HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 13 (1/5/1954 - 12/20/1955) Renton, Washington January 5, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order my Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAURENTI, HANSEN, FARMER, RICHARDSON, HOLM, REID AND TRIMM. (Councilmen Tamborini and Swift, who were reported ill with the flu, were excused. Councilman Freyman, on Leave of Absence, was excused. Councilman Morris was re— ported as out of town and was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of December 22nd be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk read requestes for renewal of Taxicab Company licenses from the following Taxicab Companies — — the correct license and additional taxicab fees being attached. 1. Cliff's Radio Cab and City Cab Companies, by Clifford Sylvia, owner 2. Jordan & Yellow Cab Companies, by Harold Jordan, owner. 3. Highland Taxicab Company, by Thomas J. Hogan, Jr., owner 4. O.K. Taxicab Company, by W. J. Thompson, owner. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the requests for renewal of Taxicab Licenses for 1954 be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a Tax Assessment statement from the Tax Commission of the State of Washington, excise Tax Division, signed by W. G. Hartwell, Jr., Supervisor, for additional tax assessed under Field Audit by W. H. Bernard, dated December 21, 1953, covering the period of January 1, 1949 through October 31, 1953, in the amount of $2,819.25. The report stated that payment was deferred pending furnishing review of legal status. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Bernard had informed him that he would furnish the City with an itemized account of the assessment and would be glad to explain the assessment, if the City requested an explanation. Moved by Richardson, seconded. by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney's Office, the City Clerk and Mayor, to investigate and get the necessary information in regard to the legality and correctness of the assessment. Carried. The final statement from the B. & B. Hardwood Floor Company, in the amount of $507.53, for the new gym floor in the North Renton Recreation Building in Mothers Park was read. The Building Inspector reported that the required 30 days had elapsed since acceptance of the work as a completed contract. The Assistant City Attorney stated that if the required 30 days had elapsed and no claims had been filed against the City of Renton, that it would be in order to pay the final state— ment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the City pay the final state— ment. Carried. The City Clerk reported that a communication had been received from the Committee for the organization of a Puget Sound Regional Planning Council requesting a representative attend the organization meeting to be held in Seattle at the Chamber of Commerce on January 26, 1954, Mayor Baxter stated that the Planning Commission was organizing this group and have received a copy of the communication also, which was read at their meeting Wednesday evening, December 30, 1953, that Mr. C.G.Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission had been requested to contact Mr. �"" Joshua Vogel of the Association of Washington Cities for further information. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the communication be held until we hear further from the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Housing Authority, signed by Don Humble, Executive Director, advising the Council of the resignation of William Hendrickson and advising that the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners recommended that the present manager of the Renton Highlands, Harry A. Heatherington, be appointed as Manager of the Cedar River Park Project on a prorate share, with 26 of his present salary being charged to the Cedar River Park Project and in his spending an equivalent amount of his time on that Project; that it is the intention of the Board of Commissioners of the Authority that the above recommended change be L cc made effective January 1, 1954 if said change meets with the Council's approval. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be held for further Council con— sideration and the Housing Authority be so notified. Carried. (The COUNCIL AS A WHOLE to meet TUESDAY, January 12th, after a short regular Council meeting, to further discuss this matter.) A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, signed by Romeo A. Botts Executive Secretary enclosing a copy of the complete actuarial re— port of the System covering the period from July 1, 1948 to December 31, 1952. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the report be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee for their information and study. Carried. A request for a non—conforming permit was read from William Delzer, for permission to build a garage at 529 Mill Street, as there is no access to the back of the property and insufficient room to build five feet from the property line in front. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Build— ing Department to investigate and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the Council approve Plat #5 for President Park No. 5, as presented, providing it meets with the approval of the City Engineering Department and meets the requirements of all City Ordinances. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The City Clerk stated that Col. J. Benjamin Hayes, Professional Engineer, represent— ing the Wedgwood Realty Company, had re—presented the petition of December 8th for annexation of "President Park No. 6," which included the parcel of land described as the "West f of the .N.E. 4 of Section 91 T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., and Stewartst Highland Acre Tracts" which parcels were both adjacent and likewise adjacent to the City of Renton; that the parcel originally included in the petition which did not abut subject property had been omitted from the original petition and that they now had the signatures of the owners of a portion of the property amounting to 75.99% of the assessed valuation of property included in the petition. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that as long as the original petition was not changed in any way and still contained the exact amount of signatures, and was independent of the other petition, also that if the property were not changed in any way and the signers not mislead, that it would be satisfactory to re—present the petition as stated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition be re— ferred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C.G. dyers, Secretary, informing the Council that the request of Ellen T. Hanlon (for her mother, Mrs. Gaspari, 337 Cedar Street) for permission to reshingle, paint and en— close a porch, in their opinion is covered by the Zoning Ordinance, and that they have no jurisdiction over the matter. Mr. Walter Will, Building Inspector, stated that he had been advised by Mrs. Hanlon that they would like to withdraw their re— quest for this non—conforming permit. The request will be filed with no further action. Mrs. Lena Marshall, owner of Lena's Chicken & Steak House, from the audience re— quested that the Council take some action in regard to the chuck holes along Air— port play, particularly in front of her restaurant, also that consideration be given to the matter of lighting along Airport Way as this was very dark and dangerous at nights. The Street Commissioner stated that he would investigate and make arrange— ments for repair of the chuck holes and breaking up of the black topping in this area Wednesday morning. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the matter of street repair be referred to the Street Commissioner. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of street lighting be referred to the Light & Power Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Reid More time in regard to street lighting problems previously referred to his Committee. Councilman Bruce reported that a communication had been sent to the School Board advising them of the City's interest in acquiring certain described property ad— jacent to the present Sewage Disposal Plant and that he had been advised that the City of Renton will be given first opportunity to acquire said property if they so desire. Mayor Baxter requested that the Fire & 'dater Committee, to whom the matter of ac— quiring additional properties surrounding the water shed at the Spring-brook Dam 3 had been referred, be requested to investigate as soon as possible to see what prop- erties are available for the City of Renton and so report to the Council. (Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of his Committee (Fire & Water) , the City Attorney and City Engineer, Friday evening, January 8th at 8:00 P.M.) Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee, Mayor Baxter and Building Inspector Walter Will had discussed the matter and had decided to award the bid for the lunchroom concession at Cedar River Park to Mrs. Rosamond Davis, 503 Mill Street, who had submitted the highest bid, and requested the Council take the necessary action for same, and that the City Attorney be authorized to draft the required agree- ment, ie., for one year with option for renewal; that the conversion of the former private kitchen to a public lunchroom had required less repair and improvement than previously estimated and that Mrs. Rosamond Davis felt that she would be able to open the lunchroom by January 15th toaerve meals to jail inmates, the City Employees, Police Department and the public. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that Mrs. Rosamond Davis, 503 Mill Street be awarded the lunchroom concession at Cedar River Park and the City Attorney be authorized to draft the necessary agreement. Carried. (The agreement is to include a complete list of the equipment and fixtures which are the City of Renton's property, and which are the property of the lessee.) It was reported by the Fire & Water Committee that the doors to the Fire Station in the Highlands were sticking and that there was considerable difficulty opening and closing same - - that as this was still Federal Government Housing's property, if there would be a possibility of, or what steps could be taken, in getting new doors for the Fire Station in the Highlands. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, Property Committee and Fire Chief to discuss the problem with the Housing Authority. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee, reported that he had two items recommended by his Committee and the Police Chief for Council con- sideration; the first was the specifications for Call for Bids for a 1954 Harley- Davidson Servi-Car, the second was the specifications for Call for Bids for four prowler cars for the City of Renton. The City Clerk read the specifications for the Call for Bids for both the Servi-Car and the Prowler Cars for the City of Renton. Councilman Delaurenti stated that monies for same were allowed for in the 1954 budget. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee and the dates of publication be set as January 7th and 14th and the date of opening of bids be set as January l9th. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that a letter be forwarded to the Fire Department complimenting them on their Xmas display, also to the Jaycees for their over-all Xmas decorations and the Highlands Community Club for their beautiful Xmas display. Carried. Mr. Tommy Thomas of the Dual Parking Meter Company, from the audience, stated that he had several ideas and suggestions to make in regard to on-street parking. One was in the core area to aid to the existing red-head meters, which might alleviate the congestion; 2. As these meters have been in service for 13 years and parts have become worn, in his opinion, the meters might be converted to the red-head type, or consideration be given to trading in existing old meters on new meters, also, 3. In the core area, to the railroad tracks on Burnett Street, that the park- ing meters be changed to one hour, one nickel for on-street parking, as well as the red-head parking meters which are 5¢ for i hour, and extend to the fringe areas the 2-hour, 2 nickels parking meters, thereby eliminating the penny meter alto- gether. Mr. Thomas stated that if the Council so desired, he would make any of these suggestions to the Dual Parking Meter Company for their consideration, and that in his opinion the City of Renton could re-negotiate for a new contract for the coming year on a percentage basis until the new or repaired meters are paid for, and further reported that the City's Municipal Parking Lot had collected $30.00 during the first 2 weeks of operation, $48.00 the 2nd two weeks and 053.75 the 3rd two weeks period; that in his opinion, the lot was doing very well considering there had been 1 no public advertising and suggested the Council consider extending the parking time to a 12 hour period. Mr. Thomas recommended that the Council consider the utilizat- ion of the possible 20-25 parking spaces on Houser Way. Councilman Delaurenti re- ported that the Street & Alley Committee had considered these matters in Committee and appreciated Mr. Thomas' ideas and suggestions. Councilman Richardson reported that the Street & Alley Committee, Street Commissioner, Chief of Police and Traffic Division of the Police Department had been working with Mr. Thomas for the past two years to alleviate the parking problem and that Mr. Tho*nas had helped the Committee work out many of their problems. Councilman Reid stated that he was not in favor of increasing the parking meter fees, that he felt the parking fee was satisfactory the way it was at the present time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, 4 y that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Cor.mittee to meet with Mr. Thomas and bring back their recommendation. Carried. (Mr. Thomas stated that he would be in the City of Renton the coming week.) The Street Commissioner reported that he had signs made to place on the Municipal Parking lot which would be installed in the next few days. Councilman Richardson, stated that necessary lighting for the lot should be installed, the expense of same to be taken from the proceeds of the lot.. The City Clerk reported that Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Thursday, January 7th at 7:30 P.M., with the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and a representative of the Traffic Division of the Police Department. Councilman Richardson stated he would be unable to attend the meeting. Councilman Holm stated that he was not sure that he would be able to attend. The City Clerk will notify Councilman Swift that Councilman Richardson will be unable to attend this meeting and that Councilman Holm was not sure. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Reid, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTIENTS 9964- 90 $17,797.63 CLAIMS CURIENT 1801- CLAIMS WATER 8984- CLAIM STREET 6564- CLAIMS PARK 1840- CLAIMS 840- CLAIMS LIBRARY 2750- CLAIMS 750-CLAIMS AIRPORT 1755- CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2481- - CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 678 - - CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 516 - - CLAIMS FIREMENtS PEN. FD. 122 - - CLAIMS CUM. #1183 395 - - CLAIMS CUM.. #1184 437 - - J Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meet- ing adjourned at 9:45 P.M. )There were 9 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City C rk t ^ Mayor Renton, Washington January 12, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARK!,R, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID & TRIMM. (Councilman Freyman being on Leave of Absence was excused, and Councilman Delaurenti being out of town on business was excused.) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WE'RE: -Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; .Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector, Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of January 5, 1954, be held until the next Council meeting on January 19th for consideration. APPLICATIONS FUR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPART NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5129 — Renton Auto Freight 307 Airport Way install tanks 5130 — Lena's Steak House 403 Airport Way plumbing service 1 100,00 Mrs. Mary Thomson 238 Garden Street remodel porch 2 — Andrew Gigli 727 Renton Street plumbing service 3 60,00 Stanley Kaczmerek 8815 S. 130th wire service 4 150.00 Modern Materials 3813 6th N. It " 5 150.00 it "' 621 S. Street " it 6 150,00 It It 617 S. It " it 7 150.00 If it 613 S. "' " it 8 150.00 " "' 609 S. n n it 9 150.00 " " 603 S. " it to 5140 150.00 " 3814 6th Place " It. 1 150,00 to it 3310 6th Place " '" 2 150.00 " " 602 S. Street +' rr 3 150.70 to is 608 S, n to It 4 150,00 it it 612 S. " it to 5 150.00 " " 616 s. n "r n 6 150,00 to of 620 S. " to It 7 150.00 of " 626 S. m ?or of 8 150.00 to to 630 S. " n' it 9 150.00 �� " 634 S. n ,� it 5150 150.00 3820 6th N. 1 150.00 " " 3814 6th N. 2 150,00 It it 642 R. Street 3 150.00 n it 644 R. m n n 4 — Anton Kazele 337 Whitworth Install furnace 5 100.00 Alice Davis 536 Morris St. Wire service 6 700.00 Lena's Steak House 403 Airport Way Install sign 7 . 50.00 Aaron Eurich 2608 14th Ave. N. wire service 3 6,000.00 George Spady 347 Meadow Street erect residence 9 — Renton Auto Freight 305 Airport Way Install storm sewer 5160 — Andrew Gigli 727 Renton Street sewer connection 1 — Cassie M. Bear 1530 ' Marion St. wire service 2 — Richard Metzker 229 4th Place Install furnace The City Clerk read a copy of a communication from the City Attorney's office -to Mr.. William Davis, Insurance Commissioner, regarding the placing of adequate insurance on City Hall premises by the Lessee in pursuance of the written lease agreement; that Mr. Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney had verified with Mr. Theinhardt, of the First Federal Savings & Loan Association, the fact that he has placed insurance in the sum of $80,000.00 on said premises, with an ex— tended coverage endorsement, and all the foregoing in pursuance of the lease agreement, and that Mr. Theinhardt indicated that the policy will be submitted to the City as aoon as the rates have been established. Mr. Shellan further stated that it is therefore advisable that the city cancel its own insurance in order to effect the necessary saving. The communication was ordered filed. i 6 awwo A communication was read from Robert E. Walker, Secretary of the Association of r7 Washington Cities, who is also City Clerk of the City of Auburn, advising; the date of Wednesday, January 27th 1954 at 8:00 P.M., of the next .regular meeting; of the Association of Valley Cities. The Council is to be reminded of this date and the Communication w as ordered filed. An itemized list of total expenses to date for the moving of the City Hall offices to Cedar River Park in comparison to the original estimate for same was read from the Building Inspector Walt Will. Remodeling of the new City Hall building & Construction of new jail $10,054.08 Including material, and labor furnished by the City of Renton...... 2j636.25 : 12,690.33 Wages paid by Cedar River Project..... . . .... . . . o .o . . . .. o " . . 0 .0 . 3,437,63 - TOTAL. . .. ... .437.63TOTAL. . .. ... 916,107.96 Additional expenses, not in the estimate: Moving City Hall offices to Cedar River Park...... .... . . .... . .. . 473.60 Police Equipment (Radio)........... . . ... .. .... .. . . .. ... . . . . 0. 0 .0 603.80 Parking lot and City Hall, extra labor & material 2,793.75 Kitchen (lunch room)...... . .... .... . . ... . . . . . .. ... .. . .. .... .. ... 149.95 L-4.021.10 The report was ordered filed. An invoice was read from -the Association of Washington Cities signed by Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, for annual Service Fee for 1954, which includes 23 one year subscriptions to Western City Magazine for officers of the city, in the total amount of $5465.00. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the City pay this service fee. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition for dedication as a city street of the north 40 feet of certain described property as follows: "Tract 40, Plat No. 1, of the Renton Co— operative Company's Acre Tracts, except the north 30 feet thereof," as submitted by Elizabeth and William Yates, Mary Jane and Jack D. Holt, Elizabeth and Ralph Lewis, who are the owners of all of the above described properties. The petition stated that properly executed deeds were attached, but no deeds were attached. This petition was read previously at the December 15th 1953 Council meeting and returned to the petitioners to obtain the required number of signatures before the Council could con— sider same. The City Clerk stated that the petition now had the signatures of all the property owners. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City- should acknow— ledge receipt of the petition but to state that the deeds were not attached. The City Clerk stated that as soon as the petitioners had Council approval they would submit the deeds. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the petition be re— ferred to the Street Commissioner and City Engineer for investigation and a report back. Carried. A request to install one soft drink vending machine and one candy and- gum machine in the Lobby of the City Hall was read from Rosamond C. Davis. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the -request be granted under supervision of the Police Depart— ment. Carried. A request was read for permission to install pinball machines in her place of business, the City Hall lunchroom, to be known as "City Hall Pantry"., was read from Rosamond C. Davis. The machine to be furnished by the Heberling Amusement Company. After dis— cussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee to make a thorough investigation of same and report back to the Council before the machine is permitted to be placed in City Hall. premises. Carried. A request to install a pinball machine in his place of business, "Cullum's Creamery", 1 rd Avenue was read from F.L. Cullum owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by 3 5 3 , � Bruce, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to renew their ice—cream vending license for the coming season for two carts was read from John Thanos (1405 9th Ave., South, Seattle) and Harry Stathos, (1401—F, (9th Avenue South, Seattle.) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that per— mission be granted. Carried. 7 A request to ectend their non-conforming permit to keep their trailer located on their property at 1313 8th Avenue, Renton Scenic Hill, until September 15, 19542 was read from Ernest J. Bourgeois; Mr. Bourgeois states that he feels that his house will be in shape to move into by this time. That he had been unavoidably de- layed in his efforts to complete the building, - - that he was doing all the work in his spare time and had completed his main sewer lines, water and electricity had been completed and all necessary excavations and their steel reinforced concrete foundation, with an 8 foot running wall on one side has been completed as well as 4" drains had been installed. After a discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Holm, that this request be referred to the Building Inspector for investigation and a re- port back of his recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Mr. John R.epovz, 803 Grant Street had requested a review of the assessment against his property under L.I.D., No. 223, Highlands Addition, Sanitary Sewers, that the Sanitation Committee was unable to arrive at a conclusion sufficient for recommendation and the matter is still in Committee. The City Engineer further stated that on request for investiga- tion as to the assessment against the Repovz property, namely Tracts 15 and 16, Highlands .Addition, the final assessment roll shows the two tracts were assessed for the full amount of the area and no adjustments had been made to compensate for the change in construction plans. After discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer for their recommendation and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A request for consideration of replacement of the 1947 sedans for the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Assistant City Engineer, because of their age and maint- enance cost, was read from the City Engineer and Street Commissioner. They further request consideration in purchasing a car for the Building Inspector and a pick-up truck for the Sewage Treatment Plant. Councilman Holm suggested that the matter of replacement of cars and the purchase of additional cars and/or trucks should be in- vestigated to see if other departments might need similar equipment before the end of 1954. 11oved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this request be referred to the Finance Uommittee for investigation and to determine available funds in the Equipment Rental Fund before a recommendation is made to the Council for their consideration. Carried. A request was read from the City Engineer that a meeting be arranged with the Council, City Attorney, City Clerk and himself to discuss the preliminary draft of °-- the Final Assessment Roll, L.I.D., #239, Earlington Sanitary Sewers. The City Eng- ineer requested a future date be named to enable Ken Oyler, Assistant City Engineer, to be present. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and that Tuesday evening, January 19th be set as the date of this meeting, during the regular Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Junior Chamber of Commerce, signed by Russell Ralph, Jaycee Distinguished Service Award Chairman, inviting the Mayor and City Council to attend the Distinguished Service Award Banquet at the Maple Leaf Rest- aurant on Wednesday, January 20th, when they will award the National Junior Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Service Award winner in the Renton area. Mayor Baxter stated that he too had received an invitation and was planning on attending the banquet. Councilmen Reid, Hansen, Richardson and Trimm will plan on attending the banquet. A work report was read from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer for the City of Renton, stating that it is expected that work on the Sewage Treatment Plant Addi- tion will be completed by January 20th; that the grit chamber, lift pump and sludge pump items in the contract are completed and are in service; that the digester cover, mixers, beating equipment and other accessories are in place and only require , painting, adjusting and testing; that the tests for gas tightness and water tight- ness of the digester tank and cover are scheduled for January 13th; that the re- maining work consists of pouring the concrete stairway, repair of sludge beds, general cleanup and some painting. An itemized list of the items of work completed to date (12-31-53) was attached, in the total amount of $63,487.00 plus Washington State Sales Tax of $1,904.61, or a total of $65091.61, less 15% retained or $9,508.74, or the amount due the contractor of $55,582.87, less previous payments of $49,142.701 or payment due the Hoagland-Findlay Engineering Company of $6,440.17. This amount was approved and recommended by Jnmes Highton, City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer and the contractor be paid the amount due of $69440.17. Carried. y rD A communication was read from the City Engineer giving the cost analysis of the improvement projects under Ordinance No. 1450, Revenue Bond Issue of 1953 as follows: 1. Reline 20" steel Fater main $56,489.78 2. Install Springbrook iter chlorinator ..... 3,985.13 3. Kennydale well ........................... 60,480.61 4. Kennydale water mains .................... 95,160.21 5. Sewage Treatment Plant Addition........... 110,994.97 6. Retire outstanding bonds ................. . 24,0004.00 7, Fiscal Consultant's fee................... 2„268.00 TOTAL COST...... 2353.378.70 J (from the record of all items chargeable in the improvements and may be considered chargeable.) The City Engineer further reports that the bond issue (and Ordinance) provided $315,000.00 which leaves a financing shortage of $38,378.70. Comparison of estimated and actual costs are as follows: OVER UNDER Item 1. Actual - $56,489.78, estimated - $51,000.00 - $ 5,489.78 2. " — 3,985.33, " 4,000.00 $ 14.87 3. " — 601480.61, " 561000.00 4,480.61 4. " - 952160.21, " 105,000.00 9,839.79 5. " — 110,994.97, " 75,000.00 35,994.97 6. " 24000.00, " 24,000.00 EVEN 7. " - 21268.00, NOT INCLUDED 21268.00 Of the total cost of $3539378.702 the amount covered by contracts, including consul- tant engineering fees is $338,896.18. The balance in the amount of $14,482.52 was for work performed by the City of Renton on projects. The City Engineer stated that he believed the deficit in the amount of $38,378.70 can be financed under the 1954 Revenue Bond Issue and suggested that the Fiscal Consultants be consulted in the matter. Councilman Swift stated, that in his opinion, the Council should concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer, and the Fiscal Consultants be contacted re- garding the proposed 1954 program. The City Engineer stated that he had, contacted Mr. Jim Gay, one of the fiscal consultants for the City of Penton and that Mr. Gay thinks that the problem can be handled by a separate bond issue to cover this defic- it. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the City Engineer and the Consultant Engineer be requested to con- sider the matter of an additional bond issue to cover the deficit and advise the Council before any action is taken. Carried. The City Clerk read a copy of a communication sent out by Mayor Baxter stating that a meeting had been arranged on Thursday evening, January 21st at 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers, City of Renton Administration Building, Cedar River Park, to discuss the proposed plan for the new limited-access highway through the City of Renton, that the location and construction of this highway is of groat importance to the future development of Renton and vicinity, and also if properly constructed would relieve much of the traffic congestion within Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that copies had been mailed to all civic, commercial and service clubs,, The communication was ordered filed. Mayor Baxter asked Council approval of the appointment of a Committee 'to work in conjunction with dedication ceremonies for the new City Hall at Cedar River Park, stating that in his opinion all the proposed repairs and improvements are in read- iness, or will be completed by January 30th which is the proposed date for the public open house and dedication ceremonies; that he had requested all Department Heads to compile data in regard to their own department's particular operation of City Government and what has been accomplished by their specific departments during the past 10 years - - that the Renton News Record, through advertising, has offered to publish 3000 copies of a pamphlet including all this information, pilus a great deal more he has compiled and further requested the Councilmen to go over his com- piled information and furnish ar;yadditional information that they may have in re- gard to City improvements and/or changes made during the past 10 years. Mayor Baxter stated that it is proposed to open the City Hall for inspection by visitors at 1:00 P.M., that he would like to have this Committee work with him to complete the program he has been working on; that he has requested former Mayor O.N. "Oats" Cochran to make the official dedication of the new City Hall as he was instrumen- tal in building the first City Hall at 227 Wells Street, also Mr. George Custer who was the first City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council endorse the Mayor's suggestion and that he appoint a Committee to work with him on arrangements for the dedication ceremony and program. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilmen Reid, who will act as Chairman, Bruce and Morris, members on the Committee, as he felt they would be able to give this Committee the additional time it would require. Councilman Heid requested more time in regard to lighting problems throughout Renton, which had previously been referred to his Committee. More time was granted. The City Engineer informed the Council that he was endeavoring to obtain plans, from the State Highway Department, that have been prepared to channeling the inter- section of 3rd Avenue with Walla Walla Avenue and Houser Way. Councilman Swift, stated thata representative of a local business company had informed him that their company would assist in getting this intersection satisfactorily laid out to ease the traffic problem in the area and that the matter would be considered at the Street and Alley Committee meeting Thursday evening, January 14, 1954; before any action was taken, proposed plans would be submitted to the Council for their consideration. Councilman Brace reported in regard to the dog pound quarters situation, that both veterinarians had been contacted and although they do not have facilities available on their own premises at present he understood they would be willing to build necessary facilities and take care of the impounded dogs, if the City would furnish the property for same. Councilman Tamborini stated that the Sanitation Committee would investigate and determine if the City had or could obtain property they could use for this purpose and requested the City Engineer check same. Mayor Baxter granted the Sanitation Committee more time to study this matter. Councilman Richardson reported that he had contacted the Police Chief regarding additional parking space for residents of Cedar River Park. Councilman Swift re- ported that tentative parking areas in Cedar River Park had been approved and would be improved as soon as weather conditions permitted. Councilman Reid suggested that the Street & Alley Committee investigate two proposed tentative Municipal Parking Lot areas, one just south of Reid & Cook's building and north of the Henehan home and the other where a vacant house is located on flay Schneider's property north of the ice plant building. Councilman Holm reported that the City Clerk and Mayor Baxter had thoroughly ex- plained the City 's 1954 Budget and the operation of City Government to the Business and Professional Women's Club at their meeting on Monday evening. The City Clerk stated that Councilman Holm also explained very thoroughly the importance of City Government at this meeting. In regard to the report of traffic violators (speeders) on beacon Avenue, Renton Scenic Hill, moved by Holm, seconded by Morris, that this problem be referred to Traffic Division of the Police Department for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Farmer reported a traffic jam in the area of the plane crash recently, and asked for Council consideration of action that could be taken in the future to avoid a disaster or calamity that could easily happen because of such traffic con- gestion. Councilman Swift stated that this matter was brought up for information purposes and the condition reported was serious and such traffic congestion hampered the Police & Fire Departments in their efforts to arrive at the scene of the accident as quickly as possible. After discussion, it was suggested by Ang. Busato, Police Chief, that the Civil Defense Commission take this matter under consideration and advisement. