HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 12 (1/8/1952 - 12/22/1953) Renton, Wash ington January 8, 1952 The Mayor and President of the Council being absent, it was moved by Swift, seconded by F reyman, that Councilman Del aurenti assume the Mayor's chair, as Mayor pro-ten. Carried. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.I�I. J ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HAiNSEN, TRIMM, TAMBORrPdI, I DULLAHANT AND HOLIG. (Councilman Hagen was reported ill). OFFICIALS & DEPARTtAa?T HEADS PRESENT-WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Jack Schneider, Airport Manager and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Tanborini, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the December 18th meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. The Clerk read applications for taxicab licenses from Clifford E. Sylvia of Cliff's Radio Cabs; Calvin D. Davis, the Highlands Cab Company and Harold W. Jordan of the Yellow and Jordan Cab Companies. After request for information on same, the clerk informed the Council that according to the present Ordinance, all applications for taxicab licenses in Renton must be approved, or disapproved, by the Chief of.Police and by the City Council, and if approved by the Chief of Police and the Council, the date of Council approval should be shown thereon. Moved by Tanborini, seconded by Freyman, that all applications, approved by the Chief ,of Police be approved by the Council. Carried. A request for a non-conforming permit was read from Glen Clow, 358 Bronson Way North, to build a garage in front of his house at street level, in the hillside. The garage to be built of cement blocks.. Proved by Tanborini, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Building Inspector with power to act. On request for information regarding same, the Building Inspector informed the Council that this was a request for a non-conforming permit, and as 0.ich, must be presented to the Council for approval; that he recommends that the request be granted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be amended to concur in the recommendation of the Building Inspector that the permit be granted. The amend- ment carried. The motion then carried. A cormnunintion enclosing a statement in the amount of $461.00 for 1952 Service Fees, (including $16.00 for sixteen one-year subscriptions to Western City Magazine for City Officials) was read from Arthur H. Pohlman, President of the Association of Washington Cities. The statement is based on the 1950 final Federal census figure. A statement dated December 11th 1951, signed by Chester Biesen, Execative Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities, stated that the claim is just and true. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the Clerk be instructed to mail a warrant in the amount of the service fee as stated. Carried. A communication was read from T. B.. Monson, .rice President-Operations of the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, stating they are required by the United States Ordinance Department to conduct a test run on an experimental vehicle which must be accomplished on a paved surface; that the only satisfactory area, to their knowledge, was on Logan Street between the Cedar River pridge, north to the Boeing Guard gate - - that the test is of utmost importance to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company and the Ordinance Department, and they request immediate approval for the use of this area. Councilman Dullahant and Bruce explained to the Council the type ofvehicle to be tested and Councilman Bruce recommended that the stipulations, stated in a previous contract for permission to test a similar type of vehicle, be incor— porated in the contract or permit iss.zed to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, gralrting their request. The City Engineer stated that previously, a particular route had been designated and the Pacific Car and Foundry Company had agreed to pay for any damage to persons or property as a result of these tests. The City Attorney informed the Council that last year the City had written a letter to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company giving permission to use designated areas for their testing of vehicles, providing they notified the Police Department and City Engineer, including the following provisions; (1) That the Pacific Car and Foundry Company would be liable for damage to City Streets and City property. (2) That the Pacific Car and Foundry Company would hold the City harm— less for any damage or injury as a result of their operation. and suggested that a similar contract, to the one written last year, be written applying specifically to the equipment to be tested. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Dullahant, that as this was an emergency, that the City Council allow this test run on this area, under the supervision of the Police Department and City Engineer, and that the C .ty Attorney draft a letter or contract to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company stating that the Pacific Car and Foundry Company is liable for any personal injury or property damage caused by this experimental vehicle. Carried. A communication was read from Harold H. Heath, President of the Heath Manufact— uring, Inc., 815 8th Avenue N., applying for occupancy of the area presently leased to the Budd Davis Creations, as they understand same will be open for occupancy about February lst. Councilman Bruce stated that the City Treasurer confirmed a report from Mr. Davis, that he is not anticipating releasing this area. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that this communication be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Virgil D. Nordstrom, 531 Malden Avenue, Seattle, requesting Council approval to construct, operate and maintain a parking area on Northern Pacific Railroad Company's property between Logan Street and the rail— road, parallel to Logan Street, in the area 600 feet north and 600 feet south of 8th Avenue North, to be used for approximately 150 Boeing personnel cars. A diagram of the proposed parking area was attached. As copies of this communication had previously been furnished the Street and Alley Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department, City Engineer and City Attorney,. and had been previously given tentative study, it was moved by Tambori.ni, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committe, City Engineer and Police Department with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Fred C. Callen, Chairman of the "March of Dimes" requesting permission to install a "Mile of Dimes" booth on 3rd and' Wells Street, in front of Bergman's Drug Store, facing Third Avenue , from Jan-aary 15th to January 30th. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that permission be granted under the supervision of the Police Department. Carried. A communication was read from .Karl J. 4eber, Vice—Principal of the Renton Junior— Senior High School to Mrs. Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, requesting the City to exempt the school from the 5% admission tax, further explaining that if all the admission tax can be retained by the school, it will go into the general budget of the student body for equipment. The City Treasurer showed a total admission tax of $340.881, as having been re— ceived for the year 1951. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Police and License Committee and City Attorney for investigation and a report back. Carried. 3 A communication was read from Hugh J. Lacoss, 2636 13th Avenue North., protesting for himself and in the names of many others who have not had the opportunity to express their displeasure regarding the change of the Highlands bus route from Third Avenue to Second Avenue. A petition, signed by 53 property owners and proprietors of businesses on 3rd Avenue was read, protesting the rerouting of Eastbound busses from Third Avenue to Second Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the communication and petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. On request for information regarding same, the Chief of Police informed the council that subject rerouting of busses had alleviated congestion on 3rd Avenue, but did not eliminate the traffic congestion entirely, but that there may be other ways of controlling 3rd Avenue traffic to alleviate congestion - that his department would investigate this matter further* Covncilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, the complaints were percentagewise, very small. Ccuncilman Richardson stated that this problem had been referred back to the Street and Alley Committee several meetings ago for further study and consideration and in his opinion this was the correct procedure. The motion carried. A communication was read from Irch T. White, 1415 Beacon Avenue, protesting the opening and constructing of an alley in Block 2, Morgans Grand View Addition to Renton as it would decrease the resale value of his property to the extent of several thousand dollars; that it is his contention that the City of Renton has automatically forfeited the right to approve opening of said alley, as said alley has not been improved or utilized as a public thoroughfare for a period of 41 years and in view of excerpt from deed on file, signed by Lorenz r;ard_ine, said property should revert to the property owner.. Councilman Delaurenti, Mayor pro-tem requested that the communication be referred I to the Street & Alley Committee for a report back. �•. A communication was read from the City Engineer attaching a petition signed by 14 abutting property owners, for the improvement of a portion of the 10 foot alley abutting lots in Block 2, Renton Highlands Addition and Weed's View Tracts - stating that the portion of the alley, as described in the petition, extends westerly from the west margin of E Street to the Junction with the 16 foot alley that extends northerly through Uleed's View Tracts, and that a preliminary study of the petition reveals that the signers represent 55% of the frontage involved in the petition. The legal status of the signers in regard to their ownership of the property adjoining subject alley has not been determined. The City Engineer informed the Council that the Government had platted the 10 foot alley in this area. Roved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer to check the signatures .on the petition in regard to the ownership of property above referred to. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer attaching a letter from Charles R. Watts & Company, confirming prices on an emergency purchase made by the City of Renton from this Company for the relief of the traffic condition at Airport WV and Rainier Avenue, stating that as the City Council had provided emergency funds for this work, he felt justified in having equipment ordered immediately which would meet the requirements of the State Department of Highways, in order that in- stallation of same could be completed as soon as possible, because under present conditions traffic congestion at subject location creates a real public hazard. The total price of the units, including sales tax, is $2021.36 and is the same price, according to their letter, that they would have submitted to the City of Renton, had a formal bid call been made. (1 - Electromatic 3-phase, full actuated dispatcher $1066..75 (4-6' Type vehicle detectors, @ $188.70 each 754.80 (2-Single Face, 3 - Light, Signal Heads, @ $65.47 each 130.94 (Plus - extra for pedestal mounting 10.00 51962.49 Sales Tax 58.87 Total Cost $2021.36) The City Engineer explained to the Council that this emergency had previously been recognized by the City Council and emergency funds allocated - - that he had contacted the City Clerk and Budget Controller before making the purchases and to enable the City to purchase these units, as stated, it wasnecessary to go over the 4500.00 meximum for 'Municipal purchases without issuing a call for bids; that Charles R. Watts & Company were tre only supplier of this material and as stated in their letter, the price was the same as they would have sub- mitted if a "Call for Bids" had been published by the City of Renton. After considerable discussion, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept this equipment and take action to see that same is installed as quickly as possible in order to alleviate a very dangerous traffic congestion in subject location. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; ^Timm, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Dullahant, No and Holm, No. There being 8 Aye's and 2-No's, the motion carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer attaching a claim from White- Pope, Inc., for damage done to their steam cleaning machine which occurred while the water was shut off for a meter change by the City Water Department. The claim attached was for one heating coil, $68.00; one fire box, $4.20; and freight, $2.67, a total of $74.87 as presented by E. C. Stafford, business manager of White-Pope, Inc. After a short discuss9_on, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the above claim be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A communication was read froin the City Engineer stating that the Cita of Renton's KLmicipal Water System survey has been completed by rdr. Richard E. Wolff and five copies of his report, as of December 21, 1951, were given to him and he had given a copy to each member of the Fire & Iffater Committee and the Mayor and had kept one copy for his preliminary study - - that in his opinion, the report is satis- factory and he recommends that the report be accepted for study. P2r. Wolff will be available at the Council's convenience for a discussion of the report. There are funds in the Engineering Budget to cover the cost of this survey. The City Engineer informed the Council that this is a large report and that 1r. Wolff would be available either Tuesday the 15th or 22nd to discuss same with the Council; that it would have taken considerable more time to make a detailed study of the water system. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in Councilman DullahantIs recommendation that the Fire and Water Committee examine and study the report for a few days and that Mx. Wolff be requested to be present at the January 22nd Council meeting at 8:30 P.P ., to discuss this report further with the Council as a.whole. Carried. Copies of the report, above referred to, are to be passed around to all the Councilmen for their information and study before the meeting on January 22nd. The Clerk read Resolution No. 829 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, auth- orizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a certain written lease proposed by the United States of America as Lessee, for exclusive occupancy of the east bay of the hangar on the Renton Airport, designated as "Renton Hangar" for use of one National Guard liaison plane for six months commencing January 1, 1952, pro- viding that the lease will remain in force from year to year thereafter, unless the Government gives notice of termination, but not extending beyond. June 30, 1956, at a rental of $20.00 per month. The Airport Manager stated that in his opinion this was a very good contract as the portion of the hangar to be rented required the overlapping of wing and tail and they ordinarily have to obtain renters on a month to month basis; that the contract was presented by the Corps of Engineers Office, acting for the National Guard. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution. No. 829, as read. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the contract for the leasing of the "C" building had been signed and that the Lions Club had been requested to have the paper removed from the Building* .x• Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk direct a letter to the City Employees from the Mayor and Council, thanking them for a fine Christmas party. Carried. Councilman Bruce inquired if timing on the newly installed signal lights on Second Avenue in front of the High School were permanent - - that in his opinion these lights were not operating properly for the best traffic results and that considera- tion should be given to a more favorable timing of same. The City Engineer informed the Council that the lights would remain in operation I 21.E hours a day, temporarily, until the public is familiar with the lights. �I Councilman Dullahant inquired if the question of Daylight Saving Tip , for the City of Renton, could be put on the coming ballot for the City General Election, The City Attorney informed the Council that exact information in this regard could be obtained from the Superintendent of Elections in Seattle, as to a 30 or 60 day time limit, prior to an election, to pass the necessary Ordinance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Dullahant, that definite action be takan immed- iately and that the Clerk be instructed to arrange with Mr. Ed. Logan, Superin- tendent of Election, to have the question of "Daylight Saving Time" put on the ballot for the City General Election, March 11, 1952. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the three Renton High School students, Miss Joyce Hoge, Miss Merna Hoey and Miss Sonia Edwards who attended this evenings Council meeting for the study of Council procedure, in the oprration of Municipal Government, each be furnished a copy of the Council minutes of this date. Carried. Moved by Tamborini' seconded by Trimm, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 3251-3371 X16,213.52 CLAIMS CURPJIJT 9985- 60 CLAIMS GRATER 8523-853 + - Moved by Tambori.ni, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting be adjourned, Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. C' Clerk Mayor s Renton, Wash ington January 15, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8;00 P.M. ROLL CALL; REID$ DELAUR&U1. RICiIARDSON, SuVIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN., HAGEN, TRIMli, TAMBORI AI., DULLA 1ANT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT BEADS PRESENT WERE; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Anbelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer & Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the meeting of January 8th be approved as ecrrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PER1,10ITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT; NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3030 $3 , 000.00 Stoneway Dock Co. Renton, Wn. Erect ;nixing plant 1 - Housing Authority Renton, Wn. move 2 units 2 100.00 Belmondo & Skerbini 705 4th Avenue remodel building 3 100.00 Churchill's Shop 309 Wells electric service 4 - Motor Mart 13565 Rainier Ave install tile 5 - Housing Authority Renton, Wn. move 2 units 6 - " it Renton, Wn. " it 7 - " It Renton, in. " if 8 _ n it n It ti n 9 80.00 Tony Starkovich 8801 S. 140th install pipe 40 - Knights of Pythias 127 Burnett install plumbing 1 9.,000.00 Ray Heppenstall 13624 86th S. erect house 2 2,000.00 Chet Biggins 11713 116th SE move house 3 6,000.30 Jim Denzer 311 Meadow erect house 4 100.00 Walter Fisler Oro Cedar St, remodel. house 5 100.00 J. B. Jackson 1228 11. St. install oil stove 6 100.00 Vernie L. Thomas 341 Meadow remodel house 7 100.00 Ernie Shearer 410 Williams wire service 8 302000.CO Pac. Car & Fdry. 4th & Factory erect building 9 100.00 Busch Constr. Co. Kent, Wn. erect signs 50 100.00 Post Intelligencer Seattle break curb 1 100.00 "Ray Hoover Cabin City Crt. move pole 2 62000.00 Tony Starkovich 6802 Langston Rd. erect house 3 100.00 Lawrence G. Smart 2103 8th Ave. N. remodel house 4 100.00 Albert Balch President park install the 5 100.00 A. L. 'Wheeler 2102 8th Place Elec. service 6 300.00 Dan McGovern 223 Third Ave. remodel building 7 150.00 Al. Begseth 209 3rd Ave remodel building 8 200.00 Family Shoe Store 217 Wells Electric service 9 250.00 Dan McGovern 227 Third 't tt 60 230.00 Al. Lergseth 205 3rd remodel building 1 - Thomas Anderson 554 *Rain install. plumbing 2 200.00 Hub City Drug 826 Third remodel building 3 500.00 Charles Rudd 111 Park Ave repair fire damage 4 100.00 John Crowell 520 Mcrris erect oil barrel 5 3,OOO.CO Carl Cooks 3rd & Whitworth erect building 6 350.00 L.O.O.F. Nall 707 3rd Ave. erect sign. The Clerk read a petition, signed by 17 property owners protesting the attempt and actions of certain parties to further improve the 10 foot alley located between Block 2, Renton 'Highlands Addition and 711ced's View Tracts for reasons as follows; (1) The alley is open to traffic from one end only, causing entering vehicles to either back out or turn around; (2) The narrow width makes it im- possible for one vehicle to meet another within the length of the alley, causing one to back out of the way; (3) Owing to the impossibility of any vehicle larger than a motor cycle to turn around in the alley, utility vehicles M ul.d be un- able to, use same at the present width. 7 The Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer stating, after checking the petition received last week for the improvement of a portion of the 10 foot alley abutting lots in Block 2, Renton Highlands Addition and Weed's View Tracts, the petition was found to be irregular as to the ma--.ner in which the pledges for pay- ment were allowed to be entered into the petition, recommends that the petition be declared invalid. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer. Carried. A co;iununi%ation was read from yon '-Tumble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority enclosing copies of a proposed Coop:=ration Agreement, for Council study and :gproval, embodying the provisions required by the Public Housing Adminis- tration relative to the construction and operation by the Housing Authority of the City of Renton of low rent public housing. Recalling that on February 114 1950 the Council passed Resolution No. 758 approving Mousing Authority application to the Public =lousing Administration for a preliminary loan in the amount of 40,000.00 to cover the cost of surveys and planning in connection with the develop- ment of not to exceed approximately.100 dwelling units of low rent public housing in the City of Renton - - that the PH(ousing Authority did apply for and receive that loan. analysis of the survey conducted indicates that of the 718 possible eligible families, only some 250 should be considered in establishing the low rent housing need of the Renton area - and that the Housing Authority concurs in this analysis and requests that the proposed Cooperation Agreement covers 250 units of low rent housing. Also, that it is the Housing Authority's intent, on approval by the City council, to proceed with construction of only 100 of these units at this time and to await actual experience with applications and occupancy in these 100 units before considering the construction of any additional low rent housing units, in accordance with the belief of the Housing.. Authority that it should con- struct the minimum of low rent housing required to provide for only our own low income families; that the Housing Authority would consult with the Council prior to the construction of additional units. To comply with the commitment made by the time the Housing Authority requested the City Council to approve the application for the preliminary loan, that low rent housing would not be constructed on any site which the City Council did not approve - and they request designation of a Council committee to work with the Housing Authority in the choice of a site for the proposed housing. Councilman Reid recommended that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a whole for consideration and study. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of Councilman Reid, and that the Council as a whole meet with the Iiayor, City Attorney and City Engineer for discussion of same, Tuesday evening, January 22nd at 7:00 P.M. Carried. A communication from B_rton W. Chace, Mayor of the City of Long Beach, California, enclosing a copy of a resolution adopted by their City Council on December 4, 1951, was read stating that the resolution_ tells a complete story of the Federal Government's campaign to seize the coastal submerged lands and reso,.irces of the States, and threatens to undermine states, rights, private property rights and the right of self-government. Mayor Chace requested that the resolution, which also gives the legal history of the issue and pending legislation in Congress be read and that it be referred to the City's Legislative body, having them formally adopt a similar resolution calling on Congressional representatives to support pending legislation, further stating what the Federal Government is seeking to do in Long Beach and of Federal propaganda from Washington. Proved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the communication and Resolution be referred to the Legislative Committee and City Attorney for study and a report back. Carried. A report was read from L. B. Farr, Claim Department of Gould and Gould, Insurance Agents regarding Claim 6329, Georgia Joan Brender (against the City of Renton) asking that the City "advise disposition of the claim made by M.r. Brender through his attorneys, Lycette, Diamond and Sylvester of Seattle by the City Council; as it is reported by the City they can see no liability herein and believe the claim should be denied." They further request to be advised the Council's action in this connection and state they "trust this matter has been referred to the City Attorney for his views." 8 On the request for clarification of same, the City Attorney stated that he had not seen this report but assumed the Insurance Company had made an independent investi— gation of the accident — that the Street Commissioner had submitted a report as to wilat happened and that it would be a matter for the City of Renton's Insurance Company representatives to decide whether there is any liability to the claimant; that the Attorney fcr the claimant should be so notified — that if the claim is denied, it might be they would start suit against the City, but that a 60 day period would have to be allowed; that in his opinion, the City of Renton's Insurance Company representatives should make their own investigation. On the recommendation of Mayor Baxter, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the report be referred to the City Attorney for action and Gould & Gould, Inc., Insurance Agents and Lycette, Diamond & Sylvester of Seattle, the claima.nt's attorneys, be notified of the Council's action. Carried. The Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Baxter, of Angelo Busato as Police Chief of the City of Renton, on permanent status, effective January 1, 1952. Moved by Bruce, seconded. by Freyman, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Baxter, of C. E. McCarthy, as Assistant Police Chief of the City of Renton, on pormanent status, effective January 1, 1952. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the appointments, by Mayor Baxter, on permanent status, of patrolmen Charles 0. Swartfager, effective January 1, 1952, Emmett H. Kindle, effective May 16, 1951 and Wendell. W. Lancaster, effective August 1, 1951. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. 'he Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer stating that the attached petition for rezoning had been checked and it had been determined there was 67.5 percent of the abutting property owners in favor of the rezoning from residential use district to commercial use district. - The Clerk read the petition from Glen Clow of the Motor Mart, 13665 Rainier Avenue and Ralph Kerman of Herman's Mobile Plumbing, 14034 Rainier Avenue, requesting the Council to change the zoning classification of said tracts, as described in detail from residential use district to commercial use district, (in brief, that portion of Government Lot 16, Section 18) Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., bounded on the north by the Motor Mart, on the south by Shaff and Bell and on the east by State Highway No. 5) Further stating that the signatures on said petition were the signatures of the owners of not less than 51% by area, of all the property in the City, lying within 200 feet (street and alleys excepted) of the above described tracts and having frontage on any street passing through or adjoining the above described tracts proposed for rezoning, do consent to rezoning. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Renton Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. The City Engineer and Street Commissioner submitted specifications for a heavy duty motor loader and recommended purchase of same; bidders to submit trade—in allowance on the city owned 1947 model "B" used Scoopmobile. The Street Commissioner informed the Council that the Scoopmobile the City is now using is dangerous to operate and to repair same to safety standards would be of a greater expense than its worth. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, as this matter of the need of a, larger piece of equipment had been discussed at Thursday evening's street and alley Committee meeting and the cost of same had been included in the 1952 budget, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Street Co-mi.ssioner and a "Cl-11 for Bids" be published. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1 .20 as presented by the Ordinance Committee relating to Daylight Savint Time and providing for the placing of the matter of the adoption of daylight saving time by the City of Renton on the ballot at the next municipal election. 9 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hagen, that proposed Ordinance To. 1Lw20 be re— ferred to the Ordinance Committee. .Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council accept the recorrmendation of the Ordinance Committee and that Ordinance No. 1-420 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, and a short discussion, it was moved by LDelaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, No; Freyman, No; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Tamborini, No; Dullahant, Aye and Holm, Aye, There being 9 "Aye's" and 3 "Nots't the motion carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm., that Ordinance No. 1420 be published January 17th and a certified copy of same be furnished the Superintendent of Elections in Seattle as soon as possible. Carried. The Street and Alley Co7z.uttee recommended that parking on Renton Street on Renton Scenic Hill be restricted on the west side from 3rd Avenue to 7th Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recorrm endation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that parking be restricted on the west side of Factory Street from 2nd Avenue North, south to Bronson Way, from 4:00 to 5:00 P,M., this to relieve the traffic congestion. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the matter be referred tc the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. The Street & Alley Committee, following legal o dvice, recommended in the matter of the improvement of a portion of the alley in Block 2, Morgants Grand View Addition, that this being a controversial issue, the City should not become in— volved in same, but that if the petitioning contractor wishes to proceed with this improvement, he should be required to furnish a bond in sufficient amount to pro— tect the City in case of a suit for d amages in connection with same, and hold the City free and blameless of any liability; all work to be done on a qualified per— mit to be approved by the City Attorney. Or, that in the event the contractor does not wish to go to this extent, the Council, if they so desired, could publish "Notice of Intent to Improve" the alley the entire length of the block. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The Police & License Committee recommended that the Council waive the admission tax for the Renton Junior—Senior High School until further notice. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. After a short discussion, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, No; Swift, No; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, No; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Du1l.ahant, Aye and Holm, No. there being 7 "Ayers" and 5 "Noss", the motion carried. Karl J. '.weber, Vice—Principal of the Renton Junior—Senior High School is to be advised of the Council's decision that the admission tax is to be waived until further notice. Mayor Baxter granted the Auditing & Accounting Committee one week more time in the matter of the white—Pope Claim against the City of Renton. 0 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Street & Alley Committee that any new parking meters installed, be installed at 22 foot intervals, rather than 18 foot intervals, and that all park- ing meters be reset at 22 foot intervals. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that on a previous recommendation, that his committee in- vestigate the possibility of widening Park Avenue from 4th Avenue North to Bronson Way, that they would like to recommend that this project be started under the 1953 budget and a portion of the gasoline tax received by the City of Renton be allocated each year; that there are 3 long blocks that one or two blocks could be completed each year a .d the program could be spread over two or three years, or until completed; and the Engineering Department be requested to prepare plans and specifications for same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that his committee recommenced that the same procedure be followed in regard to a portion of the gasoline tax, received by the City of Renton, to be allocated for the paving of Wells Street from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue and the Engineering Department be requested to prepare plans and specifi- cations for same. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, was instructed to contact the Street Commissioner for needed signs to be used for kee_�ing a11_ City buildings that are for rent or lease occupied by paying tenants. Councilman Trimm asked that a short Sanitation Committee meeting be held with the Council as a whole, immediately after this evenings Council meeting. The Street Commissioner reported that the Street Department had repaired a portion of Shattuck Street adjacent to the Renton Auto Freight Building, between Tobin Agenue and Airport Way. Mr. John Truman and some other Highland residents, who were present at the Council meeting, criticized the manner in which the garbage was being collected in the Highlands. Mayor Baxter informed them that the Street Commissioner would hear all complaints and continue to take care of them as he has been doing in the past and that if everyone would cooperate with the Street Commissioner, garbage collections could be made in an entirely satisfactory manner. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS X25,759.30 3372-3522 CLAINZ CURRENT FUND 273.16 61 - CLAIMS WATER FUND 41.52 8534 CLAII�B PARK FUND - 1640 CLAIiS ATHLETIC - 599 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 10.40 2182 CLAIMS FIRE,1EN'S PENSION 250.00 75- 76 CLAIMS' CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND - 4,117 CLAIMS LIBRARY FUND - 2454 CLAIMS AIRPORT FUND - 1277 CLAIMS CITY STREETS - 6195 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Y 1 Wile y Cro - City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washi;igton January 22, 1952. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by 11iayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Reid, Richardson, Swift, Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Hagen, Trimm, Tamborini, Dullahant and Holm. ( Councilman Delaurenti was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTE21T HEADS P i.ESENT WERE: Gerard Shel.lan, Assistant City Attorney; C. E. McCarthy, Assistant Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett> City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Jack Schneider, Airport P,ianager. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of January 15th be approved as corrected. Carried. A request for permission to sponsor a show "The Cavalcade of the West, Inc.," in Renton, c•Ia.y 5th through 10th 1952, stating that they have been assured by the general manager of the show that all equipment is in good condition, much of same being brand new and all machinery thoroughly inspected regularly. The Legion's share of the proceeds of the show will be used to provide care for the sick and dis- abled veterans and provide help for widows and orphans and children of veterans of all the wars. The show to be located on the Azzola property in North Renton, North of 6th Avenue North between Pelly and Wells Streets, extended. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the American Legion be granted a per- mit to sponsor the show on the location designated and the license fee be waived. Carried. A request for permission to place a canteen vending machine, for the purpose of dispensing candy and cigaretts in the City Hall lobby was read from Wally Clarke, Secretary of the Renton Lions Club. The Canteen Company will maintain the machine and profit from the sales will be given to the Lions "Youth Activities Fund." Eloved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this request be granted to the . enton Lions Club. Carried. Application for a master license for the operation of coin-operated phonographs in 34 listed locations was read from the Modern I,iusic Company, stating they will conform to Ordinances of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the application be referred to the Police and License Committee, with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Attorney (addressed to the City Clerk) re- garding the 111952 Budget gage Increases", making a record of conversations of November 16, 1951 of the City Clerk and City Attorney with Wage Stabilization officials of the Government in Seattle. That the City Clerk talked to Mr. Hulett, (Seneca 3100) and the City Attorney talked with Mr. Farris of the same office who is in charge of the office, stating that if the wage increases of 1951 and 1952 leave the City scale reasonably in line with the prevailing scales for like classi- fications of work, there is no necessity of filing a report or asking a review of the 1952 budget by their office; that increases for 1951 and 1952, up to 18% are in line with previous approvals given by their office; that Renton is not re- quired, but may ask for a review, under the Act - - that the City Attorney had advised them that Renton would not request a review. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the above report and action thereon. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the U.S. Corps of Army Engineer's has requested that the City survey the feasibility of extending the City Water system to serve the U.S. Army camp stationed east of the City on the old Cemetery Road, 1.1 miles beyond the nearest water supply (a 4" main) from the Renton Hill :,later Association which extends to Powell's corner; that under terms of the Renton Hill Water Association's Agreement with the City, permission would have to be obtained from the Renton Hill Water Association - - and then Renton could not serve the army camp and maintain—adequate service for the Water Association with the present facilities. The City Engineer stated that it was his belief that 12 . it was his belief that an independent line would have to be installed from the Highlands system to the army cramp (about two miles away) and in his opinion would hot be practical, unless the line was planned to eventually serve the adjoining area. The City would be required to furnish the material and labor and then be re- imbursed for same by the U.S. Corps of Engineers. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion, it would not be practical to run a two inch water line to serve one temporary army camp - - that he had received no guarantee of reimbursement, that the Government representative who had contacted him had intimated that they would reimburse the City. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer for further study and a report back of their recommendations on the proposal. Carried. The City Engineer presented a request for permission to construct a trailer camp on private property north of Sixth Avenue North and fronting on North "Jells Street from Mr. & Airs. Samuel Hubbard, stating that because the trailer camp is to be of a permanent nature, that the request be referred to the Health Officer and the City Planning Commission. A communication., signed by A. M. Roberts of Brightman, Roberts & Holm, attorneys at law, accompanied the request , attaching a sketch of the proposed apartments and trailer camp upon the location described in detail, of the above described property; Mr. Roberts further states that Mr. & Airs. Samuel Hubbard are considering the purchase of the tract of land providing the facilities may be used as illustrated for the development of a high class trailer camp area with proposed rental apartments, including the owner's apartment, to be located in the structure now located upon the land; that Mr. & Mrs. Hubbard, are next door neighbors of the writer and are very desirable neighbors. Also, in Mr. Robertis opinion, the camp would be a worthwhile development of that section of Renton, which would add materially to the growth of the community. On the advice of the City Engineer, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation.. Carried. A communication. was read from the City Engineer stating that the King County Planning Commission requests another joint meeting with the City Council and City Planning Commission for a further discussion of the City Planning Survey on Wednesday, January 30th at 5:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers. The City Engineer explained that this was the City Planning Commissions regular meeting night. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council as a whole meet with the King County and City Planning Commissions on the date requested. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that it would be necessary to install a four inch compound water meter to furnish city water service for the new Highlands Grade School - - that the meter is estimated to cost wr590.00. The City Engineer requests permission to call for bids for the purchase of the meter, under specifications as follows: Tyne: 411, compound type, cold water meter to meet American Water Works Association Standardsv Design: The outer cases shall be of bronze composition or cast iron protected by a non-corrosive treatment., with bronze register boxes, lids and measuring chambers. E egistratiLon & Operation: The register shall be round reading; the allowable error in registration shall not exceed 3% over and under actual flow. The small or by-pass meter shall have a lever-type cut-off valve in the by-pass line, to permit repair of the small meter without interrupting the main flow of water. The City Engineer informed the Council that the meter would be required for the new grade school in the Highlands and that water meters were critical material and that same would be needed early in the job, and recommended the "Call for Bids" be published as soon as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the C*Lty Engineer stating that Councilman Reid and the City Engineer had met with Superintendent Hazen of the Renton School District and discussed the proposal of installing mercury vapor street lighting on Second Avenue from Logan Street to Rainier Avenue; the proposal being presented on the basis that School District No. 403 would share in the installation, the estimate being $10,000.00; further stating that the School Board has been given a legal ruling and attaching a transcript of this ruling from H. R. Johnson, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Denton School District. That the opinion received from the King County Prosecuting Attorney regarding the sharing of costs with the City of Renton for the installation of street lights from Logan Street to Rainier Avenue on Second Avenue is "that the Renton School District has no authority to agree to pay one—half, or any fractional part of the cost of the above mentioned lighting project. However, the School District is subject to local improvement assessments, and if such a Local Improvement District were formed for this project, then the School District would by law, be subject to their proportional share of the project cost." jCouncilman Richardson stated that in his opinion this communication should be referred to a Committee and that the Council in setting up the 1953 Budget could set up a program similar to the ones recommended for widening of Park Street and the paving of Wells Street, between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue by the use of gasoline tax which is allocated for this purpose. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that these communications be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and, City Engineer for further study. Carried. The Clerk read the application for a Taxicab Operator's License for W.J. Thompson of the O.K. Taxicab Company, said application having been approved by the Chief of Police, stating that a check in the amount of $180.00 accompanied the application. 0150.00 for the license and one taxicab and '30.00 for the additional taxicab.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council approve the application. Carried. An application 'or a taxicab Operator's license for Clifford Sylvia for Louts Taxi was read by the City Clerk, said application having been approved by the Chief of Police, stating that a check in the amount of $150.00 accompanied the application. 6150.00 for the license and one taxicab.) The Clerk read the contract of E. L. Fisler to sell to C.E. Sylvia, all his interest in Louts Taxicab Company; and that if the City of Renton does not approve the application of Mr. C. E. Sylvia for a license to operate Louts Taxicab Company for the balance of the current year 1952, that the agreement is null and void. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the application. Carried. Councilman Reid, President of the Council stated, that at the special meeting, held prior to this eveningts Council meeting, in regard to the Housing Authority's Cooperative Agreement, that they had decided to recommend that the agreement as submitted, be rejected and further recommended that the Housing Authority be re— quested to furnish figures to substantiate the need for additional low rent housing. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a whole, and that the Housing Authority be so notified. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess for a discussion of the Council as a whole with Mr. Richard E. Wolff, who two weeks previously had submitted his completed report on the City of Renton's Municipal dater System.. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, RICHARDSON., SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HA14SEN, HAGEN, TRI1,11, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, Mr. Jolff's report was a very fine one and thanked Mr. Wolff for presenting same. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion also, Mr. Wolff's report was very good and he wished to thank Mr. Wolff for .,., presenting it. Councilman Richardson stated that the City Attorney had drafted a proposed Ordinance to cover the changing of names of streets in Earlington for the Ordinance Committee, but that his committee recommended that same be referred to the Street and Alley Committee (who originally recommended the names and changes) to make their recommen— dation. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 14 � The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, forbidding parking on the west side of Renton Street from Third Avenue to Seventh Avenue, of any motor vehicle, and providing penalty for the violation thereof. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, th=it the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, regulating parking on the west side of Factory Street from Second Avenue North, south to Bronson Way, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. On the recommendation of the Chairman of the Ordinance Committee for same, the Mayor ordered the two above proposed Ordinances be held in the Ordinance Committee for one week before submitting their recommendation on same. Councilman Holm reported that his committee, upon further investigation of the damage claim presented by White—Pope, Inc., had found that the life expectancy of the steam cleaning machine was ten years and that the machine had been used only two years. The Audit_ng and Accounting Committee recommended -that before the City took any action, this claim be referred to the City of Renton's Insurance Represen— tatives to see if the City's Insurance does cover this claim. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm inquired if -the new sign erected on the southwest corner of the Air— port property did not obstruct motorists vision and constitute a traffic hazard. The Airport Manager reported that before the sign had been erected, several eliable persons had approached this intersection in their cars from the various directions, and had determined to their entire satisfaction, that the sign in no way obstructed the vision of oncoming motorists, coming from any direction. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, it was a good sign and good advertising for the Airport. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that the Purchasing Agent would explain to the Council, the next time he attended, the reason the City had not published a "Call for bids' for the City's 1952 fuel oil supply. Councilman Reid stated, considering the inconvenience of some of the Highlands residents caused by the reroutin; of the Lake Shore Lines buses, that consideration should be given to the possibility of public bus depot waiting room and rest room for the benefit of the public; that he had discussed the advisability of same with the City Engineer and the Mayor and that the City did have property for such a site, that was not being used. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that this proposal be referred to a Committee and the City Engineer to investigate the possibility of a bus station, waiting room and rest room for the public. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that some of the problems that were discussed during the recess with Mr. Wolff, should be placed in committee for further action as soon as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the problem of major improvements and repairs to the water system in the Talbot area be referred to the Finance and Claims Committee and .Fire and 'Water Committee, and that the Committees contact the necessary Department Heads to assist them in securing data on which to make their recommendations. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the motion be amended to include the City Attorney, City Engineer and Property Committee to investigate the possibility of procuring an option on the proposed storage area site as recommended. by Mr. Wolff in the Talbot area. The amendment carried. The motion then carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Committee investigating the proposal of Mr. Nordstrom to construct, operate and maintain a parking area on Northern Pacific Railroad Company property between Logan -atreet and the railroad tracks, parallel to Loan Street, in the area 600 feet north and 600 feet south of 8th Avenue North, had studied this proposal and after careful consideration recommended that the per- mit be not granted; they further suggested that Mr. Nordstrom be advised to con- tinue his search :for an available s:)ot in this area for a parking lot that would be permanent and not subject to changing traffic regulations. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the reflector lights at the west end of the islands on Second Avenue between Logan Street and Rainier Avenue were in his opinion in- adequate, and the City should increase the visibility of same for the safety of school children and pedestrians. The City Engineer stated that he had considered the installation of an electric blinker signal or other kind of reflector. Councilman Richardson stated that he had driven in this location and thought by the installation of additional reflector lights at a lower level would adequately take care of the problem of poor visibility when motorists lights were on "low beam". Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner proceed to remedy this situation. Carried. Mr. Henry Reynolds, Executive Secretary of the Renton Chamber of Commerce reported that he had talked with County Commissioner Sears in regard to the annexation of the property formerly the site of the gravel pit, and had been informed that Mr. Stender, the Clerk of the Commissioner's Board, did not know about same and that the problem would be taken care of within a few days. Also, that the matter of the proposed bathing beach at the southwest end of Lake Washington adjacent to Bryn Mawr to the east of Rainier Avenue and North of the Airport,' to his knowledge was still under consideration and that the matter of this site being used as a sewage disposal plant for the Bryn Mawr-Lake Ridge Districts would come before the King County Planning Commission at their next meeting on January 29th and he recommended that a letter stating the City's opinion of this matter in regard to same being used as a public bathing beach, be furnished both the City of Renton's Planning Commission and the King County Planning Commission, for their consideration before definite consideration of same was given as a Sewage Disposal Plant site. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer direct a letter to both the City Planning and King County Planning Commissions, informing them that the City of Renton has a definite interest in this proposed site as a public bathing beach for the City of Renton and that the City is still working on a proposition in regard to furnishing sewage disposal service to the Bryn Mawr-Lake Ridge Area. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn., Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Ci Jerk Mayor 16 Renton, Washington January 29, 1952. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. (Councilmen Delaurenti and Richardson being excused to attend other meetings.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTME14T HEADS PRESMdT WEI-�E: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Gene Coulon, Park Superinten- dent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the January 22nd meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BLDG, PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTIeQiT. NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2634, $7,500.00 William E. Taylor 8644 S. 142nd St. erect new house 3067 100.00 E. E. Baker 221 N. 'dells St. install driveway 8 1,600.00 Virgil Gooden 425 Airport Way install :heaters 9 250.00 Stan Thompson 1206 2nd Ave. N. remodel building 70 70.00 A. Nystrom 1254.4. SE 144th St, electric service 1 100.00 Louis Mrvich 1522 Brooks Ave. electric service 2 200.00 Clark Transfer Mothers Park electric service 3 100.00 Steve Chesnik 615 Main St. electric service 4 500.00 Lucy Guitteau 118 Wells St. add'n on house 5 200.00 Rutherford's XXX 3rd & Dunlap-Canyon remodel ?bldg. 6 - Tony Starkovich 8802 Langston Road install Plumbing 7 400.00 Denny Auguston 14066 Sunset Blvd. erect rockery 8 100.00 John Angell 12551 SE 141st St. remodel bldg. 9 100.00 Sam Pelligrini 508 Morris St. electric service 80 100.00 J. E. Hurner 907 D Street electric service A communication was read from Vivian I. Dexters President of Dexter-Tonkin Motor Company, requesting that parking on the north of Houser 'day from Mill Street west- ward to the Cedar River Bridge be restricted to one hour in order to relieve the all-day parking situation which has become a handicap to their business. Councilman Swift informed the Council that he had received this letter prior to the Council meeting and same had been discussed at their Street & Alley Committee with the City Engineer and Traffic Division of the Police Department and that the Comm- ittee had all agreed that the request should be granted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department and Ordinance Committee for their recommendation and action. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer to Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee & Municipal Beach Committee, stating that he had made an investi- gation of the two parcels of Lake Washington shor property which had been referred to him by Councilman Bruce last evening - that the easterly portion, owned by Mrs. Ballard, has 175 feet of frontage and is triangular shaped - that the westerly portion, owned by Mr. Taylor has 150 foot frontage and is fairly regularly shaped. The Ballard home, in his opinion, is suitable for remodeling for housing bathing facilities, but that the Taylor home should be removed. The property does not ex- tend to Rainier Avenue, but South 113th dead-ens in the rear of these properties and provides access to them. The beach is favorable with a gradual slope and is sandy to wading depth. The objectionable feature being lack of depth for parking facilities. The site is approximately 200 feet westerly from the proposed sewage plant site. The City Engineer further stated, that on being questioned, both owners of the property expressed their willingness to discuss a proposal of City acquisi- tion. It is the Engineer's belief that the property in question would have to be rezoned for bathing beach use. Councilman Bruce stated that he had received a telephone call from Mrs. Ballard and Mr. Taylor, and both parties had expressed their willingness to sell; that if the City is interested, that they would have to signify their intentions soon - trat Mra. Ballard is leaving January 30th for California and the Council would have 7 to deal with her lawyer - that she would like to know by 10:00 P.M., this evening, the Council' s decision. Councilman Bruce explained that the King County Planning Commission and the State Sanitation Committee are also working on a nearby site for a sewage disposal plant for the Bryn-Mawr Lakeridge area, and that if the Council signified their intention of acquiring property for a bathing beach at this location, the area possibly would not be used as a sewage disposal plant site. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, t'::at Mrs. Ballard be notified that the City of Renton is still interested in her property on Lake Washington, at Bryn Mawr. Carried. A petition was read, signed by 15 owners of property described as that area in the vicinity of the Sunset Highway, from the Newcastle Road easterly for approx- imately one-half mile, requesting that the City of Renton incorporate in their plans the provisions for the extension of the Renton water system to serve said area. CounciLman Reid stated that this area is east of the present water system; that the present water line runs approximately 600 feet north on the Newcastle road. Moved by aeid, seconded by Holm, that the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer investigate the possibility of incorporating this request into the plannings for the improvement and extension of the water system in this area and report back. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition for the improvement of a portion of the 10 foot alley lying between Block 2, Renton Highlands Addition and 11eed's View tracts and extending westerly 930 feet from the margin of E. Street, by grading and sur- facing with gravel in conformity with specifications prepared by the City Engineer. The petition was signed by 12 of the owners of lots abutting the described alley. The Clerk stated that the City Engineer had requested that the petition be re- ferred back to :aim to check the legality of the oumers and the correctness of the pledges as shown. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council refer the petition to the City Engineer to creck, as per his request. Carried. As this was the date set for the 'Opening of Bids' for one heavy duty motor loader, there being only one bid received, the bid was opened and read as follows: Columbia Equipment Company 1 - Mixermobile scoopmobile as per specifications ?� F.O.B., Renton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,790.00 3% Washington State Sales Tax . . . . . . . . . . 203.70 Total price including tax $62993.70 Less allowance for used 1947 model E. scoopmobile 1,500.00 NET COST $5x493.0 The Street Commissioner stated that the specifications in the 'Call for Bids' had been very broadly written and that same had been legally published and the various suppliers notified. Councilman Reid stated that the fact that this equipment is becoming scarce and suppliers are unable to quote a delivery date, was possibly the reason there were not any more bids received. Mcved by Dullehant, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept for consider- ation the bid as read. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the bid be referred to the City Engineer and. Street Commissioner to compare specifications in the bid with the specifi- cations required in the 'Call for Bids' as published, and report back on same to the Council. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1421 as corrected, "An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, forbidding parking of vehicles on the west side of Fenton Street from Third Avenue to Seventh Avenue and providing a penalty for the violation thereon". is :37 Moved by Tambori_ni, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the report of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1421 as. corrected, be placed on its lst reading. Carried. The clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1421. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1421 and r^commended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of ... the majority of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1421 be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Freyman, seconded by Tamborini,, that proposed Ordinance No. 1421 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taker: as follows: Reid, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; -�agen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Dullahant, Aye and Holm, Aye. All ten Councilmen present voting "Ayelt, the motion carried. The majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed. Ordinance No. 1422 and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the report of the majority of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1422 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that pro— posed Ordinance No. 1422 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Frey— na.n, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Dullaha.nt, Aye and Holm, Aye. All ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried.. Councilman Swift reported that the proposed Ordinance lChanging the names of certain Streets and Avenues in Earlington, within the City of Renton,, Washington, and repealing all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, had been referred to the Street & Alley Committee and that said Committee approved the Ordinance and recommended that same be referred 'pack to the Ordinance Committee for their consideration. Moved by. Triirm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Street & Alley Committee in regard to the above referred to Ordinance. Carried.. The majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and requested that the second and final reading, and further action on same be delayed until after publication as a proposed Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the report of the majority of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 6ouncilman Swift explained to the Council that all the names of Streets, as changed, were selected from a list of early settlers names submitted by the Earlingtcn Improvement Club. By request, the City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Holm, seconded by Dullahant, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation, that the 2nd and final reading be postponed until February 26th — that same be published as a proposed Ordinance and notice of the second and final reading date be published. After a short discussion regarding same, the motion, that the second and final reading be postponed until February 26th and this postponed date of the 2nd and final reading be published, lost. ea.yor Baxter stated that M. C. Walls, Assistant Fire Chief, who had represented the City of Renton at a Civil Defense National meeting, had a report to make to the Council privately. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council recess for the purpose of hearing Mr. Wall's report. Carried. Councilman Bruce asked for additional time at the recess to discuss with the Council as a whole, the result of the meeting of the King Councy Planning Commi- ssion with the Council as a whole, in regard to the Cedar River Housing Project that by request of the City Attorney, certain questions must be answered in the near future. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe. R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: Reid, Delaurenti, Swift, Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Hagen, Trimm, Tamborini, Dullahant and Holm. Councilman Bruce reported that the Special Committee on Housing recommended that the City Attorney be authorized to employee appraisers, through the Special Cedar River Policy Committee, with the understanding that expenditures for the appraisal were not to exceed $ 1000.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the purchase of the land adjacent to the Talbot keservoir had been recommended by Mr. Wolff, who made the survey of the water system, and the Property Committee recommended that the amount of X50.00 be appropriated to cover the expense of appraisal of the property in question. Councilman Tamborini stated that the property to be appraised was the only pro- perty, according to the Municipal Water Survey, that was available near the Talbot Water Reservoir that would be suitable for additional water storage space. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that vp'50.00 be allowed for the appraisal.. Carried.. Councilman Swift reported that his committee had thoroughly studied the recomm- endation that Wells Street and Williams Street be made (one-way streets) and the Street & Alley Committee recommended that traffic be routed 'ISOUTii on Wells Street, from 2nd Avenue to Lith Avenue, and NORTH on Williams Street, from 4th Avenue to 2nd Avenue.1, for a 38-day trial period; that the Council set t :e date for the trial period. Councilman Reid inquired if a traffic count had been taken during certain peak or slack hours, over these streets to determine the feasibility of making these two streets ONE WAY STREETS. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, if ONE WAY signs were installed at the proper places, that with the assistance and cooperation of the Traffic Division of the Police Department, motorists would be trained to observe the regulations in regard to ONE WAY traffic. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee had investi- gated the possibility of widening Burnett Street at Lith Avenue to enable motorists easier access to Burnett Street and stated that in his opinion, if the Railroad Company would relocate the steel standard in the center of this area, traffic conditions in regard to congestion and hazards would be considerably improved, and suggested that the City Engineer be requested to write a letter to the Railroad Company asking that they relocate said steel standard. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the City Attorney's office determine in the near future, if the alley in Block 22 Morgans Grandview Addition on Renton Scenic Hill is public property or not. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, having been given power to act, reported that his committee had approved the application for a Master License of the Modern Music Company for the operation of coin-operated phonographs at 34 listed locations. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee had been authorized to make a survey in regard to a location for a central bus depot and waiting room and suggested, for consideration, the property adjacent to the Fire Station. 1961 0 Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, the property adjacent to the Fire Station should be left as is, as -the space may be required to enlarge the present fire station in the future. Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time to report on the extension of the City's water service to the Army camp on the cemetery road. Moved by Holm, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council adopt the policy of having a recess during their meeting, only after consideration of all of the regular business on the agenda, in order to allow persons present to make comment on issues coml.ng before the Council without waiting through the recess of the Council. Councilman Swift suggested that the motion be modified to leave the matter of re— cessing the meetings at certain times to the discretion of the Mayor. The Mayor stated, that in his opinion, this is entirely up to the Council, and if they re— quest a recess to discuss an issue, then he will call a recess at that time, but that he considered it a very good idea to have a recess during the meeting, ORLY AFTER. ALL regular business had been considered. Councilman Holm, with the consent of his second, Councilman Dullahant, changed the motion as follows: 'when necessary, and at his discretion, the Mayor reminded the Council that it is the policy of the Council to call a recess during the meeting, only after all regular business, scheduled for said meeting, had been con— sidered. The motion carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Dullahant, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Ci3y Clerk Mayor 21 Renton, Washington February 5, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, H,i SEl`1, HAGEN, TRI1,11, TAMBOhINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLMI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY; ANGELO BUSATO, POLICE CHIEF; FLOYD LAWRENCE, FIRE CHIEF; WILEY CROOK, CITY CLERK; DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER; JAPES HIGHTON, CITY ENGINEER; DAVID PUGH, STREET COi1,!ISSI01TER; GENE COULON, PARK SUPERINTENDENT; JACK SCHNEIDER, AIP.PORT •TANAGER; WALT WILL, BUILDING INSPECTOR AND ELTON ALEXANDER, BUDGET CONTROLLER. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of January be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from R. P. Holman, Plant Facilities Manager, of the Boeing Airplane Company, to the City Clerk, in regard to payment in lieu of taxes to the City of Renton, giving information that the Boeing Airplane Company had obtained as follows: "The Office of the Air Force Plant Representative was contacted on this matter and they discussed same with the Judge Advocate General, .western Air Pro- curement District. They advised that under applicable Federal and State laws, the Air Force cannot mace payment in lieu of taxes to the City of Renton, and any such payments made by the Boeing Airplane Company could not be considered allowable costs under their Government contract, since their company is practically operating only under military contracts, they do not have any method by which any 'in lieu of tax' payments could be made to the City of Renton." They further expressed their appreciation for the efforts and contributions the City of Renton has made towards the reactivation of the Renton Plant, and the complete cooperation they have ex- pressed with the local planning councils, particularly in regard to the airport where they have been pressed for additional areas on short notice - - that it is only with the combined cooperation of the City Officials and Boeing Representatives that they have met some of the Airplane schedules that are required, - - that Federal rules and regulations will not permit reimbursement for services extended to the Boeing Airplane Company plant, and they feel that keeping the Renton Plant at a high rate of employment, in turn benefits the community, by keeping the large payrolls in the area. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be placed on file. Carried. The Clerk read an Invoice from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System for retired employees prior service charges for January, 1952, in the amount of $511.25, also listing the service pension roll. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the invoice be referred to the Finance Committee and City Clerk with power to act. Carried. The City Attorney stated that the City had no choice as to the payment, but could refer same to the Council, if there is any doubt as to the amount of the invoice. The clerk read a second invoice from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System of the statement of operating expense charges for 1951 and an advance for 1952, in the amount of Sv1,024.80. The Clerk explained that w1024.80 was Renton's share of the operating expenses of the Statewide Pension System, as determined on a per capita basis of the number of employees which are covered by the system from each member city. A communication was read from C. G. 14yers, Secretary of the Planning Commission, recommending that the Mayor and City Council give full consideration ty securing a sewer system survey for the metropolitan area of I''enton, as in their opinion there is an urgent necessity for a survey similar to the survey recently made of the water system - - that such a survey would be of the utmost value to the City of Penton and would aid the City Engineer and the Planninl, Commission in their ftiture planning. 22 The City Engineer reported that this matter had been thoroughly discussed with the Planning Commission and that it was considered vital in the future planning of the City of Renton, to incorporate a sewer system survey,. together with the newly completed water system survey, in the Planning Survey. Moved by Holm, seconded by Freyman, that the Planning Commission recommendation be referred to the Sanitation Committee to study and report back. Carried. A second communication was read from the Planning Commission in reference to (1) the petition from Glen Clow and Ralph Herman for rezoning from residential to commercial, the property described as lying on thecestside of State Hightimy No. 5, between Shaff & Bell's property and the Motor Mart, recommending that the Council approve the petition as requested .. (2) In reference to the petition submitted by A. M. Roberts of the firm of Brightman, Roberts and Holm, on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Hubbard, for the construction of a trailer camp on the property north of 6th Avenue North and fronting on Wells Street North, as described, recommending that the Council approve the petition, only after securing the dedication of property for a street, as an extension of Wells Street North, to the City of Renton, for access to said property described in the petition. Moved by hichardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission for the rezoning from residential to commercigl of property described as lying on the west side of State Highway IJo. 5, between Sha.ff & Bell's property and the Motor Tart, and that the City Attorney, City Eng- ineer and City Clerk be instructed to take the necessary steps for said rezoning. Carried. In reference to Item 2, the City Engineer explained that a roadway was built at this location by the Federal Government and that when this property was sold to a private party (Mr. Azzola) the roadway automatically became part of the property. Councilman Richardson suggested that no definite action be taken on Item 2, until the City Engineer has contacted the owners of the private property referred to, to see if they will dedicate the proper area to the City for a street. If and when such dedication is made to the City of Renton, then the Council can take definite action on same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the second item in regard to the dedication of the proper area in North Renton as a street, be referred to the Street & Alley Committee until the City Engineer has an opportunity to contact the owners of the property to see if they will dedicate the proper area to the City of Renton for use as a street. Carried. A third communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the Council authorize the completion of the survey, within the City of Renton, as reported at the special meeting on 'Jednesday, January 30th by the King County Planning Commission, and that the Council appropriate the necessary funds for the completion of said survey, if such are available - - that as the King County Planning Commission has completed the collection of data in the area surrounding Renton, as well as the surveys for the Renton School District and the Renton Hous- ing Authority, that in the onin3_on of the Planning Commission, the City should complete the survey, within the City limits, at this time. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Co.-mrission and order the completion of the survey. On the subject, the City Engineer stated that Mr. Nordmark of the King County Planning Commission had met with the City Planning Commission for a further dis- cussion of the Planning Survey being made for the City of Renton - - that all the field data has been gathered and assembled with a comprehensive plan and their re- com.aendation - - this plan includes parking facilities to relieve traffic con- gestion. The estimated cost to the City of Renton for the completion of the survey, is estimated to be between x$00.00 to $1000.00, compared with $4000.00 which was the estimate previously quoted for such a survey.. The City Engineer further stated that to make a survey of the sewer system, similar to the Municipal Water Survey, it would necessitate the services of a consulting engineer. Councilman Holm stated that Mr. Nordmark and his assistants presented what infor- mation was available in regard to Planning for the City of Renton at the meeting - that there was presented for the first time a comprehensive study of the- planning needed for the expansion and improvement of the City of Renton and that the men were doing a marvelous job - that the facts as shown by the survey are very valuable because it is absolutely essential to have the proper information, as given in the survey, in order to institute an intellient program for future planning for for the City of Renton - - that the-City would have information and plans for a cost of approximately 4"1500.`0 that could not ordinarily be obtained for less than three or four thousand dollars. Councilman Reid stated that a wonderful job had been done on this survey and that he considered the report on same very good. The City Engineer informed the Council that all field data has been gathered and they plan to have the written report completed by March lst. The motion that the Council order the completion of the Planning Survey then carried. A report was read from the City Engineer and Street Commissioner stating that they find the specifications in the proposal of the Columbia Equipment CompanyIs bid to furnish one heavy duty motor loader at a net cost of '05,493.00 met with the specifications published in the call for bids. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the report of the Street Commissioner and City Engineer be accented and the contract signed. Carried. A communication was read from the Airport 1,1anager stating that the City of Renton has a safe Airport operation that should not be a source of uneasiness or worry to either business firms or residents - - that there are no unscheduled air-carriers or air lines on the field, nor do they have flights to and from the Renton Airport under instrument weather conditions and that should bad weather move in while an aircraft is aloft, it would be necessary for him to fly to a field having better weat'_ger conditions, or to one having directional radio facilities, With new addi- tional safety features on airplanes, developed since the war, one of the most important of these being the "reversible propellors", now standard equipment on all four engines of the C-97 Strato.freighter which comprises the Boeing Airplane Com- pany's production program at this time, enabling the crew of the 0 -97, during its full power takeoff run, noticing an engine failure, or other malfunction, to almost instantaneously "reverse-the-:props" and come to a quick halt on the runway, that although a straight line take-off-course to the south would pass west of the High School buildings by nearly a block, Renton Airport traffic regulations now require all aircraft to alter their course 15 degrees to the right upon passing the field boundary, enabling the pilot, in case of complete engine failure, to land in the open fields, south and west of Renton - - that even with varying wind conditions, 90of all 4 - engine aircraft take-offs and landings are made away from the City. The Airport Manager extended to anyone interested, an invitation to make an appoint- ment, to be shown about their Tower, traffic control and field facilities. Councilman Richardson, stated that in his opinion, this was a fine report; that a party had called him last week in regard to the safety of the planes taking off from and landing on the Renton Airport, and that if this information could be given to both the papers so that a story on same would be published, persons could read the story and understand better what the actual situation is at the Renton Airport. Councilman Richardson requested that his committee, the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer, Chief of Police and Street Coma ssioner meet immediately following this evening's Council meeting to discuss the proposed Ordinance creating one-hour parking zones on Houser Way from Mill Street westward to the Cedar River Bridge. Councilman Swift reported that it had been called to his attention that the 11110 Parking Zone" area in front of the Police Station, where the meter had been re- moved, had frequently been used by City cars - - that the purpose of creating this "No Parking Zone" was for the purpose of creating this "Eo Parking Zone" was for the purpose of permitting easier and safer entrance to and exit from the east end of the driveway adjacent to and just north of the City Hall, and that in his opinion, City employees should not use this area for parking, as it sets a bad example for the public. The City Engineer stated that parking conditions in the rear of the City Hall for L City employees was very inadequate and to expedite some of their work and obtain their working orders, it was easier for the Street Stores and Water Department em- ployees to park in this area, if there were no parking areas available in the rear of the City Hall. Councilman Richardson suggested that as an alternative, a zone could be established for employees parking cars at the City Hall while on City business, and that the area behind the City Hall should be checked to determine if all cars parked in this area belong to City Employees. _ Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Street & Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department, investigate and report back in regard to these problems. Carried. 4 Councilman Bruce stated that the Cedar River Policy Committee and the Planning Commission had planned a meeting at 8:::)0 P.M., February 6th and that the Assistant City Attorney had some important information to give them at this meeting and Councilman Bruce requested that as many of the Council as could possibly attend, be present at this meeting. Councilman Dullahant reported that the Fire and Water Committee and C;_ty Engineer had thoroughly considered the problem of extending a water line to the U.S. Army Camp on the Cemetery hoad and recommended that the City of Renton refuse this re— quest. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recomrl— endation in regard to changing the meeting night of the Council, and report back. Carried. Fire Chief Lawrence stated, in regard to the names of the streets in the Earlington District, that he had no objections to the names given, or any names the Council— men would offer, but that in case of an emergency, (fire or otherwise) where there are two streets with the same name , the people call in for help or assistance in a hurry, and it is confusing to know whether they mean Street or Place; also, the same confusion exists in locating certain streets in the Highlands where there are streets and places with identical names — — that if at all possible, he would like to meet with the Street & Alley Committee for further consideration in regard to naming the streets. Councilman Richardson invited the Fire Chief to the next Street and Alley Committee meeting. Councilman Swift requested the Fire Chief to submit a letter to the 'street & Alley Committee giving his suggestions and recommendations, so that the Street and Alley Committee could investigate and consider same. Mr. Sam Mikalich, a truck driver employed by the City stated that many* times he had been asked for directions to addresses in the Highlands, but because of the con— fusing way they are named, with a map, it is difficult to direct people, and re— commended that if possible, avenues be numbered consecutively. The Council unanimously stated that the Garbage Ordinance is a compulsory Garbage Ordinance and that the Street Commissioner consider it as such. The City Attorney stated that the City of Renton should not charge people for garbage collection,,if they had not received a similar service previously, unless they are receiving garbage collection service at the present time. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, the Garbage Ordinance and the Ordinance changing the Ea.rlington Street neames had been discussed and held in committee for a considerable time before action had been taken on same and wondered why the people were just now becoming informed in regard to same. Councilman %tiichardson stated that copies of the Garbage Ordinance had been fur— nished the Chamber of Commerce, and all Service Clubs and other organizations, and that the Council held the Ordinance in committee for two weeks before they took any action in regard to same, and that prior to the report of the Ordinance Committee, the proposed Ordinance had been in Committee a considerable time and that during this period very little, if any, opposition to this Ordinance was shown by the public. Councilman Holm stated that the Ordinance was passed only after full consideration of same by the Council and that the Sanitation Committee would meet and consider . all protests in regard to same — — that if the Treasurer's Office will continue to explain the Ordinance to people making verbal complaints, and if the Street Commissioner will mke fair and equitable adjustments of all claims, that in a short time all complaints would be amicably adjusted. T' e Mayor stated that all written complaints should be referred to the Street Coma issioner who has power to adjust any charges that may be in error and that if any— one is not satisfied with the adjustment made by the Street Commissioner, they have the right to appeal to the City Council for further consideration. Councilman Richardson stated, that the Sanitation and Ordinance Committee will in— vite the Street Commissioner to their meeting Tuesday night to consider complaints resulting from the passage of the Garbage Ordinance. Mayor Baxter suggested that the Council instruct the Street Commissioner to recti— fy all errors in billing and to make all adjustments necessary so that all charges will be fair and equitable. 2 The Clerk stated that he had talked to Mir. Logan, Superintendent of Elections, in regard to changing boundaries of Precints No. 11 and 12 on Renton Scenic Hill, one precinct having; approximately 100 registered voters and the other approximately 400 registered voters, and that Mr. Logan stated he would have a. communication in this regard at the next Council meeting — — thpt the City Engineer and Ordinance Committee could take care of this matter — — the City Engineer making new boundary lines on the map of this area to divide the two precincts more equally. Councilman Richardson stated that it would possible hasten this proposed equality of precincts, if the City Engineer would start work on this problem immediately. 11oved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer be instructed to draw the necessary area boundary lines on the map to divide the two precincts nro— perly. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allotted and, ordered paidv Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTNti�NTS 16,3 *8.64 3523-3645 CLAIIJS CURMIT FUND $4422.09 .62-68 _ CLAI B WATER. !,l.52 8535 CLADS PARK — 1640— CLAIMB ATHLETIC - 599 CLAIIZ SEWAGE DISPOSAL 27.04 2182-2183 CLAIMS CITY S'T'REETS - 6195 CLAIMS AIRPORT — T?T7 CLAITS LIBRARY 45.00 2454-2455 CLAII,B CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 417 CLAIriS FIRE1, N0 S PENSI011 FD. 76 T,foved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting -be .adjoured. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Irk City Verk Ma. r C Renton, Wa.{- ngton February /1, 1952. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Councilman Reid, President of the Council, Mayor pre tem. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHA.RDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN. TRITIE, TAMBORIEI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT EADS PRESENT WEIE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Jac:: Schneider, Airport Manager. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of February 5th be approved as corrected. Carried. APP]LICATI( NS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. A_ MOUNT NAME ADD:-ESS TYPE OF WOPa 3081 400.00 R. M. Petersen 521 Burnett St. foundation 2 200.00 Max Miller 13741 Rainier Ave remodel cabins 3 100.00 Renton Feed & Seed Co. 324 Main demolish sheds 4 - Ray Heppenstall 340 N. Wells plumbing 5 - Emil Tviet 11320 S.E. 116th plumbing 6 - Dan McGovern 227 3rd Ave. plumbing 7 - Wakelam Bros., 8626 Langston Road plumbing 8 - Mrs. Usibelli 312 Tobin Ave. plumbing 9 - Arthur Nelson 310 Renton Ave electric serv. 90 200.00 Service Laundry 904 4th Ave. electric serv. 1 100.00 Mr. Caniparoli 608 Cedar St. electric serv. 2 100.00 Fred Peacock 333 N. Wells enclose porch 3 50.00 City of Renton Renton, Wash replace walk 4 100.00 R. E. Brown 2019 8th Ave. N. elec. serv. 5 450.00 Renton Chronicle 317 Williams St. remodel bldg. 6 400.00 Fred Marshetti. 205 Tobin remodel house 7 12000.00 Puget Sound Power & L. 1111 Lake Wn.. Blvd. move bldg 8 400.00 Dan McGovern 223 Third Avenue erect- neon sign 9 - George Spady 347 Meadow install furnace 3100 - Jenny Deaman 99 Williams St. install sewer 1 200.00 Emil Tviet 11320 SE 116th elec. serv. 2 200.00 Ray Heppenstall 340 N. Wells ° it 3 - Ray Heppenstall 340 N. Wells install Fur. 4 100.00 John DiAmbri 5232 N. Williams el.ec, serv. 5 400.00 Thomas & Evans 13254 Rainier Ave. erect sign 6 25.00 L.W. Pay 505 N. Williams line basement 7 800.00 St. Lukes Church 99 Wells St. remodel house 8 600.00 Bill Gray 2339 6th Place remodel house 9 100.00 Delaurenti Bldg. 8T2 Third Ave repair house 10 400.00 L. E. Crane 2413 6th Place erect carport 1 15.00 Bruce Pickering 204 Pelly cement runway 2 10,000.00 Marvin M. Stancel 1212 Third Ave. No. erect duplex 3 100.00 Mrs. J. H. Bracklebank 908 B. St. erect garage 4 - Mike Lotto 1511 Brooks Ave. plumbing 5 30.00 Harold Walcott 437 Windsor Way erect wall 6 100.00 Renton Textile Shoe 232 Wells St. elec. Service 7 100.00 C. C. Ferguson 546 N. Burnett elec. 11 8 100.00 W. F. Dalry 2214 6th Ave. No. rockery 9 300.00 Phil J. Plano 210 N. Williams remodel house 20 400.00 Potlatch Yards 505 4th Ave. remodel office 1 100.00 Howard Humphrey 531 Pelly elec. serv. 2 300.00 Chas. Swartfager 635 G. St. erect garage 3 500.00 Pete Savio 312 N. Williams St. move house 4 600.00 F. Ness 2201 8th Ave. N. remodel house 5 100.00 Chester Biggins 116th S.E. move house A communication was read from G. E. Hardenbergh, President of the Stoneway Dock Company, stating they had the Quit Claim Deed, received from the City of Renton for the well site and pumping site recorded, and on making application for owner's in- surance from the Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, that their attorney has in- formed them of a defect in the title, and enclosing a copy of Frank W. Soderling, 7 Assistant Secretary of the Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation's report, which shows this defect. They further state that there are delinquent taxes for several years and request clearance of the title in their behalf. The Clerk read the attached copy of the preliminary report from Mr. Frank W. Soderling, Assistant Secretary of the Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, submitted as a basis for policy of title insurance as applied for, in their usual form, in all other respects the report is to be of no force or effect. The report stated that in the matter of the application of the Stoneway Dock Company for owner insurance in the sum of $907.50, on land described as Parcel "A" pumping site and Parcel "B" well site, that on January 29th, 1952 full record title to said premises was vested in Marie Del Guzzo; and giving (1) terms, conditions and exceptions contained in their usitml policy forms, as follows: #2 DELINQUENT GENERAL TICS #2 ASSESSMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL 'WATERWAY 1951 — $22.26 $1.08 1950 — 26.62 1.38 1949 — 12.68 3.09 1948 — 5.04 .52 1947 — 4.09 .52 To become payable February 15, 1952. 1952 — 23.67 1.08 (3) Special assessments, if any, levied by the City of 'penton, (4) Unrecorded Contract of sale in favor of the City of Renton, as disclosed by the application and by deed recorded October 24, 1947. (Note: Said deed not containing any des— cription of the premises under search, was ineffectual in passing title to the City of Renton; rather, it contained a recitation that a separate instrument was to be subsequently executed conveying the well site (Parcel B) and the pumping site (Parcel A) , to the City of Renton — that they find no conveyance of record; therefore requiring aproper recordation of such instrument from the vestee to the City of Renton. (5) Right, title or interest of Stoneway Dock Company, by quit claim deed from the City of Renton dated January 10, 1952, recorded January 28, 1952, Auditor's file No. 4205260, records of King County, Washington. (6) Provision for shifting southwesterly, or river front boundary to E. W. Oldham, liquidating trustee of the Northwest `dater Company, in no event to shift to the south further than a line 50 feet distant from the parallel to said line drawn between said points No.'s and 2, described. (7) Exceptions and reservation con— tained under Auditor's file 3590983, as follows: Grantors except and reserve, as to both Tracts A & B, all coal, minerals, oil and gas under surface of said lands. (8) Water right in and to Cedar River, for the prupose of domestic supply for community under permit issued by State Supervisor of Hydraulics to the Northwest Water Company. The City Attorney informed the Council that the pity had given a Quit Claim Deed, not a warranty deed to Mr. Hardenbergh of the Stone,,,ra.y Dock Company, that they only gave claim to whatever they had claim to. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney and City Engineer investigate the preliminary report and report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from Ethel Van Dyke, Secretary—Treasurer of Countner's, Inc., applying for renewal of their license to operate coin—operated phonographs in the City of Renton for 1952; a check in the amount of $160.00 accompanied the application. ($100.00 for the master license and $20.00 each for 3 installations.) Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the application be referred to the Police & License Committee witri power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Edward A. Noel, President and Gilmer L. Eagan, Secretary—Treasurer of the Miller Sandwich Shop, Inc., to Councilman Hugh Bruce, Chairman of the Deal & Personal Property Committee, with reference to securing a lease from the City of Renton for the building and property facing 8th Avenue North at Williams Street, proposing: (1) A short term lease of three years, with option to renew for three years, on the building and the grounds bordered by the railroad right—of—way and ',dillinms Street, and from 8th Avenue North to a point approximately 300 feet south, allowing 25 feet on each side of the industrial buildings, presently leased out by the City of Renton. (2) a month to month lease or rental to the approximate 300 feet or ground south of the above property, with the right to vacate premises and improvements on 30—day notice of either party. They state the building is to be used for wholesale manufacturing of 8 r•r wrapped sandwiches for sale other places, and for a retail lunch counter, cigar stand, etc., supplying merchandise and services catering to the employees of Boeingts Renton Plant — — that the ground is to be for reserved parking, also stating that they will be present at the February 19th Council meeting. Councilman Bruce stated that his committee had discussed this matter thoroughly with these two parties and as subject building has been vacant approximately one month, the Property Committee recommended that this building and area, as described in Item 1, be leased to the Miller Sandwich Shop at a total price for building and land of ? 150.00 per month. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recomanen— dation of the Property Committee and City Attorney and City Engineer be requested to draft the necessary papers to consummate the lease. Carried. Councilman Bruce further stzted that the Miller Sandwich Shop was interested in a month—to—month rental of the property described in Item 2, as approximately 3001 x 3001 south of the property described in Item 1, also that they are willing to lease on "30—day notice to vacate premises and improvements" by either party. Councilman Holm requested that further action be suspended one week to allow for further investigation, as he was unfamiliar with the buildings and property. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that this was an authorization for the preparation of the lease and rental agreement which would be presented to the Council for their consideration at the next Council meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the City rent the property described in Item 2, to the Miller Sandwich Shop, on a month—to—month basis. Carried. A communication was read from James C. Coombs, Commander of the Frank R. Vaise Post Iuo. .263 Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting the license fee be waived on the proposed Dance to be held in the American Legion Hall on March 29th — that they have arranged with the Police Department for proper police duty during the evening — — that all proceeds will go to Sea Scout Ship x'454. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen,; that the regular license fee be waived, but that the Veterans of Foreign 'gars be requested to pay the regular Service Organization fee of $1.00 according to City of Renton Ordinance. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Harry B. Morrison, 13634 88th South, protesting the proposed renaming of 88th Avenue to Aiken Street in Earlington. As the date of the hearing on the proposed Ordinance has been set as February 26th it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that all communications in regard to proposed changes in Earlington Street names be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for the hearing on the proposed Ordinance. Carried. The appointment of C. W. Paddock,_Business Representative of the Carpenterts Local No. 1797 as a member of the Board of Appeals for the Building Department to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Guy Stafford. The appointment to become effective immediately. A communication was read from J. E. Schneider, Manager of the Renton Municipal Airport to the City Engineer regarding the "Airport Revetment Building", stating that approximately one year ago when the Revetment Building on the Airport was condemned by the City of Renton Building Inspector, permission was requested and received, from the Civil Aeronautics Administration to dismantle the structure — that at the time the City Department Officials were strongly considering demolish— ing the building and salvaging usable portions of the heavy truss system, for possible City use. The Airport Manager again requested the City Engineer' s recomm— endation or suggestion for further action. An attached letter from the City Engineer was read stating that at the time of condemnation, the Building Inspector and City Engineer had discussed with the Air— port Mianager the idea that tae City salvage the building timbers — that after more thorough study, they now feel the cost of dismantling and reconstructing the building for City use would be prohibitive. The City Engineer further states that the building is dangerous and should be removed. The Airport Manager and City Engineer both believe, under the circumstances, proposals should be invited for the removal of the building for salvage of same, at no cost to the City. 90 An Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Airport Manager. Carried, The City Engineer informed the Council that special equipment would have to be obtained to remove the large timbers and that the salvaa_e from the operation would not be of any value to the City of Renton. The Airport Manager stated that the usable sand had been used by the City on Streets and around the Airport; that the rest of the sand was not clean - - that the green hemlock timbers that were used in the construction, were rotting. The City Engineer stated their recommendation that a proposal be published was to determine if it would be more economical for the City to have the structure cleared from Airport property at no cost to the City, or if there were other more economical methods of disposing of this building. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer and Airport Manager draft instructions for the proposal to remove the revetment building, and the City Clerk see that same is published. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting Council approval to meet with the Street & Alley Committee before presenting a report on the petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 2, Renton Highlands Addition. Moved by TamboriniI seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to meet with the City Engineer for further discussion and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that after surveying the damage caused by the break in the 10 inch wood water main and subsequent damage to Mr. Steve Chesnick's property located at 615 Main Street, he recommends same be re- ferred to the City of Renton Insurance Representative for consideration of this claim. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hagen, that the above information be referred to the City of Renton's Insurance Representative for his consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the Street Commissioner requesting permission to pur- chase a Sun Master Motor Tester at a cost of Y448.00 for proper motor analysis and for correct adjustment of automotive motors so that they operate with maximum efficiency. Councilman Richardson stated that he had talked this matter over with the Street Superintendent and had been informed that the retail price of this equipment was X700.00 complete, but with the City's discount it would be $400.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the Superintendent of Streets be in- structed to purchase the Sun Master Motor Tester for the City Garage. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 14.23 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, regulating parking of vehicles on the north side of Houser Way from Mill Street easterly for a distance of two hundred and seventy (270) feet and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. Councilman Richardson explained that this area was the north side of Houser Way adjacent to Dexter Tonkins, who had requested the regulation of parking from Mill Street to the City of Seattle's property. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen,, that the proposed Ordinance No. 1423 be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee and Street and Alley Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. ..� Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1423 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried.. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance No. 1423 be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen voting "Aye", the Ordinance was unanimously approved. 0 As this was the date set for the opening of bids for a 4" water meter, the Clerk read the only bid received from the Hersey Manufacturing Company for one - four inch Hersey Iron Case Compound Meter, Model CT, with standard connections, in the amount of X572.00 net, excluding Washington State Sales Tax. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the bid from the Hersey Manufacturing Company be referred to the Fire & Water Committee to check given specifications against specifications given in the Call for Bids published.. Carried. Mayor pro tem, Walt :eid, declared a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HAi4SEN, HAGEN, r TRI112111, TA11BOPINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. Councilman Swift reported that he had found that the owners of the property that the proposed Hubbard Auto Camp is to be located,were averse to dedicating a right- of-way to the City of Renton - - that the City of Renton Planning Commission had recommended that a permit to build an Auto Camp in this area be dependent on the dedication of an access street to the property, and in view of their findings, that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that a review be made of the application and the area, and further recommended that the City Engineer arrange a meeting of all parties concerned Monday night, February 25, and request that they be present, or present a communication in this regard to the committee. The City Engineer stated that he would have all interested parties present at the Street and Alley Committee meeting or a communication giving pertinent facts on the subject.. Councilman Swift reported that his committee had investigated the possibility of improving the streets at the intersection of Burnett Street with Lith Avenue and Walla Walla Avenue and had not found a satisfactory solution, but after further consideration of the matter, requested that the City Engineer arrange a meeting be- tween the proper Railroad Officials, the Street &c Alley Committee and City Engin- eer to determine if the City could use the required area from Loth Avenue, southward at the intersection of lith Avenue and Burnett Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the City Engineer notify the proper persons to meet with the Street & Alley Committee to endeavor to solve this t raffic problem, and that a date for the meeting be set. Carried. Councilman Dullahant reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommended that the bid from the Hersey Manufacturing Company for one 4" water meter be accepted by the City of Renton,. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by yreyman, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Fire and `dater Coriaittee and the Street Superintendent be empowered to pur- chase this water meter. Carried. Councilman Hagen reported that the Legislative Committee had investigated the matter of changing Council meetings from Tuesday evenings until Monday evenings and recommended, after discussing same with the Council, Department Heads and others concerned, that no change be made in the Council meeting date at this time. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Legislative Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ordinance Committee and Sanitation Comr,2ittee had met earlier this evening in regard to changes in the Garbage Ordinance - - that a majority of the committee recommended a change in the Ordinance by the addition of a new bracket of between three and five garbage cans, at a cost of y'3.50 be in- �. serted between the item of less than three garbage cans, !PA.00 and the next item of six to eight garbage cans, "4",6.00. That the minority of the committee recommended that no change be made for four months. Councilman Holm stated, as a member of the Committee, to amplify a little in regard to commercial accounts, a majority of -the complaints received were in regard to a three and four can bracket, just over the two can bracket, and that after discussing the matter thoroughly with the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, in charge of Garbage collection rate adjustments, had recommended that this new three to five can bracket be inserted, as outlined above - - that the majority of the committee felt this would establish a more equitable rate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance Comnittee draft the necessary amendment to the Garbage Ordinance, inserting the new rate for "3 to 5 garbage can collections for $3.5011, as stated. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that in considering installation of Mercury Vapor lights for Walla 'galla Avenue, that the Light & Power Committee and Power Company had over- looked the power line being located under ground, and that the brackets that were ordered for this installation would require slight alterations and installation would take a little longer than originally planned. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee had two proposals to make for traffic control., on the recommendation of the Chief of Police. (1) Restriction to "one hour" parking on the west side of Burnett ,�;treet from 3rd to 4th Avenue. (That the property owners living along this street are unable to park near their homes) . (2) Also, that the Council investigate a similar recommendation of "one Hour" parking on Whitworth Street, from 3rd to 4th Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Street and Alley Committee investi- gate the two proposals and report back. Carried. Councilman ,Swift requested that the City consider the possibility of widening Bronson Way North on the south side of the street (approximately across from Meadow Street) ; that this right hand curve (going East) creates a dangerous traffic situation and that a meeting be arranged with the Park Dena.rtment relative to taking a portion of the Park property at this corner and usin-s said property for the widening of this particular corner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the reco.�nnen- dation of the Street & Alley Committee, and if possible, the Park Board be requested to meet with the Street & Alley Committee Monday evening at 7:30 P.M. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that he had received a complaint that there is a power pole directly in front of a. dwelling in the area between the Cemetery Road and the intersection of the Maple Valley Wye, and requested that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee to see if the pole should be removed for the safety of motorists. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Light & Power Committee investigate and see what action should be taken to correct this condition. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee, the Chief of Police, Angelo Busato and Captain Ernest Isackson of the Police Department had met and discussed the Police Departmentts need for new prowler cars, and had drafted, for Council approval, specifications for a call for bids for three (3) new prowler cars. That although the prowler cars presently being used are 1951 models, the mileage accrued on each from driving is approximately 30,000 miles, plus a large amount of motor idling time - that the cars are going to require a great deal of mechanical repair in the near future to keep them in the required good working condition. Councilman Delaurenti recommended that the date of 'Opening of Bids' be set as March 18,- 1952. The Clerk read the preliminary specifications for three new prowler cars for the City of Renton, as presented by the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police. Councilman Dullehant stated, that in his opinion, the prowler cars now being used by the City of Renton, should be in good condition and should require only repair work as can be done by mechanics at the City Garage. Councilman Delaurenti stated that after the bids were received, the Council could consider the price of the new r.. cars as compared with the estimated price of repairs necessary to keep the present prowler cars in good working condition throughout the coming year. Councilman Reid stated, that in his opinion, after a car has had considerable use and mileage, that the upkeep and general repair runs into quite a. sum of money. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the City of Renton publish a call for bids for three prowler cars for the Police Department. Carried. a2 Councilman Holm stated that he had discussed the matter with the Chief of Police and requested Council authorization for the Police Department to conduct an ex— tensive drive, for a while, in the Renton Highlands Addition, against traffic violators; that motorists are not observing traffic signs and there have been accidents and near—accidents as a result of this carelessness. The Chief of Police stated that such a drive would be made. Councilman Dullahant stated that he had received many complaints of the traffic light condition at Bronson Way North and Houser Way and stated that the City should take definite action to correct this traffic situation; that the lights are installed, but do not ogerate for traffic and that there have been several wrecks at this intersection. Councilman Richardson stated that there is a traffic hazard at this location, but that the City Engineer is preparing a plan to present to mod the Council and the State Highway Department, so that the traffic hazard can be eliminated as quickly as possible. The City Engineer stated that the maple Valley intersection was considered the No. 1, traffic hazard in the City of Renton now; and that elimination of the traffic hazard at the Bronson Way and Houser `Jay intersections would be included in this planning. Councilman Reid stated, that in his opinion the traffic lights in question should be synchronized. A gentleman from the audience stated that traffic going east on Houser Way, ad— jacent to the Liberty Ball Park, did not permit traffic to effect a left hand turn and cut in, on through the line of traffic on Bronson Way and that even though the City is unable to put traffic lights in operation at the intersection at this time, a temporary measure should be put in operation at this time, and further suggested that an island be installed in the center of the Houser Way en— trance to Bronson Way. Councilman Swift stated that the Traffic Department and Engineering Department should study this intersection and the suggestion, to see what can be done to alleviate this traffic condition. The City Engineer requested Council approval of a proposed meeting (of approxi— mately one hour) with the City Planning Commission, the King County Planning Commission and State Planning Commission at the February 26th Council meeting. The City Engineer was instructed to proceed with plans for these three groups to meet with the City Council at their next meeting. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the rinance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTbSENTS 3646— 3797 25,156.89 CLAIMS CliRFi.ENT 69— 140 10,698.39 CLAIMS WATER 8536- 8552 4,311.33 CLAII,IS PARK 1641— 1646 536.47 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 600— 602 245.72 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2154— 2191 688.49 CLAII,F C ITY STREETS 6196•- 6209 11404.33 CLAII,IS AIRPORT 1278— 1289 2,145.63 CLAIIYB LIBRARY 2456- 2465 478.61 CLAIMS CIV. DEF. FD. 418— 422 109.55 CLAII,S FIREMEN"S PEN. FD. 77— 78 250.00 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.I . ur C' y Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington February 26, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PLEID, DELAURE-NTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, =1,11), TAI BORINI, DULLAHAi1T AND 11OL2,1. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; ,.., Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton , City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of January 19th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Jennie Fliseck asking that kitchen space in the building known as Sweet Center at Liberty Park, which she leases from the City of Renton, be enlarged. Mrs. 't�,liseck further stated that she had discussed this matter with the Park Board, Recreational Director and King County Health Officer who had agreed that the enlargement would be an improvement to the building in general. An assignment of lease accompanied the communication. The City Clerk read the transfer to the lessee, Jennie Fliseck, of the assignment of lease dated September 13, 1950 between the City of Renton and J. F. Fliseck and Jennie Fliseck, his wife. Councilman Bruce stated that a similar request to remodel the subject building had been refused by the council previously, but that the contemplated improvement, if the Council a -proved of same, would be paid for by the lessee and that in his opinion, this matter should be referred to the Property Committee to report back their recommendation. Councilman Bruce further stated that the transfer of the assignment of lease was from J. F. & Jennie Fliseck to Jennie Fliseck, his wife, and should be referred to the City Attorney to investigate and report back. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dela.urenti, that the matter of the improvement of the Sweet Center Building be referred to the Property Committee for their recomriendation and a report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the transfer of the Assignment of Lease be referred to the City Attorney for his recommendation. Carried. iL communication was read from Harold Jordan of the Yellow & Jordan Cab Companies and C., E. Sylvia of Cliff' s Radio and Lou's Cab Companies requesting further con- sideration by the Council of the passage of an ordinance making the installation of meters in all cabs in the City of Renton mandatory. The communication stated that the majority of the cab companies were in favor of meters in cabs and a periodic city inspection of same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the communication be referred to the Police and License Committee for further consideration. Carried. Mayor Baxter asked if' there were anyone in the audience that had anything to bring before the Council. Mrs. Thelma. Guy from Ea.rlinfton stated that she, as well as many of her neighbors who were oresent, would like to request that a 20 foot alley be established in the area bounded on the west by 86th Avenue South and on the east by 88th Avenue r.. South, on the south by the Sunset Highway and on the north by South 138th Street - that some of these lots are 246 feet deep and at the present time there is no access, to the back of the lots - - that arrangements had been made to deed the necessary property from the property owners abutting; on south 138th Street. Councilman Swift stated that the City of Renton had always approved of any pro- gressive improvement, when such an improvement would be in the best interest of the community; that if the proper petition were presented to the Council with 100% of the signatures of the abutting property owners as being in favor of said im- provements, and deeds of the certain portions of property to be dedicated to the City of Renton as an alley were-also presented, that if the proper local Improve- C ment District were formed, he could-see no reason for the City of Renton no approving this alley. Councilman Richardson stated that if the property owners on the north side on the area, facing South 138th Street, would come to an agreement with the property owners on the south s1de, adjacent to the Sunset Highway, and deeded 10 feet of their property to the property owners on the south side, to be deeded back to the City to allow a 20 foot alley, that the next step would be the _formation of a Local Improvement District - - but that ALL of the property owners abutting south 138th Street between 86th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South would have to agree to the deeding of 10 feet of their property on the north side to the property owners on the south side and thereby the abutting property owners would deed to the City of Renton the full 20 feet width for an alley, and at that time, the City would consider this improvement, if the property owners would present the necessary petition to the Council for consideration. Councilman Bruce suggested that the people be informed that the deeds should be drafted and presented to the Council, either before or at the same time the petition is presented. The City Engineer stated that he would draft the necessary petition for the dedication and improvement of the alley for the property owners if they so requested, and that such a petition would require 100% of the signatures of the abutting property owners to proceed with the formation of a Local Improve- ment District, or it would be necessary for the City of Renton to institute con- demnation proceedings against any needed property, not included in the petition, to enable the City of Renton to proceed with the improvement. Mrs. Guy stated that there is one property owner who is staking out his property in preparation to building cabins, that he has purchased a right-of-way through his property and is the only one that does have access to the rear of his pro- perty. Also, that the interested property owners have offered to purchase certain property from this property owner as his share of the proposed alley. Councilman Swift informed the Earlington residents that the property owners would be required to pay for the improvement of the alley, after same had been dedicated, but that the City would pay for the necessary upkeep after the alley is improved. Walt Will., Building Inspector stated that the Building Department had issued Mr. Mayetich a permit to build a duplex on the rear of his property as there was no City Ordinance prohibiting same, and that at the present time Mr. Mayetich's home is on the front of his property facing South 138th Street and he proposes to build the duplex on the rear of his property, back 100 feet or better from South 138th Street - - that Mr. Mayetich owns a 30 foot right-of-way to the back of his property where he is beginning construction of the duplex's now. Mrs. Guy stated that if the proposed alley is established before the sewer line is installed, the sewer line could go down through the alley. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the problem be referred back to the pro- perty owners and the City Engineer for a report back next Council meeting. Councilman Reid stated that Mr. Mayetich should be informed that the buildings would create a hindrance and he should consider this matter thoroughly before con- tinuing with his proposed construction. Councilman Richardson informed the Earlington property owners present, who were interested in this proposed alley, that the Council would do whatever they could to assist them in this project. The motion to refer the matter to the City Engineer and interested Earlington pro- perty owners carred. The City Engineer informed the Council that Mr. Walter Barbo of the King County Planning Commission had called at the City Hall late Tuesday afternoon and in- formed him that the King County Planning Commission and State Planning Commission were unable to keep their appointment with the City of Renton Planning Commission and the City Council, and had further requested a meeting at a later date. Secretary Reynolds of the Chamber of Commerce stated that he had talked with Mr. Ralph Stender, Clerk of the County Commissioner's Court about the annexation of the gravel pit area on Renton Hill, adjacent to the Highlands, formerly owned and used by the County, and he had been informed that the necessary papers for annexa- tion to the City of Renton of said area had been prepared and held - that the Attorney for the County had requested that papers be held and these papers had been turned over to Les. Evans, King County Engineer - - that the property was not contiguous to Renton - - also, that he had gone with Mr. Stender to the IR County Prosecutor's Office to see if there was another method of annexation of this former gravel pit property to the City of Renton. As this evening was the date set for the hearing on the proposed renaming of streets in Earlington, the Clerk read letters from the following persons: (1) Mrs. Harry B. Morrison who stated that the name Aiken would be confusing as far as pronunciation of the name was concerned. (2) Mrs. Carl F. Cooks also did not approve of the name of Aiken, in regard to its pronunciation and recommended the Council consider the name of Stevens. (3) Mrs. & Mrs. David H. Kays protested the changing of the name of 88th Avenue South to Aiken Street and stated that it was the consensus of neighbors opinions in this area that Stevens Street would be more favorable. (4) Frank B. Horsfall. 13445 50th Avenue South, Seattle, who protested the renaming, as r.. in his opinion, the names should run concurrently with all the streets and avenues in the entire County. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, as Mr. Horsfall was not a resident of the City of Renton, that this letter be disregarded. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated, confirmed by Councilmen Richardson and' Tamborini, as the Council had been asked by the Post Office Department to have streets renamed and renumbered in Earlington, and the matter having been referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation, and the Earlington Women's Club having been contacted by the Street & Alley Committee to submit proper names for the Streets and Avenues in Earlington, and the Earlington iomen's Club having submitted names, as requested, that the Street and Alley Committee, in fairness to all the pioneers whose names had been submitted, had used the method of drawing these names from a hat, as there were more names submitted than there were streets to be named, believed it would be more equitable if the =tter was referred hock to a committee of the Council as a whole for further study and consideration.. Councilman Swift, stated, that in his opinion, as the matter had been in Committee for approximately one year, that as the matter of the renaming of streets in Earlington had been approximately one year, that as the matter of the renaming of streets in Earlington had been approved by the Fenton Planning Commission and the City Council, without any protests, it was disconcerting to the Committee to hear these protests this evening. .r Mayor Baxter stated that if the people in Earlington, either by reading of the news— papers or by word of mouth, had not heard of the proposed renaming of streets and avenues in Earlington, they should be informed of this change. Also, that in his opinion, the number of protests was very small compared to the number of people residing in the area that would be affected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the protests and communications in regard to names of streets in Earlington be referred to a committee consisting of the Council as a whole to make a thorough study of the problem and report back to the Council at a later date. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had held a meeting with interested parties in regard to the dedication of certain property for a street or roadway in the area of the east side of 6th Avenue '.worth between Park Avenue and Pelly Street that the proposed Hubbard Auto Camp is to be located on.,, and that the ow:iers of some of the adjacent property are against the dedication of th-is area asa street, as they are not in favor of an Auto Court being erected at this location, and the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the matter be referred back to the City of Renton Planning Commission, through the City Engineer, on Wednesday evening, February 27th, which is the date of the regular Planning Commission meeting, .with some other information the City Engineer has on this sub— ject, also, that the public should be permitted a hearing to learn of the type of business being proposed in this area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the matter of dedicating a certain area for a street, as outlined previously, be referred to the Renton Planning Commission, through the City Engineer at their Wednesday evening, February 27th meeting, and after a report is received from the Renton Planning Commission in this regard, a date be set by the Council for a hearing on this matter. Carried. Councilman Swift further stated that the Street & Alley Committee had thoroughly considered the recommendation of the Police Department that parking be restricted to one hour on (1) the west side of' Burnett Street from 3rd to 4th Avenue and also on (2) both sides of Whitworth Street from 3rd to 4th Avenue, and ±Irther stated that the Street and Alley Committee were in favor of this restriction and recommended 6 that same be put into effect. ; Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to draft the necessary Ordinance to cover the restriction of parking to "one—hour" on the two streets referred to. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had met with the re— presentatives of the Park Board at the Committee meeting and discussed the pro— posed widening of Bronson ':Jay, adjacent to the Liberty Ball Park, ap;�roximately across from Meadow Street and had determined that the proposed widening would not effect the Liberty Ball Park property at this point, in the shape of an are greater than three feet at the peak and tapering off to a tangent at each end — — that this proposed improvement would greatly improve traffic conditions in this area and the Committee would like to have a drawing from the Engineering Department showing the exact boundary of the proposed improvement. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Engineering Department furnish the Street and Alley Committee with a drawing of the proposed improvement of the widening of Bronson Way at the point indicated. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that his Committee had withheld their recommendation of the proposed leasing of a certain additional area in Mother's park to the Miller Sandwich Shop, until all councilmen had an opportunity to investigate the descrip— tion of the proposal in rea.rd to the property in question. Councilman Holm stated that he had no further question in regard to this property, but understood that the Council would not approve of any lease or rental agreement until same was brought before Council for their approval., Councilman Bruce stated that the new lease for $150.00 per month for the building and area as stated was more than was previously charged for the leasing of the same building and additional parking area; and informed the Council that the bal— ance of the area that the Diller Sandwich Shop wanted to rent on a month—to—month basis at X75.00 per month for parking purposes was a reasonable charge for just a parking area, as the charge of x150.00 was for both the building and a surrounding area to be used for parking and that the area to be used for parking was comparable to the parking area south of the building described as approximately 300 feet square. Councilman Richardson stated that he would present an amendment in regard to the Garbage "Schedule of Charges" Ort?i nance No. 1117, at the next council meeting.. Also, that he had copies of a proposed Ordinance drafted for the City of Renton re— lating to and in regard co the powers of Civil Defense and had furnished a copy to the City Attorney, Assistant Police Chief, Fire Chief and Mayor and would also furnish the Ordinance Committee with copies of same for their study and consider— ation — — that this proposed Ordinance was patterned after the State of Washington Civil Defense regulations. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, definite action should be taken, or plans formulated, in regard to the improvement of the Kennydale Water System as early as possible. Councilman Dullahant said there had been no definite action taken by the Fire & Water Committee as yet, in regard to additional water service for the Kennydale area. Councilman Swift reported that he had received complaints in regard to traffic conditions at the Bronson Way—Houser intersection, that traffic proceeding to the north on Houser Way and making a left turn into from Bronson Way on to Houser Way and the Street & Alley Committee requested that the Traffic Division of the Police Department, Engineering Department and Street Commissioner make their recommen— dation for the proposed improvement. The Police Department,Engi_neering Department and Street Commissioner will submit their recommendation for this imorovement to the Street and Alley Committee. Councilman Bruce reported that the Mayor and Councilmen were invited to attend a meeting of the Renton Hill Improvement Club for further discussion of a proposed water main to serve this area, that he understood that the City of Renton would supply this area with water, if the people would furnish the improvement for same. Councilman Reid stated that this matter was a problem for the property owners of this district, that they had also talked about a possible annexation of this property to the City of Renton and that these people had requested that some of the Councilmen attend this meeting for the purpose of answering questions that might come before this meeting. Councilman Bruce stated that one gentleman from this area had been misinformed to the effect that it would be necessary for these property owners in this area to proceed with annexation of this territory before water could be furnished by the City of Renton to this area. Mayor Baxter stated that the City of Renton is furnishing water to an adjacent area at this time and that the Council, in all fairness, should give these people an audience. Councilman Reid stated that the City 'Engineer, Charles Megarrigl.e, General Manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company and himself had made a. preliminary investi- gation of the underground power cables for street lights and that some are in poor condition, and inquired what the Council wanted to do to improve same before any serious street light stoppage occurred - - that this matter should be investigated and a report furnished the Council of the condition of the underground street light cables in the business district. Moved by Ta.mborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Light and Power Committee investi- gate this matter and report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that all Councilmen had received a monthly report, asked for at the time the budget was made, from the Budget Controller, in regard to expenditures of the different departments. That this was a very fine report and gave facts showing that expenditures over all the different departments was average. Fire Chief Lawrence recommended that permission be granted for the Fire Department to burn brush and also burn off vacant lots throughout Renton, on request of the different property owners, for the summer months -- that this practice had been in effect for several years and had proved to be a means of preventing fire hazards. i... Moved by Richardson, seconded by 'lamborini, that the Council concur in the r e- commendation of the Fire Chief. Carried. Park Superintendent Gene Coulon requested that the Council as a. whole meet with the Park Board immediately after tonight's council meeting, that they have a matter they would like to discuss with the- Council. T-loved by Tamborini, seconded by Dullahant, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. City Clffk Mayor 8 c Renton, Washington ~, March 4, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe. R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHAPIT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN,, ASSISTANT CITY ATTOR— NEY; C. E. MCCARTHY, ASSISTANT POLICE CHIEF; FLOYD LAWRENCE, FIFE CHIEF; WILEY CROOK, CITY CLERK; DOROTHEA GOSSETTp CITY TREASURER; JAMES HIGHTON,, CITY ENGINEER, GENE COULON, PARK SUPERINTENDENT AND WALT WILL, BUILDIEG INSPECTOR. (JACK SCHNEIDER was reported attending another meeting.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of February 262 1952 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3126 $8500.00 Andrew Mayetich 8643 S. 138th St. erect duplex 7 — John Ryner 2410 6th Place install furnace 8 100.00 E. E. Blakesmith 12417 141st SE remodel house 9 400.00 Charles Doodwin 715 Jones St. siding on house 30 8000.00 "obert L. Morris 711. Jones St. erect house 1 400.00 M.A. Coulter 14312 127th SE erect garage 2 600.00 Mrs. Mallory 409 Wells siding on house 3 1500.00 Mr. Sabine 216 Tobin remodel residence 4 — 7th & Renton St. install furnace 5 — Stan. Thompson 1206 2nd E orth install fixtures 6 100.00 Kenneth R. Tangen 617 Moses Lane erect fence 7 200.00 Zerwoodis Market Renton electric service 8 100.00 Carl Cooks 3rd & Shattuck demolish building 9 100.00 George Pasco 907 3rd Avenue remodel house 40 5000.00 George Botke 8801 140th So. erect house 1 30.00 Willis Propst 2509 7th Ave. N. erect fence 2 100.00 hoax Miller 13741 Rainier Ave elec. service 3 100.00 Terresia Ash 121 Meadow demolish bldg. 4 1000.00 Joe Steiner 13695 Rainier Ave. remodel bldg. 5 5000.00 Charles Ruud 5.20 High St addition on house 6 100.00 C.A. Heilman 639 H. Street erect fence 7 200.00 Robert Strugar 628 E. St. erect carport 8 100.00 Angelo Phillips 75 Logan St. driveway The City Clerk read a"Public Notice" from Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Office of District Engineer, Seattle District, signed by K.F. Smrha, Chief, Operations Division, stating application has been received from Foss Launch & Tug Company,, 660 W. Ewing St., Seattle 99, for Department of the Army permit to construct a log storage boom in the south end of Lake Washington, near Renton, as shown on an attached drawing. The permit does not give any property rights, but expresses only assent of Federal Government as it concerns the public rights of navigation. The communication further stated that interested parties are invited to submit in writing, any objections before March 25, 1952. Mayor Baxter stated that this 64.0 foot log boom would be located in Lake Washington in front of the Boeing Airplane Comnany Plant. Secretary Reynolds of the Chamber of Commerce stated that he had called Mr. Smrha and informed him of the many complaints received from private property owners and he presumed that the City of Renton, the Boeing Airplane Company and the Puget Sound Power and Light Company would object, having large interests on the south end of the Lake. That on inquiry he had determined that although the Seattle Engineer's office stated they had written approval from the City of Renton, on fur- ther investigation he had found the letter to have been written on Renton Airport stationery and dated February 25, 1952. Mr. Reynolds further stated that he had been informed by Mr. Treadwell, Engineer for the Port of Seattle, that if object— ions to the placing of this log boom are received, the permit will be withheld. Moved by Tamboriri, seconded by Richardson, that the Council protested the placing of the log boom in the south end of Lake Washington. Carried. 9 Councilman Holm stated, that a reply should be made to this Public Notice stating the Council's reasons for protestin- a log boom at this location as it would be an impediment to navigation. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the proper Committee to study so a letter could be drafted stating the Council's reasons for protesting, and giving factual information in reply to the Public Notice application, in order that the information would reach the U.S. Army Engineer's office before March 25th 1952, Carried. A communication was read from F. A. Grabner, General ger of the Lake Shore Lines enclosing Renton City Transit Schedule m3, effective February 28, 1952, and stating service is not being increased or decreased and further stating that Renton's departure point is Second and Williams. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Renton Transit Schedule be referred to the Police and License Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A communication was read from R. L. Polk & Company, signed by T. B. Webster, re— questing the City of Renton's order for 7 copies of the 1952 City Directory for Renton at .,')30.00 ner directory as they have begun assembling information for publication of same. Seven Officials and Department Heads (the I,Iayor, City Clerk, City Engineer, Fire Chief, City Treasurer, Chief of Police and Librarian) had signed their approval of the above order. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm., that the mutter be referred to the 'days & Means Conmuttee to investigate and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Modern Music Company signed by William L. and Olga G. Roberts advising they have sold their coin—operated phonograph route to Mr. William Sholdt of Seattle, effective I-larch 1, 1952. The communication stated that Mr. Sholdt has agreed to refund, and pro—rated basis, the amount paid by Roberts for the master license and sub—licenses — — that the business will con— tinue to operate under the name of Modern Music Company and they request Council .� approval for Mr. Sholdt to continue operating for the remaining three quarters of 1952 under the present master and sub—licenses. The City Attorney stated that the Ordinance did not provide for a transfer or refund of licenses. ,loved. by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. An application for a dance license was read from Ray Lauderback and Carl A. Carlson, owner's of Barei's Tavern. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the application be referred to the Police & License Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A request from C. E. Sylvia, President of Lou's Cab Company, for permission to change the name of Lou's Cab Company, which has the Third Avenue and Williams Street stand, to City Cab Company, was read. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A petition, signed by 50 residents, the majority living in the three and four hundred block on Morris Street, was read, requesting the Council take the necessary steps to change the Lake Shore Lines eastbound bus stops from 2nd Avenue back to 3rd Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition be referre'. to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was read. from H. E. Rummery, 14.030 88th Avenue South, Earlington, protesting the changing of names and numbers of streets in Earlington. 40 Councilman Richardson stated that this protest should be referred to the Council as a whole, together with all other protests received. The Mayor so ordered. A communication was read from the City Engineer, approved by Councilmen Reid, and Delaurenti, Chairman and members, respectively of the Light and Power Committee, stating that the City Engineer had investigated the status of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company pole which had been reported as located in the re— sidential yard of the Zerwoodis property on the south side of Bronson Way North and had found; " ourt Case No. 25953, November 25, 1898, established the present location and invested the ownership of this 50 foot right—of—way to the Power Company. That the south margin of the right—of—way is 5 feet south of the existing power poles and the fact is, that the Zerwoodis residence is encroaching on the Power Company's right—of—way. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this information be forwarded to Mr. Zerwoodis by the City Clerk as soon as possible. A communication was read from the City Engineer enclosing a petition for the im— provement of a 10 foot alley in the Highlands Addition on Renton Scenic Hill. The City Engineer stated that the intent of the petition is to improve the alley on a cooperative pay basis, but that the petition is ineffectual as it does not contain the signatures of 100% of the abutting property—owners that the alternate recourse of the property owners favoring this improvement would be to proceed with a petition for the formation of a local improvement district as provided under State Statute. The City Engineer stated. that Pair. McLeod had presented the petition to him this date. Councilman Richardson stated that there had been a misunderstanding and that he believed the petitioners intended to present a petition for the formation of a Local Improvement District to improve subject alley, and that the petitioners should be informed of the correct procedure for the improvement of the alley. Councilman Richardson informed the Council_ that a 10 foot alley had been platted in 1910 and that the property owners whose property abutted this alley had built garages and woodsheds up to their property line and as Council action had only recently provided that any new alleys build should be 16 foot alleys, that he did not understand how the Council could provide the extra width for the subject alley at this date. Councilman Richardson further stated that he had conferred with these property owners and had been informed that they would have sufficient signatures by area to improve this alley by formation of a Local Improvement District, but that they would not have a sufficient number of signatures of pro— perty owners to improve the alley by voluntary participation. Councilman !tichard— son stated that under ordinary circumstances he was in favor of 16 foot alleys. Councilman Bruce stated that he also was in favor of 16 foot alleys, but under the conditions of the alley being platted in 1910, he did not see any means of in— ducing these people to move abutting buildings in order to provide for a 16 foot alley, rather than a 10 foot alley, as platted. The City Attorney stated that by Council action, the policy of the City of Renton, in regard to newly platted alleys was that any newly platted alleys should be at least 16 foot in width — — that this did not necessarily apply to previously platted alleys. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the interested property owners abutt— ing Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 in the Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, on Renton Scenic Hill, be informed of the proper procedure for the formation of a Local Improvement District, as stated in the City Engineer's letter. Carried. A communicaticn was read from the City Engineer enclosing a petition with sig— natures of 16 property owners, including 6 husbands and wives, proposing that certain properties be dedicated to the City of Renton for use as a public alley, that the petition can be accepted as an indication of the interest of those having signed the petition, but that the petition is ineffectual legally inso— much as the majority of the property owners required to quit—claim the proper— ties to the City have not signed the petition., The Clerk read the petition of abutting property owners of the property lying within Block 7, Ea.rlington Addition to the City of Renton, proposing and agreeing to dedicate certain properties to the City of Renton for perpetual use as a public alley — — and by their respective signatures, agree and covenant to execute 4 and deliver unto the City of Renton, as part of the petition, Quit Claim deeds, for the aforementioned purposes. The City Clerk stated that Martha Ruel, who was the last party to sign the petition wished to withdraw her name. The City Engineer stated that some of the property owners abutting the proposed alley were in favor of the alley, but not in favor of the proposed location. Councilman Bruce stated that he, together with the City Engineer, Building Inspec— tor, and Councilman Bruce had gone up to the location of the proposed alley in Earlington on Saturday and found that these property owners were badly in need of an alley, but the creation of an alley at the proposed location at this time was not feasible, r that should the proposition have been brought before the Council one year previous, the abutting property owners probably would have been unanimously in favor of an alley. Councilman Richardson stated that he also had investigated the location of the pro— posed alley in Earlington, and his opinion was the same as Councilman Bruce's, that as neither of the property owners, one at the east end and one at the west end of t?he proposed alley is in favor of the proposed alley, therefore there would not be 100% of the owners of the abutting property in favor of an alley. Mr. George Butko, one of the owners of the property where a proposed entrance to, or exit from, the alley would be located, stated that the question of an alley was brought up after he had cleared his property by bulldozing and that the size of his property did not warrant the space for an alley being taken therefrom, but that they were willing to give an easement for a sewer main. 1"r. Payetich stated that he was not in favor of an alley, but was willing to give the City of Renton an Easement for a sewer line, that the proposed alley would cut his property through the center where he proposed to build a duplex and that the remaining property owners all have access from the front of their property and garages built on the front of their property. Councilman Tamborini, stated that as the people were all willing to give an Easement for lateral sewers, that an amicable agreement should be worked out between the City of Renton and the abutting property owners for sewer easements. Moved by Reid, that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Councilman Holm suggested that as the petition did not have the signatures of 100% of the property owners and therefore would not carry any authority for proceeding with the necessary Local Improvement District, in his opinion, was of no value to the Street and Alley Committee. Councilman Reid withdrew his motion. Mr. Mayetich stated that as the property owners who were in favor of the improvement of the alley were owners of deep lots, they should provide access to the rear of their own property, through their own lots. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion the Council was not thoroughly in— formed regarding the location of the proposed sewer line in Earlington and there— fore were not in a position to answer questions in this regard, but that Mrs. Guy and her committee who presented the petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 7, in Earli:;.gton, should be notified regarding lack of required number of signatures for the formation of a Local Improvement District. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Flyers, Secretary, reconr.iending that the Council act favorably on the petition submitted by Brightman. Roberts and Holm, attorneys for Mr. & Mrs. Hubbard, for permission to construct a trailer camp on private property north of Sixth Avenue North and fronting on Wells Street North, extended, providing said street access can be provided by the petitioner, such access to be satisfactory to the City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee and shall not violate the present zoning of this property — — that the petitioners had property which bordered on 6th Avenue North and access could be made possible from said avenue. They further state that the property borders on 6th Avenue North,. and that a portion of the property is still zoned residential; that it will be necessary that any development conform to the residential zoning of said portion. 2 ' The City Engineer stated that the fringe of the property on 6th Avenue North was zoned residential, but that the majority of the property is commercially zoned and that subject development would serve to develop the major portion and that no buildings are planned at the present time for construction on the 6th Avenue side. Councilman Richardson of the Street & Alley Cornmittee reported that they had met with the property owners in regard to the dedication of a certain portion of this property as a street but as the owners had refused dedication of property for a street — — that the Street & Alley Committee recommended., providing access from 6th Avenue North, which was approved by the City Engineer and referred back to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommendation. Mr. Harry Martin stated that the entire property involved 133 feet frontage on 6th Avenue North, which seemded to provide ample access to the property, without access on Wells Street North, and that he believed the area in question is zoned industrial; that he had checked the zoning with the City Clerk some time ago. Mrs. Hubbard stated that they do not plan construction of any buildings on 6th Avenue North at the present time, but that they hope to build permanent dwellings facing 6th Avenue North at a later date, that they have complete plans for all pro— posed buildings. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be referred to the City Engineer and Street end Alley Committee for further study and a report back nel.t week. Carried. The Clerk read leases, as prepared by the Property Committee and City i1ttorney, between the Leasee, the Miller Sandwich Shop and the City of Renton for the two pieces of property, one with building located thereon in Mother's Park, for Council's information. The first lease covered a building and a parking area ad— jacent thereto; the second lease covered an adjoining piece of property to be used for customer parking. Lease No. 1, X150.00 per month, for three years from March 311 1952 until April 11 1935 with permission to extend for three—year renewal, with writte_. notice to lessor, at least 60 days prior to expiration of this lease. Monthly rentals to be paid in advance of each month, the last months rent must also be paid in advance, plus other stipulations. Lease #2 is identical to lease #1, with the exception that rental charges are $75.00 monthly and will run from month to month. Lease 72 may be terminated upon giving 30—day notice. The areas covered by Lease #2 will be used for parking purposes only. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the Council approve both lease #1 and lease #2 and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute both leases. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee stated he had three Ordinances to present to the Council for their consideration. The first ordinance had been requested by the City Treasurer on the recommendation of the State Auditor — — as there were certain monies lying dormant in a fund that there was no further use for by the City of Renton, and this money should be tran— sferred to the General Fund. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1424 providin for the closing out of Local Improvement General Fund and transfer of the balance of $1432.35 thereof unto Current Fund and repealing Ordinance ##618 and all other ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that proposed Ordinance No. 1424 be re— ferred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1424 and re— commended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1424 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti that Ordinance No. 1424 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Yagen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Dullahant, Aye; and Holm, Aye. All eleven Councilmen present voting "Ayl', the motion carried. 43 The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 11425 restricting and limiting to one hour only, parking of vehicles on the west side of Burnett Street between 3rd and 14th Avenues and on the west side and on the east side of Whitworth :Street between 3rd and 14th Avenues and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that proposed Ordinance No. 1425 be re— ferred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm inquired as to restrictions on parking on the above stated streets late at night, and inquired if the property owners whose homes front on subject streets should be penalized by restricted parking privileges in the evenings and re— commended that the hours of `118:00 A.M., to 6:00 P.M.," be included in the Ordinance. i The City Attorney stated that the hours of 118:00 A.M., to 6:00 P.M. ." could be in— serted in the Ordinance after "one hour only", and inquired as to the Police Chief and Traffic Division of the Police Department's recommendation.. The Assistant Police Chief, C.E. McCarthy, stated that they approved the insertion of the hours as stated and recommended that the hours "from 8:00 A.M., to 6:00 P.M., be included in the Ordinance. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee recommended that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Holm's and the Assistant Police Chief, and that from 8:00 A.M., to 6:00 P.M., be incorporated in the Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Holm, the Assi:stant Police Chief and the Ordinance Committee, and pro— posed Ordinance No. 1425 as amended be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 11,25 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all twelve Councilmen present voting "aye", the motion carried. The Clerk read Ordinance No. 1426 amending Ordinance No. 1417, relating to a schedule of charges for services rendered in the removal of garbage, refuse, swill as directed by Ordinance No. 1416, Section 1, sub—headings A & B as stated in Ordinance No. 11417 are amended as follows: Section 1, and Sub—heading B, Items 1, 2 and 3 being the same and Section 4, corrected as follows: "collection of not less than 6 or more than 8 garbage cans tier week, or 1 cubic yard or more, but less than 12 cubic yards bulk load per week, shall be charged at the rate of X6.00 per month." Section 51 corrected as follows: "Collection of not less than 3 or more than 5 garbage cans per week, or 2 cubic yard or more, but less than 1 cubic yard bulk load per week, shall be charged at the rate of x;3.50 n_ er month." Section 6 to read the same as :,ection 5 in the original Ordinance No. 1417, "Collection of less than 3 garbage cans per week shall be charged at the flat rate of x"1.00 per month." Also, Section 7 to read the same as Section 6 in the original ordinance No. 1417,"Extra service and special collection may be made upon request through the office of the Street Commissioner and the charge for such extra service or special collection shall be at the rate of '3*10.00 per hour." Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that proposed Ordinance No. 11426 be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Council agreed that until 5 days after the proposed Ordinance No. 1126, amending Ordinance Do. 1417 is published, at which time same will be effective, the people are subject to the charges as stated in Ordinance No. 1 .17 under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent of Streets who has authority to regulate and make necessary adjustments as he deems just and fair — — that the amendment is just a change made in the Ordinance No, 1417, Councilman Richardson reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee re— ported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1426 and recommended its passage, and the minority of the Ordinance Committee reported not in favor of proposed Ordinance No. 11426. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the majority of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1426 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. 44 .� Councilman Holm informed the Council that he had discussed with the Street Com— missioner today, the matter of service to apartment houses where there are two or three cans servicing a number of apartments, and he had been informed that where there was but one pick—up per week, this was classified as residential but where there are several pick—ups per week, these were classified as commercial. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1 .26 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, No; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, No; Tamborini, Aye; Dullahant, Aye and Holm,. Aye. There being 10 "Aye's and 2 "Noss", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee were not prepared to sub— mit the Civilian Defense Ordinance this evening; that Assistant Police Chief Mc— Carthy, Fire Chief Lawrence and Assistant City Attorney Gerard Shellan will draft a legal Ordinance with changes suggested by -the Committee this evening, which will be submitted for Council approval at a later date and that as the Mayor was unable to attend the meeting, if he has any changes cr additions to suggest, he will con— tact Mr. C.F. McCarthy. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee, City Engineer and Building Inspector had investigated the request by Jennie Fliseck to move a partition in the Sweet Center Building and that upon thorough investigation, the committee re— commended that Mrs. Fliseck be permitted to do so, at her own expense, under the supervision of the Building Inspector. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Property Committee, City Engineer and Building Inspector, and Mrs. Fliseck be so notified. Carried. Councilman Holm stated that during a November Council meeting, the Street Com— missioner and City Engineer had. requested the Council consider the possibility of the City of Renton purchasing two of the police cars for use of the City Engineer and Street Commissioner, when and if they were sold or placed on bid for sale,. or when new police cars were purchased — — that the cars currently being used by the Street Commissioner and City Engineer were in poor condition and required a great deal of mechanical work to keep them in good mechanical condition and that the Council should consider the possibility that two of the police cars being con— sidered for trade—in allowance on new police cars be transferred to these two Department Heads for their use. The City Clerk read the call .for bids for the three new police cars, also specifi— cations for same. The City Attorney suggested that the words "bidder may" submit bids be inserted for "bidder will" submits bids, in the Call for Bids. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, considering the call for bids would not be specific as to Fords or Chevrolets to be traded in, that in the future, if the Street Commissioner needed a new car, the Council would consider a suitable car for him. The bids are to be published as read. Councilman Reid requested more time in regard to street lighting. Councilman Swift stated that on investigation of the proposed improvement of the alley in the High— lands Addition to the City of Renton, the Street and Alley Committee had found that the property owners that would be required to give a portion of their pro— perty for the proposed alley were not in favor of the improvement of the alley, and that the property owners that were not required to give a portion of their property for the proposed alley were in favor of same — — that the City Engineer recommended that all property owners, whose property abutted on the proposed alley who would be required to give a portion of their property for the alley, be con— tacted to see if they are willing to deed six feet to the City of Renton to allow the required 16 feet for the proposed alley. The City Engineer informed the Council he did not think it would be possible to obtain the required number of signatures in favor of the dedication of the necess— ary 6 fbet to allow for a 16 foot. alley. Councilman Bruce asked for a break—down of Civilian Defense equipment purchases for the different departments. 45 Mayor Baxter fated there would be a discussion in regard to Civil Defense Department purchases, etc., immediately after this evening's Council meeting and requested that all Councilmen attend this meeting. The Fire Chief informed the Council that in his report, the work the Fire Department had done for the City Garage was to machine an armature; that this was done on a lathe in the Fire De�iartment by the Fire Chief on his own time, and that in his opinion, they had speeded up the repair of one of the City trucks. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Ur. The following bills having been previously audited by the .Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTAIERTS 3798-3922 162021.38 CLAIMS CURRENT 141— 151 2,101.71' CLAIMS WATER 8553-8554 430.40 CLAIMS PARK — 1646 — CLAIMS ATHLETIC 602 — CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2191 — CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6209 — CLAIMS AIRPORT 1289 — CLAIMS LIBRARY 2465 — CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 422 — CLAIMS FIRE MEN IS PEN FUND 78 — Moved by Richardson, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be recessed until March 18th 1952. Carried. City Clerk -VajZ yor 6 Renton, Washington � March 18, 1952 The recessed meeting of March 4th of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON.SJIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRD,1M, TAMBORINI AND DULLAHANT. OFFICIALS & DEPART1,224T HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Jack Schneider, Airport Manager. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the meetin.'� of March 4th be approved as written. Carried. Moved-by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the special meeting of March`12th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO. AMOUNT NABS ADDRESS TYPE OF ;WORK 3149 — Marvin Stansel 1212 3rd Ave. install plumbing 3150 50.00 Bill Santi 914. 2nd Ave remodel showcase 1 700.00 W. L. Tonkin 8203 Langston Rd. remodel house 2 100.00 Jim Lucas 1316 Bronson '.°Jay remodel room 3 50.00 W. H. Bruce 524. Park Ave. remodel house 4 100.00 Wilbur T. 'Jhite 2245 6th Ave. No. erect garage 5 200.00 Wm. H. Williams 2114 7th Ave. No. erect garage 6 100.00 W. Ti. Bryant 1300 Bronson Way install gas tank 7 4000.00 K. V. Gilbert 1400 hronson Way remodel room 8 1000.00 Ray Hansen 336 Mill Street siding on house 9 180.00 Andrew Kauzlarich 514. Burnett St. siding on house 60 500.00 Harold Poff 2405 6th Place remodel house 1 2000.00 Anton Dime 104. Pelly Ave. siding on house 2 1000.00 Glen Clow 358 Bronson Way erect garage 3 300.00 Wm. C. Neve 8822 S. 140th St. siding on house 4 5000.00 Tonkins Cafe 811 3rd Ave. addition on bldg. 5 50.00 Francis 14. Dempke 8636 S. 138th St. replace porch 6 1500.00 T. K. Anderson 24.0 Wells construct basmt. 7 — John Poeriznik 218 Meadow St. install oil tank 8 20.00 George Madden 864.4 Langston Rd. erect bldg. 9 400.00 F. L. Reedy 407 4th Ave. remodel house A petition was read from Mike and Marjory Lotto, Albert and Thelma Myers and Lloyd and Veda Welch, the owners of certain property as described , (.A triangular strip of property, adjacent to and across Rainier Avenue to the west, from Renton Municipal Airport, bounded on the west by 91st Place South, on the south by Renton Avenue, on the east by Rainier Avenue (Primary State Highway No. 5) for rezoning of said property from residential to commercial. The petition was signed by eleven property owners, (two of these being man and wife) being within the limits of 200 feet of the property described. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A cor:munication was read from E. F. Eldridge, Director and Chief Engineer for the State of Washington Pollution Control Commission, Olympia, stating that one of their functions is to give assistance to the operators of sewage treatment plants and help untrained operators do a good job, as a well operated plant is essential to the protection of the waterway into which it effluent is discharged.. To save time when routing visits are made to the plants they propose that their staff be allowed to contact the plant operator without bothering the Mayor and Council; that they will inform the Mayor and Council of the significant results of any visit, and all major recommeridations, especially those involving significant ex— penditures, will be taken up with the City Government and not through the operator. Moved by `l'amborini, seconded by Hagen, that the proposal be referred to the City Engineer with power to act. Carried. 47 A communication was read from Chester A. Clifton, Chairman of the Board of Trastees of the First Baptist Church, requesting installation of a light on the telephone pole directly in front of the First Baptist Church at 326 Smithers Street to facilitate parking and give needed light and afford protection by the light around the church building. The communication was signed by lg other church members. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Light and Power Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication in regard to renaming of Earlington Streets was referred to the Street and Alley Committee. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority requesting that the Mayor and Council set a date for a proposed meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority to meet with the Mayor and City Council at which time the Housing Authority Board would furnish the Mayor and City Council the additional information relative to the need for a low rent housing project in the City of Renton, as requested in the City of Renton's letter of January 22, 1952. Councilman Richardson stated that the City Council had requested additional infor- mation in regard to additional low rent housing, at the time the Housing Authority had presented the resolution in regard to same for Council approval. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor contact the Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners and set a date for a meeting with their body, the Mayor and City Council. Carried. The City Engineer, City Attorney and Building Inspector were requested to be present at the meeting. A proposal was read from the City Engineer to the Mayor and City Council for study and consideration, for the construction of additional sanitary sewer f acilities for the City of Renton. (1) Construct a 1211 trunk sewer from the foot of the Langston Road at its intersection with the Sunset Highway) over the Black River Channel and east over Second Avenue to connect with the existing trunk line at the intersection of 2nd Avenue with Shattuck Street at an estimated cost of $30,000.00 and (2) enlarge the sewage treatment plant with the addition of a primary digestor at an estimated cost of . 50,000.00. The proposal .further explained the trunk sewer is r designed to sewer the Earlington District under the agreement made by the City of Renton to construct the trunk sewer when Local Improvement District No. 239 was formed; that the construction of a primary digester at the Cityts sewage treatment plant is necessary for a satisfactory operation - - that the City of Renton's Sewage Treatment Plant is operating at over-capacity now and with Earlington District sewage being added this summer, to the present City of Renton's Sewage Treatment Plant, it is the City Engineerts opinion that it would be more economical that the two projects be included under one plan of financing. The City Engineer further stated that notwithstanding an additional heavy influx of population, the treatment plant, with the addition of the primary digester would be satisfactory for the Cityts use for a reasonable length of time - - that it would be impossible to foretell just how fast the City of Renton would grow, but that the City of. Renton urgently needs the digester now. The City Engineer further stated that unless the State Pollution Board forbids the City of Renton to dump any effluent into the Lake, it would not be necessary to move the sewage treatment plant to a different location; that there had been some talk of using the present sewage treatment plant for the Metropolitan area of the City of Renton, and another plant being constructed at Black River Junction to service that area in conjunction with a King County Plant - - that he had tentatively discussed this problem with Mr. Kelly of the King County Engineering Department, but they had no definite plan as yet. Councilman Richardson stated that at the time the Earlington sewer Local Improvement District was formed, that the Council authorized the construction of a trunk sewer r.. from the Earlington District to connect with the present City of Renton trunk sewer line - - that the proposed sewer main would have to be constructed before proceeding with the Earlington Local Improvement District. That it would be to the City of Renton' s advantage to float bonds to finance the trunk sewer and revenue derived from the sewer system. primary digester and pay for same by i•Ioved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposal be referred to the Sanitation and 'slays and Means Committees to investigate further with the City Engineer and City Attorney and report back their recommendation. Carried. 48 A communication was lead from Miriam Allen, Documents Librarian of the University of Washin-ton Library requesting a copy of a brochure of general information of the City of Renton for the Northwest Collection. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Clerk inform the University of Washington Librarian, that as soon as a brochure of the City of Renton is available, they would be furnished a copy. Carried. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from the Airport Manager to the Mayor and City Council, attention Councilman Richardson, regarding the proposed log storage in the south end of Lake Washington stating that in the Airport Manager's letter to the Foss Launch & Tug Company, regarding their position with reference to the proposed log storage Airport operation and air-traffic control, their words were "We have no objections.!' That the Airport Board' s position was arrived at after consultation with the Airport Flight Operators, Civil Aeronautics Administration, District Airport Engineers and Aviation Safety Agents of the Civil Aeronautic's Administration, Dis- trict Airport Engineer's and Aviation Safety Agents of the Civil Aeronautic's Ad- ministration, in October of 1951 - - that legal counsel advised their qualification of non-liability with this project, which was included in the letter. Councilman Richardson stated that a meeting in this regard had been held on Wednesday March 12th, that all Councilmen had been invited to attend - - that there had been many recommendations made, that the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney had been re- quested to draft a letter to present to the Council at the regular meeting, March 18th - - that United States Senators and Representatives were to be notified to try and obtain help to prohibit the placing of the log storage in the south end of Lake Washington. The Clerk was informed that the Council intended to go on record as opposing the placing of this log storage in the south end of Lake Washington from a standpoint of a hazard to navigation. Mayor Baxter stated that a delegation should personnaly contact Mr. Smrha, Chief Operations Division, Corps of Engineer, U. S. Army for the Seattle District and vigorously protest the proposed log storage. Councilman Reid stated that Commercial Clubs, the Puget Sound Power and Light Com- pany and residential property owners along the south end of the lake are all opposed to a log storage in the south end of Lake Washington; that they recommend communi- cations be forwarded to Senators, Congressmen and the Air Force, strongly opposing the proposed log storage. Councilman Richardson stated that Secretary Reynolds of the Chamber of Commerce had invited him to attend a special meeting at Shuffleton Plant in regard to this log storage -.,problem and that he had asked Councilman Hagen to attend for hien. Councilman Hagen stated that Councilman Reid's report was very complete, that there were 12 persons at the meeting and that those present went to the top of the Shuffleton Plant and looked down over the lake at the area where the proposed log boom is supposed to be placed, and it was the unanimous opinion of those present that any additional log storage would cause a very serious navigation problem; that all present unanimously agreed that the City of Renton, and all interested groups or property owners on the south end of Lake Washington, should strongly protest the proposed log storage. :Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the special meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee of April 12, 1952, as corrected, be incorporated in the March 18th Council minutes. Carried. Renton, Washington March 12, 1952. A committee meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee was called at 9:15 P.I11., by the Chairman of the Law & Ordinance Committee, Councilman B. J. Richardson, to dis- cuss the method of protesting the construction of a log storage in the south end of Lake Washington, adjacent to, and nearby the Shuffleton Plant of the Puget Sound Power & Light Com:paiiy, the Boeing Airplane Company and the Renton Alunicipa.l Airport. 49 Those present were: Councilmen Reid, Richardson, Swift, Freiman, Ha.nseiz, Hagen, Trimm, Dullahant and Holm; Mayor Joe R. Baxter; City Clerk, :Tiley Crook, City Attorney, Arthur L. Haugan; Assistant City Attorney, Gerard M. Shelian; City Engineer, James Highton; Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon; Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority; John Swanson and C. G. Myers, Chairman and Secretary, respectively of the City of Renton Planning Commission and Mike Lotto, Alden See and Clyde Barnard, members of the Planning Commission. Chairman Richardson stated that the City Council should prepare protests in re— gard to the proposed log storage so that they would reach the corps of Engineer's, U.S. Army, Seattle District, not later than March 25, 1952, said protests referr— ing to Public Notice No. P-52-29, which is a notice for reviewing the application of the Foss Launch and Tug Ccmpany to construct a log storage as above referred to. `rr Public Notice P-52-29 was read and Councilman Richardson stated that Air. Reynolds, Executive Secretary= of the Renton Chamber of Corimerce, had attended a meeting; of the King County Planning Comm!_ssion, of which he is a member, and that protests against the petition to construct the log storage in question would be presented to the Com, s of Army Engineers, the Port of Seattle., and the State Land Commissioner's office, by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company and the Fish and Game Club, Clyde Barnard of the Renton Planning Commission stated that as he understood the petition, the U.S. Army Engineer's had control of the outer harbor only and that the inner harbor was under the control of the Port of Seattle. Councilman Dullahant stated that in his opinion, protests should be sent to the U.S. Army Engineers, the Port of Seattle and the Commissioner oil Public Lands. Councilman Richardson stated that in his orinion, the protests from the City of Renton stating that the City Council considered that a log storage at the proposed location would be a definite hazard in the operation of the seaplane base at the Renton Municipal Airport, and also that the City Council should include in their objections, the fact that the formation of a log storage at the proposed location would be a definite detriment to a Municipal swimming beach which was being con— sidered by the City of Renton Park Board and King County Recreation Council.. Councilman Holm stated that the log storage at the proposed location would definitely hinder navigation for small fishing and pleasure crafts and would be a definite injury by decreasing valuation of properties on the lake shore adjacent to the rrn proposed log storage site. Mr. John Swanson, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that in his opinion, the proposed log storage would be a definite hazard in the operation of the sea— plane base at the Renton Municipal Airport. Mike Lotto of the-Renton Planning Commission stated that he understood that the Boeing Airplane Company, before approval, would make as a part of their conditions for approving the log storage, that same be moved within a very short time at their request and suggested that the Council request the Boeing Airplane Company to make a. written protest to the Corps of Army Engineers against the constr'action of a log storage at subject location. Councilman George Swift suomitted the names of the proper officials of the Boeing Airplane Company to address the request to. Councilman Richardson stated that the Corps of .'army Engineers were interested primarily in protests because of the effect of the proposed storage on navigation. Mayor Baxter stated that protests should be sent from Commercial Waterway District #2 City Attorney Arthur Haugan stated that he had been informed that Mr. Foss of the .Foss Launch & Tug Company had stated that the logs to be stored at subject location would be towed to the point of storage and would not be dumped in the Lake at a near—by location. Alike Lotto of the Renton Planning Commission stated that in his opinion, that included in the protests should be the fact that a log storage at the proposed location, for a long time period, would be a definite detriment to the expansion of the industrial area near the proposed location. Attorney Arthur Haugan stated that although the Corps of Army Engineers was primarily interested in objections from a standpoint of navigation only, that other objections might be considered.. Councilman Swift stated that he understood the pro-posed lease would be for a period of 30 years and.. that the status of the Boeing Airplane Company Plant might be changed to an indsutrial operation which could be badly hampered by a log storage at said location. o City Engineer Highton and Park Superintendent Gene Coulon suggested that a communication be forwarded to the Boei.zg Airplane Company stating that the City Council very much desired that the Boeing Airplane Company do all within their power to prevent the construction of a log storage at subject location. Clyde Barnard of the City Planning Commission suggested that a committee contact the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Seattle, the Port of Seattle Commissioners and the Coruussioner of Public Lands and explain protests verbally for their consider— ation. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Richardson, (1) that the Mayor, City Attorney and City Clerk prepare and dispatch telegrams to the U.S. Senators and Congressmen in Washington, D.C., requesting their aid to prevent the granting of permission to the .Foss Launch & Tug Company to construct a log storage in the south end of Lake Washington, near Renton and requesting them to contact the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Seatle District in behalf of the City of Renton and adjacent areas, to protest a permit being given for the construction of the above referred to log storage, and (3) to see that all protests are properly publicized through Seattle newspapers and the Rainier Valley Times. The business of the committee having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Committee Chairman, B. J. Richardson at 10:15 P.M. WILEY CROOK, CITY CLET�X Acting Secretary. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the King County Engineering Department states it will be necessary for the City of Renton to post bond to perform work on the County Road right—of—ways, particularly to the Kenny— dale area where work is done to install water service — — that there is no alter- native in this matter as it is an established regulation of King County. The City Engineer recommends that the City of Renton post this bond in the amount of $1000.00, blanket coverage, for one year to perform work on all County roads where— in the City of Renton is concerned, and attaching bond forms as furnished by the County Engineering Department. The City Engineer explained that the County Engineering Department had established regulations re--miring anyone doing work on County right—of—ways, must take out a permit and hold the County blameless; that in his opinion, such a bond would not cover the City of Renton, that the City of Renton would have to have liability insurance to cover damage done by City of Renton employees while making water line installations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, that the City of Renton purchase the required bond, as recommended by the City Engineer. Carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, moved by Dela.ureiiti, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk inquire and determine if the City of Renton at the present time does have proper insurance for their protection against damage done by the Cityof Renton employees while making water line installations or repairs. Carried. A communication was read from the Board. of County Commissioners, signed by Ralph R. Stender, Deputy for Robert A. Morris, Clerk of the Board, stating that "The County Engineer recommends that the City of Renton be advised that the County does not consider itself responsible for the repair of water mains which are not properly installed. Had the mains been buried, as provided in its franchise, the County would not have d imaged them. The Board of County Commissioners in regular session on March 10, 1952 on motion, approved said report.11 The City Treasurer stated that the City of Renton has billed the County Engineer— ing Department many times for damage done by the County to the City of menton water mains and had collected for same. Councilman Reid recommended that the City Engineer and Fire and Water Committee investigate the Countyts requirements and determine if the City had obtained a permit before installing subject water line and if subject water lines were placed at the required depth. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in Councilman Reid's .recommendation. Carded. 5 A communication was read from Reverned J. Sawyor, Pastor, and A.L. Wood,Secretary of the Renton Church of God stating their gratitude and appreciation for the prompt and efficient manner in which firemen responded and extinguished the fire in their Chapel on Saturday, March 8th - - that a totalloss would. have meant between 1$12,000.00 and U8,000.00 over anal above insurance coverage. Mayor Baxter order the communication filed. This being the date set for the opening of the bids on the three prowler cars for the City of penton, the City Clerk read the following bids: BARNARD MOTOR COMPANY ..... .... . . .. . . . . .. NET BASIC BID $3760.39 Make: Nash Ambassador-1952 Model Irr 3 Q X289877 each, or a total cost of $8696.31 Washington State Sales Tax 260.89 Total cost, inc. Wn. State Sales Tax .. $8957.20 Less, trade-in allowance, 1951 Ford Sedans, 3 Q 31732.27 each., or15 °6.81 NET BASIC BID.... ',"0760.39 CHI-"FTI,.UN POPITIAC • . . . . . . . . $2,8,28.32 Make: Pontiac - 1952 Model 3Q $2177.15 each, or a total cost of 6532.35 Washington State Sales Tax 125.9 Total cost, inc. Wn. State Sales Tax..... . . . . X6728.32 Less Trade-in allowance, 1951 Ford Sedans, 3 @ 01300.00 each, or..... . . . . . . . . . 3900.00 NET BASIC BID. . .. $2828.32 MOTOR-IN. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . NET BASIC BID. . . . . . . . P2104.01 ' Make: Hudson Pacemaker - 1952 Model 3 4 $2258.58 each, or a. total cost of. . .. . . . 6775.74 'aashin,rton State Sales Tax.. . .. 203.27 Total cost, inc. Wn. State Sales Tax. . . . . . . . 6979.01 Less, trade-in allowance, 1951 Ford Sedans, 3 L ',;1625.00 ea., or... ... ... . . . . . .. 4875.0 NET BASIC BID. .. $2104.01 (1) WHITE-POPE CO.. . • . . . NET BASIC BID.. . . . . .. w1576.31 Make: Ford, 6 Cyl., 101 HP - 1952 Model 3 Q `1847.91 each, or a total cost of. . . . . . .. 5543.73 14ashington State Sales Tax.... . . 166.31 Total cost, inc. Wn. State Sales Tax... . . . . . . $5710.04 Less, trade-in allowance, 1951 Ford Sedans, 3 Q �;�1377.91 each, or...... ... . . . . .. 4133.73 NET BASIC BID.... 1576.31 (2) WRITE-POPE CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UET.B4FIC.BTD. . . . . . . . $1957.92 Make-: Ford, V-8.. Stra.to-Star, 110 HP - 1952 Model 3 9 'x1971.41 each, or a total cost of 5914.23 Washington State Sales Tax. . 177.4 Total cost, inc. Wn. State Sales 'fa.x. .. . . . . . 6091.65 Less, trade-in allowance, 1951 Ford Sedans, 3 Q' 1377.91 each, or. ..... . . . . . 41.33.73 1,MT BASIC BID 01957.92 (3) WHITE-POPE CO.. .. . . .. . . . . . . . ..... ... ... .NET BASIC BID... .. . ... 02313.27 Make: Ford, V-8, Special Motors for Police Cars only, 125 HP - 1952 Model 3 Q `M86./+l each, or a totrl cost of . . . . . . 6259.23 Washington State Sales Tax.... .... . . ... . . . . 187.77 Total cost, inc. Wn.. State Sales Tax.. . . . ... . $64447.00 Less trade-in allowance, 1951 Ford Sedans, 3 Q ; 1377.91 eah., or ...... .. . . . . .. 4133.73 IuEI BASIC BID.. 2313.27 (1) WILLIAMS & Sr7ANSON....... . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2112.78 Make: Chevrolet, Spec. series - 1952 Model 3 Q $184.8.80 each, or a total cost of.. ... . . .. 5546.40 Washington State Sales Tax,:...... .. . . . . . . . .. . 166.38 Total cost, inc. Wn. State Sales Ta.x.,. .. . . . .. $5712.78 Less Trade-in allowance, 1951 Ford Sedans, 3 Q 71200.00 each, or.......... . ...... _ 360000 14ET BASIC BID.. .. $2112.78 2 ALTERNATE BID: (Without trade-in) -J WILLIAMS & SWANSON..... . .. NET .BASIC BID $5379.06 Make: Chevrolet, Styline Special. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . 1952 Model, 3 @ 01740.80 each, or a tcta.l cost of.. . . .. ';5222.40 Washington State Sales Tax... ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 156.66 Total cost, inc. Wn. State Sales Tax... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. $5379.06 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that all bids recieved be referred to the Committee of the Council as a whole for consideration at a recess during this evenii:gs meeting. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti inrormed Mr. Harold Jordan, owner of the Yellow and Jordan Cab Companies, that the City of Renton had not taken any definite action in m gard k : to installation of meters in taxicabs at the present time. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FRTYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, T RIMM, TAM13ORINI AND DULLAHANT. Councilman Reid, President of the Council, reported that the Council as a whole had discussed all bids received and had unanimously recommended that the lowest bid re- ceived for g cylinder cars from White-Pope, Inc., for three (3) 'cord 110 HP Strato- Sta.r V-$'s be accepted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accent the recommendation from the Committee of the Council as a whole. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that the Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign the Purchase Contract for the 3 new Police Cars. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney had pre- pared a proposed Ordinance on Civilian Defense for the City of Renton, but that he would be unable to report his recommendation on same until the 11 yor and Executive Director of Civilian Defense, C. E . McCarthy, Assistant Police Chief, had the opportunity of reading and consideraing same. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had further discussed the proposed Hubbard Trailer Park, and considering the Planning Commission's re- commendation regarding sane, recommended that a permit be granted to Mr. & Mrs. Hubbard. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Street and Alley Committee and that Mr. & Mrs. Hubbard be granted a permit to construct a trailer camp at subject location, providing street access satisfactory to the City Engineer and Street and Alley Committee can be provided by petitioner. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that as the matter of the renaming of Earlington Streets had been referred to the Council as a. whole two weeks previously, he would like to present the complete file to Councilman Reid, President of the Council. Councilman Reid reported that the Committee of the Council as a whole would endeavor to make a report in regard to the renaming of the Streets in Earlington at the next Council meeting. Councilman Swift reported for Council information only, that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner had been working on a preliminary draft for the construction of a " free right-turn-lane", at the 7th Avenue north entrance to the Highlands addition to Renton on the Sunset Highway. Councilman Swift reported for Council information only, t'na.t the Street and Alley Committee had a preliminary draft also of the proposed "widening of the Bronson Jay North curve," adjacent to Liberty Park, approximately across from the Meadow Street intersection with Bronson Way North; that the draft, prepared by the City Engineer had been submitted to the State Engineers for their consideration - - that the Committee did not anticipate any opposition to the proposed widening of Bronson ',"Jay north at the location described. Councilman Swift further stated that this matter would be kept in the Street & Alley Committee until they had received a report re- garding same from the State Highway Department, at which time the Committee would have sufficient in-Por.- ,tion to make a report to the Council. Councilman Delaurenti was granted more time in regard to the proposed schedule as submitted by the Lake Shore Lines. . t 3 Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee recommended that the name of Louis Cab Company be changed to City Cab Company, as requested by C.E. Sylvia, the new owner. Mored by Bruce, seconded by Freynan, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that after thorough investigation, the Police & License Committee recommended that Mr. William Sholdt, the new owner of the Modern Music Company be requested to apply for a new master license in the amount of u100.00 but that all sub—licenses now in effect be transferred to Mr. William Sholdt. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Delaurenti and the Police & License Committee more time on the request of Ray Lauderba.ck and Carl A. Carlson for a "dance license" for their place of business the Barei's Tavern. -Che City Clerk read a communisation from Eugene Sylvia to the Police Department and the Police & License Committee requesting reconsideration of his taxicab driver's license — — that since said license was revoked, operation of his son's (Clifford E. Sylvia) Cab Company has been seriously impaired. Mr. Eugene Sylvia stated iii the communication that he would post bond. in favor of the City of. Fenton if the Council decided that this would be necessar, A second communication was iread from Clifford Sylvia, to the Police Department and the Police & License Committee requesting approval of his father's (Mr. Eugene F. Sylvia) application for a taxicab driver's license — — that Clifford Sylvia needs his father to help him run a good business and that Mr. Eugene Sylvia would see that the taxicab driver do what the City requires. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Police & License Committee had discussed the matter of approval of Mr. Eugene Sylvia's application for a taxicab driver's license very thoroughly with the Chief of Police and the majority of the Police & License Committee recommended that Mr. Eugene Sylvia be granted a taxicab driver's license and that Mr. Eugene Sylvia be required to post a bond in the amount of $1000.00 to .�, be forfeited in case of any violation of City Ordinances or State Laws, other than minor traffic violations and that the license be issued for a one year probationary period. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the majority report of the Police & License Committee. The City Attorney informed the Council that Mr. Eugene Sylvia's taxicab driver's license having been revoked by the City Council of Renton, the Council would have authority to require bond as a condition when granting a taxicab driver's license. The City Clerk stated that the application for taxicab driver's license, when com— pleted by Mr. Eugene F. Sylvia, would be referred to the Police Department for approval or disapproval by the Chief of Police. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, No; Delaurenti, Yes; Richardson, No; Swift, Yes; Bruce, Yes; Freyman, Yes; Hansen, Yes; Hagen, No; Trimm, No; Tamborini, Yes and Dulla_hant, No. There being 6 111�ye's" and 5 "No's", the motion carried. Chief of Police, Angelo Busato, informed the Council that he had a complete file on this' case for the Council'S information. The Clerk explained to the Council that Mr. Eugene Sylvia had contacted him as he did not want to complete an application for a taxicab driver's license, if the Council would not approve same, but that he had informed I.r. Eugene Sylvia that such an application would have to be referred to the Police Chief for approval or disapproval. On the recommendation of Councilman Dullahant, moved by heid, seconded by Hansen, that the Police & License Committee and Law and Ordinance Committee investigate the proposal in regard to licensing of slot machines in different clubs in the City of Renton. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that people in the March General Flection. in Lenton had voted in favor of daylight saving time for the City of Renton and inquired of the City Attorney, if an Ordinance were drafted for the City of Renton to adopt daylight Saving time for a certain period of the year, would said Ordinance be in effect for one year. only: The City Attorney informed the Council—that an Ordinance drafted for a certain period of -time each year, would be sufficient, and valid until revoked, either by vote of the Council or people of Renton. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that Resolution No. 810 passed by -the Council and approved by the Iayor last year was effective 2:00 A.M., the last Sunday in April (April 29, 1951) and terminated at 2:00 A.M., on the last Sunday in September (September 30, 1951) and that in his opinion, in order for an Ordinance to be introduced and brought before the Council for their consideration this year, authority for the drafting of same should be issued soon. i Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of drafting an Ordinance setting up daylight saving time for the City of Renton, leaving the starting and terminating dates blank, until it has been determined what time and date Seattle and surrounding towns will abide by, be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee and City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Tamborini stated that the Ways and Means Committee recommended that the City Clerk purchase the seven (7) City directories for the different City Depart— ments , charging each Department Fund for their respective directories. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the days and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that there were many complaints in regard to dogs trespass— ing through gardens and digging up plants and seeds and asked that the Renton papers be requested to bring this matter to the people's attention and wa.rnin;s given that a cicser investigation was to be made of dogs on the loose that were molesting people's property and gardens. The Police Chief stated that the dog catcher was going to proceed with a very close survey of unlicensed dogs and trespassing dogs. Councilman Richardson stated that all the Councilmen were furnished a copy of the recap of expenses of Mr. Elton Alexander, Budget Controller, of the various depart— ments for the month of February and that two departments had- increased above the average. The City- Engineer stated that the increase in the Athletic Fund was caused by the purchase of equipment. The City Clerk informed the Council that there is available a breakdown of the° City of Renton's insurance on different buildings and properties. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance 6ommittee were presented: PvYROLLS ALL DEPARTI,?ENTS 3923-4075 25,206.54 CLAIMS CURRENT 152— 210 8,358.94 CLAIMS WATER 8555-8571 41500.04 CLAIMS PARK 1647-1657 543.83 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 603- 606 192.09 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2192-2199 521.28 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6210.-6222 71599.+5 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1290-1297 1,804.97 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2466-2477 1603.92 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 423— 429 11,148.05 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN, FUND 79— 80 250.00 Moved by Tamborinip seconded by Freyman, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. City erk ,Tayor r} ( N Renton, Washington March 25, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor J oe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN., TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan. Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, ..� City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will, Building Inspector. (Jack Schneider, Airport Manager was reported attending another meeting and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller was reported ill.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the March 18th meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Jim Rosa, to the Police & License Committee, request— ing permission to transfer his tavern license from 718 3rd Avenue to 210 Williams Street, upon completion of a building to be located at the latter location.Mr. Rosa further stated this his lease at the former location had expired and would not be renewed. Councilman Richardson stated that several years ago when the City of Renton started condemnation proceedings on the building located on the northwest corner of 3rd Avenue and Williams Street, where the Central Tavern is located at this time, and upon inquiry by the owner of the building, of the City Council at that time, the City Council was in favor of approving the transference of the tavern license from 3rd Avenue & Williams Street to 210 Williams Street; That Mr. Jim Rosa must have approval of the City Council for the transfer of his license to the location in question, before he is able to obtain permission from the Liquor Control Board for said transfer. Councilman Tamborini stated that the reason that the tavern is to be moved is because of condemnation of the building that they are now located in. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the transfer of the tavern license be allowed. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received the form for transfer of the license to the building to be located at 210 Williams Street from the Washington State Liquor Control Board, but had withheld action on same until such time as this request had come regularly before the Council. Councilman Richardson requested that the proposed plan for the building be shown to the Council as a whole. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that the proposed building is to be 60 feet deep which would leave the balance of 40 feet of the 100 foot lot for off—street park— ing. Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the motion "that the transfer of tavern license be allowed", be referred to the Police & License Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess to allow the Police & License Committee to discuss the above referred to problem. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. .... ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen present. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee reported that the Police & License Committee recommended the transfer of the tavern license to the new location at 210 Williams Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. 6 The original motion that the transfer of the tavern license be allowed, then carried. A communication was read from Robert A. Morris, Clerk of the Board of King County Commissioners, signed by Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, stating that the Prosecuting Attorney submitted a petition for the annexation of territory to the City of Renton; that the Board of County Commissioners in regular session on March 2k, 1952 approved said petition. A copy of the above petition, duly executed by the Board was enclosed. The Clerk read the attached "petition for annexation of Territory to the City of Renton, Washington," to the City Council, which stated that King County, a muni— cipal corporation of the State of Washington, through its duly elected qualified and acting Board of Commissioners, respectfully petitions the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington to adopt its ordinance annexing to the City of Renton, the following described real property, not heretofore incorporated as a City or town, which is contiguous to the City of Renton. The property on the petition being described in full. (A brief description being, east of Windsor Hills on the south— erly limits of the City of Renton, between 'Et Street extended southerly and °I' Street extended southerly to Southeast 128th Stireet (or 4th Avenue North, extended,) platted as Rainier Acres.) The petition further stated that the petitioner is the owner of more than 75% in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation, of the above described real property for which annexation is petitioned. A plat which outlines the boundaries of the property sought to be annexed to the City of Renton marked Exhibit "A" was attached. Mr. Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce stated that at the time he brought the matter before the Council, that he had also talked the matter over with the City of Renton Planning Commission, who had been infhvor of the annexation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. The Clerk read the appointments, by Mayor Baxter, of Mr. C. C. Myers and Mr. Mike Lotto, to succeed themselves on the Renton Planning Commission. Both Mr. Myer's and Mr. Lotto's terms will expire January 2, 1958. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council approve the appointments of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from David J. Pugh, Street Commissioner, enclosing an invitation received from A. S. Wellborn, Managing Engineer of the Asphalt Institute to Mr. Highton to attend a forum conducted by the Institute to be held in Salem, Oregon on April 3, 1952; that Mr. Highton will be unable to attend the meeting, but in studying the program, both Mr. Highton and Mr.Pugh feel that valuable infor— mation can be gained to aid the City of Renton in street reconstruction work; that the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, would like permission to attend the meet— ing. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, the Street Commissioner and the Assistant Foreman of the Street Department should be authorized to attend this forum. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Street Commissioner and Assistant Street Department foreman be authorized to attend this meeting, and that their expenses incurred within the State of Washington be paid by the City of Renton. Carried. The proposed Civil Defense Ordinance referred to the Mayor and Director of Civil Defense for consideration at the last Council meeting, having been approved by the Mayor and Director of Civil Defense, was presented by the Ordinance Committee. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance relating to Civil Defense Councils, defining its members and the duties and powers connected therewith, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing any other ordinances in conflict there— with. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed ordinance. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and recommend that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. FIT The City Attorney stated that Resolutions can be passed any time before the disaster to implement the ordinance — — that the Director and Assistant Director could make recommendations for the Council to include in Resolutions supplementing the ordinance, as became necessary, or would prove beneficial to the City of Renton. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, he was not well enough informed in re— gard to the proposed Ordinance, after hearing it read tonight to decide in regard to passage of the proposed ordinance. The City Attorney stated that State Law required any employee working directly under Civil Defense to sign a "Loyalty Oath", but that in case of an emergency, the Civil Defense would have to temporarily dispense with the signing of the "Loyalty Oaths" for the sake of expediency. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the proposed Civil Defense Ordinance was patterned from and similar to the law set up by the State; that his committee had rewritten and revised parts of the proposed Ordinance several times before this evening reading of same. Councilman Tamborini, with the consent of his second, Councilman Bruce,, withdrew his motion that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and recommend that the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and finalzeading,, until such time as all Councilmen had read and studied the proposed ordinance to their entire satisfaction. Councilman Richardson suggested that the Councilmen compare the proposed Ordinance with State Laws already w ritten, and further stated that he would present the proposed Ordinance at the next Council meeting. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received a reply from Senator Cain in answer to his wire in regard to the proposed log storage in the south end of Lake Washington; that he had forwarded communications of protest to the State Land Commissioner, Mr. Treadwell, Manager of the Port of Seattle and that Mr. Buehler of the U.S. Army Engineers is asking for a hearing; that Mr. Treadwell had phoned the Mayor and its formed him that it was not the intent of the Port of Seattle to lease the area if there were any objections to same; that he was not sure if it were legal to do so — that Mr. Treadwell did not feel that the situation, under ecisting circumstances at the present time should cause any worry. Councilman Reid recommended that the Council and Mayor keep in touch with the situation, so they would know what action was being taken in regard to placing a log boom in the south end of Lake Washington adjacent to Renton near the Airport. On behalf of the Council, Mayor Baxter thanked the City Clerk, Wiley Crook and Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce for their untiring efforts in con— tacting the different agencies concerned, in regard to protests against the location of subject log storage in Lake Washington. Mayor Baxter granted the Police & License Committee more time to investigate the proposal to_license slot machines in the different clubs in Renton. Councilman Trimm reported that the Sanitation and Ways & Means Committee, with the City Attorney and City Engineer had considered the City Engineer's recommendation to put in a trunk sewer at Earlington and a new digester at the sewer disposal plant and the committee had concurred in the recommendation of the City Engineer that both items be taken care of and paid for by sale of revenue bonds. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee and Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that his proposed chart of street lights for the Dunlap Road required 15 additional lights — — these lights to be mercury vapor type — — that after discussing this proposed light survey with the City Engineer and the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, that it had been determined that it would be impossible for a contractor to bid on this work as they were unfamiliar with the situation and the Pu; et Sound Power and Light Company would have to do about 1/2 of the installation work; that he had planned approximately 14 lights from 3rd Avenue & Rainier Avenue intersection on the Dunlap Canyon Road westward towards the store, and one light on 81st Avenue South; that the 15 lights would cost approximately $3000.00 — — that this was a reasonable price and that most of the labor costs would be absorbed by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. The Light & Power Committee recommended that the City Council proceed with this lighting improvement. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee and ways and Means Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Vis' z�.4 Mayor Baxter granted the Light & Power Committee more time in regard to additional lights in the metropolitan area of Renton. On the recommendation of the City Attorney, the Ordinance Committee was granted more time in regard to a proposed Ordinance setting up daylight saving time for the City of Renton, until they determine when the adjacent cities and towns start on daylight saving time. Mayor Baxter stated that there were a few items that had come before the Council several times that he would like to know what action the Council is going to take to settle the questions. (1) The matter of rerouting busses from 2nd .Avenue back to 3rd Avenue - that there had been many petitions and letters received protesting the 2nd Avenue routing of the inbound busses to Renton and asked if the Council was in favor of the present routing of busses on 2nd Avenue; that in his opinion, this matter should be definitely settled as soon as possible, as the 30 day trial period was over. (2) Regarding the changing of street names and numbers in the Earlington Addition as requested by the Post Office Department. (Councilman Reid stated$ that as this matter had been inferred to the Council as a whole, he would like to have a meeting with the Council as a whole, Tuesday evening, .April lst at 7:00 P.M., to study this matter further. (3) The problem of off-street parking in the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council as a whole should cooperate with other Civic Organizations - - that he will appoint a committee if it is the will of the Council for the best interest of the City of Renton. After a thorough discussion of the subject, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that on the recommendation of Mayor Baxter, the problem of off- street parking be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to make a thorough investigation and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested the Council as a whole attend a proposed meeting on Wed- nesday evening, April 2, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers with the Rousing Authority representatives in regard to low rent housing and to hear their report on the survey of the need of same, as requested by the Council previously. Mayor Baxter requested the City Attorney, City Engineer and Building inspector attend this meeting. Councilmen-elect Morris and Farmer were invited to be present at this meeting. Councilman Bruce reported on certain buildings located in Mothers Park (1) The �. building owned and occupied by the Trojan Lithograph Corporation, had been ac- quired from Mr. Osborne - that the City of Renton owns the land that the building is located on; that the Trojan Lighograph Corporation needs additional space to carry on their business and the City of Renton does have land to allow for this ex- pansion - - that the Trojan Lighograph Corporation at the present time has 15 regular employees; that they are doing Government work and are in a restricted area and in Councilman Bruce's opinion, the City of Renton should cooperate, as far as possible, with these people, the Trojan Lighograph Corporation. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee recommended that the City Engineer and Building Inspector be requested to investigate this matter as to the needs and/or wishes of the Trojan Lithograph Corporation and bring back their recommendation to the City Council. Councilman Bruce stated that within the next two years, the building presently owned and occupied by the Trojan Lithograph Corporation, according to a previous agreement, would revert back to the City of Renton, and that he had informed the occupants that any additional buildings or expansion they made, would also rever to the City of Renton on expiration of the lease. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hagen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce further reported that there were approximately 800 square feet of building spece recently vacated, adjacent to these people, that the Hydraulic Hoist Company had requested the use of this additional space; that it was the re- commendation of the Property Committee that the Hydraulic Hoist Company be allowed to lease this additional space and the lease be rewritten to include same, at the same rate per square foot as the building they now occupy. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the report of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce further reported that Bud Davis of Davis Creations is vacating the building he now leases and occupies on the lst of April - - that Mr. Heath has requested the use of this building and will assume the Davis holdings ; that the Property Committee recommends that the City Attorney be requested to draft a new lease including the area now underlease by the Davis Creations, for the Heath Manufacturing Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by 'tichardson, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that there still remained two tanks in the boiler room in one of the buildings at Mothers Park — — that he assumed these were condenser tanks with approximately 500 gallons capacity — — that the Hydraulic Hoist Company would like to purchase one of these tanks. Councilman Bruce further stated that he had an opportunity to rent the space where the tanks were stored, but that it would be necessary to clear out the space and clean it up; that he would like to have the City Engineer estimate the value of the tank for resale purposes and also have the City Engineer's recommendation in regard to cleaning up subject space. Councilman Bruce reported that there is an unoccupied portion of a building that could be rented, pro— vided it was cleaned out and put in proper condition, and further stated that the .... Property Committee recommends that this space be cleared out and rented. The City Engineer stated that he would see that this space was cleared and cleaned out. Councilman Holm requested a short meeting of -the Auditing & Accounting Committee immediately following this evening's Council meeting. Councilman Dullahant stated that he had received complaints in regard to the closing of the City Hall on Saturday mornings, and inquired if there were some way that employees could alternate coming in on Saturday mornings for two hours or so, to accomodate these people who prefer to transact business on Saturdays rather than other days. Councilman Reid stated that he had received complaints also, and he thought that the Councilmen should investigate this matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee to report back their recommendation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Dullahant, that the proposed meeting of the Council as a whole, on Tuesday, April lst 1952, for consideration of the changing of the Earlington Street names be postponed until Tuesday, April 8th at 7:30 P.M. Carried. The Building Inspector stated that the Engineering Department had considerable trouble in the past regarding permits for building houses — — that applicants state that their houses will cost a certain amount and that they will do the labor themselves, and that even if contractors do build the houses, supplying their own labor, that the same .� houses sell for much more than the estimated value given by the applicant, that for each building permit issued, one copy is forwarded to the County Assessor's office and that later when the County Assessor makes his appraisal of the building and places his assessment value thereon, the value is considerable more than the building permit shows. That at the last Pacific Coast Building Conference, a book of certain tables of building valuation data, published by Marshall & Stevens, valuation engineers, giving classifications for different groups and types of buildings was introduced. The Building Inspector stated that the City of Seattle bases their valuation of homes on a basis of 30¢ per square foot and King County, $9.00 per cubic foot and that this was approximately the same rate by area. The City Attorney stated that if the schedule had been adopted by the Pacific Coast Building Conference Association, as a part of the Pacific Coast Code, the City of Renton could incorporate the schedule, as written, into the City of Renton Building Code. The Building Inspector informed the Council that the schedule was not adopted by the Pacific Coast Building Conference as a part of their building code. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hagen, that the problem be referred to the Ordinance Committee and Building Inspector for their recommendation. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. City erk Ma or 0 Renton, Washington April 1, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREXMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN$ TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM.. (Councilmen Reid and Trimm were excused) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Elton Alexander, �. Budget Controller, and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the March 25th Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. A petition for the improvement of the alley abutting lots 25, 26, 270 282 29 and 30 by grading and surfacing with crushed stone, etc., was read. The petition was signed by five property owners who are the owners of all the lots abutting the above des- cribed alley. The petitioners agree to the formation of a Local Improvement District in connection with the improvement, which will provide for payment of the costs and expenses thereof by assessment, or as otherwise provided by law. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the City Engineer to d etermine the validity of the signatures. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the motion be amended to read, that the petition be referred to the City Engineer to contact these people and determine if they would prefer to proceed with this improvement on a cash basis to allow them- selves a saving in time and money. The amendment carried. The motion to refer the petition to the City Engineer then carried. The City Engineer confirmed the validity of the signatures. A letter of protest against the changing of the street names and avenues in Earling- ton was read from Morris Belmondo of 13632 88th Avenue South, Renton, Washington.. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to Council- man Reid, President of the Council, for the hearing in this regard on Tuesday, April 8th at 7:30 P.M. A non-conforming permit was read from James Nielsen, 809 "B" Street, Renton High- lands, to construct a garage on his property without allowing the required clearance. The City Engineer explained that he had not investigated this request, 'but had in- formed Mr. Nielsen that a non-conforming permit would have to be obtained from the Council to enable him to erect a garage as requested. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request for a non-conforming permit be referred to the Building Inspector and City Engineer to investigate and report back. Carried. A communication was read from E. F. Eldridge, Director and Chief Engineer of the State of Washington Pollution Control Commission, Olympia, stating that the Commis- sion is planning two studies to be made in the metropolitan area of Seattle during the coming spring and summer; that one will be concerned with conditions in Lake Washington as caused by sewage and wastes from various sources. The objectives will be a determination of the extent and degree of pollution and contamination in the major areas of the lake, the sources of same and the effects or damage to the desirable water uses, both present and potential. The information will point out needs in the various areas for the protection of the lake. The second study will be made at the same time to determine generally, the facts regarding the sewage pro- blems of the suburban areas and how these problems tie together. The study will be correlated with the water quality survey of Lake Washington and the survey of Puget Sound made several years aso. In the City of Renton's interest in the sewage dis- posal problem, and the fact that the problem is one involving the entire metropol- itan area, especially that area around the lake, that all parities involved must have a part in its solution. They request Renton's support, comments and sugges- tions. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the City Engineer and Sanitation Committee and that the City Engineer and members of the Sanitation Committee endeavor to make arrangements to attend some of these meetings. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. L.T. Sims, 2011 7th Avenue North, President of the Highlands Parent—Teacher Association, requesting the Council designate May 319 1952 as the starting date for daylight saving time in Renton, instead of April 30th to assure earlier bedtime hours for the school children during the remainder of the term. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the King County Planning Commission requests a joint meeting, Tuesday, April 8th at the regular Council meeting, with the City Council and the City Planning Commission for a discussion of the City Planning Survey; that all data for the survey has been compiled and they hope to work .� out the final details and complete the survey at the proposed meeting. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen, that the King County Planning Commission be invited to attend the April 8th Council meeting for a discussion of the City Planning Survey, that the City Planning Commission be requested to attend this meeting and the King County Planning Commission be so notified. Carried. A memo was read from J. E. Schneider, Renton Airport Manager, in explanation of a copy of a letter to the Corps of Engineers, stating that the letter should have a bearing on the final disposition of the "Proposed Log Storage" in the south end of Lake Wash— ington. The Clerk read a copy of the letter from Frank Ames, Chairman of the Board of the Renton Municipal Airport to the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Seattle District, 4735 E. Marginal Way, Seattle (copy of Port of Seattle, Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton and the Renton Chamber of Commerce) directed to the attention of Col. John Buehler in regard to the proposed log storage in the south end of Lake Washington, in which they gave an excerpt from their regular meeting of the Board held on March 272 1952, as follows: "It was duly moved, seconded and carried, that the Renton Airport Board objects to the proposed location of a log boom in the south end of Lake Wash— ington near the Renton Municipal Airport Seaplane Base on the grounds that it will constitute a hazard to navigation of seaplanes and will interfere with future possible plans to operate an adMionalsaaplane facility in the camouflage Hangar for which permanent disposition the Federal Government is considering a sale or loan to the City of Renton, to be operated as a facility by the Renton Airport Board." The Mayor ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from the City Engineer presenting a proposal covering the scope of work recommended for the spring and summer of 1952s further stating that Mr. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, and the City Engineer have made additional studies and they believe the work to be essential for economy and adequate service. The work under the proposal is estimated to cost $210,000.00 and combined with the sewer pro— posal of $80,000.00 reaches the total of $290,000.00. A five year program for sewer and water works, including the above $290,000.00 is estimated to cost $1,000,000.00; that in this type of long range planning, it is essential that the City proceed on a long range financial program. The City Engineer listed the proposed repair, re— construction and additions to the City of Renton Municipal Water System. 1. Kennydale area (A) Replace inadequate water mains and extend dead—end mains to provide a circulating water system. Estimated cost, $35,000.00 (3) Acquire sites, drill test wells and develop deep well water supply, maximum cost to produce 450 gallons per minute. Estimated cost, $40,000.00 (C) Connect Kennydale supply lines to the High— lands reservoir. Estimated cost $5,000.00. 2. Springbrook 2011 Steel Water Main. (A) Repair main using cement mortar lining process. Estimated costs $50,000.00, which should extend the usefulness of said main for 20 years. 3. Windsor Hills Booster Pump (A) Increase pumping capacity. Estimated cost X10,000.001 very necessary unless pro— posed Keanydale well development is speedily completed. 4. Mount Olivet Spring Supply. (A) Acquire and connect to city water system. Estimated cost, 20,000.00 with the explanation that the proposed private housing development immediately west of Mt. Olivet Cemetery adds weight to the fesaibility of developing this supply which would augment the supply in Renton proper, reducing pumping costs at Cedar River; that the waste from the spring is a source of trouble because of inadequate storm sewer facilities. 5. Acquire property for addition to Talbot Reservoir. Estimated cost, $10,000.99. 6. Acquire property to protect Springbrook Supply. Estimated cost $10,000.00.7. Miscellaneous repairs and extensions of the water system. Estimated cost $20,000.00. 8. Equipment. (A) Purchase 3/8 cubic yard, truck mounted gas shovel. Estimated cost, $10,000.001 the full purchase price presented for consideration, because if the Kennydale Water improvement is app roved, the City could do the work with City employees at a saving approximately one—half the cost of this equipment. The total estimated cost, as outlined, is $210,000.00. 2 Mme. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication and outline of the proposed survey be referred to the Fire and Water Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. The Mayor granted the Ordinance Committee more time to present the proposed Ordinance on Civil Defense. The Ordinance Committee presented proposed Resolution No. 830, establishing a basis or method for the purpose of estimating the cost of buildings and other structures by types and occupancy; stating such basis and methods are necessary and required for the purpose of establishing proper charges and fees for building permits and other purposes. The Building Inspector explained that any changes in the Pacific Coast Building f Code will automatically affect the amendments proposed in Resolution No. 830, as the City of Renton had adopted the Pacific Coast Building Code by reference in the Building Code Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 830 as read. Carried. A communication was read from Metcalf & Harstad Associates, Consulting Engineers, signed by James I. Metcalf, stating that the American Public Power Association is holding its 9th Annual Convention at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle from April 29th to May 1st; stating that Mr. Gus Norwood, Executive Secretary of the Northwest Public Power Association, has sent a personal letter conveying an invitation to the officials and Councilmen of the four valley cities proposing municipal systems as a result of the liquidation of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company; Mr. Metcalf stated that he had been to a number of these conventions, and that they have an interesting and informative program on the whole municipal power situation and operating techniques and problems. Mr. Metcalf requested, for Mr. Norwood, the home addresses of all the officials and Councilmen so he could forward an invitation to each man, together with the program and other literature in regard to the convention, and in regard to fur— ther activities of the Northwest Public Power Association. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, the Power Committee and as many other Councilmen as were able to, should attend this meeting. was The City Clerk/requested to furnish the names and addresses of the Councilmen and City Officials and Department Heads to Mr. Metcalf. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that for the purpose of investigating the problem of off—street parking, with the street and alley committee as a nucleus, he would like to recommend an auxiliary committee to be composed of the City Engineer and Street Commissioner, one member from the Traffic Division of the Police Department and three members from the Chamber of Commerce (to be appointed by the President of the Chamber of Commerce.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The Clerk was requested to write a letter to Mr. Henry Reynolds, Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, requesting that he advise the President, Mr. George McKail of the Council's action. Councilman Swift reported that on the petition to improve the alley in Block 2, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, that as the property owners on the south side of the alley were required to donate the property, but the people on the north side petitioned for the improvement, and the Street & Alley Committee feels that it is unfair and recommends that the petition for this improvement be deniedt until a petition is presented for a 16 foot alley. Moved by Holm, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the petitioners be so notifed. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had met and studied the petition presented by the property owners on Morris and Whitworth Streets, in re— gard to rerouting the inbound Lake Shore Line busses back on 3rd Avenue and that upon investigation the Committee had determined that approximately 8 of the signers were not property owners in the above area, but were residents of the rural areas. The committee had decided to investigate the problem from three angles, 1. Through the Traffic Department, 2. From the standpoint of the operation of the bus company, and 3. from the standpoint of merchants on 3rd Avenue, through the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Swift stated that the Traffic Department had reported that the meters that had been installed in the former bus zones on 3rd Avenue on the south side were in operation and were being used regularly by the public to a great advan- tave, and traffic was much easier to control; that the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce had reported only isolated cases of complaints by 3rd Avenue merchants, and that the Lake Shore Lines were satisfied with the routing of inbound busses as in operation at the present time, that it proved to provide faster service into Renton, more economical and that there were only minor complaints. The Street and Alley Committee recommended, after investigation, that the bus stops remain as they are at present, eastbound on 3rd Avenue and westbound on 2nd Avenue. Councilman Tamborini requested that the Council consider the 3rd Avenue intersection with Rainier Avenue, stating that inbound Renton busses discharged their passengers on the northeast corner of the 3rd Avenue with Rainier Avenue intersection, causing those who live south and southeast of subject location to cross this busy intersection to get to their respective homes. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hagen, that the Council concur in the above recommen- dation of the Street and Alley Committee. After a thorough discussion on the motion, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Reid, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, No; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, No; Hagen, Aye; Tamborini, No; Dullahant, Aye, and Holm, Aye. There being 7 "Ayers" and 4 "Noss", the motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the special committee meeting of the Council as a whole had been held immediately following Tuesday evening, March 25th Council meeting and requested that the minutes of the entire meeting be incorporated in the April lst Council meeting minutes. "A special committee meeting of the City Council as a whole met immediately following the regular meeting on March 25, 1952 regarding the condemnation of Cedar River Park. Present were Mayor Baxter, Councilmen Reid, Swift, Delaurenti, Bruce, Freyman, Holm, Dullahant, Trimm, Richardson, Hansen and Tamborini, Attorney Haugen, Assistant City Attorney Shellan and various department heads. Mr. Shellan reported that the City and the Property owner entered into a stipulation whereby each party would pick two appraisers, a fifth one to be picked by the other four. Appraisals were then submitted to the fifth appraiser as chairman; the owners appraisal being $280,000.00 and the City's appraisers submitting the amount of $112,000.00 and $106,000.00 respectively. Numerous meetings compromised the appraisal to $125,000.00 as provided for in the stipulation. On March 24, 1952 the adjudication of public use was submitted to the King County Superior Court by the City. The Court, after hearing, approved the City's condemna- tion plans as outlined in our Ordinance No. 1415, holding that such plans are for public and municipal purposes. Moved by Richardson and seconded by Delaurenti that the City accept the appraisal of $1252000.00 and to proceed with the acquisition of Cedar River Park. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Mayor appoint a special committee from the City Council to work on all financial matters pertaining to this project with our legal department. Carried. Mayor,Baxter appointed Charles Delaurenti, Donald Holm and B. J. Richardson as the Committee to work with the legal department on the financial arrangements necessary to proceed. Mr. Delaurenti called a committee meeting for Thursday evening at 7:30 P.M., in the Treasurer's office. Dorothea Gossett, Acting Secretary". �•- Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a whole. The City Attorney explained that the anticipated revenue to be derived from the pro- ject should pay for the property in a few years, but that Mr. Barei would be paid in cash. The motion carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the trial hearing is set as April 17th; that the Attorneys will enter a judgment to arrive at $125,000.00 - - that the agreement to be entered into by the Court on April 17th would take the place of a trial - - that it would not be necessary to have a teial, just obtain Court approval — — that between April 17th and June 30th, the City will be called on to make its payment, and that in his opinion, the payment should be made as soon as possible. At the time the City is ready and able to make the payment, and has paid the amount, the Court will enter an order, and for intent and purposes, the City will be the owner of the land. Councilman Richardson stated that there is one other step that the Council should consider. That at the time the 1952 Budget was set up, the City did not anticipate acquiring Cedar River Park and the monies would have to be provided by the setting up of an emergency budget before the City could expend any funds, that the City should set up an emergency budet of $125,000.00 for the purchase of this property and $5,000.00 for contingencies. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of setting up an emergency budget to provide the necessary funds to acquire the Cedar River Project, be re— ferred to the Special Council Committee, the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney. (Special Council Committee, Charles Delaurenti, Don Holm and B.J. Richardson.) The City Attorney stated that no one knew at this time the definite amount the City would be required to pay; that under present Laws the City is entitled to the Cedar River Park from the Federal Government, free of charge. Councilman Holm stated that the Executive Director of the Cedar River Park had prepared a petition for an "unfreeze order", that the petition has been submitted to the Defense Department and that it would take about three weeks to obtain the final transfer and relinquishment; that so far such transfers have taken place without any delay or complications — — the Council should also keep in mind the possibility of a change of policy in Government whereby the "unfreeze order" might not be granted, but that without a major change in Uovernment policy, 'the transfer will take place. The City Attorney stated that Federal Law provided for this type of transfer to be made without payment — — but that there might be a pro—rating of "in lieu of taxes payments". That there are two methods of payment to the land owner, Mr. Barei, that payments could be made to the Court or to the parties having an interest in the property — — that Mr. Barei was the contract purchaser. The City of Renton would be the land owner and also the expectant owner of all the housing units and structures that eventually the two will merge. Councilman Delaurenti stated, confirmed by Councilman Richardson, that steps taken so far are very necessary and that Federal Law provides that if the City acquires the property, all buildings will revert to the City of Renton at no cost. The motion that the matter of setting up an emergency budget to provide the necessary funds to acquire the Cedar River Project be referred to the Special Council Committee, appointed by Mayor Baxter, the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney then carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Police & License Committee more time to investigate the proposal to license slot machines in the different clubs in Renton. The Majority of the Police & License Committee, after thorough investigation, recommended that a dance hall license be granted to Ray Lauderback and Carl A. Carlson, the owners of the Barei Tavern. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the majority of the Police & License Committee. After a short discussion as to the advisability of a dance hall license being granted to a location where there is only beverages sold, and there being no eating place at said location, also the fact that Ordinance No. 1229, amended by Ordinance No . 1232, does not prohibit the issuance of a dance hall license to owners of beer taverns, Councilman Delaurenti stated, that in the opinion of the majority of the Police & License Committee, that these owners should be granted a license at this time, or provisions be made for the revision of amending of subject Ordinance. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, No; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, No; Hagen, No; Tamborini, Aye; Dullahant, No and Holm, No. There being 6 "Aye's" and 5 "No's", the motion to concur in the majority of the Police & License Committee's recommendation, that the owners of the Barei Tavern be granted a dance hall license then carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Finance Committee and Ways and Means Committe more time in regard to procurement of funds to finance the installation of 15 additional mercury vapor type lights on the Dunlop Canyon Road west of the 3rd and Rainier intersection. Councilman Holm stated, that in regard to the apportionment of costs between the City of Renton and the Renton School District, he had received a report from the City Engineer and the Renton School District. The Clerk read the report of the breakdown for the Second Avenue improvement, from the Engineer, as follows: Northwest Precote Contract ........... $28,896.71 City of Renton roadway drainage 21219.32 City of Renton roadway preparation ... 1,397.36 $32,513.39 as compared with the City Engineer's estimate of $33,000.00 which the School Board agreed to pay one-third of the cost of. The report included additional items, necessary to the improvement: Installation, street light conduit 1,306.30 Installation, traffic signals & walkways 756.9 $ 2,063.25, or a total cost for this improvement of $34,576.64. The City Engineer stated that the installation of the traffic signals and walkways, in the amount of $756.95 is primarily for school use and in his opinion the School District should pay a portion of this cost. A communication was read from H. R. Johnson, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Renton School District to Mr. Don Holm, stating that the Renton School Board, when discussing the financing of the street improvement on 2nd Avenue between Logan Street and Rainier Avenue, agreed with the Council committee and the City Engineer that the School District should pay their pro-rated share of this improvement, which was considered by all concerned to be equal to the School District's share, had an L.I.D., been formed, which amount would be equal to a roximately one-third (1/3) of the total cost, and requested that this one-third (lT of the cost of the improve- ment be billed in duplicate to the School Distrct, by the City of Renton, listing sufficient information to satisfy the State Examiner. The School Board and the Superintendent of Schools expressed their appreciation for this improvement. Councilman Holm explained the communication, stating that the Auditing and Accounting Committee recommended that the Council accept the apportionment of costs as given, and that the City of Renton invoice the School District, as stated, in duplicate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm stated that the Budget Controller had called the Auditing and Accounting Committee's attention regarding delinquent Tax Statements, Councilman Holm stated that he had discussed the matter with the Budget Controller and City Engineer and they feel that some of these tax statements submitted to the City of Renton are in error and stated further that the Auditing and Accounting Committee recommend that the Budget Controller, together with the Assistant City Engineer, for the pur- pose of identifying property described on subject delinquent tax statements, be per- mitted to spend a days time, or whatever time is necessary, to investigate all delinquent tax statements to bring them up to date. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Councilman Dullahant reported in regard to the City of Renton's invoice to the County, for broken water mains by County graders that the County had previously disclaimed responsibility for the repair of, that the Fire & Water Committee upon investigation had determined that the mains in question were installed before the County required a permit for same; that the mains had been put in too shallow and that when the new mains were installed or improvements were made in the Kennydale area, that the mains would be installed at the proper depth. Mayor Baxter granted more time to Councilman Hansen of the Public Relations Committee to report on the question of the City Hall offices being kept open on Saturdays. Councilman Reid reported that the Power and Light Committee recommended that a street light be installed on the telephone pole directly in front of the First Baptist Church at 326 Smithers Street, as requested by the First Baptist Church represent- atives. Moved by Holm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation -� of the Power & Light Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time before presenting the pro- posed Civil Defense Ordinance. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee had held a meeting with the City Engineer, City Treasurer, City Attorney and the Sanitation Committee. The Committees recommend that $30,000.00 be allocated from the Sewage Disposal Fund for the installation of a 12 inch sanitary sewer main, in order to connect the Earling- ton area's proposed sanitary sewer system with the present operating system of the City of Renton. In regard to the estimated $50,000.00 needed for improvement of the Sewage Disposal Plant, the Ordinance Committee recommended that action on same be held in abeyance until the Fire & Water Committee has submitted their recommendation. Councilman Dullahant stated that the City of Renton should consider borrowing money from the Washington State Pension and Retirement System, as this money is available for the use of Cities, for City improvements, at a low rate of interest. Councilman Holm stated that his committee felt there was a considerable, amount of expansion soon to be made in the City of Renton, but that the Council should not wait for the completion of financing plans for the over-all expansion before pro- ceeding with the improvement that the City had committed themselves to make in Earlington - - that the City of Renton should proceed immediately to arrange for the improvement without waiting for a bond issue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the recommendation of the Committees and that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the plans for said improvement. Carried. Councilman nichardson stated, that in his opinion, the City Council should obtain definite financial advice inregards to bonds, before proceeding on the second im- provement concerning the Sewage Disposal digester and/or improvements of the Water system. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Richardson and different bonding Companies be asked to appear before the Council as a whole, the first one being asked to meet with the Council as a whole after the regular Council meeting of April 15th to furnish information in re- gard to bonds. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee recommended. that a caution sign be installed at the dead-end street at the intersection of Logan Street and 8th Avenue North for the protection of the City from suit by the driving public - that there had been two separate accidents at this location caused by high speed drivers not familar with this dead-end street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift asked that customers who purchase gravel from the Commercial Waterway District No. 2 be requested, when purchasing same, to be more careful that their trucks, or containers are not loaded to full causing surplus gravel to be spilled over streets, especially along Airport Way. Mayor Baxter asked the Police Department to investigate these complaints, also the complaint that certain garbage trucks, hauling garbage from outside of Renton, are allowing garbage to fall from their trucks, especially between Rainier Avenue and Airport Way and Bryn Mawr. The Police Chief stated that he would investigate this matter. The Police Chief stated that he had received an application for a taxicab operator's drivers license from Mr. Eugene Sylvia and requested that the Council as a whole consider the application, as most of the Councilmen were familiar with the details of same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council grant Mr. Eugene Sylvia permission to drive a taxicab, providing he posts the $1000.00 bond recommended by the Committee previously, and that Mr. Sylvia be placed on a one year probation period for taxicab driving. 67 The Chief of Police informed the Council that the application stated, in regard to convictions, "Police have records. Convicted about 1937". The City Attorney stated, never having seen an application form, it was his opinion that if the application requested dates, charges, etc., that said violations should be itemized and listed on the application. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Reid, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, lyo; Swift, No; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, No; Tamborini, Aye; Dullahant, No and Holm, No. There being 5 "Aye's and 6 No's", the motion lost. Mayor Baxter asked the Property Committee if it was their understanding that the ... parking lot being leased by the Miller's Sandwich Shop, adjacent to their building, was to be used for private parking in conjunction with their own employees or to be used for rental purposes. Councilman Bruce stated that it was his impression that all space was to be used for private parking and customer parking. Councilman Swift stated that there were private stalls for rental purposes marked out on the adjacent parking lot. The City Attorney stated that it was his understanding, also the understanding of the attorney for the tenants, that the parking area was to be used for customer parking, incidental to the business of running the retail lunch counter, etc. , that any violation of the lease is actionable and could be pointed out to the tenants. Mayor Baxter stated that he would sign the lease, after this clause had been satisfactorily settled. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 4076-4201 169386.64 •� CLAIM, CURRENT 211 - 278 18,496.55 CLAIMS WATER 8572 -8580 3,473.91 CLAIMS PARK 1658 -1664 1,410.38 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 607 - 609 561.66 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL FD. 2200 -2209 1,248.19 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6223 -6236 4,123.55 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1298 —1305 29268.27 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2478 —2490 524.21 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 320 — 432 122.74 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD, 80 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. C ity C erk ;Mayor AA N--w Renton' Washington April 8, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI,. RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM, DU LLAHANT AND HOLM. (Councilmen Hagen and Tamborini were excused.) DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; C. E. McCarthy, Assistant Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Jack Schneider, Airport Manager; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of April 1st be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3170 $5000.00 William Long 235 Garden St. erect; house 1 75.00 Tom James 412 N.%lls erect; foundation 2 1000.00 Safeway Stores 3rd Avenue electrical work 3 700.00 Fred Allingham 2115 7th Ave. No. general repairs 4 1000.00 Thomas Edwardo 320 N. Williams reshake house 5 — Chas. Ruud 520 High Street install plumbing 6 300.00 Mrs. Angela Ballatore 247 Garden St. repair roof 7 600.00 William Jones 2227 9th Place erect garage 8 3500.00 Mrs. Thomas 516 Wells St. addition on house 9 7000.00 John Arnarde 8802 140th S. finishiesidence 80 100.00 Russell Weaver 629 Cedar Street install hot W.Tank 1 — Trojan Lithograph Co. 8th Ave. N. & Wms. install plumbing 2 1.00.00 Williams & Swanson 703 3rd Ave build fence 3 100.00 Walter Fisler 420 Cedar Street repair shed 4 400.00 Thomas Warner 14116 S.E. 125th erect garage 5 4800.00 James Denzer 1304 3rd Avenue No. addition to house 6 13,905.00 Oliver Wakelam 86th & Langston erect new house 7 — Tonkins Cafe 807 3rd Ave install plumbing 8 400.00 John Halpans 2211 6th North erect garage 9 100.00 Cora Van Dusen 711 5th North electric wiring 90 500.00 Gene Bononi 441 Burnett St. Constr. Basement 1 3000.00 Paul Kings, Jr. 13649 84th South addition on house 2 100.00 John C. Trottman 400 Mill St* remodel stairway 3 700.00 Tom Richter, Jr. 541 N. Wells erect new garage 4 100.00 Clinton Reed 2318 6th Ave. F. erect retaining wall 5 — Rentona Nursing Home 516 Wells St. install plumbing 6 80.00 G. E. Sullivan 631 E. Street construct sidewalk 7 100.00 W. Rock 343 Whitworth remodel house 8 250.00 Joe Huffman 13627 86th Ave. S. remodel house 9 500.00 J. R. Hudson 813 C. Street addition on house 3200 375.00 Joe Stiener 13695 Rainier Ave. electric service 1 100.00 Rentona Nursing Home 516 Wells St. " n 2 400.00 James Moran 909 5th Ave. repair porches A communication was read from Thomas H. Cooke of the Trojan Lithograph Corporation, Logan Street North at 8th Avenue, explaining they are primarily in the printing business, and requesting an extension of the lease in effect now which gives them only three more years and stating that they desire at least a 10 year :lease from the present time and extending an invitation to Councilmen to visit their plant so they could more fully understand the services they offer. They further stated that they have spent considerable money in making repairs and maintenance inside the building and they request the City of Renton paint and make minor repairs to the outside of the building which would be money well spent. After a short discussion in regard to rewriting the present lease to include 10 years rental, and permission being granted to the lessee to construct an addition to the building of the same type of construction as the present building (cement block,) moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee, City Engineer, City Attorney and Building Inspector to investigate regarding a new lease for 10 years to include the balance of 3 years left in the present lease, also in regard to plans for an addition to their present building. carried. A communication was read from Ed. A. Noel, President of the Miller Sandwich Shop, requesting permission to install pinball machines in their place of business, "Rocket" Center". 703 8th Avenue North. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. H. Groven, Secretary of the Earlington, P.T.A., urging the Council to expand the Parks & Recreation budget to insure continuance of supervision of the Highlands and North Highlands Recreation centers, as they under- stand the Renton Housing Authority supervision will be discontinued the first of June. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Park Board for their consideration. Carried. A communication was read from M.W. Lotto, 8462 S. 136th Street, stating that the Langston Road is in bad condition, both from the standpoint of motorists and the safety of children and others using the sidewalk on the south side of Langston Road that even though sewers will be installed this summer, the roads should be repaired so a grader could keep them smooth; also, that the Police Department investigate the speed of some of the motorists using this road. A copy of a communication was read from Tauno Mattson, 8801, Langston Road, to George Dobson, as a member of the local school board, stating the Langston Road is a menace to anyone walking on the sidewalk; that a car coming down Langston Road had struck a chuck hole and overturned in the ditch on the south side of the street. Also, that speeding is a problem, both going up the hill and coming down the hill. Mr. Mattson recommends patrolling of the street, plus posting of warning signs to curb the speed and lessen the danger for children at play; that the intersection where Langston Road comes into the Dunlap Canyon Road is very dangerous and suggested that the City Engineer recommend corrective measures for traffic at this intersection also the 3rd Avenue with Rainier Avenue intersection, further stating that pedes- trians crossing in a westerly direction on the south side of 3rd Avenue are never sure if the approaching car will stop or not, as their backs are to the cars and re- commended that these problems be referred to the School Board for action. >... The Street Commissioner informed the council that the City Street Department was making temporary improvements to this street now and by tomorrow night they should have this work completed. That permanent road repairs or improvements would be made after the proposed sewer improvement is completed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of motorists speeding on the Langston Road, and the traffic problem at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenue, be referred to the City Engineer and Traffic Division of the Police Depart- ment and the reports on the condition of the road be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Opal Chadwick, Secretary of the Renton Central Labor Council stating that the Labor Council believes that all City employees are en- titled to two full days off each week; that it is possible to transact necessary business on week days, without working a hardship on the public and they request that the City continues to keep the City Clerk's, City Treasurer's and Engineering Department offices closed on Saturdays. Mayor Baxter referred the letter to the Public Relations Committee for their con- sideration and information. The City Engineer informed the Council that Mr. Balch and his associates are having a little difficulty in regard to sewer and water connections to the City of Renton's mains. Mr. Johnson representing Mr. Balch, stated that they had signed contracts for 111 houses in the proposed President Park Addition to Renton, recently annexed by the City of Renton - - that on proceeding with the necessary sewer and water mains to the proposed housing project, they have learned that it is necessary to route a portion of the sewer and water mains, to join on to the City of Renton's sewer and water systems most economically and satisfactorily with the nearest connection, across Government owned land, which the Public Housing Authority has control of - that it would be necessary to work out some manner of easement, or some method of plating a proposed street in order to secure the proper easement; that the houses were planned to sell at a certain price, but that if they were required to reroute the proposed water and sewer mains around this particular Government property, it would cost an additional six or seven thousand dollars - that they would appreciate it if a direct connection could be made to keep the prices of the proposed houses to a minumum. Mr. Balch explained to the Council that they had been cooperating with the Council and the City Engineer and had anticipated no problems; that roads, sewer and water mains had been satisfactorily planned with the intention of placing units of the housing project on sale as soon as completed; that all the material for this project had been arranged for - - that the only way that it is possible to have the sewer and water connections made across this property, which is the shortest route, would be for the City Council to request the Public Housing Author- ity to approve for use as a street in the future, the area over which the easement would be required - - that he had talked to Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and to Mr. George Hardenberg, together with Mr. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Renton and had been advised that it may be possible to get some kind of an arrangement for a proposed street across the Government property in question, after which-it would be possible to obtain an easement through said Government property. Mr. Humble stated that the problem of the sewer and water line running through a portion of the Highlands, not yet platted, was due to the fact that the Government would not issue an easement over unplatted areas which might hold up or destroy part of the value of the property; that the City Engineer and he had worked out a plan that there is a natural route suitable for a street through this property approximately where the proposed sewer and water mains should be made - that if the City were to request the platting of such a street, when the plat is made, and if he can advise the Public Housing Authority that the City will insist, that pro- bably the Government would be willing to grant an easement over the property where the street will ultimately be - - that the proposed site of this road is a natural link between a street that already exists in the City property and the one that has been platted in the new project. Councilman Richardson stated, that in his opinion, it would be to the advantage of the City to obtain an easement before the Housing Authority property is sold. Mr. Humble informed the Council that the Housing Authority property would not be sold until an entire plan of settlement is presented for consideration and settle- ment. The City Engineer explained to the Council that a plan had been drawn for some- time of this proposed road through the Government property and that he had pre- viously talked with Mr. Humble of the Public Housing Authority about same. Mayor Baxter inquired as to the propriety of the City Council requesting the Government for a 60 foot right-of-way to be used as a street at the location in question. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion the Council did not have to insist on the street being platted at this time, but should instruct Mr. Humble of the Housing Authority that the City would, in the future, insist on a street at the proposed location when the property is platted. Mr. Humble stated that the Council should instruct him that the City will want a street at the subject location when the property is platted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Housing Director and City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to so inform the Housing Director by letter. Mr. Johnson, as a member of the King County Planning Commission, and on behalf of the Commission as past Chairman, also the only original member left, invited the Renton City Council to accompany them on King County Planning Commission field and executive trips and set in on Board meetings after these trips. Mr. Johnson further stated that he had met Councilman Delaurenti at a field trip and had en- joyed having him present for such a trip. Councilman Delaurenti stated that it was well worth a Councilman's time to attend a field trip and set in on the hearing after wards. Mr. Balch thanked the Mayor and Council for their cooperation. P71 The City Engineer informed the Council that plans had been drawn for the street in question to be 60 feet wide and that in his opinion the property would be developed within 5 years. Mr. Humble informed the Council that they anticipated action to be taken very soon in regard to this property, that they were only waiting for Federal authorization and an Engineer to complete a proposed plan — — that they hoped to pattern their plan after the City's comprehensive plan. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that he had three copies each of a Resolution, Cooperation Agreement and Notice of Hearing, drafted by the City Attorney, Housing Authority Attorney and Director of the Housing Authority, and the Council as a whole had requested that an additional paragraph be added to the Resolution pre— viously presented for consideration by the Ordinance Committee, and that the City Attorney recommended that these three copies each of the three above listed documents be posted in three public places tomorrow. That they should remain posted for 5 days and that the Resolution should be acted on by the Council at the next Council meeting, April 15, 1952. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to have these three documents posted in three public places on Wednesday, April 9th. The Mayor announced the names of those appointed by the President of the Chamber of Commerce to work with the Street & Alley Committee in regard to off—street parking as Chris Brewer, Tom Dobson and Floyd Hughes. Councilman Freyman reported that the Finance and Ways and Means Committee recommended that payment for the mercury vapor lights to be installed on the Dunlap Canyon road just north of the 3rd and Rainier intersection be made from Capital Outlay of the Street Department Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committees. Carried. Councilman Hansen reported that the Public Relations Committee recommended that the hours and days of work of City employees in the Clerk's and Treasurer's office be not changed from the present 5 day week for the reasons: (1) All other Cities of 2nd ••� Class in the State are open only 5 days a week (2) All Ding County employees have Saturdays off, except the Sheriff's office, (35 All Federal and State Offices are closed on Saturdays, except emergency ones, such as the State Patrol, and (4) the Central Labor Council is opposed to the change. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid re orted that (1) all authorized lights on Walla Walla Avenue have been installed, (2� that the City now has the signal light for the 3rd Avenue and Shattuck Street intersection, but they do not as yet have the control for this li7ht. (3) That the Committee is prepared to start immediately on the 15 lights for the Dunlap Canyon Road from the 3rd Avenue & Rainier Avenue intersection westward. The City Engineer stated that the City did not have the approval of the State as yet; to start on this improvement. Mayor Baxter stated that the Renton Hill Water Association would like to have a meeting with the City Council, and further stated that this group had particularly requested that Councilmen Reid and Bruce and Mayor Baxter attend this meeting as they were on the Water Committee at the time the Association was formed and would know more about the Association. Mayor Baxter further requested that the City Eng— ineer and City Attorney be requested to attend this meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor appoint a special committee to meet with the Renton Hill Water Association and report back their find— ings to the Council. Carried, The Mayor requested that Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee also attend this meeting. The Mayor further stated that the meeting would be held in the Collins Feed Store just past Honeydew, and that Thursday, April 17th at 5:00 P.M., has been set for this proposed meeting. (Mayor Baxter, Councilmen Reid, Bruce and Dullahant, the City Engineer and City Attorney). i Councilman Bruce reported that as soon as the City Engineer has time to clear out the small room in the old Dormitory Administration Building, formerly the boiler room, that he had prospective renters for this space of approximately 800 to 1000 square feet; that the men were employees of the Pacific Car and Foundry Company and were manufacturers of model airplanes - - that the Property Committee recomm- ended that these men be permitted to rent this space, and that the City Attorney be requested to draft the necessary lease. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm requested that the Council as a whole meet as a Committee immedia- tely following the Council meeting. Councilman Dullahant stated that the triangle where the water fountain, commonly called IRON MIKE is located, is in need of repairs and that in his opinion, if it were transferred from the Water Department to the Park Department, the Park Depart- ment could keep same in a condition more becoming the City of Renton as they were working around parks all the time. After a short discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Park Department for their consideration and recommendation, and a report back to the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the matter be referred to 'the proper Committee (Property Committee) to investigate and report back to the Council their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Reid recommended that the street light poles on 2nd Avenue be given a "coat of paint". Councilman Dullahant stated that upon investigation he had found that the army men that had been stationed up in the area east of the Highlands along the Cemetery Road had evidently moved. Councilman Bruce stated that he believed it was a temporary measure as new groups had been put up there and taken away at different times throughout the year. The Street Superintendent stated that he would check the approaches to the Williams Street bridge where complaints had been received that the guard rails were not back far enough from the edge of the river and were considered dangerous for children or older people to walk by. The City Engineer stated that Mr. Barbo, The King County Engineer who had worked on the planning for the City of Renton would be present to speak before the Council at the close of the Council meeting and to make his final report as to the plans for the City of Renton. The City Engineer stated that there would be a State Pollution School ;held April 16th and 17th for the Sewer Disposal Plant Operators at the University of Washington and recommended that the Chief Operator and Assistant Operator of the Sewage Disposal Plant be authorized to attend this meeting and that their ex- penses be paid by the City of Renton from the Sewage Disposal Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Dullahant that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Mayor Renton, ?dash April 15, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: -REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRJCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN., HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; C. E. McCarthy, Assistant Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of April 8, be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution approving the Cooperation Agreement be- tween the City of Renton and the Housing Authority of the City of Renton and author- izing the execution thereof. The Housing Authority of the City of Renton recommends the development and construction of low-rent housing projects in the City of Renton in accordance with the provisions of the U.S; Housing Act of 1937, as amended, if the City of Renton desires to co- operate. A proposed Resolution outlining a Cooperation Agreement was read in detail. The Clerk stated that the notice of a Public Hearing on the proposed Resolution and attached copies of the Resolution and Cooperation Agreement had been posted in three public places for five days as required by Law and thF.t there had been no written protests received regarding same. Mr. Arnold Lynn, Elmer Varner, Hugh Carney, Frank Brightman and Dan Huntington all stated that they were not in favor of low rent housing projects in the City of Renton. Mr. Tom Dobson, Chairman of the Renton Housing Authority Board, stated that he had lived in Renton for fifty years, had been in business for 27 years and had :1.0 years experience with the Housing Authority; that he had studied the Housing Program and could find nothing in the proposed legislation or the program to object to, or that would hurt any business - - that he was in the real estate business and would be the last one to recommend that the resolution be adopted for any other purpose except to provide low rentals, available only to people in low income brackes and that "in lieu of taxes" as proposed would not be deducted from the income of the pity and that the proposed low rent projects would not replace or displace any private housing program, but that in his opinion low rent housing is the proper and human way to solve a problem faced by each family in the low income group and that it will not interfere with private real estate business or private home ownership. Mr. Tom Dobson also stated that there are NO low rent houses in Renton at this time - - that the present Housing Authority operation is not a low rent Housing Operation - - that as the temporary houses are vacated, they will ve retired from the rental house market in Renton and that within the next few months, a very considerable number of the temporary units will be vacated and removed. Mr. Carl Rochet of the News Record inquired of the Housing Authority Representatives (1) how much the proposed low-rent housing would cost (2) how long it would take to pay back the cost of construction (3) would the rents amortize the proposition (4) who will be the occupants of these buildings (5) where is the proposed location? If 100 units in the present Housing Authority Project are to be demolished, why con- struct 100 more of similar type housing units. Councilman Reid stated, that in his opinion, the Council should study the proposition more thoroughly and determine as to the need for low rent housing. Mr. Tom Dobson further stated that there would be a 20% differential, meaning 20% under other economical rents. Mr. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority stated that some of those present were apparently confused - - that the Highlands Housing Project was constructed under the Lanham Act, that it was decided to construct emergency buildings which are not the same type of buildings provided for in low-rent housing project and that undbr the Lanham 'Act the requirement was that the War Emergency Buildings had to be removed from the con- trol of the Government of the United States by one device or another, as soon as the Housing Emergency was over - - that he had already discussed with the Council about the timing and planning for the removal or demolition of the buildings - - that they plan to start within a few months the work of removal or demolition of these houses as they become vacant - that the units that are to be removed or demolished are not h•.r C suitable in construction or location to operate as a low-rent housing project over a long term operation and that it would not be economical to operate same as a low- rent housing project. Mr. Balch stated that in his opinion, it was not a question so much of the type of construction, but rather the difficult task of persuading Eastern capital to come into this area and finance Home Building on a large scale in competition with Government operated housing projects, and that his company had been requested to investigate the feasibility of a large building program by the Renton Chamber of Commerce - - that they already had 114 contracts for the purchase and financing of buildings - - that he had travelled through many large eastern cities in an endeavor to get Eastern capital to finance the project. Mr. Tom Dobson stated that there would be between 500 and 700 houses removed from the Highlands in a short time - - with a possi- bility of 2000 to be removed from the site as soon as they are vacated. Mr. Bright- man stated, that in his opinion, the matter of low-rent housing should be placed be- fore the people for their consideration and vote. Mr. Balch informed the Council that anyone could purchase the homes he is building on contract. Mr. Humble stated that the rental of low-rent houses would be established on the basis of income of families involved - - that with this in mind, rentals would be limited to those families that could not afford to rent standard housing. Mr. Paul Houser stated that the low-rent houses would be different than any now located in Renton, that they would be similar to the Yesler Terrace Housing - - that there would be different kinds of structures and different tenants - - that the present temporary housing in the Highlands are sub-standard units, that the houses leak, the plumbing facilities are very poor - only a portion have running water and that the houses are in need of major repairs. Mr. Tom Dobson stated that the survey that was made for -the City Council indicated approximately 750 families in this area are unable to pay adequate rents. Mr. Humble stated that the amortization program had been set up On a 40 year basis, that normally the houses were paid for in approximately 37 years - - that as long as the houses were operated as low-rent housing, the only payments the City of Renton would collect would be"payments in lieu of taxes." Councilman Bruce stated that low income families cannot pay high rent, or make pay- ments on homes and have sufficient funds left to feed and clothe themselves and their children. Mr. Houser stated that the houses we have in the Highlands were built under the Lanham Act and could not be converted to low-rent housing, but that the City of Renton might be able to secure low-rent projects which would be paid for by the U.S. Government to house low income families who are unable to pay normal rents and thereby enable such families to live in clean modern quarters. Mr. Houser further stated that the only expense that could be charged to the City of Renton would be for Police and Fire protection for the projects which would be only a small amount. Councilman Tamborini stated that in his opinion, if the families now occupying the temporary homes in the Highlands and those who are in need of housing were allowed a portion of the money to be used to finance the low-rent housing projects proposed for Renton, they could improve their present homes satisfactorily at quite a saving of Government funds. Mr. Houser stated that the U.S. Congress appropriated money to construct low-rent housing projects, and that the amount appropriated would be used somewhere, and that if the City of Renton could secure sufficient funds from the Government to construct such a project, it would in his opinion be wise to do so. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the Council approve and pass the proposed resolution as read. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, the situation was that the Housing Authority would like the Council to approve the action of the Housing Authority to have constructed in Renton - - 100 low-rent houses (the Resolution states 250 housing units) sponsored and paid for by the Federal Government - - that Mr. Balch has planned to construct 110 - $7000.00 homes, that someone else (Mr. Hugh White) has planned 100 similar priced homes and numerous other similar priced homes have been planned by private contractors. Mr. Holm stated, that in his opinion, the construct- ion of these low-cost houses would reduce the demand for low-priced houses and dis- courage housing capitalization rather than encourage - - that the City of Renton shouldn't put this kind of an impediment on these people who are building here now. Councilman Dullahant stated that he was of the same opinion as Councilman Holm, that there was no need for this type of building in Renton - - that there would be valuable property taken for these homes, if built within a walking radius as stated, that this property may mean valuable taxes to the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the motion to approve the proposed re- solution as read, be tabled until the next Council meeting, Tuesday, April 22nd. Carried. ry ..1 Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All Councilmen present. A communication was read from William A. Sullivan, Insurance Commissioner and Ex- Officio State Fire Marshall regarding Spring Clean-up and Electrical Safety Education Week, and requesting that the Mayor set aside the week from April 27th to May 3rd inclusive, as "Spring Clean-Up and Electrical Safety Educational Week, naming these two important phases of our annual state-wide campaigns to prevent fires. Mayor Bax- ter stated that the Fire Chief recommended that subject week be set aside as "Spring .... Clean-Up and Electrical Safety Education Week" and that he be authorized to have the extra garbage and refuse from the clean-up of yards picked up for disposal by the garbage department. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire Chief. Carried. A notice of public hearing was read from John P. Buehler, Colonel, Corps of Eng- ineers, Office of the Seattle District Engineer, setting the date of Wednesday, May 21, 1952 at 2:00 P.M., as the date for the hearing on the application of the Foss Launch and Tug Company, 660 W. Ewing Street in the Conference Room, Office of the District Engineer, Seattle District, Corps of Engineers at 4753 East Marginal Way, Seattle, for Department of the Army permit to construct LOG STORAGE FACILITIES in the south end of Lake Washington, near Renton, Washington, further stating that oral statements will be heard, but for the accuracy of the record, all important facts and arguments should be submitted in writing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the Mayor, President of the Council, City Attorney and all other interested Councilmen be authorized to attend this hearing. Carried. Interested citizens were also requested to attend this hearing. A communication was read from C. V. Fawcett, McLean and Company, Tacoma, offering their services in connection with financing the Cityts proposed sewer system improve- ments., further stating their firm is prepared to give the various services necessary in connection with Municipal underwriting and requesting an opportunity to discuss the matter with the Council. A communication was read from William A. Sullivan, Insurance Commissioner of the State of Washington at Olympia, to Councilman Dullahant, stating, as Chairman of the Statewide Employees Retirement System, the Board of Trustees and Mr. Sullivan are interested in investing some of the Systems funds in such a project, providing the bonds would net at least 3 percent per annum, but that he cannot officially make a commitment as to the rate of interest they would require. On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, the City Clerk was requested to in- vite two different Investment broker representatives each meeting for the next several Council meetings. A petition was read from Mr. & Mrs. Frank Omaits, Jim Stuard and Mr. & Mrs. John Vrablick, asking that a survey be made in the area known as Millerfs Corner, bounded on the west and north by the Sunset Highway, on the east by "E" Street and on the south by Southeast 116th, to see how many fire hydrants would be needed to give the residents the benefit of the insurance rate reductions. They also request infor- mation as to financing the improvement. Councilman Dullahant stated that the petitioners should contact the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau for a survey. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from H.G. White requesting annexation of certain property which he owns, to the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request for annexation, plus the legal description and a "sight plan", be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Tamborini stated that Mr. Pritchard who owns property adjacent to Mr. White's property would also like to have his property annexed to the City at the same time. Mr. Tom Dobson, as a member of the Planning Commission, stated that in his opinion, if this property is to be platted as subdivision, the Council should have a map show- ing the subdivision of the plat that the Planning Commission could also see; that per- haps the status of plans has come far enough through the King County Planning Com- mission, so that Mr. White's request could be presented soon. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Com- mission recommending that the rezoning petition of Mike and Marjory Lotto, Albert and Thelma Myers and Lloyd and Veda Welch for the rezoning of certain described pro- perties from residential to commercial be approved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to proceed with the steps for the rezoning. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Com- mission stating that the Renton Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve and adopt the suggested route of the proposed freeway through Renton sub- mitted as a part of recent surveys by Mr. Walt Barbo. The suggested route to the south of the City is as follows: "from the east, down the Sunset Boulevard, just south of Houser Way, crossing Cedar River and following a route generally parallel and south of Walla Walla Avenue to a point where it would intersect with Primary State Highway No. 5. (If Rainier Avenue were extended- southeasterly from the intersection of Rain- ier Avenue with. 3rd Avenue, it would join the East Valley Road extended northeasterly from its intersection with Secondary State Highway No. 1-L, said extensions being part of State Highway No. 5.) Mr. Tom Dobson stated that the Renton City Council would have to approve the pro- posed route before the Planning Commission could present same to the State Highway Department. The City Engineer showed the City Council and those present; the three proposed routes, including the route, south of the City, recommended by the Planning Commission, further stating thzt each route would be over a viaduct. Mr. Barbo outlined the three routes and stated that the route that had been approved by the Planning Commission, in his opinion, was the most beneficial to the City of Renton as a whole. Mr. Tom Dobson stated that it was the Planning Commission's plan to have: the State Highway Inspector out to Renton for a combined meeting with the Mayor and Council as a whole and the Chamber of Commerce. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A third communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve the annexation petition for property described as "east of Windsor Hills on the southerly limits of the City of Renton, between "E" Street, extended southerly and "I" Street, extended southerly, to southeast 128th Street, or 4th Avenue North, extended," commonly referred to as the King County Gravel Pit. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mr. Tom Dobson informed the Council that a slightly different procedure would have to be taken to include the balance of the property inthearea not now included with- in the City limits of the City of Renton where the above described property is located to include same in the area to be annexed, that it is the Planning Como- mission's idea, to include the entire area for annexation, not now included in the City limits of Renton - that it would be necessary to contact the owners of privately owned property before proceeding with the annexation. The motion to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the petition for annexation be referred back to the Planning Commission for their further consideration and recommendation. '7-7 r Councilman Holm stated that it was the Council's idea to refer the petition for annexation back to the Planning Commission for the purpose of determining if the owners of the privately owned property adjacent to and surrounded by the area commonly referred to as the King County Gravel Pit property, were in favor of annexing their property. The motion to refer the petition back to the Planning Commission for further con— sideration and recommendation then carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting a legal opinion in re— gard to the maintenance of fire hydrants in the Maplewood area which is serviced by a private system. ..� On the recommendation of the City Attorney, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the owner of the Maplewood Water Company be notified to clear their hydrants so water is available and enter negotiations with the City of Renton for hydrant rental. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating it is his and the Building Inspector's recommendation that the non—conforming permit be denied to Mr. Nielsen as it is their opinion the proposed garage could be moved forward on the property until a three foot side clearance is maintained, contingent on written approval by the ad— joining property owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Building Inspector. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer attaching a copy of a letter to be forwarded to the Renton Housing Authority regarding access across Government Housing Project Property to provide sewer and water connections to the President Park Addition, a private housing development ajacent to the Highlands Housing Project. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the wording of the letter as presented by the City Engineer. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time to present the proposed Ordinance on Civil Defense. Mayor Baxter informed the Fire Chief that he should proceed, as he has in the past, with a clean—up and refuse pick—up work around Renton, during the week April 27th through May 3rd and to set a date for the collection of the refuse by the City Garbage collectors. Mr. Pugh will set the date for the picking up of the refuse by City trucks. The City Engineer stated that there would be a conference of the Northwest Section of the American Water Works in Spokane, April 23 through 26th, inclusive and that he would like authority for the Water Department foreman and himself to attend. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council grant the City Engineer and Water Foreman permission to attend the conference, with their expenses paid by the City of Renton. Carried. The Street Commissioner announced a meeting in Portland sponsored by the Columbia Equipment Company and Austin Western Company on April 24th and 25th, and that the City of Renton has been invited to send their representatives to this school on maintenance and operation of machinery — — that the two companies will pay all expenses of the conference in Portland and the City would be required to pay transportation costs only to and from Portland. Mr. Pugh recommended that the shop foreman and grader operator be authorized to attend this school. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street Commissioner. Carried. The City Engineer will investigate and report back to the Council on the request as reported by Councilman Delaurenti, for the properly owner at 8th Avenue and Park Street to join on to the Renton Sewer System. Mr. Pugh explained to the Council in regards to surface water standing on the street on the north side of Burnett, north of 2nd Avenue North, that the contemplated grading would permit the water to property drain — — that the street would be re— surfaced at that time. The special committee in regard to the Renton Hill Water Association will meet Wed— nesday, instead of Thursday, in Honeydew. Mayor Baxter, Councilmen Reid, Dullahant and Bruce will attend this meeting. All those wishing reservations for the Association of Washington Cities meeting to be held in Yakima were requested to turn in their requests to the City Clerk --' as soon as possible. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented; PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 4202-4357 $25,730.86 CLAIMS CURRENT 279 — 289 21,236.01 CLAIMS WATER 8581-8588 31017.88 CLAIMS'. PARK 1665— 772.34 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 610— 312.50 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2210-2213 1,142.10 CLAI:�S CITY STREETS 6237-6240 22589.66 CLAI 14S AIRPORT 1306-1308 21053.80 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2491-2492 1,152.16 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 433-434 83.75 CLAIMS FIREM�N1S PEN. FUND 81— 82 250.00 Moved by Tamborinik seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. / r City Clerk Mayor 7 Renton, Washington April 22, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE,, FFMMAN, HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellen, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street ..,r Superintendent; Jack Schneider, Airport Manager; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, Walt Will, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. The Clerk read two paragraphs which had been omitted from the April 15th minutes, for consideration and to be included in the minutes of same date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes be approved as written, including the additional two paragraphs. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO- AM.OUNT RAM ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3202 $ 100.00 Mrs. J. K. Bergmann 2226 9th Place remodel house 4 2000.00 Domenick Delurenti 350 N. Wells install siding 5 500.00 Lena Nissen 11604 116th SE foundation under house 6 - A. W. Kindle 11517 Sunset Blvd. install plumbing 7 - Alex Ferrao 519 Cedar St. install oil burner 8 100.00 J.V. Cralley 2117 6th Place roof on carport 9 12,000.00 Tony Booth 315 Morris St. remodel building 10 600.00 G. W. Cotton 838 C. Street install oil furnace 1 31.00 Crawford C. Simmons 651 G. St. erect 42" fence 2 500.00 Walt Reid 311 Whitworth install new roof 3 52500.00 Samuel P. Hubbard 10800 Rainier Ave. Trailer park bldgs. 4 400.00 Mrs. Smithers 111 Williams St, inside flooring .� 5 100.00 O.J. Olson 2 516 9th Place concrete driveway 6 350.00 Paul J. Cambeau 330 Whitworth remodel garage 7 250.00 Verle Roth 919 E. St, erect garage 8 100.00 Mrs. E.E. Wicker 1300 2nd Ave. N. remodel house 9 25.00 Fred Bravin 611 6th Ave. So. remodel house 20 200.00 Alvin C. Woods 500 Pelly St, remodel house 1 50.00 Donald Shuman 2304 Windsor P1. erect fence 2 100.00 Thor Edman 201 3rd Ave. erect fence 3 150.00 Megan Price 412 Williams remodel house 4 250.00 Charles Gruba 925 E. St, erect new garage 5 50.00 Aldo Favro 700 Renton St. erect fence 6 1,000.00 Mike Lotto 1511 Brooks Ave. remodel residence 7 200.00 Mary Tamborini 130 Burnett remodel house 8 25.00 Donald 0. Grasby 411 Renton St. build fence 9 200.00 Carl J. Kelley 116th Ave. S.E, foundation under house 30 - Geo. Butko 13826 S. 138th St. install plumbing 1 100.00 Wilburt Olsen 2811 15th Ave. N. electric Service 2 75.00 Warren A. Hard 2208 6th N. erect fence 3 1,500.00 W.J. Thompson 234 N. Williams move garage 4 250.00 M.E. Packer R. 2, Box 40,A't addition on house 5 300.00 Clarence G. Bourgeois 2207 7th Ave. N. erect porch 6 500.00 Ralph Carniello 612 6th Ave. So. remodel house 7 - Chas. Hubbard 641 N. Wells install plumbing 8 - John P. Girten 648 G. St. erect garage 9 800.00 A.P. Burzenski 2221 9th Place erect garage A communication was read from F. A. Grabner, General Manager of Lake Shore Lines enclosing application for revision of certain fares, as records and statistics show the petitioner is operating at a loss and that an immediate revision of tariffs is necessary if the Company is to continue in operation and to furnish service now in effect. Mr. Grabner also enclosed copies of Supplement No. 3 to their Tariff No. 30 indicating an increase of adult one-way fare from 13 to 15¢ and 7 tokens for one dollar instead of 8 tokens for one dollar. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received a call from Mr. Grabner and that this change was in the best interest of the City of Renton as well as the Lake Shore Lines and requested that a decision be made this evening, that if postponed, the Lake Shore Lines may have to remove the Maplewood and Renton Hill run from their schedule. ' Moved by Richardson seconded by Holm, that the communication be referred to the Police and License 6ommittee to investigate and report back. Councilman Holm suggested that considerable thought and study be given to this in- crease in f ares as this proposal might prove unpopular - that it was not a light affair. Councilman Delaurenti stated that his committee would thoroughly consider this application before giving a decision, if given power to act, and could give Mr. Grabner an answer before the next Council meeting. Councilman Richardson with the consent of his second, Councilman Holm, changed his Now motion to read, "referred to the Police & License Committee for investigation and report back." The motion carried. A communication was read from the City Treasurer requesting the Council pass a Resolution making a transfer loan of $10,000.00 from Cumulative Fund #1182 to the Water Fund, stating that this should be paid back by the end of the year 1952 - that the Treasurer has checked this matter with both the City Engineer and Budget Director. Councilman Holm explained to the Council that there is no money in the Water Fund at the present time and the transfer of this money would permit the City Treasurer tow rite payments for bills. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the request of the City Treasurer. Carried. A communication was read from the City Treasurer requesting the Council pass a Resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to invest up to $5000.00 of the $7071.51 in the Local Improvement Guarantee Fund, in the interest bearing warrants now out- standing against L.I.D.'s 223 and 229. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request of the City Treasurer be granted. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented proposed Ordinance No. 147 establishing daylight saving time in the City of Renton, commencing at 2:00 A.M., April 27, 1952 and terminating on September 28th 1952, Councilman Richardson stated that the Committee had taken into consideration all of the requests received in regard to the time daylight saving time should commence and it was the recommendation of the majority of the Ordinance �'ommittee that the Council adopt the proposed Ordinance as read. Mayor Baxter asked that, on the request of several ministers, that further consideration be given as to the time change, as changing the clocks at the time stated caused confusion in church attendance. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1427 establishing daylight saving time in the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. - The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance a:nd recomm- ended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council approve the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1427 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Swift, No; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Dullahant, No and Holm, Aye. There being 9 Aye's and 2 No's the motion carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time to present the Ordinance on Civilian Defense. Mrs. Frances Webber, from the audience, stated that she had been delegated by the Central Labor Council to request that the City Council defer taking action on the proposed low-rent housing for one week, that the Central Labor Council has endorsed low-rent housing - - that many members of the labor unions in the City of Renton, under the jurisdiction of the Central Labor Council, salaries were such that they could not pay high rents. That they have 400 members whose salaries average $35.00 per week, and that the Central Labor Council has the backing of the American Federation of Labor as well as the International President. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. Quigley, President of the Central Labor Council had called him and requested that action on the proposed low-rent housing be deferred one-week - that the Central Labor Council would like to have a special committee from the Council, appointed by the Mayor, meet with the Central Labor Council and the Housing Authority to investigate ... this matter and determine the answer to some of the problems involved. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, the Mayor should appoint a Special Committee to meet with the Central Labor Council and the Housing Authority and any other civic bodies for discussion of the proposed low-rent housing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti., that the Mayor appoint a special committee to meet with any civic groups that are interested and that the Council defer any action in regards to the proposed low-rent housing until the Special Committee makes their report. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, at the last Council meeting, the Council was not fully informed in regard to the proposed low-rent housing - - that he had taken considerable time to study the advisability of- the matter being referred to a committee, that (1) in April, 1951, out of 28 cities having a vote by the people, 21 turned down the proposal and that, (2) he has a pamphlet, or a handbook of infor- mation in regard to low-rent housing, giving certain figures regarding acquisition and operation of same. Councilman Richardson requested that any discussion of this low-rent housing be postponed until the special committee has-made their report, and that Mr. Holm be re- quested to turn his pamphlet of figures over to the Special Committee. Councilman Delaurenti stated, that in his opinion, the committee should report back within a week or two at the most. The motion to defer action on the proposed low-rent housing until the Special Committee comes back with a report. Carried. Mr. Hardenburgh asked that the committee be instructed to prepare information for the taxpayers, regarding the proposed location, the initial cost to the Federal Govern- ment, its contemplated earnings and other vital information, incbtail. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee had discussed with the City Engineer and City Attorney the proposed extension of a lease to the Trojan Lithograph Company, stating that the Committee recommended that the ground lease be extended to ten years as requested and in regard to the present building, at the end of three years when it reverts to the City, that the rent be chargeable at 2¢ per square foot, as other City property is charged - - and also, at the end of the 10 year lease, 7 years beyond their present lease, the proposed addition to the building will revert to the City of Renton. Councilman Bruce informed the Council that maintenance and repair of the buildings located on Mothers Park were very light until this year; that the rental charged did not offset the maintenance and repair of the buildings. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested that the Property Committee re-survey all of the City owned buildings in regard to rentals. Councilman Bruce explained that the leases were quite lengthy and some read that they would have the same rental or lease rate until the rent or lease contract ecpired. The City Attorney stated that they have recently executed several new leases and that the contracts had been written with options the same, except on rentals which are altered to protect the City in case increases in rentals were deemed necessary. Councilman Dullahant reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommended that the Water Department repair the drinking fountain (Iron Mike) located at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Main Street and put same in lst class condition - and that the fountain be then placed under the supervision of the Park Department for maintenance and that the fountain remain at its present location. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. �V r� Councilman Swift stated that he had received complaints from the Street. Depart- --' ment regarding extra heavy equipment using certain streets in the City of Renton, that on the recommendation of the Street Department, he requested that an Ordinance be drafted to control this type of traffic over certain streets, and that the streets be not restricted to trucks delivering milk, food, etc., and that this matter be referred jointly to the Street & Alley Committee, the Ordinance Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department and Street Commissioner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the request of Councilman Swift. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that the Fire Chief and Property Committee recommended that the City owned buildings all be numbered for identification purposes, and that ..r the City Engineer be authorized to identify the buildings by number. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the council concur in the recom- mendation of the Property Committee and the City Engineer be instructed to identify and number the buildings. Carried. A communication was read from Clarence Dullahant, Chairman, Hugh Bruce and Tom Trimm, members of the Fire & Water Committee, recommending newly proposed water rates and water system repairs and improvements, as follows: (1) Adoption of rate schedule on Page 31 of Engineer Wolff's report, excepting for 5/8" and 3/A" water service, at a 250 rebate be allowed per month, provided the current bill is paid before the 10th of the succeeding month. (2) Improvement of Kennydale water system, as planned. (Est. cost, $40,000.00) (3) Deep well water supply be developed in Kennydale area. (Est. cost, $40,000.00) (4) That the 20" steel Spring brook water main be repaired by lining with cement mortar. (Est. cost, $50,000.00) (5) Enlarge- ment of Windsor Hills Booster Pumps be withheld pending results from the Kennydale well. (6) Development of Mt. Olivet Spring be withheld pending•fuitther investigation. (7) That property be acquired for an additional 5 million gallon reservoir, pre- ferably across the City from the Springbrook supply be acquired to protect this supply from encroachment and contamination. (Est. cost, $10,000.00) (9) Miscellan- eous repairs and improvements be approved up to $20,000.00 (1) That a 3�/8 cubic yard truck, mounted with hoe and shovel attachments be purchased at an estimated cost of $10,000.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council accept for consideration the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. The City Treasurer stated that it would cost the City a considerable stun for extra labor and the alteration of the Accounting machines, as well as the planning and purchase of new ledgers and sheets in order to operate a collection system for the Water Department which would be complicated by having to give rebates to those paying their water bills on the 10th of each month and that from previous experien- ces of different cities, giving rebares, frequently caused dissention and dis- satisfaction because the customers who were sometimes delayed in making; their pay- ments were very unhappy because the rebate could not be allowed after EL certain time. Councilman Holm inquired if consideration had been given as to the recommended ex- penditures as provided for in the 1952 budget. Councilman Dullahant stated that the City would loose about $6000.00 over a years period if the majority of the people took advantage of the 25¢ rebate, that considering the increase from $.75¢ to $1.50 he thought the contemplated rebate should be allowed to those who paid their bills before the 10th of each month. The motion to accept for consideration, the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the above recommendation be referred to the law & Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report to the council as soon as possible. Carried. `N Councilman Richardson reported that he had received complaints in regard to the sign on the southwest corner of the Airport at Airport Way and Rainier Avenue; that the sign hinders the view of motorists entering into or crossing the inter- section. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter had been previously brought to the attention of the Council. Councilman Swift reported that a "stop and go" signal Light at this intersection was nearly completed and would probably be in operation tomorrow and would alleviate to a great extent the traffic hazard at this intersection. 89, Mayor Baxter informed the Council that he had reported the improper height of the signs on 3rd Avenue to the persons responsible for the signs and had informed them that the signs must be kept at the proper height or be removed. The City Engineer stated that, in his opinion, to proceed with the water system improvements in the Kennydale area in time to benefit the people and eliminate all the trouble that was created last year, that he would like to have the Council study the proposition and make their recommendation as soon as possible — — that the cost of drilling the test well would be taken from Cumulative Fund #1183; the City Engineer requested that the City proceed with drilling of a test well and getting information , while the other arrangements are being made, and further stated that the estimated cost to drill a test well would be approximately $3000.00 — — that they would have to secure an option on some of the surrounding property, which would have r.. to be acquired, and if they are able to bring in a good well, the City could pur— chase the property necessary for the operation of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee and Finance Committee for a report back next Tuesday. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Cit-;- Jerk Mayor 4 Renton, Washington April 29, 11952. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by :Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON,. SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of April 22, 1952 be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Andrew Berglund, Recording Secretary of Carpenters Local Union No. 1797 stating that a membership vote of their Union favored low- rent housing, but that they unalterably oppose pre-fabricated houses, because they are not desirable from the standpoint of service ability; that a committee of four representatives from their union are to be present at this evening's Council meet- ing, for further discussion. Mayor Baxter stated that the Special Committee on low-rent housing would meet immediately after this evening's Council meeting with representatives of the Cen- tral Labor Council and any other interested groups or persons who are present. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the communication be referred to the Special Committee on low-rent housing. Carried. A petition was read from Aaron W. Furich, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church to erect a Church building on the southeast corner of the intersection. of the Sunset Boulevard and "E" Street, adjacent to Miller's Corner; said pezmit to con- form to all specifications of the Renton Building Code. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the communication be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating a meeting for a discussion of the proposed State Free-Way through the City of Renton has been scheduled for Friday, May 2, 1952 at 1:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers. Attending this meeting will be State Highway Department Officials, the King County Planning Commission Staff and the City of Renton Planning Commmission. The Mayor, City Council and City Officials are urged to attend this joint meeting. The City Engineer informed the Council that this meeting is a very important meet- ing and that all Councilmen, City Officials and Department Heads should endeavor to a ttend. Mr. William Davis of the City of Renton's Insurance Commission stated that he had an insurance proposition to bring before the Council for consideration regarding bonding of the City of Renton employees - - Mr. Davis stated that they are trying to devise a system to simplify the procedure of keeing accurate records of em- ployee's bonds - - that a system of bonding was promulgated several years ago whereby all City employees, except elected officials, could be covered under a blanket bond - - that they have figured an overall blanket bond at a cost of $196.00 per year, with $2500.00 coverage for each employee per year, on a three year basis - - that all new employees hired would be automatically covered under this blanket bond; that the City of Renton pays $205.00 per year for individual employee coverage under the present system. which does not include all employees and only gives $1000.00 coverage per employee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the proposition presented by Mr. William Davis be referred to the Property Committee for a report back. Carried. A representative from Maplewood Addition to Renton, who was present, inquired as to the Council's plans to repair the fire hydrants so the Maplewood residents . can be guaranteed that the use of the hydrants by the Tire Department can be de- pended upon in case of emergency. The City Engineer stated that the valves had been closed on three fire hydrants in the Maplewood District, because the hydrants were leaking, to avoid wasting water, but that each of the Renton Fire Department trucks were equipped with wrenches to 85 open the valves if it were necessary to use same. - - that the water could be turned on at the time the Fire Department connected the fire hose, without loss of time - - that if the hydrants were not repaired by the end of the week, the City Attorney would take the necessary steps to force the owner to repair same. Councilman Holm stated that the representatives of Maplewood should be informed that the City of Renton is not responsible for the condition of the fire hydrants in Maplewood, that this water system is owned by a private individusl, and that the City Council is requesting that the fire hydrants be repaired for the welfare of the Maplewood residents. Mr. Evan Thomas and another Maplewood resident asked that steps be taken immediately to have the fire hydrants put in satisfactory working condition. The City Engineer and Mayor assured those present that the Fire Chief has been working on this problem and that these fire hydrants would be in good con- dition by the end of the week or the City Attorney would start the necessary legal steps to force the owner of the Maplewood water system to repair subject fire hydrants and keep them in working condition. Mr. Arnold Lynn, from the audience, requested that the Council give due consideration to the proposed increase in water rates in the City of Renton. Councilman Bruce stated, that in his opinion, the people of Renton should be informed of the need for improvement of the mains, from the City of Renton proper to the reservoir - - that including other needed repairs around Renton, it will necessitate an enormous amount of money being spent to put the water system in a good condition - that taking everything into consideration, the City of Renton utility rates are cheaper than those of neighboring cities. The Mayor stated that owing to the fact that the City of Renton has been operating their water department, with a charge per residential unit of $.75 per 600 cubic feet, that they have been unable to accumulate any reserve funds for necessary improvements - - that the City of Renton's water rate is among the lowest in the State of Waship-ton and that it is necessary to make a great number of improvements at the present time, which will cost a considerable amount of money. Councilman Richardson stated that the proposed rate would include payment for an additional 200 feet, or 800 cubic feet of water, compared with the previous rate for 600 cubic feet of water. Mayor Baxter stated that the City of Renton kept the �,. rate as low as possible until the Council had determined that steps would have to be taken to make necessary repairs - - that the matter was still in Committee for con- sideration and the Council and the Committee would welcome any suggestions or Jdeas that citizens would like to present . Councilman Reid informed the Council of a proposed meeting with the Central Labor Council and the Housing Authority after Council adjourns this evening, in the Council Chambers at which meeting the Carpenter's union delegates are invited to be present. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee had met with the City Attorney, City Treasurer, City Engineer and Budget Director in regard to drafting the Ordinance covering proposed water rate increases and rebates, as recommended by the Fire and Water Committee at the last Council meetng and that the Committee recommended that the question of rebates be referred back to the Council as a whole for consideration before the Ordinance is drafted; that after a thorough dis- cussion, it had been determined that if the suggested rebates were allowed on collections for water charges, the additional work and expense caused the Treasurer's office, added to the amount of revenue lost, would cause a total loss of approx- imately $6000.00 annually and that the 1952 budget was prepared on the assumption that the proposed rate increase of $.75 per residential unit would increase the totalvater revenue by 50%; that the water fund is collecting about $4000.00 monthly short of the estimated receipts. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested that the Council as a whole meet at 7:00 p.m., prior to the next Council meeting on May 6, 1952 to further consider this problem. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee had thoroughly consid- ered the requests of Earlington residents and the Fire Chief regarding renaming of the Earlington Streets and the Street & Alley Committee recommended that as atated in the proposed Ordinance: Section 1: Langston Road remain as Langston Road; Section 3: South 135th Street be changed to Lewis Place; Section 4: South 136th Street (East) be changed to Harrid Place; Section 9: South 141st Street remain Fifth Place West. Section 12: 90th Avenue South be changed to Maple Street; Section 14: 6 OWAM 88th Avenue South be changed to Stevens Street; Section 15: 87th Avenue South be changed to Bagley Place; Section 19: South 138th Street be changed to 4th Avenue West. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation. Carried. Councilman Richardson recommended that the proposed changes of names of Earlington Streets be referred back to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for draft— ing of the necessary Ordinance. Councilman Swift suggested that the proposed Ordinance be published so Renton residents could read and study the proposed Ordinance before same was passed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation that the proposed changes of names of Earlington Streets be referred back to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for drafting of the necessary Ordinance. Carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Tamborini, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of a crosswalk being installed at 3rd and Rainier Avenues be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Street Commissioner and City Engineer for a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. All Councilmen were present for roll call: The City Clerk stated that it is the opinion of the City Attorney that if the City Council intends to pass the resolution on low—rent housing at the next Council meeting, it is necessary that the notice of hearing on same be posted in three public places five days before passage. The City Attorney verified the statement of the City 6lerk. Councilman Reid stated that he believed the Special Committee would be able to make their recommen— dation to the Council on the low—rent housing resolution at the next Council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, on the recommendation of the City Attor— ney, that the City Clerk be instructed to post the notices of hearing of the low— rent housing resolution and cooperation agreement, as required by law — — and that if the vote is not taken by the Council at the May 6th meeting, on said Resolution, that the notices be posted the following week. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. '(�_a"4.� — i�� C• Clerk Mayor 87 Renton, Washingtoq. May 6, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M., ROLL CALL: REID, DELAU RENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FRETviAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBO RINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. w. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, Assistant City Attorney; ANGELO BUSATO, Police Chief; FLOYD LAWRENCE, FIRE CHIEF: WILEY CROOK, CITY CLERK; DOROTHEA GOSSET, CITY TREASURER; JAMES HIGHTON, CITY ENGINEER; GENE COULON, PARK SUPERINTENDENT and WALT WILL, BUILDING INSPECTOR. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen,, that the minutes of the April 29th meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3240 $ 285.00 Mrs. Tunin 217 Garden St. erect patio 1 500.00 Puget Sound P & L. Shuffleton Plant Addin to bldg. 2 — n n n' 615 Williams St. install furnace 3 10.00 Mrs. Louise Burger 1525 3rd Ave. N. erect fence 4 — Andrew Mavetich 8643 S. 138th St. install plumbing 5 55.00 W. B. Cox 429 Cedar St. wire service 6 300.00 John W. Honea 1)k20 SE 116th Place foundation—house 7 800.00 T & R. Jenkins T 18 3rd Ave. remodel house 8 100.00 Iry Chapman 911 Walla Walla wire service 9 25.00 Mrs. Anna Morgan 337 Park St. build sidewalk 50 100.00 Mrs. Temme 3rd & Wells repair door 1 98.00 A. Dime 104 Pelly St. wire service 2 100.00 Hub City Drug 3rd & Wells remodel frt of bldg. 3 350.00 George Old 511 Pelly St. siding on house 4 400.00 . Lloyd Peterson 606 Sunset Blvd. remodel residence 5 5.00 Ben Lindgren 129 Wells St. wire service 6 — Stoneway Dock Co. Renton, Wn. install plumbing 7 100.00 L. H. Burnham 82 Williams St. remodel house 8 100.00 Safeway Store 2nd & Wells install metal door 9 — John W. Honea 11620 SE 116th Pl. install septic tank 60 100.00 Ina Thompson 415 Mill St. erect steps 1 500.00 Joe C. Drazich 108 Factory add. on basement 2 50.00 John Ballatore 325 Burnett St. repair porch 3 100.00 William Ruck 235 N. Wells brick walls (lower) 4 150.00 Leonard Wahlund 502 Windsor Place build brick wall 5 400.00 David Asplund 2607 6th No. wire service 6 4,000.00 Floyd Lawrence 305 Pelly St. remodel house 7 30,000.00 Vincent Rosa 208 Williams St. erect block bldg. 8 400.00 Millers Sandwich Shop — Mothers Park wire service A request to renew their ice cream vending license for the coming season.w as read from James L. Lee of the Lee Ice Cream Company. Moved by Richardson,, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Kenneth Lund, Corresponding Secretary of the Greater Renton Health Council, requesting consideration of the problem of sanitary facilities at the site of transient carnivals in Renton. They invite a representa— tive of the Council to their meetings which are held the third Monday of each month in the Renton Hospital Dining room at 8:00 P.M. r.. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A request for permission to use Lot 24, Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to Renton, as a playfield for children in the block and to install play equipment thereon$ was read from Mrs. C.E, Storm, 624 G. Place. On the recommendation of Councilman Bruce, moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Park Superintendent and Recreational Director —' to investigate and report back his recommendation. Carried. Three individual letters of protest against the passage of low rent housing were read from Dan R. Huntington, Jr., A. H. Lynn and the Renton Highlands Community Club, signed by Mrs. Lillian Buccholz, President, and Mrs. David Asplund, Secretary two letters in favor of low rent housing were read from the Renton Central Labor Council, signed by William Quigley, President, and Opal Chadwick, Secretary, and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Renton Local No. 1797, signed by A. H. Berglund, Recording Secretary (who further stated in his letter that they would object to prefabricated houses) , and a sixth letter was read from G. E. Hardenbergh requesting a meeting with the Special. Committee of the Council on low rent housing and requesting all publicity as to the Committee's activities and that OEM the Council consider presenting this question on the ballot so that all Renton residents would be allowed to vote on the issue. Moved by Dealurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the communiations be referred to the Special Committee on low rent housing. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess to permit the Council as a whole to open the pro- posals submitted by Municipal Bond and Investment Security Companies, and discuss the proposed bond issue. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TAMBORINI, Ir RIMM, HAGEN, HANSEN, FREYMAN, BRUCE AND DELAURENTI. The other five councilmen, Reid, Holm, Richardson, Dullahant and Swife were at recess, at the meeting for discussion of low rent housing. on inquiry of Bayor Baxter for any comment from the audience in regard to low rent housing in the City of Renton, Mr. Lynden Benshoof, 1922 7th Avenue North, stated as a private citizen and taxpayer, he was opposed to low rent housing. The Street Commissioner informed the Council that a cross-walk at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Rainier Avenue is under consideration by the Street & Alley Committee, City Engineer and himself and that subject cross-walk will be installed as soon as possible. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Police & License Committee had discussed with Mr. Grabner, Manager of the Lake Shore Lines, the proposed increase in City bus fares from 13¢ to 15¢ or 7 tokens for $1.00 instead of 8 tokens for $1.00 and the committee recommended that the Council approve the proposed increase. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Property Committee more time to investigate and report on the blanket insurance proposal as submitted by Mr. William Davis, Renton's Insurance Representative. Councilman Delaurenti suggested that the Council as a whole meet tomorrow night to make their report and recommendation in regard to the different bonding pro- posals submitted for consideration. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Freyman, that when it is considered expedient, the present council meeting be recessed until Wednesday, May 7, 1952, at 8:00 P.M. Carried. Upon adjournment of the committee meeting for discussion of low rent housing, Councilmen Reid, Holm, Richardson, Dullahant, & Swift resumed. their re- spective places at the regular Council meeting. Councilman Reid informed the Council that the Special Committee on low rent hous- ing desired to make their report and recommendation at the recessed Council meeting on Wednesday evening, stating that the Committee needed more time to con- sider the reports received before making their recommendations. The City Attorney stated that the Mayor, with the approval of the Council, could recess the meeting until Wednesday evening, at which time the Council could make their report and recommendation on low rent housing and that it would not be necessary to post new "Notices of Hearing." Moved by Hansen, seconded by Reid, that the Council be prepared to consider the report and recommendation of the Special Committee on low rent housing, Wednesday evening, May 77 1952. Carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, Mayor Baxter again asked for comments in regard to low rent housing from the citizens in the audience. There were no comments made. Councilman Trimm reported that the Council as a whole had met previously to the regular council meeting this evening and had recommended that the subject of pro— posed water rate increases be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for re— drafting of the proposed Ordinance in this regard. r.. The City Clerk read the Secretaryts report from the special meeting of the Council as a whole as follows: Item 1. "Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Committee of the Council as a whole, recommend the increase of water rates to $1.50 per month and increase the basic amount of water to 800 cubic feet per month. Carried. Item 2. Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the public be given the full and complete information as to why the City Council finds it necessary to increase water rates. Carried. (Signed) George Swift, Secretary". With reference to Item I, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council approve the recommendation of the Council as a whole, at their previous meeting, and that the water rates be increased to $1.50 per month minimum for the increased basic amount of 800 cubic feet of water per month. Carried. Councilman Holm recommended that the public be given full and complete information as to why the Council as a whole feels it necessary to raise the water rates for the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommenda— tion of Councilman Holm. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the matter of increasing the water UUW rates to the City of Renton be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the matter of giving the public full and complete information why the Council feels it necessary to raise the water rates of the City of Renton was referred to the Public Relations Committee. Carried. In answer to Councilman Richardson's inquiry, there was no official report as to the Maplewood Fire Hydrants having been repaired. The City Attorney informed the Council he would investigate to see what action had been taken and report at the Wednesday evening's Council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance�;ommittee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 4358-4482 $16085.64 C LAINS CURRENT 290— 353 29,527.32 CLAIMS WATER 8589—x602 3,857.56 CLAIMS PARK 1666-1672 1,302.76 CLAWS ATHLETIC 611-612 277.47 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2214-2222 1,574.04 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6241-6254 71582.92 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1309-1327 2,853.32 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2493-2504 527.77 CLAIMS CIV, DEFENSE FUND 435-440 317.75 C L A I NS FIREMEN'S PEN FUND. 83--84 250.00 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting be recessed until May 7th 1952, Carried. The meeting recessed at 10:15 P.M. r City CfLrk Mayor Q Renton, Washington May 7, 1952 The recessed meeting of May 6th of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT. BHJCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT & HOLM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Huagan, City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. The Clerk read the majority report from the special Council Committee on low rent housing as follows: "Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Majority of the Special Committee approves a 'Resolution approving the Cooperation Agreement between the City of Renton and the Housing Authority of the City of Renton and authorizing the execution thereof,' for 100 units only. Approved — 3 Against — 2. (Signed) Walt Reid" The Clerk read the Minority Report from the Special Council Committee on Low Rent Housing, as follows: "The Minority of the Special Committee on Low Rent Housing herewith submit their report and recommendation that the City DO NOT enter into the "Cooperation Agree— ment" submitted through the Renton Housing Authority for the following reasons: Economic, Local and Federal, Social, and Political — — all outlined in detail and the Conclusion that the costs, as set out in the report, are not slight and the problems of cost of services to be rendered, possible loss of private development and social and political effects are important to everyone in the City of Renton, that in the City of Seattle, a proposal to construct additional low rent housing was defeated in 1949 by a referendum vote, after the City "ouncil had accepted a Pq Cooperation Agreement. (Signed) Donald G. Holm" (Para. 7) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the Majority Report of the Special Council Committee on Low Rent Housing, said agreement being for 100 units only, and that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Councilman Tamborini stated that unless he knew of the proposed location of the Housing Pro iect, he would be unable to vote on the question. Councilman Richardson stated, that in his opinion, it would not be fair to the Housing Authority to make the proposed site of the Housing Project known as this would cause inflation of the actual value of the property to be purchased for the site. Moved by Holm, that the motion (as stated in paragraph 7) be referred to the vote of the people and put on the ballot for the vote of the people. Councilman Holm stated that it was his intent todefer the previous motion and that the latter motion was not debatable. Mayor Baxter stated that he had not put the question to a vote of the Council as he was inquiring the actual wording of the motion in regard to the 'Cooperation Agreement' as stated at the April 22nd Council meeting. Councilman Richardson requested that the first motion be open for debate and that Mr. Holm's motion be set aside, and requested legaladvice in this regard. The City Attorney stated that if councilman Holm's motion was to refer the motion without debate, it would have priority, as far as the other motion�as concerned. Councilman Richardson stated that the Federal Government operates low rent and other housing with the fiscal year ending June 30th of each year, and if this matter is referred to a vote of the people, it could not be voted on until November, that there is not sufficient time before June 30th to hold a Special Election and the cost would be too great and consequently the City would not have the opport— unity to avail themselves to the 100 housing units. 9 Councilman Holm restated his motion, seconded by Hansen, that the entire matter be referred to the vote of the people and placed on the ballot at the next election. The motion lost. Councilman Dullahant stated that he did not understand how 12 men could vote in- telligently on an issue that would require 40 years for the debt to be paid, after considering same for such a short time. Councilman- Richardson stated that the matter had been before the Council several months ago, but that they had asked the Housing Authority for additional information - - that the Council had been studying the pro- position several months - - that there was a portion of the Cooperation Agreement that the City Council had requested the Housing 'authority to change because it did not give the Council enough power or supervision of the proposed project, that the ..� Council had asked for certain stipulations to be put in the agreement - - that when the Council disapproved the original Agreement and referred same back to the Housing Authority for further consideration, the Housing Authority had immediately con- tacted the San Francisco and Washington, D.C., offices, who took under advisement the proposals and agreements the City of Renton wanted - - that the original agree- ment was redrafted and presented to the Council for approval the first of April - - that the agreement now reads as the Council requested. Councilman Delaurenti stated that going further back into the records - - that a survey was made for this low rent housing and the Council was familiar and informed as to the survey. In compliance with the requests of Councilmen Holm and Dullahant, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Tamborini, No; Dullahant, No and Holm, No. There being 9 "Aye's and 3 "No's", the motion carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign the Resolution and Cooperative Agreement for Low Rent Housing and the Clerk to certify the Cooperative Agreement as amended. Mayor Baxter stated that he was not entirely convinced that a low rent housing project, as outlined in the Resolution and Agreement, would be to the best interest of the City of Renton and requested legal advice as to its being mandatory for him to sign the Resolution and Cooperative Agreement authorizing same. The City Attorney informed the Mayor that he had no prerogative in regard to signing the Resolution and Cooperative Agreement, since he had been instructed by Council action to do so. The Mayor further stated that he did not like to sign any legal. documents he was not entirely in favor of and did not throughly approve. �Jouncilman Bruce stated, that in his opinion, if the majority of the Council voted in favor of the Resolution and Agreement, it would be the Mayors duty to sign same as he was in effect instructed by the Council to do so. The Council, at this time, took under consideration the bond issue proposals that were considered at the May 6th Council meeting. Councilman Richardson stated that he had considered the matter of accepting a pro- posal from one of the four proposals submitted at the May 6th Council meeting and that he did not feel completely sure in his mind which proposal would be for the best interest of the City of Renton - - that if this matter were placed in the hands of a committee, with the City Attorney, for further consideration of all data and information in the proposals, and a thorough study of this matter, th.^t the Council as a whole might get the right information in regard to price and method and manner of a bond issue for the water and sewage system. Councilman Tamborini, with the confirmation of Councilman hichardson, stated that the matter should be referred to the Committee of the entire Council as a whole. Councilman Holm stated that he could not make a decision at the present time, as to which proposal would be best and most advantageous to the City of Renton. Council- man Bruce stated that in his opinion, in fairness to all the Companies who sub- mitted proposals, that with such a short time for consideration, he agreed with Councilman Richardson that all data and information available should be discussed in a special meeting of the Council as a whole, at which time the Committee would be more fully informed and enlightened and would be able to make a decision in the best interest of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the matter of selecting one proposal for the City of Renton bond financing be referred to the Council as a whole, the City Clerk, City Attorney and Mayor for a Council Committee meeting, Monday evening, May 12th at 8:00 P.M. Carried. 2 If the matter of selecting a proposal is not decided by Tuesday evening, May 13th the Clerk will inform the different bonding houses as their proposals would vary according to the rise and fall of the stock market and the Companies had requested to be advised in this manner. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Dullahant, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. w City erk Mayor Renton, Washington May 13, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL; Reid, Delaurenti, Swift, Bruce, Freyman, Hagen, Trimm, Tamborini, Dullahant and Holm. Councilman Richardson was excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of May 6th be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Holm, that the minutes of the recessed meeting of May 7th be approved as written. Carried. A request for a non—conforming permit , in conjunction with Permit #3185 was read from J. E. Denzer to erect an addition on an existing residence, also attaching the signatures of 23 adjacent property owners in favor of the proposed addition, under Permit #3185. On the recommendation of the City Engineer, moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, that the request for a non—conforming permit be referred to the Property Committee, Building Inspector, and City Engineer for investigation and a written report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer enclosing a petition, signed by 17 owners of adjacent property, for the improvement of the 16 foot alley in Block 8, Renton Highlands Addition. The City Engineer stated in the communication that the petition lacked 10 signatures that are required and does not provide for pay— ment of improvements for the entire alley and recommended that Mr. Oliver C. Rouse, 821 E. Street be notified by letter the status of the petition. r� Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council concur in the recom— mendation of the City Engineer and a letter be forwarded to Mr. Rouse. The City Clerk read a report from the Special Committee meeting of the Council as a whole, dated May 12, 1952, as follows: "After a thorough and complete in— vestigation of the proposals submitted to the Council by Investment Securities Companies, to assist the Council in plans for the financing improvements to the Sewage Disposal and Water Systems, moved by Richardson, seconded by 3aift, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole recommend to the Council that at their next regular meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, that the agreement as presented by and between the City of Rentonj �.hshington and Bramhall & Stein and the Pacific Northwest Company be accepted. The motion carried unanimously." Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the council as a whole, that Bramhall & Stein and the Pacific Northwest Company act as Financial Consultants or Fiscal Agents for the proposed financing of improvements to the water and sewage disposal systems for the City of Renton, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 332, authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from Cumulative 'Fund No. 1182 into the Water Fund, as a loan — — said loan to be repaid to Cumulative Fund No. 1182 from the Water Fund as and when funds for repayment are available in said Water Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 832 as read. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 333 authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $1432.35 from Local Improvement District General Fund into the Current Fund for the purpose of closing out and terminating said Local Improvement District General Rind. 4 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council adopt the proposed Resolution No. 833 as read. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 834 creating and establishing a fund to be known and designated as the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund, for the purposes of acquisition, maintenance, operation and improvement of properties known as the Cedar River Park Project, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1415 and for ex- penses incident thereto, authorizing and di nuting the City Treasurer to trans- fer sums from Funds as follows: Swimming Pool Bond Fund $34,129.75 - Recreation Fund 11,419.95 Sewer Construction Rand, 45-175 21365.84 Street Construction Fiend, 45-168 .... . .. 31188.13 Sewer Bond Fund .......... 06. 00.... ..... 51199.95 Cumulative Fund No. 1184 ........ .....6. 33,696.38 to the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund, for the aforesaid purposes; that the transfers to the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund are designated as loans and shall be repaid to said respective funds from the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund as and when funds for repayment are available. Moved by Holm, seconded by Dblaurenti, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 834 as read. Councilman Holm explained to the Council that the figures given in the Resolu- tion were approved by the Treasurer and that funds were available as stated. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the amounts of monies to be taken from the different funds were almost the same as originally given, but that on the advice of the City Treasurer, had been changed to coincide with the amounts at present in these funds. The motion to adopt proposed Resolution No. 834, then carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 835 authorizing the City Treasurer to accept as an advance or loan, the sum of $40,000.00 from the Firemen's Relief WAW and Pension Fund, further authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to deposit said sum of $40,000.00 into the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Pro- ject Fund, for use and disbursement for the purpose which the latter fund is established. Said advance or loan in the sum of $40,000.00 with interest, shall be repaid to said Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund from the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund as and when funds for repayment become available in said Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund. Said loan shall bear interest at the rate of two percent until repayment thereof. Moved by Iblaurenti, seconded by Hagen, that proposed Resolution No. 835, be adopted as read. The City Attorney informed the Council that the Resolution passed by the Fire- men's Pension Rind Board provided on demand by the Firemen's Pension Fund Board of the City of Renton for repayment of the funds borrowed, that the City could repay by issuing General Revenue Bonds - - that if there were no General Obli- gation Bonds outstanding at the time, the City can raise the money to pay them back by issuing General Obligation Bonds. Councilman Holm stated that the Firemen's Fund Board would expect to gain an equal amount of money in interest from the City of Renton on money loaned to the City as they would receive from the Federal Government in Government Bonds. The motion to adopt Resolution No. 835 then carried. .d Councilman grift reported that the Street Department had completed all proposed temporary improvements on Langston Road until such time as the proposed Earlington sewer system is completed. That no action is to be taken in regard to the report that the south side of the Langston Road is dangerous for motorists to drive down and for pedestrians - - that the 's'amil conditions exist elsewhere in Renton, but that since the streets in questioiri have been repaired, the Committee agrees that the danger has been minimized. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street and Alley committee had requested information from the Association of Washington Cities in regard to limiting heavy traffic over certain streets and that the Traffic Division of -the Police Department is studying same at this time. The City Clerk, City Fhgineer and Chronicle Reported informed the Council., that to this date, they had received no complaints as to the newly proposed names of Earlington Streets. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee had investigated the pro- posed blanket bond coverage for City Employees, other than elected officials, and recommended that same be approved as the method of blanket bond coverage was cheaper over-all coverage and would eliminate considerable extra work in the City Clerk's office. ($1053.00, for blanket coverage for all City employees, except elected officials for a three year period.) The blanket bond to become effective June 2nd, 1952. All personal employee bonds expiring after that date will be credited, in the amount of the balance due on premiums on same, back to the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee in regard to the blanket bond agreement for City employees, except elected officials. After considerable discussion, the motion that the blanket bond agreement for City Employees, except for elected officials, be approved, then carried. Moved by Reid, seconded byTamborini, that the Ordinance Committee investigate in regard to the amount required by Law and the amount deemed necessary for the City Treasurer's, City Clerk°s and Police Judge's bond. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that the City of Renton Insurance Commissioner would re- quire that bids be submitted in conformity with State Law, for the purchase of a blanket bond for City employees. Mayor Baxter granted the Public Relations Committee more time to submit a report giving the public full and complete information why the City Council considers ... that it is imperative to raise the water rates at this time. Councilman Swift stated that consideration should be given to the possibility of the City acquiring some added property which would be adjacent to the Sewage Disposal site by purchase or by leasing, the lease price to apply on the purchase price of same - - that the City is supposed to have an option, either written or verbal, to acquire property near the disposal plant, when and if the City re- quired same, stating that Renton 1-hool District #403 is the present owner of said property. Moved by S wift, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer investigate the City of Renton' s need for the next 10 to 15 years, for acquiring additional property adjacent to the sewage Disposal Plant. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that the matter of traffic signal lights at the intersection of the Maple Valley Highway and Sunset Highway Wye would probably be satisfactorily taken care of by contacting the State Traffic Engineer's Office or a representative of same, and that he would endeavor to meet with them this week. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council request that the Engin- eering Department investigate this matter and report back to the Council by the May 20th meeting. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Insurance Commissioner had been formulating a program for insurance coverage that would not be too expensive for the Cedar River Housing Project, when and if the City of Renton acquires same. Councilman Trimm reported that some of the light pole standards, c rossarms and lighting fixtures in Liberty Park were in very poor and dangerous condition for persons who might be in this area and recommended that the City Engineer, Engineer- ing Department and Park Department be requested to investigate these conditions. Councilman Reid suggested that the poles could be stubbed to save them. The Park Superintendent stated that there was a matter of safety involved, that the con— dition of the poles and fixtures thereon had been brough+tto the attention to the Property Committee. The City Engineer stated he would investigate this matter and furnish a written report to the next Council meeting. The Park Superintendent further stated that improvements in 1948 were made to reflectors only and that the poles needed replacement as they were full of dry rot. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the report of the poor and dangerous condition of the light poles and fixtures thereon, in Liberty Park be referred back to the Power & Light Committee and Park Board for immediate action. Carried. Moved by gift, seconded by Trimm, that the City Engineer, Park Board and Re— creation Director investigate any hazardous conditions or places, dangerous to the public and see that same are corrected as soon as possible. Carried. The Park Superintendent reported that upon investigation of the request for use of Lot 21+ as a playground for the children living in Block 18, they had found that this was not City of Renton property and that Mrs. Storm had been instructed to contact Mr. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing hzthority for fur- ther consideration of her request. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by D ullahant, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M, Cit Jerk Mayor r ..rr 7 Renton, Washington May 20, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, FREYMAN,, HANSEN, HAGEN, T RIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. (Councilman Bruce was reported ill and Councilman Reid was reported as out of the City.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Deputy City Clerk; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the meeting of April 13th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS gUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3269 - Paul Snook 642 Morris Street install plumbing 70 $7000.00 Modern Materials 3227 6th North erect house 1 7000.00 "' "' 3220 6th North " " 2 7000.00 it to 3215 6th North it of 3 7000.00 " " 3209 6th North "' " 4 7000.00 a "' 3203 6th North "' it 5 7000.00 3202 6th North "' 0 6 7000.00 "' "' 3208 6th Place to " 7 7000.00 "' "" 3214 " Place "' '" 8 7000.00 3220 n m it m 9 7000.00 n '" 3226 "' "' a 80 60.00 S. M. Erickson 419 N. Wells erect fence 1 439000.00 School Dist. #403 14th & I Street erect school 2 1000.00 J. D. Crook 600 Grant St. enclose carport 3 100.00 Melvin L. Cox 11313 116th St, erect fence 4 - Tony Booth 315 Morris install plumbing 5 - Samuel Hubbard 641 N. Wells sewer connection 6 350.00 Post Office Dept. Williams St. concrete walk 7 100.00 L.W. Saunders 237 Garden St. erect fence 8 350.00 David Knowle 930 E. St, erect garage 90 400.00 James A. Toman 434 Mill St. erect bulkhead 1 7000.00 Modern Materials 3232 6th Place erect house 2 7000.00 to "' 3302 6th Place 3 7000.00 to "' 3320 6th Place of " 4 7000.00 to " 3326 6th Place 5 7000.00 t' to 3327 " Avenue No. 6 7000.00 if " 3321 6th Ave "' 7 7000.00 " "' 3315 6th 8 7000.00 "' "' 3309 9 7000.00 " "' 3303 3300 7000.00 "' "' 3233 n, n m It, of 1 800.00 Frank Kotterba 540 N. Wells remodel house 2 100.00 W. Williams 227 Tobin Electric serv. 3 600.00 Ray Carlsen 911 F. St, erect garage 4 - Emit Tveit 11320 116th St. SE install septic tank 5 100.00 Rainier Lumber & Hdwe 95 Tobin Ave install wire Serv. 6 2000.00 Hugh White 222 Mills Sto remodel house 7 100.00 Robert Denny 1205 Third Ave. remodel window 8 7000.00 Modern Materials 3533 6th Ave. N. erect house .� 9 7000.00 "' n' 3 527 "' it 10 7000.00 "' of 3 521 " If, it 1 7000.00 "' a 3 515 of "' 2 7000.00 " "' 3 509 m It, m 3 7000.00 "' a 3 503 " it, to 4 7000.00 "' "' 3433 5 7000.00 " '" 3427 "' to "• 6 7000.00 it "' 3421 " n rt, 7 7000.00 to it 3415 it a 11 APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO*, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3318 $7000.00 Modern Materials 3409 6th Ave.. No. erect house 19 7000.00 "' "' 3403 6th Ave. No. "' "' 20 7000.00 " "' 3402 6th Place 21 7000.00 to "' 3408 22 7000.00 if "' 3414 23 7000.00 'o "' 3420 "' n n. 24 7000.00 "' m 3426 " 25 7000.00 "' for 3432 n "t n a 26 7000.00 "' a 3502 27 7000.00 " "' 3 508 "' '" "' of 28 7000.00 "' "' 3 514 " "' "' " 29 7000.00 " "' 3520 n+ for nr n 30 70.10.00 of "' 3 526 " m M » 31 7000.00 to " 3 532 "' "' "' " 32 400.00 Frank Novak 2216 9th Place erect garage 33 200.00 Custer Hdwe. Co. 230 Wells St. remodel sign 35 300.00 Mary Peterson 1501 4th Ave. No, remodel house 36 100.00 George Allan 2208 9th Place concrete drivewy. 37 50.00 Donald Simpson 2244 6th Ave. No. "' 38 100.00 Tom Snedden 535 Burnett St# repair roof The City Clerk being out of town, the appointment, by Mayor Baxter, of Elton Alex— ander as Deputy City Clerk of the City of Renton from May 20th through and in— cluding May 26th 1952 was read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the appointment by Mayor Baxter of Elton Alexander as Deputy City Clerk. Carried. A communication was read from Roy H. Armstrong, Secretary of Renton Aerie No. 1722 Fraternal Order of Eagles inviting elective and appointive officials of the City of Renton and the personnel of all departments under their jurisdiction..to be guests on Wednesday, May 21st for their third "All City Night" at 8:30 P.M., at the Eagles Hall. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the invitation be accepted and all City of Renton employees be so notified. Carried. X communication was read from Mrs. Bettijane Tomkinson, President of the American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to erect a stand at the corner of 3rd and Wells Street for the purpose of selling Legion poppies and to distribute pledge cards for the blood bank, which the American Legion is sponsoring in Renton on June 5th. The Auxiliary will sell poppies and distribute pledge cards on Friday, May 23rd and Saturday, May 24th. They further request permission to have a public address system at the stand. A similar request wasieceived from Fred Hancock Post No, 19, American :Legion signed by Mario H. Tonda, Commander. This request was not read. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the above requests be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Lincoln D. Wyman, Pastor, Assembly of God Church, requesting permission to conduct open—air services on the street, or in a park of the City of Renton — — the location to be arranged with the Police and Park Depart— ments. A letter of approval to the open air or street meetings in Renton was attached, signed by Ernest E. Baker, corresponding secretary of the Renton Minis— terial Association. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Holm, that the request be referred to the Chief of Police and Park Department with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from James H. Walls, Secretary of the St. Andrew's Build— ing Corporation and St. Andrew's Lodge #35, F & AM, protesting, in behalf of the tenants of the Masonic Temple, particularly fraternal orders for ladies and young girls, as well as adult men, the establishment of a tavern in this location. After considerable discussion as to the building permit having previously been approved by the Council and granted by the Building Department, and the Washington State Liquor Control Board having previously approved the transfer of the liquor license to the new location, moved by Tamborini, that the communication be placed on file for future reference. There being no second to the motion to place the communication on file, moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the Masonic Lodge be informed of the Councils previous action, and advised that if they so desire, a similar communication be forwarded to the Washington State Liquor Control Board at Olympia for their con- sideration and final decision. Carried. The Clerk read the appointments on permanent status, of Jack Brattus as Sergeant, effective retroactive to February 1, 1952 and Ernest W. Isackson as Captain, effective retroactive to May 1, 1952 in the Police Department. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointments by Mayor Baxter. Carried. A communication was read from Leonard Downie of the Mortgage Finance Corporation, stating that in view of Council action in authorizing 100 units of public housing in the City of Renton, they are withdrawing their proposal and will postpone any further action on financing private housing immediately outside of Renton, as they do not want to be in direct competition with public housing and that such public housing is unfair to private enterprise. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be filed. Carried. A communication was read from E. C. Stafford, Business Manager of White-Pope, Inc., stating they have replaced 8 plate glass windows in their showroom during the past 3 years; that there are 4 windows broken at this time, which should be replaced. Mr. Stafford further stated that this breakage is due to a portion of Burnett Street, approximately 201 wide, the full width of their building, being unpaved from the railroad track west - - that this area could be paved or blacktopped at a minimum expense, and requests favorable consideration of this problem. The Street Superintendent informed the Council that this unpaved area was Northern Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the problem be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that to expedite water and sewer service to the Balch housing development, the City of Renton requested in a communication to the City of Renton as a connection to the President Park Addition; that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company have easement rights over this proposed street right-of-way and a two-pole transmission line tower is located within these boundaries - that the line tower will have to be moved to clear the water and sewer lines to be constructed by the Balch contractors. The City Engineer requests the Councilts decision as to the responsibility for payment of work involved to move the transmission line tower; that originally Mr. Balch agreed to stand all costs incidental to the development of the housing project, that this item was not antici- pated at the time the plat was presented for approval. An attached communication from George C. Sears, Superintendent of the Division of Power Supply of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company was read, stating that upon investigation of the location of the proposed sewer, that it appeared that the ditch would run into one of their two- wood pole towers; that they would have to relocate the tower to the north, to clear the extension of 6th Avenue North - - that they have estimated the cost of doing this work to be $560.00 and when authorization is received to invoice the City, they will forward a quit claim deed giving up their rights for street purposes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the communication be referred to the Sanitation Committee, Fire & Water Committee and Street & Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A. communication was read from Ignazio Toschi, certified true and correct by the City Clerk, affirming Mr. Toschils total years of -paid employment by the City of Renton as ten years and two months, prior to January 1, 1949, and requesting this prior service status with the Statewide City Employees' Retirement System be corrected to ten years and two months. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council approve the corrected prior service status of Ignazio Toschi, as certified by the City Clerk,and the City Attorney be authorized to draft the necessary Resolution correcting same. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission, approving the request of Aaron W. Eurich, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Churst to erect a church on the "southeast corner of the intersection of the Sunset Boulvvard and "E" Street, adjacent to Millers Corner". The Buildins Inspector informed the Council that the Planning Commission approved ' the erection of the proposed Unit A. with the present parking space as shown, which is ample, and that the Commission had been informed by the Pastor, Aaron W. Eurich, that they are endeavoring to purchase additional space for use as a parking area, before construction of Unit B. The City Attorney suggested that the Council attach a written 'condition' to the permit, "that additional parking space would have to be provided," and if found valid, the City Council could enforce, if necessary. Moved by7hmborini, seconded by Freyman, that the request to Erect a church at the location designated, together with the Planning Commission's report on same, be re— ferred to the City Engineer and Building Inspector for a report back at the next meeting. Carried. A second communication was read from C.G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission, approving the annexation request of H.G. White of property described as "that portion of the SEi of the NEi of Section 17, TWP 23 N R 5 E Wm., lying south— erly and westerly of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road and Stoneway Dock Company's Road, ex— cept the southerly 252.22 feet." Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, on the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Council approve the petition of H.G. White, that the above de— scribed property be annexed to the City of Renton, and that the Council further "Resolve that Tuesday, June 10, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Renton is fixed as the time and place for public hearing on the above petition, that the City Clerk cause one publication of notice of such hearing to be published as provided by law, specifying the time and place of hear— ing and inviting all interested persons to appear and voice approval or disapproval of the annexation, that such notice be posted in three public places within the territory proposed for annexation at least one week prior to such hearing. Carried. A communication was read from Opal Chadwick, Secretary of the Renton Central Labor Council enclosing a copy of a letter received by E.M. Weston, President of the Washington State Federation of Labor and a copy of his note to the Central Labor Council, together with a copy of President Truman's Communication No. 722, re— questing the Council's recommendation of H. R. Bill #5223, said recommendation to be furnished the Central Labor Council for conside-•ation at their May 27th meet— ing. The =mmunication further requested that if a definite plan of action can be furnished the A.F.L. Tax Committee, by the next Central Labor Council meeting, this very active group having a greal deal of support in Washington, D.C., they feel that favotable action, or a substitute bill, could be obtained to relieve temporarily, the City's loss of Federal taxes due to the Boeing Airplane Company Plant at Renton, and the Foundry Building at the Pacific Car and Foundry Company in Renton, being removed from Government Tax rolls. The Clerk read the attached communication from Matt Woll, 2nd Vice—President of the AF of L and Chairman of the Tax Committee to E.M. Weston, President of the Wash— ington State Federation of Labor, referring to Mr. Woll's inquirty to President Green of the AF of L., concerning relief for state and local government units deprived of needed revenue because of non—taxable status of federally owned property and enclosing a copy of President TrumOn's Communication No. 722 to the Speaker of the House of Representatives regarding payments in lieu of taxes, together with HR Bill 5223, introduced by Mr. Murdock, Chairman of the Committee on Interior and Insular affairs; Mr. Woll further stated that an immediate study of this material and written suggestions, recommendations or amendments be furnished as quickly as possible, which will be referred to the AF of L Tax Committee for their attention, or if the Bill in its present form accomplishes the objectives of the City of Renton, they will so inform the legislative representative and suggest the whole hearted support of the measure, in conformity of the Federation's action. Mr. Weston noted that the letter from Mr. Wolf was the result of the Renton Central Labor Council's Resolution, presented at the A.F. of L. Convention. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Legislative Committee for a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Swift suggested that a written report be prepared and presented at the beginning of the next Council meeting on May 27th for consideration which could be referred to the Central Labor Council -the same evening for their con— sideration. 1 The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 836 as presented by the Ordinance Committe, appointing and confirming Elton Alexander as Deputy City Clerk, authorizing him to do and perform all acts and things which ,the City Clerk is ordinarily author— ized to do and perform during the period May 20th until and including May 26, 1952. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that Resolution No. 836 be adopted as read. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 837 as presented by the Ordinance Committee stating that as the problem of parking of motor vehicles has become extremely acute, causing congestion in sections of cities and towns, impeding traffic and interfer— ing with activities of the City, thus placing additional burdens on the Police `.. Department and other law enforcing agencies in the regulation of traffic,, the Council submits to the Association of Washington Cities, the following proposal for action: "Be it ;Resolived that the Association of Washington Cities go on record to recommend to the State Legislature of the State of Washington the enactment of appropriate law or laws to enable cities of the second, third and fourth class to have, acquire, purchase, develop, hold and use property for the purpose of providing adequate off— street parking within its city limits and/or, to the extent permitted by law, pro— vide for and authorize the establishment of local improvement districts so as to provide adequate off—street parking facilities." Moved by Freyman, seconded by„Richardson, that Resolution No. 837 be adopted as read. Councilman Swift informed the Council that the combined committees did not include Cities of the 1st Class, as they were governed by different State laws, and stated that the Committee recommended that a copy of Resolution No. 837 be furnished to each City of the second, third and fourth Class belonging to the Association of Washington Cities. Councilman Swift further stated that the Committee had inserted "acquire” in the Resolution, to that the property could be acquired by condemnation rights, or any method necessary. The motion to adopt Resolution No. 837, carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Committee as a whole and a copy of Resolution No. 837 be furnished +.� to each City of the second, third and fourth class who are members of the Associa— tion of Washington Cities. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: DELAUR.ENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM,: TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. The City Clerk read the proposed Emergency Ordinance as presented by the Ordinance Committee, declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies from City Funds for the purpose of providing for payment of the necessary Capital Outlay, services and expenses necessitated by such emergency, allowing and establishing certain sums for expenditure in given classifications, and appropriating said sums in addition to the provisions of the 1952 Annual Budget. On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, it was moved by Tamborini., seconded by Freyman, that the proposed Emergency Ordinance be placed on its first reading this evening and referred back to the Ordinance Committee for one week before fur— ther action is taken on same. Also, that the proposed Emergency ordinance be pub— lished in the next Official Publication of the Renton paper as a PROPOSED ORDINANCE for the benefit of the Renton public. Carried. The City Attorney informed the Council that the 'Condemnation Award' could be paid off in one warrant. The City Clerk read a proposed ordinance relating to Civil Defense, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, establishing a Civil Defense Council, defining its duties and powers, further establishing a Civil Defense Organization, defining its members and the duties and powers connected therewith, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Holm, that the proposed Civil Defense Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Gammittee. Carried. � lu2 In answer to Councilman Delaurenti's inquiry, it was stated that under State Law, the Mayor had the authority to appoint an Executive Director of Civil Defense, without confirmation of the Council.. The City Attorney stated that the Earlington Sewer file had been referred to the firm of Weter, Roberts and Shefelmen, Attorneys, and the firm had approved pro- ceedings to date and are now prepared to draft a formal Ordinance setting up the District; that if the Council arranges in advance for sale of bonds so that cash is available on hand to pay the contractor, the bids would be submitted in this manner and the City would avoid paying any penalty charges for time payments. The City Attorney introduced Mr. Jim Gay, a representative of the firm of Weter, Roberts and Shefelmen, Attorneys engaged by the City of Renton to assist with the legal action in connection with the proposed Earlington Sewer Local Improve- ment District No. 239. Mr. Gay asked the Council's decision as to their method of handling proposed L.I.D. Warrants on the above LID #239, further explaining his requirements before drafting the necessary ordinance and confirming the City Attorney's recommen- dation in regard to a possible saving in the sale of bonds to enable cash pay- ments to contractors. On the recommendation of the City Attorney and Mr. Gay, Councilman Richardson stated, that in his opinion, to endeavor to obtain a lower bid, that the City should call for bids on bonds on a cash basis. After considerable discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney and Consultant Attor- neys, and that the City call for bids for bonds on a cash basis. Carried. Mr. Gay informed the Council, that he would endeavor to have the required pro- posal for "Call for Bids" prepared by the next Council meeting. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be open to all bidders, that the Call for Bids be published May 29th and June 5th and that the date of June 17, 1952 be set for the opening of bids. Carried. The call for bids is to be published in both Renton papers and the Journal of now Commerce. The Clerk informed the Council there had been no written protests received, and there being no verbal protests from the audience, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney be requested to draft the necehsary Ordinance changing the zoning classification of the property described as "A portion of Section 18, Township 23, North Range 5, E WM, described as follows: bounded on the west by 91st Place South, on the East by Rainier Avenue and bounded on the South by Renton Avenue, adjacent to the Renton Airport. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the City Engineer had informed him that he would present a definite proposal, with cost estimates, for the first stage of the im- provement of the intersection at the Sunset Boulevard and the Maple 'Valley Way, on Tuesday, May 27, 1952; that this work is a portion of the approved State Plan, which being satisfactory, will require the widening of Sunset .Boulevard and Maple Valley Way to provide free traffic movement in the outside lanes; that the City Engineer is also working on a new channelization and signal plan for this inter- section, which he expects to have approved by the State Highway Department within two weeks. Mayor Baxter granted the Public Relations Committee more time to make their re- port regarding water. Councilman Swift reported that he had discussed with the City Engineer, black- topping a strip adjacent to the present Primary State Highway No. 5, southwesterly from 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection, from in front of the fruit stand beyond the Maple Leaf tavern to allow traffic to pass through more smoothly, and requested Council authorization for the City Engineer to obtain approval of same from the State Highway Department. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer be authorized to request authorization to pave or black-top the area as described by the Street and Alley Committee. Carried* 103 Councilman Delaurenti stated that he had received a copy of a letter from Howard Rogers, requesting Council approval for placing approximately 10 cigarette machines in various taverns and lumY:h counters in Renton, and that he would request Mr. Rogers to bring this machine to the next Council meeting for the Council's consideration, as the City Treasurer was not sure if subject maching would come under the punch— board or pinball machine ordinance. Moved by Richardson' seconded by Holm, that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee for a report back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Dullahant, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. r.. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented$ PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENT: 4483-4636 25,+07.75 C LA I ILLS CURRENT 3 54-3 63 16 856,73 CLAIMS WATER 8603— 2',030.46 CLAIMS PARK 1673— 772.34 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 613— 312.50 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2223-2225 1,110.57 CLAIMS CITY STREET 6255-6256 51063.40 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1328— 808.19 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2505-2506 1,138.43 CLAII$ CIV. DEFENSE FD, 441 75.00 CLAIMS F= EN'S PEN. FD. - - - CLAIMS CUNNLATIVE #1183 383-384 968.75 Moved by Richardson, .s econded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. r Gity erk --Tyor r 104 C Renton, Wash c� May 27, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON,, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, DULLAHANT AND HOLM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer, Dave Pugh, Street Superintendent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; wow and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Belaurenti, seconded by Freyma.n, that the minutes of the meeting of May 20th be approved as written. Carried. The Clerk read the Legislative Committee report re: H. R. 5223, a bill. establish- ing a general policy with respect to payments to State and Local Government on account of Federal Real Property and Tangible Personal property by providing for the taxation of certain federal property and for payments in connection with cer- tain other Federal property - - that the Committee will authorize payment in lieu of taxes on the followings (L) Certain properties serving national interests (2) Housing properties, (3) Property acquired (by the Federal Government) in connection with loans or contracts of insurance or guaranty. (4) Federal property under lease or conditional sales contracts$ (5) The Bill authorizes and consents to special assessments on Government property subject to special local assessments, (6) The Bill also authorizes payments to local Governments not otherwise compensated for financial burdens caused by the cost of additional services given by local and State governments, (7) The Bill provides general provisions for payments to local Governments and specifies methods of application for payment. The report further stated that if the items remain in the bill as introduced, Federal properties in the City of Renton will again make payments in lieu of taxes. The legislative Committee recommends the passage of H. R. Bill 5223 in its present foam as it accomplishes the objectives of the City of Renton. The Legislative Committee thanked the Renton Central Labor Council for their cooperation. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini,, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter, as per the suggestion of Councilman Holm, commended the Legislative Committee for their splendid report. The Clerk read a "Notice of Warrant Sale," as presented by the Ordinance Committe, that the City of Renton proposes to issue Local Improvement District Warrants of L.I.D., #239 to be issued from time to time, in such amounts as the City may deter- mine, to obtain funds to pay the cost and expense of local improvement district improvement as stated in Ordinance No. 1428 - - warrants shall bear interest from the date thereof not to exceed a rate of 5% per annum and shall be redeemed either in cash or L.I.D., bonds. Cash payments made upon assessments, during the initial 30 day period, when assessments may be paid without interest, shall be applied upon the interest and principal of said warrants and the unpaid portion of said warrants shall be exchanged for L.I.D., bonds of subject district, issued by the City of Renton. Bonds to bear interest at the same rate as said warrants, and shall be payable on or before 12 years from the date of issuance, and shall be issued in exchange for and in redemption of any and all of said warrants not redeemed in cash as aforesaid. Bonds to be redeemed by the collection of special assess- ments to be levied and assessed upon the property within said district , payable in ten equal annual installments, with a rate of interest not to exceed 5% per annum. The exact amount, form, date, interest rate and denomination of said warrants and bonds and the interest rate on said special assessments shall be fixed hereafter by Ordinance of the City Council. "'r Sealed bids for the purchase of said warrants, redeemable in cash and bonds as set forth, will be received by the Treasurer of the City of Renton, at her office in the City Hall until 8:00 P.M., Pacific daylight time, June 17s 1952, at which time all bids received will be publicly opened. Bids shall specify (a) lowest rate of interest and premium, if any, above par at which said bidder will purchase said warrants, or (b) the lowest rate of interest at which the bidder will purchase said warrants at par. All warrants shall bear the same rate of interest. The City will furnish the warrants and the bonds issued in redemption thereof, together with the approving legal opinion of Weter, Roberts and Shefelr- man, bond counsel of Seattle, without cost to the purchaser. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council, on the approval of the City Attorney, adopt the "Notice of Warrant Sale" as read. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1428, providing for the construction and installation of a system of sanitary sewer lateral lines and a trunk sewer line in the Earlington area of the City of Renton, in accordance with Resolution No. 817, creating a local improvement district therefor; providing that payment for said system of sanitary sewer lateral lines be made by special assessments upon property in said District, payable by the mode of "Payment by Bonds"; transferring $30,000.00 from the Sewer Disposal Fund" to the "Construction Fund" of said District to pay for the trunk sewer line; calling for bids -for the purchase of Local Improvement Dis- trict Warrants to be issued in connection therewith, and authorizing the call for bids for the construction work. The "Notice of Warrant Sale" is to be published on June 5th and 12th in the Renton News Record and on May 31st and June 7th in the Daily Journal of Commerce, calling for sealed bids for the purchase of said Local Improvement District Warrants, redeem- able in cash and bonds as herein provided, to be received by the City Treasurer At her office in the City Hall until 8:00 P.M., Pacific daylight time on June 17, 1952 at which time all bids received will be publicly opened. The bids submitted shall specify either (a) the lowest rate of interest and premium, if any, above par at which said bidder will purchase said warrants, or (b) the lowest rate of interest at which the bidder will purchase said warrants at par. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance No. 1428 be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee, on the recommendation of the City Attorney, reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that proposed Ordinance No. 1428 be placed on the second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini,, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen being present and voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Ola R. Davidson stating that in stepping from her car on May 8, in front of the Telephone Company where the curb was out away for a driveway, she had sprained her foot. That the driveway was now closed, a parking meter having been installed, but that the curb was still cut away. Mrs. Davidson requested that action be taken to have this and any other curb, that has been cut away, fixed before any more serious accident occurs. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A petition was read, signed by six property owners living on Grandey Way in Windsor Hills requesting the street in front of their residences be surfaced with asphalt stating that there had been no improvement on said street since 1944. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Letters of protest against the establishment of a tavern in a proposed building across Williams Street from the Masonic Hall were read from Dale T. Pinkerton, Secretary of the Royal Arch Masons, Sybil Botsford and William E. Martin, represen- tatives of Tye Chapter, #122, O.F.G., Alice A. Davis, Secretary of Neiska Chapter #54, O.F.S., Mrs. Maxine Monson, Secretary of the Board of the Renton Assembly ##26, Order of Rainbow for Girls, and Mae McDonald of Loyalty Court, Order of Amaranth, in view of the fact that these organizations using the Masonic Temple consist of ladies and teen age girls. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Royal Arch Masons and Loyalty Court, Order of the Amaranth be notified of the previous action of the Council and informed that if they so desire, similar letters could be forwarded to the Washington State Liquor Control Board for their reconsideration. Carried. _ x The Clerk stated that there were three proposed bids received on the blanket bond for City of Renton employees, other than elected officials, two in the amount of $554.80 and one in the amount of $543.00. The City Attorney informed the Council if there were no proposition presented that could be approved by the Insurance Company whereby payments could be spread over a two or three year period, the proposed bid being over $500.00, it would be necessary to publish a "Call for Bids" for the purchase of same. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee had requested that the City of Renton Insurance Representative submit three bids, as recommended by the Property Committee and approved by the Council at a previous meeting, that all bids were handled through the same brokers. Moved by Delaurenti,, seconded by Freyman, that the -City of Renton publish a Call for bids on a "Blanket Bond" for all City Employees, except elected officials. Carried. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, requesting that a committee be appointed to work with the Housing Authority on the details of the transfer of Cedar River Park Project ownership mom the Public Housing Administration to the City of Renton — the transfer of inventory items to include personal property items as well as the Housing structures. Also, the Housing Authority suggests, if it is the intent of the City of Renton to have the Housing Authority act as their agent in the oper— ation of the Cedar River Park Project, subsequent to its transfer, it is advis— able that the details of the arrangements between the City of Renton and the Housing Authority, under which the Housing Authority would operate the project be worked out as quickly as possible and request the designation of a committee to study this problem stating that they will supply said committee with any infor— mation desired. In regard to the transfer of inventoried items, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor appoint a Committee of 3 to investigate and report back to the Council in regard to the CedarRiver Project inventory. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilman Bruce, to represent the Property Committee, Councilman Freyman to represent the Finance and Claims Committee and Councilman .nil. Holm to represent the Auditing Committee on the Cedar River Park Project Inventory Committee, The City Attorney cautioned the Council that the Council should meet with the Housing Authority to consider details and study a plan for the operation of Cedar River Park, subsequent to its transfer to the City of Renton, as soon as possible, as it was not known just how long it would take for the transfer of the Cedar River Park Project to the City of Renton ; that it may be completed within two or three weeks and the City should be prepared to take over the oper— ation of Name, at that time; that in looking over some Federal Government Agree— ments with the Housing Authority, that there are innumerable problems that would have to be worked out that would require considerable time. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that a Committee of the Council as a whole, the City Attorney and Mayor act as a Policy Commute to meet with the Housing Authority to .study this problem. Carried. A second communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, requesting a committee be designated to work with the Housing Authority in the selection of possible sites for the re— cently approved Low—Rent Housing Project to be constructed by the Housing Author— ity. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, that a committee of the Council as a whole meet with the Housing Authority in regard to selection of a proposed Project site. Carried. The Council President will invite the City Engineer and Building Inspector to this meeting. Mayor Baxter stated that a special meeting would be held Monday evening, June 2, 1952 for the installation of the Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Police Judge and six councilmen. 1, 7 Mayor Baxter reminded all Councilmen, officials and department heads of the Con— vention in Yakima, June 6th and 7th. The Mayor and President of the Council will make arrangements for a meeting with the Housing Authority representatives in regard to policy as soon as possible. A communication was read from Philip C. Sowers, .Architect, for Albert Balch Enter— prises requesting permission to use 4 inch footings for their frame houses# instead of 6 inch footings and 6 inch footings for their block houses, instead of 8 inch footings, (as required by the building code) being biilt in their President Park Addition Project, as it would mean a savings to them. The Building Inspector informed the Council that the FHA or King County has no build— ing code, and that the City of Seattle's building code requires, besides the footings stated, a 12 inch deep rat wall completely around the foundation of any house or construction, and in his opinion, the footings on the proposed houses should be in line with the building code of the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Dullahant, that Mr. Philip C. Sower's request be denied and he be informed that he must conform to the building code in regard to size of footings required. Carried. A communication was read from James Highton,, City Engineer, stating after a recent study of the expansion plan for the sewage treatment plant, that in his opinion, it is feasible and economical to proceed with the negotiations for the acquisition, of additional property to the East of the plant; that he has discussed the proposal with the fiscal consultants and the proposal if agreed upon, should be included in the Plan and System Ordinance covering the 1952 Revenue Bond Issue under the following proposal: "Additional property shall be acquired for the proposed future expansion of the sewage treatment plant to be constructed within five years and that the property acquisition be included in the Plan and System Ordinance for the Sewage Treatment and Waterworks System, Revenue Bond Issue of 1952. The Property to be acquired being the same and herein described as a Sparcel of land abutting the east boundary of the existing sewage treat— ment plant property and extending 674.!+7 feet easterly to the west margin of Logan Street and being 320.0 feet in depth and parallel to the south ••• margin of Sixth Avenue North in the City of Renton; said parcel of land being 4.95 acres in a rea.t Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that an estimate of the cost of the proposed additional area be prepared and a reasonable offer submitted to the School Board for consideration at their next meeting on June 12th. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the Cityts fiscal consultants, Weter, Roberts and Shefelmen have ruled that the 3/8 cubic yard, truck— mounted gas shovel, accepted by the City Council under the 1952 planning has been ruled illegal and deleted from the 1952 Revenue Bond Issue Plan — — that a study cf the equipment fund shows an unobligated balance of approximately $14P000.00 and that this type of shovel is in the $lOp000.00 — $12,000.00 price range; that this equipment will show a saving of around $5,000.00 in this years water works program anf if this procedure meets with Council's approval, a Call for Bids for same should be issued immediately to avoid any necessit-, of equipment rental, and that he plans to leave the specifications open to all qualified bidders for this class of equip— ment. The City Engineer explained to the Council the possible saving to the City through the use of a truck—mounted gas shovel. Councilman Swift recommended that -the Council delay placing a "Call for Bids" for said shovel for one week until the Council could discuss the matter more thoroughly with the City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommend— dation ecommend— dation of Councilman Swift, Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting City Employees, interested in making blood donations to the blood bank stationed at the American Legion Hall, in Renton on June 5th be permitted to participate in this worthy cause without penalty for loss of time. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the City Engineer. Carried. :x.08 A communication was read from the Property Committee stating that the Committee feels it is their duty to abide by the decision of the Building Inspector and City Engineer and deny Mr. Denzer's request for a non-conforming permit to erect an addition on to his existing residence; that Mr. Denzer has the right to apneal to the Board of Appeals who can arrive at a fair decision. Councilman Bruce further stated that in his opinion, there is nothing wrong with Mr. Denzerts request, but that the City Engineer and Building Inspector have studied the code and are familiar with same and the Council has the utmost con- fidence in their decision; that it may be found after further consideration and investigation, that parts of the Building Code could be redrafted to make allow- ances for the exceptions being granted to many builders in the form of non-conform- ing permits. woo Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, the decision of the Property Committee was right, that as the proposed buildings are two separate units with car-ports between, and do not have the required area to conform to the building code, the request should not be granted. Mayor Baxter stated that he too agreed with the decision of the Building Inspector and City Engineer in regard to Mr. Denzer's request, but that in his opinion the requirements of the Building Code should be investigated and studied to see if some corrections or alterations could be inserted or added to the building code to eliminate the necessity of noncon- forming permits; that separate consideration should be given to residences on cor- ner lots as they had access from two streets to their property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council concur in. the re- commendation of the Committee, the Building Inspector and City Engineer and Mr. Denzer's request for a non-conforming permit be denied. I The Building Inspector informed the Council that the request Ms in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the motion to deny Mr. Denzer a non-conforming building permit be amended to refer Mr. Denzer's request to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; F:ichardson, No; Swift, No; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, No; Tamborini, Aye; Dullahant, No; and Holm, Aye. There being 8 "Ayers" and 4 "No's"', the motion carried. Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that Mr. Denzer's request for a noncon- forming permit be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a re- port back of their recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time to submit the proposed Civil Defense Ordinance. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Emergency Ordinance No. 1429, declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies from City Funds for the purpose of providing for payment of the necessary capital outlay (for the acquisition of the Cedar River Park Project, $130,000.00 and construction of a trunk sewer line, $30,000.00, a total of $160,000.00,) including services and expenses necessitated by such emergency. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Emergency Ordinance No. 1429 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Emergency Ordinance be adopted as read.. A roll call vote being taken, and all 12 Councilmen being present and voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a "Fulfillment Conveyance and Acceptance" of the "Agreement and Conveyance" entered into and executed as of April 1.0, 1949, between the City of Renton and the Renton Hill Water Association, both parties acknowledging full performance thereof by each of them to May 1, 1952, that the Renton Hill Water Association, in fulfillment of said "Agreement, conveys, transfers, sets over and assigns unto the City of Renton, the water pipe line and all accessor- ies thereof installed by the Association, together with all pipes, connections, fittings, bends, t ees, valves, pumps, and---all accessories of same; also all interest, rights and privileges of said Association. That this instrument is given in ful— fillment and consummation of the provisions of "Agreement and Conveyance" of April 102 1949, whereby it was contracted that full title to the aforesaid properties and rights shall pass to and vest in the City of Renton effective May 1, 1952. The Agreement and Conveyance was signed by Frank M. Hale, President and Trustee and Russell Collins, Secretary and Trustee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the "Fulfill— ment Conveyance and Acceptance, dated May 1, 1952." Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL; REID, D ELAU RENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN„ HAGEN, DULLAHANT AND HOLM, The Ordinance Committee presented proposed Resolution No. gag, Resolving that the City does accept, and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign and accept for the City, the written "fulfillment conveyance" dated May 1, 1952, executed and tendered by and from the Renton Hill Water Association to the City confirming the transfer to and vesting in the City of Renton the full ownership of water line and access— ories and franchise or permit for the construction, maintenance and operation there— of, heretofore installed and owned by the Association, that by its terms, provides that effective May 1, 1952, title to aforesaid properties and rights shall vest completely in the City of Renton. That the City shall not place or accept additional customer outlets or service connections to or upon aforesaid portions of water line to impair the water supply and pressure for the customers and service connections now attached thereto, until said water lines may be improved or enlarged or the supply of water and pressure therein be otherwise supplemented, and consult with present water service customers before admitting new service connections and cus— tomers. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Dullahant, that proposed Resolution No. gag, be adopted as read. Carried. .� The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 839, as submitted by the Ordinance Committee, correcting the length of service of Ignazio Toschi to ten years and two months, prior to the time that the City joined the Statewide City Employees Retire— ment System. The City Clerk explained that when prior service of several of the City employees was turned into the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, due to the shortage of time for thorough checking and the lack of service record of the employees at the time, all of the prior service earned was not credited to the em— ployee, but that proof of the prior service previously corrected for some employees and for Mr. Toschi, as listed above, was available in the records by checking of warrants for salary paid to the employee for the earned time credited. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that Resolution No. 839 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the present Manager of the Tradewell Store, just north of the City Hall, had approved the Police Chief's recommendation that an exit be constructed to Williams Street from the west side of the west parking lot, and the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare an estimate of the cost of construction of same for the next off— street parking meeting on June 12th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm and Councilman Hansen returned to the Council meeting. The Clerk read the Public Relation Committee's report in regard to the Water Depart— ment — that prior to 1944 , when the metered system was placed in operation, a flat rate of $1.00 per unit was charged. That in 1944 there were 5,000 population com— pared to over 16,000 today in the City of Renton — — that the 'Nater Department, according to State law, must be self—supporting — that revenues collected must be used for this utility. The new contemplated minimum of $1.50 would still be among the lowest, but should be sufficient to provide for the reconditioning of the pre— sent system and to take care of effeTgencies that would likely develop in the future 110 � and the new rate charges would provide the necessary financial surplus to enable the City to sell bonds at a reasonable rate of interest for financing necessary improvements. That said conditions necessitating an increase in rates are normal, considering the growth of the City - - that the City Council feels that increased rates are justified and asks the cooperation of all Renton residents and users of City of Renton water in making this change - - that the City of Renton will con- tinue to provide the best service, (including the following improvements: (1) sink a well at Kennydale and discontinue the use of well #2 in the Highlands, due to the poor quality of the water, (2) Provide new reservoirs at Talbot to doable the capacity of water storage, (3) Replace main water lines and all other water lines where needed,) at the lowest cost and still remain in solvent condition. That the proposed over-all plans for the improvement of the water system in the next 5 years involves the expenditure of one million dollars. The report listed water charges for 1950 of 38 Washington Cities, based on 700 cubic feet consumed. Grand Coulee being the highest with $3.85 and Seattle being the second lowest with $.86 and Renton being the lowest with $.83. Mayor Baxter stated that they would not be able to say what the exact rate Kennydale would be charged would be until representatives of B ramhall and Stein and the Pacific Northwest Water Company had completed their investigation. On the recommendation of Councilman Reid,, moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that publication of the water report be held for one week. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Mayor Baxter, Councilman Swift and Councilman Reid be designated as the official delegates to the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Yakima. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that it is planned to make the outside right traffic lanes at the intersection of Airport Way with Rainier Avenue free-ways, as soon as the outside lanes have been widened to permit a free right hand turn. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that Mr. Geiss, whose property is in- fested with caterpillars, be advised that action must be taken to rid the trees of these caterpillars, or the Council will take action to enforce same. Carried. (*Joseph A. Geiss, 525 Cedar Street) Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Light & Power Committee investi- gate and include in their lighting program, the advisability of installation of 3 mercury vapor lights on the Sunset Highway at the intersections of "H'" Street 11th Avenue North and 12 th Avenue North. Carried. Councilmen Dullahant and Hagen stated to the Council that they enjoyed their terms as Councilmen and had enjoyed working with the Mayor and other Councilmen, that they had considered their service a great experience and they had learned o-onsiderable about City Government. Mayor Baxter thanked Councilmen Dullahant and Hagen for their service as Council- men, stating that same was enjoyed very much and that they had served the City of Renton well. The City Clerk, in appreciation, in behalf of the Clerk's Office, thanked Councilmen Dullahant and Hagen for their cooperation. Councilman Reid informed the Council that the "Stop and Go" traffic light, had been authorized, purchased and received for the 3rd and Shattuck Street inter- section, but that the City had not received authorization for installation of same from the State Highway Department. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Freyman, that the "Stop"and "Go" signal Eight for the 3rd Avenue and Shattuck Street intersection be installed. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Sanitation, Fire & Water and Street & Alley Committee recommended that the Albert Balch Enterprises be required to pay for the .r moving of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company's two-pole transmission line tower to clear the right-of-way for the proposed water and sewer lines to be con- structed by the Balch contractors. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. On the recommendation of Mayor Baxter, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Law & Ordinance Committee draft the necessary Ordinance to provide 3 year terms for Park Board members, and present same to the Council for consider- ation. Carried. 1 1, 1 The Clerk informed the Council, that when the different Boards and Committees were set ups that terms of the appointed members began and ended at different dates during the year; that if all Board.. Commission and Committee members were appointed when newly elected officials were installed, it would be easier to Jeep a record of same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. City erk�� ___. (Ior 112 x Renton, Washington June 2, 1952. A special meeting for the installation of officers, as prescribed by law was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M., ROLL CALL: REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN., TRIIv1M,, TAMBOP.INI AND HOLM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James: Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Mayor Baxter invited Councilmen-elect Vern Morris and Francis Farmer to take the chairs left vacant by Councilman Hagen and Dullahant. The OATS-: OF OFFICE was to be taken by the Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and incoming Councilmen. Mayor Joe R. Baxter was sworn in by the City Clerk, Wiley:C,rook.: The City Clerk, Wiley Crook, was sworn in by Mayor Baxter. The City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, was sworn in by City Clerk, Wiley Crook. The incoming Councilmen, Delaurenti, Reid, Bruce, Hansen, Farmer and Morris, were sworn in by City Clerk, Wiley Crook. The Police Judge, Paul Houser, being unable to attend the special meeting was sworn in by the City Clerk, Wiley Crook, earlier in the evening. On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council thank Councilmen Hagen and Dullahant for their fine cooperation and work for the City of Renton during their terms as Councilmen. that this be incorporated in the minutes.) Carried. Councilman Morris stated that he would, to the best of his ability. cooperate with the Council as one of them in the best interests of the City of Renton. Councilman Farmer stated that he too would cooperate with the Council to the best of his ability, in the best interests of the City of Renton. Councilman Reid stated that each Councilman was required to do so much work for the City and that each Councilman knew that there was a considerable amount; of work to be done in the future, as there had been in the past. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Councilmen who had been in office, welcomed the new Councilmen and extended to them their full cooperation. The City Attorney stated that the last Council had cooperated wholeheartedly in and for the best interests of the City of Renton and had kept the City's business at all times on a dignified plane - - that the Council had worked together wonder- fully and had accomplished a great deal during the past year and should be com- plimented. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he too felt that the Council had worked very harmoniously together and had accomplished a great deal for the City of Renton. The Fire Chief, Police Chief, City Engineer, Street Commissioner, Budget Controller and City Treasurer welcomed the new Councilmen and extended their continued cooper- ation. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, congratulated the newly installed Officials and other Councilmen, for himself and the Housing Authority Staff. Mayor Baxter thanked all in the audience for attending the special meeting for in- stallation of the newly elected and re-elected officials and called on all visitors present to say a few words. y The City Clerk welcomed the incoming Councilmen and extended his cooperation to the Mayor, other elected and appointed Officials and to the Councilmen. Mayor Baxter stated that there was a very cooperative and good working Council this past year; that there was still the power, water, sewer, housing and many other problems to work out during the coming year, that would -take a great deal of time and study and consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. City erk or r✓ Renton, Washington C June 3, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, REID, DELAUIMTI,, RICHARDSON, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Cleik ; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of May 23rd be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3339 — School Dist. #403 Renton Highlands plumbing 40 200.00 Pete Savio 3124 N. Williams St. electric service 1 100.00 Ray Schneider 820 3rd No. repair garage 2 100.00 Marvin Stansen 1212 3rd Ave. install driveway 3 200.00 William Weber 1201f 3rd Ave. No. Re—side residence 4 100.00 Florence Custer 332 Pelly build fence 5 6000.00 Bob Edwards 410 Sunset Blvd. add'n on lockers 6 2000.00 Sam Hubbard 641 Wells St. N. electric service 7 100.00 Fred Zevard 345 Meadow elec. service 8 175.00 Miller Sandwich Shop 8th Ave. N. & Logan break curb 9 300.00 Max Miller 13741 Rainier Ave. erect fence 50 7000.00 Modern Materials Co. 3314 6th Place If house 1 100.00 Frances Miskul.i.n 140 Park Ave. reside house 2 800.00 Ed Novak 2209 9th Place car port 3 100.00 John R. Cox 2105 6th Place electric service 4 — Sam Hubbard 641 N. Wells install oil tank 5 100.00 Frank Vidmar 500 Renton Ave. erect fence 6 225.00 Edward Howard 632 Main St. remodel house 7 50.00 George Camber 2248 6th No, erect fence 8 600.00 Brewers Furniture Co. 311 Airport Way addtn to balcny. 