HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 03 (9/21/1909 - 7/23/1912) Re nto n, Cep t,21 s t, 09 City Council met in regular nessionsMayor Benj ®Ticknor presiding. .: �. Poll call. -Councilman DuffFL, ,Wilson,Wood.Cake Mitchell , Monahan, Treasurer.,Attorne,y ,fiealth officer, and Clerk being I prevent. Minuets of the last regular session were approved as { corrected. Petitiion from property owners on .Logan Avenue & Tobin Street, asking that said streets be graveled, read. oveed and second that same be accepted and placed on file. carried. Application for water from Trustee A. C.',Jilson ,for PresiDgterian Church, read. h'V "-owed and second that same be granted. carried. 'i Petition -from Pacific States Telephone and Telagraph Co that^ name of street Ie changed from 4th Avenue to 5th, avenue in their y.: applica,Lion for permit to rearrange 'heir system Loved and second that same be granted.carried *°oved and second that all bills O.K. by the finance E committee be , • paid carried. Committee on matter of securing right of way through Hamlin property, given one more week. Fire & ',water. Comsnitte reports on matter of getting water to Highland Addition, Moved and second that matter be taken up friday night by the ,ihole council and the Attorney, carr. ied. special Committee makes the following report on sewer question.and outlines the following plan,That clerk be authori- Dr.Begg/ zed to write to the State Healt�i officer/and U.S. ciT,il Engineer to Clapp .relative . , emptying sewage into -black niver, also that clerk write to the (;i t„v Clerk of Kent , asking that he make a date that ` the City Council of Penton May meet the City Council of sd.id City of Kent,relative to the sewer question, Moved and second that we accept the report and that the recamendations be acted upon, carried. Health officer Beach reports on Catch basin at foot :of 3rd and mills St.also reports on getting Data on road and street building,also suggests that a committe be a ppmin toed to attend to ± the matter of calling a meeting, for the purpose of getting expert Mas timony on the dirferF-nt ma ,erials in this vecinity' for road and rW _ e , ._ All street building. !'loved and second that the sugges tions of the Health w+ officer be acted upon and a committee appointed.carried. The following men were appointed to act as a comritee Mayor Benj , Ticknor Councilman , I'Llorlahan. Engineer Vogelsburg. Resolution No .l69 .for the improvement of certain streets by graveling/ described in said Resolution/passed to second reading. loved and second that Sec,l of said Resolution be ajopted as read. carried. Moved and second t'^.at Sec, 2 be adopted as read, carried. 4,. i and d second that 0ec ,3 be adopted as read.carriee." 'n.•1� { lv'oved and second t"lat t',?.e `resolution be adopted as a ' whole as read, carried. Resolution Yo ,17C . for the improvement of cerrain street decribed in said Resolution by graveling passed to second reading Moved and second that Sec ,l of said Resolution be ado- pted as read.carried. Moved and second that Sec.2 be adopted asreact, carried. Teoved and second that ^ec.2 be adopted as read.carried . LLoved and second that Resolution be adopted as a whole as read.carried. 7,'oved and second that Clerk notify tti:e engineer to draw up plans and specifications for graveling these streets at oncd., carried. ; Ordinance No 161� . creating the office of Water Supt and Street Supt .pagsed to second reading. TIoved and second that Ordinance be laid on the table, ammendrnent to notion with consent of party making the motion that Ordinance be laid on the table two weeks . "o-tion as ammended carried. O.K.bills as .follows . Spear 3.15 Y,cAlla,ster & Bennett 50.00 Joe Wood. 6.00 H.T1.Ludvigson 3.00 Tim 0 teary 4. 50 P.Lassoie 4. 50 W.Evans 5. 65 Renton hardware Co 16.50 A.'A.Ticknor F .35 Seattle Daily Fulletin 1 .85 J.A.Nelson 15 .00 N.Davis 102.00 I� RVBF Joe 'good 33.00 0 Erick-.on. 18.00 Mile:, 6 torey fi.a0 Frank Davis . 22. 50 Issac Harris . 10.00 t Geo Hancock . 4. 50 Ilike Oeil 4. 50 Benj -�icknor , 3.00 Lee Monahan, 37 .50 here keine no further business a, motitn prev,ziled to adjurn. c e rk i. I� h" K A a` i i i Y,�� � .. � � � �' -. � ._ - t BF I , t Renton,Sept.27th, 09. At a special meeting of the City Council ,held Sept, 27'wh, 1909.far tie pArpose, of canvaoing ;;ale votes cast at a special election held in t1ie City of Renton,and in ti-ie terri;,ory comnonly E known as North Renton;The same beinC described as follows ; to wit; Beginning at the intersection of the easterly boundry of j the right of way of. the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company, Newcas tle Branch,�!vi th the southerly boundry of Cedar River, running l thence northeasterly along said easterly boundry of said right-of- way through the nott'hwest quarter of Section 17.Township.23 rTarth. i Range , 5 East.and the sou thrares t quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 8 .`i'ownship 23,North.Range 5 .East. to the north boundry of said southwest quarter of the southe.nst quarter of. said Section S. 'thence cast along said nortIn boundry to the northeast corner, of said Southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section S ; Thence north on the line running north and south,between the east half of the east half and t'rte west half of the west half of said Section 8; o the north Section line of said Section S ; Thence weat along said north section line of said section 8 ; to the shore line of Lake 'Washington; Thence in a southwesterly direction following; th shore Line of Dake Washington to Black River; '1"hence in a southerly direction along the easterly boundr-�r of Black River ; to the south I� boundr r -)f tI-te Adsit Tract;Thence eastl326 feet; Thence north to //the bank of/ the south boundry of Cedar River; Thence in a southeasterly direction along said southerly boundry of the bank of Cedar River. I to :he place of beginning; For tree purpose of allowing the voter of said City and of said ter.r. itoty to vote for or against the proposed annexation of said t;erritorl-,r to said City, the votes cast thereat were as i follows ;77ote in City of Renton Total votes cast 53 For annexation 40 Against Vote in North Renton. Total votes cast. 82 For annexation59 cs Aai n s t u n --_-�--_ 23.. We, the City Council of the City of Renton having canwased the ballots cast at said election,find them correct, Commit tee/ A.C.Wilson,Joe 'ffood.Benj Ti cknor. There being no further business a motion rreva,ile,'. to adjurn. 6 I it i I eBF 7 Renton,Sep t.28 th, 09 City Council met in regular session,Mayor Benj . Ticknor Presiding. Roll call' -Councilman Duff,Wilson,Wood,Monahan, Y4itcdell, Cake .Attorney,Enr-ineer,And Clerk being present. ZvRinue is of the last regular session were read and a approved. ;v Petition for water from TJrs .Ada, amt thers refereat to t:ze Fire & JJater Committee . Moved and second that all bills O.K. by the Finance Committee be Haid. Carried. i PTatte_r of allowing Taylor Iddings bill for services I as a witness in condemnation case settled as follows , T:toved and secornd triat he be allowed :".12.40 witness fees . carried. - Street & Alley Committee reports that sidewalk on the Fast side of Cedar Street iias been built. Communication recieved from the C.&.P.S.Ry CO . - regarding the north side of Nall Wall Avenue,from Main St. to Rviills ,same being in their estimation dangerous .for teams to travel over; Moved and second teat comunication be recieved and placed on file, and matter investigated. carried.- Street & Alley Committee reports on graveling of Logan Avenue & Tobin St. the property owners being willing; , committee suggests that more gravel be gg 4, put on said streets to Lhe extent of not to exceed t.5.00 per lot. Town Property Committee reports no progress on matter of securing pipe line right-of-way through Hamlin property. Chairman of said committee instructed to see �lur.liamlin personally and try and se ,tle matter, I Repott of Fire & 'later Commi ttege on the flushing pipe i in the dam at Springbrook .same being to high to allow the dirt I and fefuse to pass out.suggests that same be fixed otherwise the i dirt & gravel will get into the .main pipe.committee also reports that there are some stumps on the Reservoir that need taxing, out. Moved and second that Inspector be impowered to get all necessary wore: done at IV,-.,ie dar, and Reservoir, Carried .- Chairman of the Fire & ,dater Committee reports on the i satisfactory progress of t-ie new pipe line . l Inspector Benj .Ticknor reports on the exellent material • going into the pipes , said material in his estimation being the best that can be had. Street & alley Conunittee reports that gates opening onto the streets are being, left open, sa�ne being dangerous to pedestr. ians , and liable to cause a damage suit,Marshal instructed to notify anybody he firids,Yeaving gates open. Moved and second that we susnend the regular order of business and hear from 111r .Krumm, on diffefence between him and ttiie Ci t,:r of Renton ,relative to damages sustained by him ,caused by the City of Renton taking water from Springbrook.he asks for $,5000.00 said sum in his estimation being a sufficient amount of damages , T.Toved and second that the matter be refered to a i committee of the whole next Friday night. carried.- Repott of com-,ni ttee on road & street building material gravel t rive ravel according to the U hill ravel is superior o r g e p civil Engineer, ri Special co -nrni ttee on sewers reports progress . Clerks quarterly report read.'Yoved and second that eomrrni t tee/ same be recieved and turned over to the Finance for approval or correction .carried.- Resolution Ido .171 .relative to the special election held fot t:-,,e purpose of annexing North Renton. read and accepted.and clerk instructed to send same to the Secy of State . that said Resolution may be placed on record. carried.- Attorney' s opinioncon rights of qualified voters to hold office, in newly annexed territory,holds that they have to be in one year prior to an election to elegei.ble to office ; The 'Council will meet next Monday to hear protests i of tax-payers ,on estimated expenditures for next year published in Aug.09 The finance Commi tt O.K. the following; bills . R.'Wood . 6.65 `7m.Denning 4.20 T.Iddings 42.40 John Paull 4.2 ' Tom Vow 2.25 C.F.Ilearle 4.20 P Lassoie . 7 .90 '-Vat �ie Dick 2.00 E.Auld 6.75 W.Evans . 10.15 There being no further business a Tim 0 beans 8 .45 F.B.F.ao.res 4.20 motion prevailed to adjurn. Tilos Olsen 4.20 - - F Davis 4.20 J.Ii.1;7ill 4 .20 Clerk,/ A.W.`i'I cknor 4 .20 8 Re.-to n.06t 0 4 th09 Special meeting of the City Council met for the purpose of hearing protests of tax payers, relative to the estimated tax levy ,published in Sept.for 1910. Roll call . -All councilmen being present exceptt G.ML.Elliott. T'ayor Benj .'Ticknor Presiding. �. Moved by Councilman Duff Second by Councilman Mlitchell, that the Item under the head of -L�aintainance of City Hall be cut down from x.300.00 to $.200.00.after discussing the matter throughly the motiom was put by the Ma,jor.Counci lman Duff calling for a poll vote the result was as follows . Duff, aye "onahan no Wilson no tiTood no T.,rt i t c h e 11 no Cake no T_ro tit o n lost. T,,ioved and second that we accept the estimate and levy of $4500.00 as published Ayes five noes one Motion carried. I '° r T'here beim no further business a motion prevailed to ad j ur.n. clerk I C I i 10 I .i Ree- F Renton Oct, 5th, 09 City Council met in regular session, t'Ayor Remi Ticknor presiding, - Roll call . -Count ilman Duff Wilson Mitchell Cake, Wood,Ylonahan, Attorney and Clerk being present. T�inueis of the last regular session were read and approved. Mlinuets of special meeting were read and approved. Petition from properLy owners on Burnett ST. asking that Council take such legislative action as may be necessary to prevent the use of Burnett ST. as a storage tfack by-the N.P.R,y, Co,or any other R.R. Co. T,:'oved and second that the petition be recieved and refered to the proper committee .carried. - Peti tion from residents and property owners on & Thirdx Dorris & 'i ird & Whi thwor. til Streets .asking that a 32-C-P. lamp,be placed at the corner of Third & Morris St and an Arc light at the corner of Uhi thworth St. & Third Avenue I.-oved and second that the petition be referedt to the Fire,Light,& Nater Commit tee, carried. - Application for water from H.Anderson Lot.2 Block 1.70avid Gunn Add.-read . Yoved and second that the application be granted. Carried. - Fire & Vlater Committee repotts on danger of 4 shutting, off water without notif'jring consumers . Yoved and second that Clerk ask all parties p paying water rent in Nov. if they have water tanks connected with their stoves . to avoid if possible any damage suits that might be brought against the City .Ca-rried. - Complaints of pedestrians regarding obstructions on sidewalk :on Walla galla Avenue in front of Whole-sale Liquor house Mlarshal instructed to notifyall of enders o.� ender, of this kind. T.ioved and secomd that all bills O.K. by the Financ Committee be paid )carried.- Audi ting @ornittee' s report read.11.7oved and second ghat the report be accept^d and placed on file -carried. Report of the gays & T;"eans Committ^e reports on matter of issuance of &P,12000.00 Nater Ponds , to finish - Pipe line, fr. om the reservoir i�kffl the City of Rdaton. 1:'ovc,d and second that Council taks such action- as is necessary to submit this matter to the voters at the coming eleetion, Carried. - Committee on Town Property reports on Hamlin right of way matter.a s follows . -1'r Hamlin wants perpetual use of four J, inch taps ,line to run paralell with Section line , Committee recomends that the pipe line be bro.aght down LI( e County Road. Moved and second that ttile repo-t be accepted and that the "Enc ineer :survey thee. rau to down the County Road,get out plans Ar apecificatioris , and that the Attorney drag, up the necessary Ordinance and papers , calling .for bids to do %lie necessary v-ork of' puLtint in of sai.c0, rApe line .Carried.- Sewer Corrmi .tee reports progress .will have a written report next meeting night. Strut &4411Cy Corwfi t.-e asks `'o:' r:ore time to report on Logan Avenue & Tol;,in ST. improvemen� , same granted. Treasurers report for qu=arter read.M.oved and second that Name be recieved and placeel on f ile.Caeried.- Comrnunica,tion from F.H.OsCood relaf ire ?,a.vin& new siclewalk 1 uil t in front of his property read. Moved and second that the Clerk write to Yx Osgood asking him if he has any objections to a cement sidewalk being built, as said Third St. will be paved in +Ule near fur Lure.Carr icd. Ordinance 1?o.168 .creating office of ,cater Supt. passed to second reading. Roved by councilman Duff second btf P.'itchell that Ordinance be laid on the tab]ee, Poll vote called for. aye noe 7ilson ".onahan Duff VIo o d 11i tchell fake ame being a tie vote the ?."ayor cast the deciding, vote.against the motion. T.otion lost. I'oved 'Ltr Councilman A-titchall Lhat Section l.be made to read present Water S opt .instead. of office of 'ala ter Supt.Ammendment to motion by councilman Nood that we adopt Section l.as read. econded by 1,,!'onahan.ammendment to the r Rc-BF 1 ammendment, to read instead of $.60.00 n.5 .00 increase of salary to the present Supt. ammendment to the arrmendment Yost. Aamendment to the motion was then put. j 011 vote as follows.- aye noe "itchell y ',Vo o d Duf f. I.:o nah an Cake 'oi1son Arnunendrnent to the motion carried. IL'otion ars ammended was put, ayes 4. noes .2 motion as ammended carried . Section 2.was then read and not being; satisfactory to the council, a motion was made and seconded, and carried that the0 rdinance I,e laid on the table . r-loved and second that a vote of thanks be tendered the City of kent ,.for the courteous manner in which said City of kent entex tained the City Officials of ';he City of' Renton.and that a copy of same be placed upon the minuets of the City of 1.enton. carried. I.'arshal instructed to put in Street crossing on Cedar Stand charge same to the City of Seattle . carried. I.ioved and second that the Iflarshal have rail taken up on corner of "hind & Yain at.also remove the rails that ra are lying on the street at present, and store 4hem away, and then send the bill for all labor necessary in doing said work, to the Seattle Renton &. Soutl:ern,Ry.Co . carried..- IToved and second that crossing & boxes for drain be put in on `robin & Logan Avenue .carried.- Following is a list of t Le bills O.K. by the Finance Committee Lowman & Hanford 7.80 ?gym Tonkin. 06.?Q0 Al J e nn i 2.50' H.T.Vo ;elsburg 45.00 Benj .'Ticknor 32.60 Geo Ilancock. 2.25 Tim 0 Leary 5.65 W.Evan s 4.50 Thos Oughton. 1.15 There being no further business a motion prevailed to ad j urn, clerk��� 14 i RPBF 1 Renton Oct 12 t'1.09 City Council Met In regular session Mayor Benj Ticknor Presi0ing Roll Call. .-Councilman Duff Wilson Mitchell Monahan .Attorney And Clee-k Being Present. TITinuets of the last sessions were read and approved. Rev. Sprague interduced by Rev.Tdrnondson few remarks by Rev . Sprague . Petition from property owners on Cedar St. and Renton Avenue .asking for Streets lights read. T-oved and second that same be refered to the Fire Light & Water Commit tee .carried. Application for watd.e fmom A. C.Nilson foe Lot-9 Block 33-Smi 'Lhers lst.Add.-read . Loved and sdcond that same be granted. carried. I'oved and second that all bills O.K.by the Finance Committee Be paid.carried. 1r,oved and second that the Council Meeet as a Committee of the whole next Thursday night to r.. arrange a new Ordinance Governing Feddlare T.icenses . carried. Chairman of the Streets & Alley Committee rePortst on Logan Ave.& Tobin ST. improvement recommend thag the party doing; the work put in an itimized bill of said work in order to assertain the cost of material and labor 1aToved and second that we suspend the rules and allow Yr freeman to ex1lain regarding stock impounded and sold at public auction.said stock being his .after hearing his explanation it was movedand seconded that council rebate pound charges of 1.28.00 ■..r carried. Ir-oved and second that a Warrant be drawn in favor of JTr Freeman for .28 .00.carried. Special Committee on sewers aFiks for more time.san?e Granted. - Attorney reports that the Springbrook con- demnation trials are set for Nov.17th.09 7'oved and second that the Attorneys report Be accented. carried.- roved and second that communication from F.H.Osgoo# in regard to cement sidewRlk be accpted and Ptork ordered clone . ayes 1.noes .2 motion lost. P'oved and second that the Attorney ddaft an Ordinance covering the building of all cement walks in the City of Renton. carried. - flatter of securing more light discusssed and mhight committee ordered to investigate same . Health officers repott for 6ept.re,-W . T,'ovc!d and second that same be accepted and placed on file .carried. Ordinance No .168 providing for the Imp- r ovement of a portion of Fifth Ave . and a portion of Smithers.\ St�given first reading and fefer.edto the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No.169 .aven first reading providing for the improvement of a portion of the- following described Streets T,7est side of Burnett St. Smithers 3t. 7.'-orris `st.sout'!-� :side of 'Valla VJallla Ave. portion of Fifth Ave . and Sixth Ave.as decribed in -add Ordinance .and refered to the proper Committee Ordinance TTo1170.an ordinance providin for the completion of the dpringbrook '.-!ater Sys ten given ' first reading and refered to the proper Commit60.e . Ordinance No 171 .an Ordinance fixing the salary of t'_ne City Clerk and The City Attorney given first r-ceding and ref^red to the proper Co;rn i t ;."e F.G. Smithers asks for adjustment of ass- egsment on Block 3-and on Lot 24 Block 1 Ir-owed and second that Clerk be authorized to adjust matter With Irtr Smither. s .carried. Following is a list of the bills 0.7. by t,ie finance Committee. Joe Edwards salary 7 75.00 A 'W 'Ticknor " 50.00 P 'W Houser " 25.00 P 'ZI Houser stenographer 20.00 A I Beach salary 20.00 Robt TIorburn of 20.00 Jo j n Stewart of 70.00 Seattle lacoma Power Co 76.50 111 mi tchell . contractor Spr-B'.2500.00 Drug Store books & supplies ' 30.00 P VY Houser .fil:inc; fe:Ts 22.15 Iffm 'No od supnlies 2.10 ReBF 17 Renton Lumber Yard. bal due on Account. 1 .25 Tonkin Bros . supplies 3.35 'georgetown Publishing Co 5.00 City Labor Bills Mliles 3 trey garbage 20.00 P Lassoie " 9.08 Watkin Evans pipes 4.50 E Auld ' 4.50 Tim 0 Leary " 4.50 RentfDn Journal printing 54.19 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adj urn. rk �. vow ir.. i �� � ��..c��l �ReBF 19 Renton Oct 19th.09 City eounci 1 met in regular session :ayor Benj .Ticknur presiding. Roll cell .-Councilman Duff,111ilson,I1onahan,Cake MitcIiell, Attorney Engineer and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Application for water from S.Shabro read for Lot 21-Block 4.Voved and second that same be granted.carried.- Arnlication for transferal of Liquor License to W.H.Jones and Joe Walker to Tum,vater ^aloon read . Yoved and second that same be refered to the L License Committee .carried. - Lloved and second that all bills O.K. by t':-.e Finance Comrni ttee be paid.carried.- Report of Fire Light and water Committee on Lihht matter..L"oved and second that lights be installed as soon as practibale under the direction of the proper Committee i carried.- Special Committce on sewers reports . I'Loved and second that the report be recieved and laid on the table one week until all of the council are peesen t. carried.- Map showing location of poles to be set by the Pacific States Tel .Tel Co .recieved.r-loved and second that said map be ref.ered to i.'rie proper committee and that the Attorney draft an Ordinance covering setting of poles as set forth in recommendations of the cm.ni ttee, carried.- Vatter of D.Slovitzki ' s cows being in hound take discussed.14oved and second gnat no be allowed tpifcovrs Lfrom hound ,provided he keeps same from running loose in the future .if not to pay full fine .carried.- Ordinance providing for cement walks in t:*he Cita of Renton Given first reading; and refer.ed to tTie 0 Ordinance Committee . Ordinance providing for the graveling of certain streets decribed in said Ordinance passed to second reading; i:Toved ?roved and second that 2ec .1 be adopted as read. carried.- 20 rloveed and second that Sec .2 be adppted as read. carried. Moved and second that 'Sec .3 be adopted asread. carried.- -oved and second that Sec .4 be adopted asread. carried.- T'oved and secomd that we adopt the Ordinance as a ,.%'role as read -carried.- Ordinance for the completion of the water system passeed to second reading. '.loved and second that ^ec .l be adoptod as read carried.- Moved and second that lllec .2 be adopted as read carried. ]l.':oved and second t1h.at Sec .3 be adopted as read carried.- Moved and second that Seco be adopted as read. carried. 'roved and second that Sec 5 be adopted as read carried. T-."oved and secomd that Sec .6 be adopted as read carried.- T,ioved and second that Sec .7 be adopted as read carried.- Roved and second that lnc8 be adopted as read carried.- Tioved and second tIiat Sec9 be adopted asread. carried. j"oved and second that SeclO be adopted as read carried.- ".oved and second that .Tec 11 be adopted as read carried. - I'loved and second t'la „ Sec 12 be adopted a9read carried.- -'loved and second that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read .carried. - Rr,BF 21 Ordinance 7o 171 an Ordinance providing for the improvement of Fifth Avenue and other streets described in ^aid Ord.-by graveling the same passed to second reading. I,Loved and second that Secl be adopted as read. carried. - Moved and semond that Sect be adopted asread. carried. - bow arried. -►r ".oved and second that Sec 3 be adopted as reed car_•ied.- "roved and second t'.�iat Sec 4 be adopted as read carried.- roved and second that the Ordinance lbe adopted as a whole as read.carried.- Ordinance foxing the salaty of the Clerk and Attorney passed to second reading. ''oved sand second that said Ordinance be laid on the table one week until all the council are present. carried. - Special order of business ,mattef of completing the new ripe line was discussed . ":'owed and second that the Engineer survey ground j..r on the Seattle Electric Co ,proper tys tar ting from the County bridge across canyon up the road from said bridge to the T.Une Supt. house and report cn the feasibility of said route at next meeting.carried. - l The following bills were ordered paid. - A v7 Freeman rebated pound fees 23 .00 D.C.I,Titchell labor 42.00 E l.' Duff labor 12.00 Lee monahan " 3.00 A C ,r'Iilson " 6.00 Benton Lumber Yard. lumber 17 .97 P Lassoie Labor 5.65 , E Auld if 9.00 'l.Evans to 9 .00 Miles Storer garbage 5.no Tim 0 Leary 1aT)or 9.00 Benj . Ti cknor of 3 .00 to of inspector 3U ... H.T.Vogelsbirg 40.00 -how H Mitchell Springbrook 5000.00 0 Erickson Local Imp.Dist.No ,3 348 .00 If Davis It " "c of 13 .00 W Smith . if " 3.00 .i Zucca " " 26.75 Lee Iv"onahan. n to 48 . 50 Wra Williams " of 15.00 D.Idiller " it 5.00 D C 1.±i tch el.l " 5.00 Jac_c Williams to 2.50 'Isere being no furt:ier business a r�o tion prevailed to adjurn. ,. _ .. ,,, e. d �' ,. t� <..- } ,.. ., ., r � . �� � G .. S „b b..:5 ..;'.._� 5,, , �;� e• � r ..�$' 4. ��,. .. a, .x.; ._' �� �:_ i, n u - ,j- '" `A�. .y F 2'1a Rextn Oct <6 th.09 City Council met in regular session Ilayor Penj , Ticknor presidi(f. Roll cell.oCounciiman Duff 'Milson Mood Monahan Cake l itchelj , jrea.surer Attorney Health Officer Engineer and. Clerk Being present. minuets of the last regular session were read and appro ved. retition from N.H.TLartin to have meter taken out recieird Moved and second that said petition be referrd to the Fire Light & Water Co.rznittee .carried.- Petition from the Renton 'i'heatre asking for an exclu- sive Annual License for a period of three years read. "owed and second that said., petition be refered to the License Committee .carried.- Peti tion from 1,11m tlutt Jo_n.n ''eese .13Im Lorenz .residents of Talbot asking for water read. Moved and second that said petitions be la6d on the table. carried. - Property owners ask council for crossings in newly graded district. Moved and second that the Street aupt.be instructed to place all cro-sings that are necessaryv= carried.- P,Iatter of securing more lights for the streets laid over one week. Llatter of transferal of Liquor License to 'N.H.Jones and Joe Nalker .Committee oid Licenses asks for one more week. same granted. Str-P& & Alley CorrJnittee asks for one more week on Cement sidewalk Ordinance . same granted. Irloved and second that all bilUs O.K. by t .e .Finance C'6mmi ttee ,be paid.earried. - Resolution governing the seeting of poles by the Independent Telephone Co . read first tirrie . Moved and second that same be refered to i,'rte proper committee , one week . carried.- Ordimance ra,isinr�- salary of Clerk 7& Attorney laid over one more week. 24 Attorney retorts on the Injunction suit brought against the pipe line , Iloved and second that the Attorney' s report be endorsed by this ccunci l and that tl�.e Attorney go ahead and fight the case on she lines laid gown in his report. carried. - Tratter of granting concessions to the C?& 341?S??2y 6o brought up by councilman Cake. Moved by councilman Cake that the tabeled petition of J said C?&.P.S.Ry Co .1)e brought up to be disposed of at the next meeting of the council.carried. - Sewer question came for discussion. 170ved and second that the Clerk be instructed to write to the State Board of Health,stating ti-,,,it we will empty raw sewaEe of into Black River about 100 feet south/the Black River Bridge to t',e amount of 500000 gallons every twenty four hours . (24 ) size of main sewer to 24 , inches .carried.- 11atter,,of securing interurban trains on the C & P S Ry discussed. P.'oved and second that she A*� ,;orney write to Urawford of the Seattle t'enton & Southern Ry Co complimenting him on the excellent service that he is giving the City of Renton on his e -Z-� Fy. carried. List of O.K. bills as follows . - rank Davis springbrook .'2 day C� 3.1)0 per day 6.00 Williams & McKn i gh t 1 keg of 20d nails 3.05 City labor bills R Auld 2 drays in Oct 1 day on sidewalk 2.25 1� days onpjpes 3.40 W,at pie nick lday cleaning; streets 2.00 Tim 0 Leary 2� days on pipes 6.10 P Lrassoie 2-J days o n pipes 5.65 `;a „kin =`vans 2:' days on -ipes 6.10 34. 55 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adj urn. -� RBF 25 ' Renton,ATov, 2nd,/OG City Council met in regular session,Yayor Penj , Ticknor presiding, Roll call . -Councilman Duff,Mitchell,71ilson,Cake,Wood, Yonahan,Fn ;ineer,Attorney,Iiealth officer and Clerk being present. 14'inaets of the last regular session were read and appro- ved. Petition from propetty owners on 7illiarr,s St,asking for light on the coner of Williams & lst.Avenue read. Ifoved and second that same be r.efered to the i' ire & Light, Committee , carried. - Petition fom the physicians of the. City asking for Lhe priveledge to ride on the sidewalks ,with bycicles read. Moved and second that the Yarshal be instructed not to arrest any Physician riding on sidewalks in persuance of his duties.carried. - Loved and second that all bills 0 K by the Finance Comr:ittee Be paid.earried.- St.& Alley committee report on the petition of the Independent Tel- Co to set poles. Recommend that poles to set by said Tel.Co be not less than 40 feet in length, and not less than 8 inches at small end, (, ?.'oved and second that the report of the Cormittee be accepted and the instructions carried out, carried. - Light Committee makes the following report, as follows That a light be placed at each of the following points 'robin Avenue & Logan St,1-32c-p -lamp-'Valla Walla Avenue & Morris 1-32-c-p-lamp' oixth & Cedar,1-32-c-p-l-.Section & Cedar , 1-32-c p-1-Section & Renton Avenue .1-32-c-p-1-, Sixth & Burnett, Sixth & Yorris, 'Third & Yo.rris ,Thrid & Whitworth, Loved and recon that the report of the committee be accepted and the instructions carried out, carried. Complaints of citizens of North Renton, regarding sidewalks also old b-)ulevar.d to the Lake being in bad condition roved and second that the Street Supt be instructed to have dangerous places repaired -carried.- Co:rrr•ittee on License report on the transferal of Jones " `Talker Saloon Licemse ,recommend that same be granted. 'Moved and second that the rerort of the Committee be 1 2 accepted and License Cra.nted, carried.- St.& Alley Committee report& on the unclean condition of the Bridge across Cedar River , Noved and second that the St.Supt be instructed to have samd cleaned. carried, - Iv,at-ter of removing meter on N H Ila,rtins property came up for discussion,Fire & Water Committe recommends that all private famlies having meters , that a flat rate of x", 1 .00 be charged.permonth, moved and second that the committees report be accepted and all mertrs in private fimlies be taken out, carried. - Committee on Ordinance report on Clerk & Attorney salary Ordinance, recormend that the same be passed with the fdDllowing ammendments , Clerks salary to be # 65.00 and the Attorneys to be N.55.00 per month, office hours of Clerk to 9-A T,.: to 12-M-1 Pm- to 5-P.M.AL orneys to Se $55.00 per moniti with no `stenographer hire loved and second that the report be accepted , carried. C & P S RY matter came up for discus ion. Yloved and second that said matter be laid over one week catried.- Police Judge report for the month of Oct read. 'o`,red and second that same be accepted, carried , - Recommendation of the ITayor regarding grantinga franchise to the Beall-le Renton & Southern Ry Co read.also regarding Box Ball Alley' s running Sundays 1Yroved and second that the Attorney draft an Ordinance 'governing all Box Ball Alloys ect. in `!.he pity of Renton.ca.rried. Committee on Dement sidewalk Ordinance asks for one more week. on same .same granted. Ordinance No 172 fixing the salary of the City Clerk and the Attorney passed to second readini. Moved and second that Sec .l be made to read ".65 .00 h instead of "75.00 f:or Clerk, ammendment to motion that Attorney recieve $ 45.0 instead of � 55.00,ammendment to the ammendment that the Attorney recieve X55.00,ammendmen t to the ammendment was put,ayes 4, noes 2 ammendment to the ammendment, carried amme nd'm t b . ammendment to the motion was put,ayes 2 noes 4/mcition lost. "loved and second that the Office hours of the Clerk be from 9 ATS: to 121+: & from 1-PTI, to 5 P� ,carried RP13F Loved and second that "e d 1 be adopted as ammended carried, - ayes 4 noes 2, carried. T.�oved and second that sect be adopted as read Byes 4 noes 2 -carried v"oved and second that the Ordinance be adopted as a Whole as read, with the following ammendment that all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the previsions hereof .� _ e and the game are hereby repealed. motion as armnended was put and carried. Moved and second that the Oddinance be adopted as a -:bole as ammended.aves 4-noes 2-carried. The following men word x-,nointed .o act as the election board for the primary election to bd held on the 9th, day of Nov/09 F?B?Mayes Inspector, T F 0 Brien Judge , Frank psvis " chat ,-:ire Clork notify raid Uentlemeri of Vneir appointment carried. Polia.vring is a list of the bills 0 K by the Finance Comct Ti;2. e +r as,t Co .20.00 Wm i'onkin, `meat tle for water, 406. 60 rro Benj ,Ticknor , inspector 21 .00 E Auld labor 4.50 P Lassoie # 4.50 `Y Evans to 5.65 T 0 Leary of 4.50 A Zucca it 2.25 469.00 There being no further business a motion prevailed to -,djurn ' clerk zs 1 ReBF 6)9 Ren ton,G1ov,5th,/09 City Council met in special session Mayor Benj .`Ticknor presidj.n&. Said special session beinE; tallied for the purpose of authorizing; by the Council ,a call for bids for t'-,-Ie completion of the Spr. ingbrook water s,ys tem,from tie P.eservoir to the City of Renton, Loved and second that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids ,for the completion of the water sirs tem, carried unanamously.- Wood, Cake ,Wilson, "onahan,741tchell, There being no further business a motion prevailed to ad j urn. = �cr :3U 1 ReBF Renton,Mov,9 t'.h,09 City Council ret in regular session Mayor Benj , Ticknor presiding, Roll call councilman Duff, Cake ,Wood,Monahan,Ili tchell CJilson, and clerk being present. Yinuets of the last rgular session were read and appora- ved as read, also of the special session, same being read and appao- ved. T"oved and second that on account of the primary election , that this meeting; be adjurned until Wednesday Nov/10/09 7 .:A0 P M.carried. � clerk — -Kenton,Nov10/09 Adjurned session of City Council came td order at 7.30 P. M.Mayor Benj Ticknor Presiding. Application for water from Harriet Henshaw,Lot 12 Block 31 .read, Moved and second th.4 same be ;ranted.carried. neport of Light Committee .jeattle lacome Pourer Co wants official notice from Clerk as to loca,Lion of lights to be installe also what disposition is to be made of Ark light on 'third St. and Smithers . Moved and second that .-,e Ark light in question be substituted by .32-c-p-lamps , Moved and second -L-Att motion be laid on the table one week. carried. Coa ni ttee on cement sidewalk make tie following report. M That 10 foot cement walk be laid on Third, Ua.11aWalla and fourth Avenue,betwden Main and BurnettSt, on ?,'fain between Second and Fourth Avenue .on Williams between Secon and Fourth, on Burnett between Third and Walla 'Halla. "venue , ceynent Five foot/walk ,with five foot parking strip inside on SeconAvenue ,between '"Iain and Burnertt,and on Burnett between Second and Third Avenue, cures to be constructed either of concrete or. granite, 32 Moved and second Ll�at we accept the report of the Corrmittee ,ca t carried.- Moved an' second that all bills 0 K bt the finance Com- mittee be paid.carridd. 17 Ordinance rreventng teams driveng on sidewalks read loved and second that Ordinance be refered to the proper Com- mi ttee ,carried. om-mittee ,ca.rried. Ordinance regulating hours during; which bowling alleys shall rer,iain open read. T.Toved and second that same be refered to the proper comrai ttee .carried. Ordinance providing for license to be paid by bowling; alleys read. "'oved and second that same be refered to the proper com"ilttee, carried. Cement sidewalk Ordinance carne up for final reading r Moved and second that we lay Ulis Ordinance over one week that same can be redrafted according to the recomendations of the Street and Alley Committee . carried. Bids recieved and read for ,-raveling of streets , escri-b-d in Ordinance iTo .169-171- Norman davis bid for same was 85 ,ct.7 cu.yd.City to pay half of mans pay to tally and spread gravel, Chas .Cainpbell bid was 80, cts .cu.yd.City to pay half of one mans pay, to tally and spread L;ravel .or 334- cts he to pay man himself. 1 oved and second that we accept the bid of 1�'r Campbell he being the lowest bidder ,30 cts Cubic Yard.City to pay one half of grans wages to tally and spread gavel . carried. - Resolution ordering; and directing the improvement of district north. of walla Walla Avenue by graveling the same read. Moved and second that the Resolution be adopted as read carried. Moved and second that the Attorney draft an Ordinance covering; said Resolution.carried. - Uomplaint about sidewalk on T,Tain St.filed. VLoved and second that the Street Supt. be ordered to investigate same .carried.- 1toved ansd second: that the Street Supt. appoint an inspector, for gravel job.with the approval of the Stfeet and Alle committee .carried. Foflowing is a list of the bills 0 K by the Finance Co%. Qittee . W H Mitchell Estimate on two weeks work Springbcook . 2000.00 H T Von elsburg Seven days `Nater system, 35.00 Seattle Tacoma Power Co . Lig it 76.50 La::nps 2.70 79.20 Priebe I3ros . S up lies water system 4.75 Renton Lumber Yard. Lumber crossings . 75.45 0 K Livery Drayino and rid; to S; ringbrook 7.00 E A Shearer Rubber bands .for water system 1.75 N.Davis Labor Springbrook. team & men, 8 .50 Tim 0 Leary Labor 4.50 E Auld.labor 4.50 IN Evans " 4.50 P Lassoie. " 2.25 A "T Freerian Rebate on stock sold at auction, 13.95 D C 11.itcliell,labor at Springbpook 16.50 Renton Journal Printing 25.75 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adj urn. T cl e rk r LA RPPF � ► ren ton,"'ov,l c , th/09 City Council came to order in regular session. T''a.vor Benj .Ticknor presiding. Roll call . -Councilman Duff,Flliott,IvTiteliell , Cake , Wilson,Yonahan, Treasurer,Attorney Health officer,Engirieer and Clerk beim; present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. rcti pion from property owners on 'Third :;t.protesting against the removal of Ark light at Third and Smithers read. Moved and second t-hat same le recievcd and placed on rile . carried. Tvoved and second tliat all bills 0 K by t':,,e Finance Coram ittee be paid.carried. Ordinance Committee reports on cowling Ordinance . roved and second that the report of the committee be accepted and placed on file .xarried. 1'emarka by Rev,Edmoridson and Sopt.Talbot, a6ainst arrmeriding said Ord.ina.nce ,Remarks by councilmen Cake and Lionahan, why said Ordinance should be ammended . Committee on Ordinance progril:iting driving on side-walks report, Loved and second that the rer,ort be accepted, carried Sa: e corr¢nittee asks for more time on the License Odidinance governing Boling Alleys.sa.me C rantect. Application of rt.Anthony Fazaar asking permission to hang sign in front of the Fire Hall,, for advertizing purposes. 11oued and second that came be =.carried. Complaints about lights on Tuain St.f'iled. Moved and second that ,,he Clerk be instructed to noti- fy the P,S,E,Ry, CQ , to keep said lights burnihe.; according to Frarichise , carried. Complaints about leaving expolsives in the City of Rentoyc Moved and second that the Attorney draf*t an Ordinance covering the storing of explosives in the City of Renton.ca,rried. f 1 Complairita from I+'.Ditleveson reearcling enCines standin in front of his property.Attornevs oppinion on said to the effect -.hat noticing can be done in. this matter. I::oved and second that the report of the Light committee that was tabeled fox one week be brought up and disposed of. carrier'{, - Loved and second that the report be arnmended ' ',o include one liE;ht on the corner of lst.and Willi urs.also that lights on bridge to North r'enton be rea.rra.riged and maintained by the City. carried. Report of :'t, R; Alley committee on streets being graveled. T+Ioved and second that the contractor be allowed more time to do said work, the condition of the streets not being fit to recieve gravel at this time .and that the time coditions be n/ embadied in the contract, carried. IT ealth officer, report for Nov.read , L-ovee, and secod that same be ricceptc-4 and placed on file , carried. Attorney granted one more week to redraft Cement :sidewalk Ordinance , Ordinance prohibiting , cattle ,.+horses ,or other live stock from traveling over or upon the sidewallcs of ti;e City of Ren ton,passed to second reading. 2 T.Ioved and second that section l.be arnmended by inserti- ng clause,pa.rking strip to be inchuded ,carried. Yloved and second that (,.)ec-l.be adopted as ammended.ca.rri End. - Hloved and sen.ond that 'Sec.2-be adopted as ammended, carri T'oved and second that section 3, -be adopted as read. carried. Loved and secon that section,4, -be adopted ,_s read. carried. Roved and second that tlhe Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read , carried. Ordinance -_-egulating tele hours during; which Bowling alleyts shall remain open pasted to sdcond reading. T-loved and second that clause recommended by the Ord. comr-ittee allowing said places to remain open on Sundays from 1P Y to 9 ,P.T,L.be inserted. 37 Yoved and second that the Ordinance be laid on Lh-e table one more week.ayes 2-noes 4.motion lost. Sec-1./of- Mloved and second that the/Ordinance be adopted accor-ding to the recommeridation.s of the committee,poll vote ayes .4-noes-2 motion carried. T.5itchell ave Wilson-no ' Elliott aye Duf f-no Cake aye R,Tonaha,n aye loved and second that Sec ,2-be ammended to reacl ,with claus4axcept as above provided) inserted/ carried. ages 4-hies 2. Moved and second that Sec .2-be adopted as ammepded. carrie(!. Iuoved and second that Sec.3 be adopted a�, read -tarried . Ytoved and c3econd that the Ordinance be adopted as a vrliole as gmmended, carried, - Report of the primary electdL-,n board read. Moved and second t1nat Lhe retort be accepted as official and placed on file.carried. Complaint of citizens about sidewalk at the corner of 111alla 'galla Avenue and Furnett St.Supt of instructed to have same fixed. Folios►ring is a list of the bills 0 K b2� the Finance Commi tide, F.B.Itayes .election board. 5.40 T F ODrien 11 it 5.40 F.Da,ri s " if 5.40 D R Beermm . " to 5.40 V1 l'u Edmonds -)n P " 5.40 27 .00 Renton Hardware Co. supplies water. 3.10 it it. It supplies ,general 7 .25 10.35 Title Tru9t Co .information Gpr'bk. 3.00 A Beerma.n load coal 4.75 . L Auld , labor on crossings 7.90 A Erickson streets 2.25 I`iles Storey . .garbge 17 .50 Tim 0 Leary of streets 15165 to " pipes 4.:50 10.15 P Las: oie crossings 9.00 '.la,tk i n E vast„s of 7 .90 of 1t pipes 2.25 `I J Williams , s treo is 3.40 dam 2.25 pipes 1.15 6. 7,5 W,n Tonkin Seattic for water 364.40 D C Tr i tchell labor at Spf"bk 7 .50 There being no further business a motion prevaileed to adiurn. _Q�, 38 1 1 1 u. Renton.Nov,?3rd/09 City Council met in regular session Mayor Benj Ticknor Ir esiding.Roll call.- Councibnan -Elliott,?4itchell Cake Monahan, Mood. -Xilson,A ttorney Engineer, and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and app- roveek. , Petition for the transferal of the Palace Siloon license to D.J.McGillie read. the committde having reported favorable on same, it was moved and second that said transferal be granted. carried. use/ Petition from Lhas ,Peacock ,deking for permission to/a portion of Williams ST.at Third Avenue. to store lumber for building purposes .read.Yoved and second that he be given the use ST. of thirty feet of the west side of said Williams/provided he keeps the sidewalk clear. carried. Petition from D.J.Mc Gillas .asking for permission to # move the front of the Building known as the Palace Saloon back five feet six. inches, read,Moved and second that said petition be granted,carried.- License Committee made the following report on the Licensing of Bowling Alleys.Recommend that each Alley pay a license of seven 50/100 ° . ollars per year. Moved and second that the report of tyle committee be accepted. carried. Attorney asks for one more week on cement sidewalk Ordinance.same granted. St & Alley Committee recommend that a crossing be put down on Section between Ttorris and Smithers St. on the Alley m/####0###Moaediaddoa&coadrtlad.t the report be accepted and recom- mendations be carried out.carried. Resolution for the purpose of building sidewalks in the following described territory read. to wit. -That portion of the south side of Third Avenue,bounded on the east by "hitworth and on the westby Shattock,and that portion of the east side of Shattock bounded on the north by Third Avenue,and on the south by Vne county road.as now located. Moved and second that Resolution be adopted as read. 40 and that an Ordinance be drawn according ,o said Resolution. carried. 0006 Ordinance No 177.an Ordinance providing for the licen- sing of Dowling Alley' s in the Ciw' of Renton passed to second reading. IvToved and second that Section l,be adopted as read. carried. I'oved and second that Sec.2 be adopted as rdad. carried. Moved and second that Sec,3n be adopted as read.crried. Moved and second that section 4 be adopted as read. ca.rri ed Yoved and second that the Ordinance be adopted as a whol as stead. carried. I:ioved and second that the matter of awarding the pipe contract be laid over one week.carried. Wass meeting called for Wednesday niEht Dec.lst./09 for the purpose of discussing the proposed Bond issue . Attorney reports on cages now on trial . in his opinion CitY h-zs a good chance to win out. Followi ng are the bills 6 K by the, Finance Committee . Benj Ticknor Inspector. 24.00 H.T.Vogelsburg. surveying & court Mork 65.00 Tatlor Iddings.viatchman at Springbrook -70 .00 P P Paddenrfefund on filing fees 9.00 A C 'dilson " " 2 of 9.00 W G Wilson " " " to 9.00 Henry Gruver.?,0' . t. si0,ewa.lk,20 cts ft. 15.00 John peacock digging ditch. 5. 00 Tim0 Leary .labor sidewalk 3.90 00 pipes 1 .15 - k i n _�vans '� ft V�,r a r,. 4.50 There being; no further busines a. n.ak revailed to adiurn. _ .� ReBF RENTON. :Is-t/09 City Council met in regular session. Itilayor Benj Ticknor Presiding . Roll call . -Councilman Duff Elliott Wood 11riitchali Cake, Wilson,??ona;ian, Attorney Health ufficer.Engineer.and Clerk being prsernt. Minuets of tate last regular session were read and approved as co xrec ted. Application from J.H.W,ill & ii. Ioppini for permit to place a sign in front_:. of°- thie n place of business . loved and secon that same be ;ranted.carried. Proved and second that all bills. 0 K by the Finance Cominittee be paid.-carried.- St & Alley Committee re gotta on condition of Cedar St water running from same onto property IvIloved and secondthat sidewalk at 4th & Cedar. be .fixed so that water can not run under.car°ied. Committee also recomends that a surface drain be put in t6 take care of water running down 'Tills St. Proved and second that the St .& Alley Committee take up matter with. the City of 'Seat tle,relative to having=, surface drain put in down sad -trill St.carried. Moved and second t;iat V e Clerk wti to to the N.P.Ry Co regarding the Spur track running to the Car Works causing damage to property in she recent floods . carried. Health Officer reports nine casew of measels in tx-,e City and prospects of more . asks that cards` be printed with the words PTUSIMS.KEFP OUT. Loved and second t.Aat the report be accepted and that Purchasing het what is necessary -carried. Picture, of Mayor Benj Ticknov,presented to -the City by 111.LT.Horton,Pho tographer.Rev,Edmonds on acting as spokesman For rnYr Horton. 42 Yoved and second that the Clerk be instructed to send , a vo to of thanks to Ur Horton, also that the pict:kre be hung upon i,"Le wall of ti"ie City Hall of the City of Pentan.carried. - Moved and second that t:Ue matter of awardinE, t'Qe contract for the completion of t;ne water system be laid over one more week. ayes O.noes 6.motion lost Moved and second that the contract be awarded to W.H. Piibchell, and that he proceed with the work, after proper contract has been drawn.carried. The following men were appointed by Che council to act as the election Poard Dec '7th /09 •Inspector Judges , F.L.Hayes '.t.F.OBrien ' Thos Olsen. 't"oved and second Lhat two weelts more be ;ranted to the Attorn&y in which to redraft the Cement sidewalk Ordinance. carr. ied. - Liat ter of new Itreet lights care up for discussion 1'oved and second that the re-nort ')e ammended to include i-32-c-p-lamp at t e 'corner on Walla'lalla Avenae & Williams St. also t.,a.t t',e Clerk notify L`-e Seattle Tacoma Power Co to have said lights put in as soon as possible .ca.rried. I,Ioved' and second t :at the engineer , take levels and draw a map of t'^e City not to, exceed 200 feet to the inch relative to sewer. ing. ' :loved and second that :;latter be laid on the table one weak same to come up under the head of Special order of business . Carried. Following is a list of 'U.. 1�il.ls 0 K by tr.e Fihance Com- Lowman & Hanford,blue print .40 Title Trust Co .infor:Tation , Injict.-case 5.00 Seattle 'Maxi-Cake Co ,cab hire, Jury 66.90 Tim 0 Leary.labor on panes 7.30 W Evans labor on pipes. 3.40 W.Smith If xatching flood 2.25 J H Jones laadiiig gravel 2.w5 Geo Graver.Flood fk loading; gravel 4.50 E Auld-streets 2.80 Goo IIancock,gravel.& flood. 4.50 J ','a Lanich .flood - 4.50 P Lassoie at dam.City hall stre sts 4.50 ReBF Moved and second that we ad urn carried.- City council re-convened for the purpose: ofconfirminb the aPpointments ,for the cominC election. Moved and second that the three men appointed be con- firmed by 1-he P,,ayor.carried.- There being no further business a motion pervailed to ad j ur n. -� ---- - --- .T------------- Clerk. r 44 ReBF 45 Renton,Dec , 7th,/09 City Council rnet in reCular session 11ayor Benj , Ticknor pros idin . Roll call .-Councilman Duff , 7ood,Flliott ,Wilson,-,tnd low Clerk being, present. I' inue is of the last regular secs ion wwre read, and. approvect. Moved and seconed that we adjurn until Thursday, everiir:�„Dec9, 9th,/09 , -c:_�rried.- `i'here b( inL- no fl.zrther business a motion prevailed to ad j urn . -_ Clerk v 4 6 R(TF Renton,Dec, 9th/09 Adjurned session of Uity Council came to order at 7.30 Ph-,T1ayor Benj , Ticknor presiding, Roll call~ -councilmen Duff,T; 48 I p showing, re-platt of Block 2210f RentonFaf'm Platt No 3. City of Rentbn.preseilted by Ilolines and Haring. I"owed and second tl at t,-ie Fe-Platt of Block 22 Fenton Farre Platt 116 r1be accepted.carried. Resolution authorizing the payment of Attorney fees not to exc ed ",1000.00 read. I lNoved and cccond tzat s%id Resolution be adopted as read, carried. - ` Remarks by L.Frank Rro wn,askinC; for_ $ 500.00 re- tainer fee for services in Condemnation case. The council being in favor of same it was moved and second that a Tarrant be drawn in "avor of L.F. Brown for .0 .500.00 carried. - !vroved and second that the City Council go into ezecutive seosion.carried. - Bills O.K. by tete _Finance committee Orane Co. date valve 5.87 O.K.Livery li very hire to f-)pr`k 29.50 Jas ,11ardi e plumbing 1 .50 Renton Lumber Yard,bal.account .91 Renton Hadwre .Co 1-.)al acc t .95 Seattle Tacoma rower Co_.liCht& lamps 80.50 F.B.Hayes . Inspector election 5.40 T.F.O'Brien Judge it 5.40 `T.Olsen It " 5.4. 0 P R Beerman clerk It 5.40 Il "I Edmondson 11 to 5.40 1Ym Tonkin Seattle for water. 372.05 Y H ":itchell two wks estimate, 1500.00 H T Vogelsburg.20 days ,office �ork 155.00 field work.and conxnd .case J L Huoff ' day loading gravel 1.15 E Auld 21 days in Nov 02le day on pipes 2.25� 1" days on crossings 3.40 5.65 P Lar so ie 2z days in Y o v One day on pipes 2.25 dans on crossings 3.40 5.65 '.Pim 0 Leary 3 days in Nov fin 2 days on ?pipes 4.50 kA 1 day on streets 2.25 5. 75 There being no further business a motion prevailed to ad,jurn. Clerk ReBF y Ren ton,De c,/17/09 Cit-,r Cauncil met in regular ses-rion %layor Benj , Ticknor presiding :toll call. -Councilman Diafr$El.Liott,i7ilson,tllood,Monahon, 'Atchell .`'ttorney,Health Officer.Engineer,and Clerk,being present. TUnuets of, the last regular session were read and approved. Petition -'rom Jos Corey for renewal of retail liquor license read, Mored and second that same be r. eff red to the License Coml,.i 't tee, carried. .Moved and , second that the mat ter of survey maaLe U y :l ei te, 1;10CCU ';)rfore the Uoun-cil 1,:, '��°r< r:,rr z y'orY? i.n,:;eine correct or not be re.rcred to ,t'ie Town rmperty Cozmnittee, c�-,rried. ,t & Alley Corcimi t tec ,rr po_,•ts on -the condi tion of z Williams St. there being some bad orioles causer'._ by ti-ie recent flood t also reports on '-he condition of the boule'rard to Lake same being in dangerous condi tion, recommend that ti a.id bri<i`t� e ci Tier f. ixec its or cor,r.erwied, i oared. %Yld second that bridge ques ',ion be refered to the St,& Alley Uomrriittee.ca,rried. Loved and second tliat all b:i11s 0 K by the r'inance Com. - be om. - be -,aid.carried, Health Officers report for Nov,'oved and second t ia.t same be accepted carried. Corr>rounication from Seattle Tacoma Power Co ,sta'u c .at it would cost ie,h00.00 to install new liC�its asked for. . _ove,r? and second t•aa,t tIr e Corrmunica,tinn�e laid on the table, carried, Corrimunic 4ti,on from Car "or'cs , relative to fixing Streets Mt in North Renton, Ijoved and second -that Corrununication be fefer(:d to the at.& Alley Committee ,,and that they confer irrith the officials of said Car Vlorks as asked,carried. Resolution authorizing the City Cle vis to adver 4ize for bids for the sale of t%ie 1"'000;OOBond is^ue,r. ead, Loved and second ti.at we adopt the Resolution as read carried. i 50 Cemant Ordinance caxsie for second roading,hloved and second t'hat we lay said Ord.-over one week, ca.rried, Loved and second t:,. ,t Garbage Ordinance be refe-red to t'r:e the Health Off icer, carried, . e ' ` 1,z,.M.0 end second i-hat ""ap & leirels of City of Fenton for sewer nurposes ,not to exceed 200 ft, to V' .e inch be drawn by the City EnEjneer, and that �,300.00 be ippropri.a-'Coed from tie {general Fund and placed in this sevier Fund to cover expense of :'_oink; said work, carried, Follunrin6 is a list of : ,e billy; 0 K by t'tLe Finance Corrjrittee, RentonJounnal,printing Jprinobroek, 8 .4 2 local Improve-ment ,To ,5 9.10 General Fund 23.80 41:32 Guernsey `Pub.-Co printing; summons & ec-t 41 .20 J.H.VanAsselt, servict.:s condm case . 40.00 P.'.a.Houser ,expense, Concim Case , 171.00 I'ay Jones,s teno6rc.p�: -r, sr-rvo cc!s .Condm, Casc . &.65 D. C.14tchell,writr:ess fees & labor. ,26.90 Court ncportin 'o,records in Condm, Case 118 .85 P.H.Adarts ,writness fees,8. lat; ReRF Ren ton,Dec ,or"lst ,/09 City Council met in regular session '"d,yor Benj , Ticknor ,rres4Lding. Roll call.-Coun(rilman Puf.f,Ellio tt,';,lilson, Cs.ke,''1ood, ... Ifitchell,"Ona"llon, Attorney,Engineer Wealth officer and Clerk being rresent, Y,inuets of the last regular session wof+e read and approved License Committee having reported favorably on the application of D.Ibr.Jones and Jos , Covey for renewal of liquor License,ILoved and second tiat same be granted.carried. Town Property Committee reports 'on the matter of sur- vey, xel.ative to legality of same on Fourth Avenue, as follows, ,Recommend that the City* begin action to compel prop- erty owners to vacate street,as this Council cannot declare illegal what another Council has done but the Courts can. Roved and second that the report of Virle Committed SM be accepted,carried.- Moved and second that this matter be refered to t?,.e Attorney and Engineer for their recommendation. carried , at,?4 Alley Committee reports on condition of Doulevard to Lake , find same in' dangerous condition,under advise of Lhe Attorney, it was moved and second that a notice be Published in the official paper,notifying people of the dangerous condition of said Boulevard, therel)v protec tiny; the City from any damaE,e suits .rriatter of Graveling tiie streets asked for by the offici- als of tle Car Works ,sar.e will have to be done by prorer peti- tion, eti-tion, Moved and second that the report of ti.e Comrr,ittee be Now accepted, and ,re-yommendation of the Attorney relative to pub- licatior: of notice be carried out, carried, Complaint of citizens about the crossing at Tth and C Cedar St. being lower than the sidews:lk.alAo about a stump being a�.erethe sidewalk ought to be, R?oared and second that the Ct. aupu be instructed to I have said stump removed and also fix crossing.carr:ied. Loved and sdcond that all bills 0 K by -finance Com- 52 rrittee be paid .carried . - Cement ©±dewalk Ordinance came up for second reading, the Committee not being ready to report on sane4:"oved and second that the Ord. -be laid over one more week.ca.rried. Il tier of a St crossing at the intersection of Renton and Military Avenue ,came for discussion ,Moved` and second t',la,t tiiis natter` be refbred to the Street and Alley Comrrit&e, carried. The following; bills were 0 K by the Financd °Committee . h 'r_. Duff , 6 a days 4 days witness fees . 8.00 I'i1eage 2.20 l-:Ia- days counting; ballots 4. )'0 1 day to ffhi to Fiver 3.00 Horse feed, .2b 18.25 Benj Ticknor 51 days 41- days Inspecting; 13.50 1 day to Ballard .. 3.:Z�5 16.85 . Beerman .load coal. 4 .75 4 .75 A Ticknor P 0 Box rent. .35 •'a - Obe 'Evans, 12 days in Dec changing meter 3.00 3.00 < A Ticknor freight on water books . .35 .35 Tit ..e Trust Co,list of parties 5.00 5.00 Lowman & Ilanford.election supplies 4.30 4.30 of " water boosts ect. 21 .15 21.15 Benedict 71lson Dumber Co 21 .39 21,.39 Tim O 'Leary 3 days 21 days on pipes 5.65 day on crossings 1 .15 6. 75 Geo I-lanark.10 days 10 days in Dec ,�;''a.lrel in. s. ree is 11:50 11. 50 P Lar o ie 3 days 1 - days on cr.ossinCs 3.40 1� days on marl�a-c 3.35 6.75 D C Tsii tchell 4 nays with team 4 days in Dec garbage. ev 20.00 20.00 Lee I.'onahonlz days GC -c 1 dya to ""lhi to River 3.00 g day certifying; to election. 1.50 4.50 There being no further business a motion rrevailed tot adjourn. �✓ C1erk,. ' t s t < r I Renton Dec,.`gt11/09 City Council met in regular session,Kayor Benj , Ticknor presieing,Roll call. -Councilman Duff,Flliott,1,Titchell Cake,Wood,'rli1son.ionahon.Treasurer,Attorney,Enginee r,and Clerk being present. .Minuets of the last reCtular session were read and approved as corrected. .Moved and second that all bills 0 K by the Finance Coigr1 ttee be paid.carr. ied. - Matter of passing the Cement sidewalk Ordinance , ,di scussed,PLoved and. second that said Ordinance be laid on the t table ,A:nmendment to motion that Ordinance be laic} on the , table until, such time as we see fit to take it up.ammendment to motion carried. - Moved and second teat the Attorney and .engineer be 6ivez more time on survey matter; carried. - Communication from R H Thomson,regarding $ 500.00 due City of Renton, stating that he would look the matter up at once . Moved and second that the communication be reciei-ed and placed on file, carried.- Ordinance authorizing the improvement of certain 1l streets described in said Ord. - by Local Improvement,given first reading; and ref.Fred to ;,he Ordinance Corii-ni ttee . 19oved and second that the Clerk notify Mrs Furgeson to put in sidwwalk.carried.- Yoved and second that the Clerk be instructed to advertize for bids for the City printing for the year 1910. according to atatute, carried. - hToved and second that an Ordinance be drawn licensing; Special public dances , t}-ie money derived from 9a,rne to pay salary of/off'i- cer, carried.- T'leved and second that theA ,'Lorney draft a j{esolution creatinL, an improvement district,of �7ill.iams St;from Second Ave . - to Cedar river bridge,and from bridge to the N.P.R.R. crossing, Idovdd and second that County road north of bridge ,be called North 'Nillia,ms Street,a.nmendment to motion that the matter of re-naming of stf'eets in North Renton ,be refered to 1 54 P to A C Wilson,forC suggestions on sarne, carried.- Following are the bills 0 K b� the Finance Committee. C 11 Copper . Services Condm. -case. 52.10 VrI.7 Tonkin. t r t ( t States 10% liquor license. 25.83 H Parks, E3 .Extension cord. .00 R H Thomson. Cervices Condm,case- 76.80 P Lassc6ie 1 day in Dec, on ripes 2.25 Tim 0 Leary 1 day in Dec, on pipes . 2.25 Benj Ticknor Inspection 18 .00 E 4uld , 2 days in Dec on pipes. 4.50 Jack Jones . 'laking out stinp. 15.00 Geo ,Ha,ncock, Leveling gravel,Dist No, 5 4.40 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adjourn. ' Clerk, RePF Renton,Jan,,4th,/10 City Council met in refular session Mayor Benj .Ticknor Presidirig ,Roll call.-Councilman Duff Elliott,Mitchell,11onahen,Cake Wilson,',Mood,Treasurer,Attorney,Tiealth officer.Engineer and 0lerk Being present. Minuets of• tle last regular session were read and approvd as read. , Petition from F Groshckl for crater, in ?ii ghland Addition read.11oved and second that the petition be refered to the -the Fire and (Plater Committee. carried, - Moved arried, -Moved and second that all bills 0 K by the Finance Com- mittee be paid, carried. - T,Ioved and second that tVie matter, of getting water to residents of HigZland Addition be left to the Fire and Water Com.- carried.- St. & Alley Corn-reports that they took up the matter of a surface drain down Tiill St. with Supt.YounUs , of SeaJt-,t]_e 'Plater Works , same to fixed at once, also reports about matter of elamag e (to property in 'North Plenton,by flood caused by N P RSR grade took up matter with Engineer of said R R Co.recommend that bents be put in in place of fill, so that water will have chance to get be throug?i. oved and second that the report of the committee/accepted and placed on record, carried.- Report of the Fire Chief read'.Moved and second hint same be accepted and placed onfile .carried, Attorney reports that Nudge ZMndsay denied parties in Spr. ingbrook Condemnation case,motion for a new trial ,TZoved adi second that t'ne report be accepted , carried. Police Judges re- ort read and accepted, Health Officer ;napes a verbal report, ,ind also asks .for ...r more- time on Garbage "rd.,-T,toved and second that the report be # accep ted, and that he be allowed tno weel,.s more on Ord.--carried. Clerks Annual and quarterly reports read,T:ioved and secon that same be recieved and placed on fle, carried. Treasurers quarterly report read,T;Toved and second that same be recieved and placed on file , carried. No report on surzTey matter. by Attorney and Engineer. Under the . head of new .business a, bid for the 121000 ' .00 Bonds,was read from tIrie State of Washingtonwith an option of said City of Renton, 6o redeem all or any number of said Bonds at one year from date of issuance or at any in Leres t paying; da4e after one year from date of issua,nce .Said bonds to draw in- terest at the rate of 6 ,,°fin per Annum,pa-able Annua:lly.denomina- tion of said Bonds to either 500.00 or �? 1000.4ptional) T.Ioved find second %a.t ne bid for t-.e Donds be refer.ed L o 'G -4e Flays & Means Commnittee for one week.carried. Moved and second tRat thle matter of opening; and re-ding the bids for the City printing be laid over until all new officers have been instailed.carried. Resolution _,Fad. improving 1illiams TT.fvo:n 7 nd Ave- by graveling; to Bride e.yoved and second VAat said Resolution be r.eferd to the Ordinance committee and t_'-iat the confer with t'Ze Attorney Carried. Proved, a,n:i second that the Engineers ha-TTe speeificati6ns on file , for graveling v7illiar.^.s St from Second Avd- to brkd e, by next Friday nigh t. carr. ied Resolution read improving CountT road frpm bridge north to south .line of Snoqualim&& Ave .- Move-I and sdcond that same be refered ;,o Ordinance they, to confer. -xi th t'1e Attorney Pro rate./ relative to t':e lei ali ty of as^essing t?-te R R Co/ for said improvement. carried. - Ordinance licensing all public dances ever. _first reading and refercd to the Or-d. -Co=rr.ittee- Ordinance No 178 , improvei.ng portion of Third Ave . and east side of Shattock St. to County Road -a, sled to second reading;. PToved rind s econd, that Sec .l be adopted as read. carried. Y.oved and second that See 2 T)e adoptd. as read -carried Yoved and second t'hat Sec 3 be adopted as read-carried moved and second t?iat Sec 4 be adopted as rea d -carried t I,Ioved and second that the Ordinance be adopted as a 1--1-1ole as read.-carried. The new City officials aftor being duly s,,%,orn ,were R(--BF 57 By installed I ,he payor, Matter of wat r rates was liscussed.recommended by councilman :good that we establish a meter system as soon as Possible for all public buildings , ?.,:oved and second th4t a committee be appointed to investigate the Ordinances governing the salary of the City Attorney, to .report at the next meeting, carried Committee ) W G Wilson. Lee h7onahon ,E E Duff. ) Moved and second that a vote of tY.anys be tendered re- tiring councilman A C Wilson , for the courtesy shorn the NAyor and City Council , in the past year ,and that same be spread upon the records of t:.e City of Renton, carried.- Remarks by grew councilman,:7.G.Wilson. . The following bills were ordered paid by ties Yinance Committee . Jos "dwards, salar;* .Dec 75.00 A W Ticknor " " 50.00 P 7 Rouser " " 45.00 A I Beate " 20 .00 R Thorlurn 20.00 J ^tewart 70 .00 Seattle T,co^ a rower Co 79 .1.5 rr D C Mitchel labor 0 .00 Renton Journal Printing 10.75 .Flm Tonkin salary Quarter 90.00 James , inter. es t on Dcnds 120.00 �i T'itc`iell .pipe line, 3500.00 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adj oUrn, _— Clerk wag 1 i 58 RcBF 9 Rentont Ian,.11th0/10 City Council :net in regular ser ion !,"oayor Re4,1 ,Ticknor persi '.radingjZoll call . -Counclknan Du:ff,.til_l, Ott,"Jood, cake .71i.Lson, onahon,Attorney, ".rnK inecr, Treasurer. ,and Clerk being; nr. esent. "!inuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Pe tilion from residents of iii; -41,�.nd Addition for eater T.oved and second that clerk no Afy residents of "i6hland Addition than until an i.mprovernent dis �rict is fornied, to pay for installing of tAe necessary main, in said district that it will be impossible to 7;ive them ,crater.carried. J,,Toved and second that all petitions for zoster :from Hidllland he placed on file for future reference .carried. Moved and second ,'_­,_at all bills 0 , by the .Finance Dorn J ttee be raid. carried. St a.nd Alley Committee reports that the drainage Ditch ,Town '1.1s St will be completed in about ano t'her w^ k. T'oved and second diet t e report of the com:.ittee be accepted, carried. Report of the Auc?i tiny; committee read ..L owed and :second that same be accepted Rnd placed on file, carried. The Special Co:nr,"tee anpoir� Ned tl7 exar.nine 1,ne bid Of the >ta'n of Nashington,for the 12000.00 Bond issue,recommer.d that the City accept same ,J.Toved and second that she report of the Cori1- mittee be accepted. carried, l"TotrP,d and second that t-ie Clerk and the Attorney attend to Lhe mat ter of the sale of Donds at once,carried. Report of tle Special "ommittee appointed to loo', up matter of Stenographer hire Ordinance, read,"".oTTecJ and second t'Eiat the report of. ta,e Committee be accepted.carried,Further moved and second that this matter be taken up next Priday nic;titt and disposed of, carried. Report of attorney read relative to duties of Trdasurer ih , depos i ting; money in ban'fs .i.Toired anal second "U^at the Treasurer be requested to comply with the Statute , in regard to depositing the City funds in flanks .carried. Attorney repot cs that in his opinion we will Te able 60 to '_gave 61.1.e ^prinSbrook ,nater turned on about Friday,permenently Reso4ution for ttiae improveT. ent of a portion of 'liliiarns St,from north line of Second Sita, and on the north by the north. line of thze original Platt of t7ne Town of Fenton,by gaveling the same ,read, Trloved acid secomd Haat Sec.l be adopted as read.carried 110-�Ted and second tliat Sec .2 be adopted as read, carried TTov£ d and second t':iat `)ec .3 be adopted. asrea,d, ca.r­"ied. w-Loved and second that Absolution '_>e a?ontcd as a whole as read, carried. Resolution for the improvelent of a. portion of County- Road ountyRoad No.376 .from Cedar river bridge to t--,'-Le so•u tti line of ^noqu- 've.by c,ra,relin- same read. "owed and second that ^ee .l be adopted as read, carried 'roved anct second that Scc .2 'be adopted as rea.a, carried. Moved and second ghat Sec ,3 be adopted as read , carri^d. �Toved arid second that the Tesolu t ion '^e adopted as a r.,ole as read, carried. Ordinance providinC, for the licensin6 of all public dances in the City of Trenton passed to soconcl reading. '..oved an O. second Chat Secl be adopted as read.carr ied "gved and second t1it Bec .2 be adopted as read, carried .'.roved and second that Sec ,3 be adopted as read carried. T:Toved and second that the Ordinance '.e adopted as a mole a.s read. carried. yoirca and second t_,.,tat t: :e St. Supt be instructed to put in a crossing at Third and Burnett St. carried. Tdoved -Ind second tl:at ?ie also fix sidew=alk in front of R 71 Gays property on "lillia-w St.ca.rried. TTov^d and secondt.;,at L D Jones be notified to connect, up his sidewalk on Loan St.carried. Under the head of unfinisMied business the bids for City printing; were read. T,Tolred and second t:iat all bids for said printing be refused a.rid t hat printerssubmit new rids shio -inG sa.i-,ples of type ;.o be used and cost of same, ammend-ment to motiont_'nat printers submit size of -type to be used and cost of s -rae­next Friday evening; based on present bids .ammendrment to motion carried RPBF 6 Lo ti. on as arrunended was Cnen put by the �"_ayor ,ayes 4,noes ,2 n10 tion as amrended carried. The following billa urere ordered paid. E Auld intares t on Bonds 10 ,1 9.00 Geo ??ancock,labor on pipes 2.25 it % li P Las -oie labor on pipes 2.25 Tim 0 Leary " " 1115.65 5 . 05 0 Livery livery hire to Spr D 11 .50 burying '-og 1 .0r) 12.50 i' lr Trust Co .I fora ation Con;Im,case 9.00 9.0^ Bern , i'iclmor i.nspector .pi )e line ;0.011 -0.00 'Nm Tonyin,Seattle for water 307320 307 .20 Lee Mona,hon survey at ')prinEbrk. 3 .00 11,;. It aali `;ink boo1.s 9.00 12.00 A C 'Wilson " 11 3.00— 3.00 E :7 Duff ii ++ 9 .00 9 .0!' Rer:ton Lur:mr(�r `'arab- lumber f.15 6 .15 7eb S'.Cal hauling Crave- far City 32.25 32.n5 Th-ere being no further business a mo-'Lion pret*-..iled to adjourn, Clerk. Fil 1 1 RPBF 63 Re nt,;o n,Jan,l�? th,/10 City Council met in regular session Mayor Benj , Ticknor presiding, -Roll call-Councilman Duff,Elliott,1Si ;chell, Cwke ltJood 1onohon,Wilson Attorney,Engineer,Hea,lth Officer,and Clerk Being present, T�Tinuets of the last regular session were Dread and Approved. Loved and second that all bills 0 K by the Finance Com- mittee be paid, carried. St & Alley Committee reports on matter of open drain down Mills S L, same coripleted ,E�',oved and second that the report of the corr_mittee be accepted. carried. Matter of a system for keeping accounts of thidd class Citiesas required `by law discussed,Moved and second tiat the Finance CorrittfTe inquire into this matter ,and cost of same, carried. - Movcd and second that we re-consided the motion in r. er;ard to the 'Treasurer complying with Ll.e Statate relative to depositing money in ba.nks , carried.- Attorney reports that tl­�e Injunction on is Springbrook system was modified by Judge Lindsay allowing th.e City to use a million gallons of water to test pipes and keekp same in good conditionri I--loved and second that the report of the Attorney be accepted. carried. - Report of .engineer and Inspector,on second pipe line contract, recorrurend that City accept, same subject to contract. so that contractor can back fill sa.me .T"oved dnd second that the report of the committ• e be accepted.carried.- Health Officers repbrt .for Dec,also Annual read, Voved and second that the report be Fec:ieved and placed on file carried.- Taroved and second tFAat the report of t!.e Attorney & Engineer on survey of Fourth Avenue ,be accepte&t. - Moved by councilman Taionahon ,sec by Duff, that. City corimence action to compel owners of buildings that are on the street to move back.,wmriendrrent to trie motion by Co ancilman Wood that r. ecomendations of Engineer be carried out and that center 64 line of City to be established down Mall ,Valla A,.*enue in accordinance with the offigia.l survey. Poli_ vote ,ayes noes yTTo o 7onohan Yi t-C-11 < 'Vilson < Elliott Puff Anzr:endment to motion lost. Voll vote on ,,notion npes ayes Wo o d no no noha.n Mitchell Wilson Elliott Ccnl� e Duf f OriE,inal motion carried. - Chairmen of the St 7 Alley Committee reports f and recommends the .following street improvements One drain box west side of Smithers St.crossing 6th Ave-bridge at Yorris St, and County Road,drain box raised 10 inches at Iorris St & Fath Ave-sidewalk on 'Valla. Walla. Ave- between Pain St & pipe line ,a sidewalk on Ja,lla Walla Ave- along the gout's: line of the U & P S Fri-crossing Purnett St. .Moved and second that the report be accepted and the recoRnendations carried out. carriFd.- , Towed and second ;:s-at the(Observer)l)e the official newspaper until the City printing has been let, carried.- Moved and second chat the Attorney draft a reso- lution ,nal_ing an improvement district of Uountyr road No 376. t and that the Engineer furnish specifications of s une .carried Vowed and second -�Iiat t':e letter revieved from Ed. f I M Smithers , relative to building sidewalk on Shattuck St be rec- ieved and placed on file and the clerk instructed to answer any -and all questions as requested in said letter.carried. - The following; men were appionted bt the Mayor for r officers for -the ensuing year. Day marshal----- ------- 17 --- . -John S'cewart Dance "--------------R.Burrstine Police Judge----------Rob t, Thorburn Special Deputy when same is necessary,R.Buns tine T,16ved and econd that the appointments of the TLajtor f be confirmed carried. Garbage Ord-came for discuss ion.?77oved and second that said Ordinance be refered to the committee until next Friday night and that the matter of prices be discussed and placed within 50 �l of Seattle prices for the collect-ion of garbage in said Citv. carried. Tjje following ;natters were brought before the council by councilman 'v'lilson. to y,i t, -recommends t!Lat a s idewalg be built fron bridge to Garden Avenue .-also pl-aced before the coun- cil the matter of Opening a street rind graveling same , a,nd when it will be possible to get water to North Renton, .._Moved and second t':llat the Attorney draft a Resolution creating an improvement district of streets to be improved as set forg`i in councilman Wilsons petition, carridd.- T.ioved and second tht the :natter of gee timg water to .North Renton.be refered to the Water Committee, carried. - 11oved and second that the matter of sidewalks and crossings in 27,or,�h Renton be refered to the St � alley Committee. carried. - ' he following billa 'vere 0 K by the Finance 'Cimrnittee . - P 71 Rouser , to pay court costs 606.00 Hanford a, Pla.cfcwell , service Con-Case 26,3, . 5 21 'B A oven " it to 43.20 A 0 Powell to condni-case 296.40 Renton Studio ,pictures 5 .00 E A Sherarer.wate:r supplies 1.80 Crane Co, Liate valve 12.24 Geo haycock labor on pipes 6.75 P LE;,ssoie of of " 2.25 `i' 0 Leary " " 9.00 J Jones " " 4. 50 47 7 Pratt " " 4.50 E Auld " " 9.00 Harris Investment Co ,ser-�rices , Coad-Case 25 .00 Ferd Krumm, settlement, in Spr- case 100.00 R Bevaninterest on fonds Nol 6.00 1Lattie 'Bevan " " 12.00 John Ro tt.iii tness fees Condra-Case 45.00 P ',' Houser,JudCement & Coart costs in Dusk & Kruirrl case 181119 .00 �'; IT Yitc':ell.2 /3 estimate on 2nd cnntract 500 .00 P Lheroie labor on Carbage 6.75 J Lamb game.ge 22.50 D C 1"'itchell .spr.eaOirg gra77el ..r Dist.2To-5-6 17.50 S C Pierce meals for prisoners 2.50 Jas Tonkin. helping surveyor 6.25 '!'here being; no further business a motion peevailed to a,dt:ourn, Clerk. 66 ra , t ReBF Renton,Jan ,25i:n,/10 - Ci i:, session ?,"_ayor Benj ,Ttcxnor presiding .-Roll call. - Uouncilman Wool,Flliott,7,,filson.TTonoiion Vi tc":ell ,Treasurer Attor zey,being present, The Clerk being absent ,Attorne,y Houser acting as clerk Pro-`rem ' inae'ts of the last regular :session were corrected to read.appiIntment, of Jos Wood as -Fire Chief.and approved as coir-ected-. Pe ti ti on of Chas Dunn .for .'dater ror Lo t11 ''o for Line Addition read.I.ioved- and second t1iat Lhe pdtition be granted. carried. ` ` Moved and second that all bills J K by the Finance Committee- be paid.carried. St,& Alley Committee reportit on drains P. crossings as completed;I�oved and second Mat the report of t:rie committee be accept:=d, carried, H:oved and' second tha-; Garbage Cbmmi ttee be �;ranted one more week, carrie' d. - i.oved and second that the Rnt;ineer.r establisI-I lines of Stioqualimie Road from bridge to R R , carried. Fin•-.nce 06imiitte asks for more time on system of bookkeeping,tloved and second t7nat the co.^imittee have one more week, carried.- Reprt of Finance committen on Funds and warrants dm,,im thereon. Report of Garbage committee reciev^d. R R Ordinance read first time and refered to t'-.e Ord- inance corrinittee said coT-miLteo to confer with 'LlrLe .'attorney Bond. of the marshal read,MRoved and second that the bond of tie Marshal be tamed over to t: 68 carried.- C E hbved and second that the Attorney draft an Ordinance Graveling Streets notth of Walla Walla Aven�;e ;gyres-!. of Purnett, south of Third ind east of Torr. i s s t,carried.- hbvcd and second that the Street Supt. put in crossine,,,' _ z on east side of Rain on Fourth Avenae .carried.- The following bills were 0 K by the finance co:%unittee Lowman & Hanford, sopplies 9 .- 9. - R Buns tine drawin6 board for Eng- 7, - 7% - City for frei At. .30 .30 if E Pratt 3 days on sidewalks 6.75 2Q .57 7.30 P Lassoie, 2 days on crossings 4.50 2 day on gar- 1 .15 5.65 T 0 Leary 2 day on crossinGs 1.15 1.15 E Auld 22 dzy on pipes 5.65 5.65 T 0 Leary 4 days on pines 9 ,- 9 . - P La.ssoie - t 1 day on pipes , 1 .15 1.15 W 7 Pratt dans on ,bines 1 .70 1 .70 Jas Hardie , su,ppltes — 2.65 2.55 2.65 Taylor Iddin6s WaLchman at Springbrook. 30.- 4 days witness fees 8 . - Yilea e 16 miles 3.20 41 .20 H T Vogelsburg labor 73 , - 73 .- Jos 3 .- Jos Edwards expense 2.84 12.84 There being no further business a motion perevaiNd to adjourn c::"T zla� Ci tUyclerk RPBF 69 Renton Feb-1st-/10 City Council -net in regular session Tfay-or Benj Tic -,nor nersiding Roll call.-Councilman Duff,Flliott,1''litchell PlonolionI 5'lood Cake,Wilson,Attorney, Treasurer. ,:end Clerk beinc; ?)rese-t .r. Tzinuets of the last re;;ular session were read and approved. Pe ti titin :for crossing on �i.e north side of Fourth and Wells St, read.Taoved and second that L.C;e S gree t ,Supt be ins truc ted to put in crop=sing; at said place, -carried.- Pdtition from Jos 71,,Iwards for an increase in salary read Moved and second that said petition be refered to the Flays P4 MI-ear,s nmitter.-carricd- ■rr Petition for water f.rom'P.Gules lot 18-19 Blk.2 Gunns Ad rea,d.Moved and sec,jnd that same be refcr,d to the Water Committee carried.- Petition arried.- Patition from Teamsters asking that City open street connecting south end of Renton A?renuP and Cedar St.read.I,?oved an-, second that said petition be refered to the St,& Alley Corrmia#ee carni ed. Matter of getting water to Iiighland A-ddition discussed iloved and second t`L&t City Attorney draf t a Resolution making an Improvement Di9t. of same for purpose of laying Main, T.Toved and second that all bills 0 K by t':�e T'inancd C01ti7ittee be p=aid -carried. - Attorney reports on Condra- case, succeeded in having "70 d -300.00 taken off cost of sia/suit. also reports that he thinks the injunction wi-11 b� raised in a few days allowing us to use the Springbrook water.'.'oved ane!. second that the report of the Attorney pe accepted.carried.- Complaint of citizens about crdssinv abovet ?kills St. St & Alley Committae reports that the C & P S -R R aE;reess to nut in said crossing. The Finance Conyrittee makes the folloairing report on new system of, books .Having examined the Williams Sys teim now in force at Georgetown-,!irould recmmmend that same system be installed at Renton.r.�oved and second tl_'.at the re-port of tie Com*nittee �e nccepted.and recom4men(t-aLions car ried out -carried.- 1.oved and second t'Iat the finance-Ccamittee be instruc- ted to • this system ins rolled.carried.- 111atter of building a vault to keep t'.-,.e records of tele City in discassed.Moved and second tilat a Cornrnittee be- "appointed by tvie Mayor to inves Ligate cile matter of building a vault and furnish estimates on snare Committee W.G.Mlilson Jos ,Wood. carried- St & Alley Committee recommend that gravelling on Imp- Dist oto, 5-6-be accepted.Moved and second that t .e report be acce- rated.carried. - 7,;Ioved and second that the Council accept the work done in I-provesnen t Dis t,No , 5-0- as comple t#dd•carried. - 1?oved a Y i d second ti-,,at the Attorney dua.ft a Resolation cre-i an Improvement Dis tric L for" „f avelling certain Streets in worth Renton. the St & Alley Committee to :give the r PnPsro,r.r ReBF 71 information as to streets. �a.tter of certain streets in the City of Renton, not bein6 dedicaTed.discussed.Moved and second that t.,iis matter be refered to the St & Alley Cornmittee ,carried.- r.. Police Judges report for Tari read.1lved and second that same be accepted.carried.- Bond fumlmaed by the City C erk.is2oved and second that bond be refered to the Attorney for his approval , carried.- Moved and second that the finance Committee ta?;e up matter of Treasurers bond relative to amount of same .carried.- Rosolution for the improvement of a portion of Burnett, a..mi thers, alai i.iorris Ct.bounded on tU-Le south by Walla 'Halla Avenue r Fourth and on the north by `i"hirci Avenue , and that portion of �#ff# Avenue and of Third Ave-bounded on the east by Purnett at, and on the ;gest by""orris Ct, in the City of Renton Washington,by 'gravelling,, read.lMoved and second that said Resolution be fefercd to the Ord- Committee,Carried, - Gar"Irate Ordinance came up for discus^ion,11.0vnd and second that grirbage Ord- be refered to a Core;nittee of ti-Le ; hole next Fridays evenine.carried, - roved and second that the P. P. Ord- be also laid over one week,carried.- j rat ter of. Attorneys salary discussed. by Cake by .Elliott Yov(4/ ,nd second/that Orcl i na,nce No,172 be not r.epaa.led. ammendment to motion that Clerk draw a. 77arrant for Salary for Q6,55,00-and one for Clerk hire for �,, 20 .00 7 A=mendment to the ammendment that trae Cle-k draw a ;'arrant for Attorneyt�s salary accordind to Vie Ordinances , ca.rried. - Cor_Lmunicaiii.on from R II `Piompson rel�Ltive to � 500.0 0 due the City reazi-,?U[oved and second that the sarr,e be recieved and place& on file, carried.- Remarks by ',;Tr TI.Evans reg-as(ling Cedar River Improvement Dist.askino; for a -donation from the City,to help do preliminary wore: of getting said Dist.started.re.narks by :'attorney as to rr'hat purn )se money will be put to . TToved and second t: ReBF The following bilis were 0 K by the Finance Corirli ttee Renton Journal Legal notices 22 2.92 of of Notice sale: of. Bonds 1 .40 1 .40 3.52 E G Chausze,black smithing 2.05 2.n5 Lowman & Hanford,recod 1-cook 12.50 " it sheet 'zolder 2.50 15.00 -- P J Lamb laad coal, 4.75 4. 75 `1'.O .Leary cleaning bridge 2.25 of of on pipes 1 .15 3 .40 E Auld., on crossings 4.50 " c on 1.15 5.65 P La.s sole, sand box, 6.75 W 77 P! att 11 it 9. - B C 17itchell , Imp.-Dist-No-5-6- 7. 50 7 .50 A Tenni helping surveyor 12.50 12.50 Bet `1'ic nar , Irspector . 27 ._ Isere being no further business a motion prevailed to ad j o ur n, -�, � r--T City L;1erk P.S. -Sala.rios of Officers Jos Edwards 'Tarslial 60 • - water Sunt - A VI ii.cknor Clerk 6J•- p, T;iorburn Police Jude b 20. - A 0• -A I Beach. Health 0- 20 .- p 0 .- P '»r Houser Attorney 55. - to 5• - " Stenographer hire 20.- J a tewar t. Edi 'r�t marshal 70. - City r i i 74 RTF Ren on,Feb,8 tri ,/10 City Council net in regular Ression Mayor Penu, Ticknor presiding . -Roll call .-Councilman Wood.Mitchell, Wi1so,i.At ,,orney.En_;ineer and clerk beim; present. Iaionohan, "inuets of '': Ze last regular session were read and approv ed.- Petition ofof renewal of retail liquor licer,.se from Jos .Colrey,D T riogw Evans & Richrnorid.Den. Atkenson Awc Gillas & Casselman 'Towed and second that the same be refered Uo �Lne proper com.: ittee.carried.- ":Loved and secDnd t>>.at Ave suspend t'.-I.e rules and regAlar order of business and allow Mr Fa,ul'cenburg to Vindic$4e his bill for 7xpert ser-:Tices . in Condm case,Yloved arid second that tete bill be ref. er-d to the t+'inance Committee and that we thank .r;Tr Faulkenbu rf�, for his explanation, - carried,A St ?z Aller Lommittee reports c';e ?'•E'Yl 0:1 jr -!ia.,+Ix e d 'iia. been oi�Pred Qo that teams can trairel over s.ar^,e ,moved and second that t .e report of tine cornri ttee ' e accepted, carried. - �.. Comni ttee appointed to see about building of a vault reports , a.s follows. -recommends t..at said vault be built size of sa same out-side-measure 6-12 -.1%. Loved and second tiLa.t tiie report be accepted Land that Clerk proced to acivertize for bids for sane, c,Lrrird. - Tomn Proj,�rt � com- reports I .- porus on matter of street be t,,ween River Ave- &. Ced zr Rived ti t[Le to same rested in Renton ?'arm Platt.2;:oIr(-d =and second that the Com- takeup matter wi .t<_ the County Commissioner`s , ca.rried . Councilman 141itc';ell recommends that ?T.r Lusk be irnpower- ed to look after tine dam at Spririgl_)rook,i:Lov(rd and sectrrid t;.at - f the report of t:.e committee be acceptod and said matter be revered mud to t'.e Attorney lie to write to A"r Lusk, carrieed St & Alley Com- reports that the Cit r of Seattle -ill put in sand box compietir�6 drain system- do;Arr, Mills St. Li hg committee reports that the P-S-E Co :foes r.o t live up to its 7ranchise re�a, ti7e to li Its second t'�at 4-he Att-,rney look up 7ranchise of Sd,id P)S)E)RR)Co -carried. !'..loved and sdcond that all bills 0 K by ;e .1"inance com- be paid .carried. - 76 TTaPVecer of, Jos Lauren is Aosessmand', care up for Iiseassio T'oved al-4 second L':at this matter be refered to a committee of t.Yie t vPiole next Friday night ,carried, - 500.0 due from L; e City of Seattle as per a.0 reemant C i ty *rit'l said/allowing pipe line to go up T!^ird St, recieved, Attorney reports that t.ce Guor'-le Case comes up for trial '21 ursday, 'iealtsi officers T--e-oxt read and order^d placed on file. C t C '76'7p;a. and second tllat t�_e written opi pion furnished ')y the Attorney relating to Salary Ordinnce be recieved and placed on file , carried, - 1''o,red and second L',iat t-,eA'l.torney draft a Resolution -carting, in,!- Telen!�ione Co t :e riE;ht to place pole s and. :tires on certain streets in ''Torch Renton, carried, Fesolution creating an improvem.enL district for purpose of building, s idewalk along the wes t s ide of ^roaualimie Avenue read first time ar d. refefed to L?�e Ordinance llo:nmittef-,, Resolution i:or L.,:.=c creation of an improverrnent district for the pur+pose of layis t:., "1a�er main in Ri;. ^land A-'c?iti_on, read and refered to the Ordinance Committee , tfor gravelin Resolution c_reatin, an improvement district/oforer. ta,ir, stfc cts descriUcd in said resIlution North of 71alla ';T%'I.la Ave and Ariwit of Burrett south of T111ird and east of T.iorris St, re ad arad refered Lo Lhe Ordinance Com-;ittlee, Resolu Lio creating an improvement elis tr. ic6 of all streets soutl of second fvenueon ".'IsoutTl by the City limits on the east by TkTills St on the 'Vest by Burnett St,by Cravellin- s3 a.id stree-ws F a '•. �nu-,.d refered to Ll�e Ordinance commit tee , Garbage Ordinance HQ180 -passe to second readirit , Loved and second LI-.at Sec 1 of Ordinance be adopted as read, carricd, t roved and. second t'--..at Sec^ be adorted a^ ^eaft , carried E"o-re d and second Lha,t Sec3 be ammanded to read. not !cess than three Mon hs , in advance and of"r.er portions of .3ec tion ;o }ri Lh ammend ant. car ried Moved and Sec- to adop td ^ec-3 as ainmended, carri-ed. TyCove l and sec to adopt Sec- 4 as read-car -ice, ?foveailr;d s0c- coat Cc, tion 5 '-oe a,.nriended to read ,rom Marcli ist, iglo to Tan 1st-1911 . I,*o,r e d arid c o nd t ,a.t ^e c-5 re adopted as arrm c n d e I L carried. Sections-7 10 11 12 were adopted as read. o LILoved and second tImt the Attorney be impowere(Il 'Lo ammand Sec 6-so as to provide for additional ch.-arC---Po-.- a-Ktra Cq-114 of 1-1-c e-arl-age man. carried, 7oj-ed and second that the Ordinance be adopted as a ienole as -ammarjd(,d, car-ied, - fAatL,er of allowing people to 'build cement sidewaIRs laid o-,rer one wee':. 7 ,,."oved and second that the ALItorney,ffraft an Ordinance hill pos-�jrjC ij- I C, - , tze Cit" all Renton carried. low f Councilman Wilson as'.1-s for use o,, council chriznbers .Text latu7d-ay rvening,T!oved and recon that is Wilson be granted ase of Council Chambers next ,he f011o�vin!:- bills ,-T(-re 0 K byYinance Lowman ?- Han f 3 r d I r e,,i s t r: tion 1)oo!,,s. 10. - printinZ of bonds INO-3 421 -Tournqev Pub Co ,proof-reacting said ',Ionds 3. - 3 . - T ,larris ;'- Coc'r1ran bridge si6n I 1.50 1 .50 R 7;ood'bale of 'hPound ay for Pd *7 Ir, 7ent'.on lam,'- -3r yard for crossinL;s 28 .29 28 .29 Mm Tinkin Salary,for 4#6##17orithof Tan 50 . I I - 30. - D C I'I LC7-iell 1,110or or 11 .27 11 .25 E Auld 2 7 .90 11 .90 0 Keary 4. 1u P Lar�oie 4 .r0 0 1 Tr� 11 ,r-ry hirefr,?i - .I,, L Inau1j*-6 6. 50 15 .60 !,'.encon Journal printing 25 .- OI)c Exans labor at Tanis J Tones on Hyalraxi'us 1 .1:5 1 .15 Priebe Bras blacIllsmiLhim-, 4 .15 Z11 .15 Ciur of Penton fre.-L,7-1-itoon ..!�onrls P,, stamps 3. ^5 3.25 U, 7ournsey Pal) Co Tcr-,-a noticcd# 5 .05 5.05 L' TI -�re, i . yng 16 . 50 36 .50 r7ii ere bein•; rio f-an"I'l:n, '-,A ,Ines, a -motion 'i ty Cle -k r s s '+7� i � �} t � � � i t i S ii cBF 79 IZ? TTTOY 7' ,EU516-1h,%10 City Council met in regular cession Yayor Penj , Ticknor presiding, Foll call. - Councilman Duff,Elliott,T';i tcliei.1 , Cake,,'food , 47i1sOr.,''"o��o�ion, Treasurer,ALtorneyr,Sn ineer,?'eal tI-1 bff i cer and Clerk beim; present. of t'le last retuiar sesnion were rear a.nid app- roved, Petition for Mater T,o L-4-Mlk-1-read ,moved that same be E,ranted carried. - Moved and second that all petitions for renewal of retail liquor licenses be refired to -L'-,e Liceryse Coinrni ttee, ca,rri,,-ed-- Peti tion from residents of North Penton ,arlkirg that t:1e Council enforce t',.e Ordinance prohibiting the r-,innirir at large Of live stock ### in c.aid' TTorth Rentor, read,Iloved and second that 30 da.yg notice be <given to owners of live stock in slid "?or uh Renton before cnforcin6 dr(lina,nce , carried Fire P.r Water Committee reports on matter of 7ettir-16 eater to Highland t'1d(1,ition.) Suggests that present tank be raised 5G feet,Y' d and second t"I at the report of Uommittee T)e accepted carried. -also moved and second that Vie EnL�ineer#be impowered to furnish-: proper specific<a,Lions for pine in said Iiigx:land Adclition, carried. - I.Yoved and second t'iat the St Supt,be ordered to compel C.�cP.;3.RT,. CC to put i r 1 St crossing at ?1.i11s St. c<zrried. - Ya.:tter of street li izts beim; found not turning; at nicht at sevral different plaees ,,'.i.qcissee ,Moved and secoiad that •_ d the NightT"ars1.al belts +',e Clerk ' o notify light (;0 to OQ have same fixed t,4a.en found not burning, carried, - Loved and recon tj,.at all bills 0 K by Vriral:ce Uoh»,it tee be paid. carried. - ` 0ouncilma,nVrrotests raulkenburg eLauks bill for expert Ser,lrices , 'Towed acid second t?,at T'iss "ay ,Tomes rill for stenoL�;pa- phic hirebe paid. carried. - Attorney fey op:ts that LTie Inspect^rs appointed ty tI;e Court in Injuction ca.se,bill is p,300.00 na,lf of same to be paid by City,I-Toyed and -second that a Warrant re r.ra-vn in favor of P.77. Houser to pAy costs of said Ir j unc cion case, to laic amount of ." 150 carried. - T,'oved asd second t aat Dr Ficks bill for expert sier-�-ice,q Ie refered to t':.e ALtorney fir inversliUation, ca.rried. - T:"overl and- second that plans & specifications -for -vault furnished by Comp i :,ice be accepted by t e Cou:rr,il, ca,rried ,- loved and second t'aat the Council take a recess .for applications for purTmse of ldokinE over;retail liquor licenses -r:d one ?rTholesale , license, a.s rullow s . -I"_'cGillas,4. Casslemaz:,Dob^on °c BobgonI Jos , Covey Ben Atkenson,Joe Oberto & A,Ber. tolero .rivans 8% Rir,.unond ,D ,Hogan Jones & Talker ,Pis Lolesi and second that the report of the Committee be accepted and on the approval of Va.e Attorney and signatlre of Payor said Licenses be Cranted, carried , - St & Alley Committee reports t-hat three crossings are r needed.I«oved arad second that the St Supl. be iris true ted to pu i; in cro^sir_ga designated by Com-(A-itee , -carried. - Iuloved a-rid second that the Clerk be instructed to notify F. Wood to build sidewalk from I:'a.in St, to connect with pipe 11re s iclewalk, carr_ ied.- St Alley Committee reports that to sectiors of side- Trn.lkon Cedar Stare nothet in,Loved and second '=ia t -1- Clerk not ify owners of property to put down same carried, - Vilays cpc Mlea.ns Committee reports on pe tition. of Jos LOvra.r c?s , for increnre of sa,lary, rccommen.d t1lat he be a.11owd 4,10.00 per in,on h as OL-1 2upt ,ITnvn(7 rt,i' secozid t11at t'"ie tivas ?'.'eaj,,s Corrin.i t',:ee report be accepted ,i.nd salary allowed., carried, - T ayor a.ppoints, Jo.9 ,E"d'a,rds as St, Supt, aFovece, and. second that the Mayors appointment 'oe approveca by the "ouncil ,carrieo,. - Dng;ireerr -reports that the sewer map is now ready, ire Iroved and second that t'le Encineerr be authorized to consult withh, some expert engineer on nuestion, carr. ied.- Remarks by Zu,Davis ,h?. vacs ,0 ,F3. �loolcy irz "<�ToB' of sewer systera,?Toved and second t1,at we proceed to install ocvior vy ter and that tate "Lttorney "ornis'h written opir_ior a.^ to :grays F; --.ears to pay for same .car rie::.i. - ?,'`atter of excessive charges of Experts Por services cussed ,Koved and second t'riat the T.aror appoint a cornittee of two , to work in harmony with the At torney, said commi Ltee to confer v;ith Attorney as to ci art es of all parties employed as experts by the Ijity of Fenton, aanend.meri ,; to mot-on that the be ful" ' ut'-.ority to 'sire a'.' expe its er-nployed for Citu,rzotion as aa-,:mended car.rife .- I Attorney reports on ratt?r of securing Quit Claim deed from Harris In7�estment Co in 'rprj.nC�,brook matter .and Proper Pilin, of szYie ,il^o t-1 at t ' Judge Lindsay sustained the motion of the Cit-.r to � issol,.re VAe writ of mandamus issued in the case of G.A. Gour'Ke V.S. said Uity of 'Penton , thus allowing the city to ase Lhe Oe, primbrook water for '.unicipal purt-�oses until the deter-nination of C the Condmna.tion suit now pendig before Judge Gay,likeTvise reported on matter of Judger�.ents and costs of case ilo-67178 ,a.s folloti=rs Dykernar. 8a wife, Frank Tcrrace Pr caJife,Anderson �: r;ife ,?":"argaret ??aye :."ut;utit Coetewa,,r,T:gage & wife , total amount being; " 400 .40 which has been, pa,id, tbere beim; a rebate of " 205. 60 ,same being; turned s over to tie Clerk,Mloved and s(,cond t'-,at Lie Attorne-rs report be accepted and placed on file, carried, - qnd Engineer grog els,.°urg/ Inspector Ronj Tickno/ reports that he was over Ll,e line 7eb,15 th and found, praticticallir no lea':s and uroulcl recommend ty ai Council accept pipe line subject to contract, and that we. allow contrac Lor to back fill said pine lire ,P..oved and second that the report of the Inspector be accepted and the recommendations carrie d out , carried, - TFrer. e being, and excess ive amours L of work to be done Loved and second that Council adjourn un Lil Wednesday E--ening,.F'eb Clerk, RPBF RENN ON Feb, 16-th-/10 %djourned slesr-ion of City Council carni, ; orc'ter at 7.80 0 .Clock.Yayor Benj ,Ti.cucnor rresiding, Roll call. .-Councilman Wil son',ITonohon, Cake,V.1ood ,Duff X Li Ott-Attorney and Ulerk beim; press t. 1,'in,.;ets of Adjourned session were read and approved, - Business opened under the head of first readinu of Ord- inances , T�oved and second trial tAze Resolution covering t':e laying, of water pipe in Highland Addition be refered to the Rni,-,ineer for estimate of cost and specifications for same .carried. - Ordinance relative to !DostinC of bills in City of Renton carne up for first rear in ,TToad a.rd second teat said Ord- be refere to Ordiriarice Committee. -carried .