HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 08 (4/5/1938 - 9/5/1944) April 5, 1938 Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: John Erzen to reshingle and remodel house at 615 Main st. Sam Mikulich to erect garage on Lot 13, dock 9, Car 'Yorks. Anton Omack to remodel house at 222 Main St. North Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs . H. Evans to take out approach at house at 320 3rd Ave. , and make new approach, read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini, that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Ray Elliott Park Ex. Current 12.50-8411 Pay Roll Bowling Green $119 .99-8395-8412-17 r " Engr. Dept. 6.48-8418-19 George Abbott Fire Dent. Exp. 21.50-8420 Len Whitworth 't ff " 12.50 1 Elmer Kangas it " " 12.50 2 Washington State Firemen " Fees 5.00 3 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 29 .70 4 Pac . Tel &. Tel. Co. Telephones 29 .85 5 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 3.44 6 McFadden & Son Fuel 37.12 7 Thos. Harries Insurance 5.00 8 D. H. White Police Map 5.00 9 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Supplies 5.85-8430 'Nest Diginfecting Co. Supplies 3.00 1 Pettie Printery Printing 7 .50 2 Washington Bindery Library Books 20.56 3 Frank Rhodes Police Material 8.70 4 E. A. Shearer FiP Dept. Exp. 1.50 5 Ivan W. Lee Park Exp. 2.00 6 Renton Feed Co. Park Exp.ense 23.50 7 Pac. Coast R. R. Co. Park Lease 1.00 8 Waters Specialties Supplies 7 .40 9 Trick & Murray Supplies 6.50-8440 Service Laundry Laundry 10.01 1 Cross & Williams Police Exp. 2.40 2 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 19.28 3 Pay Roll Park 101.02 4-5 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 8.00 6 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts 401.97-615-622-30 Pay Roll WPACurbs 101.84-631-34 Renton Realty Co. Ins. 50.05-635 75.50- 6 Roy Bright 'NPA Curbs Pac. Car & Fdry " " Material 25.60 7 Williams & Swanson Material .98 8 Renton Auto Friehgt Drayage 24.20 9 Hooker Electrochemical „ 3.65-640 City St. Fund Standard Oil Co. Oil $34.04-641 Union Oil Co. Gas 119.34 2 John Dower Lumber Co. WPA Curbs 113.90 3 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 66.12-2375-77 City of Seattle Water 24.04-2378 Renton News Record Printing 14.50-2373 R. Mastro Labor & Material L.I.D.#186 $7.60-137 John Dower Lumber Co. Material L.I.D.#187 122.01-138 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for fencing and lighting the Bowling Green, the following was read. Reid & Cook - - - - - $658.00 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the contract be wwarded Reid & Cook, subject to approval of the City Engr. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the holes left on Bronson Way by removal of the Bellinda Buildings be referred to the St. Supt for recommendation. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. /l Q� City Clerk Z, Mayor Pro Tem. 3 April 12 , 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last 'meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt were read: Ben Lindgren to erect a garage on Lot 6, Block 25, R. F. , P. Walter F. Evans to erect a garage on Lot 5, Block 4, R. F. P. M. P. Lazara to remodel house at 105 Logan St. Louis Delaurenti to move wood shed from 206 1st Ave. No. to corner 3rd & Wells St. North Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. Petition of James Matinda to break curb for driveway at 316 Garden St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace four poles on Mill St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication received rom the Assn of Washington Cities Asking that the names of delegates to the Convention in Tacoma, May 5th & 6th be reported as soon as possible. )Ioved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that Mayor Cochran. and City Attornyy John Dobson be named as delegates..:' Carried. Communication received from King County Planning Commission asking that the city request from the U.S. Army Engrs. that a survey be made of Cedar and Green-Duwamish Rivers. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that a letter be sent to the Army Engrs at 'iashington, D. C. Carried. Communication received from Pacific Telephone Co. notifying the city that all free telephones, except the Fire Chief's would be discontinued after May 10th, according to the new franchise. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that same be received and filed. Carried. Written Acceptance of Ordinance No. 996 granting a franchise to the Pacific Telephone & Telgraph Company for a period of twenty-five years received.from the Telephone Company. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be 1 attached to the Ordinance. Carried, IL• Chief Stewart protested the action of the Telephone Co. in discontinuing free telephone service to the police dept. Moved by Lewis, � seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to City Property Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. Eoved by Isackson, seconded by La-r:rence that the question of more lights on some city streets be referred to the Fire, -uight & Water Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. Resolution No. 512, authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute a suit Claim Deed to James Mathinda upon payment of $40.00 for assessments against Lot 4, Block 15, Renton Farm Plat. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as re d. Cied. MEETING ADJOURNED. City Clerk c arr ..,,or P-o Tem. �, ivy April 19, 19 38. The Council was called to order at 8 P. K. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Le,s,is, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamb orini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following -petitions, all approved by the Building Supt were read : A. M. Emard to remodel house on Lot 6, Block 22, R. r. P. H. Jackson to move garage back on lot about six feet and enlarge same at 310 Meadow St. Ben Allen to remodel house at 215 17ill St. making same into a duplex. Mrs. Gladys Farrow to remodel front Ooreh at 28 Logan St. Frank G. Gus-tine to reshingle house and remodel rear porch at 107 Meadow St. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that all permits be granted. Carried. Notice of public hearing on the pontoon bridge across Lake ,,'uashington on May 4, at 10:30 A.M. in Seattle Chamber of Commerce Building, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamb orini that Mayor Cochran represent the city at the hearing. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll Bowling Green 0163.90-8458-64 It it Engr. Dept. 6.98-8465-6 - Harry Hartman Library Books 45.98-8467 Puget Sound News Co. `- " It 11.67 8 Pac. Tel - Tel. Co. Telephones 23.65 9 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Library Fuel 42.50-8470 Gaylord Bros Library Exp. 6.55 1 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.90 2 Seattle Blueprint Engr Exp. 2.20 3 Valley u'dindow Cleaners Labor 4.00 4 Eagle Cafe Prisoi ers meals 22. 75 5 P. .S. P. & L. Co. Lights 35.81 6 Reid u, Cook Labor & Material 31.07 7 Pay Roll Park 112.24 8 -9 Renton Hdw (':"� rurn Surplies 6.80-8480 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts $318.27-65-12-655-61 Pay Roll " " 107.73-652-6 Art teil' s Garage Labor & Material 21.55-667 Union Oil Co. Gas 34.98 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. St. Lights 332.38- 9 Reid & Cook Labor & Mater 8.95-670 Roy Bright IN P A Labor 56.50-653 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance . 41.75 4 Renton Hd.^r & Furn Sun-lics 33.02-671 WATER Addressograph Machine 41.30-2379 Pay Roll Water Dept. 109.29-2382-4 Reid & Cook Labo r 4. 50 5 Renton Feed Co. Material 5.25 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 46.23 7 I+toved by Lewis , seconded by I3ackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. r City Property Committee was given more time before reporting on the telephones for the police department. Fire, Light & ivater Committee recommended that lights be installed on certain dark streets. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in and additional lights installed. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the city attorney be instructed to draft a meat inspection ordinance. Carried. The Mayor brought up the question of "detour" for a period of seven months while the new Bronson Way bridge is under construction. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that some publicity be given to the question and then considered next Tuesday evening. Carried, Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that additional toilet facilities at the ball park be referred to the City Engr. City Property Committee and Park Board for investigation and they be given power to act. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor h:_ 41 f� ) 4pril 26, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Cour_cil was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of the Pacific Telephone Co. to move pole located on the north side of 4th Ave.between Mill afid Beacon Ave, about ten feet, read. Moved by Lewis, s6conded by Duncalf that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to relovate six poles between 4th & 5th Ave. on account of the placing of curbs, read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of citizens on Third Ave. asking that the Bronson ''day bridge, when same is replaced by a new bridge, be moved east pawell to the New Castle R. R. bridge and that Walla Walla Avenue be extended from Mills St. east to said bridge, read. Moved by Tamb or ini, seconded by Isackson that the petition be received and action on the disposition of the bridge be withheld until the detour route is determined. Carried. Summons & Petition of the City of Seattle to condemn property for electric transmission sydem around the City of Renton read, and filed. City Property Committee recommended that two rest rooms be erected between the new and old bleachers at the ball park. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in and rest rooms constructed under the supervision of the city engineer. Carried. Renton Athletic Club submitted bills for the erection of fence, remodeling concession and erection of ticket booth, etc at the ball park in the amount of $146.04. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the city property committee for recommendation. Carried. This being the night for hearing suggestionsand recommendations as to the best possible route for a detour while the new Bronson "day bridge is under construction by the State Department, the meeting was thrown open to the public. After consideration discussion, it was Beloved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that we advise the statemdepartment that a temporary bridge should be erected just east of the present birdge and that the widening and paving of Bronson Vuay should be done first, the temporary bridge to connect up with Bronson V`Vay forth. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the State be instructed to dismantle the present Bronson `iay bridge and store same on the east side of the present bridge. The same being put to a vote, resulted as follows: Lawrence - No Plano - Yes - VO Lewis - Yes Tamborini - Yes. Duncalf - Yes Motion carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the right of way etc for the extension of iValla Walla avenue be placed in the hands of the St C'L Alley Committee. Carried. Yoved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the city pay for telephones for the regular police force. Carried. I Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the telephone of the ;'dater Supt be paid by the city. Carried. Ordinance No. 997 requiring that all meat offered for sale shall be inspected read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee resorted favorably on Ord No. 997 whereupon it was placed upon its seconded and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Carried. Resolution No. 513 authorizing the State Department to paint the traffic line through the City of Renton, in an amount not to exceed the sum of 65.00 same to be paid from the Secondary Highway Fund, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. Carried. ivo further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk O✓ Mayor i r May 3, 19 38. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Ta�borini. Einutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building :Supt were read: Chas Cassinat to reshingle house on Lot 6 , Block 5, Sartoris. J. Y. Clarke to remodel house at 600 Cedar St. Hayden vuilliam to erect house on Renton Avenue Charles Anderson to reshingle house at 201 2nd Ave. No. E. A. Fuller to raise house and ren_ air foundation at 913 5th Ave. Moved by Tamb orini, seconded by Deacy that permits be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Ci&- St. Fund Pay Roll Engr. WPA Curbs 34.96-675 Pay Roll City Sts. -676-686 Pay Rol City St. Fund 98.77-687-91 Melba James Clerical work 6.40-692 Roy Bright NPA Curbs 42. 00 3 Stoneway Dock Co. St. 111aterial 10.13 4 rJestern Tire Service " 2.75 5 K. E. Erickson St. Signs 23.79 6 Williams &. Swanson Labor & Material 4.94 7 Shell Oil Co. Gasoline 85.50 8 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 1.86 9 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 59.10-700 Du Pont , P. A. Material-Curbs 17.11 1 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $32.43-8497-6 Pay Roll Bowling Green 22.45-8498-9-8500 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 36. 50-8495 Valley liuindow Cleaners Labor 2. 00-8501 Service Laundry Laundry 3.30 2 Elmer Kangas Fire Dent. Exp. 12. 50 3 Ray Elliott it " " 28.25 4 Len '�'Ihitworth " " " 12 .50 5 George Abbot it " " 17.00 6 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.70 7 Trick a- Murray Supplies 3. 90 8 Grinnell Co. Park Material 8.09 9 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 8.40-8510 Renton Hdw Co. Park Exp. 20.66 1 John Dower Lumber Co. Park Material 53.28 2 Pay Roll Park Dept. 98.78-8516.5 Gordon Gilleland Park Labor 15.00-8513 Guy Stafford " " 22.00 6A Percy Graves " " 35.10 72 Nater Pay Roll �"Dater Dept. 97.81-2389-93 City of Seattle Water 26.40 4 Renton Feed Co. Material 8.75 5 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 4. 50 6 L.I.D.#187 RAr_ton Hdw & ''urn Sunnlies 11,63-140 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 431.01 1 a° f� RJ r Loved by Isackson, seconded by Taub orini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that the park expenditure ,of $146.04 by the Renton Athletic Club be paid by the city, but future improvements must be submitted to the city before bills are contracted. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. ... Water Supt recommended the purchase of 750 ft. 10" wooden pipe. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamb orini that we call for bids for 750 ft. wood and cast iron pipe. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deady that the city attorney draft an emergency ordinance for $499. to erect rest rooms at the park. Carried. The addition to Sweet Center was brought up by Councilman Lawrence who stated that the improvement was needed but the park fund was not sufficient to take care of s ame . Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee and the Park Board to investigate and report back to the Council. Carried. The matter of acquiring rroperty adjacent to the ball park was brought up and discussed. Moved by Tamb orini, secon dd by Isackson that tame be referred to the City Lttorney and City Property Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 10 :'arJ T,iay 10, 19 38. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 111. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. P. inutes of the last meeting read and a,, -Proved. Petition of the Pacific Tele=phone & Telegraph Co. to replace one pole at the Sul corner of So. 5th Ave and So. Burnett St. move poles on 5th five and. Vells St move pole butts to So . 5th & So. 97illiams St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to move pole ten feet south onShattuck St. north of 4`ialla 'Valla Ave. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Communication read from the City of Seattle and ordered filed. City Attorney and City Property Committee were given another week on the acquisition of property adjacent to ball park. Communication read from the Lawn Bowling Green Club in appreciation of the construction of bowling green by the City Administration. Same was ordered filed. Bill in the amunt of �p112.50 for purchase of bowling equipment presented by the Bowling Green Club . koved by Lewis, s eeonded by Tamborini that same be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Report read from City Engr. recommending the Dayment of $450.00 to Reid 6; Cobk as partial payment on their contract for fencing and liglting the bowling green. Moved by Plano seconded by Isackson that the recommenda- tion be concurred in and estimate paid. Carried. Ordinance graiting a Franchise to the City of Seattle across 6th Avenue North & Allians St. North with the following provisions: City of Seattle pay the City of Renton, $15 ,000. and permit the following bus stops: 4th &. Pine, Union, Spring, Marion St, Dilling Way and Jackson St. , also deed right of way sufficient for an eighty foot road way when the City of Renton extends Walla ;lalla Ave. , construct sidewalks on their right of way on Mill St, read. Proved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that we rescind the motion of February 9, 1938, "that the franchise be denied in its present locations" The motion to rescind carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the Ordinance granting a Franhise to the City of Seattle be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favor- ably on the Ordinance. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the report of the Ordinance Committee be received. Carried. Mr. Sneddon complained of the water standing on the street at 5th 6:, 6th on Burnett St. The matter was referred to the City Engr. and the St. Supt. The matter of hiring more help on the 79 P A and keeping the projects moving a little faster was discussed. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to headquarters about the matter and the Mayor and Chief of Police were appointed a com±ittee to make a personal call on the Ballard WPA Office. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor L 12 1 ay 17, 1938. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Arthur Yaki to repair house at 627 Morris St. J. A. Sterrett to repair foundation and make driveway at 203 3rd Avenue North. F. T. Spencer to make concrete driveway at 229 1st Avenue i,'Iorth. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that permits be granted. Carried. Communication read from Mayor Langlie of Seattle and ordered filed. Communication read from Dept. of Lighting, Seattle and ordered filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll City St. Fund $89 .80-703-6 tt tt it If ti 394.55-707-17 Hooker Electro Chemical Shlorine 285. -718 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 7.67 9 Art Beils Garage Material 4.00-720 0. Pribe Labor on tools 5.50 1 P. a. P. c:c L. Co. Lights 325.61 2 Pay Roll Engr. ('�uPA)8 19.98 3 Roy Bright Labor (WPA) 48.00 a ' Current Fund Pay RollEngr. Dept. 36.17-8531-32 Park 20.58-8533-35 t Bowling Green 40.41 6-7 tr ► Park Labor 96.53 38-39 C . Haleway Labor 1.50-8540 Karadio Specialty Co. Police 'Bxp. 14.50 1 Harry Hartman Lib . Books 6.00 2 Puget .ound Trews Co. " " 18.03 3 Gaylord Bros . r " " 4.05 4 ivashington Bindery " " 54.76 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 30. 50 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 36610 7 Geo . Abbott Fire Dept. Labor 4.50 8 Elmer Kangas it " It 4.50 9 Waters Specialties Supplies 10. -8550 Crescent Auto Painting Police Exp. 12.00 1 J. S. Hardie Fire Dept. Exp. 21.80 2 C. Bevan Park Exp. 5.45 3 Stewart RhddaS kark EJtpense 3.00 4 Seattle Title Co. Bronson 'qday R/`1 16.25 5 John Lotto, P.I . Stamps 5.00 6 Pay Roll Engr. Dent. #187 24.97-142-43 Shearer' s Sheetmetal Material 38.02-144 13 ':'eater Pay Roll Water ,Dept. $104.78-2400-3 Alex Cugini Labor 1.50 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 41.01 5 Moved by Lewis, sefonded by Tamborini that the report of the Committee be concurred in and bills paid. Carried. The matter of the removal of a tree in Liberty Park which will be in the way of traffic during the construction of �• the new Bronson ,ray bridge was referred to the Park Board for investigation. purchasing The matter of/the property on which the fence around the ball park is erected was discussed. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the city attorney get an impartial appraisal of the ground and submit same to the council. Carried. Moved by Lewis seconded by Isackson that the corner of Burnett and Walla Walla Ave be referred to the St 6: Alley Committee, City Lngr. and City Atty. for report next Tuesday. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that Secs. 7 & 8 of Franchise Ordinance for transmission line be amded as read. The same being lbut to a vote carried unanimously. The Ordinance Committee having reported favorably on Ordinance No. 998, it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Resolution No. 514 for the improveraent of Tobin Ave. Logan St. to Lake St, et al was read. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. Carried. Report read from the city engr submitting data required in connection with the above resolution read and ordered filed. Mayor Cochran reported on meeting held at Forth Bend. Moved byjjBmbrini, seconded by Duncilf that the Mayor call a meeting 1P he purporse of organizing a highway association. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Ip City Clerk Mayor 1.4 �»y Tray 24, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1,. with I:ayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition, approved by the Building erupt was read: .Emma Jones to reshingle house at 525 Smither St. K-oved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Jesse C . Young askts permission to break about 18 ft. of curb in front of his shop at 318 Burnett St. L.Ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be referred to the St. Supt with power to act. Carried. otice read from the Association of :,ashington Cities of meeting Wednesday idiay 25th at Sumner at ? :-40 P . M'. The matter of construction of sidewalks and curbs on the property Quest of Shattuck St. by the -ii P A was protested by the property owners adjacent thereto. ivoved by Lawrence, ,econded by Tamborini that same be turned over to the City Engr for investigation and report. Carried. St . � Alley Committee reporting on the Burnett at. matter recommended that a communication be sent the C. & P. S. asking that spur tracke* be shifted thereby widening the street. NEW Movedby Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the matter of railroad Right of Way on Burnett be turned over to the city atty. Carried. Chief Dullahant reportedthat two old buildings on Main St. should be torn down on account of the fire hazard and alio recommended that an ordinance regulating the installation of oil burners and storage of oil should be drafted and also called attention to the fact that certain redommendations in their annual report had not been acted upon. Moved by Lararence, seconded by Duncalf that the Ordinance, proposed, be turned over to the city attornye and Fire Chief and the other matter b= referred to the Fire Light and 'Nater Committee for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that the city attorney notify the owner of buildings at 317 and 319 Yain St. that same must be tordn down. Carried. loved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the manage- ment and supervision of the bowling green and equipment be turned over to he Park Board and that the Park Board and Bowling Green Club meet in a joint meet '.ng to draft rul%es and regulations t covering the bowling green. Carried. J !,,,Ir. Jack Browne, of the Bowling Green stated that the committee wished to withdraw their request for equipment and apply the money on the Club House and that the members of the Club would furnish tit it own equipment. The question of grade on Tobin & Logan St. was re- ferred to the St. &, Alley Committee and the city engineer to report to council next Tuesday. No further business, meeting ad;�urned. City Clerk �-�'�,payo r May 31, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano and Deacy. Minutes ofthe last meeting read and a-nproved. The foll:-wing petitions, approved by the Building Supt were read: Ernest Ii. Pritchard to erect a house at 511 2nd Ave. Mrs. Tom Galloway to remodel house at 1007 4th Ave. J. R. ,Williams to remodel house at 424 `lilliam.s St. Moved I-),- Planc, seconded by Duncalf that permits be granted. Carried.. Communication read from K. T. Deverill relative to removal of fence at ball park. :loved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be turned over to the city attorney to institute- condemnation proceedtngs. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recor:mended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund Pay roll Streets 527.79-729-39 .r it City Sts. 134.68-740-3 ++ ►r VVPA Curbs 24.97-744 Roy Bright " " Truck Hire 54.00-745 C. D,. Segar Labor on tools 3.20 6 Gladding,IfIcBean & Co. Material 49.14 7 Current Pay Roll Park 107 .76-8574-5 +t it Engr. Dept. 68.86-8576-8 Hub City Cheb Car Hire 24.00 9 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 44.05-8580 D. D. Vuatson Dog Catcher 27 .00 1 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 36.40 2 Rose Gigle Clerical - 25.60 3 Geo. Abbott Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 4 Elmer Kangas " " it 26 .00 5 Len Whitworth " " " 11.75 6 Joe Fillon " " " 3.75 7 Renton reed Co. Supplies 99.15 8 ';at er Pay Roll 'dater Dept. 117.26-2408-14 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 8.26-2415 ;'d. P. Fuller & Co. Material 23.65 6 Lumber Tkt Lumber 17.46 7 16 4 L.I.D.#187 Engr. Dept. Pay Roll 24.97-146 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the. recommenda- tion of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Resolution No. 515 for the improvement of streets in North Renton by curbs was read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that same be adopt- ed as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 6 Mayor 17 June 7, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call : Lewis, Dunealf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions approved by the Building Supt. were read: James Taylor to repair house at 317 Smithers St. Matt Grady to reshingle house at 506 WE' St . Moved by Lewi3 , � � �n� � � Duncalf that permits be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. . P. & L. Co. to move three poles at 6th x Smithers on account of curb improvement. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Suet . Carried. �=�tty. Dobson reported on the Deverill property adjoin- ing the ball park. The Council arranged a meeting with lair . Deverill after council_. This being the night for hearing protests on the Tobin Avenue curbs, the Clerk reported that some had been received. Engr estimated that only a 25`o protest had been received, and that same was not sufficient to stop the improvement. Moved by Tarrbo rini, seconded. by Lewis that the necessary steps be taken to proceed with the improvement. Carried. Ordinance granting a franchise to the Puget Sound Power OL Light Company read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Plano , seconded by Tamborini that we advertise for bids for painting the Clerk' s Office. Carried. The Engr. was instructed to write an article for publica- tion as to how the assessment is srread for curbs. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 6?7 �-c- Mayor 18 June 14, 1938. Special meeting of the City Council was called to order for the purpose of considering purchase of property adjacent to Liberty Park. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Report received from the City Property Committee recommending that the city purchase the property from K. T. Deverill for the sum of 33550. the city to take over the lease of the Savage Motor Company which rents for $25.00 per month. Moved byLawrence , seconded by P1ano,that the report of the committee be received and concurred in. Carried. Emergency Ordinance appropriating the sum of $3550. for the purchase of property adjoinging the park was introduced. Moved and seconded that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved and seconded that if, and when the money is received from the City of Seattle for transmission line that $5000. be turned over to the Park Board for park development. Carried. Neeting adjourned. lC Gu 7-e� City Clerk, Pro Tem. Mayor 19 June 21, 1938. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meetings read and approved. ..� Petition of Mrs. H. Evans to remodel the Northwest corner of tls Evans Building making same into apartments read. The same having been gproved by the Building Supt, it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace one pole at 1st Avenue North & Wells St and move two poles on 7th Avenue, Morris & Smithers St. , read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini, that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of E. F. Betz and Mrs. H. Evans asking that a strip of land owned by the city in line with Shattuck St. between 2nd & 3rd Aves be opened up for a street, read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that same be turn- ed over to the St & Alley Committee and the City Engr for investiga- tion and report. Carried. Letter and Ordinance Accepting the franchise -provided for in Ordinance No. 998 of the City of Renton for a transmission line through the City of Renton read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be held in obeyance until the warrant for $15,000. is received. Carried. Claim for damages in the amount of $1,000. received from Margaret B. and Frank Ullom against the city for defective side- walk on 2nd Ave. between Wells & Bronson Way. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that same be turned over to the Finance Claims & Accounts Committee and the City Attorney for investigation and report. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts $407.25-753-63 it " it ++ 177.11-764-72 ++ " Engr. Dept. (Curbs) 67.90-751-73-75 Lumber Market Lumber 105.24-758 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 328.01-776 C. Bevan Repair Work 2.05-777 R. 0. Brown " It 2.90- 8 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 15.50 9 Shell Oil Gil Co. Gas 70.88-780 Williams & Swanson Material 1.20 1 Renton Feed Co. Material 7.88 2 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 5.25 3 Renton Hdw & Suppiture Supplies 39.02 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Tsfr of telephone wires 14.25 5 Current Bund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 61.37-8607-9 ++ " Bowling Green 67.35-8610-12 Geo. Abbott Convention Exp. 20. -8601 Elmet Kangas " " 20. 2 John Neal it ++ 20. 3 24 Clarence Dullahant Convention Exp. 20.00-8604 Elmer Kangas " " 20. 5 Harry Hartman Library Books 30.75-8613 Puget Sound Neww Co. " " 13.78 4 Williams & McKnight Supplies 19.19 5 Service Laundry& Cleaners Laundry 18.33 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 7.07 7 Frank E. Rhodes Material 5.38 8 Railway Express Agency Fire Dept. Material 16.53 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 39.01-8620 Trick & Murray Supplies 5.94 1 Tom Dobson & Son Ins. 15. 2 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.00 3 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 4 C . Haleway Labor 1.20 5 Thoms Harries Ins. 5.00 6 Renton News Record Printing 15.25 7 P. H. P. & L. Co. Lights 28.08 8 Ivan W. Lee Bowling Green 20. 9 Renton Realty Co. Ins 25.00-8630 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 21.00 1 Lewis Super Service Gas 1.26 2 John Dower Lumber Co. Materi& 23.36 3 Kuker-Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 4.25 4 Pac. Tel 6; Tel. Co. Telephones 71.05 5 Pay Roll Park Dept. 114.49-8636-7 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 32.00 8 F. W. Swenson " 1.00 9 Strnards Phot Shop8 Police Exp. 44.80-8640 Vincent Stewart Exp. Convention 3.54 1 Hub City Chev Car Hire-Police 6.00 2 David T. Young Appraiser-Park 35.00 3 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 72.93 4 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 228.54-2420-9 Grinnell Co. Material 138.96-2430 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 112.11 1 City of Seattle Water 41.88 2 L.I.D.#187 Stoneway Dock Co. Material - Curbs $827.40-150 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 29.25 1 W. B. Young Pay roll (Labor) 38.67 2 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night for hearing protests on the North Renton curbs, the protests were turned over to the City Engr. for tabulation. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the matter be referred to the City PrWrty for report next meeting. Carried. This bein hfight for opening bids on painting the City Hall Office, thetfollowing were read: C. M. Christianson . . . . . . $120.00 Wm. Tachell . . . . . . . . . 94.90 A. J. Burney . . . . . . . . . 97.60 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that same be turned over to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. 21 The Ordinance Committee reorted favorably on Ordinance No. 999, appropriating the sum of 13550. to purchase property adjoining Liberty Parkt whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the old Fire Chief �- building on corner of Wells & Walla Walla be referred to the/ Fire, Light & Nater Committee with power to act. Carried. REsolution No. 51§, authorizing - city clerk and mayor execute a `quit Claim Deed to the purchaser of Lot 6, Block 2, Morgans Grand View Addition upon the payment of assessments in full. Mored by" Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that same be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that a communication be written the Park Board asking that they take care of the dust in the park. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem. 22 July 5, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Dunealf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following permits approved by the Building Supt . were read: Caesar Tasco to erect house on Lot 4, Block 21, R. F. P. Myrtle Lunn to erect a house and garage on Lot 22, Block 10, R. F. P. Ike Hancock to reshingle house at 308 Main St. North K. Carneski to erect a house and garage on Lot 6, Block 4, Sartorisville. L. J. Cross to reshingle house on Lot 8, Block 199 Town. Wm. Ovist to erect combination garage and wood shed at 600 Morris St. 0. Priebe to reshingle house on Lot 5 , Block 26, Town. Mrs . D. Morrison to reshingle house on Lot 20, Block 29 R. F. P. Walter F. Evans to build fence around lot at 216 Park Ave. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that all permits be granted the above petitioners. Carried. W. F. Evans asks permission to break curb for drive- way at 216 Park Ave. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of the Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. to replace one pole corner of 5th Ave and Morris St. and to replace one pole at the east side of Burnett St. ist pole south of 6th Ave. Moved by Tambori ni, seconded by Duncalf that some be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $233.00-787-91 City Sts. 396.70-792-802 ++ ++ Curbs - Engr. 82.26-803-5 ►+ ++ Engr. Dept. 24.95-8663 Geo. Abbott Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50-8665 Poe Fillon " ++ it 31.75 6 Gordon Gilleland Bowling Green 1.15 7 0. N. Cochran Convention Exp.-7 10.80-8668 Pay Roll Park Dept. 110. 10-8669-70 Valley 'Window Cleaners Labor 2.00- 1 K. T. Deverill Park Property 2622.04-8661. County Treasurer it " Taxes 927.97- 2 Pay Roll L.I.D.#187 - Engr. 23.70-153.4 " ++ Water Dept. 113.78-2435-37 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. 23 Engr' s report showing that only a 35% protest had been received on the North Renton curbs. Moved by Deacy seconded by Plano that the city attorney draft the necessary papers to create an improvement district. Carried. St. & Alley Committee and City Engr. reporting on the extension of Shattuck St. recommended that the street be extended from 2nd to 3rd Aves. and the same be improved by a WPA pio ject. Moved by Tamb ori ni, seconded by Duncal f that the �.. recommendation be concurred in and the city attorney bring in a Resolution for the impr ovem at. Carried. ' The Ordinance Committee ` that they were not yet ready to report on the P. S. P. & L. Co. franchise ordinance. Ordinance No. 1000 for the improvement of Tobin Ave by concrete curbs read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordnance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 1000 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini• Proposed Emergency Ordinance appropriating the sum of $500. for the construction of rest rooms at Liberty Park read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Mayor Cochran reported on meeting at Olympia of the Association of Washington Cities. No further business, meeting adjourned . aInzV/FIC6t City Clerk Mayor 24 ;sa;zy July 19, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isacks on, Duncalf, Lewis, Deacy and Tamb orini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Frank Repenshek to erect house and garage on Lot 19, Block 11 , Car Works. Mrs. H. Evans to remodel entrance of store building on Lot 10, Block 10, Town. Albert May to make addition to 'hous e on Lot 6, Block 3, Car works . Jack O'Brien to erect wood shed at 836 3rd Ave . No. Angelo Phillips to move house & garage from 11 Logan St. to 137 Logan St. Moved by Lewi s,seconded by Duncalf that the permits be granted. Carried. Petition of R. Bellendo to break curb at 129 Mill St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of Foster & Kleiser to erect a sign at 2nd & Wells St. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be turned over to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to install anchor to pole on Williams St. North & 1st Ave. No. , also to move ten poles on 4th Ave. between Shattuck & Burnett Sts. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the Ct. Supt. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the request of Elsie Gilmore for no parking signs in front of her cabins on 3rd Ave. , West be referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for paymEnt the following: City St. Fund R. 0. Brown Labor on tools $5.40-810 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 328.78-811 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 141.07-812 0. Priebe Labor 17.50-813 W. J. Thompson & Co. Labor 3.00- 4 Art Beils Garage Material 12.75 5 Gladding,McBean & Co. " 6.60 6 Ralph' s Garage " 4.50 7 E. P. �Nllson Co. , Agts.Gravel 42.30 8 Shell Oil Co. Gas 157.50 9 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 6.00-820 Pay Heuer P St. Dept. 418.36-821.30 Pay Roll City Sts 156.65-831-6 f, ff Engr. Depot 47.43-837-9 Renton Hdw 6c Furn Supplies 2.15-840 John Dower Lumber Lumber 9.99 1 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 19.20 2 � rMA. 2V City St. Fund Renton Hdw & Fum Supplies 5.95-844 The -Lumber Mkt Lumber 11.00 5 The Home Oil Co. St. oil 436.80 6 Current Fund L. P. Wood Park Labor 27.57-8683 Renton News Record Library Printing 3.50 4 J. B. Owens Library Labor 28.80 5 Gaylord Bros. , Inc. " Books 15.10 6 Puget Sound News Co. tt 1.50 7 tf Harry Hartman " it 16.13 8 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.27 9 Seattle Blueprint Co. Maps 1.63-8690 Arthur Trudgeon lata Park Painting 125.00 1 Cross & Williams Police Exp. 2. 95 2 Kane Electric " " 7.50 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 25.58 4 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 24.50 5 Ohio Chem & Mfg. Co. Fire Dept. Exp. 3.28 6 Service Laundry Laundry 3.66 7 North Coast Chem Co. Supplies 45.75 8 Trick & Murray " 3.50 9 H. A. Fiskaali Fire Dept. Exp. 38.00-8700 Seattle Title Co. Title Ins 34.25 1 W. F. McCracken Engr. Payroll 37.42 2 Lee Monohon " it 2.49 3 Pay Roll Park Dept. 105.51 4-5 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 1.97 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 12. 53 7 Pac . Coast R. R. Park Lease 50.00 8 E. A. Shearer Supplies 1.10 9 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber-Bowling Green 1.08-8710 Reid OG Cook Supplies 6.80 1- Kroll Map Co. Map 2.00 2 Pac . Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones 25.80 3 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 19.50 4 Reid & Cook. Final- Bowling Green 208.00 5 Water Fund Olympic Foundry Co. Material $41.72-2442 National Meter Co. " 6.98 3 Grinnell Co. " 7.43 4 Alex Cugini Labor 3.75 5 City of Seattle Water 128.12 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 126.68 7 The Lumber Market Lumber 8.40 8 Pay Roll 'Yater Dept. 115.27-2449-52 National Meter Co. Material 53.47-2453 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried* The City Property Committee recommended that a Plymouth car in the amount of 1496.00 , be purchased for the police department, the old prowler to be turned in on same. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalfo that the recommendation be concurred in and car puceased from Peterson Bums. Lewis that the Moved by Lawrence, seconded by previous motion be tabled. Carried. Moved by Tamb orini, seconded by Lawrence that the city engineer be given power to designate the new position for the City Light poles on Burnett St. between 3rd & Walla Walla Ave. Carried, Assignment of Lease of building in park formerly owned by K. T. Deverill to the City of Renton received, the premises leased for the sm of $25.00 per month, read and filed. 26 V Ordinance No. 1001 granting to the P. S. P. & L. Co. a thirty year franchise was reported upon favorably by the Ordinance Committee, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance for the improvement of North Renton by curbs was read and on motion referred tothe ordinance Committee. - Data on the proposed improvement by curbs in North Renton submitted by the engineer was read and on motion filed. The city engineer was instructed to proceed with the improvement of Liberty Park by addition of rest rooms. This being the night for opening bids on material for concrete curbs on certain streets in Renton, the following was read: Stoneway Dock Co. . . . . . . $804.60 This being within the engineer' s estimate, it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the contract be awarded the Stoneway Dock. Carried. The Mayor stated that he had the plans and specifications for the new Bronson Way bridge on file in his office. The City Clerk reported that $15,000. for transmission line franchise had been received Prom the City of Seattle. Moved and seconded that same be received, $1000. placed in the L.I.Genl Fund and X5000. to the Park Board. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk . v- ZZ Mayor 9 27 ' i�ugust 2, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 111. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence , Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Tamb or ini. Minutes ofthe last meeting: read and after the following correction approved as read: That the motion with reference to purchase of proivler car be corrected to read: "That the previous motion be tabled for two weeks ." Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co . to relocate the fol- lowing poles: 2nd hve. No. between Garden & Meadow St, Wells St . No . of 2nd "ve. Pole & anchor at Shattuck & 4th. Logan & 2nd Ave, Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamb orini 'that same be granted under the supervision of the : t. Supt . Carried. The following petitions, approved by the Bldg. Supt . were read: Frank Zgolinski to tear down old garage and erect new one at 611 Smithers St. M. Bagby to make basement at 330 Cedar St. Delina Richards to remodel house at 538 Morris St, Mrs. Nellie O'Brien to erect small house on Lot 14 , Block 34, Smithers 2nd kddi tion. J. W. Klinga to reshingle garage at 122 Bronson yiay No. R. F. Benton to erect garage at 204 Garden St. W. Daniels to repair garage ani move same around on Lot 1, Block 25 , R.F.P. Moved. by Duncalf , seconded by Lewis that all petitions be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and. recommended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund 848 Pay Roll St. Dept. X114.49-851 T1 ,r n tt 409 .64-853-63 IT 7T.L Curbs 32.46-864-5 Roy Bright if " Hauling 108.00 6 R.O.Brown Labor on tools 3.20 7 Railway Express agency Express Charge 1.88 8 Current Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept.- w34.68-8731-4 If " Park Dept. 107.76-8735-6 Earl ri al the r Fire Dept. ,Exp. 7.50 7 Geo . kbbott " " " 24.50 8 Steve Gotti " " " 7.50 9 C.Y. Christiansen Painting City Hall Ofc . 120 .00-8740 Rose Gigli Police Exp, 2.50 1 Wm. 0aller Labor 2.00 2 Bellinger Furn Co. Fire Dept. Exp . 21.39 3 Dave Craig Bowling Green Labor 25.00 4 L. P. Wood It it 'n 57.13 5 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 46.45 6 Len hitviorth Fire Dept. Exp .- 9.75 7 Ser Ldry & Cleaners Laundry 12.43 8 Trick & Murray Supplies 5.40 9 28 ' Water Fund Pay Roll Water Dept. 159.91-2455-62 City of Seattle Water 167.56-2463 Pay Roll Eh,-,r. Dept. 26.20-162 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 936.55 a E. A. Shearer " 11.70 4 Chas . R. "ilatts & Co. " 47.30 5 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamoorini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from County Auditor relative to voting machines for the fall election. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamb orini that arrange- ments be maate to get the machines. Carried. Communication read. from Commercial Club asking that 3rd Ave. from Whitworth 'to Main be closed to all traffic from 11 to 12 midnight on August 12th on account of carnival and reception of hitchhikers. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the re- quest be grantees and the closing of the street be turned over to the Police Dept. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the city attorney be instructed to draft ordinance covering license of bill boards. Carried. St. x Llley Committee asked more time on the application of Foster & Kleiser for bill board on 2nd Ave. Written acceptance of Ordinance No. 1001 granting franchise to the P. S. P. & L. Co. received and ordered filed. Layor announced meeting of the Snoqualmie Road group in `racoma, Wednesaay August 3rd at 8 P. Irl, Ordinance No. 1002, appropriating the sum of 1:500. for rest rooms and other improvements at Liberty Park was reported favorable by the Ordinance Committee , whereupon it was placed upon its second' and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawr.nce, Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Oratinance 1003, providing for the improvement of all of North Renton by curbs was reported upon favorably by the Ordinance Committee, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present vot- igg aye: Lawrence, Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamb or ini that the engr prepare a call for furnishing material for North Renton curbs. Carried. Fire, Light' & Water committee recommended that the light at the end of Tobin Ave. be moved. to a position where more light will 'be obtained and a light be placed at the end of Shattuck St, kloved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the report be concurred in. Carried. Jerry Cordell of the Renton Athletic Club asked that bleachers to accomodate the football crowd.sbe erected. The matter was referred to the Council as a whole for report. No further business, meeting adjournedo CiTy Clerk r ayor 29 Aug. 16, 1938. 'Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presidng. _Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. ... The following petitions, approved by the bldg. , Supt. were read: Edith Cooper to reshingle house at 208 Main St. No. C. C. Farmer to make basement at 451 Tobin St. C.- R. James to reshingle house at 447 Main St. No. Tom Dobosn, Sr. to level up Eagle Pool Hall Bldg. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that permits be granted. Carried. Petition of George B. Eipper to move small building to 412 3rd Ave. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the petition be denied and Mr. Eipper be given one week in which to move building out of the city. Carried. Petition of property owners adjacent to 3rd & Burnett St. asking that the Right of uVay of the City of Seattle by improved by concrete sidewalks. Moved Isa8kson seconded by Duncalf that same be referred Alley ommittee for to the St. & report nex meeting night. Carried. Communication read from the Garden Club protesting against bill boards inside the city limits. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Duncalf that the council go on record against the granting of permits to erect bill boards and all bill boards be removed when their license has expired. Carried. Contracts for furnishing electric service for- street lighting and water pumping for the City received the P. S., P. & L. Co. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred to the City Attorney for checking. Carried. Communication received from the Seattle-Renton Stage Co. a-sking the consent of the City Council for the removal of the Bus Terminal in Seattle to 8th & Olive St. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the request be granted. Carried. The Finence Committee audited and recommended for payment the Following: Current Puget Sound News Co. Library Expense 4.77-8763 Sun Dial Press, Inc " " 7.12 4 Harry Hartman " " 14.06 5 Columbia Lumber Co. " " 10.72 6 "— John W. Graham & Co. " " 9.75 7 Lowman & Hanf or d " " 1188 8 J. S. Hardie Park Expense 4.45 9 Pa Roll Park 112.25-8770-71 Pay Engr. Dept. 43el5-8772-73 Bay Roll Howard-Cooper Corp. Fire Dept. Exp. 5.70-8774 Police Exp. 2.00 5 H.H.Adams Engr. Exp. 8.55 6 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Renton Variety Store Park Exp. 1.05 ? Fire Dept. Exp. 33.07 8 Williams & McKnight Liprbts 23.94 9 P.S.P.& L. Co. 30 `C �c . Current Tom Dobson & Son Ins. $50.00-8780 Clarke Bros. Motor Co. Fire Dept. Exp. 32.60 1 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 7.44 2 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 52.40-2467-8 Frank E. Rhodes Labor & Material 26.72-2469 National Meter Co. Material 27.06-2470 Hersey Mfg. Co. " 8.86 1 Rensselaer Valve Co. " 80.78 2 Alex Cugini Labor & Mater 7. 00 3 Olympic Foundry Material 28.56 4 See Lumber Co. " 3.86 5 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 40.46 6 Grinnell Co. " 66.13 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 129.27 8 City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. 321.97-872-80 Pay Roll City Sts. 394.43-881-90 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 18.62-891 International Harvester Material 51.44 2 0. Priebe Labor 5.65 3 Western Tire Service ° Material 17 .85 4 W.P.Fuller& Co. Supplies 25.00 5 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 37.34 6 Renton Feed Co. Bowling Green Exp. 51.65 7 Williams & Swanson WPA Gas 1.50 8 Signal Oil Co. Gas 73.57 9 Standard Oil Co. Road Oil 56.46-900 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 34.80 1 Art Beils Garage " 5.28 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. St. Liglts 328.98 3 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 12. 70 4 Roy Bright WPA Curbs 54. 00 5 Engr Pay Roll WPA Curbs 92 .53-906-9 " Home Oil Co. at. Oil -910 John Dower Lumber LumbErI.D. 8.85 1 See Lumber Uo. Curbs #187 64.86-166 " " Co. ft "188 20.77 7 71 n rt �� 189 110.93 8 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. Dist #187 44.14-169-72 Pay Roll E E 188 21.96-173-76 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies #187 17 .60-1.7? Renton Hdw & Furn "" City St . Fund 7.90 -912 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for the furnish- ing of material for North 'Rent on curbs, the following was read: Stoneway Dock Co. $6958.50 (ready mix 1-3-4 Q $6.25 � ( � x 15" expansion joint 4 19¢) Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the contract be awarded the Stoneway Dock Co. Carried. Report read from the State Auditor on examination of the City of Renton' s accounts and ordered filed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the Police Dept. be commended for the fine work acomplished this week. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the purchase of venetian shades for` the clerk' s and engr' s office be referred to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned, City Clerk ' Mayor 31 Sept. 6, 1938. 'Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by L. E . Plano, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncald, Deacy and Tamborini. 'Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions , approved by the B1dg. ,Supt. were read: G. N. Townsend to reshingle house at 118 Pelly St 5th Add.John H. Anderson to erect house on Lot 7, Block 4, Smithers E. H. Stokes to enclose porch at 403 3rd Ave Salu Maki to reshingle wdod shed at 530 Morris St A. Rubattino to reshingle house at 633 Smithers St Joaph Lucenti to erect garage on Lot 7, Block 32, Smithers lst. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that permits be granted. Carried. Petiton of Williams & McKnight to ref'oof the McKnight buildings_ on corner of 3rd & Wells St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Wm. Hoyt asks permission to erect fence around Lot 6, Block 4, R. F. P. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. , Petition of Roberta H. Church to straighten, clean-up, replace front and paint building located on Lot 15, Block 15, Town, read. The same was referred to the_city attorney. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to reset the fb llow ing poles at new locations: Move 6 poles and replace 4 on Mills St. No between 4th & 6th. Change anchor at 7t4 % Shattuck St and lower one pole at Walla Walla A ve & Shattuck St. Relocate one pole on Logan St.North of 2nd Ave. Relocate four poles and install one anchor guy on 8th Ave. & Jones St. Relocate three poles on Burnett St. North of 2nd Ave Relocate three poles on Tobin Ave, near Logan St. Relocate two poles on Williams St and 1st Ave. These changes all made necessary on account of street improvements. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. to replace two poles on Nd corner of Morris St & 6th Ave E. and one on Mill St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment ay- ment the following : City St. Fund Pay Roll City St. Fund $423.88-914-37-47 0. N. Cochran Conv. Expenses 35.00-915 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. (VJPA) 82.36-916-919 J. E. Dyler Piling-Lumber 26.95-920 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 6.50-921 Bishop & =Jenkins Material 10.50 2 E. P. Wilson Co. Gravel 30.60 3 C. M. Segar Labor on tools 4.10 4 Trick & Yurrn7 Suvn lies 7.50 5 Pay Roll St. Dept. 401.89-926-36 32 ' Williams & Swanson Oil 1.20. 948 Union Oil Co. Material 48.11-949 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 1.90 950 Stoneway Dock Co . Materual 56. 78 1 0. Priebe Labor on tools 7 .50 2 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 15.60 3 Federal 2ipe & Tank Co. Curb Material 49.40 4 E. A. Shearer Supplies 7.65 5 Federal Pipe & Tank Cc. Material 148.20 6 Current D. D. Watson , Dog Catcher 24.00-8799 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 40.16-8800-1 H. A. Fiskaali Fire Dept. Exp . 12.20-8802 Earl Waltner " it12.50 3 Steve Gatti " " 26.00 4 Len li�hitworth it " 10.25 5 George -:bbott it it 17 .00 6 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.56 7 Sanderson Saftty Supply Fire Dept Mater 17.55 8 Remington Rand Service 1.00 9 Trick & Murray Supplies 15. 00-8810 Bancroft Whitney Law Books 10.00 1 Packey' s Supplies 2 .35 2 Waters Specialties it 7.50 3 L. P. `NOOD Bowling Gr Labor 57.13 4 P. C. Mikkelsen Jail.Servic e- 2. 50 David Akers Bowling Green 17.50 6 Shearers Sheetmetal Fire Dept. 1.25 7 Geo. E. Mitchell Engr. Sup 8.55 8 F. E. Rhodes Fire Dept. Exp. 22.04 9 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 60.20 8820 Stoneway Dock Co. Park Material 9.60 1 Pace Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 45.14 2 Pay Holl Park Dent . 118.98 3 1, ater Dept. Seattle 'vater Dept . Water 120.32-2481 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 48.47 2 Rensselaer Valve Co. " 17 .10 3 Pay Roll Water Dept. 112.29-2484-7 L.I.D.#188 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 35.91-178 Charles R. Batts & Co. Material 12. 00-1 L.I.D.#189 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 65.37-179:83 Roy Brig ht " " 20.00-185 Chase R. luatts a Co. Curb Material 35.30-187 L.I.D.�187 Roy Bright Labor 34.00-184 _ Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborin that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire , Light & 14ater Committee recommended that another light be installed at the end of Tobin St. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Deacy that the recommenda- tion be `concurred in and light installed. Carried. 33 City Attorney stated that he bad checked over contracts submitted by the P. S. P. & L. Co. for furnishing lights and power to the city and recommended that same be accepted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the contracts be executed by the proper officials. Carried . Petition of residents outside the City of Renton asking that a Comfort Station be erected. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamb or ini that same be filed. Carried. Claim of Mrs . Virginia Cartwright for damages in the amount of $775.00 on account of fall at or near Wells St. brigge. received. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that same be turned over to the Finance and Claims Committee and the city attorney for report. Carried. The e ngr reported on proposed bleachers at the ball park, and stated they would cost about $150.00 for a 48 ft. section. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the engr erect two sections under W P A labor. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the city e ngr work up a continuation of the street work improvement under the WPA. Carried. Fire Chief stated that there was no watermains on Dixie Avenue. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be re- ferred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee for investigation and report. Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that the city clerk communicate with Harbor View Hospital relative to indigent cases given first aid here at the Renton Hospital. Carried. Fire Chief recommended that a fire lane be established on Wells St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that a fire-lane one car length on each side of the Fire Station be established. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. a� City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem. 34 September 13, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions approved by the Bldg. Supt. were read: F. Subic to make a basement at 822 3rd Ave. , North John G. Alexander to reshingle house at 308 Burnett St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tambori ni that petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe 400d to make driveway at 222 Logan St. Petition of Thos. Dobson, Jr. to make driveway at 309 1st Ave. No. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. A representation from the Lions Club spoke of the necessity of a Comfort Station in the city. The matter was taken under advisement by the Council. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 35 Sept. 20, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Mary Arthur to erect garage at 240 Main St. North. V. H. Beaman to reshingle garage at 7 Williams St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that petmits be issued. Carried. Petition of George Boisseau to makeconcrete driveway at 2,,18 Logan St. A. M. Emard to break curb and make driveway at 243 Main St. North. St. ac Alley Committee reported favorably on the petitions, whereupon it was Moved by Duncalf seconded by Lewis that the petitions be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to change location of four poles located at 5th Ave. No, between Pelly and Williams St. necessary on account of street improvement. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. to replace certain poles on Park Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Invitation of the Renton Lawn Bowling Green to participate in the opening of the Green Sunday, Sept. 25th, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the invitation be accepted. Carried. Bonds 3, 4, 5 and 6, Dist 179 were presented for pay- ment out of the Guaranty Fund. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be paid.- Carried. Communication received from Paul W. Houser, attorney for Margaret B and Frank Ullon relative to claim filed . The city attorney recommended that the - - - - - - Finance-Claims and City Attorney be given another week. -Carried. Communication read from the Assn of Washington Cities notifying the cities of Regional meeting to be held in Renton Wednesday Oct. 26th, also meeting to be held at Shelton Nov. 2, at which meeting Mayor Cochran presides, Notice received of meeting of American Municipal Assn in Chicago, Oct. 5th. Communication received from Local Union 1105, Painters & Decorators asking that a Comfort Station be erected. Copy of Resolution adopted by the Commercial Club asking that a Comfort Station be erected, read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that same be received and filed for future reference. Carried. The question of a sidewalk along the north die of the "eattle pipe line ri.Th+ nQ ...Oyt Rurnott. ped I,�aen St. was brought un and discussed. The matter was referred to the St. & Alley Committee. 36 v Communication read from Department of Lighting of the City of Seattle relative to concrete sidewalks on their right of way f rom Mill St. to 7th Ave. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the city engr. prepare plans & specifications and submit same to the the City of Seattle for crostruction. Carried. Notice of Release of Surety Bond of T. F. Meehan received from t,-_e Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tanb orini that same be re- ceived and filld. Carried . The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Puget Sound News Co. Library Expense 4.87-8837 Americanca Corp . " " - 6.00 8 Harry Hartman " it 13.69 9 Renton Hdw & Furn It It 5.24-8840 Service Laundry Laundry, Pol & F.D. 16.16 1 Renton Variety Supplies- Park 1.55 2 E. P. Wilson Insurance 50, 3 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2. 00 4 George W. Custer Labor on Fire Sta 241.59 5 Pay Roll Park Dept . 109.99-8846-48 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 20.58 9 J. S. Hardie Park Labor & Mater 42.54-8850 The Lumber Market Park Lumber 23.50 1 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber .89 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Park Supplies 16.96 3 Reid & Cook Fire Dept . Exp. 3.76 4 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 32.35 5 Jack Carline Fire Dept. Labor 10.00 6 Reid & Cook Labor 6.30 7 White Fuel Co. Fuel 25.00 8 City St . Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. 330.33-958-961-73 n ,t CITY Sts 375.67-974-83 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 4. 90-1197 Alex Cugini Labor 2.50 8 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 9.99 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 332.27-1200 Signal Oil Co. Gas 129.47- 1 G1a.dding,McBean & Co. Material 43.22 2 Lumber Mkt Lumber 22.00 3 Federal ripe & Tank Co. Material 111.42 4 Stpneway Dock Co . " .60 5 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 14.54 6 Water Federal Pipe & Tank. Co. Material 92.72-2493 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 119.28 4 Grinnell Co. Material 48.10 5 Reid & Cook Repair ti14ork 9.00 6 Pay Roll Water Dept. 59.14 7 L.I.D.#187 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 29 .94-155 Williams & Swanson Supplies 3.06 6 Chas. R. Watts & Co. " 54.63 7 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 3.62 8 Lumber Mkt " 14.67 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 23.73-160 Stoneway Dock Co. 37 LI.D.#187 PAY Roll Engr. Dept. $10.50-191 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 6.63-192 Renton Hdw & Furn " LID#188 17.23 3 The Lumber Market Supplies 20:25 4 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber LID#188 39.76 5 John Dower Lumber Co. It LID#189 117.11 6 The Lumber Mkt " " 227.23 7 �. Roy Bright Labor " 48.00 8 Chas. R. Watts & Co. Supplies 47.30 9 Renton Hdw & Furn " 36.72.-200 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 202.64-201-4 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The following bids for venetian blinds were received by the City Propertlir Committee. Bellinger Furn Co. - - - - $97 .50 Renton Hdw & Furn - - - - 100.28 City Property Committee recommended that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the bid be given the Bellinger Furniture Company with the stipulation that blinds are identical to those in Council Chambers. Carried. The sewer at 2nd & Mill St was referred to the St. Supt for investigation. Resolution No. 517 fixing the time for hearing on the Assessment Roll Dist 187 was read. Moved byLewis, seconded by Tamborini that the Resolution be, adopted. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 38 w� Sept. 273, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamb orini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition, approved by the Bldg. Supt. was read: Martin Reggiardo to erect a garage at 121 Logan St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that petitionbe granted. Carried. Petition of P. S . P. & L. Co. to install a pole anchor at NE corner of Lake and Tobin Ave. Moved 'by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Washington Rating &ureau. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be filed for future reference. Carried. Notice of Cancellation of bond of city treasurer read from U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. , effective Oct. lst. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be accepted. Carried. Notice of meeting at Kent, Wednesday, Sept. 28, read from Assn. of �'vashington Cities. street A continuation of city/improvements read from the WPA Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that an agreement be signed by the Mayor & City Clerk for a WVPA project and that the city appropriate the sum of $2300. for same. Carried. The Finance-Claims Committee recommended the denial of the Ullom claim. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the recommenda- tion of the committee be concurred in and claim denied. Carried. St & Alley Committee was granted another week to investigate the sewer at 2nd & MaIn St. y This being the night for opening bids for f urn ishing concrete for tennis court the following bid was read: Stoneway Dock Company - - - - - - - $1125.00 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the contract be awarded the Stoneway Dock Co. subject to approval of the Park Board. Carried. Ordinance providing for the holding of council meetings the first and third Tuesdays of each month, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . Finance--Claims Committee reported unfavorably on the claim of Virginia i;artwright. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Committee ba- concurred in and claim denied. Carried* No further business, meeting adjourned. A gi4_) City Clerk it Mayor 39 October 4, 1938. SPECIAL MEETING OF TBE CITY COUNCIL WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 8 P. M. By L. E. PLANO, MAYOR PRO TEM9 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1939, Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. The Budget for the year 1939 was then read by departments. Communication read from Mayor Cc bran calling to the attention of the council that the budget cannot be increased after publication. The City attorney reported that the section quoted did not apply to cities of our size and that the provisions governing Renton, "all taxes shall_.be levied in specific sums and shall not exceed the amount speci- fied in the preliminary budget." leaves room for argument. That as long as the amount to be raised by taxation is not increased the total budget could be increased. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the mayor' s letter be placed on file . Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the budget be adopted as read. Carried. City Clerk / Z, -- Mayor Pro Tem. i` 40 October 4, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. with L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting reed and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Mrs. H. Evans to demolish and remove buildings on Lot 4, Block 14, Town Geo. W. Custer to repair roof and foundation of house at 203 Wells St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that permits be issued. Carried. Copy of Resolution adopted by the Central Labor Council relative to v otingmachines read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the Resolution be filed and the city Clerk instructed to write to the Election Board asking for more machines or the old method of voting. Carried. Communication read from Central Labor Council relative to Comfort Station and ordered filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the fo ll owing : City Street Fund Pay Roll St. Dept . $263.44-996-1006 " it " " 503.53-1197-1211 F. IN. Harris Ener. Payroll 49.95-1212 E. P. Wilson Co. Gravel 75.20 3 Lewis Super Service Material 27, 25 4 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 53.81 5 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 36.29 6 Renton Lumber & Supply Lumber 15.91 7 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 79.19 8 Renton Iron Works Material 3. 00 9 Stoneway Dock Co. " 63.01-1220 Roy Bright WPA Curbs 46.00 1 Renton Feed Co. Material 5.25 2 E. I. DuPont it 9.18 3 The Lumber Market Lumber 16.90 4 Gladding ,McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 3.50 5 Frank E. Rhodes St. Material 2.80 6 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 23.69-8876-8 " " Park 107.76-8879-80 Owen Walls Fire Dept. Exp. 4.65-8881 Earl Waltner " " " 12.50 2 George Abbott " it " 80.25 3 Pac . Car &: Foundry Repair Work " 56.05 4 Ohio Chemical Fire Dept . Exp. 3.14 5 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.56 6 Waters Specialties " 1.00 7 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2. 00 8 J. 0. Penny Supplies .95 9 LP. Wood Bowling Green Labor 57.13-8890 Pac . Car & Foundry Material 19.84 1 Stoneway Dock Co. " Bowling Green 4.50 2 Trick & Murrav Sunrlies 1.00 3 41 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 18.78-8894 Stoneway Dock Co. " 25.05 5 Cross & Williams Supplies 1.60 6 E. Bauder Repair Work 2.00 7 Pac . Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones 4.45 8 Renton News Record Printing- 11. 9 The Lumber Market Material 70.50-8900 Service Laundry & Cleaners Laundry 14.83 1 North Coast Chem Supplies 16.80 2 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 51.45 3 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material-Park 116.87 4 John Dower Lumber Material 334.92 5 Joe Fillon Fire Dept. Labor 2.25 6 George Abbott Fire Dept . Labor 20.25 7 L.I.D.#187 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 50.65-206-8 PAY Roll L.I.D.#189- Engr. Dept. 49.89-209-10 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 1896.72-211 Williams & Cross " 1.50 2 The Lumber Mkt " 40.16- 3 John Dower Lumber " 34.31 4 Water Pay Roll. `Nater Dept. 45.91-2499-2501 City of Seattle Water 57.24-2502 Hugh G. Purcell Co. Material 229.38 3 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance No. 1004, for the h6lding of meetings of the Council on the lst and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, was reported favorableg by the OrdInance Committee, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isacl-son, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance No. 1005 Adopting a budget for the year 1939 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee feported favorably on Ordinance No. 1005 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini, Ordinance No. 1006 fixing the amount of tax levies at 01377 Mills read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1006, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and TaTbor ini. Emergency Ordinance appropriating the sum of $2300* for the continuation of city streets improvement read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution No. 518 fixing the date of hearing on assessment roll Dist 188 for the 1st day of November read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the installation of a light on Cedar -t. between 4th & 5th be referred to the Fire, Light & Nater Committee with power to act. Carried. Paul Green ask permission to move his garage on alley in rear of his house at 2nd Ave. , gest. 42 Droved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the matter be referred to the St. & Alley Committee for re-port next meeting night . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City C le rk Mayor r C t f I 43 Oct. 190 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at B.P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamb orini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following Petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Petition of W. H. Scherer for BeA Allen to break curb at 215 Mill St. Domenick Delaurenti to erect a house on Lot 4, Block 18, R. F. P. The Emporium to remodel front of building. Mrs. H. Evans to erect a brick & the building on Lot 4, Block 14, Town. Joe Lucenti to remodel house on Lot 2, Block 32, Smithers 1st Addition. Vim. Trimm to repair garage at 222 Dain St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that permits be granted. Carried. Resolution signed by the Parent Teacher Assn regarding traffic read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee for report next meeting night. Carried. Petition of property owners on Pelly between 1st & 2nd Ave reguesting a 36 ft. street read. Petition of property omers on Pelly between 2nd & 3rd Ave requesting a 36 ft. street read. After considerable discussion, it was Moved by Tamb or ini, seconded by Lawrence that sem a be re- ferred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : City Street Fund Pay Roll Streets $163.64-1038-46 Pay Roll City Sts. 394.39-1047-56 C. Haleway Supplies 1.80-1057 Hooker-Electro Chlorine 285.00-1058 Western Tire Service Repair work 1.45-1059 Frank E. Rhodes Material 11.05-1060 Art Beils Garage Material & Welding 12.35 1 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 10.50 2 p. 3. P. & L. Co. Lights 333.86 3 E. A. Shearer Labor 3.35 4 Gladding,McBean & Co Material 5.04 5 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 8.12-107e King County Rd Dist #2 Gravel 42.40-1066 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. INPA 85.63-1067-9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies WPA 1.62-1071 Renton Auto Freight Drayage WPA 6.94 2 -•- Current Pay Roll Park 98.78-8918-19 Jack Plano it Labor 4.49-892,0 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 4.70-8921 graters Specialties Supplies 2 .12 2 Remington-Rand Service 10.00 3 H. A. Fiskaali,Secy Fire Dept. Exp. 60 .50 4 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Engr. supplies 3.75 5 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 5.04 6 Harry Hartman ►r rr 20 .92 7 RPlli.noer-Fern Co. Venetian blinds 97.50 8 p. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 26.96 9 Vioues Pharmacy Police Exxn. 2.64-8930 4 Puget Sound Ten do Duck Co.Police Exp. 9.31-8931 Em. Thomas i'ol is e Exp. 24. 2 Trick & Murray Supplies 5.43 3 Roy Bright Park Labor 48.00 4 W. F. McCracken Engr. Dept. 4. 99 .5 Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 15. 00 6 Renton Hdw & Zurn Supplies 69.99 7 The Lumber Market Park Material 34.39 8 Renton Hdw & Furn Park Material 69.79 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 2.25-8940 J. S. Hardie Park Exp. 7.44 1 Water P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 42.79-2508 Pay Roll Water Dept . 67 .87-2509-11 Renton Auto Freight Dreyage 3.96-2512 L.I.D.#188 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 14.47-215-6 L.I.D.#189 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 66.99-217-20 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 22.01-221 Charles R. Watts & Co. Material 47.30 2 The Lumber I&kt Lumber 13.50 3 Williams & Swanson Gas 1.50 4 Y,ovwd by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Mayor Cochran appointed Mr. Paul Green as treasurer to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Meehan and until his successor is elected, qualified and takes office. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. This being the night for protesting against the assessment roll Dist. 187, only three were received and turned over to the engr. for checking. The engr reported that the pro test was only about 1/2 of 1% whereupon Ordinance No. 1007 approving end confirming the assessment roll Dist187 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported_ favorably on Ordinance No. 1007 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and pass- ed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. The Ordinance Committee, reported favorably on Ordinance no. 1008, being an emergency ordinance appropriating the sum of $2300.00 to continute street improvements under '17PA, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : I Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. The question of another garbage dump was discussed. n'Ioved by Isa�son, seconded by Plano that the matter be turned over to the St & Alley Committee to report next meeting night. Carried. MovE d by Tamborini, secanded by Lewis that certain streets where additional lip-ht s are needed was referred to the , Li_aht & "Tater Ccmmittee for report next meeting nicht . Carried. loo further business,-7 m ting add�� ' I�Iayor.�� � ity Clerk 45 Nov. 1, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. by Mayor Cochran . Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to set two poles and remove old poles on Morris St. oc 5th Ave. , South, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. SP,. & L. Co. to replace certain noles on 4th Ave. No. Logan and Tobin Sts. , read. y Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of F. Gustine to repair and overhaill inside of garage on Lot 16, Block 1, Car :Works Addition, read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition signed by 100 voters and property owners in the City of Rert,on asking the application for a beer license be re- considered for the continuance of the sale of beer at the Tourist Hotel by Stella M. Alexander, read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be received and filed for future reference . Carried. The Chief of Police, to whom was referred the petition of the Parent-Teacher Assn regarding traffic, recommended that a stop sign be placed on Main St. at the corner of 2nd Ave. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Pay Roll. City St. Fund $463.89-1075-85 Pay Roll " " it 121.20-1086-90 Pay Roll WPA - Engr. Dept. 84.33-1091-93 Signal Oil Co. Gas 124.43-1094 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 18.01-1095 Western Tire Service Material 71.90-1096 Current Fund Pay Roll Park Dept. $ 98.27-8956-7 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 10.85-8958 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 48.30- 9 Auto Club of +VIash Police Exp. 5.40-8960 E. Waltner Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50 1 Joe Fillon " it it 2.25 2 Len Whitworth " " " 12.50 3 Owen Walls " " " 14.75 4 Service Laundry Laundry 1.1 .72 5 Police Tel & Tel Co. Telephones 66 , 24 6 Trick & Murray Supplies 4.10 7 Alfred L. Lee Supplies 3.50 8 Continental Car Corp Supplies 2. 80 9 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 22.00-8970 Renton Feed Co. Material 11.70 1 Stoneway 'dock Co. Park Material 4.50 2 Bacif is Car & Fdry Material 99 .56 3 David Akers Bowling Green Material 10.75 4 Park Material 195.14 5 Stoneway Dock Co. 14.21. 6-7 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 25.19 8 The Lumber Mkt Lumber The & Fdry Fire Dept. Repair Work 116.33' 9 PacRoy Bright 'ark LAS 6.40-8980 r D. D. "datson Dog Catoher 34.50 I 46 Water Fund Pay Roll Water Dept . 126.75-2514-9 City of Seattle +Fater Dept . 28.40-2520 L.I.D.#189 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 76.65-225-8 Stoneway Dock Co. Curb Material 1187.90- 229 The Lumber Market Material 16.41- 230 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance No. 1109 approving and confirming the Assess- ment Roll Dist 188. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 1009 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Carried. St. Supt stated that the old steel plates could be sold for about $20.00 per ton. Moved by .Lewis, seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee with powerto act. Carried. City Engr. reported that he had called upon the Seattle Light Dept. relative to construction of sidewalks on their right of way on the hill and suggested that the Council have the City Lighting Dept. do the job. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the engin6er' s recommendation be concurred in and the City of Seattle notified to proceed with the work under the supervision of the Renton City Engr. Carried. Mond by glano, seconded by Lewis that another light be installed on the pipe line between Grant cL Renton Ave. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City C le rk Mayor ,. 47 November 15, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Dunealf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Nellie M. McCoy to build a run way for cars at 321 Williams St. C. Halewa.y to make addition to building on rear of lot and make same into a small house on Lot 19, Block 12, Car Aorks. N. H. Proctor to erect a house on Lot 21, Block 21, R. F. P. Chas Pfankucke to reshingle house at 27 Logan St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the above petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to relocate poles on 2nd Ave . No. 1st Ave . , No. 2nd Ave . , No. and 7th & Burnett St. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamb orini that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from the Department of Health relative to inspection made of the Renton water su-pply. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the report be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee to work in conjunction with the Health Officer. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City Street Fund _ Pay Roll City Streets $359.13-1099-1107 Pay Roll St. Dept. 107.76-1108-11 Roy Bright WPA curbs 52.00-1112 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 20.60 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 35.00 4 0. Pribe Labor & Material 17.95 5 Standard Oil Co. Gas 76.39 6 Union Oil Co. Oil 34.18 7 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 11.26 8 Western Tractor & Equip Labor on Equipment 13.10 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 25.80-1120 Pay Roll Engr. Payroll 85.12-1121-24 Williams & Swanson Gas-Curbs 1.50-1125 P. S• F. & L. Co. Lights 332.27 6, Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 18.72-8994-5 J. K. Gill Co. Library Exp. 8.07-8996 Harry Hartman it Supplies 27.19 7 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 12.36 8 J. H. Lawrence " Fuel 41.20 9 A.N.Marquis "' Expense 7.97-9000 Valley ' indow Cleaners Labor 5.50 1 Pac. Coast StFmip Works Supplies-Police 15 .68 2 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 42.50 3 Trick & Murray Supplies 7.10 4 L. P. Wood Labor-Bowling Green 38.08 5 North Coast Chemical Co. Supplies 1.40 6 Pay Roll Park Labor 98.78-9007-8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 35.6.8-9009 48 Water Pay Roll ia.ter Dept. $159.19-2525-9 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. Dist 189 $31.44-231-2 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 9.70-233 Joe Paglia L.I.D.#187 6.51-234 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred. in. Carried. Councilman Plano;!L.►4 Stated that F. Gustine on corner of Meadow & Bronson Way North asks permission to break out some curb in front of the service station. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the matter be referred to the St. do Alley Committee for report. Carried. Communication read from the City Treasurer, Mr. Green nam&ng the Peoples National Bank of Renton as depositary of city funds. h- T�7'-t.(+�,rc: T�. that the Peoples National Bank of Renton named by the treasurer as despositary of the city' s funds be confiemed. Carried, The city attorney brought up the matter of the $350. which the city holds as secutity for the completion of and cleaning up of the Bellanda property purchased for street purposes. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the money be paid Mr. Bellanda subject to signing of agrem ent prepared by the city attorney . Carried. Councilman Tamborini brought uv for discussion the crossing at Shattuck St. West and recommended that the city farnish the concrete and the 'VMA do the work. The matter was referred to the council for report next meeting night. No further business, meeting adjourned. C City Clerk Drat-,/ Mayor 49 December 6, 3_938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 'P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Cali.: Isackson, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building .Supt. were read: E. P. Wilson Co . to remodel front of E. P. Wilson Bldg. , on 3rd Ave. EAGLES to remodel their building at 401 'dilliams St. Moved by Tamb orini, seconded by Plano that permits be issued . Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to install new poles on 6th Ave to accomodate new customers and also to replace a rotted pole on 'v�iilliams St. North of 5th Ave. Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills : City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. 4442.27-1128-37 Pay Roll it It Engr 81.38-1138-41 Pay Roll City,Sts. 85.31-1142-45 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 7.56-1146 Fairbanks,Morse & Co. " 1.76 7 `Viestern Tire Service it 13.26 8 Bishop & Kenkins Fuel. 13.20 9 E.I.DuPont Supplies 8.21-1150 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 3.88 1 Standard Oil Co. Gas 61.43 2 Roy Bright Truck Hire u'rPA 30.00 3 E. P. Wilson Co. Material 48.70 4 Shearers Sheetmetal Supplies 24.02 5 Williams 6,; Swanson Repairs 7.40 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 3.80 7 Campbell Hdw & Supply Supnlies 6.30 8 Art Beil' s Garage Labor & Material 27.20 9 Oil Co. Supplies 13.95-1160 Home O Reid Cook St�.pOil 359. 10 1 Current Engr. Pay Roll Engr 15.71-9027 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 24.50 8 Bellinger Furn Co. Supplies .98 9 J. S. Hardie Park Supplies 1.00-9030 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 25.00 1 Thomas Harries " 25. 00 2 Trick w Murray Supplies 52 .40 3 Valley Nindow Cleaners Labor 2.00 4 Ross Diem Fuel 25.75 5 ' J. C. Penneys Supplies 2.00 6 Geo. L enneys ll Engr' s Supplies 1.10 7 Stoneway Dock Co. Tennis Court Materiel 696.37 8 17 .80 9 Gravel-Park 60M E. P. Wilson Co. Fire Dept . Exp. 577.50-9040 H. A. Fiskaali, Secy gg.80-9041-42 Pay Roll Park 4.79-9043 Al Morgan Supplies lications 56.24 4 Renton Chronicle Legal rub9537- 5 Renton Hdw & F'urn Co. Supplies Fire Dept. Wages `x •00 6 Hano Fiskaaliio Secy Telephones 60.29 7 Pac. Tel & Tei. C . 50 u Water Fund � Pay Roll Water 'dept. $87.83-2532-4 City of Seattle eater 29 .04 5 Grinnell Co. Material 36.33 6 L.I.D.#189 Pav Roll Fngr. Dept. 51.14-236-7 Stoneway Dock Co. Curb Material 673.29-238 John Dcwer Lumber Co. Lumber 7 .92-239 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Isackson retorting on the-' site for a garbage dump recommended that we use the old dump on the Kennydale road. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the re-oort and recommendation be concurred in and new garbage dump established. Carried. Councilman Tamborini stated that he and the Yayor had visited the water headworks and suggested that certain trees be replaced with fir or evergreen and a few general repairs be madet and also that about 700 feet of water pipe be ordered. Moved b-T Plano, seconded by Tamborini that we advertise for bids for water pipe. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that we expend the sum of $250.00 for 8 roof for the bleachers, thereby con- tinuirgthe 'JPA project in the park. Carried. Chief Dullahant read the specifications for the new fire truck. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that we call for bids ,for a new fire truck. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that we call for bids for printing the city' s legals for the year 1939. Carried. Chief Stewart suggested that a red flare be placed on the following streets : End of Morris St, Whitworth St. and corner of Logan Tobin and a light on Grant St. also on 1st Ave . North. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendations b,, concurred in and lights ordered. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that we Q-pply tc the Water Dept. of the City of Seattle for an easement over their right of way ax between Burnett & Logan St. Carried. Resolution No. 519 for the improvement of Whitworth St. between 5th Ave. & 6th Ave. by watermains read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the Resolution be adopted . Carried. Representatives of the IvYPA asked that a letter of protest be sent President Roosevelt against the cessation of iPA projects. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that such a letter be sent. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor �.1 December 20, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Piano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions approved by the Building Supt. were read: 0. G. Gilleland to erect a small house on Lot 20, Block 3, R. F. P. E. P. 'Wilson to remodel store front of "Wilson Bldg. , Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that permits be issued. Carried. Petition of S. M. Wiberg for Jones Estate to move building from Lot ll, Block 21, Town to Lot 2, Block 21, Town read. After some discussion, it was moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be denied. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co to move four poles on 4th Avenue North on accountof street improvements read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. harried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the f ollowing: City Street Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $71.84-1165-7 Pay Roll City Sts 403.98-1168-76 Pay Roll Engr Dept. WPA 81,14-1177-80 Gladding ,McBean & Co Material 8.23-1181 E.I.DuPont WPA Material 8.21 2 0. Priebe Labor on tools 17.60 3 Ralph' s Garage Material 2. 00 4 Olympic Foundry Co. " 42.00 5 The Lumber Market Lumber 2.40 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 336.29 7 Roy Bright Truck Hire 60.00 8 Current Pay Roll Engr . Dept. 54.02-9060-2 The Washington Bindery Library Books 4.94-9063 Gaylord Bros " it 11.85 4 Junior Literary Guild " It 58.00 5 Harry Hartman " it 33.11 6 Puget Sound News Co. " it27.34 7 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds 18.00 8 C. Haleway Police Exp. 1.20 9 "Waters Specialties It it 49.00-9070 Fuel 28.38 1 Al Tr imm Lau n dry 2.39 2 Service Laundry C. H. MacSpadden Cedar Rope etc. 3.25 3 Tel. Co. Telephones 35.33 4 Pac. Tel .� Reid & Cook Fire Dept. Exp. 33.18 5 . Dog Do Catcher 42.50 6 D. D. "Watson 75.34 7 The Lumber Ylarke t Lumber Lits 37 .42 8 P. S. P. & L. Co- Park 89.80-9079-80 Pay Roll 52 Water Fund Pay Roll, Vater Dept. $262.20-2541-53 Olympic Foundry Material 40 .50-2454 Alex Cugini Labor 3.00 5 Federal Pipe & Tank Material 316.83 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 41.06 7 L.I.D.#189 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 33.93-241-2 r Federal Wipe & Tank Material 119.70-243 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 13.50 4 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from the City of Seattle relative to easement over the :Seattle Water Dept. ' s right of way between Logan & Burnett St. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that formal application be made to the City of Seattle for an easement over the above r fight of way . ICarried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis, that the matter of a chimney in the building on Bronson vday North formerly occupied by the Savage Co. be referred to the Fire, Chief, Fire, Light a: vdater Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the Mayor & City Engr. be authorized to meet with the officials of City of Seattle relative to a s id ewalk on their right of ial-k on the hill, as per their franchise . Carried. Bids for furnishing chlorine for the year 1939 were read and held over two weeks. The following bids were received for city ' s legal advertising for the year 1939. Renton News Record: 25¢ per inch first insertion 24, per inch for second " Renton Chronicle: 30¢ per inch for first insertion 10¢ per inch for second " Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the bids be referred to the Finance Committee for checking and report next meeting night . Carried* boved by Duncalf, seconded by Isackson that the crossing on 6th & Park be referred to the St & Alley Committee for report and recommendation next meeting night. Carried. C-it y Engr. reported that the county would furnish the concrete for the curb at Shattuck Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the question of an easement for water line at Springbrook be referred to the City Engr, City Atty to bring in report next meeting night . Carried. Ordinance No. 1010 authorizing the ITayor & City Clerk to issued bonds against L.I.D.#187 read and on- motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favor- ably on Ordinance No. 1010 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Isackson, Lewis , Duncalf_ , Plano, Deacy and Tamborini, No further business, meeting adjourned. /� ity Clerk 53 Jany. 3, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call.: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini.' Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The -'finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : City St. Fund ` Pay Roll St. Dept. 8351.77-1196-06 " " St. " 94.29-2007-10 INPA Engr Dept. 39. .45-2011-3 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 100.10-2014 Frank Allen Fuel-Garage 10.00-2015 Gladding,McBean & Co. JPA Sewer pipe 3.50 6 Tom Dobson & Son Licenses 12.00 7 Pay Roll Dt. Sept. 67.35-1190-4 Roy Brut Truck Hire 36 .00 5 Current Pyy Roll Engr. Dept. 65.16-9096-8 Owen Walls Fire De-' t. Labor 4. 50-9095 Thomas harries Agency Insurance 5. 00 9098 Kuker-Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 3.83-9100 Valley 'dindow Cleams Labor 2. 00 1 Nm. Kane Repa it Work 1.00 2 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel-Library 41.20 3 J. M. Kyes Fuel Fuel-Library 5.50 4 Renton Hdw S,, Furn Supplies-Library 2.90 5 MacMillan Company Library Books 15.76 6 Stoneway Dock Co. Material-Park 292.23 7 "Vater Pay Roll Water Dept. 195.11-2567-74 P ettie Printery Printing 7 . 50-2575 Federal Pipe &, Tank Co . Material 313.59 6 Pay Roll Vater Dept. 199.07-2559-66 L.I.D.#189 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 26.94-245-6 The Lumber h1kt Lumber 20 .05 7 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 17 .25 8 Stoneway Bock Co. Material 589.42 9 D.Loved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the .recommendation of the Committee be cneurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that we award the printing contract to the Benton Chronicle for the year 1939. Moved by Isaekson, seconded by Tamborini that the recommenda-tion be concurred in and contract given the Renton Chronicle. Carried. 'roved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the contract for furnishing chlorine for the year 1939 be div&ded equally between the Hooker--Electreo Company and the Pennsylvania Salt Co. Carried. 54 Y=ayor Cochran reported on conference had with city officials -of Seattle relative to sidewalks on the it right of 4ray on the hill and suggested that a letter be forwarded the Citynof Seattle asking that sidewalk be erected in the near _future. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by `Tamborini that the city attorney communicate with Seattle relative to the erection_ of sidewalks along their r ig ht of way . Carried. The contracts for furnishing gasoline to the city for the coming year were presented by the following companies : Union Oil Company; Standard Oil Company; Signal Oil Company and Shell Oil Company. 11oved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the gas business for 1939 be split four ways among the above companies. Carried. The curbs on 2nd Avenue North came up for final decision. Moved by Isackson, seconderz by Lewis that the matter be referred to the St a "l.ley Committee, Jt. Supt and City Bngr. with Dower to act. Carried. St. Supt recommended the purchase of a new dump truck. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the Supt be authorized to bring in specifications and present same at next meeting. Carried. The City Clerk notified the Council that no protdsts had been received against the improvement of ,v;hitworth St. by construction of water main, whereupon . Ordinance No. 1011 for the improvement of Whitworth St. between 5th & 6th Ave . by the construction of water mains read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1011 whereupon it was placed upon its second End third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance No. 1012 fixing the salaries of city officials read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinane Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1012 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the White Fuel Co . be notified to clean up sidewalk in front of their property on Logan St. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the matter of a prowler care be referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and. report next meeting night. Carried . No further business, meeting adjourned. ��GU-ELZ"-C 55 Jany. 17, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. &:. by L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. .r Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to relocate certain poles on account of street improvements read. Moved by Tamb orini, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Communication read from Allen & Church relative to litigation in re Springbrook water springs. Moved by Tamb orini, seconded by Issckson that same be turned over to the city attorney for immediate action. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for Day- ment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. 9438.52-2020-9 Pay Roll " " 58.35-2030-3 Standard oil Co. Gas 159.92-2034 White F§xcavating Co. Labor 12.50 5 White Excavating Co. Labor 20.00 6 Union Oil Co. Gas 67.80 7 Clarke Bros. Labor & Material 14.42 8 r'. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 43.20 9 0. Pribbe Labor 5.25-2040' �. Ralph' s Garage Labor 2.00 1 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 38.05 2 Roy Bright Truck Hire 54.00 3 E. P: Wilson Co. , Agents Material 15.70 4 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 8.14 5 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Meterial 94.16 6 Current 0. N. Cochran Expenses 20.00-9128 Pay Roll Park 71.84-9129-30 Reid & Cook Supplies 9 .15-9131 99.90-9132 Pacific Water Works Park Material John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 87. 3 Puget Sound Power & Light Lights 57 .4400 4 Strnard' s Photo Shop Supplies 2.50 5 8.00 6 North Coast Chemical Supplies 80.00 7 Assn of 'aashington Cities Dues 1939 Art Burnside & Co. Police Exp. 34. 30 8 22. 75 9 Allen F-}el Co. Fuel Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 11.25-9140 John W. Dobson Expenses 3.50 1 Trick cc Murray Supplies 21.10 2 Service Laundry Laundry 23.46 3 Expense 1.00 4 Vvm. Tr iirnn p `v'Vater Pa Roll Nater Dept. 84.83-2582-5 y ,, �1"dater 9.80 6 Seattle pater Dept. 98. 54 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 56 L.I.D.# 189 John Dower Lumber Co. Material 5.69-250 , John Fischer Labor-Park 29 .00 1 Moved by Isack son, s ecconded by Tamb or ini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The City 'roperty reporting on the curbs on 2nd Ave No. stated that the curb would be placed against the sidewalk and the shrubbery would be taken out. City i'ro'nerty recommended that a new prowler car and a new dump truck be purchased and the city clerk instructed to call for bids. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lawrence that we call for bids for a police car and a dump truck. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on for fire truck the following companies submitted bids: Peter Pirsch & Sons Co. Kenworth Motor Truck Corporation Howard-Cooper Corporation American-La-France Company ' Mack-International Motor Truck The General Fire Truck Corporation Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the bids be referred to the City Property Committtee and the Fire Chief and Dept. for recommenuation. Carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Tamborini that a formal application for an easement at Burnett St. be made to the Pacific Coast Company, as per recommendation of the City Fngr. Carried . No further business, meeting; adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. 57 February 7, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order j at 8 P. Tv . with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. MI-7ites of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of John Neal to repair garage at 326 Pell.y St. read. Petition of C . Iverson to remodel house at 140 Park Ave . Petition of John Adams, Jr. to remodel house at 216 'Rells St. North Petition of Ed Mood to remodel front of store building occupied by Renton Feed Co. on Main St. The petitions, having been approved by the Building Supt, it was Moved by Tamb orini, seconded by Lewis that the pe ti tions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to relocate six poles on 3rd Ave . North on account of street improvement. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the petition be granted under the supervision of the St. Sunt. Carried. City Property Committee reported that a suitable garbage dump containing about five acres could be purchased from I. Sartori and recommended that we make them an offer of $600.00. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the report of the committee be accepted and the offer concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee asks more time before reporting on the fire truck. Tuesday, Feb. 14th at 8 P. M. was set as a time for hearing and consideration of the fire truck bids. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the matter of street signs be referred to the 3t & alley Committee and the police for recommendation. Carried. The City Engr. was authorized and instructed to get an estimate on cost of reTplacing concrete on Third Ave. after the removal of old car rails. City Attorney reported that Roy Allen would sell that portion of his tract lying east of the present county road for 600.00 . Moved by Deacy, seconded by Plano that the city attorney start condemnation prodeedings to acquire the necessary property Carried. This being the night for opening bids on the yowler car the following were received : Frank E. Rhodes Wanner-Mayner Motor Co. Al Morgan Pedersen Bros . Williams & Swanson Hamilton Bros Motor Company 58 This being the night for opening bids on the dumb truck the f ollowing were read: Hamilton Bros. Motor Company Williams & Swanson Wanner-Mayner Mlotor Co. Frank E. Rhodes Pedersen Bros 'lex Cugini ;caved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the City Property Committee for recommendation next meeting night . Carried. The following bidx for material to be supplied for Nater main on Whitworth St. between 5th & 6th was received : Hugh G. Purnell Co. . . . . . . X628.48 Moved by Lewis, --.L.' seconded by Duncalf that the engineer be authorized to award the contract for pipe. Carried. The engr stated that ��h, property ovmers would pay for the pipe thereby eliminate g improvement district. ? .< ,, OLw Mayor Cochran reported that the cities would receive more of the gasoline tax and also more of the licruor revenue. Moved by Tamb orini, seconded by Plano that the streets lights be referred to the Fire, Light & ':dater Committee for checking. Carried. Yoved by Tambor$ini, seconded by Duncalf that the city advertise for sale, Lots 28 and 30, Block 3, Car Works Additions and receive bids on same up to March 21st at 5 P. M. Carried. the condition of street at 6th avenue North was referred to the St. Supt and Lngr. for immediate action. _y0a. No further business , meeting adjourned. r City Clerk I'layo r 59 February 21, 1939 . The City Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Dunealf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions approved by the Building Supt were allowed: Renton Variety Store to remodel store building corner of Williams St. & erd Ave. A. Spicer to erect house on Lot 10, Block 24, R. F. P. E. F. Betz to reshingle house at 238 Main St. North Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Leo Rosa to erect three cabins and two garages on Lot 11, Block 17 , Town of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by; Isackson that same be granted subject to the provisions of the city ordinances and under the supervi saon of the Sity Engr. Carried. Petition of property owners on Factory Street, west side, petitioning for sidewalks read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that a Resolution of Intention be drafted and presented at next Council meeting, the same -to ,be a %TA project. Carried. Petition of residents on 2nd Avenue North asling the Council to reconsider their recommendation to place curbs adjacent to sidewalk read and referred to the St & Alley Committee. Mayor Cochran stated that March this year would be the 25th anniversary of the library and also complete 23 years of service for Mrs. Fairchild_ as a member of the Library Board and suggested that we invite Judge, eal to speak at the Library March 11th, 1939 on the History of, Book4l. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that a Resolution of Appreciation be sent Y.rs. Fairchild for her services on the Library Board and also that a letter inviting Judge Beal to participate in the anniversary service to be held in the Library March 11th be forwarded. Carried. Communication received from the Renton Commercial Club thanking the administration for lighting up the dark intersections. Communication read from Viola Oughton regarding a large tree on the west side of Garden St. The same was referred to the St. & Alley Committee. Communication read from Katherine Sartori refusing to sell property for a garhhge dump. The city property committee was authorized to keep on trying for 'a garbage dump. Communication read from Renton Fire Hent recommending the bid of a Seagrave Fire Truck. A short recess was declared for the consideration of bids for a fire truck, a prowler car and a dump truck. The City Property Committee,recommended the purchase of a Seagrave Fire "Truck,. Mov,1-x'?',by,1e..It , seconded by Isackson that the report be -concurred i.n .and a Seagrave .TruckcpurchE.sed subject to thy;;;. supelrvis-ion of-the Fire. Dept. and a. test of,Pli#�i�}g„ , e hill, be made when delivered. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that the motion be amended :and that a clause be inserted in the contract stating that it is accepted subject to a performance of climbing the Renton The motion to amend being p hill tonaer the supervision of the Fire Sept• nut to a vote carried. carried. the motion as amended being 60 The City Property committee recommended the Plymouth sedan from Wanner-Mayner Motor. Co. Moved by Isackson, seconded by. Plano that the bid of the Wanner-Mayner Idiotor Company be accepted and contract awarded. Carried. The City Pro?)orty Committee recommended a Chevolet dump truck from the Hub City Chevrolet. ILoved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the bid of the Hub City fora Chevrolet Aump °truck be accepted and contract executed. Carried. The curbs on 2nd avenue North were discussed after which it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the matter be referred back to the St 8: Alley Committee with power to act.. Carried. Communication zmal from J.E.Hayes relative to moving Jones frame building read and filed. The Building OrdinaLn.ce: came up"for discussion after which Ordinance No. 1013 amendingthe building ordinance was introduced and referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported. favorably on Ordinance No . 1013 whereupon it was placed uyon its second -and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present votinp, aye : La7vrence Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance No . 1014 fixing salaries was read and_ on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Or dinence Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 1014 whereupon it was placed upon its second and. third readings and passed as F, Aiacle, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Moved by Duncalf, secondee) by Tamborini that we write Lacey Murrow regarding the Bronson Way bridge. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $506 .61-2083--5-2104 Pay Roll St. Dept. 89.80-2096-99— Pay moll 7.A,1PA 19 .93-2100-03 Roy Bright " Truck 'dire 66.00-2105 '. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 645.55-2106 . Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 10 .00 7 Union Oil Co . Gas 3.45 8 Renton Auto Frei.g 1t Drayage 22.93 9 Current Fund Pay Roll Park 62.86-9204-5 it +1 Engr. 24. 94-9206-7 Continental Car-Na-Var Library Exp. 24.00 . 8 Gaylord Bros it t' ' 35.87 9 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 52.68-9210 Renton Hdw & Furn Library Supplies 7.99 1 G. L. Cranton it it 32.00 2 Harry Hartman ,� Books 21. 1 64 4 Puget Sound News Co. Trick & Murray Supplies 2 .45 5 Good-Will Rags 2.50 6 Kent-News Journal Subscription 1.50 7 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 8 Renton Commerfial Cltb Lights (Xmas) 5.00 9 Geo . E. I'litchell Engr. Exp. 7 .90-9220 Pae . Tel . & Tel . Co. Telephones 47 . 15 1 Election Boatel City Hall) } Services 37 .50-9222-26 +1 40.00-9227-31 Election Board it ar? 9P-'�P,-36 Election Board( Sartori) it 42.50-9237-41 Election Board (City Garage) 40 .00-9242-46 Election Board ( Junior) �� 61 +'caters S Pcialties Cu ren Fund p pp les $4. 90 -9247 Kane Electric Labor 2.50 8 Reid a Cook Supplies 11.27 9 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 30.30-9250 P. S. P, do L. Co. Lights 59.08 1 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 4. 90 2 ,Vm. -Dagger Booths-Election 3.00 3 Peter Hansen IT it 1.50 4 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. L.I.D.#189 34.93-#260 Moved by Iamb orini, seconded by Isacks on that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. .,_ City Clerk i _I • 62 March 7 , 1939 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Temborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and arproved. The following petitions , approved by the Building Supt . were read: Mrs. H. Evans to make six apartments and general repair work in Harold Hotel. Ralph Storey to erbct house and garage in rear of lot at 415 1st Avenue North. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company to to replace pole located at southwest corner of Meadow St and 2nd Avenue Forth. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to to replace pole at Williams St. & 4th Avenue; move six poles on 2nd Avenue North, Factory oc Brook St. on account of street improvements. Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of Agnes N. Richmond, Executrix of the Jones Estate to construct a new, modern, fire-proof building on Lot 11, Block 21, Town of Renton and remove the frame building located on the above Lot 2, Block 21, Town of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the above petition be granted subject to the supervision of the Fire Dept. and Building Supt and that the life of the old building be fixed at fifteen years and that ninety days be allowed for moving the old building and remodeling same and that a surety (minimum) bond be posted guaranteeing performance, the above in accordance with Ordinance No. 1013. The motion being put to a vote carried unanimously. Carried. Resort read from engineer estimating the cost of removing old street car tracks on 3rd Avenue and replacing same with concrete to be $2450.00. The same was turned over to the St & Alley Committee for recommendation next meeting night . Communication .read from the Seattle Dept. of Lighting relative to sidewalks on their hill right of way. Filed for future reference. St & Alley Committee reported that the curbs on 2nd Avenue North be placed neitt to the sidewalk. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the city attorney notify the owner of the Savidge Bldg. on Bronson Way North to change their chinmey, and make same less fire hazardous. Carried. Report read from the Fire Department covering the year 1938. Same was received and filed end ordered published. The sale or disposition of the old water wagon and old tractor came up for discussion. Moved by Lewis, seuonded by Plano that the matter be turned over to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. 63 The condition of the sidewalk in front of the Signal Gas Station onmBronson 'day North was referred to the St &' Alley Committee with power to act. Engr reported making a survey to determine location of pipe at Springbrook. Pipe was found to be in the old county road. The city attorney stated that he tad talked to Roy Allen regarding his claim against the city and reported that Allen had reduced his claim to 9200 .00. No action taken, Resolution No. 520 for the improvement of Factory St by construction of sidewalks read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that a letter of appreciation be forwarded WPA office for the fine job done on curbs in the City of Renton. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the matter of a light in Tonkins Park be referred to the Fire, Light ac Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that a request to trim shrubs in Tonkins Park be made to the Park Department on account of interference with traffic . Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the Garden Club be asked to give their consent to removing certain very tall shrubs and trees in front of portals on Bronson '`'Jay North. Carried. I The Fire Chief extended an invitation to the Mayor , Council and city officials to attend their annual banquet in the Guild Hall, March 17th. The invitation was aeeepte(,. No 'further business , meeting adjourrn ?. City Clerk i Mayor r, a 64 Yarch 213 1939. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt were read: J. Diambri to erect a house on Lot 4, Block 14, R.F.P. Gia.como Nicoli to erect a house on Lot 8, Block 13, R. F. P. Independent Sheet Metal Co. to. erect marquis on Tonkin Bldk. at 3rd Y. V'lilliams St. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the petitions be granted. Carried . Petition of the P. 3 . P. & L. Co. to relocate one pole on Pelly St; install one anchor on :`sigh St . south of 8th Ave. , read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from M. E. Fairchild and filed. Communication from the Tdirorks Progress Administration read and filed. Communication read_ from Firs. `Stella May Alexander. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be filed for future reference. Carried. Communication received from Pacific Coast Company enclosing easement granting the city permission to construct side- walk over their right of way at Burnett & 4th Ave. Moved by Tamborini, secondee by Duncalf that the fsavor & City Clerk execute the easement. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the f ollowing : Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. "32.43-9302-3 it i1 Park Dept. 94.30-9304-5 S. H. Hough Clerk-Election 7 .00 6 Howard L. Bennett " " 7 .00 7 Ethel McDonald " " 7.00 8 Mike Cooper " " 7 .00 9 Veneta Cox " " 7 .00-9310 1.11arie 1onaghan " " 7 .00 1 Adeline Bowers " " 7 .00 2 Thos W. Faull " " 7 .00 3 Lulu Harner " " 8.00 4 Alice A. Davis 8.00 5 Gaylord Bros. , Library Books 14.65 6 C. M. Christiansen Library Painting 90.00 7 Brendal Drug. Co. Library Magazines 45.50 8 The 'aashington Bindery " Books 53.20 9 Puget Sound News Co. " Expense 5.04-9320 American Metal " Books 20.75 1 Tom Dobson CL Son Insurance 100.15 2 ,ATaters Specialties Supplies 17 .25 3 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 50.05 4 Insurance 65. 55 5 Thos. Harries Agency 2.00 6 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 17 . 29 7 Trick & Murray Supplies i 65 Current Metsker Map T�Zap 1.50-9328 C. Haleway Keys 2 .70 9 Renton Hdw Supplies 4. 57-9330 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 35.37 1 Jose White Labor 1.85 2 D. D. '� atson Dog Catcher 30.00 3 Jose White Park Labor 4. 38 4 Pac. Tel & Tel . Co Telephones 49.18 5 i City St. Fund 'a Pay Roll City Sts 108.00-2150-3 Pay Roll St . Dept. 424.06-2154-62 Pay Doll Engr. Dept. 34.96-2163 Renton Hdw cc Furn Supplies 22.16 4 Renton Hdw do Furn Supplies 3.09 5 'A,�illiams & Swanson Material 35.00 6 Chas. R. Watts Co Material 32.50 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 367 . 16 8 Frank Allen Fuel 8.25 9 'ederalPipe & Tank Material 89.38-2170 H. G. White MPA Work 32 .50 1 Roy Bright Truck hire 'WPA 72.50 2 Pac. Coast R.R.Co. Lease 1.00 3 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 114.28-2613-5 P.S.P.& L. Co. Power 85.42-2616 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 35 .11 7 M=oved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that the recommenda- tion of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The City property committee recommended that we accept the offer of Eli Woyvodich in the amount of $25.00 for the old water wagon and the bid of Andrew Blackfelt in the amount of $106.00 for the old grader. Loved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the report of the committee be concurred in and equipment sold and proper officials execute Bill of Sale. Carried. Fire , Light & Vvater Committee recommended some change in the lights on 2nd Ave in front of the ku gh school and a different type light at Burnett & Walla Walla Ave a44 rhe ar theai le y at 4th & Burnett St. �f Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the recommendation of the com:.ittee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the question of a light at the intersection of Wells, Williams and Grady �''ay be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with polder to act. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the question of sidewalk at Walla ,:�Ialla Ave & Burnett St. be referred to the St & ,all_ey Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tambo rini that we hold the bids over for Lots in North Renton until next council meeting . Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the sidwwalk at 4th Avenue North be referred to the St . «, Alley Committee vrith rower to act. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk llay o r 66 April 4, 1939 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. by Niayor Cochran. Roll Call : Lawrence , Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following ne tit ions, all approved by the building Supt. were read: Frank Potts to make basement and re_rodel house at 725 High ' St. read. C. Iverson to tear down old building at 144 Park Ave . Mary Kovach to erect small house on Cedar St. C. Magnusen to change partitions and make new display window on Lot 4 , Block 12, Town of Renton. Rudolph Petchnick to make basement at 746 High St. Frances Lopan to make 'basement at 467 Grant St Martin Kubisky to tear down old garage and erect new one at 343 "Whitworth St. F. G. FOx to make addition to Sartori School. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that the above petitions be granted. Carried. The Police & License Committee, a proved the following; applications for license : R. Bellando Ticknor & Jenkins E. J. Fey Alex Ferrat A & B Sportsman Hdqters. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the _licenses be . granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Gustine to break curbing on I eadow St. and corner of Bronson `Flay North. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be referred to the St. a Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. " Petition read from American Legion for carnival the week of April 17th to 22nd.rea lvoved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the request be granted subject to the council' s approval of location. Carried. Communication read from Paul 7. Houser relative to Black River. T_oved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that we communicate with the Board of County Commissioners asking their cooperation in cleaning out the channel of Black River in conjunction with ' plans by the City Engineer. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for nayment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St . Dept . 40139.50-2175-80 ►r .f St. Dept. 514.05-2181-90 Union Oil Co. Gas 149.85-2191 K. T. Erickson St. Material 15. 00 2 7illiams & Swanson Material 1.75 3 Reid w Cook Material 9.60 4 22.05 5 Renton Feed Co. Supplies Camnbell Hdw & Supply Material 21 .00 6 Art� Beil' s.Garage Material 12.68 7 Gravel 53. 60 8 E. P. "Wilson Co. 3. 00 9 Frank O'Hara T owing 61.25-2200 Renton Chronicle rinting Stand d 0 Co. Qil 36.O1 3tonewayo cko . Material 67 7.!Jater Fund Pay Roll 'dater Dept. $$117.27-2619-23 City of Seattle "Nater 24.04 24 Williams & McKnight Supplies 13.72 5 Renton News Record Printing 55.50 6 L.I.D.{189 Pay doll Engr. Dept. 1117.32-266-9 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 6.50-270 Roy Bright Truck Hire 42.00 1 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 4. 88 2 Current Fund Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 38.45-9351 John Neal Fire Dept. Labor 10i 2 Jas Ashurst " " " 12 .50 3 Owen Malls " " " 17 .00 4 Earl Waltner " " " 12.50 5 L. P. Wood Bowling Green Labor 60 .00 6 Waters Snecialties Supplies 5.85 7 Puget Sound News Co. Library Exp. 8.83 8 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 1.75 9 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2. 00-9360 E. P. Wilson Co. Insurance 100.02 1 Trick_ & Murray Supplies 8.00 2 T',rest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 19 .25 3 Bergmans Supplies 7 .00 4 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 1.33 5 Warner-Mayner Material- Police 43 .50 6 Pacific Coast R.R. Lease 1.00 7 Kane Electric Co. Labor 1.00 8 C. Haleway Labor-Park 1.80 9 Pay Roll Park 107.76-9373-4 Service Laundry Laundry 14.36 5 Ivan-W. Lee Park Exp .ense 19.30 6 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the ` recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. St . & Alley Committee recommended that the city lay a two plank sidewalk on the corner of 4th 3c Factory St. Moved by Lewis; seconded by Duncalf that the recommenda- tion of the committee be concurred in and planks laid. Carried. Bids for purchase of Lots 28 and 30, Block 3, Car v�o rks Addition read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the bids be turned over to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. This being the niLht fer hearing protests on the sidewalk on /Factory St and several being received, it was roved by Lewis , seconded by DuncaJ_f that Resolution No. 520 for the imrpovement of Factory St. be dropped. Carried. The Engr. recommended that Railroad Avenue be opened up. The matter was referred to the St. & Alley Committee for report next meeting; night. Resolution. No. 521 fixing the 2nd day of May as the time for hearing on the assessment roll for North Penton curbs. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. Carried. Reso3ution No. 522 for the improvement of Factory St, Brooks St. Second Ave ; 4th Ave be improvenieby construction of concrete sidewalks read. Moved by Lewis,seconded by Tasn_borini that same be adopted as read. Carried. 68 t� The Mayor advised the Council that the State Uonvention of the Association of rtiashington Cities would be held in apokane, .aay 18th & 19th and urged the Council to attend. The Mayor suggested that we have a three-day 4th of Ju. '.* celebration and invite all the service clubs to participate. Ioved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that a letter be sent John M. Coffee asking that the boundaries of mail delivery on the hill be extended. Carried. ` Reprksei1 ativr s and citizens of the hill were present relative to sewR6� ' e hill. They were instructed to bring in a petition for the creation of a. local local improvement district with IVP" labor. No further business, meeting; adjourned, to meet April 11th. City Clerk F Mayor a t 69 April `11, 1-939 . Adjourned meeting of the City Council was tailed to order at Y. M. by Mayor Cochran. F Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis , Deacy and Tamborini. N_inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of property owners on the hill asking for a Local Improvement District for sidewalks under AIPA was read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the petition be accepted and referred to the City E'ngr. with instructions to work up a NPA project. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that the bids for the purchase of Lots 28 and 30, Block 3, Car Works Addition be reject and the city re-advertise setting a minimum figure of 250.00 for the inside lot and X350.00 for the corner lot. Moved by Lewis , seconded that Lawrence that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fire, Light & Water Committee recommended that lights be installed or changed in front of the high school., Tonkin Park, -alley at 4th Ave. Renton Ave & "ones St. ,, and 4th & Factory. No furkher business, meeting adiourned . 1 City Clerk iviayor 70 April 18, 1939. j. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Du.ncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read : Frank Musga to make basement at 721 High St. V. Dougherty to erect house & garase on Lots 10 and 112, Block 2, Car Works. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that permits be issued. Carried. Petition of J. S. Covey to break curb, 24 feet, on Walla Walla ;venue between_ ",'dells ac Williams St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee with cower to act. Carried. Application read from the Renton Lions Club for permission to hold a rodeo and carnival on July 13, 14 and 15th in the Athletic _ Field. ` Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis, that the Council go on record favoring the carnival but that the matter be referred to a special committee to be appointed by the Mayor and they be given Lower to act on the above application also make arrangements for the 4th of July Jubilee celebration. Carried. The Mayor appointed the following: Steve Tamborini , Louis Gebenini, Clarence Williams and Ernest Isackson. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for ?payment the fo ll6wing: CityCurrent Pay Roll City St. Fund : 98.78-2205-9 it t, ti if ft 394.25-2210-9 We-stern Tractor & Equip Material 51.35-2220 Reid & Cook Supplies 13.06 1 0. Priebe Labor on tools 15.80 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 349 .47 3 Federal pipe & Tank Co. Material 148.58 4 Current Pay poll Park Dept. 92.05-9388-9-- P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 36.66-9390 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 5.19 1 Kuker-Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 4.68 2 Reid & Cook Supplies 4.34 3 George E. Tviitchell Engr. Supplies 1.10 4 Trick c Murray supplies 14.80 5 Renton Feed Co. Bowling Green Exp. • Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 19.60 7 J. s. Hardie Labor oc Material 16 . 20 8 Howard-Cooper Corp. sire Dept. Supplies 17 .44 9 The Lumber Mkt. Lumber 100 .13-9400 Renton Hdw & Furn Park Supplies 23.13 1 Renton Haw & Furn :3upplies 1.75 2 L.I.D.#189 Pay Roll Engr. Dent. 0159.77-274-5 it it Engr. Dept . #190 61.88-276-8 Roy Bright Truck Hire x#189 48.00-279 E. P. Wilson Co. Grevel Dist #189 21.20-280 H. G. White Rental Charge #189 15.00 1 John Dower Lumber Lumber #189 9.76 2 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material x#190 115.13 3 I Water Dept. Pay Roll 107 .41-2631-35 P. 3. P. & L. Co. Power 48.17 6 Alex Cugini Labor 3.00 7 Renton Hdw & lurn Suptlies 11.63 8 € John Dower Lumber Co . Lumber 27.31 9 _t Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the re-ort of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Proved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the city attorney serve official notice on Mr. Bellando and Tor. Morgan to vacate the right of way on Bronwon Way recently purchased by the city. +' Carried. The erection of the new bridge by the state, the disposition of the old Bronson Way 'n rdige <c nd the extension of 3rd Avenue was discussed. bring in a petition The Tayor suggested. "she St & Alley Committeelbigned by property` gAtned and b6nefi tted by the extsns ion of Third Avenue same to be done by c local improvement district. The St & Alley Committee asked that the engineer be included. No further business, meeting adjourned to meet Agri 1 25th. City Clerk Mayo; 72 April 25, 1939 . Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at � P . Vii. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call ' Lawrence, Lewis, Dunca f, D a cy and Temborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Communication read from John Rees relative to water at Talbott. The matter was referred to the Fire, Light & Nater Committee and the St. Supt . The City Engr. was authorized to install sufficient drainage pipe in front of E. Bressen property to carry the water off the street. The Fire, Light & Water Committee recommended that a light b'e installed at the end of dells St. S;;uth and also a light at the end of Williams St. South. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the recomrrienda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night for rearing: on the Resolution, for sidewalks on Factory St. et al, prcrtest was read from R. H. good for Lots 4 and 5, Block 9 ; lots 13 and 14, Block 10, Car Works. roved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the lots be eliminated from the district. Carried. ` Resolution authorizing the State Highway to paint the traffic lines -on highways in Renton in an amount not exceeding 465.00 read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Ivayor 73 May 2, 1939 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. N. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. bow The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt were read: Paul Kump to enclose front porch at 504 Burnett St. Ben Allen Estate by C . Bjorklund to erect double garage on Lot 16 , Block 10, Town H. Skille to repair foundation of house at 530 Wells St. North. n-artin Reggiardi to erect house on Lot 21, Block 5, R.F.P. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Plano that petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of R. Bellando to break 24 ft. of curb for s driveway on Lots 9 and 10, Block 11, Town, read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. M. Rubatino to tear d own old fence and erect new threee foot wire fence at 633 Smithers St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : CiY St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $451.62-2226-36 City Sts 179.62-2237-45 v'lestern Tire Service Material 3.70-2246 Union Oil Co. Gas 115.14 7 Stoneway Dock 6o. =Material - Specia18 219 .04 8 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 66 .03 9 The Lumber Market Material - Special 4.71-2250 The Lumber Market Material - 'NPA 36 .76 1 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 42.41-2252-3 Current 53-54 Pay Roll Park rept. 104.40-9429-30/ it " Fire Dept. 52.00-9431-4 Williams & McKnight Supplies 14.47-9435 H. A. Fiskaali, Secy Fire Dept. Exp. 6.00 6 Howard-Cooper Corp. Fire Dept. " 45.00 7 Jack Carline Fire Dept. " 17 .50 8 Frank E. Rhodes Fire Dept. Exp. 2.05 9 Valley , indow Cleaners Labor 3. 75-9440 Service laundry Laundry 12. 57 1 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 33.00 2 Renton Cafe Prisoners meals 41.70 3 C. Haleway Expense - Police Dept. 2. 70 4 �... Trick & Murray Supplies 4. 30 5 North Coast Chemical Supplies 17.50 6 Waters Specialties Supplies 10.65 7 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co . Telephones 44. 90 8 S. D. LeBlanc Labor - Bowling 'Green 9 .45 9 John Dower Lumber Park Material 64.51-9450 The Lumber Mkt Park Expense 37 .38 1 P Woo d Labor - Bowling Green 60.00 2 -9455-57 Iay Ioll Engr. Dept. 99 .86 74 X ,VaRi FuAd Pay Roll J ater DepT., 69.23-2642-4 Fairbanks, Morse Material 3.06- 5 Hugh G. Purcell Material 6 .63 6 Olympic Foundry Co . Material 51.46 7 City of Seattle Water 37.60 8 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. L.I.D.#190 Pay Roll St. Dept . 39.92-284-7 Hugh G. Purchell Co. Material 708.22 8 L.I.D. #189 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 10.70-289 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 31.65-290 Roy Bright Truck Hire 48.00 1 Pay Roll Lngr. Dept . 39 .90 2 I.oved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. St & Alley Committee recommended that the Bronson Way bridge be moved up to 3rd Avenue and the city attorney and city engineer look into the matter of acquiring Right of Way adjoining the park and report back to council next Tuesday evening. Moved. by Tamborin,i,seconded by Duncalf, ghat the motion beamended to read "that the city attorney be instructed to obtain the Right of Way and bridge be moved to Third Ave. " Moved and seconded that the motion to amend be voted upon. Motion to amend carried. Moved and seconded that the motion as amended be concurred in. The same being put to � vote caVried. Fire, Light & ,'dater Committee reporting on the Rees water problem recommended that the Water Supt suggest to Mr. Rees that he install a booster Dump. The Mayor presented some problems which had arisen in connection with construction of the new bridge across Cedar River. As a result of the discussion, the Council favored cooperation with th State Hgy Dept. in making small changes which are necessary. It is planned to im provee the general appearance of the Bronson 'Play approach by putting the telephone cable underground and substituting a less conspicuous type of i_ight pole . The fol-- lowing motions were made in connection with the improvement. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that the city adjust the curbs an the Vest side of Bronson Way. Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the city engr. be authorized to purchase four or five steel light poles in an amount not to exceed $60.00 each. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for purchase of Lots 28 and 30, Block 3, Car Works , the following was read : J. L . Denzer Lot 28, Block 3, Car Works, - $262.50 . Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that J. L . Denzer' s offer of $262 .50 be accepted and Deed executed for same. Carried. This being the night for haaring on the assessment Roll Dist ##189, several protests ',%rerereceived and referred to the city engineer for checking. Ordinance No. 1015 approving and confirming the Assessment Roll Dist 189 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 1015 whereupon it was placed upon its seccnd and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. 75 Ordinance No . 1016 for the imppovement of Factory St. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee re-oorted favorably on Ordinance No. 1016 ,;hereupon it was placed upon its second -and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting ave : Lawrence , Isackson, Duncalf ,, Plano, Deacy and TL�rbcri.ni. Moved. by Duncalf, seconded by Tariborini that we call for bids �Exbdftx for furnishing material for concrete sidewalks Dist 191. Carried. Resolution No. 523 fixing the 6th day of June for hearing on the assessment Roll for Whitworth St. improvement read. loved, by Plano, seconded by Dunep..lf that' the Resolution be adopted as' read. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the city attorney get the figure on amount. required for purchase of Right of Way adjoining LibertYPark. Carried. The City Property Committee and the St. Supt was instructed to bring in an estimate on cost of black-topping the alley on Bach side of the City Ball. No further business, meeting, adjourned to meet next Tuesday the 9th. .4 k4o • City Clerk Mayor I 76 May 9, 1939 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis, Duncalf, Deae`y and Tamborini. Einutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved b;,T the Building Supt. were read : Frank Fuda to reshingle house and erect garage at 508 Morris St . John Peternel to remodel house by addition of one small room and move same around on lot, read. James Denzer to erect house & garage on Lot 28, Block 3, Car liorks. moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that all petitions be granted. * Carried. Petition of Fiorenzo Delaurenti to er6ct 75 ft. of concrete sidewalk at 528 Tobin St. The same was referred to the St Alley Committee and the City Fngr. R. Hast to move building occupied by Flynn the barber out- side the city. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. k L. Co. to install pole at the corner of 7th & Jones St. ; set two poles and install three anchors and remove two poles on Bronson 'way bridges read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. 8arried. Communication read from the Frank R. Vaise Post asking the city to participate in the Memorial Services to be held May 21st at Renton High School. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that we accept the invitation. Carried. Notice of the American 'hater 111orks Convention to be held in Tacoma, May 11, 12 and 13 read. The Water Supt was named as a delegate. Request read from Reid & Templeton to enclose the porch at Sweet Center. The matter was referred to the City Property Committee, Mr. Pratt announced the official opening of the Bowling Green Sunday, Ilay 14th at 2 P. 1.. and extended an invitation to the Yayor & Council to attend. Communication read from the State Department of Highways relative to widening Bronson Way from 70 to 76 ft. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that 'UPA labor be solicited for same . Carried. 1, Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the P.S.P.& L. Co . be authorized to install temporary lights on Bronson 'Jay during construction of the new bridge. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the city approve fluted poles for the Bronson 'bray approach. Carried . 77 Communication and estimate in the amount of $750. received from V. S. McKenny Co for removal of six street lighting poles near the Bronson ;'Tay bridge to the ?high School property read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded. by Dl_ancalf that the poles, light , removed from the Bronson 'iday apn.roach be stored in the city garage and the lighting plan of the committee as contemtlated be consummated. Carried.. Fire Chief Dullahan t announced that the Puget Sound Firemen were meeting in the Club room and invited the Mayor & Council to attend. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 78 May 16, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. by payor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read : -� Steve I`.':iskulin to make basement at 548 Tobin St. P. C. Mikkelsen to erect office building on Lots 7 and 8, Block 11, Town of Renton. Mrs. D. Morrison, remodel and general repair work on house on Lot 20, Block 2, R. F. P. Jones Estate to erect a masonry building on Lots 10 & 11 , Block 21, Town of Renton. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the permits be issued. Carried. VI. H. Scherer to erect sidewalk on Tobin St. for J. assucco, Sr. 37 ft; Chas Starkavich, 75 ft. Moved by Tambrini, seconded by Duncalf that permits be issued. Carried. J. Rauma to erect duplex house, with steam bath, and double garage on Let 14, Block 23, Town , read. , Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from NePage McKenny Co . on installa- tion of new light poles and ordered filed. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the city attorney be authorized to take an option on necessary Right of :gray on Mill St. for extension of Walla Walla & 3rd Aves. Carried . Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the extension of Nalla Walla Ave be made a special order of business next Tuesday. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for furnishing; material for Factory St. sidewalks the following was read : Stonewav Dock do. - - - $1772.25 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the bid be acce ,ted and contract awarded the Stoneway Dock Co. Carried. The 'Xater Supt gave a detailed report on his attendance at the Water 1111orks Convention in Tacoma. Re-cort read from the Engr. on sidewalk improvement on the hill showing the total cost of improvement to be '44817 . and the assessed valuation only `$6045.00 . Mloved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the Resolution for the improvement of the hill be held over three weeks. Carried. St. �4; Alley Con.Taittee recommended that the grade on 4th Ave. between Main oc Mill St. be approved as same is now fixed. Carried. • 9 City Property Committee recommended that the St. Supt be authorized to black-top alley on each side of the City Hall. Moved by Lawrence, sedonded by Tamborini that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Deacy was named as the representative to the Memorial Day Celbbration May 21st. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the f ollowing: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. vert. X424.85-2257-68 Pay Roll City St. Fund 382.56-2269-82 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 22.45-2283 H. G. White Labor-Park 20 .00 4 Roy Bright Truck hire 48 .00 5 !�. Priebe Labor on tools 19 .35 6 Shell Oil Co . Gas 75.00 7 Art BPils Garage Material 19 .30 8 Jackson & Jackson Work on Sewer 379.90-2291 9 Lumber Market Material 1.90 Current Fay Roll Engr. Dept. 184.73-9469-72 It ?t Park Labor 112.50-9473-75 J. i. Dyler Park Material 7 .00 6 Renton Athletic Club Park Exp. 75.00 7 John W. Dobson Expenses - Appaerance Fee 3.50 8 Jose VVhite8 Bowling Green Exp. 150.00 9 E. A. Fuller " " Exp 48.25-9480 Art Bails Garage Labor 2.25 1 Lumber Mkt Bowling Green Exp 34.69 2 Columbia Lumber Co . Lumber 10.01 3 Harry Hartman Library Books 2.85 4 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 24.02 5 ?eater Pay Roll Nater Dept. 123.26-2652-7 Grinnell Co. Material 11.79 8 L.I.D.-#191 Pay Roll - Engr. Dept. 24.95-29 .4-5 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned . City Clerk Mayo r 80 May 23, 1939 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1% by Mayog Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved . The following petitions approved by the Building Supt. were read : Frank Davis to erect a sm,1ll house on Lot 5, Black 1, Town of Renton. H. G. Mead to lower ceiling and put in partition for office in Delaurenti Building on Williams St. Fred 11"oss to tear down old shed and erect a new one at 815 4th Avenue , North. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy the t the pe-t'.tions be granted. Carried. Frank Rhodes to break 25 ft of curb for driveway on Lots 5 & 6 , Block 11, Town of. Renton. Moved by Lewis, seconded btr Isackson that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St . Supt. Carried. State Highway Dept . requests that a. sign limiting the speed to 15 miles be placed on Bronson Nay from 2nd to Park Ave. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that same be re- ferred to the St. Supt. with power to act. Carried. Request received from Chas . Redfield to purchase Lot 3, Block ,12 , R. F. P. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the Mayor City Clerk be authorized to execute Deed to l,r. Redfield upon payment of all taxes and assessments. Carried. City Property Corrittee recommended that we call for bids on new addition to the Sweet Center Bldg. ; Loved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion be concurred in and we advertise for bids. Carried. Mayor suggested that the St Supt x Fire Dept. find a suitable location, close in, to test the new fire truck. The Valla WallaAve. extension was made a special order of business and the 11'ayor opened the meeting for discussion of the matter. The costs of_the proposed improvement, also its benefits for Third Ave and the City of Renton. Citizens in the audience ex,pressed their views both for and against the project. In order to make a start on the work, it was Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that we purchase the Right of ';ay on both sides of the river. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: Lawrence: No Deacy: No- Isackson: Yes Tamborini: Yes Lewis: Yes Duncalf : Yes Plano: Yes Totion carried. The Finan ce Committee recommended that the following bills be paid: ' rgnes Edwards, Conv . Expenses 1618.00 -9487 0. N. Cochran, " " 42 .00 8 James Chadwick ff " 13. 04 9 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the report be concurred in. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. or City Clerk y I 81 June 6, 1939 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor 0. N. Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isa.ckson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitons, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Pairs. Gertrude A. Campbell to remodel house on Lot 26, Block 5, R. F. P. Mrs. Wm. Jane to erect house & garage at 1203 3rd Ave. Barney Doyle to tear down house at 315 Park Ave. Dinning & Peterttie to remodel house at 423 1st Ave. , No and make same into apartments. H. A. Bartlett to repair garage on Lot 21, Block 12, R. r . P. George Thomas to erect garage on Lot 13, Block 2, R. 3'. P. Mrs . J. D. '.Hughes to repair porch floor at 505 Williams J St. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. J. D. h1ughes to break curb at 505 Nilliams, St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of F. G. Fox to occupy sidewalk on 3rd Ave. in front of new building with shoring to support marquis also to Tay plank on sidewalk to cross for fill on Lots 10 and 11, Block 21, Town, rea d. Moved by Tamborini, seconded bir Deacy that sarm be granted subject to bond. Carried. Communication read from the Board of County Commissioners relative to cleaning old channel of Duwamish River stating that no action would be taken at the present time, filed. Communicq..tion read from the Pacific Coast Company relative to Right of Viay read and filed for reference. This being the night for opening bids on the Sweet Center improvement thefollowing was received: S. M. 74 iberg - - - -$837 .65 " 'f " (alternate) 908.50 Moved by Plan, seconded by Isackson that same be referred to the City Property Comm-Littee for report. Carried. The Finance Com-mittee aud. ited and recommended for rayment the following bilis: City St . Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 88.57-9505-08 Pay ,Roll Park Dept . 108.00-9509-10 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 27 .55-9511 Viowes Pharmacy Supplies 1.00 2 Stoner^Tay Dock Co . Material - Park 27 .74 3 Viouwes Pharmacy Supplies 7 .45 4 Williams & Swanson Car Rental 15.00 5 Trick & Murray Supplies 13.53 6 Waters Specialties Supplies 6 .63 7 Service Laundry Laundry 13. 75 8 Williams & McKnight Supplies- Park Equipment 331.04 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 58. 32-9520 C . Bevan Labor & Material 11.85 1 Earldaltner Fire Dept. Labor 12. 50 2 82 Yew 4 Current John Neal Fire Dept. labor 12.50-9523 Owen fills Fire Dept . Labor 12 .50 4 J. W. Reans Paintinf Fire Station 100.00 5 Strnards Pictures - schoolboy patrol 36 .25 6 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 10 .00 7 Renton News Record Printing - Police Dept . 7 .50 8 Art Burnside 1 Co . Police Exp. 6 .76 9 Frank E. Rhodes Fire Dept. Material 23.01 -9530 E.` P. Wilson Co. Insurance 5. 07 1 John W. Dobson Expenses 1.2$ 2 . Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 3 P. S. P. & L. CO. Lights 26 . 79- 4, Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 48.00 5 Reid & Cook Supplies 35.26 6 The` Macmillan Co . Library Books 7 .03 7 The Caxton Printets Library Books 18.22 8 Washin't7n Bindery Library Books 6.66 9 E . A. Fuller Labor on Club house 11.25-9540 L. P. Wood Bowling Green Labor 60 .00' 1 Geo . E. Mitchell Engr . Supplies 3 .15 2 Current -City St. Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 0.42-229509 ►r ►► City Sts 489.58 2300-12 -93 f► r► it '► 346 .29-231.3-25 Stoneway Bock Cc, Material 8.04-232.6 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 9 .12 7 Columbia Lumber Co. " 11.88 8 Shell Oil Co . Gas 75. 00 9 Hooker-Electro Chlorine 285.00-2330 Chas. R. Watts A Co. Material 12 .14 1 W. P. Fuller & Co. Material 25.82 2 Alex Cugini Labor 3. 50 3 Gladding,YcBean & Co. Material 10.28 4 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 16.75 5 Clarke Bros Motor Co. Material 10 .20 6 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 10.14 7 P. 3. P. & L. Co. Lights 347.80 8 Union Oil Co. Material 58.37 9 The Lumber Ykt Lumber 6. 75-2340 E. P. Wilson Co. Material 15.20 1 Roy Bright Truck Rent 6 .00 2 City of Renton Assessment - Curbs 36 . 38 ."later Pay Roll dater Dept. 90.82 -266105 Peter Dullahant Convention Expenses 3.00-2666 C . Bevan Material 2.75 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 114.40 8 City of Seattle 'plater 66 .08 9 Pay Roll Water Dept. 4.49-2660 Engr. Dept. 47 .40-296-9 Pay Roll g Stoneway Dock Co. Material 1004.19-299 Penton Hdw & Furn Supplies 29 .17-300 Stoneway Bock Co. Material (Special Curb Cone 136.32 1 17 The Lumber kt Lumber 44 .14844-302 ` 2� John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 59:94-298 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini, that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 83 There being no further business to come before the present Council, Mayor 0 . IT. Cochran turned the gavel over to George W. Beanblossom, Mayor elect. The newly elective end appointive officers, all having sub- scribed to Oath of Office and furnished bonds, -vThere required, were then seated, to-wit : George W. Beanblossom, Mayor Paul F. Green, Treasurer Agnes Edwards, City Clerk Paul W. Houser, Attorney E. E. 3urrows, Councilman-at-large Floyd E. Lawrence, Councilman, first"lard C. S. Williams , Council-man, Second Ward Louie Gebenini, Councilman, Third Ward The following appointments were made by I'layor Beanblossom: F. E. Lawrence, ; Asst. T ayor Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police Dave Reid, Police Officer, Fred Illian, Police Officer Fred Illian, Police Officer James Chadwick, Police Officer 0 . G. Gilleland,Police Officer (extra, when needed) Peter Dullahant, St. L ",ater Supt . Frank W. Harris, City Engr.. J. E. McFarland, Police Judge Dr. C . L. Dixon, Health Officer E. E . Burrows, Fire Chief Emmon Beil, Garage Foreman S. H. Hough, City Hall Janitor . Park Board I`• E. H. Stokes Joe Wood Ben Lindgren Library Board — Mrs . Id. E. Fairchild aT. H. Watkins Mrs . Emily Dullahant Perry Mitchell Mrs. Olive Kirwin Civil Service Commission Lou Cross 2 years) , George Thomas (4 years) Lloyd Lindgren N years) Advisory 6c Planning Commission Alex Felto Max Clarke J. E. Oliver 'lies Tonkin John Swanson Dan McGovern �i Chas Ruud 0. N. Cochran A. G. Nelson E. H. Stokes P. J. Madsen Chas. Flash Frank Toschi Frank Toschi E. P. Wilson Tom Dobson, Jr. Iwoved by Lawrence , seconded by Jeacy that all appointments be confirmed. Carried. The Treasurer designated the Peoples National bank as depository for city funds. 84 �1 u� I'Loved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that the recommenda- tion of the treasurer be eoLfirmed and .Peoples National Bank named depositary for city funds. Carried. Communication read from Paul gid. 'Houser , City :=attorney, proposing that the city purchase lots 1, 2 and 31 Block 14, Town of Renton and construct a municipal building the same to be up for special election if approved by the - City Council. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that same be received ad referred to the Planning Commission for report. Carried. Moved by 'Isackson', seconded by Plano that F. F. Lawrence be elected President of the Council. Carried . L=oved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the new fire truck be accepted, thxtx the truck having passed kyx_tbce the test rewired. Carried. Motion made and seconded that we recess to meet next Tuesday at 8 P. M. Carried. City Clerk Mayor r 85 Tune 13, 1939. Council met in regular session at 8 P. I.I. with Mayor Beanbl'ossom presiding . The roll of members was called and the following re- corded as present: I Lawrence , Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and a0proved. The following petitions,, approved by the Building Supt were read: Anton Arnone to erect garage and repair basement at 536 Smithers St. Mrs. A. N. Fairchild to repair foundation of four houses on 2nd Avenue North. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that the petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to move pole on Mill St. south of Bronson `Yay to a location 20 ft. south; also relocate pole at Renton Ave & 8th necessary on account of street improvement. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. u Communication read from City Attorney relative to acciuiring 'lots 6 and 7 , Block two , Tovn of Renton also advising the council that the Bronson Way bridge should be stored in a location easy accesssible ti�the new location and recommending that the Council contact thvI Engr' s office at once. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the state be notifi ed to store the bridge in Liberty Park alongside watenATay property and south of Sweet Center. Carried. Report read from the Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau showing that the new fire truck & equipment had passed satisfactorily all requirements. Moved by Burrows , seconded by Isackson that the r.enort be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Bid on lubricating oil received from McDonald Refining Company and filed. City Property Committee asks more time beford reporting on bid of S. Y. diberg for addition to Sweet Center. 11oved. by Williams, seconded by Burrows that the city attorney draft a Civil Service Ordinance for the Police Dept. Carried. The question of oiling city streets under a Local Improvement District was discussed at some length. _ Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows thRt one block on 2nd Avenue North be oiled. Carried. Communication read from city attorney stating, that he and the former city attorney John 'N. Dobson recommend the settlement of the Cartwright lawsuit for the sum of $50.00. 86 Moved' by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the claim be allowed in the sum of 50.00. Carried. Minutes of the Meeting of the Advisory and Planning Commission read also two Resolutions adopted by the Board recommending that 2nd Ave and 3rd Avenue be opened and recommending that an offer made by Lee Monohon whereby he agrees to deed to the City of Renton a tract of land comprising about 22 acres, providing the city pay the taxes which amount to 42000.00, part of the property donated to be used for park purposes only and the remainder to be available for industrial development purposes. The Ylayor called upon Mr. Lee hjonohon and he explained the offer made to the city. It was kkx unanimous that acceptance of this offer be de- ferred until the Board and Mr. .::onohon decide which part would be park and which industrial property. The engineer was instructed to bring in an estimated cost of the Third Ave improvement and also the Second Avenue ImprovEment . Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Deacy that the Athletic Club be permitted to conduct a Carnival in conjunction with the Rodeo in the park. Communication read from the Renton Parent-Teacher Association asking that a recreational center be provided and stating that they had called a meeting for September to formulate plans for such a project. No action taken at the present. The question of a traffic officer at the Bronson ,lay bridge during the rush hours was referred to the Chief of Police. Ordinance No. 1017 prohibiting any male person resident of Renton, ;Ilashington, from shaving his beard between certain dates and providing a penalty for violation hereof read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1017 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.#139 read and on motion referredto the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance creating and establishing a Civil Service Commission for the Police Department read and on motion rdferred to the Ordinance Committee . The matter of oiling the road around the park was discussed. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that same be referred to the Park Board for action. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 87 Tune, 20, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor George W. Bea.nblo ssom. Roll Call: L:awrer_ce , Isa.ckson, Burrows, Williams, Planc, Deacy anc. rebeniTil. Minutes of the last mectlr.g read and arproved. The following petition, approved by the Buildin.g Supt. was read: Jennie Edwards to remodel house at 501 Burnett St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows th%;.t geme be granted . Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co . to relocate pole on Burnett St; reloca_to' pole on 4th Ave North and remove pole at the Bronson Nay bridge read. • Moved by Burrows, seconded by Deacy that ware be granted under the supervision of the St. Sunt. Carried. application of Frank China to operate a pop-corn wagon during the 4th of July gnd Rodeo celebration read. Moved by Plano, secondee by Lawrence that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. -Communication read from the Renton Garden Club asking that the west portal of the city be beautified by .planting shuubbery and that all advertis ngsigns be removed. The matter was referred to the St. & A]-ley Committee for action. Communication read from the McDonald Refining Company relative to oil. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that we purchase R three months supply of oil from McDonald and give same a trial. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows : Lawrence - i10 Isackson - Yes Burrows - Yes Williams - No Plana - Yes Deacy - No Gebenind - Yes lotion carried. The Finence Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund 2251-59-76 Pay Roll • City Sits $418.08-2345-8- 70 Pay Roll St. Dept. 311.83-2346-7-2360- Pay Roll Engr. Dept WPA 94.85-2371-75 Stoneway Dock Co . M.1ateria1 7. 50-2377 0. Priebe Labor & Material 18.25- 8 Shell Oil Co . Gas 75.00 9 _ P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 350.57-2380 _ P. 3; P. & L. Co. TV 17 .73 1 Home Oil Co. St. Oil 449.82 2 Home Oil Co. St. Oil 128.52 3 CurrSnt Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. ` 84.82-956G-3 101.02-9564-5 Pa Roll Park Dept. Pay 39.12-9566 Pac. Tel & Tel Co. Telephones Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 4.24 7 Engr. Supplies 4.37 8 Kuker-Rank en Co. � 27 .50 9 D. D. 1,4atson Dog Catcher 25.00-9570 Torn. Dobson & Son Ins. 54.67 1 MacMillan Co. Library Books 88 k� Harry Hartman. Library Books 33.81-9572 Puget Sound News Co . " " 5.24 3 Waters Specialties Supplies 3. 57 4 E. P. ?Milson Cc . Insurance 5.00 5 "Nest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 18.46 6 Cochran' s Paint & Hdw Police Exp, 24.48 7 Thomas harries Insurance 57.05 8 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.00 9 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. L.I.D. tl9l 37.42-305 Water Pay Roll Nater Dept. 118.27-26707-5 Addressograph Co. Sup. .82 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 133.04 7 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the recommend.ationnof the Committee .be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that the bid of S. M. Wiberg for addition to Sweet Center Bldg. ,be rejdcted. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that a larger sink be installed in the Sweet Center kitchen at once. I'Loved by Isackson, seconded by Lawrence that the recom-r:en dation be concurred in. t Carried. Ordinance No. 1018 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against Dist 189 (North Renton Curbs) read and reported favorable by the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance was placed upon its second and third readings and. passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1019 creating and establishing a Civil Service Commission for the Police Lept was reported favorable by the Ordnance Committee . The Ordinance was placed li^o» second and third readings.i Roll Call being taken on same resulted as follows: Lawrence - yes Isackson - no Burrows - no Williams - yes Plano - no Deacy - yes Gebeinini - yes Motion Carried. Report read from the City Engr recommending that the district in the vicinity of 7th & 8ti Aves and from. Jones to Grant Sts be improved by construction of 4 foot sidewalk and asking the council to approve this width sidewalk. The city attorney was instructed to make the necessary change in the Ordinance to comply with the engineer' s recommendation. Resolution No. 524 for the improvement of 7th Ave s b construction of concrete sidewalks read. streets, and other reef Y Movea by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. Rerort read from the City Engr. reporting that the Second Avenue extension would cost approximately $2000.00 and the Walla Walla Avenue extension about $10,825.00 under 111PA labor. 89 Report read from the city attorney relative to signs projecting over the sidewalk. -Street Supt;- was authorized to notify all business houses where sign project over street., to remove same. C� g attorney was instructed to draft ordinance requiring a bond when4se dynamite is required. The City attorney was instructed to check all ordinances to ascertain if all were valid. Resolution recommending the acceptance of Mr. Lee Monohon' s offer to deed about 22 acres to the city, eleven acres to be used for park pur�Doses .rd eleven acres for an industrial site , read from the advisory and Planning, Commission. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that we accept the offer of Mr. Monohon and the city attorney draft a Resolution accepting the offer; also order Title Insurance for same. Carried. Ordinance prohibiting the use of explosives except where bond is furnished read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . Moved and seconded that we recess to meet Tuesday the 27th. kayo r atCClerk. 90 �c June 27, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 141, by 1�,ayor Beanblossom. Roll Call : Lawrence, Burrows , �illiairz$ Deacy and Gebenini. iv,inutes of the last meeting read and after the following correction approved as read: I',Ioti.on rdlating to Civil Service for the Police Department was corrected to read: "Ordinance No. 1019 creating and establishing a Civil Service Coirlmission for the Police Dept. was rerorted favorable by the 1,AJORITY of the Ordinance Committee." The following tpetitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Domenic Aliment to repair house on Lots 9 and 10, Block 7 , Town. Robert p'rovin to remodel house at 712 Renton rive. Harney Doyle to erect house on Lot 4, Block 6 , R. F. P. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the petitions be granted. Carried. Claim in the amount of ,'27.23 received from J. 3. Harrison on account damaFe to car by running over stop marker. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that same be turned over to the Finance Claims Committee and -the City Attorney for re-ort. Carried. St w Alley Committee were granted more time before reporting on the portals . Councilmen Deacy suggested that a ordinance licensing pin ball ::Machines be drafted. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the matter be laid on the table until next meeting night . Carried. The Ordinance Committee reT,orted favorably on Ordinence 1o.1020 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Ivilliams, Deacy and Gebenini. Councilman Burrows reported that the sire Department had a party interested in purchasing the old fire truck. Yr. Burrows was instructed to ascertain the wish of the hire Dept in the matter and what amount Could be obtained for such sale and report back to the Council. The matter of checking the validity of all orLinance zf:as discussed. Iaoved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee and the city attorney with power to act. Carried. Moved and seconded that ramps on Bronson ";jay be referred to the St w hlley Committee and the City Engineer with power to act. Carried. No further business , the meeting adjourned to July 5th, 1939. w:ayor City Clerk i 91 July 6, 1939 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. M.. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows , Williams, Plano and Gebenini. Yinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The followin,_-_r petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Gomer Williams to reshingle house at 746 Renton Avenue John Panzica to make addition to garage and reroof same at 440 Sraithers St. Tvrs. H. D. Bruce to remodel and reroo f house at 335 Park rive. Dr. C. L. Dixon to erect clinic building on Lot 3, Block 21, Town of Renton. Yloved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Jack Hayes to break 10 ft. of curb on Lot 3, mock 21, Town, read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted under the supervision of the St . Supt. Carried. Health Officer Mixon read report from the State Dept. of health on Renton water and sewers showing that same rated very high. Dr. Dixon recommended that some action should be taken to get proper sewage for the hill under labor. Claim for damage to a new tire and tube received from Mrs. LIargaret Murdock on account of rock in the street at 3rd & Garden, read. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Isackson that same be turned over to the Finance Claims and the City Attorney for redommednation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited' and recommended for payment the f o l l owi rag : City .3t. Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $87.30-2384-8 T+ " Special Cone . Job 52.39-2389 ++ ++ St. Dept. 463.95-2390-2402 +f +t City St . Fund 307.95-2403-14 Stoneway mock Co. Material 267 .47-2415 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 139.97 6 Ralph' s Garage Labor 9 .25 7 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 9 .50 8 13 Pay Roll Park _ 59 .56-9595-9601- Pay Roll Engr.. Dentp X58. 38-9606-8 T+ TV Park Dept. 99 .00-9609-10-- L. P. '�'vood Bowling Green Labor 60.00-9611 E. A. Fuller Park Labor 9 .50 2 Se~vice Laundry Laundry 13.08 3 k Trick ., Lurray Supplies 13.47 firW Valley 'Vdindow Cleaners Labor 2.00 6 North Coast Chemical Supplies 2.25 7 Seagrave Corporation Fire Truck 10,000 .00 8 Renton News Record Printing 11.25 9 Renton Cafe Prisoners meals 80.75-9620 Shearers Sheetmetal Fire Dept. Supplies 4.40 1 92 MIN L.I.D.J189 Pettie Printery Printing 22.26-306 L.I.D.#191 Stoneway Dock Co. laterial 99.81-307 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 712.28 8 'Vater Pay Roll .Vater Dept. 103.30-2679- Grinnell Company Material 97.06-2682 City of Seattle `dater Dept. 43.00 3 Loved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation be concurred in and bills paid. Carried. Finance Claims Committee recommended the denial of the J. S. Harrison claim in the amount of � 27 .23. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Preliminary report read from the -;Iashington Title Tnsu ranc e Company on the real estate owned by Lee IvIonohon on Park Avenue showing an indebtedness in taxes of $3047.64 and other obligations . R',oved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be re- ferred to the City Property Committee for report next meeting night. Carried. Ordinance No. 1021, adopting a municipal seal read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re-gorteO. fa,;orably on Ordinance vo. 1021 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, 'ddilliams, Plano and Gebenini. Resolution No. 525 for th� construction of cenerete side- T,,-a.lks on 4th Ave . between 14ill and E.ain St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 526 fixing the 1st day of August for hear- ing on assessment roll for sidewalks on factory :tet. read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebemini that scene be adopted as read. Carried. to contact The engr was instructedthe State Highway Dept. relative to sidewalks on the south side of street on Bronson ''day. L1oved by Isackson, seconded by* Lurrows that the city issue warrants for right of way from the following : Pacific Coast Company - - - - :4,3000. R. `good - - - - 1000. A. !Marlowe - - - - 600 (also move house) Geo. Moyes - - - - 100 Niot ion carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. /�� City Clerk P l/y- Ylayor 93 July 18, 1939 . City Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1. with iviayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call : Isackson, Burrowq, villiams, Plano and , - Deacy. wow Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions , approved by the Building Supt. were read: L. C. .rugitt to erect house on El Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 9, Car. works . L. Sepanen to erect house on Lot 3, Block 25, R. P. P. James risler to add to store building at 519 3rd Ave. Chas Redfield to erect house on Lot 3, Block 12, R.F.P. Owl Cafe to remodel inside of cafe at 808 3rd Ave. Doug Lewis to make basement at 522 '`Yells St. loved by Plano, seconded by Jilliams that the permits be allowed . Carried. Petition of Jesse Storey to br3ak 8 ft. of curb at 111 IL!"ain St., No. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be referred to the St. & Gilley Committee with power to act. Carried. W. H. Scherer askes permission to break curb on new Jones Building for drainage purposes. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that same be granbd under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. retition of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company to set tvvo poles on the north side of 3rd Ave. No. Tiarion St. alley to be the first and 2nd poles from one span east of 2actory St. read. PJiOVed by Deacy , seconded by Plano that same be referred to the St. Supt. with power to act . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City :Ct. 2und Pay Roll City Sts. $388.20-2423-35 Pay Roll St. Dept. 327.86-2436-46 it +t WPA Engr Dept. 88.84-2447-52 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 8.70-2453 Ray Barrett Drayage 1.50 4 0. Priebe Material 17 .23 5 P. S. P. c� L. Co. Lights 358. 72 6 Union Oil Co. Gas 82.80 7 Art Beils Gara-e 11aterial 12. 39 8 Shell Oil Co. gas 163.79 9 The biome Oil Co. Road Oil 449 .82-2460 The Home Oil Co. Road Oil 449 .82 1 Current fund 9642-47 Pay Roll Park Dept.pt5.62-9638-40- Fire De . Fay Roll • 54.50-9649-52 it it Engr. Dept. 69.90-9655-57 ++ Park Dept. 51.10-9658-65-80 Kuker- ftnken Co. Engr. Supplies 3.85-9666 The Lumber 1,1arke t Lumber 11.90 7 9 � 5C Current Fund Renton Feed Co. Park Expense 2.70-9668 J. 8. Hardie Park Exp. 81.56- 9 �aters Specialties Supplies 1.02-9670 Trick & hurray Supplies 1.84 1 Cross & Williams Police Exp 1.00 2 Cochran' s Paint a Hdw Park Exrn. 22.09 3 P.C.Mikkelsen Jail Expense 4.00 4 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 7.96 5 S. M. Wiberg Kitchel Labor-Park 38. 37 6 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 35.20 7 P.S.P.& L. Co. Lights 22.99 8 George E. Mitchell Engr. Supplies 20.40 9 C. Dullahant Convention Exp. 30.00-9681 Owen 4alls " " « 30.00 2 0. D. Watson Dog Catcher 28.00 3 f Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 2.85 4 H. R. Huntting Co . " " 6 .00 5 Harry Hartman " " 5.74 6 Union Library nssn " it 12. 10 7 Packey' s Park 'Expense 27.28 8 Pay `poll Park Dept. 101.25 9-90 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 57.38-9606-7-8 VIATEIT R FUND Ray Holl Nater Dept. 113.02-2687-93 Renton Chronicle Printing 8.00 2694 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 21.41 5 P.S.P.& L. Co. Power 108.89 6 L.I.D.�191 Pay Roll Engr . Dept. 29.96-309-11 Loved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Recommendation read from the Renton fire Dept. recommending that the Fire Truck No. 1 and some equipment be sold at 41450.00. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Williams the t the report be concurred in and truck sold. Carried. Report read from the .Fire Dept. asking that the curb in-front of the station doors be cut back At south for better clearance. Moved by Alliams , seconded by Plano that the same be granted under the supervision of the St . .Supt . Carried. The dinance Claims Committee recommended that the claim of Mrs . Murdock be denied. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Isackson that the redommendation be concurred in and claim denied. Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that in lieu of moving the karlowe house that an additional 1200.00 be added to the purchase price of Right of ',Vay. Carried. Loved by Isackson, seconded by .Plano that the R. Wood house on the Right of'.`day recently purchased by the city be given to Lr. :wood to tear down and remove from R/O. harried. Thisb eing the night for hearing protests against the sidewalk improvement on the hill, the clerk notified the Council that three had been received. The engineer stated that the protest was less than 10Q ehreupon it was 95 I\'Toved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that an Ordinance creatingthe district be drafted. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that the matter of accepting Mr. Monohon' s offer be given some more consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council before a decision is made. Carried. Application of ''ire Chief, E. E. Burrows for ,o„rmit for privately owned vehicle to be classed as authorized emergency vehicle read. Resolution vo. 527 , approving the application read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. No. 528 Resolution setting up the street work to be done on city streets and paid for from the gasoline tax read. Moved by Plano, seconded by 'fiilliams that same be adopted as read. Carried. Report read from the Law Ordinance Committee and City attorney on progress made on Ordinances. No further business , meeting adjourned. Mayor i 4ty C 1 e rk LM CE - C 96 August 1, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: W. D. Barnes to reshingle house at 401 Main St. No. Geo. A. Switzler to repair & remodel house at 919 5th Avenue. T. Rivily to erect cabin on Lot 22, Block 4, .Renton Real Estate Addition. R. Carniello to change siding on house at 612 Burnett St. . Chas. Mattioda to reshingle house at 410 Main St. No. Herb Smith to construct porch on house at 351 Park Ave. Jas. R. Killeen to remodel & reshingle house at 525 Park Ave. J. E. Oliver to remodel and make addition to Service Station on Lots 12 and 13, Block 6, R. F. P. Moved by Lawrence, second6d by Burrows that all permits be issadd for the above petitions. Carried. Check in the amount of $166.03 received from the Renton Lions for money advanced by the park during the rodeo celebration. Same was received and credited to the Park fund. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. WPA $129.82-2463-6 City St. Dept. 379.51-2467-7 St. Dept. 502.44-2478-90 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 3.06-2491 Chas. R. Watts & Co. " 11,63 2 0. Priebe Labor on tools 13.05 3 Ethel Nelson Material 1.07 4 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel-Garage 14.28 5 Home Oil Co. St. Oil 413.10 6 Stoneway Dock. Co. Material(Special) 91.43-2502 Stcneway Dock Co. Material WPA 101.28 3 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $82.36-9708-11 Pay Roll Fire Dept. 50. 9712-5 Pay Roll Police Dept. (Spcl) 19.96-9716-9 Pay Roll Park Dept. 110.00-9720-21 L. P. Wood Park Material 5.20 2 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 5.92 3 MacMillan Co. Library Books 3.91 4 H.R.HunttingCo. " " 4.12 5 Gaylord Bros. " " 6.55 6 Puget Sound News " " 2.85 7 Ohio Chemical Fire Dept. Exp. 12.00 9 Kuker-Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 5.30-9730 Kroll Map Co. Map 17.72 1 Trick & Murray Supplies 4.65 2 Pac. Tel &_ Tel. Co. Telephones 39.68 3 Service Laundry Ldry 13.92 4 Owl Cafe '� Prisoners meals 66.50 5 L.P. Wood Park Labor 6.0.00 6 97 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 99.06-2699-2702-5 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 20.40-2703 Renton News Record Printing 25.35 4 L.I.D.#191 Roy Bright Truck Hire 49.50-312 Moved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on the concrete for Renton Sts, the following was read. Stoneway Dock Co. ® $7.20 per cu. yd 300 cu yds - - - - - - - - - - $2160.00 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the contract be awarded the Stoneway Dock Co. Carried. Request read from the Service Clubs asking that the city top-dress the playfield in North Renton. Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Ordinance No. 1022 providing for the improvement of Seventh Ave. and other streets by construction of concrete sidewalks read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1022 whereupon it was placed upon� its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. The Clerk notified the Council this was the night for hearing protests on the assessment roll, Dist, 191 Factory St. and none being r6ceived, Ordinance No. 1023 approving and confirming the Assessment and Assessment Roll Dist. 191 read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1023 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano Deacy and Gebenini. The Clerk notified the council no protests were filed against 4th Ave.:Lmpt'Ordinance No. 1024 providing for the improvement of 4th Ave. read and on motion referr8d to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1024 where- upon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacyand Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1025 directing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contractwith the Pacific Coast R. R. in connection with conveyance of certain real estate read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1026 repealing certain ordinances read and -- on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1027 prohibiting slaughtering of animals inside the city read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 9810 Ordinance No. 1028 relating to animals read and on motion referred to-the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1029 relating to water rentals and rules read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1030 relating to the duties of the City Clerk read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1031 prohibiting burning of any material of public street read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1032 approving and confirming the rules and regulations of the Board of Park Commissioners read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. - Ordinance No. 1033 regulating dogs running at large read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1034 pertaining to obstruction of crossings or streets by trains, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1035 prohibiting fottune telling, clairvoyant, etc. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, Ordinance No. 1036 relating to licensing of auctioneers, etc. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1037 relating to elections read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos. 1025, 1026, 10279 1028, 10299 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036 and 1037, whereupon Ordinance No. 1025 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1026 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1027 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Dedcy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1028 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1029 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1030 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1031 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1032 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1033 was placed upon its second and third ' readings and gassed as a istiole, all cou*�c9.lmen rresant t+ettng ajfe: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1034 was placed upon its second and third el el readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, 'Plano, Deacy end Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1035 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1036 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows , Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1037 was placed upon its second and third readings and pissed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Emergency Ordinance accepting the offer of Lee Monohon to deed certain real estate to the City of Renton, introduced and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution adopted by the Renton Civil Service Commission recommending that provision be made so that the Police force will only be on duty eight hours per day. No action taken on same. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that the city engineer be instructed to work up a WPA project for the erection of the Third Avenue bridge. Roll Call on the motion resulted as follows: Lawrence - No Isackson - Yes Burrower - Yes Williams - No Plano - Yes Deacy - Yes Gebenini - Yes. Motion carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that we call for bids for making addition to Sweet Center. Carried. Moved and seconded t' ,-.t we call for bids for furnishing concrete for sidewalk improvement for 4th Ave. So. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Mayor City Clerk 100 August 15th, 1939. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy, and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions approved by the Building Supt. were read: David Luke to reshingle house at 145 Pelly St. C. E. Howson to erect house & garage on southnside of 1st Avenue North, between Wells & Main St. Frank Davis to move shack from Lot 3 to Lot 4, Block 1, Town. Louis Radosovich to erect house at 532 Burnett St. Cornelius Iverson to erect house & garage at 144 Park Ave. J. F. Snyder to reshingle house at 537 Main St. No. United Mine Workers to repair office at 400 Wells St. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Williams that all permits be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P & L. Co. to replace pole at Beacon Hill Blvd, east of Mill St. ; move one pole to--move north one foot on Beacon Blvd east of Mill St. Moved by Deacy seconded by Williams that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for furnishing material for sidewalks on Fourth Avenue, th following was read:, Stoneway Dock Co. - - - $359.90. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the Stoneway Dock be awarded the contract. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for remodel Sweet Center the following were read: D. Berg - - - - - - - - 9015.00 (plywood interior) 795.00 (plaster interior) S. M. Wiberg- - - - - - $719.00 (plywood interior) $739.31 (plaster inter ) Moved by Isackson, seconded by Geben5rl that the bids be turned'over to the City Property Committee and the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The following bids were received for Lot 30, Block 3, Car Works Addition: Mrs. & Mrs. John Bausano, Jr. - - $350.00 cash James E. Denzer 355.50 on terms, (no title insurance required) Moved by Isackson, seconded by Williams that same be turned over to the City Property with power to act. Carried. Resolution No. 529 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed upon receipt of all assessments and taxes against Lots 1, 29 3, 4, 51 20 and 21, Block 2, Morgans Grand View Addition to Renton, read. I r 101 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Proposed Emergency Ordinance read appropriating the sum of $1000.00 for WPA projects, and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that the Mayor & City Clerk be authorized to sign the WPA application when same is presented for the Third Avenue bridge. Carried* Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that Whe Chief of Police be instructed to get the cost of installing an electric stopsign on Factory St. and also 3rd & Whitworth. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Cochran' s Paint & Hdw Co. Supplies. $37.65-2508 0. Priebe Labor 33.40 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 351.72-2510 John Dower Lumber Material 13.33 1 Rwnton Hdw & Furn Supplies 5.05 2 Line Material Co. Material 508.76 3 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 1.41 4 Seattle Title Co. Title Insurance 5 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 14.79 6 Pay Roll-,, Engr. Dept. 104.84-2518-22 Pay Roll City Sts. 369.84-2523-34 Pay Roll St. Dept. 357.78-2535-44 Current Fund H. Fiskaali, Secy Fire Dept. Exp. 31.50-9750 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 6.40 1 H. W. Wilson Co. Library Books 15.00 2 Waters Specilaties Supplies 21.22 3 C. Haleway Repair Work 2.25 4 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 5 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Supplies 5.30 6 Kuker-Ranken Co. , Inc City Hall Exp. 2.35 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 21.19 8 George Pero Witness Fees 4.40 9 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies-Library 4.74-9760 Reid & Cook Supplies-Library 5.76 1 Demco Library Supplies Supplies 4.60 2 Puget Sound News Co. Lib. Books 6.20 3 Harry Hartman Lib . Books 8.04 4 Cochrans Paint Supplies 26.63 5 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 24.06 6 Western Ball Mfg. Co. Park Exp. 1.50 7 Thomas Harries Ins. 5.00 8 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 1.15 9 Renton Chronicle Legal Pub. -9770 Pay Roll Park Dept. 110.00 1-2 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 32.44-9773-6 WATER FUND P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 176.58-2709 Grinnell Co. Material 43.00-2710 City of Seattle Water 77.56 1 Rapphs Garage Material 9.18 2 Pay Roll Water Dept. 121.26-2713-16 102 L.I.D.#193 Roy Bright Truck Hire 56.00-313 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 37.41 4 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 74.84-316-7-8 L.I.D.#191 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 4.99-315 Moved by Deacy, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance No. 1038 providing for a system of house number- ing read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance N o. 1039 relating to garbage & wast material read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1040 prohibiting the operation of coin phono- graphs, etc. read and on motion„referred to the ,Ordinance�Cc ittee. Ordinance No. 1041 relali'fng to animals read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1042 relating to bicycles on sidewalks read and on notion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1043 licensing carnivals, etc. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1044 relating to the sale of cigarettes read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1045 relating the method in filing of plats read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance Nd�. 1046 licensing bowling alleys read and on motion referre1 to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1047 providing for the closing of streets read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1048 relating b operation of motor vehicles read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Building Ordinance read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos. 1038, 1039, 10409 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047 and 1048 whereupon Ordinance No. 1038 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1039 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, v'illiams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1040 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1041 was read a second andthird time and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1042 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting ayeb Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1043 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1044 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all.. councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, lilliams, Deacy and Gebenini. 103 Ordinance No. 1045 was placed upon its second and third. readings and passed a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1046 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all cou:..A lmen. present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1047 was placed upon its acond and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, iilliams, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1048 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. No further business, meeting adjourned. IA:OW=2z- City Clerk Mayor �.r 104 M>� L 105 September 5, 1939. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. ... The following petitions approved by the building Supt. were read: Al Galvin to erect small house on Lot 6, Block 10, R. F. P. Sohn W. Farrow to erect garage on Lot 26, Block 6, R. F. P. Aleda Pollock to erect garage for temporary residence on Lot 12, Block 3, C. H. Adsits Lake 7dashington Plat. Annie Lazara to remodel garage at 113 Logan St. Dick James to reshingle house at 819 5th Ave . .Andrew Blsick to erect cement foundation and build new chimney at 800 High St. Don Johnson to extend warehouse back 20 ft. at 251 Factory St. S. R. Simmons to erect house & garage on Lot 4, Block 12, R. F. P. Clyde Charbonneau to build basement and remodel house on Lot 9, Block 19, R. F. P. Arthur Spicer to erect house on Lot 191, Block 5, R. F. P. E. F. Betz to reshingle houses at 238 Main St. No and 235 Pelly St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that permits be issued. Carried. Mike Arnone to break curb at 125 Park Ave read. �— Geo. Pasehild to break curb at 238 Garden St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to relocate eleven poles on the hill on account of street improvements read. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Plano that the petition be granted. Carried. Pettion of property owners on Renton Avenue asking for the improvement ,)f Renton Avenue by ara.ding read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the petition be received and filed for future reference. Carried. Communication read from S. M. Alexander complaining about water laying on the street in front of their property on Burnett St. The matter was referred to the St. & Alley Committee for investigation. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1049 accepting the offer of Lee Yonohon to deed certain real estate to the City for park purposes and an industrial site. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1050 appropriating the sum of $1000. for vYPA projects now under con- struction. Ordinance No. 1049 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1050 was placed upon its sedond and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1051 repealing Ordinances No. 8, 1540 340, 3819 382 and 791 read and on motion referred to the nr(l inpnce Committee. 106 Ordinance No. 1052 relating to the licensing, regulation and sale of liquors read and on motion road and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1053 repealing Ordinances No, 200, 230 and 711 relating to water rates read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1054 repealing Ordinance No. 89, relating to speed of automobiles read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1055 repealing Ordinance No. 459 prohibiting unemployment during the war read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1056 repealing Ordinance No. 3, relating to the street poll tax read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1057 relating to the licensing of theatres and repealing Ordinances No. 131 and 190 read and on motion referr5d to the Ordinance Conunittee. Ordinance No. 1058 relating to the us and regulation of the comfort station read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1059 relating to the Seattle Rainier Valley Railway read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1060 relatingto the license issued to auctioneers, etc read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1061 repealing Ordinances No. 1, 54 and 106 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1062 relating to contagious diseases read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1063 defining the duties of city officials read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance Nol 1064 relating to the duties of certain city officials, fixing the amount of the bond of certain officials read. and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance Nol 1065 to prevent the building or construction of any railroad, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1066 establishing certain standing committees read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1067 vacating a portion of certain streets read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1068 repealing ordinance No. 851 relating to earwigs read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1069 changing the name of certain streets in the City of Renton reed and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance no.1070 repealing certain franchise ordinances read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1071 relating to Local Improvement General Fund read and on Motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 107 Ordinance No. 1072 relating to railroad crossings read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1073 repealing Ordinances No. 14, 67, et al read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1074 defing certain crimes read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1075 regulating the construction and maintenance of bill boards read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos.1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 10739 1074 and 1075. Ordinance No. 1051 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a ale, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1052 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1053 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1054 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenin. Ordinance No. 1055 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1056 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1057 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinane No. 1058 was placed upon its second and third .readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1059 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1060 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. -- Ordinance No. 1061 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1062 was placed upon its second and third readings and passedas a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 108 a� Ordinance No. 1063 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1064 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and. Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1065 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1066 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson., Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1067 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1068 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1069 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1070 was places' upon its second and third readings and passed as a wale, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1071 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1072 was placed upon its second. and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1073 was placed upon its second and third readings.;,-.Roll -call beinK t&ken resulted as follows: Lawrence, No. Burrows, Yes; Isackson, Yes, Plano, yes, Deacy, yes and Gebenini, yes. Carried. Ordinance No. 1074 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson., Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1075 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Mayor Beanblossom appointed George Pasco as a member of the Civil Service Commission to fill the unexpired term of L. J. Cross, deaeased. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Preliminary Budget for the year 1940 read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. 109 reported Chief Stewart/that two beacon signals to be installed, one at 3rd & Whitworth and the other at 4th & Factory would cost approximately $100.00 each installed. Moved by -Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the signals be ordered. harried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the question of a light at the end of 7illiams St. South be referred to the ... Fire, Light & Sater Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $42.44-2546-49 Pay Roll City Sts. 355.78-2550-61 Pay Roll St. Dept. 358.38-2562-69 Roy Bright Truck Hire 65.00-2570 Standard Oil Co. Gas 72.75- 1 Seattle Title-Co. Title Ins. 30.00 2 Gladding,MeBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 16.68 3 H. J. McDonald Oil 9.00 4 Home Oil Co. Road Oil 495.72 5 Williams & Swanson Gas 1.02 6 Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 285.00 7 Stoneway Dock Co. Materia]. 39.25 8 Van S. McKenny Co. Material 156.78 9 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 36.41-2583 Jim Ashurst Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50 4 John Neal " " " 12.50 5 Owen Walls it " " 12.50 6 Earl Waltner " " ?! 12.50 7 t Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 54.90-9793-95 Lawrence Fuel Co. Fuel 63.04 6 Remington Rand, Inc. Services 10.20 7 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 22.50 8 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 14.27 9 Packeys Park Supplies 45.49-9800 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 8.90 1 Geo. E. Mitchell Engr. Supplies 1.94 2 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Supplies 6.72 3 Pay Roll Park Dept. 117.00 4-5 Bancroft Whitney Co. Law Books 10.20 2 6 Trick & Murray Supplies 4.67 A 7 S. P. Winnpee,Jr. Repari Work 3.00 R 8 C. Haleway Repair work 1.80 a 9 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00-9811 Trick & Murray supplies 20.26 2 Cochrans Paint & Hdw Supplies 1.20 3 Service Laundry Ldry 13.92 4 Pac. Tel. &. Tel. Co. Telenhones 42.55 5 Agnes Deacy Typing Ordinances 75.00 6 Paul W. mouser Filing fees 5.70 7 Paul W. Houser, Jr. Services - ordinances 270.00 8 Renton Chronicle Legal publications 11.40 9 L. P. Wood Park Labor 60.00-9821 Water Payroll Nater Dept. 137.23-2720-3 City of Seattle Mater 279.04- 4 Grinnell Company Material 46.27 5 110 L. I. D. #193 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 109 .79-319-22 3toneway Dock Co. Material 1207.85-323 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Connittee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 111 September 19, 1939. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Laurence, Isackson, Burrows, P1.ano, Deacy, Williams and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. A petition was received from the Renton Commercial Club on the annexation of the territory adjoining the City limits. Moved and seconded U at the same be referred to the Advisory and Planning Committee, with request that action be taken thereon. Motion carried unanimously. Communication received from the P. T. A. on public meeting to be held September 28, at 8 P. M. Regularly moved and seconded that the invitation to attend such meeting be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. The final report of the investigating committee was read and ordered filed. The Ordinance Committee reported upon Ordinance No. 1.076, the dry cleaning ordinance, with the unanimous recommenda- tion that it be passed. Ordinance No. 1076 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence., Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy, Villiams and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1077, regulating the use, handling, stor- age and sale of flammable liquids, was reported for passage by the unanimous action of the Ordinance Committee. r Ordinance No. 1077 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy, Williams and Gebenini. A resolution was read repealing Resolution No. 503, adopted June 8, 1937. It was regularly moved and seconded that action on this resolution be deferred for one week; aye' s, two; no' s, none. It was regularly moved by councilman Burrows, seconded by councilman Isackson, that all bids on the Sweet Center Con- struction be rejected and that a new lease be entered into with the present tenant, reducing the present rent to 420.00 per month, with the understanding that no improvements be made by the City. Motion carried unanimously. Aye' s: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy, Williams and Gebenini. It was regularly moved and seconded that a five (5) year period for the Sweet Center property be entered into with the present tenants. Motion carried unanimously. Aye' s: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy, Williams and Gebenini . a� The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment, the following claims: General Fund Roy Bright Truck rental on Vu.P.A. 33.75 Agnes Deacy Typing Ordinances 75.00 D. D. 'Matson Dog Catcher 25.50 L. P. 'duood Park Labor 20.00 112 0. G. Gilleland Special Police 23.96 Trick & Murray Supplies 1.89 Paul W. Houser, Jr. Services-ordinances 35.00 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 16 .08 Roy Bright Truck rental-L. I.D. 193 48.75 City St. Fund Matt Longville Laborer 13.47 Mike Cooper Roller Opp. 23.96 0. G. Gilleland Truck Driver 21.96 Doug Miller Laborer 14.97 Mike Mayovsky If 13947 Ken Beil it 17.96 J. F. Snyder it 13.47 J. E. Bonen If 13.47 W. J. Williams Truck Driver 26.94 Jas. Widdell Laborer 13.47 John Harries if 12.34 W. N . Jones it 25.81 Joe Lane it 25.81 Vater Joe Edwardo Vater Dept. 4.49 Joe Baxter it 43.92 Dave Luke 11 39.92 Matt Longviile it 26.93 Crist Rucci it 2.24 J . B. Taylor It 8.98 Park Toots Bunstine 51.75 Jack Williams 49. 50 Engineer W. F. McCracken Inspector 37.42 W. P. A. F. W. Harris Engineer 29.97 W. F. McCracken Inspector 7.48 G. Townsend Chainman 7.48 E. Harris Chainman 4.99 L. I. D. #193 F. W, Harris Engineer 24.97 R. S orey Inspector 34.93 V. F. McCracken Inspector 4.99 G. Townsend Chainman 4.99 ; City St. Fund Joe Baxter 16'47 Dave Luke 9' 98 Mike Cooper 29'94 0 . G. Gilleland 10.98 Doug Miller 29.95 H tl 9.98 L. Leathley 17.96 Gordon Gilleland 12.34 J. B. Taylor 13.47 Steve Managlia 71.37 ike Hancock 71.37 Emmon Beil 65.88 113 Regularly moved and seconded that the recommendation be concurred in and all claims so alloixed be paid. Motion carried unanimously. Ayers: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy, 'Williams and Gebenini. Report was received from Street Superintendent, Dullahant, on the garbage dump and the necessity for the acquisition of a neer dump. It was regularly moved and seconded that no action be taken on this matter at this time. Motion carried unanimously. It was reported by councilman Isackson, that the 'mater users on the north end of Burnett Street were complaining of the condition of the City Water. Moved and seconded that Street Superintendent and Engineer report at next meeting on plan to remedy this situation and the cost thereof. Motion carried unanimously. On motion, the City Property Committee, was directed to report at the next regular meeting on cost of painting City equipment. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, it was regularly moved and seconded that the meeting stand adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. CITY CL 'RY MAYOR 114 October 2, 1939. SPECIAL MEETING OF TIE, CITY COUNCIL was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom, for the purpose of adopting a budget. Roll Call.: Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. There being no objection to the budget as read, it was Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried.unanimously. o City Clerk Mayor j. 115 116 October 3, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meetings read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Stanley Rutkowski to reshingl.e house on Lot 14, Block 9, Car Works. Mrs. A. Jorgensen to reshingle house on Lot 4, Block 10, Car 'dorks. E. P. Wilson to remodel Wilson Bldg. making one apartment and also remodel rear stairway. Frank Musga to build garage at 721 High St. S. H. Hough to raise house and dig basement on Lot 17, Block 18, Town. Thomas Harries to remodel front of Harries Bldg. Mrs. B. F. Coates to put new roof on garage at 436 LIM St. Mary Taylor to repair foundation, add new siding and gutters on house, corner of Smkthers & 5th Ave. E. P. Wilson Co. to erect house & garage on Lot 93, Block 24, R. F. P. Rudolph Petchnick to erect two room dwelling on Tract 38, Highland Addition. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Idilliams that all permits be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank G. Gustine to move house from Lot 14, Block 1, Car Works to Lot 121, Block 7, Car Works and erect shed for cars read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Williams that the petition referring to the moving of house be granted and the erection of Ithe shed be investigated. Carried. Petition of P. S. P & L. Co. to relocate four poles and one anchor on Grant St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by 71illiams that same be granted. Carried. Petition read from the C. Y. & St. Paul R. R. asking for extension of franchiser Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be re- ferred to the Law & Ordinance Committee and the C.M.&St. Paul be asked to submit franchise ardinance for our approval. Carried. Water Supt. Dullahant submitted report from the Health Dept. on the condition of water at the end of Burnett St. showing that same was clear. Report read from the Viater Supt on cost of extending water main on Burnett St. to be '$669.50. The matter was referred to the Fire, Light "dater Committee. Report read from the City Attorney relative to gas rates within the city. The matter was referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee for investigation. Ordinance No. 1078 adopting a budget for the year 1940 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1079 fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1940 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 117 Ordinance No. 1080 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.##191 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1081 limiting the number of taver licenses to be issued and repealing Resolution No. 503, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos. 10782 1079, 1080 and 1081 whereupon Ordinance No. 1078 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, ".Villiams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1079 was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacyand Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1080 was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1081 was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, dilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. I-loved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the question of an approach across the intersection corner at Meadow & Bronson Way North be referred to the St & Alley Committee, with power to act. Carried. City Property committee recommended that the Plymouth coupe be painted in a sum not to exceed : 30.00. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lawrence that the report be concurred in and the car painted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and r6commeded for payment the following: City St. Fund Cochran Paint &7Hdw Supplies $37.01-2620 0. Priebe Labor & Material 16.26 1 Gladding,MeBean & Co. Supplies 13.46 2 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 4.65 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 66.84 4 P. S. P. ,& L. Co. Lights 365.57 5 Renton Hdw & rurn Supplies 25.38 6 Art Beil',s Garage Material 3.06 7 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 22.44 8 Western Tire Service Material 17.93 9 Standard Oil Co. Gas 165.02-2630 Williams & Swanson Labor & Material 79.68 1 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 52.54 2 Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop Material .85 3 City Transfer Road Oil 413.10 4 Art Beils Garage Repair Work 15.55 5 Renton Chronicle Ord. Pub. 180. 6 Pay Roll St. Dept. 324.94-2637-50 Pay Roll City Sts 443.87-2651-66 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 74.89-2667-71 Kathryn Creesy Clerical 2.50 2672 The Lumber 11kt Lumber 2.24 3 Inter-City Auto Freight Drayage 3.53 4 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 10.09 5 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 83.91 6 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 12.00 7 Roy Bright Truck Hire 65.00 8 11S Current Fund Gaylord Bros Library Books $31.53-9863 Puget Sound News Co. " " 17.35 4 H. R. Huntting Co. " " 1.15 5 Harry Hartman " " 49.74 6 Trick & Murray Supplies 93.09 7 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 29.68 8 A Riverside Service ata Repair Work .50-9870 Eagle Signal Corp. St. Material 145.42 1 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds 10. 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 13.65 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 13.62 4 Pace Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones 41.65 5 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies .71 6 \_�__ Seattle Title Co. Insurance 5.90 7 Art Beils Garage Repair dork 88 8 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 1.02 9 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 12.24-9880 Pay Roll Park 110.25-9881-2-93-94 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00-9883 Kuker-Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 3.12 4 Contintental Car-Na Cor.Library Supplies 12.20 5 L. P. Wood Labor-Bowling Green 30.00 6 Cochran Paint & Hdw F. D. Supplies 2,55 7 Pay Roll Engr. Dept, 79.86 8-90 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 28.00 91 Renton News Record Pol Com. Printing 19.55 2 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 24.50 3 L.I.D.#193 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 9.89-329 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 103.24-330-31 Pettie Printery L.I.D.191-Printing 14.00 2 Pay Roll Engr, Dept, 39.92-333-35 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 848.11-336 The Lumber Wit Lumber L.I.D.#192 24.89 7 The Lumber Mkt Lumber L.I.D.#193 5.61 8 Water Renton News Record Printing 47.75-2740 P.S.P.& L. Co. Power 206.66 1 Pay Roll Water Dept. 125.25-2743-46 City of Seattle Water 58.00 47 C.M.& St. Paul Drayage 4.63 48 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 75.99 9 Renton Chronicle Printing 126.30 50 Grinnell Co. Material 1.93 1 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the recommendation of the Committee be concurr5d in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Z City Clerk Mayor 119 October 17, 1939 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 147. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved, after the following correction, in motion pertaining to Gustine permit: "That the erection of shed be denied. " The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Dom.Tarro to reshingle house & repair at 640 Smithers St. Mr. Sanford to rebuild distributing plant on Lots 11, 12, 139 Block 11, R. F. P. also break 30 ft. of curb. Rose Gambini to reshingle house at 303 Garden St. Leo O'Brien to erect house on Lot 8, Block 2, Smithers 5th Addition. Erwin J. Fey to erect a theatre building on Lots 3 and 4, Block 34, Smithers 2nd Addition. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that all permits be granted subject to the provisions of the new Building Ordinance. garried. Communication read from the Standard Oil Company asking that the gasoline contract be extended to December 1940. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be�eceared and filed for future reference. Carried. All assessments having been paid against Lot 81 Block 2, Smithers 5th Addition, it was Moved by Williams, seconded by Gebenini that the Mayor & City Clerk execute a Quit Claim Deed to R. M. Thorne to clear title to hi: property. Carried. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the construction of cement sidewalks by the City of Seattle on the pipe line between Mill & 7th Avenue be accepted as full compliance with Ordinance No. 998. Carried. Ordinance relating to the connection of private property to water and gas mains read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1082 relating to house numbering read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1083, establishing and defining a building code, read and on motion refwrred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Co e reported favorably on Ordinance Nos. 1082 and 1083 whereu��� gas placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawre;ice, Isackson, Burrows, Williams Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ord.Y1083 was placed upon its 2nd & 3'rd readings and passed as a whole all councilmen presentvotingaye.:, Lawrence, Isackson,Burrows,;.Williams, Plano, Deacy & Gebenini. The Finance committee audited and recomm ended for payment the fol: City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 4297.88-2683-94 Pay Roll City Sts. 347.14-2695-07 Pay Roll Engr pay roll 39.94-2708-9 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 143.82-2710 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 53.91 1 P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights 358.17 2 Gladding,McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 8.93 3 Crescent Auto Painting Painting Car 25.00 4 0. Priebe Labor 9.28 5 Western Tractor & Equipment Material 12.99 6 Standard Oil Co. Gas 67.50 7 120 City St. Fund Zarwoodis Fuel Co. Fuel 05.86-2718 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 40.03 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 1.53-2720 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 10.06 1 Roy Bright Truck Hire 87.50 2 Current Hano Fiskaali, Secy Fire Dept. Exp. 42.50-9912 The B. F. Goodrich Co. Fire Dept. Exp. 480. 3 Renton News Record Printing -Fire Dept. 17.85 4 Ray Barret Drayage .50 5 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. Fire Dept. Material 6.41 6 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 82.43-9917-20 Gaylord Bros. Inc. Library Books 91.40-9921 John W. Graham & C o. it " 8.43 2 Washington Bindery " " 7.61 e Puget Sound News Co. " if 14.28 4 J. K. Gill Co. " " 26.03 5 Harry Hartman " " 22.72 6 --Seattle Title Co. Tital Insurance 30.00 7 Auto Club of "dash Schoolboy patrol material 16.70 8 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.34 9 Inter-City Auto Freight Drayage .50-9930 Service Laundry Laundry 13.32 1 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 4.04 2 Renton. Hdw & Furn Supplies 1.02 3 Pay Roll Park Labor 90.00-9934-35 Pacific Coast Stamp Works Police Exp. 14.95-9936 � Puget Sound Power & Light Lights 26.92 7 L.I.D.#192 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 4.99-339 L.I.D.#193 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 27.44-340 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 235.20 1 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 4.85 2 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material .86 3 r'iater Pay Roll Water Dept. 97.42-2754-9 Grinnell Co. Material 1.17-2760 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 17.85 1 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 3.75 2 Puget Sound Power & Light Power 110.52 3 Moved by Deacy, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No .further business, meeting adjourned. 1 City Clerk Mayor 121 November 7, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I'L. by Mlayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. �... were read: A. F. Jazbec to erect a garage at 715 Jones St. Adolph Diambri to move shed 6 ft. back to alley on Lots 14 and 15, Block 20, R. F . P. Frank Gustine to erect a private garage on Lot 12, Block 7, Car Aldo rks. Mrs. 0. A. Macintosh to reshingle house at 404 Main St. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that permits be issued. Carried. Petition read from Arthur E. Beil to break 30 ft. of curb at corner of Meadow & Bronson Way No. and replace about 30 ft. of broken sidewalk. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Williams that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of Frank Gustine ta to make an extension to garage on Lot 14, Block 1, Car dorks. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that same be granted subject to the provisions of the Building Ordinance. Carried. Petition of the P. B. P. & L. Co. to relocate pole on Nigh St. between 8th & 9th Avenues read. Carried.Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted. Bid received from E. K. Arnold for purchase of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 1, 1orAans Grand View Addition. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the bid be rejected and we call for bids for this property. Carried. St. Supt .recommended that the south tank sewage plant be cleaned out. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that the recommenda- tion of the Supt be concurred in and St. Supt be authorized to contract for the job . Carried. Report read from the engr relative to easement on the pipe line right of way between Burnett and Logan Sts. Report read from city attorney relative to completed record of compiled ordinances. Ordinance No. 1084 requiring an application for a permit to break a street curb read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1084 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen Dresent voting aye: Isackson, Burrows, dilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1085 repealing Ordinance No. 7 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1085 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Isakcon, Burrows, ililliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 122 ; Ordinance No. 1086 repealing; Ordinance No. 20 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1086 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole,all councilmen present voting aye: Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Resoluti6n No. 530 fixing the 5th day of December as the date for hearing on the assessment roll Dist #'192. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No . 531 fixing the 5th day of December as the date for hearing on the assessment roll Dist 193 read. Moved by Plano, sedonded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. Yoved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the matter of printing the penal code and the building code ordinances be referred to the Ordinance Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $215.41-2725-35 Pay Roll City Dept. 552.70-2736-48 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 29.94-2749 Roy Bright Truck Hir6 70.00 50 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 6.48 51 'IJestern Tire Service Material 14.61 4 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 6.12 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 35.00 6 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 10.20 7 Renton Lumber & Supply Lumber 15.37 8 Risdon Mfg. Co. Labor 1.50 9 J. S. Hardie Supplies 2.50-2760 Campbel Hdw & Supply Material 10.56 1 Hub City Chev Supplies 2.99 2 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 42.88 3 C. Haleway Labor & Material 24.38 4 John Lotto, P. M. Envelopes 135.12 5 Steneway Dock Co. Material 60.21 6 Stoneway Dock Co. Special Concrete Job 181.87 7 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 77.33-9953-56 Pay Roll Park Dept. 108. -9957-58 Renton Cafe Prisoners meals 34.30 59 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 3.00 60 Wanner-Magner Material 8.45 1 Fac. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 36.50 2 L. P. Wood Park Labor 30.00 3 E. P. Milson Co. Insurance - 44.85 4 Waters Specialties Supplies8 3.57 5 Service Laundry Ldry 10.56 6 Puget Sound Firemen' s Dues 5.00 8 Howard-Cooper Corp. Fire Dept. Material 5.48 09 Earl Waltner it " Expense 12 .50-9970 John Neal it 13.03 1 E. Rouse 4.60 2 Jas. Ashurst " " " 12.50 3 Owen Walls '! " " 12.50 4 Williams & McKnight " " Expense 3.35 5 Puget Sound Stamp 4orks Supplies 1.22 6 Remington-Rand Inc. Attys. Exp. 15.40 7 John Lotto, P. ri. Envelopes 44.48 8 123 Pacific Coast Stamp I'Jorks Supplies 3.06-9979 P. C. Mikkelsen, YL, D. Fees 7.50 80 McFadeen & Son Fuel 35.75 1 Valley Jindow Cleaners Labor 2.00 2 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 6.57 3 Water ^—' Pay Roll Water Dept. 100.55-2765-7 City of Seattle eater Dept. 33.56-2769 Clerke Bros. Motor Iaterial 14.29- 70 Grinnell Co. Iaterial 42.17 1 L.I.D.�193 John Lotto, P. N . Stamps 5.00-344 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 69.90-345-6 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. L.I.D.//192 19.96-347 Steneway Dock Co. Material " 314.39-348 Moved by Deacy, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be confurred in. Carried. Idoved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the matter of occupancy of the building vacated by the Renton Chronicle on Wells St. by a dry cleaning establishment thereby increasing the insurance rates was referred to the Fire, Light &: Jater Committee for report. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 1.24 November 21, 1939. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: John fornengo to reshingle house at 315 Burnett St. read. Mrs. Jane Atkinson to reroof Melorse Tavern read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to move one pole onx Shattuck St. one foot west to clear a new sidewalk. also move pole ten feet on lst Avenue North. I Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition read from property owners on Renton Street asking for concrete sidewalks and gutters. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the petition be r6ceived and filed and the city attorney instructed to take the necessary steps to create an improvement district. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on Lots 73 81 9 and 10, Block 1, 1organ' s Grand View Addition to Renton, the following was read: E. K. Arnold - - - -$215.00. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that same be referred to the St. & alley Committee with powerto act. Carried. Ordinance Committee reported that it would cost about X125.65 for 200 copies of the building and renal code. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the ordinance committee be authorized to contract for the printing of 200 conies of the ordinances. Carried. City Attorney reported that the Ullom case had been decided against the city and recommended an appeal to the Supreme Court. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Vdilliam.s that the city attorney be instructed to appeal the case. Carried. Moved by `dilliams, seconded by Plano that the St. �c Alley Committee in conjunction with the council make a survey of all city streets and. report back to the council. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported unfavorably on Ordinance relating to connection* of gas and water mains. Ordinance No. 1086 naming the new highway* extending from T ills St. to Bronson I"day North HOUSER IdAY read. Moved by Isackson_, seconded by Gebenini that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1087 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third .readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini.. 125 The Mayor reported on a meeting held in Olympia with Gov. Martin and Lacey Murrow and a conmittee from Renton ; the object of the meeting being to ascertain when work on widening R�,i_nier Avenue from th city limits would be started. The Mayor assured the Governor that Renton had provided for the completitn of Second Avenue; The result of the meeting was the assurance that work would commence on this project in March 1940. It was moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the city attorney proceed to secure an agreement for use of a five foot �. strip on each side of Second Avenue, as per agreement by property owners on 2nd Avenue between Burnett & Main St. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : City Street Fund 2768 Pay Roll St. Dept. $407.67-2770-78 ft tt tt it 215.54-2779-85 The Lumber 'tact. Lumber 6.31-2787 Signal Oil Co. Gas 60.00-2788 0. Priebe Labor & Material 36.92- 9 Shell Oil Co. Gas 10.72-2790 gederal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 121.68 1 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 8.03 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 363.18 3 Roy Bright Truck Hire 56.88 4 Roy Bright " " Spcl. 32.50 5 Agnes Deacy Ordinance Records 15.00 6 Current Puget Sound Dews Co. Library Books 13.36-9999 The MacMillan Co. " if 5.52-10000 United Publishers Assn 't " 24.19 1 Williams & McKnight Fire Dept. Exp. 156.54 2 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 41.05 3 J. E. Vioue Expense 1.10 4 Em. Thomas Store Police expense 46.00 5 Renton Vartiety Storey Park Exp. .87 6 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 10.40 7 Renton Feed Co. It 9.59 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 36.72 9 Pay Roll Park Dept. 99. -10011-2 ,,y ate r Pay Roll Water Dept. 99.50-2776-7-8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 53.02 9 Olympic Foundry Material 3.67-2780 Dist 192 Stoneway Dock 6o. Material 71.13-352 The Lumber Mkt " 8.98 3 Roy Bright Truck Hire 16.25 4 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ze ANa��- City Clerk Mayor 126 �v December 5, 1939. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, filliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Joe Daler to erect a house on Lot 1, Block 1, Renton Real Estate Addition. Cornelius Iverson to erect a house on southwest corner of 1st Avenue and ailliams St, Shearer' s sub-division. Union ,Vines, Inc. to construct new building and remodel and make addition to present building on Lots 9 to 16, Block 12, Car 4+orks Addition. Standard Oil Company to install two additional tanks, 1000 gal. each at Reid & Cooks Service Station, 705 3rd Avenue. 11oved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that all netitions - be granted. Carried. John Gloseschi requests the city to open up Seventh Avenue, T,.orth for street purposes. The matter was referr6d to the St & Alley Committee for investigation and report. Copy of Resolution adopted by the Renton Commercial Club relative t•) speeding up transportation on the Northern Pacific, Great vorthern and Milwaukee Railways, read. I:oved by Plano, seconded by Williams that we endorse the Resolution as read. Carried. The Firem , Light & +Tater Committee recomended that more lights be installed or changed' on the following streets: Williams Street, 4th Avenue to Grady ''day, and Tobin St. Moved by Plano, seconded by I4illiams that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in and lights installed. Carried. Report read from the City Attorney on the printing of the Traffic Code, Building Code and the Penal Code and submitting same for the approval of the Council. roved by Plano, seconded by 31illiams that the pamphlet containing the above ordinances be accepted. Carried. ReDort read from. the Engineer on cost of improvement and data for the improvement of Renton Aua-nue between 3rd & 7th Avenues b� construction of concrete sidewalks and gutters to be about 4' ,1-1200.00. Resolution No. 532 for the improvement of Renton Avenue by construction of concrete sidewalks and gutters read. Moved by Plano, seconded by 4dilliams that same be adopted as read. Carried. City Clerk notified the Council that this was the night for hearing written protests against the assessment roll District No. 192, Fourth Avenue improvement. No protests having been filed, Ordinance No. 1088 approving and confirming the assess- ment roll, District No . 192 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1088 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a. whole) all councilmen tiresent voting aye : Lawrence, Burrows, Williams) Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 127 This being the night f or hearing protests against the assessment roll District No. 193, Seventh Avenue improvement, none having been filed, Ordinance No. 1089 approving and confirming the assess- ment roll, District No. 193, was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1089 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Burrows, 7illiams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1090 relating to the connection of private property to water mains read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1090 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, iilliams, Plano, meaty and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1091 relating to compensation for the members of the Renton Volunteer Fire Department read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1091 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting; aye: Lawrence, Burrows, *dilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : City St. Fund Pay Roll City Streets $171. 