunn, asking; permission to cross :;Torr is Street with building he desires to move .TvToved by Storey second,d by C•-iKe 14-h-it- Oie petition be granted, e carried.- City Clork filed wri Lten report for the month of T7ov,TToved by Cake flecon ed by Evans that the flame be recieved and referred to the finance comma ttee ,-carr ied.- 'lrearurer filed wri sten report for the mont�: of Nov,Troved by 14"c- CoSvin Seconded by Crake that the same be recieved and refered to tho finance committee, -carri.Ad.- City EnGineer filed written report as follows ; I have to report Lho completion of con tract of Chas Campbell for improvement of Third Avenue 'Jen . from I'lorris to rhattucic 9t.as provided ander Ordinance ,No.303 creating; Local Improvement District No . 58 -tnd would recomend accent Ince of same . The following; is the final estiro-tte on above work; Clearing g !'r. 'Grabbing 00#0# 20.00 560 cu yds trading u 50 280.00 476 cu yds gravel 90 JLr 428 .40 9513 ft,73.1-L. lumber $1.7.00 ::i. 161.72 � 7 V. 1_2 Extras ; L=abor. F; lumber on sidewalk�i 5.833 Fixed Es tarn ate Printing 15.00 Clerical work 15. 00 Engineering 29.28 955.2- . ruloved by Cake seconded by Dobson that Lhe report of the Engineer be fE recieved and that said work be accepted as complete acco?'��1ng to ti•a.lti rCpUrt.-C tirrlvd .- i t yLn ;ir e>r ?lead written report as follwos ; I have to report the, completiof of contract of Clia.s C-ampbkll for improvement of Willians St,betwecn 4t1i & 5th Avenue as providcri for under Ordinance TJo .316 creatine; Local Improvement District 2lo.59.and mould recomend acm)tence of s!,,me . The following, is final. es timate on above viork; C1eurin- & Grubbing 50.00 250 cu yds grad i nt u 65 162. 50 1722.2 sq yeas brick paving; +r< 1,65 2841.63 52 974 lin .ft concrete curb C 35 340.90 514 lin ft 4" drain the U 10 51.40 309 lin ft 8" storm sewer L 35 108 .15 32 lin ft wood stops U 20 6.40 1 catch basin 35. 00 1 inlet & connections 7. 50 1 manhole adjusted _ 2. 50 360b.98 Extras ; Return pnvin�r, 7.23 " Curb 15.30 Inlet & connection 21.33 lumber for walks 2. 60 6=0 Fixed Estimate ; Printir4; 15.00 Clerical work 15.00 Wgineering 90.18 3 r n 2 s Roved by Cwke seconded by HRnscn that the End incers report be recieved and above job be accepted according to report.-carried.- Communication recieved from League of Washington Municilalaties loved by McCowin s eco tied by Cake that Saiz": communication be recioved an placed on f i l.e, -carri End.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Storey that the Cit ,y Engineer be instructed to ran lines for description. of I Onrtori property for Library Site .carried .- Moved by Cake seconded by Storey that the Pirchas ins agen L AiWt y purchase suitable/or office of City Clerk, -cirri ed.- Tesolution No 129-A provid i n T for the acquisition of a strip of land on Burnett St .for street purposes read first time.- Moved oved by Evans seconded by Dobson that said resolution be refered to We ordinance conmittee ,-carried. - Resolution No ,12E-A fixing; dato of hearine on Dist No 57.pa.ssed to final r endint .- Wb7ed by Swift Seconded by Cake that Sec , l-be adopted us re.a,d, -carrind. P:iovcd }-y vans secried by Cake Llippt Sec ,2-be adopted us rend , -carried.- Moved by McCow r seconded by Swift thit the reboluti on be adopted as a. whole as read ,@ carried.- There beim; no further business moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council adjourn .earried.- City Clerk. .1 X W E 53 Ren ton IDec017ths 1912 Gityr Council :yet in regul-,wr session 14a.y;>r Gnithers presiding Roll Call.-Councilman 0tore •,Cake Inv=LrIs 1VLnncn , Dobson,Enginnar, Attornev and 61crk being; xr esent. Minuets of the hast regular session were read and approved. Claim" & Accounts Commi ttee .filed wrirtten report on having ex=amined and re comendinkil paynent of the follo,Ying bills . ; Pe to DullRhant 11.25 'Phos Dinning* 10.00 C.0.Tve to 5.00 Geo Artliar 3.-00 H marks IAa,bor,Stree ts & v iter, 218 . 93 Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that all bills 0 K by trie finance Committee be rillowed ,-carried.- Fire Eight & Water Committee filer? written report an fol.A. We recommend t'r,a,t their be. installed it, Arc light t at the intersectio: of Third Avenue & Burne-tt Street. Moved by Evans seconded by Crike that ;,he report of the committee* be#recieve d and recormenda,tions carried out.-carried.- ?loved by Cakes seconded by Evans -Ghat the City Attorney prepare quit Claire Deeds asp iGning all land dedicated for alley purposes to City of Renton,`'arried.- Re:solution providing; for the improvement of Ceadr Street from Third Avenue to Section Street by grade gravel and g;us:ter, re ad first ;irne . -Moved by Dibaon seconded by kAvins that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance Committee ,-ca.rried.- Resolution No ,129-Apr. ovidiriC for the, acquisition of a strip o'f la.nri on Burnett Street belongrin�T to tl,e N.P.Ry.Co for L tree t purposes prinsed to final readi.rig.- Moved by Evans seconded by Store; ti,a , Sec, l-be adopted as read.- ca,rricd.- P,Toved by Stores :seconded by Dol,son that Sec, 2-be adopted as re s.d, - c=�.rried.- laloved by Evans seconded by II-insert that Sec, 3-be adopted as read , c%rris d.- 11toved by Hansen seconded 3py Evlins that Sec , 4-be adopted as read, - carried.- Moved by Evans seeon ied by Cake that the Resolution. be adopted as a whole -is Te sd, -c-r,rried.- 54 l.?ove'd by C-tke : -wicied. x,y I1ansen that Aarlington Hei-Chts people be allowed to attach to City Renton liC,!-�t wires on '''Bird Avenue 'West provided satisfactory arrarigem&) Ls can be rn: Ic relative to cost of s-.id work.-carried. Tv o-,red by C tkA redo nded by bobs on that the S tree t Sup L,be instructed to put hand rail on stairway at 5th & Rta.in atreet,ca.rried.- Roved by C AkA seconded by Dobson tl)a,u C .R.Canp.bell be notified in wriLinZ to step driving; across sidewalk at 3rd,& Renton Avenue until quitc►ULe crossin ; h%s been put in.-carried.- Moved '-.,v Ct ke seconded by Evans thret cluention of' putting; tI licYtt at corner of 3rd ,& I,eraton Averju(-w be rePered to tree 1 ire Light u 'u'la,ter Co=, ittee .-ca.rried.- jhcre being no Further business moved by Cal;e :; eccncied by Ctoeey that council adj'ourn.-carr ' Oe City Clrk . Claims & Accounts Cornmi ttee makes reprrt ori h�-iving examined rl,,Id c•ynv%sed t1-,e Cenera,l election returns an d found s--tmr- correct as per reprvtt of election jud.EeR_ t rya, City Cler' 0'f kFHi 55 Renton ,Dec ,24t}i, 1312 City Council met in regul-ir se^9ion Yayor Smithers presiding; Roll Cq1.1 .-Councilor.,.n ,Cr*k,-,,Haa--Ren,;torev,lTicCow.in,Dobson, Atto.-ny rin, Clerk beim prevent. MIinu^ is of the l,tst regular session were react and approved. Petitions recieved from propertzr owners on Logan Avenue anti from jeattic Lighting; Co.Moved by Cake Seconded by McCowin that all petitions be laid on table =tnd th=it petition from LagRn Avenx be refered to the A::torney for his opinion. carried.- Engineer lvcl.n .filed written report as follows ; I herewi-Ch tbpTt the completion of the contract of Chas Campbell for Clic improvement of Fourth Avenue-Et-al as provided for under Ordinance No 28B . cre-Ating; Local Improvement District No.43 and would recomend acceptance- of same.- Foulowine, i9 final estimate on same; Clearire, & Grubbing 100.00 41058 Ft.D.11. Lumber ,E4 017.00 697 . 99 1385 Cu Yds Gra.dinf; (-�, E;0 831.00 146£3 to Jr a,v:e l C,s 95 1394.60 Bxtra brigin�; walk to grade , 35.20 'M39 Fixed :�stima.te ; Pr in t ine, 15.00 Clerical work 15.00 .Engineering 102.37 Total 3191.167 ?loved by McCowin secojued my Cftke t!:a.t the Engineers report be accepted and recomendat:ions carried, out. - ORDINANCENo 325; ,qpproving and confirming; the assessment roll for district No 5B ## react first time .l;loved by McCowin secorried by Storey that slime be refer. ed co U;ie Ordinance commi ttee, ,)carried.- Resolution No 130-A-fix ink; date of hearin,-, on Dist llo. 59 Williams St,read first time.-IdIored by Crtke second'.ed by ITcCowin Ll;at same be referred to Ordinance "co=.ittee -carried.- Resolution No.131-A proni.din�i; for improvement of Cedar OW Street pa��ged to final readini�.- Ptlovnd �b]y Cake sc (,-,)n,led by 11-in�sen t'nat Gec ,1-be adopted as rc,id, - carried.- hovel by Cake 9eeonded b;r llawen Via. t Sec, 2-be adot-,ted �s read. carried. - Moved by McCowin sconri led y Cake that )ec, 3-be a,d�.Ipted as read , carried .- 56 irio'red by McCowin s-econded 1py C'Vke t11a t Cec, 4 be id jpted !is read, carried.- NCovr,d by Cake: recon;-Icd by H.,.nscn t}iat ###,IIer'ol-4tion be adopted an a w1ioT e -is read, s carried. - Resolution 2To ,1?0-A passed t4 final rea.dinf; IV:oved by IAcCowin seconded by Cake that jec,l-be -adopted as r ead carried.- Moved by C�ike seconded by INCoti7i.n tha� Se�c ,2-be adopted "is read , carried. .- I:Ioved by McCovi.ri seconded by INnsen that the Resolution be adopted as a w,-iolo =is read ,-carried.- There bein;; no further business I;Iovcd by Cake seconded- It- by econded by Dobson that Council ad.j ourn, -cr ;.ed.A City Clerk.- 1 Y NT H 57 Ren Lori $Dec,3 1 s t,191 City Council met in rer ul x session. I'Ila.yor Mit'lers presiding , Doll Oal.l-councilnan Storey,C„tke,Dobron,ii:insen,Attorrrey Engineer and Clerlc bAin�­ present.- of the lH.st regular session were read and approved. Petition recieved frc)m citizens Noetli.. Rnton askin” for a light at corner of. 4th Avenue North & Pel.ly `'treet. MI'oved by Cake seconded by Ilanseri ;:Plat said petitiojr be recieved and refr-red to the Fire Light & Water Committee.-carried. Petition recieved from the Seattle Lightin6 Co , ,rpply:: for permit to lay Gas mains on the followin(; stfeet; Oil 81.1110111 MENUEW : 2" main from Beacon Hill Boulevard to a point about 1501north of Beacon Bill Blvd. Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake that the petition be granted under the supervision of the City Rngineer.-ua.rried.- Petit;ion recieved frmmresidents on Logrtn Avenue aslcinf_; ... council to t` I<e necessary steps to open said street to a uniform width, also for a bridge across Black River, 11loved by D-'bson seconded by a toery that said petition be � ef�red to Lite City Attorrrey,he to het quit claim deeds from Propert owners alone; sriirl s tf'eset if possible, in order to avoid condemning; said property.-carried.- Finance Committee filed written report on ha.vin- examined and. recomending payment of Lhe followin- bills ; Labor on streets and water Dep t. =;:i.92 A Reerman 11.00 Pe ttie Printery 21.50 Davis iia.rne:is Store 1.25 0 K Transfer Co 41.75 JBut1err 33.15 _ Thos Dobson, 12.00 City Cel%ttle 118 .85 igen to n Herald 23•l E, Moved by Hansen seconded by .3torey tl:Lat all bills 0 K by the Finance Committee be allowed.-carr i.ed.- 1..1reanurer Tonkin filed written report for the 1,11onth of Dec ,1912.M:oved by Cake recon :ed by Hansen that said report be recieved and refered to t,ie Finance Committee ,-e-irried.- Cit,✓ Clerk filed wri sten rep,)rt for the ITonth of Dcc ,J.912 Moved by Cake se(D nded by Hansen tela t the report of the Clerk be 58 accespted and refered to the Finance Committee ,-carried.- Communication recieved from N.P.Ry,Co rel<Itive to city acquiring portion of said Oompanves property on Burnett St for street purposes. I: olred by Dobson seconded by Hansen that the communication be recieved Rnd placed on f ileo a,nd that the City Attorney arrange to meet represenative of said Company JRn, 4th,19l3.-carried.--- ORDINANCE ITO .32:3-confirming thea asesensmrnt and assessment roll of District No . 58 passed to firial readin`.- lJoved by Cake seconded by Iiansen. that Cec , l-be adopted as read , c-rried coved b- Hansen :seconded by Dobson that .Iec, 2-be adopted !-,s Yt'ad , carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake tliat Cec,3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by C-ike seconded by Ii-tnsen that, ace ,-4,be adopted as read , carried. Moved by Dobson gecondod by H=insen t?iat ,he Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read, -carried.- Dec ,31 ,1912 be*ink; date set for hearing of protests against assessrnAnt roll of Dist.I1o.57, I hereby report that I renieved no written protests against same .-`i.'U. licknor Clerk , Moved by Cake ries onded by Han sen that the Ordinance prohibitinC, chickens runninE, at la,rGe be taken from table by the Council at the next regul.zr mectinj .-carried.- 1'_oved by C=eke seconded by Store-,r that the questior. of having; poles removed from Alain at.be refered to the City ;ncineer.- carried.- There bein- no further business moved by Cake sec nded by Iiansen that Council adjourn,-carried.- . City Clerk. .l XWE 59 FOn Lo n-,1,11Rsh.Ta..n.7 , 1917, . City Council meat in regular ses-,ion I'rayor rmitliers presidi'n : . Poll 0'111 , Cour cil.men �'torey, Cake ,Tian^en , ,"Wrif t. 1'vnins ,?"•cCow-aj1 ,Attorney, Clark and ?,n�in(,er 1)eing present .. V, nut.es of nreTrious -nee tint; rend and a ,pro-ved . 17in'trice co it Cee Piled written report of 1117rirf- ex%-ir,ed add recon- end for payment the following; bills . Ch`i.s .i`i tche11---- ------------`"10 6:x.00 Kent & Renton '.2e1 .Co ---------- -- fi 25 Penton. Cidiv.Co . ---- ------ "I0 .95 ClerIks report for year I9I2 recd a,nd referred to finrince co^-.mi Lt(' . Y0..t ord-r of 1-)us i -en!i vi-ir, i'-.5' L it l iri-, 7-I Y7e,•v 7.rr1 t�n-r 3 ,olri o "{'1 ners re tirirurt )d rew offi CerS t i':ci r,:; their ronpenti ve suits . Tra•ycr .>rr!ithers- on r(!lirquishin,: T1is seat Tr,•-tdc few rtppropria,te r(,-,trk✓0 to tete Council a,r)d ci Liters , tl�.'�nkinC; them for their sunpart .i,-„1 wisnin success :a <l '1a,rY-onv to thh new a(?~'iris tr'ition . T"=1.yJr TFeCow-kr on trtkin,- hi -1 f7,(-it (-Olid for rC'^ `ir�:c from iIie ;fin-71.7 elected o 'fieers , �ilso those holdir otrer . r:esp;)r ie,^, -wre -vIe by Co-ancilmon ';dtva,rds, ,''rovir , TrirSen , i�Nlf l,, t�i::E? -tnd Ar Lhur , ailso by Lhe ?r iyor ,Clerk ,At Lornev ' rea,surer -ind by tree foll.owinf; C ti 7,P.,Y1S ,Pri�{'.`1'rLll)O ,Le'CT"Or1011.%r) ,0-..P..Woo1e?v, %ire Lcliell. ,R-tul '?a,s:3eni'im O Leary and ,T".0 .iso yells . Ordirfi.nce 4!7,26 ripproTrinj, and corfirmin the vi—Iess-er, a.nd risres�7r- er t toll of local improTrewor L dis Lr i r,L .u,1-,7 for the of �tird ".1ro .'7est froyr 7urnett to Morris by ra.Triri7 gr'vlir :, curbin,; re ar3 f i reg L 'ui,-q(- . Tf r ., T T". oT e„ ��y :�Trrif t cec .ry )�, Tans sa,nP he referre . to Orrlirrnee Co-nmi ttee . Ordinance nrolli ,,1-L1)^m t",, ru.;rir, a t 1 'ir�,e of chi (-I`Ccrs r+,r'' o t'1-er - r� fowl wi tyiin the city limits of the city o{' Penton t%,ken frorn t%` le rind T),v ped to second rea.diri; TToved T;y Cake I'ec .by :I)wift >ec .I 1)e adopted is rc.:-td . Gri-ried . C NNW T.`oved 11v -Lv-An s `)c�c .l)y ^;1vifL 9E'C .:� 1`)e `id �T) t�'d 'i. r(-id .C-trriE�d .o _,ed :)v Cik� ie?C .11y';Zti.ns -,ec .-7,be ,ended Ch'tnf' lrl:'; tirr!e of pa Ltin,' in e4-fee t of Ordirincef from ( 5) to ( I5) days fr. orr pa.5^a,C e and pul - lic-tion .Carried . 'ov(-d i')y Crike ec .by Wirt .';ec .3 be adopted =t.- ame n fed .Carried -oTred C,y -,,r%pf^ ec; l,V 31+rift or(lirirce t- a ;,chole be ,Vlonted as imen(Ice d . C%rri cd . 60 , 'IFF 61 Resolution 4 I50 for ':'e%ring on nssc,nn7ent rolln for :i nrove7cnt 'dist. F for inprovenent of Tourth Ane .re nd first time . '°Foxed by C%N(' Sec .hy -;nvrs resolution be refer. :-ed to Ordinance Cormi ttee .Cirried . ?'oTred by Swift Sec .hy Evans pe tion for opening; of Tobin .eve . to Finck s� River he taken up with proper offic i ils . Cirried . Ppayor "cCowar m=akes the foll.owine %rpoinLnenis is Wirmen of Commi- t tees .Ways ant mein^ ,Pe ter 7insen .'iown Property,W„C .D ,Bdw%rds , Police and 7 icense , eo..Arthur .P n i.ncc ,W,P .l rown . O thnr P.enters of Council to toll over game is before . Attorney 7ouser asks for leq- e of i1sanne fro" Council rree sings for next sixty :d=ays on Icnour , of leis legisluvite duties . Yowed by Cake Sec .by Mn%ns request he 4r%rted .0%rriPd . Toyed by 77ins ;roc; .by Me. Council adjourn . `■n 62 Rentoll,','N-sh. Jav .I4-I'913 . Council r1et. In re�;•alir eS(' i!:1iOT) ,?. =ivor ,'--Cowan pT'E.'` ii lir--, . T7oll cs'ill o-r officers ,prenont mmvym3r,Cbunci1men Broivn ,?',dw!-tr(Is ,liz.T1ge-n , Cake .Swif L_, i.n(i .Yr tltur .Engineer =tnd Clerk. "�inutcn of pre,rious meeting; read and approved . Communi cation from Pu;,-et Sound ...,1A "'cT� . 0 tS il�f, permission to get two po lemon the eaR t -9 irio of ; !ni tlior w `;'L.be L}'/E'en 6 t~1.1% 7 ,,n 'i.nd to rese L '_'i t,r polc on corner of 601 'in d c3imi t1"1(3rs ,1'Fo1r.by r;,ike Sec . F,y 1lrthur comma lic ttton ()e referred to Fire Lig,.hL r-inti `.?-.rater Committee . Cr-trried . Appl i cfit.ion for se-ler Lot t 4 Block I-.3mi Lhers 4 Lh Add .by R..r,% hor.ne .1:'�v.l�y Arthur 100c .1>y C'4Ke applic�i.tion be ,rrinted .C,�rrierl . 1ne fini,nco conrrii LLpe filed wri Lten report on hvrinr- P,xcminn(3 -trio r(�comeurl for pfiymerit t':e fo11owin° Lgl_,or scree is Rrid se,,:.rer-- M,Io8 . 112 u"e t Sound ..1,..{":l . ;o . LiC alt, 271 .50 ` iog .Barrien Pos taq;e. 3.00 Yor til 7,'c turn "upnly Co . for 'trire I6 .99 . OrFiirtrice Y11 326 ,r-t=ppro1rJm and confirming; Vn.e -'1•`-essrtient and Trent roll rif local improiremenL diRLricL 457 for tho imPro�►emenL of "iird A,re .';'est from 11)urnett, to Morris .""Lm by :r•vling end ,-,r=t lire r r us er: to second rc•tdin�, . 1`o',•^ti•rif' t ` ec .Ii n�;r�n .�cc.i-tire idoptri �s rcad .C-�trried . Iio1r.by !T%nsen 13?,c .by Cake 2)ec .2 bn adopted as read .C-irrieci . T.To�r.by swift ` L%c by 11=arisen 13ea.3 be tidoptcd is read.Ca.rried . Trpv.b r Wif t aC'C . �y C�ICerec .4 'he idapte(3 t '^t?.i,(3 .f. Y,rlE?c3 . yro,r•l �I i +.Vi f't :>C'C.��V :.ifinsell ")ec 4 1:e 'In',.—rad '-og re--id .Married . 1,'',oir.by Ccvke S c .ry `3)vif L ordin=trace `irs -t I.vhole r.e -WOTlt(,d -ic rea.d. C=arried . 7 1'cRolution AI � fi iit�l�f ��e �ri.n�; of t rolls for local i'n^rrovement dinLrict 'No .43 for t11e imY,ro7m.ynent of 4 -). -ilre .Rt .Al. r tcse d to second rea,(1in;.; • `lec .'by Brown :iee .I be :vlop- ;,fid i-, rn% 3 .Crtrried . 15o,r.by 'Simift_ .3ec .by Cake S1?,c .2 be ridopLed -ire re�d .Ca.rried .L'o7.by Cake Sec .'f�y 3,.��ift ordinance aA ,� who le be id op tr'r'. i ,r,,:ar'1 .C trr ied .r;"n•r. i,,r C-ake Soc .by' Swi-"t Clerlc be ins Lruc ted to wri Le "Gr .J..C .,'Oiey renuestinL him to ha.ire eA, brick chimney nut i.n his dlvellin *. in North Per ,on in compli-ynce Zvi Lli Ci Lir Omain-Lnce . �rl,iC'd . lh.." c- " lc 'v ,,ayor rwieg Lhe folloin` ip?,!Ointm('nts , ;`i 'Clyl n;;inper CX . vete ,he also to ha-1re (-hir ;e of the strPota is-.d sfe,.vers in the City li'ni ;,s , in:l iFr-t. er ma.inn. e to .oatsi,i.e o`' the City. Day L?�r�hi11 X W E 63 J-!d,,4 Xdw--,.r(3.A -0# of FJ iter system ins i,le flit Citv. '14%,-Iit SI-vIC,,P '2.."T 'R i chnond ,Tr�n i tor Ci ty 11-all,G ..Ba'Lerq Off ices. of -)txoet rAmdl .VaLer SIUpic..%nd Dopury Tfj:Ii elimir,�Led .7-"OV-bY Cf--tke '130c -by tIntt all appointments be con-f'ir-,mer) .Ca.rried.Yoir.by Cake Sivift that Ci,"Nr I'AhOneer ta ke uy) ,wi L.q t'!Ie Plac,-et Sound T..L..(Ir. P.0110 Lhe w-itter of replici)i,, ottropt si.� s on pole: in proper conlilion .Carrieki . Now Reques-t.. was wide by 1-.J'I.Pi0i-Ynond for permission to use Co Incil roo-n for trial of cases co-in,..; ur-ler his j'uriqdiction a,n 7*,IFitjce of ':he Pea-ceJTo-%,r.-hy Arthur :ley-, .by Swift. request be Crtitnted .C-irric(i . Clerk reports no protests -riled if-tinst LI-Le m-mpro1rer9(—, . of Oed,tr "t 44* City XtLorney requested to have ordi.winlce for imp-A07then of Cedaro IT St. prepared Por reridin„-- =it next -rrjeotint; of t"10, Couric; il . �To-ire(l l)y agift, -jecondcd 'r)y Cj.KC mo-anCil %j dj oarn .C,.rr ied . City Clerk . Counci'l irc ;Ll in ret--ul%r nesnion,111wor T'cCowa. n prosid.i.-I,- . P.o I Cf ily In r •,,n d (71 cr k b c i:n�. p r c s c Y-4 14- of pre-Tioas me)cLLin;,- re'i(! �tnd approvel . Pe : i Li c)1 frog x. TnTij'ori �vof ,he proper Ly owners in '-Ioc:'Ic 19 . pl�,,L,- of ,Ifiie Town o-t- Pen .on reaue-iLi-n,., 611viL c,)nc3c!mALion Pr,)ce(?,Iin,-s '00 of upcninF-- x T,,Vve(I I;y Cf-.kc pe Li Lion On e pr,ucen-ilL,, fl, L�'%r Lo,'A o (!o-,1 1,0 0 U ci, p he v1 flan '! r rr. P'rs Tj 0—L I-,1 1 J;; VO ILITin -1)4,T)e lini? niC%r C,,a, corrr�r Vi' j,-r Ren Lon wd 'fir LIli:i. ro%rinfor LTIP, remirlerce Tjl`wo ,:vts !7o.,rc:I 1), P e 'U on !-,,c r F'1 v n'I :t c c! 1-- irIP, �I'LAQ I.ICCI L,,-) �,fri �e J:`rs P,-6. LeI'nQr) 9 "t L1TI,-' C-1�- Y.)e 1 1)r c 3 LI Id' r o r i U-e;i I c,d i� it L Dn )r scir "o -k 1)V `,,hm BeV4in w,-t s r+ v :i''Jol Lion be, (11 lx,�,i ori .L,) I,ey uronj, t i',:.I W.I �j c)r, `'er or(,c of %r�,i Correc �iunq , ,�,,) 1)(, lio'"I 01%?--!-) ; ,jL �v-i 0 r secor ed lj(-. receive, 64 v:i '"irc. C licr -,v.is r(,,tT.)T)j n Lmer, L loe coofirmecl C'tr-r.,j cd Pi'll.-tr cc corrmli is 4cc Y,') A r COur Lg 1)`:e, 1 c c :1 r :mnd recazmcn:l for 11 c n !'red Uler ,mc iln, f,')r pr 4 for ("i T,1;.. 3 L 77-in coc i1-1,�i oc" T,.v 'Q<c %11 1-i 11 s 0 K 1--,y ir ce Comm n i L Lee be !,tl 1 o,vn C,­irr i ed iris ,Li.''7 L At I'Vitle r C o-rri,r i L ',,e mil{cs ire rlcril .r ep Or L. 1'r • Kno r.(l�Lkeo r1cpor l `ts vO Yn%de relrtLinc,; 'Go CLO 1 tn 1\r(-, . Lf) B I t c k it 1 vc­ .1,11,ove d by 'SWif L S)c c o n d&d by rv.- I re-,nor s. 1,,c o-cr rl:)r one vic?(-Tc 'ted 23 tref, '�Lj)fj i1` ey to iri-,rcu G�-trrind . IIZ'i�rul 'tJ)Pr)in ts ]Ac(, T.Tonolion Dfivi( �c-)).ell fj i,o work in conj an c: Li in `.vi "I) Lxec All e-,,r Com O; 'ib o Are a a ;10Y? . C, yor rep,)- Ls r e n 'w% 3 r Ln I'or r Li T"',c- Lo an riec,' of 1.7�7re :t 1-Y Cfike nect:),nded by 'Swifl, LhriL j.'owr Pi,oT-)crLy 'Ierl),il ropor L I)v Coun ci 1-:­ir l+'"'ili'S !iS LJ L'Ic of w.-OlIcIles from -rirc nL%Lions on hill . 7o,,red by soconlaerl 1)y C-il'lc repor � 'Le re ce 1 ved %till -pl"Ice-71 or) file .C,-Lr,:ied . Coa c i L i o r C ro m City A t L y .11ouser c-illink- Ll-,e 'iLLent'llon of to LIie buil(iir;:; , in 1.1-Le ro-ir f-uL-LIre ,T,y LTZn 3crilw- L1c Por L Cormid'asior of ri 1,irge -3 teol lr"ut� icip%l Fe'rry :':o-it for arc on Lfl_kc Adr-o-31-iiiiL,ton and urg i nE-, l,11 ie Go:un c i I Lo use their best Pffor ti,s Lo pernuftde Lhe Por 'W- Coffunis ion Lo hive sane built, in thiFi City the, %',latuerwriv . Trrovc(;. by "'Iwif L. Seconded by Evi;uis '.hc` coyr,muric-iL-ion I)c rece-i-ve-1. --ir)(1, c%rried ouI..- , !,inrI luliaL erre be liT)poin tod Lo L%ke ciction . T'oved 1)v Bro.,nn u n omm i L vee o f U Cu Pa e ,,o n rl ed by E ir tin 9 w-,o Lion be avended to re id fi com-mi � uce or, one Lo •.-cork in conjurcLior ',v i "i Co.m.mcn.-ci-d V.Pilcr%vty Commission ­oLdor, cirricfl. to -vncnded ,Y'."Tor cln)Doinis 'I.Y.-IBrown t,o %cL. on Com. ,.o-mmunic,-,Lion from AtLIy,_TTousc.,r relaLinj-, Lo lol.- .cr received by )iim %nd pr�po-,ed Ordin,irce drvf Led. by LIic N .P . lladlvrty Co . rc1!:itin,- r,,) fr-incl-dqe Lo cross sLreeLs of 8cr) IIon, 1:trd. tinswer midc by, XKFE 65 :42. to i11L}l le y Co wtr, rol-i(I lo v e; CC. 17'JS,:i i f L s T! b c v ir s s c c o r received ar(I p 1't c ed, )i 1 :7 i I c .0 ar r i ed . YleporL of + ire C17lief wts rc, d .71[olred I)y ­),aifL seconded b,-,,r C5t'r,,V, s1;trr;e be receii.red rin,i placed .to file. .Cf�trricd . 113219 �I-PT)rOlTif,,',-, %nd C01-ifirmill", Ordirand ,trcc, 7� 'to Se Ss).,'oil roll c, f I ac%l i.mProve-;-,en 1-1 district s 59 for the imprG-ir- emer 11 Of Wi I ld=Lms :Street between V a-ur tl I %rd Fifth Ave reAd first Li-rrj� T�-Iovcd by J-;vr-ins seconded by 13,mifL. Ordiparce be referred to ordin,ince C omm,i L L;e c C%r r i c d Ordirl,t.-Ice, pro-,ridiji,l for 1-ic improirpm(­ Of Ccd!�3,r .13),Lroct L frw.-1 lu,ie soqth line of 'i'hird hilae line of Section n,� ctwl _u . .(,rin,,�; rc­411 first time .1"Oved by TTIV`iw', by �;rtiding ,grctve*Ii recon led by Pro s-,;.me be refer -ed to Ordinance Lee .0-3.rr Icd.. TI.-iyor. VcCwain -,.ppoixill-s City En,-,ineer as deputy 11rrirsIo7,11 . Kwred bYC,',i'k(- seconded by r'),Vif' L I-:tppoirLnCYIL, bt- TIT.-tvor =�ppoioLs 17.11.,Prown pLirv!itis inj_,, Agenlu . !,-Tova,l 'Gy (11,7_tke sec . T)y Owif be cunfir-rrlcd ,r%rrie(I . of w,,ter r,,.Le for Nor I uh IlenLin r)cli,-)ol wibrouj;-hL up by Pro f.T,t1looLt . Dove by 3wi.% seconded by Nwins s-ere, be Lo ir. e Li;.;hL P� 'N.Lcr Coiy-,ndL .e%c .C�.r-.-icd. `i'liere I)Cin,, no furt"Ler lousinessmoved by 111wois sec Eby C%Ilce Council adjourn . C i C I k. 66 Council me L in ruF,ul%r �w jJI-, 0 t 1 T R' n 1� w i 1 1 boll Cf--ill . Cowc i 1 m r?n I Lr L.'r i ar v 'J­n,�i noor %nd Cieric bcin,j T)r c s,c n t. 711yjlj LC-.q of pre-,rious mee lin6 rc%d and ro ur,c i lm,,,tn 'dwftrds rQj)01' LS 't , LO bfid o Fen Lori . (I "--,y 12dwirds se conicle-1 1,-,,r ;,)Wi f ;V,-t Lo _1�41 s �-t Llior !tnli -Pl�tcocl on oatside .(,�rriod . '�v C-ilv, !-,ecorded 'bv Ar 'U'llar 71re Lig-hL n(l 'dater Commi A v U- ec corfor wiL,i Cheif rctl­trlin, puLLinE se-tls on fire C"Lrri ed . Cl,,,.ims %n(i Accour, '.s Comp-rricu,ee reports fi.9 follows . ;'le your COmr-li L i;(,( or 01--tims tnd Accoun Ls have ex-imined rind recom- Tr,c r)d P o r T)--i VTfl e Y I L L I I Q- foilolvint Mils 1181 L-tbor , r,i4sc0 11 e 0_,A 9 r, L.r C'0 n L Il d vi'i L e r - ---- --- 8 .1 cJ Tom Out,h Lon-­­­­ _-.._. ___. __ _ .--_-__ ---I .5 P.D u 1,1'th 1-j n u -•- - --•___-.._____ .----_.-_-__.. ______.._I .5© i,tyrien Flyn----- -'------------------ ----- --------------5.00 ,,ommi L Lee f Fire Lic­hL %nd wiLer commit Lee reporLs in ­jvor of o'or a Ilo Ile n n school and to Vise chnirLeg Pro r `trrears on ;''ie re'viin,­ ( or one month . 15olred by Xv--ins seconded by lsdw%rds, report be receilTed. =Lrld recornend-iti,)n c%rri.ed ouL.C%rr-lecl . Pira jji 'hilL =and %PiLe,.- coymniLtee reports TI .S.T.L.h. -,olds from Y,3,in -) Lreeti -trid recornellrl L,"!A,u C'Iey be illolYCi� Lo qcL Lvio poles on )miLhcrs per . Llicir request ol' J'Ln .14LIi. by lf�irscrl Oy h1wing reperL be received and perrii-ms- ion �-.e gri-inted for the seLLint,, of Ll"le new poles .C-;.rried . City -2,niinecr repori;s ccp Lain stree L,.-, ';Lnd dlc.vs in No .Ren Lon in 'very VvI condi pion . Tovcd I-) 1) y C�i'J�.(-,, seconded b,,,r 1,113if m%LUcr be U' L, LO Ilor L, Lo s --r e e '- Ar,,l �i,11 c y c,-)m,rr, flee Zvi LIT i i,a i y mike erre, neces,-,,try r(,,p,iirs .C;,trrie(l. . rPI)Or Smi Lhers s Lr(,,e lu sou .ii from 11-P Lo COLIIIL;,,r ro-ad in bid condition . Trovcu by Cikc -,ccDiicl(,d [).v S) Lrcet >upL .�trd slurce6 and valley commiLuce invesLl�,%Lc- condi Lions ,.rd report at next meo Lintr.('I=irripd City TH"ll,-71twor reT)orLs -;7,.,3 to L,ie nec(-s,,,IL,,r of liv-,vin;; of newer rods . 7,'ove(l l) r v�1 r' seconrlod ")v ArLllir T)arclvtnin , `tc,,YtL be - 3 XWE 67 pure" rtutilorize'l 6 to q "m, Petition From pro be twepn 2n(lA .?k 3rd . on 'ae n,)tLli •,;i6c Lree L L U 7:1 i 11-s lind. !.Ptl 1% Wal 1 rt Ave . TJ ove cl, by Cake s e c o n ri e d by ITin m e n 9, ,im e be referred i r e L i gli t, �,n d l7a t.e r commitLe e .C�-ir r i e d . Applic-iLion for ,(; Ler Loo 7 Plock 0 by 7.en Lk i ns o n '1'01T(5,,' by Jiro %,,m seconded by '171dwirdm sime be &-rr=�I) Led .Ctrrie(! . Councilmin ',-)W-if L -pre-.-3en L-3 request of Tr A.Beeryn%n for 0 permis- 1 i oil T)U L Up % co!�.l box npr F �tn -m Four L'i d ' i �`iers S Ls . 7"omd by Ij 'me tree r -i own �inrl secontled by i'dvvird-, s=ame be, referred Lo 9 y Ordirv-tnce 7-IN329,approving -AsF,,e,4smjcnlo roll for improverionz, of ',Villi-.ms l)L.p,*ssed Lo second re ceding. .0!!,)Ved '(_�V "vains seconded by ,xifL See .I "Oe %dop ied -).,g rer-id C!-tr ,'v%red by TItj)m(.,n seconded bv r1wif L S)ec .2 be �= -lonlved it-, re-td .C%rrlrd . y livif L seconded 1.).\T Rv--tns Sec .3 be ido-riLed ;tr; re-id .(`trri(�d . Yove,ll 1rr '"Mif 'U' secol-rided by IT-innen Sec .4 be idoplvod f-ts re,id .Carrlled . Roved 1.),V .­,qtiv:trds seconded by E-ir-ing. pec .5 be !irloT) ,Wed -is refid , (l.firried . !bow Yo ved by C-tke- seconded by Brinson Ordin!tricc %F, a whole, be %dopLed .ts r(­td .C%rri(-d . Ordinance r 730, for LhC improvement Of Ccdtr S) L.pl:i9ged Lo second re-idirf; . T,7oved by seconfied by INn,3en Scc I be %dop Lled -is Yoved by I 1,;Lri s n n e cr)nd(,(1 1)v ")wi f 'Ll '3(.,c ._2 be -Ael j rj Lor as r C,'id .C:lr r i "I . ;.'owed by Cikc seconded by Ar Ebur ')ec .3 be )'O L!­!, r,c,condrd 1b,y w�t r o c 4 be ­idop Ll c d �-i r e Irr i e d 'lovo(l v 711 L seconded by EV--tiii ')ec .5 be *ido pL('.d is r(­111 .Crirried.. T'oved 9 e con d e"A by li.)r-ins Ordinance as ­. w -lule be `kdoplvcd as r d C i rr i o(I loy loy Ev%ns bDn,l of CiLyClerk be referred LO Cita AL—ornoy for T. Ozre'l y lwif ;- mecorl(,OA '(,,,,r Ar r'Lur '2e­leT)71,-)re (Co , to install free Phone %L remidnnce or Mo-Tera b-,r C-ike seconllel I),; Ci% L sLreseL 'k;uT) 1.1)c- %llowel iie in use by tILO lair(' C7110if tnd 'N!lephone Co be in ; Lrue. Ue.,14 -im e, C--ir r i o Ci ljo jr(,,(1 -1, rl SwifL purch%-.-,in� riLcoft be !-iU 'Uhori;,,- ed L") Lo lririkin�� fouriluain in Cout-icil room. C "r r i fA;. i,i,lerr ,uusinos:i moLlon to adjourn . (;i L.'j Clerk. 68 Renton,Feby, 4 Lh, I'd I:i . Council metin regul=tr seg.;icon,Councilm-.n Brown Yayor Pro-'gem. Roll C=�.-ll .Councilmen fro'vTl,]�dtiv �rcis , { j� �� nsen ,Ev`�n^ vid Arlohar .City :]nr;ineer a.nd Clerk being PrEsent.. Iiinu Lesof previoug mpe ci.nt; re .:i trc? unproved Applic,iLion for meter tL Cen Lr�l ,)chool,by Wm .Tonkin ,w�xs re-id . t:oved by :ti;v=ing seconded by `swift s,iae be gr•tnted, C!-trr ie.d. Pire ,Liglrlt. and '..titer Com}riLtee :hakes t:,Ie fo1lo.Jing, reports . ie ,yoar Committee on ,ire , LighL %nci r,"tLer be€, leave to repos. L is fo11ows ; Ude recd: ernd Lh tt pe Li tion for Are in. Lersecti on of ls ;, t. �r,c�. x.11 �:; X1.1 Ave be granted and C .&- P.S.RY. Co .be no Lif ie(l Lo beer L'ceir propos tion o+ et­jrne , also one incaindescen L be ins% Llle'd �.4 corner of ami i, hers S)t.and Wa.11a ';I ll. Ave . 7 o,red i,v i[rtrrsen recon eri i)V 1 dwv- rds repor L e accepted recomend -tion cirried out, C:ar °ied . ) tree L rinl Alley Commi L Lee reports is folJotivs ; 'de ,:,rour Committee, on >tree cg 'tnd Alleys ,bep; ie`Jve to report �-.s follovvs ; Pe€; i.rdinL petition of A.l?eerrn in for permission LO erect.. co.-tl hunker on "ourth Aire .',7est, tlt-tt petition vris Feerm in, to enter in Lo con Lrs,ci, wi tai Citv to rerno-le said bunkor at %riy ti;rne upon sixL,y d•i,ys no vice from f'i Lv. r;io re c', i,v H4 nsen seconded by Arthur s ime be •i .+eepted unci At.Lorney be instructed LO up corstract.: .(`arried . In Lyle rri�tcter of openin,6 of `I'obin Ave .;ve recorr,end s•i.me be rererred Lo Attorney for inveSti€=,`tiLion. I,(,oved by :vii t seconded by Ar t'nur report be accepted find referrer) to Ci Ly At corne,y.0 zrried. In the m=t t ter of irnpro rcmen t of :>mi t!,.er.s t. ae roco-r,end tl �t trpot ;;upt.be instructed Lo repair b=id placers in s j,id street wyrich vve t _Ii.nk c%n )e :one -tt •t cos Lof not co exceed `x'20 .00 . o-Ire(i by `Wift seconded by Ar. Ghur report be 'jcce-o Led %nd recomend- 'tLion be clrried out.0 trrieci . In the ma L ter o f rep iirin Lreet -incl -,1 Joys in 1110 Ren con 'NO reAspF�c tflu�bll:,r risk tr e�xc-on1 Lion of Lime of one week to in,%ke �� .�� ti�.er 1nZ7e9 t1t,�.t,1 Jn •1 �1'.;j�I i11 E1 ,1(e0 • 1 t_��yar,flY .l�.l:l��bY lydnJ , S't.ree L %rd *llev committee . Isovcd by 'I=tnsen seconded by Swift report be accepted And extention of Lime be t,=tnted, C=:rr. ied . I"Zeport of T'in,,r?cc, Carrnictee . X W E 69 vie ,Your Committee on Claims %nd Accounts bet; lcivve to report %s follow-, ;lire have examined •end recomend for p%Trien L the fol.lo,,vin„ bills ; Ii.T-homers .60 " 0.K.'iranP>fer 3 .20 Pen ton Her%ld I4 .35 Ren Lon Tidw.Co . 9 Joe Edw%rd!1 .25 Crfine Co . 9 .75 Kent & Rentor 'tel .Co . I .60 J.:).:i >e%Lale 'Vater Dert.39 .42. I,�I.?+'.Swift,H .Ev=Lns , :°J..?'..Nrnwn, Commi Ltee . I;eoorL. of Police Judr;e ,jan , I4 to 3Ist reed . lfoved by "wi-(' L seconded by ?;vans same be received end pl tceci on file .Carried. Clerks report for J��n , rc -�d .IIo�Ted b;�+;v ins seconded by };dw�r:3s s•tme bereceived -trri nlq,cedon file•.Ctirried . `.i'rerj6nurerq report for J -cn ,reaci .I.TLoved by Arthur seconded t),y Fdw,ird ;rime be received and pl•icei on file .C�trried . Cornmuniwtt ion from Fr-y.nk T1�yis LskinF the Council. Lo inter- view properLv owners on I,"ill tat between )econd Ave %nd '; X11 � ', X11 c Ave looking,; to the no,vir g of the same wit c bricic .IToved k t >twif t. seconded byii nsen same be referred to Street and Alley Committee to' invest_i Ite and report tit next meeLing.Cgrried . Remon!-s tr=tnce from !i !r, ,j ori ty of proper Ly owners on Ced%r olaj ec tint; to improvement of same by Gr iding, € r!-tvclinF e Le . -ts per. . Ordin,-:ince J�330 vis rp%d . Koved by Arthur seconded Y;v S'Olif L. -3,tme be referred Lo Street =end Alley cOMMi Ltee to inves iA6,it.e and report %L ne:cL meeting.Carricd . Clerk repor Ls no pro wo Ls ".9°iins t amoessment roll 43 iriprove.nent of Fourth Ave .under Ordinance Ord inwnce f30'7 ax)provint -1,nl confirmint tisses ;ment roll of local improvemen L district IN3 for Lhe ornprovement of Pour.Lh Ave . Ey 977-t iin€?,gr•-.vc�lint s,nci €;u t tering„ under 0rdin ince P288 r(-,Irl fir , L Li-re . ?.covc(I by Swift seconried by Edw-r.rds same be referred ,to Ordin- �tnce committee-.; Carrie-d . T"r .Howells r. onor Ls bid condition of Flea ton Ave .ne tr ',Lis ronid- ence on }till . x,Toved by "yrift geconcied 'ov Hfinsen sine be referred to >'LrePt =;nd Alley commitLee with power to �ct..Carried . r,T-fitter of dedic•i. Lion to City of alley,Rlock Five Orif;in-11 Plat owm of Penton w�is broaL.;Ilt ap by IIr .IIuE-;lies . P.?oved by *-vif;, seconded by Ar Lhur s erne be referred to ri tv A L Corney wi L 1 ins truc- ticn's to vtke proper :steps L:o Yt,jve .,aerie riedzc`rted Lo Ci Ly.C•:,rrif;d . U.o tion made Lo adjourn . Ci tv Clark 70 Feby. II-I9I:?. ITT T .T,.' 'TOrrT:'':�YOP I�cCO';l.1:; p �z, 3I';I�iv. J'Y \.1J\I J1JJ-�Tt. J.j'1l) i alp 1 J• POl.l C%11 ; Council.rr:en Brown , fw�r<l.�s ,l� iTl9E?rl ,?; i�{C [•'.ZT',.n Mrd !r Ilur,City :I1ngineer ,:ittorne„y tinri Clark bein; Trrc,senL. of? reviou^ meeLitil r(-id %nd rlr-rrolred . Petition from property ownere, Or[ ':,qli t1NOr Lh 'i,nrl Pour th J1ve . �; kin4 th-i t an Arc lit;li L be in-�t'-lled �i L in terelec Lion of, ;Four ;: Eta ' rvtill L'vOr .m;)�rE?cj bySwif L :3enonrled ay 11' Ln.'iE'?1 °1'+,rriE? A1C iCC'E?pj�F,,j ref rre..l t i l,'irE? ,Li "nL, •i•rld Ler coT`r! i utee .Crirrierl . Pe Li tion from Al le-n L.7lilmon for liscence to 0,,[er�tte nl-loo L it? ; �',%llery w. vm re,-td ..Yo,red#, by O',vif'L seconded by Crtke - =Etme be referred to Li-qcer,ce conoritLee .0°tirried . Pe Li ;ion fro,r I,i! )iLint4 Co . Lo lav 2(( m'z.in on Cedar-. St.fron Bo'icor: Blird . to 'ihird Ave . •-trial on 'Third Aire from Cedit.r Lo T'et)ton Ave . Tfo'rod by a--Lke mecondncl svrne 'he [;rt-anted work to ,be (lane under Mupervision of Cit;;r 1;raE;iner�r .C.�rrieri. Clsiim,q end Accoun L^ cornrrit i.ec repor LS 'V-� sollowq, . Ye �,re �n recovend for p �ynen L t l? t o11o.Nir_ ; bills ; Labor ,:; tree Lr i n d ',al=i•t.cr $I r;£3 .24 !!?n.T,'�ne i.ne tl_lin � li ;r to , I6.170 .50 `hick & ',surrey :.It �Lioner;r, 52.67 Y,Y,Slwi F L W.F.13rowri ,?I.Ii, ire, C Wri-i i tLee . r;!oirocl by 1T �neen f;econdeel bar Cake mil ril1Q O .K.d , Ov comynittee },e �110-rcd .U'trrieri . n ;irrer m•-,key repor L on pro Lec L of Ced it Strep L imprt)�remen t. llolred by C eke -seconded r_y INn.gen repor ;, e received anci placed on rile .C-'irrie-l . 9 irerl by C--tke -,econded by u.^rif L Cedat ,;t.rernor?m tr in r, I E' 1 :iin on 'able irdefin'� Lely.0 �rried . Ctre�� t �:ird Alley committee reporLp rt!, foll.oi/R ; �Ve ,vour comm- i LLee On :,.)tree Ln qrO ;i�.lc�ra to `."1'.10m ,11--tg reforred -Ghe pe ti tiorl 0" l'r .l!r•ank.!J'izriq for Lrie lrri.;'[roire,renL Of I':ll SLre.eL be;; le-vr(? LI) repor L �.s; follotiv ; h�a ;Yre r�r.omrnen L't�L ty;( ; ouncil instruct. tl1e City Clerk Lo Cdr ti:v ul T:enol.ution .for tele gr:idirC p tiring =and cur�)ir o' Tlil ]. i t .from Lhe nor Lrl line o fi ;jai l.'i, ,7'E,1 19• Are . to ne 0 i ;jE?C70n(1 Aire .T'OZrE? !)y '''`r=:tnq secondedt1 1(. ri P, Clerk irgtructn(i t0 drjq up 1?0�solu?:] on 'tm rr'r ),rnn;j(Y O• ,�•r lf;( / Y lI F R 71 RV-Oor L of „c-d Lh Of- icer rend lAozreri ��,r`iwi . L �econdr'd i�V .:�,ar'zns vne TI r(!CPifi le .C'irrie(I . 11ondc of City Officers rcaferrPd to in(i �J)pro - c� Y�,r City Ott' y. fer 1,7r Evatn'4 Clerk no tif'v .e1 .Co . Lo # - Ci cy`Phon(' no in ; Use {,y A.C .Wii;;on �o _ e re^ic?_ encu of the 1, yor .C=trried . T.i-i t Lnr of Car ':forks us inL; %v,tter from Cil T!� ins bro a ..". t ap by Lhenr .T"o reci ,y Ar LYhar seconded '()v Slvif t Ll'-it :N Lo ::1,up L . in res tir. tite .Crtrri_ed . Communic-,.tion from "lr .",,ine rf!-ardir­ L',e in�3Lti,11.%tio11 of c e r t-tin ;3 tree L 1 i; h Ls re,-t.d .T.�ovPd YnvC eke neconded Ov l+;ci v`-trd9 sacra,^ Yee recei,red find pl•tc(I,i on file .C�trried . )eed o i Three to L5 in S Lrtori' s viii tion Lo L'�e C ty for builriinf si Le for public Libv-try w tm rA•-td ,gs.iu to Ls bein dorriLed by T,Tr .S �r Lori . o�rell (,v Cajke ^econriP i i y .1r L tur der.cj Y,c �c cer�LP+i A,ote rf t4V--tnks extended Lo Lir . !ir Cori For q!trne .C'trri(16 - ?'r .Rr!otJ1Ps repor !.s 1--id core?i. tion of c i cif-rilkrtlk^ on `robin "L. Sfame referl'eri r:o 11T :ret� t : apt.for in?re-;Lig ttion . Orc�i'nincf' jf O'r , +rprOrin� 'tnt� cor. n; 3s9F'Bsrri'�nt r�•n'i ��c��ngrn0r rot-1 of loCq1 iir,-nro-vornert r1iatric'l, 71143 ,re`-ti gecorld Lirne. T�o'rE'd y S,:vif L seconded ns `3ec . one be tvdop.L(-d =ts re1vi . Girried . Tiolo7re�3 b'r L`r raw seconrieri I:y .,,vif section two b"ft L 'd re t C;cried . ",Tose )v T -l-rns seconded by iwjdlv ,trd!, section three be =try,on ,,-d c.s re id.C'trried . T.o „-ed by "3:vif is seconaeri ti ,r Ce-ike section four be Ov)-,nted �q re{. .Carried . lio ,red by Sivif c secornrieri TT-ine�Aen Orr3irance aq �t ultole be +�io„Leri tv-, rf­tci .C•trried. Resolution %L ?Tl°tSq 'n('E' tln” of ciLiZeIIR on lPeby.9L11. moan .in ; tie action �of' :pheriff Cizdahey in pl tr in.- �enuties irr the Ci Ly :•ras read , q�trne beintr pre-,Rented Lo t!ie Council for iknror- l i secnent. TmojreribJr Arthur seconded by div•trd,; same be endorsed by the Council ;ut to Irote .Councilmen Arthur ttrml ?;d:vv�xd �roLin for ,bC.l=trac(, eL .^, )uncil.mPn t ; tinst.,mo'clon loft. by !'sown se•Con(jev,Jr al"1i'F LZfit ��Ur^ Z'�`31?; :gent ov, +.utl:orizPri Lo purrytrase suitable filivi, r,tbiret for Cle;rkn office . Cttrried. 72 authorize :,y113,A1ce, secordo(i bV irc vo 1Y1C1 ?`ilt� Lin,; of fT()n t ol• "'ire TT, ,S`C`Y1:`, CO be in C}1'iruE? ) ioz�Tn 1�roper tV cOmml t ;ee , LtiIE'.y to use t�icir discre-tion t!i to p=ain tin,; of il-Lole buih,1in; .Cqrried . �ir , o cion to tali ourn , Ci Ly CIork. Renton,Feby, 18-1913 . Council mct in re�;ul-ir -3eq. rion,TT�iy;)r YcCo:vin pre-sidling . Roll Call ; Councilmen and Ar -Our . City Eng inecr ,AtLorne y and Clerk beinC; present. Minutes of previous mce tin;; read and appro-red . Petition for viater from Lot 1 Rloc c 18 Renton 7j, %rL n 1?l 1t by R . 1.I.a rJrence .1jlo,red by3wi.`';, seconded by 1?:v' ns same be C��rried . Petition from 13 .R .Duff asking, permission to move buildin from Lot 1 1310 ck 26,0ri;;incl. Plat T-o,,vn of r'en ton , to Lot w Block 34 ,Smi t'lers addi tion .T.To'•red Oy Cake noconded by Hansen permission be Lrare tel under .)upervision of City Eni inner .C, rrir;d . Peti. tion received from a number of ci tizeng askir� C',oancil to uge its influencd with S .R..& 2 Ry Co . to 11aIr" � li tTt pl`k `tt in teTsectiot•, of T,orris £3 tree t and s -yid Comp- n r trrick�3 .lrove;i t)y Calms "econded by Arthur s•cme be referred to Fire ,Light and ','7=iter Co .C%.rried. Petitions for saloon licenses received ats follo;vs ,J.S.Co'rey Re ins: Par , Art Richmond ,Al.ki Bar , ?renr,y Koster , `1,iird Rail , Renton Liquor Co .Cottage Rar , Pen Atkinson,Melrose A.73erto- lero ,Diarnond Bar , Din 11o ,`in,11acific n r and Pigs tort-si Bros .'!Jiolesale Liquor Deal�arg . T;`o-Nred by Cake sAconded by Arthur all licenses be t rfw ted upon approval by City Attorney. 'yin-tnce comnrr.ittP.e reports aq follows , 'Ye have exr-Imined and recoroen l for paymcn t the followim- bills ; Ren At]sinson ,mealg for prisoners 2. �0 R .Runs tine , carpen ter work 2. 50 Gor'Za.m rubber Co, supplies .30 T'ovel by Cal . geconcIed. b1r Hansen all rills !1 .K.d by Financc comm- ittee be a,ll,o�•rcd.Ca,rried . Ir owed by Arthur seconded, by Cake license be f-vin ted to Allen L.'Ohlson to operate i Wiootinf G.allery.Ca.rrin.d . l XI(FF 73 Communication from 'Telephone Co .reF-%rdin;;- Ci U7 Phones w-v7t read.TJTovedT byCa'Ke seconded by swift game be recoi-red Ind matter be referred to City Attorney.'-irried . Communication from United ,;t'tLes Revol-rer As,oci 3tion pro t- estinF =iq -iirjst tele paqsa�;e of bill now before tTre Le-illi, are , prohiljitin;; t?le manufacture, s-tle , or hatrin�; in ones possession my pistol or relrolver , and enclogin,:� copy or gairl bill .T,'oved by Evans seconded bIr sa_,rr, be received and p1 teed on file , C%-r. ied. resolution 41133for Lhe proposed irnpr. ovemen t of ':Till ltree t between 3econr9 'eve .Azad Aire .by s;r tdinA , Curbin ; and P-rzrin:; read firs t time , Moved by:>:vif t seconded by Evans s%rne be referred to Ordinance comnittee,C=irried . 11'oved. by Cake s•iconded by Arthur City Attorne,;r draw un Resol- etion rel tin to mn%inten�inc(- of Public Librrtry.Garricd. T",oirr?d 1)y Swif t seconders by T1rinsen Ci ty Lng-'inCrer inIre-3 ti ;atr and render opinion %s to best means of securingrnorf, aclequ rtC' ',lead of .viter at intake at SprinE brook.C-irried . T?o tion to adjourn . 7 City Clerk. 7en ton ,Eby, 25th-1913 . Council met in rd 'al-.r segsion,B.711".0=tike T'iyor Pro Tem . Pool C•-t11 ; Councilmen ' rolvn ,I+;�irv ,rds .H":�n^en, C �kt� , ;i�vift, ',�r�ns a.nr3. Arthar, City Enginner, Attorney %nd Clerk present. Ilninutnd o� 'nrevious mee tin•- re=id ��nc ap ,ro�red . Petition for 5 =-tlo,-)n license ,^%,f�,le 73'tr ,by C'impbell rind Pritt. Trotrn'i by ;+,vift gQcs•on 'er? ti,.,r Arthur g'�rae be r �r,ted on -pprovil of ALt.orney, C`irriedi . Pe Li tion from Trr .ITe-al Turner of Kenryda,l(-- for permission to con-re,r d.lrnirni e -:wn l bl is tin po,vder, t%le, s tr. en tg of Ren td)o . TaTo�rea " y >wift secor.ded b,,r Brown same be referred to City Attorney. Carried . Protest from proper t,r o,lmers on T'ill 7 t.be ttveen 2nd.and A�rr+ ,a =iins t ts,e propos^rT improverner t of gaid por tion of by pa.vint, w-is read. . Moved by Swif t ser onded ilr s'-,mcg be refe- "' rr"ed to Street 'ind al1Ay 'Comrni cLee .Carr ied . 74 " Fin�iylcf, cwn,ni- Lee rpr,-)r L.9 -%q f ol I.-)ws 'nave e.x%,mlired reco,-nmend for ravznent L"'(- followirt'- bills . T,'t'hor. '")trooti in r3 3miter Dept . �106 A 2 Henry Thomqs 1 . 50 'I'lle Fla- fn Cabine t CO ..')Upplies 4 . 00 P.S). 'I".L.Ac P. Co. Lir�llt 134. 50 for Ci Ly IN11 5.25 ..S-torpy work on s tree IL-9 21 . 75 P .7'un s tine, C--ix-PI F,n t(,,r wo rlc,7 7 r e TI a l 1 4.00 11M K-tre rni Leri--,d end in-, v Alin s Lrep I-6 li;:,-'i ts 67 .84 T,,Joired by Hansen seconded by Edwards all bills O.K. d by 7iin-,.nce be rtllowcd.C-irried . llp ,y'our committee lre leave Lo report as llol, s , in the matter Of T)eLiLior of A.Bcerrnir ;.rd ot"liers, for a ligli.L at inter- section of 'JI-N11V[stl1a Avp .firl. lffhiL-wortli 1,ve recoriont-1 same br, ,:-r!--int(-(l 'roverl -I)v 7,,-Nrl;Lns seconclod by llang-en report be recei4ed %nd recomen- "ition ^--trriorl out.r',irri(,d . 'Pir(- Clieif Tk,)(, .lood c%l1q. t'•-ie atLpntion of Council to the necA,qsiLy of a sxb-sL-;Ltion locaLed in LI-Lo. 7-icinitv 0r' L"le. llf.p."Depo 'u. T-IrLwrotll by jitr-ins P)Pcondn,d 'hy Aruliar same be referred Lt..) Fire -!-it and -:Vater committee with -p,o)ver to -ic'c..Cirri fld . Ci .,,r -:X --in-or. Tn%'kes re-no!' L in M%ttle'r of Oprin,-?brook (I%m r Q C 0$`rlyq Q r) 1-1,T' -C— uil- !i new dtlm be built immeiia'tclv bolow 'C"o olle ro'- i n -ol-ice Tlorpd *!--,,,r Pr o-wn P,(-condel by "'Ovi r L report be re c p i ire Il on," Clerk 1p instructed to c--ill for bids for -prollo�-'ed dvn . C-irrierl . by ArL,iur by Hr-t-n9en. City 'l-lineer procee- d to cli—ir f7tt, onn(' -so -t better .idea. or remount of work to be rlorr' %nd cost, or s-ime cin be ol-viint-d .C-trrifl-1 . Communi c%Lion rrom ',!jr.K'-tne been ins t-illel at Llip -Pollo�vin,�.71 points ,ws , 4th.,P,- Polly, 4th.?- wo r ti .-in(I mi L'ip r-) -jr(i ,'1-.11a ,Vc u seconded b7.r 7ro-,vn rerort be received -in,-; pl!;icerl on rilt-, . Cjrried . . Ordi-n-tnc- ';31,nroiridin;-, ror !i, P'Ablic st-�tior rind u .ninner of coyi�,, tru.ction of. srime read first Lime . ''owed olred by 3vvirt -;(-cI.-)nded i-)-,r !T!trisnn simn I-)n referred to Ordin-ince r-o,-,-,dttee .C,-t-, rj0d . Yo-red by ;gift seconded by 'J3rolrin P.0,C)oILItion 75 oro—d iMp, -NreTnOn L of 7ill SLrcet be 1,Airl on ",)-r' o-)-- r P f, 1� rtn ci I o o-m-rI 11 "Co - -I-N�I i t 1 r ir(?q i a t e C a",elf (i r �vlj o u r-(i Ci IL-ly Clerk Ren Lor,1"Tar('11 , 4 6'i-1917, . Council met in re-r-,ul 'ir ses5-,ion ,T.,ayor TTcCowin Pool Call ; Courcilyner Edi,r�rds ,.q-tn,,ien , C!;tke ,B-,rTins =�ril Artl-iur, City 13,rgineer Attorney and Clerk bcim, present . T.Tinutps of preirious meetinre,*d ind --i-nproved . ,) tree-'u %rd alley commiLtee reporL!-, as f*k)'L3.o-U-, ; ).Ve your comm- iLtee on streets %nd alleys to whom was referred the remorstr!illce rq--iinst the improvement of T"ill Street beLp leave to report as foll- o-v,rF, ; ';Ile L'Siirk tne im- proirememL of 71-"ill St.is a necessitv in -,, d ,e U. recorpep,l that the rennorstrance be laid on t*-e t--0)le rind proceed with Lhe improve,nenL of sf-tid Itreo-L accordin to tile ResoluLion now before Ll-ie Council . Tgove,,, T)y Cake seconded I)-,r Hansen report be received --trid recomend.--ttion carried out.Ct:trrI(--!d. Finance commd 'Ltee reports as follows ; Ide have exfviired %yin recomicrd for payment Vie followim- bills ; Renton 111dw.Co . :';1;6.10 City of Seattle 21.80 O.K..Tramqf er 5 .25 Prni'he Pros . 2.70 Cabiret Co .S 42.50 KcnIL P4 Penton Telephone Co . 2.r2O 13m.K*an e 1 .40 Evins , CommiLLee . Move,.3 by Arthur seconded by Edwrir(IE-, till bills O.K. d T)-'T aI1o%'VerI .C!--LrriP-d . Report of Polic,, Judie vv).s read. 'jT ved by Cake seconded by Ev=,ns report be received and placed on file .Carried . Pe-port of Officer . T.,',oved by TITansen seconded by Edward,-, I s,imc be received and pl=Lced on file Carr iell. Peport, of City Cl(-,,-.k. T"oved by Evers seconded h- y Arthur same be received -incl placed on -file .C%rried . Report of Treasurer . IJ.Love(I I)v T4,v?:ins ireconded by C14.1m same I rocr!iverl rtr-I plaeed oiff P-06 file .Carried . -4 Communication from Dr .C .L .Dixmnprot-nting against slot. m'rIcII- 76 ine onsidewalk near entr-7ince to his office .I•,`oved by EV-3,ns secon- ied by C%ke report be received a.r,d Tears i ill instructed to see t'zit Sc`i'Ie is remozred from shit valk .C-irried . Commur-,icat.ion from Conft-rence of Corrections rind Charities re.=�d .] oved by Ediv•�,rds seconded by Art%i.ur carne be received rard pled on file .Carried . Ordiwince .f/ 3,1,1 p:Lssed to second reading . Moved T,y C--i'le seconded by E'dwirds E3ec .1 be adopted -is rca id . C trrie(I . "'oved by Swift See .by Cake ,3ec .2 be -idopter as re �d .C=�rried . ?.eolred by Bake seconded by 3wif t section 3 be amended read x,)1500 .00 instead of x;1000 .00 . Yoved by Evans 9cconlied by C!�.ke section 3 be adotpet3 %s imerded .Carried. t ` I.1.overl • .,y Evans seconded '. :r Cwift section 4 be ado y.s mad. C%rried . 71bired by ;Swift recorded '"by Cake Ordino.nce be adopted as a v.hole .C,irried. Mayor appoints Libr,-ry committee of COTTMFrcial Club %s committee to work in conjunction -»ri th down Proper tv committee in rrrittnr of Public Libr%r•y, also instructs Clerk to write ?`rs .J..F. Doul l-a.ss of E rlin,-,torr in,ri ting '.',.er to act on said committee, and to notify T.P -P.P,P-id.dedn of appoin tmen t - -� of Librar r committee of s=�i a Club. Resolution # 133-A p,-issed to second re idint . I.?oved by ,3wifL seconded by Arthur Sec .1 be a=.opted as re=ed . C,-.rried . oved by Ev-;.ens seconded by Edw ird s 33ec .2 be dopter as read. Cra.rried . Moved by ;wife recorded by Arthur Sec .,) be adopted as read. Carried. Droved by 2wif t seconded b,r !T-,tnsen Sec .4 'ne %riopted a.s re=trl . Carried . I,v Arthur °seconded b z• r ,y .wan�., Resolution a., ,��. ,:�. ole be adopted -is re%d.Carried. )�_-- Iho tion to adjourn . 'All C ��� ��t�:rr.���.:,r., Ci.",:v Clerk. MWE 77 Ren Lon,F arcI1, 11-1913 . Council met in 1 t ( alar ^(-ssion,T!'�.yor McCacsin pr(-sidin,•. . :.001 6 ;11 ; ��la,anci7.rncn , 3ro�vn ,Hansen' Cake , swi.ft..t;Tr .:n , an,i Art'Rur ; City yni ineer, AL,Lr)rnev 4nri Clark present. Yinut,- s of previous mee tiny,, rel!zd %nd npro-rp.d . Petition for se,,ver connpc tion ,Lo t4 ,171ock 4 Teo for Linc Add. .?hv Geo.Iiancock W-,W rear! . T'oved 17 wift seconded by ^v,-ns some 1>e gr-7n-L-I .CarTied. Petition from C .H.S. 'StalLenber fin'-cin-per- mission Lon water w-tin it his pl tce about one mile west of hp%dworks re'Lcl . L.Kf' Se �n l(�d �,,,r i t✓i.rt petition I)e rejected .Core•ied . ','ir(- L i-h r,3 co'"!''ni L .-ee ;11!:tk(:3q r opor L i^ r )llows ; %`Je recommend, t'n.a.t four new h;;r,Arants be installed., ane -it Rurnett and rif th Ave . one it srp] eller'; 'i ,ver th, ons it mi ,'iprs fin`i f o a L I on- it T7orri`3 and FOUr t'i . L'ned , N-F-Rrown, Geo .ArLhur,Y.F.Sivift, Cornmittee . Trorp,j b,r C �c( scr;onr3e.. �, . wif'L report be receive:l a,nd reco- mendation cixri(,ri auL.Crlrrie,-i . Rf'nort Of .''in�nC(' (,))rm1 L ee ; ffe ,,your commi Ltee on Claims and Accounts ,;azre ex` rine:'. Ln r3 recomend for papnen L LYY.e fol.loirine., -,,)ills ; Ren'con Druj_;; Co .suppi-i res '�l .15 'T.B.Po L-rin ,Premium on bonds , Ci c;r OPficers4 .00 N'�tti on=il TTe ter Co , 1!Igter meters 121. .00 Ren Lon Co , Automobile hire 10 .00. 'h06 .T1=irries , 3tr�mp) 2.00 Henry ihoma.s ,?+r(�i, ht ar�i dr`iy"-:: e 7 .05 Gorham Rubber Co . . 'ire Tlo�7f ,nozzles etc . 271400 Libor "I Strce is a.rnd 'v%t-r 187 .61 ".F.3wif L Y.F. Brown ,H.E r%nFi , commi ttee . ojrer3 'o'a ?amycn seconded 'hv Arthur %11 bills O.rC.d 'h-,,r 7ir%ncc commi tLee be !),IIo-,ic(I .Cstrri(-J . Cou,no it an I7ro ••m explain(, m jtLpr o�' protccto ;r p'^,recon ,lv ins; talleca in Clcrks oaf ico , on,l calls 'tLLor Lion to L' (l noce-,^i L,v or .having one for Ci Ly use, . TTnZr(?�_ i�v >vdf t `econdeel " y Ar Lhur PurC l-m- sin Ag enL be, a.u�.I-iorizAto plircrl"-tse S'i?lE? .{'9,rr1o, 'i 78 i,o,rf-i o-v Cilln secorvied 7:'),,r Rvqris street ::ind allev committee daics x-) ,vi Lh Cit,r ALLorrov -inl Offici!ils of Y.P.Ry.Co .rnatter of tn-a.i,,';hbenenin- ouL o-1' tracics of said Co .on Ave .'Torth. r r i d. 1. Commun i r,st Lion and contract f ruin i7%P.71Y. Co .rel-iti nc to 01", erection of hose wirt -, Lat.i,,)n on riof . IL. A way of said company wis, mad C'OKO second (,d 1-w Arthar samQ be ione-oted and auLlnorizinC the execution of svnr, by the T,Ilqyor and Clerk upon approval of City Attorney.Carr in(i . matter Orli'nance rel-iLin,�- to nj;LUter of TUbliC libriry for t"IP ?'Lenton -mJ nrolridir,- for L--,,e miirtucnarce of sim- C reari first Lime . T,10-,r(--1 '-,-v 71.vift secorviepi 'h-,r Fvarf-, 9%yne referred Lo Ordin,-�nco ITo-Telt 11---r Cake seconded by Brown Council. rle(-,l-tr,- t1i eir inten- tion 4-f!-f t,) hf:i- Desolation drawn up I)-,r street Rnrlal], y CGMMiite -ror Li-,(- improvoneyi t of Smitilerq S)t.!;cn:l others from nurnett St to Coartv road, outh.Carried. T,iioirp-j 1,,v (',ake seconded by Fv tns mattor of i�rrprolTerert of ro-O im c )ra Nor 1- 1 -rp— rvid .11ey cor.. . i L L e :,o rioti-r-,, o�vrnrs o-- proporLir Abbuttina on AL L )rr�ys of 'iof- and sign papers P r k- (-il-If-rl L-) orlov , t.I-ierlq not beini. -1 quoran Samo, wis on (r mi ng !7arch,X-19171 . Grant ri,to s City Clerk. MWE 79 -i t o n 1,TrLI,0 h ^0-1. 1 TvT low1r, T)"(.si'Iinf­ . Council_ me '� i-,­ % � wmvP*wPmt1 session JIay o cC Rool call ; Councilm. pn ,7?rowr. ,it-ins e n C!"kn Sw %r (i it Ar v int,jr(,er ,A-ULorrey aril Clcr',- prnsort U . Yinu`LI,,,q of last me(- Lir;.4- and arprovod . 74in%n(!(, Ccrnmi.ttpe r(­nort. `Ye ,your Com-i-rii 'u- tee on claims and accounts have examine„? ntrd recomercl raymert tine following bills ; Orvio Supply Co . Lumber 'eA� .10 PeL.tie,, U Printery, Prin LinL; 14.00 Denny Renton Clay (°- CoqI Co . 28 Renton Lurri)nr Co . Larnl)pr `'6 .'10 F.Ow i f t,W.14” Rr o vn C or.n-n i t L t-0 x;:;)vd I)y 'Fansnn sPcor),3(,c1 1— ArU",iur all bills O.K.d by 'i� inarlro con-.- Ord i n f%n c.P Tprovilink- for cons true tion of an alley t,:r o UF�11 P10(,K !.Tine teen ari(I c,irn c 'u-i nr-,7 City Attorney to start con-lem- naLion nrocnedings for -vane ,ro-id first time . Yo-rfj'.:'I 107 51vifL secorT3ed by Brown same be referred to Ordinance commiLtee .'_'-irrjod . Ordinance 1/37,4 ,diroctinC, VIP 77-Avor and City Clerk to issue vvaLuer fund w%rranLs in in av­nounL F-;ufricient to ray danv:1'!;eq and cost of opening; of Yorg,*n Drive ,re!-vi first Livnn . Moved by 1")>viJ`u seconded I­r Arthur same be rrfcrrecl to ordinanc commi L'Lep . Car r 1 e(I . Ordinance �!775,directinL,- tlt-ic Mriyor qnI Glerk to issue water f"Und wr%rranL.s in an PtrrounL sufficient to pay drimages, and costs '"Ijudic%tel in condemnation of alley through flock r,e �o ir v �7 ­iT . be rn.-I"orre.:1 to -r L L i i I "o. )wif 'Ll secondprl I)v Cake !, lin Ordinance commiLLee . Carricd . siness mo-Lion m�.-Ie to -trl- oarn . Grant :Q%Les , Ci ,Y Clerk. - 80 Courcil. met in rpL;;ul,-4r ion Trrivor ""'c Cowin prosilin,, CA'a h 7ool C-adl ; Councilmon Ci t7,r l'r-Jne-er ,Attornev %nd Clark presen .. T-`inuLes of list rriert1r., rerv-1 wd %-Orrolreej . Renort of llir-trcr, convniLtee ; I,'.!e ,your committee on cliimg rin,-T aceounLs h-,7re ex veined c o m ord for rivmen n f o 11 o w i ri 1) ,ener�il Electric Co Arc, Li,,,hL 7 6 P. Co . 1719 .10 -o I -nrinbrook 5.00f., '700 "VoodfAuL nire Lo 3 L.> ITe jr '2�iorn�-t- .50 ..IT str d ie 7 -,10 7, . ")o I n e3 L-i-I 1 i n;- --ir c L i gl,i L 7 .125 r%r o x P c,n U L'al:or 3tree lu--. cLr(l Water 10)1 .62 'V. r O'Arn 07-1 v e . Yoved. 'h7r ArLl-)ur seconded ill. *hilln O.K.Od T)v 018 Petition from -,r)ro-r)ertv owners, rv,-,,cind, for the improveTr,(-,,n '- of 7ourt'-. Alre .Yortli rorid�-,n-, conqLructinrr of board sidewilk was re-id . !!Ovel I-lyi tlro-.,An r) --iyrc be rcceiirorl qrd r(,-rcrr!,d to Orclkinirce co-nm i L -,e e . C trr i ed . Ordinanec, Lo public lil.)rary :end main 'u-enince. of r-,"Trin passe 3 Lo second rnidirg . r,lo- lrel 'f,y ('.1%ke ne—onclorl I-,v Ewinq S)oc . 1 'fie idoT)ted as rnnvl "o"ed by T-,T%trc;(-n seconded Cake Sloc . 2 be vlc)rLrd is ro-vIL . T.roved by Cake fSec .by lll�nqt-n 103ec .7) b(-,, %doT)ted -is T7.'oved by Prown 9rcordnd I)lv Crt'ke Orlin--ince -is -4 �,enolf- be !;Ldopl,-- el as re-id . Pool lrote .Ayei ,Rrown ,",,.n-, 'n y ;,-lT,tn- 'C-ike , Arthar .70' s none TI carriel . Ordin%nco for t',.e improvement ofc -l 19 byT' o I, the cons 'ruction of !:;L Len f )ot alley reid second. Lime . J l'ov("'l by CV,-n -"oc .b, Sen 1 be tclopted -is rp �-d r r Prown F),ti c ., 1�, 9,c3OT) LPd , r0ftd -Ctirriod . 2. "ec .by Cqkr' I)ec .3 bt- adopted is re-id . Carried . go.c .blr �Ttrsen ")Pc .,A, be ado- P, L 0 1 7e d 'r,v. ilimnr, )(-c .by Arthur Sec .5be. adopted aF1 r e-id C arr i P.d T21-01red I,V Cake iec .bv ­rtrs Sec . 6 be -00-nLeri %f-, ro-tI .C-i-ried . T'"o v c('1 1­7 '11!:innen lec .bv Prolun -ec .7 lop, alorLol o-, ri--j d . ('-trricd T" ir thur Ordinance a4 Thole be adopted Pool "ro Le Ave, 'P r 0 jrtr T-Tqnsen Calke tam none C fir r i e(I . Ordinanct- #7, M passed L,,-) second reading . by ArO-iur secorrIod by :;Trane same bo laid or , torrey inrtractod to st!--irtu- condemraLion procQerlinE7s for tlpic onenin-4 of ]"_orgar 'r,)ri7T(, .C strr i e d . nrdinarco �7 335 relatim.7 op(-rin,--, of -illev 731r)c'K `;ncl dirpctirj T,:'--iyor anrl, Clerk to issue 1."Vater Fund IIN=krtus to nay an(', COQ Of gaMp _OCLqs,,_ -1 d U SBC On-1 econ, re-'id ng i . orCr1-,v Cake Sec .by ArLI,.,IuALS)ec .1 be adopted as read . hovel 1)y E-Tr-ins Soo .by Cake 3rc .211 be ado i� ted qs re -irr i od . 7,Toved. I)v 11�rnen Slec .by Art',iar 13ec .3 be adOpted-, as re,�d .Carrie� T.,ro veI by Arthur See .'h-%,r Hansen Or(linance as a ':I-ole be %don ted low I in Ar t!i lar . To' r, nonePool ".rote Ave-, Carried by Cake seconded by Brovin Council docl4.re an emergency ctn(i City Rnf;ineer be instructed to proceed with the building- of L d,m rj,t K,­)prinF7brook incore inE-, to agreement wit)-, Tire L indVa t n r comm i t te e .C ar 7,i(-d T,roved T�v Rro,vn r^condo) by Cake TPr P .Adam, be e.r,.iplayed at a sal �rTr of 4 3 . 50 per day co write un neer rtssensmcntu roll of +.I"e. City. (,'rirr&ed . Clerk roports no protect to resolution t 17i,'4­' Sarre boin;7 'i U Resolution of intention to imrrove !.'ill ^t between Second Aire .and A,,P ,py gr-siding paving; and curbingw itli brick . ',"ovod by Cake second(,(' bir iT z.!-lur Clerk boingtruc'ed to cill for bid- for t'-L(- gradin,:_-, and F.,r-ilrolin7 of .,mit half,TYor4, Pen tO /Vl C cir r ir!d. '`o-Tec? I-y Ar t`1-.iur q, e c o n a e d 1­:,,r 1i --nsA-torney be auLT,,orized to Pilin„ fees in cises %ppe-jind to court fro.,Y, (Ii t-ly Police Court. Carried . ,,Totiom to ad o,)_rrI Citv Clprk. 82 F'.enton, :;ash. -{i-1913. Council met in regular session Mayor McCowin presiding. Rool call ; Councilmen,Edwards,Brown,lla.nsen,Cake,Evans and Arthur; City ingi.neer and Clerk present. ilinutes of last rneetin read arid approved. 'etition for water, dock 8 Lot 3 Cir ",works Zidd.by ` 'ory V;ontfreida. Moved by Evans seconded ily Lrthur same be granted. Carried. Petition from property owners on Burnett Ut. and Count;% road from City limits to alla "salla .'.ve . asking for improvement of same by paving with briclk u-.,der provisions of Senate Fill ;1,'152 was read. a_oved by Cake seconded b� __rt'Zur same be referred to Street and alley committee.Carried. Finance committee reports as follows ; e , your coarnittee on claiicls and accounts have examined and recom- mend for payment the follo}riing bills ; City of "'rattle," atsr x;27.90 P ettie 'riritery,i rintinc� 16.00 Freibe 8ros,Hose carts & repairing; 76 ,70 A.Beerman,Coal 5.25 Seattle Llue Print Co.printing maps 3.78 T-11 Hardware Clo .Supplies 24.98 A.C.'.vilson,Fees alley Block 10 4.50 J.C .I�iarlowe,Expert *,itness 10.00 l .D. Ioppini IT " 1Og00 P.;, .Houser,Costs,etc 41.75 P."N .Houser,Costs ,Block 19 etc. 56.50 ':r .F.Brown,li.-Evans,Cornir�i Ltee . Moved by Hansen seconded by Edwards all bills O.Y.d by the finance committee be allo,,ed. Carried. r:epert of Police Judge for month of '::arch was re,--!,d. ivoved by Evans seconded by t'>rthur report be received and placed on file. Carried. Report of 6ity Ulerk read. Moved by Brorn seconded by !irthur report be received and placed on tile. Carried. Ordinance i' 336,relatin- to regulating and sale of intox- icatinC liquors,providing penalty for violation of same and repea- linU all Ordinances in conflict thereto read first time. lvroved by rtlrur seconded by Brown sane be referred to Ordin�-.nce comm- YNH 83 ittee.Carrie�' u. Ordinance ; 337,Providin� for the irnprovernent of i. ill Ot. between Cecond :'eve. and '`,alla : alla Ave .by pavinE wi ,h brick read first time. fvoved bAil !--rthiar seconded by Edwards same be referred to Ordinance committee. Carried. Pvoved by Cake seconded by Evans Purchasing gent be authorized to purchase necessary supplies for Clerk and 1 rea:;urers office. Carried. Moved by -Evans seconded by Cake vie adjourn.Carried. -�1"j /3'�-J City Clerk. Renton,'.?;ash. l.pri 1,7th-1G1 . Council met in special session lWayor .veCowin presidinL. The object of the meetinL was the allotment of the Lake 'I.ashinSton shore lands and the selection of a cornirittee to attend the meting of the ort,Park and "tate Land Comniissicn to be held in Seattle at 10 `Zuesday,11pril 8th. remarks were mado by ? oriohon,��:arlov;e,: ansen,Cake,Brovin,I elly, 1VAtchell,'1'vet,e and Heuser. The cor_census of Qpinicn being that all shore lands in friont of Renton should be reserved. The layor suggests that as many of the Cour:cil men as can, attend, also that they urge as i,an of the n s y (,itizenu present and the business men of the City to attend as possible. :otion to adjourn. City Clerk. 84 Renton. ash.April,8th, 1913. Council met in regular session ivayor McCowin pr=esidinL. Rool Call ; Couiicilirlcn,rdwards ,!iansen,Cake ,Evans and I_rthur, City Engineer Clerk and attorney present. , inutes of last meeting read and approved. Communicaticn to City Engineer from Denny Fenton Clay L Coal Co.7xplainin` bill of ' 9 .71 for repairing paveiiient left in defective condition by Seattle LiL,htin; Co.was read, Communication from City _ttorney regarding arrangement made with,and dppraising of land necessary for the opening of T,iorgan' s Drive,and recomendin, that Ordinance laid on table at previous meeting be 'tak-en up and passed,was read. 1�`_oved by Evans seconded by Edwards communication b-- received and recomendation carried out.Carried. Finance committee makes following report 1.e,your committee on claims and accounts have examined and recomend for payment the following; bills ; 0.F T ivery,#§, ,j' "Auto -•ire 4.60 Pettie Printer•y,Printing 14.00 Denny Renton Clay and Coal Co . 9 .71 `'enton Herald 14.65 Labor,Streets and ';; _ter 257.49 B.F.Cake,H.Evaris.`Irrr;.E'dwards Committee . �`:oved by r,rthur seconded by ILansen all bills 0.'T.d by the finance coatmittee be allowed.Carried. resolution fro.;i Chamber of Commerce recoriendiri.R that certain streets be improved as arterial hiLiina-ys was read. 1k,oved by ;ake seconded by Evans some be received and ref verred to "street and alley committee. Carried. Ordinance #338 creating the office of poundmaster and defining the duties of same read first time . it,oved by Hansen seconded by .Arthur same be referred to Ordinance committee , Carried. Ordinance x334 relating 'c the improvement of Norgans Drive taken from table and sassed to second reading. i. oved by Y.rthmr seconded by 11ansen .Sec. l be adopted as read. Curried. Proved by '_rthur seconded by Hansen Sec . 2 be adopted as read. Carried. Loved by Evens seconded by Edwards Sec.3 be adopted as read. AWE 85 Carried. . iiloved by; Cake seconded by Edwards Ordinance as a - hole be adopted as read. Pool vote, Ayes,-7,dwards,Lansen. Cake, Evans Arthur. Carried. Ordinance ;;4337 relating to the iml_)rovement of I;_ill St.between second _ve . and .,allO. ';all_: by Craddng and p-avinL- passed to second reading., Ivoved by Edwards seconded by Lrthur -ec . 1 be ado1�ted as read. Carried. I°;ovcd by Arthur seconded by Ed.Nards section 2 be adopted as read. Carried. t`oved by rthur seconded by Cake Sec.3 be adopted as roL:d. Carried. hovel by Cake seconded by Edwards Sec.4 be adopted as read. Carried. roved by Cake seconded by :,.rthL�r Sec.5 be adopted as read. Carried. _oved by Edwurds seconded by Evans Ordinance as a whole be adopted as read. Pool vote,Ayes Edwards,Hansen,Cake,Fvans,l_rthur. Carried, h.oved b; Cake seconded byEvans that ten sections of Ordinance 336,relatin6 to the sale and regulation r,f the liquor tr-.ffic be read second time. Carried. Ordinance x336, ILoved by Cake seconded by Hansen Sec . l be adopted as read. Carried. h:oved by '_rthur seconded by Edwards �ec. 2 be adopted as read. Carried. Ivoved by Cake seconded by Hansen Sec .3 be adopted as read.Carried. hioved by Edwlards seconded by Arthur . ec.5 ?e adopted as reL d. Carried. iv:oved !I-,y ;dw . rds seconded by Hansen Sec.6 be adopted as re--id. Carried, vowed by Cake seconded by ;vans section 7 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Arthur se conded by Cake section S be adot?ted as reed. Carried. .'. oved by Hansen ec.by rvans :pec 9 be adopted as reu.d.Carried. roved by Cake seconded b; 'Edwards section ten be amended to read Floors instead of flcor.Carried. iv_oved by Cake seconded by Tvans Sec . 10 be adopted as amended. Carried. 86 i,;oved by Cake secondedl;y ^dGa,ards Cler _ be instructed to call for bids for the improvement of , organ '-)rive . Carried. Resolution .;'134- '_. t°rovidinS for the improvement of certain streets in Porth Tonton by the laying; of board sidewalks read first time . moved by Evans seconded by Art' ur same be referred to Ordinance committee. Carried. roved by Cake seconded by Edwards Council adjourn. - Clerk. Renton, :dish. • April 15,lq13. Council met in rex ul :,n ion ,1,1%yor TTcCowin presiding. Rool Call ; ^ouncilnwn,.Brown, ia,nsen, rake ,EsTan-1 , swift %nd Arthur; City l;n„ineer Clerk -.ry ;�Ltornoy preciont. T,Tinu Lees of la 3 t_ rnee Lind; read and approved. Petit iro n for water for donkey end,ir;_,71lli*kPr Addition was re-0 . T'oved by 7rown ^,�cond'ed by Art'Zur gar^o ?•,e :;minted. -Carried. Petition from A_.K'.v,ye f)r permig^ion to pl?tce two dead Mnn in fifth ;lyre .for LI-Le purpose of unloa.din �, "inri moIrin,; donkey en ine w-ig read . Moved by Brown seconded by Cake same be t;r to ted.. Carried . Petition from pronerty owners on Mi t?1c'r� at .for the imnro- trement of 5a.me under >ection 51. of gesgion laws •of 191; 1-e ;is1a,_ lure read . 7'olred by ,C` ke gecondcd l)v .-,swift same be receive.l and ref erred ilo ^tree t an-? a11ey corimitteE? . C rrrie� . Petition from Commerci, 1 Club a.n.d. Citizens pel.iLioning the Council for t'Le im»r o-•remeflt dr cer Latin gtree tg tis r r tnrial hic hw- ciya ,by �'Lzri;? ; ZviLh l)rick,under Section 51 , ,-scion irtws or. 1913 le�igl%ture re ori. '"�oyed by Ilansen geconJed by _,*ir Lriur gra.rne be laid over for one week . Carried . Petition from properLy owners North Ren Lon , for Lhe improvement o:,” cert-tin streets on Vcr Nort?Z side by p=ilrin� with brick; ;:rosier oec .51, 1917 session 1-iws w. r F3 re id.. T:Tosre-i by Brown seconde i by wifL game be .receiir(',{ rand referred co ;)treot ane glley cornmitte C:%cried. Pina.nec' eo iii L Le rra.keg fol lovifin ; report ; ',Ve ,•your co l—i ttee. on claims .ind accounts h-vro exa.mineri. a,nd recomend for piymen L LTic °follolvin� loi11r . 7H. hir3d;ren , 115.00 XI(FI"j 87 C'ildvell :"--tcIlinory Co . 155 .45 P..s..T.-TI, ?_ P.Co 142. 50 P.H.Ad arn s 22. 50 ')\,r Tlrincen seconded b-�Y Cako nill IIA115 0.1,%d , hv Winqnco c omm, i tree 1,e %21owed. Carried. PeporL or Street arl. --tIley corimittee . W. n ,your commitLee on streets - - silleys ' ej. I.ectire 0 to rn-nort its follows on tl�p pe ti tion of Lll.(- proper Ly- o-,xners for ti-P inproir- emcnL of Purnct.t `',tret- L as platted in ")mitherlm rirg 'L-, q(I d io-n from Ave .;;oath to Sixth Ave . con tinuinc on 7"aryin L t.q ou L71 unci gouLhlvestprly to the County U-1ionce :Jest on the County roq.4 to the City limits by pavrin­ the s%me. in !--tccord. Zvitli petition, -ts the m�ijori ty of t,ic. property o-mnerq hive 9Jned the ,s'trne . *,'le recomend, Lh�.0 the stree ts in Lhp, Petition be imi?ro-veil rLq �slcel fox . 3ijsed, -T.14,hrziris , 'eo ..art sur, Commi L tee . U ;gored by 79rown ApCon, I- TTf-tjj s e n y over for T?eporL 'be l!%i' one week . CRrried . We ,your commi -tee on troet-q an(l "r)e,;- lea-,re to report as Pollovr^ (_)n u'yie, Pe'solution an!:tnimously st0opted ctt =L meeiinr -,f the ch%:imbeii of commerce ,held in the City of Fenton , ton, �April Wi, 1913,for t'ic construction or such per-nanent hi�--Irvvv'rs le rZin; From t',ie business soction of t"ie City to the trunk raids of the County tminr! 3VtLp, tnrl. t11e growLli --irrl rievelopement of ILITIc City in -i commerci%l �.nl in(lustrial ,viy -are 1, r;-,ely depenri.('ntu upon the construction of such permanent -.rterial ? 88 !;ommuni c-.tion, from City Attorney r �1.-� tini; to order. Of Superior Court a.11owir,; the City to Lake possession of pro;r)erty con,lemncd for t1 op^nin ; o f T. ort--,-In Drive read. Trozrr?C� 'may Prow �r�conded 1-)y same be r;)cPived -ml p, -wjcecl on file . !,"OM nar?ic-cion from City Attorney rel i Li,-i„ Lo conf,arence of Port. Conmi�;si ;n on April 8th, t'ne crwt- in:- . of in PXncutizre commitLee -tnd Lie alr,reemert allowin- L"-,e, City of Denton one representati�re on g-.il com-mi Ltee ,its re jd . T,-roved 1)y ;>wi_f t 9(c co (I by ?3ro),vn comilunic- tion bP roceived and placed un file C-.rried . Or,lina,nce '338 creatine; t1�e office of pound m-,.stc:r end defi_ nin; duties o F sq., p-r�• erl Lo second re Idin ;. T`_o�rerl bA1 C"Tce seconded by Brown Sec .1 be --adopted as read . C ,rried . Ar titur seconded by Hammen :lec .2 be idop Lr-d f s xe ad . C-irrie "0701 by ',eke seconded by sjprift Sec-3 be Vlo•nt( -i is re td .Crixrieci . 7'o,rr,r3 '>y :1r triur seconri,ed 1-) r ry-. y O:.ke rec .4 ,,e ;00-0ted -19 read C?7irried . T'`o�rc'ri 1)y Cake seconded i)v Brov7n Ordinance %9, a• vehole be tdop tcd as re=ed Carried . i o-er l by Ca'K*, secondr'd by T;vans Lh%t para; r-1ph in `ior . u l.ree of Ordin%rcP J""436 gelatin,,; to am,-)unt of 1)0tjri for s!:�lOon licrntle Ile recon9idere:i and sa.mr-, be m tde tore=gid 1300 .00 of 2000.00 . Cirrie'a . 70 'e�' ?y ", ko recon-3ed by '.T�,'v-ns '-11%1- >ections, ten to twen Ly inclusi-,re of Ordinance #336 be re-id and passed. Carried . =`.OIT0fI by C%k(, secon.i "i 1-ir Bro-vn ;ec.11 be adopted. as rear?. . Carried. T"oyes bar r-.' n seconded by 1?ro rn '"ec .19 be a,rlopted i, rea•d . C-irricci. T0'Te rl Ca,IV 13('0011-1�1(?ri_ Tor 7P1r�i.r q -)ec .l3 1) V'.onted ri, re-,.' .Carried . r:_oveci 1)y ,,vans seconded by lir tllur )ec .14 be 'te'o-ted -Ir, rearl FI nsen sec .lay ??ro :'n snc .15 1)e --iIonted a.q re-.d . C-,rrie,I . iroirerl cry !�va.ns sec. Hanson � y , by �ngf:n ;pec .16 be �irio?�Len -5 rc -d(',I!irrW 'Koved by Cakc- s( r-On ,.ed b,r , wif L, that n5,-tra. -,-rjph of �'ec 17 rea.dinE; T%nuttry 1,9t 1913 bf, amen.,ie(l Lo rear Tanu xy is t, 1912 . _:,ovol by Cake s,)c .by SwifL `,,�c .17 be a,Iopterl as amended .C=-Crried . ovg I by- Ewivs se°c .byDdb teff' %- re el C arri'ecl. TrOVf?;1 '()v Cake qer; .'nv Tla.n.gen CC .l9 'tlF? wr1o1) tf',ri Carrieri . T. oTreri by Cake sec .by I' vang 3ec.20 be -!ior� cerl <�r re gid , r, �.rr_ed . XWE y Trouser er be -7i-ppoin �- ,o-ed by113wifL qonon'?(-! ',y r - wm J�to-�,Ie ed to Tl(,prf-c oll t1l c a L i v F,, commi Ltne of Port- ";O�j L c e CoTp!niggion . C=�rried . Resolution appoin tin, - TI .1,11.7joarer as r--preson t'.-t Lilre, o' 0 o F Tienton in ropl=ittin;;, of second claw shore lan,1-7 on 1-:Llco wad�", rer-cd. TIrorprl by Calce sccorrllo4k by -rown P.Psolation be t;L cl o-p t e d a-) r e-,-t d . C",-t r r i o I Peiolution X1134-A rclatin,;,t: Lo Cie i"T)roTrempnt of cert-Itin sturco is of ,,`Tort'-,Trenton ',-)y bo%rfli sirlew-,�lk r(­0 9-crmrl 770-Nr-d by Ceske sccon,'It-dby 14,11rins, r7ec.1 1)c �s re'A - (".-irried— "Volred 'h-%r Ev%ns seconded by AtLhar Sec .2., be -id. opLed 1:0 re'vll . Carried 11"o re d by C%ke sec .irr I,,-'Ln9 )CC .3 be :j_,jop. Lc,-j %s rei: . C--trricd . by goc by !�rthur `")cc .4 be adop Lp C'),r r i e 6 Iv5in`,, Resolur�irm :1 a W ,0 1 C! 07) v ov o T)y T),rown s,-oor )g re� vi. Carri a 7,1111,-ttGer of parclintse of" n,",,7 IV--\r-()cwri Ger rcfr;—. red to '.L'ovm Proper- ty Colnrni LtP-C At:;en L.. jiolmd. by swcomle!i by9 wan. Street ,)up L .bp iri!itructech to rr,pq.i-r 'Ren On Aire .ne-:tr corner of 12hird Aire . Carried . 7"'o-Trp(j 1, r 11.7ift s,ycowle,-I ",-,v 'Ovins City ALLornnx be. -lut'-lorizef", to vijust gin!-tttcr of Or -tlley in ?)lock 19 Oat O:e court i f nor C-tr r i(-(I Cin,,,,i n r ins tru c t r,,-3 to run center line of -�Ilev Vnrout-,% remove o Lr. �'..-,7 -mer�, Lc) - loc'.K: ter . Cl�,rlc ins frac to ! t.-) notify props -rpy-lc(,s to lire of illey. by 13i,,iift secon,I(-1 f740ce Council rdj ourr City Clerk. Rsnton.lash.apr-2 2-1913. Council met in regular session,Mayor NcCowin presiding. Pool Call ; Councilmen 7doards,Brown Hansen Cake Evans and Arthur, Attorney Clerk and Engineer present . Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Petition from property owners asking that Ti.11iams Street be improve d as arterial highway by paving same with brick under provisions of :vection 51 Session laws 1913.was road. loved by Cake seconded by Brown petition be received and referred to Street and alley committee. Carried. Petition from Citizens of Renton asking for the improvement of of Tilliams street according to petition of property owners on same was read. moved byCake seconded by Hansen same be received and referred to street and alley committee. Carried. Petition from Chamber of Commerce laid over for one week at last meeting was main read and laid on table for one more week. `;'own Property Committee reports as follows on matter of new typewriter ' e do not see fit to purchase a new typewriter as we think the one noir in use will ansser for the present. Loved by 'crown seconded by Evans report be received and placed on file . Carried. Street and alley eormitteereports as follows on the petition of property owners for the improvement of lst `:ve - o. mill 3t.70 - and t. eo .and Fifth nve .7o. 4e recomend that the streets in the petition be improved as asked for in said petition. i .Evans,Geo.Art: ur committee. roved by Cake seconded by Hansen report be received and same laid over for one seek. Carried. Street and alley committee makes folloning resort on the petition of property owners for the improvement of Smithers `street. + e find by checking up the petition that the petitioners are in the minority according to the frontags on said street and Ae recomend that the improvement be referred to County Commissioners for their decision. Loved by gown seconded by Caho same be received and laij over for one week. Carried. 7inance committee manes follooinE report ; e , your committee on claims and accounts have examined and recomend for payment the followinL bills . Labor ,;;382.43 Tachell,painl;ing 28.70 Caldwell Bros 10.00 SUR 91 Denny ?penton & C Co 4 MGved by Cake seconded by Hansen all dills O.I:. d by Flinance co rmittee b-e allo'�,ed. Carried. Matter of P:.Y.Ry Co. tracks on 6th 9'Lve . Io. ivoved by Arthur sec. by 7dwards Clerk notify car works and N.. . Co. to remove tracks to center of SAreet within thirty days or same would be torn up. r.. Ordinance X336, Sections 20 to 34 inclue,ivo Massed to second r tiding. Loved by Cake seconded by Brown -" c21 be adopted as read. Carried. roved by Evans Sec.by Edwards : oc2Z be adopted as read. Carried. v-d by ' rthur :Sec .by Evans Iec23be adopted as read. Carried. oved by Cake >ec .by Hansen ;gee 26 be ado,-)ted as read. Carried. „oved by Edbv 1rds ; 92 r--niton, ash. April 29th,1913. ,ouncil rnet in r :."ular s _,ssion,Iv...-yor, 1� cCowir ,;or siding . Tool all ; Councilrn-n 'dwards,broAn,hans.a-n,Cukc ,Evans and ,rthur ; Engineer and Clerk pr.,^s.Pnt; lig inutus of last incetinb reg=.d and ay proved. Petition for watar for Lot 22,Block 23 7-enton Farm Plat,by A.11. i;efford read. yoved by Cake sscon,a-d by Brown same b-'; `rlrnt--d. Carried. _+ inance Committee males following report.; - ,your committee on claims and accounts ha er�niined rand rcQorr;end for payment the following; bills ; T'enton Dost Office "32.,48 it icl 8 re:urray 35. 10 L.L.Curley 2 .74 . renton "r'ardware Cc . 55.66 ' m.Lindgren 140Q 'N .F.B ro wn,I`.F,v ares,Com. I;ovvd# by iiansnn s,�ccnde-d by 7,,dw,,rds all bill:, .O.K.d by the Finance .corrrnittn- bt� allow=wd. ,Carried. Fire,Light and Auter cowmc tte-- reports 4s follows ; Upon receiving several bids favor building a hose cart house near N.P . Depot,the lc , = t bid was by Jack ,lv cCrea,41.00 and we recomernd he be Liv.-n t-i,-- contraQt. '�, .n,Brotivn,� eo..'_rthur,Ccmrrittce . ' Idlov�cl by Cak:3 seconded by liansen rej;ort be rec�^ived and rec- orr.endaticn cirri^d out. Carried. Itrcot and alley- co;rirrittec makes t'ric following re, orts ; 'gin the L. ctiti.cn of prop::rty owners for the imi-rov--ment of ', illia.ms strTct,4v-' reccrne.nd that tie i.;etition be laid on the table . I+'oved by rown seconded by Cate report r reccivz and Pecorn-.ndation carried out. C :rri-d. On thy- i ctition of proi;erty owners for t1i iiriprov.,-m--nt of ,,,.ill stria and Fifth ::v :o.we r:mccrnend tr t the L-,,etition b>ti s Ai _ anspen revort Cc lain on tic,- t�.blc . �,;oved Uy Bro �;n conu�u b,, r--ccivt�d and rccomcndaticrn cirri-d otdlt Carried. On the petition for the improv=-ci,ent of ;,irst :ve .: O- frorri ill str�sn-t to City lirr;its,v�,c r�scorn�nc:i that thR= City Council X UR 93 order til; Sarin irn� roved,and ndorse the said rou U- a urtei - ial hiphv:ay lea.di.n�; to an(Al conn--ctiriL with the route to be kno�,.n as �h`� :;uns.-:A route from Issaquah. ttns. ,,roved i, -roAn secondu- y Hansen report b!) roc °ivel a-nd r-,�cocnend ation carried out . Carr ed. On the 1)^titior) oft�E ,rop�g3rty o :n rs from the intrrsec- tion c1= ,etre ,°t., th-nce wtst onalla,. ally ,vt . to the intersection of :smith-r•s 3trn t,th—ncc youth on ;�mith-rs to the County Road, thence west on County Woad to the City Limits. '.Ile rscommd t4at the City Council order the sam improved and the City Council endorse said route as L.n artcr- ial hi0ivvay leadinL to and connecting; with the route to b known as the Pacific iiLhvuay from _-ent. Tv,oved by Hansen secondyd by 1_rthtl r report b- rec3ivsd and recomendation carri:-.d out. ,,,_ov: d by Cake ss-conded by swift above motion be t,;�blcd, C'Orried. Moved by Cak°:; seconded by "-swift ink drawinEs of buildings i novo occupi=d as saloons be rQferred to Police and LicQnsE� Com- ! ;,;ittee . Carried. Coimrnunication from 1 :�1Lue of ''ashinLton rjunicipalitiss waw read. he: v: d by Evanr s conAcd 1,11; sa;rte b and ;pla{ccd on Cile . Carried. Communication from F e .I=ousr,1 sst, ec. Commercial ater ay District ;'2 relating to th-- rebuildin` of `: illiams ::street bride v,,a.s rtd. Novel bl,- Cake seconded By swift be refe- rred to the ;treat and Ill%y committee. Carri �-a. Communication by City Cl,� rk rmlating to the aj♦pointment of IF - Ii -Houser to act as repr-sentative of the City of penton on the Executive Committee to assist the Co:nrr issioner of Public Lands in working out provisions of House Bill TIo.8 was rtl-d. --moved by Swift seconded by rvans same b,-� r� ceiv-d and placed on file. Carried. Bids for the improv: ment of th" ';est District,IJorth '' nton, and fcr the improvement of NorEan Drive werffi opened and r--ad.. -he only bids present^d war-n by Chas.Campbell. Bial for ct District :.orth Rgnton,w12088.CC,and for Nlortan Drive of n37b.00. IJioved by Hansen seconded by Brown bids be laid over for one week. _.roved by Evans seconded by 7dwards above motion be .94 rccons iJ=y=3. ,aEG Council ma=t in a&Jo2t173 S2SSion immaJiat- [ !1/ aft--r tba t:§Q1:-r Session to consiJat the atom! bids . Carr- -i!!d. a£>-±!&. motion to adjeuvn,Catried. Council met in «Z=Cativ= ssssion a22 z£tcr discussin6 the bids for t5= imy£o73mcGts as m-ntdoncd above motion Z&B madz - and snco24a3 that at the next £=§alar me=tie§ o£ tI Council the contracts for said imgtc7=jJ£tc t= a'-rd--d to Camgt»ll, 2z2oatiJa snssion adjou=!d. . Sity Clerk. Renton, ,,L ah. i; ay,Oth,1913. ouncil met in regular session,fj.ayor iv_cCowin presidin ;. Rool Call ; Councilmen Edwards,Brown,Hansen,Cake,Evans and rthur ; City _ngineer,.;ttorney end Clerk present. Iv inutes of previous meeting reZ-d and approved. a,.pliccticn of S.i. ilhuff for appointment as care t_:tker of Comfort -:)t-- tion was read. Eovad by CaI>e Seconded by Brown s :_tn e be received and placed on file to be considered ;when said -)tc_tion is completed. CL.rried. Finance co,i;,mitt: :1 ma', es following report ; .e,your coiriinittee on cl<,_imo and accounts have ex<•_mined ;and recomend for payment the following bills ; Se_tttle ':^.ia.ter Dept. rr. 50 H.Thomas, . 50 Dent 9; penton `fel.Co. L. 50 0..:.Transfer 3.05 O.K.Livery :Mable , 5.00 "Pettie Printery, 7. 75 b■r penton Iier _ld, 36.30 Labor,Street v;; ''w< ter DeDt ' s, 297.13 'tii.F.Broa,in,?'. Ev_ns,Cornmittee. Pv oved by '_-:ansen secondee. by TNans all bills O.K. d by the inance committee be :llo;^ed. CL�,rried. Councilman 'vans mikes verbal report relating to the rebuild- ing of .illiams _street bridge . i-loved by. Hansen seconded b� vans Council ineot in special session #hi wlth the titer ': ay Vommi.ssion on 7riday evening; i�iiay 9th,to consider and �,_dyjust matters relating to said : illi ms :street bridge . C_rried. Relating to ink drawings of Saloons ,moved by Cake seconded by Brown stime be turned over to ;;ity '.]ngineer �_nc- Iwla.rsha.l with instructions to see that necessary changes,as designated by Police .and License Coiimiittee,are ",made. Carried. Communication to City attorney relisting to bill attached amounting to ; 96 i E i clerk reports no •protest ag ins the proposed improvement of 3ru, ".ve. 4th.l.ti`e.and 7, street ?,TO.by the laying of board side j walks on portions of said streets. i. oved by :wife seconded by 7'dw� rds bid of C .F.Campbell for forth Fenton improve ment,,%est Oi, trict be ccepted. Pohl vote, Edwards,Bro in Cake Fvans Swift Arthur voting Aye,`_an2en no, arried. oved by Cake secomded by Swift bid of C .R.CG-mpbell for the improvement of Morgan Drive be L,�.ccepted. Poll vote,EdUi .rds, roan,' _n. en,Cke ,awift,Evans,".rthur,lye ,i o' s none Carried. i!.-_tter of assistant Tight 1cl rs'nal for `),aturday nig7its W- brought up.a_oved by Cake seconded by Swift P:ayor �;,,_)point an assistant `�'.a.rsna.11 foT s turday nights on-1y at a, compensation of ,;,'3.00 per night. parried. relating to the. payment of condemnation proceedings z',n(i costo,Alley Block 19 re,-==d first time ,Iv.ovec by Swift seconded by •C�,-ke slaii1e be referred to pbdinance commi- ttee. Carried. z rotest from property owners on Burnett .)treet La,gain s present location of new hose cart building :roved by vift seconded by Cake same be referred to Fire Light and _ter committee with power to 'have location changed if' same is not where originally planned. Carried. moved by 7vans seconded by Brown ,Iattorney draw up letter to a.:r.C . se street Supt,(�ity of >eattle petitioning for the im,;rovement of ,_:line er Blvd.near the south limit:, of the City of eattle . C:. rried. otion• to adjourn.C� r'i :_ . City Clerk. T'enton,'V ash.N ay,9-1913 . Council met in special session,iv,ayor iveCowin presiding. Councilmen _�ansen,Cake;Swift and Evans present. Object of the meeting to discuss with the Commissioners of Commercial ':�,aterway m2the question of rebuilding the ',illiams St. bridge. After discussing the matter oy,� the Commissioners and members of the Council motion was made by ?,,vans seeonded by Swift that City Engineer investigate and make estimate of the probable co:-t of moving and repairinE bridge ,the County,the ':' aterway and the City to stand the expense equally. ,lotion to adjourn. City Clerk.. !! WE 97, Penton,W ash,Iv.ay,13-1913. Regular meetinE of the City Council,iv-ayor ivicCoxin presiding. Rool Call ; Councilmen ':dwards,Ean:men,Cake ,Evans and '.rthur. City Attorney,En ,ineer and Clerk present. i�:inutes of last meeting read and approved. Fetition for sewer connection Lot 10,Elk.34,by David Lloy,.j uas read. IUoved by Evans seconded by _rthur petition i " ranted. Carried. Petition from J.ri.P�ichnin,ht to build a wooden approach on Fifth St.between I+tills and .,lain 3ts .was re, d. 1vioved by Cake seconded by Iiansen petition be received and referred to .Street ansa alley coiirimittee. Carried. 7inance commriitte� makes followinL report ; e , your comnmittee on clainis and accounts have ex; alined and reco.mend for payment the followinL bills ; Labor, x;21.25 J. S.M cCrea, . 50 ,H, Stewart 45.90 Puget ` ound `Traction,LiL ht & Pwr.Col44. 50 m.ha.ne 1. 210 Ame'vican.i3tamp fc Stencil Co . 2.00 . .Cake ,', .C .D.Edwards,H.Evans, cornrrii t tee. iioved byHansen seconded by _rthur all bills 0.I7.d by the finance comiimittee be allowed. Carried. report of Health officer re,:-d. Iv;oved by Evans seconded by Cake same be received and placed on file. Carried. Report of City Clerk read. 1'1oved by Cakc seconded by _Evans same be received and placed on file . Carried. report of _)olice Judge read. .,oved by -vans seconded by EdAiiards same be received and -,laced on file . Carried. Report of City EnL ineer in matter of r. building of 'Alliams St.bridge read. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen report, bereceiv- ed and placed on file. Carried. Communication from Seattle Commercial Club advisins,_r of rneet- in�; to be held in Seattle on Saturday ,ve.i`-,.ay,3lst,and asking that a delegate be gent from Renton was read. I,Piov ed by l_rthur seconded by Cake that P .','ti ,Houser be appointed as delegate to said meeting and Clerk be instructed to notify above named club 98 to that effect and to advise said club of the name and address of the Secretary of the Renton Commercial Club. Carried. Ordinance T339 relating to the payment #---from the water fund of the judgements awarded in the condemnation proceedings Llley Block 19,read second time. hur section 1,be adopted as read. :voved by Evans seconded by Irt Carried. loved by t.rthur seconded by Evans section 21,te adopted as read. Carried. lv'.oved by 1d,�,,ards seconded by rthur section 3,be adopted as read. Carried. i�,oved by rvans seconded by i' rthur Ordinance as a whole be adopted as read.;{f P '_ cool �,'ote, duvards,I ansen,Cake, _'vans , '_rthur 1-ye ,lio,none,Carried. Bond of C .P.Campbell for the improvement of the ':est Astrict North Penton presented to the Council. vovad by Evans seconded by Hansen same be referred to City Attorney for approval. Carried. !.atter of laying new pile on ':organ Drive payment to be made from General Fund,ii;oved by Cake seconded b Evans same be referred to Fire Light and ',rater committee. Carried. i�, oved by Cake seconded by Evans Clerk advertise for bids in the Pacific rn_,ineer and local paper fom improvement of Cedar St. according to Ordinance i,;o.330,Carried. l.'_oved by <:rthur seconded by Cake City Attorney be instru- cted to confer with the _)eattle Lighting Company in the matter of the establishment of sub-station in Penton with the object in view of securing; cheaper lil_ht for the City and citizens of Penton. Carried. owed by Cake seconded by 7dwards Cite Engineer be instr- ucted to investigate condition of Penton �„ve.nea.r corner of bird and report to Council. Carried. otion to adjourn. Car•ri d. Clerk reports no bids roc_-ived f'or conort Staticn. ” City Clerk. X WE 99 Renton,':':ash. ?ay, 20-1913. Council liet in regular sessicn,ruiayorv:cCowin presiding. :tool Call ; Councilrilen,irovn,'?ansen,Car:e , wift,"-�lvanEs and Arthur. Cit- 1_ttorne;y Lngineer and Clerk present. tinutes of last rrieeting read and approved. Petition presented tc the Council asking; permission to close t -Lr: office of Treasurer and Clerk at 1 O ' Clock on : aturc:Iay.� , as is customary in all public offices. iv oved by -wift seconded by 1'irthur petition be received and request granted. Carried. Sire ,i�;ht and ".ater eorirr.ittee rep arts as follows ; In the matter of extension of water iiain on ri_orL an :;rive reportF-d to us at last meetinL; e find that eiLht familio s in this loci:-.lity are Ucrved with water from a 4" pipe and while this gives suffiei3nt at ;r for household use,yet for irrigating it is practically of no use . ',:' e r coiriend that a four inch main be extended on iv.orLan Drive to accommodate i�ny and all residents on said Drive same to be Haid for out of the water fund. .F.Brown,Geo.Arthur,a.P'.3wift,Corniriittpe. u',cved by Carle seconded by Savift report :je received alld reco- mmendation carrieA out. Carried. finance Coiiiiiiitt;ee reports as follows ; ;e.your committee on claimc and accounts hav^ examined and recoi- end for payment the followin6 bills ; Gorham rubb. r Co ;;;1.00 `Prick <r,-. murray 10. 50 City Clerk • 50 J. S. I cCrea 45. 50 m.'Pcnkin . 56 i:orey �colard Gillam Co. 4.75 .r'homas .75 City of Seattle 23•70 Labor treets and ::titer 263.3"7 Local ?rrrp.I.ssmt. Di. t.16-I_ Lots 13-14, 162.75 F.Swift ,':; . '.Drown,L. 1vans,Committee . k,ovcd by f•,rthur seconded -ray ;'anscn all bills0.Y,.d by the 100 7inance Committee be alloJLed. Carried. reasurers retort for the period April lst,l91: to N.a 8th,1913 road. --oved by -Cake seconded by Swift sane be received and placed on file. Carried. City lttorneys report relating; to :2—ction -1 of ordina- nce IIdo.336,pertaininL_ to saloon entrances read. 15,:oved by Evens .3ccondcd i,y Iiansen same be received and pIa ced on file . Carried. Communication from City `froasur -r relatinb to the inauguration of ne-w system and nevi foriils for r�cepirig certain accounts in `i'reasurers office. : oved by Cake ::seconded by f rthur same be referred to Finance Co:artittee., . Carried. oved by Cake seconded by i'ansen City adverti se for bids for the r"construction of the ., illiams 3tre4ot bridge. Carried. Communication frog? 1're�,surer relatinL, to certain amounts rea;aining as a credit to Local Improvement _)i ,tricts which nave been closed up,and reque, tinE authority to turn said a: ounts over to the General Fund -,,uas read. Pdoved by Cake .seconded b;; .`.rthur same be roferred to v'inance Comm- ittee with power to act. Carried. ?; tiolutions Rios . 135- �-136-1,-137-1 , 138- ".,139-1_,relating tothe improvement of certain streets as artorial hiLh.ways by pavirL Oame .Iitei brick read first time. lVioved by Cake second®d by ,rthtir same bo referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. roved by Cake seconded 1, Swift City 'ngineer and 'fo,,In rroperty Committee proceed to erect Comfort -,taticn. Carried. !V_,otion to adjourn. Carried. -HCl City Clerk. 101 Renton, ash. Pvay 27th,1913. Council met in re ulcer session >J:ayor 'ivi cCowin presiding. Rool Call ; Councilmen T dwards,3roi,vn,Ilansen,Evan.s and Arthur; City r'' ttorney ''ngineer and Clerk present. !4;inutes of last regular session read and alpproved. Petition from E. .F:elloir asking permission to place bill board on ,;arking strip near corner of Renton Drug Store . lvoved by H.,ansen seconded by ?ro,,vn sal ie be refarred to Street and Alley committee ; Carried. Finance Committee makes following report ; `!, e , your Co mittee on Claims and Yccounts have examined and recoilend for payment the following bills ; 'eter _;ullahant "'.3.00 Labor,Streets and rAater 103.76 71 .Brown,H.Evr;ns,Committee. T.oved by Hansen seconded by 7dwards all bills C-. .d by �+ the Ziinance Committee -- allowed. Carried. Mayor makes verbal report in t'.-ie matter of railway tracks on 6th,Ave.Aorth,also in the matter of inspection of saloons. Cori?i!unication from Lake Gravel Co.off Bring to donate sand and gravel needed in con:- truction of Comfort '3tation read,, ivloved by rvans seconded by Arthur communication be rece- ived and offer accepted, also that vote of thanks be tendered to Lake Cravel Co.for same. Carried. Communication from City Treasurer notifying; tine Council of the closing; of vocal Improvemendist. 00.42,there being, a credit of ;132.70 and asking authority to transfer same to the general fund. Brown Movedby/secondec by rdwards same be received and that the amount as above stated be transferred to general fund as reque- -.ted. Carried. Communication from Carnagie Library association relating to-the building of library was reed and same referred to the Town Pro,�erty Committee to take action in conjunction with the Commercial club. Proposed Ordinance relating to the granting of 'ranchise 102 to the :-;ortlzern Pacific r'ail4v«.y Company on Burnett Street . r--,ad first time. ,Oved by L,rovvn seconaed by "7dvaards same be referred to Ordinance Committee to act with City _ttorney and City r'ngineer and report at next n: e ting. married. There being no furt ier business [,notion made to adjourn. City Clerk. 'X' Renton,Wash,J&%� 3rd,1913. Council met in regular session Mayor ,,AcCowin presiding. Rool Call; Councilmen Brown,Han^sen,Cake,Evans and Arthur, City Attorney engineer and ,lerk,present . Trinutes of last regular session read and approved; Petition .from car works hotel asking for installation of meter for same read. Ifoved by Hansen seconded by Evans petition be granted. Carried . Petition for sewer connection Lot 16,Block 34,-'Dan Hogan re'id. Moved by .Evans seconded bY.. Arthur same be granted. Carried. Petition from H.B.Campbell asking permimsion to install a gasoline tank on parking strip =north of U.K. .Livery read. a4`oved by Cake" seconded by Hansen s:vne be referred to Fire Light and l,Vater Commi wtee to act in conjunction with `ire Cheif ' and rp-### port• at next meeting. Report of Finance Committee; `Ae,,your 6ommittee on claims and accounts have examined and reco- mend for payment the following bills ; Labor $120 .00 Renton 11dw.0o 17.20 Joe Xdwa�rds 3.85 Seattle Water Dept.. 26 .25 Kent & Renton Telephone Co. 1.80 Labor.Springbrook 148 .00 Moved by Arthur seconded by Cake all bills O.K..d by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Report of Police Judge; Moved by .Evans seconded by Atthur same be received and placed on fdle . Carried. l � XIITF, 103 Report of Health Officer ; Moved by Cake, seconded by Hansen same be received and ?placed on file . Carried . Report of 'Treasurer . -oved byRrogn seconded by ::vans same be received and ;laced on file . Carried. rr. Report of. Clerk; Moved by Evans seconded by Axthur same be received and placed on file ; Carried. Motion made and seconded t}iat a special meeting of the Council be held on Thursday evening; for discussion of Ordinance #336 . Communication from Treasurer relating Lo L" e condition of Yater and Cxener,il :Tands is read. '-owed by ?;v=ans seconded by Cake communication be received and placed on file . Carried. Council was notified of the fact t'hat the contract between the City and the City of Seattle for water expired June 1st. T=otion made and seconded L`tat Clerk take up matter. with City of aeaLLle and have new contract drawn up. There being no further busine!3s mo pion mr tde to adj oarn. City Clerk. 104 Renton,Nash. .Tune: 10-1913. Council met in regular session Mayor McCowin presiding; Fool Call; Eouncilmen,Edwards,,Hansen,Cake ,.Evans and Arthur; City attorney,F.ngineer and Clerk present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved; Petition for water. Lot 18-1,31ock 19 by 1J.Pol.lock read. lvi'oved by Cake seconded by Arthut# same be granted. Carried. Petition fora 211connection Lot 7 Blk.1.3 .for fire protection by E.E.Belloir read. Moved by Evans seconded by Edwards petition be receiver and request granted. Carried. Petition by R.Wood asking permi.s:3ion to cut and set back the return curb in front of Lot 6,Block 9for purpose of driveway read. Idove-d by Cake seconded by ;vans same be referred to City Engineer with power to act. Carried. Fire Light and Pater committee makesfollowing report7on application of Hugh Campbell to install a gasoline tank in front of O'.K.Livery Stable . We beg leave to recommend teat he be allo- wed to do so ,provided t'-iat the tank is sunk far enough below the surface to be absolutely s-ife and W..iat in case it prove objectio- nable that same be reroved upon V�iirty days no tiee from the Council. Y.F.Brown,I .F.3wift Commi ttee. Moved by Edwards seconded by Hansen report be received and recom- mendation carried out. Carried. To-an Property Committe reports that no meeting; has yet been held vith the Commercial Club re g irdine proposed library. ,roved and seconded Committee be allowed one more weeks time . Finance Committee reports as follows ; -,..