- 1!oved and second that all Street lmpr. ovement Ordinances ,and Resolutions be refered to tn.e Fngineer for estimates and speci f i cati ons , ca.rr ied.- Orelinar_ce gra.ntin6 to Thomas Chapman,Franchise for St. R.R. in and upon certain strects ix: the City of Renton ,passed to s ,second teadin6, lAved and second that Section 1 of said Ordinance be adoptedas read., carried. - h; Mloved and second tjaat Sec-2 -be adopted as read. -carried Toved and second that Sec-3-be adopted as read.carried T:oved and second that Sec-4-be adopted as read .carried. T"oved and second that ^ec. -5 be adopted as read.carried. T.oved and second that the Attorney &-imand pec , 6 with the followink clauses . Said grantees , thier suc :.essors and a.ssigns ,agree to maintain at all St.crossin6s or intersections , that m_alr be crossed incandescent/ electr or intersected,by their railwa-v- ;racks , 1-32-c-p-lamp or such othe lamps or lights ,as will give an equal amount of light, and said lights shall be to the satisfaction of t .e City Council of , ,e City of Renton,and said City Council shall be the sole judges as to whether said lights are satisfactory or not.And furtsiermore , that said gra,rtees, their successors a,-id ass igns , a-ree , that not more thaA a chagge of tan cents small be charged as fare from 84 the City of Kenton, to the City of 7.ent, and further provided -that saic;/ shoulf,/line extend. to the City of Seattle ,a maximum charge of not more than 12 cents chall be macre from said Uity of Renton to heart of/ ` the Said City of Seattle .as now located.And further provided. that whenever necessary .for purpose of removing buildings ,or any other purpose ,upon or across said streets occupied by said Railway the City of Renton reserves the right upon due notice to said Ry-C Comp any, to have all trolley or other wires rerLoved te:,Iporally, Moved and second that Sec-6 be adopted as read ,carried. Moved and second that Sec-7-be adopted. as read, carried. TTov-d and second t!i.at Sec-S-be a.dorted as - ead, ca.rried. I'oved and second that Sec-9 be adopt^d as read,carried. "'ov-.d and second that SeclO-be adopted as read, carried . IrLoved and second that Sec-ll-be adopted a.s read, carried. ILove(1 and. second that Sec-lN-be adopted as read, carried. �v^atr-4.G —.,(- — C'i awLc.G�I y,ovcd and second that Ordinance be laid on the table un til-Friday ni&,t, carried. P,esolution. for the Improvement of a portion of t).e north erly side ofthe County toad I'lo-174-by the construction of a board sidewalk, thereon.re<ad and adopted and ordered published. Threr be in- no further business a motion was made and seconded that we adjourn until Friday Night at &.3Q P M. carried. Clerk. t ReBF 85 ' f ren torn,Feb,1.,. .r��lQ Adjourned sesrion of ui ty Cbancil cad: to order bra r�r renj 'icknor prdsidir� ,Roll call, - `'ouncilmar. nuff,Flliott,",Titcrel 'lood,Is"onorAon, Treasurer Attorney and 'lerk being prejerLt, ITinuets of adjourned session were read and a,sporved Ord i na,-ace ;ranting, to Thos Chapman and ot;.e,•s ,a rra.n- chise to build a Street RRy,over and upon :pertain streets iz t,qe UP City of RMtonocrame/for final passage. I°oared and second that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as arrinended, carried. - resolution No-4-A-came up for final rea,dirL�, t Proved and second that Seed be addptd as read.carried. loved and second t .at "Sec. -Z be adopted as .read-carried. 'loved and second that Oec-? be Idop ted as rt-ad, ca-ried.- Isroved and secod that she Resolution be adopted as a whole as read, carried.- Resolution Ivo- A-came up for final reading ..rli rtl"-ovnd and second t iat Sec-1 of said resolution be. adop- ted as read, carried.- Lo"ed and se cozid t:.at Sec-2 be adopted as read. carried.- w:ovcd and second lu-hat Sec-7 be adorted as read, carried. - I"o-,red and second that the xesblurion be adopted as a Whole., as read, carried*` Ordinance No-182 came up for second readinb, Yoved and second Ll.,,at Sec-1 of said Ordinance be adopted as rea.d ,carried, r;'o-,red and. second khat Sec-2 be adopted as rea.d, carried.- -moved and second that Secl3 be adopted as read, carried. - !'oved and second that Sec; 4 be a.a.onted as read,Carrie '. Now T�olred an(? second that L"he Ordinance be adopted as a whole s read, carried.- Ordinance No-183 came up fore final reading i.'oved an;S second t_1at Sec-1 of. said Ordinance be adopted as rea.d. carried.- Moved and second that ziec-2 be adoptd as read, ca.r.ried. - ".TOVect and second t- ,at t ,at Dec-? be adknptd, ar, rea,d.carrie?.- f f 'Tovect and second teat "ec-4-be ado-)td ar, read, carr. ie:i. - ?Roved and second that the Ord-inal: ve be adopted as a < i ivl,ole as read, carried.- .-LIerc beim; no furt"er basii�es a motionprevailed to adiourn, < C� ty Clerk. e i a t RPBF Re n-to xi,Feb,22nd,/16 CitY Council -,r-,et, in regular session Y'ayor Benj , 'Ticknor preoiding,-Roll call .-Councilman Duff,F111014t,Cake ,'No od,ditc:-Lell i'r. easurer,3n-ineer and Clerk 'beim present, -Linuets of t:le last session were read and approved, Petition for water from 0 L Tllio tt,'Iilliker Acre Tract i read, Moved and cecond fiat s!'-True be gran ted. carried, - Petition from R,TT,Phillips for water Talbot,rea.d, .Moved and second that said petition be laid on t7ne table until such time as the water !system has been completed and accep tine'. carr. icd. - Peti. tion of D.Y.Jones for renev✓al of retail liquor license r^a,d, and refer,d to t'.e license committee , _ 1'7o?,ecl and second that all bills 0 K by the A' inance Commi tteF be paid , carried. - -Latter of crossing above TTills St.across C & ? S Ry, discussed.N"Oved and second that tlie St, Supt. hatre gravel hauled and placed at said point subject to Street# Alley Committee ,ca.rricC) f"" Moved and second t'liat the report of the License "ornmitte on petition of D 1.1 Jones for renewal of retail liquor license be accepted and the license urranted,on approvel of At .orney and sig na ture of Mayor, carried, - Matter of fence around Reservoir diacussed,jr1oved and _ eecond that. this matter be refered to the Town Property Co.,unittee ca.rried.- Yo .4-a Moved and second that the Resolution/coverinL; t`:e described placing og gavel upon streets/in tv�e said Pesolution be .laid on table, �,Inmen(led that Clerk be iiiatrueted not to advAr-ize for bids for said work, carrier'. - Loved and second that the comrnuniration recievod from ..1 Dr .tick, relative to a bill for Professional services be refered to t'.e Attorney for investiga.tion ,carried, - Bill posting Urdinance carne up for final reading Yoved and second Vhat Sec, l be adopted as read, carried ':-Loved and second that Sec, 2 be adopted ac r.ead, carr. ied rMovF.d and second that Sec, 3 be adopted as rea.d, carried.- 1 ov,�d. and second that Sec ,4 be aaoptsd as raced, carri^d, - i 88 Moved and second that Sec .5 be adopted as read, carried.- Moved and second Vi.at Sec, 5 be adopted as read, carried.- h1oved ah d second that the Ordinance be laid on the table to get Attorneys opinion as to penalty ,provided the fine was not paid, carried .- Bids for building of vault at City Hall read. A 1,6ved rand second that tie bid of RAilson be accepted and `he bd given contract to build saie ,of ter proper contract has b been drawn up, carried.- Toved and second that the Attorney notify N.P.Ry Co R R y to place culvert inArade of track leadin, to Car Works , as per agreement. carried .- Pro`tPstQ from Supt,L D.Jones and `T'hos ,O tries of the Seattle 'electric Co,about Council granting Franchise to ` hos , Chapman and others to build a Steeet Railway up White River Valley. loved and second that the Town Property Committee have trio ventilators placed in City Ball to allow for proper neatilati on. carried. - The following bills were 0 E'_,by tre .Finance Committee Ceattle Tacone Pourer Co ,Lamps, 2.40 E Auld, 41 days on pipes , gay on crossinGp 11.25 D C -litchell , 4 days on pines , 3 dyas on crss- 15 ,75 Jos Edwards ,expense ,Spry;- .50 P La,ssoie ,l day on pipes 1 day on crssnCs 2.25 J L Jones .L day on pipes . 1.1;5 T 0 Leary,Q days on pires ,-z day on crssngs 11.25 II T Vol elshurg ,sewer onrl & map . 36. - N-Rentonsurvey , 12.- Spr. ingbrook,with expert & map for same 12.- 60. - Tm Tonkin interest on Gen- Fund Warrants, 25 .17 R Dunstine services as dance marshal 9 .- W TI '.Mitchell bal due on lst contract2l3 estimate 1137 .93 , n n n n find n " " 1940. - There being no fortter business a ;!lotion prevailed to ad,j o Burn , C Ci ty Clerk, I ReBF 89 Renton March,lst,/10 City Council. met in re ,,O-ar session ""a.yor Denj Ticknor pros idia„Rol l cell Councilman 'duff, Wood, Cake,r'itche11,1 onohon Atorna.y Engineer and Cl -crk being presen i;. T:tinuets of t'.rie last re.- session were read ar+d approv ed.- Petition from J 11atto asking; for a meter r,�a.d, T,!oved and second that said petition be laid on the table one week, ca,rri:-�d._ ",fitter of do aation of :'x,250.-by City t0 Coznrncrcia.l ;nater way Club discussed,T.�oved and second that - is matter be placect in hands of -t',..-le Finance UOM i ttee said corrini tee to confer with the Attorney as to the legality of City doiia Ling sdid rionev, A-.L,orney having advised the committee that it v.ou1d be legal to donate said money a lotion, was made and second that all bills 0 K by t ie Finance Committee be paid. carried. - ST.& Alley Committee resorts that all crossirry s ordered placed on laird Avenue afe raoI7 in. loved and second that the report of the Committee be accepted , carried.. Sewer question discussei.- Moved and second t hat the matter of raising money to Pay for sewer be refer^d to the '. ays Ir-ea,ns Comm ttee they to con fer vvi th the Attorney, end report at the next regular rice ti.a� , carni ed.- T"Oved and second that LChe natter of gee tiriV expert apita- ion on sewer quer Lion be refered to the Ways & 77earis Committee, car ried.- "oved and second that :natter of a ditch back of Peter Jorgenso.�ia property in North Renton be refCred to the >t t?, Alley Corimi ttee,crried. (lues tion of Lhe water from Sar Boris Spring rannin6 thro u6;h North Renton,discussed, '.oved a,ii;ti second that the Eng ineer 1e instructed to look this matter up,relative to the easiest method water Of disPOsin of sa dAin A es cimated cost of same, carried. - T'Oved and second Viat t'tr Resoluution a.utho.rizing t?,e Yayor of the pity of Renton to sign L-he petitiola it behalf of the City of `Rentor, for tae formation of the Cedar River Commercial 'eterway.be pa sed as rea.d, carried. - 90 T'owed and second t'-Aat the �)rdlna,nce Zovernin- bill post- in6 in "i ty o' Fenton,be adopted as alnmended and read, carried. ?;:oared and second t ,a t t'n.c "ttorney notify ''des tern Union 'Lele&;raph, Co to move pole at t .e corner of Walla Walla Ave- and Tdiils Str.eet, sar•.e reinG In the sidewalk line , carried.- x'nemarks by P P Padden. and F C Brindel ,del.egate6 from th the Chamber oc :°onunerce asking t'-:at VIP, Uouncil proceed to put in t'he sewer and other much needed improvements as quickly as passible, pie following biltls wefe 0 K by t',e Fi mce uortimi ttee, Cl;Dt1II RIVET' C0112RCIAL WATER WAY CLUB 250.- PUGET SOLTIM TENT & DUCK CO 4.25 THE, GCURNSEY CO PUBLISI IMS 7.70 I'." i1'ON LUIT53"M YARD? LUTMER 710R CROSSINGS 377,75 711A `1'OIMIIT 10 ,, 7'O SICAITE FOR LIq)LIC:l;TTSES ao,- R 'T L` DM lead coal 4.75 D C LItchell 2� days or. s'T day on pipes 6,75 `1' 0 Leary 1 day C ravc 1,1 day , crssns ,l day pipes 6.75 E Auld 1 day Gravel ,l da,y,pipcs ,l day, crssns 6.75 ` .ere '.-e t� ^o Further r)usiness a :notion nreva_l-,' to r ourn. cl e rk t I, i ReBF Re.:tox Larcii,8th/10 City Council met ix reglar seogion T�.ayor Be AJ Ties or Pre si'dilag,Roll call.-Councilman Duff,Ell iott,T"'itClio III Woods CakejAttorney L:qL-,-iY:eer .I-Ieal-,h Officer .ad Clerk beinL; preier.t. I.' aets of t .e last regular session were read aid appro- now ved, - " Petition. fror.. Id Grady for a. inch and quarter pipe cor.iiectior, for Hotel Ren lox re :.d, :.ovd ••^r d secoF�d t'.at sa ic' pe ti - tion^. be referee, to c,?,_e Fire Pc "a ter `•ommittee, carried . - '�olmd ri,rid second t:_at all bills 0 K by t- e "' n trace �'oiTL"l i ttee l,e paid, carried, - Ways & 1;ieafin Corrmittee asks for mors '.-irre on. matter of raising funds to build sevrer,111oved ax d second that raid Co ri ttee be granted orae more week, carried, - At ;orrxey Crarrt,7d orae more geek relative to pole removed from sidewalk lime at corner of 'galla, 'Wafla & 7i11;i S4. Pe ci '.ions for water from P.P. I*JI Uo for boarc?in triija Lal read. oved and second t hat they be given metered vrater provided said Co .pay all# necessary expenses of ensta,ll`ing s r,rne,Carried 'iea.lth Officers rey>ort read# for Feb' y.I,'oved and mecoad that sarae be accepted an(I places' on file, ca r.pied, ­ jao,,,J^i1 and -ecohd that unti� such time as t 'i8 ccjtAtrr..ct for aia.ulir.� garl;a,Ue is let that t Le S y,"upt .hire teams to haul ga.rbaJe a t t'.ie pre,Tailing prices, oarried, - T:'honed ay4d ^iecond mat the matter of gra.v'ell2Ag territory north of Walla, ':;'a.11a Avenue vies c of Purnett a-41. of `Yard St a. be laid op tl^.e table until tush time 'a�s the sewer quentior is not t led,c,irried,- IIoved and second that trlc Clerk be ins crab ted -sot to adv er i;ize for bide for gravel on "Williams S t,north of Second Avenue at present, carr. iey , . - Report by t'Iie Chairmax of the StreNt & Aller Colrimittee regarding the almos � impassable condition of IL-7aix St. iia horn: Reiltoyi,I�Lovr:t9. c seconOl t7 at t':e St, Supt,be instructed to '^ave all crosmi&Cs on said 1;1`ain S t.graveled at once, carriod, - iYa.tter of. nacres of streets in Yor-h Renton conflicting with riames of gtree.ts in old Remora discuseed.LoneO, a.xc. second t'ia 9)e a�.& Alley Conurittee be requested ;o bring in a recornsnerdation for the re-naminj; of streets in City of Fenton, carl,ied.- Chair.r,az. of "t & alle;y' e, alio reports of matter of ditch in alley back of P. Jorgensons property in 17orth Rentor,lreccoramend i that Smith. be �;iveya a permit to put ix a culvert acro-+s alley-ray carried. - Ordinance arried. - Ordinance for the improvement of "xoqualimie Averiue by the con.structiotia of a board sidewalk t-hereon came up for first rea 0ing$-Yovr,d !Aet second t'aat sacs;e be r. eferod to trLe Ordina,rice Co.=L- t Movcd and second th=;.t t-Tie A torr:ey lend deed up to Is Bows and have chatter settled same beir,,C release irz Condelill'.;,tior Care. carrieci, - Loved niid second tI,.a.'t tele ,`p �' ater eY'ta.l Or"L.afice be _ f r referedl to V-e vire ""'a.ter �omtriittee ,re�ati�Te to retrising the meter rates .carried, - moved e.xd secoad that a ,riire fet,zce be built around property where Peser-�*oir is situated,und.er t_-le sapervisioii of t11e Ixspector.,also 'that Lite Clerk advertise for bids for said#. work.accor ?ing to specificationn ,czrried, - Loved axu eco.." '.!,at ti.lzi Ti:cl L VEr be referd to t7:-,e olr.'fj Yroyerty Coiran+ittee next 7fl;day xif;ht, cap pied, - Latter of lea.-res from trees adjacent to tree Reservoir blo,Trirg i,lto rn.--c r",ocupree, ,T"oved aid secord that t'-;e Ir-z*,I,ector hatre be ijks true to a. to/said trees slashed dowa, car.rigid, - Complai ra.s of citizens of "Tor Lh ReY tox about la.yix6; of water mains ir. said loc,,.lity by especial assessment, r,�j re i to {e cQMT,ittee appoixted to dispose of all .natters �xerta1lA r,g� to tris question. The followinE bills were 0 K by t'je Ficxa,xce Corgi tee Rentlox Tel-Co 1.215 0 K Livery, team to sprirqbrook 3. - ,.t C Hu"dbard ff f+ 11C'u"JA,� pipes .75 1 pipe hub �: 3 of it due for City cross:;G 46.50 saws Filed 2.75 rentor hwdtivr Co ,keg spikes 3, - dere being no fur t- i%cr j Tieknor IJaspeetor 18 . - her business a motion .salary for Pel.-)-"r70 . - prevailed to adjourn, %, A ^hez,rer, in.-tallirig ventilator at �i Ly Tall 14.67 L Z, IDUTf,0xpehI-qe bill. in CorLdrn Case 16.42 Clerk eattle racoma Pourer Co lights 80. 50 City f'or fried;'. Oit Ir,ult door .95 �'er�edict La.nY r Co , crossi_r:gs 9 .Q7 Trorris cafe Co ,haul t door. 1`>� nA I\ r 110411'iY3. .�PA.'ff A f',17' <rafc:r Ta'n nr.rr fn r ReBF 93 Fen.toxi, March, tn,/10 Ci tY (';OU-Cil met in regular' see,ion ?favor Pen. ,Ticknor presiding,poll call -CauPcilman Duff,Ell iott,riitchel l,Wilson, ,'food lbnohonsAttorney Engineer, Treasurer and Clerk beim; present. Ylinuetis of Vie last regular sesnion vrere read and approved. Petition from property Owners at Talbo t, akin. for water read.1ioved and second that said petition be refered to the Fire & Water Committee, carried. - Petition for water from M.Kruplich read, L )ved and sdcond that same be gran. ted,carried, - Moved and second that all bills 0 K by the Finance Comm- ittee be paid, carried, - L?oved and, second that 'y; H hkitchell bill for final settle rnent of first contract for pipe like be refered to the tidayn & Lean Committee, carried, - n-Jatter of revising; meter rates reported on by the Fire & ':rater Committee,Taoved and second that the rep ort be accepted ars p14rced on file and the recommendations carried out, carried,, - Attorney reports on0mnderr�.atior, cases that come up in the :ear furtare,lioved abd second that the repdrt be, acceptd, carried. - Ways arried. - ti1TaYg & Ale, xs Cornrni;,tee fiJ_ed# a written repot;t on method Of pavif,6 for sewerso oved and second that the report be accepted and placed on file. carried. Duan & Du�in experts on sewers filed a wri tter report on sewer system to be installed in city of Fen ton, F"oved and second that said report be accepted and placed oil file, carried, - `.Tophi Property submited a report on the kind of fei. ce to be built around F{es ervoir,11ovec, a,id secaadi that the report b laced on file tend e t�cce pted and/he recorrL--endations carried out carr ied. - rroved arid. second that the Council meet as a corpnittee of the whole Friday night and settle question of sewer , carried. Committee on Park Avenue sidewalk Urdinance givex one more week in which to report on same. Bids for of garbage were rerLd,Peter Du11ahar.-4 beia t?�,e lowest bia.der Moved and second that he be awarded the co ' colitract,for haulinE, said -arba.ge , after. r:ecessary bonds are furivi- i 9, hed the t-y, carried, - 1'oved ^- ud second that t'-ie Clerk be instructed to notice in L,!-(,.e official s,ewspaper that tie Garbage Ordinance, will be in force from. t'-.e First day of April 1910-carried. - T'-owed and second that all uri-ucce.3sful bidders decks be returned, cRrried, - Remarkf: by Dill Guorney aU..d J H Will relative to placin as,o Cher storey on Fire Hall game being for rseetings og the Chamber of Oomtnerce and City council and all public, purposes ,morLey to pay for same to be raised by subscrip i;iox,TLoved -,n(l second that this matter be refered to tl-�e To•,�,� Property Committee ,carrted.- Complaints of citizens in North Renton about certain streets beim.; in bad cordition,Ti'ovad and second that this matter b be r. pt efered to the St, Su , carrie d, - Moved and second that parties in-Porth Reston owi-,ling cows be Liven until the first of April to get tame off of the s tree is . carried. - TI-Ae following bill--, were 0 K bty t-.e r inaxce Committee D C T.Ti tc. ell, 2 days sand box,l day s t, 2 d�,urs dam T 0 Leary.2L days at da,m, days crsssts,2 dp.v S box 13 ,50 I Swingle , 2 days at dam P� Lassoie ,2 days pipes ,2 days crossinCs E Auld, 2 da.v;s at darn,l' dair on S-box-l' dayn crssris 11.25 Gomer Jones 1 day at dam 2.25 J 11 Jones , l day sari,, box-1 day at dam 4.50 F Uder,meals at jail 8 .50 A Jennil-z day on survey V Fenton 5.75 " -z day ox sewcr 1.25 H l Vogelaburg measuring ivatrr at Spri�gbrook F, . - " setiRrer work 40. - W 11 Litchell settlement in first pipe cot. tract 6058, 97 There being no further business a m6tion prevailed to adj ours , '. Clerk - t RCBF Rex ton,Mar c�., 95 - 22�d ,/10 City "ouncil 'net in regular sessinn 14ayor 9eni .TicIcior presi,ii"",Roil call Councilman n-aff,.ElliottIfTTUtc iel.l ,Cake,Wood ''�ilsor�,",'onohoa Attorney Er ineer and Clerk bei-r6 nresez,t, I'Llinuets of the last regular nessj,,)nvrere read. andsLppro- ved. Pe ti ti o:j for gradinL- certain streets in north Re torr rEea,d,,oired and second tha.L ; •te petition be recieved a,-,d placed on file ,carried. - T"ol ed and sera d t ia,t all bills 0 K by Lhe Finance Co;nri- ittee be raid,ca,rried, - Fire & "-Yater COrnmi ttee reports on pe ti t io.l of proxnerty owners at Talb o L, 1,:iov0d And second Lila , +--'e Fire �� "Dater COrunittee take un t:le muter of furnishi,FxG wailer to J Deese at Talbot, alpo ti-.at a ` Telephone bP „ . Put in so that tize cai; re-port on the coxa i tio:q of Vie Reser-70ir at any ti.ne, carried, - ?',`atter of poles in Park Ave-,tL4E, cowimi ttee antics for one ## more lVeek.same Cray tnd. - Cor mi Ltee on second story to Fire ?tall asks for more tune sane Arai ted. roved and se cord tlhat matter o.17 a building. Ordir arice be -take n up next FriOay :iEht, carried, Attorney reports on Uorde:nnation cases .states that the & Gourke four Ne1�ox/ca,9e?, iiave goaae over to t:.e November term of Court,arid. that tine other thirteen: casew were settled .for x.1.00 eacil. moved and seco:.d t .at t.-Le report be accepted a###carried Cormnunica,t,ion from Halladie Machinery Uo .read.regarding electric Pump-” ved and second that the Parchasing AL-;erit be riven poste- Lo sell same, carried, - Resolution on. Pelly#Avenue ;rade read first ti:ue a.-,,d refered to t',.e Ordina.,ce Uo-nmi ttee. Resolutio.i -to put alley' s through, tlxe follow.in- Blocke 2-3-4-5-6-'�-8-9-1011-12-1`'-14-15-16-17-18-19-QO_21-9 22-23-24-25.-26#27_23 read first time and refered to t^e Ordi�lance Corimi t Lee, utter of A. File=rs cattle: beim; in Paund (?iscussed, 96 eleven in number,li�Toved and second that the Yarshal be ins ,.ructed � to Luria cattle, over, to ?Tri Riley of ter actual expeiises of feedin_r- ec-6 have been paid,carrie", - t ":loved, and sec9 rd that t1Te Purchasint Agent be impowered to purchase all necessary ripe as requ ired b:� v,,e ,rater Supt. car- ri 17oved and second t'l.a,t t':;e FnCineer be instructed to draw up specification-3 of the Hig- eland Addi tion water amain, carried t Ordinarice aanmending meter rates read first time and • t refered to the Ordinance Uo mmittee. Ordinance for layin6 of water main in 7i Ialand Addition t t reed first time a.nd refered to the Ordinance Com .i t-:ee, ThLe followir,, bills were 0 X by the Finance Committee, Julius Koch, ^:akirtF; traciln6 of drd,i lagc Pis t,No ,1 7 .50 R Buns tine, services as dance Yarshal 12. - City Renton boz rens , .35 Independent Tel-Co GO Benj Ticknor inspector l2. �ra;:k Denis ,slaahint; at ?Leser. ,coir 6. There being no .fuPtlli-er businetss a motion prevailed to adj ourn, t C t t t t t ReBF Ren, to A,1,1arch,29t'l I /10 C i iY C 0 uii c 11 r,�� i, i f, rce 6ul,-T s esGiO.-. T-Ayor Benj cjcor ­LLC Poll .Call . _Councilrq�an Duff Ell C � UrerfaRo, Merl-, beill�� nr' esel-4t !!�orq Attorney T 're al 16-ir,uPts 01' t�:e last reC.ular iez,,io.-. 1,7cle read akd app- Pe'i" OR f Or licP or license from Peter Szyi-,-iow�ki react, c Q r n r 71r,? 1 - St."ved and �� ecoad tnat be recie,,,red a,;,j CA filescarriedsT Pe`wii"LoA recl*evcd -rrori rrhoe'.Karries Srur Use Of Por !A-Ion 4-1 Of 'vei-4,ue almo portj Oj of St.fOr purpose of r, �OriAe b uildir Lj,material 17.1'.0,7e(l ar.d oecolqcL ­eat is ma-:.ter be left it of 0 A.I.I c Y -,a e an,i 6 a Le!)Girt recieved froyr, C I. j Co, 1 ILI 121ds recievedl for furI.L 9 'ationery .rd bincifr.j --r 0 r new system Of books �o be axl,9uallcd by City,JL"Oved and second that this matter. be referred to Une Fiyzance Corrzrni tee , carried, - '10',`31 PmP( r'UY Co(,�-itee reports on matter of trndix6 Lot 19 in 1,1_19ertns Addition for 3 a It site of preemenG -,,,all vank ,reco=end the transfer ransfer proirided Lot 19 &as be used for purpose of iV!red qnc'l necord thal- Fire 't Gado !11"d reserroir, t j be accepted place,--, On file carried, _ and sexond that all bijILq 0 K by the Finance Comm, i-Ctce be rpaidcarried, _ Fire & slater Committee reports that in consideration of t t his services an wi-:�,16:chman Peservoir FAA.- Talbo �,, +? ey is v( orcLcreC: a 'LIclej_,,4ore pat ir. for John. Reese )Zllmo ordered the Water Sup L to WcOil."CO'L Ui tul1c water `:.Iovod and secoi-A ti-at 11 tile re, purt 'j,L, accep-Led carried, !,iovcd second '"Ic report of t1 purcl-c.7jr, letter be written r.o 4.-i try i.j L; ALcat orielec-�rjc pump be -Rcrfli,ted and ine y Co that the Courcil _0!ill 1000-00 cash for # t,arne carr i e d 140ved Rad mt-rond that .,,',,e TIO',!na Property COrlt'ittee be impaivered to close deal for froperty isi 7-1--i ilr-tk e-I AddiLior,- rarrieds - . Witter of �rac�in6 Wi1ji;zrz St, cliscu:�sed, ­ U IiLov 'ed and iecotio. t'�La"- `- c M-;­iueer take c- a 2-(1 c S t urate c 0 8 '6' of I brir_Cirg said s'lareet to Crade,ar . viat Clerk advert'i.ze for bide 98 sa�7.e 1�,,ve beci-i —o7md srcorci -tI-.nit instructed to -otify t Y"r-,--rtv Ovvft,---N la Or R e n t o n rin.-I all rar-LFof' Rentox to fix #4 i,'ewalks, Ir, front, of their property#carried, lovrk Property Cocumittee reports ora t-.e Eecoiid story for ,T t I Fire 'Tall as -.I'oI'Lowr, ,recorrI"Ie)rL"I that Chw" O�pr of Commerce be in-iveA the riE;!,,+v to place a secoric-11 ON S'aid riiire T'all ,pro-vided the Chaji,ber. of CoirzrLerce ii -e wr 15GCi:00 ar,0- tltaI., �7,(_, City ipe !�UL - re! L- LI U . deriall-o-ved and seco4d tu-,at '.L:.e report- be accep-t.-Cd and p&ced oti fiie , carried, - AttorKey reports on crossing al,,o'Te Yilln C"U. .oll o put L iA IK�Uie also reporter on ;yule';yule' i)i f ro n of Pe -t-r 11 za,A v e-R R CO LtI 8 z Y.Mo r,.s I:i I n property,-1 tate !U-Ihat Telci;raphl Co remove said pole at Ov rreIloved %Yid second .-Lav L4je reort be accepts rlac e C, Re m, a rui ',"I-r ai-i c f, p P 1re d f r-bri n ro-pe r ty r s in P1 o c x at.,aintt ruttinL; alley V.1rough said Block,iaove-1. acid second t-'.,a'u- -anile be r c c, e irr,0. ar.0.- Y.)1.ace C. o n file , c arr i ed - Ree-tolution pro riclif4L, for ICII, r a d i n 6 of c e r t a i yt streets La I[orth P,(--n'Loon,roac! re-f�rocl to Ltle Orlkivallce Com.-r1i Lotce. Re—solation I�vovic',An6 for t.helwrir,,6 of water m�in iii a r -.I-'.L Reit ton re a,,L and; re fo r c d to 0.-d inaric e C oixrti t tc e Lo ve,,:,, a-,-id s c c o nd t'.,.a t -c 77,ay;:� ,� '-7p its C,-�r.Ami t te c ta- c S up 'u-'.,Ie matter of -clary with the Fns iiver carried, - 0 r d i.1.an c P ".p.mei'ALinc, lrratei- 7P.A.-A.I. Or: ina,-.ce ',;'0.16ii pac-,sec'. to, final reacliar,,, � Lj,_.L :'EC-1 be aOLOpted as read ,ammerided 7"T -Tro";, , !!eccllc to to rea-i i,m ,ine teael of 5 1##Ofor private consumers RMMIPAd�-1pil, tCo ammendriient Lhat, '.-hc Ork"inance Ile laic1 or, the -�.ljle oAc week .ammerdrwr -L to tlie arwiendrwn,w carried. - 17ove(I ai.Cl. second that- a committee �e appointed ';o confer vri th the A,t o rne y a r d i iie e r .n ia c omm i e e 'I-,o r e c o mme xi xd 'he adorLion of a cert-ain system,draft a petition incl circulate same , C.-.1 r i6 ad. - "Ior nyipcir-it-3 as committceB 7 Duff,Lce, 7,eoiol-t. t ReBF L Fe!�olu ld on rro-�ri(I "'o- 77.lock -n t ir of Pen4 to x bt lu'l-,e es-lablinliliment of 9, eeki-," x-tfont alley t'-rough J. 1. the center `Liproof , ii e ac1i ide C" tI,n ce;tter iiue V.-tereof , V, - P iLg--k feet oit . passed fixal read inn;, , !,'ureft and !!econd t1let "c--- 1 'U-e adopted_ ar rnld, carrIed :�-,ond and r e c oid th-t see- 2 be ,v!optt-.d nv, read , carries{ L ,,.Ovid raiaCl second that see--', be a0loptd an read, carried :..oved -L,ACI second that the 11c.-Iolution be adOptpd as a rn o e a s rea,,!,,carried. Resolution providix6 for alley in Blk-3 1na:imed to fixial readiAL, Mov,7d aAd record that t##Scc- 1 be ado-te(IL at read, carried, n To ve d a.nd. -second that rcc-- 7' br. adopted t read, ca�_,rice, . l' LI Moved nxd second t4hat sec; be adopted as read, carried. I;oved amd second ti.-,Lat stec3 be aclopted as read, carried, Loved aikd second Vnat �,' .e reroluLior be 9.6.optcd as, --ol"Lole ra'-s road, carried, 'J J. u Resolution for alley in Blk, 4 p, s-ed to -1., a nn 1 -ea('ii ove:d r_,Csecund that -scc I I-e adopted a-m rea4d, Carried Dioved and second. tha-; -,.ec2 be adopted as read, carried, - 11-oved and sec6nd that see 3 be adopted as read -carried Lo,�,-ed and seco--nd thn t Ahc be adopte.O F�s a viTiole as read carried, - Rt-enoluk ion for alley in Bkl.6 passed to fisual readii,c; nAd second. that, Ulec I be adopted ar read,crried. J� i _ovd and. second that sec -I be ae.opteft as read carried, 'coved and second that sec-3 be adopt ,ed as read-carrie0l. I ATove ', and md.cond that ufte Resolution bb adopted --s a zq-� _-cad ca r r i c ft Res- for alley PkI , 6 rea,-I meco)uI tirm Ivl'o v,o 11 an-I mecoa�! that Sec I TC a,,loptrd -:,,s readcarried. J...'o v-_d a in,64 9 e co rid t'-,.at sec 21 ti)o M.opted as read carricd, - I- n d, I:owed -axd second vt- _at sec 71 be vTopted aj3sread-carri, la ?'yea- -rLe(i ove-,;. a-r.(� s e c,ond �.i t fle ',je I-'eE- for alley l',lk,7 xe,­_,ad eecoift tua-- o�%r e C,, a.',,'>:L record t1--tat SP-c-1 be adopted as read moved avid v e c oad L!,11 a t sec Ile adopted at read-Carr ird- IOvcd aAd S e c o 10. 'u-'ria L. 'r,e c adopted ar, read-carrid. u'oved aAd s e c o iid tl-.a-I tI.e -es-be adopted an a w`i.olc Ree-for alley Lim(, Loved axid seco.-­1 sec-1 be adopted ar, read ,carried- 12'Lovd and secoi, " t .at sec-2 be ad opted as read ,carried, - Yovca axd -eiep.c., 'Liay sec 3 be adoptc! ar -_.•Pad, carried, - M o ir e d n.nd s c c n that t11e , Res- 1--,e aet o p t e d as a vrh o 1 e as read, ca i^d- Lee- for alley Dkl .S read 7econd time. T,',o v c d r i,r.0, second t1aat Sec I be :adopted am, read, carried. - I ovc d aLd second L'Iatu rec '2, be adopted a.-, ­ead, carried- v o d -a rid second 'hat sec , 7 1-e adopted as -.-ead carried, - ITo vo d and second lul-'at L11,,c Res- T-e adopted as a viiole as read-carried- Res-for alley Blk, 10 read SeCOUJI time , 1.,',ovod an,.d second that See 1 be ac'opted aO, read,carried. T.'ovcd and mecona that sec$2, be a-lopLej-1 as re ad-carried. Yoved and recoi-I-A that{ sec be acllop-CAd as read, carried 1,.ovt-'d P"11!I-'L C50-cand ti-a"a-L !.�te Res- be adopted as a vf'nole an --ead# carried Res-for alley 'T3lk.11 -rea(" rec;­.-rid time T"oved and 4eco ne, �',ia.t be adopted as read,cp,----ried -owed a-n d qecoiid VAat see be albpted as ­A-carried. T'oved and second thXt sec-3 be adopted as red- carrid. a ad cecon-.c! Ren- be a&opted as a w.tle an carried. .1ov Fres- for alley 3k1.12 read second ti:„e . TY"o�r•-c a._-gid cecor:d t:..,-,.t sec-1 ';e s,'opted as read-en. ied- i`oved. and second VIat sec-2be adopted as read, carr. iced- j:nve- .!d aecoAri sec-3b F�Itnl - r ,I , Lov:"' '?"gid;. rocond t :.ac t :e Res- ''e adorted as a 77hole� as r. cad-Carried Rem-for alley Bkl-13 read second time Mov^' ^.nd second t',at Sec-lbe a.;:.optec' as read-car.ri& Yoved and second teat rec-2 be adopted as read-carried I oved :1 second ta_a t scc-,'4,-be adopted as read-cap ied- r"oved ad' necorad that the Fes- � M op ted as a ,!,bole as read-ca.rried- Reso-f or alley ".kl 14 fe^d ^ccorO time, rIAU second t ,at sec-1-be adopter' zs ead, carrieci- I::oved akid secoAd -.".!at sec-2-be adopted as read-Yca.rricd,, 1-1.0",C U, and Seco.?d sec-3-be a.c'_optecl, as read, carr. led- 1•:ov..d asad secon,. ;,.aa� tie Pen- be adopted as a, ,F;.:ole as read , carricd- Res- .for alley Blk.15 read second time. ovr-d ­.jid secoaad :vl,at "Sec-1-tire adopted as read-carried T"oved. and second that sec-2-be adopted as read, carried, T,,"ove.d end see� ,d L ;at sec" -3'be adop , ,d as end-c a.rried- "' ire s ti,, + 1, a,o d arsci .,eco.�d t..a,, -t;-.e Res- be adopted as a ,;azole as Y•ea,ci-carried- 71es- for, alley Blk .16 read second time . Troved a.nd second t .at J�#sec- .l-be ac'opted as read#ca.rr. ie:d "oved anti secokid t ia.t sec-^-be a.^opted as read-ca rrir,c' , ov- a:1 r? secoaad 'u-,at sec-3-be adopted at r.ead-car.ried- T-'ove,'. a:6 seco,�id that ,trie F s-be ae?opted as a,,crole as read, Ca.rried- T?es-for valley Blk.17 read second time . ­o v e d ime . oved a n d eco :,d t'yat sec-1-be a loptee? as read-carried '.:oved and second that sec-2-be adoptF'. as -ea.d-car riE, = _oved and second that sec-3-be adopted as read, carried- I!oved a-I d second t Lat t e e'er- be adopted as a, ,-i-,ole an read-carr ied- Rem-for alley 71k .18 read secorid time . IZoved and secor:A that sec-1-be adopted ad read-carried . roved and second twat sec-2-be arat s ,ead, carrie'- '7oved and secoaid t'hat sec-3-be adopter! zs _~end carried. r- -oved and sero A t',a.t Uhe Res--be do-)ted z.s a ":,01c as ­C for alley ?Tlk.ly read ^second 'gime oved a,nd secorad. t?.at tser,-1-I;e a.dopt,�d as read-carr. ir,d- '`oved a"nd second that sec-2-be adorted as read-carried- TFoved FL n,', sec-,,Ad tRatssec-3-be adopted as ­e-id-carried T°oi.Ted ,md second t],Uat r.en-1,c a,do ted. as a h6l.a as ,•ead ,carried- Res-for alley Blk.20, read recoaac', time "oved and second that sec-1-be adopte('. as read, carried .oved a.,-,d secon.d that sec- '-be a('opted as read-carried- ':)vee. ane', second that sec-3-'oe a.doptecl a.s rea.d, casried- -A)vcd and, second that t_:e Fc-,-be a:ortec, as a •• ,.ole ass read ,carried 7- .es-for alley B1k.21-read second. tome . o,fPd and. sec:)iad t iat sec-1-be adopted as read-carried ved a.j:�,� sec :a38 t1-_at pec-^-':,e ar'o-pterl ad read carried ''.)ved anti second that zec-5-`,,,)e adopted as read, carried. .oved ak d second that Ten-be adoptexd as a u1able as read. carried. - Res-for alley B1k.22 read seconcl ,ittie 7'oved and se.foaad that sec-1-be adopted as read, carrioc;. .._oved. ar,d ;second that sec-2-be adop-ted ar, read.carried Moved and second that pec-3- ':e adopt ed as read-carrir d- I.Toved a nni second that 'the Res-be adopted as arnole as read, carried- f,es-for alley Elk-23-read. second time I'oved as :second tchat sec-1-be aopte'. as read car3•ied Moved and second t-;,-..at sec-^-be adopted as read carried- Yoved ar:d second, that sec-3-be aLc'opte�d as read-czrricc1 -orcc' :a .d second that <t'x Fes-be ac?opted as awhole a.s -rra,d-carri-d- I:es-for allr'y I lk.24 read second ti:r e . ':=oved aaad secokad that peel-1-be adopted as read, carried- ZYoved and secokad that sec 21be ar?opted as read carried Moved and second that sec 7-fte adopted as read cadAu ied Moved anal record tiiat �2,e Fes-bc adopted as a whole as read-carried , I RPBF :- Resolutiox for alley Elk.-25 read Qecor.d tiTre. oirf:�d .q.-1+. r e co i.. V!.a 1i sec 'I -U-!n =3.'��.7�.�0. �Ko'Te(' ?-(11 second that aec- ?-he adopted as read carried- M aiia second that sec3-be adopted as read, carried, owed and :second that the Rcs-be adopted as a rhole a, read. cafried Res-.for a'-ley B1k,2E read second time . ""ove0, and secoa,d that sec 1-be ad )pted as read, carried 1"0ved arLd second that sec-r-be• adopter', as read-carried- ,Aoved and second that sec-3-'-e adopted as react-carried- PToved and s econd that the Res-beadopted as a whole a- read-carried- Res-for alley R1k, 27 read ^econd time. --- J: ove;a an,3. second t'r:at sec-1-be adopted as r.ea,d, carried- d a,^d second t'nat sec-2-be adopted as -e ad, carried- Yo ve d and second that sec-'7-be adopted as read carried. ?1ov¢i and. second that , nes-be adopted as a whole as -ead-carr1F - Res-for alley Elk, 28 read as' ti;rae . troved and second that sec-1-be adopted as read-c:utrried, oved and record that sec-2-lie adopted ad read, ca.rried* :coved arad second %g at sec-3-be adopted as read.carried.. - 7oved a.;' second that the Res- be a.c'.opto as a :r'.ole a^ °°ead, carried Bid for buildir., fei ce araund Reservoir submitted by N.Davi.s, amount of same t 220.00,?.ovee, a...d sAco ,d " at tiie bid be rejected,same beim; to high,and tha t 'font+"i Property Commit-tee Co ahead and have f. exice b uil L at once . car;-i.ed- Elliott Councilman/Lc Cake discuss r_a.tter of darnace caused by Seattld Pipe Line or hill,-Loverl and seco.,-Ic that, the A'torrey 44-1a1;e up dlic matter With Seattle officials a:nd see w1nai, can be clone ir. this matter,car.Tied- lJoved an N. second that the Bond furnished. by Peter Dulla,hant for fait'_aful performa«ce of contract in haulipg Farbagebe accepted after the approval of Attorney and signature of I'ayor, ca.rriFd St roved ar,(.I second tlas.t property on 7,,.itwor 'Llh/be notified by St Supt to open said Street, carried.- The follofinG bills xere 0 K rj, the Pi;fiaarice corr;znit;tee 1,1 Davis ,)Mulin- gravel 1A days 0. - P Dullartan t Iaulia- gavel 2v days 12. - " Itdirt,3 loads Tom Ou %lton 1 day � 1 .00 6- , ,, o>� R,.rdrar°.is . 2.25 J H Jones 1 day on travel 2 da;s on ripes 6. 75 lv. Grilaan 1 day loadint.; Cra.vel 2.25 R T Lamb haulinL garbaCe 5 3/8 days 32.25 T OLeary 4 days pipes 2 days on s tre :tg 13 ,50 P Las soie 5 3/8 clays garbaL,,e i day pipers +� 65 R.a,'azeyl day loadin; gravel 12 2 E Auld 3 dy.a on sttreets 3L day on pipes 2.25 D C I�Iitchell 3 d�ra, or streets 3' days on pires 14, 65 Benj ,Ticknor 14.55 tele .;ra, to Wash D C 1 .14 there beir.t,, no further buni ecr a mtrtion prevailed to adjourn. C1e.-_,k �_ t ReBF F TZE'N 0r5 APRIL 5th,/10 City CouAcil met i;a re ular ses:gion Mayor Benj ,`'Tickaor presidia6 Roll Call . -CluncilmaA Duff, Elliott V400d ,Cake ,'.Tor ohon, Yritc%,ell ,'r iilson,At-torxey Engirteer,and C1 erk beim; present.. Minuets of t1-.e last regular session were read acid appro- ved, .r. Petition from residents of Hilliker Addition asking t%at aii�, ripe lire be tapped with a g inch pipe ,read and refered to the ''ire 14 Water Uomni ttee . Lot Petition for vrater from Ja-s I'a.rclie , ee.st half of $##. 9-10 Block 13-read,Voved and second that same be granted provided that ` 19 N ^ra.ter Supt. c:.;n make a.rra..zgements with owner of said Lots/to conn- S ect with pipe from Rejaton Da,iry. carried. Petition for water from F Yc La.uuhlin read Block18 L,Ot l3--"oved aVnd second .a.t sante be fi r. arted, carried. Petition from D.Russo to have main line pipe tapped for ;nater rea.d,Mo,, gid and second tk.at sane be fray Led. carried, - Remoiis trance f. roan citizens , ^aloon lice °°ise to Peter Szy:,norz:'.-5ki read.Moved and !second tTiat sa,;ne be recieved and placed on file , carrid4 j`emonstrauce from -property owne..rs ih Block 2-read a6a,it.st -- atti:ag an alley through game Moveq and rsec�ad t::at same be recieved and -placed on file , car.ried. Remonstrance from bro-perty` owIner,s iia 31ock-,E�-read. against putting an alley throu t. said. Bloc c.T;iovcd -and second t'.Zat same , be recieved and nla.edd on .f ile , carried. Rer ons tra}ace from Peter Szymoa.ski a6 aini t an alley in Block 18-read .,"oved and second that the satrap be recic-ped and placed on filc , car. rigid, Reraora!s i;ra,,ice against an alley bei ri- put tYiroug i Block 5-rea,d.Tcoved and second that name be reciev id and placed on file, carried , riemoristr. aAce from rroperty owners Block 14-a6ainst alley read.' oved and second t.-,at same be recieved a.­,(". nla,ced on file , carried, RemoAstr. a.nce from property owners in 7-lock 17-aZainst alleys read-T,roved aiii second t'.zat sa­oe re recieved and placed on f it e,carrdd, Remonstrance from property owners Block 22-a.;;ai.nst alley react-moved-and second '!,at same be placed ors file , carried. - 104 ^ Petition from Property owrers in Flock 5- askin% for a 1l -foo;; a1lef roadiiioved and seco:2d' t_.at sa�sie he r. ecievd and placed on. file , carried.s question of expeigses and salary of. Attorney when 1rlork- inr; o,itside of the City , in the interests of said Cit-"-: of Renton carie up for discussion. -Moved aad second Via.t co:amittee of V.-Lree be appointed to settle this natter.carried ,��a.yor a.ppoir�te:3 on said co-nittee "J G `7i7.snn ,ruorohon,Oake , Iviove'd and secokid that all bills 0 " by the Finance CorrL-ni ttee be paid, carried, Comm, ittee on salary of Engineer, ,asks 'for more tune, same Irarted, Sewer cormni ttee asks for mere time ,sa,me -,rare ted, i.'oved arid second ";at a coinm.ittee of sarroundirid Cities and collect all the Data possible oa sewer -,_ es tion and report back: as soon as possible, carried. - Cooimi ttee on Williams St. grade fro:n "econCL Averaie t, i'ridge reports that it will tale 1900 yardsg of gravel to bri g, srvne to Erade ,17ove(l a.nd secor3d t'.at 't the report be accepted a d that the Clerk proceed to advertize for bids for this work according to Ordi,,iar,ce, �######, -T3oved and :second that this .ratter be laid ojrer one week. car-icd.- Police Tud-es report for Month of "arc'., read,'Toved a)rd second -,,.at sa.ae be recieved aU, placed on file-carried. - Clerks & Treasurers gtiarterly repor U rrea.d-'Zoved and seconded that sa_'me be refer�d to t'Ie ri,aaace Corrlrriittee- carried. - Reported by rare 64 Water Commi ttee that t:.e I4Laiii ripe liif1e above the Reservoir is ? eakia; ,TTnv�d Afit? secnr�ded t�":at "t:is .matter be fefer�d to the said Co:arai .tee, carried F,ecalutior, relative to tic, C & P S PR cods �ructirzg a plat zk crossin6 on its private richt of way, read.',To�red arid seconded that the s.a,Fne be acccpted as r. ^ad, carried.- Ordirrar. ce narnes of streets -'ort!: Re---'ton read first time ancl. ref,=red to t'r..e. Or:lir:ance CorTznittee . Ordinance srecifiyia�o, and adoptiii a s rste.:j of seg;;,ers in t-ie City of TZ.ent'oa read a J refer. cd to tae Ord-Committee ReBF 105 Sidewalk Urdinance for improvement of Tortion of County road 11o.174 by siilewalk pa-sed to ficial r. eadin6, ?'oved a%d secoiided that Sec-1-be adopted as read, carried -Ubved and seco ided that Sec-2-be adopted an rea.c?, carried M oved aAnd seconded that adopted as read, carried 1�ovecl lied seco.-ad t'aat ''Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried t r°T07Pd and seconded t'rtat tl�e Ordiiiance be adlonted as a taphole as - ea.d, earrir�d.- Lehalutiufi rat ed to Final readin; for g radia of streets ik 7ortI2. T?er.toxi, laid osTe,, until" rpecific,11tions for same have "eeu ;'.Io _d and secowlid th=At tvli.er= 'L.'-,.ea, ',.e Qrci-"ica.ti fur: ished, l7`,''�. :i '3rn Mo`1cen up that they be made to `read, t,�at all tree is be :;railed 15 fee t fror.i center line of samL3 carrip , - ilot*ed by "itc,iell and seconded by Duff, to alj ourn , Lia tio.a loot, dater 11tH ta,l Orc'.irai-.ce ca:me up for filial passa;;e An'rieYii:.r..et t # -####### by I:iitchell tzat .flat rate be reduced from x', 1 .00 to 60, ctm , taken up. cou,iciln.aaj T)uf'" cal.lir�� for a poll vote on same, Cake. } no 'duff n.ye R"Oi-who : V ,idic'he,1�, aye Wood .0 '7il*on ;g0 Elliott X1.0 aT].27:FYAd fiQx,t t0 v 1t 7Y+ tf r7f 1 "�1otiog 1.os l; 'TO`re;'. ,!"'d seconded that Section 1- be alorted as read, car ried. -a.-Tes 5 noes-2 1'��ved and recorded that Sec-23-be adopted as read, carried Yoveil and ieconded that tho, Ordir,a,iice be adort-d ad a ih.ole as r. ead, carries, - Street Con.Iitwee report Llia.L - e-e is a pole i;a side- '.Ya.lk on Tiird Alreiiue also a guy stub, aar seconded that the S L.Sup L be ins t,^acted to notify Telephoi,e Co to remove same . caxried. - utter of placin- a six foot sidewal_c or:I Five, bridge brouhjt up btu council<na,n on, :.'loved by I'Litchell seconded by Duff that t':e Attorney dra,f t an Oraii:ia,nce creatiag a special Fund for t:.le purpose of :t?ay in, off b# bol ds , that all 011ey collected from th(- -;fa.-ter outside of actual rumning expenEes bo placer" in said Fund and after it accur^alates "1000.00 a bond be paid, ca;tied i Arnme n dm,„ Pint Lo the notion gnat money to t'le amount "20 of " 00.00 be I, set aside per yPar , to pay for bonds, ?,'ovc; an .seconded that tO.is ma.tt,r be lald on the table erne week, carried.- T«oved and :seconded that 'L;',_e 7ngineer#6et out plasis ,Iqpeci.fic ationc .for a 6 foot sidewalk acorns and along side of F,Jvcr briOCc , ca.rried, - ThL bills were 0 K by t`-_e Finas°ice Co emittee yr'm Torikin ' reasurer 30 .00 A J Ticknor clerk 65 .00 Edwards marsiiall 70.00 it w ;ar Sup ;'j 10.00 R ThorburA Judge 20.00 A I De a,ch 11 0 20.00 < P 1 Houser salary 55.00 If clerk hire 20.00 J Stewart marsilall 70.00 S D 7filliamsIservices CozadM, case 1.50 J C `:arlow appraisrw_it Springbuook 10.00 Partridge Starip Co 2 badges 1.50 150 doh t:16s 3.00 Seattle TacomaPbvrer Co li-'hts 50 .50 il' T Vogels; ars 18.00 'There beim; no further buriress a. motion pr evailod to a,u j ourn- Cleric , P.S. St.& Alley Corinittee recommend that Taos Marries be Giv- en -permission to use part of St for cons traction of huildii3 provided same be under tAe supervigion of the said Corunittee. Attorneys opinion on question of esta.blis►imernt of a. sW serer sys i em read.and placed oi. file , r C1 s s T p-; 04 pass'Pd 0OLM"Tpao P?Us uT Na0,T,Zceap s'�aaxYs: 'VT•a�xao uo cuTlRUT .z04tt-u, JO "uTS''T Sq ^V0-UTGr:0adr;T ao gRT•old _ r-QDTaat3O ` OTT.; VO TM td pTM pOaatoax aq ov.'Tz aTuTr; -pucu0:3 tYtzu p0lLo;7`grt0 -0 1-t-UaT1,u1 o; W-on -ot',;dT1t:s 21VTaq lou avm ;' j TTr cL STquaoax o^, a1,Ti L3Tax p Ua jrr�,, uaw0-IL0zuu:T �to�r a�3 1*; , o.LZ,o.z, ucT oTt!r. TrrQ;) . JC VO o�Td Pum r�..a.oaz aq 0TVi OT- paprcoa : Kura pv .o +•prow TTTu WO auTT adTd ci .'iv;T;'OTdx v0wvotT, ;I zaxcaz uot:r•uoTur.=70;j , pa;..: ;µ� rTT,: • J71-T : a.Touz ao, 0Y,6 aa��.Tu�uzo0 xa!}�p `pa,ua z oues ` awu6 vo auzTI axouz wo,; s.STs"e #x38-KT:3ur �o :"�XUT1 i; eco DOIST-"mon uo poorTd pillu poll'3Toax aq �x T�:s s1Ca zxc��7 , uc ^. x^u3x '99011 TW�zz00 -[tTo3�; DV�q :UTz-1 ptTooaa 'o paACa-T. , `1.xc::ax off. xaaat 0,10uz auo IFaaT9 a3q TuzLjc0 9011V TT , - ` 1 RTaXu0 `PT'ad aq aiw4 o0 aou-euTL J'. ; Sq 'N 0 sTTTq TT"e *ULZl papuooaL Puti PDA0111 -`paTx.z�;o aTT,7 uo pOo':Td LUQ- pci11.aT0a.Z 9C1' Mum. OTTI. !1:rl pop`Ao.7. ago NTz�3 r;aAO' -X37-9Z• :7-��-T' - -�T-�t-tT-F?rooT�{•p ax`s�:,00Tg pagTxosaP "VTA& -oTTot 0171 k9r.oai7- sSOTTU "`TT11rd l.s2zTU9U saoutal GV0ua'1 r . -`POT axuo `Po^—U.T- aq awms � ��� puooas pul, por,,Ox ` �zTrI sTro�l a aj puo"T OT-xTg-2-n-orj .zC,; UOT Tl ad - `PaT. aVQ `P;Vl-:,Tc aq s n l�Tt;. Papucaas PUB pa.ic;"i , pvax 0Z•xTd-Z-T- loll sa-lcr ,u r u!Q.z,7 T.ogvLk ,zo.; TUOT7T; as —'paT IST;J`�Q.TO� uT 114pT.T 0Ou-&uTrxO 9ttTTl�acTax 00vUvTPao ut; ?.JUald SO'vaO �� a.,1 �L- T- p�€au zooax 06T'u T'—]VOD *C-+t3F LCj cy?x Qy P�.Tz;,joz 2i` UCT:;VOTT(l(l- 3'': ?•c:T`� paN�rQoa� r ` Na��o;1- Ou xooT�1-7-,-T-^ 02 ego Pa1tooT aq col auz�s `peGx axjuat1,T, CTquzrZoO uc,x, asTzaoT i h1OuST"-vIV .:1 �coTa. T? ad •ra20a -dd"e Pllu pu3j axars u0TgS0s xuTr."a.c 1seT a--, jo s%an'KT,' aca.zd 9tzToq x,zaTO PUL J3GvT9wu`Saux01 a'y`uosTTlU PooNl`ax 0• TTa*_oaT?^I`^'! oTTT:?`33rCi utMITTOT o0 TTL-0 TTQ3L ` WT-rtcaxd 077's CL �. .`G. w( T.a�aB xr r .'a3.i u OT/`TT' : T `TTxdV`uo Lx0U , LOT ' . 08 t_ rJ_ 7, _0va., .. -�,ji;. -seconded .; .,GC-1 -be ar10puet 3.s rE'a , ,y C F carried ( ?."oved and seconded ::hat Sec-"-be adopted as read, t t Y cri •ri,-d. - F C ( oz-c,d aid seconded ty:a.t Sec-3-be adopted as read, carried, I>:o,Tod and Qeconded t'rla.t Sec,-4-be adoptpl as read, carried, Yov:-d and seconded tIV-i. - Sec-O-beadopted as r^a.d, carried, 1,,07,C-d a,nd seconded. t .=.v. ^ec-6-be -0opted as read, carried, moved and seconded iat Sec-7-be adopted an read, F F carried.- 716ved ,..iqd seconded tha.L Life Ordiinarice be Mopted as a. F whole as read, carried. - iwoired anrl seconded Lha.t Ordinaace cha.n�-ina; nh:nes of s treets in "North Ren Loa be laid over one week, carried. - I461red aad seconded that a foot bride 'be built oA t .e iaort�7. �i e of bridge crossin ..ea n., ''ivex ,accordin:S to -0alls arL mpecifi^ z `i r?.�:v ori _file it t' .. office of t'.e City Clerk of t ,r + t F (� a`-• F l?rvn :1Y� , 7 �c y :e r,,a F11j i^ �,L .�A^ .Vy �i t✓r r an.- oy:: " > * ., ,�, 4 s :e to be "" ^^5.00,Aaide beim; an emncr t.° io ca.'.rried. - l t 2ues tion of Health 0 f f i c 0 r came up for ftissCansi0'n Ioved Lind secou l that the 7.1"T.17or a,ppoin u a n a^slss4aAthea.lth F F Officer,sai: 'nartV to het same pay as present o`'ficer, C1.rri-d ?.Rayor `i'icknor. ar.poirted Dr, C L Dixon as ao-ii-ss lar c 11eal th Off icer,"r+!i th t;ie arpr oval of ti-e ^i tr ^ ,,..i �ci1 C Iwozrc;d a;-.d seconded +;=:(a* tti e groper authorities :.i of r " c c owAerre of proporty on corAcr of `?ecoud A-re �Yie anat dills S t. to cid gess pool to take caro of seivc`3,;�r? ,1101Y running into the street. .c folio .ri i 1)iJ is rr0 I� '^�� 71 a. ^e o ( Tim 0 Leary ltQ .ripes 10.7.5 p Lassoie " Al & pipes 10.15 3 II Jones " 1.1.5 E Auld H Ft Ft 6. 75 J'ej-,L' hard„r,are CO ez r 11C°S 9.10 'ioXkiti for •a`I-er 6. 75 Cr '''lilson checking bool.s' 6. 00 17 :o. to Too-r 1.0x.8 Ca is to :ce .3b 7(! ReBF Lee T'ZonohoA c',,.iecIci.4� book-,.s 6.00 31 i o t ?...i.-n7;t,r r r) I u.Ob e r 4.61 Duff f chcckia6 lbool-,E G.00 4 ff '70 e", e 1-1 r, r.;-id car fare 3.00 Chausr3e heavy valve wrefichem 10.00 N Davis 1 2 2Oat's o2a rcq, (-.r-rior wit.'a - e arc, 15.00 P DullaLrtrit, 2� 'da,vs on Rese-l-voir wi tl--L team. 15.00 ll-( re being no rart- ",ier rp busiiiess a mo Lion rrevailed to ouri IN 1 RPBF Rexton,Ap ri1,19th,/10 City Council rust in regular session Mayor Be:�j Ticknor Pr. esidixg Roll call.- Councilman Duff,PtliottoVidtchell.t�ake,Woods Wile OAS Attor.aey agixeer,and t�ler'c beixg present. T �'{inue is of the last revular se*ciox were approved as corrected. Petition for water fro., %urs anearer,Lot-18-Blk-4 read Moved and second that name be granted.ca.rried.- e ti ti on for water from 17m lore-nz at talbo t read. 1. ]'.ovea and sertaidet that said petition be ref_ ored to the Fire & 4ater Committee, carried. Applicatioo for janitorship of the City Aa.lt recieved from Jan ,l;ntwistle & -i`rs F 'lenwood,iloved and second ghat said pe ti t ioxs be ret Bred to the Town Property Co .ami ttee,carried, - trtoved and seconded tfiat all bills Q Y by t.e Finance Committee be paid.carried.- Question of bills from Dr Hegg,Dr Fick,C E Bogardus .& C R Havwkiris, that were held up ,discussed,rroved and seconded that r r C R Hawkins ,bill be paid, carriea, Moved and seconded that the Fi1nance Committee take up the :natter of the other three bills -personally with the claim- ants ,arid try and. adjust same , carried, Con".i ttee on Town Property reports that the grading and f. e cixg around the Reservoir has been compltted,ldoved and seconded that the report of W-e committee be accepted, carried, 11ayor states that there is some other work that ought to be done around said Reservoir to complete the job,yolTed and seconded t iat all work necessary to complete t te Grob at Reservoir be done ,carried. License Committee reportas on application of Columbia ... Theatre for Annual Show licarise ,and recommends that same be gra- Ated,Yoved and seconded t'^,at the retort be accepted arvi the rec- omexdations be carried out,carried, - Sewer asks T-or more time ,same gran td. Councilman lonorion being, absent ,IAayor Ticknor appointed Ton , 'rood to act on sewer committee , Committee on Engineers :salary asks ror one more weak, same -gran ted. 9 G f CormmunicaVion about crossing to brick-yare recieved and placed on file, d Ordinance proh`ibitiag the omners of chickens from allow 3 ing same to ruga at large react first time and refered to the Ord- corrrn,i ttee , resolution providing for the improvement? of portion of Block 2-Mlorganz Grand View Addition ,and Tracts Ivo-19-20-21-123623 in Platt No-l--,of the xenton Co-Operative Goat Uo,Acre Tracts-by the establishment of a forty Foot 5treet,reucl lirst time and ref- er. ed to tree Ordinance Iommittee, Ordinance repealing Section-2-of Ordinance rio.131-read :first time and referea to the Ordinance uorni ztee , Odrinance providing for alley in Block 15= react first time and, rerered to Ord-committee, Ord- ror alley in Block 25-reaa first time and rerered to Ord-canmittee Ord-for alley Block-6-react first time and rerter °d to cormi ttee, ` Ord-for alley in Block -i-5-reaa first time and refered co committee, Ord-for ailey.Block-20-reaa forst time and rerereci to Ord-coimni ttee ` Ord-for alley Block-27-read first time anti r.efered to comrri ttee urd-for alley Block-19 read first time and revered to corami ttee , Ord-for alley Block-lei-read f'irIMA time and rerered to committee, Moved and seconded that the Attorney revise Ordinance 106.relative to holding of Council meetings , carried. Ordinance changing `names of streets in North Renton passed to f. inak reading,Moved and seconded that Section i#be adopted as read.carried. ` Moved` and seconded that Sec- 2-be adopted as read. carried. Ord- a whole Moved and secondd that 0#4 be adoptea/as,read, carried Resolution for laying of water mains in North Renton ####passed to final reading. RPBF and second t«at Section 1-of said Ordinance be ad opted as read, Moved and second that :Section 2- be adopted as read, carr �.-loved and seconded that Labeled motion providing for a Fund to retire Bondn ,be brought upand disposed of ,ammendment to motion that said motion be laid on Vne t.able ,poll vote on sauare resulted as fo;logs ;Cake , aye ,Wood ,Aye ,`.7ils on,aye,Flliott,aye, -Editchell ,no,Duff, no.a,nmendment to ;notion carried.- The following bi.Lls were 0 K by finance cor=itt4e City Renton,freight 14.00 Taylor Iddings , ser-rices as watchman at Springbrook 11.00 H U Lusk of to of of it 15.00 Jars Hardie supplies water .Dept. 2.35 0 it Livery,hailin; pipe 1 .00 E A Shearer..; supplies and labor -.va.ter Lept. 55.81 Romans pno tograph Uo pho tograhs Spr ink brook 14.00 Ren,j Ticknor, collecting Data foe sewers ,& car. tare 6.00 Renton Lumber Yard,lunbr for crossings 8.70 Preri Uder ,meals for prisoners, 13.25 Mere bein!-; no further busin as a Motion prevailed to ai?j ourn, ' erk. L.. Ren Lon,Apr i1.26 th,/10 City couacil met in regular se^:-,ion ^ayor Benj , 'Ticknor presiding,Roli call. -Councilman i)uff ,Elliott,P:^itchels, 'Jood,uake 'Vilaon$Attorney wn6ineer Health Officer anti �-ier.k being; present. 11nuets of the last regular session were read and `,,,, approved, Petition for water from Sam Pi tchni ck read and refer'ed to the -Dire & '.'later Tommi tteip. -Petition for water from john Evans John Linasay "ighland Aadition read,'"'oved and seconded that said petition be laid on the table ,carried, - Application ror Open air Dance Pavillion read.t'rom W. Harling,Moved and seconded that same be recieved and refered to ti"Ie License Committee carried.- Application for a Cut Off valve by councilman Cake for Denny Renton `'oal Co.T:loved and seconded Viat same be refdred to the Fire & water uommittee ,carried. - In absence of Fire Chief Jos .';Jood,on recommendation of r.. Fire Pept. that Richard food be appointed Chief,l.ayor Ticknor appointed said tLichard Food Chief,with t',e approval of t':tie Uouncil. --7oved and seconded that all bills 0 h Id by the r inance Uorimittee be paid . carried. - Application for water from L.Aa.nsen,Lot 14-Blk ,l Moved and seconded t.iat same be ,ranted, carried. - -Latter of opening track to Car Yorks to avibid zloods to be settled as soon as councilman I.Ionohon returns , Loved and seconded that the St& -alley committee nave trees slashed on both sides of the "illiams St.bridge, carried.- Sewer Uonrittee reports progress,-Moved and seconded that the report be accepted and co=,,ittee be given one more week. carried.- IToved and seconded that the St. �5upt ,notify Smithers Estate to take a.o:vn fence in Whithwirth St, cp..rried. - '"atter of leak in pipe line at Talbot to be nixed by contractor tIi tchell , next week. ,'.Loved and seconded that an Urdinance be drawn allowing sprinkling provided parties hold nozzle in h:a.nds , carried, - 116► 'Vatter of 'building a fountain in City carie up for dig cuss ion,Iroved and seconded t}-tat this matter be refered to the rire & Water `'ornmitteecarried. - Cormnittee on engineers salary asks for one .more geek i.n which to report,same granted, Commi *,tee on janitor f'or City Hall asks for one more week,same granted. Finance lio..-amittee asks for more Dime on held up bills sarne granted. Health Uffficer reports ###on Satoris Spring , Loved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on file and that the matter be refered to 'the Attorney he to act in conjunction with Vie Health Officer,and have said nuisciance aba- ted.carried, - roved and secondee that tT,e Ulerk call for new bids for laying of grater mains in fti;;hland JOd:?ition ,carried. - Ordinance relative to Uouncil meetings read first time and refered to t'-e Ordinance corrnmittee , Ordinance No.190 repealing Section,2 Of. Ordinance # 131 passed to final reading, Yioved and seconded that Sec-1-be adopted as read. carried 11oved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried Moved and seconded that the "rdinance be adorted as a whole as read , carried.- Ordinance prohibiting dickens to run at large came up for final passage ,1oved and seconded that same be laid on Vie table carried.— Pesolution No.35-A-establishing 40-foot street in I.Torgan Grand 7iew Addition passed to final reading, Loved, and seconded that Sec.l-be adopted as .read, carried ".roved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted asread, carried ltioved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted asread, carried 7?oved and seconded that the Resolation be ad-.pted as a whole as read, catried. - Ordinance providint for an aluey in Block lb.pased to second reading,Ivioved and seconded that Secl-he adopted as read, carr ied. ReBF 1_17 Moved and seconded that Sec-2-lie adopted as read, carr. ied Voved and seconded that :3ec-3-be adopted as rad, carried. - :,loved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried.- Yoved and seconded that t',e Ordinance be adopted as a thole as read, ca,rrid. - .,,a Ordinance providing for an alley in Block 6.Dassect to final reading,Il'oved and seconded that Secl-1-be adopted as read, carried, Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as .read,carried,- Moved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as rad, carried. - Loved and seconde7 that aec-4-be adopted ad read, carried.- :roved and seconded that t'e Urdinance be adopted as a 1.Irhole as read. carrind.- Ordinance providing for an alley in Block 5-passed to final reading, Yo�red and seconded that Sec-1-be adopted as .read carni-,d .- Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopt,,-I as read, carried. - Moved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carr. ied. - Moved and seconded ghat Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried,- Moved and seconded that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read, carried.- Ordinance providing for an a.liey in Block -20-passed to final reading , Loved and seconded that Sec-1-be adopted as aead, carried. - Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- M-ved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carxi•�d. - Moved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried. - V,oved and seconded that tF e Ordinance be adopted as a «chole as read, carrid. - Ordinance providing for an ali-ey in Plock -27- passed to final reading, Moved and seconded that Sec-1-be adoptee as read,carried. - Movd and seconded that Sec-2-be adoptd as read, carried , - Moved and seconded that ,3ec-3-be adopted a re td, carried. - Loved and seconded that pec-4-be adopted as read, carried. - Movd and seconded that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,carried. Ordinance providing for an alley in Block -19-passed to final reading, xlioved and seconded t'zat Sec-1-be adopted as read, carried. - li ktoved and` seconded that Sec-2-be adopted a.s ,,ead, carried, Moved and seconded that lec, 3 be adopted as read, carried. t Moved and seconded that sec, 4 .be adopted as read, carried, Yovd and seconded that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read carried, TAovd and seconded that Ordinance providing for an alley in Block ' ,18 ,be laid on the table, carried. 1:"owed and seconded that the Town Property Committee take up matter of securing; an outlet for an alley for Block 18 . carried, ; Councilman Jos ,Nood :.sirs for leave of absence , Yoared and seconded thAt tie be allowed 90 days ,carried, ; Moved and seconded that Town Property Uommittee take up matter of assessment roll for city and have same made , carried, ; The following bills were 0 ' B by th ffinance Committee 'K and ordered paid. E `Auld.l day cleaning bridge ,3 days on pipes 9.00 P 1.,assoie ,i day on sand box,31 days on pipes 10.15 T OLeary,l-,� days on str.e^ vs ,4 days on pipes 12,40 Remington Typewriter uo ribbon , . .75 N.Davis contract on foot bridge, 259.21 " removing tree 6#00 R Bunstine Banc marshal 6.00 Jas Hardie supplies M,- la,bor ,water Dept. 13.10 A J+'aller,shelving vault, 6. 50 H T 7ogelsburg,Highiand Add,spec, 32.50 Bridge plans , 6.00 14,11enton gr. a,vle plans , 10.00 I1,11'enton water Upec , 30.00 Roy,Buns tiYie ,rounai ng up stock 2.50 Zeb.Shearer :mauling gravel 7.50 A Irl Ticknor services as janitor , 2.50 R IT, Wilson building vault, 119.00 Isaac Harris ,labor on. reservoir, 13.75 D C mitchell Labor on reservoir, .34 .50 There beim; no fur. Cher business a motion prevailed to adjourn, Clerk t RP1-W c Ren ton,j'ay 3rd/10 City Council met in regular session Vayor Benj , Ticknor presidi.ng,Roll call C.oEincilmt n Duff,Fliio-6t.Monohon,I!.itchell,Cake ';i'ilsbn Attorne, Vin.-irieer uealtri Officer Treasurer and Cierk being r Ys �'� f'� r �� present. ilm I-inuets of the last regular ses-lion were approved as corrected. Yetitior_ from P.4.11ouser for the removal of meter on his property and that he be permitted to use ;eater at flat rates estab lished for private families.Ii�oved and seconded that said petition be referPd to the Fire & Water Commiee, carried. Petiti.o* from Oberto & Berterlo for transfer of Liquor license to Berterlo .read,Lovdd and seconded that said petition be refdred to the License L;omrr,i ttee, carried. retitior_ from Health Officer Beach,asking for an increas in sal ary,I.'oved and seconded that same be recieved and revered to the ,'days & Ilieans Conmlittee ,carried. Application.. from J.H.Johnson for position of ,engineer# for the City of Renton read ,'Yoved and seconded that the applicatio be accepted. and rerered to the allays & Weans Committee ,carried. Application for water from Lewis Jones for Arse Vo 34 Platt ITo ,2# Renton Co Operative uoa.l Co Acre 'lracts ,'ja.lbot read, =roved and., seconded that petition be revered to the Fire & Water C Cornmi tee carried, Application for the position of janotor for the City Hal f-rom Mrs H. Garriatt r. ead,ilioved and seconded that same bcrefered to the Town Property Committee.carried, Petition for nater from the f-ollowing Talbot residents read,I..oved and seconded that same be place:! on rile,F II Beer,-r,an :pax, Thompson,W L 13eerrian,lti .Klip,zC;e ,S,Yielson, carrled.. MMM Fire k. mater Committee reports f'avoral�ly on putting; in Cut Off valve for .the Denny Renton Coal uo .YCved and seconded that tha report be accepted and the work ordered done, carried, St.Supt reports that the fence on Mitworth St will be mored as goon as lr Smithers returrid# "oved and seconded- that all bilis 0 K' d by the Finance Conriittee be paid,carried, _ 20 Matter of building; public fountain not decided ,corurittee asks for one more week same granted, VIAter of held up bills not settled, comm�ittee 'I.sxs for o c c t one more week, same granted, The License Committee having; repotted favorably on the petition of Berterlo ror transrer of liquor Lic:ense , it was moved arA seconded tI-Lat same be granted, Eeport of the Attorney on t:".e question of the carz:Lz.naCe o of the Satoris Dairy into t,-,e stream of water ribibvaing through North Ren ton,read,Yloved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed op t'ile , ca.rried, License Committee renortd unfavorably on application of V.I. tiarlinf; License to operate an open air trance pavilion. Moved and seconded. that the report be accepted and rlaced on rile ca.r.rid, SeT?rer Comnittee reports on sewer and recommend that the plans of the Engineer be, a.aonted as Described in said report. Moved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on rile , carried.. Committee on outlet for ali.ey ror Block 18 asks for more ti me ,s am. e granted, Sewrer committee asks for more time in which to secure rioit of xray for serer on route adopted in report, same granted. j Yoved and seconded that the -atter of disposing of prisoners placed in Citv jail be refcred to t.,e Police and License Co-=,ittee carried Health 0'.'f-icer reports on Satoris ?airy ma.tter ,Ivoved and seconded that the report be accdrted ,carried , I:'oved and seconded that printed copies of Garbage Crct finance be sent to every householder in the City of Henton,carried Clerks report for month of April rea.d,loved and seconds that sama be accepted and -placed on r ile ,carried, Ordinance regulating, the use of water for sprinkling purposes read .first time and refcred to the orainance uomnittee Besolu ti on providing Dor sewers read first time and refe red to the Ordinance committee . Or;iinance providing for. the nolaing of Council 2Tieeti.ngs weekly read second time RPBF Moved and seconded that Secl be a#-##—###ammended to read that all meetings shall begin at 7.30 P.M. carried I oved and seconded that Sec 1 be a.d.opted as a~rmended, carried. Loved and seconded that Sec 2 be adopted as read carried. Moved and seconded that Sec 3 be adopted as read, carrid. Love(! and secondd that the Ordinance be adopted as a Whole as read moo carried. Resolution for grading and graveling North Renton Street laid over one mere week. T`oved and seconded that the question of laying; of water main From 4 th Avenue north to county Bridge be refered to the 00 Tire & water Corrr�ittee, carried, T''oved. and seconded tTtiat the matter of opening First Ave , from R,arnett St. to Logan St. be rerered ',o the St,& A..ley uorizri ue carried. T:'oved and seconded t::at the r're R, water UOT-urittee take up matter of water main from 4th Avenue to bridge nest Friday night, carried, r Police Judges report for the month of Arril read. T oved and seconded that same be accepted and placed on f ile , carried The following bills were 0 K by the 1rinarice Committee Rentor. Lumber Yard,material for reservoir fence 22.87 R I.I.Tood hay ror Pound 7.85 E A Shearee ,supplies &: Labor water system 10.53 Ed Williams cleanint; St & loadirk; gra tmel 10.15 Yi.lez Storev c1paning streets 15.00 IDI C T6".I tcheli 1 day on Pipes , I clay on sand box 3.40 LO wman &: Hant-o rd, sunpl ies . 3.45- F. .45F. Ousterhoudt.cuttting brush along 77illiams St, 2. 50 F Uder 1"eals for jail prisoners 4.75 P Dulluha.nt, 3 days hauling gravel 15 .00 Seattle Tacome ^o;+ver Co lights &: 1 32 C P Damp 80.80 Jos Ed.waras ,Salary 85.00 P — Hauser 11 75.00 A `7 Ticknor 1+ 65.00 A I Leach it 20.00 R 'ihorburn t0 20.00 J Stewart " 70.00 `N Tonkin " 30.00 now fere being no further business a. motion prevailed to adj ourn, /- ? Clerk i 122 • t t I ReBF PeYiton,Yhy 10/10 Citi► Council m.et in regular cession mayou Renj Ticknor presiding; ,Roll call Uouncilma.n Luff,'Elliott,Mitchell, Cake,Wilson monohon,Attorney ,Engineex,Heal th oi'ff i cer and Clerk being; present Minuets of the lost regular session were read and app roved. APIblication o-_' H.Anaerson for water Lott Block 1 Gunns -Addition read.I�ovd and seconded that same be granted, carried. Applicatio* of Victor Johnson I*or water on Lot 6 Block. � ';7 rebid# Loved and seconded z-at the same be grante.d.carried. Application for meter. from Thos .Harr i-es .read,7:'oved and seconded that said pe ti Lion be granted,carried. jiemons trance , from W.C.Harin,, , relative to private par ties blocking up certain streets in North Renton r##-f read,T,rovcd a.rxi seconded that this ma-tter be refereat to t41e St. Supt,and .for •sim to investigate s7vne and if he finds any obstrae,tions in the strc-,ets to have -them removed, carried. Application of C.O .`2Evete `'or t)le office. of City Fngi low neer read,Lroved and seconded, that s--lune be refered -to 'L.r.e Nays & Means Coni ttee., carried. Fire & Water Uo:nmittee reports on matter of gi sink water to parties south of the Reservoir at Talbot,reconm:end that a tank be =installed at, Talbo t,hi.11.,Mlloved and seconded. that trie rep ort be accepted and the recommendations carried: out, carried. Co .vnittee on matter of raise in salary asked by the Health Ufficer reportas folLows, do not believe that said .salary can be raised at this time ,14oved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on file, ,-arried, o;e ys & a.cans Commitee reports on matter of rightway for se,prer,Moved and seconded that the, report be accepted and placed on Now .f ile, carried. Report of Committee on matter of P.TI.Houser asking for removal of meter,reco.mmend that the application be granted, c I roved and seconded that the reidrt be accepted and placed on file, carried. Report of St & Alley Committee on matter of opening up First Avenue,report only 30 feet dedic-ated,.v2oved anti seconded that the Clerk notify the N.P.RR CO. to fill approach on said First Av carried. Report of .Fire & :'Dater Committee relative to laying of pipe on west side of Main St from 4th avenue to the north end of the bridge crossing; Cedar -River on wills St.read.Moved and secon I dedthat the report be accepted and placed on .file , carried, Town Property Committee reports on :matter of vacant rooms in City Hall ,Yoved and seconded that the report be accepted .and the committee be impowered to have the work done, carried. Fountain committee have no report to make as yet, ALoved and seconded that said co mmittee be given one more wcr:k. carried. - Coimittee on �,:iatter of janitor for- the Uity Hall report reco,,.amend that the Clark do the work , and that he be allowed $ 6.0 per T.2onth.Loved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on file ,carried. Committee, on held up bills# renort,recoTmmend that C.a Borgardius bill by paid,other two oi11s held as the parties were not seen.Yoved and seconded that the report be accepted and Borgardius bill be paid, carried, Moved and seconded that L.T1'ranx Browns services be ;dispensed with from now on in connection ni th the Sity of Renton. Moved and r econded that we reconsider the motion,Poll vote . Cake, aye,Mon.ohon, aye,IJilson,,ave ,EllioLt, aye ,Duff,no ,11itchell ,no , 411otion to reconsider ca,rried.Moved and seconded that this mei Iter be f'efered to the Finance Committee said co-rmi ttee to report at next meeting of Uouncil.carried. Cora,-gittee on anplicsionp for office of City Engineer# ask for more time.same granted. , Committee on salary of said office recommend that the Engineer be allowed 1 100.00 per I'onth,his auties to include the E inspection of all city work,he to be allowed to do outside work with the sanction of the Ways & IAeans Co.nmittee ,Moved and seconded that the report be accepted , carried, Loved and seconded that the sewer cor ni ttee be liven more time to finish work of securing right of way f'o-r sewer, Carrie Committee on outlet for alley for Block 18 granted one more week in which to .report. ReBF x_125' ReT)ort of t'he healttii Officer for. April read,artoved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on, file and that the recommendations of said officer be cafried out, carried. coiznittee on . Moved and seconded that the/matter of disposal of Citv prisoners,be given one more week, carried. � � r �k for the construction of an eight inch hater main on Slain St given first reading and refered to the Ordinance comrittee, Resolution No.37.A providing for a trunk sewer passed to final reading; , Moved and seconded that Section l.be ammended to read, Willia-ms at ,bounded on the north by Second. Avenue , instead of the original Platt of the Town of Fenton, carried. Moved and seconded that Sec, l.be adopted as ammended, carried, Moved and seconded that Section 2.be addpted as read, carried. Moved and seconded that the Resolution be a.Aopted as a anmended whole a/ ## ,carried. .Loved and seconded that lie rules be suspended and the bids for tT e laying; of water rnains in Highland Addition be opened ca.rried.s�ne as follows , Perigonelli Ac Co, Tacoma to tal � 3740 .00 C.R. Campbell Renton " 3113.05 W.H.Mitchell Seattle , " 2917.75 Frank Davis , Renton, " 3303.00 Moveand seconded that the contract for this wor:,. be awarded to the loves;, bidder,of ter the necessary bond has been furnished:. carried. Ordinance '?o ,200.regulating the use of water for sprink ling; purposes in the �i ty of Renton passed to final reading. • W Moved and :seconded that Section 1. of said Ordinance be adopted as arrimended#carried. Yoved and seconded that Section, 2.be adopted as ammended carried. Moved and seconded that �3ec,3.be adopted as read. carried Uoved and seconded that Sec, 4.be adopted as read, carried T!-'oved. and seconded that the Ordinance be adopted as a whKe as ammended, carried. t 8 _gym Moved and seconded that ali bills 0 Kid by the Finance Committee be paid ,carried, 1m TorKin, Interest on water Warrants 5.00 " Seattle .for water April 7 .20 Pete Du7.l a pant,hauling garbage , 33.35 H.U.LUsk,watc".man at Springbrook. 8 .00 Renton Lumber Co,#Lumber for shelves for Vault, 6.10 Renton Hadd-vare uo,ilaterial,Reservoir fence 32.3000#0# of it " supplies "or Vault .80 H T Vogelsburg,sewer plans , 35.00 P Lassoie, labor on street-s& -pipes 10.15 Obe Evans ,l day at tank 1.50 E Auld ,labor on streets & pipe 13 .50 T OLeary,labor on streets & tines , 14.65 ','iard S-ri th,labo r on 8 is. 2.25 C.E.Bogaardus.water analysis ,Springbrook 5©.00 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adj ourri, Ulerk, r r RPBF 1 7 Re n to n ,I'Tta y 17 U-.i ,/10 City Council met in regular session '1-'ayor Benj , Ticknor presiding,Poll call.Councilr<_an Duff,El.liott,Cake ,ITitchell ,'t9'ilsor,, _'Onohon Attorney ,Engineer and. Clerk bein`; pre.le nt. it'Inue is of the last regular session vrere read and 6�proved. Pe tit;ior. from C",as ,11"i.tchell for water for Lo t 18 , Block, 5.read.l.ioved and seconded that same be Eranted .carried. �,oved and seconded that all bills 0 K' D by the Finance Coxxnittee be ra id.ca.rr. ied. >ew-�r Committee reports, that they procured easment deeds from J Delodge and Geo Jor�,:enson for sewer right of way. oved and seconded that the report be accepted. carried. !�ia.tter of Fountain. discussed ,T.=owed and seconded t :at the Pur. c-ia,sing ►gent be impov:ered to have said .fountain built. carried . o:roved and seconded. that the Attorney be ins tr. 'xted to draft an ordinance regulating the use of fire crackers 'oy pistols and explosives of all kinds , on and before the Fourth of July.ca,rried. sown Property Committee reports on matter of remodel ink; City Hall.,Ioved and sed.ondi.ed that the Purchasing At.;ent j;et whatever is necessary to have the work completed, carried. .owed and. seconded that ti-,e Communication corm C ,E, 11 Bogardus ,be recieved and placed on file , car.ried. Ordinance providing for a 40 foot street, in Iort a.ns Grand view Ac clition read first time and re.fered to the Ct,8-. Alley Corrni ttee. , Ordinance 'Io .201 .an0rdinarce prowRlinf, for the con_ •• struction of -an eight inch :grater main ,upon a portion of a.-'ain Ceconr; , and I'1111 Sts .aO so across tl-,e �edad river Bridge ,passed to second reading , -6,oved and seconded. that Section l .be adopted as read. carried. lrioved and seconded that Sec.2.be adopted as read, carried.. T'oved `and seconded that Sec .3 .be adopt-led as read , c 4 1:Toved and seconded that the Ordinance be laid upon the table ,carried . ;�Lo .ed and, C seconded that a orrun1, ttee be. appo inted, to interview I Carsor is ,rela*hive to decd ication df certain streets in '1 orth Renton,befor.e pipe line is laid in said North Renton, carried.The followinE men were appointed ,71 G t'.rilson,Lee Yonohon,E 7, Duff , 'to act on said commi t LG e , Light Corittee reports on mat mter- of securinx, more street lihtsIioved and seconde(; that the Light Corrrittee be impo rered to make application for a lif,),1 t on Lor_;an Stand. one on Tobin Avenue ,carried. ,Question of cement sidewalk ordinance ca.rri, up fol, discussion.I6oved and seconded that the cement sidewalk ordinance be laid on the table until next Friday ni6ht, committee of the w=-.ole council to settle matter, carried . Question of Resolution providib6 for the CradirlL. of streets in North Denton br. ouLht up,moved and seconded that same be fef Bred to the comi ctee of cl-ie vdh ole next Friday nicht. carric-d. Committee on matter of securin assessment roll of City of ''Renton retort that same has been furnished Y'ovecrt and seconded that the vihole council be appointed to nneet with the Board cf dqualization,vvhen said Loard meets ,carried. Moved and seconded that business of seeinf; Seattle Electric Co ,about matter of pa.yin�; for water main to be placed in Iii€;nand Addition be refered to the Fire & "a.ter Committee , carried . S.Toved and seconded that the Bond of W.1i.11-'itchell same having been appneired by the "ttorrey be < ccepted and placed on f ile ,said bond beim; furnished relative to the Lavin- ofmain in Highland Addition, carried.. Question of not having, abstract to property recently tra.nsfered,discussed,,'�'oved and. seconded 6h�.IL City of Renton furnish Attorney Clouser with an Abstract and. that he furnish City of Renton with same on said property, TNotion lost, The follovrinti bills were 0 K' d by the i"inance Committee Lo;nI­:an & Hanford letter file 1 .00 `Prick Bindery Co, s tationery for new s,ys tern, 138..75 Renton Paint Store -supplies .for City 'all .F5 , 1 `)9 E E Duff,2 tables ,3 chairs ,1. letter f ile , 14. 00 purchased. fron Grant ,Snith,Co , There beim; no further business a motion 15revailed to adjourn, i City Clerk. a :;o RPBF 13=� Renton 14ay, 24th ,/10 City Council m. t in regular ses pion l'_ayor Benj Ticknor Pres iding,Roll call .-Councilman Puff , ."Llio tt,Mi tchell ,.Tono'ion, -ililson, and. Clerk beinE present. `"ince is of the last regular session were read and ... approved, Petition .for n,,-Iter from R A Dickenson,for Lot-24-Block 1-10mithers 5 ;,.h-"ddition read.bloved and seconded t'rin.t same be grant ed, carried.- Petition for :nater from Tcike Cooper for Lot.-14-Block 26 read.T,'owed and seconded that same be granted ,carried.- Petition from property owners ori Cedar St.asking that Council open up and clear crossing; on intersection of Cedar and Section Street.read, Loved and seconded that the St.Supt be inst- ructed to have said work done , carried.- Committee reports on matter of installing street lights T,Ioved and seconded that the Clerk notify Licht Coin writing to place lights at the following street intersec tions , to wi t.- r 1-32-c-p-lamp-at the corner of 2irst Avenue and Logan St. 1-32-c-p-lamp it a point 500 feet west of t"_e corner of Tobin and Logan "treet,and one at L:;e corner of First Avenue and Williams St, carried.- Fire & Water Uo nmi ttee repor.s on the Highland Add- water J 'stem,and recommend the following changes ,relative to placing of tank for sai.'. sys tem,That the tank be built 1100 feet e ds t of Jones s tree t,also that 350 feet of pipe be cut out a tjtthe end of Grant s tree t,and t?:at the block system be adorted in lay- ing water lines . "le would also ask that thw Fire & Water Committee 'nave au Lhori ty to make these changes,T"ovwd and seconded that the report be accepted and that the committee be given authority ask- ed for in said report, carriPd.- Report of. 'i'ire & 'dater committee on proposed water system in 1TorLi� 1►enton.recommending the following changes . That a 6 inch-pipe be laid on Garden and Park Avenues , and that t'r�e line be tied tot-o ther with gates at the intersection of Park,River Avenue and the County Road,Uoved and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations carried out, car.riecl.- I proposed/ tree t & Alley Cornmi ttee reports on/40 foot street in Morgans Crand Griew addition, ask for one more week same granted.- Co,rnittee reports on matter of seeing; Seattle ,Electric Co ,relative to assessing said Co ,property for laying; of water main in l"lighland Addition, lyint outside of said district ,same refered L o Supt.rones ,matter to be settled as soon -3.s he gets report back from Company. References of applicants :for the office of City Engi- neer read,loved and seconded t1lat t'r.te same be recieved and placed on file, carried.-Committee auks for one more week in Which to decide this matter,sarie granted, Attorney reports on the clues tion of a right of -gray for a street in the roroperty deeded by the City if Penton to the City of Seattle ,stating that the cir of ied copy of the same furnished, shows no such reservation, I Ioved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on file , carried ,- lowed and seconded that the communication recieved from the 1-P-Ry-Co relative to .fill on i'irs t Avenue be recieved and nlaceat on file ,carried.- Communication .from Councilman 1*1 G +ikon returning, .1arrant1for 456.00 for services rendered the City,same beim; illegal in his opinion,,-loved and. seconded that this matter be refered to the Citv Attorney for his written opinion,carried.- Moved and seconded that the Ordinance providin_; fo-, the office of City Eln ;ineer be laid on the table one week, carried.- Ordinance proltibitin t1...e sa.le ,or h^.--J'.ng in possess- ion fire -corks or agyixplosives ,read first time and refered to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance pro-Tidling, for tl-,.e consiructior,. of Cement sidewalks in the City of Fenton passed to final reading, Moved anOl seconded that Section.l-le adopted as read, carried.- Iroved and seconded t'_Za.t Sec.2_1.v adopted vri th the addition of the clause re<<;ula.ting the building of sidewalk in front of alley' s inserted .ccarried .- l'oved and seconder' that bec-3-be adopted as re:a,d ,ca.rried. 133 'yoved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted. as read, carried. P--loved and seconded that Sec-5-be adopted as Taal, carried. I11oved and seconded that t' ..e Ordinance be adopted as a V--ole as arunended and read, carried.- Resolution ido-34-A- rovidin& for the grading and. grave- _r of streets in North Renton passed to final rca,d.ing. .'oved and seconded that Section-1-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved =a.rried.- Moved and, seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read , carried. Loved and seconded that t,-,e Resolution be adopted as a, %%Thole as rea.d,carried,- D:oved and seconded that all 0 Ytd bills be paid.carried. Ordinance providing for water main on rain St,Second Ave- and across River Rridge,laid. over until the plans A, 6pecificati- ons are furnis=hed. 170-%red and seconded that the Attorney draft an Ordinance according to the Co,rmittees recommendations for water main in 14orth Renton, carried.- Complaint of P,Graham about water from Sartoris Springy; injuria" his property,L'oved and seconded that the St ,Supt ,have rsat ;cr attended to at orice .carried.- The follovrind; bills were 0 K ' D by the r'inaace Committee J S Ii_TcCr.ea,12 ~:.ours rrork at City lla�l 5.25 Tim Wilson n tt to t. 5 .25 P H Ad-.ms mak ing copy of as8essrnent roll . 24.50 lJowman -�; Hanford 1 record book , 9.00 H 'i" 1roE elsburg ,l �apev% reel 1 level rod, 10.00 J S Hard.ie ,supplies grater Dept. 8 .95 E. YcDona.ld,hauling dirt , and load of coal, 19#55 J xoses .`'or servicer of horse , 1 .00 E Auld,4 days on ",pipes 9 .00 OLvar-%r,4 days on pipes 9 .00 p Lassoie ,l day on pipes,l day on streets , 4.50 There beini; no further business a motion prevailed to adjourn, ��� �✓� City Clerk. 134 i 1,35 Renton Mhy,31st,/10 Citzr Council mat in regular session Mayor Benj , `icknor presiding,Roll "all .-Councilmrin Duff, lliott,l4iitchell,Calce ,Monolion health Offic:et` ,Attorney and Clerk being; present, Minuets of the last regular session were read and appr- oved. Application for t:qe position of City Engineer from I?ay C Robe rts , Seat tle ,read..T:ioved and seconded that the same be recielred and placed on file , carried.- Protest from Frank Davis against sewer insofar as it effects lilock -1-City of Renton.read,T"'owed and seconded that same be recieved and placed on file , carried.- Application for meter from E E Duff, owner for Lot-1 Block-2l-read,Ivoved and seconded that same be granted,carried, - Health Officer makes verbal report on unsanitary condi- tition of Spencer building same beim; a nuisance and dangerous to health ,alsxrer:orts on bad condition of septic tank on Lot 16- Block' 31 ;Moved and seconded that the report be accepted ,carried. f I`,.. Oweing to ill health the Health. Officer asks for a leave of absence under pay, Droved and seconded that he be allovied leave of absence for. one Lonth,under full pa.y, and that Deputy recieve same compensation as the Health Officer ,carried.- Moved and seconded that all bills 0 K by the Finance Cor%mittee be paid, carried.- :Fire & l `ater coeririttee reports on matter of tapping City of Seattle ripe line for Ilighla,ndA,ddition, Yoved and secon- h have ded that the committee go ahead and do all necessary work to/said tIn'c connected.carried.-- Tla.tter of planking street to H C Henry' s Ware house reported on by co nmittee ,l owed and seconded that an emergency be declared and that bids be called for gravellinE of Snoqualmie Ave- now from Park "venue east on said L-noaaalmie avenue to gest line of Acre 9- .carried.- St & alley Committee reports on ratter of dis-infecting springy; in Eorth Renton, oved and seconded that t',e St.Supt. be instructed to have lime placed in said stream,carried .- Special Co mmittee reports on matter of sec:,iriri� easmen- t deed over the Smithers Estate, state that T Steele ,'I..easee of 136- said property will give an easement over same ,11.'oved and seconded that th,, report be accep ted, carried .- Cornittee reports on matter of appoinjting City Engineer recofnanend the appointment of C 0 vete .and that the Mayor be authorized to appoint said C 0 Tevete , -4ritten opinion of Attorne- on legality of Councilmen recieving pay .f. or services rendered the `ity,recieved and placed on file .also matter of Engineer having,, plans ,& specifications for all contemplated improvements on file with the City �'lerk before the Resolutions are published,Moved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on file ,carried.- Police Judges report for the 11onth of Itay read. Moved and seconded that she same be accepted and placed on file, carried.- I,_ovedt and seconded that thengineer furnish plans & :specifications for North penton grater 14ain at once .car.ried.- Clerks report for !Lay read. and placed on f ile , Communication from Lowman -RHarford relative to print- ing recieved and placed on f ile , Corymunica.tion from I Sar toris relative to reservations on certain streets in North Renton recieved .l.oved and secondedj,�* '3 that the same be recieved and placed on file ,carried.- Petition froom Len At'Kenson recieved askinL for change of mater read,Moved and seconded that same be refered to the Fire & water Committee , carried.- Ordinance prohibiting use of or sale of fire works or explosives of any kind in "iter of Renton passed to final reading I:oved and seconded that Sec tion-1-be adopted as read. carried Bolted and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as react ,carried.- (,'roved and secanded that last clause of Sec-3-be stricken out, carried.`.oz*ed and sedonded that 6ec 3-be adopted as ammended, carried. -,'owed and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read,carried.- +,Loved and seconded that Sec-5-be adopted as read, carried.- I`�oved and seconded that t',,e Ordinance be adopted as a ,vhole as arnmended, car. rigid.- Fatter of having printed copies of garbage Jrdinance ReBF 13"7 made discussed Moved and seconder that regular sized t-rpe be used: same as t'1 , :3:'iginal Ordinance is printed with,# ##-#&Lnd that four or five hundred copies be struck `off, carried.- Ordiria.nce providing; for water EAin on Lain St,Gecond Avenue and across ''edar hiver Bridge passed to final reading. :Moved_ and seconded that Section-1-be adopted as read, carried,_ Ticz7e0. and se ccs nded that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- I-oved and seconded that Sec-3-bc adopted as rK:ad. carried.- Moved and seconded that th,., Ordinance be adopted as a Y'rhole as read, carried. Ordinance authorizing the appointment of a City j'ngineer passed to final reading,;, Loved and seconded that Section-1-of Ordinance be adopted as read carried. TToved and seconded that Sec-S-be adopted as read,carried.- I-owed and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as react.carried.- 'coved and seconded that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,carried.- Irr Ordinance providing for a 40 foot street in Morgans Grand. view Addition passed to final reading, Loved and seconded that 0-ction-1-be ad .pted as read, carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read.carrieat.- Moved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read.carried.- YLoved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read.carried.- Moved and seconded that the Ordinance be a: opted as a whole as re=al carried.- Moved and seconded that the Engineer make plans & specifi cations for serer, carried.- Urle following bill were ordered paid by the Finance C ommi t tee , J Delodge right of way for sewer , 100.00 �... Lowman & Hanford , supplies 1.25 Win ITcEwen,surveying Highland `ldd-water .IAin 12.50 Title "rust �o,abstract of Highland Add- and cirtifiect cop;, of deed 25.25 Denton Tel- Lo,Reservoir phone & long Distance , 5.65 'here beim; no further business a motion prevailed to adjoeLrn Clerk. 138 Resolution providing for the improvement of certain in Forth Renton. streets/as set forth in said resolution -38-A-by the layin6 of read first time and refered to the Ordinance committee. eater mains , Resolution NO.39-A-for the improvement of certain streets in North Renton ,by layinC of water rii�-.ins ,react first tirre and refered to the Ordinance Committee, A VI Ticknor, Cler1k. RPBF 139 ` Renton June , 7 t:i./1Q Cit ,r Council met in re ular session M avor Benj ,: icicnor Presidint Roll call.8 Councilman Duff, Elliot Cake , Filson Monohon,Attorne,y Engineer and. Clerk beinK present. Yinud is of t1;.e last ret ular session ,yere read and appr- oved, Petition frhm J T'i+lcr.1<er: ?r,r,in ; that he be allowed to sell firewor. ]cs on the IIourth of July ,recieved.1oved and seCDnded that the petition be r.eciev^d and placed on file, carried.- Petition from Jim Anderson for water Lot.5-Block -1 Gu.nns is t,Ad.di tion read ,'14ove and seconded that same be granted carried Pe ti Lion from A Deerm to for water Lo t.21-B1k-1 C-rnithers l h Add i tion read,!'dioved and ;seconded that same be granted, ca,rried, - Petition from J .0wens for water for Lot-21-Blk,3 4 read. loved and seconded that same be gran Led, carried ,- Petition from .ae R)°v)F)D) askinL; for permission to give a display of fireworks on the fourth `of July.`recieved.Moved and seconded that the petition ';e granted, carried.e rr Coirlmittee renor. is on Resolution fbrlaying of water main in ANorth Menton and recommend that same be passed.Moved and. seconded that the rer•)rt be accepted and placed on file , carried .- Cortnnittee reports on matter of changing of meter for men en and recorlmend that said change be nade ,Ivloved and seconded that the report be accepted and pla,cedon file ,carried.- ""oved ,=incl seconded That all bills 0 K by the i"inance committee be paid., carried .- Petition fron Renton Indepenc:UenL Tel- Co aFking for permission to set poles ref.ered to the St & Alley L;oTunittee . Report of corrrnittee on Spencer Bkock,report that eve;ry- thing possible has been done to make same sanitary until severs are -in,lioved and seconded that the report be accepLed ,aarried, - :-bved and seconded that the Clerk be instructed to adi.Ter- r tize for bids for gr.avellim- Sixth "venue north ,`sounded on the west by ?.:ill street North on on the east by t1le east line of Lot-8 -R .ock 5-in, the Platt of the Renton Farm "cerage ,produced south, carried.- Resolution No,758-A providing for the layin of six-inch water mains in 1'or t'h. Rer.tnn rase; ed to fin,al readinp-. 140 "roved and second^d Mat Section 1-Xbe adopted as read, carried .- . Taoved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carrie(t.- c Moved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read carrieot.- roved and seconded that the Resol-ation be adopted as a ­iho le -tc- r-ad, carried.- Resolution 119-A laid on the table ,until Engineer can furnish plans f'.- specifications for same , Under the 'mead of unfinished business the ?mayor appoin- ted ted C 0 Tevete City yngineer for the balance of the ensueing year , Moved and secondt.ld that the Wa.yors appointnent be confirmed by the Council .carr. ied.- Co-nittee on petition of Renton Tel-Co ,report,and recom- mend that said Co be allowed Co proceed with the work of setting' poles according to marked plan. carried.- rYaved and seconded that tti.e 11-later `'upt, investi ale matter of private families keeping boarders and not paying suffi- cient grater rent, carried,- I, oved and seconded that the Purchasing Agent have another lijfait placed in Council room,carried.- Kove:i and seconded that t,.e Purcl-Las ink; Agent be authori zed to dispose of two tables and get a larger table for use of cauncilmen,carried.- bayou recommends t'-i.at a telephone be placed in night mar shalls house ,..Roved and seconded that the recorimendation be carried. out,carraed.- `l' ie following; bills were ordered paid, Seattle T asoma Power Co light i4ay 81 .60 Lol„rman coy Hanford Supplies 17 .15 V;m Wood Wood supplies for City Hall 28.30 General 7und freight for supplies X30 Frani; Davis lday 1 .,3bor Highland "dd i ti on 3.00 Wra ATcEwen specifications & Yap for water r"r1.in 15 .00 C Y dillia.ms & Co professional servicer 100.00 Harris 6- Cochran pepering & staining, 14.90 lien-ton Tel- Co.Dal due tel-bill 1 i 55 ";Im Cr,osby labor & material enstalling, wires ',.65 Obe Evans 1 dya on#pipes 1.50 Jos Edwards 4 trips to Seattle . 1 .20 Fred Hancock labor on s tree is 2.00 J,Eva.ris , da,;*s clearing crossing 5.00 P Lia.ssoie 22 days on pipes 5.65 E Auld 4= days on pipes, 1 day on bridF;e 12, 95 T OLEa,ry 5 days on pipes ,l day o f bridge , 13.50 Q IK- Livery Saddle horses & hauling pipe 9.10 Lee Ij onolion 1:1 days surveying 4. 50 E E Duff 1 day surveying 3 .00 �'e tez ul la.hant Haul insarbor e rn& April bal due i.l 55.55 T^�a y r ROOF 141 ordinance prof:idind for the laying of sewers on certain streets as set forth in said ordinance given first reading and refer. ed to the ordinance Comw i ttee , Resolution grantin6 the Renton Independent 'Telephone Co the ri�:�at to erect and maintain poles in certain streets in the City of Renton as set forth in said F►esolution read first time and refered to the ordinance Committee . Adj ourned , A W Ticknor Clerk. 142 1 1 RoBF 143 Ile n ton,June ,14 th,/10 City Council met in regular session laayor Bei�j ,Ticknor presiding,Roll call.- Councilman Duff.Elliot-t,I,itchell, Cake ,u,ilson �onohon,Atorney Engineer, and Clerk be in ; present. Minuets of tie last reealar session were read and app- �. roved, Moved and seconded that all bills 0 K. by the Finance Com- mittee be pa.id.carried.- Moved and seconded that the mat �;er of gravelling Sixth Av enue lforth,be laid over one. week until St,& Alley Committee can inves 'Gigate .carried.- Moved and seconded that the plans & specifications for water mains as provided in Iiesolution No.,7)9-A--ast Dist.l,orth Rendon be approved by the `'ouncil.carried.- Communication from Supt,V 'd Talbot,asking City 'ouncil Lo visit school entertainment# read.Moved and seconded that the invitation be accepted-carried.- 1uoved and seconded that the communication from the r.. Seattle 'racoma Power o be recieved and the order for lights count- ermanded , carried .- Ordinance for the improvement of forth Renton streets by grading and gravelling same read first time and refered to the Ordinance Uor mit tee . 3 9-A Em­t 1J,'zt_ Resolution No , T _ :Pist.North Renton providing for L the laying of water mains passed to final reading. I:oved and seconded -that Section-1-be adopted as read, carried.- Mloved and seconded trial `'ec-2-be adopted as read,carried.- T,doved nd seconded that Cec-3-be adopted as read.carried .- Moved and seconded that Lhe Resolution be adopted as a as p read.ca,,rieu.- TelephoneR esolution No .40 E;ranting to the Renton Inde- pendent Telephone Co . the right to erect and maintiin poles in and upon certain streets passed to .final reading, Loved a.nd seconded teat Section-1-be adopted as read.carried.- Y"oved and seconded that ''ec-2'- be adopted as read.carried .- IJioved and seconder. that Dec-3-be adopted as rea.d ,cafilied.