9 250.00 Brewer Furniture 807 2nd Ave. build 3 booths. 60 100.00 O.J. Olson 516 9th Place erect fence 1 60.00 Dave Mitchell 315 Tain repair porch 2 9216.00 Mrs. Shapton 335 Williams St. new residence 3 — Modern Mat'lst Inc. 3215 6th Place install plumbing 4 — If if 3208 6th Place m If 5 _ if " 3202 If it n- is 6 — " if 3214 n It It it, 7 "' " 3220 " "' "' a' 8 n, n 3232 n' rr " it 9 — " 3314 "- "- " If 70 "' n' 3326 n it m If 1 _ If If 3320 111 If m " 2 — "' " 3302 "1 If m n 3 — "' It 3226 " it 111 n, 4 �- "' " 3203 If Ave Nb. W " 5 — " " 3209 n n1 ` nI m 6 — " If 3327 " n rr it. n. 7 _ n; a 3321 If n n It n 8 _ it r'' 3315 " n- " " m 9 — n' n' 3309 n. n. m m it, i 80 — " " 3303 "' " n If rrr ,illi 1 _ If m 3221 " " It n' "I 2 — it rr 3227 It If It 4 m 3 r'" ''' 3233 n' n nr it, n= 84 6000.00 Herb Kindle 11541 Sunset Blvd. erect building 5 —. Herb Kindle "' rr install plumbing 6 — William'Thompson 232 N. Williams "` "' 7 2.00.00 Jessie Clulow 615 High St, erect garage 18 200.00 Joe Tomas 436 Mil1St. erect foundation 9 100.00 Glen Guy 14062 Sunset Hiwy. repair roof 90 50.00 John Diambri 518 N. Burnett erect driveway. The Clerk read a Convention Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities informing those attending the Convention of festivities of Thursday evening, June 5th at Yakima's Municipal Airport. The Clerk read a communication from A. E. Rotchford, Secretary of the Washington Public Service Commission, Olympia to Mayor Baxter, stating under Chapter 228, Laws of 1943., the Commission is vested with the duty to regulate the speed of rail- road trains within the Cities of the 2nd and 3rd class and towns - - that the hazards presented shall be weighed against the practical operation of trains; That after a thorough investigation, the Commission is of the opinion that a maximum speed through the City of Renton should not e&eed 10 miles per hour over allcrossings at grade. The Commission desires to be advised as to the Mayor's view with respect to .., the above mentioned maximum speed; that unless the Commission is informed within 15 days, of any objection to the above mentioned speed, they will issue an order accordingly. After a short discussion, it was unanimously agreed by the Council that the Mayor inform the Washington Public Service Commission that trains passing through the City of Renton should not exceed the rate of 10 miles per hour until they have passed through all crossings within the City limits. The Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer stating that he had received an opinion from the City of Renton's legal consultants advising the City to pro- ceed with the bid call for the Earlington sewer project; that the plans and specifi- cations are in order and the City Engineer would like to advertise the bid call on June 12th and 19th, and the date of the opening of bids be set as July 1, 1952. The Engineer further stated that bids will be received on both clay and concrete pipe and that it will be specified that contractors may bid on the L.T.D., and the trunk sewer jointly or separately. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and that July 1st be set for the opening of the bids. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he, in con- junction with the Police Department, has worked out a simplified plan to expedite traffic flow through the Maple Valley-Sunset Highway intersection; that they will proceed with the work immediately as no major new construction work is necessary - r that the first phase of the work will be simply to rearrange the existing traffic lights and set the roper timing for the signals. The budget allocation for this project was set at 1 6,000.00, and the City Engineer does not expect the full im- provement to exceed $4,000.00. The City Engineer further informed the Council that this plan would be on a trial basis - - that the expense incurred would be for widening the land from Issaquah, on the side adjacent to the service station, and for changing the present street lights- to the sodium vapor type - - that the State Highway Department had re- commended that mercury vapor lights be installed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the City Engineer's plan and he be authorized to proceed with this improvement at the Maple Valley-Sunset Highway Wye. Carried. A third communication was read from the City Engineer regarding test drilling for a new deep well, water supply at Kennydale, that of the three sites selected as being favorable, the site chosen as most likely to produce the best water flow had produced a good supply of water at 275 feet and that they feel that they continue to 350 feet with this test role, that they should have clean water with an estimated flow of 900 gallons per minute, or 1,300,000 gallons per day. The City Engineer further stated that with this flow the City would serve the lower Renton area and eliminate the Windsor Hills booster pump, except for emergency use, thus reducing water costs; that an additional $2,000.00 to the previously borrowed $3,000.00 from Cumulative Fund #1183, would complete the test drilling to the 350 foot depth and r..� the City Engineer recommends that this additional sum be provided and borrowed from Cumulative Fund #1183 - - that reviewing this phase of the planning, $40,000.00 has been approved for the 1952 Revenue Bond Issue to develop the Kennydale well - that with the estimate of the anticipated quantity of water at the 350 foot depth, the well would provide twice the volume of water per minute (900 gallons instead of 450 gallons) for a little over one-half the cost per gallon. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. 116 The City Engineer explained that the additional $2000.00 as well as the $3000.00 was a loan from Cumulative Fund #1183 until the bonds are issued; also that it would not be necessary to make application to the Department of hydraulics, for same, until they test pump the well. A proposal was read from the City Engineer for the acquisition of property for the proposed future expansion of the Sewage Treatment Plant,"That the City of Renton proposed to purchase from the Renton School District No. 403, that portion of school land abutting the east boundary of the existing city sewage treatment plant and extending 674.47 feet easterly to the west margin of Logan Street, and said property being 320,00 feet in depth and parallel to the south margin of 6th Avenue North. That the described parcel of land is 4.95 acres in area, with an estimated fair price value of not exceeding $2000.00 per acre; That this pro— perty, upon acquisition, shall be used for the expansion of the sewage treatment plant within five years, and purchase of said property shall be included in the Plan and System Ordinance for the Sewage Treatment Plant and Water Works System, Revenue Bond Issue of 1952. Councilman Swift stated that the proposal. was to be presented at tonight's Council meeting so the Council could submit same to the School Board for their consideration at their meeting June 12th which is their last meeting until fall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the proposal to purchase that portion of school land abutting the east boundary of the existing city sewage treatment plant from the Renton School- District, be submitted to the School Board for consideration at their June 12th meeting. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Sanitation Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney present the proposal to the School Board. Carried. A communication was read from A. Alden See, Sr., to Mayor Baxter, stating his opinion in regard to Mr. Denier's non—conforming permit. Mr. See requests the Mayor accept his resignation from both the Planning Canmi— ssion and Board of Examiners and Appeals. Mayor Baxter stated that he had not accepted Mr. See's resignation from either Board. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in Mr. See's request. After a short discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the motion be tabled. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council as a whole would meet and confer with the Housing Authority immediately following this evening's meeting, soon after 9;00 P.M., to discuss the Policy in regard to the Cedar River Housing Project. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that Councilman Swift be elected President of the Council for the ensuing year. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Frejman, that the Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for George Swift as President of the Council for the ensuing year. Carried. The Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for George Swift for President of the Council for the ensuing year. Councilman Reid thanked the Mayor and Council for their cooperation during his term as President of the Council and stated that Councilman Swift had been a very faithful Councilman, had done his duties well and had worked very hard as Council— man for the City of Renton; Mr. Reid wished Councilman Swift good luck and hoped he received the fine cooperation and assistance from the Mayor, Council and Department Heads and Officials, that he received as President of the Council. Mayor Baxter thanked Councilman Reid for the very fine cooperation and help he had personally received this last year from Councilman Reid, as well. as his cooperation and assistance to the Council.. Councilman Swift thanked the Council for electing him their President and stated that he would continue to work in the City's behalf to the best of his ability. 11 Mayor Baxter stated, that in view of Councilman Swift's past record of workman— ship, efforts and cooperation, he f elt that Councilman Swift would make a very fine President of the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that a letter of appreciation and thanks from the Mayor and Council as a whole be written to Councilman Reid for his past services to the Council and to the City of Fenton, and that this letter be incorporated into the minutes. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Housing Authority representative had informed him that there was furniture and equipment for 22 apartments available from the Highlands for the Cedar River Park Project, that same must be moved immed— iately and stored by the City of Renton, or the City may loose their opportunity to receive same; that the Property Committee recommended that the meeting room and dining hall of the Cedar River Project be used for this purpose. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council authorize the Housing Authority to use the Cedar River dining hall and meeting room for storage purposes immediately. Carried. The Park Superintendent stated that these rooms were being used at the present time, and that ,schedules would have to be rearranged. Mayor Baxter stated that the Housing Authority had relinquished their claim on these properties and the City should have them put in a satisfactory storage place as soon as possible. Mayor Baxter thanked the Budget Controller, Mr. Alexander, for obtaining the in— ventory. Mayor Baxter stated that together with Councilman Bruce, representing the Prop— erty Committee, Councilman Freyman, the Finance Committee and Councilman Holm, the Auditing and Accounting Committee, he had appointed Budget Controller, Elton Alexander to represent the City in taking the inventory. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Civil Defense Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Civil Defense Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Holm, Aye; Morris, Aye, and Farmer, Aye. All Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that he had a new Ordinance to present at the next Council meeting. The City Attorney stated that the new Ordinance was a final system Ordinance covering the 1952 Revenue Bond Issue. The City Engineer stated that this Ordinance would have to be put in effect before the City could begin the 1952 Earlington Trunk Sewer and Local Improvement District Improvement Project. Mayor Baxter stated that all necessary appointments of committees would be made by the next Council meeting. The City Attorney informed Mayor Baxter that he would attend the meeting with the Housing Authority, after the regular Council meeting this evening. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. 118 x PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 4637-4765 16,538.15 CLAIM CURRENT 364- 449 18,677.86, CLAWS WATER 8604-8616 41030.79 CLAWS PARK 1674-1681 1,525.91 CLAINB ATHLETIC 614- 615 271.52 CLAIM SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2226-2236 1,533.30 CLAIMS CITY STREET 6257-6266 31997.69 CLAINE AIRPORT 1329-1339 1,762.35 CLAIM LIBRARY 2507-2516 391.07 CLAWS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 442— /52 245.91 CLAIM FIREMEN'S PEN FD. — CLAINE CUMULATIVE FD. #1183 385- 386 11968.7 . CLAIMS CEDAR RIVER PARK ,ACQUISITION FD. Norman Riddell Clerk of Court. 1 125,658.00 Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. i� Cler}: Mayor Renton, Washington June 10, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, REID, DELAUREIITI,. RICHARDSON, BRUCE, FREY1,1AN, HANSEN., TRIM, TAMBORINI, HOLM AND FARMER. (Councilman Morris was reported on an emergency power and light call.) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Asst. City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; David Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Special meeting of June 2nd be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 3rd be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter presented outgoing Councilman Hagen, with a gift from the Mayor, Council and Department Head:.. stating that it was in appreciation of his cooper- ation, helpfulness and diligent service to the City during his entire term as Councilman. Councilman Hagen accepted the gift very graciously and thanked the Mayor, Council and Department Heads for their past cooperation and stated that the,-Council had a lot of work to do in the near future and that improvement sIall around the"'Cfty are significant of past Council action - - that today he had heard that Kennyda.le bathing beach had ',)een closed for repairs and improvements which would require considerable work and that he hoped that the beach would soon be opened for the use of the public, in order that the program of the Park Board and Recreation Council could be carried on. Councilman Delaurenti, on behalf of the Council, stated that the Councilmen all appreciated Mr. Hagen's cooperation and willingness to help solve the City of Renton's problems during his term as Councilman and invited him to attend as many Council meetings in the future as possible - - that they would appreciate any helpful advice or suggestions that he would care to make in the future. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the Council express their appreciation and thanks to Mr. Hagen for his cooperation and help this past year. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from Mayor Baxter, Councilmen Charles Delaurenti, B. J. Richardson, George Swift, Hugh Bruce, Herman Freyman, Olin Hansen, Thomas Trimm, Steve Tamborini, Don Holm, Arne Hagen and Clarence Dullahant, to past Council President Walt Reid, expressing their deep appreciation and heartiest thanks for his cooperation and guidance this past year as President of the Council and stating "You have served the Council, as well as the City of Renton,, exception- ally well, and it is a pleasure and honor to have your advice and capable leader- ship to guide us." Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be presented to Councilman Reid. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from Albert Balch, the Realtor who is constructing 110 homes, adjacent to the Renton Highlands, protesting the City of Renton's decision that Mr. Balch pay for the cost of relocating the Puget Sound Power & Light Companyls poles in the easement where proposed water and sewer mains are 1rn to be placed, that in his opinion, because of his voluminous building plans, the City of Renton should provide the easement without cost to him. Councilman Swift reminded the Council that several months ago when the request for annexation was presented, that the City had agreed to allow Mr. Balch to connect sewer and water mains of the President Park addition to the sewer and water mains of the City of Renton, and that it might be considered and be less expensive to the City to extend the water and sewer mains to 6th Avenue North, instead of across the Housing Authority property. 'QU Councilman Richardson stated that at a special meeting in April, 1951, according to a statement by Mr. Balch, to the Council and Planning Commission "the develop- ment Company would improve the streets of the proposed area by blacktopping same and would install water and sewer mains for the use of residents of the area; ex- penses of said improvements to be borne by the Development Company, with no ex- pense to the City for said improvements. After a thorough discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the pro- blem he referred to the City Engineer for a written report back at the next Council meeting, Tuesday, June 17th. Carried. Mr. Hardenburgh, owner and manager of Stoneway Dock Company, stated that the build- ing program sponsored by Mr. Balch is being delayed by lack of water to his pro- ject, as water is needed immediately for use in construction of the homes. The City Attorney stated that he would contact the City Engineer and endeavor to take as quick action as possible. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Mr. Bramhall had called and informed him that Mr. Shefelman would not be available next week for work on the final draft of the Plan & System Ordinance which was presented to the Council on June 3rd, in a preliminary form, for their consideration; also, that the fiscal consultants would be prepared to present their recommendations in regard to the proposed Earlington trunk sewer and local improvement district next week and requested that this meeting be held with a Council Committee. Moved by Richardson,, seconded by Hansen, that the fiscal consultants meet with the Council as a whole, at a recess, during the June 17th Council meeting. Carried. The Clerk read an application for a "Locksmith and Key Makerts License" from Isaac N. Lowe, 446 Windsor Way, Renton, Washington, with the approval of Angelo Busato, Chief of Police, subject to return of records of fingerprints, F.B. I., and the Washington State Patrol; also, that subject applicant is to work only with C.L. Mathie for one year as an apprentice." Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the application be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to acts subject to the approval of the Chief of Police. Carried. The Clerk read Public Notice No, F-52-56, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Office of the District Engineer, Seattle, stating application has been received from the General Engineering Company on behalf of the Bryn Mawr-Lake Ridge Sewer District for Department of the Army permit to construct a sewer outfall in Lake Washington at Bryn Mawr; the notice further stated that the decision would rest primarily upon the effect the proposed work would have on navigation and that objections should reach the District Engineer's Office before June 10, 1952. Mayor Baxter stated he had received the notice after the last Council meeting and as the property was not within the Renton City limits, had the bulletin read for Council information only. Councilman Swift stated that the drain pipes would be submerged and would extend out into the lake approximately 450 feet. The communication was ordered filed. As this was the date set for the hearing on the annexation petition of H. G. White for a portion of the SE Quarter of the NE Quarter of Section 17, TWP 23 N Range 5 E WM situated in King County, Washington (east of Windsor Hills on the southerly limits of the City of Renton, between E Street, extended southerly and I Street, extended southerly, to southeast 128th Street, or 4th Avenue North, ex- tended. The Clerk stated there were no written or oral protests received. There were no oral protests from anyone in the audience. There being a question as to 60 foot right-of-ways for streets in this new addi- tion, and the City Attorney informing the Council that the hearing could be continued one week, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the petition for annexation of Hugh White's property, as described above, be extended for one week and be referred to the City Engineer for a report back at the next Council meeting on June 17th. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported, there being no protests received, they would present the proposed Ordinance changing the street names in Earlington at the next Council meeting for its 2nd and final reading. 121 Counc=ilman Reid informed the Council that the Park Superintendent, Building In— spector and himself had inspected the light poles in Liberty Park and that plans had been unavoidably delayed, but that Mr. Coleman would be out to Renton this Saturday to make his inspection and report. The Mayor granted the Light and Power Committee more time to report on the mercury vapor Lights for the Sunset Highway at the intersections of "H" Street, 11th and 12th Avenue North; that the Light and Power Committee was investigating the need of these, and other lights throughout the City of Renton.. In regard to the Kennydale Swimming Beach, the Park Superintendent, ,Gene Coulon informed the Council that this beach had been closed for improvements and repairs because of the debris floating on the water and the condition of the bath houses, restrooms, and the dock — — that the Park Board had been investigating the possi— ibility of obtaining a certain piece of property of approximately 7 acres in area, at the South end of Lake Washington, just east of Shuffleton Plant; that the Park Board does not approve the Kennydale Beach being used until it is repaired and improved — — that the Kennydale Beach does not have a large enough area for parents and others accompanying the children to sit, while waiting for them; that after crossing the highway to the beach, they must cross over railroad tracks, which is not entirely safe for the children, and that two roads intersect with the main highway, adjacent to the beach, creating a hazardous spot — — that the Park Board is interested in a larger bathing beach area. The Park Superintendent stated that 'cif something is not done now, we may never have a chance to have any property on Lake Washington for a swimming beach at all.* Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the problem of obtaining the pro— pert,; described above be referred to the Property Committee and-Park Department to investigate and report back to the Council. Carried. The Park Superintendent informed the Council that it was difficult to keep their recreation help as other State and County Recreation Departments were in a pos— ition to pay their help considerable more than Renton is able to pay, but that he was satisfied that the Supervisors he has retained for the balance of this year would stay at the present arrangements, but that consideration should be given to salaries in the Park Department at the time the 1953 budget was drafted. The Park Superintendent further informed the Council that the County Engineers had informed fto him that the Kennydale beach would be repaired and cleared for the safety of the children within the next two weeks. Councilman Tamborini requested Council consideration of a playground area for children in South Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this problem be referred to the Property Committee and Park Board to investigate and report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce informed the Council that the Property Committee had investigated one area in South Renton which had proved unsatisfactory but they would investigate any areas that were suggested. Councilman Holm stated that, in his opinion, more thought should be given to the proposed storage rooms at Cedar River Park, as this particular area had proved to be a very much used area as a meeting place for 8 or 9 clubs; that the Housing Director had informed him that there was other storage areas that could be used, although it would be more inconvenient to store materials and supplies in same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the question of storing special supplies be referred back to the Property Committee to contact Mr. Don Humble, Exe— cutive Director of the Housing Authority and Gene Coulon, Recreation Director, to work out a more satisfactory program. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a short recess with the City Attorney and Police lam and License Committee. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, REID,, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN,, TRINM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police and License Committee and Assistant City Attorney had met previously to the Council meeting with all 'owners and taxi— cab drivers in the City of Renton, but were unable to come to a satisfactory agree— ment as far as the installation of meters in the cabs being mandatory by City Ordinance; that two taxicab companies would like to have meters installed and two taxicab companies would prefer notIto have meters installed - - that they had left it up to the taxicab companies that were in favor of meters to submit a petition to make it mandatory to have meters installed in all taxicabs in the City of Renton. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, this was a private business and that the City should not compel taxicab companies to install meters - - that the taxicab ordinance requires taxicab rates to be posted in the taxicabs and if a Taxicab Company's rates are too high, the passengers should file complaints against the companies. Councilman Tamborini, stated that he had never heard any complaints from passengers that the rates were too high. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of installing meters in taxi- cabs be left as is with the Police and License Committee, unless or until the Council receives complaints against the rates in the form of a petition. Carried. Mayor Baxter read his appointment of Arthur Haugan as City Attorney. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter read his appointment of James Highton as City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the appoint- ment of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter read his appointment of Dave Pugh as Street Commissioner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter read his appointment of Dr. John F. Beattie as Health Officer. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter read his appointment of Elton Alexander as Budget Controller and Pur- chasing Agent, Councilman Trimm inquired if it was necessary for the Council to concur in these appointments and stated that if the Council does not have the authority to consider resignations of City Officials, or Committee or Commission members, he could see no reason for the Council approving the appointments. Councilman Delaurenti stated that normally the Mayor and Council would accept a resignation of any official or committee member who wished to resign. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, unless he accepted or rejected a resig- nation, the matter would not be presented to the Council for their approval or dis- approval. The City Attorney informed the Council that as certain positions for City Officials and Department Heads were set up by State Law and City Ordinances, delegating to the Mayor the appointive responsibility of s electing personnel for said positions subject to Council approval, that if a person wished toresign from his position, the Mayor can accept the resignation, subject to the Council's approval. Mayor Baxter read his appointments of Angelo Busato as Chief of Police, and Floyd Lawrence as Fire Chief. As these are Civil Service appointments, it was not necessary that the Council con- cur in the appointments. ..rr Mayor Baxter stated that the Park Superintendent and Assistant City Attorney were working on a proposed ordinance setting up the qualifications, duties and terms of office of the Park Board and that same would be presented to the Ordinance Committee for consideration as soon as it is completed. Mayor Baxter stated that one or two memebrs of the Library Board had moved outside the City limits of the City of Renton and that he would have to give more consider- ation to new appointments. 123 Mayor Baxter stated that he had decided to appoint a new Insurance Commissioner in order to give all of the qualified Insurance Companies a fair representation. Mayor Baxter read his appointments of William Davis, Chairman and Tom Dobson and F. T. Allen as members of the Insurance Commission. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointments of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter read his appointment of Assistant Police Chief, C, E. McCarthy as Executive Director of Civilian Defense. Moved by Holm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the Mayor's appoint- ment. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that all other Council Committees would remain the same until the next Council meeting. The Chief of Police informed the Council that the light at the 3rd and Rainier intersection was obsolete, that the light needed adjustment and that as there was only one man in the State that was familiar with the mechanism, that he would con- tact the State Highway Department and request that this light be adjusted as soon as possible. In mgard to the partially burned house on 521 Burnett Street, Councilman Swift stated that some form of condemnation action should be taken, after an additional week is allowed to investigate what improvement is planned, as it was reported that this house, is at the present time, under repair. Councilman Swift recommended, in regard to the partially torn down house, and collapsed garage on the East side of Burnett Street at 7th Avenue North, that this is a hazard to children and condemnation proceedings should be started at once. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of Councilman Swift and that the Building Inspector, Fire Chief and City Attorney draft the necessary condemnation proceedings. Carried. Councilman Holm asked for a discussion in regard to Boards and Commissions within the City of Renton and inquired if it would be advisable to designate certain members of the Council to set in on Board and Commission meetings so that the Council would be informed of the progress and/or troubles of the different Board and Commissions - - so that there might be definite connections to promote cooperation and understanding between the Boards and Commissions and the City Council. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion, this was a very excellent idea and he would appreciate being designated as Chairman of the Police and License Committee, to attend Police Department Civil Service Commission meetings. Councilman Richardson stated that during Mayor Burrows term he had been appointed by Mayor Burrows to set in on the Recreation Council Board meetings, and since that time, had been called by the Board and had attended most of these meetings. Mayor Baxter stated that he was unfamiliar with the origin of authority to appoint such representatives, however he felt it was�very good idea and he would investigate his authority to make such appointments, and set up a calendar of same. The Park Superintendent, who is also Recreation Director, informed the Council that at the time the Recreation Board was established, Councilman Richardson had been appointed to represent the Council at their meetings, and that as he was still willing to attend their meetings and had cooperated well with the Board, they had not asked that a new appointment be made. Councilman Reid stated, that in his opinion, this was a very good idea and that the Council should adhere to same. On being asked for information regarding same, the Mayor stated that in his opinion, it would be better if the Chairmen of the Council Committees were appointed to re- present the Council at the meetings of the corresponding Boards and Commissions. Councilman Reid reported that the City of Renton was very well represented at the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Yakima, that there were 14 officials and department heads present, including Mrs. Della Farmer, Air Raid Warden for Windsor Hills; that through Councilman Jones of Seattle, they were able to get an "off-street parking" Resolution through - - that the City of Renton was rep resented 24 c at all different panels - - that there were 27 cities represented at 'the conven- ~ tion, having their own electrical distribution systems and the report that Council- man Reid received was very favorable for the City of Renton - - that the electrical panel is planning on meeting twice a year - - that they plan to make their recomm- endations to the Executive Board Committee of the Association of Washington Cities. Councilman Reid further reported that the exact zoning procedure was outlined for the Cities. The City Clerk stated that he had attended the Finance Officer's meeting and that an interesting discussion of "Business Tax" had been given, and further stated that no City that had adopted the Business Tax had ever discontinued same - - that the business tax raises from between $3.00 to $5.00 per capita in the cities that have adopted same - - that they had received no complaints from Business concerns affected, that in each case, when the business tax had been levied, a full ex- planation had been given to all those business concerns in the City that would be assessed - - that the accounting of same was very simple. The City Clerk further stated that a new "sidewalk law" was discussed, but the panel thought that the present L.Z.D. law was better. Mayor Baxter stated that he had been appointed by the Association of Washington Cities Executive Board to the Nominating Committee and that he had an opportunity to witness and take part in the election of Officers for the ensuing term, that Councilman Bob Jones of Seattle was elected President of the Association and Robert Stobbs, Mayor of Enumclaw, was appointed to the Executive Board for the ensuing year. Councilman Morris stated that he had enjoyed attending the Association of Wash- ington Cities Convention, that he had a better understanding of the duty of Committee members and had learned that. the Councilmen have a direct responsibility to their City, as far as Boards and Authorities are concerned. Councilman Farmer stated that he had attended the panel on "Disaster Preparedness" that the different City problems are mutual - - that the inland cities are con- cerned over disaster, such as flood, fire and atomic attacks, as the cities near the coast - - that the matter of setting up a Disaster Preparedness Commission was discussed - that under this system the City of Renton would have an Organiza- tion already established in time of emergency; that officials of Yakima had in- quired as to Renton's plans and preparedness for Civilian Defense. Mayor Baxter stated th^t he has a letter stating that the City of Renton is the first City to have prepared and published a Civil Defense pamphlet, w='th the approval of the State and County Civil Defense Directors. Councilman Tamborini stated that the two new Councilmen should be congratulated for their interest and attendance at the panel meetings at the convention. Mayor .,Jaxter sLated that he would bring his copy of the State Auditor's Report and comments, which he had just received, to the next council meeting for council consideration and discussion. Moved by Tamboriri, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. City Clerk Mayor 9 Renton, Washington June 17, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, REID,,. DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, 'IAMBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, irn Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will., Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, -Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of June 10, 1952, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT - NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3391 400.00 Charles Be Mack 515 A. Ste construct basement 2 - Phillip Rupprecht 520 C. St. install furnace 3 600.00 Thomas Anderson 554 Main St. remodel house 4 11000.00 lst Baptist Church 326 Smithers remodel church 5 70.00 Mrs, Charles Houghton 2105 6th Ave N. erect fence 6 109000.00 Frank Vidmar 504 Renton St. erect residence 7 600.00 Clinton Reed 2315 6th Ave. N. construct basement 8 700.00 Fred Illian 429 Burnett Ste remodel house 9 200.00 J. F. Neukirchen 530 D. Ste install concrete driveway 3400 900.00 Barney Doyle 315 Park Avenue remodel house 1 50.00 E.M. Curtis 11309 SE 116th St. erect fence 2 - J. C. Mathewson 2102 9th Place install furnace 4 30.00 Jack Schneider 2205 5th Place install water heater 6 - John Trottman 400 Mill Street install bathroom fixtures 5 250.00 Harvey Schoening 2nd .7 Logan erect small office bldg. 7 40.00 Gerard Shellan 13504 54th S. erect flower box .. 8 100.00 Anton Roberts 535 Smithers reshingle roof 9 - Joe Drazich 105 Factory install fixtures 10 - Russell Raymond 2405 9th Ave. N. install oil furnace 1 150.00 W. J. Sequin 334 N. Williams reshingle residence 2 100.00 Wm. J. Cook 2332 Gtr. Place remodel house 3 - Mr. Norris 711 Jones St. install plumbing 4 31000.00 St. Anthony's Chr. 5617-211 135th So. move house 5 400.00 Mrs. Fuller 11.2 Wells St. install driveway 6 - Bob Edwards 410 Sunset Blvd. install plumbing 7 200.00 H. V. Charnell, 633 Burnett St. new roof 8 7,000.00 Modern Materials 3325 7th Place erect residence 9 71000.00 Modern Materials 3320 7th Place W It 3420 7,000.00 "' W 3314 m m It 1 7,000,00 Modern 'r 3305 2 7,000.JO " If 3302 3 7,000.00 " "' 3232 4 7,000.00 "' " 3226 n m It 5 7,000.00 " "' 3 220 " "' "' 6 7,000.00 " m 3214 n. n, n 7 7,000.00 "' "' 3208 " it " 5 7,000.00 " It 3202 "' it It 9 71000.00 " "' 643 N. St. erect residence 30 71000.00 " n 3321 7th Place- 1 lace 1 71000.00 " "t 3315 w "` 2 7,000.00 n. n, 3309 n; "' " n� 3 71000.00 " "' 3305 6th North 4 7j.000.00 " " 3314 1" North 5 79000.00 "` "` 3320 "' 6 7,000.00 " " 3326 m nr n n 7 71000.00 It it 3338 It It It It 5 100.00 Allen R. Sprague 1521 3rd N. vire service 9 100.00 Robon Polson 910 E. Ste install oil barrels 40 700.00 Bob Rivily 3rd & Morris install underground tank 1 - Floyd Lawrence 305 Pelly St. install plumbing 126 This being the date set for the opening of bids for the employees blanket bond, the clerk read the only bid received, which was from William F. Davis; for one year $2500.00 per person, $217.20; for 3 years, $2500.00 person, $543.00. As there was only one bid received, it is to be considered later on this evening.This being the date set for the opening of bids for the purchase ofnLocal Improvement District #239, the Clerk read (1) a bid from Hughbanks, Inc., of $100.19 for warrants bearing 4% interest, (2) Terry Thompson, 10.00 for warrants bearing 4z% interest, plus a premium of $505.00 for all of the legally issued 4-21% Guaranty Fund Bonds, (3) Grande and Company, $100.14 for warrants bearing 41% interest. Moved by Reid, seconded by Holm, that the bids be referred to the Auditing and Account— ing Committee and Finance Committee for consideration. Carried. Councilman Holm, Chairman of the Auditing Committee requested that the Council recess later in this evening's meeting for consideration of the bids and a report back. Mayor Baxter inquired if the Council intended to consider extending water and sewer mains to the President Park Addition at the present time. This matter having been referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney at the last Council meeting for a report back, the Clerk read a communication from the City Eng— ineer stating that he finds no written agreement committing the City to this install— ation; that therefore the Council must rely on the verbal understaning to make its determination; that in his opinion, it would be unwise to establish A set policy for the extension of the City water and sewer lines because of the prohibitive cost under certain conditions, as a city operation. That, regarding the Balch Development, it is estimated that the cost of'extending the City w ater and sewer lines to the west edge of the project will- be $3000.00, not including the $560.00 estimated^to relocate the power line poles. Moved by Holm, seconded by Farmer, that the City bear the expense of extending the City of Renton water and sewer mains to the edge of the Balch property and also that the City of Renton bear the expense of relocating the power line poles. Councilman Reid requested, as there was a verbal understanding between the Council and Balch representatives to bring the City of Renton water and sewer mains to the edge of the Balch private housing development, that this matter be taken up separa— tely from the problem of relocating the power line poles. Councilman Swift requested that the motion read, that the City would enter into an agreement with the Balch representatives in w ritingi said agreement stating what the City would do. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, the City has obtained a new addition of homes, that the City would realize profit from this addition and the City should cooperate with the developer by bearing the expense of extending water and sewer mains to the west boundary of the President Park Addition, recently annexed to the City of Renton. Councilman Bruce stated that the Council had agreed to extend water and sewer mains to the Balch property line over 6th Avenue North, if an easement is obtained over said route. Councilman Swift stated, in his opinion, if this was private property, the abutting property owners would be required to pay for the improvement, but that the Council had pledged the City to Extend the water and sewer mains to this one particular area only and that an agreement should be prepared outlining the City's obligation in re— gard to said agreement, to be approved and acknowledged by Mr. Balch. The Clerk informed the Council that there was nothing in past Council minutes in regard to the Council agreeing to extend the City of Renton's water and sewer mains to the edge of the Balch property — — that there is a communication on .file from Mr. Balch agreeing to install water and sewer lines and streets in the new addition at his own expense, without any expense to the City of Renton — — that there is no written agreement between the City of Renton and Balch's representatives obligating the City of Renton to extend the water and sewer mains to the west side of the Pres— ident Park Addition. The City Engineer informed the Council that the entire project of extending the City of Renton water and sewer mains to the west boundary of the President Park addition and the relocating of the power line poles would cost $3560.00. 27 Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the motion be amended to read that before the improvement work begins, a written agreement outlining in d eta.il the City's obligation in the improvement, shall be entered into by and between the City of Renton and Mr. Balch. The amendment carried. The motion as amended then carried. On the recommendation of the City Attorney, moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of drafting a written agreement between the City of Renton and Mr. Balch for relocating the power line poles and for extending the City of Renton water and sewer mains to the President Park Addition, be referred to the Council as a whole and the City Attorney. Carried. Re: the bids on warrants and bonds for L.I.P., No. 239, Mr. Terry Thompson, from the audience stated that as he was the second lowest bidder and that as Grande & Company, [� together with H. P. Pratt and Company had submitted the best bid, that if be could be of any assistance to the Council Committee in making their selection, in the best interest of the City of Fenton, that he would be glad to assist. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council thank Mr. Thompson, for his offer of assistance to the Council and that the Council accept, with appreciation, Mr. Thompson's offer. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, REID, DELAURENTI� RICHARDSON, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN,. TAIIBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER. Councilman Holm reported for the Auditing and Accounting Committee and Finance Committee, that after a thorough consideration of the three bids received for pur- chase of Local Improvement District No. 239 warrants and bonds, the Committee re- commended acceptance of the bid of Grande & Company (together with H. P. Pratt & Co.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee, that the bid of Grande & Company be accepted. Carried. Moved by Holm, seconded by Freyman, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to t execute the agreement in regard to the purchase of warrants and bonds as above re- ferred to. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from A. G. Hoefer, President of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, announcing the 30th Annual Business meeting of the organization at the Hotel Davenport at Spokane, Washington, September 9th through 12th, 1952. The communication stated that the City of Renton Building Inspector, being an active member, is urgently needed at the Annual Business meeting ; that the 1952 edition of the Uniform Building Code is being brought from the press this month and will receive a great deal of attention by way of interpretation for building officials who are enforcing the code in their own locality - - that there are 645 cities operating under the Uniform Building Code and that adoption of this latest edition by reason of its modern provisions, will improve the status of the Code in our City and help build up the gross income of the building deparment - - that enforcement of these new provisions also will be discussed by the Code Maint- enance authorities of the Conference. On the recommendation of Mayor Baxter, moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Building Inspector be authorized to attend the Conference and that his expenses be allowed by the City of Renton. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission regarding Mr. James Denzerts request for a non-conforming permit to erect an addition to the existing residence on Lot 15, Block 3, Car Works Addition to the City of Renton, stating that a Planning Commission Committee had visited subject location and had found that the proposed addition conforms with the established building line along this block, which was established before the Zoning Ordinance was adopted - - that since this is a corner lot, the proposed addition would face on 3rd Avenue North and would improve the looks of the street by hiding the back and alleys of existing buildings - - that the owner is furnishing off-street park- ing for said addition, which is an advantage in that particular neighborhood. The Planning Commission further discussed the conflict in wording and interpretation between the Building Code, adopted a few years ago, and the Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Myers stated that the Zoning Ordinance is now being studied by the Planning Commission for future recommendations to the City Council for elimination of these conflicts; that in view of the above reasons and findings of the Planning Commission, X28 the Planning Commission recommended that the Council approve the request for a non- C conforming permit by Mr. James Denzer for the building addition on the property described, provided that he covers only the breeze-way between the new addition and existing building, and does not cover the proposed carport. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Broce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Councilman Richardson stated that it was his understanding that the law specifi- cally states that the Cities having Zoning Ordinances are required to live up to the Zoning Ordinance and that before voting on Mr. Denzer's petition for a nonconform- ing permit, the Council should investigate in regard to the legality of the Plann- ing Commission's recommendation.. Councilman Reid stated, confirmed by Councilman Swift, that information was given at the Association of Washington Cities Convention, that 'spot zoning' , which would be necessary in order to grant Mr. Denzer's request was ruled unconstitutional by the Suprement-Court of the State of Washington - - that the City Council cannot legally authorize spot zoning, and that in fairness to Mr. Denzer, the Planning Commission and the City Council, the motion to concur in the Planning Commission's recommendation be tabled for one week. Mr. Denzer, from the audience, stated that Renton residents hav- been granted similar non-conforming building permits for years and that his request is not a re- quest for 'spot zoning', but a non-conforming building permit request. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, this is the point in question; that the request might be considered a spot zoning request, and as was stated in the panel meeting at the Association of Washington Cities Convention, it is unconsti- tutional for the City togrant a spot zoning request, and that he suggested that the motion be tabled for one week until the Council has determined the legality of the Planning Commission's recommendation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Counr-.il table the mot_'-on for one week untill-a Committee of the Council, together with the City Attorney, has investi- gated the legality of the recorriendation. Carried. (Mr. Gay of Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, who was one of the speakers on 'zoning' at the Association of Washington Cities Convention, Mr. Joshua Vogel and-Floyd Jennings, Consultant of the Association of Washington Cities were suggested as sources of information on this subject.) A report was .read from the City Engineer stating that test drilling for the new Kennydale well is completed, with very satisfactory results, although unexpected difficulties had been encountered during the drilling operations - - the City Eng- ineer also stated that the cost to test drill was estimated to be $6000.00 - - that to date $5000.00 had been expended, and requested a final loan of $1000.00 from Cumulative Fund No. 1183 to test pump the well and complete the exploratory work. Councilman Richardson reported that the City Engineer took Councilman Reid and himself to the test well site; that Mr. Borencamp and Mr. Wolfe were at the job site and had stated that the water from the well was very good according to the rating report from the Northwest Testing Laboratories. Councilman Richardson stated, that in his opinion, the City Engineer's request is in order. The City Eng- ineer stated that the test drilling was completed last night and the next step required is to test pump the well, to determine the volume of water to be pumped from the well. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini,, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he has definite information from the U S. Corps of Army Engineers that work will start soon on construction of an army camp to the east of the City of Renton, and that they are concerned over the water supply to their proposed site. The City Engineer further stated that he had discussed the problem with the U.S. Engineer's staff and suggested that they submit a proposal, which was attached, in this regard, to the Council for their consideration. It is the opinion of the City Engineer that in- stallation of a water main to this proposed army site will improve the Renton Hill Water Association service, as well as to supply the Army's needs. (The proposal from A. J. D'A rezzo, Lt. Colonel., Corps of Engineers, Acting District Engineer, U.S. Army, dated June 17, 1952, was as follows: 'that a contract is ex— pected to be awarded in the near future to the Army installation on- the Cemetery Road near Southeast 156th Avenue; that one of the improvements is the installation of an adequate water supply and that oral conditions, in arranging for such a supply are as follows: "The City of Renton will be paid a connection charge of $4100.00 to cover improvements to the existing pumping plant which supplies water to an existing 4 inch water main extending approximately 5500 feet east on the Cemetery Road to Southeast 136th Avenue, to also include a connection to the east end of said existing main and installation of a one inch -.Tater meter. (Improvement of the existing pumping plant is understood to be low necessary torovide sufficient water at an adequate pressure to the Army installation. That in return for the connection charge, the City of Renton will agree to provide not less than 12 gallons per minute of water to the site at a minimum residual pressure of 20 pounds per square inch. The water to be piped from the meter to the site through approximately 5500 feet of 2" galvanized iron pipe line to be installed by the Government. That inasmuch as the improvement to the existing system will result in d efinite benefits to present users and to the City, it is suggested that the U.S. Government be charged only a proportionate share of the total cost, and that it is re— commended that the U.S. Government contribute $2100.00 toward the improve— ments with the remaining $2000.00 to be credited to its account; monthly charges for water, based on the same rate that other users pay, would be sub— tracted from the credit balance until it is exhausted; that if the Army installation is moved and the need for water service ended, the U. S. Govern— ment would be reimbursed for the amount of the current credit balance and would transfer ownership of the two inch line to the City of Renton - — monthly demand of the installation to be about 26,100 cubic feet per month."` The proposal further stated that if the conditions, as stated, are satisfactory to the City of Renton, immediate act' on will be initiated to �kaw up a water service contract based thereon. The U.S. Army Engineers request an early reply.) On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the proposal be referred to the Water Committee to make a thorough investigation and to report back. low The City Engineer informed the Council that the Army is not working with individuals on this proposed water line, that they are working independently — — that the Army wants to run a. private line only and want to increase the pumping capacity of the presently used pump. Councilman Bruce stated that it was his understanding that the present water main of the Renton Hill Water Association, just transferred to the City of Renton, was loaded to capacity and other residents would not be allowed to join on to this main. The City Engineer stated that this new installation that is being proposed would guarantee the residents in this area equal, or better service than they have at the present time. The motion that the proposal be referred to the Water Committee to make a thorough investigation and report back then carried. A copy of a communication from D. E. Darby, Director of Washington State Civil Defense, to Col. William D. Frazer, King County Director of Civil Defense was read, requesting that Col. Frazer thank the Iy3yor and Council for being the first City in the State to submit a City Plan for Civil Defense, which had been approved by the State and County Civil Defense Directors. Mayor Baxter stated that he had been asked by the Pacific Car &-Foundry Company re— presentatives for permission to use certain Renton Streets from the Pacific Car and Foundry Company to the Seaplane Ramp on Lake Washington at the Renton Municipal "M Airport, to transport a vehicle with large wheels, for proving and testing, re— commending that the request be- referred to the Street & Alley Committee to contact Mr. Walt Scudder of the Pacific Car and Foundry Company for further information. The City Engineer stated that he, together with Captain Isackson of the Police Department and Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, had talked with Lt. Hess and Jacobson of the Army Ordinance at the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, in regard to this giant amphibious vehicle being moved over Renton Streets; that the vehicle is equipped with oversize (regular type) balloon tires; that the vehicle is large but the weight is evenly distributed. The City engineer- further stated that the Pacific Car & Foundry Company a;rees to accept the responsibility for any and all personal injuries and/or property damage caused by said operation and that they will travel a de— �= signated route. The City Engineer recommends that the request be granted, under direct supervision of the Police Department, providing the Pacific Car and Foundry Company complies with all above provisions. Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the letter be incorporated in the Council minutes. PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY June 13, 1952 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council, City Hall, Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We are presently engaged in a research and development program for the Army Trans— portation Corps which involves large size rubber tired amphibious vehicles. In order to properly test these vehicles we are arranging for permission to use the north apron of the Boeing—Renton plant for ingress and egress to Lake Wash— ington. To reach this ramp it will be necessary to traverse certain Renton City Streets, as discussed by representatives of this Company and the Army Transporta— tion Corps with the C-ty Engineer. Your approval of such use is respectfully re— quested. In consideration of such approval from the City of Renton, Pacific Car and Foundry Company agrees to indemnify the City of Renton for any and all damage caused to city streets or property by such use, and to hold the City of Renton harmless from any and all liability arising therefrom. We wish to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the Renton City Council and city officials for the excellent cooperation we have always received in carrying out our commitments to the United States Government. Yours very truly PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY Isl W.N. Scudder Secretary WHS lr Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee had two Ordinances to present to the Council. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1432 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, subject Ordinance having been placed on its first reading on May 13th and referred to the Ordinance Committee; sunject Ordinance having been published as a proposed Ordinance May 15, 1952, changing the names of certain streets and avenues in Earlington, within the City of Renton and repealing all ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict therewith. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1432 and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1432 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that pro— posed ordinance No. 1432 be adopted as read. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1433, relating to acquisition by condemnation of portions of Government Lots 4 and 7, (in the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17) Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in the City of Renton), known as Cedar River Park, King County Superior Court Cause No. 440308, under Ordinance No. 1415 and 1429, accepting the condemnation awards made therein and authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to pay the necessary warrants into the registry of the Superior Court of King County in full payment of the awards of condemnation made therein. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Cormittee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1433 and re— commended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No.' 1433 be -_ laced on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance be a dopted as read. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed the following Council Committees, the first Councilman being the Chairman of the Committee. I POLICE & LICE'.NSE COMMITTEE: Charles Delaurenti, Steve Tamborini and Herman Freyman. FIRE & WAT-IM COMMITTEE: Francis Farmer, Charles Delaurenti and Walt Reid. LIGHT & POWER COMMITTEE: Walt Reid, Charles Delaurenti and Vern Morris. SANITATION COMMITTEE: Steve Tamborini, Walt Reid and B. J. Fichardson FINANCE & CLAIMS COMMITTEE: Herman Freyman, Steve Tamborini and Olin Hansen. PROPERTY COMMITTEE: Hugh Bruce, Herman Freyman and George Swift. AUDITING & ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE: Don Holm, Olin Hansen and Francis Farmer, PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Olin Hansen, Hugh Bruce and Francis Farmer. ORDINANCE COMMITTEE: B. J. Fichardscn, Thomas Trimm and Don Holm. STREET & ALLEY COMMITTEE: George Swift, B. J. Richardson and Don Holm. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Vern Morris, George Swift and Thomas Trimm. WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE: Thomas Trimm, Vern Morris and Hugh Bruce. Mayor Baxter appointed Rev. Godfrey Hartzell, Lon Tackett and Miss Frances Gallacher to the Park Board. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter recommended when the proposed Park Board Ordinance becomes effective, that the new member to the Park Board be appointed to the one year term, and other members the two and three year terms- depending on their years of service on the Board. The Park Superintendent informed the Council that he and the Park Board had written ism for information in regard to Park Boards and that as soon as this information was received, he would present a rough draft of the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for their consideration. Mayor Baxter stated that new cards, giving the names and offices of newly elected and appointed officials and Department Heads would be printed within the next few weeks. The City Clerk was requested to furnish each Councilman a temporary list of the newly appointed Council Committees. The Clerk informed the Council that the blanket bond bid, submitted by William Davis for all City employees, other than those elected, was the same as the one pre— viously submitted by Mr. Davis. As the call for bids was advertised in the correct and legal manner, and there being no other bids received, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept the bid of Williaml4vis. Carried. A Councilman Richardson requested the Clerk to read a communication from William B. Pond, Supervisor, Recreation Division, State Parks and Recreation Commission ex— tending an invitation to attend and participate in the Public Parks and Recreation section of the 17th Annual Institute of Government at the University of Washir_oton on July 15, 1952. Mr. Pond was formerly Park Superintendent and Recreation Director of the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that he too had received an invitation to the Institute. Park Superintendent Gene Coulon stated that the Park Board had authorized his attendance at the Institute. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council authorize the Park Superintendent, and any Councilmen who are able, to attend the Institute. Carried. 132 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were allowed and ordered paid. PAYROLLS ALL D EPARTMENTS' 4766-4930 $26,676.67 CLAIMS CURRENT 450-458. 18096.26 CLAIMS WATER 8617-8620 2,618.65 CLAIMS PARK 1682-1683 11816.78 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 616- 617 341.36 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2237-2240 1,298.11 CLAIMS CITY STREET 6267-6268 2,772.03 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1340-1342 845.78 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2517-2519 1,175.95 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 453- 454 105.00 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 85- 86 250.00 CLAIMS CEDAR EVER PARK 2- 8 71501,51 ACQ. FD. CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1183 385 - Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmbr 'tha.t' the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. City C rk ' ay" 133 Renton, Washington June 24, 1952. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL:. SWIFi', REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIP-M, TAMBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FAR1,4ER. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS present were: Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1952 be approved as corrected. Carried. The Clerk read a report relative to OFF STRII-M PARKING, signed by Councilman George Swift, Chairman and Councilmen B. J. hichardson and City Engineer James Highton, Street Commissioner Dave Pugh, Police Chief Angelo Busato, Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce — Henry Reynolds and Chamber of Commerce member represen— tatives, Tom Dobson, Floyd Hughes and Chris Brewer, who are members of the OFF STREET PARKING Committee. The purpose of the study was to determine methods to alleviate parkingcongestion in the City of Fenton and to recommend a solution to the parking problem. The report stated that the City operates 337 parking meters and has accomo— dations for approximately 247 cars in private parking lots and that improvement of the existing meter system incorporates changes in allotted time incertain areas — — that improvement of the existing meter system incorporates changes in allotted time in certain areas — — that improvement of private lots is a difficult problem end the committee suggests to the operators, type's of parking to be provided for as follows: 1. The shopper, who requires a short time. 2. The employee, who could park from 3 to 5 blocks away from his work 3. Those who require several hours for doctor visits, 6 bus passengers to neighboring cities, visitors, etc. The Committee suggested improving alloted time on present meter system to better serve the shopper and merchant and the off—street parking areas, located adjacent to the business area, but not prohibitive in price. The Committee recommends for immediate action — 1. That the City proceed to acquire certain property as stated for Off— Street Parking. 2. That the existing meter system be expanded to include additional street areas and also adjusting certain charges and time intervals on specified meters as indicated in the report. 3. That no changes be made in charges for parking in locations included in the present parking meter system until some OFF STREET PARKING areas are established, excepting the corner meters in the core area — — that subject corner meters be set immediately at 30 minutes for one nickel, to reduce the "cruising" problem, 4. That NO LEFT TURN signs be installed on the existing traffic signals at the principal intersections in the core area. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Off—Street Parking Committee report, as presented, be accepted by the -Council and referred back to the OFF—STREET PARKING CO1,1MITTEE to prepare and submit cost estimates for the Council's consideration on Items 3 and 4. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Committee report back to the Council as soon as possible, the estimated cost for Item 3 and 4, of the report, to enable the Council to proceed as speedily as possible on these items. Carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift that favorable publicity be given the Off—Street Parking problem, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Chief of Police, and both the Renton News Record and the Renton Chronicle be furnished a copy of the Off—Street Parking report. Carried. 34 A request was read from Arthur E. Roll, 8812 Langston Road, for a non—conforming per— ~ mit to build a garage on his property up to the property line. A aketch of the pro— posed garage, which would be nearly all underground, was attached. The City Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Roll that he must secure a written notorized agreement from the adjoining property owner and present same to the Council, with the original petition, for their consideration. A communication was read from W. F. Carter, Grady L. Hammon and W. H. Sweeny, Water Committee representatives of proposed Water District #90, protesting a proposal sub— mitted to the City of Renton by M. R. Green in regard to furnishing the Army Camp east of Renton with water. The communication also contained information that a com— prehensive plan is under way for proposed Water District No. 90 to be voted into ex— istence on July 15, 1952; that M. R. Green of the Army Engineers has promised fin— ancial assistance to subject Water District in payment of services and water to be furnished to the Army Camp by said Water District, that the proposed financial assistance will be very greatly needed and they request that any Council action he held in abeyance until the Water District is formed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for consideration, together with the City Engineer's and U.S. Corps, Army Engineer's report, submitted at the June 17th Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney, in regard to ,the appointment and confirmation of himself as City Attorney for the ensuing; 4—year term, as per the communication, Mr. Haugan reappointed Mr. Gerard M. Shellan as Assis— tant City Attorney for the same term. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the appoint— ment of Mr. Gerard M. Shellan as Assistant City Attorney. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented proposed Resolution No. 840. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 840, and Agreement for Termination of Lease, labeled Exhibit A., and made a part of said Resolution, as submitted by the Public Housing Administration, and presented by the Ordinance Committee of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that proposed Resolution No. 840 be adopted as read. Carried unanimously. The Assistant City Attorney explained that he had a call from the Public Housing Administration in San Francisco and that their office had sent the Agreement for Termination of Lease, in order that same could be given consideration by the Renton City Council, that it is possible that they will transfer to the City of Renton by Monday June 30th, the Cedar River Project, and that it was his opinion, that as Resolution No. 840 and the attached Agreement for Termination of Lease had been passed and approved this evening, it would speed up the relinquishment and transfer of the Cedar River Project to the City of Renton — — that in event the Project was transferred to the City on June 30th, the City should derive considerable revenue from the project during the summer. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that the City had acquired all mineral, oil and coal rights to the property and that there was a possibility that the City of Renton would have to pay taxes and/or assessments for the 2nd half of the year on the property but that the Clerk of King County would not allow the prior owners of the property to receive payment for same, until all taxes and assessments for 1952 were paid. On the request for same, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney be furnished certified copies of excerpts from this evening's meeting showing the Council's action in regard to Resolution No. 840 and attached Agreement. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT,; REID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON.. BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN. TRIMI, TAMBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER, The Mayor granted the Building Inspector, Fire Chief and City Attorney more time to investigate and prepare the necessary condemnation action on the partially torn down house on the east side of Burnett Street at 7th Avenue. The Park Superintendent informed the Council that he had discussed with Councilman Bruce the matter of storage space at Cedar River Park for the furniture that is to be made available and that they are cancelling the meeting schedules of the different groups to make this space available; that Councilman Bruce had informed him that the s torage space is to be used on a temporary basis - - and that Council- man Bruce and the City Council, realizing the need for recreation space, which is far greater from September 1st through June, had instructed Mr. Coulon to vacate a storage area. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion the City should purchase identification decals to be used on all furniture and fixtures that was the property of the City and that he recommended Council consideration of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of Mayor Baxter and the matter be referred to the Property Committee for further action. Carried. Councilman Morris requested consideration of revision or amending of Ordinance No. 1361 which established certain standing committees and duties thereof of the City Council and certain other committees, stating that Sections 1, 91 12 and 13 should be revised to conform with present Council Committees. Moved by Morris, seconded by Freyman, that Ordinance No. 1361 be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for amendment and/or revision to permit Sections 1, 9, 12 and 13 to conform with present Council Committees. Carried. Councilman Hansen, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee stated that he had completed his report in regard to proposed water rates for the City of Renton and would submit a copy of same to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to be used as a basis for the proposed water Ordinance to be submitted at the next Council meeting, July 1st. The Public Relation's Committee Report is to be published at the same time as the proposed water ordinance. Councilman Reid stated that the light poles at Liberty Park had been inspected and it had been determined that 80 percent of the poles were safe and would be con- sidered good for 10 to 15 years more - - that the poles determined to be in poor conditions should be replace, or taken dawn immediately and that it was estimated 6W to cost approximately $3000.00 to make this improvement including replacement of broken brackets and light fixtures - - that the matter of proceeding with this im- rovement would be up to the Council as a whole - - that there is an investment of 25,000.00 there at the present time and it would be a question as to advisability of making this improvement on this investment at Liberty Park. Councilman Morris stated that because of the danger of the brackets falling off and hurting someone, the brackets that are in good condition should be secured fast to the poles, or if necessary, should be replaced, with lights, at the time of inspection. Mayor Baxter recommended that the problem of securing accurate costs for this improvement be referred back to the Light and Power Committee together with the Ways and Means Committee to determine the correct way to finance the proposed im- provement if same is to be approved by the Council. The Park Superintendent stated that unless an adequate number of lamps are situated on the adjacent light poles, the park would not be of any value for fast ball. - - that previously the Park Board had received many complaints of insufficient light- ing for night fast ball.; that the relocation of poles for fast ball. would spoil. the park for base ball. Councilman Delaurenti requested that the Light and Power Committee contact the Park Superintendent and Park Board for their recommendation as to the necessity for lights. The City Engineer stated that (1) the City Council had previously adopted a plan for all outdoor facilities at Liberty Park to be moved to Cedar River Park, (2) That the State Safety Code requires cat-walks on the poles for flood lights and that if the fixtures are replaced the code should be complied with. Councilman Reid stated that the poles, complete with fixtures, could be removed to another park in case it was decided proper to do so. 136 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the report of the Light & Power Committee and the Committee be requested to submit the estimated cost of this improvement for the July 1st Council meeting — — the Ways and Means Committee to work with the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported for the Ordinance Committee (Councilmen Don Holm, Thomas Trimm and himself) , in regard to the approval of a non—conforming permit for Mr. James Denzer, the City Clerk and Building Inspector having contacted Mr. Joshua H. Vogel, Planning & Public Works Consultant representing the Association of Wash— ington Cities and receiving his opinion, that Ordinance No. 1164 provides for a front yard of 20 foot depth, rear yard of 25 foot depth and side yards of 5 foot depth; that R-1 shall provide lot areas of not less than 4800 square feet, mini— mum 50 feet width for single family dwelling, with an additional 1200 square feet for a duplex — — that 65% of land area is to be left as open space, free from structures. The report further stated that this lot has approximately 4100 square feet, which is approximately 700 square feet less than.is required for a single dwelling unit — — the proposed structure will cover approximately 35% of the lot area which is specified by the Ordinance and that in view of the fact that the pro— posed lot is 1900 square feet smaller than the minimum area specified for more than one family unit on a lot, it is the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee that the non—conforming permit requested by Mr. James Denzer be denied. Councilman Tamborini stated that he did not approve of this action as similar non— conforming permits to the one requested by Mr. Denzer had been issued to other Renton residents in the past. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the .recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. After an inquiry regarding subject motion, the Assistant City Attorney ruled that the motion which was previously tabled in regard to this question, should receive action prior to any other motion in regard to same, and Councilman Swift's motion was declared out of order. As all Councilmen had not seen Mr. Vogel's report in regard to the non—conforming building permit requested by Mr. Denzer, the Clerk read Mr. Vogel's report as follows: "That a permit cannot legally be granted by the City under the present Ordinance; that if the zoning ordinance is amended, after public hearing and usual Council action, with concurrence of the Planning Commission, such request could be granted, but such an amendment would mean the whole or major part of the residential area would have to have the same privilege, and referred to "spot zoning" decision of the Washington State Suprement Court which prohibits a spot zoning permit for only one property, and further stating that to amend the ordinance would require study and careful revision of the whole ordinance as this request means the following items are being changed quite radically: (1� Subject lot is undersized for a two— family dwelling with garage space, (2) Yard requirements, ie., side yards are not now according to Ordinance, (3) required front yard and back ,yard not possible for even an extension of present dwelling if garage space is allowed, (4) Ordinance would have to allow two—family unit on 4000 square feet with yard requirements re— duced, (5) If two dwellings, then all yard requirements on this size lot are im- possible and change in Ordinance to allow two dwellings means practically no more ,yard requirements in residential area. Shacks may result, (6) If lot was 6000 sq. feet as per Ordinance, a duplex could be allowed, but front yard of 20 feet and back yard of 25 feet would be necessary and subject corner lot is too small and narrow. (7) Value of residences, fire insurance hazards and premium rates, and density would be greatly changed to detriment of the area; that it hardly seems wise to let this one lot value create such a condition and a possible public opposition when the hearing is held." — — That in towns such as Bremerton, where crowding has existed for sometime, the undersirable conditions and congestion is apparent — — that even if sufficient area was segregated for such a congested housing, still. it is not recommended that quite such a removal of limitations as subject lot would require, be adopted without very careful study of the future of the City. Mr. Denzer, from the audience, stated that as the motion at the last Council meet— ing was to bfer consideration of the Planning Commission's recommendation for one week until the Ordinance Committee had investigated the legality of approving the Planning Commission's recommendation in connection with subject petition that the Council should act on this motion in regard to the legality of the permit in connection with the zoning code, and not in connection with the Building Code, or a report from Mr. Vogel. 3 A*� Councilman Holm stated that the Council is not limited to whom it may consult with and that the Committee had carefully checked the Zoning Ordinance and had determined that said Ordinance does not permit approval of such a. request, also, that the opinion from the Washington State Supreme Court, handed down with the last three months on the sunject of "spot zoning" rules "spot zoning" illegal. On the information of the City Attorney that the Council does not have to accept the recommendation of Mr. Vogel, as they do not have to accept the advice of my City Official — — that it is entirely up to the Council; the Council had previously voted to obtain the advice of a person who has expert advice on the subject and assuming that this man is right and learning that the Planning Commission's recommendation would, be illegal and the Ordinance is correct, the Council's action would be null and void if they approved this motion; that the Council would have to change the Ordinance — — that under the present Ordinance, and the report submitted by the Ordinance Committee, based on Mr. Vogel's interpretation, if the Council voted affirmatively on Councilman Freyman's motion, the Council would be trying to make legal something that cannot be done. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, the Council should either accept or reject the report of the Planning Commission. Moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the motion on the floor at this time, Councilman Freyman's motion of acceptance of the Planning Commission's recommendation,) be tabled indefinitely. On the request of Councilmen Tamborini and Morris, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, No; Richardson, !!ye; Freyman, No; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, No; Tamborini, No; Holm, Aye; Morris, No and Farmer, Aye. There being six "Aye's" and five "No's", the motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that this information gathered by the Ordinance Committee be referred to the Planning Commission for further consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. Mr. Denzer, from the audience, stated that the Council should not make an exception it of his request, that it is similar to permits previously granted in other parts of Renton and that if his petition is not approved, he intends to construct an addi— tion to the existing building as he has a Building Permit for same, which gives him this right, which was previously obtained from the Engineering Department for an addition previously referred to, but that he had hoped to be able to build- first— class residences, instead of an addition on a building, that he was only requesting a permit to complete the separate building in order to make this street more attractive than it is at the present time. Councilman Holm stated that the matter had been referred to the Planning Commission and the Council should postpone any further discussion until the Planning Commission had reconsidered the matter and report back their recommendation on same. In regard to the written agreement to be drafted by the Council as a whole and the City Attorney, between the City of Renton and Mr. Balch, the City Engineer stated that the City of Renton has neither the proper equipment or trained manpower to per— form the necessary work of relocating the power poles and installation of sewer and water mains. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of drafting a written agreement in regard to the Balch problem, as stated above, be referred to the City Attorney,, City Engineer and Street & Alley Committee to prepare and submit a written agreement for Tuesday night, July lst Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that the Building Superintendent have electric fans in the Council Chambers inspected for better service. Councilman Farmer requested information in regard to safety measures to warn people, particularly children, swimming and playing in Cedar River, stating that at the peak production hours additional spillways at the dam are opened causing a greater current of water in the river and that such a current is too strong to allow people in the river to keep their balance; that the trouble should be investigated and remedied at the source. Mayor Baxter stated that the Waterway Commission could post warning signs along the river bank to warn people of the danger of the current. i 138 Moved by Morris, seconded by Freyman, that this problem be referred to the Legis- lative Committee to investigate and make a recommendation in regard to same to the Council as soon as possible. Carried. The Park Superintendent stated that he had met with the Director of the Park Board Planning for King County and his Assistant - - that they are going to investigate further with the Park Board as to ownership of certain property that is needed in order to acquire and improve properly a Municipal swimming beach for public use and that any information received will be referred to the Council's Property Com- mittee for their consideration. Councilman Holm explained to the Council that after passage of Resolution No. 840, authorizing signing of the "Agreement for Termination of Lease" for the Cedar River Park Project, that under the circumstances, that should the City of Renton acquire the project before July 1, 1952, that in his opinion, the present Renton Housing Authority should be requested to continue the management of same. A motion was made by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, should the City of Renton acquire the Cedar River Park Project before July 1, 1952, that the Renton Housing Authority be given temporary authority to receive money and make necessary expenditures for the City of Renton., Carried. A report was read from Francis Farmer, Chairman and Councilmen Walt Reid and Charles Delaurenti, members of the Fire & Water Committee, recommending that the City Engineer be authorized to make arrangements for the Fire and Water Committee to meet with the Army Engineers for a discussion of the proposal of the U. S. Army Engineers in regard to a proposed water supply to a camp site to the east of the City of Renton and that members of- the proposed Water District No. 90 be in- vited- to this discussion. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Proved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Ci Clerk Y yor now 139 Renton, Washington July 1, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, REID, RICHARDSON, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM,, TAMBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER. (Councilman Delaurenti had reported that he would be late) . OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: City Attorney. Arthur Haugan,; Police Chief, Angelo Busato; Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence; City Clerk, Wiley Crook; City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett; City Engineer, .Tames Highton ; Building Inspector, Walt Will and Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the June 24 Council meeting be approved as corrected. 'Carr:ied. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO.. AMOUNT NAME ADDP= TYPE OF WORK 3443 200.00 D.M. Maloney 736 Cedar Street siding on residence 2-,A — John T. Jarman 111 Williams St. install furnace 3 25.00 Frank Novak 2216 9th Place erect retaining wall 4 400.00 Donald Jacobson 2211 7th North erect garage 5 600.00 John J. O'Brien 530 Shattuck St. addition on residence 6 25.00 Irvin S. Brandow 429 N. Wells erect fence 7 600.00 Vern Morris 404 Main Street reside residence 8 — Modern Materials 3402 6th Place install plumb fixtures 9 — "' " 3408 6th Place nt m It! 50 — 3414 n m it n, it, 1 — " "' 3420 rt, I" n rn if 2 _ n n 3426 117 u 3 — " "' 3432 n, n ►n m if, 4 3 502 n, n, m m ,r. 5 — n ►r 3 508 n n• m m it, 6 _ n n 3 514 rr rr 't n, if, 7 — "' "' 3 520 n n n m to 8 — " "' 3 526 n n n n it 9 _ n 3532 n n m n it 60 — rt " 3 533 n n n n It 1 3 527 't 2 — n; n` 3521 n, n m tr m 3 — "' "' 3 515 " "' If if it, 4 — it, n 3 509 rt n. n, n, ,r 5 — "' "' 3503 " Ave., No. If, it rr 6 — ►t m 3433 a n , rr, of it 7 — rt it 3427 m n, it n, if g - n. n 31421 "' +t If rt! n 9 _ if IV 3415 n n' It: n n 70 — " it 3409 n n, If m r► 1 — 4 if 3403 't' It• rt r It, n 2 = Joh Stienet 13695 Rainier Ave. "' Blacktop driveway 3 7,000.00 Modern Materials 3526 7th Place Erect dwelling 4 7,000.00 't' "` 3 520 " it I 5 7,000.00 if "' 3514 6 7,O0D.00 "t 't' 3508 °r' m if 7 7,000.00 "f It, 3502 11: m it 8 7,000.00 't` if 3448 It: ►r if 9 7p000.00 " If. 3444 it, m n - 3480 7,000.00 't it, 3440 "' It If, 1 71000.00 "' it 3436 'r it, Al 2 71000.00 't, it 3424 It, fir it 3 71000.00 "' It, :418 rt. nr it -4 71000.00 't' " 3412 1t ,,, m 5 7,'000.00 't, It. 640 11. Street 6 71000.00 It it 648 N, "' n, n 7 7,000..00 "' 'i' 3332 7th Place 8 71000.00 "' 't' 3 533 7th I" 9 71000.00 n' 3527 7th 11 m nr 140 � x NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3490 71000.00 Modern Materials 3521 7th Place erect dwelling 1 71000.00 "' "' 3 516 it, " 2 7,000,00 if "' 3509 If it 3 71000.00 if, fit 3 503 it u 4 72000.00 If " 3431 it 5 72000.00 ": 'r' 3425 " rr 6 71000.00 "` "' 3413 n n. 7 72000.00 It n, 3419 n It 8 7,000.00 if It 3506 m n 9 71000.00 " n, 3514 "' n. 3500 72000.00 m 111, 3520 n, n 1 72000.00 " " 3528 n. It 2 71000.00 't' "' 627 "0" Street " 3 71000.00 "' " 633 "On m n 4 500.00 Delina Richards 520 Whitworth addition house 5 250.00 Harold Andrews 924 F. Street erect carport 6 - John Anarde 8802 140th St. S. install plumbing 7 - Frank Major 14014 89th Ave. S. Install oil barrels 8 400.00 G. W. Harinus 652 G. St. erect carport 9 - Lee Ward 913 5th Avenue install oil tank 3510 150.00 Modern Materials 3202 6th Place "' elec. Service 1 150.00 n, to, 3208 2 150.00 rt it 321.4 n, rr r► 3 150.00 "' it 3220 4 150.00 n} m 3226 rt, n ►r 5 150.00 't' rt, 3232 n, n m 6 150.00 n, "' 3302 rt, n, n 7 150.00 "' "' 3314 n m n 8 150.00 it n 3320 ru fir n 9 150.00 if " 3326 It m rr 3520 11200.00 Sam Hubbard, 641 Wells St. No. IF " 1 350.00 Walt Garrison 2008 9th Ave. No. Erect garage 2 100.00 Mary B. Brown 500 Burnett St. demo?_ish garage 3 31000.00 1st Baptist Church 326 Smithers remodel church 4 350.00 Mrs. Shapton 525 Williams install elec. Serv. 5 500.00 Arthur Wood 619 Morris "' ,concrete foot- ings. 6: 400.00 A.C. Jones 2109 9th North enlarge basement 7 100.00 Decker & Lodmell 14057 Sunset Blvd. remodel. Cafe 8 101000.00 Sam Hubbard 641 Wells St. remodel building 9 100.00 Kenneth Crabtree 13827 89th St, install elec. Serv. 3530 300.00 Betz Florist 413 Third Ave. re-stucco bldg. This being the date set for the opening of bids on a trunk sewer main'constrution and construction of sewer and laterals in Earlington, L.I.D., #239, the Clerk opened and read bids as follows: L.I.D. #239 TRUNK .SEWER BIDDER CLAY CONCRETE CLAY CONCPZTE Scheumann & Johnson $82011..12 $78,809.06 $141,228.70 $13,539.90 Lloyd Bldg. , Seattle, Wn. Superior Construction Co. 94061.60 88,,416.50 139752-.00 13.050.00 4610 37th S.14.) Seattle, Wn. Harry E. Olds 102,690.79 98,626.40 12,208.50 11,431.00 3111 No. 24th Tacoma 7, Wn. N. Fiorito 90,544.00 86,496.40 102399.00 91778.75 844 W. 48th Seattle, Wn, Valley Constriction Co. 76,684.08 73,723.90 12,780.25 12,178.37 7720 Rainier Ave., Seattle, Wn. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the bids be referred to the Council as a whole, and the Council recess for consideration of same. 1 1. With the consent of his second, Councilman Freyman, Councilman Bruce withdrew his motion in favor of a motion by Tamborini, seconded by Morris, that the bids be re- ferred to the Council as a whole and City Engineer for consideration and a report back next week. Carried. A communication was read from Elmer Pistoresi, President and Wally Clarke, Secretary of the Renton Lions Club thanking the Mayor and Council for their cooperation this past year. The communication was ordered filed. A petition was read from Mike Rockey, Hellen Billeter, Donald Niemi, Mary Feltrin and Ben Johnson, requesting that a street light be in:,talled on Main Street near the "Y" intersection of Main Street and Grady Way, as same is a traffic hazard to pedestrians. 6 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that this petition be referred to the Light & Power Committee for a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending the City Council approve tentative plat plans submitted for the Hugh White Housing Development. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that all streets are platted 60 feet in width in the Hugh White addition, except one short street approximately 400 feet -in length, which dead ends, and owing to the topography of the ground a street the full 60 feet in widths was not considered necessary. A communication was read from the City Engineer informing the Mayor and `'ouncil of a tentative time of 9:00 P.M., this evening for a meeting of the City Council with Mr. Balch to discuss terms of a proposed agreement by and between the City of Renton and Mr. Balch. Mayor Baxter stated that he would like to have a letter read, which had been re- ceived by the Police Department and had been turned over to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration, for the council's information. The City Clerk read a communication, addressed to the Traffic Division of the Police Department from R. E. Theinhardt (First Federal Savings & Loan Association, Alec Pelto (J. C. Penny) , the Renton Chronicle, J. Butts, Mrs. T.E. Cavanaugh (Renton Plumbing and Heating), O.K. Moody, President (First National Bank) , and Joe Paglia, stating that pedestrians coming from Post Office, across Williams Street, between 3rd Avenue and Walla Walla Avenue, through the heavy automotive traffic on said street, create a traffic hazard and suggested that a pedestrian crossing lane be es- tablished at the proper location to minimize the probability of accidents in sub- ject area. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Ordinance Committee had an Ordinance prepared to pre- sent this evening in regard to acquisition of the Cedar River Park Project - - that on June 30th 1952 both the City of Renton and the Housing Authority had signed the necessary papers transferring to the City of Renton the Cedar River Housing Project. The Clerk read Resolution No. 841 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, as follows: "In the acquisition of buildings and improvements in Cedar River Park Pro- ject by transfer from the Federal Government, it is incumbent upon the City of Renton in subsequent operation of said housing project to make certain payments In lieu of taxes, and said Project has now been transferred from the Government to the City of Renton- on June 30, 1952 and that the sum of $6251.51 as payments in lieu of taxes for the remaining six months of 1952 are due and payable at time of transfer, therefore the City Treasurer and City Clerk of Renton are authorized to disburse from the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund, said sum for the purpose of such payments in lieu of taxes for the last half of 1952 and the issuance by them of warrants for said purpose on June 30, 1952 is hereby approved and ratified, it being necessary in order to obtain transfer of the project on that date and the City Treasurer is authorized to transfer the above sum from the "Current Fund" as a loan to said "Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund", said loan to be re- paid therefrom to the Current Fund as and when funds become available therefor in said Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund. The City Clerk read the "Relinquishment and Transfer of Housing under Section 601 (b) of the Lanham Act," which stated that pursuant to the City of Rentonts request of June 19, 1951, filed and supported as required by Section 601 of the Lanham Act, 142 c as amended, and based upon representations contained therein, and sunject to the con- M••r dition contained in the second paragraph of this instrument, the Housing; and Home C' Finance Administration hereby relinquishes and transfers, withoat monetary consider- ation, to the City of Renton, all right, title and interest of the United States in and with respect to the temporary housing located on land controlled by the City of Renton, in the area known as Renton, King County, Washington and designated as Pro- ject WASH-45136. That in addition to any amounts which the City of Renton has agreed to pay to the United States pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph IV of its appli- cation, dated June 19, 1951, the City further agrees, upon acceptance of this instru- ment, to reimburse the United .States for any land rent which the Government may have prepaid for the Project site for any period which extends beyond June 30, 1952 - - that no right, title or interest in or to any land held by the Unites States is re- linquished or transferred by this instrument, but there is transferredtothe City of Renton all right, title and interest of the United States in and to the personal property located on Project WASH-45136 as described on the inventory attached here- to marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof; that there is transferred and assigned to the City of Renton all right, title and interest of the United States in a sewer line and underpass extending beyond the site of Project WASH-45136 and in the ease- ments acquired by the United States for the purpose of constructing and using the utility lines and the underpass; that the above-described request filed by the City of Renton, having been made by the governing body of the City having jurisdiction in the area in which the temporary housing is located, the removal requirements con- tained in Section 313 of the Lanham Act are hereby terminated, and shall. cease to apply to said temporary housing. This relinquishment shall become effective as of 5:00 P.M., on June 30th 1952. Executed the 27th day of June, 1952. Signed by Arthur L. Chladek, Acting Director, San Francisco,Field Office, Public Housing Administra- tion, Housing and Home Administrator, attested by B. Shirley Edwards, Attesting Officer. The Clerk read Exhibit "A - Agreement for Termination of Lease," WHEREAS, by lease dated February 1, 1943, trustees (13 names listed) for the use and benefit of Horace B. Sartori, did grant unto the United States of America, the use and occupancy of certain land situated in the County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of Government Lots 4 and 7 and of the southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5, East W.M., in said lease more particularly described, and WHEREAS the City of Renton acquired fee simple title to said land by condemnation proceedings Case No. 440308 instituted against the owners of said land in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County and WHEREAS, by Supplemental Order and Judgment entered in said condemnation proceedings, it is pro- vided that all title, in benefits and rights of the Respondents in the sondem- nation proceedings in the lease dated February 1, 1943 to the United States of America shall be transferred, assigned, set over to and vested in the City of Renton excepting that the Respondents in the condemnation proceedings shall be entitled to the pro-rata portion of the quarterly rental as provided in said lease, due or to be- come due on June 30, 1952 and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Government to terminate said lease and the City of Renton consents to such termination; NOW, THEi'E- FORE, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: (1) The lease hereinabove men- tioned, by mutual consent is hereby terminated. (2) That in consideration of the termination of said lease, the. said City and the successors in title and interest of said City, does hereby release and forever discharge the United States of America, its officers and agents, from all claims of said City arising out of said lease and the occupation by the United States of America of the aforementioned premises up to and including the date of acceptance of the Agreement by the United States of America, provided that such acceptance shall be made by the United States of America by October 1, 1952; provided, also that this release shall not apply to any rental due at the date of acceptance hereof. (3) This Agreement shall be effective on the date of acceptance hereof by the United States of America as set forth below; That this instrument has been executed by the City of Renton as of the 24th day of June, 1952, and signed by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, Wiley Crook., City Clerk and accepted the 30th day of June, 1952 by the United States of America, Public Housing Administration, signed by Arthur L. Chladek, Acting Director, San Francisco Field Office, for the Public Housing Commission, attesting Officer, B, Shirley Edwards. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, dr that the Budget Controller check the Cedar River Park inventory and attach the City of Renton decals for identification of City property. Carried. Councilman Holm stated that he had talked with Mr. Don Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority and had been informed that separate accounts, both banking, and receipts and expenditures had. been set up for the City of Renton, on a temporary basis. Mayor Baxter stated that the Renton Housing Authority, under Mr. Don Humble, is temporarily acting as administrator for the City of F.entcn, as directed by the City Council, and will continue to keep the records for the City of Renton, until instructed otherwise. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that proposed Resolution No. 841, be passed as read. Carried. The City Attorney, in answer to Councilman Tamborini's inquiry, informed the Council that in regard to the City of Renton not being obligated to pay County and State taxes, not including Waterway assessments, that he had contacted the County Treasurer in regard to same and taxes, or payments in lieu of same, must be paid, and that 'in lieu of taxes' , to be paid in the same manner 11re Housing Authority has always paid would probably be the better method for payment. Mayor Baxter inquired if the City of Fenton paid 'in liey of taxes' on City owned property - - that it was alwyas his belief that the City is entitled to taxes from Boeing Airplane Company building and the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, Foundry Building - - that on property owned by the City and leased to individuals, the rent is charged at a minimum scale to encourage manufacturers to come into the City and that because there is little or no profit from the rent of the buildings, the taxes would not be justified. Also, that the City Hall is not revenue producing property and should not be taxed. The City attorney stated that the reason behind the plicy is the circumstances in- volved - - that a great many people are living in these housing projects - - that t ,e Government had taken these buildings off the tax rolls and under the circumstances, the City and the Renton School District received payments in lieu of taxes - - that as it isp the people are living in the project at a very minimum charge, that their children are attending the Fenton schools, that the City and the School Distr4ct should continue to receive payments in lieu of taxes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of securing a refund of previously paid taxes remain in the hands of the City Attorney. Carried. Mayor Baxter asked if anyone in the audience had anything to bring before the Council. Mr. E. A. Shearer, from the audience, stated that about five years ago a bond issue was voted by the people, for a swimming pool in Renton, that was never built, that there should be money on hand in a fund which has been set aside for a swimming pool - that at the time the swimming pool was approved for construction, the bids received for construction of the pool were too high and the City was unable to proceed with the construction for lack of necessary funds to complete same according to the plans sub- mitted to the Council. That tonight at the Council meeting there are some people present who are vitally interested in a swimming pool for the City of Renton and that in his opinion a pool sufficiently large, and that would pass County Health quali- fications, could be build for approximately $50,000.00, that a City within a 500 mile radius of Renton is building such a pool and that he (Mr. Shearer) had investi- gated the construction and felt that it would be a very satisfactory, and a good pool for the children of Renton - that the City of Renton needs such a pool for the children to learn to swim, and recommended that the City Council of the City of Renton take this matter under consideration and earnestly try to get a swimming pool for the City of Fenton. Councilman Richardson stated that he understood that the time limit on the usage of the bond issue money had expired - - that the bonds had never been issued and never been called for. The City Attorney informed the Council that attorneys had told him that too much time has elapsed and the Council would have to institute this bond issue again - - that bonding houses would not accept bonds after such a period of time has elapsed. Mr. Frank Storey, from the audience, stated that he felt the same as Mr. Shearer in regard to the swimming pool issue - - that the vote of 2800 for the swimming pool and 300 against the swimming pool showed the people's attitude in regard to same; that the matter had been lying idle for five years and he recommended that the Council start immediately on a swimming pool for the City of Renton. Mr. Storey further stated that children had to cross traffic to get to the present beach, also the proposed beach site, that over a period of years the taxpayers would realize the equivalent of money spent for such an improvement and it would keep the .children from the highways - that there is sufficient room in Liberty Park for the proposed pool and all problems would be eliminated as far as transportation was concerned as this would be a central location - - that construction of such a pool should be given immediate and earnest consideration by the City Council. Councilman Reid stated that the Council and the Park Board and Park Department are considering acquiring certain property adjacent to the City of Renton for a beach, at the present time - - that previously when the City was considering the swimming pool they didn't have enough financing to complete the project, and that in his opinion 144 the City needed a swimming beach more than a swimming pool. On inquiry of Councilman Richardson, the Park Superintendent informed the Council that some time ago, prior to the condemnation suit of the Cedar River Park, that a plan had been submitted to the Council - - in the plan of acquisition of this land, for the removal of houses off the land - - that there was an area d esignated for a swimming pool in Cedar River Park - - that there had been some talk of diverting the river into the project for the pool and having an outlet from the pool, back into the River, but this was never seriously considered. The Park Superintendent further stated that he had talked to Councilman Bruce and Park Board Chairman, Mr. Lon Tackett, and they (Mr. Tackett and Mr. Coulon) would like to have a meeting with the property committee in regard to acquisition of property on Lake Washington - - that in his opinion the City Council. should proceed with the plans for a bathing beach and picnic area on Lake Washington. Councilman Reid suggested that Mr. Shearer and other interested parties meet with the Property Committee, Park Superintendent and Chairman of the Park Board - - that he knew Mr. Shearer was vitally interested in a swimming pool for children within the Renton Area. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, if the people were interested enough in a project to come up to the Council meeting to present same to the Council, that the Council should consider same and moved, seconded by Hansen, that the sub- ject of a swimming pool for the City of Renton be referred to the Park Board to discuss same with Mr. Shearer, Mr. Storey and other interested persons and .report back to the City Council the practicality and advisability of same. z There being several inquiries from women in the audience, they were informed by the Mayor, City Attorney and various Councilmen, that if the City was in favor and wanted to proceed- with plans for a swimming pool, if, without an election, the City bond debt did not exceed the legal limitation, the Council could order the issuance of General obligation bonds to finance the construction of a swimming pool. Mayor Baxter stated that notices would be published in the papers, of any proposed meetings, or action of the Council in regard to the construction of a swimming pool for the City of Renton. The City Clerk, Wiley Crook, explained that there had been one mill added on to the taxes (of the people of the City of Renton) to take care of the bonds, plus the interest - - for a period of two years - - bonds were voted in an amount of $100,000.00, but the swimming pool, as proposed would cost approximately $150,000, that the City has raised about $33,000.00 toward the swimming pool but this money cannot be used for any other purpose, although it isntt enough to proceed -with the pool. Councilman Bruce stated that he had had the opportunity of working on the "Swimm- ing Pool" Committee for some time and the $100,000.00 allocated was not sufficient to start the construction of a swimming pool - - that they could construct a pool for $lOO,000.00 but it would not be the type of pool originally designed, or one that the City of Renton could be proud of, or that could be operated sanitarily at a minimum expense - - that the City Council and the Park Board have been working on plans for a swimming pool or bathing beach for some time. The Chairman of the Park Board stated that at the time bonds were voted for the swimming pool, there was a freeze on materials and needed materials were not avail- able and during the interim time, costs went up and prices were above the scope of the bond issue - - that unless the type of pool were constructed, like or similar to the proposed plans, that the City has, at the present time, maintenance and up- keep would be at a maximum that would be beyond the Cityts possibilities. That some time ago, Mr. Earnest Shearer and Mr. Bill. Pond, former Park Superintendent, went to Lewiston, Idaho to inspect a pool and that the operation of same was costing the City of Lewiston a considerable sum yearly.. Mr. Tackett further stated, that in his oninion, a well developed beach and picnic ground on Lake Washington is far better, even though some of the people would have to travel farther than others to get to the beach - - that the City could also have a boat moorage which could be self- supporting and could contribute some income to the City of Renton - - that the Park Board has in mind 800 feet of Lake frontage which they are investigating the possibility of obtaining for a beach, and recommends that the City Council make every effort possible to acquire this property on the Lake. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion the question of a swimming beach and picnic grounds, or a swimming pool, should be referred back to the Park Board and Park Department. 1; 145 A lady from the audience asked how much the proposed beach, also development of same would cost the City of Renton. Mr. Frank Storey from the audience, stated that it was his understanding that the water where the children swam was contaminated and asked if such a, project would be wise. The Park Superintendent informed the Council that the cost of the beach and development of same was in an interim state, that it would require considerable investigation of easements and right-of-ways before they would know what the cost would be - - that as fares the water being contaminated, the Swimming Beach development program comes under the jurisdiction of the King County and State Health Department - - that the Recreation Council and Park Board are sub- ject to sanitation supervision by the King County Health Department and they would not RL allow the use of the beach for swimming if the condition of the water were not en- LJsatisfactory. Mr. Shearer from the audience, stated that he and other interested parties attending the Council meeting tonight, were primarily interested in swimming facilities for children, that if in the opinion of the Park Board and City Council, and other informed persons regarding same, that a beach would be to the best interests of the children of the City of Renton, then they were in favor of same - - that he hoped to live to see the day when the City of Renton had a swimming beach and a swimming pool for the children. Councilman Holt1 s motion "that the subject of a swimming pool for the City of Renton be referred to the Park Board to discuss same with Mr. Shearer, Mr. Storey and other interested persons and report back to the City Council the practicality and ad- visability of same, then carried. MAYOR BAXTER DECLARED A RECESS. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, R EID, DELAURENTI, RICHARDSON, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN," TRIMM, TAMBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER, Mayor Baxter asked if the Council had a report to make in regard to the proposed extension of water and sewer mains to the Balch property. _ Councilman Bruce stated that it was his understanding that all water and sewer in- stallations within the President Park Addition would revert automatically to the City of Renton immediately. Councilman Richardson stated that at the May 27th Council meeting, three committees consisting of nine men had recommended that the City of Renton accept no respon- sibility for the expense of relocating the power poles on the proposed water and sewer main right-of-way,,- that the Council had voted in favor of the Committee's re- commendation - - that three weeks later at the June 17th Council meeting, the council had voted to remove the poles and install both the water and sewer mains at 'the City's expense. Mayor Baxter stated that since the first motion, the councilmen had made a more thorough investigation and study and had reconsidered the original action in arriv- ing at their final decision. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the City of Renton be not obligated to bear the expense of relocating the power poles and installing the water and sewer mains to the Balch property. Councilman Holm, stated that in his opinion, from the information he has gained since being on the Council, the City has installed similar improvements, such as Mr. Balch has need-of and that in regard to the mains now under consideration, in his opinion, the City should be willing to assume the financial responsibility of the install- ations under consideration. Councilman Richardson stated that at a meeting of the City Planning Commission with the City Council, Mr. Balch made certain statements -that Mr. Balch had informed the Council and Planning Commission that the agreement was satisfactory to him, that the ecpense of extending the water and sewer mains to his property would not be any additional expense to the City of Renton - - then the next time they talked to Mr. Bal:,-h, expected the City of Renton to pay for this im- provement - - that he understood that it was the City Engineer's opinion also, that there would be no expense to the City of Renton., Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, the Council should have rescinded the first motion ( that Mr. Balch pay for the expense of relocating the poles) before passing the motion that the City of Renton pay for this improvement. A roll call vote (on the motion "that the City of Renton be not obligated to bear the expense of relocating the power _.poles and installing the water and sewer mains � A P c to the Balch property") was taken " follows: Swift, No; Reid, No; Delaurenti, No; Richardson, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, No; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Tamborini, No; Holm, No; Morris, Aye and Farmer, No. There being five "Aye's" and seven "No's", the motion lost. The City Engineer stated he knew of no record of any Council action whereby Mr. Balch would convey to the City of Renton the water and sewer mains within President Park Additon, nor were there any records of any descriptions or specifications of water or sewer mains in this project, on file. Moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the City enter into an agreement with Mr. Balch, that the City hear the expense of installation of water and sewer mains to the Balch property and Mr. Balch convey to the City of Renton, the water and sewer mains. Mr. Balch stated that he would sign a "Bill of Sale" for the City of Renton for the water and sewer mains within the Balch property if the City so requested. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, the City should not enter into an agree- ment in regard to water and sewer mains within the Balch property, that the City should receive title to the water and sewer mains without an agreement. Councilman Rolm, with the consent of his second, Councilman Hansen, withdrew his motion. On the recommendation of City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, moved by Holm, seconded by T'amborini, that the Council accept Mr. Balch's offer to convey to the City of Renton the water and sewer lines installed in the President Park Addition. Carried. Mr. Balch thanked the Mayor and Council for their action. A committee report was read from the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief in re- gard to 'condemnation action on the partially torn down house on the east side of Burnett Street on 7th Avenue' stating that by July 15th the owners of the property in question will meet with their attorney and Mr. Dobson and at that time a date for the removal of the Building will be set, or a report- furnished to the Council as to the dispostion of the building. A report was read from the Auditing and Accounting Committee recommending, (1) That the Council give immediate attention to the situation "that the water department shows an operating deficit for the year to date of $15,480.00 (an average of $2,540.00 per month)" and thoroughly consider the recommendation of both our con- sulting engineer and financial advisor and establish new water rates to become effective August 1, 1952. (2) That no payments be made, nor vouchers approved, which have not been verified by the Budget Controller, (owing to the fact that additional amounts in the dog pound budget were spent in prior months to May, which were not reported to the Budget Controller) as the Budget Controller has requested all Depart- ment Heads to submit estimates to the Council, for their individual Departments, for the preliminary budget, not later than July 15th 1952 , and (3) That all budget estimates submitted by Department Heads be thoroughly examined by various Council Committees in conferences with the Department Heads; that the Committee's closely study every item and if necessary obtain additional information on questionable items. Also, that the reports of committee examinations be submitted to the Budget Controller not later than August 25, 1952 for the compilation of the preliminary budget, which would then be submitted to the Council for their consideration, Sept- ember 2nd, 1952 - - that if this proposed plan is approved by the Council, the Committee suggests that the various departments be assigned to the Council Committees as shown on an attached schedule - - the Chairman of the first named Committee in each group to assume primary responsibility for arranging conferences with the different department heads. (It was recommended that the POLICE & LICENSE COM�IKITTEE assisted by the ORDINANCE COMMITTEE, examine the budget estimates of the Police Department, Police Court, Civil Defense Department and Civil Service Commission; the FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE, assisted by the LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE, examine the budget estimates of the Fire, Water, Power and Lighting Departments; the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE, assisted by the FINANCE COMMITTEE, examine the budget estimates of the Street, Shop, Garage and Engineering Department; the SANITATION COMMITTEES, assisted by the PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE, examine the budget estim- ates of the Sanitation, Sewage, Garbage, Street Cleaning and Health Departments; the PROPERTY COMKITTEE, assisted by the LEGISLATIVE COMMITTE, examine the budget estimates of the City Buildings, Library, Airport) Park and Athletic Departments; and that the WAYS AND DANS COMMITTEE, assisted by the AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING 3 147 COMMITTEE, examine the budget estimates of the Treasurer, City Clerk, Budget Controller, City Attorney and Planning Commission.) In regard to Item 11 of the Auditing and Accounting Committee's report, Council- man Richardson stated that the Attorney was working on a proposed Water Ordinance at this tiem. Item 2, All Department Heads have been instructed to make their pur- chases through the Purchasing Agent, Mr. Elton Alexander, which would automati- cally require invoices being approved by the Budget Controller before payment of vouchers is made. In regard to Item 3, Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, the purpose of combining Committees for examination of estimated budgets of similar departments, would be to save the Council considerable time when working on the preliminary budget, and after a general check has been made of the various estimated budgets, the Council as a whole could consider same - - that the Depart- ment Heads would be interviewed at a specific time and the Council would have more time to work out any specific problems in their Departments that might come before the Council - - that in this manner the Council could spread out and really get a thorough study on all parts of the budget. Councilmen Freyman, Trimm, Swift and Richardson all stated that the Council had previously tried to work out a similar system for consideration of the different Department Budgets by various Council Committees, and they had determined that a greater time was taken as all Council- men could not agree on individual budgets, as approved by the various Committees. Councilman Holm stated that the Budget Controller would be included in the various Committee meetings - - that-if the Committee of the Council as a whole, doesn't wish to accept a single one of the different Department Unit's budgets, the Council hasn't wasted any time - - that the reports of the Departments will be presented to the Council according to State statute. Councilman Richardson stated he understood the Budget Controller was hired by the City of Renton to discuss with the Department Heads, their budgets at the time of formulation of same. Mayor Baxter stated that the Budget Controller examined and checked all budgets presented by the various Departments before presentation of same to the Council _ for consideration. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, the various Council Committees could concentrate on separate items of the Departments. Council-man Delaurenti stated that in his opinion, the idea of the Auditing and Accounting Committee's report had very good merit, that the various Committees could take under consideration the budgets of the various departments and save the Council as a whole considerable time. Councilman Holm stated, that in this manner the Department Heads would know the Council's opinion in regard to c ertain items be- fore proceeding with their budgets, for example, if the Police & License Committee were consulted in regard to the advisability of the City of Renton purchasing new Police cars each year, or having the ones purchased previously repaired that the individual departments would have something more staple to work on. Mayor Baxter stated that consideration should be given to the possibility of cars being purchased each year, with a certain allowance for the old models. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion, the Council as a whole should consider each Department's budget. Mayor Baxter, stated that in regard to the first item of the Auditing and Account- ing Committee's report, the problem of new water rates was being taken care of as speedily as possible by the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney; In regard, to the second item, all Department Heads were informed to make all purchases through the Purchasing Agent, whereby the Budget Controller would approve same before payment for same was made; That the third item was the only one that would re- quire Council action. Councilman Richardson stated that he was of the same opinion as Councilman Swift, that the Council would not save any time by the various Council Committees considering individual budgets prior to the entire Council's consideration of same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, in regard to consideration of the various Department Budgets by various Council Committees, before they were brought before the Council as a whole for consideration, remain in the Auditing & Accounting Committee for one week until the Council had thoroughly considered same and could report back their action. Carried. x.48 C Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that each Councilman study this report and the Council as a whole report back next week. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Engineering Department furnish plans and cost estimates for channelizing the area around the Fire Department. Carried. Councilman Farmer requested a meeting with Councilman Reid and Dela.urenti,after tonight's Council meeting. Councilman Morris informed the Council that the Legislative Committee had for- warded an inquiry to Robert Morris, Seattle Water Department Superintendent,, and also to the Waterway Commission in regard to the current and rise and fall of same, in Cedar River, and stated that he would report any further information or progress made to make the Cedar River more safe for children swimming or wading therein. Councilman Reid reported that the mercury vapor lights on the Dunlap Canyon Road, from the 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection, northwest to approx- imately 91st Avenue South, had been completely installed and were in working order. Councilman Reid further reported that several new brackets had been ordered for replacement of light fixtures on the poles at Liberty Park, to make the fixtures more safe for persons walking below. Councilman Richardson requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday evening, July 8th to consider and discuss the Council Committee's Ordinance.. Moved by Delaurenti,seconded by Hansen, that the problem of a source of funds in the amount of $3560.00 for the relocating of the power poles and extension of water and sewer mains from the City of Renton mains to the mains in the Balch property be referred to the Ways & Means Committee and Finance Committee for a report back next week. Carried. Councilman- Richardson stated that in his opinion, the City Engineer should not proceed with this improvement until funds were provided for same. The City Engineer stated that as the principal expense involved would be for install- ation of sewer mains, that this expense could be charged against the Sewage Disposal Fund. Mayor Baxter stated that the City Engineer should proceed with the improvement as the project had been approved by the Council. Mr. Lon Tackett, Park Board. Chairman, requested a short meeting with the Prop- erty Committee at the close of the Council meeting. Mr. Lon Tackett further informed the Council that Mr. Coulon could take his vacation at any time, as far as the Park Board was concerned, but during discussion of his budget by the Council, that there would possibly be questions concerning same, that only he could answer and that he should be present to help the Budget Committee if necessary. Councilman Swift, stated, that in his opinion, someone should be trained in Gene Coulon's job immediately, in case he should be unavailable for any reason,, the Park Department would have supervision. Mr. Coulon stated that he would have his 1953 budget prepared by July 15th. The Council will consider the Park Department'd budget at a Council Committee meeting on July 17th. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPAREMENTS 4931-5059 '17,059.32 CLAIPZ CURRENT 459- 464 13099.59 CLAIMS WATER 8621- 2,361.72 CLAIMS PARK - 1684 . 11009.84 CLAIMS ATHLETIC - 618 287.50 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL - 2243 11269.09 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6269-6271 2,574.24 CLAIMSS AIRPORT 1343- - 634.56 149 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2519 - CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEE'. 4.54 — CLAIN6 FIFOlEN ig PEN. FD. 86 — CLAINS CEDAR RIVER PARK AC, FUND. 9 — 3.50 CLADVS CUMULATIVE FD. #1183 387 — 975.00 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn.. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P-M, l City i.erk yor I ' I� f i i ll� I I I I t i 1 h f I i j 150 Renton, Washington July 8, 1952. The-- regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, REID, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM, TAMBORINI, HOLM, MORRIS AND FARMER. ( Councilman Richardson reported that he would be a little late.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS present were: Arthur- Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller, Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superin- tendent. The minutes of the previous meeting not having been completed, will be considered at the July 15th Council meeting. A communication was read from the Renton Garden Club, signed by Ethel Wolski, Kathryn Kirkman, Alberta Fitzpatrick and Johanna Storey requesting consideration and support to the development of Mothers Park, as outlined in their letter, that the building they proposed could be used for a meeting place for small organiza- tions and the picnic grounds to have cooking facilities and picnic tables for older people and family groups. Mayor Baxter introduced Miss Frances Gallacher, the new member of the Renton Park Board. Mayor Baxter asked if anyone in the audience had any comments to make regarding proposed improvements to Mothers Park. Mrs. Johanna Storey stated that she was the new President of the Fenton Garden Club and was interested in the improvement, but that Mrs. Ethel Wolski had done considerable more work on the project and was more familiar with their plans and was prepared to answer any questions that the Council would care to ask. Mrs. Wolski stated that all pertinent facts had been given in their letter and that they were very anxious to see this improvement started. Councilman Bruce and Councilman Mft both stated that they had talked with Mrs. Wolski and had informed her that the City is not able to finance the project pro- perly but that there was the possibility of proceeding on a long range program; that the cost of erection of a building is only a portion of the expense of com- pletion; that there was the heating problem and furniture and fixtures to be con- sidered. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the communication be referred to the PROPERTY COMMITTEE, who is to contact the Lions Club (as they have been consider- ing improvement along this line) , together with the Park Board, to see what im- provements can be made. Carried. I A communication was read from the City Engineer recommending that the City publish a "Call for Bids" for draining and filling of "that portion of Black River Channel from Second Avenue to Third Avenue", at an estimated cost of $19,600.00. The City Engineer stated that this work is necessary and must beconstructed previous to the completion of the Earlington Trunk Sewer, although it was necessary for the Trunk Sewer improvement to be contracted for first; also, that funds :for this im- provement were included in the 1952 budget. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Engineer and the date of July 22nd, 1952 be set for the opening of bids. Carried. The Call for Bids for draining and filling of the Black River Channel, as stated, will be published on July 10th and 17th. The City Engineer informed the Council that the State Land Commission had furnished a plat of the area to be filled and stated that there was a possibility, after this channel is filled, that the City may acquire same for their own use, (the area is approximately 100 foot in width and 600 foot in length) also, that by applying to the State Land Commission, if a use could be made of the remaining portion of the channel area, that the Commission may grant the City the use of same for a i ay� 151 garbage dump, or other municipal purposes. A communication was read from the City Engineer, stating that Valley Construction Company and the N. Fiorito Company, both of Seattle, Washington, were the respect- ive low bidders on the Earlington L.I.D., Project and the Earlington Trunk Sewer Project improvements, and recommended that awards be made for same this date. Councilman Tamborini stated that the Sanitation Committee had investigated and 1 considered the two kinds of pipe and compared the different bids and Tamborini. moved, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City accept the respective low bids of the Valley Construction Company ( $76.614.08) and N. Fiorito 010,399.00) as stated for clay (vitrified) pipe, providing all pipe used is manufactured by Gladding McBean Company of Renton. Carried. Representatives of both companies stated that all. pipe used would be pipe manu- factured by Gladding McBean Company of Fenton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney be requested to prepare, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the required contract. Carried. A petition was read from Robert L. Edwards of Wallin-Edwards to rezone to in- dustrial, certain property, as described, lying between the Pacific Coast Railroad right-of-way and-Sunset Highway, easterly across the railroad from the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, stating, if rezoned, the property could be developed into suitable warehouse or light manufacturing use, farther statin; that more than 75% of the adjoining property owners had approved this rezoning. Mr. Edwards attached the legal description of the area to be rezoned, also written approval by four ad- joining property owners, namely, Roy Danielson, D. 14. 4llen, Fred Garring, and the Assistant RAI Land and Tax Commissioner of the Great Northern Railway Company and Right-of-Way and Tax Agent of the Pacific Coast Railroad Com. any of Seattle. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that Mr. Edward's rezoning petition be re- ferred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation to the Council. Carried. i A communication was read from Edward J. Logan, Supt. of Elections and Registration for Robert A. Morris, King County Auditor, giving Renton's pro-rated share of February 11th (primary) and March 11th (general), 1952 Election expense, in the amount of.,D,428.03, as provided by Statute, and stating that this charge is trans- ferred from the City of Renton's account to their King County Current Expense Fund, by the County Treasurer, effective as of the July report. The communication was ordered .filed. i A communication was read from Romeo Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employee's Retirement System, advising that Walter Kerr will be over the normal compulsory retirement age of 60, for Uniform Employees (Police Department) and will have to retire for age, on that date, unless extended by the City Council - - stating that the age can be extended to members of the Uniform Group to 64 years. A request from George G. Pasco, Chairman and George H. Thomas, Secretary and Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Commission, and a similar request from Angelo Busato, Chief of Police were read, to extend Walter Kerr's retirement date to the maximum, G September 1, 1956. The City Clerk stated that Walter Kerr had requested that his normal compulsory retirement date be extended to the .maximum and read Resolution No. 842, extending such time, as said employee shall attain the age of sixty-four on the first day I of September, 1956; that a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Board of Trustees, Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. A certified copy of Resolution No. 842 will be forwarded to the Washington State City Employees Retirement System. The City Clerk read a second communication from Romeo Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employee's Retirement System, advising that Frank Ylaki, a street laborer for the City of Renton, and a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System, is due to be retired for age on August 1st, un- less his time is extended by the City Council. 152 Councilman Delaurenti stated, that in his opinion, that if his health would permit, and Mr. Maki so requested, that he be granted this privilege. Mr. Pugh, the Street Commissioner, informed the Council that he had not had suffi— cient time to contact Mr. Maki, but that it was not the policy.of the City to ex— tend the retirement time of any employee, except those in a supervisory capacity — that Mr. Maki's health required that he be given certain considerations in the work given. Mayor Baxter stated, that in his opinion, the City should stand on the policy it started out on, and that retirement extensions be granted only in the case of supervisors, that employees should be retired on the dates specified by the Assoc— iation. The City Clerk explained that Uniform Personal were required to retire at the age of 60, unless the Council extended their retirement-time four years that regular employees retirement age was 65 years and could be extended by the Council. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, notify Mr. Maki that his normal compulsory retirement date is August lst and that he (Dave Pugh) submit a written recommendation to the Council in Mr. Maki's behalf. Carried. A request was read from Herb Kindle for permission to install a pin ball machine in his place of business, Kindles' Cafe, 11541 Sunset Boulevard. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. An application for a Master .License to operate a<coin—operated music system at Tonkin's Cafe for 1952 was read from William P. Ryan, 3216 Avalon Way, Seattle, also .enclosing $240.00 for operation of same for 1951 and 1952. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Swift, that the application be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that thexe would be a -meeting Wednesday evening, July 9th at 8:00 P.M., in the Chamber of Commerce Building, at which time by—products of coal and methods of obtaining same would be shown. The Mayor stated that he, the Council, City Officials and Department Heads were invited to attend the meeting. Mayor Baxter stated that the Fire Department would like to have a meeting with the Fire and Water Committee. Councilman Farmer stated that he would try to arrange a meeting some time this week. Councilman Swift stated that there would be a Street & Alley Committee meeting, Thursday evening, July 10th at 8:00 P.M. ,Councilman Farmer asked the Clerk to read a letter from the City Engineer to Mr. W. H. Sweeney, 230 Main Street, referring to a letter from Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Carter and Mr. Hammon y protesting a separate water supply line to the U. S. Army Camp, stating the City of Renton has made no proposal or promise to supply water to the army camp; that the Army's proposal was presented to the Council, and during a dis— cussion of same, they declined to enter into an agreement — — that they find no re— cord of promise of financial assistance, but that the City Engineer would arrange a meeting, if they care to discuss their problem with the Council Committee. The Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer to Councilman Farmer, stating that the U. S. Army Engineer's proposal for water supply to the army camp was re— ferred to the Fire & Water Committee to arrange a meeting with the King.County Water District #90, as a result of their protest; that the Army Engineer's have advised that there is no record of any commitment to share costs with the water district and declined to negotiate jointly with the water district for city water supply, because of the time element, and that it is the City Engineer's opinion, that the City cannot extend the City's water system beyond the corpor6terlimits without a favorable vote of the people. The City Engineer informed the Council that the Water District #90 representatives have been informed of the present status of their request and have been invited to present their problem to the Council Committee. Councilman Farmer stated that the Fire and Water Committee was unanimously in agreement with the City Engineer in that it would not be in order to extend water mains beyond the City limits, but that they would give consideration to any pro— posals submitted. as jY; ti•4,r Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee and the Finance Committee recommended that the sum of '3500.00 allocated at the July 1st Council meeting for relocating of power poles and extension of water and sewer mains to the Balch pro— perty be taken from the following funds, Cumulative Fund x#1183, 61520.00; Water Fund outlay, x$550.00; and Sewage Disposal Fund outlay, $1130.00.. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur°in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee and Finance Committee. (hrried. Councilman Reid reported that upon investigation, they had found the cost of the brackets for the light poles in Liberty Park to be approximately 00.00; that the j overall cost of repairing all brackets and lights would be approximately $4000.00; that in his opinion, the Park would be suitable for all kinds of ball games if these lights were repaired or replaced satisfactorily. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the problem be referred to the "-lays and Means Committee to work with the Park Board to find a means of financing this improvement. Carried. The Council was informed that the proposed Water Ordinance is not ready to present to the Council for consideration. Mayor Baxter granted the Council one more week to consider Hugh White's Annexa— tion request. The Ordinance Committee will endeavor to submit the new proposed Ordinance on Council Committees at the next Council meeting. Councilman Swift reported that on the west side of Main Street, north of 3rd Avenue, every winter water stands in this area for approximately 100 feet and will not drain, and requested that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner be authorized to investigate the cost and feasibility of draining this water to-the sewer with a catch basin. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that this problem be referred to the Street & Alley Committee, City Engineer and Street Commissioner for a report back. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that-Cliff's Radio Cab had requested-permission to move their City cab stand from 3rd and Williams to 207 Wells Street in front of ring's Tavern stating that Mr. George Butko, owner of the Tavern, had requested same and this would permit the cabs to pick up Safeway and other store customer passengers without hindering 3rd Avenue traffic. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Police and License Committee recommended that this request be granted. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and Street & Alley Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee had met with the Insurance Commissioner this evening in regard to Cedar River Park property and that they will make a complete report at the next Council meeting. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Citdy Clerk Mayor 154 Renton, Washington - July 15, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN,, TRI101, REID AND RICHARDSON. OFFICIALS & D EPARTMENT HEADS PPESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF 'v7ORK 3531 50.00 Carl Dale 8628 S. 128th St. concrete steps 2 300.00 John A. Thomson 1304 4th North Paint house 3 100.00 Renton School Dist 403. Renton, Wash concrete sidewalk 4 350.00 Geo. A. Poff 643 D. Street build garage 5 200.00 George Butko 8801 S. 140th St. erect carport 6 40.00 Mary Claar 407 Williams remodel house 7 335.00 Russell Weaver 629 Cedar St. install tank 8 200.00 William Hawke 225 N. Williams brick face porch 9 250.00 Mrs. Shapton 529 Williams install furnace 3540 — Herb Hackmann 535 Williams install plumbing 1 600.00 R. W. Weaver 629 Cedar St. repair house 2 150.00 Hilda Wicken 503 Mill St, remodel house 3 800.00 Geo. Jacobson 2405 6th No. install furnace 4 100.00 Randall. Rockhill 904 5th Ave. N. erect sidewalk 5 8,528.00 George Butko S. 86th & 138th erect house 6 100.00 B. E. Puckett 41.1 Wells electric service 7 25.00 Pete Agnesani 317 Pelly build fence 8 100.00 George Rainville 13633 84th Ave. S. erect woodshed 9 300.00 Minnie Smothers 88 Burnett St. lower ceilings 3550 116.00 Mrs. John Colwell 338 Wells St. No. reshingle house The City Clerk read the "conveyance of water and sewer lines" from Albert S. Balch and his wife, Edith Balch, for $1.00 and other consideration, which 'does hereby. grant,, convey, transfer and set over to the City of Renton, all water pipe lines and sewer pipe lines, including mains, laterals, pipes, fittings and appurtenances thereto which are installed and situated in or on the streets, alleys and public places within the boundaries of and in President Park Addition'. The Assistant City Attorney requested that the document be forwarded to the grantors, Albert S. and Edith Balch, for execution and certification of same, and to be re— turned to the City of Renton for their records. A communication was read from F. A. Grabner, General Manager of the hake Shore Lines stating that due to declining patronage and rising costs of operation, Sun— day and holiday service main line schedules handling local passengers between Seattle and Renton effective Sunday, August 3rd, will be operated through, to and from Renton Highlands to Seattle at a slightly reduced trip frequency but a through service for the regular fare; that the proposed schedules have been filed with the Public Service Commission in Olympia. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner recommending that Frank Maki, a Street Department employee, be retired as of August lst, 1952 and attaching Mr. Maki's signed request for retirement as of this date. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the Street Commissioner's recommendation. The Clerk stated that the Statewide City Employees Retirement System would be so notified. A communication was read from the Renton City Employee's Club, signed by Vere Thompson, President, and Lyetta.Lee, Secretary, requesting that the City Council consider the Renton City Employee's Club Resolution providing for payment of medical aid and recommending King County Medical as the contractual agency for City employees by the City of Renton and further providing that such sums to cover the costs of such payment be included in the various department budgets represented by the above named club for the coming year. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this Renton City Employee's Resol- ution be referred to the Council as a whole to consider with the various department's budgets. The Budget Controller was requested to investigate other medical coverages as to cost and age limit for coverage, regardless of retirement, so this information would be available and could be considered with the different budgets. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it was his understanding that the majority of the employees favored King County Medical coverage and already belonged to this group - - that an investigation should be made to determine if those retiring (at 65 years of age) could continue membership in same by individually paying their own dues, that other medical groups should be contacted to determine the best cover- age, both for the City and for the employee. The City Clerk stated that it was his understanding that 75p of the City employees would have to favor a plan before same could be adopted by the City, that after retirement the individuals could make their payments themselves at a slight increase in the rate. The motion to refer the City Employee's Club Resolution to the Council as a whole for consideration with the various department's budgets then carried. The City Clerk will inform the City Employee's Club of the Council's action. A communication was read from the Hydraulic Hoist Corporation, signed by Arne Feroy, requesting permission to share a portion of their leased space at Mother's Park, effective July 15, 1952, with Mr. Oliver E. Jones, (who operates a small machine shop) as they are dove-tailing their operations with Mr. Jones to facilitate opera- tions. The Hydraulic hoist Corporation will remain responsible for the full rentals required by their lease. Councilman Bruce stated that he had investigated and talked this matter over with Mr. Feroy, and could find no objection to same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the request be referred to the Pro- perty Committee with power to act. Carried. A resolution was read from the Renton City Employee's Club, signed by Vere Thompson, President and Lyetta Lee, Secretary, requesting the granting of sick leave to each full time employee of the City -not covered by Civil Service, at the rate of one day for every month worked for said City, not exceeding 30 days under any cir- cumstances, after six months continuous employment; each City employee to be per- mitted sick leave for a period not to exceed 3 days, upon department head approval - for any period exceeding 3 days, such employee must submit a doctor's certificate to respective department head, stating in detail the nature of his illness. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Resolution be referred to the Council as a whole for consideration with the various department budgets. Carried. A communication was read from Vere Thompson, President of the Renton City Employee's Club inviting the Mayor, Council and all City Officials and their wives and husbands to the annual City Employee's Club picnic, Sunday July 27th at Lake Retreat. Coffee, ice cream and refreshments will be served, but guests are advised to bring their own basket lunches. (The Clerk will remind the Mayor and Council on July 22nd of the picnic date.) Councilman Swift reported that members of the Windsor Hills Community Club are pro- gressing in their plans of circulating petitions for improvement of the streets in Windsor Hills, E Councilman Richardson reported that the Clerk was working on the Council Committee Ordinance and would contact the Mayor and City Attorney on a few legal points and would endeavor to present same at the next Council meeting. a ; x Councilman Richardson further reported that bonding attorneys (the legal staff ~" retained by the City of Renton in connection with the proposed water improvements., Weter, Roberts & Shefelman, fiscal consultants) were preparing the proposed Water Ordinance now and the Ordinance Committee would submit same to the Council for con- sideration onsideration as soon as same is complete. Mayor Baxter asked the Councilmen's opinion in regard to moving the City Hall offices to the Cedar River Park, stating that he and Mr. Reid had visited Hoquiam and Aberdeen, as well as to Mr. Hankins at Olympia, who is Chief Examiner of the Division of Municipal Corporations to determine the feasibility of moving the City Hall offices to Cedar River Park and stated that he had been informed that it would be possible and permissible that payments for utility bills could be paid at a central office to avoid any inconvenience to the public; that there are two methods of making remuneration for services rendered, either by charging a small (5¢) for each receipt issued, or having the total charged based on a percentage of the gross receipts - - this expense to be paid from the salary budget. Councilman Richardson stated that he had brought the same matter up previously and that in his opinion such a move would be determined by the price the City would receive for sale of the present City Hall. Mayor Baxter stated that the City could obtain an estimate of the value of the building from the Building Inspector and City Eng- ineer and also that the Chief of Police should be contacted to see what facilities the Police Department would require. On the recommendation of Councilman Delaurenti, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for a thorough investigation and report back to the Council as soon as possible. Carried. After considerable discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of obtaining three spearate estimates of the cost of appraising the City Hall Building be referred to the Property Committee for a report back. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the purpose of an appraisal of the City Hall Building is to determine the market value of the property so the Council would be able to decide if the bids submitted were fair and reasonable. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, it 'would not be necessary for the council to go to the expense of an appraisal as, if the bids were not satisfactory, the Council need not accept same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that each Councilman write his personal es- timate of the value of the City Hall building on a slip of paper and give to the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the King County Health Department, presently meeting in the Renton Hospital, are being forced 'to move their offices and request consider- ation of the Council, for space in the Cedar River Project; that the King County Health Department has lg employees working out of the Renton Office, servicing Renton and the surrounding area, including nurses, sanitarians, inspectors of planning, sewer and health inspectors for South King County, including restaur- ants, and that in his opinion the City should try and take care of the King County Health Department if possible. Mayor Baxter stated that if the City Hall were sold, and the City moved its offices to the Cedar River Park Project, it might be possible to rent the jail and Police Department space in the present City Hall building for the Police Department's use, from the purchaser of the building, if the City Council decides to operate same in that manner. Councilman Bruce stated that he had always been in favor of the City of Renton purchasing the Cedar River Park property and that the brick wing at the Cedar River Park, presently being used by the maintenance department is very substantial and shouldn't be too much work or expense to con- vert to a Police Department; that when new tenants are considered he would like to express his opinion regarding same - - that in his opinion a certain amount of office space must be retained for the projectts office space and the City should not disturb the space now being used for recreational purposes. Councilman Holm ` stated that in his opinion, the Council should wait for a survey and not commit themselves until they find what space the City will require - - then if there in any excess room, the Council could consider renting same to outside tenants. The Budget Controller stated that the various Department Heads would necessarily need to know if. the City were going to move their offices to the Cedar River Park building in order to more accurately estimate their 1953 budgets, as this would entail street maintenance and cleaning, engineer, maintenance of water and sewer facilities, as these would be our responsibilities. 157 Councilman Richardson stated, that in his opinion, the budgets should be made up both ways, considering moving to Cedar River Park and not considering moving to Cedar River Park. The Budget Controller explained to the Council that the decals that had originally been planned for use on Cedar River Park. furniture, with a serial number on, were $125.00 for 3000 decals, and asked for the Council's authority for purchase of same. Councilman Delaurenti stated that, in his opinion, the cost of metal decals should be investigated. Councilman Richardson stated that the decals should be purchased through a Renton manufacturer. Councilman Bruce statel, that in his opinion, it is essential that the furniture and equipment belonging to the City of Renton be labeled as soon as possible; that contrary to Council action, the furniture was being stored in four batchelor apartments and not in the rooms designated by the Council. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase City of Renton decals, with serial numbers thereon, at a cost of $125.00 for 3000 decals. Carried. i Councilman Delaurenti reminded the Council that Thursday evening, July 17th was the date set for the Council as a whole to consider the Park Department budget. Councilman Heid stated that Mayor Baxter and himself had been informed by the State Auditor's Office that it would be necessary that the State audit the books of the Cedar River Park Project, just as the books.of all City Departments are regularly inspected and audited. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to draft an Ordinance creating a Renton City Housing Authority, to conform to State Statute. Mayor Baxter stated that he and Councilman Reid had visited Hoquiam and Aberdeen first, to see how they operated their Housing and had then gone to Clympia to obtain information from Mr. Hankins, Chief Examiner, Division of Municipal Corp— orations for the State Auditor's office, and had been informed that to operate a Housing Project legally, under State Statute, it would be necessary that the City draft an Ordinance creating a Renton Housing Authority. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he disagreed with Mr. Hankins, as to the Cedar River Project; that the Housing Authority Law passed in 1939 allowed creation of a Local Housing Authority for the purpose of low rent housing only, that Renton is the only City west of the Mississippi, as far as he know, that has acquired a war housing project from the Government; that it is a new thing and there is no particular law directly in point — — that the Cedar River Project is not a low— rent housing project but war—housing we acquired from the Voernment, but that in his opinion, and since there is no specific law covering this situation, it would be safer to let a speara.te Housing Authority manage the war—housing project, instead of the City running it itself. That, as far as he knew, there should be some Resolution or Ordinance on the records showing the creation of the Renton Housing Authority back in 1941 or 1942. Mayor Baxter stated that Mr. Hankins had stated he would furnish all the infor— mation given to the Mayor and Councilman Reid, in writing, for the Council's in— formation. The Assistant City Attorney stated that several months ago he had advised the C'.until that it would be necessary to have an Agency or Authority, whatever the Council saw fit to establish, to run the war—housing at Cedar River Park. Mayor Baxter stated that it is recorded in the minutes that the Assistant City Attorney did recommend an Agency or Authority be established to manage the Cedar River Housing, but there was a question if the Housing Authority established in the past would comply with the present State Statute, also that they had been in— for by Mr. Hankin's office that no elective official or city employee could be on the Board. A roll. call vote was taken on the motion, "that the Ordinance Committee be in— structed to draft an Ordinance creating a Renton City Housing Authority, to con— form to State Statute,," as follows: Swift, No; Reid, Aye; Delaurenti, No; Richard— son, Aye, Bruce, No, Freyman, Aye; Hansen, No; Tri_mm, No; Holm, No; Morris, Aye and Farmer, Aye. There being 5 "Aye's" and 6 "No's", the motion lost. 58 � x Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Clerk investigate if there is a proper Ordinance setting up a Housing Authority. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney contact the Attor— ney General's Office to determine if a separate Housing Authority should be set up for the Cedar River Park Housing. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that Mr. William Davis, the City of Renton's Insurance Agent was compiling information in regard to insurance for Cedar River Park and the Property Committee would make their recommendation as soon as possible. After a, short discussion, in regard to individual Council Committees considering certain Department budgets prior to the Council as a whole considering same, as recommended by the Auditing and Accounting Commute, Councilman Holm stated that _the matter should be dropped, as most of the Councilmen who had previously worked on the City budget had felt that it would save more time to consi.der each depart— ment's budget by the Council as a whole. There was a short discussion in regard to certain Councilmen being-appointed to attend the different Board meetings as non—voting members, so the Council could know what the different Boards are doing. Mayor Baxter stated that he could ask for the minutes of the various Board meetings for the Council's information. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Civil Service Commission should hold a meet— ing each month and that the Secretary should take the minutes of each meeting. The Clerk read a report from Francis D. Farmer, Chairman and Wa.lt Reid and Charles Delaurenti, members of the Fire & Water Committee, recommending thet the City of Renton not accept the U.S. Army Engineer's proposal to extend City of Renton's water service to their location on the Cemetery Road. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Councilman farmer reported that the Fire & Water Committee had met with the Fire Department, as per the Fire Department's request. The Purchasing Agent will contact the supplier (Pacific Car & Foundry Company), of the ncessary brackets for the mercury vapor lights on the Dunlap Canyon High— way, so the remaining lights may be installed and this project can be completed. Councilman Richardson requested a short meeting with the Street & Alley Committee and the Ordinance Committee, immediately following this evening's Council meeting. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, the intersection of the Maple Valley Wye was a much safer traffic intersection now, that traffic could pass through this intersection more smoothly. Councilman Richardson stated that the Street & Alley Committee was going to request that additional money be allocated in the 1953 budget-to make an improvement at this intersection. The Street Commissioner stated that the Street Department still have a little more work to do' at 'this intersection. Mayor Baxter inquired the Council's plans for the parkway strip in front of' the High School Building on 2nd Avenue. Councilman Swift stated that the City was going to plant the lawn and the School District was going to maintain same. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Alumni Association was planning on donating shrubs for the parkway strip. Mayor Baxter asked that the Street & Alley Committee investigate regarding this improvement. The Building Inspector informed the Council that today was the day that the Attorney had stated the heirs to the house at 7th Avenue and Burnett Street, that was reported half torn down, were going to meet to make disposition of same and that he would investigate the action taken and if no improvements have been made, recommended that a letter be directed to the holder of the building permit, in— forming him that the building would have to be torn down. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Building Inspector. Carried. The Clerk read a bulletin in regard to Rent Stabilization, as presented by council— man Farmer stating that under provisions of the 1952 extension of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, Federal Hent Stabilization will expire in each defense rental area September- 30, 1952, unless such area has been certified as a critical defense 159 : z housing area, or unless local authorities have requested an extension of the pro— gram to Anril 30, 1953. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Legislative Committee draft a Resolu— tion for Council consideration, extending rent control to April 30, 1953, to become effective before the expiration of the present control. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that it was his understanding that rent control was based on present rent costs and wage structures rather than on shortage of houses. The City Clerk informed the Council that they are working on the division of Voting Precincts 11 and 12 in regard to more .equal number of voters in each precinct and that he hoped to present an Ordinance in regard to same at the next Council meet— ing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previ-ously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMEN'TS 5060-5223 $27,997.88 CLAIMS CURRENT 465- 523 222835.50 CLAIMS WATER 8622-8639 69569.45 CLAIMS PARK 1685-1693 2,491.41 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 619-620 294.61 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2244-2253 2,005.53 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6272-6286 5,944.35 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1344-1358 2,923.66 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2520-2530 1,352.41 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE 455-459 139.31 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 87— 88 250.00 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #11,33 388- 390 3,909.20 CLAIMS Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. City Merk Ma o 160 Renton, Washington July 22, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAUFE`3TI, BRUCE, FRE)11AN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMMI REID AND TANIDORINI.. (The Clerk stated that Council-man Richardson requested LEAVE OF ABSENCE for the July 22nd and 29th, also the August 5th meetings. Councilman Swift beim; on vacation was excused..1 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that Councilman Reid act as temporary Chairman of the Council until Ccuncilrm n Swift's returns. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini) that Councilman Richardson be given Leave of Absence for the three meetin-s as requested. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the July 15th meeting be adopted as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 140, AMOUNT DAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3551 900.00 Carl K. Cook 3rd & Rainier Blacktop lot 2 50.00 Louis Stoll 14030 Sunset Highway remodel house 3 12,000.00 Monterey Terrace Renton erect residence 4 122000.00 n it rt n n - 5 12,000.00 n "' n n n 6 12,000.00 r' it, 7 12,000.00 " It nr ►t rr • 8 100.00 W.A; Noble 410 Pel_ly erect fence 9- 150.00 Modern Materials 3215 6th Ave No. wire service 3560 150.00 " ►r322.1 6th Ave. No. " if 1 150.00 if It 3227 6th Ave. No. 2 150.00 it " 3233 6th Ave. N. 3 150.00 it n 3303 n n, Is ►t 4 150.00 n " 3309 n it if n 5 150.00 " n 3315 n n u n 6 150,00 n m 3321 n n 7 150.00 '► " 3327 '► n rt n 8 24.00 J.J. McLeod 824 Grant Street erect residence 9 100.00 J.W. Klinga 442 N. Burnett St, wire service 3570 350.00 Mrs. Clara Berg 13828 86th Ave.S. erect shed 1 100.00 B.E. Puckett 411 Wells St. N. erect garage 2 125.00 G.C. Bartlett 512 Wells St. N. cement garage floor 3 200.00 Leo F. Cogeshell 2203 9th Ave. N. build driveway 4 50.00 LeRoy L. Schwartz 812 C. Street build driveway 5 1,400.00 Harold Philips 414 N. Burnett house foundation 6 - Mr. Beck 307 Cedar Street convert oil furnace 7 - R. N. Weaver 629 Cedar St. install plumbing 8 200.00 James Copeland 225 Pelly remodel house 9 2,550.00 L.M. Thompson 655 G. St. addition on house 3580 220.00 Lynn Crane 2413 6th Place remodel house 1 800.00 Acme Sian Co. Sunset Blvd. erect neon sign 2 350.00 N.A. Maffeo 305 4th Ave. repair porch 3 32000.00 Rainier Lumber Co. 11427 Rainier Ave. erect building 4 100.00 John Chanik 2423-A 7th Ave., N. remodel house 6 5,000.00 St. Anthonyts Ch. 4th & Morris move residence 7 - J.F. Barnett 415 Whitworth St, install furnace 8 100.00 Ben Lindgren 129 Wells move shed On request of Councilman Bruce, the City Clerk read the recommendation of William F. Davis, Chairman of the Insurance Committee, in regard to Cedar River Park as follows: (1) That each apartment building (consisting of 14 apartments each) be insured for $5000.00 at $42.74 per ,year (approximately $3.00 per year for each apartment;) that the approximate replacement cost per build- ing would be $40,000.002 i.e., insurance would be based on 10% of the value of the buildings. 161 (2) That the Administration building be insured for $50,000.00 and the contents for $25,000.00; that the replacement cost of the administration building is approximately $125,000.002 the inventory $71,000.00. Based on the above estimates, the total value of the apartment and administration buildings being $280.000.00, the premium would cost the City of Renton $2,831.99 for one year, or $7079.00 for three years. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Insurance Committee recommendation be referred to the Property Committee to report back their recommendation. Councilman Bruce stated that this matter was too involved for the Property Committee alone to decide and requested that the Council as a whole consider same. Council— man Holm stated that in his opinion, when co—insurance rates are applicable to insurance policies, there is a penalty for this type of insurance, that the City would be able to recover only a portion of the loss in case of fire. The Assistant City Attorney stated that standard fire insurance policies require coverage of 80% of the value; that the City would stand to take a lose on its coverage — — that the policy should stipulate that "appraisal is a certain sum" so the City would not take a loss. Councilman Bruce stated that Mr. Davis was unable to be present this evening, but would be present at the next Council meeting to answer any questions. On the recommendation of the Mayor, Councilman Tamborini, with the consent of his second, Councilman Hansen, reworded his motion that the Insurance Committee re— commendation be referred to the Council as a whole for further investigation and consideration and to report back their recommendation at the next Council meting. Carried. I The City Clerk read the recommended changes in the insurance commission dis— tribution as follows: Tom Dobson & Son Real Estate 00 William F. Davis, Insurance . . . . ... .. 20.00% Renton Fealty Company .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. 15.00/ ' Tom'Harries Real Estate & Ins. . . . . .. 5.00% Wallin & Edwards, Inc.. . . .. . . ... . . . .. 10.00% F. T. Allen 10.00% W. H. Sweeny . . .. . . ..... .. ......... .. 5.00% Councilman Bruce stated that the members of the Property Committee consider the nro— posed allocation fair and equitable and recommended approval of same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Harold Jordan, owner of the Yellow Cab Company, re— questing that the Council do not grant a cab stand at 207 Wells Street to Cliff's Radio Cab, or City Cab Company, and making application for a cab stand at this address for the Yellow Cab Company, stating that Mr. Butko of King's Tavern is only interested in a cab stand at this address for the convenience of his customers. Mr. Jordan further -states that the present stands of both the Jordan Cab Company and the Cliff's Radio Cabs derive -an equal amount of the cab trade coming from the 2nd and Williams bu-s stop and that in his opinion a cab stand granted to Cliff's Radio Cab or the City Cab Comoa.ny at 207 Wells Street would cause an unfair situation — that in the event the Council denies the Cliff's Radio Cab or City Cab Company's application, that his (Harold Jordan's)application be withdrawn and cancelled with— out further notice. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the application be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to Act. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, this application should be referred to the same two committees for their recommendation, as the similar application i received last week. q CcunciLman Delaurenti stated that it was the intent of the Police and License aCommittee to discuss this application with both the Street and Alley Committee and Ordinance Committee before making their recommendation. } 162 With the consent of his second, Councilman Hansen, Councilman Bruce, reworded his motion to include the Street and Alley Committee and Ordinance Committe. The motion carried. The City Clerk read a request from the Interlake Broadcasting Corporation (KXRN) — signed by R. S. McCaw, Presidne, for a 5 year renewal of their lease (expiring December 31, 1952) with an option for an additional five year renewal. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Property Committee for a report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Interlake Broadcasting Corporation were very good tenants and stated that the Property Committee recommended that subject lease be renewed for five years. Councilman Bruce informed the Council that the Interlake Broadcasting Company were paying $150.00 per month under the present lease which was in excess of the standard rental fee per square foot for buildings in Mothers Park. Mayor Baxter stated that money derived from rentals of property and buildings in Mothers Park was credited to the Mothers Park Fund; that minimum rental fees were charged to encourage small industrial businesses to come to Renton. Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council accept the re4ommendation of the Property Committee and that the City Attorney draft the required lease and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that test pumping .for the new Kennydale well at the intersection of Southeast 100th Street and 108th Avenue Southeast had proved highly satisfactory and that it is proposed to develop the permanent well — — that the purchase of the properties will be included In the bond issue, but the option date on the property (secured May 8, 1952) will expire August 8, 1052 before the bonds are issued. The City Engineer recommends that funds be borrowed from Cumulative Fund No. 1183 for acquiring this property. Parcel A, 211' x 1301 — agreed price $1150.00 Parcel B, 62.51 x 3501 — agreed price 850.00 LA TOTAL — agreed price $2000.00 necessary for development of the new Kennydale well to meet State Health Depart— ment requirements. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the City Eng— ineer's recommendation. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney draft the necessary papers acquiring this property and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of the bids for draining and filling the Black River Channel, the City Clerk read the following bids: BIDD AMOUNT White Construction Company — $14,915.32 Ace Construction Company - 17,968.00 N. Fiorito Company — 47,090.00 Cecil Stanley — 15,965.06 Walters Construction — 17,200.00 The City Engineer requested that the Council expedite awarding, of the bid, so the trunk sewer and Earlington improvement would not be delayed. Moved by Trim, seconded by Farmer, that all bids be referred to the City Eng— ineer and Council as a whole for a report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce, stated that in his opinion, the bid should be awarded to the lowest bidder, as soon as the City Engineer had determined if .specifications of the call for bids are complied with. The City Engineer stated that he would check specifications of all bids received at this time. 163 A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the consulting attorneys will submit a new water Ordinance, Tuesday, July 29, 1952; in estimating the revenue under the new water rate schedule, the fiscal consultants recommended that the firm cost figures for the majority of the work be presented before the bonds f inancing the work are issued; that the recommended procedure is to issue bid calls for the majority of the work, and withhold bid awards for two weeks to peinit bonds to be issued; the call for bids authorizes the work to be contracted under the Plan and system Ordinance — — Bond Issue of 1-952, Series A.,-having to be issued simultaneously so that the Ordinance can be prepared and the bonds issued at the same-time. The City Engineer submitted improvement proposals for Council consider— ationj further stating that he is withholding plans and specifications until July 29, 1952, pending approval of the proposals. PROPOSAL N0, 1. Proposed improvements of the sewage treatment plant. (Expanding and improving facilities of existing plant.) 1. Construct additional digester tank, with necessary machinery and equipment for digester operation. 2. Install degritor for removing sand and gravel from incoming -sewage. 3. Install additional new sewage pump to handle increased flow through plant. 4. Replace inferior main sludge pump and replace inferior auxiliary sludge pump. Estimated cost $60,000.00 Estimated life — Digester tank — indefinitely. — Equipment — 20 years with proper care and maintenance. (Tdote. Above items estimated. Original estimate $50,000.00, but with unsettled steel and labor market conditions, a higher cost was set — any surplus Pound can be applied to future improvements under the comprehensive plan.) PROPOSAL N0, 2. Proposed Sewage Treatment Plant property. 1. Acquire Darcel of land owned by the P.bnt®n 50hool Diatr#oti abutting existing sewage treatment plant site, comprising approximately 5 acres, for future expansion of sewage treat— ment plant Estimated cost..............0*....... 0102000.00 (Note. Appraised cost, under present land values, to be included in 1952 bond issue.) PROPOSAL NO.3. Proposed Water System. Develop deep well water supply on property located at the northwest corner of intersection at Southeast 100th Street and 108th Avenue Southeast, in Kennydale. 1. Exploration test drilling and test pumping for record. Actual cost... $ 61800.00 2. Acquire property for development of permanent well to meet State Health Department requirements. Firm'agreed price........................000 .0.. $ 21000.00 3. Issue bid proposal for construction of permanent water well to produce minimum flow of 1000 gallons per minute and maximum flow of 1500 gallons per minute, in accordance with speficications. Estimated cost...........o......o_.00 . ..oo...oeo $40,000.00 4. Issue bid proposal for construction of masonry pump house, in accordance with specifications. Estimated cost......................... ........... $ 2,200.00 5. Issue bid proposal for construction of wire mesh, chain link fence$ to enclose deep well water supply property. Estimated cost...... ...... ... ... .. .... .. . . . . ...... 41000.00 6. Miscellaneous items and estimated costs as follows: Clear well site... .', . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 500.00 ` Connect pumping line to main.,....oot. .. . . . . . .. . . 500.00 Electric power line & transformers.. .. .. . . . . . . . ... 12000.00 Total cost of Proposal No. 3... . . . . . . . . . . . 0 $57,000.00 kA PROPOSAL NO.4.. Proposed Water System. Improvement of Kennydale Water System. 1. Construct and replace water mains in the Kennydale system and provide continuous system to meet Washington Rating & Survey Bureau requirements for fire protection design. Estimated cost (Item 1 and 2 above)... . . . ... . .. ... ...$85,500.00 3. Change water service connections_ to new mains by City Water Department. Estimated cost .... .... .... . . . . . . . . .. ..... ... . . . .. ..017.500„00 Total cost of Proposal No. 2.. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .$103,00.00 PROPOSAL N0. 5. Retiring outstanding bonds.... .. . . . ...... .. . .. 58,000.00 PROPOSAL NO.6. Issue bid proposal for rehabilitation of 11,500 feet of existing 20 inch steel Spri_ngbrook watermain. Estimated cost... . .. ..... .. . . . .. . . . $50,000.00 PROPOSAL NO.7. Install and house gas chlorination equipment at the Springbrook Head works to meet State Health Depart— ment requirements. Firm cost estimate... . ... . . . . 3,500.00 1952 Bond Issue — Series A — estimated total...... $3j1.500.00 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer's report and pro— posal be referred to the Council as a whole for discussion and consideration at a later date. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received a letter from the Office of Rent Stabili— zation, Washington D.C., similar to the letter presented by Councilman Farmer at the last Council meeting, in regard to extension of rent control. Councilman Bruce stated, that in his opinion, the City of Renton should go on record as favoring rent control. Councilman Morris reported that the Legislative Committee will present for Council consideration at next week's Council meeting, a Resolution extending rent control. The City Clerk stated that he had both the contract for the Valley Construction Company for the Earlington L.I.D., and for N. Fiorito for the trunk sewer im- provements, as prepared by the fiscal consultants, Weters, Roberts and Shefelman. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the awards were made several weeks ago and the contracts were prepared and were now ready for the City's execution, also the other contracting parties concerned, if it is the Council's decision. As the Council had previously approved the awards, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contracts, and same be forwarded for the proper execution by the contractors, and to be returned for City records. Carried. The City Clerk read the Washington Public Service Commission Order dated July 10, 1952, (NO.T-8820) fixing railroad speed limits in the City of Renton, Washing— ton at 10 miles per hour over all railroad crossings within_ the City Limits. Mayor Baxter stated., that in his opinion, that after the train has cleared the crossing, it should speed up to avoid holding up traffic unnecessari17. The Fire rqmLM Chief stated, that in his opinion, if no members of the crew got off;,the train at the depot, as the train enteredAgef 'City of Renton, so that the train would not have to slow down to pick them up�/as 1 was leaving, this would save between three to five minutes each trip., especially on the Great Northern where the trains cut-off traffic going up Renton Scenic Hill. Councilman Bruce requested that the Committee investigate trains waiting in areas too close to intersections causing the signal lights to show STOP, creating traffic congestion. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor, Fire Chief and Traffic Division of the Police Department investigate and discuss the problems presented with the Railroad Officials to see what improvements can be made. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received an inquiry from Mr. George Smith of the Associaticn of Washington Cities inviting the City of Renton to host a regional 165 meeting of the Association of Washington Cities on Thursday, October 23rd, stating that there would be no charge to the City of Renton. ' Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the City of Renton accept Mr. Smith's invi— tation and the matter be referred to the proper committee to make necessary arrange— ments. Carried. iA communication was read from C. R. Nelson, Assistant Attorney General, commending the Mayor and Councilmen for the good report, -prepared by the State Examiner, commen— ting on a small expenditure (on page 5), that there is no state law provision per— mitting this type of expenditure and requesting that the City find some other way to accomplish this purpose, also requesting confirmation by letter of same. Following a discussion as to the powers of the different Boards and Commissions and the authority the Mayor and council has over same, moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the Clerk confirm to the Attorney General's Office the Council's explanation and disapproval of such expenditures and a copy of this letter be furnished to all members of the different Boards and Commissions of the City of Renton for their in— formation. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had asked the different Boards and Commissions to furnish him a copy of the minutes of their meetings and that he would place these minutes on file and any Councilman interested could read same. The City Engineer having checked the specifications of the bids submitted for the draining and filling of the Black River Channel, and find no errors, stated that he recommended that the bid from the White Construction Company for $1/.,915.32, the lowest bid received be accepted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the bid be awarded to the White Construe— tion Company. Carried. Moved by `i'rimm,seconded by Farmer that the City Attorney draft the necessary con— tract and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. Mayor Baxter inquired if there were anyone in the audience that had anything to bring before the Council. There was no response. Mayor Baxter granted the Property Committee more time to contact the appraisers in regard to the value of the City Hall building. On request of Councilman Trimm, that the report of the Ordinance and Street and Alley Committee (appro�fed by all Committee members, signed by the majority of both committees) be read, the City Clerk read the joint Ordinance and Street and Alley's report, unanimously recommending that the request to change the City cab stand from 3rd Avenue and Williams Street to 207 Wells Street be rejected. Councilman Holm stated that Councilman Swift had expressed his approval to this report, but was not able to be present to sign same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council accept the recommendation of i the Ordinance and Street & Alley Committee. Carried. f The City Clerk informed the Council that they were having a difficult time equit— ably separating voting Precints 11 and 12 — — that he had discussed this problem with the Budget Controller and would discuss it further with the City Engineer. Councilman Reid stated that the Power and Li{-ht Committee recommended that the light brackets and fixtures be removed from the poles at Liberty Park as they were a hazard to the public. i After a thorough discussion in regard to the lighting system in Liberty Park, moved by Delaurentip seconded by Hansen, that the Ways and Means Committee investigate in regard to financing the replacement of brackets and fixtures for the lighting . system at Liberty Park and report back to the Council. Carried. i I 166 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Clerk notify the Housing Authority that the-Council as a whole would meet with the Housing Authority, after the regular_Cou.ncil meeting on Tuesday., July 29th, to discuss a proposed site for low—rent Housing as authorized previously by the Renton City Council. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. 4 i I i Mayor J i i Renton, Washington July 29, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MDRRIS HANSEN,, TRIMM, REID AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Richardson is on Leave of Absence.i OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRE-SINT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; C. E. McCarthy, Assistant Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. (Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner was absent due to the serious illness of his brother.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of July 22nd 19529 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Joseph W. Roundhill, 2619 7th Avenue North, stating that on July 9th he drove his car over a 'chuck hole' located just off the Sunset Highway, to the east on 4th Avenue, causing damage in the amount of $81,13, to his cars. and requesting that the City pay him the amount of this claim. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that this claim be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. With reference to the request for a non—conforming permit from Arthur E. Roll to build a garsa on his property at 8812 Langston Road, within 3 feet of his pro— perty line, � which was read et the June 24th Council meeting and referred back to Mr. Roll to obtain a written ersement from the adjoining property owner, ) the City Clerk read an easement signed by Tony Starkovich, 8802 Langston Road granting per— mission to Arthur Roll to erect a garage within three feet, or up to his property line. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the easement be referred to the Building -- Inspector with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council, dated July 25, 1952, requesting that the City Council take action to extend rent control in the City of Renton to April 30, 1953. A communication was read from Harold J.Gibson, President of the Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge #751, urging the City Council to adopt the proposed Resolution extending rent control in the City of Renton, due to the housing shortage. Mayor Baxter requested that the two communications beheld pending the Legislative Committee's report. The City Clerk read a proposed Resolution presented by the Legislative. Committee stating that owing to the existing shortage of housing accomodations in the City of Renton, plus the fact there is a major plant of the Boeing Airplane company, located in the City of Renton, producing vitally needed military aircraft for American Defense, and the Boeing Airplane Company's newly instituted hiring to increase their work to a post war high, and other production relating to defense work, increased defense activity, and military procure ment in the Renton area, the existence of a shortage of rental units and housing accomodations, that Federal Rent Control be continued beyond the present termination date of September 30, 1952, Mayor Baxter requested that Council action be withheld until the interested per— sons in the audience had the opportunity to voice his opinions. Mr. Erwin Fey, owner of the.Roxy Apartments, speaking in behalf of himself and other apartment house owners stated that they all had, years ago, realized that the City of Renton would grow, and in this planning had spent a great deal of their own money in the various apartment buildings; that if rent control continues in effect, they would still be left in a position where the rent ceiling they had to abide by was not equitable with the many various Government owned housing projects; that there were two new privately owned projects being built at this time, con— sisting of approximately 140 houses, as well as many other private homes already built and being constructed, that individuals had already obtained permits to 168 c to build; that Cedar River Project has between 8 and 9 percent vacancies and the Highland Project, 26 percent vacancies - - that rent control affects no more than one percent of Renton's population - - and that the apartment house owners request that the Council consider this problem more thoroughly; that they check to determine the exact number of vacancies in Rentonts housing units, and other vacancies around Renton; Mr. Fey further stated in most cases, the apartment build- ing rentals are the livihood of their respective owners and that it is not right that the City of Renton should impose a hardship on apartment house owners by con- tinuing rent control when there are vacancies at the present time in Renton; that individuals can move into apartments at a lightly higher rental than in the housing projects and have all the conveniences of living within walking distance of the City center. Mr. Fey further requested that the City Council delay action until they find out what decision Seattle makes in regard to the continuatlon.of rent control. Mr. John Dobson, Attorney, representing Mr. Evans, of the Evans Apartments, stated that there are actually 447 vacancies in the Renton Highlands Project and 47 vacancies in the Cedar River Projects that this would indicate that there is no shortage of rental houses in the Renton area; that in his opinion, freezing of rents and rent control basically sounds like a good ideal, but not equitable in many instances, that should the City of Renton go on record as having a housing shortage, and favoring rent control, it may have an Effect on securing future defense contracts for this area and that although rent control. can be continued by the City Council or by the Federal Government, he does not feel that the Council should go on record as favoring the continuation of rent control. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council approve the proposed Reso- lution, continuing rent control, as read. Councilman Tamborini stated that in his opinion, as rent control would not term- inate until September 30th, that the Legislative Committee should investigate further; that they should talk with the different organizations and members and owners of the various apartments in Renton and determine if there is an actual housing shortage and report back to the Council. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be amended to react that the question of continuing rent control be delayed and the proposed Resolution be referred back to the Legislative Committee to be presented to the Council again on August 26, 1952, when apartment house owners will. have submitted written recommendations stating their reasons for opposing the continuation of rent con- trol and others will have submitted their reasons for favoring same. The amend- ment carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that a notice be published stating i that the Legislative Committee is seeking written opinions from those that are interested in the extension of rent control and those who oppose sans, so that the committee can better understand public opinion in regard to the :issue, before the Counctil takes any definite action, also that the proposed Resolution extend- ing Rent Control be presented to the Council for consideration at the August 26th Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that Mr. William Davis, the Insurance Commission repre- sentative was present to answer any questions in regard to insurance for the Cedar River Project. Mr. Davis stated that the rate quoted was a flat rate, that the Council could insure the Project for any amount they wish and that they will insure up to face value of the buildings; that in case of loss the company would pay up to the face value of the policy on any loss, whether $5.00 or $5000.00; that he re- commended that the Council keep the cost down to a minimum. Councilman Holm stated that he had discussed the matter very thoroughly with Mr. Davis since the last Council meeting and fully understood the policy; but that he wondered if the amount, 12t% of actual value, as stated, was adequate coverage, as the loss of a building would also mean the loss of income, that in his opinion, 25% coverage would allow a better margin of safety. Mr. Davis stated, that in his opinion in case of loss, the building would be covered; that the Council was primarily interested in the insurance cost; that the replacement cost of an apart- ment unit would be $3500.00 and the insurance coverage was $5000.00 for the unit, which would allow an apartment to be repaired immediately and placed back in the income bracket. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee had thoroughly discussed the insurance problem with Mr. Davis and they realized that the insurance given was the full coverage for the full valuation, but that considering the premium stated for the value of coverage given, that this was a very good price; that if the Council decides to take out the policy proposed at the last Council meeting, for a three year period, on the basis that payments are made annually, that the Council could save 14% of the premium price. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that the premium would be paid from the revenue income from the Cedar River Housing Author- ity of the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the Committee and the premium installments be paid annually. Carried. The pity Clerk read a communication from Vere Thompson, President of the Renton City Employee's Club, requesting a meeting with the City Council, City Attorney and Department Heads, after the August 5th Council meeting, for discussion of the City Employee's previous request in regard to medical coverage; stating that representa- tives of different medical plans would also be present to answer any questions the Council might have. On the recommendation of Councilman Reid that a committee represent the City Em- ployees, moved by Morris, seconded by Freyman, that the request of the City Employ- ee's be granted. Carried. The City Clerk announced the 27th Annual Picnic of the King County Pioneer Assoc- iation at Cottonwood Grove, Sunday August 3, 1952. The City Engineer was advised to notify Mr. Frazier of Bramhall & Stein, that the Council would meet with them to discuss the proposed water ordinance at 9:00 P.M., after the next Council meeting, August 5, 1952. Councilman Bruce stated that on contacting several appraisersjn regard to the value of the City Hall Building, that he had been informed the cost would be one- tenth of one percent of the value of the building and further suggested that the Council authorize Building Inspector Walt Will, who is well qualified to make an appraisal of the building, to do so. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Building Inspector be instructed to make and submit an appraisal of the City Hall Building at the next Council -- meeting. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the City Clerk had advised the Ways and Means Committee that for the purpose of replacing the lights and fixtures on the light poles at Liberty Park, $3000.00 could be taken from Cumulative Fund #1183 and $1000.00 from Cumulative Fund #1182 and that same would be paid back from the water fund as soon as the bond issue had gone through. Mayor Baxter stated that if the Council borrowed this amount from the Cumulative Funds there would be no money available for emergencies. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, money should be allocated in the Park Department's 1953 budget, if the lights and fixtures are to be replaced next year. After a short discussion, moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the lights and fixtures be removed and any further action in regard to replacing same be delayed until money for same is properly budgeted. Carried. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Don Mumble, the Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority, had requested that he be advised by phone, the time the Council would meet with the Housing Authority Board members this evening, and that they would come immediately. Mayor Baxter requested that the City Clerk advise Mr. Don Humble and the Housing Authority Board members that the Council would meet with them at this time. The Park Superintendent informed the Council in regard to acquisition of property on Lake Washington, adjacent to the City of Renton property, to be used as a swimming beach, that the Railroad Company which owns the property had been con- tacted and the Park Department is waiting for a reply from the Railroad Company. The Assistant City Attorney confirmed this information and further stated that if they do not receive a reply within a reasonable time, they will send another letter. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. Uter the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. 17 � ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MRRIS, HANSEN, REID, AND TANBORINI. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1434 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, changing and describing the boundaries of Precincts 11 and 12 in order to have a uniform registration in said precincts. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council that he had studied the boundary lines very carefully and thoroughly and that the Ordinance was drafted and the boundary lines given according to instructions from Mr. Edward Logan, Superintendent of Elections and Registrations from King County. Councilman Holm stated that he, as a member of the Ordinance Committee approved the proposed Ordinance and requested that Councilman Trimm, (who had just returned after the recess) be asked to state his opinion, so the Ordinance Committee, the Chairman being absent, could make a major- ity report. The City Engineer informed the Council that 8th and 9th Avenues in said precincts, I were not correct as shown on the map in the Council Chambers, but that the correct description had been given in the Ordinance. Councilman Trimm, returning to the Council meeting, stated that in his opinion, the proposed Ordinance was satisfactory and stated that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the majority of the Ordinance "ommittee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the 2nd and final reading, moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be approved as written. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye and Tamborini, aye, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Ay", the motion carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. �V City erk yor ,f 171 Renton, WashinCton August 5, 1952 The reCular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by a.yor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROIL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIT�C ,REID AZiD TAMBORINI. (Councilman Richardson being on leave of absence and Councilman Freyman was unable to attend. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS FR ESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attcrr-ey; Angelo Pusato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton., City Engineer., Wiley Crook., City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will,Building Ins-oector and Elton Alexander, BudgetController. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the July 29th meeting be approved as corrected. Carried.. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING P,?NITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE pp WORK 35899 $300.00 vier Varner 128 Park Avenue remodel house 90 800.00 Art Nelson 12511 SE 141st St. erect garage 1 - Roy Genero 131 Main St. install furnace 2 150.00 Modern Materials 32C9 6th Ave. No.. wire service 3 150.n0 it t►- 3203 6th It n It it 4 150.00 It If 3432 6th Place It It 5 150.00 't it 3426 It It It it 6 150-eO It it 3420 It It re It 7 15o.00 tr it, 3414 It It rr If 8 150.00 't ° 3408 It it rt It 9 150.00 ►r ►►; 3402 tr rr it 3600 150.00 Robert E. Moore 409 Gdhitworth Reroof residence 1 600.00 Leo O'Brien 18 Shattuck St. Remodel house 2 100.00 Emory Wolfe 2005 9th Place remodel house 3 22.50 Joe Finn 821 "D" Street wire service 4 - George Butko South 138th & 86th S. install plumbing 5 - William Long 235 Garden St. install It 6 50.00 C. L. Dale 8628 S. 138th "" window 7 100.00 Harry Ackers 957 I. Street wire service 8 7000.00 Modern Materials 3303 6th Ave. N. erect house 9 7000.00 It W 3232 6th Ave. N. it It 3610 7000.00 It It, 3227 6th Ave. N. It It 11 7000.00 it It 3220 6th Ave. N. it It 12 7000.00 " It 3214 6th Ave. N. it it 13 7000.00 't It 3303 7th Place It it 14 7000.00 't It 3502 6th Place it 1-5 7000.00 n ►r 3508 6th Place It n 16 7000.00 't " 3514 6th 'r n r►�.. 