-Ie have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co . $9.71 Vim.Tonkin 13.05 J.S.Jlardie 5.50 Fuller Publishing; Co 5.70 L..& P.Co. 144.50 P.W.Houser 20 .00 B.F.Cake,?I.Evans Geo .Arthur, Committee . i X I F,E 105 Tho=red by Edwards seconded by liansen all bills O.K.d by Lhe 'Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. City Eng=ineer makes following; report; I have to report the completion of the contract of Chas . Campbell for the improvement of Mor—in Drive by grading, as prov- ided for under Ordinance No .301, creating Local Improvement District No .56,and would recomend acceptance of the same . The following is V-ie final estimate on this contract. Clearing ad grubbing( lump sum) $115.00 743 .4 Cu Yds Grading @.35 260.19 Fixed Estimate Printing .$15.00 Field work 14.50 Engineering 20.00 50.00 Total $424.59 Respectfully submitted, C.O .Tvete, City Engineer . Moved by Cake seconded by Evans report be received and cont-ract accepted. Carried . Communication from City Treasurer relating to condition of 'Water and General Funds read . TToved byCake seconded by Evans same be received and referred to Finance Committee . Carried. Report of. State Examiner read. Lioved by :Evans seconded by Edwards same be accepted and placed on file . Carried. Ordinance TTo. 7.39 relating to N.P.Fra.rrchise passed to second re3din};. I-loved by Evans section 1 be amended to read Tobin Ave.ins Lead of. Second Ave .Carried. Moved -)y Evans seconded by liansen Cec.l be adopted as amended. Carried. TAcoved by Evans seconded by 111ansen Sec ..2. be adop ped as read. e� Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Edwards Sec.3 be 'Idopted as read. Carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Arthar "3,ec .4 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Cake Sec.5 be amended to read 'robin Ave .instead of Second Ave .Carried. ?loved by Evens seconded by Cake section 5 be adopted as amended. Pool Vote 7,4dtivards,'.-i�nsen, Cake,.'dvans ,.Arthur Aye,Nos ,none ,Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by pavans Ordinance. Committee draft new grater Ordinance relating to the payment of rents and fines for non-payment of same,and that all fines priid from June 5th, to date be allowed as a credit to the several parties on water rents next due . Carried. Bids for Cedar 3t .improvement were read as follows ; C .R.Campbell total amount oll' bid $5945.70 G.A.-Bandere t " to of to 5873.00 Moved by Evans seconded by Cake Council take up matter of bids in executive session. Carfied. Proved b J '2,vans seconded by dwards a Committee be appointed by the Mayor to visit the several saloons in company with the City Marshall and de termind as to what alterations shall be made and if Vne proprietors are complying with Ordinance No .336. Carried. Mayor appoints as Committee Councilmen Brovvn,?;vans and Arthur . Said Committee to report findings at next regular meeting of the Council. Matter of City printing laid over to next meeting. Motion to adjourn. Carried. / 'e City Clerk#. nos 107 Renton,Wash.JUne, 17-1913 . Council met in r gular session, Councilm=en Brown mayor. Pro-tem. Rool-Call; Coumcilmen Bro-.vrz Cake ## .3wi`'t,:9vans and Arthur , City Attorney and Clerk present; Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved . Finance Committee -hakes following report; We,,your gommittee on claims and accounts have examined and recomend for paymeriL the followin� bills ; Labor, X30.93 SerAttle Car & Foundry Co. 3 .25 Caldwell Bros. Co. 30.00 Labor. Springbrook 137 .00 16 P.Brown,tl.Evans Commi ttse . Moved by Cake seconded by i�rthur all bills O.K.d by the Finance `'ommi ttee be allowed. Carried. Special Commi tape .appointed to investigate saloons reports that all Saloons have been visited and necessary changes have been s,.. made , or agreed to be made and recomend that when such suggestions have been complied with that the matter be considered as satisf- actory at this time. Signed,W.F.Brotgn,H.Vvans,Geo .Arthur , Committee. Moved by Cake, seconded by Swif t report of 1.3pecia.l Commi ttee be received and placed on file. Carried . Communication from Treasurer asking; that a warrant be drawn on the Gener il Fund in the amount of $67 .75 for the payment of L,.I.D. assessment District #16, Trunk Server,was read. Moved by Swift seconded by Arthur same be referred to .Finance Committee. Carried. Communication from ,Vater Supt.City of Seattle relative to neve w,itpr contract read. Mo ,ed by Cake seconded by :iwift Clerk write :erupt.)(oun�;s s t iLing that present rate is s r,tisfactory and asking; him to have contract drawn up as proper-zed. Carried. Communication from Jeo T_.Reid of the N .P.Ry.Co .relating to proposed franchise read. lJoved by--Cake seconded jsame be laid on table . Carried. Q)dina,nce X341 relating- to the rebuilding and mode of payment of the Williams Street bridge read first time. ?loved by Swift sec- onded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Conmi ctee . Carried. K. 108 Matter of Cedar Street improvement taken up.#####Ot#�#�#� Moved by Cake seconded by Arthur contract for same be =iwarded to G.A. Banderet for the sum of $5873 .00 his being; the lowest bid. Pool llote,Swift, Cake Evans and Arthur voting Aye,No,none.Carried. One .bid was recei,-red for the rebuilding of "illiams atree t bridge but owing to the fact that the proper Ordinance authorizing; said improvement had not been passed motion was made by Swift seconded by Evans that bid be returned to party presenting; sane and the improvement be xeadvertised. Carried. loved by Cake seconded by Swift Clerk c�ill for bids for City Printing. Carried. Loved by Cake seconded by Swift purchasing, Agent be author- ized to purchase the necessary pipe for the replacing of water main on Cedar Street. Carried. Clerk notified to instruct Fire Cheif to have a box placed around fire alarm batteries in fire hall and send bill for same to the Council. # # Contractor Campbell calls t MITE 109 Rent*on,Wa'sh . nme 20-1913. Council met in adjourned session ,Vayor YcCowin presiding. Object of the meeting to take up and reconsider Ordinance No .340 relating to Franchise 'N'.Pr:Ry-.C:o .passed %�LL last regular session . mayor ILcCowin presents his veto of above Ordinance which was read,as folloiws ;I hereby veto Ordinance No .340 for the reason that I think it not practical to extend the street farther than First Avenue South. Signed ,Chas .TJcCowin,ITayor. ?.Coved by Cake- seconded by 'Tvans that. above Ordinance be laid on tf�.ble and kayors veto sustained. Carried . Councilman Evanr,, at request of Realth Officer Bronson,brings before Council. the matter of small pox case at the ':lectern Hotel. Moved by Cake seconded by Edwards that Ifealth Officer be instruc- ted to remove patient to (Sea-ttle pest house . Carried . Moved by Arthur seconded by Cake Health Officer be instructed to quaren Line and fumigate ';ilestern Hotel . Carried . Motion to adjourn . Carried. City Mork. 110 Renton June 24-1913 . Regular session of the Council,Yayor McCowin presiding. Roll Call ; Councilman Edwards ,RroAAn,IT.ansen, Cake Evans , Swift and Arthur ,Attorney -I%ngineer and Clerk present. Minutes of last regular meeting and adjourned session read and approved . Finance Committee makes following report; We ,your Committee on claims and accounts have examined and recomend for payment the followig bills; Trick & Murray $83.45 Puget. Sound Traction Light & Power Co . 36.32 Wm.Tonkin 2.33 Thos .P.Arries ,Box rent .45 Renton Lumber Co . 168 .00 T,.Y.F.Trown,H'.Evans ,Coni ni t tee . Loved by Edwards seconded by Hansen all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. P.P,Padden,Secre tary of the Commercial Club presented plars of the proposed library building; , to the Council. for their consideration. Moved by Swift seconded by Brown C'ommi ttee hire Architect_ to proceed with plans as presented and outlined for construction of library buildig. Carried . Moved by Swift seconded by Brown City .Engineer be authorized to cut grass along; sidewalks in City where same overlaps and interferes with passage of said vi--elks . Carried . Communication from Association of Fire Cheifs read. Yoved by Coke seconded by Hansen communication be received and placed on file and appropriation be made to pay expenses of the Fire Cheif of the City of Renton to the convention to be held at Tacoma Aug, 25 to 28 . Carried . Communic5tion from 111m.Poss Consulting Engineer of Spokane Wash.read . Moved by Swift seconded by Ev tns same be received and placed on file . Carried.. Proposed water Ordinane re qd f irm t time . Moved by Evans sec- onded by Swift same be referred to Ordinane CommitteQ#. Carried . Ordinance #342 relating to Franchise N.P.R,y.Co ,read first time . Moved by Swift seconded by Evans same be referred to Ord- 1 Y NFE 111 inance Committee . Carried . Ordinance { 341 relating; to rebuilding of Villiams :t.brjd�7-e prissed to second reading. Moved. by Cake seconded by Frown Sec.l be adopted as read. Carried . Loved by Swift seconded by Evans section 2 be adopted as recd. Carried . Moved by Cake seconded by Swift section 3 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by .;^vans seconded by Edwards section 4 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Swift seconded by Cake Ordinance as a whole be adopted as re!id. Poll vote ;Edinards ,Rrovn ,Hansen , Cake,>wift\and Arthur voting Aye .#$#Jq&&i5. Carried . Moved by Cake seconded by Brown Clerk be instructed to call for bids for Jilliams St.bridg;e . Carried. Iuot.ion to adjourn. Carried . City Clerk. bow 112 Renton,July 1st-1913. Council met in regular session ,I.Iayor ISTcCowin presiding. Rool Call; Councilmen Brown,H-*nsen Cake Evans and Arthur, City Engineer and Clerk present. 1"inutes of last regular session read and approved. 6 Petition for sewer connection Lot V* Block 12 by M.Rees read. MToved by Evans seconded by Arthur same be granted . Carried . Petition by Thigh Campbell asking for transfer of his saloon license to Chas .Dock read . Moved by Brown seconded by Lvans same be referred to license Committee . Carried. Petition by Seattle lighting Co .asking permit to lay 411ga.s main on Smithers C"treet from 5th to 7th Ave .r.ea.d . Moved by Ev%ns seconded by Brown petition be received and request �.;r,anted . Carried . Petition from Lake Gravel Co asking for water service for donkey engine near N.P.bridge read . T.Toved by Cake seconded by Arthur same be granted providing a meter is installed . Carried. Petition presented to the Council. by Peter zymongki asking that body to take some action in the matter of certain boys who are in the habit of congregating near his residence and annoying him by throwing rocks ,usinLf profane and obscene language and in various other w=ays was read . Y-oved by Evans seconded by Brown petition be received and placed on file . Carried . Suggestions made by the Council regarding above petition V-,at the City Mars- and arrest hall round up/the boys referred to add that they be fined or placed in jail . Finance Committee makes following report; Ve,your Committee on Claims and Accounts have examined and recomend for payment t}ie followig bills ; J?os .Edwards , 97.50 Renton IIdw.Co . 15.60 Labor,Street &: Mater Depts . 270.75 '11.F.Brown,H, .Eva.ns Committee . Moved by Hansen seconded by Arthur all bills O.K.d by the Finance committee be alloyed . Carried. City engineer makes following report; Hon.Ilayor and City Council. ; Gen'lemen . 113 The following is the estimate of the work completed up to June 25th, on the contract of. Chas .Campbell for the improvement of the ''Test District of North Renton as provided .for under Ordinance No.293 creating; Local Improvement District #48 . Clearing and Grubbing; (Lump sum) $500.00 Grading 3440 Cu.Yds . 9.65 2236.00 $2736 .00 I would recomend the allowance of 70Z on .the above amount . Respectfully submitted , C .0.Tve te•,City Engineer . Moved by Cake seconded by Brown report be received and recom- erdation carried out . Carried . T.,oved. by Evans seconded by Brown City Engineer be authorized to make necessary repairs to Itills Street Bridge . Carried. Report of City Treasurer read. Moved by Brown seconded by Hansen same be received and placed on file . Carried. Report of Police Jude . Moved by Evans seconded by Cake same be received and placed on file . Carried . ?Leport of City Clerk read . Yoved by Brown seconded by Evans Rldport be received and placed on file . Carried . Comuniea,tion fraamm A.C .Wilson asking; that City remove water pipe across his property at the end of Fourth Ave .-East reed . Moved by Cake seconded by Evans communication be received and same be referred to Fire Light and ',:c=ater Cornmi ttee . Carried. Ordinance No.342 passed to second reading. Loved by Evans seconded by Cake Sec .l be adopted as read . Carried. . Loved by Cake Secor-ided by .Evans Sec .2 be adopted as read . Carried . !a,'oved by Arthur seconded by Brown Sec.3 be , rnended to read Yorth line of Lot 10 instead of Second Ave . Moved by Cake seconded by Evans Sec .3 be adopted as amended . Carrie 4% 1mr Roved. by Cake seconded by Arthur section 4 be =amended to reed 30 instead of 60 days . Moved by Cake seconded by Nansen Sec .4 be adopted as amended . Carried . Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur Sec .5 be adopted as read . Carried Moved. by Cake seconded by Brown Ordinance as a whole be adopted as read .Poll Vote Brown, Hansen Cake Evans Arthur Aye .lTo none .Carrie 'pater Ordinance #343 laid over for one week . 114 iWisolution NO.L35-A relating; to the _improvement of Burnett Stand County Road as an arterial highway by paving; same with brick read first time . roved by Arthur seconded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried . - REsolution 1TQ.7. 6-A relating to the improvement of Walla Ave .Smithers St .a.nd County Road as an arterial highway by paving with brick .Moved by Cake seconded by Evens this Resolution be laid on .,;Lble t Carried . REsolution Yo .137-A relating; to the improvement of First.. Ave .North from the northerly approach to the !dill Street bridge to City limits read first time . Moved by Evans seconded by Brown same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried . .,loved by Cake seconded by Arthur Fond of G .A.Banderett for the improvement of Cedar St.be referred to City Attorney for appr- oval . Carried. Remarks were4made by the following Citizens,Vrs .D. C.rTitchell on Union Label Lead ue,Norman Davis Vill Street bridge .E.E.Huff location of public fountain. Proved by Arthur secdnded by Cake fountain be removed to City property near City Hall . Carried. Rtquest made by Peter Dullahant for concessionary rights to First Ave .YoYtth from Pelly to Williams Streets ,for the Fire Dept. celebration on .'uly 4th. TIToved by Arthur seconded by Evans same be granted . Carried.. Moved by Arthur seconded by Cake matter of fire hydrant referred to by Mr.N .Davis ,at the corner of bills Stand Second Ave .be referred to Fire Light and ',Nater Committee . Carried. Motion to adjourn,Carrie.d . City Clerk. .1 XWE 115 w Renton July 8-1913. Council met. in regular session ,Mayor kcCoviin presiding. c. Roll Call, Councilmen Edwards,Brovni,Hansen, Cake Evans ani Arthu)-N City engineer. and Clerk present. ft Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition for sewer connection Lot 15 Block 27 by Mrs .Annie Donnelly read. Moved by ;vans seconded by .Arthur petition be rece- ived and same granted . Carried. ! Finance Committee makes following, report; `a We.your Committee on claims and accounts have examined and recornend .for payment the following bills ; � Renton Herald $10.15 Seattle Hardware Co . 10.12 Puget Sound T_.L.& P.Co . 144.50 Lw-. Seattle %'IaLer Dept. 35 .60 ' u lu Kent & Renton Tel .Co . 1.60 t Preibe Bros. 18 .30 I+U.F.Brown,H .Evans Committee . , moved by Cake seconded by Hansen all bills 0'.K.d by the 4 Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. j Fire Light and 'Vater Committee reports as follows ; REferring to communication from A..C .Wilson relating to water mein crossing his property on Fourth Ave .east; ,Ye recomend that when Cedar Street water mains are put in s Tape of ter improvements are made that said water main be extend- ed down Beacon Boulevard to connect with main on Cedar Street and pipe across The 'Wilson property be cut out. 'N.I+'.Brown,Geo Arthur ,CorunittPe . Moved by Hansen seconded by Evans report be received and rec- ab omendation carried out. Carried. Report of. Town Property committee and P.P.Padden Chairman of Library and Education Committee recomending the acceptance of the plans for Library presented by Harold Grinnold and submitting form of contract to be executed between the City of Renton and Mr. ' Grinnold was read. Moved by Brown seconded by Evans report be rete- } ived and recomendations and suggestions carried out. Carried. R11'solution presented by above named Committee pledging the City of Renton to erect the proposed Library building within the 116 Ten Thousand Dollar limit promised by the Carnegei Corporation read. Ivloved by Cake seconded by Brown Resolution be adopted .as reed. Carried . Report of Health Officer read. Loved by Evans seconded by .Edwards 3;-me be accepted and placed on file . Curried. Communication from Seattle ':"later Dept.re-lating to txtention of water contract for a period of three years under same condit- ions as previous contract read . Moved ty Evans secoded by Arthur same be veceived and contract signed up. Carried . Communication from City of Seattle stating conditions under which they will allow tide City of Renton to maintain a. sewer on Lots 18-19 Blocks 8 and 9 was read. I:ioved by Cake seconded by Arthur agreement be signed up as pre rented. Carried. Water Ordinance No.343 passed to second readin,,;. 1loved by Cake seconded by Brown Sec .l be =adopted as read. Carried Eroved by Evans sec .by .Brovm Sec .2 be adopted as read. Carried . T4ioved by Edwards sec .by Arthur Sec .3 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Evans sec .by Cake Sec.4 be adopted as read. Carried. "loved by Arthur sec .by Edwards 133ec .5 be adopted as read .Carried. Il1oved by Evans sec .by Cake Sec .6be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Arthur sec .by Hanson yec.7 be adopted as read.Carried. Moved by Evans sec .by Hansen Sec .8 be adopted as read .Carried . Moved by Hansen sec .by Edwards Sec.9 be adopted as read.Carried. Moved by Arthur sec .by Hansen Sec.10 be adopted as read .Carried. Moved by IIa,nsen sec,by Arthur Sec .11 be adopted as read.Carried. Moved by Evans sec .by Eldwrarrds Sec .12 be adopted as read .^arried. Moved by Hansen sec,by Cake Sec, 13 be adopted as read.Carried . Moved by Hansen Sec -by Arthur Sec.14 be -adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Evans Ordinance as a whole be adopted as read. Poll 'Tote ;Edwards Brown Hansen Cake Evans Arthur voting; Aye .Noes none . Carried . Under head of miscellaneous business petition for sewer conn- ection Lot 3 Block 28 by Fred Freyman was read . Moved by Evans seconded by Cake petition be received and same granted. Carried. The Buletin Printing Co,presents the following; bid for City printin . For all publications ,first insertion,per inch in eight point type , solid at the rate of forty cents per inch, single colu- 11"7 mn . For each additional continuous publication of same matter at the rete of ten cents per inch. Moved by Arthur seconded by Hansen bid be referred to Finance Committee and report be made at next meeting. Carried. Resolution ydo .135-A relating to the improvement of Burnett Street and County Road ,is arterial highway by paving; with brick read second time . Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur 3ec,.l be adopted as read. Carried Moved by Brown sec .by Edwards Sec .2 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Cake sec .by Evans 3ec .3 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by rvans sec .by Rdwards Sec.4 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Edwards Resolution as a whole be adopt- ed as read. Poll Vote ;F.dwa,rds ,Brown,Hansen, Cake,Evans Arthur ,Aye . No .none. Carried. Resolution No .137-A relating to the improvement )f first ave . north .from Mill Street bridge to City limits as an arterial hi. ;h- way by paving with brick read second time . Moved by Brown sec .by Hansen Sec, l be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by .Evans sec .by Hansen Sec, 2 be adopted a5 reed . Carried. Moved by Hansen sec,by Edwards 3ec .3 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by ?Ianserr sec.by Evans aec .4 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Brown sec.by Arthur Resolution as a whole be adopted as read . Poll Vo te;Edwards,Brown ,Hansen , Cake ,Evans Arthur Aye .No none Carried. Purchasin; Agent asks authority to purchase 1000 Ft..," pipe for making new connections on Cedar St, Moved by Arthur seconded by Edwards authority be granted as requested . C-irried . Motion to adjourn. Carried. 0 10 City Clerk. I`.n 118 Renton,Wash. .T'uly 15-1913. Council met in regular session,Mayor McCowin presiding. Rool Call; Councilmen Bro�vn,jiansen,Cake ,Swift,Wvans and Arthur City Engineer Attorney ind Clerk present. Minutes of last session read and approved. Petition from Jack Martin asking permission to install gas- oline Link in parking strip,Cor.Four th and ;lain St,. Mlove'd by Evans seconded by Arthur petition be received and request granted. "Carr- ied. Petition by B.F.Cake asking for fire service connection with water main South half Acre 6 Renton Co-operative Coal CO .Acrec trac is read. Voved by Arthur seconded by Evans same be referred to Fire Light and ',dater Committee . Carried. Finance Committee reports as follows ; `ffe,your Committee on Claimw and Accounts have examined and recom- end for payment the following bills ; Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co . $56.40 Joe Edwards 12.00 City Treasyrer 19.70 Seattle Car & Foundry Co . .55 Paul Y,Hbuser 7 .70 Labor 383.10 TOF.Brown,H.Evans Committee . Moved by Arthur seconded by IIansen all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed . Carried . Finance Committee reports as follows on bid for City prin- ting . We recomend that bid of Renton Bulletin be accepted and cont- ract be given to diem . - 4'U.F.Brown ,H.Evans,Cotrrmi ttee . Moved by Arthur seconded by Hansen report l)e received and recomendation carried out. Carried. Communication by City Treasurer relating to condition of Local Improvement District #50read . Moved by Brown seconded by Ev=ens same be received and #warr- ant drawn to cover shartige as stated. Carried . The following bids #### for the rebuilding of 'Jilliams Street I XI( Fj 119 Bridge were read C Geske & Co . $2280 .60 Norman Davis 1613.00 American Pile Driver Co . 2106.00 Moved by Cake seconded by Evans contract be awarded to the .r lowest bidder ,Mr.Norman -Davis . Carried .poll 'Tote .Brovrn,Tiansen Cake ,Wif t,Fv.ans Arthur Aye .ado none . 11oved by Cake seconded seconded by Arthur certified check: of unsuccessful bidders be returned to same . Carried. Resolution No .138-A referring to Reisolation No .135-A passed and approved on the 8th,day of July,relating to the paving of a porton aff Burnett `3t.and County road south to City limits ,by paving with brick to a width of thirty feet, and declaring the int- ention of the Council to proceed with the improvement as described passed to second readigg. Moved by Hansen seconded by Evans Sec.l be adopted as read. Carried Moved by Brown Sec.by Evans Sec .2 be adopted as read . Carried . :Moved by Hansen Sec .by Brown Sec.3 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Cake Sec .by Brown Sec, 4 be adopted as read . C-irried . TJ'oved by Cake Sec .by Hansen Sec.5 be adopted as read. Carried. Uoved by Hansen seconded by Brown Resolution as% whole be adopted a as read . Poll Vote,; Brown,Hrinsen,Cake ,Swift,Ev,3ns ,Arthur,Aye .no none . Carried. Resolution No .130-A relating to Resolution No.137-A on the matter of the improvement of First Ave.Nort;1 from the ]`Fill St. brid;;e to City limits ,by paving with brick to a width of thirty feet,and declarinc tele intention of the Council to proceed with the improvement as described passed to second reading. 11obed by Brovm sec .by Arthur Sec .1 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Evans sec.by Brown 3ec.2 be adopted as read . Carried Roved by Hansen sec .by Arthur Sec .3 be adopted as read . Carried. TJoved by Evans sec .by Arthur Sec .4 be adopted as read. Carried . Moved by Hansen sec .by Arthur Sec .5 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Evans Seconded by Cake Resolation as a whole be adopted as read . Poll vote ; Brown,Hansen ,Cake ,Swi.ft, ,van.9 Arthur A;re .No none . Carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Evans request of Norman Davis for 120 permission to connect with water main near Williams Street bridge for the use of donkey engine be wanted. Carried. Motion to adjourn, Carried. City Clerk. iA Renton,.Tuly 22-1913 . Council met it regular session Mayor McCowin presiding . Roll Call ; Councilmen Edwards ,Brown,Hansen,Cake,E'vans and Arthur . Engineer and Clerk present. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition from property owners asking for an Arc Light at corner of Second Avenue andB'urne tt Street read. Loved by Cake secoded by Evans same be received and referred to Fire Light & 'Tater Committee . Carried. Fire Light & ',Vater Committee reports as follows on the appl- ication of B.F.Cake for fire connection with water main on Cedar Strae t. Ordinance No 249 requires party making application to file a drawing showing exact location of hydrant. When this is done we recomend that application be granted. Signed W.F.Brovm,Commi ttee . Moved by Hansen seconded by Edwards report be received and reco7-endati.on carried out . Carried. Finance Committee reports as follows ; We have examined and recornend for payment the following bills. Ren ton Bulletin ; 1.70 P,W.Houser 10.00 Seattle Hardware Co . 12.45 Crane Co. 61 .17 SY.F.Brovrn,H.Evans ,Commit tee . Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen all bills O.K.d 'by the Finance Committee be :allowed. Carried. Assessment Roll Morgan Drive presented to the Council for approval. Yoved by Evans seconders by Cake same be approved as it now SL ands . Poll Vote Edwards,Brown,Hans en, Cake,Evans Arthur voting Aye,.Ido none . Carried. �� 121 P.Toved by Evans seconded by Cake date of protest on above asse- ssment roll be fixed on Aug.19-1913. Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Edwards Water Superintendent enf- orce Ordinance No .200 relating to use of water for sprinkling and that he be empowered to bmploy assistants necessary to proper.11y comply with regulations of said Ordinance . Carried . Councilman Brown tenders his resignation from the Council, same to take effect July 29t:n,for the reason that his permanent residence will be outside the City thug making him inelligable to serve on said body. Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur resignation be tccep ted .Carried. Motion to adjourn. City Clerk. Renton ,July 29-191 . Council. met in regular session,?a[ayor,M'Yor ITcCowin presiding . Doll Call ; Councilmen F,dw-.r(ls ,Rrown,H-i.nsen , C,ake Swift,Fva.ns and Arthur ; City Rngineer,Attorney and Clerk present. T.Tinutes of last reguL r session read a-nd approved . Petition for water connection to be made from Cedar St. Lot 20 Flk .5 by Chas .Mitchell read . Proved by Cake seconded petition be received and same granted. Carried . Petition from Puget •'ound Traction Light & Power Co .asking permission to reset poles on Third Ave .read . Moved by Bro,�rM secon- ded by Edwards same be received and referred to Eire Light & Water Committee with power to act . Carried . Petition, from property owners asking that 'Williams Street ka from Second Ave .to Cedar River be improved by grading ,gra.veling and guttering read . Moved by Cake seconded by Evans petition be receiv- ed and placed on file . Carried . r�.. Protests were made by certain parties relating to the locat- ion of Mouth end of Williams Street connecting with 'Williams St. P,Toved by Cake seconded. by Swift that City Engineer proceed with the construction of above named bridge according to present pl=ins . Poll. Vole; Erown,T7an:gen, Cake,E)wift,Evans voting; Aye ; Arthur and Edwards Voting Vlo . Carried. :finance commi ;;tee reports as follows ; We have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; 122 Labor $620.52 Renton Herald. 10.15 Seattle Hardware Co. .70 W.C.D .Edwa.rds 2.75 Renton Fardw,are Co . 23 .90 Denny Fenton Clay & Coal Co . 15.71 A.Beerman 3.00 13m.Tonkin, Treasurer 30.40 Pacific Tank & Pipe Co . 292.65 Xos .Edwards 2.50 Fenton Bulletin 17 .42 Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen all bills O.K_. d by the Finance Committee be allowed . Carried . Fire Light ec 'Water Committee ; On petition for Arc light at Corner Secor,.d Ave .ar_d Burnett Street,we your Committee recomend that, same be granted . VJ.F.Bro�m,Geo .Arthur, Commi t.tee . Moved by Evans seconded by Edwards report be received and recomendation carried. out . Carried . Clerk rf�ports no protests received against Resolutions Nos 138-A and 139-A relating to the improvement of certain streets as arterial highways . Yoved by Broi�rn seconded by Cake report be received and placed on file . Carried . Communication from N.P.Ry.Co . to City Attorney relating to the acceptance by said Co .of Ordinance No .342 re-id . Moved by Evans seconded by Brown same be received and placed on file and Attorney instructed to carry out instructions as suggested in same. Carried. Ordinance No .344 relating to the paving of First Ave .North NUM as an arterial highway read first time . 14oved by Swift seconded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Ordinance No .345 relating to the paving; of a portion of Burnett St and County Road to City limits "outh read first time . Moved by Swift seconded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried . Resolution No .140-A relating to the intention of t'-Le City Council to order the improvement of. !Williams St.from Second Ave . Vl, 123 to the 11illiams at .bridge crossing; Cedar River by grad.ing,gravel- ing and guttering read first time . Moved by Arthur seconded by Evans said Resolution be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried . REquest made by C .R.C3mptell to work 4 over time on his Uorth Renton. contract. Moved I,y Arthur seconded by Evans request be granted . Carrier'. Moved b Thrown seconded b Arthur Y y purchasing Agent be author- ized to purchase new docket book for Police Judge . Carried. Notion to adjourn. Carried.. City Clerk. 124 Renton,Aug .5-1913. Council met in regular session Mayor rdcCowin presiding. Roll Call ; Councilmen Edw%rds,Hansen,Evans and Arthur, City :engineer and Clerk present. Minu-�e-s of last regular session dead and approved. Finance Committee reports as follows ; I ,4e,Your Committee on Claims and Accounts have examined and reco8 mend for payment the following bills ; P-.Dul l,aha.n t 36 .75 Renton Bulletin 2.25 O.N.Cochr•-tn 1.00 Jros .E'dwardsf¢ 5.00 J".S.H=�rdie 11.55 Trick & Murray 73.75 Ed.L.Terry 52.25 J,.S.lAcCrea 3.50 Kent & Ren ion Tel.Co . 1.75 II.Evans, Geo.Arthur,I .Hansen,Commi ttee . Loved by Edwards seconded by Arthur all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee by allowed a Carried. City Engineer reports as follows on con .ra.c t of Norman Davis ; Mayor and City Council; Gentlemen; The following is the amount of work completed on the contract, of Norman Davis for removing and repairing the Williams Street Bride e ,on Mich I would recomend the allowance of 70% as per contract. Clearing; I comf)leted 0$50.00 $25 .00 "embankment 300 Cu Yds . .40 120.00 1?ilinC 1576.2 .20 515.24 New Lumber 3404 F.B.M. 18 .00 61 .27 Removing; span I completed 0400.00 100.00 621.51 Respecfully Submitted, C.O.Tvete , City Engineer . I Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen report be received and recome- ndation carried out. Carried. City Engineer reports is foll•7.vs on contract of C .R.Cwpbell Mayor and City Councilmen; Gentlemen; The following is the estimate of the work compl- eted up to Aug.lst,on the contract of C.R.C!unpbell for the impro- vement of the west district of North Renton as provided for under Ordinance No.293 creating Z. I.D. #48 . Clearing and Grubbing, (Lump sum) $600.00 Gradin; 6950 CXfds . (x.65 4517 .50 Gravel 3900 of of .45 1755.00 $687 x.50 I would recomend the allowinc of 70," on tete above amount less what has been allowed on the previous estimate . y R spec tfully submitted, C.O.Tvete,City Engineer . Moved by 11-ansen seconded by Evans report be received and recomendation carried out. Carried. RLport of Clerk for month of July read. Loved by Evans secodded by Arthur same be r ceived and placed on file . Carried. Report of Police Judge read. Moved by Evans seconded by Edwards report be received and placed on file . Carried. r.Tatter of N.P.-tracks on Sixth Ave .?1or th brought to the atten- tion of the Council by the Mayor . voired by Arthur seconded by Evans that City Engineer confer with said Company relative. to the moving; of tracks to the north line of the thirty foot street on said sixth avenue. Carried, Corrnmunication from t)ie Carnegei Corporation relating to minor changes in Library plans read. Moved by Evans seconded 'by Arthur communication be received and recomendations carried out. Carried. Communic=ition from Mrs .Josephine Coyney making applic,�ttion for position of Librarian read. YLoved by Evand seconded -)y Edwar- ds same be received and placed on file . Carried. Ordinance No .346rel-.ting to the improvement of the west by paving with brick side of Burnett Street between Second nA& and Third AvenueVl read first time . 11oved by Arthur seconded loy Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. (��c�a3:.�crzaa�cblax3c4�cxi�zci�:c�x�cxi�t�ara�r�c�t�ac.�sx���si:4� I 126 Ordinance No 347 relating; to the improvement of a portion of 'dells Street No .Third Ave .No.And Fourth Ave . do .by board side- :valk read first time . Ta"oved Evans seconded by Edwards same be referred to Ordinance Committed. Cirried. Ordinance No 344,pelating to the improvement of First .Ave. North by paving; with brick passed to second reading. Moved by evans seconded by Arthur rec .l be i4dopted a.s renal. Carried :.ove( ,.y Arthur sec .by Iiansen ;4ec.2 be adopted as read . Carried.. Moved, by Evans sec.by Edward: Sec .3 be adopted as read . Carried. r''oved by Arthur sec .by Hansen Sec.4 be adopted as read. Carried . 11oved by Hansen sec, by Edwards Sec .5 be adopted as read . Carried . Moved by Hansen sec,by Evans Sec, 6 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Hansen sec ,by Evans Sec .7 be adopted as refi.d. . Ca.rri.ei' . ;roved by hva.ns sec .by Arthur Bec .8 be adopted as read . Ca.rri.cd . Moved. by Hansen seconded by Evans Ordinance a.o, =e whole be adopt- ed as rea.d.n Poll Vote ; E+•dwa.rds ,Hansen,Evans Arthur ,voting Aye , No none. Carried . Ordinance Yo.345, relating to the improvement of a, portion of i✓'urnett Street and County Ro!id South by paving; with brick passed to second reading. Moved. by Evans sec.by Edward,, Sec .). be adopted as read . Carried. I'loved by Arthur sec.by Edwards Sec .2 be adopted as read . Carried . Moved by Edwards sec .by Hansen Sec.3 be adopted as read . Ca.rried. . Moved by Arthur sec.by Hansen Sec.4 be adopted as read . Carried . i:oved I:y Evans sec .by Hansen Sec . 5 be adopted a.s rei1d. Carried. Moved by Ii-ansen sec,by Edward, Sec .6 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved. by Evans sec .by Hansen Sec .7 'be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Hansen sec .by Arthur Sec .8 be adopted as read. Carried . Loved by Evans sec .by Edwards Ordinance as a. whole lie adopted as read. Poll Vote; Edwards ,Hansen.Eva.ns Arthur voting Aye,no none Carried . Under head of unfinished I-usiness the Mayor tender., to the Council the appointment of V1.:I.Milhuff as Councilman to fill the unexpired term of IJI .,F.Brown ,resit;ned. P'oved by Arthur seconded by Hansen appointment be confirmed. Carried. - Courrcilma.n P.Iilhuff sworn in by Judge T.J.Richmond and seat- ed. .1 X WE 127 Move4 by Arthur seconded by seconded by Ev=ens Councilman Edwaards be appointed as purchasing Agent. Carried . Moved by Arthur seconded by Edwards Ordinance Committee draw up Ordinance regulating the burning of rubbish in back yards or on vacant lots inside the City limits . Carried, . Resolution i?o .140-A relating the improvement of Williams St. Second Ave .to Cedar Fiver passed to second reading. Yoved by Arthur seconded by Evens Secti.cn. 1 be fimended to reed to south line of Commercial Waterway right of way. Moved '�y Evans seconded. by Hansen Bee-I be adopted as amended . Carried. Moved by Evans sec .by Arthur Seca2 be adopted as read . Carried. kove�i by Arthur sec .by Edwards Sec .3 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Evans sec .by Srthur Sec.4 be adopted. as read . Carried . Loved by Evans seconded 1_y Hansen Feqolution as a, whole be adopt- ed as re=id. Carried. REmarks were made by Lhe newly appointed Councilman,ll.S.P�iI- huff. r"" Moved by Evans seconded by Edwards matter of ten foot strip on KJKI ..L portion of the east side of I.Villiams Street under disp- ute as a portion of said street be referred to City Attorney for his opinion. Carried . Motion to adjourn. City Clerki i 128 Ren Lon-Aug,12-191:3. Council. met in regular session Mayor McCowih presiding. Rool Call; Councilmen l ilhuff,Hansen,Pvans and Arthur,Ci ty Engineer and Clerk present; Minutes of last regular session reed and annroved . Petition from property owners of North Renton asking that Ordinance No .347 providing for the improvement of a portion of Wells St, "Third and Fourth Avenues North by the laying of board side-wglk be amended Lo read cement side-walk. Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur petition be vecesived and request granted . Carried. Petition from property owners on '11itworth Street asking for an exLention of sidewalk from alley in middle of Block one (1) Smithers Fifth Addition to Third Street,on west sid e of street read .Moved by Arthur seconded by Ev=ins petition be received and same granted . Carried . Application of '.'iss- Jennie Isa.a,cson for position of Librar- ian read . Yoved by Evans seconded by Arthur sanne he received and LM placed on file . C=trried . Finance Committee reports .is follows ; "de,your Commi ;:tee have examined �.tnd recomend for payment the following bills ; Puget Sound 'T.L.& P.Co . 144 .50 P .Dullahant 6.00 ' III#O.K. Livery 5.100 O .K.Transfer Co. .50 H.Thomas 3.00 J.D.Arthur 17 .97 G.Ila.rner 48 .00 Joe Lenz 27 .50 Labor,Street Dep' t. 41 .50 Lr-tbor Water Dep' t. 83 .75 Labor Comfort Station 337.62 II.Evans I W.S.hlill.huff, Commitee . 17oved by Hansen seconded by Arthur all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed . Carried . P Treasurers report read . ?.loved by Evens seconded by Mil-huff report be received and 129 placed on file . Carried. Report of Health Officer read . Proved by Hxansen seconded by ITilhu.ff same be received and plae- cd on file . Carried. Invitation. from Chief of the Fire Department to the Council to attend Firemens Annual picnic to be held at Killers Landing, ('unday Aug.1 7,wa.s Presented . T,roved by Evans seconded by Arthur invitation be accepted and vote of thanks extended to Fire Cheif for same . Carried.. Communication from Harrold Ginnold ,Architect for Library read. Yoved by -Evans seconded by ILlhuff same be, received and placed on file . Carried.. Ordin,-tnce 11:Io .348 prohibiting the porting of bills or adver- tisinE; matter on telegraph , telephone or electric light or power poles in the City of Renton read first time . Moved by Rvans seconded by Arthur same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried . Ordinance N0.349 ,an Ordinance for the division of the City into wards read first time . Moved by L;vans seconded by Arthur same be referred. to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Ordinance 2To .346 relating �o the paving of the vest side of Burnett Street,between Second and Third Avenues passed �o second reading. T.Toved by Evans seconded by Hansen Section One (1) be amended to read 'Twenty (20) feet instead of Twenty-three (ti3) feet. Carried T,'oved by Evans seconded by Arthur Section l,be =adopted as amended . Carried.. 'Moved by Arthur sec.by Ev'ans Sec .2 be adopted as read. Carried Yoved by Hansen sec .by TTilhuff Sec.3 be adopted as read Carried. Yoved by Evans sec .by Hansen Sec .4 be adopted as read. Carried. .Vowed T)y Milhuff sec .by Arthur Sec .5 be adopted 3s read . Carr- ied . T,Tovell by Evans seconded by 7,Tilhuff amendment to :3ection One (1) be reconsidered and said iaaxctmaxtx�aaigxctmdx:carxxwxctx;ection be furt- her amended to read "A strip of land twenty-three (23) feet in width ,beim the westerly Twenty-three (23) feet of the former right of way of the Northern Pacific Fail-WV Co .as deeded co the City of 130 Penton by deed of date July 17-th,1917, and running from the Ttorth line of Third Avenue 'pies t, to the North line of Second Avenue ''Jest. Carried . Moved by Arthur seconded by Evans Section One be adopted as re emended . Carried . ?loved by Evans Seconded by Milhuff Ordinance as a whole be adopted as Dead . Poll Vote ; TJilhu.ff ,lTansen,Evans and Arthur voting; Aye. No none . Carried. Ordinance Yo .347 relating to the improvement of a portion of Wells St.Yorth Third and Fourth Avenues North by laying board side-walk passed to second reading. T,Toved by Evans seconded by Arthur Sec l ,be amended to read cement instead of board side-walk . Carried. IToved by Evans seconded by Arthur Section 1 be adopted as amended . Carried. Moved by Arthur sectnded 7y Evans Section 2 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Evros seconded by Milhuff Section .3 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by Evans Section 4 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Milhuff seconded by Arthur Section 5 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Milhuff Ordinance as a whole be adop ped. as rend .Poll. ?Tote ; T ilhuff ,Finsen, ,vans and Arthur vo'Ling Aye . No none . Carried.. Petition from E .E .Duff asking; rermiscion to use a portion of street for storing; material for the building of cement sid.e-xxkk walk on 1Vill iams street read . liloved by Evans seconded by Arthur petition be received and request granted . Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded By Evans T'ayor be granted permi- Psion to take water from fire hydrant at corner of Main and Fourth Avenue North. , said waiter to be used for mixing cement for laying of concrete side-walk . Carried. ?Moved by Arthur seconded by Evans matter of securing light from City of. Seattle Lighting Co ,be taken up and investigated by the Fire Light and `,Vater committee . Carried. Motion to adjourn. 131 Igen ton,Aud, 19-1913 . Council met in regular se--.sion ,TlAyor McCowin presiding. Fool Call ; Councilmen dwards, . ilhuf:�',Ils�neen, Ca.ke ,Evans and Arthur. City %.ttorney,_�noineer and Clerk present . Minutes of last regular session read and a.pperove,d . Petition from Se- t;le LIghtigg Co .anlcing permission to lay 4" dao main on ',phi tvor Lh Street from 4th,Avenue to Walla 71a1.13 Ave .read. Moved by Cake seconded by Evans petition be granted, work to be done under supervision of City Engrin`�er . Cf-ixriel. Finance Committee TTeport. '7e,your '%o'11m %tpe on cl'vim3 `Led Accdiun L i }1'1'*e ox-mined and recomend for payment tele following biIls . Joe '-flood $1.00 Ifenry 'Phomas 2.55 Renton Lumber Co . 13, 53 Geo .Whit e 10.00 Ii.Ewarzs, ',11.3 .Yilhuff Committee . Yoved by Cake seconded by Edwards all bills O.K.d by .lie Fina- nce Commi tee be allowed. Carried. Report of Finance Commi ctee on Budget read . Cpeci:al neetinj cal:le,l for Friday EveninU Aub;, 22nd, for consideration of same . Communication frvrn Roberts & Denicke , Consultigg Engineers reale . Moved. by Evans secodded by C=ike same be eeceived and placed on file . Carried. Ordinance No .350 ,pro'aibiting t'•ie starting of fire-., in back yirds within certain limits in the City read f,yts t Lima. . Y.ove,L by Nlvans seconded by Edwards same be referml to Ordinance Committee . C qrried. Ordinance Yo .348 ,prohibi tiny; the porting of bills or adver t- isin,,, matter on telephone ,eleeLric li�-'nt add power poles passed to second readigg . ?�'oved by Arthar seconded by T:'ilhuff Section 1 be adopted as refid . Carried. Moved by Evans sec.by Edwards Sec .2 be adopted as re fid . Carried . Moved by Millauff sec .by Arthur Sec .3 be adopted as read . Carried . ':'',)ved by van7 seconded by 'iansen Or. Iinance as a whole be adopted %s reed . C=arried . ordinance No .349 relating Lo t'•ie di-,7ision of tl1e City into wards passed to second reading . 132 141oved by Arthur sec.'`-)y "Zilhuff Cec .l be adopted as read . Carried . Yoved by Milhuf.f. sec.by Arthar Sec.2 be adopted as reed . Carried . moved by ?;vans sec .by Arthur aec .3 be adop'Led as reed . Carried. Moved by Arthur sec .by awards Cec .4 be adopted as re ;.d. Ctirried . ^.`owed by Arthur seconded by IAilhuff ordinance as a whole be adop- ted as re-id . Carried. Claim foal damages , a-mount �"5 .010 presented by `j'hos .I;gynolds , same beim; for destruction of portion of 'Zig g-.rden by co,,v ranr4 in- at large . Moved by Cake sF�conded by Arthur same be referred to Claims and Accounts Committee . Carried . [atter of certain n!-irties removin plank from the two plank tvilk leading to the mine brought to t'ie aLtention of LI-ie Council by Councilman Arthur. moved by Cake seconded by Milhuff same be re"'erred to ^treet and Alley Committee and City Attorney for inlrestigation . Carried . Objections of :North Renton property owners to t'1e removal of log jam at old break -;vater on north bank of Cedar River on `:`lilliams Street brought to t'-ie attention of the Council by Coun- cil man Hanson. Irotion made- by H-ansen seconded by Cake that said log jam be left in position. Poll Note a.,dvrirds,Tiansen and Cake voting Aye . Milhuff,: vans and Arthur voting No . Vo Le being a tie the mayor r Casts the deciding Cot@ ,vo tin; Aye . ?ro tion Carrie i. !!oved by Arthur seconded by Cake A fire hydrant be installed at 7if th And Cddar .. Carried . T�oved by Cake seconded by Evans Clerk call for bids on •the several different s tree is on .vhi c'1 paving has been ordered by the Council. Carried. 11oved by ia'ilhuff seconded by Cake three rill boards be erec- ted. for V-! c posting of notices and bills .location of same to -be selected by "I'tree L and Alley Committee . Carried Clerk reports no pro test against aq sessrnent roA of. mLorgan Drive . Lotion to adjourn, City Clerk. ' i .1 X i F 133 Ren Lon,Aug.?6th,1913. Council met in regular session ,11ayor 1cCowin presiding. Poll Call ; Councilmen TdTilhuff,tiansen,Evans , Swift and Arthur ; City A ttorney,F,,ngineer and Clerk present. T.iinutes of last regular session read and approved. Finance Committee makes follolving report; 1e ,your Commi ttPe on Cla.i,rs and Accounts ?iave examined a.nd recon- encl for payment the follo,,.vin- bills ; Henry 'Thomas X5.00 A.Beerman 50 25 Pay Poll 754 .02 Tt.Ev �ns ,7i. '. wrif't ,��.5.r2ilhuff, Commi ttae. 'moved by Hansen seconded by Arthur all bills O .K.d by the Finance Comm- i ttf)e be allowed. Carried . Finance Committee makes further report as 'follows ; In the matter of the preparation of 1914 Budget,relative to redu- cing t'qe ru. ning expense of the City,we ,your Commi ttee , submi t the fol- losing suggestions ; �r■r The com'5ining of the offices of Clerk and Treasurer, the Treasurer to act as ex-officio Clerk, and to do the work of that office ,except attPndance at Council meetings , add to receive a salary Of "$100.00 per montill. The Clerk to attend and take minutes of Council meetings only and to receive a salary of X10.00 per month. The reducing of the salary of the City Attorney from : 75.00 to ,125 .00 per month, of Police Judge from $25.00 to 112.50 and of health Officer from X20.00 to . 10.00 per month,making a saving on salaries of $1350 .00 per year. To do away with an;Y f,urther improvements for a time and when the improvements now under Uvay are completed to abolish t�1e office of City Engineer for at least one year. Revised Budget report of Finance Committee read Tlloved by Hansen seconded by Arthur report be accented and same r a.tif ied by the Council . Carried . f"oved by Milhuff seconded by Hansen recomendations made by Finance CommittPe relative to reduction of salaries be referred to Ordinance Committee, said Committee to draft Ordinance covering same . Carried . City Engineer makes report as follovrs ; To the Mrayor and City Council; 134 Gentlemen ;- The following is the estimate of t`--,e work done up to date on V-ie contract of Chas .R .Campbell for the improvern at of the .Vest District of T?orth Renton as -rrovided .for under Ordinance creating L.I .D . #48 . Clearing and grubbing (lump sum ) X650.00 Gradin; 7000 Cu.Yds . .65 4550.00 Gravel 0450 " rU .45 3802.50 $9002.50 I would recomend the allowance of 70;0 on the above amount less what has been allo�,red on the previous estimates. Respectfully submitted, C.O.`rvete ,City .Nngineer . J,Ioved by Yilhuff seconded by Hansen report be Tcceived and recom- endation carried out. Carried. Communication from State Auditors Office read. "oved by Swift seconded by Evans same be placed on file . Carried. Communication from Dalton Adding Machine Co ,relative to reneval of contract for maintenance of Adding Machine for a period of one year read. i"oved by IUlhuff seconded by Evans communication be received and new contract drawn for one ye%r . Carried. Communi ca.ti.on, Carnegie Corporation rel•itive to resolution by City not to exceed the stipulated price of $10000.00 in the erection of Library Building reed . Molred by Milhuff seconder by Arthur resolution be drawn up and forwarded to said Corporation . Carried. Ordinance No .351 ,approving add confirming; assessment roll , Yorgan Drive r^ad first time . 17oved by Swift seconded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried . Ordinance No .352,relating to the improvement of Williams Street from Second Avenue to Commercial Water-wa.y right of way read first time . Loved by Evans seconded by Swift same be rf�ferred to Ordinance Committee. Carried. Ordinance ? 0 .353,relaating; to the improvement of portion of Wells Street No .Third and Fourth Avenues No .by construction of board aide- walk, and repealing Ordinance No .347 read first time . Moved by Swift seconded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee. Carried . Ordin=ance :io .350,relating to the st•trting; of fireswithin certain limits passed to second reading. I X II F, 135 Moved by Evans sec .by 11"Tilhuff Sec .l be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Art}fur sec.by Mil-huff Sec.2 be -.dopted as read . Carried. ',roved by Evans sec.by Cake Sec .-7, be adopted as read: Carried. TJToved by TTilhuff sec .by Arthur Sec .4 be adopted as re ad . Carried. Yoved by .Evans see .by Arthur Sec .5 be adopted as read. Carried. T'oved by Swift seconded by Arthur Ordinance as a ',vhole, be adopt- ed as read4 Carried. Clerk reports no protest on proposed improvement williams Street. '�'oved by Evaris seconded by Swift Street Superintendent be instr- ucted to use old lumber, removed, from Iffilliams 7trr�et Bridge, for the laying of cross walks in T1orth Renton . Carried. T"atter of ten foot strip of land on 'Williams Street under di-pute was by motion of Cake seconded by Arthur referred to Street and Alley Corr-mi ttee. T.,Totion to adjourn . City Clerk. f 136 Pento 2n 111913. Council met in regular session,I:iayor YcCoovin presiding. Rool Call ; Cour.,cilinen,Ed,ave.rds ,Iy7ilhu-1'f,14ansen,Fvtns ind Arthur . Minuces of last regular ses^ion read and ar.,proved . Petition :for water service Acre Tract No .7 by David Lloyd read. Moved by Evans :seconded by Arthur petition be received and, same gra- n ted .C`'arried . Finance Commi t,tee report. le,your. Committee on Claims %nd Accounts have examined and rec- . or:end for payment the following bills ; 4 Renton Bulletin w36.77 E .A.Shearer 1.20 `Prick & Murray 15.50 H.a.Gieldseth 1 .40 Cr-Lne Co . 521.66 A.Hambach Co, 51 .47 II.Thom,x 1.00 U.S.Milhuff,H.Evans ,Commi 'tee . I,toved by Edwards seconded by Hansen a.11 bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried . Bill for expense of Fire Cheif to Convention at racoma read. Yloved by Edwards, seconded by Evans s ,me be received and allowed by the Council.. Carried . Clerks report for mon 'h of August read . Moved I;y Evans seconded by Edwards same be received and placed on file Carr i.ed . Report of Treasurer read . Droved by Hansen seconded by Milhuff same be received and placed on file . Carried . Councilman Evans as ChairMan of Street and Alley Committee reports that lie has interviewed property pwners on ',Villi!+.ms Street relative to the 10 foot strip of lard under dispute for Street pur- poses , rind that said property owners ita,ve agreed to waive their rights to the strip of land as above rtated ,providine the City will remove fences to new property line and leave same in as good condition as i they now Ere . 11,oved by Arthur seconded by Edwards City accept above proposit- ion %nd City Engineer l)e instructed to remove fences and that cost j v.E��,�� 137 be charged to the Vlilliams Street' lmprovemeibt �imtriut.Ca.rriead . Request made by Yr .Stolterburg for permission to tap water main at Iiis place near ")prink brook. Moved by Evans seconded by .i dwards same be referred to Fire ,LIght and Water Committee to report at next meet- igg. Carfied. Conmunica.tion from King County Fgir Association declaring that JzxIxgKd reserved Cept.11th,has been mLtxxxiAK/°is Renton d=ay and asking that the City of Rentondecl=bre a holiday on th%t date read. I,Toved a.rd seconded that Sept.11th,be declared a holiday and that as many of the citizens as possible a,.tend the Fair on that date . Carried. Yoved by Vilhuff seconded by Evans that matter of rebuilding Hill. Street bridge be referred to City Engineer and Street and Alley Cornm- ittee and that report be made at next meeting of the Council . Carried . Loved by Ev-zns secondee. by Arthur City Attorney draw up reces iary Resolutions and Ordin a.nce for sewer through ''locks 8 and 9 in comp- 1 iar,ce with petition of property owners . Carried . Ordinance 1Io .351,al�proving and corfirming assessment rolIm or€a.n r.. Drive passed to second rea.digg. Ir.oved by Evans sec .by Arthur Sec .]. r,e adopted as read. Carries'; . i,Toved by Hansen sec,by T'ilhuff Sec.2 be adopted -ts reed . Carried. T.Tove '. by Evans sec .by Ar thur Sec .3 be adop ted as read . CarrJ ed . I!"oved by Edwards sec .by Arthur Sec .4 be adopted as reed. Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Ar thur Ordinance as a whole be adopted gas read . Carried . Ordinance 11o .352,relating to the improvement of IYilliams Street, moved by Eva.n;� seconded by Fdwa.rds same be laid over for one ,,r(,ek . Carried . Ordinance ITo 353, improvemcn t of ;Fells St .North,Third and Fourth Avenues north by construction of board walk pa-,sed to second readini . Moved by Evans sec,by I,:ilhuff Sec .]. be adopted as read. Carried . T: OVed 'r;y Arthur sec.by Edwards Sec.2 be adopted as read . Carried . IT-oved by Ev%ns sec .by Arthur Sec.3 be adopted a-read . Carried . Loved by Arthur sec .by Milhuff Sec.4 be adoptedas re id . Carried. . Iroved by Arthur sec .by T;dwards Sec .5 be adopted as re•id . Carried. Moved by Edwards sec .by Evans Sec .6 be .adopted as read . Carried . Moved by .Arthur seconded by .17,dwards Ordinance as a whole be adop- ted ar read . Carried . 138 Resolution of assurance to the Carne, ie Corpor-ttion that the City of Renton will rot ask for , nor tbat s=-id Corpo:°ation. sh-ll not be liable for any amount in excess of the $10000.00 agreed upon for the construction of tTie Carnegie Library Building; in the City of Relh6or read . ILosred by Evaris seconded by Edwards resolution be adopted as read and copy forwarded to C%rnegie Corporation. Carries', . Ma:tter of vac-ttions of City Officials . Loved by P;vans seconded by Yilhuff that same be gr-tnted on request. Carried . Motion to adjourn . City Clerk. .1xHVFj 39 Renton,Cep Council me tin rewular ese:,sion,YTgyor McCowin -presiding. Roll Call ; Councilmen TMilhuff. ,Hansen, C�ke,l;v n� and :�rthur ;City Engineer,Attorney %nd Clerk present. minutes of la.:st regular ses3ion read and approved. Petition from ',)illi--ns Stitee t 1property owner 'Asking 'trl�t gutter n. be eliminated from 'filli ems Street inprovemen t rend. T:Ioved by Cake seconded by TvTilhuff petition be received a.nd p1-iced on file . Carried . T,rove(: by , Cake seconded by Evans that reoul rz order of bas iness be suspended and that paving bids be opened. Carried. Bids for paving receiv.�d 3s f011.0gs ; District No .62, Mill Street; i'.W.Ba.11 $3681.74 Baiume%r trier :4c Tv:ougin 3328 .86 A.F.Ya,rion '5506 .60 1i s & I<'l atobr) 3307.00 f Ruthe ?z Cline 36,18 .64 Geo ..3a,ndero Lt 3190.50 D.H. Trapha.t en 3970.30 Kro6-i & Jessen 3157 .86 District No.G3,Zst,Ave . lor. th. N.W.Ball 13596.75 B um f,-ir tner & Moug;in 11948 .85 A.F.Marion 12906.25 Ruthe & Cline 13800.65 Krogli Ac Jessen 14003 .30 Teo .'73andere.t 12,'.00.G5 D.11. `1'rrzpha,Gen 13740.20 District No .64,Burnett 3c County Ro=ad . IT.W.Bal1 21040.50 Ba.umC irtner & Moulin 19097 .30 A.F.IT%rion 20717 .20 Krogh & Je-,sen 19101 . 90 Geo .Bandere t 19256.10 D.II. it tph:i, en ?2166 .50 District �To .65 ,Burnett St.2nd . to 3rd, TT.V'l.Rall "51 .95 140 iaum;;artner & MouLin 3137 .00 A.F.Marion 3381.95 Rothe & Cline 3530.00 Kroh ?c Jessen 3001.55 Geo .13andere.t 3135.90 D.11.Trap' rig en 3819.75 Finance CommiLtae Report. Vle,your Committee on Finance have ex•imined t'he following bills and recomen d payment of same . Seattle Car & Foundry Co. 3.92 Renton Ildw.Co . 18 .25 11.1,'l.Johns3-1r:inville Co . 21 .40 Se,.ttle Ildw.Co . 7 . :j1 Ren ton Tidw.Co . 3.25 E.A.She zrer 1 .01. O.K.Transfer Co . 2.40 P.Co . 144.50 Lillian Hansen 16.00 "lm.H.Lenhart 50 .00 Kent & Renton Tel .Co . 1 .8 5 Fd.L. erry 57 .70 Seattle Daily Record 8 .10 City Clerk .50 Peerless Pacific Co . 111.00 J.3.1IarcIie 25.60 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co . 29.35 Preibe Bros . 12.76 H.'vans ,`,11.3.1Tilhuff,CommitLee . Moved by Hansen :seconded by Arthur all bills O.K.r by the Finance Committee be allowed . Carried. Councilman Evans of Street and :illcy Committee requests one more week on matter of Mill ,treet Brid6e , Fire, L' ight & Water Committee reports Mat if pressure is not too ;.;refit on pipe at the point to be tapped t'.at they recomend petition of Mr, Stol.tenburg, for :nater at his place near ;3pringbro:?k be granted. Yoved 'by 'Evans seconded by llansen report be received and recome- ndetion carried out. C!irried. Report of Police judge recd . Y 1141 Eloved by li.vitns seroaded by Cake report be received tna placed on file . carried. Report of Health Officer ; J�ovepi by Cake seconded by "r Lhur same be received ,and placed.d on file . harried. City Engine(�r reports as follows ; Mayor and ''ity Council. Gen Llemen ; I have to report t'1e completion of the contract of Norman Davis for the removal and repair of the "iliums Otr. ee t Bridge , and would recomend the acceptance of the carne . The following is the final estim- ate on ,above �raork. Clea.rinc, and grubbing (Lump sum) "150.00 695 CuYda Embankment L1,.40 278 .00 2120.3 Lin.:17t.Piling &.20 42A.06 11392 I+.B.IA. Ne-r Lumber u$18 .00 205.05 36102 " Old Lamber 9 7 .00 252.72 Removing Rrid;ce >pan 440. ^0 r... $1649 .82 Respectfully submi t t(�d, C.U .' vete , Ci ty ' ngineer. . T.'ove i by Milhuff seconded by Cake report be received and recomend- aton carried out. Carried. Ordinance No .354 ,relating to salaries City Attorney and Cleric read. INoved by Evans seconded by Artaur same be referred to Ordinance Committee . C-irraed. Ordinance No .3B2,relating to the improvement of ;Xillia.ms Street loy Srading and gravel pa,,sed to second reading. lobed by Evans sec .by Arthur Cec .l be adopLed as re-Id . Carried. Moved by Hansen sec,by Cake Sec .-9 be adopted as re-id. Carried. Moirod by ArhLur sec .by Evans Sec.3 be adopted as rerad . Ua.rried . and Moved by Milhuff sec .by iansen Sec.4 be adopted -is re id . Carried. Vioved by Arthur sec .by 72-ans "Iec .5 be adopted as re-Id . Carried. ovel. by Ar thur seconde by Evan, Ordin ince �1, , o7.e be adop ted as read. Poll Vote ; rTilhulr f,"a,nsen, Ca.ke,Evans ,Arthur vo tint; Aye . No none Carried. Relating- to matter of box drains across alleys North Renton ,moved by Cake :seconded by Evans .same be referred to Street and alley Committee add City Engineer with power Lo act. Carried. 142 Rosoluti:-)n lo .141-A, Cewer tzrou� h Mock 8-9 read first tine . Moved by Arthur seoonded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Library bids opendd and read as follows ; Jno .Galber $10517 .00 Arvid Levergreen 1:630 .00 `AJalt(,r,'4hite & '41alter 11909.00 C.F.L ar cin 11900.70 Ditlefsen & Gerring 10549.00 'W.J.henry 10425.00 Eckm--tn & .,iowat 10275 .00 All bids being over the allotted amount for said building motion made and seconded that an adjourned session of the Council be held on Friday eveninL; at 8 oclock to consider same . Carried. Moved ')y Cake seconded by Arthur Council retire for executive se:3sion to consided paving bids . Carried. Council after short executive session reconvened in regular sess- ion with tl-e following findings on the several paving; districts ; Districts ido .62-65,lovi bid ,troga & Sesocn. Districts No .63-64 ,low bid Raumg trtner & Mougin. Moved by Ev=ens seconded by Arthur that contract for Districts No , 62 and 65 be awarded to Krogh & Jessen . Poll Vote ; "ilhuff,11ansen, Cake .Ev�'ins ,Arth.ur voting Aye .No ,none . Carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Arthur contract for Districts Ido .64 and 62 be a-%,iarded to Daume-; trtner. & Mougin. Poll Vote; 1','illhuff. ,Hansen, Cake, ';vans .r►rthur toting Aye . No,none . �;arried. Moved by Cake seconded by Evans certified checks of unsuccessful bidders be re tarned. to said bidders . Carried. Petition pre-sented by H.Park9 for rent Fe Renton Tel . Co .aski.ng permission to change location of five poles on east Nide of '.'fells Ct. between 2nd.& 3rd.a.venues read. Moved by C ike seconded by Hansen pe ti tion be refer red t-) City Engineer and Fire ,Light and Water Commi tteo Zvi th power to act . Carried. Motion to adjourn to 8 oclock Friday evening . Carried. City Clerk. i I XIiF1a 143 Ren ton, Sep t.12-1913. Council met in adjourned sesnion ,liayor I�cCowin presiding. Councilmen present,TTansern,?r,ilhuf", ;wif't and ' dw,'Lrds . Attorney tnginenr and Clerk. T.ayor I,TcCorrin explains the object of adjourned meeting, -same beirig for -L-he purpose of considering bids for construction of C-arneL ie T,ibr- r.. try and the le sting of contract for same . Architect Ginnold r,�,�ortg minor change:; in planas ,fixcures , etc . hereby es timate )f lower t bidder can be reduced to core within t1ae appropriation, said figures being cut fram ;110, 275.00 to +� �00 . Form of a0reement =in(T contra.et b('Uween City of Renton and Contr-ic- tor presented by Attorney 7ouser,prissed upon and ap-)roved by the Council ?.Roved by Tuil'.quff seconded by Swift, bid of Eckman & ruowat, "'9, 5 ?.R .00 be 'accepted and contract awarded to above named firm iubject to the terms of agreement presented by Attorney Founer . Pool 'rote ; ''ill'lu"F , Tdw s , ;wift,TTan:,en iru ting Aye . Yo none . Carried. Moved by Hansen seconded by Edwards certified c'iecks of unsuccess- ful bidders be returned to same . Carried. T,Rotion to adjourn. Carried. v Ci Ly Cler',c. 1.. 144 Ren ton,Sep t,16-1013 . Council met in regular session ,I,`sjyor ITCCo.vin in the chair. Roll Call ; Councilmen Eli lhuff,Edwirds ,T?-ins en , Cake,Swift,Evans a.na Arthur ,EngineFr and Clerk present. Yinutes of last rejular session, and alJourned session read and approved . Application for meter connection to water main at Library size by Contractor Ecknjan read . Loved by t%ilhuff seconded by ftrthur same be granted. Carried . Applic xtion for sewer connection Lot. 7 Blork 17,by Jas .Adderson read. Loved by Edwards seconded by 2)wif t application be granted. Carr- ied. Finance Committee reports -ts follows ; We,your Committee on Claims and Accounts Y)ave examined arid re com- end for payment the following bills ; Henry Thomas , 8 .50 Norman, Davis , on Bridge- contract, 719.82 .1�.Swift,Ii.?:v=4n s ,�'J.S.Iiilhuff Committee . Yoved by Cake seconded by Hansen all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed . Carried. I+loved by Cake seconded by Swift salary Ordinance be laid over for one week . Carried . Complaint m,.de by property owners neer Burnett and Sixth Ave . that water from drainage ditch overflows on tlieir property. loved by Evans seconded by Swift. m.a,tter be referred to City Engineer and Street and Alley ommittFre . Carried City Engineer make: verbal report as to repairing Mill Street bridge . Loved by Cake seconded by 141huff report I-,e received and City Engineer be instructed to draw plan and es timate covering repairs tnd Street and Alley Committee interview Councy Commi^:dopers relative to securing their co-opperation in the reconstructi.on of said bridge . Carried . City _ ngineer reports in follovrs ; Mayor and City Council; Gen tlemen; The following is the estimate of work comple ter'.. on the con- tract of Geo .B=LndereL for t-.e improvement of Ced-ix Street as provided for under Ordinance No .,-)30 creating; L.I .D.No.60 . 1X1 'F ; 145 Cleriring and grubbing $300.00 C600 Cu.Yd4 .k;a.r thwork, C:J.50 2800.00 #3100.00 I would recon end the allowance of 70;! on the above amoumt as ner contract. Respectfully submi tied, C .O .ivete , Ci Ly Engineer. Cornxr;un.ica.tiorn from Carnegie; Corporation rend , Yoved by Evans sec- orded by Cake sarre be receited end plrir:ed on file, Carried . Certificate of Ii.Ginnold for first allowance on architect contract for Library read. J'Joved byAr thur seconded by ""ilhuff same be forylarded Lo Carnegie Corpor.at .on . Carried . Requeat by water Superinterndedt for three neva fire hydrants, Moved by XAXXYAX Evans seconded by Arthur sa.rne be referred to porch rising Agent WiLh power to act. Carried . Bins for sidewralk,73ells "t.3rd, and 4th, Avenues north received as fol] oe:s . Fred. Os terhoud t, At 29 cents per Lin.Ft. E.;..Duff at 30 cents per Lin.Ft. Moved by Arthur seconded by Swift con Lract be awarded to low bidder Poll Vo Le ; Edwa.rds ,llilhuff Fla.nsen ,Cake ,Ssvift vans ,Arthur voLing Aye, T%ro none . Carried. Bonds of contractors for paving presented to ttile Council . Moved by ?liilhu.ff secondee, by Cake sarire be accepted.. Carried Bond of _Eckman &. jYow,at for construction of Library presented . Koved by '::"ilhuff seconded by Cake bond be accepted.. Carried. Agreement between Contras Lor and City of Renton relatink; to Libr- ary construction and payment for same read . Loved by Cake seconded by :swift same be riccep :ed on approval T,y City Ai Lorney. Carried. Resolution -110 -1,11-A per L:%ining to :9ewer througjl Dlocks 8-9 passed Lo Fecond rcriding. InToved by Cake sec,by Evans Sec .l be -adopted as read . Carried . Moved by Evans gee, by Ar thur Sec." be adop '/ed nas read . Carricd . Ioved by Milhuff. sec,by Edvards Sec.3 be adop .ed as reed . Carried . roved by Arthur sec .by Evans Sec .4 be adopted as, reid . Carried . Moved by Swift seconded by Arthur Resolution as a whole be adop- ted as read . Carried . I"oved by Cake .seconded 1;y Evj�tns cer Lified check of R.F.nu--r for 146 accompaiying bid for ,T'orth Ren ion side-walk be returned . Carried . ITLotion to adjourn . C=arried . r Ci-y Clerk. Ren ton,Sep t,23-1913. Council me tin regular ser,sion,Uayor ' cCovvin in t�!e chair . Roll Call ;Councilmen ?a;lw�r. d ,?."ilhuff ,li n�sen ,Cake ,F�rang ind Arthur . City Attorney Engineer inti Clerk pxesent. Minutes of last regular session re%(I 'ind Ipp-rolred - Petl tion for water connection Acre ' rac t ;1115 J .H.Hughes re"d. Troved by 3v ins seconded by 115,dwarlg same be ;ran ted. Carried. Petition fir sever conned Lion LoL 21,Block l ,,')hit",ers 4th, Addition by J'oe ` Thomas read . ;"_Dyed by Edw'trds seconded by 1"' ilhuff pe ti cion be received and same granted. Carried. Request by Joseph Edwards .bTar-iliall L'a-.t lie be -illwaed his re;ulcer vac=�tian , sage LI() s t-.rt from 13ept Mth,oreiented . I:Toved by I.Tilhuff seconded by Cake request be granted. Carried. Finance Committee report; `dJe ,your Committee on Claims and accounts have ex--mined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Trick & `Murray 421•33 Rezi Lon Lumber Co . 7 .05 Louis King 1.00 Renton Hdvi.Co . 3.00 Ci tixens ?dank 6.00 Henry 'Phomas 1.75 Full,-, r Publishing, Co . 3 .10 F Wood 106.15 Geo .Banderet,on contract Cedar St. 2170.00 l: .A.Shearer 29 .64 A.Phillipg 102.41 Labor P-%y 7oll 313 .97 3T.Lvr3ns ,"V.S.P:7i111uf�',Co�smi ,tt�e . I"oved )y Eldwards seconde;:i by Arthur is ll billO .K.d by the Finance Committee be :allowed . Carried . Moved by Evans geeonded by Cake proposition of Lr Stone- HVE 4 as presented to the Council relating to L'ie moving of fences and buildings on the fourteen foot ,trip of ground required for widen- ing, of street be a.cceptnd, -,i%me t-) apply Lo property of T'r .Gunn. Carriel. Loved by Cake seconded by Edwards matter of replacing light bet%veer lst, and 2nd on Burnett Stree L be .referred to Fire ,Light & V.Ia Ler Co nmi Ltee and City Engineer . Carried . T"o-*ed by .';va.n n seconded by dwards qucs Lion ;f" a light near alley on Fourth Ave. . est and on pipe line between Tflill-c and Cedar Street be referred to Fire,LighL & t,ater Committee . Carried . Ordin_,ince 11o .354 relatint; to change of salaries of City Offic- ials re-id fir: L Lime . !,Toved by Arthue seconded by ^va,ng same be referred to Ordicance k.'ommiLtee . Carried. Ordinance No .355, relating to regulation of Cori—fort, Station re�id firs L time . T'oved by 7,,vans seconded by Fdvr-ards Ordin ice be referred to Ordinance Committee, . Carried. Yove'd by Ewins secondee. by Fdw—'irds bond of Fred Osterhoadt .for constraction of board sidewcOlc North Renton be accepted. Carried Bids for t',.e improveynent X Williams :tree L by grade and -ravel were opened is .folloeim ; Geo .Bandere i, x,1353.50 C.R.Campbell. , 1234 .25 "a owed by raTilhuff seconded by Ar Char bid of C.R . Campbell be accepted providing certified check is presented by 12 O' Clock,noon, of ;sept,24th. Poll Vo Le ; T.Tilhuff I dwards Hansen, Cake,' vans Arthur aye. No none , Carried. X,oved by Cake seconded by "• ilhaff certified check og Geo, B-inderet be pro riding check of 1�7 .Ca.mpbell is forthcoming %r, -Ib o're s L ,ted. Ca-Tied. !,-oved by Cake seconded by Edwards Resolution pertaining to 1.1,,f, N construction of coment gideivallcg in pairccd district, includinz; I;'ill Street betoween 2nd, a.nd IaLla %VaIla be dr-ifted. Carried . Y'a�tter of crossing over C.& P.O. Lrackg at ITorris Stree L wan by mo Lion of Cake seconded by Mansen referred to Street and Alley Comm- Lee . omm- tee . 1,otion to adjourn. City Clerk. 148 Ren Lon ,Cep t, 30-1913. Council met in re a7.3r sersion ,TTa,yor McCowin in the chair . Pool Call ; Councilmen ^dwirds ,,.'ilhuff,Ita.nsen, C,tke,Swif t and Ax Arthur ; City AIttorney and Clerk present. 'ITinu�es of last regular sewsion read and approved. Petition "or Sevier Connection Lot 231Block 1 ,Smithers Sth,Add. Id .D avid Thomas read.. ?:'oved by )wif t seconded by Tdwa.rds pe ti tion be received and same - anted . C'irried . Petition from ; 14.9 Gr tvel 13500 Cu.vds . rte. 45 6075.00 Lumber 13000 F.B.P1i. 419 .00 ICI 12,173 .25 I would reco end the a.11o•.17ince of 70,' on tre above a„oun , lest what has been allowed on previous es timrtLes . Respectfully sub-mi-,.ted , C,O.`lvete , Ci ty 1'nginerr . Moved by Cake seconded by Ti-inset: report be accepted and recom- end=i.tion carried out. Carried . Ordinance to .354 relating to ch-irge of salariem .passel to second Yoved by Yilhuff seconde;l by Arthur Section 1 be adopted -.s read . Poll Vote,l.dwq.rds ,ITa.nsen, Cake and Swift voting no . I,ilhuff and Arthur voting yes . 17otion lo`,t. 'roved by Cake seconded by Swift Ordir--Lnce be tabled indefinitely. C irried . Ordinance No.355,rPlciting to care of Comfort Stition panned to second reading. iMW M?owed b Cake sec,by Swif t aec .l. be ado } Y Y p „ed as read . Carried . 1Acolred by Edwards sec,by Arthur Sec.^, be Ldop(ted as read . Carried. TLoved by Hansen sec,by Swift Sec .3 be adopted a.s read. Carried . ?roved by Arthur sec ,by Swift Sec .4 re zdo1bLed. -ts re-id . Carried . -'-oved By Cake seconded by Arthur Section 5 be amend'-.d to read and no intoxicating liquor be allowed bro-Jg)it or drank in tale buil- ding . Carried . r,rotred by Cake seconded by Arthur see .5 be adopted as amended . Carried . proved b-,r Ci.ke sec ,by 3wifc Sec .6 be idopi<,ed 3.s re-Ad . Carried . M,Toved bly aZilhuff tec.by Arthur Sec .7 be adopted as reid . Carried . Moved by Arthur sec .by Fd.w-irds Sec .8 be rtdopted. read. Ca.rried. Yoved by Arthur sec,by Swift Sec .9 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Cake sec; .by 'Tarzen 3ec .10 Ise tdopted as re-id . Carried . '':roved rnr Arthur sec ,by Svrif t Sec .11. re tdop ted 'IS re-i.d . Carried. Love(', by Arthur seconded by IA. T?insen Ordinance as a ;}thole be idop- Led a.s rend . Carried . Yovvd "by Cake sec .by Arthur Councilman Evans be granted permi- ssion tr. construct cement aside-ivilk on Main St. Carried . 150 Resolutionq Z7ot $1142-:? to 162-A relating to the construction of ceyrent aide-valks in the paved district of the City re*gid first time. I'oved by Swif t seconded by Arthur Resolutions be referred to Ordin-1- nee Committee . Carried. T:"owed by C'Ake seconded by Arthur thiat Ci ry stand expense of removing; and replacing fence onproperty of. Devic. Gur.n for Lille wide- ening; of street. Carried:. ','o tion to adjourn , Carried. r Ci Ly Clerk. Ren Lon ,Oct ,6th,, 1917 . Council met in speci�il cession for the purpose of hearing protests and objections ag-iinst the estim,ite setting forth ,the arrount of money necessary for the current expense: for the ye-ir 1914 , inclu,iing the dr>ficit of 1913. :here being no objections filed against the proposed estimate i t was regularly moved find seconded that there shall be and hereby is levied af;%i.nst all the real and personfil est ite within: the boun- ueries of the City of Renton , %-3hington, the sum of "15000.00. There being no further business Council adjourned . Clerk . .1 XHFF 151 Ren ton ,0ct, 7-191' . Council met- in regular ses.,3ion,10iyor J.TcCowin in the cli-iir . Roll Call; Councilmen Edwards iTilhuff,iansen , Cake Swift ,.+;van s and Arthur . City ALLorney and Clerk present. ?rinut.es of last regular session and speci ;l segsion read and anproved . Protest presented by J .C.I:rarlo e az +in<:, L t',c proposed improv- �ement of !,asst side of LTain it.LoLs 7-8-9 i31k 9 by laying of cement sidewalk read. T."oved by Ifill•iuff, seconded by Swift tla.t by reason of the fact t ,.=s,t petitioner expectq to erect a buillini-, on q-s.id lots and tjiat walk would have to be torn up for exca-1ra.ting for maid buil- ding Viat request be granted . Ca.rrie:l. . Pro Le^ t nresen Led by Richmond Bros .Lots 7-P-10-11 elk .26,1 1i j ah Auld Lot 13 Dlk .26 and J .C .1,1,arlomr, lots 6 and 12 Blk . 63 m gins t the proposed improvement by laying; cemen r. walks on Burnett and ','Jilliams SLR .read . loved by Swift secondel by Arthur same be referred Lo Ct. and Alley Committee for investigation,, Carried. Finance Commi Ltee T,eport. ',,,'e,your Commi Ltee on Claimq and Accoun tq have examined and reco-indnd for payment L,-ie following bills ; City if Cie-i L La e ,,matter $40.40 RenLon 7era.ld 0.00 iorman Davis 8 .85 C .11.Campbe11 ,his t jrY8 24429.04 Labor pay roll 296 .04 1-".F.Cwif L,71 .Birans Commi L L(�e . Moved by Hansen recorded by 1,dwirdg all bills O.K.d by the 2inance Commi L Lee be al l.o xed . Carr iel . Matter of ligrTits on 4th. eve . JF gt and Beacon ,Till Blvd .referred to Fire Light and leiter Commi Ltee for inves Ligation . Report of Police Judge read. Id,oved by Evams seconded by )wift .J same be received and plad'ad on file . Carried . Report of Treasurer . Iuoved by :;vans sedondod I,y Arthar report be received and pl iced on file . Carrie:i. report of TlealLh Officer . Iuoved by Cake seconded by Edwards 'same be reeoived and placed on file . C3rr:ied. Report of Clerk. i.Ioved by Evans seconded by Arthur same be received and placed on file. Carried. 152 Clerk reports no protests on the proposed improvernenL in Blocks 8-9 , same beinL the ins Lalling of sciver, Ta.Lter of extPntion of water main over `Jilliams >L.Brid,re and the ins ta.11in6 of lights near said bridge referred to 77, ire,Li4ht and ,ai Ler Cornini ttPe . Or.iina,nce ,,To .3b6 relating; to sewer throug"i Blocks 8-9 read fir s L time . Aloved by Swift seconded by Evans same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. 1.1ovod by Art?iur seconded by T.Til:Lhuf Resolations relaLini; to Cement side-aa.11cs in p�ived district be laid over for one week. Poll Vote ; ds+� Ards ,li�nsen , :'ilhuff and Ar Lh,.r vo Ling Aye . Cake , 3wiPt and Evans voLing no . Carried. ResoluLion L?o .164-A relating; to proposed improve-menti of 5i Lhe e is t sins, of `:`lilliams at from 3rd .Alre . to approach of `.7illiams S i; .Brid6,e and V-ie north side of First Ave .Hain of t. to `sJillia.ms St. by the construction of board walks read firs L time . Moved by Swift seconded by ;vans game be rrf-fe~.red to Ordin ance Com.rni ttee . Carried. Re:soluti )n 'To .165-A rela.tin- to improvement of west ;gide `"iii t- wortli St.abuttinE; upon the east side Lot 1 Blk .l Smit'iers Fifth AcId .by con n,trucLion of board walk rend first Lime . !iToved by Arthur secondd-'by :I'+;vans game be referred Lo Ordin,�nce Cornmi ttec . Carried. Budget 1. olu Lion Ito .166-A read rand on mo tion sof Swif t seconded by EdiNa.rds same ,vas Oop Led as read . T.Tayor -appoints Lhree of Llin five members or Library board :4.s follows x.Bateg ,O,. +.,'ireiger and '+he two remaining; reL-m1)ors for compli�t] ori of Ro=ird Lo be appointed at next meeting, sof t1le Council . 'loved by Cake seconded by Edwards appointrner;ts as mads be confirmed. Carried. AToved by Swift seconded by Cake That Resolution of intention for the impro%re?nent of 3rd .Ave .e-Lst Mill St .to Renton Ave .be draf- ted . CarrieJ. T.oved by Cake seconded by Slvif t tree t and Alley Commi L tee inve� tiUate as to immediate needs of ^aid street in order to make same safe for tr-i.vel and report at next me(-, Ling . Carried . T,Ta,tter of dogs ':i '- Lpn by the doh affected by rabies wain recerTly killed brou ht to Vie attention f t'�e Coancil. e .1 I FF 153 TToved 'by ?.rillhuff seconded by "")wif t all 10f;55 runninL it lir6e be nuzzled, -ird -.11 dogs known to, h-•.ve been bitten be :;afely Sua.rded 1 or de-,troyed , rd all dots fo:xnd unnind Ott l.ar6e wi ti;out muzzles be impounded , and if not reel•timed in tuwenty four hours a-ime 51-1111 be der Lroyed. 'vlo tion e irrled. Ordinance No .357 , s arr,e bt ink an emery Fancy Ordina7ce r� l� tiny to th.e above motion read, end on motion of Cake seconded by ';dards Mme was decl5�tred idopted. III 1.10Lion to %dj ourn . Carried . Clerk. , 154 Ren Lon ,Oc ;;-14, 1913. Council met in regular segsion ,T"mayor YcCowin presiding. Roll Call ; Councilman T:'ilhuff,INnsen , Cake ^vans and .Arthur ; City Attorney and Clark present. Minutes of lagI.- regul4r Ress on read rind ctprroved. Petition presenLod by E.E.Du_ff in behalf of A.C.'.Vilnon and Sohn Hughes asking; permission to obstruct sideiva.lk and portion of stxeibt in front of Acre Trac'Lt #4-51-&6 Co-opper Ltive Coal Co . it%cts ;# 1 For xpo:,e of constructing retaining wall re-td. °"oved by Evans seconded by Arthur petition be granted . Cirried. Petition by 1:1a.tt Grady asl:inG perminrion to construct cement w il'K on east sine of Lot 12,B1k .22 read. `roved by I ilhuff 9ecorded by Arthur s%me be 6r�n_ ced . Carried . Verbal re-.quest made by 'i'.J.Richmond to construct cemen t walk on gest side of Lots- 10-11 Dlk.26 . Mroved, ':y +,vans seconded by Arthur request be gran red . Carried. Petition for water connection Lot 3 Blk.l. Gunns Add.by A.Anderson re•,d. Moved by T,iillhur'f secorded ti;y 'Evans same be 6ranred . C �rricd. Petition for sewer connection Lot 15 B1k .24 by O.Y.Cochran read . Ylove( ry Evans seconded by Arthur petition T)e ranied . Carried . Report of Finance Cornmi ttee . t7e ,your Cornmi ;.tee on Claims and Accounts have examined and recom- end for payment the following bills ; ,Vm .'ionkin Treasurer 20.50 !Ia L t Grady 30.00 P.3 T.L&P.GO . 11 .155 Norman Davis 491.95 Henry Thomas 1.00 P.1'.11.7, use P.0-o . 144.50 H.Evans ,',V.S.Millhuff Committee . T�oved by Hansen seconded by Arthur all bills O.K. d by the Finance Commi '.tee be allowed. Carrier! . Councilman Evans of 'S tree t �.nd Alley Committee makes verbal rep- ort on condition of ` hirl at.hill a.nc1 ,,ecomends LlviL cir.,deits %nd � ra- vel to be rer-ioved from T,'ill St.when same is prived ,be placed on said hill . Street and Alley Committee recomends t',at board walks in paved district which are in Good condition be allowed to remain and t} at XWE 155 as same are worn out or become unfit for trrivel that they be replaced Ari th cement xv ilks . Fife Liglst & Water Cor,)mi ttee reports that in their judgement the expense of con-struct:ing tivater maim over tyle '.7'illiama ;]tr--et bridge ,,via i le I.vould be too great and recomend9 that Nkmx the .will Street,et bridge is bein reconotruuted a tc•mpora.ry structure be erected to c%rry ",ie main for the north side . Fire Light & 'later Commi ttee also recomends t'iit four lights be placed in t'.e vacini ty of the `-Jilli ims Street Oridge . Wove;.', uyCake seconde . by 7T�tnsen report of. Fire Light anis 'eater Committee as above 1aet mentioned be accepted .and _recomendation carried out. Carried. Moved' by Cake 3econdod by Arthur Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer investigatecondition of board walks in paved district R report cw to w1lat walls should be replaced by convent. (7-irried. Ordinance 1:10 356,rela,ting to constructiun of sewer Virough ]?locks 3-9 passed to second reading . Yoved by 1,7ill?Zuff sec .by evens Sec .l be adopted 'Is read . Carried. 1,loved by Arthur sec .by ha.n?en Sec ..") be adopte i as read . Carried . V :loved by ilanden :sec .by Evans Sec .3 be adopted aq re id . C,irried. Loved by Evans sec,by Hansen Oec .4 be adopted as recd . Carried. Loved 1,,y Ilan:sen :se.c.by Bake Sec .5 "r,)e adopted as Pend . Carried. Moved by Hanrsen seconded by Arthur Ordinance as .� whole be adopted as read . Carrie-I . 1!r .0 .N."ochran m-eKes offer to paint signs for Comfort Station free of charge providing City farni sh necessary m iteria.l . rvTove(I by,Evans seconded by Arthur offer be accepted -in W referred to `Fovrn Property Comm- ittee for action. Ca.rrie(i . Mayor McCo."lin appoints ars caretaker of C-)mfor t Station huff. laovea by Arthar :seconded by 'Evans appointment be confirmed. Carrid: o MAyor appoints the following; Electiian Judges for Primary Election. `o First ';lard; Inspector Peter Dullahant.Judges Barney Doyle ,Ceo .11eit;- aton. Second 1,trd ; Inspector Roger Jerikins . Judges Chas .Ili tchell ,M1, .Grady Third ':lard; Inspector 'Iu h T.Ihite . Judges L.J.Crons ,Lec ?Ionoii=�n. 1."oved by Ttansen :seconded by Evans appointments be confirmed . Carrid4, Yay.or appoints the "o].lo rine Library ' ru:s tees ; 1;Irs C.O . Tve to ,?Trs . .1, .Dickinson . I:.oved by 141vans seconded by tike same be cDnfirmed .C-arrid� Moved by Arthur seconded by Evans Town Property Col:,mi :,tee 'lave nec- 156 ess•atry i allot boxes con:3tructed f >r commis election . C -irrie:i . Resolution No .156-A relating to proposed improvement of Third Ave . east ':)y Grade ,Grwel incl Gutter .reed first time . Idoved by Evans seco- nded by T,,;illhuf`' same be :referred Lo Ordinance Committee . Carried. Resolution 111o .164-A relating ta proposed improvement of -1 portion of Williams St.Zlor'th and -First Ave -IIorth by construction thereon of, board ,valk pas9ed LO second reading. rFoved by Cf-ike sec .by Hansen Soc .l be adopted a� recid. C-arriei . ,Moved -)y 7-,v-ins sec.by Hanson )ec.2 be adopted -if-, re,-Id. Carried. "dove 4' by Tlansen soc .by Evans a3ec .3 Up adopted as Carried. T,Soved by :;vans sec.by Manson Sec .4 '-,e adopted a^ read. Carried. Yove i by Calve gcconded tiiy Ev%ns Resolution as a. whole be adopted -,m re=icx . Carried . Resolution I:IovlG5-A' relatinj; to proposed improvement of east side Lot 1 Block 1 ami thers jPift,11i Acidi tion by con.;traction ;af boa.rd ,.valk na,!;sed tp se cpnd re`iding . Moved by ;vans sec .by Tiansen Sec.l ')e idopted as recid. Carried. :ove.:. by Art'laur sec.by Evans 3ec .2 be %dopted %s re-id. Carried. =moved. by ?wane; soc.by Arthur ;ec .3 be adopted as read. Carried. move:l by Cake sec .by l;vana 'Sec .4 be Adopted a.c re Ad . Carried . �love;l by Arthur seconded by Ev=ins Resolution as a whole tae adop Led re•)d. Carried . Motion to adjourn. Carried . '�✓/ Clerk. ' I XIfFF 157 Re-nton ,Oct,21, 1.913 Council met in r-'gul%r session ,Iayor I,fcCowin in tho ch-tir .. 1;011 C X11 ; o unciI.,ruxn 1.'.111 1.:1 ,H in9"MP C V,Se, Swift EIT-ir7 rind Arthur, City Attorney grid Clerlec Tire son L . -)f last rP ;ula,r gesaion rend and a,pr,roved. Pro uc 3t by property owners on Third :Avenue Eis t a.o-iinst proposed improvement of s'id Aver ue reed. Molred by Cake seconded by S,vift -s=ame be r, celved a,r.(i pl acel on file . Carried. 7ina,nce Committee mikes foll o-aitng report; le, your Co?'lmi Ltee On Claims and Accounts ?a4ve ex-vaiined and r?com- end for payment t1ae Follotving Renton Wagon works 18 .45 W.C.D;.Ed vv-tri4 3.or) Wrr .'Tonkin, Tre-tsurer 16 .50 Renton Drug tore 3.25 .Archie Akl3ms 2. 50 Geo .'_1 rdere$ 66 .11 J.V.Bu,.ler 8 . 50 J.D.Arthur 9.37 Len Cook 1.50 Denny Igen Lon C11ay & Cacti Co . 25 .78 Labor P`iy Roll 286 .09 M.11.ikfrift,11 VIvans , 71.S .P��i11�iAf'f, ro?Tt7littee . I!oved by Hansen 9ncondod by Arthur -ill. bills 0 .K.d by Llic "inance Co!nmiLtee be -ill.o�.*red . C -irried . Rel-,iting to Resolu tian No .166-A moved by Swift socondiid 'hy TTin- sen m-ime i)e deferred for one week end Stree L 'tial Alley Co-Fni tton inves Ligate a-, to irr'ne'i•ite necdg of a id ns•oposed improvement. Carried. City nL ineer mf-ir.es followin; report . 1,Nyor and City Coa��cit . Gentlemen ; I nave W repor L the completion of tile can tract of Frc3 Os Lerhoud t far LI le improvemen L of a por ti:)n of Wells 3 tree L 11or th, Third Avenue 1aorLh ind '?ourth Avenue l'orth,by tiae construction of a Bo�ird �sidelaalk, as prolrided for under Ordin-ince No .353 , creating I,oc-xl Immo- jrement District No .6G , and -would reco:r,iend L'ie aecep t tncA of t'le s Mme . The '01-loving is tide f ),1a 1 esti:nat!,� on t'-,-e sbove v✓ork . 1206 Lin .I+t .23oard Fide-.va.lk 611.vide u.29 349 .74 14 158 391.2 ' Allev crogsings 6.25 Fixer" Printirig 15.00 E;nginer,ri lz; 5•',4 1'OLal 376 .33 Respec t`'ally gubmi tted, C .0 .'eve to , Ci i;y I',ngineer . Toned by Arthar seconded by v-�ms report be recei-Ted ind rr�camcnd%tli- on c�irried out. Carried. ingineer reports furt}Zer r, follovvrs ; Gentlemen; I wive 'to report t?`ie completion T t'-ie contract of Geo .3a.nderet for t'ie irnprovemen t of Cedar Stree t,`oy gvidin6 ,�ra.1reling -Ind 4;uttering as provided f.ar under Ordinance No .330 , crea.ting Local Improvkimen t Dis- trict 1o .60, and ,=roul.d rocomerki t%c %ccep Lance of s-Ime . T',.e follo7rrin-­ is t?ie final nstim-ite on the 3boire ,,work . Clearing and orabbinC, (Lump ruin) 300 .00 '1J+35 Cu.`rJs .Gr i?=8 U. O 3792.50 547 .5 n Gr lrel <;.90 49^ •75 38 , 732 I+.13.IT,.Lumber. 14; 19.00 775.90 115?7 Lin .Pt. 3idn-sI%lk adj us ted L .10 1757 .70 PulktiI(,adn (yateritil and Libor) 1'9 .16 i 'ailin 11 5 .19 CJI Adj us tiny apnroac'nes to cross s tree to 82.57 Fixed _1:s titnrite . Printing 15. ^0 n,ineerigg 164.65 17':3 .6'7 To t'�l $6105 .40 I;espectfally sub,ri tted, 0.0 .' ve:t­ , City mgineer . l"over by Cake gecondecj 1;y ;wift re porL be rece- -,m and placed on file ar?d r-comenda.tion c-i-ried out . Carried Coxnmanication from Treasurer rel itir.g to c,)r inion of L.I .% . do . 1 1 ,re id . DLotred by IIzr`inq :seconded by Arthur report be received <Ind recomendation carried out. Carried . 1.00 red by C=•ke sec )nded by Art'11r engineer Serve vri tten notice Lo contractors '_'nosh c Jessen that work must 'he st rtei at once on Lheilr contract" on ITill a.nd „arnett i.�tr?c; t� .0 rricd . /J / � FE 159 Renton,"Vash. 0cf, w8-1913. Council me t in ret;ulvir session,.Mayor McCowin pre-siding. Roll C ill ; Couricilman,Ed4riird,q , i,ins(-n Swift I;vino and Artalar . Minutes of last rPo-ular meeting rand and approved. Petition from Cea.ttle Li -%ting Co for extenrion of 7n-iin on .,Ialn ;treoi; reo.d. iuiove,d by 11-.nsen :,e;conded y SWif t pe tition be r,7rctnted. C�irr. icd. Request in-ide by F.G.Smi thers th.,,,t he be perrni LLod to build the sidewalk referred to under Resolution iJo .165-A, and be given sixty days time in which to build. Loved by Arthur s .::,conded by Evans permission be gri anted ii requeited. C-�rr. ied, Finance Co-nmi ttee, report; �sfollows ; We,hajre_ examined find rec,-)merci forpayrr nt the folio;ring bills ; Geo Bi.ndere t 1978 .04 ',11m .`i'onkin,'fre irurer , 3.32 Fred Os terhaud t ^49.19 MOM Hugh IIrr i to 3.00 Bailey Dabois 12112.0o F.Sf t,1 .i+,'v,-.ns , Co,nmi tape . Moved by "'!"dwar-Is seconded by Arthur all bills O .K.d by the .Finan- ce Com.-ni ttee be -*Mowed. C%rried . Ctreo t. and Alley Cor mi ttee reports 3s followi. ; Vle,your Committee to whom %ris referred tPtc propo,�i Li ;n of 1,).ying cement sidewalk�s in the p,;Lved <Iirs t-rict bei lealre to report nv- f:jllows ; ,Ve find Vrit Mere ire 'i 6 oo m{.ny l)o ird sidel,-O.'Cg in o -)d condition ,Ind %tre Lhin',c it ,would put t',e property o�lnsrs to -in unnecess'.ry expense qnd .,,ould recd-monad tli at -01 side,vilks in the P'ivecl district vr`ien in the opinion of the Street Superintendent ghoule, need repairing tliat they be put in with cement. II. ;v�,ns ,Geo .A'r t,�ur,trJ'.0.:17..1+.dsn���rds , CoY>�mi ttee . ioveA by Hanen sE�condec� by ?, illYruf'f report be rec��i-.red end reco .7endat- ion carried out . Carried. Street and lillev Co-.nrnittP(-, makesfurther report a^ follo,v-, ; `Ne ,your Comrni tee to Wiom was referred the propositi-),I of] the imp- roverne;i 6 of ' hird Ave . tg t by grftdinc; and Gr%veling b(,- le=ave t:) report as follows ; 160 ."Iva t we r,2comend tha t tly-ie proposi tion be 1n;dd or. -k`.-able Eoved by Hanqtm seconded T)yUllhuff �11� , roport be received -tnd recom, nndri,'Llien be c—irried out . Cjrri(3d. Yoved by Evrins seconded by L;wifL City A'UA-Parney draft Ordin-ince .r U-,ie improvement of Llac 'Till 'S)Lreot Bride . Cirried. C., bj­ ?vans ��,(.,� condei by Ar ci.orl be ins to ca*1 ,1� _.il K w for bids in Renton Bulletin -ind SeAL-2p I)-:Lil-,r I-Lecord ,for the (7--mstraction a improvement. of serer through731oclecs 3-9 according Lo Ordinancefor sari C"ri r r i ed . -Stree* end Alley Commi toe '_-oved by Evansby Edw,trrlm t,--it lnlw,-�- rview con tractors w1io `i eve the improvement of Yill 'Strnpt, -ind if to be removed is suitable that arrangement be Tn, -tdc 'Xi Lh s-.id org to plice I sufficient amount of. s m­iteri,-il on to!ne Third PUL Avenue 1-1ill as Lo 9-me in good condi bion for Ll­vrel ird tIn-it ptj- mo-Yat for nuch viork be r,,v-tde from 'Wlie c-ener-il fund of the City. On voLe of Council above mo Lion lost. 'here being no f-irLher buqinc5-,s before Lhe Council mo Lion rade %Ij ourn . Ci -�v C I e rk. MITE 161 Ron tran,IT otr, 4 Lh,191;�. Council met in re .I.ar se:;sionx,May*or TTc Cowin presidin . Roll C=i,11 ; Councilmen ana v ns pre- sent. T,IinuLes of lris t regular session re-id %nd approved . Application 'or s'<,iting rink license for period of throo mon chs ,I,.Albrecx�t r:�id . loved by Tinnscm seconded by itrans srtme be refer- red to police and license Commi Utpe . CIrried . Pro test preseri ted IV Citizens of North Penton objec-ting to the ch-.rL;ing of ccrviin extr-t mark Lo the assegF7.,nenL diq .rici, for tl,e grading -nd -;r .-T(�ling of s Lre.e Ls, in Dig t,f/ 48 read. Troved by Evans seconded by Edwards same be laid on t?ie t'.ble indefirately. Poll. Vo tp ; ; dwrda ,T,?il%gaff ,C -ikc incl ewins Arco ting Aye . TT nsen vD ,,in; ,o . Carried. Petition presented I:)f Puget Lound Traction Liolit r& Po.vcr Co .a^king pe;rmisision to qe t poles on Garden :We .fDr the purposes n ' gi,•rin ; electric seririce read.. IMIoved I:U ;vans seconded by Cake petition be received and request ;;;rAnted . Carried . also 'iwince Committee report . ,1,. 'uJe,your Col-.-i : tpe on Claim: unci Accoun Ls Ii., exam.inefl end rpcome- nd for paymen c the following bills ; Henry Thomas 2.00 J.2.McCrea 3.10 Penton Drub; Store 7.50 Iia;h "J7Yi to 3.00 ff 10.20 H. tirn:; 42.50 fen ;:en :?idle tin. 36 .52 " d.L.'le;rry 26.00 ;den t & Ren torn Tel .Co . 2.20 Labor pciy roll 479 .05 Ti. ;vins,"T.3 .14ilhuf r, CoTmi t tee . ,, -.rel ��y E wards :seconded troy ii nser� '.11 hills O .i:. d 1, r the "inanae Committee be alloiged. . C`irried. Clerks report re 4d . 7'o-e(I i),ij _"'Tans seconded by Cake 'ne recei- ved rd placed on file . Carr. ied . 162 ire curers report; Zoved 1:,y Evqn s senor,dol by Jansen same be received and filed. Carried . Health Officers report; Yoved by Millhu"f seconded by awards same be received and pyaced on file . Carried . Report of City lnCine_er ; Mayor and City Council . Gen tlemcn ; I hive no report the completion of the Con tr act of Chas .R.Compbell for the improvement of the streets in the west distr- ict North Renton by Grading and graveling as provided for under Ordi- nince No .223 creating L. I.D.No .48 , nnd twonld recomend the acceptance of the same . The following is Lhe final estimate on the above work . Cleiring uni grubbing (luMp cam; $700.00 8387 Cu.ids 0radin-; 6.