- over and sec onded t'rlat tV e esolution be adopted as a arhole_ as j read..carried.- 144 ayor recommends `that Main 9t,from 4th .Avenue to Cixth be. straightened and gra,ded ,I;loved and seconded that the Engineer irivesLigate and `dray plans an- Specifications and that the Attor.ne draft a Resolution,carried.- I Ila-*or recommends that Attorney drai t an ordinancegover- ning the sforin_ of explosives in the City of $enton.11oved and 0 seconded that t,,ie 1,4avors recorhuendation be carried out and that -Ghe At Corney be instructed to draft same .carried.- Loved and seconded that the Coon Power System for furn- ishing power for li&tin ; purposes be investigated `by the Fire & Water Committee , carried.- Council-Tian y`filson recommends building of a band stand I,Toved and seconded that a special cor:imittee be appointed to inves- tigate this matter and report at next regular meeting .carried.- Mloved and seconded that the Ci '-\r bouncil donate the Penton Fire Departement X50.00 to use as they see fit.carried.- ?roved and seconded that the Street Oupt.be instructed to investie,ate the matter of bad condition of sidewalks in North Ren-con and report at next meeting .carried.- Bids opened and read for laying; of 2015 feet of 8" wood ripe .Chas Campbell bid for sane was , 1218 .60 ,+rank D-vis bid for same was , 1299 .35 Moved and seconded that lowest bid _er be awarded the eontract,after the necessar .r bond has been furnishe&, carried.- gloved and seconded that par ties on Third Avenue be -granted `»ermission to put in cement sidewalks under the direction of the City Engineer, carried.- The follo,rrin; bills were 0 K by the Vina ice Committee. Penton Meekly News printing 75.65 H U Lusk, ser rices as watchman at Sprin"brook 8 .00 Tom Oughton 1 dais on h tdrants . 2.25 There beinc no further business a motion prevailed to ad j ourn, Clerk. Ro,BF 145 Ren can June 21st,/lo City Council met in regular session '_ ayor Benj , Ticknor presiriinL Roll Call ,- Councilman Duff,E11iott,!ficthell,1Tonolron.,Wilson, Enbineer,Attorney and Clerk being present. Tiinueis of the last re€;alar session were read and appr- oved, 1: oved and seconded that the St.& alley Committee be granted one more i^reek in which to investigate the matter of grave- fling S iYt:. avenue North,carried .- Report of St Supt.on maLtet of having sidewalks in North Renton repaired,reports that he has notified all parties to have said walks repaired.;-oved and seconded ihs,t report be accepted. carried.- Loved arried.- Loved and seconded that; all bills U K by the -Finance Committee be paid ,carried.- .Engineer reports on mater of -Fading Ifain, 0t ,from 4th, Ave- to Sixth. r. Special Committee appointed tm investigate mat ser of a suitable location for a band sta.nd ,report as follows .recommend that the stand be built in .front of the present Cit-,r Hall, ..,.nd that the upstairs room be made into One lagre room,also that the Engi- neer -e c out plans & specifications for said band stand at once . ?.'oved and seconded t1iat 'i:'~e report be accepted and that the recorrsnendati.ons be carried out, ca:rried.,- Corrffnittee ' appointed to investigate Coon,' a-ter Power proposition ask for more time,sarae granted. -oved and seconded that the ml,itter of Teleplione poles being in gutter line where cement sidewalks are to be built be referred to the Ui Ly'!Pn6 ineer, carrieot.- moved and seconded that the Clerk notify the Renton Independent Telephone Company to remove 'S z,�ty) wire from ground. adhere Yodntain is to be � ocated. ca.rrie' d.- Moved and seconded t'nat the Clerk notify Seattle Electric on Main St. Co. to remove poles between 4th,Avenue and Sixth Ave,�so as to allow the -rading of said Lain St. carried.- 'Moved and seconded that the communication recieved from the N)P- PM Co rely Live to the opening; up of First Avenue be reci- eved and placed on f ile, carried .- 5 6 Ordinance ?providing for the abatement of any source of i filth ,or nuisa.nice detrirmantal to health ,read .first time and refer ed to the ordinance c:_)mmi ttee . Ordinance regulating location of outside toilets read first time and refered to t'-Le ordinance co :mi utee . Ordinance regula.tin ,, aiad -,irovidi.ng for re sale and storage of explosives in tl.e City of Penton read first time and refered to L,--,e ordinance corirrni ,,tee . Urdinance Ido .205.1:roviding for the; improvement of certain streets described in said ordinance passed to final reading . ` I-oved and seconded L'Ia't Sec'Liori 1- be adopted as read carried.- 'N' I:Toved and seconded that Section-2-be ammended to read 10;.•'• instead of 12 ;<; carried .- u';ovcd and seconded that Vection-2-be :adopted as ammended carried.- loved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as re ed , carried.- T'4oved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read, c,lrried:. ?Toved and seconded t'rat I. ill Bt.North be stricken out of Vais proposed improvement,carried.- Moved and seconded that the ordinance be adopted as a Whole as aDiriended, carri.ed.- I4ove& and seconded that t' LrrL;ineer be impotivered to go to hent and interview H `i Vogelsburg, carried .- 11oved and seconded that the Fire " 'w'a �f!r committee investigate the matter of Light contract and matter of ens ta.11ing our onw pole systera,carried.- � s " _.° I+ioved ant-11. ,ieconided t'•aa.t tare St.& Alley Committee take up matter of locating a t,,ravel pit.oarried.- Loved and seconded that t1he Clerk advertize for bids for "r::Vrellirng ydilliaris S t.from Second Avenue to bridge ,carried.- _7ollovrinE; bills were ordered paid. Fenton Lumber Co-lumber .for Ci ;;y Hall lo .74 uounc it 50.00 P Lassoie-3Jz days on pipes 7.90 T OLeary-5-dad,*s on -nipes 11.25 Xild ,2 d 1 -s on pipes- 4 .50 -.c�a f �t��t a..� _, a �- �c o �a.— -2-3- S-0 There beim no fur ager business a motion prevailed to ad j o ar n. Clerk. RPF 147 Renton,June 128thdl0 City Council me � in regular sess-,ion Ttayot Benj ,Ti*nor presiding.Roll Call-Councilman Duff,Elliott, Cake ,Wilson,?9"onohon, Mitchell,End;ineer,Attorney,Treasurer,and Clerk beim; present., ,iinue is of t,e last regular session were read and apporved, Remonstrance from property ov.iners on Main St.a�,ainst proposed regrade of sane .from Fourth Avenue to 3ixQh Avenue .{}f## and recommending that said district extend from Second Avenue to Cit,* limits l.lo,red and seconded that t'.,.e remonst- rance be accepted and recommendations carried. out, Irloved and seconded that Vae motion be laid on the table one week.carried.» Petition from Tlartia Shrift for nater for Lot.23-Block 34 read.tloved and seconded that the same be granted, carried.- T,Ioved and seconded that all bills 0 Y by the Finance Cominittee be paid , carried.- Committee on ,atter of securinG travel pit asks for more time ,same granted, I:Ioved and seconded that we reconsid--r the motion of ing the committee more time on securing gravel pit.carried.- Moved anis seconded that we buy Gravel pit provided that DIr Henderson can furnish satisfactory abs tract,and that the price does not exceed #3000.00 carried.- Committee arried.- Committee on mat ter of lights asks for more time ,same granted. Proposed burning of old building on corner of 3rd,Avenue and Main St, on the 4 Lh of July by Fire Dept.pro tee ted by citizens . -oved and seconded that tue 14ayor appoint a special deputy on said day to prevent the startin;; of any fire .carried.- 60 Clerks report for June read rind refered to the Finar;.ce Committee . Engineer reports on matter of seeing H T 'ro-elsbarg for purpose of securing Sewer Data.Also submits plan forband stand T�toved and seconded that t'-,,e report be :accepted and that the band stand be built under his supervision,car.ried ,- Communication recieved from Dr .A Z Bea,ch,T:iove,', and seconded that same be r-cieved and placed on file , c;:.rried.- 448 T:oved and seconded that the communication regarding Annual meeting of Fire Chiefs be recieved and refered to t'-,Ie Ways Jieans Cormittde carrie`d.- Clerk reports` that there were no Protests a�;ains t layin; of water .mains in North Renton recie7red,Toved a.rd seconded t that the report be accepted a.nd placed on file ,carried.- NorthtRenton atet "Ma.in Ordinance read first time and refered to tree Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No .206.providinE- for a trunk server on certain streets as pro-:Tided in said ordinance passed to final readinG. ,J:oved and seconded that Section 1-be adopted as read, carried. :coved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read.carried.- r Moved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read, car.ried.- 14oved' and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted ad read.ca ried.- Ill-ved and seconded that Sec-.5-be adopted as read, carried.- ,,moved and seconded that Sec---'-be adopted as read.carried.- Eoved and seconded that See-7-be adopted as read, carried.- , Roved and seconded th-,t the ordinance beadopted as a whole as read.carried.- No-207 . Ordinance providing; .for t..e aba ,--,emant of any nui!4-..nce passed to final reading. N'oved anis seconded that Section 1-be adoloted as read .ca.rried.- Loved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read.carrned.- 1"oved and seconded that Sr-c .3-be adopted as read.ca.rried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read.carried.- moved and seconded that L'ie ordinance be adopted as a whole as read..carried.- No-208 . Ordinance regulating tKe location of outside toilets passed to final reading, loved and seconded that Section -1-be adopted as read carried.- !Loved and seconded that; Sec-2-be adopted as read, ca.rried.- Eoved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as r---id, car.ried.- Moved and seconded that the ordinance be adopted as a nhole as read.carried. No-209 Ordinance reg; abating the s torac;e og powder and other explosives passed to final reading, %roved and seconded that Section -1-be adopted as fead, carried ReBF 149 1ovei and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read.carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as _read.carried.- Moved and seconded t'-hat Sp,c-3-be adopted as read.cartied.- Loved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved and seconded. t'--at Sec.--be adopted as read carni ed.- Ivbved and seconded t.,,at Secf-6-be ado p %,ed as read,carried.- Imved and :seconded that :e c-7-b e adopted as read, carried .- bored and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- IUioved and seconded t'_-,at Sec-9-be adopted as read carried.- Iloved and seconded that Sec10-be adopted as read carried.- LToved and seconded that 3)ec-ll-be adopted as read,carried.- Moved and seconded that the Ordinance be adopted as a �rhole as read.carried.- i''he followin- bills were O.K'D.by tyle Finance Co:­.imittee . Thos Harries P.M.box rent for quarter. •35 Jas .hardie .supplies i*rater Dept. 1 .43 A C ;Milson Insurance on Fire Hall . f)2.50 A Iiarabach Co Butterfly valve . 6.00 R Buns tine .dance marshall 9.00 .Dunn & Dunn,professional services in connection with Sewer.s 50.00 ... City Seattle, "later Dept.repair in., meters 5.15 There beim; no further business a motion prevailed to a.d' oarn. Clerk. 150 i - RNT 151 a Renton,July,5 th,/10 Ci-t-,r Council met in regular session hTayor i3enj , Ticknor presiding; Roll call .-Councilman Duff,.1.11iott,I:"itchell,�'Iilson,I,roroho^�, Enf_,ineer,Attorney and Clerk beim; present. IJ.Unuets of t"le last re t:.lur session were read and appro- re d.; Petition from property owners on ?Main St.a.skingr for lateral sewer,i4'Oved. and seconded that said petition be recieved and that a Resolution be drawn Iraking- an impro,Ferrcent district of said street.ca.rried .- Application from Karl Anderson asking for mater on Dot-8 Block .7, read.IToved and seconded that same be granted,carried.- :`..rays & 1,1eans Committee reports that they purchased grav- el pit under the followirC condi ,,ions , �;10ID0.00 cash,balanre in 6% interest Warrants , in denominations of not less than ',�100.00nor more than .6500.00 / a 74 ,� C 6 S ,':4 o*P, 0 Loved and seconded that the report be accepted ,carried.- 1.1oved and seconded that all bills 0 KID bir the Finance committee be paid ,carried I`oved and seconded that the matter of rr; rade of Kain St be refer-ed to the Engineer for an estimate of cost,carried.- Light Co"mittee no report more time granted. Eng ir..eerr reports that he has made arrangements to build the band stand by day labor,Yvoved and seconded that t}-.Le report be accep ted.carried.- St.Supt ordered to make all nect4essary repairs on side- walks in North Renton Fire & '+later committee reports tha.t Highland. Addition has been connected with the Seattle water main. treasurers report for quarter read and refered to the Finance Committee . Ordinance covering Fast dist-Nof th Renton water main read first time and refered to the Ordiriance, cOrmittee No .210. Ordinance covering; ''fest Dist."dorth Renton water main passed to final reading , t1oved and seconded that rection 1-bP adopted, as read ,carr i e d.. 152 hoved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read.carried.- Iw:oved and seconded that Sec-S-beadopted as read, carried.- Y:oved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-5-be adoptee. as read.ca.rried. Loved and seconded that Sec-6-be adopted as read, carried. IToved and seconded that Sec-7-'be adopted as read, carried. hl-oved and seconded that Sec-8-be adopted. as read, ca.rried ,- Uoved and sedonded that the ordinance be adopted# as a whole as read.carri.ed.- 1'he following billswere ordered pail", Jos Edwards salary 85.00 Affm Tonkin If 30.00 A W Ticknor " 65.00 janitor 6.00 P 'i; Mouser salary 55.00 stenographer 20 .00 Robt Thorburn :salary 20.00 A I Peach " 20.00 C L Dix6n " 20.00 C 0 -Tvete " 100.00 J Stewart " 70.00 Renton deekly Dews printin6 17 .45 E Auld interest on bonds #-1 9.00 Tire U Leary labor on pipes 11 .25 P Lassoie fl of of 6.75 t'Jm James interest on bonds Vii'-1 120.00 Geo Hancock cutting tri sties 15.75 Jos Reid „ " 3 .40 L Auld " " 11.25 E C Cha.usse supplier water Dept. 16.00 Jos 'Edwards expense bill 2 .90 t'dm' Tonkin ` interest on Warrants 9'.77 It It 1 .80 C 0 'Tve-Le expense bill 2. 34 Seattle acome Power Co light€, 80.50 of " " lamps 2.70 There beinE- no fartOcr business a motion prevailed to adjourn. sem— Clerk. I herewith report that I relieved no protests against the East District North Renton eater main. A '�J 'Ticknor , C1erI.. ReBF 153 Renion,July, 12th,/10 City Council met in regular session T:Tayor Benj , 'i icknor Pres iding.Roll Call .-Councilman Duff, Cake Mi tchell ,!I.onohon,',Milson Fngineer ,Attorney And. Clerk being present, Idinuets of the last regular session were approved as corrected. The regular order of business waived and the natter of purchase of an adding machine taken up .Yoved and seconded that this matter be refered to ti-,e Purchasing; Agent ,he to invectigate matter of purchase of machine and report back to Council at the next regular session.carried.- Petition for mater from P Bunstine for water. for Lot-8 Block -1-1,Totor Line Aci.diti.on,rnad.Moved and seconded that same be gran ted, carried .- Application for water from Victor Ccoll ,read.koved and seconded. that said neti tion be refered to thk water Supt. if it is adviseable to put in same , to do so.carried.- Il�r Application from 'Phos , IIarried for water read.Lo t-9 Block-113, 1v'oved and seconded that same be granted.carried. Application for license to operate a skating rink read. loved and seconded that the application be recieved and refered to the License Committee, carrimd.- Finance Uoimnittee reports that they examined the books of the Clerk and Treasurer for the quarter and found t .em correct. Loved and seconded that the report, of t',e Committee be accepted and placed on f,ile, carried.- Ivoved and seconded that all bills 0 K by the Finance committee be pa.id ,carried .- Fire & Iffater Committee reports that the new pipe in Highland Addition wont stand the pressure of the Seattle pipe line, 6w recommend that Cedar St,be put on crystal Springs , t;o relieve bre- c suaee .Moved. and seconded that the committee be impowered to the neces ary changes , Light Committee reports on matter of City enstalling own li.gti,t poles , interviewed power t�o, said Co agreeable fot City to put up own poles ,L;O'Tmittee granted more time to investigate said ma, lter,,St.& Alley Committee recommends that cement sidewalk be 154 built in front of H.S.Osgod)ds property.I;oved and seconded that ne St.& Alley Comnittee take up this matter with the property owners a.ns see about haviri6 said work done , also have certain poles remo- ved and others s tra;i.ghtened, that will be in the curb line ,carri.ed.- :engineer retorts that he examined Vie Highland Addition water system acid havint. .found the samme satisfactory would recomm- end that the work be accepted.I,�oved and seconded that the Engineers report be accepted and placed on file , Moved and seconded that the City Council accepg t':e Highland Addition water :system. the work being satisfactory to the City Engineer,carr:iec?.- ` Attorney reports on the condemnation suits that are pending against the Springbrook Water system, and recomrnends measu- rement of water,I'loved and seconded that the attorneys report be accepted and that the Engineer be authorized to make such expendi- Lures, as is necessary to Make proper measurements of the water at Springbrook, carried.- ` Roved and seconded t�at the Assessment roll for Highland Addition water systerr be approved and that the Clerk be instructed to send out proper notices of such assessment to the property owners in said Kighland. Addition, carried.- The question of-the legality of the Resolution governing . the laying of Trunk sewer Oiscussed.T.4oved and seconded that the Council reconsider this matter and t'lat t' e Resolution be interdu- ced and read first time, ca,rried.- Moved and seconded that tete same cot^.mittee act as the sewer corm ittee , carried.F. E Duff, C I:� T;1liott,LEl' Rionohon,and Engineer C 0 I`ve to , co ns ti t utint said commi ttee . resolution No.37-A-provi.dinr. for the laying of a 'Trunk sewer in and upon certain streets in the City of Renton,read first time and refered to the Sewer Committee , N0 .211- Ordinance providing for tie laying of water mains in vast dist.North Fenton ,passed to final reading , o'ved and seconded that ''cction lobe adopted as read, ca.rried .- I.,oved and seconded that Sec-2-b'e adopted as read, carried.- Yoved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read ,carried, Yoved and seconded Via.t Sec-4-be adopted as read carried.- ReBF 15 h_oved and sdconded that Sec-5-be adopted as read, carried.- Loved and seconded that Sec-6-be adopted as read , carried.- Loved. and seconded that Sec-7-be adopted as read carried.- I.ioved and seconded Viat Sec-8-be adopted as read-carried.- Loved and sec-onded that Sec-9-be adopted as rea.d , carried.- !-.oved and seconded th it the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read , carried ... 7:ro,Ted and seconded that Paul Bassens 1st,Addition to t '.e Citi~ of Penton be refered to the St.& Alley Connittee ,ca.rried .- '"oved and Seconded that the Clerk re-advertize for grading and gravellinC; of North Penton Streets ,carried.- �"oz'ed. and seconded that the Clerk re-advertize for grav- elling 7.11illiall. s St,from Second Avenue to the Brid.ge, carried.- Loved and seconded that the people be allowed. to sprinkle in any manner they see fit as longi; as we have plenty of eater going to wa,ste , carried.- 1,1oved and semonded that tine Fire & Nater Committee be instructed to investigate r-ith power to act, and see what can be done in regard to having; s Cree is sprinkled, carried... the follov�►in6 bills were ordered paid,b-y tx:e Finance co - ittee . Pete bulla,ha.nt hauling garbage,June 44 .45 Priebe Bros . supplies water, E A S(,earer 6 .75 .supplies .nater A .00 D C Ir%itchell 2 days on trnk. 5.00 Pete -jullaha.nt 3 loads gravel C� 75 .c is per . 2.25 J I? Zones,2 day on -.1pes 1 .15 Renton Tel- Co bal on Acc' t 1 .x,5; 'Trs ' ,a.ttie �Revan interest on bonds 12.00 R Bevan to " 6.00 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adjourn, Clerk. 156 ReBF 15"7 Ren ton,July,19th,/10 City Council met in regular session I.Tavor. Benj .Ticknor presiding; .-Roll call.-Councilmen Duff,Elliott,IF.itchell,Ceke ,Wilro Iron©hon," n�ineer,Attorney,And Clerk bei_n- present. I.Unue t s of the last regular session wefe road and app- roved. c Application from D H Jones for permission to tear up sidewalk on Third St.from ";'ells It, west for a distance of fifty feet for purpose of repairing buildinf; read,Moved and seconded that same be F;ranted.ca.rried.- Application from S E Qo for a cut-Uff from Sprin6brook Lain read, Tvfoved and seconded that sarne be refered to the Fire & rater Uommi ttee,carried. Applica-wions for water from the followinr; parties in Highland Addition read.G Ia John,M. Dernat-ch.J 'vans , Ilary Van ,IJin- kle ,IJTat.RorrIac .J 11 Carsozis ,J.Waddell.J.Kovac ,lss J +1illiarris ,F. Kovach.P. Bartelero,F Grosnell,1dm Meins ,F Pitchnick,J.P .Lindsay, E.Bressan,Iilove I and seconded. that the same be gran ted, 4nd that and that cut-off be put in under supervision of 'dater Supt, carried.- Petition arried.- Petition f.ron property owners and citizens to compel buildin of sidewalk on south side of First Avenue North,betvveen Polly St,& I.Iain St, Vorth,recieved.Moved and seconded that a Resolution be drafted creating a ;ocal improvement dist. of same carried.- Moved, and seconded that all bills 0 K by the Finance ,committee be paid,carried.- Petition from Aug.Ciesefske relative to dangerous trees in rare: o!)nosi.te his residence ,read.�Coved and seconded that this matter be refered to the St, & Alley Corrmi ttee , carried.- PLr chasing Agent report S on matter of investigating addint; machines and recommended the Dalton as the most simple and cheapest,T4oved and, seconded that the report of Vie. Agent be accepted and the recommendarions carried. out, carried .- Sevier. committee makes report on the trunk sewe-r Reso- lution and recommend that it be passed with the following aramend- mants ,T:aat, tie district be divided into t,vo parts ,divid.ed by t .e i 15S Black River Seattle rape line ,from=/midi ay between I�Ia,in & mill titreo is thence south to City limits ,with a seperate trunk server for ea,cli district.I1Ioved and seconded that . the report of the committee be accepted and the recommendations carried out,carried.- Lia ht core ittee reports progress on matter of secaring own pole line ;for City ,Moved and seconded that the report be acc opted and that the committee be granted more time in which to f inieh work.carried.- En6inoerr reports that he has made arran ements to Get a current meter to measure water at Springbrook,blove d and :seconded that the report-be accepted, carried.- Moved and seconded thatCity purchase suT-veying ins tru ,lents for City End amer, carried.-. Moved and seconded that rile Platt of Paul Bassen to the City of Renton be a.ccepped.carried.- Bids recieved, for put.tiriS in cement, sidewalk in front H S Osgpod property,,R H Wilspns bid for same ,$78 .00 for concrete work,:' G Hid dons bid .for same including the filling a`92.,20 'wloved and seconded that the job be awarded to Higdon his bid being the best in the judgment of the corimi ttee , , Uarried.- swatter of sprinkling; the streets laid over , lj:ayor recormnends that t,rie council extend the time on leave of absence of Dr. A I Beach ,Hea.lth Oft icer,until such time as lie is able to return to his du ,ies ,Moved and seconded that th.e recommendations of the I&ayor be carried out, #######.and that the Clerk notify the Dr , of such Action ,cfirried.- Attorney reports on Mast Dist-North Renton water main matter to rights in strPets ,Reports that for a consideration of -0100.00 I,.Sartoris agrees too allow City to put pipe: in said streets .Yoved and seconded that the report be accepted and that the Clerk be authorized to draw a ,:Tarrant ip favor of Tlr.Sartor. is .for :"100.00 in settlement of said matter,carried.-, Eng,ineerx reports that he has examined the work on Main St.water Iain done under Chas ,Ca,mpbell , and would recommend that sditd ;work be accepted,Isoved and seconded that the Engineers report be accepted,and that the Council accept the line ,carried.- t ReBF 159 Health Officer Dixon reports for the Month of June 3 IdYoved and seconded that the same be recieved and placed on .file, ca rr. ied.- 41-A Resolution for Soath Dist- Trunk, Sewer passed to final 3 reading. rT"Toved and seconded that Section 1-be adopted as read,carried.- Mloved and seconded that Sec-,'3-be adopted as read,carried.- Moved and seconded that the Resolution be adapted as' a whole as read, carrif-d.- 42-A Resolution for North. Dist-Trunk Rewer passed to final reading, Moved and seconded that Section -1-be adopted as read,carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried., trove,. and seconded that trie Resolution be adopted as a whole as read ,carried.- Idoved and seconded -Ghat the Clerk be instructed to dray t !o rrants in favor of tie Dalton Adding machine Co to run until I'Lay is t,1911a,t 6,1%; inter- es t, carried.- one for X100.00 and $150.00 respectfully. Moved and seconded that the Clerk drain a Warrant in favor of the R V F D for $100.00 to finish payint; for Ci-tl► Fountain, carried.- tter of purchase of gravel pit and title to same discussed.=Loved and secondei that we proceed along the lines layed down by City Attorney,carried.- Wm Tv!eins asks for permission to take up iron pipe in Highland Addition,T.:Toved and seconded that the citizens be given permission to take said pipe under the supervision of the St. Supt. carried.- Question of little tank on hill being, moved to `Lalbo t discussed, Moved and seconded that Lhe End ineer be instructed to locate site for same at Talbot Hill, carried.- Moved and se:ended that the Question of purchase of park be refored to the Town Property Committee ,carried.- The Following bills were ordered paid by the Finance Committee Renton Meekly Trews printin ; legal notices 6.75 City of Seattle tapping main Highland Add- 32.54 H U Lusk watchman Springbrook 5 .00 IP TI Adams auditing book: and surveying 7.50 160 E E Duff auditing books 4.50 Lee Monohon " of 3.00 Tim OLEary labor on pipes 18 .00 M Christenson " of 6.15 P Lassoie " of 13.50 Geo Hancock it of 12.50 Chas Bridges " " 6.15 IV Evans of It 4 .50 Renton Neekly Rews 600 copies ,Gar-Ord- 4.50 " " 1000 post cards Asst. 7 .50 T There being no further business a motion prevailed to adjourn, - • Clerk. RPBF 161 City Council met in regular session Mayor Tenj Ticknor presidinE;.Roll call.-Council-man puff,Flliott,ltonohon, Cake, "itchell `.Nilson,Attorney,Engineer,and,"clerk !;e ins present, ?`inue is of the last regular session were read and app- roved. Petition from the Pacific Tel-'lel Co ,for permission to lay a coudui t across ':dell St to pole at corner of Third 84 Well refered to the St. & Alley Committee . Petition from the Seattle Lighting Dep' t asking permiss- ion to set new poles :pct refered to the St & Alley Committee. Fire & Water Committee recommends that a suitable fire station be installed in highland Addition with all necessary equipment,and 500 feet of hose ,IToved and seconded that the Purch- asing Agent be instructed to investigate this matter also differ- ent fire alarm systems , carried.- lloved and seconded that purchasing; Agent be instructed to purchase a complete outfit for fire purposes to be pl•3:ced in the most suitable place on said Hill ,carried.- � # Attorney reports on matter of purchase of gra-7e1 pit recommends that the purchase price of t 3019.00 be drawn in "Tarrants and placed in Escro , in Bank until such time as the said Co has had time to perfect title to said property.Moved and second. that tie Llayor be authorized to ratify contract and Clerk be inst- ructed to dra.:w '-,darrants --And place same in bank.carried.- St & Alley committee gran ued one more week in xhich to look up matter of dangerous trees in park across River. caried.- . Committee reports progress on I<Tunicipal pole line has recieved good price for placing of same ,ddsires more time , ,loved -and seconded that the report be accepted and more time -rante d, carried.- Resolution .for the improvement of certain St in 'N?orth Benton by building of #sidewalk read first time and refered to the Orl.inance Committlee . Osdikggto the fact that Judge Pondexter speaking, Yoved and seconded that Council adjounn until 7 .30 Friday night. Carried.- `21te £ollowin�, bills were 0 K by L e 7inance Committee Bills grdered paid. Jas Hardie ''uT plies water Dept 22.17 'd L Hunter ren V sur. Tey instruments ` 24.00 Geo Hancock labor on r. ires 10.00 Iki Meins 1.:,bor on pities 12. 50 Jor Edward-w frei Iat, on pipe . .95 Chas peacock building; band stand 153 .29 +� J Brenneke painting - 14 .00 2eb Shearer hauling gravel 4 .25 E A Shearer supplies 2.25 ha tis & Coc?iran papering- City Hall 10.30 R H ti,ilson Cement sidewalk 47 .50 Renion lumber Co Lumber 77 .56 Renton Hardware Co hardware 17 .70 � 0 Clerk RPBF 163 lien ton July,29th,/10 Adjourned session of City Council came to order at 7 .30 Ir o r P L./Benj Ticknor presiding ,Roll 0a,11 .-Cout,cilman Duff, Elliott, Cake, Mitchell ,Monolion, Ene;ineer, and Clerk being present. Iiinuet. of a previous session were approved as##b read. Petition from property owners asking; for lid lit a.t corner of `jhird & lJorris and Third and Whitworth read,IfLioved and seconded that said petition be refered to the Light Committee .carried.- V,a.tter of Tel- pille at corner of Third & Well St. beim moved discussed, a.oved and seconded that this matter be refered to Councilman Elliott, and Iiitchell, carried.- Iron.*ed and seconded that the City Attorney give his written legal opinion as to tie legality of the North Fenton Water main Improvement Lond.g , that will. Frobably be issued to pay for said work, carried.- dog h.-oved. and seconded that the Clerk no tuify I.olmes and Haring openers of land inhere dangerous trces are s tand.ing in park at North Menton , to have same cut down, carried.- Moved and seconded that the City pay $10.00 toward: clearing; out River at north approach to M i1liaxris it. Eridee .carried There being; no further business a motion prevailed. to adjourn, � Clerk. I 164 ` e t e t RPBF 165 Re n-ton,Aug,2nd,/10 City Council met in rebular session I:!ayor Benj .Ticknor presiding,Roll Call.-Councilman Duff,l;lliottlT,itchell ,Cake .i7il9on, Ivonohon,Attorney,Eni;ineer# Treasurer and Clerk beim present. Minuets of ther last regular session were rear; and appro- ved. utter of fixed estimate on North Renton water ruin contract carie up for discussion.same being fixed according; to law to defray all incidental expenses such as printinfr ,abstracting;;, en ;ineerir. , inspectin6 Ect,TLoved and seconded that an itimized account be, furnished of this work and all moneys left over after settlement be fefunded to tete property ow-nerr5 ,carried.- Petition from A. Richmond for transferal of liquor license read and refefed to the License Cormnittee . Petition fr. on J S Harris Hillman Addition for water read. Loved and seconded that same be refered to t',Le Fire & y"Tater&ornmitt ee.-ca.rried.- Petition fror. Henry Johnson Hilliker "ddition for water read.21oved and seconded that the same be ref.eyed to the :Fire & iiia ter �ommittee .carried.- Petition. from Ed 6mithers for 14 pipe reduced to -* inch Ivater connectio n read.Loved and seconded that same be ref er. ed to the "'ire & 'Nater "ommittee, ca.r-,ied.- Co.i:mittee on pole at cornor of Third Avenierepor is on sarre.111oved and seconded. that this matter re f efered to the commi- ttee next Friday niGht,carried.- Iuloved and :seconded that all bills 0 h by the Irinance Comsr�ittee be paid, carried.- Purchas ing Agent reports on Fire Alarm sys tern,recornr-.erids that the Telephone sys tsm be inc talled.,Idloved and seconded that the ion retort be accepted and cl `, ##Agent be granted more time in which tointerview Telephone Co' e to see whether said Co' s will help install said system.arrunended that the Purchasing Agent be instruete to purchase strikinf, appari�itus at, once.carrie.d.- Light Committee reports on tree in way of new pole line Loved and seconded tti?at the St. Supt.be instructed to have same cut down.carried.- Matter of lights to be placed one at corner of 1'dorris 166 one at corner bf Voliitdorth St,refered to committee next Friday ni,t;h-t, Aug, 5th, City Attorney` reports on matter of opening of aqueduct in R R grade to car works , no returns . Police Judges report for the month of July read. 11�-oved and seconded that the same be accepted and placed on file , carried.- Clerks report for duly read, Moved and seconded. t1;at same be retie{red and refered to the Finance Cwmittee , carried.-- TTo 43-A Resolution for the imprbvement of First A-1renue 2Torth by board sidewalk passed to final reading, Yoved and seconded that Section-1-be adopted as read. carried , f`Ioved and seconded that Bec-2-rye r.dopted as read.car reid l=oved and seconded t,-,-It uhe Resolution be adopted as a whole as read.carried.- Park corpT_ittee reporlit progress , more time granted. Moved and seconded that the Purc. a,s irng A�;en t Get comni ttee report blanks printed, carried.- Attorney reports on measurements of water at Sprinebrook same being favorable .I."oved and seconded that the report be accepted c,arried.- Fire & Water Uommittee reports bad leak Oat Reservoir loved and seconded that the same be refered to the Fire & ','later committee and the water Supt.ca.rried.- Moved by Councilman Cake seconded by Councilman Wilson that the Marshals Edwards and Stewart and the City Clerk be granted ten days vacation, carried.-� �e �r: C�., , The folloiving bills were ordered paid by the Finance co-runittee, Z Sartoris easment of streets iTorth Renton %?100.00 Puget Sound & Gravel Co gravel pit - escro - 3010.00 Penton ','Ieekly News printing legal notices 8 .35 A Harnbach Co t;aly pipe & fire supplies 104 .38 AV -J & L E Gurley supplies for Erg-Dep' t 122.45 R Bunstine dance marshal , Deputy marshal 6.00 'a ter land postage 3 .00 Jos Edwards destroying dogs 14.00 Geo Hancock 7 days on pipes 15.7 E i Evans 7 days on pipes 15 .75 P Lassoie 44 days on pipes 10.15 K' Christensen 1 day on pipes .2.25 Chas PridL;es 1 day on pipes 2.25 Tim OLeary 51 days on pipes 12.40 RPBF 16"7 Dave Provin services as marshal 4th July 3 .00 Chas Canpbell ,7V' on Train St main. 885.81; Lee Tuonohon 52 days surveyin6 10 ,50 Jos Edwards salary July 85 .00 A VT Ticknor. it " 65.00 P IN Houser S " 75.00 R 'Thorl urn If 20 .00 A z Beach it " 111110.00 C J Dixon " " 20.00 J S te--ar t #;; " 70.00 —' C 0 Tve to " " 100.00 A "T Ticknol. services as jan6for 6.00 Peter Dullahant haulingrr GarbaUe. for. July 44.45 There bein no further business a motion prevailed to ad j ourn, C 7 City Clerk, ..rll 168 1 ReBF 169 - Renton, Aug ,9th,/10 City council Tet in regular session TvTayor Benj Ticknor -ores il.ing,Ro it call -douncilman Elliot -, ILitchell, Cake , MonohGn `c`Tilson,En6ineer Attorney treasurer and Clerk beim, present. Tfiinue is of the last° regular t sess ion were read and app- roved, Petition from Tonkin Bro' s for permission to move buildin6 across `Trilliams Stand improving; building,- , on fractional Dlock A-reac..I�Loved and seconded that the petition be granted, carried.- Petition from jhos Olsen, askin6 that an improvement dist. be created on 6th Avenue North between YTell St North & Irwin St Torth by the construction of a board sidwwalk,T.oved and seconded that the said petition be refcred to the St & Alley Conmittee carried.- Petition from tti;.e Postal '.''eleGraph Co for permission to set poles over upon ,along; and across certain streets in the Uity of Renton,read.}�oved and seconded that sarae be refered to the ZSt. & Alley Corlmittee ,carried.- Pe ti ton from Rev-Sprague for permission to use street for purpose of removing; old Post Office building to corner of find and Mill.Taloved and seconded that the same be granted, carricd.- -Protests against plan of assessment for proposed setiver system from the following owners property described as follows ;- IT Evans -South Suver Dist-Lot-4-Block-14 D H Joneq 11If " " 2-A. B1k.21 T B Hayes ,c, or I, If 3-7-5-9- It 21 Ti Evans North Dist. Lot-7-8-9-10 B1k. 10 /��u ��q-10 ,x6( 'r 0 Priebe If "-10 It 22 H Evans " " If 11-12-113-14- " 13 0 Priebe " " 11 of 25 Iii Storey 3-9-10 If 25 T�oved and seconded that the protests be recieved and. placed. on file carried .- Remonstrance from property owners against buildin ; sidewalk on first Avenue North as set forth in Resolution read.Loveo a.n,i seconde:i. t-;.at the remonstrance be recieved and placed on fi 1 e, carried.- Petition from, D Bardinson asking for permission to with draw as one of the boridsmen of A Bartelero holder of a retail liquor license.,Diamond Saloon,read.Iloved and seconded that trie 170 same be refered to twhc License Uo-nn ittee carried.- License Oonu:ittee reports on petition of A Richmond for transferal of retail liquor license ,:axed reconzn.end that same be granted,Loved and seconded that thr report be accepted and the transferal be granted,carried.- Cornn,unication from Coon Power Company regarding matter C of oroanizin� a Company to install a ,eater power motor in Renton recieved.11oved and seconded tha`y the sa.rre be recieved and placed z on file ,carrie(I .- Letter of acceptance from Thos Chapman grantee of Franchise under. Ordinance No-181 for the construction of a street railway recieved,I.Loved and seconded t, at sane be referee: to t',e Street A.. All(,-* Uommittee and tla.e Attorncy,carried .- M,-zlror no Afies the Council that he appointed Iv. Grady to fill position of night ""arshal in absence of J Ste urt,Yloved and seconded t'n.;:� t t'-Le appointment of t'�I,c I.Iayor be confirrried , ca.rried Cor;-nunic.a vion from Irrigation Congress to be in Paeblc Colorado Sept.26-30 10 read.Moved anr', seconded t'- at tTie same be recieved and placed on fi le , carried.. Ord-Ido-2120rdinsa.nce providind for South Dist Trunk sever read first ci,,Pe and fefered to t',ie Ordinance C�linuittee . Ord-210-213 Ordinance providing for North List- riAnIz sewer read #--,Xf irs t time an0l. refered Ord inr ,ce ' tee . _i'n )vidinp for the l.ayin; of sidewalk on-First _Avenue North be laid on the table, carried.- Engineer#, rep_,rts _on mater of ,ge;,tin;; levels on Bain St. has not comply ted work as ye t,T:ioved and seconded that t"le report be accepted and Engineer be given more time, carried.- Bi'. for the gravelling of � illiamc St recieved,Iu:oved and seconded that the bird be retarned unopened as the time for recieving same was July 26ti„l0 carried.- Bids opened and read for the Nor tk1 Penton water mains, "dovdd and seconded tfiat the maG 'er of awardM bid be iai 4. over until Friday niglzt�sa,me bein-, an adjourned session of this Council Carried.- ReBF 171 ..roved and seconded that all bills 0 K' d by t':e Finance C1)1-=ittee be paid carried. '.Che follo,rii% bills were ordered paid. 'wn MLiens 244 £t 1-,�f inch pipe F OQ ets` per ft 19. 52 D 1%Lc Donald 13_z yds gra-,rel front Osgoods property. 9.00 J=as Hardie supplies water Dept. 8 .33 L A Shearer Supplies " 13 .59 Renton Drug Store S ya t Boner y 1 .75 Renton ''`ardware Co Supplies 9.40 Renton LLuaber Co lumber. l ydratit box and bulkhead* 2.93 Gorham lubber "o fire hose Ec t . 406 .00 Renton Weekly l+ews printing legals 3 .55 Renton Ind- Tel- Co reservoir p'�one -long distance 1 .70 P, ,Wood, cen-ie nt & flay 4 .50 P G Higdon buildin cer:�ient, gide'taalk 89.50 aeattle `racoma Power Co Lights July. 80.50 D C 1."itchell labor at Srringbrook 8 .25 E_ TAc Donald watchin„ fire on hill 2.25 Cooper of it " 2325 Geo .'Jlyatt If It 0 K Livery livery ?4 hauling 18.35 "}sere being no further business meetint adjourned until Friday evening 7 .30 P ?u Aug,12th /10 Clerk. 172 Renton Au6,12th,/10 Adjourned session of City Council came to order at 7.30 P la 1yayor Benj .Ticknor presidin6,Rol1 call .-Coal-.cilman Duff,Llliatt ? i�cheli,Cake 'Nilson ,Monolion,Attorriey Engirieer and Clerk bein present. 14inuets of last adjourned session were approved as corrected . A-Ltorney furnishes written oniniori as to legality of Cpringston and Ilazey laid on North Renton water main , Moved and seconded t'iat the contracts for the east & west districts ;f for laying water :;rains be awarded tI�o Jacob azey of ter estimates have been revised apportining labor in matter satisfao- tory to the City Engirieer,amma,ndnent to motion by Cour cilmri ',.itcti}ell that all bids be rejected and same be re-advertized, Poll vote ori ammendment. Cake no Duff aye Wilson no Mitchell aye -a.-me,ndment lost Yonol.on no Elliott no Poll vote on original motion Cake aye Li .che ll no dilson aye Duff, no -origirial mo Lion carried..- Iaonohon aye :Llliott aye Question of cite City of Renton purchasing Highland Addi tion water Bonds from the 'Nater Fund discussed.Yove(l and seconded ;hat this matter be refered to ti-ie Attorney for his opinion. carried.- Petition verbal from Ii. Evans for permission to use portio n of lIiird Avenue to store ria.terial for cei.,eiit sidevralk Moved and seconded that same be granted, carrieat.- Moved and seconded that --natter of who should pay for nigh a.nF le corners of a;l sidewalks be refered �;o the Attorney for his wriLLen opinion.carried.- Tliere I-)eing no further business a motion prevailed Lo adjourn, Clerk. ReBF -1'73 Renton Au�;,I '—h /10 City Council mei; in regular session Mayor Benj , `•icki:or presidint,Roll call.-Councilman Ell iott,Ili tchell,Duff ,Cake ,I1:onol?on Y"lilFion, '�,.t:;ineer, torney,�vricl ac i ink; Clerk Aflame being presenu. Tiinuest of least regular session were read and approved. The application of J Ca.merriRrj for water on Lc3: 3-Plk-2 read.,I:ovc�c and seconded ts,.at t11.e same be refered to the Fire & Water Committee , carried..- Comiunication from P.P.Padden in regard to the thistle pest in North Rcn;;on ,Moved and seconded that the sarn- be recieved and placed on f ile ,carried.- Communication from the Chicago Milwaukee and Puget Sound Railway Co , in regard to transfering their rights as per Ordinance No-142 to the Continental `i'ele raph Co read.IL�oved and seconded that the same be refered to the Attorney, carried.- Pe ti tion from the property owners of North Re neon, asking council to create an improvement district of tree fol.lowin6streets from: First Avenue -dor th on Polly Avenue ,bo th sides to Third Avenue on jhird Avenue both sides ,from TTain to Mill .by the construction of a board sidewa.11c as per Ordinance No-36 re id, T.ioved and seconded that the same be refered to the St,& Alley Commit tee, carried.- St & Alley Committee reports on the petition of the Postal Telegraph Co.I,Ioved and .>econded that thr City Attorney draw up a permit with reference to the said ` ele�r�aph. Co, se ttiri�, poles on North Lain St.from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue North thence on Fourth Avenue North to City Liani Ls ,a.nd that said pe ti tion have insex' ted ,a common user Clause ,also that the three poles that they wish to set in the west end of Town be left to the action of the St & Alley Committee , carried.- Loved and, sexonde+ than i;he poles be set in accordance to the proposed amendment of the pole ordinance , carried.- I:-roved and seconded that the mat ver of openint; up of Main St,Nort4i,fruin Firs,c Avenue North to cedarFiver be refered to the C Ctjty Attorney, carried.- The report of the Attorney in regard to the legality of the City payinU for the construction of that portion of sidewalks within the bounda.rise of street intersect.-ions read,I�:oved and :eco- r_ded th,)t the report of the Attorney be reuieved and placed on file carried.- X74 Yoved. and seconded that the cost of puttin6 in the inter- section of sidewalks on corners be assessed to the abutting prop- erty owners .carried .- The City ''Yi6irieer made a request of the Council that; Aclditions to the they purchase all the orL irr-�l Pl, tt:s of t% e/L;ity of Rientor� Tr�oved and seconded th-it t"ae request be refered to the Purchasin; Agent and if the cost is not to much that hepurchase .., azie carr ied.- Ilbved and seconded that tiie matter' of fiiraiishing tete City with Plat �s of new Additions be refered to tete Uity Attorney, carrie District I;o-212- Ordinance providing for South ## # gunk Sewe: ,passed Lu final read in6. 1',oved and seconded ti-tat Section 1- be adopted as read, carried. 1"oved and. seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as: read.carried. Lion*ed and seconded that Sec.° -be� adopted as rea°d.carried.- 1loved arnd seconded that Sec-4-be adopted a:-, read.carried.-- Eoved and seconded that Sec-5-be adopted as read .carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-6-be adopted as read, carried.- T`oved and seconded th at Sec-7-be a,'opLed as read carried .- Moved and seconded that Sec-8-be adopted as read-carrded.- -oved and seconded that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read.carried.- Fo-213 Ordinance providing for North Dis'%rict frank Sewer Passed to final reading , Moved and seconded that Section-1-lie adopted as read ,carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as regd -ca.rrled..- Yoved and seconded ti:Lat Sec-3-be adopted as read , carried.- moved and seconded that Sec-4-be adop ted. as read ,ci.rried.- lilo„ed and seconded that Sec-5-be adopted as read ,carried.- 2'oved and :seconded that Sec-6-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved. and seconded that Sec-7-be adopted as read, carrif,d ,- Moved and sec::onded that the ordinance be adopted as a v?Yiolc: as read ,carried..- Loved and seconded that tete bonds of Jacob 111azey rts submitted by the Uity Attorney be accepted .carried.- Moved and seconded that All bill, 0 KID by the Finance CnuLit tee be paid ,carried.- •kine & Water Uoijunittet recommend that one 32-c-p-lamp be, installed on the followinL, corners , to-wiit,Fif th & Dorris RoBF 175 Sixth Ps Srni Leers , Sixth c`'c 3-urriett,f. or tti:�is will be needed the follow ing material ,2400 fe : t of Mirk: and 6-35 fool, poles . Iduved and seconded that t_ie repurL of the committee be accepted and the corvryrittee authorized to 6-o ahead wilds. the work. ca,rrieu.- I:aoved and seconded that Lhe G "ty Iviarshal be instructed to cut, down certain trees that are obstructine, the sidewalks, �.. carried.- The following bills were ordered pa.id.. Jin Kane ivireinLband stand & 2-lamps 2.60 Chas IIcCowin -clearinC river , 10.00 II U Lusk watchman at SprinEbrook 8 .00 Chas Peacock 'Labor and material for B-Print frame 7.10 Frect Ud.er,rnaals in jail for prisoners 8-L-25 c is 2.00 'J Evans -cut ;int; tree & labor on pipes 5.10 T OLeary n�, �� �� �� 6.20 P Lassoie 2 days on pipes 4.50 Geo 11ancock 11 days. on pipes 3 .30 ` here beinE; no fur ther bus=iness a mo-cion prevailed to adjourn, P.H.Ada.ras Actin, Clerk. �.r r.. t� ins ReBF 177 -Re nron,Aug. :,rd./lo City Council met in regular ses^ion r Renj , Ticknor presiding ,?'poll call .-Councilman Duff,Elliott, Cake , 1"itchell ,T.Tonohon EnEineer ,Attorney and Clerk beinL present ti`iood, �'lilson, . 1,1rinuets of t':ae last reg-, sess ion were a r �; approved a., corrected, Yloved and seconded that the Clergy: be ins .ructed to insert in t Ae minuets of ###July Fif ih ,/10 report of the Clerk Y, reG .rding the recievin6 of no protests a&,a,inst east district : orth Igen:on crater main .carried.- Petition for water from Thos Ouc}.ton far waterriorth� 1 /3 of Acre '.Tract 1.o-28-F•.-C) C-00 Pla u 4 110- l read.?;oved and secon- dedthat the s-ume be granted, carried.- ?'.atter of J Carnemrrian application for 2inch connection for vrater laid over one more week. T.,"owed and seconded that tate matter of se ttin.; poles in the south end of City by Postal Tel-Co be left to t'--.d Cite Engineer .�. ca,rria.l .- T;Ta.tLer of giving grades to W J Williams for Cement side- °ralk discussed ,Yoved and seconded. Mat Engineer take up matter and repor L a'i; next, meeting, carried .- Purchasir ; Agen" reports, that he has ordered material for light sys tern.T,'oved and ceconded that tl:te report be accepted, carr:ied.- Attorney Gives written opinion of question of legality of issueing warrants in exchange for Local Improvement Bonds No-1 of W H Yitchell ,Yoved and secondedthat t'�e opinion be recieved and placed on file, carried.- T"oved and c;econded t'lat all bills 0 KID by the Finance Committee be paid , carried.- Town Property Committee brouGht up the matter of Parks , Committee recommends that the rTayor appoint a committee of three as a Park Doard,1,1oved and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on f ile ,carried.- Cornmunica.tion from Dr. ick relative to his bill for expert services in Springbrook condemnation pro cee`n6s ,read. T'oved and seconded - - at -he s•r.ri,: ?-e refered to t`,e FinaCormlit tee .carried.- 178 Permit. to Postal lel-Co to set poles on certain streets in Cityof Renton read first time ani referee', to t': .e Ordinance corru-ni ttee, Ordinance ��To,.1�14;anOrdina.nce i.,,rovid.inE for t,-,g condem- nation of a portion of Lot,2-Section 17- Township-23-north -ran6e 5-Last -for a public strect.read and refered to l',e Ordinance comrai ttee. TL Mo•.ed.. and seconded that the marrihal-IIA,a,in names of parties , complaininf- of not having their garba.6e hauled , also no ' ify L,;arba,6e man to appear next meet-in and explain said matter, carried.- ;.roved and seconded. that City EnGineer take up matter of bad condi Linn of drain ditch {in North Kenton with Supt, Talbot ,and reTnort at next meeting.ca.rried.- TJoved and eeonde.c3. that the matter of Hiehland Addition bonds being I:,rintcd be refered to Vie ?'Purcti:asing Agent, carried.- Moved and ,econded that the mnatter of cu Ltin� of trees in 2l'ortk. Reason be refered to fhe St & Alley Committee ,ca.rried.- Remarks by Councilman Jos ,;lood about his tri;a to Europe, I'ollowin6 bills dere ordered maid. Union S,a vines & Trust Co Hank Gc,fe deposit box, 10.00 << Tonkin geattl for viater Ju1 ;r 42.40 " c L-I-7:arfangs interest .651 There beim; no farther business a motion prevailed to adjourn, (�- Clerk. ReBF 179 Renton,Aug,30 th,/10 City Council -net in regular sexsion Turayor Benj Ticknor presiding Roll Call .-Councilman Puff,Elliott,Mitchell , Cake, Wilson , u"food, M'onohon, xitto rney Engineer, and Clerk Beim; pre'sen t. Linuets of last reg_ilar ses-ion ;sere read and approved. Peti 4ion for water from 14. Kavanart read.Lot .8 Block 35 Irioved and seconded that the same be granted, -carried.- Application for meter for Lot 11)Block 8-read.7.I##,-## Lrs McKnight otinner, Uoved and seconded th it this matter be refered to the ti"later Surt.carried.- Pet tion for privelige of placing dirt in street from Ers T C Williams read,Mroved and seconded that the same tile, granted. ca:rried. - Moved. and seconded that the matter of R H Wilson useing water for mixin; concrete without haviriL a meter discussed,Tvioved and seconded that this matte be looked into by the Nater Supt. carried.•- Committee reports on matter of 2"-water connection asked for by t-ae Catholic ChurchoDon' t recommend same ,a,ioved and seconded that this matter be left in th'e hands of t;ie Fire "e .va�,er Comrnitte�e carried.- Report of Finance CommiLtee on held Up bills of Dr .Frick and Dr,Iiegg, sarne beinv bills for Expert services in Springbrook condemnation ?)roceedin6s .recotnmerid that same be paid Moved and seconded that the report be accepted and the committees recommen- dations carried out, carried.- Moved and seconded that the City Attorney be ins true ted 6 to withdraw suit a};ainst Srencer Buildin;r far being on the Street carried.- now= Councilman Duf.f,reports that he took up matter of assessment in H sighland Addition with Seattle Electric Co,and they object to tTie assessed valuation method of assessing said property for water purposes'.Moved and. seconded .,hat Jae report of the coirunitte.e be recieved and matter refered to ,he gays & Means ,and commi t tee of the vzhole Council Friday Evening, carried.- loved and seconded t-•iat all bills 0 K' d by TC •ie 1''inance Committee be na,id , carried .- 180 7�Toved and seconded that the Clerk notify County Auditor ti:rat A mistake was made in rentdn,_; the_ City hall for Flection purposes , Carried.- _ Engineer# reports on matter of Postal 'L"el- Uo seLting poles in ''outh end of City,recommends that t'.ey be. allowed to set said poles provided they get as close to the property line as possible, also reports on matter of givinf, grade to V,J,'.JilliaYr:s for cement sidewalk,don' t recommend -in established grade at this time .also re-�Dorts on matter of draina e ditch in North Penton. f ,)ved and seconded that the report be accepted and that the matter o.f draina.ae ditch be Pefered to the St& Alley Committee and the Engineer.carried.- 'roved and seconded that the matter of se ttlernent with J 3 Leel relative to sewer right of way be left with sewer commi tte with power to act, carried.- An Ordinance amending Section 2-of. Ordinance Ito-30 of the pity of Renton relating to the filing; of Platts,.read first time and refered to the Ordinance c:)mmi ttee, Ordinance rroviding for condemnation of certain property for street purposes in .forth lten ton/laid on table , Permit issued to Postal Telegraph Cable to-.passed to final reading, Moved and seconded. that Section-1-be aclopted as read.carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read.carried.- Irioved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted is read, c 4rtied.- Ioved and seconded V a,t Sec-4-be adopLed as read, carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-5-be adopt-d as read, carried.- Moved and seconded Lh,a,t the Permi � be adopted as a whole as read. carried .- Matter of Telephone fire alarm system discussed,�Koved an?z seconded that the committee be given more time on this matter , carried.- Fire Chief Wood,recomends that 2# two wheel small hose carts be purc,;ased for hill .wi th necessary equipment, ,,"oved and seconded that the report be accepted and re come ndations carried out, carried.- Question of ti-,.e S .E .Co-TTine useinc more wa Ler than amount allowed per month discassed,lJ,oved and seconded that the cancelled extra cha,rbb. be/f#*+-'; eY.carried.- Moved. and secondees that t1he bids for Trunk sewer be op- ened, ca.rried .said bids were opened and read, there beim an extra amount of business to be transacted moved and seconded that this � meeting adjourn until IfednesdayL"'venins , car ried .- The Poll-nn6 bills were ordered paid by Vne Finance commi ttee . C P Ctpbell 3014 estimate ,, ain at Main 379.64 C L :'icon filin" saw & fixing meter 3 .25 Geo Davis haalinG; trees 14.25 M.Grady services as marshal 20 days Q '"3.00 per. 60.00 Ers ''hambers meals to prisoners in jail 2.50 T OLea.ry 7z days labor Aug. 16.30 'gid Evans , 16.90 F Auld3da.�rs labor 6. 75 F Davis cut tin;r down trees 16.50 Jos Reid 3 days labor 6.75 P La,ssoie 6.75 Renton `Weekly News registration notices 2.25 y Clerk. �rw • w ReBF 183 Reri ton,Aug,31s t,/10 Adjourned session of City Council cane to order at 7 .30P M Mrror Bet 'icknor ,r,residing,Roll Call .-C&unc ilma.n Puff, Ell iott,IYUtchell,Cake,Wilson,I'vionohon,uJood,l ngineer,Attorney ant'. Clerk beim; x)resent, Cope of Sevier Eas,nent, e nLered into between Edwin IJIL Smi- thersIFred,G.3>miGhers , and Ada 'Thorne,par ties of first ;part and �c e City of leen: ur pur i,it: of t: .t- ^f ccsr par t,brou ht before tl%e Council by the sevrer Comrr:iti;ee and ordered read ,same being; `'ound satisfactory by said Council , I+Jioved and seconded that the same be accepted and _placed on file. ,carriect.- Rcpor t of sewer committee regarding; securinky easment far sewer from: J.Steel,he vnants15C .00 for same , I.Ioved and seconded Nor th that :steel be allowed y''25.00 for/4##�Ii District sewer, and 4-'125.00 :i or South vistri.c:t, carried .I loved and seconded that the con6ract for ruildin, and layinof the North & South gunk Sewer,be awarded to the lowest it bidder,same Jacob D'.azey & Company,Carried .- Ittcved and seconded that the matter of adjustin6 the Highl��nd Addition Assessment with the Seattle Electric Co,be ref. ered to the City A-c-corney.carried.- Budget, r'or appruxima.te es timate of tax levy required for 1913. ,placed before the Cour;.cil by the • y+ays 9, I;.ean.s Coimlittee ar,d of ter havin_,r, been revised by said Council it was Loved and seconded that the Budge t# be adopted as revised,Aye:s 6-Noe: -1 carried.- Loved and seconded that the Clerk "nave s=vane published. in the Official newspaper ,of tl,.e City of Renton, carried.- Garbage col1(=c'.or Dullahant fefutes charges of not collecting; garbage to the satisfaction. of VAe Council, `i'riere bein;v,; no further business a. motion prevailed to ad j ourn, Clerk. 184 t t t t • � t t t t t ROT 185 Renton Sept, 6th,/10 City Council met in re6ular session T'"a.uor °enj , iicknor presidinG Roll c• 11 , -Councilman Duff ,Elliott,Vitchdll. ,i!Ionohon, r 11ood,YYilson,At-,Vorney ,Engineer, anl Clerk bein6 present, I:inueta of the last reEular session*mere read and appro- ved. ppro- ved. L'Ioved a.nd seconded that all bills 0 K by the Finance Comrr.ittee be paid,carried.- St & Alley committee reports on matter of sidewalks in North heriton, Clerk instructed to notify property owners on followinq streets, to put in same ,on the north side of Sixth Avenue North between Williams St and Lain St, nortb, I,Ia,in St north,Pelly Avenue i'x:ird avenue North from Iv"�ain :�t to Liill St.north, Loved and seconded that the St & Alley Commit cee and the '%,ineer have one more week on drainage of ditch in North Renton, carried . - _ r Yoved an.:I seconded V',at a committee of the vrhole council E;o over the Highland Addition and. Springy brook water systems , "unday and roves tiga.te sane , also that "r 71 H Mitchell be notified. to be r on hand , Carried.- 'Nays & Lieans Committee asks for more time on HiShland liddition "ssessment , TToved and seconded tiat council take a recess of fifteen MinueLs to set4. tle this matter carried.-After recess the committee reported on sarrie ,Loved and seconded that the report be ## accepted and - placed on file and the condi Lions complied with, carried.- Fire & Water committee reports on matter of fire prote- ction for North Renton,Fire Chief recomends a combination hose car L. same as the one now in use ,YLoved and se c ondfid that the matter be rfefered to t}pie Fire & Water committee and the Purcha.sinc, "gent with power to act,carried .- St & Aller Committee reports t tat the City can have portion of Lo ebelonging to :school in -Norah Renton to build. Fire house on,I',oved and seconded that 'Uhe 'report be accepted,carried.- Attorney report on matter of settlement wi Lh S-E-Co relative to assessment in 11it;hlFjnd Addition,I,�oved ar-id seconded that the report be accepted and placed on f ile ,ca,rried.- Moved and sedonddd tti-lt t -,e Attorney be authorized to draft a Resolution creating an assessment/istric. of Morgan Drive carried,- < ComrnunicaLion from Royal Ai�ch,Iviove-d. 4nd seconded chat 'Lhe Clerk answer same , carried._ T:'oved and seconded that the purchasing agent examine oldhydrants owned by tI-Le Uity of Seat tle,relative to purchase of same, carried.- T.'.oved and seconded �h, t T_�r H.yriebe be allowed street room for building purposes under the supervisibn of the St .Supt. carried.- e Tvloved and secondedd that the matter of a.11oNving Dullahant to take dirt from City gravel pit,be turned over to purchasing; agent, carried.- Jacob I4azey bond for construction of sewer examined by council, T:'Toved and seconded that the sante be a.pproved`,carried.- Ordinance Rio-215 amending section -2-of ordinance passed to final reading, Tbloved and seconded that Section-1-be adopted as read, carried, Moved and seconded that Sec-021-be ad -T'Ged as read, carried. Twoved and seconded that the ordinance be adopted as a .chole as read, carrded, jhe folloaing bill wer6 0 KI d by the Finance committee Jos Fd,,mrds 1,hI75.00 Lee T.Tonohon 10.50 A VI Ticknor 65.00 71 L Hunter 12.00 P 11 1louser 75.00 Water rung .40 Rob t Thorburn 20 .00 Fuller w Walters 115 .97 A I Death 20.00 C L Dixon 20.00 C 0 ivete 100.00 P Dullahant 44 .,5 T'lere being; no further busines. a J Stewart 70.00 �% Ticknor 6.00 motion prevailed to adjourn, tiUm Donkin 30.00 Renton 'Meekly Fews 49 .82 Fenton Lumber Yd. 1 .55 O .K.Livery 3 .50 Clerk . IT Davis 36.37 P 11 :idaxis 9.00 � E P Fick 150.00 E F Ilegg 125.00 Pacific Coast Co 13 .32 Anderson Lap Co 8 . 75 c RPBF Re r, ton,Sept,lZ tti:,/10 CitY Council met in rcGular session TITUyor Benj , Ticknor presidinF,,I:oll Call.-C;ouncilm_an Duff,Elli.otL,IJitchd11, C:Uke, YUT7Ur10T] VYiiSUTl A' 1 ' Ltornef Lneineerfand Clerk bein- preseriL, 1p.anuets of Lhe last reEular ses..iorT were r._,ad amdn how `i•pproved, Petition for water from F C CIausse,Lot1Q-Bkl-10 read. 1,11oved and seconded thc,t t --Le same be Zranted.carried.- Petition arried.-PetiLion from residents of Talbot,l3-in number a; kind; for grater read,Moverl and seconded t .a.t said petition be, ref. ered to the Fire &- Water Commit Lee, carried.- report of corrinittee on drainage ditch in i?ortl] Renton, Report of Fire & ':'later Committee oil matter of purchase of new hose cart for North henLon,bid from Priebe Bro' s for buil.. dint; o" same ,for 325 .00.lJoved and seconded tl:iat the report be accepted and recomendations carried out, Curried, - Repoz' t of the whole Council on i ves Lioatiori of Cprir I)rook water system , found s_rrne leaking; badly,also found the rose. r,�roir in need of repair,Muved and seconded that the repor c be ace epted and that the Clerk notify W 11 Ylitchell to have said pine line and Reservoir fixed, same to be done within ten days, carriej (lues Lion of assessmerit roll ,relay ive to sewer and !Iorth Renton water systems discussed,whe L1Ter 1909 or 1910 assess. rie nt shall be used, l,loved -incl ^econded that the City Atlol'fley be given orre weel. in w']ich to look into legali �';y of saMe. ,carried.- Resolutions providinx for the insta.lation of lateral sewers in Vie Cite of Renton on certain streets described in said Resolutions fame up for first readin;, 0bjec :ion to readint; of same by Councilman Duff,on -1oands t,---at tuere should be heti Lions presented for sa.me, af ter advice .from Attorney Iiouser that petitions were not needed, i c .•ra.s n]o red and seconded that the Clerk proceed rrit'i reacling of resolutions , carried.-s rime beim dull read, Matter of City -6ngineer giving grades to privaLe parties ror bui.ldint purposes,discussed,lie can do so provided tYrey pay him for same . ?Moved and seconded that t'Te Clerk notify J.Cu6irii to open up alley ti-rout;% his property in Plock 5-lot-17 carried.- Dloved `and seconded tnat the Clerk no ;ify R .'W.Gay to lTave a proper _flue buil% in }louse where bakery shop is located Lot-'i-Klock 1`9-carrie'i.- ` 'he f.ollowin6 bills were 0 K' d by the finance comm'W- cee John Steel-easrlent for north sever diwtrict 25 .00 it of to " suoth " of ' 125.00 Renton Lxmber Co short on old account 2993 H U Lusk Watchmanat '3prin ;';rook 8 .00 A M Tvete , Aelpint� ^urveyor 6.00 Seattle Tacoma Power Co liLh-t g', JO she A Hamba,c -i Co ^up .)lies 47.64 C L 'cott, work ori bri-Ige 10.00 P Lassoie labor on pipes bridle 10.15 Tim OLeary �� " " 10.75 'YJatkin Evans 2 11 .80 L Auld " " 7 .80 i'ranlDavis cuttins trees 9 .00 Obe ''vans z day at tank 1 .50 Benton Incl- `del Co- 1.95 +'red Uder. ' meals in jail 4.00 there beint-, ' no Further business a motion prevailed to adi ourt1.. Clerk . r - ReBF t Re n con,Sep t,20 th,/1 o City Council met in regular ses!lion 11auor renj .i"icknor pros iding,Roll Call, -Councilman Elliott, Cake,i,1itche11,"Tood,.taonahon Attorney Engirieer and Clerk being present, Petition from the Seat`Ue Car TLt'g. Co `asking; for the right to co nect their private rater sysyem to the City vaater main rcad,Uoved and seconded that the sarne be granted subject to the iris tructions f the City Engineer.carried... City, Attorney subrai tted opinion on question of urhether the assessed valuation for t'oe year 1909 or 1910 should be taken in levyinE; assessmen �s under ordinances 110-210-211 .i`1or th 1 e;, tri �.,ater works Ordinances ,and Ordinances 19212-213-iilorth and South Main Trunk Sewer Ordinces, sarne being that 1909 assessment should govern in all four assessments .1,1oved and seconded t'_+'lat the report of the Attorney be accepted and t?iat we adopt the 1909 assessment for the above described assessment-distriets, carried,- Moved and seconded that the City Attorney hire Mr P.H. Adams to get ,copy of the 1909 assess-,ent roll carried.- I,Ioved and seconded that the .matter of puttiz�; in cinder crossings in North Renton be fevered. to the St & Alley Committee, carried.- Moved and seconded that -bids be called for for the grave- lling, of Factory street at so much per yard , subject to the Inspec -tor of silrne,ftrom. 'ounty Road to Car Works , carr6ed.- Lateral sewer Lesolution:, came up for final reading- . � i':oved and seconded#t-iat Resolutions be laid on tine table one week to give Engineer time to furnish estimates on same ,carried.- Moved and seconded at all bills O.K' d by tie finance be paid, carried .. T,Tovgd and seconded that the communication from Has tin;;s & atedman relative to alleged damages to property of John '.I'rexler by -water from City of Renton water main be answered by the City Attorney,carried .- < following bills were O,K' d by finance committee and ordered paid,Jos Edwards expeHse bill 1 . )0 . 'jam Oughton 1 day on Hydrants 2.25 .J.I"ees 1 day cleaninE; reservoir 2.50,I;:ike tees 11 da- cleaning reservoir ,3 .48.y'- ."Jhite 1 day cleaning streets, 2.00 .Elmer Illian clea ging streets 2.00 Friai< o oved and seconded that we adj until ay evenink; 7 .'0 P.1«. carried.- 190 Renton,Sept, 23rd ,/10 Adjourned session of City Cokincil came to order at 7.30 P.T . Iva.yor beW 'Ticknor presiding,Roll Call .- Councilman Elliott Wood,Iiitchell,Attorney,En6ineer and Clerk beim pres- Cake,Tvranohon, ent. Idlinuete of adjourned ses ,ion were read and approved. Yoved anti seconded; V •a. the motion .made at the last red- ulcer session a.doptin� the 1909 assessment roll, recinded, carried. Moved and seconded that the motion made at the last reg- ular session to lay the lateral sewer I'Lesoladons over one week be reconsidered and that_ ;,ire proceed at t{tis time with the readinL; of said Resolutions , carried Yo,,ed and seconded that Section 1- of Resolution No-43-A-providing; for lateral sever on certain streets described in said resolution be adopted as read, carried. Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted. as read, carried.- -�oved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carried.- as a whole ,-'owed and seconded that the Resolution be adoT)ted/as read,carrieot.- Moved and seconded th.a.A aec tion-1-of "'esolution No-44-A-provid inz; t for lateral severer on certain streets described in said resolution be adopted a.s read._carried. Moved and secon:Ied Viat Sec-2-be adopted as rea.d, cArried.- 1!-}oved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as road,cFa.r.ried.- Moved and seconded that the resoluLion be adopted as a whole as read. c,urried.- ;Moved and seconded that Sec Lion-1-of Resolution '4o-45-A providing; for lateral sewer on certain streets described in said resolution be adopted as read, carried.- _ Moved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read, ca.rried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted as rea,d, carried.- ►loved and seconded that Vae resolution be adopted as a ­hole as read, carried.- t RcBF 1 r"oved and seconded t%gat Section,l- of resolution IIo-4U-A-nrovidin; - for lateral sewer on certain streets as described in said resolu- tion be adopted as read.-carried.- Mo-zred and second,�d that Sec-21-be adopted as read, carried .- I,io.ved and seconded that 6ec-3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved and seconded that t%ze resolution be a.l:.opted as a tir'.Zole as re.ad. carried .- !Joved and serDndc-d that Section-1-of Resolution IIo-47-A-providin6 for lateral levier on certain streets a.; described in sais resolutio be adopted as read.-carried .- 11oved and secondee. that Sec-2-be adopted as read.carried.- Loved and seconded. that L3ec-3-be adopted as read, carried.- L',uved and seconded that the resolution be adopted as a whole as read, carried.- ",loved and seconded that Section -1-of Resolution No-48-A-providing for lateral sewer on certain streets as described in said resoles do be adopted as read.-ca.rried.- r I`oved and Yeconded t'.at aec tion-2-be adopted a- read, carried.- I 7red and seconded Lliat See-3-be adopted as r. ea.d ,carried.- a ;rho1P as LiovF!d and secondc!d t :at the resolution be adopted ar !read, carried .- Yo-49-A Moved and seconded that Section -1-of" Resolution;"nrosridint� I'or—late res; sewer on certain streets as described in said Hesolation be adopted. a.-, read, -carried. Mloved and seconded that See-.22-be, adopted a-, read , -carriod.- ".oved and seconder3 Ci.,at. �3ec-3-be adopted as read, -ca.rried.- oveci and seconded that She resole tion be adop Led as a wnolo: as read, -carried• ;:1Q-5U-A T.IoveC and gecondcd .':iat Jec tion-1-o;' 3'�esolution�nro-ricziYiw for .L Ullr�a.1 Sf_' er or; coy to lYi sr Leets as descrihc in g zid. resolu4io.n „�. be adopted as rea.d , -carried .- YoS,ed and -,ecorirleil to-,'at Sec -ne adopted as read, carried .- Loved and, seconded t%�at Sec-3-be adopted as read, -carried .- :.ovecl and seconded t%� a the resolution be adop tec; a.s a vrtilole a.v read, -carried.- 1 J 192 —Yo ed and geconded, „ ,.a.t SeC �hrlY1-�_ ?,)IU ,'+io _ J. 0- for sewer on ccr ,ain street; as described in said Pesolu- , ion be adopted as read.-carried.- roved and s'econded that Sec-2-Le adopted as read, carried .- I'vioved and 'seconded t`:tat Sec-3-be adopted as read, -caar,­iF�d .- 1ove(. and :seconded that t)?e resmlution be adopted as a# vtibleas ### rcad.-ca.rrie,I.- lJoved and seconded t".at Section-1-of Ttesolur.ion. PIo-52-Aproviding .for lateral sewer on certain sLreet as provides] in sr-,id resolution be adopted as rea.d, carra.ed .- YGved and. seconded Vhat Sec-2-be adopted as read, ca.r.ried .- :Moved. and seconded that t##floes-3-be adopted as readcarr. ied .- ?,,ioved and secondee: tl;.aL the resolution be adopted as a whole as read, -carried.- .'ovf r, andseconded. t�^.a.t Section-1-of Resolution 11 o-.5 -A--orovidinE for lateral sewer in certain streets as describes in s-iid reso].utio be adopte(i ar re-id, -carried.- Z'oved and sedonded tt:a.c Sec-2-be ad_opUed as .read.-ca.rried .- !:,'ovad and seconded that Sec-23,-be adopter' as read,-carrie:d .- ���,��s9'� - u.ot��:: and seconded that the resolution be addp ted ae a v- p ole as read.-ca.f'ried.- hov-f:t and seconded that Section -1-of Resolution "No-54-A-rrovidin for lateral, sewer in cer Lain s Lree is as described in said resolutio be adopted as read.-carried Moved and seconded that Sec-2-re adopted a.s read, -ca.rried.- :loved an seconded ;hat Sec-3-'be adopte,' ---Ls re-r.d.-ca-rri.ed.- oeoved a.nc1. ^econded that the resolution be addipted as a vh ole as rearl., -ca.r. i,ed.- Lo-ired and seconded that Section-1-of Pesolut on TJo-55-A-1 rovidiri6, for` laterals sexier in certain streets a.g described in said resolutio be adopted a. , read.-carried .- Yoved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted. as r.ead., -carried.- Loved and seconded t,_� LL Sec-3-be adopted as read,-carried.- =roved and seconded Lhi.L t!,e resolution be adopted as a ,,hole as read.-ca.rried .- ReBF 193 r'ovPd and seconded Section-1-of Resolution Ptio- 6-A-providii for l.,.teral sewer in certain described s�creeLs as described in said resolution be adopted as read.- carried.-Moved acid seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read,-ffcarried.- (Loved and seconded that Sec-3-be adopted. as read,-carri.ed .- Moved an,'. seconded th it ,,Vie P.esolution be aet6pted as a iftle as read,-carried .- Moved and seoncled tr.<at the Ci Ly EnGi-neer be impowered to hire and assistant when necessary,-carried.- loved and seconded t%lag the matter of repairir.6 Reservoir be turned over to tie City -1�n; ineer and the Attorney, and if possi- ble,'nave contras tors repair same accordin6 to plans and specific- a.tions .-ca.rried .- There beinL no furLher business a motion prevailed to adjourn.-serried .-- Clerk.- l�� - � t .. ReBF1, 95 Ren von,Sept,27th,/1.0 City Council met in regular session I,,Ztyor Banj .Ticknor lire sidin6, -Roll. call Councilman Duff, I..'Lonolron,ti ood,Ca,ke,Ivlitchell Attorney,Engineer, rind Clerk beim; p*resenL. 2linue is of the last session were read and approved,- . Application for water for Lot.16-Block 2- ''rail Goodall ownP_r, rea,d,T,Ao-,,red and seconded t11a,t t',.e sae be :ranted, -carried.- Application for water-Lo t.7-Plock-l .Joe Ca7rallo, owner, read.Y.Oved and seconded tIIat the same be granted,-ca.rried.- Applicatiod for water for Tract.7-Highland. Addition, F,Bendetta,Owner,read,I4o-Ted. and secor,c',ed that the same be granted. ca,rried.- St.&- tilley Committee repnrts on ha,virig put in cirided crossings on certain streets in north Renton.1"oved arid seconded t o that the report be accepted.-carried.- Moved and seconded. th..at all bills O.K' D by t.,-.Le Finance Committee be paid,-carried.- ved and recorded that the St.Sul) t,be# instructed to call on certain property owners in Block 5-and notify sane to put tlirouLYh alley, carried.- 'The Fire and !'Dater Corrmittee recomends that the matter of Car 'corks pipe##line be left in the hands of the City En-inee:t 1,'Loved and recorded that the report be accepted and recomendations carried. -out.-carried.- Report of the Attorney on matter of holding; Lateral sewer Resolutions up ,pending the final adjustment by the Equaliz- ation Board of tate Assesryrient Rolls for 1910.1,1oved. and seconded tIAa the report be a.ccepLed .-ca.rried.- 1o,TeO and seconded that tl-,.e matter of making partial payments to T.? tchell, contracLor,from moneys recieved from ...� lii; hland. Addition water main assessment,be left in hands of the Ways & ,eans ,Committfe and the Iviayor, -carried.- W;yeved and seconded that the ALdorney furnish written opinion as to le a.lity of assessin t_i.edor th & South 'Trunk sewer, istricts �tnd East & ',Arest/74'orth Renton water 74ins under 1910 assessment. Voti on lost.- H'oved a.nd seconded that the matter of acceptance of the Highland AddiLion,water cys tem,be first refered to the En, ineer 196 :for hi`s uri`tten opinion as to whether or not seu-!e has been completed carried.- ` deed �ron. Renton F-).rrm Company come-w inc; a' strip of land 60 feet t,,*ide for a street to connect Penton' Avenue with Iuain street ing sane be./deeded. to the City of Ren ton, "owed and seconded_ that sa,ie', deed be turned over to tti'Le Cit; Attorney to have ansae recorded. carr iec, .- Moved and seconded a vote of thanks be tendered T"r Z11C ,Haring fD' r his work in securing this deed, carried.- ` 'here beim; x',8 .46 due as delinquent taxes on the property lL1oved and seconded that a G;farrarit be drawn in favor of t'_ne Purch- asinL Agent to apy for same .- carried.-Tile follwink bills were ordered paid by the Fina_xce committee .- Tom jiarries P.L%box rentforQuarterending Dec lst 1910 .35 Vim Tonkin Seattle for Aug water ,Iii61riland Add- 41.50 Jo;m "'tewart electric battery & ?7Qlobe .80 P La,ssoie 5 days on pipes 11 .25 Joe Reid 1 day on t'.,i st;es 2. 25 Evans 6 days on pipes, day on streets 12.40 D C 111(itclj.ell 4 days on pipes 10.00 E Auld 4 days on pines day on streets 10 .15 `l' OLeary 5- da.�Ts or, riper 12.40 Joe Edwards freight payed 4 .55 Fred Peacock Inspector of pipe and expense bill 10.00 i+: E Duff Parch sink Ag-t.delinruent taxes 8 .46 Joe `►"food for wreath for Dr .DeRch Funeral. 5 .00 There being no further business a motion prevailed to adjourn. Clerk.- , I ReBF 197 Ile nton,Oct 94th,/10 City Council met in regul ix ses~ion Mayor Lerij , `1'icknor presiding,Roll call.-Councilm=gin Dugs ,llio L,t, r itchell.i. onohon, Wilson,Attorney Engineer and Clerk beim present. Idinuets of the lest re6ular session were read and app- roved . pp-soved . Petition from Chas Peacock for permission to m.obe buildin from. Second and Burnett to Second and Logran,r.ead, Moved and secon- ded that same be grranted. carried. 11�4:tter. of water main ditch in ilor-ch Renton being open and dangerous to traffic discusseot.l.Toved and seconded that if the pipe is in proper sY:Rpe that yn6ineer inspect swne and have said ditch filled.carried.- Icoved and seconded that all bills 0 KID by the Firjallae Tommi.t tee be paid,-carr ied.- lJoved and seconded treat the Clerk be aathorized to cancel General Fund Warrants draun in favor of Inprovement llist. ,SM Teo-7 -a.nd draw swnw on Water fund ,-carried .- The equalization Borard makes the following report on the proposed tax levy for 1911.P.ecommend that the expenditures be reduced by strikint off ",2500.00 for the -L"ire Dept. „'l20O.00 for m-.int iin ,nce of the water system and 17ti0 .00 for extra 1u11arshall thie will reduce the ta-�r levy to 121 mills .these items of expense striken out can be taken care of out of t`.ie 'Water Fund.1"oved n.nd seconded that the report of t-Oe Equalization Board be accepted and the recommendations be carried.out,-carried.- Clerks report for the month of Sept read.I:loved and second that same be recieved and p9gered to the Firta.-,ce Carur.ittee , carried treasurers report for (guar ter eting Sept 30th, read. Moved and seconded that Lhe same be recieved and r. efered to Finance Com.mitt&e .-carried.- Police Judges report for the monrh of ')epL read.Loved and seconded that th.e s=ame be recieved and pl iced on f ile,- carried.- CommunicazioM from councilman W.G . .'Jilron tendering his resifnacion as councilman of. t'ic City of itenton recieved . 17oved qnd seconded that the resignation be accepLed, c-arried.- 198 pr appoii:ts fF. C.Ilearle to .fill unexpired term of W.G. Wilson as councilmain.IVToved and seconded V-,at t e appoint- ,men ; be ,confirmed, -ca.rried .- IT'C3'V,or appointed a Roard of lark CommiHsi.oners .H.Evans phos Dobson, and Lee I'onohon,'"oved and aeconded that the Ilayors appointments be confirmed.-carried.- F.C .Itearle after being duly sworn by the CityAttorney was offica.11 ; declared a member of ti-Le City council of t?ie City of i`en to n, - Recomendation from the lv�a.yor t(ia-� the saloon licenses be raised from = r ReBF 199 ordinance re�--ul.a tiny; rand allowing salaries for next ',rear ca.rried.- T_love(I 'qnd seconded t' at t,t.e Attornyy draft an hesolu i,ion providing for t',e grading; and gravellin.L; of portion of iiain at.from Fourth 'venue to Oixth Avenue according to t'.-,e plans and specifications for sarle on file in t1ic office of the City Clerk carried. Bids .for the s-ra.vellinL of Fac Lor-Nr st.re W. T..oved and seconded t',at w(-, reject bo Lh bids and in future , specify What gravel shall be used.I,4btion lost. Tyo-ied and seconded 4'1at we award t'ne contract to the lowest bidder, same beinE. Chas Campbell, c'ity to ray half of pay Trspec ors salary and). Contac Lor to/other half ,price bein6 75 ets per yard.-carried.- The follo�r!inL bills were ordered paid by the -ll"inance corur,ittee.- ,Tos Fdivards salary for Cert, ?"arsha.l 70.00 to Is of it Nater Supt 15.00 A W Ticknor Clerk 65.00 P 71 Houser At Corney 75.00 Rob L Thorburn police j udG e '2'0.0 0 C .L.Dixon liealth officer 10.00 C 0 `i've to Lnt�,,ineer 100.00 Peter Du ,.lahant arbshe 44 .45 John Stewar c ni till; marsha.11 70.00 `JYri Tonkin `1reasurer X0.00 A `l Ticknor Ja,ni Lor 6 .00 iI Mitchell ca,s,i collected Imp-dist No-7 1464.97 It " Lot -17 Plk-O'; Ass' t " of ' eat half Acre 11 of 53.13 " " ;pis ; u n If 47 .39 It It x'.11-unplattea land -E3 F Co 167.72 P Dullaha.nt freight bill .1 .05 Gorhan Rubber Co 2 only #26 hose casts 73.72 Lov7ma,n & Hanford election supplies 5 .60 P H Ads;.rns copy of 1909 tax a.ss' `i, roll 10 .50 R Puns Line dance mars'all 9 .00 D C T: itchell labor on cros2ings ',:Leming surveyor 8175 7' Auld it " 3 .40 J vdesLon of " 3.40 P Dullaha.nt 14 days ^►i th team !,a.ulinE; �,ra ve 1 9 .00 R 7YDod n n n n 9.00 `ioere beinE, no furt'ner business a motion peevalied to L Clerk. 1,200 Oc sober 3rd,/, O The DIayo r,Be nj i i cknor ,Counc ilrna.xi Duff, and Ilono}loxx n,:in6 met as Equalization Board on propose:: tax levy for 1911 and there no14bein5 a quorum adjourned until 1 .30 P Y Protest recieved from P 'J Mouser aL;a,inst proposed tax levy for 1911 .sarre placed on file by the Cii:y Clerk, as the Board of Lqualizacion was noL in session. Lime carne was recieved 10. 50 0 clock.A. I.J. C1 cy Clerk, Renton Oct, 11 L!1/10 Ci6y Council m66 in session TiTavor Benj Ticknor paVesidin , -Roll call. L�ouncilrnan Duff,Elliu L Cake,tiitchel.l, ti ood lono}ion,Ii�ari, n i.neer,•�LLorne.y aid Clem, beim present, tiinue Ls of the last regular session were read and appr- oved, ,ppr- oved, - '-' PetiLion from 0 Rrickion asking fur perrai.=;sion to blast 8Lut1ps i i i the City limits reri.d, und rejected, Sea ; cle Tacoma Power Co asks the U:)uncil for information rely rive to cuttin in new li -Yl c systetn, re8e ntly installed by tie City,Moved a -d seconded t1iaL V: is matter be turned over to the I'urchasinLi agent, carried.- Finance Coruri L Lee repor t;s oil Ind-'eel. Co- bill , also bill for I)rinting, b2iefs, same no 'Ll bein - sa- tisfac cory,14oved and seconded that these bills be turned ovt r to the Purchasin ; agent to have same s LraithLened ouw, carried.- iuo-ved and seconded `beat all bills 0 K(P by the r'iiia..ce co.mniLLee be paid, -carried.- Town j'roper Ly coinmi L Lee reports on matter of proposed ditch to take care of water from Sartori Sprin.,.s, report that iL I eave will be necessary tofso~ne sewer pipe , as an open ditch would be to deep, 111oved and seconded that tate coruai Ltee be „iven one more week ire which to determine amount and size of pipe ani total cast of imnproirement, carr iiad.- tLoved and seconded t'1at t'ie 'Mays & 'leans committee be given one Trbre week to confer with t'-:_e At Lo rney r.ela-sive to pvop0- seri salary Ordinance for 19ll .carried.- Moved and seconC et-I t'iia.L t7ie Ordinance cornt,7ictee be given one more week in wliich to report on the '1 organ Drive waver main Resolution Fill'Ince eornmi LtE;e asks for one more week j'l F before audi cin;; boos of Clerk and treasurer , sarnF granted, - Liq ineer# repor Ls on iU61ila.nd Addi cion waLE;r s;ys Lem, after makin a study of t'rie plans and specifications of sarrie , Juat contract has been fully complied wi 10h,-r;,aired and Seconded ti;.at the re,an r t of the BI ndoneer be a.ccep Led and place:l. on file,, carried .- Resolution pro-ridinu for tis.e grading- and gra,rellinZ of pnntion of lia.in SL ,frorn fourth Ave-to SixLii Ave-read first time and 202 refered to tl.e rciina.nce corzrnitcc;e,- Ordinance arnrnendibi, Secti-on of cement ordinance read first tirne and refered to �-,.e ordinance cormni 'Lee,e < t 1 Molred and seconded Via-L tYne Clerk be ins to no's ify counoiln►a,n,-TvTonolion, to make an opening throut?h railroad grade to a.11o,,iT wa.cer to pass tl•trouL,h, ff.ame bein; track runnin to Car Works , carr!eco# T.ioved and seconded t.nat Vie St.Supt,have crossinf;;s in the City kept clean , carried.- Contractor I,Ta,zey asks permission fron tie Council to test new pipe line in North Ren'Lon,from Crystal Sprin6s water sys Lem.I.ioved and seconded t iat Trlazey(be allowed test pipe from same under the supervision of the wager aup'L,and at his (l.a,zey' s) own expense.-carried.- St & Alley cornr,ittee recomends crussin; for IJill St iTorth - t f:rora end. of �enar river bridge ,I.Toved andseconded t1.at t:r e St. Supt,puL in same -carried.- hoved and .seconded that the ma luf er of bui.ldin a flue in douse of P. W Gay.be turned over to Attorney ,he to grave swie built otherwise buildink; will be condemned.carried.- Nelson Attorney reports on matter of/comp emna.tion cases .comiii6 Lo trial in near future,.'woved and seconded that t:Fze Ways ,,ZT.Tea,ns cornrnittee take up macLer with the A� �orney,with power to act, relative to setteling saxne out of court if possible, carried .- The follo-xiiq� bills were ordered paid , Crane Co d i:;c for 411 me cer and i 611 6a ce v.al,re 22.25 D a torey tea.rn to `prB- ha:ulin� poles 9,00 Ir '4m Tonkin SeaLtle for water sepia. 3.25 Anderson snap Co lame map 1-23 -R-5- .75 Chas Campbell ha.ulin; Etc. 8 .50 E A Shearem supplies ansd labor 6.08 Renton Lurober Co T,umber 9 .15 7 0 Boone Gurley Tra.isit 115.00 C L Scott labor on me Ger 2.25, E C Chausse repairiri6 c lain 1 .50 A hambacli c;, biose c i.ps 4.20 E Auld 1-Lbor on pipes 7 .50 P L aisoie labor ori -oil anti s LrF e is 6 .25 R •.' ',7 Evans H it 11 11.85 Obe Evans labor at Tank 1 day 1 .50 'i' OLeary labor ori *)spes 10 .00 `iere beim; -no .further business a motion prevailed to - . adjourn, Clerk . RcBF 203 lie neon,0 c t,18 th,A City Cpuncil met in regular session Mayor RenJ Ticknor presiding,-Roll call .-Councilman Duff,Elliott, Yitchell,400d, TA)nohon,;4ear1 ,Attorney and Clerk beim; prese=nt. —' Tinue tw of the last re Z ula,r session were approved as correc ted .- Application for sidwwa.lk crossing at corner of 4th. & T,iorris Ct.read.Yoved and seconded that this matter be turned over to the St,& Alley L'o.T ni, ttee, -carried.- Apllica,tion for permission to grade street recieved from IL rs J LcKnight for a distance of 100 feet in front of cher property at her own expense read, Tfoved and seconded that this matter be tarried over to the St,& Willey Committee,-carried ... Application for water from William B �lilliams & vim. PicY'Ler property loca.ged at foot of Talbo t Hill read..'lbved and seconded that same be turned over to the Water `'upt, carried..- Sewer remonstrances and protests recieved and read from kQ property owners #������1�����k►Y ������p?-P�����TS15�1i3���fF?+�• wh-c is t lateral sewers . Remonstrance from property owners on Iain Ot,from Foutth Ave- to Sixth;. Ave- Against grading and gravelling of same,read, 1.1oved and seconded t},a.t the remonstrance be recieved and the Resolution l=aid on the table _indefineLely,-carried .- Moved and seconded that all bill�_4 O.h' d by the Finance committee be paid,-carried..- P.e7.ort of "delays & Means uommi ttee on .matter of set; clerrient of lyelson c'ondemna.tion cases, recomrfiend that a settlement be grade on Vie basis of X110.00 .for each case same to include ,Vadgerre nt and costs,Yoved and seconded that the report of the committee be accepted and, placed on file and the recomendations carried out,- carried .- Report of dva,ina6e ditch in North Renton, a.;k for more time , one more week granted, Ordinance Committee reports on T,To rgan Drive Ws er main R.esolution,recomrntend t1ha.t the same be laid on the table, I.oved and seconded t'",a.t t'Le report of the conimi ttee be accepted and the ,204 recomenda.tions carried ouL,ecarried..- Engineaer reports on inlrestiSa.ting the condition of t',e pial i-!o t hill Reservoir, Moved arid seconded t!Lat tie report of t'-te Engineer be accented a.nd onlaced on file and the recomandations carried out, -carried.- Reroid of Water Supt.un mac,-Ler of Spri.ngbrook pipe line only found. two lea.k�, of any consequence ,Moved and seconded tInat the comxr:i Ltee be t,ivert more tune in which to finish work of sLoppinL leaks, -carried.- Li6h t committee- •reports on matter of five new lights , recently i n.s talled.^erre ordered cut in of.f ici ally, on the 18th of Octorber, Yloved and Seconded. t'i��.t a, light, be installed at the corner of Wirlials and Malla AvenueR, carried .- Moved and seconded. that this matter be taken up b7 t' e 01�70-.=ittee and the Attorney , same to determine as to the best procedure relative to installini said lights , carried .- Finance committee given more time on held up bills , Ordinance providing for a spur track to the Renton Lumber �'o yards in North Renton -read firsA time and refered to the 6ddi.nan-oe commi ttee, - ! Ordinance 7lrovidinL .for a lateral sewer between First Ave Second sy r and Second; ve on Purnett St, read, here bein6 no pro Les L same was ordered ferfred to the Committee . Ordinance rrdvid.in for lateral levier between First Ave- and Second Ave- on Jilliams at.read, ssame beim; protested ,Yoved andsecondee tri.at F;-a.rie be refered to the Ordinance commit-ee with the protest attached, -catried.- - Ordinance pruviding for lateral newer between Second Ave- and ' hidd Ave- ori Williams St.read ,r,o protests arcl seconded. ;that same be refered to ttile Ord- committee , -carried.- Ordin-ance providing; for 1-ateral sevier beLaueen- Second. Ave- and T,(Iird Ave-on Main St,re"-d ,no protents ,l'uioved and seconded thz.L game be refered to the Ord- Vommittee , -carried.- Ordinance providiri, for lateral sewer be cween First Ave•- and. Second Ave-on Loj),n St.read ,no protests ,TZoved and seconded that saas.e be refered to V-1e Ord- L;orr;n^ittee, -carried._ RcBF 205 Or;j inance providinL for lateral sewer between Second Ave- arid Pipe line on Lo,;ap S t,read,zoo pro tes ts ,1VIoved and seconded. Viat same be refered to tiie Ord- orfmi t tee � -carried.- Ordinance providin" for l=iteral sewer between Second Ave- an(,l `hird, Ave- on Burnett "'t, read, same beim protesLed.TToved and seconded tlna� the same be refered to Ordinance committee with the protest attached, -carried.- Ordin:irice providini; for lateral sewer between ''ecor.d Ave- and Third Ave- on 'fell `'t,read, same beim; pro Les ted, Nbved and seconded that the same be refered to tr:e Ord-committee Vri th t',.e protest a.Ltached, -carried.R Ordinance nrovidint; for ,latera.l sewer on .ea.st side of Morris `'t, a,nd west sire of Smi viers,be tween 4alla Walla, Ave-and Sixth 'Acre-rea.d,no rrotests ,1'oved and seconded that the sane be refered to Vie Ord-comittee, ecarried.- Ordin=ance providinc for lateral sewer on east side of Shattuck wes-L side of `hi tYiworth,be�tween Third ,Ave- and Sixth Ave- r east side of 'Whithwortri & Yorri a St,West side of Burnett S .,between Third & Walla Walla Ave-read,Same being pro Les ted ,Yoved and recon- ded t}-L-fit same be refered to the Ord-committee with protest attached c-a.rriec..- Ordinance providin for lateral sewer between I!outth Ave- `eve-rea,' ,same beinE, rrotes ted, T0Toved. and seconded that the "'ixtii same be refered to V .e Ord-co-mr�ittee with the protest attached.- carried .- f Ordinance ttached.-carried .- Ord.ina.nce provic.int for l=ateral sower east side of Whi tMr orth& west side of T='orris St,bet-ween `galla 71alla Ave- P.: Sixth Ave- read, no r--o ter te , T.Toved and seconded th<at V--Le same be refered to the Ord-corrmi ttee,-ca.rried .- Ordinance rrovidinf­ for lateral sewer on Williams St, between fourth Ave-& Sixtj, Aire- , read.,No protes ts, TLToved and seconded Uhat same be refered to t',e Ord-corrmittEe , -c-".rried .- Ordinance rrovidiriL, for lateral sewer on east side of Smithere & west side of Burnett St,read ,No pro Lests ,T"fo,,,red and seconded t ��t tie same be refered th the Ord-committee , -carried.- 106 11oved avid seconded t lat the Council meet as a co umi ttee o of the Mole Friday night Oct,21s t.1910, and take up matter of lateral sewer Ordinances , -ca.rridd - Loved and seconded that t'lle Municipal Priv,-ury election be held. in conjunction with, County General election,on. 8th.,da.y of Yovember, 19;0, in ",e Fire Mall City of Henton, carr. ied.- IYoved and ^econdedl that C,)uncil rrocedd with t'-Le appointment of Prim,ixy election officers , carried.- 1doved and seconded t; a.t l'1�os Olson be appointed. to act as Judge of s-aod. elect ion. carried.- Yovec3 a.nd seconded thi.t Fr;ank Davi§ be a.ppoin �;ed to act as a Judge ,o.f said election, -carried.- A`oved and seconded that 1�at L Grady be appointed to act as Inspector of said. elec Lion,-caXried.- 1:ioved and recon,?.ed than the Street 3upt,t:e instructed to no j�ify property wvneivr in Block-5 to open up alley, Cler1: to notify J .1',.erry,George colvn, Carried .- Fire 01iief recomends thr- purchase of four new lanterns, T,:oved. and seconded th.tt V,-ie recon;end.ationg of t'.,.e C Aef be serried out and the Purchasin a.f;ent be instructed to buy same , -carrie;�.- Trove;i ?.nc; -econded that tma.tt��r of extra expense insured for purpose of laying sewer s #� #on account of the Seattle pipe line ,be turned over to the Town Property Commute and the J]ntwo vineer they to furnish report shoe-vine added cost by reason of said pipe line bein4 in t'~e way, -carr. ied..- The followin�- bills were ordered.# paid by t':•ie i inance committee, - Renton 'Jeekly ?tews ,llis-pr intir�g,Publica ior� o,f lateral sever ttesolutions 12.15 fid.& L.E .Gurley supplies for Engineers Dept, .30.10 Dalton Ad ding; T7ac11i-r.&- Co box paper, fo r machine 2 11-25 Seattle T-a.coma Power Co lights 80 .80 City of Seat tle, meter 3.95 Anderson T.ipp Co large m.lp- 410 Y+m Kane to ins tallinf three lights as re r ak;ref-ment 45.00 Hunter 1,ZT 6, Co rent of K.&X .Transit A-U6 & Sept, 23.00 There bein,- no further business a m®tion nreva.iled to ad j o ur ri, Clerk. ReBF 207 RcI;,C r.10 c L,25-Uh?/l 0 City, Council, me,t in r.e,,� ,41ar session �.T;Ayor 23e-c� Ticknor pres idin- Roll Call .-, G o Lino il-liai-1 Duff E'J-lio r.t,,Lji rchell,C4ke lion6hon llearl,—­n­-ineerAttorney and (;leXk bein.�-, present.- l.."inuecs of f.­,e last re,,-u"Lar qessian were read ani I a .Pr- o-ed.- Application for water from J PiLchnick w4nts pipe tapped from Seckion St. O-,rp ,d and sec-)ncled t,-IaL Saii Matter be refer. ed to the Water Supt,carrled.- Applica-Aoi-i for meter froth Rucklick read,lio--ed and seco nded that sune be refered to �11.e Fire & Water Committee,Lee, _carried.- P.` tion froff, Denny Ren iron Clay & Coal 69 , aski,nz for �axiufau-tourere ra4es on meLered water, ,ri-, set forVr., in the rules and re....'ala tions of t'r-ie water Dept of the City of Jea .61e.read ..Vloved kion X, q-nci seconded 11-hat slis 2eLi �,_Lon be ret erec� , �.-o the ire & Ilater IVILoved ar '} qecontled t',at all viaLer Pe -.,L Lions that 'lave been filed from North Renton at this time be rialwred, and the Water in s-.-me as fast as -oossible, carried .- WaLer Supt asks for pump LD take care of surface water - when pulw4inz in cut Off"9,141oved and seconde(i that this matter be 4.1 roj.ered'. to tl,,)e Purchasin�; Agent -aiGlh �novfer to ac ,-,, carried .- ]%Toved seconded t'-)at all bills 0 K by the it inance co-nwittee be said,—carried... at X Alley Co,,limirLee as',,cs for more time on ma iter of ,Ill OW i 11� I-Irs, J.YcI,_,iJLL7-A to grade street in frintof ner -nr6-!,)ertOY. sane -ranted.- liepurL of corpaniL-uee on drain dii;ch in North Renton, same dui; and water turned in.luloved and seconde.1 LhaL Lhe matte.-I, of buyin drain the be fefered to I'Cle purchasira, aLenc, and t'!-ie En,,irieer, c�.r ied.- ays & r -iven one more eek on m;,.L-�.er Off 141e,an-, Coionti �tee w c.:)rp?ellin,-, R.Rlys to furnish ligh-Gs on crossin6s. Fire & Water Committee report on the peLit- ion of t'!-.e r '"i -tq and that t'-,e Denny Renton Cia.N Rc Coal Co , L.at s- . e be recieved %Vaer Ordinance be ammended to comply with said. pcl'diionamaendrent ZO 'notion, that all waL-er rates in tlrs.e City of Rent )n be cu-'L, to fif- ty cents ,flat rale an(I 111 other ranee Rccon"inL,',ly, PO' l Vote called 208 t t D.C .17itchell a.ye.,E E Duff,aye ,Ell iott, no ,?Ie-arl, no,Monoh;on, no t "� o�od ,no,Ca'ce ,no,apnend-ren,t to :motion l0st,oriLAna1 motion. was t}:en put,Aves five ,Noes two, ori� ina.l motion carried.-, ti ie 7,nrineer and Town Property comraittee given more/on matter of.furnisriin�L es timare of extra cost of sewer on account, ,of Seattle , lje line , , Ordinar,.ce to iWaom was refered the m`IcLer o`' lateral seaer ordinances rept:)r t as fo�.l,u�vs,rec �.rnmeru t1.at five ordinance, cover inz trie businiess and densely popalated section of -. 1,2ie City be ;Sassed and the remainin ordinancds be laid on t'"he and seconded �Ul,'It t :e report of the commi utee be AccezJ e,l a,nd t'.lie recormer}d�Lion.y Berried oat, -carried.- f y%ineer ani attorney &i-,ren one more week on Cernenu idewa.lk ordinance ,- Ordinance granting Franc'i.ise to -Renton L-,Amber Co for 3pdr track in on and upon Railroad Aver,ug, ;Torch ren tr�n rased to final rgad in�:,TToircd and seconded t tat Section 1-be adopted a,r read ca.rried .- t t I,Aoved. and seconded that Sec-,'--,I-be a:mmerded to read Fifteen (15) ;Tears in:3tead of Thirty ,F: ve (35) years, carried.- I.Tgved and 5econ��ed that Secy 3-be a.dol� ted a,, read.scarried Moved and seconded tria t t, .e Ordinance be ariop ted as a w!iole as amrme riled.-ca.rri ed.- -< - t Ort?inanee I# 415 . rovidin .for a lag.: ral sewer on Williams St.bP twecn Fourth Avenue, and Sixth Nvenue passed to fin--i1 rea.din , -- t IT.1oved and seconded Vha t Sec tion-1-be adop Led as read.