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn, to allow a Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 2 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Citk Clerk Mayor 10 y cti Renton, Washington January 19, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DEL.4UNENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAICORIVI, RICHAR.DSON: REID AND TRIMM. (Councilman Freyman is on Leave of Absence.,) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James L. Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, and Ken Oyler, Assistant City Engineers, Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of January 5th be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of January 12th be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for four new prowler cars for the City of Renton, also one servi-car (motorcycle with side-car) for the 'Renton Police Denartment, the following bids were opened and reads FOR POLICE CARS: MAKE BIDDER TOTAL PRICE Williams & Swanson Chevrolet 4,301.36 (including trade-in allowance, but not in- Clarke Bros. Motor Co. Plymouth 4,414.00 cluding Fed. Excise or " if is Dodge-6 50254.00 State Sales Tax. n if to Dodge-V8 5,910,00 Pope Fond Company Ford-6 2,974.00 n n n Ford—V8 4,389.33 --- " n " Spec. Police 3,602.73 Car-V8. White Mercury Sales Mercury 62220.00 FOR SERVI-CAR: TYPE BIDDER Harley-Davidson Sales Co. Servi-car 1,011.59 Drager's Harley-Davidson uo. " " 1,140.00 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the bids be referred to the Council as a whole for consideration. Carried. A report was read from Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, regarding the request of Mr. Ernest Bourgeous stating.that his investigation has proved that the concrete has been poured and the form has been stripped, but that there was no framing done. Mr. Will stated that his department had no recommendation to make. Councilman Holm stated, that in his opinion, as there was no protests to the trailer being located in the area , , and that the extension of time is only for the period until September 1954, that the request be granted and so moved, seconded by Farmer.. Vat an ex- tension of time for Mr. Bourgeois to leave his trailer on his property at 1313 - 8th Avenue, until September 15, 1954 be granted. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from Balino W. Hodgen, Chairman- of the Town of Pateros, Washington, Housing Authority to the Mayor and Council of the City of Renton, requesting information as to City owned Housing and related questions as to same; also regarding profits from same being used for certain improvements. Mayor Baxter stated that he had referred the communication to Don Humble, Executive Secre- tary of the Housing Authority, for his consideration and a reply to same and that a copy of Mr. Humble's answer was attached. The City Clerk read a communication from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, in answer to their request. Mayor Baxter requested that the communication be placed on file. The City Clerk read a communication from Oliver M. Hazen, Superintendent of Renton School District No. 403, to the attention of Hugh Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee acknowledging Councilman Bruce's letter in regard to the City's interest in approximately 3 acres of land from the School District, south of the existing Sewage Disposal Plant, stating that property south of the present site will be avail— able at any time for the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the matter of determining the estimated cost of the property in question, and the matter of negotiating with the School Board for same, is to remain in the Property Committee. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer regarding a deficit in the 1953 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Fund, advising that it is the opinion of the law firm of Weter, Roberts & Shefelman that the deficit can be financed under a 1954 Revenue Bond Issue; that it would be necessary to borrow, from other City Funds, on a loan basis, temporarily to pay the balance due on the present construction contracts, said loans to be repaid from the 1954 bond issue when available; that the fiscal consultants plan a financial analysis of the actual operations of the water and sewer departments when the 1953 business year has been closed, and will then advise the City of their recommended procedure. Moved by Swift, seconded by hichardson, that the matter of determining the funds from which this deficit can be financed be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their recommendation and a report back. Carried. A "Notice of Withdrawal" of the Washington Water Power Company's former request for hearing from the Federal Power Qommission was read, the effective date and closing date of this matter bein January 4, 1954• This notice is to be referred to the Special Power Committee. Walt Reid, Chairman) A request was read from Norman R. Smith, to install a pin ball machine in his place of business, "Rod's Cafe", 1620 Maple Way. (George Martin, Mutual Amusement machine). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The Mayor reminded the Council of the meeting of the Association of Valley Cities in Auburn, Wednesday, January 27th at 8:00 P.M., and the Jaycee's Banquet, Wednesday, January 20th, Mayor Baxter declared a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAU11ENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, reported that the Council as a Whole recommended that the bid of the Harley—Davidson Sales Company for the servi—car, being the lowest bid received for same, be accepted by the Council. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council reported that the Council as a Whole recommended that the bid of the Pope Fond 6ompany for four prowler cars, being the lowest bid received for same, be accepted by the Council, but that further consideration be given as to which type of cars the City would purchase, either the Ford V8!s or the special police cars. Carried. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. bowi On request for information regarding same, the Council was informed that the trade— in value of the special police cars would comparably be at least as much as the V8's; that the cars were heavy—duty throughout, complete maintenance cost would be reduced; that the vinyl plastic seat covers would outwear leather seat covers; that the special duty police cars were equipped with standard transmissions, but automatic transmissions could be installed at a small additional cost; that the cars had safety (shatterproof) glass; that the heavy duty batteries were 120 amps. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of determining which model 12 y -� of Ford, ie., V8 or Special Police cars, is to be purchased for the Police Department be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police for further in- r� vestigation and power to act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all checks received with bids that were not accepted be returned. Carried. For Council information, Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Comm- ittee, at their Thursday evening, January 14th meeting had discussed the problem of parking space for tenants of Cedar River Park in the adjacent area to the City Hall Administration Building had authorized the Street Commissioner to proceeed with cost estimates for the preparation of said parking areas. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street Commissioner, through the Street and Alley Committee, made a, recommendation that a one-way street be established at the present entrance to Cedar River Park on Houser Way under the viaduct and a. one- way street be established at the proposed exit from Cedar River Park at the location previously suggested on Houser Way, approximately 300 feet northeast of the present entrance on Houser Way, just northwest of the railroad switch, and Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner be requested to prepare cost estimates for this proposed street construction (exit from Cedar River Park) and also contact the Railroad Company and the State for authority to cross over the tracks. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee, in considering the re- quest that the streets in Cedar River Park, both the street in front of the New City Hall Building, ie., on the southeast side and the street on the northwest side, which streets meets and form a circle, be given names for the present times; that the matter be referred to the High School students in the Senior Class, who one day each year visit the City Hall, and in Honorary positions, take over the duties of the various departments of civil government, for their consideration and suggesting that this be done on a contest basis, the names of pioneers, or old family names, to be omitted as these two streets will necessarily be streets of a temporary nature only, for the duration of the Housing Project, and therefore would be dis- contined when the City Hall and Cedar River Project is no longer used as a Housing Project. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councimau Swift stated that he would like to report for information purposes only, that the City Engineer had been requested by the Street & Alley Committee to re- quest the Pacific Coast Railroad Company to synchronize their light over their track, adjacent to the Maple Valley Wye, to the traffic light at this intersection. The City Engineer presented plans, prepared by the State Highway Department, for alleviating the traffic congestion and hazards at the. Main Street, Walla Walla Avenue & Houser Way intersection. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, stated that in his opinion the plans offered a solution to the traffic problem at this intersection and with a slight modification of the proposed system, appeared to be a good idea. Councilman Richardson., a member of the Street and Alley Committee stated that in his opinion, before the Council continues their study of this proposed plan, that they should request a cost estimate from the State Highway Department and also inform the State Highway Department that the Committee suggests and recommends that the matter of a pedestriancrosswalk be considered for this area before final plans are approved. Councilman Swift stated thELt the pro- posed plans would be displayed at the special meeting of the State Highway Depart- ment and the King County Planning Commission, which is planned for January 21st, for discussion of the proposed plan for the new limited access highway through the City of Renton. Councilman Richardson stated that should the proposed limited access highway be routed through Renton, as planned, that the highway would bi- pass this intersection and the intersection would remain as built. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Swift, that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner obtain an estimate of the cost to put the operation into effect and endeavor to work out a feasible pedestriancrosswalk for this intersection. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported that the committee does not approve the request of Mrs. Rosamond Davis to install a pin- ball machine in her place of business the "City Hall Pantry." Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee recommended that Mr. F.L. Cullum's request to place a pinball machine in his plaice c£ business, "Cullum's Creamery", 315 3rd Avenue, be granted, under the supervision of the Police Department; that the use of same be prohibited by school children and,/or children 13 . under 18 years of age. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. On request for same, Mayor Baxter granted the Police & License Committee more time in regard to a report as to the necessity of additional cars for the City Engineer, Street Commissioner,etc. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee reported that his Committee recommended the installation of one soft drink and one candy and nut vending machine in the lobby of the City Hall as a concession to, and to be under the management of Mrs. Rosamond Davis, manager of the City Hall Pantry, also, if and when necessary to be under the supervision of the Police Department. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee approved the re— quest for renewal of the ice-cream vending license, for two carts, for Mr. John Thanos and Mr. Harry Stathos, for the coming season. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee recommended that the request of Norman R. Smith to install a pinball machine in his place of business, "Rod's Cafe" be granted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police & License Committee approved the four applications for renewal of the Taxicab Licenses for 1954, and requested that as soon as possible, the four companies furnish the Chief of Police with their new License numbers (for hire) for each cab. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time for investigation of additional properties adjacent to the Springbrook Dam. Councilman Farmer reported that in regard to the doors to the Highland Fire Station sticking, that they had been informed that the Highlands Fire Station was leased to the City of Renton by the Housing Authority, with the provision that the City would bear the expense of all maintenance work; that there is no way the Housing Authority can assist us in replacing the doors; Councilman Farmer stated that his Committee had met with the Housing Authority, Fire Chief and representatives of the door manufacturing company, and after study and consideration, the Committee recommended that two new doors be installed at Fire Station No. 2, in the Highlands; and as it is the recommendation of the Fire Chief that this installation be made as quickly as possible, that the matter of providing funds for same be referred to the Ways and Means Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Fine & Water Committee that two new doors be purchased for Fire Station No 2 in the Highlands, and to expedite the purchase of same, that the matter of source of funds and installation of same be referred to the Ways & Means Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee felt, in order to improve parking conditions on Burnett Street, between 2nd and 4th Avenues, in view o of the fact that the east side of the street already has meters, that the Committee recommends that parking meters be installed on the west side of Burnett Street between 2nd and 4th Avenues. Moved by Holm, seconded by kchardson, that the Coun— cil concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the required ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had met with Mr. Thomas of the Dual Parking Meter Company to study and discuss the parking meter �r. problem in the fringe area — — that his Committee would meet with Mr. Thomas again at the Street & Alley Committee meeting, January 28th (Thursday) at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Baxter reported that most of the planned improvements for the City Hall had been made but that he recommended that flood lights be installed at the rear of the City Hall Building. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Finance Committee, Tuesday, January 26th at 7:15 P.M. 14 y Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, introduced George Milhuff, k'U a Renton pioneer, who at present holcb a skirt hanger patent and wishes to start C� the manufacture of same in Renton; that Mr. Milhuff wishes to sublease property at Mother's Park from Mr. Pulrang, the present lessee. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it is permissible, if the Council approves, that the City could write and inform Mr. Pulrang that he can sub-lease a portion of his leased property to Mr. Milhuff, the lease price to be proportionately the same as Mr. Pulrang is paying for the area to be used by Mr. Milhuff, that should Mr. Milhuff change his :Location of business or move to a new location, that the lease by and between Mr. 13111rang and Mr. Milhuff be terminated. The space proposed to be sub-leased is approximately 12 x 10 feet. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee that subject area be sub-leased to Mr. Milhuff. Carried. (Mr. Pulrang and Mr. Milhuff will make their own arrangements in regard to prorating power and light charges) . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborinip that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been approved by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 91-243 27,901.11,. CLAIMS CURRENT 1801-1806 29,397.04 CLAIMS WATER 8985-8986 4,765.46 CLAIMS STREET 6565-6566 5,351.12 CLAIMS PARK 1841-1842 11837.40 CLAIM LIBRARY 2751-2752 1,067.55 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1756-1758 12499.72 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2482-2,83 11237.22 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 678 - CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE FD. 517 50.00 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 123: 124 250.00 CLAIMS CUM. #1183 395 - CLAIM CUM. #1184 437 i{ Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the meet'ng adjourn. Carried. The gleet- r ing adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 11 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City Clerk Mayor 1 Renton, Washington January 26, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, HOLM, TAMBOR.INI, RICHARDSON, REID, AND TRIM. The City Clerk reported that Councilman Morris would be unable to be present at this Council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Councilman Morris be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer;' Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Asst. City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector, and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of January 19th be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk read a notice from Robert E. Walker, Secretary of the Association of Valley Cities, stating that the meeting of January 27th had been cancelled due to present weather conditions; that the next meeting would be held on the reg- ular meeting date, February 24th at the City Hall in Auburn. The communication was ordered filed. A request for a non-conforming permit was read from Ann L. Lotto, to place a one story business building on the front of her 50 foot lot, 1216 Bronson Way, ad- jacent to the Market Basket Building. Miss Lotto requests that the building be placed to front on Bronson Way, which places the building 141 west of Market Basket building's west wall, leaving 20 feet on the east side of the lot. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, stated that he had investigated this request and that this lot is in a fire zone, that if the building were placed as requested, it would not allow the required 20 feet clearance all the way round the building, but that it would be permissible to place the building the other way on the lot; that there are no exceptions made in fire zones. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Building Inspector and Fire & Water Committee to meet with Ann Lotto to see if a safe and satisfactory arrangement could be made, and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting a proposed Resolution which the State Department of Highways has requested be presented to the Council for consideration, covering consent of the City for establishment of limited access to the section of proposed new highway from Windsor Hills, north to the City limits; that the authority to execute the resolution is provided for under Chapter 47.52, State of Washington Highway laws of 1952; that the plans covering the aforementioned section of the proposed limited access were attached. The City Engineer stated that the attached Resolution was required by the State High- way Department wherever a State Highway went through a City, State, etc., and necessitated establishment of limited access on a portion of said State Highway; that he was not too familiar with the Resolution as it was just given to him to present to the Council for consideration. Councilman Richardson suggested that the proposed Resolution be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for a thorough study and investigation, and their recommendation before any auction was taken by the Council - - that the Street & Alley Committee could contact the Mayor's Special Committee of five, appointed to represent the City in regard to the new limited access highway. Mayor Baxter stated that he had appointed as the Citizen's Highway Committee", John Swanson, of the Planning Commission, as the Chairman, Councilman B. J. Richardson, Thomas Dobson, of the Chamber of Commerce, C. W. Paddock, of the Renton Central Labor Council, as well as himself, as the 5-man Committee. Mayor Baxter appointed as alternates on the Committee, Mike Lotto, George Swift, A. E. Todd, Walt Reid, Frank Costagno, Bob Edwards, Louie Peretti, Herb Williams, Don Holm, and Hugh Bruce. Also, consultants have been appointed as follows: James Highton, City Engineer; Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney; Louie Dowell, Henry Reynolds, as Committee Secretary and Oliver Hazen. The City Engineer reported that Mr. Ralph Kerslake, District State Aide Engineer, stated that he would meet with the Street & Alley Committee at their convenience. <Councilman Swift stated that the matter would be discussed at the Street and Alley Committee meeting, Thursday evening, January 28th, The City Engineer, Street Commissioner, Police Chief and City Attorney, as well as Councilman Richard- 1 y t� son and Holm, members of the Committee, stated that they would be presents-- t the meeting. The City Clerk read the minutes of the "State Highway (limited access) Location Meeting" of Thursday, January 21, 1954. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of this special meeting be incorporated in this weeks minutes. Carried. The following are the minutes of said meeting: "The meeting was opened by Mayor Baxter. It was announced that Henry T�-ynolds, would pass a roster list blank for each person present to sign so there would be a record of the attendance at the meeting. J The purpose of the meeting was explained and J. Swanson was requested to act as moderator. Mr. John Swanson explained the past history and activity concerning this location project during the past three years. Earlier meeting concerned City Officials and the Origin and Destination, and a Committee of the State Highway Department.. and resulted in the determination of three possible routes, (1) west of the High School, (2) a route east of the Business Area, and (3) a proposed tunnel through Renton Scenic Hill. Mr. Swanson explained this history in detail and then asked James Highton, City Engineer, to elaborate on the most recent route proposed by the State Highway Department, and shown on the map of the proposed routes of said highway, in orange. Two alternates suggested by the City Engineering Department and the Planning Commission were shown in green and brown. The green route consisted of a viaduct from Windsor Hills to Renton Scenic Hill. The brown route is a proposed tunnel. The States orange route consists of a fill approximately twenty feet high through Cedar River Park. Numerous questions were asked by those attending the meeting, which James Highton, City Engineer, answered with the information available to him. General opinion agreed that the new highway would not aid the City's traffic problem, but would only be a means of north-south traffic getting through Renton. Mr, John Swanson, again as moderator, discussed the various injuries the City could suffer should the State insist on using their proposed route, stating the results =Eli of various meetings of the City Council, Planning Commission and Chamber of Commerce and the objections of those organizations to the proposed State route, and again proposing the tunnel route as the most feasible route which would cause the least harm to the City of Renton and its people. Mr. J. Swanson asked for opinions from the audience so that a definite proposal could be decided on and all concerned could and would agree to back this proposal. Those speaking from the audience, stated their proposals as follows: VIADUCT FILL TUNNEL L. Peretti 1 A. F. Todd (Cement Union) 37th Ave., S.) (2nd choice) 1 Dick Clarke 1 Tom Dobson (spoke on all persons being un- 1 animously behind one proposal) Walt 'Reid 1 The Chairman called for a vote for a tunnel. Moved and seconded that all present vote in favor of (or against) a tunnel. The vote was unanimous for all present con- cerned to back a tunnel. (There was not one dissenting vote case.) Mr. Swanson suggested that a smaller committees from this group, gather detailed information and estimated costs for a tunnel so the organizationts representatives can speak to State Highway Officials with some degree of fact, and present a good case for the City of Renton. It was stated that this proposal would have to be pre- sented to the State Highway Director and Commission. The Mayor resumed Chairmanship of the meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the suggestion of Max Clarke that a full committee of five gather the necessary facts to present a strong ease to the State, be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Hugh Bruce suggested that an alternate route over Burnett Street be used; Mayor Baxter suggested that all strength be concentrated on the tunnel p roposalp further suggesting that the Committee attempt to fpt as many access points on the highway as possible as alternates. 17 Frank Coleman suggested a clover leaf pattern, close to town, to eliminate a possible division of the City. Use of the Association of Washington Cities services was suggested to the Committee. The noise factor of a free—way was mentioned. Mr. Bob Edwards suggested that property owners on Renton Scenic Hill, over the proposed tunnels sign waivers of any possible damage from traffic vibration, It was suggested by Mr. Charles McGarrigle that this tunnel project be given good newspaper publicity so that the State Highway Department is aware of public opinion in Renton concerning this proposed Highway location. A letter campaign to Mr. Bugge, State Highway Director, was suggested by Don Holm, Mr. Tom Dobson suggested that the Committee contact Mr. Forgy before contacting Mr. Bugge and that all comments tonight be considered suggestive to the Committee and not considered as directives; that the Committee should be free to study the possibilities and make a decision to benefit all. George-Swift, Acting Secretary" A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting that the Council place the responsibility of the maintenance of the hydrants in the Maplewood Addition; that the water system is privately awned by Carl Hanniff, 10!,.4.5 Rainier Avenue, Seattle, and as the owner does not derive any revenue from the hydrants use, that he is not responsible for their maintenance. The Fire Chief stated that there are 7 hydrants in the Maplewood Addition, that all but one were in satisfactory condi— tion the last time they were tested and that on request, Mr. Hanniff had repaired the defective hydrant; that in his opinion, someone should be held responsible for their satisfactory condition. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee to investigate the cost of main— tenance and report back their recommendation. Carried. A report was read from the City Engineer and Street Commissioner, stating they had investigated the property and conditions for which the petition submitted by Ralph Lewis, Jack D. Holt and William Yates, and their respective wives, for dedication of private property for street use and that they recommend the accept— ance of this dedication of private property for street usep on the condition that it is understood and agreed that the cost of any street improvements shall be at the expense of the abutting property owners, said improvements to be made in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Street Commissioner. The City Engineer stated that each property owner should sign a quit claim deed to the City. The motion carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee stated that the Committee recommended that the cost of replacing the two Fire Station doors in the Highlands Fire Station be charged to Cumulative Fund No. 1184. Fire Chief Lawrence stated that the doors would be installed either Friday of this week or Monday of next week. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, was granted more time for preparation of the proposed Ordinance covering installation of parking meters on the west side of Burnett Street. Councilman Swift reported that he had received the final preparation of the map from the Fire Chief for a proposed through truck route for heavy trucks and trucks carrying gasoline and/or other inflamables. Councilman Swift stated, with the con— currence of Mayor Baxtert that he would like to personally state that the City of Renton Officials, Department Heads, and all employees who participated by working nights and overtime, should be sincerely congratulated for their special efforts in regards to clearing the snow from the streets and applying sand to same when neem, during the present period of snow and freezing weather, under handicap of limited funds budgeted for same; that the City employees who participated in the snow removal and sanding of streets, should be especially complimented on the fine job that has been done, considering the number of employees and equipment avail— able for said operation. Councilman Swift further stated that the Department Heads should be complimented also, on their cooperation in keeping municipal expenses in line with the 1953 budget. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee reported that by Council action on January 19, 19549 the bid of. the Pope Ford Company to supply four cars to the Police Department was accepted and the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police were authorized to d etermine the type of cars most suitable for the Police Department operation; that the Police & License Committee had met Cd with the Police Chief on Wednesday morning, January 20th, and had decided to pur- chases including trade-in cars as stated) for the Renton Police Department, two Ford V-81s and two Ford special police "Interceptor" cars, that the cost of the cars would be well within the allocation in the 1954 budget for same. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Finance Committee had met this evening, pre- vious to the regular Council meeting, and the Committee recommended that the City purchase four new pieces of automotive equipment, stating that the newly appointed Building Inspector, Vere Thompson, should not be required to use his own personal car to make official inspections of buildings, etc., for the City; that one, 4-door sedan be obtained for the City Engineer, said sedan to serve the purpose of the City if necessary to transport officials, Department Heads or employees on City business, that three business coupes be obtained, one for the Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will; one for the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh and one for the Building Inspector, Vere Thompson, also that one, 3/4 ton pick-up truck be obtained for use by th4 Sewage Disposal plant, etc. Councilman Richardson stated that he had accompanied the City Engineer and the Consulting Engineer, Richard Wolff, to see the new degritor in operation, that in the operation of same, it is required to remove from a trough, approximately 10 yards a month of gravel and other raw waste (sludge) which accumulates, because of the odor, that this sludge must be either burned or buried and that it was planned to take same to the City dump, where it would be burned. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee that four new pieces of automotive equipment be purchased, as stated, but that the matter of the 3/4 ton truck be referred to the Sanitation Committee for one week to see if a special piece of equipment could be obtained that would suit the needs of the Disposal Plant more satisfactorily. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the bids for the four pieces of auto- motive equipment, namely one, four door sedan and three business coupes, be pub- lished February 11th and 18th, 1954, and the date for the opening of bids be set as February 23rd. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the "Open House" for the City Hall, at Cedar River Park, Saturday, January 30, 1954, and Mayor Baxter, requested that all Councilmen come to the City Hall on Saturday, the day of the open house to greet visitors and assist in showing guests around the premises and in any other way that was necess- ary; that it would be appreciated if they would come Saturday morning, if possible, if not in the afternoon or evening or both. Councilman Richardson stated that he had read a report in the paper that the Federal Government is planning on passing a bill that would tax State and Municipal bonds, that he understood the City of Seattle had already forwarded protests to our Congressmen in Washington, that should such a bill pass, it would create a definite financial handicap to all cities contemplating future bond issues. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he also had read the article in the papers, and that in his opinion, the proposed bill includes State and Municipal Bonds which are tax exempt, and that although he had not made a thorough study of the proposed bill, he considered that it would be advisable for the City to contact the Associa- tion of Washington Cities in regard to investigating this report and requesting Cities in the State of Washington to take joint action and if necessary to send Resolutions to Washington requesting the aid of State Representatives and Congress- men to prevent the passage of subject Bill. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Assistant City Attor- ney, and that a letter of inquiry be directed to Chester Biesen, Executive Secre- tary of the Association of Washington Cities, in this regard, as soon as possible. Carried. After discussion in regard to same, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that a notice be published in both the Renton papers urging the citizens of Renton to keep their sidewalks cleared, in front of both vacant and occupied property. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The ..w meeting; ad3ourned at 9:15 P.M. (There were two persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Wiley Crook-City Clerk oe R. Baxter-Mayor 19 Renton, Wash February 2, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, IELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, RICHARD- SON, REID AND TRIMM. (Councilman Freyman is on Leave of Absence, and Councilman Holm previously reported that he would be unable to be present and was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Wiley Crook. City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer and Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of the Council meeting of January 26th be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED By THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5163 $2200.00 S.J. Ristesund 11713 116th Ave.SE. erect Multp. garage - 4 100.00 Renton Generator Serv. 322 3rd Avenue install sign 5 50.00 Samuel Hubbard 641 N. Wells erect carport 6 5000.00 Florence Hoopman 12831 Renton Ave. erect dwelling 7 500.00 Andrew Gigli 462 152nd wire service 8 4000.00 Ted Stanke 8410 S. 124th airplane hangar 9 - John Peternel 609 Main St. plumbing service 5170 500.00 Louis Peretti 1023 1st Ave. N. replace gutters 1 7000.00 First American Corp. 812 0. St, erect new house. 2 7000.00 If It 808 0. St. to it 3 7000.00 it ;; 802 0 St. It it 4 7000.00 To 738 0; St. it If 5 7000.00 " of 732 0. St. to if rr 6 7000.00 " If 726 0. St. 7 7000.00 to it 727 P. St. n' " 8 7000.00 of If 733 P. Ste rr n 9 7000.00 n' to 739 P. St. of " 5180 7000.00 " if 803 P. Ste of of 1 7000.00 "' "' 909 P. St. It It 2 7000.00 If it 815 P. St. it if 3 7000.00 it " 812 P. Ste m n 4 7000.00 It It 3702 8th Place if it 5 7000.00 it It 3708 8th Place rt rr 6 7000.00 it it 3714 8th Place 7 7000.00 " it 3720 8th Place if " 8 7000.00 " 3721 8th Place "' " 9 7000.00 If3715 8th Place it If5190 7000.00 " 3709 8th Place " " 1 9500.00 n 728 P. Street if it 2 9500.00 " 3703 8th Place If if 3 9500.00 " " 3209 7th Place It n 4 9500.00 " " 3203 7th Place it " 5 9500.00 " " 3202 6th Ave. N. it it 6 9500.00 f if 3208 6th Ave. N. it It 7 100.00 Ervine Yoder 715 A. Street Electric service 8 - Don'Gaspari 414 Cedar Street Plumbing service 9 300.00 Clifford Wimmer 627 R. Street Install fireplace 5200.81,400.00 Renton School D. #403 1523 4th Ave. N. Wire Service. 1 4,000.00 Ernesto Barei 227 Wells St. it " 2 150.00 Williams & Swanson 704 Third Ave. it " 3 700.00 Rosalie Evans Estate 915 3rd Ave. It " 4 100.00 Nelly S. Rice 426 Cedar St. of it A communication was read from Erwin J. Fey, owner of the three Moving Picture Theaters in Renton, requesting Council consideration of repeal of the present City of Renton Admission Tax Ordinance. Mr. Fey also expressed his civic interest in the City of Renton and stated that he wished to continue in the theater business in Renton and desired to bring the newest and best films to the public at the' lowest prices; that in addition to the City's Admission Tax, local theaters have 20 to pay the Federal Government tax of 20%, high rentals from Film Companies, and increases in wages, supplies, etc.. A circular, written by Mr. Jameyson, Presi- dent of the Commonwealth Theaters, Inc., of Kansas City, Missouri,giving a re- sume of the problems facing theaters throughout the entire country and explaining the impact of City and Federal taxes on theaters. Councilman Fdchardson read an article from the Association of Washington Cities' Bulletin in regard to admission taxes. A statement in the article was that Cities are being pressured to repeal their admission tax Ordinances, that the- States gave the Cities this possible means of revenue and should the Cities repeal their Ordin- ances, for the collection of admission taxes, there is a chance that the State would impose an admission tax on theaters, etc., and that in the Association of Washington Cities' Bulletin (#161) dated December 14th, it was stated that Cities should not repeal their Admission Tax Ordinances. The Assistant City Attorney discussed the article, stating that in his opinion, the City should give thorough consideration to this problem before taking any action. Mayor Baxter reported that Senator Dayton Witten had remarked at the last Association of Valley Cities meet- ing in Auburn, that should the Cities voluntarily give up this tax and then appeal to the Washington State Legislature for more money to be appropriated by the State for Municipal purposes, the Legislature would in all probability refuse aid be- cause the Cities had not kept a means of revenue that had been delegated to them by the State. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, the release of the tax, by Cities, would not cause admission prices to decrease, but would increase the net profit of the operators of theaters and that the tax should not be re- linquished except by the State Legislature. Moved by Richardson, seconded- by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Police & License and Legislative Committee. Carried. A communication was read from David C. Dobson of Dobson, Houser & Dobson, who is representing Mr. Sam Pappas, the owner of acreage located on the east side of the Sunset Highway, immediately north of the Cemetery Road, that- foa.- many years a spring water course has existed through his property, running east and w est, that the water course continues westward by way of a culvert under the Sunset Highway to the railroad tracks and then northward along the railroad tracks in the direction of the Pacific Car and Foundry Company and inquirin g if any springs were tapped in the development of Monterey Terrace and if so, if any of this spring water has been directed so- that it also flows into the Pappas water course; that the accumulation of surface waters now flowing from the streets and storm sewers of Monterey Terrace into the Pappas water course have so increased the volume of ..r water therein so as to render inadequate the existing channel and culvert under the Sunset Highway. Two possible solutions were stated, (1) enlarge and improve the culvert and drainage system at the Sunset Highway so that the waters may be carried off without overflowing, (2) rerouting of the surface and spring waters from Monterey Terrace.- Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, reported that; last fall the dater Department had reworked the entire system; that there is a far greater amount of clear water running through the pipe now than before -- -that the City does not have too much control over drainage along the highway as this is an un- paved and uncurbed section of the State Highway, and the responsibility remains with the State; that there is at the present time a 121111ne carrying water, run- ning north where it enters into an 1$" or 24" drain; that to increase the line they would have to tear out the line from where the culvert crosses the highway and replace the line all the way to 4th Avenue North, that this would be a very expensive Job. Mr. Pugh further stated that the property owner and not the City is repsonsible for water that naturally runs through property and that Mr. Pappas has done nothing torelieve this condition; that at various timesthe City has dug into the creek to keep the water in the channel, where i_t overflows and runs on property on both sides of stream Chanel. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to have a meeting with the City Attorney and the attorney for Mr. Pappas, for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Assoc- iation of Washington Cities, in answer to Mr. Gerard Shellan, Assistant City j Attormey's request of January 28, 1954, regarding a tax that is being proposed ME" and considered by Congress to be applied and levied on certain types of munici- pal bonds which heretofore have been tax exempt, that the Association had re- cently sent the following wire to all members of the Washington .congressional delegation: "Association of Washington Cities representing the cities alad towns of this state and some 65p ofthe state's total population wish to enter strong protest against including in the revised revenue bill of 1954 item providing for taxation of state amd municipal bonds. 21 Proposal is not only direct attack on the sovereignty of the states but would place upon local governments of the nation huge additional financing costs. Believe also highly unfair for Ways & Means Comm- ittee to present proposals without public hearings and urge that you contact Chairman Daniel Reed requesting such hearings. Information your stand on this proposal welcomed and any consideration you can- give toward helping to beat down unwarranted attack on the rights of the states and local governments greatly appreciated." Mr. Biesen further stated that the Ways & Means Committee of Congress is only attempting to tax housing authority and the southern industrials, but they consider this an"opening wedge" for if Congress can tax one brand of municipal bonds that may be more or less unpopular. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaur- enti, that the matter be referred to the Legislative Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, with reference to the Council's request for cost estimates for the construction of traffic control facilities at the intersection of Third Avenue with Main Street, Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street; that they find an additional traffic count is needed at 3rd and Main to ascertain the volume of the peak flow from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M., that this count will require two men for two hours, if the Police Department can furnish the men while off duty. The City Engineer requested authorization for this traffic count and pay- ment for the additional work. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the traffic count as requested at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Main Street, Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street, and that payment for same be allowed. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that -the architect re- tained for the conGtruction of the new medical clinic on the south side of Fourth Place has discussed the matter of the City water supply to said location with him; that the architect proposed to connect, with a 2" line, to an unconnected 211 line along Fourth Place, the nearest point of connection to the City being from 4th Avenue through the Milwaukee Railroad underpass to Walla Walla Avenue, but that he is opposed to small feeder mains and requests the Council's consideration that this proposed 300 feet of 2" water main be enlarged to 6" and the City Water Department bear the cost which is estimated to be $400.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee with power to act. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the motion be amended to "report back their recommendation," the amendment carried, the motion, as amended then carried. A preliminary proposal of procedure on the Water & Sewer Improvement Plan, Revenue Bond Issue of 1954, was submitted by the City Engineer, and approved by the Fire & Water Committee; that in view of recent annexations, the Kennydale well dev- elopment, and present City growth, it is deemed advisable to review the recommen- dations submitted by Richard Wolff in his 1951 report; that Mr. Wolff has esti- mated a cost of $500.00 for this study and this payment will be credited to fees on any projects for which he is retained. That it has been established that consulting engineering fees paid in 1953 are in line with standard practice and that he recom- mends that Mr. Wolff be retained as Engineering Consultant. That the projects and fee schedule will be submitted to the City Council before proceeding, but that it is essential that the consul.tinc, engineer be authorized to review the 1951 report, so that the City may set up the 1954 program. The City Engineer stated that Consult- ing Engineering fees would be deferred payments and would be paid out of the 1954 bond issue. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. F. W. Storey requesting permission from the Council for the use of the Council Chambers, for meetings of the Renton Garden Club. After discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that because of the Council's past policy, that Mrs. Storeyts request be denied and she be so advised. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council Chambers be re- stricted, except for regular Council meetings and Council Committee meetings, to Federal, State, County or Municipal business. Carried. A communication was read from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, concurred in by the City Engineer, submitting the final work report for the completion of the Sewage Treatment Plant by the Hoagland-Findlay Engineering Company, 327 Lyon Building, Seattle 42 Washington, stating the total amount for work performed was, $66,498.16, plus Washington State Sales Tax, $1,994.94, a total of $68,493.10, less 15% retained, $10,273.96, total amount due contractor, $58,219.44, less previous payments $55,582.87, balance due contractor $2,636.27; that he certifies 22 C° y tC the contractor has completed the work in accordance with plans and specifications and that the considers the work as acceptable and recommends that the contract be be accepted as completed, and that if after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against the contract, that he be paid the 'valance due him of the 15% retained, or $10,273.96. A claim in the amount of $12248.16, for extra work, was attached, which Mr. Wolff stated had been checked against the inspector's records and found to be reasonable. Mr. Wolff recommended that the claim for extra work be approved. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the letter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read the specifications and call for bids for one, 4—door sedan and 3, business coupes, as presented by the City Engineer. The bid is to include trade— in of 3 used 4—door sedans. The date for the opening of bids to be Tuesday, Februa— ry 23rd, the dates of publication to be February 11th and 18th. Moved by Richard— son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council approve the Call for Bids, also the date of the opening of bids and dates of publication, as submitted by the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Carl G. Jorgensen, of the South Bus Depot, 319 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Washington, stating that their facilities, clean rest rooms, lunch counter and heated waiting room would be given to the Penton Bus Company for a very reasonable charge if the Lake Shore Lines Bus Company would go by their depot to pick up passengers; that there are no traffic laws, city, county or state, fran— chise rights or otherwise, prohibiting this route. Moved by Swift, seconded by Del— aurenti, that the communication be referred back to Carl G. Jorgensen, owner of the South Bus Depot, to take this matter up with Seattle Officials, as this is out of the jurisdiction of the City of Renton and that a copy of this letter be furnished the Lake Shore Lines. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Mayor's Special Open House Committee, stated that the "Open House" held in the New City Hall, Cedar River Park on Saturday , January 30th was a huge success and recommended that a thank you letter be forwarded to all persons who participated and helped to make the occasion such a grand event, that he personally wished to thank the Mayor and City Council for their cooperation and assistance and stated that the City enjoyed a wonderful turnout of friends and guests. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Chairman of the Mayor's Special "Open House" Committee. Carried. Mai More time was granted Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee re— garding parking meters on Burnett Street. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that his Committee, after discussing the matter with the Budget Controller and City Clerk, in regard to the source of funds for the purchase of the t ruck which has been auth— orized for the Sewage Disposal Plant, recommended that payment for the trick be made from the Equipment Rental Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion, a 3/4 ton pick—up truck with 4 speed transmission and laminated wood floor would be the best type of truck :for the use of the Sewage Disposal Plant, that the garagemen could line the truck with metal to avoid drippings from wet sludge; that the cost of a special piece of equipment was prohibitive. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer sub— mit specifications for the special truck, for the Council's consideration. Carried. Councilman Swift reported, in regard to a previous request of George W. Ames and Ernest H. Pritchard, for the City's vacation of a small piece of property that is the property of the City on the south side of 2nd Avenue, across from the High School, between Smithers Street & Morris Street, on advice of the City Engineer that this piece of property will be needed for future sidewalks, and is located directly over the City water main; that the Committee recommended that the request be denied. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in •.• the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee reported that after a great deal of study and research by his Committee, that the Committee recommends in the core area which is bounded by 2nd Avenue on the north and Walla Walla Avenue on the South, by Burnett Street on the west and Main Street on the east, that all meters be changed to 5¢ for one hour, that an additional redhead meter be installed next to each presently installed red—head meter, making two—read—meters on each corner for the two parking meter zones closest to the intersection, with the exception of Williams Street, on the east side, from Walla Walla Avenue north to the loading zone on the southeast corner of 3rd and Williams, which meters should be converted to red—heads, requiring 5¢ parking fee for 1/2 hour, the reason for the (5¢ for 1/2 hour parking meters) red—head parking meters, is to provide short—stop parking. The Committee felt this area would serve three public institutions; that all 1¢ meters be eliminated and that there not be any more 1 meters within the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tri., that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Councilman Reid stated that he objected to any raise of parking meter fees in the City of Renton and would have to vote "no" on the motion. On the request for same, by Councilmen :Reid & Morris, the Mayor called for a roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Bruce, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Swift, Aye; Hansen, No; Farmer, No; Morris, No; Tamborini, No; Richardson, Yes; Reid, No, and Trimm, Aye. There being 4 "Ayers" and 6 Noss" the motion lost. Councilman Morris stated- that his reason for voting no, was be— cause he is not familiar with the proposed parking meter program and not well enough informed to vote yes; but would like to make a more thorough study of the program as outlined by the Street and Alley Committee before approving or con— demning same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Street & Alley Committee be relieved of this particular parking meter problem. On request for slime, Mayor Baxter requested a roll call vote. The vote was as follows: Bruce, No; Delaurenti, No; Swift, Aye; Hansen, No; Farmer, No; Morris, No; Tamborini, Yes; Richardson, Yes; Reid, No and Trimm, Yes. There being 4 "aye's" and six "Noss" the motion lost. Mayor Baxter stated that each Councilman had the right to vote in accordance with his own opinion, that he felt if the program were ex— plained more thoroughly and the proposed operation of same clarified to some ex— tent, that some of the Councilmen who oppose the program, might be in favor of the approval of same. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that a push button crosswalk light be installed across Houser Way over the pedestrian crosswalk; that the Committee estimated the approximate cost of the crosswalk light to be $60.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council con— cur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Resolution, as presented by Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, which had been approved by the Council as a Whole in Committee, whereby the City of Renton continues the operation of the Cedar River housing units and structures for a period of from three to five years; provided that the Council shall re—determine and re—appraise the need for such housing and the condition of the dwelling units after three years from date hereof (Feb. 2, 1954) , or sooner, so as not to unnecessarily delay the eventual, gradual and timely removal and liquidation of all of said housing units and structures as stipulated in the condemnation proceedings, when the Cedar River Housing pro— perty was acquired by the City,. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Council had held a meeting after the January 26th Council meeting, in order to determine the City's declared policy of continuation of operation of the Cedar River Park; that the consensus of opinion was, due to the present demand for this type of housing that the Council expresses itself in favor of continuation of operation and maintenance of same for a period of five years; with the pro— vision that after 3 years, a new appraisal be made to determine whether to con— tinue the operation as a Housing Project or to dismantle and remove the build— ings in accordance with the provisions of the condemnation proceedings. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Resolution be referred to the City Attorney for correction in compliance with the recommen— dation of the Council as a Whole at their special Committee meeting on January 26th, that the policy of the City be for "continuation of operation of the Cedar river Park Housing Project for a period of 5 years". Carried. After the requested correction had been made by the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that proposed Resolution No. 860, be adopted as corrected. Carried. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, reported that the Council as a Whole recommended that the appointment of Mr. Harry Heatherington as Manager of the Cedar River Park on a pro—rata basis be approved by the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried, Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, reported that it was the recommen— dation of the Council as I Whole, that the Ways & Means Committee and Budget Controller compile data onh ost of the operation of the City Hall at Cedar 24cc x River Park on a monthly basis, and report back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Mayor's Citizens Highway Advisory Committee had met Monday, February 1, 1954 at noon. That the Committee members present weire Charles Paddock, Tom Dobson, Ben Richardson, James Highton, Arthur Haugan and Henry Reynolds. The Committee discussed the proposed Resolution presented at the January 26th Council meeting by the State Highway Department, seeking approval for a limited access high- way through the City of Renton; that the proposed Resolution had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study and their recommendation, also to the Mayor's Citizens Highway Advisory Committee, for their recommendation; that theCommittee recommended that action be withheld on the proposed Resolution until the route for the new highway is completely and definitely established, that no action be taken .... that would weaken the City's position. On request, the City Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of the Mayor's Citizens Highway Advisory Committee, confirming the Mayor's statement, in part "the consensus of opinion of the Committee was stated in the form of a motion made by Tom Dobsonp seconded by Council member Rich- ardson, and passed unanimously, (1) That no approval of this section of the road be given, (2) That no partial approval be given until the entire matter of access, route and type of construction is outlined in detail and approved by the City" The minutes explained further progress made in regard to subsequent meetings and the obtaining of necessary information for the committee, also stating that as soon as the Committee is through with the preliminary work and is a functioning; organiza- tion, that the Committee alternates will be notified of all subsequent meetings. The Committee also discussed the idea of having some of the qualified members and alternates make appraisals of property along the proposed routes. The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, February 10th. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, the report was very good and indicated a great deal of progress. The City Engineer was directed to inform the Washington State Highway Department of the Council's action in regard to the Resolution. On request for information regarding same, Councilman Bruce informed the Council that the City Engineer had been .requested to investigate the occupancy by the Bliss- Vaughn Mfg. Company of their leased property in Mother's Park. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City would be required, under their lease, to give the lessee 20 days notice to vacate, before removing any of their properties. Councilman Swift reported that he had been given a completed application for the position of Matron, for the City of Renton Police Department. As there are no funds available for such type of work in the 1954 budget, moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 244-369 171,447.60 CLAIMS CURRENT 1807-1828 18,319.63 CLAIMS WATER 8987-8989 3,205.08 CLAIMS STREET 6567-6568 21688.35 CLAIMS PARK 1843-1844 1,030.93 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2753-2753 40.23 CL&IM3 AIRPORT 1759-1760 697.02 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2484-2486 12163.58 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 679- 680 13,443.40 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FD. 518 8.73 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FD. 124 - CLAIhS CONSTR. FD. LID #239 33 4,049.70 CLAIMS CUM. FD. #1183 395 - -� CLAIMS CUM. FD. #1184 437 - Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meet- ing adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 4 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City Clerk Mayor FImp- Renton, Wash February 9, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FAHM:R, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID, TRIM4 and HOLM. (Councilman Freyman is on Leave of Absence) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector, Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Gene Coulon, Park Super- intendent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of February 2nd be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK -A 5205 $1500.00 Harris Bldg. 236 Wells St. Remodel Bldg. 06 160.00 L. Litvesen 91 Logan Street Pour concrete drive i� 07 100.00 Virgil Heise 818 L. Street Install dryer let 08 200.00 M. E. Boyd 626 0. Street Erect carport 09 100.00 Van Freeman 411 Windsor Way Install add. wiring 10 100.00 Clarence Bourgeois 2207 7th Ave., N. Pour concrete drive 11 100.00 W. C. Kilpatrick 2217 7th Ave., N. It "? 12 300.00 May Tunin 2.16 Garden Street Install brick on garage. 13 - _ - John Peternal 609 Main St. Install furnace 14 100.00 Donald Neimi 512 Main St. Playroom in bsmt. 15 250.00 Frank Evans 235-237 Main St. Remodel front bldg. 16 450.00 Bill Sanit Furn. Co. 904 Second Ave. It inside bldg. 17 850.00 Williams & Swanson 2nd & Burnett erect car lot off. 18 100.00 Louis Perretti Bronson & Factory Install 4000 gl.tk. 5219 100.00 Jack Brattus 323 Pelly St. rebuild present gar. PLUMBING - First Amer. Corp. 1 - First Amer. Corp. 812 - 0. Street Plumbing Fixtures 2 — n "` - 808 - 0. "' ►n n 3 — If rt' 802 — 0. it a rr 4 - ►r' it 738 - 0 5 — if It: 732 — 0, " m If 6 — if it 726 — P. 7 — rr rt 727 — P, 8 - if m 733 - P. 9 - if rt 739 - P. n. rt If 10 - If " 803 - P. w it n 11 - it n 809 - P. n n n 12 — to It 815 — P. n It If 13 — If it 812 - P. n If it 14 - It "' 3702 8th Place If it 15 - it it 3708 8th It It n 16 — If if 3714 8th n it it 17 — n If 3720 8th n n It 18 - it It 3721 8th n it, it 19 - If ,t 3715 8th Is rrrr it 20 - if it 3709 8th it n it 21 - it " 728 - P. Street " it 22 - If " 3703 8th Place r' if 1W 23 - It " 3215 7th Place " if 24 — if if 3209 7th Place " rt 25 - If if 3203 7th It n n 26 - it It 6th Ave. No. It " 27 - to if 3208 6th ave., N. it n The City Clerk read the specifications for the Call for Bids for one 3/4 ton pickup truck, standard model, 4-speed transmission, with 100 H.P., (minimum) engine.. The dates of publication have been set as February 18th and 25th, the date for the opening of bids to be Tuesday, March 2nd 1954. Moved by Richardson„ seconded by Tamborini, that the"Call for Bids" as outlined by the City Engineer be approved as read. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, James L. Highton, with regard to the improvement of the City water system; that the two wood water mains from the Talbor re— servoirs into the City are in critical condition requiring constant maintenance and also, a bad break could result in serious property damage. The City Engineer further states that the City of Renton can finance a bond issue of approximately $300.000 for a 1954 Improvement Program; that the work involved in the preparation of the bond sale will pro— bably take until April 1st, and that he would like to delay the plans for the Talbot water main job that as long as it would mean construction during the peak water demand period; that the job will be troublesome to construct and having discussed the pro— ject with Mr. Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, he agrees to furnish the engineer— ing and construction inspection for 10% of the contract price; that it is the City Engineer's opinion, considering anticipated construction difficulties, that the pro— posed consulting engineering fee is reasonable and the City Engineer requested auth— ority to proceed immediately with the plans on this fee schedule as stated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the communication be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, James L. Highton, submitting a bill from Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, in the amount of $6,851.17, for consulting engineering services and construction inspection on the Sewage Treatment Plant Con— tract and stating that all the work under the 1953 Bond Issue program is now complete and that the bill is the final payment due Mr. Richard Wolff; that the City Engineer finds that the bill has been calculated correctly, that the billing conforms to the established fee schedule and he recommends payment of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for a re— port back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from George H. Thomas, Secretary of Renton Aerie #1722, Fraternal Order of Eagels, advising that the Renton Eagles will participate in the opening- of Freedom Week by launching "Crusade for Freedom" at 10:00 A.M., Friday, February 12th at Liberty Park,- and inviting the Mayor, Councilmen and Department Heads to attend. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Eagles be given permission to release the balloons, provided they secure permission from the C.A.A., and comply with the requirements of the Director of Civilian Defense. Carried. The City Clerk read a copy of a communication from Asst. City Attorney., Gerard M. V Shellan, to Bliss—Vaughn Manafecturing Company, regarding payment of rentals due the City of Renton as specified in the lease between, George N. Bliss & William T. Vaughn, a partnership (December 15, 1953, 016.90 due and owing, January 15th 1954, $16.90 due and owing, a total of $;33.80.) The communication stated that the City is demanding payment of all rentals due, and that if the payments are not received as per Lease Agreement, the City will'e xercise it's rights to declare forfeited Bliss Vaughn Manufacturing Company's rights and remove all persons and property of Lessee and repossess the premises in question. The communication was ordered placed on file. A communication was read from the City Attorney's Office, signed by Gerard M. Shellan, Asst. City Attorney, recommending Council approval of an Amendment to the Lease for the concession presently operated by Messrs. Robert L. Nelson and John A. Hungate for Laundry washing and drying machines at Cedar River Park. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission,, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that the Renton Planning Commission recommended that the Council approve the proposed annexation petition, as presented by the Wedg— wood Realty Company, for the areawhich included President Park No. 6, described as "the west 1/2 of the N.E. 1A of Section 9. Township 23 N., Range 5 .E.W.M., and Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts." Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Dela.urenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the necess— ary arrangements be made for annexation, as per legal requirements. Carried. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, February 11th Thursday, at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. (There were 4 persons presend besides City of Renton employees.) City Clerk Mayor 7 Renton, Wash February 16, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, HkNSEN, M01HRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, TRIMM, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PPESENT W=: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; David Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Morris, seconded by Holm, that the minutes of the February 9th meeting be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from Countner's Inc., signed by Audrey E. McComb, Secretary and Treasurer, applying for renewal of their licesne to operate coin operating phonographs in the City of Renton during 1954. A check in the amount of $140.00 accompanied the letter — — $100.00 to cover the cost of a master license and $20.00 each to cover installations of machines at-the Triple XXX barrel and Jim' s Cafe. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Fred Hancock Post #19, signed by -i.ssell D. Rhoads, Commander, expressing thanks and gratitude to the departments of the City con— oerned for the excellent manner in which traffic signs, provided by the Post, were installed. The communication was ordered placed on file. A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System signed by Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary stating a total amount of $1,177.30 is due on operating expenses. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Auditing Committee to be checked and to report back to the Council. Carried. i.., A statement from the DOT-T-,' COMPANY for a Fairbanks Morse recirculation pump, for the Sewage Disposal Plant, in the amount of 4525.30, approved by James L.. Highton, City Engineer, and Richard E. Wolff, Engineering consultant, was read. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the statement be paid. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication signed by Mrs. Anna MacSpadden, 421 5th West, Renton, Washington, including a petition requesting annexation to the City cf Renton of a certain parcel of land, approximately one acre in area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the City Eng- ineer and the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A petition containing 15 signatures was read, requesting annexation of certain property described as follows: That portion of Section 4, twp 23 N. Range 5 East, W.M., situated in King County, Washington,, described as follows: The east 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of SW lA and west 1/2 of SW 1A of SE 1/4 of Section 4, Twp 23 N, Range 5 East W.M.; together with the South 30' of SE 112th Street adjacent thereto. Moved by Holm, seconded by Swift, that the petition be referred to the City Engineer and Planning Commission with a request that they submit recommendations in regard to platting and street dedications in the area being considered for annexation as per subject petition. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Assembly of G(ad, Inc., signed by directors, Lincoln D. Wyman, President, James M. Williams, R.C. Fr; riklin, Merle E. Shaw and Howard Moses, petitioning the City of Renton to vacate to the owners of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, Shearer's First Addition to the City of Renton, the ten foot alley which is adjacent to the above described properties. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back to the Council. Carried. I I 28 r° The City Clerk read. the Assessment Roll for the Earlington District, Sanitary sewer installation - L.I.D., #239, as prepared by the City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council accept the Assessment Roll as presented by the City Engineer and that the City Clerk be requested to publish a notice of a public hearing on same, twice. The date of the first publication to be the 25th of February, the second publication the 4th of March and the date of public hearing the 23rd day of March. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Mayor declare a recess for Council members to discuss a portion of the February 9th minutes. Carried. After the recess Mayor Baxter called the Council to order. ROLL CALL: SWIFT,HANSEN, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBOR.INI, RICHARDSON AND TRIMM. Moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the February 9th meeting be approved as written with the exception that paragraph one on page two, be stricken from the minutes. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported that the Committee recommends that the new City parking lot on Main Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, be operated on a 24-hour a day service, not including Sundays, and that the meters be changed so that cars could be parked for four hours for four nickels. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Street and Alley Committee be given authority to take such action as is necessary to carry out the will of the Council as expressed in the above motion. Carried. As per the suggestion of David J. Pugh, Street Commissioner, moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Street and Alley Committee make a report to. the Council on the feasibility of the City of Renton following the policy of the State Highway Department to install red colored STOP signs, when the yellow colored ones now in use, need replacing. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the Sanitation Committee recommended payment of the final Hoagland-Findley Engineering Co., statement in the amount of $2,636.27, which as per contract would be the balance due Hoagland-Findley Engineering Co., except the 15% retained amount (#10,273.96) which will be paid as per contract in Now 30 days. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. The Sanitation Committee given power to act at tDB February 9, 1954, Council meeting, approved for payment the statement from Mr. Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer for professional engineering services, Sewage Treatment Plant Additions, '$3160.10 and Resident inspection services, Sewage Treatment Plant Construction, $3691.07, a total of $6851.1'7/. Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief reported to the Council that it would be very desirous to secure property at some future date in the vicinity of 128th Street, and "M" Street, as a site for a fire station. Councilman Swift recommended that the Fire Chief make selection of a proper area and furnish written copy of selection to the City Engineer and Planning Commission so they will have information on file.should the property in desired location become available. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. PAYROLL ALL DEPART14ENTS 370-522 25,258.93 CLAIMS CURRENT 1829-1920 23,276.29 CLAIMS WATER 8990-9004 31989.71 CLAIMS Street 6569-6582 4,044.78 CLAIMS PARK 1845-1850 11079.20 now CLAIMS LIBRARY 2754-2766 2,004.47 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1760-1773 3v114,08 CLAIMS-Civ.TDef.Fund SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2487-2498 2,072.45 CLAIMS 519-521- $131.53 FIREME141S PEN. FD. 125- 126 250.00 CLAIMS-Cum.,#1184 WATER & SEWER CONSTR, 681— 683 10,012.74 CLAIMS 4384463.50 CUM. #1183 396— 397 135.07 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.(There were 6 persons present besides City of Renton Vloyees. ) ra , Ci"'-Clerk Mayor 9 Renton, Wash February 23, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe. R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. POLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. (Councilman Freyman being on Leave of Absence and Councilman Tamborini being unavoidably detained.) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Elton Alexander, Street Commissioner and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the meeting of February 16, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIO.JS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1 800.00 Priebe Bros. 3rd & Williams replace sidewalks 2 1000.00 Grant W. Cheney 830 C. Street construct garage 3 2700.00 Walter E. Isackson 327 N. Williams repair house 4 9500.00 First Amer. Corp. 3215 7th Place erect house 5 6000.00 Holmes Electric 1025 3rd Ave. Erect building 6 225.00 D. A. Schuster 13008 90th Ave. S. erect carport 7 100.00 Renton School Dist. 1523 4th Ave. N. wire service 8 50.00 C.W. Peters 308 Cedar Street wire service 9 5500.00 Trojan Lithograph 8th & Williams wire service 10 55.00 American Legion Tobin & Burnett wire service 11 2000.00 St. Anthony's Parish 406 4th Ave. erect garage 12 1000.00 Frank G. Mead 406 Pelly re-side residence PLUM131NG 28 - Ernesto Barei 227 Wells Street Plumbing & Heating 29 - Noel M. Ghione 53-5-7-9 Lake Street Plumbing service 30 - Harris Building 236 Wells Street It it 31 - Russell Weaver 629 Cedar Street n it 32 - Eugene Sorenson 350 Park Street n It, This being the date set for the opening of bids, the following bids were opened and read for one, four door sedan and three, business coupes, including trade-in on three, 1947 four door sedans. Total cost, incl WILLIAMS & SWANSON (Incl. Tax) `trade-ins. 1-Chev. 4-door sedan $1792.56 3- It bus. coupes 5016.].5 TOTAL, for all 4 cars 6808.71 Less trade-in allow- ante... ...... . . . . .. . . 1340.71 $5468.00 POPE FORD COMPANY 1-Ford 6, 4 door sedan.... . . . . . . . . . . 1838.30 3-Ford bus. coupes 5224.23 TOTAL, for all 4 cars 7062.53 Less trade-in allowance 114.0.00 5922.53 CHIEFTAIN PONTIAC 1-Pontiac, 4 door sedan 2161.72 3- n 2 It it 6357.68 TOTAL, for all 4 cars 8519.40 Less trade-in allowance 1119.40 7400.00 CLARKE BROTHERS 30 H CLARKE BROTHERS 1-Plymouth, 4 door sedan $1854.00 3- " bus. coupes 5206,E TOTAL, for all four cars $7060.65 Less trade-in allowance 760.65 $6300.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the bids be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole to check the specifications and report back to the Council their recommendation. Carried. A copy of a communication to the Health Council from Mrs. Iris L. Harwell,; Corres- ponding Secretary, Kennydale P.T.A., requesting additional enforcement of the Health Laws in regard to carnivals held in the City of Renton and stating the need of rest room facilities, especially for small children, also drinking fountains, was read. The communication further states that there was no evidence of running water, although food stuffs were prepared and sold. (A copy of this communication was also mailed to the Veteran's of Foreign Wars,-American Legion and Renton Police Department.) On the recommendation of Councilman Richardson, moved by Swift, secon- ded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and Sanitation Committee for investigation and a report back. On advice of Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the motion be amended to require all future applications for Carnivals, etc., to be referred to the Health Officer also, for his information and recommendation. The amendment carried. The motion, as amended, then carried. A communication was read from James V. Duff, 1207 2nd Avenue North, with reference to Zoning Ordinance #1472, Page 4, Section X, Paragraph, "Front Yards and Side Yards," regarding the City Council's pending recommendation to the Planning Comm- ission requiring commercial buildings to be set back 20 feet from the right-of- way line on primary state highways and it's relation to his property at 1.03 Rainier Avenue, requesting review and reconsideration of the west side of Rainier Avenue, between 2nd Avenue and Victoria. Avenue, and requesting a. 20 foot set back from the curb be established, which in his opinion, would assure a desirable width sidewalk and also conform to the setback of the existing church building; that Rainier Avenue being six lanes wide, with curbs and sidewalks, makes store frontal, diagonal auto parking, impracticable and unsafe, also, that the right-of-way line is west of the sidewelk and does not parallel the curb in places due to the State ..r purchasing additional ground to maintain slopes and banks. Building Inspector Vere Thompson reported that Mr. Duff had checked with the State Department of High- ways and that they do not require a 20-foot set-back, but that the Planning Comm- ission had recommended a 20 foot set-back, and that in his opinion, the request should be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Council- man Richardson stated, that in his opinion, the purpose of the letter was to set a policy for the City of Renton to follow, where the State has not established a policy. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the communication be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back of their re- commendation. Carried. A bulletin was read from the Association of Valley Cities, signed by Charles Baker, Mayor of Tukwila, President and Robert E. Walker, City Clerk of Auburn, Secretary-Treasurer, reminding the Mayor, Council and Department Heads of their first meeting of 1954 on Wednesday, February 24th, 1954 at 8:00 P.M., in the Auburn City Hall. The subject for the evening will be the dog problem.. Phases of the problem will be discussed by Ray Hinea, Manager of the King County Humane Society and Lloyd Stacey, former manager of the Pierce County Humane Society, now a member of the Washington State Federation of Humane Societies. The Mayor urged all Councilman and Department Heads to attend this meeting. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Fire Chief Floyd E. Lawrence, advising the Council - of a good location for the future fire station in the Highlands Distri-ct on the northwest corner of M. Street and Southeast 128th Street. The Fire Chief ex- ...�I plained the need for additional locations for fire stations in the different areas of Renton and advised that early consideration would simplify later planning for the City of Renton, especially in areas in the south and in the west portions of the City, so that when areas adjacent to the City are annexed,in these general directions, properties would be available for the location of additional Fire Stations to better serve these areas. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, this matter should be given study and consideration and moved, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee and Fire & Water Committee to meet with the Fire Chief. Carried. (A copy of the communication will be forwarded to the Housing Authority.) A communication was read from Fclke Hayer, 13225 149th Place S.E., stating he is planning to buy the old house at 215 Garden Street, to be used as a residence and knick-knack shop if he can get permission to have a window display. Vere Thompson, Building Inspector, stated that this house is located in a R-1 District, and under the present zoning ordinance, would not permit the use of the window for display purposes without especial consideration of the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A claim for damages to his 1953 Plymouth sedan automobile, License #FH 3698, was read from Harold W. Jordan, stating that on, or about, January 19, 1954, this automobile, driven and operated by George Galitzeck, was <"topped and located at a �.. driveway� heading north� between 421 and 423 Airport Way,, ready to pick up passen- gers was hit, due to the snow and ice conditions on the road, by a 1942 Inter- nationRl 3/A ton truck, License No. MX 1592, owned and operated by the City of Renton while being driven by Glenn A. DeHart, traveling east on Airport Way; that the principal parts damaged on his automobile are the left front fender, left front door and the lettering on said door; that he has secured three written estimates for the repair of his ,automobile, the lowest of which is $47..64. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Insurance claim be referred to the Insurance Commissioners for their disposition. Carried. A communication was read from the City Attorneys, signed by Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, advising the City, regarding previous action against John H. Campbell and wife to recover the repair bill for damage to a police prowler car, which damage arose out of a collision on April 6, 1953 in Seattle, that the driver, Tohn H. Campbell was acquitted on all charges and at that time his attorney com- menced a suit against Jack Brattus, driver of the Renton police car, for damages to Mr. Campbell's car, which suit would possibly have off-set the City's claim; that after lengthy negotiations with Mr. Campbell's attorney, the attorneys for the City's insurance carrier, and the Attorney's office, they have arrived at a settlement of these two pending suits, which settlement, under the circumstances, was felt advisable, providing for dismissal of the City's suit for property dam- age and Mr. Campbell's dismissal of his suit against Jack Brattus individually and as agent for the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the legal department. Carried. Yr.. A communication was read from the Wedgwood Fealty Company, signed by J. Benjamin Hayes, Engineer, submitting proposed plat for Albert Balch's President Park no. 6, for the Co,ineil's approval. This plat is included in the proposed annexation, the hearing date of which has been set as March 9, 1954. Moved by Holm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the plat be referred to the City Engineer and Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAUENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLh1, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole recommended that the lowest bid received for the "one, four-door sedan, and the three, business coupes," this evening, which was from Williams and Swanson, be accepted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by i3ruce, that the checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned. Carried. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had discussed the request of rolke Hayer, to use the old house at 215 Garden Street as a residence and antique and knick-knack shop, and also to use the front window for display purposes, that the Committee recommended that the matter be referred to the Building Inspector to properly inform the party that the building, under the present zoning ordinance, could not be used for such pur- poses as requested. Moved by Richardson, seconded by ieid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Reid reported for the Sanitation Committee, that Councilman Richardson, the City Engineer and himself had investigated the request of John iiepovz on Renton Scenic Hill., in regard to his property never having been served by the Renton sewers, 32 when the sewer improvement was installe(?, although be ha.0 been assessed for the im- provement; that the problem had been discussed and it was determined that if the City would dig the ditch to the sewer main from Mr. Repovz's property, and furnish the sewer pipe for same, and if Mr. Repovz would lay the pipe and do all. the work of installing same, as he had agreed to do, that the matter could be amicably and inexpensively settled; it being understood that the City would be required to make the hook-up to the main sewer, provided Mr. Repovz would grant a ten foot wide ease- ment to the City of Renton, to the City Engineer's specifications, as recommended by the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer. The Committee requested that; the Council go on record as recommending this action. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dela.urenti, th=.t the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. (The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, informed the Council that the City would be covered by insurance in case of any damage claims and that owing to the location of the proposed sewer line, it was not likely that there would be any such claims.) Councilman Reid reported that the light standard on the sidewalk between the new Woolworth Building and the Central Hardware store on Williams Street was in very poor and dangerous condition. Dave Pugh, Street Cormissioner) reported that they had in- spected this pole, as well as others, and that they had intended to take this problem up with the Light &Power Committee to see what could be done. Councilman Reid sugges- ted that a mercury vapor light be installed on the Puget Sound Power and Light Com- pany pole, near the broken light standard, at an approximate cost of $162.00; that this light would be in line with the proposed over-all lighting improvement plans for the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee to report back at the next Council meeting the estimated cost of the proposed new light. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported., that while he, Councilman Reid and the City Engineer were investigating the Repovz matter, that they had also investigated the property and building on which Mr. Clarence Bourgeois, at 2207 7th Avenue North, had been given an extension of time to complete his house, and that they were unable to see where any recent improvement, or constriction, had been made. Councilman Farmer, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported that the Committee recommended, in regard to the water supply line to the new Medical Clinic, that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the installation of 300 feet of six inch water line, instead of a two inch water line, along 4th Place, from the location of the New Medical Clinic, on the south side of Fourth Place, through the Milwaukee Railroad underpass to Walla Walla Avenue, where the nearest City main is located, and that the City assume the additional cost, estimated to be $400.00 which is the cost differential between the two inch water line that the owner of the new Medical Clinic has agreed to pay for, and the six inch water line, recommended by the City Engineer, to be installed. After discussion, it was suggested that the matter remain in the Fire & ,dater Committee for further study and a report back at the next Council meeting. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, a congratulatory letter is to be for- warded from the Mayor, Councilmen and Department Heads of the City of Benton, to the City of Port Angeles, Washington, in honor of their National recognition of Community Enterprise. Councilman Holm stated that, in his opinion, it would be worthwhile if some of the Councilmen or Department Heads were to visit the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Farmer reported that the City of Puyallup had recently installed 80 mercury lights on a L.I.D. Councilman Bruce was authorized to proceed with the leasing and/or renting, of the building, formerly known as the Aeronautical Mechanic Union Hall building, and leased by Creators, Inc., on the northwest corner of Mother' s Park, which has recently been vacated by lessee, and to report back the Property Committee's recommendation to the Council for their consideration. Mayor Baxter reported that he had talked with United States Representative Thor Tollef- son, during his recent visit to the City of Renton, and that Mr. Tollefson had stated ..ri that it looked very favorable that proposed legislation, in regard to the matter of the Boeing Airplane Company's buildings in Renton, and the New Foundry Building at Pacca_fic Car & Foundry Company, being placed back on Government Tax Rolls, would en- able the City of Renton to again receive "money in lieu of taxes". Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carr-_ed. The meet- ing adjourned at ,10:00 P.M. There were 10 persons present besides City of Renton emplo,rees. City Clerk !Mayo r Renton, Washington March 2, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DFL.AURENTI, SWIFT, FARMER, MORRIS, TAMBORINI,, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM, OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett„ City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer, Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. In memory of Councilman Freyman, the assembly stood in one minute of silence. McTTed by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the Council meeting of February 23rd be approved as corrected. Carried. A petition for annexation was read from L. N. Cleven, Vice President of the Wedgwood Realty Company, for the following described property, "The N. 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4, and the N.W. 1A of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 9, T. 23 N., R 5 E., W.M." which contains approximately 15 acres and is north of President Park No. 5. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the matter be re— ferred to the Planning Commission and City Engineer for their recommendation. Carried. A communication of an analysis of an accompanying petition which Was also re— submitted this evening for Council's consideration was read, the summary of the analysis is as follows: The S. 1/2 of the S.E. 1/4 of Sec. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. Assessed valuation, $12,930.00. The petition is signed by the owners of $10,110.00 of the assessed valuation which is 78.19% of same, except that portion already annexed. This property is all adjacent to the present City limits, is located south of President Park #l, and is approximately 80 acres in area. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the petition and analysis be referred to the Planning Commission and City Engineer for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter, appointing Mr. Rueben Miller as temporary Street Commissioner during the illness of Street Commissioner, Mr. David J. Pugh. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter, appointing Robert J. Maxwell as a patrolman on the Renton Police Force, effective retroactively on February 24th 1954. The appointment is to fill the vacancy in the Renton Police Force caused by the death of Sergeant Ted Johnson. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Cpuncil concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Another communication was read from Mayor Baxter, appointing Jasper L. Merlino as Sergeant on the Renton Police Force, effective March 1, 1954, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sergeant Ted Johnson. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. J. Benjamin Hayes, Professional Engineer for the Wedgwood Realty Conr:)any, advising the addition of Tax Lot No. 46, owned and signed-for by L. M. Cleven, Vice—President of the Wedgwood Realty Company, to the petition for annexation, which includes President Park No. 6, the hearing on the petition is to be held on March 9th, that according to the communication, with the addition of this tax lot, the total percentage of assessed valuation represented by the signatures of property owners on the petition, will be raised to 78.76 percent of the total valuation of the area. Moved by Richard— son, seconded by Tamborini, that this communication be placed with the annexation file, including President Park No. 6, Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter recommending that the City Engineer, Mr. James Highton, be authorized to represent the City of Renton at the next meeting of the newly organized Puget ,Sound 'Regional Planning Council to be held March 3rd 1954 a t 2:00 P.M., at the Seattle Chamber of Commerce Building to gather information as to the_purposes and aims of said organization and to 34 H report back to the Mayor and Councilmen his findings. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Another communication was read from Mayor Baxter regarding the question of Compul— sory Retirement of City Employees, requesting a Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole to discuss a policy to be established by the Council in regard to the sub— ject of retirement extension. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this being the date set for the opening of bids for the 3A ton pickup truck for the City, that Mayor Baxter declare a recess, and that this matter be referred. to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration this evening, at the same time the bids are considered. Carried. Mrs. Cecelia Gatsos, from the audience, addressed the Council and requested that a. now letter of authorization be furnished her, permitting the dropping of leaflets giving assistance in connection with the Ground Observation Corp's plans, to assist addi— tional volunteers for the purpose of establishing a better Civil Defense Program. Mrs. Gataos stated that permission had already been received from the Civilian Air Patrol Headquarters and that the leaflets would be dropped under supervision of Mc— Chord Field personnel. Councilman Bruce, with the concurrence of the Mayor and Council, stated that in his opinion, this was a very worth while program of great potential benefit and interest to the City of Renton, and moved, seconded by Morris, that a letter of authorization, as requested, be written to Mrs. Cecelia Gataos,, permitting the dropping of leaflets over the City of Renton, under the supervision of the C.A.P. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess.. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: BPITCE, DELAUPENTI, SWIFT, FARMER, MOitRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIi9M. Councilman Bruce, President of the council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole, recomraended in regard to a "compulsory retirement policy" for the Wash— ington Statewide City Employees Retirement System, that the matter be leJ't in the Committee for further study and consideration and report back as soon as possible to the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Novo Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had discussed the bids received this evening for the 3/4 ton pickup truck and recommended, due to the year of the truck in the Clarke Brothers Company bid, being omitted, that the bids be referred to the Sanitation Committee to determine if this was a 1_954 truck, and if the truck met the specification-, of the "Call for Bids", the Clarke Brothers Company bid beinCD g the lowest bid received fir a 1954 model truck, that the Sanitation Committee be given power to act in awarding said bid. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Mayor Baxter -ranted the Light & Power Committee more time in regard to the light on the pole on Williams Street between the new Woolworth Building and the Central Hard— ware Store. Councilman Farmer reported that at the last Council meeting, his Committee had re— corunended on advice of the City Engineer, that a six inch water main be installed from the City's water main near Walla. Walla Avenue and Shattuck Itreet under the Mil— waukee Railroad underpass, to 4th Place, so that a 2 inch lateral, extending from Shattuck Street, westward along 4th Place could be connected to serve the new clinic building; on condition that the owner of the new clinic building agree to pay what the cost of installation of a 2 inch line would be, or approximately $ 400.00, the City to pay the difference, or a_nproximately "500.00. The City Engineer stated that it would cost approximately $1.50 per foot for the Installation of a 2 inch line; memo that the installation of a 6 inch main would permit the installation of a fire hydrant at 4th Place and Shattuck Street, and that in his opinion, if the water line to the new Clinic was easily available from the present City of Renton water line, at a reasonable cost, the owner of the now Clinic would be required to hook up to the City of Renton line. Councilman Richardson. stated, that in his opinion, that consideration should be given to the installation of a 6" main from Walla Walla to 4th Avenue so that the water main would form a continuous loop, at present there being a gap from 4th Avenue and Shattuck Street southward along Shattuck Street to galla Walla Avenue. The City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, the property owners on Shattuck Street should share the expense of the water main on Shattuck Street from 4th Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue, as the proposed line would benefit their property. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Fire & Water Committee be granted more time to con- tact the owners of the property on which the additional clinic building is to be constructed, to see if they will share the expense of installing the pro- posed 6" 4ater main. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street :.5 Alley Committee, reported that the Committee recommended the vacation of the 10 foot alley, separating lots l and 2 from 3 and 4 in Block 1, Shearer's 1st Addition to Renton, near the American Legion Hall, as requested by the Renton Assembly of God Church, owners of the above referred to lots 1,2,3 and 4, the petition being signed by Directors Wyman (President) , Wil?.aems, Franklin, Shaw and Moses, on condition the City fv rnish the labor and the Assembly of God Church furnish the Material for the installation of the balance of the curbing on the street portion of same (to be explained to them by the Street Commissioner.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift informed the Council that the alley runs into the private property of the American Legion Hall and that in his opinion an easement for public utilities would not be required. The City Clerk will contact the Board of Directors of the Trenton Assembly of God Church and advise them of the Council's action, that the Board of Directors should pay for the material required in the installation of the balance of the curbing on the street portion as stated in the motion. Councilman ,Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that a policy be adopted by the City of Renton requiring all new stogy, signs to be painted red and all other stop Signs, when requiring reos.ir or repainting in the City of Renton, to be painted red. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the request for a non-conforming permit for the construction of a garage on the extreme south end of Mills Street, between 6th and 7th Avenue; that the pro- perty is located on the west (downhill) side of the road on a terrific slope; that the road is located such that one-way traffic only is permissablo and that it would be very difficult to build a garage and conform that the present Ordinance covers construction of buildings on the up-hill grade, but does not cover this particular problem where the property slopes down hill - - and therefore, the Committee recommends that the permit be granted for this con- struction. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. On the suggestion of Councilman Swift, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Rich- ardson, that the matter of construction of buildings on downhill slopes, not being covered by the present Ordinance, be referred to the Planning Commission for their study and a report back.. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, was granted more time for his Committee in regard to the proposed lease or rent of the Aeronautical Union Building in the northwest corner of Mother's Park. Councilman B nice further reported that the Fire & Water Committee & Property Committee had met with the Fire Chief in regard to the proposed site in the. Highlands area for a future fire station and that the Committee recommended that -the City petition the Federal Housing Authority to have them dedicate this land to the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that as this matter had been given serious consideration and in the Committee's opinion was very worthwhile, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Comm3_ttee further reported that the matter of acquiring property in the south and east portions of the City, for which to construct fire stations in the future, was still under consideration. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee recommended -that two incandescent street lights be installed in the area of the hospital as re- commended, on Shattuck Street, between 4th Pvenue and the Milwaukee underpass. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. 36 y CC Councilman Richardson stated that, in his opinion, consideration should be given to the improvement of the safety islands on Second Avenue in front of the High School. Park Superintendent Gene Coulon stated that a short time ago that the Ameri.cen Legion had indicated they would plant the lawn, which would include removing or pul— verizing the sod, leveling, raking, rolling, fertilizing and seeding; provided the City would furnish the necessary materials, but that consideration should be given to the type of watering system to be used in this area, automatic sprinkling or by use of. a watering hose and several carefully placed water heads. On the request of Councilman Richardson, the Park Superintendent stated that he would obtain the es— timated costs of the two different types of water spri-nkling methods for further consideration by the Council. It was also suggested that the Ways & Means Committee determine what Fund the expense of the peat moss and also a sprinkling system can be paid from. After a discussion as to a Citizen's Award to be given to worthy Citizens for out— standing service to the City of Benton, or Memorial Scrolls to be given to the families of deceased Citizens who have distinguished themselves by Civic Enterprize for the City of Renton, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk, Budget Controller & City Treasurer be authorized to investigate the possibility of securing such Memorial Scrolls or Citizen's Awards for the purposes outlined. Carried. After a discussion as to the poor condition of the building in Jones Park, moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the Property Committee investigate the cost of re— pair of this building and report back to the Council. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported that a telegram had been sent to the proper Representatives in Washington, D.C., relative to the need of additional funds to complete the Eagle Gorge Dam. On the request of the City Clerk that the Statewide City Employees Retirement System must have an early answer to their request, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of "compulsory retirement" of the Park Board employee, and the two Police Department employees, be referred to the respective Department Heads for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. The Police Department was requested to contact each of the respective 25 voting precincts to see that each election official is provided transportation. to their respective precincts to Pnable them to vote on election day next Tuesday, March 9, 1954. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that al)_ claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 523-648 172514.18 CLAIMS CURRENT 1921-1922 339510.96 CLAIMS WATER. 9005-9006 17,554.40 CLAIMS STREET 6583-6584 6,996.29 CLAIM PARK 1851-1852 2,440.90 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2767-2767 19500.00 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1774-1777 101,781.02 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2499-2500 5,,065.72 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 684 103.293.96 CLAIMS CUM. #1183 397 - CLAIMS CUM. #1184 438 — CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN, FD. 126 — CLAIMS CIV. FD. (CLAIMS FUND) 522 500.00 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 1-3 821.67 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meet— ing adjourned at 10:15. (There were 3 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Cfty Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington March 9, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Major Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BFITCE, D ELAU RENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS , HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of March 2nd be approved as written. Carried. A petition was read, signed by 18 property owners, in the Stewart Highlands Acre Tracts area (east of the Highlands Housing Project) protesting the annexation of their properties. (Block 1, Lots 21 71 8, 10, 11 and 12 and Block 2, Lots 4, 5, 61 7 (also the south 150 feet of Lot 7), 91 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Lot & Block numbers were shown opposite the names of the owners thereof., The petition was ordered held until the hearing on subject annexation later in the meeting. The plat of Albert Balchts President Park No. 6 was submitted by J. Benjamin Hayes, Engineer for the Wedgwood Realty Company. This plat was ordered held until the hearing on subject annexation later in the meeting. A communication was read from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, signed by R. Paul Tjossem, Assistant General Attorney, requesting a franchise to main- tain a spur track serving the North Lumber Company, as previously requested franchise had been approved by the Council, providing certain City of Renton requirements as stated, are met. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the matter of renewal for 25 years, of their franchise having been previously approved by the Council, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance domrrittee to draft the necessary Ordinance (franchise) and the Pacific Coast Railroad Company be notified that the franchise will be renewed, with certain stipula- tions. Carried. The City Attorney was requested to prepare the required franchise (renewal.) A communication from the Renton Kiwanis Club, signed by John A. Thomson, Sec- retary, was read# petitioning the City for waiver of payment of City Admission Tax on tickets to a recreational program to enable the Club to raise a larger amount of money to finance three separate youth programs. A motion was made by Morris, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further study. After a request for information on same, the Assistant City Attorney stated that in regard to any tax ordinance, once the ordinance passes the Council requiring the payment of taxes, the Council cannot legally violate or ignore the ordinance and exempt people, corporations or clubs from payment of said taxes, and that therefore in his opinion, the motion is out of order. Mayor Baxter ruled the motion out of order. After a discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Renton Kiwanis Club be advised that the City cannot legally waive the City tax as requested. Carried. Communications were read from the Planning Commission, signed by C.G. Myers, Secretary, stating the Commissions action on different issues, as follows: (1) The matter of the Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr, Mike Lotto, appointing a Committee consisting of Clyde Barnard, Chairman, Max Clarke & William Reid, to study the feasibility of amending the present building code to permit the construction of garages and/or other buildings on acute down- hill slopes, as requested by the Council (reference, William Delzerts petition for a non-conforming permit to erect a garage on Mills Street between 6th & 7th Avenue) and to report back their recommendation to the Planning Com- mission, was ordered placed on file pending the Planning Commissionte recommen- dation. (2) The recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Council approve H C� the annexation petition, signed by 26 property owners, subject to confirmation of the valuation of signers, etc., by the City Engineer and further recommendation that adjacent streets be included in the annexation petition of the property des- cribed as "the Sf of the SE-41 of Section 9, T. 23 N., R 5 E., W.M. except that portion already annexed to the City of Renton." The City Engineer reported that there was a communication to be read this evening stating that the above petition shows a favorable percentage of signatures of property owners requesting annexa- tion, ie 78 percent which meets the requirements established by law. After dis- cussion, and on the suggestion of Councilman Trimm that further consideration and study be given to the matter of obtaining from the property owners the necessary right-of-ways for streets, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this annexation request, as approved by the Planning Commission be referred to the now Committee of the Council as a Whole for their consideration and recommendation. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Bruce, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Surift, Aye; Hansen, No; Farmer, No; Morris, Aye; Holm, No; Tamborini, No; Richardson, .Aye; Reid, No and Trimm, Aye. There being 5 "Ayers" and 6 "Noss", the motion lost. (3) The recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Council approve the annexation petition of the Wedgwood Realty Company, which was signed by L.N.Cleven, Vice President, for annexation of property described as "the Nf of the SWC and the NW4 of the SE-- of the NEJ of Sec. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5 E, W.M." was read Ecnd moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission. Carried. (4) In regard to the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Council accept the plat for President Park No. 6, as submitted by J. Benjamin Hayes, Eng- ineer for the Wedgwood Realty Company, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (5) In regard to the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Council act favorably tpon the annexation petition of property owners of which Fred Peacock is the first signer, providing that it is understood that all sub-standard streets will not be maintained or improved beyond their original condition by the City of 'Renton, unless they are brought up to the accepted standards of the City Eng- ineering Department by formation of a local improvement district, the City Eng- ineer not having checked the percentage of signautres on said petition, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation be held in abeyance until the Now signatures have been checked by the City Engineer. Carried. (6) In regard to the request of James V. Duff, 1207 Second Avenue North, relative to Page 4, Sec. 10 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 1472, Paragraph, "Front Yards and Side Yards," relative to a 20 foot set back from Rainier Avenue on the west side between 2nd Avenue and Victoria Avenue, on motion, Chairman Mike Lotto appointed a Committee consisting of Alden See, Chairman, Tom Dobson & Jim Denzer„ together with James Highton, City Engineer to make a study of this problem and to report their findings for further study by the Planning Commission, and that the Committee be given power to act upon the immediate problem as it relates to the property of Mr. James V. Duff. Mayor Baxter ordered the report held until further information is received from the Planning Commission. The City Clerk read a communication from Angelo Busato, Chief of Police, request- ing the extension of the compulsory retirement date of both Police Officers Anker A. Anderson and Fred L. Allingham to the maximum (two years.) Moved by Morris: seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request of the Chief of Police that the compulsory retirement date of both Police Officers as requested, be ex- tended to the maximum (for two years as permitted by law.) Carried. A communication was read from Rev. G.W.J. Hartzell, Chairman, Miss Frances Gallacher and Mr. Charles Camerini of the Renton Park Board, signed by Gene L. Coulon, Superintendent of Parks & Recreation, requesting the extension of the com- pulsory retirement date of Edward Bunstine for one year from June 1, 1954 to June 1st 1955. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the request of the Park Board and Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, that the Park Board member's compulsory retirement date be extended for one year. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it is mandatory in extending the com- pulsory retirement dates of City Employees, after the first two year period, to extend them only one year at a time. A communication was read from B. K. Davies, 404 Cedar Street, stating that on December 21, 1953 he mailed a letter to the Renton City Council protesting the conversion of any residence on Cedar Street to multiple family use, as this area is not zoned for multiple dwellings; that the City Building Inspector had informed him that the party who had obtained a remodeling permit for a dwelling at 414 Cedar Street had been called to the City Hall Building Department to read it; that the above mentioned letter had never been read in a Council meeting, and that Mr. Davies feels the City of Renton and Building Inspector shall be held liable for violation of Building Codes for allowing the holder of the building permit at 414 Cedar Street to continue to convert this house into a multiple family dwelling. The letter from Mr. Davies citing the two remodeling jobs (one for Mr. Travis at 419 Cedar Street and one for Don Gasperi at 414 Cedar Street) ..� to multiple family use, was read. The Assistant City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, the matter should be referred to the Building Inspector to see if the permit is legal under the Zoning Ordinance and if not, a "cease work order" should be issued. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the opinion of the City Attorney. Carried. A request was read from Clyde M. Fox, for permission to erect a trailer court in the general area, across from Hub's Trailer Park in Mother's Park described as follows: "that portion of the south 660 feet of the NWJ of the SWJ of Sec. 8, Township 23 North, R. 5 E. W.M., which lies north of the north line of 6th Ave. N., and between the center lines of Pelly Avenue and Main Street (now Wells Street North), produced north; situated in the County of King, State of Washington." The City Engineer stated that a permit had been issued to Mr. Fox, as this area had previously been reserved for such purposes and that the area should have been marked with a "T", on the zoning map, to indicate trailer parks. The Assistant City Attorney stated, that in his opinion, the Engineering Depart- ment should correct the map by marking a "T" on the area reserved for Trailer Parks, as zoned. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer correct the map, as stated, and the Council approve the request of Mr. Clyde M. Fox to erect a trailer court in the area as outlined. Carried. A request for permission to let her park a trailer on the rear of property she rents at 419 Morris Street was read from Mrs. Pearl Newcomb. The City Engineer stated that Mrs. Newcomb had requested permission to park her trailer on her property previous to her doing so and that she had been advised at that time that it was in violation of the City Ordinance, and that in his opinion, if the Council so desired, it might grant permission to leave the trailer there tempor- arily until arrangements could be made to move it to another location. Vere Thompson, Building Inspector, stated that this violation had been reported and that he had advised the party that the trailer was parked in violation of the City of Menton Zoning Ordinance and would have to be removed. The Building Ins- pector was instructed to advise the property owner, and the owner of the trailer, that parking the trailer on the rear of this property is in violation of the City of Renton Zoning Ordinance and that the trailer must be removed. A communication was read from Mrs. Alfred Jensen, 11222 S.E., 108th Street, to Councilman Reid, stating the need of a public rest room in the City of Renton, and requesting permission to install a "directory of churches" in the rest room, if a public rest room is provided. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the communication be referred to the Public Relations Committee for their study and a report back next week. Carried. A petition was read from V. B. Lombardini, M.D. and Florence B. Mathieson, owners of certain property described as follows, "that portion of the northwest quarter of the NWJ of Sec. 9, T. 23, N. R. 5 E. W. M., more particularly described as fgllows: beginning at the Northwest corner of said section 9, thence south 0 5912111 west 663.24 feet; thence south 88055137" east 30 feet to point of true beginning; thence south 88055137" east 289.64 feet to the west line of Renton ,.., Highlands, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 46 of Plats, Page 34, records of said county; thence south 0047105" west to the northeasterly margin of the Sunset Boulevard; thence following the northerly margin of said Sunset , Boulevard in a northwesterly direction to the east margin of 116th Avenue S.E., thence north 0059121" east 124.73 feet to point of true beginning," all adjacent to the present City Limits, requesting annexation of their property to the City of Renton. They further request the property be zoned for multiple-unit dwellings. The City Engineer stated that this property was located in a northeasterly direction, diagonally across from the intersection of 116th Street and the Sun- set Highway, near Miller's Corner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. 40 ed Councilman Richardson reported that a meeting had been held this afternoon of the Mayor's Special "Citizen's (Limited Access) Highway Committee with the Dir- ector of State Highways and the District Engineer and others and that he would like to have the minutes of this meeting read for the information of the Council. The City Clerk read the report of the Special "Citizen's (Limited Access) Highway Committee" meeting with Mr. Bugge, Director of State Highways, Mr. Forgey, District Engineer and Mr. Dinsmore, Assistant to Mr. Bugge, also, three Engineering Assis- tants, Mr. Kerslake, State-Aide Engineer, and two locating engineers, Mr. George Hayes and Mr. Kenny Zentner. Those present from the Mayor's Special Citizen's Highway Committee were, Tom Dobson Acting Chairman, Mayor Joe R. Baxter, City Attorney Arthur Haugan, Mike Lotto, Henry Reynolds, Councilman B. J. 'bichardson, City Engineer James Highton and Charles Paddock. "The meeting was held in regard to the Limited Access Highway through the City of Renton, showing plans of access "on" and "off" the proposed route. The determinations of the group were, that (1) The route of the highway unquestionably had to go through Cedar River Park,, (2) The State Highway Group agreed to study the possibility of rerouting it so as to minimize the amount of damage, also, so as to avoid splitting the Park in the middle, which would be caused in going through Cedar River Park, (3) They advise that the viaduct, proposed on their plan, which commenced at the river and continued on, crossing the river, the railroad track and 3rd Avenue, would be of concrete construction. Their plans showed the access "on" and "off" at Barei Corner. After thorough dis- cussion, the Committee decided, (1) That there should be access both "on" and "off" on the north side, going north, (2) That the viaduct should be continued through Cedar River Park, instead of a fill as proposed by the State Highway Department, on a route closer to the route indicated on the map by our City Engineer. (3) Their plans do not comply, in our opinion, with the three requirements, ACESS, ROUTE, AND TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION, therefore, the approval of a "Limited Access Permit" is to be held in obeyance, until the State Highway Department comes back with the requested information, which they agreed to do." The communication was ordered filed. This being the date set for the "hearing" on the proposed annexation of an area near the Highlands, which includes proposed President Park No. 62 also Stewarts Highlands Acre Tracts# a petition protesting said annexation having been read pre- viously this evening and held until the time of the hearing, Mayor Baxter asked if there was anyone else in the audience who wished to protest subject annexation who had signed the original annexation petition. Several persons from the audience stated that they had signed the petition of protest read earlier this evening, and stated they still protested said annexation. Mayor Baxter declared a recess to permit the City Engineer to check the signatures of those on the petition of protest against the original petition of annexation to determine if there were sufficient signatures to act favorably on the annexation. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAU RENTI, SWIFT, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI,, RICHARD- SON, REID AND TRIMM. Mayor Baxter asked those who wished to verbally protest the annexation to state their names, give their Lot and Block number and state their protest. The names, etc., are as follows: ARTHUR J. STIRN Lot 10, Block 2 - Cost them more money after annexation than at the present time. PAUL J. CRUTCHFIELD Lot 14, Block 2 - Bought in the area with the idea of being outside the City limits. BOB F. LANTZ Lot 13, Block 2 - Same reasons as Stirn & Crutchfield. DOROTHY HORSFORD Lot 12, Block 2 - No advantage, that she can see, more disadvantages. JOHN W. PERRINS Lot 129 Block 1 - No advantages. GILLMAN J. ALLYN Lot 51 Block 2 - Along with the process of building, the additional expenses are more than he can stand. R. W. LARSEN (2 lots) Lot 11, Block 1t and)doesn't like the mants (Mr. Balch's Lot 11), Block 2 )attitude; ruined the roads -- all the trucks going to the new building areas use their road. MYRON KINGREY Lot 4, Block 2 - Satisfied the way it is, bought outside the City and wish to stay out. TOM CUSHING Lot 4, Block 2 - Don't like the additional expense for City improvements they will be forced to have. 41 After a discussion, the Mayor, City Attorney and Councilmen explaining to the audience the possible advantages to the area to be annexed and advising them that improvements would have to be petitioned for by the people of the area, the City Clerk also explaining in detail, the methods of starting any proposed improvements, the City Engineer stated that there were the signatures of the owners of 78 percent of the assessed valuation of the area proposed for annexa— tion. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council approve the proposed annexation and the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be authorized to draft the necessary Ordinance for consideration of the Council at the next Council meeting. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. (There were 31 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) ty Clerk or 42 cc a� Renton, Washington March 16, 1954 The regular meeting of the Fenton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARD- SON, REID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City r„ Engineer; Reuben Miller, temporary Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superinten- dent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the March 9th Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: BUILDING N0. AMOUNT _ NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 13 490.00 C. Tamborini 516 Whitworth moving house 14 100.00 Mary Tamborini 516 Whitworth wire service 15 100.00 Russell M. Weaver 629 Cedar Street wire service 16 150.00 Robert J. Goad 3713 7th Ave., No. erect fence 17 400.00 W.C. Kilpatrick 2217 7th Ave., N. install basement 18 100.00 Richard Greenfield 11319 S.E. 116th build ;rockery 19 800.00 W.;;. Smith 400 Whitworth reroof & shake house 20 150.00 First Amer. Corp. 812 0 Street wire service 21 150.00 It " " 808 0 Street Wire service 22 150.00 " " " 802 0 Street 23 150.00 " a' "' 738 0 Street 24 150.00 " "' " 732 0 Street n n 25 150.00 " "" " 726 0 Street n » 26 150.0 " " " 727 P Street rr n 27 150.00 " " " 733 P Street 28 150.00 " " " 739 P Street '+ " 29 150.00 " " " 803 P Street " r+ 30 150.00 " " " 809 P Street 31 150.00 n m n' 815 P Street 32 150.00 " " " 812 P Street " 33 150.00 " " " 3702 8th Place 34 150.00 " " " 3708 8th 35 150.00 " " " 3714 8th 36 150.00 3720 8th 37 150.00 " " "' 3721 8th 38 150.00 "' n n 371.5 8th 39 150.00 " " " 3709 8th 40 150.00 " " " 728 P Street 41 150.00 " " " 3703 8th Place 42 150.00 " "` "' 3215 7th Place 43 150.00 " " " 3209 7th Place 14 150.00 " " " 3203 7th Place 45 150.00 " " " 3202 6th Ave., N. 46 150.00 " " "' 3208 6th Ave., N. 47 2,450.00 Frank Fall 418 Bronson Way N. Garages & Carport 48 90tOOO.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 225 Williams St. Erect building 49 100.00 Rachele Cardani 2221 7th N. erect fence 50 11050.00 Jim Denzer 1304 2nd Ave., N. remodel house & wire 51 350.00 Don Gaspari 414 Cedar Street wire service 52 500.00 John Sipila 327 Whitworth wire service 53 80.00 Ed G. Stanley 530 Renton St. wire service 54 300.00 Robert R. Karinen 724 D. Street Foundation under house. 55 3,500.00 Edward Shemel 4044 S. 175th add'n on house 56 700.00 Ann Lotto 107 Factory St, install parking lot 57 400.00 Glen Clow 358 Bronson Way install bulkhead 58 215.00 George R. Johnson 12761 SE 144th St. erect fence 59 250.00 A.H. Futherford 120 Harris Place retaining wall & fence 60 4,000.00 Mrs. Temme 818 Third Ave. remodel store 4 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING NO2 AMOUhT NAME ADDLMS TYPE OF WORK 61 1,525.00 Frank Rockey 129 Burnett erect basement 62 200.00 Paul A. Thomas 535 Morris erect garage 63 100.00 A. H. Newman 338 N. Wells foundation & Wall 64 75,000.00 Alex Cugini 617 Burnett Street erect building 65 200.00 Clara E. Vigoren 535 Wells Street remodel building 66 100.00 Benny A. Cote 371.7 7th Ave., N. erect fence 67 100.00 Anna Lotto 107 Factory dismantle building 68 23,760.00 Charles Shane 2808 8th N. erect house (4-plex) .� 69 50.00 Elmer Fay 519 N. Wells erect carport 70 1,300.00 Stoneway Dock Co. Renton, Wash enclose platform 71 40.00 Mrs. Cora Madson 1st Ave., N. install cement walk LP UMBING 33 - Varner Realty 3rd & Rainier sewer connection 34 - Clyde M. Fox 6th & Wells " " 35 - George Gardina 434 Burnett St. install furnace 36 - Mary Tamborini 516 Whitworth sewer connection 37 - Richard Greenfield 11319 S.E. 116th install furnace 38 - Jim Denzer 1304 3rd Ave., N. " It, 39 - Clyde Fox 6th Ave., N. & Wells plumbing service 40 - First Amer. Corp. 3215 7th Place install furnace 41 n u n 3209 7th Place n if 42 ,. It n rr 3203 7th Place n rt 43 - It It " 3202 6th N. 44 _ n n It 3208 6th N. 45 - " " " 3703 8th Place 46 - It it to 3907 12th Ave., NII'. if It 47 - " " " 3702 8th Place " rr 48 .. n n to 812 P. Street r' " 49 - Mrs. N elly Rice 426 Cedar Street Plumbing service 50 - J. B. Kellaher 13013 90th South It It 51 - A. H. Newman 334 North Wells Install furnace 52 - Jack Stokes 12824 88th Ave., S. Plumbing service 53 - Tony Grubesic 817 Grant Street Plumbing Service 54 - S. Kaczmarek 8815 S. 130th Plumbing Service A request was read from the Fire Chief, Floyd E. Lawrence, to set the week of April 18th through 23rd as "SPRING CLEAN UP WEEK." The Fire Chief stated that this would require the services of one truck all day, and a second truck one-half day on Friday, April 23rd, the day for the pick-ups; that the same arrangements be made, as has been the policy for the past two years, that rubbish be moved to an alley or parking strip where a truck and crew can load same without delay. That the Fire Department will receive all calls and furnish the City Garage with a list of pick-ups by 8:00 A.M., Friday morning, April 23rd. (That no calls will be taken after 4:00 P.M., on April 22nd for pick-ups.) The Fire Chief further stated that this service is appreciated by the people of the City, that it re- duces fire hazards throughout the City and in his opinion is a real worth while project. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council grant the request of the Fire Chief. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Colonel William Blair of the National Guard 'Regiment operating in the Renton area. Col. Blair stated that he considered himself a neighbor, as he was from West Seattle, and stated that the National Guard had been called upon to aid in the active defense of the Continental Limits, as far as attacks from the air are concerned. Col. Blair explained that he was present this evening to explain to the Mayor & Council and Citizens of the area, that the Militia has been called upon by the State to take over aerial defense; that all persons are part of the militia - - that the State has an active militia, the National Guard. That the site on the 'Renton Hill, previously occupied by the army is to be their permanent Benton site. That they need the assistance of approxi- mately 106 men from the City of Renton; that they are training men at this time for leaders for full time service. Col. Blair stated that he would be glad to explain further details to the Mayor and Council regarding what they are doing and hope to accomplish. Councilman Delaurenti welcomed Col. Blair and stated that the Council would do anything within their possibilities to assist the National Guard. Councilman Bruce stated that he too was quite interested in Col. 44 cti Blair's report and inquired if the Colonel was primarily interested in a Recruit- ing Program or assistance and cooperation from the Council. Col. Blair stated that their program required a Recruiting Program and he would appreciate the Council's assistance and cooperation as well. Col. Blair thanked the Mayor and Council for allowing him to present his problem. A communication was read from the Sunset View Garden Club, signed by Mrs. J. W. Roundbill, stating that their garden club was interested in planting growing things in the island areas across from the High School on Second Avenue, and stated the need of a water supply to this area. The communication was ordered held until later in the meeting when the Committee gives their report regarding same. A letter of appreciation and thanks was read from Myrtle H. Bates, Cochairman of the Committee in charge of the Business & Professional. Women's Club, Hobby & Craft Show, which was held at the City Hall recently. The communication was ordered filed. The City Clerk reported that a field audit report by W.H. Bernard, dated December 21, 1953, had been received, after the June 9th Council meeting, as well as the tax assessment resulting therefrom, and had been referred to the City Attorneyts office for their consideration, and had been returned with the recommendation that same be read to the Council for their information. The communication was from the Excise Tax Division of the Audit Section at Olympia and was signed by F,W, Dunston, Assist- ant Audit Supervisor and further stated that the assessment previously received by the City was issued on a deferred basis pending a further review (now accomplish- ed) by their department. The City Clerk stated that the total amount due and hereby assessed was $2819.25, which included Audit interest in the amount of , 241.24. The City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, stated that in his opinion, the matter should be further investigated to determine if all the items are legal chrrges against the City or not - - that there was no question but that some of the items listed were taxable; that rentals for the use of equipment is taxable and that in the future the sales tax should be charged on the assessments for materials charged to the people on improvements. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the audit report be referred to the Auditing Committee and City Attorney for study and a report back. Carried. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, the City Clerk was instructed to notify all department heads-that in the future they should comply with the City Attorney's �. advice and allowances be made for any tax payable by the City of Renton on rental of equipment, sale of materials, etc., to avoid a similar difficulty in the future. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter stating that due to various acts of vandalism and juvenile delinquencies that have occured in and around our City, and on the suggestions made by several citizens of the community, that he appoint a Committee to investigate what can be done to guard against such violations; that to aid in making this investigation, he appoints the following men to work with him on the Youth Guidance Committe: Police Chief Angelo Busato Police Judge Paul Houser High School Principal, Stan Thompson Rev. Harry Monroe, Ministerial Association Charles Delaurenti, City Council Chet Skrene, News Record Joe Gilbert, Renton Chronicle, and Rev. Godfrey Hartzell, Recreation & Parks. Mayor Baxter stated that the date of the first meeting of the Committee will be announced soon. The communication was ordered filed. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion Mayor Baxter should be commended for appointing this committee; that it was a good idea to start a program that would curb Juvenile delinquency. Regarding the suggestion of Councilman Swift, Mayor ..+ Baxter stated that it was his intention to include parents on the Committee, as they go along and the need of additional members increases. The City Clerk read a copy of a letter from the City Attorney's Office to the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, attention, Don Humble, stating that he, Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the City of Renton, wishes to communicate with the Federal Housing Authority through the Renton Office regarding acquisition by the City of Renton of a proper site for a contemplated fire 45 station, further stating the Cityts interest and need for same and specifying a site, for the contemplated fire station, approximately 200 feet by 200 feet in size, at the northwest corner of M. Street and Southeast 128th Street, and inquiring whether the Federal Housing Authority would be willing to dedicate such a tract to the City for said municipal purposes, or possibly convey same at a very nominal consideration. The communication was ordered filed. a Upon being asked for information in regard to/remodeling permit for a house on Cedar Street, Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer stated that when the first letter was received from Mr. Davies, he was called into the Engineering office and in- formed that the building permit issued to Mr. Gaspari was for the purpose of re- modeling his bathroom only and that no permit has ever been issued for conversion of a home on Cedar Street to multiple units, and that until such time as there is evidence of such construction, the Building Department cannot issue a "Stop work order." Councilman Swift stated that he had checked with the Building Department and was satisfied that the man living on Cedar Street, who was issued the permit was within his rights and that Mr. Davies should be no notified. The City Clerk was requested to notify. Mr. Davies. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 861, extending the compulsory re- tirement date of Fred L. Allingham from June, 1954 to June 1, 1955, also proposed Resolution No. 862, extending the compulsory retirement date of Anker A. Anderson, from May 1, 1954 to May 1, 1955, both patrolmen being members of the Renton Police Force and both of whom are members of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System, under the classification, uniformed personnel. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Resolutions Nos. 861 and 862 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 863, extending the compulsory re- tirement date of Edward Bunstine, a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees' Retirement System, under the classification of miscellaneous personnel, retroactive from February 1, 1954 for one year, until February 1, 1955. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance, as presented by the Ordinance Committee .,.. in regard to granting a 25 year franchise to the Pacific Coast Railroad Company for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a side track or spur-in upon and along Railraod Avenue, and as specified herein, and fixing the terms and conditions of such grant; that the spur track may be used for the operation of cars and trains thereon, with steam or other proper power, provided that said spur tracks are not used for any storage purposes; that grantee agrees to indemnify and to save the City of Renton harmless from and against any and all damages, lawful claims and demands for injury to person or property made against the City of Renton in any manner growing out of the maintenance, construction, use or opera- tion of said spur track and all other equipment and structures of the company and in case of suit against the City of Renton. Grantee, upon notice, shall defend the City of Renton against any such action; that Grantee agrees to assume and pay for the costs and expense of properly grading and/or conforming to grade in the event that Railroad Avenue, also known as Houser Way, be improved or opened for public traffic, (any grading shall be under the supervision of the City Engineer of the City of Renton,) and that the franchise is made upon the express condition that Grantee file with the Clerk of the City of Renton its written acceptance, within 45 days after the adoption of said Ordinance. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for 30 days for further study and consideration and that the Council meeting of April 20th be set as the date for the second and final reading of same. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1475, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, annexing territory to the City of Renton, said property being described .� as follows: "The WT of the N.F.-J of Sec. 9, Township 23 N., Range 5 E. W.M., and Stewartfs Highland Acre Tracts." (This area is adjacent to the Highlands and comprises approximately 100 acres, including Stewart Highlands Acre Tracts and President Park Addition No, 6.) Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for their recommen- dation. Carried. Councilman Richardson., Chairman of the Ordinance Committee re- ported that the Ordinance Committee favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1475 and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, and proposed Ordinance No. 1475 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and 46 0 CC n final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1475 be passed as read. -4 roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance, prepared by the Park Superintendent and Renton Park Board, and presented by the Ordinance Committe, relating to perks,, play- grounds, and recreational facilities, establishing a Board of Park Commissioners, prescribing their power and duties, requiring a budget, and providing :for the en- forcement of rules and regulations promulgated by said Board of Park Commissioners, declaring a violation of any such rule or regulation to be a violation of this ordinance and prescribing penalties therefor and repealing ordinances :in conflict Mimi herewith. Councilman Richardson stated that the Park Superintendent and Park Board had spent considerable time and study in the preparation of the Ordinaiace and they felt that the proposed Ordinance brought requirements of the Park Superintendent and the Park Board up to qualifications of 2nd Class Cities under the state Law. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman '.Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would report back next week on the proposed Ordinance. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee would like to know what particular type of sprinkler system the Council would approve (either -the regul- ar type of water line with several carefully placed water heads, at an approximate cost of $79.00, or an automatic sprinkling system, at an approximate cost of $298.46.) After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council approve the installation of an automatic sprinkling system for water for the is- land areas across from the High School. yfter further discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Holm, that the matter of the type of sprinkling system be referred back to the Ways & Means Committee to discuss the matter further with High School Authorities and report back their recommendation. Carried. The Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, repoAred that the Park Board had discussed the type of plants to be placed in the parkway area islands and that tiaey. had decided that grass only be planted for the purpose of safety and better vision. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Park Board. Carried. The Park Board was requested to notify the ... Sunset Garden Club that grass only would be planted in subject area island. Councilman Reid reported, that as a safety measure, and to lessen traffic hazards at 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection, that the Light & Power Committee recommended the replacement of three sodium vapor lights with three mercury vapor lights. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the matter be referred back to the Light & Power Committee to investigate the actual cost of replacement of the three subject lights and to determine what fund the payment for the lights could be taken from. Carried. In regard to the proposed annexation of certain property described as "the Ni of the SW_f and the NWJ of the SEJ of the NEJ of Sec. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5 E. !a.M." which had been approved by the Council at the March 9th Council meeting, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the date of March 18th, 1954 be set as the date of publication of Notice of Hearing and the date of April 6th be set as the date of Hearing. Carried. In regard to a proposed annexation of certain described property adjacent to the Renton Highlands, and after an explanation by Councilman Holm regarding same, that the area, described as "the SJ of the SEJ of Sec. 9, T 23 N. R. 5 E.tam., except that portion already annexed to the City of Renton", which proposed annexa- tion had been recommended by the Planning Commission for Council approval at the March 9th Council meeting, with the confirmation by the City Engineer that the City of Renton would have control of platting after subject annexation, moved by Holm, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the now Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the date of March 25, 1954 be set as the date of publication of Notice of Hearing and the date of April 13th be set as the date of the hearing. Carried. Councilman Holm reported for the Auditing & Accounting Committee,, that the Com- mittee had: studied the invoice for operating expense in the amount of $ 1177.30, from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System and the alternative of the City using surplus funds that the City has available for payment of same, that the Committee feels no advantage is gained by building up surplus funds and the Committee recommends that payment of the invoice be made from the surplus.. 47 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Farmer reported that each Councilman had received a copy of a survey report from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer for the City of Renton, which Mr. Wolff has compiled covering proposed water and sewer improvements for 1954; that he would like to have the Committee of the Council as a Whole study this re- port, and that a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole be arranged and especially set aside for the 5th Tuesday, March 30th for further consider- ation and discussion of said report. MovedbyReid, seconded by Richardson, that the Fire & Water Committee meet with the Committee of the Council as a Whole (and the Mayor) together with the City Engineer and Consulting Engineer, the last Tuesday in March, March 30th. The City Engineer requested that the Council consider his previous request which had been approved by the Fire & Water Committee, that a 6" water main be installed from the present 6" main on 5th & Walla Walla Avenue to the intersection of 4th Place with Shattuck Street; that the owners of the property on 4th Place who are building a clinic building, are very much in need of a water supply and have agreed to pay approximately $450.00 on subject installation, and that in the City Engineerts opinion, the additional cost of $400.00 for the complete installation would be a good investment for the water system. After a discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer. Carried. The City Engineer recommended to the Council that sufficient funds be paid from the water & sewage disposal funds to the 1953 Water & Sewer Improvement Bond Fund to make the final payments due to the contractors for work done as a part of the Water & Sewer System Improvements chargeable to said 1953 Water & Sewer Bond Fund and to repay loans to other funds. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and that the City Treasurer, City Clerk and City Engineer be given power to act in regard to carrying out the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the matter of a Swimming Pool for the City of Renton had been revived — — that Service Clubs had not received their estimated quota of donations for said pool and stated the City Attorney requested author— ization to request an opinion in writing from the City's Legal Consultants. Preston Thorgrimson and Horowitz as to the legality and possibility of issuing Swimming Pool Bonds, previously authorized by the vote of the people, to assist the financing of the project. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the request of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that there being a vacancy in the Council, caused by the death of Councilman Herman Freyman, that Ray Heppenstall, who had received the highest vote in the last Council election, other than incumbent Councilmen, be elected to the Council to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Freyman; that in so doing, Mr. Heppenstall would gain valuable experience as well as to be of a great deal of assistance to the present Councilmen, — — that he be elected to fill this position as of April 1st, 1954, and the City Clerk so notify Mr. Heppenstall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the suggestion of Councilman Richardson. Carried. Also, on motion of Councilman Richardson, seconded by Farmer, the three newly elected Councilmen are to be invited to attend the special meeting of the Fire and Water Committee of the Council as a Whole on the 5th Tuesday, March 30th 1954, and the Clerk so notify these Councilmen—elect. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that the owner of the parking lot on Wells Street, between 4th & Walla Walla Avenue had advised that cars parking at a meter near his entrance way have blocked a portion of the driveway to his private parking lot. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Reid, that the problem be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Morris also reported that the owner of subject parking lot had ex— pressed a desire to meet with the representatives of the City to discuss the possibility of a lease agreement, for the use of said parking lot as a public parking lot at this location. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to meet with the owner of this private parking lot. (Mr. Dominick Rockey.) I� 481 c Councilman Swift informed the Council that the problem of the alleyway, between Main Street and Wells Street, from 4th Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue, was being considered by the Street & Alley Committee, but due to misfortunes had been temporarily delayed; that the Committee would endeavor to obtain the necessary deeds to the property in question as soon as possible; that the owner of the ad- jacent property had been advised that he could install a fence adjacent to the alleyway, on his property. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented. PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 649- 800 26,687.83 CLAIMS CURRENT 1923-1925 16,687.83 CLAIMS WATER 9007-9010 7,932.85 CLAIMS STREET 6585-6587 3,094.09 CLAIMS PARK 1853-1855 1,101.73 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2768-2769 1,148.46 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1778-1781 21008.34 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2501-2503 1,298.00 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 685 993.01 CLAIMS CUM. #1183 397 - CLAIMS CUM. #1184 438 - CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN FUND. 127-128 250.00 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FD, 523 50.00 CLAIMS REVOLVING FUND 1- 26 61*605.74 CLAIMS CLAIMS .FUND 4- 99 20,066.17 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) j J C y Clerk Mayor r.r 4-9 Renton, Washington March 23, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BM CE, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM.(Councilmen Delaurenti and Morris, having previously requested same, were excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will and Ken Oyler, Assistant City Engineers; Reuben Miller, acting Street Commissioner; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of March 16, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk read the final election returns as reported by Edward J. Logan, Deputy Auditor and Superintendent of Elections and Registration, as of March 19th, as follows: Paul Houser, elected to Police Judge (2 year term) received 1969 votes; the following men were elected to the Council: 4 YEAR TERM Votes Votes George D. Swift 1568 Lloyd White 1338 Ray E. Heppenstall 1.417 B. J. Richardson 1301 Thomas W. Trimm 1400 Verle Vietzke 1203 (The remainder of the returns, as far as the Council election was concerned, was as follows: Steve Tamborini 1077 C.E. Hawes 954 Lloyd Lindgren 1032 Alex Miller 920 Elinor Zappalo 993 John C. Edwardi 751 A request for the Kennydale Teen Club to hold a bake sale in front of, or at Bergman's Drug Store, Saturday, March 27, 1954, was read from Charleen M. Querry, Leader; the proceeds to go towards the purchase of phonograph records for their dances. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that permission be granted, under the supervision of the Chief of Police. Carried. The City Clerk read a notice from Robert E. Walker, Secretary of the Association of Valley Cities, stating the next regular meeting would be held in the Kent City Hall, Wednesday, March 24th at 8:00 P.M., and further stating that two subjects will be discussed at this meeting, (1) Assessed valuations have not kept pace with the increasing fair market value of property and the municipalities have therefore suffered by being denied the tax revenue which they are entitled to receive, and (2) Services rendered by Cities to State and County Agencies at the City's expense. Councilmen Reid, Tamborini, and Hansen and the City Clerk stated that they would try and be p,esent at this meeting. The t�aree Councilman— elect, Heppenstall, White and Vietzke, who are not now on the Council, being present at this evening's Council meeting were invited by Mayor Baxter to attend the Valley Cities meeting as guests, but all three stated that previous engage- ments would not permit their attendance this .time. The City Clerk read a proposed Resolution from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing municipal water pumping service, whereas said company has offered to furnish for a period of five consecutive years, beginning March 22, 1954, upon certain terms as stated, water pumping service to operate City water pumpingplents located and described as follows: (1) Upper intake pump at Springbrook, 3 miles south of Renton; (2) Mill Street water pump at Mill Street and 6th Avenue South, in Renton; (3) Liberty Park in Renton; (4) Sewer Disposal Plant pumps at Sixth Avenue North and the east 50 bank of Commercial Waterway #2 in Renton, and (5) Sewer pump at Sixth Avenue South and Shattuck Street in Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Resolution be referred to the Light & Power Committee with power to act. Carried. A request was read from the Renton Jaycees, signed by Harold McDonough for per- mission to paint the sidewalks in the business district during their "pedestrian Safety Campaign" this month, as follows: "Look left, look right then cross." These signs will appear only at the designated crossings. Also, they plan to paint footprints crossing at the intersections prescribed, and as a final touch, a large rrg" at one or two places where it is possible to be struck by automobiles while attempting to jaywalk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted under supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried. now A communication was read from Robert C. Winders, C-38, Cedar River Park, pertain- ing to the insufficient parking areas for the residents of Cedar River Park and suggesting as a possible solution, that the parking places along the curbs be measured off in convenient lengths and guide marks be placed on the pavement to in- sure a maximum use of available space. As this matter is presently being studied by the Street & Alley Committee, moved by Trimm, seconded by Holm, that the matter be referred to said Committee for their consideration. Carried. An invitation to the Mayor, Councilmen and their wives was read from the Fire Fighters Local No. 864, signed by Ernie J. Tonda, President, to be their guests at their annual dance on Saturday evening, March 27, 1954, at the American Legion Hall. Mayor Baxter stated that the Councilmen should all make a note of this invita- tion and endeavor to attend. The communication was ordered filed. A claim for damages, dated March 17, 1954, in an undetermined amount was read from Henry Spitzer, in behalf of his wife, Arlis R. Spitzer, stating that Mrs. Arlis R. Spitzer, came from her apartment, J-51, Cedar River Park, and slipped and fell on the grass, February 19th at 9:30 A.M., breaking her right ankle; that Mrs. Spitzer was taken to the Renton Hospital and was treated by Dr. Pettibone and released the same day; that at this time, Mrs. Spitzer and/or Dr. Pettibone is unable to determine the exact amount of damage to her ankle or the doctor's fee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the claim be referred to the Insurance Commissioner and City Attorney for investigation and a report back. Carried. OWN A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C.G. Myers, Secretary, stating that by Resolution the Committee recommends to the City Council that they inform Mrs. McSpadden (who previously petitioned for annexation of a certain parcel of land, as described, of approximately one acre.) resubmit her annexation petition and include the property between the existing City limits and 84th Avenue South and South 132nd, and make an effort to get enough signers on the proposed annexation, necessary for including this entire parcel of land in the City of Renton. That when such a petition is secured, that the Planning Commission will be glad to give her petition further consideration; that it is the opinion of the Planning Commission, that to be consistent with good planning, that this entire parcel of land should be included to square out the lines of the City limits. Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission, and Mrs. Anna MacSpadden be so notified. Carried. A claim for damage,for one years rent of two garages and damage to garage doors, and other disadvantages due to inacessability to stored materials caused by the Earlington sewer construction in the amount of $220.00 was read from 1S.M. and Martha G. Wiberg, 1111 Third Avenue, Renton, for a building at 212 Rainier Avenue, further stating there would be an additional charge of $10.00 per month for garage rentals and any additional inconveniences and damages, as they appear, until this condition is rectified. On the recommendation of Councilman Swift, Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the claim be held for two weeks until the City Engineer can make a report. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the Earlington Sewer L.I.D.., #239, Assessment Roll, the following written protests were read: (1) Kenneth A. Court- right, 728 Sunset Boulevard West, " - - no benefits can be derived from the sewer in present location. ---" (2) Thorvald T. and Sena Clausen, 608 5th West, 't - - seems to be a more fair way to assess, mostly for each outlet, some for foot frontage and very little extra for the depth of the lot. ---" (3) "George Dobson assessment $622.80, actual assessment, $1298.20; that it is felt there is too much divergence between the original and actual assessment- - - questionable that the increase in assessment reflects any perceptible increase in the value of the property. -- -" (4)Evelyn A.Conkl.in, now residing in Fairbanks, Alaska, in regard to Lots, 32,33 and 34, stating that "- - - it seems unfair to charge a certain price for each lot when they are 30 foot lots - - -" (5) E. C. and Olive Glossop, stating, "that there is a discrepancy in the width of their lot as surveyed by private surveyors; that they had agreed to let the City Engineer determine the exact property line - - - that nothing has ever been done - - - they request the Council to authorize the City Engineer to resurvey the Earling- ton District. - - -" A memo was attached from the City Engineer dated April 26, 1951 stating that the Engineering Department is in the process of surveying the streets in Earlington Addition for the proposed sewer district; that he is aware that there is a discrepancy in the property lines south of 138th Street, and that it would be necessary to establish the center line of 138th Street before the property lines can be established; that they plan to proceed in this matter in the near future. (6) Winifred C. Daniels, owner of Lots 9, 10, 21 and 22, Town & Country Club Bungalow Sites, stating that "- - - the estimated assessment was $249.12, that the actual assessment was $519.28, that they protest this amount as being exorbitant and unfair. - - -"(7) Tony Starkovich, owner of Lot 30, S 18- 23-51" - - - as a neighbor, Nando Phillips, who lives across from him on the northeast corner has assessment of approximately $400.00, while his is $537.00, that his other assessments are fair, but he protests this particular one. - - " (8) Andrew Paglia, 211 Rainier Avenue, protesting assessment on his Tax Lot 33, 518,23-5. (9) Ignac and Anna Laush; 126 91st Ave. S.," - - - increases assess- ment, estimated $185.93, final $198.63, an increase of $12.75, - - -" (10) Mrs. Margaret Hardie Cook, 221 Hardie Street, owner of 10 lots located under the Bonneville power lines, "- - - that the property cannot be used, consequently no need for sewage. - - - "(11) Mrs. Helen Pavic, 121 Rainier Avenue, - assessment of $375.39 is too high on her Tax Lot 82, 518,23-5; that the descrip- tion erroneously includes the physical boundaries of Tax Lot 122, Sec. 18, 23-5; also reported discrepancy in lot description and requests correct legal lot description, - - -"(12) Renton Church of God, signed by Rev. J. B. Sawyer and Al Wood, Secretary, owner of Tax Lot 140, S18, 23-5, "- - - amount of $317.22 would seem in error, since this 75 feet, plus the 75 feet to the north, was pre- viously assessed at $375.00 - - -" they request reconsideration of the assess- ment. (13) Martha G. Wiberg, for property she owns at 212 Rainier Avenue, " - - $595.14 is an exhorbitant amount for their assessment- - -" (She states that she will expect the amount of the bill they have previously presented (this Evening) , deducted from the assessment, unless the City pays their bill as presented.- - - "(l4) Joe R. Baxter, owner of Tax Lot 171, S18, 23-5, " - - - that the memoran- dum of assessment includes approximately 45,470 square feet which cannot possibly be served by the sewer as now placed in the street, as the property lies below the level of the sewer trunk and in his opinion it would be inequitable and improper to levy an assessment against said square footage which cannot be served by said sewer. (A map showing the portion of property which cannot thus be served by said sewage system was attached to the protest.) Councilman Richardson stated that the "memorandum of assessment" notified all property owners that "all persons who may desire to object to the above mentioned assessment roll should make their objections in writing and file them with the City Clerk at or prior to the date fixed for the hearing." The Assistant City Attorney stated, that due to the death in the family of the City Engineer, and he not being present this evening for the hearing, that it was permissible to postpone the hearing, but that consideration should be given to the matter of considering the protests at the earliest possible date to avoid paying any interest after April 11 1954, and explained his idea of the increase in assessment in the Town & Country Addition, was that a sewer pipe which was assumed to be a 6" line, was already installed and satisfactory for this area, and that upon investigation proved to be a 4" pipe and unsuitable for connection to the rest of the sewer system. Verbal protests were given by Bill Cook for Margaret Hardie Cook, Andrew Paglia, Don Custer and Floyd Lawrence. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion, the present hearing should be continued to the earliest possible date. Moved by Holm, seconded by Tamborini, that the hearing be continued until the next regular meeting on April 6, 1954. Mayor Baxter informed the audience, that the hearing on the L.I.D., #239, Earlington Sewer Improvement, by motion of the Council would be continued until April 6th and that any and all persons who wished to attend the postponed meeting, would be welcomed. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance regarding Parks, Playgrounds and Recreational facilities, and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1476 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and finalreading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance No. 1476 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. 52 y co Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee had contacted the Renton C7 School Board representatives, and on their suggestion that the automatic sprink- ling system was the most satisfactory, and on the recommendation of the Park Board, the Ways & Means Committee recommended that the automatic sprinkling system be purchased for use in the parkway area islands on 2nd Avenue in front of the High School at a cost of $298.!;6, also that grass seed and fertilizer be purchased for this area at a cost of $185.00, the total cost to the City of Renton for the im- provement of the sprinkling system and grass seed and fertilizer being $483.46, and that the Committee recommended that the cost of the proposed improvement be charged to Cumulative Fund No. 1182. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the report of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. - Councilman Richardson reported that he had received a copy of the City of Seattle's "Dog License Ordinance," from the Association of Washington Cities, and after dis- cussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Seattle Dog License Ordin- ance be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that in the matter of the delinquent taxes report received from the Excise Tax Division of the Audit Section at Olympia, in the amount of $2819.25, that the City Attorney and Auditing Committee did not feel sufficiently informed regarding same to make a report by the 29th of March deadline and had asked for and received an additional 30 days extension from the State Excise Tax Division for further study., without payment of any penalty. The Committee requested, with this understanding, that they be permitted to hold their report until Ithe next reg- ular Council meeting. Mayor Baxter granted the Committee more time. Mayor Baxter granted the Light & Power Committee more time in regard to reports on additional lighting throughout Renton. Councilman Bruce was authorized to have the Engineering Department (Ken Oyler) prepare the legal description of the property that the City contemplates to purchase from the Renton School Board. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter approved the matter of the Council taking a few minutes time at the meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, on Tuesday, March 30th to meet with the Police & License Committee, Chief of Police, Mayor, City Attorney and representatives of the Renton B.P.O. of End Elks, Henry Peterson, Joe Rice and Stan Christensen. The City Clerk will notify the Elk's Club Representatives of the Council's action. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee requested that the City Clerk contact the Chamber of Commerce Traffic Committee to see if they have any new ideas and/or recommendations that they wish to submit to the City of Renton through the Street & Alley Committee, for their meeting on Thursday, April 1, 1954. Also, the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the Council, by Resolution, contact the Washington State Land Commissioner's office in an attempt to obtain a "quit claim deed" to the Black River Channel,this for the purpose of prohibiting the promiscuous dumping of garbage in these areas along Rainier Avenue,, also for the purpose of eventually widening Rainier Avenue from 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection, westerly along the Dunlap Canyon Road (PSH #2) the width of the Black River Channel along said highway. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that a Resolution be prepared, passed and forwarded to the Washington State Land Commis- sioners Office as stated. Carried. Councilman Swift reported for Council information only, that the Committee and City Engineer had studied and discussed the matter of a new Williams Street Bridge and preliminary estimates for a steel girder bridge were as follows: 2 lanes wide, $60,000.00; 4 lanes wide, $150,000.00 and that the Committee felt that a two-lane bridge would be sufficient on Williams' Street as considerable thought had been given to the use of subject bridge in the future, that the Committee felt in long range planning, that it could be arranged to make this street (Williams) a one-way street. The Budget Controller, Elton Alexander, requested Council consideration of the I matter of City employees, who having been called back to active duty in the armed forces, upon returning to their employment with the City of Renton, retaining their seniority status with the City, and also their eligibility to sick leave and vacation pay. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be re- ferred to the Ways & Means Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. 5 Councilman Bruce, stated that in his opinion, it was very gratifying for the three Councilmen—elect, Lloyd White, Ray Heppenstall and Verle Vietzke to attend this evening's Council meeting to familiarize themselves with the Council's problems. Councilman Richardson invited all three Councilmen—elect to attend the Street & Alley Committee meeting on Thursday evening, March 25th, to hear the discussion on traffic lights and street problems. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 53 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) C y Clerk Mayor 54 y c� Renton, Washington April 6, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARM :R, MORRIS,. TAMBORINI), RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: GERARD SHELLAN, Assistant, City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Ken Oyler, Assistant City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Acting Street Commissioner and. Vere Thomp- son, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the meeting; of March 23rd be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: BUILDING N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 72 $ 11950.00 Fred Q. Price 910 4th Ave. Remodel house 73 31000.00 W. C. Ross 226 Garden St. Add'n on house 74 32000.00 Clyde Fox 6th Ave. N. Utility & rest room Bldg. 75 500.00 Mark. R. Paterson 90th Ave. S. frame garage 76 400.00 Service Laundry 4th & Wells remodel Building 77 100.00 Oscar B. Paulson 3714 7th Ave. N. erect fence 75 1,495.00 Wilbur White 2245 6th N. erect building 79 600.00 Ray Vest 650 P. Street erect garage 50 4,500.00 Clyde Fox 6th Ave. N. erect building 51 21.00 F. G. Storey 129 Meadow St. rebuild fence 52 400.00 0. B. Dilley 243 Sunset Blvd. siding on house 53 200.00 Chas. F. Patterson 634 P. Street add°n on house now 54 600.00 Ira J. Porter 6th Ave. N. (2241) garage foundation 55 450.00 Jay Holmes 1025 3rd Ave. erect building 56 100.00 F. V. Millitt 532 G. Street wire service 57 300.00 L. Benshoof 1922 7th Ave. N. remodel house 55 650.00 Hibler Furniture Co. 405 Third Ave. install neon sign 59 500.00 Renton Valley Fuel 30 Logan Street it It " 90 900.00 Burton Shoe Store 227 Wells St. Install light fixtrs. 91 199.00 Dominick Capellera 75 Williams St. reroof residence 92 500.00 Wm, Stollemeyer 232 Sunset Blvd. erect building 93 12100.00 Seely Ellison 55 Burnett St. erect foundation 94 11,000.00 John Dobson 12400 Maple Valley erect greenhouse 95 300.00 J. T. Tomac 436 Mill St, remodel wall 96 250.00 James A. Toman 434 Mill St, Install Retng. wall 97 250.00 Neil Hickel 12037 SE 141st Pl. install basement 95 200.00 Leo Rosa 9423 151st P1,So. remodel house 99 7,000.00 Wedgwood Realty Co. 542 0. Street erect house 100 71000.00 " " 536 0. "' If n 101 8,500.00 " "' 530 0. 11' n• to 2 89500,00 " " 524 0, n n' It 3 9000.00 " "' 540 N. Place If If 4 9,500.00 "' " 534 N. Place 11 If 5 99500.00 °t' "' 525 N. n n• n 6 9,500.00 "• "' 522 N. ni It, n 7 9,500.00 If it 516 N, n m tt 5 9000.00 " " 510 N. n+ it h Now 9 9,500.00 "` " 504 N. If n: it 10 9000.00 " " 3512 5th Ave. N. n If 11 9,500.00 "' 10 3515 5th Ave. N. " If 12 59500.00 " " 503 0. Street 13 7,000.00 ° 't 909 0. Street " n 14 7,000.00 If If 517 0. t" 15 51500.00 " n 523 0, n rr n• 16 7,000.00 it, If 529 0, If n n 17 71000.00 it 11 835 0. " " " APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11.8 71000.00 Wedgwood Realty Co. 841 0, Street Erect house 19 7,000.00 " n. 847 0* rt it, n 120 8,500,00 " "' 840 0. 21 8,500.00 " " 834 N. 22 81500.00 "' "' 828 N. w rr n 23 82500.00 " "' 822 N. m n it 24 8,500.00 " 'i' 916 N. 25 89500.00 " It 810 N. n n n 26 8,500.00 " " 804 N. 27 92500.00 " " 3410 8th Ave. N. 28 9,500.00 " " 805 N. Place 29 99500.00 n " 811 N.. 't n if 130 9000,00 " «. 817 N. 31 9,500.00 "' - 823 N. 32 92500.00 " " 829 N. it 33 9,500.00 " " 835 N. n. rf is 34 99500.00 " " 841 N. " It it 35 843 N. n n It 36 7,000.00 " Tt 837 N. " n It 37 7t,000,00 "' of 833, N. tr It It 38 7,000.00 "' " 827 N. I" it, it 39 9,500.00 " "' 3533 8th Ave. N. It it40 9,500.00 " It 3527 8th Ave. N. it " if 41 99500.00 " 3521 8th Ave. N. Tf ►r 42 9,500.00 " it 3515 8th Ave. N.. 43 92500,00 " "' 3 509 8th Ave. N. " It 44 9P500-00 "' it 3 503 8th Ave. N. 45 9,500.00 "' it 3423 8th Ave. N. 46 9,500.00 " " 3417 8th Ave. N. m It 47 9,500.00 "' " 3411 8th Ave. N. It it 48 9,500.00 " " 3405 8th Ave. N. It it 49 130.00 Walter Gibbs 3326 6th Place Erect fence 50 400.00 Domenic Pillo 3706 6th Ave. N. " Garage 51 500.00 David W.