&5 5451 .60 14023 Cu..'d: drivel 6.45 0712.60 57921 F.B.M. Lumber 619 .00 1100.60 800 Cu.vds ,eirth filler 6.35 280.00 1'8 14.65 ?Fixed estimate . Printing lb.00 In tares t 271.60 Engineering 123 .30 714 .90 ` o 4al W614559. 55 Respectfully submitted , C .O.Tveta , Ci ty 7ngineer . Toved by Cake seconded by Evans report of EnCineer be received and contract accepted . %"Wvd. Poll 7o te ; Edwvrds ,VilAu",7gnscn, Cnke Evano voting %ye ,no none . Carried. Estinsta by Library Architect on amount of work completed prenc nted. Moved by Hillhuff seconded ly Edwards same be forwarded to Car- neGie Corporation . Carried. Mayor appoints as member of Library Board Irs .Nichols . "oved by {vans seconded by Edwards appointment be confirmed . Carried. resolution jo .158-A ordering; and directing the City Attorney to co-opperate with Attorneys of 7eiChboring Towns and of Seattle in an effort to h%ve decision of Supreme. Court reE irling shore lands 3 Reconsidered reid . l7oved by 'Millharr seconded !?,y 7Nn.: n :ion s.dop ,:gid as re-1d . Carried. I,"otion m-td( to -.djourn. Carried. C1 7 T,K. 164 ,7Tov 11.-191 . Council met in reC;;u1Kr sessior ,1,-vor .'cCo,yin ;reniding. Roll Call ; Councilmen nlillr�.a''",;pan.>en ,C ike� ,Uw ft,wv��ns and ArLhur, City Attorney,Eng ineer -1.nd Clerk 1;regen G. '.'inate-s of las L reZular se-,cion read and approved . ipplicr�.Lion for water Lots 23,B1k, ^3, �nc 22,I11k .1.3 K;y J'o( Lenz re'id..Iove(3. Ty MU1.2hurf ReConded 1)y ';vans same be granted. Carried . Applies tion for ,n,,ter Lot 19 ,B1k.2 Cir 'forks Add iti.or) l,y -,7.L. i- cknor read . Yoved by Uwif t seconded by Evans same be F,rar T'ed . C%-riel . AppliorLtion for license- for moving picture show by %qf re gid, Loved by Hansen seconded by Eirans -;time be re`'erred o Police and Lic- ense CommiLLee . Carried . Resort of ''in ince Corrri Ltee . '.'e,your Corrrni ',tee on Clrtirr,s and Accounts, 'have examined and rec- orrerd for r,iyru. 6 :.he fo17 owing bills ; O.K.Livery 2.00 of r,l w Mars 4.60 '.,'m .Ciesefske 1.00 Ja" lyrr 4.60 Leas 1."ronolton 4.60 L.J.Cross 4.60 Hugh ''1hi ce 4.60 Lyles Storey 5.40 0,,.."N.Go chr an 5.40 Chan .Mi Lchell 5.40 LNLL Gr=idy 5.40 Rover Jenkins 5.40 Ren ion Bulletin 4,90 Paul Bassen 10.00 P.S.`l'.L.& P. Co . 144 .50 Pe Le r' Dullah%n t 4.60 ;:hos .Dinnin6 4.60 B .rney Doyle 4.60 rhos .Dinninc; 7.30 Geo .Heighton 4.60 C.R.C`mpbell 9;: 9 .98 tlm.','onkin ,Treasurer 121.60 1IFF 165 Fred .Os Lerhoud L 3.00 Pacific Coast Pipe Co . 333 .30 Bovilas Co . 29 .11 Renton Hdw.Co . 4 .60 I.A.,J)heixer 13 .2'4 O .K.Tr%nsfer Co . 3-9400 Denny Ren Lon UC .Go . 4 .4,' O .K. Trr�ns-r'er Co . bo Eer Lon 11dw.Co . 6.170 G ,A ile ,115 .7t Hugh 'Jvhi to 3.00 Caldwell. -.Bros .Co . 173 .75 • D C .Ed r ds ., 1.60 Eolred. by 11,anseh geconded by Arthur ill 11i11s ILII-ie .'Finance Cormti �tee be allo.ped . Carried . Police %rid License Co,.rmi -tee reports ,.s follow is, We ,yo-ur Committe on appli -5-4.Lion for sk-a,ting rink are not f%vor-,ble Lo saine i_eo .lirLl,iur ,P?-,�?C�ke, Co-r,mi ttee . 'Tovedl by -pvins seconded T)v Hansen report be received and recomend- %tion c-irried o_LW. Ct-rried. report of Police judge .re-id . hbvell 1.,,y Crtke -,Pcorded I",,)r '7VI`,.rs some be received f-tnd plr-tcnd on fil.e. r r i e(I. v(,r,, C%' e seconder' Iwif 6 To,,,vn PropeT­v7- Co,rmi Ltee IU-­V,,:e up m LL L e r of ",irni shin6 of Comfort S Vi Lion wi tl-i power to 'pct. C,=�rr i ed . T, t I -I 70vars own Property C t raw up ,.I I)y ('�tkc P�cc,,mded rn tee d rules and reculqluionr, for 6o-vernmen of Comfort 3tqLion . Carried . Ordir,trce Lo L'•�e con- 'ruction of ?,,'ill ;treet bridge r(> td. first, time . 1"ovedby Arthur -ccon(iel y­,r Ear nffi sqrre be referred to Ordir-ince Comyri .- Lee . Carried . Ordin--ince .11o .3511 ,reliLing to '.Ilp constr,.,tction of borird gide- �1ks Urn or'-!-, and First �`kve ..7ortoh re-10, fir7) 1u- Li-me . 17overl Y t� r e e 0 Ordinance Committee . 4v-.nsrcconded by _,"irthur svime be referred C-irried. Sewer I:ids opered and reqd, ,ind same delivered 'Lo City ."]nr-ineer for tabulating. 166 v , Y vans nec r,a r� 1)�-,r Cake o,-Arr Property C orrin i ;.tee 1,,,*-ve spencil 'r,ode, "Po q u 170 " Is" r� end pl!%ciZ on lijrvt Lrci polver Poles C -13 '.1 - L;,,,Iiout the City. Cirried . Pen:-.,,lution 1lo .'IC9-A fixinF date of !,-L(-,rtrirg on asne-smont rollr DiqL.9 .Yo .60, 48 and '.",6 read . ,�,Olred C',Ike s"ecodod. by Evans Reg. olation be 'idop '.ed %s re-td. C-trried. 71,ngineer presents report of sewer bids is follo,.N,s ; ,T'o,;! Lenz $670.55 Krovh & U'reggen 117,2'.7 0 L.AR.'-T--,,11 i s 082.50 Erickson & Anderson 931 .91r, E.Daf f 784.50 'Jrtlls & FlqLol)o 870.2""0 ",,;y Ar thur Seconded 1-,�T T il.l.huff contr�ct for sewer be awr>.rd- ed to Vie loi,,(,q L T.d,'Ader TTr .,Too Lanz . Carried . Yoved Y)y Artl-,,ur recorded by check; of unsuccessful "hi-?dors be reLurred . C,irried.. Loved 'r.,v Swift seconded Iny C,%'Ke Street 11 Alley Committee in-,rcr-.*- i-ALe condition of Sixth. Ave .SouLh end pulk, s,vne in p-issablo. condition . C-Arried . !,!'.'otion to adjourn , Cirrie Clerk. XWE 167 Council met it reculnr nervion ,"iyor 7caowin presiding . Roll Call ; Councilmen Cale and Evans , City Attorney and Clark present. Minutes of lost regular session read and approved . memo PeLitija for water connection Lots 15-16-18 DON rotor Mind Add . by Thos Dobson read . 7oved by Evans seconded by 7illhuff s"Cre be E;rin- tea . Curried . Petitior 5 rayor unci City Council of Scibulp relntinC to the par- chase by City of Seattle of S.R.&.30y .and aoRVE that in such %r event the entire line be purchased was presented to the Council for appr- ovil and endornemen6. loved by Coke seconded by Evans thRt petition be approved by the Council and same forwarded to City of Seattle . Carried . Finrince lommioWe report . We ,your Committee on Claims ird Accounts Vive examined W recon- end for payment the following bills ; B an Atkinson 1 .00 Se title Daily record. 2.85 Wm.Tonkin ,Trensurer 186 .30 Henry Whomos .50 Pay Eoll,Lqbor 547 .87 1,'ovefl '(.,,y Edwqris seconded by Hansen all hill, O .K.d Yy l4c 7inunce Co-mi .Lee be 1lowed . Carried . yoved by Cale seconded by Yillhuff Lhil proposition relating to certsin farnistinEs for Comfort SLation , as presented by the Town Property ConnibLee be accepted and Purchasing Ager , be inniructed to Vive nave iraLilled . Carried . loved 1T Evans seconded by Edwards !own Property WOMTistee interview P.S .T.L.&.P.Comrd Seattle LiChning Co, relative to li6btirg of Comf- bed ort Stntion . Carried . Moved by Cake seconded by Avirs nviter of diLcl on 6thpAve .7ortlrl be referred Lo City Engineer . Carried . Yoved by Cale secordel by Evans application for license for movirg picture show presented by H.W.Culklbe unntod . Cqrricl . City Engineer reports is follows ; "Zvor and City Council 168 aen ;.1 (,rr far ; I- lvx -r• L-0 repor'L the completion ref L',e con ;r pct of Ch-.r, .Cri.mp- bell for irxe irprovernent of -illi-ims ILreet from aeeord Avenue to 0-le south line of the CoTnerei tl wtterw'ty ag Y)rovi�?ed for under Ordir-ince T+o .35,2. cremating L. I .D .No 67 , and would recomena V e accep'uo.nne of the ime . The fo13.o,,,rin6-; i� t!.e final e:� tim-ate on t' e 'above work . Cle��iring and Grubbing (Lump sum ) 75 .00 824 Cu.Yds ;7radin6 C, .39 3 ?1 .1'•6 4C9 " G--�ive1 L.75 351 .75 880 Liri .FL .Sldew,�lk :0j usted ,C'I.09 79 .20 Ad.j ae ting mx,nhole 5.00 666 r.Ia.Iw.Lur :.,er L18 .50 12.32 Labor on liox d •tiin 7.00 Libor on fence 7 .r0 v 3 58 .(',3 Fixed Limutle . Printing 1.5.00 EnCineering 55.75 70.7L 2-0 VII 9 2 9 .38 Fespe;r. Liu?ly rubmi Lted , C .G. 'T' Te Uc ,Ci .y .��,ni ineer . J-ove(' by Nannen seconded by Mill.huff report be received ira recom- end�iLion carried out. C-rried . 14-olred by C=ike Aecoraec3 1-,y ('merffc ncy be decl gyred -Ir.d City Engineer be instructed to proceed to ley pipe in ditch alorL NN L� c s ide of 1)avin� on Cour: ty R oad. South an c? 0r(I in=tnbe draf tcd for enl_-.r6ed digtrict to cover expense of game . C ,.ri•ied . Co,mu: i c•i 11 for from Tjj.;i. Craver relating to certo.in delinquen t t ix- e^ on Tr=:.ct 23 Ren Lon Co-operative Cof-i1 C,'o .Acrc tr%cts , �rci skin F; t z. t q%me be P%id w%s rend . I.Toved by ?;-crrtrs seconded by I11"Lillhuff muter be referred to City Attorney for report on s-ime -%t next meeting. C" ;ric:d . Communic-.Lion .from '�r,a.shington Le�Gue of I'unicip lities '.ovcd ti y Iry ng seconded by Ii`r.,sc.. r..m�, be refeived ind pl tced on file C%rried . Co nrn r i c .tior� frr),r. Deps�Lr Lr en L of ACriculture rel-itinE to L'oe c. II 'dcrr,ic of r-Abies -.nd orderir6 ~il1 dogs in Kind; and Pierce Coat; 6irr, I X I Fj 169 icy -ire IoMerl to run at large to lc)e properly •i.,rd led , -i.nd provid.ino Per-3,1ty for neglecting to comply wiiilh Yoved by C-ike qec3rd(,,d Oy ITillituff Lli-, L dog munze-I ing. I)e q trJ c Lly enforced . Ordinnce TTo .358 ,presentrl for second reading, V'ove ' se�-ki)i:Lcll 1,Y Cake same be 1�iid over for one week it order Lo %1Io%'j "City 11'n6ineer Limo Lo draw plans and esti7r,,t,e of co,_t, q't-n^o `• -irL L',.c construction of Ilill StreeLl. bridge. C,Lrried . Moved by ':Z-vans seconded by Cake City Engineer ir -tr­rvie.�,-., County Eno,inp.er rely to plans for above mentioned b t.> - rIdL_-e stnd if necessary procure assist ince in dri,,ving up of nime . Carried . Ordin,ince No .359 rel-,ttirg to corntrl ,Aiction of board -,valk on ';Villi- ams ;treat North and First Avenue 'ITorth pa.-„ned '-o second rcldirg . 1-0 r0 ..T L; 170 Pen Lon ,- ov,25-Lh-1913 . Council me in re;lulir se ss ion,11.1,!iyor TrCC ovvin preSiding . Roll C,ill ; Councilmen -.rid Arthur, City Attorney Clerk an(I T7rk;int�er present . Minutes of 1--tst regular seg-kion read and ,,pnroved. Petition pre ~entad by B,vin Rees -m;kin6 tlla'Z, the pool room lic- ell'3(31 Of TOM SWift be transferred to him was read . J,To�%red by C!-tke seconded by Arthur petiLi,.)n be granted. Carried. Petition of P.S. T.L.& P. Co . asking perrni !3qion to us(! 'ive City poles on the nor t}1 side of Third Ave .'1orLh reld. Moved T)y Clike 31[1,conded by =Iftn!�en s,s!T)e be referred to Fire ,Lijrlitt & 'ff-ALer. Committee add Street Superintendent with poiver to ricL. Carr- ied. Report -�f Finance Committee . 'Je ,your 'Co!-m'iiLtPe on Claims and accouts gave examined and reco_mdr�d f,-)r pqymeiiL 1,,c Polio-aing bills ; Renton Bulletin 15 .70 Henry Thomas 1 .00 7W.3JqillY1uff,Geo ArLhur,TB.1?.Cf-t1ce Commi -.Lee . IrLoved by '�ansen seconded by Arthur all bills O.K.d by tIrie Finance Coir,r�-iliC'Lee be %11.,awed. Carried. ReporL of Commi .tee on prim-try election re-,.d . ,L.-)ved by Cake seconded by Hansen report be received -And placed or) file . Carried. Report of City Engineer . ',.%yor & City Council. GcnLlcmen; ITlie following is tl.e csLimrite of ivor!c dompleLed on LTie conti-7iI,cL of B,;tum,,­trLner & Mougin ander Ordinance do .345 creating L. I.D.No .64 up to November 20th, 1913 . Clf,­�ring and grubbing (Lamp -Aum) 150 .00 1466 .4 (1'u.Yd,,36.50 733 .210 2 inlets (11 10.00 20 .00 9 critch basins � 65 .00 130 .00 2 monum, nt c�ises L., 10.00 210.0( 2895 Lin Ft. ')rardr-trd Curb (,.,,j.40 1'�O .00 206 Armoured 11 C . 50 10 .00 1527 rr rr Filush 20 30b .40 (x,It F 171 278 Lin .F4 t . Wood Stops U,.40 111 .20 27:70 So .Yds .73rick Piving e11 2 .07 56bl .10 5620 Brick b%se U) .50 2810 .00 To til 11191 .90 ivoul(I recamend tie allovrinc of M on the above -mount as per L coil tr=act. ilespeeLfully sub.vniG4ed ,C .O .Tve-Lt- ,CiLy .111gine, r . Loved by 'lansen seconded by Millhuff report ire received Ind recondndi ,i3n carried out. Carried. Moved by 'Evi:tns seconded by Lillhuff t'liat 2nd .AvP .1iorth from "Till to 7,ictory Street be improved su-'ficient for nece-,:.!,iry LraFfic and expense of same be c'n-arced to Improvem. ert Di s t.Io o .G3 . Above motion amended .() reid that 2nd .Ave .1,Tort�i,T4ill to Fact- ory Strt�et be improved by creating ri Local Improvemend Diot .and cost be char&ed to ibu ;ting property. Amendment put to iroLe .No 3 Aye 2 malix amendment lost. VoL( on -,,notion -tll voting aye .1-otion c,trried . Tioved by CIke seconded by Evins that work done for improvement of 6L;h.Ave .South be :also cll,iirged to Dnprolrem. enL Dist.respon�-,ible for. sf-I-ne ,n-Lmely Dist .lo .64 . Ca.-ried. "'ove -L d by --vans secondf.�d b.l,,! Arthur that Town Property ConiniZtf�e proceed to have ups �riirs windows of ConforL Svilu*iori frosted. Carried 1,11toveJ by ),rtlaur seconded thf4lu larze windola be put in front of Comfort :s cation in place of L-in two emr-0.1 ones . Poll vote Aye 3 -1,110 2,11'viotion carried. Iroved by Cake secondel by Arthur Comfort .Station be closed until such time as caretaker can occupy -;,tne permInently. Carried. Co.rnmunicrttion from .11ecre-L'iry to L)-Le- L'!-iyor "le!iLLle relating to petition of citizens of Renton in maicterof purclfl�qe of 3).R.&.;.Ry. read . Lloved by Art''11ur seconded by �,vanp- i,ime "Oe received -Ind pl.-Iced on file . Carried. Ordin=anceI'T,-.,o 358 --cl!Iting to con!iLractian of I. ill St .bridGe laid over one more week and by motion of Cake seconded by Arthur City Attorney ins true ted to redraft said Ordirr-tnce . Carried. I-loved by ArVar seconded by -Evans n%tter of City li,;hLing contractbe referred L,--, Fire ,Lit,ht & 4`%Ler Committee . Carried. The follo,,ving Inspectors ind Jude es were appointed by -G, e 172 "I'vor for regular election of Dec .2nd. First IONrd . Inspector ^eo .'ieiL,''Iton ,Jud&es Mrs .7-Dirining and "Irs .'9d. A.adicho1 . :second "trd . Inspector 'i" .F.Q' Brien,Judges Yrs .l;Iarg;-iret Nic- RArs .T.J.ltichmorld. aols , Third 7,' rd . Inspector Lr;e Monohan,JudCns IJirs .,i,Ancock, Irs . 'lien t. .K,ovt-,d by Evins 53econded by aIan en appointments as !21 tde 7`:e con- firmed. C cried . Resolution No .170-A,relating to the cre -tion of enl gyr ed di!3- trict, storm 2ewer re td first time . loved ,,,y trans seconded by Arta:,ur 'Resolution be referred to Ordinance Commi ctee . Cry °r ied . 1,,:o Lion to idj ourn, Curried. Clerk. Fen ion 7ec .2n�3-191,.' . ?rj t?le rtbsence of t lc- 1,`--.yor Council c iIled to or ler ?:y Councilman C i,ke .Present C���if t, C tke Y,,illhuff }�Lnd HRnsen. Moved 't,,y ;3wift seconded by 1Till.h.uff Council vijourn Lo 7 .:�0 0' Clock l-"rida.v evening Dec .5 Lh . Clerk. I x1f FF 173 Ren Lon ,-Dec .9 li l , 1013. Council ~'e L in regular '3e:9.'3ion ,T.-l"Yor T C C o w i n r,res,idi11 P011 Call ; Councilmen Ed�,virds,7,:ri1111Uff,7 �nsen , C`ike , 3wifL, Ev=-ins rtnd xrthur , CiLy Attorney and. Clerk present . Irlinuter, of l ;ts L re, ular se.i>ion read end approved. Applic ition for of-tLer service Acre Tr%c L No .13 ley D Slovi tz- ke real. LSived by -I,v=ins ^econded by ?I-I,nsen Same be � r 3.r3 Led . Carried Pe ti Li.-)n presex-ited by -nroperty o,.vners on hill fir li 'its tt followin , places xFIx& nftmely, sou Lh sides of pipe line 1)e lv'w(,(--,n ITill And Ced=ar Stree Ls, south side of pipe line between Ceditr Street and Renton Ave?nue ,west side of T1enLon Avenue 200 f, et south of Pipe line ,e,�s L side of en Lon Avenue 300 f-Ie L sou''uh of !')ec ;ion 3t. w-ts reAd. ;'owed b�. Cake F�cord�y;i by ';Tran; prtiti,)n be referY'ed �o +'ire Lith t e Tommi Luse . Carried. r inInce; Committee m tkes folio wifiL; report; ,4e,your commi L t ee on Claims and Accoun Ly r ecomend Lhe payment Of L'Ie followin6 bills ; Lee Dionohon 6.20 Bowles Co . 137 .10 Lydia :'+;. Trent 6.20 N Geo .Hei 1Lon 5.80 B'-Lum6%r Lrer & Tou6in 5875.75 TZ. ';"rood 1.40 Ren ton Lbr Co . 11 .81-1 `etim .'Tonkin, Treasurer ')1 .05 Tho,i Dinning 5 .80 J-oe ;L o n(,-s 2. 50 Ken t w Ren Lon Tel .Co . 2. 70 .T.S.II'�trdie 3 . 50 Priebe Bros . 4 .50 O.K.Livery 17 . 1j0 Henry 'Thomas .50 r;innie B.Nichols 5.80 :'gym .K is j e 5.75 'i'i3.os .Dinning, 6 .00 Richmond Paper Co . 8 .85 Archie M1ms 1 .25 174 Ike Handcock 1.25 2&al SsRner 10.00 J.S/Idie, 1 .50 CwLherine Signing 5.80 'iyne Butler 10.00 SesQble Hdw.CO . 44 ,79 Jennie Isiicson b.80 Senuon £»f .Co . 327 . 55 . . 2§.L.±erry 23 .30 Renton Sa« ,Co . . 10 .80 Joe .-Edw rds 3 .00 .3,ten5-irt 5.00 neo /I 4coc2 3.00 Jeo .Bin de£ecb . . 2114 .56 Renton 947 Co . 1 .05 Renton Jalfetin 15 .50 C.R.C'mp\ell 601 .04 2&al \,Rouser . 21 .50 cif/ J.Rees 6.60 ysrGw£et Nichols 6.60 2e &tie 2r6nter/ 5.25 Cora Hunt 6 .E0 Fred Os6crhou4t 154 .66 Thefeei Oehl . 6.60 T.F.0` Brien 7 .00 Alice N.O'Iis 6.20 L/1.Crvrer . 9 .00 Nie J�rnef 6.20m 3mle I// wndcock 6.20 2.8.±,L.& 2,Co . 144. 50 . 3.S#wnS , 2,S,211�;uf{ , Co�ni :tee . 7ove4 by Hansen seconded l7 Arthur all tills O.K. d by uhe 7inance Committee be illo9ed . CtrrieJ. Report of 3ea11 Office= £e%4 . Ja2e4 by 37wna Becon&e4 by _Edwards Byne to received %n d placed on file . Gir=ded . Report 3f Clerk . 5oved t7 &rte tax seconded by Swnsen name to =ecei7e4 and filed . Carried . 1 XWE 175 Report of Tre-igarer . I'loved by :[,�.nnen seconded by Arthur s-ime be recoi7red ind pli,ced on file . C--irried. Report of Police ,Fudge . MronT-MATZJtM :IoLhin�, to report. Qj Ordin,ince No .360 confirming a9sesnment. roll 'IDisIV- .No .60 re td firs -w- Lime . 111,olred by ArL'4ar seconded by Ewins sirne "Oe rofer-red. k'-,o Ordinance cor,.n-ni Carried J,T 0 Ordi-wince, q .361 confirming asnes.qnnnt roll. 5ist.1-To .66 reg td firg-.i time . Moved by ArL-Iiur seconded by Tldw--irds 9-imc be referred to Ordinlince coirimitt(,e . C-trlried . Ordinance lio .362 confirming -iF7,seswnent roll DisL.No .48 rer)-d first Lime . N[oved by --'Evrins seconded by Arthur sr-j.me be refe;-,red to Ordinance Committee . C-irried. Ordinance "No .358 rel-tLino, To coniLruction of ',Till 3treeL Brid- ,,c p-tqsed co lecond re%dirjL,- . I.To�red -;0Y Cake sec .by il3wsen ,')ec .l ,be %pproved -is re-td. Cfirricd Moved byLA;wlns sec .by I'lillhaff Sec .;.3,be %dopted !-ts reid . Cf-irra 1,-'oved by Crake sec .by ArOiur ;"L)ec .:7,,be 1-idopled its reed . Gr-trried ]"Loved by C!-.Ike sec .by Evens 10'ec.4 be '.adopted ~is re-id . Carried. moved ';)y I seconded by 'Ifinscii 'Ordinance is nt whole be ,idopLed rv-, read. Poll Vote ,all voting Aye . CIrried. lJoired by. Arthur seconded by CAke assessment roll for Dist.No 67 be approred . Carried. The follovinzl loids for sidervill<$Firs L Ave .and. ",Tillivns, - L,Ilor'h rc-td . E.E.Duff rit 29 centf7, per lin ft. Lee 1,90nolion 'It 281 cen-ks per lin .ft. 11-oved by Ceske seconded t-y JUllhaff conLrAct be '11vird ed to the low biddor ,lxr .Lee Ilomolao.n . C'Irried- j,"oved by Arthur seconded by -i,,'v-zns certified check of -ansucc- e!1-9f,al bider be returned. C%-ried. Resolution No .170-A,rely Ling to enlarged storm xiter sewer disr.rict passed to second re!iding 'roved by Esec .byIvqnq sec .by wif t l'jec.l,be %dop Led as re-td . C-irried. A moved by E-Idwirdo sec.by I'Alillhuff ',,')ec.2,be -idopLed its re,-td . Carried. Llo,xe d b y -P ins gec.by Arlw-tiiar 7,ec .3, be 3,dopLe(,,, r-ts re-id. Cq-.•ried . Loved by hf:tnq. (,n :-,ec,by '?Ivans Sec.,I,be -idopted !-1'3 re -Ad . C',irried . Iro-17 e d by Arthur seconded by -- vins Resolution lesolation as i whole be idopu- .-, ed as re,id. roll VoLe ,rill votuinL; A-7(., . C-trried. Proposi Lion of Piul 'W . Houser relitin6 to LI-le dedict6ing to 176 the Ci tY of Ren Lon 'A certain S L-IiIP Of lind. it LI-e north end of ',P�Jll '03treet north for sLr(,,et purposes proiriding the City will close the termoriry roidw,%y icro f,,3 Lots T 0 _U , 10-11-12 Block 4 211otor Line idditilon M . "Y !noLi,-.)n of Cike neconde:I by E'v,-.ns c-:trried uninimou^1y. Deed to L':-ie Ci Ly of the cert,-tin property -above mentioned present- t:�d ',y ALLorney Mouser. I'Jo7red by Arthur noconded by 'Evins LijariL deed be accepted ind property dedicated as qtreeL -Carried . Yoved by Evf-.tns seconded by ArLhar City A�,Lorney Like up wiLh & S-RY Co -matter Of piving, right Of -JIY -it Third and 79urnetL. C-rried. Jucle Richmond iddre!7mes L"I'le Council on LI'Le condi Lion of City j,,til. 1,11'01red by li',vins seconded by C'--ke LIl,--tt To,.,,rn Property Commi ttee iznves tig- !--iLe cOditiOn of if'til ind report it next me(�tiyjt,. Carried.. , L'Ajority petition for loc%l improvement for t-,ie0 0 n e xt ti f dill 9tree t nor c' from Sixth Ave .North LhrouE;h the north �vcic, quirter of r,'-c so'athwesL quirter of 'ection 8 siGned by Lee Monollom.,lJol.ar, and j'i.-C. ,!Iilson re,:,td. 'Jo ved by Millj-lu:rf secanded by 1d ,rirds !-,'iT.e be reCei-,Md end p 1--1.c ej on file - C!-krried. Reflol-Ation 0 -171-A rel=itirjg -460 thr iTPTr0Ar0,MPnt ')f thqt portion Of hTill 3treet north extending Lhrou6h :4mx%ixnT-he north -,vest qu�.rLer of Llie southwest quirLer of S)ecLion 8 ,re-id first Lime . 11 Jolred by -']Jimns seconded by C-ike �-,,ime be to Ordinance CommiLtee, C�,rr i e d. bi Arthur seconded by '!1',vins V, inarce COT-nMiGtN-' cimr-iq elect- ion returns . Crtrried . ffoLion to rtdjourn, C�ixried. Clt-rk. 177 Ren �on,Dec, 16 �h.,1 �13. In the absence of the Vfiyor Council was called to order L-:y Councilman C kc . Roll Cill ; Councilmen i"illhufr,?rr�nsen ,C;`�Icr' , ;,r'�ns rind ,Lrtl:ur , J Ci Ly Attorney and Clerk present. Miinutes of list seq ion fea.d and ttpproved. Cor+mi ttee ippoin Led fit 1-v6 xneetink�; to c inv;Ls election retu- rns asked for and was %I lwred one more weeks time . Councilman Tdillhuff rrjake4 verb=il repor L rcuomendin ; the ins L- a.11ing or lights petitioned for on hill .Councilmwa+.n Ar Lhur repor Ls unf Ivor ib1e . Iloved. by Twins seconded by i ansen m-+. L Ler be 1 iid over for one r. week for further inures Ligation. Cf-irried . Fin-.tnce Commi LLt,e reports? is follows ; Se ,your Commi Ltee on Cl!-.ii-.ms and Accoun Ls vv-vre ex•wiined rind re comend for payment the following bills ; C.R.C ampbell $4468 .30 A.Beerrvin 2.00 JI.uarks `77 .50 Henry 'Thom is 2. 50 Ben Atkinson 2.25 J,C.hcCre'L 13 .65 P-ty Foll ,Libor 8111.10 II.Eva.ns ,vi.C.T�,Tillhuff,Commi Ltee . Moved by JTrxnsen seconded by Arthur 'ill bill-s O.K.d by tile Finance Commi L Lee be allowed . C i.rried. Councilm-tn hrtnsen n iker, rerb it repor L on City jail . Ordin ince No.360 *ipprovino incl confirming; a!-,sess.ment and. risses sr;,en L roll Dis t.ldo .60 p i!sse(r to second rertid int . 'Tore by �vtns sec,by ?Ta.nsen Swc, l,be ridoptecl as read . C trried . {oved by 7-insen sec,by Arthur ',)ec.2,1)e adopted a.s read . Crirried . Moved by Arthur sec .by 'wins ec.3,be idopLed as reid, . Carried. Moved by "vans sec .by INnsen !7)ec.4 be. :adopted a.srer*d . Carried, is"overt by 11jansen -3ec .by .'I;vtns Sec. 5 be �ciopLed !Is reed . Carried. Loved by Ar Lhur seconded 1;y jiansen Ordinance as a «chole be adop- ted as re-4 . C.-irried . Ord in ince No .361 a,pprovintrimse F;siren t -end ni.9separrienL roll List.11o .66 parsed to second re-lding. i 1'78 lJoved by Arthur sec .by +;v,ns Sec,1 be adopted as read . C%rried. ved by Hansen sec .by Evrwt3 Sec.;u,be •tdopLed a,a re-id . C•irrierl. Loved by 1'vans sec.by Arthur Sec.3 be lidop ted -ts read. C-Irried. luoved by ]v-,,n gec .by TIancsen 5ec .4 be adopted =3.s read. Carried. 1,"'ove(I by Arthur seconded by Hansen Ordinance as a whole be adopted �.s re ,,A. Carried. Ordin,ince Ido .36:? a1)Y-rovin6 _i. - ,ecsncn t and tssessnen t roll Dist. No .48 passed Lo second. reading . I', o,red by ;;vans sec .by Ilangen Sec .l be adopte('. es reed . C-irried . I.Ioved by Hansen sec .by (_;vans Sec.2; be .dopLed A,3 read. Carried . Droved by Arthur 9ec .by Evans Sec .3 be �Ld.opLed �tq re,4.d . Carried . Loved by ,,v-�.ns sec .by -i:,,nsen ,7,ec .4 be adopted as relid. Carried. Moved by Arthur '13rconded by ',a.nsen Ordinance ris a whole be adopt- ed. r3.s read. Carried. Resolution IIo .172-A,na ti ce of as,sc,gsrren L roll Iai g t .- .67 rc id first Lime . Moved by Eirins seconded by Hansen s=ame be referred Lo Ordir,ince Commi Stec . Cct rice. Rec3olution 2Io .1.71-::,relritin Lo intron Lion to improve IFill Street North from Fth,Ave .I;orth through the N.%U. quarter of the 3.71. qutrter of Sr cti:)n 8 p-i . 3ed, to second re i.ding . ''oved by ' gnsen sec .by hillhuff Sec.l be adopted a'-, re ,,d . Carried . LIo°-ed by T,'IiIlhuTf sec .by Hansen Sec .2 be adop Led !V3 re-acl . C-trried . I1,oved by Ew%r3s sec-by Hansen ";ec .3 be -tdopted acs re�id . C trried. Move by Hansen sec.by 14illhuff )ec, 4: be adopte-1 acs rei.d .Ca.rricd. T o1red by Arthur seconded "I3y s,v nc Resolution as i whole be adop- ted cs read. Carried. 'deed of Lice T.lonohon to the City of Renton of a cert%in s lwrip of land 30 ft,,Pride off the south side of the N.W.1 of the of the of ;lection £3 ,for public use as % street read . '. over'ti by llansen seconded by Ev,ins w:vne be riccepted .C%rried . Moved by Arthur seconded by T,vrins Contractors =applying:, for spec- ifications on Mill 'Street bridge be notified th'�.t birls will be opened one week later Vsan advertised . Carried. . I,Ioved by Arthur seconded by 'Evans City Engineer interview '? .P. Ry.Co .rts to nitivter of mo-ring of �_ -icks on sixth Ave . north.0 rrie ' . Loved by Hansen se concled T,y Ar Lhur variout� deeds of proper Ly hold by the City and nor, yet recorded be recorded ;; once . C-trried . -Moved by Evnms seconded. ;,y TTillhuff m�itter of cons true tion of new v:tul t be referred to 'o,,7m Prpperty Committee . C%rried. Moved by Arthur seconded by �iillhuff Fin ince Col mi Ltee t=ike up m LLter of insur,*ince on Libr-%ry buildirE . C-irrie(i . 1otion to adjourn . Carrie mod Clerk. Renton , r;ec, 23-1913 . Council meL in re ulrlr 5e<,r�ior�, y*or ccowin presi(Iing. Roll C'i11 ; Councilmen r�Till .uff,'I n=3c�n , C��ke , ;v n:� end Arthur, Ci L,:y Attorney and Clerk present. I4inutes of lrks t regular se,,;sion rervi -Ing a-miroved . IrAj ori Ly petition f,-)r Luc�il improvement for Lphe improvement of ri. portion of Second Ave .'3es L,Lo;'jn c Lreet,T)ixie avenue Shr,ttuck ;;t. Cormrierci•il Ave .and rxten tion of Commerci t1 Ave . Lo Bl ick Ri-rer re. d . Loved by Cike seconder! by T. ingen petition be laid on trtble for one week . C irried . Pl-a:L :)f Ren con Peril lis La to Co' s .lti t .Aldi Liun Lo t ,e City of Ren on pregen Led to t':te `Iouncil for ' pprov il. T�oved by Arthur recorded by Evrins s%rne be referred o :?tree t ind Alley Uommi Ltee ri.rd ti Ly Engineer for inventigrition tnd report L next meeting. Carried . Finance Co.nrii ;,Lee report; `7e,your ommi etre or, ClIiims rind Accounts halre exrirrined �.nd rec- omnnd for p�i,ymen t t',e followin ,, bills ; McPherson Bros . 35.50 Hugh yrhi to 3.00 l.C.P .1!;d'a,,-r d s 2.7 b C.F.Pe tersen 50 .05 Pe Lti e Printery 6.50 Joe i,'dw,4.r 's 14 .65 Ser- Ltile Lighting Co . 75 .05 ;i.L'vr�ns , :J.S. illhuff Commi Ltee . L'oved by Cake seconded by I1%nr sen all bills O .K. d by t':le Fina- nce Commi luLee be r4.11owed . Carried. IN ,F,er :;f new v ..u1 L laid over for one more creek for futther inv 180 Co,?ununic-.,tiorr from Ln-ieue of ,'lashini ton I,iunicip ilities requesting p'iymen t of 'innu'tl dues re-id . I,'oved bylt"illhuff secondod by Ar tYrur 'srvfl e be received -a.nd dues forwrirded '-ts requested . C irried. Cornmunicgtion .from T"r Bodner rel'itive �o dirt pliced on his lots on Cedar Street ,vizhouL his permi cion reed . I oved by C ike .seconded by 1,'U llhuff s'i•me be referred to CiLy A t�orne,y for inves tig'vti on . C Irried . Eoved by Ctike d,econded by "'lill'ruff Lhe liE-hi;s petitioned for on hill be grant,-cd . Poll vo Le ;Aye I;[illhu{'f,Ir' nsen, C ►ke . 10 1;vans '�rrd Ar LXXX hur . Carried. Re,�olution T�To .173-A for wire improvement of 'Second Ave .West,log,in , t . )ixie Ave .Commercial Ave .I.ahgLLack SL.i�orth re-.d . l,o ictiori taken . r:epor is of C env xssing Cormmi L-Lee re`id . I,'oired by Ar L"h.ur seconded by Iiansen s�ime be received 'end pl'i.ced on file . C.--trried . 1,17inority report of Finance Comrri ttee rel%ti,re Lo ins-arance of Libre-try Building re'ld. Tjroved by C%ke seconded by !..illhu{'f monr..y for incur-ince be idYrinc- ed from general fund . C'irr ied . Resolution I;o .172-A rf--1 sting to he'irin,; of a<;: e -smen t roll. :dist. No .67 pressed to second re%ding . T�Toved by C=ike second ,d by -Lill.huff ;,ec .1 be adopted '4.r re%d..C',rrIied . Loved by Hansen sec .by Arthur :,ec .A ;be •4,dop ted 'r.s re,td. Carried . I oved by C'-ike seconded by hawser Resolution as -1 whole, be ';Ldop Led as reed . Carried. ..,towed by Cake seeonded by Art�iur Street and Alley Commi Ltee tike up matter of sidewalk Block .1 Lot one Imit'iers 5Lb ,Addition and : ee why s'r,nre zas not been laid is per *ik;r emery t with ir .Smi c'Y ers . C i.rried. LIo tion w �idj ourn , , Clerk. 181 T.en ton,Dec .30-191,7, . Council :ret in rcGuirr c�ession,T"aycr ''cCowin in t'ie ci.19.jrl T'ol1 ;;,�,lJ. ; �;ouncil.man i'.'�ill}luff,7���.nyen ,C�.ke :swift levans ;. � n,. I1rt,!ur ; City Attorney,l ngineer and Clark present. T''inates of 1aRt re"ulrr. ^e -r;ion r•, ad ani approved. Y'oved r,y Cake s(�cond�d by Hansen rogular order of busiress be suspended -end bids for construction of T,.ill Street brid-e be open- ed . Crirried . Bids opened •i, id re%d ,in, follo�rs Chas .tIuber ,w )od structure ? 2975 .25,�tee1, `;,2987 .00 3023 .00 " 3163.00 C .Geske &- Co .,, " 3111 .9a G.. n`i G.HiriLt " ++ :�3a6. 50 J.T3.Flood " " 4239 .00 Bids turned over to City FnLineor for t'ibulation . ipplic:ation for Yrriter connection Lot 5,l31ock 40""otor Line 2�dd . by G.B.A, nes%ni read. Yoved sly Crike seconded by T?an en ^fame be ref er red to Fire,Li6ht & 'later Committee wi Lh power to act. C%rricd . low Prot.c,st, by properL,y o,rrners in tti).e district bounded on Vne north by t,-.e sout?i line of T11ird Ave.on the mouth by � -' r, p.,;.By. , on ti.e erv,'t by the west line of Burnett t.and on t le west by t",e e ist line of )'hattuck St-l"g"in"It Pesolution '1o .170-.A, relating to con^truction of t storm se!ier reed . Yoved by C%ke seconded by 11%nsen sq ne be referred to City Ene- ineer, and rind Alley Coni Ltee for ir7ves tib y ti on . Carried . Petition for the improvement of ;second A*%re .'lcrs L,Lo,;f-m C t, and o tilers by gr!-Wing and p-ivinj irfhich w-'s if-tid on L i,ble n,t last reca- lar mee Line wir, re-re-i(.i . T eport of .street •4nd Tilley Corrmi ttee rel,rttive to acc(�pL%nce Of pl%t of Renton f:e��l Estatekx CoS .First ATd . to L -e City 0 Flenton �... reed . T. oved .)tr Cake ecanded by "trtrlsen plat be 'tcOOpted providing certain cPVirrges suggesllted rand %greyed to by Attorney Houser,nfimely deedinLt of -, portion of land to connect ')ixie Ave .and C:or j1(1r(1igl Ave '*nd t')e elimination Of cl-iuse reserving miner.r�l ,rid oil rid;lltsIbe xx made . Poll vote Aye,1 illhuff,T--insen, Crike •,nd wif L.tdo ,Evans %T-ld Artliur . Carried. Deed of aer L%in -)-Creels of, lrtnd by T, att rand L"ry Br annicri•n to 182 the Ci Ly of Fenton for f,troet purpo^es to connect Commorci it Ave . with i point on Black 1'iver re'Ld."overl by h--tnc en sr�e,onded by C•ike samc be accepted . All voting Aye,motion c-.rried . Heed of ri portion of Lots 21-22 `:,lock 4 Fenton r',eal F,'n L'I to Cos .First Add . 'Lo t' e City for street purposes same to be design- ated as C'inal `_'treet re%d . Yoved by Ev%rl:9 seconded by Hansen r,,ime be accepted .All voting Aye,motion carried. City +,rigineer tenders repor tz on bridge bids ., 1foved by Cake seconded by Arthur that low bid for s Loel span ,: ,Lme being tele bid of Chis .T'Laber be acc(Tted.Poll vote, rall votingAye ,motion c%rried. L7oved by Arthur seconded by Cake certified checks of -111 ot',ler bidders be returned . Carried . oved l;y Arthur seconded by 'Evans petition for improvement by paving of ;)econd Ave .',les t,Loe an >t.*Ind others be referred to street ~ind. alley cormiLtee . Poll vote ,Aye r:"illhuff,7v7-.ns %nd Art- hur11o, Cf ke,11angen �4.nd Cwift.'1'he vote being tie ti-Le 1"ri yor car,is the deciding vote,voting Aye . ;lotion carried. Report of Finance (Jommi Ltee . 5'Je ,your Committee on Claims and accounts have eximined -,nd recorn- end for p'-.ymen t t`ie ful.l..o;��rirjg i 1.en ton Bull(., tin 20 .80 Bo`ile s Co . `?1 .7 Denny 11enton C .&. C. Co . 1 .70 Chas .:t.C'Ill.ey 75.00 Seattle Daily Record 4.00 Joe Edtv'tras 3.00 J.0.11ardie 231.25 Sea the Flue Print Co . 4 .81 Tr.q .Lerithley 7 .50 hos .:tarries 1 .00 Ri cl-imond Paper Co . 15 .00 Lo,,m,in & 11 -.nf ord 3.60 BOW109 Co . 18 .80 11erm,i.n A.' rauer 10.00 C.11 .C-Inpb011 341 .69 P i.y Rol1.,L%bor 22.18 .76 1�'1�F� 133 1,`fO'\re:1 by .Axthur seconded by C'ike -.11 bills ' Y 0 Kcl, ��- "..ie �{P inzince Co ri.mi Ltee be allowed . C-trried. T`eport of Ci Ly 'Tre:17trurer rel=itive to condition of General :Fund of the Cite re-id . ,, ovod by Cake ,seconded by Arthur s rarne be re cei-r ed --ind pl ;.ced on file . C *rried. Fc-port of City _,'i) ineer; _,"wor ^, City Cou cil . Gen tl,cmen ; I tsve to report Vie completion ::-)f the conte is t of B ium- r -irtner 3r I-Ioug=.n for Vie improvement of Fir:-,t A1r(- .IlortLIh from -ill `)Lrcet bridge to City limits , "" ?provided for under Ordinance i1o . 344 , cre'iting L. I . D. No .63 ,-inti vould recd:-nend the accep ,--mcc of tie '.J.jle follOWi:19 is the fins-.1 wr Limatc on -ibove aaork. Clc!-4ring '-Lnd _,rubbing (bump `.3un) 100.00 1474 Cu.Y(I.,3 aubgrading x;.40 717.00 1994 .8 Lin .1+' Vindrtrd Curb .40 797.92 357 .2 � lrrnoured �� .50 178 . 130 �r..r 6 ITonum. ent co seg 10.00 60.00 4873 .8 ^,q .Yds .73rick p ving 2.Q7 1M,','8 . 77 480 .7 Lin .Ft. 7ood :)tops .40 192.218 la'xtri' cap-tnging wool r, Lops 8 .7)6 Fixed `��A Prin Ling z-.770 Field .xiork A Insp. 140 .94 ,n inecrin ; 121 .34 PF�a Ro-ii etc . 251 .75 In LereF;t � o To tail ;;-...•�fr Respec Lf ally submi cued, hni C.0. Piete, , City T,ngine; r. moved b'r J: illhuf ' seconded by Cake 70,'' on s v—,qe be -t1l.:-owed. C-z.rried . " nt;ineer reports furtlxe;r as foll.o-;°rs ; I beg to report Vie co.rnn plotion of the contract of B a.uzn- g' rtner " I: ougin for t'rre improvement of Burnett `1trc'et anti County 184 Ro%d from '.7-illa A-�Te . t,,) City limits , ar, provided for under Ordinance No .345 , crefi Ling L. I .D.17o . 134, -ind 7A,-ould reco-lend ti-Le tcc(-T)- L'ince -)f the The fol;..Iowin�,,, is the Final esti-.m,,.te on L.'ie -,bone work. Clearing e4 Grubbing (Lump rum) 150 .00 1466 .4 Cu.Yds * bO 733 .';0 2 Inlets U-10.00 20 .00 2 C-itch bilins X65.00 170.00 2895 .3 Lin.Ft. 3 L-tnd-,Lrd Curb .40 1158 12 206.3 If Armoured If bo 103 .15 1527 .0 10 Flush of .20 305 .40 462.8 ',Mood ")tops .40 185.12 6 " 'onumen Cni F7,c s 10.00 60 .00 26 Lin-Ft . 611 Tile pine .''0 7 .80 8512.76 Sq.YdF3 07 17781 .41 IlIxtrri on ditch R-L County roid 91 .00 r it 1,1,1ovinF, hose house 5.61 11,iulinG griirel Rep--iirinF, p-tving at Vlalli, ',Bila Ave . 9 .74 20743 .8 5 Fixed Estim=ate . PrinLinG, 15.00 Field Jork & Insp . 420 .33 .In6ineering 156 .34 Pass Road .7,06 .55 In tore s t 225 .00 1123. -'-',2 '20 0-1, $21867 .07 1"e,spectfullY sab-ni herd , C.0 .'i"Vetel, City lilngineer . Yo v d Hrinsen seconded by 1T.illhuff 7017,' 1 be rtl1o,,led on sime . Town Property reports on nri .-Ger of new -Nr-tulL . 7.1overl by 7vgin .-, :,,cconded by '3wift s-lync be 1,;Lid on t"O)lc . C,*-,-r i e d -o pion to ~tdj ourn, Clerk. 3Y 18 Jan, 6th, 1914. Council met in rc,, ul,�tr sessiori ,?"iyor T,rcCowin in the cl iir . Poll C"11 ; Councilmen lionsen, C �ke ,Swift,:L+irf,ris and ArLjiur, Ci-Ly Attorney and Clerk present. r: inutes of lag t regulir session, re•,.d •ind %pproved . Protest ag-iinst amount of assessment against his property,`Dist. 48 was mule by Augrus t Ciegefske . loved by Arthur seconded by Fvans s,-tme be l!-.id on t��ble . Carried. FinInce Commi -Utee repor is s follows ; 'We your Co-,ni ztee on. C1-tims rand Accounts h:Ave examined and rec- ornend for p-iymen L the follovring bills ; Vhn .`1'onkin, Treasurer, "It 96 .40 Kent F- RenLon 'T'el .Co . 1 .50 rEd .1a. 'L"e,•ry, 25.20 Ren ton Hdw.Co . 10.40 P.Co . 151 .70 Trick & ?:_urray, 26 .30 Biumg%rtner ?w l,,iouL in ,L. 1 .D. s, 11,385 .42 :iigned,H.Evans ,1.5.F.IS)wif t, (io imi L t e e . T:lbired by llarisen seconded by Swift x411 l ills O.K.d by the Fin- rince Committee be rillovved . Crtrried . Peport of Street Pr Alley Com-ri Ltee . ':"le ,your Commi :,Lee on Stree Lq & alleys 'Lo axiom tris refer=red tl,e Petition for tree improvement of the following; described property, to- wit; Beginning at t ,e intersection of t:>econd Ave ,wi"Lh the ;ve,, L boun- fiery of Burnett St. thence west on "lecond .eve . to tl,e intersec Lion of 'econd live .,,ind Tog,-in St. thence nort1a on. Lo an platted f-.rid shown in rotor Line Add. to Rcrton, ard Lok -.n 3t.a s pl'Itted find shown in Ree) ton Roril T1s tri Lel s Airs t Add .to Ren ton , to Lfe inersection of s .id Logrin St.with -Dixie Ave . thence west on ?)ixie to Shattuck "It.l�ortl,, thence on. Shattuck > L. :orth to Cornrnerciril 1'ive . thence west on Commer- ci tl live .to the west boundery of s•Aid Renton I',e it : ,s t-ttex Co' s .,Is t, Add. to Renton, thence in 14, northivesLerly direction following the exte- nsion of Commerc :t1 Ave . to -01ack River ,be improved by L:r ding rend p wing t-ic s rime ,,ri Lh brick ,beC leave to report rxs f ol.lo ps ; 1, .t vie reco�- c?nd t'i,r.t L c• , peti tion be l-a.id on the � able irdc f initely. r, t 186 ILLoved by Crake seconded by Swift sriac be received find pl--iced on file . Carried. Resignfttion of Councilmfin ',,Vm .C.D.Fdaardn reed . Y;o-Tred icy Arthur secondee, by Cake srime be fticcepted . Cr.rried. Moved by Hansen seconded by Cike th`tt 63-64, contr ict of Braumg trtner & 11Tou( in be accepted as completed . Poll Vote ,all voting Aye .Potion I—trried . Regulfar order of buaine,;s suspended,hrfayor I�IcCowirr ~tn.d. Lhe out- going Councilmen relinquish their refits fend Dobson , the newly ' elccted. Councilmen find City Officers .:are sworn in 'and seated. The first official =act of the newly elected T"ayor w- -ts the app- ointment of Ex .h trold 11�v--ins Lo fill the vac incy on the Council cf.tu- sed by the resignation of Councilm,in ',dwards . Appointmer t cornfir- med by the Council ,and T.Fr .Ev:i.ns sworn in by ;;he Ci Ly Attorney. 1"'%yor Dobson. mri.kes sui,,,Gen Lions and recomendfitions in de Vail is per (appendix to t�lese ninu Les . TA,,iyors sappointmcn Ls of s L,%nding Conimi Ltees re-td find confirmed by the Council . City engineer reports as follows ; ec .31-191:3 . Trriyor and City Council ; Gentlemen; The follo-v.,iri is the es Lim!,te of the worTc completed up Lo dfite on Vne contr pct of Krogh & Jessen for -Lhe impro repent of Trill tint. „v grading find pfivin g with brick aq. provided for under Ordin ince '.Jo . 337 ,crefiting L. I .D.No . 62 find on which I would recornend tie f4.11ow- ance of 70;1"' .as per con Lr ict. Clef;.ring sand -rubbing (Lump surn ) $100.00 :zOU Cu.Yds .I'abGradin6, �_>.GO 180 .00 w One Inlet 20 .00 one etch b-isin 50.00 310 Lin Ft. Concrete Curb .:30 243 .00 1430 Sq.Yds .r,rick prtiring 1 .77 ',531 .10 One m anhol e 40 .00 'moo L-11, ;;3164 .10 l espectfullf submitted C .0.jve Le ,Ci Ly �n6ineer .. T oved by Ev%n:, seconded by Cl irk repor L be received sand re con,enda ion c%i,•ried out. Curried. lNKFE 187 9 F E'Aneer reports further is follows, Dec .31-1.313 . ; Gentlemen ; The follo•Aing is the estimate of ti°rork completed up to ci,s.tc on the corntract of Krogh & Jensen for t'-ie i r;provemerrt of Burne-LL 'trivet s } by frading and pr"ving with brick %s provide for under Jrriinrznce IIo . 346, crer�ting L.I .D.No . 65 rr.nd or, would recomend the all.o,,=:ince of 70�" as per c:ontr-ict. Clearing; and grubbing (Lu-,p sum) 0100.00 200 C"u.Ydg Subgrridipg 6.60 10.00 500 Lin .h L. c-3,nd rd Curb .30 150 .00 510 flush to .20 102.00 1300 ;. q .Yds . ;rick paving; 1 .77 N301 . r)U 135 Lin .]?t. ',Vood s top ..`15 33 . 7b, '20tra, 2606;. 75 FtetTectfull,y F;ubmitLed , C.0 .Tveto., City :,, ngineer . _F 1',oved by Arthur seconded by wins, report be received -unci reco- W 11 mendaLion carried out. Carried. Report of Police Judge read . r"oved by -,,vr rjn , seconded by Arthur srrne be received and placed on .file . Carried. Peport of i'rertsurer . os, i by Iirin^en seconded by arthur s-ime be received rind pl=iced on file. Carried . !-)(?port 7r ,� of _.er�lth Officer . oved by .:,sans recorded l-y Arthur s,irne be receilred -ind filed . Cftrried . Report of Clerk . 7oven by Ar t-hur seconder, by I".vans s, arc be rece- ivied !tnd filed. Carried. Ye -tr. ly report of Tre`isurer re-,.d . ',Dved by lvans seconded by F-*ull s-i.me be received and pl .ced on file . Carried . V Yearly report of Clerk read . 1,"I..oved by .11r4nsen seconded ,y :avarjS name be re ceive.ra and pl-tcer3 on file . C-4.rried . Application for Deputy 1dxarsh i1 by Peter Dullanari t read . 1:7oved by FRull secom'Ied. t,y !a.rthur srime be pl reed on file . Carric(i . �iPplication .for T1ight 1,arshril J.)y Iteve Sh.abro ree(I . 1,_oved by A:vTn seconded; I)y ArLhur same be pl-j.ced on fila . Cfirried. j Application for Police Ju(IGe by T.J.Tiiehmor)d re td . E.-olred by Arthur seconded by 11--insen s tme be pl deed on file . Carried.. 9 Architects- estimr-,te of ^cork couple ed on Library building read. 188 Loved by irrins seconded by Arthur Clerk forward same to C�trnegie Corpor-ition . C %cried . T owed by !;v-ins se.corded by Arthur clriim of C .R. Campbell. for s-ind Ytr-.ulcd on Burnett St.-end frei ;,.t on s--me be laid over one week. C-jrriecl. T.Moved by Arthur :seconded by ll,insen m,,-It Ler of lights at street intersections on Interrur-+:pan Utree L Car line be referrer. to City AL,torney.C-irrie;d . Y,iyor requests for b_csin.e. s re-vions. the next rejul r meet- ing of ti;e Council be c%'%led rit 6.30P.Y. Council adjourned to m(-et in secret session. .Secret session c-illed to order by the T,Nyor, t ie purpose of the .yes;>ion beim the considera� ion ,ind appointinE; of appli c-in Ls 'to the several ,ippoinLive offices. i'i-iyor :'.ppoints Jos E'd,,vrirds as Dray T�=irshill and rtnd '�7 ter `:Superintenden t. TvLoved by E vs,nq secor,de by :(TukvlZes 1 ppointment be confirmed . C-irried. IdT rht 1-�arshrill ,J-;ck Stewart. 34overi by lluj;hes seconded appoi- ntment of `�igpht ---irsi-i-ill be confirmed . Carried. Deputy Tsl.arsh-tl7.,Peter Dull �Ihrant. T�T'oved by Arthar seconded by Hughes appointment be confirmed . Carried. Police Judge i'.J.Riclur,ond X"oved by Evans seconded by INnsen .t,pointment Ibe confirmed . Cl-.rried. Appointment of Hcy tlth Officer w%s by Notion of ?I-insen .,e?corided by Ilughe:. l--.id over to next regul it meeting. Janitor , City 1Ia11,Grrint Bites . 1,,,owed by Evrins secondee.. by Art- hur ntppointment be confirmed. Carried. ho Lion to e di aurn. Clerk. Address and recornerndatiorls of t�:vror Dobson presented upon 'pis inst-ill.9-tion to V-ie office of '" iyor of L)Ile Ci ty of Ren 6 �'-,, 191 4 Citizens of Renton =and members of the City Cour.{cil, 1,9,die , and Gentlemen; I tier-a-nt to� thank x.1.1 friends and citizens of t ,e City Of Renton who voted for me for I."'Lyor it the recc n t (A-er,tion, rind also t _e Comm- i ttee of four,representing the Organized l%bor of L'-e L%i ty of Renton Who requested me Lo m tke the rice for T"ayor . I. realize qtr fully twhTa.t tete duties Of " public t,nr ri, t an ;. Lre . First; T pledge myself to give every busir7ess na.n and citizen square de,al,no rr�aLLer 11rhat his basincss or occupation m%y be . oecord; I promise to work for viein tf:res t of t"ze City ra .whole and especira.11y .for t`.e business district, 's I bcleive 111 mein ` rLeriral hi ;htiways should lef-ad directly to the business canter, Inu not in •i direct route to t`ie City of ..'e.itLle . Third ; I beleivc tl.e time h*as come tvzen economy a.nd efficiency should be practised in. City affairs . Also in my Opinion, I beleive the time for retrcnc unen t f*q.rrived 'ind no public irnprovemen t of a perm anent rriture, should be encour a.t ed or st' rted, excep t Wien seventy- .five percent of the property holders slinkil petition for L:.e Brame . I %1so recomend arae follo'�,iing c':,_ tnges in t?le interest of econ- omy. That after all preq,,nt improvements `Live bee:1 ,finiO-ied that Lhe folio ,,rind; Ordin--4riceg be passed. Fir'-t, Uin *awrayt , �.� rri th the appoin Lment of City ,,n6ir.eer and only E mplu in one when ti-le City may need one . Second; T beleive 0-le office of Lie City reasarer sand Ci Ly Clerk F1'r ould be consolid t Leri, ris, here is only; work for one r,j ri in the office . That tete City Tre.isurer should be appointed Deputy Ci ty Clerk anrz -tile office s'tould pa.y ';, sra.l"ry of le100.00 per month. Third; ThTit tile City Clerk s?lould be p--idd �"3 .QOAfor 'rceepirx�; r.. true record of the proceedings of the Ci ty Council . Four th; I also r 0cOlricild Vu i L the Ci ty Clerk be �appoir�ted Pure- ?�,.sink; Aden L. Pif th That tete D!-ty � a.rshal be rippoin Leri ,`3aperin tend :.n L of Street and 'diner Dep'atrtorents and the of-rice p!'Y ,a nal iry of 4"100.00 per mon th.. �1ixt'.n; tLIl%L Ll,.e s%l%ry of toe Ci ty .. LLOrney k:;e reduced from 100 , :' 900 .00 Lo .$600 .00 per year . Seventh; Th-it the srtlary of the Police Jud, e be reduced to >20.00 per mon th, anc. Lhe s-,lli.ry of tie Heil Lh Officer be reduced to *15.00 per month. Eighth; i'h tt t'le s -il ixied City Official-, shrill a 6terd --ill greetings of the City Council, excep t tFie ' ik;'it �'�rshr�l ,j�r'.�o is on duty,rind. t'iey s'irill •0.1 `.cork the hours -;,rid keep t'-Le offi ceopen . s prescribed by City Ordin•-�n ces . ineth; I beleitre in t`.e enforcement of rill State la,,is rt.:'d Ci L- 0rdirvi,nces . 'igen th; I bele ive t} at x.11 cora tracts for public inriprovemen is should be civon to our taxpayers , if po-siblfe , and done by -:,orne labor . eleven tit; I beleive t%'?at rill contr'icts should carry m �int- enance bond of one year from d ite of accep Mance . Twelfth; I belcive t?:e priveled,,->e of t'ie Comfort >tr�ti : n hould be self ^us t'tinir- i.mi given i,o t,�e highest bidder . In conclusion I ivis,'h to stri.te thrit I will give my time and ener- gy to tlic work of tele office and rill 1:,,ork in '.armon,y with the City Council , and City O 'ficirals ,for the be:; t interests of :;� e City as a whole, rind. trust,;vi Lh the -tid of my friends , th--j.L my ration =fill be one of tlif; best 3.nd cle%nest u'i.e Ci t r his ever 'i-Id. I:espec tfully, Thos Dobson , i 191 lZen 6on,J`iny, 17-1914 Rei ulrir se:�sion of the Ci ry Council called to order by I'Tayor Dobson. Roll Call ; Councilman l�rt'iar,lilv�n:i , �Tiu1l, Clirk -incl City Clerk present. 3�,' uteg of list regul'ir meeting; rind secrot session re•id gird approved . Pe ti ti.)n for license to operate ska ting/iin 'Twine Yltc tory 131dg. by 7cKay 'Jrigli L, re-id. YLoved by Ev-ins .seconded Y;y ansen >;•tme be rF:ferred to Police and Licenge Con ,i �tr'e . Carried . j:irij ority petition for loc it improvemern t bar &,r-lidinG curbin. and P"I'Ting wi t1i brick on. ;Second Ave .west,Loi.;an at .Dixie Ave .=ind in `i nor i;hwe^ terly direction from Dixie dive .to i3lack River ,signed by pro- perty owners on sniid streets w-is re,id. l:Toireda�€dxK�x�x�t by Cl irk seconded by ArViur 9-erne be r(rferred to `) tree t and Alley Committee . Carried. I CFinance Co,r,!, i ,. L.ee repor is is folID vs ; "le ,your Commi tree on Finance 1:rive examined aiid recomend for pr&yment t se folloviin� bills ; 'N or these g tern :3upply Co . 115.34 '71.U._r1.Gur1ey .00 '1.A. 3 he Fir e r 38 .65 LrIke Gr%vel Co . 9 .00 • Renton Dru, ;"I tore 1 .10 Preibe _-Bros . 12.85 Uni tecl S t-�,ces Rubber Co . 19. _5 Krugh & Jessen,L. I .DC. 1179 .60 O.K. `1'rnxns Fer Co . 53.05 Ltibor pay roll, 241 .82 Signed Geo .:fir thur,' hos Cl irlc,Commi c tee . lJovei Cly Hansen seconded by Faull all rills O .K. i '+7y Elie Fin i- nee Cornrr;i ttee be allowed . Carrie", Report )f City Rxtnjneer .. Gentlemen ; The follo,aving is tile: es tirn ate of i,-aork completed to date, or; the contract of Joseph Lenz for C,)e improvement of Blocks 8-9 in the Original plat by con<; traction of .i se ver 'is provided for 192 under Ordinance :'0 .365 cre,%'tingr L. I.D.I10 .63 and on which I would recomend the allowance of .seventy per .cent as per contract. 190 Lin .'Ft. 8 in .sewer G .39 74 .10 890 It 6 in . " 3`' 284 .80 1 1,,!:r-.nhole 2 F t .deep ',9 .25 per Ft . 18 .50 4 r3rop manholes 20 Ft.hif h (zi'9 .75 195.00 To t-il $57-2 .40 I,(.spe c tf ally s abmi c i.ed , C .0 .'I've to City IInEr.. ",'olred by Evans seconded .' y Arthur report be received and recomend- ation carried out. Carried. 1 V ngineer reports as folloNs on contract of Krogh fie Jessen on Burnett 3t. I h=ive to report t'-,e completion of the contract of Krogn & Jessen for the improvement of Burnett Street ';lest between 13econd and 'Third Avenues by grad_inL ind 9-ivinLr, as provided for under Ord- in-:moe No .346 creatir4 L.I .D.Y) . 65 and would recomend -the accept- ance of t1ie same . The following is t]qc final es-timxte on the above work. Clearing; and grubbing (:Trump sura ) 100.00 249 .6 Cu .Yds sub-;trading; %y.60 149.76 427 .25 Lin.F'U. concrete curb x .30 123 .17 42.2 if %rmoured Curb .50 24.10 48 9.7 " flush .-0 97 .94 1300.95 i_)q.Yds .'orick p'tving 1.77 . 2302.68 131 .9 Lin Ft. wood ' top .25 .7x .98 69 .7 " lie ,cue r .Ob 3.48 Total, a140 .11 Respectfully submitted, C.0 .Tveto ,City i;ngr . T,L'oved by. Faull seconder! by Rriymond same ire laid on t -able for one week . Carried . Engineer reports further. I have to report LIie completion of Vie contr"et of Kroe,h <°c Je!39cn for the impro vvment cf lAill Street betiye:en Second and Third Avenue 7 by grading and p-vrinj as provided for under Ordin,ince 110 .337 creating L.I .D.No .62,r�nd would recomend the accep- lance of tele same . 1YkTF 193 `1'1ie follotirin is file fin-tl es tim,ste on t?le -above ,cork Clef-'ring -ind grul?bint (Lu-np sum ) 100.00 X53 .10 Cu Yd-, .sab-,:;r tding x.60 211 .86 1 inlet 20.00 I catch brssin 50.00 820.9 Lin - t. con cretoe curb x.;.30 : 46 .27 1471 .93 3q.Yd,; brick p.rsving 1..77 2605.40 1 m tnhol.c 40.00 Connecting 4 se�aers E6 lin,ft. .458 3�.• . 70 1 Adj us tinE; sidewalk 345r1in .f t • ti9 .40 7: pri-r'stn returns %n•r p—winb 55. 62 '20 t s1, $3397 .25 Resp,�ctfally sui:rrittec,, C.0'. : ve tri , C i ty love= T i>y J:wins seconded by Arthar be 1'ii i over for one week. Cr*rried. x?esign•stion of r,`irs .C .O . '.1 U as Libr-sry Trustee re ad . Yoved by Arthur seconded by Raymond game be rsccep Ged . Carried. ilww Cornmunic-�tion from J.'?.Foshriy re,id . Moved by :r,v-sns seconded by Arthur srtme be plricec, on file . Crirried . Comrnuni c,i t on from T).'i.:Jhi to r(,;-id . T.Toved by Fv ins s n conded by Ii n^ert s`ime be ,)l-need :,n file . C trried . Cor^munic-stion from City Tro%surer design,rsting City Deposit6ry re-.d . T: caved by F!;tull necondod by P.--jymoncT s'ime be nixcepLed rsnd nl•-.- ced on file . Crir,.ried . Pi over, unci seconded t', t tppoin Lmen ts is m-lde by the Yriyor 'Ind previously announced be confirmed. Tie. 11Nyor mrikes further -appointments r:ss folloyvs . Dance ,"hos .Oug.hton . iso-reel ry Tvrsns seconded icy TI, nseri xppoin toren t be confirmed, Crsrried. TIC'11 "ficer Dr .C.L.Dixon. 1;1,ovec3 by vrsns seconded by liannen appointrnen t be confir-nee,. Poll "TO—Lr Aye: T1f%risen,` v,'anS . Tdo, Cl ' T; ,ymond ,Arthar .Aye Tto 4 not confirmed.. Fire Cheif Joe '.food . 70ved by ''Iannen seconded c,y Fvans ipnoint- m.ent be confirmed . C%rried . Purchrising A[;ent,cOrant R%Les . Troved by Arthur necond.ed by T,',v,ns 'Lppointrnent be confirmed . Carried . 194 RnsoluLion No .173-A fixing, date of hc%ring Assessment Roll Dist .No .67 read First time . I.aoved by Eir-ins seconded by x+ gull r1rwe be referred to Ordinance Committee . C irried. Noved by Clrirk secondees by Paymond trait -1 6' sidevvilk be pl~iced on c icla side of t1ne ?,.'ill ,tree t bridle . C L-.ried, . ".'lotion to adjourn .C`t,riei . Clerk. X U R 1_95 Ren Lorr ,J,,+,r)y,220-1914. Council rent in reE;ul-%r segrion ,Yayor Dobson presidink�. Roll (; i11 ; Councilmen ArL'rur, P;v%ns rNul1 ,x ,.ymond , Cl%rk *end TI-vfesen,AL :.Orney rind Clerk present . T,"inutes of Last re ;ulcer ser,si.,m re-,.d. •4.nd. ippro,,red . ''ave: y Lvfin s seconded y Hansen rf.Gu1 i.r Order of )>usines tra/ be suspended in order to ')evir from T,?r.Grant of Lilo P .a.` .L. -P Co . re�l`itive to rune s it of lii; h ting c:on tr,ic t . C-irrie d . 1'r .Grr4rrt ry.ddrec,ges the Council '-.rid expl fins the position of the Company. hbvf r' l,,y Arthur se carndna by Clark the k+'ire ,Lie;ht end }yViLer Commi Lr`e consider L'Ie report of T. r .Grrtnt %nd report on s•i.me a.t next red ul�r mee-ting Peti Liorr for writer connection Lo L 5 ,Block l ,by Fr ink T)i1ris re,-xd . llo-red' by Ev tns seconded by Arthur s`ime be ox s.r,.ted . C�irriec: . Pe Li rior!- for selxer connection Loc 11 ,Block 1 ,.1mithers 4 Lh, Acld. .by Henry YcKnigh*L rind for LUL 5,Rlock 26,by 0,.Preibo read . Yover-3 by Ar LIiur >t: cor?cieci '-,y T`:v nes pe Li tions be �;r iri Lei . C'trriecz . Finan ce Co-rrmil,Lee reports -as follows ; IWe ,your Corrrii ,tee on Claims vid Accour is h-ive ex-imined %rid recomend for p=ayment the following bills ; 'oe Lenz ,I..I .D.No, 68 , 400 .68 ?�rookrr Dry Goods Co . . 50 Pettie Printery, x.75 j elm.Krtne 8 .90 prick ?-- 1',urray, 1 .51 "lm . onkin , resurer , 1 .00 .Signed Geo .Ar Lhar, 'Thos Ertymond,`rhos Clerk,Com . Move!! by H-insen seconded by Ev'ins all bills O .Kd,by LIne Finrince Corr*ni ,tee be illowed . ,,%rrie(i . Deport of T Lree-u hind Alley Com-i tree . i.. Vle,your Committee on .s ;r ,ets rind *alleys to -,Thom ivris referred the pro test Resolution No .170-11 lerave Lo report follows ; 1'h-it; erre reeo -lend th%L LTi'a L prir t of the territory pro Leis teed a6 ain<�t be stricken out of t'in .raid F esolu i,ion. ;;ibrned,Tl.Evfins ,Ca co .Ar 'Uhur, Commit Lee . a,Ioved l y TAymorr �,econde(l by Clrtrk' resporL be raccep tcd -ind rec- omencT,ation be c%rried Oat. Carried . 19 Rx-port of Police rtnci License Cornrnittee . c ,your 'ornmi Ltee on Police and Licenf3c to whore Avis referred the petition of ' cKriy iright to operate a skaLir,6 rink,be,_ leave; yc Lo report ,;r follows ; Th%t ii,+ve recornend Lhrit sr-iicl petition be 1�viid on e ;gable indefin-hely. Rxxx Moved by ID=;risen secondd '_by Friull report be received %nd recomend--ition crirried out. C i._-ried . I.:oved by Arthur seconded y Friall petition for 0,,e improve- Trent of 3e coed eve .rve., L,Lo rin _I)t .rind o freers by p wing be l:iid outer one -,Heck. C•arr. ied . Report of City Engineer. ; Gen tlemen ; I- hri•ie to report t Le completion of t`ie corntrric t of Lee Tv-7onohon for t' .e improvement of ,L portion of First Avenue IJ. -incl '-Willi!-i s k,t.N .by '(,he cons Lructi on f borird r-;idewrilk r4.s prov- ided for under Orlin ince 'do .359 cre .ting L. I .D.No .69 . 'tae following is the final estimriLe on LI-ie above work. 1248 .25 Lin .-,7L. 6,I'6.bo•irr. sidewvilk ('� 281 c 355 .75 1 Tilley Crossing 5.00 294,Lin ._'t.r!iilinz 11.23 4x311 .98 Fixed. ,-;Lirnri Le . Printing 15 .00 Ene ineerine- a.00 Clericril work 5.00 00 120 tail, X396 .98 Respectfully :3ubmi uLeci ,C .O .TveLe , City I nE;ineer . Ifloved by Arthur seconded by Wriull report be laid o 7,rer one woek and I;tr(`et -4.nd Alley �,ornrni �Lce investiGrite work .C`irrice.. Resort of `l'ro isurer on L. I.D.a so ssmen cs rit_,-iin9 t the Ci Ly or Lots 13-14,now due %mouotink Lo 6,522.b0 rc,td . i'r^oved oy E'vins seconfled ':)y Art ar report be received -ind ansessrnent p!iid . C-4rried. Li i t of securities depo.S i ter: ­J�y Citizens Brink its se?cuti ty for City deposiis presented. to the Council . I: overl by Arthur seconded by Evr).ns s—Ame be accepted rind pl iced on file . C trricJ . CommunieriLion from, lrefisurer rel=hive �.o construction of new vault rend . I,loved. by Arthar c,econded by Ev+.ns s%me be refe- rred Lo `'11'%ys trod Lieans Committee wi }t nnivor i.n 197 Report of City ? nginPer on completion of Contr~pct of T'Irogh des^en,I.iill �t.l {id over from 1'-.r t meeting, re-rerid.Ir1ovecl by ;;,vrtns seconded by '{ +ull recorr,end'ition on same be c•a, ried ouL. Ca-ried . Report of �,nE inecr on completion of rontr°'.ct of Krogh h J.#-,5;en improvemc:n L, of Purne tt .:,1 t ,yllliell .vats 1 sic'. oTrer frorn lar t mee tine ..� t'tken up . '. ove(I by Evans seconded by HNnsern recomend'i.ti,ln be c-irrid ouL. C-irried. ,Ir-wemen t from C.€c.I' .S .R;,r.Co .for 1-tyin6 of sn,,ver under t_ cks re�id .Ivtolre('A by `E7ran5 (=,e conded ` y Ar Lhur same be received `and pl:tced on file . C A.r.ried. T esolution relative to acceptance of e,-tsement re,-•d. Iv oved i.)y Elvans seconded by Ilaymond resolution Oe adopted is retial . Carried . Pesolution 1,o .17:7-A fixing; d~ite oflle�:rin�,I�i �t,I,io .6`7 re id second Lime . loved by Arthur seconded l)y Hansen Sec .l be adopted as reid. C'irricd . r.. L.otre(l by Hansen ^econded by be i.dop ped ris re'r-0. Carried . I;::oved .. y Ar t'lur secondod l>y I,IVI,11`; I-:e';olu Livn -,vhole be adopted r s reed . Carried . I4iove by Evrins seconded by Cl -.rk Phone,.Go .be in-, Lruc ted to remove phone .from re�;idence �f ex,Iw.ayor 1�cCowin -ind pl'ice Brune in residence of I,r#yor Dobson . Carried. Recomcnd -.t ons of IlLayor is presen Led on his ins L n.11.!;tion (MU office Laken up for congidercl.tion and action. r(?concn'l'itJon rel'sGive� Lo %boliWiin6 office of Ci Gy I;Ioved by Ar t'riur seconded Icy !+ f-,ull s,*Ype be c,�rried out. Carried. Recomendation for consolidn.ti.on of office of `l'rettsurer and Clark. I:T.oved by -,v'ins r,econded ley Ar Lh.ur same be re Perred 'o City Attorney for hi:, opir _on . C%rried. . Recomendati on rel -itive to 'q)poin Loren t of d'ty Tiarshftl as SL. Supt.`-wd in crei-icing; s,.l airy Lo loo.00 per mon th.I�owed by ??null seconded 1,y '!'�,v'ins s`Tne be c`irried out. (1,`irricci . Rccomendation reducing; ,-,alary of City Attorney from ;;'9(,0.00 Lo X600.00 per ye`tr . I,to?red 'by 1,v-ans Seconded ,-)y Ar uhur s vie be confirmed . Carried . 198 Pecomend iLion reducing; s'i.1tir;r of i'olire JudGe to :120 .00 Ind of Health Officer Go ,'15.00. 1-loved by Cl,ir.k seconded by If-tymona s`ime be confirmed . C-irried . Recomend ition requir:inG =-tll s it ,ried Ci Gy Offici -els except ivight iZcirsh l 1.o attend Council meetines , and thjt all offices lie kept open Iind officerp: be on duty the =lours prescribed , y Ordi- wince . Yoved by Arthur seconded by Evrins sra,rhe be c�irried out. C,trried . Reco•nendition relative co jriving of r.1.1 contracts posr,ible to home people . L.-oved by TIv-ins seconded by Arthur srime be c irried out -19 f-tr Ls T>o�,sible . Cl-.rried . Recomend,ition requiring m%intenance bond of one veer on *ill con tr•*cLs . "oven by Ar Shur seconded Lly Paull s imc be c,)nfarmed C%rriec • Re come rid - Giron t},'tt Comfort S cation be m�ide self sas ;,-iininf ::end tti.a,it privelege of Sr-irne be given 4uo highest bidder .T,,,oved by Arthur seconded 'try Rlvins sf�me be confirmed. C�-trried . 7,7o,!ed by `. vans sec rdod T:y Arthur tilzt :,tour, sever be exte- nded under IT..P.Ry .trficks in gccord-ince with etsemen t g r�in ted by s-iid Co . Cfirried. T'`o tion Go id j ourn. Clerk. IWF, 199 Ren ton,J iny, 27-1914. Council me c in r [,u1 r ser;sion,I"',%yor Doblon presiding. Roll C"i.11 ; C:oancilmen Arthur,"wins 7'-j.ul.ljT'Lymond 71jrsen i.nd. 7ughers ; City Clerk ind Attorney present. Minutes of 1 est rc,_ ulir se. sloe re—id ind r�prlroved . Petition for sewer con pec Lion Lot 17 ,Block 18 ,1)-,.r Bert Tjewell Now r^-id. . Moved by :ti%nsen sncordss(i. :v ','�tull s Mme be _,r j.n ted . C irried . Petition for the improve-men ; of Lot -tn 3t.and others ;y p%vin which vis presented %L 1,is L session ° %s -Imended tri re-re: d. T ovel by Ii`Call seconded by Iaghes t'aYit pe ti pion •i -,mended be received rind pl�,,ced on file . Cirried . Ropor � of ISILree6 rind A'L le,r COMYrii L uee . ic ,your �'O f.ml �F?f' on ", tree is +ncx t�lleys t0 tnl'l )Itl T`iC9 re?fe'rr ,t;I L.qe Lee .I'onorion poLiti .,n for brick paving bei; le'il-re �o report ris foilo,rrs ; 111=4t we hYive exImined 9--id pe ti tion %nd recomend ch%,L L're ALcorney be ins trucLed to dr%w up ResolaLion for 9. *3me. :3i neo, 1.:�lvr�n� ,Geo .Ar thur,John 1�' �u11 .C;ornrni tte�e . T ove x bar I insen seconded by ' ughes U-IVIL report be received `j.nd rec- Ir■r onendit_` on crirrie>d out . Carried. Report of "'inr�ce Cornmi ttc'E� ; re , your Cornmi LL-n on Finance I.-tave ex%?-.Qined .and r.ecomend for paymen L she following bill9 ; Pcific Coes ; , L`irnp ':fork: .7;,: 1'�;r,i;Pic CoqS t Pipe Co . 101.51 C nen Lon Bully tin 10 .25 Denny 1'en con. Cl•iv & Co-a.1 Co . 1145.76 C.0. `1've to 1 .26 I ..3=irtori 27�,85 `,loin.`.Tonkin 21.30 Se'j tic' Ligy%i cine; Co . 19 .04 P %y Roj.I,:I, tbor, 2'61. .81 r Cianed ,ileo .Ar char, ''hos Reymond, Co.. ii L tee . T.iroved by 'T,.nsen seconded. by Irwin-; %1.1. bil.1s O.K. tl by the Yinince Cornrni tec be -allowe(j. C,,jrricd. `)tree t rmd Alley Colm,rn. ;,tee ; %Ve ,,your Committee to w1loin ,,r%s referre]. the Lee MonoTion �3ide- walk con trric t beta; le eve Lo report is fo].l o�vq ; 200 1.%L we recomend t'Ar,.L Llic difference in 6"ne amounL, of limber in the 3x6 qLringers and 4x6 .tringers 'i-nourting to 1872 21 -L.at 110.00 Per 111.X18 .72 be deducted from Lhc conLrr-ict price . 'Jigned,11.Ewi.nsjohn F-i-all Geo .Ar0iui, , Corrj.niLLfe . 1"ove-1-1 by TIrtymond seconded by Evans report T reCei-,Tediipl�tced on file and recovers scion carried our . Carried. Report of Fire ,LigIUL & to Co:rimiLtee . "e e .Your Coinmilltee on Fire ,Light P-- Vater Lo vrho.m v referred the proposition of Idr .GranL representin6 the P. Co relat- ive to tie li� I i contr%cL and -purcli'lase j 'j - of our li6hLin, system bei; lealre Lo report as follows . Th%L ae think it will be for the best inixrcsLs of the City not to dispose of the liIl tiny; sy-, L-Iem -it 111iis time and xie re co- mend Lvit City Clerk he ins true ted '�o advertise for bids for City li�-,-htinj , for one ye,--tr . rim 13igned, 121-los Raymond ,TT .E-bung , -xeo ..Ar'Lo'Iiur , Co. i ,Lee . Moved by Huglipp, seconded by Hansen reporr, be received and recomendaLion carried out. Carried. Pe-nort of Health Officer L�A%L Lhere are np,,,rer,Ll de-id hogs lyin- in t',-,e re,-tr or old brique ,te 11 %cLory rig +d . IL:Iolred by ;wiw-D -,econde,,-'I by . hill report be received and City Clerk be instructed to conrnunicn,te with parties littble rind hive same disposed of at once . Carried. Reg ihnri.cion of from Bo-ird of Trust(?es , of Library read. 14'Lo-ed In.v ',,'vars seconded by Arthur same be accepted . Carried. .oved by Arthur seconded by Raymond 3L.Supt be ins truct('-,d to pat in gidew-t1k from souti-i side of l�Viliirtms f'It.brid;re to Connect 1,viLh walk on et.qL side of 'lillirtms Carried . 16"vror Dol)F-•on appoints G.H.Conklin as Librrixy Trustee to fill v-j.cancy caused by the reFiign,ttion of 1,1*o ire d by Evans seconded by Arr,':'Iur appointment be confirmed, Carried . lvioz;ion to adjourn. Carried . Clerk. 201 Ren iron,Feby, 3rd,1914. Council meL in regulrir se<;sion,I'Vi•yor Dobson r,residin . Roll Crill ; Present Couricilmcn Cl �rk,'Iansen end Flughes ;City Clerk �.nd. ALtorney. Minutes of last reLulrtr se-,sion reed a•nd aprroved. F?epor L of F iwince Gommi L tee ; ... `:Je ,your Commi LLee on Clf-rims find Accoun t.s bcl leaIre to report as folloj?kfs ; We hfiire ex mined a.nd recomend .for pavmen „ t'.-ie following bills ; Fd.L.Te;ry, 26.10 O.K.' r%nsfer Co . 18 .25 P. Co . 150.50 Df ve Boise e�-tu 38 . ;;0 ' rn.`i"on.kin,' rertqurer , 12 .60 P.S.''.L.& P.Co . 77 .: Kent & Ken on ''e1 .Co . 2.55 Leve I:_onohon 1. I.D.TIo . 69 , 247 .28 Pettie Printery, (3.25 A Geo .Art),.ur, '.'}ros .Cl•irk,`2)io:i f:a.ymond , ConmiLtee . I-Ioved by Hansen secondee by IIwhes FO.:L 1--i114 O.K. d by the Fin -ince CommiLtE>e be flowed . Carried. Report of City Attorney on petition for improvement of Logan 0t,Dixie Ave .ftnd o LTu,rs rer*d. IIIoved by Hughes eeconded by Clerk report be received ,pl-iced on file ind recomenda.Lions c 3rried ouL, find petition be referrod b-ick to City 7imcineer for cliecking up . Carr icid. Councilmen 11%%sen makes ver'r;fil report on vault. Itloved by Arthur seconded by F,-tall repor L be riccep ted and COMIT)i Ltee f-ind proceed to drrtw plsns for vault and tf riL bids Ise nnlled for on "'rime Poll ITo Le ;All iro tiny; Aye , ( ,-irried. Pcpor L of Clerk for mon tli of J :iny,re%d . gloved I,y -E-wins secon-ded by Ar Lhur sfirne be iccnp Led gird placed on file . Carried . !ieporL of Police Ju; ;e . Tl'oved by :C-aims seconded I-,y r'f�Lull same be received rand filed . C';rried. City !Enj;ineer reports rolls .for DiF,;t .s ,! 62-63-64 Fe 65 made up . l• ove(I by l vans s-,econded -.y Arthur report %nd rolls I)e accept-,ed 'i-dd date se L :for liearin; of protests . Cfarried. Latter of f.11ey crossin6s in ilorLh Renton brou( lit up I>y 202 'i' Los .R yr . ° Iroveca. ':y Clrirk 4ecorded, by R iymond 13t. and Alley COmmittce investicite rind report ric next meeting. C-�rried Ile,rl th o`'ficer reports uns-ini Lary contrition of toilet -it Imperi-11 Laundry. by !]vans F;econded by Hughes report be received ind filed rind City Attorney notify A6t.of property to have mritter remedied r+.- once . C trried, 11,iyor Dobson appoints I.irs .J .T+.Douglass as Trustee of Librriry to fill --tc!incy c-.used by resign-tion of Ni cho1c . Loved by Evans seconded by Hughes appointmen t be confirmed . Carried Resolution. I14,o .174-A fixinj; drite of he=iring on improvement Dists .No . s 62-63-64-r4nd 65 re%d . I:oved by Evans seconded lby rlu�lie:� ertme be ridopted as re ;.d . Poll lfote ;;Ill voLing Aye .sr:kme erirf'ied. I'otion torij ourn, Clark. F 203 .Ren Lon, ''oby, 10-1;31.11. T'egular of lE City Council c Liled Lo order by T,Triyor Dobson . "oll C -cll ; Present Councilmen ;+,v��ng ,1�- u11,P, ��rr�onr� , Clerk rind HT-4ns en ; City A L Lorney =ind. Clerk . and Minutes of lis L re--ul-Lr =.ef3sion. re td ind �ipnroved . win ince Commi Ltee report. `;c ,your C;O Y * , on Fin-trce beg leave to report we Ivive eximined rind reco,nend for p`tymen t tete :followirg bill-s ; '.`Tiison & 11.Irirlome ,Libr--pry Ins3urrince , 33.00 1.3aumj;far Lner x, I-Iout;in ,l'in,a,l P tym' , Dis L .-;4 64, ;_,509 .79 Pe t tie Prin tory,Ordclr blinks ,Libr -try, . .7b Trenton Rera.lty Co,:Librl�iry Insurance , 23.00 H. : hon is ,Dr �y�� � 1.00 R.W.Gilh tm,Bonds City Officials, 30. 50 Penton 1;d1q.( oSupplit:s , C3trF et Dept lu.l? Lbor p{ y roll , 2 h1 .70 :;i6ne 1 1'ho.9 P'iymond, `IhoU .C1%-k ,CoYrmi t Lee . i,Toved by H nsen seconded by ".:vr,ns 'tll rills O.K.d tiry he Finance Committee be �•llo-wed ird ordered n tid . C'a.rried. Street trd Alley Commi tee '+.sks; one more woek on n`a Lc r of. =-alley cro,sings . Ottme . rrtn ted . Report ,;f 'ir. e=a.sturer for month of :rany,re td . ?,'ovecl by :.vans seconded 'ry tull report ibe received -Ind p1rice:T on file . C^a.rried . ?�Tovcd by Elr*ans seconded by Cl,,irk 1"orth Arterial 146hivay,Dist. No .63 be opened for tr -offic ind Council inve., -A iLe condi Lion of same %rd report on fin Ll p-a.yrnent tit next r(- ul� r rner' ting. C irried. Ordinri.nce :lo .363 'Tec tions 4-5-7-8 rinl-;. 71 , -all repe- %1in `rection 18 of 0rdin-ance 'To .37,6 r(,l•a.Ling -to licenses of salo- ons re-Ld f irst time ,rind ref e •red to License Com-)A Ltee +.n(! law -ind Ordinance Cormr,i '.. Uee for t'r,eir -ipnro�ra.l . Above maned. Comm i t Leep; rcportin favor ,ble -,o Li.)n m!a,d(,, by F-iull seconded Vit!-tymond th*vt sriid Ordin-ince be prtssed Lo second re idino, -ind =1dopted by Sec tions . C,a.rried . lj;oved I)y Evang -ieconded b,;r thi,iL Sec Lion one �3nc tion 3 of Ordin ..nce Jlo .:�6 l:�e +.pprov-ci -is re'a,d . Carried. 204 Loved by Full seconded by Cl-*rk ;pec ti,�)n 2 �imending '.3ecti6n 4 of Ordin-ince T,Io .336 be %pproved re-td . Carried. I:1oved by Ev-�ns seconded by RAynmond tli,-.t ~lection 3 %needing ;cc . 5 of Urdirftnce No .3.36 be approvedsus re!vl . C irried. 1-owed by Reymond !:seconded by I5'rAull that Section 4 -imendirg Sec . 7 of Ordin ince "io .336 be -+pproved .id, reed . C-trried. Loved by 9. ecorrcled3 by Cl,�,rk tri -tt :>er., tion 5 =jYnendinb Sec .8 of Ordinrince 1do .33 6 be approved -,).g reed. C i:rrierl . I;Tove(I y Pf-tall ^econded by Tlvfans clad; ''section 6 tmendin; 3'ec .31 of Ordin--.nce Ido .336 be 'iprroved --ts reed . C•4.rried . r,bved by i;v- ns seconded 1,y I:-ivmond th•-t :section 7 ropeLlink; 7,ec . 18 of .0rdin-ince I?o .336 be ipprove:d -.s reed . C%-:ried. T:oved by "',.r cng seconded by T-- ull LlviL section 8 be =4,ppro7r<,r, i-; xjx•," re-id . Oxrie(l . TuLoved by J,4v-.n-3 seconded 'ray C1--irk 1,+L Urdin-*nce iq .z eihole bc; -adopted %,; re'�cl . (" i.rriecl: here being no f.irLher business motion rride Lo -adjourn . Clerk. i XWE 205 Peen Lon,February 17 th,1914. Pecalar -,(­;sjor .f City Council , qiric c-ilIPII 10 order by tyar Dob.�on. Roll Cill ; Present Councilmen %.rthur Til%ull , C1%rk,R%y- mond.1ir;wson -inrl HuGhes . T! iruLes ')f 1,'tst rei,,ulrix session re-vi and rtprr ir TAI'over T­,r _,Tins ­,Qoo-nde(i ':,v Clark Lli-iL re,. al%- r order of I)L, s_ ine-is 'he suspended and th,-tL Council heir from P.Gj.".L.a9 P.Co .on I t Lhc m%Ltor of City lighting . C-irried . Rid for li-litino, under five yelir co­n-6r-ict, t.'..'Ie Comp�iny Lo 'L-.-ike over Lho City li�Tlting syqLem, -also bil. for five ywir cont;rriCt Llie City Lo reL.�tin iL,.,3 system, and bid for two yerir (,,onLrrtct,City Lo ret--tin syqTem were read , and 9,tid birlst 0Xpl-,iinCd in d(' LIail by Offic- ers of `)e Compfiny. TToved by ?;vans seconded _)y 11ralgen Ll,viL ni, Ipcc- iril nneelii-ig of t1te Council be held on Friday eveninE Feby, 20L"I, "It 7 .30 P .T.I. for 'L."IC T)arpo.ge of considering; s, iid bids rind report be m�tde on sfirnc ­i. �. nex,- ret.,ular of L'!Ie Council . C-ixried. The following were re-id. For water connection Loc 1,3'locic 8 '1,1,irm Plat h-,r Thos .Dobson. Lot 6,11lock 6 To-,.vn of Renis Lon by %.]AzKx7,xx C.T,',c')onild 4.nd for se-,7er connection Lot 19OPlock 1 Gs . Nbirecl by ;vans -,ecordeI 1, ;r Cl,irlc xunns 'OdiLiori by Alex.�,'-iliraiLi L'rir4t -peLiLong bn received ,pl-tced on file -i.nd srvne ,r-inkoed ,-Provided Ulla' in --rrttwr of tqe�,ier rio)-,Iic'*Lion City I]rk;ineer -q..nd report if connecLior c—in be rr,-,ide at point desired . C'Irried . Street -and Alle'y Clomrni6tee mikes verb!tl report on que-z" Lion of '111ey caro iqin�';q , rand recomends Llrvit aslues be pltcei on croPsi_n,;s wliere riosr. needo(l. Rxxxix 71'.Toved by Hansen st-conde(I loy Cl,irk report be recei-red ind recwnend'* �]Ion crirried out. C-irricd . Finrtnce Go--iLtee reports as follows ; Ile 'drive ex-imined and recomend for priymenL L"ic ('ollowin6 bills . J. I.DuOor 'cockl for Office , $5.00 Willki.-'ns' '% 7.'CKvQiTIt'3upPli(--5 n K'O -irk, on(j Co_wr­rj�j Signed Geo .i-LrLhUr altos CI �',Lo, .1, '711 - L k' 1-rovel ')y Hiughes secorderl �-y -Iiv%w-, -ill I)J13s O .K. I Iy GIic Fintroe be rillowod . Ctrric;(i . CiLIImikes written ruport on -PeLiLior f,)r irriprOirp_ 206 of Lo; to .3t,Dixic A-ire .-and oLI-ers "hy paving.Doved -.,,y seconded by P-tull. Oi7it reporL be received rtnd 1 -iid o1rer for or(e week. Cr-trrie(i . 0-I'din')rIce !o .-364 'approving Luc-+l "rworovemerL Di.quric t '-,-,To.67 reed fireL time . !.,roved byl,vrins !1,0corided by Ar L'Yiur same be roferrc(l to Ordin,irce Commi L.tee . Cn+rrie6 1,Tovel, by Ewins secandef] by F17tull Clerk be ins Lruc Led Lo c-111. for bids for City printing for Onsuin,; ye--%r . C,irried. 0 eL rind Tilley --akes verb reporon condi Lion of prAving,15is o .63 , -Icnd 7-'ccomcrds L11ri L swrie be no L %ccepterl wi L11- ou L i, mriin ten,trice I)ond from conLrriclkl-ors for ri period of one ye-ir . loloved by Hughes seconded by Arthur report be re ceived %rd be referred Lo S Lree L rind Alley Corami Lkixe end City E'nLineer iv-i 01 pwxer LO !-*cL on form !'uld f'tmounL of bond . Crirried. Architect Ginnold -.,nalces ir(�r'W-tj report -011 complex tion of Libr- %ry. 1,70ved by P,-1rtnq f3econded I)y Arc,,.ur 'r-4-Lor Oe l!tid over for one week rind ArcTiILc,,cL T)jeke rcpor ". in vriTinL '.(i,s j,ccorji_n(ji'- Lions . C%rried. -,i - Ler of 1kele-vel ronid to KennydrAle v1 brought before the� - � . Council by ALLorney Houser . Reyn--irkq were filso rflide by 11-r .L r,e IJO n- 'Od 1,y secordod by '11-al" obon -and Civizens of Kenrycl rile .trio?reel -L -Lhrit City1,,)p 'A > insLrucluerl tom rn-,.ke preliminary and osili- mr-,Le of coF-,.t of Lh-tL porLion of proposed road lying wiLllnirl L'L(: City limi L.�; of "en Lon. C'trrie(l Ytyor Dobson rippoinis Dr .2k C.L.')-Jx,)n ri-s het1LI-I officer foe Ole ensuing ye%r . T."ove(I by socondocl Illy 7'i-n-sen rippointmenL I)e corjfirmed.'I.To6(- on sf-lme ,motior not carried . 7"Ove,(IL Arthur seconded by Clerk "Llis.,tL Dr .A.Bronson I-,e, rippoi- nted r;Lq lreq,lth Officer .S,,me C%rrierl . �Lovcd I,y ArLhur scconde1:1r HaE Lliqk; City --Inginopr be, ins- tructed to inLor1riew in,-'iLLer of 1,tyint,- of se-:'Ver under Oieir . ti-�cks rind rn--tke rip �ffort to T'rive w'-wic completed soon -,.q C'irried . Work. X 207 Pen ton, P'ebru•iry ti0-1914. . 3peoi 4.l men ting of Lhe Council called Lo order ":y ?'Tayo.r ; obson; Presen L Councilmen ?;l»n:i ,Ar Lhur,xl-iull, Clerk,?, tymond end H'in g e n. T.ftgyor Dobson, expl,,xins the oi.aj cc L of t}ie mne Lind, s Mme being thy: corm id.er tLiori of lighLir1g bids submi Lted IL tlic less L regul it se sion ,by tle P`.C. '1'.L.?: P.Co . The differnn t bids wt-re discussed ind -ro Lion nV-,c incl !,nconded thf{L Lhc Clerk be insLrucLr,d Lo ..vriLe 4i-.id Co , ,.skin,; Ll•l(-m Lo sab- mit Idd for .i peri,.)d of one year only. `;--.me C-irried . 7,!oLion m,ide to -i(Ij ourn. %c -'.`. / Clerk. 208 Renton,February, 24th, 1914 . i Council met in regular session Mayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur, ;vans, '+aull, Clark,Raymend and Tiansen, Ci ty Attorney and Clerk . Minutes of last regular session read and approved . Petition presented by Columbus &acaront Factory asking for permit for spur track on west side of Burnett 5t.between lat,and 2nd,Avenuew read . Moved by Evans seconded by Clark same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Applications for Liquor license were presented by the following, J.S.Covey,Pratt & Dock,A.Bertnler® ,Dan Hogan,Art.Richmond,'Ienry Koster , Ben .Atkin<son, T .J .Walker and The Co t'age: Bar for retail license: and by Pistoresi Bron .for wholesale license . Moved by Evans seconded by Faull above applicati3ns be referred to License Committee and that regular order of business be :suspended for consideration ©f same . Carried. License Committee and City Attorney retire to Clerks office for the purpose of considering above named applications ,bondn and drawings . Upon the return of License Committee the regular order of business was again taken up. Report of Finance Committee . We,ypur Committee an Clams and Accounts have examined and recam- end for payment the follawing bills ; H."Thom.as ,Dray<sge, .50 Sea-tale Daily Record, 2.85 Wt.Tonkin, Tre=asurer, 1 .00 rick ?t, Ilu.rr ay, 20.20 Seattle Lighting Co . 8 .60 Renton Bulletin, 28 .27 Krogh & lessen L✓.I.D. es, 2516.43 Labor Pavy Roll, 197 .95 Signed Geo .Arthur, ',Chas .Rxymand, T.he s .Clatrk,,Csmmi stet. Moved by Evans seconded. by Faull all bills O.K.d by the Finance Commi ttee be allowed. ;tarried. Street & Allay Commitee reports as follows ; Je ,your Commi i;te_e on Streets & Alleys to whom was referred the matter of First Ave .North paving beg leave to report am fallgws ; That we recomend that lir .Baumgartner & Mougin put up a two year maintenance bond of ,? 5000.00 said bond to be approved by our City .1 YUH, 209 ALtorney. Signe,1,11.]P,v%ns ,Geo .Art3-i,L.ir,J,olin F%Ull,C3T,.IMi L(-C . !Moved by Hansen mec:)nded by Raymond report be received ,pl%ced on file and re-comendiLions carried out. Carried. Li a ense C'omrni 4tf-.e rep a r L9 as f 311o,ls ; ''repyoar 'TUmmiLtee on Police and License beg leave to report am f3llows ; 'f7e have ext-miiied the applicqtionm ,bonds and dr%,iii-igs of the ap-plicintm for liquor license• and recomend that same be granted. 40 ")ie,nvd ,Ge* .ArLhar, John 111,iull, (Cemmittee. The bonds ?caving been approved by VIie City Attorney mo Lien was made by 7,vans seconded by Clark that report be received,placed on file and reewlendations carried out. Carried. In Lhe matter of riew vault -noLien was made by ,'irthur seconded by 71aull that mvne be referred b-tck -to mays and —cans CommiLtee ,i.nd City jingitieer with poover to act. Carried. Plepurt of City lf,ngineer ; 1,1,,tyor and City 'Council . Gentle-men; The following is the em timate of the work com- pleted to dite on the cantr'ict of Chas ,G .'Huber for the con-sLruct- -)f the TUll St.bridgle, on ahich I would recomend V-1e allo,.'Vance ton , _> of 70 ',' is per contract. On steel span including nubgtracture -ind pile trestle approach on north end, $2405.00 Adjusting mouth approach (Labor only) 40.00 10, 000 F.B.I.T.Lumber $18 .00 180.00 305 Lin.Ft .pilin!; W .25 76.25 $2701.25 Respectfully submiLted, C.O.Tve Lc-,,Ci ty ',�ngr. cD boo TiAoved by Evans seconded by Tlansen report be received,placed on file and recomendition.i carried out, Carried. Communication from Architect Ginn,31d on maLtr�r (if completion of Library, %,,reement with contractors and bonding Co .read. Moved by Evans 5ecandc(l by Art'iur cummunic%tion be received, building be -accepted subject to conditi -)ns mentioned and Clerk be irtigtr,104ed Lo notify Carnegie Corporation of the completion of building. Carried. 210 Ordinance 'To .364, ,vonroving and confirming a-ssessment and asne�q- menL roll - Dist.11* .67 paoscd to second residing. Moved by Hansen sec .by Arthur Sec.1 be adopted tq re-id. Carried. Moved by Evans sec.by H,-.nsen S)ec.2 be ridopLed as read. Carried. roved by Arthur gec.by 73'vans Sec .3 be radopted as read. Carried . Moved by ',Ttnsen sec.by Tivans ')ec.4 be adopted as re-id. Cltrried . Moved by Tlansen sec .by Arthur Ordinince !,is a whole be -idopl4cd -is re-ad. Carried. 71ritor ­)upt.Edw,-irdq brings to the a �teyiti,)n of t'.,,c Council the ncce--,niLy of having -Ik new 411 meter installed it the bricky�lrd. I,o6ion m. ,%de by Arthur sectnded by Elvins that Purchasing Agent be in,xLricLed to purchase, % new 411 meter for that pur.po-se . Carried. Mla,tter of tin rippropriation by the Council for furnishings etc. for new Library building w,%s :Ii-scusscd by CiLizent-3 present and by the Council, same bd:in,; laid over for one week Lhe Council to inve!,) ,Li- Zite and report an same . 11:oLi()n La adjourn, Clerk. Mimi X(F 211 Renton,IAar ch,4th,1914 Council met in regular session Mayor Dobson presiding . Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur ,Evans ,Raymond and Hansen, City Altorney and Clerk. I,Tinutes of last regular meeting read and ap-oroved. Petition from Pacific Telephone Co .asking permission to set certain poles on main Street near First Avenue read. Moved by Avans seconded by Arthur petition be re ce ived,f sled and request granted. Carried. Protest presented by Peter Szymonski against the assessment on his property for the paving of Mill Street,Dist.No .62. Moved by Arthur seconded by Raymond same be received and filed and referred to Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for investigation. Carried. Report of Finance Committee; We,,your Committee on Claims and Accounts have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Preibe Bros, 5.05 w.. H.Thomas, 1 .50 A.Hambach Co . 228 .92 Wm .Kane 1.45 Pettie Printery, 14.00 Renton Hdw.Co . 11 .25 Kent & Renton Tel.Co . 2.20 X**x Ed.L. Terry, 27 .20 Chas .G.Huber ,Mill St.Bridge 1890 .88 Signed Geo.Arthur, `Chos .Raymond Committee . Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed . Carried. Report of Street & Alley Committee ; We,your Committee on Streets & Alleys to whom was referred the petition of Columbus Macaroni Factory for spur track on west gide of Burnett Street between is t,add 2nd, Avenues beg leave to report as follows ; As said Street is but 23 feet wide at that point your Committ- en recomends the permit be not granted. But would suggest as a spur track is a necessity to that young And growing industry that it be put on the railroad right of 1vay. 212 31gned,H.Evansjohn 7aull,Geo .Arthur, Committee. Moved by Menden seconded by Raymond report be received and placed on file . Carried. Report of Police Judge read. Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen same be received and placed on file . Carried. Report of City Treasurer. Moved by .Evans seconded by Arthur s=ame be received and filed . Carried . Report of City Clerk; Moved by Raymond seconded by Hansen same be received and filed. Carried. Ordinance No.365,aapnroving and confirming assessment and assessment roll Dist.No .63 ,read first time . moved by y'vans secondea by Artnur same be re.Lerreu 6o uia. Committee . Carried. Orainance No .366,aapproving and confirming assessment and assessment roll Dist.No .64 read first time . Moved by Arthur sec- onded by Raymond same be referred to Ordinance Committee .Carried. Ordinance No .367, approving and confirming assessment -add assessment roll Dist .No .65,read first time . =' oved by Evans sec- onded by Arthur same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Ordinance No .369,appropriating the sum of .1275.00 from t?.ze General Fund of the City for the purpose of purchasing books , furniture etc .for the Library rend first Lime. Aloved. -by Evans secondee by Arthur same be referred to ,Ordinance Committee .Caarr- ied. Bid for City Printing by The Renton Bulletin read .Yoved by Evans seconded by Raymond same be referred to Ways & Means Commi t- tee for investigr%tion and report at next meeting. Carried. Matter of sewer through Blocks 8-9 ra.s referred to City Attorney for investigation. Doti on to •-idj ounr . Clerk. I Y l213 Renton,yla,rch 10-1914. Pegul,%r session of hr� City Counnil called Lo order by Yayor Dobson. Roll Call ; Presest Councilmen Arthur,F;vans ,Paull, C1ark,Fay- mond and '?ansen; City Attorney and Clerk . Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition from P .5..'1'.L.& P.Co.asking permission to set poles on ,;;ill :,t.N.Sixtr Ave .et al .in accordance with "-ccomp!inying blue print read. Mo-,recd by Ii,.vans seconded by Hansen petition be referred Lo Street find Alley C''OMrrIittee -grid City engineer witil power to act. Carried. Petition presented by property owners on hill %sking for nt light on Renton avenue once block south of ; Fl ction Street read. Eloved by Arthur seconded by Harisen game be referred to Fire,Liglit and 'Jiter Co=imi ttee . Carried. Petition for se',rer connection Block 8 ,Lot 1.6 by `1'hos .019on also P:)r Lot 18 ,Block 8 by Thos -'Raymond read . 'Coved by Arthur see- onded by levans same be granted . Carried. •.• Report, of Finance Conmi cLpe . 'de,,your Committee on Claims %rd accounts 'r-.-:Ove e-vv-iined rind rec omend for payment the following bills ; P.S. T.L.& P.Co , 154 .50 Fi.P'irks , ' . �)0 Pe ttie Printery, 15 . 50 tJM.''onkirn, 637 .00 Lee �Ionohon, 145 .98 J.W.Rutler 5 .00 Labor 'Day poll, 215 .67 Signed,7,eo .Arthur, Thos ,aymond,'lhos I;l trk, no- mi _+tree . Iloved by I:v=ins seconded lry aull a, l bills 0 .K. d by the .Fin- WAM ance Committee be allowed. Carried. T'Ingineer presents plan for new -vault. "Loved by T vans secondtid by Arthur that he be instructed to proceed with building of same . Carried. City l nginner presents di-t r vn nv--d figures s1ioNing L;-,at assess merit of Peter azymonski , on vhich protPsL -sas made at last session of the Council ,has been made c �rrectly and according to law. 214 Loved by Evans seconded - y Arthur than protest be laid on table indef ina.tel.y. Carried. l'n�;;i.neer makes verbal report on prok;ress on proposed Kenny- dale road. Iaoved by ,vans seconded by Hansen report be received. C={rried. Engineer makes following report on '-ill `,t . 3ridge . have to report the completion of the contract of Chas .G. Huber for the con traction of the Mill Street Bridge , as provided for under Ordinrince 1 o .358 , and would recomr,nd t':e accep "once of the; rime. 'he f'ollo,7int is t'Le final cs cimato on the above work. Stnel span complete including r piling, fl�)or and pain ting, also substructure and pile trestle apI)roaclej on north end lump sum, 2927 .00 Extra for additional sidewilk 200.00 Pemoti•ing old bridge and arproaches and `vdj u?, �j_ng south a - roach,Lump sum, (30.00 305.1 Lin pt.extr-s pilin; south a o)roach a.25 76.2_8 39024 F.B.M.Extr i Lumber to "(9$18 .00 702.43 To til, �6�3965.71 Res-pectfully submi meted , C.O .Tvete, City ngr . roved by ';varus seconded i;y Tan9en 70°, be allowed on same .Carried. EnGineer makes follosinC repor i on sewer elks 8-9 . I have to report the completion of Lti e contract of Joe I,enz for the improvement of "locks 8-9 in t � original plat of Ren icon by the- con­,truetion of a lateral se°„rer as provided for under Ord- in ince No .365 creating local improvement dic,tri .-t Yo .68 , arnd Would recomend the acceptance of the �,ame . The follo!.vinf. is the final estimate on Vle above work. 195 Lin .Ft. 8” Sever c4.39 76.05 890 6" �� 32 284 .80 1 plain man hole 3 .55' deop (N 9 .25 32.84 4 drop cno,nholes 214 .15 deep 9 .75 235.46 1 "extra, connection fo-­ Lot 10,131k 9 , 2.50 L,%aerial and 1%bor making; crossing under tr ick . 13.00 ,1644 .65 Fixed es timate . � XWE 215 rang .and Field work 46.50 Printing 15.00 Interest 18 .Q0 1-8" Cast iron pipe 11 .00 90.50 Grand total : 735.15 Respectfully submitted, C.O.T'vete ,City * ngr. Moved by Arthur seconded by TTansen 70 5' be allowed on same . Carried. Report of E.E.Duff on lighting poles owned by t)ie City read. Moved by -':vans seconded v T'ansen same be received and placed on file . C,trried. report of Treasurer on financial condition of City. Moved by Paull seconded by Paymond same be referred to Finance Cormmittoe to report on .game . C-arried. Demand of Contractors 13aumg1:trtner rc Lfougin for final payments on Dists .64-63 and for amount of discount on General '{und warrants read. Moved by I1=3nsen seconded by Taull s=ame be received placed on file and referred to -UMXXXYU Finance Committee and City Attorney for report at next meeting. Carried. Ordinance No .368 =approving and eonftrming assessment and ass- essrnent roll " ist.No.62 read first time . Moved by .Evans seconded by Hansen same be refer ed to Ord. Committee . Ca: ried. Ordinance *io.365,approving and confirming assessment and ass- essment roll Dist.No.63 passed to second reading. Moved by Evans sec .by Hansen 5ee.1 be adopted as read. Carried. T!oved by ,'xthur sec .by -v•ons .^ec .2 be adopted as reed. CaTied. Moved by Raymond sec .by Ti'ansen Sec.3 be adop ped as read. Caried. moved by Evans sec.by Clark Sec .4 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Evtans sec.by Hansen Sec.5 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Evans :seconded by .'Arthur Ordinfinee as a =whole be adopted as read .. poll Vote Hansen,Raymond,Clark, 4 aull,Evans and Arthur voting Aye . No none . Carried . Ordinance No .366 approving and confirming assessment and las s- essmeni roll Dist.No .64 passed �o second re -iding. Moved by Arthur sec.by Hansen L5ec.1 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Evans sec.by Y;=insen iec .2 be adopted as read, Carried. Moved by Hansen sec.by Raymond 3'ec .3 be adopted as read. Carried. Uoved by Tianse sec.by Arthur Sec.4 be adopted as read. Carried. 216 Moved by Hansen sec.by T,v;ans )ec .5 be %dopted as read. Carried. :roved by Arthur seconded by '.vfins ordinance as a whole be adopt- ed v, re id .Poll 'rote,IIansen,T,aymond,Clark,?+'aull .vans and Arthur voting Aye . No none . Carried. Ordinance 'To .357 approving add confirming assessment and asse�-!smenL roll ')ist.'To .65,passed Lo second reading. roved by Hansen sec .by Arthur aec .l be idopLed as re-4. C�irried. Roved by Raymond sec.by Arthur Sec .2 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by ;vans sec .by Clark 3ec .3 be adopted as read. C-irried . Moved by Arthur sec .bgx ansen Sec .4 be adopted as reed . Carried. Itioved by H insen sec .by Arthur Sec .5 be adopted as r. e,id. C irried. 1a�oved by Arthur s conded 'by Iry-ins Ordinance as a w`,iole be adopted as read . Carried. Ordinance ':1o.369 appropriating L}ie sum of X275.00 for the purpose of buying furniture and bo ;ky e Lc.for Library passed .o second reading. Moved by Faull sec .by Clark Sec .l be adopLnd as read. Carried. Moved by r vans gec.by "aymond Cec.2 be ,.dopted as reed. Carried. Moved by Arthur sec .by :mull '3ec .3 be adopted as reg;d . Ca-=ried. Moved by I aymond sec.by 'Iansen See .4 be adopted as read .Carried. ��oved by Tvans seconded by "'aull Ordinance as a whole be admpted as read. RxXxilat. Poll Tote ,Hansen ,raymond,Clark,?,iull, Ev�r4ns and Arthur voting; Aye. No none . Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by rs'a.ull report of ` t.& Alley Col;rmi- ttree on storm sc�.ter be reconsidered . Carried. Matter of lighting conLract was by Motion of ,vans seconded by Hansen ref err =d to 'Pire,Light and Water Commi ttee for report at next session. Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by Faull City Attorney be instructed to notify IT.P.I?y.Co to move tr-icks on 6th,Ave .Nor Lh to center of street. Carried. '-ayor Dobson offers to Llne City Vie sidetralk renoveri from the .front of his property on Burnett `3 tree t,providing City will remove same and leave it placed on east side of ,.R.& a Ry tracks between Burnett and Logen Streets . I:roved by T+'aull sc�conded by Evans Lh aL City accept offer of Mayor and have side•yralk removed #a to neer location. C-irried. IIo tion �,o adjourn, � � Clerk.- / Y I W F 217 Renton,11arch 17th,1.914. Regular meeting; of the City Councils,"ayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Evans ,F=aull, Clirk,Ray- mond and Iransen, and City Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Applications for water by Daniel Gaby,for his property on LoCan St. by Helen Nurphy,Lot 9 ,Block 11,Car works Add.and by John Perr,y,Lo-4,8 ,Block 10 ,Farm Plat . Also application for se-.-rer conn- ection,Lot 24,11lock ,l ;3mithers 4th,Add .re,--j.d. Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur applicgtions be received and granted. Carried . Report of Finance Committee . t'le,your Committee on Claims find Accounts have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Renton Realty Co .Bondl of City Marshal, 5.00 C..& P.;.Ry.Co .Ma. erial &labor raising track 28 .86 Thos .Re.ynolds,Labor a-c Libr try 7.50 yid.C.D.Edwards ,Supplies for Library 1 .95 Wm .Kane Lights ,materiral and labor,J,ibrary 70.95 J. Supplies ,and 14bor of 1.80 Renton Hdw.Co .supplies of 1 .35 Chas..G.Huber,Vill St .Fridge 885.12 Joe Lenz,Contra.ct,Dist.# 68 50 .57 Henry `ahomas,Drayage, 3.75 Denny Renton C.& C,Co .supplies ,eater Dept. .75 Signed ,Geo .Arthur,Thos .Raymond, Thos .Clark ,Committee . Loved, by Hansen seconded by Evans all bills O .K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Report of Street %ind Alley Comm.a,nd I{,ngineer relative to Storm sewer Dist.i?o .70 read . E r.. Moved by Hansen seconded by Raymond report be received filed and recomendations carried out. Carried. Report of Fire Light and lffiater Commi i.tee relating to lighting contract read. Moved by Faull seconded by Clark report be received placed on file and recomenda.tion that City enter into contract for lighting for two years be c-irried out and that clause recomend- ed by Supt.Ross of the City of Seattle Lighting Co .be entered into and made a par tz of the contract,and City Clerk notify P-.5`.T.L .& P. t 218 Co . and have contract drawn. Carried . Councilman Hansen makes verbal report on matter of printing Moved by Arthur seconded by -olaull same be laid over for one week. Carried. City Engineer presents sketch on proposed G-irden Ave.improv- ement.Yoved by Arthur seconded by Hansen slime be referred to St.& Alley Commiutee and City Engineer-,and that they interview County Engineer,Factory Sites Co .and Pacific Coast Co .reg%rding same . Carried. Health Officer reports unsanitary conditi )n. of premises Lot '23,Block 33,1Smithers lst,Add . Moved by IrPvans seconded by Clark slime be referred Lo Street Superintendent . Carried.. Communication received by City Attorney relative to moving; trficks of N.P.Ry.Co on 6th, Ave .N6r -h read. Moved by Arthur sec- onddd by levans same be received and filed . Carried. Ordinance No .368 ar?proving and confirming assessment and ass- essment roll Dist.No .62,read second time . , Moved by Hansen sec .by Evans Sec.l be %Oppted pis read. Carried . Moved by Evans sec.by Arthur Sec .?, be adopted qs read. Carried. Loved. by 1ansen sec .by Evans Sec.'. be Adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Arthur sec.by Paull Sec.4 be adopted as read . Carried. Moved by Hansen sec .by Clark Sec .S be -adopted ris re-ad. Cnrr. ied . Moved by Arthur seconded by Evans Ordinance as a whole be adop- ted as re id. Poll Vote ;Hansen,F.aymond,Cl-irk, Faul1,E'vans and Arthur voting Aye . No none . Carried. Attorney Houser explains ma Iter of condemnation cases Morgan Drive ,Alley Block 10 and Alley Block 19 and offers to take over the cases and c&ose them up free of charge to the City if the Council so desires . Moved by Arthur seconded by Hansen matter be referred to ;days and Means Commi - tee wi Lh power to act. Carried . Mo tion to adjourn. City Clerk. 221 Renton ,?,larch,24 th,1914. Council met in regular session. In the absence of 1,1ayor Dobson motion ,vas- made by Evans seconded by Arthur that Councilman Hansen act as Mayor pro- tem. Same Carried. Roll Call ;Present Councilmen Arthur. , Evans ,Faull ,Raymond And H'- %nscn;City Attorney and Clerk. .r Ifinutes of last regular session read and approved . Application for server connection Lots 1-2 Blk,4 ,1v1otor Line Ad.d.by Lewis ?.Jones read. 14oved by Evans seconded by Arthur same be granted . Carried. Petition of property owners asking that ,junction of livillia,ms Street approach to State Road i4o ,7 be readjusted by widening and making; same to curve in either direction instead of being at right angles ae at present,and offering to furnish all necessary mater- ial for such change providing the City would furnish the labor necessary in making such change was read. Moved by Evans seconded by Raymond petition be received,placed on file and referred to Street and Alley Committee . Carried. Street and 'alley Cornmi ttee reports as follows ; Your Co?nmictee to whom was referred the demands and claim of Baumgartner & Mougin in regard to local improvement districts No 63-64 report that since the filing of said claims the sum of $320.80 has been recei••red from the County of King and has been fipp- lied upon improvement district 116 .64, the same having been delivered by the City Clerk to the assignee of said claimants . 