- carried, - < t Loved and seconded that Sec-2-be adopted as read .-carried ved. and seconded that Sec-3-be a.dopLed a.s . rea.d , -carried Troved and seconded that Sec-4- be adopted as read, -carrie Iroved and seconded that Sec-5-be adopted .53,s read, carried T,To,re,j, and secon letd t'1',.t aec6-6-!Je adorned as read, carried Iyroved and seconded that. Sec-7-be adopted as read, carried t ;.loved and seconded tha.;, the Ordinance be ado,)) Led. as a, 'az ole as reaJ, _carrled.- f t ReBF 209 Ordinance 216 .?rovidin--,- for lateral sewer on 1.1a,in St between Second Avenue and Third Avenue passed to final readin6, Moved arid. gedonded whit Sec-cion-1-be adopter �-18 read, -carried.- Idoved and seconded that Sec-2-be ado; Led as re-,-,.d, Moved and seconded V-.,at Sec-3-be adopted as read, -ca.rried.- Ivoved arii s`exonded that Sec-4-be adopted as read, -carried.- `Idovred and seconded that Bec-5-be adopted as read,-cnrried.- Moved and seconded tICL a•t aec-6-be adopted as read- carried,.. .Moved An(I seconded that Sec-7-be adapted as rea.d, -ca.rried.- ivoved and seconded that the Ordinance be ado-p ted as a whole as read, -carried.- 0rdina—Ace #4 ,. 218 , proiridinS for lateral sewer on '41illiams St. between Second Avenue and Third Ave nue -gassed to final r.e is?.in- il6ved. and seconded that Section 1-b­ adorzed as read.— carried.—'.loved— and second(-�d t'nat Sec"-be adopted as read,-c=irried.- moved and seconded t~­a,t Sec-3-be ad opted " read,-carried.- 1,11oved and seconded that Sec-4-be adopted as read,-carried.- Ivioved "in seconded that�.t :pec-5-be adopted �s re�.zd, -carried, - Iloved and seconded chat Sec-6-be adopted -Is read, -carried.- Moved a,,id seconded tla.at 3ec-7-be adopted as read,-ca.r.ried.- y Moved and se con;,.ed that -she 6rdina,nce be adopted its a whole as read, -carried; - Ordinance # 21 .pr ;vidint; for lateral sewer on -Well 3t.between # l Second Avenue and Third Ave _ue ,passed to final reading, ?"oved an't seconded that Scction -1-be adopted as read, -carried.- ?.Loved and seconded that Sec-2be adopted as read, -carri-d.- Moved anti seconded t.haL Sec-3-be adopted as rea.d, -Carried.- I4Lo-ved and seconded trait Sec-4-be adopted as .re ,3A, -carried.- Yovec11 and seconded that Sec-5-be adopted -as reed,-carrie:d. h1oved a,nri seconded that Sec-6-be adopted as read, -carried.- n dl Droved and seconded th,,it Sec-7-be ado;-)ted -as read, -carried.- Iroved. and 9e conded i,it the Ordinance be adopted ar a# �*Ioj& as read .;carried.- Ordin,-ince # 224,-I?ro-ridin�- for lateral sewer on friar portion o, Well St, between fourth avenue and Oixth Avenue ,La.in St between Fourth Avenue a.ncl_ Fif Lh Avenue 31Fifth Avenue b vween ITain St and Tell St.;aassel to final rea.clind, Moved and. seconded t" -4t Sec -.ion 1-be adop-Led as read.-carried .- rvTove:d and seconded ;.},at Sec-2-be adopted as read,-carried.- r Moved .and seconded than Sec-3-be adup6ed as read, -carried.- I-Moved and## seconded tIiat Sec-4-be adopted as read, -carried.- Mo ead, -ca.rrie.d.-Mo ,,ed ane seconded Olat ec-5-be adopted as read, -c-i, ri- d .- Dove-. and seconded Vn.at 6ec-6-b, adopte(IA. as read, -c arrie'd.- Y'o,,red and seconded Lha, Sec-7-be ad )-oted. as read,-carried , - Kloveci and seco--Tde? that the Ordinance be adopted as a w},.ole as read, -urirried.- Loved and seconded that the Clerk ldver-size for bids "or layinU of la&er al sewere .carripd .- Fire Chief recommends that two small 'Nose carts be . t ;purchased for l+orLh Benton also 500 feet of hose and two nozels . 1[aLter laid over rano titer week,Fire alarm sys tem digcusseyd. The following; bills were U.K. by V'Le Finance commi-,tee Tim OLeary 4 days on di tch, lday on pipes 12.50 da akin Evaas 2 days on crossin-s 2 days on pipes 12.50 reo IIanc,.)ck 1 dya on crossinms 2 days an iii yes 3.75 E -Auld4 d,x., g on crossin s 3 days di-;cit 17 .50 P Lassoie 1 dya St.2 dya ditch -2 day pipes 8 .75 Serattle 'a.a;-)?na Pourer Co 9 lanLers for SL.li; hts 45.25 `1:7.H.Burnett hel )in, surveyor 1 . 5U Renton 'Weektly Dews r;xtra *-cork on 1 at,::ral sewer Ives- 5.75 Uncompleted work on Iiie nlan(I Add- Bonds 16.50 Rert ton 'i'el Co 16eservo i r Phone i .50 Eliner Conner. 45 briefs 10.00 There bein6 no further buy, i_nes- a mo tion prevailed to adjourn, �- Clerk. ReBF 211 ion l,o�r,ls t,f10 Cita Council met in re-alar sessio , layor Benj Ticknor rreCi(Iin Toi Cali Councilman Duff, Filiott, Yo, ,nohon Cake ';docd IIea.rl , 1 , Ylitchell,f'►ttorney,Rri, ineer, " 'art r beim 1)resent, i.oerel and seconcaed ti ri, Clerk Ticknor leinL absent 21a.t C .O .'1've to act as Clerk x ro tem.carried. moved ann secondeq t!,.ut Council adjourn until Th rsd.a,y eve nine; Nov, 3rd, C=a,rried.- C.0.Tvete Cie rk Vro-1f'm. Ren Lon, idord ,f10 K Adjourned session of City Council care to order o,L .. is �y7r i%Ei' 1iCKi,-.,or a.,ein ici in4 Roii Call 0ounei1 m, '-In Duff, Illi.iott, ILitellell, Ca,ke ,f ood, T,Iono?:.on,Hea.rl,Era inE:er AttoxflFy L. and, Clerk beim present, Application for water frgm Lot-3-Blk-31 read. Loved and seconded t7-at, i(..e same be refored to the Water Supt, carried, ll.atter of liUl,.ting R.R. cros9iil6s d.iscussed..T,Foved. a .-e, :seconded t1na,t tlae matte. be left in tl,e hands of the Cozin.ittee to r-o ahead and see R.R.Co relati,\re to said matter,carried.- Moved and :seconded tha.0 the report of the Anbineer on fir,�tl estirre.te of west D i s t.via ter grain be acced ted and placed or, file,ca,rr. :ied.- .16uport of Lhe i eal :fit Officer rea6 .1.-oved and seconded tha Che same be accepted and placed on file ,carrieu.- Yoved and seconded tl-ia.-G elle Tiavor interview the Health Office. rel.:a.tive to any conta' iou:s deserises that might 1-e in the City,carried.- llove�I a.rcl seconded that the waE ons used in raaulinL P;rave 11 on ractory treet be turned over to the Ut & Alley committe to mearwre same .c<arried .- 1iertort of Police Jud4;c read.Mlwred and Seconded VLa,t the s--:j.rne be recieved and placed on file, ca.rri­d .- Clerr s report for t-he mons, of Oc read, 1,70 Ved and seconded tl.�.a t �t;.c Sane be recieaed and turned, over to tlhe rl`uunce coni ttee, -carr ied .- 1 212 t ?.:: ped an. secon(3ed that the Attorney notify V Gambini (uo keep, mamge out; of open, ditch rupnin4� through City of Renton, carr ied.- Tr�a ties• of ashes for crossinvs discussed.Denny Renton d Co will furnish all that the Cit-Nr wants free of char6 e;;)rovided City p-ays freigRc charges on same, re nor t or Assisst jnt Fire P�(ief of Yortla Penton, recommends that the Cit-;; -purc'_ase twu sr:;all }nose carts and 750 . feet Of dose ,l::Ovec r3,r'd secon(le(I t--at tl).is ??"tatter be refereC: to the drays & Loan-,a,ns Co, -ir,imc4.nd--cnt to r±otion that recommon6a6ions of Ass' t fere chief relative to f ire eouipment for 'North Renton be acce-oted, and carried o4t ,,,.md Purc:aasint; AL` , ins tructed to buy s,,,me.carried .- < < CourciInt:a:n TJ':i cll�cll report t,,.at Ripe lirif+ -3uove 4- "I lleservjir i:, le-akind b-a.dly,Yo�red arnl seconded t. :.at the En6ineer (furnish re,�ort to she Council slip -,vinL, approximate cost of ILtting pipe lime and Reservc:ir in gooc'. s?7.ape . r.arrieel.- - roved a,r,d secondee . t! ;it council grant l�iir ty (:, ) day extension of time to the Co:;tr.,a,c tors on TrLAnk sewer.said contrac- Looms, til-lvint�i asked for sixty, carried.- `the follo,-.in&; bill Fere ot(lered 19aid by tl-e Finance commri t;,ee . Jos Edwards salary K 85 .00 'Um Tonkin 17x.00 A.W.'2:i cl-aao r 65.00 P.-Ij7.lious er 75.00 R `ihorburn 90 .00 C .L.Dixon ?3.00 C .0 . i,,e to 100.00 P Dullnha.nt 44.45 J a to,,,,rar t 70 .00 A '17 Ticknor G .0 Tel Co 1 .50 u,n T' 50 71 .n 5 II U Lusk El) .00 G H fa nc o c'K 16 .08 J?IT"Jones 119 .157 it Lindj,;,ren III 00 F Q' der 4.00 l "' Duff Gre,,•or� 2%;.60 W y 7 .50 A Jenni 1s .fl0 T Thorne 4 .50 L B Duff 1 .50 L I''onoho n 1 .50 C McCoviin '7 .00 iitere beim; no farther bush-: ss s, rr�otior: prev��iled to adjourn, erk. V RPBF 213 Renton Nov,c" I'll,/10 C Cit ' C!.)Uncil caMe t"; order Iayor Benj , Ticknor r:,resid ?Ti 8011 C, 11 .-COunci1rrl,:+n Duff,�Illio,t �, Cake,'.'Too4 I,onokon,Hear1 'itch-ll Pnx�-ineer ani! Cleric beinG �resent, V., tr "d'inuets of tre - djourned session of No-7, 3rd read and approved. TiLineer reorts ?aroC,ress on :,attar of regr-iirin& of Sprirl6bro:ak Isiye line and Reservoir,;"oved and seconded t,ha.t the report be accepted., carried.- I,ioved and Pec anded t'-Tat all bilis 0 1,,'d by tlxe r inial ce coimiittee be paid, -ca.rried.- .bn , ineer reports on and recGi;meiids thee accel tan. Ce of t" L Di,"! Lrict l ortlligen"i,on viratf:r ,l"oved and seconded that the repor L bb acce p ted and t','-,e recorunendaLions carried ou ", -carried.- 1:o,7c� a,nt" :,econded that the matter of -proper ,rade on 'Third Avenue in front of Spencer Buildi.nE, be. left in hands of �t & li le;r commi L t e e a2d the Engineer with power to a.ct, -carried .- r I.:oved and neconcied tvat t': e corrar^unica tion, frorl t'-Le I4auro relatit,i ve to tk,.e revocation of le Palace Saloon license be recieved and -?l-aced on file and the recorame.nc'..ation,:, carried out, -carried .- Iuoved and seconded t'riat V i:s Council ;o on record from. Lhiz date to this effect, th-at 13,11y saloon caul h t sellin ; liquor out of hours or d allowing, gambling in thd±C dace of business have their license revoked, on file fil's 'W offense, -carriE:d,- Report of Purcha,sint; a6ent on rfia-;ter of ILiL,;Y:L1a.nci "d iLion waLer boYads,wishes Council to take act' on as to lei ali tv, of sarje Ikoved and seconded Llha.t this m..O Ler Le talcen u, by t,-e 'Trays & Yeans corr,miLtee and the Attorney for final a.ction, -carried. - Auoved arid seconded that ;,l.e Ways & Izea.ns comr:�ittee be i ins trusted. to €;e �, names of parties in recent .j0rin� brook condem- mttion cases , amount due Pach party and furnish written report of same to the Council.-carried lids recieved and read providinL. for lateral eetivers on certain streets as rrovid.ed by od!dinance , from Iriazey ?: Company. }Moved and secon;ie 1 that t ~',e bid be laf t over one week Cal-ried .- o(Q.0-AL 4 �Iie follotrinE bills were ordered by t "Le Finar:ce cornr� ittee, - r r Tie A Co E A Chae,;x r .G5 Priebe Bros IZ wood r �g.20.20 CoSema. tyle' ',,acomia Power COS, •94 Renton Lurnu-�r Co 17. 51 ta,rrir & CoclLran 1 .00 H -eermia,n 4 .75 P Dullahant 3 .00 0 K Livery , .5p Tai.D.0,torey - 11 .00 P Lassoie 15.00 'W Evari s 21 .8 7 T Meary �ti ti .12 a L Provin r 3.00 Geo Hancock :x.00 y Auld r �J .12 P �ullah�.nt z .00 A Jerni r Tony `frac ory 4 .50 ` There bein no ''urtlLer bu.iiaess a motion ,)reva.iled to adj ourn k k . W�c . C C C C C f r ReBF 219- City Council met in regular session M%vor Denj `iiclmor presidink;, _Doll call .Council-iman Duff,Ell iottsTIU tche11, Cake,Voo(i Hearl .I�onohon$Attzney,Engineer and Clerk beim; present . l;."inuets of the last re� ula.r session were read a.nd a,-gp_ roved a,r . Pd ,i tion from Ben Atkinson ane? Jas Nichols asking for transferal of Palace "aloon License rea d,Love(I aIle: r-econdled dial ve ,; ition be referee to t"-ke License commicLee .carried .- - C the re�;L,;lar business ha.vin�__ been sus-penCed the License comm ,. Lee re-porter, at once on said pe ti cion, as follotiss,reco-;amend that 0j.e license be transferecl to Atki:ison and. Nichols on cone;i ti ori i;hat theycomply with any reaSonalle alterations in t'.-Le buildinf. or sremises, ,dhich may be ordered by VieCit�T �%�uncil .1oven and seconded that the re-port of the committee be recieved and placed on f ile and t'Fie recortlr.-iendation carried out,_carried.- Iuloved and seconded that tree license be �rantedi after the necessary in--es t-igation has been male by the coi&mi t uee, c{a,rried.- Application for water from Jag I,tcDonald Lot-1 731k,4 Renton farm Plata, .tovecl all-, se conded#tizat the petition be grar. Lea. carried.- Loved and seconded that all I-All 0 KID by t1ie Oinance L;,)=ni �tee be -pa.i d, -carr:•ied#- J;ile Chief re-riorts that the equipment for North Ren'Lon is almost ready for use ,wanLs council to have house buil L to hol,:I same. oved and seconc.ed ''i t the repot L; b,s acce4) ;;ed ane" Lhat the purcliasin a P,iL be ins eructed to buy lumber and have said house buil ;,,-carried.- Corflmic ee of tl,e whole Ur,uncil to whom was refereci the a Lter of canva.sin6 the Primi;ary election returns report that; t Le re.Fort of the elec ,ion Board was correct with one exce} tion, P-W.IIoutier recieved 233, votes instead. of 228 .for office of City Attorney.'Loved aril seconrledz that V-i.e re port be recieved ane;. placed on file ,-carried .- The Finance comr,i ttee reports on matter of exam.ir.in books of Clerk and -lreacurer and found_ t' enl correct, -I,,�oved ane. secon;ier' Ll: it t'ie report be' a.ccep Led and placed on file,-carried.- �j nG 'Colnnli ttee ond�r�a.i'll d3iC"l1 ill North Penton ton •reports t;;:Lt , sarne has been com-aleted. LLOvPci Stull t7nnnv2 c2w +.1.._1 ___ _ f T,:oved and seconded t',raL t e mat Ler of fixing; bac. holes in `s Greets in Nor` Lh Renton be refered to t'ie SL & Alley committee IvitVi ;9ower to act, -ca.rried.- St & Alley corturi Ltee reports on sidewalk grade on 3rd "►venue and fell St,and recorimend tTicrt Ci Ly of Fenton hole official ;rade without any chain-e,�ove:3 andsecu -ded that the re-pori. of :he r corirr!iLLee be recieveci and. )olaced on file and the recommenda,tic)ns carried ou ,, -carried.- Ltorne,r reports that comTjr•ornise j u€'c.�eire nts ha.tre been filed 1' tt'--e follo(win ; cases, enc, aL;ainst �1ie defenda,iLs Lo-wit;Ilern.a.n TTelson and. wife ,Jan,es Nelson and vrife,rred Nelson a.nd wife, Ya.rtin TTelson and wife, G.A.Gourke ,I'.S .`. erne, judgement in t each case' beim; in t',.e surra of :"100 .00 with "10.00 court costs in ea& case .17oved and seconded that the re, rt of t'ie Attorne� c be acce-pted ari;i ,zl iced on file and a Warrant be dravin in fa.voe of U11 At;Lorney for t?re amount.-e qrried.- Purc'iasinL A�, ent re ports on matter of :)la n"e ter that wa`s used in IIiLhlan� Addi Lion , s,riid meter be in,, novt in Seattle in the repair shops of saic. Ci ty,a.lso rei;)ur,bs on gettin, rates ch-Irked us for viater in IIiLTil-a,ncl -'�Ldc.ition acljusted, T.ioveca ane, recon (led that elle report be a.ccep Led and mat Lel of me ter be turned f over to Agent to dis}oBe of as he sees fit,- carried , - a yealed A , ,orn.ey re-sorts that tlhe/condeimi-�j•'�:ion cases are no�v in t'.e hanc.s of t')e Supreme Court and will in his j udL;ement be c ecided in favor of Ip City,-!loved R-nd seconded that 'L ,e re, ar' "he accepted and. =1-aced on file ,-carr :ird .- Prod;r Lfir olvners as;< for cross in,_; at corn --r oil Six GIL an(' •r: Lorris St,-St Supt, ins tructe-I Lo put in sane under the supervision ti of t�l.e St,C+ Aller Ci02r>1;11 V VeP, ,- T:"oved and seconded t":-LaL ;;I;.e Clerk be instructed to notify N .P.1.1, Co to Pini.-h } uttin in crorsint, at 3rd , . BLkrnett St. clarr. ied .- C") rlrnunica-c on fror.l IT.C .GiijI .T"=ryor of SeaLtle ,relaLi.ve to a, Oat1:er iT1of all e lecLi.ve oi'_r'1(;lal--.� a CiI d -artmeni: ''].e=a:iS of C1 U—ies O.f t first se Coif. a.ii;: t'llyd CiasStole i e ci in "t%i is C0IAnC 7.i of t,,e Ci c of Sea.tL1,.:, 2Tov, lt> .�a19 1910 rEr 1;] ,T.Rovr , , f J a.nJ seconded tT?a.t ,':n sF].i e be reciE ved ar.d ylaceC d. oil f:: ie ,ane; tie �r'lerk RoBF 21 acknowledl,e rf,,ciep of s �r,;e .-carried.- 1TG`le('i a ,cl SECOTi i�'Cl. t'i'Y."i; ti �riiY1�,.YICe es �izi�ll .^rYiTl „''lF` ra ,e to be laid for Tnetered watf:r by -1 ,-,ifacturers in tl..e City of Renton , sar-,e leaving, beton read.,first time be refered to the Ordina.ncl, conLmittee ,-c�,.rriecl.- T oven a.Y;:l secoT2ded t':i 4L, Jae bids recieved from Company for tl.e lay-int o f. lateral se�rers on certain e tree ta; in the City of Renton,be rejected ,,and Vie certified cltecr.s, returnefl, - carr ied.- "ovedand" seconded -ha,t tlrus msi,,ter be takers ur by the Engineer Attorney and. the C t,& Alley corlmA ttee ,relative to the and laying of City building /said la.`,,clal# sewer:s . ca,rried.- ;iGved wild secon-,-Ie l t-LaL i'jc Ways �. Leans cori=i i,iiee sheet sewer z'ela'L,ive %Gfit"2 Y,nC i2a .iiE3/ Oro-pos i ion, -carT'1eL1.- shoved and seconded Lh? t the a sessulent roll for Nortel Ren Lon west DesL,wala-ler main be confirmed by t'.ie Cjunciltecarri.ed.- j"oved artd seconded ;hat t1le assessCiient roll for I'aC L ra.vellinv, be comf irmed by tx_e Gouncil.aca.rried.- MotTed and seconded 1a,t tie at, Lupi d iso se of stumps Laken out of sidei,aa.lk line on T,`ill Ct North, carried .- o-.-ed a, d seconded that t'ie Purchasi2-iV AL Yi v 11 t any nese-nary yup 'lies that rra,v be needed by t'4E Clark, -carried.- Honed a .c'; seconded 'hat the Purcllaoint,; A�;enc, Flet inecess- rais ink; of . a.ry cnraneetions _for/ ydran-ts are effected by the 1ayin of ioermanent sidewalk;, .c=i.rrj.e .- '211,.c follo!.,aini; bills were ordered ?maic. by the finance comim ee .- Jake i'°azey s. Co ?E .QG u a L t Grady 6.CIO 1'oTTI Olsen G AGO F Davis G .GO W ;gid Edmondson '" 60 Ed HuOies 6. CO U & L.E.Gurlev 1 .00 Ceattle Tacoma Power Co 11.59 'Jul Coutts 13 .00 Al Jdnni 6 .00 Tony Gregor;' 6 . 00 1.," illorne 13 .50 l.iere beirLL no fur`` to bus ness a notion {arevzilerl to a,,Ij ourn , Clem. 218 r c c ReBF 219 Renton,Tlo S, rl,/l City Council met in red alar ses rion TLs yor Der�j 'Ticknor PresidinJ,-Roll. calla Council man Duff,Elliott,h"Llorlohori,'Wood, Crake Mitahell,Attorney bngineer and Clerk being -present. iiinucts of the 12Mst rc��ular segsio,i were read and approv ,... e d.- Yoved. and seconded ttilat all 11ills O.ii. by t':'.e Finance corzni tree be pain .-carried.- ` RP , ort of St e4 Alley committee on condition of streets in ;.Jort',z Renton, recom-end that crossings be. filled with a9'-les , Loved and secondec( t�ia.t the re;oort of t'-:e committee acc? t ,d. a.nd t�.e recornendations be carried out,-uarrie:i .- Finance committee resorts on matter of securing funds to finance la.tera.l sew' er -nroi�os i ti on, corrnuni.c,a.ti on .frog, CiLizens hank statinV-.1-at tne-,r will furnish funds under Conditions implied in letter recieved by there from the Fina.n.r,e co.mnittPe,Tuoverl and seconded that t'ne Means Committee ha.lre one more "leek on .r tali"', r'3rtP.r,-Garr left. Pur chasill L A40ent re?oras on :Matter of gettin6; new by:Ara;lts , C-ild%vell Fro ' s Co g t-). p that their a,re getting in car- load of new hydrantg, a,nrl will ship as soon as they arrive, - chap rrive, - 'o ved anf`I soc,-)nd.ed that the report of the Pur, ii A�E�llt be recieveri a.nr'i *lace(I on f ile, -carried .- P:zrc!- a.sin_: Ar-en-t retorts on matter of renti,gCJ. light Woles to Seattle T:a,c,,)ma, Pourer Co, Compra.nwr villin; to rent sam, �, , T. oirf�d anti seconded that the Parc'r.a.ginL� A ;ent be im5w,,iered to ma -e arran.�;Pmentg for ren'ting roles to Co -so ?e uitrpn aur tlori ty to set four new doles .-Carrie l•- 1 a�ror 1'icKnor ano Councils-ri-tn `-7d6d renori; bei.n;- at mpeti.n: of executive Ineai.s of Cities herd in Seattle , Resolution pro-ridin::.- for a. lateral sewer between bird v�,3 iyvanue anci Fourth Avenue /read ..forst time and refered -to Ordi.na-rice Cl)!n^:1 t gee Resolution nrovidin.- for later-al sewer between 'L'hirl l irenue '-snit FourLh Avenue ead and refered to the 'Jrdinance commirte Resalution nrovidin for lateral sewer be twoen ihkird ave- ,ind Fourth Avenue on "illiams St.reraA and refered to V',e orclina.nce commi-ttee .- 220 1 e.,olution -r�rovidin- that t''Le Oi ty )roceeci. to cons traC t laLera.l sewers as sE t forth andl described in Ordinances Tto-2118 224-:'25 , incie ieneiernt of contrac i, in t e manner -nrovided by lair e - read ,Tvloveci and seconded that t'.e Resolution be adopted, as read.- carried .- Opinion of City Attorney on lewa,l riLh % of C- t f to construct certain lateral sewers independe it oc contract, :submiti,ed ,T,owed an:I --econded that t` e ierne be recie7red and _ l;tced on, f ile , -carriee,.- '"Dater Ordinance definin.-- rates for TvTanufacture### came u-: for final rea.dinC, -7,1oved an, seconded, t.-Lat said crd.inance be laid o-TTer one week to be revised.-carried..- ?rove i and seconded that L,,-Le Attorney insert a. vacancy clause in water :ordiw= Ytoe if ,tra,cticable , ctrr. ied .- i -�-oved by councilman Tri uchell seconded by councilrr,ar, Luff, , .at Attorney be, a.urt'norized to insert in water ordinance tlat all meter consumers pay `'ea,ttle r:..tes , all o t'Per consumers a flat raluk, of Fifty (59; cents -,er •ionth.,.,Totion 1.os t. F.G.S)r,it;iers makes corgi,>l mint to Caunci] red arc'.in Burn-pin ; of r. arb,�L.-e on -nro-perty,boorn .for hol:ii n;� [;arbaVe in brad shape , s ta.tes that, r arba� e has been r'.um aed on -)r ivate -mrover ty. T,ioved -anti t( a.t this matter be refered to committee to be .attended to as soon as the water rece,ies .carried.. Councilman 7,Titchell makes regae,st of Council that he be allowed to inves i;;ate a cert.-tin Srrint; of water adjacent to the City relative to ttite amouii of rower V-ia.t could be secured from s>3,ne for power for ligh-L sys tern, re;? ani seconded --,a t the yt. ineer take u,(4 -mattar with Council-nan TTi tchell, carried.- T.Tove{i and recon:ed �:r,at the Purchasi:i_; ti� pnt in con;un- c tion with Fire C LiL;ht Committee take up :Halter relative to 1 ; l ..ciriu liLiit at cornar of iixth Avenue and Cedar SL.-carried.- RcBF 221 Tylk following bills were orklcred ,,)njA# by t'�-,e Fina,-,ce commi ,tee , - P.d*110aser for a.;ymaxit of court; costs is TTeIson Conclrf cas es 060.00 Tim OLeary labor 1 .175 Free; Oder :Heals for prisoners lb .00 F A41(i 7 abor 1c. .N5 J H Joules nAj a - 'Teo �Lnro c,,. 1C .2;; P Lapsoie " 8 .25 r 'yin Lind�,ren g.3� N1 Je nni 4 .50 Tony Vreq;ory 1Q .50 MAX 'horde, 151.00 i'Y<t ,kin Evans bor 15 c,3 Denny Penton Coad Co 127.00 J 0 a:rl o,ar I-0.00 PIP nton 'Jne'.c7.y Yews printing 13.55 b-:,]_lo is 99 .70' ' r mere bein.� no Pat 'U'ie 7 business a motion rre-railed to �.�?� yarn,-ca�•ri�d.- Clerk . .r. 222 Re n to n,Nov, 2`; 'j,,,/10 Ci Ly Council me to in reg:; .A1 ar ^essioh 1,Tayor u(-!r7j ' icknor -or esidin,� , -Toll call.-Counci 1-man ')uff,E11i.o tt, od,rIle arl ,KL J:or. ney Engineer beim present,Moved and seconc-ed. t'.'7at Clerk Ticknor beim;; argent t'na.t Attorney Rouser act -is Clerk Pro- Lem, Carried,- T1linuets of tete last re�7-;ula.r session were read and. ayppro- 'red. Applications for Bracer from t',?e folloi-vin, degeribed properLy read.Horth east half of the East Half of Acre 14 ,J .111 riui4'V orr ier,I o,rcd and seconded. Liiat t',e saa,ie 'he S ranted. , -carried Lot-S Tlock-8 Ren uon Farl',i DlaLt. Jos Lenz Owner ,?,Aoved an(I-; seconded tI"lat .:7e cr an Le,(:, carried.- ,got-9-Block-2-Renton arm Pla.tt,'"Tilson Fr. 1Larlo�^r A�enLs moved a0d seconde,, Mat same beranted, carried .- Lot 9 Block-13 Platt 2 Chas Perwock o-.°rner,T"oved and secon;ied that s.u .e be �rar,ted , carried .- Lo1v 2-dock-7 Car Works Add-Frar1C Olson, owner, '.Tolred, an:I seconded t�,tat 9. Rne be r-ranted ,-carr. ied Lot 9-10 Plock 24,J.Cb.a;9.r an o..aner,Mo`re,i and ^econ.ded name be granted., -ca,rried, - 30-d.a,y;; Petition from TT°azey R Co,for a.i. extension of/time in •.rohich to corn-ple to tarn Nor t, Sout:t '2ru;;k seivers, read.1love I andi S seconded. what anis matter be refered. to the City En6inet�r, carried.- Report of Councilman Wood. on washout on Willia.-rs St, ,Lear ap;)i oacli. ro 7Rrid4;p , Y:oved and seconded that the St, SuPt,be instructed to rerair sane under su,!ervision of -she St,7,& Alle,,r co mmittee, ca.rrit�d.- Renort of Finance co ..miLtee ,1'ovec? and ^e con:je thrt all bills O.K'D by tr.e �in-.nce committee be jjaid , -carried .- Rern,a,rDs by councilm•r.n 'Ti tctii.ell on Cit r not, -)ayin- for gf'avellin`; �')t intersections ,,Molre.t'1 anJ seconded �haL ?Ti LcClell re-port on cost of game and that Citir refund same carried, -, 11'Lo,,re(l rind seconded that tele 'Jays & ltieans Corami L Lee to e u -gtter of f ina.nci nL� of sevrer job with the City At torney, carried. Re-wort of our&,—is in L.; a.,_�:en L on li-h i, pct s,14oSTed �r:l >econ. ie� that 'u'-e re .ort be acre ated and. �1a.ced or, file, -carried .- ReBF 223 P,eror to of 7n:-IJ neer on 7"as t 31.1 q t-Nor th Re r ton water m, its sl-iowinc final estimate ,ar-id costYoved ar! seconded. thlat Lhe s,--ime be ref ered to the proper co?limi i tee. -Carried..- Moved and P. eco ndeck$ i'l.a-'V- t%e c )n Lrac t and work IV a c c e-,n t P(I on s a i(I F ,as ,6 Dia— t IFITorth Renton water main,and t,,,at tie Clerk be insLructr-d to sY,)read- a9sess.-Ment for saine .-crtrried .- Moved and seconde& tCiat all odrinances be laid over one week. carried.- ilie City Coaniil appoil- cPd the -Polloxin, man to act as Ci"r L., officers for the general election to be held Deca6th# 1910 Thos Olson, Ins-rec tor,Frank Dam s Jude,Iia lit Gra(-'Lv, JudZe , Ido-ed and seconded there bein--.- no objedtir)nx, tha-l'.- tl-ie Cedar River Commerci.al election 'ce field in Cit - Hall. carried, PW "Houser w,irr.-ant for 0 00 Tim OLe 1 . ....... N X. *4-U meals served t-) �risoners 1 00 T Aul( Labor 1 25 I T J n labor Now 5 e 1LO'.a�a �7 e jr" 1A 11�� , r e i1 ..�" Tie 1 11" Co varix '7 'H f)enton Coal n 71 Is -k Ai A r 'T-i 0 A �0 -;etekly Ne A"- `.L%c,r(- "hein� no farther business a notion -P-ei--iiled to adj o urn Cle rk Bills ordereO. pair'. by Vne coni--itu-e Lovnran ec 11an-rorld 41- 75 3orham Rubber Co 295 .10 Mai Ka n e 5.55 18 .2't� Dullah'ant 74 .72 hexa i;o ri 141 e wq 224 t RcBF Ren ton.Dec a 6th"/10 Ci .yCouncil ret in re )-I ar sesrion !I,' yor Beni Tic]c-aor r1oll Cal.1 Uounciliria-r. .earl At t r)r ne yE nC-1 n e e r ar, C� o.rit'. be i ny -r e s en `inue Los of T' t-e 1 :1s L -o, P,e s s ir)-- e,we 0'1,1 Rr; I " -approved .. U- -Por water -P,-Ir Tract 19 re -v - ,,nt ed ca-ried.- A-r?-rlica`uion from R R Ya,ut-', 210-21, ?dock 7) rc-i "lo-r,(11 s e,-�o 11-1 P,,l tu�P, P SP-,ie be gr an Le d car ri e.cl A— licEktiori for w-3.,,or from Wilson & Marl o-w for PaCiclen and seconded t� .e saw, be 1!-ranted , carriell �,r .re gid,I% veJ a T �aAO-ve tadL veconcled all I,ills 0 K by the Firia-ce coo-rifLee be -paid , -cirried.- 3 At ley committee re)oras V:--,at Willi-uxr-q- SL hag been 07red 9xid secon(le(L L'-ri!-,u V-P re.,,-,riu- be acepp. tecl,-car r i eI T r 7," r 9 CFC i:E'%3riS 9 e c.-)nd eci -i e r e Of t", cjIi " 4ee ()-il 01,.' inalxe reL;Lkll Gin salaries for next yoq,r C�e L carr i e e; rl,.I(-e(I on f ilea er of renting li.,"'It I'Le-or L of Purchasin&, Aegytt on J. k A. -poles to Pov.rer Co .1i'lol? seconleO! .1-1 t, ri.r,-, r-l-cc(i on filf: -carried.- a lijit, is neeue(l a-L also ore aL cornor of "iL,u Su. Beacon TTi11- Av,?-,-iup . -,n ju e A T) L�f Iiven no-rer to inst=ill s zre -carried, Fire cqjor ro�;cjr Ls t'ie thp new hQge car ; s :rorx TI-Tor tit beer ire, I,-ailea. sccon,ieO G' R- file A-u Corney noLify PDFi;,I,1 Tell.- Co vrl file a wri GLert v-jzce of permi Iu- granted. Sai(I Co by -t".,- C-1 Cornfrac 'L, froom t',e Ci LizenG to -f' i c i e r R 1 newer. r e,t el A I"Lo (i an cl. seconflewx,76 accel,u t,-(, coin tracLo* r 'N AT ,"Zeia u -nA�; ornv-ere'2rt bad con6ition op sifevr,lk in frOnL of 0 1�,,o e 1 laun-I.r C-ikc rel or L rs 'ha,6 cont u i on o P f #,� crof,,sin�. '-I-L '21-drrl " ?):1 Wil3iarrs 5t.SL Sx- 'u- r,.3.6-�r C, to have same 'rixed Clerks reort for ae of T.ro read,I.TovP i and 226 n,I-!co,it'e4 tl­iL it'he P.-ire 'he. recir,17P(I. q-,!,I placed on f ale -Carried.- ineer re- r E*9 e 1', L " DY-1 1 -ion o f t`ke "or t1n ..,orLs Clon fle ;7 i 'Q - I 4 5371l S-)u,Lh. Tr"nk 4ewera rgla, Li7re to an extension of time for 1), con tr-a c Lor s . Yo,Tred seconded tlni�.-L the contractors be granLed. an - e.,,,. L e n s i o n of time until V!e PrL(I Of t7 e i year.i-carrieek.- I Communic a,tic)n from P T R1 I io ut askin6 0 rea;--! . i-oved —uvid necondoeL tlrat t',:- sarrp be refered to tl,,e Clair,,r- C-ommunication front Sea 'L.Lle Tacorma. Power Co F31-oUL, s,--,.nd washin,..,- down around S;kb-S toa Lion, !.' -rerll Fecoricied. ALorney ,aritte to the City of Seattle officials, about, P e t`,0 1,A LLI i()1-1 eniora.lizir. the ca s L i rk:, :of t1i e f ir se# wo mv an s voLe .rcad .!,-oved seconded t'!ia-t Sectiort l be as read. carried e., a(1, recon,cel Ur1 t Sec- e ,op L e a sk *read .- c,arri ed .- Eloved seconded th,,; L lif!F!OlUtiOrt ti)e a(10­ Led as a -:711-kole ap, read.-cartioi-I._ Resolution r, ol-idin,,: for t1ri.e. layin,, of a sideivalk on he riorLsi side of Fift]- A-urel, ut­ : orLh fron, Past line: of I,oL 1 Block 1�; to 1�res j line of loLil 1 Block 13 .koired qncl seconded the sa,rrje 'te refcred to t'-,-Ie Ordinance Orcin me esLaTI-liqhiY', _ r,-ILeS to he paid by, facuories an others for rn-etere(" viri.I.-er came ul-., for vass%eglf,'oved reconr, that tl,.P sgric be rofered to Ordinance corr-miLtee to I-,e reTi6ed.-carried.- Resolu LJ-ory-ro­i fo-,, 3at-ral sewer beLevmn Thira Ave- a-rid 4-LI1 A,rcnue,-v,,rts7,ecI§#V0,4f to finn.1 -,*. Rssai;e . A -701-POL Fund secon'ed- S e c 'u-i on I-e a,ao-­ Lee( as rcad, Yo,reri --.nC� -econderl L,)9 tu Sec-o`-,I-be arlor. ted as rea0l,_ carrie-,.- S e c-.1) be adopLex as read .- I ved arid secondedt, liovei and seconder:. Vie FLesoluLion I�be q.ciopued as a --hole as reael.-carrie-,I.- RcBF 227 A Pep olu ti -)n Y "ro-vi,-,i.,-j- for a lateral sewer be Lween 3rd, a,re and. 4th aveg On Well at 1jaeged to final readi-ni. as reazr3i,- 3. oved and --econded that sec Lion 1-be 0- ce, c a r r-i And qecon�lecli tl-at see-2-be a,�oqLe6. as re, e Vc, secone-ed -t',ia4 9, ec-�-Ibe as reael- cnrried .- "o red ar.-I secon&,,d t,-tai the Resolutuiol, '!^�e as ole as reaC) .-cRrriPd-- Resolution No-C2 A f o r -a lateral on ulil11amS St.-be-Lween M-1ird h Fourt Ave nue ,Fassed to final rea(iJnL 1'01reci an -,econcled Lr.,,t,6 Sec-1 be aO.or.Led rm'-, re-aU.- Carried i�ro��ed and secon,,'ed that ec-2-be adopLeCx a carr i ed .- and secorirlle0l- Sec,'-'he ado-,,ted, as read ,- carr. ied-.- ,oved and recon ed. -ghat the 1'dqol-utjion be as 11 ,mijole as reae, .-carried.- Co —ricutee havirif re �-.,,)r �ed 01.1 611,e me'�er rate -ordinance C.� - I same was passed 'by sec Lions, - J.rLov�:,O, qn6 seconded that Sec-1 be a 0,o e c! a:, r e Za(I . c,u Y ie d. Molred ar,d secondecl thaw Sec-21-be ado; ted u-, real . carr ie:i 16�o7;,ed. art(! seconrled t1-=it Sec-3be adopted as read. Carried ljo,recl anti secon.-Ted the ordinance be acloptuek. a-, a whole as read, -carried.- sec1r.6ed L,11a6 t'he rurela -. sinaCent JVUL in necesqary -poles to connecil, up the Cravel 'Pit O'n Black riveralso see al,,ouL gettim- balance of street dedicated to tine City-carried 228 .T,e,d i:7 firancc The folio sink bills were or�lr' cammittre ,Toe —alary 5 .00 65 .00 A k no r 75 .00 P W 1-lo us e r 20 .00 R Y''�.orburn 20.00 Dr bixon 100.00 C 0 Tireto70 .00 J Si;ewart W. 30 .00 I ni"'o nk i z i Dullahant arbr)--p 44 .45 6.00 Pie ;toi iel Ca 7 .40 ) Renton Lumber Co 8?9.51 .00 R Bans ti tie L' D S-torey Al Je nr i .50 ,' Tony Greiory 19 .50 J!.. 27 .00 ,a x Tr. hone E Auld. 16 .25 Geo JT�rLoo 15 .00 I., C 15 .-00 P La s 2,o i e 14 .37 Leary F Dais i s 1 .252. 1-10 J Ti jor'er r ter, 111r,a yr - Rentua 'll1.wd Co 12.16 0 u EVrpry 6 .30 P r i e " ros be There no fur 'Q-Ler busi'.rw.r" mo pion to Clerk RpBF 0229 Re n6on 3 De co 1,7 1 Lh 1/10 Ci Ly Council me o in re, alar cession Mayo r Benj Ticknor T 'a pre S i dlin��, -Poll call -Councilman Duff EIIioL '6, Cake , i d 7e, r 1 En,-ineer Attorney an6. Clerl. beinL: rresent. "o n 6 h.o-n t,c'j), I - !"ince,is of t<-,e last red-ulix sespion were reat'k and approved Wilson & Yarlow for Lot A-p-lication for water from( WilL-; Block 8 C.ar Add-r'e-id.-TATove 4 d armd seconded that same be -ran- ted, -carried.- W, it Ap,-41icalu- ion for water for Lo'' :& 'Rlock-*i from J Schomolo Car 71orkp, Add-re-id.Iolred a­nc, seconcle'd 'U',,,.,-it same be -ranted ._ cqrried.- I�Toved ar.6 seconded all bills 0 K by t­,o. Finance be -aaid, _carried._ UV -)r rela�J 7-e to SL �- Alley commi tee files wriLten report I `condLracuion by 't,-.e Clvr of Renton of cer Lain lateral sewers A .yrovided for in Ordinances and secondiee.. that the rej:-()rt be accepted. and placed on file and tre recomnenda Lions carrie" out.-carried.- OL � Alle- commitL0e recommends trat t';e 'hox drain in front of Sartori Scti:,r)rd be fixed .YoveO a. ;d seconded thalu t;-w S)L. -0 L,bc I nstructeC, to have same fixed, -0,12-ried.- IJ-qtter of haulino ashes for cr,)sr.in.-,;.9 in Nort.l Ren Lon L from prickvard. rliiscussel I.Toved, and seconCteeL that ",,t & Allev committee be FJien- one more week on this riaLger, _cRrripd .- I�o-,retl q.r-,,,' sewn( el -U'-,aL t ).e Claims comriL%ee be giver: one more ­eplk on claim of i F. Rlliott.carriell .- Purcha.gin,- a, ent reyorts Y,avirit; sett five new poles on Tdbill Ave nue, also wirer on stare ,.-r.-ade arran,�;emcnts with Power Co for rent of said doles for two years a,L a rental of S,2.00 -per J -0,)' Cif Sarro, is Sq. TiefaCor .r to Council .alFo seen -mar. Lies relative to ded.ication of t1itte Trdance of 'jobin Aire n ao , Roved and seconded LhaL Line Purchaqirji_- A ,n L be iTrJPOwereJ to het c011Lract SiLned Up with Sea ttle Ttc om- or refit of -ole-S . carri-(-I M"i 'tchell recommends that Arc lights be radseel So as to dive better -Purchasinr- fijen'� reporter on ole' rcLer, sn-me can be repair ed for 25 .00 or Tllir ,'?- (4oll.ars . r)O ,:a-uer of electric pump o,qnee, by Citwr C,xnje Ulz, for e ane;. P�econled- t -Lat tltA e parc. asini. R-en, to ,167Tertize �orl of rump, -warried ,- Coi,-itiu-ee re—,ri4-s on havin. canva-sed re 'Larn5 of the election furnished by the Election Board ,for election he I6 Dee ei' an(I seconcled ti"tat thp re-vort an(l found carne correcL, 'L q ITO be accepted and placed on f Ordinance proiridin., for sal-arips for year 1911 cvric up for firs Iv readirC-,T.I'oved atic, seconded t1na-6 Tie same be refered .o the Ordinance coryiniLtee, -carried .- Ee,-,olULion -roviklin.. for sidervra,3A or. Fifil-, avenue Nor-Uh, eacne up for final readin-,1:1oved and seconcled that Sarr-e be laid o�rer one week.-carried .- 'IIlii folloxinc- bills were orclered raiCi by t.7e. Counc-43. Tonkin TjjL,L%,land Ada-for watl-r aejusted rate ,Oct Nov Dec, 8:x, 65 U Ti U Lusk at Srrin,,I)rook 10, .00 I l e,n L )n T.1 r u,,, S tore .20 Flee Lion �oarex City ellection 27 .00 Harford 8: D-L,-,,ckivell measurini: water. in cIra.in d,i !.-c-I-, at Denny Renton Clay 6 Coal Co ti H.rain -*ipe 155.00 ,Y (� P 1.1, 'dilsoll cemeht F. sand 101.00 Priebe Pros combinn,Lion Hose &, 1,-L('.-Ier waEon Fire Dep t, 325 .00 Spattle Tacona Power Co licl-.tq, -'LTov 92.10 l,etE,.r Dallahant. h Tulin Eravel C).50 There be ib L: no fur L-Iier bus in'te-,t a motion rreva,iled to a�-Ilj ourn, - Clerk . RpBF PerLor)OD- ec 20th.,/lo Citv Council net ih rer-ALr st-s-ion ayor Bc rj Tic'mor prep,j d in,_-, -Roll. call.-Councilman Duff Elliot _"Tood ,Tfitchell - n-,ineer Attorney ag, r and. Clerk beinresenIL'i 1, onohori,TlTearlI Lince is o f ti,,e 1-as L rec-, uln r session were rp.-,id and aoprove.(i OL Alley com-miutee re-parts that the ashes for crossin- i-s in North Fenton are beini_- 'haulpd , and Viat worlr vrill be firi&,hed in a. few da-,,rW.Lloved Ind. selonded tnat the r�-,qort be accepted and placea on file, -carried..- New contract for will the Seattle Tacoma Power Co, d.iscussed,lloved anrl neconder. t!Fiat 'uap ronLract be refered to the Fire & Light S1, ?4 Alley OU ^cuFsed t'L-Lp matter of rernol,in ­ Arc lishl. at i e r of r ,ane 7? J.e r.9 S t.q n Of rea c i Y: s-t m e with 7) c- TjLo,!ed and seconded L,!)at Arc liO.-i"Co be re-moved and 79-c-p-lan- ps be installed about the City Vnere q:-,.r-,e Ivill (1c) tier T'ost 600d,-carried.- Now "'j 077'(- t� -(I RI;C'. seconded ti,,at the matter of adjusLing tl-e claim of J R Alliott for clama�es be ref-red to Claims commitLe attorney Mouser a-i<d Jacob 11a"zey to seLL-.le same if -posQjb1e ,-cn.rrded IvL'oired and secon(ILed all bills 0 K by t-,e finance corvz-it ,,ee be -aid,-Carrie' and seconded that, all bills of Ren con Weekly Nevils not 0 ,I' d by tllric Finance cormnittee be turnpd- ,over to V-te Cit"y" Attorney and. no money allowed on sane only uneer, conditions of contract be tweed •gaid -a-.ver. ru-,C.. V-1e Cit,v of4Pe­1tor, -carried.- Attorney I ouger reror*Qv, on -iattpr o'L services of Robt Drid�es in Sj­ri%brook conder-n�i.tion cases , ancd recomm%rOte that he be nai' for samO ,_1,,'Q­ed and secondeC, that the report of t c Atto- rney be acce-- ted and recommendations, c-arriecl out,-carrJ.e,_1L Conmuriic-,tion from Postal C q 1- e Ig u r,"-Y)71 1 -, C 0 ri. ten to Attorney Houser referi% to matter of saidCo filing written acceiA., Lance of rermi 'l. orl-ranted them by Citv of Fen ton, -1.1-L"Oved and. , seconded that 6-1,kc same be recieved. aj-xI --:1acpd1 an file , -carried.- ComnunicaLion from L Frank 'Brown asking Council t,.-) allow j ,UB 'bill for X500.00 read.-T.Loved an a. tlnr-i,�, garrie be recipved I I .L Lee ,ind refereC, to t'>-,e Finance cornmi _carried .- �r3 seconded 1'_iC Clerks re-sort s Lakin( t':La,t i1e i;acirecipireci no _,rote9ts a,, a.ins t lateral sewers as -or ovided in i.ecol�ition No , 6o-61-62-Abe reci-:ved and pl=aced on file, -vaxried. - o-232 Ordinance ^roe,*ic..ii;z; for lateral sewer be ce"W#- 3rd and 4th avenue on iilliall s St rca,d. firs 'Ll tin c anti. refernd to- Lhe Ord innncc cnrnrrittoe, - Ordinance No 233, roirid.i.ng for lateral sewer between 3rd and 4ti2 A,renue, o,t Well 6L read first time a.nei refered to Lae Ordinance coi,^rnittee, Ordinance No-234,1-r. ovidinv for 1at4ra.l sewer betvreen 7rd an,I A1t11 A-enue on T!a,i.r St ?rear'; fi.i'at timand. trefered to t-"rP Ordinance coiTimit11,ee,,- Ordinance N0231 .fi_xinL s--ija,ries for officf�rs F.or yeas 1911 passed to f ina,l reading , L'oved. and seconded tltai; SecVion-1-be a; o Led as read carried . jZoved and secondedLhat See-2-beado >tpd a..-p readl - CarriEd.- .Moved, and se, (;on(ied ; t}h t C,ec-,3-T)e a.c„optecl as re-ad, - Iv owed arcO, seconded that t':e Ordinance be nAoI)ted as R. `7.ole as read .-carried.- - Resolution pro-Kridinr; for t',)e !. vine of 7rd Avenue c;�.-e for final readingZ.- -,"o-17-Or. aria ge.nendei t.1nat s.ji , �ieS0lUt1.0Yi be laid O�rer tv!o weeks, -carrlk dv4 CGrnent sidevialk Ordinance came of f,,r f .Y1a1 seconded t'-Rt sarmr be refered to tree St A Alley, torr+ �;i �lee ,-cars. ied . Council 4+e rt into Execa c i.ve sessi;)n,,- he following; bills were ordered paid by tie Coancil .- Lo�:na.n & Hanford Jaar,ice Docket 4 .00 R Bans „ane labor on A hone houses 24 .75 -1'T, iel Parks 5-40-f c-;poles a? 6 c cn f t • 12.00 C F jIearl au'-Ii Linc; books last guar Ler ^4 days 7 .50 R s' Duff '+ n n n n 7 .50 lm Kanelabor 'c a ter- ial on rmle line 27 .50 ,_k Jenni ” on North & South- Trunk Sexier 27 .00 ion; Gra�;ory 1 �bor as Insnector S-sewer 33.00 T,Tax36.G0 Tin 0 Leary labor on S t & pipes +'+:) akin Ev ,nS " 1'. .75 �� P Lassoie " " 11 .259 ..06 Geo jl nc,D ck '+ -. - �+ 1.'...171 ReBF 233. E A-ald 1,- (:,or on s 4re.e is A, %`Im Lindgren ln'bor on' ch ?.50 C g 11earl 1 d.-iy on fire house 3 .00 Robt. Bric? eq services in S-prin�;brook Concin-i C:j,ses 100.00 ! ! t t t -ere rein,, no �' �rther bu-iress a. lotion -re-railed to ! t a,cl.j ourn, Clerk, i ! e t ` t t ! ` t 234 Ren Lon,Dec, 2 y th./Jo '1 4 Citr Council met in rej�alqr F!esqj.on 717a.,.,d.r Pen, C;' '_o r call .- Councils-rar Duf'A $E-I.j i 0t U TT. 71- �moron, i.-ineer Attorne, and Clerk Dein , -p r e s e r i L, nue is of '-'-Le las L re .l Lr session were rewes vil all F,- ru-ved OL Ailey commitLee asks for more tine on cpxent ,ide,ralk ordinance, -Gare Ailey coy--iT.-iLtee recommend fna'Lo a proper crossinC,, be : bu-il 'L-, on 4illicans SI.- crossing; FourL-:,-L 1"I-venue also one on Walla Valla. Avenue crossin. Williams SL.Iloved Ftnf secoi-,L(IcO that the re ,ort lracceped anC, the recommendations carried out,-carried,- St P7 "Iley coymnitLee also rcco----enOI that k, 'he put on street to fill certin holds 1h,c tr e e r, 3rd ^irenuc R-nOL alley below 8'-Ia 'LUC' St. S..--!J�w e 1)e in-- i r.. i t 2L o n 7 e c D e L 3 t,h e r A or t p -,,c c e e,01, a,-i t e r e c-1 m r a n -a on!-4 e.d ou t c 7 0 K t P,e a i c i z,r Fire' 77%t c r c o-uri i I.-t e P, r� o r t 9 C r y s r i - c line in bart slia,,e sec '.- ion of -same teen wasl-ser o-ut bla y ali s, ;oi7e,3- iii, Seco-ole.,! Iic 77 +e i i U Lc eb auLllorixed to ',iaire said line re-,pairet;, -cqxriec .- Claims comwait tee rej3orts on of clairf, of T-, 17 kliott, lToved aiir! seconded that the re }ort be accc-ppf.i and, rlaced Claims committee repc)rcs on clai- of L Fr,-tr,,.k Bro�rrn llo,,�cd art(" secon4,ed that Ifae report be acceptedt placeii on file,- Li-111,h6 (,ozir:Ut-Loee submits new contract for City of Rbratulon from Se,a-'L; Llo Taco-f-ia Power Co for next 'IM-,ree 7,re-ars an� secon.-Iei that City of Renton accept s-.idi contrast ant=-,,aL Pur c'riaRin,- A re( -r a-.)p,r I y, -c arr i e6 ',loved an-1 s echo ncle d ...'iat the P 3 E RITZ Co be no tu if i ed tby City ALLurney to live uls to Fra-loliise rciaLire to keepir. 11�-h ts Id V I - - Q. 1 1)LI 2.1 i'l il I.W on Main SL carried, Co:ru �ur.ica ;ion frog; Mala,?ie r t.-,at s Lora-e room Occupied 'Iby Ci+ty is j ReBF x:35 !.,loved -v,-id secDnded t�ie purchasin %,er) t have ?pum p s ii-yp e d out Ren �on,_Carried.- A,Ioire( arv.1 se cc) e& tlri at V p,n! AS it', - R-en';. ;e ored t ,a back of City Hall for a IOP ;palace Lo bay. jmaLer , 1 for buil,.,Rin, S' and . ace to stare puqp, -c;:�rrieeL.- Cou icilman _,M'it--­Lell repu r is i n7c, 3 a e, s f fine bo"'IZ., of watw�ir for power -purposes,. t At I-or-,eir re:,)ortr, final ter.,min-ation of Sx.)rin�;brook condermation -cases .-I'o-ired ane, ceco-t-ieed that- the re­rrorlk; be accepL,-,A- carrie,lk._ E, n,,,ineer rei.,ortm run - over SprinCbrook -ine 14 -iie , =j1-so , d '­' - � re o r t of water lc�,e r r jio eA. , 'I d "7econde ,a�_ re of 4. the and 16-1hp waiver expert be recie,red. anrl y31aGE4i )Ti file car r i e Corrmunica. tion fron R 11 Thomson -re,: ieve;l -uiid read, _7oued 11(i seconcle,i Llia., sa ie be recieved a-ld -1-i.ce(I On f ile,-carried.- Reool-uGion I10_6?,-A -ro�ri6J* ii. : fn r t"LCI A J_ .- I . 11M.Prove)-ricin u by qidew a a V '- k Df of I-ie north .9 id,e of F i f'VhL Mr e n a e ` ort':,,- p as s e d to firi'al readin an", secon(led tYt, Section The a,'op Led as read carriedt - Yoved and �ieconded O'l."I t Sec-2-be tdo-qtea ,is reaO ,'_carried Ilolrel cvid- ^e conded t'iLf� the Resolution be a as rear-,-carrid.- ITb-2'�2 Ordlnance mrovirlin .: for lalw-(�ra,l sever on Willia� St between 3rd Avemue tlr) f n d e(I t h a L3ec-l-be Rs rearl. -c-arried.- meco t S YoirerL -t i d seconlied that Sea-2-be adopted -m� rearl, -carrieeL.- Sec-7be adomterl as, read, -cari-icel F_o 17-cl a'ri d s e c o nd e d �ut Uo a:i(i s e c o n-i e c' t:!;.a;��- Sec-d-'I)e as read, -carrierl.- K2 Lo 1 r e d ancl -,e c o nd e d ia t Sec-5-be a o atecl. -1 red'. -ca-ried .- , Laoed atn d s e c o ride d Jria,'- See-6-be ado-4Led a F, read, -carried.- 0 -Carrie"?'_ ..-a ire d and s e c onAed that aciopted as read., IoveA anr' sec 'IC Z)_ i nance be add op Leas a 1-_ole as , �jt ic Ord reac',.-carried.- "o ')33 -Lj'. Ordinance -proviiin­ for a 'Iatteral sevier on Wells St be Ve en- rd & Aj;r-, Avemje sassed to fimal Lo7reil al-id seconded "',-"u Sec-l-be a1101 ted as reaA carr:Ip d., 230 'ozred and seconded that Sec-2-be as retic:, -carried.- -.gra :Tcd afsd seconded .•�ja,- S(-F .-3-be VLoyd-Le.ci as rcae,,-Ca--ricd .- ( �.,i^+. recons e e-�-ti,P ado-te, as read, -ccirried.- arsc. secOnrIe. L'''it pec-5-be '.do te' al' read, -^arried .- :��r@:% nd secon d T ed t'ia Jec-6-be ap ted ad re aii, -carried.- arcl. secDnded.. ti,a. . Sec-7-be c3 0-n'L, 31 read,=c rried.- an :l sec prided th�.t the Ordinance be �:' .��ted as a ��.alc as read, -Carr1cP,.- 1JQ-234 . OrC�iimarC(' xro-riL it„n far a 1..� ter . sewer o11 1T31t1 'J v "be t.veen ��',_ r; r. ;',_ A,re ::ue , - a.gSCI 6 t0 final teas', in , - ?,'Q'refl av,;rl necontled. tl.”- See-1-be akXO ^ t:''. ad reu.C�.., -c'3]'2'i:' .- f is°O'r�3C1 att;' ,eG0:1d(`t' t':-'l,t Sec-2-die :idconte': ,as read, -carricd.- M , 4 S , t - + r' r ' tiY1CL seGOniled �..�f`i.V vec�-3bE, :3,dai� �e � as E;'3."�., •- a-reiri . 9ec �'ii t'.'�% Sec-4-be ad'--) ?ted as rca,�.,-ca,rried.- i oTr ,,,d ay,, ' hecor,;le U':.= t Ser,-5be ado .,to(I as read, -Carried .- i',701Ted a-td s ec0ndcd it Sec-5be ado,ted as read, -ca,rricd.- ,--e;, aniseconded t ia.t Sec-7-be a6opted a, rac?-Carrie <i.- 7,. ' , + .',a+ tl-�-,; 0r:.lin�a"r:ry be a0,o ,te? a. a 1fi. ole as a;_O�rt''t, aiid see CtJ 11�.Lt�C� ,,�. ,. t reak-Ij -carried.- ; t •A;, O :'fl['y rE?1)orts that contr'-tc Lor ' ile�T r"; Co prefer to ;va"r claire of P, J Elliott %;ioveCi t,,,E• ..repo-rt be tP;l and they re allowed to -y s e.-car.ried.- 1:larE?fl a(".r». sPC >f1 A'. t't;��t t 7F' C..lr,r'' lie ins '.0 uc ted to cancel Tar -ran9, of the late Hea,l �h Officer DrI Beat^zt.0# #.- write a lett'�r va r r U "i t':ers Pate.-!.in; Grp to Or t? f to '"_er for ,.,ie re, i.Urn of g ,-ca.rriea..- "Q�*n;i, a','iil ^�E'COnit?'l t'il i tliE' pure ,asin ; a, � iit be i1�1 O4"Jel'ee� t to have the Clerks office a.rrr rt ed :differently . c,-trricd.- t t =0'r1't.'. arvll. Secon(7et'i t'"s.atL all Or(ii:t7` aces of. the Ci 7. Lir Of 1E3fitt)n no i „rf3 t recO ,"Le'� be t'.LrI-,Cd OVer tc) ',ii% Ci"U j' �i�tOrriey t1 f - be recor,.Icd , c gra^ied.- 110'IT ed ICA. seco.acled Fiat ConLruc ,.or `:' ii i`i ;c'iell be nd ti�f ie0 tha tt t'.(, Cit • of TI. n will se t t1F' on lhac is of u200 00 far 'uttin� Reser�roir aaa -^i e line ir, repair, -carried. .- T Q-.,-e;', a, )d S e c o nd e.d t' Fi u j9 e r rCi t be t of in Sartori Sc'lnol , C Lici. Na-wter to be turneE o-ter• to try ?''i� sort ni :.tee 'to re a.tt0T le,� t�� a Q ,ca .-c �rrie�k._ Patti tion rreser ted. b;; Iarties :i.=?.irA, tc ;e c-'-)un ' ReBF 237 b.iil t from, Re -,-dLon to S-vva'.ri Lake .Tlove d an'. seconded treat it be the serjse 0:, Coullcil to assitt in rotuti-r..:-, saiOl c g.rr i xx .- 'hill were 0 K I T'i', e c 0 rl�-i t t P,e a ordered pai�!..- for cibllecteA in ','le-- t Dis t 7 me ir & C o L o cal I n P- Nor'U') Renton Vain conlu-rac - c R Campbell Fac tory St Loc,il J-,,: - Dip- 114.55 of $$ 11 ff it It ss cath 162.2 0 P *J Sourer eense bill 25.9$21 0 Ericksoa texas 7 .50 1 jr) , 2 1" D a f 1%br)r '� rviLerial for City Al P H Tieckin,; Asst Rc),-, 1 - Fen -on 3 .50 Roll Th.ere beim,; no -Par'61-,er business a mo tion jr ev."i"Led to iij o an, - Clea;. 2e38 RcBF 239 Reriton,J:a:n, 3rd,jlt City Council net in regular session !favor Benj , Ticknor yrc1siiin ., -Moll. Call .-Councilman Duff,Elliott ,CWke,*To.nohon, e?r1,F:l,;i:�t er Treasurer AL co rney and Clerk beim; r:'re9G?iit.- r.� 'inue Ls of t'r:e last re;alar session were read and approved., - ?::over. a.r-6. �econ:ied treat V-ie re ; .lar order of rusinefis be su,,ipendleti and t'�ia.t L.Frark Bro r, be alloweti to speta',, relative Lo settle-ment of his cla.irri, ca.rrieil .- T.` o-.71e:1 acid ,ieconded Lha.t Fuller. 3, Walters. be gra,nteal pern4it" to use nor;ion of t'Ze West side of Till St , for stora e of material for a periok,4 of sixty rla.ns , under the sar,rision of t' F, St & Allt,;;r �o •��.ittee, -carriel.- Remonscrance from Geo Jori,;--nson statin,,_- tha, " sewer co,t trac .ore hacL his 6r_ain ,*ipes,sa- Navin : beer, torn up when trurik sewer was laid, ,­o1re; and secon,le(i that this -<acter 'fie turned over to the Claims CO,r,-ittee, -carriea.- , '. ,i:Wr? o.f water coinnectior's Application for s' ' from Sa , Pitc':4iiick read..-lis Ltd. in wa ,cr book as A-26 '.'pater Supt t':a.t ",aloe ca.r.r.o L be c1ianZed to any a dlrant%,,e ,Uoved and secondee, that said petition be laid on t ,.e gable, - �rarri�d.- Finance cornr-i t Lee re or Ls hairi n 0 K' d all "hills ` �rese ited, -owed a.;n i ce.con:{ed t,-at all billy 0 ' by t'.le finance co-nittee 'oe Imi-', -carrie,c. Fire & 1a, er comr,i t Lee r-_ ;r 1a Via,; Crys La.l S riit-S -i e lime has been repaireei so t'(-".Rt R Ger Lai a RJ IOl.in� of 1I.Fa ter t < ` is be inL; saved.i-;ove(i and seconded that the re or L be r. eci erred aiqc+ placed on file,-carried.- SL w Alleyittee r cor^�•ner76. tna,t a crossin be laid lei Lh L[C a „ corner of Well St ec F'-*a/ n Ai enae also one at corner of Whitworth Anrk 4Lr., Avenue ,'Lot*e;; incl `seconded that ',e St Sup L, be ins` racLeal t© hay*e sane pat clown, -carricd.- Purc'zasin, Agent reports on ;aur � ,H:ala�lie T3c1zinery U 14 rees to see if same cannot be tradee, for two gr a,ller pum;�s to be usei for cep tic tori,.} , ;puri , A;Lent grantett more time . k OV p >1Y 240 Re ports that work on ne,:v buildin,; back of City ITail has �u ,is be , n s ye t,also th ?t rrateri`rl fo r novv li ht not yet here ,- o-ed and seconded tha : t'^:e re-ort be acre ted and x la,ceol on fi le,-carried... Ln ;ineer re-orts that �'ae work ori the North & Cout'I `.Pruni; Sewer is abo:: t coMple 1-Q01.0i.'6ved and. seconded t'-iat re-ort be acceD teci,ecarried.- n,Tovee, and seconded that t''�e Cler. c Rc Treasurer week in whicr, make re4,ort.-carriad .- I;roved. and Seconded tl'i?..t re-;- art and recommendations of r Finance co-^mittee relative -Zo collection of water rent a, refcred to the Fire k- Water Com- o t':1sr. matters br_, cce ted and � ' �� F , _carr ie .- Resolution for lickhtin, contract wi th Secy. the Taw ane Power Co for three years read firs i tire ami referefl, to the U.-dinance co mrii ttee, - I,ioved by Councilman Duff seconded by Councils an �Titc'r.ell that re,-,,,alar order of business be sus pen Led and new Officials f be i-is tai7_ed in their res.%ec ti.-%re offices, -carrird.- The nem off=cials have n�_ dly sworn in by Attorney P. J.TTouser, the ol:i officers fa.ca.ted i;-i fagot# of same .- Rena,rks by At corny Ilouser in -,:�resentinJ Tx-Tlayor Benj Ticknor a ,Mol mounted cane as a token of estere fro=m his fellow officers,Rena.rks by Ex-; a�Tor Ticknor thc�t,.kin,� � ivers of present, Re:varks by new Jjazror Jos ,gooeL,=vnft his r^essae to the Council ani. V1e City read .-follovAl";; the reading; of same the follo,,inrnew councilr:en made a few re,-,arks Thos Dabson,I: Sw z LI Hansen C F Hea,r1 ,G I Elliott. B 'Y Cake,D C-Mi LOhell arid. E E duff re ti ring; CoanciLnlen rra,de a few remarks . T=ie list of Coacicilr„en appointed on the various co: : ,i :tee eras thea reaA. als o aprpointements for Day h Nicht Larsha,ll. sane beim; Jos ,7 �7ivards day ,J atewart ni ht I�arsha.11, ►� /� �t '.I/c� l,f?r ���Zv*�, St Sapt . T:, ,�(7. ,J�,,(j ♦ ti VT .r t” .Wo-,Ted' by I; �t1ln Y/Fr�ti seconded �0 ;a L � c appointments of �_?:e I141iror be confirMek by the Council.- ya.rrie 1.. I;atter of appointizl anew Purclla�ir, Agent ca;-.e up ReBF 241 for di, c fission, s,,; e9 ced that 11ayor Wood act as Agent, 1,1"ayor Wood refused to a.cce.st t`.e jo') of Purc'_Iasin_:, Ar en t at tTiis t-ime s- TILatter of re-a�?.j a� i�, t' F� claim of. L Frank Browrn taken up bwr necv Councii,Femar'cs by Councilmen Cale and Elliott on L matter,l oveti by Calk.e sacon.ded by 1 onohon, t'na� the. re- art of Finance .cu-mi tutee be refered back to said co- mi t-tep to be re c�n:�i cereal .carriei.- The following bill were ordered paid . r Jos Edkvards salary 75.00 A 71 `11 cI:L'ior 05 .00 P '.1 Houser 75 .00 Ro'.ot 'jhorburn 20-100 C L Dixon 20 .00 C 0 T-rete 100.00 Pete Dul laha.n t 44 .45 J Stewart 70.06 A ic'""ror 6.00 WmTDnkin 30.00 F E Crar er 10 .00 — 'iho s 1arr i es .Z5 P Dulla' .ant 6.00 ti'r H Beerman 4.75 Joc Jones J 'I Jones 3 ,75 41 Geo 11a,nco c;c Yl 1;1 .12 T 0 Lear-Nr 16.^7 Auld 15. 62 Ed a.vin le 7 .50 P Lassoie 13.12 L Pvva,tt 7 .50 F UC'6r 3.75 0l"lir Urei,ory 2^ r J ��w. O Thorne 711 .50 Ci iu-Y Clerk for s - ,1 s 5.00 L .1 7.75 C F 11earl 7 .50 jay-'e s 120.00 R hesra,n 6.00 D Auld interest; on bonds 9.00 1:r� tti.e Deva.n 12.00 There beim.; no further business a, no tion perira,iled to :adjourn,.. clerk. 242 ReBF 243 Renton 'Tan, loth./i City Council net in session !,Iavor Jos,, Wo a d tj PresiJUn-, -Roll. call ._Councilm�- Irj o.,LI- 6 odkke)Swif r,,DobsonIHearl Clerk beiri,,, Iirese.-nt. Minuets of the last reL;ular session read and a-toproved as corrected.- "" Applications for water from tllrj(j followim- described prjperty$Loc 14-Block-14r,-Car 'Plorks Aid-Th,)s Dabson owner.Lot,# 11 Block#l# 7 W 11 DobFonPOIIA/nST ,LoiW 19-Block 8'1110r, Rav_onci 1 -1 ,o,.vne r Harilins Ranch Martin rAi ckelson applicant, TvIolred by Cake. Seconddd by peti Lions be 6ran Lued with the exception of the Hamlin Ranell petition and that it be ref�--�red to the Fire and Water Co,-T-iittee , -carried, _ Fire & Water comm LLP.e re-ports on condi tion or CrygCa,- 1 S-or in:_ System,1410 .1 by CaTca .19 water seconded by Ellia "Ut that LICIe rp.-�,)ort of the Corirnittee% be a -Od Ft ccePnd -v1!IcP.d on file, car r i ed Moved by Cake seconded by TvIonohon that report of St cc y:i1Py committee relative to fixing bad holes in certain streets be held u-) one �more week,X�., -carri Re-Part of Fia,,3,nce coiziitLee on setUemanT, of L Frank Bromic by Elliott seconded by 11onohon that the report be of the Fina 'ice committee/accepted and placed on file and trat a Uarrant be drawn irl f,11ror of L.7.Bro,,vn iri' the a,1110unt of $2150.00 in seLUPT-ent of said clji,.j, c,,irried._ Report of Lb-e Police Judge for December read.-Moved by 7Uoriohon neconlcled by Elliott that Lhe report be =accepted and ilq,ced on filc, _cftrried._ Report of the Clerk for the TviontA of December, 1010 and the report of the Treasurer for (uarter. endinDec, 20t'S1, 1910 read, Mo�lred by Monilion and seconded by Cake that reporLs be acce-o 'U,ed aInd Arel-ered to the 71inance col itape .carried .- xam Report from Fire Chief. Jos w100d 'ShOvri`ng full inventory of Ghe Fire Departomenfi; a)paratus now on 11,;Lnd and in use by the Renton Volinteer Fire -Dept, 244 11oved by 1,-Lonohon seconded by Dobson that the report of the Fire C-,iief be recieved alad ,refqrect Lo Lhe Fire & "AP-11ter C -1rrnirtee carried.- Communication from the Tocoro relative v i Alec tric RE to the prope, 'I li,:-htint; of crossings on Main t by said Co read. k .3 Mored by Cake seconded by Ellio-;t that t1le comanication be reciev- ed and -,plac^d on file, _carried.- COMunication from t1lie Postal TelaE;raph -Cable Co relative LO theta I filind written acce.litince of Or�dinarice C,-,rantAn,]; ti-lem permission to set ;holes tlxoui;h tfie City of Peaton,read.Moved by CaI,le seconded by Hearl ti,,at - comanication be recieved and refered to -,-,he City Attornejp, -,_,,arried._ Ordinance appropriaLinL; the saxa of X1000.00 in a id of �;o.,Ixrierciaj Watevuay -District Vo-21C'inw; Co '.Wasli,read first time. Tdoved by Care seconded by S)wif t that the Ordinance be refered to wh Ordinance co-,,TriiLLee, _crIrried._ Ordinance vrovidinfor V-ie 7)ayriont of water reni;s in the City of Renton, '�Jaarterly in advance read first Lii-ne .1,1,oved by EllioLt seconded by Dobson that sain, Ordinance be refered to ',,',,e Ordinance comrriLtee, _carriod.- Cement Ordinance came up for final qassaGeMoved by Calce seconded by `4onohon that said. Ordinance be laid over one rriore week carried, - No-66-A Resolution au-Giorizin�; the TISayor. an(I City Clerk of the City of Renton aqh. to en ter into a con tract with the Seattle Tacoma Povier Uompany for electric li& t�,3 in lu­i,e Cit 6 1 -T� of Renton for I Period of 16-11-iree years# road.Alovedby Cake. seconded by Elliott t t-'Kla,L Section 1-be adoy) ted read..-carried.- I oved by E.IiioLL seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as re,-Id c,-Irr i ed J.-oared by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the Resolution be acloptled ,Is r-I %vlole as read, _carried.- ReBF 240- Finance.re,-ports all the bills mresen ted. Moved by Elliott seconded by Cake t"Lat '111. bills 0 1," -i by Lhe#.P4!### Fim!in-ce com- rittee be -niid, -carried.- Recommen^latjon from the '17011nte(,.,r Fire Dept reco-mmendil-IL; that tli(-- prevent Chief TOS Wood be appoinLed as Chief of the said year ''+"ire Dept for the ensAeizi�;/read , 11"oired by CaT-,e r3econded by Dobson that the recommendations of the Fire Dept.be -carried out,, Carried.- Lrlarsfiall Jos Edwards reco:m-nerids 'that John Stewart be appointed as night 11,1arsaall for -he ensueing, year,Moveml by TIViorlohon J. Ste,.,iart as seconded byCake that the appointment of/L## Marshall be confirmed I by the Council.-carried.- now I Eibved by 11ono.11jon seconded by Elliott that the bond to be d by the 71,�arshall be #1000.00 Clerk, 2000.00 re as are r furnishe, �Ip # 5000.00.-carried unamamajLgly IL'a-c-L�r of arbage collection came up for r,,iscussion 1'Zoved, by Cake sec:)n&e,,i byDobson that tempor-niry arrani,;e-nents "be by the 1,1arghall to have rarba;;e hauled carr i e d.-ananarfioAs ly The follo-inc, bills were ordered paid L.Frank Brown settle lent for services in Springbrook Corld' 'a cases TI U Lusk watcI,,,m,--vri at SprBrooI.- Dec 250.00 'a 8 .00 M D �'-') Lorey haulint- brash SeattleTacom!j Power Co liGhts Dec 3.00 71m Kane lig-ht wire & fixtures IT- Renton 91.80 J W Butler kiriha,ilinL; ashes for 5.00 Renton Lber Cu Lumb'e' r from Dec 3rd to 29th-10 15.00 Renton Ind- Tel- 00 reservoir Phone 47.98 A Beerinan haulim, supplies:; arid. poles new pole line 1.50 0 X hl-�.rery h.aulinj; poles cinders 221 .54 pipe and team to cpBrk 26.75 E A 3hearer suP-dlies for water sysj;em from zlov-lb t ) Peter Dullahant De-puty Marshall Edwards to City o Dec 30 19.07 Renton YleeIcly Jjejs lu 6.60 400 extra ballots 000 official ballots 500 advisorys 23.42 There bein6 no further basiness a motion 'Mis m-Ldle by Cake and seconded by Eliio tt that Council --Ui i ourn, carried ananamously City Clerk. 246 RcBF 247 Re ra ton, J an, 17 th/11 City COUncil zsat in re(, ul•3.r. session Iv-Ayor Jos,Wood presidin,-:;, - Roll call ,_ Counciln�rn Iie:Irl,I;ono:nor., CK�ke,rl:�r,serz,Dob an Sivift,Elliott, '�ttorney,EnL;ir�eer and Clerk beinc; present. 1.:inuets of LI,e, last rej;;ula,r ses cion were rt�a,d an(. a.ppro_ ved.. Petition for water fvv# the followin4; des cribeci ):roperLy ,Lot-13-Black-17 Trenton Fkam;i Plut # 3 + ud 11.urua 0wner,T.o t-10-i3lock .2-Pei 'Lon Farm Plat 110-1 Pe Ler D illahan-t ow ner, I.-loved by Ellio tL seconca.ec by Y,Ono.':on that said pe Litions be �:;rranted, -carried, Councilm,n Hea.rl reccor.mends in written report that the r•+ rrolaer committee be ins eructed to have t:ae contents of the City IIalj ,in:ured,I,';o�Ted by Cake seconded by Irlonohon that the red ar-i be recieved and plt1.ced on file and the reconranda,tions carried. ouG._ carried.- T07-rn Yropr ­ty co.mittee filen a ixrritten reporL relative � to .siring; a janitor for City .ia.11,recco=rund t.za.t A 'Ticknor be employed to do t',.l.is work a.f-cer or before office hours aL a salary of ten. Dollars per month,Ioved by Dobson seconded by C=uke that t-he report be accepted and placed on file and t":e recto rrendcations car- rigid out.-carried.- Special cord tee re-ports: on quer Lion of purch%asinj; aj;ent filed written rerort,recconjrenc�in� the appointment of phos Dobson pis purcha,sini, a.;cnt,Ioveu ###by 1.`Unohon seconded by Hansen that the rc;port of e corrnniztee be accepted and placed on file and the rcccomrenc{€atioras carried ou ;,.-ca.rricµ .- Auditin­ camr-il;tee filed vrri t'Len reI>ort s ca.tin­ that they examined the books of the Clerk and Treasurer for the last Quarter anti found saa;c correct, .1.1oved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the report be accented. and. I)lace.d on file , c�axried .- 948 "4"ire LiC6� - cr coTjz:,A ttee filed written, report on applica. ;ior, Of P D Ii�-i,-lin Ranch for water reccommen,;inL th.a,t same not be C,raanted,Yoved by I,onol-Lor second.eel by pearl that t'r e report be accepted and placed on file , -carried..- Hoofed. by Care seconded by Yonolton that t]: RcBF 249 Ccren//Ordinance came up for final pasqag-e, lJoved by Ca-,e seconded U by Hertrl treatrdinance I,e laidl, ove-1- one more week,-carried .- Personal bond of Itarshall joF Eldw-jxds read, :oved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that same be recieved and turned over to -t'-.e City Clerk, to be filed, -carried .- L�oved by Hearl seconded by i�onollwn tha- matter relative I U L,o du ties and office hours of the Ci ;y Clerk be refereo- to the 0 r(I i nanc e coimmitl-t-eo , 'tI-ley to see abou-t getting or(Unance drafted covering; same. -c,arried,.- Lb )ed by Elliott se-cpnded by Hearl a -1th t -'Ohe purclLasine, ak;er,,,t Ccz :bonds for the +Ies6 ter -,,-Iin assessrren ; printed as soon as -oossible, -carried..- Eroved by Ell�oLt seconded by Hearl that the purch.asinr- ag e n t get all necessary supplies for VI-Ie use of the Clerk.carriecL.- Loved by Cake seconcted by -Dobson that( the Clerk proceed to adirorLize for bids for Ci�y print-IM6 for t-hLe en-sucing ye-ar, - carried.- 14'o-red by Lonohon seconded by hearl that the Re-wail moo in tl.,r-,e City of Re ri to n, Liquor license/be raised from ,"600.00 to 1;;1000.Oo Moved �y Crake seconded by Dobson that I'Lonolions motion be �irrimended as follows , U-,at the '�I�lolesale liquor license Urd..Jn----nce of -a,.e Ci-,r4 , i nL t�3.e of Benton be repealed, and an Ordinance draf-Led ra.LS .etail license from 4600.00 -.o ' 6-0.00 per year .Poll Vote called for by May o r,C o u n c i 1.-n an Ec ar 1 -n o I 11b no I-o n----n o I C—Lke , aye.Hans e n - j aye,Dobson, aye, .`b,fif-L.#aye,Ellio tt,aye . V-4-1pre being: five ayer, anm The oriLinal motvion as airmended was VvTo noes anmendnen"Iij- carried , than -,xu L by T.Tayp r 'O.Io o el and carried five to one . Mayor Wood refered back to unfinished business and allowed Fire Light & da-ter -cor;imiLtee to submit report reccolameneArIc'. that as the lights on the County bride are on the i.ornestic service line chat same be, chanLedt to street liLhts and that -Purchagin-, aiL- Q_ Inave power to have r-me chanLed at once.I"oved bycake seconded by I'Lono-:.�on t:ne report be -.cceTTeCi antd t':-.e roccornmex-la-ions be carried out,-carried .- There beinj no further business ,motion by Cate second by ILI,onohon V,,aL Council adjourn, carried u anayriously, 20-0 t Ren-co n,Jan, 24-th,/11 City Council met in re6ula.r session '.Tayor Jos Wood l'r�y:si ziraF , oi`�o11 (;,'ill . Lllio c ,) C �ke ,��ef�rl,Sv�if' c,�3 ;r;ser. l ineer arid Clerk beirq; presenL, - liinaets of last reb .Alar session were reed and a�lpro- ve d, - Ar)li.cuLion far waiter frxt Lo U,#- block 4- Car `dorks P P Padden owner .r. ea,d .A,Toved by El1ioIt se con-deed by Swift 4"lat sa,re be gran ted, -c.-a.rried.- Pe Tci tion .from proper Ly �JVraors on Walla. Iffa.l.la hversae .tskin ; Council to take such leGislea,tive ac Lion as is ncees-lar,y to provide for the plaakin ; of sa.ici. Avenue recieved '?.nd read,1-101red by Cake .ecand.ed .by °4F lii tilat said petition be recleved and placed r ordered on file and an ordinEa.rnce/6raftech coircrin,,, ms;ame,- carried.un:a..•arnou- sly. Finance filed wri Lben rera ,rt an has.rin ; 0 K' d the follow- inn, bill; . LjeaLLle Tacoma, Pourer Co .mat;erial for new light sys 4e.m 114.04 Z eter `Jall'a�L;.arlt haulin- ( ravel J.gJ Jos Edwards frei:;hL on ITydr;-in Ls, 1 65 h,oveck by l ilio Lt xecon,aed by Heart that the F4narlce colnr^iL; cees report be accepted aid, placed on file,-c-irried.- '21here bein . a O'lerical error in -Ghe minuets on pa. e 143 . r. ela.cive to number of llegaluLion No- 39-A.1110ved by C;-ake seconded by He-a.rl that the Clark be au°Lhorizer: to cha.nL;e Minue te, on s;-a.id page so tYiat same will read correciLl,y, Qa,rried..- 1'iTov(?i.i by �� '_F' Set JY1C:.e:i by C, ';' t.'lat .tea,'V Dist,Nor til Fenton `'SSessmen-t boll be confir,ned by u�le 'council subject to the a.nprov;a.l ov the Finance committee c:a.rried, _unan;a.r;aously. CoTmmuriica,Lion from Lea._ ae of' 7,4,a.tishinf; con rrrunicipra.li ties recizved, Uove:i by Cake seconded by Hansen that sasne be refered cine il,AYs & I1eans Corr,.-rnittee .-carried,.- ReBF 251 Camplaint of citizen a ID u t ba,d condition of sidei, lk f37vnt of 0 K Livery Sral, ,Lc, to h,,Ive garne fixell.- of Llie City pruceedinG,; to install lateral sewers a,9 r,)7Ti(le,l in oru'- il e d. Ilov 221-Ad 1910 '.'-',19 TT-B- �Iiscussed, -1.1ol.red by 11, lio wu seconded by Swift that the PurchasinC,- a�;enit and -6n lineer�- I) L roceed to Le L in,-t e r i a I on Lhe Cruund so -tlli-.it Cit-,-,r can proceed to Put in laj;tral sewers carri ed.-unariamously, There beinno furc.,-Ier business ;gloved by hlo Elliottko secondel-11 by pearl that Council adjuurn, -carried unaliamously, Z�� Ci cy C 1.e r'-**-, Tl,xec�ated conGrac-u from the Beadle Tacorn!-i Porer Co, g1,1-L.9 satin_; from lie 29-Gh day of Jrinurary,1911 to Janurary 2a Uri 1914.recieved,lilored by Elliott seconded by Hanson that said coricract be acce-oLed, arv! -)Iaced on file carried,- unanamously, Resolu ;ion reci-:2.1ved from he Columbia & Puget Sound It It Co askin,71 Council for per-mission to re�,arrari ,e its tracks on Wal 1 a Walla Avenue be cive a ri 111111 and the wee c line of Cedar St. produced nur-c1h, 11oved by 21liott seconded by ale.- rl that sai-.5 reso- lution be recie-ved and refered to Llie Ordinance comittee, _carried- Ordinance prohibiLin.,; t"ie issuanse of any aiid all licenses to whole sale liquor de!ilers in L.,rJe City of Re neon rear! -_'-'irsL time ,]Uoved by Elliot seconlicci by Ilarson -that said or: be refered Lo the ordiriance co!-,1iniLWO, -carried .- Ordinance tnelicense,4,, To bu p-iirl by retail liquor dealers in tI.,.e City of Rer-Gon read firs tire .1,10ired. by ,11iott sec;--)n-,ie,,l by 3wifT, t'_,at said ordinance be refered to e Cerient ren-cfLl , -,.ind appropria6ion of 111000 Ordinances cane uv for final -).,assaCe,Chair�,ian of Lille ondin,-Ince _sa,,T.e r,-ran-1Le.,.1 .- co-,-,T-,it-Wee asks for More time on srviAej Libired by Cake seconded by Elliott that tfie ma- er of put Bina thvour,h all alleyst$ .ha-i; were ordered by ordinance be Laken up by t.::ie SL & Alley cot,bilirtee, LAlley to lave said alleys -put thrcj,,q,'� a-, soon !:.s Qaes Lion of dividinL, the City into tz) Lin[; proscint's cal,fiv., up for by Ellioi;-Vi- seconded, by Cake that tTLe City Propercy comnittee take u-,,.) Tnttter relative to haviriC an ordinance draf-6ed covering same ,-carried.- is alter -Lxacl s in center of of St ruilwa,.,rs put �im- tl-,,eir < r, LreeLs in City of Re stree ts are paired di-iscased . Tylloved b-\r Ca.ke seconded by Swift that be refered to tlie St Alley co-rrrriLtee for adjustonenz. with the ReBF 253 T� ��e I"!ton J<3, 1,31 s /ll Ci Co-LA Ci n re,,-u-fz -.ession ly!"Yor Jw-, 7L).)CI 0 l.L C:tl 1 C Q all 0 i 1 rn-.ii Heart, 1-10 i I U110 n 0 C-,ik e D o 1)s o n Swi f t, JLiasen Ell io t L.ALGornoy,Er1L;-i neer, and Clark bcinL--,' 21 Of -:;1',0 D-10 tL se. ,ion wef ap p r o ve Applica',,ion for water frui(2 Lo �310 Blocc 7-01eILI; s 1.r 0 m ok,vne'r rea(' by Ell' io--t, seconded by 11earl that ;he application P"'t'on SCIttic '"c-100hyl Povrer Co A. Ur sion ,,o C-x e3,6 i :.s service lines on St betevmn, 6-0-L Pr 7 ,,', Airc- o'n Lo-- r i F Av-c-!,7o-T(,,CL by Ca-':ce seconClec, by 11�,,jrl low 0 th e e Light & t L e r be r e f e r e d 4v r carr mi� uee, - Acc' Accounts cori7,1!i ee file 'dwri 'Le.n. on 0.1:1 d P Dallahlji,, hauling urdna ;e 2 7 .50 av S on r C!e s J.62 , S F,Q i e —2 01 Tim 01,eary 4-L days on pipes 11.25 J H Jones 54 dfiys or, -,.zxbate 13.75 F U("Aier U-en meals to prisonerw x:.50 OQJ !L,1,,C0ck 4a d,- ,— on pipes 1-1- days 15 .00 B day s greet: 6.2b Auld 1,92; d avv T)i p e s$ 1. Harris a Cochrc-in p,-:;,pev,in, <?,- paintuiriL Ci Lir Hall 9.00 Vfi--;L�kiri Evans -:) days on pipes 7 .50 W C Edwards StaLionery fron Nov, ,:) Dec 28th 1910 2.7115 Lowman & Hanford Timc Check -Book.- order Book .45 J 1 Bu der load coal for City 1-I'Lall 4.75 Crane, Co 2 ,l,.oz All stqp cocks 15 .66 'm K,', iros 12-16 c-�,-) lr.u.ips , chanL., irL-� phorw .:t .40 LIoved by Elliott se conele(I by 1Iearl that r(-,,. 'U- of ;,Ile comm; -U,,e be accepted ansaplaced on file and the bill orCered paid.-carried.- 4 '254 C1`ii.mC & i�.ccounts com-Atte.e filed written report recomvending; gnat :.e Cowicil confirm tI:,e assessrxnnt Roll a.s layin;; of 7prea. , by the Ci"cy Clerk for t';e�±ast �l:it, earth I�eilGaTr 'Juter lin . o�rec� 'uyT C a' e se eo ndeu. by Ile-a.rl that tie r.por t of the cor�r;i- ttee be accej) Led and placed on file and tate recommendations carr- ied ouL, -carricd.- C1�-iirns w AccoarjGs cor(e,,ittee filed wri sten re )ort reccomm- endin- that the Council duriate „50 .00 to the I,eaL;ue of Lun I ui-iicipa1aLies,Iiove6L by Eilio in se corided by 11ea,r1 tl<<ae. re! ort be accepted and placed. on file and ;e;e recor:mendta-uLions carried out. cars ied.- I ire Lic1i L & :'J-i'uer c0Tar 1 flee filer's wri t Are )ort reccommendi"L that Lhe 'v'IaLer 'up'L,be in;-,'Lr-:Ac Led -to have Cryst<zl UPrin-, vi-,;er nzairrep a�red , I;rverbr Cake seconded b� II< r;r en that ,he renor z be accer ted and ,I,.e recommenda�tions c-..rried. out, - < t ec�.rried .- Fire 1', 'J ra-ter corn,-Ac-tee filed vrri t tern rei:art re corrrnendiTr=_; that the application for water from Mavtin I1:ickelson for P.D. H a,mlins Ranch be :;r-rn Led and that Va.tef 'Jup L be ins,tructed. to n-a.ke arran, emenLs with 1Lr I:'dckei ReBF 255 Clark filed vrritten report for t'le r,,.onth of Janurary -:`roved by Cake secoiided by Elliott that the rF:i.ort of thie . Cleric be accepter, and refered to -,,'-,ie Finance' co-�rni Ltee, -carr ied.- 'olice JuElve filed wLri tten report f.i r tie month of Jan. T„ioved b„r i.`:onohorl seconcxed by Hearl that Lhe repc;ru` of the Police ... Judie be accepted and pluced on f ile carried.- lie solation `# i rravidin for the pl.ra.iikin�- of `Vali a, 7►alla Ave- read first time, i�o'recti by Cake seconded by Dobson that ^aicqe''o- lution be refered to ti-e Orclin=a.nce committee -carried.- i:0-?35- Ordin-;nce the isswl.rice of any and all licenses to h-oles a,le Liquor dealoers in t'.lE' City of SLE; ;Mori, pas:aed to final roa.clin41a,Mo7red by i«onol":on seconded by Elliott t}lat Section 1-be adop 'Ued as read.-carried l o'red. by I onohon seconifted by Cake t :.a sec-2-be ado-p ted as read,- carr ied.- ,.oved by lionol-.on secon(lecl byE �.io �t t'.at; ::pec-3-be adopted as read. carried.- Loved by C=i r oecondc t by Monohon that ;'ie Ordinance be adc) ) iced as a as read,ac,a,rried.- i1C- X36 . Ordin!Lncc red ula till t'he license, to be :ai ', by retail liT)r dearerc i l the City of Renton passed to final readinL;, Poed Cake seeorI'doC) by 1onoiion that See-1 be ,i.dopIcd as read,-carried.- Iover, by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-43-be adopted as read. can,de6 ­ovc,- 1 ' L, t Sec-3 be r'a,.dop ted by ..orlolha.or� se by Cake '�ra. as rc,ad,-c€a.rried.- 1:,oved by C r',e seconded by ';Lono,:ion ;,'r=Lt thk Ordinance be adopted as a %rrx-Lole as re- ad.-carried.-Centers; sicievialk ordinance Lurne-d over to the Ch.airrrien of the ordinance cO;ilt; ittee B.F_Cake . :o'Li,er rCriLal Ordinance an wAd a�aprori:a tion of N1000.00 ordinances laic', over. Resolution. froin CSP S FJ! Co . carne, up for reau.iri i..o,Ted by C,.iCe secoriC.eda. by ITOnoilon wha ';; said resolu`tioir be refered, 256 back to the ordinance comm!A ttee ,,hey to take, ra.r,,e up with City Attorney,-carried.- h?o,Teci by C;-3', e seconded by 1-1 E , iott th-�,t t.�e orciin�., 1ice L co-rii t t e e confer -=.i Lh ;e At Corney rola sive ordina. re;l'ulatinL- ;,he 0u-vies of l,njneer, carrieci .- I'l-,i ror ','ioocds, appoin ,.s C .O.'Zvete as City En6ineer for ti:E ensuoin�., ,ye ir,l'•loved by Cake seconded 'by Lllio tt that the 1,.ayors appointment be confirmed by the Council , F ayes oi,.e no ,Lotion c„arriod.- TuTa;,ter of bad condi ,ion of sidewalk on 1,ain St 1)etvreen 21i ,L 3rcd A reYiuear i Cl1S e1 , To'VeC by Cake .,econded by `'�aift tIia.t V, is matter die ref.ereC to e St 'c Alley Comini utP_e , carrie i There beinrr no further business a. motion vies made by C ake r-conc-o by Elliott t%at Council ad j ourn,- Carried una.rvin.ousl•r. L Ci tit Clerk. ' F 257 Rer:t,..$Feb t 7 t1n/11 �%ity Council net in reL ulrwr ses•-.ion, Elayor Jos ,wooe.. presic is Roll call,- Councilrra.n Elliott,Swift,Dobson,lia isen, C 3ke 1'�Aonoazo i,I?e rl.�'r� ririeer,At :orney and Clerk be.inL, present,_ 19inuets of the last regular ses- ion t--rere read and a.ppro- ved.- Anplicra.cion .for rater for Lo-t-8 Plk 14-her: ton f<ar.rla Plat, re,ael..I:o,Tcd by Elliott seconelegl, by Iiesa.rl t' -;,t said application be t,ra,ntec,.-carried, St & Alley coigrit-tee filed written report reco;na�.erieLir.; that street crossinG at 4t3n & 'Lorris St ,be corm. le 11"oYred by Swif'c seconded by Dobson that t',ze rep Ir t of t`t:e co.=, A t tee be accepted ai,,,d the recor7rren:dation% be crrried out,-carried.- Claims & Accounts coru:i ttee f ilet. vrri tier. report on ha7irzL_ 0 'rile, the followink bills and. reccoi nendin,_ that t�ze sane be bw E ' 'ood `arr1ie for pound 16.40 C,alrl.well Bro' s Co 2 Corey Hydrants eornjwle to 70.70 E A Shearer re aair of -,,.,ater Tripes Cit<r Hall 1.00 Renton Hardw-ard Co supplicis 3.95 Renton Lumber Co Lumber for. crossings Etc, 72.40 roved by Elliott seconddd that the report of the comnitte oe accepted and the billq- oriered pa.ic1,-carried.- City Property committee filer. itiTr. itLen report recorlr en- :ling that the City be divided irito w o votinL; prescinets , and that 4 'rr Ave- shall be the divid.inL line-Moved by Swif t seconc�e(I by o.no'zon that she report of tare ro;z1ittFe be ecec� ten -qnd -the recc- o.mm"nmt,dt*tbna# be carried out,-c=trried .- OL-L!Anance co ;r i'-Lee fileea 1,,Tri t Ler: report rrecorreenc, im—. certair. chant es in t:tie Cerzexnw- sidevialk ordinar,.ce ,Move(' by Dobson seconcdec' by Elliott that ItiLe report of the corTMictee be accepted grid. placed or; f ile and the recomyrenela,tions carried out,-ca.rrie�d Orcdinrznce Torr,ittee 'ileci written r°e tart r. ecorrr.lerzceln W t zit t'ae crater rental or:'inance nog jr, farce be arimende;,. w raid follows "That it be optional with water con.surners to pay rental three: r10}iths in ad-,r&ice �, ;ecievin Five (5) - cr cent reba.te.11o­e' d by Elliott secondeO. by Dobson t'i.at t,.{, report of cl,e committee be 258 acce,� ted a.r", recor�men4,ations carried? out, -carried.- Fire Lig. t eor-,rni ttee filed wvri l t(�ri rc-,— ; be j.,ran ted recomns endini that tie 51)P11c�Ltion./f. r o n t4.et 1 e `racoma. Power Co askin ; _that i t be s11oj4ree to extend its s�er,rice line on 'certain a treets as f4; cribed in s,Li d s.r,,?l1aation ,I"vee, by Cake °,econee d by Swift that t',_e resort be :.scented and t'-.e r.ecommendation.s carried. ouL as soon as tk,,e interests of the Ci ty have been properly cafe t carded ak ainst datria, es that :might arise from. defective wires .- c,erriec .- St;.?, A'Xlev cor%-Atlee filed written report recommendinU eho t an Improverre nt Dist, be formed to f r.alrel Smi thers St Yorris t St P-Ativo rth 03t from Walla, '~falls. Avei,.ue to Third Ave-and ¢th Averiue from Walla Walla Ave- to west .iide of °Jhli Lrror. -L h- a 6-1,oved f by Cake Seco idea b;r Swift that the repor t of tie coinn. i ttee be 'tccepted an,,. she recomr-enda.tions carried out, -c Lrriect.- 3P0cirL1 co ni ;;tee filer: written report rel~.five Lo` que,9ti.;n of a€TjustinG the C kv P S pp Co trac' s throu6!: by as' asked for/saki Co in resolution filed with, 'the Council , re6ornmenC,in r.ecof;nition of s.a.id Co right to use �Jajla V, 1s tivP- aro-�;ica.ed s-t.ir Co ~rake:, certain ch inzes an,', lives up; to -r , eerent as outline; in skid revort 'T:over°_ by Cake seconded by Swift that the repo~ c ble , r. efered back to co'miaittee said co'Trittee to confer rii th Suy�t, er bens of t"ie C & P S FJI Co. relative to ',�3.vin,�; this MFLtter settled if rossible ,- carried.- =€gal th Ci'ficer 2-,ronson filled written r. e,:ort for tTie 145onth of Jat,1911."ved by Swift seconded: by Elliott that tie report be accepted ,a,ndr,al�Lced on file , -carried.- Co:,,nunicG,tion from Court heportink; Co al , o bill for for I-r�-Anscript of tes Limony in C .s-:,pbell ',t; ,; Duff Attorney Houser t < rr,a'ce verb-Ll report on natter, at thR.a t time in his j udernent this transcript war, neces nary, in view of the fact that the City expected td have law suit with Contrac �o rs ,-JToved an,,, neconded Elliott Swift,- thea tTze re .,ort of t?ie Atorney bet eacce, ted and "zat the Till be turned over to the Claims ra: Accouri'c c orzlrni ��ee ,-carried .- ReBF Attorney -mn-kes rerbal report ^sta ,-in. that all tIir, ordinances ank, repolution turned o1rer to him by the Clergy: to be recorded have been -proporly r.eco l.eci,-Tiovec'1 by Elliott seconciec by S IAIif L t!"at the repor L of the Attorney be accep ted.-car.ried.- Resolu tion rnernorializink; t e cors,t ruction of State Ro,--,d Teo- M of the State of Washir.aton read first lige .-I;"oved by 11oraohora seconded by Ilnnsen that same be refered to the ordinance commi ttee, -carried, Lesolution, INO-67-A + for pl%nkin�- of �y�►aila 'Jalla Avenue CRne up for final na ssa.;;;c,- 4o,re:d by Dobson seconded by ILonohon that said resolution be refs regi back to the co:lni ttee `Or orae more week -c,arried.- Cement :si evrF.lk ordinance came P for final 111 a:oved, by Cake secondee~ b � Robson t?iat this ord.in•a ice be referee. r.. to t?:.e Sues. 8c Alley corm:i ttee ,a carried, Love-cl. by Dobson seconded by Swift that the matter of draininz water away from T'rs 2Aa.xivells property be ref cred to the SG & A7.ley co `:nittee, -cFarriecl.- There beinC, r,o farther business a motion was .made by Swift seconded by Elliott that Council adjourn)-carried uli'rlarrioussly CitIr Clerk.- 2-7-11 •.ec:•ieve, fro.:, Ci Ly Clerk CecrienL sddewal k Ordinarice orii;ir"al copy,- E11i0tt C F ile.-irl . cxmi_Gtee 3 260 _ t - f t t ReBF 261 Ron tv-on.Feb,14-ch/1 I D Ci Gy Ciancil met in regular r-,.ess.ion L�avor Jos Wood crill,- u,-i c i I n 2111.0 D o I)s o n, e ri 0 lJo n o h tD n Cake, owfz; iie.rirl Eng ineer,A-L, Corney anr' Cleric be in; ­rese.nLI,, 1-inue Ls of the last re4l-zr session were read q.nC �-Appro_ ved. Ap p 1 i cni t-o il,o n f o r wa 11 r,r f o r L o L 3 -Block 5.11ent-On Farm P i a read J. )'. by hearl seconded. ny ".nohon that paid application be gra,.k-Led, _catIrieI ,_ �pplica-Ldon for water from Lot.25 .Dlock 15.Jop Lenz, owner --ear.,-Loved by _A`Vomohon reconr'e , 'by Ilearl th�it said applica,tio� be gran cetrl carried Pe UU tion from Ecl,.,sari/Rskir,, Cauxicil to pl-Lce bri,_Le n,crog alle,dr fl.L corner of Dorris and Section G%ree � read.l..".oved by Elliott seconded by Learl Lli.at the pe ti ;,ion be recieved and. refered to the St & Alley committee. carried , Applicra.I L,ion for rI 1- er.plwa-1 of re nail liquor license from, saloons in t�-P_ City of Ren'-on sts follows ._tlo-wi�� ,.he followin,., L LO U; Uki Da-r---a. I-1ic"i-nuion,' 11rorrie .,-or'. - *rIse 650.00 j:aAmoun!. of lic sle ar---Tho^ Dobson 650.00 a 650.00 tcific loon--Dan Hogan Bohemicar. Bar ------ J. 'Ja 1 k e r 650. 00 IlArd Rail-------D.1,,..Jones 650.00 B.Atkingon & J .11licIllols Alace Saloon, 650. 00 11elrose har----Ben Atkinsen 6 50.00 O'_rdoon----A Bertelero 650. 00 Reciria ! ar_---J.S).Cogrey 650.00 Whole-eale lfou�,-e----R.Pigtoelesi 300.00 t"I'l 61-50.00 IlovecI by Ipllliott recon-d-ed by Dobson that said petitions be referee to the License co-,r!-,.ittee,_cRrried.- AprlicA,tion for a q--V,-ree-u li`von Be­,,con Hill Boule- 17-,",,rc, from Renton lloulenLeer Fire Del.,t,read .!,Io7red by Ca?.e seconeec'. by -I'Learl !-,aid petition be refereO, to the Fire Li-,h,� com. rittee, -Carrie-l ._ SL & 'ftle-r co-=ittee filed written report recomrrei-AnC, Lh,-,,'L-1 taOrdinance relaAn­ to t'lle filin- of Plat— to t"Ie City of RenLionbe ammcncled. as f O' llowss Lo-iviv-;Th-LIv- before riV; Pl--it can be 1 accepted by 'Lha; CiL.%r Council there wurL be place,,,' �-U� _)_e infl-ersec- 0 L 'Ghe P,tree-,.q s cone or co n ere Lle MO-numen t,-. e - - u reco=iend 262 that the City farnis'n '.he monuments, then rf:'­e -^ill be anifori,,,, Loved by G{ikc socorded 1)y SwifCl.at I'Ile re-, pbe acceptWd and -';,he recormnendations carrie,:1 33t & Alley ,ly,i I- L e e filed wrirmcn­'t- Len report reco #f ## be Liven teii ,Rays; in Vaich 17,-- owner of pa.rk on IL "'or -'on -,:-,e be Aan6egous to public -, f o cup 4..own co u U -igfooCl tree sr 0 W71 I .,,oved by Dobson secomdee, by Harsen the rcd_Iort be accepteC. and the S .- ,Supt, instructed to notify owner -'U-o 11ave said tree cat -.own.-carried .- Verbal- Report of Srecin.l co—, mittPe rel,,. titre to ttraig-htenin—C, of rniilsway tracks on Walla Walla r'verue-Gnair--jian of said co ,.­_­ittee asks that e LZayor appoint tact U�,l poin��,- a committee po-jer to "ayor od appo intus the same corTri-u-tee to handle this, m-a' tter T)e inn: as follows .-"'J.E` .Daff F.G .k`)")ALI.Lers )p je YLj 1:iC1K YLOr,Lee T-L'011.0-10 L.,L,o i)obc on and P hous er C i t-,r "t Lor-fie y by Cake se co nclle _. by ,Jwif C, that the verbal report and the appoim;.TEnts of tie Layor be accepted. an.6 confirmed and that said committee be liven full power to acv- , in, L`,.is . :atter,-c,- rried,,- COm In i gee filed vrritger; report on havin�; • examined and 0 kIr', ',,,he followi-, bill • Ja,cob liazey & Co Cash, collected Feby,Dis � 'ijf 9e `184.33 It 11 It it to it 10 118 4. 'I'll 2 Jos- Bdwards , farrli Geo Wray�,-. Pes-Mence 2. 50 -;im Tonkin, '4. 60 Seattle for water Jan , T.IjJ.Du,�,ler load coal Ja 11 V _L 4.q 5 P . Dullahai, L 1-aulin frei�-;JtL er Gra--rel 2.00 Pacific Tel & Tel so longi; 4i stance call .15 11.U.husk waclut,an att. S­rin6brook .8.00 E.E.Daff la-bor at rla7-crystal. SprinLs 10.00 U e,0 H', IC 0 cl-, I -.1?0 r a-L Awn 11 T i Tr OLear-r 1.,jbor Dn ri-r.les .8 .00 1] Auld labor on -ipes CronsinL..,s 5. v0 V1 Eirans 10:00 by C-�a'ce seconded by Hansen -1,).-La-,6 frie report of. the corzrni ttee be accepted. anc', placed, on f J1 c andl. tbda . bills ordered paid Carried . 1"Vete filee, Vjrit_L to C i i n e e r en renorL,4� sca.uirL: South `2rAn"_.,c newer cortracz is commleted and recomirendin,, t%,-3,`L-1 by Ca'Ke seconded' by Ur Alio-� by L.i.e Co-uncil 1,,o 4- VPaat U`,e re sort of the wri-i-neer be -i.ccer. toed ankJl rl-,cerI or, f ile anti -.11e recompmrl.q, tions eqrrio^ ou'UJI-PocarriclL .- ReBF I_o-.recl by Cake reconder, 1 J�,r I-T nohothtInle Council accept .' 0 n a'6 the South th Tru.nk sever qas co, p! eted.,-carried,- En -ineor reports verbally that Trrork oct lateral sewers t be in bail -L, Ey 'Llie City,'_nas commenced by Elliott aeconlcd `„y I earl tha-L, cite report be accepter, ,-carried,- Chairman of Ore'Lirvan-ce cor."2r,,i4W!vee c%F,k­ for more time on offli-ance relatir- to etutie.s of En�,irieer an-7, Clef lic,11"ayor rlrans one rsore reell\' on marae_ ,- N 1 '0 1 ."4!7M AL o-938 Ordi­;.nce arprojjriati-ri��: �1000-0 '0"" ' T'CI -1 1 111TI 1.2 0 ZI I)TIST!"ICIII NO .2.K'11,11, p,�imsedl Io f inal re'arliY14,-,I,.oved. by Ca I'---.e seconded by Elliott that the reg-ular oreler ' of busi� cess be su-,.-�.pendl.eii and tlta +j t Ae citizens be allowed. to carried e ir arks by G m,i ch e r a ,tebti �x on this or(Ii.nance H. Lo 110 110 11 f 0 r _; s k,l sante ,P. o, ser ,4 n Lee 1 o v ed, by Ca Ik c s e c o i i d,e cd by e a r 1 i'-�i a t c cion be adopted as r e, carr ie d .A ' - oved by S,.,.,ifL ", econ0ed by that -b,L ad,o—led as read' _carr i e ElliottLhe 0.niin,"nee be Loved by Cate seconded by a.dLoj,,-'V-ed as' a. rhole as reaO,,Poll Vo e tin s,Lneas follo�Frs ; Dobson ti ,o n' nbers of ;r P, 'cot'i7missio-n & oho'n havim", wlthdrew iey me' Hearl Aye Sivif Aare Cake Aye Hansen Aye usly. Elliott Aye Caa Carried. unnamo .1 i10-67-A he'soluL;ion for t1te plankir4:., of ",Valla1,7,alla Avenue c,�-,rie up for final -piassaZe,I:o-,red by Swif L seconded by Ile-arl ,-"Iig -Lo'vsolu`Wioi-,. be laid on the cable or}e iores week, carrie(!.- AddTT o 2)3 9 6 r U1 I na-L,,c e a I.mme' n d i rij; Sections No-1 &- A2.of Orr linance LI No-174 the co-cs'cructioi- of cenent si`01,valks in t ,e CiVT of Renton ,ci.me up for final passaL7e ,1.1oved by Ci'-,e seconded KY Har'sen/ that Section 1-be LO read six _(6) foot iristea,-',_ of ten (10 foo 'v* sir'dwnlks. or, 'dalla 'Jira-Lla Avenue , 264 all o WAer walks inothen portions of City to le built Icor +ink;;; to ordinance except/streets/sixoy feetrin width. LSoved by Cake seconded by Dobson that Section be a€(opted as ammencied,-carried,- t , honed by uononon seconded by Hea.rl chat Vection 2-be a,ca.op tee. as rea d,-carried.- LI-oved by ILDnohon seconVed by HaarinLAazt Section 3-be aaopt;ed as read,-carried .- Loved by Elliott mecohged byhbnohon that 0e ordinance be adopted as a chole a.s read.-carried _ `later Rental ordinance carne up for final passage, Ave6 by Cake ;seconded by na,nsen that thin ordinance be refere back to the Ordinance corrni ttee to have a,mrlens.aments to same _ t s inserted,- ?ricd ._ , Un _er head of miscellaneous bu;siness petition signet; by citizens a,ai est louncil repealing; Wholesale liquor license, roved by Cake seconded by Llliott tha.y said petition be fefored to i.a e license commi stee,-carrind .- F.G.Srri thers asks Council 'so draft Buildin, Ordinance --"yor appoints co.n nittee of citizens to Araft s=�!�,,e ,cornmittee as follows ,I'.G.Srnithers ,Harold Evans ,E E Duff ,Dnn Honan.D.r.Bronson, Dr.Dixon. 'Loved by 'llio It seconded by Cake that Council aajourn carried.- The matter of bie'.s .for la feral sewers on T`aa.in, Well 4illiaams Street; between third A 2ourth Avenue havin, been over- looked the notion to adjourn was re-consiaered nod saiJ bits were i opened ane'. read, Bid of Jacob Vzey for some , total l big , for each r tree;; mount--iRe1'4!Ru;_f$x0 a estimate 1992114--__--_ 2499194 R J.hoberts & Co, Total bid for each street inclujinL fixed estimate-_- so tall Loved. by Cai;e seconded by Anohon that the bid; be laid over one week oweinc to sickness of City ynLine.er, cvrrie x._ There bein, no further business Lov Apke seconded by Ellio ,t ;, 4at C) cil adjourn,-c,-zrrieeac. Clerk. A ReBF enOrA., 2-21-11 City J'U il c i m e t i n re-Aar sesti ion 1.,,ayo r jo,,.,.. WOO(I call, '-Llio Cake -Council?rian N-I Ac LOoraay,14,n,;jiieer and Clerl,- bei,-L- L'UrIue 03 of -ulte Ihm re;:,,Alar session .,Tere ro,,ii', and qpp- r --ed) -rplic=i Li on 'for water f ro,.,n f ollo-,viij., -)ro-oi-:r-cy Lo L 4- E B oci-c G-ar Wo rk�i "C'i"I'L Ciorl T.Hudugoll, o,,Trntir,.I'jo i , 7 731 o c'k 4.Gar t.i v i s v i 11 e ",red by Dobson -seconded 'by satet pe i i i ions b 6 ie lieaLi�T:: -Por renewal df lle-cail Liquor Licenses for nine saloons J- ia Vie �;i �'.y of [,;ran�k;ed Lilso t"�Iat the applica-tion for a. io1 e sale "iqior lice:: se bewIr in t -Le t-able, for far .her cc)nsideratio Ii, !kIulreci by L;wi Seco ftde(� by Hansen tnat, the rel)orc of the acuep ;;ed am,t on file and Iie reaomnea't.�atious carried C;irr'i e d, ClGtit'v- co � cee f J A Wri t cen re-ort, on h ri rv: 0 KI ll-,followibills jea,LLIe Taco-,na Power Co SuT,)plies for r,,�,w ` llb.34 Seo Arman & Hatvnford , o !yeas of Rei;ir, Lraciuubooks 14.00 Co Art- Reno rt4 Co u- -aca?"Ip- t�e s i:-no ay Duf f bell 27. 50 Geo J o rge 1,iz e a Sewer easmeiLit 100.00 Jas j Hardie 1.0 1 211 1pil)e 4.80 lu- va-as 7)ub be r S U- 8 3.60 & hree orderbooks 50 Jame 14"uzey & Co 50, 81' pi-pe ��, 35,� f 7 :50 ,;ea u ale 'Vaca M.:I PO.7er Cu Li,-. im for Jan yl .50 ii-irdie 2.85 J*if.Jo 0 G'arbaL;e coluec-i;if.);j 11 .25 ullah;in u I i-a� cz-ar b,-A,6 e 2"ZI 5 0 Denny peri-cora CO La�e r al Sewer pipe 'L' .i - 1213.75 P Iullahunt n:, oewre ��i-oe 171 .16 J;-ilte -amaze y �i Co E., 26.00 Re ton 11irdwrire Co Supplies for newer ;;6. 58 o -ed by Elliot'- seconded' by Ca',k Lha' all bills 0 KId by v C-,-.Le c e co-,,-,,i i L Tee be ?;.ala.,-carried.. 3 L � Alle,,r coTrtr:-.i LL'-lee f ilei -vgrri rel)or c. Olab an Or,-Iinauce be (A.ra-�vrt crea.rinan i"rmrove-f.ient ljis-'C of poruion of I 5t!,.,, Ave-1-1-ae. nor-Llri for of 'Ipo,,,Irkj side-,,vilk, o7re- by lia-seri seco n('e:", bv -';I- Iioct that rei)ort be accepced an tile c-arr Ouu-, -C=trried, 266 Clerk ins, true j;e6- by St F� Ailey co-,md t te,-,! to i,,o Lif y ovniers of on -.00rcion of 'w-Orriq 6t between 6 �'A Avenae Q,iid 'ec-clo-l'i I; Lo build .9-i-fiewalk, & p y c gl>-,miGtee re-),�rlu-s t1iat- crossii,,. -,-,IouL'I. be b �.uil at 5 L'I� & in SL, alsa siclewalkq fixez"t in .'IorzII.,I Rei:.,-ori,-:it up orcl,ered to 1,i.,11re sane done. - �peci:-il com,.r,AwLee re-p,3rtm on cuLLqn woo;. tree in 1=ori Park cac, L")NY'.'l accepted.- C o i(v n i-L k'-Oe e al,,, p o i u e d by lv-i.ror to (Iraft a Builciij; - Or(I i r-,a a c e ivea ,riorc Limes ,ubired by iLLUrlo'iion seconcl.e!i bylly-irl ;.-h!i ,; Council a c c e-,, t th he -1r o r a L yrL aik Sewer -3ys '-en ag coMple �e Se-p sic Tank,AyeS 2.11oes 5.1"OiAon lost. I",-iineer filed. II I ,� -rriLten re-poru !3)iulviALfin!il e-sx'u-i-ma *X cost of SL)LAFh Truak Sewer, 11oved by Gwif LU seconded by CoO,-e tI1a';, 'Co-,i i s C o-a n c ll a c c e-p Iv- Lh e, re?. o r c. o f leer rjj LOtia C i c G_, Clerk b: i U'-r u c t e d Lo s 1)r ea,', ,,ie a s s e T s men r s--twe . ca r r i e a -ine, or file;! writLea re-norL on l tFYr l sewer by t`­e CiL*y tTirpe blocks Iiavin,., beeri a cost of by lJonolion sf,-,coilded by learl that t ko toli e rel-orc of 'U"Ie xj, i neer be accente .1 awY 2)1 .ced Un f ile ,-c ef wn -:aiw filed e d wr i �4 te r, r ci)-)r � o n Ii`ivinU coiiB true ieI riew .9rind1 t r e e 1 W-s -.m-a rric are re�z�-I- to cut i,,-, or', line fo-c T o e Lonohon seconCled by "earl LhaL-O U report of Kine be acce-,) Le,'- u-'d ref6red. to , Fire Li,-11u ?-, 'Wi 6 o,r 0 o Tii-,,i iLee c,i r i En-inner filed ivri -Lteii rc-or-� reagons Why lie 11-zF) no ac ce�-,i;ed the i4or t'a Trunk Oewer sys -e.q,,, lJoved by Cake seconded by U Dobs- on i!-ic, reimr-i; of tl...ie Eninter be acce>) Led refofleCi to Crie co,Adt tee of Uie dole Gouncil nex" Pri,!.,,iy -,-A�Itu,-uarried.- Re8oluiu-ion -)roTi 'inz� for -r- of oor of S-iw- , t.nd Foart',L Airenue 1)ounded on eq,s6 �7,r ilii L15 v e, L ti. '" ea lrs v,,!iLAt,, on UJB wes '�., by '111--".) a by '13,.qift 'WlaL s-a,,ie be ref-Ired !.-u L'OO C) 267 RUBE Sec .ion ont- (1) if no 105 . pro!Ti(I i--I for t:-,c puy-,Yient u�� wan-'-er ren 's Jn t",(- CitT of rlencoio jiver by Swif L 4mec0-.C:.e('A. by -IlioiLlt tluat qqi '3 ordinaoice be refered to Orfgin:_vice co orairvi,rice )ro-,T j 11 i'jl' for tlie. IU ties of i 77e-,a 'irsw 111iovcd by Swift, sec:)nded by Dobson that "�,ne be re- z:r e CL i;0 1 L) d i I I I C e ::D'11 j-1 i ;Lo e e c r r i e,,, Or(iiva-,,Lce r.rovidin,,� for the inst;�,llaGion if On all ti -reeL, in-c­csec6ions ­iveti firsc, readin,�,,-I�oved by Ido, oncled W "t io"1011 !Iec sante be refere,' to -L,-:-Le irdinance tee, -0;irried,- Ordix,ance 'Iii nor in ,rhich privaL;e f,raing sluall t, - - u 'o e by obson sec- be comiec Led public '"-ewers _.,.�ivejj ri-s 11;1 v. & t -e(", o t ,.e orlinance currai tot-dee,-varrief) orn3etl "by 71uiohon t1i,'! -,,nc be relt -1- galla 'Vila Ave -, e Pl�nkin­ Ordinance laic' Ov-r . Rct.rkL3 b r T V%7 I S On h,­ivi-i,_- seen ,),3,-Ti I-,.- a6 Puallaup f-a7:-ors `)r icl-, for .2"Aircii. ',:o v e d by C! e s e c o nd e by Svii f t 'Ll i a L u ri-ley r1rat u I co ns truc Gi n Iii-' ins U-all u i 0 n a F's­,olut-ion i P rovidints- for ill all s ui-reetug do yet covered by ortlirar�ce, -c zrrie .- df Ci-&'; , in ;ovo i­qw prescin-u-s FIiscussed, iris trucu-ed 3 fijk1'i . 'L-,en opiriion on rsirre Bi6.s -ub-(qi-'W- Led by J 1,,�azey, an,,, R J Robcris ("a Co for lf.Y- fell SL - .� ween 3r6 , A7r(i4 be .�.I_e bi�'cs be 4th re-c-,ae re,'-i�'i area 'by secoY-,L6,ed by C--C�e VIL, c, ty -.,roceed Lu in, Lail said 1-,t��.,ral sewers by u - - L, I-� S days .nor' ,Orx -ed atid t' a ­c Ci � conseiaO-F Sec,:)_jej, ,vi ;hdray.rn . S Dbired by v,,,if tuha 'o bilis, be laid over I I k, gee by cake ona more weell". qjid that- Ways & 1-1'earis co.f,'!.'(AL ;ec in�erview InsAt,,i-iA,ins of L'a- City of Re.,iton, rely five to Of said Work, also corizacL be er, u ul I wi 1- 1 Dirk Vaat -I�rec,-s to furnish carried.- r !,.�O,fed by Cake secomle.1 by Hearl ier of s4ixeet at �orner of Avev; Sec tion 3 as -'L*o r by c i 'U-i z e ns fl j un a, co 'illi 6 Gee cirr ied.- be refered, 7-ire 11cro nu fur1i7'ier bu:.,,,i by Cr:�ke secondeEt by thaL Couxicil aljourn -carried an�,,-,auuuql.y. " a , C&A 268 e , RPBF 269 Re r to.nIFell).28 th'/l I City (;,)urcil in re,,.-ul,-;,- --ession Favor Jon ,Woo'd 'Pro, i:ai .-Roll canHaisen ll.-Coucilman Elliott, Swif r'IT,"InonohoI.re arl EAS'incor.Arouor'oey Clerk beiii,, -reseriL. 14,ii­Lu(.,, 6m of lie last re,,,.klar nesriol-1 were rea,:.], and. app- roved Ap-plica ,ioi for water 1,ot12,Bloek 8 Car -.;ilF!on & lilarlo-a AL-,.,c.r,-JLOs.I'v"-oved by T,'onollnon secor.(Wl by Swif L aha-6- !.ai.ile be !:-ranze4i._c!t-Iried.._ Clai.rr.,s & "ccoans co-rimittee filed written re-porz on havix 0 K' D Ll,le followinLbills an,; recommen6irq, that s-I..rre be paid . 'I"im OLeary, I-; !-- Oays on n -1-dais n nines -1-daorILreetq 15.00 11 2 B6, Duff 1 !9 a v i Crus lua-1 Sprink, Dam1 50 Geo Hai,-1cock 1 a t Darr, 121.50 5 9 a.vs on rireq 11 ';ivs on s urce ts 16 .25 'ofi. �kir Evar;sl. 0-ya a tin an, 2.50 P Dullahant 1 riZht at rnarshall 3.00 P 11)ullahant haulii-v, ashes & Lrawl 6 .00 P LA 1.la i a r,l- h!-iulir,�,� sard brick aneL lam"ber for la .crals q. ,virrs, 10.50 Gorhain Rubber 76o 2 Only 71�- 3.E('.iso n Di-i,,phrunr 4.00 Tit-le Trust Co;re,n­r � on road # 376 10.00 J !,',I Batler,laod coal Ci Ly Hall hqull-n;,; a.-hes Mair SL. 7. 75 J S Har',Iie ,6 bales oakum � 3. 50 per bale ,LaLeral vetiver- 21.00 Priebe Brol Lapplies Labor sevvers 9.40 .oved by =Alliott se c o nd e d by fIearl L -.1-_e report o f L!,,. _Dina -ice committee be acce-ot-ed and -al%ced on f ile and 'whe bills 0 K by �:_ime be ordered paiiL.-carried.. , Clerks reporC for the I.IonLh of February read,I,.o-re CI by 1,`onohon Pec._)n(..eI'I by ­wail Lha-6 9ai,17. re-port be -accon-Led and referee- Lo t.-.e Tlina,lce co-11A t tee, Police re-port for the, I'Lonth of Febrca-"I, 1dLolree, by 1:,onohon scconcea by Hearl tha-r, t'-,.e Prime be accepzed P..ne, Placed on file,-carriei.- m.-ik.es verbal rer7ort on con,'i Lion of wort; on lateral stwern 'bcin:--- built; by Ci work )ro ::res.',inL fa-Torably, j .01 co",yrel-Icer'. vrork on Wi.11iarrs Stbelwween Faiarth Avci;ue 1,onday F 21 7 th "'Iso filed written rc-,-):)r-G o�;. iia7rinc.... s eb Laked ouL alley lines for Block_19_127 .1',.O-ved by BilioLL seconded by j."o.,ohon that tli-le renort of t_'.ie EnkLineer be accep -6ed.-cnxried.- Attorriev Houser filed writtoe.',i o;-ition on q,aestion of J." 'v'd'ng.4 City into elle c-,;joy,,, preciylc '�S ,111lo-,redby 771 J/ IT secondeC. b-,r 7tearl titat t %.c, re,.)or t of t,-,.e Attorney be acce-� te' p 1 r3cerll on file and Ll,.,a-lW- an Ordinance be .;Lraf ted carryin,; out recoTri", e .TaAons of Llie A-6 .orrie-,,r -carried, .kele�,ran recieve,-I from City Go-mptroller 'Dotllwell rola. five Go favoraUe pq: ssa,,,,e of Utilities Fill :-it Oly.mt� i4' all"4 r(DICOMMe"i0in P .ha 'L; Represenatives be xired appro-al ,A­.-)-yed by Ybrw`ion Seconded by that U-ic Attorney r ,I r af c a ase t of Resolutions to be sent co our Iiej)rese natives at Olympia, co-lnnendlinL, their acUon in tl-,As rna,Iter,_carried.- r c kue s t i Am7- ALGoVncy filed(written request ri_-L'­L Council/*Lhat t"(.' n..,ineer furnish written oL"atee-nit showini- fie bevinrinL; an' t mi.- inus of all lateral PewOrs to be convtruc 'V-eai that are no alreaIy covered by QrrIi_nn.rce,7j. oiree,. by 'T"OnoTioYl neco­,t,ed by Swif u -ghar, Lll.e I ,IP,rineer Furnish 1111 neccs-ary Da 'w-a tlialw- is required by Vne CiL y Attorney,-carrieli.- Ordin;.io.ce ITo-244 providin,,o- for tine improvement of by boardi sidLewalk read first time , portion of Filf Co Ave :..LLe Borth Loved by Gwif-Lo secoa:ide,C, by Ilonol,on tivi-to rai(I ordir,,ii-ice be refered or iwar.ce co, .�rAt.*Lee c, rriled.- Ordinance NO 245.Establishin. t I le lic�iy-ze to be pa,iiza by De r -�y of Ren -U�-on rea,11' first teim 1, Lole':3n.le Liq xr ale s in t'ile, Ci 1,io-v e e, by 11;11 i o ct seconded by Su_if 61 t7f,,a Said or,-11-inance be refered. to orldinance c o ma r,i L t;e e )-carried.- !.'�oved by ElilioLic. ,-x.conded 1-4r Yon.ohon Ordina ­Ice No 245.relp.tin. to Wholesale licensap, be ammcnded. -to read ","00.0() ins ,wead of 6.1650.00 c=irried unamarl,rously, Resol,_,tion Ifo-C-9-A prolriCi-n.- "''or t`;.Le �rr:iirellinof portio" Pf and *W.I.-litworth '0-�reetIs . c--ol-,e up for firm,l pass- 4on be loved by Swifl- -ieconded. by Ilo no 1,.ton that t.�.us resoluL­ ar,e laity o1- tIAe tab 1 e-car r i(--.d 0 r, i ma-.-ice ITO 24 0 e nd i nj. Oe c t i o i 1 l .of 0 rd i L,Ia-1-Ic e 110 105 61 of +er he-Oval Oraimince casae up for final Lo7red by seconder.` luy' Miif L i ,.at Sec G."Lon 1 Ile ar.or Led as rcad.-carried. l,','oved by I'vI_'or;ohor, seconded by Swif UIL f�­La Sec-121-be adoted I- re ad carr i c d 1':o v e 0, by Yonolon mecon&e' by Ha,--gen that ti-.e ordinance by as a v„.ole I as read ,-carried.