13-2799-2805 Pay Roll it " 363.30-2806-2815 W. D. Jackson Sewer Labor 200.00-2816 Chas . R. +�ratts & Co. St. Material 9.79 7 Stoneway Dock Co. Material (Curbs) 428.43 8 The Lumber 1,1kt Material (Spcl) 30.60 9 Art Beils Garage Material 26.13-2820 Standard Oil Co. Gas 116.17- 1 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 27.69 2 The Lumber 1,mkt Lumber 3.49 3 The Lumber i;Zct I aterial WPA 5.36 4 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies (Spcl) 9.91 5 Renton Hdw & lIA rn Supplies 4.46 6 Cochran' s Paint & Hdw Supplies 9.70 7 Current Earl Waltner Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50-10035 James Ashurst it it " 12.50 6 John Neal it " " 12.50 7 Own Idalls " " " 12.50 #1 � Valley +findow Cleanrs Labor 2.00 2 Service Ldry Landry 14.26 3 L. .P. Wood Park Labor & Exp. 24.98 4 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 38.10 5 Renton News Record Printing 2.55 6 A. T. Sullivan Police Exp. 4.00 7 Puget Sound Stamp forks Supplies 1.02 8 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 5.45 9 Pay Roll Park Dept. 90.00-10-11 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 104.30-2783-86 City of Seattle Water 34.84- 7 Grinnell Co. l,:aterial 59.27 8 Ralphs Garage Material 5.10 9 John Dower Lumber " 2.12 90 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 97.35 1 The Lumber llr_t L.I.D.4192 2.17-355 128 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Mayor City Clerk 1 129 December 19, 1939. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1% with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, vdilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ihlinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Erwin Fey to blockade alley in rear of Lots 3 and 4, Block 34, Smithers 2nd Addition during building construc- tion. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Williams that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Report of Renton Fire Dept. for the year 1939 read showing a per capita loss of only 21¢. The report was received and filed and the Fire Dept. commended for their excellent work. Communication read from the Fire Dept. calling to the attention of the council their inadequate quarters in the City Hall. and recommending a new location for the Fire Dept. The Iviayor referred the matter to the City Property Committee for investigation and report. City Attorney called to the attention of the Council the condition of a certain sidewalk on Tobin St. and suggested that the o�-;ner be notifed to construct a new one. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Williams that the owner, atephen Doehm be notified to construct a new sidewalk. Carried. The I,layor advised the Council that there would be a meeting of 2nd Avenue property owners Wednesday the 20th in the City Hall. The City Propert-g Committee recommended that the bid of E. K. Arnold for Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 1; Morgans Grand View Addition be ad,cepted and the 1,11ayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute Deed. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Bids for chlorine for the year 1940 were received from the following: Hooker-Electrochemical Co. - 9¢ per pound Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. - 9¢ per pound I:Ioved by Plano, seconded by Williams that the contract be awarded the Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. for the year 1940. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Williams that we advertise for bids for printing city' s legals for year 1940. Carried. Ordinance regulating the use of loud speakers in the City of Renton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance requiring the installation and operation of ._ warning signals by railroad companies read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution No. 533 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute suit Claim Deed to E. K. Arnold and Alice E. Arnold for Lots 7 , 8, 9 and 10, Block 1, Morgans Grandview Addition, read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. 130 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Rol). St. Dept. X89.80-2831-35 tr rt City Sts 447.03-2836-44 Signal Oil Company gas 146.25-2845 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 365.25- 6 Renton Iron Works Material 9.18 7 Renton Tire Service r' 6.60 8 Charles R. Watts & Co. Material 13.46 9 National Bank of Commerce 11aterial 104.75-2850 _ Current Pay Roll 3rd Ave. Ext. 29 .97-27 11 Art Burnside &e Co. Police Exp. 28.30 8 Kenny Eakle Gas 2.03 9 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones - 45.65-30 Ralph Hart Cedar Rope 4.16 1 Renton News Record Printing 63.80 2 Cochran's Paint w ildiv Park Supplies 2.55 3 Strnard' s Photo Shop Police Exp. 6.95 4 Cochran' s Paint & Hdvv SuDplies 10.40 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 31.61 6 D. D. .Watson Dog Catcher 21.00 7 H. A. Fiskaali, Secy Fire Dept. Salaries 526.87 8, Harry Hartman Library Books 26.02 9 J. K. Gill Co " " 15.30-40 Puget wound hews Co. it " 6.64 1 Junior Literary Guild ►► it 14.91 2 Edwin Allen Co. it It 4.05 3 J. Fi. Gill Co. " " 69.70 4 Junior Literary Guild it rr 95.00 5 Martin Reggiardo Clerical 1.50 6 S. 11. vViberg Park Exp. 5.00 7 Bancroft YThitney Co. Lana Books 30.30 8 '4Vater Pay Roll .`dater Dept. 135.74-2795-9 P. S. P. & L. CO. Power 50.54-2800 Olympic Foundry Co. Iaterial 26 .78 1 Olympic Foundry Co. 'r 18.00 2 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dent. 82.32-23-26 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the Committee be concured in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk tayor 131. January 2, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, dilliams, Plano and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Elmer ricDonald to reshingle house on Lot 11, Block 22, R. F. P. Jones Estate to change partition in Packey McFarland's store at 305 -dells St. C. L. Dixon- to move house from Lot 1, Block 13, Town to Lot 8, Block 23, Town. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace pole corner of 4th Avenue & Williams St; replace one pole on Garden St. north of Third Avenue North. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Bonnell Nurseries relative to garbage dump and filed. Resolution No. 534 authorizing the TTayor 8z City Clerk to execute an agreement with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for a disposal plant for garbage for a period of ten years on the following property: A tract containing 1:08 acres in Sec. 20, Twp. 23 North Range 5 East, W. M. in King County, Wash. and the 20 ft roadway leading to said tract of land flrr-TM the intersection of Pjiain St. in Renton with the Benson Road, was read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. This being; the night for hearing protests on the Renton St. improvement several were received and read and referred to the engineer for checking. The engineer reported that the protest was less than 50. The following bids were r6ceived for printing of city's legals: Renton News Record - - - 27¢ per inch lst insertion - 7¢ per inch 2ubsequent insertions Renton Chronicle - - - 25¢ per inch lst insertion no charge on subsecuent insdrtions. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the contract be awarded the Renton Chronicle. Carried. Bids for furnishing the city' s gasoline for the year 1940 were received from the following companies: Union Oil - - 14¢ Signal Oil- - 15� Standard - - 15¢ Shell Oil - - 15# Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the following transfers be made: LI.D.#182 to L.I. Genl - X22.22 L..I.D.#185 to L.I. Genl - 80.75 Carried. 132 Ordinance No. 1092 for the improvement of Renton Street read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1092 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, 7ii1liams, Plano, and Geber_ini. The matter of defective sidewalks on Tobin St. was discussed. Moved by Isackson, seconded by dilliams that the city engineer bring in an estimated cost of construction of sidewalks on Tobin St. Carried. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Isackson that the matter of cleaning up Burnett St. from 2nd Ave. to Tobin St. as a project was referred to the St. & Alley Committee for investigation and report. The Finance Committee audited and recommended forpay- went the f ollowing: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. 200.92-2853-62 Pay Roll St. Dept. 67.35-2863-65 Frank Allen Fuel 17.00-2866 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 8.39 7 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 10.00 8 Pacific Car & Foundry Material 25.55 9 Federal Wipe & Tank Co. Material 190.70-2870 Pay Roll St. Dept. 498.27-2872-74-85 E. P. Wilson Co. Insurance 86.58-2873 Pay Rollat. Dept. 89.80-2886-89 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 66.54-2890 Current John VV. Dobson Expenses 1.35-64 Geo. E. TSlitchell Engr. Supplies 2.24 5 The MacMillan Co. Library Books 49.35 6 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books 18.76 7 Thomas Harries Insurance 5.00 8 Payroll Engr. Dept. 54.89-69-71 Union Oil Co. Gas 14.10 72 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 16.10 3. Al Trimm Fuel 34.17 4 �,;m. Trimm 'dreath 1.00 5 Paul.W. Houser Expenses 5.12 6 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 6.42 7 Harry Hartman Library Books 27 .56 8 Edwin Allen Co. Library Books 6.30 9 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 42.02-80 Jim Ashurst Fire Dept. Exp. 12. 50 1 Owen :Malls " f► it 12.50 2 John Neal " it It 12 .50 3 'Nater Hmgh G. Purcell Co. Material 31.47-2804 Pay Roll Yater Dept. 40.42-2805-6-7 City of Seattle ;'pater 30.36-2808 Tvoved by Lawrence , seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. / Ci.tu Clerk Mayor 133 January 16, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. TI. 4r.ri.th Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Jilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Sunt. were read: C. L. Dixon to erect small shed in rear of Lot 8, Block 23, Town. Mrs . Mabel Harris to repair house and foundation of same at 411 Renton St. M. L. Hollister to erect a small house on South half of Lot 1, Block 11, Car docks Jack Browne to erect fireplace and remodel house at 315 Whitworth St. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace pole at corner of 3rd & Burnett .3t. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by 'Williams that same be granted. Carried. City Property Committee recomriiended that Lots 11,12 and 13, Block 10, Town of Renton, corner of Walla Walla Ave. and 11-ill St. be acquired for a new fire station site at a price of X5300. plus about $90.00 in taxes. Moved by Deacy, seconded by "Villiams that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The following amended bids for furnishing gasoline for the year 1940 were received: Signal Oil Company - - - 14� per gal Standard Oil Co - - - 144, per gal . Shell Oil Company - - - 14V per gal. Moved by Plano, seconded by V-rilliams that the former motion relative to gasoline contracts under date of Jany. 2, be rescinded and the contract for 1940 gasoline be divided among the four companies submitting bids. Carried. Ordinance No. 1093 authorizing the Yayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.#192 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1094 authorizing the Tvayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.#193 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos 1093 and 1094 whereupon Ordinance No. 1093 �,ras placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows , uiilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1094 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Villiams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Proposed Emergency Ordin4nce appropriating the sum of $5300.00 to nurchase Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 10, Town 134 ` of Renton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports unfavorably on Ordinance regulating the use of loud speakers and recommends that same be postponed indefintely. Mloved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Ordinance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire, Light w ;Tater Committee recommendedthat certain changes be made in the lights approaching the new Bronson ;,"day bridge and also light on Burnett St. near K. P. Hall. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The City attorney was instructed to notify tenant in city's house corner Mill & 'Ydalla 'dalla Avenue to vacate by Feby. 15th. The danger existing on the new Bronson lay bridge for want of rail between pedestrians and vehicle traffic was discussed at some length. The city attorney was authorized to write the highway department regarding same. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : City St. fund Leonard Segar Equipment Repair 1.6.00-2897 Pay Roll City Sts. 461.62-2893-5-2901-09 Pay roll St. Dept. 120.24-2910-13 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 3rd Ave. 24.97-2914 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 49 .94-2715-16 Seattle Title Co. Services 27.00-2917 Renton flair''dware Supplies 1,.12 8 ydllllams & Swanson Supplies 1.02 9 Stoneway Dock Co. Ilaterie.l 12.96-2920 john Dower Lumber Lumber 57.36 1 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 2.31 2 Ralph's Garage Labor 2.81 3 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 5.98 4 0. Priebe Labor & Ylaterial 32.84 5 E. P. Wilson Co. Material 48.60 6 The Lumber lblkt Lumber 49.99 7 Reid & Cook Material 103,98 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 367.59 9 Signal Oil Co. Gas 138.75-2930 Art Beils Garage Repair adork 8.71 1 1�'dilliams & Material aterial 20.91 2 Clarke Bros Iviotor Material 4.34 3 �'Jater Pay Roll Water Dept. 117.77-2812-16 Renton Hdty & Furn Supplies .71 7 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 16.42 8 P. S. P. w L . Co. Power 49.85 9 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 33.73-2820 Grinnell Co. Material 61.73 1 Current Valley 'dindow Cleaners- Labor 2.00-98 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 4.47 9 Service Laundry* Laundry 11.20-100 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 1.79 1 North Coast Chem8 Supplies 21.93 2 Renton Hdw & 2=8 Supplies 2.94 3 C. T 135 C. Haleway Supplies .90-104 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 52.39-105-6-7 Reid & Cook Supplies 67.26-108 Assn of Wash Cities Duew 100. 9 Renton Chronicle Legal. Publications 140.95-110 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 46.26 1 Cochran. Paint & Hdiv Supplies8 2.97 2 E. P. Wilsor_ Co. -dent - atty's office 90.00 3 Reid & 0ook Supplies 17.80 4 Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the Copmiittee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. � O 'd 1rIzJ'I Poll City Clerk Mayor i f 13� X Feb. 7 , 1940. The council met in regular session at 8 P. E. with 1ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Jilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions were read: J. F. Denzer to move small house from Lot 1, Block 1, Car "Forks Addition to Lot 4, Block 5, R. i. P. and remodel same read. 'TKoved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be granted subject to provisions of the building ordinance. Carried. Clarke Bros to remodel garage at Bronson Way, Moved by Williams, seconded by Lawrence, that same be granted. Carried. TNm. R. McNu-t to Move in a portable school building from Seattle to Williams St. adjacent to American Legion Hall and remodel same for a church read. roved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that same be granted subject to approval of building; Supt. Carried. Petition of Tony Perelli to move house into Renton from outside and place same on Lot 2, Block 15 , R-. 10. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Perelli that same be grantedbond for moving has been posted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace certain poles on Logan & Tobin, Williams St. Renton St. and Pelly St. read. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Williams that same be - granted subject to the supervision of the St. Sunt. Carried. Thef2 � tring petitions were read: Phil Del'dinter to erect house and garage on Lot 11, Block 16, R. F. P. C. L. Dixon to remodel & repair house on Lot 7 , Block_ 23, Town Roy Danielson to erect house & garage on Lot 3, Block 2, Smithers 5th Addition. Fred Zevort to repair foundation of house on Lot 19, Block 3, Car 'corks. Llike Potoshnick to erect portable garage at 132 Park Ave. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Villiams that all petitions be granted subject to the approval of the Building Supt. Carried. Cormunications were read from the Frank R. Vaise Aux, Child "4'elfare League of Renton and the Renton Commercial Club relative to erection of Civic Center Building. Same were ordered filed for future reference. Report for the year 1939 read from the Renton Police Department and ordered published. J Ordinance appropriating th sum of X5300 for new fire station read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The following Resolution was read: Resolution No. 535 Be It RBsolved by the City Council of the City of Renton, '� ashington, as follows: ,;;hereas, Frank r'T. Harris, City Enr inePr of the City of 137 Renton, "lashinton, during the past six years has by a life- time of industrious and studious application to his profession earned a wide reputation in the State of Washington as a real student of engineering problems And '.1hereas, at the time of this country' s need of man-ower in time of war, P,'ir. Harris volunteered for duty and served over seas as a Captain in the United States Army as an engineer And ilhereas, during the many years he has lived in Renton his conduct has been a shing example to everyone who knew him And vlhereas, his conscientious and efficient work as City Engineer has been largely responsible for many public improvements And ulhereas, his untimely death has shocked not onl;r the members of the City Administration but his host of friends and neighbors in this State Now Therefor,, be it resolved that the City Council go on record as deploring the unfortunate and untimely death of this faithful public servant. Be it further resolved, that a copy of this Resolu- tion be spread upon the minutes of the Council proceedings, be published in the official paper and that a certified copy thereof be forwarded to the family of the deceased. Approved this 6th day of February 1940. G. 'J. Beanblossom, Mayor Passed this 6th day of February 1940. Agnes Edwards, City Clerk Approved as to form: Paul W. Houser, City Attorney. Pvloved by Lawrence, sedonded by Williams that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. The following Resolution was read and ordered spread on the minutes: Resolution vihereas, the late Frank Harris, City Engineer of the City of Renton, just recently while in the performance of his duties met with an accident, which resulted in his most untimely death, and 'Whereas, 1-dr. Harris was one of the founders and oldest members of the Association of Valley Cities and was also one of the most qualified and untiring workers in the association, being very liberal with his time and energy and. at all times reading and willing to perform any and all takks assigned to him and also very willing to assist others in their duties and assignments, therefore, Be It Resolved by the Association of Valley Cities, that this organization express by resolution, our deepest regrets and sympathies to the surviving sons of Mr. Harris for the loss of a loving and understanding father and to the e1 ty of Renton for the loss of a most losra.l and efficient employee, and that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that copies, properly engrossed by the signatures of the officers of this association, be sent to the surviving sons and also to the Mayor of the City of Renton. Passed by the Association of Valley Cities on this the 31st day of January 1940 and signed by the officers of this association in open session in authentication of its passage. R. E. Wooden, President Mayor of dent, ��ashington L. J. Gove, Vice-President Iv:ayor of Auburn, ddashington J. Y.. Ryan, Secretary City Clerk, of Auburn, "dashington. Loved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that we give a Quit Claim Deed to J. Vidmar for the property formerly occupied by old hose cart station on the hill. Carried. St. Supt stated that we need a new garbage truck and recommended that we call for bids. The matter was referred to the City Property Committee and the Finance Claims Committee for report next meeting night. The question of certain repairs to the city' s property at the end of Park Avenue now occupied by P.r. King . was referred to the City Property committee for recommendation. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 47.41.-130-32 Pay Roll Park Dept. 62.86-133.34 Jim Ashurst Fire Dept . Exp. 12. 50-135 Bill Reans It it It 12. 50 6 J. Neal " It it 2.25 7 Owen Balls If " it 12.50 8 Frank E. Rhodes it " If 5.81 - 9 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance Fire Dept. 80.00-140 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 12.50 1 Hano Fiskaali, SeCir it If 78.63; 2 Auto Club of :dash Police Dept. Exp. 6.10 3 Tuladigan' s Cafe Prisoners meals 25.65 4 Trick & Murray Supplies 100.89 5 Cross & Ailliams Police Exp. 2.00 6 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 7 Valley u'rindow Cleaners Labor 5.00 8 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co . Telerhones8 33.95 9 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 3.60-150 Tom Dobson & Co. Police License 1.75 1 Service Ldry Laundry 13.52 2 Renton News Record Printing-Police, Fire Dept81.61 3 Reid w Cook Supplies 9,85 4 J E. P. Nilson Co. Atty' s Rent 15.00 5 State Treasurer Fire Dept. Dues 46.00 6 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 1.25 7 Cochran Paint & Hdmr Supplies - Park 4.90 8 Ivan 717. Lee Park Exp. 19 .64 9 1.39 City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. X139.72-2934-7 Pay Roll Cit" Sts. 372.05-2938-4C Pair Roll Houser Way Ext 57.38-2947-50 John Dourer Lumber Co. Lumber 10.72-2951 "Vestern Tire Ser 1,iaterial 7E?.75 2 Union Oil Co. Supplies 57.80 3 T, ,,,, p Harold Phinney Houser May .Expehse 14.40 8 Lake Washing ton bill Houser Vlay Expense 4.90 9 Stoneway Dock Co. 'WPA Iaterial .97-2960 Lawrence Fuel Co. Fuel 20.91 1 Carstens Packing Co. Supplies - Houser Way 2.69 2 J. E. Dyler Piles rf " 213.91 3 Reicl & Co,kk Supplies 14. 40 4 Art Beils Garage Material 5.11 5 Water Pay Roll Water Dept . 164.67-2825-33- Clarke Bros Yotor Material .82-2832 Pac . Car & F dry l:iaterial 40.39 3 City of Seattle Water 43.00 4 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 7.55 5 Grinnell Co . ILAer. ial 10.43 6 Dist. 195 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. ; 46.15-356-8 H. G. ivlhite Shovel Rent u07.50-361 E. J. Kendtner Truck Hire 65.63 2 Dist. 192 Pettie Printery Printing bonds 5.85-359 Pottie Printery Printin',71 bonds Dist 193 16.08-360 Fred Peacock L.I.D. 195 12.50-363 Moved bir Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Finance Committee be concurr6d in. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. City Clerk I ayor �f 140 Feb. 209 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Layor Bearblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano , Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Bldg. Supt. were read: C. Iverson to erect house and garage on Williams St. near American Legion Hall read. Owl Cafe to change front door. Phil idarlotty to make basement under house at 530 Renton Avenue. Idoved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that a.11 petitions be allowed. Carried. The following licenses approved by the Police & License Committee were read: Pool Hall bowling alley - T. ';l. Jenkins Pool Hall - Eagle Tavern - Alex Ferrat Pool Hall - A & B Sportsmen - Frank Aliment Pool Hall - Dain at. - U. Bareit Card Tables - Azzolo Tavern - S. Zanga Theatre License - Fey' s Roxy - 4rwin J. Fey Fey's Renton - Erwin J. Fey Moved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the licenses b.• issued. . Carried. Communication read from the Renton Fire Dent . relative to location of new fire station, and ordered filed. Communication containing offerto sell 3 lots on corner Logan L 2nd Ave. for new f .r(- station received from R. Bunstine and filed for future reference. Communication read from Arthur Iv . Harris relative to Resolution of Condolence and filed. 4lanner-1ayner 111otor Co. asks for renewal of lease on used cur shed on Bronson Way Ivorthe Loved by Isackson.,. seconded by Plano that same be turned over to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Ordinance No. 1095 calling for bids for the sale of re- funding water bonds in t]e sum of :; 37,000. read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1095 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Isackson., Burrows, Idilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1096 pertaining to the removal of piling driven in the construction of a temporary trestle read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. J The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1096 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Isackson, Burrows, Jilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 1.41 This beim; the night for opening bids for furnishing lumber for bridge construction on Houser Nly the following were received: Renton Lumber & Supply Company John Dower Lumber Company The Lumber Parket Columbia Lumber ComDany. loved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that same be referred to the City Property Committee and City Engr. with power to act. Carried. Notice of Renton Lawn Bowling Club' s annual dinner read from Club. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment ' the following : Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 27.46-175 Pay Roll Park Dept. 87 .00-176-7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 51.68-178 C. Haleway keys 1.20 9 J. E. Viouwe Supplies 1.02-180 Frank Alen Fuel 2.5.76 1 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 41. 50 2 Trick & Murray Supplies 72.27 3 City St. -Fund Pay Roll City Streets 482.85-2969-77 Pay Roll f' " 87.66-2978-81 Lawrence Fuel Fuel 16. 32-2982 The Lumber Market Lumber 95.53- 3 P. S. P. &. L. Co. Lights 372.81 4 Ernest J. Kendtner Truck Mire 42.75 5 Gladding,McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 3.98 6 J. E. Dyler Piling - Houser Way 86.00 7 Ralphs Garage Labor ! Material 10.20 8 Carstens Packing Co. Supplies - iouserway 3.57 9 'eater Pay Roll 'eater Dept. 83.84-2839-41 P. S. P. L L. Co. Poorer 114.88-2842 National hetes Co. Material 36.72 3 Grinnell Co.9 ,Taterial 12. 63 4 L. I. D. #195 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 7.48-364 Pay Roll Engr. . Dept. 147 .21-365-68 loved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. at 8 11. No further business, meeting recessed to Feby. 27th, i�. . City Clerk Mayor 142 Feby. 27 , 1940. Recessed meetingof the City Council was called to order at 8 P . 1:. by flay or Beanb lossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, 'dilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 1diinutes of the last meeting r6ad and approved. I The following petitions were read: L. Peretti to glass in side porch at 212 1st Ave. 1To. i,lillard DeLuche to make basement and general repairs to house at 532 Renton Ave. Al Morgan to move hoist from north side to west side of garage on Bronson Jack O'Brien to build fence in rear of lot at 836 3rd Ave. No. Orin Wilson to erect small house on Lot 8, Block 12, R. f. P. in rear of lot P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace second pole on Wells St. No. south of 5th Ave No. Replace first pole south of 4th Ave on Eorris St. All the above petitions having been approved by the Building Sup- , it was Moved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that all petitions be granted. Carried. Offer received from 1;1acDonald Refining Company to sell to the city 10 barrels of oil at 48¢ per gal. and filed. Communication read from Vincent D. 1;1iller, Inc. sub- mitting for council' s approval and recorur�endation a replat of Sartorisville, Blocks 1 and 2, lying between 4th Ave. No. and 6th Ave No. , and asking that an improvement district be created for sewer, water, curb and sidewalk. 1.1oved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be turned over to the City Prop(rty Committee. Carried. This being the night for opening bids n `dater Revenue Bonds, the following were received:3 bonds Q Bramhall & Stein . 2 bonds Q 2p,> 91002.679 Pity for legal opinion and print bonds. Grande & Co. , Inc. . . . . 1.901 - $100.07 ( Jun 1) Pay for legal opinion and print bonds. Blyth & Co. , Inc . 21po ` 100. plus "25. Premium ( Jun 1) Pay for legal opinion and print bonds. Dean 'iitter & Co. . . . . . 20 :'100. plus X66.00 premium ( Jun 1) Pay for legal opinion and print bonds. Richards & Blum, Inc. (Jun 1) Harold H. Huston & Co. 20 - '100. plus "51. premium Pay for printing bonds. Not legal. 143 I'loved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the bids be referred to the Fire, Light w :dater Committee, The City Property Committee and the City Attorney with power to act. Carried. Lioved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that a traffic lite be installed at 2nd & Burnett at and certain changes made in lights on 1st Avenue North. Carried. Ordinance No. 1096 appropriating; the sum of X5300. for purchase of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Flock 10, Original Plat of the Town of Renton for a fire station read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Cormittee. The Ordinance Committee rebortedfavorably on Ordinance No. 1096 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, ;Williams, Plano. Deacy and Gebenini. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ,44-'l City Clerk I 1l� i✓,.ZlYl'Z� Kay,or I 144 w ay�'w Y'arch 5, 1.940. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by 1s51ayor Beanblossor!m. Rcll Call: Isackson, Burro�^�s, dilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Iaiinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition, approved by the Building Supt. was read: Wm. E. Courtney to reshingle garage and enclose rear porch on Lot 5, Block 25, Town, read. Loved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from City Attorney relative to available funds for 'WPA construction during the year 1940 showing an unexpended $16 ,358.11, according to budget appropria- tions, as of date Elarch 1, 1940. I.loved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the resort be approved and turned over to the ';'PA supervisor. Carried. Report was made that the city , in order to protect their assessments had purchased Lot 2 , Block 5, Car :forks Addition. tioved and seconded that the lot be turned over to Sam Zanga upon payment of all assessments and the proper officials execute t quit Claim Deed. Carried. ',larrantyyDeed and Title Insurance was received from Lucy Stockwell, for Lots 11, 12 , 13 and 14, Block 10, Town of Renton. The lire , Light & '04"ater Committee reported that the bid of Grande & Co. , Ir.c. at 1.90`o - X100.07 , pay for legal opinion and print the bonds watt- recommended. Moved by Burrows, seconded by vTilliams that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in and the bid of Grande for rnurchase of X37 ,000. refunding water bonds issue of June 1, 1940 be accepted subject to the provisions of their bid for the purchase thereof. Carried. Yr. Lloyd A. Lindgren, President of the Civil Service Commission explained the functions of the Civil Service Commission and submitted the following named men who have passed the civil service examination and their grades as follows: 0. G. Gilleland 9 - - 90.08 Angela Busato - - - 83.75 C. E. McCarthy - - - 80.25 The Idayor thereupon appointed 0. G. Gilleland Police Officer. Itiloved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. The Finance Committed audited and recommed for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll City St. Fund 407 .24-2990-8 ft it tt tt tt 59.95-2999-3002 Union Oil Co. Mlaterial 14.10-3003 Gladding ,K.cBean a, Co. Material 18.75 4 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 15.30 5 Western Tire Service Material 3.97 6 0. Priebe Labor on tools & equip 15.35 7 Warner-Kayner h'otor Repair "Mork 3.25 8 L,l,:c "'ill ro. ITaterial 5.98 9 145 Republic Creostoing Co. P�iaterial 12. 75-3010 Etnest J. Kentner8 Truck Hire-Houser day 87.50 1 Lester Card It " it " 64.75 2 Kirkland SandS3 Gravel it " " it 12.25 3 D. Nygren if " " " 7.50 4 John Dower Lumber Co. Material " " 303.15 5 Pay moll Engr. Dept. 127.25-3016-20 ,Art Beils Garage Labor & 1�iaterial 29.88-3021 HATER Pay Roll -Water Dept. 61.38-2848-51 City of Seattle Plater 21.80-2852 National Ideter Co. Material 36.72 3 Grinnell Co. Material 115.23 4 CURRENT Vincent Stewart For Dog Catcher 24.00-197 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 62.38-198-200 Pay Roll Park Dept. 54.00-201-2 Demmo Library Sup Library Supplies 6.05-203 Gaylord Bros. , Inc. " " 25.13 4 'dashington Bindery it it 34.65 5 J. 1 . Keyes Library Fuel 5.10 6 Harry Hartman " Supplies 9 .32 7 A. C. YtiiIcClurg & Co. Library Expense 14.50 8 Service Laundry Laundry 10.93 9 Renton Cafe Prisoners meals 17.85-210 Roy' s Cleaners Laundry 26.01 1 Williams & IvcKnight Police Exp. 35.70 2 White Vuel & Transfer Fuel 30.35 3 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Supplies 11.23 4 Jim Ashurst Fire Dept. 12. 50 5 Bill Reans " " 12. 50 6 Owen Walls it it 12. 50 7 John Neal if if 12. 50 8 Renton News Record Supplies 20.59 9 Paul d. Houser Expenses -Ullon case 7.00-220 John "u. Greb Transcript - Ullom case 49.20 1 Pacific Car & Foundry Material 16 .07 2 Lucy Stockwell For 4 lots, ilk. 10, ',!on 5300.00 3 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk read and filed. Fire Chief Burrows extended an invitation to the Mayor, Council arnd City officials to attend the Firemen' s Banquet, lularch 14th, 6 :30 P. � . in the Episcopal Church. Ordinance prohibiting the establishment and maintenance of lumber mills and lumber yards read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. No further business, meeting adjourn6d. AA City Clerk Mayor 146 3 1arch 19, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with payor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: John Diambri to erect a house and garage on Lot 1, Block 14, R. F. P. Anton Omack to reshingle house at 222 Main St. North. Isaac Chapman to erect house and garage on Lot 19, Block 15, R. F. P. Geo. sir. Custer to repair Junior High School. Mrs. Lucile Savia to erect house and garage on Lot 6, Block 23, Town Mr. Steve A,Ziskulin to repair and remodel front porch at 548 Tobin St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by "d1liams that all permits be granted. Carried. Communication inviting our Mayor to attend rdestern Regional Conference at Portland, Oregon, April 8-9 read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebeini that the Piayor attend the session. Carried. The Mayor appointed Loretta Loree, member of the Library Board to fill the vacancy of Mrs. Emily Dullahant. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Street Supt r8commended the purchase of a garbage truck. Moved by iyilliams, seconded by Plano that we advertise for bids fof truck. Carried. Resolution No. 536 adopting a program for the expenditure of gasoline funds read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be adopted as read. Request of Steve Tamb orini, representing the American Legion to hold a carnival on Satoris property just outside the city. Tvoved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the request be granted, the city making no charge.for license. Carried. The Finance Committee reco=ended for payment the following. City St. Fund Pay Roll City Streets %187.31-3025-31 Pay Roll St. Dept. 398.51-3032-40 Renton Lumber & Supply Material 1?er cont. 230.78-3041 Pae. Car & Fdry Material (Houser ;'day) 4.85 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies " 54.66 3 E. H. Edwards Co. Material " 36.41 4 .. Kirkland Sand & Gravel Material " 31.50 5 E. P. "Wilson Co. Insurance 43.30 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 388.35 7 Union Oil Co. Gas 66.50 8 Pay Roll . Engr. Dept. " 99.80-3049-52 Hughie White Truck Hire " 8.00-3053 E. J. Kendtner Truck Hire " 24.50 4 Lester Card Truck Hire " 44.63 5 Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. Supplies 39.22 6 Thomas Harries Ins'—ante 54.01 7 Williams & Swanson Gas 1.02 8 147 Current Pay Roll Park Dept. $85.50-237-8 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 104.79-239-41-42 Bonnell Nurseries Park Exp. 5.10-243 Washington Firemen Assn Dues 5.00 4 Sanderson Safety Sup Fire Dept. Exp, 3.06 5 Frank E. Rho e s to it it 8.16 6 0. Priebe Labor on truck .50 7 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Engr. Supplies 7.75 8 Assn of Valley Cities Dues 5.00 9 Kathryn Creesy Mimeograph I'Vork 5.00-250 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 57.68 1 udaters Specialties Supplies 7.12 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 39.26 4 Junior Literary Guild Library Books 10.58 5 Brendal Drug Co. " " 70.28 6 Harry Hartman " of 12.81 7 National School Book " it 29.93 8 J. H. Lawrence " Fuel 21.01 9 Puget Sound News Co. " Books 30.42-260 E. P. Wilson Co. Atty's Rent 15.00 1 Paul d. Houser Expenses 7.55 2 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 34.30 3 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 140.23-2859-64 P. S. P. &L. Co. Power 52.92-2865 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor IL 148 .;T April 2, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. IA. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: James E. Benzer to erect two houses and garages on Lot 30 Block 3, Car Vorks Addition. Mike Struznik to make addition to house at 736 Grant St. Vim. Hoyt to make addition to garage at 220 Park Ave. R. Bellando to erect garage adjoining his property on Bronson Way. Safeway Stores, Inc . to erect store building on Lots 1 and 2. Block 13, Town. Anna Slopnick to improve house by adOition of siding at 108 Pelly St. Moved by Williams, seconded by Gebenini that the petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace pole on 2nd Avenue North, between 'Wells & Dain St. , read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the Seattle Lighting Dept. to install anchor on the north side of 3rd Ave. 11 ft. east of present pole and 4 feet east of east margin of Cedar St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be turned over to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of 37 residents in vicinity of Renton nigh Schools requesting the Council not to grant any permit to any person to construct lumber yards, etc. around the High School buildings! read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the petition be received and filed for future reference. Carried. Communication read from Renton School Dist. #7 thanking the Council for installation of lights near school buildings on 2nd Avenue. Communication filed. Moved by 1,11illiams, seconded by Isackson that the Mayor & City Clerk execute lease running to J. K. Oakes for acreage at end of Park Ave for a period of one year beginning April lst, 1940 at a yearly rental of : 60.00. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on new garbage truck the following submitted bids: Pedersen Bros. Williams & Swanson Frank E. Rhodes Clarke Bros. Motor Co. fanner-Mayner Motor Co. Alex Cugini Moved by Lawrence, sedonded by Isackson that the bids be referred to the City Property Committee. Mr. 0. 11. Cochran spokae briefly on Initiative 139, It was moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the Council go on record endorsing the Bill and designated Mr. Cochran official representative of same. Carried. 149 Ordinance No, 1098 , authorizing and directing the application to the Federal Government for federal funds in the amount of $15,000. to match funds of the City of Renton in a similar amount for the construction of a new fire station on Lots 103, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 10, Plat of the Town of Renton, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1098, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Councilmen Gebenini brought up *or d1scussion the matter of licensing pin ball machines. Moved by Williams, seconded by Gebenini that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee for investigation and report back to Council for action. Carried. The City Property Committee reporting on the Vincent D. Miller, Inc. replat of Sartorisville, Blocks 1 and 2, between 4th & 6th .fives. No. recommended that the same be turned down; Moved by Williams, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in and petition to replat and improve denied. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll Lt. Dept. 427.95-3063-71 it rr City Sts. 110.76-3072-5 Pac. Car & ,dry Material 111.14-3076 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. Chlorine 282.87-3077 Union Oil Co. Gas 59.36 8 Williams & SwaBon Material 13.14 9 King County Rd Dist #2 Gravel 67.10-3080 Stoneway Dock Co. Sand 3.57 1 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 10.25 2 Cochran Paint & didw Supplies-Houser Way 9.56 3 The Lumber Market Material 12.01 4 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. " " 57.38-3060-3062 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 97.30-278-80 Pay Roll Park Dept. 90.00-281-2 Service Ldry Ldry 3.28-283 A.N.Marquis Co. Library Books 18.50- 4 dashington Bindery Library Books 14.53 5 Woods Music Company Library Books 9.63 6 Valley Jindow Cleaners Labor 3.75 7 Kathryn Creesy Mimeograph 'Mork 5.00 8 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Supplies 1.33 9 ,Maters Specialties Supplies 1.28-290 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 22.33 1 Renton Chronicle Building Codes, etf. 136.83 2 wanner-Mlayner Motor Co. Labor & Material 26.14 3 Madigans Prisoners meals 35.00 4 Cochrans Paint & Hdw Supplies 1.52 5 C. J. Faull Labor 10.00 6 Trick & Murray Supplies 17.31 7 �- E. P. Wilson Co. AttysRent 15.00 8 Lumber 141kt Lumber 10.07 9 Thomas Harries Agency Insurance 22.33-300 Jas Ashurst Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50 1 Bill Reans it it it 12.50 2 John Neal it " rr 12.50 3 Owen y`lalls " it ti 12.50 4 Reid & Cook Supplies 11.18 5 150 ','later Pay Roll 'Yater Dept. 117 .77-2868-72 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 33.06-2873 City of Seattle Yater 39.08 4 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 15.30 5 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor X51 April 16, 1940. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1.1. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano and Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. -- were read: Ernest H. Rogers to erect a house and garage on Lot 5, Block 4, Sartorisville. Frank Ozura to tear down old garage and erect new one at 504 Smithers St. John Diambri to move house from Hill St. and repair same to Lots 23 and 24, Block 14, R. 2. P. Tom Dobson, Sr. to erect a house on Lot 10, Blbck 8, Car vrorks. Gene Willson to add siding to house on Lot 3, Block 6, Renton Real Estate Addition. I. Righi to erect small house on rear of Lot 14, at 24 Logan St. Moved b-k Burrows, seconded by Isackson that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace pole at 2nd & Burnett St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from the Lions Club for permission to stage a Rodeo July 19, 20 and 21 in the Athletic Field. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that same be referred to the Park Board. Carried. Communication read from Vincent D. Miller, Inc. relative to replat of Blocks 1 and 2, Sartorisville. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be referred to the City Engr for checking. Carried. Copy of letter sent to Tom Sneddon, rd. L. DeLuche and Phllip Marlotty relative to moving their houses back on account of Renton St. improvement. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the action therein taken be confirmed and the letter placed on file. Carried. Communication read from Peter Prins, General Chairman Americanization Picnic, relative to paying for an ads read and filed. Communication and plans for the new Fire Station approved by the members of the Fire Department received. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be received and plans posted in the City Hall. Carried. Communication read from the Police Commission relative -- to uniforms for the Police Dept. Yoved by Lawrence, seconded by dilliams that same be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: 152 City St. Fund Union Oil Co. Gas $70.00-3088 0. Priebe Labor & Material 40.37 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 2.29 90 Reid & Cook Supplies 3.57 1 Art Beils Garage Supplies 12.23 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 385.75 3 Contractors Mchry Rental-blocks 5.10 4 Pacific Coast Coal Material 8.09 5 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 7.52 6 ..,., Lawrence Fuel Fuel 6.50 7 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 1.47 8 Pay Roll City Sts. 443.70-3099-3111 Pay Roll City Sts. (Houser)'ay 84.83-3112-13 Pay Roll Streets 156.16-3114-22 The Lumber Mkt. Lumber 185.37-3123 Current Cross Radio Service Repairs 1.02-318 'Jest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 22.42 9 G.W.Beanblossom Exp. to Convention 16.50 320 Pac. Coast R. R. Park Lease 1.00 1 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 38.15 2 Junior Literary Guild Library Books 7.54 3 Bancroft "dhitney Co. Law Books 4.08 4 Howard Cooper Corp. Fire Dept. Exp. 149.63 5 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 24.53 6 Trick & Murray Supplies 20.29 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 28.40 8 Strnard's Photo Shop Police Exp. 3.43 9 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Engr. Supplies 3.35-330 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 74.85 331-333 Thos Harries Agency Insurance 5.00 331 Pay Roll Park 99.00-335-6 John Klinga Police Exp. 20. -337 later Pay Roll 'Yater Dept. $179.65-2881-87 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 109.29-2879 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 44.68 80 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the ecommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. /f City Property Committee reporting on bidsfor garbage truck that the contract for new truck be awarded the lowest bidder, the Hub City Chev. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence - yes Isackson - yes Burrows - yes Williams - no Plano - yes Deacy - yes Motion carried. The Mayor reported on the United States Mayors Convention held in Portland. The Police & License Committee recommended that a : 10.00 a month license be placed on pin ball machines and $5.00 a month on cash punch boards. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by 'VYilliams that the matter be turned over to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A representation from the Grange was present relative to a public Comfort Station. The 1.1ayor advised them that the new Fire atation may take care of that need. No further business, meeting adjourned. VAYOR LiG : CITY CLERK 153 April 7, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebeinini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. ..,. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Jerry Skerbini to erect house in rear of Lot 16, Block 11, Car Works. C. L. Dixon to add a washroom to house on Lot 8, Block 23, Town. Steve b1linaglia to erect house and garage on Lot 19, Block 2, Car iJorks. Thorne Estate to remodel inside of Tradewell store by addition of plaster board read. E. F. Betz to repair foundation of building at 234 Williams at. Mrs. John Hughes to repair foundation of house at 505 Williams St. E. H. Flaherty to make concrete floor and partition building at 315 Udells St. J. A. Richter to erect house and garage on Tract 19, Renton Cooperative Coal Co. Wesley Storey to reshingle house on Lot 193, BlIck 219 R. F. P. Mrs. bi. E. Fairchild to reshingle house at 508 2nd Ave. No. Thorne Estate to erect a marquis on Tradewell store. ,... Al Morgan to erect house and garage on Lot 6, Block go R. F. P. Vincent D. biller, Inc. to erect house and garage on East. 66 ft. of 'Kest 148 ft of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 2, Sartorisville. E. K. Arnold to erect a house and garage on Lots 7 and 8. Block 1, Morgans Grand View Addition Mrs. Rachel Snyder to repair foundation and enclose rear porch on Lot 3, Block 22, Town. Dom. Carpine to move house from Lots 11 and 12, Block 10, Town to end of Tobin St. 0. D. Juhlin to erect house and garage on Lot 10, Block 16, R. F. P. Moved by Burrows, seconded by dilliams that all petitions be granted. Carried. Safeway Stores asks permission to break 29 ft. of curb on Wells St. and 29 ft. of curb on 2nd Ave. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be referred to the St. Supt. with power to act. Carried. Thorne Estate to widen out approach and break curb at Tradwwell Store. b'loved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the St. Supt. with power to act. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to install three poles and remove two on First Ave . No. between Park and Pelly. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: 15p � e Pay Roll City Sts. 1450.14-3124-33 Pay Roll St. Dept. 112.28-3134-9 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. Houser 'Nay 85.14-3140-1-2 Art Beils Garage Material 19.54-3143 Shell Oil Co. Gas 80.90- 4 0. Priebe Repair Work 13.97 5 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 143.82 6 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 3.26 7 Union Oil Co. Gas 59.50 8 ,. Nat McMillan Painting city sts. 250.75 9 Reid & Cook Supplies 8.05-3150 Renton Lumber & Supply Lumber -Houser Way 578.93 1 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies " " 79.34 2 H. G. White Drayage " " 10.00 3 Rental Machinery Co. Rental Equip" " 12.75 4 Pac. Car w Fdry 5 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies " " 63.77 6 Contracts Mchry & Storage Rental Equip" " 61.20 7 Shell Oil Co. Gas 4.20 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Install Lights Bron.Wayll5.00 9 The Lumber Ekt Lumber - Houser Way 191.83-3160 Pac. Car & Fdry Material " " 181.14 1 Hub city Chev Garbage Truck 1200.05 2 Current Pay Roll Park Dept. 126.00-354-5-6 Service Laundry Ldry 10.08-357 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 47.25 8 The Washington Binddry Lib. Books 17.18 9 John W. Graham & Co. " it 5.12-360 The MacMillan Co. " it 5.28 1 Puget Sd News Co. It it 28.24 2 Renton Hdw & turn Supplies 7.19 3 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 84.85-353-364-5 L. P. Wood Bowling Gr Labor 60.00-367 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 8 John Neal Fire Dept. Exp. 12. 50 9 Bill Reans " " 12.50-370 Jim Ashurst " " " 12.50 1 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals€ 41.60 2 E. P. Wilson Co. Ins. Park 22.33 3 Renton AN & Furn Supplies 1.16 4 H. W. Hawkins Police Services 6.00 5 Reid & Cook Repair Work -Police 9.18 6 Cochran Paint & Hdw Sup - Police 3.34 7 North Coast Chem & Soap Supplies 5.60 8 Lawrence Fuel Co. Fuel - Library 21.16 9 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 37.99-380 It. Tachell Painting & papering 44.00 1 'eater Pay Roll Water Dept. 162.18-2891-5 ..• Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 4.95 6 Grinnell Co. Material 41.73 7 City of Seattle Nater 37.24 8 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 155 Communication read from Katherine E. Sartori relative to replat of Blocks 1 and 22 Sartorisville and advising that Mr. S. G. Schaudies, of Vincent D. Miller is their represent- ative. Same was filed. Engineer's report read on replat of Blocks 1 and 2, Sartirisville stating that same does not comply with the Platting Ordinance. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report be received and city attorney instructed to notify Vincent D. Tviiller representative of the engineer's findings. Carried. Communication read from the Park Board advising us that the ball park has been leased to the Athletic Field for a period of one year beginning April 1, 1940. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the request of the Lions Club to conduct a Rodeo was granted subject to the approval of the Park Board. Carried, Tom Dobson, Jr. on behalf of certain organizations presented to the Council Resolutions asking that a Community Center be erected in Liberty Park under 14PA labor. The matter was referred to the City Property Committee for report. Communication read from the Park Board in regard to the location of the Community Center and stating that all Clubs were in favor of Liberty Park as the location and stating that the Park Board has agreed to allot sufficient ground for the building but assume no responsibility in the con- struction or maintenance of the building. Moved by Williams, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the Park Board in granting a site to the Community Center be concurred in and the City Administration go on record as favoring the park as a site for the building. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on material to be supplied for concrete walks and curbs on Houser j"lay in Renton, the following was received: Stoneway Dock Co. . . . . ; 1278.50 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the contract be awarded the Stoneway Dock. Carried. 1,1oved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the city attorney notify all persons having signs or awnings that are hazardous to remove same at once. Carried. The Washington Cities Convention meet at Everett May 23rd and 24th and the Mayor, Isackson and Plano were named as delegates. Ordinance amending Subsection &"A" of Section 23, Ordinance No. 451 granting to the C. Me & St. Paul Ry. Co. read and on motion referr8d to the Ordinance Committee. - Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 142, granting to the C. Ile & St. Paul Ry. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance licensing pin ball machines read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance providing for the xxx issue and delivery of refunding Bonds in the sum of $37,000. read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. 156 matter of Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that through spots on Factory at. be turned over to the it. & Alley Committee for action. Carried. lfoved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that a Local Improvement District be created for the oiling of certain 'ltreets in orth Renton. Carried. No fvrthur business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Yayor 157 May 21, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Mrs . Jean nelson to erect a garage at 315 Smithers St. Francis Beanblossom to reshingle house at 345 Main St. No. Herman Covey to alter front of store by changing window and door at corner of Wells & Walla Walla Avenue. Henry Johnson to reshingle house at 524 i7illiams St. Donald Niemi to erect house on Lot 4, Block 7, Town of Renton. Robert Lowery, Jr. to repair foundation and porch at 327 Cedar St. George Brown to repair foundation of house at 719 5th Ave. A. H. Lynn to erect a house and garage on Lot 1, Block 24, Town. Loved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Gin Niccoli to erect a barn at 529 rain St. North read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the petition be held up for investigation. Carried. Petition of the P. a. P. & L. Co. to install pipe brace anchor at 5th between VYells & Main St; also to replace pole on corner of Shattuck and Seventh Ave. Proved by I'uilliams, seconded by Burrows that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from the Renton Business & Professional Women' s Club commending the action of the Council in selection of site for Community Center Building and filed. Communication read from Baker,Stewart & Palmaw, architects on the new Fire Station stating that the plans as submitted to the WPA were satisfactory, the estimated cost to be about $30,000. ; their fee to be 50 of the cost and submitting bill in the amount of $300.00 for preliminary work and drawings for the new fire station. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that same be referred to the Mays & Means Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the question of sewage on top of the hill be referred to the Health Officer for investigation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: 158 �s R v ?+1 c V��a Current C. E. Louther Police Exp. 3.58-393 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 69.87-394-5-6 Pmget Sound News Co. Library Books 39.76-398 Harry Hartman Library Books 27 .16 9 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 29.56-400 Waters Specialties Supplies 1.12 1 Benton Hdw & Furn it 3.58 2 Pettie Printery Printing 3.57 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 28.25 4 .. J. S. Hardie Labor - Park 28.00 5 C. Haleway Repair fork 1.60 6 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 11.55 7 E.P.WIlson Co. Attys Rent 15.00 8 Trick & Murray Supplies 7.65 9 Pac. Tel "' Tel. Co. Telephones 49.22-410 Park Labor Payroll 49.50 411-12 Remington Rand, Inc. Repair `York 1.79-413 John Watson Dog Catcher 15.00-414 City at. Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. (Houser Vlay) 'p'124.75-3165-6-7 Pay Roll City Sts. 468.37-3164-68-77 Pay Roll City Sts. 177.24-3178-83 Steve R. Tedzak Hauling timber Houser -qday 40.00-3184 Republic Creosoting Creosote Cil it 15.30 5 Charles R. Watts & Co. Material " 48.65 6 Renton Auto Freight Drayage it 1.68 7 Pae. Car & Foundry Material if 49.83 8 Fred Peacock Truck Hire ►r 18.75 9 Albert H. Erickson Boat Rental 20.00-3190 Pae. Car & Fdry Material 33.25 1 dater Pay Roll Water Dept. 9173.16-2902-6 Olympic I'Lailing Co. it plates 6.53-2907 Pettie Printery Printing 3.57 8 Spokane Chronicle Legal Publication 5.98 9 Moved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee recommenddd that the outside of building at Sweet Center be painted. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report be received and the city call for bids. Carried. Lease of building on 1st Avenue North formerly leased to W. G. Savage Co. and now drawn in favor of Idanner Mayner Kotor Co. for a �eriod of three years beginning May 1, 1940 at a monthly rental of 25.00 per month read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the lease be executed by the proper city officials. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the following ordinances: Ordinance 1099 amending Subsection "A" of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 451 granting to the C. 11, & St. Paul Railway a franchise.read Ordinance Nc. 11021 amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 142, granting to the C.rji.& St. Paul a franchisee rea Ordinance No. 1101 .)roviding for the issue and delivery of Refunding Water revenue Bonds in the sum of 337,000. Moved and seconded that the report of the Ordinance Committee be veceived and Ordinance No. 1099 placed upon its second and third readings, and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, neA.c�T � rebenir_i. 159 Moved and seconded that the report of the Ordinance Committee be concurred in and Ordinance No. 1100 placed upon its second and third readings. It passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. The report of the Ordinance Committee on Ordinance No. 11.01, for the issue and delivery of Refunding 'Nater Revenue that same Bonds in the sum of $37,000. being favorable it was mlved -and secondees �. upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Williams, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Carried. Tha Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the Pin Ball Licensing Ordinance. Moved and seconded that the report be concurred in and Ordinance passed on to its second and third readings. the 1�xtion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence No. Isackson No. Burrows No Williams Yes Plano No Deacy Yes Gebenini Yes. Motion lost. Resolution No. 537 for the improvement of Pelly St. from 4th Ave. No. to 6th Avenue No. and that portion of 5th Avenue North from the alley between 'quells St. No. and Main St. No. to Park St. and Main St. Forth from 5th Ave. No. to 6th Ave. No. by grading and oiling the same read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the lights on Frain St . be referred to the Fire, Light ,Vater Committee for report. Carried. Acting Engr. McCracken asked whether or not it was advisable to make another driveway into the park off tI user Way. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that no additional driveways be made. Carried. The question of the portal on Bronson Way North obstructing traffic view was discussed. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that the same be referred to the City Property Corzaittee�and the city Engineer with powerto act. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. lrfmla-t T?:&-zr�l City Clerk Mayor 160 11INUTES OF FdEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL - June 4, 1940 The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Benablossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini, " illiams Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Superintend- ent., were read: Frank Oustine to add neer; window and change 3 other windows at 620 Bronson V ay.North. John A. Thompson, erection of garage, frame construction, shingle roof and sides, Lot 3 Block 4, Car Works Addition. 0. B. Tully, remodeling home by extending rear wall, Lot 12 Block 16 Car V1orks A_.dition. Vito Poli, erection of residence, Tract 37, Highland Addition. Mrs. Blanche Hughes, repairing house, rwnewing under-pinning and repairing porch, Lot 9 Block 19, Original Plat of the Town of Renton. The foregoing applications for permit were all appooved by the acting City Engineer. Regularly moved andseconded that all petitions so approved by granted. Carried. A report to the City Council was made by Mayor Beanblossom on receiving money for water refunding bond. A communication was read to the Council from Mr. John A. Thompson with reference to oiling of Fourth Avenue North. Regularly moved and seconded that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, with power to act. Motion carried. �. Application frog: the Puget Sound Power and Light Company for re- location of pole on Williams Street; the same being approved by the Street and Alley superintendent. The application was ordered granted. Resolution No._ 2 ordering and directing improvement of certain streets by oiling, was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ori -nce Committee reported favorably on the passage on Resolution No. 9—. Thereupon it was regularly moved and seconded that the Resole on be put on second and third reading. Motion carried. On the final passage of the resolution it was carried, those voting aye being: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. At this time there was filed with the acting City Engineer the application of 1,1r. Weiberg to change the stairway of the old Renton theatre, the petition being approved by the City Engineer, it was regularly moved and seconded that the same be granted carried. The Finance Committee audited and recom_meAded for payment the following claims, to-wit: Current: Pay Roll Eng. Dept. $132.24 J Pay Roll Eng. Dept. 59.83 Pay Roll Water Dept 189..12 Pay Roll Street 396.24 Pay Roll Street " 315.36 Baker, Stewart & Palmaw Fire " 300.00 nub City Chevrolet Police t1 Car rental 24.00 Viouefs Pharmacy Police " Medicine 1.67 161 Owl Cafe Prisoners keals 31.85 Reid & Cook Supplies 13. 51 Service Laundry Laundry 9.46 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Road Oil - St.Dept. 382.00 L. P. Wood Labor (Bowling Green) 60.00 Campbell Hdwe. & Supply Co2 doz. shovels (St. Dept) 7.85 Stoneway Dock Co Sand - 20 yds. tt it 36.21 Seattle Water Dept. Prater 47.12 0. Priebe Labor on tools It It 19.64 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 4.08 Valley Window Cleaners City Hall - Labor 2.00 Shearer' s Sheet Metal Shop Concrete Edger (Eng. Dept) .85 Stoneway Dock Co. 112 2/5 Yds.Conerete and expansion joints material 790.30 Renton Hdwe Supplies (Houser VYay) 23.00 Kuker & Ranken Supp-_ies . 77 Jas. Ashurst Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50 John Neal if It it 12.50 Wm. Reans tt tt 11 12.50 Joe Venishnik it 4.20 Jack Williams Park Labor 54.00 Toots Bunstine it if 54.00 E.P.Wilson Co. Office Rent (City Atty( 15.00 Art Beilt s Garage 'later Dept. Car 7.33 Police It it 64.45 Regularly moved and seconded that the recommendations of the committee be concurred fin, carried. It was reported to the City Council that Garden Avenue was obstructed by bard wire, and the same was ordered removed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. J Paul F. Green Actibg City Clerk. Geo. W. Beanblossom MAYOR 162 - I � � '� �° 165 MINUTES OF I::EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL June 18, 1940 The Council met in regular session at 8;00 P.M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Calc; Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebinini, Williams. 11inutes of the last regular meeting were read and •- approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Superintenddnt were read; Petition from the Pacific Coast Railroad Co. regarding the moving of the east portal read and referred to Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Petition from Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to move poles. Granted. Petition from Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to replace poles. Referred to Street Superintendent with power to act. The following building permits approved by the Building Superintendent were read; Safeway Stores, Inc. to erect temporary banner across .,yells Street at new Safeway Building. Lewis A. Argano to remodel old theatre building by changing entrance, marquis, heating system, and furnishings. John Tomich to erect residence and garage on Lot 171 Block 7, Car Works Addition. J. H. Lawrence to repair residence, porch and foundation on Lot 1, Block 18, Renton Farm Plat. Geo. L. Colwell to repair, reshingle house and paint at 338 N. Main St. M. H. Hall to erect frame garage with concrete floor and foundation and construct approximately 40 feet of concrete sidawalk on side and rear of lot at 1315 7th Avenue. Richard C. Storey to place shakes on side of garage and reshingle porch at 108 N. Main St. Mrs. C . S. Huitt to remodel home by putting composition brick siding, enclosing front porch and putting in three windows of different size, on Lot 2 , block ?,Car '+'forks Addition. H. A. Freyman to tear down house at 209 'V'"Tells St. Frances Lopan to remodel house and construct septic tank at 0. 746 Grant Street. i i Peter Ballatore to move house from lot 19, block 21, Car Works Addition to lot 3, block 2, Car Yorks Addition and add bathrc; m. Mrs. Jennie Brown to erect garage on rear of lot 15, block 13, Renton Farm Plat No. 2, and erect fence. Lewis A. Argano to tear down garages in rear of Arganc Apartmentst and remodel apartments bl: relocating entrance. IXTT 1�7 The foregoing building permits were all approved by the acting Engineer. Regularly moved and seconded that all permits so approved be granted. Carried. Protests of John Suffia and Elias Niemi on North Renton oiling read and ordered filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment, the following claims, to-:,Tit: CURRENT Pay Roll Eng. Dept. (Houser �iay) 84.82 It It►t ,r Eng. Dept 107.28 Street Dept. 344.60 'Vater Dept. 88.33 Park Dept. 99.00 Easter and Ceteznik Police Dept. 1.27 John Viatson Dog Catcher 24.00 Strnard' s Photo Shop School Boy Patrol 43.50 The Lumber %;arket Park Dept 14.94 The Lumber 1arket Park Dept. 8.52 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Rouser `�Vay 13.87 Grinnell w Co. Supplies - ,,later Dept. 6.85 Grinnell & Co. Supplies - Mater Dept. 4.85 Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. Supplies 12.70 Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. Supplies - dater Dept. .49 Shell Oil Co. Gasoline 140.00 Frank Rhodes Supplies - 3t. Dept. 18.71 Thos. Harries Agency Premium on bonds 80.00 Tom Dobson & Son Premiums on bonds 35.00 White & fuel Transfer Coal for city hall 52.53 Ohio Chemical & 1v1.fg. Co. Fire Dept. 9.61 Renton News Record Supplies and Printing 80.15 Frank E . Rhodes Supplies - Fire Dept. 9 .64 `,... 'lest Disinfecting Co. Supplies - City Hall & Park 13.76 The Lumber i;"arket Houser `quay 30.03 Walter Greb Transcript of Inquest 15.73 hearing for Ernest Smothers Resolution No. , ordering and directing improvement of certain streets by oiling and grading, passed. Ordinance1o. .�` pertaining to the grading and oiling of Pelly St. et al, was reported on favorably by the ordinance committee, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy, Gebinini, and Williams. No further business, meeting adj urned. r CITY CLERK nYOR 7 1TINUTES OF MEETING OF TIES CITY COLICIL Tj July 2, 1940 The Council met in regular session at 8;00 P.Ti. with 1%yor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isaeson, 3urrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebinini. Yinutes of the last meeting were read and wnproved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building superintendent were read; Petition of r„Iike 1,11. Cooper to reshingle house, build porches on front and rear of house on lot 24, block 23, Renton Farm Plat. George Gardin to reshingle house at 434 Burnett St. E. J. Tey to remodel old store , rebuild into apartments in Roxy Theatre Building. L. H. Reynolds to reshingle house and replace gutters, remodel porch, reducing size to 7 x 9 feet and paint house on lot 21, block 1, Smithers lst Addition. E. H. Flaherty to install boiler in Devonshire Cream Shop at 315 'Wells St. Andrew Unick to remodel house by raising it and putting in full concrete basement at 800 High Street. Mrs. J . Vidmar to reshingle house with asbestos shingles at 500 Renton Avenue. The foregoing building permits all being approved by the Engineer, it was regularly moved and seconded that all permits so approved be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment, the following claims, to-wit: Xm. Reans Fire Dept. 12.50 John Neal ” " 12.50 Joe Venishnik " " 12.50 Jim Ashurst " " 12.50 U nion Cil Co. 20.20 Valley Uindow Cleaners 2.00 Kent News Journal 1.50 Ray Barrett 6.50 Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop 12.64 Stoneway Dock Co. 389.82 11. Hawkins 12.00 Renton Cafe 108.30 "I'datkins Products 5.61 Ernest J . Kendtner 18.75 LePage .:cKenney Co . 47.84 Stoneway Dock Co. 6.89 City of Seattle 'Nater Dept. 133.48 John Dower Lumber Co. 2.86 Trick & Murray 4.78 L. P. flood Park Dept. 60.00 Renton Chronicle 7998 ... C. Bevan . 65 E. P. Wilson Co. 72.00 E. P. v'lilson Co. 25.00 E. P. Wilson Co. 5.00 Paul J. Houser 3.50 E. P. Wilson Co. 15.00 Renton Hardware Co . Library 28.92 Mdilillan Co. It 58.90 Harry Hartman Library 7.85 Puget Sound News Co. it 17.80 Payroll City Street 299.69 it Eng. Dept. 109.78 " Houser `Ajay 67 .36 " Water Dept. 107.29 " City Street 281.44 " Park Dept. 105.75 Petition from Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to relocate pole on Rouser Iday. Granted. Letter from C. 1,1. 13't. P. & P. RR. Co. regarding. telegraph franchise read and placed on file. Report of acting City Engineer regarding oiling of Fourth Avenue et al, read. Ordinance 14o. 1103 relating to ahay.ing was read and reported on favorably by the Ordinance Committee. loved and seconded that the repot of the Ordinance Committee be received and Ordinance No. 1103 placed upon its second and third readings, and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye ; Isacson, Burrows, plano, Deacy and Gebinini. Roved and seconded that light be installed in Tonkin Park to permit band practice. Carried . & Claims of 'William, Huldah Ann Smothers, and Alice Traverso in death of Ernest Smothers read, and referred to City Attorney. No further business, meeting adjourned. CITY CLERK 1L; YOR I i 164 MINUTES OF THE 1EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL A -,4 W July 16, 1940 The Council met in regular session at 8;00 P.M. with 11ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isacson, Lawrence, 'Nilliams, Deacy and Gebinini. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Superintendent were read. T.rs. Rose Lamsek to reshingle house at lot 9, block 34, 3mithers Addition to Renton. H. 1>elly to erect garage at 400 N. Jells it. Trrs. 4iinona Smyth to reshingle house at 830 T.:arion it. J. il. dilliams to put asbestos siding on house on lot 6, block 12, Renton Farm Plat. Dick Storey to construct fireplace in house at lot 8, block 24, Renton Farm Plat, Joe Thomasto reshingle house at 124 Pelly Street. The foregoing building permits all being approved by the Engineers it was regularly moved and seconded that all permits so approved be granted. Carried. Application from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. read, approved by Street Superintendent and referred to Street � Alley Committee with power to act. Report by Engineer on Fourth Avenue et al, oiling job, showed I amount of protests to be 16.4;0. Read and ordered filed. Mod Petition of E. F. Tietz and Louis Jelaurenti to open alley between lots 8 and 9, block 12, Town of Renton, read and referred to Engineer. Report by Engineer on oiling assessment read and anproved. Report on claim of Alice Traverso by the City 1�ttorney read. Moved and seconded that re )ort be accepted, and claimant notified that claim had been rejected. Report on claim of William Smothers and Huldah Ann Smothers by the City Attorney, read. iroved and seconded that report be accepted and claimants notified that claims had been rejected. Mloved and seconded that City Attorney contact ',fanner T.ayner Motor Co. regarding lease. V1000 "9 OWW Ox% OM 4000Y Moved and seconded that Mlidget auto Races be referred to City Property Committee with power to act. I Extension of Houser ':Yay to Stoneway Dock Co . explained by City Attorney. Preliminary plans were presented by the Engineer and adopted for recommendation to estate authorities. Engineer reported that arrangements had been made with the Park Department to transplant the trees at the south poi°tal in the fall. Resolution No. 540 expressing the appreciation of the City to the 116th -quartermaster Regiment, for the participation in he Fourth of July celebration at Renton, read. Moved and seconded that .,. .a ., ,..,�._.�.,.. _ .. „�.-,. .....�..,., .. 173 same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance Igo. 1104 relating to grading and oiling of Fourth Avenue et al, was read and reported on favorably by the Ordinance Committee. Ivoved and seconded that the report of the Ordinance Committee be received and Ordinance Ido. 1104 was placed upon its second and third readings, and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye; Isacson, Lawrence, -dilliams, Deacy and Gebinini. The Finance Committee audited end recommended for payment, the following claims, to-wit: Clarence Dullahant Fire Dept. 24.00 Mem. Reans it " 24.00 E. Rouse " " 10.00 Williams & McKnight " " 27.73 P ettie Printery Current 8.67 Waters Specialties 5.61 Frank E. Rhodes Fire Dept. .61 Cochran Paint Co. Police Dept. 9.59 Pacific Telephone Co. 51.49 Kuker-Ranken Co. Eng. Dept. 2.91 Cochran Paint Co. Park Dept. 3.62 Cochran Paint Co. Park Dept. 4.74 Ivan Lee Park Dept. 9.12 Chas. E. ;atts Co. 29.43 Chas. E. ', atts Co. 4.59 Art Beil' s Garage 6.17 Cochran Paint Co. Houser play 4.13 Pettie Printery 3.57 Cochran Paint Co. 1.94 H. W. Wilson Co. Library Dept. 10.00 J. Warshall &, Sons Police Dept. 4.98 Jim Chadwick 14.03 11. Hawkins Police Dept. 12.00 C . Haleway Police Dept. 1.50 Al Morgan Police Dept. 3.13 Kenny Eakle Houser Way 2.04 Al Trimm 13.26 Shell Oil Co. 130.20 Preston Itiiill Co. Houser ',lay 21.55 Oscar Priebe it It 5.30 Oscar Priebe it it 14.35 Vdilliams &. Jwanson 4.59 Cochran Paint &. Hdw Co. 18.57 Ernest Kendtner Houser ;ay 55.25 Brendel Drug Co. Police Dept. 4.18 Brendel Drug Co. 4.59 Hub City Chev Co. Police Dept. 8.00 Jack Watson Police Dept. 24.00 Renton Variety Store Park Dept. 5.46 Art Beil' s Garage It 1.02 Williams & IaIcKnight " 48.79 Puget Sound News Co. Library Dept. 5.95 Gaylord Bros. " 2.92 Edwin Allen Co. " 26 .10 Edwin Allen Co. " 6 .70 �.: Payroll City Street 352.80 ft Spcl. Concrete Fund 8.78 " Houser i ay 52.79 " L.I.D. 195 24.95 it Park Dept. 108.00 ►r Water 83.84 " City Street 310.16 Eng. 87.32 No further business, the meeting was adjoi. rned. l MAY40 C �Y CLERK QJ 1741 1`�TITdUTES OF THE T FETING OF THE CITY COTNC IL fty�� August 69 1940 The Council met in regular session at 8;00 P.1 . with 1ayor 3eanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isacson, Lawrence, 11illiams, Dea.cy, Plano, Gebinini and Burrows. The following petitions, approved by the Building Superintendent, were read. J. D. Iiougardy to build new front porch and paint outside of house at 529 Park Avenue. Thomas E. Henehan to repair house by putting on composition roof and repairing foundation at 217 Iain St. Douglas R. Rowe to erect two-room house on rear of lot 12, block 13, Renton Farm Plat. Estella K. lionolion to erect four-room house, composition roof on lot 18, block 10, Renton .farm Plat. John Diambri to remodel house on lot 24, block 14, Renton _.Sarm Plat. H1 l+reyman to erect three-store building on lot 18, block 22, Town of Renton. Harold Phinney to close in back porch at 212 Logan St. James Gigli to put new roof on front porch at 128 Logan 3t. Emil Jacob to open up attic and make one room at 41'. Renton Avenue. John Repovz to make concrete floor in basement of house at 803 Grant St. John Peternell to reshingle house at 519 N. lain St. 1ary Sternad to erect 3-room house of frame construction and cedar shingle roof on lot 10, block 1, Smithers 4th Addition to Renton. h. S. 11artin to construct six-room house, frame construction, shingle roof, on lot 22, '.galsworth' s lst Addition to Renton. The foregoing building permits allbeing approved by the Engineer, it was regularly moved and seconded that all permits so approved be granted. Carried. Letter from seting City Engineer stating that no protests had been received on the Pelly Street et al oiling job, read and ordered filed/ Petition from Puget Sound Power w Light Co. to remove anchor at Houser 'qday and Bronson ';day. Granted. Petition from Pacific Telephone oc Telegraph Co. to replace various poles and anchors, read and referred to Street Superintendent with Dower to act. Liquor Ordinance Ido. 1105 read and referred to Ordinance Committee. City Property Corimittee reported on I,:idget 1'1uto Races. Toved and seconded that City Attorney take up with Renton Lumber & Supply Co. , the matter of cleaning up their lot at 2nd and Logan St. Carried. 175 I,:oved and seconded that the salary of the Aicting City Engineer be raised to 9"7.00 per day, retro-active July 1, 1940. Carried. The finance Comrlittee audited and recommended for payment, the following claims, to-wit: Home Oil Co. Claimed 824.67 Stoneway Dock Co. Claimed 44.88 Diesel Oil Sales C^ . Claimed 137 .45 .ono City Transfer Claimed 162.00 Williams & Swanson Police Dept. 5.02 Kuker-Ranken Co. Eng. Dept. 2.14 Ii. W. Wilson Co. Library Dept. 22.20 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Dept. 30.89 J. F. Crook, Secty. Eagles 10.00 Maters Specialties 1.53 Cochran Paint Co. 3.37 Junior Literary Guild Library Dept. 23.49 dilliams & avanson 5.41 Lester Card Houser Vlay 94.13 Ernest Kendtner Houser Way 25.00 Cochran Paint Co. Houser Way 3.40 Fairbanks, T,:;orse & Co. 2.61 Cochran Paint Co. Street Dept. 10.71 Cochran Paint Co. 2.91 Union Oil Co. 2.36 Hugh C . Purcell Co. 12.24 destern Tractor W Equip Co. 16.14 Campbell Hdw Co. 8.19 City of Seattle Nater Dept. 198.16 Ralph's Garage 4.08 Olympic Foundry Co. 47.79 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co. 46.36 Pacific Telephone Co. 56.47 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 384.17 rt It n n 131.81 �t t� rt rt 35.09 City Transfer Co. 378.00 The American City 2.00 L. P. Wood 60.00 Oscar Priebe 28.15 Jobie White 6.08 Vioue' s Pharmacy 5.17 dm. Reans Sleeper 12 .50 Joe Venishnik " 12.50 Jas. Ashurst " 12.50 John Neal " 12.50 Cochran IIdw Co. Fire Dept. 2.75 Reid & Cook it " 3.14 H. Fiskaali " " 10.69 Frank E. Rhodes " " 1.88 Payroll - Park Dept. 121.50 Payroll - City Street, Claimed 350.79 Payroll - City Street, Unclaimed 411.48 Payroll - 'eater Dept. 113.78 Payroll - L.I.D. 196 24.95 Payroll - Eng. Dept. 119.75 Cochran Paint d� IIdw Co. Police Dept. 3.38 Owl Cafe Police Dept. 53.25 176 The following is a copy of a letter received by Mr. W. F. TycCracken from the dorks Progress Administration; �JORKID PROGRESS ADY.11N13TRATION STA'L'E OF 101,1,,SHINGTON July 30, 1940 W. F. 1�IcCracken Asst. City Engineer Renton, ashington Subject: Renton Streets & Alleys Loc . No. 17-5-663 Dear Sir: VJe wish to remind you that we have notyet received the necessary information so that we may open the new project. Unless immediate action is taken, all work on Renton Streets will terminate on Friday, Augu8t 2nd. Very truly yours, ,101M.S PROJECTS AD1INISTRATI0I3 By Harry 2. Isler, Dist. Director of Operations The following is a copy of a letter written by W. F. 1 cCracken to the forks Progress Administration in answer to the above ; August 2, 1940 Harry F. Isler, Dist. Director of Operations Works Progress Administration Seattle, dashington Dear Mr. Isler: Your letter of July 30th giving notice of immediate shutdown of work here was received. During your visit here last week, three of us connected with the City of Renton, understood you to say that the plans w'-Lich you examined would be approved by your organization and that work would proceed inLmediately. This office has continually tried to cooperate in every matter concerning your work here. 2�.s your letter does not state specifically what information is needed, I attempted to reach you by telephone. You were out, so I called I.r. T. :i. Owen, who advised me in the matter. In the same spirit of cooperation which we mutually agreed upon during your visit and to Pvoid further delay, it is our desire to confine our time and efforts to the essentials and thereby resume work as soon as possible. With this in rlind and also to prevent future misunderstandings as to just what is required, we request that the proper official in your organization advise us by letter. Please include in this letter all of Ts. Owen' s verbal advice and any subsequent revision. An immediate reply will be appreciated as the present situation will be discussed at our City Council meeting next Tuesday evening, August 6th. I.ay we also request that in the future you mail us any and all information regarding changes in requirements from the sponsor so that ;re may by use of a permanent 177 file and have such information available at all times. Very truly yours, W. F. MCCRt?CKEN .'acting City Engineer There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ILL �-�� � :iIYOR 0 CITY CLERK 178 August 20, 1940 The Council met in regular session t 8;00 P.1`% with I ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isaacson, Lati^rrence, Williams$ Burrows, Deacy, Plano and Gebinini. The following petitions, a-)proved by the Building Super- intendent were read. John ,,foods to repair house at 139 'iilliams St. by putting on new composition roof. Charlotte Rendtner to repair house at 427 '4illiams St. by putting on composition roof. E. A. Shearer to repair house at 410 '�lilliams I:')t. by putting on new composition roof. J. l. Allan to repair house by reshingling roof with cedar shingles at 419 ','lilliams St. P.S.P .&..L Co. to repair steps at Renton lineroom on 'ailliams St. house C . Charboneau to erect 4-room/and bath of frame construction on Lot 1, block 3, Lake 'lashin -ton Plat. Clyde Charboneau to repair house by putting on new cedar shingle roof at 339 N. T, ain Jt. J. F. Snyder to construct and enclose porch on rear of house. Pete Bisiack, :ter. to erect garage - cement and tile construction - at 1401 7th :ve. ..rs. 2. H. Beaman to repair house by reshingling at 7 'J'illiams .3t. Chris Bevan toremodel house Ct 312 Srnithers St. by installing dormer window. Thomas n'arrow to remodel house on lot 10, block 1, Lake '. ashington addition, by adding three rooms. Henry Johnson to reshingle house on lot 7, block 37 , Smithers 3rd l=ddition. The foregoing building permits all being approved by the Engineer, it was regularly moved and seconded that all permits so approved be granted. Carried. Letter from City Engineer stating that no protests had been received on the 4th Avenue et al oiling job, read and ordered filed. The 2ina.nce Committee audited and recommended for payment, the following claims, to-wit: Strnard' s Photo chop 7.90 Vioue' s Pharmacy 4.10 P.S.P.&.L. 11.64 Remington Rand, 10.20 Pq3*P,&*L, 384.11 Trick Tiurray 41.48 Reid Cook 22.31 Vioue' s Pharmacy 2.98 Paid ?. rlouser Advertising 4.59 Pacific Telephone Co. 53.12 179 Hugh G. Purcell Co. 110.93 Grinnell w Co. 45.84 p.S.r.C,�.L.Co. 172.83 Home Oil Co. 824.67 Gladding I'IcDean Co. 21.06 Gladding P=IcDean Co. 4.59 Payroll - City Street - Claimed 279.92 Payroll - Eng. Dept. Special 52.00 Payroll - Eng. Dept. 154.48 Payroll - Park Dept. 112.50 Payroll - ',Water Dept. 92.35 Payroll - City Street 383.78 There being no Further business, the meeting was adjourned. YO owwle9 CITY CLERK tr.. II �.J 180 .nom p ctN September 3, 1940. The Council met in regular session at 8;00 P .M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call : Isacson, Lawrence, VAlliams, Burrows , Deacy, Plano and Gebinini. The following petitions, approved by the Building Super- intendent were read. Tom Dobson, Sr. to erect residence at 10t 7, block 7, Renton Farm Plat. Nss. David Evans to repair house by installing new gutters, new chimneys, and repair front and back steps at 315 Mlorris St. T„Iary 'Lassucco to repair house at 331 Cedar St. by ?cutting in cement foundation. Frank Potts to erect garage on lot 32, highland Addition. Frank Burdulis to repair garage by new composition roof at 519 :ill St. Petitions from Puget Sound Power & L ight Co. to replace and relocate certain poles. Granted. City littorney was asked to contact the aafe-way .More at 2nd and :dells Street, and instruct thea to raise the elevation of their "Parking” sign. Ordinance No. 1106 approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L.I.D. No. 196 for oiling Fourth Avenue et al, was read, and on motion referred to Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee rexoorted favorably on Ordinance No. 1106 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye. Ordinance No. 1107 approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L .I.D. T14 195 for oiling Pelly Street, et al, was read, and on motion referred to Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Coraaittee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1107 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye. Emergency Ordinance creating funds for the construction of a new fire hall read and referred to Ordinance Cormittee. Preliminary budget read and adopted unanimously. The finance Committee audited and recommended for payment, the following ; 'lestern Tire Service 9 .25 Palmer Supply Co. 12.71 City of Seattle '.'later Dept. 95.16 Stoneway Dock Co. 40.00 Signal Gasoline Co. 70.00 Olympic Foundry Co. 21.73 Pennsylvania Salt T,fg. Co. 282.96 Valley `Andow Cleaners 4.00 'Jest Disinfecting Co. 20.05 S. D. LeBlanc 10.00 See Lumber Co. 11.04 181 Tom Dobson 8- ,Son 109.51 Harry Hartman 14.58 Puget Sound News Co. 5.33 United Publishers Association 10.55 Gaylord Bros . Inc. 170.40 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. 9.79 Vioues P harmacy 4.10 Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. 13.72 Art Beil 16.88 Renton Hardware Co. 7 .09 Payroll - City Street Claimed 352.26 Payroll - City Street 374.06 Payroll - Park Dept. 115.33 .Payroll - '.Yater Dept. 95.06 There being no further business, th meeting was adjourned. G. ud. B ]AEBLOSSO1;L Mayor AG LS EDWV'�RDS, C itV Clerk i fir' 182 Sept. 17 , 1940. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. i, by Payor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, Plano and Deacy. 1ainutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building erupt. were read: H. P. 11azel to erect a service station on Lot 7 , Block 6, 3artorisville. H. G. Johnson to reshingle house at 311 +actory St. Joe Baxter to reshingle house on Lot 1, Block 9 , R. 2. P. Cecil E. -oJakelan to tear down old garage and erect new garage and woodshed at 311 Smithers -�t. V. A. Crosby � J. E. Toneri to erect a house and garage on Lot 16, Block 3, Car ,,orks Lary Jtrnard to move small coalshed from Lot 25 Block 1, 3mithers 4th Add to Lot 24, same block. Shelby Good7ain to erect a house on Lot 16, Block 7 , Car 4orks. John Tomich, Jr. to erect a garage at 515 'dells 3t. =north. Ivor Pollock to erect a garage on Lot 11, B16ck 3, Adlits Lake diashington Addition. 71, L?. ` illiams to reshingle house enclose 7porch and make utility room at 404 `.'Jhitworth St. Emmon Beil to erect erect a garage on Lot 12, Block 3, and make addition to small house on Lot 13, Block 3, R. F. P. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that permits be issued. Carried. Petition to break curb for a distance of 20 ft. on of Lot 7, Block 6 ,East end--ofread from ti. F. �iazel. .oved by Deacy, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the supervision of the 't. Supt. Carried. pplication for a card table license for helrose Pool Hall read from Stanley 13kerb ini. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Burrows that same be referred to the Police L License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication read from Secretary of P. T. A. relative to Recreation Center. The City Attorney was instructed to answer the letter. Report from Committee on Eben Badeon purchase of old Rainier Valley rail�ray from ':rhitworth it. to Rainier Valley loved by Burrows , seconded by Lawrence that the city attorney offer ; 450.00 for the purchase of the right of way. Carried. Ordinance 1,o. 1108, appropriating the sum of ;'14,700 . as the city' s share as sponsor for a ;.'PA project for the con- struction of a 'ire hall read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 183 The Ordinance Coi:�mittee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1108 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Plano ,and Deacy. The Lngr reported that the iPA was ready to start work on Renton Ivenue immediately. The following bid for furnishing materials for `• Renton Avenue was opened and read: Stoneway Dock (Check $150.00) 1-2-31- mix at ,`7.20 cubic yd. 1-3-4 mix at %, 6.50 per cubic yd. Total bid ,,21783.00 roved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that the contract for furnishing material be awarded Stoneway Dock Co. Carried. I`,loved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that :„100.00 be paid Tom Sneddon when his house is moved back from Renton St. Carried. The 2inance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 5164.21-707-9 Pay Roll Park Dept. 90.00-710-11 aervice Laundry Laundry 6.71-712 Art Beils Garage Labor L :aterial 5.61 3 i:adigans Prisoners meals 28.70 4 Cochran faint W Hdw Supplies 16.32 5 71anner-1ayner :• otor Co. 11aterial 25.55 6 Bancroft hitney Co. Atty' s Earp. 12.24 7 Renton j-jews Record Printing 3.06 8 Kenny Eakle Services .75 9 Trick & Idurray Supplies 11.76-720 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 13.91 1 Cochran Paint u; tidw Co. Supplies 13.72 2 Rwnton iidw & 2urn Supplies 11.12 3 Art Beils Garage ';gelding 3.83 4 E. H. Stokes Park Expense 4.00 5 City St. 2und Pay -Roll St. Dept. 286.98-3438-44 Pay Roll City ,its. 193.10-3445-51 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 382.69-3452 Charles "Batts 6. Co. St. Material 13.82 3 Campbell Ildw & Supply Idaterial 8.19 4 Cochran Paint & IIdw St. I: aterial 11.92 5 The Lumber It Lumber 9.14 6 ',Dater Pay Roll ',Dater Dept. 84.84-2970-1-2 Grinnell Co. Material 76.67- 3 P., S. P. & L. Co. Power 133.22 4 5... Wannner-I: ayner Motor Supplies 5.97 5 P;oved and seconded that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourne ze /� - ---- '09 I/ dd PW ,4 J"I'/ T Clerk I.ayor 184 October 1, 1940. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. with Iviayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, vlilliams, Plano, and Deacy. Linutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of property owners in the vicinity of Lot 7, Block 3, Car -+orks protesting against a certain auto repair shop read and filed. The following petitions, a;;proved by the Building Supt. were read: atrain Coal Co. to move house from 110 Garden St to 646 Bronson w'lay. L. D. Kendtner to move house from 433 �lilliams St. to :lilliams t. South. Isaac Chapman to move house from rear of Lot 21, Block 9 , R. 2. P. and remodel to Lot 20, Block 15, R. IT. P. Firs. Cora L. I. cCready to erect a house on Lot 9, Block 10, R. F. P. Ivirs. D. Tully to reshin`;le house, and repair same at 121 Logan 3t. Frank Supancik to erect house at 8 Williams '�t. Firs . I,i. Pollock to erect was house and fruit storage building on Lot 25, Block 16 , R. F. P. Rivoli to erect house on Lot 15, Block 5, 1=?enton real Estate Addn. Ed Iddings to tear doom old garage and erect new one at 425 'dells St. ,,To hoved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that permits be issued. Carried. Offer read from Cora 1..cCready for purchase of South 15 ft. of Lot 9 and north 10 ft. of Lot 8, Block 10, R. F. P. for the sum of 475.00 read. r.:oved by Isackson, seconded by ,"illiams that the offer be accepted and Deed executed for same. Carried. Report was made on the DeLuche and L:arlotty houses on Renton St. i. oved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that DeLuche and I:°iarlotty be paid 4100.00 each "then houses are moved. Carried. Engr. re-orted on moving Levar house. m=oved and seconded that the Safeway store be notified to remove sign which obstructs view of traffic on 2nd Avenue, at once. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current John olatson Dog Catcher : 25.50-742 County Treasurer Taxes 4.1.48 3 Pay Roll Engr.. Dept. 70.81-7-14-6 Pay Roll Park Der)t. 3-08. 747-8 Prisoners meals 35. 749 aters Specialties Supplies 4.59-750 Ohio Chemical-'L& %ifg. F. D. Supplies 6.41 1 Cochran Paint & H.dw8 Supplies 2.81 2 Brendel Drug Co. Supplies 2.85 3 Service Laundry Laundry 24.17 4 Harry ILartman Library Books 6.14 5 The 1,11acmillan Co. Library Books 1.69 6 Puget wound h,ews Co. Library Books 8.80 7 185 Jas Chadwick Expenses to Convention 3.56-759 The Lumber Mkt. Engr. Material 1.75-760 ,later Pay R611 later Dept. 195.61-2976-84. City A. 2und Pay Roll City Sts. 337.12-3466-73 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. i`Lh. 107.28-3474-76 Lester Card Truck Hire " 60. 3477 r.., The Lumber Market Lumber 164.31 8 Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. A further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 15yor i J - 186 October 7, 1940. SYLECIAL LEETIIIG OF THE CITY COUNCIL was called to order at 8 p. m. by I'layor BeanVlossom, for the purpose of adopting a budget. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Plano and Beacy. There being no objection to the budget as read, it was Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the budget be adopted as read. Carried unanimously. City Clerk S1 0 lvayor 187 October 15, 1940. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 11inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Request read from James E. Denzer for an extension of time for balance of payment due on Lot 30, Block 3, Car Works Addition. Itiroved and seconded that the request be denied and contract forfeited if payment is not made at once. Carried. The following, petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Aliment and Bausano to erect steel marquis over build- ing at 304 I:Iain St. Mrs. Geo. Atkinson to erect garage at 111 Factory St. J. h. ,` lls to make addition to house on Lot 4, Block 8, Town, read. Joe Cavaletto to erect iwoodshed at 622 Norris St. Geo. Yui. Custer to remodel store front and repair building at 226 dells St. Arthur S. r,Iartin to erect combination garage and s,%rood shed on Lot 5, Block 24, Town. Mrs. Diary Laws to reshingle house at 525 Lill St. Frank Rhodes to change door in Service Station, move car garage around and move hoist to inside of building at 1004 Bronson 'ray. Ii. Beil to tear down old concrete chimney and erect a brick chimney at 110 :Teadow St. Ilrs . M. Lenz to make woodshed into garage at 327 Wells St. North. ri. R. Pratt to erect frame & stucco building on Lot 6, Block 5, Smithers 6th Addition. Frank Burdulis to reshingle house at 519 ILiill St. Itiioved and seconded that all petitions be granted. Carried. - Petition of Frank Spindall to make a lean-to on garage at 321 Mill St. Moved and seconded that same be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. P. S. P. &. L. Co. asks perr7ission to replace pole on h=ain St. forth of First Ave. Borth; move three poles on Renton Ave. south from Deacon dill Bl-dd. I.loved and seconded that same be granted subject to supervision of the St . Supt. Carried. Ordinance No. 1109 adopting a budget for the year 1941 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on '!rdinance No. 1109 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Villiams, Plano, Deacy nd Gebenini. Carried. Ordinance No. 1110, fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1941 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Coramittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1110, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrance, Isackson, Burrows, I'lilliams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Carried. 188 � Ordinance appropriating the sum of t.700.26 in payment of a judgment rendered in favor of Idargaret Ullom fead and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance firing the license fee of pin ball machines and money punch boards read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the Ordinance whereunon it was rlaced upon its second and third read- ings.a -eThe roll requested on the adoption of- the Ordinance resulted as follows: Lavrrence - - ITo Isackson - No Burrows - - No I'lilliams - - Yes Plano - - No Deacy - - Yes Gebenini - - Yes 11'otion lost. Report on the new fill on 8th & Grant was made by the Engr. Yoved and seconded that the matter be referred to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. ?198.15-776-8 John I-latson Dog Catcher 18.00-779 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 49.50 780 Packer Scott Co. Supplies 1.18 1 'laters Specialties Supplies 7.70 2 E. P. 'Milson Co. Atty' s Rent 15.00 3 McFadden & Son Fuel 40.95 4 Valley Y�indow Cleaners Labor 3.75 5 Frank E. Rhodes, F. D. Exp. 1.50 6 Pettie Printery F. D. Exp. 17.08 7 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 58.41 8 E. P. Wilson Police Car Ins. 38.50 9 Cross & ylilliams Police Exp. 1.88-790 Gaylord Bros. Lib. Exp. 25.95 1 Puget Sound News Co. it tt 49.35 2 Columbia Lumber Co. it it 7.24 3 National Book Store tt }' 21.65 4 Royal Typewriter Co. tt tt 38.00 5 Edwin Allen Co. " " .90 6 Service Laundry Ldry 14.83 7 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 47.55 8 North Coast Chemical Supplies 8.15 9 j Cochran Faint & Hdw Supplies 17.34-800 Bancroft 'Thitney Co. Law Books 10.20 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 14.75 2 Reid & Cook Supplies 8.04 3 Art Beils Garage Police Car Exp. 10.71 4 City St. Fund Thos. Sneddon Loving House 100.00-3429 Phil Marlotty if tt 100. 84 Pay Roll ''TPA-.Lc:.bor 13.47-3484-5 Pay Roll City St. fund 440.67-3486-97 Pay Roll ti it tt 130.22-3498-02 Chas. R. 'Flats & Co. St. I:jaterial 23.36-3503 Campbell Hdw & Supply St. 11aterial 31.47 4 Cochran Paint & I3dw Co. St. Material 2.14 5 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. St. A;iaterial 108.73 6 Olympic Foundry Co. St. lt.aterial 53.58 7 Lester Card Truck Hire "4"PA 82.50 8 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 9.98 9 0. Priebe Sharpening tools 14.79-3510 Cochran Taint c�c ??dvi- Supplies 2.60 1 Signal Oil Co. Gas 116.90 2 P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights ' 381.50 3 Nat T=�c , illan Painting city sts. 47 .15 4 R i Uok habor & 11aterial 31. �r `del s Garage emir `.i' .rk . QQ V� Redi & Cook Labor s11aterial 24.99-3004 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 6.12 3 City of Seattle Z^Dater 36.36-3002 Pay Roll Vater Dept. X173.16-2988-94 Trick L h1urray Supplies 36.01-2995 Renton News Record Printing 18.67 6 Nat P.Flcltiillan Painting at reservoir 97.43 7 National 1'-eter Co. Material 57.93 8 Olympic Foundry liaterial 42.84 9 Hersey Mfg Co. it 9.33-300m P. S. P. w L. Co. Power 1 Moved by Deacy, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 'To further business, meeting adjourne . City Clerk T.:ayor 190► 11ovember 5, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1, . with _l.ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isaekson, Burrows, rJillians, Gebenini and Deaoy. 1,'inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The_ followin�7 petitions, allapproved by the Buildin _Superintendent were read: r1argaret Sebelist to tear down shed and erect ' small house and garage on Lot 16, Block 17 , Town. Lena laaroni to make basement, new roof and general repairs to house on Lot 7, Block 34, Smithers 2nd. John F. lviva to erect house on Lot 26, Block 17, -n R. l . P. Mattie Gallowrpy to reshingle house at 1007-4th Ave. First Baptist Church to make addition to building and remodel on Lot 11,Block 33, 8mithers 2nd. r`illiams a Swanson to erect General Petroleum sign at garage on 2nd d11ells St. Leo Rosa to erect a hoist room at 533 Grady VIay John J. harries to tear down old garage and erect a new garage at 401 1,T orris St. loved by Lazrr� .ce, seconded by Burrows that all . petitions be granted. Carried. Bill in the amount of "'96.00 presented by Sam. Hough for injury received in spraining ankle at City '""all. l,'loved and second-4d that the bill be turned over to the ;ways L l:-eans Committee for report. Carried. Report read from city attorney on the question of the state removing gravel from lots in Renton Real Lstate' s Addition thereby creating a nuisance and stating that the State would deed this property to the city after gravel had been femoved. ldoved and seconded that all objection by the city be withdrawn upon repeipt of letter- from the state. ' Carried. i Fire, Light w 'o-ater Committee denied the petition of I+'. Spindall. 14oved and seconded that the report be received ,and petition for garage denied. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll Fngr. wept. `iPA V 85.30-3518-19) Pay Roll City Sts. 129.22-3521x24 Pay Roll " I it 503.93-3525-33 P. S. P. L L. Co. Replace Pole 25.00-3534 Union Oil Co. Asphalt & Gas 99.'190 5 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 52.09 6 Renton Hdw & Supply Co. Material 4.54 7 C. A. Rockefeller Power Shovel 250. 8 Fred Peacock l.ioving Levar 'ouse 87 .50 9 Lester Card Truckire 116.75-3540 Renton Feed Co. Cement 3.47 1 Renton Auto Freight Drayage --6.00 2 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 4.34 3 The Lumber Market Lumber 56.15 4 J. H. Lawrence Fuel Co. Fuel 13.46 5 E 191 Current Pay Roll Engr Dept. X228.35-817-9 Pac . Tel.& Tel. Co. Telenhones 38.15-821 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.98 3 Renton Ile-vis Record Printing - -8.67 4 A. rthur Riggs Police Expense 7.05 .5 Valley �yindovr Cleaners Labor 2.00 6 '1'rashinSton Bindery Library Books 27 .85 7 J. K. Gill Company Library Books 5.55 8 Charles Scribners Sons Library Expense 45.30 9 L. P. Wood Park Labor 100.00-830 ' Jas. "shurst F. D. Labor 12. 50 1 Joe Venishnick i. D. Labor 12.50 2 John Deal F. D. Labor 12.50 3 Bill Reans 21 . D. Labor 12.50 4 Junior Literary Guild Library Books 114.48 5 Lawrence Fuel Co. Tibr�ry Fuel 53.28 6 iilliams w TucKnight Park Expense 3.06 7 Reid &� Cook Supplies 11.67 8 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 54.30 9 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00-840 E. P. Wilson AttyslRent 15.00 2 ;tater Pay Roll iater, Dept. ;'112.40-3007-10-11 Inter-City Auto Fright Drayage 3. 53-3012 Seattle 'dater Dept23.68 3 Columbia Lumber Co.. Lumber 7.65 4 - � Grinnell Company Material 31.95 5 L.I:D.,#194 Stonetivay Dock 'Co. 1;pLterial Renton St yp700.20-372 Moved by Burrows , seconded by Gebenin.i that the report of the Committee be concurred- in. Carried. City Treasurer named the Peoples National. Bank of. Washington, depositary of city funds. Moved by Lavirence, seconded by Burrows that the depositary named by the Treasurer-be confirmed. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. L(2("11rd City Clerk 1.`avor 192 IT 20, 1940. Regular meeting ,of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1.1. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isaclaon, Burrows, Williams Deacy and Gebenini. fMinutes of the last meetin- read and approved. The following petitons, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Pars. 2annie Illian to erect house on Lot 16 , Block 9 , Tovm of Renton. Victor Diambri to erect house on Lot 2, Block 14, Renton Farm Plat. John Peternel to erect a, house & garage on Govt. Lot 10, Twp. 17 , 23, 5 ( end of PrTaint St) Ruby Evans to enclose steps at house on Lot 8, Black 8, Car 'dorks. 0. Kirlaan to repair foundation of Kirklan Bldg. , corner of Park and 1st Avenue, North. P,`_oved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that permits be issued. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. L L. Co. to set one neer pole on 'Williams :7t. south of the Renton Junction Road. P,iove seven poles on Renton Ave. between 3rd c'. Beacon dill Blvd. Replace one pole on 4th Ave. , East of Morris St. Iaoved by lilliams, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. J. E. Denzer having paid all assessments on Lot 30 , j Block 3, Car -.Yorks Addition, it was Paoved by Burrows, seconded by "rilli=s that a "uit Claim peed be given J. E. Denzer signed by the Paayor and City Clerk. Carried. Ordinance No. 1111, creating an Accident Fund read and on motion referred to the Ord-nance Committee. The Or:7inemce Coruilittee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1111 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a ,:Thole, all councilmen present voting aye : Isackson, Burrows , Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. The Finance Committee audited and recoi nended for -oay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. X177 .68-354-56 .art Beils Garage Police Car Expense 5.05-857 Vince Stewart Expense 5.43 8 Automobile Club School boy patrol expense 18.70 9 Alexander Hotel Police ExDense 2.25-860 Bishop L; Jenkins City hall Fuel 31.62 1 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Engr. Supplies 11.28 2 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 17.08 3 Art Beils Garage Park Expense 1.48 4 Paul '�1. Houser Expenses 6.25 5 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 45.00 6 City St. 2und Pay Roll City St. hind 376.81-3552-9 Pay Roll rr rr it 83.32-3560-3 E. P. ';uilson Co. Insurance 66.80-3564 Chas. R. ';datts Co. Signs 45.90 5 193 City St. Fund Tom, Dobson Son insurance $35.00-3566 GladdinC,.1cBean w Co. 1,1aterial 1.84 7 Shell Oil Company Kersene 7.02 8 Cochran Paint L Hdw Supplies 2.71 9 Lester Card Truck dire 85.00-3570 Olympic Foundry Co tiaterial 16.07 1 Cochran Paint w -dw Sunnlies 11.06 2 alater Pay Roll later Dept:, ;?117.77-3019-22 Cochran Paint L Hdw Supplies 6.39 23 Art Beils Garage P-aaterial 6.62 4 Iaoved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried City Clerk Mayor 194 December 3, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11, . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Mrs. Yary C. Peterson to erect five garages in one unit on Lot 16, Block 6, Car tlorks. George Day to erect house & garage on Lot 5, Block 12, R. F. P. E. P. Wilson to make addition of ten ft to warehouse in rear of aailson Bldg,. , on 3rd Ave. Aksel 11. Anderson to erect a residence on Lot 10, Block 20, R. F. P. 1m. Watkins to tear down and rebuild chimney on Lot 18, Block 23, R. F. P. Mary C . Peterson to move garage from Lot 16, Block 6, to Lot 17, Block 6, Car ' 5` orks Addition. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that all petitions be granted. Carried. C. M. & St. Paul Ry. to renew a forty foot pole, locat- ed on Walla Walla Ave, between 'Williams and 41ells Sts. , read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that the applica- tion be granted. Carried. Bids for chlorine for the year 1941 read from the Hooker-Electrochemical Co. and the Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. in the amount of 9¢ per lb. f.o.b.Tacoma. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the contract be awarded the Hooker-Electrochemical Co. for the year 1941, and that the proper city officials execute same. Carried. Resolution No. 541, pertaining to funds in the city street fund read. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1112 establishing a fire zone on 'Jells St. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1112 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Isackson, burrows , Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. The question of lights on 4th Ave. No. was referred to the Fire, Light & "Eater Committee with power to act. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current 'vest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 5.60-880 Pettie Printery Printing 18.36 1 Custer Hdw Supplies 3.55 2 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 3 P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights 32.18 4 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 43.05 5 Jas. Ashurst Fired Dept. Exp. 12.50 6 Joe Venisnik Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50 7 y,m. Reans Fire Dept. Exp. 12.50 8 John Neal Fire Dept. Ex-o. 12.50 9 195 Frank E. Rhodes Fire Dept. Exp. 7.14-890 Williams & McKnight Supplies 7.01. 1 The Renton Chronicle Fire Dept. Printing 7.00 2 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.36 3 Service Laundry Ldry 22.43 4 Em. Thomas Police Exp. 7.14 5 Donut Kitchen Prisoners meals 38.10 6 i7alter Jordon Dog Catcher 27.00 7 "-" Harry* Hartman Lib. Books 7.84 8 Junior Literary Guild Lib. Books 7,72 9 Puget Sound News Co. Lib. Books 25.20-900 J. K. Gill Co. Lib. Books 19.23 1 J. K. Gill Co. Lib. Books 37.29 2 Cadamus Books Lib. Books 20.19 3 The Macmillan Co. Lib. Books 9.31 4 Demco Library Supplies Lib. Supplies 2.80 5 C. Bevan Lib. Exp. 1.00 6 L. P. :food Park Exp. 60.00 7 Engr. Payroll Engr. Dept. 175.18-908-9-10 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 5.27-911 Standard Oil Co. Gas 67.28-915 E.P.Wilson Co. Atty' s Rent 15.00 6 Paul W. Rouser Judgment-Ullom case 24.80 7 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 40.50 8 Vioues Pharmacy Su plies 5.90 9 Reid & Cook Labor & Supplies 21.89-920 City St. Fund Pay Roll City St. r�"113.99-3574-80 Pay Roll City St. Fund 366.07-3581-88 Lester Card Truck Hire 73.13-3589 Olympic Foundry Material 4.34-3590 P. .S.P.& L. Co. Lights 385.33- 1 .Western Tractor a Equipment Labor & Material 12.98 2 Lumber 11-arket Lumber 27.62 3 Lumber Market Lumber 3.03 5 'relater Pay Roll Water Dept. 71.86-3026-30 City of Seattle Water 30.96 -3031 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 55.47 2 Frank E. Rhodes Supplies 2.55 3 Grinnell Co. Material 53.68 4 Hans Arneson Labor 7.50 5 Rensselaer Value Co. I. aterial 66.97 6 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 4.50 7 L.I.D.#194 Stoneway Dock Co. Material $572.04-373 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 488.68 4 Moved by Deacy, seconded by Burrows that the reo_ ort of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further bu-iness, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 196 rn December 17, 1940. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Floyd Lawrence, Iiayor Pro Tem, presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. A. T. Morgan to break curb 14 ft.- on blain St. at 1i Morgans :Service Station on Lot 3, Block 11, Town of Renton read. - Moved by Williams, seconded by Burrows that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. J. Thompson to move house from Grant St. to 207 dells St. North and remodel same. Ialoved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that same be approved and permit issued. Carried. A. T. Morgan to move hoist from outside building to inside on lot 3, Block 11, Town, read. bToved by Williams, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. - Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace pole on Third Ave. , � est of Renton Ave. Proved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts X131.72-3599-06i Pay Roll City Streets 350.36-3607-14 Frank Allen Fuel 13.70-3615 Lester Card Truck Hire 86.25- 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 419.21 7 Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. Supplies 19.43 8 Western Tire Service Tires 7.64 9 Art Beils Garage I, aterial-Police 1.26-3620 ( 0. Pribe Labor on tools 22.13 1 Western Tractor & Equip. Supplies 4.59 2 Current Puget Sound News Co ibrary Books 16.20-931 P. S. P. &. , L. Co. lights 22.63 2 ' 0. K. Sign Shop Labor 3,00 3 Al. Trimm Fuel 37..18 4 Cross & Williams Police Expense 1.01 5 Ralph Hart Cedar Rope & I.Ireath 5.75 6 Puget Sound Stamp u'Torks Supplies 2.45 7 Art Beils GaraC e Police Expense 4.50 8 Pay Roll Engr. Depat 155.22-939-41 Alden See, Secy For Members Fire Dept. (Services) 600.00-42 Alden See, Secy Services-Fire Dept. 16.00-943 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 4.80 4 Bergmans Drug Store Police Exp. 1.28- 5 Ohio Chemical Mfg. Co. Fire Dept. Expense 9.61 6 Vince Stewart Expenses 5.00 7 A. J. Burney Painting - Library 90.00 8 Harry Hartman Library Books 10.33 9 I, ashington Bindery Library Books 6.88-950 Gaylord Bros " rt 10.25 1 Custer Hardware Company Supplies L.I.D.#194 1.53-375 197 eater Pay Roll Water Dept. 84.34-3040-2 Ralphs G arage Labor 2.04- 3 Clarke Bros. Motor Co. Supplies 3.54 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 110.78 5 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor i . I 198 January 7, 194k. Regular meeting of the 6ity Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Iiayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, l+'+illiams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Tinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition from Bryn I�awr-Water Distt-ict asking for fire service and asking that a meeting be called. 'Moved by Idilliams , seconded by Isackson that same be referred to the Fire, Light & 'Wdater CorLniittee. Carried. Fred Ruppert to reshingle house & replace gutters on Lot 15, Block 1, Gunns Addition. Lewis A. Argano, Exctr. to erect four garages for tenants with store room attached in rear of Argano Building, 3rd Ave, read. Pacific Car & Fdry to move navy scow from plant along 6th Ave . No to Cedar River read. Mrs. Mary C. Peterson to break curb for garages on Lot 16, Block 6, Car U'iorks, a distance of 24 feet. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. &. L. Co. to locate three new-poles on 4th Ave. North, east of Factory; replace one pole on Williams St. North on south side of waterway district. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Deacy that permission be granted. Carried. Bids for furnishing gasoline to the city during the year 1941 were read and referrdd to the City Property Committee. Letter rbceived from Federal f+orks Adency notifying us that the Renton Fire Hall project will be officially opened L►ionday, Jany. 6th. This being the night for opening bids for the printing of the city' s legals the following bid was received: Renton Chronicle - first insertion, 350 per column inch for 8 pt. type, and additional insertions free. Ivoved and seconded that the Chronicle be awarded the contract. Carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 1113, authorizing the purchase of certain real estate needed as a right of way for the extension of 2nd Ave. West to the city limits and directing payment therefor read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1113, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, :Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1114 establishing a Special fund to be known as Park Fund and regulating the expenditure of monies therefrom, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1114 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, . illiams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 199 Ordinance No. 1115 establishing a Special Fund in the City of Renton to be knwon as the Library Fund and regulating the expenditure of monies therefrom read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance ivo. 1115 whereupon it was placed upo:d its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and gebenini. �- Claim for damages to his car on account of stop lite on street not in ,,corking order were filed by Everett Coates in the amount of $208.00 . The claim was denied. Loved and seconded that Ray Barrett be paid $5.00 for moving Jack Bowern house off city property, the location of the new fire station. Moved and seconded that bids be called for painting inside and outside of Sweet Center. Carried. Moved and seconded that bids be called for painting police station and jail. Carried. Moved and seconded that we consult the P. S. P. & L. Co. about proper lights for 3rd & Mills, Houser 1.1ay & Walla Balla Ave. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City Street Fund Lester Card Truck Hire $83.75-3627 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 187.17-3628-30 Pay Roll City Sts. 87.81-3631-35 Pay Roll City Sts 421.97-3636-44 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Repairing transiht;_ 25.50-3645 `.I'he Lumber Ivlkt Lumber 51.24 6 Williams & Swanson Supplies 4.08 7 John Dower Lumber Co8 Lumber 1.48 8 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies .87 9 Union Oil Co. 11aterial 6.42-3650 Renton Feed Co. Material .92 1 Charles R. Watts & Co. L_aterial 14.03 2 Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop Supplies .90 3 .i-later Fund Pay Roll Nater Dept. $ 87.83-3048-52 City of Seattle 'vJater 21.32 53 Ralphs Garage Labor 2.04 4 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 15.15 5 Olympic foundry Co. Material 35.13 6 Clarke Bros . Iv:otor Supplies .72 7 Current Trick & Murray Supplies 65.31-965 Pac. Tel & lel. Co. Telephones 48.07 6 Howard-C000per Corp. Fire Hose 98.25 7 �- Eureka Fire Hose Div Fire Hose 98.25 8 Reid & Cook Labor & Material Fire truck 45.77 9 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 2.45-970 Reid & Cook Supplies 6.72 1 Valley vindow Cleaners Labor 2.00 2 Talter Jordon Dog Catcher 42.00 3 Service Laundry Laundry 12.44 4 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 43.05 5 Frank Allen Fuel Co. Fuel 35.70 6 Moved and seconded that the report of the Committee be con- curred in and bills paid. Carried. o furt e business, meeting adjourned. MAYOR CLERK 200 Jany. 21, 1941. Council met in regular session at 8 P. l, . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. l�linutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to set two poles and one anchor on Dixie Avenue West of Logan St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Signal Oil Company to lay three inch drain tile under walk and parking strip at Signal Oil Station, 2nd Williams St. read. l,loved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of Adina Rivoli to move two sheds from Atteberry property on Commercial Ave. to Lot 17, Block 5, and Lot 18, Block i 5, menton Real Estate Addition and remodel same, read. lioved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the moving be granted and the remodel held up until more information is furnished. Carried. The following petitions, approved by the Building Inspector were read: H. G. Mead to erect a house on 1st Avenue Rorth. airs. Addie Leathley to erect brick veneer house and garage on Lot b, Block 1, R. F. P. Jack Vershnick to tear down garage and erect small house on rear of Lot 8, Block 10, Car1orks. Joe Usibilli to move cabin from Atteberry property to 510 Tobin Ave. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Ivan Iii. Palmaw architect on the new Fire Station Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be filed for reference. Carried. -'ire, Light & Water Committee reporting on street lights at Third w :dill St & Walla Walla Ave. submitted a plan r6commended by the Paget Sound Power & Light Co. lrioved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance granting to the United States of America the right for a period of fifty years: to erect and maintain electric power transmission lines over and across a certain portion of Shattuck Street at its intersection with Seventh 'Avenue in the City of Renton, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for report next meeting night. Ordinance No. 1116 pledging the expenditure of certain funds by the City of Renton, Washington, for the construction of certain work projects administration street improvements read and on motion referred to the Ordinanbe Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1116 whereupon it was placed upon its swcond and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Isackson, Burrows, Williams , Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. 201 Resolution No. 542 for the improvement of Tobin Avenue from Logan to Lake Street by construction of a 6 foot concrete walk read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as -ead. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Library Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights w14.41-1 Redi & Cook Supplies 13.05-2 Tom Dobson & aon Insurance 36.06-3 Park Fund Toots Bunstine Park Labor V45.00-1 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. ;p190.67-1002-3-4 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 220.15-1005-11 J. H. Lawrence Fuel Co. Fuel 31.62-1012 Trick w Murphy Supplies 43.86-1013 Trick & Murray " 1.12 4 Bancroft dhitney Attys. Exp. 4.08 5 Custer Hardware Co.9 Supplies 9.13 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 50.35 B2 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 42.50 7 .The Lumber NTkt Lumber -Fire ata 312.68 8 Jones Auto Darts Police Exp. 4.08 9 F. B. Eylar Engr. Exp. 5.61-1020 Trick & �Iurray Supplies 17.85 1 Ivan M Palmaw Fees - 7ire `station 375.00 2 Paul W. Houser Filing Fee-Deed 1.25 3 City St. eund Standard Oil Co. Gas 8197.82-1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 362.71-2 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies9 4.44-3 Lester Card Truck hire 77.50-4 Pay Holl 'City St. Fund 87.81-5-9 Pay Roll City St. Fund 208.62-10-15 'Vuater Fund Pay Roll dater Dept. 462.88-3061-4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 116.65-3065 Moved by Deacy, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 202 �y 4, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Villiams , Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions were read: Strain Co. :service by addition and alteration to J , present service station also install new gas tank to specifications of Union Oil Company on Lot 8, Bl&ck 7, Car "5orks liddition. J. F. Strnard to tear down old house on Lot 4, Block 5, Sartorisville. The above *petitions having been approved by the Building erupt. it was Yoved by Lai,rrence, seconded by Isackson that permits be issued. Carried. Report read from Health Officer Dixon indicating 57 deaths during the past year and 153 births. Also a report on drinking water in Renton from the State iealth Department showing that Renton has perfect water with no bacteria according to the State Board of Health' s laboratory tests. Communication read from Bonneville Power Administration advising us that the transmission line has been relocated and that it will not be necessary to have a franchise from Renton Council. The City Property Committee was given more time before reporting on the gasoline contracts for the year 1941. Resolution No. 543 requesting Ar6hie Phelps, County Commissioner from the South District to open up Second Avenue from 2nd rive. , nest to Rainier Avenue, read. Proved by Gebenini, seconded by Isackson that same be adopt- ed us read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1117 , prohibiting the loud or unnecessary blowing of automobile horns and providing a penalty for violation read and on motion referred to the Ordinance committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the Ordinance whereby it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Moved by Lawtence, seconded by 'orilliams that Ordinance granting franchise to U. S. Government for Bonnevile Power Admini- stration be postponed indefinitely. Carried. Report was made of progress on removal of 3rd Ave. rails, Moved and seconded that new bids for painting Sweet Center and City Hall be readvertised. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on premix concrete for 3rd Avenue the following was read: Stoneway Dock Co. - - - X905.00 Loved by Williams, seconded by Deacy that the bid be accepted. Carried. This being the night for hearing protests against Tobin &, Logan St. improvement, protests were read. The protests were then referred to the City Engineer, upon checking same, the engr. stated the protest was 32.3%. Ordinance for the improvement of Logan w Tobin St. was read and on motion referr€d to the Ordinance Committee. 203 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: CITY STREET FUND Pay Roll City Streets $241.00-18-21 Pay Roll it " 77.08-22-26 Renton Lumber Co. Lumber 8.51-27 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 21.95 -8 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 124.95- 9 Western Tractor & Equip Material 2.27-30 -- Stoneway Dock Co. Miaterial 1.28-31 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 34.93-17 CURRENT Pay Roll Engr. Dept. ,)155.24-1040-1 Pay Roll Health & sanitation 201.91-1042-45 vialter Jordon Dog Catcher 34.50-1046 North Coast Chem Supplies 15.65- 7 Service Laundry Ldry 15.14 8 Valley ''iindow Cleaners Labor 3.25 9 Trick & Murray Supplies 7.55-1050 Madigans Cafe Prisoners meals 32.55 1 Strnards Photo Shpp Pictures - Police 5.91 2 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 13.86 3 Western Tire Service Garbage .85 4 Stoneway Dock Co. T;Iaterial-Fire Station 48.68 5 Hardie Plumbing & Heating Jail Expense 43.07 6 The Lumber Yarket Lumber - Fire Station 5.36 7 John Neal Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 8 Bill Reans Fire Dept . Labor 12.50 9 — Jas. Ashurst Fire Dept. Labor 12. 50-1060 Joe Venishnick r'ire Dept. Labor 12.50 1 WATER Pay Roll Water Dept. X82.34-3069-71 Palmer Supply Co. Material 10.82-3072 e ity of Seattle Water 21.72 3 Grinnell Company Material 60.78 4 Park Park Labor Payroll q>49.50-2 4est Disinfecting Co. Supplies 5.51-3 Library Fund J. H. Lawrence Fuel X53.88-9 L.I.D. ;/194 Stoneway Dock Co. Pi'laterial X478.62-379 The Lumber Market Lumber 35.38-380 Idoved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Loved and seconded that we adjourn to meet dednesday Feb. 12th, Carried. City Clerk Mayor 204 x Feb. 12, 1941. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. T. . by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. inutes of the last meeting read and approved. This being the night for opening bids on the Fire Station the following were read: l,+orthwest Bolt & Nut Company, fortrusses for complete framework . . . . . . . . . .i?520.00. Lumber Columbia Lumber Company . . . . . 41,177.64 John Dower Lumber Company . . . . 1,252.37 The Lumber I,:arket 1) 225.17 in Reid & Cook Bid #1 1,700.00 Alternate r2 . . . . 1,750.00 Concrete Stoneway Dock Co. . . . . . . . 2,030.00 Structural Steel Pacific Car & i"oundry Co. . 598.00 Steel Sash Fentron 13teel -forks, Inc 356.00 Finish Hardware for Fire Resisting Doors 269.00 Hardware for door ; 106 9 29.00 Reinforcing Steel Seattle Steel Company $4.15 Cwt f.o.b. trucks, Renton. Mioved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that all bids be turned over to the Architect, City :engineer, City Property Cormittee for checking with power to act and authorized to purchase such material as needed in the meantime. Carried. Senate Bill 726, Police Pension Bill was discussed at some Length. Voved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the Council go on record opposing the bill and vaiite our representatives to oppose the bill as it now stands. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor I 205 February 18, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I, . by the Iayor. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, ll approved by the Building Supt. were read: Iver Pollock to make addition to house at 601 6th Ave. N. S. G. Schaudies to erect house on Lot 10, Block 4, 1 v Smithers 5th. Ann Burdulis to construct warehouse with sheet metal exterior on Lot 12, Block 22, Town in rear of building. y- Dominick Aliment to repair garage floor and roof at 531 li'illiams St. y John Perelli to erect garage on Lot 2, Block 15, R. F. P. J. R. Storey to erect house & garage on Lot 15, Block 6 , R. F. P. yrs. John Bausano to erect house on Lot 8, flock 3, Car 'Yorks. Jack Browne to make addition tI house by enlarging break- fast room on Lot 23, Block 1, Smithers. I,Ioved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that permits be issued. Carried. Complaint read from Thomas harries of sunken sidewalk in front of building on :'.'ells St. re Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the attorney write Mr. harries notifying him to repair his sidewalk. Carried. Petition of property owners on Burnett St. asking that the city extend water line from American Legion Hall south 417 feet. Ivioved by Isackson, seconded by `rJilliams that the petition be referred to the j'ire, Light 6; 'Mater Committee to secure agreement to pay without creating a local improvement district. Carried. Proved by Burrows, seconded by dYilliams that the bids for gasoline be awarded the companies having plants or interests here. Carried. (Union, Standard, Richfield, Signal) The Committee on bids recommended that the lumber bid be awarded the Columbia Lumber Company. This being the night for opening bids on painting at Sweet Center, the following were read: J. W. Reans - - - - - - X265.00 J. R. Baxter- - - - - - 336.00 VIB1. Tachell - - - - - - 338.00 C. M. Christiansen- - - 342.00 F. H. Beale - - - - - - 270.00 L. M. Hatfield - - - - 125.00 The bids were referred to the C itynProperty Committee with power to act with instructions to consult the Park Board ._. and find out who pays for the painting. The following bids were received for painting at City Hall: Vim. Tachell - - - - - - :„?258.00 C . M. Christiansen- - - 368.00 J. R. Baxter - - - - - 382.00 J. Wv. Reans - - - - - 345.00 . H. Beale - - - - - 278.00 L. I: . Hatfield- - - - - 270.00 The bids were referred to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. 206 ' Resolution ho. 544 fixing the 18th day of Tv'-arch as the date of hearing on assessment roll District I,'1o. 194, Renton Avenue, read. jtiroved by Deacy, seconded by Gebenini that same be adopted as read. Carried. The erection of a danger sign at corner of Third and Renton Avenue and one at ,Jells St. bridge was referred to the Street & Alley Committee and the rolice Department for selection of proper sign. . Water Supt reported that we should be thinking of increasing the water supply and suggested that we drill a well. The matter was discussed at some length and the Mayor suggested that the Council give the matter some thought. The finance Committee auditedand recommended for payment the following bills : Current Dominic Carpine, Jr. Labor Police Eptppnse ,W" 4.50-1075 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 231.59-1077-84 Election Board 2nd - 2nd 21.00-1085-87 Election Board Third Ward 21.00-1088-92-93 Election Board lst Ward, 2nd 21.00-1089-90-91 Election Board 2nd VJward, lst 19.50-1094-95-96 Election Board lst Ward, lst 21.00-1097-98-99 School Dist #7 Hall mental 5.00-1100 Treasurer, L. .C. Church " " 5.00 1 Treasurer, Baptist Church " to 5.00 2 John Lotto, P. P--. Stamps 5.00 3 Renton News Record Supplies 13.72 4 Trick & Lurray Supplies 3.57 5 Ray Barrett Fuel, City Hall 37.94 6 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 89.84-1107-8 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Supplies 3.01-1109 Seattle Steil Co. Fire Station I::aterial 5.05-1110 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 51.27 1 Reid w Cook Supplies 9.98 2 Renton Chronicle Legal Pub. & Printing 96.52 3 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 45.00-7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Park Lights 10.00-4 C. Haleway " Labor on mower 1.00-5 Reid & Cook " Supplies 1.71-6 City St. fund Pay Roll Streets 279.47-35-41 Pay Roll " 112.26-42-46 0. Priebe Labor on tools 5.40-47 Peoples Natl Bank Gravel 16.40 8 G. ! . ToiArnsend Asst. Engr 29.94 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 363.70-50 Cochran Paint & I-Idw Supplies 1.45 1 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 79.00 2 ;Yater Pay Roll rJater Dept. 73.36-3076-7 Pettie Printery Printing 13.82- 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 153.06 9 207 Library t�und The I:iacmillan C6mpany Library Books 58.63-10 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 14.05 1 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies X87 2 Vash. State Historical Society Books 5.20 3 Harry Hartman Lib. Books 6. 50 4 Edwin Allen Co. Lib. Books 3.26 5 J. K. Gill Co. Lib. Books 40.35 6 P. S. P. ('Y' L. Co. Lights- Library 15.30 7 Engr. Dept. Payroll 52.42-382 Moved by dVilliams, seconded by Deacy that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The following bids for furnishing material or supplies for new mire .Station were read: Electric wiring - Reid W Cook Hardware - Builders i�ardware & Supply Co. Steel Sash - Fentron Steel Vforks, Inc. Structural Steel - Pac. Car L Reinforcing Steel - Seattle Steel Company Concrete - Stoneway Bock Company 4one Ornamental Metal -Works Mioved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that we accept the above bids and contracts be awarded. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk fk Mayor 208 �Q March 4, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Zvi. by F. j. Lawrence, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Burrows, Isackson, Plano, Deacy and Williams Gebenini. Ivinutes of the last meeting read and approved. r The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt were read: L. L. Wingard to erect neon sign over entrance to Kings Tavern on 'wells St. Iv rs . J. Selewach to erect house & garage on Wells St. Geo. Thomas to make an addition to Grub Box at 3rd Avenue, Widest. M. H. Deacy to erect garage on Lots 23 and 24, Block 2, Smithers 5th Addition. L. H. Miller to remodel Lighthouse at 3rd Ave. , ';lest. Allen Estate to erect garage on Lot 17 , Block 10, Town. intone Arnone to erect house & garage Lot 20 Blk 4, Sm. 5th. E. P. Nilson Co. to move Bronson house from Eot 20, Bld)ck 13, to Lot 1, Block 21 Town. 1,Ioved by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that all petitions be granted. Carried. Chas. L. Pehling to move house from Black River to property adjoining Pacific Coast Depot, read. Roved by WVilliams, seconded by Gebenini that permit be granted. Carried. Mrs. Chas . Blyth to erect a grrage at 621 Renton Ave. Ivoved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be re- ferredto the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. W. D. Jackson to move small house from the 300 block Garden St. to auto camp outside city limits. No action taken. The following application sof licenses were read: Ticknor (*&; Jenkins for a Pool Hall License. John Bausano, Jr. for a Pool Hall License. Alex Ferrat for a pool hall license. Erwin J. Fey for a theatre license for "Feys Renton." Erwin J. Fey for a theatre license for "Feys Roxy." Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication read from hI. S. Campbell, engr. for Dept. of Health regarding sewage and water. Bid received from Paul Snook on rails removed from Third eve. agreeing to pay '47.00 a ton, net, on rails, spikes and tie plates. The bid was referred to the City Property Committee. Resolution No. 545 on IVPA work for removal of rails on 3rd Ave. read. 1'.oved by Deacy, seconded by `adilliams that same be adopted as read. Carried. 209 Report of city water read from the State rlealth Department showing that Renton's drinking water rates very high. Mr. -debb of Seattle, spoke of an aviation school being established in Renton. The matter was referredto T,ir. K.cCracken. I�ioved and seconded that construction work on 2nd Avenue be started at once. Ce-ried. Acme Ornamental Metal dorks bid in the amount of $1100.00 was acted upon favorably by the Committee. I-loved and seconded that contract be entered into with Acme for furnishing miscellaneous steel and iron for Fire :3ptation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for -7ayment the following: Current Pay Roll Health 6c Sanitation $183.92-1128-34 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 80.75-1136 Cochran Paint w Hdw Supplies 8.52- 7 Valley lid indow Cleaners Labor 2.00 8 Thomas Marries Agency Insurance 10.00 9 `des Shaff Labor on Light 1.00-1140 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 52.80 1 Stoneway Dock Co. Fire Station '}laterial 280.25 2 Renton Hdw & burn Supplies 1.75 3 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber-Fire Station 630.92 4 Seattle :steel Co. Material Fire Station 239.88 5 Pac. Coast Stamp L orks one Stamp 1.58 6 Service Laundry Laundry 4.25 7 Renton Chronicle Printing Legals 31.75 8 Renton News Record Printing 28.66 9 Jas . Ashurst Fire Dept. Labor 12.50-1150 John Neal Fire Dept . Labor 12.50 1 ','dm. Reans Fire :rept. Labor 12.50 2 Joe Venishnick .Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 3 The Lumber i,.ikt Lumber - Fire :station 62.16 4 Pay Roll Fngr. Dept. 155.97-1155-57 Pay Roll City St. Fund 142. 50-53-8 Pay Roll City Sts. 191.89-59-65 E. P. ydilson Co. Truck Insurance 33.40-66 Western Tractor & Equipment r:laterial 52.26- 7 Frank Allen Fuel-City Garage 13.00 8 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 3.98 9 Union Oil Company Gas 107.02-70 Signal Oil Company Gas 112.00 1 Stoneway Dock Co. IYIaterial-3rd Avenue 1058.06 2 Renton News Record Supplies 18.46 3 The Lumber 1,arket Lumber8 18.19 4 Lester Card Truck Hire 61.88 5 E. R. Pierce Asst. Engr. 44.91 6 ,dater Pay Roll Water Dept. 116.51-3083-87 Frank E. Rhodes Supplies 5.64-3088 Grinnell Company Material 97 .58 9 City of Seattle Water 21.28 90 Library Fund Demco Library Supplies Supplies 3.35-23 Cadamus Books Library Books 14.28 4 r'dashington Bindery Library Books 3.15 5 Park Fund Pay Roll Park Labor 38.16-10 Renton ldTv w 'urn Supplies .95 1 Gladding, r=cBean & Co. Haterial L.I.D.#194 1.57-384 210 �c Proved by Deacy, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk. Mayor . 211 Larch 18, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1,.. by F. E. Lawrence, i:�ayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Isackson, Plano, Villia,leacy and Gebenini. Ivinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following permits, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Williams w Swanson to erect building 50x100 on Lot Block Town. Frank Panzica to erect house & garage on Lots 2 and 3, Block 23, Town read. Evan Pugh to move house from Lot 10, block 23, Town to Lot 12, Block 23 and remodel same. Evan Pugh to move house around on Lot 13, Block 23, Toi^m and remodel same. Idrs. . Tonda to make concrete basement at 405 Renton Ave. John J. O'Brien to enlarge and enclose rear porch on Lot 22, Block 11, Car '-iorks Mrs. Lena Amoroni to tear down and erect new garage On Lot 7, Block 34, Smithers 2nd. L. G. Pravitz to remodel garage at 330 I:Iorris St. Dave Boisseau to wreck old residence on lots 8 and 9 Block 21, Town. Loved by Isackson, seconded by dilliams that all petitions be granted. Carried. Joseph E. Little to move house up on lot about 50 ft at 209 Wells St. North. Moved and seconded that same be referred to the Fire, Light & eater Committee w City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. R. Hurt to move greenhouse from Lot 4, Block 1, Smithers to Earlington. The same having been approved by the St. Supt. it was moved and seconded that same be granted. Carried. Petition &f P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace pole at 7th ,Lenton Street. also replace pole on 1st Ave. North, west of Park Ave. Moved and seconded that the petition be granted. Carried. Application of Sunset Outdoor Advertising Co. for per- mission to do outdoor advertising read. loved and seconded that same be tabled. Carried. Communication read from City Attorney relative to trains blocking the streets for more than five minutes. The same was referred to the St. & Alley Committee for report. This being the night for hearing protests against the assessrent roll District 194, o4e protest was read. The City Property accepted the paint job at the City ,.'all and recommended that same be paid. This being the night for opening bids on heating L plumbing at new lire Station the following was received: -N. A. Botting - - plumbing - 42,889.60 ,V. A. Botting - - heating - 4,090.30 The bids were referred to the City eroperty Committee. 212 The City Engineer reported on the aviation school saying that he had presented the matter to the Commercial Club. Councilman Gebenini reported on the condition of the alley on Renton Street, Tract 2.7 , Renton Cooperative Coal Co' s 'Acre Tracts . The matter was referrdd to the St. Supt & St Alley Committee with pourer to act. Carried. I,Ir. carries spoke to the Council on defective condi- tion of sidewalk in front of his building. The matter was referred to the -it. & Aller- Committee. The Finance Committee audited and recor. ended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Streets 1&184.68-1170-4 Puget wound Stamp ',,orks Supplies 3.57-1177 Walter Jordon Dog Catcher 33.00- 8 J. Iv . Keyes Fuel Co. Fuel 28.46 9 Pwttie printery Printing 22.44 80 a'lm. Tachell Painting at City Hall 279.00- 1 Gladding,1cBean & Co. hiaterial - Fire Station 36.72 2` Pacif Coat Forge Co. Material - Fire Station 17.98 3 Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 283.03 4 Reid 6: Cook Supplies 2.33 5 Pay Roll -Supplies Dept. 182.17-1186-9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Fire Station 15.00-1190 Seattle Steel Company Fire Station aterial 294.94 1 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Streets : 142.20-81-6 Pay Roll Streets 159.21-87-9a Reid & Cook Labor & Material 5.30-91 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 363.07 2 Chas R. ilatts w Co. St. Ieiaterial 16.83 3 s'+ater Pay Roll 14ater Dept. 171.41-3093-3101 Pettie Printery Printing 42.00-3102 Inter City Auto Freight Drayage 13.90- 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 128.66- 4 Federal Pipe L Wank Co. Material 207.38 5 Library Fund J.K.Gill Company Library Books 2.10- 26 The iviacl illan Co. Library Books 8.81 7 Brendal Drug Co. Library IL-agazines 90.02 8 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 16.70 9 Chas. Scribners Sons Library Books 16 .20- 30 Harry -Eartman Library Books 1.92 1 The Calif ink Co. Library Supplies 1.94 2 L.I.D.#194 Lester Card Truck .Mire 30.00-385 Park Fund Pay Roll Park 60.75-13-14 Regularly moved and seconded that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 213 April 1, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. E. by I.Iayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Deacy and Gebenini. i;Iinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitons, all approved by the Bldg. Supt. were read: 2red Turner to reshingle house at 517 Tobin St. Joe Colletta to repair house at 441 Burnett St. 3 Ower_ Yialls to erect house and garage on Lot 18, Block 2, � R. F. P. Bill Brainard to erect house and garage on Lot 5, Block 14, R. F. P. Mirs . Thos. Raymond to erect house on Lot 17, Block 8, 3 Town. r w. C. Nelson to erect service station and move two houses + from front of lot to rear at 601 3rd z'eve. Y'ary 1,.rthur to repair foundation of house at 126 Pelly St. IIary Arthur to remodel house and repair foundation at 127 Pelly St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that all petitions be granted. Carried. 1�-ax Nicholls to move chicken house from Ieorth I:=ain St. to Spring Glen. The same having been approved by the St. Supt. it was IVioved by 'dilliams, seconded by Burrows that same be granted. Carried. The Texaco sidewalk at 601 3rd Ave. was referred to the tit. Alley Committee with bower to act. 1�oved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that all bids for plumbing and heating; at the New Fire Station be rejected. Carried. Opinion of city attorney on harries sidewalk read. The matter was laid over one week. Resolution read from the United ine dorkers of nmerica requesting that coal be used in new Fire atation for heating purposes. !..oved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the cite attorney communicate with the 1.1ine orkers notifying them that coal will be used. Carried. Engr' s report read for construction of watermain on Burnett St. Resolution No. 546 for the construction of a 4" watermain on Burnett St. was read. Ivloved by Plano, seconded by 'Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 547, authorizing the execution of a < uit Claim Deed to E. {lack , for the purchase of Lot 11, Block 4, Smithers 5th Addition to Rentong Iaoved by Gebenini seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. 1214 Renton Street job being completed now, it was I11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the job be accpted. Carried. Ordinance No. 11.3.9 approving and confirming the assessment roll Dist No. 194 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ordinance No. 1117 whereupon it was placed upon its second and t1ird readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, 4illiams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Carried. Ordinance No. 1118 prohibiting the erection and maintenance of bill boards in the city of Renton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Crdnance No. 1118, whereupon it was placed upon its second and thifd readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, '"dilliams, Burrows, Plano, Deaey and Gebenini. The ;,payor reported on bills relating to cities of the t- ird class passed by the legislature. Chief Stewart reported that the longest '" ilwaukee train passing through Renton took not over 3ti minutes to pass through our city. Representatives from the Talbott Community Club were present and asked for a 4" service water main. The Club was reQuested to submit their plan to the •d'ater Supt and City yngr. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the fol- lowing bills: Thomas harries Insurance - - - - - ,e'33.85-94 Union Oil Co. Fuel - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.14 5 Pay Roll ..+ - - - - - City Sts.- - - - - - - - - - 245.65-97-102 J. H. Lawrence Fuel - - - - - - - - - - 52.79-96 Pay Roll Streets - - - - - - - - - - 130.72-103-8 Stoneway Bock Co. St. 1.-aterial - - - - - - - - 11.22-109 Standard Oil Co. Gas - - - - - - - - 31.72-110 Renton Chronicle Printing - - - - - - - - 35.09 1 Cochran taint & Hdw Co. - - - - - - - - 1.27 2 Lumber market Lumber - - - - - - - - 14.92 3 `,'Dater Palmer Supply Co. Yaterial 2.51-3109 Art Beils Garage Material 8.24-3110 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 41.11- 1 City of aeattle Water 21.56 2 Pay Roll Water Dept. 153.20-3113-9 Current Seattle uteel Company Fire Dept . aterial 300.68-1203 Fac. Tel cz Tel Co. Telephones 53.64 4 Art Beils Garage Police Supplies 2.63 5 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Lngr. Supplies 6.17 6 John L. 7Ack Fire Sta I,_aterial 3.69 7 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 182.19 8 Pay RollEngr. Dept. 175.69-1212-14 Stoneway Bock Co. Fire Sta. Material 428.45-1215 Seattle Steel Co Fire Sta. Mlaterial 7.32 6 215 Renton Chronicle Printing 93.44-1217 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Supplies 2.79 8 Service Laundry Ldry 20.35 9 Cochran Paint GL Ildw Suptlies 20.08-1221 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber lire Station 438.54 2 Renton New Record Printing 35.51 3 Fire Dept. Pay Roll 50.00-1224-27 The Lumber 1 kt Fire Sta i,iaterial 4.00-1228 ' J. a. Hardie Plumbing work 4.25 9 Park Fund Pay -toll Park Dept. 54.00-16 Reid � Cook Supplies 1.59-15 L.I.D.W194 Lester Card Truck dire 45.00-386 Library Fund J. 111. Kyes Fuel Fuel 3.06-38 l,loved by Surrows, seconded by Lawrence that the re-cort of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. I,10 further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk T�Iayor [.i��t� Y'"! 217 April 15, 1941 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. The roll call showed present at the meeting Councilmen Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. V The following petitions, all approved by the building Superintendent, were read: Orin Wilson to erect ne�,,,T garage, frame construction, composi- ?7 tion roof at 535 Pelly Ave. Pete Piojoerzzi add closet on outside of residence at 106 Logan. H. M. LaChance to build enclosed porch on rear of dwelling at � 123 Pelly. Joseph Edgar Little move and turn house around on lot and add 2 rooms, on lot 2 block 21 Renton Farm Plat. Irene Scanoini re-build house in original condition before fire ,--- at ire --at 426 Burnett. 0 . M. Yearout remodel buuse re-locating 11itchen and construct- ing bath room and closets at 409 Cedar St. 1.1oved by Williams, seconded by Burrows that the above applica- tions for building permits be granted. Notion carried unanimously. Communication read fron-, the Renton Com,,.rercial Club recuesting that the Gieldseth lot on Main Street between the Pastime and Azzola's Tavern, and the ffalker property on Wells and Walla VV_lla in rear of MLelrose be graded and graveled to permit free parking. ;otion ca-­ried unanimously. ... Petition received from the Puget Sound Power & Light Ccm±,any on light pole read. Moved and seconded that petition be granted. F,otion carried unanimously. Moved and seconded that J. J. Roma be perzrlitted to sell pop at bath house. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1120 ordering and directing the condemnation_ of tract No. 1 Spring Brook Acre Tracts for the pur-pose of acquiring an additional supply of water for the water system, was reap and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Co�ri:ittee. The Ordinance Committee reported unanimously on Ordinance No. 1120 recorm.ending that it c:c crass. Regularly moved ana secondea that Ordinance No. 1120 be read the st-cond and third time and placed on final passage. Yiotion carried. Ordinaiace ho. 11LO beinkg retia the second and third time, it was regularly moved and seconded that the ordinance be ado )ted ae read. `'hose voting aye on the motion were: Lawrence, Isackson; I°'illia e, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Acting City Engineer McCracken reports no protest on Burnett Street water main improverent. The Street and Alley Committee reports favol°ably on construct- ion of cement sidewalks on Third and Smithers. Regularly moved and seconded that the report of the coianaittee be concurred in. Motion carried unanimously. 218 The fire, light and water committees reported on installation of new street lights at Second and Williams, and at Second and Wlllls. Moved and seconded that such lights so recommended b)tiinstalled. Motion carried. "rdinance No. 1121 for the improvement of Burnett Street by the construction of a water main therein read, and on motion referred to the Ordinance Comriittee. The Ordinance Coyinittee unanimously reported in favor of the passage of the ordinance. Regularly moved and seconded that Ordinance No. 1121 be red.d the second and third time and placed on final passaEe. !vIlotion carried. Regularly moved and seconded. that Ordinance No . 1121 be ado.)ted j as read, the vote in favor thereof being ayes: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Williams, Deacy and Gebeiiini. Regularly moved. and seconded that bids be called for 500 feet of 4-inch cast iron nine. and 200 fp-t- of 2-inch galvanized iron pi-)e 11-otion carried. Mr. McCracken reports on Texaco Station sidewalk, introducing Mr. Hardcastle , who presented to the City Council arguments in favor of black top. The city property committee reported on use of the ball park for =od6o and ot;ier public entertainments, the rr co.-m:-enctation of the committee being that the following charges be made: Rodeo, fidget auto races and rG 00.00 first day other forms of amusements of this X50.00 each additional da tyT?e . Carnivals and shows X200.00 first day , 50.00 each additional day . Rodeo and carnival X34 .40 f ins b %.o_y ,`-0.00 each additional day Base ball, foot ball and other like sorts 10% of gross gate Moved and seconded that the above schedule be adopted for usQ of ball park for the year 1941. The lessee in each instance to pay in addition_ to the above rate , the cost of lighing the ball park. i: otion carfied unanimously. President Al Cross of the Cascade Ball League addressed the Council on participation of Renton ball team in base ball in the Cascade ball league for the year 19z=-1. I The finance committee reported favorably on the follo-..Ang bills: Police Dept: Vincent Stewart 10.00 V .P.A Lester Card ( tf;uck hire) 70.00 Dog Cathher ti°,Talter Jordan 22.50 ' Engineering Dept: W.F.McCracken 69.90 E. R . Pierce 48.65 I 219 !V. P. A. Labor Chas . "itchell 20.20 John Murphy 31.43 Frank Lesh 31.43 G. N. Townsend 27 .44 City Streets Labor Emma Beil 72.12 Frank Toschi 27.45 Jack Plano 29.94 Mike Cooper 29.95 r Mike Cooper 9.98 Health & Sanitation: Jim Flynn 9.98 Joe Baxter 16.47 Ike Hancock 77.87 Steve Minaglia 77.87 Water Dept: Jim Flynn 44.91 Joe Baxter 49.41 Crist Rucci 22.45 Frank Toschi 10.98 Jack Plano 9.98 Nike Cooper 24.95 Park: John Harries 38.25 R. D. Petermeyer 49.50 City Streets: Crist Rucci 17.96 Frank Scheriippens 17.96 Frank Musga 17.96 W. J. Williams 19.96 Frank Toschi 21.96 Jack Plano 19.96 Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the committee be concurred in. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. City Clerk 0 M A Y 0 R 220 lay 6, 1941. The Council met in re;,ular session at 8 P. Tr.. with Kayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lat�rrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. M.inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following; permits all approved by the Building Supt. were read: _. Dr. P. C . 1. ikkelsen to reshingle house at 123 Iain St. 3 John Parker to remodel and reshingle house at Lot 4, Block 8, Car 'forks 3 Frank Gustine to rer-odel service station at Bronson North & l,.,:eadow St. Elliott Flack to erect house on Lot 11, Block 42 Smithers 5th. Joe Lucente to erect house at ahattuck St. South. D. I. Fish to repair foundation of house at 509 `.4illiams St. +1m. V. Cowan to erect house at 16 'i;illiams St. C. Nystrom to move woodshed from 117 Girder_ St. to corner 6th w :rhitworth. A. H. Adams to reshingle garage at 208 Logan it. Frank S. Ullom to reshingle house on Lot 3, Block 6, Sartorisville. J. L. Oliver to erect a house : gara_-e at 1st :'eve . orth near iilliams St. C. A. Jorgensen to greet garage on Lot 4, Block 10, Car forks Electrical Products Consolidated to hang sign over Tonkins Cafe. MLLoved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that petitions be granted. Carried. Petition read from Pac . Tel _ Tel. Co. to rer,lace pole on the ';:est side of Norris-Smithers Sts alley. loved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. Deport read from Engr. XIcCracken on U turn at 6th Mill St. The same was referred to the '-it Alley Con-mittee. Cor iaunication read fro-.-: the Coimercial Club conrcending the council for prompt action in grading w graveling two neva parking lits. Communication read from Puget wound Basbball Assn relative to leasing Renton Park for ball games. The matter was referred to the Park Committee with power to act. Notice of Meeting of the Association of '. ashington Cities in '.`,calla ;Talla fray 22 and 23, read. Ordinance No. 1122 authorizing the :payor w City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D. X194 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Co_agittee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1122 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence, .Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deaey and Gebenini. 221 Ordinance P,,o. 1123 appropriating the sum of :; 1100.00 to be paid to Roy i.,. 'Lllen, Horatio F. Church and P,iary 0. Church for part of Tract 1, Spring Brook Acre Tracts for additional water privileges read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Ordinance No. 1123 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Ordinance To. 1124 prohibiting plating of poison or poisoned foods in any street, etc read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee rei=ts favorably on Ordinance No. 1124 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed asa whole, all council- men present voting aye : La��rrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. liioved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the engineer report on probable cost of sinking a well in Jones Park. Carried. Report fro.-_ the Fire Department on election of Joe ;,rood as Chief. i. r. 'fl ood being present was called upon for remarks. The dangerous situation at Mouser ti'uay and Mill 3t. was referred to the 3t L` Gilley Committee . T.oved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that Houser Tay and street back of Sweet Center be oiled. Carried. Rer.ort from Tir. Burrows on Fire Mall construction and financial condition made and (Irdered filed. I-oved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that reT=t be made on florescent lighting: syster. Carried. The finance Cormiittee audited and recommended that the following be paid: City 3t. Fund Payroll Engr. Dept. N 99.29-130-133 Payroll Sit. Dept. 107 .76-134-137 Payroll City Sts 158.71-138-41 Lester Card Truck Hire 30.00-142 0. Priebe Labor on tools 24.47 3 Renton J'eed Co.9 Cement 5.20 4 The Lumber Mkt Lurlber 7.69 5 Western Tire Service Tires) etd 64.60 6 Redd &; Cook Supplies 1.78 7 Shell Oil Co. Supplies 21.56 8 Tom Dobson L Son Insurance 41.75 9 Puget Sound Pourer Lights 362.49-150 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 2.56 1 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 38.60 2 'Water Payroll 7, ater Dept. X279.43-3133-39 0. Priebe Labor 2.00-3140 .Frank E. Rhodes Material 1.63 1 Natl Dieter Dvi. Material 3.21 2 Shearers Sheetrletal Zaterial 2.44- 3 City of aeattle 'eater 24.36 4 Seattle Title Co. Title Ins 7.50 5 Paul ;+. - ouser Expenses 3.10 6 P S.P. & L. Co. Power 150.14 7 Roy L. Allen, Horatio Church ,Mary 0. Church Lk Peoples National Dank 1100.00-3148 222 Current Pay Roll yngr. Dept. ?87.37-1270 Pay Roll Health -& Sanitation 179.93-1271-4 Renton News Record Police - Printing 24.74-1275 Service Laundry Laundry 12.79- 6 Art Beils Garage '0elding 11.42 7 Reid 6� Cook supplies 5.33 8 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 40.70 9 Hardie Plumbing L s eating Labor a liaterial 12.39-1280 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 4.00 1 Pac. Tel L Tel. Co. Telephones 40.86 2 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 10.37 3 Puget Sound Starip '.corks Supplies 3.06 4 ,eaters Specialties Supplies 2.55 5 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 18.21 6 W. H. Stewart Sewer I_'aterial 44.00 7 3alter Jordon Dog Catcher 22. 50 8 Inter-City :=auto freight Drayage .50 9 Pac. Coast .Forge Co. fire Sta i: aterial 18.65-1290 Rental I:1achinery Co. Fire Sta " 43.35 1 Reid L Cook Supplies 11.30 2 Stoneway Dock Co. Fire Sta 'i,aterial 175.36 3 E. P. "dilson Co. :itty' s Rent 15.00 8 "Tm. Re-an s 2'ire Dept. La',)or 12.50 9 Joe Venishnik Fire Dept. " 12.50-1"n0 Jas Ashurst Fire Dept. " 12. 50 1 John L. pick Fire ',ta " 5.54-1294 Tourtellotte Bradley Fire ata Katerial 8.67 5 Cleo Stotler Fire Dept. Labor 12. 50-1302 Paul d. rouser Exnenses 5.00 3 Ray Barrwtt Fire Sta Drayage .75 4 Builders Hd,,v & Supply Fire Sta. 11aterial 303.96 5 Fentron Steel r'orks Fire Sta. Material 363.12 6 P. a. P. & L. Co. Lights 40.08 7 Brendel Drug do. Supplies 1.75 8 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 35.89 9 Park Pay Roll Park 107 .76-25-6 Pac . Coast R. Co. Lease 1.00-27 I 0. Priebe Brackett 3.00 8 Library The Paemillan Co. Library Books 2.05-48 Harry Hartman " 'f 6.90 9 Puget Sound News Co. it r' 8.49-50 Gaylord Bros. , Inc 'f '.' 8.55 1 Demco Library Supplies " '! 19.60 2 Caxton Printers " " 14.86 3 H. R. Huntting Co. " 't 7 .00 4 tiashington Bindery '! 27 .19 5 Pacific Fisherman " " 1.00 6 Rand McNally Co. " " 36 .00 7 Lowman w Hanford '! " 1.40 8 P. S. P. L. Co. Lights 9.68 9 L.I.D.;rl94 Tli!rte River Lumber Co. Lumber 4.94-388 I Peoples Natl Bank Sartori Gravel 14.52 9 11oved by Lai°,rrence, seconded by Deacy that the re-)ort of the Committee be concurred in and bills paid. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk i ;:ay or 223 May 20, 1941. Co4ncil met in regular session at 8 P. Y.with Payor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all a7proved by the Building Supt. were read: C. M. Costner to erect house and garage on Lot 16, Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition. f Olaf Lindgren to reshingle house at 305 Meadow St. t H. V. O'Neil to reshingle house at 342 Whitworth St. � John +. Plaskett to re-side house with cedar siding on Lot 1, Block 37, Smithers 3rd. °y Fay Olsen to remodel house at 112 Park Ave. Jack Carolin to erect house on Lot 5 , B16ck 32, Smithers lst Addition. Dora Hurt to move house from EarlinE;ton through Renton to Renton Junction read. M. hougardy to make basement at 230 lorth Villiams St. L. H. Reynolds to repair foundation under house at 419 :dells it. forth. loved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that all petitions be granted. Pacific Telephone w Telegraph Co. makes application to place additional poles and renove some on various streets. The petition was referred to the it. jupt and the St. L Alley Committee with power to act. Petition read from residents on Meadow St. asking that the street be oiled. Proved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the petition be granted and street oiled under an improvement district. Resolution No. 548 dor the improvement of Yeadow St. from 2nd to 4th Ave by- grading I oiling read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution ho. 549 for the improver-.ent of Renton Street from 3rd to 7th .'eve. by grading and oiling read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1125, directing the payment out of the ;rater fund in the sum of 1?100.00 to E. N. Arnold for his services in settlement of the Springbrook Condemnation suit read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Ordinance To. 1125, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Deacy and Gebenini. Loved by Isackson sedonded by Lawrence that the St. Sunt. be authorized to open up Meadow St from 4th to Piggott St. Carried. 224 , This being the night for opening bids on cast iron pipe the following was read: (Purcell Company) 500 feet 4" Class 150, Bell & Spigott, cast iron pipe in 18 foot lengths .53 ft. 300 feet 2" Galvanized Iron Pipe .22 ft. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Deacy that the bid j be accepted and contract awarded Hugh G. Purcell Co. Carried. L. E. Plano and Louie Gebenini were named as delegates to the estate Convention at n'dalla galla Tray 22 and 23. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that the Ordinance Corriaittee bring in an Ordinance licensing pin-ball machines. Carried. The matter of liability insurance on city streets and property was discusssed and referred to the City Property Committee and the City Attorneyfor re-�ort. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Ener. Dept. 87.37-1322 Pay Roll Sewer & Sanitation 182.19-1323-26 Seattle Stell Co. Fire Sta. Material 4.59-1327 Acme Ornamental l> etal Wks. Fire Sta. Material 1100.00-1328 Signal Oil Co. Gas. 57.80 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 33.54-1330 Vince Stewart Expenses 5.39 1 I Reid & Cook Supplies 201.78 2 City St. Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 117.26-155-6 Pay roll City streets 102.32-157-9 Pay Roll City Streets 194.60-160-68 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 16.31-169 0. Priebe Labor on tools 33.55-170 11rt Beils Garage 1aterial 5.86 1 Union Oil Co. Gas 122.16 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 356.29 3 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 10.97 4 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 272.83-3154-61 Grinnell Co. Material 23.58-3162 P. S. P. & L. CO. Power 165.88 3 Park Pay Roll Park 98.78-30-31 Art Beils Garage Park Exp . 2.40-32 ' Custer Hdw Co. Park Exp. 7.87 3 C . Haleway Exp. .50 4 r The Lumber L.TL t Lumber 5.68 5 Library Puget Sound Kews Co. Library Books 1.60-61 Harry Hartman Library Books 25.83 2 J. K. Gill Co. Library Books 53.05 3 Renton Hardware Co. Supplies .91 4 H.W. Vilson Co. Library Books 21.00 5 P.:3.P.& L. Co. Lights 8.44 6 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber-Library 1.67 7 J. H. Lawrence Library-Fuel 24.32 8 225 Athletic 2 ield round Pay Roll Labor 76.34-5-10 1,oved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the r ecom�_end ation of the Corxni.ttee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 226 June 3, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1; . by 2. E. Lawrence, Layor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Isackson, furrows, �illiams, Plano, and Gebenini. L:anutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions were read: Anton Omack to erect house and garage on Lot 6, Block 232 R. 20 P. C. E. Nystrom to erect house and garage on Lot 12, dock 4, Smithers. W. I. Yeeny to erect house on Lot 11, Block 17, R.F.P. Bernice R. Taylor to remodel house on Lot 13, Block 17, R. F. P. Glen Goebel to erect house on Lot 25, Block 5, R. A P. C. Haleway to make addition to house at 810 Karion Q.' fired Peacock to repair house and remodel front making same into a store building on Lot 12, Block 26, Town. Loved by Plano, seconded by dilliams that all petitions, approved by the Bldg. Qupt. be granted. Carried. S. J. Ristesund for the Denton Lutheran Church to erect church building on Lots 2 and 3, dock 2. Smithers 6th Addition. ho action taken on same until next meeting night. Denton Lions Club makes application for license to conduct rodeo and carnival, August 1,_2 and 3. loved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the applica- tion be granted, and the payor and City Clerk enter into an agreement. Carried. Communication read from �. 2. McCracken, Acting City ynEineer tendering his resignation. :roved by Tsaeksonleconded by Burrows; that same be accent.:d. Carried. henort read from city attorney on ordinance licensing pin-ball machines and stating that same would be submitted shortly. Councilmen Plano and Gebenini gave a good report of Convention held in ,,alta ;valla. There being no furthor business to come before the present council, the Layor Pro Tem stated thgt the new councilmen and officials would be seated. The newly elective officers, all having subscribed to the Oath of Office and furnished bonds vwb.ere required, were then seated, to,wit: Paul F. Green, Treasurer E. E. Burrows, Councilman-at-large E. W. Isackson, Council .First :yard L. E. Plano, • Councilman - aecond �ard Steve Tamborini Coancilman - Third =yard The following appoints made by the Layor were read: President of the Council: F. E. Lawrence ~ways L Leans Committee; . Louie Gebenini, Clarence Williams , Ed Burrows Street. & Alley Committee: Ed Burrows, 1loyd Lawrence, Ernest Isackson 227 Finance, Claims and Accounts Clarence Alliam.s, Steve Tamborini, Louie Gebenini City Property Committee Steve Tamborini, Floyd Lawrence, Lawrence Plano. Police License Committee Lawrence ,Plano, Ernest Isachson, Louie Gebenini. Fire, Light w 'eater Floyd Lawrence, Lawrence Plano, Steve Tamborini Law and Ordinance Committee. Ernest Isackson, Ed Burrows, Clarence yrilliams Advisory w Planning Committee E. H. STOKES West Tonkin A. G. Nelson Chas A. Ruud E. P. Wilson Max Clarke Dan McGovern Alec Pelto John Swanson Gene Arnold Tom Dobson, Jr Warren Villiams Oliver 0azen Agnes Richmond Marguerite Leeman Ethel Wolske. The Layor, in a written communication expressed deepregret that he was unable to attend and thanked the Council and all city officials for their splendid help and co-operation during the past two years. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the appoint7ents be confirmed. Carried. Yr. Tambori'ai stated that the Council should appoint the President of the Councils v��heretipon. he -tdh e the fallowing motion: Moved by Tamborini that L. E. ' Plano be nominated as President of the Council. Plano declgined. Loved by Gebenini, seconded by Isackson that Floyd Lawrence be elected President of the Council. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows : Isackson - yes Burrows - yes 4 illiam.s - yes Plano - yes Gebenini - yes _ Tamborini y Ation carried. The Mayor Pro Tem then called upon the newly elecled council and the Treasurer for remarks. 10. Pettey re')resentative of the Veterans of foreign "=gars asked permission to sell fireworks at a location on Third sive and =3urnett St. The matter was referred to the Are Chief for action. The Finance Conmittee audited and recommendAd for pay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. : 69.90-1345 Pay Roll Sewer w Sanitation Dept. 206.62-1348-52 F. B. Fouty Labor-Fire Station 5.19-1353 Valley Andow Cleaners Cleaning widowsf Uty hall 2.06 4 Donut Kitchen Prisoners deals 26.60 5 Rental Mchry Fire :station Exp. 42.50 6 Trick w Nurray Supplies 3.19 7 Walter Jordon Dog Cathc er 25.50 8 Stoneway Sock Co. Material lire ation 298.71 9 eater Specialties Supplies 1.39 60 Jas Ashurt Fire Dent. Labor 12.50 1 228 Current Wm. Beans Fire Dept. Labor "12.50-1362 Cleo Stotler mire Dept. Labor 12.50 3 Joe Venishnick Fire Dept. Labof 12.50 4 The Lumber I. ;t Enter. Exp.p 14.44 5 Service Laundry Ldry 11.18 6 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 3.28 7 Custer I1dw Co. Supplies 27.26 8 L. E. Plano Expenses to Convention (2) 50. City St. Fund Pay Poll City Sts. '94.04-176-180 Pay Poll St. Dept. 181.17-181-5 Stoneway Dock Co. 11aterial 8.12 6 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 33.41 7 rJater Pay Poll �vater Dept. 384.25-3168-77-81 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 19.00-3178 Renton Feed Co. 11aterial 11.90-3179 Renton News Record Legal Publ. 4.00- 80 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 89.80-36-37 Library Geographical Pub. Co. Expenses 6.00-74 IIcllillan Co. " 4.24-73 Pay Rol En-T. Dept. 52.39-390-1 Moved by iilliams, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Report read from Treasurer recommending the Peoples ITational Dark as depositary of city funds. Moved by Isac'_son, seconded by Tamborini that the recor.muendation be confirmed by the Council. Carried. No further business, appearing, meetin4-, adjourned. CI y Clerk. i Mayor Pro Tem. i k i i 229 June 17, 1941. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. iv'.. with F. L. Lawrence, !.layor Pro Tem,II.oll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. 1,1inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Luilding Supt. were read: ) S. C. hoofer to reshingle house at 524 1.-ill '3t. C . C . Y.arr for 1'issemblies of God to erect church on 115 +illiams St. John Delaurenti to erect a i,rooden marquis on store at 4th & Smithers .5t. L. il. Reynolds to remodel 'house at Lot 5, 3lock 4, R. 29 P. T,irs. Bob Pringle to reshingle and repair front steps of house at 117 Logan 3t. Renton hardware to remodel front of store building at 320 Yells Wit. by making two single doors in place of double door. Alice ai. Davis to tear down coal shed and erect garage and repair front porch at 520 !.:orris St. Pete aheff to erect 4 room house and garage on Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Sartorisville. J. E. Carlson to erect small house on S2 Lots Smithers 5th Addition. George Shabro to erect house on Lot 4, Block 23, Town i Joe Lonti to reshingle house at 455 Cedar 3t. Mon i,-roved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that all petitions be granted. Carried. Ernest !-i. Pritchard to build small apartllent over garages at 511 2nd �1ve. No action taken. Report read from Geo. Mood on `V.P.1 funds for 2 ire station. Report read from Engr. on assessment rate on l.eadow ;3t. recommending that rate be reduced from .04 instead of .052 :er front foot. This being the night for hearing protests on i-eadow t. oiling and no protests being received the following Ordinance was introduced. Ordinance iso. 1126 providing for the improvement of Leadow St. by grading and oiling read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. This being the night for hearing protests on menton Wit. from 3rd to 7th for oiling and no protests beim, received, Ordinance for the improvement was read. Ordinance �o.1127 for the improvement of Denton St. from 3rd to 7th by grading and oiling was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance CoL'lmittee . .. Petition for the improvement of certain streets on the hill by grading and oiling were read whereupon the following Ordinance was introduced: 230 , Ordinance No. 1128 for the improvement of 7th lve. from Renton Street to nigh :street, from 8th .Ave. to the City of Seattle pipe line right of tray and high .Street from 7th to Sth ��ve. and 8tri �Lve from Grant to High St. by grading, and oiling, the same was read and on motion referrbd to the Ordinance Cormmittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordi- nancet 174oS 1126, 1127 and 1128 ,whereupon Ordinance io. 1126 was rrlaced upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Ordinance 11-0. 1127 ,was placed upon its second and t'�ird readings and passed as a whole, all cotincilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Ordinance 1. 0. 1128 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Resolution No. 550 setting up a work program and the cost thereof to be paid frog revenue received from the state gas tax read. 1._oved 'by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 551 extending to Commissioner helps our gratitude for work done on 2nd nve. , read. 1i 231 P. S. P. &; L. Co. Lights, sire Sta. 6.00-1404 Reid 6� Cook Supplies 1.14- 5 raters Specialties Supplies 3.40 6 Remington Land, Inc "Lttys. Lxp . 13.91 7 Pay Roll En�-;r. Dept. 95.16-1408-10 F. B. Fouty sire Station Labor 7.75-1411 Cochran faint & Hdw Fire Station 1.1aterial 45.37 2 Trick w T:'=urray Supplies 2.52 3 Seattle Steel Co. Fire Sta. 1.1aterial 12.17 4 S. L. LeBlanc Repair Roof, C . �. 5.00 5 '.`Tater Pay boll .rater Dept. 1 .7.15-3185-92 Renton Lumber Supply Material 9.34-3193 H. G. ".Hite Drayage 25.00- 4 Grinnell Co. I.aterial 1.88 5 ,white Aiver Lumber Co. Lumber 2.45 6 City of Seattle .yater 43.04 7 P. P. &- L. Co. Power 167.26 8 Rental Maehy Co. Rental 14.00 9 Reid & Cook i:.aterial 12. 36-3200 Reid & C�ok Labor oL i:aterial-Pump 109.07 1 City St. fund Pay Roll City Garage 72.63-194 Pay Roll City its. 299.48-195-208 ederal Pipe & Tank Co. i:�aterial 33.48-209 s'uilliams &; Swanson SuppliesS 1.65 10 Cochran Paint # )idw St. T:.aterial 30.38 1 Ralphs Garage Supplies 1.55 2 P. S. P. L L. Co. Lights 366.87 3 Signal Oil Co. Gas 58.65 4 .art Beils Garage Labor & 1aterial 10.86 5 _ Library 2und P. S. P. & L. Co. Library Lights 8.50-76 Renton News record printing 8.61 7 J. K. Gill Co. Library Hooks 14.21 8 Americana Corp. Library Boobs 101.73 9 Frank L. Kixenbaugh Library Books 57.88-80 Puget Sound views Co. Library Books 8.07 1 Junior Literary Guild Library Books 19.88 2 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 89.80-4:0-41 Stoneway Jock Co. rti.aterial 6.95-42 ;est )isinfecting Co. Supplies 5. 65- 3 Athletic field Pay Roll 1"'.thletic 2 ield ti�51.64-12-13-14 Loved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. ITo further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Py.ayor Pro Tem. 232 July 1, 1941. Council met in regular session at 8 P. with . Lawrence, presiding. moll Call: isackson, DurroT;s I Plano, ..`illiams and Tanbor ini. 1--inutes of the last meeting read and approved . The followin[; petitions , approved by the Building Supt were read: LeRoy Crookston to erect house and garage on Lot 1, Block 3, Car ..orks. August Riffero to erect house on Cedar St. between 7th w 8th Ave. J. D. "illiar,s to erect house garage on lst Ave. 1 orth between 'tiilliams & 711ells at. Ed Swanson, Sr. to erect house on lst Ave. north between `A'illiams w r'ells Wit. Harold Phinney to reshingle house at 2112 Logan St. Reid & Cook to erect service station and install three gasoline tanks on Lots 19 and 20 , Block 13, Tom. Clinton .Betz to reroof two garages on Lots 1 and 2, Block 22, IL* 2. P. Hugo Zobbi to put in concrete basement and raise house two feet on Lot 9, Mock 32 , 3.mithers 1st. J. E. I.Ic arland to rersodel porch and move and remodel garage on Lot 15, .Block 19 , Town. D. J. Pugh to raise house 14 inches and add one room to rear of house at 126 ,:ells •tet. E. 1. Pritchard to make apartment over garages at 511 2nd Ave. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that permits be issued. Carried. P. S. P. L. Co. to re place pole on 6th <'ve. i\Io. and ,'illisma 3t; install one pole on Garden and 2nd we . Forth; replace first pole on 2nd _-.ve. east of is-ill :Ct. Loved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Claim in the amount of .,?84.00 read from Andrew Crookston for dar:age done to house. i._oved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that same be .turned over to t1�e city attorney. Carried. Communication read from fired =Hancock rost requesting ?125.00 to decorate city. loved by Burro a,seconded by Plano that same be tabled. Carried. ,tty. Mouser brought up for discussion the matter of an underpass bridge under Pacific Coast Railroad on i1ouser ,,ay, lvoved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the city communicate with Comlissioner Phelps requesting a joint survey between the city and county to determine the feasibility and cost of such a bridge. Carried. Resolution No. 552 for the improvement of seventh avenue from Renton to . igh St. et al by grading and oiling was read. 1=roved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted. Carried. is.owed by Burrows , seconded by Plano that a light indicating a dead end street be installed at 2nd .41ve. East under supervision of Tire, Light ': ater Committee. Carried. 233 :loved by burrows, seconded by Plano that the city attorney communicate with county commissioners relative to carnivals on the outskirts of the city. Carried. The 2 inance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation I128.19-1426-9 �••+ Bill Reans mire Dept. Labor 12.50-1430 Joe Venishnick Fire Dept. Labor 13.50 1 Jas. Ashurst Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 2 Cleo Stotler Are Dept. Labor 12. 50 3 Renton News Record Supplies 1.65 4 Pac. Tel w Tel. Co. Telephones 40.63 5 Trick a Murray Supplies 2.52 6 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 58.45 7 Valter Jordon Dog Catcher 18.00 8 Lenton Cafe Prisoners meals 13.40 9 Custer ldw Co. Supplies 3.34-1440 The Lumber ,kt Fire Stat -:aterial 86.36 1 Young; Radiator Co. Fire Stat `aterial 183.61 2 Potlatch Yards, Inc . Fire ,stat. haterial 108.44 3 E. P. '.Filson Co. Attys vent 15.00 4 Stoneway Dock Co. Are Station Laterial 242.98 5 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 79.00-1446-7 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 329.35-217-226 Pay Roll City Sts. 310.99-227-237 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 16 .48-238 Frank E. Rhodes Laterial 24.05- 9 Stoneway Dock Co. it. haterial 46.81-240 The cumber Larket Lumber 1.67 1 '.eater Pay Roll 'grater Dept. 176.15-3204-8 Natl. Leter Div. Repair �ork 6.95-3209 Grinnell Co. Laterial 1.18 10 General .electric Laterial 1.30 1 Pay loll Park 98.78-44-45 Custer HTY Co. Supplies 3.04-46 Library The MacMillan Co. Library Sooks 73.01-87 Continental Car Corp. " Supplies 13.52-88 ;roved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Do further business , meeting adjourned. —7-City clerk ,,ayorJ ' 234 July 15, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1-1. with sayor Beanblossom -oresiding. 'doll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, 3urrows, illiams, Plano and Gebenini. .:mutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the =�uildinj; erupt. were read: W. L. 2 isler to reshingle house at 420 Cedar : t. Philip Grubesic to reshingle house at 125 , eadow ,_�)t. John Tomich to erect garage at 237 Factory St. N. G. Johnson to repair rear porch at 311 Factory it. � . H. VIren to reshingle garage at 319 L:eadow at. Paul Ballatore to erect garage at 2,110 Garden 8t. Dan ;IeGovern to erect a store building on Lot 3, Block 13, Town. Phil Rivoly to re.:iodel house at 567 Dixie- 'gyve. Steve . iskulin to erect coal shed at548 Tobin Ave. S. G. achaudies to erect house at Lot 1, Block 4, 3rzithers 4th addition. i:ioved by La%,rrence, seconded by Plano that the petitions be granted. Carried. Communication read from City nttorney relative to property owned by the ILenton :-'ish and Game Club and portion occupied as a street. !.roved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that same be turnwd over to the City Property Committee. Carried. Cornaunication read from City nttorney relative to the necessity of increasing the water supply and suggesting the services of water system experts from the University be consulted. .-oved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the .natter be referred to the j'ittorney, '+ater Supt. , =�ngr and a special committee , consisting of L. 3. Plano, Chairman, Lawrence and Isae'>son. Carried. Ord-nance prohibiting the manufacture or sale or use of fireworks read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance Ijo. 1130 prohibiting the dirving of a motor vehicle in a reckless manner read and on motion refdrred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorabl7 on Ordinance No. 1130 whereupon it was placed upon its second and t}'iird read- ings and passed as a whole,�.11 counciLnen present voting ;ye: La:^hence , Isackson, Burro is, _'illiams, Plano and Gebenini. Resolution To. 553 for the improvement of Factory St. from alley in ,dock 11, Car ',corks to 4th L'Lve. by grading and oiling, read. Loved by Lati °hence , seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. Tioved by Burrows, seconddd by Isackson that the attorney write a letter o" appreciation to Archie Phelps for oiling ,-rouser '.day and other streets. Carried. 3 235 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following Cgtrrent Engr. Dept Pay Roll 5151.9.9-1464-68 PayRoll Sts. 176.70-1460-3 Vater PayRoll 'eater Dept. 157.69-3216-20 City St. Fund PayRoll City Sts. 127.27-245-49 PayRoll Streets 401.68-250-262 L.I.D.#197 Pay Roll 105.28-393-400 Athletic Field Pay Roll 29 .18-17-18 I Moved by Gebenini' seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business , meeting; adjourned. 'mom Lff City Clerk I:}ayor i 236 August 6, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. -:. by i.{ayor Deanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, tilliams, 2urrows, Gebenini and Tamborini. 1.-inutes of thelast meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the 3uildi.ng Supt. were read: J. R. Singleton to repair garage at 321 amithers St. Claude Davis to reshingle house at 442 Park 1ve. Owen Mogan to reshingle two houses at 331 and 335 SmIthers it. K. G. Kezele to erect house and garage at 532 Smithers it. Ruby :vans to reshingle house at 123 2actory St. G. E. Bartlett to erect garage for living quarters at 512 I.-ain 3t. a-orth. ..oved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that permits be granted. Carried. Signal Oil Company,by J. E. Cliver, to remove buildings on rear of lot at 351 Park eve. and erect storage garage for four trucks and stock of cased oil and lubicating oil read. Petition of John T_ezek to make garaLl;e into two roomed house at 321 North -ain St. moved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the petitions of Signal Oil and .�r. I,Iezek be referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and rei-)ort back next meeting night. Carried. Petition of the P. 3. P. '� L. Co . to erect pole on ;ahit- worth St. south of -.salla .,ally -eve to service a customer read. Tloved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. Communications adressed to Congressman Coffee and Reprsentative i.iagnusson from I..ayor B-eanblossom and one addressed to T.agnusson from Commissioner Whelps were read urgirE their support in obtaining funds for erection of bridges widening of streets, etd in Renton preparatory to the opening of the new .Boeing Seaplane �{'actory on Lake .�ashington. Letters of Protest read from the Coixnercial Club, Kiwanis Club and Garden Club asking that the used car shed on Bronson ':'v'ay north be torn down and petitioning t -e Council to prevent the -ark j3oard from leasing a portion of their property on Bronson ..,ay -:orth for erection of an eating House. i.-oved by Lat,7rence, seconded by Gebenini that the letters be turned over to the Park Board. Letter of protest read from I4r c. I.rs. Ralph Parshall against remodelling house at 417ti North .;ells St. Report read from the engr on the remodelling of house and moving same around on lot stating that it uompli.ed with the building code. resignation of Joe ,food as a ..ember of the Park 3oard was read. T:--oved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the resigna tion be accepted with regrets. Carried. The .'ayor then appointed Dirnmitt as a T.`.-ember of the Park Board. Eoved by Lawrence, seconded by ".,'illiams that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. 237 Resignation of Lloyd Lindgren asa member of the Police Corimlission read. IIoved by 3urrol;rs, seconded by Isackson that the resignation be accpeted. Ko appointment was made. Resolution No. 554 covering expenditures of the •• street department payable from gas tax read. T.oved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that Name be adopted as read. Carried. This being the night for hearing protests on 'actory >t. and Seventh venue for grading and oiling, none were received thereupon Ordinance to. 1131 for the grading and oiling of :Seventh °venue and other streets was read and upon motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1131 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: son, 3urrows , >illiams, Gebenini and Tamborini. La, vrrence, Isac Ordinance 1o. 1132 for the grading and oiling of Factory tit. was read and upon motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance !vo. 1132 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, al]_ councilmen present voting aye. Lawrence, Isackson rr �s d'il ams. Leben' d T-mborini. ' Ze 'irfailce C;orn�nl'ttee aucilte ancla recoL-er_ded for pay. ent the following: Current :.. Cochran t=aint & Hdw Co. Supplies X19.16-1474 Cochran Paint L Hdw Co. 'r 14.25 9 P. a. P. & L. Co. Lights 38.96 80 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 44. 50 1 Heald Lngr. Co. Idap 5.05 2 Renton Iews Record Supplies 2.27 3 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.45 4 :service Laundry Ldry 15 .05 5 Carl I,iattison Painting Police car 2 .00 6 �,Jorth Coast Chemical Supplies 17.00 7 Valley '�indov°v Cleaners Labor 9.79 8 Pacific Coast Stamp ',dorks Supplies 1.89 9 Vince :­'�tewart Expenses-Licenses 12.00-1490 -- Cleo Stotler Fire Dent. Labor 12. 50 1 mill Reans it 'rl er 12 .50 2 Joe Venishnik " :r it 12.50 3 Jim ,Ishurst " it it 12. 50 6 'aters specialties Supplies 7 .42 7 I'. iilson Co. :":ttys Pent 15.00 8 Central i,lotors i:_aterial 3.76 9 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 56.55-1500 Tient !tiews Zournal Subscription 1.50 1 Reid & Cook SU-0plies 5.88 2 Pay Roll Park Dept. 116 .76-1504-5-28-29 Fay Doll Enfr. Dept. 152.75-1503-1510-14 Pay moll Garbage Collection 204.65-1506-9 Renton Chronicle Legal publications 80.27-1515 idalter Jordon Dog Catcher 28.50 6 Renton yews Record Repair cork etf 40.26 7 Renton auto freight Drayage-lire Sta 13.22 8 Francis E. 2outy Fire Sta Labor 7 .38 9 Reid & Cook Lights - mire ata 200.00-1520 Shearers Sheetmetal Fire sta Supplies 6 .81 1 Custer lidw Co. Fire Sta Y-aterial 16 .06 2 Custer Hdw Co. iTPA Supplies 17 .77 3 238 (171 P X Current C . Bevan Fire Sta. Sup ; 28.35-1524 Stoneway Dock 0o. Laterial-oer contract 263.02- 5 Rental Machinery Co. Rental - Fire Sta. 85.00 6. Potlatch Yards ''ire Sta. 1.1aterial 16.48 7 Williams & Swanson Car dire 33.00-1531 City 3t. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 147.97-265-9 Pay Roll City Jts. 466.06-264-270-283, Cochran Paint & Iidw Supplies 13.54-284 P.S.F.& L. Co. Lights 367.75- 5 Renton Iron 'i'lorks Katerial 8.38 6 Williams & Swanson Supplies 6.87 7 Campbell 111dw Lc Supply 1 aterial 7.93 8 destern Tractor & Equip idaterial 15.40 9 0. Priebe Labor ontools 24.20-290 Howard-Cooper Corp. Material 7.32 1 Signal Oil Co. Gas 143.11 2 Stoneway Dock Co. 1,aterial 30.13 3 Reid Cook Supplies 15.20 4 Diesel Oil gales Co. St. Oil 289.23 5 City Transfer St. Oil 216 .00 6 I 'dater Pay Roll '-Dater Dept. 155.19-3223-29 City of Seattle Water 353.40-3230 P.S.P.&L. Co. Power 188.94 1 Art Beils Garage 1�aterial 13.45 2 Ralphs Garage Llaterial 5.16 3 Palmer Supply Co. Supplies 51.08 4 Olympic Foundry Co. 'Laterial 92.97 5 J. Jacobucci Supplies .50 6 ` Rensselaer Valve Co. F,iaterial 15.30 7 Renton Chronicle Printing 25.71 8 Renton Lumber & Supply Co. Material 11.57 9 Grinnell Co. Material 200.10-3240 Reid & Cook supplies 4.28 1 John Lotto, P. lu. Stamps 5.00 2 T.roved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the revort of the Committee be concurrdd in. Carried. loved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows." that the etition of S. J. Ristesuud for erection of Luthem Church on ots 2 and 3, Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition, made on June 3rd be granted, same having been approved by the Building Supt. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City.'.Clerk. MLayor i 239 August 19, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I! . by I.ayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Tamborini 'r and Gebenini. .:i.nutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Tillie hoshak to make an addition to house by a small addition at 411 :fells St. forth. Paul Gallagher to repair roof of house at 208 Burnett Street. 1'red jloughardy to tear down part of house and r+6build and make half basement at 529 Park Ave. Herb Smith to tear doom house and garage at 351 Park 4-.venue Constante Tamborini to erect ;louse and garage on Lot 6, Block 4, Smithers 5th Addition. +right S� Derringer to erect new cord Agency corner Burdett w 3rd Ave._ ,. Geo. , Custer to reshingle garage on Lot 2 , 2--lock 1, z�iiithers. Ralph Storey to do general repair work on house at 415 lst rLvenue Korth. I:oved by Ta:foorini, seconded by Isackson that the petitions be granted. Carried. i I, rs . r1nna Weisel asks permission to grove house from 611 3rd Avenue to 436 Whitworth St. Same having been approved by the St. Supt. it was Moved by Taro.borini, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. C. I.I. I..acSpadden to erect double garage at 520 �mithers St. read. Engr. reported unfavorably. James X. Taylor to tear do-vern old garage and erect double garage with apartment above on Lot 22, -:lock 34, �mithers 2nd Addition read.City Ppty reported unfavorably. Loved by Tamborini pec_ nded by Gebenini that the petitions be denied. Carried. Protest read from S. I:'. & J. G. Alexander regard- ing the drainage of water and oil on the street of 308 Burnett St. The :tet. w Lilley Committee re-oorted there was a hole in the sidewalk which should be repaired thereby eliminating oil and water standing on the street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the St. -- i lley Committee be concurred in and St. Sunt authorized to take care of same. Carried. Supt Cozamunication and estimate received from 1allace Tierman on chlorinator. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Tamborini that same be received and filed for future reference . Carried. Report read from %Ir. E. A. Duffy on Izenton water system and suggesting a spot on the east side of Cedar River just above the railway bridge as the best source of supply. I,,-Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the matter be referred to the city attorney to acquire the necessary land for the consar,tction of a test well. Carried. 240 Report on ederal housing plan read from Geo -Hood, Engr. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that a federal dousing Project be started in Menton. Carried. J t 6c Alley Corrimitte reco=,iends passage of a Resolution directing the completion of a survey to straighten and widen dilliams Street from 2hd :venue to Lake '.vashington and for the construction of a new bridge. Resolution No. 557 for a survey of A'illiams ,`street from 2nd to Lake '4ashin� ton under passage under the right of way of the 11+orthern Pacific Railviay Company, read. I.roved by Lawrence , seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as read. Carried. St. L Alley Conmitte recommends the passage of -a Resolution directing the completion of a survey to straighten and widen that portion of Second Avenue bounded on the west side by the city limits and on the east side by Iain Street, Resolution No. 558 directing a survey of that portion of Second Avenue from west city limits and on the east by Lain Street, said report=-to contain an estimate of the cost of said work read. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Resolution No. 555 authorizing the ILayor and City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed to T. H. Nilli.ams and Anetta `'iilliams, his wife, of Lots 16 and 17 , upon payment of all assessments and tares read. I,-oved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson' that same I e adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 556 setting the 16th day of Sept. as date of hearing, on assessment roll District No. 197, � 3urnett St. read. 1,11oved by Lawrence, seconded by 3urrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. _ 4 City Property Cornrnittee asks more time before repo-,ting on Signal Oil Company' s petition. , is-r. Stokes, President of the Park Board stated that application had been received by them loom George Thomas to move Grub Box from 3rd Avenue to Bronson .gay Horth and the Board had acted favorably on same. i:r. -3en Lindgren and i.-r. Dirunit`t, members also ,sp ke favorably of the peition to move building.-* after considerable discussion, it was I,'oved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that it is the desire of the City Council that no portion of Bronson ',Jay worth be tenanted. Carried. -oved by Tan-borini seconded by Gebenini that upon . the recommendation of the Police C :ief that the north half of the Northern Pacific Right of 4ay between 2nd and 3rd Ave be used as a parking lot. Carried. The 2inance Committee audited and recor,.;:.ended for pay- ment the following: Current f Pay Roll Sanitation 182.10-1543-6 P. a. P. L. Co. Lights 34.88-1547 Sanderson Safety Supply L.aterial 87 .45 8 Luker-Ranken Inc. Engr. Supplies 1.03 9 I i , I 241 Current Puget Sound stamp . orks Supplies "? 2.06-1550 ,iaters Specialties Supplies 2.83 1 Cochran Paint a Hdw Supplies 15.45 2 Gladding,LLcBean 6., Co. Hire Sta. Sup 1.26 3 Art 3eils Garai,e Taaterial 20.60 4 Service Laudnry Ldg 3.86 5 The Lumber Tvikt Lumber 47.73 6 Cochran Paint & Iidw Supplies 14.32 7 - C . ialeway Supplies 6 .10 8 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 145.25-1559-62 -�emington Rand Inc Service Chg 10.82-1563 pater ray boll Water Dept. 148.28-3245-7 Grinnell Co. Material 6.99-3248 City of Seattle I-Vater 21.92 9 P. 3. P. & L. Co. Power 284.23-3250 City Streets. Pay Roll City Streets X444.59-303-15 Pay Roll " fr 233.56-316-23 P. S. P. L. 'CO. Lights 367.37-324 Union Oil Co. Gas 38.61 5 Cochran Paint Iidw Supplies 9.85 6 The Luso er i;-kt Lumber 4.66 7 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 56.10 8 .rt Neils Garage Repair :'ork 2.58 9 Diesel Oil Sales St. Oil 389.34-330 City Transfer St. Oil 176.40 1 Park Pay Roll Park 103.27-68-9 Cochran Paint w idw Supplies 1.80-70 Ivan ''y. Lee Re-nai.r '.fork 3.04 1 Art Beils Garage Repair .V'ork 1.55 2 Kamilton Church Playfield Supervisor 50.00 3 Benicia Church if 30.00 4 Library P. S. P. o� L. Co. LiC;hts 5.58-103 Kenton Beating Labor w -L-aterial 6.18 4 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 6.37 5 J. K. Gill Co. Library Books 2.32 6 r gerican -ibrary Assn Subscription 3.00 7 Demco Library Supplies Library Supplies 5.60 8 Athletic 2ield P. kD. P. L L. Co. Lights 57.77-25 Robert Spicer Labor 13.47 6 l•:oved b.1 Isachson, seconded by Burrows that the report of the Committee be concurred int Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Cj tsr 01_4-'"rk' i:ayor 242 Sept. 2, 1941" Regular meeting of the City Council was culled to order at 8 P. . , by 'Layor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, . illiams, `lano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Mrs. J. i.-cDonald to reshingle house at 211 Park "ve. yli Struyar to repair roof of hoV.se also repair garage at 419 Park '-five. Dan 3ebelist to add another room to house on Lot 15, -31ock 17 , Town. Foster 3arnett to erect house L garage on Lots 1 and 23 Block 5, I . P Rainier xsliment to erect two roomed house and bath on Lot 16, Block 13, R. 1' . P. Edward Hougardy to erect house on Lot 18, Jl&ck 20, School gist 7t7 to erect Junior high School on 2nd Ave hest. Rena 'istoresi Delaurenti to move garage from front of Lot 23 to rear of Lot 22, Block 19, R. 2. P . and erect house on Lot 23, Block 19 , R. r'. P. "Oved by Tamborini seconded by Burrows that pem-lits be issued. Carried. George Evans asks permission to iaove house from 221 I,iilliams St. to Lot 91 i3lock 20," R. 10. 2. George Thomas to move grub box from 3rd L,� Burnett .3t. to 419 2nd Ave. The above petitions having been approved by the Building Supt and bond posted, it was I1oved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that perraits be issued. Carried. Petition of J. :J. Covey to erect market and cold storage plant on Lots 7, 8, and 9, 3lock 5, Snithers 6th Addition. ,-oved by Gebenini seconded by Isackson that same be referred to the City . roperty Committee and the City Bngr with power to act. Carried. Cetition of the P. S. P. L L. Co. to reset pole on : hitworth corner south of 4th Ave. i: oved by Flanoh , seconded by Geenini that same be granted under the supervision of the it. Su"t. Carried. keport read from the engineer on placement of houses in residential districts. Report ordered filed. mgr' s report on lire Lall read stating that hall is 58;0 complete. St. Supt. recommended that concrete be placed in alley on east side of City ��lall. -�.oved by Plano, seconded by lamborini that the recon,nendation of the St. Supt. be concurred in. Carried. The Elayor an-pointed Louis Del.aurenti, fir, as a� m.ember. c S of the Poi ice Commission to fill the unexpired term of Lloyd,--'- Lindgren. loyd '--Lindgren, 1--oved by Plano, seconded by Tar2borini that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. 245 Hayden '.Williams, 5years , Chairman E. K. Arnold, 4 years Thos Dobson, Jr. 3 years Arnold Lanich, 2 years Paul 41. ouser,Jr. 1 year, Secy. Pro Tem. Loved by Isaekson, seconded by Gebenini that the appointments be confirmed. Carried. The +'inance Committee audited and recommended irJ for payment the following : Current E. P. Wilson Co. - - - - - -Attyr ,tent - ;, 15.00-1004 Cochran Paint supplies 3.83 5 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 34.81 6 Service Ldry Ldry 16.65 7 Pac. Tel w Tel. Telephones 43.43 8 Valley v`+indow Cleaners Labor 2.06 9 Ames Book Co. Engr. Supplies 35.90-1610 Reid w Cook Supplies 5.39 1 hooker Electro Chlorine 270. 2 Donut Kitchen Prisoners meals 33.25 3 Renton dews record Printing 6.52 4 -penton Variety :More Supplies 3.71 5 Gladding,LIcBean Material 1.55 6 Art Seils Garage Labor w Material 5.30 7 Rental I.achinery Fire Sta. Exp. 42.50 8 Schrengohst Freight Drayage 8.96 9 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.49-1620 Pioneer Sand % aterial 4.22 1 1'he Lumber !,at Fire ata Lumber 353.60 2 3toneway Dock Co. I.1aterial-2 ire Sta 430.31 3 Cochran Taint Supplies fl " 28.63 4 Pay boll - Sewer L Garbage Dept. 254.55-1626-33 P ay .moll Engr. Dept. 163.00-1634-6 ,,alter Jordon Dog Catcher 30.00-1637' Joe Venishnik Fire Dent. Conv 6.00- 8 has . shurst Fire Dept. Conv 12.00 9 C . Dullahant " it 20.20-1640 Lawrence uel 2ugity :its. 14.67 1 Pay boll City Streets ;'235.77-364-9 Pay Roll City Streets 284.92-370-81 Anchor Steel Material 61.84-353 W estern Tire :service Iiaterial 1.90 4 Cochran Faint Supplies 22.05 5 0. Pribe Material 30.74 6 Thoe Home oil St. Oil 611.58 7 Stoneway Dock Co. St. I-aterial 28.33 8 Standard Oil Co. Gas 60.93 9 Inion Oil Co. Oil 5.92-360 Lande +eed Co. Supplies 2.50 1 Athletic I'ield Reid Cook Supplies 2.16-29 i ri'yater �..� City of Seattle eater X136.48- 3258 Palmer Supply Co. Idaterial 51.00 9 Hersey Mfg. Co. Iiaterial 41.03-3260 Renton News Record Supplies 3.86 1 Pay loll 154.70-3264-7 Dept. 154.70-3264-7 '11ark Pay Roll Park Dept. 85.31-82-3 Library Fund Junior Literary Guild Books 2.00-112 246 Library Fund Custer ildw Co. Supplies 1.45-113 Packer Scott Co. Supplies 15.55 4 Remington Hand Supplies 25.75.- 5 The Lumber 1.1kt Material 8.47 7 Spokesman Review Subscription 3.50 8 Cochran Paint �. Hdw Supplies 2.10 9 Puget Sound liews Co. Supplies 38.33-120 Harry Hartman Lib Books 3.67 1 t-eald Engr. Co. Subscription 5.05 2 1,-oved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Cor.,imittee be concurred ih. Carried. Ordinance creating a L unicipal Defense Conimission, prescribing its suties and declaring an emergency, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance ! o. 1134 amending Sec. 7 of Ord. 855, rais- ing , the fees for the installation of water service for a 3/4" to p20.00 and for a 1" connection to '9'23.00 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re~-orts favorably on Ord- inance io. 1134 whereupon its was placed upon its second and t1lird readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Carried. Ordinance To. 1135 prohibiting the manufacture or sale of fireworks in the City of Renton was reported favorably by the Ordinance Committee whereu�)on it was placed upon its second and t-_ird readings and passed as a whole , all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Carried. The Preliminary Budget for the year 1942 was read. !:_oved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Isackson resorted on the Sartori property to be acquired for test well for water. Nb action taken. The improvement of certain streets leading; to the new Boeing Plant were discussed by a group of business men in the audience and as well the Council. 1.oved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that the outlets to the new Boeing Plant be referred to the St. & Alley Comriiittee. Carried. The matter of =a traffic lite at Bronson `.''ay forth and 2actory St. %- as referred to the !Fire, Light w Idater Committee . ! o further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 1tlay or i 243 Ordinance Ho. 1133 regulating the parking; of automobiles on certain streets in -forth Penton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Ordinance No. 1133 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Isackson, Burrows, Alliams, Plano, Tamborini.and Gebenini. Carried. - Resolution leo. 559 declaring the necessity for a 1!ousing authority in the City of Denton and authorizing Va ' ayor to take appropriate steps toward the appointment of proper dousing "" rLuthority Commissioners, read. `roved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be ``adopted as read. Carried. Protest read from property ovm ers in the vicinity of 351 Park Ave. against the erection of building for storage of oil by Signal Oil Company. City Property Committee reporting an the application of Signal Oil Company for building permit recommend the denial of same. Loved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the report of the City Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended the payment of the following: Current Pay Roll Garhhge & Sewer $274.01-1577-84 Jas hurst Fire Sept. Labor 12 .50-1585 Joe Venishr_ik Fire Dept. " 12.50 6 Cleo Stotler Fire Dept. 12.50 7 Bill Reans Are Jest. '-' 12. 50 8 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 163.95-1589-93 Paul L. Benham Fire Sta. 3.00 -1594 W. H. Burnett Fire :eta. . 7.50 5 Pay moll `Nater Dept. 122.76-3252-56 City Street Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 368.10-333-345 Pay Roll '' " 178.92-346-50 Park Fund Pay Roll Parks 89.80-75-76 Hamilton Chuncc Park Supervisor 25.00-77 Benicia Church " 9' 15.00 8 Loved by Isackson, seconded by Surrows that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. e,4 R A City Clerk 244 September 16, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council ,,7as called to order at 8 P. ::. by T:Iayor 3eanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Tsackson, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. I.'_inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The followi petitions, all approved b the Building � p : p Y �, Supt. were read: Mrs. Ella sock to erect garage at 409 Iain -Ct. ""orth. W. Ii. `dren to reshingle house at 319 =endow ' t. G. Littlefield to erect house and garage on Lot 18, Block 16, R. 20 P. Gerald E. Slye to erect garage for temporary dwelling on Lot 21, Block 13, L. P. -dalter Dorich to repair old garage and erect a new one on Lot 81 Mock 12, . r'. Geo. Z. Berndt to add two rooms to house at 520 I.Iain 3t. I4'. James E. Senzer to erect duplex house and garage on Lot 30 clock 3, Car _orbs . Tom Dobson, Jr. to repair old Boas 'wilding, change t.,ro stores into one, alter store front and make other repairs, on Iain St. Al l organ to make neve doors add two neva windows and line inside of storage garage at 1000 Bronson `. ay. Chas . S. Evans to erect house on Lot 9, Blick 2, Smithers 5th Addition. IYledical :security Clinic to erect a clinic building on Lot 1, Block 24, R. 20 P. Harry Cadwell to enlarge garage 4 feet at 330 Srliithers St. Geo. Bean.blossom to recair doors and steps at Lots 5 and 6, 13lock 34, Jmithers 2nd. "'loved by Tamborini, seconded by Tsackson that all petitions be granted. Carried. Elmer Pistoresi to rove house from +illiams Wit. orth to tract outside city limits. 1necessary bond having been -costed and approved by the 3t. Supt, it was Idoved by 'Plano, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. j Carried. Resolutions read from Val-ley Chapter, D.A.V. and Fred 1ancock Post protesting against issuance of license to non- k res�Ldents to sell flags, emblems, etc . The matter was referred to the Ordinance Cori ittee with the recoruuendation that Ordinance be amended to prohibit such sales, and Ordinance drafted. Conuuunicati.on read from Renton Cor�iraerci.al Club relating to street parking. Loved by Gebenini, seconded by Burrows that same be re- ferred to the St & Alley Coramittee for consideration. Carried. Conziiunication read from health Dept. adv sing that pre- liminary plans must be approved by the Department before any work is started on water works _project. The same was filed for future reference. Request from P. R. Johnson to connect with city sewage plant als wa er system to provide water and sewage for trailer camp to be built on property lying south of the Pacific Highway and railroad rid ht of way. Loved by Tarrborini, seconded by Burrows that same be referred to the tire, Light w Yater Comraittee and St. Supt. with power to act. Carried. Report read from the Ener. on trailer camp and filed. Certificate of Appointment of Commissioners of 'Housing Authority read, the following; men hav _np� been anointed by the I-ayor: 247 October 2, 1941. SPECIAL I,21 ,1ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL :TAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 8 •P. 1:I. FOR TI PURPO:)E OF DISCUSSING THE ADVISABILITY OF MAKING AN APPLICATION TO FEDERAL GOVLRifi'��TT FOR A SE`rJ 1G PLA17 COVBRIIIG R=701 A11D IIORTITI R72?TON. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, ':�illiams, Plano and Gebenini. I:r. Bowes of the State health De-ot. spoke on the necessity of a more adequate sewage disposal plant. I,Ir. 7',ill of Parker w Hill, consulting engineer outlined the met'lod of making .application. foi a ;rant and also spoke of the prelimary survey necessary stating that his firm would charge not over _,1400.00 for the survey. The I..ayor L Engineer t'rere authorized to contact Er. Durkee relative to --- financing the project, and report back to -the Council. City Clerk or t r 248 M R October 6, 1941. SPECIAL IIEETINTG OF TIS CITE' COUIXIL was called to order at 8 P. 1% . by Payor Beanblossom, for the purpose of adopting a budget. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, i`:illiams, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. There being no objection to the budget as read, it ,- vias TIoved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the budget be adopted as read. Carried unanimously. City Clerk J: 250 U� Petiti^r of the Pacific Telephone w Telegraph Co. to move existing pole 12 ft south on the east side of `Jells St. 2nd pole south of 2nd 'eve. .roved by Tamborini, seconded by ".lilliams that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. C. P. L L. Co. to relocate pole on . illiar�ls t. .orth south of +first ��ve. "orth. 1.,-oved by Lawrence, seconded by Jilliams that same be granted under the supervision of the 3t. erupt. Carried. Petition of property ozaners in the vicinity of Block 5, 3mithers 5th Additimn asking that a local improvement district be created to provide sewer service read. 1--oved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that a kesolution of Intention be drafted. Carried. ed Umberto Barei asking that the water line be extency down 2nd ��venue gest. i. oved by Lawrrence, seconded by Isackson that a Resolution of Intention be drafted. Carried. Charles S. Iiolmes to park taxi on north side of triangulgr nark on I..ain St. Loved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Thos . Dobson, Ianager Seattle Stage Line advising that changes regarding stopping points of the stage line while in Seattle have been made and askinZ the approval of the City Council. roved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the council go on record favoring the new Seattle stops of the Stage Line, and that a letter advising the City Council be forwarded. Carried. Ordinance No. 1136 adopting the 1942 Budget read, and on m1tion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance � o. 1137 fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1942 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. C; -11nance i.o. 1138 approving and ccnffirming the assessment Roll Dist 197 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance "o. 1139 creating a 1..unicipal Defense Commission read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Commitee reported favorably on Ordinance los. 1136, 11371 1138 and 1139. The Ordinance 170. 1136 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, "iillians, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Ordinance '*o. 1137 was placed upon Its second snd third readinE;s and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : La%rrence, Isac'>son, iilliaxls, Plano, Gebenini and Tariborini. Ordinance I. 1138 was -placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting; aye : La,;rrence, Isackson, Alliams, Flano, Gebenini and Tamborini . 249 October 7, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. : . by the 1.1ayor. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isaekson, fdilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. I, inutes of the last regular and two special meetings read and approved as. read. The following petitions, approved by the 3uilding Supt. were read: John Plano to make addition to house at 225 lst live. , I Io. Dave I.-it to reshingle douse at 515 Tobin 3t. , J. E. Oliver to erect five car garage at north end of Burnett St. Thos. Dobson to tear down old Eagle Tavern and erect new building on corner of "idalla -:+cella Ave and Burnett i St. �. Flyers to erect house & gara„e on Tracts 38 and 39 , �. arries Garden Ilome Tracts. 2 Petersen to erect frame garage at 248 Park live. I.-ike Cooper to erect garage on rear of Lot at 208 Iain St. orth. John A. Terrel to erect garage at 606 Shattuck St. Peter Delaurenti to erect small 'house and garage on rear of Lot 21, Block 19, R. F. P. ilex Capelli to reshingle houseat 321 Burnett St. Charles Ruud to erect an electric sign in front of -ew Record on blain St. John A. Thomson to make apartii,.ents on Lot 4, 13lock 4, Car ',corks. Signal Oil Station to .put roof over hoist at 2nd .4'illiams St. John Girias to enlarge garage for a parkin;_; shed at 508 Smithers ;5t. Fred Zevart to to remodel 'house by addidg brick siding at 345 I eadow it. U. Barei to erect rooming house at 2nd :eve. :lest. frank Olson to reshingle house at 325 1'eadow St. E. I1. Stokes to erect neon sign on building at 400 3rd :,.ve. G. H. Friend to reshingle house at 321 I: orris St. J. I. . Baxter to erect mouse and garage at Lot 5, Block 17, R. F. P. John S. Methven to reshingle house w garage at 512 ::ells St. North. Tvioved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that all .petitions be granted. Carried. John Diambori to move garage from Lot 20 to Lot 7 , Block 14, .1 Bond being posted and moving a-pproved by the A. runt. it was Loved by Gebenini, seconded by Isaekson that same be granted. Carried. T. J. Oeery to enlarge basement to make garage under house at 223 I:-eadow St. I=loved by Gebenini seconded by Isaekson that same be turned over to the City Engr and City 'roperty Committee with power to act. Carried. 251 Ordinance No. 1139 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lavarence, Isackson, _, illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Taffborini. Resolution No. 560 authorizing a �,uit Claim Deed to C. T. Smith upon payment of all taxes and assessments to certain lots in 'Renton Real Estate ,'addition read and on motion made by Tamborini, second4d by Plano that same be adoi)ted as read. Resolution lio. 561 authorizing a loan of "'1000. to the r ederal dousing authority read. L owed by ''Williams, seconded by Lawrence that sale be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 562 whereby the City Council goes on record as being twilling to finance 25 of the cost of a nett,'r seti er silstem in the event the Federal Government makes a grant for same read. Loved by La,-drence, seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as read. Carried. T.ldmbers of the _'ederal iiousing Authority were present and gave a very interesting and enlightening talk on the proposed housing in Renton. The question of more water t-ras discussed -uhereupon it was T,Ioved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that the Council go on record as sponsoring a •;;150,000. grater extension. Carried. The Finance Comrlittee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $185.38-1655-1659 Pay Roll Health Dept. 232.58-1660-1666 North Coast Chem & Soap Supplies8 17.24-1670 Valley 'Window Cleaners Labor 2.06- 1 Reid & Cook Supplies Williams & McYmight Fire Dept. Exp. 55.23 3 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 11.12 4 Auto Club Supplies _.__.__ _ . .16«25 .. _.__5__ . Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies8 6.70 6 Hank Hawkins Special Police 12.00 7 Service Laundry Ldry 10.99 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 34.98 9 Owl Cafe Prisoners 1.'eals 39.60-1680 Vioues Pharmacy Fire Dept. Sup 2.40 1 Joe Venishniek Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 2 Bill Reans Fire Dect. Labor 12.50 3 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 4.79 4 Frank E. Rhodes Fire Dept. Exp. 45.75 5 Pioneer Sand & Gravel Fire Sta. P'.aterial 2.06 6 Shearers Sheetmetal Fire Station Exp. 9.40 7 — Custer Iidw Cc :Fire Dept. Sup 2.22 8 Rental Idachry Co. Fire Dept. Exp. 62.75 9 E. P. 'Milson Co. Attys Rent 15.00-1690 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Fire Dept. Sup 30.73 1 Lumber P,:kt Fire Sta. Material 44.52 2 Stoneway Dock Co. Fire Sta. Material 260.19 3 Wallace & Tierman St. Material 33.78 4 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 1.77 5 Archie Adams Fire Sta. Exp. 4.30 6 Paul L. Benham Fire Sta. Exp. 5.30 7 Walter Jordon Dog Catcher 24.00 8 Ivan 'r'W Palmaw Fire ata. Architect 150.00-1700 252 City ?t. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. $190.83-393-402 Pay Roll City Sts. 292.45-384-392 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 367.56-403 Reid & Cook Supplies 5.57 4 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 43.90 5 Nat Ycl.'illan St. Material 229.48 6 Rental Machinery Co. Rental 42.50 7 Chas. R. Batts St. Signs 12.98 8 Stoneway Dock Co. St. 'Laterial 257.47 9 ... Cochran Paint & hdw St. Eaterial 23.11-410 Clarkes Bros Motor Supplies 2.27 1 Lumber h kt St. Paterial 42.27 2 'Nater Pay Roll +'later Dept. $183.64-3268-72 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 233.06-3273 Pettie Printery Printing 7.72 4 Olympic Foundry Material 48.51 5 alestern Tire aervice Material 8.95 6 City of Seattle o7ater 26.20 7 Grinnell Co. Material 30.28 8 Inter City Auto Drayage 1.84 9 Library Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 5.38-126 Athletic yield P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 1.36-30 Vern Burmester Labor on lights 40.00 1 Yoved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 253 October 4, 1941. Council met in regular session at 8 P. I% with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, 'Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. riinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building jupt. were read: John Diambori to repair garage and make same into a three room house at 525 ,'+ells St. No. Sound Construction & End. Co. to erect concrete telephone building at a cost of 430,000. on Lots 14 and 15, Block 25, Town of Renton. E. J. Turny to remodel house at #2 Villiams St. John Konsak to reroof house with composition shingles on Lot 17, Block 2, Car oJorks Thos. L. Farrow to move house from 609 forth 'Williams St. to 525 6th Ave. No and remodel. Bond posted for moving. T,ioved by Gebenini, seconded by Tamborini that all petitions be granted. Carried. Application of Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. to construct underground conduit system, this work being necessary in connection with new central telephone office. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that same be granted under the supervision of the 3t. Supt. Carried. Application of Pac. Tel w Tel. Co. to replace pole at SE corner of 4th Ave & Williams St; place an anchor to west of -- pole at S,r corner of 5th Ave & Burnett St and remove present anchor to the west of the pole on the south side of 5th Ave. at alley west of Burnett St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Offer of Northwest Steel Rolling Mills, Inc to purchase rails, plates and spikes at `. 11.50 per ton f. o. b. Renton read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the offer be refused. Carried. Protest read from yrs. Thos J. Carroll against Baptist Church building out to sidewalk on 318 Smithers St. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Gebenini that the same be turned over to a committee with power to act. Carried. The Mayor appointed the following committee: I. . , Plano and Tamborini. Engr. Report read on Fire Hall stating that same was 85o complete. Resolution No. 563 authorizing the Ylayor & City Clerk to execute suit Claim Deed to T. H. dJilliams and Annetta Williams, his wife, for the consideration of $67.70 assessments and payment in full to the County Treasurer of all taxes, read. 254 Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebeini that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 564 for the improvement of Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition by construction of an 8" sewer, read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by .Williams, that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance read, ordering the installation of metered service to all city water consumers in the City of Renton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. mire, Light c:. ','pater Committee recommended that a 2-4000 Lumen short bracket directional light be installed at the intersection of Bronson , ay North, Factory Street and Houser IjVay. Itioved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the Committee be concurr€d in. Carried. 111r. Martin asked about water and sewer on 6th Ave. North stating that he intended building an auto camp. No action taken. The 1--ayor announced that the neat mmeting of Valley Cities would be held at Puyallup VIednesday October 29th and urged as many of the Council attend as possible. 255 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Fund Pay Roll Engr. Deet. $183.43-1711-16 ray Roll Sewer & Garbage 217.62-1117-21 ._. vi. F. Leavell Supplies 27.82 2 Renton News Reeord Supplies 19.98 3 Em. Thomas Schoolboy Sup 24.46 4 R. R. Yates Supplies 2.32 5 Bill Renas Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 6 Joe Venishnick Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 7 Kroll liap Co. Map 2.06 8 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Engr. Supplies 1.03 9 Sanderson Safety Suply Fire Dept. Supplies 4.34-1730 'fiest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 22.70 1 J. A. Lawrence Fuel 33.48 2 Thomas Harries Ins. Prem. 10.00 3 C. Haleway Keys & Fire Sta Wk 8.54 a Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 1.60 5 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 43.40 6 Waters Specialties Suppliew 6.42 7 Reid & Cook Fire Sta. Cont 250.00 8 Paul L. Beham Fire Sta. Extra. 2.50 9 Asbestos Supply Co. Fire Sta. Material 39.19-1740 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 45.54 1 Lumber llkt Fire Sta. Y'aterial 259.26 2 City St. Fund. Pay Roll City Sts. yp'110.99-416-420 Pay Roll Sts. 329.87-421-427 t�. F. Leavell Supplies 18.03-428 Union Oil Co. Gas 14.54 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 368.25-430 `dater Fund Pay Roll eater Dept. $173.66-3281-6 Puget Sound Stamp "dorks% Supplies 1.85 3287 W. F. Leavell Supplies 12.20 8 Rensselaer Valve Co. .Material 14.62 9 Grinnell Co. Material 60.18 3290 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 188.75 1 Park Fund Pay Roll Park Dept. $ 49.39-87 Athletic Field P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 4.30-32 256 I n Library Fund Renton Lumber & Supply Co. i?aterial X85.69-128 Junior Literary Guild Supplies 21.00 9 Renton News Record Printing 4.64 130 The Macmillan Co. Library Books 13.07 1 Junior Literary Guild Library books 18.51 2 H. W. Wilson Co. Library Books 5.00 3 J. E. Neff Library Labor 5.00 4 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 7.86 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Library Lights 7.02 6 Y-oved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be ccncurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 257 November 4, 1941. City Council met in regular session at 8 P. IkI. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Alliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Mlinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Howard Custer to reshingle house at 205 2nd Ave. No. Dominic C . Tarro to repair foundation at 540 Smithers St. John Diambri to move house around on Lot 19, Block 14, R. F. P. Renton Hdw Co. to cut door in building on Third Ave. in place of existing window. Everett Charboneau to move house from 6th Ave. No. to "vim Lot 1, .Block 1, 3artoristrille. Doug 1,?_iller to reroof with composition shingles at 214 3rd Ave. No. Fred Peacock to reshingle and remodel inside of house at 320 Burnett 3t. Ivor Pollock to move house and garage from 6th Ave. No. to Lots 15 and 16, Block 16, R. F. P. Ivor Pollock to repair foundation of house on Lots 15 and 16, Block 161, R. f e P. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that all permits be granted. Carried. Al Hartwick to erect commerdial garage, concrete block, On lot 21 Block 22, Town. The petition was referred to the Building Supt. Protest read from citizens on Smithers St. in the vicinity of the Baptist Church objecting to the extension of the church toward the front on Smithers St. The protest was referred to the committee to investigate with power to act. Engr. Dailey of the Federal Public +4'orks Reserve addressed the Council and offered cooperation and assistance in the development of needed public works and submitted Resolution for adoption by the Council. Communication read from Atty Houser relative to method of handling the $1000. loaned to the Federal I-.1 Authority of Renton. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the attorney be carried out. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation $194.17-1758-61 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 202.38-1762-66 Pace Tel. Tel. Co. Telephones 59.30- 7 -- Valley '+Window Cleaners Labor 2.06 8 Walter Jordon Dog Cacther 25.50 9 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 57.65-1770 Standard Oil Co. Gas 155.17 1 Ames Book Co. Supplies 6.49 2 Paul Benham Fire Dept. Exp. .88 3 Pioneer Sand & Gravel Fire Sta. Exp. 1.80 4 Lockwood Lumber Co. Fire Sta. Material 213.08 5 Seattle Steel Co. mire Sta. i: aterial 36.83 6 Rental I:Iachinery Co. Fire Sta. Expense 75.27 7 258 Current Kuker Ranken Co. Engr. Sup 7.59-1778 Stoneway Dock Co. Fire Sta. Material 122.50 9 Renton Iron Works Fire Sta. I+Iaterial 22.78-1780 Renton Hdw & Turn Supplies 64.05 1 E. P. Wilson Co. Atty' s Rent 15.00 2 Cochran Paint g. Hdw Supplies 5.01 3 Service Ldry Ldry 7.79 4 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 4.16 5 Puget Sound ower & Light Labor on Lights 15.45 6 H&using !Authority Loan9 1000.00 7 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 360.56-432-8-9 Pay Roll City Sts. 243.73-440-50 estern Tire Service Repair Work 1.70-451 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 10.82 2 North Coast Electric Co. Material 43.16- 3 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 27.12 4 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 9.53 5 Water Payroll Water Dept. $162.68-3292-6 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 35.00 7 Rensselaer Valve Co. I,aterial 88.94 8 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 4.26 9 City of Seattle ;'dater 23.00-3300 Pettie Printery Printing P ark Payroll Park Dept. 53.88-88 Renton h-dw & Turn Supplies 19.51 9 Library J. H. Lawrence Fuel 61.80-141 Yoved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurfed in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk tVIayor 259 November 18, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. T: . by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. The foll6wing petitions, all approved by the Building Supt were read: Joe Fillon to erect house on Lot 12, Block 18, R. F. P. U. Barei to erect building 26 x 70 for kitchen and dining room at 110 2nd Ave. , Z. R. & T. L. Pierce to erect brick veneer house on Lot 18, B` &ck 12, R. F. P Emil Goudal to reshingle house on Lot 8, Block 1, Gunns Addition. E, Frances Gallacher to reshingle house on Lot 9, Block 22, R. F. P. Jack Carlin to erect garage at 605 lalla ',calla Ave. I. Camerini to erect house on Lot 4, Block 41 Sm. 5th ivirs. Carrie Cochran to remodel garage making same into a small house on Lot 15, Block 24, Town. Geo. '' . Custer to move house from Lot 19, Block 22, Town of Renton to 116 ';ells St. Hub City Chev to erect three chimneys in garage corner Burnett & 3rd Ave. Dora Hurt to move old building adjoining bank on vcilliams st to end of Tobin St. , Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that all petitions be granted. Carried. E. Torkelson of Tourist Lotel to erect large storage room and coal bin, corrugated iron structure, in rear of build- ing on Lot 3, Block 26, Town. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be referred to the Fire, Light & ;cater Committee and the Building Supt for investigation and make report back to council. Carried. The City'Property Committee reported that in their opinion the proposed extension toward the street of the Baptist Church should not be allowed for the reason that such extension was not contemplated by the council when permit was granted and same would be in violation of the building code. Loved by Burrows, se„r^ded by lilliams that the proposed extension toward the street should not be made and that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in and the Baptist Church notified of the .Couneil' s action and that further extension inviolation of law would not be tolerated. Carried. Resolution No. 566 authorizing the isayor %w City Clerk to execute quit Claim Deed to Florenzo Delaurenti upon payment of all assessments in full against Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Renton .— Real estate Companys Addition. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as read. Carried. Complaint was made of loose boards on the ,Northern :pacific Crossing at 3rd ;eve. .loved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the city attorney ask the company to remedy this situation at once. Carried. CitNr Clerk ungs instructed to communicate with Sam Zanga relative to opening up the 60 ft. street adjoining his property at the end of Meadow St. This being the night for hearing protests against the trRei im t on Smithers 5th �'�ddn and none received, the city atty. nst;ucted to draft he necessary Ordinance. 260 �r 1me� Petition of the Fac. Tel & Tel. Co. to replace, remove, and set anchors on certain streets was read. The petition was referred to the St & Alley Committee and the it. Supt. for investigation and report. Carried. Representatives of the Dual Parking Meter Company addressed the Council relative to parking meters. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation $207.14-1799-1804 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 252.18-1805-8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 51.08-1809 H. Hawkins Police Expense 4.12-1810 R. E.Theinhardt Insurance 43.50 1 Vincent Stewart Expenses to Olympia 5.00 2 Ntrnards Photo Shop Police expense 6.93 3 Howard Cooper Corp. Supplies 1.54 4 Art 3rowne F. D. 1) nense 1.20 5 Renton Chronicle F. D. Printing 17 .00 6 Acme Ornamental Iron "oaks Fire Station Expense 22.00 7 Reid & Cook Supplies 3.18 8 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 6.69 9 Renton News Record Supplies 11.44-1820 Renton News Record mire Dept. Exp. 1.75 1 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 19.18 2 Seattle Steel Co. Fire Sta. Material 101.78 3 0. Priebe Fire Sta. Material 2.40 4 Pae. Car & Fdry Co. Fire Sta. Material 615.94 5 Renton Auto Freight Drayage - Fire >>ta. 5.97 6 Ralphs Garage Fire Sta. Labor & 11aterial 15.46 7 Custer Hdw Co. Fire Sta. Material 55.26 8 Renton Chronicle Legal rublications 174.71 ` 19 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 92.30-460-63 Pay Roll City Sts. 207.11-466-67 P. S. t^. & i. Co. Lights 368.88-468 Reid & Cook Supplies 13.08 9 0. Priebe Labor on tools 16.29-470 Federal ripe & TiNK Material 103.77 1 Chas. R. 'Watts & Co. Material 33.99 2 'mater Pay Roll 'dater Dept. X194.12-3304-10 National I.eter Div Material 15.00-3311 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 15.64 2 Pettie Printery Printing 9.27 3 Grinnell Co. Material 143.70 4 Feder&l Pipe I;aterial 122.18 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Pourer 199.94 6 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 38.16-91 Library Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. LighTs X8.60-143 Consumers Research Inc Library Books 2.00 4 H. R. Huntting Co. Lib. Exp. 58.12 5 Harry Hartman Lib. Books 31.68 6 J. K. Gill Co. Lib. Books 7.65 7 The IYacmillan Co. Lib. Books 7.60 8 Renton Iidw & Furn Supplies 61.03 9 1,oved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried, No further business, meeting a?iourne�. y e P.Iayor 261 December 2, 1941. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. TI. by T,Iayor Beanblossom. Poll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. -- i>iinutes of the last meeting read and approved - The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: J. E. Farmer to re-roof house at 619 Smithers St. Ben Johnson to remodel house and make addition to same on Lot 43, Block 7, Car i'orks Addition. John Podriznik to tear down old building and erect two roomed house on Lot 9, Block 7, Car "orks. Geo. V. Custer to make addition to bank and remodel present bank building on Lots 9 and 10, Block 22, Town. Tono Rintala to erect house on Block 3, Smithers 5th Addition. Adeline Bowron to repair foundation of house at 416 Main St. John Girias to extend garage about 10 ft north at 508 Smithers 3t. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that permits be issued. Carried. Petition of the Owl Cafe to make lean-to in rear of cafe. 14oved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the Fire Light & ;Fater Committee with power to act. Carribd. Petition of the P. S. P & L. Co. to relocate certain poles and erect anhors read. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that we ask the P. S. P. & L. Co. to refrain from using stubs and that the petitions be turned over to the Street and Alley -- Committee and the St. Supt. for approval and they be given power to act. Carried; Communication read from John H. Caley relative to erection of garages. The City Clerk was instructed to answer the letter. Report read from Geo. riood, City Engr. adivining the necessity of appointing a Consulting Engineer and suggested the firm of Parker Hill Engineering Co. of Seattle. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that we communicate with the above firm and get their terms, etc. Carried. This being the night for hearing protests against the watermain on 2nd Ave. , West, a 90% protest was received. St. Supt. stated that Mr. Barei had made other arrangements to get water so the improvement is not necessary. .._ Resolution No. 567 authorizing the 1::ayor and City Clerk to execute a quit Clain. Deed to C. T. Smith,--4- for certain lots in Renton Real Estate Addition upon payment of all taxes acid local assessments read. Yoved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be adopted as read. Carried. 262 Resolution No. 568 in arnreciation of the efforts of John ru. Coffee in securing an appropriation from the Federal Government to complete the new Fire Station. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance providing for the improvement of Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition by sewer read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance granting a franchise to Defense Plant Corpora- tion for two mains for water supply purposes in certain streets of the City of Renton introduced and read the first time. Ordinance for the installation of parking meters in the City of Renton on certain streets read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. St & Alley Committee reporting on the petition of the Pac. Tel & Tel. Company recommended that the application be granted. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. loved by Plano, seconded by Temborini that the city attorney be instructed to draft Ordinance relative to trailers and trailer camps in the city. Carried. vioved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the Mayor & City Council meetiwith the 'r'"aterway Commission, 11onday Dec. 8, relative to bridge over 6th Ave. Carried. The Zinance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Payroll Health & Sanitation $210.13-1844-49 Valley 'a` indow Cleaners Labor 2.06-1850 Renton News Record Printing 3.50 1 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 2.36 2 Waters Specialties Supplies 4.12 3 Em. Thomas Police Dept. Exp, 8.77 4 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co Telephones 49.32 5 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 43.50 6 Brewer & Cone Zire Dept. L.aterial 17.51 7 Shearers Sheetmetal Fire Sta Sup 1.40 8 Rental Rachry Co Fire Sta. .Exp. 42 .50 9 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 26.55-1860 M1. Furlow Cedar Rope-City Hall 3.40 1 Richfield Oil Co. Gas 61.96 2 Stoneway Dock Co. Fire ata Idaterial 184.67 3 Payroll Engr. Dept. 236.64-1866-70 First 2ederal ravings Attys Rent 15.00-1871 Renton Hdw Co. 6upplies 1.13 2 'a . alter Uordon Dog Catcher 18.00 4 Renton Chroncile Printing, etc 79.18- 5 Joe Venishnick Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 Sterling 2liggi Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 7 Bill Reans Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 8 Howard Cooper Corp Fire Dept. Exp. 412.00 9 ruater PayRoll Water Dept. 174.90-3319-26 John Lotto, P . 11. Envelopes, etc 143.52-3327 263 City 3t. Fund Payroll St Fund Payroll 252.01-475-79 Pay Roll City Sts 92.30-480-83 Union Oil Co. Gas 36.86-484 J. 11. Lawrence Fuel 20.85 5 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 58.65 6 Stoneway Dock Co, St. Iaterial 6.18 7 Park Park Labor Payroll 38.16-92 Ivoved bI Plano, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation 6f the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. 17,4 Avi'd City Clerk T:ayor 264 December 11, 1941. SPECIAL L STING OF T= CITY COUNCIL WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 8 P. Pv:. for the purpose of adopting a National Defense Ordinance and imposing a penalty for violation thereof. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, %'illiams, Plano, Gebenini and -Tamborini. Ordinance No. 1140 providing a penalty for the violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Municipal Defense Commission of the City of Renton, '!,'ashington, and imposing a Penalty for the violation thereof, and declaring an emergency, was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1140 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, 3urrows, ?illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. The Mayor then appointed the following members of the unicipal Defense Commission: Floyd Lawrence , E. T1'. Isackson L. E. Plano Louie Gebenini Steve Tamborini and appointed Floyd Lawrence as Co-ordinator and Vice-President of the Commission. No further business, meeting adjourned. City C erk P=layor 265 December 16, 1941. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11. with T_ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. T:inutes of the last regular and special meeting read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: E. Torkelson to partition one large room making same into four small room on Lot 3, Block 26, Town. 1,:rs. Emma Jones to add one room to small house in rear of Lot 18, Block 37, Smithers 3rd Addition. 1.1oved by lii'illiams, seconded by Isackson that permits be issued. Carried. Communication r . from Congressman Coffee in appreciation of Resclution sent him read and ordered filed. Communication and also easement read from City of Seattle granting the City of Renton an easement over and across six feet on the north side of right of way between Loan & Burnett Sts. ( LToved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that titre accept the Easement and remit X1.00 covering the cost of Basement. Carried. Petition from the Defense Plant Corporation for the vacation of a part of -iilliams :street TTorth, read. The following Resolution was then presented by the attorney: Resolution No. 571 fixing the date of hearing for protests on the petition for the vacation of part of iilliams St. north read. P,ioved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that sane be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 569 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quit Claim Deed to Oliver M. Hazen and Vivian S. hazen, his wife for the North 36ft of W. 142 ft of Tract 22, Mentor_ moo-operative Coal Co. 's hcre Tracts, upon payment of all taxes and assessments, read. Itioved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that same be adopt- ed as read. Carried. Resolution No. 570 authorizing the 1, ayor c-L City Clerk to execute a quit Claim Deed to Tom Dobson, Jr. and Eleanor M. Dobson, his wife for an undivided one-half interest in the 32 of Lot 8, all of Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Car ,1'orks addition, upon payment of all taxes and assessments, read. Ta.oved by Plano, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance �- No. 1142 for the improvement of Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition b sewer, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third r adi.ngs and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, 'dilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. 266 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nio. 1141 granting a 99 year franchise to Defense Plant Corporation to construct, maintain and operate two water mains for water supply purposes on Logan St. The ordinance was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting upon roll call: Lawrence, Yes Isackson Yes Burrows Yes 10'illiams, Yes Plano Yes Gebenini Yes Tamborini T' o Ordinance No. 1140 providing a penalty for the violation of the rules and regulations of the Municipal Defense Commission of the City of 1%enton, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reorted favorably on Ordinance No. 1140 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrovrs, '1illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1143 for the installation, regulation and control ..1 parking meters whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, `�#illiarras , Plano, Gebenin and Tamborini. =.n Ordinance regulating and licensing trailer camps read and on motion referr3d to the Ordinance Committee. Atty. Houser stated that the Federal Housing Authority were desirous to know what steps had been taken on the sewage question and also the water system improvement. The Mayor appointed the following to investigate and report back the feasibility of purchasing water from Seattle: The Fire, Light & 'grater Committee, City Attorney and City yngineer. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Renton News Record Supplies 4.02-1893 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 46.17 4 Ralphs Garage Labor ez aupl 10.30 5 Service Laundry Lauddry 8.85 6 P. S. 1,likkelsen.11,D. Prisoners led. 2.50 7 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 17.49 8 Reid & Cook Bal. on contract 1250. 9 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 13.84-1900 Cochran - aint & ijdw Supplies 2.17 1 :':mold Bldg. , Specialties Fire Sta. :exp. 32.98 2 Pioneer Sand a Gravel Fire Sta. " 2.00 3 Fentron Steel ,J'orks Fire Sta, Material 2.0.60 4 Inter-City Auto 2 re ight Fire Sta. Exp. 1.25 5 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 55.72 6 Assn of +ash. Citites Fees 100.00 7 Pay Roll Engr, Deet, 182.69-1880-1908-11-13 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 252.55-1914-20 267 Current Howard-Cooper Corp. Fire Sta. Material 7301.27-1921 Jack T. Ranken Co. Repair York 22.66 2 Potlatch Yards, Inc fire Sta. Yaterial 242.05 3 C. Bevan Fire Sta. Material 238.95 4 Joe Venishnick, Secy. mire Dept. Salaries 598.00 5 Rental Ychry Co. Fire Sta. Exp. 83.42 6 Yerriman Paint Co. Fire Sta. A,aterial 109.18 7 Gladding,f.cBean & Co. Fire Sta. P;'aterial 19.53 8 Hank Hawkins Police Services 12.00 9 City 6f :jeattle Easement 1.00-1930 Ivan ivy. Palmaw architect-i ire ata 150.00 1 City 3t. fund P. S. & L. Co. Lights ?368.77-491 Custer �ldw Co. Supplies 1.55 2 Pay Roll City Sts. 281.99-493-98 Pay Roll City 3ts. 4110.7699-502 Standard Oil Co. Gas 58.65-503 John Zarwoodis '.food 7.73 4 Water PayRoll :'dater Dept. 138.73-3334-38 C. Bevan 1 aterial 10.95-3329 City of Seattle +cater 25.24- 30 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 125.69 31 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 183.75 32 Addressograph Div Supplies 1.18 3 Pay Park Pay Roll Bark Labor X58.37-94-5 Library Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 79.08-154 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 36.00 5 The Macmillan Co. Lib. Books 8.63 6 H. R. Huntting Co. Lib. Books 2.90 7 American Library rissn Lib. Books 2.00 8 Junior Literary Guild Lib. Books .92 9 Puget Sound News do. Lib. .Books 17.00-160 Harry Hartman Lib. Books 14.87 1 Athletic 2ield P. a. P. & L. Co. Lights 2.85-36 4oved by Layrrence, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 4o further business, meeting adjourned. F(Y' City Clerk I:ayor.. 26$ =" s.r4Y 'y Jany. 6, 1942 The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 15. with I;iayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Isackson, Burrows, "Jilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. lAnutes of the last meeting read and a-)proved. WNW The following petitions approved by the Building Supt and St. Supt. were read: Yrs. T. H. Williams to move house from 220 Burnett St. to Denton Real Estate Company' s 1st Addition. .lice Davis to reroof garage at 536 M=orris St. Shuffleton Plant to erect steel tank, 64000 bbl. capacity for fuel oil, read. LSoved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. Petition signed by approximately 200 asking the Council to reconsider their action taken on the protest of property owners adjacent to the Baptist Church read. Communication read from John Parker asking that his name be withdrawn from original protest. h:oved by Lawrence, sedonded by Plano that the petitions be filed for future reference. Carried. Offer read from `rank Lamkin for purchase of old rails, spikes, etc at : 10.00 per ton f.o.b.Renton. .,-oved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenin that the offer be rejected. Carried. This being the night for the hearing; on the petition for the vacation of .illiams St. north. ITo protests- were filed against the vacation. Several representatives of the Defense Plant Corpora- tion explained the necessity for the vacation of the street. 21."cared, by Gebenini seconded by Williams that a 'portion of Williams Street North be vacated, and the City Attorney instructed to draft an Ordinance vacating a portion of said '�il]_iarns St. orth. Carried unanimously. The following bids were received for chlorine : Pennsylvania Salt Company 9¢ per pound f.o.b. Tacoma Tooker Electrochemical Company 9¢ it f.o.b. Tacoma I,ioved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the contract be awarded the Pennsylvania Salt Company this year. Carried. This being the night for ing bids on the printing of the city' s legals the following was- read: Renton Chronicle - - 33 1/3 cents per inch, single column double rate for double column, same to be printed in both the Chronicle and the Shopper. I.1oved by Lawrence, seconded by ."illiam.s that we turn down the bid and readvertise. Carried. Communication read frora City Atty. relative to danger- ous condition existing at the end of the pavement on ;'salla ++cella Avenue and Burnett St. i�ioved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that we call for bids on a new prowler and also a truck for the :'ater Dept. Carried. 269 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept.to Dec. 23rd X150.26-1943-7 Pac . Coast Stamp d'dorks Supplies 31.00-1948 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 46.92- 9 Cochran Paint L iidw Supplies 21.78-1950 Allen Fuel Company Fuel 25.75 1 ,tiestern Union Telegram. 1.98- 2 Pioneer nand a Gravel Co. Supplies- Fire Station 4.12 3 Inter-City auto Freight Mrayage- Fire Station .75 4 Pac. Tel a, Tel. Co. Telephones 51.00 5 I-'utual Materials Co. Fire Sta. Material 72.10 6 Asbestos Supply Co. Fire Sta. D_aterial 48.21 7 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.57 8 Joe Venishnick Fire Dent. Wages 12.50 9 Bill Reans Fire Dept. " 12.50-1960 Stirling 2liggi Are Dept. " 12.50 1 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 59.80 2 Howard Cooper Corp. mire Dept. -Laterial 119.00 3 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. to Dec. 31st, 117.29-1965-70 Pay Roll Health ,� Sanitation 238.58-1972-77 ,dalter Jordon To dog catcher 83.00 8 Service Laundry Ldry 19.79 9 11c2adden 2uel Fuel 48.00-1980 Valley tindow Cleaners Labor 2.06 1 rirst Federal Savings Attys .Rent 15.00 2 Bancroft +hitney Co. LAw Books 7.73 3 Rentor. News Record Printing and supplies 28..84 4 P. Fuller Co. Fire Sta. I:laterial 129.78 5 Stoneway Dock Co. Fire ata. Material 212.18 6 Ames Supply Co. Engr. Supplies 7.73 7 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 37.91 8 City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. A39.55-507-11 Pay moll City Sts. 92.30-512-15 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 11.25-516 Republic Creosting Co. Material 5.15 7 0. Preibe Labor on tools 19.46 8 ,�estern Wire service T-aterial 9.35 9 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 43.99-520 Charles R. ,'latts & Co. St. Ir"_aterial 15.45 1 ';`dater Pay Roll Water Dept. X144.96-3339-45 Addressograph Sales Agency Supplies 1.62-3346 City of Seattle Water 21.12- 7 Kersey I,fg. Co. Material 72.00 8 Palmer Supply Co. Material 102.02 9 The Number I,lct r.laterial 5.98-3350 Park Pay Roll Park rept. 44.90-96 Loved by La,-rrence, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 270 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance IT o. 1144 regulating and licensing trailer campsv whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: La�nrrence, Isackscn, Burro?^rs, i illiams, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. Ordinance iso. 1145 authorizing and directing the Police w License Committee anmmfttmm to enter into a rental agreement for parking meters read and on rittion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance !io. 1145 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, 7.4illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk T:ayor 271 Jany. 20, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Psi. .with i:iayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, 3urroti^rs, Iilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read find approved. The following petitions, approved by the :wilding erupt and 3t. Supt. ::x_,A read. Sill Hoyt to build a dormer window and make bath room upstairs on Lot 6, 31ock 4, R. F. P. Jabus Lilley to erect garage on Lot 10, 31ock 4, Smithers 5th Addition. Renton idw w Furn to erect a neon sign on their building on Third Ave. A. D. Angwin to move house from the ia. Tonkin place in Adsits Lake . ashington Addition to Lot 14, Block 20, R. F. P. remodel same and make basement on Lot 14, Block 20, R. F. P. Ivor Pollock to remodel garage making same into living quarters and erect a garage on lot at 444 fells ''t. Torth. C. R. James to erect house on Lot 13, Block 16 , R. F. P. Proved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Raymond H. Lohmes to erect a house on the southeast corner of Block 2, Sartorisville, corner of 4th & Garden. Yoved b-r lsacTrsor_, seconded by Biirrows that this petition be granted. Carried. - Petition arried.Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to set 3 new roles and 2 anchors and remove 2 poles and one anchor to clear building on Lake St. between Tobin and Tillicum Ave. Set 6 poles and one anchor and remove 4 poles on itorris St. between 5th and 4th rives. Set 3 polesand remove one pole on 5th Ave. between I�iain and Lill St. Set 1 pole on 7th Ave. east of imithers St. Set 1 pole and remove 1 pole at 5th Ave and Smithers St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that petition be granted. Carried. Central 1;';otors notified the Council that they no longer desire to rent the shed on Bronson Way North. deport read from the yn �r. estimating the cost of plaster- ing the Ivew Lire Station to be ?399.00 and bid had been received from Jack Carolin to do the job for : 350.00 and the work has been started by Pair. Carolin. R. H. Kenyon and represent es from the :tate Dept. of highways were present and asked thOtg dedicate as a public highway an 80 ft. strip of land off of the north side of a tract of land convey ed to the City by Lee I.-onohon. 1.roved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the city dedicate an eighty (80) ft strip for a public highway and the city attorney ._. instructed to draft an ordinance for the dedication. Carried. The following bids were received for printing the city' s legals : Renton Chronicle - 33it, for first insertion second publication: no charge. News Record - 25¢ per inch for first insertion 5¢ per inch for second insertion Loved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that all bids be rejected. Carried. 272 The following bids were received from the following companies: Standard Oil Company, Union Oil Company, Richfield Oil Company and Signal Oil Company. The lowest bid received was for 12.72. Y,oved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the bids be accepted provided all companies sell at 12.72. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on a prowlerand a truck for the water dept. the following were read: '.'u illiams w Swanson frank E. Rhodes :right-Derringer i. otors Valley Iotors. T: oved by Isackson, seconded by 7lilliams that the bids be turned over to the city property committee for recommendation to the Council. Carried. Ordinance No. 1146 TMacating a portion of `ailliams St. IT orth read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance i,o. 1146 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Isackson, Burrows, :' illiam.s, Plano, Gebenini and Temborini. Carried. Ordinance No. 1147 dedicating as a public highway, a strip of land 80 ft wide on the north side of a tract of land conveyed to the City by Lee i�onohon, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1147 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Isackson, Burros°rs, dilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Ordinance Yo. 1148 fixing the compensation of the 1-layor and ,:embers of the City Council read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Comsaittee reported favorably on Ordinance ivo. 1148 whereupon it was placed upon its second and tlird readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Isackson, Burrows, lilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Taraborini. Atty. stated that the parking meters contract was ready for execution after the addition of one paragraph. !,loved by 3"urrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be placed in the hands of the Police & License Committee and the city attorney with power to act. Carried. Neighbors in +6t vicinity of 4th Ave. :orth and Garden objected to the erection/house on corner of 4th w Garden St. :,moved by 3urrows, seconded by Tamborini that the council reconsider action taken on permit. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recor^LT?ended for pay- r:Lent the followirV�; : Current The Lumber L.arl-et 1.,Taterial ,x4:3.06-1989 Seattle Title Co. Title Ins 5.00 90 Pay Roll ''nor. 275.16-1991-2003-08-50 Pay Roll ;�. tation ')ept. 205.38-2010-14 Central 1.1otors Police aup 2.81-2015 Art Bunrnside " 86.41 6 nrt Beils Garage Supglies 1.02 7 Roys Cleaners Police Exp. 1.80 8 'daters Specilaties Supplies 1.34 9 Bancroft tdhitney Co. Law Supplies 4.12-2020 C . Raleway Makin" keys 1.^5 1 atilring Fliggi .Eire Dept. Exp. 12.50 2 Bill Rears " 't it 12.50 3 Joe Venishnick " " " 12.50 4 273 J. Reans Painting Fire ata. 115.00-2025 Seattle Chapter Red Cross sire Dept. Exp. 8.00 6 Louis Peretti Police Exp. 1.00 7 2 entron Steel iVorks Fire Sta. Exp. 66.99 8 J. '.d. Merriman Paint Co. " it 24.16 9 Pac. Car w Fdry L:aterial 1.96-2030 Arnold Bldg. , Specialties Laterial Fire Sta 32.96 1 GladdingMcBean & Co. Fire ;eta. Iraterial 18.54 2 Trick & Murray Supplies 58.71 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 77/27 4 Cochran Paint & 1dw Supplies 17.04 5 The Lumber IyIct Fire Sta. I. aterial 279.33 6 Jack Carlin Fire Sta. Labor 350.00 7 Renton P. 0. Stamps 1.00-2040 Water -:dash State Tax Cor;riission ;'dater Tax ; 156.65-3355 Pay Roll '::ester Dept. 136.16-3356-61 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 2.95-3362 P. S. P. & L. Co. Pourer 202.01-3363 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. `';;79.45-527-30 Pay Roll City Sts. 281.46-531-37 Cochran Paint A Hdw Supplies 31.64-538 Bianco Coal Lines City :tet. Exp. 2.32 9 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 12.36-540 Art Beils Garage Paterial 13.44 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 369.85 2 Park Pay Roll Parks 34.93-98 Library Junior Literary Guild Library Books 74.00-167 J. H. Laurence Fuel 54.59 8 A. J. Burney Painting at Library 139.67 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. lights 10.86-170 Aved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the re7ort of the Comrlittee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk hAyor 274 Jany. 29, 1942. rl apecial meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8:15 P. I: . by I-ayor 3eanblossom. Doll Call: Isackson, 3urro.as, Lawrence, 'largo and Tamborini. I4oved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that Attorney Houser be ordered to file an injunction against the Baptist Church restraining them from continuing further construction on the church building. Carried unanimously. Loved by Plano, seconded by 3urrows that James Casey be retained as consulting engineer for all defense projects for the Cit-, of Renton. Carried unanimously. • I: ayor 3eanblossom Gave a report on the meetin`; of Valley Cities. ity Clem, -zx.e--�'e� a 275 February 3, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Tei. with I.Iayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, EurrovJs , +illiams, -_'lano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Yinutes of the last regular and special meetings read and approved. The following petitions, arproved by the Building Supt. were read: Frank Ceteznik to lower roof of house and enlarge kitchen on Lot 6, Block 18, Town. 0. G. Gilleland to remodel house by making apartment at 522 Jells St. worth Henry Laws to erect small house on Lot 8, Block 7, Town Yxs. Jane Duff to reroof store building on 3rd .'eve... occupied by Rentondw Co. I.:oved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that the petitions be allowed. Carried. Petition read from. Lester Hagerty to erect small house on Lot- 13, BlcIck 5, R. F. P. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that this be re- ferred to the Building :�upt. with pot,+Ter to act. Carried. Protest of citizens in the vicinity of Garden and Fourth Avenue north against a private housing program erecting houses of the type erected on the SE corner of Garden w 4th Avenue north. Corvnunication read from the Commercial Club, stating that a zoning committee had been appointed and would actwith the 1, ayor and City Council in zoning the entire city. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that both petitions be received and filed for future reference. Carried. Communication head from Congressman Coffee assuring the IZiayor of his support in anything pertaining to Renton's welfare. Report read from Atty. rouser on the remodelling of the Baptist Church and recommending that the Chief be instructed to file a complaint against the party engaged in the construction of the building. 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Ta.Tborini that the report be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. No bids being received for the construction of a sewer in lock 5, Smithers 5th Addition, the engr recommended that the best way to get this work done is for the City to buy the material and accept bid for work of laying the pipe. The following bid was read from T. L. Pierce in the sum of :; 260.75 for labor only. No action was taken by the Council on same. Report read from the ''ire Dept. for the year 1942 showing the fire loss to be only •, 1.50 per person. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by vdilliams that same be filed '— and a copy sent to both papers for publication. Carried. Resignation of David Reid as Police officer to take effect immediately read. %,roved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the resignation on account of EX. Reid's health be accepted aa-- of date 21 eby. 15th. Carried. The City Property 0ommittee to whom was referred the bids of a prowler car and a truck recommended as follows: 276 For the tater Dept: Dodge 1/2 ton pick up with canopy top, X1127 .01 without trade in. Valley 1r.Otors, Renton Branch. For the Police Dept: Master De Luxe, 4 door sedan, w1174.87 . Hub City Chev. Renton, .'dashington. Loved by Isackson, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The I:ayor appointed Angelo Bussato as Police Officer to take the place of Iir. Reid. 1:oved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Resolution llo. 572 authorizing the Mayor & City Cler}: to execute a quit Claim Deed conveying certain property in Rentor_ Ileal Estate Addition to halter Cook and wife upon pay- ment of all taxes and assessments. I,.-oved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. Carried. The 2inance Committee audited and recommended for payment the follmving: Cu rent Pay Roll Engr. Dept, ;,200.71-2051-54 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 255.19-2057-63 Art Burnside L Co. Police Exp. 17.63-2065 Valley ydindow Cleaners Labor 2.06 6 ldest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 16.20 67 J. ii. Lawrence 2uel 41.67 8 Thomas Harries Insurance 5.00 9 Pac. Tel Tel. Co. Telephones 50.25-2070 Rouser & Rouser Police Exp. 8.50 1 Service Laundry Ldry 5.51 2 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 47.80 3 Richmond Beach Schools Fire rta. Niaterial 64.60 4 J. 'i. Merriman Paint it it it 40.66 5 Rental I::achry Co. it T' it 80.07 6 Stoneway Dock Co. it " it 305.43 7 Tropical Paint & Oil Co. " it it 12.90 8 Acme Ornamental Iron ..orks " " T' 138.02 9 Renton Hdw & i+urn Co. Supplies 20.58-2080 The Lumber I.Ikt Lumber Fire rta 142.39 1 Jack T. Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 2.33 2 ,:alter Jordon Dog Catcher 28.50 3 Ames Supply Co. Engr. Supplies 2.06 4 First �Yederal ravings Atty' s Rent 15. 5 State Treasurer Fire Dept. Dues 48, 6 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts . 281.12-546-550 Pay Roll It it 151.29-551-556 Diesel Oil Sales Co. ;tet. Oil 250.08-559 P. S. P. & L. Co. Replacing light pole 20.60 560 Chas R. viatts �. Co. rt. Material 17.51 1 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 6.74 2 Stoneway Dock Co. St. I,Iaterial 79.19 3 R. E. Theinhardt Insurance 66.80 4 Williams L Swanson Supplies 3.58 5 Lumber 1 k St. L.-aterial 1.73 6 J. H. Lavrrence Fuel 24.72 7 dater Pay Roll ater Sept. 134.35-3367-74 Grinnell Co. I.Iaterial 91.96 75 2ortune Library . und 7.75-176 Renton udw & Turn Park 1.23 -99 John J. Harries Park Labor 54.90r-100 It,Ioved by Latvence, seconded by Burrows that all bills be allowed. Carried. No further business, meetin- adjournedt to t Feby 5th. �Ity C erk Ir ay or 277 February 5, 1942. ADJOLMED. I.EETING OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL was called to order at 8 P. M. with Nayor Beanblossom presiding. `- Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, 3urrows, Plano and Gebenini. Contract for services of consulting engineer, James �,J. Carey was read. :after considerable discussion, between Attorney Boughton and Atty mouser it was agreed that the contract for the services of I.-'r. Carey should be redrawn as per agreement of Council and attorneys. The question of hiring another officer for checking on parking meters was brought up. The 1.ayor appointed Clinton McCarthy for the job to be placed on the payroll uhen the meters are installed. j Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned to February 6. 1941 at 8 P. MI. L. City Clerk Mayor 278 February 6, 1942. Adjourned meeting was called to order at 8 -. L . by the Mayor. Noll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Plano and Gebenini. Contract for engineering services of James 4l. Carey as consulting; engineer to plan, design, lay out and supervise the construction of the city's proposed sewer system, highway improvement known as Defense ','Works Project Ilio. 45168, and such other works or projects as the engineer may be requested to work upon by the City Councilp was read. Proved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the contract for engineering services of Jmmes -00+. Carey as consulting engineer be executed by the proper - city officials. Carried. ITo further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk I'-ayo r 279 Feb. 17 , 1942 Council met in regular session at 8 P. Tri. with i=ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows , -:.*illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. 111inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following peitions, approved by the Building "Supt. were read: Joe Steiner to erect a house on Lots 5 and 6 , Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition. Ben Lindgren to remodel house making an apartment upstairs on Lot 6 , Block 25, R. F. P. i. rs . H. H. Adams to enclose front porch and making same into room at 209 Burnett St. A. H. Newman to remodel small building on rear of lot and make same into living quarters at 405 3rd '-V e. io. Pete Gotti to erect a duplex house and double garage on Lot 3, Block 13, P. ';l. L. Fisler to move small shed 25 ft. east on lot remodel garage making same into living quarters at 420 Cedar St. Jf*m.es Taylor to erect double garage with small apart- ment upstairs and tear down old garage at 317 Smit-hers St. i%irs. S. Smyth to remodel garage making; same into living quarters at 830 rraaion St. Y-oved by Ta_mborini, seconded by Burrows that all petitions be granted. Carried. Floyd Shaff to remodel garage for living quarters at 421 1dells St. north. First Federal Savings & Loan to erect garage at 247 � Keadovv St. Loved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that the petitions be turned over to the City Property Committee to ;iork in conjunction with city engr and they be given power to act. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace pole on 5th Ave between Smithers & Burnett St. This being an emergency .las approved by the St. Supt, when presented. roved by Tamborini, seconded by ,`iilliams that the,' action of the 3t. Supt. be confirmed. Carried. Petition of the City of Seattle to set 1 guy stub with anchor on north side of 2nd Ave. about 220 ft. west of Shattuck St. i,,ioved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the St. & Tilley Committee in conjunction vrith City Engr. and St. Supt. Carried. Petition read from. the Totem Realtors for 7 building permits for houses to be erected on Llocks 1 and 2, Sartorisville also a plan for land use and a request that the present small house on 4th Ave. be used for an office for a short time bef6re removal to its new location. Idoved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that the petition, plans, etc be placed in the hands of the Yire, Light Committee and the City Engineer for investigation and report. Carried. Report read from the Commercial Club relative to a plan for zoning the City. i.oved by Isac'Kson, seconded by Burrows that the Iayor appoint aspecial committee for zoning the city and also secure the services of a consultant to work with the committee. Carried. The 1.=ayor appointed the following committee: Burrows, Isackson and Plano. 280 n Communication read from Engr. =good thanking the Council for their choice of rir. James `�a. Carey, consulting engineer for the street w sewer improvements. The o:ayor reminded the Co�incil that no appointment had been made for city engineer and stated that at this time he was appointing George hood. Yoved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Renton 1- ousing Authority made a report on the progress of securing federal aid for houses . Resolution No. 573 authorizing the 17ayor & City Clerk to sign a Quit Claim Deed to the following persons upon payment of all assessments andtaxes: Den Lindgren, John J. Harries, Jean Green, Joe I.lonti to certain lots in Block 3, 4 and 5, Renton Real Estation Addition. .loved by Burrows, seccnded by Isackson that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. The finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the fol1oaing : Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. ;;233.89-2100-5 Pay Roll Health c'� Sanitation 231.18-2106-11 Olynpic Foundry Co. Material 19.31-2112 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 2.66- 3 Chris Bevan Fire :eta. P-aterial 492.99- C . 92.99-C . Iialevtay Labor on keys 2.47 5 Tom Dobean & Son Insurance 80, 6 P. S. P. 3, L. Co. LL7hts 76.94 7 Pennsylvania Salt Chlorine 54.00 8 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 3.58 9 Union Oil Co. Gas 36.86-2120 Dale & cLendon Fire Station Supplies 9.27 1 i n Boils Garage Labor eL I.aterial 7.48 2 =rater Pa-:,, ?oll ';pater Dept. 92.24-3380-81 - ' Grinnell Co. P.aterial 64.87-3382 City of Seattle '::iter 26.12 3 P. S. P. w L. Co. Polver 247.19 4 Federal PiDe &, Taikk Co. 1,11aterial 192.93 4 Inter City Auto 2refight Drayage 7.94 5 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts 102.30-573-6 Pay iioll " " 313.53-577-82 P. S. P. & L. Co. St. Lights 369. -583 Art Boils Garage Labor W 1.aterial 2.73 4 Park John J. _iarries Park Labor 49.90-102 Library P. S. P. & L. Co. LiChts 9.08-178 The t..aemillan Co. Library Books 88.22 9 Edward R. Peterson Library Books 5.31-180 Puget Sound News Co. " " 10.35 1 Renton News Record Printing 15.41 2 Calif. Ink Co. Sunnlies 3.46 3 H. ''v. 'Nilson Co. ft 8.00 4 A. N. 1':iarnuis -Co. Lib. Books 4.50 5 C. Bevan Labor '� I.Taterial 32.83 6 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books 10.08 7 Gaylord )ros " " 59.70 8 Remington Rand, Inc " Supplies 2.58 9 Potlatch yards Lumber 50.73-190 J. .Gill Co. Lib. Books 6.14 1 281 Library Fund Renton Hdv; & Furn Supplies :; 4.63-192 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 52 .68 3 I.:oved by Isackison, seconded by 3 -is that the reccrlmendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Ho further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk ��� Mayor I 282 T,?arch 3, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with I::ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, d'lilliams, Gebenini and Tamlborini. h`_inutes of the last meeting read and a`�proved. The following petitiono, approved by the Building erupt. vrere read: Tuts Rivioli to remodel garage and make same into a three room apartrzent on Lot 24, Block 33, Srrithers 2nd. Christina 'i. Carey to remodel house and repair foundation of house on Lot 13, Block 34, Smithers 2nd. Charles Berend to enclose front porch and make saYie into a sleeping room .-t 316 Park Ave. R. l'. Benton to repair porch at 204 Garden 3t. I'Ioved by Twaborini, seconded by Gebenini that the above petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of John J. O'Brien to erect garage on Lot 23, Block 11, Car ',4orks. Roved by 2'arriborini, seconded by '. illiamsthat the engineer investigate and be given pourer to act. Curried. Petition of the Pacific Telephone (E'� Telegraph Co. to set one pole and anchor to the south of same on the ,-,est side of Whitworth-Shattuck alley, 30 ft north of ';valla ''.'alla <'-ve. read. This being approved by the 33t. erupt. it was moved by Lwrrence, seccnded by Isackson that sane be granted. Carried. P. 3. P. & L. Co. to set boles and remove poles on certain streets read. Moved by Tan.borini, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Sunt. Carried. Petition of the Safeway Stores , Inc. to break curb at the following places on the Goerge Custer lot, corner 2nd ::ells St. 15 ft near alley on 2nd Ave. 30 ft near driva)ay on *.','-ells St. 30 ft on _,`ells St. l,:oved by Isackson, :seconded by gebenini that same be referred to the 3t. & Alley Cor-Tlittee. Carried. Petition of Daniels L Turnquist to move light pole on '. ells St. in front of Custer lot south ~bout 8 ft. , read. This was referred to the St. cL 2Llley Corsr?ittee. The following petitions, approved by the 3uilding Supt. 7.rere read: John C . Ne-usom to erect a house on Lot 8, Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition Alfred L. Gibbons to erect a house on Lot 4, Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition Newt Pace to erect e house on Lot 7 , Block 6, Smit hers 5th Addition. 1-Toved by Ted,bori ni, seconded by Gebenini that same be � granted. Carried. Petition read from property others In Block Srithers 5th Addition asking for server and water service. Ihis was referred to the .;n�;r *'or caocLtiilg. 283 Request read from Post Office, John Lotto, P. M. as'cin- that a strip of concrete be 7laced in front of the building instead of t1le present strip. Letter read and filed. Communication read from Department of Highways, R. H. Kenyon, District Engineer asking that we arrange for the necessary notification to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for the removal of a pole on 'lilliams Street, five feet westerly of the N. P. Right of .'lay. The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with the P. S. P. & L. Co. regarding the removal of pole. This being the night for opening bids for stoker at new Fire Station the following were read: Pioneer Heating & Engineering Co. 3225. plus sales tax MacBoyker & Son 250. Renton Heating & Air Conditionirr, 277.84 plus tax Yoved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini�, that the bids be turned over to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. City Property Committee reported that they had acted favorably on the peition of the First Federal for garage on 247 Meadow and the petition of Floyd Shaff for remodelling garage at 421 Wells St. North - Mr. Shaff was not ready for permit. Resolution No. 574 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk execute a suit Claim Deed to Lots 3 and 4 and the W-2 of Lot 5, Block 5, Renton Real Estate Companyts First Addition upon payment of all taxes and assessments, read. ... Loved by Isakcson, seconded by Lawrence that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 575 accepting the offer of the Federal Government in the amount of 6?296,778.00 for street improvements, etc. was read. Moved by Ta-nborini, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $220.80-2136-41 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 207.31-2142-47 Ialter Jordon Dog Catcher 30.00-2148 North Coast Chem & Soap Supplies 11.82 9 Jack McFadeen Fuel 56.24 50 Valley 14'indow Cleaners Labor 4.38 1 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.70 2 Bill Reans F. D. Labor 12. 50 3 Joe Venishnick F. D. Labor 12.50 4 Stirling Fliggi F. D. Labor 12.50 5 First federal Savings Attys. Rent 15. 6 Puget Sound Stamp .'Iks Supplies 4.64 7 A. C. Byers S Fire Sta Exp. 0.72 8 '— Renton Auto Freight Drayage 12.44 9 ?ones Supply Co. Engr. Supplies 3.71-2160 Trading Post, Inc. Supplies 2.23 1 The Lumber Mkt Fire Sta. Material 395.39 2 Stoneway nock Co. mire Sta. 't 't 777.95 3 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 4 284 . '.'later Pay Roll ;later Dept. X405.08-3390-3400 Grinnell Company Material 155.03-3401 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. y"?'118.06-588-591 Pay Roll City Sts. 98.92-592-95 Peoples National Bank Gravel 34.75 6 Standard Oil Co. Gas 63.60 7 Park Pay Roll Park Dept, X49.90-103 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, metting adjourned. 'a'4 J �2 City Clerk Ilayor 285 Barth 11, 1942. SPECIAL METING OF THE CITE' C0,7I,%CIL '_L CALI�D TO ORDER AT 8 P. I.I. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, dilliams, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. The purpose of the special meeting was calleu - - - - - - - -to consider a communication received from the City of Seattle submitting their price for water and also requesting that our franchise with the City of Seattle be extended to 50 years and other requests. Recomrliendation read from City Attorney on the proposal. After some consideration it was Moved by Isackson seconded by Burrows that the prosposition submitted by the City of Seattle be turned the down and the Connittee appointed by the Illayo:E / City Engr and 'dater Supt. do some investigation and report to Council on their findings. Carried. 11r. Brown, representative of the housing Authority was present and asked about getting water on a proposed housing unit outside of the city. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Burrows that the Council make application for a loan frog. the Federal Govt. to increase our water supply. Carried. 1'eeting adjourned. J City Clerk Mayor 286 +�1Y pyd`":•Pa Yarch 16, 1942. SPEODU 1EETIIVG OF TIFE CITY COUNCIL WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 8 P. 111. by I:ayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows and Plano. 1 eeting was called for the purpose of discussing ways and means of getting additional water. It was agreed that vie ask Mr. N. C. Jannsen of the Jannsen Drilling Company to submit a proposition for sinking a well. PIeeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 287 March 17, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Dave Conard to make rear porch into dinette at 326 Pelly St. Williams & Swanson to make addition to their garage corner 3rd & Burnett St. Leo O'Brien to move house forward on lot, make bssement and add two rooms to house at 428 Shattuck St. Mrs. Diary Arthur to erect coal shed at 121 Felly St. Claude Cross to ergot house on Lot 12, Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition. A. G. Williams to tear down garage on Lot 1, Block 24, T R. Fe P. W. A. O'Neil to move small house back 20 ft on lot, and add two rooms and general repair 1-�,nrk at 308 Park ,;,ve. Joe :'+bite to add porch and stairway on north side of house for apartment upstairs on Lot 17, Block 22, Town. J. F. Strnard to erect duplex house on Lots 4 and 5, Block 5, Sartorisville. Renton Stage Company to make addition to their building at Garden & Bronson ';day North. F. E. Lawrence to tear doom old garage and erect double garage at 352 Pelly St, Estella Monohon to remodel garage making same into living quarters on Lot 18, Block 10, R. V. P. John Diambri to tear down old barn on Lot 19, Block 141 R. F. P. and erect house & garage on the lot. James R. Killeen to erect garage and wash room on Lot 7, Block 10, R. 2. P. Ivoved by Plano, seconded by ,'Pilliams that all petitions be granted. Carried. Curtis House Moving Co. , Inc to move scows from Car Shops to Lake. Bond posted and approved by St. Supt. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the petition be granted. Carried. Fred Peacock asks permission to move house from 6th Ave. No. to D. Tarro property at 619 Burnett St. The petition was referred to the City Property Committee with power to act. The following applications for licenses were read: Theatre license "Feys Roxy" E. J. Fey ti it "Renton Theatre" E. J. Fey •— it t' "Rainier" E. E. Marsh Pool Rall License "A & B" Frank Aliment 't " it "Ticknor & Jenkins" tt 't it Alex Ferrat Card Tlible if "Pastime}' U. Barei Pool Table License "Venezia" Leo Rosa The above petitions, all approved by the Police & License Cormiittee it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that licenses be issued. Carried. 288 Resignation read from Paul mouser, Jr. as commissioner and secretary of the Housing Authority, effective March 10th. Moved by Burrows, seconded by illiams that the resignation be accepted. Carried. Resolution No. 576 authorizing the Puayor & City Clerk to execute 'Quit Claim Deeds to Leo Rosa and Maria Rosa, his wife and Ernest Barei and Mary Barei, his wife upon pay- ment of all taxes and assessments to Lots 1 to 13 Block 2, Renton Real Estate Company' s .First Additions read. Roved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 577 relating to width and location of Commercial driveways read. ' Moved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance establishing an industrial district and a residential district read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Ordinance No. 1149 ordering the installation of metered service to all water consummers in the City of menton read and on motion referred to the Ordin=ance Committee. The Ordinance Committee retorted favorably on Ordinance No. 1149 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, dilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Carried. The following bids for tile floor covering for new Fire ::station were received: D. E. Fryer & Co. Tourtellotte-Bradley, Inc. Faulhaber Rubber Floor Co. Raecolith Flooring Company Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the bids be turned over to a special committee. Carried. The Payor appointed the following as a committee to act on bids: Burrows, Lawrence, Fire Chief, Joe 'idood and City Engr. with power to act. aarxiaM. The St �. Alley Committee reported unfavorably on the petition of the Safeway to break curb on 2nd Ave and on :;cells St. Moved and seconded that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The St S: Alley Committee reporting on bids for stoker at Fire Station recommended that the bid of the lowest bidder, Pioneer Heating & Engineering Company be accepted. Report read from .�ngr. on cost of constructing a sewer on Shattuck and other streets Report was filed for reference. Pair. N. C. Jannsen of the Jannsen Drilling Company submitted two propositions for supplying the city 7.,vith ...Y more water by sinking a well choosing three different sites in North Renton. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Temborini that the propositions submitted be turned over to the city attorney for reco=endation. Carried. 29-c.-I Application for Renton water received from Federal Housing Authority. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that the following vn ter rates be submitted to them: 698 cu ft water at the rate of 10.7 per hundred cu ft. nex-L .-98 1u. ft at 7¢ per hundred cu. ft all over the 800 cu. ft at 6¢ per hundred cu ft per unit. 'Minimum rate per unit shall be 75¢ based on a 2000 unit. Y'otion put to a vote carried. Moved by La.^rrence, seconded by Isackson that a Resolution for an improvement district for water service in Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition be drafted and presented next meeting. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health &: Sanitation $220.20-2177-83 Pay Roll Fire Station 93.48-2184-87 Pay Roll Bngr. Dept. 202.21-2188-90 dater Pay Roll 7,iater Dept. 169.10-3407-10 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. $215.89-603-6 Pay Roll " " 111.74-607-611 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 44.91-105 leo further business, meeting adjourned. City C1erk Mayor 290 April 7 , 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Tviayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Burrows, villiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last m-eting read and approved. The following petitions , all approved by the Building Supt. were read: V. R. Burmester to enlarge garage four feet at 206 Main St. Nyo. Axnold Hagen to erect house on Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Smithers 5th Addn. Maria Riffero to erect new garage at 718 Renton St. Eugene C. Hansen to reshingle house at 318 Vh.itworth St. John Peternel to erect duplex house at 601 Main St. Ivan Lahey to erect house on Lot 5 , Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition. Louis P. Sutter to erect house corner High & 8th Ave. Dan McGovern to erect building on Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 1, Smithers 5th Addition. Lee Backman to tear down old garage and erect new garage at 525 Burnett St. Rudolph Petchnick to erect house & garage at 742 High St. Dominic Tarro to remodel house and add one room at 619 Burnett St. H. fi. Booth to remodel apartment in Gieldseth Btdg. Edward F. Betz to erect concrete building at 200 3rd Avenue ?lest. I. CaTmerini to erect garage on Lot 4, Block 4, Smithers 5th Addn. Vim. E. Courtney to erect fireplace at 216 Burnett St. E. L. Alexander to tear down old garage and erect new portable garage at 523 lr'illiams St. Ethal A. Booth to erect small house at Shattuck & Commercial St. C. L. Pehling to move house from 6th Ave. No. to Lot 2, Block 4, Smithers 5th Addn. Bond posted and approved by St. erupt. Irene Scappini to remodel and repair house at 504 Whitworth Street. S. J. Ristesund to erect Lutheran Church Building on Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Smithers St. Plans submitted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that permits be issued. Carried. Hospitalq Inc. to erect hospital on Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 24, R. F. P. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be placed in the hands of the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Geo. y. Custer to break curb in ti.^ro places on Wells St. 16 ft. each and also break 16 ft. of curb on 2nd Ave. on Lots 19 and 20, Block 22, Town. This was left iii the hands of the Street Committee who acted favorably on same. L4ayor stated that an application had been made by 1 echanics Union to lease ground in !,_-others Park for the erect- ion of a hall. 291 Moved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that after discussion with the council the consensus of opinion was that the rental should be not less than ?50.00 per month for a ten year lease. Carried. Bill in the amount of '2912.23 was submitted by James Carey, consulting engineer for expenses for the month of February & har6h, for services in the paving project and also water project. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Burr^us that the services and exrenses be allowed when Federal money is available. Carried. Agreement between N. C. Jannsen, of the Jannsen Drilling Company and the c ity whereby I.'-r. Jannsen is to supply the city with 2 million gals per day more water for the sum of $10,000.00 etc. 1i1oved by Burrows, seconded by 1,1ililliams that the, Avreement be referred to the Fire, right �c slater Committee, for location and the agreement be executed. Carried. Resolution No. 578 setting out expenditures for the biennium ending March 31, 1943 from the City Street Fund read. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Plano that same be adopted. Carried. Resolution No. 579 authorizing the 11.,ayor & City Clerk to execute 'quit Claims Deeds to 1ilbur Luft, A. Omack and G. R. Ping upon payment of all taxes and assessmentst read. 11oved by Isackson, seconded by "I;illiams that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1150 establishing an industrial district and a residential district read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 1150 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, 40illiams, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. roved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the City Health Officer be instructed to check on all camps inside the city as to sanitation and the State Board of .1Iealth on all camps outside the city. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Ivan M. Palmaw Architect Services $90.00-2191 Osborne's Photo Shop Engr. Supplies 18.12 2 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 15.97 3 Packer-Scott-Co, Supplies 16.74-2206 Puget Sound Stamp ,`oks Supplies 2.83 7 Joe Venishnick F. D. Expense 7.23 8 John Pounds F. D. Labor 12.50 9 Stierling F liggi F. D. Labor 12 .50-2210 Joe Venishnick F. D. Labor 12 .50 1 Imo. Bill Reans F.D. Labor 12.50 2 Cochran Paint & rdw Supplies 1.33 3 Sanderson Safety Supply " F. D. 8.58 4 Service Ldry " Ldry 22.15 5 Art Burnside & Co. Police Exp. 10.40 6 Pae. Coast Stamp '.4orks Supplies 6 .23 7 Renton News Record " 12.39 8 ioward Cooper Corp. Fire Dept. Exp. 370.80 9 ;eaters Specialties _Supplies 6.64-2220 Trick & I,=urray it 33.69 1 Tom Dobson w Son Insurance 102.90 2 292 Arw� Library - 1 Brendal Drug Co. Lib Hooks 88.12-209 n. S. Burney It Painting 114.08-210 Puget Sound Trews Co. t? Books 32.99 1 Harry Hartman " " 9.47 2 Hertzberg ;'lash. Bindery " " 45.09 3 Current Renton Realty Co. Ins. X102.90-2223 Cochran Paint ,:� Ldti; Police Supplies 24.99 4 Pac. Tel e Tel. Co. Telephones 72.18 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 66.94 6 Reid & Cook Supplies 23.72 7 Williams & Swanson Police Car 1117.53 8 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 32.16 9 0. Priebe Labor & Material 1.50-2230 Rental T.achinery Fire Sta. Exp. 10. 1 Cochran Paint & Hdw " " " 36 .46 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 19.35 3 C. Bevan Fire 'Sta Material 167.45 4 The Tropical Paint Co. " It It 16.73 5 Ohio Chem & mfg. Co. " Dept. Supplies 31.35 6 F. H. Godfrey Engr. Co. " " Yateri.al 383.65 7 Custer Hdw Co. " it " 152.34 8 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 101.82 9 Pay Roll Fire Sta. 306.14-2240-1-23-4 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 174.52-2245-6-7 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 282.52-2248-54 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 48.60-2255 Renton Trews Recofd Printing 13.13- 6 Thomas harries Insurance 5.00 7 Ohio Chemical & Soap Supplies 3.23 8 Standard Oil Co. Gas 55.46 9 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 153.78-2260 Walter Jordon Dog Catcher 30. 2 Raymonds Emporium F. D. Exp. 25.34 4 Pioneer bleating & Engr. F. Station material 231.75 5 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 3.24 6 Al Trim F uel 41.03 7 Blest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 15.09 8 was Valley " indow Cleaners Labor 2.06 9 W P.Fuller & Co. Fire Sta. Material 73.63-2270 Stoneway Dock Co. It It Expense 1.55 1 Lumber llft Lumber 410.50 3 Nater City of Seattle ', ater 20.20-3411 P. S. P. Sr, L. Co. Power 198.90 5 Reid & Cook Supplies 2.93 6 White River Lumber Co. 1.1aterial 20.66 7 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 12.10 8 Renton ridty & - urn Supplies 1.91 9 Pac. Car & Fdry Supplies 19.36-3420 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 2.50 1 Pay Roll vlater Dept. 125.57-3422-26 City St. Fund shite River -umber Co. Lumber N 17.31-612 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 368.33 3 Cochran Paint � Hdw Supplies 18.11 7 0. Priebe Labor on tools 15.83 8 Reid & Cook Supplies 13.28 9 Custer :dw Co. Supplies 8.22 20 Pay Roll City Sts. 291.56-621-26 "r Pay Roll City Sts. 139.23-627-29 Thomas Harries Insurance 33.85-630 Art Beils Garage Labor & 11aterial 1.65 1 Renton Garden Club Refund 6.00 2 Park Fund Pay Roll Parks • 104.79-106-7-8 Ivan dl. Lee Lawn 1 ower 475.86 109 C. Haleway Park Exp, 1.25-±J:& 112 Library Reid C. Cook Exp. 18.19-203 P. S. P. L L. Co. Lights 7.06- 4 Junior Literary Guild Lib. Books 13.00 5 .'ilcox Follett Co. " it 12.87 7 Custer Hdw supplies .71 8 293 No further business, meeting adjourned to April 14 1942. ()A�m fiterk ::ayor April 14, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at S P. I,, . by 1 ayor Beanblo ssom. Roll Call: Isackson, Burrows, Plano and ("lebenini. Housing Sale of water to theFederal Public/Authority was discussed, h.Ioved by Isackson, seconded by Plane that the City of Renton furnish water to the Federal Public Housing Authority at 6¢ per hundred cubic feet through a master meter, no minimum charge per unit; the Federal Public Housing Authority to furnish their own master meter and take the water from City of Renton's reservoir at their own cost and expense, dependent upon the Jannsen Drilling Company getting water of sufficient quantity and luality from the city well now being drilled. Carried. 11oved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that if, for anyeason the water supply of the City of Renton fails, then andWat event the City of Renton agrees to make their system available to the Federal Public housing Authority so that water taken from the City o:i Seattle's watermains can supply the Renton reservoir, provided, that the City of Seattle is willing to furnish such water that the City of Renton be allowed a "reasonable profit" for the use of their system in this manner and further provided that the Federal Public housing Authority or some other agency of the Government is to bear the cost of connecting the city supply to their City of Seattle water line and all additional pumps necessary. Carried. �-- Yoved by 3urrows, seconded by Isackson that we call for bids for 2000 ft. wood stave pipe, 8" - 200 head. Carried. The Consulting Engr. was instructed to purchase and lay sewer pipe on all streets where paving was to be done. Permit for Illacing poles on the extension of 5th Ave extension by the Pac. Tel a Tel. Co was read. Idoved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that the ovmer-# ship of 5th Ave. extension be referred to the city attorney for rer)ort. Carried. '',`:owed by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini. thet the city property investigate a desirable site for the new diad&sal plant on the north side anJafls9t8,)91�e for the reservoir and city attorney be authorize o/secure the necessary Right of ,Day. Carried. The matter of getting the*City IT back"was left in the hands of the City Property Committee. Leeting adjourned. i F T 294 f� i J 295 40% Abril 21, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. A: . with Mayor Beanblossom *residing. Roll tall: Lawrence, Isackson, r;illiarW, Burrows, Plano, and Gebenini. Minutes of the fast meeting read and a.-proved. The following petitions, albapproved by the Building Supt were read: C . Iverson to tear down shed and remove scale from 115 '.:ells at. John�Diambri to erect house and garage on Lot 20, Block 14, R. F . P. Charles S. Evans to erect garage on Lot 91 Block 2, Smithers 5th Addition. Jas H. ,'falls to rebuild garage at 414 rain St. Re F. P. Sidney Be Rowe to erect house on Lot 9, Block 15, Jose i'ilhite to to move house from 213 ';'Tells St. to 229 Park Ave. remodel porch and put new siding on.outside of house. John Parker remodel kitchen, change window at 116 Ieadow St. Iona Klabzuba to erect small two room house on Lot 33 Block 3, Renton Real Estate Addition. Robert L. Edwards to erect two story fire-proof building on Lot 17, Block 22, Town. C. Y'. & St Paul by J. Be Owens to tear down old chimney in house at 409 Smithers St and erect new chimney. W-oved by Isackson, seconded by Burrows that all �. petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace one pole on Grady '�Iay east of ?71lliams St. read. Petition of the Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. to set two poles and place one anchor on the east side of the alley between Tv:ain and I-ills St. read. loved by Plano, seconded by yq'illiams that both peitions be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from the City Atty setting out the meth&d of financing thewater and sewer system. Report read from city attorney on Zoning; Ordinance prepared by l'r. Josliiia Vogel with the recommendation from city attorney that a thorough study of the Ordinance be made before it is passed. Circular letter from the ^aar Dept. U. :3. Engr. Office on change of structure of bridge to be erected on Logan 33t. , read. Petition read from Defense Plant Corporation asking for vacation of certain streets in Adsits Lake '.1ashington Addition read. Resolution for the vacation of the streets in kxkx Adsits Lake Washington was then introduced: 296 Resolution No. 580 fixing the date of hearing as May 5, 1942 on petition to vacate streets in Adsits Lake `uashington Addition read. ivioved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. Report read from James i. Carey & Company on price of water to be furnished the Federal Housing Authority. for pumping water to the housing Authority Reservoir from the new city reservoir. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Isackson that we offer the Housing Authority the water rates recommended by Consult- ing Engineer, Jas W. Carey. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on 2000 ft 8" 200 head wood stave pipe, the following bids were read: Pacific plater ,`forks Supply Co.Cft. : 68.60 Federal Pipe & Tank Company Cft. 70.00 Loved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder. Carried. Chief Stewart asked for a motor cycle for handling the parking meter problems, etc. The matter was referred to the City property Committee with power to act. The Finance Committee audited and reco-.=_ended for payr4ent the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. X202.70-2284-6 Pay Roll Fire Statetion 290.29-2287-91 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 205.83-2292-95 Pennsylvania Salt Co. Supplies 81.00-2296 First Federal Savings Atty' s Rent 15.00 7 Peter J. Schmidt 7i4itness Fees 4.40 9 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 5.00-2300 Service Laundry Ldry 15.24 1 P. 3. P. & L. Co. vire ata Exbense 29.10 2 Kroll Map Co. i,,ap 1.03 3 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 44.40 4 Renton News Record Printing 1.70 5 Gladding,McBean & Co. Sewer Exp. 15.45 6 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 44.53 7 Custer 11dw Co. Police Supplies 6.60 8 Trick & hurray Supplies 6.95 9 Iloward-Coo-,er F. D. Yaterial 344.50-2310 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Engr. Supplies 2.94 1 Daily Journal of Corrnierce Publication 2.80 2 Pae. Tel 11� Tel. Co. Telephones 53.36 3 G. Beanblossom Salary & .Exp. 60. 5 F. E. Lawrence " " 24. 6 E. 71. Isackson it " 24. 7 E. E. Burrows " " 24. 8 C. S. Williams " " 24. 9 L. E. Plano " " 24. 2320 Louie Gebenini " " 24. 1 Steve Tamborini " " 24. 2 P. 3. P. & L. Co. Lights 77, 19 3 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 30.90 4 297 WATER Pay Roll w1ater Dept. $381.03-3431-38 City of Seattle mater 22.80-39 P. S. P. &. L. Co. Power 200.60-40 City St. .rund Pay Roll St. Dept. $215.24-641.45 Renton Co. Ins. 33.40-639 Pay Roll City Sts. 128.25-646-49 P. S. P. &c L. Co. Lights 368.12-550 Library Fund J. K. Gill Co. Library Books .97-216 Potlatch Yards Lumber 2.77 7 Renton Hdvr 'urn Supplies 1.18 8 Hertzberg Bindery Lib. Books 86.19 9 Puget Sound Neuss Lib. Books 9 .10-220 Wilcox &. Follett Co. " " 12.41 1 T-iac' illan Co. " " 19.41 2 Junior Literary Guild " " 20.1'' 3 P. a. P. L. Co. Lights 6.26 4 Park Pac .Coast Coal Park Lease 1.00-114 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies .92 5 Pay Roll Park Dept. 109.78-116-17 Athletic Field Fund P. S. P. &, L. Co. Lights 3.00-40 Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. 172 �} �Q City Clerk Mayor 298 May 5, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. I,--. with ;'ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isacl,:son, Burrows, , illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tanborini. 1-inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions , all ajproved by the :wilding Supt. were read: Roy R. Genaro to erect house at 727 nigh St. Florence Guitteau Storey to reshingle house and garage on Lot 9, Block 1, Car if`orks Chas. Blyth to remodel house by addition of porch and repitching roof at 621 Lenton Ave. Williams &- McKnight to shift partitions and general repair on Lot 1, Block 14, Toidi. Williams "' Swanson to partition salesroom making same into two rooms and make another entrance at 3rd & Burnett St. Louis ChaRa to reshingle woodshed at 850 Liarion St. 7d. J. Collings to install neon sign on Dental Clinic in Odd Fellows Hall. R. L. Edwards to move house from Lot 5, Block 22, to Lot 24, Block 5, R. F. P. and remodel same. P:'oving of house approved by St. Supt. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that all permits be agranted. Carried. George Shabro to erect garage on Lot 4, Block 25, Town read. I'his was referrdd to the Building Supt. Pac. Tel w Tel. Co. to set one pole on the SE side of Grady qday read. I,'oved by Burrows, seconded by Isackson that Erame be granted. Carried. Cor,xaunication read from Department of Health on well project. Specifications read from Jannsen Drilling Company. The City Clerk was instructed to deliver the contract for well drilling over to Idr. Jannsen. Letters from the following clubs read, asking that the Club Room for aervice Len be continued in the 6ity Hall. Order of the Amaranth St. Lukes Guild Priscilla Club Carpe Diem Club Renton Business & Professional :'omen Easement read from Northern Pacific Railway Company covering their crossing at the rgunction of Coal and 'Williams St. north to City of Renton. (8th Avenue Forth) %,loved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same ..■' be accepted. Carried. Description of land for proposed new reservoirs for new water system also land for proposed sewerage disposal plant read from Engr. Carey. 299 _l Communication read from Aeronautical Indmstrial District relative to leasing property in %others Park for building. This matter was left in the hands of the City Property Committee for action. Communication read from Fred T. Evans, Acting Regional Engineer on federal funds. The matter of guards at the city's reservoir was discussed and the matter referred to the Fire, Light & Y Nater Committee. It was moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the T-d�ayor represent the city at the Washington Cities Convention to be held in Seattle. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on police motorcycle the following was read: Harley-Davidson Sales Co. - "592.51 Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the bid be awarded the Harley-Davidson Sales Co. Carried. loved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that we enter into an agreement with Renton 7Up Baseball Club, a Seattle corporation for use of the athletic field for the 1942 season, at a rate of 10% of the gross receipts of games or a minimum of '?10.00 per game and the Club pay for the lights at the rate of ;x10.00 per hour. Carried. Resolution No. 581 fixing the date of hearing for a petition to vacate all streets, avenues and alleys in C. H. Adsit's Lake lashington Plat and repealing Resolution No. 581 the date of hearing to be the 2nd day of June 1942 read. Proved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1151, an Emergency Ordinance providing for the payment of not to exceed $15,000.00 for emergency work performed by James W. Carey for preliminary engineering work for the construction of street paving, reconstruction of the sewer system and reconstruction of the water system read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Chief Stewart asked that certain streets be marked "no parking" in front of shows, vire Station, Hospital, etc. The matter was referred to the Ordinance Committee, Resignation of E. 'd. Isackson as Councilman, First '.lard read. Loved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that same be accepted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recor_iiaended for payment the following: Current Pay roll Engr. Dept. 225.70-2346-50 palter Jordon Dog Cather 16.50-2351 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 43.73 2 Keystone Envelope Co. Police Supplies 10.72 3 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.06 4 Standard Oil Co. Gas 56.10 5 Dtirling Fliggi F. D. Labor 12.50 6 John Pounds it It " 12.50 7 Joe Venishnick ,f " " 12. 50 8 Bill Reans It it it 12.50 9 300 : Don YoConnell Fire Dent. Supplies 6.75-2360 Water Pay roll 4uater Dept. 306.20-344-4-51 Hugh G. -'urcell Co. Material 94.55-3453 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 26.21 4 City St. Fund Pay roll City Sts. 115.32-653-5 Pay roll It " 169.89-656-662 Stoneway Dock Co. 1aterial 10.82-663 Park 13ay Roll Park 109.78-118-19 Library J. H. Lawrence Fuel 29.61-229 loved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Tloved and seconded that we adjourn to meet Tuesday �y ay at 8 P . hIi. City Clerk 't�-64'tA te�- 2ayor 301 May 12, 1942. Council met in adjourned session at 8 P. 1% with T,ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and -- Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions approved by the Building Supt. were read: Tina Chapman to move garage and turn it around so entrance can he made from street on Lot 21, Block 19, R. F. P. Dean Bennett to remodel garage by an addition of 11 ft at 250 Park live. roved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the petitions be granted. Carried. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to set two poles on the south side of iilder St read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the aeronautical Tvlechanics Union to erect a building on 8th live. north (Tothers Park) for a Union Hall read. Yoved by Tamborini seconded by Burrows that the petition bei held up until a lease for the ground at the rate of ; 50.00 per month has been executed.by the properttr city officials. Carried. E. S. Gwinn asks building permit for a trialer camp at 6th & Williams St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the City Ordinance Committee for report next meeting night. Carried. Communication read from Renton Improvement Club pledging their support to the lvlayor & City Council for a Federal Hospital. Communication read and filed. Petition read from the North Renton Improvement Club & citizens endorsing Joe Baxter, Jr. for Councilman to fill the unexpired term of E. 'v. Isackson. rifter some discussion it was 1.'oved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that Charles Delaurenti be elected to fill the unexpired term of E. 67. Isackson. /X\ Carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 1151 providing for the payment of not to exceed 9'15,000. to James W. Carey, consulting Engr. was reported upon fairorably by the Ordinance Committee. It was then placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. �. Ordinance No. 1152 establishing certain meter zones read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1152 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings. Carried. Ordinance licensing second hand dealers read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 302 �t Chief of Police Stewart recommended that less stops be made on 3rd Ave. roved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the :]t L alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the city attorney secure the necessary Right of tay for water reser- voir and sewage disposal plant. Carried, Fire, Light & ''later Coy mi.ttee recommended that five lights be installed in the block bounded by Whitworth St. 6th Ave. , Shattuck St and halla :'galla Ave and also a light on Mill St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the CoiImittee be concurred in. Carried. The Fred Hancock Post, Renton Aerie, Ladies Auxiliary, Renton Lions and Dorcas Club sent letters to. 'the Council relative to room occupied by army boys. No further business, meetin adjourn 6 , City Clerk Mayor 303 I.ay 19, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with IIlayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Plano, Williams Gebenini and Tamborini. -- I`:inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Frank Spendal to repair front and rear porches and enclose part of rear porch at 321 T:±ill 3t. John Lotto to make addition to house of a dinette and reshingle at 414 Vdells St. i,orth Peter E. Sheff to erect garage at 512 3rd Ave. No. J. C. Penny Co. by Alex Pelto to erect porch in rear of store formerly occupied by Reid & Cook on 3rd Ave. cut door through to storage room, fire proof roof, etc. Loved by Gebenini, seconded by Tamborini that permits be issued. Carried. The following petitions were read: Sam J. Arnone to erect double garage and tear down old garage at 623 3mithers St. T. He , illiams to move knocked-down house from 7th Ave to Lot 14, Block 2, Renton Real ::;state Addition, remodel sane and cover with brick siding. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Williams that these petitions be granted. Carried. M. L. Bean by R. L. Edwards to move house from 224 �,illiams St. to Lot 8, Block 18, R. F. P. 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. E. S. Bright to move house from out of town (north city limits) through Renton to Earlington on a truck. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that same be granted subject to the supervision of the at. Dept. Carried. Communication read from the Renton Housing Authority to annex the area of the present 2000 defense house project to the City of "Renton. Renton Housing Authority asks for a new rate for water for the 2000 house project. Both requests were laid over to the next meeting night. Advice received from the Federal 6`lorks Agency that $287,649. had been allotted to the City to assist in the construction of a proposed works project described as sewer and sewage treatment 7')lant. P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace and relocate poles. on ''villiams St. North, n.oved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Letter read from Everett L. Burch relative to open ditch on 8th Ave. North opened by the State Highway Dept. City Engr. was authorized to take this matter up with the state. 304 i kti The City Clerk was instructed to write the Health Officer relative to t trailer camp application. The application of the Hospital Clinic for a hospital on Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 24, R.Y.P.wa,s brought up The Committee reported that this Hospital could not conform to the building code and recommended that the permit be denied. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Conmittee be concurred in and petition denied. Carried. t Ordinance No. 1153 fixing the number of bus stops in the City of Renton and providing no parking in front of theaters read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Tamborini objected to the limited bus stops between Smithers & ffilliams St. The Committee reported favorably on the Ordinance whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings y and passed as a whole, all councilmen present votinL as fol- lows: Lawrence, aye Delaurenti, aye Burrows, aye Williams aye Plano aye Tamborini no Gebenini aye The city attorney was instructed to write the northern Pacific Rail.^ray Company relative to dangerous condition of railroad crossing, at ;Valla 'r;alla Ave & Burnett St. St. Supt recommended that the Pacific Car & Voundry be permitted to connect the storm water from their new n Alding to the sewer and recommended that they use vitrified clay pipe. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. , Carried. moved and seconded that we adjourn to Thursday ray 21st, at 8 P 1--. l 305 May 21st, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the City Council met at 8 P. ,`i. with N:ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, =3urrows, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. Bond Issue for the sewer disposal and water plan improvement/was discussed. Engr. Cared told of the proposed innrovement and produced map showing the details of same and the estimated cost of such improvements stating that it ixuld be approximately $400,000.00. I,loved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that we call for bonds covering the sewer and water in the amount of ;400,000.00. Carried unanikously. Petition of ,.J. E.Reynolds to move two houses from Earlington to north of city limits. Roved by -2fano, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted under the supervision of the Wit. Supt. Carried. ' Petition of E. S. Gwinn to erect office building and trailer camp at 6th &-. Williams :F�t. I.orth. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that upon the recommendation of the Health Officer, per it be granted and City Clerk advise I.Zr. Gwinn the license fee for such camp and also that camp cannot be occupied until sewer is available. Carried. Meeting adjourned. Ae Mayor City Clerk T 306 hw�. May 28, 1942. Pursuant to! ice given a Special 1.eeting of the City Coanc, '-,as called to order at 8 P. Tri. by T.-'ayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lai ence, Delaurenti, Furrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini Offer of the United of es Goverment in the amount of $287,694.00 to aid in the c4struction of a sewage disposal plant in Renton read. Loved by Burrows seconded by Gebenini that the offer of the United States 307 June 2, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with F. E. Lawrence, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Roll Call: Delaurenti, Burrows, ,Villiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Luther K. Larson to erect a garage for temporary living quarters on Lot 4, Block 6, Smithers 5th Add. John Konsak to tear down old garage and erect new garage at 239 Ill:eadow St. Anthony Bernik to erect house on Lot 20, Block 18, . r. P. Claude Cross to erect house on Lot 12, Block 5, Smithers 5th Add. Mrs. Jeanie Nelson to remodel house making an apart- ment upstaris and reroof house at 315 Smithers St. Lighthouse to extend their building 8 ft, east at 3rd Ave. -.'e'est. Rinaldo Romiti to reshingle house at Z3 Cedar St. Charles Berend to erect a gara6e for living quarters on Lot 6, Block 9, R. 171. P. Anton Dime to cut arches in room making two rooms into one at Snappy Tavern, 3ronson ;'gay. at--Snappy A. Bartlett to erect a garage at 508 blain Wit. -,orth. Renton goof L Paint Co. to erect a sign at 311-2-- "ells St. U. S. 0. to fierodel second floor of Thorne 3uilding making several small rooms at 221 ,dells St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that all petitions be grantee:. Carried. L. L. Bean by Robert L. Edwards to break 16 ft of curb on Lot 51 Block 22, Town and 16 ft of curb on Lot 6, Block 22, Town. Loved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee to report back to Council next meeting night. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Co. to install anchor at First Ave. North w Railroad Ave. and also re-,lace and relocate poles on 6th Ave. North bwtween Garden & Park; Park Ave. between Sixth Ave. No. cz 8th Ave. forth, involving the removal of nine poles and one anchor and the, installation of ten poles and two anchors. loved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted under the supervision of the it. Bupt. Carried. Petition of property owners and tenants on iTilliams St, iaorth between_ 5th & 6th Ave and on .''ells 3t. l orth between 5th & 6th Aves asking that some steps be taken to eliminate the dust on dilliams Wit. north. Ivoved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the peition be received and filed for future reference. Carried. 308 Offer read from the Federal ",orks Agency, U. S. A. in the amount of ;4287,649.00, to aid in �z financing the con- struction of defense public works, consisting of sewerage facilities,&acquisition of necessary land. Resolution Yo. 582 accepting the Offer of the united :_)tates of America was read. l;:oved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that the resolution be adopted. Carried. unanimously. Resolution No. 583 ordering the improvement of Dixie ��ve and Commercial zve. by sewer and wat5r read. i:ioved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that same be adopted as read. Carried.. City Clerk reported that due notice had been given for the vacation of certain streets in Adsits Lake ''ashington Plat and no protests had been filed, t,,,Thereupon Ordinance No. 1154 vacating certain streets, avenues and alleys in C. T . Adsits Lake 1;ashington Plat was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1154 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Delaurenti, Burrows, 'llilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Chief Stewart recommended that the parkin; on certain streets where there are no meters be limited to 30 min. loved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee to work in conjunction with the Chief of Police . Carried. Representatives of the Bryn Mawr District were present and asked permission to use our garbage disposal plant for the three summer months. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that this be referred to the St. Supt with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Hay Roll Lngr. Dept. :$311.77-2414-18 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 229.54-2419-23 Joe Venishnick Fire Dept. Labor 12.50-2424 Sterling 2ligg it " " 12.50 5 John Pounds " " " 12.50 6 Bill Reans " " " 12.50 7 Kroll Lap Co. is ap s 16.95 8 First Federal Savings Atty's Resat 15.00 9 Puget Sound Stamp docks Supplies 2.83-2430 dalter Jordon Dog Catcher 19.50 1 0. Priebe Engr. Exp. 3.20 2 Pennsylvania Salt Co. Chlorine 85.08 3 Trick & Murray Supplies 3.40 4 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.06 5 Thos. Marries Insurance 55.00 6 .J#mes rd. Carey Consulting Engr ' s Ser 1090.16 7 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 39.10 8 Gabes's Fuel Fuel 28.84 9 309 City St. yund Pay Roll City Sts. X134.54-692-4 Pay Roll " it 175.52-695-700 Union Oil Co. Gas 35.48-701 0. Priebe Labor on tools 8.75 2 James a. Carey Engr' s Services 81.40 3 dater Pay Roll -dater Dent. $370.83-3477-86 The Lumber in Lumber 144.06 87 Palmer Supply Co, P,aterial 57.35 8 James 17. Carey Consulting Engr 1232.93 9 Park Pay Roil Park Dept. 99.80-124-25 Library The Mcmillan Co. Library Books X10.36-237 Renton News Record it Exp. 3.25 8 Junior Literary Guild It Books 3.13 9 -carry 11actman " " 2.51-240 Demco Library Supplies " Supplies 4.00 1 Cadmus Books " Books 15.03 2 dllox & Follett Co. f' Expenses 20.67 3 xithletie Vield Fund Robert Soicer Park Labor 2.00-44 .1m. L. Llewellyn " if 2.00 5 Ivan ` . Lee Repair ',,ork 12.20 6 Jack .o'ood Park Labor 15.00 7 Parking T.:eter Fund Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 3.00-6 Pacific Coast Stamp 4'orks " 6.18-7 loved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 1.1eet adjourned to Tuesday, June 9, 1942. Y City Clerk Tayor Pro Tem 310 k June 9, 1942. Council met in adjournedsession at 8 P. 'Id. with 1.1ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Pla-lo, Gebenini, Williams and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Suut. were read: y H. A. Scherr to remodel building by addition of a window 57 x 61 on the north side of Nut 3"hop at 307 ';dells St. F. G. Fox to make addition to Henry ,ord School. A. Kauzlarich to remodel rear porch on Lot 4, Block 28, Town. 1Ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that all petitions be granted. Carried. Noel li. Ghione to stucco building and construct basement under building corner Tobin and Lake �t. 1;oved by Tarborini, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to Bldg., '3upt. with power to act. Carried. St & Alley Committee asks the cooperation of the Police Dept. before granting permission to 1; . L. Bean to break curb on Lots 5 and 62 block 22, Town. Curtis A. Evans for permit to clean and wash outside of bank read. 14+_oved and seconded that permission be granted. Carried. Y. L. Bean to move garage from 224 'V'illiams St. to 329 Pelly St. read. Loved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be referred to the :tet. 3)upt and Bldg. Supt with p6wer to act. Carried. Bill of ;::ale read from the Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co. conveying to the city one 25 foot round cedar pole located at 4th rive. No & Factory : 3't. Lloyd C. Miller asks permission to park a trailer in the rear of high School for the summer months while taking care of the school grounds. The same was referred to the Health Officer for report. Resolution No. 584 ordering the improvement of Dixie & Tobin by water read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 585 employing Preston, Thorgrimson, Turner, Horowitz and Stephen, attorneys at law, for legal services relative to issuance of bonds in the water and sewerage imrpvoementst read. 'loved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted as read. Carried. 311 L:oved by Plano, seconded b: tebenini that part of the city hall be blacked-out; this was referred to the St. erupt. for action. Carried. OPdinance No. 1155 limittAg parking on various streets read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1156 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini, ve'illiams and Tamborini. Ordinance No. 1156 authorizing the issuance of v'ater Revenue Bonds in the sum of 0400,000.00 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1156 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as awhole, all councilmn.e present voting aTfQ : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Petition of property owners in the imithers 5th Addition asking for water was read. I,Ioved by Plano, seconded by lipilliams that this be referred to the Engineer. Carried. it No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor - I 312 F .. June 16, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. rye. by the Mayor. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burroww, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. I Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Mayor dispensed with the regular business to discuss with the local doctors the feasibility of a Federal Hospital in Renton. The doctors present were unanimous in endorsing such a Hospital. The matter was left in the hands of a special committee appointed by the payor. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: J. F. Strnard to erect a laundry room 14 x 16 on Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Sartorisville. J. S. MCC-.-ea to reshingle shop on Lot 20, Block 4, �mithers 3rd. Tilda Agnesani to reshingle house at 611 Cedar St. J. E. Oliver to make addition to Service Station Bldg. at corner of 4th & Park for grocery store rea. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Delaurenti that all petitions be granted. Carried. M. L. Bean by R. L. Edwards to grade & black-top 100 ft of the alley in the rear of the Tradew&ll parking lot. The recommendation of the tit. Supt was favorable. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that permission be granted. Carried. J. R. Vdilliams to break 16 ft of curb on Lot ,#213 Williams St. for private cars only read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tambotini that this be referred to the St & Alley Committee and the Chief of Police with pourer to act. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace certain poles and remove anchors on 2nd Ave. Smithers St. vhitworth St. Logan St. Burnett st. and other streets read. b}oved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that this be granted under the supervision of the St. erupt. Carried. Thepetition of Lloyd C. Miller for permission to park trailer house in rear of high school was laid on the table until next week. St. & Alley Committee reporting on application of M. L. Bean by Robert L. Edwards to break curb on Williams St. recommended that same be granted upon payment of $10.00, cost of moving parking meter. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Dr. Ambrose of the Defense Council asked the co-opera- tion of the Council in obtaining more gas masks. The City Clerk was instructed to write the Chatman of the Defense Council in Seattle asking for more gas masks. i 313 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: Current Service Laundry Ldry, X13.07-2453 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 4.84 4 Renton News Record Supplies 3.61 5 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 4.36 6 C. Haleway Keys 1.55 7 Osborne Photo Shop Police Expense 35.54 8 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 30.00 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 20.50-2460 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 221.95-2461-5 The Lumber Market Lumber 14.51- 6 Kroll Yap Co. Maps 10.86 7 The Lumber Nkt Sewer 31.79 8 The Lumber Mkt Lumber 37.76 9 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 285.07-2470-74 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 18.80- 5 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 2.20 6 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. : 285.82-710-18 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 367.37-709 Pay Roll City Sts. 157.60-719-22 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 16.28-723 Yater City of Seattle Nater 36.16-3496 Renton News Record Supplies 16.33 7 National Meter Co. Mter 77.25 8 --- Hersey Mfg. Co. Deter 144.00 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 198.97-3500 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 58.02 1 Renton Feed Co. Material 17.44 2 Pay Roll .r°later Dept. 171.30-3503-7 Daily Journal of Commerce Legal Notice 14.80 8 Park Thomas Harries Agency Insurance 5.07-127 Pay Roll Park Dept, 109.76-128-9 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 2.66-130 "rt Beils Garage Labor on equipment 3.76 1 Benicia Church Park Superlision 20.00 2 Hamilton Church " rt 30.00 3 Library Harry Hartman Library Books 4.64-245 Willcox & Follett Co. " f? 15.02 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies .72 7 Encyclopaedia Brit. Lib. Books 16-2.74 8 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 1.54 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 4.64-250 Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Meeting adjourned to June 17, at 8 P. Ind -,­'Ae�0) City Clerk Mayor 314 1: ; June 17, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1 . by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano and Gebenini. Ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1156 -- read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the Ordinance No. 1157 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings the vote- being as follows : Burrows, Yes - - - Delaurenti Yes Williams Yes Plano No Geber.i No Motion lost. Moved by Plano,seconded by Williams that the petition of M.L.Bean by R. L. Edti,rards to break curbs on Lots 5 and 6, Block 22, Town be referred to St & Alley Cn mnittee to work in conjunction with Chief of Polices with power to ac t. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on $ 400,000. Revenue '"dater Bonds, the following was read: Blyth & Co. , Inc. $96.52 for 4100.00 (par value) and 3-.1z oo interest. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by vVilliams that the bid be rejected. Carried. Chief Stewart asked that Burnett St. between 2nd & 3rd Aves. be cleared of all parked cars etc.- Moved by Plano, seconded by Williams that this be turned over to the St & Alley Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. . Meeting adjourned to June 18th at 8 P . City Clerk Mayor 315 June 18, 1942. Adjourn8d meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1 . by Mayor Beanblossom, Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, Delaurenti, Williams, Plano and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1157 amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1156 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1157 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Burrows, Delaurenti, Williams, Plano and Gebenini. Motion carried. The question of the sale of water: to Federal Housing was brought un. Representatives of the Federal Housing stated that the shortage of pipe made it almost prohibitive to pipe Renton Water to the project, therefore request for water was withdrawn. The question of the sale of water bonds was discussed whereupon it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the City give Blyth & Company, Inc. , dealers in municipal bonds, of Seattle, Washington, and all their partners, until 12 o' clock noon on June 19, 1942, to accept the offer of the City of Renton, to sell them ;400,000. of their water revenue bonds at par and at interest rate of 31%, said bonds to mature as set forth in the maturity schedule in the call for bids for the sale of said bonds previously fixed. The motion beinn put to a vote resulted as fol- lows: Lawrence, Aye Delaurenti Aye Burrows Aye 'Vi11iams Aye Plano Aye Gebenini Aye Motion carried. Meeting adjourned to Tuesday, June 23rd at 8 P. M. City Clerk 7d-/,U� Mayor r J a A•'ay fawn *nsvqq 316 ?w:.L June 23, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M1. by F. E. Lawrence , Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Delaurenti, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. "" Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Permission read from the Northern Pacific Railway granting the City the right to maintain on right of way of Northern Pacific beneath its tracks at 8th Avenue North a one inch water pipe line read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that the Easement be executed by the Mayor & City Clerk. Carried. Offer read from Blyth & Co. , Inc. offering to purchase $400,000. City of Renton Water Revenue Bonds, dated July 1, 1942, at X100.00 par value and pay interest at the rate of 34 o per annum. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that we accept the offer. Carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 1158 providing for a minimum charge for sewerage services, and providing for and confirming the sale of $400,000.00 Water Revenue Bonds of the City of Renton to Blyth & Co. , read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordi- nance No. 1158 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Delaurenti, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Local doctors and the Committee appointedr by the Mayor to ascertain and report back on feasibility of Federal Hospital being erected and maintained in Renton was reported favorable. Moved by Burrows , seconded by Gebenini that the City go on record as Sponsor for a Federal Hospital and that application for such a hospital be made. Carried. Ordinance grantinge. Franchise to Defense Plant Corporation, to construct one watermain for water supply on dilliams St. North, 5th Ave. North and Garden St. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution wherein Department of Highways ask that no encroachments be permitted on the following streets to be paved by the State: Eighth Ave. , Williams St. No. et al read. Tvloved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that this be turned over to the City Attorney and City Engineer for investigation and report. Carried. Communication read from the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company and blue print showing their right of way on Burnett St. between 2nd & 3rd Aves. to be a strip four feet wide. Movedby Burrows, seconded by Dealurenti thatthis be referred to the St & Alley Committee and City Engr for action. Carried. 317 Councilman Burrows reported that the 7Up Baseball Club are delinquent in payment for use of Athletic Field. The matter was referred to the City Attorney to write the Basball Club. No further business, meeting adjourned. OIAW '10 City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem. I 318 �s July 7, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. hf. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams and Plano. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. "WN The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: V. Sylvester (by George Custer) to put in cement foundation and alter house at 500 Smithers St. E. L. Wright (by George Custer) to partition Ford Garage at 3rd & Burnett St, C. Iverson to erect garage at 115 Vells St. J. Gigli to reshingle back porch and part of house and put in dormer at 128 Logan St. J. P. Elkins to move house from housing Project to Earlington read. (Bond posted by Charles L. Pehling & Son) Mary Gossett to tear down front porch and rebuild by making a smaller porch at 409 Pelly St. Henry Veniani to erect garage on Lot 2, Block 6, Renton Real Estate Addition. George Tarahonich to tear down old chicken house and wood shed and erect new woodshed and garage and also enclose front and rear porches of house at 536 Williams St. North. Electrical Products Consolidated to erect Neon sign on Flynn's Barber Shop at 815.2 3rd Ave. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Ann Burdulis to enclose rear porch at 233 :`dells St. read. This was referred to the Bldg. Supt and Fire Chief for investigation with power to act. Williams & Swanson to black-top alley in rear of Lots 6, 7 and 8 Block 25, Town, read. Same being approved by the St. Supt. permission was granted. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace a number of poles was read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the Pac. Tel &,Tel. Co. to set one pole on north side of Third Ave. N, Marion St. Alley read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Delaurenti that petition be granted. Carried. Petples National Bank was designated by the City Treasurer depositary of the city's funds. Moved by Plano, seconded by Yilliams that the Peoples National Bank as depositary be concurred.in. Carried. Communication read from P. M. John Lotto pertaining to incorrect numbering of certain houses in Renton suggesting that corrections be made. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Delaurenti that the matter be referred to the City :engineer for report. Carried. 319 Letter read from National Housing �.' gency requesting a meeting with City officials to discuss sewer project for the housing units. The Mayor appointed the following as a Standing Committee to confer on such questions: Burrows, Chairman, Delaurenti and Lawrence. i Resolution No. 586 authorizing the leasing of certain premises to Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge No. 751 for z a ten year period beginning June lst, 1942, covering a strip 100' x 300' on N. P. Railway opposite Boeing' s plant, read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted. Carried. Lease read from the City of Renton to Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge No. 751 for a strip of land in Mothers Park, Park Ave. for a period of ten years at $50.00 per month. Moved by Plano, seconded by Williams that the Mayor & City Clerk be authoriexed to execute the lease. Carried. Resolution No. 587 for the improvement of Shattuck at by laying a four inch watermain read. c Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 589 declaring the necessity for a Municipal Hospital and authorizing the Mayor to appoint a Hospital Committee read. Moved by vVilliams, seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. This being the night for hearing protests against the sewer and watermain on Dixie & Commercial Avenues, the Clerk reported that some protest had been received. The engineer reported that r~ s. a 3.8% protest had been received whereupon Ordinance No. 1161 for the improvement of Dixie Ave. , et al by laying 4" wutermains read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1159 for the improvement of Dixie Ave. , et al, by sewers read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1158 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye; Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams and Plano. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1159 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams and Plano. i Ordinance No. 1160 granting a franchise to Defense Plant Corporation to construct, maintain and operate one water- main for watersupply purposes to the Pacific Car & Foundry was reported favorable by the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1160 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams and Plano. 320 Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that local improvement covering Dixie Ave, et al, by viatermains and sewers be excluded as part of work of Consulting Engineer, as all work has been done by city engineer. Carried. Mr. Plano reported that the Zoning Ordinance will be ready for adoption at the next Council meeting. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the city put up the necessary bond to indemnify the State against any loss or damage that the State might suffer by the 4th Avenue forth sewer crossing the Sunset Highway to the Federal Housing Project. Carried. Report read from the State Department of Health on water taken from the new pump at the City Park showing the water pure. Report received and filed. Meeting adjourned to July 14, 1942. Clerk Pro Tem Mayor Y 321 July 14, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the Council was called to order at 8 P. M.with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Joe Mance for permission to move small house from Boeing Plant to Lot 2, Block 5, Sm$thers 5th Addition. Joe Paglia to erect garage on Lot 6, Bloc7e 1, Renton Real Estate Add. Mrs. Robena Rowe to reshingle house at 712 Bronson ';iay. Moved by Burrows , seconded by Tamborini that permits be issued. Carried. Matheny & Bacon to move house from Lot 12, Block 2, Sartorisville to Lots 17, Block 12, R. F. P (530 Main St. No) and make an addition of one room. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to St. Supt & Bldg. , Supt with power to act. Carried. New Housing, Inc. to erect seven 4-unit buildings and one single unit at end of "rrhitworth St. between 6th & 7th Ave. read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the Zoning Committee to work in conjunction with -- the Bldg . , erupt with power to act. Carried. Pacific Car & Foundry Co. asks that a 15-inch sewer be extended along Park Avenue from 5th Ave. No. to 6th Ave. No. and then easterly along 6th Ave. No. to easterly side of Garden St. read. . Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that this be turned over to the St Supt and Engr to get an estimate and report back to Council. Carried. Application of Mighty American Circus Shows to operate a circus and carnival in Renton from July 21 to 25th, inc. at 2nd Ave ,,lest adjoining High School groundst read. Same having been aprrn--'9 by the Police & License Committee. was granted. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that license be granted. Carried. Communication read from State Board of Health relative to sewage treatment plant and pledging their support in obtaining material, etc. Letter read from the Federal PublishHousing Agency agreeing to pay the City of Renton 75¢ per occupied dwelling unit per month. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the city accept the offer of the Federal Public Housing Agency to pay 75¢ per occupied unit in the event we have the facilities. Carried. The Zoning Ordinance was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. No further business, meeting adjourned. City lerk Mayor 322 July 21, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. IVII. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. I Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: 0, B. Tully to rebuild garage and tear down old garage at 320 Meadow St. yalter Oddson to repair small house in rear of house at 415 3rd Ave. Paul Snook to erect house & garage on Lot Block , Gunns Addition. J. E. McFarland to reshingle garage at 423 ':yells St. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini that permits be issued. Carried. poles Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace on the following streets: Main St. No. Pelly St Wells St. North Burnett St. North of First Ave. First Ave. No & ';'Tilliams St. -Sells St. North of 4th Ave. Third Avenue between Main a Cedar St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that petition be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Report read from Engr. stating that Fire Chief, `food -stating that if the Ann Burdulis addition to building were stuccoed to conform with the rest of the building that it would meet the requirements of the code. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the applicant be notified to comply with the above recommendation and permit would be issued. Carried, Engr's report read on construction of a 12" sewer to relieVestorm water from the Pacific Car & Foundry on 6th Ave. liorth. The Engr was asked to prepare another estimate on a larger sewer. Contract for furnishing gas read from the Signal Oil Company. Moved and seconded that this be rejected. Carried. Loved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that the ball park and lights be donated Monday night for the benefit game for the NavalReserve. Carried. Irloved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that the city engineer be instructed to notify Consulting Engr, Carey, that the plans for the disposal plant be rushed. Carried. Irloved and seconded that salaries & expense from May 1 to July 22nd be paid; in the following amounts. G.VI.Beanblossom - 9"45.00-2547 F. E. LAwrenee - 18.00 8 Chas Delaurenti - 18.00 9 E. E. Burrows - 18.00-2550 C . S. Williams - 18.00 1 L. E. Plano 0 18.00 2 Louie Gebenini - 18.00 3 Steve Tamborini - 18.00 4 Board of Co. ComrsO 13.56 -2555 323 Petition of M.L.Bean to break curb on Williams St. was referred to St. Supt. The Mayor appointed John V. Dobson to fill the unexpir- ed term of the late Paul V. Mouser. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. The Finance Commmittee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation $276.23-2536-42 Bill Reans Fire Dept. 1e.50-2543 Ed Burrows, Jr. Fire Dept. 12.50 4 Joe Venishnick Fire Dept. 12.50 5 Stilring Fliggi Fire Dept, 12.50 6 ',dater Pay Roll 'vYater Dept. 191.61-3536-40 Pay Roll City St. Fund 226.77-752-58 Pay Roll City Sts . 248.78-759-65 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 109.78-140-141 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report of. the Committee be concurred in. Carried. lvloved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows., that Franchise No. 246 from the Board of Co. Commrs to construct a mea r over 4th Ave. No. for a period of 25 years be acc Carried i_ Meeting adjourned. e City Clerk Mayor 324 >�c August 4, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.,% by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence Delaurenti Burrows, Williams , J Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Yinutes ofthe last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: J. D. Monroe to erect garage at 415 Wells St. No. John Baima to erect garage at 410 Pelly St, L. B. Nelson to reside rear porch with asbestos shingles at 231 71ells St. Mary P. Fuller to reshingle part of house at 913 5th Ave. John Sedlacek to repair front porch at 344 Morris St. R. Favro to repair porches andremodel inside of house at 504 Cedar St. Jennie Driscoll to reshingle rear porch and repair house at 105 Logan St. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini that permits be issued. Petition read from Cora Van Dusen to erect 40-shed garages or stalls on Lots 1,2, Block 5, Car +`orks Addition. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be referred to the Fire,Chief and City Engr. with power to act. Carried. Petition of Tradewell Stores, Inc. to close 11illiams St. entrance on Lot 5, Block 22, Town and withdraw petition dated 5/28.42, read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Burrows that this be referred to the city attorney for an opinion. Carried. Estimate read from the City Zngr. on 15" sewer to connect with Pacific Car & Foundry in the amount of $3322.40. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the St &Alley Committee to work out and report back to the Council. Carried. Petition of the New Housing Inc. to erect houses at end of 'dhitworth St. between 6th & 7th Aves was reported on favorably by the Zoning Committee provided the street is widened. The petition of Matheny & Bacon to move house was reported favorable by the St & Bldg. Supts. Communication read from Office of Civilian Defense stating that Renton' s Defense Center in the City Hall was not large enough. Communication read from L. R. Durkee, Regional Engr. stating that he had received from Consulting Engr. set of proposed sewer system. James 4J. Carey, Consulting Engr. submitted plans and specifications foe new sewer system but stated that same had not yet been approved by the State Department of Health. i Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be turned over to the City Engr and City Attorney for study and reror.t back their findings at the next meeting. Carried. 325 Communication read from N. C . Jannsen Drilling Company relative to obtaining larger pumps at an additional cost to the city of $2538.00. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the engineer to get priority rating. Carried. Application No. 1487 for franchise read from the Department of highways for construction of sewer over highways. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Delaurenti that same be. turned over to the city attorney. Carried. Letter read from Department of Public Service relative to grade crossings. The communication was received and filed for reference. Communication read from Northern Pacific Railway relative to paving Burnett St. from 2nd to 3rd stating that recommendation had been referred to their Engr. `rept. Resolution from Department of highways relative to access city streets to Boeing Plant read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. Resolution No. 590 authorizing the Iayor & City Clerk to execute Quit Claim Deed to Francis B. Bonnell and wife, upon payment of all assessments to a 100 foot strip in Renton Real .state Companys Addition read. 6-- Moved by Plano, seconded by '61illiams that sane be adopted as read. Carried. This being the ni`;ht for receiving bids on improvement of Dixie Ave. , et al, by installation of sewer and watermain the Clerk reported that no bids had been received. This being the night for hearing protest against the improvement of Shattuck Street, et al by laying water main, The Clerk reported that no protests were received. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that the city attorney draft an Ordinance creating an improvement district. Carried. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that the garbage department2inerease in wages be turned over to the '::ays & Means Committee for report. Carried. Marguerite Reimers was present and asked the attitude of the Mayor & Council to continuing the Service Club in the City Hall. The crowded con..ition of the City Hall was discussed at some length especially the office of '- Civilian Defense whereupon it was Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Burrows that the matter be turned over to the City Property Committee for investigation and reportbaek. Moved and seconded that we adjourn to .August 10, 1942. �'allor City Cler 326 � F August 18 , 1942 Regular meeting of the City= Council was c-,lled to order at 8 P.M. , by Mlayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Burrows , Williams , Plano , Gebenini. i Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions , approved by the Building Supt. were read: C. H. - McSpadden to erect garage at 520 Smithers st . John A. Terrel to make addition of a bathroom in Lot 2 block 6, Smithers 5th. Emma Jones to repair garage roof at 525 Smithers St . Cornelius Iverson to erect first unit of court at 115 Wells street. W. J. Thompson to reshingle house at 207 Wells St.North. R. D. Gieldseth to reshingle house at 516 Wells St. Bill Hoyt to repair front porch foundation,220 Park Ave. A. J. Brattus to reshingle house , 525 Park Ave . Moved by Plano , seconded by Williams that permits be issued. Carried. Petition of P.S.P. & L. to place anchor on 6th avenue West , North of Williams Street , was read, same having been approved by the Street Superintendent. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that permits be granted. Carried. A report was read from the City Engineer and Fire Chief on the petition of Cora Van Dusen to erect garage stalls on Lot 1 and 2 of block 5, Carworks ndrAition, recommending that the same be denied. 1oved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the City Engineer and Fire Chief be concurred in and the perrait denied. Communication read from the Housing Authority requesting permission for the Renton Fire Department to make runs to the Housing Project. Moved by Burrows , seconded by Plano that the same be referred .to the Fire Chief and City Attorney for report. Carried. Ordinance ff1162 for the improvement of Shattuck St et al by laying a four inch water main and two inch water main read and on motion referred to the ordinance committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance #1162, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Burrows , Williams , Plano and Gebenini. 7 The enzineer and attorney reported favorably on the plans and specification of Unit #1 of the sewer project, and it was moved by Plano and seconded by Gebenini that these plans and specifications be accepted and adopted and that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until Sept. 1 , 1942 , at 7:00 P.: Carried. Proposed emergency ordinance appropriating ' 5 ,00(' .00 to pay the balance of the cost of constructing fire hall read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Williams same be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 327 The matter of applying to the City of Seattle for a permit to cross their transmission right of way with the access road to Boeing's was brought up and was moved by Burrows and seconded by Plano that this matter be turned over to the City ,.ttorney with instructions to apply for the permit. Carried. The matter of the water mains and sewer lines on Shattuck Street et al was brought up by the Street Supt. and after discussion was moved by Plano and seconded by Gebenini that the Street Supt. be instructed to proceed with the installation of these water and sewer mains independent of contract. Carried. Meeting Adjourned . Cit erk IvTayor L.. 328 �W Sept. 1, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by the Eayor. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, fyilliams, Plano and Tamborini. Tv,inutes of the last meeting read and approved. No I The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Carlyle blachem to erect coal shed at 425 Pelly St. J. E. Hayes to repair foundation of house on Lot 18, Block 7, Car dorka Louis Champa to enclose front porch for breakfast nook and put siding on house at 850 Marion 3t. Dan Yosis to construct temporary septic tank and pump on property east of N. P. Ry & north of 6th Ave. North. This was approved by Dr. Dixon, Health Officer. Seventh Day Adventist Church asks permission to raise roof and make class rooms above auditorium corner 1arion & Factory Sts. 11oved by Tamborini, seconded by 'dilliams that permits be issued. Carried. Roy Jones to move house from 410 Plain St. North to Lot 8, Block 20, R. F. P. Blind posted by the contractor. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the Building erupt. with power to ct. Carried. Owl Cafe to erect lean to shed on rear of Owl Cafe at 808 3rd Avenue. loved by Lawrence, seconded byn Plano that same be denied. Carried. Re,=t read from the Engr.on the Cora Van Dusen application for permission to erect 40 garages on Lots 1 and 2, Car 'lorks stating that the situation had been re- viewed by the engineer and Fire Chief and recommended that permit be granted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that same be granted on the recommendation of the Engr and Chief. Carried.- Protest against the present garbage disposal plant was read from about 100 residents. Moved by Lawrence, sevonded by Plano that the matter be referred to the City Health Officer, and the City Property Committee to investigate and report back to the Council also look around for a new garbage disposal plant. Carried. Communcation read from Consulting Engr. Carey advising the Council that plans and specifications of the proposed sewage treatment plant had been forwarded to the Federal �Jorks Agency and the State Dept. of health. Report read from Engr. Jas. 71. Carey stating that an additional strip of land for the proposed sewage treatment plant was necessary. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the additional property be referred to the City Property Committee, City Attorney and City Engr for purchase. Carried. 329 This being the night for opening bids for the construction of a trunk sewer in Sunset highway, Fourth Avenue North, et al, the following were opened and read: Matt Malaspina - $58,209.04, vitrified clay or 50,459.96 concrete r 1M. Moschetto - $61,710.75 vitrified clay 542872.55 concrete v' Valley Construction Co. - 965,266.54 vitrified clay 571718.15 concrete Superior Construction Co Sot totalled. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the bids be referred to the Council as a whole and the Engineers. Carried. Crossing Agreement between Pacific Coast R. R. Co. and the City of Renton allowing the City to maintain and place sewer pipe under their track at 4th Avenue North was read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Jilliams that the Mayor and City Clerk execute the agreement. Carried. Ordinance No. 1163 appropriating the sum of X5,000. for the balance of the cost of the fire station was reported favorable by the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1163 was then placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, William�, Plano and Tamborini. Resolution No. 588 for the construction of access city streets to Boeing Plant by the Department of highways read. Moved by Plano, seconded by ,"lilliams that the same be adopted as read. Carried. Communication read from the dashington Surveying and Rating Bureau relative to fire protection outside the city limits. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Taraborini that the communication be transmitted to the Housing Authority. Carried. Contract for engineering services was read from James cd. Carey. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Delaurenti that the contract be referred to the City Council as a whole and the city engineer and city attorney. Carried. The r'inance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Payroll Engr. Dept. X306.05-2569-73 Payroll Health & Sanitation 272.38-2574-80 L Valley Window Cleaners".=°Labor' 9.01-2582 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 29.50 3 ,''alter Jordon Dog Catcher 22.50 4 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 37.73 5 First Federal Saving Rent - Attys 37.50 6 Gladding,McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 25.15 7 Sam Thomas Labor 11.98 8 Western Union Telegram 3.60-2601 Owl Cafe Prisoners Meals 33.20 2 Service Ldry Ldry 20.93 3 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 46 .90 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 41.52 5 Thos. Harries Insurance 15.00 6 R. E. Theinhardt Insurance 5.00 7 330 6 oA PfOM ii The Lumber Market lumber $16.65-2608 Vest Disfinfacting Co. Supplies 35.56-$610 Geo. K. Custer Labor , 42.64 1 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 321.48 2 W. H. Watkins Repair cork 2.06 3 Pennsylvania Salt Co. Chlorine 141.76 4 Signal Oil Co. Gas 60.42 5 Kroll Map Co. Maps 28.79 6 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 228.92-2617-19 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 261.36-2620-26 Pay Roll " " " 255.04-2642-47 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 190.75-2648-50 Harry Ronald Labor at City hall 24.00-2651 John Johnson Labor at City Hall 13.20 2 Axel Peterson Labor at City Hall 11.28 3 Jim ';Teed Labor at City Hall 11.28- 4 James `rd. Carey Consulting Engr. 2742.78 5 Joe. Venishnick Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 6 Bill Reans " " " 12.50 7 Ed Burrows " " " 12.50 8 Stirling 2liggi " " " 12.50 9 ;'dater Pay Roll `:Tater Dept. 272.96-3544-51 ViQuez Pharmacy Supplies 2.33 3552 Renton News Record " 2.?7 3 The Lumber rest. Material 3.66 4 Olympic Foundry Co. it 25.54 5 Waters Supplies 4.53 6 Palmer Supply Co. 'f 6.64 7 J. C. Penney Co. " .10.26 8 Addressograph Div it 1.12-3563 City of Seattle ';dater 33.72 4 Pettie Printery Printing 86.52 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 289.69 6 Hanks Mch & ;deriding Material 6.59 7 Pay Roll `'later Dept. 193.81-3568-72 Pay Roll " it 163.61-3576-80 James W. Carey Consulting Engr 65.00-3581 City St. Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 369.59-791 Renton Feed Co. Material 4.22 2 Pay Roll City its. 211.29-193-97 Pay Roll " " 223.19-798-805 Pay Roll " " 151.22-809-11 Pay Roll " " 198.12-812-818 James W. Carey Consulting Engr. 689.04 L.l".D.#203 Pay Roll L.T.D. $190.24-1-6 Park P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 12.60-147 Union Oil.Co. Material 1.47 8 Gladding,McBean & Co. " 1.06 9 Pay Roll Park Hamilton Church 60.00-150 Benicia Church " 40.00 1 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 63.63-152 Drank Allen " " 49.90 3 Toots Bunstine " " 64.67 4 Frank Allen " 54.89 5 331 Library P. S. P. L L. Co. Lights y? 2.06-272 Pay Roll Library 205.15-273 I-loved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Meeting adjourned to Tuesday, September g, 1942. MAJ;vIJ4-I/— City Clerk Mayor 332 September 8, 1942. Adjourned council meeting was called to order at 8 p. m. by 1,,Iayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, 'lilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Linutes of the last meeting read and approved. .. The following petitions , all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Albert 11. Baker to er5ct house & garage on Lot 20, Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition. Ed hougardy to erect coal shed at 304 iilliams St. forth. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebeinini that same be allowed. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. � L. Co. to install one anchor guy on first pole on 41illiams St. north of Smithers St. install one pole on 6th Avenue, between '14hitworth & Shattuck St and one pole in the alley north of 6th Ave. between Shattuck & ','hitworth Sts. Moved by 'i1illiams, seconded by Plano that petition be granted. Carried. Communication read from 11orthern Pacific Railway Co. with reference to black-top on Burnett Wit. and ordered filed for reference. Communications read from James 11. Carey, Consulting I'Jngineer, enclosing copy of letter written to lir. Durkee showing the change in the number of pumps in the Renton Sewage Treatment Plant; also copies of letters written to 11'r. Durkee of F.W.A. and Mr. Campbell of hate Board of Health handing them our revised specifications for Renton Sewage Treatment Plant; also two complete sets of specifications and plans of the Sewage Treatment Plant. Communication read from Donald G. Evans, State Director of Heqlth acknowledg&ng receipt of two copies of revised plans and specifications for the sewage treatment plant for the City of Renton. 1,oved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that we accept the plans and specifications of Sewage Treatment Plant (revised) as prepared and filed by the Consulting Engr, Carey, and fixing the 22nd day of September 1942 as the time for receiv- ing bids for the sewage treatment plant. Carried. Request read from the Housing tiuthority for permission to construct a roadway on Eighth Avenue as an entrance to temporary sewage disposal plant. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St. erupt and Engr. Carried. Certificate of Appointment read from Mayor Beanblossom appointing James 1V11arzluff to fill the vanancy by reason of the resignation of Hayden 'lilliamsg Federal Housing Authority. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the appoint- went be confirmed. Carried. The Council reporting on the bids for sewer construction recommended the bid of Matt R.alaspina in the amount of "458,209.04 for vittified clay pipe. Resolution No. 591 aT,,rarding the constrict for the construction of Unit Ido. 1, Renton Sewer System to Matt Malaspina 333 in the amount of .„52,209.04 for vitrified clay pipe read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted as read. Carried. The St ,& Alley Committee reporting din the sewer for the Pacific Car & Foundry to connect with the city's 15 inch sewer stated that they had investigated the proposed sewer and that the Pa.c Car had agreed to pay 32500. toward the improvement and recommended that the city assume the balance of the cost. Y'oved. by Delaurenti, seconded by Lairrence that the recommenda- tion of the. committee be concurred in and that we accept the offer of the Pac Car to pay the X2500. and the city assume the balance of the cost. Carried, iao further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor L c� c� 335 September 15, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom: Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, Plano, Delaurenti Gebenini and Tamborini. I;Iinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitons, approved by the Building erupt. were read: Peter Dullahant to place new gutters on house at 147 Park Aire. Yrs. Rocksie ''00"illiams to reshingle house and garage at 210 1, ill St. 11. E. Priddy to erect garage and wood shed combined at 725 Jones St. V. Carson to tear down old garage and erect new one at 733 Renton Ave. Mrs. Florence Custer to m4e apartment upstairs and do general. repair work at 109 Garden St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that all petitions be granted. Carried. John Rosenstein to erect chicken-coop at 515 `filliams St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be tabled for future investigation. Carried. l'. S. P. & L. Co. to replace poles on Logan St. Dixie Ave Commercial wive and Lake St. Ibved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted. Carried.. Communication received from Jannsen Drilling Company relative to priority for purchasing motors for the new pump. 1"Oved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the city attorney for action. Carried. Communication read from Jannsen Drilling Company and also report of wells read from Engr. Hood and asking that Ys. Jannsen be paid a percentage of the money due for drilling wells. Yoved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini +l.at same be turned over to the City Property Committee arid' City Attornel .to draft 'con- tract for payment on well project. Carried. Letter read from L. R. Durkee, Regional Engineer, F),,,A relative to bids for sewer system etc_ . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the matter be referrdd to the city attorney. Carried. Resolution No. 5 89 for the improvement of Smithers 5th Addition, Blockm6, by extension of sanitary sewer read. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. Preliminary Budget read. Tdoved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano -Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current .falter Jordon Dog Catcher : 18.00-2660 Renton HdiN & Furn Supplies 2.61-2661 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 6.73 2 The Lumber 11kt Lumber 31.60 3 Reid & Cook Supplies 30.49 4 Reid & Cook " Fire Dept. 41.72 5 Reid & Cook " Sewer Dept. 47.16 6 Pac. Tel w Tel. Co. Telephones 47.50 7 ,7allace & Tierman Sewer 1'aterial 55.77 8 ,Pest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 45.06 9 336 Current Service Laundry Ldry 13.43-2670 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 55.97 1 Gladding,l.cBean & Co . luaterial 150.46 2 Board of Co. Commrs Franchise 13.73 3 Valley 'Viindow Cleaners Labor 2.06 4 k Daily Journal of Commerce Legal Publ 20.65 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 5.00 6 Ralphs Garage Expenses 8.76 7 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 13.26 8 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 6.03 8 Custer Hdw Co. " 14.11-2680 Force-Flo Fire Stat Material 11.50 1 Rainier Ornamental Iron " " Material 224.54 2 Builders Hdw & Supply " " Material 295.96 3 F. li. Godfrey Engr- Co. " " " 15.41 4 Redi w Cook " " " 438.37 5 Raecolith Flooring Co. " " " 666.41 6 Lackies " " " 148.84 7 Cochran Paint & Hdiv " " " 78.69 8 :penton Hdw & Furn " " 455.29 9 Custer Hdw Co . " " " 19.70-2690 Chris Bevan " " " 1706.82 1 Ivan 1% Palmaw " " " 65.0© 2 The Lumber l:at " " " 44.18 3 Pacific Coast Stamp ',forks Supplies 6.23 4 Stoneway Dock Co. 1saterial 5.67 5 Pioneer Key Co. Police Exnense 3.75 6 Owl Cafe Priosners meals 24.85 7 P. o P. & L. Co. Lights 46.88-2710 Jack T. Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 21.99 1 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 173.59 2 Pay* Roll. Health & Sanitation 232.27-2713-18 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 225.44-2719-22 Gabes Fuel Fuel 43.21-2723 ,,later laters Supplies 2.47-3582 City of Seattle '.'later 303.60- 3 `lestern Tire Service Material 3.30 4 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 1.85 5 Pac. Car & Fdry Material 85.13 6 ;gash. State Tax Comm 'dater Tax 194.72-3591 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 274.59- 2 Renton Chronicle Legal publications 92.87 3 Pay Roll Vater Dept. 188.61-3594-9 City at. Fund Renton Hdw L urn Supplies 2.22-821 Custer Hdvv Co. Supplies 6.18 2 Union Oil Co. Gasoline 19.24-823 Renton 11chry Co. Rental 15.30 4 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 26.38 38 5 w Cook Supplies Nat dMclRillan St. Painting 237 .66-832 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 366.28- 3 Pay Roll City Sts. 231.72-834-8 Pay Roll St. Fund 144.72-839-44 Tom Dobson w Son Insurance 40.45-845 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 1.94 6 L.I.D.#203 Pay Roll 68.63-8-11 Park Fund Benicia Church Supervisor Playfield 69.00-159 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 9.17-160 ft 2.20 1 Bergman' s 26.79 2 l� Lumber at Lumber Reid & Cook Tabor at park 14.21 3 337 Park Stoneway Dock Co. Material 10.30-164 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 1.44 5 Reid & Cook. Supplies 2.64 6 Renton Hdw & Turn Supplies 88.98 7 Dept. Labor Ind Ind. Ins. .61 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 3.44 9 Pay Ro -1 Park 109.83-170-71 1'.loved by Plano, seconded by Lawrehce that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Meeting adjourned to Tuesday, SEptember 22, 1942. �-d4j City Clerk Mayor 33� September 22, 1942. SPECIAL =TING O1+ THE CITY' COUNCIL 71,,1� C,'LLED TO ORDER AT 7 P. M. BY 1,AY0R BEAnLOSSOI: . Roll Call: Delaurenti, Burrows, ,',illiams, Plano and Gebenini. opening treatment This being the night for/bids on construction of sewage/ plant, The following bids were received: Lidral Construction Co.. . . . . . . . . X238,832 C. i. Davidson Co. , Tacoma. . . . . . . 247 ,578 B. H. Sheldon, Corvalis, Ore. . . . . . 199,000 ritz Ziebarth, Long Beach, Calif . . . 239 ,600 Kuney-Sohneon Co. , Seattle, gash . . . 337 ,431.94 Noble ,V. ?JThite, Seattle, ';cash. 266,000 Frank Lohse, Pendelton, Ore. 275,000 Bergesen,`,Vick & Dahlgren, 1fcChord FiQld 271,000 Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that the bids be referred to the City Council as a whole, the consulting engineer and city engineer and city attorney. Carried. Mleeting adjourned. ity Clerk Payor 4 339 September 22 , 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1,11. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call; Delaurenti, Burrows, dilliams, Plano and Geber..ini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Morgan Davis to reshingle garage at 400 Trill St. James Tachell to lengti arage two feet at 405 5th Ave. David Reid to reshingle house at 221 .Thitworth St. John Peternell to reroof part of rear porch at 831 T;'arion St. John Repose to erect garage at 803 Grant St. Nr. J. McDonald to replace eavestrough and renew skirting on house at 200 Park Ave. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that petitions be granted. Carried. trdd Peacock to move house from Boeing Plant to 328 ',tells St. No. to be used for coal shed was read. Bond Posted. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that this petition be tabled. Carried. Mr. Burrows reported for committee on bids received for construction of Sewage Treatment Plant and recommended the bid of B. H. Sheldon, in the amount of X199,000.00. Resolution No. 593 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute contract with B. H. Sheldon for the con- struction of Sewage Treatment Plant, Unit #2, subjec to approval of Federal '4*orks Agency. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. Attorney Dobson reported on the letter received from Federal ►corks Agency concerning their request for a statement to the effect that the city would deposit the difference be- tween the cost of concrete pipe and vitrified clay pipe in the construction account; this difference based on the estimated quantity amounting to 1; 7,981.55 and to be deposited in the construction account in addition to the X100,000. required under the offer of the Federal Government. Moved by Plano, seconded by Williams that the attorney be authorized to write the Federal '"'orks Agency agreeing to deposit the additional amount in the construction account representing the extra cost of vitrified clay pipe. Carried. Toved by Gebenini, seconded by Delaurenti that the city clerk notify the successful bidder, in writing, that he has bE;en awarded the contract for the construction of Unit No. 1. Carried. The New z-lousing Inc submitted a plat for their property betweE;n. 6th & 7th Aves and Shattuck & Morris St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the City Egnr and City,Attorney for report. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 11.64, the zoning ordinance, whereupon it was placed upon its sE;cond and third readings and passed as a whole, all 340 councilmen present voting aye ; Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams Plano and Gebeinini. Resolution No. 594,assuring the 2ederal Public Housing liutherity that they Trill be permitted to connect the sewers on the contemplated War Apartment Buildings and Dormitories to the existing sewer facilities PROVIDED said facilities are adequate to handle the sewer and the connect- ion of the apartments and dormitories to the system is approved by the State Board of health and a reasonable ser- vice charge is paid for such connection. Moved by Burrows , seconded by Plano that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk TVTayor 341 October 5, 1942. SPECIAL 101ETING OF THE CITY COLfiTCIL `'rAa CALLED TO ORDER BY T.MOR BEANBLOSSOM FOR T1-1E PURPOSE OF ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1943. Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, dilliams, Plano and Gebenini. There being no objection to the budget as read it was Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be adopted as read. Carried. 1eeting adjourned. City Clerk Layor o 342 ' ti October 6, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by Twlayor Beanblossom. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, :' illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meetings read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Drs. A. Crookston to make apartment in basement and also remodel garage and make same into an apartment at 823 Marion St. Rainier Aliment to erect rear porch at 523 Taain St. No. G. N. Townsend to reshingle part of house at 118 Pelly Mary Ditlevensen to reshingle house at 426 Smithers St. H. C. Anderson to erect storeroom and washroom combined on Lot 5, Block 6, Smithers 5th Addn. Alice A. David to reshingle house at 536 T:,orris St. Edmond Elliott to reshingle house and general repairs on house at 606 '. ells St. Paul Snook to reshingle house and general repairs at 700 Smithers St. Nellie O'Brien to erect lean-to on garage for temporary fuel shed at 212 ;hitworth St. J. T:I. Jorgensen to reshingle garage and renew eavestrough and down spouts on garage at 119 Park Ave. YIoved by Gebenini, seconded by Delaurenti that permits be issued. Carried. George Day to break curb for private driveway at 517 Felly St. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Burrows that this b)e granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition read from Hostesses Executive Committee, Tars. J. Boyd Haddock, President for permission to continue the use of the Service Tens Club Room in the City Hall also to renovate and equip the room. I,Ioved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the request be granted. Carried unanimously. The City Attorney & Engr. to whom was referred the plat of the New dousing Inc . for property between 6th & 7th Aves and Shattuck vc Morris St. stated that X2000. had been earmarked for street and utility improvements and recommended that the plat be accepted. T;'oved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the plat be accepted. Carried. The City Clerk notified the Council that this was the night for hearing protests against the improvement of Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition by sewer and none had been received. 11oved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the city attorney draft an Ordinance for the improvement of this district. Carried. Ordinance No. 1165 adopting a budget for the year 1943 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance. The Ordinance Committee re-oorted favorably on Ordinance No. 1165 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti Burrows, `Villiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. 343 Ordinance No. 1166 fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1943 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1166 whereuponn it was placed upon its second •� and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Supplemental Agreement between the City of Renton and James Carey was referred to the City Council as a whole, The concrete sidewalk of John Diambri was referred to the St & Alley Committee and the City -Engr for report next meeting night. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that we call for bids for construction of a 15 inch sewer on 6th Ave. No. from Lain to Garden St. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by ;`villa ms that we call for bids for pumps for new well. Carried. City Property Committee reports upon their negotiations with the owner of property required for disposal plant stated that the owner asks 435000. for the property. The recommendation of the entire committee that an offer of 6?2500. be made for the proper-,-,y and if the city was unable to purchase at the price .� that condemnation !)roceedings be instituted unless property owner agreed to submit price to be paid to a 7oard of Arbitration in which event the cite would be bound by the decision of the Board. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Tfngr. Dept. X3224.19-2738-41 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 281.29-2742-47 Valley "Iindow Cleaners Labor 2.06-2748 An. Reaps Labor Fbire Dept. 12.50 9 Stirling fliggi " " it 12.50-2750 E. Tond.a it " " 12. 50 1 J. H. Lawrence Fuel lire Station 40.42 2 Hearne Bros. Naps 54.08 3 '.iaters Supplies 3.71 4 Joshua H. Vogel Services - Zoning 386.00 5 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 21.45 6 ?ac. Tel 6� Tel. Co. Telephones 51.00 7 Thomas Harries Insurance 5.00 8 '.falter Jordon Dog Catcher 21.00 9 eater Fay - 0119 ;'tater Dept. X3280.56-3603-8 City of Seattle ,^Yater 69.48 9 Jannsen Drilling Co. On ao/ wells 10,000.00-3610 Grinnell Co. P;aterial 42.81 1 344 Citr Street Lund Pay Roll City Sts . 680.54-851 Pay Roll City Sts . 248.58-852-59 Richfield Oil Corp Gas 57.24-860 R. Coates Labor on tools 6.20 1 J. T.. Lawrence Fuel-Gara-e 27.30 2 Library Hearne Bros Supplies 18.05-295 Puget mound Thews Co. " 20.04 6 Victor Fuel Co. Fuel 6.18 7 Remington band, Inc. Supplies 1.65 8 Spokesman Review Subscription 4.00 9 McMillan Company Books 8.24-300 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 119.76-173-4 Parking Eeter Fund Harry Rondld Labor 36.00-55 T:oved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrowsthat the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Meeting adjourned to Tuesday, October 13, 1942. q&A r-1-YAYY6J City Clerk Kayor 345 October 13, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, lilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Timm, Minutes of the last meetin{� read and approved. The following petitions, all approited by the Building erupt. were read: Smith w Thornton to erect lean-to on rear of building at 309 3rd Ave. John Peternel to reshingle cabin and add another room at (505 Main St. Firs. date Tyndall to move partition from front room in the 'Vi-odds building to adjoining room read. Geo. 'VV. limes to reroof building 407 2nd Ave. Id'oved by Tamborini seconded by Viilliams that permits be issued. Carried. Mattie Galloway to erect two houses on 7th Avenue be- tween Morris & Shattuck Sts. Moved by Plano, seconded by Dealaurenti that the petition be referred to the Building Supt. for action. Carried. Owl Cafe to erect a storage room of corrugated iron in rear of cafe. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the petition be referredto the Building erupt for report back to the Council. Carried. Mrs. H. Evans to move small building around on rear of Lott add two room making same into living quarters at 305 3rd Avenue. Idoved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be referrE)d to the Building Supt. with power to act. Carred. City Bngr. reporting on the Diambri sidewalk stated that same could be made to conform to specifications . Koved by Plano, seconded by _.Villiams that the report be accepted and the matter turned over to the St Supt for action. Carried. Communication read from Lngr. Carey enclosing specif'__cations covering street improvements in Renton. 17oved by Plano, seconded by Jilliams that we accept the specifications' and advertise for bids. Carried. The City nttorney and City Property Committee were given authority to negotiate and acquire the necessary Right of "lay for widening of Park Avenue below 6th Five to 8th Ave. North. Ordinance licensing and regulating Second-land Dealers in the City 'uf menton was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1167 fixing the number of bus stops in the City of Denton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance CommittPee. 346 �1 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord- . inance No. 1167 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. i Ordinance No. 1168 fixing the license fee of pin ball machines read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported, favorably on Ordinance No. 1168 -vrhereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings. Roll call on the Ordinance resulted ax follows: Lawrence - No Delaurenti - Yes "7illiams - Yes Plano - No Gebeninj - Yes Tamborini - Yes Motion carried. Idoved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that Supplemental Contract between City of Renton and Tames W. Carey be executed by the Iaayor and City Clerks subject to approval of F`,7A. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 347 October 20, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I% with 11ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, `",,illiams, Piano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition, , approved by the Building Supt. was read: Frank L. dilson to seal inside of garage, install two windows and erect chimney at 234 Pelly St. Tyoved by Tamborini seconded by lilliams that same be granted. Carried. Bldg. Supt. reported favorably on the petitions of the Otitil Cafe and b . Galloway. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation be concurred in and permits issued. Carried. Application read from Grandey Home Builders to connect the sewage system of �"iindsor Hills to Renton at some point in the trunk line running along Sunset Highway. Poioved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the application be granted subject to approval of St. erupt and Engr. Carried. I ved by Plano, seconded bta Gebenini that the matter of dimming the street lights be referred to the Fire, Light & lie-ter Committee with power to act. Carried. P.oved by Gebenini, seconded by 'uilliams that the Health Officer be instructed to make a survey of all restaurants and report back to the Council at their November 3rd meeting. Carried. Franchise No. 1487 granting to the City of Renton the right to construct, operate and maintain a sewer pipe line upon and across a part of Primary State Highway Pdo. 2 read from the Department of Highways and enclosing a blank form of acceptance. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the Acep6tance be executed by the I.,'ayor w City Clerk. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1170 regulating and licensing second-hand dealers in the City of Renton whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a 1,F,ihole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Iuilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Ordinance ITo. 1169 for the improvement of Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition to the Town of Renton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance CoLmittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1169 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : - Lawrence, Delaurenti, Villiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. 348 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Fngr. Dept. ;?163.29-2772-5 Pay Noll Health & Sanitation 264.11-2777-81 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lij-,hts 59.75-2782 Pennsylvania Salt Drayage 6.38 3 Pac. Car & Fdry 1'1aterial 119.38- 4 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 63.60 5 Service Laudnry Ldry 18.56 6 Villiams & Swanson T.laterial 20.81 8 Kuker-Raneken 'Engr. Supplies 31.05 9 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 18.51-2790 Jones Auto Parts it 2.69 1 Grand Piattress Co Fire Dept. Material 39.14 2 Ernest Tonda Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 3 Bill Renas " it " 12.50 4 Stirling Fliggi " " it 12.50 5 I ) It. S. Darley & Co. Police uppliesS 5.76 6 Art Beils Garage 11aterial 8.29 7 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies8 13.77 8 Hardie Plumbing Iviaterial 10.51 9 G. Chaffee Police Supplies 6.50-2800 dater Pay Roll ,dater Dept. 236.08-3616-21 Trick & Marray Supplies 45.32 5t 2 Addressograph Supplies 5.10 8 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 215.55-3625 Pac . :'Fater ,'dks Material 142.07- 4 City :tet. Fund Pay Roll Cits S-7ts. 194.38-868-71 Pay Roll City Sts. 128.75-872-76 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 366.85- 7 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 7 .10 8 Standard Oil Co. Gas 36.99 9 Stoneway -Dock Co. 11aterial 3.75-880 Art Beils Garage Material 4. 38 1 jitoneway Dock Co. " 10.82 2 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 20.00 3 Library Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 5.58-302 Parking l. eters Dual Parking Meter Co. nor meters 2081.75-60 Harry Ronald Police Labor 18.00 1 y L.I.Q.#203 Olympia Foundry Co. Material 39.55-12 j Renton Feed Co. ft 4.88 13 Park Fund Pay Roll Park Dept. -176-7 511illiams & McKnight Teterial 24.76-178 J. S. Hardie " 18.24 9 Art Beils Garage "' 1.03-180 r 349 httorney reported that the price of the Tonelli property had come down to �,�3000. and stated that in the event the city would accept that price and submit it to the Federal forks .'agency for approval that they would grant a license to the city and its contractor to go on the property and proceed with the construction of the sewer treatment plant and attorney recommended that such procedure be followed. Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Attorney re-norted that all of the property necessary on Park Avenue between 6th & Sth for the extension of Park Avenue had beenarran{ ed for except the Glowscheski property. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the city attorney proceed with condemnation proceedings if negotiations failed. Carried. Communication read from 111r. Durkee's office relative toforms and correspondence pertaining to city' s business. Proved by Gebenini, sec-ended by '1illiams that all correspondence be sent to the City :-fall in care of the City Clerk.. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk T. ayor r 350 �r November 3, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, -rilliams, Plano, Burrows, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. This being the night for receiving bids on Renton Street Improvement, the following were read: N. Fiorito . . . . . . X116,243.50 Fiorito Bros 131,564.00 Northwest Construction 114,889.50 The bids were referred to the Consulting Engr and the Council as a whole and a short recess taken to consider and report back to Council. After due consideration the Committee recommended the bid of Northwest Construction Company in the amount of $114,889.50 whereupon the following Resolution was read: Resoltuion No. 596 awarding contract for the construc- tion of access streets to Northwest Construction Company in the amount of $114,889.50. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by 11illiams that same be adopted as read. Carried. The following petition for enclosing small shed and repairing same at 531 Morris St. was read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Debenini that same be granted subject to approval of Bldg. Supt. Carried. The foll&wing applications for license to operate pin ball machines were read: Juan De Fuca Sales Co. by Phillip G. Stamalis to operate 20 machines. Geo. Martin to operate 7 machines. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that applications be granted. Carried. Communication read from L. R. Durkee, FVIA enclosing $97,822.64 which represents first-advance grant requisition on Sewerage Facilities, Renton Project. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that same be received and deposited to the credit of City of Renton. Carried. Letter read from Dept. of Public Service relative to transporation to the New housing Project and giving notice of hearing November 10„1942. St. Supt brought up the question of extending sewer on Renton Ave. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini that the matter be referred to the St & Alley Committee for investiga- tion and report back to Council. Carried. Resoltuion No. 595 fixing the 17th day of November 1942 as the date of hearing on assemsment roll No. 203 for the im- provement of Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition. Moved by Plano, seconded by Williams that same be adopted as read. Carried. to Resolution No. 596 awarding contract/Northwest Construction Co. for construction city streets read. Proved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that the same be adopted as read. Carried. 351 f The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $196.23-2813-16 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 285.78-2817-21-29 Kuker-Ranken Co.Itic. Engr. Supplies 21.42-2822 —' Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 49.00 3 Gabes Fuel Fuel 75.42 4 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 43.52 5 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.06 6 Waters Supplies 22.25 7 Sam Thomas Labor 17.47 9 e'later Pay Roll Water Dept. $178.18-3629-34 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. $225.21-887-892 Pay Roll City Sts . 174.57-893-97 Chas. R. Watts Co. Material 59.23-898 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 59.78 9 Parking Meter Fund Renton Realty Co. Insurance 20.00-65 Dual Parking Meter Meters 1195.37 6 Harry Ronald Labof 6.00 7 .�, Construction A/c YJA James '+'J. Carey Consulting Engr. $7027.99-2 Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Meeting adjourned to Taesday, November 10, 1942. City Clerk Mayor 352 . .t November 18, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Williams , Plano and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the St. Supt. were read: Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to straighten one pole on Park Avenue south of 8th Ave. North. Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. to set 4 poles to replace 4 poles on the west side of Factory St. being the 2nd south of 2nd Ave . North; also remove the 2nd pole south of Third Ave. on the west side of Factory St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Idilliems that the permits be granted. Carried. Petition of Wright & D&rringer to break curb and sidewalk to drain water off lot at corner 3rd & Burnett St. This having been approved by the St. Supt. was granted. Permit read from the City of Seattle granting to the City of Renton the right and privilege to use and occupy that portion of the City's Skagit Transmission line right of way for the extension of Logan Street to the Boeing Assembly Plant. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the Permit be executed by the proper officials. Carried. Letter of thanks read from the Secy of the Child 1.1elfare League of Renton for use of the City Hall during the past twelve years. Copy of letter read from the Northwest Motor Freight Bureau pertaining to parking of trucks, etc. No action taken. This beingthe night for hearing protests on assessment Dist 203, block 5, Smithers 5th Addition, the Clerk announced that none had been received. !communication read from. L. R. Durkee, Regional Director approving_H. W. Dunham Laboratories, Seattle. Igashington, as testing agency for concrete in connection with the construction of the above referenced project, as requested by James W. Carey. The same was filed. The following applications for pin ball license was read: Hiburling Bros. for 6 machines .J. L. Roberts for 1 machine Joe Hallada for 4 machines Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Williams that the applications be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay roll Health & Sanitation $309.07-2842-8 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 96.58-2849-50-51 C. Haleway Repair Work F. D. 4.63-2852 Bergman' s Drug Supplies " 4.12 3 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 34.30 4 Trick & Murray Supplies 19.01 5 Renton Hdw & Furn " 17.36 6 .Jest Disinfecting Co. " 16.50 7 Water " 1.55 8 Renton Auto Supply " .85 9 Current Hub City Chev Garbage Truck Exp. 1.13-2860 P. S. `P. & L. Co. Lights 66.55 1 Walter Jordon Dog Catcher 12.00 2 ''Tater Pay Roll Water Dept. 3119.81-3640-4 P. S. PO & L. Co. Power 212.13 5 Grinnell Co. Material 33.88 6 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 48.15 7 City of Seattle Water 28.16 8 National Meter Division Material 66.43 9 City St. Fund Pay Rola City Sts• 88.35-907-11 Pay Ro17. ti ti 247.59-912-17 Union Oil Co. Supplies 1.05 8 destern Tire Service Repair Work 2.75 9 Hougardy Upholstering Shop Labor & Material 126.18-920 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 370.13 1 Library Fund Puget ound News Co. Lib. Supplies 6.72-308 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 8.98 9 Park Frank Allen Park Labor 49.90-185 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 5.28 6 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 354 December 1, 1942. Council met in regular session at 8 P. b . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting Pad and approved. The following petition approved by the Bldg. Supt was read: Wm. Strain to make addition to Service Station on Lots 7 and 8 Block 1, Car Works Addition. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that permit be granted. Carried. Petition of E. R. Eggers to erect house on Lot 2, Block 3, Car i1orks Addition. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that this be referred to the Bldg. , Supt. with power to act. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to install poles and anchors on certain streets as shown on sketches attached. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be referred to the St Supt. with power to act. Carried. Petition of the Civilian Defense by E. W. Isackson to discontinue the lights on the Bronson �Vay bridge for the duration. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be granted and P. S. P. & L. Co. notified. Carried. Communication read from War Production Board giving the City of Renton a rating of AA-4 for material re- quired on the Extension of Public Sanitation to Housing Proct. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that Engr. Carey be instructed to notify contractor to go ahead with the city street job. Carried. 1,1oved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the city attorney notify the Puget Sound Power & Light Co and the Pacific Telephone &. Telegraph Co. to move their poles on streets to be improved by paving. Carried. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Tamborini that the city attorney notify Matt Malaspina to put city streets back in as good condition as possible immediately. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the City Attorney and the Law and Ordinance committee draft an ordinance for "Dim-out" in the City of Renton and present same to the Council. Carried. On account of the illness of Mr. George Hood, City Engineer, the Mayor appointed E. R. Pierce, Engineer, to fill the vacancy until the return of Mr. Hood. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. 355 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation $299.09-2875-80 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 134.26-2881-2 Mater Pay Roll Nater Dept. $117.81-3653-6 City Sts. Pay Roll City Sts. $208, 16-925-931 Pay Roll " it 277.32-932-7 Park Frank Allen Park Labor $54.89-189 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Meeting adjourned to Tuesday, December 8th, at 8 P. M. City Clerk Mayor i 356 Ap.. fM M� December 8, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. IiI. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows and Tamborini. This belling the night for opening bids on the sanitary sewer leading to the Car Shops the following was read: Matt P-alasDina: 1511 sewer pipe (concrete) $3.30 per lineal foot Manholes $130.00 per each Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that the bid be held up until next meeting night. Carried. This being the night for receiving bids on the construction of sewer in alley between Shattuck and 7irnitworth Sts the following was opened and read: Matt Malaspina: 8" sewer pipe ( clay) - $2.20 per lineal foot 611 sewer pipe (clay) - 2.10 per lineal foot 81 1 Wyes (clay) - 2.00 per each 6" eyes ( clay) - 1.50 per each Manholes -130.00 per each. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the bid be rejected, as it is considerable that the engineer's estimate. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Service Laundry LdF . . $ 7.04-2883 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance . 30.11 4 Art Burnside Co. Police Exp 94.60 5 Automobile Club of dash Police Supplies. . . . 19.00 6 Ernie Tonda Fire Dept. Exp. . . . 12.50 7 Bill Reans ft ti ft 12.50 8 Stirling F liggi it it tt . . . 12.50 9 Renton Chronicle tt ft " 6.00-2890 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 50.38 1 Valley �,`,indow Cleaners Labor 2.06 2 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Chlorine 141.74 3 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Exp. . . . 2.27 4 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones . . . 44.55 5 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material . . . 2.76 6 J. H. Lawrence Fuel - Fire Dept. . 47.58 7 Renton Chronicle Legal publications 154.65 8 117illiams & Swanson Labor on truck 7.47 9 Dale & McLendon Police Exp. 0 2.06-2900 VTallace & Tierman Material 5.00 1 Gabes Fuel Fuel 40.40 2 Richfield Oil Corporation Gas 57.24 3 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 9 3.71 4 ^Tater Grinnell Co Material 0 162.40-3658 City of Seattle Water 30.32 9 Art Beils Garage Material 73.67-3660 357 City Street Fund Olympic Foundry Co. Material 13.03-939 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 43.88-940 Parking Meter Fund Benton Realty Co. Insu. on cycle. 20.00-80 Dual Parking Deter Co. For meters 81 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried . No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 14ayor December 15, 1942. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition was read: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to replace pole on the south side of 5th Avenue, the first east of Burnett- SmIthers alley. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. jupt. Carried. Petition of property owners for a sewer on Renton Ave. between 3rd & the Seattle Pipe Line read; also a recommendation for the sewer read from Health Officer Dixon. Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the city engineer for checking and report back to Council. Carried. Petition read from Northern Pacific Railway Co. and Pacific Coast R. R. asking for grade crossing at 'viilliams St. Horth to serve the Boeing Plant. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that petition be granted. Carried. Communication read from Renton Fire Dept. recommending that the furnace at the City Hall be repaired. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Burrows that the matter be turned over to the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Renton School Dist #403 asking permission to move in some portable buildings on a portion of Ball Park and also on ground adjoining the Union Hall in Mothers Park, for the establishment of a Nursery School for children of working mothers in defense plants. Moved by Burrows, seconded bybPlano that this be referred to the City Property to work in conjunction with Supt. Hazen. Carried. Comminication read from Renton Kiwanis Club relative to traffic and asking that a traffic officer be placed on certain busy corners in the city. The letter was ordered filed as the traffic problem had been taken care of before receipt of letter. Letter read from Lakeside Engineering Corroration relative to Renton Sewage Disposal Plant. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by aelaurenti thatthis be referred to the Engineering Dept. Carried. Request read from the Army 212th for permission to use a parcel 157 feet by 250 feet in I- others Park for housing of military personnel. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by odilliams that the request be granted and Mayor & Clerk execute the Permission. Carried. 359 The St. Supt, Mayor & City Engr. reporting on the bid of I1att Malaspina stated that they had contacted a represent- ative of the Pac . Car & Foundry who stated that they could not pay any more than the $2500. for the 15" sewer leading to their j plant, but the sewer was a necessity. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Ge1wenini that the bid of Malaspina be rejected and the city re-advertise in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by 1illiams that the Council go an record to assume the payment of $1000. toward the sewer improvement leading to the Car Shops and the Pac Car be notified. Carried. The City Property Committee reporting on the petition of the School District for establishmentoga Nursery School recommended property adjoining the Union Hall in lothers Park and the northeast corner of the ball park in- side the fence. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by MTilliams that the report bf the committee be concurred in and the School Board notified. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation $275.63-291.9-23 Walter Jordon Dog Catcher 21.00-2':=24 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 182.74-2925-26 R. D. Petermeyer Services rendered 10.00 7 G. W. Beanblossom Salary & EXnenses 75.00 8 F. E. Lawrence " " 30.00 9 Chas. Delaurenti " " 30.00-2930 E. E. Burrows " " 30.00 1 C. S. Williams " " 30.00 2 L. E. Plano " " 30.00 3 Louie Gebenini " " 30.00 4 Steve Tamborini " " 30.00 5 City St. rund Pay R611 City Sts . 289.30-946-50 Pay Roll Sts. 185.70-951- 55 ','Tater Pay Roll ,'Fater Dent. $152.76-3666-9 Park Frank Allen Park Labor 54.89-191 Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Co:mittee be concurred in. Carried. Moved and seconded that we adjourn to De mber 29th. Carried. City Clerk 1% Mayor 360 December 29, 1942. Adjourned meeting of the City 8ouncil was called to order at 8 P. 1 . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Williams,- Plano and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Communication read from Blyth & Co. , Inc. relative to water r6venue bonds agreeing to accept delivery at a later date and asking for the return of check accompanying the bid. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred to the city attorney with power to act. Carried. Communication read from St. Andrews Lodge relative to lights out on Williams St. Iv.oved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that this be filed as the Puget Sound have been notified and are working on the lights. Carried. Report read from the Engineer on sewer for Renton Ave. Roved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the matter be laid over one week. Carried. Ordinance fixing salaries read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for report. This being the night for opening bids on 15" sewer on 6th Avenue North and Garden St. , the following were read:. L. Coluccio - - - - - - - - - - - - X3213.15 Angelo Scarsella - - - - - - - - - - - -3363.45 or (vitrified clay) - 3904.05 Matt Malaspina - - - - - - - - - - - 4849.95 M. Moschetto - - - - - - - - - - - 3799.05 Valley Construction Co - - - - - - - - 3543.60 frank Bishop (3858.90) (3852.90) Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the bids be turned over to the City Engineer, St. Supt and City Council as a whole with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Marry Ronald - Labor- 7.50-92 Parking Meter Walt Isackson " 5.00 3 " ft John W. Dobson, Atty's rent 152.50-2951- Current Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebeiini that the report of the committee be concurr5d in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. 361 r The following bidswere received for legal publications of the City of Renton: Renton News Record - - - 25V per column inch. Renton Chronicle - - - 35¢ per column inch second insertion - no charge subsequent insertions no charge Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that this be turned over to the Finance Committee for report back next meeting night. Carried. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1171 fixing salaries and compensation of certain officers, whereupon it was placed upon its second andthird readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, '++illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Agreement read between Defense Plant Corporation and the City of Renton whereby the city agrees to maintain the pipe line drainage system extended by the State when- they paved Williams St. -North. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini that the Mayor and City Clerk execute said agreement. Carried. Engr. Car y recomm�� nded that the City make application to the War Departm?40rt&o�struct a syphon sewer under Cedar River. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the . city attorney be instructed to draft the necessary papers for such application. Carried. The question of larger quarters for the Rationing Board was discussed. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Lawrence that the city property committee seek larger quarters for the Board. Carried, The Chief of Police spoke of the dangerous condition which exists at Burnett & 2nd Ave and suggested that the city put up some barracades or posts adjacent to the railroad track. Carried. The matter of a dance in the American Legion Hall for car shop workers beginning at 10 and closing at 4 A. MI. was discussed. I�oved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee for vction. Carried. Atty Dobson invited the Mayor & Council and city officials to the Commercial Miab banquet for the installation of the 1943 officers. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the fol- lowing bills : Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $115.34-2952-53 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 329.06 2954-60 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 35.20 2961 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 50.38 2 Cam Mfg. Co. Material 91.07 3 Osborne Photo Shop Police Exp. 12.67 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 61.69 5 3rendal Drug Co. Supplies 7.00 6 Trick & Murray Supplies 4.74 7 Assn Idash Cities Services rendered 100.00 8 Cochran Paint & iidw Supplies 6.00 9 362 January 5, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. ... The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Jack Parker to remodel house at 340 Smithers St. , W. G. Smith to erect small green house at 532 Cedar St. Orlando Bressen to erect a porch in rear of house at 741 nigh St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to move 11 poles on Logan St. on account of street improvement. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carribd. Petition of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to set one pole to replace one exisiting pole on west side of Factory St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that same be granted. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on chlorine the following were read: Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. - 9¢ per pound f.o.b. Tacoma Hooker-Electrochemical Co. - 9¢ per pound f. o. b. " Moved by Williams, seconded by Burrows that the contract be awarded the Hooker-Electrochemical Co. Carried. Offer read from Federal Works Agency, U.S.A. granting to the City of Renton, $145,000. for city street improvements. Resolution No. 597 accepting the offer of U. S. A. read. h'oved by Plano, seconded by Williams that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee on bids for 6th Ave North sewer recommended the bid of L. Coluccio in the amount of X3213.15. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the report of the committee be concurred in and contract awarded. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the attorney draft contract for sewer Job. Carried. Renton sewer improvement on Renton St. was discussed at some length. Moved by Plano, secinded by Lawrence that a Resolution of Intention to create a local improvement district be drafted and presented to the Council. Carried. 363 Valley 'dindow Cleaners Labor $1.55-2970 Richfield Oil Corporation Gas 63.60 1 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 1.03 2 Pioneer Sand & Gravel F. D. Expenses 2.06 3 Hardie Plumbing & Heating Jail Exp. 22.00 4 Reid & Cook C. H. Expense 34.72 5 Custer Hdw Co. Expenses 7.74 6 later Pay Roll dater Dept. $191.71-3673-78 Reid & Cook Supplies, etc . 12.88 79 City St. Fund Pay poll City Sts X289.04-959-65 107.36-966-69 Yellow Cab Co. Service 5.00-970 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 25.14 1 R. Coates Labor 5.50 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 357.52 3 King County Rd Dist #2 Black-top 10.50 4 Waters Supplies 3.71 5 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 25.28 6 Parking Meter Fund Karry Ronald Labor $ 7.50-92 'lalt Isackson " 5.00 3 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 20.00 4 Dual Parking Meter Repair '+fork 5.°00 5 Standard-Johnson Co Coin machine 200. 6 Reid & Cook Gas 20.68 7 Construction A/C Jas W. Carey Engr. Services A1425.00-6 Renton News Record Wt. Books 7.98 7 Daily Journal of Commerce Adv. 29.40 8 Park Frank Allen Park Labor X54.89-192 Library American Library Assn Library Books 2.00-320 McMillan Co. It " 10.48 1 American Medical Assn " 4.00 2 H. 17. vlilson Co. " 6.00 3 Life " 9.50 4 Gaylord Bros " 2.75 5 Harry Hartman " 10.81 6 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ,� MAYOR Uity Clerk 364 Jany. 19, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. T: . with 1,ayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition, approved by the Building Supt, was read: Roy N. Dale to construct a small house on Lot 12, Block 1, Sartorisville. 14oved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to set three poles and remove three poles on State Road #24, south of 3rd Ave . North. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Bid in the amount of p5.00 read from Jack Hayes for purchase of old shed on Bronson '.`gay North. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Easment from Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to the City of Kenton for -Villiams St. north read. Loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Burrows that the Easement be accepted and T.ayor & City Clerk authorized to sign same. Carried. Communication read from L. R. Durkee, Federal '.';orks Agency, enclosing check in the amount of $38,450.00 in payment of first advance grant requisition for Renton Street Improvements. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be received and placed to the credit of the city in local bank. Carried. Estimate read from City Engr. for proposed sewer on Renton St. from 3rd to Pipe Line Right of ;day. Resolution No. 598 for the improvement of west side of Renton Ave by construction of a 6" sanitary sewer read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. .599 authorizing the Mayor to make application to the United States Army for a permit to cross Cedar River with a Syphon Sanitary Sewer which is necessary in the construction of the additions and betterments to the Sanitary Sewage System in the City of Renton, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that same be adopted. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for gasoline for year 1943 the following; were read: Richfield Oil Corporatior Union Oil - .145 Standard Oil Co. .145 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the bids be accepted and each company be given four months business during the year 1943. Carried., Reaerlution No,. 59.9-. 365 The finance Committee to whom was referred the printing bid for city legals for year 1943 stated they wantedto check an last years publications before recommending bid. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the committee be given power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current John Lotto, P. M. Stamps 5.00-2998 Pay Roll health & Sanitation 281.39-2997-3002 Pay Roll Fngr. Dept. 236.73-3003-4-5 Vater Pay Roll Water Dept. $354.04-3687-93 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 134.31-98A-6 Pay Roll City Sts. 107.08-987-990 Park Fund Frank Allen Park Labor $49.90-194 Moved by Lawrenceseconded by Burrows that the report of the Finance Coru,nitt be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourndd. 3,r--w.e.a 41 V, City Clerk I!Iayor 366 February 2, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, 'Delaurenti, Burrows, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.roved. Petition of the P. 3. P. & L. Co. to set one pole on Main St. between Second Avenue and Bronson d"day. Move four poles and set three move eleven poles, three stubs and one anchor on Logan Street between Dixie Ave and Third Ave. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of property owners on the east side of Renton Street from the north property line of Tract No. 30, to the Seattle Pipe Line Right of :'day for a local improvement district for a sanitary sewer read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the necessary steps be taken to create a local improvement district. Carried. Bid received from Signal Oil Company Yoved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be turned over to the St. Supt. Carried. Amendment to Easement of Northern Pacific Railway entered into liar. 25, 19421 City of Renton and State of ''Washington, providing for reflectorized sawbuck signs instead of flashing light signals at railroad crossing on 8th Ave. North, read. Moved by Lai�rrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the Easement be executed by the ,a.yor and City Clerk. Carried. Request read from Frank Aliment, Chairman Renton Ration Board for the large room adjoining their present location and agreeing to pay X50.00 per month. Councilman Burrows stated that the Council had given that room to the Ladies Organizationsfor Club rooms for the Service Palen but suggested that the Council vacate the Council Chamber and meet to the room downstairs and the Ration Board take over for the duration - this room to be in addition to the one they occupy. After some discussion it was _ Moved by Burrows , seconded by Plano that the Council Chamber be turned over to the Ration Board at a rental of ;'50.00 I per month. Carried. The Mayor named the following persons to serve on the Election Board, February 9th, 1943. 2-2 3rd Mildred P,,. K. Jones, Inspector Andy Adams, Inspector Bessie Raymond Jennie Edwards Mary Tachell Hannah Pringle 2-1 1-1 Mary Higdon, Inspector Gertrude Atkinson, Inspector Lot Davis Lily Hoyt Matilda Houser Jean Bennett 1-2 Della Plano, Inspector Sarah Baxter Grace Neal luoved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that the annoint- ments be confirmed. Carried. 367 Resolution No. 600 urging the State Legislature to refer Initiative No. 12 to a vote of the people, read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. Carried. Mr. Nelson of the Renton Feed Co. asked that parking meter in front of his store be removed. After discussion, it war 11oved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that same be removed. Carried. T` The Nayor stated that the Insurance Companies had made an adjustment on' the Service Room in the Fire Hall and that the work would proceed at once. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Vioues Supplies ; 2.11-3024 State Lumber Co. Lumber 30.08 5 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 5.00 6 ;,est Disinfecting Co. Supplies 23.68 7 Art Burnside & Co. if 122.69 8 Puget Sound Tent It 19.72 9 1,IcFadden Fuel City Hall Fuel 49.59 30 Tom Dobson & Son Fire Dent. Ins. 80.00 1 Bill Reans Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 2 Stirling Fliggi Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 3 Ernest Tonda Fire Dent. Labor 12.50 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 68.16 5 Pac. Tel cc Tel. Co. Telephones 45.70 6 Valley y'iindow Cleaners Labor 1.55 7 -- o'�aters Supplies 2.06 8 Tom Dobson & Son Licenses 17.25 9 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 301.51-3023-40-46 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 192.18-3010-47-48 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 38.30-3049 Tonkin Cafe Prisoners meals 8.49 50 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 7.22 1 Walter Jordon Dog Catcher 37.50 2 City St. Fund Art Beils Garage Repair ',,ork 25.63-995 GladdingMcBean & Co. Material 2.77 6 ;,estern Tire aervice Material 4.80 7 Stoneway Dock Co. Material .98 8 Union Oil Co. Supplies 44.37 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 353.07-1000 Pay Roll City Sts. 370.74-1001-8 Pay Roll City Sts. 90.87-1009-11 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 26.40-1012 Water Tom Jobson cz Son Insurance $33.40-3697 Marckman & Jdilliams Material 40.38 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 184.06 9 Rensselare Valve Co. Material 74.03 -3700 City of Seattle dater 26.00 1 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 139.05 2 Hugh G. Purcell & Co. Material 541.55 3 Grinnell Co. Material 203.14 4 Natl Meter Co. 1.1aterial 11.79 5 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 34.40 6 Pgh Equitable Meter Co. Neter 44.50 7 368 all :'later Pettie Printery Printing 7.50-3708 Inter-City Auto Freight Freight chgs 6.98 9 Pac. ,'dater 'v'Tks Supply Co. Drayage 2.42 3710 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 210.86 1 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 9.68 2 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 1.95 3 Pay Roll ,Vater Dept. 104.94-3714-7 Parking Meter Fund Maters Police Supplies 64.27-108 Construction Account ETNA 45-175 B. H. Sheldon Disposal Plant X35,383.40-11 Park fund Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies .98-195 Hardie Plumbing & Heating Labor at park 1.88- 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 4.62 7 Library Fund Harry Hartman Library Books 19.23-334 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 88.18 5 Junior Literary Guild Library Books 74.00 6 Fortune Library Subscription 7.75 7 Puget Sound News Co. Supplies 27.91 8 Junior Literary Guild Supplies 41.41 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 8.22-340 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 9.70 1 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Lumber 7.50 2 Fortune Library subscription 22.97 3 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Burrows that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 11ayor i 369 February 16, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. MT. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Plano and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition was read: John A. Thomson to remodel apartment house at 604 4th Ave. T'4orth. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the petition be referred to the Building Supt. with power to act. Carried. E. L. Alexander to reroof & reside house with brick sid- ing at 523 Jilliams St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to replace a pole located at the west side of Park Ave read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the supervision of the St. erupt. Carried. Application read from Housing Authority to lay a 15" sewer line along Factory Street between Bronson ,`Tay Tvorth and 4th Ave North to connect the Project drawer system vd th the new disposal plant of the city. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred to the City Engineer, Street Supt and the Fire, Light & :later Committee to establish a unit price to be charged — when this service is connected and this committee be given power to act. Carried. Communication read from Housing Authority advising us that the Federal Public Housing Authority has authorited the use of their sewage grid lines to the new school on Housing Project.. , Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that this be filed for future reference. Carried. Request read from Housing Authroity for water to Project Nash-45136, known as Cedar River Park located on the Sartoris Tract - apartments and community building - P.oved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the lire, Light & .rater Committee, City Engineer and Water Supt. and City Attorney for negotiations and the committee be given power to act. Carried. Request read from P. E. Nunn for permission for 15 years to occupy that portion of 7th Ave. now occupied by the front portion of dwelling house of T,ir. Nunn. 1loved by Gebenini, seconded by Plano that same be turned over to the City Attorney to report back next meeting Carried. Communication read from Totem Realty asking for a water connection on Park Ave east to serve the -croposed extension of 5th Ave to Garden St and stating that they are willing to dedicate Fifth Ave . from Garden St west a distance of 280 feet providing the city main ,this street. 370 >1 Moved by Burrows , seconded by Plano that the request be granted provided the Totem Realty improve the street before turning it over to the city. Carried. This being the night for hearing protest against the improvement of Renton St. by sewer, the following was received; IV. G. Richards by 17xs . J. H. McKnight. The Engineer stated there was nbt enough protest to kill the improvement whereupon it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that an Ordinance creating the improvement district be drafted. Carried. Resolution No. 601 for the improvement of East side of Renton 3t. from north line of tract 30, south to south line of Tract 26, Plat �1, Renton Co-operative Coal Co by a 6" sanitary sewer, read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted as read. Carried. Mr. Oldham of the F.I.A. stated that their office had not yet received the plans and specifications for Unit #3 and also stated that the city must match the government money before more money is forthcoming. I:.oved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that we issue X200,000 in bonds at the rate of 30, 125,-000. ,of which will be issued shortly and the balance of $75,000. in the future. Carried The Finance Cormittee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Election Board 3rd lard Services X21.00-3055-57 Election Board 2-1 It 22.50- 58-60 Election Board 2-2 " 21.00 61-62-63 Election Board 1-1 " 21.00 64-66 Election Board 1-2 " 22.50 67-69 Treasurer M. E. Church Hall Rent 5.00 70 Renton School Dist #403 It It 10.00 71 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 239.82-3083-86 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 159.16-3087-88 John W. Dobson Office Rent 15.00 89 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 69.90 90 Valley Typewriter Repak ',N'ork 2.58 1 Frank E. Rhodes Repair Tire 3.50 2 Pac. Car & Fdry Material 129.23 3 Trick & Murray Supplies 1.29 4 Renton Hdw & Zurn Supplies 2.47 - 5 - rt Beils Garage Labor & 1,1aterial 9.73 6 Trim= ruel C. H. Fuel 45.63 7 `,',gat e r Pay Roll ,'Tater 'gent. 199 .06-3722-26 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 316.32 27 Addressograph Supplies 1.52 28 Ralphs Garage It 8.09 29 Olympic Foundry Material 29.20 30 City of -Deattle 64ater 115.00 1 City St. 2und Pay roll City Sts . 74.40-1019-22 Pay Roll " It 273.37-1023-26 P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights 353.25 7 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 45.06 8 H. G. ;dhite Gravel 220. 9 , estern Zaire 3drvice Material 19.02-1030 A. J. Burney " 13.65 1 Van B. 11cKenny Co. " 48.62 2 40.17 3 ';Wash. Asphalt Co. " 371 Library Fund Puget Sound News Co. .Library Supplies 10.29-345 John Graham & Co. " it 12.49 27 Gaylord Bros " 70.90 8 Now - ilcox & Follett Co. it3.75 9 P. S. P. &L. CO. Lights 8.42-350 News Map of the ',reek Lib gooks 22.97 1 Parking Meter Fund Harry Ronald Labor 6.00-117 Park - Frank Allen Park Labor X43.96-199 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 2.02-200 Renton Hdw & Turn Co. Supplies 2.48 1 Ivan _'d. Lee Mower 465.86 2 ItiIoved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Nofurther business, meeting adjourned. 19 4 'Oki City Clerk 1:ay or 372 IM March 2, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Dri. by IVayor 3eanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Burrows, 'tilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. I'' _ a approved. h_inutes of the last meeting read and ,.p ved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: L. P. Sutter to erect garage at 1412 8th Ave. Pacific Coast Coal Co. to install forced air oil burning furnace at U. S. 0. Seattle Renton Stage Co. to remodel office of Renton Stag Co. at 520 Bronson " ay North I. T. Keeney to erect garage and wood shedIt 447 Pelly St. Henry Martin to erect fence at 518 2nd ave orth. John Diambri to erect garage on rear of Lot 21, Block 14, R. 2. P. Bernadine Gebenini to erect fence at 220 Pelly St, John Skufca, Jr. to reroof house at 214 Meadow 3t. Lester Hagerty to erect a fence at 407 3rd Ave . No. Ralph Ackerman to move shack from Housing Project to 715 Jones St. Bond posted. Mrs. Mary Pvassucco to re-roof dwelling at 331 Cedar St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that permits be issued. Carried. Petition of James 'shite to erect shed for vrorkshop on Lot 11, Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition. Itioved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be referred to the Building Supt. with power to act. Carried. Petition of property owners on Renton rive. for sewer on east side from pipe line to 7th Avenue. Loved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that same be referred to the City =�ngr and St. Supt. for report back to council. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay a 21' gas main across the Williams St. bridge to Borth Renton. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of th at. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Ernest S. Gwinn regarding garbage collection atT Railer Park located at 6th Ave. No & `Uilliams St. Roved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborinithat same be referred to the City Attorney and St. Supt for investigation and resort back to Council. Carried. Copy of Letter sent by Engr. Carey to Matt Malaspina and Northwest Construction Co. read, and filed for reference. Communication read from James `:J. Carey enclosing copy of letter from B. H. Sheldon relative to increase in wages and which should be charged against the job. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for report. Carried. Letter read from Engr. Carey relative to approval of plans and specifications for proposed new sewer lines on Shattuck St. and advising that the plans are now in the hands of the State Health Department. 373 Plans for proposed water system for Renton prepared by Engr. Carey were submitted to the Council. roved by Burrows,- seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred "to the Fire, Light &. iater Committee, ','tater Supt. and City Attorney for investigation and recommendation to the Council. Carried. Letter read from Engr. Carey relative to wood manhole covers bein used on the sewer system on State Highway and recommendation of T:rt Carey that we advise the State Department that the city will replace existing wood covers with cast iron when same are avdilable. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Engineer be concurred in and State notified that when and if cast iron manholes are available, the city will replace the wood manholes. Carried. Copy of letters sent by Engr. Carey to B. H. Sheldon and Matt Malaspina read and ordered filed for Deference. Statement in the amount of 164.05 received from Dept. of Highways for expenses made in connection with surveys of Access Road, Boeing Plant to City of Renton. The bill was referred to the St & Alley Committee and City Attorney for report and recommendation. Communication read from Federal 'iorks Agency advising us that two copies of proposed sewage system had been received and that a representative would be present when bids are opened for such work. riled for reference. Letter from YJA giving a rating of AA-4 for critical materials used in construction of sewer disposal plant read and filed. Bill in the amount of 0671.45 received Erom Renas and Tachell for painting at City Hall. (This painting, etc in connection with the recent fire) . Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that this be referred to the City Property for payment when funds are avail- able . Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that the grandstand at the ball park be referred to the City Property Committee, City Engr and City Attorney for investigation and report. Carried. Ordinance No. 1172 providing for the improvement of ,lest side of Renton Avenue to Seattle Pipe Line Right of I'Vay read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1172whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye; Lawrence, Burrows , *,iilliams , Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. Resolution No. 602 authorizing the issuance of ; 200,000. City of Renton, Washington, Municipal eater Revenue Bonds and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said bonds, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by hilliams that the Resolution --_. be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1173 of the' City of Renton, 'Washington, amending Ordinance .No. : 1156 of the said ;city, .`* * * as amended by Ordinance No. 1157 * * * ,and providing for the issuance of 1200,000, :.eater Revdnue Bonds, consisting of Series "A" in the amount of )125,000. to be issued now and p75,000. Series "B" to be issued later, read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 374 The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance Pio. 1173 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye ; Lawr6nce, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. The City Attorney reporting on the request of P. E. Nunn for a 15 year easement to occupy that portion of 7th Ave. on which the front portion of his house is located, stated that the city had no power to grant such an easement. The city attorney was notified to advise Mr. Nunn to that effect. ' he 3t. Supt. brought up the question of no supervision on city streets where the YSA is paving. lioved by Lai,rrence, seconded by Burrows that the :�t. Supt. be authorized to make arrangements with the con- tractor to hire such help as necessary to do the work in connection with such paving. Carried. The lire, Light & `,later Committee to whom was referred the water rates for the New Housing Project on Sartoris Addition reported that they had given the Housing Authority a rate of 7¢ per hundred cubic feet of water, they to nay for cost of purchase and installation of mast6r meter. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following! Current Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 516.60-3110 Bill Reans Fire Dept Exn. `12. 50 1 State Treasurer Fire Dept. Ins 48.00 2 Service Ldry Ldry 2.64 3 Trick & 11-urray Supplies 3.71 4 Pac. Tel & Tel Telephones 44.85 5 Kuker-Ranken, Engr. Supplies 26.21 6 ',!lilliams & Swanson Labor & 1%aterial 52.48 7 Reid & Cook7 Supplies 124.70 8 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 336.92 9-25 Pay Roll City Jail 150.12-3126-7-8 Valley '1+indow Cleaners Labor 1.55-3129 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 41.40 30 E. R. Pierce Engr. :ger 81.96- 1 City at. L''und Reid & cook 'Labor & Material 117.58-1038 Peoples Natl Bk Gravel for Sartoris 14.60 9 Pay Roll City Sts. 94.58-1040-41 Pay Roll City Sts. 90.87-1040-45 ,Mater Pay Roll 'eater Dept. 212.59-3735-9 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 25.48-9740 375 L. I. General Fund Vm. C . Kirby Lnp,r. Service tp77.65-1 I i Library Time, Inc. Lib. Sub 7 .50-356 McMillan Co. " Books 102.88- 7 Park Frank Allen Park La'jor X39.22-203 Construction Account 45-175 B. H. Sheldon Contractor -Disposal Plant ?179569.50-12 Parking I"eter Fund Reid & Cook Supplies 4.95r-I22 Dual Parking PeterP,`eters -124 Renton Realty Co. Ins. on Meters 20.00.123 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjnurned to March 9, 1943. City Clerk Mayor 376 �f larch 16, 1943. Regular session of the City Council was called to ofder at 8 P . r . by Mayor Beanblosxom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurbnti, Villiams, Plano, Burrows and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: John Peternell to reroof wood shed at 831 DI'arion St. Glen Goebel to erect picket fence, three feet high in rear of house and part of side at 204 Pelly St. Arnold Hagen to erect a garage at 540 Shattuck St. V. 141. Gooden to erect house, tool shed and garage on Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Sartorisville. m. Strain to move office building from Lot 8 to Lot 6, Block 1, Car "orks, remodel making office into dwelling house read. 0. F. Starr, Jr. to move shack from .Renton Highlands to Earlington on truck. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by oo'illiams that all permits be granted. Carried. Petition of Harn Proff to erect small house on Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Sartorisville read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that petition be tabled until city attorney investigate and report back to Council. Carried. Petition of Savage Lumber & Mfg. Co. to erect two open sheds; one shed 22x32 for tools ; other shdd 24x72 for temporary quarters for painting grain bins for a government job on rear of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Tviotoer Line Addition read. Proved by Delaurenti, seconded by Burrows that the matter be referred to lire, Light S dater Committee, sire Chief and City Lngr for report after a thorough investigation. Carried. Petition of Fac. Tel w Tel. Co. to replace pole on 4th Ave. North; move 9 poles and 1 anchor, 3 ft south of present location on south side of 4th Ave. I-o. between Park and Pac. Coast R. R. ; move 1 pole and anchor from present location to new location inside of curb line on north side of 4th Ave . No. this work is necessary to rerlace deteriorated pole and relocate poles on account of ztreet improvements, read. Toved by Lawrdnce, seconded by iilliams that same be granted under the supervision of the 3t. erupt. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. L L. Co. to set 4 poles on 6th Ave. No. between liiells and Park Ave ; set one anchor on 6th Ave. No. unrest of 'villiams St, read. Roved by Lawrence, seconded by Taniborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St . erupt. Carried. Approving opinion read from Preston, Thorgrimson, Turner, et al on Renton Municipal `.dater Revenue Bonds. The Mayor stated that the $125,000. Series "L" 1943 bonds had been executed by the r�iayor and City Clerk, delivered and check received for sale of said bonds9 in the amount of ;$125,145.84 for bonds and interest. 377 Two complete sets of plans prepared in connection with Unit 43, sewer system, Renton, ,,ashington received from Engr. Carey. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that we accept the plans, as same have been approved by the Federal ,forks "gency and the State Board of Health and advertise for bids. Carried. Communication received from Department of Highways and Amended Easement from Northern Pacific Railway Company providing for the substitution of standard reflectorized sawbuck signs to be erected in lieu of flashing light signals. at 8th Ave. No & 'dilliams St. I'orth.received and filed. Communication read from Housing Authority asking that a check be made as to size of sewer at 4th Ave & Railroad Ave. This matter was referred to Engr. Carey. Proposed lease of space in the City Hall Building read from OPA. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that this be re- ferred to the City Property Committee and City Attorney for recommendation and re-nort back to Council. Carried. Communication read from :' ashington State Planning 0 Council relative to House Bill No. 72 which provides for the distribution of 1,:'2,000,000. to cities and towns, and asking for an estimate of the present population. This was turned over to the City Clerk to check with the Post Office, Telephone Company, P. 3. P. & L. Co. and the schools. Letter and request read from Engr. Carey and also a letter enclosed from the T4orthti^gest Construction Co. stating that the city was holding up their work, in that, certain necessary adjustments aid repairs to the water system on streets which are to be paved, has not been done promptly. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that the matter be turned over to the Fire, Light & ;cater Committee with power to act. Carried. Permission to construct a siphon sewer under Commercial , aterway District No. 2 (Cedar River) was granted the City of 2tenton by U. S. Engrs office. The city engr. reported favorably on the following petitions: John A. Thomson to remodel apartment house at 604 4th Ave. No. James 'White to erect shed for workshop on Lot 11, Block 5, Smithers 5th Addition. City Atty and City Engr were given more time to report on sewer on east side of pipe line & 7th Ave. i City Attorney reporting on the increase in wages which contractor Sheldon stated should be charged against the city cannot be charged against the city, and Mir. Sheldon should be so advised. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the city attorney be concurred in and Lir. Sheldon notified. Carried. Reans & Tachell submitted bid in the amount of ',W.00 for painting etc City Clerk' s Office. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Burrows that this be referred to the City Property Committee with rower to act. Carried. 378 The Finance Committee, to whom had been given power to act on the printing bid recommended the bid of the Retton Chronicle for the year 1943. The City Lngr. was authorized, if possible, to get oil for Williams St. North. The Chief of Police recommended one hour parking on Burnett St. from 3rd to 2nd Ave. ;',-lso asked that some school signs be installed. 1�1oved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that the matter be referred to the St 6� :=alley Cor-mittee for action. Carried. The City Engr. asked the City Council to name the street now known. as "Logan St. Extension" It was brought to the attention of the Council that Tonelli on account of the new sewer disposal plant had incurred an expense of y�60.00 for a fence. loved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that this amount be allowed Mr. Tonelli. Carried. The Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been received against the sewer improvement on east side of Renton St. , Resolution No. 601. The City Attorney was instructed to draft an Ordinance for the improvement of Renton jt. the "finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay roll Health & Sanitation 4 -3144-48 C. Bevan Labor & Material 7.91 -3149 Schrengohst Auto Fght Drayage 7.80 50 Gladding,McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 3.71 1 +'daters Supnlies 4.28 2 -tiooker-Electrochecmical Chlorine 135.00 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 5.00 4 Vdaoues Supplies 2.74 5 Seattle Brick & Tile Brick - Jail 270.40 6 Frank E. Rhodes Labor w lraterial 3.61 7 Trick & Murray Supplies 1.91 8 P. C. Miklplsen Jail services 2.50 9 Pay Roll Jail Labor 105.74-3161-60 John 'V+. Dobson Attys Rent 15.00 62 Western Union Tel Telegrams 14.02 3 Trimm Fuel. Co. Fuel 53.75 4 Earl R. Pierce Pay Roll 44.00 5 G. :J. Beanblossom Salary & Exp. 125.00 6 F. E. Lawrence " " 30.00 7 Chas Delaurenti it It 30.00 8 E. E. Burrows It it 30.00 9 L. E. Plano " " 30.00 70 C. S. Williams " " 30.00 1 Steve Tamborini " " 30.00 2 Louie Gebenini " " 30.00 3 Postal Telegraph Co. Telegrams 5.88 4 379 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. $120.74-1052-53 Pay Roll City Sts 111.74-1054-57 Standard Oil Co. Gas 145.00 8 -rt Beils Garage Supplies 3.10 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 351.74-1060 'da t e r Pay Roll ''later Dept. 330.67-3746-50 Trick & hurray Supplies 51.91 51 Ralphs Garage Supplies 7.21 2 Olympic Foundry Co. Supplies 3.25 3 City of Seattle Water 65.44 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 233.22 5 Construction A/C 45-175 James W. Carey Engr. Services $ 61.99-13 Sewer Bond Fund James d. Carey Engr. Services ''5,897.62-1 Library Fund P. S. P'. & L. Co. Lights 6.64-359 Puget Sound 1,7,ews Co. Library Books 33.57 60 Brendal Drug Co. Library Books 103.46 1 Tonkins Grocery Supplies 1.27 2 �. Licoln Electric Co. Supplies 2.40 3 Park Stoneway Dock Co. Material : 50.99-205 L. I. General round 'dm. C . Kirby Engr's Services $64.37-,#2 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the report of the Cormittee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned to March 30 , 1943. 7- -city Clerk 01 �1t-i���'Yl�lr, I.ayor 380 .4 March 30, 1943. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. III. by 1.1ayor Beanblossom. , Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Gebenini dilliams, Plano and Tamborini. .nr Reading of the Minutes was dispensed with on account of sewer bids which was the next order of business. This being the night for reveiving bids on Renton Sewer Unit #3 the following were read: Valley Construction Co. Iatt Malaspina IrL. Llosthetto L. Coluccio Tlloved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that the bids be referred to the City Attorney, Engr. Carey and City Engineer for report back to Council. Carried. The following bills were recommended paid by the , Finance Committee: B. II. Sheldon, Estimate 113 Sewer Disposal Plant - ; 14,416.00 - L. Coluccio, storm sewer 6th Ave . No. - X3680.34 loved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Oommittee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Idayor 381. April 6, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. P=I. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Delaurenti, Burrows, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Tamborini. I=Iinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt, were read: Adolph ri. Muhich to erect a 3 ft. fence along alley and one side of lot at 120 1st Ave . North. Vernon E. Potter erect a picket fence around rear of lot at 336 Park Ave. Y.oved by Tamborini seconded by Dealurenti that permits be issued. Carried. Irs. Agnes Richardson to remodel house at 515 Main St. and make same into aparments under supervision of U. S. Government. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that this be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove and set poles on Factory St. Fourth Ave North Park Ave. Yoved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to move 8 poles on west side of Park give. Moved by Gebehini, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted under the supervision of the St . Supt. Carried. A, letter was received from IX. Schaudies of the Totem R-ealtors concerning the property lying between 4th & 6th Aves. , North, with the possibility of subdividing same. After discussion it was Moved by Burrovus seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the City property Committee, City Engr and City Attorney _ The City Engr and 'eater erupt. submitted an estimate of "5500. for connecting Liberty Park wells to pum.- directly into existingmains, including the cost of a pump house. This vias filed for information later. The City nttorney, City Lngr. and Engr. Carey to whom were referred the bids on Sewer Unit i�3 recommended the bid of III, Yoechetto in the amount of X87 ,879.72 covering cast iron pipe and vitrified clay sewer pipe. Resolution No. 603 awarding the contract for the construction of Unit No. 3, Renton Sewer System to Y. Moschetto in the amount of 087 ,879.72, subject to approval of Regional Engr. Federal 'orks kgency, read. Idoved by Gebenini, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. 382 The Fire, Light 6e ''r`ater Committee, Fire Chief and City Engr. reporting on the erection of two shedsby the Savage Lumber Compnay on rear of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, rotor Line Addition, recommended that the request be granted providing the company post a X2,000. bond guaranteeing to remove the buildings after the war. .� Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the report be concurred in. Carried. The T.ayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute lease with 0 P A for the rental of council chambers at ; 50.00 per month. Communication received from Insurance Adjuster enclosing check in the amount of '795.04 and requesting that ` proof of loss be executed and returned. The matter was referred to the City Attorneyfor adjustment. Communication read from G. H. Kurttila, U. S. Engr. Office relative to erect of bulkhead at the south end of Lake _. ashington. No definite protest was made on this but the council agreed to meet with the 1.1aterway Commissioners on Thursday evening at 8 P. Y". on Report made by City Attorney on erection of house/Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Sartorisville stating that same could not be granted by the council as same does not conform to the building & zoning code. TVoved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the report of the City Attorney be concurred in. Carried. Housing Authority extended an invitation to the Mayor & Council to attend their next regular meeting April 12, at their office in the Renton Highlands. Invitation accepted. The City Attorney reported on ;crater rates to be charged the Housing Authority for Sartori tract and stated the committee had met with the dousing Authority on Monday evening and explainedthe contract. It was the recommendation of the committee that the contract proposed by the Federal jousing Authority be accented as to rates and that the other provisions of the contract be worked out to meet the conditions of the city on the original offer to the Housing Authority. loved by Burrows, seconded by Delaurenti that the report be concurred in, and- negotiations carried on by the city attorney. Carried. City Attorney reported on the negotiations for ease- ment for Unit #3, sewer project stated that he had made a tenta= tive offer for an- easement over the property from 2nd Ave to Tobin St. After discussion it was moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that the city attorney be Instructed to proceed with the negotiations to acquire the Right of -Tay. Carried. Car Shops requested permission to use the baseball field for games. Trloved by Tamborihi, seconded by Delaurenti that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee and City Attorney with Dower to act. Carried. 383 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Walter Jordon Dog Catcher $24.00-3189 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 142.08-3190-1 Pay Holl Health &. Sanitation 307. 14-3192:96 P. 3. P & L. Co. Lights 57.42-3197 r... Reid & Cook F. D. Expense 15.40 8 J. W. Reans F. D. Expense 12. 50 9 Service Laundry " ft " 3.61-3200 The Lumber 11kt It " 't 30.01 1 Frank E. Rhodes Police Exp. 4. 58 2 Valley '4dindow Cleaners Labor 9.79 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 5.00 4 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 19.70 5 Custer Hdw Co. " Fire Dept. 8.86 6 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 42.04 7 Owl Cafe Prisoners Meals 83.20 8 John Dobson Lxpenses 2.10 9 Art Beils Garage Laror (G T,:Iatdrial 14.16-3210 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Supplies 2. 91 1 Mutual Materials Co. Material -Jail 62.88 2 Hanks 'delding 9delding 7.21 3 Water Pay Roll ,'later Dept. "600.52-3759-67 Pac. Slater ,'dorks Material 338.77-3768 Ralphs Garage Material 11.85 9 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 9 .15-3770 Olympic Foundry Co. it 44.29 1 Seattle 'dater Dept. .'dater 27 .48 2 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 1123.84-1065 Pay Roll " t' 113.71-1066-69 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 30.01 70 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 33.40 1 Thomas Harries " 33.85 2 Neukurch Bros. Timbers 25.75 3 Union Oil Co. Gas 80.06 4 '''dilliams & Swanson Labor r,:aterial 3.71 5 Art Beils Garage " " 18.80 6 Park Fund Custer Hdv; Co. Supplies 10.49-206 ST CONSTRUCTION F A 45-168 Northwest Construction Co. St. Paving Percontract : 389450.00-1 Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. L o further business , meeting adjourn City Clerk T ayor 384 E, f t t t April 8, 1943. Special Meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I.I. for the xnurpose of discussing with the waterway commission the construction of a bulkhead at the south end of Lake ,'Washington by the Defense Plant Corroration for Igoeing Aircraft Company. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Williams, Burrows, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. The matter was discussed at some length and it was the opinion of all present that this would be a detriment and hindrance to the removal of gravel from the river, whereupon it was Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that the city go on record as protesting such bulkhead and that the U. S. Engineers office, c/o of Mr. G. H. Kurttila be so notified, and that telegrams be sent to our Congressman and Senator3 asking them to cooperate in getting the U. S. Government to take over the waterway district. Carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. dity •Clerk Mayor 385 April 20, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. -Il. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows , ;r1i11iEans, Plano and Tamborini. .Minutes of the last meeting read and an- proved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: C. V. See to move building from Boeings to 353 Meadow St to be used for a garage also erect a picket fence around rear of lot. H. Rasmussen to erect small shed for coal & wood in rear of lot at 517 Pelly St. I�ioved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that petitions be granted. Carried. Pre-School Assn Petition received by P. T. A./& about three hundred residents asking that a stop light be installed at 3rd &, Park due to the fact that the playf field is being moved from Liberty Park to Sartori school for the duration read. Iroved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that the matter be turned over to the Police Dept. ti'alith po�'�er to act. Carried. Petition read from the P. S . P. & L. CO to remove 11 poles and set 9 on Mill St and rdmove one pipe brace anchor on 6th & 'dhitworth St. move one pole on Park & 6th Ave. No. 11oved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that petition be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Permit read from Larry L. Lombard to operate car as a taxi. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be tabled. Carried. Petition read from Grandey Home Builders, Inc. to connect additional houses to the Renton Sewer until the new disposal plant is ready. The St. Supt. recommended that same be granted whereupon it was Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Burrows that the recommendation of the St. Supt. be concurred in and permission granted. Carried. annexation of iiindor Hills to the City of Renton was read from Grandey Home Builders, Inc. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that this be i referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Housing Authority asks for a report from the Engr. Dept. as to size of sewer at the corner of 4th Ave and Railroad Ave. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the City Engr and Consulting Engr for report. Carried. Communication read from Highway Traff ix Advisory Committee recommending a 40o reduction in mileage of publicly owned vehicles. riled for reference. 386 Abd w Communication read from the Department of Health regarding Sewage Treatment Plant Operation. Filed for f'eference. Mr. Stokes , President of the Park Board asked permission to move the playfield equipment from Liberty Park to Sartori School for the durations also fix building for storing equipment. 1.1oved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini that the request of the Park Board be granted. Carried. City Property Committee reported favorably on leasing the ball park to the Pacific Car & Foundry Baseball Club at an agreed rental of :,10.00 per month. Yoved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the matter be left in the hands of the City Property Committee and the City Attorney to work out details. Carried. Contract for supplying water to the U. S. Government for 580 units known as Wash-45136 read. (Sartori Tract) This was reported favorable by the Fire , Light & Water Committee and the City Attorney whereupon it was Pa.oved by Lawrence , seconded by Tamborini that the Mlayor & City Clerk be authorized to sign contract for supplying water. Carrie-d. ?``:oved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that the city attorney be instructed to write Engr. Carey relative to condition of streets left by contractor 11alaspina. Engr reported that I�Ir. Colucci had completed the sewer extension to the Pacific Car and that work should be accepted by the Council. M.oved by Burrows, seconded by Plano that the contractor be paid holding back the usual 15% for 30 days and the job accepted on the recommendation of the city engr. Carried. Ordinance No. 1174 levying an admission taT, this applies to theatres, dance halls, athletic fields, baseball, circuses, etc. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1174 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, ';"illiams, Plano and Tanb or ini. The1inance Committee audited and recormended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 9" 271.80-3232-35 Kuker-Rankn, Inc Engr . Supplies 2.55 36 Tacoma Auto Freight Drayage .82 7 Osborne Photo Shop Police Expense 21.79 8 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 17.30 9 Postal Telegraph Cable Telegrams 4.94 40 Renton Auto Supply Co. Supplies 1.03 1 P. . P. & L. Co. Lights 54.05 2 Pac. Tel & Tel -Co. Telephones 53.40 3 Gladding,YcBean & Co. Material 7.73 4 Stoneway Dock Co. Material -1.96 5 Reans & Tachell Painting 90.00 6 387 Water Pay Roll ',dater Dept . $284.07-3777-82 Addressograph supplies 1.08 83 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 219.75-3784 Louis Peretti tuaterial 11.70 5 Pac. ',later I;orks Supply Illaterial 232.12 6 L. City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts . $263.50-1083-85-90 Pay Roll City Sts. 117.83-1084-91-95 P. S . P. & L. Co. Lights 354.66-1096 Park Pay Roll City Park 23.36-207 Library Reid & Cook Supplies 20.87-372 Puget Sound News Co. Library Expense 10.99 3 Follett Book Co. Library Books 9.60 4 A.N.R. arquis Co. Library Books 9.00 5 Junior Literary Guild " " 2.66 6 Renton Chronicle Expense 9.27 7 H.H.Lawrence " Fuel 71.77 8 Junior Library Guild " Books 28.90 9 Harry Hartman " Books 21.63-380 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 7 .06 1 I .r Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned to Tuesday, April 27th at 8 P. I% C it y Clerk Mayor 388 4 April 27 , 1943. Adjourned meeting called to,order at 8 P. 1 . by l.:ayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Burrows, and illiams, Plano and Gebenini. Ordinance No. 1176 repealing Ordinance No. 1172 providing for the improvement of West side of Renton at. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance 211o. 1176 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and -passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting; aye : Lawrence, 'Belaurenti, Burrows, dilliams, Plano and Gebenini. Resolution No. 604 providing for the improvement of Renton ;t. from Third Ave. to City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe line by construction of a sanitary sewer read. P,;oved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that Resolution No. 604 be adopted as read. Carried. The petition of P:Zrs . Agnes Richardson to remodel house under supervision of F,VA for apartment house was the question next toibe considered. An invitation had been extended the Planning 8. Advisory Committee to attend as permission must be received from this Committee before a permit to remodel can be granted as this house is in the residential district. This in accord- ance with the Toning Ordinance. After discussion it was recommended by the Planning Committee that permit be granted provided parking space for cars be on this property and provided apartment does not cover any additional property. A letter covering their suggestions and recommendations will be sent to the Council later. Meeting a djourned. iity,Cle'rk Tavor 390 1. April 29, 1943. Special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8 P. M. for the purTose of discussing the plans & spec. new Renton .iospital ',lash 45229. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. Conmunication read from George Stoddard, et al, Architects L Engineers for the New Hospital_, requesting water and fire protection. Communication was also xread from the Renton Commercial endorsing the proposition that the City of Renton accept the sponsorship of the new Renton Hosrital. Loved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the city go on record as sponsor of the new Hospital and approve the plans and specifications so filed and the City Clerk notify the architects and engineers. Carried. P.oved by Burrows, seconded by Lawrence that the city attorney and city engineer be instructed to bring in a Resolution of Intention to improve .Shattuck Street from Third Ave South to Pacific Coast Right of 7-lay by the laying of watermain and installation of fire hydrants and the City Clerk Abe authorized to notify the architects of such action. Carried. i Ido further business, meeting adjourned. .nr City Clerk T.ayor 391 May 4, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. I.I. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, ,illiams, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: J. Lilley to erect a picket fence, 3 ft. high at 538 Whitworth St. Alvin 7loods to make addition to house at 500 Pelly St. Jas. H. Bell to erect fence around yard at 315 Wells T. Tom. W. Pratt to tear down old garage at 535 Cedar St. Moved by Plano seconded by Gebenini that all permits be granted. Carried. Application to purchase old shed located on city property, North Renton read from John H. Krie. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the City PronertV Committee with Dower to act. Carried. Communication read from the Denartment of wealth on Renton 'r',ater supply. Moved by Burrows, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the Fire, Light �z '.Vater Committee and city attorney with power to act. Carried. The following letters were received from the Consulting Engr. One letter advising that the contract for Sewer Unit #3, M. laoschetto, contractor had been arproved by the F'wA and letter asking Ivlr. Iu�oschetto to begin work on I, ay 5th. Also read from Engr. Carey enclosing copy of letter to M. Moschetto in relation to critical materials and priorities. Both letters filed. Communication read from Engr. Carey stating that the 24 inch sewer line extending from the manhole east of Fac Coast R. R. tracks to the new sewage treatment plant is ample to care for the 2500 federal housing units located on hill east of Renton. Filed C Communication read from L. R. Durkee, Y.IA enclosing three copies of an amendment to Preference Rating Order P-19-h, Builders Serial IvTo. 23340 for materials in connection with the construction of Sewer System, Unit #3. Filed for reference. Permit received from the City of :-je.attle granting permission to the City of Renton to construct a 24 inch cast iron sewer main across Seattle' s water supply right of way and under the Cedar .River water supply mains in the extension of Shattuck Street, Renton. I,,loved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that same be received and filed. Carried. Communication read frmm 14enton .Advisory and Planning Committee, to whom was referred the application of Agnes Richardson to make house on Main St. South into apartments be granted with certain ,provisions. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Tar+borini that the report of the planning committee be received and recommenda- tions carried out. Carried. 392 _1 Mr. Cramer of the Kennydale Improvement Club called to the attention of the Council the danger in connection with "IIo stop" by the Renton busses when they approach the N. P. Ry at 3rd L Burnett St. I.-oved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the city attorney check on this question and if an Ordinance requiring the bus to stop is necessary, draft same and present at the next council meeting. Carried. Resolution No. 605 authorizing the Hayor &; City Clerk to execute ',quit Claim Deed to Tract 35, Highland Addition upon payment of all assessments and taxes, read. 1loved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 606 for the improvement ofSHattuek St. from 3rd Ave. southerly to Pacific Coast Railway Right 6f Way by installation of a 6" cast iron water main and fire hydrants read. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. Chief of Police stated that we should have an ordinance covering the swift shift dance. Moved by dilliams , seconded by Plano that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee and the City attorney to revise the present Ordinance. Carried. The finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills : Current Pay Roll Wngr. Dept. X185.73-3262-3 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 319 .52-3264-69 Keystone Envelopse Co. Police Supplies 10.75-3270 J. Reans fire Dept. Exp. 12.50 1 Service Laundry Ldry 2.04- 2 F. Davis Police Expense 5.00 3 Trick & Yurray Supplies 4.25 4 ',western Union Telegrams 1.68 5 J. S. Hardie Labor &; Material 3.43 6 Valley •�indow Cleaners Labor 1.55 7 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 61.90 8 Standard Oil Co. Gas 76.26 9 Service Laundry Ldry 3.06 80 Walter Jordon Dog Catcher 22 .50 1 Pay Roll Jail 206.19 61-82 ".dater Pay Roll ..dater Dept. w304.98-3791-96 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 7 .50 7 Pacific Vdater ',corks " 17.63 8 Grinnell Co. it 31.98 9 Standard Oil Co. Gas 77.50-3800 City it. 1'and Pay Roll City its . 150.54-1102-3-4 Pay Roll " " 106 .56-1105-8 Standard Oil Co. Gas 77 .50 9 National IIotor Freight drayage 2.82 10 R. Coates Labor on tools 6 .00 11 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 122.09-209-10 G. H. Sheldon Estimate on sewer dis posal plant X14,485.66-1� T?oved b7r La-tArrence , seconded by Plano that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Mayor OTrN��e'dA� City Clerk 393 May 18, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y'. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call : Delaurenti, Burrows, "VII_liams, Plano, Gebenini and Temborini . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Totem Realty to remodel front of First Federal Building formerly occupied by `Gieldseth Iat. at 914 3rd Ave. U. S. 0. to erect fire escape front and rear of their building. Ralph Ackerman to replace old picket fence at 715 Jones St. J. E . Hayes to repair front and rear porches of house at 235 2actory St. loved by Tamborini seconded by Planot that all permits be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. 3. P. & L. Co. to remove and set new pole on 3rd Ave. North & Garden St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Burrows that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Offer in the amount of X5.00 to purchase wire neeting at Grandstand in Liberty Park read from Joe Plavec. This offer was filed for the present time. of the Commercial Club Resolution adopted by the Good Roads Sommittee/asking for the improvement of Second Avenue read. Tvoved by Burrows, seconded by Tamborini that this be turned over to the St & Alley Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer and the City Council go on record as favoring the improvement and exert every effort to have this street paved. Carried. Communication read from residents of 1 orth° ',"illiams St. demanding that +Villiams St. North be oiled or traffic detoured and also complaining of the speeding of cars on that street. lvoved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that this matter be referred to the City Lngr to contact the Mate relative to oiling this street. Carried. The City Attorney was instructed to contact Engr. Carey relative to the condition of streets in North Renton where F`,IA improvements have been made. Check in the amount of 958,550.00, second-grant- requisition for street improvements 45-168, Renton. Permit read from the City of Seattle to the City of Renton granting permission to construct a. 24 inch cast iron sewer main across the steel water main right of way and under the Cedar River water supply main in the extension of Shattuck St. in Rentong Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that this be . accepted. subject to the approval of Consulting Engr . Carey. Carried. 