'Ne have jointly wi th the City Attorney came to the conclus- ion that the other claims of said Baumgartner & llougin cannot be allowed by the City of Renton,and therefore recomend their disall- owance . aigned H.Evans,7ohn Faull ,Geo.Arthur, Cor;.imi ,.tee . .r Loved by Raymond seconded by Faull report be received,.filed and recomenda,tions carried out. Carried. `,"lays & Means Corrmi ttee reports as follows ; Your. Cornmittee to whom rias referred the bid of the Bulletin Printing Company respectfully recomend the acceptance of said bid. Signed,Pe ter Hansen,li..P,vans, Cor-nmi ttee . Moved by Arthur seconded by Raymond report be received,placed on I 222 file and recomendati.ons carried out. Carried. Ways and Means Commi Ape. reports further as follows ; Your Commi ttee to Whom was referred the proposition of Paul '.Houser offering to complete the three causes to-wi t;Morgan .Drive Alley through Block 10,and Alley through Block 19 and carry the same through the Superior. Court of King County, State of W-ashington without cost to the City of Menton so f�tr as a�,torney fees are concerned, recomend the accep Lance of said proposi tion,and the adoption of the Resolation annvAs ed to this report and hereby rnade a part hereof. Signed, H.luvans ,Pe ter Hensen, Commi ttee. Resolution. Be it resolved Oy the City Council of the City of Renton; That whereas Patel W.Houser (former City Attorney of Renton) cor5menced proceE;dinl;s in -the Superior Court of King, County,'vVash- ington, in reference to and concerning; Morg—in Drive-Alley Lhrough Flock 10 and an alley t'rlrouCh Block 19 beim; threo separate causes , and the said c-fuses were stricken from the Superior Court Docket. before they Caere. cornpleted,and provisions made for pay- ment of the damages and costs incurred, and Vie said Paul W.Houser having offered his services as Attorney free of cost or charge , to restore said causer to the Superior Court docket, and also without cost or charge as attorney or for attorney fees to carry said causes through said Superior Court until final judgement 3rd has been entered therein. `.i'he said offer of Paul W.Houser i:9 hereby accepted, conditio- ned that he signs the subjoined stinula.ti )n, on or befort the 31st, day of "'-arch, 1914. (This resolution and the stipulation to be in duplicate:• and left with the City Clerk,who Brill notify I1r.Houser of its passage ' and upon the signature in duplicate by 'ur.Iiouser the said City Clerk shall notify the City Attorney, and upon said notice the City Attorney shall immediately LIArn over all pepers that he received from Mr .Houser or the City Clerk referring to said causes . And said City Clerk shall give the said papers to 'Ar.Houser, except one of the duplicate copies,which is to be kep L on file in the C&erks office) . 219 From the time of t.ie signature of s-)id stipulation as afore- said, said Paul 19.Houser has full authority to represent Llne City of Renton in said causes, to the exclusion of the City Attorney, until final judgement in said Superior Court. But no charges of k fees shall be claimed or allowed to any one for attorney fees in either of said causes ,unless it be adjudged to a Ltorneys for Vae defendants in said cruses . In case the said stipulation shall not be signed by said Paul 'N.Houser on or before the 31st, dray of 1,:3rch 1914, then this resolution shall be of no effect. Approved this the 24th,dry of Idarch,1914. �.. __._..� mayor. Paf3sed this 24th,day of March, 1914 . City Clerk. Stipulation. I,Paul W.Houser hereby accept the trust referred to in the resolution to which this stipulation is annexed and I will without delay proceed with the causes named in said resolution until final judgement therein in the Superior Court o. Kind, County, Washington; All conditions and statements in said resolution have been duly considered by me and they are made a pert of this stipulation. Datedat Renton,Washington this the day of 1"arch, 1914. In presence of Ci Cy— Clerk. Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur report and xxxz:mmxatx:taxxxx resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Finance Committee report. ',Ve,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; r Wm.Tonkin, Treasurer, 14.75 Henry Thomas 2.35 Ben Atkinson 2.00 Seattle Lighting Co . 6.75 `,.1,C.D.E'd,r%rds 3.55 Labor Pay Roll 1 Signed,Geo-Ar thur, Thos .Raymond , Commi ,tee. 220 Loved by Evans seconded by Faull report be received and all bills O.K.d be allowed. Carried. Communication read from County Auditor relating to final payment of =xxxxx amount appropriated by County Co-nmiss loners for Arterial Highways . Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur comm- unication be received and filed. Carried. Councilman Faull calls attention of the Council to loose rocks on the streets of North Renton and asks that some action be taken to have same removed. Proved by Raymond seconded by Faull that matter be referred to ,t.& Alley Co:nmi ttee and 13t.Supt. Carried. Resolution 1do .176-A fixing date of hearing Local Improvement District No .58 read.. Moved by Evans seconded 'by Arthur same be adopted as read . Carried. Mr.Hopkins of �0arlington asked the Council to co-operate with the residents of learlingLon in the ma�.ter of having lights placed on street between City limits and bridge crossing Black River. Oh motion of vouncilman rvans seconded by Arthur question was referred to Fire,Light & Water Committee they to confer with Commercial Clubs of the City and of Earlington.5ame carried. 1410 tion to adj ourn . - Cher 223 Iden ton,March,31-1914 . Council mit in regular ser3sion ,Tfayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur ,$-vans ,Faull, Clark,Pay- mond and H-.nsen ,City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last rek-�ular meeting read and approved. ,.. Application for water service by Mrs .Pa. ctergon f*t the junct- ion of Renton incl Orillin roads read. Moved by Evens seconded by IT ansen same be refe, red Lo Fire,Lieht & 'eater Committee . C,,4rried. Repor L of Finance Committee ; "Ne ,your Commi ijtee on Finance have exarr:ined. and re corrend for payment Lhe following bills ; EI;.Duff 30.70 Sea Ltle Car & Foundry Co . 16.24 Denny Een ton C.& C.Co . 42.1.0 Ren tors Bulletin 23 .65 Signed Geo.Arthur, 'Thos.Clark, ;'k+os .Rtaymond Commi ttee . Moved by Hansen seconded. by Paull all "hills O.K.d by the Fin Wince Commi Ltee be allowed . C-.rried . low Report of Street & Alley Committee . 'Ne,your Committee on Streets & Alleys to whom was referred the petition of the 'Nill.iams Street approach bet-; leave to report as follows ; That we recomend that the City pity for three days 1:Abor on said approach. Signed li.Evrins,Ge:o,Ar Lhurjohn Faull, Commi ctee . Moved by Raymond seconded by Arthur report be received and recom- endation crirried. out. Carried. Resolution No .178-A,relating to the turning over of condem- nation caries to Paul W.Houser read. 147oved by Arthur seconded by Faull same be approved as read. Crt-.ried. `.r Matter of bid of E.E.Duff for construction of concrete walks at Library building was by motion of Evans seconded by Hansen referred to Street & Alley Cornmi Ltee and City Engineer. Moved by Arthur seconded by i?ansen Purchasing; Agt.be ins Lruc- ted to purchase 500' of 4" water pipe for water department. Motion co adjourn. Clark. 224 Renz;on,Apr, 7-1914 Council metin regalar session..Uayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Rvans ,Fau1.1 ,Raymond,Hansen and Hughes ; City Attorney and Clerk . Minutes of last regul,,,Lr session .-,,-ad and ap-,oroved. Application for sewer connection,.Lot 23,Block 33 read. Noved by Pavans seconded by Hughes same be granted. Carried. Petition presented by Aug . Ciesefske asking th-it dirt be removed from paved street in front of his .residence ,17orth Renton read. Moved by Hughes seconded by Hansen same be placed on .file and referred to Street and Alley Committee . Carried. Finance Committee reports as follo,:vs ; `Ie,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for pay- ment the following bills ; R„n ton Bul le tin 7.20 Wm.`i'onkin, Trefasurer 12.60 P.a.'T.L.h P.Co. 154.50 Renton Uardw-.re Co. 11 .40 Preibe Bros . 9.95 E.A.;hearer 20.96 Renton Hdw .Co . 13.20 Kent & Renton Tel .Co . 2.65 Trick & Miurray .65 EdzL.Terry 28 .75 Labor Pay Poll 267 .05 Signed Thos .Raymond,Ii.'gvans, Commi ttee Moved by Paull seconded by Hughes report be received and all bills O.K.d by the Fin ince Committee be allowed. Carried, Fire ,Light & Water Commi Lee asxs one more weexs time on appli- cation ox a ars ..eaTrersori for w;,,,e.r 5ervicG or, xei,ton ur.iL-kia hoz*u, also J tree c and Alley Committee as-Ks one weeks time on matter of Cement walks at Library. Requests granted. R"port of Police Judge . Moved by Hughes seconded by Hansen same be received and placed on file . Carried. Report of Treasurer . Idoved by "vans seconded by Hansen same be received and placed on file . Carried . 25 Report of Clerk . Moved 'by Hansen seconded by Evans save be received and filed . Carried. Report of Health Officer . Moved by Hughes seconded by T,a,ymond same be received rind filed. Carried. Communication fr.-)m Rev.W.11.Edmondson read . Loved by Evans seconded. by Hansen same be received and placed on file44vrroiEd. .�f ' Communication .from Health Officer relating; to unsanit--try condition of Comfort St-tion rer&d .Also communicr,.tion from .Vest Disinfecting Co. T.',oved by Evens seconded by Hansen s,rrre be received pl�i,ced on file and referred to Town Property Corrmittee . Ca.rried.. Contract for Lighting as drawn by City Attorney rerjd . Moved by Evans .,econded. by Hughes Clerk notify Lighting Co . that new contract has been drawn and submit same for their approval . Carried I'Zoved by Evans seconded by Paull that Lighting contract be dated to take effect May lst, 1914. Carried. Revolution No .197-A fixine. d.i.te of hearing of Local Improve- mer.t District No.68 read. Moved by Evans seconded by Faull resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Matter of water pipe at brickyrira wnicn Company asx5 to nave relocated was by motion or Hugnes se condea by F aui.L rex e rred to .Fire Light & Water Corr-mittee and Water 10upt.witti power to act. h1oven by Hu nes secondea try 11"ymond ;;t.Aupt.emplow necetiL4-try help to remove sftrid zrom WeJ L Burne Lz ::trees. Crtrrleo . -woven r)y Mv,-im:s :3econdeu uy .Leaull Ci Ly Attorney be instructea to d-raft Resolution of intention for proposea Renton Kennya-sle road. Carried. t IvIo tion to idjou, n, r Clerx, i i 226 Renton,Apr.1.4-1914 . Council met in regular session,I-Tayor Dobson presiding. Roll Cr4ll; present Councilmen Arthur,Evans ,Paull ,11aymond, Eaneen and Hughes ; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and amended to read that Clerk be instructed to reply to 1F iter of U.W.Fdmondson. Minutes approved as amended . Petition. from P.S.T.L.?: P.Co .rmsking permission to set three poles on exist side of High St.between Section: St and Be icon Ylill Blvd.read . Moved by Hughes seconded by Arthur same be referred to Fire ,Light & t-later Co .& St .Supt. C irriecl. Application for water connection L"otl4,B1k.9 Firm Plat,by Thos.Clark and for sever connection Lots , 9-10 l?1k.2 ;emit}tiers 4th . Add .by j.C .D .Edwards read. tToved that applications be filed and sarre granted . Carrie?.. Peport of Fin,-ince Committee . ','/e ,your Committee have examined. and r.ecomend for payment the following bills ; Pe ttie Printery, 19 .00 J.S.Ha3rdie 2.70 R.Wood 28 .00 Pacific Coast Pipe Co . 72.50 J.S.Hardie 4.05 Cook & IZawson 1.00 Signed Geo .Arthur,`rhos Raymond Comn-tittee Moved by Hansen seconded. by ?Tughes all bills O-,.K.d by the finri.nce Commi Ltee be allowed. Carried. . T,Toved by Evans secondedl,y ;I+aull matter of disinfecting of Comfort Station be laid over for one Week . Carried . Report of Fire,Light & grater Committee ; We,your Committee on Fire ,Light & Water to whom was referr- ed the application of Mrs .Patter son for water recomend that same be granted . signed, Thos .I:a.ymond ,Geo .Artliur,Commi ;.tee. Moved by Ilughes seconded by Hansen report be received and recom- endation. carried. out. Carried . 1-bport of "I tree , & Alley Committee . We,your Commi Ltee on ;:3treets & Alleys to whom was referred I YVIE 227 the bid of E.E.Duff for Library sidewalk recomend that s-).id bid be accepted . ,igned H.Evans ,a!ohn J?,,ull,Geo .Arthur,Cornrrii ttee• Moved by Hansen seconded l,y Hughes report be received,filed and recomenda Lion carried out. Carried . fir.. Mo zed by Evans :seconded by Arthur Purch.Agt .be authorized to purchase 400 ' of 6" steel pipe for water Department. Carried. A,ove,d by Arthur seconded by Hughes that $25.00 be allowed Mr.Ed .Utone as per Ordin!Ance,for the moving of buildings from strip donated for street purposes . Carried. P.esolution DId.180-A for the improvement of Garden Ave .in con, nection with proposed Kennyd{ale Road rerad first time . Moved. by Hansen seconded by Arthur same be referred to Gr dinance Committee . Carried. Loved by Hansen seconde by Hughes City Engineer be instruc- ted to run level from Residence of Councilman Evans to North. 'Trunk sewer in order to ascertain if it would be possible for Mr .Evans To sewer into said North Trunk . Curried . V.. Yo t•i on to adjourn . Clerk. ' i I . 228 Renton,April,21st,1914. Council, met in regular session,Mayor Dobson presiding. Jjoll Call; Present Councilmen .:;vans Raymond Hansen and Hughes City Attorney and Clerk . Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition asking permission to place awning; on west side of Comfort Station presented by +J.S.ifillhuff . Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes petition be placed on file and request granted. Carried . . Report of Town Property Committee ; We,your Committee to whom was reflerred the matter of disinf- ectants at Comfort Station beg leave to report as fo7.lows ; That we have investigated and find very little offensive odor and would not advise installing any disinfectant at this time . Signed E.J.Hughes ,Tho s .RAymond,Comm iLtee. Moved by Hansen seconded by Evans report be received filed and recomendation complied with. Carried. Report of Finance Commi Ltee ; `le ,your Commi '.tee on Finance have examined ntnd recomend for payment the following; bills ; C.O.Tve to 1 .95 Henry `Phomas 2.00 Cha.s .G.Huber 1189 .71 Fd.Stone 25.00 Labor Pay Boll 325.53 Signed,Thos .R�iymorid,H.Ev,i,ns Committee . roved by Hughes seconded by Hansen report be accepted and recom- endations carried out. C _rried. Ordinance No .370,approving arnd confirming a,-sessment and assessment roll L. I.D.No .68 read first time . Moved by pavans seconded by Hughes srime be referred to Ord. Committee . Carried . Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes previ:,us report of Fin:ince Committee relating to question of discount of City warrants ,�ist. No .64 be reconsidered and further report be made on same at next reC-;ul ir meeting of the Council . C%rried. 229 Peport of Attorney Houser on Condemnation cases ,Alley Block 10,Alley Block 19 add Iorgan Drive read .Ta1oved by .pavans seconded by Hansen same be reeeived ,placed. on file and City Treasurer be { instructed to prepare assessment rolls in the amounts as fixed t by the Court and notify property owners of same . C'trried . Resolution Yo .180-A relating to proposed Kennyd ile Road l lid over for one week in order to permit of a mee Ling of interested prirties . Tioved by Evans seconded by Raymond City J?Ingin(,er phone to Factory sites Co ,Pacific Coast Co and other interes Led p trties in matter of above mentioned road and fix date of meeting for srafle . Carried . Matter of license for parties conducting dancing; lessons was by motion of Evans seconded by Hansen referred to License Comm- Jttee for report at next meeting. Yoved by Evans seconded by Paymond Purch.Agt.be instructed to get figures on cost of repairing and repapering office of Clerk and Treasurer.C trr i.ed . Trfr .Hopkins of i,,arlirgton again brings to the attention of the Council matter of lights between the City and E+'irlington . TJ'oved by T vrtns seconded 1=y Hughes mat'uer be laid aur for one week rind report be made at next meeting. Carried . City Attorney was instructed to draw up Ordinance amending Ordinance relating to destruction of property,fixing fines and rewards . Moved by 7,vans seconded by Tlaymond City Engineer be instruc- ted to place monument s at street intersections of West District Forth Penton. Carried. 11[otion to adjourn, .r Clerk. i 230 Renton,Anril 281th, 1914. Regular session of the City Council ,called to order by Iaayor Dobson. Roll. CA11 ; Present Councilmen,Arthur,Evans ,Faull,Raymorid,Hansen and Hughes . Minutes of last regular meeting reed and approved . Applic%tion for sewer connecLion,Lot, 12,Block,l4 ,by Mrs'.Kate Jameison read. TvToved by `+,vans seconded by Arthur same be granted . Carried. Report of Fire ,Light & IIa ter Commi Ctee ,same being minori ty report read as follows ; ?de,your Commi ttee to whom was referred the matter of lights our, side the City limits beg lealre to report as follows ; That we recomend that the City instill. and maintain two lights at the most convenient points on Third Avenue between Black River bridge and L'-ie City limits . Signed ,H.I vans , Conmi tree . After some discussion and on the advise of City Attorney tllat same could be legally done ,motion was made by 7aull seconded by Hughes thftt report, as above ,be received,filed and recomendations c'irried out. Carried. Report of Finl7ince Co:rmi ttee ; i"de ,,your 0ommittee on Finance have examined and .recomend for payment the following bills ; Ren ton Bulle tin 14 .40 Renton Lumber Co. 11 .70 ',4171 .Kane 7 . 55 ;eat tle Lightinf� Co . 5.48 Olympic Foundry Co . 34 .00 Denny Renton Clay & Coal CO . 203.50 iZned,Geo .Artlhur, 'Thos Raymonii, Cornmi tteo . Proved by I:iansen :seconded by Faull all bills O .K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered psid- Carried. Finance Committee reports further as follows ; On the 24th,day of I-arch, 1914 we reported on several demands and claims of H!ium artner & Mougin in reference to t ie i r contracts in Local Improvement Districts llo .63-64 . 231 Our reconsiderationax of our report refers only to District i1o .54. I-n 'that district the full mount as specified had been paid to said contractors ,but as their contract dict not refer to the fact that City `,Varrants were to be received in payment of one fourth of the work, and 8 per cent was the only rate mentioned in the said con- tract, while the City warrants given to said contractors only bear 6 per cent interest,and it has been shown to us that they did dis- count the said City warrants getting therefor $109 .32 less thin their face . We recomend that the sura of One hundred and Nine doll- ars and 32 cents be allowed in favor of said B tumgrir tner & Ifougin. Signed ,Geo .Ar thur, ''hos .11a:tymond,Cornmi r,tee. liloved by r;vans seconded by Faull report be received ,filed and recomendations carried out. Carried . In the matter of i settlement of the is t.Aaenue North paving motion ,vas .made by Arthur seconded by Hughes same be referred to Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer with power to act. Carried Ordinance No .371 relating; to 'the destruction of prop er tv read first time . `w Moved by Arthur seconded by ?,vans same be referred to Ord .Com.m. Carried. Ordinrince No .370 approving; and confirming assessment and as:3ess- ment roll Dist.No .68 passed to second residing . Moved by Bevans sec .by 'tansen Sec .1 be adopted r'is read. C-Irried. Moved by Raymond seconded by Hughes sec .2 be adopted as re-t-1 . C-err l ed Roved by Favans sec .by Arthur Ser, .3 be •-idop ted as read . Carried . Moved by Hughes sec .by Evans Sec .4 be adopted as reed . Carried. 'Moved by Arthur sec .b,y Evans Ordin-ince as a .whole be adopted is read. Carried. Lighting, Contract as revised "L)y Lighting Co.read . Moved by t Ar tliur seconded by Piull same be referred to Fire ,Lij,h t & %Vater Co . V. and City Attorney . Carried. Resolution No .181-A ordering and directing t,ie Layor and Clerk to send invitation�i to neighboring municipalities and or.gdLniz=at:ions to be present on May .11th, at demonstration of King split log road f' drag read . Moved by Evans eeeonded by Hughes same be -idop 'ed as reed. Carried. 1 k t Roved by Arthur seconded by Hughes Purch.Agt.be instructed to C 232 a%vir, contract for papering and painting office to G .H.Beale at his bid of `".20 .00 Carried. Moved by Paull seconded by Arthur Clerk notify property owners to repair sidewalk on east side of Garden Ave .aL intersection of G•,.rden and 1st.Ave .Nor. th. Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Ilughes ma:.Ler of wal'x on Beacon Hill Blvd .in rear of store bldg .of R .1Nood be referred to Street & Alley committee with power to act. Carried. r-loved by Paull seconded by Art'Zur mattes of assessment against City,Dist.No .6:� ,on Librfiry site be referred Lo Finance Commi tee. with power to act. Carried . Motion to adjourn Clerk. ` a` A(FR, 233 Renton .til ty 5th,1914 . Council. met in regular session ,Wayor Dobson presiding . Poll. Call ; Present Councilmen Ev .ni ,Arthur. ,R•tymond,lTughes T3nsen a.nd F3ull . Yinu Les of last regular session reed and approved . Application for wiper connection Lot, 16,B1k,23 by Joe Lenz read . h!oved 'by :Evans seconded by R,iymond s,ime be granted . Carried. b Report of Finance Committee ; 3 le ,your Co.,nmittee on. Claims and Accounts have examined and i recomend for payment the following bills ; i jn.'i'onkirj, Trews . NJ1.65 01'.K.Livery 2,00 Kent & Renton Tel .Co . 2.70 Ed .L.'ferry 29.45 P'.W.Houser 7 .90 Renton FLdw.Co . 12.85 Acme Stamp Works 2.05 Vhn.'fonkin,L. I .D.iio.63, 292 .67 BaumE%rtner & Mougin,Dist.No .64 109 .32 Daniel Gaby 2.40 Si(,,ned,Geo .Ar thur, Thos Raymond ,Comrni ttee . Yoved by Arthur seconded by Hughes all bills 0).K .31) by the Finvince Committee be allowed . Carried. Bill of E .E.Duff for sidewalk at Library was by 1,170 tion of Arthur seconded by Hughes referred to Ctreet and Alley Commi ;;tee . Request of Treasurer and Clerk for clock for office referred to Town Property Committee with power to act. Matter of Dist .No .63 Baumgartner & Yougin,after leggthy dis- cussion was by motion of Arthur seconded by Hughes recomended tha4t settlement be made on original contr ict and bond. 'ihe City retain- ing the sum of A500.00 for a period of two yerirq or so much of that time as will demonstrate the %mount necessary for repairs . Roll Call. on above mo Lion , ,Evan s ,Arthur,Raiymond,ITughes , Hansen and Faull.Do none Carried. Report of Police .fudge reed. Moved by Arthur seconded by Hughes same be received and placed on file .Carried. Report of City Clerk . Moved by Evans seconded by Hensen same be received and filed . Carried. City Clerk reports no protests on t1le ,assessment of T:is t.1To . 69 . rrroved by 7,aull seconded by Hansen report be placed on file . Carried. 234 ContrfAct for Lighting brought up for further action . ::roved by Evans seconded by Arthur th*At sections 4-8 and 13 be amended as per memorandum attached and referred to City Attorney for further =action. Carried. Ordinance No .372 approving; and confirming; asse -ssment and assessm- ent roll. Dist.No .69 read first time . Moved by Evans seconded by Tfughes same be referred to Ordiria.nce Commitee . C Lrried. Ordinance No.371 passed to second re4ding and reed by sections . Moved by Arthur seconded by "Paull Ordinance be adopted as a. whole . Carried . Resolution No .180-A relating; to Kennydale road laid over for one more geek. Councilman Piull recomends that sign be placed on Comfort station . Moved by Evens seconded by Arthur mater be referred to Town Property comrr�ittee. Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by Evans City Treasuret be authorized to dispose of Current expense warrants at best market value, interest not to exceed 8% per -Annum. Carried . Motion to adjourn C er i- tem. ] X If FF 235 Renton ,J,Tay,12-191• . Council me tin regular se�,ion,Mayor Dobson presiding . Poll Call; Present Councilmen,-;v-.ns ,Faull,I3ay►nond,: :nsen and Hughes . Minutes of last regular session read. Move , and seconded min- ftm uteg be amended to reed Clerk issue general fund warrants at not to exceed 8% per. annum. 14inutes approved as ,mended. Report of Finance Committee ; We,,your Committee on Finance.- have examined rind recomend for payment the following bills ; P.3.`r.L.& P.Co . 154 .50 Crane Co . 10.81 Baumgartner & T,Iougin,Dist.63, 1113.84 Henry lhorna;3 2.25 Denny Renton C.& C.Co . 2704.63 Baumd,Lrtner & 11rougin 72.83 Signed ,Thos Raymond,H.Evans ,Committer, . Moved by Hfinsen seconded by Faull all bills O.K.d by the Pin- an c e in-ance Committee be allowed. Carried. Report of Street & Alley Committee . We,,your Commi -tee on Streets & AIleys, to whom was referred the bill of 'R.E.Duff for Library side-walk bet; leave to report as f011owtr; That we find the side-walk good in every respect and reco- mend a warrant be drawn for the amount of the bill ; Signed I1.Evans ,John Fault Comrni -tee . Moved by Iiughes seconded by Hansen report be accepted and rec- omendation carried out. Carried. Communication from Ylr.Savage read . Moved by Evans seconded by Faull same be placed on file and Clerk instructed to secure plaice of meeting. Carried. Communication from Renton Peal Es tatty Co .read ."Moved by Ray- mond seconded by Hughes snvne be referred to Finance Co.-mi ttee and OEM City A .torney for report at next meeting. Carried. Release of claim of Denny Renton C.&.C .Co .against XxDE account of B9' -�r tner & Mougin read. Moved by Hansen seconded by Hughes same be received %nd filed. Carried. Ordin•ince No .372 approving and confirming; assessment and asse- ssment roll Dist.No .69 passed to second reading. 236 Moved by Evans sec .by Hughes Sec .1 be adopt sd as read . Carried Moved by Hrinsen sec .by Hughes >ee.2 be adopted as read. Carried . Moved by ;vans 9ec .by ';aymond Sec .3 be tdop led as reed . Carried. Loved by Hughes sec .by :?,vans Cec .4 be adopted as read . Caaried. Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes Ordin•ince as a whole be adopted .is read .Poll Vote ; Ave s,E,van s ,Faul1J'aymond,Han senand Hughes No none . Carried. Moved by ";vans seconded by F ;ull Clark communicate with T r . Piggott ampit Mr .I.Toore and Mr.^ord to arrange a meeting; on Friday for the purpose of considering; proposed Kenn,ydale road. Carried . Motion to adjourn. C e rk`. 23 7 Renton,May,19-1914 . Regular session of the City Coancil,Mayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call; :present Councilmen Artliar,Evans,??,,u1.l,Raymon(I,Tlansen and Hughes . TUnutes of last session read and approved. Application for water. by Geo .Taylor,Block,24,Lot 3 reed. Moved by ?Tughes seconded by <<;van:i sine be f ranted . Application for pool room license by C.A.Smi ch,same Lo be conducted in the buil-ling known as the Palace '?ar ,Lo t 12,Block 15 read . Moved by ArLhur seconded by Raymond same be referred to Police and License COMmi ttee with power Lo act. Carried. Report of Finance Commi L Lee . Iffe,,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following; bills ; E, E.Duf f. 97 .99 R.D.Pettie 5.00 Jos .. dwards 2. 50 Ce3t tle Lighting co . 52.55 Ren ton Dumber Co . 37 .85 ,.� T11c Phersoci Bros . 116 .60 Signed Geo .Arthur,Thos Raymond Committee . Ifloved by Hughes seconded by Evans 311 bills O.K. d by the Finµance —oved by Art)} '' ur seconded by Bull Cid Co:mni flee be allowed . C3rri d ngineor be instructed to notify noun cil +,vhen in need of extrri elp in Engr .Dept. Carried Report of Finance Commi ttee on request of Renton Real :Ts Late Co . that CiLY ,assume portion of taxes on that cer Lain property dt.ed_ ed as a Street by said Co -situated at the north end of AXill St.. .Torah read. Tv11ove'd by 'iughes secOnded by Evans report be received filed and r. ecomendations carried out. Carried . Report of City Treasurer for month of. April re id . -&loved by Evans seconded by ciul.l report be received :incl placed on file . Carried. Communication from ieatcle Automobile Club relating to Good Loads day re—id. cloned by Raymond seconded by Evans s-tme be receiv- ed and pl iced on file and the Mayor make neccessary arrangements for program to be carried out on that date .Carr ied . T,joved by Arthur sr!conded b,1 Fnull th=tt demonstration of drags be, held on Mill Street North and that. Ikr .Lee Mono'cnon be instructed to make ten drags it his offer of J25.00.Carried . 1 238 By motion of Raymond seconded by HuGlies above motion amended to read that loca-tion of street on which to hold demonstration be left to the discretion of the ?..Tayor and Committee. Carried. Loved icy Evans seconded by Arthur City Attorney *nd 7111ngineor proceed at once to draft Ordinance covering storm server Dist .; 70 Cf;rried. -Moved by Evans :seconded by Raymond Resolution relating; to Kerinydale road be referred to Engineer ,Attorney and Street & Alley Committee and Mill Street North be designated as the route of said road . C *rried. I'Ayor Galles a recess of ten minutes ..for redrafting of Res- olution. Resolution No .180-A as redrafted rend first time . MLoved by Arthur seconded by %lushes same be referred to Ordirance Committee . Carried. Moved by ;vans 3ecorided by Hughes Vh it report of ^ .E.nuf`' on number and locati.on of cross arms placed on City poles by P.G. T. ",.& P.Co . be placed on file and Clerk tak matter of one half interest in poles reset by the Co .wi th ivrr .Gallant, rind send bill to Co .for rent of cross arms . Carried. Motion to -idj ourn. Clerk. FId 239 Renton ,I:1;ay 26th,1914 . Council met in regular session ,17"yor Dobson presiding. Voll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur ,F aull ,R'ymond and Hug- hcs ; City Attorney rind Clerk . r Mlinu Les of last regular se ssdon read and approved . Report of Finance Committee; We,your Committee on Finrince have- examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Renton Bulletin $33 .75 G.H.Berr,le 23.75 Pettie Prin eery 12.00 J.H.Jones 10 .00 J.C.11arlowe 20 .00 11.D.Ioppini 20 .00 A.C.Wilson 20.00 Signed Geo .1'srtYiur, rhos .x'.aymond,Comma tee . Moved by Hughes seconded by Faull -.11 'Pills O.K.d by the fin=:.nce Committee be allowed . Carried . Report of Ordinance Committee . 'Ne,your Committee to whom w=as referred the Resolution for the Kennyd,ile ro sd beg le ive to report as follows ; That we are opposed to the creation of an enlarged district as contemplated in the resoluti -)n,and we are also opposed to any appropriation from the genera 1 fund. We beleive that the people of Renton are now paying all the taxes and assessments that they can bear , and we fully co-ir,cide with the poli Lion taken by the Seattle City Council in ordering only such improvements in similar cr#ses ,when asked for by petition . ':e will gladly do anything which is in our power in f%vor of the Kennydale road or any other road or public improvement which will not impose a burden upon the pro- perty of people in Renton,and we recomend that the resolution be laid on the table . Signed ,':.Evans , ',rhos Raymond, Commi ttee . mod Yinotity report on above signed by John F-:tull in favor of the adoption of the Resolution also read . "roved 1)-,7 Arthur seconded by ?Iu�;Yies xff41xxIxxitY19amax maj ori ty report of Committee be rF!ceived,pl,,Aced on file and recomendacion carried out. Poll vote ; Arthur,Raymond and Hughes voting Aye. Paull voting; no . J!otion carried. I,?inority report laid on table . 240 Proved by Arthur seconded by Hughes Attorney be instructed to draw up I:esolution condemning right of way through the property of Factory sites and P=tcific Coas L Co .s for Kennydale rofid . Carried . Ordinance No .373 ,relrtting to storm sewer Dist.No .7o read first time . ILoved by Arthur econded by Hughes same be referred to Ord, Commi Ltee . Carried . Moved by Arthur seconded by Hughes Clerk put notice in local paper ,also notify school aupt,requesting all. children Lo keep off streets when there is an alarm of fire, Carried . also that Clerk have notices priced on fire stations prohibiting children and others from entering; said stations . 11,oved by Hughes seconded by Arthur ester Supt.be authorized to employ man to make canvass of the City,and check up all water users also boarding; houses and all. those who keep cows or horses .Carried . disposing of Yoved by Arthur seconded by Raymond matter of/surface water from Cedar St.be referred to �t . Alley L'ommi ttee and City Rngineer to report at next meeting. Carried. Rroved by Arthur seconded by Hughes I;'ayor appoint commi Ltee to confer with ;iterway Commissioners on Friday night relating to the dredt in6 of 3ltick Eiver as a sewer outlet for the City. Crirried . 71.1ayor appoints on above Committee , Councilmen Arthur P aymond and Hughes . Motion to adjourn. Clerk. r I H RE 241 Ten ton ,June 2nd,1914. Council met in re�;ul r session,Yayor Dobson presiciir1g . Roll Cull ; Present Councilmen Arthur ,Evr.ns,Faull ,C1�:trk,F',Iymon(i Hansen and Arthur;City Attorney,Fngineer and Clerk . Pa`inutes of 1 ist regular session read and approved . Peport of lin-ince Committee ; 'Je,your Committee on Finance hftve examined. and recomend for payment the rollowing 13ills ; Renton Hardware Co. $20 .95 Seattle Lighting Co . 4 .10 EM .L. Terry 40 .20 Kent & Renton gel .Co . 2.95 Libor Pay Holl 136.95 ;'gym.Kane 3.00 vim. 'onkin, Tre ,surer 1.00 R.'Wood 15 .40 :signed,Geo,Arthur rhos ► -Raymond , Tho s .Cl-irk .Committee loved. t)y Evans seconded IT H"sen all bills O .K.d by the Fin Wince Committee be allowed . C-.cried . '?erbal report of Cornmi ttee on dredging of BDick Fiver m-.de by Councilm•in Arthur ,recomending thf%t City Engineer be instructed to run levels and soundings from s.R.& S.Ry. to Lake ashingLon . Moved by Fault seconded by Hansen that re-comendation be carried out . Cirried . Councilman ; lvins of ,;t.& fi11-ev C,rrrrni �CaI%:i for one more weeks time on t'ze mztter of the disponi tion of sarfJice 19ater from Cedar stree t.Reoues t granted . Report of Clerk for month of "Ply re id. Voved by Evans seconded by Hansen report be reeeivect,kikRZt tnd placed on file; . Carried. r Deport of City `1're isurer read . .loved by Hughes seconded by Evan same he received and filed. Carried. Roved by Arthur seconded by 1?,vans City Engineer run survey for proposed Kennyd-ile road on Mill St.-North and farnidh profile and estim,rate of cost to P Icific Coa3t Co .--.nd Factory Sites Co . C'irried. 242 Ordinance- No .373 relating; to s torn sewer. Dist . No 70 passed to second reading. Moved by Arthur sec .by Evans Sec .l be adopted as read . 'Carried . Moved by Evans sec .by Ifiaghes Sec .2 be adop tech as read . Carried . Yoved by Ilug;hes sec .by 'Iansen Sec.3 be -idopti�d as read .C`irried. T:love(I by 11ansen sec .by Arthur Sec .4 be adopted as re.td . Carried. Iiloved by 11-arisen sec.by Arthur Sec.S be adopted as read . Carried. 'loved by Arthur secondee by Evans Ordinance as i whole be . adop ped ks re•id. Poll Vote ,Arthur ,Fvans ,Faull, Clirk,Raymond,Hansen and Hughes votina Aye .No none: . Carried . Clerk instructed to notify P.S .T.L.& P .Co .- that Fire,Light and .'later Colnmi ttoe will meet their represent'Itive regardin ; lighting contract at the City Ball at 2 O' Clocic,p .TT. on :"ri day, June 5th, In the matter of placing; lights between City limits and Blick River bri,lg;e ,motion was made by Arthur seconded by Hughes that swore be referred to Fire Light rind rLter Committee with pourer to act . C trried . Motion to adj oarn . C1,IK . s yl 243 Ren ton, Tune 9 th,1914 . Regular meeting of the City Cour►cil crtI led to order by Mayor Dobson. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur,►±;v-ins R-aymand and Iian- sen; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of las L regular session read and .approved. Petition presented by P,S .'T.L.& P.Co .asking permission to se t three 35 foot poles on east side of Grunt St.for lighting pur- poses read. �"oved by Evans seconded -,jy Arthur same be referred to Fire ,Liglit & WriLer Committee and St .Supt .writh power to act . Carried Petition for meter by J.W.Butler read . Moue, by Raymond sec- onded by Hansen same be filed and request granted. Carried. Petition presented by Zeb Sher4rer asking that Lhe one inch water pipe running north from 2nd and Burnett be replaced by larg- er pipe as the f&ow of water is insufficient for the number of users was read. moved by .Evans seconded by Ikaymond s e,mc be filed and refe- ,_.ed Lo Pire ,Light & 'J- Ler Corfn,i Ltee . Carried. Fire,Light & "liter Committee reports as follo�Lrs on the ma.Lter of lights on Third. Ave .West. ale ,Your CoMmi Ltee on ]Fire ,Light & Wa Ler, to whom was referred the petition of the Earlington Improvement Club for lights between Black River bridge and City limits bei"; leave to report as follojis ; That your Co'rmitteae has compromised with the E'arlington imp- rovement Club,said club to p ty for all wiring and the City of Renta ton to pay for. Lhree lights at the rate of 85 cents each per .mon- th, a total of "". 55 . Oame to be paid to Er-irlington Improvement Club. Signed, lhos ?'aymor►d,Geo .Artliur,Ii.l;va.ns Commi i,tee. Moved by Hansen seconded by Arthur report be received placed on file and recomendations carried out. Carried. Report of Finance Committee . SNe,you-t Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for pap e n t the following bills ; T".E.Duff 2.40 O.K.Livery '.00 P.S. T.L .& P.Co . 154 .50 Preibe Pros. 8 .55 Frank Davis 8 .25 Lee 2�ionohon r,0 ..y Signed,Ceo .Ar Lhur, Mhos .Raymond Committee r +.� r / 244 Lighting contract -;.s revised re=td. , Game laid over one week for compgrison with originrxl . Resolution iTo .18T,-A relating to Kennydale road same being; KxtRxx:kmx extension of Bill ,,t. North read first time . Loved by Evans seconded by .Arthur slime be referred to Ordinance Committee . C`irried. Moved by ?iaymond seconded by Arthur mac ter of repairing; Tobin Ave . be referred to Street & Alley Committee . Cirried. Moved by Arthur seconded 'by Evans Yiyor appoint Comrni ttee to con- fer with Port Commission and ,Dater-Way Colnrnission No .2 relative to the dredging of Black Fiver for sewer. outlet. Carried . Mntyor appoints on above committee Councilmen, Esrins .ind ,,r_' City ErnL ineer Tve�te. Ido tion to adjourn . Clerk. r r X If F F 245 Renton,June 16-1914. City Council met in regular se-9sion,Tflayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur ,,tiv nq ,'Fr.ull,.Raymorid, Hansen and hughes , Ci ty At torney,Engineer and Clerk. ITinutes of last regular session re id and an;jroved . Petition asking for spur track not to exceed 100 feet in length to connect wit'a their factory Lot 5 Block 4 Nrotor line Add. said track to be laid on the extreme ea."erly boundery of the 23 fOD t s Lr.ee t,preseitted by Columbus Maccaroni Factory. Moved by Evans seconded by ?iansen see be ref_erred to Ctr( e t and Alley Comrni ttee . Carried. Report of Finance Committee . Iffe,your Committee on Finance have examined and re comend for payment the following bills ; A.11amb3.ch Co . 213 .65 Henry Thomas 2.50 Pettie Printery 7 .75 G.H.Be le 3.25 Trick :` Murray 9.79 Library Fund Acct. 406 .42 Labor P*rty Roll 191.70 Signed,Geo . Ar thur, Thos .Raymond,Commi ttee . Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen all bills O.K.4 by Lhe Finance Committee be 31lowed. Carried. Report of Fire ,Light & 'plater Committee ; Jde ,your Corimi tee on Fire ,Light & Water to whom was referred the proposed contract with P.;3. T.L.&.P.Co . bei; leave- to report rvq follo-os ; That Ive Il.ave examined the said proposed contract and rec- omend its adoption and that the same be :signed by the Wayor and att ested by the City Clerk,providing that the last line of the first page shall read ?iay 15 th, 1914 and ending ?,day 15th,1916 . 1t., is manifestly unfair that 3 proposition kept pending so long should allow the s'-iid corpor-ttion to collect and receive from 60 the City of Renton nearly 140.00 each month more thin t-li.eir own oral proposition. The only change now r,.comended by your Gommittee is that in- s Lead of the time of the commencement of paying under t'.qe new rates shall be It7ay 15 th,1914 instead of June 30th'1914. The old contract termini ted on the 28 th,day of February, 1914 . Cigned, 9'h03 .?iayn, ond,II.Evaris ,reo.Arthur, COMmi ttee. 246 'report of Ordin'Lri ce. �-;omrni Ltee . 'Je,your CommiLte€; on Ordinances to whore raas referred l:esol- ation to .131-A bei; leave to report as follows ; We have examined the said resolution providing, for the exten- tion of mill Street North 'to the City limits (commonly known pis the Kennydale road,and we recorn n d its pa isage, by Lhe City Council. Sii ned, 'feo .�irtliur, rhos .l,aymodd,�i. vans , Conmi LLee. 14iovecl by lIansen seconded .ray Iiaghes report be received,fileci and recornenda,Lions ca cried out. Carried. Report of Police- Judge for the month of 113y reed. Moved by Hughes seconded by ?Iansen same be received a.nd placed on file . Carried. llesolu;;ion No .181&A fixing date of hearing of protests on Dist.No .70 , 3toren water server re-,id. Moved by Evans seconded by Paull same be adopted as recd. Carried. Resolution `Io .1544-A being resolution of intention Kennyda.le Roa.d,p i�,sod to second re .ding . "Moved by ' vans sec,by Hansen Sec.1 he idopted as read. Cgr.r. ied. Moved by li.a,nsen Sec .gay Raymond 13ec.:", be adop Led as read . C�ixried. Moved by Hughes sec.by :;vans See .3 be adop L€;d -is re td . Cftrr.-e d. Moved by Arthur sec.by Evans 1.3ec .4 be adopted as read . Carried. 1,7i0ved by 'Iansen seconded by Arthur 'Resolution as a whole be a,dop- Led as read. P47.1 ?rote ; �rtlzur,';vans,F: u7_l,T',•�ymond,l3a.nsen a,nd Hughes voting Aye . No none . C irried. Motion to dd,journ . � � a Cmc rk: a I X HFF-j 247 Ren ton,,Fune, 23-1914. Regulnr mr eting of the City Cour!oil ,I,r%yor Dobson presiding. T':oll Call. ; Present Councilmen ,in'�ur,a+;v-,.ns ,F'Iull,T?aymond -ind Hansen; City Attorney Engineer and Clerk . Minutes of last regular session reid and approved . ... Petition for surer cor_nection Lot 9 ,Bl.ock 19 by Yrs .I,Iary Hurlies read. Moved by Evans seconders by Arthur same be placed on file and request granted. Cirried . Pinarjce Committee report ;as fol.loogs ; lie have exn.mieed and recomend for payment the follo.-ring bills ; Vim .Tonkiri ,Treasurer 4.00 Henry `Phomas 2.20 Signed Geo .Arthur, '11hos .Raymor;d, Comrriittee . 'Koved by Ev,).ns se coded by Hughes all bills O.K.d by 'Uhe Fin- a.rce Committee be allowed . C-irried. Deport of Treasurer :Mating that the amount borrowed from the water fund in condemnation proceedings Dist.2lo .61 had been returned to said :fund read ; Moved by Hughes seconded by Arthur report be placed or) file . Carried. City engineer rrnakes verbi.l report on t11e completion of the survey of Kennydr,le road,B1rick River rind surface water drainage of Cedar Si Lree t. Communication from Holmes & Haring rel-sting to srtle to dish City of "The T'ark"rea.d . Moved by F;vans seconded by F iul l =t.'r e be referred to Town Property Committee for report ri.t next meeting. Cq,rried . Ordiaance 14o .374 ,relatirng to license for peridlers ,hrlwkers, etc . read first Lime . "'roved by Hughes seconded by Arthur same be referr- era to Ordinance Commis,-Lee. Carried. Ordinance ;o .375 ,relating to license for tempor-4ry amuaemen is ■... read first time . Loved by ::vans seconded : y TTur`;hes sar,�e be referr- ed to kixarmxx Otdinrince Comsriittee . Carried. rtLLe.r of relocf-icing street lights was by mo Lion of Arthur seconded by Hughes refe L-red to Fire,Light & WaLer Commi Ltee :for report at next rreetin.g. Council %d,journed to meet in specie-1 :session for consideration of (?rdinances referred to Ordinance Commi :,tee and also offer of Holmes & Ha.rring on srtle of "Park" . Ordinances; gone over a.nd minor 248 changes made . By motion of Evans seconded by Raymond Clerk was instructed to write Holmes & hiring making offer of the City to purchase "The Park" for the sum of $2000.00 and the City iqsume the First Ave .North paving assessment making 3 Lot%l of upproxim- ately 12275.00 . Motion to adjourn, L Y if F E 249 Renton,JTune 30th,1.914. Regularrsession of the City Council ,Layor Dobson presiding. Roll C:4.11; Present Councilmen tIrthur,Ev-ins,Faull,P.aymond, Hansen and Hughes ; City ALCorney Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of lKst regular ses=sion reed and approved. Petition presented by S'.R.& S Ry.Co .asking for permit to lr4y tr ick extending their line on Main St,to 2nd .Ave .and east on find. Ave .to right of way of Waterway Dist.17o .2. Moved by Arthur second- ed by Hansen same be referred to (Street & A-Aley Committee . Carried. Petition asking for meter for Lot 12,Block 2,Gunns Add.by E .Bihnke read . Droved by Evans seconded I,y .Hansen same be granted.. Carried. Petition asking for use of streets for contests and races on July 4 th,by ENgles Drill `ream reed . I,11oved 'by Hughes seconded by Hansen same be granted . Carried. '-Ie Li iion presented by CA P'.S.Ry .Co .asking that por Lions of 7 th, and 8th,Avenues North be vacaLed read . I'loved by Hughes seconded by :Pavans sage be referred to Ordinance Commi Ltee . Carried. Report of Finrtnce Commi Ltee . Vle,your Committee on finance have examined ind recomend for payment the following bills ; Henry `i'homris 2.25 Renton Hdw.Co. 6.30 A.Hambach Co . 60.00 Jos .Edavards 11 .00 Renton Bulletin 15.70 Labor P,-%y Roll 195.15 Signed,Geo .Arthur, ` hos .Raymond , (Committee. I..=ove-d by Hansen seconded by :',vans all bills O.K.d,by the Fina- nee Committee be .allowed,Carried. R ort ep of Ordinance Committee . 71e,your Cor,?mi Ltee on Ordinances to whom was referred the two i Ordin tnces on licenses beg leave to report %s follows ; That the said Ordinances were considered by the whole Council in executive session -and we report_ the said Ordinan ser, rewritten with the amendments agreed to by said Council . Signed,H.Evans,John Paull, :;hos .P'iymond, Commi ttee . 1,11.'oved by Hughes seconded by Arthur report be received and eecomend- ations carried out . Carried. Report of Fire Cheif asking that hose be purchased for Fire Department read . b-oved by Evans seconded by Arthurx same be receivd 250 and Purchasing agent be instructed to purehnise needed hose and su- pplies . C-arried. Engineer presents diagram of Cedar :St. Surface water drain. Loved by "+Jvans seconded by Arthur same be placed on file and City attorney be instructed to draw up Resolution creating impro- vement district for same . Carried. 14oved by Arthur seconded by TPvans Engineer and Clerk confer with interested p*rties in matter of securing easements for said surf-ace w--tter drain.Carried . CommunicraLion from Fire Cheifs Agsocittion read. T4oved by Ev,;ns seconded by Hansen same be filed rind referred to Fire , Light & Water Comrni ttee .Crarried . Communication from P.Co .accepting terms of lighting contract read. Moved by Evans seconded by Faull same be received rind filed . Carried . Report made by Fire,Light & Vlater Committee on m*a tter of changes of location and additional lights . Loved by Hughes second- ed by Evans same be placed on file and recomendations carried out. Carried. Communication from Holmes &: Harring relative to sale of Park read . ''owed by Fv,Lns seconded by Hansen same be pin ced on file . Carried . Communication and citation from Public "Iervice Commission read,sarne relating to spur track petitioned for by Columbus Lac aroni Factory. Iuoved by _;vans seconded by Hughes same be referr- ed to City Attorney and Engineer. Carried . Moved by Evans seconded by Fxull Clerk confer with engineer of N.P.6o .and invite him to come to Renton and look over ground, with Street and alley Committee . Carried . Ordinance I?0 .376 relating to issuing of duplicate warrants where originals have been lost or destroyed read first time . Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes same be passed to second read- ing and final action. Carried . Ordinance No .377 ,relating to change of salaries and duties of City Officers read first time . Moved by T1v;.ns seconded by Hansen s�ame be refe-red to Ordin -cce Committee . Carried. Ordin,;nce No .376 read second time by sections and adopted as read .Poll Vote on srAme all Councilmen voting aye. A � YIIT F 251 Ordinance No .374 relating to licensing of hawkers and peddlers pa-sed to second reading,rc,,d by sections and adopted as rertd. Poll Vote ; All Councilmen voting a.re .Carried. Ordinance Yo.375 relating to licensing of temporary amuseme- nts passed to second reading,read by sections and upon poll vote of the Council ,all Councilmen voting Aye was adopted as read. Peed presented tp City by Renton Rehl Estate Co .deeding for street purposes certain portions of land in lst ,Add .of said Co. read . Moved by �-Iansen seconded by Arthur same be accepted by the City .and City Clerk be instructed to have same filed of record in office of County Auditor . Carried. �Ioved by Arthur seconded by .Evans purch.Agt be instructed to purchase -1 doz.deputy marshal badges and that Mayor appoint 6 deputy marshalls wi'chout pay to serve on .ruly 4th. Carried. Resolution relrj.tinL, to vacating of portions of Sth,& 8th,Aves, north read. Moved l;y Evans seconded. by Paull same be adopted %s rer;d. Carried . Idoved by Arthur seconded )y Hansen Mayor Appoint Committee of two to confer with Commissioners of water way district No .2 and Port Commission relative to dredging of Black River .Carried . Mayor appoints Councilmen Arthur and Hughes . 1,1oved by Elvins secodded by Hansen rn atter of puPchasing of Park be referred to 'Town Property Committee for report at next meeting. Carried. MTO Lion to ridjourn. / Clerk. L 252 Ren ion,July 7 th,1914. Council met in regular sessIbn,LNyor Dobson presiding . Roll C!111; Present Councilmen Arthur,�4�';vtns ,U"ull ,R�ymond,ll,,*nsen and Hughes ; City Attorney Engineer and Clerk . Minutes of l vs i r-egul it seesion read and approved. Report of Finance Committee ; '4e,,your Corn ni Ltee: on Finance have examined %nd recomend for payment the following bills ; Earlington Improvement Club, 2.55 Pacific Coast ;tamp 'Yorks 4.80 Seattle Lighting Co . 2.10 F.S. T.L.& P.Co . 15.4.50 1+;,`d.L.Terry 44 .15 Kent & Renton Tel .Co. 1 .80 E.A.Shearer 28 .95 .ligned,seo ..Irthur , `. hos R'iymon d, Cornmi t:tHe . Moved by .EV ins :seconded by Hughes all bills O.K.d by Lhc Fin wee Co.mmi tree be allowed. Carried. Report of Torun Property Commi ,tee ; 'Ue,,your Co.mmi ttee on Town Property 'to wilom was referr- ed the offer of Holmes & Haring to sell cer Ldn property in North Renton for a City Park bei; leave to report as follows ; We have examined the property for sale and beleive it suit- able for a City Park,:3nd we also beleive the price :asked is reas- on.*able , and therefore recomend that t' e sum ')Lsked, `wo Thousand wive Hundred Dollars be paid for 0te srame ; Provided that all assessments and Lrixes or other l&&ns be paid out of said sum. The said Holmes & Hearing to furnish an abs trPac L showing, a good ti Lle to said land free from nny ind all incumbr-ance ,%nd ,o make ra sufficient warranty deed to said 1 rnd. The prtyrnen L for said property to be made in City warrants of the City df Renton beariri� in teres t at the rate of 8% per Sinn um. 3igned,.PJ,.J.Hughes, Thos .7-.q.yrnond,John Faull, Commi cLee . I.o ved by Hansen seconded by 't;vans report be received,pla,ced on file rind recomendations carried out. Carried .Poll Vote, all Coun- cilmen votins Aye . Report of Health Officer for the quarter ending; June 30 :.h, reed . Moved by Hughes seconded by Arthur same be received 'and placed on file . C-irried. I Y N FH 253 J 7 a r� n 254 Report of Clerk for month of June recd . Loved by Arthur sec- onded by swans same be planed on file . Carried . Communic%Lion from Health Officer relatint; to unsanit•1ry condi Lion of property of `3 .Gretrory on Cedar Street rerid . 'roved by -1ughes seconded by Raymond communication be pliced on file and I e`%1 Lh Officer be instruc ted to take necess:%ry .3 Leps to have srime remedied immediately. Cr-irried. Communications from N.P.Ry.Co to City Attorney also uo Clerk relfitive to spur tr'Ick to r, acaroni factory read. Tioved by Hughes eeconded by Hinson same be received =jnt filed. Carried. Communication of City 'treasurer stating L11-1-it the sum of "'490 .00 , the firs L ins t-il 1ment of s inkintr fund for the retire- ment of ,-r-tter bonds #1 ,hid been placed in the Citizens bank '.s savings account, same Lo dr-w interest at the rate of 40' per annum read. Moved 'key Hughes seconded by 'lansen report be received and pl--tced on f ilr . C-.rrind. Ordin ince 1ro .377 rel'LLint, to ci7agge of salaries and duties of cert-tin City Officials passed to second re•iding,rerid by secL- ions ,and upon poll vote , �rtriur , �vr�n:;,Fau11,?' vmond and Hughes Voting Aye,Tlansen vo :,i.ng no ,same was df�clared .adop Led. Resolution No .184-A rela,tink to Cedar St .storm water sevrer read . Moved by Bremen seconded by Ar t-,iur same be referred to ordinance Conmi t ;ee . Cr-.rried . L"Otion m ide by _vans seconded by Ar'Lhur above Resolu ,ion be passed Lo Gond re%ding Carried. Said Resolution 'ITo .184-A passed to second retdint ,read by sec tions and by mo tion of: Arty ur seconded by -;vans adopted as a wiole 3s re=ad. TNoveci by ;vans seconded by '1u ,hc s above mined ?resolution be reconsidered and Elngineor be instructed to run boundary lines more def inately. Carried. '.,to-,,red by "]vans seconded by Tiu�;hes i;t.& Alley CommitLee meet with 7,,r .!Iichols rind representrltives of 3 .11,& ).Py.Co at 2 O' Clock P.in.14ondrty July 13th,for the purpose of considering; the proposed extension of S.11L.& S . tr-lcks on Tgrtin :Stand 2nd .Azre .to right of way of ':Iatc'r mray :DisLrict.C�%rried. "o ,.ion Lo '--j.d,jour , Clerk. ;Y I XH F� 255 Ren ton ,,duly 14th, 1914. Regrulrtr sessibn of the City Council ,Itayor Dobson pregiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen ArLhur ,,.�v�n9 riull,11 morid, 7-Lnsen and 11u ;hes ; City Attorney :r,n ;inter Arid Clerk . Tfinutes of last regul it cession read •ind ap-)roved. v Proves t by property owners on T.1ain Stand 2nd .Ave .agrtinst- the^ - construction of the proposed gravel extensidn to street c-�r tr ;ek' read. Moved by Arthur seconded c)y 'Ev ins same be plriced on file . „ ir rigid. T.epor t of Il inince Commi Ltee ; '"Je,your Cornmi LLee on Fir,axrce '_n ive ex%mired ind recomend for payment the following bills ; G.A.Harner 2..00 AM.D.IS)torey 3 .00 7_ m gg Labor P;y Roll 124.254 Signed GE10 .Arthur,'i'hos .Iiayrnonci Committee . Movcd by T?ughec seconded by Evans all bills 0 .K.0,by the a a +'in-ance Commi '.Lee be illowed. C irried. Report of Health Officer on sanitary c031-di tion oi' property S on east side of Ced{tr )t.between 'Third Ave .And pipe line read. a T1,1oved by Raymond seconded by Clark s�ime be referred to Street & Alley Committee for report as next meeting. Carried. r Communic•ition from P.S.T.L.,'c P.Co .re,zd. Joved by Y'ughhes secon- ded by Arthur 9-erne be pl•icedon file . C-irried. Communic-ition from A.H.Cox rel hive to pump belonging to City which }las been in chrirge of 11,eynolds Electric Co .re-.d . 3 oved by :.;vans seconded by Full Lh-rit Yayor a­point Commi tLee of two to call on Hr .Cox i i company with Joe IVood -and hive above mat ter %d,j - usted . Carried. 1.1'%yor -ippoints Councilmen ,;va.ns and F-Iull. Ordinince No .379 approving and confirming assessment rind asse- ssment roll Dist.No .70 read first time . Moved by Arthur seconded by "Iiughes same be rete , ed to Ordinance Comrii ttee . C irried. Ordinance 11Io .380 Yippropri�iting money for Lhe purchase of the Park re�id first time . -?oved by Arthur seconded by "vans said Ord . be passed to second re-Tiding iod adopted . Carried . Ordin-ince 1-Co .3,30 read second time be sections and upon motion of %ansen seconded by Paymond, all Councilmen voting Aye :vas decl- sired idop ted. 256 T:esolution No .184-A beim; Pesolution of intention to improve certrtirn property on the east of Cedar Stand south of Third Ave . by cons trac tion of storm iv-iter se,Ter read first Lime . Idovecl by Arthur seconded by Hughes s erne be re.ferredxx to Ordinance Commi- ttee . 01-irried. Ivioved 'by Arthur seconded by Hughes th%t Fire Dept.be o,llo,,ved ,50.00 from the General Fund for tleir -.nnual outing -It Millers L-inding . C-trried. R.',,Ilood %sks permission to occupy sidewalk and portion of street it corner of Ti-.in -ind t-.11 i17%11% Wiile constructing new building %t sait? corner . 11oved by `;v ins seconded by Arthur per- rni syion be granted is requested . Carried . Motion to %djourn. Clerk. f r I YNTH 257 Renton,Z`uly 21st, 1;31 .. Council met in regulir session, '.rtyor Dobson presiding. ?poll Call ; Present Councilmen Ar tliur , v,ins ,r+' iul1 ,R Dymond ind tiughes , Ci �y AL,6orney and Clerk . :Tinute5 of 1%S L regul•:ir session re id and i,ppro"red. mom Application for sc�;er connection Lot 16 ,B1k, 18 by H.A.°r ellen in read . LToved by E ins seconded Il)y Arthur same be gr--inLed . C'irried . Petition for extension of wItpr main on Tobin Ave .signed by wirious property ovaners on : yid s Lre(, t read . 1"oved by Evrins se c- onded by Arthur same be placed on file rind referred Lo Fire ,Lih t & '&'Tater Committee . Carried. Report of !,"in-trice Conmi Ltee . sle ,,your Co gni .t Lee on Fin trice )Vive ex--imioied rind re comend for p%ynen t the following bills ; Henry 'iTiorti`is 3.00 Renton Lbr .Co . 3.90 United S to Les Rubber Co . 10a .35 P. J. T.L.& P. Co . 3 .31 Signed Geo .Arthur ,Thos .11!iymorid Commi L ,-ee . 7ove:i y ,v �n.s seconders by llugIies all bills C7.K.d by the Fin.ince Commi Ltee be �.l.loaed . C-irried. Report of ; Lreet & Alley Committee rel-.five to wranLing perms L, for construction o`' gravel spar read. 11oved by R'iymorid seconded by Ar L1iur same be received tnd pl iced on file . C trried. Report of Police Judge for month of ,tune re id . Moved by Ev'Ins :seconded by -111aull same be received ind placed on file . C�iNried . Report of City Treasurer for mon Lh of June ,ilso for period ending; July 6th,re=ad . Droved by .F cull seconded "by INrniond s%ne be received and filed . C irried . City ClQrk reports no pro Les Lsi�;,tinst proposed v-.citing of 25 ft .strip From e•ist end of 7Lh & 8th Avenues north as petitioned for by C.?x P.S.Ry .Co . :,roved by Faull seconded hy -,vrins same be 1=iced on -'ile . p C; tr r i e d. . Communicr.tion from Beebe u: '41itcomb rel-hive to pump which had been in story e with the Reynolds i,lectric Co .re�id . I.,Ioved by Arthur seconded e)y Paymond sale be pl'iced or; file . C irried. Co�.~imunication from C`iv%n�ugh relative to dredging of Bl ick River re!id. Moved by Evins seconded t,v F-lull same be. plIced on fill C,trried. 258 Ordin*nce Yo .378 rel•iting �o v is-tting of 25 '+ t.s trip , 7th & 8th, Avenues :North re.-id first time . Loved by ArLhur seconded by Hu(,�Ies same be referrod to Ordin -ince CoYnmi tee . Carried. Or iin ince No .380 rel;tiny; to Grqnrigi, of permit for constru- ction of gravel spur on M—tin it.& 2nd .Ave .re id first time. I`'doved by Arthur seconded by Hughes srirne be ret erred Lo Ordin.ince Co rimi ,Lee . Carried. Ordirif).nce _`?o .379 3pprovinj; -ind confirming; assessment Lind *isse- ssment roll Dist.No .70 p-issed to second re•idinf„read by sections rind on motion of Arthur seconded by Paymond was adop Led ,all Cou- ncilmen voting; Aye . "oved by Arthur seconded by Evros Clork and ALtorney co,rm- unic ite iii t'n C.Pc P.S.F'.y.Co. and N.P.Co .in Lho m�ii,ter of Vie use of spark arresters in the City limits . Crirricd . I”esolution rlo .184-A. relating; to proposed s Lorm lv ILer sewer for the district lyin, esst of Ced it 3 t.and south of Third Ave . p iysed Lo second re iding rwid by sections and by motion of Ar'I'llur seconded by iiui�hes wis adopted is reed . Poll vote ;all Council,ywn voting Aye . hoved by Arthur seconded by 'riug;les Purchtsing Agt.be instra- c Led to nure'lwise ri. fire hydrant for use Lt Ced-ix ,tdd 5 Lh, Avenue . C`irrled. �o Lion co idj ourn, Clerk. s•' s Y HFF 259 Renton,July 28 th, 1914 . Council me L in regular sesaion ,T:ayor Dobson presiding. 11011. C x.11; Present Councilman Evrins ,F tull,Clrtrk,l"iymond, Hansen and Hughes ; City ALtorney and Clerk . Minutes of last session read and approved , Petition for water seririce ,Acre 'r �.et No .62,Renton Co-opera- tive Acre Tr'icts No .2,By Lou Cross reed . Eoved by Hughes seconded by C1•trk same be granted . Carried. Deport of Vinance Committee ; Je ,vour COIDMi L Lte on Finance have ex,mired and re comerid for p'Aymen L the following bill.-, ; Hen ton. Ful le tin 34 .80 Garfield Preidham 1 .00 Libor P,*y Roll 80.65 Holmes & Suring 2124 .9 A.Bighop 10 .00 :signed, "hos .Cl irk , ;:'hos .I; 260 Firemens picnic 'iL ?,Aillers Be ;ch on Aug .2r,d ,read . Moved by Hanaen seconded by Hughes same be received ,fil.ed and invitation accepted . Carried . Report of ;tate Examiner presented and thai; portion relating to condition of City and recomend.ations read. T"oved by ;TugYies seconded by Raymond same be placed on file and recomendations carried out. Carried . Ordin ince No .382,re1,-,.ting to the granting of franchise to N.P.}iy.Co .for construction of double track on Sixth Ave .North read first time . r?owed by Hughes seconded by N=insen same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried . Ordinance 70 .381 ,re1;tin6 to the granting of permit for gravel spur passed to second re%,ding,and read by sections . ?;oved by ',,vans seconded by Faull same be adopted as a whole as read. After some discussion apon the merits of the said Ordinance above motion was withdr';wn,and 'by hio tion of 3 v-ins seconded by Cl,irk same was referred beck 'to Ordinance Corrmi ttee for further amendment .M-o bion Carried. Ordinance !,,To .378 rel ntting to the vacating of 25 feet from wis t end. of 7th,and 8 Lh,Avenues forth passed to second reading, read by sections 4,nd on motion of Hughes seconded by l,va,ns was adopted . Poll Vote on s~-me ,fill Councilmen zro ting Aye . ':-oved by :Ewinr, secowled. by TTughes that prorosi pion of P.O. `1'.L.&: P .Co . in mater of remodelinG of lamps for the 350 C.P. lights be accepted and Clerk notify said Co .to LYI tt effect. C`irried. . I-oved by Hughes seconded by „vans Clerk be ins true ted to draw warrant in the amount of 0,,150.00 in frilror of Firemen ,account annual picnic. Carried . lJio tion to adjourn , e rk . I Y U H 26.E Ty.enton ,Aug,4t-h,I:,91,1. Regular session of the City Council. ,l;`'ayor 'Dobson preoiding. Roll C-t11 ; Present Councilmen Arthur,l;vtns ,ilqull ,C1 trk,1?4ymond, Hansen and Hughen; City Attorney and Clerk. lilinutes of last reguir r :session rend and approved. Petition for water service Acre 'Tr-a.ct Ilo .5,r?eritort Co-Oper- ative acre Tracts Iio .2 also Lot 8 ,Block 3 , 'arrn Plat read . Foved by +,vrtns seconded by Ha6hes same be 6 ran ted . Carried . application for meter service Lot 2,Block 21 for ice plant Of J .I..vioue read. ldroved by H Lnsen seconded by 1-51iull sr;me be granted . Carried. Pro gest from Re%6on Farm Co .f g•�inst the v•a.crating of port- ions of 6t;h,Ave .I`lorth -ind lacy Avenue read . TiToired bylTughes sec- onded by sir thur same be placed on file . Carried . hemonstrance signed by property owners on 'Third. Avenue against the proposed gravel spur refid . Moved by Raymona :seconded by Hansen same be received and _filed. C-irried. Report of Fin-ince Committee . �.. 7e,,your Committee on Fin:--ince have examined and re;comend for priyment the followinE bill., ; Renton Hdw.Co . 16.75 O;.K. Transfer Co . 17 .75 L.& P.Co . .25 Seattle Lightint Co . .5Q Renton Drug Store 1.10 IT%tionril Meter Co . 1 .50 Kent & Renton y'el .Co . 2,15 O.K.Livery 2.00 R.'=food 2.00 Joe 'hood 50 .00 Librfiry I-'und 127 .00 %,Vm .Tonkin `i're,ri s . 3 .60 Signed,Geo ..izthur, `''hos .F:aymond , 'hos .C`lark Committee . Y,oved by Ha6hes se ^onded by Evrins all bills O.K.d by -the Finance Commi i,tee be illoti.ed. C-irried . I epor t of ways p-- Me ins Corami ttee . ;e ,your Commi :tee on '° ays x Tare-;ns to �*iom was- referre'd the claim of Holmes & Haring of 417 .44 beg leave to report Is foll- ows ; oll-ows ; This claim arose out of the purchase of the Park %rd is the -amount of the Cornmercir-tl 1a.tfrwra.y District No .2 assessment. As the Ordin-:.nce .for purchasing the Park prescribed that the title was to be free frorr, rL11 claims ,we r. ecomend tl-iat the clreim 262 be disallowed. Signed Peter 'T- nsen , +', .J.I�ughes ,IY. ,'vans ,Co°rrr�i ctee . Moved by I?aymond seconded by Arthur report be received ,placed on file rAnd recomendation carried out .C-trried . Report of T-,-easurer read . T;'oved by Hughes seconded by Evans Brune be placed on file . Carried . Peport of Clerk. !:roved by Evans seconded by Tiansen same be placed on file . Carried . Communication:, from C.& P.S.Ry.and N.P.Ry.Co' s rel=Live to sprirk arresters reed. TAoved Icy Fau-ll seconded by Hansen same be placed on file . C"rried. Ordinance No .331 relating to gr- vel spar came up for fin-al reading. Loved by Hughes seconded by Clark same be l tid on table indef inately .Po 111 'Vote . Iiughes ,IT%nsen ,C1{rk %nd ]vans voting Aye . R-iymond ,71 -iull and Art'rlur voting No . Same c-irried. Ordinance No .382 rel-sting to granting; franchise for double track on Sixth Ave .I\Torth to N.P.Ry.Co .laid over one week . Petition from Car ?n Foundry Co .for the vacating of a portion of Sixth Ave .11orth and portion of Mniv avenue read. Eoved by Hughes seconded by Clark .carne be referred ;,o 5Lreet R4 Alley Commi utee . C-irried . !'ayor Dobson officially appoints J'os . ;;dwards as ;troet oupt Loved by ?;vans seconded by Hughes a,yr,pointn rit be confir~ned and th,iL oath of office be administered by :attorney. Carried . 1;roved. cry Q,wins seconded by Cl -irk City . „torney be irisLruc- ted to draw OrdinE;nce for :hf� repriirin& of gidetiwalks .C-irried. Matter of improper 7,cwerage at Library was by motion X 1ra.ns seconded by I r-tymonc; referred to Town Property Commi itee . I;lo tion to :rtdj ourn, l� 263 Trenton Aug.11 th, 1914. Council met in regular session,Irayor -obson. presiding. Roll Cell ; Present :Councilmen Evn.n,, ,Full ,T'aymond,?Trinsen ind Hughes ; City Attorney and Clerk. "inut.es of 1-ist session read and approved. ?deport of Finance Committee; de,your �-ommiLtee on Fin-ince 1.1-ave ex i.mined ~end recom- end for pa,ymen L the following bills ; P.S. 'T.L.,P.Co. 'Mn 154.50 .K-�.n e Pre-ibe Pros . 64.63 A.Hambach Co . 9.45 Ed.L.Terry 9 .11 Labor Pay T= oll 78 .55 Signed ,Thos R%Ymond H.Evr,ns P .Hansen ,Corr;mi 'Utee. Taloved by 'iu6hes seconded by 7 null all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carriod . Pleport of To vn Property Commi Ltee ; Te ,,spur Committee on Town Property to Whom was refe -r- ed the need of repairs at the Public Library beg leave to report ris follows ; 'We have exfimined the premise;- and beleive Vie trouble orig- in Ere s in the failure to conduct the rain water from the roof through a separate pipe or ou tlf-�t :a.-L the ground, and ie recomenr7. th It ,' ,iepFir tte drain be constructed to carry off the rain .eater from the roof. This can be done by laying tilinL to the street It in expense of probably less Lilan 125 .00. >igned ? .J.Hughes , Thos TIAymond, Committee. Moved by HIr,sen ;-eco Acd by PIuli bb-It roport be rtc;r(,p ced '4>>d recomendation ca.-rigid out. Poll 'rote , all Councilmen present voting Aye. Carried. Report of Fire,.Liglit & slater Conjmittee . We,your Committee on I+ire,Light & ;,rater to jv':Zom 1,1as referr. e,1 t?le ma tier of pIying the expenses of tie Fire Cheif to the Firemens Convention beer leave to report as follows ; ,,lie beleitechat it will lbe beneficial to LI-le City of ITe.nton to hive- o,r Fire LGii.V� Ir )n rind recomend t1 `-tit an appropri=ltion of the sum of Fif Ly Dollars be made from t le General :fund for thIL purpose and tl"4.t R -,irr int be drawn in fav- 264 or of Joe 'Vood , the present Fire Cheif of. .1a � "eni:on - ire Dcpittorent ;:'igned '2hos .Raymond , 1.,N'v,ins , Comm ittee. Moved by Hansen seconded by F.iull report be accepted and re comen d ition carried out, and Clerk be instructed to draw w -irran.t Poll Vote ; All Councilmen voting Aye . Carried. Clerk reports no protests ag,sins t proposed Cedar Street storm sever . Moved by Hull seconded by Evans report l:)e placed on file . Carried. Report of on reloc-sting lights read. ?gloved by ??ughes sec onded by l;vans report be placed on .file. C-trried . Ordin-ince No .383 ,relating to Ceder Street storm sewer read first time . Loved by Hughes seconded by ?i insen s!'Vne be referred to Ordinance `%ommi tteetX trried. Moved by 11,vans seconded by :F-tull City Ait;torney drawn agreement with property owners on Tobin Ave .who petitioned for extention of water main and that water Supt.have same signed up by the several property owners ,agreving to p`iy the City for the necess-try pipe upon delivery and they to do the con: truction -,.vork under the sup- ervision of the water Supt . Also that Purch.A&,t.order the pipe nec- essary for the viork . Carried. Loved by Evans seconded by -Hughes Mayor appoint Committee to confer with Port Commi ssf on relative to the surveying work on the Black River dredging project . Carried . Appointments laid over for one week. Akio tion to 'idj ourn, Clerk. . 265 Renton,W-igh. August 13th,1914. Council met in regular seosiondl.ayor Dobson predicting . Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur, vans ,.Faull,Raymond , Hansen and Hughes , h'tinuteo of last regular session read and approved. Petition presented by P.S.T.L.& P.Co , asking permission to remove certain poles and renet poles on dells St.BeL.34d.& 2nd . Avenues read . Moved by Evans seconded by Raymond permission be granted. Carried. Petition preseAted by Renton Real :Ms Late Go . asking for the vacation of portions of certain streets in the First Add . of said Co .read. ;loved by Rvass seconded by Arthur same be received and filed and Council go on record in favor of the vacating of the parts of streets as petitioned for. Poll Vote- on same, all Councilmen voting Aye. Carried. Report of Finance= Commi ttee; We ,your Committee on Finance have- examined and recom- end for payment the following bills ; Trick & Murray 61.95 United C to tes Rubber Co. 5.40 R.L.Polk �• Co . 4.00 1M .Tonkin Treasurer, 2.50 Joe Seibert 2.50 Signed Geo .Arthur ,Thos Raymond Co?amittpe. Moved by Faull seconded by Hughes 311 bills O.K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Report of Police Judge for month of July read . Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur same be placed on file. Carried. Communication from P.S .T.L.& P.Co .giving permission to the City to cross that certain strip of their property necessary for the installation of the Cedar Street s to rn sewer read. Moved by Hughes seconded by Raymond sane be received and filed . Carried. The following communication was received from the Renton Volunteer Fire Dep %+wtment. To the Honorable Mayor .and Council ,City of Renton. Gentlemen; follows . The Re*dton Vol .Fire Dept.report to your Hon.body as 266 In relation Lo the fire at the home of. �,I.Diek at 2, A.M. this data ,sae find that fire had been started at the barn,also pit rear of house on porch,and would suggest that the Council investigate and endeavor to place t1-le re:3ponsibili ty for s-vne . Yours truly, Jas .Flynn 3ecy,Pro-tens . Joe 'Flood Cheif. 14oved l,y Evans seconded by Hansen same be filed rind :Day and Nighl- aarshal' sg make investigation and report at next meeting. Carried Moved by Arthur seconded by Hughes Uirshal no Lify Mr. Phillips and J�is .,,Jartin to have rubbish in re-;r of their place of business removed at once . Carried. Ordiwince i1o .383 relating to Cedar Ct.storm sewer paused co second re ading ,read by se cti ons and on motion of Arthur seconded by iiubhes adop Led as a whole as reed. Poll Vote all Councilmen voting Aye. Carried. resolution presented by ''Pitton meal Estate Co.asking for the vic ;ting of certain -parts of streets in their first Add. to the City of Renton read. Moved by a van�-i s3eronde.d by I'-IVll same be +dopted as read. poll Vote,all voting Aye . Carried. Moved by 'ravans soconded by Ttansen Tna u'.(-r of purchasing disinfectant for public buil.lings of that City be referred to f2own Property Commi tine for report at next mee Ling. Carried. io tion to adjourn, Clerk. XWE 267 Renton,Aug,25th,1914. Regular session of the City CouncilsMayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Evans ,l'aull ,Raymond ,Hansen and Hughes ; City Attoralry and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session rend and approved. Petition from C.H.Cmith asking for license to operate a shooting gallery in connection with his pool room on leain St. read . Loved by Hensen seconded by Evans same be filed and referr ed to Police and License Committee . Carried. Petition presented by property owners on Cedar St.South asking for a light,also for the installation of a hydrant on that portion of the street read . ?,loved by Evans seconded by Hug hes same be referred to Fire•,Light & Water Committee . Carried. Report of Finance Committee. We ,your Committee on Finance have examined end recomend for payment the following bills ; Garfield Preidham Henry Thomas 1.50 2.00 Labor Pay Roll 102.45 Signed Thos -PLaymond,E.J.Iiu,6,hestPeter Hassen ,Committee Moved by Evans seconded ry Paull all bills O.K.d by the Finance Commi wee be allowed. Carried. Report of Town Property Committee . We,your Committee on. Town Property beg leave to report as follows ; That we recomend the purchase of one case of Verrnx for use in the municipal buildings of the City of Renton as we deers it necessary in our Comfort station . Signed E.J.Hughes ,Thos .Raymond,Committee . Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen report be received ,filed and recomendation carried out . Carried. Report of City ILarshal . Honorable Mayor and City Council. I+ herewith report that I have made a thorough invest- igation of the fire at the home of Walter Pick and find that fire was started in two places ,one at birn, th.e other at rear of house , with the intent to destroy said prop er ty,bu t as yet have not been able to place the responsibility of same. Signed Jos -Edwards ,tiarsha.l. 268 Moved by Hughes seconded by Hansen report be received and filed ind Marshal be instructed to continue investigation.a$ amt C%cried.. Treasurer reports closing of Dist.11o .26 with a small surplus which has been reverted to the General Fund. I owed by Evans seconded by Hughes report be received and r4Uz filed . Carried. Health Officer reports unsanitary condition of premises of Mrs .Yule in dock 3 No .Renton. ]loved by Hughes seconded by Raymond report be received and filed and I.Arshal be instructed to see that said premises are made sani- tFixy. Carried. Re-solution empowering the Mayor and Clerk to sign the nec- essary easements and contracts for the Cedar St.storm sewer read. loved by Evans seconded I-,y Hughes same be adop Led as read . Carried The question of the construction of the above mentioned sewer whether by contract or by day labor was discussed and on motion of Nughes seconded 1-)y Hansen t:ras referred. to Finance Com- mittee for report at next meeting . a portion of Protest made by D .C.r?titVhell against payigg for/the 4" water m,*in recently laid in front of his property on Tobin Ave . was by motion of Hughes seconded by Hansen referred to the Fin- ance Committee for eeport at next meeting. Motion to idjourn, Clerk. i XIfFIJ 269 Renton,&g t,lst,1914. Council met in regular session�pYayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Evans ,Faull. and Raymond City Attorney and Clerk. :Minutes of last session read and approved, Report of Finance Committee; Je ,your committee o8 1''inance have examined and recpm- end for payment the following bills ; O.K.Transfer Co. 2.50 77m.'i'onkin,frees . 6.75 Ed.L.'.ferry 82.80 Pacific Coast pipe Co. 113.70 Renton Hdw.Co . 14.05 J-os .l dwards 8.00 Renton Bulletin 14.60 Verax Chemical Co. 20.35 ,-oe Wood 50.00 Library Fund 45.00 Signed Geo .Arthur,Thos Raymond Committee. !,,loved by Evans seconded by Vaull all. bills O'.K.d by the Finance Commi Ltee be rllofved . Carried . Report of Street add Alley Committee . We ,your Committee on Streets & Alleys to whom was referred the Cedar Street Storm sewer construction recomend that the Clerk ca•11 for bids on s-ime . Signed H.Evans,J'ohn F3ull,Geo .Arthur Committee . lJoved by Raymond seconded by Evans report be placed on .file and recomend tions carried out. Carried. Report of Police & License Committee. VJe,your Committee on Police & License to whom was referred the application of C.Smith for shooting gallery license in conn- ection with his pool room recomend that same be granted. Signed Geo .Arthur,J.ohn Full Committee. 'loved byEvans seconded by Raymond report be placed on file and recomendr-ttion carried out. Carried. Report of Finance Committee . de,your Committee on Finance 'to whom was referred the protest i of D.C .Mitchell against the payment of portion of the extention of witer main on Tobin Avenue beg leave to report as follows ; We recomend that all. property affected be assessed in propo- rtion. aligned Geo.Arthur, ` hos Raymond ,Committee . -Moved by Evans :seconded by F gull report be received ,filmd and recomendation c-.cried out. Carried . Report of Clerk for month of August read. P. oved by Arthur seconded by Avans same be placed on file . Carried . R.H.Thorne addressed the Council on tho matter of the con.- structIon of a party wall. petween the City property and property I . of T,'rs .Thorne adjoining on the north,on which a brick building; is in course of construction, also making; offer to City of gravel to be removed from said premises ,o °fering same to the City for use on the streets at a nominal price,a.lso the matter of opening; al l.ey through Block 22. Moved by ';;vans seconded by Ar Lhur m3 cter of party wall. be referred t Committee ,nand proposition relatigg to the removal of gravel be referred to :')tree t and 411e y Committee. Carried . 7,."atter of alley was by mo wion of Arthur seconded by R" iymond referred to Street Alley Committee for report at next meeting. . There being no further business mo tion made to adjourn. Clerk. r I X'«FE 271 Renton,Sept,8 th,1914. Council celled to order by the Mayor. There no t bding a quorum present motion made and seconded that an adjourned meeting be held on Wednesday evening,Sep t.9th.same Carried. Bd.`1'onkin,Clerk Pro .tem. Renton Sep t.9 th, 1914. Adjourned meeting of the Council called to order by the mayor . Poll Call ; Present Councilmen W ins Faull ,Hughes Raymond add Hansen. Minutes of last regular session read and improved. By motion of Evans :seconded by Hughes regular order of busi- ness was suspended to hear from Mrs .Douglas on Library *affairs . Airs .Douglas rends report of the library for the first quarter also gives :R*XKxaaxaf amounts of appropriations from several neighboring towns to their respective libraries and urges the Council to increase the appropriation for next year to $2000 .00. Discussion on above deferred to next regular meeting. Matter of Cedar k3t.Storm setiver taken up.After some discuss- ion motion was made and seconded that the Mayor appoint a City '+,'ngineer to succeed Mr.Tvete,. Mayor appoints 11t .G .A.Harner with the understanding that appointment will not be discussed until next regular mee ting,and that Mr .T've to be given the opportunity to complete the plans and specifications for the above sewer. algatter of Seattle Renton & Southern Street Car Co .occupyin portion of Third Ave�.while laying brick paving between their t acl� was by ,notion of Faull seconded by Iiughes granted . Said Co. to use the south side of Third Ave.while doing said work. .Matter of party wall between The City property *and property of Mxs .Thorne was laid over to next meeting, Town Property Committ- ee to bring in written report on same at that time. Marshal Fdivards presents request for his annual vacation. z moved by Til%ull seconded by ^vans same be gradted and that the ?Mayor appoirnAt a substitute . Vayor appoints Peter Dullahant. Mayor also appoints Councilman Hansen to act on Toms property committee in matter of party wall in the absence, of Councilman Clark. I%o tion to adjourn. GL� �C.lPrk_ 2 Ren ton, Sept,15th, 1914. City Council met. in reu ulcer session,11ayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Evans ,Faull,Raymond,Hansen and Hughes ; City Attorney add Clerk. :tTinutes of ixxtxxxg adj ourndd meeting read and approved. Petetion for water service ,.Lot 26,B1k .6by Joe Lane read. Moved by Ev%ns seconded by Hughes same be granted. Carried. Petition by property owners in B1k.22 for an alley through said block .read. Moved by Faull seconded by Raymond same be referred to Street & Willey and Town Property Cornmi ttees for report at next meeting. Carried. Pe ti tion for gravelir g of `ddhi tworth 3t.bet,,,reen 3rd .& 4th Aves . read. Moved by Paull seconded by Hughes 9%me be referred to Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition for graveling ',dells 3t.be cween 4th,& 6th, Aves ..read. ;roved by Raymond seconded by Hamsen same be refe, red to St.& --ley Conmi tt,�e with power to act. Carried. Report of Town. Property Commi ttee . We,your Committee on Town Property to whom was referred the prop- osition of I-Irs .Ada Thorne in reference to the construction of a party wall on the line between her property and the lot on which the City Hall is situated beg leave -to report as follows ; We have considered said proposition and deem it inadvisable to allow the con truction of a party* wrill on the lind referred to and there- fore recomend that the matter be indefinately postponed. Jigned, E.J.Hughes ,`l"hos .Raymorid,P.Hansen, Commi ttee . Moved :and 3oconded report be received ,pl•aced on file and recome- dd ation curried out. Carried. Report of Fin--ince Cornmi t tae . el .`Je ,,your Committee on Finance have examined and recoraend for payment the following bills ; Richmond Paper Co. 8 .85 !Nrlington Improvement Club 5.10 Renton Drug ;;tore- 1 .35 Seattle Lighting Co. .50 P.S.T.L.F.c P.Co . 154.50 Kent & Renton Tel.Co . 2.00 Labor pay roll 125.50 Library Fund 98 .27 Signed,Geo .Arthur, `rhos .R-tymo8d Commi LLee . ..loved by Hughes seconded by ;vans all bills O.K.d by the Finance Cotami ttPe be allowed. Carried, (AFF 273 Report of Police Judge for month of August read. Loved and seconded game be placed on file . Carried. Communication •end resignation of Rev.0.1%Kreiger as Trustee of the Library read . Loved by Arthur seconded by Hughes same be placed on file and resignation accepted is requested. Carried. •� Clerk reports no protests to the pro,po,aed vacation of portion of Commercial ave .and north S'iattuck k3t.as petitioned for by the Renton Real Est;te Co . Annual budget as approved by the `;Plays tie means Commitee read. Resolution No.185-A approving budget and se tLing date for protest on same read and on motion of Nvans seconded -by Arthur adopted as re=+.d. Ynyor Dobson officially declares vacancy in the office of City Engineer and appoints G2A.Harner as �PIngineer to fill said vacancy.Appointment confirmed by the Council. MaLter of Kennydale road brought up by residents of Kennydale stating taiat at a conference with County Engineer and County Comm- isgioners the County agrees to pay one half the cost of constrac- tion from Cit limits to end of Y gr,.tded street in the City which would be 6th, Ave. forth.'%,Iayor ai­points as Committee to confer with interested property owners Councilmen Fa.ull and !;vans, and Paul W.Houser and J.C.1,cArlowe,Citizens , the Mayor also to act as one of the comrni ttee . Joe Wood reports proceedings of Fire Cheifs Convention rece- ntly held at Victoria,B.C. Matter of City of Seattle purchasing S.R.& 3.Car line to City limits of Seattle discussed,a.nd on motion of Evans seconded by Arthur City ALtorney instructed to draw up Resolution protesting against said action ivithouL same action being; taken to safeguard gPx�aRz�Yng:x a itn[zt the residents on the sou ,h end of line and the 'r City of Renton. Moved and seconded plans of City Tngincer H,arner changing route of Cedar 3L.storm sewer be adopted providing consent of C.& P.S.Ry.is obtained. Carried. Mo tion to adjourn. Clerk. Rernton,�ept,22nd,1914. Regular session of the City Council,11dayor Dobson presiding . Roll Gill ; Present Councilmen Evans,Faull ,Eaymond and Hughes . Minutes of last session read and approved. Petition for water service Lot 13 ,B1k .23;1.o t 16,B1k 11 Car works Add.and for sewer connection Lot 13 ,B1k .23,read. Moved by Evans .seconded by Hughes petitions be pl,,.ced on file and same granted. Cirried . Petition presented by E .J.Rounds Construction Co .asking to be allowed to use portion of street infront of Fast half of Lots 9-10,Block 13,while erecting building on said lots read. Loved by vans seconded by Faull petition be filed and request granted. Carried. Report of Street & Alley Committee; Je ,your Corrmi ttee on streets a* alleys to whom vas refe- rred the petition of the Seattle Car & Foundry Comp:*ny for vacat- ion of a part of Snoqualmie avenue and Lay Avenue beg leave to report as follows ; That, we have examined the petition -irking for such vacation and recomend that the prayer of petitioner be gran ted. Signed IT.Evans ,,Tohn Faull Cor'Mi ttee . Moved by Hughes seconded by Raymond report be filed and recomend- ation. carried out. Carried . Report of Fire ,Light & Water Committee ; 'PJe ,your Commi-ctee on Fire ,Light & Water to whom' 'vas referred the petition for a. hydrant and light on south end of Cedar Street beg leave to report as follows ; We recomend that said petition be granted and the Street Superintendent be ordered to proceed to instell same . Signed 'Thos .Paymond,H.Evans Commi ;tee . Loved by Hughes seconded by -Paull report be filed and recomend- *Lion carried out. Crried . Report of Finance Committee ; We your Committee on Finance have examined rind recomend for payment the .following bills ; ' ) XWE 275 G.A.Harner $27 .50 Joe Lenz 4.88 J.S.Hardie 13.15 Renton Lbr .Co. 3.70 W.C.P.Edwadds 4.25 J.S.Hardie 11 .05 Labor Pay Roil 31.20 Signed Thos .Raymond,ll.Evans ,Commi ttee. G Moved by Hughes seconded by Hansen all bills O.K. d by Lhe Finance Committee be allowed. Carried . Councilman Evans makes verbal report stating that he and othaa rs had visited the property of W.N.Jones and failed to find where said property had been d=:Amrxj�ed by surface water as claimed by the owner. Report of Treasurer for month of August read. Moved by Faull seconded by Evans same be placed on file . Carried. Resolution to Seattle City Council relating to purchase of S.R. : S Ry.read add on motion of Evans seconded by Hughes adopted as read . Resolutbon Yo .186-A relating to vacating of streets as petit- ioned etit- ioned for by Seattle Car & Foundry Co .read. Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes same be adopted as refid . Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes City Attorney be instruct- ed to draw up Resolution to condemn right of way for street through property of Seattle Factory Cites Co .for the proposed Kennyda.le road,same to be an extention of Mill Street North. Carried. Councilman Raymond calls attention of the Council to condition of 2nd .Ave .West between Burnett and Logan Streets and urged that some action be taken to have same put in good condition. Moved and seconded that matter be referred to 113treet & Alley Comm- ittee to interview property owners as to their wishes in the matt- er , Motion to adjourn, Clerk. 276 Benton, Sept,29th,1914. Regular se!,gion of the Council called to order by the 1,1:ayor. Roll Cell ; Present Councilmen Arttiur,Fiull,Raymond and Hughes. Minutes of 1-.s t session re*id ind approved. Petition for meter for Lot 7,.Block 5 by Mr .L.A.Cline read . IvToved by Raymond seconded by ?iughes same be granted . Carried. Petition presented by B.A.Shearer asking permission to use portion of Villi,;ms street for the purpose of storing gravel and send while constructing cement walk read. Moved by Hansen seconded by Arthur petition be placed on file and permission granted. Carried. Report of finance Committee. VJe ,your Comrnittae on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Kenton Bulletin 15 .30 Lowm-.n & Hanford 1.25 Ym.Kane 38 .42 Library Fund 16.65 Signed Geo .Arthur ,Thos .Raymond Cornmi t tPe. Report of Street & "lley Committee . We,your Commit-tee on Streets & I'lleys to whom was referred the petition to gravel `:'jells St between 4th,& 6th Avenues beg leave to report as follows ; That we h are examined the petition and there are not suffici- ent number of nunes of inter. esLed pmx.itieKax property holders to Justify the Council in granting, the request . `Ne 'therefore recomend that the same be indefinitely postponed. :signed Harold Evans ,John ^aull ,Geo .Arthur ,Committee Further report of Street and A.:Llley Committee, We,,your Committee on L tree is & Alleys to whom was referred the petition to gravel Shi twor th Street bet wen 3rd,and 4th. avenues west beg leave to .report as follows ; That we Ixave examined said petition and that V-:-ere ane not sufficient number of names of property owners on the petition to justify y the Council in granting the request. Signed Harold Evans ,John F ,tull,Geo .Arthur, Coinmittae . ""owed by Hansen seconded by Raymond reports be filed and rec- Y V E 2'77 mendations carried out. Carried. Report of .street & Alley Committee and Town Property Committee in matter of alley through Block 22 read and on motion of Hansen seconded by Arthur placed on file and recomendations to be compl- ied with. Carried. low Report of Treasurer on Sinking Fund read . Moved by Friull sec- onded by Hushes same be placed on file . Carried. Lloved and seconded that m%Lter of Cedar Street storm sever be referred back to Street and Alley Committee . Carried. Report of Street & "lley Committee on above sewer read and on motion of Hughes seconded by H-insen s"me placed on file. Resolution No.187-A authorizing the City to proceed W c01719tr- uct Cedar street storm sewer read and on motion of Hughes seconded by Hinsen,all Councilmen voting Aye,was adopted as read. Resol.xtion '"o .188-A relating to proposed Kennydale road read first time . Moved by Artliur seconded by Iiughes same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. ii... Night Marshal Stewart requests that he be allowed his anriu-11 vacation .Request granted add Mayor Dobson appoints Pe Ler Dullahant to fill vacancy. ", ved '.)y Arthur seconded by :1ughes that matter of garbage coll- ection be referred co Street & Al.ley Committee . Carried. Clerk instructed to communicate with P.S.E.Ry.Co.in regard to abatement of noise made by cars on thfir tricky . Motion to adjourn, Cler . ..r 2'78 Ren ton,Uct.5th,1914. Special meeting of the Counci'l ,llnr�kyor Dobson presiding. Object of the meeting to consider and hear protests on the proposed tax levy for the year 1915. Budget as prepared and approved by days & Means Committee was read and discussed. Resolution No .189-A approving said buget as read was by motion of Evans seconded by Raymond adopted as read . All Councilmen present voting Aye . Motion to adjourn, Clerk. c l I X W E 279 Plen Lon,0ct,6th,191 4. Regular session of the City Council,Mayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur,Fvans ,F%ull,P%ymond and Hugh.eg. City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session and special session read and approved. Petition for sewer connection Lot 18 ,Block 18 ,by Abe Williams read. Loved by Evans seconded by Arthur same be granted . Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; Vie,your `'ommiLtee on Finance have exsamiedd and recomend for payment the following bills ; Penton Hdw-.Co . 2.15 Yc Pherson Bros . 1.80 G.H.Be%le 18 .00 Wm.Tonkin,Trerasurer 16.00 Henry Thomas 2.65 Earlington TYnp.Club 2.55 Seattle Lighting Co. 1.80 Library Fund 83.99 Labor Pray Roll 60 .90 Signed Geo .Arthur,Thos.Raymond Commi ttee . Moved. by Evans seconded by Hughes all bills O.K.d by the Finance gommittee be allowed . Carried. Report of Health Officer For Third QuarLer,1914,read. Moved and seconded same be placed on file . Carried . Report of Clerk for month of Sept .rea.d . Moved by Hughes sec- onded by Raymond same be placed on file. Carried . Report of Treasurer for Sept .read . Loved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Resolution relating to and asking the aid of the people in the Washington. Apple Day movement was introducedxkjc, and explained by Paul W.Houser. Above Resolution re ad,and on motion of Arthur seconded. by Hughes was adopted . The condition of Main Street between 4th.Ave .nnd City limits was called to the attention of the Council by Councilman Elva.ns ,and on motion of Hughes seconded by Hansen was referred to Street & Alley Committee and Street Supt .with power to act. The nece,city of having a ladies toilet in connection with Fire Hall was brought up, and on motion of Evans seconded by Arthur was referred to Town Property Committee for report. Under the head of Remarks Deputy 'Treasurer Ed,Tonkin explains 280 to the Council the method of handling the sinking fund and his #rgument in favor of same . A vigorous reply was made in opposi Lion to same by City Attorney G3by. Motion to adjourn,, Clerk. 1XIITF 281 Ren ton ,Oct,l3th,1914. Council met in regular session,Ifayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur , -,vans,Faul] , Clark, P aymond ,Hansen and Hughes ; City Attorney and Clerk . Minutes of Blast regular session read and approved. Petition for meter service Lot 16,B1k .22 by R.M.`;Chorne read. Voved by ";vans seconded 'r-y Hughes same be granted. Cirried. Petition =asking permission to use portion of street in front of Lots 15-16 Blk .'2 for storing building material for period of thirty d-iys presented by R.M.Thorne . Moved by Hansen seconded by Arthur same be filed and permis,iion granted as requested . Carried. Report of Finan ce Commi Ltee . +e,your Committee on Fin ince have examined ¢4nd recomend for payment the following bills; J'%s .Leathley 12.25 John Yon.oghon 2-us@ 15.30 John H.Tones 8 .75 J.ohn young 10.00 Ro bt Lowery 10.00 Joe C�ivaletto 12.50 Geo .Taylor 12.50 `.. 'Im.P e win 12. 50 S Leve Shabro 15.30 Joe Jones 12- 0 Henry 17 .20 A.F'irrow 13.75 John Agne,,7 1'.. .10 Garf.Preidharn . 50 A.Beerman 8 .50 Elmer Itic Dowild 6.00 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co. 139 .41 Henry Thomas 1.75 G.A.H'*rner 46 .25 Joe Lenz 2.25 Trick & Murray 79 .60 Kent & Ren Lon Tel Co . 1. 30 Se.i ;le Car & Foundry Co. 29 .70 A .Harnbach Co . 139 .00 A.11-mbach Co . *11c" 22.93 ? d .L .Terry 46 .80 Rensselaer V-&lve, Co. 25.50 Frederick L% rrelson,Library Fund, 17 .25 Signed Geo .Ar Lhur,Thos .Cl=ark ,Trios Raymond Commit Lee . loved .by itughesa seconded by Hansen all bills O.K.32 'tay the Finance low Coy.wi ttee be allowed. Carried. Report of Tovm Property Cornmi L LeP . "fe,your �;onimi Ltee on `Lown , roper Ly to whor: ;vas referred tae advisability of putLing a ladifo toilet in Vie Firemen' s Ball b.-a leave to report •%s follows ; We have examined into the necesoity of a ladies Loile t in the Firemens Hall and hfkve enquired as to the cost of same and be lE.ive the s Mme to be necessary. 