- RPBF ITO for of ; le City Clerk of the City of Rel-,ton, ca,le up for p, s s age by lv`i'Onohon P e co nded by I'Lans en thatu Se c Li on be al-Lop te d as V e FI: carr i e d Lose ' by Lo no lio n r,r co nde e. by Swift th,- - Sec-2-be a4o-D Le d as r e ri'L carried 1'0 F-I'I 1--y l';Onohor, secom:ed by Hearl tllat Sec-3-be ­'o ye�,', qr; read c,',,r r i e d "o,rel T;Y T' nohon meconeLer, by Swift- �U"q,v Jec-4-bc' a fl.­ rer'v". _02 carried r Llovc(i by I.-Ionolljon secor,r�Ied by 11 eFirl 'LhaL L!,(,, 0 Oinance be a."Io-p '.-ed I as a 4lole az reac, -carried . OrdLina-rice "14.21.provic:inL for t,-Ie :in -iOjj of -cre we .1 "') cj­ Gs in all -, Lree L in �'erseciCli:)nts to final reaO.L_L. by ,,o Toho re coriclec] by Ha --"-)en Ilia.­ Sec 4 or. 1 be as re ad" c arr i C"', -Oveby 1-,-onohor seconc-!Iefby Tfearl 'Lhaiu- Sec-2-be, aelopLecl as read a,-,.�-r i I­Dved, by 1,fonohon seconded by S,I,Iif - t"a Secy 7­ be cecl as rcaO. v ca rr i ed 1-oved. by secondec.1, -i ar(qinance be as, a .A, ;sere 7s,710le aq read? ._,motion log;­ u Llo,ved by Elliott f-,econded by Hearl tuhat tht jr, ordinance lbe refered back to ordixjrce co.­i7i-;tee to be Ordin,-,,rce IT �AO 243 .-.provi,6,.in,-,- a privu-.e ev,ains -hall be connected smith public sewers passed to -final readinq I Loved by Rlonolio--, secomIed, by -,Ieurl L11�7A.L Sec6'lion 1-be n's o by 1,_-on� " ,", aecon(lled by Swif thal", Sec -be ad-op -e-1 tis, rea,01 . Carr tLoved by 1,70n011021 secondee by Swift L, a.V Sec-3-be adoteel as r e a" carrie,,L.- X.'Lovcd by seconzd.ed by -61lio b-Ld that ',y-ie orr'llinarce be adorted aca r r i e,�. a-na_q'ti o U's 1 y S 1+110 1 e -ts r e,a,,', 272 110-TTCCI by L-,onohon seconded by 14yearl thrit te AL-Vorney be instructed to ° raft oridinrz-nce coz,n-ellirq; properLy ow,,,,ers to coir up to sewers .-carried.- Ordinance NO 221.pro-vidin--_: for lat'eral sewer on Lo,,;,-In Street passed .to final rear'-ink; by Ij.o,,',.ohor, econ�Lcd by Hearl tlhat Section I- bo. as reae; , -carriee Yove�l by !'O-qohor reconeled by SwifL. t'.,,at Sec-2-be ar.op ted cn,rried .- o--(.,rl, by Y', nohon seconded bv Swif L tlat ad.op 'uee, a- renal ,; L 0 carried.- by I'-Tonol:ion secon6ed by Shvif � ti,,aL Scc-4-bu adoi) ied ,.-i.s reu,, L"'o !- carried.- -ed by lsec o.-,, by {.'swift{.'swiftt'),,-i-u Sec-5-be as read carricd.- 1"'oved by seco ,-.(Te y w i f t la u L,-,,e or ,ina-.icc be acro tee, as a ,rl,.,.ole a- re.acl.-carried, the improvement of Or'.inance L'O 222.provi,'i,-L,: for/a portion of Burnett Street bounded on ",.I.,.,Le nort'.-, by ;;!-Le nortll,, line, of Lotl-Block 24, Town of' Penton 1 0", "I L(-� QiL .,-.�,," Ave,-,ue r o d u c e 0. we s z,I a ru- �5OU-��(L by norline of Seco by lateral sewer p.,i,,q.-,,e( reaOin,:. I-oved by Yonolio-- mcc-)ndlee by Svjif� Sec—l—be- acllo-r -�ecl rew", carried.- I'-roved 1`-,r 7'onol)on by Svdft 11-,at Sec-2-be ar`o,�te6 as re e. u carried.- I,Lo-lred by 11,1ono ' on secoro'i N. by S:Vif L e c-3-lb o a d o p U-e d -q-s of carried.- 1,..i.ovek,'4. by "".10.n.ohon mec3,31j.ded by Swift lw`ia U- e c-A-1:�e ad,ot e d as read carried.- 1.1oved by Monoliot.i. seconeled by Swift that "'ec-.P—be ad-op, gee, 'is rca,,I , c,-jrried.- Dove by 'Llonol-ton stecond.ed by Hearl that -4i-Le orr,inance be q,-Io-o -.ed as Or,,Iinance NO 227 .providin,- for toll�.c i-r--ipro7emej-jt of portion of L east nide of IE'D rr iS '11-1d tie Wes t n j,zo of i tj-C Street bouncTed, on lu,ic Yorth by t-lialla '.Valla 4'vc -.uc ancl on Lhe south by (-;th A-Nrey-,ue pri-smed to final RPBF '73 il,at 'ec-l-be a,"o-, - ed as, t' <x; J,.r ired I,!ojj.()j-jorj secon,7cd by Smif-L -0 carried.- Now ". 'o-od by T,Tono'-OT-, secor.-d that Sec-2-be ado-p-,;ecl as read, (,,0. by Swif carried.- bv 1,,�onohon reconCi.c-7 by lla (isen tiit Sec-3-be ado— Ledas read. lvove� by ITonohon seco-,-,ded by Sviif� th,itl Sec-4-be adopiecl as, read carried.- 1,,.oved by 'Llonohon secondee, by llearl -tha—L Scc-5-be ,-16110-p �eCl ap, rca�L carried.- Tlove,d by Llonohon seconded by Swif . tll-lat, -the otdinance be. arlloplvelrll as a ?,rh:lle a.,-3 -carried.- ro rl 4 n. improvement of -,t sive of Or(linance 170 229.p, l_;. .1, for ;-.e car Shattuck ar,,,:', L,:,,.e viest side of ',I`-,iLwort!l bounCed. on north by .L,-irc'. Avenue and on e, sou , -L by SixL17L Avenue , ri ortofl., o low ea-,6; gide of Vinlilk-0,010rIft L I Yo r r i s I SV,Pll.hcrs Slt.,an-�' lul-,,, vresio side of l j ve,. -ia or, ,_t; sou-Ui by Burnett St- .bounded on t'i.e nor '�l L by ` iircl A -a e. a i tk-;ialla, .*,,alla A-vrenuc by laeral sewer passed to final Yonohon 1_07rccl 04ff� ',.ee -)y Swif L t"'! a t S e c-1-h e eo-,p IL$e d as re. carried.- Llo,,red by L'.onohon iecondcd b-,r 7'e,,-A.rl ed as rc-ad b ovc v lionoho).", meco-.,_ld(,- d by llenrl Sec-F.-be a6optweel as read carr i ed Yoved by YtOnohon seconded by Sw, f i; L,'n a-i; S e c be idk D,) �c.d as read. carried:.- Illove411 by lulonohon seconded by Swift that Sec 5-be },'.on �e as rea,01 rr i 7 ire ,, by 1:,on.ohoy,, r.cconclied by Swif ordinance be aclop ,�ed q,--, ;, vftlle as reacl .-ca,rried.- Ordin-ances 140 for lair-r-al sewers an escribed in ord ;_na-Flces# lai,' o-�rer one more veek. -lion of aivarCin, - Tei,- Lo con .,"r-ac �or,� for irlyi-­­ of Q u e s, �AL,_, 1aLc­,Ll sevrer -1-Liscussed by Couricil ,14oved by "lliott secondeCt. by I-Vinsen that l."Le bids be rejec �ed and thaL CiLy r cee o do wo t� v D,, 0 rk 274 by O.ays abor urs =r -.-�oiaply carried.- ".,ro-e( by Ilonohon ecce ride 'L-v I'learl 'LhaL L,ie Bo,,',,,- bar 21,.e Cler!.c be approve,,7. anal cot,,.fir med by this Council ,-Carrie. .- L,To,,e,,' r-,r 7,11iott seconded by SIXifIv t"-La-, Cler-InoLify Trea,-3carer Tonkin to file 11-d-, "'ond. Carried .- v noh ;:`owed. by Ll'o on seconCled by Swif L thall. the Attorne , be irls'W-ructeel co cormience condeinination procee6in!s a i rm G r 0 prope ty owners in Block 5-now yet havir.kpu �,- aliu-,,r tLrou�h carried .- There bein, no f-art'.-,er busi.,-iess Moved by Elliott secondee, by !.�ononon, that Council ad j our n,-carr ie d, anaylanrlo ally. 6ie�� City vy RPBF 275 Ci UY (;-)un(,il �-e t in r e L,,ula r .9 e m s i o-ri 1ayor Jo ,vo 0, -.0ro's i:1 1 Roll EllioLt, Dobs o n, ;3wi--f-L I „ n-ineer ,�I � uorney a,-a,.11 Cl,rl- heir; rose rillue is -i re -,,,I ar session �erer 1,ad li p- ••• roved 'ire Li, 'it, ar, Wa�,cr Co mrri LGee filed wrl tLefi report r e c o mm e n d. i-n” that a me t e r lDe in i �al 1 e d by *W',-v 3 e a LLle Elec cric Co ori the `)nrin�rl)rook coti,iection.ldoiTed by laonohon secoa(io-1 by placed on file lianserl re,,-))rL be accented qncl/t]aa� zho recommend--itions be carrie't out. Claims & AccounLs written wri �en r.ei)or-;C, on 0 K the roll bills Renton Dru,, SLo-r9 3 t a t i o-n e r v 1.65 Menton Iacl- 'Tel-Co Peser7roir phone T?arch 1. 50 Renton Lumbe- Co Lumber for crossiri,,--s Etc . 21.80 vc�!-y D-�t 0 1-, L i TTauli�i --m-lies for Li,.h . & 2. 175 'i U Lusk Watcli-,ran vc 3-orin6brook F1 .00 Kane Ing L%l,1 i n. li;,-hL in En ;-office X3. 50 '0, A 3'-P-Lrer Labor 'dater Dept. 17. 25 Trip U Sumnor (S-. Car Ya r e 41,.0c' 1-1,1 S i 7-ail-lin sLe-,)g, on "if �'A Ave.-Ifain 4:. 50 7-m-)o --i` in, Thos Rowe Im T o nk i n In�nres t on Ge-(ier,-2,1 Fun,-! 'Narrants 147 . 99 art be - ,- 1.Loved by Elliotu recond I by Swift iaL, 'ihe rei) r� a, acce, d and ,all bill0 K1 6, b,,,r L'.-,e i : ,- ce cxtiiii , uee, be e U."It, a -, Pai a. -carr i e E'n-i-leer ).,ikes verbal renor on prok;res.9 if' ,i o r on lrt v rail sewers be in iri!,, .—sl led by Ci LNf.re-n.or t ac c e-., Le( Ileal tIn 6f C i c r Bronson filedl writcei" re ),)rt, 4'or I.LOnt"a of (?eqrhs and Fo-ar .,-,i birL1AiTuTo-ved by 7)obson by " J"Wif L r=:.,'-)ru of tirs HoalL'-L Officer bo accp,-) .ocd and placel. on file ,-c!ixriec? . - Ordirrl,rice NO ti45. TlsLal)lisli.iri , lice:iF-)e to Le 3 ii b- ...dole- sale liquor dealers in City of .-'ne hour: Ar. in Vni rh came shall be lcen ,.- ol-)eri "-)-r huqiness , :_j' f-,-� 'a ;i - :1 c is i;r i c c. in -�-iolecl-a.le liquor lice:i.mes, 91-1all 1"o for t'.P `i--Ar-mer of -ale of liquor at, -Toles.-ile —ro-:Tidin 'a riell-11 "y for 'Tiol'aLio-"I 31 -9-inle ,lyissed, to final re ad i 1,10-\rfid by Swif t geconJed by !-,A'lli0LC, SllatLO SCLC 404 1-be 7i�-;J-1) LCC 15 road . -carried 276 y a "30 c-.,-be i`.17;> Led !i rc­i,/; 1_7,"o v e d by E'IL 1,i o e q,,)f i ez e I c,,irried . o -t� s e c o jid e d by t7�yi f e c -be acio-te' as read by Ej. u -3 C,irried ._ Yo-vE"' by EllioVw reconded. by 3wif u ij`,,iu Sec-4-be as r 7l'i Ylore' by Securvien by Tllansen tlla `pec-4-1--beidop ed rralt v c,irried -:G--e( I'll io u re coyl.71ed "by 11anse-n �1­1, pec-5-b<, ad o-p e ric reri` 7 1 by L cirri ,d by i o t coon e by .v i f t t`,ri u',c or' nunce b', -c '19 a reafl,cirried ,jnana..,.;,,ou-,jv. Liconse Co,.­ittep hrivin,; re-.,-,rted vefbally ris bein- in falror of i-ra;izia­ licenge as nrovided for in orClin,ince 45.L.1oved by "I rri iohoii econde& by Swif L t'Le 'rerbal rep--,r �, be JAO acce-pied an:; Lluat -;U-.t- lion se be 'lays & 1, Coitkl-ee filedwritutpr, on liay .a i ., Wi U]I �Iizens _13ank (jf ILelltor, rr-:6,dc arr!-i;iL,-emenq/fo1' the c '-riswrucVi,D.,, of newers to be buil � by CiL,,,,!- under ordinances contr-acL -r )r vs-arne iriw�-i at�c� Sub!ndiu' Le�'. to officers o" naii. bank.lDlorod by necond.ed -b%r 4.1,.-iL lk.,he re,)-,r ' of the be acco-,p-U-e,.'.. i.-.,,-( Cl­,ai re-,)ort be place6 on filo , -c-irried.- 1101re'-1 by 111onohon seconded by 'Dobson tha-Co t,_:,ie Bn,,J-ne(.'r be lnsri.icLe!�j to )roceel to insL!illewers on 71illiarj , L. -ewers I' - 0 U. Avenue , .-1n,, on S ,. between 13e -!-)nd Ave- be 'uvrpen 1�r, T11irc! A-v nenderit of conruci.- , ,ari�l that finance co,,­-itutee Averi-Le ndc-. inc'lu,, -J, in conlract wiu'� bankcarried .- Crdinance ".10 244 .pprovidin., for �',e I)uil�', -i'ril-: ol' board' -midevvi,Llk on of of Fif 6'i Avenue M o r L!i a s r,0, t 0 -5,1 _,5,Tai by ,t,Od TY Ell io U'r, S)ec-l-be -is read carried by qecondedi by Swift 130 as re :,oven 0 c-irri d.- r b pec,)-mi b-r Dobson 0 1 0 -I.r, In .0 re"A 0 C cOni-led. by 7)0-1— or, 7ec-4-be 3,,11�-,>.) �ed q,,, rear' RPBF 277 )!LOhJ.I ocaiided by Dobson t1h.a-i, k3ec-5-be adopue-i afr rc ad .rrie S irc­.i lbr "onohon 5;econd.�-.,i by Swif L or,:, ,] tjce be 14o reel. as a ­role an read._c=irried.- Ord i.-iance ITO 219 providin ,- for 'U.I'.(, improvemonG of -r)or6`.' on of Burne tt St bourne , on nor til by �2ie sou t':1 bounc,ary of !;eco-rid Ave- ;Ln,, on tne noutlel 'hy Ul`,e nor'LIL lin, of "iir:l Ave-by "'`e ,orj.sL- ruction of' a. lateral serer -U-!,,Prein passed to final readiing. ITO,rc,j by Sgif r. qpcojj:I(-�I, Dobson -.`.na-i 'Sec-l-be adof) �,e,d nAg read Iirr i ed.- Yo,,rell by seconded by EllioLL 'Sec-2-be as read carried.- 1!Tolre:j by ',-)uolon gocorided by B_ liovt tluu-L Sec(43-be aF1J43 E, as read c arr � !,)Y SwIf L. Sec-4-be ido7) l�, 11 road o 'e c IT C )a iecoade6 by ")w-.;..f' -5-b, ado,) .,e it reaCl carried.- L 10, S w if a � Scc-b- be IJV �_bnJ.'LJII e 00 1 Y C,Irried.- 1-,"0L -- fi by 1.1ortohon secoaded 'hy t,.,IaL 'U"C' oraj IvIlice lole� as r ca rried Or i,narice 110 1220 for "Ir Of Ll'.,au Of Lo -in ,-treat ori t?ie nor �Ih by c e c;- ii .I A,re- n d o i-i o it i;`-L by t?-ie E i _)t ,ay W 'Of L( Cl t T Of Se!i V i; e C 0 c-�a r i v(;r P i 13 o, L i r;i,-! 'n-,,r e n s r u c t i o Y i Ui a 1. . lcr.Ll newer Lherc;i 1 1)a 9 S-p rcadi-ri­. lao ved by 1,10fio`iD -i qe(,­)n-,q.vrIA I.,y Swif L "jec-l-be Is ',n a.3_ by 111�01-,0`10-11 gecol-1,1G , 't)y SWi4% )-o �e i, roa�l r r io,.I - ,.a by T:'01101-to'-, rec:) 1-16.ed by nobFioii lullin. 0 Sec-3-be L:ed 7roica :. a r r o by -ec-) -,%:Ije". by 'Swif . a .- 2)ec-4-bf^ acllo­ le,l rea:_ y Ow-L f t carri�td . - 1�),(, a.-Io-nued 278 Ylor Lof:)C-C -, A7rT ?-I(OrLtiC u1 ) �) ral sc,v'('r f?(1QY1 }UST 1�0�)CJ_`. ,i 1Oc-1-be waci oY> �(?;,, 'Yr., sec; wi . _ I)y .:,%vif i -i,,i Sec- -bt, a'o,> pec,. 1, r 0 :'0,i01; eCoil ,f?t3 by `')VJlfC -be 8 ''C)T1uF?Ci y:;" i .", xiCl 7 { nn yy� tV Cl 1.�T .):iU!`Io YZ seconde(I b-,r :�Wif �.::"3. V ,�.l f?(.:-t- �.1 F'ii�i i)t' 1l,,! as r 'r1-7 carxied .- ;.on exec,.nrfted by StirJif 6 Sec-.b-be .e-' ar, rea . car riF:d.- )'Yon geeon(Ied by Dobson I!, t' e orctin�;rce >>. .-carried .- Cr'' il2-ince 110 226 provfd iY1� dor the improvement r;f' L- 1--,,'i:;, r.•-or to on of ',--i .'.-'.ers and t%e west slue of -urnevu 3 �• llr� E,. r r e 1, T �'� 1 '�!- 1 7 Y ("� ) 1 "U l,_t Y;� ;�, 1'Y ,`3.11'-c ,1�re_ 'a.i?.'.t Ol'1 �'�.f ��oU bar ix ,r a,,rJ- l)� _i "]r uT' C u1 )Yi 7) i. . 1 '1l S ;1'JE?r :t:YerE1T1 1) A•`"•"iFt Dobson e6. "1') i =iCi „ irr is d .- by .�`UiYO�;lOYY ` eCJllt;e:.i. by DobsO `i%iv S)ec-4-bE' a(Aop s -, ti,-r �:ono �on �ec��'�c1eE.� by .,.rzf ;. .. by 1,'Ut1U1'.UYl PCC7rldcI by `3,-iif � at Sec-fin-be adop Le CL f i-O i:)': ) , -ec )iade: by S Jif t L' Sec-,i-be -Is IE?a C arrlf;' o�rn.F, by T?onolYon secondi,d by Dobson u e ord inF n.ce .i s•. _ 7 o =. il if '1Yit�l,orth 8 e ,''rest siCIe of TT,)rris St. bo :: .Cd oTi 1 I I o r by Wal 1a '1311a Ave- .:i:: or, soULL.1Y by 0ix-tn C;., i19 v11UC l:l0r, of 'i. i'1 l.t,' %z ESE??VE? F, � passed " r l r t• .rein pas ,est to I?PBF 279 'by !.`Dr,Oqor a y S secoi-� er� 3wif - 'Sec-l-bc, adoi' uec carried, -o 6e d ar, -re a0l C c. econetec! by Sviif ,� t' au Sec-2-be alf carried h1oved by I.",oaoho_,i seco,­ded by Swif Ojec-:7)-be as rcid carri(-A..- Loved b-%r L.,oriohon Pecon ded bt Do7son "),ec—I-I)e rtdf:)-,� .ed aq --a't carr ie d Movecd by !;onohon secon( o` f t_. ,,I v ")e 0 C4 T)( j I (0 u carried.- T),7 ion gec on i— by DobG3on .;Ina, "n or,' i co q s 'I 7lo e- as r C', c q r r 1�0,r(,Cl 'p,r C'-JCe 9 f eojj�IE!O, by S%-ri Lire r ''onkin !:c, rillo,.,,ed onf- rio-re week in file his bv r., E, -,)L,4(,f to t:-,o to 3-I)r-.YI,-brook ar,6' T;rin-, in written re-,porL at nex'U" re, _tl�i r rrc tire; of t' C o LA n c as to tlrv-, ­t .,,oun G of fey-ice requireO, to fence in the Ci tics -„rater s Apply,al: o re-Or u on ai!!o un , of worj'-, A needed to -repair spill,.vay, carriedi .- Acce-yrc,ai,,ce o'l Uor .h Oe,,)tic Tank incl ssccci 1.1-Ir Co-x,-,cil3rrien & L;i ozena . by Haagen secon(Icji by I.Tono'-non. five bciniry cavMIrd of ,'tefecLv, in .Tor ,;I_, 33e,a cic "L'arilk i,s, report,ed_ by En,,inecr I.i"La,u sair'l, liorth -�-ic Ta-r,�k b-,,, 16he Council re(-..o,-mrcn(71 I'le accept'3,nce of Ciu-,r unriria!r.,ously Rc-,,erc of "n,,-ineer.-on _',,Tor �h Septic Tak- I n compliq-,-,ce pri th your reci-ikes t !iq AZ'.r mo Lion M"'I'de by Co unc i rr�-In TTarcse n, fim -,cc c)-,ryepi by C,)uricili-vwn I'-On,.))on, I herevii Lh c c c"r) 4e 'Nor or C­ TrTruck�k Se­ �is T�vnk ind woul(l al, o re co.mi,ici.-id t1ie ,q c cel' ;;`ince, of t"—, Nor -', Trurk Sewer. I UI� L 11oved 'Wr C:i-�,-_ neconded by Mansen c repor � of t'he Eyl.,.'ineer be accented flild, i eP O-il f"Lle acid tl,lat L".t_JFi C,)uncil rvlie`re the Er.-,i-oeer o4.' '111V q-,qd 17; res);onsi _)_Jlity to leaky -c of maill ilor 'u".11 Se;-. tic Taf;k .c4rried ir:ously. There be no further T,,usines,-7 I'vTove-l' b-,,- meconO.ed by thawl- L' is Cauncil aeijouryi , o Lj, CL'Irried _Lk i� n, 9 ly C,4 ,r Clerk. 280 I�etl t;unp T.arul I p 14 Lh /11 Ci � Co uric i I -C iri it s e,,3 8 i j ri, tiri,,,L #n Lh(2 abS e twe, of N,-)o d -to horl me by Elliu that L L"Iyor jj�l, veU T)Y 1�oi CO anc i I :i,ian Cake ac G qs Tuayor Pro- ice,:�i, c ntrr ie d —in,ue is of la!; re; , alar -9essiori were read d )Pl unli Ren o ii F I ca o n -r o r wa,L(,,.r for Lo L, 3 231 o c' 1 i"I f3 o t If" 11 la r J.0 W " , 0 11 ta n 11 L s re a d ,T.'o v f'd v -,. -b,a b s o-a m e c,)n 'e, y o L Ll a� !IT.,1)-LC-, -J.` Awf)licatwo n for vaicer for Lou 5 ,T.),loc,,,,, b ReaLr)n I'arn'-1 roaci.lZoilred bar Dobson secoruleci I)y -''lion What be ;1,ranted .- peciEdon recio."red fjr�w 3eaLLle 4cori-i Po cr Co askiii�,., ."iLy fir PvT-.0lissio.-i to use li-,hL. poles on cerZladii street as de'suri lued in 9,,iid I lie ,i Lion* read,--Loved 'L;y Dobson socinded by Elliott maid ixe wildon lov vecieveli# 'itial refered Lo Une lblivu Lith L Lr Stree L & le .L y li 0 ril i L,�e e filed wri LLUeli report rcco,,,;me,;,,- - n t,,La Lo Lli(, Ci tv Proi)cr t.- U u L 11 ' .,,r C o i i i e e e c;u r e -i-,i e a�,i L,m(,-ti'�, D t 43N al- iQa-koion of Seco: :. divenue from the Ci Loy Limits co the erid of tl-Le 1 , I -Old :)urcliase�l for 11iL;1i ScIlool purposes , lo-.red by Elliott qecoiided by llearl. that :he renori.- of the co mili L Lee be ac cc :iters and placed ori file atid Lhe re co-mmleada-Li on carried oat.-carrie d Move,,11 ".)y Elliott secr)nded Tjy Dobson ;lilt Council adjo-arri xauil .1'ridgy elrenin"- a'z, 7 .30 P.T.I. CarrieC, .- rk . ROBF 281 , R ea t o 11 llar(,.a 1%h,/l 1 Ad j i,;fi of Ci Go-a,,,e, to or , '(Ar at. 7.70 P.TvT. "'a--or Jostwo"),I Pregidin- Roll c al 1 .-ICI o-u rl C i 1 Wr al E11io L t ,H an e rt anClerk Ibeiij. pre. e,.q t. T­i nU e t s of L ,e la-, t r a j�u 1,ar s e�s;A i a n were i�e adL r-;Lvi a- ppro ve,I Under she heat of report~, of s-r)e c i;;I C 0 3-, _.1 i 1'1 ko e Duff filed ;vr IL tten, re oor-L an hav-,ix e xax,ine 11 h6 a4iWarkI of water IN BUIPlY aL Sprir.6�rauk and on ,IYAGun-; of fence necessary '�o fence it Ci Ly could no ' qieUrnniii� e u­�, Uxt of fenue ,ao the Maker were no is in pl-ace.,Ivloved loy Crike aeo-j-,aiLetl by repor4 Ijo aace­; Lod aqd, place-, on file , dvtrriel�$ Y'a �­ W ove.'i '�Y C,-i,',,--e ­,ec�iitded by 'vj'lJ_lio �� 1-hat 'he 'nZineer estimate Ldie auounof fe;,,ce nece,,,,,3ary to fence in pro-perty surrQu- that lie Flo -neces-,?ary work rela�Li_\re to to re- Pla-eiA� of .?, ,;ake., outlinin® property ow,;ied I.)y City al- sait, Ouring- Brook.and file wr]. LLen rep )r 'u oln ,-ave :1s soon a� po.,,;2i'1�1e, carried.- 1.110 ;,)y lre'l 1 i 0 t to -,0 c 0 n d a d 'ay I I e,,)r I gh a'6 t-L e eater Supt. have any an,-! all neueVzary work C."one in regard to repairin ; and e 1 e q:m dLn r- o u -3;n i E t o xt S j r i ri!- r a )k a a r r i c,ca 111it,ineer filed written re,)or-lv- an final es Luiv,,,rzte avi oo�3t `20 L711 co M t 0"' s,-Uve illcludina .� fixed ef- �izte, of 1�ort-,,-, -�runk J'ewer 6 4 IZ� . 7 4 L'Loved by C=Lk.e seooiaiLed IQY Ellio 'w'. LqP, repc_)rt of she e u,r �e acuepLeo_ allc. fileri an& that Lhe City Clerl: be author- ize,..', 6c) spread a.!zel­,Sulext for AtLo:!Aey filed writLeii repor ;: of fijjal settlement of Came of L;it-,r of nes ton V.S. iliac �I Jue I., leifal?fo C"i's'O if Uity VS , Carla Tlarclui .Aalave�L 'ay I'lliott geconoleal by Cake that kie repjr'c of the At-�orxey 'be acae?Led and plauad on -file anI ',Le reCOn. nIeA- 6atio-n- in :;aid report 11;e carried, nut.-carrie,' Ori i nan c e 4 gj i yj" for t-iey of 6 ftej tor. into two `park, sea ,firnt Uime "Moved y Ellir) tU : eeonde " Y Llo_rLohon LI -A airl ordinance, 'be re re re,:i to 'U'L,le ordinance Co-,I.,41i 16'Wee 0 nI I,i nan c e No 242. �iLiiati OYi of S L,G ne 282 t_A at all ,-ree t in t(!rse c ti olr,� 1-AGluded ivi �hiil U'li r,-, bxun_.ar- ic of ai-,_y i erri ;ory herein if tor Plated ill the, Ci LY Of P'lerl"U'ovil -pa:3 .-,ed uo that jectioR 1-lee adopted ar, Movet "by 1111140t-t �ecui-'Qiea '4Y MORO"'On Mo",re° loy mono'lon Seco.idad. By lielirl '�haL Sec-2-1m ado-,ptefl qs - read, &J..L._L . Lryiatl this orjLinaric -I 10"I Cakce ­,ecohacd by E", ' Jot" to rAO Aol L'ee .y.o on a,.� amimcude(.3 carried.- fjr City rill', L L w L .1 Ren t o�i Wwy Weekly Ife �- sa�ale rcad,Yoved *!� C 1�ec-)niei, -,jy dear` -'111a1; 00 laid ovt,,r utitil 1` 0 ar r e d.- 60 o p e r-Ly W "Im-Y :�` Iiott thaw ..aver 'my C, -3e conle, y$### "be i n in 1L e r same Iae allowed actual need of newer ,ea kne c ti on to'ia , owof "i ct Conneup Trunk Viewer under 'he of Ci- y�erq;in. cer Connect 1. ea:c r i e d . Finance filel w, ri rep:.- t on `ie vine n,- O.K. ,Le followin Fred Uker noals -to prisoners 3 .00 �Ioe Tone- f or on Ilydrants 1 .87 TlAoh Rowe impoandin� c!'Ittle 2.00 E Aull. 15,.'oor on streets & wator ty6t.em R .75 Ti-i; OLeary ia';Dor on pip--s 8 .75 r i ce L,ro S s,ap. -;v 1. 6, -17 .95 jonkin 1'reas- oea ,-wLle for wa-t;er 2�7 .60 I-Lent,on HwieL Co suplie:--, gevieral funt 14 .05 _91.-A Kate new l'i--,-hL system:,, 91 .60 P:cie'je Bros ss u-m p s sewer :�'by City 11 .35 P �ul 1 al i aAt IT L.Laulin,,- 1'or sewer, by Ci vy 10.7 P%.e-.,-.L-Lon Iierald ten Lime books eewerc ljy City 7.50 Seattle 'iac.)rila PoveV Co lir`, �s 9 1 . 5_1 a-�V- 0 to It terial 61 .16 Sea the Electricde Co -pini Craps & Fuse X1.02 no -r'ur L]Iner lausine!!!s a mo Lion was ai a cl e 'by - - Llonol.,,on recon 6.ei loy Cake L,1j_tL C:)ayicil adjo ur�n c;�.trr ie d au-i n E*i o a- Y,- City C, ork. RPBF 283 '1-L 11 nL 21 s CiU11 C J0!, W30.11L pre- 'Djb.,. ile _L 'ir laos of she lar,� re..,­ular Session were rcr ,jved. -t-L"P P3 c 0:- .for water from J o s Ivio r r i s 0 ,o'„ 4) 151.a c'K 2 R'eii oi 'Yar, P1a4- read IVIloved "by oriohon seconded 'o-r Crikce lication for se ver cul.-ilqec Lion for Lo Ls 19. 20 Dlocl,- 19 Bq'�aj Tickvur Ovisicr,Lj �m 6_7-3, lack- 16-11,7,.rry KUpLe ovmcrjLo t 7-72;luc'_,; ,20_1'e Atkix3on, .-Loved by o'm 10 r Lo 7,loci 1C Jos 'Nood o, E'lliott qecon.-'ed "W-10110111 aha„t 17, i' ai ns a ic,'�'-io e ran ted- e Now 121cc -i un-kl-'s C.i. -,i t tee filed wr$ t report on 'Jills f o r pr i n i f ordin' ,oes -rrDm Teltom 'ffeekl.-)r Uews , , -iend J. -ind .r e co r tjj t Z, id '3111 '.`?e '�heir P— 1 `)e not pail, ;e be i n; 10i- a ti Q a 11,10 ve d 'ay Ca ;e rsecc).wed 'Qy rflliocL t4at. -WILe rep,oru of tui.ie co -z L L; p P, e accc-�ted and placed or� file aaC, the recommen., au ions (;arriect out,-carrio .tire Li..,hu'- Yia 6er gee filed iv-ri WL cen ro ^r L Oea-t le Porer Co �ie iv,`i n., -zil-ia!6-1 e, ap p A, j,icjt;i0j1/for -per Assiou i,o exta,,-i.', ii ',�uq iiaL� an f2o,)i n G' wes,-L of Lo Vit. T)e, -r,1.,, '6-,e d ul,.,j r e co:-,.-;Ie,id tic. *�. 0 go-L u`iree 1)ol(,s on Jar-len avenue 11ort2i o.,,jcj-,ided' by 0"wif t that Cne re-rj:)rz ofI ;e co rl- -itee '-e recieved, q.,,ld U. le -he recolrie-,-iclatio!is carriod ju'-.-c�arried.- Piace..�11.. Or -�L W u U _L C S & "c c o s co..." i ztee filed writierj. rcport orl -in t'1 1 h 3,vi,, r e c or o n 3? D aV OKI ,` fo 11 o Renton Hwd. Co supplies -r;,r sewer 2".65 P Dulles': .-M't, for -.�wvor 24. 50 1 -1 D-R-C-?4-C-Co newer 44. 1 I# It i T4"Lu. 90 ) I. i:�i c el-& tel-Clo s tx.1ce 10 T 17 -R-C-&-C-Co 2.--7�00 re-,rar ' ricl, &2o j 0 e r 'Ii,,e 33.00 P Dull,111-a'at nauliia --ravel , A._I i e s for 6. 00 RefTito n :Dr.4,; G ture s & s D 1) 0"S 1.50 tereq _1 warrarl �S 113. 91 in i; o.,i F a 18 .00 284 -L':-Ilio U- Lo t CIL 'i, !-q Ac c 7)x. �ce T)e ac cel,, U'-0:-1 a 1"1 f i le n,11 i I I S 0 ae�'3 Wi r) zrect c� .r on 'i v LO W Itiscyssca,Fiivally "ecided olo,rive a"Ll ter iii. 11 a iil,i.s 0f C i Ord i,.,,iaj-4ce -_,.,2., f -C of plurl,-dll";, zea ix FL.-, f i id,; re i n a c o nv eI), al-,o g c c v n d e y y �Ilio LO L-O toliak-O or `,.-Lnvance ',.,e over unv-il nexi; rc,,a lar e tin-, -car r i e a Ordlnai,lce provi"lin, for ie 0,i-ri:-,i r)n ,)f war"Is c a e up f o r f li,,al cl a4 Y'Lo,VC."d '01'r �,i"4i e $0c0d C)V 'Ei o -.1 LO a r a -i c e 'qty la aver o e ,-,i o r(,,, ne el{ -c r r i e d 7( .,!) 2.42.providin - for tlic ix o nu r.,e-i t i,1 '1.11 n Lrne n s e c -'U-i o n s-pa r,c c to -10 i n:i I r e i, r 1-1 o n s o c o i I'll ed In y EI o i S e c d we - e, U ip obar-es of L�,Ic- Mi,ineor s, C U :i :ail 0 r c ad, .15.0 C) c,r !?a T. c r r i a d a na r u-1 o a s I y. Y �;at SeC j. i o h o e co:ic'c �z,y U read..-carriedd.- IvIo ve]l. 'D-r LI,-)n i c) 1 0 C 0 11,7 E, 'L 117 C tj I a,L `ol) 'erl ac -a w7-iloe aq c,ar r c"A.. Bids for Ci cy -rin w7in,- from Re I'l 'fe ekl-,,r News 1,01'. W-O I'l rear .-14ove�. loy Cake seco-licled '."y t"n.at, t11.e con ,vlct the Ci U.: x �y prin -i-i_ '-e avivardedl ta ",c lle-i-�o-,-i 7'er,-' sl R.J.Pe Ae o-e-1 io-'- seco Adlel 7�y Doc,,,on L', e t %er of IJ"r 60 U. -h,� pol-s ovined. by City re t-,i-",-en co- .,l of Yi n7,,(�r of lid,, -r Li,�,,h U- col.11-A V---Ueo next -'Fridlav c"Irried, 'Miert, ",)c no fart--,-ler a o io I-In C�)unc 1 adj J ied Ui.',cc seconded. by a A rVI c�l r ReBF 285 Re Ya t u n I Jdar dti 1 0 28 Lh,//l I Ci L1Y Courcil e+w i.,i se—, 1,11 �sion Ya�70'r Jas Wooe, j r,o I-,o i-, x r,e -,)r Cr' )UY.,C 1-4.a, 111110 C -Roll C4 pre, el-, ,�, 11inue 'Gs of C,lle lar, t re�,ular, ,e-ziuyk were rear Lr.. apT-,ro- veel.. t pl i 4 0 'ar ,ewer G _lectiuns -fLz)r ;;he follavrivi., -Tro-rerty, to-grit. L o t-I B 1 o ck, 15.D TA Jones OwnerLot,l Plocl.: 19.R V1 Gay 1hos Lir,,clay,awrcr,Lo L-17, o,%tmer Lo ii-1 block 11 .11) Willia...Tz owner,L,) 19 Elo�;k 28 .A'1 Jenni, E A lk'�hearer,owrer, Block '27 )-8."e le wa ch I a r L a ; 2-8c- 13, o c alµYo applieail6ioyi far water Jfwo:r- 6he followin-- propert-v, 7, Block 11 Car work,� "c!&iLLoi,)n2G H Friene, u-aner.Lat -9 -Bloelk,77 Ali P Of JQuie Delaurey, ,;i or. Lo,,F;Lr, Ave;ue 1area iL by Morohon recoxde�', 'by Eilicitt ",at x:11 rewer 4 a1j;plicatiorvi bu t react 1�e r_ar te?, Carrie i.,'ovee, )-y Dolt._or, -le cGrid lay Swift' �%a the kpplieatiom,m for water Ive 6e- C#,W I th �ha exc-c,, L-*Lo1q Of Delaurenti applieation to 'aVaU iz ',e refere� ier w U C.01,e, 1 ceej Carrie:', & Acco ant-4,, e© mi U'-tee f ileel' wri ttey, rep ort on ha-Tri- 0 KI oE the i1ollowi-Aft- bili, s ancz reeo>rere�in,, their paynren t. ,jeattle 11we,, Co r, .10-Ke!- of 'Ie -,ce 3.?I P. Co -t're�ic;ht aii 17 anhole covers 1) J L fire e q'a ii- n .,w e r.t 2. 50 A H ArT ar-n------- If , P c �, PO A Reo3r":,-.P-------- 41 2 . 50 EAu!4-----------IS ix c,ays o; e,,, Q0 TiI7.� OLeary------2 i ard l on pipe- 16.25 J H Jaries-------0-n e c],a y o'n a rca.,�e2). 0 E T.IcDoralci------Cleanin., fire equi-a7men-L 50 Alpx FiC*_-,,i,r-r,,.s0n__ '1 2. 50 IronI Viurk�5 I.Ianhole cover 190. 50 P D-allahan-L-----HaulirL jraterial for City sewer c 55.43 11 '7 .89 P Ry Ccs-__----Frei Frei',-IiL on. -�ewcr ,�ipe IT,, to 1 R 13 a ws L i fie------Dnuice narr,-Irlal 00 P Dallaha-it-----llaulir.,.. 6raVel 00 J 7V DWL-oler------4 gays in Ylaj,chi !,,aulin -arltaj;e iE. i.�� 20.00 Al J( nnli--------A 11 e-Y Purvey s a,-,r.) 7. 50 '1`vete----­--Alle,r survey 2-3- 04ayn 7 5) 2 # 'Loved 1)y Tflon ohon 7!eeDr-,,1ec7. 1.y Elliott t*,.,,,at -',,he rep:--)rt of 17-le co iUtee be recieled a c e r, o n .file U' rille order ee- paia.-carriefl.- 286 Cax.-A t -wee or. Police e. Lice to f ileOt wri Lte,-, repor L re come Yiddr, Qnat an ni�;!,.4. 'ars,,7,11 Ime appoirited to F,etve IDA -lur.4-ay rdr,h'C#­ of eac.,a week at per night. Moved %,y Sin-ift recong.ei ?,y Elliott that the report of I- :-i aAs the coia.vA i;tee 'ee ree-Levee axe., placeel on file ane. the recover U carrieO. out.-C.-Irrici,- Ciw Propert- cormittee file, written, re-ort vaeoneneUn� that the report of --U'-he Attorney on watter of Of tracks or, t 'be r e c o we rela L L o n�i in aivL rellar _L Arc� Alrenue ',,e ­.ane- I-ee,� . anv earried out, _Yovei. Icy C-tke Icy Il'o nolllorl dnat Lhe report, 'be - cI acceptee, ane, placee an file ,-carr ie .- Fire Li,,ht & i7ater eorrai iw- Lee filerl rri . uen rep,-,r t o n pe U- i A-an of the Fire Depart ;ert,f or ;Q,,c iiw­ i,Rlla LiQ1K of -a =Direr, ire WIAtle awe to -be in=.tallee, at Une S E Co rodne an' 6o .-is lie eonnected with Telephonez,ay,,,4 resorenel that ,Le Purcj-ia.sira A in�,-IwriacteK �o have nave in--,talle-0 . 'eritU an ',e ]'Aayor JG',, Y100 'Movee Ity Ca'-.e �econi.e,'A, wy Tiorohon Li,.e report of t'n.e cora ii tee e recieveO placed or file arty, :v-',,e reenveriations -I-)rGvigin fo- ^ Ivrin-, of u-,7-t irox v�ratcr ;pit?. Renjlution ,,ana, for "u-.-.e o t,ertK�in tree t. elescribe i t inn wit,, of 9aiel street , 2ea.A firrt tL,,,e .I_oved 1-y Elliott secor_6e4 11my I�onohon that sai:1 rI.eroluAon !.e refcre.! 16o &,e Ur '_-_*IyIrtnee C 0-fr.ni i t-te _carrie-...- ResoluLion riroviddn, ; for of certaiM !, tree ts a,-. ;iencri�ari ir. Ity i;lae C0rU7trU-_ 'A0II Of a Oar tidLewall< react fin'�t- 1--y Tlbnohor. •`"ecoir4er' Iry EIIioLL Aa. -5aie, Resolu !-41on k-le referee to -the ar.-. irance conAittae, -carrie;i • or'lanance provi&in, fear ,;eag!i fi LLin." Etc o r f r ti U4 '"'w i f t r,e c o n d e 4 1�y -1)o Is s c;r, Iaa t d a i fl., i a C; read n t �Y,e ,ITo vy ed 11.,e refer to t-.,,e or?dnance Ordinance nroviiv,_Jn�, for t'.-ie kl,ivi�ion of the City Ing � I-y e se n Lwa warewame up for fin a". A pa�isae ,L-Iover' ky C,-i,< c o ie i L',onolhon t1,lalw- ail on'inance re'ere`. k W'x ore", inance co iitee , eArrIee, .- Boo �' Ton'kin, re;-tnurcr i.Lo Ter, Skvif"w- -econcIed '^y IIonohon saxrie "�e referee', to G .-orney for Iii- , ' I , 'ii'[ revu--tvur` 'uarc -[Taurco Ra -pa-pluc.jaa 1i ILO-l' a?,rC; .zoo T C:: fy: 3'J.L brOd� .I zl`! :)'.t i:T .zE!Tr"�.x 1Xc�Lx t^? I?.' ^. I'OfaL).z t; "a 11T•J.) -PU-T ,rsaTo at;^ uLgT,,i dr. oxpq. cl a3,11.T: . c� ac;: � ,r � et la ` r� ��T:z,�i q.ca�t ZT^ur. dr -fat{ ani. a3AW:: :�UTIaa. ,-i*,1c,,,� Jlj{ - a0f TTC,0a �: at.s�wasi,,i 0, �c OU ^ InlU'; '. o TTT,`,l Jr 'dapt�oaa :eta �t ;$aaeiii LSA 2SS tri Ci e ir, r e`ul ar g e r R i D.,n 1.1ayor J D s Wa o e, , -Pall Call .-Cau-.qcil-_niaA Clerk rreneAt.- whe lar; 6-0 re,,,uIar were. r(,,a& ci*� t-tp-pr- A?plicati�)nm rar sewer rr, for Vile 7 AU La lack 212.' 4..Vao4, a,7mer,LaL i - 4: - ',� -5-1314ck-lg J I-I Ju,�;hp-,. . ,�)wrer,LaL,20-Bl�.�c ­,17 20-Black-26 -nf- n A Sreicer, awifter Hfet,hat applieatian!, fir ­ewer co-,uaecLiarm '�,e llp:plicaLi�m far water camindtiavt far 1.1e proper y,ijG ' ,l-,TIIl4c1K-7-Remtjn Far.=, Plat,A Cierj'.-;ki 4wYlkor,-2 acre ri4+r .h �f D C "'itchello,"Oe Irlusr-acc* , owner, Acre -�- rct 1411 J.PitLot 77 ,J IS Davin Owner Hi,,;h School "'it F G' I-1earl �.i;e)x t,""'love 'Iny that all appli- catiams within. the City li�rzitm ZrantO,.-c�;.rrie(. .- Isjy 'T learl Lhat the ap-nlicati3r, o H i-h 33 ch I Si 'U e E, Lur r e 0, u ir e r to the F'ir'e & 'eater- 'U tee Lo "ne -e-Ltlerl they to '!iare p�rwer to Re t, 62,rried Clai--, ?,., "ccourtn cs,,?voittee writ-,LeA 0 KU', 1011.Qwi-m�; Ipillz, mat��r Dept. 0 r e e Bro " .00 L e r 'sept -;upliec R %loak Hay f r r IiDu-nc. 11 U Lu W a t ch,c7�-,A at 9 .00 147 70 L-a-,Ii a r & e r i a 1 ars Lith t Hwa Ca frei"*Ilit on ket t,,-a: les .10 W Tu 61 e r Laaa c�al 4. 7.5 L3 Lmvart & Fol J4LIa Bicar'�P_fire 10.OKI 5 I.Iovei 11-y -I-Learl Hagar!; en that vhe report of the ca.-A.mii-Itee -I*e aece-p 'Lei ar.a --placeel, On file aR� :n carried. - C 1 a i._r zTir r T r u,!m k r A:11 n s- e a jj correcL.am', that rare �e csrfirre?� Y He-irl !-,econiei- Ly RTF 2801- rlacefi on file ave-4 TIT ,y t �h e a n,,,,- f e �n t f*Jr Truntk P--.,,rer �e vi r r. IL- r-17, r_u- Fire Li 7 ',D,' '.i �tc�o rr i t Ler- r L i i f r L i c- D e!,-Aur e r. L i he R�;rec-- t-,) lair -ia him iri�"A v e 0, 'Gy 3 W i f '�nr ".7carl ih)ai -e re.-,.� jrt :f u vee e �--c c e , fed. -p e e*t or, fj e q.I'„et L e re ccrr�e 1'ati-ij-;z3 S-OeCia*' u -1a,7. -6p .ij Ticknor - ;YI :ratier )f cortuem-plaLue”, 'Ja I an A 1 r e.n a e .A. C P to Av6mue ,-qa-�re -PP-,e ei + V11-vl:•i th e uP trick or Thire, Avezae playtk c)r '17rick, 24 fee-. ix vuie, thl Pro k. Lhey were alla-,ve e, +Q vii F & 3 a ur e 16 t S t 61 1,h 33 u '13 • no amw al �a '�Ui14 vias,,uet unk"er track-, at//,CJ'"` L) U -t- rlyly reg,-orta. le improve-veat 4-�h.at �ril.-I,ht ',e !�Y t;,ie C-, -L-,-,%,r Cow-ici.. lr'4ve4. ley Cal-C W`— !at e reporiv- cep- teA ane, t',J1 Cawrittee ',Ji til if LTLe Ci 'L-,-r Cguncil . virries. .- I'ire Chef fire ntlarw, e ALt)r-.1,ey file i written re-,%.iort as )f Trna>- D nGL rc: f ere L4 Le City Per -y L-tee, a1*)rQ. - 'u -crrier! .- Clerics rep,)rtu far tie ro-otth o fr.o _tr ej I r e ail. V,lovee y o recop.aee- Ilearl ,h,,*.t rave 1-e refereO, to ce ittee t, x rr e Trea.-,urers repor '- �O for LI!e qaar .ter e i s Yarch 31- tlrel--1.61, Y L 3rOhQ-k1 15OcOAiCf 'zly 1-c re'ferp,a to t?7e tee. earricA hep i r t of 'U'*,e health Officer far Y.'arl. t,-h of are.*-,,i, real? C c e- ea t! "4 r i—nroveweAt 0f ;71, -girtion 290 7- Le c.rx'� J'�(" co.' re-;,t j -a e,'scun�.ed, a r, t"V, nor tuh '-y i;icrt1. '2--pr,)L:,ccO wer!t, af Piat NO 1 Cr--Operative Go Acre r c the Taut '-e Ll,.e icut!,_ line of Tr.'-jct 29- :-P Plat C3=Ll ere ',.racI.­ .-rD4ucee.. wei-5Iw- '�y t­Le coA , true tion if a �iiewalk pat,ase i.,' to rin�ll 11:)-%r e necUP.i_e(L 1-7y Swif L U e t10 10 .p Lee- um reafi c,-,rriee, Tvrsvcc', 141.7 Feaor�fed 1,y Hearl ti -carrieO Trove ' 7,6"c epi kyL earl Ees�lu'GJ ,;A 0 reo'I c e p r U IT r i a i y it -a rm- fir r L�a '--c i !iecti .j(, 2 i,-, tw,j vare- c't�,,e up far react t-hen rl 17Y OvIkO S.Wj over one rare ,veek. c;.tirriee .- Msve� 1-ir Cli�:e secnreO L:'iat Fkll r e,in a,,,c e at re-)-.)r 'Gee, or "�v the r i ee c-.3 it tee "ke aver Or�e ­:�re we ck cf�Lrrie.' V IT hT a v e A. S w i f t r,e c a r.i e 4 w,,rl that 'u--le �­ ter )f t'ne L :fitter S3uLh TraiakA-Isessr nt poll I;e refc.�red "pack ta �,Ie ClaiTs 'c "LQC'quri.-LT' w v. ' LLee carriei..- ,C r. L Chan Y'oCawiift perwicist .-i I ar. Aartth riOe Ccrit Riv ,r BrieLLc , Movei �y C;:�'Xce tl­+ ri-jr, Ail —, :­ Y cj":ilad 'u- cee '613 se 'U-tle -- atter Wit,, the ree fit, -crtrrie�, .- 1,'I,37TC;k'I. _V na further bur3i-_-ies - J5, 04-ike 3A3h(3-A that C ur.eil ai,4 aura, -e y C i IU- -,r Clem. + Rale �? Fenton April,llth/11 City Council met in regular session Mayor Jos ,Wood presiding,-Roll Call.-Councilman Elliott,.Monohon,Hansen,Swif t,Hearl Dobson,Attorney,Engineer,and Clerk being present,- Hinue is of the last regular session were read and app- roved as corrected.- Application orrected.- Application for sewer for Lo u,-5-Block-17 `"own of Renton Frank McLaughlin,owner, Application. .for water for Lot, 4-Block-4,henton farm Plat,i'aos Vlsen,o ner, Lot,15-Bloc'.c-2 Kenton Farm Plat,Yoe Thom- a3, owner,,read.noved by Monohon seconded by Elliott hhat same be granted,-carried.- Petition ranted,-carried.- Petition from property owners asking Council to take such action as is necessary to provide for the construction of a board sidewalk along the east side of Renton Avenue ,bounded on the north by Third •Avenue and on til., south by Beacon Hill Boule- vard.read.Moved by .Elliott seconded by Hearl that tne same be recieved and placed on file .carried.- Clerk -to notify owners Remonstrance from property owners along the north side of Walla Walla, Avenue ,against the proposed moving by the C & P S R R Co of its tracks any fur tier North on said Avenue ,read. Moved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the petition be recieved and refered back to tate St & Alley Committee, -carried.- Petition from Ben Atkinson & Jas Nichols for transferal of `'aloon License from buildin3known as Palce Saloon to tie building known as the"Cottage Hotel Building" read..Moved by Elliott seconded by ilearl that the petition be recieved and placed on file and the same granted after the proper bond has been furnished,and that no more licenses be granted off of Walla I.Valla Avenue in the future. -carried unanarnously. r... Claims & Accounts committee filed written report on having 0 K' d the following; bills and reco�-nanding their payment . 2v Seattle Tacoma Power co Lifrhts :.`:arc's 91.00 It " " " Supplies & 46#### light system 18 .13 P 1'assoie "abor on pipes 7. 50 Tim OLeary Labor on pipes 18 .75 E Auld 't " of 17 .50 J A Tve to #### "s o t t Roll 15.00 Renton Drug. Store Stationery .50 C 0 Tvete Advance on repair of tapes & purchase of :,naps for City 3.25 Thos Harries Box rent for quarter .35 � City Clerk Advance for purchase od postage 2.00 Renton Ind- `rel- Co Reservoir Phone & long distance 2.00 Renton Hw' d Co Suppliers water Fund 4.20 0 K Livery Hauling Bbl Soda Fire Dept .35 M D Storey Livery Hire 3.50 Western ylectric Co Fire Alarm Sptem supplies 19.63 Priebe Bro' s Supplies lateral sewers by City 25.20 Renton Hi;i' d Co of " " " of 20.35 Jas S ;Ha idie to r " " If '# 21.00 P Dullahant Hauling " " of it 15.00 R ,`lood Lateral By City ceaimtn , Etc, 140.90 Renton Lumber Co Lumber for lateral by City 96.98 so' C Edwards Time Books " " of .45 Moved by Elliott seconded by :tear! that the reDDrt of the finance co nmittee be accepted and placed on file and that all bills 0 K(d by said committee be paid,-carried.- !oved by L"onohon seconded by Hensen that the St Supt. . ave light pales owned by City of Renton to cated,numbered, and number of cross arms on each noted,and bring a written report on ,..N sazre , kiW.1MA4.- same beinc report, & recomendations of Light Com- carried. Claims & Accounts committee filed ,-mitten report on having made thorough examination of South Trunk Sewer assessment roll and recormiend that same be confirmed,Moved by Elliott seconde by Hearl that the report be accepted and placed on file and that said assessment roll be confirmed by this Council, -carried.- Attorney reports on matter of banks giving bonds to secure pity against loss in case of failure of said banks , recommends that an ordinance be drafted covering s4)rge ,- 1,1oved by Elliott seconded by Hearl ";hat the report of the Attorney be accepted and that the recommendations be carriied out,-carried.- .r Communication 'from Haladie Kachinery Cc relative to -01lectric pump owned by City* of 1enton,same being stored with said Company, Loved by .Elliott seconded by Swift that said pump be ordered shipped out to Renton ,City to have same properly stored on arrival .carried.- Moved by Elliott seconded by ?onohon that 1�ayor appoint a special committee of three to furnish Data for the Engineer 293 to relative/drafting plans & specifications for paving streets as provided under Resolution No-71-A,Tzayo-r appoints on said com,nittee Chairman, Phos Dobson,Swift, 14onohon. motion carted.- Ordinance No 246.providing for the division of the City into two 4"ra,rds,passed to final reading,- Yoved by Lonohon seconded by Elliott that Section-1-be adopted as read.-carried Moved by Uonohon seconded by yllio tt tt-.at Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Yo•nohon seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carried.- 4"oved by Trionohon seconded by Swift that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried,- Mov<:d by Monohon seconded by Swift that the $esolution be adopted as a whloe as read,-carried.- Moved by Elliott se condd by Swif t that the Town Property Mrmittee measure the tracks of all R R within the City limits Of the Cit,-,.r of Kenton, and turn same over to the C-;unty Assessor, �.. carried.- Moved by Hansen that c le Toy n Property coni ttee select kind of fence needed to fence in Headworks of Springbroo'c water systemand that Clerk be instructed to advertize for bids for building of saane.carried.- Iloved by Swift seconded by Ilonohon that a special co,mni- with ueattle i,tee be appointed by tze 14a.yor to take up matter/of extra cost of Trunk sew--rs by reason of said City' s nate- pipe line running through the City of Renton."--iayor appointed Thos Dobson,Hearl , Uonohon, co,-mi ttee,-motion Carrie There being no -ibids recieved for the construction of lateral sewers or for board sidewalks J-9 it was lToved by :-­Tonohon Elliott seconded/tha tale City of Renton proceed to install said lateral sewers,also build sidewalk in North Renton,as called for in bids for sale .-carried.-. Moved by Hearl seconded by Ylonohon that the City Attorney commence condemnation proceedings against Block 19 ,To, , of Renton relative to having alley opened in said Block ,-carried.- Moved by Alliott seconded by i:io nohon that U.-le St Supt. be instructed to put in alley crodsings for Block 27 .carried 294 Moved by Elliott seconded by onohon that t'-.e Clerk have published actual cost of both North & South Trunk seivers.assessed valuation of each district and the rate per cert .carried, - Zlere being no furt'zer business moved by Yonohon seconded by Swift that Council adjourn,-carried.- 1 t City Cleric. I A RPRF I LOCATION AND NUMBER OF ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES O'!MD BY THE CITY OF RENTON WASHINGTON: LOCA'T'ION POLE 110. PINS.WIRES. ,R1:5 RE.I'AR K_S. End Tobin Avenue 1 3 3 8 pin Bra,nnigen Power Line 2 3 3 & it is the only wires on 3 3 3 8 of these ploes. 4 3 3 8 " ------------------------5 3 3 8 " Contract in effect 1-1.-11 500' W-of Logan on 6 7 7 8 " 3-wires Brannigan Power Tobin- 7 7 7 8 " line , 2-quires Renton St.Lgt, " 8 7 7 8 " 2-wires S-T-P-Co " 9----7 ---7 ------ 8 " Centra�:,_in.effect_2_151�11 Williams St between 10 2 2 4 " lst & 2nd Ave- 11 2 2 4 +� Renton St light wifes Itof it 12 2 2 4 of " to 13 _ ----- ---..-------- ----- Cerad between 5 th & 14 1 1 4 " 6 1h Ave- 15 1 1 4 " 16 1 1 4 " Corner Cedar & 6th 17 1 1 4 " Be tween Cel 18 1 1 None Corner Dill & 6th---•-- 19 1 1 4 .pin Fill between 5th & 6th20 1 1 4 " Renton St Light wires 21 1 1 4 Of 22 1 1 4 Cos-Burnett & 6th- 23 l 1 4 De tween Bur-Smi the rs 24 1 1 4 " Cor-Smitliers 6th, 25 3 3 2-4 " S-T-P-Co service wires Bet- Smi thers- & Yorris26 1 1 4 " Renton light wires Cor-Morris & 6th 27 3 3 2-4 11 -Renton light & S-T-P-Co 6th & 7th onSmithers 28 2 2 4 " ,vire--S T P CcN, wire 29 2 2 4 " S-T-P-Co-.vire Contract in adorn St 1, ei�fon 30 2 2 4 Of " " " " effect 2-1-11 31 2 2 4 Of 32 2 2 4 It 296 April l8th,1911 Resolution no 71-A- providing fot the improvement of certain streets by paving; same as outlined in said resolution No-71-A read first time ,-Moved by .3wif t se co nded# by Monohon that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance co:mittee .- carried.- Dote- This Resolution should be on the other page but was emitted and put in here , -4-18-1911 City Clerk. ROP F 297 Renton,April,18 th,1911 City Uouncil met in regu,dar session Mayor Jos good presiding,-Roll Call,-Councilman Elliott,Monohon,Hearl,Hansen, Cake ,Swif t,Dobson,Attar ney,Engineer,and Clerk be ing present, - Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved,- Application for water for Lots 4-5-6-##Block 11 Renton Farm P1at,Ellen Riley ,appliCant,north west corner of North Mill St,& Sixth "venaxe North,Wilson & Marlow "gents ,Acre Tract No 27 riig'nland AddiAtion,J E Hughes ,o�vner,Lot.3-Block 13-H S Gieldseth 13 ovine r, "pplications for sewer connection for Lot 1-Block 21 E E Duff,owner,Lot, 9-Block-21,F B Hayes ,owner,Tax Lot, 22, south of Lot,lo Block 28-Town of Renton,Jos,Delodge,owner,Moved by 'Yonohon seconded by Hearl that all water and sewer applications be granted with the exception of Gieldseth application it to be refered to the Fire Light & dater committee .carried.- Petition recieved from property owners on -Vain -treet between Second "venue and Fourth Avenue asking Council to take necessary steps to pave said Main Street, 24 feet in width the same to be paid by a ten *ear bond issue to be paid in annual in- stallments . Petition recieved from property owners on Fourth "venue from the east side of sia.id Fourth Avenue to the Northern Pacific R R tracks on Burnett 6treet with brick pavement 24 feet in width, Petition recieved from property owners on Second Avenue bounded on the west by Burnett Street and on the east by Mill St. asking Council to take necessary steps to pave said Avaue with brick for a width of 24 feet. the same to be paid by a ten year bond issue to be paid in annual installments, �... Moved by Monohon seconded by Hearl that the petitions be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in same be carried out,-carried, Special committee on Paving filed written report recom- endinig 24 foot paving on the following streets, to-wit.- Burnett St from 4th to 2nd,Avenue ,Williams from 4th to 2nd,Well St from 2nd, to 4th,Fourth from Lain to Burnett,Second from Mills to Burnett,Main iron 2nd, to 4th, ill from Bridge to vdalla Walla i 298 also recomend full pavement on the following streets, `Third Avenue from intersection of Walla Walla Avenue to to Burnett St.Walla 'lalla From lkill St to Burnett. Moved by Cake seconded by Elliott that the report of the Com~ni ttee on paving be recieved and placed on file and the recomnen dations in said rep,-,rt be carried out,ecarried.- Bona recieved from Atkinson and Nichols covering retail liquor license in building; known as"Cottage Saloon" (,�� same being -transferal from Palace Saioon,Moved by Elliott seconded by Lonohon that said bond having been accepted by +Une "ttorney that the Coun## cil approve same.-carried.-same approved.- Communication from the Mayor relative to re-consideration of Ordinance No 246-read.-?loved by Honohon seconded by Swift that same be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in same be carried out, -carried.- Moved by Ybnohon seconded by Elliott that the ordinance dividing the City into wards be re-considered,-carried.- Moved by C_-Ise seconded by Swift that the Engineer proceed t out plans and specifications relative to furnishing at once to ge estimate of extra cost of sewer caused by the City of 'eattle ':Fater Pipe Line ,�aeing in 'Third Avenue, carried.- Claims & accounts committee filed written report on having 0 1 the following bills and recomending their payment. Renton Herald yrinting Legals & Notices 30.15 J 13 Jones Garbage collection 10 .00 P Dullahant Hauling garbage 20. 00 Denny Renton C & C Co .sever Sri ck LataBy City 48 . J A Tve to Asst Roll 4.50 C & PS PLR Co freight on sewrr pipe -at-by City 14.00 1:oved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the report of the committee be recieved and placed on file and all bills 0 H by the said committee be paid,-carried.- Engineerr filed written report on .final estimate and cost of "ateral sewers built by City in Districts -15-16-17-23-24 31 29-30,Ljoved by !!Dnohon seconded by Elliott that the report be •1cc- epted and refered to the finance connittee ,-carried.- Attorney makes verbal report on matter of alley Block 19- Ordinance providing for the designation by the City reasurer,of the City of Renton, of one or more banks as deno s;i tary R('IF 299 or depositaries of monies required to be kept by said Treasurer e and providing for the giving of adquate security by such bank or banks so designated.given first readinf- Moved by Dobson secubded by Elliott that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance cormi ttee.-carried.- ... Resolution providing for the con6truction and installa- tion of a lateral sewer on Burnett lt.Between Ihird Avenue and Sixt i'venue ,rea.d first time , Loved by Dobson seconded by Elliott teat said resolution be refered to t_�ae ordinance corrmittee.-carried.- Ordinance providing for tl-:e divi s ion `of t7:-,..e City of Renton into two "ards ,p�zssed to final reading,- Rroced by PrOnohon seconded by Bobson that Section 1-of said ordinance be adopted as read,-carricd.- Moved by Monohon seconder, by Elliott that Sec-2-be adopte4 as read,-carried.- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that "eetion 3-Be amended to read as follows.-"What the registration books of both the Fi sat and Second Wards shall be kept in ti-ie City Hall of the Cit; of Renton '4ash ington,provided that the City Council shall have the right by Ordinance to gesigna.te and change polling places in said First and Second Wards in the City of Ren ton,Washington." Vection 3 as amended carried, - Moved by Monohon seconded by `Dobson that Oec 4-� be adop ted as read,-carried- IvIoved by I.'"onolion seconded by pearl that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as amended,followinS Councilmen voted on same .- L,obson,Elliott,Fa:onohon,Swift,Hearl, Cake,Hanseri,Ca.rried unaneniously- Moved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the contracts betw- een the City of Renton and the Seattle Tacoma Power Co be recieved and refered to the Light Committee,«carried.- ism St Supt filed written report on number and location of Light poles owned by t1je Cite of Renton,Moved by Yonohon seconded be -'lliott that the report be accepted and placed on file ,-carried. Moved by Yonohon seconded by fake that we refer back to tnfinished business relative to amending lateral sew er ordinances to read 8/1,; instead of 12p/ -carried,- Loved by Cake seconded by Yonohon that Council adjourn,- carried.- ��� City "lerk t_ 1- 0 Ren to n,April.,25th,/ll Citv Council met in regular session Mayor Jos Wood presiding,Roll call, - Councilman Elliott,Cake ,Hearl ,SWift,Hansen Engineer,and Clerk being present. Minuets of Ahe last regular session were read and app- roved. Application for water connection for the following described property,Lot-26-Block-18 ,Geo Highton,owner, Acre Tract 32-Highland Addition, Chas Faull,owner,Lot 2-Block-10 two inch fire connection,Lot-2-Block-10 common connection,A Bronsbn,owner LIoved by CaIke seconded by Hea.rl that all applications be granted except that of A Bronson said application to be turned over to the Fire & 'Water committee.-carried.- Application for sewer connection for the following property,Lot 17-Block 2 Motor Line liddition 'rhos Dobson,owner, Lot 10-Block 22 H Priebe ,orfner,Lot-6 Block 25-Geo Evans omner Lot-2 BlocklO,A Bronson,owner.luoved by Elliott seconded by Swift that applications for sewer connection be granted.-carried.- Finance committee filed written report on having; 0 K the following bills and recomending their payment, Um Kane installing Fire Alarm system 39.00 0 B Woolley,Agt, "dvance on jrea.s-Surety Bond 20.40 C & P S Ry Co rreight on sewer pipe 14.00 P Dullahaht tIdvance on freight for sewer pip-e 14.00 Citizens Bank of Renton, Time checks ,Lateral sewers 346.34 "lm. Tonkin `nterest on "dater & Gen' 1 Fund "darrants 77 .38 Tim OLeary 61 days on pipes ,l day on streets 18 .75 P Lassoie 5 days pipes, day on streets 13.75 E Fuld 5,3 day pipes 1 day on streets 16.77 Claims & Accounts committee filed written report on ti1,aving made a through "udit of the books of the Treasurer and Clerk ror the Quarter ending March 31s t,1911 and found s=ame correct. loved by Cake seconded by Elliott that the report be accepted and placed on file ,-carried.- Attorney filed written report on matter of proposed alley god through Block 19.Moved by CrLhe seconded by Swift that said report be accepted and refered to ,the St.& Alley committee carried.- Clerk filed written report on matter of cost of lateral sewers in districts No 15-16-17-23-24-29-30-31 Moved by Cake seconded by 'Elliott that same be refered to the Finance coxm. ittee to be confirmed.-carried.- Resolution No 72-A providing for th improvement of a ROT � 1 portion of Burnett St ,bounded on t'~_e north by Third St and on fr:,e south by Sixth Avenue ,read second time,. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Section 1-of said ordinance be adopted ad read, -carried.- I MW Moved by Elliott seconded by Ha:-isen that Sec-2-be adopted as read.-carried. Loved by Elliott seconded by ?earl that this be ad opted as a whole as read.-carried.- Ordinance providing for the designation by the City `'reas urer of one or more banks as depositorig or depositories.came up +'or .final reading,Moved by Alliott seconded by iiearl that Section-1 be adoptee as read.-carried.- Moved by Llliott seconded by Heald, that Vection 2-be adopted as read.-question raised as to who shall pay for Buret, bond , and that this 6ection shou:Il state same .on consent of second motion withdrawn to adopt said section as read,11oved by Cake seco- ded by Swift that this ordinance be refered back to the ordinance Now committee to be ammended,-carried.- Verbal complaint filed by Councilman Hearl about barbed Faire fence along street in North Renton being menance to pedestri- ans St Supt instructed to look after this matter,- Bid recieved from E E Duff for the building of wire fence around headworks of. Springbrook water sys tern, amount os said bid, 261 .00, same being $ approximately "110.00 above �'ngineers estimate ,Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that same be rejected and that the City proceed to have said fence built by days labor. carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the proper committee proceed to/saici fence built at once ,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Elliott that the Clerk notify ... the Attorney to commence proceedings to have alley opened through Block-5- carried, - Councilman arries -Councilman Swift brought before the council matter of City .having installed alarms at all R Ry St, cross in s .Loved by Caine seconded by Elliott that this matter be refered to the Attorney,-carried.- iloved by Cake seconded by Hansen that streets recently 302 improved by lateral servers be leveled up by having road grader run over same ,-- : and that St & Alley co:mnittee have charge of same with full power to act, -carried.- Water Supt, instructed to have ,r;atermain crossing bridge rep�Mired C .R.Campbell to pay for same .- Mere being no further business of importance moved by Cake seconded by zlliott that Council adjourn,-carried.- mod City Clerk. RPBF 303 Re n ton,!LF1y,2r 4/11 City Council met in regular sessiorl Iiayor Jos Wood Presiding.-Roll call _ ,Councilman Elliott Hansen Swift Dobson, Cake, �`'erol�on,Hearl E rn ngineer, ttorney jreasurer,«nd Clerk being present 1uinuets of the last regular session were read and app- roved,- Application for water from the following, described prop- erty,I,nt 24 Block 4Z ;ton Farm Pl.a,t, 7.'hos 81 sen ,Owner,Acre tract til 29 Highland. "ddition,J 'elaurenti,ovmer.Aare `�ract # 20 R C C C C `Phos Paull,otivner.Lot-g-Block 4 1=er_ton Farm P1a.t, Isaac Chapman, owner-XDved by 1onohon seconded by Cake that all applications for water be granted,-carried.- Kpplicotion for sewer connections from the following described property,Lot_6 Block 4 1'1otor Line "dd-0 Gasper$c.,ner, Lot-3-Block-3-1,'.11, oymer,I,ot-10-Flock-28-J.D.Hughes ,owner, loved by IJlonohon seconded by Swift tliat sewer applica- tions be granted subject to inspection of "ngineer, carried .- Petition from Theo Priebe asking Council for permission (Ito use portion of "'ell St, in front of Lot 7 Block 13, for storing of building mate ilal for a period of t ���1� �� sixty days ,-Moved by Monohon seconded by U,dIft* that same be granted,--carried.- finance c:,mmittee filed written report on having 0 K the following bills and recomending their payment. E E Duff Labor on light poles numbering sane 5. 0 Ia Swif t Audi tink books for quarter eridi ng &�a.rch 31 s t/11 10.50 'rhos Dobson to It Rentor. Herald Printing n 10.50 t9 of to 3.45 J 1V Butler load coal for jail 12.50 Jos Ed;7grd,tas fumigating 4.75 R Dullahant Unloading; & Hauling 4-'ewer Pipe Ect 5.00 Ind Tel Co long distance call 47.00 Western Electric Co purchase of Telephones 'Lo r fire .50 alarm sydtem 17.00 McPherarsne Bro' s 1 3611 stool for clerks office P T Houser Expense 'Bill Telephone 8: St1.25 Stenographic work on recording; ordinances 31.05 �. P Dullarlant hauling for sevrers lateral R Buns tine services as extra marshall 0 155..000 Moved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that all bill 0 K by the rinance committee be paid, -carried.- St Supt reports on Alley Block 55 -fence on Liss Kelley' s property blo ckine, same ,I:'-�oved by Yonohon seconded by Swift that the St 'upt.be instructed to move same at City' s expense,iDtion Lost- Loved by Cake seconded by Eiji-Ott that `the % ty Attorney I� y 304 take proper steps to have said alley in said Block 5- opened up, - carried.- St p, - carried.- St & Al;ey Committee re-g-rts on having turned over matter of Alley in Block 19 to the City Attorney,- ,k-3t & "'Lley committee reports no progress on running grader over streets rece..tly improved by �ateral seswers said grading machine being broker.. Police Judges report for the month of April read, and ac cep tdd,- Moved by Elliott## seconded by Ylonohon that the Plans & -Laps recieved from the C & I? S Ry Co relating to the changing of ,he tracks on I,lalla '41alla Avenue be turned over to the Atto sney carried.- Ordinance providing for the installation of one and one half inch hose corrections for fire purposes read first time . Ibved by Swift seconded by Cake that said ordinance be refered to the Ordinance commtttee, -carried.- Resolution IT o 71)A providing for the improvement of certain streets as set forth in said "esuloution by grading and paving; said streets with brick passed to final reading, o- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that Section 1- be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by ilonohon that Section 2-be a'opted as read,-uarried.- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Hearl that the Resolution be adopted as a i,,chole as read,-carried unan=ously.- Ordinance No 248 providing that the Treasurer shall d.esigna.te what bank. or banks he skull deposit money and providing that said bank or banks shall furnish adgga&&e security for all monies deposited, passed to final reading, Moved by I;;onohon seconded by Elliott that Section 1 be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Dobson that "ec-2 be adopted as read-carried.- Moved by 111onohon seconded by Hearl that Sec 3 be adopted as read.-carried.- Loved by S"onoho ' seconded by Dobson that the ordinance qN V.S�11 be adapted t read,-carried.- RcBF 305 Loved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the Purchasing Agent get all necessary supplies required by the Water Oupt � C1 -erk, carried.- 'loved by Cake seconded by Monohon that the City "ttorney be instructed to draft an ordinance limiting speed of Automobiles �.. and motorcycles to six (6) miles per hour through the City Limits of the City of Renton,carried.- Ivioved by Dobson eeconded by Hansen that Resdlution 71-A be be laid on the t,,b le ,-motion withdrawn with consent of second.- There being no further business ,14oved by Elliott seconded by Dobson that Council adjourn, -carrie Unanaamously. City Clerk.- Clerk.- now 30 Renton,May, 9th,/11 City Council met in regular session Mayor Jos Wood presiding.-Rolf. call.-Councilman Hansen,Swift ,Cake ,Dobson,hearl Mbnohon Engineer,Attorney 2ndasurer and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were r=ead and approved, - Application for water from Lot',25-26-Block# 6.Renton FarTn P1at.Ber t Jewell owner,$### Harings Park,Chas YcCoNvi n, alien t. Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that applications for water be granted.-carried.- Petition from property owners on Mill St protesting aga- inst the paving of said street at this time ,read.Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition be laid on the table one week. carr f ied,- Claims & Accounts committee filed vrritten report on having examined and 0 K► d the following bills and recomending their payment, H U Lusk 'idatchman at Springbrook 8 .00 Jos `rood Three days trips to Seattle , 3.00 P Lassoie 31 days on pines 1-day on streets 11.25 E Auld 6 days on pipes 121 days on streets 18 .75 Tim OLeary S days on r__ ipes 2-days on streets 25.00 R Wood 1 bale hay for pound 1.50 I.' ", , Long acific lei Co ondistance .10 J Denny Renton C C Co sewer pipe Dist 25-26-27 270.00 It to of It of It of of 25-26-27 321.00 S8*dig ►► it ►► " sewer brick 13-19-20-21-22 24.00 P Dull-chant Unloading & Hauling sewer pipe Dist 25-26-27- 29.50 Renton "wd Co Supplies 3.35 E A Shearer to water Dept .90 PD u'lahant Dist 25-26 Haulinar Laterals 11.00 J * Butler hauling gravel v 6.75 Pacific east Otamp Vlorks .,og tags_ry 3.50 Jno Fault dance marshall 3.00 Moved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the' report of the committee be recieved and placed on file and all bills 0 K by the said comm- ittee be paid.-carried.- Report of the Health Officer for the month of April read.l',oved by Dobson seconded by 15onohon that the report be accep- ted and placed on file ,-carried.- Communication from Lee McKenzie Chief fire Surveyor i rely sive to City of Renton having Rubbish Ordinance passed. i Moved by Dobson seconded by PIonohon that the communication be recieved and peered to Ordinance committee'-carried.- Ordinance providing for Vhe improvement 0f fain St P(TF 307 by replacing wooden water main by cast iron mains read first time a � ��, # moved by 116nohon seconded by Hearl that said Resolution be refered to the ordinance committee,-.carried.- Resolution providing for the paving of Fourth Avenue b with trick read first time .-Moved by l onohon seconded by Cage that said resolution be refered to the 3rdinance cor.mittee,- carried.- Ordinance regulating; speed of automobiles and motorcycles in Cit; limits of Renton read,Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee,-carried. Ordinance providing for the installation of one and one half inch rose connections for fire purposes ,passed to .final readincr Moved by Monohon seconded by Cake that Section - 1 of ,said ordinance, be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by 1,10nohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by i;ionohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-3-be adopted as read c:a.rr ied.- 1-oved by i onohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-4-be adopted as read ,.,.� carried.- Moved by Monoiion seconded by Hansen that Sec-5-be ado-- ted as read carried. Moved by 14lonohon seconded by Swift that the ordinance be adopted as a ,Vnole as read.-carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by ®dice that matter of selling motor connected to electric pump owned by City be turned over to the Mayor and purchasing agent with power to act,-carried.- Frank Davis reports on fence being built at Springbrook Question of Uity purchasing gravel pit brought up by Councilman 1Tonohon,Moved by lionohon seconded by Cie that a committee be appointed to act in conjunction with the pity Engi- neer and bring in a report on same .-carried.- ... Treasurer Tonkin raised question regarding matter of property owners paying for cast iron water mains on Fourth Avenue- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Clem' .write to other Cities of the jhird Class regarding payment of renewing of water mains in streets to be improved by paving, carried,- There being no further business Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that "ouneil adjourn-carried,- C i tv 41 e rk Kenton,Vay,l6 th,/11 City Council me L in regular session Mayor Zos Food presiding,-Roll call --"'Councilman Elliott,Ca,ke Hansen,Hearl. Swift,Dobson,Yonobon,Attorney Engineer, ireasurer,Health Officer and Clerk being present.- Application for water for Lot.9_Block 7 .Car Idorks xdd- Le Hudson,ovine r,Lo t,12-B1 o cK-3 Farm °lat, I Swingle , owner' ,Lotl 7 Block Smithers y6th add- Benj Ticknor,owner, Application for sewer connection for the followin- Lot, Lot-7 Block 25,1:argaret Sto rey,owner,lioved by 1,=onohon seconded by Elliott that all -applications for water & sewer connections be granted,-carried,- Application for "etail Liquor license from Clausen Brew- ing Assn for building known as Palace Dar situated on Lot 12 Blk 15,read.IT-Loved by Cake seconded by Elliott that said licanse be not Eranted,-carried.- Petition from Chris Pistoresi for transferal of. Whole- sale Liquor license from Lot-3 Block 36 Smithers 3rd Add- to Lotl 1. Block 35.Smithers 2nd Add- read.-roved by Dobson seconded by Swift that said petition be refered to the License committee,- carr sect.- .Finance committee filed written report on having examined and 0 H8 the follorring bills .- A4 enton Herald Printing 22.10 .17.55 6.00 45.65 B Bouldron surveying at Springbrook 24.50 J A i've to to of to 16.50 Crane Co 3511' 1" Galv Pipe & 24 " Stops Etc 85.36 j Renton Lumber Co LLrber Genl Fund 10.45 Seattle Tacoma Power Co ligl�_ts for Tray 91.00 Fran% Davis Labor on fence at Springbrook 24.00 I'"r Pearl making, posts for fence 5.00 Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that all bills 0 K8d by the rinance committee beaid p ,-carried,- St & Alley corm ttee filed written repor.t recomendi ng that the approaches to the Cecta,r River bridge be replanked.- roved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that the report be accepted and that the recomendations in said report be carried out. carried.- Mayor makes report on pump,Hallidie 141ch finery Co making effort to sell same ef-)'F 300 Communications recieved from the City of Kent,Puyallup Yt Vernon,relative to the mode of assessing for replacing of wooden water mains by iron mains on streets that are to be paved. Loved by Dobson seconded by Iuionohon that the comunications be recieved and placed on filq,carried.- Resolution providing; for the paving of Plain Street from 6W north line of Second Avenue to the south line of 'Third Avenue , with P brick.read first time.Peved by Cake seconded by Dobson that said resolution cbe refered to the Ordinance coTrmittee ,-carricd.- May .6th being the laEjt day for recieving protests against the paving of streets as set forth in Resolution No 71-A there was recieved from property owners along 111ill St a protest against said paving, representing twenty (20) lots , there being Two Hundred aMiirty Seven (232) lots in the district affedted, protest from in order to block this improvement it requires/60,15 of the entire o v.rrie r s property/in the district affec.ted.A.W.`ricknor ,Clerk. Ordinance providing for grading, curbing; and paving of streets as described in Resolution No 71-i't p # read first time, r.w Moved by 'orokton seconded by Elliott that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee,-carried.- A[ ,)-13,K Resolution providing for the improvement of Fourth avenue by paving In addition to the paving as ordered in resolution # 71-A passed to final reading,-LoVed by Yonohon seconded by Hearl that Oection 1-be adopted as read, -carried.- Z'joved by Yonohon seconded by hlliott that Section 2- be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Tuonohon that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Ordinance 110 250. Ordinance regulating the speed of automobiles and other vehicles in the City of Rentor, passed to final reading,- laved by 11onohon seconded by Dobson that Section-1-be adopted as read,-carried. Moved by Monohon second ed by "earl that Sec-2-be adopted as read, -carried.- Abved by Monoh on seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as read, -carried.- Yo ved by Mono'.-.on seconded by Dobson that Sec-n,-be adopted as read,-carried.- 3.1_0 loved by Itionohon seconded by Swift Oat 'ec-5-be adopted as read, -carried,- Yloved by 1:11onohon seconded by Illio tt that the ordinance be adopted as a as read,-sarried.- Moved by Dobson seconded 'by Elliott that the ordinance providin , for the replacing of wooden water mains by Iron mains be laid on the table,-carried.- Attornay Mouser suggests that an ordinance be drafted `compelling Railroads (Wapanies to put spark arresters on their engines irhile running through t1 e City of Renton,roved by "lliott seconded by Dobson that the suggestion offered by the Attorney be accepted and that he be ordered to draft an ordinance covering t-, is matter,-carried.- Further suggests that an ordinance be drafted covering the number of people that should be allowed to live or sleep in one room,-Moved by -Elliott seconded by Dobson that Attorney be 'instructed to draft an ordinance covering this matter.- carried.- Question of who shall pay for iron water mains discussed -oved by Cake seconded by Swift that the 'dater Fund pay for the replacing of wooden water pipes by iron arr steel tipes on all streets that are to be improved by paving,Council voting on said motion as follows ;17Ionohon, Swift,Hansen, Ca-ke Elliott,Dobson. a voting Aye . Councilman Hearl voting Nay.Tsotion carried.- he-e being no further business Moved by Cake seconded by Swif t that council adjourn,-carried,- � City Clerk. l ReBF 3. 1 Renton, May,23rd,/11 City Council met in regular session Mayor Jos Wood presiding.-Roll call .-Councilman Elliott,iiansen.-ionohon, Cake ,Swift Dobson,He-ar-1$Engineer,Attorney,`T'"easurer , aiad Clerk being presenttinuets of the last regular session were read and approved,- Petition pproved,- Petition recieved from property owners on Williams St, between 3rd & 4th Avenue ,asking Council to take necessary action to provide for the paving; of said portion of Williams St.full width,Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that the petition be recieved and plf,ced on file,-carried.- Petition from property owners on Pain St relative to full width pavement on said St from 2nd to 3rd,�.'Avenue,recieved,- The finance cormittee filed written report on having, 0 K the following bills.- Renton Herald Printing ,Notices Etc 11.15 Earnest Boeh rig setting posts Spr' brig fence 11.25 Frank Davis of of it " 12.00 The Caldwell Bro' s suppl_ es for Hyrd' nts 6.50 Seattle Car Mfg,Co Manhole tops & covers 124. 52 J W'Butler Iia Ming gravel 4.88 B R C & C Co sewer pipe YEtc 32.30 Jos Edwards freight advanced on fire whistle & Etc .55 J S Hardie Oakum for late-al sewers 18 .50 P Dul lahz=a,nt Hauling for lat-sewer 19.00 7Tm Tonkin Seattle for water 3.99 P -'assoie 1 da-crossings, z da sand boxes, �- da pipes 5.00 E Auld 12 da pipes, da on bridge , 5.62 T OLeary 1 da s tree is ,2 da-pipes 7. 50 ifloved by Elliott seconded by Hearl thaw the report of the cor.�ittee be recieved and placed on file and all bills 0 K by said committee be paid,-carried.- License committee filed written report recomending that petition for transferal of viholesale license from Pistor. esi Bro' s to Lo l,l Block 35,be granted,Moved by Hansen seconded by Swift that the report of the committee be accepted and that the recomen- daIAtions be carried out, -poll vote ,EllioLt,lv�bnohon,Cake ,Dobson, wift,liansen,voting Aye ,Hearl , votimS noe .Yotion carried,- To�,m Property committee filed written report recomending purchase of gravel pit,lAoved by Lionohon seconded by Swift that the report of the committee be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations carried,out, a-mmendment to said motion by Cake seconded by Dobson that the report be laid over one week said committee to make a detailed reporton sane ,f ive foe two against motion as ammended,Ylotion as ammended carried.- � c�g Engineer r`epor`ts progress on matter of working up grades relative to grading ' gravelling of North Renton Streets , 'resolution ordering directing that Thursday June lst 1911 shall be declared a legal Holiday,'read,##.j## Loved by Yonohon seconded by Alliott that said Resolution be adopted as read,-carried unanamously,- .o Resolution providing for the improvement of SIlliams St read .-Yruviding for full width pavdner;t between 3rd & 4th Avenue, Loved by Swift seconded by 'Yonohon that said resolution b be refered to the Ordinance committee, -carried.- ` i`esolution providing fdr the improvement of Fourth Ave- by paving full width and repealin- Resolution No-73-A read first time ,litoved by `Dobson seconded by Swift that said resolution be refered to the ordinance committee,-carried.- "rdinanee providing; for the improvere nt of portion of Burnett St between Third Avenue & Sixth Ave- by lateral sew er read first time ,-.1.1oved by Swift seconded by Yonohon that s.ia d Ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee,-carried.- Ordinance granting to the C & P S Ry o the right to lay down sundry tracks Etc read fi=st time ,i"-oved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said ordinance be rete,-ed to the odrinance committee carried.- 2�f — Ordinance providing fc.r the gr ad ixi,; paving and curbing of certain streets as outl.omed in said ordinance passed to final reading,- , Moved by TMonohon seconded by Dbbson that Section 1-be adopted as re read,-carried.- Moved by t'onohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.- TTbved by uonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-3-be adopted as read carr�ed.- Moved by Dlonohon seconded by ilearl that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by t'onolion that 6ec-5-be adopted as read, - carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that pec-5-be aLpted as read carried.- M 45-14 NN T.`oved by Cake seconded by -11io tt that 'ec-8-be adoT)ted as read ReBF '31-3 yioved by T onohon seconded by Swift that "ec-9-be adopted as read carried.- 2f7oved by Lonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-10-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Resolution providing; for the paving of Main 'St. as set forth in said resolution passed to final reading, Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that "ec-1-be adapted as read. loved by Cake seconded by Momohon that "'ec-1-be ammended to read so as to include the paving of said Ytin St to fourth "ven ue , Section 1-as ammended carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that Seo-2-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved eed, carried.-Moved by Monohot seconded by ?earl that the resolution be adopted as a vahoJ. as , #J##### a=ended,-carried.- ## Ordinance providin ; for the laying of cast iron water mains in all streets that are to be paved read first time ,- `r .. moved by Monohon seconded by Swift that said ordinance be ref ered to the ordinance committee,-carried.- '-here being no further business of importance 11oveed by Elliott seconded by Mbnohon that Cuncil adjoarn,-carried.- ity Clerk. i i y �-: � - --�� �,. � 7 i lf, RcBF 315 Renton June ,OtIl-dil City Council met in regular session mayor Jos 'Wood pre- sidirg,-Roll call.-Councilrrian Elliott, Harsen,Svrif t,Hearl,Dobson, 1,:onohon# 'Xreasurer,Attorn.ey, and Clerk being present. Minuet's of the las r regular session were read and appro- ved, .. Application for water form the follo eAng described prop- erty,Lot-0 Block 14 Renton Farm P1at.Josiah Tonkin owner,Lot, 26 Block, 5.Renton Farm Plat,c*rant Bates ,owner, Application for sewer correction for the following decrib ed property,Lot 19,Block, 25,S C Pierce ,o,lrier,L•otlS Block 19, Town of rentor.,Jas Flynn,a.gert,Lct, 6 Block 31,2, Mihalcik owner,Iotl7,Blk 27913en Atkenson,oivner,Loi'.,.--I. ,Blk,4,00 Shabro ,ctrrer, Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that all applications for water and sewer corrections be granted,-carried.- Petition, from 21 Evans ,asking ouncil for permission to make repairs on building occupied by the Alki Bar,sa.id work to be done on Sunda.y,"ved by Elliott secon--ed by Dobson that the peti- tion be granted,-carried.- Treasurer Tonkin filed written report,designating the Union Savings & Trust Co Bank,as t2;e depositary for City funds , IRoved by Elliott seconded by Dobson that the report of the Treasurer be accepted and the recomendations carried. out, carried,- Ordinance prohibiting, the runnin4 or moving of locomotiv es , in or through the City of Renton,wi thout having sx�Tk arresters read first time,116ved by Elliott seconded by Dobson that said ordi- nance be refered to the Ordinance coimnittee ,-carried,- Ordinance regulating the,# sixer of sleeping apartments in 'the City of Renton,passed to first reading,Loved by Dobson seconded by Swift that said ordinance be refered to the- Ordinance co-rrrittee , `.. carried.- Resolution providing for the grading and gravelling of creta.in strets as outlined in said resolution in North Renton read firs t time,roved by DRb4on seconded by Hearl that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance commi tte e,-carried,- Resolution providinC, for the improvement of portion. of Second Avenue by paving,read forst time. ,2 bved by I'lonohon recon ted by Dobson that said resolution be refered to t110 Ord.inar.ce colitte parr pA - 31 Ordinance No 252.providing for the improvement of Burnett Street as Platted and shovm in the original Plat of the oi-,,n of Rentan,by the installation of a lateral sewwr,pv.ssed to final reading. Moved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that Section, l-be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved by Alliott seconded by Hansen that Sec-2-be adopted as read,-carried.- Yoved by Elliott seconded by Swift that Sec-',z-)-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that Sec-4ebe adopted as read,-carried. Moved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that Sec-5-be adopted as read -carried.- ItIoved byElliott seco4d:ed by Hansen that See-G-be adopted as read , -carried.- Mloved by Elliott seconded by Dobson that Sec-7-bc adopted as read.-carried.- 1's'oved btt Dobson seconded by Llliott that Sec-8-be adopted as read, -carrid.- Y,ovdd by Yonohon seconded by Dobson that the Ordinance be adopted as a vLole as read,-carried .- Ordinance providing for thelaying of steel water mains in streets that are to be paved passed to final reading , Moved by Yonohon ,seconded by Swift that Secii.or. 1-be amended to read Water Fund instead of General Fund ,-carried, Loved by "obson seconded by Swift that Section 1-te adopt ed-as amended,-carried, - Uoved by Dobson Seconded by Ionohon that Sec-2-be adopted 1 as read,-carried.- 1 Loved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that 't,:he ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Resolution No 77-A providing; for hhe improvement of Fourth Atte nue by paving and curbing the same with brick in add-I'.- tion to g1ri e paving ordered under Resolution No 71-A passed to final rea.ding .- Ioved by Iuionohon seconded by i)obson that Section, l-rye adopted as read, -carried.- '317 I.11oved by Dobson seconded by Hai sen that Sec-2-be adopted as read, -carried.- Yo-red by P�onohan seconded by Swift tial Sec-3-be adopted P. read,-carried.- Moved by aobson seconded by IZonohon that the Resolution 1e adopted as a whole as read.-carried.- Resolution No 7E-A providing for the improvement of a protion of Milliams St.by grading paving and curbing,passed to final reading Idoved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Section 1-be adopted as read,-carried.- Loved by Yonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec -be ad-)pted as read.-carried.- Loved by Dobson seconded by Monohon that the Resolut_ on be adopted as a vhole as read,-carried .a Moved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that the C & P S Ry �jrdiranc3 be laid over,-cp:rried.- Attorney Houser reports on matter of making setement with W.H.Mitchell relating to Springbrook water system. j:oved by Elliott seconded by I'Vbnohon that the 6ttorney be instructed to institute proceedings against TIr Mitchell for damages ,rarried,. R.eportv of Town Property committee on matter of purchase of gravel pit.-filed,11-oved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the report of the cora;;itze- be recieved and laid on the table,-carried three for one against,- Moved by Elliott Seconded by Dobson that the property owners along the north. side of Second Avenue for Mill St to Burnett and on LII 3t fvvm Bridge to I-Valla "Walla Avenue ,be notifi ed to put in sewer connections before the paving of said street,Carried,- Thofollowing bills were 0 K by the Finance co�Tnittee P. Uood 321 Bbls cement lateral sewers 78 .00 E Bor igh setting posts Sprbrook, 13.75 F Boo th II to 04 22.00 F Davis of to to 18 .00 B Bouldron 1 da surveying St & Alleys 3.50 J A `levet e " � of " " 4.50 P Dullahant 41 da hauling garbage 22.50 Z P Boisseau piling saw � 00 Jos Edwards fumigating 2:50 J H Jones 42 d.a garbage j-- da streets 12.50 17 Evans 1 da pipes 2.50 C 0 Tve to eexpezise bid l 2.50 P Lassoie 41 da ob pipes 11.25 `1' OLeaEy 6.2 da pipes ,l da streets 13 .75 Geo 'Hancock 5 da onbridge 22 da onpipes 13 .75 E tiuld 5 da on bridge 2 da on pipes 17.50 N Davis 3 da grading streets 36.00 Rob'%-. Lo:erre i extra night marshal 3.00 Priebe Bro ' s supplies water Dept 5.75 " " lateral s ewe-rm; 15.25 Remington Typewriter Co repair of machine 3.25 0 K LIvery hauling Etc 11 .80 Independent Phone Co 2.45 Lowman & Hanford stationery 17 .27 jhere being no further business. of i.:iportance i t was Moved by Elliott seconded by Dobson that Council adjourn, carried,- .. City Clerk t t i r ReBF 31 Ren ton,June 13 th,1911 City "ouncil met in regular session kayor Jos Wood presiding,-Doll Call ,-Count ilman Elliott,Cake,Hansen,Swift,Do,,son,Hearl yl,onohori,Attorrley,EnUineer,Health Officer, ar<d Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved.- "pplication for water for the following Lots ,read,###### 16 Block 2 Farm- Plat,J.H?Jeffries ,owner n nto r. Farm P- Lot Block 4,uzrtorisville ,Ed Swingle ,ov,ner,LotZe) Block ,L D Davis owner, lkpplica:tion for sewer connection,Lot 22,Block 31,Cmithers 1st,44.dd-Robt Lowrie ,owner , Loved by '"onohon seconded by Elliott that all applica- tions for water and sewer connections be granted.-carried.- Claims & Accounts committee filed written report of the following bills and recomend their payment. Renton Aerald, Printing 4.20 Seattle r acoms Power Co Lights for lay, 91.00 Fran]-, Davis Springorook fe�:.ce 27.00 1' Bdchrig ft �� 20.00 Lo7rman & Hanford supplies 1 .41 r; & L.E. Gurley repair of transit 40.00 j'enton Drug Store supplies _20 Renton Lb-. ,Co lumber 153.80 Renton Hw' dr Co supplies 56.83 Renton L'^x Co Lumber 26.50 P Dullaha.nt hauling 4.50 Moved by -Elliott seconded by Hearl that the report of the corr.,ittee be recieved and that all bills 0 K by said_ committee be paid, carried.- Commurication recieved from lb?s Samuel Jones ,Swan Lake asking `'ouncil to r� f > � _fund X9 .00 paid by her tmr pound feEs,or. cattle , _Elliott Y`oved by seconded ry "earl that the communication be recieved and refered to the To,.mr. Property committee, carried.- Communication recieved. from Attorneys for W.H.niitehell , Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the same be recieve and pefered to Ith.e City Attorney, earried..- .Resolution No 79-A Providing for the improvement of that portion Of Second Avenue ,bounded on the west by the vest line of Burnett St, and on the east bjt the east line of dill St.by grading and paving,passed to final ra.ddmgg- .Moved by ILonohon seconded by Elliott that Section 1 be adopted as read.-carried.- .Moved by ""onohor, seconded by Elliott that Sec--1-be adopte as read, -carried..- 320 loved by kbnohon eye c opded by Hearl that Sec-3-be adopted as read,-uarried.- a"oved byMonohon seconded by Swif t, that the Resolution be f t r adopted as a whole as read.-carried..- Ordinance loo 253. i'rohibitin, the running of locomotives through the (�itv of Renton without spark arr•esters ,passed to final reading, Moved by -i�onohon seconded by Dobson that Section 1-be adopted as read.-carried.- Yoved by r;'onohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-2-be a.dopte as read,-carried.- Moved by Donohon seconded by Hearl that Sec-3-be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved by onohon seconded by Hansen that the Ordinance be ac'opted as a whole as read,-carri(�d.- Ordinance ## No 254- Ordinance re ulatin - s ' �. � �, Ze of sleeping apart- ments in Cite of Renton,passed to final reading. '1:ovd by Monohon seconded b y Llliott that Section 1 be adopted as read -carried Iuoved by Mbnohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-2ebe adopte as read, -carried.- moved by I.ronohon seconded. by Swif� that Sec-3-be adopted as. read,-carried.- Moved by honohon seconded by Hearl that Sec-4-be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved by rdlonohon seconded by Heart that the Ordinance 'be adopted as a ,ivl:akle as read,-carried.- Resolution No 7&-A Resolution providing for the improvement of North Rentor. Otrec:ts by grad int; and gravelling, passed to final read- ing. , iloved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-1-be adopto as read.-carried.- Moved by Yonohon se co nded by Hearl that Sec-2--be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved by 210nohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-3-bc amm.- erded to -rea'd, one week instead of five days , carried, Moved by -�onohor_ seconded bG Dol)son ;that Sec-3-be adopted as amended,-carried.- Moved by lonohon seconded by Ejjiott that the Res- b adopted as a Whole as read, -carried - e ROOF Moved By Cake seconded by Dobson, -that matterof ilegal selling of Liquor. to Linors` by D`iamorid $saloon be refered to ulie License Corr:mittee ,sa.id committee to file written repots recomending final settlement,of` said ma.tter, carried,- Bids recieved for the paving of Streets in Citi; of Renton as outlined in Ordinance covering same ,and. read, !oved by onohon seconded by Swift that the bids be refered to the Engineer ^.nd St & "lley comnittee ,sa.me to be settled at adjourned session Viedncsday right June 14th,1911. carried.- Pe ter Dullah.ant on behalf of the Renton `lolunteer fire Department ask City -ouncil fo$ corsessions' for Streets on the 2ourth of July,Moved by Lonohon seconded by Dobson that the Fire Dept ,be granted sole consession to streets of Renton on the r'ourth of July,l9l1 carried.- Health Officer Bronson makes verbal report recomending th,=.t a filter be p1-,.ced at outlet of Reservoir on Cprinl;brook water systerr,,-Loved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Dr,report be accepted and that the recomenda.t;.-;ns be carried out,-carried.- Yoved by 1"=onohon seconded by Hearl that the Ordinance allowing Clerk and -Attorney Fees in Police Court cases be refered to the Ordinance Committee they to report on same , carried.- Moved by Ionohon seconded by Swift that this meeting adjourn until Wednesday night at 7.30 P.M. carried.- . City Clerk ... t i Rentar.:,June ,l4th,1911 came to order at 8 .30 Ad.jurned session of City "ouncil #00 ax� P i , �" i�Tor Jos 'y�ood presidin ,Roll Call.-Councilmsz Elliatt,Cake ,Fansen, ,Dobson,Mearl,At torney,Engineer and Clerk being Tonohon, Siif t present. Under the head of unfinished business the Council resumed, and the Street & Alley Committee filed written report as follaws ;We the Otreet & Alley Committee would recomend that the paving contract be awarded to Troutman & Young they beim; the lo,mest bidders. Cha.irman,Lee '6onohon, ; G.Tu.Elliott. ; Moved by Councilman Swift seconded by `'ouncilman Dobson that the report of the Street & Alley Committee be recieved and placed on file and that the recorrandations in said report be accepted and carried out,-Poll Vote- G.,J .Elliott, Aye Lee hionaron Aye 1 .F.Swift Aye Peter Hansen Aye B.F.Cake Aye phos Dobson Aye Carried unanamously. F.C."earl , not present. Moved by Councilman Hansen seconded by Counciliran 1',•onohon that the contract for the paving be awarded to ,the lowest bidder ,same being„'routman & Young,Carried unanimously. Loved by I-Ionohon seconded by Dobson that the checks of all unsucessful bidders be returned,-carried . There being no further business to transact it was moved by Lonohon seconded by Swift, that "Council adjourn , carried.- City Clerk. I R�I�F 32f- Fenton,June,20 th ,1911 City Council net in regular session Tiayor Jos Wood presiding,-Roll call .-Councilman Elliot �,Cake , Iansen,Dobson,awift, Uearl ,Ionohon,Engineer,Attorney,and Clerk being present. _ Minuets 611' the last regular and adjourned session were read :%nd approved. Application for water for 'Lhe following described prop- erty,Lo t 9 Block 4.Renton Farm P1at.J Gartmro,owner,Lot-16 Biock 5 Renton Farr Plut,Len Davis ,owner,Lot ,1 clock 35,Smithers 1st -�idd- I.Conklin,owner,Lot,4 Block B ,Jar "orks Add-Joe Vigna,o :mer, Application for sewer connection for Lot 4 Block 12, M M Rees ,owner, Loved by Yonohon seconded by Hearl that all applications for water and sewer connections be granted, -carried,- Finance committee filed written report on having 0 K. the folloti,!ing bills and recomending the-'r payment.- P Dull.ahant 4 days in June hauling garbage , 20.00 " It1 to Itcleanin6 streets 6.00 Geo Hancock 2 da-on '•;ridge ,4 da on pipes , 1 da on streets ,3 da.y s on arba.ge , x,5.00 Tim OLeary 2z da on streets-42 da on pipes- 17 .50 E Auld 2 da on bridge-54 da on pipes 18 .07 H.U.Lusk �,atchnlan at Springbrook 8 .00 Frank Davis LaLor on Springbrook fence 12.40 E Bochr.ig of " " 10.00 Renton " ra.ld Pub-Ordira, rees Fes- notices to L�onTrs# 5.85 E E Duff 1 da examining and reportin,; condition of Springbrook 3.00 Renton Hwdr Co supplies sewer system 5.30,E M a'I Wardall certified copy of Franchise 'eattle Car Works spur track. 2;.00 !.,loved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the report of the finance co:=ittee be recieved and pl%ced on file and all, bills 0 K be said committee be paid, -carried.- Loved by Cake seconded by Elliott that case of Diamond Saloon selling liquor to monor be laid over until friday NijL;ht,al.l. Parties concerned tJB �i'���r1Yi,-car-ried.- 11oved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the license committee be ailoxed another geek in ihich to report on Ordinance relating to fees.- carried.- r'ttor ney reports on `third St matter relative to tracks of Seattle Renton & "outhern R R Co .saggests 'that committee confer with property owners ,Yoved by Monohon seconded by Iiarsen that t'r_4 v"^r 1 ` 3rd.1911, Ci r Clerk to :y - nzi Friday nicht June t notify Crawford of said R R Co to have represenitave at sia.d meeti.lg carried.- St crossings asked for on "mither &, Four+.I: "venue ,by ci Cizeri,and. property holder on said s -reet,St `'upt LAdwards notified by --,a,,'or wood to have said matter of crossings attended to . There being no more 'business of importance -Moved by Cake seconded by "ansen that Council adjourn, arried - • City clerk. RcBF 325 Renton,Zune 27 th,1911 City Council met in regular session ilaYor Jos jNood Presiding ORO' 1call.-Councilman Swift,Elliott,lia.nsen,I.onohon,Cake, Dobson, earl, Attorney,Engine-er,and Clerk being present. Minuets of the lest regul=ar session were read and appr- oved. Applications for water from the following described property,-Lot,13.Block 9 Renton Farm Plat,Mike "alsh,owner.Lot12 Block 4 .Sartorisville ,P Basuen,owner,Lot 14 Bloc 2 Emil Bakue ,owne.r. , Lot 5 Block 1,N-ienton,J yeathley,owner,Lot 3 Block 3 henton,Farm P1�t,Jas YIc Don-dd Cwner,Lot 4 Block 24 Renton farm Plat,``re E lienwood, oWne",Lot 5 Block"1/Renton'Farm Plat,%a.nrny erry,o saner, Lot 12 Block 22 application for meter, J Chambers ,agent,Hilliker Addition application for two (ti") inch connection,N.Davis ,owner, Application for sewer connection from follo­Ting Lots, Lot 13 Block 13 down of Renton,Jas aclnell, "Lustee,Lot, 5&E Block 8 .Robt Bo.vren,owner,Lot 13 'lock 321Beiij Tickno ' ,oivner,Lot 5 Block l.-F'."�a.vis ,ovaner,Y,o-ved by lbnohon seconded by Swift tha. : all water i" and sewer connectiDn a licati:>ns be nexcept,N.'Javis appli- cation for 2" connem�ion, carried',- Moved by Monohon seconded Elliott# that application for 2Q connection be refered to Fire & ',`later co.=ittee,-;arried.- Patition from prope--ty owners along Third Avenue ,asking Cojmcil to allow Seattle Renton & Southern Ry,�;o to plank i cs tracks instead of paving same ,read.Moved by Cake seconded by Herr, that the petition be recieved and placed on file and recomendations in said petition be carried out, also t0hat City Attorney draft a# i''ranchise cove "ing same ,-####*##, -Poll vo to , Elliott Aye lionohon No Swift Aye Hansen Aye C=ake Aye Dobson Aye Hearl Aye -- Motion carried- Petition from Atkenson & Nichols askii&g "ouncil to transfer tie unexpired portion of retail liquor lieanse df L'ottage Bar to the Renton Liquor Co , Inc- .read,TZoved by Monohon semonded by Swift that said petition be refered to the License co:nmittpe, i carried.- '326 Claims & Accounts committee filed written report on havinz Q K the following bills and recomending their payment, Shirley 11eown Stenographer r 1 5.00 Thos i1arries , Dox rent for quarter .35 'treasurer Donkin Interest on water and general ,arrants 14.16 A 'U Ticknor Clerk Postage stamps 2.00 Jos Edwards Fumigating 14rs Feek' s Residence 2. 5O of co:c�nittee herbal Report/ on matter of ILP Ry Co paving portion of Burnett St,'also matter of C & P S Ry Co moving tracks on Walla 4alla Ave- south instead of north, immaterial# b to said Co ,-.i&hether they move north or soutli,also that they and ready to pave between tracks at any time . the pity is ready,Moved by 111onohon seconded by Cake that the report be accepted,-carried.- Attorney asks for information regarding what constitutes a spark arrester ,Y.oved by Carve seconded by Swift that the City Attorney take up said matter and find said information,carried. t Tlarshall Eduards appoints Peter Dullahant as a special deputy marsha.11 to serve without pay,Moved b.,r Elliott se onded by (11 ±'lea-rl that the appointment of the ,arshall of (Pater Dullahant be confirmed by, ouncil,-carried.- lioved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the Ordinance relative to C & P S Ry changing of tracks on Walla NTIalla Avenue be taken from table and passed UD final reading LP 9 Moved by Elliott seconded by Heal that Ordinance be rfered back to Ordinance committee carried.- Elliott as Chairman of License committee recomends and movednd seconded by �:onohon, that the petit ion of Atkenson and Mchols for transferal of unexp:j'red portion of license be granted. carried.- Quest-ion of legality of awarding contract for pa.vin- ash an adjourned session of "ouncil was duly take=n care of by the folloming motion,-to_�:At;- It was regular y1moved by Councilman Cake seconded by Councilman Monohon, tha,t the bid of 1'routman & Young,for she paving of cert-tin streets under and by virtue of Ordinance A10 251 of the Cite* of Renton, in the sum of SIX'T'Y TOUR TI OUSANDONE I1UNDRr,D EIGHTY MILE (64139.00) DOLLARS? , the same bein; the lowest a and best bidder,be accepted by the City of Renton and tine Mayor and C / l 7V V1 P'1+1.l of a;i ri '6+4 r,. ..,. .,,, aL....,._ ._.,.a i- ---'- --- ReBF 327 a contract with firm of Troutman & Young for the construction of said work.Poll vote Elliott Aye Hansen Aye IVronohon Aye Cakd Aye S^rif t Aye Dobson Aye "earl Aye- carried unanamously- Question of Diamond aaloon selling liquor to minors came up for final settle.,,,,isnt ,Movdd By Uake seconded by Dobson that the Attorney be instractd -to draf c an Ordinance covering Wilful selling of liquor to Idinors ,penalty,mini mum fine of $50.00 for .first offense.carried.- Moved by -v'lliott seconded by Dobson that "ttorney draft an Ordinance making it a misdemeanor for Minors to enter a saloon carried.- This 27th day of June being the datd set for the reciev- ing of bids for the construction of a lateral sewer on Burnett St and there being; none recieved, it was Moved by Cake seconded by Elliott that this matter be refered to the Finance committee to investigate relative to financing` same ,-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Elliott tilat the Engineer �1O detirmine amount of iron pipe needed for streets that are to be paved full width, and that the purchasing agent get prices an same , carried.- Agreement filed from Denny Renton Clay & Coad. Co ,gaurante ing #brick paving for a period of five (5) years against the ordin ary wear and tear of said pavement by reason of he usual and ordi nary traffic thereon. Itto.rney Houser asks for more time in which to examine bond .furnished by contractors.same granted.- There being no further business of importance Loved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that `'ouncil adg.ourn.-carried.- City Clerk. Tuesday July 4th,1911 being a legal Holiday ,next 3 regular session of the City Council held on Wednesday July, 5th,1811 3 1 City Clerk. `f 3 i c318 Renton,July, 5th,1911 AdJ ourned session of City Council came to order at 7.30 P.,.,% Mayor Jod Wood presiding,Roll call .-Councilman Elliott i Ii�nsen,6wift,Dobson,Iiearl,IAonohon,Attorney,Engine(.: r,'i'reasurer, and Clerk being present.- Il'Iinuets of the last regu'?ar session were read and approved.- Protest recieved from P .P.Padden against the grading and gravelling of Pigott 'venue and Ghat portion of Iieadow Street between Fourth Avenue North and Pigott Avenue .Also petition recieve from IJorth Renton Improvement Glab,asking; Council that the proposed street improvement in liorth Renton be contracted for in two seperate sections ,Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that the protest ,and petition be recieved and sane refered to the St & Alley co=ittee to he t-iken up next �1rida,y night July 9th,1911. carried.- Note- Vlednesday July 5t1a,1911 being the date ste for reciev- ing protests against the proposed improvement in North Renton,of certain streets as provided #; under Resolution i10 78-A the only progest recieved from the entire district affected was one presented by P.P.Padden.-A.`,?I. Ticknor, -Clerk.- Claims and accounts committee filed written report on having examined and 0 K► d the following bills and recomending their payment. Mn James Interest on Bonds No 1 -Water 120.00 E Auld ►► it to it 9.00 Mrs M. Bevan to of If It If 12.00 R Bevan # ►' of " 6.00 Geo Hancock 14 da Garba6e ,2 da manholes 1-� da on Crossings,11 da on pipes 18 .13 E Auld 3, da on pipes ,r da on crossings 12.50 P Dullahant r da hauling garb-tge 3.75 Tim OLeary 54 da on pipes 13 .13 Gl Evans 1 da on pipes ,lY da on crossings 8 .75 P Lassoie 2j da pipes ,1 da cleaning streets 8 .75 l Dobson trip to Seattle 6C car fare 3 .30 Jos tilood " If it of 3.30 P Dul.laha,nthauling Etc 22.00 Renton Ind- -el-Co Reservoir Phone & long Distance 4.00 Moved by Elliott seconded by Yonohon that the report of the committee be recieved and pin.ced or, file and all. 0 K► d bills be ordered paid ,-carried.- Special Co .rnittee filed following written report, to-Shit.- To the Council of the Town of Renton, Rc�1'F 329 Gentle ren.