394 Communication read from 1 orthern Pacific Railway Company in connection with proposed sewer line under N. P. Ry. tacks at 5th Ave in the City of Renton. This was referred to Consulting yngineer, Carey. Communication read from 14MA, Fred T. Evans, Regional Director in connection with the construction of the new hospital and submitting Mater Easement to be executed by the City of Renton to The United States of America for an easement for the purpose of construction, installation, operation and maintenance of extension of an existing 61' water main at inter- section of ',Vhitworth St &, Fourth Ave. This was referred to the 'dater Supt and City Engr for approval. This being the night for hearing protests against the improvement of Renton Street by sewer the following was read: Gomer Jones, owner No. 48 ft of E. 180 ft of Tract #2, menton Vo-operative Coal Co. The engineer stated that the protest was insufficient to kill the improvement and the city attorney was instructed to draft an Ordinance creating an improvement district. Ordinance No. 1177 for the improvement of Renton St. by construction of a sanitary sever read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Ordinance No. 1177 whereupon it was placed upon its second and t1ird read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Delaurenti, Burrows, 'lilliams, Plano, Gebenini and TaLmborini. City property Committee reports that Elmer Pistoresi made an offer of N15.00 for old barn on city property agreeing to remove same and clean up within thirt - days. T,.oved by Gebenini, seconded by Plano that the report of the committee be concurred in and barn sold to Elmer Pistoresi. Carried. Chief of Police reported that the contractor had not yet connected up the water to city dog pound. I"ioved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the city clerk write Iver. Sheldon notifying; him to get the water to the dog pound at once. Carried. Fire Chief ;food asked the city to purchase two used trucks on which to mount two pumps for emergency purposesy also that two dump truck be rigged on so that trailer pumps could be attached. L.-oved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the purchase of trucks be referred to the 'Nays & heans Committee and the dump trucks be rigged up at the city garage. Carried. ' ''. T Plano and City Clerk, Anes The % ayor, Councilman s reported on the _1Vashington Citites Convention held in �+ was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gebenini that ' ,i" :1..� , ... r � lommittee investigate and bring in an Ordinance ` ior eoiI*_ction of garabe in the business district. Carried. 395 Report eras made t:.at the Housing Authority had not yet received priority for water pumps for Cit , of Renton. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Taracorini that the Mayor wire our Congressman' and Senators in Washington for assistance. Carried. Notice of "Sprinkling Restrictions" was ordered beginninn June lst and the public be notifed through our local papers. Bill received from the P. S. P. & L. Co. for work done on ornamental lights. Moved by Gebeihini, seconded by ',Tilliaras that the bill be referred to the City Property Committee for checking and report back to the Council. Carried. The 2inance Committee audited and recommended for na - r.ent the f ollowing: Current G. T. Beanblossom Expenses Convention $30.00-3297 Chas Delaurenti " It 30.00 8 'lillianns & jwanson Police Exp. 53.43 9 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 265.28-3300-3 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 195.68-3304-5 Pac . Car & 2dry Jail 11aterial 26.12-3306 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 89.89 7 L. E. Jako Prisoners meals 15.14 8 Vince Stewart Expenses 2.06 9 'Bite River Lumber Co. Material 1.90-3310 raters Supplies 3.09 1 John W. Dobson Attys. Rent 15.00 2 Trick & jvlurray Supplies 7.83 3 .. Stoneway Dock Co. Material 14.42 4 Art Beils Garage it 5.23 5 y' lite River Lumber Co. Jail Material 13.59 6 Renton News Record Police Supplies 23.84 7 Renton News Record Supplies 36.25 8 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 10.31 9 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 29.00-3320 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 35.92 1 City St. Fund Pay Roll City St . Fund 9179.26-1118-21 Pay Roll It " " 265.95-1122-28 P. S. P. &L. Co. Lights 351.92 29 The Lumber 11kt. Lumber 56.56 30 7jashington Asphalt Co. 111raterial 82.40 31 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 36.34 32 'later Pay Roll 'later Dept. ' 211.06-3806-09 Addressograph Div Supplies 3.06 10 _ Seattle ,cater Dept. g'r'ater 42.00 11 P. 9. P. & L. Co. Power 216.67 2 Renton meed Co. Supplies 9.42 3 'destern Tire Service Material 3.10 4 Ralphs Garage it 24.72 5 Drank Rhodes it 3.10 6 Olympic Foundry Co. " 7.36 7 Renton News Record Printing etc. 17 .82 8 396 Parking Meter Fund Dale & McLandon Supplies 9.89-154 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 20.00 5 Dual Parking Meter Meters 6 Retton News Record Supplies 89.42 7 Library Fund The Craftsman Lib Books 3.25-389 Puget Sound News Co. " " 3.88 90 The Macmillan Co. " Suppliew 1.03 1 H. R. Huntting Co. " 20.73 2 Wilcox & Follett Co. Library Books 20.71 3 Doubleday, Doran & Co. ftSupplies 3.00 4 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 5.34 5 Park Fund Mathewson Fuel Co. Fuel 4.50-213 Park Labor 96.76-214-15 The Lumber Mkt Dumber 253.09-16 B. H. Sheldon Sewer Estimate 45-175 $15,997.04 Renton News Record Supplies 45-168 7.98-2 Northwest Construction St. Estimate 45-168 X461497.07-3 Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk I Mayor 1 i 397 June 1, 1943. Regular meeting of the git,y Council c fled to order at 8 P. 1v . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Burrows, ',Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Gebenini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. I� The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: S. Lilley to erect garage and fence on Lot 11, Block 4, Nmithers Add. U. Barei to make partition in basement lobby and upstairs for additional sleeping rooms at 2nd Avenue ;'West read. Dmck Lay to erect garage and tear down old one at 414 'Whitworth at. D. W. Lovegrove to tear doom old porch and erect new front porch at 437 Pelly St. 0. L. Hilliker to enlarge breakfast nook at 800 Brooke St. Potlatch Yards, Inc. to rebuild lumber yard at 505 4th Ave. T,Tike Cooper to place roof over front porch at 208 Main St . No. John Peternell to tear dorm old shed and erect new one at 601 Main 3t. John Parker to reshingle house at 340 Smithers St. Frank Aanifold to erect frame garage at 21 ?cells St. Charles Starovich to erect small shed at 532 Tobin St. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that all petitions be granted. Carried. L' Petition of Albert Play to erect garage at 336 Garden St. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Viilliams that this be referred to the Fire, Light c, ' ater Committee in conjunction with the City Engr. with power to act. Carried. This being the night for hearing protest against installa- tion of water main on Shattuck St. protest was received from seven property owners. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Burrows that this be referred to the Fire, Light 8 ';later Committee and City Engr for checking and report back to Council. Carried. Communication read from Housing Authority relative to sewage connection for 100 tenants in new project. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Burrows that this be turned over to the City Engr. Carried. Copy of letter sent B. H. Sheldon contractor on sewer disposal plant by Engr. Carey read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that Mr. Sheldon and Engr. Carey be notified to appear at our next Council meeting. Carried. Permit read from Northern Pacific Railway to place an �.. 18 inch sewer pipe line beneath the railway company' s track at 5th Ave. Vest. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to Engr. Carey and City Engr. Carried Request for -payment of balance due on city wells read from N. C. Jannsen Drilling Company. Moved by Furrows, seconded by "Williams that this be referred to the Fire, Light L Water Committee and city attorney. Carried. 398 Z x Report read from Department of Health stating that water conformsto U. S. standard .for drinking water and that same meets all rules and regulations. estimate in the amount of .,?1486.12 read from. IvTatt Ivialaspina and communication attached from Engr. Carey re- questing that I.r. 1.1alaspina furnish a certified check in the amount of • 425.00 to cover street oiling and manhole connections. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that this be turned over to Engr. Carey and the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The City Property Committee reporting on the bill of the P. S. P & L. Co. stated that an adjustment of %?81.00 had been made, and recommended payment of the bill. lioved by Burrows, seconded by Williams that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. There being no further business to come before the present Council, Mayor Beanblossom, outgoing Mayor, congratulated the incoming Iviayor, Council and City officials and then gave the oath of office to the new M=ayor, E. E. Burrowst and he was sworn in by retiring Mayor Beanblossom. Ylayor Burrows then asked the members of the new Council to stand and they subscribed to the Oath of Office and were sworn in by Mayor Burrows. The City Attorney and City Clerk after taking the Oath of Office were sworn in by the Mayor and all Councilmen and City Official were then seated. After a few remarks by the I':ayor and City Officials the Mayor then made the following appointments : 'days & Deans Committee : Chas. Delaurenti, Chairman Roy Danielson Vloyd Lawrence Street & Alley Committee: Lawrence Plano, Chairman Louie Gebenini Chas Delaurenti Finance Claims & Accounts: Roy Danielson, Chairman Steve Tamborini Clarence 'dilliams City Property: Steve Tamborini, Chairman Lawrence Plano Roy Danielson Police & License Committee : Louie Gebenini, Chairman Lawrbnce Plano Clarence 'Williams ire, Light & -+4ater Floyd Lawrence, Chairman Chas Delaurenti Steve Tamborini Law & Ordinance Clarence 4illiams, Chairman Louie Gebenini Floyd Lawrence 399 Supt. Sts & Utilities: James Morrison Police Chief: Vincent Stewart Chief Eire Dept: Joe blood Judge of Police Court: J. E. 11cFarland Civil Service Commission: george Thomas (6 year term) J. P. Reid (4 year term) City Engr & Bldg. Inspector: Earl Pierce Foreman City Garage Emmon Beil City Health Officer: Dr. C. L. Dixon. Park Board: E. H. Stokes A. W. Dimmitt Ben Lindgren Library Board: Perry Mitchell Wm. '�datkins Ed Wicker Mrs . Annabelle Jorgensen I�lrs. Audrey Hamilton Advisory & Planning Committee : E. H. Stokes Yax Clarke John Swanson Alden See Oliver Hazen Elton Alexander Tom Dobson, Jr. Mrs. Ethel 'dolski `Nm. Cowan - Hugh Bruce Idarren -dilliams Mary Higdon Alec Pelto Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that appointments be confirmed. The !,,:a.yor then asked for nominations for President of the Council. Moved by elilliams, seconded by Plano that Louie Gebenini be nominated President of the Council. Carried. The L'inance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & 3anitation "328.86-3336-41 Pay Roll Engr. Deot. 179.09-3342-43 Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 108.00-3344 Valley 'dindow Cleaners Labor 1.55 5 dater Pay Roll dater Dept. "259.87-3822-27 National Meter Co. P.laterial 4.15- 28 400 ' f Z_ L City Street Fund Pay Roll City Sts. X174.11-1137-41 Pay Roll City Sts. 183.60-1142-46 Clarke Bros. I«otor Co. material 9.27 47 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 1135.45 48 Park fund Pay Roll Park 116.40-218T19 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Gebenini that the report 6f the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned . City Clerk Payor 401 June 15, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. I'll. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, "'Jilliams, Plano, Gebenini And Tamborini. I. inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Th f The o llow'nE Z ,� _-ne titlons, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Maude I,'. Brown to partition McGovern Bldg at 305 3rd Ave. for Peter Pan Cafe. John Guisano to reshingle garage and construct steps at 201 2nd Ave. Yo. ndrew Unick to enlarge garage, re-roof at 800 High St. P. J. Hogan to reshingle house at 341 Smithers St. 1m. Hoyt to move house from Bryn Mawr to 232 Park Ave . Arthur Trudgian to reshingle house at 326 Cedar St. Ronald McDonald to repair porches and reshingle house at 120 'r.'illiams St. Stanley I. Thompson to reshingle house and repair porch at 512 2nd Ave . No. H. A. Scherre to repair house at 123 Pelly St, James I. Price to make basement at 327 Ilain St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of A. I. Button, Jr. , tD.V.11. to make partition in store room, McGovern Bldg for veterinary purposes at 301 3rd i'.ve. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that this he referred to Bldg. Supt and lire, Li ht ':Fater Committee with power to act. Carried. P e etition of the P. �. P. e� L. Co. to set one anchor in the alley between Garden St and Meadow Pt and yirst Ave. No. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Ililliams that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Al Hoffman, Mal.-or of Enumclaw asking the oo-operation of the Renton Council in procuting direct stage service from Enumclaw to Renton. Moved by Williams, seconded by Lawrence that we go on record as favoring this service and give our support in procuring this service. Carried. Renort read from Supt. Morrison estimating that it would cost about ; 1077.19 for the water connecting for the project known as "Cedar River Park" and submitting plans and specifications for same* moved by Plano sedonded by Tamborini that the plans and specifications be adopted and we advertise for bids. Carried. The Bldg Supt reporting on the Albert May netition stated that unless some change was made in the building code he could not recommend granting the permit. The matter was referred to the .Fire, Light ac `.eater and Ordinance Committee. i L. Permit read from Northern Pacific Rai1T;iay granting permission to the City of Renton to place an 18 inch sewer pipe line beneath the railway company' s main line at 5th Ave `,lest. This was approved by Engr. Carey whereupon it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that same be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Carried. 402 The question of the amount of certified check to be given by Matt Malaspina for work unfinished on Fourth Ave No. and y.'illiams :�t. North was referred to the City Engr . and City Attorney for report. The 'Dater Easement from the City of Renton to U. S. A. represented by the Federal 'Vorks Administrator, Washington, D. C. for the constructiln, installation, operation and maintenance of extension of an existing 6" water main on 4th Ave. and Shattuck St. was approved by the Water Supt. .Moved by Plano, Seconded by Delaurenti that the Easement be executed by the TY'layor and City Clerk. Carried. Contract for Engneering .Services between the City and James W. Carey, Engineer, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by ?`'illiams that this contract for street improvements be executed by the 1ayor and City Clerk, subject to the approval of the F ?`d A. Carried. The City attorney reported that N. . C. Jannsen Will which 11r• Jannsen insists is due at this time, is according to his contract not due until pumps are installed. Resolution No. 607 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute ')uit Claim Deed to the Defense Planot Corporation upon payment of all tames and assessments for the Bonnell and :talker property read. 1�:oved by Tamborini, seconded by 'lano that Resolution No. 607 be adopted as read. Carried. The 2inance Committee audited and recommerded for pay- ment the following: Current C. Bevan lire Sta. Expense .;20.58-1X58 Renton News Record It " Exp 15.00 9. Bill Rens It " Labor 12.50 60 Service Laundry Ldry 1.53 1 Renton Heating & Air Labor 3.61 2 Renton Chronicle F. D. Expense 18.00 3 Pac. Car & Fdry Material 12.23 4 Custer Ildw Co. Supplies 4.83 5 Pac. Tel & `1'el. Co. Telephones 65.95 6 Trick & Hurray Supplies 1.88 7 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 28.50 8 Standard Oil Col Gas 69.75 9 +estern Union Telegrams 5.63 70 Birum Motor Freight Drayage 5.50 1 Mutual 11aterials Co. Material 28.14 2 4eattle Brick & Tile Material 10.82 3 Reid '& Cook Supplies 17 .99 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 58.05 5 Art Burnside & Co. Supplies 4.80 6 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 30.00 7 Dept. Labor & Ind Ind. Ins. 63.59 8 Pay Roll Health & :sanitation 265.28-3379-81-82-82 Osborne Photo' Shop Police Exp 30.64 80 Pay,Roll Engr. Dept. 190.93-3384-5 G. i'. Beanblossom Salary 104.15 6 F. E. Lawrence It 30.00 7 Chas. Delaurenti It 30.00 8 Burrowsit 25.00 9 L• E• C. S. Williams it 30.00 90 L. E. Plano it 30.00 1 :Steve Tamborini It 30.00 2 Louie Gebenini it 30.00 3 E. E. Burrows it 20.P5 4 ',7alter Jordon Dog Catcher 27 .')O-3401 403 Insurance bund Rv,,nton Music Store Service Room piano '128.75-3395 Magnusson Turn Co. t? Furniture 216.25 6 Rentor Hdw & it" Drapes, etc. 137.50 7 Renas & Tachell Painting 671.45 8 S. M. diberg Repairing Hall 910.00 9 i WATER Pacific '.'Tater :yorks Yaterial 68.48-3832 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Lumber 3.86 3 Seattle Mater Dent. T'dater 42 .72 4 Reid & Cook i,'Iateria1 5.15 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 218.92 6 Dept. Labor w Ind Ind. Ins 13.82 7 Pay Roll '�9'ater Dept. 210.67-3838-42 Library Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 4.40-400 Encyclopaedia Britannica Library Books 2.85 1 Junior Literary Guild it It 2.66 2 Hartmans " " 3.41 4 Renton Trews Record Printing 20.97 5 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books 29.57 6 Puget wound News Co. Supplies 8.57 7 H. 11. ',lilson Co. Library Books 7 .50 8 PARK Pay Roll Park Dent. -223-4-5 I IY.oved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned to Tuedday, , June 22, 1943. City Clerk Mayor 404 �.T June 22, 1943. Adjourned meeting of the City Council rias called to order at 8 P. 11. by l,,ayor Burrows. ' Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini, A lliams, Plano, Danielson and Tamborini. Reading of the minutes o" last meeting we,3�e dispensed with. 'days & 1,,eans Committee wrere given more time before reporting on certain salaries and gages. Request of E. K. Bailey to erect a tent for gospel purposes on vacant lots corner 2nd & park Ave. read. I;:oved by O'illiams, seconded by Lawrence that the re- quest be referred to the Police & License Committee. Carried. Protest read from Angelo Phillips against the , Frade on Logan St. for new pavement and sidewalks stating that he could not use his basement garage. l,.oved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that' this be re- ferred to the St & Alley Committee, City EIngr. & City Attorney. Carried. Communication read from L. R. Durkee, enclosing two approved copies of contract entered into- between the City of Renton and James `,'d. Carey, Consulting Engr. for street improvements. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be received and filed. Carried. Resolution No. 608 requesting F iIA to transfer from Con- tract 112 to Contract #3 the sum of X2000. for land acquisition. loved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted as read. Carried. The Engr. submitted plans and specifications for Renton St. from 3rd _'.ve. to the Seattle Cedar. River Wipe Line Right of :'lay for construction of a sanitary sewer. loved by Lawrence, seconded by Danielson that the plans and specifications be adopted and the City Clerk call for bids. Carried. Plans were submitted by the Engr for construction of 8" 12" and 6" watermains for New housing Project, Sartori Addition. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be accepted and City,Clerk call for bids. Carried. Mr. Campbell of the State Board of Health, Mr. Godfrey of the B.H.Sheldon C6. , Mx. Symms of th IMA and Mr. Carey, consulting engineer, ,,;ere present . The question of the dispos- al plant was discussed and upon recommendation of Engr. Carey, it was :roved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the• city accept the ;; 25,000. guarantee, that the Dorr equipment will function to the satisfaction of the State health Dept. , the details of the guarantee to be worked out by 1,r. Godfrey of the Sheldon Co. , Engr . Carey and City Attorney. Carried. �- .r Eoved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that we contact the City of Seattle relative to acquiring Easement of Permission to pave part of their right of way on 2nd Ave. Carried. Upon the recommendation of Engr . Carey it was moved by Ta.mborini, seconded by Delaurenti that upon payment of ?425. representing the estimated cost of uncompleted wrork, the contract of I.att I,ialaspina be accpeted as completed and that payment be made according to the terms of the contract. Carried. Kr. Dullahant stated that nothing had been done as yet on an increase in salary for him and he was resigning. Ivoved by Lawrence that the resignation be accepted. lotion lost for lack of a second.. 2. L. & '3. Committee recommended for light on 3rd Ave. :`lest. I ting adjourned. � % � Mayor l{ City Clerk t 405 July 6, 1943. Regular mr:eting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. TI. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini, yilliams, Plano and Danielson. Ilinutes of the last meetings read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: P..S. P. L L. Co. to remove three poles and set two anchors on Commercial and Lop-an Sts. PYloved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gebenini that permit be granted. Carried. Emil Baele to remodel cabin at 5091 Walla ,'calla Ave. Cunnie Sheridan to erect tool shed at 416 Shattuck St. John' Tarella to reshingle house at 421 Burnett ,_�t. F. A. Fliggi to re-roof house at 416 ;'�TAtworth St. Ralph Nielsen to erect ricket fence in rear yard at 500 Williams St. Geo. H. 2riend to repair floor, skirting and post on back torch at 321 Morris St. S. TI. diberg to move old store building from Potlatch • Yards to Rainier Ave. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Lai.!rence that all permits be granted. Carried. G. Ii. Flaherty to remodel rear room of Building at 313 '.dells St. with concrete floor, cut doorway between the two Lam. rooms and build boiler room in rear of room at 315 .'ells St. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the Fire, Light w -,dater Committee and the Fire De?ot. and report back to Council. Carried. Jennie Fliseck to remodel house by addition of two small rooms at 339 Cedar St. read. �1 Upon recommendation of the City Engr. it was PIoved by Lawrence, seconded by ".dilliams that this be laid on the table. Carried. Ben Lindgren to move house from Buffalo Station to Dixie Ave and place same on lots 8 and E2 of 7, Block 5, Renton Real Estate Addition, read. After approval by St. Supt. and Bldg. Supt. 1Ir. Lindgren substituted a small house instead which was denied. The Police L License Committee to whom was referred the application of E. H. Bailey to erect a tent for gospel purposes on 2nd � Park were given power to act. This being the night for opening bids on the Kenton Ave sewer the following were read: Scarsella - - - - - x;'3083. Superior _ _ - - _ 3448. Nloschetto - - 4161.90 Ibve6 by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the bid of Yloschetto be rejectv"as same was received too late. Carried. P,oved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that the bid of Scarsella be accepted and he be awarded the contract. Carried. f 400 ate+ This being the night for opening bids on water disgribu- tion system for New lousing-Progect, the following were read: \ Scarsella - - ; 2205.00 u� Superior - - - - - 1226 .70 TVioschetto - - - - - 1102.75 A-11 Moved by Lawrence, seconded b lana, that all bids be rejected. Carried. ` 's 'v� � ' ✓� _� V x The City Clerk t,^Jas instructed to write the Ration Board relative to payment of rental on City Hall rooms. The question of bomb insurance on city utilities was discussed. P.oved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gebenini that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee to make repot back to Council. Carried. Itjays Fz Means Committee reported favorably on raise of pay for city workers, Police Dent. Engr. St w ;'Dater :erupt and Maintenance Ilan. Lioved by Gebenini, seconded by Plano that the necessary, steps be taken to obtain increases , the same retroactive June lst. Carried. Representatives of the C. ISI. &- St. Paul Ry. were present and submitted a tentative plan to place their poles along Burnett St. The tinF.nce Committee audited and recommended for nay- ment the following: Current Pay boll Engr. Dept. ; 216.55-3414-15 Pay Roll Health Dent. 275.11-3417-21 Thomas Harries Ins. 75.00-3422 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 36.30 3 Pac. Car w 2dry L:aterial 16.38 4 Renton Heating Co. F. D. Expense 7 .73 5 Renton Trews Record F. D. Expense 12.88 6 Renton IIdw & Furn Supplies 1.39 7 J. ':'l. Reans F. D. Exp 12.50 8 J. 'a. Reans F. D. " 5.00 9 Donut Kitchen Prisoners meals 15.82 30 nest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 24.41 1 Tom Dobson &- Pon Insurance 10.00 2 Valley "indow Cleaners Labor 1.55 3 lestern Union Telegrams 10.76 4 Trimm Fuel Co. C. H. Fuel 77.08 5 Pennsylvania Salt Drayage 6.50 6 Union Oil Co. Gas 46.90 7 Z'later Pay Roll .'Dater Dept. p223.10-3846-50 CiJg of Seattle :later 59.00 51 Van iaters & Rogers , Inc . Supplies 9.58 2 City .3t. Fund Pay Roll Cmty Sts . 85.88-1173-76 Pay Roll " ?t 360.28-1177-83 ',Destern Tire Service Material 12.38 84 Clarke Bros Idotor Co. it 1.10- 85 Proples Natl Bank Gravel 8.00 6 King Co. Rd Dist #2 fr 7 .80 7 ':lash. Asphalt Co. Material 78.80 8 King Co. Road Dist #2 1124.00 9 Union Oil Co. Gas 137.00 90 407 Library Fund The 1'iacmillan Co. Lib. Books X73.40-415 Park 2und Ivan `.d. Lee Park. Lee Park P. aterial X73.65-228 it Hamilton Church PiRyfidld Supervisor 112.62 9 Benicia Church It it 79.18-230 Wolfe Towin ServiceTowing 5.15 1 Gladding,2r',cBean c.: Co. Material 1.06 2 John Tachell Painting at park 50 .00 3 Parking Teter Fund Barley-Davidson Sales Col Supplies 17 .92-171 Pacific T;anifolding Cash Drawer, etc. 125.61 2 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 240.00 3 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. C it-, l rk r.a 408 ,y July 13, 1943. Special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 r. P . by T,.ayor 3urrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, 1.i'illiams, Plano, Gebenini, Tamborini and Danielson. The question of having the furnace cleaned and put in good vrorking order for fall , discussed. Iloved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that the , matter be referred to the City property Committee with power to act. Carried. appllication read from Arthur Bros. 3-Ring Circus to show in athletic Field read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication read from Tom Dobson & Aon quoting rates for war damage insurance. This matter was referred to the City Property Committee, City attorney and City Lngr. and Supt. Utilities. Comr.2unication read from Renton-Bothell Seattle Stage for permission to use a strip of city property between the fence and the ball park on Bronson ' ay north. This was referred to the Street Alley Committee, Chief of Police and City Attorney for investigation and report back to Council. Complaint read froia tenant at ilashington Trailer Camp stating that bathrooms are very dirty. Mloved by Lawrence , seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the City Health Officer. Carried. The condition of an approach on Park :'eve. which needs gravel was discussed. T;oved by La-,rrence , seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the Consulting Lngr. for checking. Carried. 409 July 20, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Burrows. j� Roll Call : Delaurenti, Jilliams, Plano, Gebenini, Tamborini and Danielson. rdinutes of the last meeting; read ' and approved. Application of Russell Bros . Circus to conduct a circus in the Ball Park on the afternoon of August °-#.h and evening of same day. she Police & License Committee report favorably on the application whereupon it was ILoved by Plano, seconded by 4illiams that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in and application for circus granted. Carried. The following petitions approved by the Building Supt.. were read.: R. ii. James to erect picket fence 501 :+ells St. Geo . Thurston to reroof house at 225 i{actory St. J. W. Klinga to reshingle house at 442 Villiams St. No. E. Driscoll to rebuild chimney at 105 Logan St. Arthur L. 11ritchell to erect garage and picket fence at 116 garden St. Joe Steiner I-.( r-.Eke addition to house of three rooms and porch at 530 Shattuck it. A. G. Bates- to enlarge garage 8x3 at 216 main St. No. T. E. Trimm to change partitions in house and bring ch&mney to floor . Emmon Beil to reshingle two roomed dwelling at 249 Felly St. Ben Lindgren to move holt ge from Rainier Ave to Dixie rive remodel same and erect a garage. U. S. Army to move barracks from Dixie Ave. to property adjoining American Legion Halls 11oved by Tamborini, seconded by Danielson that all petitions be granted. Carried. Police & License Committee reporting on the application of Arthur Bros Circus recommended that same be tabled. Ivloved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the , matter be tabled. Carried. Copy of letter read from James ';i. Carey addressed to B. H. Sheldon, Contractor advising him that his contract with the , city must be met in all particulars so far as distributors and associated equipment and materials are concerned. Committee on rental of ground by the Renton Bothell Stage Co. for ground near the ball park recommended that we rent same for the duration. Moved by %amborini, seconded by Gebenini that the - recommendation of the St &c Alley Committee be concurred in and the ground be leased for a rental of :' 20.00 per month. Carried. Ordinance No. 1178 providing for and creating the Office of St of Streets and Utilities and Office of Foreman of Construction and YLaintenance read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. 410 11�4 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1178 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Delaurenti, Williams, Plano, Gebenini, Tamborini and Danielson. 'Proposed Ordinance declaring an emergency and appropriat- ing the sum of X880.88 from the ,Vater Fund and X1750 from the St. Fund for the purpose of providing funds for the raymeht of salaries of the St. of Sts and Utilities and the foreman of construction and maintenance read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution No. X02 fixing the salaries of Streets and Utilities at X350.00 and ;"250.00 per month for foreman of Construction and Maintenance from June 1 to Dec . 31st 1943 read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. f10 fixing the salary of Chief of Police at X275.00 per monthand police officers at $225.00 Der month and transferring : 1573.88 from the estate Aid Fund to the Current to nay the increase in salaries read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Danielson that same be adopted as read. Carried. Estimate in the amount of .:44,927.79 received from B. 11. Sheldon on disposal plant job. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson thatthis he laid over until next meeting night. Carried. The Engineer submitted plans and specifications for pump house and 8 inch water main from Bronson ',`lay bridge to pump house and 12 inch water main from pump house to Bronson Way and and Houser 'May. woved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that the plans ` and specificiations be accepted and City Clerk call for bids. Carried. 3oeing asked for -an arrangement whereby they can use the 8" xatermain under the payement on Logan St. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the ifire, Light �z 'dater Committee and Supt. with rower to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current � Pay Roll Engr. Dent. ; 180.36-3450-1--3 Peoples Natl rank For trucks USA 3.00 2 Renton News Record Printing 47.34 4 Everson Ross Co. Police Exp. 9.98 5 Jack T. Raftken Co. Engr. Supplies 19.40 6 Bill Reans F. . D. Expense 12.50 7 Stoneway Dock Co. Park Material 14.42 8 Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. Supplies 3.06 9 Kuker-Ranken, Inc- " 25.20 60 411 Current Vioues _Pharrmacy Supplies 5 3.89-3461 Williams � Swanson Traterial 7.21- 2 Hooker Electro Chlorine 135. 3 PAY Roll Health & Sanitation 233.30-3463-69 :alter Jordon Bog Catcher 19.50 70 Jack Carlin Jail Labor 86.53 1 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 9.27 2 "Phite River Lumber Co. Lumber 22.43 3 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 359.51 4 United Janitor Supply Co. Supplies 15.45 5 Stoneway Dock Co. T:�aterial 11.33 6 George Lo�-,rrie Jail Labor, etc. 60.00 7 'Tater Pay Roll City Sts . = 118.13-1197-1200 Pgy Roll " it 237.56-1201-1209 Custer .Hdw Co. Supplies 1.03-1210 Williams �, Swanson " 8.76-1211 Water Pay Roll ,Tater wept, .;221.51-3866-72 Library World Peace Foundation Books 3.55-417 White River Lumber Co. Lumber 4.52 8 Renton Heating 3c Air Cond. Su-plies 3.23 9 Consumers Research " 3.00-420 Jemco Library Supplies " 6.30 1 John '.T. Graham &, Co. " 11.74 2 Doubleday Doran & Co. " 38.07 3 Puget Sound News Co. " 11.51 4 Parking I-eter Fund Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 23.18 179 Park Fund Custer Hdw Co. it Expense 98.73-235 Cochran Paint & Hdw Do. Supplies °50. 32 6 Tom Dobson_ Son Insurance 22 .50 7 Pay roll Park 110.99-238-9 `:'Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborin that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, ri(--etin�7, adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 412 w August 3, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Councili,,:ras called to order at 8 P. I_. by Iiiayor Burrows. Roil Call: Delaurenti, Lawrence, "Iilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Danielson. :Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The foll6win�, petitions, all approved by the Building Sunt. were read: Leo A. Symms to remodel house and garage at 349 Main St. No. Louie Traverso to erect small house at 363 Cedar St. Henry Farrow to remodel and reroof house and general repairs under Federal supervision at 601 Park. Bonneville Power Administration to erect portable building for office on 2nd Ave. one block east of PJill St. Ben Lindgren to remodelhoiise at 519 llain -St. No. Andy Adams to erect porch at 209 Burnett St. Arthur R. irebster to reroof and reside rouse at 614 Burnett St. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by 7illiams that all petitions b^ granted. Carried. Doles Petition of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to set two/ one polex on southnside of 2nd Ave. the 3rd east of Lill St and one pole on the west side of Houser :'Tay read. 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted under supervision of the St. erupt. Carried.. P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove two poles and one anchor from Lake Ave and Tobin Ave. 'I,oved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Application read from Harold y. Bradley to operate a concession at park entrance on Monday August 9 while circus is in operation. Loved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that this be re- ferred to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Estimate in theamount of ;"20,877 .56 read from northwest Construction Co. for street paving. This having been approved by Construction Engr. ':)ymm.s and Engr Carey was allowed by the finance Committee. Communication read from Engr. Carey stating that the Northwest Construction Co had completed their work and the work was satisfactory and recommended that the work be accepted and final settlement be made ,^Pith the contractor. Loved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the street paving job be accepted upon recommendation of Engr. Carey and the estimate due at this time allowed as recommended by the Finance Committee. Carried. Crossing Easement from Pacific Coast R. R. Co. to City of Renton at the Shattuck St. crossing. 1 oved and seconded that same be executed and place on file . Carried. 413 TvToved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the estimate of „44,839.34 of B. H. Sheldon be allowed. Carried. Communication read from Fred T. 'vans of the Federal . orks .1'�gency on the acquisition of land from August Tonelli et ux, stating that same had been approved in the amount of �?3,000.00 . Upon recommendation of the 2inance Committee this amount was allowed. Communication read from E. ii. Stokes , Chairman Park Board recommending that a new lease be entered into for the Sweet Center with Reid & Templeton for a period of five years at a rental of X40.00 per month and they be given the right to transfer said lease to John B. 11'ichardson, and others subject to Pnnroval of the Park Board. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Park Board be concurred in and lease granted. Pviotion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence, Yes Delaurenti No `0i.11iams Yes Plano Yes Gebenini No Danielson No. 1viotion was lost. After some discussion it was 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that we reconsider our motion and accept the recommendations of the Park Board. TvSotion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence Yes Delaurenti No dillic-Ms Yes Plano Yes Gebenini No Danielson No Taotion �^ras lost. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Delaurenti that we receive the recommendation of the Park Board relative to Sweet Center and turn the same over to the City Property Committee for report next meeting night. Carried. The question of replacing flag destroyed in the Service Room was discussed. Loved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that the matter be placed in the hands of the city property committee. Carried. The paving of 2nd Avenue was brought -up. The T,:ayor reported that Eingr. Carey and a representative of the F."IA went over the ground and recommended to the council that application be made to the Federal for a grant. Ordinance No. 1179 was reported favorable by the Ordinance Committee, vihereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti, 1illiams, Plano, Gebenini and Danielson. The Finance Committee audited and recommended: fo,r, payment the fol],owing: C ity :Street Fund King County Rd Dist Gravel - John ':V. Dobson Filing Fees 1.80 4 The Lumber I. t Lumber 40.40 5 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 177 .86-1226-9-36 N. P. Railway Co. freight St. Oil 327 .62-1235 414 , Current Pay boll Engr. Dept. ;'319 .44-3509-10-11 dilliams & Swanson Police Exp. 3.26-3512 Valley -indow Cleaners Labor 1.50 3 North Coast Chemical 3ypplies 15 .81 4 ,Vaters Supplies 2.09 5 huker-Ranken Inc Engr. Junplies 6 .59 6 Thomas Harries Ins. Prem 18.50 7 Callaghan & Co. Supplies 15.00 8 Daily Journal of Comm. Notice a 5.20 9 Frank Ames Supplies 4.47 20 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 315.44-3521. -25 ,Jestern Union Telegrams 2.66 26 Gladding, McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 13.57 7 August Tonelli Sewage disposal plant 60.00 8 Con iamborini Jail Labor 44.16 9 Park Fund Pay Roll Park Fund ; 108.68-244-45 Library Fund Pay Roll Library "250.92-425-28 J. H. Lawrence it Fuel 76.63 430 'i`ater Fund Lowman & Hanford Supplies 82.64-3885 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 85.65- 6 Olympic foundry Co. " 266.77- 7 Pay Roll ater Dept. 341.66-3888-94 Daily Journal of Commerce Publications 6.20 95 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 7.64 6 FWA 45-175 B. H. Sheldon Partl Payment :;?44,.889.34-20 Matt 11alaspina In lull- Sewers 93365.17 1 City of Renton To reimburse 2,238.01 2 721A 45-168 James W. Carey Engr. Services 82,530.76-6 P;:oved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned to —ugust 10th at 8 D. m. City Clerk 415 August 10, 1943. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at SmP. I,% by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Delaurenti, Lawrence, Williams, Plano, Gebenini and Danielson. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting were dispensed with. The following petitions, approved by the Building aunt. were read: R. i+avro to repair house at 500 Cedar St F. E. Lawrence to remodel chimney at 305 Pelly St. Ernest Barei to tear down old Grant Theatre on :,fells 3t. Moved by Plano seconded by Lawrenc6 that all petitions be granted . Carried. The Renton Bus Company asks permission to break curb about 20 feet on Bronson :fay North on city property adjoining the park which has been leased to the company for the duration for parking facilities read. This was approved by the St. erupt. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the St. Supt. be concurred in provided the curb be replaced after the war. Carried. This being the night for opening bids for construc- tion of pump house and watermains to :-fells in Liberty Park, �... the following were received: Frank Bishop - - - - y?9730.00 Superior Constr Co.-w11270.50 Joseph O'Brien - - - 12572.70 1 oved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the bids be referred to the City Property Committee, City Engr. St. Supt and City Attorney to report back to Council. Carried. City Property Committee on the matter of lease renewal at the park reported they' would concur in the recommenda- tion of the Park Board. Ttioved by Lawrence, seconded by ',dilliams that the recommendation of the park board be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk execute lease with Janet Templeton and David P. Reid subject to assignment of lease to Melvina Brim and LaVerne Ring at a rental of 040.00 per month. The motion being put to a vote re- sulted as follows: ayes : four. Noes : Two. I'lotion carried. Request read from Torthvrest Construction Co. asking for an extension of time in which th complete contract on city sts . The following resolution was read. Resolution No. 611 granting an extension to the Iorthwest Construction Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Williams that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance 'I�ro.lQ$0 creating the office of Deputy Registrar of Voters and office of Purchasing Agent read. Moved and seconded that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee renorted favorably on Ordinance No. 1180 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, '.Iilliams, Plano, Gebenini and Danielson. 416 '' rLDDlication from U. S. Recreational Camp to stage a donkey baseball game in Renton Ball Park August- 28th between Lions vs Kiwanis read. Koved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the Club be given the use of the park for that night. Carried. The question of bleachers at the park was referred to the City Property Committee. Engr. Pierce stated that the Ylilwaukee had requested from him permission to unload material on Railroad Ave. forth while re-routing their transmission line. 11oved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that permission be granted the Tilwaukee, provided the storage does not obstruct traffic on the streets . Carried. 1,1oved by Plano seconded by velaurenti that the room va.cted by the police Dept.be fixed up for the Council. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended for payment the following : 13. H. Sheldon - - - .,?8,568.62-23 45-175 Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Application read from Pac. Tel L mel. Co. to set Doles on various locations , Logan 8t. etc . r-loved by Lavrrencb seconded by Gebenini that sane be granted under the supervision of the 3t. aun.t Carried. i Moved and seconded that we adjourn. City Clerk Mayor 417 hugust 17 , 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. ?gith Llayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini, ? illiams, r.r Plano, Tamborini.and Danielson. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. .The following petitions, all approved by the Building erupt. were read: Jesse C. Young to erect roof over porch at 318 Burnett 3t. L. A. I'Lartin to repair front & rear porches at 315 Pelly St. _ George Levar to reshingle house at 515 Renton Ave. Ben Pedegana to repair foundation and reshingle house at 337 Pelly St. Tom James to reroof house at 231ti ;';ells St. No. Clara R. Adams to repair front porch and general repair work at 208 Burnett St. m. P. T:onaghan to reroof house at 324 Cedar St. NIrs . J. fortune to reshingle house at 401 Pelly St. Evelyn Tonkin to repair foundation of house at 108 - dells St. Joe .Schultz to repair roof on shed at 519 Kill ;3-t. .14'oved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that all petitions be granted. Carried. Geo. i+ . Ames to erect and attach shed to house for -coal and storage also repair front porch at 407 2nd Ave. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee and Citi* Atty. with pourer to act. Carried. Petition of the pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., toset 1 pole on the east side and 1 pole on the west side of Logan St; place 1 anchor to the south of said hole. This petition was approved by the St. Supt. t,^Thereupon it was Moved by Danielson seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried. The City Property recommended the bid of Prank Bishop the lowest bidder, for construction of pump house and watermains to ",`fells in Liberty Park. 1.0ved by Danielson seconded by Gebenini that the recomt�endation of the Committee be concurred in and the Mayor and 'City Clerk authorized to execute contract with frank Bishop. Carried. City lttorney reported the steps necessary to annex ';Windsor 'dill to the City of lZenton. Toved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that the city engr be authorized to write Engr. Carey advising him that our contract with % r. Sheldon must be met in all particulars as far as distributors and associated equipment and materials are concerned. Carried. The mayor app inted ;r_es Edwards, City Clerk, purchasing agent and Paul Green, city treasurer, deputy registrar. T,roved by Lawrence, seconded by Jilliams that the appointments- be confirmed. Carried. 418 The Mayor re-appointed J. A.Lanich member of the Housing Authority,, until Sept. 10, 1948, Moved by Danielson seconded by ',Williams that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. 4to City Attorney reported that the School Board was willinE/grant an Easement for extension of sewer on Shattuck St. provided the city grade, graveland maintain the alley between Tobin Street and the south side of their grounds. Carried. Loved by Gebenini seconded by Delaurenti that the city, attorney prepare _a letter accenting their< -offer for an Ease- ment in lieu of the city maintaing the upkeep of alley. Carried. Engr. Pierce reported on his preliminary survey for widendinJ of 2nd Ave. from Bronson Way to Logan St. Current Pay Roll Lngr. Dept. $268.71-3541-3 Dept. Labor I ind. Ind. Ins. 85.73 4 N. P. Ry. Co. Frght bill 2.48 5 Renton Auto 2reight Frgt 3.91 6 Union Oil Co. Gas 81.34 7 Reid U Cook Supplies 6.41 8 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 1.03 9 Art Beils Garage Labor & haterial 10.87-3550 John H. Dobson Exp. .75 1 J. C. Penny Co. Supplies .77 2 Vhite River Lumber Supplies 1.88 3 George Swift mire Sta. Exp, 10.00 4 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 46.55 5 P. S. P. L L. Co. Lights 139.92 6 Valley Truck Service Drayage 6.99 7 Huker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Supplies 3.66 8 '.paters Supplies 10.04 9 J. Heidenreich " Police 11.25-3560 Pay loll health & Sanitation 334.12-3561-66 Pac. Tel w Tel. Co. Telephones 95.78 7 Btcific Coast Stamp ":dks Supplies 21.71 8 Valter Jordon Dog Catcher 24.00 9 Howard Cooper Corp. Fire Dent. Supplies 82.40 70 Water Reid & Cook Supplies 1.65-3901 Trick & Murray n 33.92 2 City of Seattle `later 234.56 3 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 26 .03 4 Van Maters & Rogers " 40.94 5 Pgh Equitable Teter Co. " 71.75 6 P. S. P. W L. Co. Lights 434.26 7 Daily Journal of Commerce Adv. 5.80 8 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 42.64 9 Olympic Foundry Co. " 261.68-3910 Ralphs Garage Labor & Material 5.15 1 Pay Roll :'tater Dept. 133.79-3912-15 F STA 45-168 James V. Carey Engr. Ser. X11152.00-7 YT'IA 45-175 14 Moschetto Sewer Unit #3 414,943.00-24 Parking Meter Fund Renton Realty Co. Insurance ; 33.00-192 419 City it. Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights :'704.80-1244 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 4. 94 5 Art Beils Garage Supplies 4. 63 6 Reid L Cook Labor &• 11aterial 47. 79 7 Seattle Hdw Co. Material 23.54 8 King County Rd Dist #2 Gravel 59.75 9 Pay Roll Garage Foreman 86.16-1250 Pay Roll City Sts. 355.84-1251-56 Washington Asphalt Co. Asphalt 68.11 7 Library Fund P. a. P. L. Co. Lights );6 .00-432 H. R. Huntting Co. Lib . Books 29.71 3 Harry Hartman Lib . Books 1.84 4 Park Fund Pay Roll Park Labor X116 .60-247-48 Pay Toll it t1 126.35-249-50 Dept. Labor 6c Ind. Ind . Ins. 3.31-251 Lenton Ice & Ineureani Salt 1.03 2 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 4.84 3 Loved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeti_n7 adJourned. T r77 J4 �J• City Clerk 420 �Usust 7 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Ii. by Mayor Burrows . Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, • 7illiams, P'-' no, Tamborini and Danielson. L'Iinutes meeting read and approved as read. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: C. Haleway to remodel house by addition of two rooms and bath at 816 IIarion St. St. Lukes Church to repair church building on :dells 3t. J. II. Button to reroof house at 214 3rd Ave. , -lest. Will Smothers to reshingle house and woodshed at 111 'dilliams St. S. D. Leblanc to resurface roof of Roxy Theatre also resurface roof at Renton Theatre. Snook & Byers to reshingle house at 700 Smithery 3t. Angeline Delaurenti to tear down side porch and erect new porch at rear of house at 525 Morris St. Jas. .,i. Walls to rebuild chimney at 414 Ilain St. C. J. Tuttle to remodel house by addition of two rooms and utility room at 524 Burnett St. Arthur Newman to reshingle house and repair foundation at 246 Pelly St. Church Assembly of Go�/to erect curb on north side of First Ave, Williams St. to alley. rren Flint to make addition of bathroom to house at 516 Shattuck St. John J. O'Brien to make an addition of room to �:ouse at 836 3rd Ave. No. Anna fieisel to move old Conklin house from 4th Llain St. to Lot 13, Block 5, Snithers Add. Loved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that all petitions be granted. Carried. S. D. Leblanc to recoat roof of Melrose at Jalla *Halla Ave. I.Ioved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the Bldg. Supt. with power to act. Carried. P. P. & L. Co. to set two poles and rbmove two poles on 7th Ave. East and `;est of 'Renton Avenue. Idioved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lawrence that same be gtanted under the supervision of the St. Supt. , Carried. Contract between the City and P. .D. P. & L. read whereby the P.S.P.& L. Co agrees to rent transformer to city, and also contract for furnishings electric service for pumping at Sewage Disposal. Plant. I:Ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the city attorney and 11gr. Utilities. I,Ioved by Tamborini, seconded by Danielson that' the matter of purchasing transformers be referred to the MFr. Utilities to work out priorities for same and in the meantime rent from the P.S.P. & L. Co. Carried. Engr Pierce reported that he had worked out a plan :-hereby 4th 8c Meadow Sts. could be drained. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills: 421 Current Payroll Engr. Dept. �?304.66-3574-86-87 Pay Roll 'Health c; Sanitation 317.63-3588-92 Tom Dobson & 3on Bond Prem 5.00 93 Renton Realty Co. Ins. 15.00 4 P. ). P. & L. Co. Exp. Sewer 25.00 5 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 80.90 6 ,,aters Supplies 5.15 7 North Coast Chemical Supplies 2.88 8 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 3.97 9 huker-Ranken, Inc. Supplies 1.03-3600 Art Beils Garage Material w Labor 31.04 1 Bill Reans Fire Dent. 12.50 2 George Boyes Fire Dept. Services 15.00 3 Ohio Chemical Supplies 6.47 4 "dater Pay Roll 'v`+ater Dept. 210.37-3927-31 Addressograph Supplies 1.07 32 City of Seattle Water Dept. 227.92 3 City 3t. Fund Pay Roll City 13ts. ")?202.67-1263-66 Pay Roll " " 300.12-1267-71 R. Coates Sharpening tools 7.00-1272 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 34.25 3 Williams & Swanson Stip3lies 5.88 4 Shell Oil Co. Asphalt 444.63 5 Union Oil Co. Supplies 46.65 6 State Aid fund Carl Mattison Paint Job- 2ire Trucks is 90.00-5 �I 422 F u; September 14, 1943. Adjourned meeting of the City Council eras called to order at 8 1". I0;. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, :Alliams , Gebenini, Tambcrini and Danielson. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all appl-oved by the 3uilding Supt. were read: C. Iverson to erect two more units to present house and add washroom at 105 _.dells St. , :'rank :Manifold to remodel back porch at 19 `,Wells St. 0. Bressen to reside house with shakes and repair front porch at 741 High St. Loney Savers Store to repair marquis at 3rd Ave. , ':Nest. hi. Smothers to extend kitchen back four feet and erect small front and rear porches at 111 'dilliams St. J. R. Baxter to reroof house at 433 Park Ave. ItiIoved by Lw,-irence, seconded by rIilliams that all permits be granted. Carried. The proposed agreement with B. H. Sheldon, contractor, on the sewer disposal plant concerning the filter distributors and associated equipment was read. After discussion of the agreement and because of certain provisions inserted therein by the contractor which are not acceptable to the city, the city attorney recommended that the proposed a_r,reenent be not execut- ed and that I.r. Carey be instructed to direct the contractor to complete the disposal plant according tothe plans and specifications as adopted. y Loved by Delaurenti seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the city attorney be concurred in and that Engr. Caret be instructed to so instruct the contractor. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Cite* Clerk Mayor 423 September 21, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. T: by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Delaurenti, ,Williams, Piano, Gebenini, Tarabori.ni and Danielson. 1:4inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Dick Lay to enclose rear porch at 414 7v1hitworth St. Albert Baker to erect woodshed at 505 °hitworth St. S. D. LeBlanc to reglaze roof at Uder Parket ;salter 2. Evans to reroof gara�ce and porch at 216 Park Mattie Galloway to remodel house at 1007 4th Ave. ,red Natucci to reside house vrith brick composition siding at 102 ':.iilliams St. Mrs. Dorothy Ozura to reshingle house at 504 Smithers St. Ttioved by Gebenini seconded by Delaurenti that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove pole on ',ws`ella St. and set one pole between 3rd & 4th xves. 1,oved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that same be granted under the supervision of the it. Supt. Carried. Application read from E. J. Osborne for license to operate a Bingo Parlor in Renton. This was referred to the Police Chief and Police License Committee for recommendation. The Committee reported unfavorably on same rhereupon it was Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that the report of the Committee be concurred in and. license denied. Carried. Application of Henry ,ord School, by A. "W. Dimmitt to extend bus loading zone 15 feet at henry Ford achool. P:oved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gebenini that this be granted. Carried. application read from Defense Plant Corporation for approval of plans to erect bridge across the south end of Cedar River. Tvoved by Delaurenti, seconded by Plano that a committee be appointed to meet with the Commissioners on this matter. Carried. Easeraentsread from Ben Tonda & Virginia Tonda, John Porin& and Crestina Morino, Pers. Caroline Tonda to the City of- Renton for sewer pipe line. voved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that these easemen-b be accepted and recorded. Carried. Nlotice of Meeting of association of,'.";ashington Cities, to be held in l+ire Mall, Jednesday, Sept. 29th received. I.,oved by Tambonini seconded by Delaurenti that Ps. Gossett be reimbursed for flag lost in fire in the mount Insurance Co. raid. - Carried. The Ener. stated that the Pacific Car c, Foundry were willing to do= the work of installing catch basins to take care of surface water on 4th Ave to Piggott provided the city, furnished the material. 424 Moved by ';ailliams seconded by Plano that the offer of the Pacific Car Lc Foundry Co. be accepted. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that we purchase a car for the I.--r L orrison, 17,r. Utilities . 1:ioved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be received and the City Property Committee look into the purchase of a car and report back to the Council. Carried. Copy of letter sent by Engr. Carey to B. Sheldon and Mr. Sheldon answer read and filed. . The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. p242.93-3621-23 Filmack Trailer Co. Films for Fire Dept. 15.14 24 Good-'Hill Supplies- 3.86 5 Hooker-Electro Chlorine 160. 6 Gladding,licBean Material -6.42 7 Clarence Dullahant Conv. Expenses 15.00 8 Callaghan & Co. Law Books 12.00 9 Renton Hdw & Furn mire Dept. Sup 2.53 30 Auto Club of ;slash. Patrol Equipment 7:70 1 Joe ��ood Expenses to Conv 7 .50 2 Trick & Murray Supplies 9.79 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 14.17 4 Reid & Cook Supplies 15. 50 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 76.86 6 Pac . Tel w Tel. Co. Telephones 53.85 7 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation _ 527.29-3638-45 Ma- cDougal & Southwick Service Room Sup 102.95 46 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 32.41 7 ,'rater Paget Sound Power Power X154.24-3938 Pay Roll pater Dept. 115.86-3939-41 Library H. W. Wilson Co. Library Books 22.20-440 H. R. fiuntting Co. tr 1.94 1 America Library Assn It it 3.00 2 C. Haleway Supplies 1.50 3 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 60.30 4 The 11acmillan Co. It It 7.54 5 C. Scribners Sons It it 162.23 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 4.24 7 Park Stoneway Dock Co. 11aterial 7 .73-258 C. Bevan Repair ',:ork 3.87 9 Pay Roll Park Dept. 101.41-260-61 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the '• d,I" ''Gommittee be concurred in. Carried. The preliminary budget for the year 1944 was read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. 1�0 further business, meeting adjournAd. CLERK Y.AYO 425 September 28, 1943 Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Yi. by Mayor Burrows. Roll C?11: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Williams, Plano, and Tamborini. Application read from Umberto Barei for sewer connection at 2nd Avenue West. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred. to the city engineer and city attorney with power to act. Carried. Resolution LXXX authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound. Power & Light Company for furnishing electric pumping for Sewerage Disposal Plant for a period of five years . Moved by Plano seconded by Williams that same be tabled. Carried. Ordinance No. 1181 requiring connection of build- ings and residences with the sewer system and fixing the rates and clarges for said sewerage service read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. After considerable discussion the Ordinance Committee reported favoracly on Ordinance No. 1181 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third. readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting as follows: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Williams, Plana - yes Tamborini, no. Ordinance No. 1182 creating and establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund read and. on motion referred to the Ordi- nance Committee. Ordinance No. 1183 creating; and establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the acquisition, construction, altera- tion, and. repair of public buildings, etc. read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1184 creating and. establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the making of public improvements; the acquisition of land, sites and or rights of way, etc. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinances No. 118.2, 1183 and 1184 whereupon Ordinance No. 1182 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Williams, Plano and Tamborini. `_',rdinance No. 1183 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Deleurenti, Williams, Plano and Tamborini. Ordinance No. 1184 was placed upon its second. and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawr:nce, Delaurenti, Williams, Plano and. Tamborini. * * * 'The Mayor had invited the Planning Committee to meet with the Council on the advisility of setting up a Cumulative Fund for post war work. After considerable discussion it was the consensus of opinion that such a fund be set up, whereupon the following Ordinances were introduced: No further business, meeting ad 'ourl e'IA A AAkr-dJ City Clerk Mayor 426 ' October 4, 1943. SPECIAL tEETING OF THE CITY COU7yCIL was called to orderat 8 P. M. by Mayor Burrors for the purpose of adopting a budget for the year 1944. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini, Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. There being no objection to the Budget as read it was Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. Carried. Meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 427 October 5, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini., Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Joe Thomas to reshingle house at 124 Pelly St. J. GO, Duncalf to make a window in room upstairs at 423 Williams St. I. G. Chapman to more small building in rear of Lot 24, Block 150 R. F. P. to front of door, add one room and bath. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Delaurenti that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P & L. Co. to remove one pole and set one pole on Railroad Avenue, one span south of First Ave. No. read. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Pacific Car & Foundry Co. to lay and maintain an 8" storm drain 4th Ave No. the City to furnish the tile. The City Attorney and City Engineer reporting on the sewer connection for Barei Hotel at west end of 2nd Ave. r6commended that the application be granteit to connect with the city sewer, the city to receive title to the sewer line installed upon the street being approximately 368 feet. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the report be received and Barei be permitted to connect with the sewer the city to receive title to the sewer line installed upon the street. Carried. The City Property recommended the payment of $25.00 to h2r. Gossett for flag destroyed by fire. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that the report be received and redommendations carried out. Carried. The CiV Property Committee recommended the purchase of a ' 37 Plymouth Sedan in the amount of $600.00. Moved by Williams, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the C6mmittee be received and car purchased. Carried. Ordinance Committee recommended that the Zoning Ordinance be amended. The matter was referred to the Fire Chief, Engineer and Fire, Light & Water Committee. . Chas Delaurenti, Councilman, First Ward, asks for a leave of absence for the duration for the reason that he is going into the SeAvice. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Danielson that a leave of absence be granted for the duration or until his term of office expires. Carried. Ordinance No. 1185 adopting a budget for the year 1944 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance no. 1185 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini, Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. 428 ti Ordinance No. 1186 fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1944 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance N6. 1186 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini, Williams, Piano, Tamborini and Danielson. Mr. I. G. Chapman asked the Council if his application to add to and move his building on rear of Lot 24, Block 15, R. F. P. to front of lot would be granted if the improvement was made to the building in its present location, moved by Gebenini seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the City Property Committee and City Engr. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation $348.96-3675-81 Emmon Beil Jail Labor 31.20 82 Con Tamborini " " 3.00 3 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals Donut Kitchen Prisoners meals 58.10 5 Joh W. Dobson Steno services 50.00 6 Valla Window Cleaners Labor 1.50 7 Motor Car Supply Co. Supplies 12.85 8 John Guiliani Labor 15.45 9 Wallace & Tierman Supplies 1.65-3690 Graybar Electric Co. Supplies 13.68 1 Thomas Harries Insurance 15.00 2 moron bell zire pt. Labor 6.18 3 I van yv. Lee Fire Dept. Services 7.37 4 Service Laundry Laundry 2.24 5 11. T. Gossett Flag 25.00 6 ... City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. $256.13-1301-15 inc-18 Pay Rollit ft 234.71-1306-11 Roslyn Foundry Co. Material 222.48-1312 P. S. P. & L. Co. Replacing St. light 46.29-1313 A. Chandler Auto 600.00-1314 Water Pay Roll `pater Dept. $195.48-3946-50 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 30.11 51 Scientific Supplies Co. Material 14.05 2 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. $110.99-263-262 FWA 45-175 Preston,Thorgrimson et al Attys Fees $19004.84 FWA 45-168 $201887.56 Northwest Construction Co. Est Moved by Lawrence, seconded by.Plano that the report . of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adJourne - r�r � City Clerk Mayor 429 October 19, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Gebenini, Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: N. W. Aimer to erect leanto on garage at 545 Morris St. for additional garage. C. H. Perry to erect garage at 505 Morris St. John Burdulis to erect store room and wood shed at 407 4th Ave. J. E. McFarland to repair foundation of house and general repair work at 423 Wells St. Fred C. O'Brien to repair foundation of house at 327 Morris St. Dr. Harry E. L. Libbee to erect garage at 325 `dells St. No. Church of the Nazarene to remodel residence at 249 Park Ave. to church on ground floor and apartment upstairs, Williams & Swanson to remodel house at corner 2nd & Burnett St. and make it into duplex Leo Rosa to erect house at 537 Grady qday. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Williams that all petitions be granted. Carried. W. J. Thompson to erect garage (double) at, 207 Wells St. No. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried, upstairs Dr. Williams to make twjapartments in house at 308 Main St. No. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that this peition be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Chas R. Mason makes application to operate an amuse- ment center and arcade somewhere in Renton read. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that this be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. Easement received from Renton School Dist #403 for the right to construct and maintain a sewer line near the jligh School Building. Moved by Williams, seconded by Plano that same be accepted and filed. Carried. Communication read from H. D. Fowler Company regard- ing Aero-filter distributorso3=1 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the same be referred to the attorney and St. Sopt. before any action is taken. Carried, Frank Bishop, contractor on Pump House in Liberty Park asks for extension of time on his contract# to Nov. 10th. Moved by Lawrence, sefonded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. 430 Bill in the amount of $255.38 on sewer job on Renton St. read from Angelo Scarsella. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Plano that this be referred to the Finance Committee and report to Council. Carried. Estimate of public liability and property damage read from Stanley Hovland on city trucks & cars. Moved by Danielson, seconded by Gebenini that the City Clerk chefk on all insurance policies and report to Council next meeting night. Carried. Communication read from Engr. Carey enclosing letter of B. H. Sheldon, contractor relative to fence at Sevier Disposal Plant. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be received and filed for reference. Carried. The matter of Scarsella being late in completing the sewer job on Renton St. was referred to the Finance & Claims Committee with City Attorney for report. The St. Supt. reported that it would cost about $75.00 to place lights in Ball Park and about$55.00 to wire rest rooms, according to figures from P. S. P. & L. Co. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the city pay their share toward putting football field in shap$ The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Yes: 5 Nos: 2 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that this work be done under the superivsion of the Supt. of Utilities. Carried. The matter of extending the sewer from 5th Ave & Cedar St. to top of hill. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that- attorney be instructed to contact Engr. Carey on this matter. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Sewer Disposal Plant -3711-12-13 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 14-16 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 5.18- 17 George Boyes F. D. Labor 15.00 is- C. Haleway F. D. Expense 8.75 9 Bill Reans F. D. Labor 12.00 20 Renton News Record Supplies 39.10 1 Vest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 27.54 2 John W. Jboson Expenses 2.25 3 Graybar Electric Material 417.72 4 Union Oil Co. Gas 37.12 5 Standard Oil Co. Gas 1.75 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 74.07 7 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 48.05 8 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 3.09 9 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 48.41 30 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. supplies 11.80 1 --W J. W. Reans Painting at C. H. 17.00 2 ,Haters Supplies 66.16 3 Renton Nevis Record Supplies 27.33 4 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 275.71-3735-8 Callaghan & Co. Law Book 12.00 9 Water P. S. P. & L. Co. Power $199.74-3964 Pay Roll Water Dept. 202.95-3966-70 Clarkes Auto Freight Drayage .80 3958 Hanks 'Welding Labor 15.45 9 Van Waters & Rogers Material 40.94 60 Seattle Water Dept. `Nater 335.34 1 41 dater Graybar Electric Co. Material $808.99-3962 Pgh Equitable Meter Co. Material 65.75 3 Renton News Record Supplies 9.22 5 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. $106.20-267-68 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 1.15-265 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 42.76- 6 Library University Book Store Library Supplies $ 3.61-453 H. W. Nilson Co. " " 1.00 4 Puget Sound News Co. " " 2.32 5 H. R. Huntting Co. " " 26.69 6 Doubleday Doran & Co. " " 38.41 7 Spokesman Regiew Subscription 4.00 8 Geo. Dow Fuel Fuel 5.15 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 5.78 60 Harry Hartmen Lib. Books 4.64 1 City St. Fund Northern Pac. Railway Storage a 32.86-1323 King Co. Rod Dist #2. Material 12.00 4 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 72.50 5 Inter City Auto Fght Drayage .82 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 351.62- 7 Tom Dobsdn & Son Insurance 51.11 8 Pay Roll St. Dept. 251.03-1329-14-18 Pay Roll City Sts. 318.78-1319-1335-40 FWA 450175 MI. Tbschetto Est #2 Sewers $16,436.84-26 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor L. 432 Nov. 2, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 p, m. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, gebenini, Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved after mom courection. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Hebner Bros to partition off store room in McGovern Bldg. making two stores one to be occupied as a floral shop, read. J. C. McKay to enlarge rear porch by six feet and enclose same at 411 Renton St. Mrs. Mabel Cofel to erect three room house on east side of Burnett St. south of lst Ave. Vim. Strain to pave Service Station on Lot 8, Block 1. Car `i orks. Wm. Moran to erect portable building on rear of lot at 415 Wells St. to be used for a garage later. Hallie Rasmussen to erect house on Lot 3, Block 12, R. F. P, Moved by Gebenini seconded by Williams that all petitions be granted. Carried. Jesse C. Young to extend building back about 18 feet at 318 Burnett St. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee, Chief of Fire Dept. and Bldg. Supt. with power to act. Carried. The following petitions having been referred to the Planning Commission, the following recopunendation was received from the Commission: M. R. Flynn to rebuild garage at 530 Wells St. Recommended that same be granted with exact lacation to be approved by Council. W. J. Thompson petition. Granted with location to be approved by Council, and for use only as an accessory building in a residential district and not for commerdial purposes. Petition of Albert Ilay - recommended that it be granted ta if adjoining property owners statement to the effect that he has no objections. Petition of Dr. '"illiams; recommended teat it be grant- ed under the supervision of the CiV Engr. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in and permits issued. Carried. Communication read from the housing Authority asking that sufficient lights be installed from Mill St. to the underpass on Rouser Way. Moved by Williams, seconded by Plano that this ...» with other streets needing adegate lights be referred to the Fire, Light & ';'Dater Committee with power to act. Carried. Citv Engr. recommended that Estimate #1 in the amount r $5990.00 be _:jade to Frank Bishop on his contract for con- struction of Pump House at Liberty Park. #3988 433 Moved by Plano, seconded by Williams that the recommendation of the Engr. be concurred in and estimate allowed. Carried. Lease of ground adjoing Liberty Park for parking purposes read from Transportation Service, Inc. at a monthly rental of $20.00 per month for the duration of the war. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the lease be received and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute same. Carried. Claim for injuries in the amount of $35,000. filed by John Hancock against the City read* Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be turned over to the city attorney. Carried. Agreement read from Grandey Home Builders, Inc. agreeing to turn their new sewer system over to the City of Renton. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that this matter be turned over to the Fire, Light & ,'pater Committee for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Report read from Department of Health on analysis of .penton ;jater showing the same to be clear and conforming tothe T�. S. Standard for drinking water. Attorney reported that a tentative order had been placed with the H. D. Fowler Co. for Aero filter distributors before the expiration date of the priority. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that the city attorney be instructed to draft Ordinance licensing music boxes, etc and regulating closing hours. Carried. - Police & License Committee reporting on the application pf Chas. R. Mason to conduct an amusement center and arcade recommended the denial of the application. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by 1Villiams that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carrie?. Fire Chief Wood made report that the Renton Housing Authority asked for fire protection at the Cedar River Park and had agreed to pay the salary of one firman in the amount of x2750. Moved by Plano seconded by 14illiams that the recommendation of the Fire Chief be conceured in and the - city attorney make final arrangements. Carried. Engr stated that additional equipment andcertain changes were necessary in the contract for pump house at Liberty Park in the amount of $225.00 and recommended that the cange be made. Moved by Plano seconded by Gebenini that the recommenda- tion of the Engr. be concurred in and recommendation carried out. Carried. The question of a fence around the disposal plant was discussed. The matter and type of fence was discussed after which it was loved by Tamborini, seconded by Danielson that the St. S-I.tpt and Engr. prepare a call for bids on a fence. Carried. Mr. Morrison recommended that one contract covering all muncipal power rates be en`ered into with the P. S. P. & L. Co. 434 } rra/a ad ; i The Engr reported that the Pacific Car asked permission to lay storm sewer line from Car Shops gate west to Meadow St, Moved by 3Pamborini seconded by Plano that City Engr. supervise the job. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $289.49-3755-7 Collector Internal Rev Tax 894.15- 8 Pay Roll - Health & Sanitation 325.39-3759-65 Pac. Coast Stamp forks Stamp 3.66 66 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 36.61 7 John W. Dobson Office Assistance 50.00 8 Vincent Stewart Expenses 7.00 9 Van "daters & Rogers, Inc Material 7.73-3770 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 6.18 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Installing transformers 25.75 2 'Plater Pay Roll Labor 108.85-3975-79 Renton News Record Supplies 7.47 80 Pgh Equitable Meter Co. Material 88.99 1 Grinnell Co. Material 37.43 2 Inter City Auto Fright 1.29 3 R. li% Sparling Material 300. 4 Graybar it 6.63 5 Western Construction Co. Labor & Material 79.92 6 Renton Feed Co. Meterial 8.95 7 City St. Fuhdit 1346-54 Pay Roll City Sts. $405.47-/ Pay Roll " " 189.66-1355-9 Roslyn Foundry Material 129.78-1360 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 76.85 1 . Williams & Swanson Material 5.95 2 Library The Macmillan Co. Lib. Supplies 6.71-468 Demeo Library Supplies " .90 9 Park PayRoll Park Dept, 87.04-270-1 State Aid Fund Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. Fire Dept. Exp. 47.04-17 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebe_nini that the reportof the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned City Clerk .LSE .00 Mayor 435 November 16, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y, with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. i Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were allowed: Geo. L. Colwell to reshingle wood shed at 338 Main St. No. M. H. Hall to make an addition of one room to rear of house at 1315 7th Ave. Strainco Service to install drain from sump through curb corner Garden & Bronson Way No. A. L. Johnson to repair foundation of house and add two feet to rear porch end enclose porch, ett. Frank A. Fliggi to raise house and erect basement, erect garage on rear of lot at 416 Whitworth St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that all permits be allowed. Carried. Petition of Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. to improve the foundation of building, Lot 6, Block 20, r"nznm. of Renton re-roofing etc, remodelAng front of building; also brew curb as an approach to loading platform to beconstruxted on north side of building. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that this be referred to the City Property Committee and Building Supt. with power to act. Carried. ._. Petition of Thornton & Smith to break curb, 25 to 30 ft. at 309-311 3rd Ave/ West, lot to be used for parking cars. This petition was referred to the St. Supt for investiga- tion and report to Council at their next meeting. Petition of Vito Poli to erect chicken coop at 734 High St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that same be granted. Carried* Mrs. Ida Taller asks permit to erect clothes closet at 415 Pelly St. On recommendation of Building Supt. , it was moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried* 4. L. Roberts to lengthen garage 15 feet for installa- tion of shop and tools at 105 Main St. North. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that this be re- ferred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Letter of Dick Lay regarding the garage of Mr. Fliggi and stating that he would not protest the erection if it was built less than five feet from his property line. Filed for reference. i Estimate of $465.00 received from Richard L. Greeenfield for re-roofing city hall building and garage with liquid asphalt. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that this matter be turned over to the Building Supt/for report back to the Council. Carried. and City Property Committee 436 Letter read from Frank Bishop asking that the time limit on his contract be suspended until five days after 1v11r. Jannsen furnishes the switches. City Engr. recommended suspension. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Engr. be conccured in and suspension granted. Carried. Communication read from `4ashington Association of Chiefs of Police regarding the investigation and conviction in the State Liquor Store murder. Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the letter be spread on the Minutes. Carried. "12 November 1943. Honorable Members City Council Renton, 1,,11ashington. @tentlemen: It has been requested by the rlashington Association of Chiefs of Police assembled in the mid-winter session at Tacoma, Washington, November 6, to contract you in regards to the splendid investigation conducted by Chief Vince Stewart and his police department in regards to the murder which occurred some three and a half years ago in your city at the State Liquor store. Let me assure you that police departments are cognizant of this investigation and successful conclusion, and we fully realize that untold man-hours including week, months and even years were necessary to complete the final page. Speaking as a chief of police, and as a long-time police officer in this state, it is a privilege to know a man like Chief Stewart and to be a brother officer to this type of police official. We are extremely proud that men like him are training and heading police departments at the present time, especially because of the tremendous crime loads placed upon cities such as yours during the past two or three years. With every desire to cooperate with you in every way possible, we as an .Association extend to you our highest compli- ments for doing such a swell job under these most trying times. Sinverely yours, A. L. Jefferis, Seceetrary-Treasurer." P. S. P. & L. Co. submitted proposal for installing more lights on certain streets. Moved by Danielson seconded by Tamborini that the P. S. P. & L. Co. be authorized to proceed with the work. Carried• Chief of Police Stewart recommended Henry Sims for dog catcher. Ylayor Burrows appointed Henry Sims dog catcher for the City of Renton. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Od1liams that the appointment be confirmed. Carried* Engr. Carey stated that Mr. Sheldon had turned over to him an estimate, but stated that he would not recommend its payment until Mr. Sheldon had completed more work. 437 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Williams that the city attorney and city engneer negotiate for Right of Way on the north side to connect Williams St. North with Logan Street extension. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that Scarsella be allowed $3097. on his contract for sewer on Renton St. plus tax and that a charge of $30.09 be allowed for engineer, postage, ` advertising, etc or a total of $3220. . This/allows the claim(1 of extra work done by the contractor, and waives the penalty �- provision due to failure to complete contract within specified time. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. 11,ayor Burrows, in a few well chojen words complimented Chief Stewart and his department for the Chtef's persistance and determination w�:ich finally led to the solution of the liquorstore case. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $223.97-3793-4 Bill Reans Fire Dept. Labor 12.50 6 United Janitor Supply Co. Supplies 49.59 7 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. " 26. 78 8 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 6.75 9 Pac. Tel & Tel. co. Telephones 53.63-3800 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 1.50 1 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 267.23 2-6 Hooker Electrochemical Chlorine 161. 7 Huker-Ranken, Inc. Supplies 2.88 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 298.65 9 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 27.60 10 Renton Heating & Air Cond. Labor 7.73 1 eater City of Seattle 'slater $ 129.80-3994 R. ',v. Sparling Peter 300.00 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 205.57 6 J. E. Hayes ;'Dater Pipe 87.50 7 Pay Roll Ti1Yater Dept. 134.76-3998-4001 Hersey Mfg. Co. Material 28.94-4002 City St. Fund King County Rd Dist #2 Gravel 16.00-1369 Western Tire Service Labor & Material 12.50 70 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 215.36 1 Art Beils Garage `rater 6.23 2 Gladding,McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 6.75 3 P. S. P. & L. CO. Lights 351.62 4 Pay Roll City Sts. 240.13-1375x82 Pay Roll tf it 351.74-1383-90 Library P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 8.82-471 J. K. Gill Co. Books 43,88 2 H. R. Huntting Co. it 16.13 3 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 110.99-273-74 M. Moschetto Per Contract 121980.56-27 Idoved by Plano, seconded by Williams that the report of the Committee be concurred in and recommendations carried out. Carried. iso further business, meeting adjourned to 230 1943. U i City Clerk Mayor 438 NoverAber 23, 1943. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. IST. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Williams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. This beingthe night for opening bids on cj!^.lo,.ne fence the following was received. Cyclone Fence Co. . . . . . . $ 2992.18 Moved by Plano seconded by u"Tilliams that the bid be awarded the Cyclone Fence Co. subjeetto the approval of �Var 'roduction Board. Carried. of Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the section /Building Code pertaining to garages be amended. Carried. The City Property �ommittee to whom was referred the Cochran petition recommended that the petition be granted. City Pro-erty Committee reported unfavorably on on the estimate of $465.00 for re-roofing the city hall and city garage. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Oilliams that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in am recommendation carried out. Carried. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that we accept the offer of Mr. Bishop, contractor to pave the ramps and place brick retaining wall at no cost to the city subject to the approval of the water Supt. Carried. This work in connection with the wells in Liberty Park. The duties of the City Hall Janitor were referred to the Supt. Morrison for report back to the Council. Meeting; ad j oOrned. Z��(0( ax't4Aa41-)- City Clerk Mayor 439 December 7, 1943. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 3 p. a:7. ivith 1i .yor Burrows presiding. Doll Call: Lawrence, (' ;benini, Williams, Plano, mamborini and Danielson. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: B. J. Richardson to movesmall house from the 700 block High St. to 3rd lot north in same block and add two rooms and bath later. W. P.h fvloline to reroof house and garage with compostion shingles at 204 Park Ave. H. S. Cross to erect garage at 537 Whitworth St. Mrs. Madeline Lenz to re-side house with brick silting at 327 `Yells St. No. J. Martin Jorgensen to re-roof & reside house with composition roof and brick siding at 119 Park Ave. Frank Plesko to reshingehouse frith composition shingles at 329 Mill "Dt. Harry Lankester to remodel dwelling at 406 Williams St. No. .Fred Meade to reshingle house with composition shingles at 315 Morris St. Vim. Moran to add dormer on second floor and finish room for bedroom at 415 Wells St. Tohn Peternell to reshingle house with ceder shingles at 831 Marion St. Mrs. 'Robt. Thomson to change windows in dinning room and kitchen at 128 Garden St, U. Barei to erect fence around Lot 7, 13 and 14, Block 13, Town of Renton. Moved by GeVenini seconded by Plano that all petitions be granted. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Co. to set one pole,, remove one pole and set anchor on Viells St. and State Road #1. Moved by Plano seconded by Williams that same be grafted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from H. H. M-urray of the Redondo Fun Palace regarding license, etc. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that this be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee. Carried. Fngr' s rep&rt read recommending the payment of 43220.00 to A. Scarsella. T"-Iis wax referred back to the engineer. Communication read from Boeing Aircraft Co. relative to necessity of paving 6th Avenue North. Report read from Angus Williams, 11. D. on the cont'on of D. Carpine and stating that he is novo ready and able t�y kind of light work, Letter read from Army Aviation Procurement Division, Boeing Plant on necessity of paving 6th Ave. North. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the necessary steps be taken to get this application in for paving 6th Ave. No, to the Federal r`dorks AgeneIr. Carried. 440 , 1:at Supt. Morrison presented a new type marker for city dtreets. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the matter be referred to the St. & Alley Committee for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. The matter of $10.00 a month extra for= janitor sdrvices was referred to the ',lays & Means Committee for report. Ordinance No* 1187, regulating the parking of automobiles on Bronson Uliay. North - - - :read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1187 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting as followsin Aye: Lawrence, Gebenini, '+yilliams, Plano, Danielson. No: Tamborini. Motion carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gebenini that the matter of posting additional stop signs be referred to the St & Alley Committee, attorney, St. Supt, City Engineer and Chief of Police for report. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Owl Cafe Prisoners meals $104.00-3845 Emmett Sims dog cattier 60.00- 6 Pay roll Engr. Dept. 223.97-3847-8 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 420.80-3849-57-60 Trick & Murray Supplies 9.28-3858 John Lotto, P. ILI. Post Cards 15.00 9 Idest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 44.91 62 Tacoma Auto Freight Dryaage 1.02 3 John W. Dobson Clerical Services 50.00 4 Valley , indoor Cleaners Labor 4.25 5 Kroll Map Co. Maps 2.06 6 C. Bevan Labor & Material 11.08 7 Scientific Supply Co. Material 324.91 8 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 47.83 9 Renton Chmonicle Legal r'ublications / 340.00 70 ;'Tater City of Seattle beater 147.44-4029 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 191.54 30 Pay Roll '°later Dept. 243.78-4020-25 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. Material 13.00 26 City of Seattle `:dater 147.44 29 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 191.54 30 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. 182.55-1402-4 Pay Roll City Sts. 130.14-1405-6-7 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 2.53-1410 Northwest Const. Co. Material 126.07 11 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 69.46- 12 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 39.96- 13 Library Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 35.71-479 News Map of the Week Library Books 21.00 80 Gaylord Bros. " " 11.60 1 Puget Sound News Co. if " 28.54 2 H. R. Huntting Co. " " 2.77 3 C . Bevan rateril - park 5.61-279 441 , F7vA 45-175 Jas. iI Carey Engr. Services x$2,953.84-28 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be -concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ' Cir Clerk Mayor t 6. 442 p�a December 213, 1943. Council met in regular session at 8 1 . IJP. with Louie Gebenini, Mayor Pro mem presiding. Roll Call: J'illi.ams, Plano, Tainborini and XVf-IP_.U_U Danielson. Iinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: I.Irs. Myrtle Atkinson to make an addition of ten feet to house at 111 Factory St. Renton School District No. 403 to erect work shop at east end of High School building. Pars. 1iiary Carolli to reshingle house at 509 ;:ells St. No, Vim. Strain to make partition in storeroom of service station to provide for an office on Lots 7 and 8, Blockm7, Car Vrorks Addition. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Albert A. Fitzgerald to erect garage at 534 Wells St. No. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by , illiam.s that this be held over until next meeting. Carried. More taxi service for Renton :ias discussed. The matter was referred to the Police & License Committee and city attorney to draft Ordinance licensing taxis and present same to the Council next meeting night. Engr. reported that the Renton St. sewer job was complete and satisfactory and recommended the acceptance of same. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by 'williams that the recommendation of the Engr. be concurred in, the job accepted and Scarcella paid "3,097.00 plus 92.91 tax in full payment for said job, payment to be made according to the terms of his original contract. This disallows his claim for additional work and waives the penalty provision of the contract. Carried. The acquisition of the _iindsor Hills sewer was discussed at some length. After discussion it was Moved by Plano seconded by ailliams that we reject the offer of I`lr. Grandey of the ",VJ.ndsor Mills sewer and Ir. Grandey be so notified. Carried. The Engr. suggested that the Council make formal applica- tion to the Federal Government to extend the server cin-- 5th & Cedar and 8th and Renton Sts. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that formal applica- tion be made for -Federal assistance on the sewer project. Carried, ..Lroposecl Ordinance declaring an emergency and appropriat ingthe sum of$16,800. from the 77ater Fund to pay for part of cost of construction and equiping a pumping station in Liberty Park read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution No. 612 fixing the lsti day of Feby for hear- ing on the assessment roll of Dist. 209, Renton St, sewer, read. r,roved by Danielson, seconded by Plano that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. T%ioved by Danielson seconded by Plano that the Utility Supt instruct the janitor to take care of the police department fN °Torlr, in t'ieir ne`! o",* ce. "ar.ried. 443 The matter of certain old buildings here beyond repair and creating a fire hazard were disussed after which it was Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that the matter be referred to the Building Supt and a Committee to bring in a re-_=t. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; Current Pay Roll Disposal Plant $367.16-3882-3-4- 8-7 _Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 322.17 -3921-26 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 239.95-3885-6 Emmett Sims DoE Catcher 34.50 9 Sewage 'works Engr. Subscription 2.00-3890 Service Ldry Ldry 3.75- 1 Cochran Paint & Hdw Co. Supplies 11.07 2 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 7.21 3 Bill Reans F. D. Labor 12.50 4 Instrument Laboratory Supplies 4.00 5 Stoneway ,rock Co. lillateria1 1.80 6 Dale & I'IcLendon Supplies 6.08 7 Reid & Cook It 1.29 8 Alden See, Secy F. D. Services 624.00-3900 Clarke Bros Yotor Supplies 3.46 1 Custer Hdw Co. " 56.24 2 Pac. Car & Fdry Material 66.25 3 E. E. Burrows Salaru 125.00 4 F. E. Lawrence, et a1 Salaries ( 7 men) 210.00-3905-3911 Trick & !Murray Supplies 60.43-3912 Osbornes Photo Shop „ Police 3.09 3 City St. Fund U. S. Treasurer Material & Sup 34.31-1423 Puy Roll City 7'ts. 64.92-1424-27 Pay Roll It 555.61-1428-37 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 352.62-1428 `.'tater Fund Graybar Material 7.06-4034 H. G. ;7hite Bulldozer 111.24- 5 Olympic Foundi "? t e r i L 1 4.12 40 Hugh G. Purcell Material 81.58 1 Pay ,,&I1 Water Dept. 155.48-4042-45 Moved by Plano seconded by Williams that the report of the Committee be concurred in and bills paid. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned to December 28th at 8 P. I% City Clerk Mayor 444 Q. December 28, 1943. Adjourned meeting of the City Council. No quorum, meeting adjourned.to Friday December 31, 1943 at 1 P. M. City Clerk December 31, 1943. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 1 p. m. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Gebenini, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. Ordinance No. 1188, an emergency ordinance, appropriating the sum of $16,800, from the water fund to pay for part of cost of construction and equiping a pumping station in Liberty Park, which was introduced and read December 21, then referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1188, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Gebenini, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk _ yC/ Mayor 445 January 4, 1944. Council met in regular session at 8 P. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, "+illiams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. r, inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following . petitions,, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Albert A. Fitzgerald to erect garage at 534 ?Tells St. No. C. J. Anderson to replace gutters on house at 526 :`cells St. Lulu Graves to make two bedrooms into an apartment at 203 Meadow St. Frank L. Lawrence to enlarge garage at 420 lain St. No, Stanley Hovland to hang sign on building occupied by insurance Company at 313 '11 ells St. Mrs. Harold Evans to erect tool shed & fuel bin at 320 3rd Ave. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that all petitions be granted. Carried. The following bids for 1944 chlorine were read: Pennsylvania. Salt Ilfg. Co. ( 4¢ per r#, ton containers Hooker Electrochemical Co.19V per #, c-finders � Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the contract be awarded the Penn. Salt Mfg. Co. for the year 1944. Carried. Police Chief recommended that four lights be installed at 'Whitworth &: Shattuck on 6th Ave. Ioved by Plano seconded by Tgmbcrini that the reconm.enda- tion of the Police Chief be carried out and lights installed under the supervision of the Police Chief by the P. S. P. L L. Co. Carried. , ,rngr., Carey reported on the sewer job and also on the 2nd Ave. sewer. Disposal plant coming along slowly; grading and distributors major items uncompleted. The street problems at 4th & Morris St. referred to the City Engr. St. Uupt and St & Alley Committee for investigation and report. Ordinance No. 1189 licensing and regulating taxicabs at y�30.00 per year read and oh motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, Ordinance No. 1190 '` " fixing the license fee of pin ball machines at $20.00 per month read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 1191 licensing the operation of coin operated phonographs, nickelodians at an annual license fee of $24.00 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinanee Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Nos. 1189, 1190 and 1191 whereupon Ordinance No. 1189 was placed upon its second and tiird readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Gebenini, 4illiams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. Ordinance No. 1190 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Gebenini, °iilliams, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. Ordinance No. 1191 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting otro! T,n�arro-n,,n V_,Ohonini 744 1-14 a.nc, 'D, ?r'n, 'T' 'I,OY' 2^il. "rpan; elson. 446 ' The question of water meters as per Ordinance passed two years ago was brought up by the ater Supt, Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the matter be referred to the Fire, Light & :`later Committee for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. The matter of extending the city limits was discussed. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that the matter be referred to the Council as a whole for investigation. Carried. The finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel $52.70-3927 Assn of '"flash. Cities Services 100.00 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 131.23 9 Union Oil Co. Gas 80.50 30 Trick & Ilurray Supplies 3.81 1 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 223.97-3932-33 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 54.50 34 Valley "window Cleaners Labor 1.50 5 Howard Cooper Corp. -F. D. Iaterial 368.53 6 Pay Roll -Health & Sanitation 452.02-3937-42 Sanderson Safety Supply F. D. Material 105.36 43 Water P. S. P. & L. Co. Power X179:41-4046 - Grant Mfg. Co. Material 100.00 7 Rensselaer Valve Co. if 33.65 8 Van ',`caters & Rogers, Inc. " 42.07 9 R. '4. Sparling " 480.0-0 50 Pay Roll ,`pater Dept. 142.96-4051-54 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power .90-4055 City St. Fund P. L3. P. & L. Co. Lights $352.62-1438 Preservative Paint Co. Supplies 10.56 9 Chas. R. .' atts Iliaterial 19 .31 40 Pay Roll City `its. 89.39-1441-4 Pay Roll " " 520.62-1445-1450-51 Clarke Bros. lJotor Co. Supplies .85-1452 Park P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights y 5.33-282 Library A. Y,,. Marquis Co. Lib. Supplies 4.50-494 Mate Aid fund Tom Dobson oL ion F. D. Ins. $194.06-38 Moved by Plano, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. '1 — ' City Clerk ayor 447 Jany. 18, 1944. Council met in regular session at 8 p. m. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Tamborini.Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini,, Plano, Danielson and Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. -WIN. were read: lowin The fo � g petitions, approved by the Building Supt. Mrs . T. J. Leathley to put gutters on house at 411 1st Ave. No. John Levar to erect a 3 ft. picket fence at 538 Burnett St. Joe Fillon to erect garage at 533 ?,'dells St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that all petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Go. to set two poles in the alley in rear of Renton Fire Station and set one pole on the northwest corner of Shattuck & Tillicum Ave and removal of one pole on the Sid corner of Shattuck & Dixie Ave. Moved bat Plano seconded by Tamborini that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Request from Aeronautical Industrial District to enlarge Union building in Mothers Park and also strike out clause which states "said building shall become and be the property of the City upon the termination of this leasee" read. The City Property Committee was given more time before making report and recommendation. Request from Boeing Plant for Mothers Park for Victory gardens for next summer. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Danielson that the matter be placed in the hands of the City Property Committee for report. Carried. This beinE the night for opening bids on 1944 gasoline the following were read: Union Oil Company 15.5 per gal. Standard Oil Co 15.5 " " Richfield Oil Co 15.5 " " Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that the business be divided among the three companies turning in bids. Carried. Bids for bity printing for year 1944 having been advertised the following was read: Renton Chronicle - - 33 1/3¢ per colum inch double column notices - 66 2/3¢ per column inch second and subsequent publications, no charge. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the contract for printing city legals be given to the `penton Chronicle. Carried. Report Lead from Ingr. recommending the payment to Frank Bishop on his contract in the followinamount: Additional work on pump house 264.14 Less credits 191.50 Bal 72.64 871.85. Estimate due at this time, including $72.64 Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the work of Frank Bishop, upon recommendation of the City Engr. be accepted and estimate paid at this time. Carried. Communication read from M. 116sehetto asking for exten- sion of time on his contract to March 15, 1944, read. "OVed by Tlano, ieconcled by Danielson that the question be referred to the Mgr of Utilities to report back next meeting night. Carried. 448 Contract for municipal water pumping power read from P. J. P. & L. Co. for a five year term. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the contracts be referred to the Fire, Light & :later Committee and Utility Mgro for report back to the Council. Carried. Resignation of C. S. v4 lliams, As Councilman, second ward on account of taking a position on the Police force read. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the resignation be accepted. Carried. Report read from Renton Fire Department for the year 1943. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that the report be received and filed and the Fire Chief and Department commend- ed for their good workthe past year. Carried* The question of placing meters on city residences was referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee for investigation and report. St. & Alley Committee reporting on the condition of streets at 4th & Morris stated that the matter had been turned over to the St. Supt. to work out with contractor, Moschetto. City Atty reported that after a conference with Mr.Carey that Ms. Sheldon had practically completed the sewer disposal plant except the installation of the filter equipment and recommended that under the provisions of Sec. 30 of the special conditions contained in said contract the city notify the contractor that the city would proceed with the completion of the jobif the same was not undertaken within ten days frn7n. the date of the notice and deduct the cost thereof from any balances due the contractor. Moved by Danielson, seconded by Tamborini that the recomm da on be onet�rred in and instructions carried out. Cd. ie mance U ommittee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. -3968-9 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation -3970-74 Trick & Murray Supplies 54.80-3976 Emment Sims Dog Catcher 25.50-3975 Yvestern Tire Service Material 71.12 6 P. S. P. &L. Co. Lights 148.26 8 Pae. Tel. & Tel. Co. Tephones 67.31 9 Steam Supply & Rubber Supplies 1.68 80 Bancroft 9+hitney Law Books 10.56 1 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Supplies 3.16 2 Van Waters a Rogers " 43.65 3 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 84.36 4 Gladding,MeBean & Co. Material 4.83 5 Hooker-Electro Chlorine 80.00 6 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 96.63 7 Lumber Mkt Material 37.52 8 State Treasurer F. D. Dues 48.00 9 Water Pay Roll 'eater Dept. 262.30-4065-70 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 106.96- 71I R. N. Sparling Material 260.00 2 Graybar " 38.38 3 City of Seattle `dater 315.18 4 City St. Fund Pay Roll City St. Fund 79.70-1458-61 Pay Roll " it 368.46-1462-69 N. ` . Construction Co. Gravel 167.27 70 Lumber rvlkt Lumber 98.88 1 Richfield Oil Corp. Gas 152.25 2 Western Tire Service Material 44.27 3 Tom Dobson & Son Licenses 3.00 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 5 Art Beils Garage Material 12.99 6 449 Athletic Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. . Lights 2.00 -7A Lumber Mkt Material 29.70 ? Park Fund Lumber Mkt Material 7.37-284 Library Fund Doubleday,Doran & Co. Lib. Books 5.33-496 "-` International Univ Press " " 2.80 7 J. K. Gill Co. " " 2.19 8 American Lib. Assn " " 2.00 9 Macmillan Co. " " 26.24 500 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 9.22 1 Hertzberg Wash. Bindery Library Books 104.51 2 Sewer Fund - 45-175 Ad. Moschetto Estimate X11,801.99-29 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 450 s. p. Feb. 1, 1944. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Danielson and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: L.O.D.Vedova to move two houses from Airport to Lot 3, Block 2, and one to Lot 5, Block 2, Renton Real Estate Addition and remodel both houses. Ernesto Barei to put new roof on building on Lot 1, Blk 14, Town of Renton (formerly Henry McKnight store) this buildng to be torn down and a new building constructed after the war. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Danielson that the petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Nannie Evans to erect a duplex on Shattuck St. read. The Bldg. Supt. pointed out certain phases of the plan for the construction of duplex which were contrary to city ordinance whereupon it was Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that same be placed in the hands of the Building Supt and Fire, Light & +ater Committee with power to act. Carried. Frank L. Wilson to add a bedroom 12 x 18 to house at 234 Pelly St. There being some objection to this addition the petition was held over. ti Request read from Carco Athletic Club, Chas Camerini, Secy. for use of the Renton Athletic Field for the coming base- ball season this club to work together with the Renton Boeing Athletic Club regarding the use of the field. Moved by Gebenini, seconded by Lawrence that this be referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Report read from Mr. Morrison, Supt. Utilities, regarding street resurfacing and sewer contract time-extension with the contractor stated that further negotiations were impossible with the contractor and settlement was impossible and asked that he be relieved of any further attempt at settlement and the matter be referred to the St & Alley,Committee for action. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred to the St & Alley Committee and the contractor re- quired to continue under the terms of the contract. Carried. The Supt. Utilities reported that he had negotiated a settlement with the Hospital plumbing contractor whereby he agrees to pay to the city a sum of $250.00, in cash, for resurfacing that portion of 4th Ave. between Shattuck and ldhitworth Sts which the contractor used in laying a 6 inch watermain. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Danielson that we accept the recommendation of the Supt. Utilities and the $250.00 to be used by the city in resurfacing the streets. Carried. Communication read from Oliver M. Hazen, Supt. of ... Schools on the condition of streets adjacent to High School left by the contractor on the sewer project. Communication receired and filed for future reference. Mrs. SNinona Smyth complains of the condition of Marion St. This matter was turned over to the St. Supt. for action. 451 Request from Mrs. John Thos­nn of the Child Welfare for space in the City Hall to conduct ' the Child 17elfare program. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that this matter be placed in the hands of the City Property Committee for report back to Council. Carried. Communication read from Federal Works Agency for pro- posed preliminary application street paving, 6th Ave. No and stating that same has been disapproved. ._ Request read from Dept of Highways for adoption of Resolution covering the maintenance of Sixth Ave. No. after same has been black-topped by the Highway Dept. No action taken. The City Property reporting on the Victory Gardens proposed by Mr. +wing of the Boeing Plant recommended that no change be made at this time. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Danielson that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. More time was given the City Property Committee on the Lease of the Union Hall Building in Mothers Park. The Fire, Light & Water Committee was granted more time on the contract of P. S. P. & L. Co. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Danielson that the Mayor send wires to our Representatives and Congressmen on the 2nd Ave. application for widening 2nd Ave. Carried* Letter read from Atty. Ramsdell for B. H. Sheldon, Con- tractor stating that Mr. Sheldon had withdrawn from the project, Sewer Disposal Plant and has turned the same over to the city with certain expeptions set out. -" City Attorney stated that registered letters regarding the Sheldon contract had been sent to the following: B. H. Sheldon, Eisenhouwer, Hunter & Ramsdell, Attys. General Casualty Co. of Americana and F. H. Godfrey advising them that the job was not completed, etc. The City Clerk notified the Council that no wtitten protests had been received against the .Assessment Roll, for sewer on Renton St. Ordinance No. 1192 approving and confirming the assess4ient and assessment roll Dist. 209 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1192 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Gebenini, Danielson and Tamborini. The question of electric controls on our pumps was referred to the Supt. Utilities and the Fire, Light & Vater Committee. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: -- Current Kroll Map Co. Supplies .77-4018 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. " 11.43- 19 Good-Will Industry Rags 4.37 20 Service Ldry Ldry 2.96 21 Sanderson Safety Supply F. D. Supplies 17.85 2 United Janitor Supply Co. Supplies 17.30 3 Graybar Electric Sewer Material 301.67 4 Scientific Supplies Supplies 3.40 5 Van :relaters & Rogers, Inc. Material 22.15 6 H. D. Fowler Co. Sewer Material 72.10 7 Pac. Tel & Tel Co. Telephones 60.70 8 452 r frt.� Current Standard-Johnson Co. Supplies $ 3.08-4029 Emmett Sims Dog Catcher 36.00 30 John Guiliana Labor 4.64 1 Renton Realty Co. Ins. 30,90 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies ' 5.89 3 Tom Dobson & Son F. D. Ins 176.00 4 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 48.41 5 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 367.53-4036-40 .i.. Water Addressograph Supplies 1.15-4081 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 52.78 , 2 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 29.95 3 Pay Roll '°pater Dept. 321.92-4084-90 City St. Dept. R. Coates Labor on tools 12.00-1482 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 40.19-1483 Pay Roll City Sts. 204.12-1484-86 Pay Roll " 2 270.37-1487-93 Library Mathewson Fuel Co. Fuel 46.94-509 L.I.D.