17 7000.00 " " 35206th " r► n 18 7000.00 ,► 't 3526 6th 'r r► ►► 19 400.00 Herman Nirschl 708 Cedar River erect garage 20 150.00 'Modern Materials 3532 6th Place wire service 1 150.00 it, tr 3403 rr r► It It 2 100.00 Ralph Plumbing & Service 418 Shattuck install plumbing 3 100.00 George Atkinson 815 Walla Walla Ave. build display wall 3-A 25.00 William Hurt 2110 7th Ave. N. erect fence 4 130.00 R. J. Tuttle 540 Dorris St. reshingle roof 5 50.00 Mrs. Frank Jeray 1525 3rd Ave. i3. remodel house 6 100.00 John Vrablic- 11511 116th Ave. SE erect new chimney 7 8700.00 Randall Rockhill 904 5th N. erect duplex 8 1200.00 C.G. Myers 315 Whitworth remodel house 9 5000.00 St. Luke's Ei-)isconal Ch. 93 Wells St. erect new -uilding 30 - Mrs. E. G. Poeske 544 E. St. install furnace 1 - C. G- Myers 315 Whitworth install plumbing 2 - Vincent Rosa 212-214 Williams St. install " 3 300.00 F. J. Hickel 12715 SE 144th St, remodel house A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Comm- ission stating that the Planning Commission recommended that the Council act favor- ably on Robert L. Edward's petition of July 'th to rezone certain described pro- 172 � perty Lying between the Sunset Highway and the Pacific Coast Railroad, adjacent and across theLailroad from the Pacific Car and Foundry Com--any. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re=rLT.endation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from M. E. McLaren, of the Seattle Metal Trades Council re- commending that rent control be continued. A similar communication was read from Alfred B. Jessup, Secretary of the Meat Cutters Union #18 stating that their Union is opposed to decontrol of rents. Both communications were referred to the Legislative Committee until the hearing on rent control on August 26, 1952. Communication was read from Albert Balch, requesting two certain pieces of property adjacent to President Park Addition be annexed to the City of Renton; also, that two more pieces or property adjacent to President park Addition #2 be annexed to the City of Renton. Mr. Balch requests immediate action in order to subdivide the property and obtain the Renton Planning Commission's and F.H.A. 's approval to the proposed plat. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the communication be referred to the City Engineer to check the descriptions given in the petition, also the Planning Commiss- ion for their recomulendation and a report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from George X. Grant, 1st Lt. Arty, USAR, requesting per- mission to park a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun in the enclosed area of the City Garage. "ave Pugh, Street Commissioner, stated that space could be made available at the Garage to store the unit's gun. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Lt. Grant be granted permission to store the gun in the enclosed area at the City Garage and the City Attorney be authorized to draft a proper agreement whereby the City of Renton will be held free and blameless in case of. loss or damage to same. Carried. Lt. Grant stated that he would continue to look for a suitable storage place for the gun that would be sheltered. A communication was read from E.L. Wolthausen, Lease & Property Department, Division of Purchasing, State of Washingtin, Department of Public Institutions, requesting the City of Renton renew their lease for the space occupied by the Washington State Patrol Vehicle Testing Station and authorization to continue the State Patrol functions for five years; also requesting that an attached lease be executed by the City of Renton and returned to the Division of Purchasing In Olympia, for execution by the State. Councilman Bruce stated that he understood the lease expired August 31, 1952 -that the present lease was between the Airport Board and Herman Covey, d,/b/a/ U.S., Meat Company, which the Council approved - - that the contract specifies that the sublease can be cancelled at any time if premises are needed for auto testing pur- poses, and further, that the building reverts to the City of Renton on expiration of lease; that a contract of lease was attached for the Council's consideration and that in his opinion, the City Council should authorize the drafting of a new lease to the Washington State patrol, if they wish to renew said lease. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the request for renewal of a lease to the Washington State Patrol be referred to the Property Committee for a report back. Carried. The city Attc)rney stated that in his opinion the present lease should be investi- gated to see if the present tenant is protected and what rights the Chamber of Commerce has in this regard. x letter of thanks was read from Clarence Du.11ahant, retiring Councilman for the gift he received from the °layor and Council. The communication was ordered filed. A report was read from the Light & Power Committee recommending that one aerial light and one bracket light be installed at the intersection of Main Street and Grady Way. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the r ecorunendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. 73 Councilman Reid stated that tl-e cost of the lights could be paid by the Street Fund. After explanation by Councilman Holm that it was in order to refer the annexation of the Hugh 'White property to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordi nap ce j moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance Committee ;raft the required Ordinance for Council consideration. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that on the date of August 11th at 8:00 P.M., (the date set by law as the lst meeting for consideration of the preliminary 1953 Denartment 's budgets) the Council consider the Airport and Library Budgets. Carried. .� The Budget Controller advised the Council that the Librarian may be on vacation at that time, but there were other budgets prepared that could be considered. On recommendation of Councilman Reid, moved byDelaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Trimm be granted a two weeks leave of absence �:s he will be out of town. Carried. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that the first meetings in regard to the budgets are for consideration of preliminary budgets and that the public would be invited to attend the special meetings when the adoption of a preliminary budget was being considered. Councilman Delaur-enti, confirmed by the Chief of Police, informed. the Council that the Chief of Police and Police & License Committee had investigated the brick build- ing area at Cedar River Park with regard to converting same to a Jail Building and that the Chief of Police had discussed same with the Building Inspector in regard to the estimated cost. Chief of Police Busato further stated that it would require considerable study before they can submit a definite plan. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee was endeavoring to g et an over- all estimated cost and plan from the different Department Heads involved in the proposed move. Councilman Morris stated. that he had met with three reoresentatives of the Seattle City Light Department and had discussed the rise and fall of Cedar River - - that they had determined that the source of trouble is the Cedar River Power House - - that they start their power house at 7:00 A.M., and by 3:30 to x:00 P.M., the crest o the aver is in the Renton area. Councilman Morris further stated that they dis- cussed two methods of safety, (1) posting of warning signs along the river and (2) an educational system in the Renton schools through the School Board and that the Legislative Committee will make another report later. Councilman Trimm stated that according to the Fire Department retort, the area at Miller's Corner is still without fire hydrants, and stated that in his opinion, the people should institute a program in this regard. T(-.e City Engineer stated that he had not had sufficient time to institute an L.I.D., in this area but hoped to be able to do so before fall. The City Engineer stated that he had the light, fixture and pole for installation of the light on 2nd Avenue, near the high school, and hoped to have it in place sometime this month. The City Enginner stated that I,-:r. Bramhall was unable to be present to meet with the Council this evening, but that 11r. Frazier of the Pacific Northwest Water Comoany would be present; that he understood their proposal would be similar to the re- commendations in Mr. 'golfe's report. May or Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, D ELAUR.ENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, MORRIS, FARMER, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND TAMBORINI. Proved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid.. Carried. T1:1e following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: F7 PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 5221x.5356 $17,569.61 CLAIMS CURRENT 524— 588 18,662.86 CLAIMS WATER 8640-8649 4,4.18.17 CLAIMS PARK 1694,-1700 11787.05 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 621— 622 294.00 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2254-2263 19609.28 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6287-6302 6,326.82 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1359-1371 29264.21 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2531-2539 365.36 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 460- 462 107.75 CLAIMS FIREMEN IS PEN. FD. 88 - CLAIM CUM. FUND #1183 391 1,100.00 CLAIMS CEDAR RIVER PARK ACQ. 10 1,506.00 ... CLAIM CONSTRUCTION FUND 1- 3 108.16 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ty Clerk yor mat 175 Renton, Washington August 12, 1952 The regulameeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at U0 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN$ REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY; ANGELO BI/SATO, CHIEF CF POLICE; FLOYD LAWRENCE, FIRE CHIEF; IvILEY CROOK, "TTY CLERK; DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURE?,; JAMES HIGHTON, CITY ENGINEER; WALT WILL, BUILDING INSPECTOR; DAVE PUGH., STREET COMIIISSION~;R, AND ELTON ALEXANDER, BUDGET CONTROLLER. Iloved by Bruce, seconded by Holm, that the minutes of the meeting August 5, 1952 be approved. as written. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Don F. Sebelist, President of the Renton Co- operative Play Group, requesting the privilege of continuing to conduct the Renton Cooperative Plan Group program at the Cedar River Park Administration Building which involves the use of the following facilities: ROOM 'r.C." - GYNASIUM - TOILETS - OUTSIDE PLAYGROUND. Moved by P.ruce, seconded by Morris, that the Renton Cooperative Play Group be allowed the use of the s--)ace requested on a temporary basis with the approval of the Renton Park Board and the board temporarily in charge of Cedar River Park. Carried. A communication from W.P. Ryan, was read requesting permission to install a Music Box in Tonkin's Turf Rom, agreeing to pay X10.00 astaker Ordinance No. 1319 for the balance of the year 195?. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Holm, tl-at this be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from the WASHINGTON STATE PATROL., requesting the assistance of the City Council in locating larger office space, with suitable parking area adjacent thereto, as parking constitutes a major difficulty at the present locatiaz . Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Communications were read f rom the following RE: THE LIFTING OF REIITT CONTROL IN THE RENTON AREA. WASHINGTON STATE COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS, signed by A.H. Berglund, pro- testing against lifting of rent control. UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA, signed by A.H. Berglund, protesting the lifting of rent control.. DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS, signed by Ernest Fisher, requesting the continuation of rent control. UNITED GIJUVIENT WORKERS OF AM=ERICA, signed by Carrie McDowell, pro- testing removal of rent control. OPERATIVE PLASTERERS AND CEMENT MASONS, signed by Emil H. Mohler, re- questing the continuation of rent control. INTERNATIONAL BROTHIMHOOD OF FIREMEN AND OILERS, signed by Thomas W. Bernard, urging the extending of rent control. COOKS AND ASSISTANTS' LOCAL NO. 333 requesting the continuation of rent control. AUTO SHEET METAL WORKERS, signed by D. N. Smith, requesting the exten- sion of rent control. INTERNATICNAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, signed by L.E. Thomas, protesting the removal of rent control. Moved by Richardson sec:nded by Tamborini, that the above communications be referred to the Legislative committee to make a report ;n August 26, 1952. Carried. A communication was read from the STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTI- TUTIONS, requesting from the City of Renton, the renewal of their lease for the space occupied by the Washington State Patrol Testing Station, previous lease with the Chamber of Commerce was for 5 years and they would appreciate authorization to con- tinue the State Patrol functions for an additional 5 years, attaching lease for execution by the City Officials. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed lease as presented by the `nashington State Patrol Testing Station, be rejected with X76 Z the pri.viso that the City Council would consider further negotiations in regard to a more suitable lease, also that the Property Committeebe requested to in- vestigate and report back as to the present and future status of the lease now in effect with Covey Bros. Carried. Mr. Reynolds, E)ecutive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, depicted to the City Council the deplorable condition that exists at the Kennydale bathing beach, par- ticularly regarding traffic hazards and contamination of the water, Mr... Reynolds informed the Council of his recent experience regarding the traffic hazard, stating that bathers coming from the beach onto the highway are not visible to advancing motorists; there has been placed. in the center of the 20 foot highway about 4 mar':ers in each direction from the pedestrian crossing. These markers do not ex- tend more than 50 feet in either direction from the crossing. This, according to Mr. Reymolds, does not provide sufficient space to permit a motorist to reduce speed in accordance with safety regulations. Mr. Reynolds, stated to the Council that he considers it is their moral obliga- tion to contact the STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, KING COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTIENT AN'D THE KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, requesting their assistance to improve the ex- isting situation before a major highway accident or a serious health problem occurs. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to write the above mentioned STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS requesting immediate action for the improvement of traffic conditions and sanitation at subject beach. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1435 was read ANNEXING THE HUGH WHITE TERRITORY ADJACENT TO MT. OLIVET, TO THE CITY OF RENTON, as presented by the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Norris, that Proposed Ordinance No. 1435 be referred to the Ordinance Committe. Carried. The Ordinance Committee advised that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Proposed Ordinance No-1435- Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Proposed Ordinance No. 1435 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be adopted as read, a roll call vote was taken, as follows: SWIFT, AYE; DELAUR,NTI, AYE; BRUCE, AYE; HOLM, AYE, HANSEN, AYE; REID, AYE; MORRIS, AYE; AND RICHARDSON, 9YE, there being 9 "AYES", and 3 Councilmen not present, the motion carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley "ommittee reported that his committee did not feel that the Council should approve the proposal by WHITE- POPE for the blacktopping of Burnett Street adjacent to their property and the Northern Pacific tracks, and that the request be denied. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk advise WHITE-POPE COMPANY that their proposal has been denied by the Council, but that if they would contact the Northern Pacific Railway Company and secure their permission to blacktop the said area, the City would not object to same. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the petition of the Windsor Hills Community Club has been held in abeyance until further notice from the Organization as to their intent. Councilman Swift further advised that the Street and Alley Committee is continuing its efforts to obtain release of the property on the east side of Logan Street north for the extension of Wells Street north from 6th Avenue north into the Mothers Park area; so far negotiations have not been successful. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Street and Alley Committee continue its negotiations to see if the property owners will agree to dedicate the property involved to the City.Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, stated that the Committee recommended that action be taken regarding OFF STREET PARKING and that the Committee has selected and recommended leasing a piece of property on Main Street to be used as a test for OFF STREET PARKING. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in and that the Committee investigate the possibility of securing a lease of subject property and report back to the Council its- findings. Carried. Y°} 177 Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee stated that the Committee recommends that the building at 616 Burnett Street which was left without value as the result of a fire, be condemned and that the owners of the property on which this building is located be instructed to dismantle and remove said building from the premises on which it is located and further recommended that if the owners do not, within a reasonable period of time, remove from the premises said building, that the City remove same and charge the cost of removal to the owners of the pro— perty. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and that the owners be notified by the City Attorney of Council action in regard to this and that the newspapers be requested to publicize the fact that the building code demands that unsafe buildings be removed at the cost of the owner. Carried. won Councilman Swift requested that the Building Inspector contact the owners of the building on the west side of Burnett Street which is supposed to be undergoing alterations and repairs to make the building safe and tenable and report back to the Council his findings in regard to this matter. The Mayor instructed the Building Inspector to comply with the request of Councilman Swift. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, stated that the Committee recommends that in view of the recommendation of the Renton Planning Commission, that the Council act favorably on Robert L. Edward's petition of July 8th to rezone certain described property lying between the Sunset Highway and the Pacific Coast Railroad, adjacent and across the railroad from the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, that the ity Clerk be instructed to publish a notice of public hearing with the date set for September 9, 1952. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner be empowered to search for a suitable second hand steel bridge, to span Cedar River on Williams Street and report back. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee advised that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that in view of the fact that Cedar River Park is now owned by the City, the streets should be declared public thoroughfares and as a result certain parking regulations on said streets should be changed in order for traffic over said streets to flow more freely. The Chief of Police suggested para— llel parking as a possible remedy. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Street and .Alley Committee submit a plan for parking regulations and traffic controls in this area and submit a plan for parking regulations and traffic controls in this area and present same to the Council for its consideration. Carried. Councilman Reid advised that an increased fire hazard within the City is quite pre— valent because of the dry grass and weed condition on vacant property. This matter was also reported by Mayor Baxter as creating a fire hazard to every home within the City. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the property owners be notified of the existing City Ordinance and by newspaper publication of this condition, stipulating that each owner is required by law to eliminate all such fire hazard, otherwise the City, by recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and Fire Department will instruct the City to do the necessary work and bill each owner for the expense involved. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. r.. Ci Clerk Mayor 8 Renton, Washington August 19, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council. was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, R EID, RICHARDSON, AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY; ANGELO BUSATO, CHIEF OF POLICE; WILEY CROOK, CITY CLERK; JAMES HIGHTON, CITY ENGIN— EER, GENE COULON, PARK SUPERINTENDENT. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of August 12, 1952, be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3634 — Dawson Plumbing 1522 12th Ave. Install fixtures 3635 to 3655 Incl. 150.00 EACH — MODERN MATERIALS — PRESIDENT PARK Install fixtures 3656 — John i�osenstein 533 Wells St. repair sidewalk 3651 $29000.00 Renton Sch. Dist. 1525 4th Ave. N. reside building 3658 100.00 W. R. Olson 13414 Rainier Ave. erect sign 3659 to 3669 Incl. 150.00 EACH — MODERN MATERIALS — PRESIDENT PARK — Wire residence 3670 400.00 Mrs. Lamsek 320 Morris Cement floor 3671 150.00 Henry S. Foyea 504 Pelly reroof residence 3672 53,940.00 Calv. Baptist Church Sunset Blvd. E. Str. erect church 3673 — Leonard Waklung 502 Windsor Place build con.steps 3674 400.00 Mary B. Brown 500 Burnett St. erect garage 3675 2,500.00 Elmer Poeske 544 "E" St. " carport 3676 100.00 Martha Hayes 235 - Factory St. Reshingle house 3677 500.00 Inez Plano 216 N. Williams reroof house 3678 200.00 Rosie Mouland 2402 Walnut St. Enlarge room 3679 500.00 Viola Morgan 915 3rd Ave. Repair bldg. 3680 250.00 Dale Pinkerton 2227 6th Ave. No. erect carport 3681 — Lester Hansen 811 4th Ave. No. Install furnace 3682 13000.00 Paul Ballatore 1215 3rd No. Build basement 3683 — H.D. Sims 637 "D" Street Install furnace 3684 — Frank 01Eara 115 Williams "' " 3685 35.00 Arthur L. Nickerson 11413 SE 116th St. Erect fence 3686 — Robert M. Muir 237 Williams Install oil fur. 3687 400.00 Tony Porcello 915 3rd Avenue Rewiring 3688 50.00 George Hannah 13807 89th Ave. So. install window 3689 100.00 Bernard T. Brinkel 914 "D" Street Install H.W.Htr. 3690 400.00 Mrs. F. Jerry 1525 3rd Ave. Elec. wiring 3691 100.00 Warren A. Hand 2308 6th Ave. No. erect rockery 3692 100.00 William F. Davis 200 N. Wells Pour concrete 3693 Elmer Poeske 544 "E" Street install plumbing 3694 200.00 " it " of wiring 3695 20500.00 Hayden Williams 316 Renton St. Add to residence 3696 12900.00 William Favro 500 Cedar St. erect basement 3697 — Frank Delaurenti 315 Renton St. Install tank & fur. 3698 — George Butko So. 138th & 36th So. Install fur. Communications were read from the following RE THE LIFTING OF RENT CONTROL IN THE RENTON AREA. EARLING WOMEN IS CLUB, signed by Mrs. Robert C. Millar — Secretary, requesting the continuation of rent control. BRIDGE STRUCTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKERS, LOCAL #506, signed by Earl L. Lawrence, Business Representative, requesting the continuation of rent control. INTERNATIONAL LADIES GARMENT WORKERS UNION., signed by Eloise Pratt, Mgr. Dressmakers Union Local 184, requesting the continuation of rent control. SHEET METAL WORKERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION, signed by John F. Lubetich, Business representatives requesting the continuation of rent control. INTERNATIONAL MOLDERS & FOUNDRY WORKERS UNION, signed by Wm. J. Finn, requesting the continuation of rent control. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that these communications be referred to the Legislative Committee to make a report on .August 26, 1952, Carried. Communication was read from Mrs. Robert Millar, Secretary of the EARLINGTON WOMEN'S CLUB, protesting the building of cabins on the site of the old Earlington Club House. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that this be referred to the Planning Corimi.ssion for investigation and report back-. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be amended to include the reference of the communication from the EARLINGTCN WOMEN'S CLUB, to the Council as a whole for consideration and report back, the amend— ment carried and the motion carried. A communication was read from the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, signed by S.P. Lehman, .... M.D., Director of Public Health, stating that their present quarters are inadequate to properly carry on their present public health program and they would like to negotiate with the City of Renton for rental space at Cedar River Park. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Property Comm— ittee for a full investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, stating that several months ago a group of Renton businessmen operating under the name of GENERAL INVESTMENT COMPANY petitioned the King County Planning Commission for permission to construct a trailer camp on property outside of the City, of the south side of 7th Avenue and approxi— mately 500 feet west of Shattuck Street. The King County Health Department refused the petitioners permission to install septic tanks for this operation, stating that a permit would be granted, provided the facilities of the Renton sewer system are made available. The Shattuck Street sewer is accessible to the proposed trailer camp and the petitioners request permission of the City of Renton to connect to this sewer. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the Sanitation Committee to check with the owners and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, outlining the proposal received from H. N. Clifton, 3883 — 43rd Avenue Northeast, Seattle, Washington, for the purchase of sewage sludge from the City of Renton. Under Mr. Clifton's proposal, he would take the full output at $0.50 per cubic yard and would process the sludge to meet State Health Department requirements. The subject was discussed by the Council and the City Engineer, and upon recommendation of Councilman Swift, the proposed offer was referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer to proceed with the preparation of a suitable contract to present to the Council for its approval. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1436 was read, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTCN, WASH ., AMENDING ORDINANCE 1361, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CERTAIN STANDING AND OTHER COMMITTEES, as presented by the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Swift, that proposed Ordinance No. 1436 be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Proposed Ordinance No. 1436 and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Proposed Ordinance No. 1436 be placed cn its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Morris that Proposed Ordinance No. 1436 be adopted as read. A ROLL CALL vote was taken, SWIFT, AYE; BRUCE, AYE; FREYMAN, AYE; FARMER, AYE; MORRIS, AYE; HANSEN, AYE; TRIMM, AYE; RICHARDSON, AYE; TAMBORINI, AYE;AND REID, AYE. All Councilmen present voting Aye, the motion carried. Councilman Swift advised that the Council as a Committee had met to review the proposed new water Ordinance and to discuss recommendations and that the Ordinance Committee, City Treasurer, City Engineer and City Attorney recommended changes in the proposed water Ordinance which should now be authorized, deleting that portion (Section 5) on multiple units, motels, apartments, etc. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the above portion of Section 5, be deleted and that these units be considered as commercial units and billed according to the rate structure in Section 35. Carried. ^.r Also Section 33. Rewrite this section to read that "a charge shall be made for the _. original meter installation", and that portion of a recently passed Ordinance which established the meter installation charge, be used as part of the proposed new water rate ordinance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed changes in the ordinance as above be approved by the Council as a whole. Carried. After a lengthy discussion regarding the removal of the parking meters in front of the City Hall and their contemplated replacement, moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that this be referred to the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department to take whatever steps were necessary in regard to same. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee reported that the Washington State Patrol looked very favorably upon the possible lease of one wing of the Recreation Building in Mothers Park. They desire space of approximately 30 x 60 feet and are willing to pay a rental fee of $85.00 per month. After a discussion by members of the Council and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, who appealed to the City Council for rentention of this space for recreational pur- poses for the teenagers of the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the Council and Park Superintendent meet with the members of the Park Board, Thursday, August 21, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., for consideration of this question. Carried. Councilman Bruce made inquiry from City Attorney Shellan regarding the Council's authority as to the operation of CEDAR RIVER PARK, following Councilman Bruce's inquiry, Mayor Baxter also endeavored to develop from the Assistant City Attorney the specific power of the Council as regards the same matter. Nothing tangible coming from the discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that a Committee be appointed by the Mayor to go to Olympia and confer with the Attorney General on this subject. Carried. A discussion was held regarding acquiring beach property. Councilman Tamborini advised that he had information relative to the sale of 2500 feet of water front- age on Lake Washington, adjacent to the Mill site (Sanford Beach) that may be suitable for bathing beach purposes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Property Committee be appointed to investigate in regard to the availability of this property and other bathing beach possibilities and report back. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 5357-5513 25,457.72 CLAIMS CURRENT 589- 599 14,502.84 CLAIMS WATER 8650-8653 41416.82 CLAIRE PARK 1701-1701 12054.40 CLAIMS ATHLETIC' 623 287.50 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2264-2266 1,464.04 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6303-6303 2,374.37 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1372--1378 847.69 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 463- 75.00 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2540- 1,160.16 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 89- 90 250.00 CLAI14S CONSTRUCTION FUND 4- 5 46.18 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 o'clock. ty Clerk 4 or Renton,, Washington August 26, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; F.E. Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of August 19th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Harold Jordan, owner of the Yellow and Jordan Cab Companies requesting the City Council grant the existing cab companies of Renton a two-car parking stand to ease traffic congestion caused by the cabs circling the blocks awaiting cab parking areas, all in consideration of the present license fee of $150.00 per year, for one cab, plus additional $30.00 for each additional cab. Moved by Del.aurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the STREET & ALLEY COMMITTEE for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, stating that in order to have a stock on hand, and to save $2.00 on each meter, the City Water Department had arranged for periodic delivery of a specific water meter, which has proved most satisfactory from a standpoint of accuracy and maintenance cost, from the Rensselaer Valve Company, the parent company that manufactures the Trident meter. Combined invoices in the amount of $2884.00 were attached. The City Engineer stated that to insure the City of the required number of meters necessary for efficient operation of the Water Department in the future, they had arranged to purchase 20 meters at a time, which was well within the purchase limit allowable; that the Rensselaer Value Company had combined orders for shipping pur- poses and invoiced the City on the combined shipments. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Peid, that the communication and invoices be re- ferred to the AUDITING & ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE to investigate and report back. Carried. A communication was read from D.D. Forgey, District Engineer (by G.R. Cysewski, District Traffic Engineer) Washington State Department of Highways, in answer to the City Clerk's letter of August 14th referred to highway safety measures on the State Highway in the area of the Kennydale bathing beach, stating that they have requested and directed through a copy of this letter, that the district sign foreman, install added "crosswalk ahead" signs 150 feet in advance of the crosswalk; that they will install parking restriction signs on the west side of the highway so the children do not dart out from parked vehicles; that the bicycles be parked so as not to ex- onto the shoulder of the road. A communication was read from J.E. Van Amburgh, Director of Sanitation, King County Department of Public Health, regarding sanitary comditions of the Kennydale bathing beach, stating that their department is charged with the responsibility of enforcing the sanitary regulations of the Washington State Board of Health pertaining to the operation of bathing beaches; that sanitary surveys have beencarried out on con- dition of individual sewage disposal systems serving homes and that the danger of pollution of the swimming beach from this source has not been too acute up to now - that investigations will be continued and if sanitation conditions are considered unsafe, action will be taken to close this area. They further state that the parking problem and means of gaining access to the bathing beach is an outstanding safety hazard, but that their department has no jurisdiction over same. On the recommendation of Councilman Morris and Delaurenti, moved by riichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that one copy each of the above letters be furnished the Kennydale Improvement Club and Recreation Director. Carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer re- commended that the Council concur in the City Engineer's recommendation (that due to the State Health Department banning all sales of sludge due to incomplete diges- tion, that the City enter into an agreement with Mr. H. N. Clifton, 3883 43rd. 182 Avenue N.E., Seattle for the full output at $.50 per cubic yard and that an agree- ment be drafted between the City of Renton and H. H. Clifton for the sale and pur- chase of sludge. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that sludge facilities at the Sewage Disposal Plant are overloaded and as the agreement between the City of Renton and H. N. Clifton for the sale and purchase of sewage sludge has been drafted and approved by the City Attorney, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, the contract being drafted and approved, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Carried. A letter requesting legislation to prohibit bicycle riding on the sidewalks in r; Renton was read from Mrs. May Tunin, 216 Garden Street, Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the request be referred to the Police Depart- ment for enforcement. Carried. An operations report was presented to the Mayor and Council from Don Humble Exe- cutive Director of the Housing Authority for the first months operations of the Cedar River Project under the temporary arrangement, as follows: INCOME Apartment income ........ ...... .... $21,336.25 Laundry rental .............. .... 96.76 Other income .................. 108.75 TOTAL INCOME .................. $2:1,541.76 EXPENSES Management 1,469.42 Utilities ....... ........... 2,214.51 Maintenance .. ............ .... 6001.59 Insurance .............. .... 79.78 Taxes ... .......... ..... 164.33 Collection Loss . ................. 28.75 Reserves: Coal .... . .. . .......... 834.00 Accrued Annual Leave.... 914.70 Payment in lieu of Taxes 1,090.00 TOTAL EXPENSE.................. 15,097.0 OPERATINGNET.................. J,6_ .68 This report is to be placed on file for the Mayor and Councilman to see. The City Clerk acknowledged correspondence requesting discontinuance of Rent Control from Mr. G. W. Beanblossom and wife, and Ben Lindgren, also favoring continuation of rent control from the Seattle Metal Trades Council, the Meat Cutters Union #81, Pearl McDermid, Ruth Patton and Ruth Johnson. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Morris, that the correspondence be referred to the LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. Carried. Mr. Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, from the Audience stated that after making their own personal survey, the Chamber Board members wished to go on record as favoring the discontinuance of rent control. Mr. William Halloran, re- presenting the Aero Mechanics Union requested, in behalf of their membership, the continuation of rent control. Mr. Ben Lindgren read his request for discontinuation of rent control. Moved by Holm, seconded by Morris, that all correspondence in regard to rent con- trol be read. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the recommen- dation of the Legislative Committee and that all. correspondence in regard to Rent Control be referred to the COUNCIL AS A WHOLE for their consideration. Carried. The City Clerk read requests for continuation of rent control from the following: Local Union No. 6380 B & R Mine Inttl Union of Operating Engineers, Local #302 n n; if it a n #843 Local Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders, and helpers Boilermakers Local #104. Makers, Iron Ship Builders, and Helpers Boiler— makers Local #716. Retail Clerks International Association, Local No. 1105 Automotive Machinists Lodge, #289 United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, Local #1368 Painters District Council #5 Seattle Typographical Union #202 Metal Trades Council Meat Cutters Union Local #81 Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge #751 Renton Central Labor Council Bridge, Structural & Ornamental Iron Workers Local #506 Inttl Ladies Garment Workers Union, Dressmakers Local #184 Sheet Metal Workers Intl Assoc, Assortment Sheet Metal Workers Local #383 Intl Molders & Foundry Workers ?inion, Local #158 Washington State Council of Carpenters United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, Renton Local #1797 District Council of Carpenters United Garment Workers of America Operative Plasterers & Cement Masons, Local #528 Intl Brotherhood of Fireman & Oilers Local #193 Cooks & Assistants Local #33 Auto Sheet Metal Workers, Local #387 Intal Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #46 Earlington Women's Club, Mrs. nobert C. Millar, Secretary Ruth Patton, 301 Park Avenue Ruth C. Johnson, 203 Meadow Street, #3 Pearl McDermid, 203 Meadow Street, #2 All requests for discontinuance of rent control from the following: Harold Apartments, Frank Evans, Manager Bea.nblossom Apartments, G. W. Beanblossom & wife Ben Lindgran, 129 North Wells Speakers from the audience in favor of continuation of rent control were: John Swirn, 2104 8th Avenue North Art Kent Mrs. Frances Webber and those from the audience requesting discontinuation of rent control were: Erwin Fey Frank Coll.man Ben Lindgren After a short discussion, moved by Tamborini, secon 4 by Bruce, that the proposed resolution to extend rent control until April 30,4 49-5,11,be read. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution in regard to the extension of rent con— trol. Councilman Holm stated that he was opposed to adoption of the proposed Resolution; Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, the City of Renton has had rent ccntrol long enough and he could see no harm in discontinuation of same; Councilman Swift stated that he had never approved of rent control, but that each Councilman should vote as he saw fair and best to do. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Resolution be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, No; Delaurenti, No; Bruce, Aye; Frey— man, No; Holm, No; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, No and Tamborini 2 Aye. There being six "Ayers" and six "Noss", Mayor Baxter, stated that in his opinion, rent control as it was being administered at the present time and under the Supervision of the Federal Government, was not fair and just to those affected by rent control and that in consideration of these facts, he con— sidered it best for all concerned for rent control to be discontinued as of September 30, 1952, and therefore he voted "No" in regard to adopting the Resolution. The Final count being six "Ayers" and seven "Noes", the motion lost. 184 Mayor Baxter declared a recess. —' After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All. twelve Councilmen present. Councilman Bruce reported that although the King County Health Department needed office space, they were unable to obtain funds to pay rental charges;; that the Bron- son Memorial Hospital was not satisfactory and that it would have to be determined if space at the Cedar River Project would be required for City Office, before any space could be considered for the Health Department. Councilman Freyman stated that he had shown the Health Department representatives the infirmary building at Mother's Park as a proposed office building, but that no commitments were made. ... Councilman Reid stated, that in his opinion, this matter should remain in the hands of the Property Committee. Councilman Bruce stated that he had discussed negotiating with the State Highway Patrol in regard to renting the infirmary building at Mothers Park for $85.00 per month, with the Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, and Park Board Chairman, Lon Tackett, and they had approved this action, and that the Property Committee re- commended that negotiations with the State Highway Patrol be continued, in regard to leasing the infirmary building. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Bruce's request to be excused. The City Clerk read proposed Water Ordinance No. 1437 relating to the: municipal water supply system of the City of Renton, Washington, regulating the: use of water, fixing the rates or charges therefor and providing- a method of collecting the same, providing penalties for violations of this Ordinance and repealing Ordinances Nos. 855, 871, 1134, 1215 and 1418, and all other ordinances or parts thereof in con- flict herewith. Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported .favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1437, and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1437 be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the proposed Ordinance be approved as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Freyman, .Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richard- son, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. The motion unanimously carried. It was recommended that Ordinance No. 1392 be amended to provide for an Assistant Purchasing Agent and that the position of Deputy registrar of Voters be retained as is. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Ordinance Committee be authorized to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. It was recommended that two small signs reading "No smoking during Council meetings" be installed in plain view in the Council Chambers. Councilman Holm reported that he had a conference with Mr. Bramhall and Arthur Anderson of the City of Seattle Comptroller's Office, and they had called in Mr. Roth of the State Auditor's Staff, that it was the consensus of their opinions that the accounting procedure in the City Records, exclusive of utilities, is not complete because it is only a single entry system; that the present system shows no depreciation schedule and has no accumulated reserve funds to offsett depreciation; that Mr. Bramhall suggests that the Council consult R.E. Hankins, Chief Examiner of the Division of Municipal Corporations who is the State Auditor's Assistant, to see what the cost to the City of Renton would be to set up a double entry book- keeping system that would meet the approval of the Division of Municipal Corpor- ations, plus Journal and Ledger books — that an accountant could probably take care of all extra work necessary because of the change, as a half time job. Councilman Holm recommended that someone go to Olympia and talk with Mr. Hankins to find out what the cost to the City would be — — that if the City does decide to investigate this further, that funds would have to be allocated for same in the preliminary budget. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion this was a good suggestion and that it would increase efficiency in accounting procedure. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Richardson, that the Auditing and Accounting Committee be allowed its expenses to Olympia to further investigate this matter and report back to the Council. Carried. The City Clerk stated that September 8th was the d ate for the final hearing on the Preliminary Budget, that the Preliminary Budget is published the middle of September; that the hearing on the Final Budget starts October 6th and the Final Budget must be adopted October 10th. The Building Inspector stated that legal notices had been served on the owners of the partially torn or burned down buildings at 616 Shattuck and 521 Burnett Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. Ty Clerk I Mayor rr Renton, Washington September 2, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by :Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. ROLL CALL OF OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS: ARthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of Sept- ember 2, 1952 be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk read a requestf4om James Hurner, Chairman, "Get Out the Vote" Com- mittee of the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce to paint "REGISTER AND VOTE"in two inch letters on the sidewalks at all intersections and at other conspicuous locations within the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted under the super- vision of the TRAFFIC DIVISION of the Police Department and the STREET DEPARTMENT. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that a suggestion could be made to the Jaycees that the height of the stencilled letters might be increased to be made more visible. A communication was read from E. W. Shekter, Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners, re- questing permission to install three cleaning solvent tanks; that to adhere to building & fire codes, it would be necessary that the tanks be placed underground on Wells Street, adjacent to their building - - the three tanks to be installed instead of the original two which were requested, and approved by the Building Inspector and Fire Chief sometime ago. 04 After a short discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the request be •.� referred to the CITY ENGINEER, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND STREET and ALLEY COM- MITTEE for a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Valley Construction Company, contractor for Local Improvement District No. 239, Earlington Sanitary sewers, has completed items of work on the contract to September 1, 1952, totaling $19,160.!/3 and 'recommending that the contractor be paid for the work performed in the amount of $16,286.37, which does not include the 15% withheld in the amount of $2,874.06. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the COUNCIL APPROVE THE RECOMMEN- DATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND THE PAYMENT BE MADE. Carried. The payment is to be made by sale of s; in this amount as the contractor is to be paid on a cash basis. The City Engineer wlff3 contact the bond houses and so inform them. �V >v cty 4:�. _L.-t_.40 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the CITY ENGINEER be authorized•,,,.,,.___& to notify Grande & Company and H. P. Pratt & Company in regard to selling. the,y Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that .it would not be necessary to draft an Ordinance to authorize the sale of l,.onA for this payment - - that the City Engineer could certify the amount of work, completed by the contractor and the City would pay the money from thesold;in this certain amount, to the contractor. A second communication was read from the City Engineer enclosing a copy of his reply to Mr. Albert Balch's request to approve water mains, the sewer system and streets in the President Park Addition, stating that sewer and water mains have not been connected to the City of Renton facilities due to the delay in securing the easement to provide same - - that approval of these utilities will be made upon pro- per completion and upon approval by the State Department of Health of this connecting water main. Also, that the plan for sewer and water mains, also street paving pre- 187 to the City and approved by the Council provides for paving of the streets in this project with two inch asphaltic concrete plant mix on a. prepared base and that a final grade of the streets was to be submitted to the Fsigineering Department for approval and the street intersections to be monumented and that these provisions have not been complied with to date - - that when these items are completed to meet requirements, the approval of the streets will be made. Mr. Balch stated that it was his understanding that the State Health Department had approved the sewer and water mains as they were installed and as soon as the link- ing sewer and water mains were installed, they would be inspected by the State Health Department; that it was their practice in the past to pave streets (as per specifi- cations) and monument the street intersections as soon as possible. Mr. Balch further stated that moving of families into the project was dependent upon theiater and sewer connections. Councilman Holm stated that Mr. Humble , Executive Director of the Housing Authority had informed him that he expected the easement from the Government within the next few days. The City Engineer stated that connections could be made within a week after the easement is received. Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, on the recommendation of the City Engineer, approval be given for the use of the installed sewer and water mains within the limits of the President Park Addition, when the proper connections are made. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the City Clerk and City Engineer con- tact the Renton Housing Authority in regard to obtaining the easement from the Federal Government as soon as possible to enable the connecting water and sewer mains to be install-ed. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition, presented by the Street & Alley Committee, signed by six property owners (including three husbands and wives) proposing to dedicate to the City of Renton a. portion of the property to equal sixteen feet, as shown opposite their respective names, all in Block 2, Earlington, for perpetual use as a public alley, attesting to the intent of the proposal by reason of their respective sig- natures and forthcoming quit claim deeds. Mrs Francis M. Dempke, from the audience stated that he had circulated the petition .�. and contacted everyone in the block, and that this is a proposal to cut through 87th Avenue (between 86th and 88th Avenue, within the east and west boundaries of Langston Road and 138th Street, respectively,)which had never been dedicated or improved; that there is no aceems to the back half of their property at the present time. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that this proposal be referred to the STREET and ALLEY COMMITTEE and CITY ENGTNEER to investigate and report back. Carried. The City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission had approved the proposed annexation of property adjacent to the President Park Addition, as requested by Mr. Albert Balch, with the addition of property in the southwest corner of pro- posed area, which would make the proposed addition uniform in boundary. Mr. Balch stated that he owned 75% of the area proposed to be annexed, that he understood the Planning Commission approved the annexation as submitted and that to include a larger area would mean a considerable expense and delay - - that unless this proposed annexation was approved he would to continue laying off his workers; that if they could continue immediately, he could continue with excavations, foundations, etc., and continue to complete two houses a day. The City Engineer stated that the proposed annexation area was not a uniform area, that it was the Planning Commission's request to include the remainder of the area to make it more symmetrical. Mr. Balch requested that the Council approve the annexation, subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. Mayor Baxter called a recess to allow Councilman Holm to contact Mr. C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Planning Commission to endeavor to obtain the Planning Commission's recommendation. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: ALL PRESENT. The City Clerk read a communication from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C.G. Myers, Secretary, recommending that the Council accept Albert Balch's annex- 188 petition for properties as descr-ihed in the petition, with the addition of property in the southwest corner of the proposed area, the line to be extended west to M. Street from the southwest corner of the proposed annexation; that the recommendation is so made to make the lines of the city limits more symmetrical. The Assistant City Attorney stated that a motion could be made this evening, which, if passed, would give approval of the City Council to the annexation,conditional upon the Planning Commission's recommendation of same. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the request for annexation of certain described property as originally submitted by Mr. Albert Balch. Mr. Balch informed the Council that he was endeavoring to purchase the land in question, but to date had been unable to make a satisfactory purchase. ... Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the motion to approve the original annexation request of W. Balch be tabled until the next regular meeting. The motion lost. A roll call vote was taken on the above motion to approve the original annexation re- quest of Mr. Balch as follows; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, No; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Richardson, No and Tamborini, Aye. There being $ "Aye's" and 4 "No's", the motion carried. Councilman Morris stated that he was not against the annexation, but that he was not in favor of the Council authorizing the annexation without having a thorough knowledge of the problem and without first having a meeting with the Planning Commission. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Notice of Public Hearing be posted (in four public places, three on the property and one on the bulletin board at the City Hall,)according to law, also that one copy be published as soon as possible and that the date of hearing be set either September 23rd or September 30th depending on the date that the Notice of Hearing is prepared and published, and that all expenses for posting and publishing said Notice of Hearing be charged to Mr. Albert Balch. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that the petitions for the improvement of the roads in Windsor Hill area all received and the Street Department will, proceed as soon as time permits. The City Clerk read a letter from Eugene Sylvia to the Chief of Police and Police and License Committee in regard to securing a taxicab driver's license, stating that he had secured a County License and requesting that his application for a City of Renton taxicab drivers license be approved. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police had considered Mr. Sylvia's request and had no objection to the approval of same. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Property Committee and City Council that Captain Furseth of the Washington State Patrol had contaxted him and informed him that Mr. Pride had been contacted and had advised that they were more interested in leasing the north wing of the North Renton Recreation Building in Mothers Park for their offices, but that they would like to keep the infirmary building in mind for consideration. Councilman Bruce stated that he had been informed by the leasee of the building on the Airport property, formerly occupied by the Washington State Patrol that they would prefer to negotiate with the Airport Board for the continued use of this build- ing for one year. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, on advice of the Assistant City Attorney, that although on expiration of the lease with the State Patrol, the building re- verted to the City of Renton, as the building is located on Airport property, the Airport Board has jurisdiction over same, that therefore the Property Committee be relieved of the assignment to lease the building in question on Airport property. Carried. The City Clerk explained to the Council that the Airport Board had reimbursed Cumulative Fund the $16,500.00 borrowed for purchase of the buildings on the Air- port property, but that to date no payment had been made on any back taxes or in- surance that was due, or the money originally loaned the Airport Board to create their Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Airport Manager be requested to to attend Thursday evening, Septembei�-llth Budget meeting to discuss the possi— ibility of the Airport Fund repaying the Current Fund for back taxes, insurance, etc., Carried. Upon request for information regarding same, the City Engineer informed the Council that the City would proceed with the improvement of the parking strips on 2nd Avenue, in front of the High School, as soon as possible, that the Street Depart— ment was extremely busy at this time. Moved by Holm., seconded by Hansom that Thursday, September 11th at 7:00 P.M., be set as a date and time for the Council as a Committee to discuss the proposed lease presented by the Assistant City Attorney in regard to terms, operation, management,. etc., of the Cedar River Project. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council that the Insurance Company had notified him that Mr. Roundhill's claim for damages to his car which was caused by an accident at 4th Avenue North, near its intersection with the Sunset Highway on July 7th had been denied. The City Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Roundhill of the Insurance Company's decision in regard to subject claim. After a short discussion, moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council as a whole meet on September 11th at 7:00 P.M., to consider a proposed site for the low rent housing project, said site having been recommended by the Housing Authority on July 29th. Councilman Morris reported that he had contacted Mr. Anton Arnone, the owner of certain lake front property proposed for a bathing beach, and had visited the proposed site, and that Mr. Arnone had stated that he would be happy to meet with representatives of the City Council to discuss this matter. Councilman Bruce stated, that in his opinion, that Mr. Morris's offer to contact Mr. Arnone, for the Property Committee was a splendid move and that he wished to thank him. Councilman Tamborini stated that he had conferred with Mr. Arnone, also, in re— gard to acquiring this lake front property for a bathing beach, that the beach is sandy, that there is sufficient parking space for approximately 500 cars and in his opinion, it is worth while to investigate this certain property further. Councilman Richardson requested that Tuesday, September 9th Council meeting be recessed, unless some special issue is presented. The Assistant City Attorney stated that unless new notices of the date of hearing on a proposed rezoning were published and posted, the date of hearing could not be postponed. On inquiry of Councilman Swift, the Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that as the Oity of Renton holds title to the Cedar River Project property, and all utilities thereof, that the City of Renton has the right to connect sewer lines of adjacent property owners, within the City of Renton, to the sewer mains in the Cedar P.iver Project property, that according to the Council minutes of June 24th, the Renton Housing Authority was only given limited temporary authority to con— tinue the Cedar River Park operation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that as the City of Renton holds title to the Cedar River Project property, and all utilities thereof and the City of Renton is within its right to connect sewer lines of adjacent property owners within the City of Renton to the sewer mains in the Cedar River Project, that authority be granted the Engineering Department to connect same. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council that the first Tuesday in September is the date for submission to the Council of the Preliminary Budget. After a short dis— cussion in regard to the Preliminary Budget, the Council as a whole decided to meet for further discussion in regard to the Preliminary budget, Thursday, September, 4, 1952. Councilman Farmer requested that the Council as a whole meet with the Fire and Water Committee and Fire Department representatives on September 4th to clarify the reclassifications of the Fire Department. Councilman Harmer stated that as traffic conditions on Bronson Way, across from the Kaiser—Frazer garage were hazardous, that consideration should be given to restriction or entirely eliminating parking at this location. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the Street and Alley Committee had been studying this problem and would continue their study. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, stated that he had been unable to date to get in touch with Mr. Grabner, Manager of the Lake Shore Lines, in regard to this traffic problem, but would endeavor to contact him this week. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Fjinance Comm- ittee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Corimittee were presented; PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 5514-5642 17,233.56 CLAIMS CURRENT 600 13,043.03 CLAIMS WATER 8654 2089.41 CLAIMS PARK 1702 934.84 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 624 287.50 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2267—?270 11415.97 CLAIMS CITY S TREETS 6304 2,535.87 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1379-1380 788.14 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 464 127..84 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2540 CLAIMS CEDAR RIVER PARK 10 CLAIMS CUM. #1183 391 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington September 9, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe . R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: FLOYD LAWRENCE, FIRE CHIEF: WILEY CROOK, CITY CLERK and DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER. Moved by Del.a.urenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of September 2, 1952 be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3699 — Modern Materials 3214 7th Place plumbing 3700 — Modern Materials 3220 7th Place " 3701 — rt " 3228 7th Place " 2 $200.00 Ben Richardson 320 N. Wells St. Reroof residence 3 — Modern Materials 3332 7th Place install plumbing 4 — Modern tt 3402 n n m If 5 — " " 1522 12th Ave. it "' 6 — Evelyn Tonkin 108 Wells St. reroof residence 7 — Modern Materials 3412 7th Place install plumbing 8 — n n 3418 n n n if 9 — n nr 3404 n n n n 10 — rr n+ 637 N. Place 1 _ n, n' 639 N. 2 _ u n 641 N 3 — n n 638 N. n n n .••• 4 80.00 C. G. Holt 101 S. Wells wire service 5 400.00 R. Jenkins 621 Cedar St. remodel house 6 700.00 Elmer Johnson 616 Shattuck St. remodel +t 7 — 1st Baptist Church 326 Smithers install fixtures 8 — Modern Materials 3502 7th Place install fixtures 9 — If " 3 508 n m n, n, 20 — " " 3514 n m n n 1 — rr ++ 3 520 n rr+ n n 2 — Angelo Phillips 219 Airport Way tt furnace 3 — Modern Materials 3526 7th Place install fixtures 4 — It nr 3413 ►r n; rr n+ 5 — it " 3419 n n n rt 6 — n "' 3425 7 — rr " 3431 8 — n n; 3503 n n m 9 — " " 3509 30 — " rt' 3 515 " "' "' it 1 " Francis Coleman 438 Windsor ?day install tank 2 — Mcdern Materials 3521 7th Place install plumbing 3 — W 11 3 527 It nr n, n 4 — " "+ 3 533 n n n n 5 — "' "' 3506 6th Ave. N. 6 — n n' 3514 6th tt N. 7 — "" "' 3520 6th Ave. N. n n 8 — " "' 3528 't Ave. AT. n, n 9 — "' a 627 0. Street 40 — " "' 633 0. Street install plumbing 1 — Earl Harris 822 A, Street remodel porch 2 $100.00 H. H. Timm 303 Garden Street break curb 3 700.00 Charles Simmons 818 A. Street e:-ect garage 4 400.00 A. L. Gabriel 359 Meadow erect new roof 5 3200.00 Ernest Barie 909 3rd Ave. add. on building 6 — Elmer Johnson 616 Shattuck install plumbing 7 500.00 John H. McKean 151 Park reshingle roof 8 71000.00 A. S. Martin 108 Tobin erect new bldg. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS T= WORK 3749 - John C. Trottman 400 Mills Street install plumb. 50 150.00 Frank A. Jackson 418 N. Wells reshingle roof 1 - Ann Hood 2308 6th Pace install furn. 2 22300.00 John W. Freeman 915 F. St. Ad.d, on house 3 100.00 Mrs. Clara Vigoren 535 S. Wells concrete drway. 4 100.00 A. J. Cobb 400 N. Williams driveway & curb 5 100.00 James Toman 434 Mill St. Inst, water tank 6 2,400.00 Mildred Padden 904 1st N. remodel house 7 - Tom Nichols 11834 Sunset Blvd. instl. Plumb. 8 150.00 Modern Builders 3214 6th No. wire service 9 150.00 " "' 3220 6th N. " t1 60 150.00 " " 3308 6th No. n, n 1 150.00 " "' 3303 7th Place " n 2 150,00 "' " 3309 7th 3 150.00 " "' 3315 7th 4 150.00 " "' 33217th " m 11 5 150.00 " " 3405 7th 6 30.00 Larry Kauzlarich 708 Renton St. n n 7 450.00 K. G. Roos 636 G. St. erect garage 8 - Herb Hackman 522 N. Burnett install plumb. 9 200.00 Pete Agnesani 217 Pelly reroof house 70 - J. J. McLeod 824 Grant St. instl. plumbing 1 20.00 A. Nicoli 714 3rd Ave. move heating tanks 2 300.00 J. L. Cude 904 D, St, erect garage 3 100.00 James Weed 11307 S. E. 116th St, reside garage 4 50.00 Henry J. Ballards 506 N. Wells remodel house 5 100.00 A. F. Businello 2325 6th Place erect fence 6 100.00 Salu Maki 530 Morris St. reshingle house 7 200.00 Chas. J. Ducatt 632 Shattuck St. build garage 8 100.00 L.S. Wilson 13236 Rainier Ave. remodel bldg. 9 35.00 Win. Bellando 10211 Bronson Way install chimney 80 200.00 Manuel Gil 909 E. Street erect garage 1 200.00 L. Hanson 314 Whitworth reshingle roof 2 150.00 Mrs. Reinholt 2207 6th No. erect carport 3 350.00 Fred Hartley 701 High St, erect garage 4 100.00 Pete Pariah 13414 Rainier Ave. rebuild garage 5 75.00 A. N. Thompson 447 N. Wells rebuild porch 6 100.00 Sunset Trailer Camp 300 Block, Sunset Hiway wire service Being informed by the City Clerk that there were no verbal or written protests re- ceived and there being no protests from the audience, concerning the rezoning peti- tion of Mr. Robert L. Edwards, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve this request and the matter be referred to the City Engineer and Ordinance Committee to draft the required Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested that Mr. Quigley, President of the Central Labor Council be permitted to introduce two speakers in behalf of the Renton Police Depart- ment. Mr. Quigley introduced Mr. Dawson and Mr. Walt Taylor, who requested the Council to consider an insurance program for the Police Department which would in- sure members who might lose their lives or be permanently disabled in line of duty, so that members of their families might receive as a result of said in:3urance, a livable income, stating that in their opinion the Police Department should be given more consideration than other employees because of the hazards in connection with their duties, that although the Renton Police Department employees are well paid, they do not have a satisfactory insurance program and that they are required to pay for their individually used guns and uniforms. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that it was not legal and the ..r Council would have no authority to draft a Resolution allocating a certain amount of money to a Police Department employee's widow and/or family as this would con- stitute a gift; that the Council could inaugurate and approve an insurT:nce pro- gram which could provide certain insurance allowances to apply to all City employ- ees. Councilman Delaurenti requested that the Police and License Committee meet with the Civil Service Commission, a committee from the Police Department also representat- ives from the Insurance Companys to consider thoroughly the possibility of allow- ing members of the Police Department-consideration by the City to apply on insurance premiums Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council approve the proposed meeting between the Police & License Committee, Civil Service Commission and Insurance re— presentatives together with Police Department representatives for further discussion of a proposed Insurance program for the Police Department. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that various Insurance Companies should be contacted to see what type of program could be worked out for the Police Department. On a discussion of the subject, it was agreed that although the $20.00 increase in wages for the Police Department was not primarily set up for payment of insurance, that any part of same could be used by members of the Police Department for securing any type of insurance they preferred. Mr. Elton Alexander, Budget Controller reported estimated surpluses and receipts of $973,676.58 and estimated expenditures in the same amount, for the Preliminary Budget and that a proposed business tax of lAO of 1 percent was necessary in order to bring surplusses and receipts in line with proposed expenditures. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt the Preliminary Budget as read by the Budget Controller, including the proposed business tax of 110 of 1 percent for the Current Fund. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. A. M. Hill, 4067 South 146th Seattle, stating that on August 6th she had fallen over a section of sidewalk, which had dropped an inch, at 226 Williams Street; that she had hurt her knee and shoulder, damage a pair of $10.90 slacks and broke her watch crystal, which cost $1.55 to replace and requesting information in regard to submitting her claim for damages. Councilman Richardson stated that notification had been published that the owners of property adjoining sidewalks are responsible for the maintenance of sidewalks in a condition that is safe for use. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the claim be referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Commission. Carried. A communication was read from W. H. Monroe, Chairman of the Social Action Committee of the Renton Ministerial Association, protesting the Council's approval of petitions permitting dancing in taverns in the City of Renton and further requesting that no such permits be granted without the approval of the Chief of Police and publication of such applications in local newspapers. Moved by Tamborini, seconr?ed by Frey*an, that the communication be placed on file for future reference. Carried. A request was read from Hugh G. White who is developing certain property on Renton Hill to extend the City of Rentonts sewer and water mains to the edge of his housing development. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Council as a whole for further consideration as a Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, this was a very good investment for the future development of the City of Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer be requested to furnish the Council the estimated cost of extending the City's water and sewer mains to the High White development. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the City Attorney had ruled that as the two additional pieces of property, requested to be annexed to the City of Renton by Mr. Albert Balch, do not adjoin, that same must be con— sidered separately; that the present petitions are held to be valid with the necessary 75% of the signatures of the property owners secured, favorable to the proposed annexations; that the date of publication of the Notice of Hearing has been set as September 11th and the date of hearing, September 30th, and further requesting Council approval. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the petitions for annexation as two separate parcels of land. Carried. � . Mayor Baxter explained that the annexation petitions, as they now were des— cribed had previously been approved by the Planning Commission. Couhcilman Delaurenti stated that he had conferred with the architects who were planning the low rent housing and that they had offered their services to the Council. Mayor Baxter, with the affirmation of the Council, stated that they appreciated the architects offer, but that the '3ouncil as a whole would meet as a committee on Thursday evening in regard to selecting a location for the 100 low—rent houses, and that possibly later on they would like to secure the assistance of the architects. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. City Clerk Mayor \J' ..r Renton, Washington September 16, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. ( Councilman Freyman was reported unavoidably detained and Councilman Swift was granted Leave of Absence for the evening.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Chief of Police; Wiley Crook,; City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Insepetor. (Fire Chief Lawrence was unexpectedly called away due to a death in the family.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of September , 1952, be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDi?ESS TYPE OF WORK 3787 $ 100.00 Equine Market 205 3rd Ave wire service 8 100.00 Nello Pistorisi 234 Garden St, remodel garage 9 300.00 Arthur E. Roll 8812 Langston Road erect garage 90 600,00 John Swanson 320 Renton St. remodel basement 1 100.00 L.M. Noland 2520 9th Place concrete driveway 2 100.000 Sohn H. Conkle 2220 9th Place remodel house 3 — John Gilland 1411 89th S. demolish bldg. 4 — Edward Roeth 547 Pelly install tank 5 100.00 Frank Jeray 1525 3rd N. wire service 6 50.00 Ernesto Barei 909 3rd wire " 7 200.00 Espiscopal Church 97 Wells St. wire " 8 1,200.00 Clifford Jones 25iO4 5th N. erect garage 9 100.00 Dan McGovern 3rd & Shattuck repair marque 3800 150.00 Modern Materials 3226 6th Ave. N. wire service 1 150.00 " " 3232 6th Ave. N. wire service 2 150.00 " n' 3302 6th Ave. N. 3 150.00 " " 3314 6th Ave. N. 4 150,000 n' " 3320 6th Ave. N. 5 150.00 n "' 3326 6th Ave. N. n n 6 150.00 " 3338 6th Ave. N, 7 300.00 Rainier Lumber & Hdwe. 93 Tobin Ave. 8 — L.E. Van Auken 725 Jones St. Install furnace 9 — Oliver P. Wakelam 8600 Langston Rd. install plumb. 10 66,00 Thomas Kerr 221 Park Ave. wire service 1 1,500.00 George Dobson 8817 .Langston Rd, remodel house 2 — Charles Ruud 334 Williams St. Demolish bldg. 3 100.00 Albert Erickson 51 Logan wire service 4 400.00 I. Loush 13264 91st Ave. So. erect garage 5 — Sunset Coal & Oil. 546 Park St. install furnace A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, stating that Housing Uommissioner Hayden Williams and himself will attend the Pacific Northwest Regional Council in Seattle on September 18th and 19th, representing the Housing Authority at a panel discussion centering around the housing approach, both past and future, of the Cities of Portland, Oregon, Auburn and Renton and Mr. John Nordmark of the King County Planning Commission will present the planning aspects of the Renton situation. Mr. Humble requested that representatives from the Council be authorized to attend this meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Mayor Baxter and Councilman Reid be authorized to attend this meeting. Carried. A petition was read, signed by 15 abutting property owners, all living within Block 63, Earlington Addition to the City of Renton, proposing to dedicate for a street "the south 20 feet of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive and the north 20 feet of lots 18 to 28, inclusive, of said Block and requesting that the street not be constructed without presentation of another petition. Mr. Durward M. Cook, from the audience, stated they did not wish the street at the present time, that they wished the land set aside C for a future street - - that another petition would be presented at that time; that due to the contour of the land (said lots being 240 feet in depth) and at the pre- sent time there being no access to the rear portion of said lots; that because of the intensive building program in this area, they would like to have this land held for a street as this property in the back could be utilized for additional homes in the City of Renton - - that after improvements are made, the value of the back half of the lots would be increased. The City Engineer stated that he believed there were 100% of the signatures of the abutting property owners on the petition, but that he had not checked same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney for investigation and report back at the September 23rd Council meeting. Carried. The City Attorney stated that it was not legally necessary to have 100% of the signatures of abutting property owners to dedicate this property to the City of Renton for a Street - - that after the signatures are checked, interested parties can negotiate with the idea of acquiring the consent of those who did not sign - - that if it is not possible to obtain the signatures of the entire 100% after nego- tiating for same, the City could institute condemnation proceedings for the balance of the property - - that Mr. Cook and his neighbors were willing to assume any financial loss, as far as fruit trees and/or small buildings were concerned, due to the installation of the sewer line, for the privilege of the street as above peti- tioned. The City Engineer stated this was a fine project and in his opinion, the only way to develop the long lots as are in subject Block 6, in Earlington Addition is for the property owners to dedicate and improve the street within a reasonable time in the near future. A petition was read from George W. Ames and Earnest H. Pritchard requesting that the small strip of property owned by the City, but not used for a street because of the curve, on 2nd Avenue between Morris and Logan Streets, in front of Lots 3, 4 and 5. Block 1, of Smithers 6th Addition to Renton, be vacated by the City, so that the property owners (of Lots 3, 4 and 5 will become owners of their propor- tionate share of the vacated area and can improve up to the sidewalk, making a better looking street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Requests to install 6 pin ball machines each in their respective places of busi- ness were read from A. J. Rice, Secretary-Manager of BPO of Ilks Lodge #1309, 23021 Main Street, Edward Biegler, Commander, Frank R. Vaise Post #1263, Veteran's of Foreign Wars, 416 Burnett Street and Lester Phillips, Manager, F.o.E., Aerie #1722, 316 3rd Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the requests be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the White Construc- tion Company had completed their items of work contracted for the Black River fill and Drainage Project and recommending that the contractor (White Construction Company) be paid `i- the mmnii nt of V7. f E,d ,°- '.Mich is the total amount; of the bid, $9,130.00 less %,��� �9.5"A� withheld, as per legal requirements. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the City Engineer and the contractor be paid. Carried. A communication was read from the Treasurer, Dorothea S. Gossett, stating that the Current Fund is without funds and the deficit will exist for several months and f... that it has become necessary to stamp current warrants "not paid for want of funds"; that she has conferred with representatives from both the First National Bank and the Renton Branch of the Peoples National Bank of Washington and they advise they will cash at par, City of Renton registered warrants on the Current Fund, when, as and if issued, and will hold them at three percent interest. The City Treasurer re- quested concurrence of the above action by the Council. The City Attorney stated that this matter would come under the jurisdiction of the City Treasurer and that she should make the proper contacts with the banks in regard to the interest bearing warrants, to obtain the lowest possible rate for same, the State limit being eight percent. Councilman Holm stated that;, the pro- 1 9 7 posed arrangement seemed quite favorable for the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- port of the City Treasurer. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance, as presented by the Ordinance Comm- ittee, changing the zoning classification of a certain tract of land, located between the Sunset Highway and the Pacific Coast Railroad, adjacent to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, as requested by Robert L. Edwards, from re- sidential to industrial district. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred +.. to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and re- commended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance No. 1438 be adopted as read. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN AS FOLLOWS: Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye, and Tamborini, Aye. All ten Councilmen present voting Aye, the motion carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that he would have the cost figures for extending the City of Renton waser and sewer lines to the edge of the Hugh White Addition, at the next Council meeting. The City Engineer stated that previous action of the Council authorized the formation of a L.I.D., for the installation of sidewalks and curbs on 3rd Avenue on the South side from Shattuck Street west to Rainier Avenue and that he would endeavor to get this irprovement under way as soon as possible. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the Street & Alley Committee was working on the traffic problem on Bronson Way where the old bus station stop was, that Councilman Swift is trying to get Mr. F. A. Grabnor to change the bus stop location to a more satisfactory location; that being unable to contact Mr. Grabnor, Councilman Swift had left a message with Mr. Walls, in this regard, and he was still waiting for a reply. Councilman Richardson requested a Committee meeting of the Street & Alley Com- mittee, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division of the Police Department to see what action should be taken, on Monday evening, September 22, 1952 at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council as a whole, City Engin- eer and `City Attorney meet on Thursday evening, September 18th to consider the site for the 100 low-rent houses, also the management of the Cedar River Project. Councilman Bruce reported that Councilman Freyman, Tamborini, Morris and himself had investigated further regarding a bathing beach on Lake Washington and had found there were 1100 feet frontage on the Lake with an average depth of 60 feet; that if any improvement or developments are made, that easements would have to be obtained from property owners to allow access to the beach property; that an offer of $75.00 per front foot had been made as the price for the lake front property, with the assurance that the City of Renton would have the first opportunity to purchase same. Mayor Baxter requested that this project be kept in mind by the Property Comm- ittee until the Council was prepared to investigate further. Councilman Holm stated that Mr. Davisson, State Examiner from the Division of Municipal Corporations, had come to Renton in regard to revision of the accounting procedure was adequate - - that before any change was made a physical inventory should be taken to establish more accurate figures for basis of the system and that it was not practical to make such a change at this time. The City Clerk informed the Council that the Notice of Hearing on the Prelim- inary Budget would be officially published September 18th and that the dates of hearing would be October 6th through 10th, that the final budget would have to be adopted by Friday, October 10th. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, prior meetings to the actual dates of hearing would assist the Council in their preliminary work before approving the final budget. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion, such meetings would hasten the adoption of the final budget and moved, seconded by Bruce, that the Council as a whole meet with the City Clerk and Comptroller at 8:00 P.M., on September 25th. Carried. Councilman Reid inquired if every property and business house owner in the City of Renton was required to connect to the City of Renton's sanitary sewer system, and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the Sanitation Committee & Street Commi- ssioner in charge of the sewer connections, be authorized to investigate certain information he has in this regard and report back to the Council. Carried. The City Clerk stated that the Health Officer had informed him that certain un- now sanitary conditions in a building could be declared a menace to health and an order issued for the vacation of said building. Councilman Reid stated that there were two or three buildings, that in his opinion, should be inspected in regard to sewer connections and sanitation. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received inquiries in regard to sanitation in other buildings and that he would submit information on same to the Building Inspector and Sanitation Committee for investigation. Councilman Bruce requested that the City Engineer advise the Property Committee data as to the exact area of industrial property, including the radio station, but excluding Park Area at Mothers Park. Councilman Richardson requested the Street Commissioner explain to the Council about the road-working equipment that was burned, that he had investigated said equipment and in his opinion, it was beyond repair. The Street Commissioner stated that a piece of road improvement equipment belonging to the Street Department, which was a tar pot converted into a type of distributor for oiling the roads (wherein the tar is heated and used to repair rough places in the streets,) had caught fire and burned so that it was no longer usable and that the City had no method to apply the oil to the streets for repair work at this time. The Street Commissioner stated that he had investigated the cost of replacement equipment that would be suitable for this work and the best offer that he had received was for a 600 gallon tank, oil distributor, for approximately $2000.00 and that; the City needed this type of equipment to keep the streets in repair - - that prepared oil was spread over holes and filled with gravel which when completed, would last for the life of the street surface. The Street Commissioner requested permission to call for bids for a piece of equipment of this type, stating that there was sufficient money in the Street Department 1952 budget to cover the purchase of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the request be referred to the Property Committee to investigate and determine the need of said equipment and if found necessary, submit specifications for same for bids. Carried.. The City Clerk stated that he would investigate the City of Rentonts equipment insurance contracts to see if the loss of same is covered by insurance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 5643-5801 $263977090 CLAIMS CURRENT 601-662 20,116.65 CLAIMS WATER 8655-8670 42428.10 CLAIM PARR 1703-1708 2,186.10 CLAIMS ATHLETIC 625- 627 :313.07 SEWAGE DISPOSAL -2271-2283 $1,926.12 CITY STREETS- 6305-6326 4168.07 AIRPORT 1381-1387 12988.04 CIV. DEF. - 465- 469 143.82 LIBRARY 2542-2554 29201.09 FIREMEN FD. - 91- 92 250.00 CUM. #1183 391- 392 560.00 SEWER TR1NK - 1- 8 1619286.27 CONSTR. FUND 6 16,236.37 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting ad jor ourned at 9:15 P.M. J City Clerk May 199 Renton, Wash September 23, 1952. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, BRUCE, FR.EYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIIAM, REI1D, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI, ( COUNCILMEN DELAURENTI AND HOLM WERE EXCUSED.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY; ANGELO BUSATO, POLICE CHIEF, WILEY CROOK, CITY CLERK; DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER; JAMES HIGHTON, CITY ENGINEER AND DAVE PUGH, STREET COMMISSIONER. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the September 16th meeting be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk stated that a representative of R. L. Polk & Company, 1331 3rd Avenue, Seattle, had inquired if the City of Renton is interested in obtaining copies of the new edition of the City Directory which would be available the first of 1953; the City Clerk further stated that the City of Renton purchased six copies in 1950 at a cost of $150.00 and the price of the 1953 directories would be the same. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the City of Renton purchase six directories at the price given, the cost of the directories to be charged to the individual departments using same. Carried. (City Clerks office, City Treasurer's Office, Engineering Department, Police Department, Fire Department and City Garage.) A communication was read from Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, to Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, giving specifications for a Road Oil Dis— tributor. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee had investigated the condition of the burned equipment, and the need of such new equipment and recommended that the City purchase same by the regular method of a "Call for Bids."' Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be authorized to publish the "Call for Bids" and set the date for opening of same. Carried. (October 7, 1952.) A communication was read from James Highton, City Engineer, submitting comparative prices for installation of sanitary sewers and water mains to the entrance of the High White Housing Project, as follows: A. To serve intermediate property, as well as White Project. $15,000.00 1. Water system to connect to existing 6" water main in Windsor Hills (designed 6t" diameter, cast iron) , $10,000.00 2. Sanitary sewer system to entrance of White Project, designed large enough to serve properties when de— veloped along Old Cemetery Road to Renton High— lands. 5,000.00 B. To serve only White Protect 6,700.00 1. Minimum design cost using 4n' steel ester mail, from Windsor Hills, 3,000.00 2. Minimum design cost, sanitary sewer system from City Trunk, 3,700.00 The City Engineer stated that in his opinion, the City should recognize the benefits and potential value of private housing developments and assist in furn— ishing the utilities to a point that is economically sound, but also should ex— pect the builder to pay a proportionate share of the cost. Analyzing the problem, from a viewpoint of costs and revenue, the City Engineer submitted the following proposal. 1. That the City extend its sewer and water systems to the boundaries of private housing developments at the rate of $30.00 per unit, providing that the revenues will amortize the costs within a period of 3 years. (That he be- lieved that it would not be wise to plan for the White Project alone because of the predicted growth of other areas in this vicinity.) From the proposed policy, Hugh White would pay the City of Renton $1,740.00 for the 58 units being constructed, the total estimated revenue from the project for one year being $9,672.00; that under this proposal, all other properties would pay their proportionate share before connections will be permitted. (Mr. Highton stated that the City of Seattle (first class) is following this procedure.) The Assistant City Attorney stated that he would check the legality of the pro- posal, in relation to 2nd class cities, of the proposed regular assessment by Council action, instead of a L.I.D. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposal, in regard to ex- tension of sewer and water mains to the Hugh White project, be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for a report on Monday, September 29, 1952. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council as a whole meet with the City Engineer and City Attorney on Monday, September 29 at 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of further study of this question. Carried. The City Engineer stated that Hugh White had informed him that he proposed to start construction of water lines within the White Project very soon; that the proposed water line connection to the White Project would be from the Windsor Hills mains - - that in his opinion, about 1800 feet of 6" main would provide adequate water service and fire protection, that a four inch line would not be adequate - - that the sewer main could be extended from the trunk sewer at the Maple Valley intersection with the Sunset Highway, approximately 1200 feet, that the present sewer is located on the west side of the intersection. The City Engineer informed the Council that the property owner, whose houses are assumed to be built partially on Puget Sound Power and Light Company's right-of-way, had stated that he had planned to move said houses back on the property, to clear the right-of-way. Councilman Swift requested that the Council as a whole determine the policy they propose to follow in regard to City Employee's sick leave and vacations, before the final budget is passed. The Council decided to study and further discuss this matter at Thursday, September 25th Council Committeerm.eeting. The City Clerk read a communication from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Cedar River Park Housing Project enclosing copies of operations report for August as follows: INCOME Apartment income.. .. . ... . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . .021,798.47 Laundry Rental.... .. . . .. .... ... . .. . . . . . . . , . . 94.63 Other Income 80.37 TOTAL INCO14E............ ..........$21,973.47 EXPENSE Management..... .. . . . . . .. . . . 1,168.89 Utilities....... .. ... . .. . .. . . .. ....... . . . 3,338.23 Maintenance....... .4.. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. 69352.34 Insurance. ,.. .. 0 . 0 . 0.0 .. ... . . . . ... .... ... 75.22 Taxes. . .. .. . . .0 . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 0 . . . . 152.4.6 Collection Loss. .. .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 28.75 Reserves:... ...Coal... .. . . . . . . . 4.. . . . . 4 . 2,318.37 Accrued Annual Leave... . . . . . 257.00 Payment in lieu of ta.xes. ... 13090 00 TOTAL EXPENSE $140781,26 OPERATINGNET... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,192.21 The report is to be filed in the City Clerk1s Office. I4 A communication was read from the City Engineer, attaching Mr. Albert Balch►s Agreement to the City of Penton for paving streets in President Park Addition No. 1, stating that the delay in completing the paving is due to the method of financing and that it is his understanding that the work will be done in accordance with approved plans. The City Engineer recommended that the street paving as planned by Mr. Balch, be approved. (Mr. Balch►s communication to the City Engineer stated that he would arrange for and complete the macadam paving of President Park within 120 days that the roads have been graded to the approved finish grade and preliminary surfacing is being put on.) The City Engineer reported that Mr. Balch has stated that paving will be completed under plans and specifications as submitted, and under the City Engineer's super- vision; that a 211 prepared base will be laid and covered with 2" asphaltic concrete paving - - that the street surfac=ing is to be 25 feet wide. . Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, if the streets are laid in the proper manner, future maintenance would be kept at a minimum. TheCity Clerk read Public Notice, No. P-52-94 from the Corps of Engineer, U.S., Army, Office of the Seattle District Engineers, signed by Lloyd L. Rall, Lt. Colonel, Corps of Engineers, acting District Engineer advising, in regard to Foss Launch and Tug Company►s application to construct log storage facilities in the south end of Lake Washington, near Renton, stating that the report on the hearing was transmitted to higher authority and after careful review of all facts and circumstances, the Seattle District Engineer's Office advises "that it is not considered that the pro- posed structure will be an unreasonable obstruction to navigation, and as the juris- diction of their Department is limited, and directed to the effect of the proposed work upon navigation, and as a permit merely expresses the assent of the Federal Government so far as concerns the public rights of navigation, the permit has been issued." Mayor Baxter stated that if and when a bathing beach is developed on the Lake in this vicinity, the City of Renton could press their disapproval of same as such a storage of logs would be detrimental from a Health standpoint. A communication was read from Carl H. Chatters, Executive Director of the American Municipal Association, announcing the annual meeting of the Association to be held in Los Angeles on December 1, 2 and 3. A petition was read from Lavina Bennett, 310 Pelly Street, requesting certain des- cribed property be rezoned from residential use district to commercial use district, (on the west side of lst North and Burnett Street, diagonally across from the City Garage.) The petition was signed by eleven property owners, who are the owners of not less than 51% by area, of all the property in the City lying within 200 feet (streets and alleys excepted) of the above tract, as consenting to changing the classification of above described tract to Commercial Use District. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Froyman, that the petition be referred to the Plann- ing Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A petition was read from L. J. Putman, E. H. Pritchard and George Ames, requesting that certain described property be rezoned from residential to commercial.(Lots 1, 21 31 4 and 5, inclusive, Block 1, Smithers 6th Addition to the Town of Renton.) The petition was signed by 19 property owners, living within the limits of 200 feet of the property described, as being in favor of the requested rezoning. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the petition be referred to the Plann- ing Commission. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney reported that Roy E. Bogh, Major, Artillery, had signed a legal Document whereby the City of Renton grants the '►C Battery 555 AAA, AW, Bn., Organized Reserve Corps, Washington Military District, Ft. Lawton, Washington the privilege to use the City Garage premises, located at lst Avenue North and Williams Street, in the City of Renton, for the purpose of storing a certain multiple gun motor carriage, known as M 15 Al, and that a representative of the Renton Division of the Organized Reserve Corps was in waiting and was requesting that the Mayor and City Clerk sign said document. The City Clerk and Mayor complied with the request. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department and City Engineer had met with Harold Jordan owner of the Jordan and Yellow Cab Company in regard to additional cab parking space directly in back of their present parking areas; that the Committee had deter- mined that it was not feasible to vacate premium parking space directly in back of the present parking areas, if the cab companies were not willing to pay the City of Renton sufficient remuneration therefor; but that the committee had in- vestigated the establishment of an area, of a size not to interfere with pri- vate homes, on the west side of Wells Street on 2nd Avenue, but that they had found there was not sufficient space at this location to permit a special park- ing area for the Yellow Cab Company; that the Committee did recommend that all cab companies be allowed to use the metered parking area directly in back of their cab stand (if said space is not being used by private parties for parking their cars, as this space cannot be reserved by the cab companies) after 7:00 P.M., on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday; after 9:00 P.M., on Friday and any time on Sundays and holidays. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that all cab companies be notified in writing relative to Council action and that this permission be granted as of October lst 1952. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Div- ision of the Police Department are studying traffic conditions on Bronson Way North in order to ascertain if it is feasible to establish a policy :in the near future of "no parking on Bronson Way North."' Councilman Swift further reported that he had been endeavoring to contact representatives of the bus company for a discussion of the traffic hazard on Bronson Way North on the north side between Garden and Park Streets where the bus company loads passengers. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the pro- posal of the Committee in regard to their suggestion that a thorough study be made in regard to the feasibility of establishing a policy of "no parking on Bronson Way North." Carried. Councilman Richardson reported, in regard to the traffic hazard created by the car exit on 2nd Avenue adjacent to and just east of Brewer's furniture Store, that the Committee was investigating and studying the possibility of establishing an exit westward onto Williams Street which would improve this condition. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division of the Police Department recommended that the City Council draft an Ordinance regulating parking of cars on certain streets, within the City of Renton, in the early morning hours to permit the street sweeper to sweept the entire street, that at the present time, cars parking on the streets prevent the sweeper from cleaning the entire street and the City is not obtaining the full value of street sweeper service, and further requested that the Street Commissioner submit a recommendation in regard to the hours that parking be prohibited on certain streets. The Street Commissioner stated that he would consult with the operators of the street sweeper to determine the most con- venient time for their operation. On the recommendation of the Committee, moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance Committee, with the assistance of the Street Commissioner, draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that authority be granted the City Attorney and City Engineer to contact the Northern Pacific Railway Company for authority to use a portion of the Northern Pacific' s right-of-way Directly infi-ont of the bus lone adjacet to the Boeing Airplane Company on 8th Avenue North, for the purpose of a bus turn-around. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. On the advice of the City Attorney, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Chief of Police and Street Commissioner investigate the number of meters that could be installed on the west side of Wells Street, north of :2nd Avenue and that the Ordinance Committee prepare the necessary amendment to the Ordinance authorizing the installation of subject meters. Carried. 203 The City Attorney informed the Council that he had been informed of a proposed meeting of various interested parties in regard to the Power problem on Thursday evening at 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers and that he would verify this infor- mation. The City Attorney informed the Council that a political sub-division of the :State located outside of the County could not assess property in King County for funds to acquire and operate utilities within the County. Mayor Baxter stated that Metcalf & Associates had informed him that Public Utility Districts cannot secure permanent legal possession of local Power & light properties as long as the City of Renton's suit for the acquisition of same is pending. ... On the recommendation of Councilman Morris, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the problem of transformers and maintenance of electric utilities in Cedar River Park be referred to the Power and Light Committee for further investigation. Carried. On the report of Councilman Morris that school busses being loaded and unloaded on Main Street in front of the Ford School created a traffic hazard, moved by Richard- son, seconded by Freyman, that the Traffic Division of the Police Department in- vestigate this problem and the possibility of the school busses being loaded on Wells Street. Carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Sanitation Committee had investigated the two buildings that were not connected to the City of Rentonts Sanitary Sewer System and recommended that a letter be forwarded to each of the owners of the two buildings advising them that they should connect to the sewer system within 30 days, under the supervision of the Building Inspector, so the matter would be referred to the Health Department for action. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter reminded the Council of the City of Rentonts responsibility in regard to being host for representatives from surrounding cities and Association of Wash- ington Cities representatives at the Regional meeting of the Association of Wash- ington Cities at Renton, October 23rd. Mayor Baxter stated that daylight saving time would officially end in the City of Renton on Sunday, September 28th at 2:00 A.M. Councilman Farmer requested that parking of trucks east of the Scale House on the south side of the Maple Valley Highway be investigated as the parking of trucks obscures the cross-walk for children crossing from Cedar River Park. The Street and Alley Committee Chairman, George Swift, reported that this problem had already been reported to the Traffic Department of the Police Department and they were going to take immediate action. CD The City Attorney informed the Council that corrected copies of the proposed lease for Cedar River Park were available for the Councilts information. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Carried. li y Clerk U� Mayor 204 Renton, Washington September 30, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BMJCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND RICHARDSON ,(councilman Tamborini was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, Asst. City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer, Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of September 23rd be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3816 $ 200.00 Wm. Lyon 415 Wells St. erect garage 17 500.00 Armstrong & Barnes 1510 Beacon Ave. remodel house 8 100.00 Willenberg, J.P. 2101 6th Pl. install_ driveway 9 - St. Anthony's Parish 4th & Morris St. install fixtures 20 - George Dobson 5817 Langston Road install. fixtures 1 - Monterey Terrace, Unrecorded (Lot 6) Renton install plumbing 2 .. if, " " 5 "' install plumbing 3 _ if rr n 4 If n rr 4 - It it n 3 n• rrf n 5 n n t' It 2 m it rr 600.00 Sam Hubbard 641 N. Wells Wire service - Harry Boll.and, Jr. 506 N. Wells install furnace 8 1,180.00 F. L. Staats 404 Grandey 'day reside residence 9 75.00 Wm. D. Hurt 2110 7th Ave. N. erect fireplace 30 500.00 Clifford Jones 2504 5th No. erect carport 1 100.00 Virginia Cartwright 219 Park Ave. remodel house 2 52740.00 Axle Magnusson 641 Shattuck erect residence 3 700.00 J. W. Honea 11620 SE 116th add'n on house 4 400.00 J. 0. Bing 715 D. St. erect garage 5 - Ed. Swanson 109 Wells St. replace tanks 6 7,120.00 George Butko 13820 86th Ave. S. erectresidence 7 - Dr. James Price 8225 S. 140th St. install furnace 8 1,000.00 Dave Pugh 126 Wells St. remodel house 9 100.00 Dr. D. T. Harries 1214 3rd Ave. reroof residence 40 100.00 Ida Harries Dexter 902 2nd Ave. break curb 1 300.00 St. Anthony's Parish 4th & Morris wire service 2 100.00 Louis Peretti 616 Burnett demolish bldg. 3 200.00 Willard Deluche 532 Renton St. erect garage 4 - William Weigelt 674 A. Street install furnace 5 800.00 Tony Porcell.o 915 3rd Ave. erect sign 6 50.00 H. V. Charnell 633 Burnett repair garage 7 - Randy Rockhill 508-510 N. Burnett St. install 2 furnaces 8 - Calvery Baptist Church Sunset & E. St. install plumbing 9 600.00 Arnold W. Hand 719 D. St. erect garage 50 2,000.00 Roy Danielson 4th N. & Sunset Highway concrete floor 1 - Inez M. Plano 216 N. Williams install furnace 2 150.00 John Wiita 500 Morris St. reroof residence 3 150.00 Richard Murray 631 G. St. erect carport 4 - Bill Gcodner 11802 Sunset Highway install furnace 5 - Howard Humphry 531 Pell.y St. install oil bur. 6 150.00 Modern Materials 3202 7th Place wire service 7 150.00 if It 3208 7th Place 8 150.00 TM' " 3214 7th Place 9 150.00 " "' 3220 7th Place 60 150.00 " " 3226 7th Place 1 150.00 " " 3232 7th Place 2 150.00 " " 3302 7th Place 3 150.00 TM " 3308 7th Place rr It 4 150.00 " TM 3314 7th Place TM If 5 150.00 It It 3320 7th P1. "' it 6 150.00 if " 3328 7th P1. "r TM 7 35.00 T. W. Trimm 541 Wells Erect fence 8 150.00 Modern Materials 33332 7th Pl. wire service 205 APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3869 150.00 Modern Materilas 3402 7th P1. Wire Service 70 150.00 " " 3405 7th Pl. wire service 1 700.00 Dorr Hurskainen 8442 S. 140th St. Extend eaves 2 100.00 George Church 632 E. St. Wire service As per suggestion of Mayor Baxter, moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that Councilman Reid be excused from this evening's Council meeting to enable him to attend a meeting, as an official representative of the City of Renton, at the Methodist Church as per request of the Ministerial Association. Carried. A communication was read from Louis Gebenini stating that brush cleared from pro- perty directly behind his, by the City of Renton, has created a water drainage pro- blem and besides damaging his private driveway, creates a traffic hazard on the Sun- set Highway - - that in his opinion the City of Renton should share the expense of re- pairing his driveway, and further requesting the City investigate the problem of im- proper drainage of City property in back of his property. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. Gebenini had reported this drainage problem to him several weeks ago and he had in turn referred him to the Park Superintendent, Mr. Gene Coulon, who had sent a man to open the drains, that in his opinion, the City should furnish labor and materials for this repair. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Street Commissioner with power to act. Carried. A petition, submitted by Harold Jordan, owner of the Yellow & Jordan Cab Companies, signed by 218 persons (local businessmen and residents of the City of Renton) was read requesting that it be compulsory that all taxicabs have meters installed; also, that a representative of the Yellow and Jordan Cab Companies be permitted to attend any special meet'ng in this regard. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the petition be referred to the Police and License Committee. Carried. �. A communication was read from Harold Jordan submitting an alternate proposal for additional parking space for their cabs, of the space on Wells Street directly in front of the garage (loo ted at the right rear of the Shell Service Station) , at 2nd and Wells Street, further st,-ting that at the present time there is a 20 feet area, to the front of the garage - - that the drivers sit in their cabs at all times and could move the cabs for the convenience of those desiring entrance to or exit from the garage, thus permitting the one parking space for two cabs. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the inquiry be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was read, signed by 56 property owners of the City of Renton, (par- ticularly of Windsor Hills) requesting that steps be taken to correct the nuisance of soot settling on their homes; said soot assumed to be caused by burning of re- fuse, saturated with oil, at the Pacific Car and Foundry Company. Councilman Swift stated that the Council as a whole had discussed this matter and it was possible said soot could be caused by the exhaust, from the Northern Pacific Railroad Companyts Diesel powered locomotives, that the City should determine the exact source of this soot nuisance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that the petition be referred to the Engineering Department to determine the source of the soot nuisance and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating thpt the City Council had r.. approved the purchase of a certain tract of land (described as the south 2 of Tract 10, Eldon Acres, located in the NW* of Sec. 5, Township 23, Range 5 E W.M.) in the Kennydale area for the new well-site;(the agreed purchase price being $850.000 and recommending same be paid for from Cumulative Fund #1183, on Loan, until bonds for this improvement have been issued. The Assistant City Attorney recommended, that after conferring with the Real Estate representative, who has charge of the transaction, that owing to the type of transaction, that the deed and payment be held in escrow until such time as the title insurance report has been furnished the City for inspection. 206 C Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. A petition was read from Edward A. Noel, President and Manager of Miller's Sandwich Shop, d/b/a/ Rocket Center, for a card room license for five card tables at their place of business at 703 8th Avenue North, Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the petition be referred to the City* Attorney for a report back to the Council on same. Carried. A communication was read from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the: Statewide City Employees Reitrement System stating that William H. Watkins will be over the normal compulsory retirement age (65 years) on December 1, 1952, and will have to retire on that date unless his time is extended by the City Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the information be furnished the Street Commissioner for his recommendation. Carried. A report was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission re- commending that the petition of L. J. Putman, E. H. Pritchard, and George Ames for the rezoning of certain described property on 2nd Avenue, near Logan Street, namely Lots 1, 21 32 4 and 5, inclusive, Block 1, Smither's 6th Addition to the Town of Renton, be rejected as the Commission felt that this property being neer the Renton High School, they should recommend the retention by the City Council of some control of the tame of commercial buildings which would be built upon these properties; that the petitioners did not submit plans or indicate the proposed use of the property, and that it was the Committee's established policy that no zoning changes from re- sidential to commercial be made in critical areas, unless definite plans were sub- mitted for their use. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the petitioners be so notified. Carried. A second report was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission recommending that the City Council act favorably on Lavina Bennett's petition to re- zone certain described property on the west side of First North and Burnett Street, diagonally across from the City garage, from residential to commercial. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the matter of rezoning the above described property be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. A third report was read from C. G. 11yers,Secretary of the Renton Plann=ing Commission in regard to the Earlington Womens Club's request that the City Council refuse building permits for motels and/or cabins in the Earlington Hill area, stating that as this area is now zoned residential, motels and/or cabins could not be built under present residential zoning laws without Council action, and recommending that as no problem exists at the present time which requires Council action, that the Earlington Women's Club be so notified. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the Club be so notified. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance No .1211, fixing the license fees of pinball machines and similar games of skill within the City of Renton, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, requiring private clubs, fraternal and service organizations to apply for and obtain a sub-license. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommen- ded its passage. Mayor Baxter stated that this amendment would not allow private clubs, fraternal and service organizations to operate machines without a master license. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1 .39 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Hansen, seconded by Richardson, that proposed Ordinance No. 1319 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer Ta„s' Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye and Richardson, Ave the motion Carried. Councilman Richardson requested more time to present the proposed Ordinances in regard to installation of parking meters on Wells Street (both sides) north of 2nd Avenue and for the restriction of parking on certain streets in the early morn— ing hours to enable the street 7aeeper to sweep both sides of the street. Request granted. This being the date set for the hearing on the petition for annexation of .Albert Balch for property described as President Park Addition #2 and #3, and there being no oral or verbal protests, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the annexation petitions and refer same to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance to make this property as described, a part of the City of Renton. Carried. Mr. Weathers, of 12319 — 132nd S.F., from the audience, inquired as to extension of the City of Renton's water line to his property, was informed that he should con— tact the Engineering Department for the proper petition and circulate same amont his neighbors (some of whom were present at the meeting) and after he has obtained the signatures of the majority of his neighboring property owners, present same to the Council for consideration at the next regular Council meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Frey�ran, that the City Engineer investigate the possibility of furnishing the particular area of 132nd S.F. with water and report back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed the petition of Mr. E.W. Shekter of the Service Laundry to install three tanks under— ground under the parking strip and a portion of the street and requested that Mr. Shekter be notified by the City Clerk to submit a request that would meet the appro— val of the Building Ipspector, Street Commissioner and Fire Chief in regard to same; the City Clerk was instructed to comply with the request of the Street e, Alley Com— mittee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Street Commissioner investi— gate and correct any and all signs on Factory Street that do not coincide with the restrictions in Ordinance #1422. (No parking on Factory Street between Second Avenue +� North and Bronson `day between the hours of 4:00 P.M., and 5:00 P.M., except on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.) Carried. The Street Commissioner was requested to investigate the parking restriction on Meadow Street, especially on the corner of 2nd Avenue Meadow Street on the northeast corner where the shrubs hide oncoming traffic, and cause a traffic hazard. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Chief of Police and Traffic Division of the Police Department investigate cars parking too close to the corner on Second and Meadow Street and give violators courtesy parking tickets. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti asked that the Police Department investigate the speed limit of cars leaving the Pacific Car and Foundry Company and the Boeing Airplane Company and driving through North Renton at close of work on week days, stating that the excessive speed has been the cause of several accidents. Councilman Richardson stated that this complaint and many others were being studied and considered by the Street and Alley Committee at this time and the Street Commissioner was preparing signs which he stated would be installed in the near future. The Street Commissioner stated that Rainier Avenue and Dunlap Canyon Highway were the only 35 miles per hour zones, within the City of Renton and that all streets where the "35 MPH'I zone ends were to be marked "25 MPH, ENFORCED (underneath.) Councilman Holm requested a meeting of the Council as a whole, immediately following the Council meeting. Councilman Swift informed a lady from the audience that the Committee is investigating the petition for a street in Earlington Addition and would report at the October 7th Council meeting. The City Engineer informed the Council that it was quite urgent that necessary action be taken as soon as possible. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police & License Committee and City Attorney immediately after tonight's Council meeting. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjou76q at 9:30 P. M. Carried. v Mayor City Clerk 208 o Renton, Wash October 6, 1952 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by President of the Council, George Swift at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RE JI, HOLM, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, Assistant City Attorney; FLOYD LAWRENCE, Fire Chief; WILEY CROOK, City Clerk; DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, and ELTON ALEXANDER, Budget Controller. (MAYOR BAXTER, unavoidedly detained, arrived a little late.) Ong Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the Police Department Identification Bureau man's salary be classified the same as a patrolman. Carried. After a thorough discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that all over— time be deleted from the budget, Carried. The overtime to be deleted as follows: Pg. 2. Clerk's Office — 700.00 ) Pg. 2. Treasurer's Office — 1,600.00 ) Pg. 3. Police Court — 250.00 ) Pg. 4. Store room — 300.00 ) Current Fund — $62500.00 Pg. 6. Shop — 13,500.00 ) Pg. 6. Sanitation — 11250.00 ) Pg. 6. Treasurer's Office — 900.00 ) Pg. 9. Water — 51000.00 'dater — 51000.00 Pg. 11. Park — 1,700.00 Park Fund — 11700.00 Pg. 13 Sewer Disposal — 5,000.00 Sewer Fund — 5,000.00 Pg. 13 Treasurer — 800.00 Treasurer — 800.00 Pg. 11+ Airport — 21500.00 Airport — 2,500.00 Pg. 15 Street — 2,500.00 Street — 2,500.00 $24.000.00 $242000.00 It was requested that Don Humble, furnish the City Council in writing, facts re— lative to the proposed profit to be derived in the near future from the operation of the Cedar Ri7.rer Project. After a discussion, the Council unanimously agreed that wages and salaries of Officials, Department Heads and employeed be reduced ? 15.00 each from the w ages and salaries as set forth in the Preliminary Budget. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council recess tonight's Council meeting until Tuesday night, October 7th. Carried. The meeting recessed at 10:35 P.M. G City Clerk yor 209 Renton, Washington October 7, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIt1441, REID, RICHARD— SON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT Z,!ERE: ARTHUR HAUGAN, City Attorney; GERARD S=LAN, Assistant City Attorney; ANGELO BUSATO, Police Chief; FLOYD LAWRENCE, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer; JAMES HIGHTON, City.Engineer; DAVE PUGH, Street Commissioner; WALT WILL, Building Inspector and ELTON ALEXANDER, Budget Controller. Moved by Dela.urenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of September 30th be approved as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of the bids for the Roal Oil Distributor, bids were opened and read as follows: BIDDER Plus 3% Wash. Net bid, including Columbia. Equip-hent Company BID State Sales Tax State Sales Tax Portland, Oregon $12987.00 $59.61 $2,046.61 Feenaughty Machinery Company Seattle, Washington 1,806.00 54.18 11860.18 Clyde Equipment Company Seattle, Washington 2,280.00 68.40 2,34.8.40 Howard Cooper Corporation Seattle, Washington 1,921.50 57.65 1,979.15 Jack Sahlberg Equipment Co. Seattle, Washington 1,895.00 56.85 1,951.85 The bid of the Clyde Equipment Company, not being accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, was not considered. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the bids be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Street Commissioner for consideration. Carried. The Street Commissioner was excused to check the specification of the bids submitted. The City Clerk read a petition requesting annexation to the City of Renton of certain described property as "The North Half (N2) of the Northwest quarter (NWS) , of the Southwest Quarter (SW') , of the Southeast Quarter (SE') , of Section 9, Town— ship 23 North Range 5, E. W.M." signed by Jasper R. and Lova M. Merline (his wife) owners of the property described. The City Engineer explained that this property was a 5 acre tract south of President Park Addition. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that this request for annexation be re— ferred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from David J. Pugh, Street Commissioner requesting Mr. William Watkins retirement age be extended for the maximum period of two years due to the necessity of keeping an employee with the technical 6kill and knowledge necessary for the efficient operation and repair of parking meters. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street Commissioner. Carried. (The Chairman of the Ordinance Committee will have the necessary Resolution prepared extending Mr. Watkins time.) The City Clerk read a request for non—metered cabs, signed by 139 persons, as pre— sented by Calvin Davis of the Highland Cab Company. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this request be referred to the + Police and License Committee for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from Lyle Lemley, State Chairman of the Municipal Finn-nee Officers advising the date and place of their next meeting on October 24, 1952, at the Spokane Hotel in Spokane, and requesting any questions for general dis—_ cussion in the program be sent to him at Tacoma. The City Clerk stated that these meetings were very educational — — that they dis— cuss various methods of handling finance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Finance Committee and any Councilmen that are able be allowed their expenses to attend the Finance Officers meeting in Spokane on October 24, 1952. Carried. A communication was read from Lincoln D. 14yman, Pastor, Renton Assembly of God Church requesting that their Evangelist, Rev. J. L. Isaacs, be permitted to park a house trailer at the rear of their church located at 65 Williams Street for two or three weeks from this date until the clost of the meeting. Rev. Wyman further stated that they have proper sanitation and other utility connections, an adequate distance from the building. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Sanitation Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer presenting and recommending appro— val of a plat of a portion of Albert Balch's President Park No. 2, containing 9 lots and abutting the present Preisdent Park kddition No. 1, directly to the South with a sixty foot street right—of—way in between. The City Engineer stated, after studying the plat, that it conforms to the City platting Ordinance and will fit into general planning for the area, that proposed plans will follow the pattern for streets, sewer and water mains as specified for President Park No. 1, and that the Balch contractors had agreed to the construction of said improvements, under the supervision of the Engineering Department. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk read White Construction Company's second itemized monthly estimate for work performed through September 30th on their- Black River fill and drainage contract, in the amount of $1,973.95 excluding the 15% retained, an amount of $348.35 as approved by the City Engineer. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the City Engineer and the amount as stated be paid to the White Con— struction Company. Carried. A similar itemized monthly estimate was read 'from the Valley Construction Company for work performed through September 30th on the Earlington Local Improvement Dis— trict #239 contract, in the amount of $18,910.66, excluding the 15% retained, an amount of $3337.18 as approved by the City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the City Engineer and the amount as stated �e paid to the Valley Con— struction Company. Carried. A communication was read from Paul Jassny, of the Service & Dry Cleaners, referring to their petition of August 25th requesting permission to install three solvent tanks under the sidewalk, adjacent to their plant on Wells Street, plus a portion of the sidewalk adjacent to the Labor Temple north of them. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, the reason the Service Laundry and Dry Cleaners was requested to resubmit their request was to determine the re— sponsibility in case of damage to adjacent sidewalks. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Building Inspector and Fire Chief to investigate and report back their recommen— dation. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council that it was in order to submit to the City Council for their approval "Notice of Hearing" for the rezoning request of Mrs. Lavina Bennett of property described as "the west side of lst Avenue North and Burnett Street, diagonally across from the City Garage", and stated that if approved this evening, the same could be published on October 9th and 16th as re— quired by law, that the date of Hearing could be October. 28th 1952. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the report of the City Clerk and the date of October 28th be set for said hearing. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee and Street Commissioner, after checking specifications submitted on all. bids, and after consideration of same, ..w recommended that the City of Renton accept the bid of the lowest bidder, the Feenaughty Machinery Company, in a. total amount of $1860.80. Carried. Councilman Swift informed the Council that this price included two additional spray bar extensions (maximum 12 foot) at a cost of $ 3.75 each. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Oouncil concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and Street Commissioner. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Mayor Baxter asked if Mr. Henry Reynolds, Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, had a report to make to the Council. Mr. Reynolds stated that he was present as per request off' the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce to submit a report in opposition to the proposed Business and Professional Tax as set forth in the Preliminary Budget. The report was read in full by Mr. Reynolds. Councilman Swift, affirmed by Councilman Reid, stated that in his opinion, the re- port did not give any means or methods for securing additional revenue in order to balance the 1953 budget, which was the problem that the Council was currently faced with - - and that at Monday night's special meeting the Council had unanimously agreed that wages and salaries of Officials, Department Heads and employees be re- duced $15.00 each from the wages and salaries as set forth in the Preliminary Budget. Also, in regard to assistance from the Chamber of Commerce, that the business men contacted in regard to securing parking space for off-street parking, had only promised help and had not given any. Councilman Holm stated that he had been a member of the Committee that had prepared the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce's report, and that these men had spent a great deal of time and study the past few days in itis preparation - - that members of the Chamber of Commerce would like to set in with the Council in the preparation of both the Preliminary and Final Budget to get a first-hand knowledge of the Councilts problems. Councilman Richardson stated that neither the Boeing Airplane Company (Renton Plant) and the New Foundry at the Pacific Car and Foundry pay taxes to the City of Renton but that both companies receive police and fire protection and the use of city streets - - that the City of Renton constructed the Logan Street Bridge at a cost of $116,000.00 mainly for the benefit of the Boeing Airplane Company. Mayor Baxter stated that the Cityls"Operation and Maintenance Fund" has been cut so low that a further cut would seriously endanger the progress and welfare of the City. Councilman Morris stated that the Chamber of Commerce has offered a great deal of information, but that the report in his opinion, was in opposition of the proposed business tax and not helpful in balancing the budget. After a further discussion by Tom Cochran and other members of the Chamber of Commerce present in regard to the business tax, Mayor Baxter concluded the dis- cussion by thanking the visitors present for taking part in the discussion and in- viting all Chamber of Commerce representatives and others present to attend any future Council meetings. Councilman Swift reported that his Committee is still working on the proposed street right-of-way in Block 6, Earlington and that there were two property owners ^�w `red L on this proposed street right-of-way that do not intend to deed their land for said street, to allow the required 100% approval. The City Engineer explained that the committee is still considering a possible solution which could be amicably handled and still meet the building code require- ments and recommended that the matter remain in the committee. Councilman Swift informed the interested Earlington ladies present that this matter would be discussed further at the next Street & Alley Committee meeting on October 16th and invited them to be present. Councilman Swift further reported that the Committee of the Council as a whole recommended that a 6" water main be installed from the Windsor Hills main to the Hugh White Project, and that the expense of same be borrowed from Cumulative Fund #1184 and be repaid by the Water Department. Moved by Richardson, seccnded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee of the Council as a whole. Carried. Also, the Committee of the Council as a whole recommended that the sewer line be installed from the main trunk line near the Maple Valley Wye and that the expense of same be paid for from the Sewage Disposal Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recomm- endation of the Committee of the Council as a whole. Carried. Councilman Swift was excused for the balance of the session. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 9:55 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAUT04TI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HA.NSEN, TRIPtii, FEID, RICHAHDSON AND TAMBORINI. There was a thorough and full discussion on the possible and various means of balancing the Current and Street Funds. The Council requested that all Department Heads be present at the Budget Hearing Wednesday evening, October 8th, to assist the Council in further working on the budget. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 5802-5934 $16,705.47 CLAIMS CURRENT 663-671 15,351.01 CLAIMS WATER 8671-8673 3,276.23 CLAIMS PARK 1709 963.26 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6327-6329 3,256.00 CLAIM LIBRARY 2555-2563 548.28 CLAIM SEWER DISPOSAL 2284-2290 23089.32 CLAIM ATHLETIC FUND 628 275.00 CLAIM CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 469 - CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN FD. 92 - CLAIMS SEWER TRUNK 9- 13 18,910.66 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1388-1389 909.50 CLAIMS CUMULATIVE #1183 393 850.00 CLAIMS CONSTRUCTION FUND 7- 8 269671. 16 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting be recessed until October 83, 1952 at 8:00 P.M., Carried. Meeting recessed at 12:00 P.M. C fijVClerk Mayor 21 Renton, 'Washington October g, 1952 The recessed meeting of Tuesday, October 7, 1952 was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at $:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELA)RENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, F,aRMER, MORRIS, REID AND RICHARDSON. (Councilman Tamborini was reported ill.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; .� Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Elton Alexander, Bud- get Controller; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Jack Schneider, Airport Manager. Mp.yor Baxter stated that the purpose of this evenings meeting was for further con- sideration of the City of Renton's final budget for 1953, and introduced Harold Mansfield of the Boeing Airplane Company. Mr. Mansfield, on behalf of the Boeing Airplane Company, thanked the City of Renton for its consideration in the past, making it possible to build airplanes in Renton - that they had been advised that a business and professional tax was being considered for the City of Renton - - that their business was becoming highly competitive from a cost standpoint - - that their operation is entirely military and as the time was so short, to analyze the problem and help the Council work out a. solution, they would like to offer suggestions. If, after the Council has completed their problem of balancing the budget and still feel unsuccessful in making the City operation fit the available revenue, if the City could adopt a form of revenue or levy that would make up this revenue and give it further study later, that the Boeing .Airplane Company representatives and some of the Boeing Tax people (experts) would be glad to set down and study an equitable program for a policy in the future - - that he would suggest that the subject requires expert counsel and consideration as effects future payrolle. Mayor Baxter asked the Boeing Airplane Company representatives if they could assist the City of Renton to obtain "payment in lieu of taxes" from the Federal Government for the Boeing Airplane Company. Mr. Mansfield introduced Mr. Riebe of the Boeing Airplane Company's Controller's Office who informed the Council that his latest knowledge (some 2 years ago) was that the properties were turned over to the War Assets Administration and taken from the County's tax rolls - - that he understood that Renton had lost about 1/3 of their millage revenue they would receive - - that he knew of no way that the Boeing Airplane Company could have the Government pay this amount to the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter stated, that in his opinion, to have the City of Renton obtain this "payment in lieu of taxes" from the Federal Government would require legislation. Mr. Riebe stated that he would like to affirm Mr. Mansfield's statement that any- thing the Boeing Airplane Company could do, as to bringing in best legal advice, to assist the City of Renton in solving their problem they would do. The Council called on the Park Superintendent to reconsider the Park Department budget. After a short discussion, on the recommendation of Councilman Bruce, the 3 Renton Boeing Airplane Company representatives were exc}zsed and it was suggested that they contact the City Clerk and Budget Controller orr Thursday for further dis- . cussion of balancing the City's budget. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order Iam by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, REID AND RICHARDSON. The City Engineer was requested to sit in with the Council for the purpose of re- considering the Engineering and Water and Sewage Disposal Budget. The Airport Manager was requested to sit in with the Council for the purpose of reconsidering the Airport Budget. 6)[1 4 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that $500.00 be left in the "extra help" fund and the balance of $2000.00 from that fund and the $2000.00 proposed to be used for taxes and assessments, be earmarked and paid back to the Current Fund for money on loan to the Airport. Carried. The Street Commissioner was requested to sit in with the Council for the purpose of reconsidering the Street and Garbage Department's budget. There was a discussion in regard to the Highlands Fire Department being made the pay station for the City utility bills in that area. Councilman Swift requested that the Police Chief, together with his Department and Fire Chief and his Department, discuss possible means of reducing their bud— r gets and report back their recommendations at the Thursday night's Council meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council recess until Thursday evening, October 9th at $:00 P.M. Carried. The meeting recessed at 12:10 P.M. Cit Jerk �Ia r Renton, Washington October 9, 1952 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at $:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, REID AND RICHARDSON. (The City Clerk reported that Councilman Hansen would be late.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESFNT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea •� Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superin- tendent uperintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. The Council requested that the Fire Chief sit in with the Council for further dis- cussion of the Fire Department's Budget. After discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that subject to final con- firmation, the Council allow three additional employees for the Fire Department. Carried. Mr. George Bennett, Manager of the Renton Branch of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company stated that in behalf of his company he would like to say that his company's taxes are still climbing upward and that the company was not in favor of the creation of the business and professional tax. Councilman Richardson was excused for the balance of the session. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAUMTTI, BRUCE, F:REYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS AND REID. The Police Chief was requested to sit in with the Council for further discussion of the Police Department budget. After a discussion, the Police Chief requested that the Council consider reemploy- ment of a former policeman, who previously having been called back to active service with the U.S. Army, at the present time, having been honorably discharged, desired to be placed back in the Police Department's service the first of November. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police Chief. Carried. After further discussion, moved by Holm, that the salaries of the Fire Department be left in the same ratio that they were last year, including the $5.00 raise that all City employees received. There being no second, the motion was not put to a vote. Mayor Baxter requested that the Council consider the fact, that in reviewing the Street, Athletic and Park Budgets, they had eliminated several employees from the proposed 1953 budget and that their action this evening had added three employ- ees to the Fire Department and one employee to the Police Department and requested a fair consideration for all Departments. The Council requested the Park Superintendent to sit in with the Council for further consideration of their budget. The Park Superintendent furnished revised copies of his combined Park and Athletic Budget to the Council for their consideration, explaining that two supervisors had been released and a third supervisor would be released as soon as he had found other employment. Councilman Hansen arrived at the Council meeting. Councilman Holm suggested that the Council adopt a policy that if a man works over- time that he gets an equal amount of time off. Councilman Deleurenti stated, that in his opinion, an employee working overtime should be allowed time and one-half off. Mayor Baxter stated, that in his opinion, to get employees to work extra hours overtime is sometimes difficult, even with the time and one-calf off to compensate for the overtime. There was a short discussion as to the duties of the Health Officer, and the possibility of him being placed on a fee basis instead of a set part time monthly salary. Regarding the continuance of the City of Renton retaining their membership in the Association of Washington Cities, moved by Freyman, seconded by Holm, that the City retain said membership. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, No; Bruce, No; Freyman, Aye; Holm., Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hm sen, Aye and Reid Aye. There being 7 "Aye's and 2 "Noss"', the motion carried. l Councilman Bruce inquired as to source of payment of the 3% interest being charged on Current Expense Vouchers. The City Treasurer will furnish this information at a later date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council recess until Friday evening, October 10th at 8:00 P.M. Carried. The meeting recessed a t 12:15 P.M. Cit Clerk Mayor i �r 21 Renton, Washington Octob^r 10, 1952 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe. R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BITCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIA,1, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shell.an, Assrt City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief. Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Elton Alexander, Budget Con— troller. The Chief of Police, Angelo Busato, explained to the Council his desire, as prev— iously explained to them as a. Committee, to transfer a man from the Police Depart— ment to the Fire Department because of the return of a policeman, formerly in the armed services. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Police Chief and the transfer be made as recommended. Carried. Councilman Morris requested that a review be made of the total amount that can be expected from every available source for the 1953 budget. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, the Council should prepare the budget as economically as possible and then compare the amount of available revenue for balancing same. The method of paying interest on outstanding warrants was explained to Councilman Richardson by the Assistant City Attorney. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council immediately make a resume of every available means of revenue. r� A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, No; Holm, No; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, No and Tamborini, Aye. There being 6 "Ayers" and 5 "Nor""', the motion carried. After a thorough discussion on same, moved by Bruce, seconded by Holm, that an item be included in the estimated receipts for the Current Fund, as follows: "A General Services License and/or Business License and Tax in the amount of $100,000.00". Carried. After a thorough discussion of same, moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that five Street Department employees, previously deleted from the Preliminary Budget, be left in the Final Budget. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that subject motion be amended "that subject employees of the Street Department be kept on the payroll only if and when funds are available for same. The amendment carried. The motion, as amended., then carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the s5lary of the Police Court Secretary be set in the final budget as $240.00 per month. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the item of "Stationery, Postage and Printing" be changed to $5,250.00. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris that three (3) additional men be added to the Fire Department, in addition to the present personnel. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FRE'YMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, TAMBORINI AND HANSEN. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the budget be adopted as now set up. 018 'rd On the recommendation of Councilman Holm, that the motion be amended, moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk and Budget Controller make such relatively minor adjustments to balance the budget to the exact figure. The amend- ment carried. The motion as amended, then carried. Mayor Baxter stated that it was in order to entertain a motion in regard to the Ordinances to accept the budget. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the budget as presented be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated, that the City Attorney, knowing that the budget had to be passed tonight had the necessary ordinances drafted in brief. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1440 adopting a Cite Budget for 1953, in the amount of $887,632.14 plus $6,500,000.00 for bonds for acquisition of a Power and Light System. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1140 and re- commended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that proposed Ordinance No. 1144.0 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that Ordinance No. 1440 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1441 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to meet the amount of estimated expenses for the year 1953 less the total estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus. h Ordinance No . 1 1 be Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman , that proposed44 referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1441 and re- commended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that proposed Ordinance No. 1441 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that Ordinance No. 1441 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Aye"', the motion unanimously carried. Councilmen Trimm, suggested,and moved, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of determining the exact method of raising necessary revenues for the City of Renton be referred to the Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and City Attorney, together with representatives from the Boeing Airplane Company, the Pacific Car and Foundry Coirm_ any and Gladding McBean & Company for study and consideration. Carried. Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence and Police Chief Angelo Busato, expressed their appre- ciation for the unlimited and untiring efforts of the Mayor, Councilmen, City Clerk and Budget Controller in drafting the 1953 budget. Councilman Richardson suggested that the City Clerk and budget controller, arrange for the proposed meeting of the Special Committee in regard to dis- cussion of means to raise the revenue as set forth in the 1953 budget, at the earliest possible date and advise all concerned. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the recessed meeting of Monday, October 6th be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M. o ' U Ci Clerk 4yur 219 Renton, Washington October 14., 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Bruce was reported ill and Councilmen Reid and Richardson were excused.) OFFICIALS AND DEPAFTN,MT HEADS PRESFNT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk and Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer. (The City Engineer, James Highton, was re- ported ill.) Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the special meeting of October 6th and the recessed meetings of October 7th and 8th be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Harold W. Rost, President of the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the Junior Chamber of Commerce be allowed to install a "Scotchlite tape" on the front bumper (silver colored) and on the rear bumper (red) of all Renton Police and City cars,, without charge, as a means of helping to promote a safety program. The tape is one inch in width, the red having reflective qualities that can be seen at night up to 75% quicker than the average tail lights, is visible from a distance of at least one-half mile, and will sell at $1.00 per bumper to the owners, under Jaycee sponsorship only, in the Renton area. Mr. Rost, from the audience, stated that bumper tapes would be installed as of November 10th and the drive would extend for one or two weeks duration - - that they have the exclusive sales this year, but same would probably be on the open market next year. The Police Chief stated, that in his opinion, Police cars would be readily identified if they were the only ones with such bumper reflectors. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Morris, that the request be referred to the Police Chief and Police and License Committee, Street Commissioner and Engineering Depart- ment for a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from H. A. Blencoe, Chairman, Street Decorations Comm- ittee of the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce, submitting a proposal to the Council for street decorations for the 1952 Christmas Season, fulfilling the 1951 "Progressive Plan", stating that the area covered will be doubel with increased decorations per line - - that in the new areas to be decorated, it will be necessary to install new guy wires and further requested permission to install necessary guy wires and further requested permission to install necessary guy wires and further requested permission to install necessary guy wires, that the Allied Art's Studio have been contacted for installation of decorations, subject to Council approval. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, this was a worthwhile project, and moved, seconded by Freyman, that the request be granted and that installation of the necessary guy wires be made under the supervision of the Police Chief and City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tri.mm, that the Public Relations Committee investigate and report back at the next meeting on the project. Carried. A communication was read from Edward Q. Biegler, Commander of the Frank R. Vaise Post #1263 , Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to hold their annual "Nights in Paris" benefit dance, Saturday, November 8th in the American Legion Hall, enclosing their check in the amount of $1.00 the regular dance license fee for service organizations. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the permit be allowed. Carried. A request for ten days extension for the City of Renton's demand for rent in the amount of $675.00 owed by the Miller Sandwich Shop was mad from Edward A. Noel, stating that the full amount would be paid on or before October 27, 1952 - - also that they would execute a mortgage in favor of the City of Renton on equipment valued at $2000.00 at 703 8th Avenue North. 220 The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that the last rental :had been paid in July, that as of October 1st, the amount of $675.00 was owing, that by Council action of September 27th via registered mail, notice was given to make up delinquencies within 20 days or vacate. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be denied. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission, recommending that the Council act favorably on Jasper R. and Lova M. Merlinots petition for annexation. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. woo Moved by Swift, seconded by Holm, that the date of November 11th be set as the date of Public Hearing and the City Clerk prepare and post, according to law, the necessary notice. Carried. The City Clerk read the resignation of Lon Tackett, Chairman of .the Renton Park Board effective October 14, 1952. The Mayor acknowledged the communication and ordered same filed. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance "Annexing Territory to the City of Renton", as presented by Councilman Holm, a member of the Ordinance Committee. The area to be annexed is otherwise known as President Park Addition #2 and #3. Moved by ,Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that this be considered the 1st readink of the proposed annexation ordinance and that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance restricting and prohibiting parking of vehicles on certain streets within the City of Renton, as presented by Council- man.Holm, a member of the Ordinance Committee. (This proposed Ordinance restricts and limits parking to one hour between the hours of 8:00 A.M., and 6:00 P.M., on the south side of 4th Avenue north beginning at the intersection of 4th Avenue North and Park Street and continuing in: an east- erly direction for a distance of approximately 380 feet to the intersection of Garden Street and 4th Avenue North. Also, prohibiting parking between 2:30 A.M., and 4:30 A.M., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on Main, Wells and Williams Street and the west side of Burnett Street from the south side of Second Avenue to the north side of Fourth Avenue and on Third Avenue from the east side of Mills Street to Rainier Avenue. Parking of vehicles at any time is prohibited and a "No Parking Zone" is established on the south side of Maple Way and Bronson Way and continuing in a southeasterly direction for a distance of approximately 400 feet.) Moved. by Delaurenti, seconded by .Swift, that this be considered the first reading of the proposed Ordinance restricting and limiting parking on certain streets during certain hours, and that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the proposed Ordinance was drafted in such a manner as to ccver proposed minor adjustments. Owing to the fact that the Ordinance Committee had not had sufficient time to study either of the proposed Ordinances, the Mayor requested that they remain in the Ordinance Committee until the next Council meeting. The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer submitting a plat and recommending approval of a portion of Albert Balch's President Park Addition No. 3, due east of President Park Addition #1, comprising 4 blocks (24 lots) and stating that the lots and street right-of-way conform to the platting code. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the platting as recommended by the City Engineer be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation and a report back. Carried. A request for permission to attend the Pacific Northwest Sewage Works Conference in Portland, Oregon on October 23 through 24, inclusive, for the City Engineer and Chief Disposal Plant Operator, was read from the City Engineer. The City Engineer requested travel expenses only, to and from the State line. 221 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that permission be granted and their expenses incurred within the State of Washington be allowed. Carried. Councilman Farmer requested that representatives of other important Renton business houaes be considered in attending the special meeting in regard to"determining the exact method of raising necessary revenues for the City of Renton to balance the 1953 budget." Mr. Elton Alexander, the Budget Controller, stated that Boeing Airplane Company re— presentatives have requested a meeting on October 27th at 12:45 P.M., for a meeting of the Crdinance Committee, Police and License and City Attorney, together with representatives of the Boeing Airplane Company, Pacific Car and Foundry Company and Gladding McBean & Company. Councilmen Delaurenti, Freyman and Holm stated that they would be present. Councilman Tamborini requested that the Milwaukee Railroad Company be notified and requeste3 io relocate the pole at 4th Avenue and Burnett Street and warned against dumping of surplus water within the City limits of Rentor.. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk be instructed to direct a communication to the Milwaukee Railraod Company requesting them to relocate the polce and also to stop dumping surplus water within the Renton City limits. Carried. Councilman Farmer was informed that the Light & Power Committee had considered the installation of a mercury vapor light at the intersection of the Sunset Highway and 8th Avenue North. Councilman Farmer requested, if funds were not available for such a light, that consideration be given to the transfer from a less hazardous location, a mercury vapor light to this location, as this intersection is a hazard to children. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance-Committee were presented: gAYROU. ALL DEPARTMENT 5935- 6093 $25,977.13 CLAIMS CURRENT 672- 686 17,518.25 CLAIMS WATER 8674- 8677 3,934.79 CLAIMS PARK 1710-1711 967.98 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6330- 21526.13 CLAI14S LIBRARY 2564-2565 1,158-.86 CLAIMS SEWER, DISPOSAL 2291-2300 4,635.25 CLAIMS ATHLETIC FUND 629- 630 282.36 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FUND 470 75.00 CLAIMS FIREMENtS PEN. FUND 93— 94 250.00 CLAIMS CUMULATIVE #1183 393 — CLAIMS SEWER TRUNK 13 — CLAIMS' AIRPORT 1390-1393 2,751. 36 CLAIMS CONSTRUCTION FUND 9 11973.95 Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Cit lerk Mayor ice+ Renton, 'clash October 21, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, FREYMAAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, T RIMM, REID AND RICHARDSON. (Councilman Bruce and Tamborini were reported ill.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Eno Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the special meet— ing of October 9th be approved as written, the special meeting of October 10, 1952 be approved as corrected and the regular meeting of October 14th be approved asumitten. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO.. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3573 500.00 Rouse Electronic Co. 230 Main St. remodel room 4 25.00 John Galatos 407 7th Ave install tank 5 100.00 Jack Price 2424 5th No. electrical work 6 25000.00 Rossman 533 Grant enclose porch 7 65.00 H. A. Brinson 13628 56th repair fndtion 8 600.00 Mrs. W. L. Phelps 544 N. Wells add+n on house 9 400.00 Renton School Dist.#403 Earlington, Wn. install side sewer 80 350.00 Black River Cabinet Co. 13406 Rainier Ave.Erect foundation 1 375.00 Ralph Holmes 704 C. St. Erect fireplace 2 8,500.00 Orin B. Dilley 243 Sunset Blvd. Erect bldg. 3 — George Butko 13820 86th S. install Plmbg. 4 100.00 Eugene Chase 13646 86th S. erect fence 5 7,000.00 Modern Materials 3403 6th Place erect dwelling 6 31 " tt 3409 6th Place It, It 7 a rt, n' 3415 n n, n, if 8 AL 't' '+' 3421 n rt, It it 9 If n, n' 3427 ", if If n n, n, tit 3433 r►. to n, n 90 1 ►n,t, n 3439 m It, Is if 2 a n' n' 3443 "� Ifn n 3 150.00 n rt, 3508 m n' Wi% resittence 4 n, n m 3544 '" rt It ra 5 n, It tr 3 520 '► n tr: If 6 it if W 3 533 " 't it it 7 it it n 3 527 n rt it n 8 u It If 3521 9 If " 3 515 3900 " n 3503 1 n If n 3 503 rr n n n 2 n 't If 31,31 u " u. It: 3 If n n 3425 ,+ u " It 4 tit n' 3419 "' rt n n 5 it '" '' 3413 n 6 100.00 Frank Fligge 416 Whitworth Remodel porch 7 — Wallace Nelson 1047 I. St. install heater 8 90.00 Stanley Mosel 8219 Langston Rd. Install sewer 9 150.00 Modern Materials 633 C. St. wire residence 10 If If n' 627 C. St. rt If 1 rt 35o6 6th Ave. 2 rt " " 3 514 3 3 520 4 3528 5 ,t n It 3424 " n rt 6 ►t tt rt, 3418 rt, rt rr 7 n n n 3412 It n rt 8 n n, n 3 502 If rr n 9 638 N. P;a.ce n n i 99 APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3920 $p 150.00 Modern Materials 641 N. Place wire residence 21 "' m n' 639 N. rr m it 22 n' n' m 637 N. it it 23 200.00 Paul Ballatore 1207 3rd N. 24 100.00 Cecil Wakelam 8606 Langston Road wire service 24,�i 100.00 Jim Walls 414 Main St. floor in garage 25 5,000.00 V.F.W. 416 Burnett add'n on bldg. 26 200.00 Dave Pugh 126 Wells St, wire service 27 315.00 Wayne Ayler 825 E. St. add'n on house 28 100.00 Miss Jennie 501 Burnett wire service 29 100.00 Inez M. Plano 216 N. Williams rewire residence 30 100.00 William Seguin 334. N. Williams rewire residence 1 359.00 William Long 235 Garden wire residence 2 860.00 Chas. Dubois 538 Mills St. install furnace 3 7,200.00 Rainier Lbr. & Hdwe. 93 Tobin Ave. erect shed 4 300.00 S.C. Brewer 2212 9th N, erect car port 5 1,000.00 A. H. Mathewson 12063 SE 141st P1. erect carport 6 - Mrs. Olga Lord 14026 Sunset Highway install barrels 7-15,000.00 Carl Cooks 3rd P1. & Rainier erect station 8 - Ralph Carnullo 612 Burnett St. install fur. 9 500.00 H. P. Peterson 2018 Bronson Wy. N. install bulkhead 40 50.00 E. F. Evans 2630 10th P1. wire service 1 100.00 Renton Textile Shop 235 Wells remodel room 2 100.00 Mrs. Verna Fuller 114 Wells St. remodel garage 3 100.00 Joe Gerbolis Rainier Ave repair bldg. 4 500.00 Wms. & Swanson 704 Thins Ave erect balcony 5 - Robert Morris 711 Jones St. install fur. 6-31,000.00 Chas. Ruud Walla Walla & Wms, erect bldg. 7-1750000.00 School Dist. Renton remodel school Letters were read from Helen M. McLaughlin, 2520 14th Avenue North, Mrs. W. Dalry, 2214 6th Ave. N., and Mrs. John W. Seale, 2512 7th Ave., No., protesting closing of recreation facilities in the Highlands. After a short discussion, moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the communications be referred to the Park Board for their decision as to how and where the money can be most advantageously spent. Carried. A communication was read from John A. T. Ellison of Seattle a candidate for the office of State Representative from the 31st District stating that to do his best in representing the people of Renton, he would like to meet with the Mayor and/or Council to discuss the City of Renton's problems in the State Legislature. Mayor Baxter stated that it was his intention to invite Mr. Ellison, together with Mr. Robert Boaz, Mr. Hess and Mr. Sorenson to the Association of Washington Cities meeting on Thursday evening, October 23rd, in Renton, to get each Represen- tatives point of view. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee presented proposed Ordinance #1442, annexing territory to the City of Renton for the 2nd and final reading, stating that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on same and re- commended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1442 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that proposed Ordinance No. 1442 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; and Richardson, Aye. All nine councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 844 extending the compulsory retire- ment age of William H. Watkins, a City of Renton employee, who is a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System, under the classification of Miscellaneous Personnel, to the time as said employee reaches the age of 67 X24 years, to-wit, the first day of December 1954. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested that the proposed Ordinance in regard to restrict- ing of parking on streets in the early morning hours to permit the street sweeper to clear the entire street, be held in the Ordinance Committee for clarification of Section 2. The City Engineer informed the Council that it was his understanding, that the piece of property in question on Beacon Avenue from Walla Walla Avenue to the Pac- ific Coast right-of-way- could be made available for narking, if there were no pro- tests from adjoining property owners. woo On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street R Alley Committee, that permission to the Yellow Cab Company to park one of their cabs on- Wells Street, on the north side of 2nd Avenue would create another cab stand, moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the parking zone not be allowed,. Carried. Councilman Hansen arrived- at the Council meeting. In regard to the request for a 16 foot alley in Block 2, Earlington, on the recommen- dation of Councilman Swift, moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the petition b-e referred back to the petitioners with the information that providing -the alley runs East to West- and they obtain the signature of 100% of the abutting property owners for dedication of the required property, the Council would reconsider same. Carried. Councilman Swift reported, in regard to the request of Earlington petitioners for a street right-of-way in Block 6, Earlington Addition to the City of Renton, that as two of the abutting property owners were not in favor of dedicating the full 20 feet of their property -for a street, proposed (1) that as all abutting property owners had agreed to give 10 feet each for the proposed street, although two abutting pro- perty owners would not agree to participate in the cost of said improvement, that if the balance of the petitioners would assume the cost of said improvement the Coun- cil would again consider -this request, or (2) -if the property owners on the north side of the block dedicate 20 feet, andd the property owners on the south side dedicate 10 feet, for a proposed street right-of-way, which could be done, but would create a dead-end street or alley. The assistant City Attorney stated that as long as the petition had not been re- jected, that same could be referred back to the petitioners for the necessary additional signatures. The matter is to remain in the Street and Alley Committee, together with the City Attorney and City Engineer. Councilman Swift reported that his Committee had studied the advisability of a pro- posed crosswalk, North and South, on the east side of the 3rd and Rainier inter- section, and that in their opinion, same was not considered safe - - that the cross- walk, just inside the old City limit markers was a more satisfactory location for a crosswalk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council delay further action on this matter. Carried. After a short discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of off-street parking be referred to the Chamber of Commerce for their study and consideration and same be considered their project for future development, that the Council work with the Chamber of Coruerce and furnish them information al- ready obtained. Carried. Councilman Holm, who is also President of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the off-street parking issue has already been discussed at the Chamber of Commerce meetings and that they will continue their study. The City Engineer stated that the lights for Gradey Way and the lights and stand- ards for the parkway in front of the High School on 2nd Avenue (east and west) were received and would be installed as soon as possible. The City Engineer informed the Council that as authorized for safety reasons, lights and fixtures had been satisfactorily removed from the poles at. Liberty Ball Park. After a short discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Light and Power Committee submit an estimate of the cost of a traffic light for the inter- section of H. Street with the Sunset Highway. Carried. Mayor Baxter reminded the Council of the Association of Washington Cities meeting on Thursday evening, October 23rd at 1:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers and at 6:00 P.M., .at the Maple Leaf Restaurant. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the Street & Alley Committee's recommendation that the matter of marking the Northwest side of Bronson Way North from Park Street to Garden Street and the North side of Bronson Way North from Garden Street to the Pacific Coast right-of-way, "No Parking Allowed" - be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance and that the Street Commissioner be requested to furnish the enact Street descriptions to the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee had been studying and con- sidering the possiblity of converting the Sweet Center Building to bus depot, also considering the use of adjacent property for off-street parking, and asked that the entire Council further study this matter, and make any suggestions they have to the Council as a whole for further planning. Councilman Reid recommended that consideration be given to compensation for same, from Lake Shore Lines. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred back to the Street & Alley Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department and Street Commissioner for thorough consideration and investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he had received information from the Association Cities, outlining in detail applicable laws governing the City's responsibility in regard to sidewalk repair - - that he would make an outline of two separate proce- dures for handling same for the Council's information. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney and Street Commissioner for a report back. Carried. -- Councilman Farmer inquired as to the possibility of obtaining financial assistance from the Housing Authority for the Park and Athletic Departments program as pre- viously received for several years. It was stated that if the Housing Authority, Federal Government and School Board had curtailed any financial assistance, it was doubtful that any further help could be obtained. On the recommendation and motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Farmer, the different Boards and Commissions be requested to furnish all Councilmen a copy of the minutes of their regular monthly meetings. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that he does not approve of protests which have been re- ceived in regard to curtailing of a portion of Park & Athletic appropriations for activities being the cuase of juvenile delinquency in Renton, and that the protesting parties be so informed; that the report submitted by the City Clerk of appropriations and tax levies allotted to the Park and Athletic Departments was very complete and should be publicized. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee and the Mayor for publication of the Council's opinion regarding same, for the information of the people. Carried. Councilman Reid stated, that in his opinion, criticisms of the Council in regard to reduction in the 1953 budget appropriations for the Park and Athletic Fund, were untirely unjustified. On the recommendation of the City Clerk, moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the Council thank the Junior Chamber of Commerce and all Organizations who assisted in the registration of voters and request their cooperation in getting all registered voters to vote in the November 4th General Election. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trim% that the Light & Power Committee submit an estimate of the cost of a traffic light for -the intersection of 2nd Avenue with Williams Street. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. `�-=----k A-s-p— 6L City Ierk Mayor X26 Renton, Washington October 28, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND RICHARDSONI (Councilman, Tamborini was present for work in connection with the Finance & Claims Committee, but was excused because of illness.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and James Highton, City Engineer. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING' DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3935 $ 19000.00 A. H. Mathewson 12068 SE 141st Pl. addtn on house 48 200.00 E. Gunnison 2308 9th North erect garage 49 12,000.00 Monterey Terrace, Lot 10, B1. 4. new residence 50 129000.00 " " 113, n a a 1 12,000.00 a, it 12, m n a 2 42620.00 Herb Kindle 11504 Sunset Blvd. Block bldg. 3 - Fred J. Johnson 14307 127th SE install fur. 4 100.00 W. J. Seguin 334 N. Williams wire service 5 100.00 J. A. Atkinson 405 Morris wire :service 6 300.00 Renton Auto Brokers Langston & Dunlap Rd. wire :service 7 500.00 Service Laundry 4th & Wells "' "1 8 30.00 J. E. Hayes 245f Factory St. new roof 9 150.00 Potlatch Yards 505 4th Ave. erect fence 60 - Vere Thompson 432 Cedar St. install heater 1 100.00 E. M. Edwards 2013 9th Ave. N. erect carport 2 100.00 W. J. Phillips 235 Grant St. wire garage 3 100.00 J. B. Jackson 1228 H. St, electric service 4 1,785.00 B. E. Bjorklund 812 3rd Avenue remodol windows 5 275.00 Monterey Terrace Residence #21, Lot 2, B1. 3. Wire service 6 275.00 a, n, #21-A, L. 3, B1.3. 7 275.00 ar n #23 , L. 4, B1.3 8 275.00 "' " 23-49 -L. 59 B1.3 9 275.00 "' "' #24 , L. 60 B1.3 70 600.00 Steve Tamborini 539 Morris reside residence 1 - Henry Johnson 524 Williams install stove 2 200.00 Alex Ronald 331 N. Williams addtn on house 3 300.00 Shoe Store 916 3rd Ave. remodel front 4 700.00 LaVere Carter, Jr. 3502 6th r11 addtn on house 5 28,160.00 Patrecelli & Ferguson 339 Wells Str. erect clinic 6 - Thomas R. Belleau 500 Windsor P1. install furnace 7 900.00 Renton Feed & Seed 324 Main concrete bulkhead 8 - Angelo Breda 800 Grant St. install furnace 9 - Carl Cooks 3rd P1. & Rainier install fixtures 80 3,000.00 Renton Hospital 4th & Shattuck install sprinkler 1 - Monterey Terrace install plumbing 2 a a a n 3 4 5 50.00 Dr. Harries 1214 3rd Ave. install shelves 6 100.00 Frank's T.V. & Radio 214 Williams erect partition 7 300.00 Mrs. Temme 3rd & Wells remove partition A communication was read from W. C. Thomas, Comptroller and City Clerk, of Seattle, Washington, advising that the Board of Public Works recommends that abandoned right-of-way and or other property of City Light in the vicinity of :Renton Airport be sold, that the Board of Public Works be notified to call for bids and to notify the City of Renton that this pro-)e rty is coming up for sale. After a short discission, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee to investigate and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A request for a Master License for the sale and distribution of punchboards was read from C. B. Coltran of the Bellevue Distribution Company. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letters of protest to the closing of recreation facilities in the Highlands and/or reduction in the Park & Recreation Budget were read from Mrs. R. W. Duke, 2512A - 14th Avenue North, Eugene L. Bush, President and Helen M. McLaughlin, Recreation Chairman of the Renton Area Council of P.T.A., and from Shelly Gerard, Renton Junior- Esnior High School representative. Mr. Eugene Bush and others from the audience informed the Council that there were many representatives from the various P.T.A.'s in the Renton School present at this evening's Council meeting, all who were vitally interested in the future recreation activities of general welfare to the children in the Renton area and requested per- mission for their representatives to meet with the City's representatives for further discussion of this subject. The City Clerk reread the bulletin presented to the Council on October 21st, giving Park & Athletic appropriations from 1941 through 1953 with comparative millage and percentage of the City of Renton's total tax receipts appropriated to the Park and Athletic activities and Fund; stating with the exception of 1950 through 1953 when this Board was allocated 20% of the total of the City of Renton's tax receipts, that the amount appropriated this year was almost $1000.00 more than 1949 when the same percentage of the City's tax receipts were allocated. Mayor Baxter explained to the people in the audience that the Park Department and Recreation Council had not received the full amount of taxes they had estimated in drafting the 1952 budget and due to this shortage of estimated fangs, the recreation activities had to be curtailed or reorganized for the balance of tye year 1952. The City Clerk stated the Park & Athletic Departments had started the 1952 Budget year with a deficit and 1952 receipts would not meet expenditures. Councilman Richardson stated that a list of funds allocated by the Community Chest, also a complete detailed list of expenditures of same was available and could be obtained, he believed, from the Park Superintendent. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor appoint a committee of the Council to meet with the Park Board and representatives of the various groups and organiza- tions that are present at this eveningts Council meeting, for a thorough discussion of the problem. Carried. Mr. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, explained to the Council and visitors present, that no decision had been made regarding special meetings, to be held in the North Recreation Center and stated if there were no janitorial services necessary there, that it was his understanding and intention, that meetings of organized adult groups could be held as usual. Mayor Baxter requested all visitors present interested in attending the proposed meeting in regard to Park and Athletic activities, leave their names and addressed so each can be notified of the date and place of the proposed meeting. Moved by Swift, seconded by Holm, that the communications be referred to the Park Board for their information. Carried. Mr. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, informed the audience, that at the time the temporary housing was sold , any play equipment on this property was moved to another area in the Highlands where there was a permanent play area or Park. A request was read from H. B. Bodie, 915 D Street, for consideration in regard to relocating a public utility pole, with a 4-unit transformer on it, from directly infront of his home, to the adjacent alley, about 30 feet from the present location of the pole. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, enclosing the City of Renton Housing Authority Cedar River Park Administration Account's check in the amount of $19r913.93, which represents the net income for the quarter ending September 30, 1952 for operation of the City of Renton's Cedar River Park Housing Project, also Operations Report for said quarter and balance sheet as of September 30, 1952. The report further stated that the quarterly rent to the City was greater than expected due to estimates based on 85% occupancy which had averaged over 90%2 (2) the two summer quarters being the least expensive quarters of the year in this type of operation, and (3) because there is no formal agreement between the City of Renton and the Housing Authority of the City of Renton they did not wish to commit the City of Renton to purchase beyond the immediate needs, during the last 3 months and have done only such maintenance work as was essential to immediate operation. CITY OF RENTONtS CEDAR RIVER PARK HOUSING PROJECTtS OPERATIONS REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 1952, INCOME Apartment income $64,740.35 Laundry Rental ...................... 191.39 Other income 303.21 TOTAL INCOME..... 665.21A. 5 EXE Management .............. ........ 3,793.41 Utilities ...................... 9,889.69 Maintenance ...................... 19,118.50 4 `'4 Insurance 70 -> ...................... . Taxes •............ ....... .• 473.16 Fire Telephones 86.25 Reserves: Coal •....................• 6,572.03 Accrued Annual Leave........ 1,412.84 Payment in lieu of taxes.... 22270. )0 TOTAL EXPENSE.. .. $45,321.()2 OPERATING NET....... $19,913, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the City Treasurer be authorixed to re- imburse the Firements Relief and Pension Fund $20,000.00 plus interest, due on said account. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARKER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRINIM, REID AND RICHARDSON. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1443, restricting and prohibiting park- ing on certain streets within the City of Renton, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, who had requested that same again be placed on its first reading due to changes therein since the first reading on October 21st. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that proposed Ordinance No. 1443 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for its recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1443 and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that proposed Ordinance No. 1443 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken,. and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1445 relating to traffic and regul- ating the use of public streets and highways in the City of Renton - providing for the installation, regulation and control of the use of parking meters and parking meter zones - defining parking meter zones - authorizing a method of pay- ment for parking meters and the installation thereof exclusively from the receipts obtained from their operation - providing for enfoicement and penalty for violation thereof - creating a parking meter fund and declaring an emergency as presented by the Ordinance Committee, who had requested that same again be placed on its first reading due to changes therein since the first reading on October 21st. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1445 and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Hansen, seconded by Richardson, that proposed Ordinance No. 1445 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1444 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, prohibiting parking of vehicles on certain streets within the City of Renton. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for its recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage and further recommended that same be published on November 13th to allow publication of the information in regard to restricting of parking on Bronson Way North, etc., where the present bus stop is, for the general public's information. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the proposed Ordinance could be amended later to permit installation of bus zones. Moved by Delaurenti,, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. -- After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Engineer reported that complaints regarding dust and soot were still being received and that to date they had received no satisfactory answer or solution; that the condition was general and was caused by air currents and other contributing factors, but would continue their investigation and analysis and further check with the University of Washington. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, requested on advice and recommendation of the legal department, in regard to repair and maintenance of side- w alks in the City of Renton, for the Street Commissioner to be given authority to investigate, list and appraise the estimated amount and cost of repair of all side- walks within the City of Renton that are damaged or in need of repair so that proper action can be taken by the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he would contact the Housing Authority and request that they furnish an outline of the management policy in regard to rentals, priorities and Government restrictions for the City Council in regard to the Cedar River Housing Authority for the proposed meeting of the Council as a whole with the City Attorney and City Engineer to discuss the management and proposed lease policy of the City of Renton's Cedar River Park. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power 6ommittee, reported an estimate of $162.50 for the proposed light at the intersection of H Street with the Sunset High- way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed light be installed at the intersection of H. Street with the Sunset Highway. 3o Moved by Holm, seconded by Freyman, that the motion to install the proposed light be tabled, for further consideration, until the next Council meeting. Carried. On recommendation of Councilman Bruce, the Police Chief stated he would investigate and advise the School Bus drivers, particularly on Garden Street in front of the Sartori School, not to display their loading signal while school buses are waiting, unless children are actually loading on, or unloading from school buses. Council Farmer, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, reported that after a thorough discussion of the Fire & Water Committee with the Fire Chief, they re- commended that a proposed transfer of personnel from the Police Department to the Fire Department be not made due to the demise of one of the Police Officers; also, that the Fire Department obtain all three new firemen from the Civil Service ..... Register as per Civil Service requirements. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid requested that all Councilmen who possibly can, attend the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday noon, October 29, 1952. The Fire Chief reported that he had obtained a bid of $341.00 for the insulating of the Fire Hall, and further stated that if City employees are unable to do the work at this time, the Volunteer Fire Department men had offered to assist. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported a very well attended and enlightening meeting of the Assoc- iation of Washington Cities on Friday, October 21+.th at the Maple Leal" Restaurant, with approximately eighty members present for the dinner meeting; that Councilman Bob Jones, of Seattle, President of the Association had presided - - that many Mayors, Councilmen and Department Heads were present and all had asked questions and taken part in the open discussion of problems facing the various Cities - that many problems had been discussed and referred to the Legislative Committee of the Association of Washington Cities for their consideration in presenting same to the 1953 Session of the State Legislature. Information to be received from Don Sampson of the University of Washington in the near future regarding additional flexibility of Budget aceountkag, espec- ially regarding Cumulative Funds, is to be referred to the Association of Wash- ington Cities Legislative Committee, by the City of Renton Legislative Committee. The City Clerk reported for the Treasurer and Councilmen Freyman, Farmer and Hansen, that they had an exceptionally educational meeting at Spokane on the 24th of October. The City Engineer reported that the meeting of Sewage Disposal Operators' Association in Portland, Oregon, on the 24th of October had proved very informative; that Willis Sparrow had been given honorable mention as one of the six top Sewage Disposal Operators of the State of Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn until Tuesday, November 14 1952. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Cit Clerk Mayor 231 Renton, Washington November 11, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at '8:00 P.M. ROLL CALLS: SWIFT, BIUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRI114, RICHARDSON, AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Delaurenti was reported ill, and Council-men Hansen and Reid were granted on months leave of absence.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer and Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of October 28th be approved as written. Carried. A claim in the sum of $300.00 for damages to his automobile ( a 1941 Chevrolet Coupe) , and $150.00 for injuries to his person was read from Maurice Dahlquist, 664 K. Street, whose automobile collided with Fire Truck #4 at the 4th Avenue and Factory Street intersection on November 5, 1952. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that a copy of this claim be furnished the Insurance Commissioner, Mr. William Davis for his consideration and a report back to the Council regarding same. Carried. A communication was read from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System advising that Ernest W. Isackson, an employee of the Uniform Group will be over the normal retirement age of 60 on January 1, 1953 and will have to retire on that date unless his time is extended by the City Council - thAt same can be extended to January 1, 1957. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this information be furnished the Police Chief for his recommendation. Carried. A request was read from G. R. Bennett, Manager of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company for permission to neve the telephone at their expense, from the porch of Jen's Restaurant (in Liberty Park) next to the sidewalk on the right side of the telephone pole. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the City Engineer to investigate with power to act. Carried. A circular was received from the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce in regard to the proposed Xmas decoration plan. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee. After a short discussion on the question, Councilman Bruce withdrew his motion, with the consent of his second, Councilman Farmer and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the City Clerk and Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from Walter H. Smith, Director of Marketing, Nevada Sales, Los Vegas, Nevada, presented by Chairman George Swift of the Street & Alley Committee regarding control of free time on parking meters and possible in- creased revenue from same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this communication be referred to -- the Street & Alley Committee for their consideration. Carried. The article in the Renton Junior-Senior High School paper "The Chieftain" protesting Council action in cutting the Park Department's budget was presented. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that same be referred to the Park Board for their information. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, stating in regard to the prop- posal for dedication of 40 feet of private property for a dead-end street to provide access to the rear of the lots in Block 6, Earlington Addition, that he believed a 232 compromise could be reached whereby a thirty foot roadway could be provided, further :' stating that he would draft a new petition for a 30 foot roadway, providing same was approved by the Council. The City Engineer stated that a satisfactory agreement should be reached as soon as possible to permit completion of the sewer project - - that two of the abutting pro- perty owners of the proposed roadway were opposed to the dedication of a 20 foot strip to be used as a roadway, but that he believed a compromise could be reached for a 30 foot roadway - - the opposing property owners (on the south side) de- dicating 10 feet only and the property owners on the north side dedicating 20 feet; that it is understood the petition for the proposed right-of-way is a service to the property owners. The City Engineer recommended approval of same. An abutting property owner of the proposed right-of-way was assured by the Council that if a 30 foot right-of-way was approved by the Council at the time, that the Council would not object to the improvement when the property owners petitioned for same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk read a statement from the City Engineer in the amount of $574.40, for Mr. Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer's fee to protect the City's interest in choosing a site for the Kennydale well, also service for test drilling and test pump- ing of same and recommending that the cost of same, which will be included in the bond issue, be borrowed temporarily from Cumulative Fund #1183. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommended of the City Engineer and the expense of same be temporarily taken from the proper Cumulative Fund. Carried. An itemized monthly statement was read from the Valley Construction Company, for work performed through October 31st on the Earlington Local Improvement District #239, Contract, in the amount of $17,532.46, less 15% retained, an amount of $2,629.87, a net amount due of $14,902.59. The Statement was verified and approved by the City Engineer who recommended the payment of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the amount of $14,902.59 as stated, be paid to the Valley Construction Company and that warrants bearing interest at the rate o° 4J% be issued to Grande & Company as follows: Warrant #14, $5000.00 15, 5000.00 16, 2000.00 17, 2000.00 18, 902.59 making a total of $14,902.59, in lieu of which Grande & Company are to issue to the City of Renton a check to be credited to the Construction Fund, L.Z.D. #239, com- puted at the rate of $100.14 per $100.00 of face value, a total of $14;,923.45" A card of appreciation was read from Mrs. Fred Illian for the floral remembrance she received at the time of her recent bereavement. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 845 authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer to the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund the sum of $20,000.00 plus interest, as partial payment for the sum loaned to the City for pur- chase of the Cedar River Park Project - - Subject transfer to be made from the Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Resolution No. 845 be adopted as read. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the annexation of certain described property adjacent to and south of President Park Addition, as requested by Jasper R. Merlino, and there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Brace, seconded by Farmer, that the request for annexation be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary ordinance for annexation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that after a thorough discussion and consideration of the proposed Lease Agreement and Management Program for the Cedar River Park Pro- ject for the City of Renton, the Committee of the Council as a whole recommended the City of Renton approve said lease and program. 233 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a whole, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease and program. On advice of the Assistant City Attorney, Councilman Bruce, with the consent of his second, Councilman Freyman, withdrew his original motion and moved, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed lease and management program be approved by the Council and be submitted to the Housing Authority as the City of Renton's proposed lease, for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that they had been delaying installation of the proposed light pole on the island in front of the high school at 2nd Avenue On Advice of the Assistant City Attorney, Councilman Bruce, with the consent of his second, Councilman Freyman, withdrew his original motion and moved, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed lease and management program be approved by the Council and be submitted to the Housing Authority as the City of Renton's proposed lease, for their consideration and recommendation. (hrried. The City Engineer informed the Council that they had been delaying installation of the proposed light pole on the island in front of the high school at 2nd Avenue and Shattuck Street until the proposed lawn improvement was completed, but owing to the fact that subject improvement had been indefinitely delayed, that subject light would be installed at the earliest possible time. Councilman Bruce informed the Council that the property for sale by the City of Seattle, as per a published Call for Bids for same was not located in the City of Renton, but that he was informed that a small triangle in Mother's park was being leased by the City of Seattle from the City of Renton and that the City of Seattle would cancel said lease on request by the City of Renton; and further recommended, and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the proper steps be taken in the investiga— tion of this matter, and if possible that the City of Seattle be asked to cancel their lease on said property. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that at the next Council meeting further discussion would be held with Mr. Bob Weilen and Mr. Scanlon regarding warehouse adjacent to Mothers Park. On the recommendation of Councilman Holm, moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Legislative Committee be authorized to investigate the schedule of meetings of the different Boards and Commissions of the City of Renton so that different Councilmen could attend said meetings and be familiar with the actions and re— commendations of each Board or Commission. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that jewel reflectors alone on bridges had proved ineffective during foggy weather. Mayor Baxter stated that the proposed meeting of the Renton Park Board with the Council and interested parties for further discussion of the Park Department pro— gram in the Highlands would be publicized and the intere7-ted parties so advised by letter. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. City C1 rk now or x'34 Renton, Washington November 18, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, FAPJ4ER, TRIMM, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI (Council- men Reid, Freyman and Hansen being on Leave of Absence, and Councilmen Swift, Holm and Morris being excused.) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Walt Will, Building Inspector. (The City Treasurer being on vacation.) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be Allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 6094-6388 *41,15.3.96 CLAIMS CURRENT 687- 790 391513.35 CLAIMS WATER 8678-8709 8,529.97 CLAIMS PARK 1712-1723 1,749.76 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6331-6355 16,337.68 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2566-2578 1254:1.94 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2301-2318 3,373.22 CLAIMS ATHLETIC FUND 631- 634 960.28 CLAIRS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 471- 476 786.84 CLAIMS FIREMENIS PEN. FUND 95- 96 250.00 CLAIMSS AIRPORT 1394-1419 4,049.64 CLAIMS CUM. #1184 422 1,080.20 CLAIMS ( SEWER TRUNK 14- 18 14,902.59 ) �' CLAIMS ( CONSTRUCTION FUND 10 14,902.59 ) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, there being no quorum of Council- men, that the meeting recess until Tuesday, November 25, 1952. Carried. The meeting recessed at 8:15 P.M. o Cay f Clerk v Mayor 235 Renton, Washington November 25, 1952 The recessed meeting of November 18th the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM AND TAMBORINI. COUNCILMAN HOLM ARRIVED A LITTLE LATE. (Councilmen Reid, Richardson and Freyman being on vacation.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of November 11th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3988 $2,539.00 Charles Ruud Walla Walla & Williams wire service 88A 32000.00 Joe Massucco 406 Tobin Ave erect residence 9 75.00 Joe Tome 436 Mill St, remodel porch 90 400.00 Jerome Faull 320 3rd Ave remodel house 1 400.00 Albert Erickson 55 Logan siding on house 2 - Douglas Blunck 921 B. St, wire service 3 100.00 Charles Pillon 927 L. St. wire service 4 200.00 Robinson Wilson 635 Burnett St. erect garage 5 - Modern Materials 3403 6th Place install plumbing 6 - n n 3409 n n� n n 7 - " " 3415 " It n n 8 — " n 3421 9 - n If 3427 " n n It 4000 - " rt 3 503 n rr It rr 1 - it " 3 509 " It it n 2 - " " 3 515 "` it n "7 3 700.00 Brewer Furniture 309 Airport Way Remodeling 4 300.00 F. O'Laughlin 8801 S. 140th erect carport 5 750.00 J. A. Auge 405 Morris St. remodel basement 6 - Monterey Terrace Lot 21 Blk. 3. Install furnace 7 - " It Lot 3, " 3, n: n 8 - n It Lot 4, It 3. rr n 9 - r. it Lot % " 3 " rt 4010 - " It Lot 6, " 3 n It _ If it Lot 10 " 4 'r " 1 2 - " " Lot 11 " 4 " It +' " 3 .. rr Lot 12 " 4 n 4 320.00 Emma Sund• 420 Whitworth Reroof house 5 400.00 Nick Angelo 2422 6th Ave. No. remodel house 6 27,000.00 Pacific Coast RR Co. Renton, Wn erect depot 7 - LaVere Carter 3202 6th Place install laundry trays 8 - V.F.W. 416 Burnett St. install plumbing The City Clerk explained a communication from Romeo Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, to the City Council, regarding proposals as follows$ (1) increase in benefits in minimum pensions. (2) basing pensions on 5-year average instead of 10-year average. (3) optional increase in maximum salary bass to $400.00, (4) adoption of discount rate method for matching Contributions of Cities, (5) optional 30-year level payment for prior service liability, (6) fur- ther possible extension of compulsory retirement age for 5 yearsp (7) permitting coverage under the Statewide City Employees Retirement System and under Social Security, (8) to give the uniform groups six (6) months in which to become members, the same as the miscellaneous group, (9) conform law relating to "open end" in- vestment companies to Federal Law. Mr. Bott requested the Council signify their approval or disapproval of the proposals, and return same for consideration at their November 28th Board meeting. After a thorough discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council approve items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 71 8 and 9. Carried. 236 After further discussion, moved by Bruc-p., seconded by Holm, that item 6 be approved by the Council. Carried. The City Clark will forward this information to the Statewide City Employees Retirement System on Wednesday morning. A communication was read from Mal M. Scanlan, Industrial Director for the Great Northern Railway Company to Mayor Baxter expressing his appreciation :for the co- operation received in connection with mutual efforts toward the location of Safe- way Stores at Renton - - that they have been informed that Safeway Stores will decide between Bellevue and Renton location by the middle or latter part of Nov- ember and they will so inform the City of Renton. Mr. Scanlan extended his thanks to all the City Councilmen and City Attorney, Haugan and Shellan. Councilman Holm reported that no decisions have been made, but that proposed meetings have been scheduled for further discussion and/or a decision the first week in December. The City Clerk read a Group statement from Metcalf & Harstad Associates for Renton, Kent, Enumclaw and Sumner for engineering services in the determination of power transmission facilities and descriptions required for amendment of condem- nation proceedings against Puget Sound Power & Light Company, showing Renton's share as $447.56. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee to investigate what fund this money can be taken from at this time - subject money to be repaid to the fund at the time of the bond issue. Carried. Councilman Hansen was excused by Mayor Baxter. A communication was read from H. B. Batchelder, Sales Manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, requesting the City of Renton institute voluntary measures to save electricity and advise them of the conservation measures the City is taking, and an estimate of the savings. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the Council go on record as encouraging saving of power in the City of Renton. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that the Chamber of Commerce is already studying this problem within the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that he would issue a Proclamation declaring that an emer- gency exists and recommending that the residents of the City of Renton curtail their use of electric power. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Com- mission, stating the appointment of Jim Denzer, Chairman, Tom Dobson and Clyde Barnard, members of a committee to study the proposed plat of Albert Balch's President Park Addition No. 3, who were given power to act on subject plat. The Building Inspector reported for the City Engineer that the revised plat sub- mitted by Albert Balch had met the requirements of the City of Renton and that the City Engineer recommended approval of same. The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer stating that the maj- ority of the Planning Commission Committee (namely James Denzer, Chairman and Tom Dobson) had approved the revised plat this date, and that the approval stipulates that any street use of the Bonneville Power Administration right-of-uray shall be shown in the plat dedication as an improved street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommend- ation of the Planning Commission and the Building Inspector. Carried.. A communication was read from six Renton Junior-Senior School students, ex- pressing the student bodyts feelingsconcerning the curtailment of the Recrea- -- ational Council's program and offering their assistance and help in sharing any burdens within their ability. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from 18 Earlington residents (students) protesting the condition of the sidewalk along the Dunlap Canyon Highway, stating that as well as dirt and mud being on the sidewalks, tree limbs and bushes hang over same. 37 The Street Commissioner stated that this condition was a result of the installa— ticn of the sewers in this area and that same had been satisfactorily taken care of. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A notice of hearing on November 24, 1952 in the Insurance Building, Olympia, Wash— ington of the Washington Public Service Commission, Complainant vs the Puget Sound Power & Light U ompany and Pacific Power & Light Company, Respondents regarding an increase in rates for electrical service was read. As the date of hearing was for the previous day, the notice was ordered filed. The City Clerk reported on the Operations Report for the Cedar River Park Housing Project for October as follows: INCOME: Apartment income $21,870.83 Laundry rental ...................... 90.28 Other income 118.41 TOTAL INCOME.... $220079.52 EXPENSE: Management ........................... 1,210.39 Utilities ........................ .... 39878.30 Maintenance........................... 72008.16 Insurance 313.84 Taxes ....... ......................... 157.27 Fire Telephones ...................... 28.75 Reserves: Coal 10090.00 TOTAL EXPENSE... $16.211.46 OPERATING NET. .. $ 5,868.06 The Mayor ordered the Operations Report placed on file. A communication was read from K. V. Gilbert, owner and operator of the Motor In Garage, 1400 Bronson Way, requesting permission to purchase or lease any or all of the City's property abutting Bronson Way, north of the present ball park fence, for operation as a used—car lot in connection with his business. After a short discussion, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that Mr. Gilbert's request be rejected. Carried. A request was read from W.L. Greenfield, R. 3, Renton, for permission to sell Xmas trees on lots at 2nd Avenue and Burneet Street and 2nd Avenue and Rainier Avenue, which he has rented from the respective owners, Mr. Sutton and Mr. Paglia, for approximately two weeks, from December 8th through midnight the 24th. Mr. Green— field stated that he has contPeted Ang Busato, Chief of Police. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that permission be granted under the supervision of the Police and Fire Chiefs. Carried. A communication was read from Ang Busato, Chief of Police recommending the retire— ment date of Captain E. W. Isackson of the Police Department, be extended the legal maximum to January 1, 1957, stating Mr. Isackson's health is good, his work, which is of a supervisory nature, being most satisfactory. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the request of Chief Busato be granted and that the necessary Resolution be drafted regarding same. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that there is a problem of extending water service to new customers in the Kennydale area; that it is planned that small lines will be replaced under the improvement program and proposed, for Council consideration, when small lines are extended to provide service, that the applicant pay the initial cost of laying the main and be reimbursed by periodic credits on his water bill. The City Engineer stated that he anticipated, before January 1, 1953, a bond issue for the improvement of the City's water and sewer system. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Swift, that the information be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. 238 OEM The City Clerk stated notices for Call for Bids were in order, for publication of C City legals for 1953, for gasoline requirements for 1953 and for liquified ch— lorine gas requirements for 1953. All notices are to be published November 279 and December 4. and the opening of bids to be held on December 9th 1952. Moved by Delaurenti) seconded by Bruce, that the Call for Bids as stated, to be opened on December 9th be published. Carried. The City Clerk presented a claim from Richard E. Vannice, aged 16 years, for dam— ages by reason of personal injury sustained by him, within the City of Renton and stated a second claim from Leslie E. Vannice for damages, present and prospective, by reason of personal injuries sustained by his minor son, Richard E. Vannice, had been received. On the recommendation of Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, Department Heads were instructed to inform employees under their jurisdiction, that pertinent in— formation relative to any form of accidents, involving the City of Renton, be given to the Department Head and/or City Attorney only, and not to any other per— son, and further recommended that subject claims be referred to the Insurance Commission for forwarding to the Insurance �;ompany for their investigation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Assistant City Attorney and subject Vannice claims be referred to the Insurance Commission for forwarding to the Insurance Company for their investi— gation. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1446 annexing certain territory to the City of Renton, as requested by Jasper Merlin and his wife, said property being adjacent to President Park Addition. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance No. 1446 be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordin— ance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the Council accept the recommendation of the majority of the Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be �. placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. a roll call vote being takenas follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Holm.. Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye and Tamborini, Aye. All eight Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. A cojmunication requesting the Mayor and Council pass an Emergency Eudget for the Airport for $1000.00 for Maintenance and Operation and $3500.00 for Insur— ance for the Airport as insurance on the Airport Buildings and Equipment for the period from July 26, 1952 to July 26, 1955 is due, and as no money was budgeted for insurance in the 1952 Airport Budget and all monies budgeted for 1952 Air— port Maintenance and Operation having been expended. After a short discussion as to funds being available in the Airport Fund, but not having been allocated in the 1952 Budget, moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the request of the Airport Board and the money be budgeted from the Airport Board Fund. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council that parking meters had been ordered on re— commendation of the Council for certain installations in the amount of $500.00 and that funds were not previously allocated for same; also, that water meters for different installations, particularly in President Park Addition were ordered for $122000.00 at a great saving to the City, which had not previously �.. been allocated in the 1952 budget from the Water Fund Outlay, that both bills were due and payable and funds .for same should be included in the Emergency budget. The Budget Controller stated that only $5000.00 had been allocated for Water Outlay in the 1952 Budget and that this amount had been expended, and that by the end of the 1952 year, funds should be received into the Water Fund Outlay to meet the expense of the meters as requested. 239 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the two items as explained by the City Clerk be included in the Emergency Budget. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that .funds not allocated in the 1953 Budget would not be spent on any emergency equipment, that all Department Heads had been so advised. On the recommendation of Councilman Trimm, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance Committee be authorized to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. The Street Commissioner reported that he had received unexpected results in his survey of the number of places needing sidewalk repair within the City of Renton, and stated that he would like to meet with the Street & Alley Committee before con- tinuing said survey. Councilman Delaurenti reported for Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, that after a thorough investigation, the committee recommended that the proposed light at the intersection of H. Street and the Sunset Highway be installed, and if it is determined that subject light is vitally important, that said light be put in use immediately. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. After a short discussion, moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Housing Authority be notified of the Committee of the Council as a whole's choice of location sites, 1, 2 and 3; also, that should the Housing Authority decide to choose another location, that the City of Renton be so advised for their consideration and approval. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that numerous conferences had been held in regard to the proposed business tax and that a tentative proposal had been referred to the City Attorney for his consideration - - that if the proposed plan is legal and satisfactory, same would be ready to submit at the next Council meeting. Councilman Delaurenti and Richardson requested that they be advised of any future meetings, so that they might be able to attend. .•- Councilman Bruce reported that the Fire Department had requested three sets of beds for the Highlands Fire Department, and that the Property Committee recommended that same be furnished them from the City's supply being stored at the Cedar River Housing Project. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce recommended that a Council Committee consider the use of the pro- perty on the northwest corner of the Cedar River Project, located on the Maple Valley Highway, as a parking lot, stating that the present entrance, which is approximately 300 feet southeast of the Maple Valley Wye intersection, could be used for entrance and exit purposes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce requested that further consideration be given to additional "No Parking" signs on 4th Avenue North between Factory Street and the Sunset Highway, as parking along this street was creating traffic congestion. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the problem be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. On inquiry of the Budget Controller, the Council confirmed the matter of the Park Department taking care of the area around the Library. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meet- ing adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Cit'` Clerk Mayor d`-V Renton, Washington December 2, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TR.IMM, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI* OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant Catty Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the recessed meeting of November 18th be approved as written and the minutes of the regular meeting of November 25th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Paul Carman, Exalted Ruler, B.P.O.E., inviting a delegation of ten, from the City of Renton, to join with them in a Freedom March on the night of December 11th - - that the parade will start at 3rd & Shattuck at 7:45 P.M., and proceed to the Elks Club on Main Street for a special program comme- morating Freedom Week. Mr. Emmett Anderson, Past Grand Exalted Ruler of Elks, and newly elected Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Washington will be principal speaker of the evening. Mayor Baxter stated that he had prepared a Proclamation for publication in behalf of Freedom Week. There will be approximately ten representatives from the City attending the delegation. A communication was read from F. A. Grabner, General Manager of Lake Shore Lines requesting the establishment of a bus loading zone on the west side of Park Avenue near First Avenue North, immediately North of the Kirkman building - further request- ing that approximately 70 feet, exclusive of approaches, be provided in the parking strip next to the sidewalk for said bus loading zone. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Morris, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department for their investi- gation and a report back. Carried. A request was read from E. Scott Gavin of Scott's Dry Dleaners, for use of the park- ing strip at 1200 Bronson Way for customer parking; that the power line pole be utilized for telephone lines, allowing removal of the telephone pole at the entrance of the alley, which would allow them to have parking on the east Gide of the build- ing entrance from Bronson Way for traffic going east; also to widen their west entrance from Bronson Way by removing about 6 feet of curbing, the Scott Dry Cleaners to do this work. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Freyman, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the City Employee's Club has requested use of the Council Chambers to entertain a group of children at a Ohristmas party on the evening of December 18th, Councilman Bruce stated that he had been requested to investigate the possibility of using the Cedar River Administration Dining Room for the Xmas party for the children of City employees as this was more roomy and had more facilities for the party. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. A petition was read, signed by 18 residents of the area east of President Park Addition No. 30 in the vicinity of 132nd Avenue southeast, south of southeast 112th Street and exclusive of the Renton Hill Water District and King County Water Dis- trict No. 90, for the City of Renton to make a survey with respect to extending the City water system to this area. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this petition be referred to the City Engineer and Fire & Water Committee for their investigation and a report back. Carried. A petition signed by Mr. & Mrs. Marino Revoli and Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harre, was read for annexation of the following described property: "TRACT 48 - N. H. LATIMERIS LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT - 6/70 A portion of Section 18, Twp. 23, North, Range 5 E. W.M., situated in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of 91st Place South, and the east line of 91st South, said point being in the existing Renton city limit line; thence north along the east line of 91st Avenue South, to the northwest corner of Tract 48 of N.H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat; thence east along the north line of said Tract 48 to the east- erly line of State Highway No. 5, and existing Renton City limits line: Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that this petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their study and recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 846 as presented by the Ordinance Committee extending the compulsory retirement date of E. W. Isackson, Captain in the Police Department, to such time as said employee shall attain the age of 64 years, to-wit: the 1st day of January, 1957. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Resolution No. 846 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk stated that the Police Chief , Angelo Busato, had informed him that according to law and Civil Service regulations, Mr. George Gomez should be credited with the two years in military service, in his service record with the Renton Police Department which would entitle him to $344.00 per month for November and December 1952, and that by reason thereof, the Police Department total salary item as shown in the 1952 budget would be $148.00 short of the necessary amount to balance same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee and Police & License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. After considerable discussion, the City Clerk read proposed Emergency Budget Ordinance No. 1 447 appropriating from the Current Expense Fund for Police Department salary $148.00 and for parking meters, Capital Outlay, $500.00 from the Water Depart- ment Fund, Equipment and Maintenance, Capital Outlay $12,000.00 and from the Airport Fund, Miscellaneous Expenses and Repairs, $4500.00 for Maintenance and Operation, a total of $17p148.00. Said proposed Emergency Budget to be published as a proposed Ordinance on December 4thj the hearing as a proposer;. Ordinance to be held on December 9th, after which said Ordinance should be placed on its second and final reading for Council action, and if approved and passed at the December 9th Council meeting, will be published as an Ordinance on December 11th. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the 1st reading of the proposed Emergency Budget Ordinance, and that same be published as a Pro- posed Emergency Ordinance on December 4th with the notice of public hearing on December 9, 1952 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had drafted a Proclamation in regard to conservation of power, which would be published December 4, further stating that all Department Heads had cooperated in this regard and that they hoped it would not be necessary to curtail street lighting for the emergency. Councilman Holm reported that the Committee of -representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, the business houses and the Council, have been working on the proposed General Services Licenses and/or business licenses and taxes and that same had been referred to the City Attorney for his consideration as to workability and legality and recommendation regarding same. - - that the recommendation as favored, is a license fee as a basis by a breakdown of businesses in town by a group of men who are gener-illy familiar with business - - it was estimated without including outside businesses such as laundries, bakeries, etc., that approximately ; 30,000.00 should be collected by using the following schedule: 242 Gross business of less than $251000.00 per year — $25.00 per year from $25,000.00 to 50,000.00 " " — 35.00 from $50,000.00 to 100,000.00 " " — 65.00 from $100,000.00 to 200,000.00 " " — 125.00 from $200,000.00 to 500,000.00 " " — 250.00., over $5000000.00 " " — 400.00 Councilman Holm further explained that the suggested plan would have an affidavit to be prepared for the business men to sic'n at the time they applied for their licenses, to indicate the class each particular business came under, to be signed before the City Clerk or a Notary Public, that in case of a question as to the exact category, the proposed Ordinance would have to include punitive measures to allow inspection and authorization; that there had been considerable discussion as to the proposal meeting strict legal requirements, it being a license on a sliding fee scale; that an alternate plan has been suggested of a basic business license, that all businesses would pay $25.00 and that on the basis of their gross the difference between the amount and the amount of the schedule would be charged to each business. Councilman Holm further explained that outside businesses were businesses that did not have a City of Renton location, which would include bakeries, laundries, etc., that a separate plan has been suggested to cover outside businesses; that peddlers and agents also would be covered; that the proposed plan did not include manufacturers, that they have their own proposal; that the manufacturers are aware that the Council can pass this tax and set up same on a percentage basis, that should the business tax be set up on a basis of 1/10 of 1 percent that the manu— facturers would be paying more than the amount of $70,000.00 proposed for them under the subject plan. After a thorough discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, 'that should the proposal prove satisfactory, suitable and legal, that the City Attorney be instructed to draft a proposed Ordinance to be presented to the Council at the next Council meeting for their consideration. Carried. In answer to Councilman Holm's inquiry, Mayor Baxter stated that he would appoint a Committee from the Council this coming week to work with other interested persons on a solution to the curtailment of the Park and Recreation program. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee recommended that funds be taken from Cumulative Fund #1184 to pay the Metcalf & Harstad invoice for Engineering services required for amendment of condemnation proceedings.against Puget Sound Power & Light Company in the amount of $447.56 that if ani when power bonds are issued to buy the system, the money be repaid to the fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Committee and if and when power bonds are issued, this money to be repaid to Cumulative Fund #1184. Carried. The Street Commissioner informed the Council that wire service, to provide lights for the dog pound, was presently being installed. Councilman Farmer reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommended that the Council accept the City Engineer's proposal in regard to extending small lines in the Kennydale area to provide water service for new customers, that small lines be replaced under an improvement program, and in the meantime to provide service, that the applicant shall pay the initial cost of laying the main and then shall be reimbursed by periodic credits on his water bill. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. In regard to the petition presented earlier in the evening, Mayor Baxter stated that if and when water service is provided to the residents of the area east of President Park Addition, that same would ultimately be in the manner of a Water District. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all bills approved by the Finance Comm— ittee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. 2A.1 The following bills having previously been audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTN�NTS 6389-6511 16,283.69 CLAIMS CURRENT 791— 807 14,911.86 CLAIMS WATER 8710-8711 3,075.41 CLAIMS PARK 1724-1725 776.70 CLAIMS CITY STR=S 6356-6356 2,398.30 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2579-2589 408.84 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2319-2320 1,092.24 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1420-1432 1,599.38 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 476— CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PENSION FD. — 96 — CLAINS ATHLETIC FUND 635 —636 322.29 CLAIMS CUM. #1184 422 — CLAIMS CUM #1183 393 — CLAIMS SEWER TRUNK 18 — CLAIMS CONSTRUCTION FD. 10 — Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Citi Clerk I May , 44 Renton, Washington December 9, 19x2 Mayor Baxter was not present at the meeting due to his attendance at a convention of Mayors of the Puget Sound area at Tacoma.. Councilman Swift, President of the Council, as Mayor Pro tem, called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, KANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND RICHARDSON . (Councilman Tamborini was excused because of illness.) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Councilman Tamborini be granted a 30—day leave of absence. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superin— tendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by H ansen, that the minutes of the meeting of December 2, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4019 — William Strain 1300 Bronson Way install 0. heater 20 $ 200.00 Ida Sorg 212 Whitworth remodel house 1 100.00 Williams & Swanson 704 Third Ave remodel house 2 400.00 Kennett. Hogan 2204 9th Ave. N. erecit fireplace 3 — Oliver R. Wakelam 8600 Langston Road install furnace 4 21500.00 R. M. Keirn 915 E. St. remodel house 5-30,674.00 Renton School Dist. 14th & D. Street wire service 6 50.00 Ralph J. Storey 346 Pelly St. remodel house 7-101000.00 White Mercury Sales Houser Way & Mill St. Remodel house 8 200.00 George Burdulis 243 Meadow remodel house 9 — Renton News Record Walla Walla & Williams plumbing 30 700.00 J. V. Torgerson 3508 6th Place erect garage 1 500.00 Chester W. Peters 308 Cedar St. remodel house 2 100.00 Wm. Hauks 225 N. 'Alliams repa-ir driveway 3 — Mrs. Quannah Harris 14017 Dunlap Canyon Rd. install heater 4 200.00 John Swanson 320 Renton Ave remodel house 5 50.00 Doris Pistoresi 802 C. St. concrete driveway 6 — Lily Hedberg 1011 Third Ave. N. remodel house 7 400.00 Martin J. Chapman 433 N. Williams remodel house The City Clerk read a Notice of Hearing of proposed tariff changes, on Wednesday December 17, 1952, at Seattle, between the Washington Public Service Commission, complainant vs. the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, Respondent. Mr. George Bennett, Manager of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company in Renton stated that he was not prepared to elaborate on this matter — — that notices of the hearing had been published in the Seattle papers. Information relative to the proposed increase of telephone rates is to be given to both papers for the information of the public and the notice is to be filed. The City Clerk read a communication from Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, Attorneys, signed by Richard Thorgrimson, to Mr. Arthur Haugan, City attorney, in— forming him that the amended petitions were filed, to amend the condemnation peti— tion to include the condemnation of certain designated transmission facilities, in the Condemnation Suit of the City of Renton v. the Puget Sound Power & Light Com— pany. The bill for services rendered, ie., appearance in Court and drafting and filing of the necessary amended petion to include said transmission lanes in the condemnation suit, in the amount of $1,252.13, was attached for presentation for payment in the usual course of the City's business. The communication further stated that as soon as it has been determined whether or not the Public Utility Districts will still be able to consummate their purchase offer, or whether the entire purchase proceedings will be dropped, that it is their opinion that they should have another meeting of representatives of all of the four valley cities involved to determine if any further steps should be taken in the prosecuticn of these suits; that once the purchase matter is cleared up, they feel that the Federal gourt will either require the respective condemnation suits to be brought to trial or to be dismissed; further suggesting that the City Council and other Officials should give immediate consideration to the question ( f whether or not 2,45 the City wishes to prosecute the condemnation suit in the event the public utility district falls through entirely, so that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company will still be operating the electric system within the Renton City limits. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the statement from Preston, Thorgrim- son & Harowitz, in the amount of $1252.13 for services rendered in amending the con- demnation petition to include the condemnation of certain designated transmission facilities, in the Condemnation Suit of the City of Renton v. The Puget Sound Power & Light Company, be referred to the Special Power Committee (Councilman Walt Reid, Chairman, Arthur Haugan, Joe R. Baxter, Donald G. Holm, Steve Tamborini, B. J. Richardson, Hugh Bruce and James L. Highton,) the Finance Committee and City Attorney with power to act - - it being understood that the expense of same be paid from Cumulative Fund No. 1184 and to be returned when Light & Power Bonds are issued and ... sold. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the matter of the City of Renton con- tinuing their condemnation suit against the Puget Sound Power & Light Company be referred to the Council as a whole and the City Attorney for a report back. Carried. The President of the Council will call a meeting of the Committee to discuss this matter. The communication from the Chamber of Commerce in regard to the proposed Business Tax Ordinance was ordered held until the proposed Ordinance is discussed. A communication was read from Erwin Fey requesting repeal of Ordinance No. 1174, establishing a 5% admission tax (one cent for each 20V or fraction thereof) on theaters, cabarets and other places of amusement and requesting that his business and similar businesses be considered in the same manner as other business concerns in regard to the new method of taxation necessary to balance the City of Renton's 1953 budget. Mr. Fey requested permission to meet with a Council Committee in this regard, to present facts as soon as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, thpt the request be referred to the Police & License and Ways & Means Committees for a thorough investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting that Kenneth Oyler, Assistant City Engineer and Elmer Seppi, Fieldman in the Engineering Department, who had been unable to take their regular vacations, (Mr. Oyler having one week and Mr. Seppi having two weeks vacation earned, but not taken due to the exception- ally heavy current years work,) be granted extra compensation for payment in lieu of earned vaca.ticns and that this expense be charged against Local Improvement District No. 239. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Auditing Committee for study and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk stated that warrants in lieu of earned vacations not taken, drawn on L.I.D., Fund No. 239, would have to be presented through the Bonding Attorney in the same manner as warrants in payment of contract work on Earlir_gtcn Sewers. (L.I.D. No. 239.) The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer requesting that City employees working on an hourly pay rate basis be permitted to work Saturday.. December 13th in exchange for Friday, December 26th off - - that this is a trade of days with no overtime involved - - that Sewage Disposal employees and garbage collectors, who work on a fixed schedule, would not be permitted this trade. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk stated that Mayor Baxter had informed him that the Swimming Pool Committee would meet with the Committee of the Council as a whole, and Park Superintendent for further discussion of the swimming pool any evening, except Wednesday, if they were notified a short while in advance. Councilman Trimm requested a meeting of the Council as a whole in this regard immediately following this evening's Council meeting. Carried. 46 C The Park Superintendent stated that the Park Board and Recreation Council would meet with the Council as a whole for arrangement of their Recreational program. A communication was read from the Associated Tavern Owners, signed by H.C.Wolfe, Executive Secretary, suggesting the passage of an ordinance, with substantially the same wording as passed by the Seattle Council on Monday, December lst, 1952 as follows: "ORDINANCE RELATING TO POIESSION OF LIQUOR BY MINORS" It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one years to have in his possession any liquor provided: that the above shall not apply in cases where such liquor has been furnished or has been per- mitted to be furnished by his parents or guardian for medicinal pur- poses, or administered to him by a duly licensed physician or dentist." Mr. Wolfe's letter further stated that the Association has the assurance of the Board of King County commissioners that they will passlegislation effective in the district of the County and that the passage of the above ordinance, effective in the City of Renton will be a definite help in the control of trouble caused by drinking minors. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their study and a report back. After a short discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Freyman, that the motion be amended to include the Police & License Committee. The amendment carried. The motion, as amended, then carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for liquid chlorine for the City of Renton, bids were opened and read as follows: LIQUID CHLORINE in 100 lbs, lots in Ton 'Lots Hooker Electrochemical Co. $10.25 per 100 lbs $5.25 per 100 lbs. Pennsylvania Salt Company 10.25 per 100 lbs 5.25 -per 100 lbs. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the bids being the same and Pennsyl- vania Salt Company having furnished the City with liquid chlorine for 1952, that the Hooker Electrochemical Company be awarded the bid for 1953. Carried. The bids for legal publications for the City of Renton for 1952 were o;pered and read as follows: PUBLISHED lst insertion per column inch addtl column inch Fenton News Record $1.15 $1.01 The Chronicle 1.13 1.03 The bid from the Chronicle being lower, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Renton Chronicle be awarded the contract for printing City of Renton legals for the ,year 1953. Carried. The City Clerk opened and read the following bids for furnishing gasoline to the City of Renton for 1953 as follows: COMPANY UNION OIL COMPANY - The quantity delivered by tank wagon less a discount of one cent per gallon from the post tank wagon price at the time and place of delivery. STANDARD OIL CO. Posted tank wagon price at time and place of AND delivery. SHELL OIL CO. The bid of the Union Oil Company being the lowest, moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bid of the Union Oil Company for furnishing gasoline re- quirements to the City of Renton for 1953 be accepted. Carried. The City Clerk read the Notice of Public He=aring on, also Emergency Ordinance No. 1147 amending the budget and appropriating monies to provide for payment of salaries, wages and expenses necessitated by such emergency, for salary and wages, 247 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, Police Department Salary, $148. 0; Capital Outlay, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, Parking meters, $500.00; Capital Outlay, WATER DEPARTMENT FUND, Equip- mentand Maintenance, $12,000.00 and Operation and Maintenance, AIRPORT FUND, Miscel- laneous Expenses & Repairs $4,500.00, a total of $17,148.00. There being no protests and the required legal publication having been made, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, -that proposed Emergency Or-finance No. 1447, be placed on the second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti_, seconded by Harmer, that the Ordinance be adopted as written. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; r. Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye and Richardson, .Aye, all eleven Councilmen pre- sent voting Aye, the Ordinance unanimously passed. On the request of Councilman Richardson for a recess before the Council considered the proposed "Business Tax" Ordinance, Mayor pro tem George Swift declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor pro tem George Swift. ROLL CALL: Swift, Delaurenti, Bruce, Freyman, Holm, Farmer, Morris, Hansen, Trimm, Reid and Richardson. The communication from Henry Reynolds, Executive Secretary of the Renton Chamber of Commerce was read, stating that the Chamber of Commerce, acting through its Board of Directors, is opposed to a Business and Occupation tax. That the Chamber of Commerce has made a study, through its taxation committee, to fine an alternative or to lessen some of the undesirable features of the proposed tax, and acknowledging the need of additional revenues, their Taxation Committee has concluded that the Chamber of Commerce should not oppose a Business and Occupation tax imposed for ONE YEAR only, not in excess of .0006% on business and industry and .00250 on personal services; that on this basis the business and professional men of Renton should willingly cooperate with the City Council in solving the Cityls present financial problem. The Chamber further recommended that studies be commenced now to find a different method of securing the necessary revenue to balance the budget requirements of the City in the future, so it will not be necessary to reimpose a Business & Occupation tax. .� Councilman Bruce stated, that in his opinion, the business men knew about the problems confronting the Council and that the problem of the necessity for a Business tax was new to both the business men and the Council - - that it takes a certain amount of money to operate the City and it is necessary to mise it by one means or another, that they cannot forsee at this time what the economic condition of the City will be at the time of drafting of the next years budget, and that he considers it unwise to make any promises or statements at this time regarding same. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, the Council has the job of running the City, that at all times it was his understanding and recognized by the Committee that this is an emergency situation and their objection was to solve the immediate problem and that the committee has worked hard and after overcoming legal restric- tions, presented their recommendations regarding same, but at this time it could not be determined whether or not said Ordinance would be imposed for longer than a one year period. That the information given last Tuesday regarding same had proved un- satisfactory from a legal standpoint. The City Attorney stated that as the Ordinance reads now, it is open as to expira- tion time, but that by adding a few words could be made to expire within a year. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion, that a clause should be added to the proposed Ordinance so that same would expire the last day of December, 1953; that at that time, subject ordinance could be revised or renewed. Councilman Morris stated, that in his opinion, as the Council could not foresee the financial condition of the City of Renton a year from now, that at the end of the year the proposed Ordinance could be amended according to its needs. Councilman Richardson stated, that in his opinion, the Ordinance should be presented as is for the Council's information this evening and same should be studied and considered the coming week and represented on December 16th for the Councils action. The City Attorney stated that he would like to explain a number of things in advance, that this proposed ordinance is not presented in any sense as a final draft, that there are administrative and enforcement features the Council should be thoroughly 248 acquainted with - - that after the deficit appeared in the budget, the Chamber of Commerce agreed to look into the problem - - that they have investigated other Ordinances and have become reconciled to the need of same for a one year period - - that on the 28th of November he was called to a final meeting regard- ing the proposed business tax, that their thinking had been to base the tax on a flat fee with certain brackets of income as $ 25.00 tax on gross income, both wholesale and retail, up to $25,000.00; $35.00 from $252000.00 to $50.,000.00, etc., but after checking on the legality and validity of same, in his opinion, it was doubtful if the Ordinance was challenged, if same would prove legal - - that the City of Hoquiam had poor results in regard to collections and set aside their ordinance and did not make any collections - - that the City of Renton had based the proposed Ordinance, to be presented this evening, on a percentage method, which this Ordinance implies. The City Attorney stated that he had re,3eived help from Dr. Campbell of the Association of Washington Cities Research Division who ... had also helped check on the validity - - that an ordinance based on -the method of subject ordinance would be legal - - that the Ordinance is a combination of a license and tax and neither are based on gross business, just measured by this -that the tax is on the privilege of doing business in the City of Renton. Mr. Haugan further stated that the license feature is that every business, of the type Y in the Ordinance, must first register with the City Clerk - - that the Ordinance allows the entire month of January for registration; that all businesses must apply for and obtain a license to do business in the City for a certain charge, that a $3.00 license fee has been fixed in this ordinance, but that the charge could be either free, for $1.00, $2.00 or as high as $ 15.00, which the City of Hoquiam has in effect that some businesses (in the lower brackets), will be only charged this license fee - - that the tax will be paid bi-monthly, the same as the State tax is at the present time - - that businesses with gross pro- ceeds of sale or gross income of the taxable business less than $1700.00 for a bi- monthly period, the taxpayer shall pay $1.00 for each of said bi-monthly periods, accompanying such payment with a bi-monthly return; that the purpose of licensing and registering is so the City Clerk will know what business is going on in Renton, and so that the tax can be collected; that the tax is largely patterned from the City of Seattle's which is modeled from State Law - - that Seattle's business tax is based on lAOth of 1%, and Renton's business tax is based on 61.00th of 1%, except professional people whose tax is based on 20100 of 1% and persons engaged in the business of buying wheat, oats, corn, etc., but not in- cluding manufactured products thereof, and selling the same at wholesale, the tax is to be based on 1/100th of 1% all other businesses, not included in the above, the tax is to be based on 61.00 of 1% - - that under the proposed ordin- ance, grocery, bakery or similar businesses serving Renton via. truck from head- quarters outside the City, are not included in the Ordinance; that if a person engages in more than one business the license and tax will apply to both businesses; that certain types of business are exempt, ie., some forms of Insurance which are licensed by the State, farmers and gardeners and National Banks to the extent their business is National Banking; liquor to the extent the State has pre- empted it, and blanket exemption for any others that we do not have the right to tax. The City Attorney further stated that the taxpayer when reporting his tax does not have to state his gross proceeds provided he states he has computed his tax according to actual recordings and swears on oath to this fact - - that there is a saving clause in the instance of suspected fraud, that the business of keeping track of the taxpayers devolves on the City Clerk; remittances are turned over to the City Treasurer, who will keep such records as are necessary. The City Attorney informed the Council that if the proposed Business Tax Ord- inance is read this evening it would constitute the first meeting, that the Council could consider subsequent changes, other than the number and Title, be- fore the next Council meeting, when sane could be placed on its 2nd and final reading for Council action. Councilman Richardson recommended that the proposed Ordinance be read, that the Councilmen take copies home for study; that the proposed ordinance be referred to the City Attorney and Council as a whole to consider changes before the oral and final reading and Council action on Tuesday, December 16th. ... On recommendation of the City Attorney, the City Clerk read proposed Ordin- ance No. 1448y relating to and providing for a license or occupation, tax upon certain businesses, occupations, pursuits and privileges, defining offenses and prescribing penalties, by sections. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be re- ferred to the Council as a whole and City Attorney for study and a discussion at 249 a special Committee meeting of the Council as a whole on Monday, December 15, 1952 at 8:00 P.M., and a report back at the December 16th Council meeting. Carried. All Committee reports, old and new business being postponed, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. irn Ci Clerk 1 Mayor Renton, Mash December 169 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND RICHARDSON. (It was reported that Councilman Swift would be unable to attend the Council meeting due to work commitments and Councilman Tamborin:i was re- ported getting along very well after his operation.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT 4EFE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; ?diley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of December 9th be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Lake Shore Lines, signed by F. A. Gra'bner, General Manager, stating that it has become imperative to adjust time schedules in the Renton Transit operation due to continuing decline in patronage, particularly during the middle of the day; service to and from the Renton Highlands as being reduced during the hours from 9:30 A.M., to 4:15 P.M., that the 9:25 P.M., trip will operate Friday and Saturday evenings only instead of daily; one trip to Earlington Junction being cancelled and service to Maplewood, Earlington Junction and Renton Hill to be discontinued on Saturdays; that there will be no change in the Sunday schedule. Lake Shore Lines submitted a statement of transit operation for 1952 to date and enclosed copies of the proposed schedules. The .Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that if a protest meeting is called and an in- vestigation is in progress, the time limit allowed under the Franchise can be ex- tended. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A short discussion followed as to the curtailing of service and subsequent in- convenience to passengers. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk direct a letter to the Lake Shore Lines stating that the Council objected to the schedule change and requested a meeting with Mr. Grabnor on Tuesday, December 23rd at 7:30 P.M. Carried. A communication was read from the Slavic-American Club, signed by Anna Laush, Secretary, requesting that the Council investigate the cause of the fine soot and/or dust particles settling over the Renton area, and to determine what action could be taken to eliminate same. Mr. Will reported that the City Engineer had received information in -this re T rd and would report at the next Council meeting. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the City Engineer be requested to report any information he has in regard to this soot nuisance at the next Council meet- ing and the Slavic-American Club be informed of previous Council action and of the City Engineerts findings. Carried. A communication was read from Cowan & Duckworth, Attorneys, signed by Gil Duck- worth, Jr., on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Ackerman, proprietors of the T-P Cafe, 509 Third Avenue, applying for a yearly dance permit for the T-P Cafe; the communication stated that there is space available and that they have received +� many requests for permission to dance and that Mr. & Mrs. Ackerman feel that a dance permit would be a valuable addition to their business. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to -the Police and License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Bob Jones, President of the Association of Wash- ington Cities, (who is also a Seattle City Councilman) requesting that all member cities study the new tentative draft of an amendment to the State constitution giving the cities a broader grant of general power - obviating the necessity of December 16, 1952 CITY OF RENTON Page 2 seeking permission from the Legislature each time a new undertaking was found necessary and to prevent the Legislature from passing mandatory legislation unduly interfering in purely local government affairs; the communication further stated that the new draft eliminates all valid objections raised at the 1951 Legislature to similar legislation_. Mr. Jones further requested that the Mayor and Council write in their suggestions in this regard by January 5th - - that the Executive Committee will meet at approximately this time and will give every consideration to all suggestions made prior to formulating the final draft into actual bill form. The City Clerk read the tentative draft for "Home Rule Amendment to State Consti- tution" for discussion and recommendation. ,.� Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the correspondence and proposed amend- ment be referred to the Legislative Committee. Carried. A petition for annexation was read from Wallace R. Wilson and his wife Inex, R. 3, Box 661, Grover C. Smith and his wife Janet 0.1 R. 3, Box 660 and Edward S. Smith and his wife Mila Mae, R. 2, Box 1017, for annexation of three adjoining parcels of land, bounded on the north by President Park Addition, on the south by SE 128th and being approximately 565 feet east of 124th Avenue SE., adjacent to the Highlands. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the annexation request be refer- red to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from George H. Thomas, Secretary and Chief Examiner for the Police Department Civil Service Commission recommending that Mr. Gomez be appoint- ed as patrolman in the Renton Police Department on permanent status, effective re- troactively to March 1, 1951. The City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Mr. George Gomez as patrolman on permanent status for the City of Renton Police Department, effective retroactively to March 1, 1951. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter for a 6 months pro- bationary period of David C. Walsh, 306 Morris Street, William J. Henry, Jr., 833 E. Street and Jack E. Haworth, 805 L. Street, all of Renton, Washington, to the temporary position of firemen for the City of Renton effective January 1, 1953. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Mayor. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, approving the annexation of certain described property lying north of the Richfield property, (across Rainier Avenue adjacent to the Renton Airport, annexed in May, 1951) as requested by Mr. & Mrs. Marino Revoli and Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harre. A second communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission recommending that if and when the Revoli-Harre property is annexed that the City Council rezone said property to COMMERCIAL. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that the matter of annexation and rezoning of this property be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated, in regard to the proposed business tax Ordinance, that the City Attorney would require more time to investigate certain parts of the proposed Ordinance as to .legality; that he had checked with Mr. Carney, Boeing Airplane Company's Attorney, and they hoped to have the legality of all issues cleared soon and a special meeting called for further consideration of same in the near future. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor check with the City Attorney and if it is found necessary, call a special meeting. Carried. The Building InsUctor reported that in regard to the petition for a street in Block 69 Earling, "the abutting property owners had endeavored, without success, to obtain the signatures of all the abutting property owners on the south side of the proposed alley, but that they were unable to obtain the signature of the CITY OF RENTON WNW Page 3 property owner on the west end of the south side of the alley; that Platting Ordinance #1045 allows for 40 foot dead—end streets; that in places where they are unable to obtain the full 40 feet width for a street, that the street could be platted 20 feet wide, provided said dead—end street was no longer than 440 feet — that if these residents are permitted to plat a 20 foot dead—end street, the con— tractor could continue installation of the sewer project ; that these residents would have access to the rear of their properties and by so doing would provide two good size building lots; that it is the opinion of the City Engineer and Build— ing Inspector that permission to improve a 20 foot wide strip of property for a dead—end street be granted. The Assistant City Attorney reported that he too had endeavored to secure the consent of all property owners for a wider street but that one of the property r owners refused to sign the petition; that the abutting property owners had offered to assume the entire cost of the improvement, including this party's ::hare, if the party would agree to the granting of 10 feet for his share of the dead—end street to make it a 30 foot dead—end street. Mr. Shellan further stated that the remainder of the property owners :request assurance from the Council, that if they decide to erect additional buildings on the back of their property that the City would approve of this — — that if they get this approval they will dedicate a 20 foot strip on the south side of their own property for a dead—end street — that if they are not granted Council approval for use of this right—of—way for a dead—end street, they will not give approval for the dedication — — that the City needs this right—of—way for the sewer installation — that the platting Ordinance requires 40 foot streets, but makes an exception of a 20 foot street where the street could never be put through. Mayor Baxter also stated that the abutting property owners would like assurance from the Council that houses could be built on the rear of their individual lots if the abutting property owners granted the 20 foot easement for a dead—end street so the sewers could be completed. The Building Inspector stated that if each of the lots were divided in two, there would be sufficient area to meet requirements to build a house on the rear of each of the lots. The City Attorney informed the Council that the City could condemn the property, but would be required to pay the property owner for same. r The Assistant City Attorney recommended that assurance be given to the owners of the north 1/2 of Block 6, Earlington Addition, that if any of said propert owners petition the Council in the future for permission to build on the lower 1 2 of their properties, that such permission be granted although the abutting street be only 20 feet wide, provided that said owners-heretofore dedicate to the City NOT LESS THAN 20 FEET from the back of their respective lots for street and other public purposes and further providing that before any building is commenced on said properties that additional attempts be made to secure additional footage to widen said street, and any said '�-,uildings to be otherwise in full compliance with appli— cable City Ordinances. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the City Engineer, Building Inspector and Assistant City Attorney. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he had met several times with Councilman Don Holm and Paul Houser, Attorney for the Housing Authority in regard to the Cedar River Lease Agreement and that in his opinion a satisfactory agreement, on a few minor changes, could be completed at the next Council meeting. In answer to Councilman Bruce's inquiry, the Street & Alley Committee will re— port at the next Council meeting regarding the use of the unused area on the north— east corner of the Cedar River Housing Project, across Maple Valley Way and south from the Mobile Gasoline Station located at the intersection of Maple Valley Way with Bronson `Tay North. Councilman Holm, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee reported on the matter of the purchase by the Water Department of water meters at a cost in excess of $500.00, without the issuance of a call for bids, as per State law, stat— ing that the Auditing & Accounting Committee, after discussing the matter with the City Engineer and Budget Controller and having made a thorough study of same, felt that, owing to the advantage of the saving to the City of Renton on the 500 water meters purchased, .for immediate installation in the newly annexed President Park Addition, that the City Council should go on record as disapproving of purchases made without strict adherence to all proper rules & regulations, but consider ��3 C) �> subject purchase necessary, and that the method of the purchase saved the City a substantial amount of-money - - that therefore the Auditing & Accounting Committee recommended that the Council approve subject purchase of the 500 water meters and order the payment for same but that in the future, any contemplated purchases, amounting to $500.00 or more, should positively be referred to the Council for their recommendation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that the Auditing Committee recommended, that Kenneth Oyler, Assistant Engineer and Elmer Seppi, of the Engineering Department be paid, ..� at their regular rate of pa.y with no extra as overtime, etc., for the vacation time they would habe been entitled to take (ie., Kenneth Oyler, one week and Elmer Seppi, two weeks,) providing such payment is charged wholly to L.I.D., #239, as services rendered over and beyond their regular duties as employees of the City of Renton; also, that the services performed not being in the normal course of these employees duties, nor chargeable to the City, that this action not be interpreted as being a precedent for approving any other additional compensation in lieu of vacations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Auditing Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, stated that the traffic light for the intersection of H. Street with the Sunset Highway is available at the City Garage; that the cost of installation will be `30.00. Councilman Morris stated that he had obtained a list of the different Committees, Boards and Commissions of the City of Renton, their chairmen and the meeting days (in cases of specific days) and would furnish each Councilman with a copy of this list for their information. In regard to the traffic signal light which was authorized by the Council for the 2nd Avenue and Williams Street intersection, but which has not been installed this date, the Light & Power Committee was requested to contact the City Engineer to determine what action can be taken to have this light installed as soon as possible. On the recommendation of Councilman Trimmm that the two traffic signal light in front of the high school and the one at the intersection of 2nd Avenue and Logan Street be synchronized and the recommendation of Mayor Baxter that all other traffic lights, where advisable, be investigated to see if they can be more satis- factorily sychronized, moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Light and Power Committee make a thorough investigation and study of synchronizing all traffic lights within the City of Renton. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Richardson more time to make a report in regard to a proposed Ordinance restricting possession of liquor to minors under 21 years of age, until he has received a copy of Seattle's Ordinance regarding same. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that he has requested the legal description of the property at Mother's Park (now owned by the City of Seattle) from the City Engineer, so negotiations can continue for the purchase of same. On the request of Councilman Morris, Mayor Baxter called a committee meeting of the Council as a whole immediately following this evening's Council meeting, stating that Councilman Morris had seven proposals, for Council consideration and recommendation, in regard to new legislation to be brought before the next State Legislature. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 6512- -6661 $259966.37 CLAIM CURRENT 808- 949 35,197.82 CLAIMS WATER 8712-8750 16,180.52 E.A e. W01- CLAIMS PARK 1726-1736 $1,208.80 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6357-6384 132:219.68 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2590-2596 1,378.64 CLAIMS SEWER. DISPOSAL 2321-2340 2,024.33 CLAIM" AIRPORT 1433-1465 6,182.36 CLAIMS CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 423— 428 4,497.26 CLAIMS FIRFJv='S PEN FUND. 97— 98 250.00 CLAIRE ATHLETIC FWD 637— 642 '790.51 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FWD 477— 484 349.03 CLAIMS SEWER TRUNK 19 2,:10114 CLAIMS CONSTRUCTION FD. 11— 18 3,226.14 CLAIMS Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 2 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) CClerk Mayor r' 9� _ Renton, Washington December 23, 1952 The regular meeting of the Renton City Ccuncil was cal7.ed to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMA,N, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMMY REID AND RIC HARDSON. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard ,,. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the December lb, 1952 meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter explained to the Council about a directory being published which will list (1) every electric utility, (2) every firm doing business with electric utili- ties, (3) every electric power association and governmental agency directly con- cerned with electric power and (4) miscellaneous articles about the electrical in- dustry and the Northwest Public Power Association, that the City's subscription fee for 1953 is $40.00. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion this information would be helpful and of assistance to the Council, particularly the Power Committee. Councilman Freyman stated that in his opinion, this directory would be very help- ful and beneficial and that the Councilmen should receive a copy. Moved by Holm, seconded by Farmer, that this be referred to the Light & Power Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the Seattle Gas Company has submitted a claim for repairs to a gas main in the Earlingtcn Sewer District, in the amount of $188.85, that the claim is for relocation of the gas main to pro- vide clearance for the new sewer line - - that the City cannot hold the contractor responsible for the work under the contract specifications. The City Engineer con- cludes that the Sewer District should pay the claim. Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the City Attorney for his interpretation of the facts as compared to franchise re- quirements. Carried. An itemized monthly statement (No. 4 ) was read from the Valley Construction Com- pany, for work performed through November 30, 1952 on the Earlington L.I.D., #239 Contract, in the amount of $1,948.11, less $192.22 retained, a net amount due of $1,755.89. Additional statements, in connection with L.I.D., #239 were read as follows: For printing, Olympic Blueprint Company, $19.25 and Daily Journal of Commerce, $84.00;' for engineering services, Ken Oyler, 094.00 and Elmer Seppi, $148.00. All five statements were verified and approved by the City Engineer who recommended the payment of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer and the total amount of $ 2,101.14 be paid to the re- spective companies and/or persons as itemized; That a warrant bearing interest at the rate of 441 be issued to Grande & Company as follows: WARRANT #190 $2101.14, the total amount of $2101.14, in lieu of which Grande & Company are to issue to the City of Renton a check to be credited to the Construction Fund, L.I.D. #239, computed at the rate of $100.14 per $100.00 of face value, a total of $2104.08. Carried. The City Clerk stated that each Councilman had received a written explanation from the Budget Controller regarding a special purchase of tires which the City had been able to obtain at a 40% discount as compared to the ordinary discount of 15%, realizing a saving to the City of $998.77. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the purchase and warrants be issued in payment of same. Carried. 256 The proposed Business License and Tax Ordinance, No. 1448, having be :introduced and read at the previous Council meeting, moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that proposed Ordinance No. 1448 be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: SWIFT, AYE; DELAURENTI, AYE; BRUCE, AVE; FREYMAN, AYE; HOLM, AYE; FARMER, AYE; MORRIS, AYE; HANSEN, AYE; TRIM1M, AYE; REID, AYE, and RICHARDSON, AYE. All eleven Councilmen present voting "AYE", the motion unanimously carried. The City Attorney stated that, according to the Ordinance, the tax is levied for the entire year, and that which falls due to December 31st, 1953, can be coll- ected. The City Attorney further stated that those companies doing business both within Renton and outside of Renton would be taxed on the portion of business done within the City limits. On the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, that if the Notice of Hearing on the Annexation petition of Harre-Revoli is published either December 25th or December 30th, that the hearing be held on January 6th, moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City charge any and all petitioners for rezoning or annexations, the cost of publishing and posting of the notices for same. Carried. Moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be amended, that no such petitions for rezoning or annexations be finally approved by the Council until these charges have been paid; that charges be collected for all prior publications and postings to and including Albert Balch's first petition for annexation of President Park Addition No. 1. The amendment carried. The motion, as amended, then carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee, after a thorough dis- cussion of same, recommended that the Council do not consider installation of parking meters as proposed by the Nevada Sales Company, as the Committee had un- animously decided against this type of installation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the use of the Cedar River Park property (the northwest corner near the Maple Valley Wye and Pacific Coast Railroad tracks) for a parking lot, and that after thorough consideration, recommended that the Council reject said proposal; the Committee further requested authority to continue their investigation of other areas in the project for parking. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that after consideration of the request of the gcott Dry Cleaners, that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that they be allowed to break and repair the curb and repave the alley entrance, under super- vision of the Street Commissioner, but that approval for removing the specified pole must be obtained from the utility company concerned and all expense entailed in the removal, must be the responsibility of the petitioner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the request of the Lake Shore Lines for a bus zone on the west side of Park Avenue, near First Avenue North, immediately north of the Kirkman Building be denied, owing to the inconvenience to the adjacent property owners, and subsequent pro- tests. Moved by Reid, that the matter remain in the Street 8s Alley Committee- and Traffic Division of the Police Department for further study. There being no :second to the motion, Councilman Reid withdrew his motion and on further advice of Councilman Swift, that it is the duty of the Lake Shore Lines to propose additional locations for bus zones, moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the request for a bus zone on the west side of Park Avenue, immediately north of the Kirkman Building be denied. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee had met with Mr. Grabnor, Manager of the Lake Shore Lines in regard to the proposed change in bus schedules and that their committee has no objection to allowing requested changes. After a short discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Coun— cil reject the proposal of the Lake Shore Lines for the present, and the Public Relations Committee be requested to notify the Renton Highlands, Maplewood, and Earlington Junction Community Clubs of the proposed schedule changes, the Council's objection to same and subsequent Notice of Public Hearing on the schedule change. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, No; Delaurenti, No; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, No; Holm, No; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye, and Richardson, Aye. There being seven "Ayers" and four"NoISTI, the motion carried. The date of hearing was set as January 20, 1953. Moved by Holm, seconded by Morris, that the City Clerk notify Mr. Grabnor, Manager of the Lake Shore Lines, of the Councills. objection and the date of hearing on same. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Delaurenti more time on the matter of granting the owners of the T—P Cafe a dance hall license. Councilman Holm stated that the Cedar. River Housing Authority Lease Agreement had been slightly revised and would- be re—presented for Council consideration of the changes at the next Council meeting. Councilman Holm presented a. communication from Thor C. Tollefson, Washington State Representative stating that he will try and have the matter of receiving money in lieu of taxes from the Government on Federally owned property in Renton, pre— viously removed from the Renton tax rolls, considered by the Ways & Means Committee of the House of Representatives --- that Representative Reed, who will be Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee starting in January, has expressed the. view that such an inequitous situation should be corrected. Councilman Morris requested that consideration be given to this and other legis— lative matters by the Council as a whole, as soon as possible, as the Legislative Session opens on January 10, 1953. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, Mayor Baxter stated that unless something vitally important arose, that the Council would not meet again until January 6th 1953. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. U Cit Clerk Mayor ` '1Y Renton, Washington January 6, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, HANSEN, MORRIS, TRIMM AND REID. (The City Clerk stated that Councilman Swift had called stating he would be late and that Councilmen Bruce and Tamborini were ill .) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WENS: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will , Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the December 23rd meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4038 400.00 Alex Cugini 617 Burnett St. Concrete wall 4039 20.00 Sylvia Motor LTO Sunset Blvd. wire service 40 250.00 James Copeland 225 N. Polly remodel basement 41 12000.00 Harry Fletcher 2414 6th No. remodel house 4042 14,500.00 Signal Oil Co 2nd & Logan erect service Stat. 3 100.00 Dale Pinkerton 2227 6th N. install water tank 4 350.00 Mrs. A. Keirn 915 E. St. electric service 5 200.00 Paul Ballatcre 1215 3rd Ave. N. electric service 6 — Charles Ruud Walla. Walla & Williams install two furnaces 7 — Renton School Dist. 2nd & Morris install 'sink 8 — First Nat'l Bank 313 Williams St. install one sink 9 200.00 Ted L. Pierce 528 N. ?dells erect garage 50 100.00 Clarence Bougerous 2207 7th North install plumbing A communication was read from Calvin D. Davis requesting Council approval of the sale of the Renton Highlands Taxicab Company, of which he is the owner, to Thomas J. Hogan, Jr., of 11222 115th Southeast, Renton, Washington. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee, reported that he and Councilman Freyman had discussed the matter with Ang Busato, Police Chief and that Mr. Hogan vas well known in Renton and by the Chief of Police and the Comm— ittee, ommittee, and they felt he would cooperate with the Mayor and City Council; the Committee recommended that the request for approval be granted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the Council approve the report and concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee and Chi-of of Police and the license be transferred. Carried. A communication was read from Harold Jordan, owner of the Yellow and Jordan Cab Gomp_ anies, requesting permission to have all six cabs, of both companies, painted the same color, which is yellow, to more easily distinguish these cabs from cabs of other companies operating within the city limits of the City of Renton. Mr. Jordan enclosed his check, in the required amount, to cover the two cab company licenses and the additional cab licenses. Moved by Morris, seconded by Farmer, that the matter of color of the cabs be re— ferred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the matter of applications be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read the application for Cab Company Operator's license from Clifford E. Sylvia, owner of Cliff's Radio Cab, Inc., Mr. Sylvia enclosed his check to cover the cab company license and the additional cab licenses. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the application for Cliff's Radio Cab Inc., be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from F. A. Grabner, General Manager of Lake Shore Lines, enclosing copies of Supplement No. 1 to Time Schedule No. 5, cancelling that Time Schedule, that by this action, Time Schedule No. 4 will remain in effe+ct without 259 change. Mr. Grabner stated that this supplement has been filed with the Depart— ment of Transportation, Washington Public Service Commission, at Olympia, Wash— ington. Councilman Hansen, Chariman of the Public Relations Committee, stated that the Community Clubs in the areas to be effected by the change in schedule had been notified of the proposed hearing. The report will be held until the date of hearing on January 20, 1953. A communication was read from Bob Jones, President of the Association of Washington Cities, enclosing a statement to the City of Renton for the annual service fee, due January 1st, to the Association of Washington Cities, for 1953. Ir.. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the Association of Washington Cities service fee, as stated be paid. Carried. A request for permission to install one coin—operated phonograph at the T—P Cafe, 509 Third Avenue, was read and on motion of Trimm, seconded by Reid, referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A report was read from the Building Inspector, Walt Will,of 1007 building permits issued for 1952, with a valuation of the permits of $2,034,559.00, total revenue rerived $5,156.00. The Building Inspector estimated this was : 1,250,000.00 over last year's business. A report was read from the City Engineer stating that the Fire Chief, Floyd Lawrence, had informed him that the Fire Department considers the area between S.E. 116th Street and the Sunset Boulevard a critical fire hazard because there are no fire hydrants in the immediate vicinity; that the water mains on S. E. 116th Street and a portion of "E" Street are not large enough to supply an adequate amount of water .for fire hydrants. That because of the many inquiries from property owners in this area regarding fire protection, the question of whether the City of Renton should participate in a project to the extent of installing larger mains; that there are Similar areas in the City which should be considered if an improvement policy is established. The City Engineer further stated that even though they have existing problems to consider in regard to fire protection, new water main installations are not permitted within the City of Renton that do not comply with Fire Insurance regulations. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Fire and 14-3ter Committee, also all other areas with inadequate fire protection to be in— cluded, for investigation and a, report back. Carried. A report was read from the City Engineer of the damage and general maliciousness to the fixtures and other rest room properties in the ladies rest room at the City Hall during the evening hours; recommending that unless this practice is stopped immediately, that consideration be given to closing same to the public at 7:00 P.M. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee, that a warning notice be published in the papers to the effect that if the above conditions continue, the ladies public rest room in the City Hall will be closed, as per the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer recommending Council approval to a restriction that any structures to be erected on the rear of all lots on the south one—half of Block 6, Earlington Addition be required to set back forty feet from the previously approved 20 foot right—of—way through Block 6, to eventually allow the full, forty feet of right—of—way for a street. The Assistant City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, the Council should not go on record at this time as approving such a proposal or rule for these particular property owners, that in his opinion, if any of the owners of property on the south one—half of Block 6, Earlington requested permits to build on the rear of their property, that they should be required to apply to the City Council for nonconform— ing permits. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion, he did not feel a permit should be granted to property owners of the south one—half of the previously approved 20 feet right—of—way, so that in the future, if the required easements are obtained on the south side of Block 6, that a full 40 foot street right—of—way could be improved. 0 The Building Inspector stated that he had to contact the King County Planning Comm- ission recently to prevent a property owner, adjacent to President Park No. l-, from building too near a proposed right-of-way street that Mr. Balch had requested to be built in the vicinity of 110" Street, & 6th Place, and had allowed and donated his share (30 feet) for same, so that a full. 60 feet could be allocated for improve- ment of a proposed street right-of-way there. Also, that cities on Primary State Highways require 20 foot set-backs to allow for proposed highway widening, that at that time the State would only be required to pay for the land area used for the Highway in case of condemnation proceedings to acquire necessary property to increase the width of the Highway. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the proposal to forbid property owners on the south one-half of Block 6, Earlington Addition, to erect buildings on the rear of their properties within less than 40 feet of the previously approved 20 foot right- of-way be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and Building Inspector for consideration and a report back as to what action in this regard is legal and proper. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, this matter should be referred to the Planning Commission for study at the time, in the future, that they consider the pro- posed recommended changes in the zoning ordinance. A petition was submitted by the City Engineer, signed by 29 persons, all. living in the vicinity of the intersection of "E" Street with the Sunset Highway in the Highlands, requesting pedestrian protection across said intersection. The City Engineer stated that they have requested a cross walk or caution light. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the petition be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and the Police & License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. As this was the date of the hearing for the proposed annexation of certain described property as requested by Mr. & Mrs. Mario Harre and Mr. & Mrs. Henry Revoli,, the City Clerk read the "Notice of Hearing" as published. There being no written protests received, nor oral protests from the audience, moved. by Delaurenti2 seconded by Frey- man, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be requested to draft the necessary Ordinance for same. Carried. As Ordinance No. 1446 was unavoidably not published on the date as requested, mnved � by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council ratify the publication date of January 1st. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk and City Treasurer check all unpaid licenses and permits as required by Ordinance as of the 1st day of January 1953 and notify the Police Department of same, so the Police Department can notify all delinquent persons and/or parties. Carried. On request of Councilman Morris, Mayor Baxter stated there would be a short Legis- lative Committee meeting with the Council as a whole, immediately following to- night's Council meeting. After a short discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk and City Attorney study the Bramhall and Stein water bond contract with the City of Renton and report to the Council on Tuesday.. January 13, 1953, so that a meeting could be called for further discussion of immediate action in pressing the proposed Kennydale and other City of Renton critical water improvements, authorized by the City of Renton, as recommended in Richard Wolfe, Consultant Engineer's re- port. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney -stated that the Housing Authority representatives had, with a few minor changes, and explaining same, signed the Lease .Agreement as drafted by the City of Renton for the City of Renton's Cedar River Housing Project; that the main objection was that, in their opinion, the Housing Authority was in a better position to determine what managerial personnel should be released, if and when necessary for inability or being incapable and that in his opinion these were re- asonable modifications and should not be objectionable to the Mayor and Council; that in all other respects the lease, as proposed, has been accepted by the Housing Authority. Mr. Shellan further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be author- ized to sign said Lease Agreement and affix the City's Seal, also to request the Lessee to submit to the Council for their study and consideration the Housing Auth- orityts proposed budget for Cedar River Park for the period from January 1st through June 30th, 1953, so the Council could study same and recommend any changes con- sidered necessary. 261 Moved by Holm, seconded by Fanner, that the Council accept the Lease Agreement with the Housing Authority as presented and explained by the City Attorney, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said Lease Agreement; that if approved by the Council that the lease be dated retroactively as of July 1, 1952. The Assistant City Attorney stated that any employee who contested his discharge from employment by the Cedar River Housing project would be entitled to present his case to the Council for consideration. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, the operation of the City of Renton's Cedar River Housing Project was the responsibility of the Mayor and Council and that they should have the privilege of considering the reasons for discharging or r.. employing personnel employed by the City of Renton Cedar River Housing Project. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Housing Authority was anxious to have the Mayor appoint two Council representatives to attend the City of Renton Cedar River Housing Authority Board meetings, as soon as possible to discuss several pending matters, and that the Housing Authority would notify the two representatives of all meetings in advance. The motion that the Council accept the Lease Agreement with the Housing Authority as stated, that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign same and if acceptable by the Council, that the lease be dated retroactively as of July 1, 1952 then carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Holm, that the Lessee be requested to submit their budget for the period from January lst 1953 through June 30th 1953 the last six months of the Lease Agreement, within the next three weeks. Carried. - Councilman Delaurenti recommender) and moved, that the Mayor appoint the President of the Council and Chairman of the Property Committee as Council delegates to the City of Renton Housing Authority Board meetings. There was no second. Councilman Holm notified the Council of Tuesday, January 13th election date .for officials for Water District #90 on Renton Hill, for the area, east of. the east City limits of Renton towards Lake McDonald, stating that a plan to supply this district with water had been -planned by the City Engineer, that in his opinion, the completion of the Water District would permit the subject area to develop very quickly and be of value to the City of Renton and it's growth. Street Commissioner Dave Pugh stated that he and the City. Engineer had attended a meeting of State Highway officials and other interested parties of the highway around Lake Washington and had outlined a meeting for Wednesday evening, January 7th, that in his opinion would be educational and important and that he and the City Engineer would report on same at the next Council meeting. The Building Inspector reported that Housing Authority Administrative personnel would probably move from the Cedar River Administration Building in the near future and that he had drafted a plan for the City's offices as a whole to be transferred to this building, should such a move be determined to be feasible and proper. The Building Inspector submitted an outline map of the proposed plan. Mayor Baxter stated that further consideration would be given to this proposal and plan at the special Council committee meeting immediately following this evening's Council meeting. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 6662-6786 $162921.94 CLAIMS CURRENT 949 — Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 6 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) . &4�� ity erk ,J Mayor C Renton, Wash January 13, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro—tem George Swift, at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RIC HARDSON, and TAMBORINI. (Councilman Holm was reported at another meeting and Councilman Hansen was reported ill. Councilman Richardson was excused to attend a meeting of the Recreation Council. The City 6lerk reported that Mayor Baxter was absent from the Council meeting as he was attending a meeting of Mayors of the Puget Sound Area at Olympia, for the purpose of discussing legislation favoring these cities.) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of January 6th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4051 — Pacific Car & Foundry Renton, Wn. Install driveway 2 — Celia DeWinter 443 N. Wells install oil heater 3 — Dr. Patricelli 4th & Wells heating and plumbing 5 .50 B. J. Richardson 720 High St. install washing machine 4 Robert L. Edwards 213 Wells St. storm sewer 6 100.00 A. C. Lovineer 14030 Rainier Ave. electric .service 7 82000.00 Wakelam Bros. Constr. 8606 Langston Rd. erect building 8 1,400.00 Mrs. Faye Lynch 12467 SE 141st St. addIn on 'house 9 — Gavin & Hazel 1200 Bronson Way break curb 60 800.00 Archie Rutherford 136 & Dunlap Canyon remodel building 1 100.00 Thomas Aarhus 1002 4th North wire service The City Clerk read the application of W.J. Thompson, requesting a taxicab opera— tor's pera— tors license for the O.K. Taxicab Company. Mr. Thompson enclosed his -heck, in the required amount to cover the cab company license and the additional cab license. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the application for Taxicab Companyls License be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from F. A. Grabner, General Manager of the Lake Shore Lines stating that their proposed schedule No. 5, to become effective January 5th was cancelled, and proposing the operation of all service in this area under Certifi— cate No. 34, issued by the Public Service Commission, making it possible to oper- ate buses to and from Seattle through to the Highlands, thereby giving better ser— vice erivice to the people in that area with more efficient scheduling, that they feel certain that some service could be worked into the fringe areas. They further pro— pose, as a temporary solution to the bus stop problem in North Renton that a bus waiting point be provided on 2nd Avenue North between Park and Garden Streets with a pickup zone on 1st Avenue North, just west of the Market Basket store on Bronson Way. The information regarding the Time Schedules and the proposal to operate buses to and from Seattle through to the Highlands is to be considered at the hearing re— garding same on January 20th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of a proposed waiting point on Second Avenue North between Park & Garden Streets and adjacent bus pickup zone on Bronson Way North, just west of the Market Basket store on Bronson Way North, be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department for their study and recommendation. Carried. A request was made from Renton Motor Parts,Inc., 308 Main Street, signed by Hadley C. Halgren, President, for Council consideration of their use of the first parking meter zone on the northeast corner of Walla Walla & Main Streets for customer park— ing and loading and unloading. 263 Moved by Morris, seconded by Trim, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation ani a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Les Lystad a partner of Carlson-Lystad & Company re- questing that shuffleboards, other than automatic scoring, be excluded from the requirements of a master license. The City Clerk explained that shuffleboards were not included under the present Ordinance as covers pinball machines and other games of change; That Nelson and Michael of Seattle do not hold a master license in Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the request of Mr. Lystad be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A request was read from Ernest-J. Bourgeois to move his house trailer on to a lot at 803 Grant Street adjacent to a lot he has purchased to build a home on, the trailer to be used as a temporary dwelling. Mr. Bourgeois is an electrical engineer at Boeing's and states he intends to make his permanent home here in Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the request be referred to the City Engineer, Assistant City Attorney and Sanitation Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Haugan & Shellan, City Attorney, signed by Gerard M. Shellan regarding the City of Renton's Leases with the Miller Sandwich Shop, ex- plaining in detail the transactions to date that owing to the fact that payments had been become delinquent on the vacant land and there being a question as to the right- full owner of the corporate stock of the company, suggesting that the City give written notice to said corporation, cancelling the lease of the vacant land only, by giving the required 30-day notice. Mr. Noel, the original owner of the Miller's Sandwich Shop asked for special Council consideration, that he be permitted to retain the property if the City were not going to use same, stating that he would guarantee that the rent would be paid. The Assistant City attorney further explained past delinquent rent payments and stated that the present set-up, in his estimation, did not warrant further rental to this Company. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trim, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the .City of Renton Planning Commission stating that in regard to the Renton area survey of future plans for ex- pansion, zoning, etc.s being made by the City of Renton in cooperation with the King County Planning Commission, Mr. Charles McGarrigle, Chairman of this Survey Committee at the last Planning Commission meeting requested that money be set aside by the City of Renton for the finishing of this survey to include printing of approx- imately 100 booklets, which would contain all pertinent information of the survey; that the Planning Commission had approved the Committee's request; that Mr. Walt Ba.rbo of the King County Planning Commission, who worked with the City of Renton on this survey had estimated the completion of the survey and the printing of the booklets to cost approximately $400.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the communication be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting a proposal for improve- ment of the municipal sewer and water system as recommended by Consulting Engineer Richard Wolff and himself for 1953, stating that all items in the proposed plan will be financed by sewer and water revenue bonds, under an open program which will per- mit future improvement through revenue bonds at parity with the proposed current issue of 1953. The cost to finance the 1953 improvement program, including redem- ption of the $24000.00, 1948 revenue bonds before the new bonds are issued to ex- pedite the improvement program, and recommending with the concurrence of the City Treasurer, that funds from the Water Department, Cumulative Fund #1182 and Cumulative Fund #1184 be provided on a 30-day loan to finance the bond redemptions. The City Engineer stated that the City is prepared to proceed immediately with the plan of system ordinance, Bond Issue of 1953, on Council approval of the program. A recap of the proposal is as follows: 264 C Total, Sewage Treatment Plant . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000.00 Deep well (and pump) Kennydale . . . . . . . . . . e 56,000.00 Mains from Kennydale well to North Highlands mains . . . . . . . . . 33,OOOeOO Improve Kennydale area grid system . . . 722000.00 Rehabilitate existing main from Springbrook water supply e . . . . oe e 519000.00 Install gas chlorinating equipment at Springbrook supply to meet State Department of Health requirements . . . 4,OOOeOO Refund 1945 water revenue (sewer) bonds (2j%) . e e . . . . e e . . 24.000.00 TOTAL 1953 BOND ISSUE . e . . e e . e . e . . . .$315,000.00 The Clerk stated that the Council should decide if they want a privates offer submitted by Bramhall and Stein, or to publish a call for bids on the bond issues, that if they were to receive and accept a good private offer from Bramhall & Stein,, it would ex- pedite the improvement program. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the rehabilitation and improvement pro- gram, as submitted by the City Engineer be referred to the Council as a whole and the Assistant City Attorney for their consideration at a Committee meeting, Tuesday, January 20th at 7:00 P.M. Carried. The City Engineer stated that he would ask Dir. Frazier of Bramhall & Stein to be present at the meeting. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1449, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, annexing certain described territory, briefly described as"a portion of Section 15, Township 232 North, Range 5 E W.M,, beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of 91st Place South and the east line of 91st Avenue South; thence north along the east line of 91st Avenue South; thence along the east line of 91st Avenue South to the northwest corner. of Tract 4.5 of N.H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat; thence east along the north line of said Tract 45 to the easterly line of State Highway No. 5, and existing Renton City Limit Line, "to the City of Renton, as requested by Mr. & Mrs. Marino Revoli and Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harre. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm, a member of the Ordinance Committee stated that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and re- commended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Freyman, seconded by Trim, that pro- posed Ordinance No. 1/.49 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye and Reid, Aye. All seven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Assistant City Attorney be author- ized to notify Mr. Noel, of the Millers Sandwich Shop, Inc., of the Notice of Cancellation of Lease of the property now being leased for $75.00 per month. Carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, moved by Farmer, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the Legislative program as outlined at a special committee meeting of the Council as a whole (after the regular Council meeting on Tuesday, January 6th,) for con- sideration at the 33rd Legislative Session at Olympia. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a traf- fic signal light is complete and will be installed soon at the 2nd Avenue and Williams Street intersection. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the policy of the City of Renton in regard to vacations and sick leave of employees be made a part of the regular order of business for the next Council meeting, January 20th. Carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Farmer, moved by Freyman, seconded by Trimm, that the Fire & Water Committee make a survey of the proposed training program of 265 the Fire Department and report back to the Council on same. Carried. Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee with the City Engineer, Thursday, January 15th at 7:30 P.M. The Street Commissioner reported damage to approximately 2600 square feet of the roof of the builsing in Mother's Park presently occupied by the Heath Manufactur- ing Company; that the Insurance Commissioner had authorized the temporary repair of same; that the Insurance Commissioner had suggested that the City of Renton secure Estimates from three separate companies for the complete repair of the roof of sub- ject building, stating that they would select the most satisfactory company to do this work. The Street Commissioner reported for the Airport Manager that the old testing station on the Airport property was completely demolished during the storm on Thursday evening the 8th of January; that they were not sure of the exact damage but that they understood there was insurance coverage for this building in the amount of $1500.00; that the portion of the testing station building, formerly occupied by the equine meat market, was still standing, although there was considerable damage to same. Councilman Swift reported that cruising meters, red meter boxes with 30-minute limit, have been installed on the last meter on all four corners of the intersections of Main Street and 3rd Avenue, Wells Street and Third Avenue and Williams Street and Third Avenue and on the east side of Burnett Street; Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, on advice of the Street Commissioner, suggested that six additional cruising meters be installed on Walla Walla Street, Wells Street, and Williams Street on 4th Avenue, on the northwest and northeast corners of each intersection; that additional cruising meters, with 30-minute limit, be installed on the southeast and southwest corners of the 2nd Avenue and Wells Street inter- section. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the matter of installation of additional cruising meters to be installed be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. On the recommendation of Councilman Trim% moved by Farmer, seconded by Trimm, that the matter of the City Cab Company obtaining a taxicab operator's license for -- 1953 be referred to the Police & License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk is to contact Mr. Cliff Sylvia, owner of the City Cab Company, on Wednesday morning, and inform him that if he is to operate this company he is required to obtain a Taxicab Operator's License for same. Councilman Reid reported that the Northern Pacific Railway Company was beginning reconstruction of heavier railroad tracks through the City of Renton; that adjacent property owners on Burnett Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue were interested in improvement of the track area and had inquired as to the possibility of this area between the tracks and also between the tracks and the present street pavement to be paved or black-topped, whichever is most feasible. The City Engineer stated that he had contacted representatives of the Williams and Swanson Company (Heydon Williams) and of the Pope Ford Oompany (Stewart Pope) and that they were interested in improving a strip approximately 200 feet north from 3rd Avenue on Burnett Street, which would leave approximately 300 feet unimproved on Burnett Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue and that in his opinion, an L.I.D., could be formed to improve all of Burnett Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue. The City Engineer further stated that he had contacted Mr. Meechem, Division Superintendent of bridges and roadways for the Northern Pacific Railroad Company and had been informed that it would be up to the Tacoma Representative to make the decision as to the Northern Pacific's participation in the improvement; that as long as flanged rails were not necessary for regular alteration construction through Renton, but just for improvement either by paving or black-topping same, that he .felt that it would be the City's or L.I.D's responsibility to pay for the addi- tional cost of the flanged rails, but that he would contact the Northern Pacific Railroad Company Representatives and advise the Council of his findings. Councilman Reid informed the Council that the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway Company had stood the cost of the improvement of the roadway on their right-of-way on either of their tracks through the main part of Renton on Walla Walla Avenue between Houser Way and Burnett Street and that he believes the Northern Pacific Railroad Company should be willing to do likewise. 266 Maw Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the matter of improvement of the area between the paved portions of the east and west sides of Burnett Street from 2nd Avenue to Third Avenue, where the railroad tracks are, be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for investigation and a report back, as to what action would be for the best interest of the City of Renton. Carried. The Budget Controller reported that approximately 87% of the 1952 budget alloca- tion had been spent, and stated that he would have a recap of same for each Council- man at the next Council meeting. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ( There were six persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Cit Clerk t� Mayor 267 Renton, Washington January 20, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00. P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, H0SEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato,. Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of January 13th be approved as written. Carried. As all Councilmen had not read their minutes of this meeting, the City Clerk read the minutes. Regarding the six additional cruising meters, the minutes will be changed to read "Councilman Swift, Chairm-in of the Street and Alley Committee, on advice of the Street Commissioner, suggested that six additional cruising meters be installed on the northwest and northeast corners of each of the intersections of Walla Walla, Wells and Williams Street with 4th Avenue." APPLICATIONS FOR_BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, 110. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4062 $ 150.00 Modern Materials 3449 6th Place wire service 3 150.00 IT " 3443 IT ►r n 4 150.00 IT IT 3439 " IT It 5 150.00 it it 3443 n It n 6 150.00 it IT 3427 n' IT IT 7 150.00 It IT 3421 "' IT IT 8 150.00 r: IT 341.5 n it n �-- 9 150.00 It it �4i3 " IT IT 70 71000.00 IT IT 634 0. Street erect building 1 71000.00 it " 630 0. Street IT it 3 7,000.00 it " 626 0. n it n 4 72000.00 " IT 3604 6th Ave. N. it IT 5 7,000.00 " " 3612 6th Ave. N. IT IT 6 7,000.00 " " 627 P. Street IT IT 7 7,000.00 IT " 631 P. Street " rr 8 70000.00 if IT 635 P. n n It 9 79000.00 It it 634 P. n n " 80 71000.00 IT IT 630 P. " IT IT 1 71000.00 IT IT 626 P. " it it 2 7,000.00 IT IT 3706 6th Ave. N. IT it 3 7,000.00 IT it 3709 6th Ave. N. It IT 4 72000.00 IT IT 3703 6th Ave. N. it if 5 71000.00 it it 3615 6th Ave. N. IT IT 6 71000.00 IT IT 3611 6th Ave. N. IT n 7 7,000.00 IT IT 3607 6th Ave. N. it " 8 7,000.00 It it 3601 6th Ave. N. It " 9 7,000.00 IT It 3602 6th Place it " 90 71000.00 it " 3606 6th Place it IT 1 7,000.00 IT it 3610 6th Place It rr 2 71000.00 IT " 3614 6th Place It it 3 7,000.00 r' " 3704 6th Place IT ". 4 7,000.00 " IT 3710 6th Place 5 92.50 G.N. Townsend 118 Pelly Wire service 6 100.00 Ralph T. Jasper 8414 S. 140th St. Side sewer 7 - Hubts Trailer Camp 641 N. Wells install 7 units 8 102$00.00 Doris Bartlett 613 Grant Street erect building 9 - Robert R. Karinen 724 D. St, plumbing service 4100 5,750.00 Signal Oil Company 2nd & Logan St. wire service, pumps 1 IT it IT n' break curb 2 - Maudie Lanich 511 3rd Ave. plumbing service 3 11500.00 " IT 509 IT 't remodel bldg. 4 200.00 H. B. Charnell 633 Burnett St. add'n on house 5 16,000.00 Ray Breda 3311 Main St. erect bldg. 6 25.00 William H. Webber 3232 6th Ave. N. erect fence 7 10,000.00 Modern Materials 3308 6th Place erect building 268 A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority enclosing three copies of the Operations Report for Cedar River Park Hous- ing Project for the quarter ending December, 1952, as follows: INCOME: Apartment Income............. ................... . . $66,842.07 Laundry Rental............ ... 308.62 Other Income ................ ......... ............ 414./2 TOTALINCOME ............. ... .... ...... ........ ... x$67,565.11 EXPENSE Management .... . ..0...0.. .*0 .000.0..*. ... .. . 3,918.64 now Utilities .............. ... . .................... 20,517.19 Maintenance ..........0000... ......... ....... .... 239342.78 Insurance .....••.••••••. •.•••••• ••••••.••. •.• ••• 94.9.13 Taxes .. . ............................ ........... 234.03 Fire Telephones ..••.•.••.•••••••••••• ••••••• ••• • 85.32 Damage to Persons or Personal Property. ... ... . .. 81.93 Reserves: Coal (11220.60) Payment in lieu of taxes 3,270.00.. Accrued Annual Leave /92.28 TOTAL EXPENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $512677.70 OPERATION NET . . . . . . . $15,887.41 Mayor Baxter ordered the report filed. The City Clerk read the application of C. E. Sylvia, requesting a taxicab oper- ator's license for the City Cab Company. Mr. Sylvia enclosed his cheep:, in the required amount, to cover the cab company license and one cab. T-e Police & License Committee reported that their Committee had checked with the Police Chief, who had approved the request, and the Committee recommended that Mr. C. E. Sylvia's request be granted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that a City Cab Company cab was seen leaving; the Cliff's Radio Cab Stand and that this was illegal under the Ordinance. There was no action taken. The City Clerk read the request of John W. Maloney, Architect, signed by Emmett Sarff, for Reverend Thomas Lane, St. Anthony's Parish, for a waiver of the following zoning requirements, in order to permit the construction of the St. Anthony's Parish's new church building at 4th Avenue and Morris Street, as follows: 1. Lot coverage 2. Off-street parking requirements A drawing of the proposed church and location thereof, accompanied the request. The City Engineer explained that the construction of the church would be in a residential zone and that he had requested the architect to submit the two re- quests for waivers, before issuing the building permit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the request and drawing be referr- ed to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had attended a meeting of Puget Sound Mayors on now Tuesday, January 13th and that they had discussed many items to be placed before the current session of the 33rd State Legislature; that among the items were the proposed Payroll Fund, the broadening of Cumulative Funds to make them more flexible, and equip mnt rental. Mayor Baxter stated that there were several plans in the making which will benefit Cities, especiall Renton, and that as many Councilmen as possible should attend this Session to lend any assistance possible to Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Legislative Committee. Councilman Reid and Freyman will attend the Legislature on Thursday and Mayor Baxter will attend on Friday. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that his Committee recommended that Mr. Bourgeois be granted a non-conforming permit to move his trailer on the adjacent lot to the one he is planning to build on, for a 12 months period only; that the Assistant City Attorney draft an agreement for this non-conforming permit to include a 30-day notice to remove the trailer if he fails to comply with his agreement or rules set forth by the Building Inspector on the non--conforming permit. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Councilman Tamborini, a member of the Police and License Committee reported that N.. the Committee recommended that W. J. Thompson's application for a Taxicab Operator's License for the O.K. Taxicab Company be granted; also, that the committee be granted more time in regard to Mr. Les Lystad's (a partner of Carlson-Lystad & Company) request that shuffleboard be excluded from the requirements of a master license. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee and a Taxicab Operator's License be granted to W. J. Thompson of the O.K. Taxicab Company. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Committee more time in regard to shuffleboards being ex- cluded from the requirements of a master license. Councilman Swift explained to the Council that the matter of a policy for City Employees in regard to sick leave and vacations, that had been requested at the time the 1953 budget was being prepared, was by motion at the January 13th Council meeting, to be made a part of the regular order of business of the January 20th Council meeting. After a short discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for their investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift, President of the Council, reported that at this evening's meet- ing of the Council as a whole at 7:00 P.M., regarding the proposed water and sewer program, that a motion was made by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the City Council approve the City Engineer's and Engineering Consultant's (Mr. Richard Wolff) recommendation, and that they favor passage of a Resolution recalling and redeeming the $24,000.00, 21 sewer revenue bonds. Councilman Trimm stated that representatives of Bramhall. & Stein had informed him that on the new "Call for Bids", the first $24,000.00 worth of bonds issued would carry the same rate of interest as the $24,000.00, 2i% sewer revenue bonds to be recalled and redeemed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee of the Council as a whole. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution Np.847 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, recalling and redeeming the $24,000.00, 2 sewer revenue bonds as of March 1, 1953, that the City Treasurer notify Bramhall & Stein, the City of Renton's financial assistants, of same by letter, so that the holders of the afore- described bonds would be so notified, that the City Treasurer is further author- ized and directed to use and employe appropriate funds on a loan basis, not to exceed 30-days, from the Water and Sewer Funds, Cumulative Fund No. 1182 and Cumulative Fund No. 1184 for the purpose of said recall and redemption. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Swift, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 847 as read. Carried. The City Treasurer will direct the necessary letter to Bramhall & Stein to recall and redeem subject bonds. Councilman Swift further reported that it was the recommendation of the Committee to proceed with the proposal as recommended by the City Engineer. Councilman Morris reported that there were two pieces of proposed legislation (bills) that were presented for passage at Olympia, (1) to authorize creating special funds for payroll and claims and (2) To broaden the scope of allowable a �...r expenditures of Cumulative Reserve Funds. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor, as many Councilmen as were able and the Assistant City Attorney or City Attorney be authorized to work for the drafting and introduction of bills presented by the City Council for presentation to the State Legislature. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that as may Councilmen as were able to, should attend the current Legislative Sessions, to show that the entire Council is behind the bills proposed for passage at same. Mayor Baxter stated that the:Association of Washington Cities backed the Cities in their proposed legislative programs, wherever possible. Mayor Baxter further stated that one proposed bill would make the Police Judge for 2nd Class Cities with Mayor & Council Form of Government, appointive by the Mayor; that he had discussed this matter with the present city of Renton Police Judge and he had thought this was a better plan and said he could see no reason why the Police Judge should not be appointed; that the qualifications for the position of a Police Judge would be for the appointee to be a practicing lawyer. Mayor Baxter granted the Ways and Means Committee more time to study the pro- blem of determing what funds the expense of finishing the Renton area survey of future plans for expansion, zoning, etc., to include printing of approximately 100 booklets, which would contain all pertinent information of the survey. Councilman Reid reported that the signal light would be installed on 2nd Avenue and Williams Street on Wednesday, January 21st. Councilman Richardson reported that he had been excused from the last. Council meeting to attend a meeting of the Recreation Council; that they had discussed the matter of shortage of funds and he had explained the City's point, of view, that the City does not have money available to carry on this program; that they are going to study this problem further and he would make another report later, when he obtains more information as to how they are going to carry out the pro- gram, Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee,, Traffic Division of the Police Department, or Chief of Police, on Thursday, January 22nd at 5:00 E.M. (This meeting was later postponed until Monday evening, January 26th. at 5:00 P.M.) Mayor Baxter stated that the City Treasurer would refund moneys to the Firemen's Pension & Retirement Fund as received from the Housing Authority, according to the Ordinance covering the borrowing of same. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen present. I As this was the date. set for the proposed bus schedule, Mr. Grabner spoke in behalf of the Lake Shore Lines regarding the proposed bus schedule changes. Mr. Grabner presented the Mayor and each Councilman with charts and graphs of the Lake Shore Lines business over a period from January 1950 through December 1952 showing the miles traveled, the passengers using the service, gross :revenue and revenue in cents per mile for all twelve months of the three year period; also showing and explaining the corresponding charts and graphs of miles traveled, and passengers using the service with the corresponding loss in revenue and decreased revenue in cents per mile during 1952. Mr. Grabner requested permission for the Lake Shore Lines to operate their business under Public Service Commission schedule No. 34, which provides through bus service to and from the Highlands and Seattle, eliminating transferring to the transit system busses to and from the Highlands to Renton. Mr. Grabner explained that under this proposed operation, the busses coming in from their regular Highlands to Seattle trips could use any extra time to service the fringe area, and he thought that arrangements could be made to ... handle the mass transportation problem to these areas. Mr. Walls, another Lake Shore Lines Official, stated that in order to keep the service in operation, that it was necessary to have a minimum load factor, that they must have at least one-half of the seats occupied by paid customers to operate at a 6% profit. Councilman Tamborini stated that in his study of this problem he found that the present bus schedule does not serve all the people that work in business houses, attend churches or shows, that perhaps a further study of these peoples problems 271 would warrant better service and different schedules for the different areas, especially the Highlands. In regard to a different operator for the City Transit system, Mr. Grabnor stated that in his opinion, such action would be harmful to what they are trying to accomplish in operating the Lake Shore Lines bus service, as is, and the operation of the transit system. Mr. Grabnor stated there would be no difference in the fare if the Lake Shore Lines furnished through service from the Highlands to Seattle, than if the people were required to transfer to the transit system busses. Council- man Richardson stated that in his opinion, if the Lake Shore Lines would cancel their present transit bus franchise, the City would stand to make more money from the new business tax imposed by the City of Renton. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion., the purpose of the franchise with the City of Renton was not with the expectation of obtaining a revenue from same, but for the re- gulation and control of the transit system, schedules and rates, Mr. Grabner in- formed the Council that the Highlands schedule would have to be adjusted during the day when the load factor was low, but that in the peak hours, the schedule would remain the same. Mr. Williams, from the audience, stated that he had attended the hearing for the purpose of protesting the schedule change, but that after hearing the explanation for same, was merely interested in the hearing. Councilman Holm, on advice from Mr. Grabnor, stated that it was his understanding that the original proposal requested by the Lake Shore Lines is no longer being requested by the Lake Shore Lines, and has been cancelled by the Public Service Commission. Councilman Delaurenti suggested that Mr. Grabner be requested to sub- mit a proposed schedule, comparable to the old schedule, for Council consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that this being the date for the hearing on the proposed change in bus schedule for the Lake Shore Lines, and there being no written protests received, and only one person present to state a verbal objection, which he had not cared to make after listening to the hearing, that all further protests, written and oral, be referred to Mr. Grabner and that he be requested to submit a proposed schedule at his earliest convenience to include the best service possible to the fringe areas. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS. 6787-7063 42,022.05 CL41NS CURRENT 950- 967 46,810.20 CLAIMS WATER 8751-x'756 7,583..,64 CLAIMS PARK 1737-11740 20739.86 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6385-6388 91245.45 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2597-2614 2,041.55 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2341-2342 21076.64 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1466-1,482 2,814.1.0 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. 99- 100 250.00 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 485- 487 , 93.94 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 7 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Cit lerk Mayor c Renton, Washington January 27, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:88 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RIC HARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street r„ Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of January 20th be approved as corrected. Carried. A card of thanks from Donna (Bruce) and Skip Gunerson, was read for the wedding gift from the Mayor and Council. Application for renewal of their license to operate coin operated phonographs in Renton for 1953 was read from Frank Countner, President of Countnerts, Inc., a check to cover the master license and two installations was enclosed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the application be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read the bill from the Valley Construction Company for the expense of labor and equipment (truck) rental in laying sewer pipe and constructing man- holes in connection with the Bronson Way North Trunk sewer in the total amount of $ 1,355.88. The bill was certified correct and a loan from Cumulative Fund No. 1184 to the Sewage Disposal Fund was recommended by the City Engineer, James Highton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the bill be referred to the Finance & Claims Committee with power to act. Carried. A co�nmunir!ation from Bramhall & Stein to the City Engineer, enclosing 3 copies of the proposed ordinance for authorization of 4315,000.00 City of Renton water and sewer refunding bonds was read. Mr. Burle D. Bramhall of Bramhall & Stein explain- ed (in the letter) the corrections to the proposed Ordinance, as suggested by the City Council in their previous meeting regarding same, advising the method the City Council is to call for bids, or if a private sale is made. Councilman Richard- son stated that on advice of the City Attorney, the Council should decide before the Ordinance is read, whether the City is going to publish a call for bids or not. The Assistant City Attorney stated that unless the City publishes a call for bids, they would not know if they were receiving the bid with the lowest rate of interest or not, but that by proceeding with the plan as outlined by Bramhall & Stein for a private sale to the Pacific Northwest Company that Bramhall & Stein will receive no fee for their services and they will be required to pay the cost of the legal_o2inion and printing of the bonds; this total amountsto approximately 34th of 1% aU=U and would be equivalent to a bid 34th of 1% higher if the bonds were sold at public sale, and would mean a loss of time in negotiating on a "Call for Bids."' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the City Publish a call for bids for the water and sewer bond issue. Carried. Proposed Ordinance No. 1450 was read, "An Ordinance specifying and adopting a system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of both the water- works system of the City of Renton and the sewage system of the City; declaring the estimated cost thereof, as nearly as may be; providing for the paying and refunding of $ 24,000.00 in outstanding "City of Renton Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1948"; "m providing for the issuance of 4315.000.00 par value of City of Renton Water and Sewer Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, 1953" to obtain the funds with which to refund the aforesaid 424,000.00 of bonds and to pay the cost of said system or plan; fixing the date, form, denomination, maturities, terms and covenants of said bonds; creating a special fund to provide for the payment of said bonds and provid- ing for the calling of bids for the sale thereof. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the City Attorney and City Engineer having checked the Ordinance and Bramhall & Stein making all requested corrections, that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the recommenda— tion of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Freyman, seconded by Farmer, that Ordinance No. 14O be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve ,,.. Councilmen voting "Aye", the Ordinance was unanimously adopted. Moved by Holm, seconded by Swift, that the "Call for bids" be published once in the Daily Journal of Commerce and the official Renton publication, not later than February 5th, and the bids be opened at 8:00 P. M., February 24th. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee felt, in their opinion, that it would be possible for the Lake Shore Lines busses to park on 2nd Avenue North, but unless off—street parking was provided, at the expense of the Lake Shore Lines, on Bronson Way North, the Committee felt it would not be feasible to allow the busses to sopt on Bronson Way North. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee does not re— commend use of a meter zone for a private commercial loading and unloading zone for any business house, and recommend the request of Renton Motor Parts for same, be denied. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the request of Renton Motor Parts, Inc., be denied. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that six .� additional cruising meters be changed from one hour to 30 minutes (cruising meters) on the northwest and northeast corners of the intersection of Wells Street with Walla Walla Avenue, and the northwest and northeast corners of the intersection of Williams Street with Walla Walla Avenue, and the southeast and southwest corners of the intersection of Wells Street with 2nd Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee had further discussed the problems of paying between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on Burnett Street and had come to the conclusion that the advantage to the City of paving same was very small; that it would just clean up an unslightly area, and at the same time create quite a traffic problem and expense to the City of Renton; that the Committee felt that if the two business houses that had requested the paving wished to proceed with the improvement at their own expense, that the City would not protest. Councilman Richardson stated that although he had been unable to attend the meeting in regard to same, that he had talked to both business men in question, and that they had stated they were willing to proceed with the improvement, as stated at the January 20th meeting, of the strip approximately 200 feet long, north from 3rd Avenue on Burnett Street; that they will have to work out the problem of a different kind of railroad track construction with the railroad company, but that in their opinion, they (Williams & Swanson and Pope Ford Company) would save considerable money by making this paving improvement at this time. Councilman Richardson stated 'r that he had discussed this matter with the City Engineer and had informed both companies that any improvements made, must be under the supervision of the Street Commissioner and Engineering Department. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that both companies be allowed to make this im provement at their own expense, under the supervision of the Street Commissioner and Engineering Department. Carried. C On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, the City Clerk will inform the Renton Motor Parts, Inc., Lake Shore Lines, Inc., and both the Williams & Swanson Company and Pope Ford Company of the Council's actions in regard to their requests. Mayor Baxter granted the Police & License Committee more time in regard to Les Lystad's request that shuffleboards, other than automatic scoring, be excluded from the requirements of a master license; the request for a yearly dance permit for the T-P Cafe, on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Ackerman, proprietors of the T-P Cafe and the request from Erwin Fey to repeal Ordinance No. 1171 which established a 5% ad- mission tax on theaters, cabarets, etc., and requesting that his business and similar businesses be considered in the same manner as other business c-oncerns in regard to the new method of taxation, necessary to balance the City of Renton's 1953 budget. mom Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Farmer more time for the Fire & Water Committee to report back on their committee work. Councilman Morris reported that the draft of the bill in reference to Park Proper- ty has been given to Senator 'Mitten, Chairman of the Cities and Counties in the Senate; that the draft in reference to salaries was given to Representative Kirk, Chairman of the Cities & Counties in the House; that the City's question of bids for materials and supplies has been given to Councilman Freyman for consideration as to who will introduce the bill. Councilman Swift stated that the Legislative Committee reported that a hearing on off-street parking would be held Thursday, January 29th in Olympia. Councilman Morris was requested to obtain information in regard to the time and place of hearing and so advise the City Clerk so that those interested could attend this meeting. (Councilman Morris reported that the hearing on H.B. #29, "OFF-STREET PARKING, would be held Thursday, January 29th, at 3:00 P.M., in the HOU'7E, in the ROADS & BRIDGES COMMITTEE ROOM.) Mayor Baxter stated that Street Commissioner Dave Pugh was planning on attending this meeting. On request of Councilman Morris for same, moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that Councilman Morris be excused from the February 3rd Council meeting. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had been informed by the Association of Washington Cities Representatives that all bills to be presented by their body have been pre- sented to the Legislators. Councilman Hansen reported that the Public Relations Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution to the Council as a whole, for their study and con- sideration, which was drafted by the City Attorney for the employees of the City of Renton, in regard to establishing a workable policy for sick leave and vaca- tion time off for City employees. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, the resolution as requested by the City employees does not coincide with the recently enacted budget as far as additional expenses for make-up time for employees is concerned and that the pro- posed resolution should be referred to the Committee of the Council as a whole for their study and recommendation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Public Relations Committee and the Council as a whole meet February 32 at 7:00 P.M., for further consideration of this resolution. Carried. Councilman Morris stated, that in his opinion, the President of the Employees Club should discuss with the City Attorney a proposed Resolution and request that he compile a resolution for them that would meet the requirements and coincide with similar legislation of other cities, that at that time the Council could study Now the proposed Resolution and learn what method of handling the problem other cities similar to the City of Renton are using. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, Councilman Morris' recommendation would permit the Council the advantage of a guide to go by, and that the City Clerk should request information in this regard from the Association of Washing- ton Cities. C ` 1 Moved by Morris, that the President of the Employees Club and the City Attorney draft an agreement to be studied by the Council. There was no second. After a short discussion, moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk be authorized to get all available information from the Association of Washington Cities, and other sources available, and that further considers tion by the Council be postponed until the next Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Bruce requested that the City Council keep in mind the fact that the City Employees do not feel that a minimum sick leave and vacation time allowed to the employees of the City of Renton would create an additional expense to the City. On report of Councilman Reid, moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of replacing old damaged light standards around the City of Renton, and the consideration of underground conductors to same, be referred to the Light and Power Committee for their study and recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee had previously dis- cussed dissolution of Commercial Waterway District No. 2 and requested information as to the Council's willingness to go on record as accepting these properties, plus other properties that the Commercial Waterway District has. Mayor Baxter stated that the Commercial Waterway District #2 would have approxi- mately $22,000.00 in their fund. Councilman Richardson inquiried if the Commer- cial Waterway District was dissolved, if the City would be obligated to have the river dredged. Mayor Baxter stated that the County is responsible for the care of rivers; that it cost the Commercial Waterway District No. 2 approximately ;9000.00 to dredge the Cedar River from the Logan Street bridge to 6th Avenue North, that gravel was sold for approximately $4000.00 and that the approximate cost to the Commercial Waterway District #2 was 35000.00; that the City could use the gravel dredged from the river for their own purposes, thereby creating a Savin g; that it was the opinion of the Waterway Commissioners that the City could use the Commercial Waterway properties to a good advantage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Freyman, that the Assistant City Attorney draft a resolution for Council approval of the dissolution of Commercial Waterway District #2 as recorunended by the Commissioners of said Waterway District. Carried. r Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of the City acquir- ing the Commercial Waterway District No. 2, be referred to the Property Committee for their investigation and recommendation. Carried. On the request of Mayor Baxter, the Assistant City Attorney read proposed resol- ution No. 848. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 848 as read. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Commercial Waterway District as such, could not par- ticipate in regard to obtaining State matching funds for flood control, but that the City of Renton can obtain matching; funds for emergency flood control. Councilman Farmer stated that on Wednesday, February 4th, the Street and Alley Committee had been requested to meet with the Planning Commission, the Street Commissioner and Mr. Forgey of the State Highway Department, regarding highway planning (proposed limited access route through Renton) in the Rentor. area. Councilman Reid informed the Council that if the State Mine Inspector for this area were informed of the mine shaft between Grant Street and Renton Street on 8th Avenne,caving in again, they would take care of it and see there was no danger there. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that the Cedar River Housing Authority was prepared to present their budget for the period from January lst through June 30th 1953 before January 31st. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that the Boeing Airplane Company had not signed its Lease Agreement with the Airport Board; that the City Attorney is still. negotiating with the Boeing Airplane Company for the Airport Board. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, to avoid causing any undue mis- understanding, that the City Council should investigate thoroughly before they commit themselves in regard to a Lease of the use of the Airport to the Boeing Airplane Company. 4J ' y The Assistant City Attorney stated, that in case the Government wishes to re— acquire the Airport, that he believed they would reimburse the City of Renton for the acquisition cost, less depreciation; that the Lease was still in the nego— tiating stage. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Richardson, that the present Council meeting ad— journ until February 102 1953. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. (There was 1 person present besides the City of Renton employees.) City Clerk Mayor. 'f Renton, Washington February 10, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe. R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBOR.INI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engoneer and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. (Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner was reported ill.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of January 27 be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4108 200.00 W. H. Watkins 309 N. Wells remodel house 9 — Hub's Trailer Park 639 N. Wells install gas units 4110 — Rainier Lumber & Hdwe. 93 Tobin Ave. install side swr. 1 100.00 E. R. Robertson 410 N. Williams Install W.tank 2 — Signal Oil Co. 2nd & Logan install Plumbing 3 250.00 Eugene Blaine 110 Pelly St. Basement & chimney 4 100.00 Mrs. Wm. Hoyt 220 Park Ave Repair porch 5 — Ernest J. Bourgeois 803 Grant St. use trailer 6 75.00 Jim Clarke 600 Cedar St. erect fence 7 — James Weed 11307 SE 116th install furnace 8 200.00 Bruce's Welding 532 Park Ave. reroof shed 9 202000.00 The Wigwam 400 Blk. Sunset Hiway erect building 4120 121000.00 Henery Harre 91st P1. & Rainier Ave. erect building 1 1,000.00 Rainier Lbr. & Hdwe. 93 Tobin Ave. install heating pint. 2 250.00 Pope Motor Co. 3rd & Burnett remodel bldg. 3 230.72 Mrs. Butler 2203 Windsor Pl. install disposal unit 4 230.72 Robert L. Denny 1205 3rd Ave. " It 4. 5 100.00 Lee Ward 238 Meadow electric service 6 200.00 Joe Baxter 13262 Rainier Ave repair floor 7 2,000.00 Thomas & Evans 13254 Rainier Ave. remodel bldg. 8 — Henry Harre 91st & Rainier Ave install septic tank 9 30.00 J. C. Edwardo 116 Tobin erect porch 30 900.00 Mr. Kelleher 810 Riverside Dr. N. install oil heater 1 21500.00 Dr. L. Patricelli 337 Wells St. wire service 2 100.00 Jack Chapman 433 N. Williams wire service 3 — Dan Telinda 12056 — 141st SE install disposal unit 4 100.00 W. C. Ross 226 Garden break curb 5 200.00 Corrigan & Gilbert Rainier & Renton Ave. erect building 6 — Bernard Brinkel 94 D. St. electric service 7 — Walter Olson 94 Williams install disposal unit 8 — Modern Materials 3602 6th Place install plumbing 9 — it n 3606 n it n It 40 — it n 3610 It it It It 1 It Ernesto Barei 909 3rd Ave demolish building 2 — Modern Materials 3614 6th Place install plumbing 3 — Dr. Angus Williams 329 Smithers repair door 4 — Modern Materials 3704 6th Place install plumbing 5 200.00 JoRn Repovz 803 Grant St. erect building 6 - Modern Materials 3710 6th Place install plumbing 7 - " " 3601 It Avg No. It It 8 — " If 3607 It It it it 9 _ n It 3611 n it it it 50 It it 3615 n it n n 1 — H.O. Brotherton 2218 9th Ave. N. if r' 2 — Modern Materials 3703 6th Ave. N. it It 3 — Modern Materials 3709 6th Ave. N. " If 4 — It It 3604 6th Ave. N. n it 5 — it It 3612 6th Ave. N. it It 6 — it it 3706 6th Ave. N. it " 7 — " it 626 'tot' Street it it 8 If It 630 "On n n n 9 — It it 634 non It It It APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WOFK 4160 200.00 Modern Materials 627 "P'r Street install plumbing 61 - 't n 631 npn n n It 2 — n It 635 npn n If it 3 It It 626 ►rpn n it It 4 — it It 630 rtpn n It It 5 — It It 634 r'pn n it n 6 - Chas. Neff 356 Garden St. install disposal unit 7 - Wakelam Bros, 8420 Langston Rd. install plimbing 8 - Doris Bartlett 613 Grant St. install plumbing 9 Mrs. Phizia Williams 812 1st Ave. N. install furnace i"" 70 17,900.00 Ernesto Barei 8402 Langston Rd. wire service 2 175.00 Mrs. Adolph Muhich 706 lst North reroof residence 3 300.00 Harold Goetz 2109 8th Place add'n on house 4 100.00 Andrew Kordic 134.03 88th S. add'n on house 5 - Modern Materials 3308 6th Place install plumbing 6 2,000.00 Richard Greenfield 331 Park St. erect residence 7 300.00 Doris Bartlett 613 Grant St. wire service Claims for damages from Violet Scott in the amount of $6,000.00 and Leon Borden, in the amount of $25,000.00 for accidents at the intersection of Rainier Avenue and Airport Way were reed. After a short discussion, and an explanation from the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the claims be referred to the City Attorney's Office for investigation and a report back to the Council. Carried. A petition signed by Ted M. Wooden and Madison Doris Wooten for annexation was read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the application for annexa- tion be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommen- dation. Carried. The application of Modern Amsic Company, signed by Wm. L. Scholdt, owner, for a musics box master license and 36 sub-licenses was read. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the application of the Modern Music Company for a master license be referred to the Police :4c License Committee with power to act. Carried. .. A proposal, together with specifications and recommended bid call for the recon- ditioning of the existing 20 inch welded steel water mains, Springbrook to Talbot Reservoir, signed by James Highton, City Engineer was read. Moved by Bruce, seconded"'by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and bids be called as per the communication. On the question., on suggestion of Councilman Richardson, Councilman Bruce, with the consent of his second, included in the above motion that the "Call for Bids" be published in the Daily Journal of Commerce, in addition to the official Renton publication. Carried. A communication from the City of Renton Planning Commission regarding; the petition from Wallace R. Wilson, and wife and Grover C. Smith, and wife, was read. The Planning Commission recommended that the petition be denied and a neer petition be submitted, with an additional area included so that the City limit; boundaries would be squared off and follow street right-of-way for ease in serving the area with water and sewage disposal purposes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. On the question, Councilman Reid requested the City Engineer to explain the location of the area specified in the petition and the area proposed by the Planning Commi- ssion. On the suggestion of Council Freyman, with the consent of Councilman Morris, and his second, a request for the City Clerk to notify the signers of the petition of the Planning Commission's and City Council's action regarding same, was included in the motion. The motion carried. r A communication from the City of Renton Planning Commission in regard to the re- quest of the St. Anthony's Church fro waivers of lot-coverage and off-street parking requirements in connection with the construction of a church building was read. The Planning Commission passed a Resolution requesting the Cite to waive the lot-coverage requirement for St. Anthony's church, as requested. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 79 A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission approving the revised plat of Albert Balch, President Park Addition and and requesting that the company furnish a written agreement that all streets of said plat are to be paved and that they secure property approximately 100 x 30 feet in the southeast corner of submitted plat at 132nd Ave., S.E., and 6th Place, and extend 6th Place to 132nd Avenue S.E., with such extension being surfaced with asphaltic pavement or equal, stating that the City Engineer, James Highton, was in possession of said plat. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, providing there is a signed, written agree— ment from Mr. Balch, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. James Highton, City Engineer, was requested to explain the location, etc., of the area described in the plat. Councilman Reid stated that he thought the Council should require an agreement which would protect the City from expense �. in regard to sewer and water connections. The City Engineer stated that the City would be put to no expense for utility connections for same. Councilman Morris stated, that in his opinion, the City Attorney should prepare an agreement which would adequately,protect the City against any expense and would require the Balch Company to properly surface the streets and make any other improvements as pre— viously agreed to. Mayor Baxter requested information from the City Engineer in re— gard to specifications of street surfacing, etc. , in regard to the approval of the plat. Councilman Richardson stated that he thought the Council should have a written report from the City Engineer and City Attorney in regard to their recommendation on this subject. Moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that the motion, as made by Councilman Trimm, be tabled. Carried. A communication from Assistant City Attorney Gerard Shellan to Councilman Vern Morris, who was attending the State Legislative Session as Chairman of the Legis— lative Committee, in regard to Legislature effecting cities, explained to Council— man Morris in resume, Senate Bill No. 119 regarding the rights of Cities who have control of parking properties. Councilman Richardson stated that subject bill had passed the Senate. Councilman Morris informed the Council that the bill, as orig— inally drawn up, had been amended in regard to title and some of the details in same, but that the bill was basically the same as originally introduced. A communication was read from the State of Washington, Department of Public Institutions, signed by E. L. Walthousen, Division of Purchasing, in regard to a lease of property, owned by the City and under lease to the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Bruce stated that it was his understanding that the Washington State Patrol was not interested in the old testing line property but were interested in a location in Mother's Park. Councilman Reid inquired as to the possibility of renting property in Mother's Park on a month to month basis. The City Attorney stated that a lease could be drawn on property with a 30—day cancellation clause which would protect the City in case the property under lease was needed. on a 30—day notice. Councilman Bruce stated that six month ago, or more, the Property Committee, recommended the leasing of a location in Mother's Park to the Highway Patrol, but that due to negotiations which might limit the time for use by the Highway Patrol, no definite arrangements had been made. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the leasing of vacant property in Mother's Park be referred back to the Property Committee for their investigation and a report back to the Council. On the question, Councilman Morris stated that he thought the Property Committee should include in their recommendations submitted, an estimated amount which might be required to ready the property for the use of any tenant under con— sideration. Carried. Mrs. Edna Browne, who resides in Earlington, requested that the Council take some action in rega.rtl to the control of dogs that roam at lsrge during the day and night, whether said dogs are licensed or not. Mrs. Browne stated that she had contacted the Police Chief, Angelo Busato, in regard to same and stated that the dogs were a nuisance and menace to gardens, flowers and shrubs and should not be allowed to trespass on other people's property. Councilman Bruce stated that he certainly agreed with Mrs. Browne in regards to dogs being a nuisance and that when not properly controlled, dog owners should be held responsible for the trespassing of their dogs on other people's property, and suggested that the papers publicize a warning to dog owners in regard to the control of their dogs. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that notices be published in both papers that any dogs will be picked up regardless of whether they are licensed or unlicensed if they trespass on other people' s property. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee had requested the Captain. of the Traffic Division of the Police Department to post signs in regard to "parallel parking only" on 3rd Avenue North, between Park Street and Pelly Street. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the signs be posted on 3rd Avenue North be— tween Park and Pelly Streets forbidding other than parallel parking in that certain area. Carried. 80 rK✓ After a discussion in regard to the excellent report from the operation of the Library, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Librarian and Libaray Board be commended for their splendid work. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee, requested a meeting of said Committee with the law & Ordinance Committee, Tuesday, February 17, at 7:00 o'clock in the Council Chambers. Councilman Bruce requested Council approval for the Property Committee to check on the rentals on buildings in Mothers Park in regard to any vacant space in same and wherever feasible, try to lease vacancies on a basis of 30-day cancella- tions. As recommended by the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, secon- ded by Reid, that the Council concur in the request of Councilman Bruce. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported on the inclusion of a building under the insurance policy which had not been included previously due to an oversight. Councilman Reid requested the City Engineer to check on flasher lights on the Island in front of the High School and stated that the signal light had been in- stalled at the 2nd Avenue and Williams Street intersection, but that more time would be required to synchronize all City lights. Councilman Richardson stated that he and Street Commissioner Dave Pugh had attended the hearing on "Off-Street Parking" in Olympia and stated that the "Off-Street Park- ing"bill was in Committee and further gave full report of the hearing, stating that opposition of the bill was labor unions and garage and parking lot owners in the larger cities and stated that the smaller cities should have had a larger represen- tation at the hearing. Councilman Richardson further stated that while at Olympia he talked to Councilman Morris and Senator Dayton Witten who recommended that Service Clubc and the Chamber of Commerce send Resolutions favoring thel passage of "Off-Street Parking Bill," to the Senators and Representatives in their District. Councilman Morris stated that he believed the "Off-Street Parking Bill" would be voted on by the Legislature within a few days. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilmen Reid and Bruce as a Committee of Two to repre- sent the Council at the meetings of the City of Renton Cedar River Housing Board for a six months period from February 1st to July 31st, 1953, inclusive. The Councilmen to be available to the Board in an advisory capacity and report back to the council any information deemed necessary for Council consideration. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that under old business a meeting was supposed to have been held by the Council as a Committee, with representatives from the City employees in regard to sick leave for City employees, but stated that the meeting; was not held. Under new business, Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of the Fire & Water Committee with the Fire Chief, Thursday evening, February 12th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Reid introduced the subject of the construction of storm sewers in different sections of the City and stated that said sewers were needed in order to protect the sub-grade of City streets, that he had discussed this subject with the Street Commissioner and was of the opinion that a study should be made in regard to same. City Engineer Highton stated that the Council could consider a Master Plan which would include financing of the construction of storm sewers either as one main improvement or in sections by L.I.D.1s. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Commissioner of Streets and the City Engineer make a survey and report back to the Council. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilman Swift, Richardson and Bruce as a Committee to make a study„ including cost, etc., of the feasibility of moving the City offices from the present location at the City Hall to the Administration Building at Cedar River Park. Councilman Swift stated that he thought the Department Heads and Officials, whose offices are at present located in the City Hall should make an in- ventory with a description of the furniture, office equipment, etc., which have to be moved,for the use of the Committee. The Mayor requested the Committee to re- port their findings back to the Council as speedily as possible. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, on the recommendation of Councilman Swift, that the Council as a whole hold a Committee meeting with the representatives of the City Employees on Monday, February 16th at 8:00 P.M., in the Council.Chambers. Moved by Tamborinil seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Cit lark Mayor `nr - I Q 2.9 Renton, Washington February 17, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Captain E. E. Isackson, Police Department; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Comm- issioner; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of February 10, 1953 be approved as corrected. Carried. A request for a non-conforming building permit to build an attached garage on his house was read from Patrick D. McComas, 3311. 6th Place. Mr. McComas further stated that due to his driveway being on an incline, he had put in quite a long rookery to keep the driveway from washing away, that in order to drive straight into his garage from the street, it was necessary to build a 1416" garage within two feet of his lot line; that he had already contacted Mr. A. Winters, Mr. Balch's con- tractor, for the adjacent building, and has been assured that an easement permit- ting the building of his garage would be granted, providing the Council approves. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the request be referred to the Build- ing Inspector and City Engineer for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Lake Shore Lines, signed by F. A. Grabner, General Manager, submitting Time Schedule No. 6, for the Council's ccnsiderati.on and approval; the new schedule is substantially the same as the schedule now in effect and is to be operated under Certificate #34 in conjunction with inter--city oper- ation between Renton and Seattle. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the re- quest of the Lake Shore Lines be referred to the Police & License Committee for study and report back. On the question, Councilman Holm requested each Council- man receive a copy of the schedule for study. The motion carried. Mr. Grabner nd requested early Council consideration to expedite the matter. The newly submit- ted schedule would limit Saturday runs to Renton Hill., Maplewood and Earlington and would be inter-city, (Seattle through to the Renton Highlands.) Councilman Trimm stated, that in his opinion, at the recent hearing, Mr. Grabner was re- quested to submit a schedule giving the City of Renton the best possible service, and he felt this was a good schedule. On the request of Councilman Swift, Mayor Baxter stated there would be a short recess immediately following the reading and referral of communications. The City Clerk read a communication from Tom Dobson °:c Son enclosing drafts in the amount of $32.70 each in settlement for a fire loss in the Cedar River Project on December 21st. Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Treasurer be authorized to deposit these checks to the proper fund and issue a warrant to the Cedar River Project, in this amount, to take care of this loss. Carried. A communication was read from David J. Pugh, Street Commissioner, stating that the City repair shop has just completed a survey and had determined that the total cost of repairs to put the 1941 Studebaker pick-up truck, which the City received from the Cedar River Housing Authority, in proper running condition would be $609.00, including parts, X6384.00; seat repair, $25.00; body repair, $50.00; and labor, $150.00; that it is his opinion that this piece of equipment does not warrant such expenditure and he recommends that this pick-up be traded in on a new 1952 or 1953, 3/4 ton pick-up truck as the City painters and carpenters do not have any means of transportation at this time. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street Commissioner and the necessary "Call for Bids" be published. On the question, Councilman Holm in- quired if allowance was made in the 1953 budget for this piece of equipment. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter should be investigated. On a count vote, the motion carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer to the Fire & Water Committee submitting a proposal for the City to arrange for the use of (on a rental basis against the 1953 Improvement Bond Issue,) a trenching shovel, complete with loader and backfilling blade; that the proposed work program for the current year would include installation of approximately 100(j—residential (Kennydale and vicinity, change 770 services over to new mains to be installed; Balch Development, 121 new services and an estimated 179 other new services; that the City has no trench digging equipment and the work load operation has outgrown hand trenching; that the periodical rental of equipment for the above schedule would not be feasible and that the cost of same would be excessive. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and City Attorney to investigate the feasibility of leasing a trenching shovel as recommended and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer listing extra work performed by the Valley Construction Company, contractor for L.I.D. ##239, Earlington sewers, due to conditions encountered during the progress of the work; that it is impossible to .� gauge underground conditions until sewer trenches had been opened; that if con- ditions had been foreseen and included in the contract proposal, the City could have had a correspondingly higher bid and the total cost approximately as high; that the principal item of extra work was excavating of solid rock and contingen- cies which test borings did not reveal. The City Engineer submitted for approval, also, itemized monthly estimate No. 5, for work performed through January 31st, 1953, including the extra work above referred to by Valley Construction Company on L.I.D. #239, Earlington Sewer Contract, in the accumulated amount of $64,333.17, plus the extra work (completely itemized) in the total amount of $7,567.22, a total of $71,900.39 less the previous paid estimates, in the amount of $60,888.84, leaving a balance of $112011.55, less 15% retained, an amount of $1,651.73, a net amount due of $9,359.82. The statement was certified correct by the City Engineer who re- commended the payment of same. The City Engineer stated that extra work was the excavation of solid rock from the sewer trenches, hand digging for sewer lines and tunneling under Rainier Avenue at Second Avenue and Tobin Avenue, that was unavoidable, that had these conditions been foreseen, higher bids would have been given to the City for this work, that the total cost would be less than the original estimate for same; that unless the City approves same, the contractor would have to place a claim. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the monthly estimate #5, including the extra work, be re- ferred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting proposal, including ... specifications to call for bids, for the development of a deep well water supply in Kennydale; (the date of March 10, 1953 was set by the City Engineer for the open- ing of bids) that the fixed estimate has been established as $1000.00 for engineer- ing, advertising, etc., and will be included in the bond issue when the contract is executed. The City Engineer recommended that the City proceed with the call for bids for the development of a deep well water supply under specifications attached. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council dispense with the reading of the specifications for same and the City Engineer publish the necessary "Call for Bids" for the development of a deep well water supply in Kennydale, and March 10th be set as the date of opening of bids. Carried. On the request of Councilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter asked that the Clerk furnish each Councilman with a copy of the Recreation Council meeting minutes. Mayor Baxter asked the Council's opinion in regard to a proposed "Student City Government Day on April 14, 1953 and recommended Council consideration of same. After favorable comments by all Councilmen, moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Mayor Baxter. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested a meeting of the entire Council as a whole, Tuesday evening, February 24th at 7:00 P.M., for consideration of the acceptance or rejection of the proposed City of Renton Cedar River Park budget. CD Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen Present. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police 3c License Committee and City Attorney had met with the Lake Shore Lines representatives and that the Committee was in favor of the proposed new schedule, based on the previously held public hearing, when only one person appeared and after learning of the problems of the bus company, had declined making any comment; that if the City accepts the proposed new schedule, the present franchise will be automatically cancelled; that the City will receive better service with the new schedule; that if we don't accept it, the Public Service Commission will probably see fit to put same in effect, regardless of Council action. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. On the question, Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Lake Short Lines representatives would notify the Council of any additional schedule changes so same could be published for the public's information. On request for clarification, Councilman Holm was informed that henceforth the City's Intra-City Franchise would be cancelled; that Lake Shore Lines would deal direct with the Public Service Commission; that the City would be permitted to negotiate for another intra-city franchise. The motion carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Special Cedar River Committee (Councilmen Richard- son & Bruce, members) requested that Department Heads submit their completed in- ventories to his Committee; that the Special Committee and the City Engineer would hold their first meeting on Thursday evening, February 26th. Councilman Swift reported that the Council as a whole had met with City Employee's representatives in regard to a sick leave policy for hourly paid City employees and stated that the Committee of the Council as a whole would like to meet with all Department Heads concerned at a special meeting, Thursday, March 8th at 7:00 P.M., before making their report. Council Delaurenti reported that his Committee had met earlier this evening with the Ordinance Committee and had approved Frank Countner's and Modern Music Com- pany's application for renewal of their Master Music Box License and sub-licenses as listed; that the Ordinance Committee will prepare and present an Ordinance to cover licensing of Shuffleboards. On the request of Councilman Delaurenti, Chair- men of the Police & License Committee, Mayor Baxter granted the Police & License Committee more time to (a) consider granting a dance license to the T-P Cafe, (b) to consider Mr. Erwin Fey's request that Ordinance No. 1174, establishing a 5% addmission tax on theaters, etc. , be repealed and that his business and similar businesses be considered in the same manner as other business concerns in regard to the new method of taxation, necessary to balance the City of Renton.'s budget. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that his Committee was not in favor of leasing the property formerly leased by the State Patrol on the Airport for testing grounds for $1.00 per year, since the building; previously rented, had been demolished by a storm and that they should be so advised. Council- man Bruce further reported that his Committee had investigated the possibility of leasing portions of the building in Mother's Park that was vacant with a 30- day cancellation clause, that the Heath Manufacturing Company were interested in additional space, 141 x 601, in the southeast corner for approximately $20.00 per month and recommended that this additional portion of the building; be leased to the Heath Manufacturing Company. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and the additional space in the municipal industrial building, be leased, with a 30-day cancellation clause, to the Heath Manufacturing Company. Carried. Councilman Bruce further reported that the Bliss-Vaughn Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of model airplanes, were interested in leasing the remainder of the vacant space in the municipal industrial building (Bldg. C) , but that the Committee was holding such lease until a survey of the building's condition has been com- pleted by the Building Inspector and Fire Chief. In regard to leasing of the wing of the municipal industrial building to the State Patrol, that the Council should determine if this particular area is to be retained for the use of the Park Depart- ment, or is to be made available for lease to the Washington State Patrol; that he has requested the City Engineer to furnish an estimate of the cost of necess- ary remodeling of this portion of the building which would require a new parti- tion and new opening to make it suitable to the needs of the State Patrol. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, the Council Committee should con- tact the Park Board for their opinion regarding leasing or retaining 1:0his par- ticular wing area. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, the Council should decide as soon as possible as the present Washington State Patrol ,Lea.:3e expires April lst and that the State Patrol Office is searching for new office space. ... Councilman Holm requested a meeting of the Auditing and Accounting Committee February 19th at 5:00 P.M. The City Engineer and Street Commissioner are requested to attend this meeting. Councilman Holm inquired if it would be possible for the secretaries of the different Boards and Commissions of the City of Renton to furnish written copies of the meetings, to each Councilman, for the Council's information, that in his opinion each Councilman should have a written report from each Board and Commis- sion meeting. A report was read from Francis Farmer, Chairman, and C. J. Delaurenti and Walt Reid, members of the Fire & Water Committee, that Fire Chief Lawrence has an in- tensive drill and training program outlined that will be put in effect March 1, 1953; that the Committee recommends an adequate system of periodic fire prevention inspection and that records of same be maintained; the Committee is working on a program for proposed installation of fire hydrants at several new locations and that a report would be submitted soon with proper recommendations regarding same; that the committee is ever ready to cooperate with the Fire Chief on any program in the best interests of the Fire Department and the City of Renton, and will make their recommendations accordingly; that the Committee would like to commend Fire Chief Lawrence and the Employees of the Fire Department on last years activities; that the per capita fire losses show a definite decrease from the previous year and a very low per capita loss figure. On request of Councilman Farmer, Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time to report in regard to extension of the City water system to serve resi- dents of the area east of President Park Addition. Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time for investigation re- garding inadequate fire protection in the area of S.E. 116th and 116th S.E. Council- man Farmer stated that the City Engineer had drafted a sketch of the .fire pro- tection facilities in this area for their study. After a short discussion of a revised plat of President Park Addition and specifi- cations of roads and streets therein, Councilman Morris stated that it is assumed that the City Engineer, being more thoroughly acquainted with this type of work, would draft the required specifications for roads, streets, etc., for an agree- ment between Mr. Balch and the City of Renton and inquired, if after the report is submitted by them, would same be submitted to the Council for approval before the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign same for the City? Moved by Morris , seconded by Bruce, that the City Attorney and City Engineer be instructed to submit an agreement, in writing, including specifications, for Council approval, prior to authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agree- ment. After a short discussion, a count vote was taken by the Mayor, there being 7 "Ayers" and 5 "Noss", the motion carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 7064-7213 24,732.20 CLAIMS CURRENT 968 -1028 21,575.56 CLAIMS WATER 8757-8776 4,125.86 CLAIMS PARK 1741-1746 1,286.44 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6389-6400 31773.31 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2615-2616 10202.59 CLAIMS SMIER DISPOSAL 2343-2355 22727.15 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1483-1505 1,154.07 CLAIMS FIRSKEN'S PEN. FD. 101- 102 250000 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 488- 494 220.83 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. City Cl'� Mayor Renton, Washington February 24, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS,HANSEN, TRIMMM, REID AND TAMBORINI. ( Councilman Richardson was reported ill) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESTTT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. (City Engineer, James Highton, was reported ill ) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of February 17th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS_ TYPE OF WORK 4178 $150.00 Modern Materials 3308 6th Place Electric service 9 150.00 It " 3602 6th Place it it 4180 150.00 If " 3606 6th Place 1 150.00 it 3610 6th Place n " 2 150.00 It it 3614 6th Place 3 150.00 " " 3704 6th Place 4 150.00 r' it 3710 6th Place 5 150.00 " " 3601 6th North 6 150.00 " " 3607 6th North 7 150.00 " " 3611 6th North 8 150.00 n tt 3615 6th North " It 9 150.00 it It 3703 6th North " it 90 150.00 " " 3709 6th North " it 1 - Rainier Lbr. & Hdwe. 93 Tobin Avenue Plumbing fixtures 2 - M. Daniel 808 A. St. install water tank 3 - Glen F. Clow 358 Bronson Way N. install Dis. unit 4 100.00 Eugene Chase 13646 86th S. rewire residence 5 - Irvin Brandow 427 N. Wells install plumbing 6 - Frank Vidmar 504 Renton St. install. fixtures 7 - Waklem Bros. 8422 Langston Rd. install. furnace. A communication was read from Terrance J. Smith, Sr.Vice Commander, Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, requesting permission to hold their spring carnival in conjunction with Douglas Greater Shows from April 18th through April 25, 1953, enclosing the usual veteran's organization fee and requesting waiver of the regular fee. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that permission be granted, to hold the Carnival under supervision of the Police Department and the Sanitation: Committee. On the question, the City Attorney stated that he would investigate the matter of the Carnival people obtaining a business license. The motion carried. Councilman Swift and Morris suggested that in the future, organizations be required to submit their requests to sponsor Carnivals to the Council in sufficient time to permit the necessary investigation for authorization of same. As pear the suggestion of Councilman Holm, in regard to licensing carnivals, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Auditing and Accounting Committee make an investi- gation in regard to same and report back to the Council their findings and recommen- dations. Carried. An invitation from Carl Rochet, Publisher of the Renton News Record, to the City Council and Department Heads, to attend the formal opening of the Renton News ..� Record and Record Stationery Store's new location at Walla Walla Avenue & Williams Street on Thursday, February 26th from 5 until 7 P.M., was read. The Mayor and Council unanimously accepted the invitation. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Author- ity of the City of Renton, advising that the Housing Authority has completed pre- paration of a proposed disposition plan for the Renton Highlands Project and is submitting said plan to the City of Renton as their recommendation. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Housing Authority to submit the Rroposed disposition plan to the Planning Com- mission for their investigation and recommendation. Carried. 2 An invitation from Carl Rochet, Publisher of the Renton News Record, to the City Council and Department Heads, to attend the formal opening of the Renton News Record and Record Stationery Store's new location at Walla Walla Avenue and Williams Street on Thursday, February 26th from 5 until 7 P.M., was read. The Mayor and Council unanimously accepted the invitation. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, advising that the Housing Authority has completed preparation of a proposed disposition plan for the Renton Highlands Project and is submitting said plan to the City of Renton as their recommendation. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Housing Authority to submit the proposed disposition plan to the Planning Com- mission for their investigation and recommendation. Carried. A communi,;ation was read from the City Engineer stating that the reconditioning of the Springbrook-Talbot 2011 water main includes installation of a 20" valve to be furnished by the City; that the 28" valve will be for the purpose of Public Works, and Improvement, etc. The City Engineer listed three quotations obtained for an approved valve, and requested Council approval of purchase of same to enable the City of Renton to proceed with the water main improvement. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the request of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Rev. G.W.J. Hartzel, Chairman, and Frances Gallacher, a member of the Renton Park Board, signed by Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, stating that the Renton Park Board at their February 18th meeting had thoroughly discussed the triangle at the intersection of Third Avenue with Main Street and Walla Walla Avenue and requested consideration of their recommendation that the trees and shrubs be removed from this site, that the drinking fountain remain and that the area be paved. With the understanding that the improvement would be made at the expense of the Renton Park Board, moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. A communication was read from the General Adjustment Bureau, signed by Jack C. Hallgren, Fire Division, enclosing statement of "Proof of Loss" for the room of the building in Mother's Park that was damaged by a windstorm on January 9th allow- ing rain to leak through and damage the interior of a machine shop and manufactur- ing company, requesting the City's approval of this report. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the above request. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting approval of the proposal for purchase of certain items of equipment incidental to the construction of a primary digester for the expansion of the facilities of the sewage treatment plant, recommending Tuesday, March 17th as the date set for the opening of bids, further stating that a proposal for the construction of a digester tank will be presented at a later date. The City Engineer stated that plans and specifications for the improvement and expansion of the sewage treatment plant have been prepared by Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, the engineering fee being included in the estimate of cost listed in the 1953 Revenue Bond Issue improvement program. The City Clerk read the proposal for items as follows: (1) one floating steel digester cover (complete with mixers and accessories) , one iral heat exchanger (3) one hot water boiler for sewage gas (with controls) , () one hot water circulating pump and (5) one sludge liquor circulating pump. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk read the resignation from the Renton Police Department, effective March 31, 1953, of William H. Ralph. The Police Chief stated that a copy had been furnished the Civil Service Commission. The Assistant City Attorney explained a claim for damges, against the City of Renton by Virginia Fry and son, Ramon Fry, received on February 19th, stating that being familiar with the accident, which had occurred on February 4th 1953 at approx- imately 6:45 P.M., from the Police Department report, when her 1941 Pontiac Club Coupe stalled on the railroad tracks, owing to auto traffic in front of her and at the rear of her car waiting for traffic lights to change; that she and her son had been able to escape from the car but had received personal injuries, the exact extent of which is presently unknown. The claim was notorized and presented by Solie M. Ringold, Attorney and Notary Public. The Assistant City Attorney further stated that the allegation is that the City was negligent in not having proper traffic markings, but stated further that persons who stop their cars on rail- road tracks do so at their own risk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the claim be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the $315,000.00 City of Renton Water and Sewer Refunding & Improvement Revenue Bonds, 1953, the City Clerk read the following bids; 1. FOSTER & MARSHALL will pay $99.55 for each $100.00 par value of bonds, with coupon rates & maturities as shown below: 1954 - 1955 - inclusive, 2-2'% 1956 - 1967 - inclusive, 2 3/4% 1968 — 1973 — inclusive, 3% interest cost to the City is $1042050.00 plus their discount. 1,417.50 discount total interest cost - $105,467.50 and an effective interest rate of 2.925%. 2. GRANDE & COMPANY will purchase Water Revenue Bonds of 1953 with interest as follows: 1954 — 1960 — $92,000.00 — 21% 1961 — 1973 - 223,000.00 - 3% and will agree to pay $311,850.00 and accrued interest from dete of said bonds, March 13, 1953 to date of delivery. 3. PACIFIC NORTHWEST COMPANY will pay $311,850.00 plus accured interest to date of delivery. 1954 — 1958 — $642000.00 — 2% 1959 - 1963 - 72,000.00 - 2-gl% 1964 - 1968 - 82,000.00 - 3% 1969 — 1.973 — 97,000.00 — 3i% 4. J. R. WILLISTON, BRUCE & COMPANY will pay $312,826.50 499.31 for each $100.00 par value) plus accrued interest to date of delivery. 1954 — 1958 — $64,000.00 — 2-21% 1959 - 1963 - $72,000.00 - 2 3/4% 1964 - 1969 - $100,000.00- 3% 1970 - 1973 - 792000.00 - 34 total interest cost - $109,345.00 Discount - 23173,50- Total X173.50Total cost - $111,518.00, effective interest rate, 3.09343%. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the bids be referred to the Council as a whole for consideration. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRI MI REID AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Swift reported that the Council as a whole, City Attorney,, City Clerk, and City Treasurer had met and considered all four bids received, that they had requested a representative of Grande & Company, who was the second low bidder, to check the bid of Foster & Marshall, who was the low bidder. After study and approval by Grande & Company representatives, Councilman Swift stated.. that the Council as a whole, at the Oommittee meeting, had unanimously agreed to accept the bid of Foster & Marshall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a whole and accept the bid of Foster & Marshall. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that all "Good Faith" checks, except Foster & Marshall's be returned to the respective bidders immediately. Carried. (Mr. R. L. Sheppard of Grande & Company, Mr. James G. Frazier of the Pacific Northwest Company and Bramhall & Stein, and Mr. Paul I. Miller of J.R. Williston, Bruce and Company, each received and acknowledged receipt of their respective .rr "Good Faith" checks.) Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk notify Bra.mhall & Stein of the acceptance of Foster & Marshall's bid. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1451, as presented by Councilman Trimm, member of the Ordinance Committee, establishing regulations for and fix- ing the license fee of certain types of shuffleboards. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee be concurred in and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that proposed Ordinance No. 1451 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Property Committee had referred the drafting of a lease for the Heath Manufacturing Company (H & P Company) for an additional area and the Bliss-Vaughn Manufacturing Company, both in Building C in Mother's Park, to them and that they held them until this evening pending the Fire Chief and City Engineer's approval of same, and that, they were now in order for ... Council consideration, that both leases included a 30-day cancellation clause. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council approve both leases and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign them, after representatives of both companies had signed same. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that he and the City Engineer were still gathering information for the proposed written agreement between the City of Renton and Mr. Balch in regard to certain street and road requirements of the City of Renton in the plat for the new President Park Addition. Mayor Baxter granted the Property Committee more time for investigation of the re- quest of Captain Furseth of the State Highway Patrol for use of a certain area: in the Mother's Park Recreation building. Councilman Swift reported that a Committee of the Council as a whole at a special meeting had studied and considered the proposed budget for the City of Renton Cedar River Park Project, as submitted by the Housing Authority, for the first 6 months of 1953 (January 1st to and including June 30th) , and that the Committee of the Council as a whole recommended that the Council approve the budget as submitted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the report of the Committee of the Council as a whole. Carried. The City Treasurer informed the Council that according to Resolution No. 847, covering same, the date of recall and redemption of the 2-�% Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1948, was March 1, 1953. Councilman Holm stated that the matter of purchase of a ditch digger for the pro- posed work in connection with the new w ater improvement program had been discussed quite thoroughly with the City Engineer and City Attorney, also the possibility of purchasing same from available Water Department Funds. Councilman Farmer stated that the City Engineer had advised that acquiring this piece of equipment at the earliest possible date, would be to the City's advant- age as considerable time and labor could be saved. David Pugh, Street Commissioner stated there were two ways to do the ditching required by the City, (1) pay equip- ment rental and have nothing to show for said rentals when the job is completed or (2) purchase equipment on a rental basis and own the equipment when the job is completed, that the City Engineer had informed him that the subject piece of equip- ment is a 17" hoe-type shovel mounted on a rubber tired tractor, that the shovel can dig 10 feet deep. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion there is a question as to the legality of purchasing same as a Capital Equipment item under Ordinance No. 1450. After a thorough discussionp moved by Morris, seconded by Holm, that the matter of purchasing a ditch digger, as requested by the City Engineer, be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their investigation as to available funds and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Auditing & Accounting Committee more time in regard to �.. approval of the extra work items as submitted by the Valley Construction Company on their final estimate. The Fire & Water Committee submitted the final survey and drawing of a proposed fire hydrant installation in an area on the Sunset Boulevard from 7th Avenue North to E. Street, thence on S.E. 116th Street from the Sunset Boulevard to E. Street thence on E. Street from the Sunset Boulevard to S. E. 116th, including replacing of certain inadequate water mains, stating this was the result of a study made by the Fire & Water Committee, the Fire Chief and City Engineer, on report of the Fire Chief of inadequate fire protection in this area. The Assistant City Attorney stated there were different ways to make this improvement. (1) action of Council 290 by Resolution to form an L. .D., property , I (2)-petition of theowners for an L,I.D. and (3) voluntary subscription to cover cost of same. Following a short discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this survey and drawing be filed for future information and that the residents of this area be notified of this infor- mation so that interested parties may institute any action they desire. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that House Bill 217, the Dissolution of Waterway District, sponsored by the Association of Washington Cities & Counties, had been amended to include Kennewick; that there would be a Public Hearing on Senate Bill 247 on February 25th at 7:30 P.M., a bill by executive request to create a Wash- ington State Power Commission, which provides for construction and operation of electrical energy, and allows the State to acquire generating equipment now in operation or to build new equipment; regarding Senate Bill 119, that if any Council- men could go to Olympia to assist in getting this bill out of the Rules Committe, .... it would be a great help. This bill provides for trading Park properties for other properties to be used for other purposes. Councilman Bruce reported that he had been called to attend a special meeting of the Housing Authority Board; that he had seen plans that will be presented to the City Council and the City Planning Commission later; that they would like to have the City Council furnish them with an estimate of the approximate length of time necessary for the operation of the Cedar River Park Project as a housing project; that if certain improvements would be warranted over a period of time, that a three- year policy covering said improvements would create quite a saving to the City of Renton, particularly in maintenance costs and that the Housing Authority Board could be governed accordingly. Mayor Baxter stated, that in his opinion, and he understood it was the understanding at the time the Ordinance coverin€; same was passed, that the Project would continue as a housing project as long as there was a housing shortage and same was found necessary to meet the people's needs. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the question of establishing a policy as to the anticipated duration of the operation of the Cedar River Project as a housing project be .referred back to the Property Committee for their study and recommendation regarding same. Carried. Councilman Holm reported a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee with the Planning Commission and Mr. Forgey of the State Highway Department, for further discussion of the proposed Highway through Renton, on Wednesday evening February 25, 1953. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. (There were 15 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City: lark MAYOR Renton, Washington March 3, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 3:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIvIM, fEID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of February 24, 1953 be approved as written. Carried. A report was read from the Renton Police Department, signed by Clarence Williams, that Mrs. Lillian Ericks, Rt. 2, Box 817C, Renton (Twilight Corners) had entered the ladies rest room in the City Hall, on the main floor, at 10:00 A.M., and had slipped on the floor and in trying to avoid falling had hit her shoulder and right arm on the divan or divan arm. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the report be referred to the City Attor- ney to investigate and keep on file until needed. Carried. for A communication was read from the City Engineer enclosing a voucher/0"3500.00 for engineering services performed to date in the engineering study, plans and speci- fications for the construction of the primary digester at the sewage treatment plant as provided for under Ordinance No. 1450, Water & Sewer Improvement Plan, Bond Issue of 1953, from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer; that this fee, and all other engineering fees for this improvement program have been included in the estimates of cost that are a part of said ordinance. The City Engineer recommended payment of the voucher. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the money be borrowed from Cumulative Fund No. 1184 •• and repaid when bonds have been issued. Carried. The City Clerk read a copy of a letter. from Elliott, Lee & Thomas, Attorneys, signed by Henry Elliott, to Mayor Joe R. Baxter, regarding Valley Construction Company's contract with the City of Renton for the Sanitary Sewer System in the Earlington Addition and vicinity under L.I.D., #239, stating that the City has issued no estimate and no payment has been made since November, 1952; that the original contract has been completed and a great deal of extra work performed; that unless a final estimate and payment is made they are authorized to commence suit against the City of Renton. They further request that arrangements be made to pay the sales tax. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he is familiar with the communication and that he had just met with the committee and there was a problem as to whetherthecontractor was entitled to payment for the extra work listed; that the City Engineer and Auditing and Accounting Committee recommend that the estimate for work performed in pursuance to the contract, as listed on the statement, should be paid and the extra work, as listed on the statement, be held in the Auditing and Accounting Committee for another week. The City Engineer stated that it was his recommendation that the statement for the estimate of work in the amount of $3,444.33, less 15% to be withheld, should be paid to the Valley Con- struction Company; that he would obtain clearance from the State in regard to sales, and other taxes being paid by the contractor, before releasing the 15% retained on each estimate; that the insurance company would be responsible for any damages caused by the contractor during construction of the sewers. The City Engineer stated that there is additional work to be done to complete the contract. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and that the contractor be paid $3,444.33, less 15% to be withheld. Carried. A statement of operating expense charges for 1952 and advance for 1953, in the total amount due of $1,426.40, was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System; that the City of Renton has a credit of $12,029.18 in their Released Matching Fund Account, against which this amount due of $1426.40 may be charged. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the statement be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Bob Jones, President of the Association of Washing- ton Cities, acknowledging receipt of the City's prompt payment of their 1953 Service Fee, and thanking the City for the fine assistance in their work for better government in the State. The Communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Mr. Dominic Rockey requested the City investigate the merits of an alley north from Fourth Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue between Main Street and Wells Street; that a new building is proposed for the corner of Fourth & Main, which if built to the property line, would prohibit access to the rear of properties abutting on the proposed alley. Mr. Rockey requests consideration of an alley before the new building is con- structed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried,. A statement of the total and final cost figures on the measured quantities of work performed by N. Fiorito Company, contractor on Earlington trunk ;sewers, was submitted by the City Engineer. Total, regular contract items, $10,130.40; total extra work items, $167.92; total amount due contractor, $10,298.32. The City Engineer requested approval of the statement and recommended the payment thereof. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Heath Manufacturing Company, was now to be known as the H & P Company owing to the addition of a partner, Roy Pulrang; that the lease had been changed accordingly and had been signed by both partners. The City Clerk read the resignation of C. E . McCarthy, Assistant Police Chief as a member of the Renton Police Department, effective April 1, 1953. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for the Mayor, Council and City of Renton, accepting the resignation of C. E. McCarthy, Assistant Police Chief and expressing their appreciation of his excellent services to the City of Renton. The City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot as requested. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 14.52 as drafted by Weter, Roberts and Shefelmann the City's legal consultants, and presented by the Ordinance Committee, accepting the joint bid of Foster & Marshall, Richards, Merrill & Peterson, Inc., and Harold H. Huston & Co., for the issue of $3151,000.00 "City of Renton, Washing- ton, Water and Sewer Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, 1953"; fixing the interest rates on said bonds; providing for the immediate printing, executing, delivery and sale of said bonds and for the return of the checks deposited by un- successful bidders. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he had studied the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney, and the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Or- dinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1452 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Ordinance be passed as read. A roll call vot was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye and Tam- borini, Aye. All eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for"the cleaning and lining with cement mortar of approximately 11,500 lineal feet of 20 inch diameter welded steel water main for the City of Renton, Washington", the City Clerk opened. and read the only bid received,from Pipe Linings, Inc., in the total amount of $56,248.30. The City Engineer stated that this was the only firm that has proved satisfactory on this type of work, that they held many contracts with the City of Seattle. The City Engineer further stated that the bid should be accepted, with the understand- ing that any possible saving on the fixed estimate would be deducted from the fixed bid price. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the bid be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney to check the bid proposal as submitted, and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Mr. William Davis, Chairman of the City of Renton Insurance Commission, reported that the City of Renton's Insurance policies, covering automotive equipment, ex- pire March 4th, that he was still negotiating for bids for the coming 3-Fear period and that he had a rider covering the insurance policies so that the City would be covered for the next 30 days, until April 4th 1953. Mayor Baxter thanked Ar. Davis for his report. Councilman .`gift reported that the Council as a whole would meet Thursday evening with the Department Heads concerned, regarding sick leave for hourly paid employees and that if time permitted that he would like to reschedule the meeting of the Special Cedar River Committee, with the City Engineer, (which had been postponed) regarding the feasibility of moving City offices from the present location to the Administration Building at Cedar River Park) , to Thursday evening, March 5th follow— ing the meeting of the Council as a whole. Councilman Swift further stated that there had been considerable improvement in trimming and removal of shrubs and trees and repairing of sidewalks in North Renton recently under the supervision of the Street Commissioner with the approval of the adjacent property owners. Councilman Trimm, reported regarding the matter referred to the Ways and Means Committee at the February 24th Council meeting, that funds for rental of a ditch digger (rubber tired tractor, equipped with power hoe and loader) were available from the Shop Fund and could be taken from same if the City of Renton were going to acquire same on a rental basis, the Shop Fund to be paid back from the machine rental. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Richardson, that the Council approve the report of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Tamborini, that the money to acquire the ditch digging equipment that the City Engineer requires, (a rubber tired tractor, equipped with power hoe & loader) be loaned from the Shop Fund and paid back on a rental basis, with ultimate acquisition, that all equipment rentals be made at the standard market rental rate and an accurate record be kept of any and all rentals of same, to apply directly back to the Shop Rind. Carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Sanitation Committee recommends that the Seattle King County Health Department which the City of Renton is paying $ 175.00 per month for their services, be requested to submit a report of their activities within and for the City of Renton. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read a report from the City Engineer and Building Inspector, stating that it is their opinion that Mr. Patrick D. McComas of 3314 6th Place be granted a non—conforming permit, as requested, as it is the only possible way the garage can be built; that the necessary easement from the adjoining property owner has been pre— sented to the Building Department. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the report of the Building Inspector and City Engineer and the .� non—conforming permit be granted. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that he understood that the Renton Municipal Airport run— way would be closed through April for repairs. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Special Committee making a survey as to the cost, etc., of the feasibility of moving City offices from the present location to Cedar River Park, asked Council consideration of the idea that if and when the City Hall offices are moved to Cedar River Park, that the City Hall be remodeled for use as a public meeting place; that the City Engineer be requested to submit an estimate of the cost of same. After a short discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that the City Engineer submit an estimate of the cost of remodeling the City Hall building for use as a public meeting place. On the question, Councilman Morris stated that he thought that the idea of the City retaining the City Hall for public pur— poses was an excellent idea as in the future the City may need this additional space. The motion carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Wedgewood Realty Company, signed by Albert Balch, stating "that it is hereby agreed that the streets be paved in the same manner as in President Park, as shown on accompanying sketch. They will be graded to grade approved by the City Engineer. Sewers will be constructed and water mains will be laid according to a plan approved by the City Engineer, Drainage plans to be approved, by the City Engineer are to be drawn by Col. Hayes." The Assistant City Attorney stated that the letter covered the Cities needs as far as street and road requirements were concerned but recommended that exceptions be written in to include any and all additional work to be done at the expense of Albert Balch. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney and City Engineer (to whom the drafting of an agreement covering Street and road requirements in President Park was referred) be granted one more week's time in this matter. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that H. B. 447, introduced by Representatives Donohue and Ryder, is for the purpose of outlawing Cities from acquiring, d eveloping, etc., Public Housing Projects acquired from the Government and prohibits the development of a Housing Project, as well as endangers the Cities operation of Cedar River Park, that the Council as a unit should go on record as opposing the bill. 294 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Legislative Committee be given power to act to draft the necessary Resolution. Carried. Later in the meeting, on advice of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the Assistant City Attorney be authorized to assist the Legislators in preparation of communications to Legislators regarding this bill. Carried. Councilman Farmer stated that the strip of property, known as Pipe-Line right- of-way, from Mill Street to Walla Walla Avenue was Seattle right-of-way property; that cars (between 17 and 20) park on both sides of this right-of-way and he requested that the City Engineer and City Attorney be authorized to investigate the possibility of leasing this City of Seattle right-o£-way property, with the purpose of installation of additional parking meters on., this street, and that the street be designated as "one-way" - Eastbound from Walla. Walla to Mills Street. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Trimm, that the Council approve the request of Now Councilman Farmer and the Street Commissioner be included with the City Engineer and City .Attorney on the committee, and the committee report back their findings to the Council. Carried. Councilman Farmer requested Council opinion regarding the City sharing the re- placement cost of certain inadequate mains in the area of Sunset Highway and 116th S.F.J. that in his opinion, there was a moral obligation to the residents in this area, that interested parties have expressed their desire to proceed with the fire hydrant, etc., improvement and that they would like to know the exact overall cost of said improvement. After a short discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman$ that the matter of the proposed improvement remain in the Fire & Water Committee until interested residents have prepared and presented the necessary petition for improvement. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Fire Department permission to proceed with the Spring clean-up program, as outlined in the Fire Department report for February; the Fire Department to log and inspect all. piles of rubbish and the Street Depart- ment trucks to make the necessary pick-ups for one day only. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were app roved: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 7211-7335 $16,018.13 CLAIMS CURRENT 1029-10$3 17,302.36 CLAIMS WATER. 8777-8798 4,4�>6.86 CLAIMS PARK 174.7-1751 11088.53 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6401-6414 $3,439.28 C LA IMS LIBRARY 2617-2622 1.65.29 CLAIM, SEWER DISPOSAL 2356-2365 11389.51 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1506-1514. 1,714..91 CLAIMS CIVIL DEF. FUND 494 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. 102 - CLAIMS CONSTR. FUND 19- 20 67.48 CLAIMS SEWER TRUNK,L.I.D. 19 - CLAIMS CUM. #1184 429-430 3,512.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 3 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) o C Clerk yor 29 Renton, Washington March 10, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was calicd to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.m. ROLL CALL: SWIFT DELAUREITI, BRUCE, FREYi,4U HOLM, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSOii AND iAMBORIid. (Mayor Baxter excused Councilman Farmer, who was reported ill and councilman Morris, who was reported unavoidably detained.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRES .NT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook., City Cleek; ... Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; James Highton, City Engineer and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of March 3, 1953 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4198 - Doris Bartlett 613 Grant St. install furnace 9 - Ray Breda 523 Renton St. install furnace 4200 250.00 William Minnerath 2106 9th Place remodel house 1 - Walter Eixenberger 2104 6th Place install furnace 2 - Lavina Bennett 330 Park Avenue demolish Bldg. 3 100.00 Evans & Thomas 2nd & Rainier wire service 4 1,000.00 Standard Oil Company 2nd & Main Street install gas pumps 5 85.00 Geo. R. Baterus 1532 3rd North wire service 6 300.00 Alice M. Forrester 11601 116th Ave SE. remodel house 7 100.00 Maude Alexander 13269 Rainier Avenue erect building 8 400.00 Howard Vance 448j Pelly St. remodel house 9 550.00 Renton Finance Corp. 234 Main St. install neon sign 10 575.00 Renton Launderette 1017 Bronson Way N. install It it 10-A - Paul Campeau 330 Whitworth install Gar. Disp. 1 - J. Lavik 426 Bronson Way N. " it " 2 200.00 James Onoferson 621 Walla Walla rebuild garage 3 13200.00 Rainier Lumber & Hdw. 97 Tobin Ave. elec. service 4 - Evans Building 234 Main St. remodel Bldg. 5 800.00 Del. Lodge #2 K of P 2nd & Burnett repair roof 6 - Ernest J. Bourgeois 1213 8th Avenue install water pipe 7 71000,00 Lavina Bennett 4th & Williams add, to bldg. 8 - The Wigwam 350 Sunset Blvd, install fixtures 9 35.00 Donald G. Shonka. 