-We your com-ni ttee to w_zon was rcf Bred the ques tion of pavinf or planking of 3rd Avenue of the right 1-4f way of the Ceatt le Kenton,& Sou:thhrn RR. We met the r•epresenatives of said S.R& S P.P. and presented the Ordinance as suggested by property holders and drawn by our City Attorney ,and di- cussed samegSaid repre enative stated to your corrimi tte e that he could not do anyth in; with any Yranchise now existing as his road was bonded and as the Franchise was part of ,he security on said bordd,but he sug_.ested that if the Council would grant him a rermit for five years to plank said s tree t between the tracks Etc ,as suggested by his Engineer to the Council.He could not gaurantee us any change in the fare but would consider the matter. Special Co: nittee.-Jos Wood Thos Dobson Lee 11onohon. .:coved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the report of the lspecial committee be recieved and placed on f ile ,-carried.- After d¢sxussion by Council and property holders as to i.n final settlement of this matter a motion was made as follows .- iioved by Councilman Monohon seconded by Councilman Swift up that f. e Street Supt,be instructed to proceed to tal,X/some of the rails of said Ceattle Fenton & Southern Ry east of Burnett St. Poll Vote.- Elliott ido Mo noho n Yes Swift Yes Hansen iio: Dobson 210 Heal. ZJo Motion Lost.- Moved by Councilman Dobson seconded by Councilman Elliott that the "ttorney be instructed to draft a franchise or permit granting permission to the Seattle Renton & Southern Ry to plank its tracics on Third Avenue ,said permit to run for a period of five years ,provided, tlhey put in necessary header to hold paving,furnish lints for the street intersections on said street and make the fare from Benton to `'eattle and return, twenty five (25) cents . Four for -Two against.110 tion carried.- Engineer reports that it would be impossible to run seyrer north on Burnett `'t.as the grade will not permit. Moved by Dobson seconded by Lconohon that she Engineer be i ns tr� C ted #644 to order sewer pipe and all necessary material for the construction of ,,ie lateral sewer on Burnett yt from .Third Avenue ;,o 6ixtr: Avenue,Last side .and that the City proceed to install same by days work.-carried.- Purchasin6 agent reports having ordered s tell witer pipe for s teee is to 1!e paved full width, There beim; no further business Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that council adjpurn,-carried.- a City Clerk. AIS ReBF 331 Ren ton,July,11 th,1911 City Council met in regular session,",.ayor Jos Nood presiding,-f;o1! call ,Councilman E11lott,Cake ,Ilansen,S,.,iift,Hearl. L:onohon,Dobson,Attorney,Engineer, Treasurer and Clerk being Present. Minuets of last regul ,.r session read and approved.- Application for sever connections for 121e following described property rear'...-Lo-14 1.7 flock 26 ,E =Atl".d a•,..­rer,Lot 5 .Block 22.`rown of Renton,Jos ,Edwards ,ovmer,West half Lots 9-10 Block 13. '2Ovrn. Of Renton,Thos ,H-irries ,owner,Tloved by Elliott econ:led by Dob,-:on that said connections for sewer be granted.-carried.- Fire Light & ''dater co mmittee filed written report recomending that the application of Norman Davis fa" two (2) inch water connection. Hilliker Addition be gr=anted,&"oved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that t ;.e report of the committee be accE:r,,ted and placed on file a.nd the application be granted, -carried,- Claims & Accounts committee filed written re-port on having examined and 0 K' d the following bill:-, and. recomending t2heir .. rayme nt,- Renton Ind.-Tel-Co Long Distance,& Reserv:-ir Phone 1.85 Wash Map & B-Print Co Blue prints paving, 3.75 Aetna Insurance Co Insurance on fire Hall & Jail 52.52 VIM 170o0, Shovels 3.90 Jo-, Edwards Fumigating; 2.510 Seattle Tacoma Power Co Lights June 91.00 Renton Lumber Co Lumber 40.64 Renton Herald Printing Ord- Etc, 16.35 E A .3herar Rubber bands 1 .90 H U Lurk Watchman at Springbrook 6 .00 0 K Livery Hauling hay & feed 1.00 Moved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the report be accepted and pl­Xed on file and all bills 0 KID by the committee be paid,-carried.- License committee filed written report recomending that Peter D�ila,hant be allowed a salary of twenty five (25) dollars per month for ,ervices an extra night marshal! Saturday nights and at other times when called upon.IlLoved by Dobson seconded by Hearl that whe re-port-- of the eommi t,tee be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in said report be carried out ,-carried.- Moved by E iliott seconded by :swift that the Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance covering matter of salary of �, extra~ night marshail, -carried.- 334 Chairmen of Special committee re, ort:_< on having interviewed - t President Crawford of the Seattle Renton & Southern Ry,pre:-ented to hire the permit drafted by the Ci tv of Renton allowing said Ry z Co. to plank its tracks on portion of Third avenue-as provided in said permit,President of said Company refused to sign same . Moved by Caleeseconded by Swift htat the verbal report of Chairman of special committee be accepted.-carried.- Permit as drafted by Seattle penton & aouthern Ry presented to Council by represenative of said Comp%ny.same read. Communication recieved from the N.P .Rv Co .stating, that said Company will not protest the improvement of Burnett St.by paving.hoved by Elliott seconded by Cake that the communication be recieved and pl=aced on file carried.- Rcport of t1ie Health Officer for the month of June ,read Moved bar Dobson seconded by Hansen that the report of the Health Officer be accepted and placed on file ,-carricd.- Clerk; report for the quarter ending June 30th read. Lioved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that the revort of the Clerk recieved be #### and refered to the Finance committee, -carr. ied.- =A Treasurers rep3rt for "�he quarter ending June 30th,r.add 14oved by Coke seconded by Pjionohon that t'rle report of the ireav3urcr be recieved and refered to the -Finance committee .-carri ed.- Communicaticn recieved from I 0 0 F bodge asking for written statement c;howing under what law City intend:-• levying assessment for lateral sewer now under process of con�-:truction on Burnett ot.Moved by %ionohon seconded by Ellio ct that t?_e communic- ation be recieved and °efcred to the City Attorney to answer. carried.- Ordinance No 256.An ordinance prohibiting sale of liquor to persons under the age of twenty one (21) years of abe .read , Loved by Elliott seconded by Cake that said ordinance be refered to ordinance conrnittee, -carried.- Ordinance No 257.An oridnance prohibiting per�..ons under the age of twenty one (21) years loitering in any place tihhere intoxicating liquors are sold,read,11oved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee.-carried.- Ordinance No 2518 .Granting Franchise to the Columbia & Puget Sound Railway Company,passed to final reading, I R(--BF 333 Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that Section l, of Franchise Ordinance be adopted as read.-carried .- Moved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-2-be amended by striking out paragraph,5.carried.- i Moved by 11onohon seconded by Swift that Sec-2-be adopted as amended carried.- paragraph 2. Mored by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-3/be amended to omit reference to naving transfer t;,Aeks .carriedp- 6 - , ��, �}f ✓ w��a 11bved by Ilono}ton seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as atmended carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that 6ec-4-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-5-be adopted a�- read. carried.- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-6-be adopLed as read. carried.- coved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that tine ordinance be adopted acl, a -vihole as amended Poll vote . L. Heart Yes Dob=on Yes Hansen Yse Cake Yes Pdonohon Yes Elliott Yes Swift Yes Carried unanamoully.- Iioved by Cake seconded by Hearl that paving contractors Bonds and Denny Renton Clay & Coal "'ompany' mzintainence Bond be 9.ccepted,-carried.- Yo•,red by Cake ->econded by Iionohon that Seattle Renton & Southern represena,tive be asked 'to meet with Council friday evening tracks on July, l4th19ll,rel=.tine to permit, for planking/Third Avenue , ':s Blackwell speak:, on inadvisability of such meeting recomanding that duly appointed represenative s get togethhdr in matter, INotion p not ut.- loved by Cake seconded by Elliott that Crawford 5,end legal represenative to meet t,.it.h mayor and City Attorney relative to permit for planking; said Company' s tracks on Third# "venue , carried.- �Joved by Cake seconded by 1111onohon that matter of widening of proposed paving; on Burnett St 3rd, to 4th,be fefered to St & Aller committee & City Engineer for report , -carried.- �J / � CCti -tiftif/� ti IIoved by Cake seconded by 1 onohon that trze CiLy Attorney be instructed to draw up twopeeelutieRs-dividing proposed grading district of North Renton into two districts}ca.rrie . .- Loved by Cake seconded by Elliott that the Fire & "ater committee look into matter of rental for p&les owned by City of Renton,carried.- I:.oved by Cake seconded by S,rrift, ;I-1ere beim; no further business that Council adjourn,-carried.- � �~c • �1 City Clerk. _ /� � QJ __. a,/ p •. V/�'C ,`�—l__ J� Renton,July, l4t ,1911 Adjourned ses ,ion of Council came to order,IIayor Jos , Good pre:siding, -Roll call.-Councilman Hansen,Bobson,Car_e ,Swif t Monohon,Attorney, -.n d Engineer being present,- Moved by Hansen :seconded by Cake that Franchi�•e ordinance 7 granting permission to ''eattleRenton & Southern Ry certain rights on Third Avenue ,be laid on the table indef i ndtely.Poll vote L'Tonohon Yes , Swift Yes Cake Yes Hansen Yes Dobson Yes Carried unanamously. Verbal report from Engineer on sewer being built on Burnett St from Third Ave rue to Sixth Avenuq ,portion from 3rd,Ave- to 4th,Ave-completed, other portion under wa.y.&Moved by .Cake Seconded by Monohon that the report be accented.-carried.- e ,.ition rec_..vea from property o, nern, 8c agent. aa:eWell St.betraeen 2nd, and 3rd ,Avenue petition.irg Council to ,.~..ve said portion of said Well St prived thirty one (Fl)feet -ride instead of twenty four 124) feet ax per ordinance passed .I15oved by Cake seconde by Dobson that t'_ze petition be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in said petition be carried out.-carrid.- There beim, no further business it was regularly moved and ~econded that Council adjourn, -carried.- City Clerk pro-tem ReBF 4 - Renton,July,18 th ,1911 City C;;uncil met in regular session Mayor Jos .`food presiding,-Roll call.-Councilman Elliott,Cake ,Hansen,Swift,Dobson, R Hea.rl,Monohon,Attoney =and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session read and approved as corrected,likewise adjourned session, approved as read. Application for sewer connections from following property Lot 14-18-Block 25,1a.s Evans ,orner ,Lot 4-Block 22,Jno,Prichard, oarer,hoL,11-Block,22,C.L.Spencer,owner,Moved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that all a.pplicati.3ns for server connections be granted. carried,- Petition arried,- Petition recieved from property ouners on Williams St. between Second & Third Avenue ,asking that paving on said street be increased from 24 feet to 31,feet, Petition from property owners on Well Street between 3rd, & 4t:nAvenue asking Council to increase paving on said street from 24 feet to 31 feet, Petition from proper-ty owners on Fourth Avenue between Main St & Burnett St,asking Council to increase paving on said { street from 24 feet to 31 feet. Peti pion from property owners on Williams Street between 3rd,& 4th,Avenue a,skin� Council to increase ;width of paving on said street from 24 feet to 31 feet, Petition from property owners on Second `venue between Burnett street and Mill '1t.asking _Council , to increase width of i paving on said street from 24 feet to 31 feet, Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petitions be recieved and placed on file and that recomendations in said petitions be carried out and that the Engineer be instructed to notify the contractors to make the necessary changes asked for in petitions carried.- low Petition from property owners on corner of Second "veslae an;'. Ma.inS.treet asking Council for larger water service pipe , Moved by Cake seconded by 1ionohon _that petition be recieved and refered to the Aire & .dater committee they to inves- tigate and if it is necessaryto have larder pipe put in at said pddnt, carried.- Claims & Accounts committee filed written report on 336 having 0 Ktd the following bills and recomending their payment, J A Tve to Paving--Eng-Dep t. -8 .12 Al Jenni of it if 9.28 J LTc Donald of if it 30.75 F a7 Harris „ " to 24.50 W swans Five hrs , on pipes 1.56 P Lassoie 3 days on pipes 7. 50 Gco Hencbck 3 da-garbage-i da-pipes 10.00 `r OLeary 34 da-pipes--L da-streets 11.25 D Auld 21- da-pipes-1. da- thistles--L da-streets 10.00 Treasurer Interest on lateral sewer warrants 91.3.0 P Dullahant Hauling materal latc;ral sewer Burnett t 33 .10 Treasurer leattle for itrater June '7 .75 Renton Hivd Co �upw)lie ,I,ay 13th , to June,3rd, Gen' l fund 11.85 A#001,9000,104000 ji/ MOO ILoved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that all bills 0 ii be the finance committee be ordered paid ,-aarried.- Fire & '`Tater committee asks for one more week in i4hich to report on matter of rental for poles owned by City, same granted. Street & Alley committee filed written report recomending -that pavemv nt on Burnett 4tree t between 'galla 'Jalla �vanue & Oecoit Ave ue extend from end of Nor them I'acific R, ties towithin ten feet of property line ,-Moved by Cake seconded Swift that tine re port of the co:m;ittee be accepted and placed on file and that the Eng- ineer# be instructed to proceed 0#Q to install paving on said street as set forth in report, carricd.- Attorney filed written opinion as to which law should overn in -the assessment of beni.fits for the Burnett street lateral sewer. coved by Elliott seconded by Swift t*hat "tto m_ cyl report be accepted and ,placed on f ile,and that the City proceed to adopt the 1911 law.carried.- Ordinance :Jo 258 An ordinance providinj for the appointment of a deputy night marshall , in the City of he .oto n,read end re.L red to the ordinance committee.- Ordinance No 256-An ordinance prohibiting selling liquors to minors passed to final reading , Mloved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Lection of said ordinance be adoptded as read, -carried.- Tn2ved by Dobson seconded by ilearl that Sec-2-be adopted read.-carried.- 1oved by Uwif t 2econded by Cake that Ieca3-be adopted as read, -carried.- LToved by Dob=,on seconded by U rif that pec-4-be adopted ir, read.-carried.- ReBF 337 Moved by Cake sgconded by jwif t that the ordinance be adopted as a vfhole as read, - carried.- Ordinance, ITo 257-An ordinance prohibi tine s#-�#### persons under t'ie age of twenty one (21 ) loitering in any place vivre intoxicating laggtor.-, are sold passed to final reading, Loved by Cake seconded by I:lonohon that rection 1-be -adopted as rea.d, -carried.- IVIoved by Dobson seconded by laonohon that Sec-2-be adapted as read carried.- I:o7.led by Cake secoXided by Ilcarl that the ordinance be adorted as a :Thole as read,-carried.- Ziere being more -)etitions presented Council fef'ered back to Petitions , LRtition from property owners on slain Street asking Council to move tracks of the Puget -ound -0'lectric Ry to the center of t'ne street,Idoved by Cake seconded by S,rrift that the petition be refered to the Otreet x "lley committee, -carried.- Petition recieved forum property o merw on Iain St between 4th lvdanue and Walla. Walla. Avenue ,asking Council to increase width of paving from 24 feet to 711 feet, Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition be recieved and placed on file and the recomendation:, ce.rried out and that the Engineer be instructed to notify the contractors accordingly.carrie3.- Question of moving of P S E Ry tracks discussed further , Moved by Cake seconded by Idonohon that the Ilayor and Attorney act in conjunction with the St P, Alley Uomrrdttee ,and take up matter with said Company relative to moving of tracks , -carried.- Question of removin, of .rood sand box on I.,lill St at corner of Second Avenue discussed ,Moved by Llliott seconded by now iionohon that this _ratter be refered to the St R Alley O6mmittee , carri--d .- Question of Sartoris Sprin, and other ;prings of ,-rater discussed by Council and `'itizens ,Mayor `'food appoints committee of citizens to investigate and report back to Oouncil, said committe as .follows ,H. Evans ,J C Lla,rlo ,,D C IrIitchell,N,Davis ,D C Lerais , There being no further business a motion was made by cake seconded by Hearl to adjourn, carried; _ ( Cle;k 338 Renton,July,?5th11911 City Council met in regular session Mayor Jos Wood presiding,-Roll Call.-Councilman Elliott,Cake,3wift,Hanser.,Dobson, Hearl , onoron,Attorney,Engineer, Treasurer and Clerk beinr,; present. J� inuets of, the last regulaf session .fere read and approved,- Application for sevier connection for the following property,Lot 3-Block 26-`sown of Rentor:,Paul Bassen,owner,Lot-6 Elock-27-Victor Johnson,owner,lioved by Dobson seconc.ed by Hansen that the applications for sewer be granted,-carried.- Petition from property owners on Dill Street between Second Avenue and Cerad E-ver bridge asking Uouncil to increase width of paving from, 24 feet to 31 feet. 'oved by Ionohon seconded b by Elliott that petition be recieved and placed on file and the recomend cations in said petition carriedout and Engineer ins xucted to notify con'Vractors accordingly, carried.s Piptition from pror..ef'ty owners on Iain ateeet a.skinE; Council to increase width of jaaving on said street between 2nd ,& 3rd,Averue from 24 feet to 31 feet.Ty:oved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that . the petition be recieved and placed on file and recomendations in said petition carried out and Engineer inItructed to notify contractors accordingly, cattied.- Peti tion re6ieved form P P Padden asking Council to proceed to grade and gravel Garden Avenue ,also -O'ourth ►street North from Renton Avenue on the west' to Factory Street on the East.Yoved by Elliott seconded by T.onohon that the petition ,�­e recieved aria recomendati;ns in same carried out.carried.- Claims & Accounts committee filed written report on having 0 i:' d the following bills and recomend ing their payment. L A Hansen Vlriting paving specifications 4.70 Crane Co 'later supplies 18.73 Renton "erald L rinsing 18 .70 P. 'erry Labor 3.75 Moved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the report of the committee be recieved and placed on file and all bii.ls 0 K by the cormnittee be paid,-carrid.- Resolution providinf5 for the improvement of that portion of First Avenue North bounded on the West by the west line of L.Ull Street 'and on the east by the City limits , by gradinG paving and curbing: same _ t t < ."oved by Ellio-tt seconded b Swift that e Y at said resolution be refered to the ordinance corrzrittee ,-carried... esoli tion -providing for the improvement of the following described streets by Paving Grading and curbing same Walla Wa.lia, Avenue bounded on the east by the e,�st line of Burnett i.w and on the west by the west line of Smithers street,Srrithers St bounded on the north by the nore th boundary of Walla Walla ,Avnue t and on the south by the south boundary of County Road lip t�4P thag portion of county Road 'No"— bounded on the east by the east lire of amithers Rtreet and on the west by the east line of Tract e t e A Smithers lst,Addition to the Town of Hentpn,Lioved by Swift e t seconded by Elliott that said resolution be refered to the e Ordinance eorrittee ,-carried. - e e - e . -Ordina.nce granting to , the C & R S Ry `"o granting franchis t t e on ,Valla. Walla "venue ,r.egd,first tine ,A�oved by Dobson , seconded by e Hearl that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance corarittee, - t - carried.- t NEW Ordinance No 258 .an ordinance providing for the appoint- ment of a deputy, night ma.rshall passed to fir;al re4dir , e Moved by Lionohon seconded by Dobson that Section. 1-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Elliott seconded by Cake that -Sed-2-be adopted as read carried.- Loved by Swift seconded by 1)obson that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Citizens corr, ittee filed written report on amount of water in ;,Sartoris Springy; as measured by W T I:ZcEwein ,End;-lfoved By Elliott seconded b,,� Cake that same be recieved and refered to th lire Light & Water dommittee ,-carried.- Moved by Ca,ce seconded by -611�ott that the Town Property committee specify a c('ertain price or, old water pipe being removed and instruct purchasing agent to sell same. carried.- t There beim; no further business moved by Cake seoonded by Eiliott that `'ouncil adjourn,-carried. City erk . '340 Renton,Aut ,is t,1911 City Couniil met in regular session Mayor Jos ,Wood pre-siding.-Poll c-all.-Councilman Ell iott,Hea,rl ,Dobson,L.:onohon,Swift Attorney,Engineer and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and appr- oved. Application for sewer connections for the following property,Lot -9-Block 26 rhos Dobson,owner,Lot 1&2 Block 26-Town of Renton, IOOF,owner, Application for water service for the following property Lot 19 Block 9 City of Renton,L.G.Gould, agent�;,Lot 6 Block 3 ,Renton Farm Pla.t,Anton Nordrum,owner,Lot 11,Bloc k 3 ,Renton Farm P1at,Geo Davis O'Sner ,Lot,3,Block,l Car Works Add-`Nilson & li-arlow,age nts,Lot 18-19 Blk 5 t`enton l'ar:n Plat,Phil,De ,hinter,otivner,Lot,12-Ilk,16,Plat # 4,Joe Lenz,owner ,Tot,l4,B1k,6 ,Joe Kollins,o-rner,Lot,l7-B1k,19-1'enton,Farm Pla H,Chris tensen,owner,Acre Tract J'13,R.B.C.Co D;Sloirtzski ,o�,Tner,Acre yract # 14 Highland Add-R J Fa.ull ,ovrner ,Acre Tract 11,C .J Faull , ow,ner,Acre Tract # 22 Highland .add- Roy Pra#tt,owner,Lot 9-Blk 19 Benton F-irm Plat,Fred Peacock,owner,Lot 9 Blk 2 ?iorga,ns Grand View Add- Art,Richardson,o�mer,Lot .19-B1!c,17 , iowm of Renton,l"att Gragy,ormer, Loved by Lonohon seconded by Elliott that all applicati-,rs X, sewer and ;nater connections be gra.nted,-carried.- Strec, & Alley committee filed written report on matterof dfaining storm water into sanitary sewer,ordering Envineer to dis- connect ny sewers that may have been drained into said sanitary sewer ind and specifications for a storm sewer,Moved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that the rep:,rt be accepted and the recomendations in same be carried out,-carried.- Sewer committee filed written report on matter of extra cost of trunk sewers by reason of 'Third Avenue ,water pipe line belong- ing to the City of Seattle , interfering with same ,11oved by 1;1liott seconded by Lonohon, that th�-EIngineer be ins tructed to .furnish data showing extra cost of sewers by reasan-A of Seattle pipe line in Third avenue , said data showinL� extra cost to be turned over to the City Council of the City of Seattle ,rela.tive to a settlement of this :natter, carried.- . t ReBF Finance Co mmittee filed written rer7rt on h=aving 0 K' d and recoimending payment of the follvwing bills ,- Cily Treasurer for adv-a,nce on freight car steel pipe 360.26 E Auld Labor on repla,cin ; of pipe 1 : .44 Geo Hancock It " " 20. 94 Tim OLcary ` 3.44 ,'a tkin Evans " '+ 17 .19 P Lassoie " 13 9 7�fq Geo Wrati- " " 8 .75 -� J 11 Jones 8 . 75 Jno .._onohon 7 . 50 Geo ;`White 8 .75 Jas Shaw 8 . 75 Jas Flynn 8 .75 J LIc Don=ald Eng.Dept paving 36.38 J A 'Tve to " it of 22.81 Al Jenni " " If 30.31 G l;' Con_�rd Inspector p-iving 52.00 A Laddison End;-Dept.paving 7.50 Jas Hardie 'upplies for water Dept 2.6.20 1=eriean Cast Iron Pipe Co iron pipe 554.24 Pacific Coast Pi-p Ce ','good Pipe & Fittings 113. 93 P Dullahant 2 da on streets with team 12.00 Dearly Renton Clay & Co•aa Co sewer Brick 18 .00 it ft to It It of +t "V Pi e Eurne tt St lateral 405.90 to Stier rick 4.80 Jas Hardie supplies lateral sewer Burnett `'t, ' 5.42 6aatttle Hardizare Co Fire Whistle 23 .00 Denny Renton C & C Co sewer pipe 15.00 P Dullah!1Mt ha,ulin� for Burrett St sewer 13 .50 Jos Edwards adv wince on freigh 6 .70 Y'oved by Elliott seconded by �learl that all bills 0 K by the Finance committee be paid,-carried.- Comrruhication recieved from the City attorney Stating that Councilmen are not entitled to pay ,no matter in what capacity, Yoved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that :Vine report be accepted and placed on file ,carried.- Resolutior. 1.6 80-A Providing° for the improvement of a portion. of Garden Avenue ,bounded on the south by First Avenue North, !Ind on the notth by 'JIeventh Avenue horth, that portion of Fout Lh Avenue North bounded on the west by thewest boundary of Main St,North a.nd on the east by the east boundar�r of Factory Ot.by grading and gravelling same passed to second re.ad.ir,;,- g.oved 'by L:onohon seconded by Dobson, t'iat Section 1-be adopted as read. ..d carried.- loved by � nohon seconded by Ell ;iott that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- I,Iowed by Monohon seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as read,- i carrid.- Tai �42 bounded on the east by the west line of Burnett Stas platted and shown: on the original plat of the Town of Fenton and on the west by the west boundary of Shattuck St.by eradinL ,pavinG and curbing the same,with brick.pa.ssed to final reading. Rerering back to petitions a petition for the above des- cribed work was filed by property owners on said street.Yoved by 1�onohon seconded by Elliott that the petition be recieved and placed on file and that the kesolutt6a# be passed, carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Secticn-1-be adopted as read carried.- Idoved by Llonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- I:ovid by I4onohon seconded by Swfit that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Re-solution No 82-A Providing; for the improvement of that portion. of Williams Street bounded on the north by the south line of Fourth Avenue and on the south by the south line of Fifth Ave i�u c , that portion of Fif th Avenue bounded on the east by the east line of ;'illiams Street and on the west by the west line of Smithers Street, that portion of Smithers Street bounded on the north by the north line of Fif th Avenue . d on the south by the south boundary of County Road No 464. that portion of County Road I!o 464,'Loundec on the east by the east line of _ Smithers Street and on thr— west by the east line of Tract A,by grtading paving and curbing the sa.rre with brick,passed to final reading, _ Moved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Section-1-be wd:opted as read carried..- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Swift that Sec-2-be adopted as read,- carried.- Moved by Mlonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-3-be adopted as read. carried.- Loved by Monohon seconded by Swift that the Resolution be adopted as read.,-r.arried.- _ ReBF 343 Ordinance Seo 259,granting to the Columbia & Puget Sound RR Company a franchise on Walla Tralla Averi�Ze ,pa.ssed to final reading, Loved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Section 1-be adopted as read carried.- T:Ioved by Monohon seconded by Hearl that Sec-2-be adopted as read. bw carried.- Koved by I onohon seconded by Elliott that Seer3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Monohon that Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried.- rLoved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-,cd'-be adopted as .read, _ carried.- ,,z ved by Ionohon seconded by Swift that Sec-6-be adopted as read, carried.- _..oved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-7-be adopted as read, carried.- 11oved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-8-be adopted as read, carried.- tow Moved by E11.iott seconded by Yonohon that the Ordinance be adopted as a Whole as' read, carried.- •R Mesolution Yo 83-A provid.inf for the improvement of p-croon of First Avenue 11ort1h bounded on the west by the west lire of Brill Stand or. the East by the City Linits by grading paving and curbing same ,p:wssed ,to final reading. Mov :d by ILonohor. seconded by Swift that Section.-1-be adopted as read, carried. Loved by I�onohon seconded by Swift that Sec-2-be ad:•pted as read, carried.- 11oyed by Monohon seconded by Hearl that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carried.- Loved by-�, onohon seconded. by Hearl that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- There being no further business a motion was made by LIonohon seconded by Hearl that Council adjourn, carried.- yo, City Clerk. I 344 Renton,Aug,8 th,1911 City Council met in regular session 'payor Jos ,Wood presidi ng, -Roll Call,-%.Oounciihman E;,6iott,Cake ,3wift,Dob8on,Lono- ror:,Hearl,Engineer,Attoz)cy and Clerk being present,- Yinuets of the last regular session were read and approved as corrected.- } Petition recieved from residents and property owners of North Renton,asking Council to install street lights on certain; streets as outlined on map presented with said petition ,I. oved by Lonohon seconded by Elliott that said petition be recieved and #%######f I#j! refered to the Fire Light and Water Committee , carried- Petition of remonstrance recieved from property owners on and in the vicinity of Williarrs Street,-Fifth Avenue and Smithers Street ag,_zinst paving and curbing of said streets . Loved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the petition be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in same be carried out,a.lso that the Resolution covering this work be reconsidered,-carried.- Petition recieved from property owners on Williams Street bounded on the north by Fourth Avenue and on the south by Fifth Avenue asking Council to take such action as is neeessar;;T to pave said _portion of Williams Street with brick for a t,idth of 31 feet. I.loved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that the petition be recieved and placed on file and the recouendatdons carried out. carried.- Finance committee filed written report on having 0 K' d and recomending payment of the following bi] ls ,- Rentor. Ind-`Pel-Co 1.95 R Wood 142Bbls eemsitt Burnett St sewer ,36.25 R Burstine services as marshall 6.00 H` Un Lusk 44atchma.n at Springbrook 8 .00 jreasurer City Seattle for water 64. 60 Wm Ton4i n yreasurer 0 0 3j months extra work 123.75 Seattle Car Llfg' Co 5 manhole covers 5 manhole tops 56.60 Priebe Bro' s labor & material Ex nett Sewer 9.70 Iii J Keogh & Son " to water Dept 5.70 Moved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the report of ,he finance co:rmittpe be fecieved and placed on file and all bills 0 K(d by said committde be paid,earried.- Health Officers report for the month of July,r.ead, Loved by Yonohon seconded by Dobson that the report of the Health Officer be recieved and pl=aced on file ,-carried.- ReBF 344E Communication recieved from the Pacific Coast Associa- tion of Fire Chiefs , asking that the Council send their Jire Chief to Vnncouver ,B. C. to attend the Nineteenth Annual 8onvention of Fire Chiefs .Moved by Monohon seconded by Elliott that Fire Chief Jos Wood be sent to Vancuover to attend said convention, and that his expenses on said trip be paid by the City of Renton,-carried.- Communication from the State Board of Tax Commissioners informing the City that they must make estimates of the amount of money required to meet the public expense for the ensuing year recieved a.nd. read, Moved by Monohon seconded by Hearl that the communication be recieved and placed on file and that the Heads of the various Deptartments of the City be .instructed to bring in a report showing the approximate amount of money required to run each department for the ensuing year.-carried.- Resolution No 84-A ProvidinC for the improvement of t}-.,at portion of Walla Walla Avenue bounded on the east by the west line of Burnett =St.as platted and shown in the original plat of the Town of Renton ,and on the west by the west line of Smithers St. that portion of Smithers St.bounded on the north by the north lire of Walla Walla Aveme an ! on the south by the south line of County Road No 464. that portion of County Road No 464 bounded on the east by the east line of Smithers St. and on the west by the east line of " Tract A " of Smithers Fifth Addition to the Town of Renton, produced south by grading paving and curbing the same with brick passed to final reading. Loved by Yonohon seconded by Hear- that Sec �i.on 1-be adopted as read,-five for -- one against- carried.- Yoved by Monohon seconded by Iiearl thq.t Sec-2-be adopted as read fi;*e for--one againt.3t--carried. k Moved by YIonohon seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as read five far--one against--carried.- IL"oved by Monohon seconded by Swift that Sec-4-be adopted as read five for --one against--carried.- Moved. by Yonohon seconded by Swif t that the Resolution be adopted I as a whole as read,-five for--,-ne against--carried.- Moved by L,onohon secomded by Swift that the City pay from the General Fund of the total cost of paving of certain 346 streets as described in Resoluti-)n No 84-A,Amendment to motion by Cake that Yonohont s motion be laid on the table until date of protest on Resolution No 84-A-amendment to motion carried.- Moved by flake seconded by Swift that all salaried officers of the City T Renton be allowed a ten days vacation under pay, carried.- Engineer reports to the Council that contractors building new High ©chool in Renton have connected to the Trunk sewer with- out permission,Moved by Elliott seconded by Monohon that the Engineer be instructed to notify contractors to disconnect said sewer at once ,-ca.rried.- There being no further business of importance moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Lounc,.l adjourn,-carried.- City Clerk. RPBF Renton, Aug,,15 t,181911 City Council met in regular sessiom Ylayor Jos,Wood presiding,-Roll call,-Councilman Elliott,Cake,Hansen,Swift,Dobson Hearl ,TTonohon,yttorney,Enoineer and Clerk being present,- minuets of the last regular session were read and approved.- App'ication for sewer connection ±or .he following property, -Lot 5-Block 24, Town of. Renton,J Annas, oivner,Lot7 Block 37 Smithe.rs 3rd Add-A Edwards,owner.Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that all sewer applications be granted, carried.- Petition of protest from property pwne:Is and residents on and in -the vicinity of Walla 'Halla "venue ,Smithers Stand Section Line Street against the proposed paving as outlined in Resolution,Lloved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the petition be reci-ved and placed on file, -carried.- Petition reci-}ved from Board of Education School fist No Tasking permission to connect new Hing School now under process of construction with the sewer on Second Avenue,tiovk-d by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition be recieved and placed on _file and that same be granted,under conditions stipulated in report of Street & Alley Committee ,carried. it & Alley Col'Mittee Filed written report recomendin€; that School Dist No 7 be allowed to connect tHigh School to sever under the supervision of the City En ;ineer on condition that said School Board will accept terms of Council as to assessment for sauie.Mroved by Dobson seconded yby pearl that the re--rt be accepted and that matter of -tssersment be refered to the Finance co^1mittee carried.- Board of Education School Dist Pio 7 petition the Council to take such action as is necessary for the laying of a suitable sidewalk on Second ='Avenue fror.. Logan Street west to the City limits !ilso on Yorris 6)t.from 3rd Avenue north to he City limits, L=oved by Cake seconded by Dobson that -:he pe tition ue rOcicved and refered to the Street and Alley "�omrmittee , car.ried.- Fire Light & Water Committee filed written report recomending that a hose cart 500 feet of hose also station for snrme be built on City property said station to be located on corner of pips; line and Rentor. 'venue , I 348 !Iove4 by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report of the cornmitte be recietved an4 plaged on f1le and that the purchasizk� agent be instructed to take up natter with fire chief Jos Wood relative to purchase of this equipment and have same installed as soon as possible , -carried.- Light Co,rmi ttee filed written report recomending that lights asked for in petition of property owners and Tesidents of north Renton,be installed also than lights be placed on Cedar St, & Section Sts ,Kenton Avdnae & Section St,and opposite Acre Tract 11 on Renton Avenue,111oved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the report be ccented and placed on file and the recomendations in same be carried out.-carried.- St & A'.ley Com.mittoe filed written report recomending that :,he City Engineer- be paid an additional V25.00 per month for actin; as Inspector of general City Yliork.Moved by Dobson seconded b by Swift that the report be accepted and placed on file and thu the recomendapions be carried out, -carried.- St & Alley Comiaittee filed written report recomending that the curb on sout'z side of. Nalla,lUalla Avenue be placed inside edge 7-2L feet from property line ,LL�'oved by Swi.`�. t seconded by Cwl;e that the report be accepted and placed on file and recomendations ir. said report be carried out,ecarried.- Treasurer Tonkin submitted report for the month of July. :Moved by Dobson seconded by Hearl that the report be accepted and refered to the Finance committee ,-darried.- Finance Co.:miittee filed written report on having 0 K' d and recomending payment of following bi;ls, 6eattle Tacoma. Power Co Light 91.00 ra.cif is Tel & Tei Co Phone .90 Jos Edwards advance on .freight 190 Thos Dobson Advance on freight, ca.r iron pipe 268..11 Labor on changing water pi-,m 655.42 t ::roved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the reprt of the finance coizri ttee be recievd and placed on file and all bills 0 g by said committee re pitid,-aarried.- fiesolution I.o 85-A Providing for the improvement of that portion of Williams St bounded on the north by the south Line of Faurth Avenue and on Vie south by the north line of Fifth Ivenue by grading curbing and paving,passed to second reading, ReBF 1oved by Monohon seconded by Swift that Section 1-be adopted as read,-carried. Jaloved by ?.onohon seconded by Hearl that Sec-2-be adapted as read carried.- Moved by Jlonohon seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Hearl that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read, -carridd- Ordinance No 260. `&mmendin6 Dec tion-3-of Ordinance i10 259, granting franchise to the C & P S Ry Co read first time ,Yoved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said ordinance be refercd to the Ordinance co Zri ttee crried.- Moved by Carie seconded by Elliott that the City Engineer prepare plans and specifications for new lights to be installed and upon reciept of same that the Clerk proceed to advertize for bids for installing of same , -carried.- 1roved by Cake seconded by Elliott that the City Attorney MEN confer withL"he Finance Committee relative to mode of assessing High School property for sewer purposes , earried.- Question as to whether Dance .ara'h ,ll Ordinance is valid brought up by payor Iood, roved by Elliott seconded by Ionohon that said ordinance be refered to the Ordinance co.,ittee co be inves- tigated carried.- There nves- tigatedcarried..- There bein no further busi_Zess of improtance i was moved by Hearl seconded by 31.Tift that C::,uncil adjourn,-carried.- City Clerk . 350 Renton,Aug.22,1911 City Council met in regular session Mayor Jos Wood presiding,-Roll Call ,-Councilman: Elliott Cake; Hansen,11onohon, Dobson,Uwift,Attcorney,Engineer and Clerk being present.- HUnuets of the last regular session were read and appro- ved.- Application for sewer connection for Lot ,4&5 Block 25 Ed 4lood,Owner ,Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that same be bran td.-carried.- Protest from property owners on Qarden Avenue against proposed grading and gravelling of said street recieved,Yloved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said petition be recieved and refered to t',.e St & Allc-r committee, -carried.- Pro test reciev :d from property owners on Third Avenue West against proposed paving of said street,hbired by Dobson seconde by . ono l.on that the, said petition be recieved and refered to �:ar St.& Alley commi ctee ,-carried.- Claims & ticcounts corzrittee filet ��mi tten rep r on having 0 K and recomend -Vnent of foll.owinc; bill. . Treasurer freight on rime 11.67 Moved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that all bills 0 K by finance committee Ie paid,-.ca-rried.- committee Ordiriance/enkkd:titeebbklreport on dance Ordinance recorrend that ordinance be rmmended St & Alley committee filed written report recomending that a sidewalk be built on north side of Second Avenue from Logan St -to City limits ,Yioved by Swift ;seconded by Lbnohon that the re-or of -;hey committee be recieved and placed on file and recome,nd.ations in same be carried. out,-carried.- Moved by HanFen seconded by Dobson that the St & Alley committee be unpowered to have bridge across Ceder River repaired during tiro same is closed , carried .- Finance Cor,=i ttee filed w=ritten report showing amount of money necessary to be rai:;ed to run - he City for the ensueing year Moved by Elliott seconded by lionohon that the report be accepted and placed on file c,.nd that the Council adopt same ,also that the Clerk have said Estimate published in. the Official paper carried..- 35- Resolution No 86-A Pro-Sridine for the improvement of p6ttion of Bur:e tot St from 4th Avenue to 6thm,Avenue by paving curbing# passed to final reading , Moved by I.Ionolion seconded by Swift that Sectio4t 1-be adopted as read,-carried.- Roved by Ylonohon seconded by Swif-t that Sec-2-be Ldopted ae read carrid.- IJoved by IY'lonohon trecorded by Dobson that Sec-3-be ?alropted as read carrid,- Moved by l,ronohon seeded by Swift that the Resolution be ado; ted as a whole as read,-carried.- Rcsolution No 70-A providi: for board sidewalk on the eget side of Z'enton Avenue passed to second Ptading, Yoved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that Sec-i-be adoi ted as read carried.- loved by 6 ift seconded by Dobson that 0'ec-24-be adopted as read,- carried.- Yoved by Swift, seconded by Cake that Sec-3-be adopted as read carrid.- Moved by Cake eeconded by Swift that -the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Resoluti n No 87-A providing for the improver.^,ent of portion of Section Line Stre66 by paving & curbing pa=;sed n final reading i:loved by Lonohon seconded by Swift that Sec-1-re adopted as r6ad carried.- Moved by Monoh.on seconded by Hansen that Sec-ti-be adopted as read carried.- Yoved by I,aonohon seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by I'onohon seconded by Swift that the "Re ,olution be adopted Now as a „ho ,le as read.-carried.- Ordinance No 260 amending Section 3 of ordinance No 259 passed to final reading Moved by I.Ionohon seconded by Cake �!Lat Sec-1-be adopted as read carried.- moved by Ivonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.- I�Toved by Ttiorohon se :onded by Hnsen that the ordinance be adopted 30-2 as a whole as read, - carried.-Attorney rer:,)rts on matter , of date of r otest on First Avenue Ilortlk;. from Bridge to City limi '�s Aug 22nd beinedate set for protest,property owners along raid s treet askin,- for an extension of time ,Yoved by Ylonohon seconded by Swift t1nat the date of protest be extended two (2) weeks , carried.- Loved by Swift scconded by Elliott that tl:,e Special corrm„i ttee appointed by th e Mayor to draft a building,ordinance be dis ch merged and that said m atter be taken up by the regular comimi tte carried.- Moved by C•.ke secDnded by Swift that the matter of fire protection for Public Hallc. be taken up be the Fire Light & eater co-mmittee in conjunction with the City Attorney, carried.- There beinx no further bu2iness Iuoved by Cake seconded by Elliott that Council adjourn,-c,arried.- ty C erk. a i 3 i i 3 RPBF 353 Renton ,August,29th,1912. City Council met in regular session I.Ayor Jos Wood presiding,- Roll Call.-Councilman Elliott,isTonohon,Cake ,Hansen,Hearl,Dsbson,Swift, Engineer Attorney and Clerk being present. 14inuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Ioved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the application 6'm for sewer connection for south 50 feet of Lots 1-2-3-Block 32, Isaa,c Clifford owner,be granted .-carried.- Application from Theo ,Priebe for license for Louis Grand Theatre recieved,Moved by Cake secondee. by Elliott that the petition be refered to he Fire Light & eater co :-Mittee and Fire Chief witLh power to act.-carried.- Pet .tion recieved from W.H.Young & C .Lee for permission. to use "llcy in Block 20 for show purposes ,rec�cved,Moved by Cake seconded by Elliott that said petition be not granted,-carried.- Applic-atic;ns for water connectionc� for the following described property,Lot 1 Block 37 ,Smithers 3rd,Addition,A Laddison, owner,Lot 2 Block 6 henton Farm Plat,T.rs E.l.tyde ,ownet,Lot 1 B1oek,9.Renton Farm Plat NNW Joe Baxter, owner ,Lot 5 Block 24,J . Annas ,owner ,Lot 6,Block 36,S.Shabro otiner,Lo t 11&12; B;ock 3 Oar torisville 'H.Gartibini, owner, " tar at Seattle Car y`r'"rks for drinking purposes , ,Agent ,Moved by 11,bnohon ^econde by Hearl t'_-.at all applications for water connections be granted except Car Works application, carried.- Yoved by Cake seconded by Hearl that the Car Works Applicatio#L be refered to the Fire Light & Mater com-nittee , carried.- Ordinance Committee given one more week on Dance Ordinance. St & Alley Committee asks for one more week on matter of per cent of property protested on 3rd "venue west paving also Garden Avenue , same grarted.- Communication fecieved from Attorney Houser relative to unpaid taxes on Springbrook property, owned by the City,Moved by Ionohon secor_de by Elliott Vliat this matter be refered to tl e Town Pro!)erty Committee to be attended to at once, -carried.- Communication recieved from ?!:xs Sam H. Jone-,Swan Lake relative to a refund of Pound Fees ,lMoved by Swift seconded by Hearl that the same be turned over to r, .e Finance Committee ,ocarried.- Ordina.nce T?o 261.-To license and regulate Merry-Go-Rounds and other public amusements in the City of Renton read first time . roved by Elliott ^econded by Swift that Merry-Go-Round Ordinance be refered to tk_e Ordinance committee ,-carried.- Moved by Elliott seconded by .1"ono -Ion that the purchasing agent buy a sanitary drinking fountain for the City Hall ,-carried.- Troved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the Attorney draft an ordinance covering matter of persons jumping or, or off of moving trains in to-Le City of Renton,carried.- Claims & Accounts Coi-Lmittee filed �,,!riten report on having Examined and O .K'D the following bills. Tutt Grady expense bill 1 .70 P Dullahant hauling garbage 27. 50 Engineering paving 117.44 Labor changing Crater pipes 488 .00 Moved by Elliott -seconded by Iica,rl that all Y;ill--, 0 Kid by tti.e Finance Committee be ordered paid,-carried.- :doved by Cake seconded by Harsen that the extension of the water main to Shattuck Street be refered to the Fire Light & Water Coinmittee carried.- Refering back to rep,r is of standing commi Ltees the report of the St & Alley Committee was taken up.11ovee seconded by Swift that the report of the St & Alley Committee`be recieve and on file and the recomendations in. =game be carried- out,-carried,Atturney inti true- f 4 ted to draft an ordinance covering same .- I.Ioved by Cake seconded by Swift t'nat the mater , of fixing bridge on Third Avenue Rortb. be refered to the St & "*lley co:Lmittee and Attorney Frith power to act.-carried.- :here being no fut,ther business it was moved by Cake seconded by Ellj.o tt that Council adjourn.-carried.- City djourn.-carried.-City Clerk. ReBF � Renton,Sept,5th,1911 City Council :net in regular session Yayor Jos Wood presiding, -Roll Call .-Councilman Eli4ott,Cake ,Ha,nsen,Swift,Hear1 Attorney,Engineer and Clerk being present.- Tinuets of the last regular session were read and approved,- Application for sewer connection for Lot,13 Block 4 Smithers 5th Add-Geo Arthur ,olxner,Lot 12 Block 32,Mss E White owner,Lot 16-17 B;ock 32 Watkin Evens oi-ver,Yoved by Elliott seconded by Swift that applications for sewer connections be granted, -carried.- Finance Committee filed written report on having examined a•nd recomending payment of following bills. Labor on changing water pipes 192.42 Pacific Coast Pira Co wood pipe 158 . 92 American Cast Iron Pipe Co Iron pipe 414.o2 E A Shearer plumbing on ;Tater :rains & material 152.41 Olympic Foundry Co material water system 107 .89 Cit,- of Seattle for water Highland xdd- mater Aug , 54.65 0 K Livery 4.o5 RentonDrug Store Material Fire Dept. 11.75 Renton Herald Printing 14.45 P Dullaha.nt Labor & matri .•1 47.00 R `.food Hay & feed for puond 2.75 Moved by Qa.ke secondedby Hea.rl that the report of the Finance co,=ittee be recieved and placed on file and all bills 0 K' d by ;aid committee be paid,-carried.- Fire Light & Water Committee filed written report on application of Car Works for water for drinking purposes,reco--�end ing that they be given water provided a meter be installed, l.ioved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that the rep )rt of the comxnittde be accepted and placedon file •_Lnd the recomendations in same be carried.,-out,-carried.- Town Property Committee asks for more time on matter of final r.-settlement of taxes on Springbrook property,s ame granted. Iiayor reports having gone over water mains in North RentoN and found same in good condition,City Engineer given one more week in which to examine same and file written rdpert E .relative to acceptance by City of said system.- Health Officer Bronson riled written report for tne Month of Aug,8 bi3tths , 5 deaths , and no contagious deseases in the City,:,.oved by Swift seconded by Calve that the repott be accepted an 356 pl-lccd on file ,-carried.- Police Judges report for the l: onth of Aug,read,Moved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that the report be accepted and placed on file ,-carriect.- Police Judge Robt,Thorburn tenders his resignation to the City Moved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that the resigna- tion of the Police Judc,e be accepted, carried.- Ordinance No 262,regulating the, neigh t of Awnings in the City of Renton read first time ,11oved by Swift seconded by Hearl tklat said Ordinanc be refered to the Ordinance committee, -carried.- by grading & gravel Ordinance No 263 ,providing for the improvemen t/ of that portion of Garden Avenue bounded on the south by First Avenue North and on the north by Seventh "venue 1:11orth, that portion of Fourth nvcnue North bounded on the west by the west boundary of Main St ,Tlorth and on the east by the east boundary of Factory S tree t,read first tAme . Yoved by Swift seconded by Elliott that Garden Avenue Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance committee, -carried.- Ordinance No 264.prohibiting any minor in the City of Renton from Getting on or off of moving trains read first time ,14:oved by Swift , sec)rded by zllio,tt that said ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee , -carried.- Ordinance 265 amending Sec-1 of ordinance No 179 relating to license to be charged for -public d,.mces read first cime,111oved by Swift seconded by Hearl that said ordinance be refered. to the Ord- committee , -carried.- Or:Iinance No 261 to regulage and license Merry-Go-hounds and other amusements came up for final passage ,lroved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that Sec-1-be adopted as read,amendment to motion by Cake second by Hansen, that ordinance be refered back to the cornmi-atee amendment to motion ca rigid. Iwayor appoints A.C."Wilson as Police Judge of the City of Renton for the balance of term,Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the may ors appointment be confirmed ,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Elliott that the City Attorney draft a letter of Conddlence to Ex-Police Judge Robt Thorburn for to=-,s of his wife , carried.- 1 Moved by Xlliott seconded bgt Hea-, that ,the date of protest on paving- of .Fire t Avenue ?o:-th be extended two weeks , carritk RPF 7 Council refered back to petitions ,pe ti tion recieved from R S Harris asking for permission to c1rade portion of the west side of Cedar St.between 4th & 5th tivenue ,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition Abe refered to the St & Alley cormnittee, carried.- There being no further business of improtance Mloved by Elriott seconded by Hearl that Council adjourn,-carried.- City Clerk. r C Renton,Sept ,12th,1911 City Council met in regular session Mayor Jos "Mood being absent, it was moved by Councilman Monolion seconded by Hearl that Councilman Elliott act as Mayor Pro-tem, carried.- Roll Call.-Councilman Elliott Hearl ,Cake ,Dobson,awift Iiansen,l,'ionohon,Attorney,.Engineer and Clerk being present. � IIinuest of the last regular session were rs ad and approved. Application for server connection for Lot, 20 Block 16 G Ii Conklin, owner,Moved by 11onohon seconded by Dobson that said application be grantee}.-carried.- Petition reciev-d from property owners in Bock 10 in the original plot of the Town of Renton asking council to take such action as i�.~ necessary to establish an alley through said Block.11oved by Swift seconded by Yonohon that the said petition be recieved and refered to the St & Alley committee , -arried.- Protest recieved from property owners on and abutting on Qecti,on Line Street,and Sixth Street,against the bric.cing and paving, the above named streets .1droved by Swift seconded by 4onohon t1lat the petition of protest be recieved and refered to the Street & Alley committee , -carried.- Pefii.tion asking Council to submit to the qualified T*oters of the City of Renton the question of Commission form of Government at a special election to held on the 13th day of Oct01911 .read,I4oved by Monohon seconded by Swift that the peti- tion be refered to the Finance cor=ittee, -carried.- Claims & Accounts committee filed, written report on having exrinined and recomend payment of the following. bills , Ind-Tel Co n 00 Gorhai;i Revere Rubber Co hose 235.50 Crane Co material water Dept. 109.17 Renton Hwd Co material water Dept 7 .00 it n n It 2 H U Lusk watchmen at S rin-brook 2.05 �, g 8 Trick & L5array supplies ec Sta,ti;oneyr .00 Renton Lumber Co lumber '0. 50 Crane Co material water Co 9. 72 Renton Herald printing 15, 70 The A Ha—cnba,ch 00 material water Dept 43.10 Seattle Tacoma Power Co lighting; 91 .00 Priebe Bror s two new hose carts of it 0 00 labor & m=aterial water Dept 17.80 R Buns tine marshal 3.00 Seattle Tacoma Power Co light globes 1 J Keogh 1 .4 0 labor �� m�t�����ial water system 16. 0 Engineering on paving 11R 3 Tabor on changing water pipes 221 .49 Labor on g%rbage,meals for prisoners & 19.00 Loved by Cake seconded by Hearl chat all bills 0 K' d by the finance corrrmittee be ordered paid, -carried.- Ordinance committee filed written report on having Section 1 of examined and reco mending that/Ordinance No 261 be amended so that license shall be X525 .00 per week or part thereof , and that Merry- .00 rounds be prohibited from operating on Sunday' s .iMoved by M'onohon seconded by Swift that uae report of the ordinance comm -- itee be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in same be carried out, ca.rried.- Attorney Houser filed written opinion on matter of asses rne.nt of the remaining portiond of lots in Block 19, after the condemnation of an alley through said Block,under the lair, of the Stage of Washington,where the jury finds by its verdict that the property remaining is not damaged by reason of the appropria.ton of a portion thereof for a public street or alley, the balance of said property is liable for the cost of said improvement. Moved by Monohon seconded by Hearl that the report of the Attorney be recieved and placed on file .carried.- eater Supt Jos Edwards reports on matter of David Loyd us,eing City water without having made application for same Moved by Mlonohon seconded by Swift that this matter be investigated by the fire Light & `dater co=ittee , -carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Swift that the City Clerk make application to the C & P S Ry Co .for an easement actors right of way of said Co tracks , for a drain, carried, - Communication recieved from ire Industrial Insurance Commission of "a.shington,Iioved by Cake seconded by 11ononon that the communication be recieved and refered to the finance committee carrie d.- Ordinance No 266.1)rohibiting to or reciept bg qny salaried officer of the City of Renton of any fee ,read first time ,Movod by Tylonohon seconded by Dobson that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee , -carrir-=d.- Resolution No 88-A '+'SOLUTION IN PRECOGNITION OF 'LII, FAIZIFUL AND EFFECTIVESERVICES BENDEREM TO 1H, CITY OF RENTONOVASHIIIGTON BY ROBIMT THORBUR T AS POLICE 11AGISTRATEP OF SAID CITY OF F?ENTON,WASH T•Tn mn wr 360 BE IT RESOLVED BY 'IM-1 CITY COUNCIL OF TM C I`l'Y OF RMNTON,WASHING OTT: rection 1. THAT HVEREAS Robert `i'horburn has for ;he past eight (8 ) years ,faithfully,honorably, conseientiously and honestly discharged the duties of Police Lagis trate of the City of Renton,111ashington to she entire satisfaction of the city officials of said caty and the citizens thereof. AND 1 'REAS through the act of providence depriving him os a loving wife and a faithful helpmate ,he has seen fit to resign as such Police 14agistrate . NOVI `THEREFORE be it resolved by ;he City Council of the City f Renton,Washington, the faithful service- of said Hobert Th;orburn, as Police Magistrate af. oresaid ,be and he same is hereby officially recognized and acknowledged. And that a copy hereof be spread upon the records of the City of Renton "ashington, "nd that he City Clerk of the said City of Renton , Washington,b_- and he is hereby authorized,ladered and directed to deliver to said Robert i^horburn a true copy hereof. Approved this l2th day of Sept,A.D.1911 G.I.r.Elliott 1:2ayor Pro-tem Passed this 12th day of rept,A.D 1911 A.,'J. Ticknor. j City Clerk. Toved by Cake seconded by 'Swift that the above and foreboing Resolution be adopted as read,-carried.- Ordinance No 262,regulating the height of awnings in the City of Renton,`1Jashington,passed to final reading,- Loved by Swift seconded by Dobson that erection 1 be adapted as read.-carried.- Loved by TJ;:onohon sego sided by Swift that Sec-2-be :adopted as read ca.rried.- TTo7red by Monohon seconded by Hearl that Sec-3-be adopted as read carr moved by ITono'zon -mecon{.ed "cRrl il_e c-dinance be adopted as a whole as reap?,-c:trriec..- Ordinance 110 263,An ordirance pro riding for the improve rent of Garden Avenue and of Fourth Avenue Borth passed to final reading 36 flloved by IIonohon seconded by Hearl that Section-1-be adopted as read,-Moved by Dobson lecon(.-,ed by I!:xn.sen that the Garden avenue ordinance be laid or. the table,-carried.- Ordinance ITo 2649prohibiting mainors in the City of Renton getting on or off of moving trains passed Lo final reading. ... Loved by IvIonohon seen nded by Swif c. that Sec-1-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by T_Ionohon seconded by r�earl that bec-2-1je adopt- d as read carried.- PJ:aved by `:onohon seconded by owift that oec-d-be adoptee. as read carried,- Moved by LTonohor_ seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as a whole -.:s read,-carried.- Ordinance Io 265, amendin6 sec-1-of ordinance ITo 179 providing; for the licensing of all lances in the City of Tken ton, came up for final T)acsage ,Tuoved by ua,ke seconded by �3wif tP.at trig ordinance be` refered back to the ordinance covrmi ttee,-c:;.rriea.- _'rdin%nce .,o 261 . to license =and; regu�a,te _-i1n operation of marry go rounds and other public amusements in the City of Renton passed to f i nal' re adi ng, Moved by Swift seconded by Yonohon that Jec-1-be adopted as read carried.- T,oved by Dobson seconded by Swift that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.-Moved by Swift seconded by Monohon that See-.3-be adopted as read, -carried.- Yoved by Monohon seconded by Swift that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried.- Yoved by Ionohon seconded Dobson that Sec-4z-be adopted as read carried.- .ioved by IvIonohon seconded by Swift that Sec-5-be adopted as read carried.- Loved by I4onohon seconded by Hearl that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Attorney Houser reports on matter of C & P S Franchise s Add Co will furnish acceptance of same in few days, Moved by Dobson seconded by ILonohon that the City Clerk get copy if possible of the franchise granted to the N P Ry Co on Burnett St from the County Commissioners , carried.- Bir? recievcd from Vim Mane--,.for the installing of new light system 11oved by Monohon seconded by Hearl that said bid be refered to the z Fire Light & 'Water Committee,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the matter of �# drain of Main St at Sixth Avenue be refered to the St & Alley corm:ittee with power to act,-carried.- M7 D C Mitchell asks Council whether City will accept a 20 foot street in the Tobin Donation Claim same to connect with Loban Avenue .Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Lhis muter be refered to the St & Alley Committee ,-ca.rried.- F.G.Smithers asks for permission to fix Third Avenue west provided Council will allow him to superintend s=tid job. Moved by Cake seconded by Monohon that the verbal petition of F?G?Smithers to fix Third Avenue west be granted,-carried.- Regarding matter of checking up petition on cornission form of government, same was refered to the finance committee , to be checked. There being no further business of improtance moved by C�i.ke seconded by Dobson that Council adjourn.-carried.- City Clerk. L RPBF 363 Len to n,Sept.19th,1911 City Council met in regular session' Payor Jtos A.Wood presiding, -Roll call .-Counchman E1liott,Cake ,Hearl,Swift,Hansen .aIono?lon,Dobson,Attorney and Clerk being present.- Minuets of tre last regular session were read and app- X o-red �r Applications for server connection for folloxving describe property.-Lot-S-Block 37 Smithers 3rd,Add-K.V.Anderson, o timer.Lot, 9 Block 37,Waiter Rei'.d,owner,Lots 6&7 Block 37,3mithers 3rd,Add- Mary A Davis,owner.Lot,l Block,3 Rotor Line Add-R Bunstine Agn.. Moved by Llliott seconded by Swift that all sewer appli- cations be g2anted,-carried.- Peti tion from fen,; ,Ticknor asking Council that the lateral sewer in District 233 be put in as soon as possible ,- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the petition be recieved and placed on file and that said sewer be put in as soon as possible to do so . carreid.- Ordinance committee asks for more time on Dance license �.. ordinance grapted.also on m=uter of Fee ordinance,more time asked for,same granted.- St & Alley committee filed written report recomending that all ordinance not yet padded providing; for paving Etc ,be laid on the table,- ## i Moved by Dobson seconded by Elliott ::fiat the report of the committee be accepted and pl,a,ceclon file and the reconendations in same be carried out,-uarried.- Claims & Accounts committee filed written report a. follows;`I'hat ane assessirent against the High School property for sever purposes be levied in same proportion as against the other property in the district.Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the report be accepted and placed on file aad recomendations in same carried out.-carried.- Fire Light & Water committee .filed written report recomending that the City buy the piece of land that the new hose house on hill is built on from Tutt "'ternad, a.s the same can be purchased for $16.00 Moved by idIonohon seconded by Swift that the report be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations carried out,-carried.- Fire LjLht & Water committee riled written report on 364 street t < installing new/lights recomending that the bid of Ifim mane for installing said system be rejected, and that the City purchase the t f t material and have the labor done by contract.'�oved by ?, onohon seconded by Hearl that the reprt of the committee he recieved anti pl=aced on f ile and the recomendations in sane be carried out,- cazzied.- 3t & Alley committee filed written report,xecomending that an improvement district be formed of Block 10,and an alley condemned and put through in accordance with the pe ti tion from property owners in said Block now on file.Hoved by Dobson seconde by llonohon that the report: be accepted and placed on file and -the recomendations in same be carried out.-carried.- St N Alley committee riled written report recomending that street applied for by D C 1<11i tchell be accepted when properly presented.Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the report of the committee be accepted and placed on file and the recomendations carried out. St & Alley committee filed written report recomending that an improvement district be made of Block 19 for alley t purposes .Moved by Cake seconded by Elliott that the report of the committee be laid o$ the table,-6 ayes-i rio ,carried.- Town property committee filed written report on matter of Taxes on Springbrook property '_Having been paid,Tr�oved by T.Iono hon seconded by Elliott that the repott be accepted and placed on file ,-carried.- Finance committee filed written report on having examined the petition presented for the purpose of calling a special election submittin" to the voters of the Cit,:, of Renton, the adoption og the co:rnission form of government,not finding a sufficient number of qualified voters names on said petition the committee recomend that no further action be taken in the matter. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the report be accepted and placed on file ,carried.- l+inance committee asks for one' week on David Lloyd matter same granted.- Attorney# filed written report stating that it would C be necessary for -lie City to take immediate action to obtain the consent of the Cgicago Milwaukee & St Pua.l Ry,Co RPBF = to the Couumbia & Puget Soand Railway Co placing; their mires on the poles og the 'Chicagp- TJilwaukee Gompany.Moved by I'lonohon second by Swift that tree City Clerk be instructed to write to said Milwaukee Co ,asking for per:jission ## allowing the C & P S Ry Co to string wires on their poles. carried.- Petition recieved from Justice of the Peace 3idmund E -Duff asking for permission to use the City Hall for a Count ####. Moved by Cake seconded by Monohon that -the petition of Judge Duff be granted _C arried.- Communication recieved from Secretary of the Board of Co County mmissioners stating that he was unable to find any record regarding a franchise granted to the Northern Pa,ci,`is Ry Co on Burnett St.?doved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that the commun- ication be recieved and placed on file and that the Attorney be instructed to take tip this matter with the officials of the N.P. Ry,Co. carried.- Communication recieved from the C & P S Ry Co granting permission to the City of Renton, to place a drain underneath its trucks , # ,roved by Cake seconded by Swift that the communication be re-lieved and placed on file ,-carried.- Bids for the furnishing of the necessary labor for installing the new light system recieved and read,2i'oved by Cake seconded by Swift that the bids be refered to the St & Alley committee and Purchasing agent with power to act,-carried.- j Resolution from the C & P S Ry Co accepting franchise on 17alla Walla, "venue as provided in Ordinance No 259 and amended i Toved by iwonohon seconded by Hearl by Ordinance No 260 ,recieved, that the resolution be accepted and placed on file -carried.- There being no further business of improtance Moved by Cake ,seconded by Swift that Council adjourn,-carried City Clerk`. 1366 Renton,Sept.26th,1911 City Council met in regular session Mayor Joe ,"lood presidin ,Roll Call.-Councilman Elliott,C�ke ,Dobson,lAonohon,Tlearl, i Swif t.Hansen,Attorney,Engineer,and Clerk being present.- �inuets of the last regular session were read and appro^ed.- `' -plications for water connection from the following; 1_ Block 9,hen'ton Farm Pl,at,Joe Baxter owner described property.-Lot,l, , Lot, 2,Block,6,Ren-con Farm Plat.Mrs E '�liyde ,owner,Lat,5 ,Block,36,S;,mithers 3rd,Add-3teve Shabro ,owner,Lot 5,B1ock,24,J Annas ,owner,Lot,17-13 ,Block 6,Town of Renton,Len,Coop, o,vner,Lot,l,Block,37 ,Smi-Chers 3rd,Add- A.'addison,owner,Lo till-12-Block,3,Sarto.risville ,H,ua.,-nbini ,owner,Lo t,7. Block,3,Renton,Farm Plat,J.tII.Lanach,agent,Lot,15,B1ocs,24,0. 1. Cochran owner,Lot,17 ,B1ock, 5,Tovm of Renton,R 3 Harris owner application for a two inch meter was rade by C .J .Hutchison, s,%,ne to be . t installed for a gravel plant at the Brick yard, the following applia cati;;ns ,were read for connection to the sewer,-Lot.19 ,Block, 37 ,Smither 3ru,Add-J.S.T!eCrea,owner,Lot, 6-7- ,Block 3,11ot®r Nine Add-R,Bunstine, a;ent,Lot,ll-Block,31 ,0mithers 1st ,Add,Dan Saine-hi ,owner,Lot,23,B1ock 37 ,Smithers 3rd,Add-Da,. ,3ai';ze-hi, ow',ier ,Lotinl4-15-Block 31,3mithers ,ist Add-J.VI. `l'homas,owner,Lot,19-B1ock,9-Town of Renton,C Opitz,agent, Lot, 24,Bloek,37 ,3fnithers 3rd,Add-Joe Edwards ,o;;rner,.Lot, 9-lo-Block,32, Smithers ,lst,Add-P,Lassoie ,olvner, Lov5d by Mlonohon seconded by 11 arl that all coater and sewer connecti ons be ,�ra.nted except,application of C.JHutchison for two inch mater, carried,-roved by Mlonohon seconded by Hearl that the application for mater be refered to ` the -Oire 'Light & 'Mater cor?nittee -carried.- Claims & Accounts Committee filed written report on Having examined and recomendinC, paymant of the following bills , - - Pos t Office Box rent .35 Ergineerin6 Dept.Paving 139. 75 Pipes and Streets ,-Labor on same 257 .17 Jos Edwa ds, advance on freight, 1.15 Pacific i.el Co 1.25 Matt Crady,services as iarshall 130.00 City of Seattle ,water for Aug, 73.45 '�ialtcr Jones , labor & material 16,47 R Buns tine Building Bose cart house 7.75 matt Sternad,purchase of land for hose house , 15.00 Loved by Elliott seconded by Heaa that all bills 0 K be the l`' nance Committee be paid,-carried,- R(-.BF 367 Claims & "ccounts Co_,rni ttee filed written report re comending that the C;.erk be instructed to send David Lloyd a bi'.1 for three years ;nater rent,amount $56.00.Yo,red by Cake seconded by Hansen that .the repotrt of the committee be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in same be carried ou ,-carried,- St & Alley Ca:rani ttee asks for more time on repairing of bridge,same granted. Comrrranication recieved from County 'treasurer, stating that there is back taxes due to. the axno-L;nt of X1. 74 on property owned by the City of Renton,Moved by I, onohon seconded by Swift that a warrant be drawn to pay sarne,,-carried.- Communication recieved from the Denny Renton Clay & Coal U ompany, stating that they tiirould not agree to maintain the paving on third -�'venue ,by reason of the fact that the Seattle Renton & `'out'r.ern Ry, Co .are plankinS their track instead of paving same.Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that the communication be recieved and placed on file , -carried.- hesolution providing for the construction of an alley through Block 10,original plat of the Town of Renton,read.Yowed by Lonolion seconded by Elliott that said resolution be refered to the Ordinme committee ,-carried.- that portion Ordinance providinG for the improvement of/the east side of Renton Ave.aue: ,bounde on the north by the south boundary of Third Avenue , az.d on the south by the south boundar;yr of Axre -ract 29.1by board sidewalk,read.I:oved by 111onohon seconded by Hearl that s&id Ord- inance be refered to the Ordinance corznittce ,-ca,rried.- Ordinance No 265,amendinE ordinance relating to the license to be paid for the purpose of givirg public d:inces in the "ity of Renton carne up for final passage, :_oved by Swift seconded by Aearl that dance ordinance be refered back to the ordinance committee .�. to be arise rded,-carried.- Ordinanee relating, to fees carne up for final passage , :Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that the ordinance be llaid of the filable, 5 ayes-2-noes ,carried.- Ilo-ed by Swift seconded by Elliott that the Attorney draft an ordinance covering the matter of fees teat will be legal, - carried.- I. p�p,,rr]] 'f 3 S iloved by Swift seconded by Elliott that the City Clerk notify the C ty of Seattle, to move high tension paver poles on Fourth Avenue to the curb line ,same being in the sidewalk line at �sent, earried.- Koved by Cake Oe conded# by Swift that the .Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance making it a mis-demeanor to drive or bock wagons over the curbing, co-rried.- jhere being no further busiress ;loved by Cake seconded by Elliott that Council. ad,journ,-carried.- C. ty Clerk. - t t t s HOW 36( zlenton,Oct.3rd11911 City Council rret in regular sessiom Layor Joe Wood presiding Roll Call,-Councilman ll.; io tt,Dobson,Swift$Har sC n.,Cake,Hearl, Itionoborr,,Actor:.ey,Engireer,a.nd Clerk being present, Yinuets of the last regular session were read and approved, - Application for sewer cor:nectior. for Lot,12,Flock 22, Matt Grady, owner,T:Taved by Elliott seconded by Dobson that said application be granted,-carried.- Petition recieved from 0 N Cochran asking; council for permission to rnove building,-roved ,by Calve seconded by Dobson that said petition be refered to the St & Alley coirnr;ittee with power to act.-carried.- Cl,,aims & Accounts filed written report on having; examined and recomendin€ payment of the following bills, - P Dullahant teaming 9. 75 Geo `ihite labor on pipes & streets 14.25 H Snyder labor on digging ditch 8 .75 Joe Jones building flush tank 19 .69 Now Loved by Elliott seconded by Hearl that all b:Llls 0 K' d by the Finance committee be ordered paid, -carrid.- Ordinazryce committee filed written report on Fee Ordinance as follows, -The, allowance of fees to t':e City Attorney is discretional, with the Police Judge ,..-Mrd vie would therefore recom rd that the ordinance be laid on the table and that the Judge be instructed in accordance with the wishes of the City Council.1roved b, Swift seconded by Hearl that the report be accep ted and placed on file and that the recomepdations in sane be carried -out, -carried. - St & Alley Corurittee filed written rep_rt on having exar ined the Ced%r River bridge and report that same i,s ir. as ... good a, condition as car. be made without a pile driver, - Loved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the report of the'ri St x Alley* corrnittee be recieved and placed or, file ,- carried.- Treasurers and Clerks report for the quarter ending a �'ep t,3oth 1911 read,-Moved by Cakc. seconded by Hearl that the reports of the `treasurer and Clerk be recieved and refered to the Finance committee -, carried.-_ , 3"70 Commu aication,re sieved from the Chicago Milwaukee and Puge l. Sound Ry Co , stating thea they have no objecgion to the Columbia & Puget Sound Ry Co placing their telegraph wires on poles bQlonging to s:7.id Liilwauke Co .provided said C &. P S Ry Co makes proper application requestir.6 such privklege.ra:oved by Cake seconded by Heart that the 4#### communication<be re sieved and placed on file and that the clerk send copy of the letter to the C & P S Ry Co.ca.rried.- Communication from .Alber E �arieh County asses or, statin- that the assessed valuation of all the property situate within: the Town of Renton,as equ l,ized by the Board of Equ:�liva- tion for the year 1911 , is as follows.- Real y859,857.00 - Persona,l 1106 ,357.00 X976, "n 4.C)0 L-Loved by Cake seconded by Swift that the communication be recioved and placed on file ,-carried.- Ordinance providing a nathod of making local improvement vhet ser instituted upon petition of property own,,rs or ###,by resolution of the City Council,letting of contracts therefor# levyinc a$d ce,llecting of special assessments on property espec- ially 'Lenifitted thereby, -=,nd repealing all ordin:xces and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith ,except so far as the same may relate to improvements already instituted,but which have not been completed or the asseeorrents to pay for the same not fully collected. came up for first reading,read to section. 7, ard. on motion of Cake seconded by Swift was laid trn the table until nexl: meeting night, Ordinance No 265. Amending section 1 of ordinance. Ido 179 providing for the licensing of all public dao.ces in the City of Fenton, care up for final passaE;e , Loved by Llorohon seconded by Dobson th- t Section. 1 be adopted as re=ad,-carridd- Loved by iTonohon sego nded by Cake that sec-2a be adopted as read carried, I:roved by Lonohon sedonded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- T2-'ovcd by L:onohon seconded by Hearl that the ordimince be adopted as a whole as arended,-carrded.- Re-BF 371. 8 9-A Fesolutio,� providing for the improvement of Block 10 in the original plat of the City of penton,by the establisIzient of a ten (10) foot alley running north and south through the center thereof passed to final reading.- Yoved by T,:onohon semded by Swift that Sec-1-be adopted as read .r carried, 1,:oved by Idonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried, r.:ovcd by 11onohon secohded by Swift that SeLr«.3-be adopted as regd carried.- I:iovcd by Yonohon seconded by Had,ft that the resolution be adopted read,as a whole as -carried.-Ordinance Io 267 providin-; for the improvement of that portion of the east side of pen ton Avenue ,bounded on the north by the south boundary of Third `venue and on the south by the south bownd.a.ry of Acre tract No 10,by board sidewalk passed to final reading, _ OM coved by Monohon seconded by Cake that Sec-l.-be .adopted as read carried,- Moved by L onohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.- 'roved by Monohon seconded by Swift that Sec-3-be adopted as ream carried.- Moved by llonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried._ Loved by Lonohon seconded by Hansen that the Ordin-,nce be adopted as a whole as read,-carried, - Yoved by Ca„ze seconded by T,�onohon that the St & Alley co=i ttee take up the matter of raising the grade on Burnett St. City Clerk to notify the IT-P-RY Co.=after further notice from; the St.&; Alley Corrittee ,-carried.- Yoved by Cake seconded by Yonohon that the mutter of finding the added cost of the .North Trunk Sewer by re-ison of Seattle' s water pipe; line in Third Avenue be refered to the St, & Alley Committee , . carried.- pax Budfe 44 pro,,7iding .for the raising of money to carry on 'the business of the City for the year 1912 , rerd.There being no protests recieved against sa.me , it was moved by Ifonohon seconded by Do36son that said Bud-et be adopted,and that the Cit;..• Clerk send a copy of same to the County Auditor.Cariried.- 1"oved by Yorohon seconded by Cake that $ 20 .00 be allowed front! General Fund for the purpose of fixing street crossing; in Uorth Renton,under the supervision of the Street Supt,-carried.- There beim business that it was necessary to transact and it beim; lay e it was moved by Swift seconded by Cake that Council adjourn until Friday Evening Oct ,6th,1911.-carried.- City Clerk. t t Re'B` 373 Oct,Eth,1911 Adjurned session of City Council came to order at 7.45 P'M ?Y:ayor Joe 'idood presiding,Hoil C=111.-Cbiuncilman El:l.iott,Ca.ke fiansen,learl,Swif t,Dobson,Iionohon,Attorney,Engineer and Clerk t t C t t < t being present, mod M=inuets of the re6ular session viere read and approved, The reCular order of business was suspended and the matter of determining who of the four councilmen should serve the short term was discussed, Yovd by Cake seconded by Dobson that the names of the four councilmen, same being; as follows swift,Hansen,Hearl ,Dobson, be placed on slips of paper ,sa.id slips to be placed in hat, a,nd someone not connected with the council proceed to draw one of said slips, zhe slip drawn to denote the councilman that shall serve the short terrn.carried.- CouncilmanSwift' s name having been drawn.he serves short term, #I- �.. r�'here being no further business Loved by TeTonohcn s seconded by ilerrl that Council adjourn ,-carried,- City Clerk. Ordinance granting the Columbia & Puget Sound Railway Company an extension of time in which to put in connecting track between trao rain tracks read and refered to the Ordinance committe I i .371 Renton,VJash 10-10-11 Oity Chuncil ,met , in regular session �oN J®,Wood beinS absent, .,ovcd by 1,,ronohon seconded by Hearl that Councilman -1�111ott act as Mayor Pro-'dem,-Carried,Roll call.-Councilman. .�iansen,Ca"ke Swift,14onohon,Hearl,Dobsori, Ilio tt,:�ttorney,En ,in:�er Attorney and Clerk being present.- L"inuets of the adjourned session were reed and approved. Health Officers report for the T.ionth of Septen'aer read, Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that said report be accepted and pea ced on file ,-c=irried i' Communication recieved from Ghicabo !,Alwaukee & Pu et 3-aund Railway, Co .relative to transfer of telegraph Line of Continental Telegraph Company to said Chicago ux Milwaakee ,9oved by Yonohon seconded by Swift that serge be recieved and placed on file, -carried.- Ordinance ile, -carried.-Ordinance )amanding Bectioft 2 of ordinance No 245 re sting to wholesale liquor licenses read first time,P"oved by M?o;nohon seconded by Swift that said ordinance be refeted to t%tie ordinance committee ,-carried,- Ordinance No 268 .Urantina an extension of time for C & P 3 Ey Co to put in cross-over track came up for final passage , - 1�oved by Yonohon seconded by Hearl that Gec-1-be a8,opted as read, -carricd, - uoved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-2-be adopte as read, -carried,- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Dobson t1,,at Sec-3-be adopted as read,-carried,- I-loved by ITonohon seconded by Hansen that See,4-be adopted as read-earried,- moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adapted as a whole as read, -carried.- Ordi_aance relating to l:ml improvements and assessments under 1911 law taken up at erection 7 a ,d read to Section 17 , Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that said ordinance be laid over until next reguIr meeting,-carried.- R(bBF Claims 6 Accounts Committee .filed written report on having exa.rnined and recomending payment of the following bills, Olympic Foundry Co, Flush tanks- for sewer< t 207. 57 Seat t-le Car iIfg,Co Manhole tops 147.16 C L Santee Cement brush .75 j,enton Ind. Te1 Co Telepho e 1.70 Cit-,r Clerk Postage stamps 2.00 P S E RY,';Jm Ton'cin, I%dvance on freight 6.00 'o' W, Tonkin Labor 78 . 75 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Phone 1.05 Union Navin s 8c 1^rust Rent of Safe reposit box 6.00 Renton :gra on Nor'.cs Steel punch . 050 Eniigeering rpavin6 t 262. 50 0 N Cochran Street suns 5.60 Renton.Lumber Co Lumber 50.00 E A Shearer Supplies 18 .47 Crane Co Uupplies 77.28 Rentor. Hard:pare Co Suplies 15.85 Renton Lbr CO Lumber 52.90 1javed by liearz seconded by Hansen that all bills 0 K' d by the finance co=littee be paid,-carried.- roved by Swift seconded by l:�tanohon that the St,Supt, be ordered to cut down trees on WelIG'!t,,& ' on Fourth Avenue , carried,- . Corrnplaint about Oambini puttin- manure into the stream .... that runs into the City, owed by Cake seconded by Monohon that the City ,AtVrney take necessary steps 'to have this nusciance -abatted, carried,- quedtion of thickness of finishin course as defined in Cement Gidewalk Ordinance discussed,Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Cemen c siderwalk ordinance be refered to the Jrdinance committee ,-carried .- Thele beim; no farther bus! cess �o�ved by Owi�'t seconded be Ca:,e t'zat Council adi ourn, -carried.- r City Clrk. r - i < I 1 - I e 76 Renton,Oc tober, 17th,1911 City Council met in regular session.Eayor,Bro-tem Elliott,pre sic?in6,Roll call.-Councilman Konoh?n,C..ake,Hsnsen,Hearl Swift,Dobson,Attorncy,Engineer,and Clerk being present.- llinuets of the last revular session were read and !ipproved.- ` Applicit4 on for sa;7er connection for the following property,-Lot,l&2-Block 17,Town of Rentor.,Jas Tachell,owneraLot19 Block-4-3mi thers Eif to Add-S .Shabro,owner,,Lo t, G-Block,36,w Shay ro 077ner,Moved by llonohon seconded by Hearl thy. '. all applications for sewer be rranted,-carried.- ti Ordinance Coni rittee casks for more time on makin; report on amending of Cement sidewalk Ordinance, san;e Era*nted, - Repert of Health Officer statim that City should make se-:ier co^nections for toilttsand shower bath at City Hall, fToved Swift seconded by XTonohon, that the report of the Health Office.- be accanted and recomendations be carried out, -cattie;?.- Ordinance granting franchise to the Seattle Li ?^,tip. ; Co to distribute gas in the City of :Renton,read first time.Moved by Ca'ce seconded by Swift that said ordinance be refcred to ;the Ord- inance committee,-carried,- Ordinance granting to the C & P.S.Ry Co franchise for pole line on south side of Walla Walla Avenue,read,Uoved by Yonohon seconded by Swift that said_ ordinance berefered to the ordinance committee,-carried.- MoviIL roved by ='SwAft seconded 3'7 Yonohon that/poleng oon between Williams & Well St,on Walla Walla Avenue ,be refered to the St,& Alley co=' ittee,-carried. - Resolution No 90}A e;rtpowering and directing; the mayor and City Clerk to , in writing, consent to the assignment of the paving contract entered into by tine firm of Troutmen ec Young. read and passed to .final reading.- Moved by 1Konohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-1-be adopte as read,-carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Hearl that Sec-2-be adopted as read,-carried.- Loved by TIonohon seconded by awift that the Resolution be adopted as a wlhx-le is read,-carried.- ReBF 377 City Att-Mey filed written report on .matter of injunctive. relief filed against I .Sartori for allowing refuse from the i dairy to enter the City l:i-mits ,H.L.Sartoti agreeing to have said Y nusciance abatted.-Troved by Dobson seconded by Llono::on that the: report of the attorney be recieved and pl a.ccd on file ,-carried Ordinance' No 269 amending section 2 of ordinance # 243 liquor relating tolholesale/licanses ,district,passed to final reading, Loved by lionohon seconded by cake that Sec-1-be a.dontel as read, - carried.- 1,loved by Monohon secondcd by Dob--,on that Sec-2 be adopted as read, carried .9 Moved by Monohon seconded by 11ansen that Sec-3-be, adopted, as read, carried.- Loved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Ordinance be adopted as a idzole as read,carried.- Claims and Accounts committee f ild writteri report on ha,vinr; exa—mined and rpcomendint p�Lyment of the folladri bills, - Zeattle ,Tacoma,Power Co. lidat 91.00 H.U.Lusk watchman at Springbrook 8 .00 0 Erickison light poles 60.00 J ty Dutler hauling gravel 6.00 Seattle for water,Sept, 38 .00 Lloved by Heard seconded by 1r.onohon thq.t all bills 0 K' d by the finance committee be ordered paid,-carried.- Fire Light & Water coi-miiitree filed written report on Bath house a4* the Seattle Wlectric Co mine ,WWe recomend that 'hey install :peter at bath house betmeen bath house and broiler room and the amount of eater consumed in wash house be deducted.- . f Moved by I,:onohon seconded by Swift that ie report of the co nmittee _be accepted and placed o n file, -carried,- ;Matter of E.E.Duff filing his declaration of candidacy 1 t under party named "Citizens Pro-ressive Party".for office ofa`,ayor of tqe City of Renton, caiscussed,lZoved by lJonohon seconded by Swift that the City Clerk be instructed to submit question to Corporation Ccuncil,Scolt Calhoun,of, t"_pie City of 4eattle,for his a > written opinion, carrier.- >t & Ailey co=,littee report progress on :matter of getting estimate on added cost of server by reason of Seattle water line on 3rd Ave naw , 4 0 at.zupt,ordered to fix sidewalks in Ilorti: Renton, Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that Gravel plant at 3rickyard be allowed to install 2-14" meters to take care of ,*pater used by said plant.-carried. - Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council adjourn until Friday Eve ning , 7.30.P.I..October,20th,1911, carried.- 4 City Clerk. Renton,Oct, 20 t:1,1911 Adjourned session of City Council came I,o ofter liiayor pro-tem tt,,residing,Roll call ,Councilman 'Wsift,Dobeon, Ha.nsen,Elliott,Attorney -ind Clerk beim; Imsent , Minuets of the la.s t session were read and approved. The following men were re comended to act t as Inspectors c tors anO,. J-.idges for 'the Citizens Party at the. primary, election to be held on the 7th,day of ;November, First Ward, Inspe c tor,John Marlow, Judge 9 ,"".W.Ednondson, Pete Dullahant, < Zecond lard. Ins'-ector, en,j Ticknor Judges Fred Uder, Pete Adams , roved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that the above named men be appointed to act as judges and inspectors at the primary election to be held on the 7th day of Tlovember,1311. carried.- 0„=ing to tl:e sudden death of Councilman Hearl it wa., moved.by Hansen seconded by Dobson that council adjourn, csrried.- City Clerk . I ReBF 379 a Ren Von,Oc tope r,122411h,191' City Council met in regular session Yayor Joe Wood } presiding,-Roll Call.-Counci1nara Elljott,Cake.9Wif t,Hansen,Do',son �onohon,.kttorney and Clerk beint, present.- Minuets of the adjourned session were read and approved. Y t P6`ition recieved. from the T etho:; st C? urchl as•kint Council far permission to move Church fvvm Lot,18-19-Block 25, to Lots 18-19-Block 10.11oved by Cake seconded by Tdono',.on that said petition be rranted ,provided said work is under the supervisJon of the City EnSineer,also that Clerk notify Telephone Company' s to remove any wires Ghat may be in the w5ty. ca.rried.- Petition recieved from. J.H.Yar d askin.,- council for permission to use portion of street at corner of 4th Avenue and in �t,for storing; buildinA- material by Uonohon seconded by Cake that the permit be �ra.nted under the supervi ion of the Otreet & Alley Committee,-carried.- + Communication recieved from J. C.1:1a.rlow stMing that it would not be possible for hire to act as inspector of the priina.ry election to be held on the 7th,day,of kiovember,1911.Yoved by Cake seconded. by Elliott that A.C.`rrilson be appointed to act as Inspect Lor of the primary electi:;n in the First Ward instead of J. C. arlow,-car ried.- iroved b- Cake seconded by -4onoho n t'_r.at a c a mm. ittee t three be appointed. to draf t a ###i'## Resolution of condolence in namory of late deceascd Council:'.,ri pearl a tory of same to ",'e spread upu.n the Records of the Uity of Renton,and one to his widow carried .- Co:nini ttee ,Houser,Cake,Owif t, `ro fill the va.c ncy caused by the death of Council.ma•n Hearlithe T:ayor appointed Chac,LcCowin to serve the unexpired term. loved by Elliott seconded by l'onohon tUat the Yayors appointment be confirmed,-carried. unanarrously.- Yoved by Owif t seconded. by Hansen that the :natter of 1;e t tinE proper signals or sin ns on streets cro�s ing Walla Walla Avenue be left to the V•ree t & Ailey cc:nrni ttee they to take up r^atter with, the Railway Company, Carried.- Complaints about cattle runnin` at large in north Renton mt.6upt, instructed to Lake up same if .found upon the streets. 380 s Moi*ed by � onohon seconded by Streif t- thit out of respect for tre namory of the l.��te deceF,.sed Councilman C.I'.Hearl. ,ithat . council, adjourn until. Friday �'vtrirz ,Oc tober, w"th,lll, carried.- City Clerk. HCBF �sl October,27 uh,1911 , Adjourned session of Cuhcil came to order at 7 .45 P. 1".. i='9% or JosoWood,pre.iczing,- Roll Call.-Courcilr:lan Ell iott, Cake,Dobsono '"wiftmHanseri Lonohon,L;:GCowir.,Attornpy,Lngineer ani'. Clerk beink presen-. Yinuets of he lasL-. ret;ula.r session arere read and approved,- Application for sewcr for Lot 17-Block Z)1,Ed Barrett owner,L-ovcd by ILonohon seconded by Dobson that same T,e E ranted.-' :arried.- Communication fecieved from E.E.Duff a,skin6 council to' refund w1.00 p%id 'by hirr. for filin€ fees ,11'oved by Dobson seconded L'onohon that communication be recieved and refered to ;he Finance corrnr.ittee ,-carried.- ' Ordinance providinL for pole lire alol4; the south side of 'Nalla "la,lla Avenue ,la.id over.gas Ord also laid ovrr.- FesoljLtion lela.tive to nca assessment law read to Wecti. N;:. and laid over until next week.- of eek.-of paying for latera sewer for power rouse discussed,-Troved by 1%lliott seconded by Hansen that amount be paid out of the General Fund,and refunded When said mone.;7 is collected fuum district,carried.- Liace*or '::ood extends welcome to new councilzra,r: Chas , L`cCowin,- Attorney instructed to draft an ordinance 'prohibiting ball playing on s ire ets . ' ':,_ere beinz; no fura-Ler 'bus iress Loved by Dobson sego nded Ly fiwift that Cduncil adjourn,-carried.- Ci-,',y carried.-Ci ,',y Clerk. October,31, s t, 191i City Council net in regular session 1,ayor Joe Wood presiding, -Roil call.-Councilman Elliott,Caxe,Dcbson, Wift,Hansom , LcCov'in,lwonohon4ttorney Clerk beirl present.- Linuets of the adjourned session were read and approved Application for sewer coiz�ection for Lot, 7-Block 15 J.11.Yand owner,Loved by Elliot secorde•d by Ironohon that said :application be granted.-carried.- 1.1-ayor reports on matter of Gas ordinance ,seen Chairmen Val en gine of the Board of Public Ulilities +eattle,report on sazre to be furnished later. Loved by Elliott seconded by Dobson that the Ordinance cormri ttee be -allowed until Friday evenint; to report on the C Sc P. pole franchise ordinance. catried.- ' City Engineer filed written report on cost of single trunk sevicr if same had been put in instead of our present system, Tloved by Cake seconcled by Elliott that said report be re'fe-l•ed to Lhe Tori Property Committee,-carried.- Vir_ance Co.'r i ttee filed written report on laving examine and recommending payment of the Following bills.- R.L.Polk , County Directory 4.00 Frick & 111urra.y Election supplies 1.81 '1 & L.E.Gurley Repair of Level & supplies 11.50 O.K.Livery Hauling 15.00 R. Buns ti no Dance marshall 9.00 P Dullahant Hauling: garbo:ge 20 .00 P L:assoie Labor 10.00 Kr G'eo Kr-zt cock " r 11•.25 T 0 Leary it 11.25 W Evans It 10.12 Geo 'dray it `3.37 E Auld it 8 . 75 Geo 'V:,Ai tc to 3.00 ry" C 1 yrk 113 . 75 n G c o Whi te- of 22. 50 F..'.Harr is Eng Dept,Pavint 33.25 G Harner of "c it 27.00 Q.1T.Cona,rd Inspector pairz 50.010 Treasurer Taxes' on 'pringbrook property* 1.74 Renton Wagon Works labor & material 1.215 J Z Hardie La)oe Z. Lratc�-ial ' 14.30 J.W.Butler Hauling x;,hcs 37.40 Geo Wray ' Labor' - 10. 62 Geo Hancock Labor on Power House Zee e 10. 50 Geo "Fray to to it ll .L5 V1 Evans It of If If 7.50 E Auld of 11 6.25 T OLe ary " 3. 75 Loved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that all bi_tl 0 K by L .e = prance cormittee be paid- ,-caried.- 7RP. RcBF 383 Ectiolution No 91-A RESOLUTION OF CONDOL2,311ME FOR TM, DEATH OF COUNCILE";Id CHAo-MMA Y, HEARL. M I`l' TILEOGLIFED BY TIE CITY COUNCIL Or `M CITY OF RENTON. 1Jheroa.a it Yeas pleased Almighty God in His wisdom to tike from this earth our Beloved Brother councilt-,:s.n,Chas ,yr.n.c Heart,on the 2- tY.,day of Oc tober,A.D.1911.Therefore be it resolved that in the death of Cha,s ,Frank Hearl, the Council of the City of Renton has lost a true and faithful worker and the community where he lived a good and honorable ci titer.,a.nd his wife a loving husband. Be it further resolved that in this dark hour of sorrow :Ild sadness that the nenbers of the City Council of �hc City of Renton extend to the be reeved their sincere sympathy in her sorrow. Be i:t further resolved that :;hese resolutions be spread on the minuets of ;he Council and a copy be sent to Viruinia. Hea,rl L his wife, and that the same be sent to the Renton,Hcrald for pub- lication. L.'oved by C-Lke seconded by uonohon that the resolution be adopted as reads-carried.- Ltattcr of 9t crossing at Fifth & Ivfain St discussed same in bad condition,Yoved by Cake seconded by y-'onohon that this :atter be refered to the St & Alley cx:nmittee with Power to act. carried.- Cie There beim no further business of importance moved by seconded by 2wift that council adjourn,-carrie;t.