#209 A. Scarcella Sewer- Renton St. 1956.96-2 (In full) Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned, i i City Clerk Mayor 453 February 7, 1944. 454 ' ye February 15, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Uouncil was called to order at 8 P. m. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Plano, Danielson and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Albert M. Baker to erect a picket fence around lot at 505 Ihitworth St. A. A. Anderson to tear down old house and rebuild at 839 Marion St. on account of fire. Moved by Plano seconded by Gebenini that permits be granted. Carried. Ray Elliott to erect a brick fence in rear of lot at 214 Burnett St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication read from Boeing Aircraft Company asking that the city lease a tract in lZothers Park to them to be used for a Victory Garden Project. City Property Committee stated that this property has been leased for garden purposes. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the peport of the Committee be received and the city clerk authorized to communicate with Mr. +ging of the Beoing Plant advising him of their action. Carried. Communication read from Mr. Evans, District Engr. F'KA enclosing forms for application covering the paving of Sixth Avenue from Logan to Park St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that this be refdrred to the Supt. Utilities and City Engineer to work out. Carried. Contract and bond ( copy) received from Dept. of Highways for construction of a portion of access city street to Boeing Plant in Renton, Sixth Avenue North This was ordered filed for reference. Communication read from M. Moschetto, Contractor on Renton Sewer System. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the duet of Utilities. Carried. The Mayor presented his answer to the State Liquor Board relative to change in location of the Barei Tavern fvom the Temme Building to the Henry McKnight Building. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that this be referr6d to the Council as a whole with power to act. Carried. The Building Supt. reporting on the application of Mrs. Nannie Evans to erect a duplex stated that certain changes had been made in the plans and recommended the granting of the application. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that the report of the Building Supt. be accepted and petition granted. Carried. 455 The City Property Committee reported on the request of the Carco Athletic Club and the Renton Boeing Athletic Club stating that the Clubs may have the use of the Athletic Field but no funds are av&ilable to put the field in shape. The request was left in the hands 6f the Committee for report at a later date. The City Property Committee were given more time before reporting on the request of the Chip OVelfare request for room in the City Hall Building. Fire Chief :Wood stated that they had purchased a large tree for the Fire Station Property at a cost of $75.00. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report be accepted and the tree± paid in the amount of $75.00. Carried. Fire, Light & 'Nater Committee reported fai7orably on the P. S. P. & L. Co. five year contracts and recommended that same be executed. Moved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in provided they meet any competitive rates established in the future, excepting a higher rate and the properW officials execute the contract. Carried. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: Lawrence; aye Gebenini no Plano aye Danielson no Tamborini aye Motion carried. Fire, Light & ;'dater Committee recommended the purchase �- of an autmoatic control for water system. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion be concurred in and control purchased. Carried. 'Water erupt recommended the purchase of a pipe detector. Moved by Dardelson seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the Fire, Light & :dater Committee for investigation and retort. Carried. The Mayor stated that nominations were in order for Councilman, Second 1, ard, the vacancy caused by the resignation of C. S. 's'illiams. Councilman Plano nominated E. L. Alexander as a candidate. Councilman Tamborini nominated George Pasco as a candidate. Moved and seconded that the nmminations be closed. Carried. A roll call vote being taken on the candidates resulted as follows: Lawrence: Alexander Gebenini: Alexander Plano: Alexander Danielson: Pasco Tamborini: Pasco. E. L. Alexander was elected Councilman, Second `:yard, to fill the vacancy of C. S. Williams until the spring election in 1945. The City Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Alexander. Resolution No. 613 for the improvement of pDDtions of the highland Addition b- sanitary sewer was read. Moved by Lawrence,seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. 456 The city Attorney recommended that distributors for the Disposal Plant be ordered. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that the recommendation of the city attorney be concurred in and distributors purchased. Carried. The question of eliminating the admission tax on service men was discussed. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the City Attorney for report. Carried. Fire Chief Wood brought up for discussion the question of trains requiring too much timeto clear through the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Lawrence that we communicate with the railroad companies asking their co-opera- tion in this matter. Carried. Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. $324.52-4068-70 Pay Roll Disposal Plant 387.47-4071-75 Scientif Supplies Co. Supplies 4.17-4076 Kroll Map Co. supplies 16.48 7 , Kuker-Ranken Inc. supplies 12.90 8 United Janitor Supplies " 11.74 9 Pennsylvania Salt Chlorine 334.00-4080 Clarke Bros Motor Co. Material 4.84 1 Renton Hdw & Furn Co. Supplies 3.35 2 Howard Cooper Corp. Supplies 4.82 3 Reid & Cook Supplies 35.64 4 Renton Plumbing & Heating Supplies 35.26 5 Harry Johansen Labor- disposal plant 8.00 6 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 27.50 7 C. Bevan Supplies 2.68 8 Van � aters & Rogers, Inc. Supplies 26.68 9 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 10.80-4090 IP-irk & Murray Supplies 1.43 1 Renton New`Record Printing 21.02 2 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 1.50 4 ,, estern Union Telegrams 3.38 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Material & Labor 10.00 6 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 381.13-4098-02 P. S. P. 6c L. Co. Lights Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 46.10-4104 Vlater Hanks 'ftielding Material 10.36-4098 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 77.06 9 Seattle ;rater Dept. l',ater 122.40-4100 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 1 Cyclone Fence Division Material 26.23 2 Hersey Mfg. Co. Material 10.11 3 Pay Roll Water Dept. 171.41-4105-7 i City Street Fund J Standard Oil Co. Gas 77.50-1498 Wash. Asphalt Co. Material 86.17 9 Clarke Bros Motor Co. Supplies 5.16-1500 dhas R. Watts & Co. Material 11.59 1 Roslyn Foundry Material 233.25 2 Williams & Swanson Supplies 27.05 3 a` Pay Roll City Sts. 300.3201506-12 Pay Roll City Sts. 317.25-1513-18 P. So P. &L. Co. Lights -1519 FWA 45-175 M. Moschetto8 Estimate $9,844.49-30 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the committee be ecncurred in. Carried. No further ,a ness appearing, meet' ad *ad ' �]`rnedo 1 �'r lA/fi/Lv P�1)f 7'(y i..w• wf�.0/ 1 7TV /iT'u" 457 March 7, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M, by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Danielson and Ta_-mborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The followingpetitions, all p , approved by the Building Supt. low-- were read: A. King to englarge garage about 20 feet at 107 Williams St. M. R. ;'talker to make addition of 24 x 38 ft. to west side of old Evans residence corner 3rd & Shattuck St. K. Carneski to move garage onto own lot 7 Block 4, Sartorisville. Ben Lindgren to tear down shed and correct roof lines of house at 406 5th Ave. No. M. D. Rutledge to make addition to Service Laundry 14 x 24 on Lot 1, Block 16, Town. Alice A. Davis to reside house with brick siding at 536 Morris St, Anne O'Brien to erect fence along south and west side of Lot #5 Wells St. Umberto Barei to erect fireproof building 40 x 50 on Lots 1 and 2, Block 14, Town. J. H. Lawrence to reshingle house at 301 Pelly St. Alice Panzica to erect cement and brick wall around rear and sides of Lot at 110 'Williams St. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that all petitions be granted. Carried. Umberto Barei to remodel and repair building formerly occupied by Villiams & McKnight and make an entrance on `'Tells St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted with the understanding that this does not involve the granting of any transfer of liquor license. Carried. Petition for erection of 30 shelter garages on Lots 19 2 and 3, Block 12, Car Works read from Mrs. Mary Peterson. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that permit .rejected for the reason does not conform to the zoning ordinance. Motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes - 5 Noes - 1 Motion carried. Petition read from P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove four poles on Tobin St and set three p6les on. Tobin and set one pole on 6th Ave and Smithers St. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborin that petition be granted. Carried. Request read from U S 0 for use of baseball field three afternoons a week for Boys Club activities. This was filed for future reference. Renton Kiwanis Club, by F. E. Brightman, in behalf of the Carco Athletic Club of the Pacific Car & Foundry Co. asked that the babeball field at Liberty Park be put in condition for use this season. Filed for future refernece. Communication read from A. R. Macfarlane, Director ,oar Production Training asking that the Council set aside the park property lying between their building, 601 Bronson Vuay north and the Ball Park for exclusive use for parking purposes of the ,'gar Production School and loading and unloading of supplies. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the City Property Committee and the Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. 458 a Communication read from M. Moschetto, contractor on Renton Sewer Systema 'The communication was ordered filed. - The matter of making inter-connection tetween the municipal water system and the water system of the Northwest Water Company was brought up and after discussion, it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the matter be turned over to the Council as a whole for attention. Carried. Letter read from M. Moscheeto requesting an extension of time for the completion of the Renton Sewer System. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that this be turned over to the consulting engineer for recommendation and report back to the Council. Carried. Communication read from Jas. 'id. Carey relative to large boiler installed at disposal plant and recommending that a larger flu opening be installed to accomodate the burnt gases. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the Supt of Utilities make arrangements to have a larger flu installed and work on same begin immediately. garried. Report read from Health Officer, Dixon, on the improvement of Highland Addition by sewers, and filed for reference. The City Property Committeeat reported that they had r asked the assistance of the Park Board on the matter of getting the Athletic Field in shape for games this season and reported favorably on the matter stating that the field would be available to all civic groups. Resolution No. 614 for the maintenance by the City of Renton of access street to Boeing Plant - 6th Ave. No. after same has been improved by the State Highway Department read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the Resolu- tion be adopted as read. Carried. Certificate read in connection with the improvement of 6th Ave. No. certifying that there is no additional right of way required. R Moved by Gebenini seconded by Lawrence that the proper officials execute the Certificate and forward to the Highway Department. Carried. The matter of City of Renton eliminating the city tax of 2¢ per ticket on service mens tickets was discussed and then re- ferred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. The Mayor stated that arrangements had been made with the Child Welfare Committee to meet once- a month in the City Hall Building, the available room being the one occupied by Civilian Defense. Mr. iVing of the Boeing Plant made request for a five acre plot in Mothers Park for victory gardens. This matter was left in the hands of the City 2roperty Committee with power to act. The Fire, Light & '.`tater Committee recommended the purchase of a pipe detector. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report be received and the Supt of Utilities make the purchase. the Motion being put to a vote resulted as follower: ayes - four noes - two Motion carried. 459 The matter of improving Second Avenue from Logan St. to Rainier Avenue by black-top was discussed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this matter be referred to the St & Alley Committee, '-lays & Means St. Supt and City Engineer for report. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the improvement of Houser Way be included also and referred to the above committee. Carried. The matter of location of taverns in the City of Renton and limiting the number by Resolution was referred to the Police & License Corr .ttee for investigation and report back to Council. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Service Laundry Ldry 4.22-4106 John , Dobson Expenses 50.00 7 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 16.64 8 Williams & McKnight Supplies F. D. 111.71 9 Williams & McKnight Supplies 12.13 10 Reid & Cook " 92.94 1 Pacific Coast Stamp r''dks " 10.45 2 Van '.'.'esters & Rogers " 26.03 3 Williams & McKnight " 35.57 4 Fire Dept. Pay roll 220.30-4134-35 Pay Roll TT _ ' ,b & Sanitation 547.85-4144-53-54 Pay.Roll S6wer`)Disposal 387,57-4136-40 PaV Roll Engr. Dept. 296.55-4141-43 Pac.RTel & Tel. Co. Telephones 102.15-4155 Williams & Swenson Material 50.21 6 Reid & Cook Supplies 191.52 7 Renton auto Supply Co. Supplies .77 8 Reid & Cook " F. D. 7.31 9 Kuker Rankenj Inc. Map 17.17 60 Potlatch Yards, Inc . Supplies 1.39 1 Pac. Coast Stamp `4orks " 10.45 S Addressograph Sales " 1.15 3 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 53.30 a Renton Realty Co. Insurance 47.25 5 Trick & Murray Supplies 65.92 6 Emmett Sims Dog Catcher 21.00 7 Valley `i'dind6w Cleaners Labor 1.55 8 'Penn Salt Mfg. Chlorine 280. 9 Scientific Supplies Supplies 164.80 70 Standard Oil Ca. Gas 80.52 1 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 118.50 2 'luhitw River Lumber Co. Supplies 51.69 3 Water Frank Bishop Contract - Pump house ? 2940.79-4108 7,1illiams & McKnight Supplies 6.95 9 Reid & Cook Material 45.74 10 Graybar Electric Material 3.63 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 231. 43 2 L Pay Roll 'dater Dept. 175.54-4119-22 Reud & Cook Supplies 24.16-4123 Seattle `."dater Dept. :'dater 31.68 4 City St. Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 355.98-1519 Northwest Construction Material 119.20 20 Union Oil Co. Gas 42.71 21 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 3.25 2 Pay Roll City Sts. 83.50-1526-29 Williams & Swanson Material 23.70 30 Pay Roll City Sts. 234.68-1531-34 ,,iestern Tire Service Material 13.67 35 Standard Oil Co. Gas 77.50 36 Reid & Cook Supplies 6.95 7 460 Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. d No further business, meeting adjourn , city clerk Mayor 461 March 21, ,1944 Regular meeting of the City Council wcs called to order at 8 P. M, by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano and Tamborini. 1inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: Dominic Carpine to erect fence around property on Lake St. Mary Gossett to raise house, make new foundation at 4091 Pelly St. Howard Tachell to repair roof and remodel house at 526 Mill St. Mrs. F. J. Turney to temodel and put roof over back porch, Lot 1, Block 23, R. F. P. J. C. Kirkman to rebuild garage at 1207 3rd Ave. Malcolm McKenzie to put brick siding on house at 325 Pelly St. Proved by Tamborini seconded by Lawrence that all petitions be granted. Carried. Mrs. Frank O'Hara to erect fence around sides of lot at 115 'Williams St. Poved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the Bldg. Supt. Carried. F. I. Tonkin to remodel house making four apartments on Lot 20, Block 1, Smithers 5th Addn. This petition was re- ferred to the Planning Commission. Steve Chesnik to erect duplex 20x40 on Lot 12, Block S. R. F. P. corner 5th & Park read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that this be denied for the reason that it does not conform to the building code. Carried. Petition read from Mary C. Peterson to change lots 1, 2, 3, Block 12 Car viorks Addition on 4th Ave. North to commercial to permit the erection of shelter garages for Car ':forks employees. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that City Attorney notify Mrs. Peterson the necessary steps to be taken to make the change to commercial. Carried. Application read from Pac. Tel & Tel. Co to set one pole on west side of Smithers-Morris Sts. alley to provide telephone service for a new customer. Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Jesse C. Young, Commander Frank R. Vaise Post to sronsor a carnival on the Tone]_i Dairy Farm on hY .f of the Post Var Rehabilitation Fund for World War II Veterans. Moved by Plano seepnded by Tamborini that the application be granted. Carried. Seattle P I Boys asks for use ,of Ball field one afternoon each month for practices. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. 462 C41,q�7 Communication read from Oliver M. Hazen, Supt. Renton School Dist #403 asking the cooperation of the Mayor & City Council tin their application to the Federal .`corks Agency for some Lanham Funds with which to conduct a recreational program for the benefit of boys and girls. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the Mayor and City Council cooperate with this program. Carried. Letter read from -ashington State Liquor Control Board disapproving the application of U. Barei for a change of location , to 901 3rd Ave. Filed for reference. Application read from U. Barei from 'AVashington State Liquor Control Board for change of license from 924 3rd Ave to 302 Wells St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the change of location be granted and the State Liquor Board notified. harried. Communication read from Health Officer Dixon relative to sewers in Highland Addition and urging the necessity of such a . project. Also letter from Boeing Aircraft Co. relative to sewer in the same district for the health and safety of certain war workers living in that vicinity read. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the Health Officer, Supt of Utilities and City Engr. Carried. Letter read from Frank Martin on condition of sewer � at the Cabin City Camp read and referred to the Health Officer, Supt of Utilities and Engr for investigation and report. Carried. Request read from A. R. Macfarlane, Director 'lar Production Training for lease of street for parking their cars on Garden St. south of and adjoirning Branson ',iay Porth extending south a distance of 135 ft. The City Property Committee recommended that this street be leased to the War Production Training for parking purposes. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the reeonmenda- tion of the committee be concurred in and attorney draft the lease. Carried. Bill in the amount of $1381.24 received from B. H. Sheldon for additional work on sewer contract. Moved by Alexander seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the city attorney for report back. Carried Estimates, read from Frank Bishop and Harry Johanson for relocation of grinder at disposal plant read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that the matter be referred to the Engr and Supt of Utilities to prepare plans and specifications and the city call for bids on same. Carried. V 'stimete in the amount of :„6,655.35 for construction " of sewers, 45-175 read and referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Petition for water and sewer read from property owners in Renton Real -state Addition. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that petition be held over. Carried. Resolution No. 6160 for the execution of leases with U. S. Army for leasing portion in j i_hPrty Park and. also -)ortion in Mothers Park occupied by the Army , 4 Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that the Restalution be adopted as read and the Mayor & City Clerk execute the leases with the Army. Carried. 463 Communication received from Engr. Carey concerning request of M. Moscheeto for extension of time. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the city attorney for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that a former motion regarding contract with P. S. 13. & L. Co be rescinded. Fire, Light & ('Tater Committee recommended that the city enter into a five year contract with P. S. P. & L. Co. covering all stations. Moved by Alexander seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes, 4. Hoes, 1. Motion carried. The City Property Committee reported favorably on request of Boeings for Victory Garden plot in Pothers Park. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the report be received and city attorney instructed to draft lease covering same. Carried. Suptoof Utilities recommended that some new equipment be purchased for the Main St. Pump. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that the Supt be authorized to make the purchase. Carried. The Council to whom was referred the matter of making inter-connection between the municipal water system and system of the Northwest Nater Company recommended such connection# and instructed the city attorney to draft agreement between City and Northwest ''Tater Company. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that the plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer on the inter-connection between the municipal water and the ?northwest Tater Company be approved and the city call for bids for such connection. Carried. Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that Venetian blinds be installed in the Police Department. Carried. The engineer recommended that Tillicum Avenue be opened up from Shattuck to Logan St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that the matter be referred to the Engr. to make contaat with property owners and secure the necessary property for widening this street. Carried. Supt of Utilities reporting on paving of Second .Ave. stated that the School Board had requested that the Mayor appoint a committee from the Council to meet with the School Board regard- ing assessment of this improvement. The Mayor appointed the St w 1'�lley Committee. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay went the following: Cu�rt7.88-4206ent Railway Express Agency Fre g Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 15.98 7 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 292.70-4208-11 Renton Heating & Air Con. Labor 1. 29 12 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. Supplies .77 3 Johns-Manville Sales Corp. Supplies 13.44 4 United Janitor Supply Co. Sup. for Police Dept. 14.16 5 United Janitor Supply Co. Sup. for Fire Dept . 21 .89 6 464 tl�'G Current Pay roll Sewer Disposal 21. 53-4217 P . S. P. & L. CO. Power 168. 58 8 Stoneway D ock Co. Supplies 10. 30 9 Stoneway Dock Co . If 79.68 20 P ac. Tel . & Tel. Co . Telephones 75. 79 1 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 51.46 2 Osbornes Photo Shop Police Exp. 1. 29 3 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.10 4 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. $432.96-4135-40 Hank' s Welding Labor & Supplies 13. 39 1 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. Supplies 35.89 2 1,1arckmann & Williams Supplies 39. 36 3 Grinnell Company Supplies 5.82 4 Stoneway Dock Co . if - 5. 79 5 P . S. P. & L. CO. Power 113. 26 6 P. S. P. & L. . CO. New Pump Sta. 241. 32 7 City St. Fund Pay Roll Cita Sts. $ 236.04-1543-46 Pay Roll City Sts. 201.14-1547-51 Preservative Paint Co. Yellow Paint 6.64 2 Olympic Foundry Supplies 24.72 3 Northwwst Construction Co. % Supplies 89. 20 4 Charles R. Watts & Co. Supplies 50. 21 5 P . S. P. & L. CO. Power 352.72 6 f Library Gaylord Bros. , Inc. Library Supplies $28. 70-524 Puget Sound News Co . Books 28.08 5 Demco Library Supplies Supplies 5. 30 6 Doululeday & Doran & Co. Inc. Books 1. 33 7 Brendel Drub; Co. Magazines 107. 38 8 P . S. P. & L. CO. Lights 6.94 9 I Park Pay Roll Park $110.99-2.93-4 Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Letter from Engr. Carey recommending that M. I'oschetto be paid an additional $2.50 per foot on 1160 feet. Moved ,by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be allowed. Carried. No further business, meetin ; edjourned. City Clerk /l Mayor 465 April 4, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M, with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Tamborini and Danielson. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read; P. S. P. & L. Co. to remodel office by changing pattition and making new offices by partitioning large room in the vioods Bldg. , Es6ella E. Monohon to erect fence across rear and one side of two lots at 532 Pelly St. Mrs. C . H. Perry to erect fence around lot at 505 Morris St Tom Dobson, Jr. to repair garage and replace doors on same at Lot 15, Block 13, Town in rear of liquor store on Main St. H. Winecker to erect garage at 28 Burnett St, Betty Jane Anderson to add new asbestos siding and new composition roof at 409 Mill St. Mrs . Leo O'Brien to erect latticifence at 428 Shattuck St. ?,'loved by Tamborini seconded by Lawrence that eUpetitions be granted. Carried. Petition of Louis P. Sutter to make addition of one room to house at 1412 8th Ave. Nerved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that this be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. Stanley Rutkowski to erect a wire fence around property at 108 Factory St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the supervision of the city engr. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Co. to erect picket fence 7 ft. high on old R/tier' of Puget mound portion of Block 9, for parking and storing six trucks read. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Alexander that this be turned over to the St & Alley Committee for investigation and report back to Council. Carried. R. L. Edwards to erect a sign (temporary) on Lot 5, Block 6, Renton Real ''state Addition advertising homes in Windsor Hills read. Moved by ffebenini seconded by Danielson that same be granted. Carried. Rev. Baker of the Nazarene Church asks permission to erect new church building at 407 3rd Ave . No. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that this be re- ferred to the Planning Commission to report back to the Council. Carried, The City Planning Commission to whom was referred the walker Mortuary reported unfavorably on same. After consider- able discussion it was moved by Alexander seconded by Danielson that we ask for more details and reasons why the same was denied. Carried. Attorney Philbrick representing Mr. -:'Ialker aslmdthe Council and Planning Commission to review the petition of his client and reconsider the action of the $ming Committee. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that we ask the Planning Commission to arrange a special meeting as soon as possible to review tie the Walker request. Carried. 466 Attorney Dobson reported that he had contacted Mrs. Peterson notifying her the steps necessary-to be taken to have Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 12, Car • orks included in the commercial zone. City Attorney reported that Lease had been prepared for ':'var Production Training School for ground adjoining their building on Bronson Way North for parking their cars. Moved by Alexander seconded by Plano that this ground be leased at a rental of $20,00 per year and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute the Lease. Carried, Citi* Attorney reported that the bill of B. H. Sheldon in the amount of 31381.24 for additional work done on sewer contract was o. k. with the exception that deduction should r be made for the manholes furnished by the city. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that the recommenda- tion of the city attorney be concurred in and bill paid. Carried. The question of extension of time asked by gds. Moschetto and which was referred to the City Attorney for recommendation was discussed. Mr. Dobon 'stated that he did notbelieve the facts as stated in his application for an extension warranted any extension of time and referred to Paragraph 25, under special conditions as set out in the Contract: "Any question of difference or controversies which may arise between the Owner and the contract- or with reference to the performance of the work * '_' * * delays or penalties * * * * shall be referred to the engineer whose decision shall be final and conclusive on both parties." Moved by Alexander seconded by Tamborini that no extension of time be granted as requested. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes: five. Noes: one. Motilin carried. The Planning Commission reported favorably on the applic- ation for remodelling the Tonkin Home on V'ihitworth St. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Danielson that the recommenda- tion of the Planning Committee be accepted and permit issued. Carried. Communication read from Dept. of Health regarding Renton water supply and filed for reference. Communication read from Federal Security Agency, U. S. ublic Health Service on improvements made in the system recommended sometime ago. Filed. Notice of meeting of American 'Nater tiIorks Assn to be held in Olympia, relay 12th. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexanderthat Mr. It":orrison represent the city at this meeting. Carried. Notice of meeting of Association of ,`iashington Cities to be held in Chehalis May 22 and 23 read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the Mayor appoint delegates to attend.the meeting. Carried. New application for building a duplex on Lot 12, Block 8, R.F.P. read from Steve Chesnik stating that he owns two lots. After discussion and information that Iver. Chesnik only wished to build on one lot it was Moved by Alexander seconded by Gebenini that the petition be denied until he complies with the code. Carried. 467 Relocation of grinder at disposal plant was discussed. moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the motion calling for bids for relocation of grinder at the sewer disposal plant be rescinded. Carried. It was agreed that no changes be made at this time in the relocation of grinder but it was IYZoved by Alexander seconded by Plano that Supt. Morrison ... be authorized to install temporary bar screens at disposal plant under the supervision of the consulting engineer. Carried. Moved by Danielson seconded by Gebenini that the matter of widening and improving 2nd Ave. from Logan to the west city limits be referred to the city engr. for investigation and reoort back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Plano seconded by Gebenini that a temporary oil job on 2nd ,ve. be left in the hands of the Supt of Utilities and City Engr to work out and that a local improvement district be created. Carried. . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the oiling of Houser Way be left in the hands of the Utilities Mgr and the City Engr. Carried. Ordinance No. 1193 creating a city planning commission read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1193 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present viting alre: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Danielson and Tamborini. Transfer of license from Frank J. Tonkin to P:,'.C.Buckley and 'v'i. R. Hall was requested. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the :Mate be notified that we approve of the transfer. Carried. The Mayor r r>orted that the State Lint.ior Board had asked ;that the 'appruval of the transfer of the license of U'. Barei, to �( .302 '+fells St. which transfer was approved on a temporary basis be made more definite by placing a definition on the word "temporYA-" That the "Temporary" be construed as meaning for the durations-7& - h1oved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that "temporary" mean for the duration., , Carried. Mr. Thos Dobson, Jr. of the menton Housing Authority asked the Council to consider leasirg?0 acres in Mothers Park to the Federal Housing for the purpose of erecting dormitories these to revert to the city later on. Mvloved by Tamborini, seconded by Tamborini that the council consider the proposition and a preliminary survey be made. The Engr. was instructed to make investigation and submit a preliminary report on cost of putting water on Dixie Ave. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Health & Sanitation $308.97-4254-60 Galvin hilfg. Corp. Radio Supplies 237.30 61 Rental Mchry Co. Supplies 14.75 2 Seattle Radio supply Supplies 1.89 3 Art Burnside & Co. " 1.23 4 Eagle Signal Corp. " 119. 5 Tran "'aters w T'orers, Tne. " 96.69 6 "eaters " 7.52 7 Standrad Oil Co. Gas 77.50 8 Valley Vindow Cleaners Labor 9.05 9 Joe Venishniek F. D. Labor 30.00 70 Owl Cafe109:,00 468 The Lumber 11kt Material -4272 Potlatch Yds, Inc. Pint 2.78- 3 tater Pay Roll +ater Dept. 448.50-4154-60 Steam supply & Rubber Co. Supplies 6.80 61 Hanks Welding Labor 3.86 2 H. D. Fowler Co. Supplies 203.71 3 H. D. Fowler Co. " 175.10 4 Pgh Equitable Meter Co. " 95.67 5 'Marckman & Williams Material 2.58 6 City St. Fund Pay Roll City Sts. $185.98-1560-2 Pay Roll City Sts. 247.23-1563-66 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 29.95 7 Tom Dobson & Son if 37.86 8 Standard Oil. Co. Gas 77.50 9 R. Coates Labor 5.25 70 Park Pay Roll Park Dept. 115.78-295.96 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in and bills allowed. Carried City Atty. reported that after a conference with Supt. Utilities and Mr. DelGuzzo of the Northwerrt ':'later Co, it was agreed that the plan of interconnection be changed so that the connection between the 1Northwest Mater Co and the City of Renton be located on the property over which the city ha@ control and it was decided that the work should be contracted }nor by the Northwest '.later Co the City of Renton to pay one-half the cost thereof, the city' s part not to exceed $1000. City Atty. recommended that the change in plan be approved and the matter of handling the work as outlin- ed be followed and that the city enter into a contract with the Northwest Gam,-irany accordi_naly. droved by Plan'Secbftded by Alexander that the amended plans and specifications be approved and that the city enter into a contract with the Northwest '.'later Co whereby the Northwest :'later Co undertake the work installing interconnentinn , the city's shares not to exceed $1000, and that the former motion be rescinded whereby the city was to call for bids. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned to Tuesday, Apr1 11 at. 8 p. m. Mayor City Cle k 469 April 11, 1944.. Adjourned meeting of the City Council i%,as called to order at 8 P. 11% by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Tamborini & Lawrence. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: J. T. Felson to remodel business place at 116 Park Ave. for book store and phsio-therapy office, Lot 4, Block 3, R. F. P. James White ' to erect temporary fence at 316 Pelly St. to enclose garden. Robt. Lowery, Sr. to repair house & add room to west side of house, reshingle with cedar shingles and reside at 327 Beacon Blvd. J. M. Austin to tear out partition in Temme Bldg. between drug store and store occupied by Barei, putting in n5esary supports also install fountain and accessories. Mrs. Agnes Stirling to put brick siding on house at 435 Pelly St. Ernesto Barei to tear down old building in rear of Barei Bldg. corner Wells and Walla '''alla. Len Leathley to tear down old shed attached to house add a bedroom and bath, repair foundation and general repair work : t 215 2nd Ave. No. Robt. L. Edwards to erect sign on parking lot, Lot 17, Block 22, Town Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that all petitions be granted subject to posting of bond by Barei for tearing down old building. Carried. Transfer of license from Chris Dimitri to Forrest E. Nunn & Susie Evans at 219 11,1ain St. was read. This was referred to the Police & License Committee for report. The question of leasing about 10 acres in P;:others Park to the U. S. for dormitories was read. This was discussed pro and con after which the following motion was made. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that we lease this property to the U. S. at $1.00 per year subject to opinion of the city attorney. Carried. . Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the zoning map be turned over to the Law & Ordinance Committee to report.back to the Council. Carried. The Mayor appointed the following as members of the Advisory & Planning Committee: Arnold Lanich term expires &.Ii1945 Joe Baxter, Jr. " ?I " 2.1 1945 Alec Pelot " " " 2., 1946 Mary Higdon " a, 1946 Oliver Hazen " " " Z., 1947 Bill Cowan " " " a., 1947 Ethel Wolski " " " a,., 1948 -- Ed Ed Stokes " " " a.., 1948 Alden See " " " :3-1 1949 11ax Clarke " " " ' 1949 John Swanson & Th6s Dobson', Jr� 9-, 1950 Moved by Lawrencq, seconded by Plano that the appoint- ments be confirmed. Carried. No further business , metting adjourned. v City Clerk Mayor 470 `MSM �M April 189 1944. The City Council met in regular session at 8 P. I,% with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Gebenini, Alexander, and Plano. Minutes of the last meetings read and approved. Building The following petitions, approved by the., uildin� S upt. were read: R. D. Petermeyer to erect picket fence between his property at 9-17 Rill St. nd the Fire Station also repair front porch, renew eavestrough, read. Joe V;ood to reside house with 10" siding on Lot 4, Block 2, Motor Line Addition. Moved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that permits be issued. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove pole on the corner of Tillicum and Lake ;=its and, set five poles on Tillicum, also set two anchors one the corner of Tillicum and Lake St and the other on Lake St. , read. This was arproved by the St. Supt. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that same be granted . Carried. General Petroleum Co. asks permission to erect a sign on parking strip at 620 Bronson Way. Ilio. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Danielson that same be referred to the St & alley Committee and the BuildingSupt. with power to act. Carried. Leon Treat to move house from Rainier & 3rd Ave. to Lot 15, Block 5, Smithers 5th Add. remodel and add one room at 525 71hitworth St. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that same be laid on the table until investigation is made. Carried. Petitions read from citizens outside the limits of the City of Renton asking the necessary steps to be taken to be annexed to the City of Renton. Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that these be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Communication read from James 0. ,ling of the Boeing Aircraft Co. advising the city that they are unable to make use of the five acres in Yothers Park for garden purposes. This ,,!as received and filed for reference . Request read from Harry Steele, LIgr. Renton Highlands for use of a certain tract in Mothers Park for garden purposes. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that this be turned over to the City Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. Supt of Utilities submitted for the consideration of the Council the following projects: The construction of 236 feet of 6" sewer on Shattuck St south of 4th Ave. To construct and install 475 feet of 8" storm sewer on 4th Ave between -the alley East of 'Whitworth St to the 12" trunk on Shattuck St. Moved by Plano seconded by Danielson that this be r6ferred to the City Property -Committee, the 01ays & Means Committee, St. Supt and City Engr. Carried. The Supt of Utilities recommended the purchase of a new truck to replace the garbage truck, the old truck to be used for a street flusher. Moved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the Supt get the necessary priorities for the purchase of the truck. Carried* 471 r Copy of. Letter read from Supervisor License Division on change of license location from 824 Third Ave. to 302 !dells St. of the Harei Tavern. Filed for reference. Transfer of License from Chris Dimitri to Forrest E. Nunn and Susie Evans, 219 pain St. was approved by the Police & License Committee. Moved by Plano seconded by Danielson that the recommenda- tion of the Police & License Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication and report on ,talker application for occupancy read from the Planning Commission recommending that same be not grantedt and setting out their reasons in full for their action. Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that same be r6ceived and filed for reference. Carried. Request read from :lanning Commission that written notice of any action of the Council which should come before the Commission be in writing. This was received and instructions trdll be carried out. The-Engr and Fire Chief spoke of additional fire protection necessary on certain streets. Moved by Plano seconded by Danielson that the matter be referred to the Fire, Light & .nater, Fire Chief and City Engr. for investigation and recommendation. Carried. The question of additional fire hydrants on Whitworth Lane was discussed. 1:oved by Danielson seconded by Alexander that the same be referred to the Yire, Light L 'dater Committee, Fire Chief and Utilities Manager to report back next meeting night. Carried. Chief of Police reported that-a Stop & Go Signal for Logan Sti has been received. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Danielson that the Chief be authorized to have same installed: Carried. The question of securing the necessary Right of ':`day to extend First 'we . North was discussed. Moved by Lawrbnce seconded by Danielson that the matter be referred to the ':'days & Means Committee and City Engr for investigation and make report back to Council at an early date. Carried. Ordinance No. 1194 for a one hour parking on certain 'ts . in forth Renton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1194 whereupon it i,;as placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander and Plano. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current A. Malcom, -'olice Expense 4.75-5330 Tom Dobson`& Son Insurance 5.00 1 Reid & Cook Supplies 8.19 2 Cochran Paint & Hdw " 3.09 3 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation 307.58-4334-38 Jean Green Radio Receiver 20.00 39 Jim Ashurt F. D. Labor 15.00 40 �11ayne Armstrong F. D. " 10.00 1 Renton News Recordi Supplies & Printing 147.95 2 John Vd. Dobson Attys Expense 50.00 3 472 `,,Vater C. Bevan Supplies $ 5.74-4176 Marckman & 7illiams it 6.55 7 Seattle Water Dept. 'Y+ater 32.04 8 Pgh Equitable Meter Supplies 128.13 9 Sparling " 18.37 80 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 128.83 1 Grinnell Co. " 82.08 2 Pac. Car & Foundry it 9.01 3 Addressograpph Supplies 1.57 4 Custer Hdw co. " 9.21 5 Renton Feed Co. " 4.53 6 Renton Hdw & 2urn " 26.32 7 Reid & Cook " 60.22 8 Pay Roll dater Dept. 307.78-4189-94 Renton New Record Printing 17.62-4195 City St. Fund P. S. P. & L. Co. Labor & Material 51.50-1579 Art Beils Garage it it 9.08 80 ivashington Asphalt Co. Material 80.34 1 ,Villiams & Swanson " 29.43 2 King County Road Dist 72 " 1.00 3 Northwest Construction. " 55.62 4 Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 31.60 5 CochranPaint & Hdw " 2.90 6 Reid & Cook " 6.39 7 Pay Roll City Sts. 145.32-1588-91 Pay Roll St. Dept, 257.03-1592-95 Library John VV. Graham Co. Library Books $19.08-536 Puget Sound News Co. " " 5.63 7 The Steck Co. " " 3.77 8 The McMillan Co. " " 74.52 9 A. C. McClurg & Co. " " 60.39 40 Park Custer Hdw Co. Supplies 1.44-299 Renton Feed Co. " 3.85 300 Pay Roll Park Dept. 106.20-301-2 Cochran Paint & Hdw Supplies 3.62-303 FWA 45-175 M. Moscnetto Estimate on Sewer Job $3,265.55-35 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Danielson that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. 47 ILI/11/1KI-4 A A4) City Clerk Mayor 473 May 2, 1944. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Mi. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Danielson and Tamborini. n 11inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: 1,Vayne Armstrong to replace fence at 505 Burnett St. Jean B. 'Wilson to erect a 32 ft. fence along rear "nd south sides of lot at 234 Pelly St. Elsie Gilmore to repair foundation of store at Cabin City, 3rd Ave. West, 448 Tobin St. T. H. Nilliams to enlarge garage for two cars at Pete Agnesani to erect 32 ft. picket fence around three sides of house at 329 Telly St. John Parker to make basement at 116 Meadow St. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that all petitions be granted. Carried. Don Sebelist to erect a picket fence, 3 ft. high around three sides of property at 523 Grady ',"lay read. Ivirs. ft. Gieldseth to erect a three foot -picket fence against side walk at '521 Grady ay. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that these be investigated before issuing permit. Carried. Claim for damages received from Harold Sorenson, Richard Lee and Robert Krug for damages sustained in car going into the river at the terminus of 6th Ave. N. totalling the sum of $1500.00. Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that these be turned over to the city attorney. Carried. Summons and Complaint in the case of Gertrude Campbell, Executrix of the estate of Charles R. Campbell, deceased vs City of Renton for payment of warrants outstanding in L. I. D. 7y75 received. Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that this be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. Communication read from Dept. of Health approving water interconnection between City of Renton and Northwest hater Co. Filed for reference. Communication read from Dept. of Health relative to relocation of comminutor at Renton Sewage Disposal Plant and filed for reference. Estimate in the amount of 30¢ per sq. yard for nsphalt Co. labor and material in black-topping Second Ave. -Nest recd- from Washington/ This was received and filed for reference. Communication read from L. R. Durkee, relative to sewer system and ordered filed. Lease read P U. S Govt from City of Renton covering leasing Mothers Park for erection of dorm&tories for defense workers at an annual rental of $151, per year. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that the lease be referred to the city attorney for further investigation. Carried. Communication read from Consulting Engr. Carey granting an extension of time to contractor, M. Moschatto to April 15th, 1944. Filed for reference. 474 , Recommendation read from Planning Commission, Mary Higdon, Secy regarding the application from Rev. Baker to erect a church building on the corner of Park Avenue and 3rd Ave . No. providing the building be of fireproof construc- tion and set back about eight feet from the property line on Park and two feet from the south line of the lot. Moved by Alexander seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be concurred in provided the plans be filed with the city. Carried. The Mayor named the following as delegates to the 'Washington Cities C- nvention to be held in Chehalis May 22 and 23d: Councilman Danielson and CityClerk, xgnes Edwards. Application for license to sponsor- a rodeo and carnival in Liberty Park, July 283, 29 and 30th read from Renton Lions Club. Moved by Alexander seconded by Tamborini that same be granted subject to the approval of terms and conditions of license. Carried. The question of certain property not connected with the sewer was discussed. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the Supt of Utilities make an investigation and order all houses connected with the city sewage system. Carried. The finance committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Harry Johanson Services 15.00--4344 Art�tur T. Taylor Services 27.44-- 5 Pa17' Roll Sewer Disposal 396. 33-4346-50 Pay Roll Engineer 182. 29-4351-2 Steve Tamborini Expenses 11 . 33-4374 Barnes Seed & Floral Co . F. D. Supplies 4.64 5 United Janitor Supply Co . Janitor Supplies 11 .49 6 P . S. P. & L. Co. Power 160.49 7 Pacific Tel . & Tel . Co . Telephones 78. 50 8 Williams & Swanson Police Supplies 6.13 9 Van Waters & Rogers Inc . Supplies 2.6. 68 80 Trick & Nurray Supplies 15.91 1 Progressive Loan Co . Police Supplies 32. 96 2 Trimm Fuel Co . F. D. Fuel 48. 56 3 Scientific Supplies Co . Supplies 46.95 4 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 1 . 50 5 The Lumber 11kt. Lumber 40. 75 6 Pay Roll Health & Sanitation324.99-4387-92 Daily Journal of Commerce Adv. for bids 23.10 3 The Lumber h1kt. Lumber 5. 21 4 State Treasurer F. D. Expense 2.00 5 Renton Hdw. �r ,Furn. Supplies 2.6.88 6 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Co . F. D. Supplies 3.71 7 Harper VcGee Police Supplies 9.01 8 Sues Cafe Prisoners heals 6.96 9 Renton Chronicle Printing 154. 26-4400 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 35.00 1 Owl Cafe Prisoners 1.1eals 70.00 2 Renton P. 0 . F. D. Expense 12. 51 4 James E. Pullis F. D. 129. 31 5 Water P. S. P. & L. Co . Power 253. 60-420 .2. Frank E. Rhodes Garage Supplies . 77 3 Rensselaer Valve Co. Supplies 404.89 4 Pittsburgh Equitable Teter Supplies 17. 28 5 Hugh G. Purcell Co . Supplies 61 .18 6 Pay Roll Water Dept. 381 .97-4207-13 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Supplies 12.88 4 475 v'Jater Renton Chronicle Printing 125. 25-4215 Renton Chronicle Printing 42. 37 6 Osborne' s Photo Shop Pictures 10. 50 7 City St . P . S. P. & L. Co . Power 359.47-1599 Williams & Swanson Supplies - 22.. 21-1600 Charles R. Watts & Co. Supplies 7. 73 1 Standard Oil Co. Gas & Oil £ 1 . 73 2 Charles R. Watts & Co . Supplies 3. 61 3 The Lumber 14kt . Supplies 4. 59 4 Pay Roll City Sts. 218.67-1605-12. Pay Roll St. Dept. 164.66-1613-17 Reiaton Hdw. & Turn. Co. Supplies 19. 69 8 Library Pay Roll Library 260.39-541-44 P . S. P. & L. Co. Lights 6.82 5 Park Pay Roll Park 10 . 2.0-304-5 P. S. P. L. Co. Lights 13.30 6 Athletic Field Pay Roll Athletic Field 65.12-69-61 Leo King Labor 15.00 2 Lumber P,6kt. Supplies 34. 64 3 Renton Hdw. & Turn. Co. Supplies 13.93 4 Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that the report of the Finance Comirittee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor I �I c 476 , �c May 16, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Ni. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Danielson and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Adolph Romiti to raise garage and put concrete foundation under it, reroof with composition roofing at 433 Cedar St, Angeline Delaurenti to reside house with insulstone siding at 525 14orris "t. Steve )alker, Jr. to erect wire fence around three sides of lot at 447 Morris St. Dominic Aliment to replace steps, front & rear porches at 531 Williams St. Elmer Pollock to tear down old garage and erect new one at 210 4th Ave. No. John Gigli to reshingle part of house at 1007 4th Ave. John McKean to repair foundation of house and erdct garage on Lot 11, Block 2, - R. e'. P. Pac. Tel & Tel. Co to make an addition to telphone building 9x12, fireproof on Lots 1,1 and 15, :dock 25, Town of Renton. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Gebenini that all petitions be granted. Carried. J. E. Piles to move building 16x20 on to wrest portion of Lot 1, Block 2, R. F. P. for ice storage and retail sales read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and report back to Council. Carried. Aernautical Mechanics Union to move in school building 26x40, add hall and roof 10x24 to connect to existing building and remodel inside present building, Mothers Park property, read. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and report. Carried. Pacific Coast R. R. Co. to erect dorimitory and commissary on Pacific Coast property at east end of lalla ';galla Ave. read. Yloved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that this be granted upon recommendation of the Building Supt. Carried, P. S. P. & L. Co. to set one pole on 6th Ave and Shattuck St. IVloved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that petition be granted. Carried. Pine Line Agreement read from Pacific Coast R. R. Co. to City of Renton permitting the City of Renton to lay and maintain a 6 inch cast iron pipe water main across right of vaay of Pac. Coast. 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that same be executed by the 11ayor & City Clerk upon recommendation of the city engineer. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Co, submitted contract for the street lights coverong a five year period.and Resolution 618 cover'n g,gnam waread. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by LawrencVthR 'coatt ea opted& executed subject to the approval of the city engineer. Carried. Grant Offer in the amount of $141800. received from U. S. Federal ;' Agency for the widening, etc. of 2nd Ave. from Bronenn "flay to Burnett St. Also "Vage Rate Schedule. 477 1-'owed by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that we accept the offer 6f the Federal Governmento and also ' adppt the wage scale as submitted. Carried. City Attorney reported favorably on leasing portion of brothers Park to Federal Housing Authority for dormitories for the duration of the war. Resolution NTo. 617 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute lease between the City of Renton as Lessor and the ... Federal Public Housing Authority as Lessee, covering a portion of Iti,Iothers Park read. Moved by Alexander seconded by Danielson that same be adopted as read. Carried. Bill in the amount of X1000. presented by Tony Del Guzzo for interconnection of water systems, asper contract read. I�Ioved by Alexander seconded by Tamborini that bill be allowed. Carried. Request from Fred Sacchetti read asking that Talbott be annexed to the City of Renton. This was referred to the City Planning Commission. Transformer Rental Contract for 3 transformers at Main St. Water Pump received from P. S. P. & L. Co. This was executed. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Lawrence that the City "ttorney write the northern Pacific Railroad Co. relative to their crossing at Walla 'alla Ave and Burnett St, Carried. Loved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that the connecting of the Barei property to city sewer be referred to the City Attorney, City L'ngr. and Supt. Utilities for investiga- tion. Carried. Chief Ovrood suggested that some arrangements be made to collect garbage more often from the local stores and a charge be made for the service. This matter was referred to the _gays and Iveans Committee for report. The Fire Chief was appointed as a member of the Clean-up Committee to meet with other committees at Tonkins, May 19th. = Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that the matter of the Rodeo to be held in Liberty Park be referred to the City Attorney and the Council as a whole. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Chehalis Chamber of Comm. Housing Committee 1.5.00-4406 Renton Store #25 St . Liquor Board. 6.42 7 Payroll Disposal Plant 369.45-4408-12 Payroll Engineer 225.06-4413-14-48 Payroll Fire Dept. _ 428. 40-4434-37 f Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind . Ins. 128. 74 8 E. T. Sims Dog Catcher 13. 50 9 Engineering Nears-Record Subscription 10.00 41 Western Union Telegrams 4. 30 2 Waters Repairing Stapler 2.03 3 C . Hal eway- Keys 2.00 4 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Supplies for D. P. 22.15 6 Preservative Paint Co. Paint 9 .47 7 Stonew?y Dock Co . Supplies 9. 67 9 Garlock Packing Co. Supplies 7. 68 50 478 Current Cont. Kuker-Rznken, Inc. Supplies 1. 76-4451 J. E. Morrison, Expenses 23.00 2 Radio Television & Appliance Co. Radio Supplies .90 3 John Dobson Office Asst. 50.00 4 Service Laundry F. D. Laundry 2. 59 5 Reid & Cook Labor. & Repairs 16.74 6 Clarke Bros . Motor Co . F. D. Supplies 1 .12 7 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Co . F. D. Supplies 1 . 78 8 Custer Hdw. Co. P. D. Supplies 5. 35 9 P. S. P . & L. Co . Labor 10.30 60 Reid & Cook Supplies 17.80 1 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. Supplies 1 .40 N Payroll Health & Sanitation 424. 46-4464-73 Water Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind . Ins. $ 17. 73-4224 Wash. St. Tax Comm. Tax 213.85 5 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 135.03 6 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. Supplies 34. 76 7 Seattle ?dater Department Water 31. 48 8 Pittsburgh Equitable meter Co . Supplies 7. 60 9 Marckm2nn & Williams Supplies 21.01 30 Payroll Water 453.05-4232-39 City Sts . Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind . Ins. 7.08-1622 Reid & Cook Labor & Supplies 11 . 54 3 "Nestern Tire Service Labor & Supplies 30.95 4 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. Paint 1. 21 5 H. G. White Gravel 16. 22 7 Payroll St . Fund. 268.00-1628-34 Pay'Roll City Sts. 128.94 5 Library Dent. of Labor & Ind.. Ind.. Ins. $ . 67-546 Custer Hdw. Co. Supplies .82 7 Renton News Record Supplies 15.92 8 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lights 6:34 9 Park Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind . Ins. 2.75-307 Payroll Park 115. 78-308-9 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. Supplies 3.76 10 Reid & Cook Supplies 1. 24 1 1;7oved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjour ed. City Clerk 1:a-Yor 479 June 6, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to or,-ter at 8 p. m. with IMIlayor Burrows presiding. - Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Tanielson and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and arproved. The following petitions, all approved by the B1dg. ,Supt. were read: Arthur King to tear down old garage and rebuild same at 107 Williams St. Tv . L. Hollister to erect storeroom 6 x12 on north side of house at 314 Factory St. .'Vm. E, Courtney to erect brick fence 3 ft. high across rear of lot at 216 Burnett St. F. A. Fliggi to reside house & garage with brick siding at 416 Whitworth Wit. .z. Dravland to replace sills undergarage and reroof with composition shingles at 521 'wells St. H. G. Mead to erect sign for Renton Heating Co at 232 'VIilliams St. Peter Dullahant to reside house with brick siding at 147 Park Ave. t.'. R. Olson to erect lattic fence across rear of lot at 802 TY.arion St. George Vesey to tear down old shed and build storage shed attaching same to house at 429 Aiorris St. Mike Cooper to rebuild fence along one side and rear of lot at 208 main St. No. Al2rs. Nancy Sandahl to erect picket fence to enclose rear of lot at 450 ,,'yells St. No. �-- - :"Irs . H. Evans to erect a two car garage on Shattuck St. between 2nd & 3rd Ave. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that all permits be issued. Carried. Snook & Byers ask permission to tear°down Priebe Bldg. (blacksmith shop) on 3rd Ave. Moved by Plano seconded by Gebenini that this be granted when tie necessary bond is posted. Carried. F. J. Read to erect three small room house on rear of lot 6, also store building material on Lot 7, Block 16, R.F.P. The Bldg. Supt. reported that under the building code this could not be granted. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that the recommendation of the Bldg. Supt. be concurred in and permit denied. Carried. - eetitionnof Mrs. Ralph Jump to operate a beauty parlor in her home at 504 'elly Wit. read. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that this be denied and petitioners notified to ap-ply to have same placed in a commercial zone . Carried. Appllbl\�ation of the City of Seattle to replace one pole on the easttslde of Cedar St. being the lst south of 3rd Ave. Stub one pole ( for" durati'on only) on he east side of Cedar St. bein the 3rd soutlr 6f .3R Ave. Also stub one pole ( for duration only on the NE corner 0:r Morris St. and the Seattle ='ipe Line Hight of '.day. 11oved by Lawrence seconded by 1Plano that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt. . Carried. 480 , �c Petition read from property owners on south side of 3rd Ave . 4est for annexation to the City of Renton. The same was turned over to the Planning Committee. Communication read from Fred Hanock Post No. 19 stating that plans had been made to hold a celebration on the 4th of July and also asking permission to sponsor a carnival in the park, and also ask that the city waive the license fee. This was referred to the Police L License Committee. The Committee rerorted favorably on seine provided the Park Commissioners are favorable. Moved by Tamborini seconded by 'Lawrence that the report be concurred in. Carried. LL Lease between the City of Renton and A. R. McFarlan, Trustee of the '-,,'ar Production Board for a ,tract of land in Liberty Park for parking purposes read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the Mayor & City Clerk execute the lease at a rental charge of 420.00 per year. Carried. C'ommurication read from Federal '.forks ency relative to 2nd Ave. improvement and stating that. same hale been approved and asking the city to call for bids. Renewal of lease form read from office for Emergency Management (War Ration Board) for lease. of two rooms in City Hall at a rental of $50.00 per month read. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Alexander that the Payor City Clerk execute the lease. Carried. Communication read from Headquarters Yorthern Security District relative to inspection of the -Renton '.eater Department with certain recommendations. Filed for reference. Communication read from Lake '_'bore Lines , Inc. asking permission to install asphalt paving in the park strip between side line and the curb on Bronson ''lay Porth in front of the Bus Dept. This was referred to the St. w Alley Committee. Request read from T:att Tw:alaspina for an extension of time on Unlit #1, Renton 'Trunk Sewer. Resolution No. 619 granting the extension of time read. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tariborini that sa:~Le be adopted as read. Carried. Report read from Supt Utilities relative to electrolysis on the large watermains in the Talbott vicinity and referred to the Fire, Li,7ht & `:Vater Committee. Letter read from City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council employ someone to work on the annexation project to work 'in conjunction with the Council and City Manning Commission. Tom Dobson, Jr. and Clifford Hoof, attorney for the housing Project and spoke briefly on the annexation question. Summons & Complaint in the case of John Hancock vs City of Renton in the amoup.t of '9"35,000. was read and referred to the city attorney. T.'-owed by Plano seconded by Alexander that the plans and specifications for 2nd Ave. improvement as submitted by the city engineer be approved and the city call for bids. Carried. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that Joshua Vogel be hired to zork up descriptions for annexation of surrounding territory to Renton and preliminary work in an amount not to exceed $250.00. Carried. �- J 481 The question of all day parking in Liberty Park was discussed. The matter was referred to the Chief of Police, Law & Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to work out. City rroperty Cormnittee reported favorably on the Aernautical Mechanics petition to move in building at Mothers Park. �+ioved by Alexander seconded by Gebenini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in and petition granted. Carried. Mayor stated that the F:',A had contacted him concerning the management of the hospital being built 7by- the 7"7'A in the; C ty of rrvl! -'Renton and had requested that the city take action aGfieoeft+ng the management thereof. After discussion it was moved by Alexander - seconded by Plano that the City Council of the City of Renton go on record as approving the K Cou4ty Medical , Service Corporation as operators of the hospiMing constructed here. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Vince Stewart N.P. Ry. Co . Supplies v 1 . 37-4474 Chehalis Chamber of Comm. Housing Committee 7.95 5 -Emmon Beil Police Labor 29. 67 6 Payroll Engineer 245.03-77-78 Payroll Fire Dept. 428. 40-98-4501 Payroll Disposal Plant 383. 51-02-06 Pac. Tel . & Tel . Co . Telephone 70. 25 7 Pac . Car & Fdry Co . Su;)plies 7. 31 8 Jones Auto Parts Supplies 17. 68 9 Scientific Supplies Co. Supplies 8.14 10 Kuker, Ranken, Inc. Supplies 26. 58 1 Carl Matti.son Paint & Labor 3.09 2 Pennsylvania. Salt 1.1fg. Co . Supplies 80.00 3 Ed Cross Repair Work-Police 1 . 24 4 Payroll Health & Sanitation 406.93-15-20 Osborne' s Photo Shop P. D. Supplies 48. 57 1 Water P. S. P, & L. Co. Repairs Distributor System$69. 72--4240 Northwest Water Co. Interconnection 1000.00 1 Van Water & Rogers Inc. Supplies 71 .80 48 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. Supplies 18. 62 9 Williams & Swanson Garage Supplies 19. 67 50 Payroll Water 514. 66-51-59 City Sts. Charles R. Watts & Co. Traffic Signs 31 . 21--1639 Nashington Asphalt Co. St. Supplies 80. 34 40 Nat 1 cTgilian Traffic Lines 219. 78 1 R. Coates Blacksmith 9.00 2 Union Oil Co . Gasoline 80. 44 3 Payroll City Sts . 306.94-44-52. Payroll City Sts. 185. 32-53-55 Library Payroll Library $268.19-550-53 The Caxton Printers, Ltd . Books 17.02 4 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 1 . 52 5 A. C. T;[cClurg & Co. Books 30. 55 6 Harry Hartman Books 3.86 7 Park Payroll Park $110 .99-31P-1 3 Irloved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. ANo further business, meetingadjtined to June 13th at 8 P. m. 0 City Clerk I-ayor 482 , June 20, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 p. m. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano and Tamborini. 1.1inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions all approved by the Bldg. Supt. were read: A. R. Sherrill to move small house from Lot 15, to Lot 16, dock 16, R. D'. P. Joe Kezele to erect garage 18 x 24 also erect picket fence along south side -and rear of lot at 532 -�ohitworth St. Service Laundry to hang sign at 222 ':'dells St. John A. fortune to reshingle house at 401 Pelly St. Clayton R. Spencer to move house forward to center of lot, make basement at 410 `Jilliams St. No. John Tarella to reshingle garage at 421 Burnett St. John Parker to put brick siding at 116 Meadow St. Robert Bianco to reshingle house at 228 Park Ave. Rose Baffaro to rebuild garage at 221 Main St. No. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Alexander that all petitions be granted. Carried. P. S. P. &. L. Co. to remove one anchor on Shattuck St. Yoved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. J. Y.I. Joseph Ind others to install electric pump in place of ram about 200 feet from the Renton water works read. Moved by Alexander seconded by Tamborini that the matter be referred to the fire, Light & ":water Committee and Utilities Supt. for investigation and report. Carried. Easement permit read from Dept. of Highways to City of Renton granting the city permission to install a 4 inch water main under State Highway No. 5, Maple Valley Branch. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the Mayor and City Clerk execute the same. Carried. Communication read from James ' ing, Recreational Director, Boeing Aircraft Co. relative to needed repair on tennis courts. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the Park Commissioners. Carried. Communication read from Boeing Aircraft Co. advising the city to take action in building up the manholes and resetting the manhole covers on Dixie Ave . yngr. suggested that this would cost about $150. and the city should collect this amount from Boeings. 11oved by Plano seconded by Alexander that this be referred to the city attorney for investigation and report back to the council. Carried. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the contractor, Moschetto be notified to proceed with the work of raising the manholes and covers on Dixie Ave to point of crossing commercial waterway. Carried. Letter read from M. Moschetto, Contractor, with recommendation of James . Carey, Engineer, agreeing to make a cash settlement with the City of Renton in the amount of `4,,,',500. or permit the city to retain that amount from amount due the contractor on sewer job for the restoration of oiled streets to their original condition. 483 Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that we accent the offer made by the contractor and the city proceed with the work. Carried. Request read from ri. Moschetto for an extension of time on his contract to July 1st, 1944 with the recommendation 62 from Mr. Carey, Engr that this be granted. 6 Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that the recorrmlenda- tion of the Engr. be concurred in and extension granted. Carried. Petition read from property owners for a sanitary sewer to serve the highland Addition. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that a local improve- ment district be created. Carried. Plans & specifications received from Percy E. Dean on Nazarene Church at 3rd & Park Ave. Engr. recommended that the building permit be issued. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Alexander that on the recommendationnof the Building Supt. permit be issued. Carried. Proposed Contract between the Government aii the City for supplying the water to the new war housing dormitory to be constructed in Mothers Park read. Moved by Alexander seconded by Gebenini that this be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. Application for transfer of liquor license from Irby Earl Couch to Frank F. & 0. H. Martin of Renton Evergreen Irarket read. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the city approve this transfer of license. Carried. Request read from employees on day work for a two week vacation with pay. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that thie be referred to the Council as a. whole. Carried. Resolution No. 620 accepting the job on Unit #1, Project 45-175 Renton sewers, as complete as of date Feby. 43, 1944, read. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that the resolution be adopted as a whole. Carried. Resolution No. 621 for the paving of ,viorris St from 2nd to 3rd Ave. read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. St. & Alley Committee recommended that the Lake Shore Lines be permitted to install asphalt paving on curb cin Bronson iay T."orth in front of the bus depot. Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in and work permitted under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried. Tlatter of installation of Armor-Flex Markers on Renton Street's and bill in the amount of $274.11 from Chas. R. Watts & Co . , the work already done was approved with the understanding that no future work should be done without the prior approval of the council . Moved by Alexander seconded by Gebenini that the bill be rllowed. Carried. Pioved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief the membership in the Renton Fire Department be increased from 25 to 30 members . Carried Resolution No. 624 extending time for completion of M. Moschetto contract to July 1, 1944. read. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. Carried. 484 � y Pte" �ue The matter of oiling Second Avenue from Logan St . to the west city limits was discussed. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that a Resolution of Intention for the improvement b e drafted. Carried. This being the night for openin7 bids for improvement of Second Avem.ze the following were read: Northwest Construction Company - - - $12, 731. 30 L. Colcuccio - - - 13, 181 . 45 J. B. Covello - - - 16, 112. 75 A short recess was taken to consider the bids. After due consideration it was amreed tAat the bid of Northwest Construction Co . was the lowest and. best bid. The following Resolution was then introduced . ° Resolution No. 623 accepting the bid of the Northwest Construction Company subject to the approval of the Federal Works A�,-Iency was read. ° 1.1Ioved_ by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. . Proved by Plano seconded by Alexander that a two way radio be installed in the police car. Carried. Moved by Tamborini seconded. by Alexander that 5th ave. from Main St . to Morris St. be oiled and put in the same condition as it was before the sanitary sel;--rer wa.s installed . Carried_. Supt. P:'Iorrison reported that the distributors at the Disposal Plant were correctly installed and tested by the manu- facturer and are now in operation; the result of the panning; tests have been submitted to the City of Renton and have met the specifications in all details. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current , Steam Supply & Rubber Co . Supplies $ 25. 21---4522 Reid & Cook Sun, rlIes 27.49 3 Valley Window Cleaners Window Washing 1 . 50 4 Van '+haters & Rogers, Inc. Supplies 26.69 5 Alden See F. D. Salary 10.00 6 W. S. Darley & Co. Su plies 25.64 7 John W. Dobson Office Asst. 50.00 8 Theinhardt, R. E. Irsura.nce 25.00 9 Dent . Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 106.17 30 Harley-Davidson Sales. Co . Police Exp. 8. 59 1 Clarke Bros. Supplies 1 .90 2 Waters Sunnlies 1 .55 3 Art Beil' s Garage Expenses 20. 25 4 Pay Roll 'Engineer 173.09 35-36 Pay Roll Fire Dept. 428 .40 37-40 Pay Roll Disposal Plant 373.93 41-45 Gene Johnson Dog ?Catcher 21 .00 65 Pay Roll Health & Sani. . 405. 20 66-71 P. S. P . & L. Co. Lights& Power 168. 56 2 Preservative Paint Co. Paint 16.69 3 Pennsylvania Salt Iifg. Co. Supplies 80.00 4 Ray Barrett Cartage 29.00 5 ° Washington Asphalt Co. �_ Supplies _- 30. 34 6 7 Union 011 Co . Gasoline 77. 50 Square Deal Groc Soap 1 .74 8 C. Bevan F. D. Supplies 3. 71 9 Waters Carbon 3.09 80 Renton Realty Co. Renew Ins. Policy 240.00 1 Thomas Harries Bonding 35.00 2 The Ohio Chemical & Ivfg. Co. Oxygen Iixture 3. 23 3 Owl Cafe Prison Pileals 43.25 4 Kuker-Ranken Inc . Supplies 26.,58 5 Custer Hdw. Co . Sunnlies 17.'34 6 Daily Journal of Commerce 2 Pub. 26.25 7 E. E. Burrows Salary 125.00 8 Salaries Councilmen 180.00 89-94 Joshua H. Vogel Pro. Services 150.00 5 ,?, 4852 June Q, , 1944. Ad journo,dozieeting of the City Council Was called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Alexander, Plano, Danielson and Tamborini. The following_ petition was read and approved by the St. Supt. Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. to set three poles and one anchor on the west side of .11ain 8t. N; set three poles and anchor as above described to extend telephone service to new customers. Roved by Tarrborini seconded by Danielson that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from H. D. Fowler and filed. Report on investigation made by the Supt. of Utilities on water pressure and consumption by Gladding,McBean & Co. at their Renton plant and recommendations. Moved by Plano sefonded by Alexander that the report be received and placed in the hands of the Fire, Light & "'eater Committee and the Supt and Lngr. Carried. Mrs. C . L. Turner to reside house with brick siding and make general repairs at 8 Logan St. Larl '<' a.ltner to erect picket fence around three sides _ of lot at 832 3rd 4tve. No. hirs. Joe Gowers to tear down two old garages and old shed and erect one bedroom at 429 Morris St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Alexander that all petitions be granted. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City,Clerk PJavor i r L 01) v V 485 Water R. W. Sparling Supplies X122.00---4260 Reid & Cook Supplies 2.58 1 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . Supplies 13. 34 2 Seattle Water Dept. Water 47. 36 3 :vlarckmann & Williams Su�c;lies 5. 48 4 Rensselaer Vplve Co . Supplies 7?.97 5 Lumber Mkt. Supplies 16. 69 6 Dept. Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 26. 2.9 7 L i P. S. P. ' & L. Co. Power 312.41 8 Art Beil' s Garage Supplies 5.87 9 Ad.dressogrrph Sales Agency Supplies 1 .05 70 Union Oil Co. Gas 45.89 1 Pay roll Water 468. 46 78-84 Charles R. WPtts & Co . Street Markers 274.11 5 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 32.37 6 Graybar Electric Co. Supplies 182. 30 7 City Sts. Reid & Cook Traffic Lim_hts 4.12---1656 Western Tire Service Sun-lies 65.92 7 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 81 . 38 8 The Lumber Mkt. Supplies 71 . 69 9 Dept. Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 18. 7? 60 Dept. Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 13.06 1 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Supplies 21.45 2 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lightf, 352.19 3 Union Oil Co. Gas 7?. 50 4 Pay Roll City Sts. 220.07 68-72 Pay Roll City Sts. 149. 6? 73-?6 r Nat 1!chlillan Paint 141.05 7 Art Beil' s Garage Labor 1 . 29 9 Library Dept . Labor & Ind.. Ind. Ins. . 67----558 Encyclopaedia 3rittanica Britannica Yearbook 2.85 9 Consumers' Research Inc. Subscription 3.00 60 The f iacllill an Co. Books 16.06 1 J. 1'1. LaVine -Rooks 8. 50 2 Doubleday Doran & Co . Inc. Books 4.00 3 .,'.athewson Fuel Co . Coal 17. 51 4 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Sunnlies 8. 54 5 The A. N. Marquis Co . Reference Service 4. 50 6 P. S. P . & L. Co. Lights 5.10 7 P a.rk Dept . Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 2. 96----314 Pay Roll Park 115. 78 15..16 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned to Tuesday, June 27th, 1944 at 8 p. m. - City Clerk Mayor 1 486 July 11, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 p. m. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Piano, and Danielson. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Bldg Supt. were read: Petition of Mrs. '`'. E. Sherlock rebuild front & rear steps at 117 Meadow St. St. Andrews Lodge 1#35 to reroof building with asbestos composition roofing, Masonic Temple on Williams St. '.Wm. P. Monaghan to build stairway and erect dorma and make one room upstairs at 324 Cedar St. Ray Belanda to reside housewith brick siding at 1019 Bronson Iiiay. Wm. R. Favro to reside house with brick siding at 500 Cedar St. John A. Thomson to remodel front Dorch at 508 2nd Ave. N. 0. Bressan to erect fram garage at 741 High St. Dr. C . L. Dixon to change partition and build clothes closet at 321 Smither St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Alexander that all petitions be granted. Carried. Mrs. T. E. Cavanaugh to move house from 219 '.'Tilliams St. to 220 Williams St. No, build basement and erect two car garage, Moved by Tamborini seconded by Alexander that petition be granted when bond is posted. Carri6d. 11. C. Peterson by Al Ibrgan to erect small office bldg on Lot 1, Block 12, Car ',Yorks Addition. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Tamborini that applica- tion be denied pending rezoning of property involved. Carried. Request read from Disabled American Veterans for room occupied by Defense Committee for Veterans Service headquarters. Proved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that this be referred to E. 73. Isackson, head of civilian defense for attention. Carried. Communication read from Jas d. Carey, Engr relative to Unit #3, Sewer Project, rdT. Mosehetto, Contractor, stating that same had been constructed according to plans and specifications and recommending the acceptance of sane; this also was a-oproved by Comm. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Tamborini that the recommsnda- tion of the Engr and Committee be concurrbd in and Resolution introduced. Carried. Resolution No. 625 accepting the construction of Unit #3, Sewer Project No. 45-175, as of the 11th day of July 1944, read. Moved by Lawrence .seconded by Tamborini that the Resolu- tion be adopted as read. Carried. Communication from Jas. . . Carey, Engr. on Contract No. 2, Renton Sewage Plant, B. i. Sheldon, Contractor recommending an extension of time also rec*immending that a Resolution accepting the contract be adopted, read. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Lawrence that the contract acceptance be held up pending approval of change orders and the request for extension of time be laid over one week. Carried. The City Engr. reporting on--the "talker petition for remodelling Evans property on 3rd Ave. , 'Jest stated that on July 1, 1944) he inspected building for which permit to make addition had been applied for on ieby. 2, 1944 and found that owners were remodelling entire building without permit. 487 Moved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that this be turned over to the City nttorney for attention. Carried. 11oved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that matter of parking lot and bug zone be referred to the St &- Alley Committee, Carried. Engr. Pierce reporting on 2nd Ave. oiling job reported that specifications are not ready. Carried. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Danielson that the Irla.yor and City Clerk be authorized to sign necessary contracts on 2nd Ave. widening. Carried. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that the City Engr. be instructed to prepare plansc specifications for oiling 2nd Ave. and the city call for bids on the same. Carried. T�Zoved by Lawrence seconded by Alexander that the St. erupt. be authorized to install bar screen and bar screen chamber at the disposal plant. Carried. Ordinance No. 1195 regulating the parking of motor vehicles on the roadways at Liberty Park, read, and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1195 whereupon it was placed upon its second and t'_ird readings and passed as a whole, the following vote being taken: Lawrence, No. Gebenini, Yes Alexander Yes j� Plano Yes Danielson Yes. Carried Tamborini Yes. Moved by Alexander seconded by Lawrence that Emmmn Beil and Joe Baxter be placed on a monthly salary basis, retroactive to July 1st, 1944, Carried. Moved by Tamborin _ seconded by Lawrence that city employees not otherwise provide,--"'L vith vacations be given one week with pay for one years employment o' 3.20 working days or over and two weeks vacation with pay for three years employment or more. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i + City Clerk Pro Tem Mlayor 488 July 180 1944. Council met in regular session. at 8 p. m. with Mayor Burrows presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Danielson and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Application read from Clyde Beatty & Russell Bros Circus to exhibit just outside of the Renton city limits August 7th, 1944. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove three poles on 2nd Ave and set 3 poles on 2nd Ave. and set one pole on 6th Ave. No. and `"yells St. :loved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the petitions be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The following petitions, all approved by the Bldg. Supt. were read: C.3.Huitt to enclose back porch at 246 Garden Dom Carpine to tear down old porch and rebuild same at 400 Lake St. Hayden illiams to remodel rear porch at 316 Renton Ave. J. McLendon to repair steps & windows at 909 '.'�'alla '.-aila Ave. Ellnora Evans to remodel house by adding one room at 215 Meadow St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Alexander that all petitions be granted. Carried. A. Dravland to remodel house by adding one room at 521 Wells St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Alexander that same be referred to the City Property Committee -� Bldg. Supt. with Dower to act. Carried. Communication read from A. 'l. Dimmitt of the Park Board and letter from Peter Prins and family suggesting that a tree be planted in the city park in memorial of the late Ed Stokes. 1bved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that the Park Board be authorized to make the purchase and the city pay for the tree. Carried. Fred Hancock 20st No. 19 makes request for use of Civilian Defense Office for Veterans Service Office. T} is was turned over to E. ','d. Isackson of the Civilian Defense Office. Request read from A. ''i. Dimmitt of the Park Board for certain repairs and a paint job inside and out of the Sweet Center as requested by the tenants. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that this be turned over to the City Property Committee for investigation and report. Carried. - Communication read from H. D. fovder Co. regarding the ward patent and its effect on 3 sewage treatment plant. This was turned over to the city attorney. 489 Application read from Thornton & Smith to break curb at their store building on 3rd �Ave. lest. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that this be referred. to the St. &. ==alley* Committee and city engineer for report. Carried. This being the night for hearing protest against the LproFosed sewer on the hill. The engineer reported that the rrotest was 66.9% which killed the improvement. This being the night for hearing protest on Morris St. for paving between 2nd & 3rd Ave . This was continued to AuMust 1, 1944. The question of obtaining the parking lot on the corner of 2nd & ','fells was discussed. 1-loved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that this be referred to the St. Supt. for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tariborini that the ex- tension of time requested by B. H. Sheldon to Jany 25, 1944 be granted. Carried. Resolution No. 626 accepting the construction of Unit No. 21 Sewers, Renton, as of the date of July 18th, 1944 read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. Carried. It was suggested that the city contact Mr. Barei L relative to his parking lot corner 'dells & Walla 11alla Ave. Moved by Danielson seconded by Tamborini that the matter be referred to the at & Alley Corm^ittee for report back to Council next meeting night. Carried. Communication read from Mayor Burrows addressed to the City Clerk notifying the City of the termination of employment of A1r. Peter Dullahant. Mr. Dullahant asked for the floor and make certain remarks relative to bis rest work with the city after which certain councilme; commented. Communication filed. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that- the— Mr. Dullahant be given two weeks vacation", Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Dale & 11cLendon Sup.-Engr. 1 .13---4596 Keystone Envelope Co . Supl)lies 14. 43 7 Western Union TeleL7ra.,ms 1 . 70 8 Preservative Paint Co. faint 2 .91 9 Pac . Tel. & Tel . Co . Telephones 76. 54 4600 Payroll Disposal Plant 380. 32 1-5 Payroll Engineer 264.82-4606-7-4636-37 Payroll Fire Dent . 495.90-4627-31 Collector of Internal Rev. Withholcing Tax 2078 . 64 2 Roy Danielson Convention Exp. 15.00 3 Renton P. 0. Stamps 20.00 4 Gene Johnson Dog Catcher 9.00 5 Payroll Health & Sanitation 425. 33-4638-44 Norman Riddell Co. Clk. Exn. Evan Thomas 39.00 5 Dent. Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 118. 23 6 Tony Roberts Rep.Parking Ileters 8.00 7 Payroll Disnosal Plant 405.88-4648-52 Gene Johnson Dog Catcher 16. 50 3 Payroll Fire Dept . 531 .15--54-58 Payroll Engineer 272.17--59-62 Water 490 41— W Water P. S. P. L. Co . Power 55.09---4288 Nat' l . I21rotor Freight Drayage 2.08 9 brendel Drug Co. Supplies 4.48 90 Trick & Murray Supplies 38.49 1 Pittsburgh Equitpble I',eter Supplies 85.81 8 Inter-City Auto Freight Drayage 2..07 9 Collector Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 583.80 4300 Payroll Water 235. 43 1-7 Dept .Labor & Ind. Ind . Ins. 16.93 8 Wash. St . Ta)t Commission Tax ?1 7.95 15 City Sts. Charles R. Watts & Co. Teterial $365. 79---1680 Collector Internal Re-ir. Withholding Tax 2.16. 28 1 Dept. Labor & Ind. Ind . Ins. 27.05 2 Dept. Labor & ind.. Ind. Ins. 7.18 3 Payroll City Sts. 151 .41 87-91 Payroll City Sts. 509.09 92-99 Library Payroll Library $298.19----568-71 A. C. TrIcClurg & Co. Books 36.95 2 H. R. Huntting Co. Books ° 1 .82 3 Collector Internal.. Rev. Withholding Tax 136.81 4 George H. Friend Labor at Library ?3.00 5 Dept . Labor & Ind . Ind_. Ins. . 6? 6 Park Payroll Park $115. 78--317-18 Collector Interal Rev. Withholc'int Tax. 90.00 9 Dept . Labor & Ind. Ina.. Ins. ° 2.95 20 Payroll Park 96.62 21-22 e ill l i No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Idayor AT A.C. M. j F�.4Mjj ,, 491 August 1, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor BurroVTS Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions , approved by the Bldg. , Supt. were read: E. F. Betz to resh'_ngle house at 235 Pelly St. J. C. 14cKay to reshi_ng house at 411 Renton Ave. r Ethel Martin to erect fence in rear of lot at 122 Wells a, A. Beerman to reshingle house at 325 Vvhitworth St. Frank Kovach to reside house with brick siding at b09 Cedar 3t. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that all petitions be granted. Carried. Pac 'lel & Tel Co. makes application to set one pole and remove another on west side of Factory St° and 2nd Ave. No ; set one pole to replace existing pole on east side of ,"ells St. and ':galla 'ldalla Ave; P. S. P. & L. Co. to set one anchor on 3rd !ive & Whitworth St. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that petitions be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. "edical Security Clinic asks permission to install an illuminated directional sign on the parking strip corner of lst & Bronson Flay No. Moved by Alexander seconded by Lawrence that this be referred to the St cl., Alley Committee and the City Engr. for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Communication read from Boeing Aircraft Co. asking that parking on ." illiams St. & 8th Ave. No. be regulated by Ordinance. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Gebenini that this matter be referred to the City Council as a whole and the Chief of Police. Carried. Application of Safeway Store i#25 at 200 3rd Ave. for liquor license. This was referred to °the Police & License Committee. The 'police & License Committee report unfavorably on same. " oved- by Plano seconded by Alexander that the report of the committee be concurred in and application denied. Carried. Petition read from property owners •in Blopkm6 and Tract A in Smithers 5th Addition for a 'sanitarysewer. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Tamborini that a Resolution of Intention be drafted. Carzied. Engr. Carey presented bill in the amount of X4,430.77 for engineering services. 1,Zoved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the bill be allowed. Carried. Bill in the amount of $1300.48 read. from 11. Idoschetto for extrs. work dnnA cin the sewer job . Moved by Lawrence seconded by Danielsonthat the bill be referred to St & Alley Co7mittse and the City Attorney for report. Carried. 492 The Morris St. paving protest which was continued to August -lst came up for hearing. The City of Seattle protest was read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that the protests be turned over to the City Engr. for checking and report back to the Council. Carried. Resignation of Paul F. Green, Treasurer was read. �{loved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the resignation of 1+,Ir. Green be accepted with regret and a vote of thanks extended for a job well done. Carried. The Mayor appointed W. C. Mprtin of factory St. to fill the unexpired term of Tdir. Green, City Treasurer. The Payor appointed .1n. Reid as a member of, the Planning Commission to succeed the late Mr. IE. H. Stokes. The City eroperty Committee reporting on work to be done at Sweet Center recommended that the city take care of the outside -painting and the Park Board be notified of their action. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in and the other inside work and repairs and screens be referred to the city attorney for checking subject to terms and condi- tions of lease. Carried. The St & Alley Committee reporting on the Smith & Thornton request to break curb recommends the denial of same at this time. Moved by Alexander seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee reports unfavorably on the petition of A. Dravland to remodel house by addition of one . room at 521 ':.ells St. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Ener. presented the plans & specifications for oiling 2nd Ave. from Logan 1St. ;est. Moved by Alexander seconded by Danielson that the plans & specifications be accepted and the city advertise for bids. Carried. The proposed improvement on 7.1alla IValla Ave by the C. 11. & St. Paul R. R. and the Pacific Coast Railroad by pulling out one track and paving was discussed. 11oved by Danielson seconded by Lawrence that no action be taken by the Council until the request has been made L in writing by the Railroad companies. Carried. 1.�bved by Alexander seconded, by Lawrence that the city engr be instructed to prepare plans &. specifications for paving the city' s portion of j,Valla ";ally Ave when the railroad company is ready. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current _ Joe Baxter Fire Dept . Exp. 25.00---4682. Service Laundry Laundry 6.73 3 Preservative Paint Co . Supplies 2. 30 4 Art Beil' s Garage Labor & material 13. 65 5 Jack DeMars Labor & Material 12.72 6 Federal Pine & Tank Co . r?a.terial 16. 48 7 Pac . Car & Fdry Co . Material 1 . 96 8 Ohio Chemical & Efg. Co. Supplies 12. 50 9 Ed. Mlo rri s Dogs 15.00 90 r 493 Current Cochran Paint .& Hdw. Co. Supplies $ 2.16---4691 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 1 . 55 2 Trick & Pdlurray Supplies 52.92 3 Sirchie Finwer-Print Laboratories 3-1 .83 4 Owl Cafe Prisoner' s Yeals 56. 20 5 Waters Supplies 1 .44 6 Payroll Health&Sanitation 372.07-4697-4703 Seattle Goodwill Ind.ustries Fire Dept . 4.61 4 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Co . Supllies 2. 33 5 Gene Johnson 3 dogs 4. 50 6 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. Oxygen Mixture 3. 2.3 7 Grand Mattress & Upholstering 11attresses 38.01 8 Renton Realty Co. Policemen's Bond 15.00 9 E. I . DuPont De Nemours & Co. Paint 2. 38 10 Gladding McBean & Co. Pipes 261. . 74 1 Harper-1- eggee Sunplies 6.12 2 O,sbornes Photo Shop Pictures 5.12 3 Preservative Paint Co . Paint 1.6.69 4 Van' Waters & Rogers, Inc. Supplies 26. 68 5 Western Union. Tel.egra h Telegrams 9 .19 6 Custer Hdw: Co-. Supplies 37. 65 7 Custer Hdw. Co . Supplies 2 .99 8 Pic . el . & Tel. Co . Telephones 74. 30 9 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lights 169 . 74 20 Dari rcGovern Legr_1 Pub. 126.47 1 Tom Dobson & Son Ins. 5.00 2 Renton News Record Printinm & Supplies 79.83 3 Pe.nnsy�lvania Salt Chlorine 160.00 4 Payroll Disposal Plant 457.83--25-29 ► Ppyroll Fire Dept. 531 .15--30-34 Payroll Engineer 2"87. 59--35-39 Paul F. Green Salary 31 . 25 59 Republic Creosoting Co . Supplies 3. 30 60 John N. Dobson Atty' s Offe. Asst. 50 .00 1 John Lotto, P. P-?. Stamps 20.00 2 Renton Chronicle Legal Pub. 32.97 3 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 1 . 50 4 Vioue' s Pharmacy Supplies 4. 50 5 Payroll Health & S^nitation 578 .0^--67-78 4 Joshua_ H. Vogel Engr. Services 50.00 9 Thos. Harries - Ins. Pre* . 50.00 80 Water Seattle Water Dept . Water $ 74.76---4 16 Payroll Water Dept . 216.69----17-23 M rckmann & Williams Supplies 84.89 5 M arckmann & Williams Supplies 10.01 6 P. S. P. & L. C-o. Lights 2,88.70 7 Renton News Record Printing, Etc. 44.05 33 John Giuliani Labor 4.64 5 Addressing Machine Exchange Reneirs 8. 24 6 Payroll Water Dept . 294.87--37-44 ' City Sts . Western Tire Service material $ 54.68---1704 Jack DePJinrs Material 32. 64 5 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 118.04 6 Payroll City Sts. 410 .18--07-15 Payroll City Sts. 229 .10--16-24 Stoneway Dock Co. Sunolies 35 . 23 26 Washing;ton Asphalt Co . Supplies 80.34 7 Olympic Foundry Co. Supplies 243 .06 8 Charles R. Watts & Co. Signs & Motor Strips 192.02 9 Custer Hdw. Co, Supplies 2.94 30 Williams & Swanson Supr7 iee 1 .90 1 P . S. P. ' L. Co. Lights 364.03 2 Union Oil Co . Gas 169.60 3 Payroll City Sts. 360. 79---36-43 Payroll City Sts. 165.79--44-47 Library Puget Sound News Co . Lib. Expense 20 .2.0---577 Renton Air Conditioning Expenses 5.18 8 Hertzbergp' s Washington Bindery Binding P .90 9 494 u e Library P. S. P. & L. Co . Lights $ 3.44---5A0 Payroll Library 296.17-81-85 A. C. McClurg & Co. Books 10.00 6 Doubleday Doran & Co. Inc. Books 29.19 7 . Perk Custer Hdw. Co . Paint 1 .89---323 Renton Feed Co . Supplies 34.15 4 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 22. 50 5 P ay rol l Park 115. 78-26-27 Russell Tully Park Labor 16.00 8 Athletic Perk Payroll Park 77.49----65 Custer Hdw. Co . Su-cDlies 12.87 7 Payroll Park -47.13 71 Payroll Ball Park 53.09 2 Payroll Park 47.13 3 Custer Hdw. Co . Siznplies 21 .88 4 Dept. Labor & Ind. Ins. . 48 5 Collector of Internal Rev. Withholding Tax 23. 96 6 Reid & Cook Park Va.terial 412.98 7 Neal Van Houen Expense 36. 25 8 Renton Feed �o. Supplies 1.86 9 Payroll Park 45.00 80 Payroll Park 22.09 1 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lights 60. 60 2 Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Supt. Ilor.rison reoommended that the wire the city now has on hand at the City Garage, and used many years ago as a control circuit from Spring-brook reservoir dam to Talbott Reservoir be now used between Talbott Reservoir and Liberty Park' s new pump station to be combined with the control "now"Ut,-reter'�o1r This was referred for further info rmation awl report. No farther business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor J 495 August 15, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano, Danielson and Tamborini. LMinutes of the last m-'eting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: James R. ?Williams to reshi.ngle garage at 424 Williams St. John Kovash to erect a 3 ft. picket fence at 511 rlill St. Andrea Rubatino to reroof shed with tar paper at 633 amithers St. Tom Overton to repair foundation of porch at 437 : ells St. North. Garet Kasper to remove partition in garage and reroof garage at 405 Felly St. Ray Barrett to erect lean-to on garage at 123 Factory 3t, Mrs. Nellie Sherlock to tear down old shed and reside garage at 117 Meadow St. rdoved by Gebenini seconded by Tamborini that all petitions be granted. Carried. Sebelon ,Terre to move trailer on to lot 12, Block 20, R. F. P. adda room 16 x 17 also erect a small house. � + Nr. Pierce, Bldg. Supt. stated that this does not conform to the building code and reconurended the denial of same. Moved by Plano seconded by Gebenini that the recommenda- tion of the Building Supt. be concurred in and petition denied. Carried. i ^'bF following applicationx for renewal of liquor license wad read: . .. Vv% Ticknor & T. `:'T. Jerkins, I'dki Tavern, 917 Third Ave. S.nights of Pythias, for license for a special occasion August 19th, American Legion Hall, Renton. I'.oved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the applica- tions' be granted. Carried.. Petition of the P. S. P & L. Cp. to set two poles at 6th Ave. No and 8th Ave. No. also install two anchors at same location, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the petition be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Request read from E. R. Pierce, Commander, Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263 for permission to sponsor the Douglas Greater Shows in Renton the latter part of August and also requests waiver of the license fee. !voved by Plano seconded by Alexander that the request be granted and license waived. Carried. Communication read from Boeing Aircraft Co. asking that an arterial stop sign be placed on Logan & Dixie Ave. The Chief of Police commented onthe request stating that in his opinion this was not necessary. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the communi- _ cationim be filed. Carried. Communication read from the Park Board relative to transfer of lease at Sweet Center. I.ioved by i'lano seconded by Alexander that the matter be turned over to the City Property Committee and the City Atty. Carried. 496 Letter read from Fish & Game Club, Inc. notifying the city that they are going to block the roadway crossing their property, Tract A, Block 6, Renton Real :state Addition. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that this be re- ceived and filed for reference . Carried. Copy of Letter sent Leo Symms relative to installation of sevier pipe under Cedar River and stating that the contractor had not complied with his obligations. 1bved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that the letter be received and filed fof future reference. Carried. Communication read from the Housing Authority thanking the city administration for their cooperation in relieving their water shortage this summer. This was filed. The Eng.r reported that after checking the 1,1orris St. improvement sufficient protest had been filed to #ill the improvement. Idoved by Lawrence seconded by Temborini that the report of the engr be received and concurred in. Carried. The St & Alley Committee and the City Attorney reporting on the claim of M. I,Ioschetto for extra work done on the sewer job in the amount of `01300.48 recommended that same be allowed. 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander the-17 the report of the Committee be concurred in and claim allowed, -the _vot6 'b eing as follows: Yes: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Plano. No: Tamborini• The City Attorney reported favorably on the contract between the Hcusing Authority and the City of Renton for fire proection of Cedar River Park, the city to receive a monthly amount of $225.00 for their services. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that the recoranendation of the attorney be concurred in and the V ayor & City Clerk authorized to execute the contract. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on the oiling of 2nd Ave, the following was received: Youell, Inc. , Diesel Oil Sales Co. - - - $1800.00 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that the bid be referred to the City Engr and St &, Alley Committee for checking. Carried. The Engr. reported that the bid was considerable nigher than his estimate and recommended that, the bid be re- jected and the city do the work. Moved by La?^Tren.ce, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the engr. be concurred in and the city proceed to do the work. Carried. stim to in theamount of $9495.55 received from �Z. P.oschetto. The bill was referred to the- city attorney. The city attorney recommends the payment of this estimate. Moved by Alexander seconded by Plano that the bill be paid-on recommendation of the city attorney provided the bulkhead and barks be placed in as good condition as before the installation. Carried. Estimate in the amount of $17,810.91 read from B. H. Sheldon, contractor. This was referred to the city attorney. 497 The 1ayor appointed Wm. Reid on the Park Board to fill the vanancy left by E. H. Stokes, deceased. loved by Tamborini seconded by Geber_ini that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Report was made that it was necessary to take out the ornamental lights on 2nd Ave due to the street improvement and temporary lights should be installed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that we contact the P. S. P. & L. for temporary wiring and also for an estimate on a new type light for 2nd Ave and other streets. Carried. City Attorney reported that the Housing 1�uthority had requested an easement across the north end of property leased by the City to the Aernautical Union and the city attorney recommended that upon receipt of consent to the Easement from Aernautical Union that the Mayor & City Clerk be authorized to execute the Easement. Tvioved by Alexander seconded by Plano that the recor,,mendation of the city attorney be concurred in and Easement given to the Housing Authority for Dormitories in 1viothers Park. Carried. Resolution No. 628 for a sanitary sewer in Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition read. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Gebenini that the Res ,lution be adopted as read. Carried. Mr. Symms of the Y.VA asked that the Council adopt a Resolution accepting the projects when completed. Resolution #6 L.. was read. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Plano that upon completion of all projects such a Resolution be adopted. tonsultgng ngr. reported that all projects had been completed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Supt. P:lorrison reported that it would cost about ; 485.00 to string city owned wire from Talbott to Liberty Park station. •,oved by Alexander seconded by Lawrence that the report be received and Supt. authorized to have the work done provided there are available funds. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Frank B. Jones Mpkinv Keys 5.00---4781 ` Dept . of Labor & Ind . Ind.. Ins. 130. 55 `,' Gl,d(9ing McBean & Co . Yla.terial 108.85 3 Joe Wood. Convention Expense 25.00 4 Payroll Disposal Plant 368.93 5-8 Payroll Fire Department 531 .15 9-93 Payroll Engineer 192. P4-4812,-14 Lena Roberts 13 Renton Realty Co. Insurance Renewal 35. 50 15 P,, rs . Maxine Rodo-ers F. D. Supplies 19.00 6 Servl.ce Ldry. & Cleaners F. D. Laundry 3.03 7 United Janitor Supply Co . Supplies 9.01 8 Trick & Murray Supplies 13. 38 9 Osborne' s Photo Shop Pictures 3.40 Harley, Davidson Sales Co . Blotor Repair 11.06 1 The Renton Chronicle P. D. Supplies 29. 31 2 498 Current The Renton Chronicle Printing 16.96---4823 North Coast -Chem. & Soap Works Janitor Supplies 11.11 4 Clark' s Auto Freight Freight .82 5 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Co: Inc. Supplies 1. 52 6 White River Lumber Co. Sunnlies 8. 71 7 Owl Cafe Prisoners' 'Meals 99.00 8 Reid & Cook F. D. Supplies 77.78 9 Custer Hdw. Co . - Paint 3.26 30 Stoneway Dock Co , Supplies 14, 20 1 Scientific Su;-:-)lies Co . Supplies 14.87 2 Rayroll Health & Sanitation 447.97 33-40 Water Dept . of Labor & Ind . Ind , Ins, 14. 34---4345 Seattle Water Dept. Water 121.96 6 Hersey llfg. Co . Supplies 8.97 51 Best Universal. Lock Co . Locks & Keys 17. 68 2 Olympic Foundry Co. I'teter Boxes, & Covers 24. 20 3 Addressograph Stiles Agency Plates 1 .1.7 4 Payroll Water 323. 23 55-60 City Sts. Geo. A. Vanhook Cutting Grass 20.00---1743 Dept . Labor & Ind . Ind . Ins. 2.8. 34 51 Walter Dorieh L,,--bor 41 . 75 2 Dept . Labor & Ind . Inc'-. Ins. 9. 75 3 Jack DeMprs Repair Work 15. 24 4 Union Oil Co. Supplies 102.96 5 Preservative Paint Co. Paint 28. 58 6 Tom Dobosn & Son Insurance 34. 25 7 Stoneway Dock Co . Orushed Rock 50.88 8 Payroll City Sts. 385 . 43 59-64 Payroll City Sts. 141 .82 65-67 Library 8 The H. W. Milson Co . Renewal of Subscription ?3. 20---588 George Doty Fuel Co. Coal 71 . 30 9 Yale Review Renewal Subscription 5.00 90 American Library Association 3ooklist Sub-cription 3.00 1 The r:acmillan Co. Books r 32. 26 2 The A. N. 11.1arc,ui s Co . Books 10. 35 3 Theodore Presser Co . 14agazine Subscription 2. 50 4 John W. Graham & Co . Books 9.22 5 Puget Sound News Co . Books 72.07 6 Renton Heating & Air Cond. Installing Stoker 530. 45 7 Dept. Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. . 67 8 Park Dept .Labor & Inc. Ind . Ins. ?. 75---329 Pay roll Par, 114. 78 30 Moved by Lavarence seconded by Plano that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i City Clerk Mayor 499 rept. 5, 1944. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 "p. m. by Mayor Burrows. Roll Call: Lawrence, Gebenini, Alexander, Danielson and Tamborini, Plano . j Minutes of the last meetine read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt. were read: Renton Fire Dept. to erect a 3 foot fence along alley in rear of fire stat'on. James Uhite to erect three room dwelling and bath on Tract "A" or. 6th Ave. So. Jas H. Glines to make an addition of two rooms to house at 632-A, Main St, A. H. Lynn to pave portion of street between sidewalk and property line in front of Masonic Hall on Williams St. r>Irs. Chas Delaurenti to erect a 3, foot fence in rear of lot at 202 3rd Ave . No. H. F. Davenport to make an additionto house on Lot 11, Block 5, Smithers St. Mrs. Koble to erect a garage at 14 Burnett St. Joe Paglia to erect chimney from ground up at 311 '1Vells St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alexander that all petitions be granted. Carried. Th- following application for liquor licenses were read: Leno Azzolo, 233 Main St. Frank Aliment, John Bausano, Jr. 304 Alain St. Alex Ferrat, 340 Burnett St. Old "lest Wines , Inc. 855 - 4th 'Ive,, No. Anton & Staffie Dime, 1019 Bronson 7.'+ay Transfer of license, Alike & Tom Rubatino, Mack Carlton, C. Hammer, Francis Van tinkle to Mike & Tom Rubatino, Jack Carlton, C . Hammer, 804 3rd Ave. Moved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the applications be Deferred to the Police & License Committee. The Police & License Committee report favorably on all licenses. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that, the report of the Committee be concurred in and. licenses approved. Carried. The Chief of Police asked for a traffic officer to be placed on full time beginning Sept. 6th. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Danielson that an Emergency Ordinance be drafted setting, up the salary of the officer to the end of the year. Carried. this being the night for hearing protests against the sewer in Block 6, Smithers fth Addition. none received. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that we call for bids the plans and specifications having been approved as submitted by the EnEr. Carried. Communication read from Pae. Carty Y Fdr with reference to drainage ditch at (Ath &. Factory St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by lexander that this be re- ferred to the City Engr. City Atty. & St & Alley Committee for investigation and report back to Council. Carried. Communication read from A. `:.r. Dimmitt of the Park Board relative to application of two parties for Sweet Center. Yoved by Lawrence, seconded by Danielson that the tenant at the Park be notified that either applicant would be acceptable to the City Council. Carried. 500 Communication read from Boeing Aircraft Co relative to intersection at Dixie & Logan Sts . Filed for reference. Check in the amount cf X501000. received from F ?V A for estimate on 45-175 sewe, project. Proved by Plano seconded by Lawrence that the matter of a roof repair job on the City Hall •ras referred to the City Property Committee and the City Engr for report back to the Council. Carried. re The Mayor/appointed Alec Pelto as a member of the Housing Authority, effective September 10, 1944. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Alexander that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. - Application of Kiwanis Club to sponsor a dog show in the Ball Park, September 8th & 9th, the proceeds to go to a swimming pool. Moved by Danielsozi seconded by Gebenini that the application be approved. Carried. The application of the Medical Security Clinic to install a sign at>1st & Park teas discussed. Moved by Lawrence, see-nded by Plano that the application be tabled. Carried. The "'ire Chief reported that he and the City Engr had made an inspection tour of the trailer camps and suggested that an amendment be made to the trailer ordinance. Moved by La7urence, seconded by Gebenini that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and the city attorney. Carried. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Danielson that we call for bids on a garbage truck. Carried. I;Ioved by Gebenini seconded by Alexander that the question of the body for truck be turned over to the City Property Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that the city paint the cross walks and intersections at Gth Ave No. & 8th Ave. No. Carried. The question of a street flusher or street sweeper was discussed. j ved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that Supt. I-Morrison E work on priorities and the Council investigate and ascertain which is preferable to the city' s needs, a flusher or sweeper. Carried. Moved by Gebenini seconded by Plano that an Ordinance on shrubs along sidewalks be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee and the city attorney. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Paul F. Green Services . 82. 4.0--2841 Wm. E. Rlartin City Treas. 20. 32 2 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telenhones 85. 60 3 Reid & Cook Supplies 42. 55 4 D,7,-Ie & YcLendon 0 Chests 10. 26 5 Williams & Swanson Supplies 49.81 6 Stoneway Dock Co. Cement 3.92 7 Angelo Scarsella Contractor---Shattuch St .499.96 8 Roslyn Foundry Yateriall 154. 24 9 501 Current P. S,( P. & L. Co. Lights `)3. 26--4P50 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 179.45 1 Renton News Record Stationery for P. C . 20.86 2 Renton News Record. Stationery 26. 58 3 West Disinfecting; Co. Janitor Supplies 21. 33 4 Tom Dobson & Son Treasurer' s Bond 20. 20 5 Emmon Bell F. D. Labor 7. 50 6 J. C. Penney Co . F. D. Bedding 31.00 7 Vioues Pharmacy Ink & Envelopes 1. 60 8 Clarke Bros. Motor Spark Plug . 72 9 Payroll Disposal Plant 360.49-60-62 Payroll Fire Department 522.40-64-68 Payroll Engineer 192. 24-69-?o Labor Fire Dept . 24. 50-Q0-94 Western Union Telgrems 9.08 5 Service Laundry P. D. Blankets 11. 44 6 Williams & T.cKnight F. D. Supplies 2.78 7 King Co. ITed.ical Service r"_ec�'ical Aid. 43.75 8 Union Oil Co . Ga.s 77. 50 Owl Cafe Prisoners' Meals 103.00 4900 Payroll Health & Sanitation 464. 51-01-09- John W. Dobson Offc. Assistance 50.00 10 Service Laundry P. D. 31_ankets 9. 26 1 Valley Window Cleaners Window Washing 3.90 2 Automobile Cluo of Wash. Equipment 27. 50 3 Cyclone Fence Division Equipment 167. 29 4 Western Tire Service Gara-e Supplies 293. 38 F Water Reid & Cook Supplies 8. 76--4361 Olympic Foundry Co . Supplies 25. 56 2 } Rensselaer Valve Co . Supplies 143.06 3 Seattle Steel Co. Supplies 85. 25 4 Renton News Record Supplies 23. 79 5 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 553. 30 6 Payroll Water 251.70-72-78 City of Seattle Water Dept . Water 109.68 9 City Sts. Angelo Scarsella Labor & Material $504. 70--1769 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 429.73 70 Charles R. Watts & Co. Parkin- Signs 26. 78 1 Pacific d,arine Supply Co . Supplies 12. 50 2 Washington Asphalt Co. Cement 1.11x 40.17 3 Renton Auto Freight Freight 5.48 4 Angelo Scarsella. Contractor--4th Ave. 82.40 5 Stoneway Dock Co. Crushed Rock 66. 70 6 Reid & Cook Supplies 57. 60 7' King County Medical Ser. rred. Dues 1 . 75 80 Payroll City Sts.--Claim 116. 23-81-83 Payroll City Sts. 724.11-84-96 Library P. S. P. & L. Co . Li .lits 3. 38---599 Payroll Library 298. 39-0*00-3 George Friend Lib. Ser. 12.00 4 Park Payroll Park $125.36-332-3 Moved by Plano seconded by Alexander that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. ry Ordinance No. 1196 for the improvement of Block 6, amithers 5th addition read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 1196 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence Gebenini, rlexander, Danielson, Plano and Tamborini. No further business, meeting adjourned. City, Clerk Mayor IM 502 3�1aj At✓