610 Shattuck St. erect chimney 4220 100.00 R. E. Lawyer 308 N. Wells lower roof 1 5,000.00 North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory erect bldg. 2 350.00 G. N. Railroad Co. 444 4th Ave. wire service 3 - Lavina Bennett 4th & Williams install fixtures 4 - H. A. Vance 448 Pelly St, demolish garage 5 100.00 E. J. Bourgeois 1313 8th Ave. temporary Elec.Serv. 6 150.00 Modern Materials 626 D. Street wire service 7 150.00 " " 630 D Street wire service 8 150.00 " " 634 D Street wire service 9 150.00 " " 3604 .6th Ave. N. wire service 4230 150.00 " " 3112 6th Ave. N. if " 1 150.00 " " 627 P. Street wire service 2 150.00 " " 631 P. Street " " 3 150.00 " " 635 P. Street It " 4 150.00 " " 630 0. Street it rt 5 150.00 " " 634 0. Street it " 6 150.00 " " 3706 6th North 7 150.00 " " 626 0 Street 8 1,200.00 Patrick D. McComas 2214 6th Place erect garage & fence 9 52500.00 Rosalie Evans Estate 234 Main Street erect Add'n on bldg. 4240 400.00 Harry Sherrick 13259 91st Ave. S. demolish shed 1 200.00 A. W. Horgan 340 Pelly St. repair Foundation 2 100.00 George Janich 8635 Langston Road break curb 3 61720.00 Robert Mikkala 530 Whitworth Street erect residence 4 600.00 John Schuh 920 E. Street add'n on house A balance due statement in the amount of $1,252.73 .for services rendered to the City of Renton, December 51 1952, was read from Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz. The Assistant City Attorney stated it should be determined for sure, but he believed the statement was for services in connection with condemnation proceedings against the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, by the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the statement be referred to the City Attorney for his re— commendation. Carried. A communication was read from Warren Morgens, Lt. Col. USAF, contracting officer of the Office of the AF Plant Representative of the Boeing Airplane Company regard— ing notice of termination of General Services Agreement, effective April 10, 1953, covering Plancor 156, ie., a 1944 Kenworth crash truck, Model 5A-62, including also, equipment furnished with the crash truck. It is requested a City of Renton Representative contact the Air Force Plant Representative at the Boeing Airplane Company to arrange for a physical inventory of crash truck and related equipment. They further state that their office intends to permit the Boeing Airplane Company to continue use of crash truck and that it will not be moved from the Renton Air- field. The Fire Chief stated that the City was granted permission to use subject truck when the airfield was acquired; that he felt the above action would eliminate the City's use of same in case of emergency. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Fire Chief investigate this communication further and report back. Carried. An invitation was read from Renton Aerie #1722, F.O.E. , signed by George Thomas, Secretary, to the Mayor, Administrative Officials and all City employees, in- cluding husbands and/or wives, to be their guests on "All-City Night" on Wednesday evening, March 18th at 8:30 P.M. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini., that the City accept the Eagles invitation. Carried. ( A request for a non-conforming permit was read from W. J. Phillips for himself and John Belmondo to build houses on Tract 18, on the west side of Grant Street between 7th and 8th Avenue, within 10 feet of the 60 foot street right-of-way, owing to the contour of the land. The Building Inspector stated that he was fam- iliar with the property and the lay of the land and did not approve of the request, as it might affect future building in this and similar areas as outlined under Ordinance No. 1164, that the request be denied. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Building Inspector. On the question, Councilman Holm stated, thit in his opinion, the request should be investigated further before final Council action was taken. The motion carried. The City Clerk read a report from Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence to the Property Committee of certain damages caused by a grease fire in the kitchen of Jen's Chicken and Chips Restaurant (formerly the Sweet Center) on Wednesdays March 4th at 2:59 P.M., stating th?t to date a report of the estimated damage had not been received from the insurance adjusters. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the report be referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Commissioner for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed agreement regarding streets and roadways in President Park Addition's 21 3 and 4, as prepared by the City Attorney and City Engineer, by and between the City of Renton and the Wedgwood Realty Company by Albert Balch, stating in part that all streets, alleys and thoroughfares within President Park Addition's presently being constructed and improved by Albert Balch and Wedgwood Realty Companyo shall be graded to the grade and line estab- lished by the builder, providing prior written approval is given by the City Engineer; all streets and other thoroughfares shall be paved with asphaltic con- crete (plant mix, furnished and placed in accordance with State of-Washington, Department of Highways, specifications) compacted, 2" thick according to plans. The City Engineer stated Mr. Albert Balch was not available at this time, that Mr. Ellenwood, Superintendent for Albert Balch and the Wedgwood Realty Company had stated that the agreement, if approved by the Council, would be agreeable to Mr. Balch and the Wedgwood Realty Company. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that if both parties are satisfied that this agreement is satisfactory, same should be presented to the Balch Representatives for signatures. Carried. The City Clerk read the final cost figures of the measured quantities of work performed by the White Construction Company, contractor for the Black River fill, as presented by the City Engineer. Regular Contract items .. . ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . . $11,072.85 Extra Work items 22806.05 Total, regular & extra work items . . . . . . $13,878.90 Plus, 3% Wn. State Sales Tax on $4515.50 (see below) .. .. . . .. . . . . 135.47 $14,014.37 $14,014.37 Less, previously paid estimates, 1 and 2 ... .. . .. .., 9.734.45 NET AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR.. . .. .. 4,279.92, an underrun of $900.95. The City Engineer stated that the extra work items were unforseen in pre- paring the bid proposal. (560 lineal feet, 24" concrete pipe in. place @ $4.22 ..... $2,363.20 3 only, manholes @ $260.00 each.......... .. ..... . ..... . . . . 780.00 2 only, catch basins @ $260.00 each. ........ ..........o ... 520.00 1 only, catch basin @ $130.30 ..... .. . . . . .. ..... . . . 130.30 142.5 lineal feet, 6t1 concrete sewer pipe @ $2.00........ . 285.00 4 zal-T, 6" x 6" dyes @ $3.50 14 00 . ........... .. . . .. . . . .. . ...... . . (130 cubic yards, fill binder @ X1.25.. . .. .. .... . . .. . . . . .. 162.50 2605 cubic yards, gravel fill @ $.10...o ... .. ... .o _ . .. . 260.50 3% of $4,515.502 $135.47) $4,515.50 Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that this statement be referred to the City Attorney to check the statement against the contract. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City should retain the regular 15% until 30 days after acceptance of the final work. The City Engineer stated that clearance from the State of pay- ment of all required taxes would be obtained before final payment would be made. The motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the contractor be paid the portion of the statement covering work completed in pursuance to the contract, that he is entitled to. On the question, the Assistant City Attorney in- formed the Council that if the City Engineer would segregate the items on the state- ment, the items of work in pursuance of the contract, could be paid now and the extra work on the statement could be referred to the Committee for further consider- ation. The motion was ordered held until the City Engineer has segregated the two classifications of work items. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission recommending the City Council approve the plans submitted for the redesign of street right-of-ways, etc., in the Renton Highlands. Councilman Bruce stated that the Council had not seen said plans, and that he understood they would be presented by the Housing Authority real soon. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Planning Commission's re- commendation be referred to the Council as a whole. Carried. A second communication was real from the Renton Planning Commission, recommending Council approval of the annexation petition of the First Investment Company,- signed by Albert Balch, and Ted hi. and Madison Doris Wootin, The City Engineer stated that this was the proposed President Park Addition #4, east of the present, addition. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the Council conotir in the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A third communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, stating that the Chairman of the Renton Planning Commission had been unanimously instructed to appoint three members from his organization to serve on a. special committee which would work in close relationship with the State Highway Department, (especiNlly ,,ilth Mr. Forgy's office ) in aiding in the development of the final plans for the location and interchanges of the limited access highway through Renton; they further suggest that two members be appointed from the Chamber of Commerce and two members from the City Council to work as members of the special committee, together with the Build- ing Inspector and City Engineer; they further request that the names of the two Councilmen appointed be furnished to the Renton Planning Commission. Councilman Delaurenti suggested to the Mayor, that the President of the Council be named as one representative and a member of the Street & Alley Conr,Ilttee, the other. Mayor Baxter stated he would consider these suggestions. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and two representatives be appointed. Carried. r This being the date set for the opening of bids for a 3/4 ton pick-up truck for the City Shop at the City Garage, the City Clerk opened and read the following bids: TOTAL PRICE (exclusive ALLOWANCE ON 141 NET BIDDER of Sales & Excise tax) Studebaker truck PRICE Clarke Bros. Motor Co. $1,652.49 $100.00 $1,552.49 Frank E. Rhodes 11776.81 100.00 1,676.$1 Williams & Swanson 1,625.00 50.00 12575.00 This also being the date for the opening of bids for construction of a deep gravel water well at Kennydale, the City Clerk opened and read the following bids: 298 1. N.C. JANSEN DRILLING COMPANY $29,775.00 for 800 gallons per minute (each additional gallon per minute up to 1300 gallons, 'V10.00 per gallon, not to exceed the additional sum of $5000.00.) The Jansen Drilling Company waive the payments schedule in the contract until they have delivered to the City the minimum amount of water as called for uiader, this con- tract. 2. LAYNE PACIFIC, INC. . . . . . . . . $35,850.00 for 800 gallons per minute (Each additional gallon per minute up to 1300 gallons, $15.00 per gallon, not to exceed the additional sum of $7500.00.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that all bids be referred to the Council as a whole for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: Swift, Delaurenti, Bruce, Freyman, Holm, Hansen, Trimm, Reid, Richardson and Tamborini. Councilman Swift, President of the Council reported that the Committee of the Council as a whole recommended the acceptance of the lowest bid, the 11952 Dodge, for $1552.49 plus 3% Washington State Sales Tax. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council approve the report of the Committee of the Council as a whole and accept the bid of the Clarke Brothers Motor Company, for the 1952 Dodge 3A ton pick-up truck. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the other two bid checks be returned to the respective bidders. Carried. Councilman Swift, President of the Council reported that the bids received for the construction of a deep gravel water well at Kennydale would require more study and consideration and that the Committee of the Council as a whole recommended that the bids be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney, Mr. Wolfe, the Engineering Consultant and the Fire & Water Committee for their consideration and recommen- dation, and a report back to the Council on Tuesday, March 17th, Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, the estimate as prepared by the City Engineer for regular contract work performed in pursuance to the contract to date, by the White Construction Company, contractor for the Black River fill, be paid, that the claim for work items be referred to the Committee as previously ordered, and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the estimate for regular contract work performed in pursuance to the contract to date, be paid to the White Con- struction Company. The City Clerk read the City Engineer's report of the regular contract items on the White Construction Company statement, as separated from extra work items in the White Construction Company statement previously read, as follows: EST. #31 TOTAL, regular contract items $11,072.85 LESS, previously paid items 9.374A, & BALANCE OWING $ 19698.40 LESS, 15% retained........ .. .... .... z 254.76 NET AMOUNT due Contractor............... .... 1,443.64 The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Council as a whole had met with the Department Heads concerned in regard to sick leave for City of Renton employees and recomm- ended: (1) The City is to operate on a sick-leave policy, (2) That the City grant five days sick leave, after six months regular service, and ten days after one years' service. Sick leave privilege shall be granted in blocks of five days for each successive six months period of service, until a total accumulation of 30 days sick leave, the maximum, shall be reached, (3) effective date shall be January 1, 1953; those eligible shall be entitled to five days sick leave on July, 1, 1953, (4) A sick period of 3 days or longer will require a doctor's report and approval �•• of the Deoartment Bead. Sick leave of two days or less will require aNproval of the Department Head only. A suitable form or card shall be developed as a "Sick-Leave Report and Compensation Request," (5) Wording of the sick-leave agreement shall include, "that, in case of injuries sustained on the job, the City shall allow sick- leave benefit in conjunction with the State Industrial Compensation payment, so that combined payments will allow the employee a full days pay," (6) the policy shall include all full time employees of the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a whole, and the recommendations be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft a proposed Ordinance (or Resolution) , for Council consideration. On the question Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, serious consideration should be given these recommendations, that the City Employees had been granted substantial pay increases the first of January, 1953, and that this new request was in the form of a raise, that he doesn't believe the Council is justified at this time, in taking this action. Councilman Richardson stated that the Committee of the Council as a whole had tried to hold meetings in this regard four different times; that there were only five Councilmen present at the final meeting, that the matter had been thoroughly studied and discussed, and that the motion does not mean these recommendations are going into effect, that in his opinion, every Councilman should have been present at some of the meetings that the Committee had tried to hold in this regard. The motion ,.. carried. Councilman Bruce reported that he had met with the Park Board in regard to leasing a portion of the wing of the building at Mother's Park to the State Highway Patrol and they had requested that this wing of the building be leased to the State Highway Patrol on a six months trial lease; that Captain Furseth of the State Highway Patrol had informed him this evening that they were no longer interested in a six months trial lease of the wing of the Mother's Park Building, that satisfactory negotiations had been reached with the Airport Board, and that the Airport Board is having a suitable building erected to meet the needs of the State Highway Patrol, on the former site of the State Patrol Testing Station, near the Renton Municipal Airport. Councilman Holm reported that his committee had met with the City Attorney at four different meetings and that they submit, for Council consideration, based on what the City Attorney and Auditing and Accounting Committee feels is a sound basis, their recommendations on each of the seven extra work items, as previously itemized on the Valley Construction Company statement for Earlington, dated February 17, 1953. ITEM 1. Hand dig relocation sewer line "D", 283 lineal feet, 6 foot sewer @ $2.90.. .. . .... .. . . . . . . .. . . . $820.70 RF.COM1,1ENDATION: Item 1 be approved with revision to unit price of $2.30..... ... . . ...... . . . . . .. $650.90 2. Hand dig for 6 inch sewer — T & C Bungalow Sites Add'n 253 lineal feet, 6" sewer @ $4.60.... .. . $1,163.80 RECOMMENDATION: Item 2 be approved with revision to unit price of $2.30.... ... ..... .... ..... 581.90 3. Hand dig relocation sewer line "J-211, 177 lineal feet, 6" sewer @ $5.60...... .. ... .. . . . . . 991.20 RECOMMENDATION: Item 3 denied...*..*..... . .. . ...... ...... enied............ . .. . ...... ...... — 4. Move fuel oil tank and septic tank, agreed price...... . .. ... 250.00 RECOMMENDATION: Denied as shown, with recommendation to resubmit according to contract.... ... 5 & 6. Tunnel under Rainier Avenue at Second Avenue and Rainier Avenue at Tobin Avenue @ $350.00 each.. . ... 700.00 RECOMMENDATION: Approved 700.00 7. Excavate solid rock from sewer trenches,— 331 cu. yds. @ $11.00, agreed price $3,641.00 RECOMMENDATION: Denied. (4 ***Property owner to be billed for extra work on time and material basis, plus 10%.) or,a total amount of $1,932.80 for extra work done by the Valley Construction Company, in pursuance to their contract, was approved by the Auditing and Accounting Company and City Attorney, for Council consideration. (The amount of $5663.90 of extra work was denied at this time.) Councilman Holm stated that the Committee's thinking was that items not computed correctly, etc., should be denied, that if the extra work not approved, is valid, additional information should be given to the Council, that _ there is plenty of time for settlement of additional claims later. The Assistant City Attorney stated that these claims for payment of extra work have been discussed in Committee for two weeks; that the Committee has thoroughly checked the contract against -uhe work done and in making their recommendations had assumed the extra work (1) the contractor should discuss any extra work with. the City Engineer and determine what extra work is to be done; this work should be compensated at the unit price, unless the extra work was work not required in the original contract, (2) if no unit price, then he should be paid for the work at the rate he and the City Engineer may agree on, (3) if no agreed price, and if they cannot agree, the work should be done and the contractor paid for at cost, -plus 10%. The City Engineer stated that there was no agreement between the Contractor and himself in regard to the rate of charge for extra work; that to determine the extra work price agreement would have taken 300 considerable time and would have delayed completion of the contract job — — that it was necessary for the contractor to proceed without delay. The City Engineer stated that he had approved all of the extra work as listed on the Valley Con— struction Company statement, but that no definite rate had been agreed' upon. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that (1) House Bill #261, had been passed by the Senate and sent to the Governor for his signature, authorizes any City or town to acquire by purchase or condemnation, electrical—distributing properties within its boundaries. (Mayor Baxter stated that this bill does not particularly apply to the City of Renton, but to Kirkland and several other cities.) (2) that Senate Bill #119, had been passed by the House and sent to the Governor, permitting exchange of park property for private property in second—class cities, (3) that House Bill #21.7 had been passed by the Senate and sent to the Governor, permitting dissolution of certain commercial waterway districts. The City Clerk was requested to notify the Valley Construction Company in regard to extra work claims that were approved and extra work claims that were rejected. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 10 persons present besides City bf Renton employees.) .` City Clerk yor 1 f Renton, Washington March 17, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMPAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIP.4. REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI.(Councilman Bruce having been reported ill, was excused by Mayor Baxter.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer, Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the Council meeting of March 10th be approved as corrected. Carried. A request to use available space on leased property adjacent to the P.I. Office at the corner of 4th & Burnett Street, for monthly and/or day parking, was read from Harold K. Victor, Renton Post Intelligencer Dealer. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Building Inspector and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Associaticn of Washington Cities, thanking the Assistant City Attorney for furnishing him a copy of the City's letter concerning H.B. #447, stating that the bill never got out of committee. The Assistant City Attorney stated that on authorization and direction of the Council, he had written a letter to State Representative John N. Ryder notifying him, and members of his committee, that the Council, by unanimous vote, opposed and disapproved House Bill ##1+47, and further requested consideration of the City's objections, and that Mr. Chester Biesen, the Executive Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities acknowledged receipt of subject letter. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Angelo Busato, Chief of Police, stating that the _ Traffic Division of the Police Department, after thorough investigation, (on re— quest of the Street & Alley Committee) suggested that the following amendments be made to present ordinances and that proper signs be posted as follows: (1) ONE HOUR PARKING SIGNS POSTED — on Shattuck Street on the east side between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. (2) Change "No Parking" to "NO PARKING ON SCHOOL DAYS FROM 8:00 A.M., to 5:00 P.M." on 4th Avenue North, east of Park Avenue, between Park and G^r<den Streets. (3) Change "No Parking It to "NO PARKING from 7:00 A.M., to 9:00 A.M.," and "NO PARKING from 4:00 P.M., to 5:00 P.M." on the North side of Airport Way from Logan Street to Rainier Avenue. (4) Change "No Parking" to "LOAD AND UNLOAD PASSENGERS ONLY", on Logan Street North, north of 8th Avenue North, to the Main gate of the Boeing Plant on the east side of the street. Moved by Swift, seconded by Holm, that the traffic recommendations as listed, be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare an Ordinance amending present Ordinances in regard to the proposed changes, and present same to the Council for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer regarding the White Construction Company's claim for extra work as shown on the City Engineers statement of final cost figures of the measured quantities of work performed by the White Con— struction Company, contractor for the Black River fill, stating that after thorough study, they find the claim is reasonable and legal and recommend payment of same, in the amount of $2806.05. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of James Highton, City Engineer and Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney. On the question, the City Attorney stated that he and the City Engineer had met and discussed the matter of extra work on which there was no unit price given, that it was their opinion that the claim for extra work was justified and should be paid. The motion carried. 302 A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney and he had check the proposal of Pipe Linings, Inc., in the amount of $56,248.30 for relining and reconditioning of the 20 inch steel water main on the Talbot—Springbrook Councy Road, and that they recommended that the con— tract be approved with the understanding that any saving on the fixed estimate be deducted from the fixed bid price. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. As this was the date set for the opening of bids for one floating steel digester cover and other digester additions, the City Clerk read the only bid received, as follows: THE DORR COMPANY — One Digester cover ... . . . .. .. ... .. . . . . . °; 26,151.00 One spiral heat exchanger ... ...... .. . . 12881.00 One hot water boiler for sewage gas. . .. 1,108.00 One hot water circulating pump.. . .. . . .. 233.00 One sludge liquor circulating pump. . . .. 5Q.00 a29,883.00 The Dorr Company agrees to furnish services of an engineer to inspect the equipment after erection and to supervise the initial operation; also to provides necessary anchor bolts for the installation of equipment together with erection drawings and instructions. Delivery date on the digester is between 6 to 8 months and on the re— maining items, 5 months. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the bid be re— ferred to the Sanitation Committee. City Engineer and City Attorney for consider— ation and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: Swift, Delaurenti, Freyman, Holm, Farmer, Morris, Hansen, Trimm, Reid, Richardson and Tamborini. Councilman Farmer reported for the Fire & Water Committee that after a great deal of consideration and study, the committee recommended that the City accept the bid of the N. C. Jansen Drilling Company. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the bid as presented by the N. C. Jansen Drilling Company, also their offer, contained in their letter dated March 9th, accompanying -the bid, which offer consisted of doing the required work, as per specification, on the basis of "no pay to the contractor until such time as a sufficient quantity of sand free water has been produced from the well as Der specifications and that the City accept said alternate proposal on the part of the Jansen Drilling Company that the City waive the requirement of a manufacturers guarantee as contained in their original specification and substitutes the requirement of having the wall screened, subiect to the approval of the City Engineer. All present voting "Aye", the motion carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 8/,9 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, granting sick leave to all full time employees of the City of Renton as follows: five days sick leave after completion of six months continuous service, 10 days sick leave after completion of one years continuous service and an addi— tional five days for each additional six months of continuous service with the City, but any such accumulated period of sick leave shall in no event exceed thirty days, including certain itemized specifications. Councilman Richardson re— quested that all material accompanying the Resolution remain in the Resolution file. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that Resolution No. 849-, be adopted as read. Carried. Mr. Stephen J. Morrissey, Attorney for the N.C. Jansen Drilling Company, thanked the Mayor, City Attorney and Council members for accepting their bid and for the time and consideration given him this evening. Councilman Morris stated that of the legislation presented at the regular session of the Legislature, the following action had been taken: 1. Off—street parking for 2nd and 3rd Class Cities & Towns had not been passed. 2. Senate Bill No. 119, permitting exchange of Park Property in 2nd Class Cities had passed the Legislature and was awaiting the Governors signature. 3. The Bill covering flexibility of Budget Accounting (in reference to Cumulative Funds) had passed the Legislature and was awaiting the Governor's signature. 303 4. The Bill covering legislation enabling the City to establish a fund for purchasing by a Stores Department, had passed the legislature and was awaiting the Governor's signature. 5. The matter of amending the law regarding $500.00 limit on City purchases without bid, to $1000.00 was never introduced and 6. Regarding increasing salaries of Councilmen and the Mayor in 2nd Class Cities with Mayor-Council form of Government was left in Committee; That there were five items of legislation requested by the City of Renton and that three had passed the Legislature and were awaiting the Governor's signature, that in his opinion the special session would probably consider only bills recommended by Governor Langlie. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that a letter from the Mayor and Council be forwarded to the Governor, requesting that he affix his signature to Senate Bill #119, permitting exchange of Park property for private property in 2nd Class Cities and House Bill 217, permitting dissolution of certain Commercial Waterway Districts. The motion carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that the agreement between Mr. Balch and the City of Renton outlining street and road requirements in President Park Addition presently being constructed and improved by Albert Balch and Wedgwood Fealty Company, had been signed by both Albert Balch, and the Mayor and City Clerk for the City of Renton. Councilman Reid stated that a mercury vapor light had been installed on the west end of the safety islands in front of the High School. Councilman Swift stated that at the last meeting of the Street & alley Committee with the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division of the Police Department, that the Committee had recommended that the Council reconsider and in- troduce the question of off-street parking; that the Committee has many different new ideas on this sunject that they feel they can proceed with off-street parking without expending a great amount of money, that they feel the City can successfully carry out a plan they wish to recommend. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. ..� Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the COUNCIL AS A WHOLE on Thursday evening, March 19th at 8:80 P.M., to discuss information he has regarding off-street parking and metered parking. Councilman Swift stated that cn request of the Street Commissioner, the "treet & Alley Committee recommended Council consideration of changing the name of "Southeast 116th Street" (that portion from E. Street to the Sunset Highway) to 1110th Avenue North", as this street was actually in line with 10th Avenue North and would clarify addresses; that the Post Office has been notified of this request. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. All persons living on this street are to be so notified. Councilman Swift further stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended, on the request of the Street Commissioner for same, thpt the City Council take the necessary action to eliminate the practice of parking abandoned vehicles on the street for a period of longer than 30 days, and that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance to enable the enforcement of such restriction. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of the Fire & `•later Committee, Saturday morning, March 21st at 10:00 A.M. Mayor Baxter reminded the Council of the Eagles "All-City Night", to entertain all City officials and employees and their families, Wednesday evening, March 18th at 8:30 P.M. Mayor Baxter announced the appointment of Councilmen George Swift and B. J. Richardson to serve on the Special Committee to work in close relationship with the State Highway Department, (especially with Mr. Forgy's office) in aiding in the development of the final plans for the location and interchanges of the limited access highway through Renton. 304 Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were approved: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 7336-7487 26,070.53 CLAIMS CURRENT 1084-1095 20;,293.54 CLAIMS WATER 8799-5801 2„424.67 CLAIrS PARK 1752-1753 981.17 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6415- CLAIMS LIBRARY 2623-2624 1,,240.77 r, CLAIMS SEUER DISPOSAL 2366-2367 1;0106.60 CLAIMS AIRPORT FUND 1515-1527 868.48 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FD. p CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6415-641 2;,8287.96 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 103- 104 250.00 CLAIMS SEWER TRUNK,L.I.D. 20- 21 4„916.59 CLAI14S CONSTR. FUND. 21- 24 19;,493.83 Moved by Trim, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 15 persons present besides City cf Renton employees,) ity Clerk yor r 3®5. Renton, 4ashington March 22, 1953 A special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order on March 22, 1953 by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. Those present were: Mayor Joe R. Baxter, Councilmen Swift, Freyman, Farmer, Trimm, Morris, Tamborini, Richardson, Reid and Delaurenti, City Attorney Gerard Shellan and City Engineer, James Highton. The meeting was called to determine the amount of water to be furnished to areas called President Park #3 and President Park ##4, and the fringe districts adjacent. Mr. Balch explained the position of his housing enterprise as pertains to the water supply in the area. The situation concerns the F.H.A. impression that the City does not have enough water and enough water pressure to satisfy the requirements of the 152 houses now under construction. Construction has been stalled by the F.H.A., until the City can certify thet sufficient water is available. Mr. Balch offered to install 4000 feet of 81' water main in the location at his expense, and requests the City of Renton agree to furnish sufficient water. The City Engineer, Tames Highton, explained the area concerned, water to be supplied from the Highlands Reservoir. The existing 4" line must be replaced by a new 8'' line. (Mr. Balch to furnish and install approximately 4000 feet of 8" water line from S. E. 112th St.) along the west side of 132nd Avenue S. E., to 6th Place; The City of Renton has agreed to furnish and install approximately 2300 feet of 8" water line extending from the Highlands Reservoir, east along Southeast 112th Street to 132nd Avenue Southeast.) An agreement, prepared by the City Attorney between the City of Renton and Mr. Albert Balch was explained by Gerard Shellan. This agreement vests title in the 4000 feet of 8" water line in Mr. Balch for a certain agreed period,whereby Mr. Balch can and may recover a pro—rata part of his investment from other people on properties adjacent to President Park and now located outside the City limits. Considerable discussion was held concerning the residents on 132nd Street, who previously.asked for City water service to their properties. Most agreed, in eluding Mr. Balch, that as many persons as possible should be in on the costs of the 4000 foot line. Mr. Balch objected to the one year term of title in the "Agreement" as being too short to enable him to recover some portion of his investment in the 4000 foot line. Fie felt that people who would benefit would not agree to pay, but would wait until title was transferred and then apply for a connection. More discussion on the over— all problem followed. Mr. Balch suggested that the agreement should be for 10 years. If, after 10 years, he has not collected, then he would suffer a loss. Mr. Balch also stated that the City would have the right to form a Local Improvement District at any time within the 10 year period and expect transfer of title sooner by re— imbursing Mr. Balch the pro—rata shares he would then be holding. A proposition was advanced to make the agreement for a term of three years with an option to extend same, if the payments to the line are not completed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the agreement be changed from the one year period as originally contained in the "Agreement and Conveyance" to a FIVE YEAR period, with the additional provision that the CITY and the BUILDER may, at the expiration of the 5 YEAR period, enter into an agreement for an extension of the 5 YEAR period. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the City go on record as agreeing to furnish an adequate supply of water to the district. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. (George Swift, Secretary) Cit erk mayor i 306 Renton, Wash March 24, 195:3 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Holm was excused and Councilman Reid was reported ill.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of March 17th be approved as corrected. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Special meeting of March 22nd be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. N0, AMOLAdT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4245 - Ernesto Barei (Longacres) 909 3rd Avenue install Plumbing 6 - Joe Baxter 13262 Rainier Ave. install oil tank 7 $ 400.00 Chris Haines 521 Burnett wire service 8 - Wigwam 350 Sunset Blvd. install septic tank 9 729.00 Wigwam 350 Sunset Blvd. wire service 4250 40.00 Chris. Bevan 316 Smithers it it 1 400.00 James Russell 3327 6th Ave. N. erect garage 2 2,800.00 Ronald Pratt 410 Third Ave. add'n on Bldg. 3 75.00 Howard A. Vance 4482 Pelly St. wire service 4 300.00 Mrs. Mary Barnes 2607 7th N. enclose porch 5 50.00 Lavina Bennett 4th & Williams break curb 6 500.00 St. Anthony Church It Mol-ris demolish Bldg. 7 1,000.00 The Wigwam 350 Sunset Blvd. install Htg. unit 8 500.00 Shopping Time Mkt. 314 Third remodel market ..r 9 500.00 Calvin Collier 2009 8th Ave. N. erect garage 6o 12965.00 Robert Boggs 2414 9th Ave. N. install Bsmnt. 1 - Ernesto-Barei 901-5 Third Ave. demolish Bldg. 2 125.00 W. M. Farrell 72 Logan St. Reshingle roof 3 - Robert Maxwell 3250 6th Place Install D. Unit 4 - Joe Finn 821 D St. ti D. tt 5 150.00 Adaline Hasking 416 Main St. siding on house 6 61000.00 Service Laundry 904 4th Ave. Addtn on Bldg. 7 350.00 Edwin Ruokola 3328 7th Place erect Brick fire- place. An itemized monthly statement was read from the Valley Construction Company for work performed through February 28, 1953 on the Earlington Local Improvement District #239 Contract, Estimate #5, in the amount of $3,444.33, less 15% re- tained, an amount of $516.65, a net amount due of $2,927.68 (on Estimate #5). The City Clerk read the City Engineer's Estimate No. 6, for work performed by the Valley Construction Company for which extra compensation was claimed., all com- puted onputed in the estimate at the unit price named, except boring under Rainier Avenue at Tobin Avenue and Second Avenue, for which an agreed price of $350.00 had been determined, a total of $2,339.90 (for Estimate #6,) less 15% retained, an amount of $350.09 a net amount due contractor for Estimate #6 of $1,988.91. The state- ment was certified correct by James Highton, City Engineer, who recommended the payment of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- corfnendation of the City Engineer and City Attorney and the amount of Estimate #5, $2,927.68, and Estimate #6, $1,988.91, a net amount of $4,916.59 as stated, be paid to the Valley Construction Company and that warrants bearing interest at the rate of 441-% be issued to Grande & Company as follows: Warrant #20, $4000.00 Warrant #21, 916.59 307 making a total of $4.916.59 in lieu of which Grande & Comna.ny are to issue to the City of Renton a check to be credited to the Construction Fund, L.I.D., ##239, com- puted at the rate of $100.14 ner $100.00 of face value a total of $4923.47. The motion carried. A co-mmunication was read from Jennie Fliseck, lessee of the City Building known as "Sweet Center" now in use as "Jen's Chicken & Chips Restaurant", requesting per- mission to install one coin lock on a toilet in each of the mens and ladies rest rooms connected to the building which she leases. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Property Committee and Building Inspector with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Arthur Towne, Director of Transportation for the Renton School District, requesting Council consideration of certain traffic correc- tions for the safety of school bus operation. Mr. Towne stated that the former Assistant Police Chief, C. E. McCarthy had advised that the request would be refer- red to the proper officials for action: (1) Set back curbing on the northwest cor- ner of the intersection at Bronson Way North and Park Street (in front of Peretti's gas station), making it possible for school buses to negotiate right turns on to Bronson slay North from Park Street without crossing over into the inside lane, (2) Channeling and a stop line, as necessary, to allow bus drivers to make a left turn from Sunset Boulevard on to 4th Avenue North, (3) Channeling or marking the center- line on Garden Street, north of 4th Avenue North to prohibit bus drivers from using more than one-half of Garden Street when approaching 4th Avenue North, (4) Eliminate parking between the driveways of the Vocational School and the Lakeshore Lines parking lot, on 4th Avenue North, as a safety measure, to facilitate the entering on to 4th Avenue North of buses and cars leaving the school parking lot. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A request to install a temporary sign, 9' x 121 , the sign not to create a traffic hazard and to remain from April 15th to 26, inclusive, for the purpose of inform- ing the public of a proposed series of meetings by the Calvary Baptist Churst, 116th Avenue Southeast and the Sunset Highway, was read from Reverend Aaron W. Eurich. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that permission be granted under supervision of the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector stated that he understood the sign was to be installed on Church property. The motion carried. A communication was read from Mrs. J. Kenneth King, Secretary of the Renton High- lands Community Club requesting notification of future meetings in regard to the disposition of the temporary dwellings in the Renton Highlands , or any future development in the Highlands, through the City Council, on the subject. The City stated that Mrs. King had called him and that he had informed her that the Council did not have this information, but that she should contact the Housing Authority, that she could contact the Council to let them know that she and her associates are interested in the disposition of the temporary houses in the Highlands. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk inform Mrs. King that the Council had no information on this subject and that they should contact the Housing Authority for their information. Carried. A communication was read from the Christian Science Society of Renton, signed by Alma E. King, Clerk, requesting permission to place a free Christian Science dis- tribution rack and literature, in the rest rooms at the City Hall.. Move by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A letter of thanks was read from the City Employees Club, signed by Vere Thomson, for the Mayor and Council's consideration of the City Employee's request for sick benefits and the enactment of a resolution putting the benefits granted into effect. The communication was ordered filed. A proposal and bid call for furnishing the City of Renton 2300 lineal feet of 8" �.. water pipe to be installed on Southeast 112th Street, from the Highlands Reser- voir to 132nd Avenue Southeast was read from the City Engineer. The new water line to provide better water service in the I.oneydew District and newly annexed areas to east of the Renton Highlands. The proposal, in brief, under (A) shall cover cast iron pipe (mechanical joint type, centrifugally cast and shall conform to stand- ard Federal specifications, and in brief, under (B) shall cover asbestos-cement pipe (which shall conform to American Society of Testing Materials tentative specifications. Detailed specifications are to be obtained from the City Engineer. Bids to be opened and read April 7th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the "Call for Bids" be published as stated. Carried. 308 o0 T+ r The City Clerk read the proposal and "Call for Bids" for the purchase of an 8" water meter to replace the obsolete and badly worn meter now in use on the 8" supply line to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company stating that the old meter cannot satisfactorily be repaired and that the under-registration of the water flow is causing a loss of revenue to the Water Department. The City Engineer recommended that the City publish a "Call for Bids" for the meter. The "Call for Bids" is for one 811 detector type water meter equipped with a compound by-pass as manufactured and shall be Hersey Meter Company meter or equal, the bidders to submit a trade-in allowance for the meter now being used. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Call for Bids be published and the date of hearing be set as April 14, 1953. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer submitting playas and specifications for the improvement of the Kennydale water system by the furnish- ing and installation of new water mains and necessary fittings and recommending that the City publish a call for bids for improvement of same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Call for Bids be published and the date of hearing be set as April 14, 1953. Carried. A letter of thanks for the privilege of using the Cedar River Administration Building, was read from the Renton Garden Club, signed by Johanna Storey, Presi- dent. Mrs. Storey offered the services of the Garden Club for any flower arrange- ments the City may desire. The communication was ordered filed. An invitation to the Mayor and Councilmen and their wives to be special guests of the Renton Fire Department at their dance at the Legion Hall, Saturday evening March 28, 1953 was read. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the City Clerk write a letter of thanks on behalf of the Mayor and Council for the invita- tion and that the Mayor and as many Councilmen as possible attend the dance. The motion carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk write a letter of thanks on behalf of the Mayor, Council and City Employees and their respec- tive wives and/or husbands thanking the Eagles for a very pleasant evening re- cently when all who attended enjoyed the "All-City Evening," Carried. The City Clerk stated that the "Notice of Hearing" had been prepared for the annexation of President Park #4 and asked for confirmation of the date of hearing set as April 21, 1953. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the nec- essary notices of hearing be published and posted and the date of hearing be set as April 21, 1953, that the petitioner be charged for said publishing and post- ing. Carried. On request for information regarding same, the Building Inspector informed the Council that he approved of the request of Mr. H. K. Victor to use property he leases for daily or monthly parking, as it would take some of the parked cars from the streets, but that he was waiting for the Police Chief's recommendation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Building Inspector providing the subsequent approval of the Police Chief is obtained. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that the last scheduled meeting of the Council as a whole having been postponed, be rescheduled for Thursday, April 22 at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the request of Councilman Swift. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Police examination is scheduled for the near future, but that he was not certain of the exact date at this time. ••• Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time in regard to (1) a proposed Ordinance amending present Ordinances in regard to parkin€; signs, etc., on ,Shattuck Street, 4th Avenue North, Airport Way and on Logan Street, as stated, also (2) the proposed Ordinance changing Southeast 116th Street to 10th Avenue North, and (3) regarding the elimination of the practice of parking abandoned vehicles on the street for a period of longer than 30 days. x, The City Clerk read the report from the majority of the Sanitation Committee, signed by Councilman Steve Tamborini, Chairman and Councilman B. J. Richardson, Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney and James Highton, City Engineer, accepting the proposal submitted by the Dorr Company, March 13, for the steel digester cover and parts therefor, subject to the following stipulations, (1) that the proposal fully complies with the City's specifications; (2) that all equipment will be del- ivered F.O.B., job, (3) conditions to be amended regarding the bidders right to sub- stitute materials to the extent that all such substitutions shall first be approved by the City Engineer in writing. Also, owing to the fact that the bidder reserves the right to cancel the above proposal, because of governmental priorities or re- gulations, the City shall likewise add a condition to the acceptance of said bid proposal, that the City reserves the right to cancel said contract and to be entitled to and receive refund of any payments therefore made, if bidder is unable to fully perform within one year from date of acceptance. (4) The City shall procure, upon delivery and receipt of any and all items of equipment as specified, adequate insur- ance coverage ag-ninst loss, damage or file of said equipment. That all foregoing conditions and stipulations shall become part of the contract with the successful bidder and the contract shall not become effective until said conditions and stip- ulations have been accepted by the bidder. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the report of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Ta.mborini, that the Council as a whole accept the contract of the Dorr Company, as submitted, with the conditions and s-oecifications as outlined by the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Assistant City Attorney that any and all Council actions as recorded in the Council minutes of March 22nd be hereby ratified and confirmed. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that on previous CounCil Author- ity, he had advised Mr. Bergeson and Mr. Noel, the lessees of the City .Building known as the Miller Sandwich Shop, of the violation of their lease agreement and that they have 20 days to comply and if the lease is not complied with, within this time, the lease will be terminated. In answer to a request for information regarding same, it wus reported that the Housing Authority had cleared the brush on one side of the Highlands Fire Station and that it was understood that they would cut the brush adjacent to the Fire Station, on the other side which had been reported as in a hazardous condition, as soon as possible. The City Attorney stated, in regard to persons outside of the Renton City limits desiring to connect on to the proposed 8" water line in the area of the Highlands and President Park Addition, from a practical standpoint, if necessary arrangements were made with Mr. Balch the contractor, he would so notify the City Engineer that said parties desired to connect to the main; that the last paragraph of the agree- ment stipulates that any person whose line has been connected to the City's g" line, the City would not be responsible for any default or noncompliance and that the Contractor could not force the City of Renton to shut off the water for such default or noncompliance . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, in view of the fact that there were four months in each year having 5 Tuesdays, that the Council hold no regular meeting on the fifth Tuesday of any month. Carried. Moved by Tambori.ni, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. (There was one persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Wiley Cep' ok - City Clerk yor 310 Renton, Wash April 71 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID & RICHARDSON. (Councilmen Bruce and Tamborini were excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellen,Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Elton E. Alexander, Budget Con- troller and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of March 24th be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4268 $ 61240.00 John Belmondo 732 Renton St. erect dwelling 9 - Roy Breda 523 Renton St. install plumbing 70 200.00 Dan Tilenda 12.056 SE 141st St. erect patio 1 100.00 Shell Oil Co. & Rainier Avenue Mathewson Bros. & S. 130th. , break curb 2 - Pratt's Flower Shop 410 - 3rd Ave. install plumbing 3 100.00 Ralph Rutledge 1275 H. St. wire for range 4 16,500.00 Ernesto Barei 901 3rd addtn on bldg. 5 399.99 North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory wire service 6 100.00 O.S. Svennungsen 544 Whitworth erect fence 7 576.00 Forrest J. Nelson 12403 SE 141st build garage 8 - Howard Vance 4482 Pelly install plumbing 9 212000.00 Umberto Barei 237-9-241 Main St. new building 80 100.00 Frank Tobacco 90 Williams St. concrete Dr.Way 1 3,000.00 John Repouv 8�-3 Grant St Add.1n on Stove P. ..r 2 200.00 0 & S Tavern 13414 Rainier Ave. erect marquee 3 31000.00 Dr. E. C. Glossop 13817 88th St. add.1a on house 4 300.00 Philip Moyer 104 Burnett St. erect garage 5 95.00 Ed. Swanson 1025 3rd Avenue wire service 6 1_00.00 Signal Gil Co. 2nd & Logan in:>tall Dr.Way 7 100.00 Chieftain Pontiac 2nd & Logan erect fence 8 15,000.00 Alberta H. Weaver 100 Logan St. erect court 9 200.00 Bertha Thurston 81 Logan St. enclose porch 90 - Mrs., L. Libby 538 Whitworth Install Garbage disposal. 1 _ James Sims 826 D. Street 2 Keith Webb 2008 9th Ave. N. " 3 100.00 B. E. Puckett 411 Wells St. erect fence 4 60.00 Lloyd Peterson 606 Sunset Blvd. wire service 5 2,700.00 Renton A irport Renton, Wn. remodel Bldg. 6 - Umberto Barei 235-7 Main St. sewer connection 7 21500.00 Charles Rudd Walla Walla & Wms. wire service 8 3,000.00 Ernesto Barei 901-5 Wells St. wire service 9 1,200.00 Rainier Asphalt Co. Renton, Wn. wi:^e service 4300 90.00 Mr. A nderson 612 Shattuck St. 11 " 1 150.00 Bruce Pickering 204 Pelly eruct bldg. 2 200.00 George M. Berend 11606 Sunset, Hyway. concrete driveway 3 100.00 E. Fugitt 11812 Sunset Highway wire service 4 31000.00 Great Northern Depot Walla W. & Burnett wire service 5 - D. .Auguster 14066 Sunset Blvd. sewer connection 6 - Glenn Guy 14062 t1 Highway if t1 7 400.00 Brightman,Roberts & Holm, 224 Main Street wire service 8 1,000.00 Lavina Bennett 711 4th North wire service 9 500.00 Hank's ?Welding 12908 Rainier Ave. It " 10 1,000.00 Gerald Hurst 2202 7th N. addtn on house t 11 A communication was read from Harold R. Bean of Downs, Ritter & Associates, re— presenting 0. idillard, Lloyd H. and Jack E. Priebe, brothers, owners of Lots 11 and 12, Block 25, in negotiations for the construction of a two story buidling, 60' x loot for a national retail store to be located on said property at the north— west corner of 3rd and Williams. Mr. Bean stated that their title report does not show a record of the alley in this block having ever been dedicated and requesting that the City of Renton take the necessary steps to have this alley made permanent for the purpose of assuring ingress and egress to the rear of the business houses now abutting on this alley. Mr. Bean further stated that a survey showed a six inch storm sewer running through this alley, and that the alley is paved to a width of 10 feet, through the block. The City Attorney stated that he had talked with Mr. Bean and that he had also consulted the City Engineer and Building Inspector, and had requested that the above letter be written direct to the Renton City Council. The City Clerk stated that the City had a quit claim deed for the subject alley in the City's files and that same was signed by all abutting property owners, but had not been recorded. The Assistant City -Attorney stated that same would be recorded in the next few days and would be all that was required by the Priebe brothers to continue thein negotiations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the City Attorney's recommendation that Mr. Bean be notified that the City had received this letter and that the City's quit claim deed to subject alley would be recorded within the next few days. Carried. A request to sell ice cream from house to house in the Renton Highlands was read from John Thanos. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the request be re— ferred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication from City Attorneys, Haugan & Shellan, to the Miller Sandwich Shop was read regarding a certain Lease Agreement as of March 24th 19522 by and between the Miller Sandwich Shop as Lessee and the City of Renton as Lessor, stating that the Miller Sandwich Shop had failed to make a rental payment due on the lst day of March; that failure to comply with paragraph 4 of said lease agreement con— stitutes a breach of said Lease Agreement and that said letter serves as "DEMAND UPON" Miller Sandwich Shop and/or each and every individual, who is owner or part owner of same, on behalf of the City of Renton, and notifying Lessee that unless defaults and failures are remedied forthwith, that the City of Renton will exercise its right to declare forfeited and terminated any and all rights as set forth in subject lease to Miller Sandwich Shop, Inc., and the City of Renton shall remove all persons and property of Lessee and repossess the premises. The City Attorney stated that the 20—day "Notice" period would expire within a day or two and to date no attempt had been made by the Miller Sandwich Shop to pay the rent or to occupy the premises; that the next step is for the City to notify Lessee that the lease is forfeited and the premises must be vacated, otherwise the City will store any and/or all of the Lesseets equipment and supplies at the Lesseets expense. The City Attorney further stated that he had two inquiries in regard to leasing subject premises when same are available. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney that after expiration of the required time, the Miller Sandwich Shop be notified that the lease is forfeited and that subject premises must be vacated and that if their property is not removed, that the City will remove and store same at the Lessee's expense. Carried. A voucher from the Pacific Northwest Company, completed in full_ by James G. Frazier, Valuation Engineer, "for financial advisory services pertaining to the issuance and sale of 3315$000.00 City of Renton ;Dater and Sewer Refunding & Improvement Bonds in accordance with the agreement between the City of Renton and the firms of Bramhall & Stein and Pacific Northwest Company acting jointly, in the amount of 42,268.00" was read. The amount of the payment of financial advisory services is computed on the basis prescribed in their agreement with the City of Renton dated May 13, 1952, 0.72 of 1% of Bonds issued. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A request was read from James L. Highton, City Engineer for himself and Charles B. Fore, Water Department Foreman to attend the annual Americal dater Works Association Conference to be held at Portland, Oregon on April 16, 17 and 18th 1953. On the recommendation of Councilman Reid, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer and Water Department Foreman be authorized to attend the Conference and that their expenses within the State of Washington be allowed by the City of Renton. Carried. A proposal was read from the City Engineer for the purchase of three electric power transformers for installation at the new Kennydale well; the proposed dates of publication were set as April 16th and 23rd and the proposed bid call date set as A pril 28th, 1953. Specifications, attached to the proposal were read. The City Engineer stated that the City would be required to purchase the transformers but that Puget Sound Power & Light 'Company would install same; that 3.t may be possible, and may be more economical, to work out an agreement with the Power Company to credit the resale value of the presently used transformers to the ex— pense of labor of installation of the 3 proposed new transformers. Moved by Frey— man, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids as proposed, be published in the re— gular manner and the date of hearing be set as April 28, 1953. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that after investigation of a condition where a property owner feels that an unjust assessment; was made against the property, on completion of L.I.D. , #223, Sanitary Sewers, Highlands Addition, Renton Scenic Hill, on Tracts 15 and 16; that no lateral sewers were provided to the rear of these tracts and that it is impossible to serve subject area. After a short discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the report be referred to the Sanitation Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposal. from Renton School District No. 403 for construction of a storm sewer to serve the building and grounds of the Highlands Hillcrest Elementary School; that he has made a sur— vey of the proposed sewer and discussed same with school officials and in his opinion, felt that a satisfactory agreement to the City's share of participation in this improvement could be made. The City Engineer stated that he had gone over the proposed plans for construction of a storm sewer with the school architect, Mr. Seppi and the Superintendent of the Renton School District, Mr. Oliver Hazen, and explained how the proposed sewers would improve drainage conditions in this area and how the storm water could go down the County ditch on 116th to the State Highway, where the present storm sewer is; that the City could enter into an agree— ment with the School District where the City could assume a certain percent of the expense. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the ?Jays & Means Committee to investigate and report back. Mr. Seppi,, representing the School District, stated, with confirmation of the City Engineer as to it's usefulness, that the proposed sewers would be installed at a very little cost to the City; that the School District would put in a 12 inch line to adequately drain the low portion of the school yard and carry away all surplus water instead of draining same on private property, which it would do, if the temporary houses in the Highlands were ever sold. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that he understood that this matter was somewhat urgent to the School_ District and suggested that the Ways & Means Committee meet with Mr. Seppi and the City Engineer as soon as possible. Mr. William Davis, from the audience, stated that several weeks ago tie had re— ported for the Insurance Commission, in regard to obtaining bids for Personal Liability and Property Damage coverage for the City of Renton; that tie had re— ceived a single bid for City Personal Liability and Property Damage and that he had been advised by Mr. M. Murray, the _State Auditor who is auditing the City's books at this time, to publish a "Call for Bids" for same in the official Renton Publication and requested Council authorization for same. On the recommendation of Councilman Delaurenti, moved by Freyman, seconded by Reid, that the City publish a call for bids for Personal Liability and Property Damage coverage for the City of Renton; that the call for bids be published in both the Official Renton Pub— location and the Daily Journal of Commerce. Carried. Mr. Tom Cook, from the Trojan Lighograph, on Mother' s Park, from the audience, stated that he was one of the parties interested in leasing a portion of the area presently occupied by the Miller's Sandwich Shop and would like to know the earliest possible date that space would be available and whether he should con— tinue his negotiations for same with Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he could continue his nego— tiations for the use of this area as soon as the premises were legally available. As this was the date set for the opening of bids for 2300 feet of g" diameter water pipe to be installed on S.E. 112th Street from the Highlands reservoir to 132nd Avenue S.E. , to provide better water service in the Honeydew D__strct and .rw the newly annexed areas to the east of the Renton Highlands, the City Clerk opened and read bids as follows. Bids on cast iron pipe, or asbestos BIDDER cement pipe, as per speeLfications. American Cast Iron Pipe Company $2.57 per foot (E.N. Hallgren Company, Agents (Alternate, manufacturer's standard $2.45 per foot of somewhat thinner cement lining known as "Enameline") Bids on cast iron pipe, or BIDDER placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Nye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye and Richard— son, Aye. All ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Freyman reported that the Property Committee had studied the advisabil— ity of installing one coin lock in a booth in each of the ladies and mens rest rooms adjacent to the City building, previously known as the Sweet Center Building, now occupied by -Jen's chicken and Chips Restaurant, as requested by Jennie Fliseck, lessee of said building, and recommended that approval be granted. Moved by Richard— son, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Prop— erty Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had met Thursday evening, April 2nd in regard to Off—Street and metered parking and that the Committee recommended that the Council proceed with plans for same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole and that the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets be authorized to draft the necessary plans. Carried. Moved by iiicha.rd— son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of "off—street parking and metered parking" be referred back to the Street & Alley Committee for their study and a re— port back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had received a proposal in regard to a change—over of the existing parking meter heads in the business area of the City of Renton from the present 12 minutes for 1¢ or 1 hour for 5¢ to 5¢ for each 1/2 hour or 2 nickels for 1 hour and that- the Street & Alley 'aommittee would like to suggest that this proposal be publicized in the Renton papers to ob— tain the opinion of the business people in the area, that the Chamber of Commerce had offered their services in obtaining a "public opinion poll" if the Council so desired. Councilman Swift explained to the Council that it would not be necessary to pass an emergency Budget in order to use money to allow the proposed changed—over of parking meter heads, that same had been proposed on a "Pay as you Go" basis and that they were waiting for the Council's approval before proceeding with same. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Reid, that the Council approve the suggestion that the Chamber of Commerce take a "public opinion poll." of the proposal of changing the parking meter heads as stated. Carried. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Swift, that the Public Relations Committee pub— licize the proposed parking meter—head change—over, and the "Public Opinions Poll", as suggested, to be conducted by the Chamber of Commerce. Carried. In connection with the High School students acting as Honorary Administrative Officials on April 14th and during the Council meeting on that date, the Mayor stated that the students would be permitted to make their own original. recommen— dations and submit their own personal comments on all business to come before the Council; that any prior information, Council minutes or data of any kind that would be helpful to the students in making their decisions should be furnished. That the Councilmen should act on the City's business only after the students had completed their recommendations. The Superintendent of Streets stated that he would like to have the Council con— sider changing the names of two short streets on Rainier Avenue, both at the pre— sent time named 91st Place South, one street is from the intersection of South 129th with Rainier Avenue to Hardy Street, and the other is just a short distance southwest of the Rainier Avenue intersection with Renton Avenue, running northwest from Rainier Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for their study and recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time in regard to a proposed Ordinance restricting parking of vehicles on the streets of Renton to a period of not longer than 30 days, providing penalties, etc., as they were endeavoring to work out the proposed Ordinance to coincide with the traffic code. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, reported that the Committee recommended that the Council appropriate the required $400.00 to complete the Fenton area survey to include printing of booklets giving pertinent infor— mation regarding same, and that payment for same be charged to .;emulative Fund No. 1184. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. In regard to the report that the City Treasurerts report showed a deficit in the Street Department, moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Auditing �, Accounting Committee for investigation and a report back. Councilman Richardson reported that the Street & Alley Committee had tentative plans regarding additional parking areas for private parties living in Cedar River Park, but had no definite plans yet. Councilman Swift announced a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee on Thursday evening, April 9th at 8:00 P.M., with the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division of the Police Department. On the recommendation of Mayor Joe R. Baxter, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, jr that the Mayor, Council and the City Attorney meet on Thursday, April 16th at 8:00 P.M., and that the Mayor inform the Housing Authority of the date and place for the meeting. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that Patrolman Frank Henry had been quite seriously injured and Sergeant Jack Brattus had also been injured when Renton Police Car #44 had been badly damaged in an automobile accident on Monday evening; that the damage to the Police car was being investigated and that the Police °c License Committee would make a full report at the next Council meeting. The Public Relations Committee was granted more time to report on the matter of installation of a rack for literature and the distribution of Christian Science literature in the rest rooms at the City Hall. Councilman Swift reported that he had complete inventories of all the departments of the City who would be involved in a proposed move of City offices to the Cedar River Park Administration Building and that they would try and have additional meetings in this regard in the near future. Councilman Delaurenti stated that if it was determined that the City was not goin, to move their offices to the Cedar River Administration Building, that consideration should be given to the lease of this area, or a portion thereof, to other interested nasties. The City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission had stated that they would like a meeting at an early date, of the nine—man Committee in regard to State High— way P lanning through Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that the ladies rest room -privileges at the City Hall had been abused in the evenings and that to avoid further vandalism,. he had ord Ted the installation of a loch, and that henceforth the rest room would be loci from 6:00 P.M., in the evenings, until 8:00 A.M., the following day; that the Police Depart— ment would be authorized to release the key to patrons in case of emergencies. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following clams having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 7488-7608 16,456.53 CLAIMS CURRENT 1096-1167 18,835.42 CLAIMS WATER 8802-8820 5093.73 CLAIMS PARK 1754-1763 1,154.'.7 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6417-6425 3,091.72 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2625-2639 1,056.74 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2368-2374 1,647.30 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1528-1536 2,315.73 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PENSION FD. 104 CLAIMS CUMULATIVE #1184 431 1,252.73 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 497-500 595.17 Moved bu Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30. City C l rk Mayor J .6 Renton, Wash April 14, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by :Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Baxter introduced student Mayor, Donald Custer and Councilmen as follows: Vern Ord (Street & Alley Committee) ; Pat Flaherty (Police ?�t License Committee) ; Tom 4inders (Property Committee) ; Bob Poff (Finance & Claims Committee) ; Marilyn Mead (.Auditing & Accounting Committee); Chuck Burdullis (Fire & Water Committee) ; Paul Guay (Legislation Committee) ; Maureen Smith (Public ilelations Committee) ; George Strugar (Ways & Means Committee); Ron Houle (Light & Power Committee) ; Mert Blumhardt (Law & Ordinance Committee) and Shelly Gerarden (Sanitation Committee) . ROLL CALL: SWIFT, D ELAURENTI, FREYMAN, BRUCE, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Holm was excused.) OFFICIANS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller, and James Highton, City Engineer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by H ansen, that the minutes of April 7th 1953 be approved as corrected. Carried. The City Clerk read a request for a non-conforming permit from Herman J. Covey of Covey Brothers, in answer to the Building Inspector, W. H. Will's letter of April 81 1953, that the Covey Brothers Food Stores at 3rd Avenue and Morris Street he per- mitted to allow the freezer room and ante-room at the rear of said location to stand until some type of arrangements can be made to supplement the needed space this building affords; the building in question is approximately 30 feet from their main building and approximately 60 feet from any neighboring buildings, and stated their willingness to cover the exterior with metal siding or any other type of fire-re- sisting material, to decrease the fire hazard. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Building Inspector with power to act. Carried. A report was read regarding sanitation inspection by the Seattle-King County Depart- ment of Public Health, signed by S.P. Lehman, M.D., Director of Public: Health.. stating that effective March 15, 1953, their office has made arrangements whereby inspection work for the City of Renton can be segregated, showing Renton separately from the rest of the district, and giving reports of inspections as follows: Restaurants and fountains 98 Grocery stores and meat markets . . ... 29 Rodent control . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 26 Garbage nuisance :calls . ... . . . . . . . ... 42 Rest homes 8 Insect control .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sewage systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Trailer camps .. .. .... . . . . . . . .. . .. .. 4 and stating that Mr. John Girard conducted rodent surveys of the area within the city limits of Renton at six different localities; that a pollution survey was made along the Cedar River boundary within the City limit area and that consider- able time was spent on the fringe areas of Renton in promotion of water and sewer districts. That Mr. Max Mays, successor to Mr. Girard (who is now associated with the Washington State Department of. Health,) is becoming better acquainted with the City of Renton's current problems. Also, that there are frequent inspections of dairy farms and milk plants, and samples of milk and cream are analyzed at re- gular intervals to determine bacteria count, butter, fat, etc., that if the Council desires, a monthly report of the different types of inspection can be mail- ed to the City of Renton during the following month after which inspection is made. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the report be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their study and consideration. Carried. (Overlooked through error) a copy of a communication from Haugan & Shellan, Attorneys for the City of Renton, to Mr. John Henry Campbell, 6022 31st S.W., Seattle, regarding the collision on kpril 6, 1953, where Mr. Campbell collided with one of the prowler cars belonging to the City of Renton, causing personal injuries to Police Officers in the car and extensive damage to the 1951 Mord automobile, was not read. The communication is incorporated in the April 14.th Council minutes for the Council's information, and will be placed on file. The communication fur- ther states that the investigation conclusively shows that Mr. Campbell's reck- less operation of his automobile, as well as the fact that he had been drinking just prior to the accident solely caused this collision and the resulting damage. That the City makes demand upon Mr. Campbell to immediately make payment for the damages caused to the Police car, which damage is in excess of $600.00; that this matter be turned over to his insurance company without delay, if he carries Liability insurance, and urging him to contact Mr. Haugan & Shella.n, if he carries no insurance. That estimates on the damage to the police car will be furnished on request. O. Councilman Aichardson presented proposed Resolution No. 850 as recommended by the Ordinance Committee. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 850, resolving, that a Tuesday in April of each and every year hereafter be appropriately desig- nated and observed by the City of Renton as "Youth Government Day" and such obser- vance to be in cooperation and conjunction with the Renton High School and any and all other Civic Organizations within the City of Renton, for the purpose of encour- ing and soliciting the interests of our young citizens in the functions and opera- tions of our City Government; that on said designated day the City Officials will cooperate in activities appropriate thereto including student "Officer for a Day" program. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that Resolution No. 850 be approved as read. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the furnishing and installa- tion of new water mains and necessary fittings on either Class 150 Cement-lined cast iron pipe (under Proposal A) , or Class 150 Cement-asbestos pipe (under Pro- posal B) in certain specified lengths as designated in the "Call for Bids" and "specifications" covering same in the area., the following bids were opened and read. All bids included the 3% State sales tax. TOTAL AM'T BID TOTAL AM'T OF BID CALENDAR DAYS BIDDER UNDER PROPOSAL A. UNDER PROPOSAL B. TO COMPLETE Thorburn-Logozo $89,970.50 $89,970.50 150 Matt Malaspina & Co 86,203.07 80,371.93 180 Argentieri & Colarossi 862779.66 79,002.34. 180 Emil Gostovich 112,043.00 99,548.00 120 The Harbor Construction Company 98,297.54 86,387.44 120 Valley Construction 92,125.67 989827.57 180 A. Jakoboni 942562.34 - 150 Deer Construction Company 88,155.99 - 60 Shoreline Construction Company 89,798.22 83,424.68 90 Superior Construction Company 92.361.75 83,516.52 120 Roberts Construction Company 88,289.01 88,289.01 120 Lario Libri 83012.58 76,886.93 140 Milone & Tucci, Inc. - 78,101.81 100 Harold E. Olds 107,691.67 (180 da.) 98,886.00 210 S. Macri Construction Company 104,995.34 942929.02 120 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the bids be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer for further consideration and a report back next Tuesday, April 21st. Carried. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Freyman, that the Mayor declare a recess. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND 'TAMBORINI. As this was the date set for the opening of bids for one 8" Detector meter to re place the obsolete and badly worn meter now in use on the 8" supply line to the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, there being only one bid received, same was opened and read The bid, frqm the Hersey Manufacturing Company, was in the amount of x"1631.52, 37 dashin7ton State sales tax. Delivery is to be made in approximately 42 days from receipt of order. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Hansen, that the bid be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for their consideration and a report back. Moved by Morris, seconded by H?nsen, that the motion be amended to include the Ways & Means Committee. The amendment carried. The motion then carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had met on Thursday, April 9th to discuss certain traffic requests, recommended by the former Assis— tant Police Chief, C. E. McCarthy, as presented by Mr. Arthur H. Towne, Director of Transportation for the Renton School District No. 403, as follows: 1. The Committee recommended that the curbing on the northwest corner of the intersection at Bronson Way and Park Street be set back to allow school busses to negotiate right turns on to Bronson Way from Park Street without crossing over into the in— side lane. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. On item No. 2, the Street & Alley Committee recommended that in regard to installation of buttons or channeling, together with a stop line, to permit school bus drivers to make a left turn with their busses from the Sunset Boulevard on to 4th Avenue- North, that the Renton School District be requested to investigate further, together with Captain Isackson and the Superintendent of Streets, Dave Pugh, the possi— v bility of channeling at subject location to permit the busses to more easily make this turn, or a change in routes to avoid the necessity for the school busses to make the turns in question, and report back. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris that the matter remain in the Street & Alley Committee, together with the Street Commissioner and Captain Isackson of the Police Department for fur— ther investigation and a report back. Carried. On item No. 3, The Street & Alley Committee suggested that in regard to installation of buttons or channeling on Garden Street, just north of 4th Avenue North, that the Council consider either of two recommendations, first, that the schedules be changed to a more satis— factory time, or second, that the busses proceed north on Park Street: to 5th Avenue North and then turn right. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Morris, that the problem remain in the Street & Alley Committee and that they be granted more time to study this problem. Carried. Regarding Item No. 4, the Committee reported that Ordinance No. 1454, approved and passed on April 7th prohibiting parking of vehicles on school days between the hours of 8:00 A.M. , to 5:00 P.M., remedied subject problem. Regarding Item. No. 5, Tobin Street had been .repaired and was now in good condition. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee, who were granted power to act, had approved the request of John Tha.nos to sell ice cream from house to house in the Renton Highlands, providing the required :License fee is paid to the City Clerkts office. On the request of Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee for more time for the Property Committee to consider the Trojan Lithograph Company's request to lease a portion of the area formerly occupied by the Miller's Sand— wich Shop, Mayor Baxter granted same. Mayor Baxter granted the Auditing & Accounting Committee more time to report on the Treasurerts report of the deficit in the Street Department Fuad. Councilman Hansen, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, reported that their Committee, (Councilman Olin Hansen, Chairman, together with Councilmen Bruce and Farmer) recommends that the Christian Science Society of Renton be permitted to place free distribution racks and literature in the ladies rest rooms at the City Hall. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council con— cur in the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Sanitation Committee be granted more time to investigate the condition on Renton Scenic Hill regarding an unjust assessment against a certain piece of property in the Highlands Addition, Renton ^cenic Hill, on Tracts 15 and 16, where no lateral sewers were provided to the rear of these tracts and where, it was stated, it is impossible to serve subject areas with sewers. Carried. The Sanitation Committee, City Engineer and Street Commissioners will meet Monday evening, April 20th at 5:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers. Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence, reported that due to the many new annexations in the area of the Renton Highlands, that the Fire Department would like tc have a Council Committee consider the possibility of the addition of one more fire truck at the Highlands Fire Station, to more adequately safeguard and serve the High— lands area. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to Fire & Water Committee and Ways & Means Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Attorney, Betty Jennings, reported that the lease of the Millerts Sandwich Shop had been terminated as of Thursday, April 16th 1953 and recommended that the matter of rental of this property be referred to the Property Committee for furth-r action. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council con— cur in the recommendation of the City Att orney, and this matter be referred to the Property Committee for further action. Carried. Councilman Farmer reported that the abandoned frame work of a building foundation, which had been constructed several years ago, located on the south side of 3rd Avenue, adjacent to the old City limit posts, was an eye sore to the City, was dangerous to the public and an all—round nuisance and recommended that the Build— ing Inspector be authorized to investigate same and report back so that the neces— sary steps to institute condemnation proceedings may be arranged. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the recommendation of Councilman Farmer be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Reid, reported for the Light & Power Committee, that the Committee would like to recommend the installation of three mercury vapor lights on Mills Street between 3rd Avenue and Bronson Way, that in the opinion of the Light & Power Committee, this street was heavily traveled and was a traffic hazard because of inadequate lighting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be re— ferred to the Ways & Means Committe for their investigation and a report back. Carried. City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, requested a meeting as soon as possible after the return of Councilman Don Holm, (who is presently out of town) with the Audit— ing and Accounting Committee and City Engineer regarding transfer of funds for the payment of interest on, and the retirement of 1953 dater & Sewer Revenue Bonds. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the request of the City Treasurer. Carried. Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of the Fire & .dater Committee, the City Engineer and Consulting Engineer on Monday April 20th at 4:30 P.M., in the City Engineer's office. Mayor Baxter stated that it was the pleasure of himself and all Councilmen and Department Heads working with students to assist in making "Student' s Day" a success — — that he hoped that each year a successful Student's Day could be organized and the program carried out for other students of subsequent Senior classes. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and c tiered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were approved: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 7609-7761 $25,734.88 CLAIMS CURRENT 1168-1173 16,698.22 CLAIMS WATER 81,21-8523 2,6.89.76 CLAIMS PARK 1766.— 901.54 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6426— 2,537.78 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2640— 12163.09 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2375— 957.63 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1537-1549 2,602.03 CLAIMS FTRF;MEN'S PEN. 105-106 250.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FUND 601-606 2,789.28 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FD. 501— 74.50 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1184 432-433 772.59 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjounr. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. (The Council Chambers were filled to capacity with students and visitors.) ty Clerlk May r x Renton, Washington April 21, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND TAMBORINI. (On their prior request to be excused, Mayor Baxter excused Councilmen Bruce and Richardson.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of April 14t,h be approved as written. On advice of Gerard Shellan that the minutes of April 14th be considered further before approval, moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the motion to approve the minutes of April be tabled until the next Council meeting. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4311 $ 40.00 A. Fauro 700 Renton St. flower box & pit 2 350.00 Hub City Drug 3rd & Wells remodel bldg. 3 150.00 Mrs. Sabina Marler 665 A St. erect carport 4 — Bill Cook 2332 6th Place Elect. service 5 100.00 John W. Klinga 442 N. Burnett St. erect fence 6 100.00 Elizabeth Barrett 509 Williams St. remodel house 7 — North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory install fur. 8 — Modern Materials 629 P Street install plumbing 9 — n rr 643 P A n n 20 _ n n 647 P " n n 21 — " " 651 P n n n 22 — " " 657 P 23 n n 663 P n n n 24 — n n bb9 p n n n 25 — " " 673 P n rt n 26 — n " 638 0 27 — n n 642 0 n n n 28 — " " 646 0 z9 n n 652 0 n n n 30 " " 660 0 n n n 31 — " " 666 0 32 — " " 670 0 " 33 — 910 E " n n 34 — Mike Lotto 8462 S. 136th 35 — Sewing Mach. Service 704 3rd Ave. remodel store 36 — Frank O'Hara 115 Williams St. enclose porch 37 — Geo. 0. Lundberg 96 Burnett St. erect fence 38 82000.00 Rainier Asphalt Pave Maple Valley Highway erect building 39 700.00 N.A. Maffeo 305 4th Ave. erect Gar. & fence 40-252,000.00 St. Anthony's Parish 4th & Morris erect Church bldg. 41 100.00 Tom James 412 N. Wells reshingle house 42 200.00 James Duncan 300 Pelly Ste reroof house 43 300.00 Art Berend 1523 Marion Ave. remodel house 44 300.00 The Wigwam 350 Sunset Hiway install neon sign 45 100.00 Alex Gowers 423 Morris St. remodel house 46 7,000.00 Modern Materials 642 0 St. erect house 47 7,000.00 " " 638 0 St. n n 48 71000.00 " " 639 P St. 49 72000.00 " " 643 P St. n n 50 7,OOO.00 " " 638 P St. 51 7,000.00 " " 642 P St. 52 7,000.00 " " 646 P St. n n 53 71000.00 " " 663 P St. 54 72000.00 " " 669 P St. 55 7,000.00 " " 673 P St. 56 7'000.00 " " 670 0 St. 57 7,000.00 " " 666 0 St. " " APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4358 $7,000.00 Modern Materials 662 P St. erect house 59 71000.00 " "' 666 P St. n » 60 7,000.00 " " 670 P St. " n 61 7,000.00 " " 3705 7th Ave. N. " n 62 7,000.00 " n 3709 7th Ave. N. " n 63 7,000.00 " of 3713 7th Ave. N. " n 64 72000.00 " " 3717 7th Ave. N. 65 7,000.00 " " 3723 7th Ave. N. " n 66 250.00 Mrs. Anna Plovic 118 Meadow siding on house 67 100.00 Stanley Skerbini & 705 4th Ave. reroof dwelling Mario Belmondo 68 300.00 Kenneth H. Lund 13230 Rainier Ave. erect off. bldg. 69 - Modern Materials 638 P St, install plumbing 70 - " " 642 P St. n » 71 - " " 646 P St. n n 72 - '' " 650 P St, n n 73 - " " 654 P St. rr n 74 - " " 658 P St. n n 75 — " " 662 P St, " » 76 — " " 666 P St. 77 - " " 670 P St. " n 78 - " " 3705 7th Ave. N. 79 - » " 3709 7th Ave. N. 80 3713 7th Ave. N. 81 - " " 3717 7th Ave. N. n " 82 - » " 3723 7th Ave. N. 83 200.00 Mrs. Jane Storey 346 Pelly . reshi.ngle house 84 250.00 Wening Motors 1100 Bronson Way erect neon sign 85 250.00 Vance Gribble 2307 6th Ave. N. erect carport 86 - Alberta Weaver 100 Logan St. install plumbing On request of Mayor Baxter for same, Councilman Farmer, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee reported that after a thorough discussion and consideration of all bids received for the improvement of the Kennydale water system, that the Committee unanimously recommended that the bid of Lario Libri for Proposal B, which specifies the use of Cement-Asbestos pipe, in the amount of X76,886.93 be accepted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Swift, that all certified checks and bid bonds accompanying the bids of the Kennydale Water System Improvement, ex- cept the one of the successful bidder, be returned. Carried. The Fire & Water Committee further recommended acceptance of the bid of the Hersey Mfg. Company for one 8" Detector type meter (equipped with compound by-pass) in the amount of $1651.52, further stating that the replacement of the above meter was anticipated, and included in "Maintenance & Operation", when the 1953 Budget was compiled. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. A petition for annexation to the City of Renton was read from the Board of Directors of Renton School District No. 403, signed by H. R. Johnson, Secretary of the Board, for the following described property: "The SWT' of the SWj of the SWj, and the St of the NWj of the SWj of the SW-- of SEC. 42 T 23 N, R SE, WM." A location map and plot plan map of the proposed area to be annexed, including the proposed Junior High School, was enclosed, also a check in the amount of $25.00 to cover annexation costs. Building Inspector, Walt Will, reported that the Planning Commission was familiar with this request and the urgency of same, and that if the petition is referred to the Planning Commission soon, they would endeavor to have a report back at the next Council meeting. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the annexation petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their study and recommendation and that the City Treasurer issue the School Board a receipt for the annexation expense attached. Carried. A petition for street lights in President Park Addition, signed by approximately 80 property owners was read. The residents of President Park further request traffic signs be posted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the matter of street lights in President Park Addition be referred to the Light & Power Committee and the matter of posting of traffic signs be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried, x A communication was read from Romeo Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, advising that Emmon H. Beil, Garage Foreman, will be over the normal retirement age of 65 on June 1st and will have to retire on that date unless the City Council takes the necessary action to extend his normal retirement date. A report was read from David J. Pugh, Street 'aommissioner, stating that after considerable investigation and study, and because of the fact that Mr. Beil is enjoying good health and is very efficient in his position, that he requested that Mr. Eamon H. Beil's retirement age be extended for the maximum period of two years, to June 1, 1955. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street Commissioner and that within the next two years the Street Commissioner find a replacement for Mr. Beil. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission, submitting a proposed zoning Ordinance and recommending Its adoption to replace the present zoning Ordinance #1164, further stating that Mr. Walt Will, Building Inspector, would present each Councilman and the Mayor with copies of the Zoning Ordinance for distribution and the zoning map which accompanies it. Fach Councilman and the Mayor having received a copy of the proposed Zoning Ordinance, said Ordinance being very lengthy, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that each Councilman study the proposed Zoning Ordinance for one week, and that any action regarding same be postponed until the next Council meeting. Carried. The City Clerk read the outline of the "Notice of Annual Statewide Convention" of the Association of Washington Cities at Aberdeen, Washington, dated April 15th giving the date of June 4th as the date of the Pre—convention social, and June 5th and 6th as the main Convention dates, for the purpose of , (1) Formulating policy, (2) Exchanging ideas on current Municipal Problems, (3) Electing Officers and (4) meeting fellow officials. (Reservation blanks were enclosed. Anyone wishing to make advance reservations will contact: DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER.) On request of the Board of Directors of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, a communi— cation was read, signed by Donald G. Holm, President of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, addressed to the Federal Power Commission, Washington, D.C., advising that the citizens of the City of Renton oppose the formation of a Public Utility District, and desire to be served by privately owned and operated electrical utility companies, further stating that it is desirable to favor action that will enable private ownership to improve service or reduce cost thereof; that they feel under private ownership and management, that the citizens of the Community are in a better position to request and receive adequate and improved services at reasonable rates and that the proposed merger of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, and the Washington Water Power Company could provide better service for all; that the Board of Directors of the Renton Chamber of Commerce had, on April 20th unanimously recommended that such proposed consolidation be approved by the respective State and Federal Agencies. Councilman Holm explained that the communi— cation was read fro Council information. On request of Mayor Joe R. Baxter, moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Special Power Committee.(Councilman Walt Reid, — Chairman, Art Haugan, — City Attorney, Mayor Baxter, Councilmen Don Holm, Steve Tamborini, B. J. Richardson, Hugh Bruce and James Highton, City Engineer.) Carried. This being the date set for the "Hearing" on the Annexation of President Park Addition No. 4, and there being no written or oral protests received, moved by Councilman Swift, seconded by Councilman Freyman, that the Council approve the annexation, to the City of Renton, of President Park Addition No. 4, adjacent to the Renton Highlands, and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance annexing same. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the State Examiner, on request to investigate the legality of same, had been informed by the State Auditor, Cliff Yelle, that the paying of sick leave, and accruing of 30 day sick leave time, to the City of n.. Renton employees, who are unable to go to work because of sickness, was not legal as authorized by Resolution No. 849, that authorization should have been made by Ordinance; that although not included in the 1953 budget, the) 1953 budget could be supplemented by the adopting of an emergency budget for same. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, the intent of the Resolution was to continue only through the duration of 1953, that if the policy was to con— tinue beyond that date, additional funds for same would be allocated in the 1954 budget. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Morris, that the matter be referred to to the Ordinance committee and City Attorney to prepare the proper Ordinance covering same. On the advice of the City Attorney, that the City of Renton should t�, obtain the Attorney General'S opinion on this subject, Councilman Tamborini, with the consent of his seconds Councilman Morris, withdrew his motion. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman$ that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for a report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, stated that his Committee recommended that the matter previously referred to his Committee in re- gard to preparing the necessary deeds for abutting property owners of the proposed alley between 4th Avenue and Walla Walla Avenue (between Wells and Williams Streets) be referred to the Street Commissioner, together with the City Attorney's office to prepare the necessary deeds. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, President of the Renton City Council, requested that the matter, recently referred to the Council as a whole, of whether the City of Renton can legally assess property owners in a certain area, for improvements within that area, for water lines and/or mains, rather than by the formation of a Local Improvement District, be referred to the City Attorney for his consideration and a report back, as in his opinion, the Council should be more fully informed as to the legal method permissable to proceed with this matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for study and his report back. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee further reported that the owners and/or operators of Bennett's Grocery Store did not feel that the new park- ing restrictions on the south side of the store were proving satisfactory, that they recommended that consideration be given to proposed angle parking in this area, with the provision of installation of curbs, that Mrs. Lavina Bennett has signified her willingness to give up the parking strip between the alley adiacent, and the store, to provide better parking for customers, that the owners of Bennett's Grocery would like to black top the area for parking. The City Engineer stated that he and the Street Commissioner had looked over this area today and they would like to investigate further before making a report. Mayor Baxter granted the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer more time on this matter. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Delaurenti more time in regard to obtaining estimates for the repair of the damaged police car. .� Councilman Reid of the Sanitation Committee requested that the entire Council as a Whole study the report in regard to no lateral sewers being provided to the rear of Tracts 15 and 16, Highlands Addition, Renton Scenic Hill, and that the request of Mr. Repovz to have same installed by the City of Renton. Councilman Reid fur- ther stated that the Sanitation Committee recommended that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration and a report back. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee and the matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration at a special meeting to be held in this regard next Tuesday Evening, April 28th at 7:00 P.M. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that he wished to present a very important matter, in regard to the City of Renton's final policy in regards the Renton Cedar River Project, that he would like to have the City Attorney check on the City of Renton's power question and advise as soon as possible .lust what the situation is as concerns the City of Renton. There will be a special meeting of the Power Committee on Friday morning at 9:00 A.M. Councilman Morris stated that he would be unable to attend special Council Committee meetings held on the 1st or 3rd Thursdays of the months as this evening was promised to another organization. Councilman Reid reported in regard to street lights for the President Park Addition, .no„ that he and the Power Company Representatives had investigated this report and re- commended that 29 incandescent lights be installed in the four President Park Additions; that the power Company furnished the lights, together with the installa- tion thereof, and that the cost to the City is approximately $3.20 per month each for the lighting thereof. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the previous motion of Councilman Delaurenti (seconded by Freyman) that the matter of installa- tion of street lights be referred to the Light & Power Committee, be amended to read "with power to act." Carried. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee with the Chief of Police, Thursday, April 23rdat8:00 P.M. After a discussion in regard to same by some of the Councilmen, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council meet for their regular Council meetings only on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the three months, June, July and August, unless the Mayor determines that an extra meeting is required, when he could call a special meeting on any of the alternate Tuesdays. Carried. On the request of Mayor Baxter for a special meeting of the Committee of the Council as a whole for consideration of the proposed new Building Code Ordinance, Tuesday, April 28th at 7:00 P.M., was set as the time and date of the proposed meeting. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee had met with the Chief of Police and that the Committee requested that an Ordinance be drafted in regard to "Merchant Patrolmen", and the duties and/or privileges of that body to �... enable the Police Chief to have closer supervision and control of same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Comm— ittee and Chief of Police to draft a proper Ordinance governing the Merchant Patrol— man and his duties. Carried. Councilman Holm requested a meeting of the Auditing and Accounting Committee at 5:00 P.M., Thursday with the Budget Controller. (The Budget Controller is to be notified of this meeting.) Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of the Fire & Water Committee and Fire Chief, Friday, April 24th at 7:30 P.M., at Fire Station #1. On the request of Mayor Baxter, the City Clerk read a communication from Angeline Gatsos requesting that the Council consider the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Airport Way with Logan Street. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter had been investigated previously and had been reported as not feasible and unnecessary and that the lady should be so advised. Mayor Baxter reported that 34 applicants had taken the Civil Service '.Pest on Saturday Morning, April 18th for Police Patrolmen. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (there were 5 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City Clerk J yor Renton, Washington April 28, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, DARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON & TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gosset, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, tiat the minutes of April 21st be approved as corrected. Carried. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of April 14th be approved as corrected by the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for Comprehensive Public Liability Coverage on all properties, on all operations and on all automotive equipment owned and/or operated by the City of Renton, the following bids were opened and read: Farmers Insurance Group, Seattle, Wash. , ............ $5,831.92 Northwest Casualty Company, Seattle, Wash.,.......... 10,980.44 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the bids be referred to the Insurance Commission for further study and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. This also being the date set for the opening of bids for three electric power transformers for installation at the Kennydale well, the following bids were opened and read. .� Westinghouse Electric Supply Company... . ........ 1,122.39 General Electric Supply Corporation 1,122.39 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids be referred to the Light and Power Committee and City Engineer for consideration and their recommendation. Carried. The Clerk read a petition for annexation of certain property west of the Renton Municipal Airport, bounded on the north by South 122nd Street, on the west by 87th Avenue South, on the South by South 132nd Street, on the east by Hardie Street and Rainier Avenue. On the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the petition be referred to the City Engineer to determine if there is the required signatures of 75% of the assessed valuation of property owners in the area to be annexed, and that if necessary, the petition be amended to include the required number of signatures, and at the time the necessary signatures are obtained, that the petition be referred to the Planning Cmmmission for their recommendation and a report back. Carried. A request for approval of a proposed plat of "Sunset Heights" located east of State Highway No. 2, Sunset Highway, adjacent on the north to Windsor Hills was sub— mitted by R. J. Storey, Professional Engineers for the owners,Lloyd & Roger Peterson. Mr. Storey stated that the property, "The Sf of the SW-f of the NE-f of the SE-41 of Section 8, TWP 23 N , R 5 E. W.M., lying east "! of State Highway No. 29 " now has access to the State Highway at its north line, but due to limited access requirements, no direct access is provided, except a strip 10 feet wide for util— ities and a foot walk. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Morris, that this request be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A request for rezoning the south one—half of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Block 4, Smithers 6th Addition to Renton (221 Whitworth Street) , from residential to commercial, for the purpose of converting said property to a parking area, was read from Mrs. Elizabeth Reid. Councilman Tamborini stated, that in his opinion, this would help to relieve parking problems and would be advisable. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that Mrs. Reid be informed that the proposed new zoning Ordinance would include the rezoning of the property she is requesting to be rezoned and that it is anticipated that the proposed new zoning Ordinance would become effective before such time as her request would be granted. Carried. A request for rezoning of Lot 3, Block 5, Smithers 6th Addition to Renton, residen— tial to commercial, located on Whitworth Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue was read from Ned Stokes, of the Stokes Mortuary. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that Mr. Stokes be informed that the proposed new zoning Ordinance would include the rezoning of the property he is requesting to be rezoned, .and that it .. anticipated that the proposed new zoning Ordinance would become effective before such time as his request would be granted. Carried. A communication was read from James L. Lee of Leets Ice Cream Company, requesting permission to operate his ice cream vending machines within the City of Renton this summer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from W. J. Hazelett, 2224 6th Avenue North, notifying the City of the generally unsafe condition of the wooden grille covering a catch basin, situated on his property, believed to be connected to the storm sewer system of the City of Renton, and the generally unsanitary condition of the standing water in the basin and suggesting the City Council either (1) Replace the wooden grill with a concrete slab and leave the system undisturbed, or (2) join the various drains that enter the basin with tile and fill in the basin with soil. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the report be referred to the Street Commissioner for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read a voucher from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer.. in the amount of $4475.00 for partial payment for engineering services for the City of Renton's Water Improvement Program, voucher tabbed for the Kennydale Improvement, as submitted by James Highton, City Engineer, The City Engineer stated that he is satisfied the fee charge is fair for the quality of services received and recommends payment; that the City of Renton has been working on a verbal agreement only with Mr. Wolff since the contract to make the original survey and in his opinion, a written agreement between Mr. Wolff and the City of Renton should be entered into. The City Engineer also attached a schedule of fee charges presented by Mr. Wolff for consideration in preparing an agreement. Fee charges for the 1953 Revenue Bond Issue Improvement Plan are included in the bond issue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Voucher, and schedule of fee charges as presented by Mr. Wolff, be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointments by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Alfred L. Henno and Gordon J. Blank as patrolmen on the Renton Police Force, commencing April 26, 1953. With the understanding that the newly appointed patrolmen be placed on a six months probabtionary period, moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, t'.1at the Council approve the appointments. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1455, annexing President :Park Addition No. 4 to the City of Renton, as presented by Chairman B. J. Richardson, of the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Farmer, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Gommittee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1455 be placed' on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Rich— ardson, Aye and Tamborini, Aye.. All eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the two short streets west of Rainier Avenue, both at the present time named 91st Place South, be changed as follows: the one from the intersection of South 129th Street with Rainier Avenue to Hardie Street be changed to NELSON PLACE, and the one just a short distance southwest of the Rainier Avenue intersection with Renton Avenue, running northwest from Rainier Avenue be named HAYES PLACE. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the renaming of these streets be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the postal authorities be notified of the proposed changed of street nea.mes, after they become effective. Carried. .� Councilman Swift, President of the Council reported on the meeting of the Council as a whole on April 16th regarding the proposed plat for the Renton Highlands as submitted by the Housing Authority, that there were seven members present and they unanimously recommended approval of the plat. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a whole Carried. On request by Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Special Power Committee, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Special Power Committee be given more time regarding acquisition of the Light & Power facilities in the City of Renton. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that arrangements were being made with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for installation of lights in President Park Addition. Councilman Swift reqported regarding traffic control signs in President Park Addition that the Committee could not determine where to place any traffic control signs and recommended that the Police Department be requested to investigate this area closer for traffic violators and institute a concentrated drive to curb speed- ing in this area. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, President of the Council, reported that at the meeting of the Council as a whole this evening, previous to the regular Council meeting, that the Committee with the City Attorney, City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer, had discussed the addition of lateral lines to the Sanitary Sewer System on Renton scenic Hill, and had unanimously recommended what action should be taken. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the Committee members be instructed to take the necessary recommended action. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that a number of bids had been received for the re- pair of the damaged police car, that the bid of 3521.17, the work to be completed in 10 days, by Williams & Swanson was the lowest bid and the Police 8c License Committee recommended that they be awarded the bid. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Chief of Police be authorized to have the police car re- paired as recommended. Carried. Councilman Reid requested that the Special Power Committee be granted one more weeks time to report as to their recommendation in regard to the proposed merger of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the Washington Water Power Company. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Tamborini, that the Special Power Committee be granted more time. Carried. Councilman Swift, President of the Council, suggested that consideration be given to the Official Delegates to the Convention of the Association of Washing— ton Cities, June 4, 5 and 6th at Aberdeen, Washington. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the President of the Council, Councilman Swift, and Mayor Joe R. Baxter, be authorized as the two Official Delegates to attend the Convention. Carried. There was a short discussion as to remuneration of Official Delegates while at the conventions. On request of Councilman Bruce, the City Engineer reported that the survey of the properties, requested by the Trojan Lithograph Company had been made and that a new sketch had been drawn and is ready for the Property Committee. Councilman Bruce stated that the Trojan Lithograph Company would like to build an add4-tion on their present building and that same would revert to the City of Renton on termination of their lease. Councilman Holm requested that the postponed meeting of the Auditing &: Accounting ' Committee to be held Tuesday, May 5th at 4:30 P.M., in the Controller' s Office. After a short discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of charging for the City's costs incurred in rezoning and annexations presented to the Council for consideration, be referred to the Ordinance Committee and Build- ing Inspector to amend the respective Ordinances to include these cost's in same. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a Special Power Committee meeting, Tuesday, May 5, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had met and considered the bids received for the three electric power transformers and that the Committee N"' recommended that both bids being the identical cost, the bid of the Westinghouse Electric Supply Company be accepted as they could make delivery at once from stock. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the report as shown in the minutes of the Renton Planning Commission regarding the use of Jones Park as a parking area had been investigated and it was determined that the deed does not specify that; the Park area could not be used as a parking area. Councilman Tamborini stated that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had met this evening and had considered a portion of the proposed new zoning Ordinance, but that as it was very complicated and long, in his opinion, the Council should designate a special evening for consideration of same. 4s there were no evenings satisfactory to all Councilmen, the designation of the date of the meeting will be made at the next Council meeting. Councilman Swift reported that further discussion of the proposed move; of City Hall offices to the Renton Cedar River Project was being held until it; was deter- mined just what plans the State Highway Department was to going to proceed with, through the City of Renton Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Committee appointed to study the cost, etc., of the feasibility of moving the City offices from the present location at the City Hall to the Administration Building at Cedar River Park (Councilman Richardson, Bruce and himself) on Thursday evening, April 30th at 7:30 P.M. The Fire Chief reported that the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, and his crew had accomplished a great deal in the "Clean-Up" Drive the past week, that the Fire Department had taken many calls and the crew had made all of the pick ups request- ed. Mayor Baxter thanked the Fire Chief and the Strut Commissioner and his crew who worked very hard and had made "Clean-Up" week such a success. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (there were 3 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Citk Clerk yor a2 Renton, Washington May 5, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton' City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walter Will., Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of April 28, 1953, be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4387 - Great Northern Ry.Co. Renton, Wash Plumbing & Heating 8 $ 150.00 G. M. Schwendeman 2413 7th North erect fence 9 2,500.00 North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory erect shed 90 44.00 Frank Hopper 439 Windsor Way erect fence 1 600.00 Sam Lacazinni 601 Shattuck erect garage 2 900.00 Longacres Cafe 912 3rd Avenue erect neon sign 3 - Arthur Towne 13829 Thomas Plumbing 4 100.00 Charles Delaurenti 310 N. Williams erect fence 5 - Robert Mikkala 530 Whitworth install plumbing 6 100,00 V. R. Vietzke 516 Pell.y erect car port 7 50.00 Max Jensen 2343 6th Place elec. service 8 - Bruno Scappini 426 Burnett St. install furnace 9 500.00 Harry Sherrick 120 91st Ave., So. siding on house 4400 600.00 Lee Ward 238 Meadow siding on house 1 - Dr. Glossop 415 Stevens install plumbing 2 - Elizabeth Barrett 509 Williams wire service .. 3 - Fred Brown 611 6th South install furnace 4 150.00 Modern Materials 670 0. Street wire service 5 150.00 " " 666 0. " " " 6 150.00 " " 669 0. 7 150.00 " " 652 0. 8 150.00 " " 646 0. 9 150.00 " " 642 0. 10 150.00 " " 638 0. 11 150.00 " " 639 P. 12 150.00 " " 643 P. " n ►� 13 150.00 " " 647 P. 14 150.00 " " 651 P. 15 150.00 " " 657 P. " 16 150.00 " " 663 P. " 17 150.00 " " 669 P. 18 150.00 " " 673 P. 19 150.00 " " 3723 7th Ave. , No. 20 150.00 " " 3717 7th " No. 21 150.00 " „ 3713 7th " No. " n 22 150.00 r' " 3709 7th " No. n n 23 - Alberta Weaver 100 Logan Install plumbing 24 700.00 LeRoy E. Gaston 3533 6th Ave., No. erect garage 25 - John Repovz 806 4th Avenue demolish bldg. The City Clerk read a petition signed by 7 persons all living on or near Stevens Street, on Fifth and Sixth Avenue West, requesting Council action to stop the running at large of cattle and horses in this area as this was causing considerable damage to the property in this area. Mr. Ozbolt, from the audience, stated that on numerous occasions, cattle or horses running at large had trampled their gardens. Mr. McCann, who resides at 9401 S. 150th Place, on the edge of the Talbot area, the owner of the horses and cattle, from the audience, stated that his animals were well fenced in and in his opinion were harming no property. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Police Department for investigation and a report bark. Carried. 330 A communication was read from W. A. Bugge, Director of the Washington State Department of Highways, signed by Frank M. Stocking, Right-of-Way Engineer, attach- ing the original and three copies of "Notice of Hearing" for franchise application No. 2316, which is to be published and posted in accordance with 1937' Session Laws; that this notice be furnished the County Auditor with instructions fcr publishing and posting; that affidavits to prove both publishing and posting are filed in the Washington State Highway Department Office in conformity with the law, prior to June 9, 1953, the date set for the hearing on the application. The City Engineer stated that the franchise covers construction, operation and maintenance of water pipe lines under a portion of Primary State Highway No. 2, Renton Branch, and Secondary State Highways Nos. 2-A and 5-C in King County, Washington, for a period of twenty-five (25) years, at certain designated points, that it is a, legal agree- ment with the State and in his opinion is in order, and should be acted upon as .r soon as possible as there is only a little over a months time before the scheduled date of Hearing. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the communication and Franchise Application No. 2316 be referred to the City Attorney, and City Engineer for investigation and if the application is in order, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the documents. Carried. The City Engineer stated that there were more proposed lines under consideration at the present time, but they would be considered later. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, as this was only the Notice of Hearing, that the Hearing being on June 9th, at which time the people could express their approval or dis- approval, that the City should go ahead with the required publishing and posting. A notice of the Inland Empire Sewage Works Short School, to be held at the State College of Washington in Pullman, on May 14, 15 and 16th, was read from E. F. Eldridge, Director and Chief Engineer of the Pollution Control Commission, signed by Emil C. Jensen, Chief, Division of Engineering and Sanitation, ,State Depart- ment of Health# A communication, signed by Bob Jones, President of -the Associa- tion of Washington Cities, further explaining the school was read. The City Engineer stated that, in his opinion, as there was a similar school scheduled a little later on in the year for operators of Sewer Disposal Plants, closer to the City of Renton, that at this time, they not send representatives to the School outlined above. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Co-mittee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back later on this evening, after a requested recess. Carried. The City Engineer presented Estimate No. 1, for work performed through April 30th 1953 by Pipe Linings, Inc., contractor on the cleaning and lining of the 20 inch water main, in the amount of $28,533.98, less 15% retained, $4,280.10, of a net amount due the contractor on Estimate No. 1, of $24,253.38. The City Engineer stated that the Force Account Bill No. 1, in the amount of $189.08-was for re- placement of a deformed section of the 20 inch water main, and was_ provided for in the contract proposal. The Estimate was certified correct by the City lhgineer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the estimate be referred to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Riley & Parker, Attorneys, signed by John W. Riley, in reference to a complaint from his client, Mr. Harold L. David, concerning the disposition of surface and drainage waters coming from Bronson Way, in a north- erly direction, by way of a culvert running westerly from Bronson Way where it is dumped into an old creek bed to continue in a westerly direction under Grandey Way by way of another culvert at the above location; that whenever there is moderate rainfall there is considerable property damage upon the property of Mr. David by erosion and flooding; that it is contended that this condition is a hazard to the area and also to Mr. & Mrs. David' s small children and requesting the City Council to take action to divert the surplus surface waters. The Street Superintendent stated that the City Engineer and City Attorney and himself had inspected the area referred to in the complaint and that in their opinion this was the natural course of the water; that they request that the matter be re- ferred to them for further investigation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee, Street Commissioner, City Attorney and City Engineer for further investigation and a report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer regarding the proposed annexa- tion of approximately 80 acres west of Rainier Avenue that was submitted to the City Council on April 28, 1953, that to avoid a delay of one month, he had presented the petition to the Planning Commission for their preliminary dis- cussion on April 292 1953; that the unofficial action of the Planning Com- mission was to request that the principal petitioner., Mr. Robert Edwards, sub- mit plats and plans for the development of the properties and that definite action on the petition be postponed until the plats and plans are reviewed. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Drazich, owners of a beauty shop in the basement of their home, requesting restriction of all day parking to one hour parking on the street in front of their home at 108 Factory Street, as customers are unable to park their automobiles near their beauty shop. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the matter of changing the parking time on this particular street be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read the Notice of Hearing, before the Washington Public Service Commission, of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's application for approval of the Statutory merger of Puget Sound Power & Light Company into the Washington Water Power Company, the Washington Water Power Company to be the surviving cor— poration. On Advice of the City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the notice be referred to the Legal Department to keep in touch with the progress of this proposed merger. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. 4fter the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen present. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 851, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, extending the retirement date of Emmon H. Beil for two years, to June 11 1955. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council adopt pro— posed Resolution No. 851 as read. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 852, as requested by Mr. L. J. Costello, State Representative, who has made similar requested from the other Cities in the Valley, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, the Resolution to be addressed to the Honorable Glenn R. Davis, MC Chairman, Civil Functions Appropriation Sub— committee, House Appropriation Committee, Washington, D. C., stating that the City of Renton desires to do all in their power to secure National appropriations to complete the final planning and start the actual construction on the Eagle Gorge Dam, which they consider to be an essential Defense Project, as the completion of this project would contribute a great deal toward the safety and defense of this area, and through the elimination of floods, would provide a large area necessary for factory sites essential to the Defense Program of our Country, and urge that the members of the Civil Functions Appropriation Subcommittee of the House Appro— priation Committee give early consideration and approval of the request herein outlined and give their support to securing appropriations of funds sufficient to complete the planning and to begin construction of the Eagle Gorge Dam. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 852 as read and that certified copies of same be furnished Mr. Frank J. Beaver., Assistant Manager, Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 853, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, extending the employment of Miss Winifred Daniels, Librarian, to such time as an adequate replacement has become available to take over and perform the functions of Librarian, and that such time period in no event to extend beyond June 1, 1954; that subject employee after June 1, 1953, no longer covered by the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System; that Miss Daniels had indicated she would not be interested in the extension of her employment date for a period longer than one year; that the requirement for the position of Librarian was highly educational and that the Library Board had been unsuccessful in ad— quately filling the position. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 853 as read. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the City Clerk request the Library Board to make every endeavor to �.. select a new Librarian as soon as possible. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 854, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, informing the Washington State Public Service Commission and the Federal Power Commission, in respect to the proposed merger of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the Washington Water Power Company, to avoid drawing erroneous in— ferences or conclusions by said Commissions or others as to the policy and position of the City of Renton relative thereto, that (1) the City now has pending a con— demnation action looking to acquisition and operation of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's electric distribution system within this City as a municipally owned and operated public utility, (2) that such is the declared policy of the City of Renton, adopted pursuant to a Special City Election in which that act-on, and ? municipal ownership and operation of the electric utility,was approved by various local civic organizations, including the Renton Chamber of Commerce through a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of its members September 27, 7.950, (4) that any implications negativing or contradicting the above which might be thought to arise. from Renton Chamber of Commerce Directors' letter of April 213, 1953, to the Federal Power Commission or from other sources, have not been authorized by the City or its electorate and do not represent any change in the above existing policy and position of the City of Renton and (5) that copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the Clerk to the Federal and State Agencies above mentioned and to the Governor of Washington. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 854 as read, and copies be forwarded to the Federal and State Agencies, and the Renton Chamber of Commerce. Carried. Ind I The City Clerk stated that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company had presented a proposed Resolution, authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing Municipal Water Pumping Power for five years to operate the City's water pumping plant located at S.E. 100th Street and 108th Avenue S.E., in the Southeast f of the Northeast i of the Northwest J of Section 5, TWP 23, Range 5 E., W.M., in the vicinity of Kennydale, Washington, at utility pole adjacent to the City's pump house at the above des- cribed location, and attaching Schedule 82, power -factor provisions to cover. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the proposed Resolution be referred to the Light & Power Committee and City Attorney for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1456, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, changing the names of two certain streets in the City of Renton, the first, 91st Place South, extending from the intersection of South 129th Street and Rainier Avenue to Hardie Street, to Nelson Place, and the second, 91st Place South, extending for a short distance from Rainier Avenue in a northwesterly direction, to Hayes Place. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the pro- posed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaur- enti, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1456 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 14572 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, prohibiting parking and establishing a loading and unloading zone for commercial vehicles only on the "southerly 60 feet, from the Southeast corner of Third Avenue and Williams Street," for the purpose of and only for such per- iod of time as is necessary for the expeditious loading or unloading of commer- cial vehicles. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and re- commended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1457 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows. Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye, the motion carried. Mayor Baxter reported that the Insurance Commission was thoroughly studying the bids submitted for Insurance coverage for the City of Renton; that the City had an. "insurance rider" in effect protecting the City until the Council accepts one of the bids received, or has completed arrangements for insurance coverage for the coming year, and granted the Commission more time to make their report. On request for information regarding same, Councilman Swift, Chairman of the ri Special Committee appointed to study the cost, etc., of moving the City Offices from the present location at the City Hall to the Administration Building at Cedar River Park, reported that the proposed meeting for further consideration of this move had been postponed, as the committee members were unable to be present for the meeting. Councilman Richardson suggested consideration be given to this matter at the next Coun,--il meeting, that the Council plan on opening the meeting and taking care of urgent business, then recessing to enable the Council as a Whole to hold their Committee meeting for the purpose of discussion of this matter and other vital matters to the City that time has not permitted the Council as a whole to discuss and consider. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council meet for a short Council meeting at the next regular meeting on May 12th and after taking care of the urgent business, recess, and hold a Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole to discuss several problems before taking action on same. Carried. On .request of Mayor Baxter, Mr. Hendrick- son, manager of Renton Cedar River Park Project, stated he would be present at the meeting. Councilman Bruce requested Council confirmation regarding buildings erected on City property, or additions to buildings on City property, reverting to the City of Renton at the termination of lease contracts and the policy that such buildings or additions be not torn down. Councilman Bruce stated that Tom Cooke of the Trojan Lithograph Company is planning on an addition on the building he is leasing and should be informed that any such additions must not be torn down and that they revert to the City at the time of termination of the lease. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it is usually the policy, especially in the case of a long term lease, that buildings, or additions erected by the Lessee, revert to the Lessor at the of expiration of the lease. Councilman Holm reported that his committee had met and discussed the matter of the City's attitude in regard to "payment in lieu of taxes" on the Renton Cedar River Park Project, and would like to remind the Council again that some action should be taken. After a short discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of paying "in lieu of Taxes" on Cedar River Park be referred to the Council as a Whole for discussion at the next Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that the City Treasurer had given him information that $14,812.80 had been collected to date for the Business Tax and $5,366.00 for Business Licenses. Councilman Holm also reported that his Committee had investigated the report that the Street Department Fund was running low and had determined that taxes ordinarily received by this time, to be credited to this fund, were a little slow coming in, but that they hoped to have the Fund back to normal by the end of the month. Councilman Holm further reported that his Committee had studied the voucher as presented by Mr. Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, in payment for engineering services, and that they would bring the matter before the meeting of the Council as a Whole at the next Council Committee meeting. Finally, Councilman Holm reported that the City Treasurer had informed him that the City of Renton would probably not have to issue interest bearing warrants after the end of May. On request for information regarding same, Mayor Baxter stated that the Council as a Whole could discuss the zoning Ordinance further at the Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole at the next Council meeting. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Sanitation Committee had discussed the matter of sending representatives from the City of Renton to the Inland Empire Sewage Works Short School at the State College of Washington in Pullman on May 14, 15 and 16th and that on the recommendation of the City Engineer had recommended that no representatives be sent to this School. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the owners of the Cigarette Vending Machine that had been left at the Miller' s Sandwich Shop, previously in operation on Mother's Park, had broken into the building to take their vending machin©, without per- mission of the City Engineer or City Garage Foreman, and that in his opinion they should be notified of their 'illegal entry in same. Councilman Bruce further reported that the area adjacent to the Miller's Sandwich Shop was being used extensively for parking. Councilman Swift reported that the Boeing Airplane Company had only recently received the new description and sketch of this property from the Engineering Department for study and they would probably contact Councilman Bruce regarding the use of the property soon. Councilman Farmer reported that in his opinion, gas tanker vehicles going down 3rd Avenue represented a hazard to the City of Renton. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the City Engineers Street Superin- ` y tendent and Traffic Division of the Police Department to investigate and report back. Carried. The City Engineer stated that sewer mains in Earlington were completely installed and property owners should be notified, if they have not already made their connection to the main lines, that they should make arrangements for same immediate— ly, and that he would notify all property owners, not already connected, to make connections. Moved. by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Cor.wittee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTM_ NTS 7762-7885 4$16,741.01 CLAIMS CURRENT 1174-1200 17,24:3.93 CLAIMS WATER 8824-8826 3,964.82 CLAIMS PARK 1765-1766 930.20 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6427- 2,529.18 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2641- 17.94 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2376-2377 19228.26 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1550-1551 1,132.42 C LA IHSS FI REMEN'S PEN. FD. 106 — •- CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FD. 607— 608 41500.00 CLAYS CIVILIAN DEF. FD. 501— •- Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 7 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Ci Clerk M or Renton, Washington May 12, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, AND RICHARDSON. (Councilman Freyman and Tamborini were excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; ,.� Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook,, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, .Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector, and Elton Alexander, Budget Con- troller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of May 5th be approved as corrected. Carried. The City Clerk stated that 4 copies of the agreement for the "reconstruction of the water distribution system in the Kennydale area" with Lario Lib ri, contractor had been prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Attorney, that all 4 copies had been signed by Mr. Lario Libri, Contractor and were ready for the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authori- zed to sign the Contract as prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Attorney, the bid having previously been approved by the City Council. Carried. The City Clerk stated that Franchise Application No. 2316, to construct, operate and maintain water pipe lines upon a portion of Primary State Fighway No. 2, Renton Branch and Secondary State Highways Nos. 2-A and 5-C, in King County, for a period of 25 years had been approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer. On advice of the Assistant City Attorney, Mayor Baxter requested the City Clerk to furnish the County Auditor the extra copies of the notice with instructions for publishing and posting, and to see that affidavits to prove publishing and posting are forwarded to the Office of the Washington State Highway Commission, Department of Highways, in conformity with the law, prior to June 9, 1953, the date set for hearing on the application. The City Clerk explained a letter from the Northern Pacific Railway Company, re- garding the City of Renton' s Business Tax, that for the purpose of Renton, "the Railroad's taxable income should be determined by applying their total intra-state revenues as reported to the Washington Tax Commission for State occupation and public utility tax purposes, the percentage that their total miles of tract operated in the City of Renton was to the total miles of track operated in the State." That it was felt that this would represent approximately the amount of tax which would accrue if the same was, or could be determined on a proper segregation basis; that the railroads have since filed their returns and paid their tax under the Seattle ordinance on that basis. They further request "whether it is agreeable for the railroads to adopt the same formula for use under the Renton Crdinance". The City Attorney reported, that in his opinion, there was not any other readily apparent basis of determination; that after being submitted to the Council for their con- sideration and providing their approval is given, that by proper motion, the Northern Pacific Railway Company could be so advised. The Assistant City Attorney stated that according to the Northern Pacific Railway Company' s request, the Business Tax would be figured on a prorated basis and recommended that the Council grant the request. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. The City Clerk read a Communication from the Western Union Telegraph Company, signed by R. C. Barnett, Tax Attorney, requesting permission to file their tax payments to the City of Renton annually. The Assistant City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, as there were no provision made in the Ordinance for yearly pay- ment of this tax, that they should be notified and should make their tax returns bi-monthly. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Renton City Employee's Club request- ing permission to start work one hour earlier and quit one hour earlier, through the months of June, July and August. After a short discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the request be referred to the Public Relations Committee. Carried. Mr. William Davis, Chairman of the Insurance Commission of the City of Renton, reported that his Committee had studied the bids received for Insurance Coverage for the City of Renton and that they recommended that the lowest bid received, from the Farmers Insurance Group, be accepted; that when the Insurance Policies are received, before the premiums are paid, the Insurance Commission will study the policy and thoroughly investigate same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council accept the recommenda- tion of the Insurance Commission. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that Mr. Wiberg, owner of the Black River Cabinet Shop had informed him that he had a sewer problem, and moved, seconded by Farmer, that the report be referred to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and a report back next week. On the question, the City Engineer stated that he was familiar with the complaint and that he and the Street Commissioner had -been un- able to find anything wrong with the sewer connection. The motion carried. Councilman Trimm requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 19th, with the Ways & Means Committee. The Street Commissioner informed the Council that a plan for channelization of the entire area between Main Street 1� Mill_ Street at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Walla Walla Avenue was nearly completed, and that it is hoped the traffic situation would be greatly improved by the contemplated channelization at the subject location. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND RICHARDSON. Councilman Swift, President of the Council, reported regarding the proposed re- location of City Hall Offices, to Cedar River Park, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole goes on record as considering with favor the proposed moved of the City Hall facilities from its present location to the Administration Building at Cedar River Park, providing however and contingent upon being fur- nished proper cost, remodeling and moving data and the Councills approval there- on and further providing that satisfactory and adequate arrangements can be made for the disposition of the present City Hall by a lease and/or sale, as out- lined by the Assistant City Attorney. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that as the Council was in favor of the proposed move to Cedar River Park of the City Hall offices, that the Engineering Depart- ment and Building Inspector should exert every effort to obtain the necessary plans, etc., for the proposed move. Councilman Holm reported that the Auditing & Accounting Committee recommended that the Council approve the policy suggested by the Council as a Whole that the Renton Cedar River Park follow the same procedure in regard to payment of "in lieu of taxes" that they have in the past. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Auditing & Accounting Committee in regard to payment of "in lieu of taxes," for Cedar River Park and the Housing Authority for same be so notified. Carried. Councilman Swift reported on the recommendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had approved and re- commended payment of the invoice, dated April 21, 1953, in the amount of $4475.00, from Richard E. Wolff, for partial payment of Engineering Services r for the Kennydale water system, and further recommended that a written agree- ment be entered into between the City of Renton and Mr. Richard E. Wolff, re- garding future engineering services by Mr. Wolff for the City of Renton on water and sewer improvements. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney had studied the report read at the last Council meeting from John W. Riley, in reference to a complaint from his client, Mr. Harold L. David, concerning? disposition of surface and drainage waters causing considerable property damage upon Mr. David's property by erosion and flooding, that the Committee with the Street Commissioner, City Engineer and City Attorney had investigated this re- port and had determined that the City was not liable for the condition of the pro- perty and further recommended that the Street Commissioner check the drainage or catch basins in the area to be certain it is safe for children and/or people in the neighborhood. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm stated that his committee had investigated the payment of overtime to City Employees and had found that a total amount of X147.45 had been paid for the month of April, and giving a breakdown of the classification of men to whom the pay- r, meats had been made. Street Commissioner Dave Pugh stated that he and Captain Isackson of the Police Department had investigated the report of livestock running at large in Ea.rlington and had found on contacting the parties concerned that live stock was being kept for others also, that one heifer had broken out of the enclosure and had been killed by a passing motorist but that a barbed wire had been fastened to the top of the fence all the way around the enclosure; that the interested persons had agreed to report any further violations to the Police Department who would investigate the re- port and impound any livestock running at large. Moved. by Morris, seconded by Richard- son, that the Council concur in the report of the Police Department. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Light It Power Committee had studied the proposed Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing Municipal Water Pumping Power to the City of Renton for five years and on the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney re- commended that the contract be approved for a one year period only, with a renewal clause for the balance of the five years, and that if they so desire, that either party be allowed to give 30 or 60 days notice to terminate same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Street Commissioner reported, in regard to the catch basin located on the Hazelett property, that the City Engineer and City Attorney had made an investigation with him and had determined that as the drainage was from private property, that there was no Now responsibility to the City of Renton; The Assistant City Attorney stated that he had also checked with Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority and had been informed that in his opinion there was no responsibility to the City of Renton to take care of this drainage from private property; that if the property owner fills in the catch basin with dirt, diverting the natural flow of surface water, that it would be his responsibility to his neighbor or any adjoining property owner if same caused any damage. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council go on record as concurring in the report of the Street Commissioner, City 'Spgineer and City Attorney and Mr. Hazelett be so advised. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had informed the Puget Sound Power & Light Company that they should proceed with installation of lights in President Park Addition. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. City erk Mayor - *mow Renton, Washington May 19, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Asst. City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Ghief, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. ..nr Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEWTMENT NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK t 41+26 $ 450.00 Malone Hotel Avenue s erect i 116 2nd n s'm 27 50.00 Gerhard Osthus 643 G. Street erect; bulkhead 28 100.00 Robert Mikkola 530 Whitworth electric Service 29 35.00 Harvey Iverson 518 Grandey Way erect, fence 30 — E. Barei 3rd & Wells install plumbing 31 — Modern Materials 646 0. Street install furnace 32 .. n " 652 0. If n n 33 — " " 660 0. 11 n n If 34 •• " " 670 0. If If If 35 If 673 P. it it n 36 rs n 702 0. ss n n 37 t " If3714 7th Ave. N. " If 38 If 3705 7th Ave. N. 39 — If If 3745 7th Ave. N. If " 40 n 3744 7th Ave. N. " If 41 n " 3802 7th Ave. N. it " 42 _ n If 3728 6th Place If " 43 ++ rr 604 R. Street " If 44 — Don Custer 336 Williams demolish bldg. 45 — Modern Materials 720 0. Street install plumbing 46 If n 716 0. " If it 47 n If 712 0. n n If 48 _ ;s rt 708 0. " It If 49 _ io n 702 0. " If n 50 » n 3600 7th Ave. N. " n 51 " n 3704 7th Ave. N. " If cr rs 711 P. Street " If 53 " " 715 P. If If ss 54 If If P. It n n 55 — " .� 723 P. n n 56 n " 722 P. " n n 57 " " 718 P. " If 58 n If 3714 7th Ave. N. " " 59 " " 3718 7th Ave. N. " If 60 " " 3724 7th Ave. N. " n 61 " " 3728 6th Place If If 62 — n n 607 R. Street » rr n it H 63 n n 611 R. If s 64 _ 615 R. 65 — " " 619 R. " If n 66 — n 623 R. n 67 — 627 R. 68 — n ,s 631 R. " If 69 " " 635 R. " n n 70 — " n " 632 R. n n '' n 71 _ 3806 6th Ave. N. n n 72 — n n 3810 6th Ave. N. n n 604 R. Street It 1173 — " » 610 R. " " If n 4 75 — " it 6�4 R. " n If 76 — " " 618 R. " APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARrMEM No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4477 Modern Materials 624 R. Street Install Plumbing 78 — " " 3807 6th Ave. N. 79 — " " 3811 6th 80 $ 100.00 Wilfred L. Smith 3405 7th Place 81 50.00 S. Steen 2328 6th Place erect fence 82 409000.00 Dan Tilenda 720-21 802 6th Ave.,N. erect warehouse 83 100.00 Sam Mikulich 112 Factory roof on house 84 4,800.00 Covey Bros. 225 Morris Street erect bldg. 85 100.00 Jack Nyback 509 Bronson Place concrete driveway r. 86 700.00 Walter Gibbs 3326 6th Place erect garage 87 200.00 Pete Gotti 507 N. Wells roof on bldg. 88 30.00 Stanley Ruppert 621 Smithers Street wire service 89 2,000.00 Garrett Smith 215 Sunset Blvd., W. remodel 90 9,500.00 Modern Materials 3724 7th Ave., N. erect house 91 9,500.00 " " 3718 7th Ave., N. 92 9,500.00 " " 722 P. Street 93 9,500.00 " r' 718 P. n n n 94 9,500. 0 " " 3714 7th Ave., N. 95 9,500.00 " " 723 P. Street 96 91500.00 " " 719 P. It it it 97 91500.00 it It 660 0. it n n 98 91500.00 " " 652 0. " it n 99 9000.00 " n 642 0. It n n 4500 9,500.00 it n 647 P. n it it 1 9,500.00 it " 651 P. " " it 2 9,500.00 " " 657 P. n n n 3 9,500.00 it " 650 P. " it it 4 9000.00 it " 654 P. n it it 5 9,500.00 it it 658 P. " it it 6 9,500.00 " it 3728 6th Place " It 7 9,500.00 " " 607 R. Street 8 9,500.00 " " 611 R. 9 9,500.00 it " 615 R. " 10 50.00 Mary Brown 500 Burnett Street wire service 11 500.00 Lloyd W. Salter 327 Morris St. Ca rport,roof & fence 12 1,000.00 Umberto Barei 231-231f Main St. wire service 13 1,800.00 Lilly M. Hoyt 220-4 Park St. siding on houses 14 837.00 Mary Thomson 128 Garden siding on house 15 100.00 Reuben Miller 2211 6th Place concrete driveway 16 400.00 Sewing Mach. Serv. 309 Main S&et wire service 17 50.00 Don Gaspari 339 Cedar St. patio 18 6.,100.00 Renton Radiator S. 236 Mills Street add'n on bldg. 19 — I.W. Dyson 12029 132nd Ave. SE plumbing service 20 250.00 United .Auto Supply 309 Main Street erect neon sign A communication was read from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau, signed by L. A. Leonard, Engineer and J. K. Wooley, Manager, requesting copies of ordinances annexing new areas, also plat maps indicating the areas involvedt in order that all risks within the newly annexed areas may be properly rated con— currently with the official annexation. The City Clerk stated that he has had many inquiries for this information but that due to the already heavy work load in the office, only copies of ordinances that were already typed were furnished the Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau; that if the Council approves of this additional work, he will comply with furnishing copies of ordinances, but that it would be necessary for the Engineering Department to furnish the plat maps; that he had previously been advised by the City Attorney, as this was a private company, it was not necessary to furnish requested copies, without charge. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he had suggested, that if extra copies were available, they be furnished the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau, and if not, that copies be furnished the Bureau when time permitted the Clerk's Office to make them. City Engineer stated that it would take approximately two days engineering time to make the requested plat maps. The Assistant City Attorney further suggested that the City Clerk contact the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau Office by phone to determine if they would be satisfied with just the legal description of areas annexed, together with the plat maps, that this would give all the information they would need and would take less time. Councilman Farmer suggested that in the future when requests for annexation are presented, that an extra plat map be re— quired to be furnished for the Bureau. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau be furnished legal descriptions and . C a plat map of each annexed area, together with the date of annexation of same. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Carlson, 13016 C.E?., 148th Street, Renton, expressing their appreciation and thanks to Renton' s Fire Chief, Mr. Floyd Lawrence, Mr. Kenneth Furseth of the Police Department and Mr. E.H. Beil, Garage Foreman, for felling a large tree and saving their home and perhaps a life. The Fire Chief explained that Mr. & Mrs. Carlson had been unsuccessful in their efforts to find any regular tree remover to remove the tree and that they had called him in their last hopes of preventing an accident; that they had successfully re- m oved the tree without causing any damage. The City Clerk was requested to furnish both the Police & Fire Chiefs and both Renton papers a copy of this letter. mod A communication was read from Jack Schneider, Manager of the Renton Airport to Councilman Richardson, regarding Ground Safety Control on the Renton Airport, stating that they are handicapped by traffic laws for the Airport not being cov- ered by Ordinance, with proper penalty attachments, and requesting consideration of regulation of the following areas and/or conditions by Ordinance: (1) Prohibit vehicles and persons from parking on, crossing or walking on the Airport runway, or from approaching within 100 feet thereof, (2) Prohibit cars, trailers, boats or other devices from parking on or within 50 feet of the access road leading to the Seaplane Beaching Ramp and Marine Railway, (3) Set an Airport seed Limit of 25 MPH, except as otherwise posted in congested areas at 15 MPH, (4� Any other such broad powers of control as may cover present or future regulations deemed necessary, by the Renton Airport Board, in the safe operation of the Renton Munici- pal Airport. Councilman Richardson stated that Jack Schneider, Airport Manager, had contacted him regarding restricting certain traffic on the Airport and that the Airport Manager had informed him that private parties had driven down on the Airport pro- perty to unload their boats to use while fishing, and left their cars parked in areas that blocked the Seaplane Ramp. The Police Chief stated that he had been re- quested to enforce traffic regulations, and to show his authority for enforcing certain traffic regulations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Airport Manager and the communication be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the proper Ordinances and that the proper signs be posted. On the question, the Assistant City Attorney stated there was no regulations in the Traffic Code to cover traffic on the Airport. The motion carried. A report was read from the City Engineer stating final inspection was made of L.I.D., #239, Earlington Sanitary Sewers and the project is considered completed, as of May 19, 1953, and submitting the final measured quantities of work per- formed by the Contractor, Valley Construction Company. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mrs. Betty Williams, President of the Rainbow Mothers Club, thanking the City Council for the use of space for their meetings at Cedar River Park this last year and inquiring as to available space for their meetings for next fall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the re- quest be referred to the Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, who is in charge of this. building at the present time. Carried. Acknowledgement of receipt of Resolution No. 854, pertaining to the merger of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the Washington Water Power Company was read from the Federal Power Commission, Wn. D.C., and from Governor Arthur B. Langlie, of the State of Washington. A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council, signed by Opal Chadwick, Secretary, stating that the Renton Central Labor Council has gone on record as opposing the merger of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the Washington Water Power Company, and requesting the City Council to do all they can to prevent the Washington Water Power Company from taking over the electric resources of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company. The communication is to be placed on file. A communication was read from Romeo Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System requesting the Council's desire as to charging the City of Renton's 1953 Operating Expense Advance of $1426.40 to the Released Matching Fund, or if they wish to pay it in advance. On being asked for his opinion regarding same, the City Clerk stated that in his opinion, the Matching Fund was in very good shape and that he recommended that the City authorize release of matching funds in this amount. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk. Carried. A request was read from Harry Stathos, 1401T 9th Ave., South, Seattle, who has purchased some of the Lee's Ice Cream Company's equipment, for permission to operate the additional ice cream vending machines within the City 1-41mits of the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Captain Grant, who is in charge of the local Anti-Aircraft Reserve Unit, C-Battery, in this area, requested Council consideration of the use of a portion of the North Recreation Building for their meetings, stating that their meetings are held twice ,,.. monthly on Monday evenings; that he has been informed that the National Guard Unit has requested use of the same building, weekly, but on a different evening, that if the Council would approve, he felt satisfactory arrangements could be made with the National Guard Unit for use of the building; that with the proper environment, he felt that their Unit could be built up to the minimum requirement of 25 men, plus locker space of a 12 foot square area for their equipment. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee to meet with Mr. Grant and this unit to see if arrangements can be made for their use of the Highlands North Recreation Building, the Civil Defense Room at the City Hall or any other suitable area. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had been contacted by the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce for the City of Renton's support of a proposed campaign project they have considered, that the Council consider the idea that for each parking fine of $1.00 due the City of Renton, that the violator donate to the Blood Bank, one pint of blood, The' Assistant City Attorney stated that this would be illegal. After a short discussion, the Councilmen expressing their general disapproval of same, Mayor Baxter requested the City Clerk to notify the Jaycee's that the Council did not approve of their proposal. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received literature regarding the Washington Territorial Centennial and asked the Council' s opinion in regard to placing of banners at the entrances to the City. Following a short discussion, the Councilmen expressing their general approval of same, moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the President of the Council, George Swift and Mayor r... Joe R. Baxter with power to act. In regard to the Chamber of Commerce conducting the survey in regard to public opinion on the off-street parking matter, the Council was informed by Police Chief Angelo Busato, that the Chamber of Commerce would discuss this subject at their next meeting on Wednesday May 20th; that there would be a report regarding same at the May 26th Council Meeting. In regard to the report of the general public's free usage of a certain City of Renton private parking area adjacent to the former Miller's Sandwich Shop Building, Councilman Swift stated that he would inquire of the persons who were interested in the use of the area and see what action they were contemplating in regard renting same and report back at the next Council meeting. Councilman Richardson reported that Councilman Reid, the City Engineer and himself had investigated the sewage problem reported by Mr. Wiberg of the Black River Cabinet Shop and had found that the Valley Construction Company had satisfactorily corrected the problem. Councilman Bruce reported that Street Commissioner Dave Pugh's Department had com- pleted the channelization by painting of the entire area between Main and Mill Street at the intersection of 3rd. Avenue with Walla Walla Avenue; that the Channel- ization by painting was a great improvement, that traffic conditions were much safer and that Street Commissioner Dave Pugh should be complimented. The Council was informed that street lights were left on in the City all day Mondays for test purposes, at no additional charge to the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter reported that owing to the Northern Pacific Railway Company replacing rails on the track at the intersections of 2nd and 3rd Avenues with Burnett Street, that traffic had routed itself along the west side of Cedar River between Williams Street and the Northern Pacific viaduct, that this aided traffic congestion in other parts of Renton, and stated that in his opinicn, the underpass should be made passable for use of those leaving Renton via this route to aid the traffic problem, C and inquired the Council's attitude of the City grading and graveling this strip of roadway for use; that the Waterway District would approve of traffic over their strip of ground adjacent to the Logan Street Bridge and that they were contempla— ting installation of a guard rail along the roadway. Councilman Tamborini stated, that in his opinion, the American Legion Board would approve of the use of their portion of the roadway, providing the roadway was oiled to prevent the dusty con— dition caused by the traffic. The Street Commissioner stated that the Street Department was planning on trimm— ing the trees on Williams Street soon to enable pedestrians to more easily walk along the sidewalk and also to assist people parking cars. Mayor Baxter, who is also President of the Association of Valley Cities, together with Mr. Walker, City Clerk at Auburn and Secretary of the Association were en— deavoring to arrange a meeting of the Association some time during the week of May 25th and that all the Councilmen would be advised; that they hoped to get the opinion of the Association of Valley Cities, regarding the power question, to report at the Association of Washington Cities Convention. The Assistant City Attorney reported that the City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, had stated that he would keep in touch with the progress of the hearing on the pro— posed merger of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the Washington Water Power Company. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Richardson, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 7886-8038 $27,688.61 CLAIMS CURRENT 1201-1239 19,370.21 CLAIMS WATER 8827-8846 8,910.31 CLAIMS PARK 1767-1779 11087.91 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6428-6439 32973.59 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2642-2645 1,705.73 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2378-2385 11145.37 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1552-1574 29964.70 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 107 — 108 250.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FUND. 609-- 615 27,9!Q.45 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FD. 502 — 503 399.50 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Ci y Clerk Mayor Er °.. Renton, Washington May 269 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORIN I. (Councilman Freyman was excused du.e to illness.) OFFICIALS & DEPT. DADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; �. Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will,, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the meeting of May 19th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Lake Shore Lines, to Mayor Baxter and the City Council, requesting that the Council consider their proposal of a method to arrive at their taxable gross revenue based on a ratio of mileage, as reflected by records, and that ratio as applied to gross revenue, to produce the taxable amount. A check covering the business tax, based on the above proposed method of determining the tax,was enclosed. The Assistant City attorney stated that he had met with representatives of the Lake Shore Lines to discuss the determination of the taxable amount and that it was the City Attorney's recommendation that the tax, as computed by the Lake Shore Lines, be accepted conditionally upon a better system being calculated, that this proposed method not be used beyond the end of this year. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. A request for a non—conforming permit was read from Ned Stokes of Stokes Mortuary to enable them to go ahead with grading, leveling and surfacing of their lot, previously presented to the Council to be rezoned commercial and being held pending further consideration of the new proposed zoning Ordinance which will automatically rezone the area in question. The lot is to be used for off—street parking. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, on the recommendation of the Building Inspector, that the Council concur in the request of Ned Stokes and a non—conforming permit be granted. Carried. The City Clerk read a "News Release from the Office of Congressman Don Magnuson", stating that Congressman Don Magnuson in testimony before the House Appropriation Committee on Army Civil Functions May 14th supported the proposed Eagle Gorge Dam and Reservoir Flood Control Protect on Green River, 35 miles southeast of Seattle, explaining the need of the project for prevention of floods and telling of the serious effect on defense and related activities that the Green River floods could cause and urging the committee to approve an item of $300.000 for planning and preliminary engineering work and $450.00 to enable a start on con— struction and allow use of state and county funds which are available for con— struction purposes. The communication was ordered filed. The City Clerk read a bulletin in regard to the Association of Washington Cities 1953 Convention. Approximately 22 City Officials and Department Heads from Renton plan to attend the opening session. A communication was read from James Highton, City Engineer recommending that Kenneth Oyler be designated as Acting City Engineer during his vacation, June 8th through June 21st, further stating that Kenneth Oyler and. Walter Will will be informed and will take care of necessary engineering work in his absence. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation'- 3 rr of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from James Highton, City Engineer, stating that a manufacturing firm, which will be stable in operation and will employ over 300 personnel, is interested in constructing a plant and establishing a business in an area south of Seventh Avenue (in South Renton) and west of the Bonneville Transmission Lines, outside the City limits (approximately 1500 feet,) and re— questing the City's immediate consideration regarding the availability of the City' s utilities, particularly sanitary sewers to serve their industry; that it is understood that the firm would defray the costs for the extension of the utilities; that their present site is inadequate, and they have expressed their desire to locate on the above mentioned site. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the City extend sewer service to this manufacturing firm, as is the established policy, providing they pay all the costs of extending same, and further providing that the manufacturing firm be requested to cooperate in an effort to have this area annexed to the City of Renton. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced a meeting of the Association of Valley Cities in the Council Chambers, at Renton, on Wednesday, May 27th at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Reid reported that he had attended the Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting on Wednesday, May 20th, that the poll had shown that approximately 50 percent were in favor of increasing the parking meter fee in the downtown district. Councilman Holm, who is also President of the Chamber of Commerce, explained that due to illness in his family, he had been absent from the meetings of the Chamber and the Council and that cards received from the business people in regard to the Public Opinion poll the Chamber conducted among the business people of Renton had not been completely segregated and counted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Street and Alley Committee proceed with their plans for off—street park— ing on Main Street and any other satisfactory areas within the City and report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Swift was requested to report this subject to the Association of Wash— ington Cities for a convention topic. Councilman Swift reported that a lease is being prepared by the proposed lessees of the former Miller Sandwich Shop building and area, and that the City should re— ceive a copy soon. The Street Commissioner reported that an interested party is planning to demolish the former gunnery revetment for the lumber that can be salvaged; that the chief obstacle had been the personal responsibility and/or liability involved. Councilman Bruce was granted more time for the Property Committee to obtain a suitable space for the local Anti—Aircraft Reserve Unit, C—Battery, as a meeting place was available, but as yet have been unable to obtain an adjacent locker space for this unit. Councilman Holm reported that Assistant City Attorney Gerard Shellan, City Eng— ineer James Highton and himself had met with the Attorney, Weters, Roberts and Shefelmen regarding Valley Construction Company's claim for "Extra Work Items" in addition to the regular contracted work items in the construction of sewer mains and laterals, under L.I.D., #239 (Earlington Sanitary sewers) and that Valley Construction Company will recompute a portion of the extra work items be— fore they are presented again for Council consideration. Councilman Farmer reported for the Fire & Water Committee that the water system will be extended in the Honeydew District from S.E., 112th, south on 132nd Avenue S.E., as far as 6th Place and further requested that those persons in this immediate area that wish to hook up to this line, be referred to the City Engineer for further information. Councilman Farmer further reported that the Fire & Water and Ways & Means Committee recommend, regarding the addition of a fire truck to the Highlands Fire Depart- ment that no action be taken until the time of the drafting of the next years (1954) budget; that the motor in the old Fire truck #2 had been overhauled and that it is in good enough condition to act as stand—by in case of an emergency in the Highlands when the large fire truck up there is out on call. Councilman Reid reported that all lights in President Park Addition have been installed and are being used. Councilman Richardson was granted more time for the Ordinance Committee to draft the required ordinance covering traffic on the Renton Airport, also covering the merchant patrol, and giving the Police Department authority over same. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that there were approximately 155 new units in the President Park Additions and Monterey Terrace, and other presently being completed and occupied that will have to be serviced by garbage collection; that the present garbage trucks were making a maximum of pick—ups at this time and there was no additional funds in the budget to provide for the purchase of additional equipment and recommended that the Council consider contracting this additional garbage pick-up service out to a e.+ to a local contractor for the remainder of this year (1953) stnrting July lst, and that the City be allowed 30¢ each for accounting and collection of payment on same, the contractor being paid 700 for each pick-up of the garbage; that the Treasurer's Department continue billing the customers and collecting the payments. Following a short -discussion and on the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, that the contractor be required to furnish liability insurance and guarantee to hold the City harmless from all personal liability and property damage claims, moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Tamborini further suggested that immediate consideration should be given to the feasibility of an agreement with some indepen- dent contractor for the collection of garbage for the entire city. On the suggestion of Councilman Tamborini, regarding an additional stop sign at the intersection of 4th Avenue with Burnett Street, west of the Northern Pacific Rail- road track, moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department for con- sideration and a report back. Carried. In regard to a City of Seattle right-of-way easement through Mother's Park that is being released by the City of Seattle, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer and City Attorney investigate and see if the easement could be cleared in favor of the City of Renton, also that the City Engineer and City Attorney endeavor to negotiate for the small triangular area remaining in Mother' s Park that is the property of the City of Seattle. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that he has a tentative description from the Washington Title Insurance Company of this property. Councilman Bruce reported that Councilman Reid and himself had attended a meeting of the Housing Authority and that there were Pacific Coast Representatives of the Housing Authority at the meeting; that the subject of dedication was disucssed and that it is tentatively planned to dedicate the main Higrllands Administration Building and the Fire Station to the City for public use, but that no decision had been made in regard to the North Highlands Recreation Building; that it was planned to dis- pose of all the Government held property by acreage or plats some time ago, that they plan to clear off certain portions and sell the lots, that the Government plants to dispose of approximately 750 units, and that it is planned that 500 units will be moved; that these units will be moved gradually so the general population of the City r.. will. not be lowered. The City Engineer reported that Bud Fore, presently reading and repairing water meters for the City of Renton is planning on resigning his position on June 15th and going into business for himself; that Bud Fore has proposed to the City Engineer to contract this work for the City on a monthly basis, that it would mean a sub- stantial savings to the City. After a short discussion,, the City Attorney being re- quested to investigate the legality of same, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water and Ways & Means Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Engineer stated that the other meter reader for the City is learning meter reading and repair work, but that a long training period would be required before he would be thoroughly capable. Councilman Tamborini announced that the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars were planning Memorial Services Saturday, May 30th at 9:00 o'clock A.M., in Jones Park, 10:00 o'clock A.M., in Mt. Olivet Cemetery and 11:00 o'clock A.M., in the Greenwood Cemetery and invited the Mayor and as many Councilmen and Department Heads as possible to attend. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 5 persons present besides City of Renton em- ployees.) 6m City lerk Mayor �A� C Renton, '.iashington June 2, 1953. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Swift being on vacation was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PFESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, A ssistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrencep Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, MOO Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. On the request of Councilman Bruce, that the Council first consider the request of Captain Grant, of the Anti-Aircraft Reserve Unit, C-Battery, to park their half- track vehicle on the corner of 3rd and Williams Street from 4:00 P.M., to 9:00 P.M., Friday, June 5th that the Anti-Aircraft Reserve Unit was going to enter a Queen in the Greater Renton Days celebration and that they would sell tickets for the celebration from the vehicle; that their chief aim was for publicity. After a short discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council grant permission for the Anti-Aircraft Reserve Unit to occupy the necessary metered space at this location for free. Carried.- Councilman Delaurenti requested that the Police Chief inform the traffic patrolmen that the Anti-Aircraft Reserve Unit could park the vehicle for free. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freymen, that the minutes of the meeting of May 26th be app roved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4521 $ - Margaret Reed 521 Burnett St. Install fixtures 2 - J. E. Kerkes 2122 6th Place install furnace 3 100.00 Frank Potts 725 High Street erect fence 4 300.00 Philip Holliday 911 B. Street erect garage 5 150.00 Modern Materials 3807 6th North electric service 6 150.00 " " 3811 6th North it It 7 150.00 " It 604 R. Street it rr 8 150.00 " It 619 R. It It it 9 i5p00 n It 614 R. it it It 30 150.00 " it 618 R. It It It 31 150.00 " it 624 R. it n n 32 150.00 " " 3810 6th Ave. N. 11 " 33 150.00 n 't 3806 6th It N. n ►r 34 150.00 It It R. Street " ►t 35 150.00 " " 3728 6th Place n n 36 150.00 " " 607 R. Street 37 150.00 ►r ►t 611 R. n n ►r It38 150.00 " " 615 R. 't " 39 150.00 '► " 619 R. it n „ 40 150.00 " " 623 R. It n n " n It 150.00 627 R. " ►r 42 150,00 It It 631 R. '► it It 43 150.00 " " 635 R. " It ►► 44 150.00 " " 3714 7th Ave. N. It It 45 150.00 " 't 718 P. Street 46 150.00 " " 722 P. It 47 150.00 It " 3718 7th Ave. N. 48 150.00 It " 3724 7th Ave. N. It " 49 150.00 it " 723 P. Street it ,r 50 150.00 It 719 P. " n n 51 150,00 It " 715 P. 52 150.00 ►r 711 P. 53 150.00 to 3704 7th Ave. N. 54 150.00 It " 3610 7th Ave. N. 55 150.00 " It 702 0. Street ►t " " " n 708 0. 56 150.00 n ►r " ►r 71.2 0. 57 150.00 " �► n 716 0. ►r n It 58 150.00 n n 59 150.00 " It 720 0. " 60 150.00 " It P. 't n n APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4561 150.00 Modern Materials 642 P. Street electric service 62 150.00 it " 646 P. 63 150.00 " " 650 P. 64 150.00 " " 654 P. '+ n to 65 150.00 " 't 658 P. " to to 66 150.00 is n 662 P. " n it 67 150.00 it n 666 P. " n to 68 150.00 it It 670 P. to to ►r 69 150.00 if to 3705 7th Ave. N. n n �.. 70 - J. H. Hecker 144 Park Ave. Furnace conversion 71 100.00 Ace Moroni 202 N. Burnett St. roof on residence 72 200.00 St. Anthony's Par. 431 4th W. rewire residence 73 125.00 Joe Zwirn, Jr. 2104 8th Ave. N. electric service 74 - Trojan Lithograph 8th Ave. N. & Wms. install plumbing 75 250.00 Chas. Delaurenti 310 N. Williams reroof residence 76 - :North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory demolish bldg. 77 670.00 S. Ellis 88 Burnett St. reside residence 78 $,000.00 Mrs. Holma 329 Meadow erect house 79 400.00 Dan McGovern 3rd & Shattuck -remodel house 80 100.00 Renton Housing Auth. 2703 15th Place install wiring 81 125.00 Warren A. Hand 2208 6th Ave. N. pour concrete drive 82 7,000.00 Modern Materials 619 R. Street erect house 83 7,000.00 n if 623 R. Street it n 84 7,000.00 " " 627 R. It to it 85 7,000.00 it " 631 R, to of it 86 71000.00 n n 635 R. 87 7000.00 it to 604 R. n n It 88 7,000.00 to to 610 R, to n it $9 7000.00 it it 614 R. to it n 90 7,000.00 it It 618 R, rr it n 91 7,000.00 it " 624 R, It n n 92 7,000,00 " " 3807 6th Ave. N. " n 93 71000.00 to it 3811 6th Ave. N. it to 94 71000.00 it " 3810 6th Ave. N. 11 to 95 72000.00 " 11n n 3806 6th Ave. N. 96 710000.00 " " 632 R. Street 97 71000.00 if to 715 P. to " It 98 7,000.00 " it 711 P. to to to 99 7,000.00 " it 3704 7th Ave. N. " " 4600 7,000.00 It 3610 7th Ave. 01 7000.00 " to 702 0. Street 02 71000.00 " " 708 0. It of " 03 7,000.00 " " 712 Q. to It " 04 71000.00 it It 716 0. It It It 05 7,000.00 It it 720 0. to it " 06 72000.00 to it 657 P. " It it 07 7,000.00 it " 650 P. to it it 08 710000.40 n it 654 P. to to it 09 7,000.00 it of 658 P. " it of 10 7,000.00 " It 3728 6th Place if it 11 7,000.00 it it 607 R. Street it it 12 71000.00 to it 611 R. rr it It 13 7,000.00 It " 615 R. It it M 14 - W. F. Dalry 2214 6th Avenue N. install furnace 15 150.00 W. F. Dalry 2214 6th it to complete basement 16 - Clinton Betz 415 Third flzrnace conversion 17 - Umberto Barei Bldg. Main Street install plumbing 18 - St. Anthony's Parish 4th & Morris install plumbing r.. 19 5,000.00 St. Anthony's Parish 4th & Whitworth electrical service 21 100.00 Vic Di Ambri 14420 Rainier Ave. electric service 20 - St. Anthony's Parish 4th & Whitworth install plumbing 22 5,000.00 V.F.W. #1263 416 Burnett St. remodel bldg. 23 225.00 Clarence Dullahant 1326 Beacon Ave. install driveway 24 - Otto Hendrickson 524 N. Wells install furnace 25 400.00 Warren A. Hand 2208 6th Ave. N. erect garage The City Clerk read a request from Thomas J. Hogan, Jr., owner of the Highland Taxi- cab Service to place a second taxicab in service. Moved by Trimm, seconded by 34w x Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Request for approval for the Renton Lion's Club to stage a circus at the Renton High School field on June 26th and 27th was read from David C. Dobson, Secretary of the Lion' s Club and further requesting waivers on charges, as per City license require- ments. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted and the waiver be allowed. Carried. A request to install a Mutual Amusement Company pinball machine in the Lighthouse Cafe, 118 3rd Avenue, was read from -Mildred Bruer, owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that .the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Highlands Community Club, signed by Mrs. J. Kenneth King, Secretary and President Pro Tem, Mrs. Enright A. Lorenz, request- ing information as to dogs running at large, and stating that the dogsinthis area are dangerous and destructive. The Police Chief reported that 269 dogs had been picked up in the City of Renton since January 1st, that 166 of these had been picked up in the Highlands, that the budget did not allow the maintenance of ,.a full time dog catcher and that in his opinion the dog catcher was doing a very fine job on a part time basis. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the communication be re- ferred to the Police Chief and that he notify the Renton Highlands Community Club of his report and the Council's action. Carried. A second communication was read from the Renton Highlands Community Club, telling of the existence of unsightly out-buildings such as storage shed, shacks, chicken coops, etc,., in the Renton Highlands, and requesting the City Planning Commission to inform them relative to laws covering such buildings. Councilman Richardson ex- plained that the new proposed zoning Ordinances as formulated by the Planning Com- mission, together with the City Engineer and Building Inspector, would cover this problem. Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. A third communication was read from the Renton Highlands Community Club protesting the recent changing of the bus schedule from the Renton Highlands to downtown Renton and from downtown Renton to the Highlands and requesting that the letter be forwarded to the proper authorities. After a short discussion, moved by Richard- son, seconded by Tamborini, that a copy of the letter be furnished to the Lake Shore Lines requesting that they answer the Renton Highlands Community Club's pro- test letter, furnishing the City Council a. copy of same. Carried. A fourth communication was read from the Renton Highlands Community Club requesting that the Park Board be informed of the need of maintenance of the park and play areas in the Highlands, that the play equipment be checked for safety and that the weeds be cut and debris gathered, as they have been informed that properties accepted by a city as a part of their Park area, must be maintained by the City' s Park Department. The Park Superintendent stated that this problem had been before the Park Board during 1950 and 1951-, that they had met with several representative Committees of this Club and had drafted a Resolution stating their policy at that time and had presented same to the Council for their information. Mr. Coulon stated that he would report this matter to the Park Board again. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the report be referred to the Park Superintendent for Park Board consideration. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had received a request for the vacation of an alley in the Renton Highlands and that he had informed the party that if he obtained the signatures of 100% of the abutting property owners that the Council would consider same. Mayor Baxter further reported that he had received many complaints in regard to damage and stealing done by children in the Highlands, particularly in the per- manent homes section, and that if this condition did not improve, he,would re- commend that two policemen be detailed to this section for investigation of these reports. The Park Superintendent informed the Council that the Renton Highlands-playground and recreation area had been opened this week and that the North Highlands Re- creation and other children' s playground areas would open following the fishing derby a week from today and that they hoped this would help to eliminate further trouble by the children. ftAq,:� The City Clerk reported that the Lake-Shore Lines check to cover the first bi— monthly business tax period had been held, on request of John Dobson, Attorney for the Lake Shore Lines, as the Public Service Commission had ruled the payment of same was illegal, that he had been informed that a letter of explanation from the Public Service Commission would be presented by the Lake Shore Lines. The Assistant City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, the Council should hold the check until they are notified by the Public Service Commission at Olympia in regard to their decision on the subject. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. jr„ ROLL CALL: DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Farmer reported that the Fire Chief had-received a communication from the Secretary of the Spokane Fire Department in regard to a 45 minute Fire Prevention Program to be presented at the High School during Fire Prevention Week, October 4th to October 10th, that the program would be similar to last years, with magic feats and stressing safety, but would cost the City of Renton $40.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Councilman Hansen reported that the Public Relations Committee unanimously recommen— ded that the City Employees, except those in the City Hall, ie., City Clerk and City Treasurer' s Offices and the Engineering Department, be permitted to come to work one hour earlier and leave one hour earlier, from June lst to September lst. Moved by Morris, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the one year term of Councilman George Swift as President of the Council would expire with this evening's meeting and moved, seconded by Tamborini, that Councilman Hugh Bruce, one of the next senior Council members, who had never served in that position, be elected to that position. Carried. Councilman Bruce thanked the Council and stated his willingness to cooperate with the Mayor and entire Council in this position. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims havin7 been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 8039-8161 16,612.94 CLAIMS CURRENT 1240-1318 r 81240.31 CLAIMS WATER 8847-8863 5,651.01 CLAIMS PARK 1780-1734 966,48 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6440-6454 41991.45 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2646-2658 486.99 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2386-2395 1,686.55 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1575-1583 21375.11 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 108— CL.AIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FUND 504 5.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FUND. 616-617 37.82 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #.1184 434 148.84 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were eight persons present besides City of Renton -employees.) Cit 1®rk Mayo. - 350" � a•+ Renton, Washington w° June 16, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, _TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer and Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the meeting of June 2nd be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT . NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4626 $1,600.00 Geo. W. Edsell 507 Windsor Pl. Add'n. on house 7 - Leonard Reid 4.32 N. Williams demolish garage 8 - Renton Radiator 3rd & Walla Walla install sump 9 100.00 Milwaukee Railroad 437 Whitworth electric service 30 300.00 Soroptomist Club Jones Park, Renton. attach roof 1 100.00 S. S. Lee 437 Smithers rebuild chimney 2 91500.00 Modern Materials 3221 7th Place erect; house 3 9,500.00 ►' it 3227 7th It It it 4 91500.00 " it 3233 7th " it It 5 - John Parker 116 Meadow install furnace 6 350.00 Bennett Apts. 3rd & Park erect, partition 7 800.00 James Sims 826 D. Street erect garage 8 - Louis Delaurenti 243 N. Williams install furnace 9 50.00 A. D. Anguin 316 N. Burnett St. remodel house 40 150.00 L.M. Thompson 655 G. Street driveway & Walk 1 - J. C. Koofer 524 Mill St. install plumbing 2 100.00 Springhill Auto Court 110 Maple Valley Hwy. electric service 3 - Walter Eixenberger 2014 6th Place sewer connection 4 150.00 Larry Houga.rdy 2112 6th Place patio & carport 5 200.00 Robert P. Kerr 3612 6th Ave., No. carport & drive 6 600.00 Renton Cleaners 302 Wells St. erect neon sign 7 25.00 J. F. Duff 1207 Second Ave., N. floor & steps 8 100.00 Lester I. Danielson 2807 14th Ave., N. wire service 9 50.00 John Angell 14206 125th Ave.,SE erect fence -50 1,0000-00 Clarence E. Hill 1921 7th Ave., N. remodel house A -communication was read from the United Fall City Organizations signed by Mrs. Leroy Bronemann, Advertising Committee, to Mayor Baxter requesting permission to drop handbills via airplane sometime during Friday, June 19th advertising what is planned for Renton residents at Fall City' s big Centennial Affair, Saturday, June 20th. A similar request was read from Brewer' s Regal Furniture Company, stating they are planning a "Child-of-the-Year Contest" for this week end, in Renton and requesting permission for their photographers, who are taking pictures for the con- test to use the following means of advertising: (1) Through the medium of loud speakers on automobiles.. (2) Loud speakers in an airplane flying at an altitude prescribed by the CAA, and (3) Dropping leaflets in residential areas from the plane. ,Councilman Delaurenti stated that as their was no Ordinance prohibiting dropping the leaflets, that providing permission is obtained from the CAA, that the Council approve. The City Clerk stated that there was a City of Renton Ordinance prohibiting the scattering or posting of hand bills. After a, short discussion, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the United Fall City Organization and the Regal Furniture Company be granted permission to drop leaflets from the air, providing approval is obtained from the CAA. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the motion be amended to refer the two requests to a Committee of Mayor Baxter, the Police Chief, City Engineer and Street Commissioner, with power to act. The amendment carried. The motion, as amended, then carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this type of request, as well as similar types of requests be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for study and a report back with a controlling ordinance. Carried. 1 1. A report of the special committee meeting of the Council as a Whole on June 9th, 1953, signed by Hugh Bruce, President of the Council was read, stating that the Council as a Whole in special session, as a committee, made the following recommen— dations to the Council for consideration at the regular session on June 16th, 1953. That (1) the American Legion be permitted to sponsor a Carnival to show in Renton starting June 16th near Mother's Park, that usual license fee be waived and the regular one dollar fee for Service Organizations be charged. Moved by Delaurenti_, seconded by Bruce, that the Council. concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. (2) That the Mayor and City Clerk be authori— zed to sign a new lease negotiated by the Airport Board and Boeings, for a period of five years, for use of the Airfield and maintenance equipment at approximately the same lease terms as the present lease. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. (3) That Tuesday, June 23rd at 7:30 P.M., be set aside for a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, to further discuss the new proposed zoning Ordinance. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from Richard A. Scott., Chairman, Activities Committee of C. Battery, 555th AAA thanking the Councilmen for their assistance which helped establish their unit to serve the Renton area; stating that. they will help in any way they can to be of service- to the community. Councilman Bruce explained that they were unable to obtain the proper space for this Battery elsewhere in Renton, but that satisfactory space had been provided for them at the Eagle' s Hall. A report was read from the City Engineer, stating that Pipe Linings, Inc., con— tractor for cleaning and lining the 20" water main, under Revenue Bond Issue of 1953, had completed their contract work and were notified that the project was accepted as of May 29, 1953, and submitting the final estimate of quantities and cost of the project as follows: Clean & line 20" main ........ . ... . ......... . $42,879.20 Install 12" bi—pass line .... .. ... . . ... . . . .. l0,009.6o Install 20" gate valve 237.50 Force A/C Bill #1, cost plus 20% . . . . . .. .. ... 189.08 Total cost.. . .. . . .... .. . . $53,315.38 Plus Wash., State Sales tax. . ...... . ... . .... 1.,599.46 TOTAL COST (inc. Wn. , State Sales Tax.) ..... $54,914.84 Less 15% retained.... .... 8 27' X46,677. 1 Less Estimate No, 1,... . . 240253.88 AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR.... . .. . .. . ... ... . .. . 22.423.73 (CONTRACTOR'S BID PROPOSAL, $56,248.30) The City Engineer stated that funds were available from the 1953 Revenue Bond Issue and recommended payment of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Engineer stated the total cost was over the estimate but that he thought it would be under the over—all. proposal. The City Clerk read a copy of a letter from F. A. Grabner, General Manager of the Lake Shore Lines, Inc., to Mrs. J. Kenneth King, Secretary of the Renton High— lands Community Club, regarding bus transportation between the Renton Highlands, Renton and Seattle, stating they are aware of some of the conditions mentioned, that they are striving to seek solutions to the problems and requesting a meeting of representatives of their group for further discussion of the problem. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication to the Renton Fire Department was read from the Washington State Fire Prevention Committee, signed by Frank Longo, Chairman, congratulating the Renton Fire Department on their fire prevention work done during 1953 and ad vising that the Renton Fire Department had won the Participation Award which is to be presented at the Fire Convention Banquet on July 11, 1953, at Aberdeen. The letter requested that a Representative of the Renton Fire Depaptment be pre— sent to receive -the award and that Mr. Longo be so advised. Councilman Holm 352. . stated, that in his opinion, it was very fine that the Fire Chief of Renton should receive such a letter and that the Fire Department should be complimented. Mayor Baxter stated that it would be nice to have the letter publicized in the local papers and a letter of commendation forwarded to the Fire Department. A communication was read from the N. C. Jannsen Drilling & Manufacturing Company, signed by N. C. Jannsen, stating they have completed all work on the water supply well No. 5, except the electrical installation and final pumping test, which is to be accomplished as soon as power is available;- that the work was substantially completed within the time allowed under the contract, and the delay of final com- pletion is beyond their control, and requesting an extension of time and waiver of penalties until final electrical installation is completed and final pumping tests are made. Also, that power conditions necessitate a different and more costly motor starter, in lieu of a magnetic starter as called for in the contract, and they request allowance of the price differential on the motor starter. They further state that as the preliminary tests assure a well of maximum capacity, they are en- closing a letter from their Surety Company increasing their performance bond to ` cover the full contract price of $34,775.00, also enclosing an estimate in the amount of 85% of the contract price and requesting, by reason of the additional time required for final acceptance, the allowance of the payment. The statement from the Surety Company increasing their performance bond was attached., also their invoice dated June 16, 1953, for "Drilling well at Site No. 5, as per contract dated April 2, 1953, in the total amount of $30,602.00 which includes 3% Washington State Sales Tax, and is less the regular 15% retained," The Assistant City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, the original contract should be checked as to any pay- ment being made before the job is completed, and a further investigation of the cause of the delay of final completion be made. After considerable discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Power Committee and City Attorney to investigate the contract,;as well. as the use of a different and more costly motor starter than itemized in the contract. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting plans, specifications and bid proposal, as prepared by Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, for the con- struction of a reinforced concrete sewage treatment digester tank, installation of steel tank cover and digester equipment, and providing certain other treat- ment plant improvements, as provided for under Ordinance No. 1450, Water & Sewer System Improvement Plan, Municipal Revenue Bond Issue, 1953, for Council appro- val. The -City Engineer requested approval of the bid publication dater. of June 25th and July -2nd, and the date for the opening of bids be set as July 14, 1953. Moved by -Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the request of the City Engineer and the date for the opening of bids be set as July 14th. Carried.- Mayor arried.Mayor Baxter stated that the July 7th Council meeting would be recessed until July 14th to permit the opening of bids on that date. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee had prepared and would present for Council approval, proposed Ordinance No. 1458, regarding traffic, etc., on the Renton Airport, but stated that -he would like to explain same, in order to clarify some incorrect information that he had been informed of; that the Ordinance was drafted to establish speed regulations on the airport, to pro- hibit the parking of automobiles and/or trailers on the Airport runway and sea- plane ramp and to regulate the speed of the automobiles of the fishermen and/or others on the field roadways, for the safety of pedestrians, motorists and air- planes, and did not and was not intended to-prohibit those desiring to fish or to take their boats to this area for fishing from so doing, and that he would like to have this information publicized. The City Clerk read proposed Crdinance No. 1-458, prohibiting and restricting the parking of certain vehicles, establishing certain restricted areas and providing for other traffic regulations within the Renton Airport, providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1458 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. _After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Ordinance be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. r All present voting "Aye" the motion-c:arried.Copies will be furnished the Airport Board, the Police Chief, Mr. R. P. Holman,Plant Facilities Manager, Boeing Air- plane Company and others who have need for same. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, Mayor Baxter requested that letters of thanks be sent to the City of Aberdeen and Westport for their hospitality, during the Association of Washington Cities Convention recently, also a letter of thanks and appreciation to the Shaeffer Brothers Logging Company for their kindness and hospitality in entertaining the ladies present who were the wives of the Mayor, Councilmen, Officials & Department Heads, att ending the Convention. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had referred to the Police Department Traffic Division ( Sgt. Jack Brattus & Patrolman Ernie Henry) together with Street Commissioner, David J. Pugh, the item in the Renton School District's letter of February 27, 1953 which had been previously referred back to the Street & Alley Committee for their recommendation; that this Committee made the following recommendations to remedy subject traffic problems; and the Street and Alley Committee concurred in same and now referred them to the Council for their consideration: (1) In regard to the intersection of the Sunset Boule- vard with 4th Avenue North, that a traffic island be installed on the slope of the approach of 4th Avenue North at its intersection with the Sunset Highway, which would channel the traffic east, then turning it left towards the Highlands; that the channel markers be made and installed by the Street Department. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. (2) Regarding the suggestion of providing an area for high school students to park their automobiles while_ attending school, that this matter had been discussed with Mr. Arthur H. Towne, Director of Trans- portation for the School District, and the Committee requested authority to con- tact Mr. Oliver Hazen, Supt. of the Renton School District and other school rep- resentatives regarding this subject before making a report or recommendation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman,. that the. Council concur in the request of how the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported that the Committee had further discussed and con— sidered the possibility of meters Gostin; 5¢ for half hour parking in the core area of Renton and favoring off—street narking and that same had been agreeable to the Committee. Councilman Swift requested that each Councilman write down his proposal -regarding this matter and submit it to the Committee. After a short discussion, Councilman Holm stating that the Committee having had several meeting to consider this matter and that they would continue to have future meetings, Councilman Swift stating that the Committee would propose 30 minute parking for 5¢ in the core area, 5¢ for one hour in the fringe areas and 10¢ for 2 hours in the outlying areas; that it is the Committee's plan to have the new parking area in complete operation before any changes are made in the Parking meters in any of the areas; that the off—street parking area they have in mind would be ample to park 30 cars; that the cost of the new meter heads would be taken from the increased profits from the meters and not from any City funds. (The cost of the new meter heads is $62.50 each, with a $6.00 allowance for trade—in for the old meters, same to be urchased back from the meter company for 50¢ each for use by the City of Renton. � Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Street & Alley Committee continue their plans as outlined and reported. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Committee had studied the advis— I wo ability of a stop sign at th@ intersection of 4th Avenue with Burnett Street, west of the Northern Pacific Railroad track, and had found that traffic approach— ing this intersection from the west had clear view of the intersection and that a stop sign was not necessary, that in their opinion there was no need to force motorists to stop. Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the report of the Street & Alley Committee. On the question, Councilman Tamborini stated, that in-his opinion, some of the motorists and track drivers did not take sufficient caution in rendering right—of—way at this intersection and that he felt that a stop sign was necessary. The motion carried, 354 Councilman Farmer stated that in regard to the "Municipal Water Pumping Power Contract," presented for Council approval some ago, that Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Power Committee had informed him that his committee had approved of the Contract as written, as this was a Standard Form Contract, and moved, secon- ded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Contract, (proposed Resolution No. 855) . The Assistant City Attorney reported that the con- tract had been referred to the Power Committee and City kttorney and that in view of the fact that condemnation proceedin-s were pending, his recommendwtion had been that the Contract be approved on a yearly basis, and automatically renewed each year; that this would be more satisfactory to the Council. Councilman Reid stated that he felt it would be best to sign the contract on a yearly basis. Councilman Farmer explained to the Council that the rate on a 5 year contract was consider- ably lower than on a 1-year contract and that the Council had the privilege of can- celling same on 30-day notice. Moved by Holm, seconded by Bruce, that the motion that the Contract (proposed Resolution No. 855) be signed, be tabled for further investigation by the City attorney, and recommendation by the Power Committee. The City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, the only question in this matter was the difference in rate and that this was a matter for Council action, that the matter should not be delayed. The motion to table the motion to sign the "Municipal Water Pumping Power Contract", proposed Resolution No. 855, did not carry. The motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Municipal Water Pumping Power Contract, Resolution No. 355, as writtenp carried. Councilman Morris stated that having been brought to his attention, as it was against City Ordinance and State laws, that posters should not be permitted to be fastened to utility poles; that he had seen posters, other than by Service Clubs and Organizations, on utility poles, that did not advertise Carnivals or Shows. Councilman Farmer stated that he had previously contacted the Police Department relative- to posters on utility poles and had been informed that the posters would be removed. Mr. Hendrickson, a member of -the American Legion, from the audience stated that the Legion did not post the signs on the utility poles, that the Circus Agents had done so. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proper service organizations be notified ,to remove the sings from the utility poles. On the question, Councilman Holm stated that, in his opinion, as this was under Police Department jurisdiction, that the Police Department notify" the proper Organizations that the signs should be removed. "The motion, with the consent of Councilman Delaurenti and Bruce, as corrected, carried. Councilman Morris reported that the parking meter on the southeast corner of 3rd and Main Street seemed to create considerable traffic congestion; that with the parking meter, and cars parking at this spot, it was possible for only one lane of traffic to move northbound and one lane of traffic to move southbound, and that he had received inquiries as to the necessity of a meter at this location. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Police Department Traffic Division for further investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Morris further reported that Mr. Ira Cottom, Attorney for the Seattle City Light had stated that the Seattle Water Department is controlling the rise and fall of Cedar River, and that there shouldn't be any danger because of the river' s current this year. Councilman Trimm reported that the Fire Chief had informed the 'Nays & Means Committee that the necessary cost to the City of $40.00 to obtain the 45 minute Fire Prevention Program for the High School, October 4th through October 10th, would be available from the Fire Department Funds, and that the Committee recom- mended that the Fire Department proceed with plans to obtain the program. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. In regard to the planned 18th Annual Institute of Government to be held at the University of Washington, July 7th through 10th, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that any Department Head or Official interested b e authorized to attend the Institute, and allowed their expenses. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & klley Committee recommended that the Council authorize a letter to be forwarded to the King County Road District re- questing that signs be posted along the Cemetery Road, adjacent to Windsor Hills, as this area was just outside the Renton City limits, that "DUMPING GARBAGE IS PROHIBITED, and that the speed limit in that area is 35MPH." Moved by Richard- sonp seconded by Freyman, that-the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. 35s Councilman Bruce reported that the City -attorney had prepared a lease between the City of Renton and the Boeing Airplane Company covering two pieces of parking area, formerly leased by the Miller Sandwich Shop, exclusive of the building, and property immediately surrounding same, for $175.00 per month for a six month period, and moved, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease. Carried. On his .request for same, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that Councilman Bruce be granted a 30 day leave of absence. Carried. Councilman Holm-reminded the Mayor and Council of the Great Northern Railway Company's open house at their newly remodeled depot, on Wednesday afternoon, June 24, 1953. As the matter was previously handled by the Legislative Committee, Councilman Morris was advised that no authority would be required to furnish copies of previously passed legislation or relative letters in regard to requests to the Federal Govern- ment .for "in lieu of taxes", for Mr. Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities, for forwarding to the American Municipal Associa- tion, attention to Mr. Carl H. Chatters, Executive Director. On the report of Councilman Reid, that Reilly Atkinson, of the H. P. Pratt & Company, Fiscal Consultants to the City in connection with the acquisition and financing of public utility assets of Puget Sound Power & Light Company; requested a meeting with the Committee of the Council as a Whole in regard to the pending power and condemnation suits, on Tuesday, June 23rd. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Farmer, that as this matter was important, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole meet with Mr. Atkinson at 7:30 P.M., on June 23rd. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and paid. carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYF LL ALL DEPARTMENTS 8162-8317 -34,513.17 CLAIMS CURRENT 1319-1337 32,146.34 CLAIMS WATER 8864-8866 29283.10 CLAIMS PARK 1785-1786 1019.88 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6455-6456 2,682.72 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2659— 1,155.70 CLAIM SEWER DISPOSAL 2396-2397 1,116.00 CLAIMS A I RPC RT 1584-1598 1,138.27 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 109- 110- 250.00 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 505- 74.50 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FUND. 618 229423.73 Moved by Reid, seconded by Trima, that the meeting adiourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. (There were six persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Cit lark Mayor 356 Renton, Washington July 7, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARPER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON & TAMBOR.INI. (Councilman Bruce is on Leave of Absence.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WE!-,E: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting; of June 16, be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4651 $ 150.00 Larry Hougardy 2112 6th Place remodel house 2 - James B. Taylor 211 Meadow install fur. 3 150.00 Mrs. Mae Holt 110 Rainier Ave. wire service 4 125.00 Foster & Kleiser 503 Roy Street install sign 5 150.00 Charles Samples, Jr. 406 Grandey Way remodel house 6 50.00 Kennyls Auto Rebuild 100 Rainier Ave. wire sales room 7 400400 Veterans of Foreign Wars 4th & Burnett remodel room 8 225.00 Besecker, Robert 934, E. Street erect fence 9 5,000.00 North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory erect warehouse 60 300-.00 Bill Santi's Furniture 914 2nd Ave., remodel building 1 .90.00 H. Mawson 524 Morris St. install range 2 - Covey Bros., Mkt. 3rd & Morris install Plumbing 3 - Lavina Bennett 301 Park St. install " 4 144.00 Charles R. Houghton 2108 6th Place erect carport 5 152000.00 Lavina Bennett 4th & Williams erect unit, 2. of bldg. 6 50.00 Cross Radio & Sound Serv. 116 Park St. erect 2 signs 7 200.00 Emory Goodman 406 Bronson Way. N. extension of roof 8 100.00 William Rieck 235 N. Wells erect fence 9 100.00 Evan & Thomas Auto Sales 96 Rainier Ave. wire service 70 - Guy W. Cotton 838 C. St., install heater 1 700.00 Lee Roy S. Madden 3227 6th Ave., N. erect garage 2 8$000.00 Gebenini Supply Co. 94 Logan St. erect bldg. 3 100.00 John Julian 59 Logan St. install gutters 4 85.00 C, Travis 88 Logan wire service 5 12200.00 Ross Lambert 3402 7th Place erect wrk.shop 6 100.00 Roy Storey 129 Meadow install burner 7 500.00 C. E. Nystrom Fenton erect garage 8 100.00 Kenneth H. Lund 100 Rainier Ave. break curb 9 S.M. Erickson 419 N. `dells install furn. 80 285.00 Mrs. Al. Fuller 112 Wells St. remodel house 1 400.00 Mrs. Fan Murdock 432 Williams remodel house 2 100.00 James F. Russell 3327 6th Ave., N. erect fence 3 600.00 Rosalie Evans Estate 230 Main St. remodel store 4 450.00 Leo F. Cogeshall 2203 9th Ave., N. erect carport 5 50.00 Wayne Moats 626 P. Street erect fence 6 100.00 Charles Patterson 634 P. Street erect fence 7 200.00 Mike Banasky 222 Logan roof on house _ 8 100.00 James C. Bentley 427 Williams St. wire service 9 12,400.00 Mathewson's Rainier Tire 115 Rainier Ave. new station 90 400.00 H. A . Fitzpatrick 12209 SE 141st St, erect patio 1 200.00 John Parker 116 Meadow St. remodel house 2 100.00 Harold Mitchell 2319 7th Ave. N., erect drrway. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Young, King County Sanitarian, who has been appointed to serve the Renton area, taking the place of Mr. Girard, who had resigned. Mr. Young stated that 18 restaurants had been currently inspected and had permits posted. The City Clerk read a communication from Albert Balch, Community Builder, signed by Jim Ellenwood, his representative; requesting that for the future planning of their property, lying north of President Park and east of 124th Avenue SE., that the City Council establish 10th Avenue North, running east and went on the line dividing the property presently owned by Glen Mapes and Albert Balch; that this center line of Southeast 112th Street, Councilman Richardson stated that he had checked this request with the City Engineer and that the information is correct; that 10th Avenue North is platted to L. Street, where there is a transmission line, and ,just beyond the transmission line is the Federal Housing property; that if the street were extended, as now platted, the street would take the required 60 feet of property necessary for the extension of the street entirely from the Mapes pro- perty; that Mr. Balch, and Mr. Mapes have agreed to each give 3'0 feet for the roadway and that by so doing, 10th Avenue North would run through from 124th to 132nd Avenue and that Mr. Balch, through Jim Ellenwood, his representative, and Mr. Mapes request that the street be platted as outlines. Councilman Richardson further stated that this roadway would be included in the next area that Mr. Balch is planning on re- questing annexation of. The City Engineer stated that this would only be a slight change in the planned streets in the area; that he felt it would be agreeable to the Planning Commission, .although at the present time it is located in CounCy property; that owing to its being the only street west of the area to be annexed, it should be referred back to the Planning Commission, for their recommendation, Mored by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration. Carried. A communication was read from D. L. Evans, County Road Enginoor, in reply to the City's request for certain signs on the Cemetery Road, ad.facent to Windsor Hills and the Renton Highlands., stating that "Do Not Dump Refuse" signs will be placed where violations exist on, or adiacent to the right-cf-way; that in their opinion, numerous past field checks have indicated that curvatures and grades on this roadway make it impractical for motorists to exceed 35 mileo per hour, that there is not sufficient warrant at this time to recommend further reduction of posted speed limits. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from John W. Riley, Attorney of the law offices of Williams & Kinnear, to Haugan �: Shellan, City Attorneys, stating that Mr. & Mrs. David, 516 Grandey Way, who had previously contacted the City Engineer by letter and in tele- phone conversations regarding a culvert which they feel feeds water into the back yard of the David' s property, in which a large amount of water was standing, and where the youngest of Mrs. David' s children fell in and was nearly drowned a few weeks ago; they feel that this is due to the failure of the City, to cleats the culvert out and to provide adequate drainage for surface waters diverted by the ctulv@rt to their property, rather than the waters of the stream itself and requesting that efforts be continued towards finding a solution to the problem ; further stating that previously notice was given regarding the flooded condition of the back yard of the David' s home, and the damage caused by erosion; that it was their contention that the flooding and damage was the proximate result of the diversion by the City of the surface waters from the roadway west of said property, to the existing stream, rather than from the stream itself, the letter which they agree is not a City problem; that in Mr. Riley's last conversation with Mr. Shellan, Mr. Shellan had indicated that a further inspection was to be made and that Mr. Riley would be so notified. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that about 4 months ago, the Street Commissioner, City Engineer and himself had gone to the David' s property and adjacent area and investigated the conditions there, that there was a small trickling of water down from the top of the Windsor Hills to Grandey Way, that if the stream represents natural drainage it is not the City's problem, as it is all on private property, but that if the City has by the construction or re- pair of streets caused additional drainage into the stream, it is the City's pro- blem' Regarding the culvert, the City Attorney stated that he had recommended that a cover be placed over the culvert to prevent small children from falling in. 'The Street Commissioner stated the problem that exists is on private property and that its their opinion, it is as safe as it possibly can be made at the present time; that as far as the stream is concerned, all that the City has done is to trap and convey the water in the stream* under the City's streets, from Its Qrigim an one side: of the strBet to its natural course on the ott&r. The City Attorney stated that if the City had channeled additional water into the creek, that would not naturally have flowed into same, and by so channeling had added water to the normal and. natural ^mount of the flow of the creek causing the overflow on the David' s property, that the City should remedy the condition. The Street Commissioner stated that the drainage area was present before the street was put in; that construction and/or repair of the Street in no way increased the volume, or change the course of water flowing through the private property of anyone. On the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, moved 358 by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini,--that the communication be referred back to the Street Commissioner, City Engineer and City Attorney to reply to Mr. Ripley's letter. Carried. A communication was read from James Gay of Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, the City's Legal Consultants, to Assistant City �.ttorney, Gerard Shellan, giving their opinion regarding the Valley Construction Company's claim against the City of Renton, stating that after investigation of facts and the law, and after several conferences with Mr. Shellan, the Assistant City Attorney, Mr. Arcorace of the Valley Construction Com- pany, and his attorney, Mr. Lee of Elliott & Lee, that it is their opinion that it would be for the best interests of the City to pay the claim for extras and sales tax claimed by the Valley Construction Company; that it is their understanding that the claim for extras and sales tax claimed by the Valley Construction Company was based on recommendations 'and agreements by and between the contractor, with the City Engineer. Mr. Gay further states that Mr. Lee, Mr. Arcorace's attorney, has informed him that he intends to file an amended complaint substantially increasing the amounts set forth in the original claim for extra work based on additional costs not included in the original prices worked out with the City Engineer; that it is their recommendation that the City pay the claim in the amount recommended by the City Attorney, Councilman Don Holm, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee and Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, Legal Consultants of the City of Renton. That if the City Council is of the opinion that it does not wish to settle'on this basis, that Weter, Roberts & Shefelman will proceed with an answer to the complaint of the Valley Construction Company, whose attorney is insisting on either a settlement or that an answer be filed on behalf of the City, so that the case may be at issue. Councilman Holm stated that the City had requested the Consulting Attorneyls opinion and he personally approved their recommendation. Councilman Richardson stated that he also approved the, recommendation, that he felt that a thorough investigation had been made of the matter by the City Engineer and City Attorney. The Assistant City Attorney stzted that he had attended a meeting with the Valley Construction Company representatives and Mr. Gay, and that in his opinion, the Attorneys' in- volved think it is only fair to say that they feel that if the work had not been done there would have been a question as to the City' s paying for it, that at the same time they were given to understand by the Valley Construction Company that there was an agreement with the City Engineer to pay them for the extra work, that the extra work was done and they are entitled to payment for same. The Assist- ant City Attorney stzted that in his opinion, the approval of compensation for extra work done, as submitted by the City Engineer, should be on the basis of cost, plus 10 percent; that regarding Item #32 hand digging the relocation of a sewer line at $991.20, it was conceded by the Valley Construction Company at the meeting that this was not proper, that this would be recalculated and reduced to the contract rate, in the amount of $407.102 to be included in the new invoice to be submitted. The City Engineer stated, that in his opinion, the City should only Day for work done as itemized under the contract, at the contract price, as the contractor was familiar with the conditions that existed in this area, except for extra work, which should be paid for at cost plus 10%. The City Engineer further stated that specifications provided that any bids submitted should include sales tax and workmen's compensation, but that the State Tax Commission has ruled that the sales tax is extra and not included. Councilman Holm stated that the Com- mittee had not studied the problem since it had been referred to the attorneys. Moved by-Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for their report back this evening. Carried. The City Clerk read a voucher from Richard E. Wolff, the City's Engineering Con- sultant on the overall water and sewer improvement for the City of Renton, for part payment for consulting engineering .services on Kennydale Well No. 5, in the amount of $2500.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the automatic traffic signal control system at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Rainier Ave nue is in very bad condition requiring constant maintenance to keep the signal functioning properly; that it is believed advisable from a safety and economy standpoint to reconstruct the traffic detectors of this signal at an estimated cost of <$2500.00. Moved. by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the communi- cation be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Having served their 6 months probationary period satisfactorily and on the re- commendation of the Fire Chief and Fire Department Civil Service Commissions, the City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Baxter of Mr. William Henry, Mr. Jack Haworth and Mr. David Walsh as firemen, effective July 1, 1953. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Mayor Baxter. Carried. A communication was read from Frank E. Ames, Chairman of the Renton Airport Board, stating that the A irport Board had regularly passed action that "the Air— port Manager be allowed 1A less than budget, salary per month, effective July 1, 1953". The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that the Airport Board would have jurisdiction over the A irport Manager's salary. Moved ?-)y Morris, seconded by Freyman, that the communication be referred to the Ways & Means Committee, for further investigation, and that this information be available for the Council when drafting 1954 budget. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission recommending that the City Council act favorably on Renton School District No. 403's request for annexa— tion of certain described property. "The SWf of the SW4 of the SWT, and the South 2 of the YJT of the SWT' of the SWJ of Section 4, T 23 N, R 5E, W.M." bounded on the north and east by the Renton Highlands, on the South by S.F. 112th Street and on the east by 116th Avenue Southeast (10th Avenue North.) The City Engineer stated that this was the location of the proposed new Junior High. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freymen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the proper procedure be followed for annexation. Carried. A second communication was read from the Planning Commission stating that, in their opinion, there was nothing in the zoning ordinance to cover shacks and other structures in the Highlands, and that the Planning Commission had no jurisdiction over same. They suggested that the City Council contact the City Health Department regarding the location of the chicken coops, etc., to determine if this was unsanitary and would be considered a health problem; that as far as shacks and other structures were concerned that the interested residents request the Fire Department to determine if these out—buildings were fire hazards, and if so, the Fire Department should re— commend that they be condemned. The Planning Commission further suggests to the Council their consideration of the passage of an Ordinance covering unsightly build— ings that would injure the value of the adjoining property owners. Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Planning Commission and the Fire and Health Departments be requested to investigate these possible solutions, and report back. Carried. A third communication was read from the -Planning Commission recommending the Council approve the annexation petition for the area south of Bryn Mawr, adjacent on the east to the Renton Airport, bounded on the east by Rainier Avenue, 91st Place South and Hardie Street, on the north by 122nd Avenue, on the south by 129th Street and on the west, for the most part by 87th Avenue South, and (if extended.) 85th Avenue South, with the proviso that unimproved streets cannot be maintained other than by grading from time to time, until they are brought up to the street standards of the City of Renton Engineering Department by a local Improvement District of the pro— perty owners involved. The City Engineer stated that it was recommended by the Planning Commission that all future annexations, where the streets are unimproved, that the responsibility of the street improvement would be that of the property owner, that pending the report of the Planning Commission, the petition had not been checked as to validity and percentage of signatures. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the City Engineer to check the valid— ity and percentage of signatures and report back to the Council at the next meeting. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from Bill Hendrickson, Chairman of the Cedar River Boat Derby, sponsored by the American Legion on August 15th as part of the Greater Renton Days Celebration, inviting the City, or it's individuals to partici— pate in the boat race. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Leonard W. Polson, Chairman of the Teen-age Road-e-o Committee, of the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce to Dave Pugh, Street Commiss- ioner, thanking him and the Street Department for making possible the first annual Teen-age Road—e—o, stating that 13 Renton High School pupils entered the written phase and seven entered the driving phase of the contest. The local winner being Richard S. Dobson, who will participate in the State Road—e—o— in Kennewick, June 27th as part of his award. He also received an engraved "traveling" trophy and a $10.00 merchandise certificate. The trophy is a perpetual award and is now on dis— play in the Renton High School library. The Street Commissioner stated that they had assigned a certain area of Mother' s Park for the contest to encourage careful driving among teen—agers. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Rudolph H. Seppi, of Earlington, asking consider— ation by the City to repair and improve the Earlington streets left in poor condition from the installation of the serer system in that area. A communication was read from Alan Lane, of Earlington, requesting the roads be improved and a permanent grade be established for the area Sou so that he might install his driveway to the street. The Street Commissioner stated that they are prepared to oil the Earlington roads to put them back in the condition they were in before the Earlington sewers were installed and that if weather permitted, they would start oiling the roads on Wednesday morning. The communications were ordered filed. A communication was read from J. D. Taylor, General Manager of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, stating that they are increasingly concerned over the dangerous condition which exists on the south side of Walla Walla Avenue; that when cars are parked along the south side of the street, there is not sufficient clearance for eastbound vehicles between such parked cars and a train; they urge that the pre— sent parking meters along this Avenue be removed and that parking be prohibited along the south side of Walla Walla Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Frey— man, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for in— vestigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Margaret Bisiack, Secretary of the Renton Scenic Hill Club requesting "SLOW" signs be installed on Jones Street & Beacon Avenue for the protection of children crossing the streets near the Philip Arnold Playfield. An invitation and notice of a community picnic at the Philip Arnold Playfield, July 12th was enclosed. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the matter of the traffic signs be referred to the Traffic Department. Carried. The City Clerk read a statement, Estimate No. 1, of work performed through June 30, 1953) by La.rio Libri, Contractor, Kennydale Water Mains Improvement, as certified correct by James Highton, City Engineer, in the amount of: For work performed thru 6-30-1053........ $29,3 5� .50 3% Washington State Sales Tax. ........... � 880.79 TOTAL for Estimate $309240.29 LESS, 15% retained.................... x•,536.04 AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR.............. L2.,r,,2704.25 The City Engineer informed the Council that the new water lines are tested as they are installed, that they would probably reach the Kennydale area next week; that the water sample has been tested and approved. The City Engineer recommended that the contractor be paid for Estimate No. 1. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. .,. A communication was read from the Budget Controller, enclosing a statement from the Northwest Casualty Company, through their representative, William F. Davis, on Policy #24287 (binder) , Comprehensive Public Liability for the City of Renton from March 4, 1953 to May 15, 1953, in the amount of $2166,35, statin; that there was no appropriation included in the Current (1953) Budget for the item and re— ferring same to the Council for their consideration. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the invoice be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee and City Attorney for their investigation and a report back. Carried. The Building Inspector reported that he had prepared an estimate of the cost to move the City Hall Administrative Departments, Engineering Department and Police Department to the Cedar River Park Administration Building, in the amount of $15,000.00; this cost to include a new vault and new jail quarters; that the estimate was based on material and labor only, the labor, with the exception of electrical work and plumbing, to be done by the City employees and credited to the various departments doing the work. The Building Inspector further stated that tentative plans had been made for acquiring necessary building materials for the remodeling of the Cedar River Administrative Building to satisfy -the Cityts needs. Mayor Baxter stated that the Property Committee was presently working on plans for the satisfactory use or disposal of the present City Hall building; that he had checked with the Auditor and arrangements could be made to finance the moving and setting up of the City Hall offices, etc., at Cedar River Park, from rentals received from the project,as it was included in the agreement with the Federal Government that a portion of the Cedar River Park could be used for .r Municipal Offices, Bill Hendrickson, the manager of the Cedar River Park, stated that his 1954 Budget was prepared and that it would be necessary to supplement same if the expense of the change of location of City Hall offices, etc., to Cedar River Park should be included, as part of their expenditures, and would probably require withholding of the quarterly payments for same for a period of time. Mayor Baxter stated that the expense of the move would be paid from the Cedar River Project Operation and Maintenance Fund. Mr. Hendrickson stated that the money received from the Cedar �dver Park operation could only be used for improvement, that if same was included in the budget, and approved, the manage— ment would have the right to finance said improvements. Mayor Baxter stated that 361 he knew of several proposals for use of the City Hall, if the offices were moved to Cedar River Park, but that nothing definite had been decided; that the matter of lease or sale of the City Hall property was dependent on Council action as to moving the City Hall offices, that if this were definitely decided, further study and con- sideration could be made of the disposition of the City Hall. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilman Richardson on the Property Committee, during the absence of Councilman Burce. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor and the matter be broughtto a conclusion. Carried. Mayor Baxter re- quested a special meeting this evening, during Council recess, of the Property Committee, for their recommendation as to the disposition of the City Hall building. Councilman Reid stated that the moving to Cedar River Park should not depend on the disposition of the City Hall, as in his opinion, the City Hall could be sold or leased any time. Mayor Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by/ Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. On Mayor Baxter's request for same, Councilman Swift, acting Chairman of the Pro- perty Committee, reported that the property Committee had met, but that they felt they did not have the sufficient information at this time to make a report as to a proposal for disposition of the City Hall building. Councilman Swift further report- ed that there was the question as to the advisability of issuing a call for bids for lease, or lease with option to sell, or to sell this property, or would the Council prefer that the Committee contact all of the local Real Estate dealers. Councilman Swift requested another Property Committee meeting in this regard on Thursday, July 9th at 7:30 P.M., with the City Attorney and Building Inspector and that they would try to have a report for the Council meeting on the 14th of July. The Auditing & Accounting Committee reported that they had met with the City Engineer and City Attorney and considered the payment for the extra work as reported by the Valley Construction Company on the Earlington L.I.D., Sewer Construction job and that the Committee recommends that Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, the Legal Consultants employed by the City of Renton for their advice on this project, be authorized to make settlement on the claims as adjusted, including reducing of the �. charge for extra work from cost plus 15% to cost plus 10%, and the adjustment of Item 39 hand digging of a sewer line, which should be paid at the unit (contract) price. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read a memo from the City Engineer giving the status of the con- tract between the Valley Construction Company and the City of Renton as now exists on the Earlington Sewer District (L.I.D. , #239) Improvement, stating that the extra work was completed May 19, 1953, the released date, June 19, 1953; that the total amount of the contract items is ?,123.59, the Contractor having received $54,783.19, on regular contract items; that the balance due the Contractor on the regular con- tract items, including retained percentages is in the totalamount of $13,340.40. Payment for additional items and extra work items are not included in the contract and are to be considered separately. Claims against the Contractor are in the total amount of $980.832 as follows: City of Renton: Water Department, repairs on Earlington water system.. .. . .... $635.83 Street Department, equipment rental.....0000*.... 300.00 Jackson Sanitation Company (cleaning septic tank) ........ .... ..... 45.00 $_91228L Councilman Holm stated that these items were the withheld items and the three extra items of work that the City was required to do at the request of the Con- tractors and were agreed upon as being items that should have been deducted from the contract amount; that it was the recommendation of the Committee that this item ($12,359.57 ) be paid, as stated, subject to acceptance of the job by the City of Renton. The City Engineer stated that the job was completed and accepted by the City of Renton on all contract items. On the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Attorney, moved by Holm, seconded by Farmer, that the L.I.D., #239t Earlington Sewer Improvement job, be accepted by the City as of July 7th 19532 allowing two weeks for the legal Consultants to make settlement of the outstanding suits, and if necessary the City could request that the contractor furnish affi- davits confirming complete payment of all outstanding taxes, etc., the contractor is responsible for. Carried. 362 Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee had been informed that �--. the owners of the property, that their Committee was considering for a proposed off street parking area, had received a better offer for their property, for the same pur- pose the City was considering the property for, and in their opinion, the Committee was quite willing to see a private party get into this type of business; that the Committee requested more time on this matter. Councilman Holm reported to the Council that further discussion of the proposed zoning ordinance would be postponed until July 21st 1953. Councilman Reid reported that the Special Power Committee had met with. Mr. Metcalf & Mr. Atkinson, of the law firm of Metcalf & Harstad, Special Legal Consultants for the City of Renton, in connection with the power issue in the City of Renton, and they had requested of the City of Renton an extension of time in regard to the .. City' s proposed acquisition of certain power facilities in the City of Renton. All Councilmen present were in favor of extension of time in regard to condemnation proceedings, etc., of the power issue. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that an extension of time, until June, 1956 be granted Metcalf & Harsted, Legal Consultants in connection with the power issue. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested that Metcalf & Harsted be so notified. Councilman Richardson stated that there had been many complaints received in re- gard to trees, shrubs, etc., being overrun and damaged with caterpillars; that he discussed the matter with Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon regarding the cater- pillars in a certain park area in the Highlands, just west of 6th Avenue North and in the ravine; that the alder trees in this area are covered with caterpillars; that he understands there is a state law against caterpillars on private property and inquiring what the City is going to do about the caterpillars on City property. The Park Superintendent stated that due to the mild winter the caterpillars were unusually thick; that with a shortage of help on the Park Department this was a very serious problem, but that he would contact the Park Department and request their advice as to how to take care of the problem. The Park Superintendent further stated that about two years ago, two hills were cleared of all brush and trees for fire and pest control, with the exception of the alder trees; that after the area was cleared, they had received many complaints of flood conditions when the weather was rainy; that they let the brush and trees grow up this past year, for flood pro- tection, and the caterpillar situation had developed; that they have pest control spray for the developed parks, but the weather has been unfavorable for spraying; that the Park Board had met this week and had requested him to meet with the Pro- perty Committee in regard to the small park areas in question, that they had withheld giving an answer to the Highlands residents, until the matter could be discussed with the Property Committee. There will be a meeting of the Property Committee and Park Board on Saturday morning, July 18th at 12: 00 o'clock Noon. Mayor Baxter stated that he had contacted the Police Department and requested a rigid enforcement of the curfew law; as there were too many juveniles on the streets during restricted hours; that he had notices published in both papers in- forming the public of this matter. The Police Chief reported that they did not have the report completed yet, but that they had taken the names of several juveniles and that some were new and some were repeater offenders. The City Clerk read a Light & Power Committee report recommending payment to the Contractor, N. C. Jannsen Drilling Company, of 85% of the minimum contract price of $30,668.25, in the amount of $26,068.00 for work performed in the development of a gravel well water supply at Well No. 5, as the final pumping test has not been made. The City Engineer reported favorably on the performance of this work, by the contractor, and certifying same correct. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that he would like to compliment the Street Department for decorating the bust at the intersection of Main Street with 3rd Avenue and Walla Walla Avenue, that the bronze top was very neat looking with the blue bottom of the stand; also, that he would like to recommend that the last exist- ..r ing portal to the City of Renton, on 3rd Avenue near its intersection with Rainier Avenue be removed, as this is no longer of any use or meaning. The Street Super- intendent stated that he would see that this portal was removed. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed with the City Engineer and Street Commissioner, ways and possibilities of repair- ing Wells Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, that they had never been able to budget the cost of this proposed improvement, that he had requested the City Engineer and Street Surperintendent to investigate and see what the cost would be for black-topping or other reasonable repairs. 363 Councilman Holm stated that the Auditing & Accounting Committee had met with Mr. Springate of the National Cash Register Company, that they had a proposal to present to the various City Departments whose work warranted a cash register; that Mr. Springate and his assistant would like to visit the different offices and make a survey of the method of handling money and to the difference offices needs; that the Committee reported favorably on the request and suggests to the Council that the different Department Heads cooperate with Mr. Springate. Councilman Holm stated that the survey would only take a couple of days and would not disrupt the depart— ments. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommend— ation of the Committee, in regard to the survey. On request for her opinion regard— ing same, the City Treasurer stated that the Treasurer's Office could use cash re— gisters and that she previously had investigated the types and prices of same, but as she considered the cost prohibitive, and since her office was functioning efficiently without the use of cash registers, she had not continued the investi— gation. The motion carried. On request for information regarding same, the City Engineer informed the Council that he was familiar with the complaints received lately in regard to the water in low areas that did not have too much water usage to completely flush the lines; that both reservoirs have been flushed out; that the King County Health Department was working with their Department and that they hoped to have the matter entirely cleared up by the end of the summer. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 8318-8440 16,965.41 CLAIMS CUPRENT 1338-1340 15,208.97 CLAIMS WATER 8867-8869 4,063.82 CLAIMS PARK 1787-1788 908.30 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6457-6457 2086.42 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2660-2669 553.23 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2398-2399 19279.1.7 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1599-1601 19410.54 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FVD. 110 •— CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FD. 505 74.50 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONST. FUND. 619-621 54,272.25 Owing to the fact that previous Council action provided for regular Council meetings for the three summer months, .Tune, July and gust, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday, only, and the date of Tuly 14th being set for the opening of bids for the "construction of a reinforced concrete sewate treatment digester tank, installation of a steel tank cover and digester equipment, and providing certain other treatment plant improve— ments," on the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that this evenings Council meeting be recessed until July 14th at 8:00 P.M., Carried. The meeting recessed at 11:15 P.M., (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Id Citt Clerk Mayor it i i 364 Renton, Washington July 14, 1953 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, AND RICHARDSON. (Councilmen Tamborini and Morris were excused by Mayor Baxter.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: FLOYD LAWRENCE, FIRE CHIEF; ARTHUR HAUGAN, CITY-ATTORNEY; WILEY CROOK, CITY CLERK; DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER; JAMES HIGHTON, CITY ENGINEER and WALT WILL, BUILDING INSPECTOR. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO• AMOU14T NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4693 $ 400.00 John Alexander 653 E. Street erect garage 4 40.00 Howard W. Bennett 3315 6th Ave. N. erect fence 5 99,000.00 Fred Peacock R. 1, Box 829 erect residence 6 - Herb Hackman 339 Meadow St. install plumbing 7 11000.00 Fred Zevart 345 Meadow St. rebuild garage 8 - Lee Roy S. Madden 3227 6th Ave., No. install plumbing 9 500.00 Mary Higdon Harries Bldg. remodel building 4700 1,800.00 Mathewson Serv. Station 115 Rainier Ave. electric service 1 900.00 Charles Neff 356 Garden St. install roofing 2 600.00 Anna Morgan 337 Park St. install siding 3 750.00 R. T. Prather 338 Pelly St. n n 4 300.00 Frances Nielsen 335j Pelly St. erect carport 5 150.00 Robert Franz 2244 6th Ave. N. erect carport 6 375.00 Wm. Arrigonse 1510 3rd Ave., N. remodel house 7 1,000.00 Mast & Herd (Dairy Freeze) 91 3rd Avenue remodel building 8 110.00 Charles Hubbard 500 Whitworth install roofing 9 150.00 Patsy Visconte 3321 6th Ave. N. install fence 10 - Herb Hackman 339 Meadow sewer connection 1 375.00 Service Laundry 4th & Wells St. wire service 2 467.00 Kenneth Armitage 337 Factory install roofing 3 100.00 A. W. Lemanager 2101 7th Ave. N. erect carport This being the date set for the opening of bids for a "sewage treatment: plant di- gester.tank, installation of steel tank cover and digester equipment, and providing certain other treatment plant improvements," the following bids were opened and read: 1. Hoagland-Findley Engineering Company $67,207.50 327 Lyons Building, Seattle 4, Wash 2. Atherton & Company ............................... 68,900.74 1101 Terminal Sales Building Seattle, Washington 3. Shoreline Construction Company ........ ..0.0..09.. 701*242.24 12510 15th Ave., N.v,. Seattle 5, Washington, 4. Burien Construction Company.............. ....... 71,010.00 4126 S.W., 106th Street Seattle 66, Washington 5. Wayne Construction Company........................ 72,044.38 3810 Stoneway Seattle 3, Washington Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer for investigation and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. .� A letter from the City Employees Club, signed by Vern Church, President, was read, inviting the Mayor, Council & Department Heads to their annual picnic on Sunday.. July 19th at Ky' s Lake Meridian Grove. The letter was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, recommending that the revised plat of "Sunset Heights", submitted by R. J. Storey, Engineer, for pro- perties owned by Lloyd and Roger Peterson, be approved. Moved by Trimm„ seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Comm- ission. Carried. 365 . A communication was read from Arthur G. Hoefer, President of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, Los Angeles, California, requesting that Walt Will, Building Inspector for the City of Renton, who is also a member & official repre- sentative of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, be present at the 31st Annual Business Meeting of the P.C.B.O.C., to be held at Hotel Huntington in Pasadena, October 6th through 9th 19533, with the Committee meetings, October 5th; that important revisions to the Uniform Building Code will be acted upon and important policies will be discussed and actions taken. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their investigation and a report back. Carried. On request for information regarding the Property Committee"s recommendation as to ... the proposed disposition of the present City Hall building, in case the City Hall offices, etc., were moved to Cedar River Park, Councilman Bruce requested that Councilman Swift, who has been acting as Chairman of the Committee, make the report as he has the information. Councilman Swift reported that the Committee had tenta- tively drafted 5 different plans regarding disposition of the City Hall as follows: 1. On a lease basis for 5, 10 or 15 years 2. On a lease basis for 5 years, with option to purchase 3. On a lease basis for 10 years, with option to purchase 4. Sell outright. 5. Remain here and expand the present building. Councilman Swift stated that the estimate of cost of moving the City Hall offices, of $15,000.00 as presented at the last Council meeting, did not include extra lights, the private companies to move the equipment, desks, chairs, etc., to Cedar River Park, or the moving of the Police Department radio & equipment and the telephone switch- board; that the City could call for bids and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all of the bids; t1-1_at the receipts of the sale or lease of the City Hall building would be disbursed as follows: (1) Reimburse the City of Renton for the initial cost of moving, and deposit the balance and all new funds to the construction fund only. Councilman Swift stated that this was the report that the Committee wished to make and that there was no further recommendation at this time. Councilman Bruce stated that he felt the Council as a whole would like to use their own judgment and take part in any further discussion and/or recommendations and this would give them some plans to start work on; that the Council could discuss the proposed plans, item •� by item, thereby working out a satisfactory solution. Councilman Swift stated that the Committee recommended that City employees perform the labor necessary to prepare the Cedar River Park building for City Hall offices, and that experienced help be secured to move the City's equipment and facilities to Cedar River Park. Moved by Holm, seconded by Bruce, that the Council go on record as favoring the move of City Hall offices, etc., to Cedar River Park. Carried. The City Clerk read a report of the amount to be charged for extra work on Local Improvement District,#239, Earlington Sanitary Sewers, as agreed upon by the Valley Co struction Company's representative, Mr. Lee, Attorney, of the law firm of Elliott & Lee, Mr. Haugan, the City's Attorney, Councilman Holm, Chairman of the Auditing & Accounting Committee and the City Engineer, as follows: Measured quantities of work (at the bid price)....... $68,205.69 Extra work (see itemized list below)...........90•••• 2j257,64- - _ TOTAL........ $75,463.33 Amount already paid on same.......................... 54.783.19 BALANCE DUE, NOT INCLUDING SALES TAX...... $20p680.14 ( 1. Hand dig relocation - Line "D" - 283 Lineal feet - cost, $715.95, plus 10% ($71.60) ....... 787.55 2. Hand dig 6" sewer line, T&C Bungalow site - 253 lineal feet- cost, $1012.45, plus 10% ($101.25) .... 1,113.70 3. Hand dig 6" sewer line, J-2 - 177 lineal feet (agreed price).......... 699.15 4. Move fuel oil tank................... ................. 204.24 5. Excavate solid rock from sewer trench-331 cu. yds. Q $11.00 3,641.00 6. Clean septic tank.................... ................. 50.00 7. Tunnel under Rainier Avenue at 2nd Avenue....**...0." 350.00 8. Tunnel under Rainier Avenue at Tobin Avenue........*.* 350.00 9. Deepening sewer trench (Morris Bellando) .............. 62,00 S 7.257.61 '4366 The City Clerk stated that this was a satisfactory agreement between all parties concerned, on all items, except item #3 of the additional work items, that Item 3, as previously computed was $584.06, that Mr. Gay, of the firm of Weter, Roberts & Shefelman, the City' s Legal Consultants, had stated that he f elt that this was a matter for compromise between the Valley Construction Company and the City of Renton, rather than a legal question. Councilman Richardson stated that it was his understanding that the sewer line referred to in Item 3, was hand dug to avoid removing a tree, against the property owners wishes. The City Attorney stated that as the City couldn't furnish the Contractor the right to remove the tree, that in his opinion, it was the City's responsibility for the extra work, than he felt that payment of half of the extra charge claimed by the Contractor was a fair compromise. Councilman Holm, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee started that he personally was satisfied with the compromise agreement to pay $699.15 on Item 3. .... The City Engineer stated that in his opinion this was a legitimate charge by the Contractor and recommended payment of same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer in the comprom— ise settlement as above outlined. Carried. The City Clerk stated that this $20,680.14 would be the amount of the final bill including extra work payments owing to the Valley Construction Company with the exception of payment of Washington State Sales Tax, and recommended that memor— andums be furnished the State Excise Tax Division for their opinion as to the amount of Sales Tax actually owing on the job as portions of the job, such as ex— cavating rock from trenches, back—filling of trenches and tunneling under Rainier Avenue, which he understood were exempt, that he felt the L.I.D., could realize quite a saving by so doing, that as soon as it has been d etermined what the correct amount of sales tax was, the Valley Construction Company would pay this tax to the State Excise Tax Division and the Local Improvement District would reimburse the Valley Construction Company for same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk in regard to the sales tax as above referred to. Carried. Mr. Ellinwood, Mr. Balch's Representative, stated from the audience that he had requested permission from the Council to move the water line they originally planned to put in on 132nd , west from 112th to 6th Place, and bring it through on property they have since purchased. The reason for their request for a change of this line being that it would serve two projects, President Park No. 4 and proposed President Park No. 5, and increase the water pressure in this area; that the water line reverts to the City at the end of 5 years and that Mr. Balch would realize no reimbursement for his investment in same. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, this was merely a matter of relocating a line, that Mr. Balch had already agreed to put in at his own expense, that the water line would supply the same property, but would be located on a different place; that the line will be located along an area that will be a future street; Mr. Ellinwood stated that Mr. Balch stands ready to deed the streets to the City at any time the City will accept same, that it is the City's usual procedure to wait until the streets are satisfactorily improved before accepting them. Councilman Farmer, stated, that in his opinion, as long as Mr. Balch has previously entered into an agreement with the City of Renton, that the people east of 122nd Avenue had been informed that water would be available to them and to contact the City Engineer to make arrange— ments to obtain the water, that this matter should be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney for their investigation before taking action on it. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. Ellinwood had informed him this evening that he personally had contacted all the property owners on 132nd Avenue, who are potential users of water and that only one property owner stated that he would be able to pay the required connection fee, that the coast is esti— mated at approximately $3.00 per foot to be split between the property owners on both sides of the road, at a cost of $1.50 per foot to each property owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney to investigate and report back, Tuesday, February 21st. Carried. ..r The City Clerk read the State Examiner's report for the period of ?anuary 1st 1952, through December 31st 1952, inclusive. The City Clerk stated that the report on the operation of the Clerk's Office was very thorough and accurate as far as figures, funds, etc., were concerned. The City Treasurer stated that she felt some of the items were in printed in error about the operation of the Treasurer's office and that the State Examiner had stated that he would check to ,see if the errors were made at the time the report was typed up from his notes. That through someone's error, the Treasurer's bond had been reduced to $10,000.00, but that she had it increased to the correct amount as soon as she had discovered the error. The 0067 City Clerk was requested to report back to the Council at the next Council meeting, if there was an Ordinance covering the Police Judge's, City Treasurer' s and City Clerk's bond. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee reported that he had con- tacted Frank Ames of the Airport Board regarding the increase, to be effective July lst, of the Airport Manager' s salary to three-fourths of his budgeted salary; that he had been informed that the Airport Manager was giving at least three-quarters of his time to the managing of the Renton Airport, that at the time the Renton Air- port Board requested that his salary be reduced to one-half, the Airport Manager felt that he could satisfactorily manage the Airport in one-half of the regular time, but that he had found that he was required to give at least three-quarters of his time and that in so doing, should be compensated in this amount; that the matter had been thoroughly considered and approved by the Airport Board; that the Airport Board feels that the Airport Manager has accomplished a great deal and is doing a very fine .job in managing the airport and that he is entitled to three- quarters of the budgeted salary. Councilman Reid reported that he had attended the Housing Authority Board meeting and that they had discussed, (1) rental rates in the Highlands, and (2) that the Housing Authority Board had agreed to divide the business of furnishing fuel to the Cedar River Project, equitable among local dealers. Councilman Reid further stated, that in his opinion, arrangements should be made and included in the Cedar River Budget, July 1st, 1953 to and including, June 30, 1954, for the expense necessitated by improving the administration building at Cedar River Park so that it would be suitable for occupancy by the City of Renton Administrative offices, etc., if and when such a move is made. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for investi- gation and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter thanked Councilman Reid for serving on the Special Cedar River Policy Committee, stating that the Committee as a Whole had spent a great deal of time and had worked very hard in this regard. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that there had been quite a few changes in leases at Mother's Park, that a new tenant had given up a portion of his leased area; that the Spider Staging Company and Heath & Pulrang had arranged to take up the portion not needed by the new tenant and recommended that the City Attorney be requested to draft new leases to cover same, including a 30-day cancellation clause. Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Chairman of the Property Committee. Carried. On his request for same, Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Holm, two weeks leave of absence. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, many of the present light standards in the business district are obsolete and in very poor condition, that the City should make arrangements for replacement of the standards and fixtures in the Business District. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that this problem be referred to the Light & Power Committee to investigate the cost of replacing these light standards and fixtures in the business district. Carried. Bill Hendrickson, manager of the Cedar River Park informed the Council that it had been determined by the Attorney General that a previous report "that the City could not legally use the Cedar River Administration Building for their offices," had been held untrue; that the Attorney General had ruled that the City, having purchased the Cedar River Housing properties, the building could be used for any purposes they wish. After a short discussion, in regard to the sale or leasing of the City Hall, the City Attorney informed the Council that to accomplish their purpose, the City could invite a bid on each separate proposal in one adver- tisement. Councilman Holm suggested that the bid could be written on separate proposals as follows: (1) For the outright purchase of the building (2) Lease - 5 or 10 year minimum Lease - 20 year period Lease - 30 year period, EACH, with or without an option to buy. 36S c As suggested by the City Clerk, moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the matter of drafting a "Call for Bids" for lease or sale, etc., of the City Hall, be referred to the Property Committee to work with the City Attorney, in regard to the proposal as submitted by the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried„ The meeting adjourned at 10:00 ofelock P.M. (There were 14 persons present besides the City of Renton employees.) City Clerk Mayor 22 a Renton, Washington July 21, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Holm was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Dave Pugh, Street Com- missioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the recessed meeting of July 7th and the meeting of July 14th be approved as written. Carried. A communication, signed, "Just a Tax Payer" was read stating that the alley at the rear of the Renton Theater on Smithers & 3rd Avenue is used for all-day parking and the property owners adjacent to the alley (on the south) are unable to take their cars from their respective driveways as the driveways are blocked by the cars parked in the alleyway all day, and further suggesting that parking meters be installed on Smithers Street, as far south as the corner of the lumber yard on 4th Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department for a report back. Carried. A communication was read from James F. Russell, 3327 6th Avenue North (President Park) stating that he had installed a basket weave fence 5' high to within 30 feet of his front property line; that he had received notice from the Building Department that the fence be cut down to 421t; that he has the written approval, notorized state- ment attached, from his next door neighbor and requesting Council approval of the fence as installed. Councilman Tamborini stated that in his opinion, if the next door neighbor had agreed to the fence, that the Council should be in favor of same and moved that the matter be referred to the Building Inspector with power to act. The Building Inspector stated that the Building Permit authorized a 42" fence only and that the building code permits a six foot fence, only a distance of 30 feet from the rear of private property. The City Attorney stated that there was no such thing as a non-conforming permit under the Building Code. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the request of J^mes F. Russell, together with the notorized state- ment of his neighbor, be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommen- dation and a report back. Carried. A letter of protest to a proposed annexation was read from Edwin A. and Phyllis Lee, 13226 144th Southeast. The communication was ordered filed for future reference. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Com- mission requesting that in addition to the copies of the Council minutes presently being furnished to the Chairman and Secretary,that all other members receive copies. After a short discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that no additional copies be furnished the Planning Commission. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointments by Mayor Baxter of K. M. Furseth and Frank Henry as Sergeants, to be effective August 1, 1953, and Ernie Henry as Traffic Sergeant and C. S. Williams as Technical Sergeant, to be effective immediately. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from Alex Miller, Promotional Chairman of the Greater Renton Days Committe, requesting permission to operate rides and amusements at 214 Main Street, August 131, 14 and 15th, that the owner of said amusements is A.T. King, d/b/a King Rides and Amusements; that he is fully protected by property and personal liability insurance; that he will abide by all State laws and Ordinances of the City of Renton; that Greater Renton Incorporated is adequately insured against property damage and personal liability; that they agree to reimburse the City for any and all expense that may be incurred by the City of Renton as a result of the operation above referred to. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Greater Renton Days (Incorporated) be granted permission as above requested. Carried. 370 The City Clerk read a "Call for Bids" as prepared by the City Attorney and pre— sented by the Property Committee, for purchase or lease of the City Hall premises, land and buildings, located at 227 Wells Street, described as Lots 13 and 14, Block 229 less the west eight feet for an alley, Town of Renton, to be submitted on any or all of the following plans: (A) Outright purchase, for cash or on terms (B) Lease, for five years, 10 years or 15 years. (C) Lease, with option to buy at a set price, or later negotiated price, lease to be five years, 10 years or 15 years. (D) Bidders may submit an alternate offer on any other basis desired. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Richardson, that the Council approve the "'Call for Bids" as presented by the Property Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be amended to include "that the date of August 18th be set for the opening of bids." The amendment carried. The motion, as amended, then carried. The final statement was read from the Valley Construction Company for 1dork performed on Local Improvement District Contract No. 239, in the amount of $202680.14 (not including State Sales Tax.) The statement, including extra work, was approved by the City Attorney—Arthur Haugan, City Engineer-Tames Highton, R. F. Arcorace of the Valley Construction Company and Mr. Lee, Mr. R. F. Arcorace's attorney and Mr. James Gay -of the law firm of Weter, Roberts & Shefelman, the City's legal consultants. The City Clerk explained that it was in order to pay, and recommended payment of the Final Estimate, in the amount of $20,680.1.4, to the Valley Construction Company (Warrant-#25, Construction Fund, L.I.D., #239) and $722.29 to the Rainier'Asph&lt Paving Company (Warrant #26, .Construction Fund, L.I.D., #239) , making a total of $21,402.43. Since Warrant #22, drawn.on Construction Fund, L.I.D., #239, Earlington Sanitary Sewers, .in favor of the Valley Construction Company has been cancelled, and the,money for same is still available for use in said fund, the additional amount necessary to finance the above warrants is $19,413.52. Moved by Richard, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk that warrants in the total amount of $19,413.52, as statedv bearing interest at the rate of 4-41% be issued to Grande & Company, as follows: Warrant #22 — $5,000.00 Warrant #25 — $29000.00 Warrant #23 — $5,000.00 Warrant #26 — $2,000.00 Warrant #24 — $5,000.00 Warrant #27 — 413.52 making a total of $19,413.521 in lieu of which Grande & Company are tc issue to the City of Renton a check to be credited to the Construction Fund, L.I.D., #239, com— puted at the rate of $100.14 of face value, a total of $19,440.70. The motion carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Farmer more time in regard to a proposed water line near 132nd Southeast, in President Park Addition, Mr. Elevant Edwards, from the audience, stated that he is leasing a portion of a building at the Renton Airport from Al Knechtel who operates General Aircraft Sales; that his building is in need of repairs and that he is willing to make such repairs and improvements as would benefit his business, if permitted to take such expenses from rentals; that he was unable to make such an agreement with Mr. Knechtel, or to have Mr. Knechtel make any necessary improvements and stated that he would like to have a written lease for this property and asking for some definite information from the Council. Mayor Baxter informed Mr. Edwards that :rental of buildings on the Airport is under the immediate jurisdiction of the Airport Board and suggested that he contact them. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that a letter of inquiry be forwarded to the Airport Board requesting an explanation of the matter of sub—leasing to Mr. Edwards by Mr. Knechtel, why the building (the old Veteran's Hanger) had not been put in proper repair and why Mr. Edward's re— quest had not been complied with, as far as a lease was concerned and in regard to his being allowed to make improvements and deducting the cost of same from his rentals. Carried. .n Councilman Delaurenti rep®rted that the Police and License Committee had been asked tc consider a request by Mr. Frank Efers for permission to sell "Fortune Telling Books" at a price of $5.00 each, from a building he has leased at 3rd & Smithers; that with each book sold, Mr. Efers would give the purchaser a read— ing. Councilman Delaurenti stated that there being an Ordinance against fortune telling, that the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police were not in favor of granting this request. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. 371 Mayor Baxter informed Mr. Efers that his request had been rejected. On the request of Councilman Tamborini, Councilman Richardson reported that the Sanitation Committee had met with the City Engineer, City Attorney and Mr. Richard Wolff, the City's Consulting Engineer, in regard to acceptance of a bid for the "Sewage Treatment Plant Digester Tank, etc.," that after the call for bids was drafted, that a different type of equipment parts had been required; that there had been changes made in the mechanism to make it self-operating (automatic) for one shift, thereby creating a considerable saving in the future; that the Committee had found that" the lowest bid received, from Hoagland-Findley, in the amount of $67,207.50 (including sales tax) was approximately $22,000.00 short of the estimate and the amount set up in the 1953 Revenue Bond Sale for same; that his committee had investigated the possibility of obtaining this additional amount of money from Cumulative Fund #1152 and the Sewage Disposal Fund; that the Committee recommended that the bid of Hoagland Findley Engineering Company be accepted. After a discus- sion as to the reason for the overage of the bid, the Mayor stating that he felt that the Bond Issue should have carried sufficient funds to completely finance the above job, and that a more thorough study should be made of engineering estimates on such construction jobs for the City of Renton, moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Commit- tee, and the bid, as recommended by the Sanitation Committee be accepted. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Frey- man, No; Farmer, Aye; Morris, No; Hansen, No; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye and Tamborini, Aye, there being 7 "Aye's" and 4 "No's" the motion carried. Councilman Richardson explained to the Council that the Sanitation Committee's recommendation in regard to the Sewage Treatment Plant Digester Tank was only for the acceptance of the bid, and that it would be up to the Council to determine the ways and means of obtaining the additional finances necessary to complete the diges- ter tank. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for investi- gation and a report back. Carried. Mr. Joe Roundhill, who resides at 2619 7th North, stated from the audience that there has been several accidents in the Highlands caused by speeding cars; that he felt that there should be additional signs posted in regard to speeding and recommended a 15 mile per hour speed be set as the maximum in school areas; also that there should be a signal light installed at the intersection of 7th Avenue North and H. Street. Mr. Roundhill stated that in his opinion the Police Department Traffic Division was doing an excellent job but that they did not feel that there were sufficient signs in this area to curb or control the speeding. Mayor Baxter thanked Mr. Roundhill for his report. Councilman Bruce stated that he had received reports of the speeding and lack of traffic signs in the Highlands and that in his opinion, additional traffic signs should be installed and the speed limit lowered, especially in the play and school areas where the children have to travel. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI, On Mayor Baxter's request, Councilman Farmer reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommend that a permit be granted to Albert Balch to construct a water line along N. Street, in addition to, but not in lieu of the existing prior agree- ment for the proposed line on 132nd Southeast, previously authorized; that the line be installed only on condition that a 60 feet right-of-way be conveyed to the City along N. Street as and when the properties abutting thereon are platted; and on further condition that the water lines with all necessary fittings and appur- tenances, including any necessary 10 foot wide easements, to allow egress snd ingress be conveyed to the City, and on further condition that the specifications and construction of same meet the requirements and have the approval and accept- ance of the City Engineer. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that in regard to further information on the proposed move of City Hall offices, etc., to Cedar River Park, that the only matter that was referred back to his Committee was the drafting of the "Call for Bids" which was previously reported, that he knew of no further work in this regard than had been referred to his Committee. 17 0 On request for information in regard to same, the Building Inspector stated that he would see that the petition for annexation of the area west of the Renton Airport was referred to the proper party to check the signatures as to validity and percentage of same. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee recommended that Build- ing Inspector Walt Will be allowed all expenses, in conformity with State Law while attending the Bilding Officials Conference in August. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Reid more time in regard to a report on replac- ing the obsolete and worn out light standards and fixtures in the Business Dis- trict. Mayor Baxter excused Councilmen Delaurenti and Farmer from August 4th Council meeting. Councilman Delaurenti requested that at their next meeting, the Street & Alley Committee study the matter of and consider the feasibility of making Burnett Street from 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue a one-way street, on each side of the Rail- road tracks, and suggested that traffic be routed northbound on the east side and southbound on the west side. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Pacific Coast Railroad Company has pro- posed rebuilding track to serve the North Lumber Company at 2nd Avenue North and Factory Street; that Ordinance No. 227, of the City of Renton granting fran- chise to cover construction of the track across Railroad Avenue expired in 1925 and request that the City grant a francise or proper permit to the North Lumber Company granting the right to construct and maintain this track; that a portion of the track will be owned by the Lumber Company and a portion by the Pacific Coast Railroad Oompany; that the franchise will be over a 35' roadway which is known as Railroad Avenue. Councilman Delaurenti further stated that the North Lumber Company had erected two large warehouses in this area and had made a great many improvements, that the appearance of the area was greatly improved. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee had met with the Park Board and discussed the pump station at Jones Park; that if a new roof were put on this building it could be used for a tool house to store Park equipment; that the Street Commissioner has stated that the City would furnish the labor if funds could be secured to purchase the roofing material; that the estimate of cost of repairs was $200.00. Councilman Richardson stated that the purpose of Cumulative Fund #1182 was for the purchasing of materials and supplies for public improvements of this nature and moved, seconded by Bruce, that materials and supplies for the installation of a new roof for the pump house be paid for from Cumulative Fund #1182 and the Street Commissioner furnish the necessary labor. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that a letter be forwarded to the City Employees Club thanking them for a very enjoyable time at their annual picnic on July 19, 1953. Carried. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the; Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 8441-8593 $282149.85 CLAIMS CURRENT 1341-1386 18,-115.40 CLAIMS WATER 8870-8877 69 328.05 CLAIMS PARK 1789-1794 1, 581.50 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6458-6468 3,'769.69 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2670-2671 1,273.96 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2400-2407 1,:230.39 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1602-1623 1,'523.92 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. 110- 112 250.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 622- 630 19:275.61 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FD. 506 74.50 CLAIMS SEWER TRUNK L.I.D.#239 25- 26 211.402.34 Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meet- ing adjourne at 11:00 P.M. (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employ es, City lierk 373 Renton, Wash August 4, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, FREYMAN, HOLM, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARD- SON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilmen Delaurenti and Farmer were previously excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector. Elton Alexander, Budget Controller, and Jack Schneider, Air- port Manager. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of July 21st be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. N0. _ AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4714 - Lavina Bennett 4th & Williams install plumbing 15 $ 91860.00 Tony E. Grubesic 817 Grant St. erect residence 16 1,000.00 Lurie's Jewelers 901 Third install neon sign 17 80.00 Donald Jacobson 2211 7th N. construct driveway 18 125.00 Floyd M. Jordan 3527 6th N. erect fence 19 - Mast & Herd 91 Rainier install fixtures 20 90.00 Angie Riffero 730 Cedar St. erect wall 20A 50.00 Ellen Evans 215 Meadow install plasterboard 21 700.00 Rainbow Cafe 231f Main St. erect neon sign 22 12000.00 James M. Hitt 3509 7th Place erect garage 23 750.00 Patsy Visconte 3321 6th Ave. N. erect garage 24 500.00 Vincent Werwitzke, Jr. 3302 6th Place erect garage 25 400.00 Raymond Heppenstall 318 Earlington St. install new roof �- 26 400.00 T. K. Anderson 240 Wells No. demolish shed 27 200.00 Mast & Herd 3rd & Rainier wire service 28 75.00 Mrs. Jane Storey 346 Pelly St. install gutters 29 5,000.00 Chieftain Pontiac 2nd & Logan add'n on building 30 300.00 Jerome Faull 300 Third Ave. remodel building 31 21500.00 Alberto Barei 217-9 Main St. install marquee 32 1,500.00 Don Custer 1209 7th Ave. remodel residence 33 100.00 Mrs. Fannie West 130 Garden St. erect new porch 34 30000.00 Chas, Shane-Kanroth-Ford 442 Sunset B1vd.W. erect 4-flex unit 35 400.00 A.M. Baken 505 Whitworth erect garage 36 - C. T. Collier 2007 8th Ave., N. install drain 37 100.00 N.G. Johnson 311 Factory electric service 38 23,000.00 A.H. Rutherford & Sons 120 Harris Place erect building 39 500.00 N.G."Gus" Johnson 311 Factory St. remodel house 40 600.00 L.E. Crum 12428 SE 141st St. erect garage 41 - Mathewson' s Renton Servo 115 Rainier Ave. install plumbing 42 200.00 J. M. Bartram 724 Grant erect add'n on kitchen 43 100.00 Roy Genaro 131 Main rebuild garage 44 500.00 A.H. Newman 338 N. Wells electric service 45 13,000.00 Logan Garrison 1863 Monterey Drive new residence 46 100.00 George Gambini 300 Meadow St. roofing on residence 47 4016.00 E.J. Bourgeois 1313 8th Ave., N. erect basement home 48 400.00 Mrs, Jane Storey 346 Pelly St, remodel house 49 18,172.00 Noel M. Ghione 44 Tobin Ave. , erect triplex dwell. 50 1,000.00 Jake Tounsell 603 H. St. remodel residence .�. 51 73.00 Eldon Willock 3704 6th Place erect em t fence bldg. front 52 100.00 Ann Burdulis 231 Wells St. 53 Dan Dilenda 720 6th N. install San. sewer 54 100.00 Robert Wonio 1416 H. Street wire service 55 835.00 James Adams 3214 6th Place erect garage 56 160.00 William Kennedy 3432 6th Place erect driveway install driveway 57 175.00 Richard B. Shepard 3426 6th Place install driveway 58 250.00 Walter Eixenberger 2104 6th Place 59 100.00 Nick Angelo 2422 6th Ave. N. install patio 60 109500.00 Chas. Goodwin 719 Jones St. erect residence 61 - Mathewson's Service 115 Rainier Av., N. install oil tank 374 The City Clerk read a petition, containing the signatures of 21 residents in the adjoining area, protesting the use 6-f—an incinerator at the rear of the large building adjacent to the corner of 10th Avenue North and E. Street; that the in- cinerator as is being used by the tenants of the building and not being cared for properly, is a nuisance and menace to life and property. The petitioners request the discontinuance of the use of this incinerator as presently being used, as well as investigation of the number of garbage cans furnished for the use of said build- ing. Councilman Reid stated that this incinerator, as well as others, one at the rear of the Safeway Building near the corner of 2nd Avenue and Wells Street, one at the rear of the Tradewell Building, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on Wells Street, also one at the rear of the Austin-Hendrickson Drug Store, between Whitworth and Shat- tuck Streets, were in his opinion, a nuisance and menace to life and property. The Street Commissioner stated that he had warned the owner of the incinerator ad- jacent to the corner of 10th Avenue North and E. Street against burning any re- fuse except paper and combustibles in the incinerator and the prohibiting of burn- ing of articles causing offensive odors or excessive smoke and that all he had re- ceived was promises. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referr- ed to the Sanitation Committee, Fire Chief and Health Department for investigation and a report back. Carried. Communications were read from the Fire Chief, Floyd Lawrence and City Health Officer, Dr. John F. Beattie., stating that they had investigated the Renton High- lands area mentioned in the Renton Highlands Community Club's letter of July 21st and found no out-buildings 2 shacks or structures of any kind that are. unsanitary or a health or fire hazard. Copies of each of the letters were furnished the Secretary of the Renton Highlands Community Club for their information. The communications were ordered filed. A communication was read from J. C. Lund, Administrator of the Renton Hospital, enclosing a Resolution adopted by the Hospital Commissioners on July 27th, where- as a previous Resolution adopted February 12, 1951 delegated jurisdiction of road- ways through the hospital grounds to the City of Renton Police Department and as public parking is continuing on the roadways entering and leaving the hospital grounds, particularly creating a fire hazard, the Commissioners declare the road- ways entering the hospital grounds from the intersection at 4th Avenue and Shat- tuck Street to the circular driveway at the hospital's entrance, and also the roadway entering the hospital grounds from the intersection-at 4th Avenue and r Rainier Avenue to said circular driveway be deemed and classified as fire lanes and be marked as such; that parking of vehicles thereon be prohibited, and re- questing that the City of Renton to establish, mark and enforce restricting park- ing regulations, designating both above mentioned roadways as fire lanes. The Council being familiar with the situation and request, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Traffic Division of the Police Department for investigation and to report back their recommendation,. Carried. A communication was read from the Washington Surveying and Mating Bureau,, signed by Paul J. Braun, Engineer, advising the Mayor, Council and Officials of the 58th Annual Conference of the Pacific Coast Inter-Mountain Association of Fire Chiefs, to be held in the City of Tacoma, September 7th to 10th inclusive, inviting the Fire Chief and other Officials to attend the Conference. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Fire Chief and any others he. feels should attend the Conference, be authorized to attend same, with their expenses being allowed by the City of Renton. Carried. A communication was read from the Acting City Engineer, Ken Oyler, advising that the Agreement between H. N. Clifton and the City of Renton for disposal of sewage sludge from the Disposal Plant, would terminate on August 30, 1953 and that Mr. Clifton wishes to renew this agreement for a period of five years. Mr. Oyler stated that it was the City Engineers opinion, and he so recommended, that the contract should be renewed under the same conditions and for a similar period of time as the present contract. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the r Council concur in the recommendation of the Acting City Engineer, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the renewed agreement. Carried. A communication was read from Mary Norenburg, President of Beta Sigma Phi Soror- ity requesting permission to have a "Dunking Machine" for their concession during the Greater Renton Days Celebration, stating that they had completed all arrange- ments necessary, including insurance and location for same and that they under- stood that another organization is applying for the same type concession, although it had been understood with the Greater Renton Days Committee that they would have the only machine of this kind operating during the 3-day celebration. 375 The City Clerk read a communication from the Renton Jaycees, signed by Henry 0. Brotherson, President, requesting permission to conduct a Dare-Devil Automobile show known as "Joie Chitwood Auto Dare-Devils" represented by the William C. McGaw Agency of Hollywood, and further requesting a waiver of the $12.00 Business License fee, as the proceeds of the show will be used to promote Youth and Civil Programs. The show is to be held at the Renton High School Stadium on August 14th. A copy of the agreement with the Renton School District #403 was enclosed. They state that they have been informed by the Greater Renton Days Committee that this show will not conflict with any of the other activities, also that the William C. McGaw Agency will furnish Public Liability Insurance to protect the City of Renton and Renton School District #403 from any liability. The Renton Jaycees will furnish manpower to help with parking and policing of the Renton School Stadium. The City Clerk informed the Council that this was the only communication received from the Jaycees for concessions of any kind. In regard to the Beta Sigma Phi request, as no other similar request has been re- ceived, the Council felt no farther action was necessary and the representatives who were present were so advised. In regard to the Jayceets request to conduct a "Dare-Devil Automobile Show",after a discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that permission to hold the show be granted, provided they take out the required Business License, of $12.009, and the special license of $1.00 required for service or charitable organizations. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, dated July 27, 1953, recommending that the Council approve the request of Albert Balch for the extension of 10th Avenue North, between the property of Mr. Glen Mapes and Mr. Albert Balch, running east and west on the line which divides the property owned by Glen Mapes (11620 124th Avenue Southeast) and Albert Balch (President Park Addition) ; that the center line of the proposed street would be approximately 1671 feet south of the center line of Southeast 112th Street, and as previously agreed by both parties, a 30 foot strip of property will be taken from each of their respective properties, at the place stated, for the street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Planning Commission, as stated in their letter. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Airport Board, signed by Frank E. Ames, Chairman, in regard to the Airport Board' s rent agreement with Mr. A. E. Knechtel for Hangar #3 (formerly the Veteran' s Air Service) , stating that the Airport Board has never received a request for sub-lease on the Airport, nor is sub-letting allowed, by the terms of their leases, without obtaining permission from the lessor. that the building in which Mr. Edwards has been doing aircraft maintenance work has been under a month-to-month rental agreement with General Aircraft Salts (Al Knechtel) for the past 18 months, since Airport acquisition of the building, that Item 3 of their rental agreement reads as follows: "The Renton Airport Board herewith provides that upon their discretion, the time being proper to then lease the building and adjoining space, Mr. Knechtel shall have the first option to lease from the Airport; that Mr. Knechtel started negotiations with the Airport Board in June of 1953 for a firm lease of Hangar #3 and has offered the Board, in exercising his option, to add a secondary concrete floor, put the heating plant in operating condition and repair the existing doors or replace with others avail- able to him. This work is to be done in addition to his monthly rental. Council- men Reid stated that he and Mayor Baxter attended the meeting Tuesday noon, August 4th of the Renton Airport Board, and that it was stated that the Airport Board has never received a letter or request of any kind from Mr. Edwards for lease or rental of any area on the Airport. Mayor Baxter stated that he and the Council were primarily interested in the matter of any airport leasee realizing a profit from leasing or subleasing of Airport property, other than the City of Renton. Councilman Morris stated that he understood from Mr. Edwards that he had a month-to-month lease with Mr. Knechtel, but that this lease had expired. Mayor Baxter stated that he felt the misunderstanding, as far as the Mayor and Council was concerned, had been cleared up and that the Airport Board was doing their duty, that the Airport Board had accepted the present Airport Manager, Jack Schneiderts resignation at their meeting this noon, the resignation to be eff- ective August 23, 1953, and had appointed William (Bill) Gebenini as Airport Manager, to succeed Jack Schneider, effective August 10th 1953. It was suggested by Councilman Tamborini, & Reid, that the Council investigate the Ordinance governing the Airport Board's jurisdiction of City of Renton Air- port property, etc., to determine if more authority should be retained by the City Council of Renton in this regard. X76 0 A notice of a special demonstration program of the "Payloader" by the Frank G. Hough Company was read. The Street Commissioner stated that he was familiar with the type of equipment mentioned and as the City had no need for this type of equip- ment at this time, he felt that a demonstration would not be necessary. The notice was referred to the Street Commissioner for his information. A request for installation of a much needed street light near the middle of the 500 block on Burnett Street North was read from Randall Rockhill, 904. 5th North. Councilman Reid stated that he was familiar with the need for a light, in this area and that the power company would install a 200 watt incadescent light, and the City would only have to pay for the lighting. Moved by Tamborini, seconded. by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee for their recommen- dation. Carried. The protest received from Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Nobley, 13026 132nd Avenue Southeast, of a proposed annexation of an area to include their property was ordered filed until the date of hearing of such annexation. A communication was read from Acting Assistant City Engineer Walt Will advising that the petition for the proposed annexation of certain described property west of the Renton Airport, adjacent to Rainier Avenue, had been thoroughly checked as to validity and percentage of the signatures and addresses of the registered pro- perty owners and that the petition is valid and bears the signatures of the neces- sary 75% in value (namely, over 80%) of the owners, according to assessed valuation thereof, for annexation; that with the approval of the Council, the date of pub- lication could be set as August 6th and the date of hearing as September 1st, 1953. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Acting Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, and the proper steps be taken for annexation. Carried. A communication was read from the Wedgwood Realty Company, signed by Albert Balch, President, requesting that the City Engineer accept the easement for emptying the storm sewers from the President Park area on to property of the First Investment Company (also owned by Albert Balch) namely "the west 525 feet of the NJ of the NE' of the SWi of the SE4 of Sec. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5E, W.M., less the north 130 feet thereof"; that if a pool should form, as a result of emptying of said storm sewers, and they are compelled to continue this storm sewer to the west, that the City approve the emptying of the storm sewer into the east ditch of 124th Avenue +•n Southeast. Councilman Richardson stated that the Street Commissioner and Acting City Engineer had worked with the City Attorney today in drafting up an easement that would be satisfactory to the City of Renton and that he felt such an easement was in order. Upon being asked for information regarding same, the Street Commiss- ioner, David Pugh, stated that he had not seen the easement but that in his opinion, if the water emptied into the storm sewer at the north end of "N" Street on Mr. Balch's own property, it would be satisfactory to the City of Renton, but that he did not approve of it being drained onto 124th (M Street) as it was County property and would also cause a bad water condition on the road at this point. (M Street ) ass-it rias-Gebtt� �C�a epe �y-a -we .-arise-4w"e-a-list - xteF_&&n- orr-tke-reae�-a -tkrs-pesrtt. (Mr. Pugh's suggestion in this matter is incorporated in the report of the Street & Alley Committee later in the meeting, that he felt that it would be satisfactory to the City of Renton if at a later date it was necessary to drain the water from this low area on 124th, that the water be drained over Mr. Balch' s property to 124th; that a culvert be built under the roadway at this point and the water carried from there in a southwesterly direction to the closest storm sewer main in the southeast corner of the Renton Highlands.) Mr. Jim Ellenwood, Mr. Balch's field representative in this area stated that at a meeting approximately 22 weeks ago with the Federal Housing Authority representa- tives and the City Engineer, that the City Engineer had stated that it would be agreeable to the City if the water were carried down to 124th; that the F.H.A., Representatives had not approved of the water being carried to this point in case the property was later acquired by Mr. Balch for additional F.H.A., housing and would not grant permission to Mr. Balch for additional housing in this area r until an easement had been secured to satisfactorily dispose of the water in this area; that the type of soil in this area being mostly sand and gravel provided a very good drain field and that there would probably never be an overflow re- quiring additional draining of surface waters on 124th. Councilman Morris stated that in his opinion, this matter should be referred to a committee and the City Engineer for study. On the suggestion of Mayor Baxter) moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Assistant City Attorney to meet with Mr. Balch and his representatives at a re- cess this evening, for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. 377 The City Clerk read the easement signed by Albert and Edith A. Balch granting the Wedgwood Realty Company permission to continue a storm sewer from the President Park area to the west on to the property of the First Investment Company, and eventually on to City of Renton property. Mr. Albert Balch, from the audience, stated that this easement was required before the F.H.A., would grant any additional loans to pur— chasers of proposed homes in this area; that his company was not planning on build— ing homes in this area at this time, but this 4 plus acres, had been acquired by him for the purpose of building homes at a later date and the F.H.A., would permit no further commitments until this matter was satisfactorily taken care of; that his Com— pany had met all other F.H.A., requisites and that they were endeavoring to do all they possibly could to continue building homes in the President Park Addition Project, Mr. Balch thanked the Mayor and Council for their considerations and cooperation. Mayor Baxter stated that Rev. Backman of the Church of God had informed him that he had mailed a letter to the Council requesting permission to set up a large tent for the purpose of holding Gospel Tent meetings, and introduced Rev. Backman from the audience to explain same to the Council. Rev. Backman stated that he was from a non— profitable organization, the Church of God, and would like to erect a tent for the purpose of holding Gospel meetings; that either the location at the intersection of the Sunset Highway and H. Street, or on the private property at the southeast corner of Mother' s Park would be satisfactory; that they hoped to hold Gospel meetings over a period of two to three weeks. On the suggestion of Mayor Baxter, moved by Reid, seconded by Holm, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee, Police and Fire Chiefs with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter informed Rev. Backman that he would be notified of the Committee's decision in this matter. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, FREYMAN, HOLM, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMNI, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Mayor Baxter asked the Airport Manager, Jack Schneider, to introduce Mr. William Gebenini, the newly appointed Airport Manager. Mr. Jack Schneider introduced Mr. Gebenini, who was appointed as Airport Manager to succeed Mr. Schneider. Mr. Schneider thanked the Mayor and Council for their consideration and courtesies to him during the 3 years he has served as Airport Manager and stated that he felt there had been many changes and improvements in the Airport and Airport property since the City of Renton had acquired same and that he hoped that this program would continue, and that he was sure Mr. Gebenini would do a fine job as Airport Manager, Mr. Gebenini stated that he was glad to have been appointed Airport Manager and to be an employee of the City and stated that he personally knew the Mayor and most of the Councilmen, Officials and Department Heads and that he would try to carry on the work of the Airport to the entire satisfaction of everyone concerned. Mayor Baxter thanked Mr. Schneider for his past services and stated that he had done a fine .job as Airport Manager in managing the many details of the Airport, and wished him luck'in his new work, the Mayor also welcomed Mr. Gebenini as the new Airport Manager and stated that he hoped the fine feeling of cooperation with the Airport Manager, Airport Board and Council would continue. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that his Committee had met during recess and recommended that the "Council grant the Wedgwood Realty Company permission to continue a storm sewer from the President Park area to the west on to the property of the First Investment Company (also Mr. Balch's pro— perty) so as to eventually drain into an existing City of Renton owned facility, providing and upon the express assurance of Albert Balch, President of the Wedgwood Realty Company that all necessary and proper steps will be taken to arrest any waters within the area owned and/or controlled by the First Investment Company, so as to prevent any accumulation or pooling of water thereon. Moved by Holm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Com— mittee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that a letter should be written by the Acting City Engineer based on the Street & Alley Committee's recommendation, as recommended by the Assistant City Attorney. Moved by Richardson, second by Frey— man, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney and a letter containing this information be forwarded to Mr. Balch, for his sig— nature. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had investigated the request of the City Engineer that the traffic signal at the intersection of 3rd and Rainier be replaced and that they had agreed that the light needed replacing and he ans if andewhen fundstcou dtberbe allocatedred to in thet1954abu getefor the urchase ofto determine a new if and 378 signal light; also thpt the matter of different channeling at this intersection be referred to the Street Commissioner and City Engineer for their consideration and recommendation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Company. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the matter of one—way traffic on Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenue; that, they were agreeable to the suggestion and that it was acceptable to the Committee, provid— ing two additional traffic lights be installed at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Burnett Street, and that the lights be connected with the timer of the traffic light at 3rd & Williams; that it was the recommendation of the Committee that the Council proceed with the matter of obtaining the two lights, if the lights can be operated from and in sequence with the timer at 3rd & Williams. Moved. by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee to investigate the cost of the two traffic lights and determine whether they can be operated from and in sequence with the timer on the 3rd & Williams traffic light and report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had a tentative agree— ment with the owners of the property on Main Stree t (with a 62f foot frontage) which had subsequently been proposed for off—street parking, to enable the Street and Alley Committee to proceed with their proposal; that tentative arrangements have been made for the proceeds from all the parking meters in the proposed off— street parking area to be kept separately in a "Special Parking Meter Fund", that until all meters thereon are entirely paid for, all proceeds from the: off—street parking area meters, are to be used for the payment of the meters, that when the meters are paid for the proceeds from the meters are to be divided so that 75% would go direct to the owner of the property for leasing of same, and: 25% to the City, and recommended that this tentative plan, as outlined, be referred to the Assistant City Attorney to draft the necessary lease; that the lease be drafted to cover a 3 year period, and to include an option for an additional 3 years; that the matter involved two problems: (1) Extent of the City' s Liability Insurance, and (2) Problem of responsibility of payment to owner of property of higher Pro— perty Taxes as a result of proposed improvement, that the Committee would like to refer the matter to the Assistant City Attorney for his report. The Assistant City Attorney reported, that in his opinion, in regard to problem. 1, that he did— not belie%,e this would create a problem for. the City as (a) this parking area would automatically be included in the present City over—all Liability Insurance Policy, or (b) an endorsement could be issued by the Insurance Company to cover the City's Liability on execution of the agreement; in regard to problem 2, that the taxes on the proposed off—street parking area that is owned by Mr. Milt Williams would most likely be increased due to the Cityts improvement: of same, but that he had been unsuccessful in his efforts to contact Mr. Steen, Deputy Tax Assessor, to whom he 'had been referred, to find out just how much the increase would be. Councilman Richardson stated that the area would not be black—topped for the time being, but would be graveled, oiled and rolled; that the property would not be available until the 15th of August, that Mr. Milt Williams was plane on leaving on his vacation on August 16th and to avoid any further delay the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the Assistant City Attorney proceed with the drafting of an agreement to be effective on August 16th, that Mr. Williams could sign the agreement before leaving on his vacation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the Assistant City Attorney be requested to draft the necessary agreement to be able to obtain Mr. Williams signature before he goes on his vaca— tion. On the question, the Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that the present Ordinance covering parking meter location could be amended to include the parking meters to be installed in the proposed off—street parkin; lot, after the off—street parking lot lease was signed. The motion carried. Councilman Swift requested more time for the Street & Alley Committee in regard to removal of certain meters along Walla Walla Avenue stating that they had re— ceived the Pacific Coast Railroads (the owner of -the railroad tracks on Walla Mo Walla Avenue) train schedule and that the committee was contemplating a proposal of making this parking metered area on the south side of Walla Walla a "load and unload area" at certain times of the day. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the matter of giving the North Lumber Company and/or the Pacific Coast Railroad Company a franchise across Railroad Avenue adjacent to the North Lumber Company at 2nd Avenue North and Factory Street and recommended that the City grant a 25 year Franchise providing Railroad Avenue be raised or lowered, if the street is ever improved,to conform to grade of same, that the cost for conforming to grade be 379 borne by the railroad company and/or lumber company. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street &Adley Committee and the Assistant City Attorney be requested to draft the necessary fran- chise. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that in regard to the parking problem of trucks and other vehicles on the street adjacent to Mrs. Rose Drazich's home, that the Traffic Division of the Police Department recommended that a two hour parking limit be established on the east side of Factory Street from Bronson Way North to 3rd Avenue North, 7 days a week, Monday through Sunday. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. WMW Councilman Swift ,reported that the Street & Alley Committee had contacted the Renton School Board in regard to the matter of a parking area for students cars, that they had been advised by Mr. Hazen, Superintendent of the Renton School Dis- trict, that as this was a school problem, the School Board would investigate and see what arrangements could be made for the parking of students cars before the fall school term began. No further action by the Council is required in this matter. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had requested the Police Department inform the Lake Shore Lines that they were violating the traffic code and creating a traffic hazard by stopping their busses at 2nd and Burnett on the west side of the railroad tracks while unloading passengers, that the stop sign was obstructed, as well as the traffic light at the intersection ahead (2nd & Burnett) , that they had been informed by the Lake Shore Lines that busses will no longer stop at this point, that they will make their stop at Shattuck Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Councilman Swift further reported that busses were using the Williams Street bridge and that the Street Commissioner Dave Pugh had been requested to have signs painted and posted on the bridge stating the weight limit to vehicular traffic was 3 tons and requesting the Lake Shore Lines to refrain from routing their busses over said bridge. Councilman Swift reported that the Lake Shore Lines Company has been so advised. Councilman Swift also reported that in regard to Mr. Joe Roundhill' s verbal com- plaint of speeding at the intersection of 7th Avenue North and H. Street in the Renton Highlands, that this matter had been taken care of by Mr. Brotherton; that notices had been given to each resident of the area stating the speeding problem in the area and further advising that the violations were caused by Highlands residents and their friends and/or guests and that these were the persons who had been arrested for such violations, that this was an additional Highlands problem and that they were trying to bring the problem home to their own residents. Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had met on Thursday evening, July 30th in regard to the City' s proposed moved to the Cedar River Park Administration Building, and that Mr. Walt Will, Building Inspec- tor, had explained two reasons why the move, if it is to be made at all, should be made at this time, (1) Clear weather now and (2) price of steel was expected to increase considerably in the very near future; that there were eight Council- men present at the Committee meeting and that the Councilmen present had voted a 5 to 3 majority in favor of and to proceed with plans for moving to Cedar River Park and that Mr. Wills had been instructed to purchase the material and start construction of the necessary alterations & Improvements needed in order to move the City Hall Offices to Cedar River Park. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole.On the question, Councilman Morris stated that he had voted against the move at the Committee meeting not because he was against the actual move, but because he felt that such a move should wait until it had been definitely deter- mined what financial arrangements and plans were to be made of the disposition and/or sale of the present City Hall as the Council had previously voted that this matter should be settled before any action was taken by the Council and that he felt the Council should follow the method they had previously voted to use. A roll call vote was taken on the motion, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole, as follows: Bruce, Aye; Swift, No; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Morris, No; Hansen, No; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye and Tamborini, Aye. . There being 7 "Aye's" and 3 "No's" the motion carried. Mayor Baxter stated that accordI.ng to the vote, Building Inspector Walt Will would be instructed to pro- ceed with the remodeling of the Cedar River Park Administration Building for use as the new City Hall. 380 Councilman Holm stated that he had received advance notice from Mr. Welland of the Great Northern Railway Company that the proposed Safeway warehouse would pro- bably be built at Bellevue due to the traffic congestion that would be created in the City of Renton by the addition of the warehouse building and that in their opinion, traffic problems would be lesser at Bellevue; that formal notice would pro- bably be made within the next two weeks. Mr. Elton Alexander, Budget Controller, informed the Council that he had not outlined reclassifications of City jobs and/or positions, but that he had outlined a starting and maximum wage scale for same, depending on the respective Department; Head's approval. Councilman Morris stated that, in his opinion, the reclassification of positions was a separate matter from the budget and should be handled separately and in advance of the compilation of the 1954 Preliminary Budget. The City Clerk stated that Monday night, August 10th2 was the official date set for beginning work on the drafting of the 1954 City of Renton Budget; that the in- dividual Department Heads should be advised of the time the Council would meet with them to discuss their particular budget. The Council was informed that the matter of obtaining a certain triangular piece of property in Mother's Park for the City of Renton had been referred to the City Engineer. The Council was informed that the "islands" in front of the High School on 2nd Avenue were to be improved by the City by grass seeding and the planting of shrubs; that the upkeep thereafter would be taken care of by the School District. Councilman Swift informed the Council, for their information only, that he had re- ceived a complaint from the Boeing Safety Engineer in regard to the railroad track crossing at 8th Avenue North, that an employee of the Boeing Airplane Company had an accident with his automobile at this intersection, no one being hurt, just damage to the car by a train, and that the Boeing Engineer' s considered this :railroad cross- ing a hazard, that in case any Councilmen heard of this matter, that they would be familiar with the situation, that in his opinion it would not be considered a traffic hazard. No action was considered necessary. Mayor Baxter advised the Council that it may be necessary in the very :near future to disband the Commercial Waterway District; that the Board had received an offer from a Company to keep the river dredged for the use of the gravel to 'be taken from the river; that it was not planned to store the gravel on City property or the river bank; that keeping the river dredged was not creating any problem, that there was a possibility that a lease by and between the Commercial Waterway Dis- trict 'and the Company would be drafted for the dredging and disposal of gravel, and that he would advise the Council later of any definite action taken by the Commercial Waterway District. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 8594-8716 $16,274.65 CLAIMS CURRENT 1387-1446 26,390.59 CLAIMS WATER 8878-8893 4,569.69 CLAIMS PARK 1795-1.800 973.24 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6469-6480 51,303.01 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2672-2677 279.47 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2408-2417 2,4.58.65 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1624-1636 1,668.08 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 112- - CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 631-638 4,832.09 CLAIMS CIV. DEF. FD. 507- 5.00 rj Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. There were 14 persons present besides City of Renton employees. City C1 k Mayor Renton, Washington August 18, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, REID AND RICHARDSON. (Councilmen Bruce and Tamborini were reported ill and Councilman Trim was reported on vacation.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City ..� Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Ken J. Oyler, Acting City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the August 4th Council meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4762 100.00 Ben Lindgren 125 N. Wells wire service 63 400.00 A. W. Dimitt 341 Pelly repair house 64 350.00 Stuart A. Petrie 3611 6th Ave., N. erect carport 65 17,000.00 Standard Oil Park, 1st Ave. N. & Bronson Way remodel station 66 250.00 Lester N. Hagerty 3309 7th Place erect garage 67 400.00 J. J. McLeod 824 Grant St. erect carport 68 170.00 Louis Scoll 446 Sunset Blvd. W. repair house 69 700.00 Ralph Sims 637 D. Street erect garage 70 150.00 Dan Tilenda Bldg. 6th N. & Wms. St. install tank 71 1,000.00 Clarence Warfield 11833 132nd S.F. erect Add'n on bldg. 72 400.00 Maude Alexander 13269 Rainier Ave. remodel kitchen 73 400.00 Jasper Merlino 500 M. Street install basement 74 — James Gigli 116 Logan Street install furnace SNOW 75 100.00 North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory wire service 76 100.00 Harold Goetz 2109 8th Place erect fence 77 450.00 Joe R. Baxter 134 Rainier Ave. install sign 78 300.00 A. C. Jones 2109 9th Ave. N. repair house 79 21500.00 L. G. Elder 121 Meadow St. add'n on house 80 — Fred Peacock 329 N. Wells install plumbing 81 400.00 Leonard W. Polson 2212 9th Place erect carport 82 100.00 Earl Harris 822 A. Street erect carport 83 500.00 Dave Voisseau 606 Renton St. repair house 84 100.00 Joe Banasky 408 Whitworth erect carport 85 700.00 Fred Zevard 345 Meadow install foundation 86 300;00 Mario Gotti 2014 7th Ave. N. erect garage 87 150.00 John Belmondo 733 Grant Street wire service $8 500.00 John Giusiano 801 2nd Avenue No, enclose porch 89 100.00 Floyd Hughes 512 Bronson Way install furnace 90 3,000.00 Stoneway Dock Co. P.C. Box 509 erect warehouse 1 200.00 Herb Erickson 431 N. Williams erect porch 2 400.00 Al, Cobb 400 N. Williams install roof 3 James V. Duff 1207 2nd Ave. N. demolish residence 4 16,000.00 John C. Edwardo 116 Tobin Ave. erect plant 5 160.00 Arthur Williams 524 Whitworth repair house 6 100.00 Frank Repanshek 219 Sunset Blvd, improve rooms 7 700.00 Sam Constack 626 Shattuck erect roof „�. The Assistant City Attorney reported that the easement that had been previously prepared for the Mayor & City Clerk's signature, as well. as Mr. Albert Balch's signature, to permit surplus drainage waters to flow into an existing City of Renton facility, had been changed by the addition of one paragraph when re— turned from Mr. Balch's office, and the Mayor and City Clerk had not signed the easement as altered; that Mr. Ellenwood had requested the City Attorney to rewrite the easement, to the City' s satisfaction, which had been done, and the corrected easement had been signed Count. Albert lchpOffthe Mayor and City Clerk and had been recorded in the y Auditor's 382 The City Clerk read the announcement of Regional Meetings, sponsored by the Association of Washington Cities, September 16th through October 30th, inclusive; that the closest meetings to Renton were to be held in Sumner, October 28th and in Edmonds, October 30th. A communication was .read from Mrs. H. Califf, 223 Garden Street, requesting the Council take action regarding a lot next door at 217 Garden Street, that has grown up to hay and weeds about 4 or 5 feet tall. Mayor Baxter requested that the Fire Chief investigate the condition of this lot and report back. A communication was read from Les Lystad, 1218 Terry Avenue, Seattle, requesting a license to install a Shuffleboard at the 0 do S Tavern, 13414 Rainier Avenue. now Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from King County Water District No. 78, signed by Commissioners Fred Katzer, N. J. Wicks and Clinton Wilkenson, requesting that the Council allow an adjustment of $27.04 in their water bill , due to the fact that the water level in their reservoir went below their intake, causing :toss of prime to the pump and further allowing the automatic air compressor to run throughout the night, pumping and registering air through their meter. The records show that the water consumption for July , 1950 was 208, 100 cu. ft., July, 1951 was 339, 100 cu. ft., July, 1952 was 272.200 cu. ft., and for July, 1953 was 216, 200 cu. ft. The Acting City Engineer stated that this year's consumption was below the average of the previous two years, but that a compound meter would pump and re- gister air. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be re- ferred to the Fire and Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition, signed by 21 property owners and residents of the 500 Block on Williams Street, requesting two mercury vapor lights on Williams Street , between 5th and -6th Avenues. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richard- son, that the request be referred to the Light and Power Committee for investi- gation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Paul W. Houser, Jr,,, Attorney for Jennie Fliseck, stating that Jennie Fliseck requests a renewal of the lease for the "Sweet Center" Building, according to her option, for a period of two years, at $90.00 per month rental. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Assistant City Attorney to prepare the necessary lease renewalf Carried. A communication was read from Wallin-Edwards, signed by Gil Duckworth, Sr., for Council consideration for recreational facilities for the City of Rentonp stating that they have A tract of land for sale on Lake Washington, with 120 foot lake frontage extanding 450 feet deep to Rainier Avenue, giving; access- ibility for highway frontage as well as lake frontage; that the property is located just north of the Renton Airport, and in their opinion, should make an excellent site for park or beach purposes for the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the communication be referred to the Prop- erty Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney reported that leases had been prepared for the H & P Company and the Spider Staging Company for additional space, :formerly occupied by the Bliss-Alaughn Manufacturing Company, in the building they now occupy in Mother' s Park; that since preparation of the leases, both parties had changed their minds, in regard to the area to be leased - that the leases, as formerly authorized by the Property Committee and City Council have been pre- pared as per the original instructions and he would like to refer them back to the Council,that the Lessee's should contact the Property Committee in regard to the boundaries - - that the leases should be given Council consideration, after the Property Committee has investigated same and made their recommendation in regard to same. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the leases be referred to the Property Committee for their investigation and a report back. Carried. 'Estimate No. 2 of work performed during July, 1953 by Lario Libri, Contractor on the Kennydale Water Mains Improvement, as certified correct by Ken Oyler, Acting City Engineer, was read as follows: 383 ESTIMATE #2, Total amount of work performed during July, 1953 . . . $179629.05 Plus, 3% Washington State Sales Tax . . . . . . . TOTAL AMOUNT,EST. #2, (including Sales Tax) . . . $18,157.92 LESS 15% Retained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2.723.69 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR, ESTIMATE #2 . . . $15,434.23 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council approve -the report of the Acting City Engineer, and the Contractor be paid the amount as stated. On the question, the Acting City Engineer informed the Council that the statement was figured accordi.ng to contract prices. The motion carried. A statement was read from the Valley Construction Company for work performed on Local Improvement District Contract No. 239, including all extra work and sales tax, as previously approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer, Valley Construc— tion Company and Weter, Roberts & Shefelman, the City' s Legal Consultants. Final statement of the total amount for all labor, supplies, etc.,................. . ... ... . .......... $75,463.33 Less deductions approved by the State Excuse Tax Division, not subject to State Sales Tax.... ....., 7,,692.6j1 TOTAL AMOUNT subject to State Sales Tax..... .... .. $67,770.69 Washington State Sales Tax........ ..... . .. .03 TOTAL Washington State Sales Tax due and payable.. (to Valley Construction Company) OUTSTANDING CLAIMS for materials & services against L.I.D., ,#239: Stoneway Dock Company........ ... .... ..... 39.00 City Transfer..... ....... .... .. . ......... 121.13 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company.. . . . . .. . . . 555.17 City of Renton, Fixed Estimate—Engineering Services, Inspection & Incidental Expenses 9,400.00 BALANCE DUE on L.I.D., #239........... .... $12,148.!+2 Previously paid...... .. . . . . .. . . ...... . .... 7630.87 TOTAL.... .... . ....o.... $88,679.29 Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to issue warrants against Construction Fund (L.I.D., #239) for pay— ment of the Claims as enumerated above, and to issue warrants to Grande Company, as follows: Warrant #28 — $5,000.00 #32 — $19000.00 #29 — 1,000.00 #33 — 11000.00 #30 — 1,000.00 #34 — 1,000.00 #31 — 1,000.00 #35 — 1,148.42 said warrants to be drawn against L.I.D., .#239, and to bear interest at the rate of 4-41%, making a total of $12,148.42, in lieu of which Grande & Company are to issue to the City of Renton a check to be credited to Construction Fund, (L.I.D., #239) computed at the rate of $100.14 of face value, a total of $12,165.43. The motion carried. Upon request for information, a lady from the audience was informed that the owner of the incinerator at the rear of the large building adjacent to the corner of 10th Avenue North & E Street was in Alaska and that it would be impossible to contact him direct until his return. On advice of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Fire Chief be instructed to post a notice that it was contrary to City Ordinance to burn garbage or refuse in the private incinerator at the rear of the building adjacent to the corner of 10th Avenue North and E. Street, also that it is forbidden to use this incinerator �4 a without first obtaining a permit from the Fire Chief. Carried. The Street Superin- tendent stated that he would investigate the problem of the shortage of garbage cans to serve subject building, to see if they were complying with the City of Renton Ordinance. There being no written or oral protests on the proposed annexation of certain pro- perty described as the Highlands Junior High School area, (immediately east of 10th Avenue North, adjacent to the Highlands) moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the proposed annexation of this property and the Ordin- ance Committee be authorized to draft the required Ordinance to cover this annex- ation. Carried. This being the date for the opening of bids for the proposed sale or lease of the City Hall property, the -only bid received, which was from Umberto Barel, was opened and read as follows: Item A. Outright purchase for cash or terms - $771V000.00 Item C. (1) $500.00 per month rent, with an option to buy for $90,000.00 at any time during the life of the lease. (2) $625.00 per month rent, with an option to buy for $80,000.00 at any time during the life of the lease. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the bid be referred to the Council as a Whole for their consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter informed Mr. Barei that the bid would be studied by the Council as a Whole and that he would be notified of the Council' s action at the next Council meeting on September lst. Councilman Swift reported that the lease by and between Mr. Milt Williams and the City of Renton had been signed by the Lessor and Leasee and that it would be in order for the Street Commissioner to have subject off-street parking area pre- pared for use and the Purchasing Agent to determine and order the number of parking meters required for this area. (The Street Commissioner will contact the repre- sentative of the Dual Parking Meter Company.) On request for the Assistant City Attorney's opinion regarding same, Mr. Shellan explained that the City of Renton had originally loaned $6500.00 to the Airport Board to be used as an operating fund and that the Council should pass a Re- solution authorizing the Airport Board to make a $4000.00 payment on the amount due-, to the Current Fund, to permit this transfer of funds. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the City Clerk obtain the necessary information in regard to the original loan of subject money and that the Assistant City Attorney be authorized to draft the necessary Resolution, for consideration at the next Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Swift asked that the Council consider the matter of requesting the State Highway Department to erect signs at the roads leaving the City of Renton, as they are in other large Cities, that the signs have arrows pointing towards the ad- jacent City, as on the northeast City Limits, Kirkland, and/or Bellevue, so many miles, on the southwest City limits, Kent, so many miles, etc., that such signs should be quite large and fastened higher than ordinary. The Street Commissioner stated that he would contact the State Highway Department to see what they would do in regard to installing such signs, and request they transmit to the City of Renton their written opinion regarding same. Council Freyman, a member of the Property Committee, stated that Counsilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, had requested that he report that a pro- spective tenant, Creators, Inc., had requested permission to rent the building on rri Mother's Park, formerly known as the Union Hall Building; that tentative arrange- ments had been made with the prospective tenant for a $75.00 a month rental, the first and last months rent to be paid in advance, the lease to be of the same type as other leases of property in Mother's Park. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the City Attorney be requested to draft the necessary lease. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that the City of Renton street sweeper had thoroughly cleaned all the streets in the business area of Renton early on Monday morning; that the business people, on arriving--at their places of business, had swept the debris from the sidewalks to the street, that the sidewalks were then clean, but the streets were filled with the debris, and requested the Council to draft an Ordinanc,-e forbidding merchants to sweep debris from sidewalks onto streets. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance Committee be requested to draft an Ordinance forbidding the sweeping of debris from sidewalks into gutters, or alleys, or on to streets. Carried. On request for same, moved by Holm, seconded by Freyman, that Bill Hendrickson, Manager of the Renton Cedar River Park, be authorized to make payments of bills for labor and material authorized by the Renton City Council for work in connection with remodeling of the Administration Building, for use as City Hall Offices, Police Department, etc., provided that Walt Will, Building Inspector, approve and sign all subject bills for labor and materials. The City Clerk and City Attorney were requested to draft a Letter to the Cedar River Park Manager informing him of the action of the Council in regard to his request. The motion carried. The Building Inspector explained to the Council the reason for the increase in the size of the proposed jail building for the Police Department at Cedar River Park. On the recommendation of the Council as a Whole, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that permission be granted to increase the size of the jail as requested. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by, Freyman, that all claims approved by. the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited were presenters: PAYROLL ALL DEPAREMENTS 8717-8871 $26,721.35 CLAIMS CURRENT 1447-11452 15,070.23 CLAIMS WATER 8794-8896 3,002.25 CLAIMS PARK 1801- 11264.62 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6481-6482 4,144.04 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2678-2679 11849.78 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2418- 1,001.16 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1637-1648 1,063.18 CLAIMS FIREMENIS PEN. FD. 1.13- 114 250.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 639-640 17,642.21 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FD. 508- 74.50 CLAIM SEWER-TRNK.(LID.#239) 27- 32 12,318.37 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. (There were 10 persons present besides City of Renton employees). -��- City C� rk ;Mayor - Renton, Washington September 1, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS,, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. ( Councilman Bruce was reported ill.) Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Bruce a temporary Leave of absence until his health improves.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE:: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Wali; Will, Building Inspector and Acting Assistant City Engineer and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of August 18, 1953 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOS AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4798 200.00 James Pistoresi 234 Garden St. reroof residence 99 600.00 Sam Hubbard 641 N. Wells electric service 4800 — Sam Hubbard 641 N. Wells sewer connections 1 100.00 Renton Launderette 1017 Bronson Way wire service 2 — Modern Materials 3227 7th Place install Plumbing 3 — Charles Puckett 401 7th Ave., dismantle 2 bldgs. 3—A 500.00 Arlie Jordan 2304 6th Ave. N. erect carport 4 50.00 Gary Pierce 535 Pelly St. remodel house 4—A 500.00 Arthur Newman 328 N. Wells remodel house 5 19000.00 E. H. Lorenz 2417 6th N. siding on resid. 6 300.00 Mary Barnes 2212 9th N. remodel house 7 - Standard Oil Co. lst N. & Bronson Way install plumbing 8 - Lloyd Preibe 3rd & Williams demolish bldg. 9 150.00 John Lamsek 312 N. Wells remodel house 10 100.00 Vic DeAmbri 419 N. Williams remodel house 1 - Wm. Maloney 623 Cedar St. install furnace 2 — Fred Peacock 329 N. Wells "' it 3 5,000.00 Archie Gustine 30 Logan St. erect bldg. 4 250.00 Ken Balderson 657 D. Street erect carport 5 100.00 Claude Davis 400 Williams St. break curb 6 100.00 E. McCandles 2nd & Logan install sign 7 700.00 Gordon B. Storey 3514 6th Place erect carport 8 600.00 Signal Oil 600 Grady Way install tank 9 — John Bellmondo 733 Grant St. install plumb. 20 85.00 Henry Schelbert 1509 Marion Stwire service 21 85.00 E. E. Kirwin 1111 4th Ave. wire service 22 100.00 Mrs. Paul Thomas 801 Renton St. wire service 23 50.00 C. H. Machen 425 Pelly St. remodel house 24 100.00 Mrs. M. Machen 423 Pelly St. repair porch 25 — John Morino 1304 Beacon Ave. convert furn. 26 — Archie Gustine 30 Logan St. install sep.tnk. 27 700.00 Charles M. Bear 15302 Marion St. remodel resid. 28 400.00 C. W.Andraska 2206 6th Place erece carport 29 200.00 Paul Thomas 535 Morris addIn on hse. 30 — Ken Balderson 657 D. Street install furn. 31 — David H. Salter 329 Pelly St. n n 32 Chas. Goodwin 719 Jones St. " plumb. 33 11000.00 Service Lndry. 4th & Wells change windows 34 100.00 G.Lewis Allen 2640 15th Place wire service A request to install two additional pin ball machines in the Oasis Cafe at 216 Wells Street, was read from the owner, Don Moran. Moved by Richardson? seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to install one shuffleboard in the RonDeeVoo Tavern, Route 1, was read from Les Lystad, 1218 Terry Avenue, Seattle. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from W.R. Wilson, Outside Representative of the Pacific 387 Telephone & Telegraph Company, stating thet a completed preliminary survey of additional telephone needs, included a new switchboard, one additional Seattle line, 3 additional Renton lines and 4 additional telephone instruments (one in the Treasurer's Office, one in the City Clerkts Office and two in the Police Department) ; that the proposed system will cost a total of $335.70 per month net or an increase of $128.15 per month; that the initial non—recurring charge for connection of the service at the new address will be $160.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the preliminary survey be referred to the Property Com— mittee to investigate and report back. Carried. A claim for damages in the amount of $30.00 her probable medical expense was read from Mrs. Frances Nielsen, 335T Pelly Avenue. Mrs. Nielsen stated that she r.. tripped and fell on a break (depression and sharp projection) in the sidewalk pavement on the west side of Main Street, approximately 20 feet north from 3rd Avenue, and sustained personal injuries; that in her opinion the City is at fault for allowing the sidewalk at that place to be in such a bad state of repair, and she therefore makes claim against the City in said amount. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the claim be referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Commission for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence stating that he had con— tacted the owner of the lot at 217 Garden Street that was reported overgrown with weeds and that he had been informed that the owner's nephew would help her cut the grass and weeds down and that he would check to see that this was done; also that notices had been placed on the incinerator in the Highlands forbidding its use and that there had not been any burning of garbage and/or refuse in the incinerator since the notices were posted. A communication was read from the Lake Shore Lines submitting proposed routing and bus stops in North Renton for Council consideration and approval as follows: (1) All service to and from Renton and Renton Highlands be routed via Bronson Way, Factory Street & 4th Avenue North to the Sunset Highway, returning in the reverse direction. (2) All turn—around service in Renton be routed via Park Street, 4th Avenue North and Factory Street to Bronson Way. That in order to accomodate passengers in this area the following bus stops are requested; (1) On Factory Street, 40 feet on east & west sides, south of 4th Avenue North. (2) On Factory Street, 40 feet on east & west sides, south of 3rd Avenue North. (3) On Factory Street, 40 feet on east side, just north of Bronson Way, clear of fire hydrant. (a)not less than 100 feet (preferably 120 feet) on the west side of Factory Street just north of Bronson Way. This stop to be used as a transfer point. (4) Bus stops at Market Basket, Bronson Way and Garden Street to be dis— continued. Lake Shore Lines representatives request a meeting with representatives of the Council's Committee. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to arrange for a meet— ing with Lake Shore Lines representatives. Carried. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Erwin Fey, owner of the Renton & Roxy Theaters had requested Council consideration of rescinding Ordinance No. 926, requiring a $50.00 theater license, as he had previously understood that when the Council passed Ordinance No. 1174, requiring payment of admission tax, that Ordinance No. 926 had been repealed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and Police & License Committee to in— vestigate and report back. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposal from The Book Publishing Company, for revision and codifying the City of Renton Traffic Code (published in 1939) and further stating they will incorporate amendments and other provisions the City selects, and will print 200 paper bound copies .for $1000.00. The Assistant City Attorney explained that the problem of recodifying of the traffic laws was re— L) C *now ferred to the Police & License Committee, Police Chief, Police Judge, City Attorney's Office and Ordinance �dommittee about 6 months ago to figure out some plan or method for recodifying same and bringing them up to date, as in his opinion it was necessary that this be done. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Council as a Whole to consider in— cluding the cost of $1000.00 plus Washington State Sales Tax, for the proposed codifying of the -Traffic Code in the 1954 budget. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1459 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, annexing certain described property, in the northwest corner of the Highlands, bounded on the north and east by the Highlands, on the west by 116th Avenue Southeast and on the south by Southeast 112th, as requested by School District x#403. to be used for a new Junior-Senior High School. Moved by mod Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that proposed Ordinance No. 1459 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Comm— ittee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini,- seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recomm— endation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye and Tamborini, Aye. All present voting unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1460 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, restricting and limiting parking of vehicles for two hours only, on the east side of Factory Street between Bronson-Way North and Third Avenue North. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the 2nd and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, thet the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye and Tamborini, Aye. All present voting "Aye", the motion carried. There being no oral or written protests to the proposed annexation of property west of the Renton Airport, adjacent to Rainier Avenue, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Ordinance Committee be authorized to draft the required Ordinance to cover this annexation. Carried. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent reported that a great deal of damage had been done to the floor of the North Renton Recreation Building previous to Thursday, August 20th, that the building had been broken into and a hose had been conn— ected uD and water had been allowed to run over the gym floor (also used for dancing) ; that from observation, experienced floor finishers were unable to determine at this time if the floor could be salvaged; that this building was used 5 days and 5 evenings a week, also one—half day on Saturdays, during the Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons; that this building is centrally located and is capable of accomodating the large crowds of youths for dances and other act— ivities; that the only other hall available, which was located in the Renton Highlands, and was not so advantageous, was too small for consideration of act— ivities of this kind. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City's In— surance Policy did not have a clause protecting the City against vandalism or malicious mischief. With consent of the Police Department and Park Board, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the City Clerk be authorized to pub— licize this vandalism, which caused the curtailment of recreational activities. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Springgate, a representative of the National Cash Register Company. Mr. Springgate stated that he and. Mr. Bowers, another re— presentative of the same company, had conducted a survey of the Treasurer's office and the entire City Government, regarding a. method of cash and records; that tonight they hoped to meet with the Auditing Committee during a recess, and to meet again with the Council later in the evening to answer questions in re— gard to same. Mayor Baxter declared a short recess# After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. 389 ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, FREYMAN, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Swift reported that the Property Committee had investigated the offer of a site, proposed for a Municipal Bathing Beach, by Gil Duckworth, Sr., of the Wallin—Edwards Realty Company, and that the Committee recommended against acquiring this property for two reasons: (1) That the area was too small for such purposes, and (2) the location being too close to an adjacent sewage disposal plant. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and the Real Estate Company be so notified. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Holm permission to continue his Committee meeting with the representatives of the National Cash Register Company. Councilman Swift reported for the Property Committee that the Engineering Depart— ment had been requested to remeasure the areas that the H & P Company and the Spider Staging Company had previously requested to lease, which was formerly occupied by the Bliss—Vaughn Manufacturing Company, so that the leases could be completed for signature. After a short disucssion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the feasibility of a method whereby rent payments due the City of Renton could be collected by the first of the month, was referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Light & Power Committee more time in regard to the serious light problems within the City of Renton, and the Sanitation Committee re problems of burning rubbish in open incinerators in different locations in Renton. Councilman Reid reported that Mr, Wolfe,' the City's Consulting Engineer, had stated that the problem' involved in the installation of the new Kennydale well would be solved before the City accepted.the well and pump. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Clerk be authorized to insert the sum of $1030.00 in the preliminary budget, under miscellaneous expense, Current Fund. Carried. Councilmen Swift reported for Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, that after considerable study and consideration by the Committee of the Council as a 'Whole and the Assistant City Attorney, that the Committee recommended that the Attorney's Office be instructed to proceed with the preparation of a proposed lease of the City Hall Building by the City of Renton to Mr. Umberto Barei, as outlined by the Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered Maid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPAREMENTS 8872-8993 $16A40.14 CLAIMS CURRENT 1453-1463 21050.76 CLAIMS WATER 8897-8901 41127.50 CLAIMS PARK 1802-1803 911.73 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6483-6485 21577.76 C L P.?'O LIBRARY 2680-2681 30.83 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2419-2420 19262.75 CLAIMS AIRPORT FUND 1649-1651 12349.73 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FD. 508 — CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 640 — CLAIMS SEWER TRNK. (L.I.D. 239.) 32 - CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND. 114 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that the meeting recess until Thursday, September 3, 1953, at 8:00 P.M. Carried. The meeting recessed at 10:10 P.M. (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City C k Mayr 390 Renton, Washington September 3., 1953 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, FREYMAN, DELAU RENTI, HOLM, FARMER, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, AND RICH— ARDSON. Mayor Baxter having previously requested Mr. Bill, Hendrickson, Manager of Cedar River Park, to appear before the Council to answer inquiries regarding the 1954 budget (June 1, 1953 through May 31, 1954), Mr. Hendrickson was present and explain— ed the budget to the Council and answered all questions. After a thorough discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Holm, that the Council approve the Cedar River Park Budget as prepared by the Manager. Carried. Mr. Hendrickson explained to the Council that there were no funds allocated in their budget for alteration of the Cedar River Park Administration Building for use as a City Hall for the City of Rentcn. The City Clerk stated that the Council had previously authorized the payments of ex— penses for the alteration from receipts of the Cedar River Park Housing that would be allocated to the City of Renton, and that the total amount of said expense should be deducted from the amount due to the City. Mr. Hendrickson was excused by Mayor Baxter. ,The Council proceeded with the consideration of adoption of the 1954 preliminary budget. After a short discussion, it was decided that necessary funds for the repair or re— placement of the floor at the North Renton Recreation Building, that had been damaged by water flowing over same, could be taken from one of the Cumulative Funds. Councilman Farmer stated that the Assistant Fire Chief had requested consideration of the Council for a greater differential between the sslary of the Assistant Chief and the salary of a Captain in the Fire Department. The Council took no action in regard to the request. After a discussion in regard to same, Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, the new Water Department Fore man would be able, in a very short time, to reorganize his department and have it work efficiently, that it would not be necessary to over— burden the Street Commissioner with this additional work. Mayor Baxter further stated that Walt Will, the Building Inspector and Acting Assistant City Engineer, would be able to help the City Engineer greatly and that would increase the efficiency of the entire Engineering Department. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the preliminary budget for 1954 in the amount of $967,960.00 be approved and adopted by the Council and that copies of same, as prepared, be made available in accordance with State Laws and that Notices of Hear— ing on the Budget be published September 10th and 17th, as required by law, the date of hearing to be Monday October 5, 1953. Carried. The City Clerk stated that the Council is required by law to meet Monday, October % 1953, and each day thereafter until the adoption of the Final Budget, not later than Friday October 9th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. -- Cit lark 2 yor 391 Renton, Washington September 8, 1953. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM & REID. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Wiley C rook, City Clerk; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Con— troller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the meeting of Septem— ber lst and the recessed meeting of September 3rd be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Park Board, signed by G.W.J. Hartzel and E. Frances Gallacher, in regard to the gym floor in Mother's Park Recreation Building, recommending that a new gym floor be installed in this building at the earliest possible date. The Assistant City Attorney stated that vandalism or m alicious mischief was not covered by the City's insurance. After a short dis— cussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee and Property Committee to meet with the Park Board to determine the method to be used in regard to installation of and payment for a new floor in the North Renton Recreation Building. Carried. The City Clerk read Estimate No. 3, for work performed by Lario Libri, Contractor on the Kennydale Water Main Improvement for the month of August in the net amount of $18,768.27, as certified correct by the City Engineer. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council authorize the payment of the estimate as sub— mitted. Carried. Councilman Farmer suggested that the contractor be reminded that the Kennydale roads are to be put back in the same condition they were in before installation i of the new water mains. The City Clerk read a statement from the Seattle Gas Company in the amount of $188.85 for repairs to a 2" High Pressure Main on 84th Avenue South and South .138th, September 9, 1852, during the installation of the Earlington sewer line (L.I.D. #239.) The City Clerk stated that in his opinion, after discussing the matter with the Valley Construction Company, that the Council should strive to arrive at some conclusion in regard to the statement. The Assistant City Attorney stated that as he remembered, at the time the statement was previously under Council consideration, there was a question as to who was responsible for the damage to the gas line and who would be liable for its repair, that in his opinion, L.I.D., #239, should not be charged for this repair; that he had supposed that the Valley Construction Companyts Insurance Company would pay for the claim. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the claim of the Seattle Gas Company be referred to the City Attorney to discuss settlement with the Seattle Gas Company and report back. Carried. A request was read from the Disabled American Veterans, Valley Chapter No.12, signed by Roy H. Cook, Adjutant, to conduct their annual Foregt—Me—clot—Drive in Renton, September 10, 11 and 12th, 1953 to raise funds to assist handicapped veterans. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that permission be granted. Carried. The City Clerk read a report from John F. Beattie, M.D., the City's Health Officer, in regard to the burning of refuse, other than paper, in incinerators at different locations in Renton, stating that in his opinion the smoke and odor was a nuisance, although he thought that it would not affect the health of the neighborhood; that the incinerators should not be left unattended because of the danger to young children of burns. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sani— tation Committee stated that a survey was being made of the incinerators in Renton, their condition, location, etc., and that the Committee would make a report in regard to same at the next Council meeting. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, the City should have an Ordinance with proper specifications for in— stallations and restrictions on the operation of incinerators with the City of Renton.. The Building Inspector stated that the Building Code had specifications for inside incinerators, but not outside incinerators, also that approved in— cinerators had 12 inch fire brick walls on the inside and were only supposed to burn combustible articles that would completely disintegrate, The Building 392 Inspector stated that he would obtain a copy of the City of Seattle's Ordinance and one from the Association of Washington Cities in regard to incinerators, Copies of these Ordinances, together with the Health Officer' s report., will be furnished the Sanitation Committee. Mayor Baxter reported that he had received and accepted the resignation, effect- ive October 1, 1953, of C. E. McCarthy, the Executive Director of Civilian Defense, stating that Mr. McCarthy had recently accepted a position, the duties of which would take him away from the City of Renton the majority of the time. Mayor Baxter stated that he had appointed the Fire Chief, F. E. Lawrence, who is Assistant Director of Civil Defense to act as Xxecutive Director temporarily; ..r that the appointment of an Executive Director of Civilian Defense, and some other appointments that should be made at the present time, would be submitted to the Council at the next Council meeting on September 15, 1953. Councilman Bruce reported that the present leases of City of Renton properties in Mother' s Park were drafted and the payments made due and payable on the day of the month that the respective leases were signed, that if the Council de- sired, all new leases would be drafted with the paymentsdueand payable on the 1st day of the month. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it would be up to the discretion of the lessee's if they were willing to change the due date on their respective leases; that the payment for the portion of the month, that the payment due date was changed, could be pro-rated. Councilman Bruce requested more time in regard to the Telephone Company survey of the City of Renton requisites in the Cedar River Park Administration Build- ing that is to be used for a City Hall. King County Water District #78, having paid their water bill that they had pre- viously requested an adjustment on, Councilman Farmer, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee would take no further action in regard to this matter, and also reported that at the present time the City of Renton did not have a water meter repairman in their employ, that the Committee recommended that the City contract their water meter repair work out unless same can be done by City enroloyees, until such time as the City did have a water meter repairman or a regular City employee is trained to do this work_, that the water foreman start immediately to train a water meter repairman. After a short discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. The Street Commissioner stated that in his opinion, the Contractor's stated price for this work was a little less than the general prevailing price. Councilman Farmer stated that the position of water meter repairman was not a full time job and that additional duties should be given to' a water meter repairman; also that the City should train an assistant water meter reader. The Police & License Committee requested more time in regard to rescinding Ordinance No. 926 which requires a $50.00 per year theater license. Councilman Reid, Chairman, reported that the Light & Power Committee recom- mended that two additional mercury vapor lights be installed on Williams Street between 4th Avenue and Grady Way at a total cost of $325.00. After a short discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. A roll call vote was taken as follows_: Bruce, Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, No; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye, and Tamborini, No. There being 5 "Aye's" and 4 "No's", the motion carried. After a short discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Street & Alley Committee submit their recommendations in regard to parking restrictions, signs, etc., adjacent to the Cedar River Park Administration Building, for Council consideration. The Council was informed that the Police Department and Street Commissioner were presently working on a solution to this problem. The motion carried. Councilman Farmer reported that the Contractor for the Kennydale well has far exceeded time allowed for completion of the contract; that the Council had verbally extended his time, but that no written e xtension had been granted setting an exact date for completion; that the Fire & Water Committee and Assist- ant City Attorney recommended that the Engineering Consultant, Mr. Richard Wolff, 393 inform the contractor, that allowing him a reasonable time, that a certain date be set for the completion of this well. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee and Assistant City Attorney. Carried. After a short discussion, moved by Ta.mborini, seconded by Farmer, that the City Attorney be authorized to draft a Resolution transferring $4000.00, a part of the original loan of $6500.001 hack from the Airport Fund to the City Current Fund. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he had prepared the proposed "Lease & Option Agreement" on the City Hall and would like to refer same to the Property ... Committee to report their recommendation to the Council as a Whole not later than Tuesday, September 15th so that same could be submitted to Mr. Umberto Barei and his Counsel, for consideration not later than October lst, the date of the lease. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed lease and option agreement be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for a report back Tuesday, September 15th. Mayor Baxter recommended that Councilman Reid, who had substituted on this Committee, during the absence of one of it's regular members, attend this meeting. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 3 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City lerk Mayor I 394 Renton, Washington September 15, 1.953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID AND RICHARDSON. (Councilman Tamborini was excused.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that due to illness, Councilman F:reyman be granted a 30 day leave-of-absence. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will., Building Inspector and Acting Assistant Engineer. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of September 8th be approved as corrected. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Boeing Airplane Company, signed by R. P. Holman, Plant Facilities Manager, requesting permission to use the access road from the southeast corner of the parking area being leased by the Boeing Air- plane Company, adjacent to the Trailer Park in Motherts Park, in order for the Boeing Airplane Company to gravel and oil the road to eliminate the dust problem, caused by Boeing employees cars during shift changes. The Assistant City Attorney recommended that the stipulation "The City of Renton has no objections to your using the access road and herewith grants you a license so to do, to run concur- rently with the lease agreement of the Rocket Center Parking Area heretofore executed, subject to 30 days termination by either party, "be added to the approval before the Mayor signs same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation and the Mayor be authorized to sign the stip- ulation as so stated by the City Attorney. Carried. A request to purchase a business license and install vending machines in three locations in the City of Renton (1, Eakles Signal Service, 2nd & Williams, 2. Ray's Barber Shop, 3rd Avenue and 3. Airport Inn, Logan & Airport Way) was read from the Superior Distributing Company, 7648 Sunnycrest Road, Seattle 88, signed by C. Wildman. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Earlington Women's Club, signed by Florence Haddock, Secretary Pro tem, requesting that the south bound Lake Shore Lines bus drivers discharge passengers on the west side of Rainier Avenue at 2nd Avenue to avoid the danger of the passengers, living on the west side of Rainier Avenue, having to cross this intersection against the traffic. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the communication be referred to the Traffic Division and Lake Shore Lines representatives for their consideration. Carried. A second communication was read from the Earlington Woments Club, signed by Florence Haddock, Secretary Pro tem, requesting the crosswalk and crosswalk light be moved to a location, that would be more safe and provide a larger waiting area for children as well as pedestrians, to the east side of Earlington Street, at its intersection with Fifth Avenue. The Street Commissioner stated that the sign above the crosswalk, had been changed from "pedestrian crossing" to "SCHOOL C RCSSING SLOW", that the words "SCHOOL CROSSING SLOW" had been painted, in six foot letters, on the pavement 200 feet north of the crosswalk in question and 200 feet south of the same crosswalk that a sign had been painted and installed at this crosswalk reading "SCHOOL CROSSING SLOW", on one side of the street (north) _ that another sign would be painted and installed on the other side (south) of the crosswalk on Wednesday. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the International Association of Electrical In- spectors, advisin of their Silver Jubilee Meeting in Chicago, September 21st to 26th, 1953 inviting the City's Electrical Inspector to attend the meeting. The communication was ordered filed. 9 A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission, in regard to Mr. James F. Russ-ell's request to leave his 5 foot basket weave fence as he has installed same, stating that in the Planning Commission's opinion, since the City Ordinance is clear and requires fence heights to not ex— ceed 42 inches, and Mr. Russell was so advised at the time he obtained his permit for same that this was beyond their jurisdiction and that to recommend any non— conformance would set a precedent. Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the report of the .Planning Commission and Mr. Russell be notified that the fence must be changed to comply with the Ordinance. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that in his review of the Seattle Gas Companyts claim for $188.85, that the Gas Company had been notified to furnish the plans of all. the gas lines for the project but failed to locate certain lines involved in the improvement, and therefore have no valid claim for compensation. The Assistant City Attorney explained that the claim had been re— ferred to his office last week, that he had explained that his previous recollect— ion had been that the L.I.D., should not pay this claim; that under the franchise the Seattle Gas Company is to be notified of any public improvement; that this was done by the City Engineer, that they were unable to locate their lines and the contractor was unable to look out for them and therefore i_n his opinion, the Seattle Gas Company should pay for this damage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richard— son, that the Council concur in the statement of the City Engineer and the ex— planatory statement of the Assistant City Attorney and the Seattle Gas Company be so notified. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, enclosing a proposal from the Stoneway Dock Company for consideration, stating that in his opinion, the pro— posal should be given a thorough study before any action is taken. The proposal from the Stoneway Dock Company was for construction of a short piece of_ road from their west property line to a connection with the underpass of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, adjacent to Houser Way; this proposed roadway to eliminate all their dump trucks, as well as the Rainier Asphalt Company's trucks, circling the Maple Valley Wye intersection to the entrance of their plant on the Maple Valley Highway; the proposed roadway to follow the bank of Cedar River below Cedar River Park; that the Stoneway Dock Company would be willing to pay the entire cost of the roadway and connections to the underpass roadway as directed by the City Eng— ineers. They request early consideration and advise as to the possibility of securing permission. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the motion be amended to include the Property Committee. The amendment lost. The motion then carried. The City Clerk reported that a complaint had been received that the light over the crosswalk between the Cedar River Housing Project and the RonDeeVoo Tavern was out, that motorists do not observe, slow down, or stop for the crosswalk when in use and that is a very dangerous spot for children to have to cross. The Street Superintendent stated that he would investigate the light being out over the cross— walk. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 856, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $4000.00 from the Airport and to the City's Current Fund, to reimburse the City for sums heretofore advanced. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that proposed Resolution No. 856 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1461, as presented by the Ordinance Committee annexing territory described briefly as the area south of Bryn Mawr, adjacent to Rainier Avenue and the Renton Airport, bounded for the most part on the north by South 122nd Street, on the east by Rainier Avenue, on the south by south 132nd Street and on the west by 87th Avenue south. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and re— commended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation, of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance #1461 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Farmer, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be adopted as read, Section 17 in the lst line of the description being a typographical error, to be corrected to 7. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Bruce, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Holm, Aye; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye and Richardson, Aye. All ten Councilmen present voting "Aye's, the motion unanimously carried. 396 � Mayor Baxter stated that he had reappointed Louis Gebenini to a six year term as a member of the Housing Authority. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the reappointment made by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had reappointed William Davis, Tom Dobson and F.T. Allen to the Insurance Commission for one more year. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the reappointments as made by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter further reported that he had reappointed Miss Frances Gallacher to a three year term on the Park Board. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the reappointment as made by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that there were other appointments that were to be made in the very near future, but that they required more st7idy and consideration. Mayor Baxter stated that the Committee of two appointed as City Council repre— sentatives to attend the Cedar River Housing Authority Board meetings, to keep the Council informed of the Housing Authority's proceedings, for the past six months had been Councilmen Reid and Bruce. Mayor Baxter thanked both Councilmen for their past services on this Committee, and stated that he would :Like to appoint Councilmen Richardson and Delaurenti as Cedar River Housing Authority Representatives for the next six months, their terms to expire December 31, 1953. Bill Hendrickson, the Cedar River Park Manager stated that he would inform both Councilmen Richardson and Delaurenti of all future meetings. Councilman Swift reported that the Traffic Division of the Police Department had worked out a satisfactory solution to the parking problem behind the Rainier Theater. Police Chief, Ang Busato, stated that various spot checks had been made of this area and they had found no cars blocking the alleyway. Councilman Swift reported that his Committee had studied the request of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, received several weeks ago, regarding the removal of all parking meters on the south side of Walla Walla Avenue, and that the Committee had concluded, that providing no hardship is inflicted on commercial business houses in the area, that they felt it was a good idea that the curbway on the south side be designated "load and unload only", similar to the north side. After a short discussion, Mayor Baxter granted the Street and Alley Committee one week more time on this matter. Mayor Baxter requested the Street & Alley Committee to continue their study of a previous request that the City vacate a small piece of property that they own on 2nd Avenue across from the High School, on the south side, near the alleyway west of the Pontiac parking lot. The Police & License Committee was granted more time in regard to Mr. Feyts re— quest that the Ordinance requiring theaters to pay their license, be rescinded. Councilman Bruce stated that he and Councilman Reid had studied the telephone survey presented by W. R. Wilson. Outside Representative of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and that they recommended that the Council approve the proposed system as outlined in the survey. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. After a short discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Council approve the contract drafted in regand to the sale and/or lease of the City Hall properties and that same be referred to the probable lessee for his consider— ation. Carried. Councilman Farmer explained the progress in the installation and production of the new Kennydale well stating that the acceptance tests will be made in the near future; that any Councilman that is interested will be notified when this test is made. Councilman Trimm reported that after considerable investigation and study, the - Ways and Means Committee and Property Committee recommended that the Park Super— intendent be authorized to draft specifications for a new gym floor for the North Renton Recreation Building and that the payment for same be charged to Cumulative Fund #1184. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council. concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Mepn __Committee and specification for the call for bids be submitted to the Council for consideration at the next Council meet— ing. Carried. 397 After a short discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that the Assis- tant City Attorney be requested to investigate the possibility of the City ac- quiring the park properties previously donated to the City of Renton in the Windsor Hills area, with the possibility of selling same to private parties for home sites, as neither the topography of the areas or the size of same was satis- factory for park purposes and this property being vacant, and of no apparent use to the City for Park purposes, and caused considerable trouble to the City of Renton. Carried. After a short discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the Street and Alley Committee, Assistant City Attorney and Street Commissioner investigate the feasibility of the City acquiring certain abandoned property that could be used as a one way thoroughfare or for parking purposes. Carried. In regard to the complaints that pedestrians fail to use the crosswalk on Wells Street, the Police Chief was requested to warn -store employees carrying groceries across Wells Street that they should use the crosswalk provided or cross with the signal light at the corner. Councilman Farmer reported that he and the City Engineer had discussed the condition of the overall water system of the City of Renton and request the Council to contact Mr. Jim Frazer or Mr. Burle D. Bramhall, representatives of the Bramhall and Stein and Pacific Northwest Companies, the City's Financial Advisors, to determine what additional financing could be received to continue improvements next year of water mains, etc., which are vitally necessary. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Swift, that the City Clerk or Assistant City Attorney notify Bramhall and Stein and the Pacific Northwest Company that we request in- formation in regard to additional finances for 1954. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 8994-9145 26,274.04 CLAIMS CURRENT 1464-1515 42,008.88 CLAIMS WATER 8902-8922 80779.78 CLAIMS PARK 1804-1811 2,983.54 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6486-6500 12,374.94 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2682-2695 21061.42 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2421-2430 119647.97 CLAIMS AIRPORT FUND 1652-1682 2027.03 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FD. 509- 510 139.42 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSR. 511- 655 3..486.05 CLAIMS SEWER TRNK, L.I.D. 239, 32 - CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 115- 116 250.00 Moved by Trimm, secondded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 6 persons present besides City of Renton employees. City ClerV Mayo 398 Renton, Washington September 22, 1953. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Freyman was reported improving and feeling fine.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE.: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Ken Oyler, Acting City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of September 15, 1953, be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURMI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN,, Tffi:MM, REID, RICHARDSON AND 'TAMBORINI. The City Clerk read the certification of Ralph S. Stacy, County Assessor of the assessed valuation of all property situated within the boundary of the City of Renton for the year 1953, in the amount of $12,981,300,00. The City Clerk stated that this figure was approximately $520,000.00 below the estimate previously submitted to the City of Renton and used in the compilation of the 1954 budget. The City Clerk read the Call for Bids, as presented by the Park Superintendent., for the "furnishing of all labor and material for the construction, laying and finishing of approximately 6000 square feet of maple gymnasium floor in the North Renton Recreation Building, located at Mother' s Park in the City of Renton. The pro- posed opening of bids to be Tuesday, October 6, 1953. The Park Superintendent stated that specifications were available in the City Clerk's Office. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the Call for Bids as approved by the Engineering Department and presented by the Park Superintendent. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Valley Cities meeting, Wednesday evening, September 23, 1953, at 8:00 P.M., at the Foster Golf Club House. Mayor Baxter, Wiley Crook, City Clerk, and Councilmen Hansen, Tamborini, Farmer and Morris stated that they would attend the meeting. (The Building Inspector was present at the meeting.) A communication was read from the Lake Shore Lines, signed by F. A. Grabner, General Manager, stating that in their opinion, the bus stop proposed by Council- man Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, of 120 feet on Factory Street, just north of Second Avenue Forth, is not so desirable for passengers from Cedar River Park and adjacent areas, since there will be no bus stop near the railroad crossing or at the Market Basket Store on Bronson Way North for inbound trips; that they feel that the 120 feet on Factory Street just north of Bronson Way North involves no particular traffic hazard and would be more convenient for inbound passengers; that if the Council approves and fixes the stop, as proposed on Factory Street, just north of 2nd Avenue North, they will be governed according. They re— quest conf -rmation of the bus stop zone, at the Council'1 earliest convenience, so that the riding public may be informed. in ample time of any change. Councilman Farmer suggested that the busses be routed over Factory Street and Houser Way, in- stead of Bronson Way, to eliminate traffic hazards. Councilman Richardson stated that parking was restricted between 4:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. , on Factory Street, between 2nd Avenue North and Bronson Way North, and that in his opinion the stop should be fixed as stated by the Street & Alley Committee, that a stop on Factory Street just north of Bronscn Way would create a hazard while the bus was loading and unloading passengers and waiting to leave on schedule. Councilman; Bruce stated that the people in North Renton should be considered, and inquired if' passengers could get on the bus at the depot. After a discussion, moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the communication, together with the suggestions be referred to the Street 3c Alley Committee for further consideration. Carried. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council reported that the Council as a Whole and Assistant City Attorney had studied and considered the proposed lease by and 399 between the City of Renton and Umberto Barei, as prepared by the Assistant City Attorney, for lease of the-present City Hall; that the Committee recommended that if and when Mr. Umberto Barei signs the lease, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Police Department had investigated previous accidents caused by the parking of cars on Walla Walla Avenue on the south side, and that they have a record of three accidents only. After a short discussion, Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion,. and so moved, that the matter should remain in the Street & Alley Committee until sufficient off-street parking areas are provided in the City of Renton, Carried. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that he had contacted the proper Railroad Officials in regard to the City of Renton acquiring certain railroad spur property that it is understood is to be abandoned, in the near future. In regard to the crosswalk in Earlington at 5th Avenue and the Sunset Highway and the report that it was dangerous for small children to wait at this stop or to cross the highway. Street Commissioner Dave Pugh stated that he, Captain Isackson and Traffic Sergeant Ernest Henry were investigating the possibility of school busses picking up the small children at this spot and taking them to their respective schools and seeing that they are taken back to their destination after school is out, by school busses passing in their same direction; that if this can be arranged, the need of a school crossing at this point would be eliminated. On the request of Councilman Morris, Councilman Swift stated that he would try and have a report on this matter at the October 6th Council meeting. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had investigated the request of L. J. Dowell, Vice President of the Stoneway Dock Company, in regard to a proposed roadway from their west property line to a connection with the underpass of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, adjacent to Houser Way; that the Committee felt the proposed roadway would increase the hazardous condition at the underpass and recommended that the City not authorize construction of this road. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. On request for information regarding same, it was reported that no recommendation or report had been received from the Traffic Division of the Police Department or the Lake Shore Lines representatives relative to the Earlington Women's Club request that drivers discharge passengers on the west side of Rainier Avenue at 2nd Avenue. Councilman Reid stated that it would be necessary that permanent repairs or changes be made to the traffic signal at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Rainier Avenue before all traffic signal lights throughout Renton could be properly syn- chronized. On request for information regarding same, Street Commissioner Dave Pugh stated that he had filled the island areas across from the High School, on 2nd Avenue, with good dirt and fertilized same, and had no knowledge of further action con- templated by the City for this improvement. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee and Park Department for investigation and a report back. Carried. After a short discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the proposal of the Green River Lumber Company to pay the City of Renton $60.00 for the salvaged material from the damaged North Renton Recreation floor, further agreeing to remove the salvaged material and clean up the entire floor area without charge. Carried. The Park Superintendent stated that an orchestra had been secured several months ago for a high school dance at the North Renton Recreation Building and that the Park Department was endeavoring to hold a dance Friday evening, in this building, unless another location could be secured; that a small portion of the gym floor was usable and they planned to use the lobby and hallway; that he felt they could safely permit students to use this outside area for dancing, although it would be very crowded. Councilman Bruce reported that after an investigation of the matter, the Park Superintendent had determined that additional insurance coverage for all City build- ings to cover vandalism, could be obtained for $150.00 additional per year, to 400 the present insurance premium being paid, and in his opinion, this matter should be investigated further. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that a crosswalk had been authorized on the north side of the intersection of 2nd Avenue with Rainier Avenue; that there was a cross- walk light available at the City Garage that could be used at this intersection and that he would investigate why same had never been installed and report back. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M., (There were 3 persons besides City of Renton employees.) Now Citf Clerk Mayor .1 401 Renton, Washington October 5, 1953 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DELAUP.ENTI,. BRUCE, HOLM, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. The City Clerk stated that this being the first meeting of the Council for con— sideration of the Final Budget for 1954 for the City of Renton, that the Council should note that there were no other citizens present other than City of Renton Officials, Department Heads and employees. After considerable discussion of proposed reductions in various departments, the Council unanimously agreed that just the following items should be reduced accord— ing to the correct assessed valuation. THE CURRENT FUND (1) Omission of $1030.00, for recodifying Ordinance No. 1448 (2) Reduction of Street Lighting Expense, $1212.00. (3) Reduction of Insurance & Bond Premiums, $1000.00, making a total reduction in the Current Fund of $3242.00. THE LIBRARY FUND as follows, (1) Maintenance & Operation reduced by $200.00. (2) Industrial Insurance reduced by $50.00. (3) _ Capital Outlay reduced by $269.00, making a total reduction in the Library Fund of $519.00. THE PARK FUND as follows, (1) Reduction in Play Ground leader's salary $1167.00, THE STREET FUND as follows, (1) Equipment rental reduced by $2000.06, (2) Maintenance & Operation reduced by $334.001* making a total reduction in the Street Fund of $2334.00. A reduction in the Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund of $519.00, making a total net reduction of $7,781.00 to balance the 1954 Budget, and a total budget for the City of Renton for 1954 of $960,179.00, exclusive of the Power & Light Acquisi— tion Fund (including engineering and legal expenses) in the amount of $6,500,000.00, which is to be included in the final budget in case same is needed during 1954 for acquisition of the Power & Light System. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt the City of Renton, 1954 Budget as reduced. The City Clerk verbally submitted.to the Council, Bramhall & Stein's request to meet and talk over several items in. connection with the 1954 Budget for the water fund, before the final adoption of same. After dis— cussion on the request of Bramhall & Stein, the Council arrived at the conclusion that the Water Fund budgeted for 1954 could be made to fit in with a readjusted financing plan and that it was in order to adopt the final budget at the present time. The motion to adopt the Final Budget carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, the meeting recess until Tuesday evening, October 6th at 8:00 P.M. Carried. The meeting recessed at 9:30 P.M. (There were no visitors present besides City of Renton employees.) City Cle Mayor x:02 Renton, Washington October 6, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. ( Councilman Morris reported ill, and Councilman Farmer was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant .:ity Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Poliue Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the regular meeting of September 22nd and the recessed meeting of October 5th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N-0, - AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4835 150.00 Anna Konsak 214 Meadow Pour concrete floor 36 800.00 Alta Nunn 323 Park Avenue Install furnace, etc. 37 - Don Custer 1209 7th Avenue Install sewer conn. 38 4,000.00 Colman Cabin Cty.Ct. 112 Third Avenue Remodel court 39 - George Swift 436 No. Williams Install stoker 4840 E. Methven 648 G. Street Replace tank 41 500.00 K. C. Leach 3607 - 6th No. erect carport 42 700.00 Rentona Nur. Home 516 Wells Street Build ramp 43 100.00 Bob Jackson 310 Meadow Reshingle roof 44 50.00 Alfred Trimm 1211 Third Ave. Repair house 45 250.00 Herb Williams 350 Earlington St. Remodel house 46 300.00 Frank Duntley 811-A. Street Remodel house 47 350.00 Ed. McGinn 806-0. Street Addition on house 48 10,900.00 Matthewson Ser.Sta. Rainier Avenue Erect Serv. Station 49 as Glen Ellenberger 437 No. Williams Install furnace 1 4850 321.00 Frances Y.Bawyn 2226-7th Ave., No. Erect fence 51 - Archie Gustine 30 Logan Street Install fixtures 52 - George Wilkins 210 5th Ave., N. " septic tank 53 100.00 Chas. Delaurenti 310 N. Williams Concrete driveway 54 600.00 E. H. Ahlfors 630-P. Street Erect garage 55 1,500.00 L. H. Purcell 523 No. Williams Remodel house 56 - Eva Pickanew 237 Park Street Install floor fur. 57 - John Terry 1532 Marion St. " Water heater 58 700.00 Mrs. Konsak 214 Meadow " foundation & Por. 58-A A.H. Rutherford & Son 120 Harris P1. Install plumbing 59 - Stoneway Dock Co. Maple Way Plumbing 4860 100000.00 Mary Peterson 359 Factory St. Erect duplex 61 - Frank Colman 112 3rd Avenue Tear down building 62 600.00 Dan Tilenda 6th N. & Williams Wire warehouse 63 35.00 Howard Bennett 3315 6th Ave., No. Extend roof 64 - Chas. Goodwin 719 Jones St. Install oil furnace 65 9,500.00 Modern Materials 3806 - 6th P1. Erect house 66 9,500.00 " "' 639 R., Street 67 7$000.00 " " 643-R., nn n 68 7,000.00 " " 647-R., 69 7.,000.00 " " 651-R., 4870 7.,000.00 " " 655-R.9 71 72000.00 " " 659-R.2 72 7,000.00 " " 663-P..., n n n 73 7,000.00 " " 667-R., 74 7,000.00 " " 703-R., n n m 75 7,000.00 " "' 707-P,., 76 7,000.00 " " 711-R..9 77 7,000.00 " to 3745 7th Ave., N. 78 79000.00 " "' 3744 7th " 79 7,000.00 " " 726-D., Street " n 4880 7,000.00 " " 722-R... fl If n 81 7,000.00 " " 718-R.,q n n n 82 72000.00 n n 714-R.., n n a. 83 9000.00 "' "' 3802 7th Ave., No. n n 84 9000.00 " "' 660-R., Street " " 408 APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMLfi1T NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4885 9,500.00 Modern Materials 654-R., Street Erect house 86 9000.00 " a 638-R.., n n a 87 70.00 Walter Noble 410 Pelly Street Install Fdn. remodel 88 150.00 David Luke 145 Park Avenue " plumbing fix. 89 3,750.00 Pederson Bros. Fuel 115 Park Avepue Erect building 4890 - if of 115 " " install fixtures 91 200.00 Vina Bennett 310 Pelly Replace stairway 92 - H. A. Brinson 332 Earlington St. Replacing plumbing 93 - Logan Garrison 1863 Monterey Drive Install plumbing 94 250.00 Mrs. James Moran 909 5th Avenue to siding on Resid. 95 - Chas. Bogen 431 Grandey Way 7 bbl tank & fur. 96 - Vincent Sylvester 500 Smithers Convert burner & tank 97 - Jon Custer 1209 7th Avenue Install fur. & tank 98 - Roy Schultz 2110 8th Place install Chimney & Furn. 99 100.00 Robert R. Karinen 724 - D., Street " new window 4900 100.00 Pat Ross 808 Grant Street Erect small shed 01 - John Repovz 803 Grant Street Install plumbing 02 200.00 Stan, Chernik 615 Main Street Remodel kitchen 03 700.00 William Brodie 531 - G, Street Erect carport 04 - E. K. Sabine 216 - Tobin Avenue Install furnace 05 - S. M. Onutack 625 - Shattuck Wall furnace 06 - James J. Jackson 2605 11th Ave., N. Install stove& tank 07 50.00 Martin G. Hanus 11411 Sunset Blvd., Erect storage bldg. 08 - J. Merlin 500 M. Street Install sewer conn. 09 - Chas. Shane 442 W. Sunset Blvd. Install fixtures 4910 500.00 Barney Poli 208 Meadow St. Install foundation 11 100.00 Clinton Reed 2318 - 6th Avenue Driveway 11-A 200.00 Mrs, C. Sheridan 416 Shattuck St. Erect garage 12 100.00 Vernal Church 807 - C., Street Wiring, partial bsmnt. 13 - St. Anthonyrs Church Fourth & Morris Install oil furnace 14 100.00 John Hietala 631 Morris Street Erect utility room 15 3000.00 Chas. Rudd 801 Walla Wella Ave. Addition to bldg, 16 270.00 Rainier Lumber Co. 23 - Tobin Avenue Blacktop area 17 - William Richter 1531 3rd Avenue No. Install furnace 18 - H. A. Bristow 332 Earlington St. " Plumbing fixtures 19 90,000.00 Lloyd Prebe 3rd & Williams St. Erect building 4920 1,500.00 Gilbert Kugel 540 Grant Street Erect Gar. & Stone W1. 21 350.00 William T. Edwards 812 D. Street Erect porch 22 245.00 Hugh Brown 505 Morris Street Remodel and new porch 23 100.00 Mrs, W.C. Platner 538 N. Wells Erect concrete Plfm. 24 11,000.00 James Ramsey 2423-C, 7th Ave. N. Addition to house 25 350.00 L. C. Mayes 3232 7th Place Erect garage 26 240.00 Walter Warren 12247 SE 141st P1. New roof 27 1,000.00 Union Oil Co. 2901 Western Ave., Install oil tank 28 5,000.00 Prebe Bros, 3rd & Williams Electric wiring 29 100.00 Palmer Assand 3214 6th Ave., No. Pave driveway 4930 - Chas. J. Faull 724 Renton St. Install oil furnace 31* 175.00 Larry Hougardy 2112 6th Place Shake siding on house 32 350.00 W. A. Kelly 3409 6th Ave., No. Erect carport 33 700.00 K.Ballard, M. Peterson 616 Shattuck St. Add, to house 34 1,181.00 Umberto Barei 9527 - So. 152nd Blacktop alley 35 - Modern Materials 3221 7th Place Install plumbing 36 " "' 3906 6th Place 37 " " 639- R., Street 38 " " 643— R., n n n 39 " " 647— R., 4940 " " 651- R., » n 41 » n 655- R., 42 n n 659— R., �'— 43 n " 663—R. n a n 44 " n' 667— R., " a n 45 " "' 763— R., " 46 " " 707— R., 'r n n 47 711— R. N n 48 3745 - 7th Ave., N. 49 " " 3744 — 7th " " °1 Of n 4950 726 - R., Street " 51 rr " 722 — R., 404 c This being the date set for the opening of bids for the new gymnasium floor in the North Renton Recreation Building at Mother's Park, the following bids were opened and read: (ALL BIDS INCLUDE 3% WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX.) TOTAL BID 1. Queen City Floor Company........................... $49092.19 617 Mercer Street, Seattle 9, Washington. 2. B & B Hardwood Floor Company....................... 3,383.55 6550 Ravenna Avenue, Seattle, Washington. 3. Lundwick & Brown Floor Company..................... 31.592.64 710 Valley Street, Seattle 9, Washington, 4. Thayer Floor Company. 33,793.49 5401 34th N.W., Seattle 9, Washington. 5. Gracey Floor service................................ 4,073.65 10014 Rainier Avenue, Seattle, Washington 6. Salminen Floor Company 4,485.65 Rt. 2, Box 78, Renton, Washington. 7, Rainier Floor Finishing (Lewis H. Purcell, dba)..... 3,,665.58 P.O. Box 67, Kennydale, Washington. 8. Guarantee Floor Company............................. 33.864.13 2725 California Avenue, Seattle 6, Washington. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the bids be referred to the Property Committee and Park Superintendent for consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. The City Clerk introduced Mr. Frazer of the Pacific Northwest Company, and Mr. Berle D. Bramhall of Bramhall & Stein, the City's Financial Consultants who had been re- quested by the City Council to submit a preliminary report of the current operating results of Renton's water and sewer departments to obtain factual data in regards to the feasibility of a 1954 water and sewer bond issue. Mr. Bramhall stated that they had analyzed and compared the financial operations of the water and sewer systems for the first 8 months of both 1952 and 1953, and that their-conclusion is that it would be possible for the City of Renton to do additional financing in the amount of $300,000.00 early next year. Mr. Bramhall stated that he would be glad to answer any questions the Council may have. In compliance with the request of Mr. Bramhall, the City Clerk explained the water and sewer budget for 1954. Moved by Richardsons seconded by Hansen, that the report be reviewed further by the Fire & Water Committee and that this Committee discuss the matter of further utility im- provements with Mr. Frazer of the Pacific Northwest Company, and Mr. Bramhall of Bramhall and Stein, the City's Financial Consultants, and report back their re- commendation as to the advisability of further water and sewer improvements, and the advisability of an additional bond issue for same, during 1954.) Carried. Mr. Frazer stated that it was quite gratifying to look over the water & sewer operations for the first 8 months of 1953, that the receipts are coming in better than antici- pated and that in their opinion, an additional bond issue as shown in the report, could be made to tie in with the 1954 budget. Mayor Baxter thanked Mr. Bramhall & Mr. Frazer for the fine report and for attend- ing this evening's Council meeting, for further discussion of their report and for furnishing information as requested by the Council. The City Clerk read a communication from City Attorneys Haugan and Shellan, en- closing a check in the sum of $25.00 received from Umberto Barei, Lessee of the City Hall building, for his share of the cost of the "Certificate of Limited ••• Liability," also enclosing a statement from the Puget Sound Title Insurance Company in the amount of $50.00 for the entire cost of the Limited Liability," requesting that the City of Renton pay this statement. The Assistant City Attorney explained that the 4'P25.00 check from Mr. Barei should be credited as one-half the cost of the "Certificate of Limited Liability," that the City should assume the balance; that this certificate would serve the purpose to Mr. Barei of an actual "Title Insurance" which would cost approximately 9250.00 and which would not be required of the City until after the City Hall was actually sold; that the Certificate of Liability was not an insurance, just a statement of status, showing who holds the title to the 40 City Hall Building. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the check from Mr. Barei, and the statement from the Washington Title Insurance Company be referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Suburban Propane Gas Company, signed by R. H. Osborne, Sales Manager, requesting permission to install one 300 gallon propane storage tank at 726 North Williams Street on the north side of the building, for Mr. Roy Pulrang, owner of the United Manufacturing Company, the Cityts lessee. On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Fire Chief and Building Inspector to make a thorough investigation and report back to the Council. Carried, The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer stating that the Engineering Department has the date assembled for the preparation of the Final Assessment Roll, for Local Improvement District #239, Earlington Sanitary Sewers, and request that this report be considered by the Council Committee and City Attorney before the Assessment Roll is presented for acceptance. The Mayor stated that he would arrange a meeting between the City Engineer, City Attorney and Council as a Whole as soon as possible. The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer, submitting Estimate No. 1, from Hoagland-Findlay Engineering Company, Contractor, Sewage Treatment Plant Additions, for work performed through September 30, 1953, stating that the con- tractor is making excellent progress with the project and that he is ahead of sche- dule. The City Clerk read the Progress Estimate on the Sewage Treatment Plant Additions, by Hoagland-Findlay Engineering Company, contractors, for work completed to September 30, 1953s as submitted by R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, and approved by James Highton, City Engineer. Bid Item No. 1. Erect 651 diameter digester tank and install cover, 60% complete - - - $21,492.00 Bid Item No. 2. Construct concrete grit channel 50% complete. - - - 386.Oo Bid Item No. 4. Furnish & install 500 g.p.m. sewage pump 1,302.00 �. TOTAL AMOUNT $23,180.00 Plus 3% Washington State Sales Tax........... 695.40 $23,875.40 Less 15% retained. .......................... 3x581.31 TOTAL - NET AMOUNT DUE............. .......... $20,294�__.09- Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamboriri, that the Council concur in the report of the Consulting Engineer, as approved by the City Engineer, and the Contractor be paid $20,294.09, as per statement, for Estimate No. 1. Carried. A communication was read from J. S. Woodhouse, Vice-President of the Dual Parking Meter Company, acknowledging receipt of their Contract No. 19122, between. the City of Renton and the Dual Parking Meter Company for 24 automatic parking meters, en- closing the original copy of the above contract which has been signed by officials of their company, and thanking the Mayor and City officials for the additional order and for their cooperation. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a report on the pumping test for acceptance at Well No. 5, Kennydale, assuring the City of Renton that a minor defect in the pump which occurred during the test, could be corrected by the Contractor; that the contract provides that the well shall produce a minimum flow of 1300 gallons of sand free water per minute for one year and further agrees that any materials or equipment that should become defective within one year shall be replaced without additional cost to the City; that it is the opinion of Mr. Richard Wolff and himself that the well be accepted and payment be made on the basis of 1300 gallons per minute, which is in the total amount of $35,818.25, less $26,06$.001 previously paid, less 15% retained for 30 days, as required by law; that the acceptance be made conditional upon the correction of the defect in the pump and on submission of warranties by the contractor to the City. After considerable dis- cussion as to whose responsibility it would be to keep the pump in repair, and also to see that the pump would not require continued repair, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the report on' the pumping test for acceptance at 406 Well No. 5, Kennydale and the matter of the payment of the balance of the contract, less the 15% to be retained, be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, City Engineer and Consulting Engineer (Richard E. Wolff) for further investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Wallin-Edwards, Inc., signed by Robert L. Edwards submitting a proposed plat of approximately 12 acres lying in the N.W. of the N.W. of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, or westerly of 87th Avenue South, Northerly of South 132nd Street and southerly of the former City of Seattle Skagit transmission line right-of-way; being the northwesterly most portion of that area most recently annexed to the City of Renton, for Council consideration. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed plat be referred to the Plann- ing Commission for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A copy of a communication from the City Attorney, to Kelleher & Curran, Attorneys at Law, Kent, Washington, who are the attorneys representing the Valley Glass Company, putting the attorneys on notice, and he has so informed their client, the Valley Glass Company, that unless the required license is secured, without further delay, they would have no alternative but to prosecute them for violation of the City of Renton business tax Ordinance; that the Valley Grass Company have requested that th4 Kent A ttorneys, Kelleher & Curran contact them,the Valley Glass Company, on receipt of the City Attorney's letter, since they may prefer to comply with the Ordinance instead of litigating this matter. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he had this letter read for Council information only and that a warning letter granting all other violators of the City's Business Tax Ordinance five days to comply with the Ordinance, or a warrant would be issued for the violator to show cause why they would not have to comply with the Ordinance. A communication was read from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, signed by R. Paul Tjossem, Assistant General Attorney, enclosing a petition, signed by all the property owners abutting on Houser Way between the north line of Bronson Way and the south line of Brooks Avenue, extended, requesting vacation of that portion of Houser Way on which their properties abuts reserving to the property owners all present rights to occupy and use said portion of said street for public; utilities, including the Cityts right to operate, repair, maintain and reconstruct; a 12 inch water main as now located in said portion of said street, The petition was signed by Thomas Balmer, President of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, owner of all property abutting on the easterly side of said portion of said street, and by both the husband and wife, owners of 5 individual pieces of property, ie., Lots 4 and .m 5; 6 to 12, inclusive; 13; and lots 14 and 15, on the westerly side. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen., that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to make a thorough investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that Mr. William Davis, Insurance Commissioner for the City of Renton was present to explain to the Council regarding a proposed over--all insurance policy amendment to cover vandalism and malicious mischief; that it would cost approximately $119.00 over a five-year period to cover the City Hall, Garage, Fire Station, Library, Sweet Center and the North Renton Recreation Building; that the cost could be pro-rated; that a new policy would cost about $75.00,, plus an additional $24.00 each year. Councilman Bruce reported that it was the Property Committee's recommendation that the City should have this additional insurance to cover vandalism and malicious mischief. Mr. Davis was requested to investigate and see what adjustment could be made if and when the City moves its offices to Cedar River Park and to determine if the present policy can include the new City Hall Offices at Cedar River Park at a lesser cost than if an amendment is added on to the present Cedar River Park Insurance policy. Moved by Delaurenti, sezeonded by Reid, that the Council concur in the Property Committee and instruct the Insurance Committee to carry this endorsement for vandalism and malicious mischief on the insurance policy covering all City of Renton Building property, as stated by the Insurance Commissioner. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by the Mayor. � ROLL CALLt Bruce, Swift, Delaurenti, Holm, Hansen, Trimm, Richardson and Tamborini. Councilman Bruce reported that it was the recommendation of the Property Committee that the lowest bid, from the B & B Hardwood Floor Company be accepted and the Building Inspector be requested to give close supervision on the laying of this floor. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1462, as presented by Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, an Ordinance of the City of Renton 407 adopting a City Budget for the year 1954, in the amount of $960,179.00, plus $6,500,000.00 for bonds for acquisition of a Power & Light System. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1463, as presented by Councilman Richard- son, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to meet the amount of estimated expenses for the year 1954, less the total esti- mated revenues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1462 and re- commended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that proposed Ordinance 1462 be- placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1462 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bruce, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Holm, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. All nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1463 and re- commended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1463 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the 2nd and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1463 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bruce, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Holm, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. All nine Councilman present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that his Committee would like to introduce a proposed Ordinance setting up a Municipal Build- ing Fund for acquisition of land, etc., construction, improvement,etc., of Muni- cipal Buildings, for Council's consideration. The City Clerk read proposed Ordin- ance No. 1464, creating and establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the con- struction, improvement, and alteration of Municipal Buildings, the acquisition of land, sites and/or rights-of-way connected therewith; and the payment of consult- ant, engineering and architectural services; all monies received by the City from the lease and/or sale of its City Hall premises- located at 227 Wells Street to be deposited in said fund and the monies therein be allowed to accumulate from year to year until the City Council shall determine to expend the monies in said fund for the purposes above specified. On the Mayor's request for information regarding same, the Assistant City Attorney explained that the :ponies in the Fund could only be applied. to Municipal Buildings, and would not include a swimming pool, if it was an outdoor swimming pool, that it wouldn't be considered a building, but if it were housed by a building, like a gymnasium, it would be considered a Municipal Building, Mayor Baxter stated that he personally was not in favor of using monies in this proposed fund for swimming pool purposes, that he felt that these funds should be used only for Municipal Buildings, unless a majority of voters should decide differently at a legally conducted election. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance No. 1464 be placed on its 2nd and final read- ing. Carried. 4fter the 2nd and final reading, moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1464 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bruce, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Holm, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye, and Tamborini, Aye. All nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously passed. Mayor Baxter stated that he was not opposed to the City of Renton having a swimm- ing pool, but that in his opinion the monies received by the City of Renton from the lease and/or sale of its City Hall premises at 227 Wells Street should be specifically for Municipal City Hall purposes, and that he was going to withhold signing Ordinance No. 1464. Councilman Swift suggested that the Mayor's and City Attorneyts opinion and intent of the Council and Committee members be written and attached to the Ordinance when it is filed and the minutes of this meeting be attached to the Ordinance, so that all of this information would be available in the future. Councilman Reid stated, that in his opinion, the monies in subject Fund should only be used for construction of a City Hall, or related Municipal Building, exclusive of a swimming pool, unless same was authorized by vote of the people. Mayor Baxter further stated, that it was his opinion, that if the voters want to use this fund for a swimming pool it would be satisfactory to him, but that he was 408 not in favor of pressure groups putting an improvement of this sort through with- out approval of the voters. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, the Mayor should forward his written recommendation on this Ordinance to the Council; that the Council could pass a Resolution stating the actual intent of Ordinance No. 1464 was that the money is provided specifically for the building of a new City Hall and/or related municipal buildings, exclusive of a swimming pool. The City Treasurer reported that the Treasurer's office had great need of an electric graphotype machine for making addressograph plates and requested that the Council consider the matter of obtaining same. That the hand operated machine they now have is not satisfactory as too much time is wasted in making plates;that an electric machine could be used by the Clerk's office also in making out City of Renton Business Licenses and the bi-monthly tax forms for same, and many other uses, to more fully utilize the possibilities of the addressograph machine. That most of the Councilmen were familiar with their operation and the amount of time it would save their office and the City Clerk's Office; that the Graphotype Company would be unable to allow the City very much on their present hand operated grapho- type, unless they were given additional time to make an actual sale of same, at which time they anticipated the City would receive approximately $250.00 for the hand machine and that this matter should be considered by the Council; that there is. no allowance in the 1953 budget for such a machine, but that arrangements could be made to pay a portion of the cost from the 1953 budget and the balance from the 1954 budget after the first of the year. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Property Committee and Finance Committee to con- sider and consult with the City TreasurAr and report back at the next Council meet- ing. Councilman Reid stated that he was familiar with many uses of the machine and that in his opinion it would save considerable time and labor in both the Treasurer's and Clerk's office. The motion carried. Walter Will, Building Inspector, having been authorized by the Council. to approve bills and sign vouchers in connection with improvements of the new City Hall Ad- ministration offices at Cedar River Park, and he being on Leave-of-Absence tem- porarily, the Budget Controller, Elton Alexander, requested that someone be author- ized to approve any urgent bills or to sign such urgent vouchers as are necessary in connection with said improvements, until such time as the Building Inspector returns. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Elton Alexander, Budget Controller, be authorized to sign bills and approve vouchers until Building In- spector Walt Will returns. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that as the 1954 Budget had incorporated the revenues of a business license and tax, and the 1953 Business License Ordinance No. 14/,.8 would terminate at the close of calendar year 1953, that a Business License Or- dinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration for 1.954. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the Ordinance governing private merchant patrolmen had been delayed until after the adoption of the 15154 budget and that he would like a meeting of the Police & License Committee and Ordinance Committee on Tuesday, October 13th at 7:30 P.M., for further consideration of the proposed Ordinance. Councilman Bruce reported that the Lessee at Mother's Park that was 7 months be- hind in his rentals had paid two back months rent; that he had informed the Prop- erty Committee that his rental payments were pending receipt of moneys due him from back rent. The Lessee is to be advised that the rent must be paid. or he must show definite proof of forthcoming payment. Councilman Holm reported that the Auditing & Accounting Committee had met with Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, in regard to a cash register, as recommended by the National Cash Register Company and that the Committee had studied the report and brochure with the City Treasurer in regard to the operation of thet City Treas- urer's office and that the brochure did not give a true picture of the operation and practices of the City Treasurer's office, that it was the opinion of the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Treasurer that the time or amount �► of work saved, by use of said machine, would not warrant the expending; of $3100.00 for same; that upon seeing the operations of the City Treasurer's office, the Committee was favorably impressed with same and did not recommend any change. Councilman Reid was granted more time for the Light & Power Committee in regard to the traffic control light at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenue. The Assistant City Attorney stated that their office has been working with the City Clerk's office and that notices would be sent to all violators of the Business License Ordinance giving them 5 days to comply with the Ordinance, and 409 that after the five-day period, the City would take legal action against all vio- lators. The City Clerk stated that some of these cases were borderline cases, but that where there was no doubt as to the company being liable for a license, the City -should take the necessary legal action to secure said license. The Assistant City Attorney further stated that any one or all of said violators could be summoned to court to Last their case, or cases, and determine if the City of Renton has a legal right to impose the tax. Councilman Trim reported a bad condition on the Talbot Road near the old mine en- trance, stating that there had been quite a few accidents at this particular location. The Police Chief reported that Mr. G. R. Cysewski, District Traffic Engineer of the State Highway Department had stated he would come to Renton to investigate this par- ticular location where several accidents had happened to see if there was a way in which this condition could be corrected- also another condition at the underpass of P.S.H. #5 under the Pacific Coast Railway tracks near the Renton Hospital to determine if some safety precaution measures could be put in operation there. Council- man Trimm suggested that Dave Pugh, the Street Commissioner meet with representatives of the District Traffic Engineer's office, who were coming out to investigate these two matters. Mayor Baxter requested that Dave Pugh take this under advisement. Councilman Swift reported that the Safety Department of the Boeing Airplane Company had requested the City to place two railway warning signs, one on each side of the spur on Logan Street at 6th Avenue North. The Street Commissioner was requested to investigate this crossing and have the railway warning signs posted as requested. The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Municipal Finance Officers meeting at Richland, Washington, Friday, October 23rd. Those wishing reservations should con- tact the City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, who will write for reservations for them, or make their own reservations. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & -Alley Committee and a represen- tative of the Police Department, Thursday evening, October 8th at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 9146-9269 16,934.15 CLAIMS CURRENT 1516-1577 20,207.36 CLAIMS WATER 8922-8938 42883.02 CLAIMS PARK 1812-1818 1,033:56 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6501-6517- 79509.30 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2696-2706 370.82 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL FD. 2431-2438 11.238.92 CLAIMS AIRPORT FUND 1683-1689 1,686.63 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FD. 511- 5.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FD, 656.. 661 29,550.61 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 10 persons present besides City of Renton employees. Cit lerk Mayor 410 Renton, Washington c October 13, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN.. TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Tamborini reported that Councilman Freyman was steadily improving and that he had requested 30—days additional leave of absence, and so moved. seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be granted. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of October 6th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, and concurred in by the City Engineer, James Highton, stating that Mr. Lario Libri, contractor on the extension of the Kennydale Water Distribution Pipe Lines has completed the work according to plans and specifications and recommends that the work be accept— ed; that if, after 30 days from this date, no claims or liens are filed against the contractor, the balance of monies withheld be paid the contractor. A Nroucher in the amount of $2376.06 for Richard E. Wolff, for Engineering Services, was attached. (9.59 fee on construction cost of $75,706.96, or a fee of $7192.16, less previous payments of $341.10 and $44.75.00, or a balance of fee as shown.) This voucher was approved by the City Engineer. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Coun— cil concur in the recommendation of the Consulting and City Engineers, and that the date of acceptance be set as October 13th, Carried, Councilman Farmer, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, requested that the various committees, such as his, be informed of the progress made on the different improvements made by the City itself, or by its contractors; that such reports would keep the Councilmen informed of the progress of the improvement and enable them to more satisfactorily and clearly answer questions concerning same from interested residents. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, this matter should be taken up with the City Engineer and his cooperation requested along these lines. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion, the Councilmen, such as the Fire & Water Committee members, should be informed of the progress of the various improvements so that all Councilmen would be kept fully advised of the pro— gress of same, and be able to intelligently answer inquiries from interested citizens. The Assistant City Attorney stated that about 2 weeks ago the City Eng— ineer sent a proposed contract for Engineering services for Richard E. Wolff, the City' s Consulting Engineer, to the Attorney's office for consideration; that the contract was quite long and took considerable time to properly consider; that the contract was returned to the Engineering Department for further consideration and that the City Attorney's office would like to have more information ir,, regard to the fee schedule, that they had informed the City Engineer that they do not approve or recommend the contract, as it was submitted to them; that they had requested that the City Engineer compare this contract with other fee schedules and to forward same to the Council for consideration. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the voucher made out to Richard E. Wolff for engineering services on the Kennydale water main extension, in the amount of. $2376.06 be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for further investigation and a report back to the Council of the amount of monies paid, and the amount of monies due the Consulting Engineer, Richard E. Wolff, also consideration of the contract. The motion carried. The City Clerk stated that each time a voucher has been received for Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, that same has been x-ad at the Council meeting and, has re— ... ceived the necessary Council action and approval of the Finance Committee before a warrant is issued for same. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, the Council contracted with the Consulting Engineer for a certain amount of work; re— ports had been furnished the Council of the progress of the improvement and that there had been three vouchers received from the Consulting Engineer, and suggested that the Budget Controller be requested to submit a breakdown of these payments. The City Clerk stated that he believed the City Engineer had checked with other Engineering firms as to the rate of fee and schedule for payment of same before submitting the vouchers for Council approvals and that he also believed the City 411 Engineer considered the fee schedule to be average for consultants of this type. In regards to the condition of the roads in the Kennydale area where the new water mains were installed, the Assistant City Attorney stated that the contractor should have the roads put back in the same or better condition that they were when the contractor started the improvement. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Street Commissioner and City Engineer prepare and forward a letter to the County Commissioners requesting their opinion as to the condition of the roads as they were left by the contractor in the Kennydale area, so that the contractor could be notified before Mal contract payment is made. Carried, The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Washington Cities Regional meeting in Sumner, Wednesday, October 28th, and the one in Edmonds, Friday, October 30th. It was announced that the Association of Washington Cities Regional meeting will be held in conjunction with the Association of Valley Cities meeting at Sumner on October 28th. The City Clerk read a communication from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, signed by L. F. Lohmann, Purchasing Agent, offering for sale to the City of Renton, a 50,000 gallon red cedar stave water tank that they have at Renton. They state that any kind of offer would be considered. Councilman Bruce, having previously received a copy of the communication, reported that the tank would have to be moved from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company's premises; that the City already has one surplus tank, that if the Pacific Coast Railroad Company's tank could be moved without too much additional expense, the City would consider it, Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the offer be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for investi— gation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Lake Shore Lines, signed by F. A. Grabner, General Manager, regarding bus routing in North Renton, stating that it was recently tent— atively decided at a meeting with a Council Committee to route outgoing trips to Seattle via Factory Street and Houser Way to Third Avenue, that in reviewing this routing it is still not the most desirable routing from the standpoint of service to North Renton residents — — that the present and proposed route is generally around the edge of the populated area, instead of through the approximate center of the area, as it should be to be of the most service, and further stated that the Lake Shore Lines submit for Council consideration the following revised routing: INCOMING TRIPS — (Southbound) from Rainier Avenue via Second Avenue, Bronson Way, Park Street, 4th Avenue North to the Sunset Boulevard. OUTGOING TRIPS — (Northbound) from Sunset Boulevard, via 4th Avenue North, Pelly Street, 1st Avenue North to Bronson Way, Mill Street and Third Avenue. Mr. Grabner, the General Manager, further states that in this connection they feel, that due to shift in population and other factors, the passenger volume between downtown Renton and the Highlands does not alone justify the extended service and frequency between these points, and it is felt that the additional patronage which may be stimulated by better service in the North Renton residential area with the same trips, may insure continuance of the present service. Councilman Swift stated that his committee had previously met with representatives of the Lake Shore Lines Company and that they had proposed a bus stop and suggested routing to the Bus Company, which the Bus Company had agreed to investigate and so advise the Com— mittee if the suggestions were not satisfactory — — that he had received a copy of the Lake Shore Lines proposal read this evening also, and could not understand their attitude and change of routing as they have outlined. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for further consideration. Carried. A communication was read from Councilman Farmer, a member of the Association of Valley Cities Agenda Committee, requesting the Council members to submit sugges— tions as topics for discussion at their November 18th meeting. Mayor Baxter stated that anyone who has a suggestion for a topic for discussion at the November 18th Valley Cities meeting would please pass their suggestions on to Councilman Farmer for the Committee's consideration. A petition signed by 16 property owners requesting a street light be installed on Williams Street North between 2nd Avenue North and 3rd Avenue North was read. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the LIGHT & POWER COMMITTEE for consideration and a report back. Carried. 412 A copy of a communication was read from Lingan A. Warren, President, Safeway Stores, Inc., to Mayor Baxter thanking the Mayor for his letter, cooperation and business interest shown in regard to a site for a proposed distribution center for their company, and stating that final decision of this matter would be made by Mr. John L. Heathcote, the Seattle Manager, to whom the letter had been referred. Mayor Baxter stated that several individuals and organizations had assisted in the compilation of the letter forwarded to Mr. Warren and that he had accurate know- ledge nowledge that a definite site had not as yet been chosen for the proposed warehouse. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had met with the Traffic Division and Street commissioner to consider the petition from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company and the owners of all the property abutting on the easterly side of Houser Way, between the north line of Bronson Way and the south line of Brooks Avenue, requesting vacation of that portion of Houser Way on which their properties abut, and that the Committee recommended that this right-of-way, being only 35 feet wide and having been a part of tentative plans for the traffic system in that area be rejected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur.in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried, Councilman Swift reported that the Street Commissioner and Captain Isackson of the Traffic Division of the Police Department had agreed to contact the Earlington Women's Club for their final recommendation as to the location of the proposed crosswalk on the Dunlap Canyon Road (Sunset Boulevard West) near 5th Avenue West, before the crosswalk is marked. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee recommended, in regard to the City Treasurer's request for an electric graphotype machine, that the City Treasurer be authorized to rent the machine on a trial basis at a rental price satisfactory to the City Treasurer, Councilman Farmer reported that an adjustment on the pump at the Kennydale well was being made by Layne & Bowler, the pump manufacturers and that the well should be in operation by the end of this week; that in his opinion, the leak has been taken care of satisfactorily and that he would like to keep the matter in his committee until the pump has proven it is operating satisfactorily. Mayor Baxter, granted the Fire & Water Committee more time regarding acceptance of the Kennydale pump and well. Councilman Farmer, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, was granted. more time for consideration of the report from the-Pacific Northwest Company and. Bramhall & Stein, requested in regard to an additional bond issue for additional water and sewer improvements. Councilman Reid reported that the Power & Light Committee recommended that the City purchase a new traffic signal control light for the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Rainier Avenue, at a cost of approximately $2500.00. Councilman Trimm re- ported that the Ways & Means Committee had already investigated the matter of financing this improvement and the Committee recommended that the expense of same be paid out of Cumulative Fond #1183 from the 1953 Budget. Moved by Aichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the joint committees. On the question, Councilman Swift reminded the Council that previously it was the Street & Alley Committee's recommendation that a new traffic signal light be obtained and that they had requested the Engineering Department to in- vestigate the traffic channeling to see if a more satisfactory design for channel- ing could be worked out. The Street Commissioner stated that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Glen Mapes, who is the electrician who maintains the traffic signal lights within the City of Renton, and he had been assured that the new traffic signal light would not interfere with proposed channelization. Councilman Richard- son stated that it was the Street & Alley Committee's idea that consideration of traffic coming from the Dunlap Canyon Road (Sunset Boulevard West) be-�ng permitted a "free right turn" towards Kent, also traffic coming from the Dunlap Canyon Road and turning east on Rainier Avenue to have a better designation of the traffic lane on Rainier Avenue going north. The motion carried. ... Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that his Committee had met with the Police & License Committee, in regard to a Business License Ordinance for 1954 and that the Committees feel that instead of rewriting the 1953 Business License Ordinance, that the Council as a Whole shou_!d consider the entire Ordinance; that the Ordinance should be prepared for reading by the first meeting in December (December 1st, 1953) and should be passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor so that same would be in effect by the first of January, 413 1954. The combined Committees, Ordinance and Police & License, recommended a committee meeting of the Council as a Whole to discuss this Ordinance and other matters that have been referred to the Council as a Whole and suggested either the 20th or 27th of October as a date for the meeting. Mayor Baxter stated that the meeting of October 20th could be adjourned early and the Council as a Committee could consider these important discussions, and requested that the Assistant City Attorney be present at the Council Committee meeting, that the regular Council meeting could be opened and the minutes considered and the balance of the evening could be used by the Council as a Committee for these discussions. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance and Police and License Committee,and the Mayor and the date of October 20th be set for this meeting. Carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that the owners of the different refuse burners around Renton are gradually making the necessary corrections to the burners so that the burners would be considered safe and not a nuisance, and he felt that all nec— essary corrections would be made soon. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, stated that his Committee recommended that the Ordinance Committee consider the drafting of two new Ordinances, one, the requiring of a performance bond for any person, con— tractor or firm who of necessity in order to complete a contract has to dig up streets within the City of Renton, that a bond be posted insuring that the streets will be left in the same condition as when the person, contractor or firm started the work, and that the streets be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The amount of bond should be considered. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the second matter had been discussed thoroughly during Council meetings previously and this problem was the prohibiting of cluttering of the streets with papers and other debris swept from in front of the various business houses. Moved by Holm, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and this matter also be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion, the City of Renton Garbage Ordinance, to a great extent, would cover this problem in general, but that it was a matter of enforcing the Ordinance to prohibit sweeping of debris into the streets. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, the practice of sweeping sidewalks and the dirt, etc., from the sidewalks onto streets was not fully covered by the Garbage Ordinance and that a new Ordinance could be passed as a supplement to the Garbage Ordinance which should be of aid in solving the problems involved. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee with a re— presentative of the Traffic Division, Thursday at 8:00 P.M., and requested that previous to this meeting, the Street Commissioner and Traffic Division make their recommendation of the length of a "no parking area" on the southwest corner of 3rd Avenue and Shattuck Street to eliminate traffic congestion that is caused by the traffic having to move into a single lane from a double lane of traffic. Councilman Swift reported that the wall that was formerly around the foundation of the building on the property on the south side of 3rd Avenue between the Slumberite Cabins and the Renton Bowling Recreation Building had been blown down by the wind again, causing a dangerous condition, and that the owners of this prop— erty should be advised to fix this wall properly, or to remove the remainder of the old building and level the property off, so that it would not be unsightly and dangerous. The Assistant City Attorney concurred in Councilman Swift's statement and stated that under the Building Code Ordinance the owners should remove the old wall and foundation of the building and level the property off, or build it up properly, and that he would so advise the owners. As per the request of Council— man Swift, this information will be referred to the Building Inspector also. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, the Council should consider setting up a 5—year program, (or some definite time) of maintenance for the Cedar River Park Buildings to keep the building property from deteriorating — — that the Cedar River Park Manager had never been authorized to include any additional funds for such an improvement program in his budget. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Ordinance reads "that the City should be allowed to operate the Cedar River Park Housing Project until such time as the need for such housing no longer exists or until such time as the buildings are not in a condition to be rented, whichever period is shorter. Mr. William Hendrickson, the Manager of the Cedar River Park Housing Project, stated that in his opinion there is extensive maintenance that should be done, that there is not sufficient money in the budget to take care of 414 this maintenance and that the Council should consider this problem. Councilman ` Farmer stated that in his opinion, the general appearance and condition of the buildings should be kept up and that this matter should be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. As per the suggestion of Councilman Farmer, Mayor Baxter referred the matter of an improvement program for the Cedar River Park Pro— ject to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that the matter of withholding the next quarterly payment from the Cedar River Housing Project should be considered by the Council, and if the Council approves, a letter so authorizing, should be furnished the Manager of the project as the bills for the steel and other materials used in the repair and remodeling of the Cedar River Administration Building for use as City Hall Offices will be due for payment soon. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor direct a letter to the Manager of the Cedar River Park Project to withhold moneys from the next quarterly rent payment from the Cedar River Park Project to pay for the remodeling of the Cedar River Park for City Hall offices. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported that the Fire Chief had approved the location of the tank to be installed by the Suburban Propane Gas Company, adjacent to the United Manu— facturing Cokpany at 726 Williams Street North, on the north side of the build— ing, but that no report had been received from the Building Inspector as yet. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There was one person present besides City of Renton employees.) o Cit Clerk Mayo u 415 Renton, Washington October 20, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Bgxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BHUCE,SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIM�4, AND RICHARDSON. (Councilman Freyman is on Leave of Absence. Councilman Tamborini was excused and Councilman Reid was reported on vacation.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of October 13th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATICNS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 4952 - Modern Materials 718 R. Street Plumbing service 53 - " " 714 R. Street n n 54 - " " 3802 7th Ave. N. " r' 55 - " n 660 R. Stn n 56 •. " " 654 R• St•.,' It n 57 rr n rr 638 R. St.* n it 58 650.00 George C. Robison 3409 Gtr. Place Add'n on house 59 450.00 Frank Evans 922 3rd Ave., Black-top parking lot 4960 500.00 Royal Carpet Cleaners 1501 4th N. remodel bldg. 4960-A 1,000.00 Frank Litfin 10818 S.E. 111th siding on residence 61 100.00 Whitworth Courts 623 Whitworth Court wire service 62 350.00 Chris O'Brien 3408 6th Place erect garage 63 11500.00 Nick Sulis 318 N. Wells remodel house 63-A - .,Toe R. ?lute 236 Meadow St. install floor furnace 64 72000.00 John Peternal 609 Main St, erect residence 65 100.00 John Kellaher 13013 90th Ave.So, electric service 64 - Lillian C. Stolz 2114 8th Ave., N. install new furnace 67 - Joseph Massuro 406 Tobin Ave., plumbing service 68 - Nick Sulis 318 N. Wells " it 69 100.00 D.H. Salter 329 Pelly St. erect chimney �. 4970 300.00 Wm. Long 235 Garden St. erect garage 71 150,00 Modern Materials 639 R. St., wire service 72 150,00 It Of 643 R. St., n n n 73 150.00 It It 647 R. St., " 74 150.00 to " 651 R. St., It OF 75 150,00 It Of 655 R. St., if n 76 150.00 " " 659 R. St., if IT 77 150.00 " " 663 R. St., if It 78 150.00 667 R. St., to If 79 150.00 " " 703 R. St., It if 4980 150.00 It " 707 R. St., If n 81 150.00 " " 711 R. St., " of 82 150.00 ;; It 3745 7th N. " TO 83 150.00 " 726 R. S't., " " 84 150.00 " It 722 R. St., Of n 85 150.00 n " 718 R. St., n OF 86 150.00 if Of 714 R. St., rr rr 87 150.00 to " 3802 7th N. u 88 150;00 t1 " 660 R. St., It 89 150.00 ii " 654 R. St., 4990 150.00 n " 638 R. St., n n 91 150.00 It 3806 lith Place 92 100.00 L. H. Burnham 82 Williams 93 80.00 Earl Givin 2230 6th Ave., N. concrete driveway ... 94 350.00 Bill White 411 Park St. install roof 95 50.00 Rainier Asphalt Pay. Maple Valley Highway erect boiler shelter 96 72000.00 Modern Materials 644 R. St., erect dwelling 97 71000.00 It OF 642 R. St., If OF 98 71,000,00 " " 3814 6th Ave., N. M " 99 7,000.00 " " 3820 6th Ave., N. to " 5000 7,000.00 It " 634 S. St., to it 01 7,000.00 " "' 630 S. St., " It 02 71000.00 " " 626 S, St., n It 03 71000.00 "' "' 620 S. St., if " 416 APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5004 S 72000.00 Modern Materials 616 S. St., Erect dwelling 05 7,000.00 " " 612 S. St., it r'' 06 7,000.00 " " 608 S. St., 07 72000.00 " " 602 S. St., " 08 7,000.00 " " 3810 6th Place " r' 09 7,000.00 "' "" 3814 6th 5010 7,000.00 " "' 603 S. St., If " 11 7,000.00 " " 609 S. St., 12 7,000.00 " " 613 S. St., 13 7,000.00 " " 617 S. St., If it 14 7,000.00 " If 621 S. St., ►r It 15 7,000.00 " " 3813 6th Ave., N. If it 16 120.00 Frank Davidson 419 Wells St., reshi.ngle roof 17 200.00 James A. Stuard 11605 116th Ave., SE. add'n garage 18 550.00 Motor Mart. 415 Rainier Ave., S. Black—tap Parking strip. 5020 400.00 K.F. Hall Burnett St. Repair bldg. 21 — Harley B. Reed 11604 Sunset Blvd., install furnace 22 150.00 Dor Hurskainen 406 - Tobin Ave. wire service 22—A 300.00 May Tunin 217 Garden St. concrete work 23 15,800.00 Renton Auto Frt. 307 Airport Way add'n on warehse. 24 r S. Kingen 11328 SE 116th install furnace Communication was read from the Junior Chamber of Commerce, signed by :David F. Traglio, Chairman of the Street Decoration Committee, submitting their proposal for Christmas street decorations for the forthcoming 1953 Season for the Council's approval; that they propose to install lamp post decorations on 3rd Avenue, ex— tending westerly from Burnett Street to Rainier Avenue and on Bronson Way from Main Street easterly to Park Avenue; that it will be necessary to replace some guy—wires. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the proposal of the Jaycees and that guy wires and decorations be installed under the supervision of the Building Inspector. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the matter of the City °participating .., in the decoration program, as outlined by the Jaycees, be referred to the Public Relations Committee, for consideration and with power to act. Carried. A notice of the Greater Renton Health Council meeting on Monday, October 19th at 8:00 P.M., in the Renton Hospital Cafeteria was read. As this card was received after the October 13th Council meeting, the notice was ordered filed. A communication was read from Don Partridge, foreman of the North Renton Recrea— tion Building floor construction job, recommending a two—week waiting period, after the laying of the floor before it is sanded and finished, to allow the floor to dry out and to avoid any future trouble of warping, etc. The Building Inspector stated that he felt this was a very good recommendation and that he approved same. After considerable discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Mr. Partridge, as approved by the Building Inspector and these terms and conditions be added to the contract. Carried. A communication was read from the Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, Veterans of Foreign Wars, signed by Howard H. Hodgson, Committee Chairman, requesting permission to hold their annual "Nights in Paris" dance at the American Legion Hall on November 14, 1953. A check in the amount of $1.00 to cover the Service Organization dance license was enclosed. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from B. A. Vallerga, to Dave Pugh, Street Commissioners, advising him of an "Asphalt Forum and luncheon" to be held in Yakima, on Thursday, ••► November 12, 1953, stating that topics pertaining to use of asphaltic materials in highway construction have been prepared for discussion. As this meeting had pre— viously been announced and discussed at a Street & Alley Committee meeting, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Street Commissioner, other interested City Officials and the Street Foreman be authorized to attend this Forum, and that their expenses be allowed by the City of Renton. Carried. A notice of the Pacific Northwest Sewage & Industrial Waste Association's 1953 Conference at Yakima, November 5, 6 and 70 was read. This notice is- to be referred to the City Engineer for his consideration. 417 A communication was read from D.D. Forgey, District Engineer, signed by G. R. Cysewski, District Traffic Engineer, regarding P.S.H. #21 advising the City that in regard to the Earlington Women's Club request for a crosswalk on the Sunset Boulevard, at Earlington Street, that they have inspected the location of this cross- walk and in their opinion it is more desirable to have the crosswalk relocated to the easterly side of this location; that any authority over this crosswalk would be the obligation of the City of Renton and in accordance with state law, the Director of Highways and the State Highway Commission have adopted a policy of not painting crossings within the corporate limits as a "way of convenience". The Street Commissioner stated that the Street & Alley Committee would report later on the matter of a crosswalk in this area. A petition requesting consideration of the installation of a street light at the corner of 7th Avenue North and "F" Street in the Highlands, signed by 17 residents of the area was read. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the petition be referred to the Light & Power Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting an agreement between Richard Wolff, Civil Engineer and the City of Renton for consulting engineering ser- vices; stating that the fee schedule shown in the agreement is in line with stand- are practice and carries the approval of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The City Engineer further stated that on advice of the Fiscal Consultants that the combined water and sewer departments can support a 1954 Revenue Bond Issue of approximately $300,000.00. and that he recommends that the Council consider the continuance of an Improvement Program, and if so, that the Council approve his re- quest to retain Mr. Wolff as Engineering Consultant on a similar agreement as pre- sented. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Attorney's Office had merely made corrections to the proposed agreement and had not drafted it. As the con- sideration of a contract between Mr. Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, and the City of Renton had previously been referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee, Mayor Baxter ordered the agreement referred to this Committee for their consider- ation and a report back to the Council. A communi3ation was read from the Ling County Planning Commission, signed by Perry B. Johanson, Chairman, stating that the "Area Comprehensive Study Report" for this area is available in Room 402-L, County-City Building, Seattle for the City's information, and that after study and consideration by the Council, the King County .� Planning Commission would appreciate comments and suggestions regarding same. A copy of this report will be picked up by the Engineering Department. A communication was read from the Lake Shore Lines, signed by F. A. Grabner, General Manager, with reference to the revised bus route in North Renton, pro- posing bus stops as follows: On Pelly Street, at the southwest corner of intersection with 4th Ave., N. On Pelly Street, at the northwest corner of intersection with 2nd Ave., N. On Pelly Street, at the northwest corner of intersection with 1st Ave., N. On 1st Ave., North, on the south side, near the intersection with Park Street. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that this communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A request to hang a banner across the street from the Renton Hardware Store Build- ing to the Peoples Bank Building, near the 3rd & Williams Street intersection, was read from Irvin Lemm, Advertising Department of the Watchtower Society of New York who are sponsoring a 3-day convention of Jehovah's witnesses at the Renton High School October 23rd to 25th, to invite the public to attend the main lecture on Sunday October 25th. Mr. Lemm stated that he has previously obtained permission of Mr. Morrison of the People's Bank and Mr. Dobson of the Renton Hardware Company. After discussion, moved by,Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that permission be granted, under the supervision of the Building Inspector. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Joe R. Baxter, returning Ordinance No. 1464, which he has vetoed on October 13, 1953, (for the following, reasons: "I do not believe the Ordinance provides sufficient safeguards to assure the City that the money in the fund established under subject Ordinance will not be used for pur- poses other than for acquisition, improvement or alteration of a City Hall for essential Municipal purposes only, and no other Municipal Buildings, which would be considered outside the intent of the City Council as interpreted by the Mayor. I. as Mayor, feel that the Ordinance should be limited in its language to the acquisition, improvement or alteration of a City Hall for Governmental-Municipal purposes and for such other or similar services and/or facilities as are being rendered on the present City Hall premises at 227 Wells Street, Renton, Washington.") ,10 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor's communication (and veto) - be referred back to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for their consider- ation. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that Councilman Reid, having gone on vacation, be granted a 30 day leave of absence. Carried. Walt Will, Building Inspector, stated that copies of the Zoning Ordinance, as corrected, were available and recommended that each councilman take a corrected copy and study and compare same with the original copy of the zoning ordinance prepared and presented by the Planning Commission, and report back at the next Council meeting. Councilman Swift stated that his Committee had met with the Street Commissioner, a member of the Traffic Division and representatives of the Lake Shore Lines and had agreed on bus stops in North Renton as outlined in the Lake Shore Lines letter previously read this evening; that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that these bus stops be approved and marked as outlined. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recomme:adation of the Committee and bus stops be marked as outlined under the supervision of the Street Commissioner, and the Lake Shore Lines be so notified. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the matter of proper stop signs to be installed on the east and west sides of Pelly Street to correspond with bus stops as outlined, be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. On the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the matter of installation of "No Parking" signs to be installed on the south side of 3rd Avenue from Shattuck Street west to Rainier Avenue, be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. The following are the minutes of the Committee Meeting of the Council as a whole. of this date, October 20th 1953: The Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole was called to order by Joe R. Baxter at 9:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM AND RICHARDSON. OFFICIALS & DEPART14ENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, Asst. City Attorney; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Building Inspector. Councilman Richardson stated that the matter of revision of the Business Tax Ordinance was to be discussed this evening with the Council as a Whole. That prev- iously the Ordinance Committee had discussed this matter and would like to have the opinions of the entire Council before submitting a revised Ordinance. "After considerable discussion on any proposed changes in the Business Tax Ord- inance to be effective as of January 1, 1954, the Council was of the unanimous opinion that the purpose and intent, as far as the language of Section 4, special reference being made to sub-section "e", adequately and completely covers any person, having a fixed place of business outside the City limits of the City of Renton, but engaging in some business activity within the City of Renton. However, the following suggestions were made, for the purpose of emphasis, etc:., for the Business Tax Ordinance, for 1954:" (1) In regard to the affidavit, Sec. 12, (25th line) INSERT "upon such Return the taxpayer's signature will be deemed equivalent to an oath," and in return eliminate the requirements of an oath. (2) Better clarification of Section 71 sub-section (b) should read: AFTER, "PERSONS,(INSERT) "doing business or"maintaining offices, plFints, ware- houses, etc., (3) That in the heading, "CITY OF RENTON - BUSINESS TAX ORDINANCE (1953) that the 1953 be eliminated. On the suggestion of Councilman Holm, with Mayor Baxter's approval, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the 3 changes as above outlined be referred to the Committee from the Chamber of Commerce who were working with the Council pre- viously for their consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. B The Property Committee was granted more time with reference to parking space and/cr areas at Cedar River Park. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, stated that his Committee was to meet Saturday morning at 11:00 A.M., with Building Inspector Walt Will to discuss the matter of a 5-year maintenance program and/or to inspect the conditions of the buildings at Cedar River Park. Councilman Bruce further requested that the Cedar River Park Maintenance Engineer, as well as the Mayor and any Councilmen that I can attend, be requested to meet with this Committee. I In regard to any maintenance work to be done at Cedar River Park, the building Inspector suggested that money be allowed in the next year's budget for the City to do the work, rather than the Cedar River Park maintenance employees doing the work. `� ► The suggestion. of Councilman Farmer, that the City consider managing the Cedar River Park, instead of the managing of Cedar River Park being under the direction of the executive Director of the Housing Authority, is to be considered at a later meeting. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilman Farmer as a member of the Property Committee tempor- arily, during the absence of Councilman Freyman. Mayor. Baxter appointed Councilman Delaurenti, as a member and to act as Chairman of the Finance Committee temporarily, during the absence of Councilman Freyman. Councilman Morris, as a member and to act as Chairman of the Light & Power Committee temporarily, f during the absence of Councilman Freyman. After considerable discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council go on record as turning over to Department Head Walt Will, the matter of making arrangements with the three transfer and/or moving companies who are licensed in the City of Renton, to move desks, cabinets, etc., from the present City Hall to the Cedar River Park Building, and that a date for the moving be set and that the moving companies be so advised. Carried. After discussion, in regard to the brcnze plaque at the entrance to the City Hall, moved by Farmer, seconded by Richardson, that the matter of the plaque at the entrance and the plaque of dedication on the City Hall building, be referred to the Property Committee for their consideration. Carried. On the suggestion of Councilman Bruce, the matter of a public comfort station is to be considered at a later meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the matter as proposed by the Street Commissioner, of the installation of a traffic control light on Houser Way be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. (The Traffic Control light is proposed to be installed approximately 200-300 yards further north than the present entrance (underpass) on Houser Way and will be used for control of traffic on a proposed roadway out of (exit) Cedar River Park. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Committee that the City Treasurer has made arrangements for the Hub City Drug to make collections of the City's utility bills and that at the next Council meeting the Treasurer will request a motion be made that a contract be entered into requiring a bond, and any other necessary details to cover this matter. Mayor Baxter stated that he would contact Mr. Bennett of the Telephone Company regarding the letter received from them,to see if the City could get service in Cedar River Park, j earlier than their estimate. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been pre- viously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 9270-9419 26,471.28 CLAIMS CURRENT 1578-1587 15,470.53 j CLAIMS WATER 8939 - 29185.02 CLAIMS PARK 1819- 901.54 CLAIMS CITY STREETS 6513- 22421.91 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2707-2711 1,432.91 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1690-1692 931.73 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2439-2441 21655.40 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR, FD. 662- 664 29,669.08 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD, 117- 118 250.00 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FD. ' 512 25.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn# (for con- tinuation as a Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole and that the minutes of the Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole be incorporated in and become a part of the official minutes of the City Council meeting of October 20th 1953. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There was one person present besides City of Renton employees.) 420 Renton, Washington October 27, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, T RIl,41, RICHARD- SON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Freyman and Reid are on leave of absences.) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Ken Oyler, Assistant City Engineer and Acting City Engineer and Walt Will, Building Inspector. ..r� Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of October 20th be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the next Council meeting, Tuesday, November 3rd, be set aside for consideration and discussion of the Earlington L.I.D., Assessment Roll as prepared by the Engineering Department. Carried. A communication was read from Richard E. Wolff, the Cityts Consulting Engineer, reporting the progress on the various City Improvement Projects, as follows: (1) The Kennydale Distribution System, Lario Libri, contractor was completed and accept- ed by the City of Renton as of October 13th, subject to written release from the County regarding the condition of the roads. That the contractor has been informed of two defects, an air valve and link break, which must be repaired by him at his expense, that these defects are covered by the contractor's year guarantee against defective materials and workmanship. (2) In regard to the Kennydale we' ], the en- tire pump was pulled and disassembled by a Layne & Bower factory representative; that the pump has been completely reassembled and was run for 3 hours without re- currence of the trouble. Mr. Wolff stated that he had contacted the Jannsen Com- pany regarding the accidental damage to the pump house caused during the process of removing the pump column, and they request,if agreeable to the City of Renton, that the City hire the repairs made and charge this expense to them, that on settlement of the repair of the pump house, in his opinion, the well should be accepted and the contractor paid 85% of the contract price. Mr. Wolff explained that the Jannsen Company had considerable difficulties and delays which were unavoidable. (3) The r„ Sewage Treatment Plant Contractor is progressing satisfactorily that the defective concrete has been corrected and certaintests will be required before the wall con- crete will be accepted. (4) Work is progressing now on the installation of the sewage lift pump, grit chamber and sludge concentrator tank. The delivery of the steel cover is scheduled for this week, and it appears the main part of the con- struction work will be completed about the middle of December. The communication was ordered filed. A report of the final contract work for Lario Libri, Contractor, on the Kennydale Water System Improvement Project in the amount of $7,490.37, less 15% :retained, or a net amount due the contractor of $6,366.81 was read. The report was certified correct and recommended for payment by Ken Oyler, Acting City Engineer. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Acting City Engineer and the payment to the contractor be made. Carried. On the report of Councilman Farmer of damage to a water line in Kennydale, the payment to be withheld until this report is investigated. The City Clerk stated that he had received a proposed Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a 5-year contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing street lighting to the City of Renton, that the contract: was the same as previous contracts; that Mr. C. Y. McGarrigle, Manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company had requested a letter of authority to bill the City of Renton for 53 mercury-vapor street lights as outlined in a suggested letter attach- ed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the communication and contract be referred to the City Attorney and Light & Power Committee for their investi- mr gation and a report back to the Council. Carried. Afcommunication was read from the Clerk Transfer & Storage Company who are leasing the building in Mother's Park, commonly referred to as the "C" Building, requesting permission to exercise their option'to renew their lease in its entire'16y for an additional 3 years. As per the suggestion of the Assistant City Attornoy that the original contract be investigated as to the option, moved by Tamborini., seconded by Hansen, that'the matter be referred to the Assistant City Attorney and Property Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. 421 A communication was read from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, signed by L.F. Lohmann, Purchasing Agent, requesting the Council's action in regard to the red cedar stave water tank that they had offered to sell to the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that Councilman Farmer would make a report in regard to subject tank later in the meeting. A Notice of Hearing from the U. S. Federal Power Commission, signed by J. H. Gutride, Acting Secretary, was read, stating that the Washington Public Service Commission has completed its hearing in regard to acquisition by the Washington Power Company of the property and facilities of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company and the merger by the Washington Power Company of its facilities, subject to the jurisdic- tion of the U.S. Federal Power Commission, with those to be acquired from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, and on October 16, 1953 issued its order to become effective October 23, 1953, approving the above merger, setting a date of a hearing to be held on November 9, 1953 in Washington, D.C., concerning the matters involved and the issues presented by the application, and stating that interested State Comm- issions may participate as provided by the Commission. The meeting to be held in Washington, D.C., moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that if the City Attorney deems it necessary to do so, he send a written objection or protest on be- half of the City of Renton, to the Hearing. Carried. The City Clerk stated that a Notice of Hearing had been received from the Washington Public Service Commission, signed by A.F. R.otchford, Secretary, setting the date of Monday, November 2, 1953 at Olympia, Washington, for the public hearings of proposed changes of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company rate increases. Mayor Baxter requested that the City Clerk read a notice he had received from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities dated October 23rd, in this regard, stating that the Association of Washington Cities, as such, has not taken a position with reference to this requested rate increase, and that a number of Washington cities have indicated that they desire to file a protest with the Public Service Commission to indicate their opposition to this application for a rate increase; that if the City of Renton desires to file such a protest with the Public Service Commission, the Association of Washington Cities suggests a letter be written immediately stating the City's opposition to same, requesting that this letter to the Commission be made a part of the record in the above entitled pro- ceedings. There being no second to Councilman Tamborini's motion, that this recommen- dation be taken to the combined Association of Valley Cities and Association of Washington Cities Regional meeting on Wednesday evening October 28th in Sumner, for .�, handling through the Association of Washington Cities, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that a communication be drafted to the Public Service Commission protesting the increase in rates. After discussion, a roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Holm, No; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Trimm, No; Richardson, No and Tamborini, No. The vote being 5 "Aye's" and 5 "No's", Mayor Baxter stated that he was not in favor of a communication being sent, as in his opinion, it would not be beneficial to the City of Renton and that he would vote "No". The motion lost. Mayor Baxter requested the City Clerk to make reservations for the dinner at Sumner on Wednesday evening, October 28th for those that could attend. Councilman Farmer, a member of the agenda Committee for the Association of Valley Cites, stated that one of the topics his committee would suggest was water improvement, supply, etc. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Mayor Baxter had met earlier this evening regarding the Ordinance creating and estab- lishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the construction., -improvement and alteration of Municipal Buildings, the acquisition of land, sites and/or rights-of-way connected therewith; and the payment of consultant, engineering and architectural services, which had been previously vetoed by Mayor Baxter, and referred back to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney, and that the Ordinance Committee would like to submit a proposed revised Ordinance covering the same matter and requested that the Ordinance be placed on its first reading only and referred back to the Ordinance Committee. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, creating and establishing .�. a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the construction, improvement and alteration of Municipal Buildings, the acquisition of land, sites and/or rights-of-way connected therewith; and the payment of consultant, engineering and architectural services. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1465, submitted by the Ordinance Com- mittee (as recommended by the Street & Alley Committee) prohibiting parking of vehicles along the south side of 3rd Avenue, from the west curb line of Shattuck Street and 3rd Avenue for a distance of approximately 550 feet westerly. 422 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the proposed Ordinance 'be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richard- �+ son stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1465 and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded 'by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and pro- posed Ordinance No. 1465 be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that Ordinance No. 1465 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance relating to and providing for the re- gulation of and licensing of private detective businesses, private detectives, and merchant patrolmen, as submitted by the Ordinance Committee, defining pri- vate detective business, private detective agency, private detective! and mer- chant patrolmen, restricting their. actions unless properly licensed, stating the fee required for each license and requirement of a license. The proposed Ord- inance is to be effective January 1, 1954. Moved by Taaborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Comm- ittee. Carried. On the subgestion of Councilman Morris, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole on October 20th be incorporated in the minutes of- that date. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Business Tax Ordinance would be changed for 1954 to coincide with the recommendations of the Council as a Whole at their Committee meeting, October 20th. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the present crosswalk on the Sunset Boulevard West in Earlingtonbe moved east 190 feet from the centerline of the present crosswalk. The estimated cost of moving the crosswalk light is $190.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that general caution signs, similar to those used in Seattle, as "Caution, bus traffic," be installed on the west side of Felly Street at 2nd Avenue North and at 3rd Avenue North. Moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the authority for the installation of these signs be referred to the Ordin- ance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance for same. Carried. Councilman Swift, stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that in regard to the Council's decision that parking meters on the south side of Walla Walla Avenue are to remain in place until sufficient off-street parking areas are provided in the City of Renton, that the Railroad Company be so notified, and after sufficient off-street parking is obtained, that the matter be reactiva- ted by the Council. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that he had contacted the Attorney for the owner of the building on the west side of 3rd Avenue, near the 3rd and Rainier intersection, and had informed him that the fence had blown down again and that he had stated that the fence would be put up properly and securely or removed altogether and that he would contact the attorney again to see that this was done. The Police & License Committee being one member short due to the Leave of Absence of Councilman Freyman, Mayor Baxter appointed Councilman Richardson as a member of the Police & License Committee temporarily, during Councilman Freyman's absence. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee had found a suitable place for the memorial plaque now located at the right of the entrance of the City Hall; that they recommended that this plaque be placed on either side of the brick structure at the entrance to the Cedar River Park Administration Building with the idea that should another memorial be made, that the plaque; be placed on the other side of the entrance, and that the Building Inspector be authorized to see that this plaque now located at the City Hall Building be placed at the Cedar River Administration Building entrance. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported on the poor condition of the buildings at Cedar River Park and stated that he, the Building Inspector and a City of Renton carpenter 42L'i"� had thoroughly inspected these buildings with the thought of immediate temporary repair of these buildings in mind, it was their suggestion that the Council consider the possibility of replacing the present celotex siding with cedar siding; that he had obtained a quantity price on cedar siding and had investigated the possibility of dipping the lumber, instead of hand painting same and had estimated that the 36 two—story structures could be repaired for approximately 41000.00 each. That it was the Committee's recommendation that repairs be made in the very near future. Mr. Bill Hendrickson,. Manager of the Cedar River Park stated that if it is the Council's wishes, that they could authorize payments for this repair or improvement and the amounts of these payments could be withheld before the regular quarterly payments are made to the City of Renton. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Building Inspector prepare specifications for a "Call for Bids" for the repair of the Cedar River Park buildings, and present same to the Council for their consideration. Carried. Mayor Baxter and Councilman Druce, President of the Council, on behalf of the Council, thanked Mr. Bill Hendirckson, acting Manager of Cedar River Park for his cooperation and assistance during the time he has been acting Manager of the Cedar River Park Project, since it has been the property of the City of Renton; Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee had been authorized to look for a suitable place for a public comfort station for the people of Renton, due to the problem of the present comfort station located in the City Hall building being closed when the City rpoves its offices to Cedar River Park, and they suggest the Council consider the location of the old comfort station at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Main Street & Walla Walla Avenue, or the location of. Tonkins Park on Walla Walla Avenue and Williams Street. The Council was informed that the location at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Main Street and Walla Walla Avenue would require considerable expense to remodel for such use as this space had been completely- filled in when the repaving was done. The matter was left with the Property Committee for further study. Carried. Councilman Farmer reported that the Fire & Water Committee had investigated the probable use of the cedar storage tank that the Pacific Coast Railroad Company had offered for sale to the City of Renton and that the Committee recommends that no further action be taken in regard to the purchase of the tank and that Mr. Lohman, Purchasing Agent of the Railway Company be thanked for their offer and notified �•• of the Council's action. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Farmer reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommended acceptance of the Kennydale well, providing that satisfactory repairs are made to the pump— house in which the pumping equipment for the Kennydale well is located, and that the cost of this repair be withheld from the final payment to the N.C. Jannsen Company as provided, for in their contract. After discussion, the -Assistant City Attorney stated that he has prepared the required agreement for Mr. Jannsen's signature which has previously been submitted by the Assistant City Attorney to the Consulting Engineer, Mr. Richard Wolff for his approval, that same has been duly approved by the City Engineer and the agreement has been submitted to the City's Engineering Department to secure Jannsen's signature and thereupon to the City for it's acceptance. Councilman Farmer, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, reported that he had contacted the City Engineer and had been informed as soon as the Engineering Department has completed plans for additional water system improvement for 1954, that he would make arrangements for a meeting of the Committee with the Fiscal Con— sultants, Bramrall & Stein Company and the Northwest Water Company. Councilman Morris reported for the Light & Power Committee that two mercury vapor lights had been installed on Williams Street between 4th Avenue & Grady Way, Councilman Swift reported that the Business Men's Committee of the Chamber of Commerce had met this evening and had proposed and showed plans for additional parking on Wells and Williams Streets from 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue, and request that this proposal be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for study and con— sideration before a report is made to the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the matter discussed by several Councilmen at a special meeting with 'the Business Men's Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, previous to the Council meeting this evening in regard to additional parking on Williams and Wells Street be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for study and consideration. Carried. I 24 x Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Chief of Police had discussed with the Police and License Committee the matter of new prowler cars for the City of Renton, that due to the poor condition of the Police Cars that are now being used and the amount of labor and material required to keep them in satisfactory running order, that the Chief of Police recommended that new cars be obtained as early as possible. That the Police & License Committee request Council authority for the Chief of Police to have specifications drafted for new prowler cars ( either 1953 or 1954 models) for 1954, for Council approval; that with the Council's approval, that the "Call for Bids" be prepared and published to allow the date for the opening of bids to be after December 15th so that the new cars would be available to the Police Department as soon as possible and payment for same could be made as allowed and authorized in the 1954 Police Department Budget. After a discussion as to all automobile agencies within the City of Renton having a fair opportunity to submit a bid under these plans, moved by Morris, Seconded by Bruce, that the Council con— cur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. The City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, requested the Council authorize her to enter negotiations (contract and bond coverage) with a private company for a pay sta— tion in the core area of the City of Renton for the public's convenience, outlining the terms for collections of Municipal accounts such as water, sewer and garbage, the contract to be effective November 16th. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tam— borini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Treasurer. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that he had talked with the Chief of Police, Angelo Busato, regarding a lunch counter concession at the Cedar River Park and requested the Council consider granting the concession, rent free for one year, until it could be determined what volume of business would be handled; that consideration had been given to catering service. for the Police Department jail meal.-I. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that this hatter be left in the Property Committee for their recommendation to the Council. Carried. The Building Inspector informed the Council that the loose blocks in the sidewalk on the northeast corner of 3rd and Williams, adjacent to the Peoples Bank Build— ing were the responsibility of the owner of the building and that as soon as the sidewalk can be safely blocked off, the repair will be made. The Street Commissioner reported that the broken edge of the sidewalk in the cross— walk side of the intersection of 3rd & Wells Street had been reported and would be repaired as soon as possible. r1ayor Baxter stated that the broken curb on the northwest corner of 2nd Avenue and Wells Street had been reported to the Street Department and would be repaired as soon as possible. Councilman Morris reported that plans had been completed for the improvement of Main Street between 3rd Avenue and Cedar River and that this work would start in January, 1954. The Building Inspector, Walter Will, was informed that the matter of moving the present City Hall office properties to Cedar River Park had been left to his dis— cretion and that November 14th and 15th was satisfactory to the Council. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. (There was one person present besides City of Renton employees. �. City ' erk l yor 425 Renton, Washington November 3, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Freyman and Reid are on leave of absence and Councilman Holm and Farmer were excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WEIRS: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief, Floyd_ Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Ken Oyler, Acting City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Vere Thompson, Assistant Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of October 27th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5025 50.00 Wm. H. Weber 1201 3rd Ave., N, remodel garage 26 200.00 Richard N. Jardine 1444 Sunset Blvd. remodel bldg. 27 600.00 C. F. Shane 442 Sunset Blvd. 28 25.00, Mary E. Henry 2010-2012 8th Ave., N. cut bank 29 700.00 Dale & McLendon 320 Wells Street remodel bldg. 5030 700.00 Mrs. Konsack 210 Meadow St. remodel bldg. 31 — Mr. Griffin 341 N. Wells plumbing service 32 40.00 . Earl Evans 1050 G. Street wire service 33 200.00 Nelly Rice .426 Cedar Street remodel house 33—A 100.00 H. L. Bennett 338 Garden Street repair house 34 — Nelly Rice 426 Cedar Street install gas furn. 35 500.00 John C. Trottman 400 Mill Street erect garage 36 650.00 Ike Hancock 440 N. Williams remodel house 37 250.00 North Lumber Co. 2nd & Factory erect fence 38 — J. B. Kellaher 13013 90th Ave. So. install septic tank 39 — John Belmondo 733 Grant Street sewer connection 5040 — Charles Brunette 622 G. Place install HW tank 41 200.00 Town & Country Motors 2nd & Burnett wire service 42 70.00 Renton Coil Spring Co. 1515 4th Ave., N, remodel bldg. 42—A 500.00 Kelly Ballard 124 Pelly St. remodel house 43 4,000.00 Viola Morgan 913 3rd Ave., remodel bldgs. 44 400.00 City of Renton and People's Bank 45 50.00 Don Gaspari 339 Cedar St, erect fence 46 — John Belmondo 735 Grant St. install furnace 47 3.,000.00 James Hurner 907 D. St. addin on bldg. 48 — Mary Peterson 4th & Factory plumbing service A communication was read from Williams & Swanson, signed by John H. Swanson (to the attention of Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee; re— questing permission to relocate a driveway at 214 Burnett Street, asking that the parking meter (#155) at this location be removed for the installation of this drive— way and the present driveway be abandoned and the parking meter (#155) be relocated at this location. It is the opinion of Mr. John Swanson that this move would permit easier access to their building and eliminate much of the congestion caused by cars parking at the present site of the meter. Councilman Richardson stated that Captain Isackson of the Police Department Traffic Division had inspected and was familiar with this proposed change of parking meter and driveway. Moved by Richardson, second— ed by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Dominic Rockey, 334 Wells Street, requesting permission to construct a parking lot on his property (B1. 15, Lot 4) according to Engineering Department specifications. Councilman Swift stated that, in his opinion, such a proposal is in the very best interest of the City's parking problem and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Hydraulic Hoist Corporation, signed by Arne Feroy requesting that their lease be extended for 4 years from the expiration date, 426 I� February 28, 1954. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney to investigate and report back. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed agreement by and between the City of Renton and Robert P. Plut, d/b/a HUB CITY DRUGSTORE, ie., as of November 163, 1953, the City establishes additional collection facilities for its water, sewer and garbage bills, outlining collection details, stating the requirement of a proper bond (in an amount of not less than $1000.00) and the collector's compensation at the rate of 5¢ for each such payment stub. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the Agreement as presented. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Junior-Senior High School signed by the Renton High School Vehicle Safety Committee, D.D. Felton, Chairman, Joseph Koenig, Harold Conley, Paul Wells, Walter Porter, and William Brown, in regard to a pro- blem of the safety of Renton Junior Senior High School students and recommending that 2nd Avenue, between Morris and Whitworth Streets be blocked off during the period from 11:15 A.M., to 12:40 P.l"r., allowing free movement of pedestrian traffic in this area. After considerable discussion as to the proposal being impractical and the consensus of opinion being that students of sufficient age to be attending said school should be well trained in observing traffic laws, rules and regulations applicable to pedestrians, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the pro- blem be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from the Housing Authority, signed by Don Humble, Exec- utive Director, to Mayor Joe R. Baxter, advising that Mr. William Hendrickson, Manager of the Cedar River Park, has been granted permission by the Housing Author- ity Board to use his accrued annual leave to go to Alaska to consider a job in private housing there, and that the Board has decided to hold his position open until he has made his final decision; that if it becomes necessary to replace Mr. Hendrickson, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority will submit their replacement selection to the Mayor for his approval or rejection. Mayor Baxter re- quested the communication placed on file. A report was read from Donald G. Holm, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, stating that they have been unable to reconcile all the figures pre- sented in the surveying schedule of Richard E. Wolff's contract payments; that a conference is scheduled with James Highton, City Engineer, Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer and the Auditing & Accounting Committee for this week to attempt to clarify these matters and that the Auditing & Accounting report would be made at the next Council meeting. The report was ordered held until the next Council meeting. The City Clerk stated that a report had been received from the Greater Renton Health Council outlining their meeting. This communication is to be held until the next Council meeting. The City Clerk stated that an Operations Report had been received from the Cedar River Housing Project. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the report be referred to the Council as. a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, signed by Don Humble,. Executive Director, stating that the redevelopment plan submitted to the Committee of the Council as a Whole recently and approved by this body, had been submitted to the Public Housing Administration subsequently, at a meeting in which Councilman Reid and Bruce were present, and the Public Housing Administration officials had requested the following changes: The plan contemplated: (a) leaving 6 structures on-site on the east side of J. Street between 8th and- 9th Avenue North. The Public Housing Administration officials requested that these buildings be sold off-site. (b) selling off-site the structures on the east side of H. Street between 5th and 6th Avenue North. The Public Housing Administration officials requested that 6 of these structures be sold on-site. The Public Housing Administration also requested that the number of on-site sales of structures be increased; that they now proposed to sell 36 additional structures containing 68 housing units on-site in the area north of 12th Avenue North and east of 13th Avenue North; that this would require a slight realignment of the 4 proposed streets between 12th Avenue North and 14th Avenue North, east of J. Street. These streets would serve the ad- joining property. The Housing Authority request approval of these changes in the proposed Renton Highlands disposition and redevelopment plan. The Public Housing Administration officials also request that the City of Renton give some assurance of continuing maintenance of the proposed walkway through the Highlands area. The Housing Authority request the City's complying with this request. Councilman Bruce stated that he and Councilman Reid had attended the meeting, and these suggested changes had not been contemplated by the Housing Authority at that time; that the 427 matter had already been presented to the Planning Commission and Building Inspector. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the communication be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from Frank H. Vaise Post No. 1263, V.F.W., signed by Terrance J. Smith, Commander, protesting the location of certain Seattle Gas Company equipment immediately in front of their property at 416 Burnett Street, in the Park- way. After a discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the communi- cation be forwarded to the Seattle Gas Company, Rentcn, with a transmittal letter informing them of the condition and requesting that they take the matter up directly with the Veterans of Foreign Wars. On the question, Fire Chief Lawrence stated that part of the equipment consisted of a control valve and that he would discuss the matter with Mr. Longan of the Renton Office of the Seattle Gas Company. Ken Oyler, Acting City Engineer, stated that they had received a written request to remodel this equipment and permission to add three standards. The City Engineer is to with- hold his decision, as to the request, until a report is received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The motion Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that two laws had passed the last State Legislature and that these matters should be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the required Ordinances. (1) Cities and towns were authorized to set up a "Payroll" and a "Claims" Fund, specifying their uses. Also authorization to (2) set up a "Special Revolving Fund", specifying its uses, that the proposed Ordinances, together with the Business Tax Ordinance should be prepared to be effective by the first of the year, and moved, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinances. Carried, Fire Chief Lawrence invited the Mayor & Council to the Seattle Fire Department's Annual Banquet and Dance. on Saturday evening, November 14th, stating that the banquet would be held at the Olympic Hotel at 6:30 P.M., and the dance at the Civic Auditor- ium at 8:30 P.M. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be recessed for con- sideration., by the Committee of the Council as a Whole, of Local Improvement Dis- trict #239, Earlington Sanitary Sewer Improvement, assessment roll. Carried. After the- recess the meeting was called to order by Joe R. Baxter, Mayor. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, MORRIS, HANSEN, T RIMM, RICHUDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Morris reported that the Light & Power Committee recommended that a Street light be installed on Williams Street North between 2nd Avenue North and 3rd Avenue North - - that the light be 1000 lumen with open reflector. This light will cost the City of Renton approximately $10.20 per year for power. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recomr-endation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that the Light & Power Committee recommended that a street light be installed at the intersection of 7th Avenue North and F. Street in the Highlands - - that the light be 200 watt with open reflector. This light will cost the City of Renton approximately $19.40 per year for power. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that,the Council concur in the recommendation of the Commit- tee. Carried, The City Clerk will notify the Power Company of the authorization for installation of these two lights. Councilman Bruce reported that he and Councilman Morris had attended a meeting with members of the Lions and Kiwanis Clubs, in regard to the matter of a swimming pool - - that the Lions Club have pledged $5000.00 and as the Council had previously authorized the use of the $33,000.00 raised by a previous tax levy for this purpose; ! they request written authorization from the City stating that this money could be used for this purpose, as the representatives felt that this assurance in writing would assist and expedite the soliciting and collection of sufficient funds (a pro- posed amount of $110,000.00) from the various firms, etc., within the City of Renton, to reach their commitment goal. After discussion, the Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that as this money has never been turned over to the General Fund, providing it is legally permissable to use this money, it could be released for this purpose when sufficient supplementary funds are raised for the construction of a swimming pool; that City Attorney Arthur Haugan had met with representatives regarding the proposed swimming pool and had been informed that an Association will.. be formed for educational and recreational purposes in order to have some organ- ization handle the whole transaction and that in this case it was permissible to release the money. Councilman, Richardson suggested that when this Association is 428 C organized, that the City Clerk be authorized to transmit to same, the minutes of the meeting in which the Council authorized expenditure of this money to apply on a swimming pool. Councilman Swift suggested as a matter of assurance, if the amount of money pledged was within $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 of their goal, that the City could possibly.assist the association further. Councilman Trim stated that the representatives working on the proposed swimming pool felt that they could obtain the necessary money by donations and other collections and that they just wanted assurance if they fell short of their proposed goal that they could come back to the City for assistance. Councilman Swift suggeste! that pub- licity be given to the newspapers that this mosey is available for this purpoee as soon as this .ss,sociation is organized. Councilman ,Bruce reported that all tenants of the Eagles Club, including the City Employees Club, have been notified that this club is no longer available for their meetings or use and that representatives of the City Employees Club had contacted him this evening requesting permission for the use of a room in the Cedar River Park Administration Building for their meetings. The Council was informed that one room in the New City Hall Building will be used for Civil Defense and other groups and that the City employees could use this room, providing the proper arrangements were made for same. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPART14MTS 9420-9540 16,142.20 CLAIMS CURRENT 1588-1600 11'4..,671.03 CLAIMS WATER 8940-8953 4,145.53 CLAIMS STREET 6519-6531 'i,042.31 CLAIMS PARK 1820-1822 896.10 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2712-2714 76.43 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1693-1704 ;2,028.35 CLAIMS SE74ER DISPOSAL 2442-2453 1,604.93 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FD. 665- 669 219609.14 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE. 512 - CLAIM FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND. 113 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 4 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Cityqlerk f Mayor J 42! Renton, Washington November 10, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. This is the last meeting which will be held in the City Hall located at 227 Wells Street, Renton, Washington. Subsequent meetings will be held in the new City Hall in Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURF.NTI, BRUCE, FARMER, MORRIS, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBOR.INI. (Councilman Freyman is on leave of absence) Councilman Trimm was excused and Council— man Hansen was reported ill.) OFFICIALS & DF•PARTI,IPNT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Assistant City Engineer; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Bill Gebenini, Airport Manager. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of November 3rd be approved as written. Carried. A claim was read from Cecil C. Moe, stating that his 1946 buick sedan, which was parked in front of the Owl Cafe, was hit by the Cityls street cleaner causing damage in the amount of $30.70 as estimated by the Fenton Pontiac Agency on November 3, 1953. Mr. Moe requests early consideration of his claim as he is planning on selling his car. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that Mr. Moe should be requested to resubmit his claim in the proper manner to the City, that certain information was necessary before the claim would be considered valid. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the report of the Assistant City Attorney and the Clerk be requested to so notify Mr. Moe. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Gordon J. Blank, to permanent status as patrolman on the Renton Police Force, to be retroactively effective as of October 26th was read. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Joseph Francis Henry, on probationary status as patrolman on the Renton Police Force, to be effective November 12th was read. Mr. Joseph Henry will replace Mr. Alfred L. Henno, terminated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Junior Chamber- of Commerce, signed by Henry Brotherson, President, in regard to their Xmas decoration program advising the Council of their plans and requesting the Councils cooperaticn in completing their program. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Public Relations Committee for their consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the N. C. Jannsen Drilling & Manufacturing Company, signed by F. C. Yett, enclosing the signed original and one copy of an agreement and warranty as requested by the City of Renton. The Assistant City Attorney, upon investigation stated that the Agreement and Warranty had been prepared by the City Attorney's office and was satisfactory. The Building Inspector informed the Council that the pump house had been almost completely repaired and he estimated the cost would not exceed $200.00, which should be paid by the Jannsen Company. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the "Agreement and Warranty" be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, the City Attorney, Mayor Baxter and the City Clerk, with power to act. Carried. A progress report was read from R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, covering the Dorr Company, contractor for the Sewage Treatment Plant Equipment, of the material fur— nished in connection with the sewage treatment plant lid only, to November 1, 1953, in the total amount of $3318.00, including Washington State Sales Tax. The estimate was approved and recommended for payment by James Highton, City Engineer. A second report was read from R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, of the "work completed to October 31, 1953" on the Sewage Treatment Plant Tank, by Hoagland—Findlay Engineer— ing Company, in the total amount due the contractor of $19,106.03 which includes Washington State Sales Tax, less 15% retained until completion of the contract. This is the second payment to be paid to the Contractor, on this job contract. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that these two report statements be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. 430 A communication was read from Ellen T. Hanlon, in behalf of her mother, Mrs. Natalie Traverso Gaspari, 337 Cedar Street, requesting Council consideration of a request to remodel her mother's house at the above address; that the Building Inspector had Informed them that there was not sufficient property to add a room and they request permission to reshingle, paint and enclose their porch. The Building Inspector re- ported that at the present time two houses and a double garage are located on the lot which is 45' x 70' (on the longest side) and that the buildings cover a greater percentage of the property-area than the Building Code permits., and to enclose the porch would constitute adding another room which is in violation of the Zoning Or- dinance and Building Code. After discussion, the Board of Appeals having been es- tablished by the Building Code Ordinance, under jurisdiction of the Building In- _ spector, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the letter be referred to the Building Inspector and Board of Appeals for investigation and to report back their recommendation. Carried. Upon being invited to address the Council, Mrs. Gilmore, from the audience, stated that she would like the Council's consideration of her request to operate the Lunch Counter concession at Cedar River Park. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, stated that he had been contacted by Mrs. Gilmore and had checked her references and qualifications; that she had the necessary equipment to start such a lunch counter and was familiar with the Police Department requisites in regard to jail meals; that he had received one other request for the operation of the lunch counter but that the Property Committee .recommended that the Council consider renting the lunch counter concession at $20.00 per month, for one year, that this would pay for municipal utilities, and that the Committee felt that Mrs. Gilmore's qualifications were very good and that her request be given consideration. The Police Chief stated that he was glad someone was willing to operate a lunch counter and prepare the jail meals as this had presented quite a problem. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer enclosing a voucher from Mr. Richard E. Wolff in the amount of $1470.01 for .Consulting Engineering services on the Kennydale well. (The value of the work in which Mr. Wolff participated is $39,700.13, the fee schedule for this type of work being 10%, makes the total fee due of $3970.01 - - of which $2500.00 had been previously paid.) The City Engineer stated that he found the calculations to be correct and recommended payment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the voucher and City Engineer's communication be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A report was read from the Greater Renton Health Council reviewing their accom- plishments and new projects under consideration, also stating that the Council is supported by the Community Chest. (Meeting dates being the 3rd Monday of each month in the Renton Hospital cafeteria at 8:00 P.M.) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the report be referred to the Public Relations Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the matter of the traffic problem in front of the High School had been referred to the Council as a Whole and that he would like to bring it on the floor for discussion; that in his opinion to close 2nd Avenue as requested from Whitworth Street to Morris Street was not a good idea. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion to block this street off would not be a good idea either and suggested a practice done in other Cities, to post "Caution, 15 MPH" signs in front of the High School with "NO PISSING DURING SCHOOL HOURS", The Coun- cil was informed that the traffic lights in front of the High School were adequate as such. After conferring with the Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, Coun- cilman Bruce suggested that the "School Patrol" be requested to act on these partic- ular corners that the Renton High School Vehicle Safety Committee reported as hazardous and that the school children be requested to conform to- the way the traffic signal lights are adjusted. Councilman Farmer suggested that the representatives of the High School Vehicle Safety Committee be requested to meet with the Council as a Whole to determine what their opinions are before taking any final action. On the suggestion of Mayor Baxter, moved by Farmer, seconded by Morris, that representa- tives of the Renton High School Vebicle Safety Committee be requested by letter to meet with the Council as a Whole for further study of this problem. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Cedar River Park Operations Report had been re- ferred to the Council as, a Whole for the Council's information and has been placed on file. On the suggestion of Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, moved. by Richard- son, seconded by Tamborini, that a communication be directed to Don Humble, Execu- tive Director of the Housing Authority requesting him to be present at the next ,Council meeting and explain all changes made to the original proposed redevelop— ment plan for the Renton Highlands. Carried. On the request of Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee and the Assistant City Attorney, Mayor Baxter stated that the Council meeting of December 1st would be set aside for the 1st rending of the proposed Zoning Ordin— ance and if time permits the Ordinances on Private Detectives and/or Businesses and Merchant Patrolmen, the Payroll and Claims Fund, Revolving Fund, Business Tax Ordinance and City Ball Fund Ordinance, and if no protests are received, that the 2nd and final reading of the Ordinances approved be held" on December 8th. f Mayor Baxter explained that the seating arrangement for Councilmen at the new Council Chambers in the new City Hall at Cedar River Park would be arranged in two lines with six Councilmen at each side, rather than in a semi—circle as at the present time, with the Mayor and Clerk at the south end of the tables. The City Clerk was authorized to place the clock now located in the Clerk's Office either in the lobby of the new City Hall or in the City Clerk's office. Councilman Bruce requested the Building Inspector, Walt Will, to investigate and furnish him the information on the proposed building alterations requested by the Trojan Lithograph Company. In regard to the proposed renewal of the Hydraulic Hoist Company's lease for an additional 4 years, the Assistant City Attorney stated that �he would contact the lessee as to his opinion in inserting a 30—day termination clause for both parties to avoid condemnation proceedings in case the City needed to vacate the premises I and that as soon as he had contacted the lessee he would submit his recommendation to the Council. Councilman Holm confirmed the official announcement that Safeway Stores, Inc., had ' definitely decided to erect their new warehouse in the Bellevue area. Councilman Holm reported that the Auditing & Accounting Committee had met with the City Engineer and Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, on Thursday, November 5, 1953 to discuss payment of the voucher presented by Mr. Wolff for another payment due to Mr. Wolff on his engineering work for the City of Renton for e2375.21, as .� corrected, stating that he had been informed that the proposed normal fee schedule was in accord with prevailing engineering fees; that the voucher is based upon a figure of 9.5% of the construction cost of this job, and that the Auditing & Account— ing Committee recommended that the voucher be approved and payment be made. Council— man Holm stated that the Auditing & Accounting Committee has recommended that the City Engineer furnish the City Council a complete schedule of Mr. Wolff's dealings, payments made and their percentage computation; and that all future dealings and agreements be thoroughly studied before any major contracts are entered into for additional work. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Auditing & Accounting Committee, and that the voucher presented by Mr. Wolff in the amount of $2375.21, as corrected be approved and payment be made; that the Engineering Department be requested to furnish a detailed account of contract work by and between Mr. Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer and the City of Renton, including percentage computations and payments made. Carried. Councilman Morris stated that he would like to give a partial report for the Light & Power Committee in regard to the request for renewal, for five years, of Puget Sound Power & Light Company's street lighting contract with the City of Renton, that the Assistant City Attorney has suggested certain changes and that he would like to discuss the proposed changes with Mr. McGarrigle, Manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, to determine just what changes could be made in the best interest of -the City of Renton, and that the Committee recommended that this matter be referred to the Assistant City Attorney for his recommendation and a report back. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council that the Street Fund would be increased gradually i by the motor vehicle and property tax payments which come in regularly. I Street Commissioner Dave Pugh reported that the Gity Parking Lot had officially opened at 4:00 P.M., Friday, November 6th and that proper traffic signs would be installed i as soon as possible. Councilman Morris stated that Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Ways £c Means Committee had requested him to report that the Ways & Means Committee recommended that $200.00 of the $500.00 formerly authorized for the completion of the over-all planning survey and the printing of the booklets which comprise the complete report of same, be taken from the Planning Commission's Expense and the $300.00 balance be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1184. The Building Inspector reported that the Planning survey is complete and the booklets are ready for printing and that arrangements should be made soon for the payment of the Cityts share so that the City of Renton would have this val- uable information and so that less satisfactory routes for the proposed highway through the City of Rentcn would not be planned or considered. Moved by Richardson, 1 seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department and Street Commissioner, Thursday evening, Nov- ember 12th 1953, at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Bruce requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday evening, I November 17th at 7:30 P.M., at the New City Hall. Mayor Baxter requested any Councilman available Saturday morning to be on hand to help keep track of the equipment being moved from the present City Hall to the New City Hall at Cedar River Park. Mcved by Tamborini, seconded by Holm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 4 persons present besides City of Renton %nployees). ity Clerk v 1 Mayor ,1 a Renton, Washington November 17, 1953 The first meeting in the new City Hall at Cedar River Park was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAUPZ4TI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REED, RICH- ARDSON AND TAMBORINI. (Councilman Freyman is on Leave of Absence and Councilman Hansen was reported ill.) j Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that Councilman Freyman be granted another 30 day Leave of Absence, because of illness. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WEREs Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Building Inspector; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the meeting of November 10th be approved as corrected. Carried. After a discussion in regard to same, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council rescind the motion of the previous meeting in regard to the payment for printing the King County Over-All Planning Survey booklets of the Renton area, that instead of taking $200.00 from the Planning Commission Expense and -X300.00 from Cumulative Fund No. 1184 to make up the required 0500.00 expense for same, that the entire amount of $500.00 be paid from Cumulative Fund #1184 and the expense item of $200.00 in the Planning Commission Budget be left unexpended during 1953 to remain in the Current Fund. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMl,M k"0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5049 400.00 N.L. Nichols 3746 -7th Ave. N. wire service 5049-A 100.00 W.C. Kilpatrick 2217 7th Ave. N. remodel basement ... 5050- 100.00 Pederson Bros. Fuel 201 Airport Way wire service 51 300.00 Kenneth Bruce 2322 6th Place erect carport 1-A - Gladding McBean Co. Renton, ,dash install oil tank 2 1,000.90 Lawrence G. Smart 2103 8th Ave. N. addIn on residence 3 - Logan Garrison 863 Monterey Drive install septic tank 4 12,000.00 Richard Metzger 4th Pl. & Shattuck erect office bldg. 5 300.00 Button Animal Hospital 203 Sunset Blvd. W. asphalt paving 6 250.00 Glenn Brown 11905 Sunset Blvd. addfn on residence 7 100.00 Chas. B. Mack 815 A. Street encslcse porch 8 500.00 Bay R. Stearns 2504 6th Ave., N. erect carport 9 - Frank J. Mead 406 Pelly install tank 5060 90.00 Alice Williams 424 Williams Street wire service 1 800,000.00 Renton School Dista#403 1523 4th Ave., N. erect Jr. Hi School 2 - Shoppingtime Market 309 3rd Ave., install gas heater 3 100.00 Charles Goodwin 719 Jones St., erect fence 4 100.00 Francis Farmer 732 Renton St, wire service 5 50.00 Willie Delaurenti 806 1st Ave., N. remodel house 6 400.00 Amil Quiet 11320 SE, 116th St., erect carport 7 300.00 E. C. Sorensen 350 Park Street remodel house 150.00 Clara Callahan 437 Pelly St. erect garage 8 - Pay R. Stearns 2504 Gtr Ave. N. install washer 9 850.00 Puget Sound Power & L. Co. Renton, Wash. repair building 5070 - Pfaff Sewing Mach. Co., 313 Main St, install tank 1 - Evans Building 915 3rd Ave., install plumbing 2 700.00 Ed. Cooks 346 Park Street remodel residence IW.r City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett introduced the Misses Eva Noel, Gwen Moshier and Pat Mahoney, from the Renton High School Journalism Class who were present to take some highlights of this evening's meeting for the next issue of their school paper.. Mayor Baxter welcomed the girls and stated that he was glad they were- present. The City Clerk rend three Call for Bids which are ordinarily Dr6sented at this meeting of the year for Council consideration to be effectivAfirst of January, 1954, for City Legals for 1954, Liquified Chlorine Gas requirements for 1954 and Gasoline requirements for 1954. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the dates for the opening of bids be changed from December 1st to December 15th, the dates of pub- lication to remain November 19th: and 26th respectively. Carried. 434 A communication was reed from the City Engineer explaining an attached, letter from the City of Seattle Water Department, signed by R. W. Morse, Superintendent of Water, in answer to his letter of November 4, 1953, stating that Mr. Morse declined to discuss parking details on Seattle Water Department property while the matter is in the preliminary stage; that the Pacific Coast Railroad Company has removed its spur track from the area, and it is the City Engineer's understanding, in re- gard to the disposition of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company's right-of-way, that the abutting property owners will be given first option to acquire the property and that he has been assured the City's interest across the City of Seattle right-of- way will be protected. Mr. Morse stated in his letter that the Seattle Water Depart- ment, as a matter of policy for the past several years, cooperated with the people of Renton by making available surface use of their Pipeline Right-of-way, that the portion of Right-of-Way involved is abutted by numerous pieces of property under several ownerships -- - that their policy has been to consent to Pipeline Right-of- Way use only in those instances where the owner of the abutting property consents and agrees to the use proposed, that should the abutting property owners agree in writing to the surfacing of the portion of Right-of-Way between Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street, the Seattle Water Department would be willing to grant permission for such surfacing under certain restrictions as stated in their letter of May 12, to the City Engineer. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Richardson, that the communi- cations be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for fur- ther consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the American Institute of Architects, signed by John S. Detli.e, President, enclosing a copy of a resolution recently passed by the Washington State Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, that in order to cope with problems of living environment, etc., they resolve that the Washing- ton Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (1) endorse the objectives of the various municipal and county planning commissions of the Puget Sound region, (2) urge the governing bodies of the municipalities and counties to invest their planning commissions with the maximum authority permitted under enabling legis- lation of the State to plan and direct the future physical development of their jurisdictions, and (3) recommends that the planning commissions form a Puget Sound Regional Planning Council to coordinate the work of now isolated agencies for the greater benefit of individual communities and of the region as a Whole. On the suggestion of Mayor Baxter, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the communication and resolution be referred to the Planning Commission-for their con- sideration. Carried. A communication was read from the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, Los Angeles, signed by Gilbert E. Morris, President, announcing the first Building Officials School to be held in the Northwest, at Washington State College, Pull- man, Washington, December 2, 3 and 4, and requesting approval of the Building Official's attendance and that his expenses be allowed by the City. "Walt Will., the Building Inspector stated that the Pacific Coast Building Officials have been trying to get Universities to put in a credited course on modern Building and Inspection, that three states have accepted this course and Washington State is putting in a course ,on same. On the recommendation of Mayor Baxter, moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from Russell Ralph, Chairman of the Jayceets Distin- guished Service Award Committee, requesting the nomination of a qualified young man for this honor by the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce on January 20, 1954. A nomination blank for this purpose was enclosed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer regarding the V.F.W., Post's objection to the remodeling of the gas pressure regulating vault loce.ted in the parking strip in front of their hall, 'explaining the nature of the problem as pre- sented by the Seattle Gas Company; that he has discussed the problem with Mr. m James Gary, Seattle Gas Companyts engineer and that in his opinion the proposed changes deserve consideration because of the unsatisfactory conditions now ex- isting; that the Seattle Gas Company propose to eliminate the hazard of escaping gas by sealing the vault and carrying any escaping gas to a safe height through three metal pipe vents - - the vents to be equipped with flame arrestors to pre- vent any explosion. The pipe vents (4" metal pipe) to be installed just inside the curb line and will be located so as not to obstruct entrance to or exit from the V.F.W., property; that any change in location of this installation would have to be within two blocks of the existing location because of the Company's distri- bution system - - that should the location be changed, a similar protest is antici- pated from other property owners; that should the change -of location be required, the V.F.W., or any other company or property owner making a`similar request, should bear the cost of the change, which in this instance is estimated to be 435 $3000.00. That it is anticipated in the forseeable future, natural gas will be piped into this area and when this is done, six to eight similar installations are indicated. Mr. Highton stated. that Mr. Gary, representing the Seattle Gas Company, has expressed his willingness to appear before the Council for further explanation of this problem. Mayor Baxter stated that he had contacted the local manager of the Seattle Gas Company and had been informed that the installation now is covered by the franchise. The Fire Chief stated that he has been informed that the new type of control system on the vent will. prevent leakage of gas; that the difference in appearance in the new installation would be the addition of three, 4" pipes, eight feet in height from the ground, six feet south of the present location., equipped with a gas arrestor. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that Mr. -James F. Gary, Distribution Engineer for the Seattle Gas Company and American Legion Representatives be requested to attend the November 24th Council meeting for further discussion of this matter. Carried. A communication was read-from Fred Hancock Post No. 19, American Legion, signed by Russell D. Rhoads, Commander, requesting approval and authorization for installation of six traffic safety signs they will purchase with the inscription "Drive Carefully and a Sit American Legion Emblem, Protect our Children.' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the request of the American Legion (providing the signs meet the requirements of the State Highway Department) and that the signs be turned over to the Street Commissioner for proper installation. Carried. A communication was read,from W. L. Greenfield, requesting permission to sell Xmas trees on the three lots located at 2nd & Burnett Street, 2nd & Smithers Street and 2nd and Rainier Avenue, which he has rented from Mr. Alex Cugini, Mr. Paglia and Mr. Eakles, respectively, that he has previously contacted the Chief of Police in this regard. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be refer- red to the Chief of Police with power to act. -Carried. A request to install a pin-ball machine in Kenniets Donut Shop at 304 Wells Street was read from the Mutual Amusement Company, signed by H. Chevalier. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that-the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk stated that an order had been issued postponing the date of hearing on the Washington Water Power Company application for approval of the merger of nd the Puget Sound Power-& Light Company into Washington Water Power Company. Mayor Baxter requested that the order be filed. A communication was read from W. Chapman requesting permission to install a drain from their lot on Main Street that they have made available to the public for park- ing on a monthly basis, to connect to and drain the surface water into the storm sewer which ultimately drains into the sanl_tary sewer system; that it was their opinion$ the income from the property would not warrant the additional expense of filling the lot and allowing the water to run over the sidewalk into the storm sewer and then into the sanitary sewer, and the surface water-would still drain into the sanitary sewer. The Street Commissioner stated that the lot-is lower than street level and to drain the lot, they had originally connected their drain to the sani- tary sewer. Councilman Richardson stated that he knew of a sump hole drain in back of the Fire Hall which connects to the storm sewer on Mill Street, rather than the sanitary sewer, and this matter should be investigated to see if the property could be drained in this manner. Moved by Swift, seconded by 'Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from "Oats" Cochran, former Mayor and Councilman of the City of Renton, requesting consideration of his request to have, or to purchase the bronze plate which was inscribed with the names of the persons directly respon- sible for the erection of the City Hall at that time (1921) if available, as it was his motion, as a Councilman, that originally started the planning for the construc- tion of the City Hall Building at 227 Wells Street. Mayor Baxter stated that he had thought about this matter a great deal and suggested that the plaque be removed 6Wand kept as a souvenir, that a similar plaque be obtained and inscribed with the information as to the origin of and former location of the plaque in question; that both plaques be placed together on the new City Hall Building in Cedar River Park until such time as a new permanent City Hall is erected and that Mr. Oats Cochran be advised of the Councils action in regard to the plaque. Moved by Reid,- seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the suggestion of Mayor Baxter. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Recreation Council, signed by Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, requesting information as to availability of space and whose responsibility the scheduling of same would be, in the City Hall at Cedar River Park, as well as other pertinent information in regard to same. After discussion 436 moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred-to-the Council as a Whole for their recommendation. Carried. A summary of engineering projects and respective fees for Richard E. TJolff, Con— sulting Engineer, was read from the City Engineer, outlining projects to date as follows: 1951 — Comprehensive study and report on the municipal water system. Agreed fee, $3000.00. 1952 (November) At City Engineer's request, more detailed study of future reservoir sites. Also, development of a water supply from Mount Olivet Springs. Fee of $165.00, based on time and expenses. Preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimate for the improvement of the Kennydale Water System. Fee of $341.10, is part payment.. This is Type I project and Mr. Wolff agreed to handle same for 9.5%. 1953 — (January) Study of the feasibility and cost estimate for supply— ing City of Renton water to the army camp east of Renton. An explanation and review of the proposed new water rete schedule as requested by Mr. Bramhall and Mr. Frazier, fiscal consultants. Fee of $ 120.00, based on time and expense. (March) Preparing plans, specifications and cost estimates for two contracts on the Sewage Treatment Plant Additions. Type II project under fee schedule 9.25%, exclusive of providing full time con— struction inspection. ,This fee schedule provides that 65% of the fee will be paid on completion of plans and specifications. The amount of the Dorr Company & Hoagland—Findlay contracts total _$95,133.00, exclusive of sales tax, 65% of 9.25% applied to the two contract totals of $95,133.00, is in the amount of $5,707.98, the voucher requested being in the amount of $3500.00. (April) Kennydale Water System. The amount of this contract is $75,697.96. Fee schedule, 9.5%, total fee of $7,191.31. Two vouchers in the amounts of $341.10 and $4475.00, respectively, a total amount of $4,816.10, were previously paid as a part pay— ment on this project. The voucher in the amount of $2,375.21 is the final payment for engineering services on this project. (November) Kennydale Well. The amount of this improvement totals $56,510.60. The test well cost $6,799.70. Engineering Fee, $574.10, on a time and expense basis. The work in which Mr. Wolff participated, exclusive of the test well, was in the amount of $39,700.13. This is Type II, Fee charge establishedat 10%, or $3,970.01. A voucher for part payment in the amount,of $2500.00, previously paid, final payment on this project is $1470.01. The total fees paid Mr. Wolff to date are $14,317.31. Councilmen Holm stated this was the report that the Auditing & Accounting Committee had requested that the City Engineer prepare and that the Committee has not had time.to study it as yet, and moved, seconded by Delaurenti, that the report and proposed agreement between the City of Renton and Mr. Wolff, which had previously been referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee, be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to ordery by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURF.IJTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Bruce reported that the meeting called for 7:30 P.M., of the Council as a Whole had been cancelled, but that he would like to inform Mrs. Gilmore, who was in the audience, and who was interested in operating the lunch counter conces— sion, at Cedar_ River Park, that they would be unable to tive her an answer at the present time, but that her request would be considered by the Committee, along with requests of any other Interested parties, before any definite action was taken. As per her request, Mrs. Gilmore was excused from the meeting. Mayor Baxter thanked the Fire Chief, and Fire Department for the bouquet of flowers sent to the Mayor and congratulatory message to the City of Renton. 437 In regard to the report of the meeting of the Housing Authority Representative with the Council as a Whole, and the explanation of the Federal Housing Authorities additional changes in the Housing Authority's proposed redevelopment plan for Renton Highlands, moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for its consideration at their meeting Wednesday evening, November 18th. Carried. Mr. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority stated that he would take the drawings, that he had broughtto the Council meeting this evening, to the Planning Commission meeting Wednesday evening, November 18th, and that he would answer any questions they may have. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that William & Swanson be granted permission to relocate a driveway at 21.4 Burnett Street and parking meter #155 as previously requested. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee reported for the Committee that the right-of-way vacated by the Pacific Coast Railroad Company in the area of 3rd Avenue and Mills Street, known as the Woods Spur, was found to be only 20 feet wide on the north end and 16 feet wide where it joins 3rd .Avenue, and they con- sidered its use as a street dangerous, and also that it was too small for parking use, and that unless there were other suggestions, which would be up to the Council's further action, that the Committee recommended that the City cancel the request to the Pacific Coast Railroad Company for consideration in the acquisition of this pro- perty. Moved by Farmer,. seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur In the recommen- dation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried, Councilman Reid voted "No". The City Clerk was requested to forward a proper letter of information to the Pacific Coast Railroad Company informing them of the Council's action. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that his Committee recommended that parking on Mill Street from 3rd to 4th Avenue be restricted to the west side only, and that no parking be permitted on the east side, and that if their recommendation is accepted, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that the matter of synchronizing the traffic signal lights at the Maple Valley intersection with the Railroad Company signals in this area, had been brought to his attention and that he has previously contracted the Railroad Company who will bring it to the attention of their traffic signal committee. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the City Engineer for a report back when he gets a report from the Traffic Department of the Railroad Company. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 9541-9691 25,984.56 CLAIMS WATER 8954-8956 3,193.07 CLAIMS CURRENT 1601-1648 20206.59 CLAIMS STREET 6532-6534 2,671.75 CLAIMS PARK 1823- - 901.54 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2715-2726 1,939.85 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1705-1713 1024.07 CLAIAS SEWER DISPOSAL 2454-2455 1,056.92 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 513 25.00 CLAIM FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND. 119- 120 250.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. FD. 670 3,313. 0 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1184 435 500.00 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Morris that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 15 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) n � U �• City erk or e 438 x Renton, Washington November 24, 1953. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, TRIMM, REID AND TAMBORINI. ( Councilman Freyman is on Leave-of-Absence and Councilmen Hansen and Richardson were reported ill.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS present were: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and: Walt Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of November 17th Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter invited representatives from the V.F.W., to state their complaint in regard to the Seattle Gas Company standards presently located in front of the V.F.W. Fall. Mr. Terrence Smith, Commander of the local V.F.W., Post, from the audience stated that the present installation was made difficult and that offensive odors came from the pipe at different times - - that the V.F.W., had spent con- siderable money during the past few years in making improvements to their building and that the pipe was directly in front of the new glass window and should be moved. On being asked to state their opinion in regard to the gas standards, Mr. Guller, a representative from the Seattle Gas Company stated that their company representatives had come out this evening for the purpose of answering questions in regard to the modification of the regulator vault in front of the V.F.W., Hall. In answer to questions put to him, Mr, Guller stated that they had planned to re- locate the standard approximately two feet south of the present location and that the new standards would be in line with this one - - that without an es- timated expenditure of $3000.00 to move the regulator vault, which would be the customer's expenses, the pipes could not be moved further south than stated; Mr. James Gary' Seattle Gas Company Engineer stated that he had designed the subject modified installation and that its purpose was to take the high pressure gas delivered to the Renton area and redistribute same within the City of Renton - that the present installation requires constant maintenance and is an operation problem, that they had requested permission from the City to modernize the installation, that after the V.F.W., had heard of the modernization they had directed a letter of protest to the City, which had been forwarded -to the Seattle Gas Company for consideration - - that they felt the same way about the install- tion but that it was just another public utility and they know of no way to re.- model and modernize the installation without these vents protruding. Mayor Baxter requested the Assistant City Attorney's opinion in regard to the Seattle Gas Company's Franchise (Ordinance No. 280.) The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Franchise, by and between the City of Renton and the Seattle Gas Company, formerly known as the Seattle Lighting Company) stated that there is "granted to the Seattle Lighting Company, etc., the right, privilege and author- ity for the period of 50 years (the franchise will expire in 9 years, or 1962) etc., authority to lay down, maintain and operate in along and under any and all of the streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards, and public places within the City of Renton, pipes and mains, with all the necessary and proper attachments, connections and appurtenances, for the supply, transmission, distribution and sale of heating and illuminating gas." The City Engineer stated that had no question arose, the City would have issued a permit for the proposed alteration and modernization of the vents the same as they would a permit for any public utility. Mayor Baxter stated that the City Council had studied and considered this matter quite thoroughly and suggested that the Council abide by the opinion of the City Engineer and the wording of the franchise and that in his opinion milli representatives of the V.F.W., should meet with Seattle Gas Company represen- tatives to see what solution could be worked out to the best interest of both parties. Councilman Bruce suggested that the permit be held in abeyance until the two parties have agreed on the installation. Councilman Vern Morris stated that as per statements of the City Attorney and- City Engineer, the Council had no legal right to refuse a permit to the Seattle Gas Company for the proposed alteration, and moved, seconded by Holm, that the request of the Frank R. Vaise Post #203 be filed without action. Carried. 439 Mayor Baxter asked if the Renton High School Vehicle Safety Ccmmittee members who were present this evening would like to discuss their problem with the Council at this time. Mr. Walter Porter, who is a member of the Committee, stated that they have an unfortunate situation in front of the high school, that approximately 4400 students between the ages of 11 and 18 years cross this intersection to go to the school lunch room provided in the building across the street; that the students have 20 minutes to eat their lunch and get back to their classes. After discussion, the Councilmen suggesting many and various means of alleviating this problem, the suggestion of the possibility of setting the vehicular traffic controls to a 4. way stop for longer periods than the pedestrian or "walk" traffic stop, being seriously considered, moved by Farmer, seconded by Bruce, that this suggestion be referred to the Traffic Division to work with the School Vehicle Safety Committee to see what they can work out in the way of a traffic control system for school children during the noon—hour period. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting the final plat and dedication of President Park No. 5, (annexed under Ordinance No. 1455) and recom- mending that same be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, requesting Council consideration and approval of a prospective route of the new proposed limited access highway through Renton, favorable to the City of Renton, on which the Planning Commission could present a united front in advising the State Highway Department as to the location of this route through Renton; that the route worked out, seemed to them the most logical and the one which they feel would best serve the interests of the City of Renton - - that the map indicates access points, and the portion which would be elevated, of the access highway going through the City. The Planning Commission further proposes to get approval from all interested organizations in the City, as well as the citizens of Renton; that in this way they would be in a better position to present a route to the State Highway Department, which they would like to see adopted. A committee from the Planning Commission will meet with the Council, or any Council Committee for further discussion on consideration of this request. The City Engineer stated that he had a small map of the proposed route of the access high- way, but would have a larger scale map completed very soon. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee were familiar with this matter and would make their report later. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that their Commission recommended that the zoning of the Domenic Rockey property (b1. 15, Lot 40 for construction of a parking lot, subject to Engineering Department specifications be approved. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The Building Inspector stated that it would not be necessary to rezone this pro- perty for the construction of a parking lot, but that in the future if a building were contemplated, the property would require rezoning. A communication was read from Fagna E. Shapton, extending on behalf of the resi- dents in the 500 block on South Williams Street, their thanks and appreciation to the Mayor and City Council for improving the street lights at subject location. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mrs. H. Graven, 626 4th Avenue West who is Secre- tary of the Earlington P.T.A., requesting proper "School Go Slow" signs be installed in all their school areas, and a traffic stop light be installed and operated during school hours, at the crosswalk on the Sunset Highway. (Mrs. Graven stated that a petition requesting the signs-and the light would be presented at the November 24th Council meeting, but such a petition was not received.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk reported that on Mr. Don Humble's Executive Director of the Renton Housing Authority, request, as to the Planning Commission's action in regard to the proposed Housing Authority's revised proposed redevelopment plan for the Renton Highlands, that Mr. C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission had informed him and requested him to so advise the Council, that the Planning Commission had approved the revised plans as submitted and that a letter confirm- ing this ;statement would be received by the Council by Friday, November 27th, that it had been delayed due to the holiday. The City Engineer stated that he had attended the Planning Commission meeting also, and that they had voted to approve the plans but that the letter had been delayed. Councilman Farmer stated that in 440 his opinion, the Housing Authority should be reminded of the Council' s earlier " request for clearing of some of the idle property to the east of the Highlands Fire Station, .that created a fire hazard, which they had previously stated they would take care of. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission upon receipt of a written communi- cation verifying the verbal report on the subject as given by the City Clerk. Carried. Councilman Trimm, a member of the Ordinance Committee presented proposed Reso- lution No. 857 authorizing the.City Engineer or Street Commissioner to install "Caution or Care" signs on Pelly.Street on the west side of 2nd and 3rd Avenue North. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council approve the pro- posed Resolution as read. Councilman Swift stated that the signs were for traffic control on the bus route in that area and were to be similar to those used in Seattle. The motion carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance creating a "Claims Fund" for the pay- ment of claims against the City for any purpose, to be effective January 1, 1954. Moved by Swift,. seccnded by Farmer, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the "Claims Fund" had nothing to do with insurance claims, that the Insurance Companies would still handle this type of claim, but would cover just other types of claims against the City not covered by insurance, that the City would be liable for, that the last session law allowed the City to set up three new funds, Payroll, Claims and an Equipment Rental Fund, which they an— ticipated would facilitate the Cityts bookkeeping and accounting. Councilman Holm requested Council consideration of the reading of proposed Ordinances one night, then holding them until the next Council meeting for consideration and study, before passing same. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance creating a special Payroll Ftuid, as pre— sented by Councilman Trimm, a member of the Ordinance Committee, to be effective January 1, 1954. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance covering "Merchant Patrolmen and Private Detectives and/or Businesses" and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the .. proposed Ordinance be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, .moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that proposed Ordinance No. 1466 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. `A copy of this Ordinance will be furnished the Police Department.) Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee had contacted the Building Inspector in regard to the .Building Officials attendance at the Confer- ence in Pullman, December 2, 3 and 4th and the Building Inspector recommended that the Assistant Building Inspector be designated as the Official to attend the Conference; Councilman Trimm stated that the Committee recommended the esti- mated expense of $100.00 for this trip be allowed the Assistant Building Inspector and the money be paid from the Planning Commission's Expense Fund. After a dis- cussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, -that a portion of the motion made at the November 17th Council meeting stating "that the $200.00 budgeted for Planning Commission Expense remain in the Current Fund, unexpended during 1953," be re- scinded. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee and the Assistant; Building Inspector be allowed to attend the Building Officials Conference in Pullman, December 2, 3 and 4th and that $100.00 of his expenses be paid from Planning Commission Expense. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance as recommended by Building Inspector Walt Will, amending the Plumbing Ordinance No. 1351, to increase the plumbing building permit fee. to conform to the plumbing code. Moved by Tambor-Ini, seconded +� by Trimm, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. Councilman Reid and Councilman Tamborini, reported for the Sanitation Committee that upon investigation they had not found a storm sewer drain in tho vicinity of the proposed. Chapman parking lot, and recommended that the drain be allowed to drain as at the present time, but that a catch basin be installed at Mr. Bill Chapman's expense to prevent sand. and gravel from entering the sanitary sewer line. Moved by Trimm, seeorrled by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Sanitation Committe and Mr. Chapman be so notified. Carried. 441 Councilman Farmer stated that in his opinion the Council should take some action on the voucher presented by the Consulting Engineer for service he has already performed and for contracts with the City that have been completed. Councilman Holm stated that this matter had been referred to his Committee November 14th and that in his opinion the voucher was correct, but that he felt this whole matter, and also the agreement by and between Mr. Wolff and the City of Renton should be re- viewed thoroughly by the Council as. a Whole before any action was taken. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion the two matters should be con- sidered as separate items, that if the contract is completed the contractor is entitled to reasonable compensation for work done - - that the matter of an agree- ment for future work could be taken up at a later date. The City Engineer stated that there have been no commitments, written or verbal, for future work. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that Mr. Richard E. Wolff, the Consulting Engineer be paid the balance of $1407.01, due to him for Engineering services on the Kennydale well. Carried. - Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee recommended that the City approve Resolution No. 858, a contract presented by the Light & Power Committee for street lighting from November 1, 1953 (5 years) to November 1, 1958. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee members had attended the last Planning Commission meeting and with reference to the letter from the Planning Commission in regard to the proposed access highway through Renton, and that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Mayor appoint a joint civic com- mittee comprised of the Mayor and representatives of City Government, civic, im- provement and service clubs - - that this joint committee investigate and determine the best route through the City of Renton for the proposed highway to enable them to present a proposal approved by an organized majority of the citizens in this area. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion this Committee should be made up of representatives of the different interested organizations who would work out and determine the route through Renton for the best interests of the City. Moved by Farmer, .seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would appoint the Committee as soon as he had received sufficient information to submit to the Committee. Councilman Swift reported that the plan for additional parking on Williams & Wells Street presented several meetings ago had been thoroughly discussed and studied by the Committee, the City Engineer and Traffic Division of the Police Depart- ment and that they had determined that the streets were too narrow for this pro- posed one-way traffic and angle parking and the Committee recommended that this plan be rejected. Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm stated that the matter of establishing a special fund for monies coming in from the new parking lot on Main Street had been brought to his attention as it was necessary to make payments for the equipment from said special fund; that he had been advised that a motion was sufficient to authorize such a fund, until a Resolution could be passed to cover same, and stated that the Auditing & Accounting Committee recommended that a special "off-street parking fund - - Main Street" be established. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Auditing & Accounting Committee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that a motion to establish this fund would be sufficient until the necessary resolution is preopared, that all monies received from these parking meters in the new parking lot on Main Street are to be paid to the Parking Meter Company until the new parking meters and necessary equipment for their installation and operation is paid for. Councilman Swift reported that it would be necessary to have an Ordinance pre- pared to control the flow of traffic leaving the parking lot, that their committee had recommended such an Ordinance at the time the lot was proposed, allowing the motorists to leave the lot via the alley to 2nd Avenue, rather than 3rd Avenue, and so moved, seconded by Farmer, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. On the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, in regard to future annex- ation, moved by Brace, seconded by Delaurenti, that a future policy be established, that the City of Renton annex the full right-of-way on all streets and highways bordering the area to be annexed. Carried. The Planning Commission is to be notified of the Council's action in regard to street and highway rights-of-way to be included in annexations. 442 . x Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had been requested by the Traffic Division to obtain a clarification of the traffic codes and that the traffic code ordinance be brought up to date — — that necessary ordinances amending same be passed to cover present rules and that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Police & License Committee had discussed the matter of a new type of parking ticket with the Chief of Police end recommen— ded a ticket with an attached envelope for the return of the fine, that the City of Renton would be responsible for the return postage — that the suggested tickets read $1.00 fine if paid within 7 days, after 7 days the fine to be increased to $2.00; that both the Committee and Chief of Police felt that this type of ticket would make it easier for the public to comply. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the matter be referred to the Ordin— ance Committee to amend the present over—time parking ordinance to legalize the changes authorized by the first above motion. Carried. Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner reported that the City Engineer, Building Inspec— tor and himself were preparing a letter to the Council requesting condemnation of the Williams Street bridge. A report was received from the Renton Police Department for the Mayor's and Council information, that on November 18th, William Russell 89 Logan Street, had been notified to remove debris and to desist from further wrecking or dismantling vehicles at this location, within 10 days of notification or be subject to legal action as prescribed by law. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. (There were 14 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) 'Z C y Clerk Mayor 443 Renton, Washington December 1, 1953. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE$ SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS present were: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; David Pugh, Street Commissioner; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller; Walter Will, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti that the minutes of the November 24th meeting be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Milton G. Fiene, 343 Factory Street, Chairman of the Christmas Tree Sales for the Kennydale Lions Club, requesting a permit to operate a Christmas tree stand on the corner of Main Street and Second Avenue on the property of the Bronson Memorial Hospital. Mr. Fiene stated that arrangements had been made with the owners for use of the property. They applied for a waiver of the City Business Tax because the Lions Club is an incorporated non—profit organization. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Morris that the permit be granted, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief, and the Chief of Police. Carried. A communication to the City Engineer was read from James F. Gary, Distribution Engineer for Seattle Gas Company, which stated a friendly agreement has been reached with the V.F.W., Club on the proposed work in the street in front of their property. Work to commence Monday.. November 30 and continue for about a week. A tranch to be opened approximately 20 feet long by 18 inches wide by 24 inches deep in the gutter beside the vault to lay a temporary by pass line for supplying the city while working in the vault. Mork areas to be barricaded and careful public protection maintained. The parking strip to be blacktopped and the pipe standards painted in a manner acceptable to the V.F.W., architect. Moved by Swift and seconded by Tamborini that the letter be filed. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce signed by Herbert W. Wening, President, expressing appreciation for courtesy extended them in referring the proposed changes in the Business Tax Ordinance for their consider— ation. The Chamber of Commerce tax committee concurs with the City Council with one exception i.e., the Chamber does not approve of the elimination of the year— to—year provision for enacting the ordinance as it now stands. Moved by Richard— son, seconded by Reid that this communication be filed. Carried. A communication signed by David J. Pugh, Street Commissioner, Walter W. Will, Building Inspector and James L. Highton, City Engineer was read which explained the condition of the Williams Street bridge which is, in general, unsatisfactory and although there is no immediate danger of failure, they recommended closing the bridge to truck traffic. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation as set forth in the communication. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission signed by C.G. Myers, Secretary which stated that the revised plat of the Renton Highlands Housing Project area was presented to the Commission by Mr. Don Humble. The following resolution was passed: RESOLVED: That we recommend to the City Council that they approve the revised plat of the Renton Highlands Housing Project area as proposed on the new plat map. The map with revised plat is in the possession of the City Engineer. Moved by.Bruce, seconded by Reid that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance #1467, recommended by the Ordinance Committee creating and establishing a special claim fund for the purpose of paying claims against the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti that the proposed Ordinance be passed as read. A roll call vote was taken, all councilmen present voted aye. Carried. 444 c The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance No. 1468, recommended by the Ordinance Committee creating and establishing a special payroll fund for the purpose of paying monies to city employees for salaries and wages. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and finalreading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer that the pro- posed Ordinance be passed as read. A roll call vote was taken. All Councilmen pre- sent voted aye. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed Business Tax Ordinance No.1469. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the proposed Ordinance be altered so that it would be effective for, and during the calendar year 1954 only. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce that the proposed Business Tax Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for the alteration authorized by the Council and to be again presented to the Council December 8, 1953, for further Council Consideration. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested that the proposed Ordinance No. 1470, establishing and defining a plumbing code for the city, regulating the installation, construction, alteration and repair, fixtures, apparatus and equipment,; requiring petrmits and setting up a fee schedule, providing penalties for violations and repealing con- flicting ordinances and provisions, be placed on the first reading. After the first reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance No. 1470 be referred to the Ordinance Cpmmittee. Carried. Councilman Richardson, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, requested that proposed Ordinance No. 1474 restricting parking of vehicles on a certain designated street and providing penalties for the violation thereof be placed on its first reading. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti , that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A petition was presented in person by Mr. Venetti, requesting that proper "School Go Slow" signs be installed in the area surrounding Earlington Grade School for pro- tection of the students. As stated in the petition, signs should be placed on Langston Road at Stevens Street and Thomas Street and on Earlington Street and Thomas Street parallel to the school. They also requested that a stop light be in- stalled on Sunset Highway at the crosswalk and be operated during school hours. Consideration was requested for arterial signs on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Earlington Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer that the petition be ..r, referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the Street Commissioner„ with power to act. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the request by the Jaycee's for the nom_Lnation of a young man for the honor of The Jaycee's Distinguished Service Award was referred to the Council as a Whole. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that; this letter be filed. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the communication from the Renton Recreation Council requesting information as to availability of space and who is to be responsible for the scheduling of same in the City Hall at Cedar River Park, was referred to the Council as a Whole. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the allocat- ing of space in the recreation portion of the New City Hall building be referred to Mr. Gene Coulon. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported on the matter of a proposed concession for a lunch room to furnish jail meals and cater to the public in a space equipped as kitchen in the new City Hall Building, The Property Committee recommended that the Council call for bids on a lease for six months to a year with an option for renewal. Present equipment to be made available for inspection. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the :recommendation of the Property Committee and that the City Attorney be requested to prepare a call for bids to secure a lessee operator for the proposed lunch room In the new City Hall Building. Carried. r.r The City Clerk read the proposed Zoning Ordinance No. 1472, which is intended to regulate the location and use of building, use of land within the City of Renton, limiting the height of buildings, prescribing building lines, size of ;yards and open spaces, and for these purposes to divide the city into district and repeal- ing Ordinance No. 1164. Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 445 Request was made by Councilmen Richardson and Delaurenti to be excused from attending the next Council meeting December 8, 1953. Permission was granted by Mayor Baxter with the unanimous approval of the Council. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Morris, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMECS 9692-9812 16,536.39 CLAIMS CURRENT 1649-1654 15,568.1.2 �... CLAIMS WATER 8957-3958 3,040.96 CLAIMS STREET 6535-6536 3,002.01 CLAIMS PARK 1824-1825 9'17.58 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2727-2727 13.00 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1714-1718 12969.88 CLAIMS SEWER DISPOSAL 2456-2457 11261.12 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 670 - 671 41788.61 CLAIMSCIVILI4N DEFENSE FD. 513 - CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting , adjourned at 11:00 P.M., (There were 15 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Wiley Cr o —City Clerk Joe R. Baxter — Mayor 1 446 C Renton, Washington December 80 1953. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, HOLM, FARMER, MORRIS, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, AND TAMBOFSNI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS present were: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; David Pugh, Street Commissioner; James Highton, City Engineer; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by' Reid, Seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the December 1st meeting, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Ap AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5073 + 100.00 M. J. F.auma 528 Williams St. Replace windows 74 15,500.00 Andrew Gigli 727 Renton St. Erect, new house 75 200.00 Viola Morgan 913 — Third Ave. Rewire Bldg. 76 300.00 Mary Peterson 359 Factory St. Install new wiring 77 10,000.00 Stoneway Dock Company Mapleway Dr. Box 509 Add. to bldg. 78 85.00 Henry Johnson Wire range & W.H. 79 250.00 Renton Valley Fuel Co. Logan & Airport Way Install new wiring 5080 60.00 Ralph Stoneberg 315 Wells Street Install lighting 81 — Renton School Dist, 403 1523 — 4th Ave., N. Install fixtures 82 13,000.00 W.H. Brokaw 3826 E. Mercer Way Erect; brick and frame residence. 83 — Andrew Gigli 117 Burnett St. Install sewer 84 200.00 Dominic Rockey 324-326 Wells St. Break curb, pour drj.veway. 85 150.00 Dale & McLendon 320 Welss St. Erect; wire fence 86 — Dresswell Clnrs. & Tlrs.11l Park Street Install gas boiler 87 20000.00 Lynden N. Benshoof 1922 7th Ave., N. Erect basement & wiring for basemt. �'�' 88 — Bill Chapman 220-222 Main St. Install sewer 89 750.00 Dean Bennett 250 Park Avenue Remodel kitchen 5090 100.00 Cassie M. Bare 1530 Marion St. Rewire House 91 965.00 Mervin F. Evenson 3424 7th Place Erect garage 92 — Richard Wolf 8816 So. 131st St. Install S. tank 93 200000.00 Ernesto Barei 227 Wells St. Addition of store— room, remodel C.Hall. 94 400.00 Williams & Swanson 704 Third Avenue Erect guard rails, brea?k curb, etc. 95 100.00 Austin—Hendiibkson Drug 3Yd. & Shattuck Repair side bldg. 96 80.00 Steve Chenok 615 Main St. Clean up service entrance for 2 meters. 97 950.00 Peoples Nat. Bank 3rd & Williams St. Erect neon sign 98 61000.00 Joe Mance 539 Shattuck erect new house 98—A — Priebe Bros. 3rd & Williams Install P. fixtures 99 200.00 Mary Carpine 102 Victoria Rewire Range & Htr. 5100 700.00 Kenneth Morgan 2218 6th Place Erect Carport & Utility room. Councilman Farmer, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported that the Committee recommended that the agreement and warranty with the Jarnsen Drilling and Manufacturing Company be signed. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the Mayor be requested to sign subject agreement as per the recommendation of the committee. Carried. A communication was read by the City Clerk signed by Mr. Be C. Wilson, 2255 6th Ave., North and Mr. T.L. Stevens, 2313 6th Avenue North petitioning the City of Renton to vacate the 16 foot alley between lot seven and eight, block 23, Renton Highlands. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. A 4 A communication was read from the Hydraulic Hoist Corporation, Renton, Washington, signed by Arne Feroy requesting an extension of four years on their lease with the City which will expire February 28, 1954. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the City Engineer for checking of legal description of premises. Carried. A communication was read from the Superintendent of Schools, Oliver M. Hazen, con— cerning the sale of property owned by the school district north of the high school stadium for use as industrial sites. The school board directed the educational staff to make a study of this area to see whether or not there will be school uses for the land in years to come. Originally, the school board felt the school district would develop a baseball field on part of the property. However, since the school district has had satisfactoryrelations with the City in the use of the city baseball diamond at-Liberty Park, they feel there is no need to develop and maintain a base— ball diamond. The school board requested assurance from the City that the school district will be able to use the City diamond for its high school baseball team and thus make it possible to sell some of the property north of the high school stadium and thereby get it back on the tax rolls plus improvements which might be added to the property. These additional taxes would benefit both school district and city of Renton. The school board was anxious to know if the City would desire to purchase some of this property for use in connection with their disposal plant. A reply was requested by January 4. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris that the matter of pur— chase of additional property for use in expanding the disposal plant be placed in the hands of the Property Committee and Sanitation Committee with the request they report back at the next meeting. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council, subject to the approval of the Park Board , permit the Fenton High School baseball teams to use the Liberty Park field if same is available and in case Liberty Park should be used for other purposes to provide another suitable base— ball field for use by the Park Department and the High School. Carried. A communication was read from Vere Thompson, Assistant building inspector for the City.,of Renton thanking the members of the City Council for authorizing him to attend the school for building inspectors at Pullman, December 2, 3 and 4. Mr. Thompson stated that he felt much valuable information was gained by his attendance which he would endeavor to use for the benefit of the City of Penton. This communi— cation was ordered placed on file. ._ A petition listing 47 signatures was read by the City Clerk which stated: "We the undersigned, being owners of the hereinafter described property hereby petition your honorable body for annexation, to the City of Renton, King County, Washington, the following described property: The West One Half (W J ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE J), the North One—Half (N J) of the Northwest Quarter (NW J) of the Southeast Quarter (SE J) (Platted as Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts) and the South One—Half (S J ) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 4) of Section Nine (9), Township Twenty—three (23) North, Range Five (5) East, W.M." Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred.to the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from Richard E. Wolff, Civil Engineer which stated that work on the sewage treatment plant additions as of December 1st is about 80% complete. Estimated completion date is January 1, 1954, with exception of erection of steel digester cover which was delayed because of a faulty casting, and delivery of the sludge circulation pump is uncertain due to a strike at the Fairbanks—Morse Plant. Major items of work remaining are erection of the steel cover, completion of earth fill, construction of stairway and walk, and repair of sludge beds. The pump house at the Kennydale well has been repaired with exception of repainting and re—roofing which will be done as soon as workmen are available. Cost of repair work by city crews necessitated by damage incurred while Jannsen was pulling the pump to correct a leack, is to be repaid by Jannsen prior to final payment. The well can be put into operation at any time. Cost of total work by the Contractor, Hoagland—Findlay Company on the Sewage Disposal Plant completed to November 30, 1953 is $56,131.00, plus state sales tax $1,6$3.93, less 15% retained $8,672.23, less previous payments $39,400.1.2, leaving a balance of $9,742.58 due. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the consulting Engineer and the City Engineer and that the bill be paid. Poll call vote was taken as follows: BHJCE, NO; SWIFT, AYE; HOLM, AYE; FARMER, NO; MORASS, NO; TRIMM, AYE; REID, NO; TAMBORINI, AYE; HANSEN) AYE. There being five "Aye's" and four "No' s," the motion carried. Recommendation was made by Swift that in the future, copies of communica— tions similar to the one just considered be prepared for Council Committee members prior to the Council meeting so that they may have an opportunity to study same before the next Council meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in recommendation. Carried. A communication signed by Mayor Baxter was read appointing Ned Stokes and Richard Clarke to succeed themselves as members of the Airport Board.. Moved by Morris, 4$ c� seconded by Reid that the Council approve the Mayor's appointment of Ned Stokes and Richard Clarke as members of the Airport Board. Carried. A communication was read signed by Gene L. Coulon, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and Walter Will, Assistant Engineer which stated that final inspection of the construction of the gymnasium floor in the North Renton Recreation Hall located in Mother's Park, Renton, Washington was made by Assistant Engineer Walter Will on November 30, 1953. Said construction was performed by the B and B Hardwood Floor Company, 6550 Ravenna Avenue N.E., Seattle, Washington. It was 3'-ecommended by the Park Board that this improvement be accepted as per recommendation of the Assistant Engineer. The total amount of the contract is $3,383.55 of which $2,876.02 is to be paid now and a 15% balance of $507.53 to be retained. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and Assistant Engineer. Carried. Councilman Trimm presented Ordinance 1469, a proposed Business Tax Oryiiaance, which had been referred to the Ordinance Committee for alteration. Minor correct— ions had been made restricting the effective operation of the Ordinance to the calendar year of 1954. Moved by Morris, seconded by Swift that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Ordinance Committee and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, moved by Holm, seconded by Trimm, that the Ordinance 1469 be passed as read. Roll call vote taken. All Councilmen present voted aye. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on pro— posed Ordinance No. 1470 which is an Ordinance adopting , establishing; and de— fining a plumbing code for the City, regulating the installation, construction, alteration and repair of plumbing, fixtures, apparatus and equipment pertaining thereto; requiring permits and setting up a fee schedule therefor; providing for the administration and enforcement thereof; providing penalties for violations and repealing conflicting ordinance and provisions. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that proposed Ordinance 1470 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Holm, that proposed Ordinance 1470 be passed as read. Roll call vote taken, all Council— men present voted aye. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favortibly on pro— posed Ordinance 1471 which is an ordinance restricting parking of vehicles on a certain designated street and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommenda— tion of the Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer that Ordinance 1471 be passed as read. Roll call vote was taken. All Councilmen present voted aye. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Street Commission be empowered to erect proper signs on these streets after publication of Ordinance No. 1471. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on pro— posed Ordinance No. 1472, (Zoning) an ordinance to regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings and the use of land within the City of Renton, Washington, to limit the height of buildings, to prescribe building lines and the size of yards and other open spaces and for these purposes to divide the city into districts and repealing Ordinance No. 1164 of the City of Renton, Washington. Moved by Morris , seconded by Bruce, that proposed Ordinance No. 1472 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, moved by Farmer, seconded by Trimm, that proposed Ordinance No. 1472 be passed as read. Roll call vote taken. All Councilmen present voted aye. Carried. Councilman Trimm presented proposed Ordinance 1473 for first reading., This is an ordinance amending sections IX and X of Ordinance 1143, as amended by Ordinances Nos. 1235 and 1239, Entitled: An Ordinance relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets and highways in the City of Renton; providing for the in— stallation, regulation and control of the use of parking meters and parking meter zones; defining parking meter zones; authorizing a method of payment for parking meters and the installation thereof exclusively from the receipts obtained from their operation; providing for enforcement and penalty for violation thereof; creating a parking meter fund and declaring an emergency. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance 1473 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for further recommendations. Carried. 449 Councilman Trimm presented proposed Ordinance No. 1 474 for first reading. This is an ordinance creating and establishing a special equipment rental fund for the pur- pose of paying salaries, wages and operations required for the repair, replacement, purchase and operation of equipment; for the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies used in the Administration and operation of said fund. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift that Ordinance 1474 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for further recommendations. Carried. Recommendation was made by Mayor Baxter that the use of the auditorium in the New City Hall be granted to the Civil Defense Organization for their meetings. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer that the use of the auditorium in the new City Hall be granted to the Civil Defense Organization to be controlled by the Civil Defense Director as he sees fit. An amendment to the motion was made by Holm, seconded by Swift, that the auditorium be used mainly and primarily by and for the Civil Defense organization but can be scheduled by the Civil Defense Director for the use of other groups when. not interfering with Civil Defense activities in same. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce that a letter be sent to the Recreation Council with infor- mation about the action of the Council in regard to the auditorium. Carried. Councilman Swift recommended that the City Clerk prepare a statement for the local newspapers giving excerpts from the Sanitation and Garbage Collection Ordinance No. 1416 which forbids throwing, depositing, or placing of any trash, refuse, or garbage on any public street or alley. The use of the room adjoining the kitchen for added space for the proposed lunchroom in the City Hall building was discussed. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Bruce, that because there is a need of extra space for the lunchroom, the room adjoining the kitchen be included as a part of the lunchroom facilities. Carried. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Swift, that a letter of commendation be sent to the Junior Chamber of Commerce and all who assisted them for the fine work they have done on the installation of the Christmas decorations in the City of Renton. Carried. The serious condition of the Williams Street bridge was discussed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen that problems of repair, type of new bridge, if one is to be built, etc., be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a recommendation. Carried. -- Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. There were 6 persons present besides, officials, department supervisors and employees. y n n Ci Clerk Mayor 450 Renton, Wash '--• December 15, 1953 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL:. BRUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. (Councilman Freyman is on Leave of Absence.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of December 8th be approved as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for City Legals, Chlorine and Gas requirements for the City of Renton for 19541 the following bids were opened and read: Gasoline bids „received: Standard Oil Company Chevron (regular) $.221 Chevron Supreme x.243 Shell Oil Company Shell (regular) .221 Shell Premium .245 General Petroleum Corp. Mobile (Reg,a.lar) .2155 Mobile Ethyl .2375 Union Oil Company Union (regular) .221. Union 7600 .254 Richfield Oil Company Richfield Hi-Octane .221 Richfield Ethyl .243 Time Oil Company Time (Regular) .2096 Time Ethyl .2315 Bids received for legal publications: (all 8 point type) 9 lines to the inch) Subsequent lst insertion Sher col,inch) insertions ®r col. inch) Renton Record 1.15 $1.05 Renton Chronicle $1.20 $1.15 Bids received for liquid chlorine requirements: Per lb. in 100-1.50 lb. *ger lb. (in ton containers) containers Pennsylvanis Salt Co. x'07 .1].. Hooker Electrochemical Co. .07 C11 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the bid for the Cityls liquid chlorine requirements for 1954 be awarded to the Pennsylvania Salt Company. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bid for publishing the City's legals for 1954 be awarded to the Renton News Record. Carried. Moved by Holm, seconded by Swift, that the bids for the City's gasoline require- ments for 1954 be referred to the Ways & Means Committee to examine the bids as to octane rating etc., and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Mr. Mitchell, from the audience, representing Washington State Unlimited, a public service non-profit organization, informed the Council of Washington State flags this company is making, stating the price is one-third what other out of State Companies are selling a much inferior type of flag for. Moved by Richardson, second- ed by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee to investigate the Company and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Maplewood Boy Scout Troop No. 488, signed by C. S. Churchman, Jr., requesting permission to mll Xmas trees at (1) The Maple- wood Market and Chevron Service Station, 12000 Maple Valley Highway, and (2) Chuck's Richfield Service Station, 3rd Avenue and Whitworth Street; that the Boy Scouts are a non-profit organization and any proceeds are to be used by the Group as a Whole. Moved by Bruce, seconded by iteid, that permission be granted under the supervision of the Police and Fire Departments. Carried. A communication was read from Brian G. Maither and Joseph T. Curry of 346 Garden Street, requesting permission to sell Xmas trees in front of the Highlands Shopp- ing Center, from December 18 through December 24, 1953. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Reid, that permission be granted providing proper approval is obtained from the Police and Fire Departments. Carried. A letter of congratulations for the excellence of the Renton City Police Depar',,_ ment was read from Mr. Thomas H. Cooke, President of Trojan Lithograph Corpor- ation, and Mr. Philip B. Lundstrom of Publichers Production Agency, co-owners of 451 Military Manuals Company. The communication was signed by E. Oliver, Office Manager of the Trojan Lithograph Company and the Military Manuals Company. A copy of a letter of congratulations also sent to the Police Department was enclosed and Mayor Baxter stated that it was gratifying to receive such a communication. The communi- cation was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Police Chief advising the Mayor and Council of the inadequacy of the dog pound to take care of requirements and requested the problem be referred to a committee for inspection and their recommendation. The Police Chief stated that in his opinion, the location was satisfactory but the quar- ters were too small and facilities were inadequate. The Mayor suggested that the Committee contact the Police Chief and Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation and Property Com- mittee for their recommendation. Carried. A-communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the floor areas, de- scribed in the Hydraulic Hoist Corporation Lease, are correct to the extent that it covers the floor space now under lease, but that he understands that there are other floor areas in use by the firm which he cannot account for. Councilman Bruce stated that hallways were to be left clear. The City Engineer stated that Mr. Feroy of the Hydraulic Hoist Comnany was to come to his office on Wednesday morning, December 16th to further discuss this matter and that he would report back at the next Council meeting. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce, sighed by Henry J. Reynolds, Executive Secretary, regarding the closure of the public facilities in the old City Fell and the lack of public rest rooms caused by same, and recommend- ing that the Mayor and Council consider this problem and further recommending the Council consider as a site for a public comfort station, the triangular piece of property owned by the City at the intersection of Walla Walla Avenue, Third Avenue and Main Streets; that the Chamber of Commerce would be happy to be of assistance to the Committee. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee to meet with the Chamber of Commerce Committee. On the question, Councilman Swift stated that in most Cities, the merchants provided comfort stations. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that his Committee had previously recommended this location and a location at Tonkin's Park and that the Council had been informed at that time that the open fir.. area of the old comfort station, located at the intersection of Walla Walla Avenue, Third Avenue and MAin Streets had been filled with cement at the time the Street intersection was improved. The motion that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee to meet with the Chamber of Commerce Committee then carried. A communication was read from W. H. Will, Secretary, stating that Mr. Alden See had called the Board of Appeals & Examiners meeting to order on December 14, 1953 for the examination of the property of Mr. Don Gaspari, Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 4; other Board. members present were C. W. Paddock and William Reid. Mr. Will stated that the-Board had decided that Mr. Gasparits request to reshingle, paint and en- close his porch was a zoning problem and should be referred to the Planning Commission. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the action of the Board of Appeals. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer attaching a petition for dedi- cation of private property (the easterly 300 feet from High Street to a point near the brink of the Cedar River Canyon) for public use as a City Street. The City Engineer stated that the proposed dedication meets the requirements of the platting ordinance, but that one signature is missing which invalidates the petition, and suggested that the petition be returned. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Engineer. Carried. A request was read from Cassie Bear, 318 Garden Street, for permission .to complete the addition to the dwelling at 15301 Marion -Street, that the owner had received a "Stop Work Order" on. Building Inspector Willstated that after the Building Permit was issued they had never .received a request for inspection; that upon investigating an inquiry-as to wire service, they had found that an addition had been built, on a small buildings (former garage made into two rooms) , plus a utility room and a two car garage, and that the building extended to the alley - - that he had no alternative according to the Ordinace, but to issue a "Stop Work Order"; that in his opinion the people should be issued a variance and not have to tear the build- ing down, that the variance would extend from year to year and is not permanently binding. Mr. Will further stated that new building permit forms are being prepared, according to the new zoning ordinance, which will require considerable information 452 c and a draft of the proposed building, and/or changes, which will eliminate future � misunderstanding of this type. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that this request be referred to the Property Committee and Building Inspector for investi- gation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer enclosing a communication from Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, legal consultants on L.I.D., #239, Earlington Sewer Improvement, stating that the fee for their legal work was set at $450.00 and re- commending that this amount be paid from L.I.D., #239 Fund; that the matter of interest charges to be preferred against the L.I.D., assessments be referred to the City Attorney for his recommendation as to the correct procedure so the Earl- ington L.I.D., #239 Assessment Roll could be prepared. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Ministerial Association, signed by Rev. W.H. Monroe, Corresponding Secretary, congratulating and conveying their appre- ciation of the fine manner in which the City officials handled the matter of moving and disposing of_ the former City Offices - - that the change is a credit to the City.- - that the entire community feels a sense of pride - - that they consider the job well done. Mayor Baxter and individual Councilmen thanked Rev.Monroe in behalf of the Ministerial Association, for their kind letter. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRJCE, DELAIJTMTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. Councilman Trimm, a member of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1473, relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets and highways in the City of Renton; pro- viding for the installation, regulation and control of the use of parking meters and parking meter zones; defining parking meter zones; authorizing a method of pay- ment for parking meters and the installation thereof exclusively_ from the receipts obtained from their operation; providing for enforcement and penalty for violation thereof; creating a parking meter fund and declaring an emergency. The Ordinance further providing that when a motor vehicle is found parked in violation of any parking restriction or provision of this Ordinance, a ticket is to be left on such vehicle, the person, firm or corporation charged with the offense may post bail with the Traffic Violations Section of the Police Department in the sum of $1.00 If so posted within 7 days from the date of such notice, or in the sum of $2.00 if posted after the 7th day and before the 30th day, or trial may be requested as authorized by law; that any person, firm or corporation who wilfully neglects to answer to the charges set forth in the notice shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance, regardless of the charges for which the notice was originally issued, and shall upon conviction be fined in the sum not exceeding $100.00. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final 7eadi.ng of proposed Ordinance No. 1473, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer.. that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1474, as corrected after its first reading on December 8th, as presented by the Ordinance Committees creating and establishing a special equipment rental fund for the purpose of paying salaries, wages and operations required for the repair, replacement, purchase and operation of equipment, materials and supplies used in the administration and operation of said fund. Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 859 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, establishing a special fund, to be known as the "OFF-STREET PL'&,KING FUND MAIN STREET". The City Treasurer to collect and deposit all parking fees therein and to pay and transfer at regular intervals the sum or'sums thus collected to the seller- of said parking meters and accessories until such time as the total purchase price has been paid off by the City of Fenton; upon payment in full of said parking meters and accessories thereto, the City Treasurer is authorized to pay the lessor of the premises, Milton Williams, at regular monthly intervals, a sum equal to 75% of said parking meter fee collections from the above premises 453 in pursuance of the lease agreement of August 11, 1953, the balance of said collections to be deposited and retained in said fund. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 859 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that his committee had met and discussed the need for and possibility of the construction of a new Williams Street bridge and had dis- cussed the problem as to whether the need was for a two lane bridge, approximately 20 feet wide, or a 3 or 4 lane bridge, of corresponding widths, 30 to 40 feet, and whether the bridge should be used in connection with Williams Street from 4th Avenue North, south to Grady Way being made a one-way street, or whether the bridge is to be used for industrial purposes, the Committee recommended, providing the Council concurs in the recommendation, that the City Engineer contact contractors, State and County Officials, or others qualified to give preliminary estimates, for FREE ESTIMATES, of replacing the Williams Street bridge with a new bridge with steel girders and a concrete deck, the City to use the present Williams Street bridge in the interim; the bridge to be kept in a safe condition; and suggested that the new bridge be financed by General Obligation Bonds. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of the replacement of the Williams Street bridge remain in the Street and Alley Committee and that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. After a discussion, the matter of parking meters in the Municipal Parking lot being changed to a 24-hour per day operation instead of from 8:00 A.M., until 6:00 P.M., is to remain in the Street and Alley Committee for- further consideration. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, more time in regard to the communication from the School District offering for sale to the City of Renton certain properties adjoining the present Sewage Disposal Plant. The City Engineer is making certain inquiries and expects to acquire certain date in the near future and that as soon as this information is received, the Property Committee will make their report. The P-roperty Committee was granted more time in regard to the City of Renton pur- chasing a Washington State flag, until the Company, Washington State Unlimited, could be investigated as to its being a non-profit service organization. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had received a re- commendation from the Fire Department, concurred in by the Police Department, that a route be established for use of heavy trucks and those carrying inflamables, and/or explosives; that the Fire Chief has outlined a route which bi-passes the business district and has asked the Street and Alley Committee to go over this route with him, and that he (Councilman Swift) would like to have this matter referred to the Street & Alley Committee for their study and consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the request of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. On, the, recommendation of Councilman Swift, that the streets in Cedar River Park be given names, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be re- ferred to the Street & Alley Committee for their recommendation of street names. Carried. - Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, with the approval of th,e Traffic Division of the Police Department, recommended that an Ordinance be drafted forbidding jay-walking, in support of State Statues in regard to same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that a lighted crosswalk be installed on Main Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues., near the entrance and/or exit of the Municipal Parking lot. Councilman Richardson stated that the reason for this request was the recommendation for an Ordinance forbidding �..,. jay-walking. Moved by Brace, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the matter of the location of the crosswalk and the light for same be referred to the Light & Power Committee and City Engineer for their recommenda- tion. Carried. Councilman Swift .reported that after discussion of the problem of traffic moving west on Airport Way to rainier Avenue, intending to make a right turn on Rainier Avenue going north, that the Street & Alley Committee and Street Commissioner re- commended that a sign be erected in the proper place on the ccrner of Airport Way 454 x and Rainier Avenue, "STOP .ON RED LIGHT, AND AFTER OUTSIDE LANE IS CLEAR, PROCEED ON A RIGHT TURN." Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the Street Commissioner be instructed to erect the necessary sign. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that he had read about a particular type of traffic light system control in the Western Cities magazine which was known as "Barn Dance System" which provided for pedestrian traffic to proceed in both directions at the same time and the vehicular traffic in one direction (north and south) at a certain timing, and the other direction (east and west) at another- timing, allow- ing no vehicular traffic at the time the walking traffic is using the street and that for information only, the City Engineer is investigating to see if the traffic signal lights (3rd & Wells Street) could be synchronized in this manner. Councilman Delaurenti, stated that the Street Commissioner should be complimented on the very appropriate and needed new sign at the City Garage which reads "MUNICIPAL SHOPS." Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had met with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company and that, the three sodium vapor lights at the Maple Valley Intersection were in poor condition and needed constant repair; that there are three mercury vapor lights in the City's shop and the City would only need three multiple ballasts at an approximate cost of $42.00 each, plus installation, ox a total cost of $200.00, and the operating cost would be approximately W.00 less per year, that in his opinion it would be a matter of good judgment to change the sodium vapor lights to the aerial type lights and the Light & Power Committee recommended that the mercury vapor lights be installed. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Ways & Moans Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the crosswalk light on the Sunset Highway at Earlington Street had been moved approximately 190 feet south (down the hill) and that the street crosswalk lines would be painted at this location real soon. Moved by ,Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Comm- ittee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously aduited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS. 9813-9963 $27,243.25 CLAIMS CURR"EdT 1655-1800 34,633.60 . CLAI?s WATER 8959-8984 6,959.28 CLAIMS STREET 6537-6564 9,294..45 CLAIMS PARK 1.826-1840 1,700.69 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2728-2750 11929.28 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1719-1.755 5.469.58 CLAIMS SL74AGE DISPOSAL 2458-2481 21337.78 CLAIMS WATER & SE74M, CONSTR, 672- 678 60,054.81 CLAIMS CIVILIAN IEFENSE: FD. 514- 516 235.42 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 121- 122 250.00 CLAIMS CUMULATIVE #1183 394- 30 ; 1,518.17 CLAIlNLS CUM. FUND #1184 436- 437 3,383.55 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meet- ing adjourned at 11:00 P.M. (There were 9 persons present besides City of Renton employees) . City irk Mayor 455 Renton, Washington December 22, 1953. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BFUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, F ARMEE, MORRIS, HOLM, REID AND TRIMM. (Councilman Freyman is on Leave of Absence, Councilmen Tamborini and Richardson were excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of December 15th be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5101 Richard Metzger 229 4th Place Plumbing service 2 500.00 Wm. Stollenmayer 311 Sunset Blvd. Electric service 3 300.00 Wm, Stollenmayer 311 Sunset Blvd. sewer connection 3-A, 21000.00 Jack Stokes 12824 88th Ave., S. addtn on residence 4 300.00 W. A. Hawkins 11712 Sunset Blvd, erect carport 5 - - Modern Materials 3813 6th Ave., N. plumbing service 6 1,800.00 Don Gaspari 414 Cedar Street remodel house 7 - - Modern Materials 621 S. Street Plumbing service 8 - - If it 617 S. " it n 9 _ _ ,t n 613 S. " is I It 5110 - - it "' 609 S. " IT it 11 - - " m 603 S, n It it 12 - - "' ° 3814 6th Place If it 13 - - If If 3810 6th Place If It 14 It it 602 S. Street If It 15 - - if tr If n 608 S. " .J 16 - - " If 612 S, " If n 17 - - If " 616 S. "' if n 18 - - If n 620 S. " if It 19 - - " " 626 S. " if n 5120 - - " " 630 S. 21 - -. to " 634 S. 22 - it if 3820 6th Ave., N. fit n 23 - - 't. " 3814 6th Ave., N. " if 24 _ - it rr 642 R. Street n It 25 - .. if ,t 644 R. n n' It 26 700.00 Jasper Merlino 500 M. " Erect Garage 27 500.00 Lena Marshall 423 Airport Way Wire service 28 ;50.00 Walter Salminen 610 R. Street erect fireplace The City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Charles Camerini as a member of the Park Board effective immediately. Mr. Camei-Ini will fill the un- expired term of Lon Tackett who resigned, and his term for which he is appointed at this time, will expire June 1, 1954. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that a preliminary study of the possible future expansion of the sewage treatment plant indicates the need of an additional 3 acres of the school district property and that the Engineering Department feels that the additional property should be to the south of the existing plant site; that a more.detailed -description and appraisal will be submitted before the dead-line date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the Property Committee proceed with negotiations with the School Board for the School District property and the School Board be notified of the City's.interest. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the Hydraulic Hoist Company has requested that the redraft of their lease be withheld temporarily; that the company would like to expand their facilities and the City Engineer is investi- gating the possible vacancy of the boiler room in this building by the Bliss-Vaughn Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this reT ect be referred to the Property Committee for their consideration and a report, back. Carried. 456 C A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the petition presented by the Wedgwood Realty Company December 8th 1953 for annexation to the City of Renton, has been ruled invalid by the City Attorney as the petition embraces two parcels of property, each of which is contiguous to the City but separate from each other; that it has been ruled that the two parcels must be contiguous to the City but separate from each other; that it has been ruled that the two parcels mist be contiguous to each other in order to be presented in one petition. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the ruling of the City Attorney and the Wedwood. Realty Company be so advised. Carried. Councilman Tri.mm, a member of the Ordinance Committee reported favorable on pro- posed Ordinance No. 1474, creating and establishing a special equipment rental fund for the purpose of paying salaries, wages and operations required for the repair, replacement, purchase and operation of equipment; for the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies used in the administr.ticn and operation of sa_.d fund. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1474 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading of proposed Ordinance No. 1474, moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the operation of the lunch room concession in Cedar River Park, the following bids were opened and read: TO FURNISH JAIL MEALS RENTAL OFFER Rosmond C. Davisx.70 $25.00 503 Mill Street (There were 3 references attached.) Mrs. H. R. Croucher (Ch.3249) 13343 35th Avenue S., Seattle (There were no references attached) , .75 - Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the bids be referred to the Property Committee, Mayor and Building Inspector,with power to act. Carried. There was con- siderable discussion as to candy, nut, soft drink, etc., concessions being granted to the lessee of the lunch room. Some of the Councilmen expressed their approval of the above suggestions, but requested more time for further consideration of a cigarette machine and/or other machines. The Assistant City Attorney recommended that exclusive concession rights be not granted to the Lessee and suggested that the Council retain control of same so that they (the Council) could grant con- cessions to the lessee as and when it was considered proper to do so., _ Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee recommended that the cost of the parts and labor for the change of the three sodium vapor lights at the Maple Valley Intersection, to mercury vapor lights be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1183. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that after careful consideration the Ways & Means Com- mittee recommended that the bid for the City's gasoline requirements for 1954 be awarded to the Richfield Oil Company, for regular gasoline. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee had investigated the re- quest of Cassie Bear, 318 .Ga mien Street, for permission to complete the addition to the dwelling at 1530- Marion Street, and that they had agreed with the Build- Ing Inspector's suggestion that as this was an oversight on the part of the City, that Cassie Bear be granted a variance by the Building Department to complete her building with the understanding that the variance is valid from year to year. Moved by Morris, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and Building Inspector. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Property Committee more time in regard to the purchase of Washington State flags. Councilman Bruce reported that Councilman Tamborini is endeavoring to contact the veterinary surgeons in Renton to see if some arrangements can be made in re- gard to facilities to house and care for the stray and/or lost dogs picked up by the dog catcher. Mayor Baxter granted the Property Committee more time. 457 Councilmen Swift stated that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, and so moved, seconded by Trimm, that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the area description and establish the boundary of the property surrounding the Springbrock water shed and to work in conjunction with the City Attorney's Office in this regard. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointments by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Marvin L. Sherertz and George C. Banasky as Captains in the Renton Fire Department, effective January 1st on a probationary basis. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council. that the change of voting precinct from the old City Hall at 227 Wells Street to the Ford School, 410 Wells Street, will. be publicized for the information of the citizens who will have to change their place of voting; also that regarding the recently annexed properties, that the respective voting precincts were included in the Ordinances of annexation. Mayor Baxter and all the Councilmen wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and thanked the members of the various committes and Department Heads for trair past cooperation and assistance on the various committees. Councilman Bruce stated, as President of the Council, that it had been a pleasure to work with this Council group, that they were all very cooperative, had worked in harmony and had completed a great deal of business and that he had been proud to work with the Council members. Councilman Farmer stated that he would like to call a meeting of the Fire & Water Committee and that he would contact the members of the Committee advising them of the date of the meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting ad'ourned at 9:15 P.M. (There was one person present besides City of Renton employees. City ' erk �— �,z Mayor �MUN.� �A /� N HHH 1 [i - 1 cc