- City Clerk. Now i 384 Renton,Mov, 6 tb., 191 1 City Council net in special session :payor Jos ,ydood presiding, Roll Call, -Councilman Elliott,Cake,Swift,Hansen,I=cC)owin Monohon,Dobson, and Clerk being present.o Iviayor announced that it was necessary -to call - his special session of the Council for the purpose of %,ppointing an Inspector for 'yard No las he had recieved the resignation of A.C.Wulson,yho had been appointed previously by the Council loved by Cake seconded by Swift that the resignation of A.C.'+f ilson be accepted and that #4# John Paull be appointed held as Inspector of 'lard No 1 for the primary election to be/14ov,7t.:i, 1911.Csrried.- i'here being no i'urther business Moved by Cake Seconded by Swift that Council adjourn,-carried, - hen co n,mov, 7 h,1911 City Council rnet in regular session Mayor Jos Wood presiding, -Roll call ,-Councilman E1.liott,Care ,Swift,Dobson,H-.nsen IlcCowin ,a.nd Clerk being present, Minuets of last session read ;znd approved,- Ar,plica-ion for sewer connection Lot 21 .Block 2 Gunn Add-David Gunn,owner,Yoved by �)obson seconded by Elliott that said application be Uranted.-carried.- Application or water service for property at Talbot Hill ,John Cru thhurs owner,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that said petition be ref Bred to the Fire &, -a ter committee with power to act,-carried.- Question of allowing the Seattle Llectric Co to use overflow water from reservoir at Talbot Hill discussed,e Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen t'-hat this ma ctcr be refered to the Fire & dater co rynittee ,-carried.- On account of the primary electi.on,a,nd so" of V e City officials not being; present , it was moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council adjourn until 2riday�=evening 7.30 P.I.I. ReBF 38.5 Ren Lon.Nov,10th,191.1 "djourned session City Council #.## came to order at 7.45 P.Y. Nov,10th,1011 Jos Wood presiding ,-Roll call, - Councilman Sid ft,McCowin,Dobson, Yonohon,Attorney and Clerk being present.- rinuets of former session read a,nd approved.- Finance co:rz.,iittee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills. G.Ha,rner' E%,--Dept,paving 25. 50 P Dulahant garbage 10.00 R Buns -tine night narsha.11 :.00 Treasurer "cattle for water 21.60 Geo Hrinco ck labor 13. 62 Renton. Tel -Co reservoir phone 1. 50 G.11. Con-a.rd Tnspector,paving 52. 50 E Auld labor 15. 00 E A Johnson labor at City Hall 2. 50 F ti Harris En ;-Dept,paving 24. 50 P Lassoie labor 6.87 T OLeary to 7. 50 iN Evens it 10.00 T Dobson advance of money for electric lamp for ni--ht m-irshall 3.90 Treasurer interest on water warrants 4.47 Renton Hdw Co supplies 11. 75 Priebe Bro' s to 8 .40 R Wo o d of 1.25 P Dul lahant Hauling Garbage 20. 75 Renton. Lumbe Co lumber 1.20 Jas Hardie supplies 14 .30 E A Shearer of 2.40 T.oved by IrcCowi.n seconded by Yonohon that all bills 0 K' D by tr.e finance be ordered paid,-carried.- St & Alley committee filed written report on matter of box drain on Renton, Avenue re comendi ng that same not be built out of the General Fund.1oved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the report of the co.-rmittee be recieved and ibla,ced on file and the recomendations in same carried out,-carried.- Attorney reports on matter of Sartori laying water pipes in forth Renton,Sartori reserved the right in Deed to Car Works "6dition0,nd Sartorisville to lay water pipes in any portion of said Additions .- I-oved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the mattef of building sidewalk on Renton Avenue be left to the St & Alley cor.!nittee and the St Dupt, carridd.- Health Officer reports for fhe month of October, ten birt:hs ,four deaths,11oved by Dobson seconded by IicCo;rrin that he 9 Health Officcrs report be acceT) ted 3.nd placed on fil.e ,-carried.- Moved by Yonohon seconded by Dobson that the services 386 Of V e watchman at Spr ingbrogk dim, carried.- Police Judges report .for u11vc month of October, Tot.�.l collections $58 .40 Witness fees Etc 23.40 Bal, City $35.0 Loved by Mor_ohon seconded by Swift that report of Police Judge be recieved and pl.-iced on f.'le ,-carried.- Resolution providim, for an alley in Block 10 City of Renton ,read first time ,lvloved by Swift seconded by Tvonohon th4t said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee ,-carried.- Ordinance prohibiting smokinE when Council is it session read,l .oved by Dobson seconded by 21onohon Iha,t said ordinance be refered to the ordinance co!%nittee ,-cP.rried.- There beim; no further business Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Council adja-urn,-carried.- City Clerk. I I 'i ReBF 387 Re nton,xdov, 14 th,1911 City Council .net in reg-ul-.r session,Mayor Jos `►'flood x f � presiding-,-Roll c-. 11.-Councilman Ell iott,Caltie,-Hansen, Swift, , :cCo grin Attorney Engimeer , :end Clerk beim pre�ser.t, - Llinuets of the 1,3-st Session were read and approved. Application for sewer connectimn Lot,l Block ,37 ,A laddison, owner,Lo4';B1ocic,28,Ed Wood.owner.111oved by 1 .onohon seconded by McCovlin that se;;ger applications be granted,-carried.- Finance cor=ittee filed written report on having- examined �tnd recomcndin� payment of cie following; bills,- Frad Uder L',eals for prisoners 11.25 J Paull Inspector of election 4.70 W 9 Zcmondson Jud6e of Election 4.70 Peter Dullahan t Jud-e 11 It 4. 70 Park Harris Clerk to " 4. 70 J.'1.Bre nner:e Clerk 4. 70 aec�nd ward Benj '2icknor Inspector of election 5.40 Fred Uder Jude c.40 P.11.Ad.-,lm Judd e 5.40 Andrew Adams' Clerk 5.40 Jas Flynn Clerk 5.40 E E Duff9'ilin- fee refund 1.00 ...� Seattle 'Tacoma Power Co street lights 91.00 .Lea.surer Interest on grater warrants 5. 90 r n Moved by Elliott seconded by McCoTiin that all bills O.K. ' d by t?:Le finance committee be paid.-carried.- En, ineer reports that Denny Renton Clay & `,oal Co, represenative inspected pavrnent, objects to amount of --ravel left lying- on streets , same beim; injurious to the pavement. 1.1oved by Cane seconded by Swift that St.Supr, ,notify parties to clean up and 'keep gravel off of paved streets, ca.rried.- Ordinance prohibitiY16 smoking; while Council is in session came up for final passage, - L'oved by Cake seconded by Swift 'tl�,at Section l,ol' ### this ordinanc be not adopted,-,_Lmendment by I'onohDn seconc ed by F,lliott that the ordinance be laid 6n the table 'one week,Poll vote ,en amendment. Cake--1.1o 1.111 lliott Yes Swift-- do P.:"onohon Yes Harnsen-No 171cC071in Yes 'Jo:od _ Yes , i t be in- tie vote %iayor clis t the decidinL vote in favor of IUhe amendment. amendment carried.- . f i Resolution No 91-A Resolut4ion pxovidinC for the improvement of Rloc,k to by she. establish-,rent of an alley,passed to final readin6,- , I.Ioved, by I-Lonohon secs nded by Swift that Sec tion-1-be adopted as read,-carried < I.Toved by Vonohon seconded by Iiansen that Sec-2-be adoptea as read,-r,a.rriie c`t.- Yloved by �,:onohon seconded by Hansen ilthat Sec-3-be a,dop ted as reod,,-carricd.- I"oved by Cake seeonded by I"onohon that the Resolution be adppted as a ohole ris read,-carried.- as ordinance laid over one more week. Ordinance relatinE, to z;ode of mc ; and letryin ; special assessments recd first tine,Loved by Ikonohon seconded by Swif t .hat said ordinance be referee: to the ordinance co mmittee ,-carried. - Ordinance ZIo 272 appropriating the sum of X100.00 to the R.V.F.D. for purpose of purchasing fire fi6hting equiprrent,re.j.d first ti :c , Loved by l:onoho.: seconded by Swift that ordinance be refered to t,ze ordinance coLr,ittee,-carried.- St & Ai le-j co.lrni ttee given one more seek on Renton Avenue sidewalk, loved by Cale seconded by ll:ansen that City proceed yo build s idewa.11; on Fenton independent of contract,-carried.- Complaint filed by Council-r'an Cake about R.S.Harris , having sidewalk torn up for purpose of hauling- lumber on his property,and leavin Care unprotected, 11'6oved by Cake seconded by Swift that R.S.Harris be instructed to have sidewalk properly protected by lights and railin6 yrlaile same is torn up,-ca.rried.- CorLmittee of Council :appointed to canvas primary electionreturns ,iionol:or),Swift,Dobson,IIansen. ` f Loved by* I�onohon seconded by Swif t that the Finance co.r�r.,ittee take up the matter of purchasinL a street slusher for cleaning; the paved streets, -carrid.- +_ ere be in.:; no fur then bus ine ss ,Loved by Ellio Lt sc co n_ded by Swif t that Council adj ourn,-carried.- Clerk cBF 389 Ren ton,bTov, 21s t12.911 City Council :net in regular session I.1'a.yor Joe Wood presiding,Roll Call.-Councilman Ellio-tt,Hansen,Dobson,Cati;c , wife, 11'onohon,Ile Cowin,At torney,Lngineer and Clerk be in&; present. 11inuets of the last regular session were read -end r.. approved. The Coy'�mittee appointed by the Mayor to canvass the returns of the primary election,held Nov, 7th,1911.filed written report as follows .-We have r.ade a thorough and . c omple to , exa,min- ation of the votes cast and find thein correct as shown by poll books .Iy_oved by Elliott seconded by McCowin that the report of the co-ninittee be recieved and placed on file ,-carried.- Claims And Accounts coyLmittee filed written report on leaving examined and recomendin6 payment af the f ollowin& bills . Geo Hancock Labor on streets 1 day,2 days on pipes 7. 50 'Tim OLeary Labor on pipes 9.37 P Lassoie Labor " " (3.225 E Auld Labor " of 4.37 F.W.HarrisLabor St.pavin contract -Eng, 38 .06 G. Harner Labor " 'j '� ,� Dept . 19. 50 G.Y.Con 3ard Inspector of paving 44.00 H•.','. Trou tw,an 2. cu yds gravel b 1.25 - 2.50) 5000 brick U­ 11.25 56.25) 131 bbls cement (�, 2.25 30.95) 89. 70 Cherrier & Parrk Labor installing new St lights 201. 5""0 Globe Electric Co I.aterial for new St.lights 470.6O Emil Harris `IJitness fees in Pis 4ol;esi;' case 2,20 I;lmr_--r Illion to 11 2.20 Roved by Elliott seconded by Iiansen that all bills O.K' d by the finance committee be ordered paid,-carried.- St.& Alley comn;ittee given more time in which to ascertain cost of. 3tteet flushing, Machine . Attorney reports zrerbally 'on natter of pole franchise also street crossing signals for C & P S Ry Co .has been unable to meet with officials as ye t.raore time granted. Ordinance NO 270. An Ordinance prohibiting Vae use of tobacco in any form in the Council Uhambbers when the Council is in session, ca: e up for final passage , Trovcd bl- -onohon secondee} by Elliott that :�ee ,l be adopted Sec .1 be a:rende d to read am=endment to motion- that/tobacco, in any form.Sec 1 as amended carries. Moved by -tanohon seconded by Eilio;tt„ that Sec-2-be adopted as read,-c arried.- I-oved by Yonohon 'sec onded 'ZIliatt That,.Sea_3 be-'-adopted aR read, carried. L:onohon �-.nd Hansen, as a ogle as reed; carried.- Ordinance No 271 An ordinance appropriating 'the sun of $100.00 to the Renton Volunteer Fire Dept.for C,X purpose of purchasing fire, fighting eq<aipment, passed to final reading. ` Moved. by Elliott seconded by Swift that Sec-1-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that Sec ,2-8e adopted as read carried.- moved by Lonohon seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the infornal action of the Council at a meeting held Nov,2 0th,relative to cause of the recent flood be endorsed,also that saire co--,m,,ittee appointed at said meeting irvestiSate matter of having Seattle pipe line on hill relaid with steel as the wooded pipe on the crest of sgid hill is in bad cordition.carried.- :oved by McCoti°:in seconded by Elliott that the Clerk have notices printed ststing that the use of tobacco in any form is prohibited in the Council Chambers mhile Council is in session. carried. - L'oved by Tdfonohon seconded by Elliott that t.ie petition recieved from citizens asking; Council to prohibit smoking in the Council Chrmbers be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- "Ilse following men were appointed by the Council to act as Inspectors & Judges at she beneral election to be held on the 5th day of Deco-ber,1911 . First `lard. Inspector E.P.'lhitney Judge John Faull Judge E.J.Hughes Second 'Lard Inspector Fred Uder Judge Benj Ticknor Judge J.O.Edwards t 11oved by Cake seconded by Monohon that the Attorney be instructed to commence condemnation proceedings to have alley in Block 19.opened up.carried.- `.t'here beim; no further business :roved by Cake seconded by Swif t that Council adjourn.carried.- i �--uh City Clerk. deBF 11391 Ren ton,3TOv,28 th,1911 City council met in regular session MaYar Joe ,:Hood Presiding, -poll Call .-Council lin I.Ionolion,Cake ,swift,IIansen, Dobson,IZCCowin$Atto,ney,En_;ineer and Clerk being present. I inuets of the lost regul=ar session were read and appro- ved. Application for w=ater connection from the following In rope rty.-Lot 7 Block 15 'iOWn of Renton,J.H.Yand,owner,Lot' 16, Block 4,louis Kin,-;,ovvner#Lot 26.Block 6 Car 'dorks Add-Aubry Lone owner,Acre Tract 541Ta.lbot Hill-Mrs H.;.Broeffle , owner ,Lot 16 Block 2(' ,Ed Bez, o,vner Finance Co-Amittee filed written report on hvinC d exa:nindd and reconendinv payment; of whe followinE bills ,- Seattle Tacoma, Power Co l"MIT)s for new street light sys tem ;�p.46 J.W.Butler 'r�:�ulin� ashes Jos Edwards - Advance on freight . 25 Labor on bridge and watching river .25 _ 76. 75 Moved by Cake seconded by Ii,nsen that all bills 0 Y by the .finance co2mllittee be ordered pald,-carried.- `days Fc .leans COM-littee filed written report, on District 23 Lateral sewer, a,s follows .-rJe have rnade a thorough sand complete exallination of the assessment roll on lateral sewer district ldo 23 and would reconand that the same be approved. I:.ov&I by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report of the Ways w Deans co,,rT.-.ittee be recieved and placed on fil.c --end -he recomendations in sanne be carried out,-:end that said assessment roll be approved. -carried.- City pproved, -carried.-City E4Lginecr Tvete filed written report Givin final estimate on cost ofpaving subject to slims-_ slight correction, Mrovcd by C-,ke seconded by swift that the report of the Engineer be ######## refored to the street & Alley co:mxii,tee to be taken up at adjourned session of Council Friday niht Tec lst, 1911. Carried.- Communication recieved from City Attorney P.g.Iiouser relative to drafting of new resolution for alley through .Block 19. loved by I:ionohon seconded by Swift that t"Ie COMunica,tion be recie- 1 ved and that the Attorney draft said resolution, ca.rried.- Comunic--ttion recieved from 'Ex-Police Jude Fobt Taorburn thankinZ the City C;until for the resolution of condolence extended to him in the loss of his wi.fe.:Loved by ?.onohon seconded by Dobson that the comunication be recieved and plgced oxn file , - carr ied.- Ordin:-.nce granting fr=�r_chise to C.L P S Ry Co ,for a pole line on %1la Walla Avenue presented by Attorney of said Con- pany.Yov,�d by Dobson seconded by IIan en that s-e',id ordinance be laid over until next reCgzlar neeting of the Council,-caTried.- Pe ti t ion signed by the %yup t,of whe C ec P S Ry ('Q , asking; the Council .for an extension of tine in which tq pave dJ1.la Walla Avenue recie�red, also resolution presented by Attorney of said Corpany coverin- said petition. Moved by C=ake seconded by TY.onohon that the resolution granting an extension of time to the C & P S Ry Co.within which to ac is and perform the/things required of it under Section 3.of ordinance Yo 259.as zaznended by ordinance 260.be adopted as read.-carried.- iLio'red by LcCo;vint seconded by Cake that E. P,.Whi tney having resigned as Inspector of the general election to 'ce .field Dec , 5th,19 in the first Uard, that Peter Dullahant be appointed, -carried.- ,MIoved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Council. adjourn until 7.30 P.3 . Friday evening Dee,lst, 1911, carr `ded.- City Clerk. IeBF Adjourned session of City Council cage to order at 7 '30, P.I.T.Friday evening Decernber,is t 1911 Bavwor The IffDod Presiding Roll Call.-Coiancilman Elliott,Cake ,Swift,Hansen.Dobson McCowin.luionohon,Fn ineer and Clerk beiAr,, presont.- ` Yinuets of 6he last session were read and approved.- Petition pproved.- Petition recieved from David H.Jones asking; Council for pOrmiesion to use portion of sidewalk in front df Lot10 Block 21. Wells St.for the parpose of storing buildinz material . 1oized by Cake seconded by !Zonohon that said petition be granted under the supervision of then Street and Alley committee, carried, c Question of acceptance of ps.viriff discussed informally, There being; no further businces -:r+oved by Crake seconded by Swift that Council adjourn,-carricd.- City Clerk. r t C f Ren Lon,Dec, 5 al, 1911 City Uouncil net in regular session I:ayor Joe wood I;,eint absent,Council.man Elliott acting as I:ayor Pro-tea. t < Roll call,Council,:�an E?_liott,Cake,Hansen,Dobson, Swif '; Yonoho*,Engineer,Attorney and Clerk beim present . Minuets of the last session read and approved. Application for server connection,Lot,19 ,block 10 Town of T;enton)L .E.Charch owner,Yoved by Lonohoo seconded by Hansen that same be granted .-carried. - Petition retie-7ed asking for permission to operate a skating rink in the City,I:ioved by Ckke secondcd"olayDobson that said pet.:_ tion be refered to the license committee ,: carried. Report of special co-mmittee recieved and read,relative to t cruse of recent flood.loved by Dobson seconded ba Yon.ohon that the report of the conimi tee be recieved and placed on file.- carried.- Loved by Lonohon seconded by Ctvift that Lhe Enffineer in the City aakc an es timate of Lhe amount of, da sage caused/by the recent food, and file sae with the City Clerk.-carried.- Loved by Cake seconded by Hansen that ;h;� following bills ha.vir4; been 0 K' d by the finance coYmi Ltce be ordered paid, carried.- y.Auld Labor on s tree t pije s ®.37 Geo Hancock 11..37 P Lti ���issoie " `1" OLc ary it n n G..37 G.I, . Conard Inspe c �o r paving; 13.00 G Iiarnex En Dept p ivinb 3. 75 F..,J.H.arris ri of n .50 Cara Clark work on bridge 31 1. 50 Cr437 us Sim th work on r iver resurer ri S#ea;;tlefor water 6.ti5 A Pet rson sharpening tools, 27. 0 0.K.L very Haalin- "IDStorey n 11. 50 .11. . 7.00 R.Bun.stine Dance marshall 9.00 Health Officer reports for the Ynontth of Nov, ei ht births, three deaths ,one case of s a,. pox,Iloved by Dobson seconded by iionohon that the report of the Health Officer be recieved a.nd placed on file,-carried.- r� �BF 39 Communication recieved from Frank Davis,relative to who should pay .for portion of paving washed out by recentflood on T;:ill st.Yoved by Coke seconded by Swift that said cornuni cation be recieved and placed on file ,-carriecl.- ` Ordinance No 272,providinG for an al Ley through Block 10.oriEinal 1.� plat of the 'i'own of Ren to'n,read,L oved by Cwif t seconded by Dobson that said ordinance be refored to the ordinance 'connittep,-carried. Resolution No 92-A providing 'for an a21r ;• in Block 19,ori6inal plat of the Town of Renton,read,1.oved by Taonolion seconded by swift t:at said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee. carried.- Ordinance gra.ntin6 franchise to C?w,P,S Ry Co,for p&le lire on Walla 'galla Avenue ,laid over one .more week.- Attorney Houser suggests that in order to have all future ordinances and resolution exactly uniform that saMe shoulc. be priritod in blank for-, `end the names of the streets filled in as reauired,T,o-.red by Cake seconded by Dobson that this matter be refered to the finance co°iln ittee and the Attorney with Now power to act.-carried.- Agreerer.t _filed by iroutnn,j,n & Young & 1�njerican Bonding Company of Baltimore ,stating that paving contract is completed, except certain portions as outlin}d in said agreement.�::oved by Cake seconded by swift that said agreeraent be accepted and placad on file,-carried.- City Engincer Tvete filed written report relative to paving contract as follows ; jhat the contract awarded to 2routnfit �. Young under Ordinance No 251. is completed according; to specifications for same ,with the following erxception,a strip one f .ot wide on the norti side of galla Walla Avenue ,from the east line of mill St- to the west line of Lot,10.Blocrb 26.produced south. Moved by Dobson seconded by TZonohon 4ha;, the re-,ort of the Engineer be accep ted and placed on file , -ca,rried.- Yoved by Coke seconded by Swift that this Council accept paving as contemn l .ted and ordered under ordinance No 251.as completed.Pol1 Vote .-swift,ayc Tian-.,e n,aye Cake. ye. 1onohor, aye Elliott,a.ye, carried unananiously►. Dobson,aye i t Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that ahe Denny Menton Clay c Coal Company be notified that the paving has been accep ted,by the City of Ren ton, 'arried.- R t City Clerk reports ;.hat there were no written protests filed against alley through Block 10. thi-m beim; dare of filing; said protests.Tuoved by Dobdon seconded by L'onohon that the report Of t.Ie Clerk be accepted� carried.- lxoved by Swift seconded by w:onohon that he Street Supt, be instruced to proceed to have the paved streets in the City cle xned,-carne l.- Z: cBF ` t "7 Renton,Dec,3 mal 1911. Adjourned session of Council eme to order at 7.45, P.M.jos )Wood presiding ,Roll Call.-Councilman �11iot ,C ke,a,vift, Ilansen,ITonohon,'A""cCo,.rin,Envineer :add Clerk being present. xlinue is of the last regular sess ior} were read and app- so ed.- Petition recieved .from Jos Covey asking Council for per-fission to build temporary fence on portion of sidewalk- around constructing Lot,S Block til.wnile ? ,.foundation for new buildin&. !roved by Cake seconded by Swift that said petition be granted under supervision. of the St,&upt.Carried.- License co=w ittee filed written report on application c of parties for permission to open up a skatint, rinx, as follows ; We, recomend that permission be not granted,- roved by Swift seconded by Hanson tAnat the report of the License co-mittee be accepted and placed on file and the reca,-,nendations in same carried out,-carried.- Report of Special corlmittee appointed by the layor to go to Cedar Lake and investigate the condition of the dam a portion of :which went out in ;he recent flood,read and discussed. Loved 'ay Swift seconded by rIonohon that the re?port of the co- li i,tee be adopted. -carried,- Condition dopted. -carried,..Condition of sidewalks in North Renton di scussed, Clark instructed to notify Pelly,also Holmes and Haring to irjve walks in front of their property put back. There bring no furt-, or business zoved by Cake seconded by ;7sift that C:.uncil adjourn,-carried.- C i ty C 1 r2.. Renton,Dec ,'2th11911 City Council met in reEular :session Mayor Joe 'Wood presiding, < Roll call Councilman Ell iott,<Ca.ke,Hansen,IrtcCowin,Dobson Yonohon,Attorney,Engineer and Clerk being present. Linue is of the last sesg ion were read and approved.- jl 8t.& Alley co ittee filed written report as follows ; ;de recomend that streets in north Renton dana ed by recent flood be made passable by the City of, Renton.11oved by Cal e"'N�ec onded by . llansen that the report be accepted and the recomendations in sa..e,e be carried out under .the supervision of the St & Alley co.=Attee carried.- St & Alley co ,)IMittee filed written report as follows ; '21he :alley, through Block 25.will be open this week,.and we reco-.4cnld that the crossings at each end of sax*,e be put in.i4-oved by Case seconded by Hansen that the report be accepted and placed on f ile and the reconend-ations in saiiie be carried out. -carried.- Finance Ccnmi ttee filed written report on having examined and recomend ing payment of tr.e following bills ; Treasurer Int-rest on Dist 110 31,wa.rrants 23.04 Pacific gel-Tel Prone .30 Sers,.ttle, 2acoma Power Co liE 'rtts 105.50 Fred Uder Inspector of election 5.40 Benj Ticknor Judge 5.40 J.O.Edwards " 5.40 A Adams Clerk " 5.40 Jas Flynn of 5.40 H.U.Lusk Watchmen at Springbrook 8 .00 Ren--.on Drug Store supplies 1.55 Seattle Blue Print Co p-iving prints 7.55 O .K.Staules Ii.aulin; 18 .50 Trick & 'Yurray stationery 9.00 Ind-Tel Co Long distance e,i rye servoir Phone 2.15 P Dullahant Inspector of elaction 5.00 John Faull Judge " 5.00 E.J.Hughes of 5.00 Park H%rris Clert ! 5.00 J .W.Brenneke It 5. 00 TLLcPhearson Bro' s Use of Inca.ting stove 1.25 Renton Lumber Co l vibe- 22.40 Renton Hardware supplies 9.00 Crane Co drinkinx fountain and discount not alloixed. 0.83 Loved by Elliott seconded by that all bills O.K' d by the finance co nittee be paid,-carried.- ,eBF 99 Ordinance re,;ula,ting the manner in which gravel Etc. shall be i,,auled through the streets of Kenton read ,first time . Loved by Elliott seconded by Dobson aha t said ordinance be rfcred to the Ordinance Committee, -carried - Ordinance 110 272. Ordinance provJ�dir . for ci.e improva:.ent of •� Block 10.by the construction and establish4nent of an alley.passed to final read`inc. Moved by Iionohon seconded by Dobson tl at Section 1-be adopted as read, -c%rried .- ILonoTion & Dobson that Sect:-)n-2-be adopted as read.- Moved by I. onokion seconded by, IdCCowin that Sec, 3-be adopted as read. -c-arried. Loved by Iionohon seconded by Dobson -chat jee-4-be ado?;ted as rend, -carried .- Roved by Yonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec,S-be adopted ,j. , read.-ca,rried.- I,Loved by Iionohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-6-be adopted Is read.-carried.- uLoved by Iionohon secoi,ded by :Dobson that Sec-7-be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by Iionohon seconded by Hansen th',,t Sec-8-be adopted as read, -carried.- LTdved by Dobson seconded by Iionohon that Sec-9-be =adopted -Ls read ,-carried .- Moved by Cake seconded by Iionohon that the ordinance be adopted. a,s a �vlzole :Is read, .-carried.- Resolution No 92-A providing for alley -throu . Block 19.po.ssed to f i nal reading. Yoved by Cake seconded by Iionohon that Section, 1-be !idopted `-is read.-carried.- Roved by Iionohon seconded by Elliott that Sec.2-be adop- ted as read.-carried'.- I.Toved by Yonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-3-be adopted as read.-carried.- Loved by Iionohon seconded by LcCowin that the resolution be adopted as a whole as read.-carried.- a n 400 Tloved by Cake seconded by Dobson that ordinance -ranting frt3.nchise to C & P S Ry Co for pole line on ;ouch side of `7al21.rI 'l:alla -Avenue ,be laid on the table ,-carried.- Ordinance No 274. An ordinance providine a. method for makin local i -orovements .lettin- of con tracts ,levying and collecting of special assess-ments , tc , ca.tc up for final passage, Roved by Ilonohon seconded by Hansen. that Oec ,1-be adopted as read. carr. ied.- T,loved by Ilonohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.- , Moved by 1,lonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-3-be .adopted as read,-carried .- Ilovt�d by LIonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-4-be =adopted As read carried.- Loved by Ilonohon seconded by Elliott that Sec-5-be adopted as read carried.- Loved by 1onohon seconded by Dobson that :>ec-6-be . adopted -is read ca.rried.. Y<oved by Dobson seconded by Tnonohon that Sec-7-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Dobs9n seconded by 1�1onohon that Oec ,B-be ,adopted as read carried.- Moved by I:onohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-9-be adopted as reads car ried.- 11oved by Dobson seconded by Plonohon that Sec-10-beadopted as read ca.rried.- 11oued by Cakis seconded by YcCowin that this ordinance be laid over until next regular nice tin-.-carriod.- Question. of pay for hauling- garbage discussed, :loved by Cake seconded by Elliott that the City of Renton pay -o ing wages for any and all 1-iauling,,carried St & Alley co_°-, i ttee -iven power to have any necessary work .one to safe--uarc: Nrill St.bridcc fro... flood. There oeing no further business moved by Calve seconded by Elliott to adjourn, carried.- City Clerk . RPBF i *Iva eLw�L, JA44 x1l.acl7ev W7t'qr i December.19th.1911 City Council met in regular session Mayw Joe Wood presiding.- I 11011 residing- Roll call.-Councilman Blliott$CakegMonohon,Swift,Dobson Ilansent-McCowin,Attorney,Bngineer and Clerk being present. ,�. Minuete of the lust regular session were read and approved. Application for sewer connection for Lot,24,Block 31 �mithers First Add-J.T.Edwards$owner,Moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that said application be granted,-carried.- Petition recieved from J-3-Covey asking permission to store gravel for building purposes on portion of Well St, in front of Lot8,Block 21.Moved by Monohon seconded by Cake that said petition be granted under the supervision of the St Supt.earried. finance Committee filed written report on having O.K' d and recomending payment of the following bills. City `Treasurer Postage 2.00 H.H.Beerman Load of Coal 4.75 Seattle Car Mfg,Co Man-holey top 11.32 Lowman & Hanford Blue print 1.44 A.J.Lavelle Eng Dept,on bridge 8 days Ste 2. 30. .00 F.W.Harris paving contract 36.75 H weber 2k days on bridge 3 da,sidewalk Renton Ave- 14.37 M.Mihalcek 2 days on bridge 5.00 Tom McTague 6j da.on garbage wagon 15.62 P Dullahant 6jda hauling garbage 37.50 Loyd Pratt watching bridge 2.50 Dick Wo)od 2 da siddwalk Renton Ave,7 da,hauling ashes 54.00 Gomer Jones 4 da on sidewalk 1 da on bridge 12.50 Al Yarrow cleaning streets 8* da. 21.25 H Swingle 1 da on bridge 2.50 T OLeary 4j da.cleaning sts.3 da on pipes 19.37 Ed Swingle 81da.cleaning streets 21.25 E Auld 4 da cleaning; 6ts,3 da pipes ,3 da sidewalks R,Ave, 25.00 G Haneock,4jda sidewAk,6jda hauling ashes 27.50 P Lassoie 3 da on pipes 7.50 Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report of the committee be recieved and placed on file and all bills 0.1KID by the committee be ordered paid$-carried.- Councilman Cake recomended that street lights be installed •NW on the following streets,l at 6th & Williams ,l at 6th & Well,& 1 near the Pres-Church.on Mill St.1%ved by Cake seconded by Monohon that the Fire Light k Water Committee take up matter of installing said lighteg-carried.• ?loved by Cake seconded by Swift that the St do Alley Committee take up matter of property lines on Williama St,from 2nd,Ave- to lst,Avenue.carried.- 402 City Atto rne7 Houser reports verbally that has been filed in the Superior Court of Hing County, • the City of Seattle ,for damages sustained by the City of Renton,by reason of the recent flood, in the amount of x¢7500.00. Comunication recieved from the N.P.Ry Co.relative to sewer assessment on Burnett `'t,Moved by Dobson seconded by Elliott that this matter be fefered to the St.& Alley Committee,-carried.- Comunication recieved from the Postal Telegraph-Cable Co relative to the City of Renton using its_ poles in North Renton, Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that this matter be refered to the Pire Light do Water committese,-carried.- Comunication recieved from the Seattle Renton South erh RACo ,asking the City of xenton, to grant franchise on 3rd,Avenuo&3 N N also asking for a"Y." on Well St.Moved by Monohon seconded by z Swift that a franchise be granted said Company provided a satisfactory Ordinance can be draf ted.carried.- Ordinance No 275. An ordinance granting to the Seattle Lighting Company,franchise for gas mains in the City of, Renton,passed to final reading, Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec-1-be adopted as read carried.. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that Sea-5-be adopted as read,- carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Sec-6-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson secondedmby McCowin that, Sec-7-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-8-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec-9-be adopted as read . carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the Ordinance be adopted as Re B F 4013 a whole as read,-carried.-unanamously.- Ordinance No ,273 An ordinance regulating the manner in which dirt,gravel ,sand Etc,shall be hauled through the streets of Ren- ton passed to final reading.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Monohon that Sec-1-be adopted ad#read carried.- M-ved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carried,- Moved by 2doiVohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Dobson seceonde by Monoho# that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Ordinance No 274, Ordinance providing a method of making improvements taken up at Section No ll.and continued, Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-11-be adopted as Head .-carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that Sec-12-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Monohon secondted by Hsn sen that Sec-13-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Monohon that Sec-14-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by' Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec-15-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec-16-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Swift that Sec-1.7-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Haa sen that Sec-11-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Swift that Sec-19-tie adopted as read carried.- Moved by P.Tonohon seconded by Hanseanthat Sec-20-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the ordinance be laid over one week.-carried.- r 40 Agreement filed between the City of Renton & the Seattle Slectric Company allowing the said Ueattle -6lectric Co, the right to use the waste water from the Reservoir,for a period of fifteen (15) years ,at a yearly rental if one . (1)dollar per year payable in advance.Moved by Monohon seconded by McCowin that the Mayor and tYie City Clerk be authorized to ratify the said agreement carried. There being no futther business moved by Elliott seconded by Swift that Uouncil adjourn.-carried,- city U38 ru l The Special Committee appointed to canvas the returns of the last general electioli report as follows ; We your committee on canvassing the returns of the lest general election beg leave to report as follows ;That we made a thorough canvas of the returns and found same correct.as listed below, F.G.Smithere Mayor lst Ward 69 2nd 130 Total`,;: : 199 M.D.Storey Uouncilman- At-Large " " .64 " 127 " 191 M.F.Swift Councilman " " 68 130 198 H Evans " " " 58 120 178 B.F. Cake " 66 121 187 Chas Me Cowin 63 118 181 Wm Tonkin Treas- 67 132 199 A W Ticknor Clerk 67 132 199 P.W.Houser Attorney 68 130 , , 198 Dr Dixon H.Officer 65 126 191 Ida Bevan Clerk 1. 1 Thos Olsen C .A.Large 1 1 Committee Thos Dobson Lee blonohon M.F.Swift. C RPBF 405 Renton.Dec.26th,1911 City `ouncil met in regular session Mayor Joe Wood Presiding,-Roll Call .-Cohncilman Elliott,Cake,Swift,4ansen,Dobson McCowin,Monohon,Atto rney_ and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were approved as corrected,- Application from R.H.Wilson asking for permission to use portion of the West side of Well St.in fronjr of Lot.8.Block 21. also portion of Third "Lvenue,in front of Lot 4.Blook 14,.for pur- pose of storing building material .Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that said petition be granted under the supervision of the St,Supt. St & Alley Committee recomend that. a crooning be put in at Third Avenue & Morris Street,Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the report of the St & Alley committee be accepted and the recomendations in said report be carried out.- carried. Dire Light & Water Committee filed written report recomending that lights be installed at the following St inter- sections.-to-wit.l-on the north & 1-on the south approacn of the Cedar River Bridge at Mill Ot.l-on the southeast corner of Mill St.&Pipe line,l-at the corner of Well St.& 6th Ave nue ,and 1-at the corner of Williams & 6th Avenue.estimated cost of installing same $100.00 Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report of the Fire Light & water Committee be accepted and the recomendations in said report be carried out under the supervision of the St,& Alley Qommittee,-carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Cake that the Engineer make a map showing the location of all tie polus owned by the City of Renton,carried.- Wri tten acceptance of the ordinances granting franchise to Columbia & Puget Sound Ry,Company on Walla Walla Avanue recieved from said C & P S Ry Co.Moved by Cake seconded by Monohon that the written acceptance be recieved and placed on file, carried.- Communication recieved from the City Attorney setting forth objedtions to the ordinance granting franchise to the 406 c e e Seattle Lighting Co.for the laying of gas mains in the City of Renton.Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that the, comunication be recie ved and placed on filo,-carried.- r Comunieation from Mayor Wood,stating that he having found the same objectionable feature in the gas franchise as outlined in the Attorney' s letter,was forced to veto. eame. Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the comunication from the Mayor- be recieved and placed on file�carried.- Moved by Monohon- seconded by McCowin that the ordinance granting franchise to the Seattle Lighting Company be laid on the t4ble.-carried.- Ordinance No 274. An ordinance providing for the levying of special assessments,letting of contracts Etc ,taken up at Section 21 and passed. Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-21-be adopted as read, carried,- 'loved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-22-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-23-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded- by Dobson that Sec-24-be adopted as read carried.- < Moved by Monohon seconded by Cake that Sec-25-be adopted as read.• carried.- .Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-26-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Mononon seconded by Cake that Sec-27-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-28-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Mononon seconded by McCowin that Sec-29-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-30-be adppted as read. carried.- Moved by Monohon se)o nded by Hansen that Sec-31-be adopted as read carried.- ReBF ..�. Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-32-Iv adopted as read carried.- < Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that Sec-33-be adopted as read carried.. Moved by Monohon seconded by Cake that 3ecj34-be adopted as read,- carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Hansen that Sec-35-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Cake ' that Sec-36-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by Cake that Sec-37-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Monohon seconded by McCowin that Sec-38-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Honohon seconded by Swift that Sec-39-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Cake Seconded by Swift that theordinance be adopted an a whole ae read, carried.-unanamnusly. There being no further business moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council adjourn.carrild.- • City Clerk. t 40S fax a� btw;t7:..,�a ,� .;..,��,.. .t :rL usrxFtr1 ba�tzcoree csoa�ou� i �d bc.,: . d Renton,January,2nd,1912. City Uouncil met in regular session Mayor Joe wood p presiding,Roll call,-Councilman Elliott,Cake,Monohon,Mccowin,Swif t, 9 Dobson,Hansen,Attorney,ard clerk being present. Minuets of the la,t regular session were read and app.. roved. Application for water connection ror Lot,lq-Block 2 D.Gun.n "dd-Robt,Eggett,owner,Tract # 43 Plat # 2.John Barkas ,owner Moved by Monohon seconded by Dobson that said applications be granted.- carried.- Finance Committee filed written report on having OK and reeomend ing payment of the foblowing bills M.D.Storey Hauling 38.75 C.L.Santee Election supplies fuse & nails 5.00 Renton Herald Printing ordinances notices & resolutions 14.30 Matt Grady Advance on freight X80 A Peterson Two street scrapers 1 8"clamp witn bolts 4.25 Priebe Faro' s 1 manhole shovel,3 axes Bringing 2.45 J.A.Nelson 870 lineal feet cedar piling Q 06ets per foot, 52.20 Tom McTague 4*da on sts ,l da,pipes 13.75 E Auld 2 da pipes ,l da.sts, 9.37 T OLeary 3 da pipes ,2 ds streets 14.37 Geo Hancock 5* da sts ,l da pipes. 16.25 Ed Swingle 2 5/8 da,on bridgej da on manhole 9.Q5 P Dull-;haat 2 da on s is,j da on bridge with team 15.00 P Lassoie 2j da pipes, 6.25 A Weber 1 da pipes ,1 da bridge 5.00 Al Yarrow I da on manhole 1.87 W Evans 1 da sts.1 as pipes. 5.00 Moved by Elliott seconded by Hansen that all bills 0 K'd by the finance committee be ordered paid ,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Monohon that matter of having copies of assessment ordinance printed in phample t fprm be refered to the finance committee.-carried.- Communication recievect from the City of -Battle stating that after the first day of Jan,1912. the rates for water outside the limits of the City of aeattle will be raised,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that said comunication be refered to the Fire & Yater committee, carried.- days & Means Committee filed written report as follows; We recommend that a street flusher of the compressed air type be purchased immediately.Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that the report of the committee be recieved and placed on file and the reco- mendations in same carried out,-carried.. fReBF 409 `Health Officer Bronson filed written report ror Dec, as follows„7` births-2 deaths.and no contagious deseases. During` the year 1911.there were; 97 births- bl deaths- 4 cases of scarlet fever-2 cases of smallpox- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the report of the "ealth Officer be accepted and placed on file,-carried,- - Resolution No 93-A to the Board of County Commissioners of King County protesting against the construction of the Laks Wash, canal at the depth proposed by the plans of Major J.B.Kavanaugh.U.S. Engineer. Moved by Cake seconded );y Swift. that the resolution be adopted as read,-carried.- Ordinance granting franchise to the Seattle Renton & I Lo Southern Ry,Co.read first time,'-Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that said ordinance `be refered to the 'ordinance committee,-carried.- Ordinance creating the office of water erupt,read first time.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee ,-carried.- Under the head of new business the new officers were duly sworn in by the City Attbkney and took their seate,after a short speech by retiring Mayor Joe Wood. Mayor F.G.Smithers reopened Council under the head of unfinished business,-question of giving notice to property owners of date of protest on street paving a.sessment.discuseed,- ` Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the City uXerk I � give legal notice of date of pro tes t,raid date being Jan 23rd,1912. Mayor 3mithers appointed the new councilmen on the various committee' s Remarks by retiring councilman Elliott.speech by Mayor Smithers,remarks by M.D.3torey,H Evans,and retiring councilman Monohon. There being no further business Moved by Cake seconded Evans that Council adjourn,-carried.- Clerk. Renton,Jan, 9th,1912. City Council met in regular session Mayor 7,G.smithers presiding,-Roll :all"Councilman Storey,Harmen,3wift,Cake ,Dobson, McCowin,Attorney,Treasurer,:Engineer and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Petition recieved from property owners on Well St - r representing to the City Council that they are not opposed to a "Y" on said street,and declaring themselves in favor of granting the request of the Seattle Renton & southern Ry,Co.by permitting the installation of the proposed NYN. Loved by Dobson seconded by MCCiowin that the petition be recieved and placed on file ,-carried.- Ordinance committee filed written report on the Street & Water supt,Ordinance,as follows ; We recommend that the ordinance be passed and that the salary be fixed at Seventy Five ($75.00)Dollars per month, Committee,Chairman,B.F.Cake, P.Hansen. Chas ,McCowin, Moved by Swift seconded by storey that the report of the committee be accepted and filed and that the recomendations in same be carried out.-carried,- Claims & Accounts Committee filed written report recom- endi ng payment of the following bills.- Treasurer. Interest on water bonds .30 N N N N N 129.00 " Industrial Insurance Oommission 20.50 " Seattle for water 30.70 J.'N.Butler Hauling ashas in N-Renton 6.00 Renton Hdw,Co Suppl Aes 11.80 O.K.Livery, `reaming 44.00 Treasurer Interest on water bonds 6.00 R Buns tine Dance marshall 9.00 Ind,Tel,Co Reservoir phone 1.50 Trick & Murray Repair of numbering machine 2.50 Priebe, Bro' s 49 drift bolts for bridge 3.85 Pacific Tel & Tel phone charges . .25 J.S.McCrea Material & labor on 298 Ft.sidewalk on Renton Avenue . 74.50 W.Beerman Load Coal 4.75 F.W.Harris Paving estimate & Assessment roll 31.50 A.J.Lavell Lines on Williams St. 1.50 Moved by Hansen seconded by McCowin that all bills 0 K by finance committee be ordered paid,-carried.- Attorney makes verbal report on matter of City making trade with the N.P.Ry Co.for a portion of land along Burnett St. from Second to Third Avenue for Street purposes,in excharge for franchisa ,also had conference with officials of said Company relative to their assessment for sewer ori Burnett.gt. Communication recieved from the City of Seattle stating that they had replaced their fixed water services with metered services and had several thousand sidewalk boxes for cutoffs that they had no use for,and would sell them for one half price to cities deeirin4ito buy same.- Moved by Cakd# seconded by Swift that the comunication be recieved A*nd Pefered to the Fire & Water coirmi ttee.-carried ,- Treasurers report for the year ending Dee.31st,1911 read.Moved by McCbwin seconded by Cake that the Treasurers report be accepted and refered to the finance committee,-carried.- Clerks report for the year ending Dee.31st,191l.read. Moved by Cake seconded b)r Hansen that the Clerks report be accepted r- and refered to the finance committee,-carried.- Police Judges report for the month of Dee## read, Moved by Bobson seconded by McCowin that the report of the Police Judge be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- Ordinance No 276. An Ordinance creating the office of Street & Water Supt.gosed to final reading, Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec-1-be adopted as read. carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sec-4-be adopted as read. carried.- ` Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- 412 Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the ordinance granting franchise to the Seattle Renton & Southern Ry,Co on Third Avenue be laid over one week.-Councilman Dobson asks committee for report ,Cake states that Evans ,representing said Company desires to be present wnen the oddinance comes up and that was the reason that he moved to have said ordinance laid over one week.-the motion was then put by the Mayor and carried.- lu Moved by Cake sea) nded by Dobson chat the Town Property committee see about having warehouse built and the Clerks office remodled,-carried.- Moved by Uake seconded by McCowin that matter of having crodsing built across Renton Avenue & 3rd Ave ,be refered to the St,& Hlley committee,-carried.- Mayor Smithers named men to fill the offices as outlined below, Day Marshall Jos ,Rdwards. Night Marshall John Stewart Deputy Night Marshall Peter Dullahant Police Judge A.C.Wilson Water & S t,Supt, Jas ,Flynn Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Mayors appoint- ments for the office of Marshalls be confirmed by the Council- carried.- Moved ouncil- carried. Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the Mayors appointents for the office of Police Judge and St,& Water Supt, be confirmed by the Council carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the matter of having holes in the street on south Main St,f. ixed be refered to the St & Alley committee with power to act,-carried.- There being no further business moved by Swift seconded b by Cake that Council adjourn,-carried.- j �' City clerk. r ReBF 4 Renton.Jan.16 the 1912 City -ouncil met in regular session Mayor F.G.Smithers presiding,-Roll Call Councikban Storey,Swift,Evans,Hansen,Cake, Dobson,MeCowin#Engineer,Attorney and Clerk being present. Milhueis of the last regular session were read and approved... Petition recieved from property owners on 'Hell St, asking Council to take such action as is necessary to place "y" asked for by the Seattle Renton & Southern Ry Coon the South side Evans of Third Avenue on said Well St,Moved by McCowin seconded by####### that the petition be recieved and placed on f ile ,-carried.- Finance committee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills.- Seattle 'Tacoma Power Co light for Hee 120.00 Renton Lumber Cc lumber for repair of bridge 308.71 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co Sept,Oct,& Nov,Bills 265.85 Crane Co 2-doz cut offs. 18.73 E Auld labor 13.12 F Uder meals to prdsoners 2.00 P Lassofe labor 12.50 T Mc'Tague 8.75 Zeb Shearer hauling ashes north Renton 1200 T OLeary labor 15.62 G Hancock " 11.87 Treasurer Interest on water bonds 12.00 J S Hardie supplies 2.58 American Stamp M Stencil Cc rubber stamp .50 Seattle Tacoma Power Cc light fixtures 5.75 Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that all bills O.K by the finance committee be ordered paid,-carried.- St.& Alley Committee filed written report recomending that the St,Supt,be ordered to place a few loads of gravel for temporary relief in the bad places bn south Main St,slso on Burnett St,so uth of Third Ave nue ,al.so reported relative to having s all overhanging sign properly hung, Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that the report of the St.& Alley committee be -accepted and placed on file and the '! rdeomeddations in same carried out.-carried.. Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that Uie regular order of business be suspended and that we hear from Mr Troutman relative to payment for paving as r8gards Cities portion for Street into rsections,carried.- Mkved by Cake seconded by Swift that General Fund warrants be drawn in favor of Troutman& Young,paving contractor, 414 for cities portion of, paving St, intersections ,same to drawn in denominations of $250.00-carried.- Ordinance granting to the Seattle Lighting, Company franchise for supplying gas , in the City of Renton.read first time. Moved by Swift seconded by Lobson that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance cormnittee,-*varried.- ORDINANCE.NO 277. An ordinance grantdng to the Seattle Renton,& Southern Ry Company,franchise on Third Avenue,pasaed to final reading,- Moved by "vans seconded by Swift that Sec-1-be adopted as read, amendment to motion by Dobson seconded by Cake that the ordinance be laid on the table one weak -Poll vote-on the amendment- Storey aye Evans no Dobson aye Cake no Swift aye Hansen no McCgwin , no amendment lost, i ± The original motion was then put to adopt Sec-1-as read and carried Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Sec-2-be adopted as read, carried.- . Moved by MoCowin 61hs6nded by Hansen that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sac-5-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sec-6-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that Sea-7-be adopted as read t carried.- Moved by MCCkwin seconded by Evans that Sec-8-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by -"vans that Sec-9-be adopted as read, �.. carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that a recess be taksm for the purpose of discussing matter of having clause inserted in ordinance compelling Ry,Company to stop care at every Street crossing within t the City limits ,-carried.- -After calling to order said clause was inserted in Section No 18. ReBF 4:x ,5 Moved by McCoWin se'cond'ed by Swift that Sec-10-be adopted as read. carried,» Nov,,-,d by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec-ll-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that Sec-12-be adopted as read.- carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec-13-be adopted as read carried.. Moved by Swift sem nded by Storey that Sec-14 be amended to read shkil as follows ; The grantee herein, its successors and assijjns.�during the term of this franchise,at its own cost and expense install and maintain at each street intersection one cluster of five (5) thirty two (324 candle power electric lights , the same to operated and maintained at the sole cost and expense of the grantee herein,its successors and assigns. Poll Vote on amendment Storey no Evans Yse Dobson no Swift yes McCowin no Cake yse ..... Hansen yse amendment carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that Sec-14 be adopted as amended, carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that Sec-15-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec-16-be amended to read, W-P .instead of 600 of heat be maintained in all cars, carried.- Moved and seconded that Sec-16-be adopted as amended,-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Levans that Sec-17-be adopted as read,- carried. Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec-18-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sac-I9-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted a as a whole as amended and read,-carried.-unanamously.- There being no further business Moved by Swift seconded b by McCowin that Council adjourn,-carried.- City Clerk. 5 Renton,Jan,23rd,1912. City Council met in regular session Mayor F,G,3mithers presiding,-Roll mall-Councilman Hansen,Evans ,McCowin,Storey,Swift, Dobson,,Cake ,Engineer,Attorney,Treasurer,and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved.- Evans Moved by ydbson seconded by M##iii that the regular order of business be suspended and that we hear from paving contractor,relative to amount of water bill owed by him to the City carried.- Moved by Dobson sego nded by Mcgpwin that the -Engineers recomendation as to amount of said bill be accepted and that bill be presented for amount of $82.58.carried.- Petition from Imperial Laundry asking for permission to use portion of street to store gravel and sand .Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that said petition be granted ,limited to Monday noon JAn ,29th,carried.- Written protest recieved from the Northern Pacific Rail- T yaw Company against the assessment roll - in which its property has been assessed for portion of the paving on Burnett St. - - Move& by Cake seconded by Swift that the protest from the Northern Pacific Railway Company ##### against their assess- rxnt for paving on Burnett 8t.be accepted and P########## - refered to the City Attorney,-carried.• Claims & Accounts Committee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills,- Geo Hancock 4 days on streets 10.00 P Lassoie 2j days on pipes 5.62 Zeb Shearer 2 days hauling #*Wsgravel 12.00 Tim OLeary 3j days on streets 8.14 P Dullahant 2 days hauling gravel 12.00 1 Evans EIS daysetreets-2 days pipes 17.62 E Auld 4 days on streets 10.00 H Beerman * cord wood 1.50 Treasurer advance on freight 25-30cts .55 Moved by Hansen seconded by McCowin that all bills 0 K by thF finance committee be paid -parried.- Street & Alley committee filed written report recomending that sidewalks at all street intersections that do not extend to the curb be extended-## #.#-- Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake that the report of the committee be accepted and the recomendations in said report be carried out.-carried.- RPBF m Thos Olsen asks Council for permission to put in two plank sidewalk where river washed out six foot walk,Moved by Swift seconded by D©bson that this matter be refered to the St do Alley committee,-carried.- Fire Light & Nater Committee filed written report recomending that a light be ins tolled 'at 3rd,& Renton Avenue, Moved by McCowin �seeonded by Swift that the report of the committee be accepted and filed and that recomendations in same be car3ii6d out.-carried.- t-& Alley committee filed written report recomending that a crossing be installed at 7th and Cedar Streetq , Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the report of the St & Alley committee be accepted and placed on file and the cross- ing ordered.-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that the St Supt,look up matter of St crossing at 3rd,& Renton Avenue and report at next meeting of the Council.-carried - Town Property committee filed written report recomending that a store room be built on the Cities propertyback of the City Hall. Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that the report be accepted and filed and that the recomendatione be carried oux.- carried.- Comunication recieved from P.P.Padden calling the attention of the Council to dangerous condition of an abandonddc. water flume in North Renton,Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that the St.Supt,be ordered to look up this matter and repair same, carried.- Comunication recieved from the City of beattle, stating that they had sidewalk boxes for wale at 35cts a piece , Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that same be recieved and placed on file ,-carried.- Comunication recieved from the Postal jelegraph and cable eo . ]loved by Dobson seconded by bvans that the comunication be recieved and rlfered to the Attorney to answer.carried.- Comunication reCieved from C.M.Faccett Commissioner of Public Utilities ,Spokane ,Wash.Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that the same be recieved and placed on file ,-carried.- Attorney makes verbal report on sale of electric motor owned by the City,to the Renolds Electric Company,for the sum of $294.00.report accepted and noted.- Ordinance granting franchise tothe Seattle Lighting Co, came up for final passage,-Moved by 'vans seconded by Storey that said ordinance be laid over one week,-carried.- " Ways & Means committee tiled written report as follows,O We have made a complete examination of the assessment roll of paving dis trict,as contemplated under ordinance Wo 251. and recommend that same be confirmed by the Coulcil. Moved by Cake seconded by 15vand that the repoart of the committee be accepted and placed on f ile,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the assessment roll be confirmed by the Council and the City Clerk ordered to spread same ,also that the Treasurer be notified is give official notice in the paper.carried.- Moved by .Nvans seconded oy Dobson that the Town Property corrmittee meet and decide on having new building built for store room,also devise a way to get to it from the street,eaarried.- Mayor Smithers appoints the Street Supt,as a aeputy Marshall,without pay,- Moved by Ddbson seconded by Cake that the Mayors appointment be confirmed by the Council,-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by -beans that sidewalk on William Street between Mrs Cooper and Josiah Tonkin property be raised,St Supt, to attend to same .-carried.- There being no further business moved by 19vans seconded by Dobson that Council adjourn,-carried.; ^ y City clerk. RPBF . .uenton,Jan,30th,1912, City Council mat in regular session Mayor Smitners presiding.-Roll call,Councilman Hansen,Swif t,Cake,McCowin,Storey Rvans,Attorney,Engineer,and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Petition from E.B.Duff asking for permission to use portion of Third Avenue for purpose of moving building,also for storing of building material .Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that said petition be recieved and placed on file and the same granted.-carried.- Claims ranted, carried.- Claims & Accounts committee .filed written report on having examined and reeomending payment of the following bills ; L.P.Boisseau Filing saws 1.25 ' Treasurer Advance on freight .3.5 'f.L. Ticknor Labor & material on remodel of Clerks office 11.75 Wm 'Tonkin sxtra Clerk hire 45.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that alltbills 0 K by the ginance committee be ordered paid,-carried.- St.& Alley committee filed written report on various , street crossings- that need putting in at North Renton,also recomend that box drain on Garden Avenue be filled in,and matter of Thou Olsen application to put in temporary sidewalk,recommend that all sidewalks be put in according to ordinance,also recommend that all barb wire fence be removed and replaced with wood. Moved by Hansen seconded by ,McCowin that the report of the St & Alley committee be recieved and placed on file aril recomendations carried out,-oarried.- McCowin reports on matter of having street from Main to felly Avenue fixed so that material for building can be hauled over same, Fire Chief filed written report on fire fighting equipment owned by the City of Renton,Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report be accepted and placed on file and that a copy of same be sent to the newspaper.-carried.- Mayor & Water committee reports on having; went over 6gringbrook line and examined same,found line leaking badly in places , Ordinance confirming the assessment roll for the impro- vement by paving as contemplated under ordinance No 251 420 interduced and passed to final reading,- Moved `by Swift seconded by Hansen that Sec,l-be adopted as read.- carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.• W-- Moved by Cake sexonded by Hansen that Sec-3-be adopted as read, c!�trried,� Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that See-4-be adopted as read.. carried.- Moved by Mceowin seconded by Swift that the ordinance be adopted as a %h ole as read.carried.-unana musly.- Ordinance granting to the Seattle Lighting Co,granchise to lay gas mains in the City of Renton came up for final passage, Koved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that tdAs ordinance be laid on the table,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the Mayor appoint a special committee of three, to outline all improvements for the ensuing year,Mayor appidinted on said committee,-H.Evans ,chairmen, M,F,S*ift ,Chas McCowin,Carried,- Mayor appointed C.O. Tvete as the City Engineer for the ensuing 3e ar. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the Mayors appoint- went be cont i rmed,-carried,- There being no further business moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council adjourns-carried.- City djourn,-cearried,-City Cel rk. s Renton,February,6th,1912. City Council met in regular session Mayor Smith.ers presiding,-Roll Call.-Councilman Hansen,Swift,Evans ,McCowin, Dobson, Storey Atto rney Engineer and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved.- mom Petition for sewer service for the following lots- Loter 13-14-Plock 14 H.Evans ,owner,Lot 2-Block 28 ,E,Preghenella owner,Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that the petitions be granted,-carried,- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the Town Property committee attend to the matter of having the City Hall and all furniture Etc ,in same insured against fire,-carrldd.- Finance Committee Filed written report on having examined and recomending parent of the following bills.- Treasurer Seattle for water 24.20 Geo Hancock Labor water Dept J- da,St Dept,3 da, collection of, garbage 2 da, 13.75 H Weber 5t Dept 2da,Miscellaneous ,i da, 6.25 ,Auld of Dept,?. da, 6.25 Dullahant St Dept,4 da,Mis ,2 da, 36.00 W,Evans Water Dept.j da, St Dept,3 da, 9937 Tim OLeary Water Dept,21 da,St Dept,l* da, 10.00 Ind-Tel-Co Reservoir Phonq ,1.50 long distance 75cts 2.25 Treasurer Advance on freight .50 Renton Lumber Co Material & labor 5.45 Treasurer Advance on freight .50 O.K.Livery Double team to Springbrook 3.00 E.A.Shearer Material water Dept, .50 Davis Harness Store 2 straps for hode, 1.50 Pacific Wire & Plating Works Counter railing 16.00 Renton Hdw Co Material St Dept& City Hall 15.30 A Peterson " St Dept 1.70 Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that all bills 0 R by the Finance committee be paid,-carried.- Water Supt.reports leak in south wing of Springbrook dam stating that same should be fixed at once.. also that it is necessary for the City to purchase cut off boxes to be placed in concrete sidewalks,Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that the Purchasing Agent be ordered to buy from the City of "'eattle 100 of said boxes, carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that the Rbchas ing / Agant also buy one half dozen garbage can® ,carried.- Loved by Swift seconded YJ Dobson that the Clerk have cards printed from ordinance No 159 setting forth the penalty for littering the streets with papers Etc,carried, 42 Moved by, McGowin seconded by Storey that the Dater Supt, proceed to have the dam at Springbrook repaired,carried.- Communicatinn recieved from I Sart ri ,relative to water main assessments ,Moved by Swif t seconded by Dibson that same be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- Communication recieved from Backman & Cc bankers ,Phil,Pa. ... Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the Clerk answer said letter,-carried,- I Resolution No 98-A interduced and passed to final passage ,- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec-1-be adopted as read,-carried.- seconded by Dobson Moved by Swift/that Sec-2-1e adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that the resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried, There being no further business moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Council adjourn.-carried,. City Clerk. ReBF n. Renton,February,13th,1911) City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding,Roll Call.-Councilman Hensen, Swift,Dobson,McCowin,Storty Evans ,Engineer,Attorney,and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved.- Town Property committee reported on matter of insurance for City Hall and contents. Finance committee filed written report on having exam- ined and recomending pVme4t of the following bills .- Peter Dullah-,at Hauling 18.00 Seattle Tacoma Power Co, lights 120.00 Ci V Treasurer interest on warrants ,diet No 23 129.44 Pacific Tel-&Tel Co phone .60 Davis Harness Ghop straps for hose 1.00 H.H.Beerman load of coal 4.75 Trick & Murray Stationery & supplies for City Hall 217.61 R Buns tine labor ` I & material , in new work shop 97.50 Renton Herald printing notices ord-& res- 33.05 Moved by Hansen seconded by 1TcCowin that all bills# O.XI d by the finance committee be ordered paid,-carried,- Health Officer Dixon filed written report for the month of January.Moved by h*CCowlin seconded by Evans that the report of the Health Officer be accepted qnd placed on file,-carried.- ComunIcation recieved from the Lowman Catering Co relative to motor driven street flusher ,IT-owed by Swift seconded by Hansen that the comunication be recieved and placed on file, carried.- Question of theatres in Renton blocking the aisles iiLth chairs in order to accomidate more people than they have seating capacity for discussed.-Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that the ordinance committee take up this matter with the City Attorney and have an ordinance drafted covering this matter,-carried,- Moved by McCowin seconded by Storey that the insurance policy covering the City Hall and Hffects,be accepted.ammendment by Evans that the insurance on the street flusher be reduced tvom $1000.00 to $500.00-maati,ou .as ammended. carried.- Application for the renewal of retail liquor license recieved from the Renton Liqour Co & Melrose Bar,- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evan�4that the petitions be recieved and refered to the license connittee,ecarried,- `I �4 Mr Evaris of the Seattle Fenton &Southern. Ayy Co came before the Council asking for permission to lay down "Yx on Main St,ma tier to be discussed Friday night,- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that the Clerk be instructed to have ##### resolutions and Ordinances printed with names of streets left blank, so that same can be filled in at any time ,-carried ,- There being no further business it wr is moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Council adjouri ,-earried,- City Clerk.0 t ReBF 425 Renton,Feb, 20th,1912. City Council met in regular :session Mayor Smithers presiding,-Roll call,-Councilman Dobson,I1ansen,McCowin,Storey, Swif t,Ev3ns ,Attor. ney and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Claims & Accounts Committee filed written repdrt on having examined and recomending payment )f w"Ic follorving bills.- ';'ilson & Marlow Premium on fire insurance policy 210.00 M Poterbin Gal coal oil .35 Gill Pharmacy Stationery . 60 National M&ter _Co Meters 131.00 R Bunstine Dance marshall 9.00 Northwestern Supply Co Material for St,lights 47.25 O.K.Livery hauling 7. 75 Globe Electric Co material for St.lights 92. 74 P Water Dept -2da 5t Dept,5 da, Garbage , 4jda 9 $6.00 per da, 60.00 H Weber ''dater Dept -�da,S t Dept, 5-tda, 15.62 Watkin Evans dater Detp,lda,St Dept,8 da, 22.25 E Auld " 0011da,St Dept ,7 da, 21.25 Geo Hancock " " 1 da, Sts , 5 da,Garbage4j, 26.25 T OLearyo 'ja ter Dept, 5-jda,St Dep t, 3j da, 22.50 Moved by McCovin seconded by Hansen that all bills O.K. by the Finance committee be ardered paid,-carried,- License committee filed written report as follows ; on the application of A Richmond, Ben Atkinsen,& Renton Lugnor Co .for retail liquor license,we recomend that the same be granted, Moved by "wift seconded by McCowin that the report of the license committee be recieved and pbaomendations in same be carried out,-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Storey that the Clerk proceed to advertize for bids for"Street Flusher "carried,- Communication recieved from the Mayor of Chicago , extending an invitation to the Mayor of Renton, to the Clay ProductI3 Exposition to be held in that City March, '1th, 1912.Moved by McCowin -- seconded by Hansen that the communication be recieved and placed on file, -carried.- Communication recieved from the Public Service Cor=ission Moved by Swift sec..nded b, McCowin that the same be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the matter of fixing Well St North, so that building material can be hauled over same be refered to the St & Alley Co^imittee,with power to act,- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that the St.Supt proceed to have Fourth Avenue at foot of Hill fixed so that sand washing down said hill will be prevented from filling up storm sewer,carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Storey that the St Supt, proceed to fix the sidewalk in front of Third Rail Saloon,also walk in from of Cooper property, temporially,earried.- There being no further business moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Council adjourn,:-carried.- City Clerk. iaoIT Renton,Feby,27th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithe.rs presiding,-Roll Call.-Councilman Dobson,Evans ,Swift,Storey,Hansen McCowin,Engineer,Attorney,and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approve ..._ Application for water connections for the following property were read,as follows ;Lot,3,Block,l7,itenton Farm Plat. Paulinereterson, owner,Lot.l 'Blockl2,Oar lorks,Add-Turner Invest- ment Go.ownera,Lot 14-15-Block, 7,Car Works Add-Lewis Johnson,owner, Lot 23,Block 1,Smithers Fifth Add-Susan J McKinley,owner,Lot,9-10 Block ,3,Kenton Farm Plat-Mattie Bevan,owner. Lot 9,Block, 4,Motor Line Add.J.J.Morgan, owner,Lot 6,Bloek9l2,Town Renton,D.H.Rees , owner.Lot 18 ,Block 28 ,Town of Renton,sewer connection,G.IJ.Dailey owner , Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that all water & sewer applications be granted , -carried.- , Claims & Acc6unts Committee filed written report on having examined and recomend ing payment of the following bills ; A Jones Labor 5.00 R, Bunstine Repair of Fire Hall `lower 4 .50 Treasurer t'dvance on freight .30 G Harner Eng,Dep-L, 1.50 Moved by Hansen :seconded by McCowin that all bills O.K be the Finance committee be ordered paid.-carried.- License Committee filed written report , recomending that the applications for renewal of retail liquor licenses be granted to the following applicants ; A.Bartelero ,A Pistoresi ,Jos Covey,Dan Hogan,Fred Axtell,Jos Walker, D.M.Jones. Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that the report of the Licanse committee be accepted and the recomendations in same carried.eut,-carried.- Special Corrnni ttee on contemplated improvements for the ensuing; year filed written report as follows ; Trunk Roads .paving ,Third Street East and Renton Avenue, Paving,Regrading of Main "treet South,Opening of Williams Street South,Grading & Gravelling of S zreet�,. in North Renton,laying of lateral sewer in District #28.Grading & Gravelling & Paving `t28 streets in Distridt #28.Raising sidewalks to grade in paved dist- rict.We recomend that the above named improvements be made ,and hope that your Honorable Fody will take such steps as is necessary for the carrying out of this work. Yoved by Dobson seconded by Storey that the report of the :W ial Committee on improvements be accepted and the recom- mendations in same be carried out.carried. I I Ordinance granting Franchise to the, Seattle Kenton & Southern Railway `'ompany came up for first read�ng ,- Moved by Uwift Seconded by Dobson that the ordinance be refered to the Ordinance comanittee,-carried.- Gas Franchise Ordinance came up for final passage.- Moved by r.vans seconded by Swift that this ordinance be laid over one more week.-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the City Engineer proceed to make estimates of the cost and expense to the property in ' the districts# for the various improvements/As outlined in the report of the Special committee .carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that thequestionof salary of the Engineer & Treasurer,be refered to the Finance committee they to make a report at the 'next regular meeting. carried.- Moved by vobson seconded by Aavans znui. Lue Gicy attorney be appointed as a committee of one, to confer with the officials of the J treet Railway & Car works Company,relative to construction of a new bridge across cedar River, carried.- Resolution providing for the construction of a board sidewalk on portion of the north side of Fifth Avenue North bounded on the west by Well 6t,north,and on the east by wain St,North, read.I411oved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee ,-carried.- Resolution providing for the improvement of an alley in Block 18. in Renton Warps Plat NO 3.by grading &- gravelling the same I read;Vloved by Evans seconded by McCowin that said resolution be refered to the ordinance committee,-carried,- Attorney reports on matter of alley through Block 10. states that it will be necessary to get abstracts of property, RPBF Moved by Evarns seconded by McCowin that the Attorney be empowered to get abstracts of said property.carried.- loved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the Mayor act as a comittee of one to interview I,sartori relative to opening up of street in North Ren ton,carried.- There being no further business Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Council adjourn,-car a City Clerk. 4130 Renton,March,5th,1912 City Council met in regular session MV or Smithers presiding,-Roll call.-Councilman Swif t,Evaa,ns, VoCowin,Storey, Hanson,Fngineer,Attorney and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular seesion were read and app- roved. Petition recieved from G.W.Custer asking for permission to use portion of alley through Block 35,for storing building material.14oved by Swift seconded by McCowin that said petition be granted,-carried.- The Claims & Accounts Uommittee foled written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills; Fred Uder 8 meals 925cts, 2.00 Renton Wdw Co Supplies 9.20 Cherrier & Parks Labor do material street lights 39.90 D Boisseau Drying hose Fire 1)ept.1-jda. 3.75 Fred Illian 11 ie 11 of 1 da 2.50 Trick & Murray Letter heads 5.25 0 K Transier Hauling; 1.40 Ind-Tel-Co Reservoir Phone . & long Die- 1.75 Treasurer ######### postage stamps 2.00 W.H.Beerman Coal 9.50 Treasurer In:reres t on Genl .Fund warrants 46.07 Wm Tonkin clerk hire for Feby 45.00 R.H.Wilson Concrete blocke & roof paper 12.05 A Peterson Lou or & material water dept. 4.60 Geo Hancock wtaer Dept 2-f da,St Dept 2 1/8 as 12.18 W Avans St Dept 4 7/8 days 12.18 T O'Leary dater Dept 8 da,St Dept,ljda, 23.12 E Auld St Dept, 3 7/8 da 9.68 L.P.Boisseau St Dept 2 da 5.00 P Lassoie Water Dept,2-,r da, St Dept,l aa, 9.37 P Dullahant St Dept, 2.'jda, 15.00 Loved by Hansen seconded by McCowin that all# bills U.K. ' be the Finance committee be ordered paid.-carried.- Ordinance Uommittee filed Britten report as follows ; That we recomend the proposed improvement on alley in Block 18 , also the sidewalk on or in Block 15, in t#e Renton Yarm Plat Add- Committee, nanseri,& McCowin, Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the report of the Ordinance committee be acceptdd and the recomandations carried,eut. carried.- Finance comhuittere asks for one more week in which to reprt on matter of adjusting salary of Treasurer & Engineer. Name granted.- Police Judge filed written report shhwing no cases in Police Court for Feby,Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that the report of the Police Judge be accepted and placed on file ,-carried. Engineer reports verbaljr on having estimates nearly ready on improvement of district west of Burnett, south of Third Ave game accepted. Moved by Swif t seconded by 2-vans that the City Attorney be instructed to draft Resolutions covering sewer,also street improvements in district reported on by the -Wngineer,carried.- Comunication from Postal -Cable 2elegraph company. Moved by Swif t seconded by McCowin that same be refered to the City Engineer to answer. Ordinance No279. An Ordinsnce grt*nting to the JeattIe Renton do Southern Railway Company, its successors and assigns ,& franchise to construct maintain and operate a street railway, in the City of Renton,Washington,and, repealing Ordinance No 277.of the City of Renton,passed and approved January 16t«,1912. Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sectikn.l;be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by 'vans 6econcted by Hansen that Sec,?.-be adopted as read. carriid. Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec-3,be adopted as read,- carried.- Moved by Uwift seconded by MCCpwin tnat Sec-4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by "vans seconded by Swift that Sec, 5-be adopted as read,- carried.- Moced by McCowin seconded by Iiansen that Sec06-be adopted a=i read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that Section,?-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by TICCowin that Sec,8-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that Sec, 9-be adopted as read, carried.- 43 ' Moved by Nana seconded by Hansen that Sec ,10-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Storey seconded bit McCowin that de, 11-be adopted as read . carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that 3ec,12 be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,13-be adopted as read, oarried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that Sec,l4-be adopted as read,- carried, - Moved by Avans seconded by McCowin that Sec ,15-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by TIcCowin # E seconded by Hansen that Sec,15-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by -'VCCowin That Sec j17 ,be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Bvans seconded by Swift that Nec ,13-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift, seconded by "vans that Sec,19-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,20-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowan seconded by Hansen that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-Poll Vote- Mccowin aye Evans aye Hansen aye Storey aye carried unanamously.- Swif t aye Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that the matter of having certain streets scraped be refered to the at & Alley committee with power to act.-carried.- Question of drafting Resolution relative to borrowing 31000.00 from the Water Fund to save paying interest on General Fund Warrants,discussed.-Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the Attorney be instructed to draft Resolution authorizing the Treasurer to borrow $1000.00 from the Water Fund,-carried.- Question of enforcement of ordinances in the City discussed.-?loved by McCowin seconded by Storey that all ordinances of the City of Renton be enforced.-carried.- 4'f3'3 Resolution prgviding for the building; of board sidewalk in front of Lot.5-Block 23 Town of Renton,read forst time. Moved by Swift second ed by Evans that said resolution be redered to the Ordinance committee ,-carrie d.- Resolution providing for the building of board sidewalk _ on portion of the west side of Main St,North,bounded on the north by Third Avenue North and on the south by Second Avenue North, read first time ,Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said resolu- tion be refered to the Ordinance committee,-carried.- RESOLUTION N095-A Providing for the imporvement of that portion of the north side of Fifth Avenue North bounded on the west by Mill St.North,and on the east by Main St.North,by the construction of ,a board s idewalk,paseed to final reading.- Moved eading.-Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that said Resolution be .adopted as read,-carried.- RESOLUTION N096-A Providing; for the improvement of an alley running north & south through Block 18 , Renton Farm Piet #3.by grading & Gravelling the samA.Moved by Swift seconded by YIcCowin that said Resolution be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that the matter of having blank ordinances & resolution printed be turned over to the Purchasing Agent to call for bids .-carried.- Application for water connection from E.A.-Fuller Helliker Acre Tract read.-Moved by Hansen seconded by McCowin that said application be refered to the Fire & Water Uommittee,- carried.- 4oved by Swift seconded by Evans that the matter of having pokes set for Eduse light service on Whitworth St,be ref- erect to the Fire Light & Water. Committee ,-carried.- There being no further business Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Council adjourn,-carried. c,-C-"._ City Clerk. Renton,Varch,12th,191 ! City Council met in regular session Mayor Smi thers Presiding,- Roll Call.-Councilman Swift,Store,y,Dobson.,Evans ,McCowin Hansen,Engineer,Attorney and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read acid app- roved. Claims & Accounts Committee filed. written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills; Seattle Tacoma Power Co, Ligh tel 122.00 McPherson Bro' s ktate� ial for fire Dept 5. 50 m " " 3.70 Wm Kane Material for lights 6.80 State 100' liquor licenses , to Wm Tonkin, Treas, 635.00 Mass ,Bonding Co 38 .00 Pacific Tel-& Tel Co .25 W.C.D.Edwards Stationery 1.65 R IVood Bale Hay for Pound 1.25 Fred Peacock Filling bad glace in street 5.00 City of Seattle +� mater 18.10 Joe Lenz epairing road under Mill St,Bridge 5.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hzsen that all bills O.K' d by the finance committee be ordered paid,-carried.- 'The Iftys & Means committee to whom was refered the matter of salaries report as follows ; We recommend that all City officials under salary be paid no more than stipulated by ordinance ,we also recommInd that new ordinances be drafted for purpose of raising Lhe marshalls salaries from " X580.00 to $85.00 per month,an## ordinance defining the duties of the City 'Treasurer and increasing salary from $30.00 to $75.00 per month. Moved by Hansen seconded by McCowin that the report of the ways & Means Committee be accepted and the recomendations in same be carried out, -varried.-» Ordinance committee riled written report recomending that ordinances be drafted covering resolution providing for the improvement of the south side of Block 15,Renton blarm Plat,also alley through Block 18 .Moved by llobson seconded by zvans that said report be accepted and recomendations ir. same carried out. carried .- Moved by Swift seconded by 1)obson that the Ordinance granting franchise to the Seattle Lighting Company be taken from the table and paafsed to final reading,-carried.- ReBF 4t' i5 Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that Section 1-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by ;swift that Sec,2-be adopted ad read,- carried.- Moved by :swift seconded by Dobson that *ec,3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by JUvans seconded by Dobson tnat 6ec ,4-be adopted as read, carried .- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec,5-be adopted as read. varried.- Moved by Bwdit seconded by Owif t that Oex,6-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by .fvans that Sec,7j be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that zjec ,6 ,be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by owift seconded by Hansen that oec, 9-be adopted ;AB read, carried.- eliminated, Moved by uwift seconded by Dobson that Sec ,10-be # € ## d ca.rried.- ammended and Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that oec,ll-be adopted as/read, carried.- Xoved by Dobson seconded by ffvans that oec, 1.2-be adopted as read, carried,- Yovd by Dobson seconded by bwift that !-�ec,l3. be- adopted as read, carried.- Moved by mcCowin seconded by &vans that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as ammended and read, -Bole vote- McCowin aye Storey aye ijobson aye Hansen Aye Swift aye 1Jvans aye Carried unanimously.- Question of she proper disposition of money collected for the paving discussed.- Moved oy -:vans seconded by McCowin that the. Treasurer be authorized to pay to the Denny Renton Clay & uoal -ompany,cahh not exceeding $19000.00 on proper order signed by 'Troutman & YQung Contrators ,and Bonding Company and passed on by the City Attorney. carried.- ) Resolution No 99-A authorizing the payor and city clerk to draw a warrant in the sum of $1000,00 on the water rund payable to the Genaral Y,und,Yoved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the Resolution be adopted as read,-carried.- Resolution No 100-A providing for board sidewalk on portion of rifth -givenue north,between blain & Well :it,North , Moved by Serif t seconded by Evans that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee,-carried.- Resolution No 101-A providing for the grading & grovelling of alley through Block 18 Renton Farm Plat No 3. Moved by uw ft seconded by Dobson that said resolution be refered to the ordinance committee ,-carried.- Resolution No 102-A ordering the improvement of 3rd ,Ave- bounded on the east by east line of Morris St,and on the west by the west dine of ►jhattuck Ut,Fourth Avenue on the east by the Buxtnett Stand on west by east line WhitworthSt.Burnett ot, Smi triers ut,w Morris ots,bounded on the north by south line of Third Avenue and on south by north line of C,&,P.S.Ry,by grading gravelling and guttering same ,Moved by Swift seconded by zvans that said resolution be refered to the ordinance committee,-carried.- Resolution No 103-A ordering the improvement of. Third Avenue West bounded on the east by the center line of Burnett 5t, and on the west by the east line of Morris St.by grading paving and curbing the same .-Moved by Swift seconded by jevans that said resllu tion be refered to the ordinance committee, carried.- Resolution ordering the improvementof the west side of Main street North between Mrd Ave-lvortn and wnd,Ave-North,passed to second reading, Laved Dy Liwift seconded by McCowin that 5ec,lbe adopted as read, carried.- Moved by -&vans seconded by Dobson chat oec,2,be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Lonson seconded by McCowin that Sec ,3, be adopted �ts read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that `'ec ,4,be adopted as read carried.- Moved by 13wift seconded by liobson that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carrded.- Resolution ordering rhe improvement of the east side of Williams ot. in front of Lot 6,Block 23,Original Plat of. the Town of iu Renton,by Board sidewalk passed to second reading.- Moved by 8wif t seconded by McCowin that oec,1,be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by 6wift that Sec,2,be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that 6ec,3,be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by vobson that Sec, 4,be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that the nesolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the uity ulerk be instructed to advertize for the City printing for the ensuing year carried.- Moved by Lobson seconded by Evans that clerk furnish newspaper with a copy of the minuets of the Council free of charge, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the Purchasing Agant be authorized to purchase a five ton jack to be used on the Street flusher,-carried.- Purchasing agent states that he ordered 200, sidewalk boxes for water cut offs , at 30cts each. Moved by Swift seconded by otorey that the purchasing -agent be ordered to purchase dump cart and six extrs gi;bage cans to be used in cleaning streets,-carried.- Therd being no further ousiness moved by owift seconded by atorey that -council adjourn,-carried.- it clerk 438 8 Renton,RTsa rch.19 01,1912. City Council rret -in regul-�r session Z.ayvr Smi thers pre sidinG.- Roll C"" ---Councilman i1"ansen,Swif t,Dobson,Evans C.i,ke ,McCowin,EnGineer,Attorney -and Clerk being present, -' Minuets of the last re€;uly session were re and approvcd.- Petition recieved from property owners in Block 6. in the orie nal Plat of Lhe 'Town of Renton ,asking for an alley ten (10)feet in width through said B1ock,Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the petition be recieved and plx,.ced on file ,-carried. Petition recieved from David M Jones asking; Council to transfer the unexpired portion of retail liquor license of the saloon known as the "'Third Raiil"to Henry Koster , Moved by Cake seconded by Swif t that said petition be refered to the license Committee , -carried.- Applications for sewer connections for t�hc following property read, -Lot, 5-Bloc k, 17 Town Renton,R Gieldse th. o vaier, Lot,18 ,Block,27 ,Jacob Mazey, owner,Lo t, 7 Block,180"arry Knipe, owner Lot,4 ,B1ock, 1:�,J,MeCo,y, oriner,Lo t, 6,Block, 10,t'rm, 'rim,owner, Moved by Dobson seconded by LTcCowin that said applica- tions for sewer connection: be accepted and granted.-carried .- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Council suspend the regular order of business and hear Mrs Douglas relative to securing Public Library for the City of Renton,carrie.d.- Finance Committee filed written report on having; examined %nd recomending payment of the following bilis ; W9Evan s Labor 19.68 P Dullah;�.nt teaming; 43.50 Geo Hancock ldbor. 21.87 T OLeary to 20.93 L.P.Boisseau it b .00 P L-assoie it 16.25 R Bans tine ija rtcelularshall 6.00 Denny Renton C R C Co Gravel 7.20 Loved by rjcCowin :seconded by Hansen that all bills 0 K' d by the Finance committee be ordered paid, -carried.- Police ?e License Committee filed written report on Petition for transferal of D.M.Jones liquor license,as follows ; We recomend that the pe ti tdan for transferal of license '.Third P.-til Saloon" be trarrfnred from D.I4i.Jones to Henry Nos ter, Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that She report of the License Committee be recieved and placed on file and the recomendati®ns in same carried out,-carried.- An Ordinance e.,tablishing the salary to be paid to the Day Marshall, the Night Uarshall and the Treasurer in the City of Renton,read first time .11oved by Dobson :seconded by Evans that :said ordinance be refered to Lhe Ordinance committee .-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that the City proceed to dig ditch on Mill St,North from -�hird "venue to Sixth Avenue North at -an approximate cost of $55,00 same to be charged against the property when the improvement district is formed to grade and grieve l said sttee is ,sa.id work to be under the super- vision of the City Engineer,-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that the City charge '— property owners 50ets for cut off boxes ,and shere a new connection is put in that the charge be $3 .50 instead of $3.00 if A Cut off box is installed.-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by McCewin that matter relative to Public Library be refered to the Ways & Means Committee , they to report back to the Council.-earried.- Resolution providing for the improvement of that paw tion by grading gravelling and Gutterin& siumc/ of Williams St,North/bounded on the south by Qommeeciii Waterway ')istrict No .Z.Et Alread first time .-Mo cd by Dobson seconded by McCowin that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance 'omnmi ttee carried.- Resolution providing for t,je improvement of portions of ... First ave- tor th,Dill ""t North, "e cond Ave-North ,Third Avenue North Fourth Ave ,North,Piggott Ave,GaI ave ,Sixth Ave ,North,l.'readow St. F,ic tory S t,by Grading,gravelling; and guttering same read f i rs t time.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swif t that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance Committee, -carried.- Resolution providing; for the improvement of pardons of 4/ 4k / l - eawt side of Shattuck: S t, eKs t & west side of Whitworth :t. 1'orris S t,"mi thers S t, a,nd the west ride of Burnett S t, bounded on Lhe north by the south line of T, ird Ave ,:ind on the South by the north line of the C & P S Ry.by the construction of lateral sewers . read first time .-Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that said resolution be refered co the ©:rdinance Committee , -carried.- Resolution providing for the improvement portions of `Williams 10t,Fif th Ave ,omi thera St,County itoad by grading curbing and p-ttvirL; same read first time ,ticved by vans seconded by Swift that said resolution be refered to Uie Ordinance Committee, -carried Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Resolutions No, 100-A,101-A, 102-A,103-A be laid over one week to allow ordinance committee to report on same ,-motion lost,-game passed to final reading.- Resolution No .100-A providing for the improvement of portion of north side of Fif th Ave ,North bounded on the west by 'dell St, Nor th and on the east by1- in a t.North by the construction of a board sidewalk r ptul;med to final reading,- Moved by Evans :seconded by McCowin that Sec ,l-be adopted read, -carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that theResolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carricd.- Resolution No.101-A Providing for the improvement of an alley running; through Block 18 ,Renton Farm Plat NO.3.by grading and gravelling same passed to final reading,- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that Sec ,l-be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the Resolution be 'jdoptE:; a a whole as read,-carried.- Resolution No,102-A ordering the improvement of Fourth Ave ,boended on the east by Burnett k'y't,and on the west by the east lime of Whitworth 6t,Burnett,St,umitherfs ,at,& Morris `'t, bounded on the north by the south line of Third 'eve-,and on the south by the north line of the C & P S Ry by grading,gravelling and guttering the same ,passed to final rea,ding.- Yoved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec, l-be adopted as read carried,- 441 Gloved by Dobson seconded by Swift that Sec,2-be adopted ar, rest carried.- Moved by Swift :seconded by Dobson that Jec ,3-be adopted as read calried.- Yoved by Swift secorid ed by Dobson that Ser. , 4-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin .seconded by Dobson that the Resolution be adop ted as a whole as read.-c rried.- Resolution. Ilo ,103-A,ordering the improvement of Third Ave ,West hounded on the east by the center line of Burnett St,a.s platted and shown in they Or&,final Pl,t of the Town of Renton,and on th west by the east line of Shattuck. Street,by &rading,p:4ving and curbing the same,passed to final reading.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Secl,be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by IrTcCowi n that Sec ,2-be adopted as rd read.-carried.- Loved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec, '-be adipted as read,-c4rried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec, 4-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by McCewin seconded by Dobson that the resolutio; . be adopted as a whole as read, -# ##.## -Poll Vote- McCowin ;Vre Cake -tye Evans aye Hansen no Swift aye Dobson aye 5 ayes ,l no , carried.- There beim; no further business moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Council adjourn, -carried.- Ci djourn, -ca.rried.- Ci ty Clerk. 1. �d Renton, March,26th,1912 City Council met in regul:4r session Mayor Cmithers presidink;, -Roll call.