282 Bids received as follows ,J.S.11c Crea for toilet wmplete ready for plumbing $24 .60 Geo.Cus Ler 29 .35 B. A.Shearer,bid for plumbing complete X38 .00 J.S.Hardie 30.00 Signed fS.J.Hughes ,'phos .Clar'�, `i'hxymorid Co•nmi t tpP . I-Tovedby Evans seconded by Arthur report be placed on file and that contract be given to lowest responsible bidder . Carried. Report of i'olice Judge for month of Sept.read . Moved by Evans sec- onded by Hughes same be placed on file. Carried. Communication from P.S.E.R,y.Co relative to abatement of noire on curves of their tracks re 1 . Moved by R Tans seconded by Hansen same be pl-iced on file. C-,r.ried. Ordinance No .384 relating to card playing and closing hours of pool rooms read first time . Moved by Hansen seconded by Clark same be refF�-,red to Ordinanee Commi ttpe_ Carried. Protest of Renton i+.�rm Co. against the wication of portions of Snoqua,lmie and IvIfty Avenues read. Moved by Evfins seconded by 'Taull same be laid on t-ible indefinatel.y. Carried. Ordinance ido .jr85 vacating portions of Snoqualmie and 11,ty Avenues read first time . Moved by Hughes seconded by Tvans :lame be referred to Ordinance Committee . -Carried. Mayor Dobson appoints ITr .Gl big.Beanblos�iom as 'Trustee of the Libr,-iry to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rev.O.F.Kreiger. Moved by Evans seconded 'by HP-insen appointment be confirmed. Crtrried. Motion to adjourn, k C ark. 1 I �i F F, 283 Renton ,Oc L.20th 01914 . Regular session of the City Council ,M iyor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilnien,Evans,k'•'u1J.,F=�ymond,Iiansen Find Hughes . Minutes of last regul ,r session read and approved . Petitions for water service• Lot 1,B1k.23 by Robt.Sharp and Lot 9,B1k.1 cidsits Lake T+lashington Add .by Dr .C.L.Dixon read. I'oved by Evans seconded by Hansen same be granted, C'trried. Petition asking permission to set four poles on 'dells St.F. for telephone service presented by Ii .Parks on behfalf of the Kent & Renton Tel .Co . Moved by Hughes seconded by INnsen same be filed and referred toSitree t 6- Alley Committee and St .6upt.wi th power to !pct. Carried . On motion of Councilman Evans seconded by Hughes regular order of business suspended to hear from I'r .Baum6artner relitive to the %.mount (still due him on the FirsL Ave .Yorth paving. ?loved by Evans seconded by llaymon.d Lha t Coun.cil,Y:ayor ,Ci Ly Engr .ard St. up t.go over and inspect the paving on said street and report at next meet- ing. C irried. Petition to reset poles on portions of 'Jells , 'illiams ,l?urnett, Logan,Smithers find Morris Streets presented by C.Opitz for P.S. T. L.& P.Go . Moved by Faull seconded by Hughes permission be gr,►n Led . C Arried.. Deport of Finance Committee . :Je,your Commi tee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following; bills ; %alm.J.Jui11iams 7.90 'rim O' Leary le .3;; W.Evans 6.68 Phillip Lassoie 14 .3-9 W.Rvta.ns 10.00 M.`1'.Jones 4.35 Steve Sh abro 2.50 John Paull 15.00 `.. P.Dullalsy;,nt 36 .00 Zeb She iwer 30.00 Jno .Ii.Jones 1.85 Thomas .Faull 15 .00 'ihos .Rowe 2.50 Herb Swinj,;le 2.50 Geo .Portcr 2.J0 Joe Reid 15 .00 Denny Penton C.& C.Co . 10.60 R.M0od g• V 7F. 'Prick & 1::urray 36 .00 J.S.McCrea 34.60 Penton Iidw.Co . 17 .75 E.E.Duff. 20 .80 284 Signed Tho .Raymond ,H.;vans Commi LLee . F'oved by P-ughes seconded by Hansen all bills 0.;',.d by the Finance Commi Ltee be allowed . C-irried.. Communication from �Iashington Surveying & Rating Bureau reltitive to efficient electrical wiring and insurance risks on same read . Moved by Evans seconded by Hughen same be pl aced on file. Carried . CoYrmunica.tion from Frank Davis; protesting certain amount paid by him for graveling of Morris Street in 1909 , cluiming same should have been paid from Gener�il fund of the City reed. 2o.oved by Hughes seconded by Paull same be referred to Fin�;,nce Committee for investigation . Carried . Ordinance Uo .385 ,vacating portions of Snoqualmie and Yay Avenues passed to second reading,read by sections and on motion of Playmond seconded by Evans ,all. Councilman present voting Aye , adopted as re a.d. Vatter of taansfer of insurance, Ci ty Bldgs from Phoenix to home Insurance Co .ard extending of same for period of three years was by motion of Evans seconded by Hug". es referred to Fin-4.nce Commi Ltee with power to act. h'ayor Dobson mikes the follo%,iing appointments for Insp .dors and Judges at the Coming Ci Ly Primary. First IiVard. Inspector Peter Dullahatt. Xudges'� Robt .Ii.Wood and Mrs .C.F.Hearl . Polling place ,I-,rs Dinni rigs Store Bldg. Second `Hard. Inspector Evan T.F.ees . Judges 17rs .Bessie R,,ymond and .,.N.Jones . Polling PlRce,Fire ' iPall . Third Vla.rd. Inspector E.E.Duff. Judges A.srs .Geo .P?,-tncock and Paul Bassen . Polling place Recreation Hall. jv"oved by Evans seconded by Faull appointments be confirmed. Carried. Assessment roll for Dist .No .71 presented to the Council And on motion of Evans seconded by Hansen same approved . ResolutionPo .191_" fixing date of hefiring,assess3ment roll bis L.Yo .71 read,*end on motion, of Hughes seconded by Evans ,ail Councilmen present voting Aye ,adopLed as read . YatLer of sale of cement blocks taken from old City vault was by motion of Evans seconded by Paull referred Lo Toiwn Property Com. wi Lh power to act. P:yo tion to adjourn, Renton,Oct.27th-1914. Regular meeting of the City Council,Mayor Dobson presiding. Doll Call ; Present Councilmen z vans ,Faull ,Ix3yrnond ,N.snsen and Hughes ; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of l�;st regular session read and approved. ... Petition for water connection Acre Tract No .l 1?en ton Co-operat- ive Tracts No .2,bir Roslyn Phillips read . Y'oved by Evans seconded by Hughes petition be placed on file rind Water Supt. be instructed to install meter for :-aid applicant. Carried. Committee appointed to inspect paving on First Ave .North makes the following report. 'Ne ,your Commi '..tee consisting of the members of t�.e City Council , and Mayor to whom was referred the application of Baumgartner & PP_ougin for payment of the 1500.00 retained by Denton until the p vying on arterial way was relaid and repaired beg leave to report as foll- ows ; `.Ye examined the paring on t' .e arterial way in 11orth Renton and found Chit the cement, if it can be so c ill.ed, is very brittle and soft Irr and that the brick trere not in proTw s}apc, s`iDwigg i wave condi tion, considerable of it requiring relaying. 'le doubt whether the X500.00 re tftined try ,i,.e City will be suf Pi cien t to put ttite work in proper shape . We therefore recoinend that the City Engineer go over the paving carefully -ind mark the places needigg reltsying �*nd rep��.ir , t,; u file iii s report with the Cli ty Clerk,and thereupon the City Clerk notify the contractors to come out and do the necesliry relaying of brick and repairing of the work so marked by the City ,..ngineer . Si.bned ?i.Evan;3,John l+3ull , ' hog,P,iymond,l;.J .Hugh(,s, Thos. Dobson. Yoved by Evrins seconded by Hughes report be placed on file and recome,-ii ations carried out. Carried. Rep6r t of Finance Committee . II,e, ,your Cornmi ttee on Finance have examined and reuomend for payment the following bills ; H.D. Ioppini 75.00 Idilson Car i'arlowe 75.00 vY.F.Brown 12.00 Sbe Lenz 3.00 G..A.H%rner 13.15 FI.D. I0-pp ini 2.;;0 Ren ton 73ulle tin ::2.65 28fi `signed r�hos .T a ,mond ,-r .Evans Commi Ltee . Yoved by Hughes seconders by Hansen all bills O.K.D by tie Fin!-ince Committee be allowed. C•;rried. Report of Ordin,inca Committee; 'Je ,,your Commi �teP on Ordinances to whom was referred the Ordinance regulating pool roams and billiard rooms beg lerre to report as follows ; We h we exixnined L;,.e said Ordinance and crinnot approve all of its provi!3ions,but beleive Lhere s'iould be some additional regulat- ions and ttiierefore present in Ordinance which we ask to have submit- ted :for the original which ive aslc -to have Xtkmixxmtt substituted for the original and we recomend the adoption of such ordinance in case the same is substituted for the original. Signed,iH.2v•tns ,John Ftull , Thos .P.,ymond,Commi Ltee . Moved by :Hughes seconded by INnsen report be received and recomend- atione carried out. Carried. Ordinance No .384 as amended passed to second reading. Moved by Hughes sec .by Evans Sec.l be adop %ed as read. C.Arried. Loved by Raymon� sec .by 714.ull 3ec. 21,be adopted as read . C,�rried. Moved by Faull see.-ay ?iugjies ;ec.3 be adopted as read. Carried . Noved ley ^aull sec.by Evan, Sec .4 be adopLed as re id . Carried . Moved by Evanq sec .by IHug}les Sec.S be adop Len as read. C;iaried. Yoved by Paull seconded by :-Hughes Ordinance as a whole be adop Led as read. Poll Vo Le, Evans Paull ?: ymond and Hughes vo Ling Aye . H-insen iro ting no . Same carred. Councilman Hughes makes verbal report on question of extr -t X nighi. ]bSarshal for the winter months . LHoved and Seconded Clerk post notices calling meeting of the busines men and Citizens for Friday evening Oc t. 30th, to discuss ibove matter. Counciljnan Faull suggests Li`lat t'ne Council take up L'-ie matter of laying asphaltum over the planking on 14ill St.bridge .V'oved and second thit same be referred to Street & Alley Committee for inves- tigation and report at next me:�ting. Carried. LIaLLer of instal Ling a light at the corner of Walla %Ijalla & Burnett was referred to _'I ire ,Light & WaLer Cornmi LLee for report at next meeting. Motion to adjourn . Clerk. 11�'���,F j � Ren Lon ,Nov.in 01 ,1914. Regular meeting of the City Council, called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present councilmen Arthur ,l-vans,Ffiull,F?aymond, Hansen and Hughes ; City Attorney ^ind Clerk. Vinutes of hist regulir session read %nd approved . 60 Petition for shooting gallery license by 'Y.A.Bailey refid . Voved by Evans seconded 10,y Arthur slime be placed on file and grant.- ed . Carried . ?report of Fire ,Li.6ht F Water Committee . Payor and CiLy Council ; Gentlemen, We,your Committee on Fire ,Light & Water to ahom was refer red the petition for 3 light at the corner of Walla Walla Avenue and BurneLL !')tree t beg leave to report 3.s follows ; '�-Ye have examined the locality rind recomend that the petition be gran-ted . Sie,ned, Thos .R-iymond,H.I'vans ,John Faull. Committee . Yoved by Hughes ;seconded by Arthur report be received and recom- ``w endation carried out. Carried. Report of Finance Committee . de,your Committee on F irrince have exintined rind recomend for p iyment �he following bills ; '9�arlington fmp.Club 2.55 ;homers Reynolds 5.00 J.S.McCrea 7.25 Ren ton 1'dw .Co . 4.05 E.A.She firer 3.55 Joe Wood 10.00 Ben Atkinson 4.00 Kent & Renton Tel .Co. 3.0() The 'Renton Bulletin 18 .50 G.A.H,irner 12.50 Seattle Lighting Co . 3.00 League 1.11,-ish .Municipali Lies 5.00 Peter Dull-ah-ant Inspector 25.00 Evan gees Inspector 29 .00 `.Phos.;"1.Dinning 9.00 Vim .Kane 1 .50 E.E.Duff Inspector 27.00 Librriry Fund 94 .00 Libor Pay Roil 64.35 J.S.Hardie 30 .00 Signed Geo .Arthur ,;-t.3 vans, Thos .Raym-ond Commi tee . -Loved by Hughes seconded by Full all bills 4).K.d by the Finance Committee be allowed . Carried . Deport of Clerk for Oct.re id . TVoved rind seconded game be pl•iced on file . Carried. wO8 T eport of Trertsurer . 'oved by Evans seconded by Hansen same be filed . Gftrr- ied . Resignations of Mrs .Neva DouglHs and Grant lutes from Board of Trustees of Penton Public Library read . Moved by Hughes sec- onded by Hansen same be accepted and filed.Carried. Mayor Dobson Appoints Mrs .Jas .Nichols to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Iu"rs .Dou�;las , and IJr .`.Vm .Tonkin to fill. vacriney caused by resignation of Mr.Eates . Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes appointments be congirmed . Carried. Communications from hr .Ford rind I"r.I"oore relative to deed for right of way,Kennydale road read . Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur same be received aA placed on file . Carried . Communication from League of Washington Ifunicipali ties read. Moved by Evans seconded by Hughes sime be filed . C,irried. Ordinance Yo .386 rely ting to gambling read first ti.-,e . Yoved and seconded grime be referred to Ordin•;nce Committee . Ca- rried . ?ro tion to adjourn, Clerk . `-r IFF, 289 Ren ton,Nov.17 th, 1914. Pegular session of the City Council called to order by the MAyor . Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur ,Mv•ins ,Faull,Raymond and Hughes ; Ci Ly Attorney and Clerk . ftm MinuLes of last session read and approved . Petition for a light at north encs of Burnett 'Street, signed by property owners in that vacini ty presented !and read . T-owed by Hughes eeconded by _-Tva.ns same be filed and referred to Fire ,Light and WiLer Committee . Carried. Report of FinTtnce Committee ; Vie,your Commi rtes on Finance have examined and recomend eor payment the following bills ; Mc Pherson Bros 5 .30 W. C.D.'Edw trds ',. 50 Preibo� Bros . 8 .30 717m .Kane , C 41 90 A.Beerman 4 .50 L'd .AL.Terry 39.45 A.H-vnb•i,ch Co . 2.19- Labor nay Roll 26.20 Signed TI.Evans ,Geo .Arthur, C`ommittee . Moved by Iiuglies seconded by Paull all_ bills O.K.d by the i�.. Finance Cornmi ttee bb- allowed. C�4rried. Ballot of Ci Ly Primvary ca.r vassed by the Council . s"-,oved and second¢report of same be approved and placed on file . Carried. 'Report of Police Judge for Oct.reid . Arloved and seconded same be priced or, file . Cir.ried. Communication gran ting permission to lay ;? inch w-iLer pipe under N.P.Ry. tr icks IL 6th.Ave .North read and placed on file . Clerk reports no pro Les is against Cedar Street storm server assess,nent. Ordinance 110 .387 , appro,ring and condirming risessmenrt and 'Asse- ssment .roll. Cedar 3trpet storm se�.ver,Dist .Ilo .71 ,read first time . Yoved by ' 'vans seconded by Tiughes same be referred to Ordin Ince Committee . Carried. Yo tion to adjourn, .. x. 200 Re ton,.�ov.24 th,1914. I egulrir. session or the City Council to order by cIie ;,,Tayo r. . F-Ioll Call; 'Present Councilmen Ar than ,i;v ns , +gull ,l: Dymond, i' nen and Hughes ; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last re;ul.ar meeting read and ipproved. Pe ti tion for vritor 7,ervicc ,Lot 25,13lock 12,Car Works Add .rend. Moved and seconded same be Filed and request gran ted, . Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; " e,your Cornmi tee on Fin--ince have examined and recornend for payment the following bills ; J.S.Mc Cr(-;a 1.00 P.S.T.L.k P.Co . ;:'.17 Signed Geo .Arthar , `Phos Paymond,H .',�vans Committee. T,Tovrd by Hughes seconded by "ansen all bills O .K.d ,by the j'inance Committee be allo�aed . Carried. Co yriun�cation from :.Mate Hoard of Health re•ld . I'kloved and second- ed s Mme be accepted and placed on file . Carried. Communication from County Commissioners relative to change in vo tinG precincts read . Yoved by ,wins seconded by Paymond Council meet //Cy on "ridgy evening Sdolr.27LI o consider same. Carried . Ordinance Ido ..M7 ,approvLig and confirming assc,3sment and assess- ment roll Dist.'Io .71 passed to second re,tding,read by sections and on motion of Arthur ,Pc. nded by .11�vans ariop ted as a i=ihole .Roll call on sane all Couneilrnen present votini Aye . Miayor :�obson appoints tale Inspectors and Sud, es for the coming Ci ty election as follows ; First ',`lard; I=nspector I'laber Tic Uonrt1d .Judges Geo .Highi:on add Mrs . 'M!n .Dinning. Second 'Yard ; 1-nspector A.,'I.Ticknor . Judges Urs Margaret Nic'zols and TTarry 4 ones . Third ?'lard; Inspector A.Maddison . Judges G.A.Harner and Tars . Geo .11%ncock. 1"Olred by Arthur seconded by Tiaghes appointments be confirmed . Cirried. There being no further business motion made to adjourn, -T Clerk. I X HFF, 291 Ren Lon ,Nov.27 ��a, 1914. Adjourned session of the Council c•illed to order by the T':•-Iyor. Purpooe of the session to connider and pass Ordin-ince relocating; the ,"lards of the City and voting precinc Ls . Roll crill ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Ev-ins ,F-,tu' 1,R-tymond,Hansen and Hughes . Report of Ordin-ince Committee read . 1.Toved and seconded s-ime be received,.filed !and recomend-iLions carried out. Carried. Ordinance No .338 ,"elating to the division of t11e City into 'Jirds find repe%link; Ordin-ince No .349 reed first time . -Moved by Art'-lue second- ed by Hui yes same be pissed to second reading; and adopted . Carrind. Ordin ince No .3E38 pas sed to second reading,xaxdt Loved by Evans seconded by Hughes :3ec .l be adopted as re,,.d . Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by Hughes That lalt clause of ;rection iwo be amended to read , "In case of % vricancy in the office of CouncilmIn then Jie term of the Officer chosen to fila thevAetncy will. expire at the next regular City Elec Lion ."ITo tion carried, 14oved by Evfins seconded by Full Section Two be adop ,fid as amended. Carried. Idoved by r?aynond seconded by I-insen -,ec .3 be adopted lis rer;d . Carr- ied. Moved by Arthur seconded by I aynond sec tion 4 be adoptAd is read. C•irried. :,loved by r Lull seconded by EvFins section 5 be ad.op ted -Is reAd. Carried. lJoved by Hughes seconded by Art'zur section 6 be f-idopted as reid. Cirried . ::roved by Arthur sc:conde�4 y b, y :z�,v-in�� Ordiin•ancc. -is a vhole be idop ted 3s read . Poll Vote ; All Councilmen pre:ient voting; Aye ..Motion carried. L-To tion to adjourn, Cferk. 292 Ren ton,'Dec .1st, 1914. Regular session of the City Council called to order by the Mayor . R011 Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Evans ,Fau11 ,Raymonk! and Hughes ; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of list regular -meeting and adjourned moeting read and approved. Report of Finance Committee; 'de , .your Committeeon Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Henry Thom," .50 P.S.T.L & P .Co . 269 .70 A.Beerman 2.25 Renton Bulletin 8 .80 J.'N.Butler 5.00 Tommy Willifims 1.00 Ben Atkinson 3.75 Labor Pay Roll 74.00 Signed Geo .Arthur, Thos -Raymozid,H.Evans Committee. ,owed by 'Jugiies seconded by Paull all. bills O.K.d by the Fin,,tnce Committee be Illowed. Carried. Report of Treasurer for Nov.read. Moved by Hughes seconde4 by Evans same be placed on file. Carried. Report of Clerk for Nov.read . Moved by Faull seconded by Arthur same be filed . Carried. Resignation of Mrs -James Nichols as Trustee of Renton Public Library re-td. Loved by ;vans seconded by Hansen same be accepted and placed on file . Carried. Mayor Dobson appoitts Mr .Chas .1,Tc Cowin as member of Library Board to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mrs .Nichols . Moved by Evans seconded by Paull anpointmenL be confirmed. Carried. On account of Vic Judges formerly appointed for electionlst. Ward not being able to serve the Mayor makes further appointments as follows ; TLIIr.Gco .1i,vans in place of Geo .-Highton and Mrs .7,mma Dull,rkhant in place of Mrs .-illm Dinning. Moved 'by Evans seconded by Hughes above appointments be confirmed. Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by Ifugh(-!s Polling places for coming election on Dec.8thpas designated in Official Paper be confirmed by the Council . Same Carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Arthur Clerk be instructed to Lave ballots for City -lection printed in accordance with nominations f 'L 0 I-Tov.3rd .primary . Carried. I XWE 293 Moved by Raymond seconded by Hansen matter of placing notices regulating trf*,ffic :and speed over 'Williams Strand Vill St.bridges be referred to Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Evens seconded by Arthur. attorney be instruc to drift liquor ordinance permitting the issuing of licenses for a shorter period of time than one year . Carried. Motion to adjourn, Ren 6on,De c.15 oi 1914. Council met in regalar sesgion.Irlayor Dobson presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Rvins,Fiull,R'a4ymond and Hughes . Minutes of 1,ist regular meeting read and ip,:roved. Report of Finance Committee ; We your Committee on Finance have examined and reu- omedd for P,'Jyment the following bills ; 7 Umer Uic Donald, nsoector 28 .00 P.S. T.L.& P.Co . 11 .96 Olen & Ebner Olsen 3.00 Joe Wood 5.00 Ed.L.Terry 39.35 O.K.Livery 14.25 Me Pherson Bros 4.45 O.;.K.Livery 2.50 R.TvOO`D 1 .95 II.Parks 8 .00 Joe Edwards 2.50 N.O'Rafferty 5.00 Penton Bulletin 32.330 Library Fund 11.15.62 Thos .D-inning 8 .00 Wm-Tonkin, Tre,is, 5.99 Earlington Imp .Club 2.55 Ker,t & Fenton enton Tel .Co. 2.85 G.H.Beale 1 .00 Se,ill-tle Ligating Co. 5.80 P.S. T.L.& P.Co . 157 .40 A.W.Ticknor,Inspect-or, 31.00 A.11addison, to 31 .00 E.P.Phillips4.85 'Um.K,,,3,ne 2. k;0 Signed II.Ev.-ins, Thos .Pa.ymond,CommitGee . Moved. by Hughes f3econded by Paull all bills O.K.d by the Fin ince Committee be allowed . Carried . Communication from A.H.Cox and agreement relritive to pump to I,e left willilail Cox for s!ile read . as clause of 11oved and seconded/,igreerent be amended to reid'Ifor a period of sIx months . S-Ime carricd. 294 Moved and seconded redrafting of agreement be left to City Attor- ney and the Mayor.Carried . Moved and seconded sale price of pump be placed at $300.00 net,and rental of same at $15.00 per month.kCarried. Moved. by Ev.tns seconded by Hughes City Attorney call on 11idge- way and Co .who have charge of pump at present and have same rented out and endeavor to secure percentage of said rental for the City. Carried. Communication relating to Belgian Releif Fund read . .Moved by Evans seconded by Faull City donate from the General Fund the sum of $100.00 to said Fund and said amount be turned over to K%yor Dobson to use his ,judgement in purchasing supplies or turning same over to the Seattle releif Committee . Carried. Ordinance No.389,relr+ting to speed limit of vehicles and traffic over bridges in City of Renton read first i:ime . Loved and seconded same be referred to ordinance Committee. Curried. Ordinance No .390 ,relating to licensing of saloons for -:i shorter period of time than one year read first time . Moved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee. Carried. Attorney Houser calls to the attention of the Council the neer approach of the completion of the brick highway connecting the City of Renton with Seattle and proposes that a celebration rind barbecue be held on the day carne is thrown open for traffic, and asks the Council for a donation of $50.00 to help defray the expense of said celebration . Loved by Hughes seconded by Faull said matter be referred to the Finance Committee for report at next meeting. C,;rried. Motion to adJ ourn, CUT erk. i kIXFF 295 T'en Lon,Dec.22nd,1914 . Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by tI e r:nayor . Roll. Call ; Present Councilmen ►r L})ur,:I+,v+.ns ,F4ull ,I•:aiyrrond and Hughes ; City Attorney ind Clerk. r`inutes of 1*is t reg ulcer session read and approved. Report of Finance Commit Lee ; 'Ale,your Commi utee on fin ince have ex-imined rind recom- cnd for paymen L the .following bills ; Thos .Dobson ,for Belgian Releif ::Fund , #100 .00 Trick ?c :urray to vionery & Supplies 24 .59 Paul Bassen rent,fuel U light Election 8 .00 she Renton Her~ild, to Lice of primary l;lec Lion 3.20 Signed Geo .Arthur , Thos .R iymond,H.'Ev,�ns ,Commi Ltee . IUioved by Hughes seconded by Faull 9.11 bills O.K .d by the Fin,ince Commi "::tee be allowed . Carried . Report of Finance C omml Gtee on request for don +tion of 050.00 for barbecue as follo;.rs ; ";"le deem it inadvisable to appropriate Public funds of the City of Renton for A birbecue ird therefore recomend that the request be refused . how Signed,Geo .Arthue, Thos ,Rayinond ,H .Evans ,Commi ttee . T epor. t of Finance Committee on canvas of city ;Election ret- urns read and said vote checked by the Council. as rt whole. Moved. by Hughes seconded by Arthur that report be received •ind plficed on file and the following pirties ,as shown by the canvas of re turns , be declared electedto office . 1._vor,.Ie,.J.Hughes ; Councilman isL.Ward;Chisjic Cowin ; Councilrna.n 2nd,",'Nrd, R.Ti.James ; Councilm'rn 3rd ,'Isird, J�ohn Lrirkin ; Council- min-fit-large,Richard `•!ood ; City Clerk ,Grant Bates ; Citv Tre ;sur- er ,Thomas Dobson ; City Attorney,Daniel G•tby. Carried. Peport of Police Judge .for ?"onth of T:(ovember read . I:Toved by Reymond seconded by Arthur s-me be- placed on file . Carried . Cornaiunicti.tion from Beebe & '`fhi Lcomb relaying 1.0 Ci Ly Pu.*np reed . TToved by " ,v ins seconded by F,.ul:l. same be pl-tc(�d on file and the L ayor be empowered to rvike necess Ary irrringemen is with Cox & Co .rela.Live Lo rental and s*ile of said pump. Carried . Ordin,-.nce 11o..;91 relating to Bond of City Clerk read first time. Moved by Arthur seconded by R•iymwid said Ordin-Ince be pass- cd to second reading .0 irried . Ordinance No .391 r.e�i.d second time kX 296 by sec .ions and on motion of :Ev-.ns seconded by TR%ymond w.-Is adopt- ed as i whole . Voll Vo to ;All Councilmen present voting Aye . Ordinance Ido .389 ,rel ;ting to traffic over bridges in City limits laid over one more week. Ordinince 111o .390,rel-iting to issuing of liquor licenses for shorter Lime than one yenix read second time by sections and on no tion of FFaymond seconded by Hughes FIS adop Led . Isoll Vote ; %11 n oun ci lrr!en present voting Aye . Application received from T.L.Jones for Photo Plriy license. l,ioved by ,iv 4.ns seconded by r ull. same 'be grF-tn ted . C-.rried. TvToved by '1,v�tns seconded by Faull City Clerk idverLise for bids for City printing for 1915. Carried. T. o tion to adjourn , -ZC Z1,4, k. 1 I X U F 097 Ren. ton,Dec, 29 ,,h, 1914. '_ ek:;ul,Lr session r)f the City Councilr`ayor Dobson 7-,reniding. Roll C-'1.1 ; Prevent Councilrnon Arthur,L'v,-tns ,"P ,tu11 ,Pi,,ymond H nsen and Hugs-zes ; City Attorney ind Clerk. IMinutes of lest session re�id And -ipproved. Petition for water rind sewer connec tion Lot 15 I31ock 2E3 ,by O.H.Preibe re irk. Troved and seconded srirne be filed arld request; gr in ted . C-trried. Report of Fin-ince Committee . 'We,,your Co:rrmi i:tee on Fir-ince have eximired tnd recorner, for p:iymen � L-Ae follo-wine, bills ; 1:er; .}r; E x11.11 tin 13 .90 Andrew Adams 5.00 Renton iid,.v.Co . 6.70 E.H.Ilc Curdy 2.00 B.A.She-.rer 5 .90 'rhos .H irries 26 .86 Lribor Pqy Roll, 44 .35 Signed Geo ..ter thur, 'Thos R'Iymond,Ii.uv-tnS Commi Vtee . "xosred by IIIg,,es seco�zie ? ii . . 1 1113 0'.K.d by the Fin-ance Committee be paid . C#rriw.d. Report of Ordin slice Cc�rnmitteP ; 'de,Your Commi :,Lee on Ordin in- ces to IhOM "rss referred Ordin%nce 31o .. FBq in re_ferc,nce to bridges beU. le-ive to report 3s follows ; `i'h%t we re comedd Vie ridop tion of ss.id Ordin,mce With amendments included "s -i substitute Ordinance. 13 Signed H.Evins ,fofin F,-iull , `i'hos .R jymodd Committee loved by IIag}ies seconded by Arthur report be filed .111d recomend- ations clrried out . C -trried. Cornrnunicitthon from C.P'c P.t.3.R„v.Co .rr.l-jtive to deed of right Of W iy foal Kennydile Rodd re*id. T.TOved by i+,v•tns seconded by Arthur same be placed on file and Clerk be instructed to write q tid Co . th-inkin, ti- em in Lhe n- ne of she Ci ,y for their generosity in deed said right of rray to t'te City. Cirried. .Deed for said above mentioned ri6ht-of­.vay refid and reported favor able except the chase rel-Live to seniority of Co . to street crossing. Said objection left to City Attorney add Payor to to-ke s"me up with Comp<inv for sati cfAc tory adj ustxlelut. Ordinance Tdo .$fitStQ 389 pr :3sed 'to second re'-tdint ,re id by sect- 998 ions !-ind on motion of Artbar seconded by Isvins vlopted as a whole. Rids for City printing for 1;7(.-ir 1915 received fr)M Lhc Fenton Hesuld and Penton BulleLin as folio-L.vs .!Icrild 30 cents kRR per inch first insertion,15 cent: second. Bulletin 25 cents Rag per inch first insertion 15 cents second. ]`:"'owed by Arthur second- ed by ;F',Lull same be referred to Fin-ince Comni ttec; for report. Carried. T,Totion to -,Ldjourn , Clerk. XIfFF 299 'len ton,Wash. Jrtny.5th, 19]�. Regulrrr session of the Ci4y Council c .Illed to order by I-layor Dobson; Roll Call; Present Councilmen ArtYaur,Ev-ins ,.7Aull,Rr;vmond and Hughes . ?"inutes of last r.eg ulr-tr ses-,ion read -arid approved. i%eport of Fin ince Committee . 9e ,your Committee on Fiarmce have ex-tmined rind recomend for payment the following bills ; Iffm.Tonkin 1 ;.10 Penton Bulletin 3.70 Preibe Bros 3.65 Fenton Lumber Co . 13 .27 M.'c Pherf3on Bros . .95 Sera Lle lighting Co . 9.00 Ed .L.Terry 48 .20 E,irlington Imp .Club 2.55 Kent & I,en ton `i el .Co . 2.42 P.CoN 157 . 40 Signed tlho s.l -Nyond,ll.Evans , Commi t Gee . ""'Oved by Hughes seconded k)y Friull -i11 pills O-.K.d by the Fin ante Commititee be allo-,-red . C*-tr.ried. Councilm--.n Evans maker verb%l report and risks Inca thrit the miter of contract for City printing which iris referred to Finan- ce committee be 1-aid over one week .Request granted. Regul ar order, of business suspended and Payor Dobson relin- quiches hip; sent to VTpayor elect Hughes who was given the oath of office by City Atcorncy. The retiring Councilmen vacate their serats and the incoming; Councilmen are given oath of office incl s e%to d . 1� ia.: U �c h��i .�til� �� bz Regular order of business triken up . Report of Clerk for month of ?)ec .rerid . I'loved acid seconded same be pl-aced on file . Carried . Report of `L'rerisurer for Dec .read. Mo tion mride and seconded slime be filed . Carried Yeport o ` Heralth Officer . Movecl rand. seconded srame be filed. Carried. Report of Clerk for ,ye%r ending Dec .7)lst.rHad . 31,otion rY,ade find seconded same be received and filed. C irriE:d . Report of 'Treasurer for ve ar ending Dec .31st,read ,rind on motion duly seconded was ordered placed on file . Sou Communi c`i tion, from Lake Gravel Co .,Asking that tti.ley be -illowed a reb%ce on amount of w-tler used by said Coon ,Account of faulty meter rea.d. ,and on motion of T'aull seconded by 'food was referred to Finance Conrri t;tee for investigation . Under Special Order of Business kxXxxx3 ayt Kx.%x.mxkmxx;tbtoc R2Uax-iD(gxxppaizLtmRxIx applications were re td -ts followt . "Tor I)iarsh-ll -tnd Vrdater Supt.by Jos .l;dwtrds ; For Right Ij-srshril by John Stewart; For Deputy lµirshal by Peter Dull;hint. i,:oved by Artt,ur seconded by Raymond same be received -tnd priced on file . Carried.. Resolution presented by Pqul `;,'.Houser relating to conntru- ction of County rortd from Renton to Dssaqu th,and petition-4116 County Commissioners to l-a.ve s%me done by day 1~tbor or let in smell contracts so residents %long s-iid route might obtain em- ployment was re-id end on rro tion of Larkin seconded by J`imes was adop Led by the Council . Resolution. relating; to acreptince of offer of right of way afc for Kennyda.le road through property owned by Pacific Coast Co .rea.d ,and on motion of Arthur seconded by Raymond %dopted as rF �d. Moved by Raymond seconded by I null Vhat Clerk rvri to to F ictory :3i tes Co .asking, for a definrtte statement relrstive to their st-tnd on doniting right of way for Kienn,ydfale road through their property. Ilio tion c-irried . A short address w-is rnfa.de by Mayor Hughes thinking the Cit- izens for their support at the recent election,asking th-it same be continued through the term ind making sugL;;es tions *nd recome- nd itions rel{tive to the present requirements of Vie City. Rem arks were made by Councilmen I, c Cowin,Janes ,Wood,Larkin, P-a.ymond ,Fa:ull and. Artbur, City At;Lorney,Clerk,km and Police Judge and by r,r Kerr of Kennydrile . otion was m ide and duly seconded that Street Supt.notify hr lfinker to repair sidewalk in front of his property in North P.en ton . -otion mide and: seconded that St.Supt.locite seacr connect- ion for I-Jr 0 .1l.Preibe in front of Lot 15 ,Bloek 26 . l I X W E 301 The following appointments were made by Idayor Hughes for the ensuing term. Day Marshal,Street & ',Vater Supt. Joseph Edwards . .Bight I+.a.rshalmJohn Stewart; Deputy Marshal Peter Dullahant; Dance ;arshal ,'1'hos .Oughton; Police Judge, T.J.Richmond; Health Of.ficer ,Dr.C.L.Dixon; Janitor, City Ball :and City Purchasing Agt. Grant Bates . ✓• Q r A, 4-w..�.` l ` -oved by Arthur seconded by XtxU Mc Cowin all appointments as above mentioned be confirmed . Carried. 2ro tion to %d,j ourn, C erk. Ren ton,-TJavh. Jany,3th, 1915 . Specill meOLing of the City Council ,c-tilled to order by Mayor "Hughes . Roll Call ; Present Councilman Artiiar,:Pirtull ,Larkin,J;mes , k Wood ,!. c Cowin -ind Raymond. of T,'eoting called for the purpose/considering the request of the Paget Sound Film Producing Co . ±NAjdm thvt they City of Ren ton increase the height of the .four manholes r;t north septic tanks where said Co .wisyies to make It fill of approximately six feet over said tinks . Request of Film Co .read. Motion made by Mc Cowin seconded by Arthur that City Engineer and tree t Sup t. ini►es tigate said septic tanks -and if in their ,judgement the roof of same is sufficiently strong to carry the added weight of fill and manholes that they employ men to do the necessary work of raising the manholes x six feet and cl,arL,e expense of same to rilm Co . '"otion by James seconded by Paull that above mo tion be amend- Pd to read thit tyle City pay�y for the vork .Poll ?,rote; Raymotici, ',Vood,James ,Faul.l and Larkin voting Aye ; ITc Cowin and Arthur voting no . Amendment carried . ITo tion as amedded put to It vo te , all Coun- cilmen voting; Aye .Same carried. Into tion uo adjourn, Clerk. 302 Renton, ,Nash. .Tony 12-1915 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by T-fayor Hughes . Roll Carr ; Present Councilmen Arthur,ric Cowin,FIull Vlood'Xames and Raymond; City Attorney Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of list regular and s-,ecial session read -ind =approve. Yoved and seconded list Of. Committee appointments as previously made by Mayor Hughes be made, ,,% part of the minutes . Carried Report of Fire ,Light & vigcer Committee; We ,,your Committee to whom was referred the Claim of Lake Gravel Co .for rebate on water tax bei; leave to report as follows ; ffe have consulted the �Va ter Supt.and compared the meter read- ings of said Co .for the past year and have come to tkte concluflion that said claim should be disallowdd, and recomend accordingly. Signed ,Thos,Raymond,Geo .Ar thur ,R.Wood, Committee . Moved by Faull seconded by 19c Cowin report be accepted and recomend- ations carried out. Carried. Report of Finance Committee on City grin ting as follows ; We hive examined and compared the respective bids and find the bid of tie T,eraton Herald is lowest by Approximately 25 �,ye therefore recomend that the bid of t7ze Penton Herald be accented and a contr!Iet d r awn for the ,year of 1915 . Sogned GQo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond,Committee . Moved by Wood seconded by akc Cowin report be accepted rind recom- endation carried out. Carried. Finance Conmi ttee reports further as follows ; INe have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; 5. :3 .H trdie $4.95 `phos .T)ob son, ` reasurer 65.43 Labor Pay ROS1 131 .95 Signed Geo .Arthur# Thos Reymond,Committee. Proved by Mc Corin seconded by Faull report be placed on file and all bills O.K.d be allowed. Carried. Report of City ,ngineer .. Hon .P:layor an(t Council; Gentlemen, - In compliance with your request at y,)ur last reg- u]aar meeting regarding the cost of map with location of poles,water shut offs ,fire hydrants , and sewer -,. y' s is approxim-,tely " 60.00 P espectfully submi tted,G.A.Harner.7,nLrr_ ] X If F IF 303 loved by Arthur seconded by I.+aul.l same be received alid filed . Cl%rried . Report of police Judge for Dec.1914 ,re td. Moved -and seconded same be filed . C-irried. Communication from League of 'Uashington hunicipalities read. �'oved and seconded same be placed on file . Carried. Communication from A.H.Cox ,1z Co .in mat ter of pump re id. IyTOv- ed and seconded same be placed on file and Clerk instructed to officially write the rxa1P Creek Coril Co .�.aho have the pump rented, s t•i-tdng that said pump is 'Cie property of the City of Renton rind is in c':iarge of A.H.Cox i4c Go . ,and that a copy of said letter be mailed to said A.H.Cox ec Co . Carried. Tax s-Vttements for ','Dater J!%y No .2 on City Park and delinq- uent tax on property deeded by P .1r1.Houser for extensiao of Mill St.jNorth presented. Loved by Paull seconded by 'Wood Clerk be authorized to settle said claims . Carried. I,ioved by Me Colvin seconded by F,-iull 'sown Property Committee t go over all deeds to City property and see that same 1tre in pro- per shape and have been recorded . Carried. Mr .Ii.I) ,Iopnini in behalf. of 'Nater Jay District No .2 asks permission of the Council to hold the meetings of said body in the City Ilrall and that they kx.xoE be allowed to store the maps , ins Lruments and other "xTtxxxLX office property of said Commiss- ion in City �i *ll building. !,roved by Arthar seconded by James request be gran Led . Carried . Attorney Houser addresses the Council on matLer of Black Rider and urges that ; @ommittee be -anointed to meet the Port Commission, in conjunction with ,a committee from '�DDacer Wrty Dist. # 2 and from Chamber of Commerce ,at the office of the Port Comm- ission in Seattle on Wednesday Jany, 13th, Councilman '.food was -authorized to represent the Council, and a request that any Citi- zens Mrio could be present at said meeting should do so was wide by the M-:tyor. f.T,iyor. Hughes appoints Joe "Dood ­is ?'ire Cheif add I rs .T.J. Richmond as Library Trustee . Moved by Arthur seconded by R iymond apr)ointments be confirmed . Carried. Matte-r of installing signalling system for use during night 304 was taken up loved by Arthur seconded by '+'aull same be referred to ''ire ,Light & Water Committee with power to pct. Motion amt nd- ed by TIarc CoNvin seconded by Raymond to eliminate "with power to act " and substitute "report it next meeting. ,Vnendnent cirr. ied. rfolred and seconded that motion as amended be adop ted.>arne carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by James Clerk send bill to Yr . Eiliiuff for rent of hou^,e at City Park at the rate of 5 .00 per month since Park wis purchased by the City. Carried. r,To tion to adjourn, A- Ci ty Clerk. List of -ommittee Appointments . w ':'Jays Me ins; Chairman Chas .Mceowin, R.3i.James Richard ;rlood . +'in,ince ,Claims & Accounts ; Chairman Geo .Arthur `1"hos .Raymond John Larkin S tree t & Alley Chairman Chas .?ricColvin John Faull C e o .Arthur . L%v & Crdin-ince Chairman Thos .Raymond Chas .;:TcCowin John Piull Police & Licori2e Ch airman John Faull John Larkin Geo .Arthur. Fire ,.Light & `later Chairman `Phos .R-iymond Geo .Ar thur Richard ',good. City Property Chairm%n R.Ii.Jaines John Larkin Thos .Raymond. I XUP, 30 rertdon,Jany 19th, 1915. Council met in regular session ,Viyor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin ,l+'aull ,Wood,Jame s ,Ic Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer ,Treasurer and Clerk. Vinutes of last r.egulgr session read rend approved. LO Petition presented by the Star 'Theater asking permission to sty{dd poster frame at corner of Iffells add 'Third read,and on motion of Me Cowin seconded by Faull request granted . Petition from property owners affected asking for an alley through Block 22 subject to certain conditions read, and on motion of Raymond seconded 'bv Larkin referred to Street alley Commi Ltee. report of Finance Gorrmi Ltee . vie ,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; G.H.Beale & Co . 2.50 J.S.,VcCrea 1.40 Lamping & Co . 42.00 Thos .Dobson, Treasurer 4.90 Pe Ltie Printery 5 .25 Signed Thos .Raymond,J'ohn Larkin Corrmi Ltee . 11"oved by Wood seconded by 1,11c Corrin report be filed and all. bills 0'.K.d be ordered paid. Carried . Communication from x.H.Cox & Co .in matter of pump read and on motion of Faull. seconded by Paymeot' placed on file . Communication from Treasurer Dobson relative to the taking up of $4000.00 of water bonds ind recomending that same be done r.erid, and on motion of Faull seconded by lac Cowin ordered filed and reco- mendation carried out. Councilman 'good makes verb-il report Mx-=x%lrxxxxI relative to the mei: ting with the Port Commission of the commi Ltees from Ren ton., s t i t- ing that on account of press of other business the Commission could not give diem a hearing and meeting was postponed to Wednesday Jan. 20th. Councilman mull brings up matter of poor service of lights on Mill st.North At corner of 1st.&. 2nd .Avenues .Voved by ,c Cowin sec- onded by James same be referred to Fire,LiFht At Vater Committee for investigation and report. Carried. T.J.Ridvnond, in behalf of the Naterway Commission asks permiss- ion to construct small locker in Councilroom . .Yoved b M � y c Cowin sec- onded by plyll same be gran ted . Carried . !,"owed by 1:''�c Cowin seconded by Larkin public mee tinbb, be called for Thursd�y evE. eons . edj Black River project.Carried .ilio tion to adJ ourn 3Of- Ren Lon,'vv`ish. ,Tiny 26th-11,15. Regrul,ir :session of the Ci t;.r Council c'Allarl to or. d(,-r by ?riyor Hughes . ?'oll Call ; PresenL Councilmen Arthur ,ia`irkin ,:?+' a11 ,J mr.s ,"'"c Cowin ,end R-%ymonl ; City Clerk •ind 1,ggineor .. inates .)f 1 i.5 t re;aul ar meeting re-id ind 3p7 roved. Report of Town Proper uy Commi Lee ;- ',le ,your iaom.mi L tPe on o.vn Property hive: ex•imined hciLin�,-, pl int in Comfort St otic?n Ind nccom,-Md Lh{i L Sime be tce,�p ted. Cigned T'.iI.J�irnf�s ,J.H.L*rkin, Tli.os .7',n,yrr�onrl ro,rnci by 'iul]. ,econ:�fr;i i>,j Tic Co yin rep ;rt be `'i.lod .C�rriPd . T'f?por L of 1� ia, nce Committee ; - ' e ,your Co,.nmi Ltee on Fin�ince h-we ex-imined and reeomend for payment Lhe following; bills ; E.A.111,te•irer 13.40 Andy Ad=ims 5.00 Libor Pay Voll 126 .20 igned r .,�o .:�rLYrur ,J.Ii.L`irkin, :'bos �ymond, Committc�e . l,o red !�y 7�"c Cowin seconded by TIMes report be recfrived ,tnd 11.1 bills _le ordered piid . C- irriod Report of ' oVm Proper Ly Cornmi ttee ;- Ve ,,yoar Committee on Town Property h-tive ex mined ind find ill deeds recorded ilid in proper sh 4.pe with the exception of the deed for U, e exten Lion of "'ifth 14or t;i t,,rough the Pl it of S•ir Lorisville W ich said deed cin no L be found . '. e recomend Lh%r. t'ie m-tL,-r. of Lhe missing; deed be referred to City ALtorney and i duplic ;te secured . Signed R.'I.J'imes , hos R1iymond ,J?13?L rkin ;Cornmit �,ee. . r�ogre-d Iny Arthur seconded by 'rc Co,,vin report be r-eceiw�d,.filed and recomend-itions eirried ouL. C irried . r?Ppor. t of `atrt-e t , Alley Committee ;- We ,,your Commi �- trf; on :itr- Po ;s & Alleys bei; le-1w, Lo repor. L 'ts follows ; Thi L ?ve re comend Lh!it LhP pet: tion from Lhe property ovners in Bl:)ck 22 be g—. ,int(,d with Lhe following unders vixrding; that t1ie Ci :.y In is the riga � to ch age or close the wiy throu; h the, City property rit my time L.',t t it becomes necess iry to use s ne for o LI-r r purposes than % drive viy. aigned Ch=as .l.tc Co-wi n,John P;iull ,seo .Ar L'i.ar ,Cornmi t tee . 1:-oved by James seconded by Arthur report be 1,-iid o-irer "or )ne :aeek . C%rricd . 1 : � 307 Kr Jpoe '.Vood calls Lyle atLen tion of the C,-)uncil Lo the necessi Ly Of adj as ting the carve -;t tja.P 'Jill,iams S Lree L appro acll to Mate Toad ?ro .7 to prevent danger of accidents at th—'t point . After ,iome r1isc- ussion motion wis rntde -ir,d seconded Lhat m-itLer be referred to ^Lreet and Alley Commi Lee for ins►estigition 'Intl report. Carried. ,r.. Mr .Kerr of Kennydale addresses the Council on L'ie necessity or i.mrnedia Le action in the m t L Ler of the proposed Kennyd•il.e road in ord- er Lo work in harmony �Vi th ullie County :";ngineer .. 'ihe Ibave wtLter ;eras liscussed qui Le �Iioroughly and on mo Lion of _sic CW7in seconded ')y 1;�:�u1.1 City Attorney was ins Lruc Led to begin condemnri tion proceedings at once through the property or the F- c Lory Si Les Co .for above rorid . j'Llso ,hat Attorney ends-vro3} to obtain pro:fi( Of stirs ro id w'lich ,v•is loaned Lo lite :`4; 308 Renton,-ia,sh. Feby.2nd-1915. Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Hughes . Roll Gall; present Councilmen T4c Cowin Paull,James , and Raymond. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition for sewer connection, Acre Tract TTo .l ,b;r J.S.Covey read. Moved and seconded same be placed on file and permission granted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; 'ile ,your Committee on Finance liave examined and recom- end for payment the following bills ; Seattle Lighting Co . 4 .£30 Renton Lumber Co . 3.15 E.H.Mc Curdy .75 A..Hambach Co . 21 . 16 R."Wood 22.30 Ed .L.`ferry 42.65 Denny Trenton C.&.C.Co . 32.55 Preibe Bros . 9.05. Eri.rlington Imp .Club 2.55 Trick & hurray .34 Thos .Dobson Treas, I:nt .L. I.D.3onds £30. 30 ` I.ios .Dobson , Treas .` arra,nts 3.F. 169 .36 Tho s .Dobson, T're,-is .W-. :er Bonds ec I'nt.4600.00 Hugo Kelly 13 .50 .ii ;ned Thos .Ray mond,R.H.J'imesjbhn �+aull Committee . ?Moved by T.ic Cowin seconded by Fault all bills 9:4LK.d by the Fin- and-x-., Commi ttee be paid . C•trried. Report of S tree t & Alley Commi ttpe . ,Ve ,-sour Commi tpn on S tree is A Alleys bei; leave to report blit we met with Norman Davis & J.S.TfI@Crea at the corner of 5th and Williams to ex•tmine proposed alteration of driveway at that point, and found only three piling and no plank , ind that we could get no understanding as to what the work would cost,Vr.Davis proposing to do same by day labor . �,, Si r e ha .1jr Corvin J hn lai n CComni ttee . roved by James Seco e y goo report �e rice v�d and placed on file . Carried. 7-'+urther motion made and seconded that question of having said work done be laid over for one week. Carried. Report of Police Judge for month of Jany.read . Uloved and Communication from A.H.Cox fl.11 Corel"Ling to pump re-id . hoved and seconded same be received and filed . C-irried. Communic-itidn from .Factory Sites Co .relative Lo i�ennrdale ro id re-,.d. Loved -ind seconded s-ime be pl-iced on file . CArried. Resolution No .194-A rel"tine to c-ist side road(P"cific High- '" way ) and pe Litioninc; Sen-itor ind Representatives from. Lits Dist. to Like action on same in Lhe legisl-iture read . I;foved by Ra;rmond seconded by F%ull same be adopted as re id. Carried. Moved b:r ''c Co vin seconded by "ull that the sum of 1100.00 be tr7insferred Lo the Library .Fund from the General Fund, said "mount to be returned Lo Gener-i1 Fund out of first moneys receiv- ed for Library m%inters ince from '��arcrt t".x receipts . C grind. &iovod -ind seconded Clerk nffici-illy notify I."r .Beanblossom of the appointment of ?Jrs .T.J.Richmond "s member of Bo•ird of Trustees of Library. Cjrried. Moved byT James S(c conded by Paull th'tt Phone Co . be instructed co ins L-ill froe phone in residence of Mayor -Hughes . Carried. IST",yor Hughes instructs Street ;upt .to have neces�,-iry notices rel"ting to spend and traffic oVer bridges in Lhe City prepared and pl-iced on said bridges . 1.1oved by 1e Cowin seconded by J-i,mes Clerk write ?aTr I.S'irtori in n tLter of deed Lo extention of Fifth Ave .TT.t}hough pl-•it of Sartori sville . C-irried . Councilm"r) IL'c Cowin makes verbal report on matter of remodel- ing j ail , anti presents pl,-in for new structure . Moved and seconded new pl%n be riccepted . Poll Vote ;Yaymor1d,J'tPes, Fqu1l and `Wood voting No . Idc Cowin voting Aye . Motion lost. Motion made and seconded that former p1-in of remodeling old jai-1 be "dop Led. Pool vote ; All Councilmen present, -1ro tingr Azre . Same carried. F ?To-,red by i,Sc Co`virj seconded by Paull matter of delinquent ~ taxes on streets dF� .di c ted by Yen ton ?;.cal :;state Co . ijkc in Plat of their first Add .to City be referred to Finance Gor.mittern, Carried. Moved and seconded Clerk be instructed to cormmun i c L to with Gounty Offici-i.ls in matter of City portion of ?load Bridge Fund. Ilio tion to fi.djourn , �' . 310 7eitton , i-sh; Feby.9 th, 1915. Council met in regular segsion ,Mayor Hughes in the chair. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur ,Larkin ,Faull ,';'rood,J' mes, c Colvin and Raymond. ITinutes of last regular sea;ion read and ap-, roved. Petitionq for r,irater for Lot 18 ,B1k.13 by Dixon & Evans and Acre Tract No .32,R.C .C.Co .#'2 read . Moved and seconded same be filed and granted,Acre- Tract #32 to be on meter . Petition for seo7er service T.ot 19 ,B1k.22 by G .W.Cus ter read. T'-oved and seconded same be gran ted. C a-i r i ed. I-ieport of Fire ,Lit-;ht & "Ja Ger COIMMi ttee . We recomend that light on first avenue north and second avenue north and fill Ct .be placed over the center of street and the one on the North end of Fill >t .bridge be removed. Ne also recomend th-it light in front of 111'accaroni factory 'be removed and placed on the corner of is t .Ave .& Burnett. Signed Thos .Raymond,Richard 'Hood Geo .Arthur ,C"orrmittee. , I,Ioved and seconded report of Fire ,Light ?- '.,IIa�,er Committee be received and filed and recomendations carried out. Carried . Report of Finance Committee . We,your Commi tree on Fin-i.nce have examined and recomend for pfiyment the following bills ; G.A.Harner 8 .75 E.H.h'icCurdy 2.75 Libr-pry Fund 50 .01 O'.K.Livery 2.75 Pj.Co . 157 .40 ';vym.Kin e 4.60 Kent & Renton Tel .Co . 1 .87 R.J.Pettie 10.25 `1'hos .Dobson ,'Treas .Bonds & I•nt, L. I.D' s , 431 .92 Lr-bor Pay Boll 86.25 Signed Geo .Arthur, Thos .P,"ymond,J.Ii.Larkin,Commi .t cee . P,'oved and seconded report be received and filed and all bills O .K.d be paid . Carried. Report of Clerk for Jrtny.read . T,`oved and seconded same be filed . Carried . Report of Treasurer read . I[oved and seconded same be placed on file . Carried. Communication .from A.H.Cox & Co .in mat6er of pump re-id . F.'oved and seconded same be filed and matter be referrod to City Attorney for roves tigertion:`Carried . k i, I X liFFj 3.11 t i i i t 6 312 Communication from City Attorney in muter of condemnation proceedings ,l'actory Cites Co .read . T,,oved :and seconded same be filed and Clerk notify T'r .Iiouser of the error in his deed to right of way. Carried . Specifications for remodeling of City jail read . Ioved and sec- onded same be accepted and Town Property Committee proceed to have proper contract drawn and work be started at once. Carried. Ordinance No .392 relating to condennTation proceedings through property of Factory Sites Co .read. ITToved and seconded same be refe- rred to Ordinf-tnee Committee . Carried . 'Moved and seconded Street & Alley Committee be given one more week in matter of approach to State Road on ',� illiaans street. Carried . T"oved by Arthur seconded by Raymond Council meet with rrr .Duff 3t City Tall -it 1.0 O' Clock sharp Sunday and procend to Spring- brook to look over dam with the view of having same repaired . Carried. IYoved by YLc Cowin seconded by Fnull Street up t .be instructed to fix alley through Block 31 , in rear of property of A.iLaddison . C jrried. I!otion to adjourn , Ci tv Clerk. I IfF'F 313 7 e".n ton Feby 16 th, 1915 . Council c filled to order by IT-v,ror IiugYies. Roll Present Councilmen Arthur ,L-trkin,74'1u11 , 00d,J:imes, P;"c Cowin find I rtymond; City Attor.ney,' ngin,,+ r and Clerk . I'Zinutes of 1 a a t regul ar mee tir,C re ad . Yoved and seconded s tme be emended to read "City .ALtorney proceed to tale action '► ins te,vi of "City ALLorney inves tii ,ate. "in mater of pump . C3rried. Applicicions for *i ,er connection,Lot 4 Block 5 ) Lr Lori sville ey I:i3 �cie Be-irin and Lot 19,Block 6 C=;r forks Add .by '4ilson & .*ar- loqe re-4d. lZoved and seconded same be filed find granted. C•arried. Petition for a lig?-it in front of twine f ictory building by ' r . Phillips read . 11o,re:d seconded same be filed sand referred to Fire Light c°x ..eater CoYnmiLtee . Carried . Applications for liquor license, presented by the follovvin p.:*rties ; J .S.Covey, Sen Atkinson,D.T.T.1login ,Art .T,.iclmond ,llenry KostAr ,and ' rios .4--ilker . ;.`oved 3nc14 seconded sfame be referred to Licenses Commi LLee , ,also that tpplicfa tion of I,en ton Liquor Co .be -also consid- ered it t?ze s`arne time .S-aid apnlic,ation Lo be `'iled ivi t'i Ci yr Clor.k as soon -a> prep fired . C-trried. 3tret- L ind All.e�r Cormmi .ten report. e roar Commi ;tee on r3tree Ls Al le vs i�eg le-we to report as follows ; 1'h it we recomend th it LLIC City _furnish the labor to put in the turn on '.Vil liims Stand, 5th.Ave .TTor Lh on S 4LP.. road . Signed Chits I.•re Cowi-n ,John "cull Coymni tree . Iffo-red Vv James seconded by -+rood report be tccepwd i,nd recomQ eociiLions c irried out . C trried. Report of Tiin•ance CommiLtpe ;- yale ,voar Commi .,Lee on 7inInce :l ive ex irnined •and re cornend for payment Ll.e following bills ; D-iniel (X' tby 2.00 Jog .Edw-irds 2.50 ;'/. CT .E, Ards 8 .45 Ren ton Rdw.Co . 12. 5 hos . )ob- on, 2re ts, Int .':7rt Ler Fronds 12.00 rhos .1)obson , ire,as ,T,. I .D.bonds 1000 .00 Chis .').Ulmer 12.00 Andv Ad3rns 5.00 aijned .:;eo .:�r Lhur , i'hos .R-t,,mos-iki ,J.H.L,trkin, Conmi Lt,ie. Moved by Mc Cowin seconded by Hall %11 bills O .K.d by Lie Fin-ince Committee be atl.lo-med . Cirr. ied . Report of Ile filth Officer re•td . 7`oved -,nd seconded same be placed on file . CArried. 314 ovpd by Arthur seconded by Fnull notice be put in Official ,o'apor requesting; all residen is in the City Lo clean up t ieir y irds on or before 11'Nrch lgt. C-trried . Tago .Kelly offers to run said no ticA fr(�o of charge to L'ne City. Communication .from A;_H.Cox C'c Co .rel-atin�; to missing; par Ls of pump re-vi . 1".Ioved and seconded same be filed . Carried. After somo consider tble discu ssion as to whe t}1er t'-�e deed for street riglit-of-.way V'rough property of T'enLon Teal -;state Co . for KT ennyd-ile Road, properly coveetd tTie situation decision of cine Council was toLL same -�xv.s suFficient ;end motion ryas m ocie and sec- onded that Ordinance .for Condemn-.tion through property of TNcLory Bites Co .be parsed to second reading . S-ime being c irried said Ord- invice No .392 xvis re-id by Sections . xr� xxctxn�zxxlk;xx �X xxxXr m o nctm*xkXxxxxj::j roved and sec .:Sec .1 be idon Led as re -id. Carried . Yoved and seconded 13ec .2 be idop Led as read . Carried. loved by Yc Cowin ser, .by Hull auction 3 be -amended by striking out last paragr-tpet (land Lh,i.t no part xR thereof shill be paid from the Gener,fal Fund of tele City of lien con) .Poll1 Flo Le ,Raymond vlood ,2,arkin and Art%iar vo ting No .''a`ic Colvin,,T:anes And _7,%all vo ting A-ve . Motion lost ..I'.oved and seconded section :7, be adop t(',-d as read . C%rried . KLoved and seconded >;ee.4 be (adopted as read . Carried Loved I.nd sec -Section 5 be adopted as re -id. Carried . Moved --ind seconded ( rdin•ince aq a whole be •adopted is read . Carried. ?,'oved by T'..c Cotivin soconled by _+'Bull St .;;upt.be instructed to employ ?:'r.Conoard to repair paving; on 1st.;Ive .Nort'1 and cost of same be deducted from amount retained by V)e City .from L',ie contrac- tors . Above ?notion amended �o re,ad that contractors be notified by tl e Clerk to commence repairs on slid B t .vvi 0iin one ,reek or s lime roulci be done by the City at t'-.eir expense . Yotion as amended carried. TMoved by ],arkin seconded by F-tul.l that proposition of I.Tr .. Hou thiL if Ci Ly would remove loose rock from Williams ;t.bPt tirf;pn bri(Ii,)e -tnd ippro ich to t-ate Road tliat 'ie would seet+1aL same ivas dr%g�;ed -ind kept in good condi tion,be accepted and 0"t .;up t .be instructed to 1ivre rocks re-noved . C,irried . I XIfF,F; 315 Moved by Me Covvin sr!c )nIed "'?y L firkin Viter _)upt .be ins Lructed to )roceed to puddle drim :Lt 2prin,,brook wi th gc»od clay . C`Irried . oved by ;c Cowin sE;cond,ed by --Wood that resolution I)e presented to County Commissioners asking that Viit portion of road between Renton find Renton Jct.now in Vie Kent District be transferred to the Renton DisL.with the view of hiving simc kept in better condit- ion for triffic . C irricd. to Clerk asks permission,/purch-ase new LynEwri cer, old michine to be turned in on purclivise price . T. oved -mi seconded m�tLter be reforred Lo :own 'roper Ly Cornmi ttee . C-irried . Moved by James seconded by Raymond Clerk vrite Supt.G. ;JlerLens regarding; tide building being crecLed �t LTie inLersecLion of 4t Ls .Ave. .Burnett and 'J-alla ';'Ja11a,3s srimc :km xx obstructimx the view of PIZ crossings at th,;ct point. Carried. Lotion Lo idj ourn, City Clerk. 316 Renton,Wadrh,Fehy 23rd , 1315 Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Hughes . Roll Crt11 ; Present Councilmen Arthur ,Faull ,'txlood ,J�mes,li2c Cowin q+nd Raymond,City Attorney Engineer and Clerk. kinutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition for water for Acre Tract ITo .24,P..C.C.Co .Acre Tracts No.2 also Acre Tract No 27 ,of same Add .read . Yoved and seconded same be filed rind petitions granted . Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by Wood City Attorney draft Ordinance regulating sale of water outside City limits . Carried . Report of Finance Committee ; we,your Committee on Finance nave examined and rec,omend for payment the following bills; E.H.Adc Curdy 2.50 la .P.Phillipe .75 Labor Pay Roll 104.25 Signed Geo .Arthur , Thos Raymond, Committee . coved by Tv:c Cowin seconded by Frull all bills O.K.d by the Finance Committer be allowed . Carried. Councilman Faull as Chairman of License Committee makes verb!*l report on applications for liquor licenses ,recomending that same be granted. ]Moved by ,lu.c Cowin seconded by Arthur report be received and recomendations carried out. Carried. Communication from Tucker &; Hyland on behalf of A.J.haumg~irtner in matter of repairing paving on First Ave.North read. Moved by James seconded by kc Cowin said communication be received and placed on file Carried. Moved by Tic Cowin seconded by James City 7-Ingineer and Street and Alley Committee meet with T.,r .B *umg *rtner at 10 O' Clock A.14* Wednesday Feby, 24th,and go over street and come to some agreement in matter of repair work to be done . Carried. T'7J3Richmond, in behalf of G.'1J.Yertens ,Supt.C .& P.S.Ry.Co .a,:�dresses -the Council on matter of renoval of building at intersection of Burne Lt 'J,"1111 Walla ;nd Fourth Aves .a.nd states Mr .Lertens objection. to 1,A-st pavigraph of letter received by 'Frim from City Clerk. Moved by Arthur seconded. by Raymond that request of Mr .11erLans that said last paragraph of letter above mentioned be sindloNNI,u FF 317 Allowed and Clark be instructed to write a.nothen lctter eliminr-iting rill reference to said subject is expressed in said 1 �.qt paragraph of previous letter . Carried. T,,'oved and >econded that City reconsider matter of deed ti-trough property of Penton Real Estate Co .for proposed Yennydale road, and that new deed be drawn elimin a.tin ; all possible question -ts to loc- ation of s-e.id route . Same cirried. Communication from City ALLorney in matter of profile which w�as to tned to F-ictory Cites Co . some time rage read. I'loved �;y Art'I,.ur sec- onded by Faull s �me be pl tced on file . C•irrie(I . Yoved by Raymond seconded by Arthur Clerk intorview Pr .�vete in m,strter of said profile in view of ricer LaininG by whom said profile w-is loaned and resporsibili Ly for serne . Carried. T,,Toved by Lc Cowin seconded by ?+'lull City employ T,rlr .i;orman D•tvis to mike the alteration in approach to StaLe rora.dbridfe on +illiams Strer.t. Carri ed. Yoved and seconded Council meet as a ;whole Sunday A.11. aL 10 0' Clock and go over and in,restigate leaks on pipe line on Y'lin St. np�+r City limits . Carried . TJotion io idjourn, City' C1�'rk. fur 318 Ren Lon,JI'Arch, lrid, 1915. Ike ;ul-ir se >>ion oftric City Council c 11ed to order by 174ayor :Hughes . Roll 0,31; Present Councilmen L rkiri , ' �ull, '.�oocic Co- Win and RVmond ,CiLy Attorney,.i,nginc,4 -and Clerk. "Minutes of lls L session recd ind -ir-nroved . 17:epor t of Fin-ince Commi t Le ; de your Commi Ltne on Fin ince 'Inj-Te eximined -ind recomend for p tymernt Lh.efollowi_ng bills ; !,d .L .'1'e rry 46 .7 J.S.McCre':t '.\ r0 arlington Imp .Club 2.55 Thos .Dobron, '2re)-is . 529 .20 R.e,4.Tho me 18 .50 'hos .Dobson, Tre-is . 8 . 0 ;Iut.so Kelly 7 . 15 Signed 'T!ios .i;-3ymorld,John L, *rkin i✓vrnmi G,,eP . b.oved by i-'aull .9econded by Mc Cowin -ill bills O.K. d by Lhe Firs--irlce Commi Ltee be allo.ved. C irried . Report of ape ci ril Commi L Lee on Lfi t,Ave .11 .p-.ving. We,your Commi LLee w1iich was rippoin ted to meet with Hr .B%,Vng,trt- ner in m'%Lter of Fi rs L Ave .11or L!i priving,bec le!ive Lo report 'Is coll- o vis ; !Ie went over Oic ,tree, L wi th Mr .13';umg-irtner and lie %%reed to s L- art repair work ori street .is soon As Lhe we.3tl'ie,r would permit . 1,11x. ' B=iumg,irtner rf�comends th-it ( rout of one to one 'ind one ri',l-' 'be used ins teid of one to two ,providint tyle City would p3,y for Vie extr-i cerocn t. -Vie concur in ;ir .B-ium6; tr tilers recomend,t' ions . Signed G.A.H'irner ,Ch is .? c Cowin ,John ;,f,, ull , Com. Woved by iood seconded by fiaymond report be -.ccepted,pl-lced on file %nd recomend iLiono c-irried out. C irried. Report of Police Jud6e for ?+eby .re'rid . M6ved acrd seconded s�4me be p1-iced on file . CIrried . Cor-muric3Lion from `,/m .K!i-ne .n m3Lter of reloc-i,ting sLr,set lights rf =id . r''oved end :seconded Vne be filed . CArried. Comrnunic-L .,ion from G..7 -';Ter Lens ret;­irding moving of tool ]base on 13urnetL St.r.e ;-d . Moved ind seconded same be filed rind Clerk write i r . - er Lens tli-inkigg him for moving s iid building. CIrried. Communic-ition from A.?I.Cox ;i Co . 7e +.d.r avers ind seconded sommunic- Lion be pl%ced on file lid .,,I.Cox ,° Co .}-)ro inq LrucLed noLL, to mike I l XWE 319 i,n r rep firs on pump -it the, present time . C•irried. Ordin-ince iTo .7�93 rel,tting to cind ret;ul•iting -Oie supply ,)f writer to p`irtie;, living; outside the City re td first time . Moved rind seconded s Ame be referred to Ordin•ince Commi ,. tPe . Crirried. r7oved. and secomled CiLy En6ineer Tn;ke es tim tLe of Tn-,4teri,l. end cost of relocating wvter _main on I rAin Street ne-r Ci L.r limi rs . Carried. T.Toved by Trc Cowin seconded by j %,mes City A' uorney draw up ",n a reemen t rel-,tive to -i; 7.ey through Mock 22 ind drivearvr through City property. Carried. Engineer reports thit Mr .B tumg irtner tris stir tPd the repriir work on First _ lre .North paving. Ti'oved by T.Tc Cowin seconded by 1 *,*ymond ! ngine(�r be in s truc ted to direct the con tr%c tors on the �.bovr� work to close tht' street to tr a.ffic, %dd to begin work %t e is t and of the s tre3E� end ,o over amara -acrid rcp'-,ir s,vre thoroughly. C trried. I Ii'loved --tnd seconded the Contr�*ctors on above work be given 60 d a.y�, in -iaich to complete s ,-tid repairing -and h=Lve s tree t open to tr-if.fic . Cirried . IITo tion to idj ourn 320 Renton,'V'ash. :.=arch,9th,1215 . Council rr;et in regular session, M=ayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; 'resent Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Fa.ull , ood,James , =cCowin_, and P.ayinond. ' inutes of last meeting; read and approved. Petition for sewer connection Lot i8,'61ock 1 ,Smithers 4th,Add.by Father Heelan of the Catholic Crunch read. -oved and seconded same be granted. Carried. Petition asking permission to connect with water main on Tobin Avenue to supply his premises at Buffalo presented by J. E. Hayes . Pk"oved and seconded same be granted under conditions as specified for users of water outside of the City li .iits .Same carried. F.eport of Street P� Alley Corimittee ; e ,,our Comiiittee on Streets & Alleys beg leave to report as follows ; e 1-iave examined the turn on <illia is Stn°eet and Sth,Ave .horth and find the same put in in a first class condition. SiLned Chas.-.c Cowin,JohnF'aull ,Geo.Athl-iur,Coniinittee . -oved by Raymond seconded by ',"ood report be received and placed on file . Carried. ?report of Finance Committee ; "'e,your Committee on I'inance have examined and reco:c;end for payment the following bills ; P. S. T.L.&- . Co. 157.40 1.!,.,'m.Kane 27.38 Pacific Coast Pipe Co. 65 .13 Library Fund 65 .79 Richmond Paper Co. 8.85 O.K.Livery 12.00 E. E. Duff 150.00 j,orian Dc-vis 22 .25 Pacific Tel .& Tel . Co. 2 .13 E. H.Mc Curdy .75 Daniel Gaby 6 .80 Pay Roll,Labor 161 .65 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos.Raymond,J. H.Larkin,Conirriittee . :::oved by -. c Cocain seconded by Faull report be received and plat- ed on file and all bills O.K. d,be alloy,,dd . Carried. Report of Town Property Committee ; VTe,your Committee on Town Property beS leave to report as follows ; That request of City Clerk for ne typewriter be allowed and he be gived permission to trade for the Royal machine. X IMP, 321 Signed R. H. James,Thos .Paymond,J. I-I.Larkin Committee . oved by by Faull seconded ,, ,, Arthur report be received,filea and recomendations carried out . Carried. Town ',roperty Co i,I_Iittee reports further as follows ; VTe have examined repairs to City Jail as done by E. E. Duff and recomend same be accented. Signed R. F . Ja.,ries ,Thos.Iaymond,J. II.Larkin, Cort,riittee . ��-oved by 'rood seconded by Faull re-)ort be received,filed and recom- endation carried out . Carried. City engineer reports probable cost of reloc -ting water :Hain on `ain Street at south limits of City to be X830.00. "roved and seconded report be received and filed. Carried. F-report of City Clerk for month of February read. ,oved and se- conded same be placed on file . Carried . report of Treasurer for February read . (.-loved and seconded sar,.e be filed. Carried. Communication from Lake Gravel Co.relative to reb - te on water bow rental on account of overcharge read. '< oved and seconded sane be filed and referred to Fire Tight F_ ''iter Committee and finance Com- mittee for report at next meeting. Carried. Communication fro;;; A. H. Cox &_ Co.read. =loved and seconded same be filed. Carried. `)rdinance --o.393 relating to and regulating sale of Uaater to consumers outside of the City of Renton passed to second reading and on motion of Arthur seconded by Raymond was passed and adopted./'Iepfl--C{ oved bar i:c Cowin seconded by Faull Purch.P.gt .be instructed to purchase the necessary pipe for the work to be done on P.:ain St . Carried and that said work be done by day labor under the super- vision of the water Supt.and City Engineer. atter of light recently relocated at Burnett L r'irst was ref- erred to I'ire.,T io'ht & `later Co i-iittee for investigation and re- port at next meeting. '.`oved by 'Tc Cot�iin seconded by D'au2l a reti and of 2" .00 be off- ered for the arrest and conviction of parties who have taken and damaged toDls and apparatus at sub-fire station.s,and that same reward apply to any such acts in t:- _L' future. Carried. roved by James seconded by Raymond City Attorney be instru- 322 cted to draft an Ordinance fixing fine and penalty for the taking or damaging of tools and property from sub-fire stations as above referred to. Carried. Fire Cheif Joe `'"ood states that on account of the danger of of fire he has instructed Purchasinggt .to purchase two 3 Gal. chemicals ,nozzles etc .to replace those stolen from the different sub-stations ,and that a part of said material is already on hand, MayRd and requests the sanction of the Council in such action. V"otion made and seconded that Council sustain_ action of Fire Cheif and Purch.Agt.as above stated. Carried. P.foved and seconded that City Council turn out in a body to attend the funeral of ex-Councilman Elliott,on Thursday after- noon,and that Purch.Agt .be instructed to purchase a wreath for said occasion,to be presented with the symphathy of the Council and Citizens of Renton. C ,.rried. Their being no further business motion made and seconded to adjourn. Grant Bates ,City Clerk. :) X I(F 323 Renton,Yarch 16th,1915. Regular session of the City Council called to order by ''`.ayor Hughes . Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,"'�ood,l aull ,James, C Co:°Pin, and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. inutes of last regular meeting read and a­,-Droved. Petition for sei, er cor rection Lot 5 Block 2 ',lotor Line 1Ldd.by ',:rs . I'lizabeth Dobson read. T, oved and second same be placed on file and request granted. Carried . Committee on investigation of claim of Lake Gravel Co . for rebate on Tater rental reports as follows ; 7,1e have again gone over the meter readings as taken by the watkar Supt. and have code to the conclusion that there may have been an overcharge by taking the previous reading when meter was out of order. ''e therefore revomend that a rebate of :120.00 be allowed on the bill of said Lake Gravel Co. Signed Thos.Raymond,Geo.Arthur,Richard 'Iood, Cormittee . owed by Faull seconded by Janes report be received ,filed and recom- endation carried out . Carried. Report of Finance Committee; '' e,your Committee on. Iinance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Fenton Lumber Co. 4.67 G. H. Beale c:- Co. 10.00 Andy Adams 5.00 Royal Typewriter Co. 62.50 Trick W,_ i;?urray 6 .21 Signed Geo.Arthur,Tho s.Rttymond,Chas.'tileCovrin Com_riittee . oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d be paid . Carried. City Engineer reports as follows ; Mayor cue. City Council ; Gentlemen; - The estimated cost of labor for relaying water pipe on "Main Street and making all necessary connecti --,ns complete is Submitted by request of City Attorney. Respectfully, G.A. Harner,Cit�T Engineer. oved by Arthur seconded by Raymond report be received and placed on file and ?Fater Supt.be instructed to proce _ d at once with the work. Carried. 324 Communication from Pacific Coast Co. asking for copy of resolutimn of acceptance of their deed for right of way of Kennydale road read. ',,roved and seconded same be filed and request granted. Carried. Resignation of T,rlrs .LulW Dickinson as library Trustee read. 'IToved and seconded same be accepted and placed on file . Carried. Moyor Hughes appoints as Library Trustee to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 'Irs.Dickinson,'dlrs.Georgiana Crain. Mloved and seconded that appointment of iv`rs .Crain as Library Trustee be confirmed. Carried. In matter of alley through Block 22 the following form of motion was presented by City Attorney Gaby. " The owners of Block Twenty Two ( 2;2) in the City of Renton desir- ing to open an alley running north and south through the center of said Block,and having requested the privelege of ingress and egr- ess to and from said alley over Lots 13-14,on motion of Charles l.ic Cowin said privelege or license is granted,upon the express condition that the said privelege or license should be and is rev- ocable at any time by the City Council of menton. Until said revocation the line of passage through the City lots is to be designated by the .Iayor and changed at his will. . No teams,or vehicles or horses or other animals shall ,at any tirfie be alloyed to stand or remain upon said Lots 13-14 (the City prop- erty )or the way through the said City property,unless when mov- ing across the same. " Proved and seconded same be entered and made a part of the minutes of the Council. Same carried,all Councilmen present voting Aye. Resolution No.195-A,being a resolution of condolence on the death of former Councilman G.i,, . Elliott was read as follows; '"HEREAS,in his Infinite `:?Wisdom it has pleased Almight God to take from this earth our esteemed fellow townsman,and former member of the City Council,Brother C . .Elliott,who departed this earth on the 9th,day of :,arch,1915 ,and WHEREAS,during his tenure of office as Councilman of the City of Renton,our deceased Brother was an active and faithful worker in all matters pertaining to the welfare and upbuilding of our City,and the prosperity and advancement of its Citizens,and 1XWE 325 a !,�rHEREfiS, since his retirement from office,he was at all times ready and 4il2ing to assist the Council with 4is advise and vast ex- perience, NO?,"! THEREFORE` , BE IT RESOLVED BY Th"E CIT, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON : That by the death of G.1M.Elliott the City Council has lost a faithful supporter and adviser,the City at lame an upright and Hon- orable Citizen,and the wife and family a kind and loving Husband and Father.and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tr:e City Council extend to the family of the deceased,their deepest sympathy,in this their hour of sorrow,and BE IT ALSO RESOLVED,that a copy of this Resolution be spread on the minutes of the Council,that a copy be sent to the bereaved family, and that a copy be published in the official paper of the City of Renton. rassed the City Council this the 16th,day of ivarch, 1915. Approved ?'larch 16th,1915 . F. J.Hughes,',1ayor. Attest; Grant Bates,City Clerk. r:'oved by James seconded by Rgymond that said above resolution be adopted as read and conditions carried out. Carried,all Councilmen voting Aye. T'oved by James seconded by ieic Cowin matter of placing award signs on sub-fire stations be referred to Fire,Light & Water Committee . Carried. .'.lotion to adjourn, City Clerk. L 326 Renton,iuiarch,23rd, 1915 . Council called to order by Mayor Iiughes . Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull,'vllood,James , Mc Cowin and Raymond ,City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Tiinutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition presented by E.E.Duff asking permission to use portion of street for placing gravel while constructing cement walk in front of property of Mrs . Isaac Jones and C.R.Thompson on Wells St .between "salla '''ally Ave.and Fourth. Moved and seconded petition be placed on file and request granted. Carried. Report of Fire,Light & v'ater Committee; We ,your Committee to whom was referred the petition for more light on Burnett Street between lst .and 2nd.Avenues beg leave to report as follows; After a thorough investigation in the matter of light at Burnett Street and First Avenue we find sufficient light and recom- end that said light be left in present location. Signed,Thos.Raymond,Richard "ood,Geo.Arthur,Com. Moved by Faull seconded by irlc Cowin report be received, filed and recomer_dations carried out . Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; `:A'e,your Committee on Finance have examined the following bills and recomend payment of same ; A.Bishop 5.00 G.A. Harner 32.50 Thos Dobson,Treas. 18.50 Labor pay roll 181.55 Signed,Geo.Arthur,Thos ,Reymond,J. H.Larkin,Coininittee . Moved by ',food seconded by Me Cowin report be received,filed and all bills O.K. d be ordered paid. Carried. Communication from Portland Or. relating to new paving material read and on motion of Arthur seconded by Jaynes was ordered placed on file. Communication from Lake Gravel Co.thanking the Council for their action in matter of rebate on water charges read. Moved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Some discussion arose over the request of P'rs. Isaac hones that she be allowed to lay a six foot she eaament walk in front of a If F F: 327 her property on '.'ells St .between '.valla '+/alla and Fourth Avenues . Ordinance regulating width of walks in certain districts was read, said Ordinance stipulating that all cement walks om 'Nells St .between 2nd.and 4th.Avenues be ten feet in width. iviotion made and seconded i that conditions of Ordinance be complied with. motion amended by Larkin seconded by Pic Cowin that permission of the Council be given to lay a six foot walk with the understanding that when conditions demand,and on request of the Council, same be increased to the regulation ten feet. Vote on mx:fzxx$xxKmx amendment to motion by roll call ;Aye,lc Cowin, James,Wood,Faull and Larkin. No,Raymond and Arthur.Amendment carried. Poll vote on motion as amended,all Councilmen,with the exception of Councilman Arthur,voting Aye. ;lotion as amended carried. 1,Toved and seconded St . Supt .locate sewer Ys for Lots 5-6 Block 15 . Carried. ?:?oved by :"c Co�.uin seconded by Larkin City Engineer make record of all sewer Ys as located. Carried. Resolution No.196-A,same being resolution to the County Commiss- ioners asking that they pass Resolution stating to what extent and by what means they will assist in the construction of the proposed Kenny- dale road within the City limits of _Renton was read. 'oved by ``c Cowin seconded by Faull motion be tabled indefinately. Motion amended by Raymond seconded by Arthur that action be taken on motion at once. Poll vote on amendment,Aye Raymond and Arthur.No ,,"c Co- win James,Wood,Faull and Larkin.Amendment lost . Poll vote on original motion,Aye,i:1c Cowin,James,', ood,P'aull and Larkin.Itio Rgymond and Arthur. Carried. St .rupt .requests that City Engineer be instructed to run lines for alley through Block 22 .Moved and seconded that lines be run as requested. Carried. oved and seconded that St . Supt.be instructed to remove that port- ion of City workshop extending over the line of proposed alley through Block 22. Carried. ?e"otion to adjourn, ed City Clerk. 328 Renton,March 30th,1915. Council met in regular session,iVTay-)r Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull,'�vood,James,':Tc Cocain and Raymond,City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. olinutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Petition for water service Lot 9,Block 5,by Mrs .Christina Chernick read. ":!loved and seconded petition be received,filed and request granted. Carried. 'etition asking permission to use portion of Mill StrVet in front of his property for placing building material while making repairs to said property was presented by Frank Davis . Moved and seconded same be filed and permission granted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; ?'e,your Committee on l inance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; Renton "'Fagon '"'orks 26.45 E. H.McCurdy 2.00 Earlington Imp. Club 2.55 Joe "ood 1.00 A. Hambach Co. 31.50 Pettie Printery 12.50 Gorham Fire A-,:paratus Co. 42.00 Pacific Coast Pipe Co. 322.70 Renton Hdw.Co. 14.09 Special Pay Roll 312.65 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos.Raymond,J. H.Larkin Committee . ',,roved by :c Cowin seconded by James report of Finance Committee be received,placed on file and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carr- ied. Bill from A. H. Cox & Co.for freight and overhauling pump read. -loved by Raymond seconded by James same be refer_-ed to City Attorney. Carried. T,; oved and seconded Clerk write Dr."".'v".Beach of Shelton in regard to old buildings on Lot 10,Block 19 asking; that said buildings be removed on account of the danger of fire being started by tramps who congregate in said buildings. Carried. Moved and seconded Street Supt .be instructed to fix approach to ,:Till street bridge ,on south end. Carried. . D°oved by James seconded by T,ic Cowin Street Supt .be also instructed to make necessary repairs to state road brid7e .Carri.ed. iams Street North by .roved and seconded matter of repairing Vill XUR 32.9 Graveling certain porti-)ns was referred to Street & Alley, bom. ittee for report at next meeting. '11oved and seconded Clerk notify Baumgartner F Iaiougin,contra.ctors, that if xxxk repair work is not started on First Ave.>` orth paving before r the last of the week that City will proceed with the work at expense of said Gontractors. Carried. ''oved by Raymond seconded by Wood that Ordinance Committee draft i new sidewalk Ordinance . Carried. Motion to adjourn, City Clerk. i j Renton,April 6th,1915 . Regular session of the Council called to order by Zayor,hughes. Roll n , ..oll Call ; Present councilmen Arthur,Faull, :,ood,James,I:+cCowin and P,ay- moor CitY YAttorne , g Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last meeting read and ap ;roved. Report of i,'inance Committee; "e,your Committee on iinance have examined the following bills and recomend payment of same ; Renton Fdw.Co. 20.49 P. S. T.L.& " . Co. 161.65 Pacific Tel.& Tel . Co. 2.06 E. H.McCurdy 1.70 J. S. Hardie 4.50 O.K.Transfer 1 .75 Ed.L. Terry 50.30 ',Zc Pherson Bros. 1.15 "!m.Kane 5.00 R.Tood 8.70 Library Fund 76 .28 Thos.Dobson,Treas. 8.72 E.E.Duff 3.75 Labor Pay Roll 93.10 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos Raymond.Cornmittee . Moved by 'Nood seconded by Faull report be received,filed and all I bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Report of City C1erk,City Treasurer and Police Judge for month of March were read. voved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Communication from Tucker & Hyland,Attorneys for Baumgartner and r.'ougin,Contractyrs on Hirst Ave .North paving read.i"oved and seconded same be received and placed on file. Carried. Voved by James seconded by Arthur Street Alley Committee go over First Avenue North and determine amount of work to be done ,also that 330 said Committee confer with J1r.B.F. Cake .Supt.of brickyard in matter of securing brick for said work. Carried. Claim of J.A.Fuller against the City in the amount of x'101.00 for alleged injury to his team caused by defect in street in front of Lots 8-9,Block 7 was read. i.7oved by Raymond seconded by James same be referred to 1`inance and Street & Alley Committee for inves- tigation. Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by ','food lvarrant in favor of 'I`.K. Sick- les ,in the amount of ;$12.00 be drawn as jury fee in condemnation proceedings through property of Factory Sites Co. Carried. •�;'oved by "tood seconded by Faull City Engineer comply with the wishes of Attorney Hansen in matter of engineering in above named condemnation proceedings. Carried. Moved by llic Cowin seconded by `Food Street Supt.be instructed to , bepair curb at corner of 4th,6, "*ells immediately. Carried. !loved by Raymond seconded by Mc Cowin Clerk notify all merch- ants to instruct their drivers to dump garbage only at the regular City dump. Carried. Moved by Raymond seconded by Arthur Clerk notify all property holders,where sidewalks in front of their property are defective , to repair or rebuild same at once. Carried. Moved by Arthur seconded by ",Mood Clerk be instructed to send bill in the amount of $45.00 to Mr.Milhuff for rent of house in City Park.Carried. Paul 7I.Houser calls the attention of the Council. to condition of Renton Ave .at top of hill in front of property of Mr.Howells where there is danger of an accident being caused by a large stump in the street at that point. Moved and seconded aame be referred to Street & Alley Committee for investigation. Carried. Lotion to adjourn, City Clerk. l 331 Renton,April 13th, 1915. Council met in regular session,iviayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull ,':°'ood,James, McCowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. "inutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Petition for license to operate Columbia Theatre presented by H.H.Briner. "."oved by Arthur seconded by Raymond same be placed on file and license granted as requested. Carried. Request for the use of City Hall on 7.ed.Eve.April 14th, signed by J. R. Storey and V. x'.Talbott ,Committee on Democratic conference read. TvIoved by Arthur seconded .by Mc Cowin request be granted .Carried. Petition for water connection Acre Tract No.36,R. C. C. Co,,#2 by F.W. Lorenz read. r"oved and seconded same be filed and referred to 'Nater Supt .to investigate and report at next meeting.Carried. Report of Street 6: Alley Committee; "'e,your Committee on Streets & Alleys beg leave to report as follows ; - 7"e recomend that the stump on Renton Avenue be taken out. Signed Chas.",Ic Cowin,John Faull,Geo .Arthur Committee . .,,.loved by Jgmes seconded,\report be received and placed on file and recomendations carried out. Carried. Report of Ordinance Committee; i ',,e,your Committee on Ordinances to whom was referred the proposed i change in Ordinance No.239 regulating sidewalks beg leave to report l as follows ; - That but little attention has been paid to the City Ordinances in construction of sidewalks,and as the street paving y has been done in conformity to street Ordinances that differ from the ordinances regulating sidewalks,it will be necessary to conform to the permanent work that has been completed. At our request the City Attorney .as prepared an amendment to Section 1 of Ordinance 239,and we reuomend the adoption of the new Ordinance containing said amendment . Signed Thos.Raymond,Chas.NIc Cowin, John Faull ,Committee . R6port of Finance Committee ; '''e,your Committee on Finance have examined the following bills and recoiiend payment of same. Hugo Kelley 3.65 G.A. Harner 33.75 Joe Lens 3.00 332 O.K.Livery 2.50 E.E.Duff 1.50 Signed Geo .Arthur,Thos .RAymond,J. H.Larkin Committee. Moved- by James seconded by Me Cowin aeport be placed on file and all bills O.-K.by the Committee be paid. Carried. Verbal report by Councilmen Arthur,Nood and Faull in matter of claim of Mr.Fuller for damages to his team, saying they had visited Mr.Fullers place and looked at the team and could find no injuries of any kind,and that team had been at work on the P."onday following; the accident. Report of Health Officer for quarter ending I4"arch 31st read. Moved and seconded same be received �. and filed . Carried. Report of Health officer on sanitary conditions in Block 4 read as follows; In compliance with law and the Ordinances of the City of Renton I have examined the privies on Lots 11-12-13 and 14 in Block 4 in original town ( now City of Renton) . On account of the privies being so close together I recomend .that a lateral sewer be extended from the south end of the sewer (known as the King sewer ) through the center of Block 4 south to Fourth Avenue. Dated this the 13th day of April,1915 . C.L.Dixon,Health Officer. Moved and _, econded same be received,filed and referred to Street & Alley Committee for report. Carried. Ordinance No .394,amending sidewalk Ordinance read first time . r,?oved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. "`oved by Arthur seconded by Fgull City Attorney draw up the necessary papers declaring the buildings on Lot 10,B1ock 19, Original plat town (now City of Renton)to be a nuisance and pres- ent same for consideration of Council at next meeting. Carried. 1,5oved by Larkin seconded by Arthur Clerk correspond with State Highway Commission in matter of state road bridge in North Renton,regarding responsibility of keeping same in repair. C4rried. Fire Cheif Joe "ood request that certain supplies be purchased for use of Fire Dept . Moved and seconded Purchasing Agt.be instruc- ted to purchase same. Carried. -�� XKFIa 333 Joe "'ood calles the attention of the Council to condition of "illiams St.bet=,teen 2nd.Ave .and the Williams St bridge,stattng that private parties have made donations for regraveling same and asks an amount equaling Council to donate from the general fund/25`O" of the amount collected mod from other sources. Iuloved by- Iylc Cowin. seconded by Faull Council make donation as requested. Poll vote . Councilmen Mc Cowin,James, 'rood and Faull voting Aye. Councilmen Raymond,Larkin and Arthur vot&- ng No. Carried. 'notion to adjourn, r City Clerk. Renton,April 20th, 1915. Regular session of .the City Council ,Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull,James and -,c Cowin; City Attorney Engineer and Clerk. P:linutes of last regular session read and approved. ■... Applications for watt=r service Lot 15 ,Block 7, Car %'corks by L. Johnson and Lot 3,3lock 2 Farm Plat by Irs.A. B.Lindgren read. t1oved and seconded same be received,filed and permit granted.Carried. "rater Supt .makes verbal re-ort in matter of application of F. '?'.Lorenz for water connection,Acre Tract 36 ,at Talbott stating that at the plint where connection is desired there will be suffic- ient )ressure to supply the premises. I�;oved and seconded report be received and permit granted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; "'e,your Committee on r'inance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Ben Atkinson 5.25 Thos .Dobson,Treas. 46.83 Emil Bahnke 10.00 James Dick 1.00 E.A. Shearer 34.24 Labor Pay Roll 108.95 - d Ceo.Arthur,J. H.Larkin,Committee . 11oved by "c Cowin seconded by James report of Finance Committee be received,placed on file and all bills O.K.,, ,be paid. Carried. Courcilman '"c Cowin as Chairman of Street & Alley Committee makes verbal report in matter ofseaeesWGrough Ulock 4,and asks 334 that the Committee be allowed another weeks time for further inves- tigation. Request granted. ^vToved by °ic Cowin seconded by James Clerk write City of Sea- ttle for easement across pipe line right of way for the proposed sewer through Block 4 . Carried. Ordinance T\o.394,amending sidewalk Ordinance,was referred back to Ordinance Committee for further amendment . Councilman Arthur,in behalf of the Democratic Club,asks permission for the use of Council room on the evening of April 28th,for a meeting of said Club. "4Toved and seconded same be granted. Carried. T'oved by Larkin seconded by %Ic Cowin that the Council take the necessary steps to create an improver:ent district for the improvement ,zk by grade and `,ravel ,of .second Ave .bet-ween Burnett Street and City limits. Said above motion withdrawn and motion t'.--at made by Arthur seconded by ^.°c Cowin matter be referred to Street L Alley Committee was adopted. ':'oved by ' c Cowin seconded by James Street Supt .be instructed to run grader over Sixth Ave .west and other streets adjacent which require leveling up. Carried. Remarks were made by P.Cerini to the effect that he considered an injustice was bd�mgg done by t_-le Council compelling him to re- build sidewalk in front of his property between 5th.&. 6th Aves. north while property immediately across the street has no walk. The above matter Created considerable argument,fo r and against,but no action gas taken to modify the request of the Council that said walk be rebuilt . Request of R.?v1. Thorne that a gutter be placed on tool shed belonging to the City to prevent water,from roof of said building, running under foundation of the Thorne building adjoingng, was granted and St. Supt. instructed 'to have said work done . There being no further business motion was made to adjourn. City Clergy. 335 Renton April 27th,1915 . Council met in regular sessionliayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present `'ouncilmen Arthur,Faull .'Nood,James ,«< c Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Application for permit to stand popcorn wagon on the streets of Renton presented by Luke Marshall. Mloved by games seconded by Raymond same be placed on file and referred to License Committee. Carried. Application for permit to install gasoline tank on south side of fourth Ave.between tiain and `dells, on parking strip presented by Joe '!food. 'd"owed by James seconded by Faull same be placed on file and permit granted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; 1e,your Committee on finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; Renton Lbr.Co. 18.56 Lowman & Hanford Co. 6.15 Seattle Blue Print Co. 5.46 Trick `4 ':Murray 80.03 E. H.McCurdy 1.50 Earlington Imp.Club 2.55 Joe Lenz 6.00 G.A. Harner 30.00 Thos.Dobson,Treas. 2.80 Signed,Geo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond Committee . "roved and seconded report be received and placed on file and all bills O.K. d,by the Finance Committee be paid. Carried. Report of Street 4 Alley Committee . UT e,your Committee on Streets & Ai. leys beg leave to report as follows; That we have interviewed the property owners affected by the proposed sewer through Block 4 and that they are all willing to put in the sewer and do the work �t.zemselves . "e recomend that the City Attorney draw up contract and have same signed by the interested parties. Signed Chas.7c Cowin,John Faull,Geo.Arthur,Committee. Moved and seconded that no action be taken on above report until matter of easement across pipe line right of way is beard. Carried. Councilman c Cowin as Chairman of Street & Alley Committee makes verbal report on the matter of improvement by grade and gravel 336 of .Second Ave .West Burnett St .to City limits , stat&ng that he had interviewed property owners and found no objections on that part between Burnett and Logan but that property owners west of Logan were not in favor of the improvement at this time. Moved by Faull seconded by Arthur City Engineer be instructed to make estimate of the cost of said improvement. Carried. ,/,ON,& �+-«.C2 Councilman e Cowin rep )rts that he has taken up the matter of brick for the First Ave.north repair work with Mir.Cake of the Denny Renton Co. ?fir Cake being present states that the Company will donate brick for said work up to 20,000,and makes the request that Mr.Conard be permitted to z.x.masg supervise the work under the direction of City Engineer. Mioved and seconded that request as above be granted and ':7r.Conard be, employed. at the regular salary for work of that kind. Carried. Communication from L•8•Youngs,Supt .of water,City of Seattle in matter of easement for sewer through Block 4 across pipe line right of way read. M3ved and seconded same be .laid over for one week. Carried. Communication from `' .7.°.Beach relative to removal of buildings on Lot 10,31ock 19,stattng that. he had no objection to their re- moval providing same could be done without cost to him was read. ",.loved and seconded Street Supt .be instructed to remove said build- ings. Carried. Ordinance No.394 amending original sidewalk ordinance was taken up for second reading and after some discussion on the matter of uniformity in the width of walks was referred back to the Ordinance Committee for further consideration. i."owed by Arthur seconded by Faull Clerk be instructed to send vote of thanks of the Council to the Denny Renton Co.for their generous donation of brick for the repair work of First Avenue North. Carried. Matter of cleaning up and beautifying City ='ark was taken up by Mayor Hughes. Moved by I+ c Cowin seconded by Faull same be re- ferred to Town Property and 2#a Finance Committees and �'Iaterway Commissioners for investigation and report . Carried. 'Motion to adjourn, City Clerk. (TH 337 Renton, "ash. ,May 4th,1015 . Council met in regular session,71ayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur,l'aull,Larkin,v`�'ood,James, Mc Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. tTinutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Report of Finance Committee; 1e,your Committee on Finance have examined the following bills and recomend payment of same. Ed.I.,.Terry . 42.75 R. 0. Bros+n .90 E.A. Shearer 31.39 P. S. T.L.&: P. Co. 160.60 Hugh Adams 4.00 Denny Renton C .& C. Co. 2.25 Pacific Tel.`' Tel.Co . 1 .85 A. Hambach Co. 25 .30 NIc Pherson Bros. 1 .75 Renton Hdw.Co. 12.71 Labor Pay Roll 85 .1.5 . Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos .Ray-mond,J. H. Larkin,Committee . Noved by Mood seconded by Mc Cowin report be received,placed on file and all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried. . Report of Police Judge for April read. Moved and, seconded same be received and filed. Carried. Report of. City Engineer; Mayor & City Council; Gentlemen;-In compliance with your request for an estimate of the cost of grading and graveling of Second Ave.West from the west margin of Burnett St .to City limits,I submit herewith the foll- owing; The estimated cost and expense of the proposed improvement is Three hundred and Twenty Seven ("327.00)Dollars. Respectfully submitted, G.A.Harner,City engineer. Moved by Raymond seconded by Faull report be received and placed on file, Carried. Communication from Supt.Youngs , Seattle `,'rater Dept . stating that permission would be given to construct 8" sewer across pipe line right of way through Block 4 read. Moved and seconded same be filed. Communication from State Highway Commissioner relative to repair of high trestle on State Road No.7,within City limits read. ,v'Ioved and 338 seconded same be filed. Communication from State Forester relating to the su pp- ression and prevention of forest fires read. ;'Loved and seconded Xs same be filed. Carried. Councilman James as Chairman of the Town Property Committee makes verbal report in matter of City Park,recomending that pav- illion and house be torn down and Park cleared of all rubbish, and that Street Supt.be instructed to proceed at once with said work. Moved by Faull seconded by `:`c Cowin report be accepted and recomendetions carried out . Carried. Moved and seconded Clerk notify tenant of house in Park of action of Council,that he may find other quarters at once . lv�oved and seconded Clerk write IvIr.Luke ivTarshall in the matter of location of stand for popcorn wagon. Carried. City Engineer makes verbal report in matter of First Ave,N . repair work, stating that it will cost fx+a��° rs X1700 . (app- roximately) to place said street in Eood condition,and asks instruction from the Council in regard to the expenditure of that amount . loved by ivic Cowin seconded by Raymond Engineer be instruc- ted to proceed,and complete the work of re-,,-,airing Vfirst Ave .North. Poll Vote ; All Councilmen voting Aye . Carried. There being no further business motion was made to adjourn. City Clerk. Y U R 339 Fenton,°,I"ay llth, 1915 . Regular session of the City Council ca lled to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull, James,',ic Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. ,linutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition for creating Local Improvement District for the graveling of alley through Block 23,Farm Plat No.3 read. Moved by "vZc Cowin sec- onded by Artqur petition be received and request of petitioners be granted and City Engineer be instructed to estimate cost of same . Report of Finance Committee ;- We,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment ti-ie following bills ; Library Fund 74.92 A. H.Cox & Co. 11.35 E. J.Hughes 6 .40 Preibe Bros. 13.30 Lake Gravel Co. 17.00 Grant Bates 2.40 E. H.Mic Curdy .75 Renton 717agon works .90 G.A. Harner 55.00 Joe Lenz 1.85 Special Pay Roll ,lst ,Ave .�?. 416 .25 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond,J. H.Larkin,Co:-fimittee. ,vloved and seconded report be received and filed and all bills O.K. d,be ordered paid. Carried. Report- of Clerk and Treasurer for month of April read. i%roved and seconded reports be received and filed. Carried. City ' ngineer makes verbal report stating that Engineers iv,00re and Hesse went -over proposed Kennydale road with him and considered construction feasible and that report of Mr.Hesse would be made after he had consulted County Engineer in matter of amount of material they would furnish for the fill . Communication from department o•f Agriculture in reply to letter of Attorney Gaby on matter of testing cows for tuberculosis read. Moved and seconded same be placed on file.Carried. Moved by James seconded by Raymond City Attorney draft Ordinance regulating sale of milk in the City. Carried. Ordinance Yo.394,amending origirEal sidewalk I)rdinancelwhich was referred back to Ordinance committee for further amendment,was brought up for final reading. Loved and seconded section 1 be adopted as read. poll vote,Raymond, -a James,Faull and Larkin voting Aye. Mc Cowin and Arthur voting No.Carried. 340 .loved and seconded section 2 be adopted as read. game carried,all voting Aye. '''oved and seconded section 3 be adopted as read. Cttrried. ',Poved by Larkin seconded by Faull Ordinance as a whole be a.dopted . as read. yxyylAd Poll Vote . Raymond,'-c Cowin,James ,Faull and Larkin voting Aye . �_rthur voting No. Carried. Resolution No .196-A being a resolution of the Council placing said body on record to the effect that upon the securing of the _renn;;Tdale road that an assessment right of way for the Proposed district shall at once be created for said improvement ,one half of the cost to be paid by abutting property,the balance to be paid by the Board of County Commissioners,oras read,and on motion duly seconded,was adopted as read. ':loved by Raymond seconded by. Mc Cowin St . Supt.be instructed to notify property owners to clean sidewalks in front of their property,wherever necessary. Carried. '.':roved by Arthur seconded by "11c . Cowin City Engineer give grade for cement walk on Tobin Ave.as requested by property owners . Carried. «lotion to adjourn, City Clerk. Renton,ldlay 12,1915. Special metting of the Council called for the purpose of considering the application of Renton Liquor Co.for transfer of liquor license and application of Pistoresi Bros.for change of location of wholesale buitness ,was called to order by Ulayor Hughes. Roll Call; Present Councilmen A rthur,Larkin,Faull, [Tood,James, 11c Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Application of Renton Liquor Co..for transfer of retail Liquor license to Pistoresi Bros.gnd application of Pistoresi Bros.whole- sale liquor dealers,to change tieir place of business from the present location to the building known as the Cottage Bar, they desiring to purchase the retail business of the Renton Liquor Co. and conduct same in conjunction with their wholesale buitness,were discussed by the Council and on motion. of Prthur,seconded by Larkin, the applications were granted as requested—All Councilmen voting Aye. A;otion to adjourn, t City Clerk. 341 Renton,May 18th,1915. Council met in regular session.iMayor Hughes presiding. boll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Faull, '+4'ood,James,?V1c Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. i,.. Report of Finance Committee ; ^'e,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; O.K.Transfer Co. 13.75 O.K.Transfer Co. 27.75 Harr;; T Reynolds 4.50 Renton tbr.Co. 11.60 Norman Davis 10.50 Labor Pay Roll 126.45 ",igned Geo.Arthud Thos .Raymond Com:riittee. Moved by °food seconded by James atkxk report be received and filed and all bills O.K.�,be ordered paid. Carried. ?eport of City Engr. Mayor & Council; Gentlemen,- In compliance with your request for an estimate on graveling alley in Block 23 of Renton Farm flat I t.� submit the following; The estimated cost is one hundred dollars. The amount assessed each lot will be approximately x;,3.85 . Respectfully submitted, G. A.Harner,City engineer. -oved by Faull seconded by James report be received and filed and City Attorney be instructed to draw up Resolution of intention for said improvement . Carried. Report of Engineers Ilarner,M oore and Hesse on practicability of construction of the proposed Kennydale road lying within the City lim- its was read,and on motion of Raymond seconded by Arthur was placed on file. Ordinance No.395 relating to and regulating sale of milk in the City of Lenton read first time,and by motion duly seconded was referred w to Ordinance Committee. Moved and seconded City Clerk communicate with A. H. Cox.& Co. in matter of valuation of the City pump left in their charge. Carried. Councilman Faull calls attention of the Council to condition of 5th,Ave .North and urges that Street be put in passable condition. Moved by Arthur seconded by Raymond above matter be referred. to St.& Alley Committee for investigation and report at next meeting. Above 342 Motion amended by 'Mc Cowin seconded by �,kood that St.erupt .be instrxxke ucted to improve same at once. Poll vote on amendment,'atc Cowin, ?'ood and Faull voting Aye. Raymond James and Arthur voting No. Tie vote. Original motion put to vote Pool vote on same,Mc Cowin, Mood and Faull voting No. Raymond,James and Arthur voting Aye . Tie vote. There being no further business moved and seconded Council Adjourn. City Clerk. 343 Renton,'May 25th, 1915. Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin ,'f�'ood,F'aull,Mc Cowin and Raymond ; City Engineer,Attorn.ey and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. r.. Petition for water service Lot 9,Block 6,Renton Farm Plat,by Geo.I.ove read. Moved and seconded same be filed and permit granted. Carried . Petition for sewer service Lot 17,Block 26,by Si .Tonkin read. Moved and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Petition presented by E.E. Duff asking permission to use portion of street for storing gravel and building material for repairing of Davis Hotel,Cor.4th,Ave .`�' Smithers St.was read. 74oved and seconded same be placed on file and request granted.. Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; ?"e,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Joe Lenz 1 .50 G. A.Harner 52.50 Seattle Car & Ibundry Co. .85 Wm.Ilan e 11 .50 Spl . Pay Roll ,lst.Ave. North,repair 572.08 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos.Raymond,J. .:.Larkin Committee. .roved by Faull seconded by Iwe Cowin report be received and placed on file and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Report of City Engineer on matter of graveling of alley through Block 23,Renton Farm Plat No.3,and estimate of cost of same read. i."oved and seconded same be placed on file. Carried. Communication from A. H. Cox '3� Co.relative to valuation of City pump,plaeing valuation of same at $3`'0.00,and asking authority to sell same on a 1050 commission and for renting same on basis of 5v of valuation per month is amount of rental for the City,bzlance of rental to be all.a.,red teem as comTtission,they to keep pump in repair and good salable condition,was read. Moved and seconded communication be .received and filed,and Cox & Co.be authorized to make necessary repairs to pump,and agreement be drawn as above stipulated, sale price of pump to be not less than :;,',300.00. Carr Led. 344 Matter of sale of cull brick from paving repair work on 1st . Avenue North was discussed.Moved and seconded Bity Engineer be auth- orized to sell sane to Mr.Fairchild at the price offered, r2.50 per .0. on the ground. Carried. to Clerk was instructed/write Mate Highway Commission again in matter of repairing and upkeep of trestle at foot of Lake "ash- ington. Ratter of regraveling 5th.ave.North taken up. Ioved by Arthur seconded by Larkin St.Supt.be instructed to place necessary amount of gravel at crossings and over drain boxes to put same in good condition,and where crossings are covered with gravel that same be removed. Carried. City Engineer reports to Council the request of County Enginee- r for cross section of that portion of Kenn;yrdale road within the City limits of Renton. Moved and seconded City Engineer proceed to make up such cross section as requested. Carried. ':'otion to adjourn, City Clerk. !�F 1 345 Renton,June lst,1915. Council met in regular session,i,"payor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Faull,Larkin,Wood,James,i,. c Cowin and Raymond ; City Engineer,Attorney and Clerk. ilinutes of last regular session read and approved. , etition of G. J. Lemanski for transfer of moving picture license of Columbia Theatre,he having taken over said Theatre read. Moved by Larkin seconded by f4c Cowin petition be received filed and request be granted. roll vote on same ,Raymond,James,",,vood,F'aull and Arthur voting no. Me Cowin and Larkin voting Aye.i'jotion lost . Clerk instructed to see that '7r.Lemanski takes out license before operating theatre further. Report of finance Committee ; i!'e,your Committee on r"inance have examined the following bills and recomend payment of sane. C.H.Beale `: Co. 4.50 Earlington Imp.Club 2.55 Chas.A.Newhall 8.50 Labor Pay Roll 53.10 �,.,. Signed Geo. krthur,Thos.Raymond,J.H.Larkin Committee. Moved and seconded report be received,placed on file and all bills O.F.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Report of Police Judge for month of ay read. Moved and seconded same be received,:Rkand filed . Carried. Communication from State Highway Commissioner read. tloved and seconded same be placed on file . Carried. Resolution No.197-A being resolution of intention to improve alley through Block 23,Renton Farm Plat No.3 read first time and by motion regularly seconded referred to Ordinance Corrirnittee . Carried. -loved and seconded City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the neccessary data required in matter of sewer through Block 4, Original Plat ,Town of Renton.Carried. Moved and. seconded Clerk call for bids for painting of Mill St. bridge. Carried. �JI'atter of preventing; children from walking over archway of said bridge was discussed. and seconded same be referred to Street & Alley Committee . Carried. ",roved and seconded Ordinance be drawn to comply with State law in matter of speed of Automobiles through Cities of the Third Class, 346 and that Street Supt.have necessary signs painted to be posted on all roads leading into the City.Carried. In matter of agreement with i�-.H. Cox & Co.for handling of the City pump motion made and seconded time notice of 60 days be fixed in case of desire to terminate said agreement by eider party. Carried. Moved and seconded that above agfzeement ,with the 60 day clause inserted,be signed by the Id3ayor and Clerk. Carried. There being no further business motion made to adjourn. CI L Clerk. 347 Renton,June 8th,1915. Council met in regular session,DVlayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Wood,James,!I7cCowin and Raymond; City Attorney.Engineer and Clerk. ?viinutes of last session read and approved. Ilrra Petition for sewer connection Acre Tract No.l R. C. C. Co.No.l by John Bevan read. loved and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Application for permit to lay gas mains were read as follows; On ',Williams St . 6" main from end of existing main NX at 2nd Ave .to a point Sbout 300^ North; on Renton Ave . from Beacon. Ave .to a point about 250 ' South;in a'-ley between Burnett St .& '� illiams St.2" main from 3rd .Ave .to a point about 250 ' North. Said applications presented by Mr.F.Lane,PjIgr. Seattle Lighting Co . IMoved and seconded applications be filed and granted. Carried. south east Application for peratitsion to place bill. board at/corner of A'ells St .and 3rd.Ave.for advertising purposes,presented by G. J. Iemanski of the LPmanski Theatre. Also application for permit to keep the bill boards now located on the above named corner,at said corner,permit having been received from the tenant and property owner,was presented by E. E. Belloir of the Grand Theatre. Moved and seconded said applic- ations be referred to Street & Alley Uommittee . Carried. Application for permission to obstruct sidewalk and portion of street in. front of property of. P.Gibbons while constructing cement walk presented by E. :'. Duff. Moved and seconded same be filed and granted . Carried. Report of Finance Cor:imittee ; 7e,Your Committee on finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Fd.L .Terry 48.75 Pacific Tel.& 'i'el.Co. 1.85 E.H.McCurdy 1.75 Joe Lenz 4.50 Robt .Lowery 6.88 Geo..Arthur 5.00 G.A.Harner 52.50 Tie Pherson Bros. 1.30 Hugo Kelley 3.45 P. S.T.L.& P. Co. 160.60 Pettie Printery 3.50 Renton Hdw. Co. 1.28 if it it25.75 R.'.'good __ 146.05 Daniel Gaby 2.15 Library Fund 125 .35 Spl .Pay Roll ,lst .A.ve .N. 165.41 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos.Raymond,Committee. j Moved and seconded report be received, filed,and all bills O.K.d,be t 348 paid . Carried. Report of Clerk for month of 7'411ay,also report of Treasurer for same period,were reod. Moved and seconded said reports be received and placed on file. Carried. Report of City Engineer in matter of graveling of alley ti;rough Block 23,Renton Farm Plat No.3,read. Moved and seconded same be received and filed. Carried. Ordinance No.396 amending Ordinance relating to speed of Automobiles and motor vehicles through the City of Renton read first time. '14oved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee. Carried. Resolution No.197-A being resolution of intention to create Local Improvement bistrict for the improvement by graveling,of the alley through Block 23,F;enton farm Plat No.3,and fixing date for protest ,passed to second readin ;,read by sections,and on motion of Arthur seconded by Wood adopted as a whole. Poll Vote ; all Council- men voting Afire . Moved by Raymond seconrle l loo :ii2.tt�r 3f :Li"l t"'JVE?lil@iiG O w i)E�t veers Burnett and I.,o�;an Sts .be referred to Street & Alley Committee. Carried. 4°oved and seconded City Attorney be instructed to drays u7 the necessary agreement with the property owners affected in the matter of the above named improvement, in accordance with instruct- ions and recomendations of the Street & Alley Coifimittee . Carried. 71,ayor Hughes appoints Councilman Raymond as a Committee of one to confer with 'Fti'aterway Commissioners in matter of taking gravel from foot of Logan St ..f.or street improvement purposes. `;'here being no further business motion made to adjourn. City Clerk. ; 349 Renton,'V�'ash. June 15th,1915 . Council met in regular sessi6n,iv':ayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull,'.Fjood,James and Raymond; City Engineer,Attorney and Clerk. "Minutes of last session read and approved. Application for sewer connection Lot 15,Block 33,9mithers lst . Add.by Mrs.Davis,also application for water service,L,ot 11,Block 2, Smithers 4th,Add.by ?CID'%Edwards were read. Proved and seconded same be filed and requests granted. Carried. Application for permission to set 35 ' pole at corner 4th ,north and Meadow St .uresented by P. S.T.L.& P.Co. Mloved andseconded same be granted. Carried. Application for water connection for fire protection request- ed by J. E.Vioue. Moved and seconded request be referred to ''ater Supt. Carried. Report of Finance Committee; "e,your Committee on finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; Thos. Dobson,Treas, 2.25 Denny Renton C.& C.Co. 3.75 Denton '",'agon VTorks 5.80 Renton Lbr.Co. 15.90 Labor Pay loll 121.20 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond,John h.Larkin,Committee. "Moved and seconded report be received,placed on file and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Councilman .Arthur makes verbal report of St .& Alley Committee to whom was referred applications for permit to place bill boards at S. E. Cor.'.7ells and 3rd.Ave.by E.E. Belloir of the Grand Theatre and G .J.Lemanski of the Lemanski Theatre,recomending that applicati6n of E.E.Belloir of the Grand be granted,he having permission of tenant and property owner at said corner. Com,nunicati6n from 1,. B. Youngs, Supt .of water,City of Seattle,to City Attorney Gaby,in matter of sewer through Block 4,w,).s read. Moved and seconded same be filed and referred to St.& Alley Committee. Carried. Ordinance No.397 relating to the repairing and rebuilding of sidewalks in the City of Renton read first time . 'roved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. 350 Mayor Hughes staters that the Library Board are in need of a table,for use at meetings of the Board,and suggests that the extra table in the Council room be loaned khff to the Board for their present use. ':'gloved and seconded that said suggestions of the Mayor be carried out. Carried. Bids for painting Mill St .bridge were read as follows. John Tachell 10.00 G.H.Beale 7.50 O.N. Cochran 8.50 Moved and seconded low bid be accepted and Clerk be instructed to investigate -as to the proper kind of paint to be used and that same be purchased. Carried. Councilman James brings up matter of wiring on City light poles, statin g that there is a question if same is in accordance with state low. Moved and seconded matter be referred to Fire,Light and .later Committee-Carried. Vatter of deed to right of way through Factory "ices Co.for proposed Kennydale road was discussed,the said Co .not as yet having presented deed according to agreement . iYoved and seconded that City Attorney write said Factory F>ites Co.statirt facts in said matter,and cal, irig their at.t,ertlon to the agreement that the deed would be forthcoming providing report. of Engrs.who were selec- ted to investigate was favorable . I'VZatter of indexing of profiles,maps ,field notes,etc in Engf's { office was discussed,and on motion duly seconded City Emgr.was authorizes; to proceed with,an.d put same in proper order. There being no further businessx1aefzxax1hv_xxaxtiang motion made to ddjourn. City Clerk. X11W1; 351 Renton,June 22nd,1915. Council :net in regular session, layor Hughes presiding. Roll call; Present Councilman Faull, 'Wood,James,McCowin and Raymond; City Engineer,Attorney and Clerk. ITinutes of last regular session read and approved. Report of Finance Committee; Mayor & Council. Gentlemen; We,your Committee on i'`inance have examined the following bills and recomend payment of same . Thomas Harries 6.62 J. S.1,c Crea 2.50 1,11m.Ciesefski 14.70 James Evans 2.50 Joe Lenz 3.00 Robt.Lowery 3.75 G. A.Harrier 41.25 P. S. T. L. & P. Co. 2.83 R. T. Thompson 4.20 A. H. Cox 4.20 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond,Richard V'ood Committee . Moved and seconded report of Finance Committee be received,placed on file,and all bills O.R.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Councilman etc Cowin.chairman of the Street & Alley Committee makes verbal report on matter of preventing children from walking over top of arches on Mill St.bridge, stating that he has obtained figures, approximately,on the cost of a wooden "V"for each end of said arches, said cost being at from x;'30.00 to `.j'35.00,properly put in place and painted . Committee was instructed to investigate further ixas to cost of sheetiron covering,an.d report in writing at next meeting. Report of Street & Alley Committee;- '"!e, your bommittee on Streets and Alleys to whom was referred the letter of Supt.I - B. Youn(7s,claiming exemption of the Seattle pipe line right-of-way from paying its stare of the cost of putting in a lateral sewer,beg leave to report as foll- ows;- That we cannot recomend that request be granted and we hope that k the City of Seattle will contribute its share and avoid cost that would ensue if ordinary cours )is persued. Signed. John Faull ,Chas.TvIc Cowin,Geo.Abbhur,Committee . Moved. and seconded report be received and filed and City Attorney be instructed to forward copy of same to Supt.You--gs. Carried. Communication re'ating to Twenty-third annual conventi ?n of Pac- ific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs was read . Moved and seconded saTne be placed on file . Carried. 352 Ordinance No.396 relating to ,and regulating the use of the public highways and streets in City of Renton passed to second read- ing,read. and adopted by sections,but before adopting said Ordina- nce as a whole suggestion was made that certain other regulations not mentioned in said ordinance should be inserted therein,and on motion duly seconded said ordinance was referred back to the Ordinance Committee for further amendment . Ordinance No.397 relating to the construction and repairing of sidewalks in the City of Renton brought up for second reading, read and adopted by sections ,and on :notion of Arthur seconded by McCowin was adopted as a whole. Poll vote;All Councilmen present voting Aye. . Carried. Councilman James, Chairman of the '.Down Property Committee, makes verbal report on coriditi_)n of floors in hose and hook and ladder compartments of Fire Hall,and other necessary repairs to said building. Moved and seconded matter be referred to Town Property Committee for written report at next Meeting. Carried. t;iatter of insurance on Fire Hall,which expires on June 26th, was brought before the Council by City Clerk. Motion made and sec- onded that Clerk be instructed to have same renewed in the amount previously carried, (jl',1500.00) and that same be equally divided J.Skwenx between Wilson '�c Marlowe and the Renton Realty Company. Carried. Matter of lease _vf' Vire Hall to Renton Volunteer Fire Dept . which has also expired,was brought up. i4oved and seconded said matter be laid over for one week. Carried.. i',atter of providing funds and devising ways and means of for official budget,1916, raising same/was brought to the attention of the Council by Counc- ilman NIc Cowin,and suggestion was made by said Councilman that a public meeting for the purpose of discussing said matter be called. Motion made and seconded that Clerk be instructed to have notices posted calling a meeting of the Council and Citizens for the §tk§tXjt purpose of discussing the a*t3bf, matter,said meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at 7.30 P-,,v. Thursday Lve .July lst .Carried. Moved by Mc Cowin seconded by Fault that City Attorney be ins- tructed to draw up the necessary agreement to be signed by property o nerd, in matter of sewer Block 4. Carried. 14oved and seconded that '1vtot- N'` � report of Dt .& `llley Com.previously adopted relraL nt Lo r - -__ & - c..ri+ V-,,-,, ',n + ,,; r?zHn t`:a rri Pc3_ aioti on to ad.l ourn 353 Renton June 29th,1915. Regular session of the Council called to order by Nlayor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen,Arthur,Faull,;',,+ood,James,Pmic Cowin and Ray- mond; City Attorney and Clerk. Mlinutes of last session read and approved . r.. tetition for meter connection for the purpose of supplying water for stock presented by H. Pistoresi . `:roved and seconded sage be filed and granted. Carried. Report of Town Property Committee; '''e,your Committee on Town Property beg leave to report as follows; "hat part of the floor of the Fire, Ball needs repairing and also if possible two air holes should be placed on eacll side in f oun-I' t ion and recomend that same be done. Signed R.H.James,Thos.Raymond Committee. Moved and seconded report of Town Property Committee be received, filed and recomendation carried out,St .>upt.being instructed to have the necessary work done . Carried. Report of Street & Alley Comr.Attee; IMe,your Committeez on Streets & A?.leys beg le:-ve to report as follows; We recomend that the bridge over Cedar Diver on ".ill 8t.be fixed with a SIV" peice of sheet iron,and that Seattle Car 1"oundry Company be permitter to do the work in accord- ance with plans presented by said. Company. Signed Chas.`,Ic Coviin,John Faull,Geo.Arthue,Committee . �-oved and seconded report be received and filed and r �comendations carried out,and City Lttorney be instructed to draw up contract with Car Foundry Coto do said work at the ,rice quoted by said Co. ($35.00) and St. Supt .be instructed to see that same is done according to agree- ment. Carried. - Report of Finance Committee; I''e,your Committee on Finance have examined the following bills andrecomend payment of same . 7ilson & Marlowe 80.00 Renton Realty Co. 80.00 G.H.Beale & Co. 25.50 Lowman & Iianford 4.85 Lowman & Hanford 18.25 Joe I,dwards 8.00 R. O. Rrown 1.05 E.H.McCurdy 1.75 Labor Pay Roll 148.60 Signed,Geo.Arthur,Thos . Raymond, Co;rnuittee. 354 Moved and seconded report of Finance Committee be received and filed and all bills O.K. d,be ordered paid. Carried. City Clerk reports no protests received on proposed improvement of alley,by graveling,through Block 23,Renton Farm Plat No.3. Moved and seconded report be accepted and placed on file and City Attorney be instructed to drain ordinance for said improvement. Carried. Ordinance No.396,regulating traffic and fixing; speed limit for all motor vehicles in the City of Renton passed to final reading, read and. adopted by sections ,and on motion of ?,.Tc Covin seconded by Raymond said ordinance was adopted as a whole . Poll vote ;all Council- men present voting Aye. Carried. xAkkexkt3xxRfxkkKxR9XXXU 114ayor Hughes calls attention of the Council to the fact that certain parties are selling and disposing of fireworks against provisions of City ordinance regulating same . TJoved and seconded that i` arshal carry out provisions of ordinance and that Clerk post notices stating provisions of said fireworks ordinance . Carried. Moved and seconded that Marshal be empowered to select the order necessary deputies to keep alar during celebration on duly 3rd, said deputies to act without pay. Carried. ''"'atter of route of parade was discussed and suggestions made, also that 5th,Ave.between "illiams and Burnett be put in proper shape to accomodate said parade. Matter discussed at some length but no action taken. I'VIoved by lac Contin seconded by Faull that St.Supt.be instructed to notify Renton Lumber Co,to remove brick along; lst.Ave.North at once,and that he also proceed to clean up the Park. Carried. Matter of repairing of intersection at lst .Ave.-North and !VTill St . was referred. to Street & 14.11ey Committee for report. Matter of Right-of-way for proposed Kennydale road taken up. It appearing that the Factory Sites Co.are willing to make deed for said right-of-Way across their property if assured that the construction of said road will not be commenced until the County begins excavating the dirt on road connecting at the City limits and running northerly,it was moved by l'c Cowin and carried that the City Attorney be authorized to give this assurance to said Company � YWIAJ 355 and that City Attorney,on receipt of deed,be authorized to dismiss suit for condemnation,at cost of the City of Renton. Carried. Councilman Faull asks permission to make fireworks display at his residence during celebration on July 3rd. Permission granted. M,,oved by James seconded by Raymond St.Supt .be instructed to put lst.Ave.1�orth,i,lill St.to -',Illiams St.in good condition for the races and sports for July 3rd. Carried. There being no further business befoPe the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. Renton July lst.1915. Special meeting of the City Council called to order by 'Mayor iughes. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Larkin,Faull,`�a'ood,James and Ray- mond. Meeting called for the purpose of discussing protests against City Ordinance prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks in the City. Said matter was discussed at some length and on motion of James seconded by Larkin Council agreed to enforce the ordinance.Poll Vote on said motion; James,Raymond, :17ood and Larkin voting Aye. Faull voting No. ."otion to adjourn, City Clerk. L 356 Rentor.,July 6th,1915. Regular session of the City Council called to order, by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,r'6ull ,Wood,James,Mc- Cowin and Raymond. City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last regular' meeting and special meeting read and approved. Petition for permission to connect with the water pipe off Mr.Cruthers at Talbott for supply of water for his premises to the south of said Cruthers property presented by Geo.1-T.Thomp- son. 'Mloved and seconded petition be received filed and request granted. Carried . Report of Finance Committee;= e,your Committee on iiLnance have examined the following bills and recomend payment of same . F;arlington Improvement Club 2.55 Wm.Kane 3.30 F. C. Perkins 4.40 Ed.L.Terry 52.80 Geo.Hancock 1.25 Wm. .Ciesefsk1 2.20 G.A.Harner 15.00 Signed,R. H. James,John Larkin,Thos .Raymond,Committee . Moved by 1. c Cowin seconded by Faull report be received,fil.ed and all bills O.K. d,be ordered paid. Carried . Councilman Mc Cowin,Chairman of St.& Alley Committee asks for one more weeks time in matter of repair of intersection of "Fill St.Rorth and 1st ,Ave.North. Request granted. Reports of City Clerk and City Treasurer for month of June read. Moved and seconded same be received and filed. Carried. Ordinance No.398 creating Local Improvement District for the graveling of alley through Block 23,Farm Plat No.3 read. Woved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman NIc Cowin,president of the Library Board asks permission for Janitor at Library to use water for sprinkling lawn at said Library building for a short space of time over the regular sprinkling hour in the evenings,as owing to the extent of the lawn and parking strip same can not be gone over properly in one hour,the Janitor not being present to use the water during the sprintling period in the morning. Moved and seconded permission be granted as requested. Carried. Y1atter of e tending the 4" water main from the present location on asoft 'Williams St.to cross '11ill.iams St.bridge and connect with main in North Renton was discussed. Moved and seconded same be referredt to Fire,Light & "Water Committee . Also that said Committ- ee take up matter of laying steel main at intersection of [:lain St. and fValla '17alla Ave.where there is bad leak in the wooded pipe. Matter of clearing up old lumber on pipe line neer power house and the clearing; up of ground in front of blacksmith shop at Cor. of 3rd.& [-gain St.was referred to Street Supt. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clem 358 Renton,July 13th,1915. Council met in regular session,Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,":Aj'ood,James,Mc Cowin and Raymond,City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Application for meter for Erickson property presented by L. R.r:2unson. Moved and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Petition and remonstrance in matter of sewer through Block 4 read. T,4oved by Mc Cowin seconded by Wood City Attorney beinst- rutted to draw up Resolution for sewer in compliance with the wishes of property owners. Motion amended by Larkin seconded by r I Raymond that said Resolution be drawn to conform with the plans of City Engineer. Poll vote on amendment,Raymond,James,Larkin and Arthur voting Aye. McCowin and ";ood voting No .Amendment carr- ied. Poll vote on motion as amended;All Councilmen voting Aye . 'Councilman McCowin Presents verbal petition of �,;. S.Nlillhuff for permission to place metal awning at Comfort Station in place of canvas-Moved and. seconded same be referred to Town Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Report of Finance Committee; ',17e, your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; Renton Hdw.Co. 6.05 Library Fund 80.04 P. S.T.L.& P. Co. 160.60 Ben Atkinson 3.50 Pacific Tel—Re Tel.Co. 2.05 E.H.McCurdy 2.25 McPherson Bros. 9.70 Hugo Kelly 9 .75 T. Ryan & Co . 27.00 Labor Pay Roll 184.90 Signed Geo.iirtiiur,Thos .Raymond,J.H.Larkin,Coramittee . laloved and seconded veport be received and filed and all bills O.K.d,by the Finance Committee be paid. Carried. Councilman Arthur makes verbal report on matter of repair- ing street intersection at lst,N.& 'dill St.recomending that same be not repaired at this time . Mloved and seconded report be acc- epted and recomendations complied with. Carried. Jos .Edwards, St. Supt .makes written report on condition of sidewalks in the City and submits list of properties where walks need repair or reconstruction.191oved and seconded report be rec- eived and filed and that the Council deem :kk that the convenience and safety of the public demand that such walks be placed in good condition.Carried. 359 :loved and seconded that St. Supt.furnish the necessary drta in the matter of repairing and reconstructing of sidewalks,to the City Attorney and the said City Attorney draw up necessary Resolut- ions for same . Carried. City Engineer reports the completion of lst .Ave.North repair work at a total cost of ,°IJ72i2' Moved and seconded report be rec- eived and filed. Carried. City Attorney makes verbal report in matter of wiring on City light poles.."%loved an(-I ,- econded same be accepted. Carried. Ordinance No.398 relating to the improvement of alley through Block 23,Farm Plat No.3 passed to second reading,read and adopted by sections and on motion of Arthur seconded by ':rood adopted as a whole. All Councilmen present voting Aye. Moved and seconded Clerk be instructed to call for bids for the graveling of said alley when ordinance comes into effect . Carried. '14.ayor Hughes states that property owners near 4th Ave .Ivorth and Meadow St . have requested that a light be placed at said corner. Moved and second-d matter be referred to Fire Light & Water Committee for investigation and report. Carried. Mayor Hughes appoints the following Citizens as Park Coi�lnissi- oners. Mr.Lee Tlonohon,Harold Evans_ and E.E Duff. I4loved and seconded appointments as above be confirmed . Carried. Councilman Raymond states that he and the ?water Supt,have gone over and estimated the amount of pipe necessary to connect the 4" main on 7Ti1l.iams St .with main in North Renton,over 'T.Tilliams St.Bridge, and that it will take approximately 1500 ' of pipe . iylatter laid over one week with instructions from the Mayor to bring in written report of in favor/or opposed to such work being done. Matter of readjustments of assessients in the City was discuss- ed at some length and on motion of 'Y"c Cowin seconded by Jaynes City Engineer was instructed to put in one day at the County Assessors office comparing the assessment roll which is on file in Clerks office with the County roll as now in effect and report on same.Carried. '.'r.Lee I'Vonohonon thanks the Mayor & Council for appointment as Park CommiSsioner,and suggests that an effort be made to obtain the l''0' strip reserved for street purposes by Car & Foundry Co.parall- elling C.P4 P. S. Ry.right-of-way for Park purposes,action on same deferred. to some future date. motion to adjourn, Clerk. 360 Renton,July 20th,1915. Council met in regular session,-'vlayor Hughes presiding. Rol]. Call; Present Councilmen Arthur,Faull,'Wood,P: c Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Application for permission to use portion of 'Williams Street in front of Lot ,19,Block 27,for the purpose of placing of building material presented by Geo.W.Custer. Mloved and seconded same be placed on file and application granted. Carried. a Petition presented by property owners asking that a water fountain be installed at the west point of Block "A",of the origin- al Plat Town of Renton, same beim at the intersection of Walla- W,allaax and Fourth Avenues and Burnett St.was read. Moved and seconded same be filced and referred to Fire,Light & '''ater Committee. Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; �,Ie,Your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; R.J. Pettie 3.00 J. S.Iiardie 4.11 J. S.Hardie 2.80 G.A.Harner 10.00 'D.B.Fvans 2.50 O.K.Transfer Co. 14.00 O.K.Transfer Co. 16.70 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos.RRymond,Committee . 1VIIoved by Faull seconded by Vjood report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Cgrried. Report of Police Judge for uiorith of June read. Pt'loved and sec- onded same be received and fUdd. Carried. City Attorney makes verbal report on matter of sewer through Block 4,stating that nothing has as yet been done on account of opposition of signers of petition to mode of p roceedure directed by the Council . , also on Kenn.ydale road matter to the effect that Isir.``artori has promised to have deed for right-of-way made out in a day or two conditioned that work be not started on said proposed road until County is ready to proceed with road work at north limits of City. Moved and seconded report be accepted. City Attorney also callAs attention of the Council to action previously taken in matter of assessing City of Seattle for prop- osed sewer through Block 4,and asks that Council reconsider said aXI(F PJ 361 action ager 6**. Moved- and seconded said matter be reconsidered and Clerk be instrupted to send copy of reportof street and alley domm- ittee,as previously presented to the Council,to City of Seattle . Carried. City Engineer- makes verbal report in matter of comparing of City assessment roll with roll now in effect in County Assessors office. gloved and seconded report be accepted. Carried. City Attorney makes further verbal report of action taken in matter of sending notices to repairr sidewalks, stating that personal notice has been sent all parties so that they may have opportunity of taking; action before further proceedings are started. VVIoved and seconded that action of City Attorney be concurred in by the Council. Carried. Harold Evans,in matter of repairing of sidewalk in front of the property owned jointly by himself and Dr.Dixon in Block 11,North kenton,asks that Council take no action on said walk until the return of Dr.Dixon,the latter part of July ,at which time said walk will be reconstructed. Moved and seconded request be Eranted. Carried. ".r Ciesefske asks that sand be removed from First Ave.North as owing to the dry weather same is a nuisance . P,loved and seconded that St. rupt.be instructed to remove same . Carried. Jobie ""hite makes protest to the Council against order to put in cement walk Lot 2,-Block 13, stating that present walk is in good condition with the exception of a few loose plank which will be properly nailed. Moved and seconded matter be referred. to Street & Alley Committee and St.Supt, .Carried. City Attorney Gaby presents letter of protest from Mrs.Anni.e Donnelly,owner of Lots 14-15,Block 27,stating that she is unable financially to put in a cement walk at this time . Moved and seconded matter be referred to St.& A'-ley Committee and St . Supt. Carried. There being no further business motion made to adjourn, City Clerk. 362 Renton,'''ash. July 27th,1915. Minutes of Council meeting of July 27th,1915 . Gouncil called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull,'w"�ood,James and Mic Cowin; City Engineer,Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Application for sewer connection,Lot 3,Block 10,Town of Renton presented by E.E. Duff,acting Agt.for owners. Mloved and seconded same be placed on file and granted. Carried. Application for permission to use portion of street in front of Lot 3,13lock 10,`1'o-sn of Renton,for storing gravel while constru- ctirg cement walk,presented by E. E. Duff,Contractor. Moved and seconded application be filed and granted. Carried. Report of Finance Co7,mittee; Hon. '+'layor & Council ; Gentlemen;- ble,your Co:lmittee on r'inance beg leave to report that we have examined the following bills and recomend payment of the same . Thos .Dobson,Treas. 2.00 Labor Pay Roll, 138.75 Signed,Geo.Arthur,Thos.Raymond,John H.Larkin,Committee. Moved by 'mood seconded by James report be received,fil.ed,and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Fire Light & '',later Committee,to whom was referred matter of installing fountain at intersection of 4th,Ave .'7alla "Halla Ave .& Burnett St.presents estimate of Jas.I_eathley to construct same for 52.201and recomends that same be done according to the plans as presented . Moved and seconded report be accepted,filed,and recomend- ations carried out under the instructions and supervision of the City Engineer and St . "upt. Carried. Report of ``t.& Alley Committee; We ,your Committee on Streets & Alleys beg leave to report as follows; That we have examined the sidewalks in Block 27 and recomend that they be put in new. Signed,Chas.1VIc Cowin,John Faull ,Geo .Arthur,Committee . r4oved by Raymond seconded by Larkin report be received,placed on file and recomenda.tions carried out,and Clerk be instructed to notify interested parties of action taken. Carried. Communication from Pacific Tel.& `-'el.Co relative to moving /] 1 XI(FF 363 of fire alarm switch from ehchange board in telephone office read. Moved andseconded same be filed and Fire Cheif be instructed to have necessary alterations made. Carried. Communication from L.B.Youngs,Supt .of '.''atee,City of Seattle ,in ma- tter of sewer through Block 4,stating that City of Seattle would pay their portion of said sewer read. Moved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Mayor Hughes,on behalf of Fire Cheif Joe bod,extends invitat- ion to all City officials to attned the Firemens picnic at Millers , beach August 1st. Councilman Me Cowin,in behalf _of property owner,name not given, requests that Council grant said property owner permission to place box car at foot of Main St .North while demolishing samm said .car for building purposes. Moved and seconded request be granted. Carried. Motion made by Councilman ­�c Gowin seconded by Councilman Larkin that a meeting of the Council and Citizens be called for Friday Eve. July 30th,7.30 P-M.at Council Chambers for the purpose of going over City of Renton assessment roll and discussing present method of munic- ipal taxation,and that Clerk post notices of same . Carried.. Mr.Peter Cerini addresses the Council in matter of new walk in front of his property in Block ll,Farm Plat,and asks that he be furn- ished with plans and specifications for walks in said district. Proved and. seconded City Engr.be instructed to give the desired infor- mation to P�r. Cerini . Carried. Moved by Mc Cowin seconded by Larkin that City Attorney be inst- ructed to proceed ,according to law,to compel the construction of sidewalk by •..r.uerini in front of his property,Block 11,1"arm Plat. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. 17 City Clerk. 364 Renton,Aug.3rd,1915. Regular session of the City Council called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull ,'Vood,James and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Mlinutes of last regular ,meeting read and approved. Application for water connection Lot 2,Block 8,by Scott Le.^+is read. ?,'oved and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee ;- `'ire your Committee on Finance have examined the following bills and recomend the payment of same. Denny Renton C.& C. Co. 7.45 E. H.McCurdy 3.00 ?VcPherson Bros . 3.60 National Ureter Co. 106.00 Thos .Dobson,Treas. 1.26 Lowman & Hanford Co. 1.25 .Pacific Tel.& Tel.Co. 2.82 Trick & r, urray 1.10 Seattle Car & Foundry Co. 35.00 0. '.Transfer Co. 2.05 G. A.Harner 27.50 Ed.L.Terry 72.95 Earlington Imp.Club 2.55 Daniel Gaby 2.00 Signed Geo.Arthur,J. H.Larkin,Committee. r,'oved by "ood seconded. by Mc Cowin report of Finance Committee be received and filed and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. RvErxxxx Motion amended that bill of Seattle Car & Foundry Co.be laid over for one week and St .Supt .be instructed to investigate matter of name plate removed from bridge but not replaced. Carried. ��Iayor Hughes calls attention of the Council to the fact that St .& Alley Committee,to whom -was referred the matter of filling approach to ''{'illiams St .bridge,have not yet reported on same ,and requests said Committee to report at next meeting. Communication of Peters &; Powell,Attorneys for P.Cerini in matter of construction of sidewalk in front of property of said Cerini ,Block 11.North Renton, read. Moved and seconded same be placed on file . . Carried. Communication from Port Commission in matter of roads leading to ferry of said Commission across Lake "ashington read. ij7oved and seconded same be laid on table for one week. IMIotion amended by Faull seconded by Arthur that Council go on record as endorsing said report . Poll vote on amendment ; Councilmen Raymond,James and "Dod voting No; Councilmen Mic Coviin,Faull,Arthur and Larkin voting 3 ff") Aye ; Amendment Carried. Moved dxx motion as amended be adopted.Carried. Tvlayor Hughes presents request of �-Iarshal Edwards for his annual vacation and appoints Peter Dullahant to fill vacancy.x9mmad ax§ixz.mx. Councilman '-'c Cowin presents request of contractor Burtleson for permission ' to use City water for steam shovel doing grading work near Buffalo Sta. said water to be used from the meter of Mlr.J.E.Hayes . 101oved and seconded request be Granted. Carried. T�I'esolution No.198-A,relating to construction of sewer through Block 4,read first time ,and on motion of Arthur seconded by James ref- erred to Ordinance Committee. The following bids were opened and read for the graveling of the alley through Block 23,Farm Plat . Peter Dullahant,approximately 125 Yds..�7,_, .65cts ,per Yd. C. R. Campbell if it 11 .69 It ti it. Moved and seconded low bid be accepted and contract be (Jra­,,-i-!. -, -,7 ahant for said work,sa.me to be clone under the superv- ision of the City Engineer. Carried. J . M0arloixe addresses the Council in matter of proposed Fenny- dale roadurging the Council to take some action at once to obtain the deed for right-of-way from Factory Sites Co . Proved by Raymond seconded by Arthur City Attorney be instruct- ed to notify said Factory Sites Co.that if said deed is not presented to the City within one vveek that condei-i-ination procaed-LnLr,,s will bc started immediately. Carried. "_'here beir- no ful"61-lor business ii-otion made co adjourn. City�_j, �rk. 366 Minutes of regular meeting of tl)e Cou.nc il,Aug.l0th.19!.5. council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call; Present Councilmen !lrthur,'Nood,James and 1,1c Cowin. Mlinutes of last meeting read and. approved. Clerk instructed to state in minutes for what purpose warrants are issued. Applications for water,tract No.2 R. C. C. Co.Acre tracts No.2, by Ross Phillips,and for the Henry property near Car Shops read. 'floved and seconded same be filed and granted,connection on Acre tract to be by meter. Carried. Report of Finance Committee . - b'de,your Committee on 1`inance have examined the following bills and recomend payment of the same. P. S. T.L.& P. Co. Dight, for month of July, ;;160.60 A.H. Cox & Co. Repairing City pump 30.00 Jas .Leathley,Labor constructing fountain 24.00 Thos.Reynolds " " It 10.00 Galbraith,Bacon & Co." aterial for fountain 4.65 Hugo Kelly,Official publications , 12.15 Labor ray Roll ,Streets & i"iater Dept . 125.95 Signed Geo.Arthur, Chas.t:4cCowin,CoT.nmittee. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d, be ordered paid. Carried. Councilman Mc Cowin makes verbal report in matter of fill at approach to " illiams "t .bridge,stating that he has made some inqu- ries and that full report will be presented at next meeting. Reportoof City Treasurer and Clerk for month of July read. Moved and seconded same be received and filed. Carried. Ordinance No.399 providing for the protection and preserv- ation of paved streets in the City read.14oved and e.conded same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Moved by Me Cowin as Chairman of Ordinance Committee that. said Ordinance No.399 be passed to second reading and that section Three (3) be eliminated. Carried. Ordinance '-o.399 read hyxxmKkizxx and adopted by sections ,and on motion of Arthur seconded by licCowin adopted as a whole.Poll vote,all Councilmen present voting Aye.Carried. tiayor Hughes calls the attention of the Council to the unsafe condition of the "illiams St .bridge and recomends that some action be taken to put same in proper condition for traffic . Moved by "JlcCowin seconded by James rt. Supt.& City Engineer investigate con- / l (F 367 dition of said bridge and if found dangerous for traffic that it be closed until repairs are made. Carried. Acting St.SuPt.Dullahant reports that he has investigated in regard to name plate removed from Mill I)t .bridge by Seattle Car & Foundry Co.and not replaced.and that said Co.are willing to make new plate providing pattern of same can be obtained. ��.Jlatter laid over for one week. Mayor IluShes addresses the Council in regard to rate of speed of Milwaukee trains through the City. "..,loved and seconded Clerk write said Co.citing Ordinance relating to speed of trains in the City limits . Carried. Dlayor Hughes calls the attention of the, Council to the coming convent on of Fire Cheifs at San Francisco.and recomends that an appropriation of l.,75.00 be madeto defray the. expenses of Fire Cheif Joe ',T.00d to said convention. Ajoved by James seconded by 10cCowin that amount as recomended by the ?0ayor be appropriated for the purpose as above stated.Poll Vote on motion; All Councilmen present voting Aye. Carried . Resolution No.193-A,being resolution of intention to construct sewer through portion of Block 4 passed to second reading,read by sections and on motion of f�cCowin seconded by '.;.Iood adopted as read. Poll vote ; All Councilmen present voting Aye . Carried. Deed from Factory Sites Co.for right-of-way for proposed Kenny- dale road read. 'proved and seconded same be accepted and Clerk be ins- tructed to have same, recorded.Carried. Remarks were made by City Engineer Harner in matter of public spirit shown by Denny Renton C.&. C. Co. JO.N. CochranPBirch & Anderson,, and Renton Lumber Co. in donating material and labor for the const- ruction of the new water fountain. Moved and seconded vote of thanks of the Council be extended to above named Parties . Carried. Advisability of piacing all parties using Seattle water on meters was discussed. %'Joved and seconded matter be referred to Fire,,Li�ht "Mater Committee for report at next meeting. Carried. There being no furtlier business motion made to adjourn, Clerk. 1 368 Minutes of regular session of the City Council of Aug.17th-15. Council called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull,'-�ood,James, A1cCowin and Raymond ; City Attorney and Clerk. 1inutes of last regular session read and approved. Report of Finance Committee ; - Y'le ,your Committee on Finance have examined the following bills and recomend the payment of the G. A. Harner, Salary 15.00 Joe Lenz Labor -3.00 7m.Kane ,Labor & Supplies 11.95 R.`Food,Supplies & labor 5.95 R,Yood,Hay for pound 3.75 Library Fund,Maintenance 66.07 Signed Geo.Arthur,l'hos .Raymond.,J.H.Larkin,Committee. Moved and seconded report be received and filed and all bills O.K. d,be oddered paid. Carried. Street and Alley Committee were given one more week in matter of report of fill of approach to "'Tilliams St .bridge . Also Fire, Light & Water Committee were allowed another week in matter of metering of residents using Seattle water. Report of Police Judge read. Moved and seconded same be filed. Carried. City Engineer reports as follows; u"ayor & Council; - Gentlemen; I have to report the complet- ion of new d;°inking fountain at corner of 4th,and ?galla 'lfalla at a cost of "49.90. Respectfully subuii i,ied, G. A. Harner,City Engineer. Communication from League of 'xrashington 1-unicipalities read. Moved and seconded same be filed. Carried. I" Communication from C.M.& St.P.Ry.relat.ive to their taking over C.& P. S. franchise for pole line through City read. ~Moved and sec- onded same be received and filed as requested by said Company. Carried. Ordinance No.400 relating to the speed of trains and street cars within the City limits read. Moved and seconded same be referr- ed to Ordinance Committee. Carried. Ordinance No.401 prohibiting expectorating in public places in the City read. Moved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance 369 committee . Carried. Councilman 'IvIcCowin announces a meeting of the '"ays & 11,,7eans Committee for Friday evening,Aug.20th,at Clerks office,for purpose considering and planning for budget for 1916,and invites any interes- ted parties to be present. Councilman James calls attention of the Council to the unsatis- factory condition of south approach to Mill St .bridge . Moved and seconded said matter be referred to St.& Alley Co;-imittee with power to act. Carried. City engineer states to the Council conditions found on invekx- stigation of "illiams St .bridge and temporary work done to put same in safe condition for traffic,and recomends that bridge be re-decked. On request of the Tilayor said matter was referred to Street & alley Committee for report,also matter of fill of approach. P.!,J'.Houser addresses the Council on matter of establishing of street grade of Commercial Ave .to connect with bridge across Black River at Buffalo statiori,stating that he had employed City Engineer as same to give said grades,but that said is the established grade of the City he thinks bill should be paid by the City. Amount of bill x'10.00. Moved and seconded bill be paid. TVTotion amended that same be referred to Finance Committee for report at next meeting.Poll vote on amendment,Raymond,r:,TcCowin,James and Larkin voting Aye.?,Jood,Faull and Arthur voting No.Amendment carried. Poll vote on motion as amended,Raymond,',"cCowin,James,li'aull ,Larkin and Arthur voting Aye . t'Jood voting No. Carried. Park Commissioner E.F. Duff addresses the Council on matter of suitable park for the City and suggests that City purchase a suffic- near ient amount of ground for that purpose at Black River. Remprks were made in favor of said plan by several of the Councilmen and Citizens and suf-gestion made that Council and Park Board visit proposed site on Sunday afternoon,Aug.22nd. Moved and seconded Clerk write C.& P. S.Ry.Co.calling their attention to the numerous fires started of late by sparks from locomotives and asking that more care be taken in use of spark arres- ters. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. ,Clerk. 370 Renton,Aug.24t1i,1915 . Regular session of the City Council called to order by the Mayor . Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,L,arkin,Faull, �IeCowin and Raymond; City Attorney and. Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Application of E.E.Duff for grade for cement walk as follows; „r Mayor & City Council ;- Gentlemen; The undersigned has been asked to contract to build a concrete walk in front of P.Cerini property in North Renton,on Mlill. Stand I have been informed by P;"r.Harner,City Engineer,that the grade stakes as set are for wood- en walk and not for cement walk, I would therefore ask your Honor- able body to establish the grade on Mill St.North,either by Res- olution or Ordir_ance, so that when the work is completed there will. be no come back on the contractor as was the case at the Spencer Duildirg on 3rd .Avenue. Signed,E.E. Duff. Moved and seconded application be received and laid on table for one week. Carried. Petition presented by E. F.Duff to use portion of 4th,A.ve. east for storing gravel while building; cement walk in front of the Yand property read. Mioved and seconded same be filed and request granted. Carried; Report of Finance Committee ; Mayor & Council. i Gentlemen; We,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; Renton Hdw.Co.Supplies 1.00 Renton Lbr.Co.lumber for repairs Fire Hall. & St.Dept .45.49 Lowman & Hanford,books for Library 84.72 Renton 7.1agon "'orks,Cart for St.nept . 8.00 E.J.Hug;hes,filinf deed of Factory Sites Co 1.25 Joe Tood,Expense Fire Cheifs convention 75 .00 Laboip pay roll St.& Water Dept s.& Garbage 85.15 Signed,Geo.Arth.ur,Thos .Raymond,J.FI.Lirkin,Com. Moved by Faull seconded by McCowin report be received and filed and all, bills O.K.D, be ordered paid. Carried. Ordinance Committee reports as follows; IV e,your Committee on Ordinances to whom was referred the TEYli F!? 3 d'1 proposed Ord.No.401 prohibiting expectoration,beg leave to report as follows; An amendment including the floors of lodge halls and places of entertainment and recomend the adoption of the Ordinance as amended. Signed Thos .Raymond,John Faull,Chas.'McCoiwin.Comm. Moved and seconded report be received and filed and recomendation be r carried out. Carried. Finance Comrrdttee reports as follows; "` , ,your Committee on finance to whom was referred the matter of payment of Engineer for work done at the west end of Co,llmercial ^•venue beg leave to report as follows; That we do not beleive the said claim to be a proper or legal claim against the City of Renton and therefore recomend its disallow- ance. Signed,J.H.Larkin,Thos.Raymond Committee. Moved and seconded report be received and filed and recomendations be carried out. Carried. Report of St.& Alley Committee. We,Your Committee on Streets R Alleys beg leave to report as follows; That we recomend that the "pilliams St.Bridge be redecked with plank laid diagonal,but we do not recomend that approaches be filled. Signed Chas . 'tcCowi.n,John Faull ,Geo,A.rthur,Comm. Proved and seconded report be received and filed and recomendations be carried out . Carried. Report of 'Mays & Means Committee on 1916 Budget read and by motion duly seconded laid over for one week. Report of Park Board. Wo the Honorable Tiayor & City Council; The Park Board met on Aug.24th,for orgdLnization. Tflr.Lee Monotiion was elected Chairman and E.E°.Duff Secy. Upon motion it was carried to ask the City Council to include in their 1916 Budget the sura of `n250.00 for park purposes. Respectfully yours, E.E. Duff,Sec. loved ands econded report be received and placed on file.Carried. Ordinance No.402 prohibiting exhibitions by hipnotists etc .read. Moved andaeeon:ded same be referred to Ordinance Co?,mitten. Carried. Ordinance No.403 relating to licenses and providing penalty read . Moved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Co7i,mittee. Carried. e; 32 Ordinance No.404 relating to salaries and duties City Officials read. Moved and. secor-des same be referred to Ord.Co=nittee.Carried. Ordinance No.400 fixing speed limit for trains and street cars within City limits passed to second reading,read by sections and on motion of �NTcCowin seconded by Faull adopted as read.Poll Vote,all mod Councilmen present voting Aye .Carried. Ordinance No.401 prohibiting expectorating in public places and providing a penalty passed to second rea.ding,read and adopted by sections and on motion of Raymond seconded by Arthur was adopted as a whole as read. Poll Vote; i'll Councilmen rresent voting Aye. 'ratter of delinquency of Lake Gravel Coon water rental called to attention of the Council by the Clerk.Moved and seconded Otipulations of water ordinance regulating same be complied with. Carried. Remarks were made by Monohon,Chairman of the Park Board on contemplated action of said board ,and by Mr.Howells in matter of metering residents in Highland Addition. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn, Clerk. 3'73 Renton,Aug.31st,1915. I,egular session of the City Council called to order- by P;layor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur.D'aull, `V'Vood,James and Ray- mond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition of Henry & %1c Fee for privelege of constructing building r.. on street property between Loot l,Block 2,Farm Acres and spur track near Car works read. Mioved and seconded same be filed and request granted subject to removal of said. building at any time by request of the City Council. Carried. Application for water service ,L•ot 5,8lock 13,Farm Plat ,by Mr. I .B. Sheets read. Moved and seconded same be filed and granted.Carried. Petition for permission to erect lunch counter extending over portion of sidewalk in front of Lot 12,Block 15,presented by J. N.Lance . Moved and seconded same be laid on table indefinately. Carried . Petition to the Council asking that a Public Market be estab- lished in the City,signed by various farmers and citizens read. Moved and seconded. same be received,filed and referred to the Nays &. Nlearis Committee and Clerk be instructed to write City of Seattle for permission to use portion of pipe line right-of-way for said market. Carried. Report of Fire ,Light & 'Vater Com;nittee;- We,your Committee on Fire,Light & !Uater to whom was referred the sprinkling in nighla.nd Addition,beg leave to report as follows; After thorough investigation we deem it inadvisable to meter the Highland Add.at this time . ','e therefore recomend that the system will stand as it is at this time. Signed. Thos.Raymond,Geo .Artt)ur,Richard ''ood. Comm. Moved by James seconded by Faull report be received,filed and recom- endation be carried out . Carried. Report of Finance Committee; - We your Committee on ir'inance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; E. A . Shearer,supplies 12.82 Seattle Car & Foundry Co.labor and Mtl.for repairing Williams "t .bridge. 40.15 A.Hambach Co.supplies 61.08 E. H.McCurdy,cartage, 1 .25 F,.A. Shearer,supplies ,Comfort Sta. .65 G.A. Harner,salary 2.50 Robt .Lowery,labor, .75 I:owman &. Hanford Co.supplies, 3.00 McPherson Bros.supplies,t''ire Dept . 2.60 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos.Raymond,Committee. 3'74 Moved and seconded report be received.,filed and all bills O.Y'.d , be ordered paid . Carried. Report of City Engineer; Mayor & Council; - Gentlemen; Ixkm.raxiikxxapzak I beg leave to report the completi Dn of the contract of Peter Dullahant for the graveling of all-ey through Block 23,Renton Farm Plat No.3,comprising L. I . D.No.72 ,a.t a cost of ` 76 .05,and recomend payment of 70 on same. rigned,G.A.Harner,City Engineer. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendations be carried out. Carried. City Clerk reports no protests against the proposed improve- ment mprove-ment of portion of Block 4,Town of Renton,by construction of sewer. Moved and seconded report be received and filed. Carried . Communication of City Engineer relative to the establishment of stfleet grades in 'P1est District,North Renton,and requesting that the Council go on record in favor of present grade or the estt;blish- ment of a higher grade read. Moved and seconded communication be received and laid on table for one week and referred to St .B- Alley Committee . Carried. Communication from G.IT. Conklin tendering his resignation as a member of the Library Board. read. Mroved and seconded resignation be accepted. Carried. Payor Hughes appoints t-,Rr.Grant Bates to fill vacancy on the Library Board caused by resignation of tti?r.G. I .Uonklin. TLoved and seconded appointment be confirmed. Carried. Ordinance No.405 relating to charges for tapping water mains for consumers read,and by -motion duly seconded referred to the Ordinance Committee . ,)rdinanee No.406 relating to meetings of City Council on the lst .and 3rd.Tuesdays of each month read and referred to Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No.402 prohibiting exhibitions by hypnotists,clair- voyants,etc passed to second readirg,read and adopted by sections and on motion of Arthur seconded by James adopted as a whole . ,+' Ordinance N6.403 relating to licenses of drug stores ,pool &. billiard tables,and bowling alleys passed to second reading,read by sections and on motion of Arthur seconded by Raymond adopted as a whole as read. C/+tiC� ', wfxaekt .� 4Ga- (ytr-�tt.t ' �, 375 Ordinance No.404 pertaining to duties and salaries of City 'officials passed to second reading read and adopted by sections ,and onmotion of Raymond seconded by James adopted as a whole.All councilmen present voting Aye. Resolution No.199-A making and adopting the estimate of the amount required to meet the public expense of the City of Fenton, for the year of 19163,fixing time and place for hearing on said estimate and directing ism giving of notice of same was read. Moved and seconded said Resolution and estimate be adopted. All Councilmen present votinG Aye.Carried. In matter of the removal of name plate from Mill St .bridge by Car & foundry Co.while repairing said bridge,moved and seconded Clerk write to Contractor Huber and. endeavor to secure pattern of said plate that new one may be made . Carried. Moved and seconded sprinkling hours be changed to 6.30 to 7.0' Clock instead of 7 to 8 O'Clock. Motion amended to refer to Fire,Light & '",Tater Committee. Poll. vote on amendment Raymond +yood and Faull. voting No. James and Arthur voting Aye. Amendment lost . Poll vote on orig- inal motion Raymond.,James,*ood and Faull voting Aye.Arthur voting No. Carried. There being no further business m tion made to adjourn. Clerk. r.. f 376 Renton,Sept.7th,1915. Council met in regular session,lMayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen,Larkin,`a',lood,James,'I[cCowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Petition presented by property owners of 'nest District , North Renton asking that present street grade be established as the permanent grade for said District read. Moved and seconded that petition be received,placed on file and request granted. Carried. All Councilmen present voting Aye . Report of r'inance Committee; Irle,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; G.A. Harner,Salary 5.00 Preibe Bros. shop work 8.00 Pacific Tel.& Tel.Co.Phone and L. "). calls, 3.80 P. S.T.L.& P. Co.Light for Aug. 160.60 Richmond Paper Co. Supplies,Comfort Sta. 8.75 O.N. Cochran,painting signs,Williams St .bridgel.00 Earlington Imp.Club,ilight, 2.55 Ed.L.Terry,Seattle for water, 70.30 Peter Dullahant ,70"1L. I . D.No.72, 53.23 Labor pay ro11,St .P�c 'Mater Dept' s, 73.10 Signed,Thos .Raymond,J. H.Larkin,Con,mittee. Moved and seconded report be received and filed and all bills O.K. d,be ordered paid. Carried. Report of Treasurer for Aug.read. Moved and seconded same be placed. on file . Carried. Report of Clerk for Aug.read. Moved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Communication from L.B.Youngs granting permission for the use of povbion of ri ght-of-way, (pipe line )between '7alla Talla Ave. 6 t. and Mill St.for public market purposes,providing agreernentAentered into that City will vacate on request of City of Seattle reed. Moved and seconded communication be fieceived and filed and City Attorney be instructed to draw up agreement as requested. Carried. ' Ordinance Yo.407 ,relating to construction of sewer,Block 4 read . Moved and seconded same be referred to Ord. Coinmittee. Carried. Ordinance Committee to whom was referred the above Ord.recomends that same be passed to second reading. Ordinance No.406 rel, ting to change of meeting nights of City Council passed to second reading. Moved and seconded Section 1 be adopted as read. Motion amended that Ordinance be tabled indef- 37� inately. Poll vote ;All Councilman present voting Aye.Carried. Ordinance No.407, relating to sewer,Block 4 passed to second reading,read and adopted by sections ,and on motion of McCowin seconded by Larkin adopted as a whole .All Councilmen present voting Aye. Councilman McCowin brings up matter of replacing of bridge WANplate on Mill St bridge, same having been removed by "eattle Car & Foundry Co.while making repairs to said bridge. Moved and seconded Car Co.be requested. to replace said plate at expense of the Company. Poll vote ;Raymond and James voting Aye; McCowin, `+food and Larkin voting No.iaiotion lost. Moved by James seconded by illcCowin bill of Car Co.for repairs at Mill St .bridge be ordered paid. Carried. Mayor Hughes states that Health Officer Dixon has called his attention to vegetation growing in City reservoir,and that said Officer recomends that reservoir be drained and whitewashed. Moved by James seconded. by Larkin recomendation be carried. out.Carried. ''latter of hitching of teams,and advisability of amending Ordi- nance to compel use of weights was :?iscussed.No action taken. Councilman McCowin recomends that hitching racks be established at certain points in the City for convenience of farmers. Moved and seconded said question be referred to Street & Alley Cominittee .Carried. E.E. T)uff states that l,lr. Cerini wishes to put in cement walk in front of his property on Fifth Ave .North,and asks that grade for same be given. =gloved and seconded said grade be given as requested. Carried. P. '"'. Houser addresses the Council on matter of dredging of Black Lo 4e River -sadriiaterialNused to fill kk§lm the low ground to be uncovered by the lowering of Lake ''Jashiggton,stating that said work can be done at no expense to the City,and urging that Council take some action In the matter. Said question discussed at some length but no final ,. action taken. Resolution No.200,fixing date of hearing on assessment roll ,nist . No.72,same being alley through Block 23,Parm Plat No.3,read.AAoved and seconded resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Watter of sewer connection for Lot 13,81ock 4,iulotor line Add. was discussed. It a ,,earinE that said prop_: rty was not assessed for lateral sewer motion was made and seconded that at request o ' owner the City Engineer be instructed to put in a "Y" and same be charged e3'78 against the property. Carried. Treasurer Dobson states that he has interviewed Senator Nichols in matter of East side road,or Pacific Ilighway,and that the Senator reeomends that the Council pass resolution asking State highway Commissioner and the Governor to proceed with the construction of said. road,and urging that contract for same be let at once. Moved and seconded City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary resolution relating to the above matter. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. j .� Y k Pi. 379 Renton,Sept,14th, 1915. regular session of the City Council called to order by the ?Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,L,arkin,Faull ,James,W"cCowin and Raymond. City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Petition presented by R.E. T)u.ff for permission to use portion of Williams St .for placing gravel while constructing sidewalks for J. S. Tonkin and O.H.Preibe read. Moved and seconded same be filed and permission granted. Carried. Petition as drawn up by City Attorney,to Highway Coatmission in matter of construction of Pacific Highway read. Pvoved and seconded same be accepted and copies forv;arded to the Governor,the Highway Commission,the Seattle Auto C1ub,the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, The "eattle Commercial Club and the King Co.good roads association. Carried. Report, of Ordinance Committee ; 1,Ye,your Committee to whom was referred Ordinance No.405 beg leave to .report as follows; That we recomend said ordinance be tabled. Signed,Thos.Raymond,John F'aull ,Chas.McCowin. 14oved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendation carried out.Carried. Mayor Hughes suspends regular order of business to hear from Mr.Meggs of the Auto trail blazing Corporation in matter of the City making donation of X50.00 to help defray expense of such work. The City to be recompensed by the increase in tourist travel and by advertising as gotten out by said Corporation. PvToved and seconded said matter be referred to the Finance Committee for report at next meeting. Carried,( Regular order of business resumed. Report of St .& Alley Committee; - ,,,','e,your Committee on Streets and Alleys beg leave to report as follows ; That we recomend that Main St .from 4th,Ave.to foot of hill near Mr.Grady s be improved by 4W. opening a good ditch on both sides of said street and putting on gravel where needed. Signed, Chas .McCowin,John Faull ,Geo,Arthur. Mloved and seconded report be received and filed and recomend- 380 ation be carried out. Carried. Report of water Supt . Mayor & Council ; - Gentlemen,The water main on Third Avenue between Mill and Cedar Streets is in bad condition,and owing to the expense of repairing same ,said pipe being 7 to 8 feet under the surface,I would recomend that iron pipe be put in. Very truly, Jos .Edwards ,4'ater Supt . Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendati.on be carried out . Carried. City Attorney reports that agreement as asked for by City of Seattle for use of portion of pipe line right-of-way for public market purposes has been drawn,signed and forwarded for signatures of the proper officials of the City of Seattle. Report of audit. of Bureau of Inspection of Public Offices presented. Moved and seconded same be placed onfile . Carried. "vloved by McCowin seconded by Raymond Car `P,'orks Company be replace Instructed to piszff the plate removed from the Mill St .brkdge and present bill for same: to the City. Crarried. Matter of granting permits for use of streets for storing of materials for building and other purposes discussed. Moved and seconded St.Supt.be authorized to grant permits when in his jud.geme- nt same will not interfere with use of streets for traffic or interfere with business ,and report said action at next mt:eting of the Council . Carried. Moved By Arthur seconded by James sidewalk contractors be charged for use of water in compliance with Ordinance . Motion not carried. Moved by James seconded by v1cCowin St. Supt .be instructed to necessary work to put street in good condition at and near corner of Third Avenue and Renton Ave. Carried. Mr.W. J. `?'illiaais ,residing on Tobin Ave .a.sks the Council to take steps to have sidewalk built, con.nectin; with the cement walk in front of his property and the plank walk on the south side of Tobin Ave. Mloved and seconded same be referred to street and alley Committee for investigation. Carried. T'-lotion to adjourn, ,Clerk. % r 381 Renton,Sept .21st,191b. Regular meeting of the Puncil called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen F'aull ,Wood,James and Raymond. Minutes of last regular sedgIon read and approved. Petition far presented signed by Wm.J.��Villiams,Louie Delauren- ti and John "illiams asking that Council take action to have sidewalk constructed in front of portion of the property of D. C.Mitchell on Tobir_ Ave .to connect with walks already constructed east and west of said property. Moved and seconded petition be received and filed. Carried. Report of Finance Committee; `Te,your Committee on Iinance have examined the following bills and recomend the payment of same. . Library Fund,Salary.Light etc . 68.09 rl. C. P.Edwards, Supplie s 13.50 G A .Harner, Salary 15.00 Joe Lenz,Labor,Engr.Dept. 3.00 Robt .Lowery, " 11 1.50 D. C.Mitchell " it to 1.50 «'m.Kane ,reapairing light wires, 5.90 Lowman Hanford Co.Office supplies, 1 .50 Hugo Kelley,Official publications, 6.10 Thos.Dobson,Treas,PO.box rent, stamps & Freight 3.25 Pettie Printery,Letter heads and placards 2.00 E.F. Duff,repairin g sidewalk, 2.50 L.D. Davis , straps for Fire Dept. .50 T, J.Richmond ,load briquetts,City Hall , 4.90 Labor pay roll ,St .& Water Dept s, 111 .40 Signed,Thos.Raymond,Richard Nood,Committee. Yoved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O•K.d, be ordered paid. Ckrried. Report of Police Judge for month of August read. Moved and seconded same be filed. Carried.. Communication from C .Opitz,relative to condition of lighting system read. Moved and seconded same be received and filed and ref- erred to Fire,Light & t','ater Committee for investigation. Carried. Communications from Gov.I.ister,State Highway Commission and Seattle Auto Club relating to constructi -)n of Renton Kent road read. TJ,oved and seconded same be placed. on file . Carried. TOoved and seconded Clerk take up with Car Co.matter of replacing of name plate on NTill St .bridge. Ca ried. Councilman Raymond makes verbal report in matter of making; an appropriation to the Auto trail blazing corporation which was referr- ed to Finance Comaittee at last session, stating that according to law the Council has no authority to make such expenditures of City funds, 382 and recomends that same be not allowed. Moved and seconded report be received and recomendation carried out. Carried. Matter of specifications for sewer,Block 4 discussed. Moved and seconded same be referred to to St .& Alley Committee. Carried. There being no further business before the Gouncil motion made to adjourn. City Clerk. 383 Renton, :1ept .28th, 1915 . Council met in reLular session,":'ayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,I.,arkin,Faull ,James ,idicCowin and Raymond; City Attorney and. Clerk. 1,1'inutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Petition for water connection for Johnson property Porth of Car "lorks read. "roved, and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Petition of the City Council addressed to the Public Service Comm- ission relative to the reduction of lighting rate read. Moved and seconddd same be adopted and. copy- be forwarded to the Comi-nission. Carried. - -Street and alley Committee makes verbal report in :natter of sewer specifications which were referred to said Committee at Last rneetinL to the effect that said s_)ecifications are sufficient and no action is deemed necessary. Report of Fire,Light & Water Committee ;- 117e,your Committee on Fire, Light &: "Mater to whom was referred the communication of Puget Sound Tract.ion,Light &. Pwr.Co.i.n matter of repairing wires etc .beg leave to report as follows; - 'That -the City Attorney has informed the Committee that the City of Renton should not .Heddle with any property leased or used b� the Traction Company,except to notify the Company when any of said property requires repairs . Signed,Thos .l�ayr�qond,Geo.Arthur,Richard Wood. 11oved and seconded. report be received,filed and recomendations be carried out . Carried. a Report of Finance Committee; - "e, your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; Renton Lbr. Co.Lumber, ct.Dept . 21 .74 E. H.'McCurdy,Cartage, 3.00 Daniel Gaby,expense 1st.Ave.N. Paving case , 3.50 Geo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond ,J. H.Larkin Committee. tMoved and seconded report be reeeived,filed and all bills O.K.d,be order- ed paid. Carried. Report of Health Officer for six month period from Apr.l.st .read . Moved and seconded sante be filed . Carried. - Report of Park Board recomending that water tap and pipe be removed from Park to prevent the freezing of same read. Woved and seconded report be filed and recomendation be carried out . Carried. Communications from Seattle Chamber of Commerce,Automobile Club of Seattle,and Seattle Commercial Club in matter of Renton Kent road read. 384 Moved and seconded same be filed . Carried. Communication from J.F. Pouglas asking that he be advised that steps are being taken for the opening of Black River to care for sewerage of the City when Lake ',�ashington is lowered read. :Moved and seconded ,same be received and filed. Carried. Moved and seconded Clerk write N. ?. Ry.Co.asking that the com- ply with franchise in matter of paving; of street crossings at 2nd , 3rd.and 4th.Avevues,a.lso that steps be taken for the lowering of their tracks to street grade at 2nd.Avenue . Carried. A,°oved and seconded C.& P. S. Ry.Co. be notified to lower guard E F E rail at certain points alon ; their tracks,also that S. R.&. S. Ry. Co. i be notified to repair, paving at expansion joints between kkiKixthe rails of their tracks . Carried. Agreement between City of Seattle and City of .Renton in. matter of use of right-of--way for public market purposes read.. Moved and seconded same be accepted and filed. Carried. Moved by McCowin seconded by Larkin St ..cupt .be instructed to level off ground for said market . Carried. ';latter of grarting license for skating rink discussed. moved by VcCowin seconded by Faull that Ordinance governing license of skating rinks be amended to read ,x'25 .00 per auarter,payable: in advance .Motion amended by James seconded by Raymond that City Atty. be instructed to draft Ordinance xffpeR ;i xgxand amendinESec .l. of the original rink Ordinance to comply with original miotion.Poll Vote, Raymond,?�IcCowin,James,17ood,Faull and Larkin voting; Aye. Arthur vot- ing No.Carrie.d. Poll vote on motion as amended, Raymond,iglcCowin,Jarr.es,Wood, Paull and Larkin voting Aye . Arthur voting No. Carried. Fire Light, & 'A!ater Committee recomends that new light be inst- alled at a point Last & South of Morgan Drive as requested by res- idents. r4oved and seconded that recomendation of said Committee be complied. with and St . Supt,be instructed to have necessary work done . Carried . Bids for sewer,Rloek 4 were read as follows. E. !,.Duff ; 324 .70, Joe Lenz A285.20,Dullahant & Clegg, u262 .30. Moved and seconded contract be let to low bidders,Dullahant & Clegg. 1,4oved and second- ed certified checks of unsuccessful bidders be returned. Carried. r 385 Ordinance No.408 amending; skating; rink ordinance read first time. ltovecl and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Ordinance Committee makes verbal report on above ordinance reco- mending that same be passed to second reading and adopted. Ordinance Pvo.408 passed to second reading,read and adopted by sections and on :notion of McCowin seconded by Paull adopted as a whole . Poll vote; Raymond,McCowin,James,",F'ood,Faull and Larkin voting Aye . Arthur voting No. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. 386 Renton,Oct .4th,1915. Special meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll - Call ; Present Councilmen Faull ,',Food,James,McCowin and Raymond. Meeting called for the purpose of hearing protests on the proposed tax levy for the City of Renton for the year of 1916, and final adoption of the "Budget" . There being no protests offered against the "Budget" as previously drawn Resolution No.201 fixing the tax levy and adopting "Budget"was read and on motion of McCowin seconded by James said Resolution was adopted as read. Poll Vote ; All Councilmen present voting Aye. There being no further business before the meeting motion was made to adjourn. Y I I' 'I J 387 Renton,Oct .5th,1915.. Regular session of the City Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin ,Faull , "ood,James,il�cCowin and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session and special session read and approved. Mayor Hughes suspends regular order of business to hear from Dr.Tuttle of the State Board of Health on the question of sewerage of the City when Lake IvNashington is lowered. The Dr. states that in his opinion one of two ways must be adopted,either to secure a sufficient flog of water down Black River to care for the sewage or to construct a filter basin commends the action of the Health Officer and Council in taking up this matter at this time ,and urges that definate plans be adopted and carried out before the lowering of the Lake . Regular order of business resumed. The City Attorney was instructed to ascertain if the Government has a legal right to deprive the City of the flow of water in Black River,the same beir_6 used for sanitary purposes. Petition of Stone & U,!ebster Corporation for water at their gravel bunker near brick yard read . Mloved and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Report of I{'inance Committee ; We,your Uommittee on kinance have examined the following; bills and recomend the payment of the same. Fd.L.Terry,Seattle for water 50.65 Farlington Imp.Club.Light 2, 55 Library Fund, Salary,Light,etc, 66.56 G.A.Harner, Salary 11.25 Daniel Gaby,expense lst .Ave .paving ease4. 2.36 McPherson Bros . Supplies, 22 .00 Pacific Tel.& Tel .Co.phone , 1.85 Hugo Kelly,City printing, 16.30 Labor pay roll ,St.& !1"ater Dept s&Garbage 208.40 Signed,Thos.Raymond,J. H.Larkin,Cornmittee . Moved by McCowin seconded by Faull report be received, filed and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid.. Carried. City Attorney makes verbal report in matter of Kennydale road stating that approximately 50 per cent only of the right of way for said road has been secured . City Clerk reports no protests against assessments in L. I . D. 388 No.72. Moved and seconded report be received,ftand filed . Carried. City Engineer reports that thirty days have elapsed since the completion of contract of Peter Dullahant,Dist.No.&2,arid that no defective or uncompleted work has been discovered and recomends acceptance of same: and that final payment be made on same. Carried . Communication from C. D. Hillman in matter of dredging of Bl,-ick River to care for sewerage read .;vtoved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Communication from State Highway Uommissioner rtow in matter of Renton JKent road read . "oved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Communication from N. P. Ry.Co. relative to paving of crossings read and filed. Ordinance No.409 approving and confirming assessment and asse- ssment roll Dist .No.72 read first time. Moved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried.. Vatter of resetting of poles on hill and proposition of P. S. T.L.& P.Co.relative to same was referred to Firelight & 'Pater Committee for report at next meeting. Moved and seconded St . Supt.employ Mr.Kane to inspect City lights and see that same are in compliance with contract with Power Co. Carried. Moved by McCovyin seconded by Larkin City Attorney be instruct- ed to draft amendment to pool room ordinance making license payable quarterly,in advance. Carried. Resolution petitioning County ommissioners to install grade crossing to connect 4th.Ave .North with Renton Issaquah road read. Moved and seconded came be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution peti ti _-)nine; U. .`1. Senators and Representives from the State of Washington to urge an appropriation for opening channel of Black River was read. Moved. and. seconded same be adoptJ, - ed as read and Clerk be instructed to forward copies thereof. Carried. Matter of repairing of sidewalks was again brought up. Moved and seconded City Attorney notify all parties who were prev- iously notified,who have not yet repaired their walks,that they will be given five days to comply with demand of the City,and if mzkwalks not then repaired City will proceedd to repair same 'a ' V, Y lW 171 389 and expense of said repairing to be charged against the property. Carried. Tvroved and seconded special permit be issued for skating kia rink to operate until Ordinance governing same becomes efective. Carried . There being no further business before the meeting motion made to adjourn. rzi Clerk. r Renton,Ocp.12th,1915 . Council met in regular session,Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present -Councilmen Arthur,Faull ,Wood,McCowin and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Mayor Hughes suspends regular order of business to hear from Rev.",Volfe of the NT. E. Church in the. matter of entertainment for the boys of the City on Holloween night. fatter was discussed by the Council and on motion of McCowin seconded by James Council agrees to assist in any way practicable and to donates first prize of ;'5.00. Regular order of business resumed; - Report of Einance Committee. Te,your Uommittee on Finance beg leave to report that we: have examined the following bills and recomend payment of the same . G.A . Harner, Salary 25.00 Joe Lenz,Labor Engr.Dept, 4.10 E. H.TvIcCurdy,Cartage , 2.50 G .H.Reale & Co, . Paint, .25 Renton Drug "tore-, Supplies , 1 .55 P. S. T.I,.& P.Co. ,Light , 160.60 Peter Dullahant,Dist .#72, 42.77 O.K.Livery,Team work 3.00 Trick & ivTurray,Election supplies 24.11 Renton Lumber Co.Lumber 112.28 Frank Bowran,Labor .50 Signed,Geo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond,Corrimit tee . Moved and eeonded report be received and filed,and all bills O.K. d, be ordered paid. Carried. Report of Eire,Light & 71iater Co r-wmittee . ; - ?'e ,your 'onttmittee bo whom was referred the condition of light poles on Section St .beg leave to report that we find them in poor condition and would recomend that the City put in new poles . 'igned Thos.Raymond,Richard "ood,lommittee. MToved and seconded report be received and filed and re:comendation be 390 carried out. Carried. Deport of City Engr; -J4!ayor & Council ; - Gentlemen; I have to report the completion of the contract of Dullahant & Clegg for the improvement of Blk.4 in the original plat of the Town of Renton by the construction of a lateral sewer as provided for under Ordinance 1y0 .407 creating L,. I . D.No.73, I hereby recomend they be allowed 700 of the following complet, estimate. 286.5 lin.ft .sewer pipe ,6",P-. .35¢ 100.28 35 " 6" iron pipe .70¢ 24.50 8 .1 vert. " drop man hole C,,.6.25 50.63 3.2 " it plain ,� ,► 117.50 24.00 10 Tyes .80 8.00 9 Bends ( .30 2.70 9 earthen-ware stops .10 •9af .90 38 Cu.ft.concrete X6 .50 per.Cu.Yd. 9.50 1 6" bend 91.25 1.25 5 Hrs .force account with team & two men 5.35 227.11 Fixed Estimate . Eng.and field work helper & inspection 76 .10 Printing 6.00 Interest, i 4.70_ .„313.91 Respectfully submitted,G.A.Fiarner,City Engr. Moved and seconded report be received and filed and recomendation be carried out . Carried. Reports of City Clerk and City Treasurer for month of Sept.read . 'iloved and seconded same be filed. Carried. Communication from Asst.Atty.General relating to donation to Belgium releif Fund read. Moved ands econded same be filed. Carried Communication from N.P. in matter of lowering of tracks at 2nd. Ave.and p1ax paving of crossings read and filed,and Clerk instructed Co. to notify said/WmPl�- that the City will insist that they live up to franchise in matter of improving crossings. Carried. Communicati-,,n from Public Service Committee relative to lighting rates read and filed. Clerk was instructed to take up"with Power Co .matter of lights at certain points not being up to contract and secure rebate on same. Matter of grade for concrete walks at certain points N.Renton, moved and seconded Engr.be directed to give the grade if requested . Fire Cheif Joe Wood makes report of his trip and meeting of Fire Cheifs Convention at San Francisco and makes suggestions which he thinks would be advisable for the City to take up in the matter of fire protection and prevention. Moved and seconded remarks and report of Cheif be endorsed and City Council co-operate with the Cheif in carrying out recomendations . �, ,X IF 391 Moved and seconded matter of handling and care of gasoline as referred. to by 1ire Cheif be referred to Ordinance Committee and Cheif for drafting ordinance to cover same. Carried. There b+&ng no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. City Clerk. Renton,Oct.19th,1915 . Regular se:,sionof the City Council called to order by Tviayor T, rughes; Roll Call; Present Councilmen Larkin,Faull. vood,James,',Ic Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. minutes of last session reed and approved. Report of Finance Goinutittee; [,Ve,your ('omarnittee on Finance have examined the following bills and re:comend payment of same. T.H.McCurdy,CartaLe 2.50 i:.l'.. "hearer, `'upplie s .30 Dullahant 8- Clegg,70;5 on cont ract,Dist . 73 158.98 R.O.Browr_,filing saws .40 Labor pay roll, St.&. Mater 101.25 Signed Trios.Raymond,J. H.I.arkir_,Commi ttee. . Tvloved and seconded repott be received and filed and all bills O.K.d, be ordered paid . Carried. Com-munica.tions from Senators Poindexter and Jones and Representative Humphries relative to Black River, for sewage purposes read and filed. Coaimrunication from Public `service Commission relating to lighting rates read and filed. Communication from rea.ttle Chamber of Comr—nerce in matter of Renton Kent highway read and filed. Ordinance No.410 rel2ting to the closing of railway toilets on trains while passing through the City .read and referred to Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No.411 amending pool and bil Bard table license ordin- ance read and referred to ordinance committee. 1 392 Ordinance No.409 approving and confirming assessment and asse- ssment roll Dist.yo.72 passed to second reading,read by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole as read. Poll. Vote; all Councilmen present, voting Aye . Resolution ho.203 fixing date of hearing of protests on hist . No.73,the same being for construction of sewer through portion of Block 4,0riginal Plat,`l'own of Penton read. moved and seconded saine be adopted as read. Carried. All Councilmen present: voting Aye. In the matter of Shepherd & Cresman who ask permission to use the old lumber from the lill.iams street bridge in construction of a gravel bunker for the handling; of gravel for use on the D. C.Mitc- hell roa.d, stating that when through with the bunker for said job same will. be turned over to the City free of charge was discussed , and on motion duly seconded permission was granted,provided a written agreement be drawn up as above stated. Remarks were made by various Citizens and Councilmen for and against the proposed grade crossing to connect 4th,Ave .11orth with the Renton Issaquah road.No action taken by the Council. There being no further business. motion made to adjourn. Clerk. A 393 Renton,Oct .26th,1915 . Regular session of the Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,Faull , titiood,James,nac- Cowin and Raymond ; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular meeting read and. approved. Application for sevier service Lot 13,block 4,by T. C. Williams read. Moved and same be filed and granted. Carried. Application for sidewalk grade ,Lots 7-8-9-11 & 12,�lock 9 Farm Plat "o.l,by E. E.Duff read. Moved and seconded same be laid on table. Report of i'inance Committee; - %Ie, your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for pa, ment the following bills; G.A.Harper,Sala ry 7.50 Joe ]Jenz,Labor 3.00 E.H.McCurdy,Cartage,Frt .Fxp 2.80 Sign ed,Geo.Arthur,Tlios.Raymond,J.H.Larkin,(�omm. Moved and seconded report be received filed and all bills O.h.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Communication from Albert Johnson,M. C.3rd.Dist in matter of Black 'liver sewerage read and filed. Report of Police Judge for Sept .read.. 11;oved and seconded same be filed . Carried. Ordinance No.41C,relating to the closing of toilets on E. R. trains in the City passed to second reading read by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole . All Councilmen voting Aye . Ordinance Io.411 ,relating to pool & billiard table licenses passed to second reading, read and adopted by sections,and on motion duly seconded adopted as a .Roll Call ; Arthur,Wood,Larkin,McCowin and Raymond voting Aye. Paull and James No. Under special order of business Mayor Hughes appoints the follow- ing Judges and Inspectors for the primary election to be held on Nov. 9th.and designates polling places; lst .Tard. Inspector E. P. tVhi tney. Judges Joe Lenz and Iv1rs .Dinning. 1st.Pct.2nd .'"ard, Inspector Lou Cross. Judges 'N.F.Brown and Art . fi a 2nd.Pct.2nd.Ward. Inspector H. Ioppine .Judges Tm. Crair. and Mrs . 4/ 3rd.71''ard . Inspector 4m iison. Judges G.A. Harner and Mrs .Geo. Hancock. 394 Polling places; lst .'Yard.Mrs .Dinnin"s store Bldg. Zst .Pct .2nd.?AJard H.Evans building,near blacksmith shop,3rd.Ave . 2nd .Pct.2nd. "iard, Fire Hall . 3rd .7Jard ,either Recreation hall or Thomas house on Burrett St . Moved and seconded appointments be confirmed . Carried . Matter of Drug store licenses was discussed and laid over for one week. I'Viatter of 8 ' strip of ground on "est side of 3rd..Ave .`,'%title to which appeves to rest in Snoqualmie Power Codi scussed and on motion duly seconded City Attorney was instructed to lc)ok up status of same . Councilman Raymond brings up matter of inspecting new sidewalks to see that same are constructed in compliance with City ordinance . St . rupt .was instructed to in the future supervise construction of walks. There being no further business motion made to adjourn. City Clerk. G � t 1I��� - 395 Renton,Nov 2-191.5 .• Y Council met Ir rf!71- �:r �.r ^,"�yor Ilughes presiding. poll Call; Present Councilmen Paull, ood,McCowin and Raymondl; City 1tt- orney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved . In the matter of appointments for Inspectors and Judges for Primary election as made at last meeting,llayor Hughes states that Inspector Maddison,3rd,711ard.and Mrs .C,has Mitchel1,2nd.Pct.2.nd. Xard, are not eligable to serve and that he has appointed to fill the vacan- cies,Mr.J. S.Davis as Inspector 3rd . -'ard.and Mrs.-D. R.Beernan as Judge 2nd. Pct.2nd.viard. Moved and seconded appointments be confirmed. Carried. Report of i'inance Committee; - We,your Committee on Finance have examined and recoiiiend for payment the following bills; Thos.Dobson,Treas, Starnps ,F'rt .& Exp.42'sw' /000 Library Fund,Salary & r'uel 58.00 A.Hambach Co, 2 pplies 66.00 Lowman & Hanford Co.Office Supplies, .30 Pacific Tel.& Tel.Co. Phone & L. D.calls, 2.26 R.?FVood,eement,Hay & lime 5.40 Ed.L.Terry, Seattle for water 32.60 Sammy Edwards,Labor 1.00 Labor pay roll,St .bept . "rater & Light , 97.30 Signed Thos.Raymond,Richard Nood Committee. Moved and seconded report be received and filed and all bills O.K.d, be ordered paid. Carried. City Attorney makes verbal report in matter of 8 ' strip on 3rd. Ave.W.original title of which rests with Snoqualmie Power Co.stating that delinquent tax on same will be rebated and title transferred to 39 Thos.Harries Galles attention of the Council to Telephone tolls stating that toll from Kent to Seattle is 10 cents while rate from Renton is 15 cents. Moved and seconded Clerk take up matter of tolls with public Servise Commission with view of having same equitably adjusted. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. 14�I� 395 Renton,Nov 2-1c)1.5.- Council Met, --r. ,","�yor llu,-hes, presiding. moll Call ; Present Councilmen Paull, "ood,,McCowin and Raymond; City Att- orney and Clerk. Minutes of last session rend and approved. In the matter of appointments for Inspectors and Judges for Primary election as made at last meeting,lulayor Hughes states that Inspector ,j1addison,3rd,`Nard.and Mrs.Chas Mitchell,2nd . Pet.2nd.Ward, are not eligab'e to serve and that he has appointed to fill_ the vacan- cies,Mr.J. :.Davis as Inspector 3rd. >-ard.and Mrs.D. R.Bee,rman as Judge 2nd. Pct.2nd.1!'ard. Moved and seconded appointments be confirmed. Carried. Report of finance Committee; - !%Te,your Committee on I'inance have examined and recotnend for payment the following bills ; Thos.Dobson,Treas, Stamps ,Frt .& Exp.42.4w, /000 Library Fund,Salary & Fuel 58.00 A.Hambach Co,Supplies 66.00 _ Lowman & Hanford Co .Office Supplies, .30 Pacific Tel.& Tel.Co. Phone & L. D. calls, 2.26 R.'FVood,cement,Hay & lime 5.40 Ed.L.Terry,Seattle for water 32.60 Sammy Edwards,Labor 1.00 Labor pay roll,St .Dept . ,,Tater & Light , 97.30 Signed Tho s.Raymond,Richard `Hood Committee. Moved and seconded report bre received and filed and all bills O.K.d, be ordered raid . Carried. City Attorney makes verbal report in matter of 8 ' strip on 3rd. Ave .W.original title of which rests with Snoqualmie Power Co.stating that delinquent tax on same will be rebated and title transferred to City of Renton. Matter of drug store licenses discussed and on motion duly seconded laid over for one more week. Commusication from L.H.Hadley in matter of Black Diver sewerage read and filed. Councilman %'IcCowin brings up matter of worn out crossings on Logan Stat intersection of 2nd.Ave .and on motion duly seconded St . Supt .was instructed to rebuild same. O.N. Cochran states that backfilling of gas main trenches on "illiams St .has not been properly done thereby causing inconvenience to traffic . St . Smpt .was instructed to take up inatter with Lighting Co.and endeavor L,o hP proper ror� .r ave sane put in condition. 396 Thos.Harries Galles attention of the Council to Telephone tolls stating that toll from Kent to Seattle is 10 cents while rate from Renton is 15 cents. Moved and seconded Clerk take up matter of tolls with public Service Commission with view of having same equitably adjusted. Carried. Thr..re being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. o ,, Clerk. .P XI(FPJ 397 Renton,Nov.9th,1.915. Regular session of the Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,P'aull ,Larkiri,'''ood ,James and Ray- Mond and ay-Monda.nd City Clerk. Mirutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition asking permission to set poles at certain locations prese- nted by the r. T.I .& "P. Co. Moved and seconded same be received and filed and referred to street Supt .& Fire.,Light & 'Kater Committee for report . Carried. Report of rinance Committee; Te,your Uornuiittee on Finance have examined and recomend. for payment the following bills; Geo.Friend,ballot box 1.50 Iarlington Iinp .Club,light 2.55 P.Co . light 160.60 R. J. Pettie,printing, ballots 6.50 Hugo Kelley,City publications 10.25 Beit mill Co. ,light . poles 12.60 Peter Dullahant,police duty 2.00 Zan Bros, street, brooms 3.30 Stone & Webster Fngr.Corp, gravel for Main St , 30.00 Preibe Bros.repairing 10.20 J. S.Hardie, supplies , 1 .70 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos .Raymond ,J. F.I,arkin,Co;nmittee . a Moved and seconded report be rectived,filed and all bills O.K. d,be ordered maid . Carried. Report of City Clerk and Report of Treasurer for month of Oct .read. Moved and seconded same be received and filed . Carried. Communication from Public Service Coillmission in natter of light rates read and filFed. Thos.Feynolds calls attention of the Council to bad condition of box drain in North ; enton. Said matter referred to St.Supt. for invest- igation. Moved and seconded Council declare .`'aturday,Nov.20th,a.s opening day for Public Market . Carried. There being no further budiress motion made to adjourn. City Clerk. 398 Renton J.Wash. Nov.1'7th,1915. Council met in regular session,Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Waod,Jarnes ,PAcCowin and Raymond ; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved . Permit asking privelege to set three 30 ' poles in alley running north and south through Block 1 Smithers 4th.Add.presented by the Pacific Tel .& Tel . Co . Moved and seconded same be. filed and referred to Street, "upt .with power to act . Carried. Report of finance �'ominittee; Ne ,your Comrnittee on finance have examined and recomend for payment the foll -)wing bills; Ben Atkinson,meals for jail 4.50 E.P.Thitney,Inspector,primary election 4.60 Joe Lenz, Judge it It ' 4.60 Catherine �Sinning,Judge of of #.60 Thos .Dinning Clerk it it 4.60 Emma Dullahant of " 4.60 H.D. Ioppini Inspector It 4.20 Julia Be e rinan, Judge " " 4.20 Tm.A.Crain " " " 4.20 Rate 'r'+hite Clerk it 4 .20 Clyde Berry if " it 4.20 J. S.Davis Inspector " " 4.60 G.A.Harne r Judge " 4, 60 .Jane Hancock it " 4.60 Andy Adams Clerk 4 .60 Mary Arthur ititif4.60 L.J. Cross Inspector 4.60 %F.Brown Judge " " 4 .60 Art Richardson " It of 4.60 b"yles Storey Jr. Clerk 4 .60 Margaret Nichols " it it 4.60 Thos.Dobson,Treas . "fitness fees & Auditing Exp.100.50 Sammy Edwards,labor impounding stock, 1 .00 McPherson Bros , supplies, 15.55 P. S. T.L.& P. Co . supplfies,light dept . 69.20 Thos .Dinning,rent ,fuel & light,primary, 5.00 Edwin Dinning, labor & material for b�-�ths 3.00 Labor pay roll 124.65 Si ned,Thos .Raymond,J. H.Larkin,Com_iittee . Moved and seconded report be received filed and all bills t�.K.d,be ordered paid . Carried . Report of Fire,Light & '4ater Committee; v '°.'e, your ommittee to whom was referred the application of P. S. T. L.& P. Co.for, privelege to set poles in forth Renton at points designated in the application,beg leave to report as follows; lie beleive that the City should own the poles for electric wiring and when necessary poles for electric wiring should be set by the City. 'Ye therefore recomend. that the said application be denied. Signed,Richard ?"ood.Tho S. Raymond,Comm ittee . X1IF I qJ 39.3 Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendation carried out . Carried. Report of City Engineer; City C1erk, Renton,': a.sh; pear Sir. ,This is to certify that thirty days have elapsed since the completion of the contract, of pullahant & Clegg for the improvement of portion of Block Four by construction of a sewer under pist .Ho.73,and that no defective or uncompleted work has been discovered for which the City makes claim, and 1 hereby recomend that the work be accepted and final payment be made on same . cigned,G.A.Harner, City Engineer. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendation be carried out . Carried. City Clerk reports no protests against assessments ,pist .I`�o.73,for sewer through portion of Block tour. Motaed and seconded report be rece- ived and filed,and that assess hent roll be approved by the Council . Carried. Communication of City Attorney in matter of starting proceedings for Fennydale road improvement ,and asking; that Resolution lo.196-A be repealed was read. Remarks were made by P. ', .Houser and by City Attorney Gaby on the subject of repealing said Resolution and the proper manner of proceedure in the premises. TMoved by 'Y'cCowin seconded by Raymond that the said Resolution "o.196-A be rescinded. roll vote on said motion, Raymond ,!'�gcCowin and 'Nood voting Ay�e .Jamtes voting ,Markin refusing; to vote . Game carried . ry�oved by I�cCowin seconded by `.00d pity ,^.ttorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Resolution for the inauguration of Fennydale road improvement . Carried,all Councilmen present voting; Aye. Communic^tion from Public `service Commission relating to Telephone rates in force,Renton to Seattle and Fent to `7eattle read and filed. Ordinance 'go.413,approvin� and confirming assessment and assessment roll Pist .No.73,read first time and referred to '-Crdinance Coirimittee . Ordinance No.414,rel.ating to the handling and storing of gasoline and other explosive materials read first time and referred to Ord.Committee. Remarks were made by I+ire Cheif Joe 'food on the necessity of purch- asing a Pulmoter or Lung Noter for use of the Fire Pept.and City,and stating that the Fire nept .v.ould stand half the expanse of same if the ' City Council would appropriate the balance. Price of same "'.150 .00) . The 400 Council realizing the necessity and desirability of having apparatus of this kind on hand in case of emergency,motion was made and seconded that the Council go on record to appropriate '`75.00 fuxxkkm purahasex as one half the purchase price of a Pulmoter or Lung Nloter,choice of same to be left with the Fire Department. Carried. Xll councilmen present voting Aye. P,,?ayor Hughes appoints the "Ways &. fleans Committee as a canvassing Board to canvass the returns of the City Primary flection. Councilman Raymond asks that some further action be taken in the matter of the setting of light poles in iyorth Renton by the P• S. T.L. R P.Co. so the residents may be supplied with light . Said matter was referred,by the jv'ayor,to the 'ire,Light & '!Jater Committee for inves- tigation and report. There being no further business motion made to adjourn. Clerk . __.� , !(F 401 Renton,Nov .25t5rd Regular session of the Council called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilman Arthur,Faull ,'hood,James and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Report of r inance Committee ; ;"'e,your Com uittee on 1''inance have examined and reomend for payment the following bills; Dullahant &. Clegg,final pmt.& fixed estimate,Dist ./r .73, 154.93 Renton Lumber Co.lumber St .Pept. 24.99 Wm.Kane,supplies 5.40 Renton Bulletin ,notice of primary election, 2.50 Signed Geo.Arthur,`I'hos.Raymond, Committee . Moved and seconded report be received and filed and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carried.. Report of 1.7ays & jeans Committee on canvass of Primary election returns read and placed on file. Report of Police Judge for month of October read and placed on file. Ordinance No.413 approving and confirming assessment and assess- ment roll ,Dist.T1o.73 ,passed to second reading,read and approved by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole as read.' Poll. vote;All Councilmen present voting Aye. Ordinance No.414 regulating the use and storage of gasoline and other explosives passed to second reading,read and approved. by sections and on motion of Arthur seconded by Wand adopted as a whole as read.All Councilmen presen-'L -°vkting• ._ye ?'nder° of t:u roes.; Mlayor Iiughes appoints the following Inspectors and Judges for regular City* election to be held 7)ec .7th. lst. `'ard. Tnspector Ceo.TTighton.Judges Ebner cDonald and is"rs . 1st .Pct .2nd.7d.Inspector A.1vIladdison. Judges % rs.T.J.McKinley and ''Virs.John Agnew. 2nd . Pct .2nd.,,'d. Inspector Roger Jenkins.Judges `%%. Jones and "rs . Rertha Snyder. 3rd.`"d. Inspector David Nlitchell . Judgos,J. S.Hughes and Mrs. Gertrude Feek. Moved and. seconded appointments as above stated be approved. Carried. 402 Resoluti )n eo.204beinZ resolution of intention for improve- ment of Kennydale. road read first time. Moved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Committee . Carried. Mayor Hughes brings up matter of Street right-�f'-way between Cedar fiver and 1st . Ave. North,same being extension of iyain St . asking that title to same be investigated. [',r':oved and seconded said matter be referred to City Attorney for investigation. Carried. M. r.C .Opitz explains to the Council his position and action taken in setting poles in North Renton before permit for sane had been granted by the Council. A question of the rights sof the Co. under their Franchise and City Ordinances arose and City Attorney and Clerk were instructed to look up same and report at next meeting. M'r.Opitz also presents petition to set poles on Grant & High Sts.between 7th & 8th Aves .for lighting serviee. Moved and seconded said application be laid over for one week. Carried. :sir Hugo Kelley of the ?leral.d calls attention of the Councilxko to a certain dangerous peice of road lying just inside the City limits of "eattle and urges the Council to take up matter with City Officials of Seattle to have sarne made more safe for travel . ''oved and seconded Clerk communicate with Seattle Automobile Club regarding same. . Carried. There being no further busine s motion made to adjourd. City Clerk. � IJIJ 403 Renton,Nov.30th,1915. Council met in regular session.Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,l{'aull ,'",'ood,Ja.me.s and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. v"7inutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition presented by Pacific Tel .& Tel .Co .asking permission to set two 30 ' poles on 'Xilliams St . south of 5th,Ave . read . 'gloved and seconded same be filed and granted . Carried. Report of Finance Committee ; '°`e your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for ppyment the following bills; H.Parks ,repairing liF.hts ,etc . 4.50 C.A.Harner, salary 5 .60 F. H.TvicCurdy,cartage , .50 T. J.Richmond,briquetts 4.90 Labor pay roll , St .& 7later Depts, 39 .35 Signed Thos.Raymond,J. H.Larkin , Coajmittee . Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d, be ordered paid . Carried. City Attorney - makes verbal report in matter of title to proposed extention of Main St .2nd .Ave .to 1st,Ave .N. sta.ting that the City holds Food and sufficient deed to said strip of land . Also in matter of franchise and Ordinance relating to right of P. S.T.L.& P. Co .to set poles for light service, sta.ting that under franchise permits must be granted -under proper conditions. City Attorney also brings up matter of Court decision in case where a child was injured at play at school, holding that school districts are responsible for such injuries,and urging the Council to take some action to work with school board in regard to preventing such injuries. Moved and seconded that Town Property committee consult with the Board on said subject . Carried. Under special order of business l'.'layor Hughes brinE. ,s up matter of title to extention of ',''ells St .to Cedar River.Moved and seconded City Attorney investigate said title and City Engineer be instructed to run lines of said proposed extension. Carried. Resolution No.204,bein6 resolution of intention,Kennydale road passed to second reading,read and adopted by sections and on motion d-uly seconded resolution was adopted as a whole .. All Councilmen present voting Aye . Under unfinished business petition of . r � . T P. Co. t.o set boles iXXX:CRNNk.%X*x i:ckxxaz on Crant R- ?lig',_ ".f, , laid over from last meeting was granted. 404 Remarks were made by ;uZo '`.elle,; in :tia ,; :.r of ".t 1, _ _ z . V Renton,Dec .7th.1915. Regular session of the Council called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Larkin,Faul1 , hood,James,Vv'cCowin and Ray- mond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Report of Finance Coiariittee; - Te,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; T'. S. T.I,.& P , Co.light 160.60 Renton Bulletin ,electionxx notices, 2.50 Jas .Hardi e, supplies 2.40 Trick 8- Vvurray,registrat.ion books, 42.40 Ed.L.Terry, Seattle for water 36.75 R•V.F.D. ,Joe 'Nood.,Cheif,payment on luny; moter 75.00 McPherson Bros, supplies, 7.2.0 R. A., rhe are r, supp11es 6 .05 American Cast Iron Pipe Co. ,water pipe , 196 .18 Crane Co,gate vaive,water dept . 10.81 Pacific Tel .& Tel .C'o.phone , 2.36 Library Fund,salary & expense, 86.33 Signed Thos.Raymond,J. Ii.Larkin, Corii7iittee, . Moved and seconded report be receirved and filed and all, bills O.K.d, be paid . Carried. Councilman James makes verbal report ,as Chairman of the Town Prop- erty Committee,sta.tirg that the Committee have conferred with the School Board in matter of liability for injury to children while at play on school grounds, statin.g that the Board will secure data and further info- rmation and report to the Council . Reports of Clerk and Treasurer for November read and filed. Communication from League of "'ashington ,dunicipalities read and referred to ',`Ways & 114eans Committee . Corrmluniention fvom Seattle Automobile Club read. and filed. I"ayor Hughes calls attention of the Council to condition of 3rd. Avenue lTest,ftk from end of paving to City limits, stating that County Commissioners are to repair street from City limits to Black River bridge and that in his opinion the City should make necessary repairs to that part, within the City limits which is in bac: condition. /J c Moved and seconded that 2treet Supt .be instructed to put the necessary gravel on said street to put same in proper condition for traffic . Carried. The Mayor also states that complaints have been received as to the condition of street at 6th.and Smithers,where. a small amount of gravel is necessary. Moved and seconded Street Supt .be authorized to put one or two loads of gravel on streets where necessary without waiting action of the Council . Carried. Councilman Larkin cads attention of the Council to the lack of light on 2nd Ave .leading to High School,and states that the school direct- ors will place a light in front of school building if the City will put in one at west limits of City on 2nd.Ave . Said lights to be connected to the school lighting system and maintained by the District . Moved and seconded matter be referred to the Fire,LiE ht & 7ater Committee for inves- tigation and report at next meeting. Carried. Councilman McCowin brings up matter of grass growing over cement walks in Car Works Addition,and urges that the Council take some; action towards having same removed. Moved and seconded said matter be referred a.. to Street & Alley Committee . Carried. Mr.Pistoresi protests to the Council over paying pound fees for two cows impounded by the . itiarshal, stating that some parties had maliciously opened gate to enclosure where said stock was kept . Moved and seconded pound fees be remitted with the understandinC that in the future Mr. Pistoresi keep a lock, on gate,whLch he agrees to do. Matter of lQhts . on street leading to High School was again discuss- ed,and motion made and seconded that Fire,Light & 7ater Committee be ;riven power to act in the matter. Carried. Ordinance No.412 . repealing portion of Ordinance No.403 relating, to licensing of drug stores was passed to second reading,read anis adopted by sections,and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole . All Council- men present voting ,Aye . ratty Attorney .Gaby makes verbal report on matter of title to Wells St . 2nd.Ave .to liver and asks for further time for investigation. Same granted. There being no further business motion made to adjourn. Clerk. 406 Renton,Dec .14th,1915. Regular session of thv Council called to order by the 'J':ayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Faull,Aood,James,TVTcCowin and Raymond.; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Petition for water presented by Electric 'gelding Co. for old twine Factory building read. Moved and seconded same be filed and granted on condition that meter be put in. Carried. Report of St .& Alley "ommittee; Te,your (�ornmittee on str: ets ? alleys beg leave to report as follows; That we recomend that a light coat OIL gravel be put on 1,'illiams. "t . and we also recomend that the property owners along lst .Ave.N.and Factory St . be notified to remove the grass from sidewalks in front of their property. Signed Chas.Mc Cowin,John Faull Committee. "�,Ioved and seconded report be. received,filed and recomendation be carried out. Carried. Report of Finance Co,cnittee ; Vje, your. Gonmittee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills ; Trick & Murray,office supplies 2.26 G. A. flarner, salary 19.35 Joe Lenz,labor 4.10 Geo . Iiighton,Inspector election 5.00 Emma Dullahant,Judge 5.00 Aug.Ciesefske it 5.00 P.Dullahant ,Clerk 5.00 Ethel McDonald " 5.00 Lee Monohon, Inspector 5.40 Gertrude Feek,Judge 5.40 Janett Burnett it 5.40 Edna Beerman,Clerk 5.40 'Nm.Adarn s it 5.40 A.Maddison,Inspector 5.40 Katie Agnew, Judge 5.40 T. J.McKinley of 5.40 i.F.Brovin,CIerk 5.40 Margaret Nichols 5.40 Roger Jenkins ,Inspector 5 .40 7".N.Jon es,Judge 5.40 Bertha Snyder 5.40 Bessie Paymond,Clerk 5.40 Isabell Lindsay to 5.40 '%"m.Kane,installing lights,election 1.00 Earlington Imp.Club,light 2.55 E. H.McCurdy,cartage 2.25 American Cast Iron Pipe Co.freight 89.91 Joe Tood,freight on lung mater 2.05 Pettie Printery,election ballots 6.50 Thos .Din.ning,rent of hall ,election 5.00 Hugo rle l l,y,City ptg. 9.90 G.H. Beale & Co. ,paint .60 T.J.Richmond,briquetts,City Full 4.90 Labor pay roll , St .& 'u''ater Dep'ts , 129.10 Signed Thos.Raymond,R. H. James,Committee . 'vToved and seconded report be received and f ilc d and all bills XVFJ 407 0.K.d be ordered. paid. Cary°i ed. Motion made and seconded that dues in League of Washington Municipalities be paid . Carried. Report of Fire,Light & "'iter Committee . 77e, your Committee on Fire,Light & '°:'ater to whom was referred the matter of light .for benefit of High School laeg leave to report as follows; "'e recomend that a light be installed at west City limits on 2nd.Ave . to be maintained by school Dist . Signed Thos .Raymond,Richard )ffood , Committee. lioved and seconded report be received and filed and reco.mendation be carriedxx out. Carried. Councilman McCowin calls attention bf the Council to bad condition of Factory St. Voved and seconded that sufficient gravel be. put on said street to put same in good condition. Carried. Mayor Hughes appoints Finance Committee as canvassing; board to canvass election returns . Roved and seconded Clerk be instructed to call for bids for City printing for year of 1916 . Carried. moved and seconded City Attorney be instructed to draw up new lease to Fire Hall in favor of R.V.F. D: Carried. There being no further business motion ade to adjourn. Clerk. 408 Renton,Dec .21st,1915 . Council met in regular sesrion,Mayoh Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Larkin,F'aul1 ,'t'ood,James, IJIcCowin and Raymond; City Attorney' and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Peti_tion presented by McPherson Bros.asking permission to place a sign 6 x B ' at each end of the Mill St .bridge for advertis- ing purposes was read .and discussed. Motion made and seconded that said petition be laid on the table*. Carried. Fetition from ^. S. T.L.& P.Co.asking permission to set three 35 ' poles between Factory St .& C .& P. S.Ry.Co .tracks in North Renton was read and granted. Report of .Finance Co,-nittee; '''e, your Coaimittee on Finance Tuve examined the following bills and recomend the payment of same . L.I,.Gurley, repairiny 71r_Sr' s.tapes, 4.63 H.Brauer,dues Wunicipal League 10.00 Renton Realty Co ..rent for Primary & Flection 10.00 F.H.T.4cCurdy,cartage 1 .25 C . T.Uletcalf,repairing roof,Fire Hall 5.00 Edwin Dinning,erecting bo-Aids for election 1 .50 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos.Raymon<i,UT. H.Larkin,Co,r_mittee . Moved and seconded report be received and filed and all bills O.K.d, be paid . Carried. Finance Committee ,who were appointed as canvassing board to canvass election returns present their report which was ordered placed on file . City Clerk reports no protests against the proposed improve- ment of Mill 't .North,6th,Ave .to City limits. Moved and seconded report be received and filed . Carried. r Tinder head of special order of business Mayor Hughes states that North approach to ry"ill St .bridge is in bad condition,and on motion duly seconded St . Supt.was directed to repair same . The Mayor also brings up matter of Ry.Companys violating City Ordinance relating to closing of toilets on trains while passing through the, City. Moved and seconded Clerk again call attention of Ry.Companys to said ordinance and request that same 44 be complied with. Carried. The attention of the Council was also called to the posting of bills and painting; of advertisements on bill boards contrary to City ordinance . TvToved and seconded Clerk take up matter with the A i 40.9 parties in question and request that ordinance be con1plied with. Carried. Moved and seconded that ordinance for proposed improvement of Mill St .North stipulate that payment for said work shall be by bonds running ten years . Carried. I ed. Moved and seconded City Attorney look up title to certain property on south Burrbbt Ston which certain parties hold delinq- uent tax title ,and ascertain if deed has been liven City for sarne for street purposes. Carried. Resolution No.205 relating to the completion xxAxI. of Lake 'Ir ashington canal and lowering of the lake read and on motionduly seconded was adopted. All Councilmen' voting Aye . i,,Ioved and seconded St. Supt. inve-stitg,'ate condition of alley through Block 19,Renton Farm Plat,which is reported to be in bad condition. Roxxxil 1,4ayor lilurhes calls a short recess to hear from TVI'r. Cheney on the subject of electricity and electrical wiring in conn- ection with fires,also from Wr.Z'hively on the subject of fire ins- urance and rates. A very interesting and instructive talk was gived by the gentle- men on the above subjects,on conclusion of which motion was made by Mr.Joe 'Food that vote of thanks be tendered the gentlemen,which was carried unanimously. Vlouncil again came to order and motion made and seconded that new lease of Fire, Hall to as, drawn by the City Attorney be referred to the Town Property Committee for report at next meeting. There being no further business m t' on Made to adjourn . Clerk. 410 Renton,T)ec .28th, 1915 . Council met In regular session,Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Faull ,'"'ood,Jame s,i"TcCow in rind Faymond; City Attorney and Clerk . ', inut es of last regular session read and anproved. Report of Finance Co rinrittoe ; - 17e,your Committee on finance have examined and re-:comend for payment the following bills; Hugo Kelly,City Pte'. 10.45 Ben Atkinson,meals for ,jail 3.75 Renton T:br. Co .luinber 30. 11 Joe Fdwards,dance marshal 3.00 F,.F.McCurd'.,, wood & Cartage 2.00 Thos.T)obson,Trea.s,.Frt . stamfs and P.O.box rent, 9.04 Labor pay roll , ,'t:& Mater 199.50 Bigned Thos . Raymond, J. 1�. Larkin, Co,i, ittee. W-oved and seconded report be received,filed and all. bills O.T. . d,be. ordered na.ld . Carried . Report of ` t .8 Alley Uo,amittee;- ?,.fe,your Committee on Streets and Alleys beg leave to report as follows ; T'ha.t we re.comend that the alley in Rlock 19,14orth side ,be fixed by putting box drain at alley end and gravel same. rigned ,Chas.WcCowin,John Faull .Committee . Moved and seconded report be receive.d, filed a. � u recor:;endntion be carried out. Carried. R. H. James ,Chairman of the Town Property Oormiiittee suggests that certain changes be made in lease of Fire. Hall ,and Town Property Coirvr.ittee were authorized to make such changes and have lease signed up effective Jany. lst,1916. City Attorney Gaby states to the Council his views on matter .of 13111 P.-)ster Ordinance and matter of t,,r,x title to certain prope. rty on Youth ^urnett St.also suv:6ests that certain c ,anges be made in City Ordinance regulating the burning of rubbish and defining limits for same . IToved and seconded City Attorney be instracted to go over said Ordinance with they Fire Cheif,and make such chancres as are deeirted necessary. Carried . In the ;natter of redrafting of Bill Poster Ordinance , maxd same was referred to Ordinance Co nm.ittee. Report of Police Judge for Nov.read and filed. Ordinance No .415 ,for the imnrovehent of and exte-ntion of Mill r� Street P?orth,6th,Ave .to City limits read and referred to ^rdinance " 411 Committee . Councilman Larkin brin8s up matter of permit of UcPherson Pros . to place signs near Mill :"t .bridge which was laid on table at last session , statinL that in his opinion the Council is discriminotinE in favor of outside parties as aEainst home trade . Raid question of allowing and Erantir_6 permit as asked for at last session was referr- ed to St .& Alleys Committee for investiLation,there bein a difference of opinion as to whether or not said signs would obstruct lights at _0111. 7t .bridge . There beim; no further business motion made to adjourn. Clerk. I 412 Renton,Jany 4thj 1916. Regular session of thc, City Council called to order by the 'ayor. Roll- Call ; Present Councilmen Arthur,Faull,'`Vood,James,%,IcCowin and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. `mutes of last session read an(! approved . 'riayor HuLYhes suspends the regular order of business and takes un reports of standing. Committees . Inder this head lease of Fire Fall was discussed and laid over for one more week and City Attorn- ey instructed to make the. changes in same as su_`ested by the Town Property Committee . Report w!-,s also heard from the delegation who attended the meetin ; at t:I e County Cofiiinis ;ioners office on Jany.3rd, in the matter of Kenn,yrdale road.Commit tee reports to the effect that the- County will stand one half the. cost of construction of said road within the City limits of Renton. Report of Fina.nce Committee ; - `e, your Co ;,Attee on D'inance have examined and. recomend payment of the following; bills; Jas .Fiardie , supplieps .75 H, .NIcCurdy,cartage 1 .00 O.K..Transfer Co.team work,St .Dept, 1.8.00 C . H.Beale &. Co. , supplies 1 .05 E.A. !',hearer, supplies & labor 5 .67 P.rullahant ,Folice duty 3.00 G.A.Varner, salary 7.50 Lowman & Hanford Co .office supjMes 2.63 Pacific Tel .8- Tel .Co .phone 1 .90 Trick & 14urray ,office supplies 10.72 Ed.L.Terry,geattle for -water, 29.90 Library I+und ,maintenance 96.05 Signed Geo.Arthur,Thos .R.ymond , Committee . Avloved and seconded rep-)rt be received, filed and all bills O.K.d, be ordered paid . Carried. The outgoing officials vacate their seats and new officers were sworn in,after which remarks were made by Geo.Artilur and Richard Mood,out oing Council.nen,and C . �'".`.�'ilson,H.F'vans,Thos. Raymond and. John Faull ,the newly elected Councilme^n,and by R. F. James and ilicCowin,holdove.r councilmen. I'Mayor Hu;lies also make=s a short address thankir,r the Citizens for the confidence shown by his re-election as Vayor without opposition,and the Council for the good. will and Harmony that has existed between that body and the hay­r.• for t`.e past term and urging; the co-operation of the new Council for the coming term. �I r 1qj Regular order of business was resumed. Application of G.A. Har- ne.r for posit ion of City F,ni7r. Ct .& "ater rapt ; of John ".tewart for Night te-irshal and Jos.Fdwards for were read and filed. Bonds of Cii,y Attorney,Treasurer and Clerk for the coming: term l were irspected . ^acne Navin" been approved by the Attorney motion was made and seconded that lia r e be accepted. Carl=ied. Jonthly report of Clerk,also of Treasurer were read and filed. Communication from Cor'-Xessman Humphrey relating to Lake "'ash- ington canal read and fil d. Ordinance No.416 relating to and regulatin the burning of rubb- ish etc .within the City limits read first, time and referred to Ord- inance CO"-11-Attee . Ordinance No.415,being Irdinance for improvement of P:rill St .TJ. 6th.Ave .N.to City limits passed to second. reading,read and adopted by sections,and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole. Poll vote; L.11 Councilmen present voting Aye . ''nder Special. '`rder of Business the 1:'ayor makes the following appointments ; Marshal,Jos . Edwards; ;�?ight Pa'arshal ,John Stewart ; City Fngr. , "t .& "Fater ^upt .G.A.. Farner; 'lance Marshal.,"'hos .0ugthton; Special Marshal ,''eter "ullahant ; Health ')ffice.r,DR.C.L.Dixon; Police Judge. T. J. Richmond; Purchasing Agt .Grant Fates ; Member of Library Board, fi,'otion Spade and ;seconded -drat appointments be. laid over for one week and Council meet in special session for consideration of same. Considerable discus:-,ion arose over tl'ie appointssent of City Fngr. with, the a:ded duties of `'.t .<: ':"ater Supt . certain of the Councilmen contending that the IMarshal would have more time in the future to devote to the duties of :.,t .& 7,later .Supt.than he has had in the past, and that the appointment of City h`n r.to that position,with increase it salary was not necessary. Poll vote. on motion to lay over for one week resulted. as follows. Councilmen Raymond ,h cCowin and Jamas voting No. Councilmen ``ilson,Faull and Fvans Yes. The vote being; a tie the PJiayor declares appointments , laid over for one "reek. Councilman Faull staters that certain parties have called his attention to the necessity of an extra guard rail on the c+ril.' St . bridCe,the lower rail on said bridge beim so high that there is dang- er of children fall-Ing off bridge under said rail. 414 :Motion made and seconded that said matter be referred to rt.&: 1�7.1ey Committee for invest! ation and report. Carried. Rids for. City printinL- for 1916 were received as follows; Renton Herald,Huo Kellog publis}�er,6 poirt type ,per column inch, 15 cents for first insertion,10 cents for each subsequent insertion . The Penton Bulletin,6. point solid ,22l cents per single column inch for first insertion,10 cents for each subsequent insertion. 14oved and seconded bids be referred to Finance Committee for report at next meetinu. Carried. There beim no further business motion ms.de to adjourn. Clerk. P XkF14'i 415 Renton,Jany,llth,1916. Council met in regular session,"(Ilayor Hughes .residing . Roll Call ; Present Councilrien Lar•kin,F,vans,Faull, '!"ilson,JameAs,NTe- Cowin an l En mond; City Attorn<,y and Clerk. "Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved . Payor Hughes suspends regular order of business to take up matter of confirmation of apioirtments laid over from last meeting. '`oved by Rayn"iond seconded by N: cCowin appointments be c., rrfirm- ed . ",,notion withdrawn and new motion put that each ap,)oir_tment be voted on separatel•y.Carried_. Appointments •were voted on as follows; Che- i-f of Police; Jos.''dwards. Mloved <end seconded Carne be confirrtjed . Carried. All Councilmen voting Aye . I\light 'Uarshal ; Jahn Stewart . Mlovod and seconded so.nre be. confir,ried. Carried . Thos .Oughton. Same confirmed. ""necia.l -arshal ; Peter Dullahant . joved and seconded same be confirmed. health Ifficer; Dr. C.L.Dixon. Sarnc confirmed.. Purchastrg, Agent ; Grant Dates. Srune confirmed. ''ire Chc if ; T "-)-)d. Came confiruiead. 'olice Ju(,_ " ` . Richmond . °ovecl- and seconi€ad sarrE� br confir;r� ,d. eniher Iibrar;% Board ; ':9rr.O. B. '''ooley. male' confirrnrc? . Iity En`ineer, titrer.t " "'a t,c,r Supt .G.A. Fgrner. Djlovwcl and seconded same be confirmed. In urging; the confirmation of this ar:noirt- ment '"ayor Hughes stqtes,at some. le.ng°th,his reasons for making same , . and why, in his opinion, sarne should be confirmed citing instances where the services of an Engineer are indispensible,and arguing that the City will save money by having a permanent Engineer rather than hiring as conditions demand. A somewhat sptribted debate was entered Into by the Council for and against said appointment ,after which a poll vote was taken resulting; as follows . For; Raymond and MIcCowin. Against ; James,7,'ilson,Fau1l ,7vans and Larkin. Notion lost. 'Moved by Raymond seconded by Evans that City Attorney be instru- cted to draw Ordinance adding duties of St.& "�ater rupt .to those of L'arshal at salary as paid for 1915 . . Poll vote ; All Gouncilrrren voting Aye. 41 T,Ioved and seconded City Engineer be appointed at same salary as paid for 1915 . Mr.Harner states his position in this ;natter, declining to act as City Tn`ineer under the co.rrditi,-)ns of 1915, whereupon above motion was withdrawn. Regul*r-�Srder of business resumed. T'eport of 7''inance Committ ') e ,your �o-ninittee on Firivnee lave examined and reeomend for payment the following bibs; aeo.Friend, renair work 1 .00 P. r,. ".T ,& P. Co. ,Light 160 .60 ().".Transfer Co . iinpoundin6 stock 2.00 T . J. Ri chrnond, fuel, City Fall & Jail, .9.$0 Preibe Bros .tools and repairs, 5.60 Labor pay roll ; rt .& ''nater T)ept ' s, 134.95 )i, ned,Ii.Evans,Thos .Raymond,J. Tl..T:arkin,Co nrnittee. Moved and seconded report be re.ceived, filed and all bills O.K.d, be. Haid. Carried . Report of street �- Alley Committee ; `e, y our Committee. on -")tr- Bets & Alleys reeomend, that a 1 , 6 gt4rd rail. be placed both both below and above tire. present bottom rail on the T1Till St .bridge . M,%xR ixMx9xxftaRx Si Sneed,John F'aull , R.H. James ,CorritTri ttee . ?_"ove>d and seconded report be received and filed and. recoinendation be carried out . Carried. Deport of r'inance Committee; - Te,your Coitr�aittee, on Finance to whom was referred the bins for City printing beg leave to report as follows; The i;erton -'erald being the lowest bidder we recoriend that they be a,,earded the contract . SiP;ned,H.Fvans,Tiro s.Ra.yrnond ,J. T;.Larkin,Corn. ","oved and. seconded said. report be received ,filed and recornendati -n carried out . Carried. Coiimunication from Attorney Houser relating to Yennydale road placed on file . Ordinance No.416 reslating to anci re ulatinG burning of rubbish within the City limits passed to second readin„read and adopted by sections ,and on motion of ?:'cCowin seconded by Fayalond,adopted as a whole as rend. All .Councilmen voting Aye. There being no further business before the Council motion rade to adjourn . I - Clerk. X WO, 417 Renton,Jany,10th,1916. Regul.a.r seesion of the Council called to order -by Mayor Hughes. roll Cnll ; Present Councilmen Evans,Faull ,Jantes and Raymond ; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition from Pacific Tel .,& Te1 . Co . for permissi -n to set line of poles on Factory St and 4th,Ave .North,Factory St .to C.R- 7. 7). Ry.Co. ri,7ht-of-way read. Moved and seconded same be refer,,-ed to Street .,,lley Co!i-rolttee with power to act . Carried. Report of Finance Committee ;-- T"e,your Coinimittee on Finance have examined the- following bills and recomend that same -be raid . Thos .-)obson,Treas,auditing expense and stamps , 9.00 Earliggton Improve,r:ent Club, light , 2.515 Renton Fealty Co.-premium on bonds,City ^fficials, 42.00 R.11"ood ,hay and cement , 6.95 "illfams 8 �.rcTrni`;ht , supplies, 1.95 Signed H.Evans,Thos . Raymond , Con;rnittee . ry"loved and seconded report be received filed and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid . Carried. City Attorney Gaby reports that in draftin, Ordinance No.416 he had omitted the ordaining clause and asks Council to reconsider said ^rdinance ,thlat Clerk be instructed to insert clause which was omitted,and )rdinance be readopted and republ :ishe.d. Report of Police Judge for Dec ,191.5 , read and filed. Report of City Clerk for the year ending Dec .31st,1915 , read and filed. Report of Treasurer for year of 1915 read and filed. . Treasurer Dobson addresses the Council on matter of taking up of water bonds,and recomends that amount now held in sinking fund, '„980.be used, if necessary, in naying off the balance of water bond issue No .3, „6,000. , said sinking; fund reserve to be. replaced from the. first moneys received from water rentals. ivioveF3 and seconded that recornendations of the Treasurer be carried out. Carried. Co.nrnunication from A. fi. Cox to thf,. effect that 'the City pump is now in service and that the City will receive the rental for sa(rie as agreed upon,was read and f i 1 ed. lwoved and F-, econded that Ordinance No.416,as previously adopted, be reconsidered. 418 Ordinance No.417,amending Ordinances No .404,e.ntitled "An Oddin- ance relat in.- to salaries and duties oof t�fficers"read first ti rie . _ A ',roved and seconded Clerk make, correction in clause relating to salary of 10arshal, St.& `"'.ter `lupt. Said correction havinL, been made motion made and. seconded said Ordinance be referred to Ordinance Corrir;ittee . Ordinonce Committee makes verbal report on same and recom- ends that same be passed to second reading and adopted. Moved and seconded that report of Ordinance C o,ninittee be received and recome.- ndation be carried out. Carried. Ordinance No .417 taken up for second reading, read and adopted by sections,and on motion of James seconded by Faull adopted as. a whole as readi� All Councilmen present voting Aye . ,`oved and seconded Ordinance No.416,previously ref Irred for insertion of ordaining clause,be adopted .Carried All Councilmen A present voting, Aye . Under head of unfinished business 7,, ayor Hughes appoints G .A. Harner as City �'ngineer under same conditions as applied fortthe year of 1915. 7,,,ov,-d and seconded appointment be confirmedAll Councilmen present voting Aye . Carried. �\ Under :special Order of busi_Less 1111.1ayor Hughes brings up matter of Railway crossings,and the necessity of having flagmen for same . Moved and seconded Clerk take up matter with Railway Com-oanys . The Ma,!or also brings up :natter of advisability of securing water right to Cedar River, for future use if found expedient . Moved and seconded City Attorney be instructed to investigate same and advise the Council on proper course to persue in the matter, also to learn if the City of Seattle has acquired viater right to Swan Lake . Carried . Moved and seconded City Engineer cornr.iinicate with County Engr. in matter of securing; data on proposed, Kennydale road. Carrled. Matter of adjusthent of water rentals on saloon buildin;,-s was discussed and referred to Fire ,Light &: "later Co.:,mittee and i'inance Committee for lnvesti�ation. I . . FIouser addre^ses the Council in matter of dredging of Black River and filling in of Lake }`Washington shore lands,ur; ing the Council to take action.This matter was discussed at some length by the Council ,City Attorney and others,and on motion duly seconded was laid on table for one week. Motion to adjourn. ._ �e _ a XUH 419 Renton.Jany 25th, 1916. Regular se.,-siDn of the Council called to order by the. 11d,ay,)r. Roll. Call ; Present Councilmen Evans,FaulI,Ij!cCowin and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk . -inutes of last session read and approved. Petition for water service by C .Carlo read. Tv,oved and seconded same be granted. Carried. Report of i"inance Committee ; ',�Te,your �omifiittee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; Thos .T)obson,'I'rre.,is, refund or) sale of horse from pound 4.00 G.A. Harner,salary 20.00 Renton Lumber Co.lumber, St.-Dept. 4.04 !A,'.C. D. Edwards, supplies, 4.05 Labor Pay Eoll ,St .& IVater Depts. 58 .45 Signed H.Tevaiis,Thos .-Tiayihond.Coinr,'Iittee . X .loved and seconded report be received,filed and all., bills O. .d be paid. Carried. Report of Fire ht ''later Committee; - Vde,your Co,:. .,ilttee on Fire.Lil ,ht �'�ater to whom -gas referred the matter of adjustment of water rentals on former saloo- buildings beE, leave to report as follows ; -,'e ,your Co -mittee, recomend that the water rentals of all pool rooms be ;1 .50 per month. !77,igned,H. Evans,Chas.AlcCowin,Thos .Riayinon s, `o.mmittee. Q.) '�Ioved and seconded report be laid, over for one week for furtfier inves- tigation. Carried. Report of Street e,,,, Alley Co -mittee ; 'A.!e,your Uomniittee on Streets and Alleys to whom was referred the petition of the. Pacific Tel .& Tel, Co. rela,tinE to the setting of poles on Factory 4th, Ave . .Iorth.be6 leave to report as follows ; 'Ne recomend petition be ,;ranted under, the sur.-%ervision of the Street Superintendent. Signed John Faull 1,1atter of having co�-.,iifllon user clause inserted in permit wtas discuss- ed,and on motion duly seconded report w,,.s laid over one week and referr- ed to City Attorney . City Attorney addresses the Council on matter of having an agree- ment drawn. for outside water users to the effect that in case of shortage of water same may be shut of at the pleasure of the Council . �Y-oti .)n made and seconded City Attorney be instructed to draw up ac,r�.ement as su .gested. Carried 420 Communication from A.II.Cox & Co.relatinC- to rental of City PUMP and asking that a rebate be allowed on the time that same could not C) be used,on account of water supply being frozen,was read and request granted. ender Spe.clal Order of Business 14ayor Lughes calls the attention of the Council to tile necessity of Navin" an emergency call for the Chgtf of Police . Phone calls for that Officer come in at the office of the Clerk ,and as the Cheif, in performing his duties, is apt to be at some distance froi-.ri t!-ie office ,and hard to loc,.-Ite immediately, the Mayor reco.mends that a calltwo tabs of the fire bell ,be , e.stab- lished,and on. hearing same the Cheif will report at the nearest phone and ascertain what is wanted. [4oved and. seconded recomendf-tions of the 1pviayor be ca[,ried. out . system f e winkinge 1 0 t1l The � asor also su, i that a dimming or lights be established for call for the might I,arshal, saa-te to be worked from Telephone office . ,%oved and seconded this matter be referr- ed to Fire .Light & Water Coi-:i,A Ltee ,and that same be taken up with tile phone, Co.as to practicability of said systelrl$and report be ;rade at next regular meeting. Carried. T,"oved and seconded City Engineer proceed to tabulate and system— atize "south Trunk sewer District in the matter of sewer "Y"s,water cut off' s,light poles ,hydrants,etc and that he be authorized to purch- ase the necessary supplies in the way of index cards ,IAc . Carried. Norman Davis addresses the Council relative to the proposed restrictions on outside water consumers , stating that the fact that outsiders are paying 254 more for water than those within the City should be given due consideration. Black River Bred,-inrr propositi.--)n was again brought up by "Ar. Houser,and discussed further by the Gouncil a_nd others,no definite action beint) taken further than that the Council axd will meot with the Commercial Club at the next regular mectin ; of that body ,for discussion of said matter,and that par-ties directly interested be notified to attend the meeting if possible. There bein[, no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. 421 Renton,Feby, lst , 1916. Council met in regular sossion,!,iayor Hughes presiding. Present Councilmen Larkin ,- Holl Call ; Wvans,Faull 77il son,james and Ray- u-Iond; City 1"It torn ey, LngQineer and Clerk. i','inutes of last regular session read and approved. Report of Finance Cotfiiitittee ; - ':I!elyour Coiit,riittee on Finance beg LM leave to report that we have examined and recoifiend payment of tlie foll- owing, bill s ; Pacific Tel .& Tel.Co . Phone , 2. 26 Ed.L.Terry, Seattle for water 46 .80 E.A. Shearer, supplies, x;1 .00 Lowman !'r Hanford Go .D"ngr. supplies, 1.50 1,'m.Kane , supplies, 4.40 E.H.1.7c Curdy,cartage , .75 >i ed H.Evans,J. T- I.,arkin ,Tkio's .Rayinond.Go.riinittee . !vIoved and seconded. report be oeceived,riled and a.11 bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried. City Attorney ,i,,akes verbal report to t'.-,e Council on his interpret- ation of the franchise of Telephone Go .Also states that the a,­,r­e,,TIents for outside water users have been prepared. Councilman Larkin brings up matter of cross walks over IF". P. right- of way at second Ave.and lowering of grade of tracks at that point . 1111oved arid seconded Clerk again take up this matter with tie hailway Uo. Carried. ldnder Special Order of Business 1'­ayor Hughes calls tII-e attention of the Council. to the requirements of the law passed by the est session of the Legislature wherein it becomes the duty of tI-e Uouncil. to elect from 6mong ti-leir membeils 'a II'layor Pro-tem,to serve in the absence of the "J'ayor, and suggests that same be done at this time . .rbr the above office Council:rien Evans and Raymond are nominated. Councilman Evans withdraws in favor of louncilman Raymond. Motion lzr,,ade and seconded that nominations be closed . Poll Vote results as follows; NOYCouncilman Raymond. Aye ,Councllmen James, I!il son,Eau] 1 ,7]vans and. Lai-kin . Councilman Raymond declared elected as Mayor Pro-tem. fv!a.-,Yor Hughes also brinEs up matter of general clean up day and app- oints 6OUnCilMen Evans and James as Committee to work in conjunction with Committee from Co:,,mercial. Club and Parent Teachers A.­,sociation in making; arrangements and fixing date for same. Fire ,,Lisht F "Fater Committee were given one more week in the mtltter of signal system for; 1' i6ht "I'arshal . "oilman Davis addresses the Council on City water s-,_pply and makes suggestions for increasinC.- the some . Payor iiughe's ) thanks ivir.Davis for his timiely remarks. Remarks and suggestions were also made by Wr.Lee Monohon. Motion to adjourn. 0,1 e rl,. 422 February 8th,1916. Regular sessi �n of the Council call ed to order by the. ':Ilayor. "oll C911; Present Councilmen Larkin,Eaull,"'Alson James,';c Cowin and Raymond; City Attorney,En6ifieer and Clerk; Minutes of j,), " last reular session read and approved. Petition for water service for Tract 43,Tobin ""onation Claim,by Chas.Bunstine re-id and granted. Report of Finance Co�-,i,,Ulttee. .11,e. your �olrimittee on Finance beg leave to report that- we have oxati-Aned and rocolriend for payment the following bills ; G.A.Ilarner. salary, 48 .75 I'm.Ciesefske,labor .60 I,IcPherson 71ros. supplies, 16.15 R. J. Pettie , stationery 5.00 R.O.Brown, filin�, sa.,Jsf .50 Labor pay roll 1,21.00 Signed Thos .Raymond,J-H?Larkin, Committee . Moved and seconded report 'i.-.e received ,filed and all bilis O.K.,, ,be ordered paid. Carried. Report of Fire,Li�,,ht rater and Finance Committee . �A'e ,�'our C) LM Com:nittee to whom was referred the in-.iter of water rates for billiard and pool ro,-)ms and soft drink parlors beg leave to report as foll- 0 S ; ie.your Go ,Uttee recoxiend that t-,',-,e ','Cater Superintendent be inst- ructed to install ixieters in all billiard ('� pool ro-)ms and soft drink D ar lo r s . Si gn ed,H.Evans ,Cha s.T,,.c C ow in,Thos .Raymond.J,.-H.Larkin,Commi t te e. Moved and s econded report Ve received and. f il ed and re c omendat ions be carried out . Carried. Report of TreasLLrer,also of Clerk,for the month of Jany.read and filed. Co�.-,muni cation fro.,ii N. P. 1-1Y. Co.in �ftatter of paving; of street inters- ections read and filed . Fire.Li`ht (�:­. ,.later Com,:jittee ,to whom was referred the matter of signal system for Night A.',arshal not hlavlin� NKNaxt formulated their report , were given one more week on sa=ne. There beinCno further business before the c=ouncil motion made to adjourn. Clerk. N f P 423 Rent on,Feby,l5th,1916. Regular session of the 6ouncil called to order by '.Mayor Hughes . Poll Call ; :resent councilmen Evans ,hull,``-iilson, James,lVcCowin and Raymond; City jr},ttorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and apl)roved. Anrnlication of the i'acific Tel .& Tel .(;o.f'or permission to reset City of Renton 30 foot poles at certain points on Factory St .with 40 foot poles at no expense to the City read and filed and Clerk instructed to write said Co .asking that they send out man to ro over ground with St . "upt .and explian fully what they wish in tl-.e matter. l eport of Finnnee Uomrnittee; "'e,your Committee on hinance have ex,-im- ined and recomend Payment of the follo-,;ring bills; Jos.Edwards,disinfectin ; two residences, 5.00 Hugo Kelley, City printing, 16.65 . . Co.light 160.60 T. J.Richmond,fuel City Hall 4.90 Library account, 162.15 Signed F-i.Fsvans ,Thos.Raymond, Comrnittee. '.oved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills O. K.d,be ordered paid. Carried.. Councilman 'ilson makes verbal report on matter of night signal system for IMIarshal,8iving apf)roximate cost of installing same . Tay request tl-.e Co.ismittee were given further time on same. City Attorney Gaby makes verbal report on matter of handling of Library Funds. 1 olive Judge Richmond :Hakes verbal report of "nothing; doing for the month of January" .Report accepted. Communication from C.& F. S.Ry.relating to matter of watch:T:en for St .crossings re: d and filed. Cornlrunic,-.tion from l . !' .Cilham,Cashier Citizens Ba,nk,relative to Local Improvement warrants held by the Bank on Local Improvement Districts in which a sessments are now delinquent and certified to County T'reas- urer, copy of letter of City Attorney GabyrelatinL,; to same attached,was read and filed. ` nder Special ^rder of business Mayor Hughes talies up matter of enlarging Talbott Fill reservoir. After some discussion it vias mutually ao'reed by t} e members of the Council tliat they would visit reservoir and look over site on aunday A., .Feby 20th. ,:atter of Ordinance to enforce closing, of soft drink parlors at time now specified in closing ordinance of pool rooms discussed and on 424 motion duly seconded City ^�.torney was instructed to draft ordinance regulating same . :remarks were made by Paul Bassen relative to increasing -water supply of the City. There being; no further business motion made to adjourn, Clerk. (F 1 425 Eent on,r e by,22nd.1916 . ReEult,lr session of the City Council called to order by the v;�ayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen .',a.rki#,I�'aull ,Ja.,nes, .,;vans and Raymond; City Attorney,Ln,,-Ineer and Clerk. I`iinutes of last regular session read and approved . Report of Finance Committee ; 'J'Je, your domw,-tittee on finance have examined and recomend for payment the following; bills; Lowman ;�. Hanford Co.En,7r.Stipp lies, 13.81 F. H.f,,�cCurdy,cartaf-'e, 1.50 R. J. Pettie,Office stationery, 4.530 G.A.Harner, salary, 50.00 Labor pay roll ; Ct .& °.ater Dept ' s ,-R- Garbage ,146 .95 Signed II-Evans,TLV:os .Raymond, J. 11.I.arki n,,C omrti t tee. Yoved and seconded report be receitred, filed and all bills 0. 7.dybe paid . Carried. Co.m.-Huni cation from C.T,11.& St .!'.Ry. Co . in :natter of flagmen for crossings read and filed. CoLii,!iu-n-I cation from Bureau of Inspection & supervision of Public Offices,conEratulatinL-� the City of Renton on splendid showing; made during the year of 1915 ,rea(I and filed. Ordinance No.418 relating to closing hours of soft drink parlors was -,resented to the Council; '!here being a difference of opinion amon6, the members of the Ordinance Committee two copies of the said Ordinance were presented,copy No.1 closir,-,-, all places wh(-.,re s,,-)ft drinks are sold at 12 oclock,midniLht ,Copy no 2 closing card and other games only at 12• oclock . After the reading and discussion of same a motion wrs xiade and seconded -LA-iat Copy i'io.1- be referrec', -,., o the. Ord- inance Committee for report. Poll vote ; Raymond,James,Hvans and Larkin voting;, Aye. ; Paull voting No . dation carried. Proposition of Peter Bulla-hant in matter of washing of paved streets was read and referred to the St.e.,, Alley and finance Gonimittees for consideration. and report. Under miscellaneous Iusiness the City water supply was further d.iscussed,the Council deciding to visit ti-.e headworks of SprinEbrook system on "lunday A. ". Feby 27th,and Clerk was directed to notify absent Councilmen to that effect . There being no further business motion ia-de to adjourn. Clerk. l�. 426 Lenton,F'eby 29th, 191.6 . Council met in regular session,'Mayor 17ut lhes presiding;. Roll Call ; Present Gouncilinen Uarkin,7vans,Faul1,ViIson., ",,'cCowin,James and Raymond; City Attorney Engineer and Clerk. v inutes of last regular session read and approved. '_pplica� ion for water service Lot 3,Llock 16 Farm I'lat,by Chas .Dock read and granted. report of kinance do mittee; - '� e,your Uom_nittee on "inance have examined the Poll )wing bills and recomend payment of same. Earlington Tmp.Club,light 2.55 U. S. Rubber Co. su )plies,Fire Dept . .75 E. J.Hughes,A t . Sartori Est .-ravel for° streets31.80 Thos .Dobson,Treas.starrips ,parcel post,•etc 5.95 Ceo.L'lyatt ,labor,t' ire Dept . 2.50 Signed H.Evans,Thos.Rayrnons ,J. H.La..rkin , Co.!inittee . Proved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d, be raid. Carried. Councilman James reports that the Renton clean up kjo:i!mittee have chosen the last week in March for clean up week and 11I,pril lst ,as the date for gathering of all refuse by tea!:,s to be furn- ished by the Coinniittee . Also that it had been suggested that the Council donate ';10.00 as rrizes for children in a fly swatting, contest . 'oved and seconded t}iat Council donate ariount as asked. ""otion amended that matter be laid over for one ,Jcek.Carried. Corrimunie,)_tion rel..atinC; to tax title to certain property now used for !, treet purposes ,froni Fred Everett of Seattle ,waS read and referred to City Attorney . Ordinance Ivo.41B relating to closing hours of all. places where soft drinks are sold passed to second reading,read arid adopted by sections,and on motion of James seconded b i'ucCoNrin was adopted as a whole .roll vote .Councilmen 1,aymond ,`-c Cowin,James,F'aull,:Evans voting Aye. '-ilson and Larkin voting no. Councilman Mc Cowin states that roadbed of N. P. Ry.Co.on aixth Ave .N.is in bad condition and su,_ gests that when sa;:ie is repaired that an effort be :riade to have same moved to center of street . Also that bark and rubbish is being du,nped from cars on said street . oved and seconded City Attorney take up with th Co.inatter of moving of ,racks to center of street and Clerk notify Co .not to dump rubbish on said street . P,.'atter of improper receptacles for garba; e was brought up by Teter Dullahant and. discussed by the Council . Che-if of Police was 427 directed that conditions in Ordinance relative to handling, and care of garbage are co,,fiplied with. Councilman "'ilson states that he has interviewed Telephone Co. in aiatter of night sic'nallin-, systein and they are of the opinion that same may be installed at a much le,,-,s cost than quoted by Power Co . Latter laid, over for one week li"layor Hughes brings up matter of dog nuisance and suggests that steps be taken to prohibit dogs frotii running at laru�e within the City,whether licensed or not . No definiteactiontaken at this time . There beinS no furtiler business motion made to adjourn. Clerk. Renton, ,� arch 7th, 1916 . Regular session of t1--,.e -Courcil called to order by iWayor liuwlhes. Poll Call : Presert Council-men "'Vans.Faull ," i130n, Tai-,ies ,L�cCowin and Rayi-riond; City Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of previous meetinL; read and approved. Petition asking permission to use "ells `'t . 4th,to 5th,.A,.venues, for the purpose of moving buildin.L;s presented by James Tachell . Moved and seconded same be filed and grantcd. Carried. Report of 'Finance Committee; "'re,your Committee omnittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of t'De followin-- bills; G.A. 13arner, salary 35 .00 R."Food.hay, 1.150 McPherson Pros, supplies, 3.60 Preibe Bros,shop work s supplies , 8.05 Jos.Edwards,disinfecting, 2.50 T,'. n . Shearer,supplies and labor 17.84 Library Account ,maintenance 89.35 Earlington Jmp.Cl,ub,liEht 2.55 E'd L.Terry, 413cattle for water 51.95 Lowman e,-, i-'anford Co .office supplies, 4.97 Pacific Tel.& Tel-Co.phone Fe L.D. calls 2.40 TI. 0. 3rown1filing saws, .65 T L.,abor pay roll , St .& 'ater Deptps, 134.65 ri�,ned 1-1.Evans,Chas.Nc Cowin I John Faull, Corrii-i-iittee . Moved and seconded report be roccived,filed and a'-1 bills 0.7.d,be paid . Carried. City 1,-ttorney makes verbal report on ratter of dogs running at large,matter of delinquent L. I .D. assessments and matter of requesting removal of 7. 11% tracks on 6th,.Ave .Y-to center of streot . Report of Clerk for month of Feby,recd and filed. 428 Resignation of Councilman Larkin was read and accepted. Communication from Supt . vilertens of the C.F. i. S. Ry.t°ead and Clerk instructed to answer same notifying him that he can meet with the Council , relative to safeEuardinu crossings in the City,at any reCular meeting of said body. Remarks were made by tilr.Vince Fa.ben of Seattle on the necessity for prompt action by the City of Eenton in matter of lowering of Lake 7'ashington and dredging of Black Fiver,KIxM Remarks were also made on the same subject by ?. "'. Houser,City Attorney Gaby and others. r,,Ioved by F'aull seconded by '.Vilson City EnEineer be instructed to make preliminary survey of Black River project, relative to ascer- taining approximate cost of same ,time to be put in on said work not to exceed one week. roll vote ; itcCowin ,Jame s,t"ilson,Faull and Evans voting Aye . Raymond voting No. Carried. Tvoved and seconded matter of anpropriatins ;; 10.00 for prize; be for children in fly externiinating contest/laid over one more week. i�;ayor Hughes brings up matter of defective sidewalks and urges that some action be taken to have same repaired. 1VIloved and seconded matter be referred to St .& Alley Comiitittee and St. Supt .for invest- igation and report .Carried. 'U-atter of additional liI-its at certain points in North Kenton and construction of sidewalks and repairinv of streets was discuss- ed and. referred to_ Street 8,_ Alley Corimittee . "loved and seconded Cityt- torney prepare p.-.oiler notices to be sent to holders of L.I .D.Bonds in matter, of certain delinquent assessrrients,and Clerk forward same . Carried. 'M,oved and seconded City ,%ttorney make request 'f' 11% '. Ry.Co. that their tracks on 6th,Ave.N;orth be irioved to' center of street during the coming 'surrnmer. Carried.. boved and seconded 'urchasing ^_gt .be authorized to purchase 500 ' _ of 4" wood pipe for water Dcpt . Carried . There being no further businass motion made to adjourn. Clerk. XI(Ffj 429 Penton [",'arch 14th 1916. Regular session of the Council called to order by the ''Wayor. Roll Call; Present Councilmen �,vans,Faull ,James,r'-, cCowin and Ray- mond ; City Attorney,Fngineer and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved . Zaayor Hughes suspends regular order of business to hear, from Supt .Mertens of the C.& P. S. Ry.Co. .relative to safeguarding; crossings in the City. Supt.',J[ertens states that owing to the fact that all trains must come to a full stop before entering the business district from either direction,thus assuring a low rate of speed through the and City that the Co.is villin and anxious to live up to speed limit ordinances and any regul.ati -)n.s made by the City looking to the safe- warding of traffic,that he thinks it unfair to the �,omnany to ask that flagmen be placed at crossing;s,but states that the Company will put up warning notices at all crossings if the Council desires. 'oved and seconded that above muter be referred to St .& Alley Comm- ittee for report at next meetino'. Carried. Regular order of business resumed. Petition presented. by 'A/alkers Pharmacy for permission to set an electric and advertising; post at edge of curb in front of his place of business on 3rd.Ave . ""oved and seconded same be filed and referred to _It .P� Alley Committee for report . Carried. Report of Fire,ld; ht R ',`,Vater Committee ; - Ne your uo imittee on Fire,Light & 'I`Vater beg leave to report that we recomend that there be a light put . on the corner of "ells ")t .NT.& 4th,Ave,one at •illiarns ,tet. A .R 4th,"_ve,and one at "illia�ms k 5th,Ave .TJ. L C>ne,d,v.L-Ia 0.;:.C ka 0 i�i rl, 1 a l o J •.i u�y'.L�xlll, 'v Q l/i r11 7. L v l ?'oved and seconded re,,-) -)rt 'be received, filed and recoalendations be carried out . Carried. Report of St .&; !Alley and 1"inance Comrilitte.e; "Ve,your 6om:nittee to whom was referred the proposition (f r.Dullahant to keep streets clean in the paved district of the City of Renton for •;50.00 per month,beg leave to recomend that the proposition be laid on the table . Signed,R. Ii. Jarnes,!i.Evan.s,J.Paull ,phos .Raymond, Co:iimittee. oved and seconded report be received filed and rccornendations be , carried out. Carried. Report of r'inance Committee; *.e, your Corrimittee on i"'inance bei; leave to report that we have exar;Vined and recomend pay:r.ent of the 430 follo.,iin6 bills ; ~,. H.r,'cCurdy,cartage 2.00 Daniel Gaby,Court exp.lst .Ave .N.case, 3.00 - '". C.D. d.wards, supplies , 5.30 O.K.Transfer Co .auto hire , Springbf;ook, 4.00 P . Co.li ;ht and supplies, 171.78 ')igned 1?..Evans,Thos .Raymond ,Committee . ""oved and seconded that report be received, filed and r4l bills O.K. d, be ordered paid. Carried. Councilman Faull ,Hakes verbal report relative to repairs to streets,Nortli R.enton, recoinending that some gravel be put on 5th,Ave .N. and that lst.Ave.N.be raked and leveled up and lead of gravel wriere necessary be placed on said street . ;roved and seconded report be accepted and reco:iendation be carried out. Carried. Report of City Treasurer for month of February read and filed-. Under special order of business 'y"ayor Ilughes takes up matter of appointment of a Councilman to fill vacancy caused by tl.e resignation of ',, r.J. 11.Larkin. The layor appoints ' r. ax Thorne to fill said vacancy. Y.oved and seconded appointment be confirmed.Under rerriarks con- siderable discussion was held on the proper way in which said vaca- ncy should be filled. City Attorney and some of the councilmen holding that the l'Jayor has no right to make the appointment but that vacancy must be filled by an election and majority. vote of the Council . Theviayor contends that he has the ri`ht to make such app- ointment and calls for poll vote on the motion. Councilmen ­cCowin, ,james and '`v'ilson voting Aye.Councilmen RaymondFaull and Evans vot- in� No. Tie vote. r�'o further action taken )t this, time P,"r Hutchinson of the Lake Cravel Co.gives a very interesting -and instructive talk on Black hiver,and his views as to the advis- ability and proper course to oe taken in drei E liib of ;; ,ric .i esiarks on the same subject were also made by City At Corney Gaby,Lee iJonohon F.C . Smithers,City Engineer Harner,P. "'.MouserLarkin arkin,J. C.i ;arlow and Paul Basset On behalf -of the Council and Citizens ''+Mayor Hughes extends vote of thanks to 'Tr.1,'utchinson for his interest in,and instructive talk on the Black diver project . There being no further business motion made to adjourn. Clerk`. 431 Renton.March 21st, 1916. Council met in regular session&ayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Evan5jaull,James, a`_cCowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Lngineer and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. Report of Finance hommittee. ; - Te,your dommittee on finance have examined and recomend payment of the followings bills; Sammy Edwards, impounding stock 1 .00 J. S. Tlardie,repa.irs at Comfort Kation 2.65 Library Acet . Pooks,.Lowman & Hanford Co. 58.06 G.A.Turner, salary,Black Fiver project 35.00 Joe Jones, labor it 4.40 Evan Pugh " It 3.75 • Toe Vonohon " 8.15 Chas.Toses " 4.40 Isaac Allen " 4.40 Myles Storey Jr. " 3175 Richmond Paper Co . supplies,Comfort Sta. 8.85 Renton Lumber Co.Lumber 'St.Dept12.20 Labor Pay moll; St .& '"Fater Dept ' s, 125.05 Signed H.Evans ,Trios .Raymond,Comni ttee. Proved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Report of 5treot Alley Committee; Te,your Committee to whom was referred the petition of the talker Pharmacy to set, pole at curb in front of his place of business on 3rd .Ave .for lQht and advertising purposes,beg leave to report as follows; 7e recomend that petition be granted under supervision of the street ``uperintendent . Asned John Faull ,R. H. James,Committee. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendption be carried out . Carried. Street N Alley lonimittee reports further as follows; - Te,your Cooittee to whom was referred the matter of crossing signs as suggested by Supt. Nertens of C.& P. S. hy. beg leave to report as. follows ; That we recomend. said matter be laid on the table. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendation be carried out. Carried. Communication from County Engineer Depton relative to change in route of Kennydale road to eliminate sharp curve read and filed. 432 and motion made and seconded City En-ineer take up this matter riith 71,�.n6ineer of pacific Coast Co. Carried.. Communication of �'ounty Treasurer Bennet to City Treasurer Dobson in matter of delinquent L. I . D. assessments on bankrupt property read and filed. l.,iayor Hughes states to the Council that he had directed the :lt . Supt. to hold up the installing of the lights in North Renton as voted. on by the Council at last meeting until said. body were advised of •the cost of said installation,the same being approximately :`110.00 for the three lights. The Council deeming said 1ihts necessary "t. Supt .was directed to proceed with the installation of .same . . states ^t . Supt.Edward s/that tie had gone aver ground. with the Pacific TSL.& TEL: Co. in the matter of the change of poles in North Denton and addition of new poles and that their explanation appears to be r(-:asonable and fair. r'otion made and seconded that report of St .Supt.be accepted and permit granted as asked for by the Company. Carried. Councilman I,r"cCowin brings up matter of grass growing on �aralks on. Factory "t .& lst ^,ve .Korth, stating that same has not been removed. 't . ^upt.was instructed to again notify property owners to clean off their walks . City "sngineer I'arner states to the '_'ouncil that he had been asked by the County Engineer to supply Flim ,jith an up to date map of the Ctt'y of Renton showing; Tennydale road. ,,loved and seconded City Fn-ineer be instructed to bring map up to date and furnish copy as requested. Carried. Matter of fil7in6 vacancy on the Council caused by the res- ignation of Councilman Larkin carie up for further discussion. l'Joved by Raymond seconded by lv'tcCowin that the Council proceed to elect a Councilman to fill said vacancy. [:"otion ruled as out of order by the lvlayor.he maintaining,as at last meeting,that the Council has not the rig'_A to elect ,but that appointment of the as made at last session 1.'ayor/must be confirmed or rejected. The law pertaining; to same was read and argued at some lenEth,but the Council beim; unable to agree on the interpretation of same,rnption was made and seconded that resignation of Councilman Larkin,as previously accepted by the Council ,be reconsidered.I•."otion carried. Vote on acceptance of said resignation by roll call ;all Councilmen voting; '4o. �esiLnation declared not accepted . Notion made to adjourn. d{ J 433 Renton,Waah. Tarch 23-1916 . Council met in special session Fayor Hughes presidiat. Councilmen present Avans ,Faull James and Raymond. is"ayor Hughes states the purpose of the meeting as outlined in the call fnYxxxxexsame being for the purpose of considering the advis- ability of,and instructing the City KnLineer to proceed and tabul- ate data relative to cost of repair work on first Ave .Kpav&Z, acid data having, been requested by the City Attorney for use in trial ' of case of Baumgartner A Kougin vs City of menton which has been set for hearing on : arch 29th. The City ."attorney was not Dresent,having been called to ;llympia ,but teleZram and letter sent by him to the Wayor,also communication requesting; that above data be secured,were road and discussed. After a thorough discussion of the matter motionxx was made 9 and seconded that City Engineer proceed as requested by the City Attorney. Carried. A11 present voting Aye. loved and seconded that Engineer get photos of different paving jobs in the City in which the specifications were practic- ally the some as those of Dist .Do.63,also that a general photo of said Dist .ho.63, showing present condition of same be secured for use at said trial . Where being no further business before the meeting motion made to adjourn. 43 Renton, v�arch 28tri,1916. Council called to order by the 'Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Evans,Faull and Raymond, City Engineer,Attorney and Clerk ; Mayor Hughes states that he does not consider TJr.Larkin as a legally installed Councilman,and asks th�-,t TAr.!v,ax Thorne be sworn in as Council- man in accordance with the appointment previously made and not finally disposed of,contending that as no final action had been taken and time limit for such action had expired tY.at lvr.Thorne was entitled to a seat on the Council. Objections were offered by Councilmen Evans,Faul1 , and laymond,contending that such proceedure is 11- legal and against the advise of the City Attorney. This matter was discussed at some length. It a_nnearing that no satisfactory conclusion could be. obtained on the question,a motion was made by TJ�cCowin seconded by I''aull that Council proceed to do business and lwlr.Larkin be allowed to retain his seat . On the advise of the City Attorney that the action taken in seatinl, f . Larkin was in compliance with the law and that no question could arise affecting his leval rigl.t to act as a Councilman the motion was put by the Tf'ayor. roll Vote; councilmen Evans,Faull Raymond and 1VcCowin voting Aye. James votin-, T o. %lotion carried. T inutes of Last sessi:)n read and approved. Application for sewer cornection,liot 14,310ck 9,by L. D. Jones as Agent , was read and granted. Petition for permission to install gasoline tank on Third Ave . near 7?urnett,by Nayner �,- Burroughs was read. lv"oved and: seconded same. same be filed and granted under the supervision of the Street erupt. Carried. j:etition presented by property owners on .Third !venue "rest asking that sidewalk ordinance be amended so as to allow the laying of concrete walk on said street four feet from the curb instead of abuttin6 om property line was read. iloved and seconded same be filed and referred to .ltreet �-, Alley Conn ittee for investi6ation and report . Carried. Report of Finance Coiu,nittee; - Ae, your Committee on finance have examined and recomend payment of the following billSs Ceo.�lyatt ,labor at fire hall 2.75 T'cPherson 15ros ; supplies &. material ,fire call , 4.00 J. C.F�ean, `r�'ood,City Hall , 1 .50 E. T?.WcCurdy,cartage & express 1 .51 idxxP.axxx:>igned TI. ,vans,rT'hos.Raymond Committee. 435 :,oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills ')-K.d,be paid. Carried. tinder special order of business Idr.Cake addresses the Council in matter of repairs to pavin;; in the business district of the City under the agreement of Denny Renton Clay F,. Coal Co.asking that a committee of the Council,'-,:ngineer & St . Supt .go over same with him and investi��, to as to repairs necessary.Woved and seconded said Committee meet at 9 o 'clock 7,unday A.r', aand L;o o-ver streets with r.Cake. Carried . P,"atter of amending, do-: ordinance was discussed . lotion ii,ade and seconded that Ordinance Conrriittee meet with City Attorney and draft neva ordinance . Carried. City Engineer 1-1-arner ir,akes verbal xaxtmx report in matter of change of curve In proposed I,ennyd,-,.le road, staUr.g that he had interviewed. "r.Pioore,Lnginoer of the Pacific Coast Company and that he was quite favorable to said change . =atter of extending trestle on said road was discussed as to whether same could be done without changing of the ordinance . `'aid .utter referred to City Attorney. There beim; no further business begore the Council motion .-,,ade to adjourn. Clerk. � .f 436 Renton,l!pail 4th,1916. Regular session of the Council called to order by the Dilayor . Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Evans,Faul1 ,Jame s,T,icCowin and Raymond; City Attorney,hngineer and Clerk. ',,inutes of last session reads arld a :roved. Petition presented by James `.'achell asking, permission to break curb and put in return for entrance to garage on rear of Lot 20, Block 19,also askin; for line and grade for convent walk,and that light pole near alley line be removed as same interferes with entr- ance to garage was read. '�'oved and seconded same be filed and request granted. Carried. Petition presented by 'Nlayner Fr. Burrows asking permission to xiaffx break curb at rear of Lot 1 ,Block 21 ,for the purpose of widen- ing entrance to garage read. Noved and ,1 econded same be filed and granted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee; - "'e ,your Cornii,ittee on Finance have examined and reco!liend payment of the following bills; ^_.Ilambaeh Co. supplies,water Wept. 111 .17 National Teter Co.meters and parts 120.90 enton !7-tudio,neglatives 8: prints,lst .Ave .ca.se 8.00 H. 'arks,labor at Fire Ball 3.00 Pacific Tel ., Tel.Co.phone Long distance calls 3.00 F.F. Burrows,boat hire Black Fiver survey .50 J. E.Carver,court stenographer, lst .Ave .case 10.00 James ').Blackwel.l ,expert witness , lst .Ave .case 15.00 Daniel Gaby,Court costs &- witness fee 9.00 Fd.T .Terry, "eattle fir water, 33.95 Jc.Pherson 'lros . supplies , =;.85 G.rL. Harner, salary 40.00 Tm.Ciesefske ,labor 1 .25 Thos.')obson,Frt.on .pater pipe , 4 .00 Pacific Coast Pipe Co. ',','ater pipe 78 .50 Library Acct . ,rnaintenance, 97.49 Thos .')obson,Treas,Assmts. City Prop.Dist .63,etc49.90 Labor pay roll , St .F�-`ater and ; arba.�_;e 'Deets. 117.15 igned ti.!"Wans,J.H.Larkin,Thos . Raymond, Comiiiittee . ''oved and seconded said report be received,filed and all bills �. I'. d, be ordered paid . Carried. Councilman Faull makes verbal report on matter of petition of property owners on 3rd..Ave ."'.relative to laying of cement .:alk, askin ; advice of City Attorney as to the necessity of amending the Ordinance or if spacial pormit may be granted. After so!rie discussion motion vas bade n nd seconded that petition be granted and Citi- Atty. be instructed to draw up special permit authorizing, same.Carried. Vie►// roved end seconded that Telephone Co.bo instructed to move pole at corner of Rurnett &. `i'hird. Carried. F,eport of E'ealth Officer Dixon read and filed. Jos .i:dwards reports defective monument case at "'alfa 71[all.a .- Burn- ett which interferes with traffic ,also matter of allowing Pacific Coast, Ry.Co.to connect se,,ver drain from scales to sanitary sever. ^,Ioved and seconded. City Engineer be instructed to reset monum- ent case . Carried. r,'oved and seconded matter of sewer for fiy. Co .be referred to ''treet &„ Alley Co.for report .Carried. City Attorney makes verbal. report of his interview with Engineer ,,00re of the Pacific Coast Co.relative to change of curve of Yennydale road. City 1",ngineer also makes verbal report on same subject . Comirtuni cation from ;_:tate Supt .of Schools relative to liability of school districts for accidents to children using gymnastic apparatus was read. 1* esig,nation of.' Councilman 'Filson was read .r oved ands econded same be laid on table for one week. Carried. Councilman r,cCowin calls attention of the Council to necessity of repairin ] door at Comfort "ta. Moved and U econded same be referred to Town Property Committee . Carried. Complaint of C':rs. Slovitzke that surface water had caused slide on her property on Cedar 5t .thereby in.juring bulkhead was referred to .street 8- Alley Committee for report . Ordinance Com:zrittee asks for one more week in matter of amending dor, ordinance . `'.ame granted. Councilman Larkin brims up matter of light previously directed installed at City limits on 2nd,Ave .accordinS to arrangedent with `?unt .of `'c ools, statim that same r.as not as yet been installed. Street ,upt. �wn.s instructed to see. that same is put in. I oe i,"onohon asks permission to fence across vacant street near twine factory building. :;loved and seconded permission be Lranted subject to removal of same on direction of the Council . Carried. i,Tayor Iiughes again brinr;s up matter of defective sidewalks stating that in his opinion the City is very apt to be up against a da^la6,'e suit for injury to pedestrians if some action is not taken to put, walks in rood condition. 7articular mention was .rude of walk at Cor.of 5th.&. iaams `'ts."oved and seconded same be referred to St .(r, .4lley Comm.for report . City Atty.cvas instructed to loo': up matter of opening; of alley through Block 22. lotion to adjourn. L , Clerk. 438 Fenton April 7th,1916 . Special meetinE of the Qouncil called to order by the Mayor. Present Councilmen Larkin,Faull,Evans,Jamws ,PcCowin and Ray- mond. 7ayor Hughes states the purpose of the meeting as issued in call and introduces IngrNoore of the Pacific Coast Co .who addressed the Council , statin ; what,in his opinion, would be a good method of proc- eedure in constructing the said hennydale road,providing there were no le al obstacles to prevent the carrying; out of same ,and that said method was favorable to the County ;'engineer. This plan was thoruuEhly discussed and was considered favorably by the Council,providing there was no question of the leLality of same . Notion was made and seconded that City Attorney & LnL in: er meet with County Attorney and parties interested and go over the matter thoroughly endeavor to secure the consent and agreement of all interested parties to the plan as outlined by Fngr.Noore . Carried. lotion to adjourn, Clerk. 0 z' YNH 439 Renton,jAipril llth,1916. Council. net in regular session,wayor ra4ries nresidin; . Roll. Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin, Evan s,Fau11 ,Jame s,'icCowin. and Raymond ; City ".tt.orne.y, •n sneer and Clerk. ":inutes of lost re„ular session and snecial session read and app- roved. Application for sewer connects ;n Lot 1 ,1:'lock 14,by i:.11. 'ills read and granted. Petition presented by ''m. Styless askin permission to place signs on top of Comfort station read and referred to `town Property Comriiittee. Petition for permission to set three poles in alley between Burn- ett & mithers Sts .by P. >.T.L.R... 7. Co. read. oved and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Rreport, of j finance Co :Idiittee; - 'ie your `'o r!,i.ittee on 1�'inance have examined and rte omend payment of the fol l owingi bil 1.s; Renton Lbr.Co.luiuiber, `'t .Dept . 8.04 "Im.Fane, instal.?. ing three lights No .[.lemon, 86 . 24 K.,°'ood,hay for pound, 1 .75 P `% T.T .F- P. Co . ,liCht , 160:60 'vans, . Larkin,Co?ii�riittr�e. rI6ned I1. "Moved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills O.F.d,be ordered. paid .Carried. F,eport of Street 8- Alley Coim.itittee; - ''`e,your Committee to whore was ref erred he complaint of R'rs. >l.ovit zke relative to retaining wall. CivinLT, way,beL leave to report as follouvs; , - 7,e have investigated and do not consider the City is liable in ar,; manner for t1ne slide of earth which has caused retaining; wall to 'ive way. 7'i.-ned John Paull ,R:Ii.Ja�r,e s,Co_nilii tree. 'Nloved and seconded report be received and filed. Carried. "treet 8, Alley Coillmittee reports further as follows ; "?e,your Co?; ittee to whom was referred the ,natter of defective sidewalk,Lot 10, 91ock 19,be5 leave to report as follows. ; - ?"e have investi;cated and said walk in a danCerous condition and recomend that the City proceed to repair or rebuild said walk and cost of smite be cliarEed a,_a.inst the property . Signed John }'aull , R.ii.Ja,nes, Com:ilittee . i`oved and seconded report be received , filed and reco,iiendation be carried out , same to comply with lay and ordinance . Carried. 440 ,eport of Clerk for month of G,arch,also report of Treasurer were read and filed. Cormnunication from County Treasurer Bennet relative to City ' s proportion of Road & Bridge Fund tax read and filed. Communication to City Attorney relative to two cases of assault pending in Court ,and asi,ing if it is the desire of the City to have same dismissed was read. k,oved and seconded same be laid over for one week and referred to Law Ordinance Committee . Carried. Communication from City Attorney relating to witness fees in the lst .t!ve .N.paving case and giv&ng list -)f same was read . P=Tov&d and seconded same be filed and warrants be drawn in payment of witness fees ,and that City r;ngineer be paid his regular salary for the two days spent in at-�hdance on said case . Carried. Ordinance No.419 prohibiting t're running at large of any and all dogs within the City limits read first time and referred to the Ordin^nce Coi-amittee . C, rrd. L,nder head of ,urif niched business the resignation of Councilman ilson which was presented at last meeting, was laid over for one more meek. ayor Hughes brings up matter of condition of paving and guard .rail on I'alla '''ally leve . iv?,oved and seconded City Attorney be instruct- ed. to take said matter up with the Railway Co. Carried. There being no further business motion irlade to adjourn, 4 ___ C 1.erg. Y. I{F t 441 Renton,4/1816. Regular session of the Council called to order by '�'ayor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Full,Jaes,?TcCowin and i ,- ma. arkin; City Attorney, 6n�;ineer and Clerk. i Anut e s of last session read and approved. report of Town Property Coin,nittee; - '4e,your t'ommittee on Town Property beg, leave to report as foll -)ws ; That a door check be. put on door of Comfort Station. Signed,R. Ii. Jame s,John Faul1 ,Chas.',cCowin. I°oved and seconded report be. received, filed and recoinendaticn be carried out . Carried. Report of Finance committee ; - '5e, your 1�oni�,ittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the foll owin" bills ; Renton Prue "ture,office supplies, .40 .F.T�,"cCurdy, cart,=.ge, 1.50 ""itness Fees, lst .Ave .N..Paving case, 74. 30 Earlington Inip.Club,liwht, 2.515 G.A. Harner,salary, 28.75 I .Harris,labor,fngr.Dept . 4.50 Evan Pugh it " 2.50 Thos .reynolds " of " 2.50 Labor pay rolli}St .�. "ater Dept' s," garba ;e, 124.60 "'m.? ane, in stall in light 15.15 ^reibe Bros ,"tl .Light dept . 3.90 J. r. Hardie itit if15.25 Signed Thos .I:ayr�ond,i . I-i. James, Co,,rn�iittee . r!'oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bilis O.i" .d,be ordered paid. Carried. i eport of 7treet Aupt . -ayor F Council ; - Gentlemen. The foll.owinr sidewalks in the City of iA"enton are in need of repair. Lots 7-8-9-10,Block 16, '4"'ells ^t . kap School Dist .No.7. Lot 3331ock 16 ,Farm Plat,°`ain t .N. Chas.Dock. Lots 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11.,Block 16 Farm Plat , a 'St.I1.Hol,nes H-ring. Lot l ,'-"lock 17,FL- rm }' , Felly `'�t . °rr. Peterson . Lot 10 Block 19 "t . Or.?'each. Lot 2 ,B)lock 911'arm Plat,"li j1 nt .N. Joe Baxter. Lots 7-8 -9,1Block 22,F'arn Plat ,iVlain ".t .iT. Holmes Haring. Jos.:Fdwards ; Chief of Police F, F'x-Officio "Tater 'SD t. rupt . i."oved and seconded report be received filed and Clerk be instructed, to notify parties to repair said walks within ten days or the City will proceed with said work at the expense of the property owners.Carried. Communication to City Attorney relative to dismissal of the two assault casep pending; in court read and. filed. "."otion iiiade and seconded 442 City Attorney proceed to dismiss said cases provided tl-.ere are no charges to be. made against tlhe City. Carried. Communication to City Attorney in matter of repai rinL_ paving on " alla '"alla Ave . same being ff;om Pacific Coast TLy.Co.read and. filed.. Communication from F. P%T)u:f'f in ;natter of fence across portion of ",:,'illiams -ot .leading to river read and discussed. ',loved and seconded Clerk be instructed to notify parties to remove said fence from street and rt .rupt .install crossing; ova r sidewalk so that teams can drive to river for the purpose of hauling out Eravel . Carried. Ordinance No.420,prohibitin" the use of chains on automobile tires read and. roferred to Ordinance Committee . Ordinance 1\To.419,prohibiting the running at large of dogs within the City limits came up for second reading,was read Arid adopted by "ecti.ons and on motion of "cCowin seconded by Raymond adopted as a xkMIM whole as reed. poll vote; all Councilmen present voting Aye . i'nder head of unfinished business the resignation of Councilman "ilson which had been under consideration,was taken up. :'otion made and seconded same be _accepted. Carried. T nder 1pecial Order of Business Miayor I uehes brings up matter of Kennydale Road and asks City Attorney for report on progress on same. City Attorney reports that no definate action or agreement has as yet .been arrived at between the County and City relative to said work. Attorney Friend also makes report relative to meeting with County officials in Seattle at which he. represented the City of Renton. Letter of ?. C-Ewing ,deputy prosecuting Attorney addressed to County Com;riissioners,giving his opinion as to the legality of the County paying 50 ' of the cost of the said Kennydale Load within the limits of the City of Renton was read and discussed. - - 1_ttorne.y Mouser presents case of property owners,and in their behalf asks that Attorney Friend. be .retained to represent tl'he City in the further negotiations between the County and City- relative to the said road, said service to be at no expense to the City. This request led to a sorriewhat spirited and lengthy argument but no action was taken by tlhe Council as City :",--torney Gaby objected to the propo- sition of Attorney L riend representing; the �%ity in said negotiations. `here being, no further business before tl:;e Council ;motion made to adjourn. jo Clerk. X I F FJ 443 Renton,ADril 25th, 1916. Regular se:,sion of the City Council called to order by tl^:e �:layor. Roll - Call ; Present Councilmen,%arkin,l+aull ,James,"!cCowir_ and Raymond, Cityttorricy, _E:ngineer and Clerk. r,,"inutes of last re-ul.ar session, read and approved. Permit for sewer connections ,Lots,16-17,B1ock 13,also for water connection Lot 17,131ock 13 ,by T.J.",.'cKinley was reed. n,,"oved and seconded same be filed and L;ranted. Carried. !report of Health officer. Honorable 'V;'ayor and i".embers of the City Council of the City of Renton,'?1ashington. Gent.I emen;- The undersigned,as Health Officer of s--id City would. be6 leave ,respectfully to Make certain to your Honorable Body,wi th the thought ,-)f thereby removing certain menaces to the health of the -inhabitants of said City. Your attention is called to an exc=avation on the "'est side of Burnett 7treet ,between "Ialla ",alla Avenue. and Third "treet ,on the Nor- thern Pacific right-of-way. This should. be filled at once . in its present condition it is a menace to the health of the City. A sewer should be constructed on "."orris Street between. sixth and Section atreets in the Gunn Is Addition, in order to take care of the surface water and sewerage in said section. I would respectfully insist that the doF pound be moved from its present location,and as health Officer, I hereby direct that no more dogs or other ani,nals be buried at the I�resent pound, Respectfully submitted, C .I:.Dixon,C..D. Health 01ficer. -oved and seconded report be received and filed and that inatter relating to removal of pound be referred to Town 1 rop erty Co:iv! ittee, ,natter relating to fill on ­'.T, right-of-way be referred. to City Attorney to take up pari th the (-ompary,and matter of se.'wer on i,,orris "t .be referred to City ElnLineer for investigation and report . Carried. City Attorney ,resents written report on matter of I'ennydale road with certain reconendations. �,,oved and seconded. same be received and fil- ed and recofienda.tions De carried out . Carried . 