-Councilman Hansen,Storey,Swift,Dobson,Evans McCowin,Eng inner l'ttorney and Clerk being; present,- Minucis of the last regular session were read Rnd approved ,- "pplication for sewer connection .from,Lot, ll ,Block 37 L.Kuestinc , owner,Lot 10 ,Block,2-Motor line ,T.H.Williams .owner, Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that said applica- tions be granted ,-carried. - Moved by Swift seconded by Eva.ris that Lhe regular order of business be suspended and that we hear from W.H. lroutman relative to paving matter.-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to draw a Warrant in favorof Caine Grimohaw Co*not to exceed $4000. 00 -carried.- Moved by Cwif t .seconded by Dobson that the City Clerk be aut'riorized to issue bonds for amount of unpaid assessments for paving Etc ,##### as ordered under Ordinance No 251 .and included in Local Improvement District No 33. same to date: from "iarcho26i A.D.1912. carr ied.- Claim,-, & Iccounts Committee filed written report as folie laws ;recomend ing payment of the following bills , Post Office Box rent for Quarter .35 City of 6ea,ttle, Cut Off boxes Cy 30cts each 60.00 H Parks labor & material on ligh, ^ys tem 7.30 t'enton Lumber Co Lumber, for work shop 94.25 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that all bill O.K' d by the Finance Cornittee be ordered paid , -carried . - Ordinance No 281. An Ordinance establishing the salary to be paid to the clay Marshall, the night Marshall and the Treasurer in the City of Renton,wJa:t ington ,and repealing; all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provision:, hereof.p?,scd to final readift; Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that 3ec ,1-be adopted 777a xeol,6 r Z ,z 27s -Y"flf7 sec 7- as as read. carried.- be ado fi Z-5 j"eQcl Cary/&,;;1— Moved by Evans seconded by Dob.00n that 'ec,J-be amended Lo read, that after the 1st day of January A.D.1913 the City treasurer shall recieve a salary of $75.00 per month,provided hwaever , that he shall work eight hour- each day at said work. , y } r Poll rote on amendment.- r t o r e Y Aye Dobson Aye Evans Aye McCowin No Swif t Aye Hanse n No "mendment carried,- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec, 3-be adopted :as -.mended. -carried .- Moved by Swif i seconded by McCowin that ec ,4-be adopted as read, -carried.- Moved ead, -carried.- Moved by Evans se conded by Swif t that Sec, 5-be adopted as read .-carried -- � A Moved by McCxainVthat the Ordinance be adopted as a Ahole as amended and read , -carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that the St.103upt,be instructed to move City toilet.so as, to allow the Sheet Flusher to be put in burn.-carried.- Resolution NoIG4providing for -the improvement of Renton Averrae by paving, Etc, read first time ,-Moved by "'wift seconded by Dabson that said Resolution be refered to the Ordinance co,nnittee.-carried.- Resolution No 109-A urging; immediate construction by the City ofS eattle of that portion of. Rainier Boulevard in the City of -Battle connecting, with State Road No 7. Moved by Dobson seconded by owift that aecl-be %dopted as read.- Moved ead.- Moved by Dobson seconded by '�%ift that the Reslution be a.dop ted as read.-carried.- Resolution ead.-car. ried.-Resolution No x.04-A providing for lateral sewers in District No 28 ,passed to f&nal reading,- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec,l-be adopted a^ read .-carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec, 2-be adopted as read.-carried .- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec, 3-be -adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by 'vans seconded by Dobson that Sec ,4-be adopted as read ,-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as rFa3. -carried.- Resoluti.on No 105-A providin for the improvement of �7illiams that portion of f##�# Street, as plated and shown in t}-ie orioin.a.l Plat of the Town of Rcnton,bounded on thenorth by the south line of Fourt;h Avenue, and on the South by the South line of Fifth Avenue ,Fifth Avenue on the East by Ifest line of Williams St. Smi thers St on the nor+.i by the south line of Fifth Ave nue , on south by the north line of County Road,by grading paving and cur btng.-passed to final reading. Mored by Evans seconded by Dobson .1x t Sec ,1 be St. amended to read , instead of 1illiann Street ti.at Burnett/as plated and shorn in the original Flat of the Town of Renton from Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue be paved,11oved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec ,l-bc adopted as amen.dcd ,carried.* Moved by- Evans seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by -Evrms that Sec-3-be adopted a- read .-carried .- Vovcd by Evans : econded by Dobson that Sec-4+-bc ado;otcd as read .- carried.-Roved by Dobson recon.ded by Swift that ,###, the Resolution be adopted as amended and read, -carried.- Resolution No 106-A providing; for grading,gravelling q.ndguttering of certain streets in North Renton a:-, outlined in said Resolution.pa^sed to final ading.- by 'vans seconded by Dobson t-,-at Scc-1-be tidupted ac recta.-cgrried.- Roved by VeCotivin seconded by Dobson that Sec,2-be adopteu a,.; react.-carried.- :6ioved by .LcCowin seconded by Lvans that Sec-3-be adopted as rea.d .-carried.- Yoved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec-4-be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by McCoviin seconded by Dobson that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read, -carried.- Resolution No 107-A providin6 for the grading, g2x4velling and guttering of certain n treets as outlined in said Resolution passed to final reading.- Moved by McCoviin seconded by Swift that Sec-1-be adopted as read.-carricd.- ReBF Yoved by McCowin .seconded by Swift that aec, 2-be adopted as read.-carricd.- Moved by Evans seconc.cd by Dobson that Cec,3-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Mhe ,4-bc ■-- adopted as read.-carried .- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the resolution be adopted as a whole as read.-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that matter of allowing Mr Padden to fence across end of certain street in North Renton,be refered to the .'street & Alley Committee .-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an Ordinance making the minimum wage scale in the City of Renton $2.50 per day of eight houres ,also that contractors not be a,llovied to pay less .carried.- There being no further bu-,iness Moved by Evans ceconded#0 by McCowin that City Cuncil adjourn,-carried.- C_ City Clerk. R a. 1 446 t s� r Ren ton, '�pril,2,nd,1912. ?� r •.. ov,: t .3 t City Council *net in regular session 1Aayo: ami therw prAsid.ing,-Roll call.-Councilman H.a,nsen,Cake ,Swift,McCowin, Attorney and Clerk being present.- Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that we suspend the regular order of business and hear from Mr Hall relative to matter of streets and road beink; in bad condition leading; to the 6ountry C1ub,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift Lhaat matter of fixing bad holes in Smithers 3 t, and `third t►venue west be refered to the at. and Alley "ommi ttee with power to act.carried.- Petition recieved from Jos Covey,rclative to removal of telegrapli pole in front of his property at corner of Well St. & Walla 'Halla. Av:Tue , stating th=at lie will allow the R,--R Cc to place a bracket upon his building provided said pole is removed. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition be granted. Claims & Accounts Committee filed written report on having examined :and recomending payment of the following bills ; L1 co Hancock a day on s trects 1.25 P Dullahant 27- days on s tree to with team 16. 50 P Lassoie lj days on streets 3.75 T OLeary water dept,3 - da.streets 2' days 15.62 'catkin Evans water dept,2 da,street dept,2 da, 10.00 Kenton Lumber Cc 1 map cabinet for Engineer, 10.00 Seattle for water Big meter ,10.35,Highland "dd, 18 .60 28 .95 0 K Transfer Co, boxes „j rick L Gar,cans , 3.65 A Peterson streetvept,50. cts ,water dept, 2.00 2.50 H Weber filing 2 hand saws `'ater dept, .50 Priebe Bro' s 3t 1Uept,1.50 ,nater dept, ;.00 3.50 Ind Tel 0o rcaerviir phone 1.50 L.dis,20 1.70 Jaas Flynn advance on freight gar, cans,& wagon .65 H H Beerrnan load coal for jail 4.75 Treasurer interest on General Fund Warrants 2.11 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that all bille 0 K14 by the finance committee be ordered pra.id,-carr. ied.- Police Judge filed written report for the month of 11�arch,Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that a-aid report be ,.ticcep ted.-cairied.- Strest Gup L,filed written report for the quarter ending Iiarch 31st, 1912. Moved by 3wif t seconded by Cake that the report of the St Supt,be refered to the `Town Prdpert -y co.inittee , carried.- Treasurer filed written roport for the quarter ending j ReBFEd 1 March 31et,1912.Moved by Cake seconded by MoCowin that the report be accepted and refered to the Finance committee,-carried.- City Clerk filed written report for the quarter ending iwarch 31et91912.Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report of the Clerk be accepted and refered to the Finanee committee carried.- Communication recieved from the Mayor setting forth his reasons for vetoing Ordinance 281,Moved by cake seconded by Swift that said communication b e recieved and placed on file.-carried. question of Joe Covey moving from wooden building to new brick relative to transferal of license discuseed;tioved by Cake seconded by Swift that Mr Covey be permitted to move without a special license or transferal.carried.- Resolution No-110-A providing for the improvement of the alley running north & south through Block 5-Kenton .Farm Plat, by grading & gravelling same,read first time.Moved by ''wif t seconde by McCowin that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committ ee-.carried.- Attorney Houser acks what petition for paving Renton "ven ue-Et-al be laid over one week.Moved by Dake seconded by Swift that said petition be laid over one more week,-carried.- Bid recieved from the Renton Journal for the City Legal i printing for the ensuing year recieved.Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that said bid be refered to the Finance committee,-carried.- Resolution No 111-A providing for the improvement of j a portion of the west aide of Cedar Street abutting; upon Lot 18 Block 5, in the original plat of the Town of renton,by the cons- truction of a board sidewalk thereon in conforfity to the provi- sions of Ordinance No 39.of the City of Fenton,rea,d first and T�assed to final reading,-Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the .,. resolution be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by C.%ke seconded by 'Jwif t that R.S.Harris be notified to remove obstruction from sidewalk## on Cedar ''t,between 4th & 5th tivenue.wi thin 48 hours, carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Stupt,be ins truete to put down Mr Harris sidewalk at once,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Sake that the Attorngy be i instructed to drafl, <<n ordin=:ince providing for a deputy Treasurer. 14oved by Swift seconded by Cake that the Clerk be allowed $10.00 per month for j ;initar services .-carried.- There being no further business Moved by Surift seconcled by Cake that Council Adj ourn.-carried.- a city c]e rk. Note.- April 2nd being date of protest on improvement of Ua,in St NorLh between 2nd & 3rd,Avenue by board eidewalk as per I:esolution No 97-Aga&so for the improvement of portion of Williams St,in front of Lot 6 Flock 23 in tic orik;inal plat of the Town of Benton by board sidewalk as per Resolution No 98-A. I hereby report teat I rccieved no protests against said improvements ; A.W.Ticknor , City Clerk. F 449 Renton,Anril 9th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding,-Roll call.-Councilman "ansen,Swift,Cake ,Dobson,Storey McCowin,Evans ,Atto.rney,Engineer and Clerk being present. Minuets &f the last regular session were read and approved. '— petition recieved fron R.S.Iiarris asking Council for permission to grade portion of 6treet in frontof. Lots 16-17-Block 5.Town of Renton,at his own expense,provided he is allowed credit for said work when the whole street is graded, Loved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition of Mr Harrin be refered to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act.carried.,- Protest recieved from property owners on Third Avenue West against the proposed gradin; & paving of said street. Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that said protest be refered to the St & Alley committee, to be investigated as to whether or not a majority of the property owners have signed said pe ti tion.Poll vote-Dobson, aye Swift Aye Cake Aye Storey Aye Hansen Aye Evanffi Aye McCowin Aye Carried unanamously. Protest recieved from property owners afdbted by the pro posed paving of Renton Avenue et-al. Moved by Cake seconded by'rSwif t that said petition be laid over until proper time to be presented.-carried.- Finance Committee filed written report recomending payment of the following bills, G Harr ner Labor 1. 50 H Donaldson of 1.25 G Hasner & J.Lenz 50.00 '- rick & Murray printing 18 .75 Pacific Tel & tei Co .55 a J C Shook witnesses fees 2.20 Int-on General Fund Warrans t 25.00 .,� P.S.T.L & P Co light for march 126.00 { -deal & Co Garbage wagon & Cans 48 .00 Beal & Co Flusher 1250.00 Remington Typewriter Co repair of. Machine 1.25 Renton Hdw 'Co supplies 8 .70 E P Jamison Co 5 ton jack 8 .25 Osborne Tremper Co Abstract 22.00 Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that all bills 0 K' d by the finance committee be paid ,-carried.- Ways & Means, Corrznittee filed written report as follows ; Ife your committee on Ways & Means to whom was refered the matter of a public library#beg leave to report that we have given this matter consideration and believe this City can guarantee a maintainence fend of x;1000.00 per year for a 19ublic Library. Committee 3wif t,Dobson,Evans. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the report of the Ways & Means Committee be recieved and placed on file and that this City Council go on record as being in favor of approp- riating $1000.00 for maintainence of a Public Library. Carried unanamously- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that notice be given calling a public meeting for purpose of disclosing the matter of a Public Library in the City of Renton,carried.- 'Nater Supt,filed report asking for supplies, Loved by McCowin seconded by vans that the purchasing agent be instructed to purchase any supplies needed by the Water & St, Supt. -carried.- Ordinance No 284,, creating the office of deputy Treasurer, .read first ti-mes ,Pdoved by Swift seconded by Evans that said ordinanc be refered to the Ordinance Com:ni ttee,-carried.- Ordinance No 2035- Fixing the minimum wage scale to paid by the City of Renton,read first time.Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that said ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee,-carried. Ordinance No 2,8 2- Providing for the improvement of the went side of Main St,North between 2nd & 3rd Avenue North by borad sidewalk read first time.-Moved by Evans seconded by Cake that said ordinance be refered to the Ordinance committee.-carried.. Ordinance No 283- providing for the improvement of the east side of Williams St,abutting upon the west line of Lot 6- Block 23 in the original plat of the Town of Renton,by board sidewalk read ..r Itirst time ,-Moved by Cake seconded by Evans that said ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee,-carried.- �iLL 1 RTF Resolution No 112-A providing for the improvement of that portion of Main St,bounded on the north by Fourth `venue and on the south by the City limitm by grading and gravelling the same read first time .-Moved by Cake recon ed by Swift that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee,-carried.- Resolution No 113-A providing for the improvement of portion of south side of Fourth Avenue North between Main St north & Garden St by board sidewalk read first time ,-Moved by "vans seconded by Dobson that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee carried.- Resolution No 114-A providing* for the improvement of a portion of the east side of Main St North between 3rd, & 4th Avenue North by board sidewalk reed first time.-Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance 00mmi ttee carried.. ,Resolution No 115-A providing for the improvement of the alley running north & south through Block (16) Renton Farm Plat by grading and gravelling the same read first time.Moved by Evans seconded by Dbbson that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance commi tte e,-carried,- Resolution No 110-A providing for the improvement of the alley running north and south through the center of Block (5) Renton darm Plat by grading,and gravelling she same passed to final reading.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,lbw adopted as read. carried. - Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec-2-be adopted as ssad. carried.- Movc d by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried. Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that the resolution be adopted as a whole as read,carried.- Hugo Kelley addressed the Council relative to the ownership of small plot of land where the public fountain stands states that the Seattle Renton & Southern Ry Co wishes to build a waiting room and comfort station if said plot can be secured Mnvpd i"Itr Awif t fiarrrinAabA b%v T)-Ina^r, +1,n+ 3d,. Kel l —.. --4.— a -- invitation to the President of the Company to address. the Council on this matter,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the question of sew►ering of property above Cedar St,be refered to the St g Alley cOMmittee and City Attorney.carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the sidewalk on Williams St belonging to Hays & Jones be put back at once by the St Supt,unless said parties intend to start to lay a cement walk , if so further time will be granted.-carried. - Moved by Cake seconded by Swif t that the St Suet, instruct property owners in front of Lot 9-block 22 to fix sidewalk. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council adjourn. carried.- Note.- April 9th 1912 being the date set for protest on Resolution Ido 100-A 1.01-A 102-.A 103-A I hereby report that I recieved protest against Resolution No 103-A but none against the other three ,A.W.I'icknor City Clerk. f 453 Renton,April 16th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers Presiding.-Roll call. -Councilman Swif t,Cske ,Evans ,McCowin,Storey iiansen,hngineer,Attorney and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Petition recieved from property owners asking that the Council take necessary steps to have Morgan Drive improved by widening the same to a full width of forty feet. Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that said petition be recieved and refered to the St & Alley corrnittee,-carried.- Remonstrance recieved from property owners against improvement of streets as outlined in Resolution No 106-A recieved Moved by Evans seconded by Cake that said remonstrance be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- Protest recieved against improvement of streets as outlined in Resolution No 105-A,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that said protest be refered to the St & Alley Committee to be investigated.-carried.. Claims & Accounts Committee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills ; Renton Herald Printing Hugo Kelly, 71.00 Geo Liebee stationery .60 Jos Edwards car fare . 55 W H Deerrnan load coal 4.75 Fred Uder meals to prisoners 7.00 "enton Herald printing R.J .Pittie 3.20 P Lassoie labor 6. 56 P Dullaha,nt teaming 42.00 Geo Hancock labor 14.06 T OI.e ary " 1$.18 J H Jones " 11.56 J L Jones " 1.25 W Evans 11.25 Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake Viat all bill 0 K' d by .. the Finance committee be ordered paid -carried.- Claims M Accounts Committee-to whom was refered to matter of bid for City printing from Renton Herald report as follows ; We find that -the price bid on City printing by the Herald will increase the cost of City printing from llcts per inch for lst insertion to 30ets ,and from llets per inch 0#00. to # ## ## 20cts for second insertion, While this may seem an exorbitant price never the less from what we can learn from t investigation it is much lower than other citied are paying. We recormend that the bid be accepted; Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that the report of the Claims & Accounts Committee relative to printing be accepted and placed on file and recomendations carried out.-carried.- Ordinance Committee filed written report on Ordinance No 285,providing for a minimum wage scale, " follows ; We recomend the passage of the ordinance with the following ammendment; The minimum scale for team ,,,nd driver shall be 46.00 x-er day of eight (8) hours. Koved by Evans seconded by Hansen that the report of the corrni ttee be accepted and placed on file and the recomenda- tions carried out.-carried.- Ordinance Committee filed written report on Ordinance No 284,as follows ; hawing examined Ordinance No 284 ,providing for the appointment of a deputy Treasurer at $ 45.00 per month,would recormnend the passage of same. ?loved by McCowin seconded by Storey that the report of the committee be laid on the table,Poll Vote- McCowin yes "ansen no Smithers no Evans yes Uwif t no Storey yes Cake no it being tie vote Mayor Smithers cast the deciding vote against the motion. Motion lost. Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the report of the committee be accepted and recommendations carried out Poll Vote- McCowin no Hansen yes Smithers yes Evans No Swift yea Storey no Cake yes It being tie vote Mayor � Smithers cast the deciding vote in favor of the motion,Motion carried.- St & Alley Committee report verbally on petition of P S Harris for permission to grade portion of Cedar St,are willing to grant petition provided clause in same is stricken out allowing Harris credit for amount of dirt removed,when the whole street is gra.ded.Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the report of the Coyarittee be accepted and petition granted under the conditions set forth by the St & Alley Corrrnittee,-carried.- ReBF 455 St & Alley Committee report verbally on matter of allow- ing R R Co to put in drain at intersection of Walla Walla Avenue & Burnett St,City Engineer to notify Co, to put in game . St & Alley Committee asks for more time on protest against paving of Third Avenue West,sam a granted.- An Ordinance providing for the issuance of Local Impro- vement bonds under and by virtue of Local Improvement listrict No 33. interduced and passed to final reading.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carfied.- ORDINANCE NO--- providing for the improvement of portion of the north side of Fifth Avenue as outlined in Resolution No 100-A read first time,-Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that same be refored to the Ordinance Committee ,-car.ried.- ORDINANCE NO --- providing for the improvement of alley through Block 18 Renton Farm Plat as outlined in Resolution No 101-A read first time ,Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that same be refered to the Ordinance Committee,-carried.- 01MINAIXE NO---providing, for the improvement ofportion of Fourth Avenue ,Burnett at,Smithers St Morris St as outlined in Resolution No 102-A read first time .Moved by McCowin secon&ed by Evans that saime be referent to the Ordinance Committee, -carried.- Ordinance No --- providing for the improvement of Third Avenue West by paving laid over,- ORDINANCE NO 282 providing for the improvement of the west side of main St North as outlined in Resolution No 97-A passed to final reading,- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,l be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec-2-be adopted as rend.-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-3-be adopted as read,-carried. Loved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec-4-be adopted as read.carried. Moved by Storey seconded by Evans that Sec-5-be adopted as read.carried.- x-56 Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Ordinance No 283 providing for the improvement of portion of Williams Stas outlined in Resolution No 98-A passed to final reading.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,l-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec,2-be adopted as read. carried. Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that Sec, 4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sec, 5-be adopted as read, carried.- " Moved by McCowin that Ordinance providing for a deputy Treasurer be laid on the table ,Motion lost- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that Sec ,l-of Ordinance providing for the office of deputy Treasurer be adopted as read,earried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that Sec,2,be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that Sec, 4-be adopted as read carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Hensen that Sec,S-be adopted as read carried. Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that the Ordinance be adopted as rdad,carried.- Resolution providing for the improvement of Morgan' s Drive by widening the same to 40feet read first time , Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance Co=mittee ,-carried.- ]loved by Cake seconded by McCowin that ordinance providing for minimum wage scale be laid over one week to be amore nded,-carried.- RESOLUTION NO 108-A providing for the improvement of Renton Avenue portion of Third Avenue,& Section St by grading guttering and ReBF paving same,zammended by striking out the paving clause ,and passed to final reading,- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that 6ec-1-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Bake seconded by Swift that Sec,2-be adopted as read, carr ied.- .... Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec-4-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec-5-be adopted as read, carried .- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that 6ec-6-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- PESOLUTJON NO 112-A providing for the imrr ovement of that portion of ###### Main St bounded on the north by Fourth Avenue and on the south by the City limits ,passed to final reading, Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Sec-1-be adopted as read, ' carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec-2-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-3-be adopted as read, carried, Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec,4-be ad;,pted as rea.,' ,-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- RRSOLUTJON NO 113-A passed to final reading, Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that Sec,l-be adopted as read carried. Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that 6ec,2-be adopted as read carried, Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-4-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved by Evans 6econded by Swift that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Resolution No 114-A(VOID) RESOLUTION NO 115-A passed to final reading,- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec,lbe adopted a as read,-carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,2ebe adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried. Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-4. -be adopted as read carried.- Movcd by McCowin seconded by Evans that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read.-carried.- Councilrr_an Evans agrees to give gravel from site of to City his new building/free provided haul is not to great. April 16th being date set for hearing protests against Resolutions No 104-A,105-A, 106-A,107-A,I recieved protest against 105-A and 106-A,none against 104-A & 107-A,A.VI. Tlcknor, City Clerk. There being no further business moved by Swift seconded by Cake to adjourn.carried.- r City Clerk. 1 PeBF Renton,April 23rd, 1912 City Council :net in regullir session Mayor Smithers presiding,-Roll Call,-Councilman Swift,Cake ,Dobson,Hansen,Stroey McCowin,Zvans ,Engineer Attorney and Clerk b eiiag present.- Minuets resent.-Minuets of the last regular session were read and appro-ved. Applicatio,o for sewer connection was granted to the following property, ;Lot 11 Blcok 28 Town of Renton,O.H.Priebe, owner Lot 6 B1ocK,25 J. 0?Marlow.Lot 2 Block 31 Smither 1st Add-H Ioppini Agent, Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that said petitions for sewer by granted,-carried.- Street and A7.1ev `'ommi ttee filed written report on paving Third Avenue West as follows ; We recommend -the paving of Third Avenue West from the west side of Burnett Street to the west side of Morris Street,& recommend the grading & gravelling of Third Avenue from the west side of Morris S t, to the west side of Shattuck St. Moved by Dobs&n seconded by Swift that the report of the committee be recieved and placel on file and tlee recomenda- tions carried out,-carried.- Ordinance No 290- providing for lateral sewers in certain streets read first time,-Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said Ordinance be ref eyed to the Ordinance Committee,-carried.- Ordinance No 291 came up for first reading,providing for the paving grading & curbing of certain streets as outlined in said Ordinance ,Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Ordinance No 291 be laid on the table onc! week, -carried.- Ordinance No 292 providing for the improvement of certain street as outlined in said ordinance came up for first reading,-?,loved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Ordinance No 292 be laid over one week,-carried. Ordinance No 293 providing for the improvement of portion of certain streets as outlined in said ordinane read,Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that ordinance No 293 be refered to the Ordinance Committee , -carried.- Ordinance No 286- providing fo, the improvement by board sidewalk of portion of sertain street as outlined in said ordinance passed to final reading.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evens that Sec,l-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans Seconded by McCowin that :ec ,2-be adapted as read carried.- Moved by Dobsin seconded by Evans that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Cake that Sec,4-be adopted as read carried.- Mowed by Dobson seoonded by Cake that Sec,5-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as mad,ocarried.- Ordinance No 285, providing fox the fixing; of a minimum wage scale to be pilid rby-'the:.City of Renton passed to fin.-il reading. Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that Sec-1-be adapted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec,2-be ad.;pted as reqd carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that #### Sec,3-be adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by ITcCowin that sec, 4 be adapted as rend carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec, 5-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Evans that Sec ,n-be adopted .aq Hemi., carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read.-carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that we suspend the regular order of business and hear from Mr Stratton Attorney for the C & P S Ry Co relative to removing pole line from the north side or Walla Walla Avanue to the south side of said Street. carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the ordinan ce interduced and read first time relative to this matter be taken RPBF �F from the table and refered to the Ordinance Committee they to report back to the Council next meeting night,-carried,- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Clerk look up ordinance granting franchise to C & P S Ry to spur track on Burnett St.carried.- Communication recieved from Commercial Waterway Dist, No 2.relative to the necessity of building new brigges in the near future ,across Cedar River, Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that the communi- cation be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations carried out,-carried.Mayor Smi thers refers the matter to the St I be Alley Committee & Swift of the Finance Corwni ttee to/at tended to. Ordinance No 287- providing for the improvement of a certain Alley Block 18 Renton farm Plat by gravelling same passed to final reading,- Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that See, 1-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Cake teat Sec,2-be adopted as read, carried, - Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried,- Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that Sect4-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec-5-be adopted as reae carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as a wh®le as read,-carried.- Ordinance No 288- providing for th a improvement of certain str- eets as outlined in said ordinance passed to final reading.- Moved by Evans seconded by Storey that Sec,-1 be adopted as read ,�. carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that Sec, 2-be adopted as reed carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that Sec;3-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,4#be adopted as read. carried.- i 4 6 Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec, 5-be adopted ad read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carriod.- Ordinance No 259- providing for the improvement of Third Avenue by paving West/from Burnett St to Shattuck St, to be redrafted.- as portion eS said street is to be graded and graveled only. Resolution No 114-A providing for board sidewalk on portion of certain street as outlined in said resolution passed to final reading.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,lbe adopted as read carried.- Moved arried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that Sec ,2-be adapted as lead carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson Miat 3ec,3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec,4-be adopted as, read carried. Pq - Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the resolution be adopted as a whole as raad,-carried.- Resolution No 116-A providing for the improvement of Morgan' s Drive by widening; the same passed to final reading,- Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that Sec, l-be adopted .as bead carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that Sec ,2-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec,3 be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,4-be adopted as read carried.- Moaed by Cake seconded by Swift that the resolution be adopted as a :,Yiole as read,-carried.- Report of committee relative to having Are light placed on Walla Walla Avenue & Willimams St, Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the Street Supt, be instructed to have said light placed,-carried.- April 23rd,being date fixed for liearing of protest against improvement of portion of Cedar St by board sidewalk 463 as outlined in Resolution No 111-A ,:I report that I recieved no protests against said improvemen4J.-A.W.ricknor Clerk. here being no further business Moved by Cake seconded by swift that Council adjourn,-carried.- —' City Clerk. Ren t ori,Apr i 1,3 o th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding,-Roll Call.-Councilman Swift,Cake ,Dobson,Evans ,htcCowin Storey,Iansen,Attorn.ey and Clerk being present.- Minuets of the last regular seesion were read and appro- ed. Applications for sewer and water for the following ..� property read.Lot 6-7-Block 2 Motor Line Add-for sewer,) Adams , owner ,Application for I" meter G.hW;lliott Add-Sophia Rucklick owner,Hilliker Add-L.A.Fuller .owner,Lot 19,Alock,l'7 Town Renton, MattGurady, owner,Lot,15,B1oek,19 ,Farm P1at,Mrs Nellie Williams, owner,Block,6 Farm Plat,lErs J Anderson,agent,Lot,3Block,35, Smithers 2nd Add-B.H.Comklir., owner,Main St & 1st,Ave,North,for Donkey engine ,Lee Monohon,agent,Lot,8Block,12,Farm Plat,Geo Love owner,Tax Lot ,45, Tobin Donation,Wm Sorosky,owner,Lot,l,Block 28 11 Pistoreei ,agent,Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that all applications for sewer and water connection be granted with the exception. of E.A.Fuller & Lee Monohon , their applications to be refered to the Fire & Mater coirmittee ,-carried. Claims & Accounts committee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills U S & T Co Bank advance on freight 9.00 H Weber labor 2.50 D S Williams " 7.18 Geo White " 22.81 W Evans 16.25 T OLeary " 20.31 Geo Hancock " 30.31 P Dullahant te,Aming 36.75 P Lassoie labor 17.81 Bankers Printing Co stationery 70.00 Wm Donkin 90.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that all bills 0 K by the Finance committee be ordered paid,ocarried.- Ordinance committee filed written report as follows ; Uentlemen.-We your committee on Ordinances do not approve of granting the C & P 8 Ry a perpetual right to operate a pole line on the south side of Valla Valla Avanua,but would recom- mend the passage of an ordinance providing; for the moving of their wires to the C M & St,P,Ry pole line without interfering; with their present rights. ReBF ' .. a Moved by Evans seconded .by Storey that the report of the ordinance committee be accepted and,-the Cler k be ordered to noti- fy Company of their decision,ammendmeny to motion ,Dobson & Storey that Mayor appoint committee to wait on Company,Cake & Evans committee.- Petition ommittee.-Petition recieved from property owners on the east i of I1ock 4,Town of Renton,asking Council to take necessary action to install lateral sewer therein.Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake that the petition from property owners for serer be refered to the St & Alley cormittee.-carried.- Committee on reconstruction of bridges to be destroyed by the construction of Commercial Waterway District No 2.fi.led written report. Moved by Dobson seconded by Storey that the report of the committee be, accepted and that the Attorney be instructed to draft a Resolution cover said matter.-carried.- 5t & Alley committee filed written report on petition of majority of property owners asking for the widening of Morgan Drive recommend that said street be improved as asked for.-Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the report of the committee be accepte and an ordinance be drafted covering said work.carried.- Communication recieved from the Seattle Tacoma Power Co stating that the Puget Sound Traction,Light & Power Co has purchase all of the property,franchisee & assets of said Seattle 'racoma Power Co.Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the communication be recieved and placed on file carried.- Ordinance No 294.providing for board sidewalk on portion of Cera@ wtreet,read first time .-Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Co mmittee,-carried.- Ordinance No 290 providing for lateral sewers passed to final reading,,- Moved eading,- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that Sec ,l-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Cake that See,2-be adopted as read, carried. Movd by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that Sec,4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved arried.Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec,b-be adopted as r east, carried. Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that the Ordinance be adapted as a khole as read,-carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Ordinance No 292 be laid over one more weak.-carried.- Ordinance No 293- providing for the grading gravelling and guttering of certain streetsnas outlined i n said ordinance passed to final reading.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec, l-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Sec,2-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift recorded by McCowin that Sec,3,be adopted as read carried.- Moved by #obson seconded by Evans that Sec,4be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec,5 be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin seoonded by Evans that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Moved by Dkbson seconded by McCowin that the Attorney draft a Resolution providing for the paving of Third Avenue West from Burnett St, to Morris St,carried.- H #vans asks for permission to use sidewalk on Third Ave & 1hain St for storing df building material,Moved by Cake seconded b by Swift that said petition be granted under the spprvision of the :t & Alley Committee,-carried.- April 30th,being da',e set for hearing protest against improvement of portion of Oedar St by sidewalk I hereby report that I recieved no protest against said improvement,-A W Ticknor Clerk. `there being no further business Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council Adjourn,-carried.. ' City Cdrk. ReBF 467 Rentoh,14ay.7th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithery presidi*g -Roll Call. Councilman Dobson,Swi£i,Evans McCowin,Storey Attorney and Clerk being present.- Minuets &f the last regular session were read and approved.- Petition recieved from Louis Kind; asking Council to allow him to make sewer connections at his own expense under the suoervision of the Engineer,-Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that the petition be granted,-carried.- Uemonstrancel recieved from property ownerson portion of Third `avenue ,Renton,Avenue Et-AL against the gradin; and guttering of said streets,Moved by Dobson seconded by Storey that the remonstrance be recieved and refered to the Street & Ailey Committee,-carried.- Petition recieved from property owners representing; forty six (46)pereent of the property owners in the district ask- ing that portion of Third Avenue & Renton Avenue Et al be graded and guttered.Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the petition be recieved and refered to the St & Alley committee to be investi- gated.-carried. r Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that we suspend the regular order of business and hear from Mr Bushnell relative to grading and guttering said above named streets,-carried.- Finance committee filed written report re:comending payment of the following, bills Pacific Tel & Tel-Co .65 Ind Tel Co 1.60 Industrial Insurance Commission 18 .91 0 K Transfer .50 Renton Heral,Pettie ,printing 32.90 Patridge Stamp Co 2.22 City of Seattle water 32.55 Crane Co 31.69 Moved by McCowin seconded by Storey that all bills 0 K' d by the; Finance committee be ordered paid,-carried.- Health Officer filed written report for the Month of Aprii,Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the report of the Health Officer be recieved and recommendations in same be inforced carried.- Treasurer filed written report for the Month of April. Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the report hf the `treas- urer be accepted and refered to the finance committee and a copy of same be published.- carried.- City Clerk filed written report for the month of April Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the report of the Clerk be accepted and refered to the Finance Committen,carried.- Ordinanee No 298- providing for the improvement of that portion of Third Avenue,Renton Avenue,and Section Street by grading and gnitering as outlined in Resolution No 108-A read first time Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the ordinance be refered to the ordinance committee,o carried.- Ordinance No 295 Provdding for the improvement of Main St from Fourth #,venue to the City limits as outlined in Resolution No 112- A read first time.Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that said Ord- inance be refered to the Ordinance committee, -carried.- Ordinance ommittee, -carried.-Ordinance No 296- kroviding for the improvement of portion of the south side of Fourth Avenue North between Main St North and as outlined in Res-No 113-A Carden Avenue/by board sidew%lk read first time. Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance committee ,-carried.- Ordinance Vo 297- Providing for the improvement of a portion of the alley running north and south through the center of Bock six (6) Renton Farm Plat,read first time..Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee- carried.- Re:3olution authorizing the; City Clerk to write the words "or bearer" after the name Troutman & Young in Local Improvement Bonds No 23 ,under ordinance No 251, creating Local Improv€ment District No 33.read.Moved by Swift seconded by Evans; that the Resolution be adopted as read,-carried unanamously- Resolution No 118-A providing for the improvement of Third Avenue West bounded on the east by the west ;ine; of Burnett St as platted and shown in the Original Plat of the Town of Renton and on the west by the west line of Morris Street,)Iy grading, curbing; and pav- ing the slime with brick,read first time ,Moved by Evans seconded by Storey that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance committee carried,unanamously- f?(--BF Resolution No 119-A Providing for the improvement of Third Avenue West bounded kn the east by the west line of Morris Street and on the west by the west line of Shattuck Street by grading guttering and gravelling the same ,read first time. Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that said Resolution be refered to the ordinance cord ttee -carrid. - � ,bion No 119-A ,:gi<vi v,_ tj'cC of Aeaesa n- fe + V 13` `�cat 1rnp, over ni Districts �33,40,41�4ZOj , di,-Vt Imp'ro reincn t of eertain street under ordinaIn:cs No 28,2,2830286t' 28'7 ,26fi ,r e:ad ��f�J# dato of h@ at'i�. y 2I s't °<l4l:2, Moved by 5,vif t seconded by7- A s `a dnpted as read,. carried,,-- May arrierd •May 7th,1912 being date set for hearing protests on Resolutions No 112,113,108 ,115-1 recieved protest against 108- also petition for same,none against the others-A W Ticknor ,Clerk 'there being no further business Moved by Swift seconded b by Dobson that Council Adjourn-carried.- City Clerk. 470 Renton,May,14 th,1912 City Council met in regular session and in the absence of Mayor Smithers Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that councilman Cake act as Mayor Pro-tem.-carried. Roll Call.-Councilman Evans ,Swift,McCowin,Cake ,Hansen, Engineer and Cldrk being present.- Minuets of the last regular session were read and � approved. Remonstrance recieved from owners of Acre Tract' s 19- 20 Renton Co-operative Coal Co,Acre Tracts No l.ag ainst the widen ing of Morgan' s Drive to a width of forty (40)feet, Moved by Swi f L se co tided by by Hansen that the remoras tr- ance be recieved and refered to the St,& Alley committee to be reported on at the next regular meeting ,Tuesday May,21s t,1912. carried.- Claims & Accounts Cormittee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills ; Joe Lenz labor 2.50 G Harner " 4.50 Puget Sound T-L-&-P-Co light 126.00 Jones & Conwell 35.4.5 Renton Hwd,Co 4.05 R Wood 3.80 O.K.Livery 5.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that all bills O.K' d by the Finance Conanittee be ordered paid ,-carried.- St & Alley Connittee reports verbally on matter of impro- vement of Renton Avenue ,Section Et-al. ,met with property owners saturday night,Yhy llth,came to no agreement,meeting posponed until Saturday,Ylay,18 th,191?.for final settlement. Special Conenittee reports verbally relative to matter of pole line on Walla Walla Avenue . Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that Attorney be instructed to draft an agreement allowing the C & P S Ry Coto move their wires on to the Milwaukee pole line ,grantiz-ig them the on the south side of Walla Walla Avenue same rights/as they now have on the north side.carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the regular order of business be suspended to hear from Cdr Joe Wood relative to City Council meeting in conjunction with the Commercial Club for purpose of celebration of the commencenent:.of work oh the be Cedar River Waterway,lst,day of June to/date of celebration. ReBF Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Mayor appoint a committee of three (3) to act in conjunction with the Commercial Flub Committee.- relative to proposed Holiday June lst,1912. carried. Mayor Cake appointed on said committee-Mar Lin Swift, H,Evans ,Chas McCowin, Ordinance No 299- for the improvement of the alley running through the center of Block 5.Renton Farm Plat by grading and gravelling the same rend first time .Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee,-carried.- ORDINA14CE NO 295- for the improvement of Main street from Fourth Avenue to City limits by gradin; and gravelling the same passed to final reading,- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec,l-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,2-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec,3-be adopted as read, carried ,- Moved. by Swift seconded by hansen that Sec,4-re adopted as irad carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that Sec ,5-be adopted as read,- carried.- Loved by Swift seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.-unanamously- ORDINANCE NO 296- for the improvement of the south side of Fourth Avenue Northbounded on the west by Main St North and on the east by Garden Avenue.by the construction of a board sidewalk as per Resolution No 113-A passed to final reading. Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,l-be adopted as read. carried.- mom Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that gec,2-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Sec,3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Han sen that Sec ,4-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec, 5-be adopted as read. '� carried. 472 Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carri.ed.- ORDINANCE NO 297- for the improvement of portion of the alley running north and south through the center of Block,si.x (6) Renton Farm Plat by grading and gravelling the same padsed to final reading.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec ,l-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,2-be adopted as read carried.. Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec,3-be adopted as read,- carried..- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec ,4-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec, a-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin seeo nded by Swift that the Ordinance be adopted as a iahloe as read,-carried .- RESOLUTION NO 118-A for the improvement of that portion of Third Avenue West bounded on the east by the west line of Burnett Ot. as platted and shown in the original Plat of the Town of Renton and on the west by the west line of Morris Street by grading curbing and paving the same with brick passed to final reading. Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sec,l-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Hansen seconded by Swift that Sec,2-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by McCowwn seconded by Swift that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,4-be adopted as read. carried..- Moved by McCowin :seconded by Evans that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read.-carried unanamously.- RESOLUTION NO 119-A for the .improvement of that portion of Third Avenue West bounded on the east by the west boundary of Morris St. and on the west by the west line of Shattuck Street by grading gravelling and guttering; the same passed to final reading.- Moved by Hansen seconded by McCowin that Sec,l-be adopted as reqd carried_ f ReBF 4r Moved by McCowin seconded by Swift that Sec,2-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec,3-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Sec ,4ebe adopted as read, carried.. Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that the Resolution be adopted as a whole as read ,-carried unanamously- Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that O.H.Priebe be allowed to use portion of Williams St,for purpose of storing; build- ing material for a period of ten (10)days under the supervision of the St,Supt .carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen. that H.Evans be allowed to use portion of Main St for purpose# of storing build- ine material during period of time needed to construct new build- ing,nnde -tbe supervision of the St,Supt,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the Clerk be instructed to notify S R & S Ry Co to repair plank crossing at Third & Burnett,also to remove old waiting station.carried.- May 14th being date set for recieving bids for the construction of board sidewalks as per Ordinance No 282-283-I hereby report that I recieved no bids ,A.W.Ticknor ,Clerk. 'there being no bids recieved for the construction of board sidewalks as outlined in Ordinances No 282-283 Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that the St,Sup t,proceed to build same according to lafv.carried.- There being no further business moved by Swift seconded b by Evans that Council adjourn,-carried.. pity Clerk. `4 s Renton,May,21s t,1912. City Cohneil met in regular session Mayor Smithers presidirig,-Rollcall -Councilman Storey,Cake ,Hanesen,Dobson,McCowin Evanq ,Fngineer,Attorney and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Petition recieved from the merchants of the City of Renton asking Council for permission to sell fire-works for a period of two weeks prior to the Fourth of July. Moved by Cake seconded by Hasen that said petition be t refered to the Fire Light & Water Committee ,-carried.- Petition from the Seattle Tacome Fraction Light & Power Co,for permission to set poles to supply customers for lighting & power purposes on Beacon Hill recieved.Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that the petition be recieved and refered to the Fire Light & Water Committee ,-carried._ SeAttle Lighting Co Filed written accep*ance of Ordinance No 280-Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that written acceptance be recieved and placed on file.carried.- Street & Alley Committee filed written report as follows ; We your committee on Streets & Alleys to whom was refered the petition for the improvement of Third Avenue,Renton,Avenue ,& Section Street,beg leave to report as follows ; We recommend that the petition for said improvement and the protest against said improvement be laid on the table. Cormittee;H Evans ,Chas McCowin,M.P.Storey. Loved by Dobson seconded by Cake that the report of the Street & Alley Committee be recieved and placed on file and the recomendations in same be carried out.-carried.-unanamously- Finance Committee filed written report on having examined and reeomending payment of the following bills ; Pettie f1rintery. 14.00 Union Savings & Trust .65 P Dullahant 42.00 Geo Hancock 21.25 D.S.Williams 12.50 Tim OLeary 21.87 Geo White 10.62 P Las s o ie 19.68 R Swingle 1.25 Watkin Evans 17 .50 Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that all bills 0 K be allowed.-carried.- RPBF ORDINANCE NO 300- providing for the improvement of portion of the east side of Bain Street North between Third Avenue & Fourth Avenue North by board sidewalk read first time.Yoved by McCowin seconded by Evans that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee ,-carried.- ORDINANCE NO 299- providing; for the improvement of the alley ... running north and south through the center of Block 5 Renton Farm Plat by grading and gravelling the same passed to final reading. Loved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,l-be adopted as read. carried.. loved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,2-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Evand Secondedb y McCowin that Sec,3-be ado ted as read carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that Sec ,4-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by McCowin secdrided by Dobson that Sec,5-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin sem nded by Dobson that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-carried.- Ordinance No 298 , providing for thc improvement of Renton Ave- Third Avenue and 6ection St laid"dn the table,. ,',V .rls that .3a-1(j �;r..� : . .. •c}a Co."I'mi Lee,-carried.- Resolution No lly-A fixing; date of hearing on Local improvement district assessment rolls 41 & 42 read, Moved by Fake seconded by Evans that the Resolution be adopted as a v+hole as read,-carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake that the City Engineer confer with Commercial Waterway Engineer and draft plans and specifications for bridges across Cedar River,carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Evans that the Street & Alley Committee confer with the City Engineer regarding plane and specifications for bridges across Cedar River,-carried.- 7 Ordinance No 301 providing for the improvement of Morgans Drive by widening the same to a width of forty feet read first time , Moved by Dobson seconded by Evans that said ordinance be ref eyed to the ordinance committee carried.- There being no further business moved by Ca'.e seconded by Evans that Council adjourn.-carried.- City 'Clerk ReBF tl , Ren ton,May,28 th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor 3mithers presiding,- Roll Call.-Councilman Cake ,Swift,Ha men,McCowin,Evans , Attorney,Engineer and Clerk being present„ Minuets of the last regular session were read and w approved. Applications for sewer connection from Lot,9-Block 22 R.Bevan owner,also applications for water service from the followig property, tO-wit;Earlington Add-W.H.Lenhart,portion of Acre No.7 Hilliker Add-E.A.Fuller, owner,Lot 14,Block 7 `town of Renton,D. Alexander,owner,Lot 19-Block 13,Farm Plat # 2.Wilson & Marlow,agent Lot,BlockvFarm Plat Thos Rowe ,owner ,Acre Tract # 2 R?C?C?Co ,# 2. Wm Lorenz, owner,Portion of Acre Bract # 4,Highland Add-A.H.Storey owner ,Lo t ArBlock 6 Farm Plat henry Thom-is, owner,Lot 5 Block 12 Car Works Add,Joe P)Iute,owner , . Moved by Cake seconded by McOO in that all applications for sewer and water within the limits of the City be branted. carried.- *.. Moved by Mceowin seconded by Swift that all other petitions outside of City limits be ref Bred to the Fire & Water conani ttee, -carried.- Petition reci eyed from R.Thomas asking Council for in sidewalk permission to make gal-/in front of Lot 13-Block 8 , on Mill St. for purpose of removing dirt which is lying in street in front of said to t.Moved by McCowi.n seconded by Cake that the petition of Thomas be granted under the supervision of the St,Supt,carrie d.- Petition from the Puget Sound Traction,Light & Power Co. ' for permission to extend its electric servise on Vhit*o:tth­I`s ,t Stree t#.2 poles on east s ide,be tween 3rd,& 4th,Avenue ,2 polew on east side between 4th,& 5th,Avenue ,also to resat City of MWW Renton light pole on corner of 3rd,and Whitwurth.tkoved by Cake seconded by Swift t1hat -G]xc petition 1_-�c Granted under the supervision of the City Engineer.carried.- Clains & Accounts Committee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills ; I%enton,Iierald ,Hugo Kelly,printing Ordinaricee & Res- 41.90 koved by Cake seconded by McCowin. tb.^4.1. all bills O .K. by the Fin=ance Cormli -tee be ordered paid,-carried. 478 Communication rec io ved from Washington Surveying and Ratins Bureau, rela*ive to Fireworks drdinance . Moved by Swift seconded by Cate that the Communication be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- Question of allowing; merchants to sell fireworks two week: prior to the Fourth of July,l.a,id over one week. ORDINANCE NO.300- Ordinance providing for the improvement of portion of the east side of Main St North between 3rd, Avenue and 4th,Avenue North by board sidewalk passed to final read inat. Moved by Evans secInded by Cake that Sec,l-be adopted as read. carried.. Moved by Evans soap nded by Swift that Sec,2-be adopted as read , carried.- Moved by McCowin secUnded by Evans that Sec ,%be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Se:c,4-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved arried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that Sec,5-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by McCowin sea) nded by Evans that the Ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-cgrried.- Thos Olsen aska for permission to build sidewalk as outlined in improvement district No 39,Hea-100-A-Ord-No.236i ?loved by Evans seconded by Hansen that Olsen be granted permission to build sidewalk.carried.- Petition recieved from tho Chica a Milwaukee & BAget Sound Ry, askin6 for permission to substitute a steel pale for the wooden pole now carrying the wires of the C M-& P-Ry,ne ar the Snoqualmie sub station on Walla Walla Avanue,also to place automat- is signal arm for the government of trains.Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition be recieved and placed on file ,- carried Resolution filed by C-M & P-S Ry Co .re13 Live to steel pole . and read,Moved by Swift seconded by Bvans that the Resolution be adopted as read. carried.- Ordinance granting right to C & P S Ry Co. to transfer pole line from north side of Walla Walla Avenue to the south side of said Avenue redrafted and read.and refered to attorney of said Company for approval. RPBF y . R., ORDINANCE NO. 301 Providing for the improvement of that portion of Morgan Drive bounded on the south by Section St,and on the north by the City of Seattle Pipe Line by widening the same to a full w4dth of forty feet and grading the same,passed to firia.l reading. Moved by awif t seconded by Cake that Sec, l-be adopted as read. NNW carried. Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec, 2-be adopted as read carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Sec,2jbe adopted as read. carried. Moved by McGowin seconded by 6wift that vec,3-be adopted as read. carried. Moved by Swift secolided by Evans that Sec ,4-be adopted as read carried. Moved by -vans seconded by McCowin that Sec, 5-be adopted as read carr i ed. Moved by Swift second ed by Cake that the Ordin ince be adopted as read ,carried.- Bids recieved for the grade and graved of alley in Block 18 ,Renton Farm Pla,t, and for the grade gravell and gutter of West streets between 3rd,Ave/& C & P S Ry r iah t of Way & On east by Burnett St and on west by east line of Whitworth St. Moved by Hansen seconded by Cake that -she bids be refored to committee of the whole Council to act on after r<:gular session of Council.carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that St.Supt, have doors put on fire station in North Renton,carried. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the City Attorney noti:Py the P S E Ry to fix crossing at 3rd,& Mill Street.carried.- Council opened in executive session to settle matter of 6.. bids recieved for gradin; & gravelling of streets & alley in ldorth renton,Moved by Ca'.<e seconded by Swift that J %V Butlers bid be accepted for the grade and „ravel of alley in Block 18-kenton Farm Plat.Poll vote-Evans-no-SwL"t-yes-Cake-yec3-iiansen-yes-McCotain no-motion carried.- O Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that the bid of C.R. Campbell for the grade,gravel and gutter of streets under ordinance No.288.be accepted.-carriod.- Engineer Tvete :suggests to the Council that .;fain Street be made 40 feet in width instead of 60 feet in proposed regrade of said street. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Cit y Engineer proceed :Tong lines outlined by him for a 40 foot street in proposed regrade of Main St.-carried.- There being; no further b,isiness moved by Cake seconded by Evans that Council adv oarn.-carried.- City Clerk. ReBF Renton,June ,4 th,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding,Roll Call,-Councilman Swift,Bobson,Evans ,Cake ,.Engineer,Attor.- ney,and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Theo ,Priebe asks for permission to use portion of Williams Street, in front of L6t .9-Block 22 for purpose of storing materiel for a sidewalk.Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that said petition- be granted.-carried.- Fire & Nater committee asks for more time on matter of applications for water from parties outside of the City limits.same granted.- Moved by Evans Seconded by Dobson that the petition of Merchants asking; for permission to sell fireworks on or prior to the Fourth of July,be laid on the table.carried.- Treasurer Tonkin filed written report for the Month of May,1912Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the report be recieved and placed on file and copy of same published.carried.- City Clerk filed written report for the Month of May, 1912.Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake that saidl report be recieved and placed on file ,-carried. - Claims & Accounts Committee filed written report on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills; Geo Shearer labor 6.25 G Harrier " 16. 50 ;'enton Ind Te1,C0 Phone. 1.50 Kane & Cherrier 21.05 Prick & Murray 51.15 City of Se:=lttle , 'pater 27.15 Pacific Tel & Tel Co .65 `has Flynn 3.00 Renton.Lumb r Co 27.99 Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that all bills 0 K' d by the finance committee be paid.-carried.- Water Supt,makes request of Council for 2930 i''t,4" pipe 950 ,Ft 6" pipe.200 ' head.Moved by Evans seconded by Cake that the Purchasing Agent be ins tructect to purchase pipe as ordered by the Water Supt. -carried.- Ordinance No 302-providine for the improvement of that portion of Third Avoue West bounded on the east by the west line Burnett Street as platted and shown in the OYiioinal Plat of the Town of Renton and on i the west by the west line of Morrie Street by grading,curbing and paving t110 same with brier read first time.- Moved by Swift sero nrled by Dobson that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee.-carried.- Ordinance No 303-providing; for the improvement of that portion of Third Avenue West bounded on the east by the west boundary of Motris Street and on the west by the wee t line of Shattuck otreet by grading gravelling and guttering the same ,read first time .- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee,-carried.- Resolution No 120-A-appropriating the sum of Twenty Five Dollars to the Renton Chamber of CoLTnerce to assist in defraying the expenses of the celebration held in the City of Renton June lst,1912. Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the Resolution be Adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that the bond furnished by C .R. Campbell for faithful performance of contract under ordinance No 288 ,Dist,43,be approved and Clerk and Mayor be ordered to sign contract,carried.- Loved by Swift seconded by Evans that the contract be signed and awarded to J.W.Butler as soon as he furnishes bond or puts up certified check for faithful performance of contract,under. ordinance 287,Dist,40-carried,- Moved by Case seconded by Swift that the matter of whether certain board sidewalks be built in North Renton be fefered to the Street & Alley Committee to investigate.-carried.- Notice of hearing; on assessment rolls L. I.D. 41 & 42 Ord,282,283,given to printer for publication, There being no further business Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake that Council ad,journ.Carried C - / City Clerk. RBF $. k Renton June llth.1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers ptsidirg,Roll call,-Councilman Swift,Evans,S to rey,Cake,Engineer and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read a;,d approved. Claims and accounts comi ttee filed written report on having exgnined and recomending payment of the following bills ; Puget Sound T.L. : P Co light 126.00 Crane Co 8 .40 Reiton,Aardware Co 9.60 Moved by Cake seconded by Storey that all bill 0 K' d by the Claims & Accounts Committee be ordered paid,-carried.- Street aid,-carried.-Street & Alley asks for one more; week in which to investigrtte matter of board sidewalks in North Renton.same granted. Ordinance No .302 providing for the improvement of portion of Third *'�venue West bounded on the east by the west line of Burnett Street as platted and shown in the original Plat of the Twon of Renton & on the west by the west line of Morris Street by grading, curbting and paving the same with brick.passed to second reading. Moved by Swift seconded by Evasns that Sec, 1-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Cake Seconded by Evans that Sec,2-be adopted as read, carried .- loved by Evans Seconded by Swift that Sec,3-bc adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by :swift that Council adopt 8 per cent as the rate of interest to be charged and that Sec ,4-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Cake that Sec,5-be adopted as re:-id, carried.- moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read,-#######.-Poll votes ,-Swift,aye,Cake,ave.Evans,aye , Storey,aye ,abeentees ,Dobson,McCowin,Hansen,carried unanamuusly. I � i k 484 ORDINAITCE 110. 303-providing for the inimprovement of portion of Third Avenue West bounded on the east by the west b6undary of Morris Street and on the west by the west line of Shattuck Street by gr4ding guttering and gravelling the same ,passed to final reading. Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,l-be adopted as read,- carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that Sec,2-be adopted as read. carried. Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sec,3-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that Sec,4-be adopted as r,�ad carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Sec, 5-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved arried.-Moed by Swift seconded by Cake that the Ordinance: be adopted as a whole as 4 for,none against, carried unanamously. Bids recieved for the following improvements ; Grade and gravel of alleys Block 5 & 6 Renton Farm Plat. grade & Gravel of Main Street from Fourth Avenue to City Limits , board :sidewalk on Fourth ,Ave . North from Main St,North to Garden Ave nue. RE50LUTION NO. 121-A providing that the 2nd day of July,1912 be fixed for date of hearing on Special assessment rolls for the following Local Improvement Districts ;v_,.s ; No.40,alley Block 18 .grade & grgvel,under Ordinance No.287, No.43,Fourth Avenue ,Et-al, grade & graved& gutter,ordinance No.288 No.52,Main St,from Fourth Ave-to City limits,grade & gravel Ord-295 No.53 ,4th,Ave,North,Main to Garden Ave,board sidewalk,Ord,No.296 No.55,alley Block 6-grade & gravel Ordinance No. 297 No.50,alley Block-5-grade & gravel,Ordina,nce No.299 Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said resolution be refered to the Ordinance Committee, e carried.- There being no bids recieved for the construction of lateral sewers on Shattuck,Whitworth,Morrie ,Burrnett Et-al ,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the City Clerk be instructed to re-advertize for bids in the Pacific Builder and Engineer,published in the City of Seattle ,Wash.carried.- RPBF 485 June llth,1912 being date set for hearing on assessment rolls 41 & 42 providing for board sidewalks on portion of Main St, North and portion of Williams St,in front of Lot,6# block 23, Town Renton, I rereby report that I recipvcd no written objections . to same.-A.W.Ticknor,City Clerk. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that Council go into t executive session to examine to bids recieved for various improve- ments .-carried.- Bids carr. ied.- Bids for the improvement of Main Street front Fourth Avenue to City limits recieved as Follows ; Norman. Davis, amount of bid 4830.00 Geo,Banderet, amount of bid 4400.00 Movedby Cake seonded by Evas that the bid of Geo Banderet being the lowest by $430.00 that said bid be accepted for the improvement of Main S �,as outlined above,e carried.- Bid recieved from Jos ,Lenz for the construction of board sidewalk on south side of Fourth Avenue North from Main St, Norte. to Garden Avenue,amount of bid, $ 229.65 Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the bid of Jos, Lenz be laid on the table until St & Alley Committee has time to inventigate.carried.- Bids recieved from Peter Dullahant for improvement of alley in Blocks 5 & 6 Renton F=arm Plat; Block 5, amount of bid. 131.00 Block 6, " it " 146.00 Bids recieved from J.W.Butler for improvement of alley in Blocks 5 & 6 Renton Farm Plat; Block 5,amount of bid. 103.50 Block 6. " " " 118 .50 Moved by Evans seconded by Cake that the bids of J.W. Butler being; the lowest by $55.00 that work of improveing alleys be awarded to him.-carried.- There being no further business moved by Cake seconded by Storey that 'Council adjourn.-carried City Clerk. 486 Re nton,June ,18 tin,1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smitiiers presiding.Roll Call..0tune ilman Swift,BicCowi,n,Evana,iiarisen Cake ,Storcy,Dobsori,Enginee,r,Attorriey and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Iwo Claims & Accounts Committee filed written report on having examined and recomending paym,-nt of the following bills ; Pacific Coast Pipe Co wood pipe 665.26 U-S-nc-Trus t Co advance on freight 15. 50 Fred Uder meals to prisoners 2.75 Wilson & Marlow Fire Insurance premium 52.50 City of Seattle water 126.20 G Harner Eng-vept 27.00 Joe Lenz 11 It 21.25 Geo Hancock labor 25.31 T 0 Leary 15.31 R S Williams 1.25 P Dullahant 24.00 P Lassoie 1.56 W Evans 12. 50 E Swingle 1.25 Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans that all bills O.K' d by the finance committee be ordered paid .-carried.- St & Alley coiarnittee as'Ks for more time in which to investigate sidewalks in North Renton,One more week granted. Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the St.5upt, and Health Officer be irnstructed to investigaze the unsanitary conditions of cess pool on Lot.5-Block 18 .Town of Renton,and report back to the Council,next regular meeting.-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that an ordinance be drafted compelling every property owner to connect up to the '4 sewer.carried.- Cominunieation recieved from the City of Seattle r.el�.tive to installation of new meter and explaining why their bill for water was more than we expected.Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that ssme be recieved and placed on file.-carried,- Ordinance i1o.304.confirming the assessment rolls of distracts 41 & 42 read first time.Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that same be refered to the Ordinance committee,-carried.- Communication recieved from the Seattle Car & Foundry Co asking permission to move their water connection to our pipe from its present location,200 feet further wes t.Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that said matter be refered to ?.%ie Mater Supt and City Engineer with power to act.carried.- RBF 487 J.W.Butler furnished bond for the faithful performance of work called for in contract for the improvement of Alleys 18-5-6- Renton FArm P1at.Moved by Cake seconded by Evans that said bonds be accepted.-carried.- Bid reckeved from Jos.Lenz for the construction of a board sidewalk on portion of the east side of Main St,North from 3rd,Avenue to 4th,Avenue North. 600 lin.feet.amount of bid including fixed estimate.$165.00Moved by Swift seconded by Storey that the bid be accepted.and contract awarded to Jos Lenz.carried. Resolution No.121-A fixing the date of hearing on the following assessment r.olls;Dist.No.40-43-52-55-50- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sec ;lbe adopted as read.-carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Sec,2-be adopted as read,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the Resolution be adopted as r## a whole as read.-carried.- Bond filed by the Seattle Lighting Co in the amount of $65000.00 Moved by Cake seconded by McCowin that said bond be laid over one week until Company represented in same can be looked up. carried.-- There being no further business Loved by Cake seonded by Swift that Council adj ourn,a carried.- . i' City clerk.. I 488 Renton June ,25th, 1912 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding, -Roll Call Councilmen Swift,Cake,Dobsr)n,McCowin,Hansen Attorney and Clerk being present.- Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Petition recieved from Jos,Walker asking Council to transfer the unexpired portion of retail ligour license to Thos, J Wklker.for the saloon known as the "Bohemian Bar" . Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said petition be recieved and refered to the License Committee.-carried,- Petition recieved from Seattle Traction Light & Power Co,asking for permission to reset old poles also set some new ones Moved by Cake seconded by Babson that said petition be refered to the St, Supt and City Engineer to be investigated. carried.- The Seattle Lighting Company filed petition asking Council for permission to lay gas mains & services in the Streets & Al.levs as follows ; ON SHATTUCK SMI EBT;from County Road # 80 to Third Ave. ON THIRD AVE: from Shattuck St, to Walla Walla Ave. ON FIFTH AVE: from Burnett, St, to Mill St. ON BURNETT ST: from Second Ave, to Fifth Ave. ON WILLIAMS ST: Fron Second Ave " " " ON WELL ST: from " " " " of ON ITAIN ST: 2 n n n n " Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the petition be recieved and refered to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act.-carried.- Seattle Car & Foundry Company makes application for 3 inch meter to take care of water service for drinking purposes. Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that said application be granted, e-carried.- Claims & Accounts Committee filed Avri ttenreport on having examined and recomending payment of the following bills ; Renton herald printing m29.00 Renton Drug, Store .25 Post Office Box rent .45 Industrial Ins-Commission 0.38 Jos Edwards 3.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that all bills O.K` d by the Finance Committee be ordered paid.carried.- Report of St & Alley Committee relative to awarding 489 contracts to Joy Lenz for construction of board sidewalks on certain streets in North Renton,recomend that bids be accepted and contracts awarded.Moved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the report of the committee be accepted and recomendations carried out. carried,- Communication recieved from the N-P-Ry Coto the City Attorney in regard to an exchange of ,� �• �; property on T3gtrnett at. Moved by Dobson seconded by Cake that the communication be recieved and refered to the Town Property Committee and City attorney to report back next meeting night.carried.- Ordinance in relation to sewers and drainage of private premises Ect.read.-Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that said Ord-be refered to the Ordinance Committee.- carried.-ORDINANCE NO. 304 approving and confirming; assessment roll No,41 passed to final reading.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,l-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec, 2- be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried. Moved by Dobson seconded by Sw=! f t that Sec ,4-be adopted as read. varried. Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the ordinance be adopted as a whole as read.-carried.- ORDITIIANCE NO.305 approving; and confirming assessment roll No.42 passed to .final reading. Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec,l-be adopted am Tread. carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec, 2-be adopted as read. carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that Sec,3-be adopted as read carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by Hansen that Sec, 4-be adopted as read carrie d.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that the ordinance be ad:)pted as a whole a, read,-carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the bids of Jos ,I.enz 490 for the construction of board sidewalks in North Menton be accepted on proper bond being furnished,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the matter of hairin the Fire ball insured for three years instead of one be refered to the Town Property Co*amittee, -carried.- Council refered back to petitions and disposed of petition of Jos Walker for transferal of Liquor licanse as follows ; Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the petition for transferal of license be taken from the hands of the License Committee and same granted.#######j-Poll Vote,McOowin,aye,Cake ,aye n swift,aye ,Dobson,aye ,hanse:l, aye .-carried.- Commercial Club represenative makes report to the Council,asking that such action be taken as is necessary to improve trunk road south leading into the City. Aso' t Fire chief Dullahant asks in behalf of the Renton Vol Fire Dept,for concessions of streets in North Benton f r the Four th Of July.Moved by Cake se conded by Swif t tha t the Fire Dept,have all concessions on lst Avenue North and Mill St. North bn the Fourth of July, 1912.carried.- Moved by Swift seconded by Cake that the City Attorney draft an Ordinance making it compulsory for persons owning teams to tie same when left st,anding,within the City limits . There being no further business moved by Cake seconded by Swif t that Cou ncil adi ourn.-carried.- City Clwk. i I ` i RPBF 491 Re-nton,July,2nd.1912 City Council net in regular session Mayor Smithers ,presiding Roll call.-Councilman Swift,Cake ,Dobson,Evans ,McCowin,Storey,Hansen, Attorney,Engineer and Clerk being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. Applications dor waterwmer connections for the following property;Lot.2 Block 25,'+own of Renton,D,Gaby,owner ,Lo t, 20 ,Block 31 Smithers let Add-Mrs Goring,owner,Lot 5,Block 23,Renton Farr, Plat,dauis Smithers 4th,Add- owner,Lot, 10,Block,2,A'i.C.Ed.wards ,owner, Lot 27,B1ock,12,Coar Works "dd- N.Oleen,o,,�m eri4" meter to Car Works .Lot 9 & 11 Block 15,R Wood.owner, Sewer connections for the following property; Lot,2 Block 25,Town of Renton,D,Gaby,owner,lVest half Lot, 9 Block 13 Totem of Renton,Thos,iiarries ,owner.Lot,8 Block,23 ,C .L.Dixon,owner , Moved by Cake seconded by Hansen that said applications by granted.-carried.- Petition recieved from Tom Olsen asking for permission to usO portion of Mill St, in fron of Lot,8Block 16 for purpose of storing; building material.Moved by McCowin seconded by Evans thAt petition be granted under the supervision of the St.Supt.carried.- Remonstrance recieved from, F.Davis & Matt Grady against pay- inA more than $35.00 per Lot,for Main St.Improvement.Moved by Cake seconded by Storey that same be recieved and placed on file ,-carried.- Petition recieved from property owners , in east half of Block 4 Town of Renton,asking for sewer same to cross pipe line of the City of Seattle,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the petition be recieved and refered to the City Engineer,he to survey the groung to see i if same can be put in. Finance Committee filed written report on having examined and recomend ink; payment of the following; bills . Labor on water pipes 323.10 City of Seattle forwater June, 450.15 Renton Hdw Co supplies 11).00 Renton. Ind-Tel-Co 1.75 Wilson. & Marlow insurance Fire Hall 52.50 O .K.Livery 5.00 Priebe Bro' s 6.15 John Stewart `'alsry June 80.00 Jos Edwards It of 80.00 71m Tonkin 0.00 Jas Jlynn 75.00 P.W.Iiouser 75.00 A W Ticknor 75.00 F " 10.00 C.O.Tvete 100.00 f J A Tonkin 45.00 CA LLC DDWiilson 255p.00 P Dul a Rn at 25.00 Moved by YcCowin seconded by Iiansen all bills 0 K' d by the Finance Committee be ordered paid.-carried.- Town Property Committee asks for more time on matter of exchange of property viitl: the N.P Ry,Co.spr;e granted. Street & Alley Committee filed written report as follows ; Vie ,your comrr,ittee on Streets & Alleys beg leave to report as follows ; We recommend that the petition of the Seattle Lighting; Co. be grar,ted. committee,2tiT.]). toer�✓,Ii.3�;vans .Chas3 2:TcCowin. Yoved by Swift seeorded by Dobson that the report of the Street & Alley Coxfffnittee on petition of the Seattle Lighting Mo be accepted and plxtced on file .-carried. Ireasurer Tonkin filed written report for the Month of June, Moved by Cake se:corded by Evans that same be accepted and fefered to the Firiar,ce committee.-carried . Clerk filed written report for the month of June,Yoved by Care seconded by 'Swift that same be accepted and refered to the Finance Comnittee .-carried.- Engineer reports verbally on matter of clanging poles of the vRrious power compani(,s in the City. Ordinance prohibiting any animal being unfastened in th,-e public streets react f iris t time.-koved by Sxif t seconded by Dobson that the same be refered to the Ordinance Oommittee.-carried - July 2nd being date set for hearing on Asss8T rolls 40-43-0;2- 55-50.and the cormnit ee riot 'civi'1� yid time, to examine: 8-3,me ,Moved by Cake seconded by Swift t).at same be laid over one week.-carried.- Ordinance in relation to sewers "rid drainagm o private property came up for final passage.Section l .read and objected to by Council.Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that the Ordinance Committee be given one more week in w1 icn to redraft said ordinance.carried.- Bids re Yicved for paving Third Avenue West also for grade and gravel of Portion of same..from C.R.Ca,mpbell and Geo Ba,nderet. Bid for grgdc and gravel C R Campbell amount 852.00 to to Ueo Banderet 894.50 Bid for paving, 6171.70 " of " C R Campbell " 5702.85 Moved by Cake seconded by Swift that the contract for paving Third Avenue West be awarded to C II Campbell he being the lower , bidder. carried.- Moved by Cake; seconded by McCo:win that 0 R Carrapbell be awarded � lnsVegi -67f C2A'r .Secono1.14 the contract for grade and FrravAl of _,Y—A A.,.,v,,,o .,n""4 -A EyCC77s.-?4- RPRF 6� 49 Renton,July, 9th 11912 City Council met, in regular session,94nd in the absence of Mayor Smithe.rs ,Councilma.n Cake acted as Mayor Pro-tern. Roll Call Councilman Cake ,awif't,Evans ,McCowin,Attorrley, Engineer and Clckr being present. Minuets of the last regular session were read and approved. g Pp Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the regular order of business be suspended ind hear from Mr.Stratton relative to pole line on Walla Walla Avanue , carried.- Mr Stratton presented the mriginal pole ordinarice with Section 2.amended for the consideration of the Council.after hearing ordinance read as amended it was mored by Swift seconded by Evans that the same be passed. carried.- :Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson that Sec, l-be adopted as read,-carried.- IMoved by Swift seconded by McCowin that Sec ,2-be adopted as read, carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swif t that Sec,5-be adopted as read, - carried.- Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that Sec ,4-be aJoptF.,d as read, carried.- Moved by McGowin seconded by Dobson that the Ordinance be adopted as a. whole as read, -carried.- Moved by Evans seconded by Swift that the regular order of business still be suspended and open bids recieved for lateral sewers . carried. Sloane Bro' s amount of bid, 5265.65 fteog l & Jensen 11 11 4494.62 S.M. 'reen " " 4884. 52 Erickson Bro' s if44£0.64 C R Caanrell " " 5032.81 Geo Banderet 4671.70 Fracco pz Colesco " 4480.25 Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that we proceed with ;.he Lregular order of business until Engineer 'has time to check up the bids carried.- Petition arried.-Petition recieved from the Seattle Lighting- Co asking; for permiss- ion to lay gas :rains and services in the following streets ; On Mill St;frosn Fifth Ave, to Beacon Blvd, On Fourth Ave ;f.rom Mill `'t, to Cedar St. On Cedar St;frorn Fourth Ave, to Sixth Ave. On Fifth Ave ;from Barnett St, to Smithers St. r 494 :,loved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the petition be refered to the Street & Alley Committee and the Ensineer with power to act,- carried.- Claims and Accounts Committee filed written report on hav in examined and recomending payment of the following bills ; 1E Northern Supply Co , .60 Renton Herald 26.65 .*0. - f Fuller Publishing Co 15.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that All bill 0 K' d by the Finance Committee be allowed.-carried.- Ordinance No.311 -prohibiting animals mein; unfastened or unguarded in any public street passed to final read.ing; Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that Sect-be adopted as read ,carried. Moved by Evans seconded by McCowin that Oec ,2-be adopted as read,carried \ Moved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that Sec ,, -be adopted as read,carrie (� Moved by McCowin seconded by Evan: that the Ordinance be adopted as ja vtnole as read,-carried.- Finance ead,-carried.-Finance Committee asks for more time on examining the Ass- essmant Rolls of Dist' s 40-43-52-55-50 .41-42-same; granted. Councilman Evans asks Council to take necessary action to have pole removed from sidewalk line in front of his property on Main St.Moved by Dobson seconded by McCowin that the City Engineer take up matter of having; said pole removed to the curb line.carried.- Citizens discuss the question of ,jog in the attest ling of. v Third Avenue West.Move3 by Swift seconded by Dobson twat the matter of having Third Avenue M„st straightened before permenant improvement .is made be refered to the Street & Alley Committee and the City Engineer to report back at the next regular mestint,;,-carried.- Commercial Club represenative speaks on question of trunk road sout_1:,asking Council for donation of 1200.00 for temporary repairs . Moved by Swift secon&ed by Dobson tfiat City Attorney be i� instructed to draft a Resolution appropriating the sum of $200.00 to fix road. carried The City Engineer having reported that Erickson Bro' s were the lowest bidders on the lateral sewer job it was moved by Swift seconded by Evans that the contract be awarded to them.-carried.- Moved hem.-carried.-Moved by Swift seconded by Dobson t,lat the City Clerk notify the i Healtli Officer to condemn Lot 5 Block 18 in Tie Town of Renton,as cess pool on said property is in an uns,anita.ry nnnA4t.inn narr4MA _ RPBF 495 Renton July,1C th,lgl2 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding. Roll Call.-Councilman Swift,Storey,Hansen,McCowin,Evans ,Dobson,Attorney Engineer and Clerk being present. Vinuest of the last regular mension were rcrud and approved. Street & Alley Committee filed written rep,,rt as follows ; We recommend the straightening; of Third Avenue from Burnett Street to Whitworth Street.Iloved by Swift seconded by Dobson that the report of the Committee be recieved and recomendations in same carried o out.-carried.- Street & Alley Committee filed written report as follows ; We recommend the paving of Williams Street from Fourth Avenue to Fifth Ave nue , and that the ordinance be taken up and call for bids .Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen that Lhe report be accepted and recomendations in same be carried out,-carried. Finance Uommittee filed written report as follows ; Labor ,eater Dept & Streets. 322.42 E A Shearer 1.25 mom G Harmer Eng Dept 19. 50 A Jenni 7.50 Joe Lenz 6.25 H Farrow 0. 50 Moved by McCowin seconded by Hansen that all bills 0 K' d by the Finance Committee be ordered paid.carried. Moved by iicCowin seconded by Storey that the Clerk be inst- ructed to advertize for bids for the paving of Williams Street in the Pacific Builder and Engi.neer,Seattle,Wa,sl:.carried.- Fesolution Appropriating Money from General Fund to fix ro�.d, read,11oved by Dobson seconded by Swift that Sec,], be ammended to read under supervision of the St,Supt,Commercial Club and City Engineer, i i carried.- L. Loved by Dobson seconded by Swift that the Resolution be laid on the table indefine tly, carried.- City Engineer filed written report stating that certain contracts have been comp&O.&dd and recomending the acceptance of same. Sidewalk on east side of fain St.North between Third & Fourth Avenues , total cost 118 .41 Sidewalk on south side of Fourth Avenue Between Main and X96 Garden Avenues, total cost 221.25 Grading & gravelling of Alley through Block 18 ,Renton Farm Plat, tatal cost, 115.36 Grading & gravelling of Alley through Block 5,Renton Farm Platte total cost, 104.56 Moved by Swift seconded by MCCowin that the report of the Engineer be accepted and recomeridations carried out.-carried.- Moved by S .ft seconded by Dobson that the City Engineer proceed 'to ere ate an improvement district of all streets south of Walla Walla,no t o therivi se provided for,by er ad ing and gravelling anel gutterine.carried.- C & P S Ry Co filed its written acceptance of Pole Line Ordinarce passed and approved July, 9th, 1912. :here being; no further business Moved by Swift seconded by Evens that Council adjourn,-carried, City Clerk. i R� 497 Renton,July,23rd,191 City Council met in regular session Mayor Smithers presiding Roll Call.-Councilman Swift,Cake,Evann ,Iianser,VcCowin,Dobson,Storey, Engineer and Clerk being; present.- YLinuets of the last regular session were rend and approved.- Finance committee filed report as follows ; Union Savings & Trust Co rent for safe .'_eposit box 6.00 Moved by McCowin seconded by Evens t1hat all bills 0 KI d by the Finance connittec be allowed.-carried.- Communication recieved from R Bunstine asking Council what right Thos, Dobson & Thos H.Williams have to connect up to Logna ►street Sewer,as their property faces Burnett St.anti they did not help to p:a.y for said Logan Street sewer? . Moved by Calve seconded by Swift that the communication be reci eved and refered to the City Engineer and. Finance committee they to report back next meeting nig;ht.Carried. - Moved by Cake seconded by Evans that Council suspend the regular order of business and hear from represenative of the Puget LW Sound fraction Light & Power Co .carried ,- Application for permit, to construct,erect andmaintain poles etc ,filed by said P-S-T-L•-&-P-Co . Moved by Evans seconded by I,4cCowin that permission be granted to the Puget Sound fraction Light & Power Co. to set poles as designated upon the blue print and in accordance with the specificat;onn on file with the City Clerk.-carr ie•d..- City Engineer filed written report as follows ; I beg to report that the contract for the grading; and gra,vel.lif" of alley through Block 6 ,Renton Farm Pla.t ,by Irr Butler , is completed ,And would recomend the acceptance of saamme , total cost,-$121. 1.0 Yfoved by McCowin seconded by Dobson that the report of the Engineer be accepted and that recommendations in same be carried out,- carried.- Moved by McCowin seconded by Storey that Assessment Rolls Alley through 1 40-50-455-for grade & g;rgvel o.f/Blocks, 18-6-5- enton_ Farm Plat be approved by the Council,- carried.- ORDINANCE CE NO 310-approving and confirming Assessment and assessment roll of Local Improveme►,nt Pis trio t No .50 for improvement of Alley through Block 5,Renthn Farm Plat read first time .- ----------- 49S Mcived by Swift seconded by Evans that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance C mmittee.-carried... Ordinance No.306-Approving and confirming; Assessment and#� assessment roll of local improvement district No.49 for the improvement of alley thoouph Brock 1 ,i'Lenton Farm Plat read forst time ,- Moved by Evans seconded by Dobson that said. Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance committee ,-carried.- Ordinance NO.309-Approving and confirming assessment and assessment roll of local improvement district No.55, for the improvement of alley through Block 6-Renton Farm Plat,read first time . Moved by Swift seconded by Evans that said Ordinance be refered to the Ordinance Committee,-carried.- Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that ### assessment rolls No 43-52 for the improvement of Main Street and Fourth Avenue Et-al be approved by the Council.-carried.- Ordinance No.307-Approving and confirming; the assessment and assessment roll of local improvement district No 43 ,for the improvement of Fourth Avenue Et-al ,rea.d first time.- Mcved by Swift seconded by Cake that said Ordinance be refered to the ordinance connittee.-carried.- Ordin.arce Igo,._OS-Approving; and confiraj6ng assessment and assessment roll of local improvement district No.52-for the improvement of Main Street read first time . Moved by Swift seconded by YcCowin that said ordinance be refered to the ordinance co mmi ttee ,-Carr ierd.- Pesolution No.122-1!-providing for the grading gravelling and guttering of certain streets south of Walla Walla Avenue as outlined in said resolution read first time .-Moved by Cake seconded by Dobson that said. resolution be refered to the Ordinance Committee,-carried..- Co nmunication recieved from the Pacific Coast Association i of Fire Chiefs.-Moved by Evens seconded by McCowin that said communi- cation be recieved and placed on file,-carried.- There being; no further business moved by Storey seconded by Evans that Council adjourn, -ca.rried,,_ City erk.