444 Ordinance Committee asks one more week on ordinance No .420 prohibiting the use of chains on automobiles . Request : Sranted. 7nder head of unfinished business motion ,rade and seconded that the Council proceed to elect a Councilman to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Councilman 7ilson. The name of Jno.S.Davis was placed in nomination. There being no further nominations mo 1pmade and seconded nominations be closed. !roved and seconded that bouncil proceed to elect by roll call x vote . Carried. Note for Jno.S.Davis for Councilman as follows; All Councilmen present voting .lye . Kr.Davis daclared elected. n;"r.Davis being present was given the oath of office by the City Attorney and seated. Mr.Davis being ca' led upon ,Made a few remarks as to his position and views relating to the duties of a Councilman. Yoved and seconded matter of purchase of State map,copy of which was presented to the Council for approval , 0�40fref.erred to the FinanceCommmittee . There being no further business motion made to adjourn, 1 Clerk. ; 445 Renton,May 2nd,1916 . Council met in reL-ular se: sion,lvayor IIujaes presiding. Poll, Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,T:vans,Davi s,Jarnes,','cCowin arid Raymond; City A.ttorney,Rn ineer and Clerk. 74inutes, of last meeting; read and approved. ''ajority petition for Local Improvement presented by ".T'.Ilouse.r, ``ecretary of the Renton 'F"eal H,state Co.for the improvement of certain streets in the F'ienton eat ;state Co! s,lst .A.ddition read. Tioved and seconded same be received,placed. on file and granted. Carried. Deport of Finance Co..inittee ; 7,1e, -your Cont ittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Library '�'aintenance, 118 .35 h:.A. Shearer,'^ labor 5.90 .t1 .F- Preibe I?ros 5.85 C.A:. I?arne'r, ;gala ry 12.50 1''." .i�arris,labor T[ n 'r.Dept . 3.00 P. ". 7.1,6- P. Co. ,relocatin; street light , 1 .68 R. J. Pett ie ,100 copies of Ord. '39, l.-IE) Pacific Tel .& Te1 .Co.phone g&, lon; dist .calls 3.65 Lolaman &• Hanford Co.supplies,:i,ngr. ')ept. 3.93 Labor pay roll , "treets,'',ater & Garbage, 91.40 Signed ii.Evans,Thos .Raymond,J. H .Larkin,Co ;i ,ittee . T-roved and seconded report, be receivod,filed, and all bills 0. 7.d, be ordered paid. Carried. ?7e-,port of Strel�t 10-ley Committee in matter of sid.ewalk,Lot 10,81ock 19 read. ''�oved and seconded same be filed and recomend:ations be. cat,ried out. Carried. Report of Town Property Con:;nittee ; `''e,your Committee on Town groper-ty beZ leave to report as follows. -e have considered. request of -'m. "tyless for permission to place si.Z,x advert.isin" si: n on Comfort Station and c,,ould reco:aiend that same be l ,icl on table indefinitely. Signed,I . II. Jame s,John S. Davi s,J. fi. Larkin. roved andseconded report be received,f'iled,and recomendation-s be carried out . Carried.. City Attorney makes verbal report on the dismissal of the two assault cases pending; in Court ,also states that he has written TJ.P. ; y.Co. in matter of fill in` in right-of-vvay between '"alla ''Valla Ave . and 3rd, 7-t .on Brest side of tracks on Burnett `)t. Renort of City I7n7ineer in matt :r of sewerage in Gunns Add . read,al so reco,nendation of Health Officer attached thereto. ',roved and seconded same be filed and recoiTiendations bo calIried out. Carried. 446 Communication tolthe Council from Board of County Commissioners extending, invitation to said body,ar_d families,to attend the exercises in connection with the dedication of new County Court :souse on Ay 4th, read and filed. Communication •from County Engineer Denton was read as follows; Honorable City Council ; Gentlemen, Refe °ring to the Mill Street extent- ion in the City of " enton,which will be the connecting link on the road between Menton and Yennydale. Te have just completed our estim- ate,a copy of which has been forwarded to Mr.Harner,your City Engineer, and it is our opinion that the best xay to proceed with this work would be for your Honorable Body to proceed to let a contract for 1820 feet of this -improvement, same to be our standard 20 foot tres- tle. This work ought to proceed as soon as possible so that when the County lets their -contract •it will be enabled -to include the portion of the trestle and fill in the incorporated limits of the City of Fenton. This 1820 ft.of trestle will be one half of tLe estimated cost of the whole improvement in the City of Henton. Yours Very Truly, A. P.Denton, County Engineer Qxter,Deputy. Woved and seconded Communication be received,fil_ed,and recomendat- ions be carried out ,and City Engineer be instructed to draw up the necessary plans and specifications at once ,and bids be called for. Carried. Communication. from F.M. Roberts relative to Bond.s,Dist . vo.7 read and referred to City Attorney. Communication of Park Board and proposition of Renton Band to erect dancing; pavillion in Bark subject to a 10 yeor lease ,was read. Moved andseconded same be referred to the Town Property Committee, the lark Board and the Renton Hand to come to an agreement and form- ulate rules and regulations and report at next meeting. Carried. Ordinance No.421 amending peddlers license read first time and referred to Ord.Comnittee. Ordinance No.420,rela.ting to the use of chains on auto tires on the paved streets of the City passed to second reading, read and f' UR 447 . on motion' duly seconded was adopted as a whole a s read . poll Vote; all councilmen pre sent voting Aye . Rarr kagx Under special order of Business Mr. Cake of t',e Denny :'enton Co. asks permission to proceed to rep�)Jr streets as per a ,,r(,emient betv.ceen the City and said Co. a1oved anti seconded permission be granted as requested . Carried. r."r.Cake also states th-,.t there are - c(:rtain -olacef in t ' e navel-hent in need of repair for which the ')enny Frenton Co.ar(-,, not re:,Iponsible ,and sug; ests that the City h.ave said work done in connection with the work to be done by the Co. (Moved and seconded that the Company be authorized to do the repairing for t' e City, where needed,under the direction of the City F'.ngineer. Carried. latter of injury to pavements by to;ging truck was discussed. i1otion made and : econded sam:� be referred to "treet 8, Alley Comulittee for investigation and report . Ca.rrieci. >atter of expiration of li`'ht and water contracts was brought up and discussed. `oved and seconded same be referred to Fi"re,Z:iht & ""ater Coii11„ittee . 'Carried.. Resolution for rebuildinU of sidewalk Lot 1011:�lock 19 read and referred to ')rdinance Comnittee. Councilman Davis states that complaints are being; made by property owners on the North side relative to the picketing of stock in the streets,and -allowing them to run over and upon narking strips and sidewalks . 'r'oved and seconded matter be referred to ordinance comi:ittee for drafting of ordinance to prohibit such 11ractic'e . Carried. There being no further business motion :rade to adjourn. Clerk. 448 Renton,1•11ay 9th,1916. Council met in regular session,"Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Counciloren Faull,James,')avis and Raymond; City Attorney.Engineer and Clerk. r:'ir,utes of last session read and ars roved. Petition presented by P. S.T.I;.& P.Co . asking permission to reset one pole on 73:'ells rt .between 2nd.Ave .and river read and granted. Petition froru r'. 77. 71uff asking that line and grade be given for board walk on 5th,Ave.Lot 10,13lock 19 read. 1,Toved and seconded ,same be referred to rt.rc�et P: Alley Co:n ittee for report at next meeting,. Carried. Report of Finance Committee; T,,?ayor & Council; Gentlemen., 7''e,your Committee on �inance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills ; P. S. T.L.ex, P. Co . ,light, 163.90 Fd.L.Terry, Seattle for water 37.45 Lowman & Hanford Co,Library books , 31.50 Seattle Flue Print Co,blue prints, 1 . 20 renton nrug "tore , supplies,Fire ')ept. 5.00 16 j-� TT."cCurdy,cartage, .50 Pacific Coast Coal Co. fuel, 4.90 "�"c Pherson Bf3os ,supplies, 4. 35 Frank ')avi s,l abor and "'tl,City Park, 36. 25 Tm .Yane, supplies, 4.05 C . J.Norgard, `.'tate 111ap, 2.90 'Signed,Thos .Raymond ,J. .Ravi s, ti,ee . T.°oved and seconded report be received,filed and. all biles O. K. , be paid. Carried. Report of Clerk for month of April read and filed. Report of Treasurer for ."_aril read and filed. Report of ""Fater Supt . "lIayor r"<. Council; Gentlemen;- Owing to tyle condition of the wood grater mains on portions of 6illiams,T"ells and lain Streets which is pract- 1call.y worn out and is �rery expensive to keep in repair, 1 would re- comerd •the purchase of a car of 6" cast iron pipe,and the install- ation of the same where most needed. Jos.Edwards,`.ater ''upt. T`ovecl and seconded report be received,filed and referred to the Fire,Light '"ater Cotrutittee for investigation and report at next meeting. Carried. , XHFFJ 449 Report of City Engineer on n;a jority ;.)etition for improvement of .certain streets in Fenton Jeal :states First Ad(i. read and refer- red back to Tngineer for itemized staternent of cost to each parcel of land . 'yiatter of the right of t-he secretary of menton Real l state Co. to sign petition for the stockholders relative to above improvement was discussed. Mlotion made and seconded City Attorney draw upe.sol- ution to be signed by the Directors of said Co .granting said author- ity,and that same be filed in office of Clerk. Carried. Ordinance No.422 ,prohibiting tele picketing of stock in the streets of t}.e City read first time and referred to Ordinance Goi,"mittee. Ordinance No.421,amendi.ng peddlers license passed to second read- ing, read and ado;-)ted. by sections,and on motion duly seconded,was ad- opted as a whole as read. Voll vote ; All (aouncilmen present voting Aye. y Under Special Order of Business o"ayor Hughes aonkoints' IMrs.A.N. Fairchild as a member of the Library Board to succeed ','rs Georgiana Crain, who is leaving Renton to make her home in the east. Loved and seconded appointment be confiried. Carried. Town Property Co:ninittee asks for one more week in matter of lease of building site to Renton Band in City park.Request Tranted. Fire, ht "'ator Coii;mittee reports nothing done as yet in matter of renewal Of light and water contracts. Moved and seconded Clerk communicate with Kent and Auburn in matter of lighting rates charged in those Cities. Carried. Councilman Davis reports verbally that he has gone over the streets with view to ascertaining What, if any, damage alas been dome by logging truck,and that \as yet he finds no ill effects from said trunk. Councilman James and 'jt.rupt.Edwards corroborate above state- ment . There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourd. __ -7-s- __-- 450 Renton, ,iay 11th,191.6. Special meetinE, of the Council called to order by the mayor. "resent Coune i l men,James, Davi s,TMIcCO win,Faull and 'a.ymond . , ayor ITu-whes RxIolKiRxx states the object of the rneetinZ, sarYre beim to consider complaints relative to ani7ial matter in the water supply of the City and taking stens to abate the same . The matter was discussed at some length by the Councilmen -nresent,anc9 motion made and duly seconded that 'Nater `"upt.be instruc- ted to cleanout and whitewash reservoir at once,and to report any ether work deemed necessary,to the Council at the next regular meet- in�. jotion made to adjourn.. Clerk. .1X1WFj Renton,". ay 16th, 1916. Regular session of the Council called to order by 'ayor Iughes. Roll Call ; 'Present Councilmen I.,arkin.%Faull ,Raymond, 7)<zvis,Jarnc�s and ;"cCowin City r"�ttorney,EnGineer and Clerk. "Tinutes of Last re ;ular session. and special session react and appro- ved. Petition asking; ;permission to set three 30 ' poles in alley betw- een llorris and Smithers >treets,north of fourth Ave.nue ,by Pacific Tel. Tel. Co.read and granted. Report of Finance Committee; - "'e,your Committee on 'Finance have examined and recomend payment of the fo"' lowing; bili. s; City of Seattle,"'titer Dept, repairsto itie,ter, 0 22.46 Seattle Blue Print Co,prints,ITennydale load, 1.20 F. H.i"cCurdy,cartaUe, 2.00 G.A. I'$rner, salary, 47.50 F.T. Barris, labor,Tngr.Dept, 18.75 '"m.Ciesefske ?tf' 111.90 Labor Pay roll , St .8-. 7'ater &- Garbar e, 110.55 2i"ned,Trios .Rayrnond,iT.Ii. Larl�in,Cornnii ttee. Yoved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills C.I'.D, be Kj paid. Carried. Report of Town PropertIT Committee; - `Y'e,your '-o.r: riittee or Town Property beg leave to report as follows; - Tl,at the City grant the Band the privele6e of the use of the ''outh end of Parkas agreed with Co�iiriittee,for a term of 5 or 10 years,the City Laving tine privelege of takinS same over before the end of lease on paying a reasonable sur; for saine ,and t',.e City to extend credit for ;500,00 for one year, if let a_1 so to do,the attorney to make lease for same . 'i- ed F,. IT. Janie s,John ^.')avi s,J. .'.I,r rkin,Committee. =.:oved and seconded report be received,filed and referred to City Atty. for report at next meeting. Carried. Report of Dire,Light & '"',,_ter Committee ; Ne,your Coiilmittee or, F'ire,Light "rater beg leave to report as follows; That we }ia :e examined the line to be replaced at this time and recomend that 1000 to 1200 feet of Cast Iron pipe be purchased ,tolsether with necessary connections . `" ', T r Davi s,Thos .Ra.ymond, sCha .° cCowin, Co ;Ai ittee . ..)i•z,ne d John r i' oved anO seconded report be r•eceived,filed and reco:nendations be crirried out . IvTotion made ands econded that above motion be laid on table for one week. Carried . 452 Te,,,port of City Lnrr.on petition for ii!iprovement,Fenton Teal Fstate ' s,ist .Add . read with description and boundary of proposed district . On statement of City Attorney that Uity Lnz;ineer had not not complied. .with the law by/stating that facts set forth in petition are true the report was referred back to ( iLyr ?ngineer for the insertion of said clause. Fenort and stater-tent of City Attorney relative to Iienn;yrdale I�oad matter and his opinion that proceedings in said matter are not legal and tha.t waiver signed by the abutting property owners must be made a hart of and acce,ted by the contractor was read. :V:oved smatter be laid on table and seconded report be received,filed andr�nd�ts.� ��xby �rrxd for one GAreek. oxt./Carri ed. Contractors present who had tendered bids for above work,on learnin` that proceedings were not regular and waiver must be nade a nart of contract withdrew tl-.ei.r bids. Co-im,unications frooI City Clerks of Dent and Auburn relative to 1iC,htinc- rate s,coiounication from Sjupt .Poss of City of Oeattle lighting nlRnt,and co.linunication from ',rs .;'`arion -Faircililcl actin- owledr,;in�7, notification .-)f ap ',ointment as ,rIe !rber of Library Board, and V anking the Councilxkxx and ,'4avor for confidence shown in making said appointment , were read and. f iled. T."Totion made and sec nded that 5 year contract be entered into with the T . Co . for "treet lighting in accordance with rates -s _nreviousiy offered by said. Co. xmdarx "oil vote . All Councilmen ,_ re'sent voting Aye . Carried . Ordinance Tvo.422 prohibiting the picketing of stock in the streets or where saki stock can trample on parkingr strips or sidewalks was nasse:d to second reading, rea�.1 and a p-proved by sections and on motion duly seconded,was approved as a whole as read.. Poll V-)te; all. Councilmen )res(-nt voting Aye. . ?"-)tion r_riade to adjourn. Clerk. XWE 453 Renton,May 23rd,1916. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by The iviayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Faull,Davis ,James and IMcCowin City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and approved. r.. Report of Finance (,ommittee; - 0e ,your Committee on "mance have examined and recomend payment of the folluwirg bills; R:.O.Brown,filing saws, .70 Bradford,Allison & Eg,n,Attys,lst Ave.paving c9Se , 206.98 Signed John S.Davis ,Chas."rlcCowin,J.H.Larkin,Committee. iloved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried . Report of City Engineer on petition for improvement of certain streets in Renton Real E'state 'Co' s,lst Add.read. 'loved and econded same be filed and recomendations be carried out. Carried. City Attorney makes verbal report relative to matter of dance ravillion in City Park, same to be under lease to the Renton Band,also gives his opinion to the effect that the replacing of wood water mains on certain streets by installing cast iron mains must be made at the expense of thle water department . Moved and seconded that the necessary pipe for said is?.prove.rient be purchased. Car -ied. Communication relative to the co-operation of the City with the Renton Band in the construction of pavil7ion and conditions govern- ing sante were read. Moved and seconded samd be filed and referred to the Town Prol.)erty Comrittee and City Attorney in conjunction with the Band,with pourer to act. Carried. Councilman Faull makes verbal report relative to the runring of lines and removal of fences in block 19 and recomends that City Engr. F be instructed to run the necessary lines in said Block. 'Moved and seconded report be accepted and recomendation carried out. Carried. Moved and seconded Clerk write S.R.& S. Ry.calling their attention to the condition of crossing at Burnett St.and ask t7-at same be put in good condition. Carried. ' aiver signed by property owners adjacent to the mill at.N. extensi6n,proposed,was presented.. City Attorney calls attention of the Council to the, fact that no corporate sals have been affixed thereto except that of the Renton Real "wstate Co.and claims that 454 seals of the different corporations are necessary to make said document legal . Attorney Houser states that the said waiver has been signed by the proper and duly authorized representatives of the several corporations and that the reason that seals were not attached to said document is that the same would have to be forwarded,with i the necessary explanations,to the head offices of the Companyel n St .raul,New York and SanFrancisco,th.ere:by causing ;Huth unneccessary delay. M r.Houser states that there is at least one bidder who is satisfied to bid on the proposed work, with the waiver included in the contr�zct ,and asks that the Council readvertise for bids on t're proposed improvement. This matter led to a spirited and lengthy argument ,intersperced with somewhat caustic personalities,between Attorney Mouser and City Attorney Gaby,with reraarks by other I-itizens present and mein- hers of the Council,which was finally checked by the 114ayor and other business taken up. Moved and seconded that matter of lighting contract,copy of � same having been presented to the Council. for approval and signat- ures of proper Offieials,be referred to the 1"ire,Light & `4'ater Committee and City Attorney for report at next meeting. Carried. Councilman James asks if there is to be no further action taken in !natter of Mill St.!',.-)rth extension,better known as the Kennydale Road,whereupon motion was made and seconded that bids JJ/ be readvertised for ,City ktt,y.ta_ ins.ert_in said-_call that the dders shall-- rely on the conditions of waiver-;-and that said waiver must be made a part of contract for said work. On being assured by The City Attorney that he had no objections to the calling for bids under the conditions as above stated,motion was put to vote and carried. now There being no further business before the Council motion w,,�.s made to adjourn. Clerk. F- 450 Renton.May 31st ,1916. Special meeting of the "ouncil called to order by the �*ayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Faull,Davis,James and Raymond. Purpose of the meeting stated by the Mayor, same being to consider petition to amend dog ordinance. ... Matter of amending or repealing present ordinance discussed. Motion made and seconded that matter be laid over to regular meeting of the Council and Chief of Police be instructed to take no action to enforce present ordinance until after next meeting. Poll Vote .Faull , Davis and ,fames voting Aye . Raymond voting No.Carried. Ivlo tion to adjourn, Clerk. how 456 Renton,June 6th, 1916. Council met in regular session,IVtayor Hughes presiding; Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,I'aull,Davis,Jarnes,,�`cCowin and Raymond; City Attorney,L.ngineer and Clerk. Minutes of last session and special session read and approved. Petition for sewer connection Lot 8,Block 13,by H. S.Gieldseth read and granted. More petitions were presented requesting the Council to amend the Present dog ordinance by eliminating the word raxizz physical therefrom, the total number of signatures now being 401. Moved and seconded same be laid on the table for one week. Carried. Manor Hughes suspends regular order of business and directs that bids on the Dill St .North extent ion,better known as L. he nennydale road, be alaaxddd opened. Bids read as follows. Pacific Coast Ry.Co.Nxk.by N.D.Yoore,$13,981.71. V.F.Garvey,t10,196.32. D." . Rutherford, $80814.89. The above bids were turned over to City Engineer for tabulation and verification. Regular order of business resumed. Finance Committee reports as follows. :5e,your �ortimittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following; bills; P. S. T.L.& P.Co A ight, 163.90 Library Account,'Salary & 4aintenance , 77.68 Lowman h Hanford Co,office supplies, 6.13 Crane Co.Freight on supplies, .25 Pacific Tel.&. Tel.Co.pbone and L.D.calls, 3.60 A.Hambach Co.supplies,Water Dept, 16.34 G.A . Harner, sala.ry, 25.00 F.-'i'. Harris,labor,Engr.Dept . 1.50 Joe Edwards,Jr, " " 111.25 Myles Storey,Jr. " it 4.40 G.H.Beale &. Co.whitewash brush, .50 R.-�ood,hay,lime and Cement 7.85 Seattle Plumbing & Supply 6o.garbage cart, 25.00 Preibe Bros, supplies, 10.25 McPherson Bros, supplies,St.Dept .&.. City Park, 9.70 E.A. Shearer,Pltl .& Supplies,City Park, 8.60 Jos.Edwards,disinfecting residence, 2.50 Preibe Bros,supplies,Tater Dept . 5.60 Ed, L.Terry, Seattle for water, 49.75 E.H.McCurdy cartage, 1 .25 O.K.Livery �uto to Sprirgbrook,fwo trips, 3.00 Thos .Dobson,postage,ete . 4.00 Labor pay roll, St.& Water Dept ' s, 78.95 Labor at Park, 34.63 'ei Preibe Bros,i'ark supplies, 6.95 O.N.Cochran,sign for Park, 7.00 Myles Storey,labor at 'ark, 9.10 Signed,J.II.T;arkin,Thos.Raymond,R. H. James,Con,jaii ttee. Loved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills 0. 17.d,be paid. Carried. Councilman James makes verbal report to the effect that permi- ssion had been obtained from Mr.F.Sartori to locate dog pound near Wr X457 North Renton gravel pit . Report of Clerk for month of May read and filed. Report of Treasurer for 'yIay read and filed. Communication from northwest Preparedness Le,..gue extending to the Officials of the City an invitation to be present and participate L.. in the prepafedness parade of Sat .June 10�h, read. Moved and seconded that invitation be accepted,that the Mayor declare a holiday for that day and. that ''ity Officials and Citizens in general attend and take part in said pa rade,that �'lerk notify the League to that effect and ask for space in line of parade,and that the Renton Band and High School Hand be invited to attend in a body. Carried. Loved and seconded that if the two bands participate that w-20.00 be allowed each band for expenses. Carried. Moved and seconded Committee on arrangement to prepare banner, ribbons,etc .be appointed . Carried. On motion duly seconded the above motion was reconsidered and motion made and seconded that the mayor take charge of the arrangements and secure such assistance as necess- ary. Carried. Communication from L.B.Youngs of Seattle .'ater Dept, in reference to water contract read and filed. Communication from City Attorney in reference to sidewalk of Dr.Beach,irenton heal Estate Co's,proposed improvement,and Kennydale Road read. In the matter of the Renton meal Estate Co 's,improvement the City Attorney recomends that the Council reconsider the motion made on a previous meeting accepting petition for the said improve- ment and that same be initiated by a resolution of the Council.,said resolution having been prepared and in readiness for adoption by the Council,and that the Company give deed to the City for Commercial Avenue ou Mr.Houser of the Company states that proceedure by resolution would be satisfactory to the Comnany,and that the deed ,.� for the street known as Commercial Avenue mkt`�n' would be forth- coming in a few days,whereupon motion was made and seconded that acceptance of petition be recorEsidered, same carried . ;potion was then made and seconded that the Council proceed with the proposed Improve- ment by resolution. Carried. City Engineer reports that he has gone over the bids for the Kennydale road and finds same correct,the low bidder being D.W.Ruth- erford of Tacoma. !gloved and seconded contract be awarded to ivir. 458 Rutherford. Poll Vote;All Councilmen voting Aye. Carried. Moved and seconded certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned. Carried. Resolution No.206 relating to proposed improvement of certain streets and avenues in the Renton Real Estate Co's,lst.Add.read. Proved and seconded same be referred to Ordinance Coinittee . Carried. Ordinance Comanittee makes verbal report,recomending that said resol- ution be adopted.Moved and seconded report of committee be accepted. Carried. Resolution was then re-read. Moved and seconded same be read and adopted by sections. Carried. Resolution re-read and adopted by sections and on motion duly secon- ded adopted as a whole as read.All. 'ouncilmen present voting Ade. Moved and seconded resolution r;resented by the City Attorney in matter of Eennydale road improvement be referred to the Ordina- nce Committee . Carried. matter of Pavill.ion for City park was bVbught up and discussed. Moved and seconded Council concur kxxepix in report of Town Property J Uommittee and that plans and specifications as presented by the Band egg be adopted. Poll. Vote;All councilmen present voting Aye.Carried. Attorney Houser presents new plat of certain property near Lake '=`ashington for approval of the Council. !'oved and seconded sante be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for examination. Carried. There being no further business motion made to adjourn, Clerk. mid F 459 Renton,June 13th, 1916. Regular suasion of the Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Faull,Davis,Jamies and Raymond, City Attorney,�bngineer and Clerk. ':mutes of last session read and approved. Petition of E. T;.Duff asking for line and grade for cement walk, Lot 9,nlock 2,Farm Plat read and granted. Report of Finance Committee; - 'Ke,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend for payment the following bills; G.A.Harner. salary, 30.00 O.N. Cochran,banners for parade, 4.00 Earlington Imp.Club,light, 2.55 Trick h Murray,office supplies, 7.30 Labor pay roll, St .& Water Depts, 97.35 Signed J.Fi.Larkin,Thos.Raymond,Cormnittee. "oved and seconded report be received,filed and all bi.ls O.R.d,be paid . Carried. Communication of City Attorney relative to proposition of constr- ucting pavillion in Park and relating to Plat of waterfront property presented by P.'AT.Houser,read. Relative to the Plat,which had been previously referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for invest- igation,motion was made and seconded that same be laid on table for one week and City Attorney investigate further as to whether said Plat is inside the City limits. Carried. Moved and seconded Clerk get further information from the City of Seattle relative to 6" cast iron eater pipe . Carried.. Mayor Hughes brinks up ,natter of Lighting contract and suggests that some a ction be taken to get same satisfactorily adjusted and signed up. "hoved and seconded City Attorney be instructed to take up matter with the legal department, of the Company. Carried. Deed to Uommercial Avenue Connection presented by Renton Real Est,-te Co.was by motion duly seconded ordered accepted,filed and recorded. Mayor Hughes brings up the matter of a City flag pole. Mloved and seconded same be referred to the Town Property Codunittee with power to act . Carried. Petitions relRtive to amending of dog ordinance were again discu- ssed. After considerable argument by members of the Council and Citizens present motion was made and seconded that said matter be referred to the i 460 Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to revise said Ordinance. Carried. Mayor Hughes also brings up matter of having an ordinance draf- ted regulating, the handling and disposition of refuse,ashes etc . Moved andxseconded same be referred to the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and r'ire Chief for drafting of proper Ordinance . Carried. There being no further business motion made to adjourn, Clerk , (tF1` 461 Renton,June 20th,1916. Regular session of the Council called to order by Mayor Hughes. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Fau1.1 ,navis,James,;vlcCowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clerk. Minutes of last session read and ap roved. Councilman Faull makes verbal report on matter of getting fences moved in Block 19 so that sidewalk on 5th,Ave.may be placed on proper, line, stating that as yet no progress has been made . Committee went over ground but were unable to come to any understanding with certain of the property owners. I4ir.Oehm,whose fence is over the line of street at south end of said. Block was present and explained his posit - ion in toe matter. This question was discussed at some length by t1le Councilmen and Citizens with the final understanding that Mr.Oehm will accompany the Committee in interviewing the several parties conserned,and state to them his willingness to move his fence to the proper lire providirg all other parties will do likewise . Report of Finance Committee; - 7.e,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills. Josie tVhite,services of Renton Band in preparedness parade, : 20.00 Hugo Felly,official publications, 10.30 Signed Thos .Raymond,John g.Favi s,Comraittee. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K. d,be paid. Carried. City Attorney reports that he has written legal department of P. S.T. IL.& P. Co.relative to lighting contract changes but as yet has received no answer,also reports in matter of Plat presented. by P.1N. Houser that the same is wholly outside the present City limits. In matter of said. Plat,motion made and seconded same be laid on the table . Carried. Communication from Fire Chief Joe 'Wood asking that 1CO Ft .of new hose. be purchased for tl,e Chemical was read. Pvloved and seconded same be filed and Purch.pgt.be instructed to buy the amount of hose as requested. Carried. Ordinance No.423 relating to the disposal of ashes and waste material,also Ordinance No.424,amending Ordinance No.419 relating to the running at large of dogs within the City limits,were read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. 1 462 Councilman McCowin brings up matter of N.P.tracks on 6th,Ave. North, stating that . sale are being repaired and that request of the City that said tracks be moved to the center of street is not being complied with. City Attorney states that he wrote the Company some time ago relative to the removal of said tracks but has had no reply. Moved and seconded that City Attorney again take up matter with the Company. Carried. City Attorney states that he has approved the Bond of Mr. Rutherford for the Mill St.N.extension. Moved and seconded that said Bond be accepted by the Council , and that Clerk notify the said contractor to begin work within ten days.- Carried. In matter of City flag pole motion made and seconded that proffer of :utr.A.N.Fairchil.d to donate a suitable pole for said purpose be accepted. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn, Clerk. VE 463 Renton, June 27th,1916. Regular session of the Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call; Present Councilr:.en Larkin,Faull ,Davis,James and Raymond; City Attorney,Engineer and Clark. Minutes of last session read and approved. Report of Finance Committee; We,your Committee on i"inance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; Pacific Coast Pipe Co. ; 4" wood pipe , 48.60 Thos.Dobson,Treas.Frt.on wat6r pipe ,and etc .22.85 Thos.Dohson,Treas ,filir_g deed, .90 Thos.Harries,P. O.box rent, 1.00 L,.A. C1ine,labor,City Park, 5.67 G.A.Harner, Salary, 6.0.00 Geo.Thomas,la.bor Engr.Dept. 18.75 Joe Jones " " 2.50 I!Tm.Ciesefske , " " " 6.25 Steve Giovanelli Labor pay roll , St.& Water & Garbage, 170.75 Signed,J. H.Larkin,Thos.Raymond,John S.Davis,Coon;ittee. ?,'oved and seconded xapzxakx report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid . Carried. City Attorney makes verbal report relative to li&hting contract stating that he has interviewed the Company and that sa-ne will be satisfactorily adjusted . Relative to light bill which was allowed for the month of nlay,motion made and seconded that same be reconsidered on account of contract expiring 191ay 15th,and thatxhiUxl&ax balance of month apply on rates quoted for the five year contract . Carried. Nloved and seconded that warrant be drain for one half of the bill as presented for month of Inlay. Carried. Clerk reports no protests received against the proposed improve- ment of certain streets in Renton Real E{ state Co ' s.Addition. "loved ands econded same be received and filed. Carried. Cow:r,un.ication from Secretary of vire Chiefs Association announc- ing dates of annual meeting read. gloved and seconded same be placed on file. Carried. to Communication from Paul "I.Houser relating north bc)undery lines of the City and City jurisdiction over shore land reservations read and filed . Seattle proposed ordinance relating to handling of liquors by drug stores and license for same was read and referred to ordinance committee with the idea of drafting a similar ordinance for the City 464 of Fenton. Ordinance No.423 relating to the handlinj; and disposition of ashes and combustible materials was taken up for second reading, read and adopted by sections,and on motion duly seconded,was adopted as a whole as read. Poll vote,all Councilmen present voting Aye. Ordinance No.424 amending; section 1 of ordinance No.419 rel.at- ing to the running at large of dogs within the City limits passed to second reading,read anal adopted by sections,and on motian duly seconded,was adopted as a whole as read. Pall Vote,all Councilmen present voting Aye . Question of -purchase of City flag ws.s discussed. Moved and seconded rvreh.Agt.be instructed to purchase a suitable flag. Carried. City Attorney addresses the Council in matter of new walk for the Beach property on fifth Ave.and � ses that same be put in at present location of old walk. There being a difference of LM opinion among the Councilmen as to the advisability of installing; the new walk outside of proper line ,sugg;estion s were made that the City attorney and I,"r.Oeha interview property owners in said Block 19,and endeavor to gain the consent of all to move ► e-I their fences to proper lines. IV1oved and seconded City Attorney draft ordinance for the improvement of certain streets in the Penton Real Estate Co 's, lst.Addition.Car•ried. Mr.E. ..Duff addresses the Council relative to the necessity of an ordinance defining; fire limits and regulating, construction of new buildings. "Lemarks were made on the same subject by R.IM. Thorne,T. J.Richmond and others . Proved and seconded that the matter be left with the ordinance Con;mittee,the City Attorney and interested property owners,to meet and draft suitable ordinance . Carried. P, oved and seconded Ordinance for Renton Real Estate Co 's improvement be drawn on two year payment. Carried. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn, Clerk. (F 465 1 Renton,July llth,1916 . Regular session of the Council called to order by the Mayor. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Davis,Faull ,Jame:s,Raymond and I'Ac Cowin; City Atto rney,Engineer and Clerk. n"inutes of last session read and approved. Petition for water service ,by Gustave Lorenz,on SpTingbrook road read and granted. Report of oinance Committee; - TVe,your `'omiaittee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following bills; E.A. Shearer,labor & matOerial,water dept . 163.45 Pacific TeI.& Tel.Co.phone and L. D.cails, 2.15 A.Hambach Co. supplies,wateir dept . 53.35 P.H."IcCurdy,carta.ge,water dept. 1.25 Renton Lumber Co.lumber,water dept. 19.27 McPherson Bros .supr li es, St .Dept. 8.90 G.H.Beale & Co.glass for office, 1.00 P.Dullahant , specia.l Police duty, 3.00 Record Pub.Co.callfor bids,Yennydale road, 25.2.0 McPherson Bros.:r:aterial,Ci ty Park, 9.80 Pacific Commercial Blue,blue prints, 1.80 Ed.L.Terry, Seattle for water 70.40 Library Acet,maintenance, 98.25 R.Wood,team work,City Park, 3.00 E.,-,.Duff,labor " " 4.25 L.A.Cline " " " 3.75 E.H.McCurdy,cartage" " 75 City of Seattle ,ea.st iron water pipe , 393.58 G.A.Harner, salary 60.00 Geo.Thomas_ ,labor Engr.Dept. 30.75 Joe Jones it "n it 7.50 '7m.Kane, raising flag pole, 6.00 Labor pay roll,St .& ',Vater Dept s, 194.60 Signed Thos.Raymond,John S.Davis,R.H. James,Committee. Moved and seconded report be received, filed and all bills C. K.d,be paid. Carried. Deports of ''ity Clerk and City Treasurer for the month of June were read and filed. Communications from, John .E Price and Cummings Prudden & Co. relative to refunding of bond issues at reduced rate of interest read } and fil.ed,and Clerk instructed to reply to same . Communication from Washington League of Municipalities read and filed. Communication from Clice & Poe relative to acceptance of new bond for Seattle Lighting Co.and cancelling of old read. l'vioved and seconded new bond be accepted,and release of old bond be signed. Carried. Ordinance No.425 relating to improvement of certain streets in the Renton Real Estate Co ' s.1st .Add.read first time and referred to Ordinance Committee. 466 In matter of ordinance to license and regulate the handling of liquor,after somd discussion same was laid on table for time being for further investigation. In matter of lighting contract , City Attorney states that the Company have agreed to the insertion of new clause in contract to the effect that the Company will make the necessary changes as required by estate lay, in matter of cross arma,on such poles as they have cross antis on at present,said poles being the property of the City of menton. Motion made and seconded that said clause be inserted in contract and samie be accepted and signed. Carried. Councilman McCowin asks if any progress has been made in the matter of moving of N• F.tracks to center of street on 6th,Ave.N. City Attorney states that he has heard nothing,as yet,from the Co. Motion made and seconded that City Attorney notify said Co.to start moving; said tracks to center of street within ten days. Carried. Moved and seconded extention of time be granted the Denny Renton Coin ma"ter of repairing of crick pavement . Carried. Bond of Mr.Benson to cover any damage caused to brick pavement by the hauling of logs over same was read and accepted. E.E. Duff briggs up matter of elarging present park or purch- asing of suitable site elsewhere . Motion made and seconded that the Mayor appoint committee to investigate locations and prices and report at next meeting. Carried. Mayor appoints on said Committee Mr.i?.E-Duff,A. 0-' ilson and R.?:`- Thorne. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk. i I TF 467 Renton,July 18th,1976. In the absence of Mayor Hughes Council was called to order, by Thos.Raymond,lvlayor Pro-tem. Roll Call; Present Uouncilmen Davis ,Faull,James and Raymond; City Attorney and Clerk. Minutes of last regular session read and approved. Petition asking permission to install trap door in sidewalk in front of his store building on 3rd.Ave.was presented by Louie: Delaurenti . Proved and seconded same be filed and granted. Carried. Petition for water connection Lot 15,Block l,Smithers 4th,Ad.d. presented by G.`N .Custer asax agent for J.W. Harrirs,wes read and granted. Report of Finance Committee; "e,you r Comruittee on Finance have examined the followin7; bills and recomend payment of the same . Renton Lbr.Co.lumber, City Park 11.36 Thos.Harries, stamped envelopes,office, 21.86 E.H.McCurdy,carta6e,water Dept. 1 .00 ' Daniel Gaby,filing fee,F''actory Site case, 2.00 i Burned Thos.Raymond,R. H.Jarnes,John S.Davis,Committee. i Proved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be ordered paid. Carried. Communication from Ranier Valley Fiesta Committee extending invit- ation to the City of Renton to participate in the celebration on July 20th,was read. Moved and seconded communication be filed and invitation accepted. Carried. Communication addressed to City Attorney in matter of N.P.tracks on 6th,Ave .North was read and filed. Proposed ordinance licensing and regulating the handling of liquor by drug stores was laid over one more week. Ordinance No.426,amending Ordirance No.415,in matter of Kennyda?e 1 road was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. i Ordinance No.425 for the improvement of certain streets in the Renton Deal Estate Co. ' s, lst .Addit.ion taken up for second reading and read and adopted by sections. Ordinance Committee,to whom said ordinance had been previously referred,makes verbal report recomending the adopt- ion of the said ordinance . Moved and seconded report of ordinance Comm- ittee be accepted and recomendation carried out . Carried. Moved and seconded the said ordinance No.425 be adopted as a whole as read. Poll Vote ; all Councilmen present voting Aye. 468 Moved and seconded sucLestions and recomendations of City Atty. be inserted in call for bids for the improvernent of streets in -tile Renton Real Estate Co.' s, 1st Add.under ordinance No.425 .Carried. Under head of miscellaneous business Mr.E.1A . Shearer states that he has been requested by ikilrs.McCormack,of Talbott,to petition the Council for permission to connect with the City water main by means of a pump on account of there not- being sufficient pressure to force water to her residence. After some discussion on thecsubject motion was made and seconded to refer said request to the F'ire,Light and Water Committee for investigation. Carried. Councilman James askes leave of absence from Councilmmmmx meet- ings for from 4 to & weeks . ,loved and seconded same be granted. Carried. F.G. Smithers calls attention of the Council to the practice of blocking traffic on 3rd.Avenue by S.R.&. S. Ry. Co! s,freight car,by unloading of ffeight into wagons akxx on said street. Street Supt. was instructed to see that streets are kept clear. There being no further business before tre 8ouncil motion made to adjourn. Clerk. Y. I(FF 469 i Renton,July 25th, 1916 . Regular session of the Council called to order by the Nlayor. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Larkin)Davis ,Fau11, i3cCowin and Raymond. t'inutes of last session read and approved. Peport of Finance Committee; , e,your Committee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of t e following bills; A.Hambach Co. supplies,'l"ater Depto 32.10 R. O. Brown,.filing saws, 1,.00 G.A.Harner, salary 60.00 Geo.Thomas,labor,Erngr.Dept. 36.00 ` Renton Drug Store, supplies, 29.80 Labor pay roll, '.-t .& Water Depts .& Garbage' 120.75 Sinned,J.H.Larkin,Thos.Rayrnond,John S.Davis,Committee. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried. In the matter of application of Mrs.14cCormack of Talbott for water service ,"ouncilman Davis makes verbal report recomending that service be granted providing a barrel or othee receptacle be placed to receive i water from main and that t pump be connected with said receptacle . ,'.oved and seconded report be received and reco��endation be carried out . Carried. ?Jr.3.F.Cake,Zupt .of the Denny Renton Co.reports that the street i repair work of said Co.umder the five year contract with the City has been completed. Councilman MCCowin,also St .Supt.report that they have gone over the said repair work and find same satisfactory,and recomend that contract be released . Motion made and seconded that the above recomendation be ca-ried out. Carried. Yloved and seconded that the City have all necessary repair work on brick paving done at this time. Carried. City Attorney reports that protests have been made to t- e killing of dogs at the City Pound. "loved and seconded the Mayor take up with the Sartori estate matter of obtaining site for Demporary pound outside of City limits . Carried. Ordinance No.427 relating to license for drug stores and pharmacies read first time and referred to Ordinance Comilmittee . Ordinance 1o.426 amending Ordinance ho.415 pertaining to `,`ill St.N. extension passed to second reading,read and adopted by secti--)ns and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as read. Poll Vote;all Councilmen present voting Aye. 4'70 In matter of sewer connection for Lot l,block 1,Cunns !'add. motion made and seconded that same be 'ratted,ap )licant to stand all expense of said connection. Carried. Moved and seconded Clerk call for bids for the painting of the Null St .and �"illiams ^t .bridGes. Carried. P-r".ayor Hu; hes brin6s up ratter of Fire Chiefs Convention and recomends that "�100 .00 be allowed to defray expense of' Fire Chief' to said convention. T4oVed and seconded that above amount be allowed for the purpose as Mated. Carried. Poll Vote;all Councilmen present voting Aye. There being no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Clerk . Renton,Aug.1st, 1916. Council called to order by Iilayor Hughes . There not being a quorum present _ otion made to adjourn. 1.1 �'W E 471 Renton,Aug.8th, 1916. Council met in re`,ular session,Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Faull ,Davis,McCowin and Raymond; City Attorney Engineer, and Clark. P,iinutes of last session read and approved. Application for water service,Lot 20.Block 19,,"arm Plat,by Fred Osterhoudt read and granted. Report of Finance committee; Vle,your Committee on Finance have examined the followint; bills and rrcomend payment of the same. G."i.Conard,Foreman,St.repair work 42.00 Fred Elleg,labor " 24,37 Steve Giovanelli Jr. i2xk5i 17.81 Geo.Gruver, " 24.37 Mike P.ihalcik " 24.37 John Pritchard 21.25 C. R.Campbell ,team work " 33.50 Pacific Tel ., . Tel.Co.phone & L.D. calls, 2.35 Ed.L.Terry, Seattle for water, 57.80 G.A.Harner, salary, 60.00 Geo.Thomas,labor Engr.Dept . 20.25 P. S. T. L.& P. Co.expense litl.instal"ing li hts under 1914 contract, 9362 Thos .Dobson,Treas.to bal.acet .expense P. S. T.L.& P. Co. installinC lights and rent of cross arms, 34.50 A.Hambach Co.supplies,�'Iater Dept. 27.28 A.Beerman,liht pole, 8.Q0 I.!cPherson Bros, supplies, 1.15 Joe WoodiFire Chief,expense,convention, 100.00 E.H.I„cCurdy, cartage, 1.50 E.A.Shearer,repairs.Fire Dept . 2.60 E.A. Shearer,Iatl.& labor,water Dept. 7.45 Library Naintenance, 183.04 Labor pay roll, St .& 7,'ater Depts. 67.45 SiFned,J.Ii.Lare.in,John S.Dav:is,Thos.Raymond;Comtnittee. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K. d, be paid. Carried. Report of Street & Alley Cozfiittee; ""e,your Co.n.,nittee on Streets & Alleys have interviewed Ivir.allatt Oehm,and others in ref- erence to the moving of f6nces and beL-, le^ve to report as follows ; That we find that they eill not sign the agreement gotten up by the City Attorney,and we would recomend that the sidewalk be laid in the old location until such time as a permanent walk is put in. Signed,John Faull,John S. Davis, Cominittee. Moved and seconded report be laid on table for one week. Carried. I>ayor Iiughes states that he has interviewed the Sartori estate in matt;:r of location for dog pound and that suitable site can be secured at a rental of � 12.00 per year. Moved and seconded City Atty. draw up kkm a propelr lease for above purpose. Carried. 472 Reports of City Cl:�rk,Treasurer and police Judge for the month of July were read and filed. Report of City Engineer. To the Mayor & Council; Gentlemen; - The following is the estimate of work completed to date on the contract of D.^". Rutherford. for the improve:ient of Mli? 1 Street "north extention as nrovided for under Ordinance No.415,creatin6 L.I .D. I'o.74. i--timate. Clearing; ''`' �,,�55.00 241,235 ft .lumber C 17.25 per.M. 4,161.29 10,Q86 lin.ft.piling ' .15 per ft. 12632.90 12 gal .white lead .0 5.00 per gal. 60.00 314 7 lbs.hardwr•are ,u .06 per lb. 205.62 Total, "6,114.81 I would recomend the allowance of 70 j, ,on ,this estimate as per ,contract . Respectfully submitted, G.A.Harner,City, Engineer. 'Moved and seconded report be received and filed and that 70 of the ,above amount be allowed, h -_ €-lxt-& o -►'7drrantd,for fixed estimate to be issued to City of Renton. Carried. Communication addressed to City Atty.in ,natter of N. I'. tracks on 6th.Ave .Igorth was read. Moved and seconded same be filed and City Atty.be instructed to notify the Company that the City will grant new franchise in center of street,under sane conditions as exist in ;resent franchise. Carried. Ordinance ?tio.427 fixing a license on drug stoires and pharmacies passed to :>econd re,-din�L,read and adopted by sections ,and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as recd. Poll Vote,all council- men present voting Aye . Ordinance No.428 relating to and regulating, the handling, storage and sale of intoxicating .liquors passed to s->edond Heading;, read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded was adopt- ed as a whole as read. Poll `Dote ; All "ouncilmen present voting .?ye. ruestion of painting of ill 8t . ''illiamst.bridges was taken up.R,toved and seconded Clerk readvertise for bids for the paintinc, two coats,of all that portion of said ,bridLes which has been previous- ly painted, same color as at present,except that guard rail to be painted white. Carried. It-loved and secondedClerk write parties owning Lots 3-4-5,B1k.12,Farm Plat,directin6 that sidewalk be laid it f- r1i ^r . C; id lots . Carried . e. Motion madto adjourn. ,1erk. �yl Renton,Aug,.15th, 1916 . Council t;-tet in regular session"dayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call ; Present Councilmen Larkin,Davis,?TcGowin and Raymond; City Attorney,Fngineer and Clerk. ,,Minutes of last session read and approved. Applications for Drub Store & Pharmacy license,by F. C.£rendel and J. E.Vioue were read and referred to License and Ordinance Comm- ittees. Report of Finance Committee; ':7e,your Committee on FF'inl nce have examined and rccomend payment of the foil owing bills; R. J.Pettie,printing; sign, .50 J. 71-MIcCrea, setting porch post, .50 Ferry Durrows,boat hire,Kennydale Road, 2.50 Thos.Dobson.Treas,Industrial Insurance, 30.29 G. H.3eale &. Co.one Gal.creasote .40 E. H.Mc Curdy.cartage, , 2.50 David Luke, labor at Park 2.50 L.n. Cline , to of It 5.00 Signed,J.I-i.Larkin,Thos.Raymond,John S.Davis ,Co:ri.nittee . "roved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills 0.?.d,be paid. Carried. Communication to City Attorney from ��.P.Py.Co. relating to the movinE of tracks on 6th.Ave .N.read . ?'oved and - econded same be filed and referred to City %ttorney for further ne€otiations with said Co. Carried . Resignation of Councilman ' vans was read and on potion duly seconded was acceptede report of �o;tui:ittee appointed to investigate suitable tracts for City Park was read as follows, + To The l;layor & Council of the City of ienton. Gentlemen; - ?�:'e the Co:«:nittee appointed to select tracts for a City Park beE-, leave to submit the following tracts for your consideration. Tract No.1 "artori property; all that portion lying, east of present City Park,bound.ed on the south by the right-of-way of canal ;easterly by Mie right-of-way of the Seattle Ct_r & Foundry Co; northerly by 1st . . Ave .North,and west by the City Park,containing 10 acre. ,more or less; price1 35,000 . Portion of said tract lyin - south of River Ave .eani.aining 4 20,000 acres,more or less,price It 777 474 Tract, N0.2. Tract in. Yesler Estate and Adsit 's Estate.,lying north and south of the old channel of Cedar River, containing 15 acres,approximate price µ'l5,000. Tract No.3. "'al.lsworth t,ract,tract lying south of 6th.Ave ." est, containing about 30 acres,easterly portion containing about 6 acres ,fronts on paved street ; this tract can be purchased for �1 ,000.per acre, whole or part. "Tact No.4. ahearer & INood Tracts,lying, north of dock 24,Town of ?penton. Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 24,thence running, north along � illiams "t .'to canal ;then.ce northwesterly to R. R. right-of- way; thence southerly to north line of lst .Ave .produced ; thence east to point. of be6inning,containing 4 acres,n+ore or less; price 3,•000 .per acre . Respectfully submitted, E.E.Duff R.?:".Thorne tv!oved and seconded report be laid on table for one week and the Council. as a whole investigate t1-.e several trocts. Carried. Moved and sec:?nded Council and Citizens meet at P.O.at 9.30 A.Y. , Sunday and go over the several- tracts as above described. Carried. "Mayor iiughes brings up question of issuing of warrants as per Engineers estirpate on L. I .D. No. 74. On statement of City Atty. that contract specifies that said warrants shall be issued on the 25th,of the month following the estimate of the Engr. Clerk was instructed not to issue the said .warrants until on or about said date . Also in matter of allowance of 70 of estintate, less amount of fixed estimate to date; moved and seconded that minutes of meeting of Aug.Bth,relating to same,be a!ricnded to read as follows; " ":-)ved and seconded report be received and filed and that 70 of the above amount be allowed. Warrants for fixed estimate,to date, to be. issued to the City of Renton. " Above motion carried. FF 475 The bid of C. R. Campbell for iniproverient of certain streets in Penton Real Estate Companys Add .by grade and E.ravel was read as follows; Fixed estimate, 150.00 Clearing and ErubbinS,lump sum, 150.00 10£30 Cu.Yds.fill per.Yd. 540.00 135 Cu.Yds.filler 41 .00 per.Yd. 135.00 1500 Lin.Ft ;side C-radin ^..26,2/31per.ft . 400.00 --- 1,225.00_ Total, 1,375.00 Ir This bid was somewhat hi-:.her than the estttateof the "City Ener. but on the assurance of 71ir.Fouser,as representative of the Renton Real "state Co.that same would be satisfactory to said Co.and they were anxious to see the work proceed,motion was 'made and seconded that bid be accepted and contract awarded to IMr.Campbell . Carried.Poll Vote, all Councilmen present votinC, Aye . Councilman ycCowin reports that the cor7riittee have succeeded in securing; si-natures of all resident owners in xmsx east half of Block 19 relative to the moving; of fences in said Blbck to proper lines. ", oved and seconded matter be laid over one week and effort be made to secure signatures of owners on west side also. Bids for the paintinF, of the Mill at. &k 'l!illiams "t brigLes' were read as follows: Tachell & Co. ;,`115.00 G. ''.. Beale F• Co. 95.00. Moved and seconded contract be awarded to the low bidder,G.IT. Beale •<<, Co. Carried; P. 7". Ilouser, representing GrarjEe Fair Com,mittee,adc ressed the Council in matter of -Finances and proteotion 'of t.-.e Associationi_ in matter of consessions. Motion made and seconded that Council p;o on record to protect Grange in above: matter of consessions . Carried. There beim no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. Carried. 476 Renton,Aug.22nd,1916. Council called to order by the 'v'ayor. There not being a quorum present motion made to adjourn. Renton Aug.29th,1916. Council met in regular session,Mayor Hughes presiding. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Larkin,Davis,F'aull,I'VIcCowin and Raymond. City Engineer and Clerk . Minutes of last session read and approved. Applications of Eliek.Kalvaitis for sewer connection,Lot 19, Block I,Gunns Add. and of Chas?'icCowin for water connection,Lot 1, Block 16,Farm Plat were read and granted. Application of R.111k.Nalker and edgar ellen for Drug Store & Pharmacy license for the Walker Pharmacy and the Allen Pharmacy were read and referred to the License and Ordinance Committees for inves- tigation and report. Report of Finance Committee;- -ke,your Com,11ttee on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the follDwing bills; G.'u.Conard, St .repair work 66.00 Fred Elleg " 40.62 Steve. Giovanelli " 43.12 Geo.Gruver " 41.87 Jno.Pritchard " 14.06 Mike Mihalcik 2.50 C. R.Campbell , 20.00 Myles Storey " 12.06 Renton Lumber Co.lumber at.Dept.& Park 16.77 Record Pub.Co.call for bids,Dist.f' 75 10.50 E. H.TvIcCurdy,cartage, 3.50 G.A.Harner, Salary 55.00 Geo.Thomas,Labor,Engr.Dept. 5.25 Labor pay roll ,St .& VTater Depts.& Garbage 123.95 Signed J.H.Larkin.,Thos.Raymond,Jol-i-n S.Davis,Committee. Moved and seconded report be received,filed and all bills O.K.d,be paid. Carried. Reports of License Committee to whom was 'referrtd the petit- ions of J.E.Vioue and the Renton !:rug Store for drug store & pharm- acy license xxxxzrzd and recomending that same be granted was read. Vioved and seconded same be laid over for one week.Carried. Communications were read as follows; Comnnunication from Bureau of Inspection & Superviai::n of Public Offices requesting that the surn of ;;70.00 be included in budget for expense of checkin6 office. T 477 Communication from A.L. Strong in reference to the building of side- walk in front of his property in Block 12,Farm plat . ; Communication from City Attorney addrassax in matter of contract of C. R. Campbell for improvement of streets in Renton Deal Estate Companys Add. Said com.r,unications ordered placed on file . City Clerk reads letter received by him from City Attorney in matter of fixed estimate on Dist .;" 74 and asks that the Council go on record in the ;natter of accepting clie.ck of Contractor for amount of estimate,or of issuing Local Improvement warrant to the City as previously directed by said body. 14otion thereupon was made and sec- onded that previous action of the Council relative to the issuance of Local Improvement warrant to the City be reconsidered. Carri:^d. Motion was then made and seconded that at the proper time as fixed in the. contract,L. I .D.warrants in the amount of 70 of the estimate of the City Engineer,and L. I.D.warrant in the amount of the fixed esti- mate•,as compiled to AuC;.lst,be issued to the contractor upon his presentation to the Clerk of his check in the amount of the said fixed estimate. Said motion carried. :'Mayor Hu; hes brings up matter of compiling of budget for 1917, and asks that a meeting of. the 'Nays & Means Committee be called for that purpose . 'Wleting of the said Cominittee fixed for Friday evening Sept.lst,at the office of the Clerk. Mayor Hughes also brings up matter of gravelling, and rep airing certain streets in south west part of City,also matter of brush near the `ail lia.ms St .bridC e was brought up by Councilman "'cCowin. I'.'ioved and seconded same be referred to street and alley committee . Carried. Clerk was instructed to notify Holmes Fc Haring to have brush along sidewalk in block 6 "arm plat cut. Moved and seconded the Mayor be authorized to employ extra police for the period of Grange Fair. Carried. Jno.Owens states to the Council that lo&,,ing truch has broken down crossing at corner of 4th.& Smithers. 'Woved and seconded St .& Alley cormraittee investigate same . Carried. Mlayor IT u"hes appoints 111r.Loe Ulonohoh as Councilman,3rd.ward,to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Tdir.H.EVans. Council bein-- of the opinion that the 'dayor has not the right to fill the vacancy does not recognize the. above appointment . M ti X11; i e and seconded that '''r.Lee .�'�1onohon be elected by the CouncH UO f�� '� 478 _ vacancy in 3rd.Viard."aid ;notion carried,all Councilmen votinC Aye. Councilman �onohon was thereupon sworn in and seated. Mr."Ionohon makes a short address to the Council relative to the prospects of a bi 6e.r and better Renton. Councilmen Davis Rxd,Raymond and '�'cCo4win state that they have visited the various Zark sites and. state that in their ol)inion the site offered by the Renton real Estate Co.-price consfdered,is the most available. The several sites,and advanta; es of sane were dis- cussed b;; the Council and Citizens present . notion was made anis. seconded that above matter of part, sites be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for further investi;;ation. Carried. There beim no further business before the 6ouncil motion made to adjourd, k Clerk. i 479 gent on, Sept .5th,1916. Council. met in regular session,I'�Iayor I-Iu�;hes presidin . Poll Call; Present Councilmen Larkin,MT,onolion,Davis ,Jai-nes,TMicCowin and Raymond; City nttorney,Engineer and Clerk. -inutes of last session_ read and approved. N Application for sewer connection,Lots 8-9,Block 35,by 'v .Kavanagh read and granted. Report of License Coiimittee;- We,your Con;mittee on license beg leave to report as follows; - That we recomend that license be Granted the 'Brendel Drub 'Store,the Vioue Drug More,"talkers Drub; Store and the A116n rru 'Store . Signed, J. II.!.arkin,John raull ,Thos Raymond,Lee `onohon Com:iii ttee. jiovod and d g seconded report be received,filerid recomendations be carr- ied 'out. Carried. Report of 'Street f:: llle;; Committee — "ie,your Com:r;ittee on Struts\ Alloys to whom was referred the na.t er of gravelling streets in Umitr.ers Third. Add.beg leave to report as follows; - Thdt we have gone over said Lo district with the •street Supt. and respectfully 'recomend that C ravel be placed where necessary, a.nd that crossings on Smithers 8 5th,and Morris & 5th,be raised to Zrade and renwwed; In the matter of cutting; brush from the side of the hi h tension bridge,we have examined same and bel- 'Leave to report as follovis; - That the 'brush can be used by the waterway in making; rip rap at; tie twine ractory building _-.nd I"r.Flynn says it will be better to et it t.-ere tharr where they are ,ettint� it at present, so that the City will not need to (to tl,.e work. Signed.,John r''aull,John %.Davis,R. T:. James,Coi-remittee. T,:`ove-d and, seconded report be received, filed and recomendations carried out., Carried. Report of Fire,Light & ''7ater Coiriic,ittee;.- T7e,your Comrr;ittee on Fi-re 64 Light & 17ater to whom was referred the request made by Mr.I . I). Jones after last Council meeting,to make connection to main on end of Cedar St .for fire purposes only,for fan house and mule, stables at Renton mir_e ,beg leave, to report as follows;- That request be granted,the Company to pay for all pipe and labor. Sivned John S.Davis,Chas. i.cCowin,ihos.Haymond. Moved and seconded report be r' eceived,filed and request granted. Carried. 480 ��� r T. :epoi t of a�s ean� Co�ulittee; - e,your Cotntnittee on '''Sys and ,4eans be leave to' submit herelvith,for your cons ideration,the foll- owin;; estimate of the receipts and expenditures of the City of Renton for the year 1917,and the amount necessary to raise by taxation. Expenditures. City Hall ,maintenance, ; 100.00 Eire Department " 300.00 :Streets & Sewers, _ 2000.00 Light Dept. 2000.00 Garba e " 400.00 Bridge Fund, 200.00 Comfort St tion 50.00 Jail, 40.00 Fuel, 40.00 Stationer;; & Printing, 325.00 ^remium on Bonds,City Officials, 40.00 Cit-, Park,maintenance, 300.00 Library " 1250.00 SinkinE Fund,'tater Bonds No.l, 490.00 Irterest,17ater Bonds, 1444.00 "Tater Dept,maintenance, 4000.00 Estimate::' surplus,water )ept. �a c�' 1 .�'�r 3176.00 Inspection of Offices °, hcco ts, 70.00 Sundry & i'scl.not classifi6d, 1470.00 Deficit,1916, 6300.00 Salaries. Per.^'O. Cren.Fund . '.';ester Yund. City #ngineer, rt .71` .ter Sunt . ;;100.00 600.00 600.00 Health Officer 10.00 120.00 Ni4;ht "''arshal 90.00 1080.00 Chief of Police 90.00 1080.00 City Attorney 50.00 6^0.00 City Clerk 100.00 720.00 480.00 -, City 'Treasurer 25.00 ---- 300.00 .;4200.00 .'1380.00 5580.00 Total Expenditures, 129,575.00 Receipts . Shove licenses, 4100.00 Fool Table " X120.00 Druz, Store " 40.00 !1jSCl. 50.00 Police Court fines, 50.00 Pound fees, 75.00 Sale of light , 130.00 Interest on deposits, 75.00 Fent of Xarms ,Li�rht poles, 35.00 ?later receipts, 10,000.'00 Total heceipts, X10,675.00 Neccessary to raise by taxation,current expense, 12,600.00 �eccessary to raise by tnxation,deficit,1916, 6,300.00 8'29,575.00 Respectfully submitted, Chas .McCowln, Lee i.Tonolion R.H. James, Co:i;rlittee. ":'oved •and seconded report be accepted and filed. Carried. ?v`r.Fairchild,of the Renton Lbr.Co.requests of the Council th,',t be permitted to fence in alley and unused street at north and. I 481 east of his property on Factory `lt .and use same until required by tl.�: City'anCl that Fngr.run lines of same . !,loved and seconded request be referred to "treet 8- Alley- C,�-,;J.ttee for investigation and report at next maetin6. Carried. orney addresses tl-.e Council as to progress of m,-)vinL of City Att N- . tracks on 6th,Ave.North. 1,0oved and seconded said matter be further investigated and acted on by the Attorney. C%rried. Ordinance No.429,grantin; dru; store & pharmacy license to J. 7. STioue,Ordinance ivo.430.441 ting drug store and pharmacy license to F.'"T. Brendel,Ordi.nance No.431, ra:ntin�- drur, store & pharm�.icy license to Edgar Allen and Ordinance No.432. 1rantin ; drug store R' pharmacy license to R.". 7!alker,were read and on motion duly seconded,refevred to the Ordinance Co: ,: .ittee . Resolution Yo.207,ma.king and adopting; estimate of Budget and fixing date of he-.ring on same ,was read. ',loved and seconded said :ties- olution be adopted as read . 'Doll dote ; x'11 Councilmen -,resent votin tt Aye. Carried. 3 v:atter of replanking of hi(-.i trestle was discussed . 1iioved and i seconded matter be referred to City ^.tty.to take same up with State Highway Co mission. Carried. Councilman Larkin brings up neves pity for gr<:velling of Loan St.-, i Moved and seconded saane be referred. to St.-- ='11ey Committee . Carried. .,loved and seconded matfer of guard rail along; sidewalk- at south end of `"Iilliams St .bpide e and repairin- of side�valk ap_Mroach to high trestle bridLe,on 5t�,Ave .be" referred to St .Supt . Carried. There bein no further business before the Council motion made to adjourn. C, e'r rk. 482 Rent on, Sept,l9th, 1916. 7e�7ular session of the Council called to order by t;:e '.iayor. Roll Call; Present Councilmen Larkin,°'onohon,Faull ,Davis, James,","cCowin and Raymond; City hngineer and Clerk. i�"inutes of last neetinL� read and approved. Application for water service,Lot 3,-Block 7,re.ad and ;,ranted. Petition presented by richmond & Sift askinL that their pool table license be transferred to Mr.Lou John, they' having sold their business to said party, was read and referred to the License_ Comfitittee. Petition presented by property owners on Meadow St .askin that the Council take necessary Steps to have si eialk constru- cted in front of those certain lots in Block 21,Car 79'orks Add. frontin , on '.'endow Zt .which have no walks,�was read and referred to the 2treet <r: Alley Co_,imittee . Report of Finance Uomrnittee; - ',,e,your on Finance have examined and recomend payment of the following, bills; "'. C.n.Edwards, supilies, 15.95 Fenton Bulletin,license book 1.50 Denny 7enton C .& C.Co.brick, Ct .repair 32.C3 R.''"ood,cement,Mater Dept . 6 .60 R.O.Brown,fllin saws , . 75 ^. ".T.L.& ?. Co. supplies,lic, dei-'t . 3.54 r.'"ood,Cement etc .St .Dept. 44.10 P. C.'T.L.& P. Co.lijht, • I35.00 P.nullahant., Police �zty, 33.00 Thos. Ou"hton if12.00 Jas.F1ynn " to 10.50 G.A.Harner,salary, 38.1.5 Joe Lenz,labor 7ngr.Dept . 3.00 "m.Xane " " 3.40 Geo.A.Liebes, inspe ctini-, office Pects 88.00 Library riaintenance, 118 .65 R. J.Fuj es,Af__t .cravel for streets, 8.1.0 Renton ."ai;on "dorks ,repairing 7.75 Labor Pay Roll , Streets,�7ater and � rbaZ e152,50 Si`ned J.i. T_arkin,Lee Monohon,John S.navis ,Committee . ",loved and seconded report be received filed and all bills O.F.d, be raid . Carried. Report of Alley Co:."_riiittee; Irre,your Committee on streets and alleys to whom was referred the matter of Renton Lumber Co. for fencing; unused street in North Renton beg, leave to report as follows; - That are see no reason for not ,granting "Yfr.Fairchilds request ,and recomend that same be granted. Signed John Faull ,John S. Davis,Committee . 1,1oved and seconded report be received,filed and recomendation be 483 carried out. Carried. Reports of City Treasurer and Clerk for month of August were read and filed. Report of City Engineer;- Payor er Council ; Gentlemen; - I have to report ... the completion of the contract of D.II. Rutherford for the completion of trestle on !ill St.North extention,as provided for under Ord. No.415 . The following is the final estimate on the above work. Clearing,lump sum, 55 .00 332733 ft .B.l% in place ? x17.25 per.!,'. 5739.64 7101 lbs .hardware in place 0 .06 " lb, 426.06 12358.7 lin ft .piling ^ .1.5 per ft . 1853.80 80 Gal.white lead paint in place ,V ` 5.00 400.00 20 ',Tater Bbls.in place 21 n2.00 per bbl . 40.00 Total, fi514.50 Fixed estimate, 572.35 interest,clerical work and printing 135.00 :n�'707.35 I would recomend that 70 of this amount be allowed according to the contract,less the amount previously allowed on this contract . Respectfully submitted, G.A. Harner,City Engineer. Moved and seconded report be laid on table for one week. Carried. Communication relative to meeting of League of `gjashington ?.,lun- icipalities and request for payment of dues read. Moved and seconded communication be filed and warrant be drawn for amount of dues. Carried. Councilmen ')avis and James report that they have gone over Logan St and that same is in need of repair. 'Moved and seconded St.Supt. be instructed to put same in good condition as soon as logging truck has completed hauling over said street .Carried. Councilman v"cCowin reports alley crossing in Block 17,Farm Plat broken down. Moved and seconded sane be referred to St.& Alley Comm- ittee for investi ;ation. Carried. I Ordinance No.429 granting 'drug store and pharmacy license to J.E. V 'Vioue taken up for second reading,read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole as read. Poll vote; all dounc- ilmen voting Aye. Ordinance No.430 granting drug store and pharmacy license to T.@. Brendell passed to second reading,read and adopted by sections and on motion duly- seconded adopted as a whole as read. Poll Vote;all Councilmen voting Aye. 484 Ordinance No.431 granting drug store and pharmacy license to Edgar Allen passed to :second reading,read and adopted by sections and on motion duly seconded adopted as a whole as read. All Poll Vote; All Councilmen voting Aye . Ordinance No.432 gr ,nting drug store and pharmacy license to I .TJ.`"alker passed to second reading, read and adopted by recti .-)ns and on motion duly seconded was adopted as a whole as read. Roll vote; All Councilmen voting Aye. Councilman McCowin brings up question of maintenance of lizht system,stating that same is in need, of repair. Moved and seconded same be referred to City Attorney to investigate as tD the liability of the City or the- Power Co. for maintaining same . Carried. Paul "'.IIouser,representingr the Clean City League ,addresses the Council in the matter of the closing of and suppression of places where liquor is sold in violation of the law,and Where gambling ;a.nes areconducted, insistinE. In the name of the League that the Alki soft drink parlor and pool room be closed at once: The fact that said Alki Parlors have just changed hands was discussed at some length,certain Gouncilmen,and otlners, stating that the new proprietor has not been accused of violating the law . and that no evidence has been presented . that he intends to do soothers conte- nding that he kkak purchased the place as a swoon and that it should be closed . Remarks were made relative to t`:e clos_Ln of said place,also otlhere,by a nuaiber of Citizens present and by the Council- men. City Attrney Gaby addressed the Council and Citizens at some lenJth, stating trint in his opinion the Council had not the authority to close any place until evidence of violation of the la,v had been submitted. After further and son ewha.t heated arguments and discuss- ions motion was made and seconded that the Irklarshal be instructed to close all, places violating the law. roll dote ; Councilmen :Raymond, cCowin.Jame sSDavi s,' ono?ion and Larkin voting A;-e.Faull Noting No. There being no further business before the Council motion. made to adjourn. • Clerk. WE Rent on, 2ept.20th, 1916. "pecial meetinS of the Council called to order by the Mayor,all Councilmen present. Call for the meeting was read by the Mayor, sa,rce being for the purpose of considering the action of t'-le Council ir: tr.e closing of all maces in violation of tr e law in the matter of selling liquor and Samblinc;,and takin` further, action in the premises. 11r.J. S.Covey addressed . tree Council asking if they had received any complaints against his place of business,and why he. had been closed up. Attorney Gaby took the floor to explain the notion as made by the Council relative to the closing of all soft drink parlors and pool rooms,and action tallren thereon, stating that the motion had not been fully understood by all the Councilmen as to tt_(., extent of the closin . asks tie cause of tr:,e action and extent of same against those of the soft drip'„ parlors who have no pool rooms in corneetton therewith. i",r.L.'). Jones a ���oloLq es to "t.J. . Davis for remarks made at the fegular meeting of the Council on Tuesday evening. Remarks were made by Councilmen Davis and Faull relative to heir position in matter 3f closing. Yr.T. J.".Talker asks that sotme one of the Ciounc il.nien pre sent "ive their reasons for the closin , of his place . There being no response by the Council,' r.L.D.Jones replies to 7i 7alker. Remarks and questions were asked by r:.. Richmond,Joe 7alker,L.J. Cross,Ben tAtkinson,J. `'.. Covey and others of the Citizens nresent , to which replies were mode by Councilmen Jame.s,Raymond ,"'onohon,Larkin and 'YjcCowin. . Mo a further querry by Mr."'alker as to why his place was cl-�sed, reply was made by the '?ayor that same had been closed on general principles. Tt bein4 a inarent that no amicable settlement could 1)e arrived r ' at, sug; estion �,^ras .,,ade by 'Councilman ;'cCowin that meetinf,�! adjourn to 7 :30 oclock Thursday evenin g.+nd t1:at Clean City League be asked to be present and present their side of the controversy. This- su��;- estion meeting with the approval of the Council :notion was made by ,,�cCowin seconded by ?\Aonohon that meeting adjourn to 7 :30 Thursday evening and that all interested parties be present . Carr' :.. ' . 400 Rent on,"ept .21st,1916 . ,'fidjourned special mE�etin ; of the Council called to order by the ' ouncilmen ri-ecent. ayor,all The ',a or invites the speaker of ti,e Clean City League to a(1dress tale Council an ' audience . i. r.Houser t-ekes the floor, stnti in effect that the Lea;;ue is well pleased with the action of tih Council in closing the several places,t'rr t the; past two days liave been red letter days in the history of Tenton,and that the hopes the Council, will have back bone enouh not to rescind the action taken. Remarks were ti-.en made by Atty.Vanderveerr,rNpresentirhg the parties who have been closed,to the effect that laws have been enac- ted to govern the questions under discussion,and urging that the Council a,;d Citizens do not overstep the same,and that if the City Ordinances are not sufficiently strorrr to obtain the desired resu- lts to enact xxrff otl.er and more stringent ordinance s,arid to see: that same are enforced,and states further that in his opinion the Council. had excoeded their authority inllclosinL of the several places,especially those a,�*,ainst whore no complaint had been made,and that said places had reirhained closed only out of deference to the Folice Chief and tine "ouncil. Further remarks .,-,,ere ;rude by Atty.1Iouser. defending the actions of the Council ,and League,to which a short reply was :rude by Atty. Var_derveer. Rev.Ferguson then took the floor and addressed thc-� audience ,at some length upon the evils of Lamnbl tn6 and_ liquor,prai sing the Council for the action taken and trustint; that same will. not be revoked,and ubging that in such event drastic measures be taken to enforce the closin4L of said places,and tha.t he personally would conduct such a move,if necessary. `?'he City -%tty.then takes the floor, sta.ting in effect that in his opinion the Council had exceeded their authority in directing that all maces be closed,that an injustice had been done to cer- tain ioarties,defines his position and interpretation of the law and scores Atty. Iouser for his stand which he,the City Atty.claims is exceeding the limitations of the law,also takes issue with the Rev.Ferguson for his advocacy of drastic measures in the premises. x�c � AKt&RxR& xkt' hi RR h.5tV-xk(x&xklxxkxtm x -'x1.x&(kxw5' IAF 487 Pemarks were also made by Councilmen McCowin and Monohon,and. by Atty.Friend and Hu,o Kelly. After listening .to the addresses and pleas -of .the several parties the 7ayor and Councilmen held a short confer- ence after which the Payor States that he has had an interview with the prosecuting Attorney,that the Police power is invested in the Wayor,a_nd that the action taken had not been exactly proper,there- those fore he would allow, all _places to open up except/aE ainst whom cases are pending,and that those excepted VSht have a .hearira if they so desired and be allowed to open if the Council saw fi.t,until Jhe cases pendin ; had been tried and they had been proved LMity or acq- uitted. 7otion was then made to adiourn. - --- ---Clerk. i �I t 488 Renton,Se'l,t .26t.h,1916. stulai° sc::-sion af' the Council called to orddr by the '-"ayor . Roll Cn l l ; - ?resent Councilmen Larkin,':"onohon,Davi s,I+'aul1.,J arses, T."eCowin and Raymons ; City A1,1"orney F.r_gineer and Clerk. '�Anutes of last regular session and Special session and adjou- rned special se ssi-)n read. and approved. Petition for water service,Acre Tract '?.T,orenz was read and granted, service to be by meter. Petition presented by P. ". T. T .R P. Co .for permission to set 35 ft. pole on 2nd.Ave .N.between 'Hells and "rain "streets was r,- ad :and Srant- ed. Report of Finance Com;riittee; - '1'e,your Co :mittee on finance have examined and recowend. payi»ent of they followinG bills; City of reattle,'!'ater Dept .cut off boxes 62 40 Phos D-obson,Frt .�c Posta6e, -ter rept. ' 'x.2.0 County Treas,T."V.Tax,City Property 1 .45 Tho s.Harries,P. O.Box rent 1 . �0 Chas .7".Goodma�n,DecotatinL City Hall , for Graii,�;e Fair, 10.00 m Si�ned, J. 1-1. T:arkin,Tce onohon, lhos .>>ayrn )iid, oved a.nii >ecancled e,port br i,E�cr--ived,fi1-ed anti all bills -,.I'.d,be h oia iCA. l�£T.i'r'3.E'.d Coiincil:;.an -Dzivi:� makes verbal report in ma-ter of p Jtition for sit?evd�ii'i on a,..ow St .Block 2,ac Lion deferred for one week. a or TTu ii suspends re u2ar order of business to from. :'_tty.for "'r. iutl,erforc' ,contractor on the .'ill at .Ti .extention rel- ative to the issuance of i . I .??. •aarrzints in payment for said w,)rk. otion was rna.de and, :seconded that report of City En6r.on completion of said work and final ostirliateJbe: ter-- -i and recoruer_d- atiDns be c i r'ic d out . Poll vote; c:l l Counci'liien v:7i.ing i"_T.7e. . City Attorney Ceby „ives an outline of t'.'' history of said L. I . D. and his reasons for irsi.rtir t'ri .t a certain ajortion of the contract be affixed to the said wai°raiits,to which Judi: "tyles,Atty.for the contractor replies at, soiite len ;bh to tI-e effect that iavin-'- this lattaT' af�iX'Ca to t ";c' warrants wo-Ad tend to de-ore,ciate saii`e and e:dplai.niT.0 why in inion sa;—,e is n74L recces` ary. this .'as ai-4;ueC: hV ,3a L _'Lt i -.a rid. City ".t; y.Gaby ti.nd r �i—;—In ks and C-ue,t,_.Ons a.ah_ed ',J t!a Co. unciIm-:n with t1 e re;=tiI ttie Council voted. t•o tipiiold kkff and sto.rir by the advice of tl-e CIL y Attorrey an t.'.. .t t'-.e 6Yai'r,-.rts, should be, issued With soid clause. !tG,:)c7'.ed IiFF, 491 ink; to fir.: Ordir,an lors was read f Under head of unfi , ° that ne:tition of to Lou John be granted . "a '.:or II'Ll-es asks in matter of upkeep of at last i;aetir. . City With the Company and ex-,,ect,, cl so -,n to Atty..:ouser takes up matter of prop,--)sed _gar,:: the Council take some action relative to the sits he l:.as a prospective purchaser In view in case ti, wish the property for park purposes . lotion .vas t_ the several park sites be put before tIe people a-L a e1 Carried. I.r. �lson bri.n; s tI)e atter�tian of the Council to brixsh o'�str:� ink street in v cinity of high trestle . Counciliria n Davis reccmer.; th,�t said brush be cut.. ',loved and see:anded that he led out. i r, i;., ,•;e i, a d j ,k.i rn. Clerk. 492 t 4 '-e'nt Drip .,)ct .2ndpl9i6 ':j ;­ � I " - -- the e c I j -,f LIn n c i 1 foradoptli7. or ti-e year 1917,called to order by o�iy, i° Hu- li e r-,011 ­,,ilciliner n.-vis,-7-.ull ,Ja:!Ies all(l Rqylnolld . "ro t e s t r,rea^ fk vi-s y Ci ty , f Rent-,.)n. ayop L o e, LLct unIJ -payers, )f the City of Renton,do tax -payers protest aLaim11-A,"'i taxes j)r,'),,-)-)sel it thl - ye.nl�,­�- bucll� 11,2 liely the Pxti-a levy f�i, the outst.nnCl : of ')0 -unerinte, v e o n e ve -)vif a to -rat v.. r t-x, U U z 0 chard JU. J. C rl-);ve v I T, 1 2 r, 1F'F 4"3 Rent on,Oct.3-16. ReCular seeeion of the Council called to order by the ?v"ayor . Roll Call; rresent Councilmen Davi_;,`:'onohon,Faull ,Janes,PdlcCowin and Raymnond; City En6incer,Attorney and Clerk. ',inutes of last session and special session read. !��Toved and seconded that alinutes of last reF,�ular meet-*LnE, be corrected in refer- ence to nGineers report on completion of contr-.ct Dist.Fo.74 by Insertion of word received it place of accepted.Carrie.d . ivioved and seconded minutes be. approved as corrected. Carried. Report of Ordinance C'orri,,ittee;- `e,your Co ,-Att,ee on Crdim-trice to whom was referred Ordinance 11.o.433 bet; leave to report pis follows; •"'e recomend that ordinance be adopted as amended . Signed,`lhos .Raymond,Chas.McCowin,John Faull . �,Ioved and seconded report be received and filed. Carried. Report of i inance Uo.timittee ; - '.7e,your Co;nr:tittee on Finance have examined and recomend 'payment of the foll >win` bill s; F.F. cCurdy,carta; e 3.00 Ben Atkinson,meals for jail , 1.25 Kelly Ptw.C,o .brief,Bauri,t,artrler ";Moulin case 19.50 Jos .',dwards,kill ink; do s, 14.00 McPherson «ros, sttnplie= , 9.85 G. A. larner, salary 32.50 ^!m.17ane,labor ; nt.r.Dent . 6:00 . "'.isuthe.rford,70 ",contr<:ct,Dist .l�To.74, 6532.58 City of Renton,interest,etc .=,ist:Pdo.74, 135.00 Ed.L.i err•y, Seattle for water, 87.90 R. J.Pettie,affidavit blanks, 1 .75 Pacific i el .€c Tel. Co.,)hone Fc L. calls, 2.53 Hu-o Kelley, citt' publics tions, 27.50 United State ub'. r Co. ,ca(� _tical h.:-)cc� , 32.00 ".P.I'uller �- Co.paint for bridle ., 73.CS5 M, T T'�. T rf r M . �� . 7,..c nmona,�ustice foes, Z5 Labor pay roll,Sts .'"ater . Garb(: ;e, 151.25 - :2i red)John S. ^a.vi s, l_o�.?? ytnonei,Lc:e 'F:)nohon,Co.:: ittee. ':'ove( and. secanded ren, -)rt bo .ccelved.filed and all bills ^.--•�', be pr:i cl. Carries':. Report Fire,Li4ht _ "ate ,o,: i �tt r . "' your r�o::.:,tittee on Fire, Li; ht &• Mater bei leve to rep:lrt as foll:ms; '_'flat the il;;c't 'oun(f ^'raction,LiLht c, Porvc r Co .be Billowed to m _',e just thLe r)ecessary repairs on tl-.e Cit; 11[1-it .line's c-it, tlie -pi•esent tune . Sitned,J.�'rin ". Davis ,T17 s .Ra Tmond , Clias .'icco k1ir . ?sioved emd seconded repo.-t be laid on table . Carried. Councilman Davis :st Aes tl.-`'.t Fire Ghief reco lends t'.-L.- -(lurcl, a.se of two new lio:,e c rt r? an(3) 500 Ft.of ly se, sa(ii(, to 'oe in:�t(.,1'e� _L di :�trict near ",fiaccaroni i'actory. loved and seconded rej»rt. Ices received and recomendntion be carried out. Cr-.rrieu . -494 Re ,or+� of ^office jtic3E-;e for month of `:ept .reaCx �'T�d filed. u�+.rtFrl;� report of TT-,,aith ^fficer,anc. su �estions relative to said -Office re,,tC and filed. !�%oved and seconded report of Fire ,L-11t iter Co:Yi�ait,tee relative 7. Co.be taken from t..-ble: ,tft t the word ordered. be inserted in place of allovved,and thL sam,,e be received and filed. ca.priea "treet p ti ley ask for one more week, in ,rlattar of si-evalk, clock ^,Car "'irks r_d�' . equest rc,ranted. En�.r "oveci an(' sr.c �:tdeci that City 1=n Zr.ta.ke up with County . question -)f a�.ny po,:,.,1b'.c dam --e to new tre:�t'_e on -•.ill St .N.by the haulin,:' over "^ id trt!:;tle to ,ii .t.e fill on south endtxxkxz3Kd. and Vnat he report at next m0etir.,',r. Cnrried. Coiri�'.:znicatigll from Supt .Cake of thc. Denny Lenton C.`t: C . Co . asr.ir;; that release be ;riven the Goon paving maintenance, c3ntr ,.t .- oved and secondee? conr:!uriicati n filed- 4<id release be :ive:1 as requested. C«1'ried. Gor :_,unic t,i it from Public . "ervice Co: :tr,ission relative to he^rims on ;as and electric service rates read and filed. Ordim-nce No.433,relatin to licersinu of soft -rink ,)laces was t<,ken urfor second re,-)d!nE,: 'Pection 1 of said ^rdin(-nce as � read,and under reimrks 11tty.Houser,rei,resentin� the Clean City League , states that the league would like to" Lo' over Said ordinance with the 1om;Attee wit11 till view of ha:-vin�; certain su" tions incor- pora_ted in t',� said ordinance before sa:.le is .gassed. i�,'oved and- referred back to ordlnance comiilittee seconddd sa.3.6 ordi ranee be/ jzzjjxmxjKr.:�xze.ti xxx ok and the �uon;.nitt- ee from„ the Lea.Lue me=et with ordinance Co;; iz:ittee and ; o over said ordinaf.r:ce and i.a.ke desired" amendments or acditibns . Carried. ,` ci�'Or '1Ll he. ,une'eT lead of '�lnfini ,�ileCi b1iriress , states, t,h^t he has been ;riven a new ,rice on tile, south portion of file Sartori trClct,which has been urle._er considerati"-)n as a park site, same bei- r,- reduce-7 to wlam,50O . 'a ter of sewrera. ,e irl Mack river „as dl .7,cussed,anu 1G't "---d,-, s estions i jde ac• to best method -to keep r�i e in sa.nit_lry conditi --n. '',)vel ;.-Y ° cCowin sec anded by "null cor Attee be al:> >oi.nt- ed to talKe un matte,r with and 1,1ajor Cavanau- I 'a.-C' a_ -)oint `?s City A' -Ly.0 j-y,Tho >.DobsOn, .. . I OL1uE'r gni: . moi' iT'Tlt- - } .te s, he �� i t . , i(ipanv sa i.d t C'... 'v and St, t11at ^O J l ^.0 O'i i on .)•.ie to .,. In,, — j d� 495 )nl <'iC s1 roet be l -�•.'!i.-V i.`; , la.�i.. 1 ,I'i. iJ i . rl Ie ("o,r_, TiLt !i: ' E'•E'.r �JE'C c nrde, 'Cc-lvr:l., f:i cc i e d Ju . Cr i e d )OI' YiC' 7''!1_it: y "'e, your Coi �•t':C: X21 t�iT Cf' exp�iired nrcl r coi^,(-, 1 a -':f�n o n C 1'*moi . i.•(7. :i it�i`��. i C� :.�, �t cY Y.(�:).I^ !�E't�i 1.• 6 .00 . '1e )'r.Y', 11E'nairF "T • f'. t •^ f"7 C?fo1'i, radford,.".1 ? i son _ ` u n , �,, c i, . case Tit>r,-�i -ii irterat,cr Lr,ce - Joni` ,c0nie, (-nort , i OV e,C, c.tlt, :('.G _��.t..li. Pc _:) 'i'� �iCi t�t'Gt. LVtt., ,ii. .l'.:� Ett'tA i"'f,C7ti E:21i :'ti )77 Y I'tof 1= i;1 CI _ re, ,,-uro..I' iD t,11 Y I J f lddr 2l,•-te f x:,..:il'ner il'I r' `'. l t'•i jL,U e be, i C'C t :1 ' 'r't:f<,i' 'E'. t,) i in:.rce 496 n , • _ 1 l(FF 497 the City of Seattle. Carried. The IMayor refers back to reports of specie+.l comiT,ittees and under said head reports the action noir be,inC taken to releive sewer sit- cation in Black River, stating that the Council in a body had vilsited the premises and had come to the conclusion that by doing a small aniount of work in the way of ditching , that a stream of water could be .made to run down the river,thereby assisting; in a certain deEree in temporarily releivir_�- the situation and that said work was now being done. 'finder Special Order of Fusiness the matter of noise and unsanit- ary conditions at barn at corner of 5th,and Burnett was discussed. Remarks were made tendinL to the abatement of the nuisance by '�Irs.Kate Snyder,i'viiss ='ri hanelli and others. 'Mr.Pistores i,xxxmxx the lessee of the premises, states that same are in ood sanitary conditior_,but that he knows of no way to stop the noise niade by ti-le horses,and was apparently willinc to adopt any su,-estions of the Council lookin; to an abatement of the same . City rtty.Gaby addresses the Council relative to the law in such cases. Moved and seconded Council as a whole investL:-Pte conditions and endeavor to formulate some plan to do ,u�a'ay zith said nuisance . Carried. Councilman i,;,onohon adcire.�­,es the Council and Citizens on the question of annexation to tide Citi; of eattle , stating the benefits whieh, in his opinion,would accrue to the, City of i;enton by takin;; such action,and ;hakes a motion thlat the or a nlroint a c ^ nr.;_ gee of seven, His Honor to be one of the, said CD,,;uittee ,to take thLe matter up with the City of `'e:a tle. Rh-erax1&ntngxxz The �'a,,or,and othur5 st to their objections to t!1,.' annexation ides^.,and , ,7s tiE'. T'E? l'J:'C no .­,e'c:,)nAl to motion a.s -T�ade by Councilman „-:or.ohon,no flirt,'�er action .w , ta'crn. ''.`. Houser re-)orts notion ^f ,—mjlh.ttoe ap--ointec to interview "ajor Cavana` �� 'c .-:t T 1. ' e. -h a,) ' 'o7�t: ^, - i:,t,�_ o)1t,i reg i v to E l i f of suer question by furt'l—r Cil E _: InI ^f C 1` ck iiVl='.Y',c7.nl`j. !'t;i7 . 't _ i with I)er-,ltol' ^oi;7C{C ._�er'. OVe. ' c?:il:., sec::'I';Cio" _C+t LLt .ti"Lreer maiie the necessary t�ap7s c.ni1� t +� _ ,�d;'�f,.y,( .> T'f?�jllt'. r ''C_1 iJ.,� V'ie• r'.ric''t-?r , �)1�1 1,r-._ ti)e City Attorney draft t'_�.e li �-.l ,_ ��;rs n� E_ _;,ry,anc': filet ,>�:��:;ie ��e ;res- ented :in _ ray .'T' f orCii 'Go ti a 7,(.?nF'toi,. C 'r'r`i eC1. Ordir, ncc, too ,373,rGl,ttlr,, to 11 Cr? l3 1-, Of �,- C:isi)E'n?? in,, soft drinks "i :l .f;'Tl ul� for :second 1'eadi! v. .loved 1r1. t?�. .if1 .E'•C:_ that sec- tions 1-2J-4-cnC 5 bre adoptedas re ,d. ,ol'l'.0 il:i E %J)" 'iE'd that sec- 498 : A -r } 499 I _ tii�:�� :1Ci.... i Ot Le,r vtAv , L,J. r , arl',s ;_ i-�� , e, a i -cii br: 7VE?r 1 I:OL f(1eS . . n. F .il.lios also Cotncil in ,, , ,: c, .: _ }.r vewer conditions,or l�ick of sexers in 7�1, Ic 5,ancl ` action be taker o re ned al:'.e • - lt.}� l{ iCET' YStr !% f' . i.0 II � -mditionFj e ot, ;, v r of der C? C, J_'t'•Sir.lif�<1 • lications for -waiver servicc fo,. ',,he Lou onol"ion ti north of 6th.Ave. �wOr'i, 2 _-: )ton,by �ic1S. ' "'l.le' j ,an, Y r;,ink Cer— , Cre tract O.Jn.,.C.C . C .'.traCt _'o. r r'eau.,bOtl of S i+ �? IIC, • - s 'rIrY for' iflete,r oervIce . v e d c1.cj1 :3 e,corid ei, smma be r'eC 'iVt'Cl, f -Wanted. Carried. I titi ,,: <.:� ':,y . 7tronV � s?.iiT_ for lire a, (' �r _ ,t board sidewalk, lots 4 , "� ocl: 12 '<11'«I larea ' t d. ")va rid _ ��ci ec xonlicant _n: tructe, to instc..11, v.a lk .. :) c -)nform to l;alks �,1reci ;v in 'place . Carried. Annlication; 3 for' soft drink licenses �.Tere ,rcisented by L. J.Cros. Rot .Delaurenti , . C . D. d ,=.rds,Henry I'oStPr "'� ..jr,J. i. 'iOU.E: , O n,r' . C%.Rrerdel, •`. S.Cjve..� ian(l ".' il.11lLi:i: 3V(,, 1 at'i r e�n+7F,C1 �,�, , ',-� received ari,1_'efe.rr'ed to the Licen;e 1 e . Citi-ried C t o�c a. ino. -,ce �o.:1-mittee , ,,lour 7)n 1'in+�Z, �? lave ?xarl,ined �ariu re(. fo?'ovvir; i i11S; rj 2 .P;RcCuruy,carta�e, i. 5 "ril l.ia s °'ct,ni2lt , Sun-lies , 135.00 57.30 r 1�-.lner 2 .63 r' rT "o . O^C ,, . . ll.tiiE f r C1, y n .I S , .acific Coast ._a.bor 'a y .:711. , `ovC:d Yi0 econded ,.ai°rie ,e ,:art of License o re-;-ort ;Ls follocuti ; �m ;-Iat rve z for drirl •: license -crant t.d ,also j)301 , 7Vc''J c3Yld s @COMIC E'Cii I'f',?)O,,t bereceivod,file'd Z,Yid reG 7 ied out . Y%ttorney ask„ th-,>t the Cle,_zn Cit, Let.;;ue be said. potion. Permissi�)n being granted r.TIOLlE.C',p .;L;.tFs t? e _ tlIa league in r fererce to 1 _ cense to h^;~e .gar 11 <}:s .. .. _ ea.dec' �Uiltc to bre<':Xin` t,'"ie li,iu7,r laws ,arn! ur-es th )t lict t withheld frog said � a.rtie.g . °<<irs .Jerni also speaks Ii behalf of tit ue . Thi s matter oias q,:{l to ti:orouLhly di SCugsed 1-,y the members of . .!t Council, Councilmen Larkin, `?avis, 'aull ,Jar�1f's anc' i?ytrYor.:? S%�tine t :eir ?position in reE.ard to s�ime . A-otion .vas then put to vote, ro? ' call , il', ounc i linen voting Aye . .t n;sneer Harner reports to the Council pro ;rens of work at Bl' . River with reL,ard to releivin . the sewer situation, states th,Pt a considerable quantity of water is flowing; froir. 31k.I.iver into tY-e lakt-, and recorrYends that a temporary dans be installed a short distance n-.)rth of old outlet of Cedar River to divert t? e w' ter to flow down the rive' inste d. of int-) the. lake . Loved and seconded LnL-.r.be ins tructed to proceed as per his recomendc,tions.After some discussion as to the adv- isability of stoppin€; the flow Leto the lake ,inotion was iiiade and seconded that above motion be tabled. roll vote,i•rcCowin,James,Davis and. ''4onohon votinS Aye. Raymond mull and Larkin votinE, No. Carried. "batter of soft drink parlors whose windows are too high for a view of the bar from the sidewalk was discassed,and it was agreed by the Council that all such places be instructed to install a small window in such a manner that a Yim clear view of the ba.r,both front and back,,T.ay be obtained from the street. There being no further business motio made to adjourn. Clem. ' 009