- Mills 108 Pelly Street it " 52 960.00 Helen Pavic 121 Rainier Ave. It add'n on house 53 100.00 Glenn DeHart 12423 SE 121st St. wire service 54 2,000.00 Reid & Cook 205 Main Street Erect marque & Sldg.door 55 500.00 Maude Lanich 451 N. Williams roof & gutters on house 56 300.00 Paul Ballatore 240 Garden St. Reshingle house 57 830.00 Robt. L. Barrowman 512 Grandey Way Garage & driveway 58 600.00 Lewis Laws 530 Main St. Repair fire damage 59 83,000.00 Quentine Fairchild 1148 M. Street Erect frame house 60 500.00 Valley Furn. Co. 1217 Bronson Way N. Remodel. building 61 1,200.00 Burton Shoe Store 227 Wells St. Install neon sign 62 500.00 C. Tamborini 516 Whitworth addtn on house PLUMBING 55 — — S. Holmes 1025 3rd Ave. rough plumbing 56 — — Pacific Tel. & Tel. 225 Williams St. install furnace 57 — — Noel M. Ghione 44 Tobin Ave. " " 58 — — Frank Fall 418 Bronson Way N. It fixtures 59 — — Stoneway Dock Maple Valley Way " rough plumbing 60 — — Cecil Harris 801 A. Street "' heater 61 — — Russell Rhoads 915 1st Ave. N. " furnace 62 Leo Rosa 533 Main 4reet It fixtures 63 — — Wedgwood Realty Co. 842 0. Street rough plumbing & fxtrs. 64 — It " 836 0. "' "' "' n 65 — — " W 830 0. It m It It 66 — — to m 824 0, n f! n n 67 — — " "` 840 N. Place n n n 68 — — n " 834 N. I" 69 — — " m 828 N. 70 — — n rr 822 N. "' "° m a 71 — — " " 81.6 N. 72 _ — " " 810 N. It to n a 73 — — "' "' 804 N. Tr n r: a 74 " "' 3512 8th Ave. N.o m n n 56 y APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTM11T PLUMBING N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 75 $ - - Wedgwood Realty Co. 3518 8th Ave. N. rough plmbing & fixtures 76 - - " "' 803 0. Street " III 77 - - " „ 809 02 Street n n 78 - - " " 817 0. 79 - - n "' 823 0, 80 - - " 829 0, n n n 81 - - " "' 835 0. n m n 82 — — " " 841 0. 83 — — " " 847 0. n n n 84 - - ,t rr 840 N. 85 - - " " 834 N. n n n 86 828 N. 87 - - ° " 822 N. rt n n 88 - - " 1° 816 N. 89 - - " " 810 N. 90 - - n n 804 N. n n n 91 - - " " 3410 8th Ave. N. " '1 92 - - " " 805 N. Place 93 - - " " 811 N. Place a If 94 - - " " 817 N. Place " " 95 - - " " 823 N. Place " it 96 - - " n 829 N. Place n' it 97 - - " " 835 N. Place 98 - - " " 841 N. Place n n 99 - - " " 843 N. Street r, n 100 - t1 " 837 N. Street 11 " 1 - - " " 833 N. Street it 2 - - " "' 827 N. Street 3 - - n 3533 8th Ave. N. n n 4 - - " " 3527 8th Ave. N. 5 - - ° " 3521 8th Ave. N. 11 " 6 - - " " 3515 8th Ave. N. " it 7 _ _ n it 3509 8th Ave. N. $ _ _ n et 3503 8th Ave. N. 9 - - " " 3423 8th Ave. N. n nMod 10 - - " '1 3417 8th Ave. N. 11 - - " " 3411. 8th Ave. N. 12 _ - m " 3405 8th Ave. N. 13 - - Mildred Gannon 835 lst Ave. N. Change burner & fur. 14 - - Ray G. Hartman 12823 88th Ave. S. Install furnace & tank 15 - - Leslie Lamb 2010 6th Place As the Council had previously elected Ray Heppenstall to fill the unexpired term of Herman Freyman, deceased, the City Clerk administered the oath of Councilman to Ray Heppenstall. The City Clerk read a petition, signed by 38 property owners living between 4th and 7th Avenues on Morris Street, for additional lighting, similar to the lights on Williams Street, to be installed on each corner and in the centers of the block on each side of the street. As the matter of additional lighting in this area is alreact being studied by the Street & Alley Committee and Light and Power Comzdtteet moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to these Com- mittees for their study and consideration. Carried. A claim for damages was read from Margaret Erickson of 5623 Ryan Street, Seattle, caused when she caught her foot and tripped over an obstruction on Wells Street, in the crosswalk between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, in the total amount of $40.45. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Insurance Commissioner for his study and consideration. Carried. wow A communication was read from R. F. Evans, 124 Rainier Avenue, offering to the City of Renton free of charge, a water system to be made a part of the City of Renton water system, described as"water line and water line services :situated in the County of King, State of Washingtont to-wit: Beginning with a tap of the City of Seattle, water main at the west side of Rainier Avenue and Second Avenue in the town of Renton, extending along Rainier Avenue and terminating at the extreme end of the Sundholm Addition in the County of King consisting of State of Washington Franchise and all valves, taps, hookups and services as of the above date," owned by B. C. Thomas and himself. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti' that the 7 matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for further study and a report back. Carried. A communi.;ation was read from Edward F. Betz advising the City of damage caused by rocks to the windows of the Safeway Store Building at 200 3rd Avenue, and en- closing a copy of a letter from the General Casualty Company of America, signed by Gerald E. Vrabek, Casualty Department, to Mr. Betz, regarding the frequency of losses caused by rocks thrown by passenger automobiles; that unless conditions can be taken to clean up the excess gravel lying on the road, they have no al- ternative but to request cancellation of the Insurance policy.. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Street Commissioner with power to act. The City Engineer stated that the upkeep and repair of the shoulder of the road on the south side of 3rd Avenue, at this location, is the responsibility .� of the State Highway Department.. The motion carried. A communication was read from Milton Topping, President of the 5 Corners Lumber Company 107 S.W. 160th Street, regarding installation of a waterline from S.E. 106th Street, north along 132nd Avenue S.E., approximately 1400 feet to property they are in the process of negotiating a proposed development consisting of about 40 homes with a recreation area for children; that they propose "to extend the present 4" water line from S.E. 106th Street, north along 132nd Avenue S.E., approximately 1400 feet with a 6" water line, to install necessary pressure pump and storage tank as might be required. These property owners to the north of the end of their proposed water line may connect on free of charge, except for the cost of connection; with respect to that charge, they shall be responsible for any and all costs. They also request that they maintain ownership of the water line until such time as they have recovered a portion of their expense from those pro- perty owners adjacent to the water line from S.E. 106th Street, north along their proposed water line." Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the matter be re- ferred to the Fire & Water Committee for study and a report back. Carried. A communication addressed to the Renton City Council and Planning Commission was read from Allan Crawford, 12623 S.E. 112th Street, requesting certain described property "the south 330 feet of the E 1/2 of the E1/2 of the N.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 9, Twp. 23 N. -R 5 E. W.M." rezoned for residential business purposes, and enclosing a drawing of this area and a statement of no objection to the re- zoning by adjacent property owners. A statement, signed by R. 0. and E.M. Rolla, the adjacent property owners, stating they have no objection to the zoning of the above described property for residential business purposes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from James Coombs, Adjutant of the Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to sponsor their re- gular spring carnival together with the Douglas Greater Shows to open April 19th and to close April 24, 1954, to be located at lst and Burnett Street. They enclose $1.00 for the special license fee and request a waiver of the regular license fee. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Veterans of Foreign Wars be allowed their request and the regular license fee be waived. After discussion as to the exact location, moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be tabled and discussed during the recess later in the meeting. Carried. An application for renewal of their master license for the operation of coin oper- ated phonographs, also renewal of sub-licenses at 33 named locations was read from William L. Sholdt, owner of the Modern Music Company. A check to cover the master license and sub-licenses was enclosed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting permission for three operators, Douglas Spray, Assistant Chief Operator, Alvin Woods and Walter Barnes, Operators, to attend the Bi Annual Sewage Works School to be held at the University of Washington, April 15th and 16th, at a total cost of $13.80, plus travel expense for one private automobile; that Willis Sparrow, Chief Operator will operate the plant in their absence, which in his opinion is desirable, as the school plans to utilize the Renton plant during the school period. A program of the "Puget Sound Regional Planning Council" was attached. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini� that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A request to install a pinball machine in her place of business the Malone Hotel, 116 - 2nd Avenue, was read from Lola D. Hartley, owner. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. VV A communication was read from Romeo Botts Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees hetirement System stating that the Board had extended to the maximum of one year, the compulsory retirement dates of Anker Anderson, Fred Allingham and Edward Bunstine. The communication was ordered filed. On request of Mayor Baxter, the City Clerk announced the meeting of the Associa— tion of Washington Cities, on June 10th and 11th in Spokane, that the City Treas— urer had cards for reservations for same. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, the Department heads should be invited to attend the Convention also, as special meeting had been organized for each of their benefits, and moved, seconded by Tamborini, that the Department Heads be authorized to attend the Association of Washington Cities Convention and that the necessary travel and other expenses be paid by the City of Menton. Carried. .� As this was the date set for the continuation of the hearing on the Earlington Sewer Improvement, L.I.D. #239, the City Engineer and City Clerk read the adjust— ments as follows: (1) Kenneth Courtright — Lots 1, 2 and 3, Ryan' s lst, Addition. This property cannot be sewered by gravity flow into the lateral sewer system that was installed in the immediate vicinity to the property. It is the opinion, how— ever,that the property does participate in the benefits by reason of improved san— itary conditions in the neighborhood and further benefits are derived by reason of the fact that the distance to the lateral sewer that can serve the property by gravity has been shortened by some 2000 feet. On consideration of these benefits, it is the City Engineer's and City Attorney's opinion that the assessment of 20% of the normal rate is fair and equitable. (2) Thorvald Clausen — Lots 26 and 27, Block 5, Earlington Addition. The protest being against the method of assessment established by Ordinance, it is the City Engineer's and City Attorney's recommen— dation that the protest be disregarded. (3) George Dobson, Winifred Dt.(niels (pro— test # .6) and Ross Sherlock, Town and Country Club Bungalow Sites, the preliminary assessment for these properties was made on the premise that a previously construc— ted 6" sewer served the full extent of this addition and the properties were so credited with the contract for a 6" line. During construction of the new system it was found that the existing sewer serving these properties was 4" in diameter which does not meet minimum requirements established by the State Department of Health. The 4" line was replaced with a new 6" line during construction. It is the City Engineer's and City Attorneyls recommendation that these properties be credited with the 4" line at the contract price, less 50% for depreciation. (4) Evelyn A. Conklin — Portion of Lots 32, 33 and 34, Block 3, Earlington Addition. The protest now is against the method of assessment and it is the recommendation of the City Eng— ineer and City Attorney that the protest be disregarded. (5) Dr. Glossop — Portion of Lots 12 2 and 3, Block 7, Earlington Addition. The surveys made in— dependently by two private professional engineers and the City of Renton indicate a shortage in plat distance in Blocks 3,4,59 6 and 79 Earlington Addition. The City Engineer and City Attorney being unable to arrive at any conclusion in this discrepancy recommend that the assessment stand which is against the property as recorded. (7) Tony Starkovich — An error was made in establishing the division of property between owners and the City Engineer and City Attorney recommend the owner, who is entitled to, be allowed credit in the amount of $354.46. (8) Andrew Paglia — Rainier Avenue, The City Engineer and City Attorney find no in— dication of error or improper assessment against this property. (10) :Margaret Hardie Cook. The property involved in this protest is beneath the City of Seattle transmission power lines. A perpetual easement prohibits the building of any structures. It is the opinion of the City Engineer and City Attorney that improved sanitary conditions in the vicinity benefit the property to the extent of 20% of the, normal rate. (9) Ignac Laush — Rainier Avenue. There is no indica— tion of error or improper assessment against this property in the opinion of the City Engineer and City Attorney. (11) Mrs. Helen Pavia — Rainier Avenue. The City Engineer and City Attorney find an error in the distribution of assessment against this property and a credit is recommended in the amount of $25.45. (12) Church of God, Rainier Avenue. The City Engineer and City attorney find no indi— cation of error or improper assessment against this property. (13) Mrs. Martha G. Wiberg, Rainier Avenue. The City Engineer and City Attorney state that the protest involves a claim for property damage, but that they find no error in the matter of assessment. (14) Joe R. Baxter, Rainier Avenue. The protest involves the unimproved portion of the property which is at too low an elevation to be served by gravity flow. One building exists on the disputed property and the upper floor can be served by the lateral sewer and so benefit is derived, that it is reasonable to assume that when the balance of the property is developed, it will be improved to street level and can then sewer by gravity. The City Engineer and City Attorney state that it is not their privilege to speculate Ess to when this improvement will occur, however, it is their opinion that the property is benefited to the extent of 80% of the normal assessment rate. (The protest adjust— 59 ments are numbered to correspond with the protests as received and recorded in the March 23, 1954 minutes.) After discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Attorney, and that the records show that the protests of Ignac and Anna Laush, Andrew Paglia, the Church of God and Mrs. Martha G. Wiberg be rejected. Carried. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney and City Engineer draft necessary Ordinance confirming the Assessment Roll of L.I.D. #239, as corrected this evening. Carried. In regard to the request of Dr. E. Glossup that certain indefinite boundaries in a six block area, including his property be established, the City Engineer in- formed the Council and audience that under the present circumstances, with the yam„ volume of work and present Engineering survey staff consisting of only two men, that it would probably require 6 months or more to complete an adjustment of the property boundaries in this area, it not being known at this time, whether the adjustment would be made from the private property or from street right-of-way; that it would be up to the Council to determine if this survey adjustment should be made by the City Engineering Department; that it was his opinion that it was the repionsibility of the property owner to determine property lines. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee to take under consideration. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen were present. This being the date set for the hearing on the proposed annexation of property which is described as "The north 1/2 of the S;a. 1/A and the N-W- 1/4 of the S.E. 1/A of the N.E. 1/A of Sec. 9, T. 23 N., R. 5, E. W.M." and lies north of President Park No. 5, there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission that this area, as described, be annexed to the City of Renton, and all maps and plats of the City of Renton be corrected to show this annexation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney and City Engineer draft the necessary Ordinance annexing subject property. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested that the City Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of the City of Renton Department Heads which was held March 30th, for the Council's infor- mation. Those present were: Elton Alexander, Dorothea Gossett, James Highton, Angelo Busato, Bill Gebenini, Wiley Crook and Rueben Miller (Acting Street Commissioner.) The matter for discussion being the question of retirement age of City Employees. Miscellaneous personnel, according to State Law, retire at the age of 65 years, unless extended by Council action, a maximum of 5 years, or 70 years of age, one year at a time, also uniformed personnel, according to State Law, retire at the age of 60 years, unless extended by Council action, a maximum of 5 years, or 65 years of age, one year at a time; that after discussion, the majority of the opinions of the group favored the maximum compulsory re- tirement age of City Employees beim set at 65 years..Mayor Baxter further stated that he would request the Council to investigate the matter of increasing the limit set for withholding for retirement pay from the $300.00 maximum to a $400.00 maximum. The report was ordered filed. Mayor Baxter granted the Sanitation Committee more time to study the City of Seattle Dog Ordinance. Councilman Trimm reported that the matter of a swimming pool for the City of Renton had come to a stand still; that the Ways & Means Committee had been working on this project with the Service Organizations, but that they had done all they could financially along this line which was not sufficient; that if the Council wants a swimming pool for the City of Renton they will continue their research work as to cost and how such a project could be financed, and report back. Councilman Trimm further stated that the Service Organizations had expressed their willingness to assist the Committee. Moved by Richardson,, second- ed by Tamborini, that the Ways and Means Committee continue their investigation of this project and report back their recommendation as to the feasibility of placing the matter of a bond issue for same on the November, 1954 ballot. Councilman Trimm further requested that the Council set aside a certain meeting night for the purpose of meeting with a gentleman from Cleveland, Ohio, who • ., will be coming to this area in April, and who is the promotor of the Vince Poolf and does all the supervisory work in connection with the installation of said pool, so that he could explain this type of pool to the Councilmen. The Council- men approved Councilman Trimm's-request. 60 y C� Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee was granted more time in connection with the over-all lighting program throughout the City. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time in regard to the proposed Resolution to be prepared, passed and forwarded to the Washington State Land Com- missionerts office in regard to obtaining a quit claim deed to the Black River Chan- nel, as it takes additional time to obtain the legal description of same from the King County maps. In connection with the meeting Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, requested with his Committee and the Sanitation Committee, he will contact Dr. J. Beattie, Health Officer, to see which time is most convenient for him to meet with the two committees. Councilman Swift suggested that Ray Heppenstall, being elected by the Council, and having been sworn in as a Councilman this evening, that he be appointed to com- plete the term of Councilman Freyman, as Chairman of the Finance Committee and a member of both the Police & License and Property Committees. Councilman Delaurenti stated that he had previously talked this matter over with Councilman Heppenstall and that with the Mayor's approval, he would agree to act as Co-Chairman of the Finance Committee until Councilman Heppenstall was more familiar with the Committee work. Mayor Baxter then appointed Councilman Heppenstall as Chairman of the Finance and Claims Committee and requested Councilman Delaurenti temporarily to assist Councilman Heppenstall. Councilman Swift further reported that he had received a request for an addition- al loading and unloading area on the southeast corner of 3rd & Walla Walla Avenues, adjacent to the Fire Station property, and that the Committee,, together with Captain Isackson of the Police Department Traffic Division, had suggested that the loading zone at this corner be extended to the maximum (to within 5 feet of the curb) on 3rd Avenue, west of the Santi's store on the southeast corner of 3rd & Main Street; that this businessman be permitted to back his truck up -to the load- ing door for heavy articles, but that the track be parked elsewhere when not load- ing or unloading merchandise; that if this arrangement is satisfactory to the Council; he will inform this businessman of the extension of the loading zone and of the Council's action in this regard. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that Ii the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department and that Councilman Swift so notify this businessman. Carried. For the information of the Council, Councilman Swift reported that at the Street and Alley Committee meeting on Thursday, April lst, that the -Committee had found out that the Chamber of Commerce Traffic Committee was working on the same prob- lems as the Council Street & Alley Committee and were proceeding in the same manner; that the Street & Alley Committee would make their recommendation in re- gard to the meter system and zoning at a Council meeting soon. Councilman Delaurenti reported that Tuesday evening, April 13th at 7:30 P.M., the Police Department would have the four new Police cars and the new Motor-bike lined up by the Police Department for the Council and Mayor to see and that he would appreciate the Mayor and Council seeing the new cars and the motor bike. Councilman Bruce reported for the Committee of the Council as a Whole, in regard to the application by the Veteran's of Foreign Wars for a carnival, that it is the Committee's recommendation that the application, as presented, be rejected as the location is not suitable and that if the V.F:J. will submit a more suitable loca- tion and will make arrangements for sanitary rest rooms for the use cf those attend- ing the carnival, the Council will give this application further consideration. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole, the City Now Engineer and Consulting Engineer had met on March 30th for discussion of the 1954 Water Revenue Improvement Bond Recommendations and that he requested that the minutes of the meeting be read. The City Clerk read the minutes, as follows: "COUNCIL AS A WHOLE - COMMITTEE MEETING ON 1954 WATER REVENUE IMPROVEMENT BOND Rhr,OMMENDATIONS. The meeting was opened by Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, at 8:00 P.M. Those present were: Francis Farmer, Steve Tamborini, Olin Hansen, George Swift, Hugh Bruce, Vern Morris, Thomas Trimm, Ben Richardson, Walt Reid, Charles Delaurenti, Don Holm, Mayor Joe R; Baxter, James Highton, Gerard Shellan, and Richard Wolff (Consulting Engineer). Guests present were: Verle Vietzke and Ray Heppenstall, Councilmen-elect, and Jack Fleming of the Renton Chronicle. Richard Wolff reviewed the water distribution system and sources as existing to-day with comparison of supply with today's demand, also discussed the condition of the pipeline between the Talbot reservoir and the south City limits at Main Street. The ten inch and fourteen inch water lines, under Main Street, were replaced with cast iron pipe when the street was paved. Most of the discussion was based on the re- commendations, as presented. Mayor Baxter asked about inclusion of the present Earlington Heights system in the Renton system. Mr. Wolff agreed that the City could furnish water, by using a booster pump, to this area at less cost than the people in this area now pay. The Council was assured that a sixteen inch line from the Talbot Reservoir to the new reservoir would be adequate to convey the maximum production of water from the Springbrook source. Discussion followed on the various types of reservoirs for the new location. Asphalt lining is a new development of the last 15 or 20 years and has proven feasible in San Francisco and Oakland. Also, there was some talk on steel construction reservoirs, which are the most expensive of the types under consideration. Two possible sites on the east side of Sunset Boulevard are being considered at present. One location is suitable for a ground level tank and the other for above ground tanks. It was suggested that City owned property north of Windsor Hills could be exchanged for a suitable location for the storage system. After conclusion of the discussion, Chairman Hugh Bruce stated that a motion re- garding same would be in order. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Tamborini, that the problem of selecting a site for a reservoir be referred to a Committee consisting of the Fire & Water Committee and Property Committee, The City Attorney, the Con- sulting Engineer and City Engineer, to report back. The motion carried unanimously. A discussion was requested by the City Engineer in regard to the Councilmen's opinions of the second phase of the bond issue plans, as proposed. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council approve the second phase of the development program as proposed by Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer and James Highton, City Engineer, and that the two Engineers be authorized to pro- ceed with plans and developments as outlined. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. George Swift, Secretary" Councilman Bruce explained that this program does not include taking in the Earl- ington water district. Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole recommended that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Consulting Engineer as stated, and that the two engineers be author- ized to proceed with plans and developments as outlined. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Committee meeting minutes be in- corporated in the Council meeting minutes, as of this evening. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Civil Defense Director Floyd Lawrence informed him that as the City of Renton Civil Defense organization is urgently in need of a larger and more powerful siren for their drills,, and in case of an emergency, and as there is a sufficient amount in the Civil Defense "Maintenance & Supply" fund to purchase the siren, and the Government is willing to assist financially to an amount equal to what the Civil Defense is to expend, that a new and more powerful siren be purchased for the City proper and the present siren be placed where needed in one of the outlying areas. Under circumstances as stated, moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the Civil Defense Director be authorized to purchase a new and more powerful siren and that he be further authorized to request Govern- ment assistance as outlined. The City Attorney stated that in his opinion, a larger siren to better serve the immediate Renton area could be considered as a replace- ment in case of an emergency and he felt the City should go ahead and purchase the larger siren. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported, for information to the Council, that in this evening's Seattle paper he had read that the Civil Defense of Seattle had dropped their plans for evacuation of all of Seattle in case of emergency, except in the business area. Councilman Bruce requested more time in regard to the Park Department property in the Highlands where there is a place that a child might drown, that the City Attor- ney had contacted the Public Housing Authority to see if the Government, as donor 62 would take the necessary steps to remove and lift the restriction as to use in the dedication, and allow the City to dispose of the property in question and/or to apply it to a more suitable use, also that "no trespassing" ,igns had been made for the unsafe area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Property Committee be granted more time in regard to this problem. Carried. The City Clerk explained that he had been appointed as a member of the Policy Comm— ittee of the Association of Val-ley Cities and that Wednesday evening, April 7, 1954, the Mayor's of Kent, Kirkland, Enumclaw and Orting, who are also on the subject Policy Committee, will meet at Kent for further discussion of finding ways and means to prevent Legislative action to deprive the Cities of their just share of gasoline taxes and liquor profits, and the property tax millage allowed to them; that the Committee had a discussion in regard to the relationship between the Police Depart— mod ments of the various Cities and the State Highway Patrol and County Sheriff's Depart— ments — — that as all but one City had arranged very satisfactory relations in this regard, the matter is to be taken up between subject City's Police Department and the State Highway Patrol and County Sheriff's Office. The City Clerk also reported that he had been doing considerable research work in regard to the census report for the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following Claims having been previously audited were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 801-926 17,461.95 CLAIMS CURRENT 1926— 13P539.58 CLAIMS WATER 9011— 29446.05 CLAIMS SMET 6588— 2,452.10 CLAIMS PARK 1856— 99 5.94 CLAIMS LIBRARY 276A- - CLAIMS AIRPORT 1783— 670.86 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2504— 11088.38 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 99-192 17,500.21 CLAIMS WATK_ & SEWER CONSTR. 685 - CLAIMS CUM. #1183 397 — CLAIMS CUM. #1184 438 CLAIMS CIV. DEF. FD. 523 — CLAIME FIRFNEN'S PEN FUND 128 — CLAIMS REVOLVING FUND 26 — Moved by Richardson,. seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. (There were 25 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Ci Clea^k �J Mayor 63 Renton, Washington April 13, 1954 The regular meeting of the Fenton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, DELAURFNTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMW. (Councilman Bruce was excused because of illness.) r... OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shel:lan, Asst. City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Mayor Baxter invited the following former City Employees, now retired, John Mezek, David Mitchell, Joseph E. Rice, and Pete Dullahant to come forward to re- ceive service award pins for their past service as employees of the City of Renton, Mayor Baxter stated that David Mitchell was formerly a Councilman, also that Peter Dullahant had served as a City Department Head at different times. Councilman Swift presented each of the guests with their pin and thanked them in behalf of the Mayor, Council and the City of Renton for their past faithful services. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the April 6th Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. A petition was read from J. Benj. Hayes, Engineer for the Wedgwood Realty Com- pany stating the houses in the area known as President Park No. 4, are completed and occupied and requesting installation of street lighting. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Tambori_ni, that the petition be referred to the Light and Power Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. r� A communication was read from Rosamond Davis, Manager of the City Hall Pantry, requesting permission to have a sign installed in the same location as the present directional sign. is located, stating the lunch room is open to the public at all times, and that breakfasts, dinners and suppers are served. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this request be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to install a pin ball machine in his place of business known as the Log Cabin Cafe at 223 Third Avenue, was read from Bennie R. Pertmann. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request was read from Mary Lou Dinning, Secretary of the Kennydale Teen Club, to hold a bake sale in front of or at the Bergman Drug Store, the proceeds to go towards the repair of their phonograph. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A note of appreciation and thanks, to Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, was read from Bill O'Connor, Jr., 12230 S.E. 141st Place, for the Fire Department's services in rescuing his pet cat from a pole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm,, that the communication be returned to the Fire Chief for his records. Carried. A communication was read from J. Benjamin Hayes, Engineer for the Wedgwood Realty Company, submitting plat of Albert Balch's President Park No. 7, for approval. r Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the plat of President Park #7 be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A petition was read from 11 property owners (including the names of threes hus- baA and wives,) of property in the immediate vicinity of the lot owned by the Carpenter's Union on North Burnett Street, adjacent to the City Garage, stating that they have no objection to a Carnival being held on that lot. A letter re- questing reconsideration of the V.F.W.'s previous request to hold a Carnival at lst & Burnett Street was read from Harold Hicks, General Agent and Public 64 y CC Relations Representative of the Douglas Greater Shows, stating that the show carries no objectionable shows or concessions an0aambling is tolerated, that at 9:30 the loud speakers are toned down and that by 10:30 P.M., there is only a minimum of noise and the people within the same block would not be disturbed; that they have under conversion a 27 foot house trailer, to a rest room, operated on all lots, with an attendant in charge. After considerable discussion, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council reconsider their request and grant the Douglas Greater Shows permission to hold a Carnival, providing the required Bond is posted and the Douglas Shows agree to hold the City free and blameless in case of accident, damage, etc. Carried. Councilman Reid suggested that the Sanitation Committee meet with the City Health Officer, after the Carnival, to me if all conditions have been satisfactorily met. After discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that the Sanitation Rod Committee and Health Officer investigate the conditions of the Carnival, to be held in Renton the week of April 19th, during the week the Carnival is in opera— tion and after they have gone, so the Council would have a report and evidence and information to base their next decision on. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1477, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, annexing territory to the City of Renton, described as the 'North 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4 and the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Sect. 9, Trap, 23 N. Range 5 E. W.M." which is approximately 15 acres, and is located north of President Park N. 5. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Or— dinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Com— mittee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Farmer,. that Ordinance No. 1477 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all. eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye"the motion unanimously carried. The Assistant City Attorney reported that he had prepared an "Assignment of Lease", covering property described as Parcel 1, and a new "Lease" Agreement" coveripg pro— perty described as Parcel #2 (gas & oil facilities), Parcel #3 (parking area) , & Parcel 4 (T—Hangars), on the Renton Airport, recently purchased by the Renton Avia— tion, Inc. (Hugh L. Fancher, President, and Elvin P. Carney, Secretary) from the Smith Aviation. That, with the Council approval, the Mayor and Clerk should be au— thorized to sign the "Consent to Assignment of Lease" and the "New Lease". Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor & Clerk be authorized to execute the "Consent to Assignment of Lease" and the "New Lease". Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1478, approving and confirming the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 239, as adjusted by Council action, for the improvement of an area in the Earlingtcn Addition, and vicinity, all in the City of Renton, under Ordinance No. 1428 and levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other pro— perty as shown on said roll., including the rejections of, and/or adjustments made on the written protests received at the hearing on March 23, 1954, adjourned to April 6th for the City Engineer and City Attorney's report on same. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the pro— posed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Or— dinance No. 1478 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1479, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, fixing the interest rate as five (5) percent on annual installments of assessments to be pard in L.I.D., #239, under Ordinance No. 1428. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Or— dinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the pro— posed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1479 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. 65 The City Clerk read the "Notice of Collection of Assessment" for L.I.D., #2399 for the construction and installation of a system of sanitary sewer lateral lines and a trunk sewer line, stating that the "Assessment Roll" as stated, payable by the mode of "Payment by Bonds" is in the Treasurer's hands for collection and any assessment thereon, or any portion of such assessment may be paid at any time within 30 days from April 22, 1954, without penalty, interest or costs, and the unpaid balance, if any, may be paid in ten equal annual installments, or the lien of any such assessment may be discharged at any time after the first 30 days following April 22, 1954. by paying the entire unpaid portion thereof, with all penalties and costs attached, together with all interest thereon to date of maturity of the installment thereof next falling due; the first installment to become due and payable during the 30 day period succeeding a date one year after April 22, 1954, and annually thereafter in like manner; the notice further explains unpaid assess- ments, including interest charged. The Assistant City Attorney stated this "Notice of Collection of Assessment" was read for Council information only, and no action being required, with the exception that, and recommended same, said "Notice" be published two consecutive times, after the date of publication of Ordinance No. 1478, approving and confirming the assessment roll of L.T.D., #2390 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. (The Treasurer stated that the "Notice of Collection of Assessment " would be published April 22nd and April 29th 1954.) On the advice and recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney that the City Engineer be instructed to turn the Assessment Roll over to the City Treasurer for collection. Carried. On advice and recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney that the City Engineer be instructed to turn the Assessment Roll over to the City Treasurer for collection. Carried. This being the date set for the "'Hearing" on proposed annexation of property described as "the Sf of the S.E. J of Sec. 9, T. 23 N. R. 5 E. W.M., except that portion already annexed to the City of Renton," signed by 26 property owners, headed by Grover Smith, and located south of President Parks 1, 21 3 and 4, con- sisting of approximately 80 acres, and there being no written or oral protests, r... moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the petition for annexation be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. On the suggestion of Councilman Reid, moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the hazardous condition and/or traffic problem at the intersection of Burnett Street and Walla Walla Avenue be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for further study and their recommendation. Carried. In regard to progress in the matter of the Engineering Department obtaining the legal description of the Black River Channel area, adjacent and south of the Dunlap Canyon Road (Sunset Highway) , entering Renton from the west, the City Engineer stated that records were not readily available, but they are still en- deavoring to locate correct legalcbscriptions. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Sanitation Committee had studied and con- sidered the copy of the City of Seattle's Dog License Ordinance, and that the Committee recommended that the Ordinance, as modified and changed, be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their consideration and a report back. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that he and the City Attorney had discussed further, the matter of the field audit report by W.H. Bernard, as well as the tax assess- ment resulting therefrom, in the total amolznt due of $2819.25, that having checked with the City of Seattle in charge of such payments, they found that Seattle had been forced to pay similar items; that the Auditing and Accounting Committee requests additional time to determine the exact amount that the City of Renton legally owes and also requests that the matter of determining what fund this payment is to be paid from, be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their recommendation, to avoid being penalized for non-payment before the deadline payment date is reached. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. 66 y n Councilman Morris stated that the Legislative Committee would like to know if the Council would like to take into consideration the matter of introducing any Resolutions for consideration at the next meeting of the Association of Washing- ton Cities. Councilman Reid suggested that the Legislative Committee meet with Wiley Crook in regard to the recommendations the Valley Cities Policy Committee, of which he is a member, might have, and bring their recommendations to the Council at their next meeing., Councilman Swift reported that he had read a notice in the Seattle papers that Mayor Pomeroy of Seattle had suggested that some of the State gasoline tax money be used to pay for the proposed free-way through Seattle. Councilman Reid further suggested that the article in the Association of Washing- ton Cities magazine regarding the possibility of cutting the cities (and towns) share of gas and liquor tax should be investigated, also, by the Legislative Committee. Councilman Morris suggested for Council consideration that some thought be given to the introduction of a Resolution in regard to the matter of adjusting the salaries of the Mayors and Councilmen of the different Cities in the State, stating that it had been suggested that an adjustment should be made on a schedule basis, the pay being based on a ratio according to the population of the Cities in the State. In regard to the City Engineer's request for approval of the Consulting Engineer's fee schedule, Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time for fur- ther study of the fee schedule, also the Fire & Water Committee were authorized to have the Auditing & Accounting Committee to assist in investigating the fee schedule, as presented to the Council, so that when the Fire & Water "Jommittee has prepared their report for Council consideration, the Auditing & Accounting Comm- ittee ommittee would also be familiar with the schedule and be prepared to make their re- conriendations in re-ard to same. Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time in regard to the pro- posal of Mr. B. C. Thomas and Mr. R. E. Evans, to donate a certain water line to the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time in regard to the re- quest of Milton Topping to extend the present 4"water line from 106th Street, North along 132nd Avenue S.E., approximately 1400 feet, with 6" water line and other necessary small equipment. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committees together with the Council as a Whole, the City Engineer and Traffic Division of the Police Depart- ment, have revised the proposal previously presented by the Street & Alley Comm- ittee on a meter system for the City of Renton; that they had reviewed the matter with the Parking and Traffic Committees from the Chamber of Commerce, who were working on the meter problem, within the City of Renton, in the same manner. The Committee recommended that the City be divided into two zones, the core area and fringe area; that the Core Area would include: 3rd Avenue, from Burnett Street to Main Street; Main Street, tion Ind to 3rd Avenues; Wells Street, from Walla Walla Avenue to 2nd Avenue, and Williams Street, from Walla Walla Avenue to 2nd Avenue. that there would be no change in the corner red-head meters, with the exception of the area in front of the Post Office which they recommend be made red-head meters, 5V per one-half hour, to provide quick service to bank and post office customers; that the balance of the area be zoned "fringe" and the meter system operate on a two hour basis, one nickel (5¢) per each hour, two nickels for a two hour period, that they proposed to expand the fringe area by adding meters on the west side of Burnett Street between 2nd Avenue and 4th Avenue; on Williams Street from 2nd Avenue, northerly approximately 1/2 the way to the Williams Street Bridge, over Cedar River; that they propose to add meters on the west side of Mill Street from the north end of the Fire Station property, northerly to the Methodist Church and on the short section of 2nd Avenue, between Main and Mills Street, the total addition of approximately 57 meters. Councilman Swift further reported that the Dual Parking Meter Company had proposed, owing to the fact that 333 of the pre- sent meters having been in use for quite a period of time and being in poor condition from constant use and abuse from customers; that 333 of the older meters be replaced, also the City to purchase 57 additional meters for the new area, or a total of new and replacement of 390 meters; that the Dual Parking Meter Company had proposed a plan of replacement with trade-in allowance of $56.00 per meter, one extra head and nine extra mechanisms to be furnished free for every 100 meters purchased; that the total cost to the City would be µg21,840.002 plus State Sales Tax for the 390 meters; that there are 333 old meters that need replacement and 517 new meters 67 to be installed — — that altogether at the present time there are 364 meters in use on the streets and 20 in the Main street parking lot; Councilman Swift further reported that the Meter Company had offered this meter program, and providing the City accepts, the Company will require no money, except the mcney that may be collected over and above the estimated receipts in the 1954 budget, . which is_ $25,000.00, if receipts were over the amount budgeted, the overage would be paid to the Meter Company as a first payment, additional payments should be included in the 1955 budget, on a percentage basis; that although the increase in re,:eipts might not, show in parking meter collections, there would be con— siderable saving on maintenance cost the City has at this time. Councilman Richardson explained that the City would furnish one man during the process of installation, to accompany the Dual Parking Metermen who are doing the actual ` n installation, to show them where the installations are to be made;that other than this one man's services, the installation and conversion would be of no extra cost to the City of Renton; that the Company proposed that the cost of installation of new meters and conversion of the older meters should be based on a 50-50 basis from the income from the meters. After considerable discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, as stated. After further discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Delau.renti, that the motion be tabled. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Heppenstall, No; Delaurenti, Yes; Swift, No; Hansen, Yes; Farmer, Yes; Morris, No; Holm, No; Richardson, No; Heid, Yes and Trimm, No. There being 6 "Noss" and 4 "Aye's" the motion lost. After discussion, in regard to same, Gerard Shella.n, Assistant City Attorney, stated that in his opinion, one item was the approval for the plan in general and replacement of the meters mentioned, also the authorization for the purchase of replacements. That on Item 1, the matter should be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee and Auditing and Accounting Committee for the purpose of con— tacting the several meter companies in regard to a proposed contract, and on Item 2, and then to the Law & Ordinance Committee as it may be necessary to re— peal old Ordinances and draw up a new one in regard to same; that he did not believe a "Call for Bids" was publiFhed for the purchase of the original meters in 1942; that if there are more than two meter companies, it may be necessary to call for bids. Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, repeated Councilman Trimm's motion that the Council concur in the recommendations made by the Street & Alley Committee approving their plan to replace and install approximately 390 r.. meters, more or less, within the City of Renton, and enlarge the present area, which is served by meters and replace and inter-change existing meters for the other type of meters. Carried. In regard to calling for bids for the meters, the Assistant City Attorney stated that in case it was deemed proper to call for bids, and that if this is necessary, he recommended that the matter be re— ferred to the Law & Ordinance Committee, Street & Alley Committee & City Engineer to draft the necessary "Call for Bids" for the parking meters, specifying the City's requirements as contained in the previous motion to purchase the meters and the change—over of a portion of same. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Holm reported that he had received a communication from the King County Municipal League advising that a new League is being considered and that it would be possible for the City of Renton to join such a League; that the proposed League would work in cooperation with the King County Planning Commission, and in his opinion it would be well to investigate this activity. The City Engineer reported that the new Regional Planning Council, including King & Pierce Counties, had met last Friday and that another meeting was sche— duled soon; that it would require a State Enabling Act to permit setting this Council up; that in his opinion the particular plan Councilman Holm is interested in would be a point toward eventually consolidating Seattle and King County Planning Groups. Councilman Holm reported that he had received two personal calls regarding the proposed new limited access highway through the City of Renton, that the parties had both consulted with the State Highway Officials and felt that the City was holding up the progress of the new highway; Councilman Holm inquired of the Council if they didn't feel that a public meeting might be called so that the public might be informed of true facts. Councilman Richardson and Mayor Baxter both stated they had received similar calls. Councilman Morris stated that he had talked with a few people in the survey area and that they are anxious to know just where the highway will be located, so they will know what plans they themselves have to make. It was the feeling of the majority of the Council that an explanatory newspaper article would be more 68 y educational than a public meeting. Councilman Farmer reported that there has been a number of reports of damage caused to property as well as pets being injured by children with BB guns and sling shots, and moved, seconded by Reid, that the problem be referred to the Law & Ordin— ance Ccmmittee and Police & License Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee suggested that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner investigate the matter of the repair of Mills Street, between Bronson Way and 2nd Avenue, and if the expense of subject repair is not too great, that the Street Department proceed with the improvement as soon as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the City negotiate for the purchase of building and property owned by Anton Dime, adja— cent to Liberty Park which would give the City ownership of the balance of the pro— erty in this section which is not now presently owned by the City, if subject pro— perty can be acquired for a reasonable price; that this building would serve the City for good purposes, ie., small groups or teen—age groups for their meetings, and providing the price is reasonable, that the Committee recommends that the City start their negotiations for the purchase of same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley 4 Committee and the matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney to negotiate for the purchase of same. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that representatives of the new owners of the Marlowe Stage Lines be invited to attend the Street & Alley Committee meeting of April 22nd at 8:00 P.M., regarding the matter of a franchise to operate within the City limits and the establishment of a route for their bus lines; also, that Mr. Domenick hockey, who had stated his desire to have the City assume the! supervision of his off—street parking lot, on Wells Street, be requested to attend this same meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the new owners of the Marlowe Stage Lines and Mr. Domenick hockey be requested to attend the Street & Alley Committee meeting on April 22nd, together with the Property Committee and City Attorney. Carried. Mayor Baxter complimented the Airport Board on their fine report of their last ..,r meeting to the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 9 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) City Clerk .1 Mayor r.rr 69 Fenton, Washington Ap ri 1 20, 1954 The regular meeting of the Fenton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe �R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL, SWIFT, HANSEN, MORRIS, HOLM,. TAMBOR— INI AND SWIFT. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard {►„�, Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett,City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Build— ing Inspector and Reuben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 163 $ 100.00 E. C. Sorenson 350 Park Avenue Residence & Office 64 210.00 Gertrude Petermeyer 217 Mill St, reside house 65 59000.00 George M. Berend 11606 Sunset Blvd. erect house 66 — Pacific Coast R.R. Walla Walla & Burnett demolish residence 67 11000.00 Bernard Brinkel 914 D. Street Addtn on house 68 112300.00 Alex Farrat 218 Garden Street erect duplex 69 400.00 Paul K. Jones 638 0. Street erect garage 170 300.00 Zeb Shearer 96 Burnett St. remodel house 71 61000.00 Gladding McBean & Co. 1500 Walla Walla roof section only 72 1,300.00 Kenneth D. Bruce 2322 6th Place add'n on house 73 81000.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 225 Williams St. erect building 74 200.00 Oscar B. Paulson 3714 7th Ave. N. erect frame garage **7$ 11*000.00 William P. Minnerath 2106 9th Place add"n on house r. 77 130.00 John Rynes 2410 6th Place wire service 78 175.00 T, & R. Market 11549 Sunset Blvd. blacktop parking area 79 300.00 O.M. Wright 12423 S.E. 141st St, erect garage 180 21800.00 Pioneer Dist. Co. 209 Williams St. remodel bldg. 81 50.00 David J. Pugh 126 Wells Street erect fence 82 1,000.00 Ira J. Porter 2241 6th Ave, N. erect garage 83 750.00 Harry Heatherington 608 E. Street add'n on house # 84 150.00 Leo L. Billington 2421A 7th Ave. N. erect fence 76 11000.00 Glen Adams 808 — D. Street add►n on house PLUMBING PEFMTS 116 — 'Richard Metzker- 229 4th Place sewer connection 17 — W.M. Brokaw 13197 86th Ave. S. plumbing service 18 — Chas. F. Shane 421 Earlington it it 19 — Mrs. Hannah Kerr 304 Mill Street Install furnace 120 — Florence Hoppman 302 Sunset West install furnace 21 — Wedgwood Realty Co. 804 N. Street " it 22 — It It 834 N t" n n 23 — it, it 828 N. 't. n it 24 " It 822 N. "' 't It 25 — " if 816 N. ►t+ n n 26 — of of 810 N. "I n n 27 — n' It 804. N. " .► n 28 — " 3410 8th Ave. N. 29 — " " 829 N. Place " It 30 — " " 835 N. If rt it ri.. 31 — If of 841 N. It n It 32 — " " 843 N. "f m n 33 — " r1 837 N. Street n it 34 — " " 833 N. It 35 — it u 827 N. "r r► 36 — " " 3533 8th Ave. N. " 37 — " " 3527 8th Ave. N. rn n 38 — 3521 8th Ave. N. " If 39 — If It 3515 8th Ave. N. '' 't 40 — 't '' 3509 8th Ave. N. If it 70 m y CG APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT, PLUMBING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 141 — Wedgwood Realty Co. 3503 8th Ave. N. Install furnace 42 — n if 3423 8th Ave. N. n' it 43 — " to 3417 8th Ave. N. n. if 44 — " I1' 3411 8th Ave. N. 45 — " it 3405 8th Ave. N. The City Clerk read a letter received by Mayor Baxter from Ivor L. Ajax, Chief - Inspector of the Washington State Liquor Control Board. Mr. Ajax stated that he had received a copy of the letter, from Mayor Baxter, addressed to all licensed operators in the business of selling beverages with alcoholic content, in the City of Renton, complimenting the Mayor on his letter, stating that the Liquor Control people's biggest problem is the procurement of liquor by minors. Mr. .Ajax further stated that he had recently had a visit with Police Chief Angelo Busato, who had .offered his cooperation regarding the enforcement of the liquor laws and ordinances, and thanked both the Mayor and Police Chief for thier cooperation and ,also offered any help that the Washington State Liquor Control Board could give. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication waa read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that they recommend that Mr. Allan Crawford's (12623 S.E. 112th Street) rezoning request be postponed until such time as the location of roads, sewers, water, etc., in this area is established, and that Mr. Crawford, be in— formed that when such, utility locations are established that he again re—apply for the rezoning of this area. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the communi— cation be placed on file. Carried. A second communication was read from The City of Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending that the City Council act favorably upon the annexation petition of V. B. Lombardini and Florence Mathieson, and further recommending that when such property is annexed to the City, the specified zoning be R-2. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the date of hearing be set as Tuesday, May 18, 1954. Carried. A third communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending that the Council approve the plat for President Park No. 7. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. A fourth communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, recommending that the Council approve the zoning map, as submitted in its present form, to be the official zoning map which will be used in connection with the present zoning ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Holm, that the zoning map and Planning Commission recommendation be referred to the Council as a Whole for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he had a Resolution from the Renton Central Labor Council regarding the construction of a second bridge across Lake Washington, stating their views as to advocating the immediate construction of a second Lake Washington bridge and requesting public officials to press action for immediate formulation of plans and actual construction of same. Mayor Baxter reported that he and all the Councilmen had received a copy of each of said Resolution and that it would not be necessary to read the Resolution. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the Resolution be referred to the Legislative Committee for their re— commendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, enclosing a letter from the Wedgwood Realty Company (Albert Balch) requesting the City of Renton to construct the sanitary sewer connection from the project system, at the intersection of 8th Avenue North and M. Street, to the City system,. the manhole about 200 feet west of M. Street on 7th .Avenue North, in the Renton Highlands, so that the Wedg— wood Realty Company can construct their sewer from the manhole location east, to President Park No. 6, the estimated cost of labor and material (650 feet of 10" vitrified clay sanitary sewer mains with two manholes,) being $3500.00. The City Engineer further stated that the sewer is designed of adequate size to serve the 180 acres in the vicinity, a portion of which is being developed by Albert Balch; that the City should consider the proposed sewer as an addition to the City's 71 trunk sewer system which will expedite the development of the area., and con— sidering the potential of the area as a whole, it is the City Engineerts opinion and recommendation that the City construct the sewer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the City Engineer's recommendation be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that a blue print machine, owned by Kenneth Oyler, Assistant City Engineer, has been moved into the Engin— eering Department for the City to use; that a new machine would cost about $500.00 and the convenience and saving with this machine will be substantial. That pre— viously Mr. Oyler had run off prints for the City's work to the extent of $56.00, and that in consideration for the use of his machine and the work performed pre— viously, the City Engineer recommends that the City transfer title on the old Gurley transite (which is not being used and has an appraised value of $50.00) to Mr. Oyler. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Lake Shore Lines, signed by F.A. Grabner, General Manager, enclosing copies of the new time schedule between Renton and Seattle and Penton City service, effective May 1, 1954, explaining curtailment of service on Sundays and Holidays and reduced daily trips and adjustments in daily service to offset reduced riding at certain periods. As the City does not have a Franchise with the Lake Shore Lines at this time, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that a copy of the communication be furnished the Police & License Committee for their information. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council of their plans to attend the 20th Annual Statewide Convention of the Association of Washington Cities at Spokane, June 10th and 11th 1954. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1480, annexing Territory to the City of Renton, as presented by the City Attorney for the Ordinance Committee. The territory to be annexed is described as follows: "The S2 of SE4 of Sec. 9, Twp 23 N., R. 5 E. W.M., except that portion heretofore annexed unto the City of Penton," or the approximately 80 acres ,just south of President Parks 1, 2, 3 and 4, ex— cept that portion already annexed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommen— dation. Carried. Councilman Trimm, a member of the Ordinance Committee reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that pro— posed Ordinance No. 1480 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance, granting a fm nchise to the Pacific Coast Railroad Company for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a side track or spur in, upon and along Railroad Avenue and fixing the terms and conditions of such grant, having been read at the March 16, 1954 Council meeting, and on motion of Council— man Holm being referred back to the Ordinance Committee for 30 days for further study and consideration, the date of the April Council meeting being set as the date for the second and final reading. The majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1481 and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that proposed Ordinance No. 1481 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Trimm reported that Consulting Engineer Wesley Bintz, of the Bintz Swimming Pools will_ be present at the next Council meeting for further explana— tion of his plan to the Mayor & City Council. Councilman Trimm explained further that the fee for the City o£ Penton for the preliminary plans for subject pool, would be approximately $500.00, and that they have this information in writing from the Consulting Engineer. Councilman Trmmm further suggested that financing the construction of the pool could be arranged for by a special tax levy pro— position to be submitted to the voters at this Fall 's election. Counc-ilman Tamborini reported that he had visited the Douglas Greater Shows Carnival in Renton located at 1st Avenue North and Burnett Street and had found 72 y that the rest room facilities provided were very satisfactory and that; an atten- dant was present at all times; that Councilman Richardson and Reid had inspect- ed conditions on Monday evening and would make their report at the next Council meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Holm, that Dr. John F. Beattie, Renton Health Officer, be requested to submit a letter to the Council giving his opinions and recommendaticns as to sanitary conditions at the Carnival. Carried. Councilman Holm, Chairman of the Auditing & Accounting Committee reported that he and Assistant City Attorney Gerard Shellan had met with Mr. W. H. Bernard, of the Excise Tax Division at Olympia to discuss the field audit conducted by Mr. Bernard and the Excise tax report submitted by that department as a result of the audit, and that Mr. Bernard had been very helpful, that they had gone over the statutes, that the Legislature had passed the law and the tax law does apply; that until definite notice is given otherwise, the City will have to abide by the law -that Renton was one of the first Cities so audited, and also stated that the Audit- ing and Accounting Committee had requested the Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, to forward a letter to the Excise Tax Auditor, Mr. Huntley, at Olympia, to see if the Committee can have a 60 day extension of time without paying addit- ional penalties; that the Committee recommended that the Council instruct the City Clerk to withhold payment of any taxes of this sort temporarily, until the matter is satisfactorily settled and that the City Clerk be requested to present this problem to the Association of Washington Cities before .June, 1-954 and to get representative groups from the different Cities to go to Olympia and discuss the matter with the State Auditor. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Auditing & Accounting Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Light & Power Committee and Street & Alley Committee had asd`e.rtained that the City had a right by Council action to market General Obligation Bonds up to 12 percent of the assessed valuation of property within the City Limits - - that when the City markets bonds to pay for an improve- ment in this way, their mill.age for other services is reduced in the same amount; that the combined Committees (Light & Power and Street & Alley) recommend that the City Council plan a comprehensive program for improvements they have in mind and to submit a proposition of a special tax to finance said improvements to be placed on the ballot -this Fall, in order to secure the approval of the public: and the re- gistered voters on same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Street and Alley and Light and Power Committees be requested to prepare a com- prehensive program with practical plans for street and lighting improvements and to advise the Council in regard to the feasibility of submitting to voters the proposition of a special Tax Levy to finance same, said proposition to be on the ballot for this Fall's election. After a discussion in regard to the construction of a swimming pool -and a street and light improvement bond issue being; submitted to a vote of the people as one proposition, the Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion these were two entirely different and not related propositions and should be separate items on the ballot, ie., the construction of a swimming pool to be one proposition and the street lighting and street improvement pro- grams to be combined as another proposition. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the Light & Power Committee. Carried, Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had made tentative arrangements for Mr. Tommy Thomas of the Dual Parking Meter Company to bring a new meter head out and demonstrate same to the entire Council so that all Council- men will be thoroughly familiar with same, at the next Council meeting, April 27, 1954. Mayor Baxter stated that Mr. Thomas would be given time to demonstrate the new meter head to the Councilmen at the next Council meeting. On the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the Council authorize the Street & Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Menton Police Department to proceed with the development of plans for a one-way traffic system, east and west, using 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, and report back their recommendation to the Council in the near future. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL ALL DEPART14ENTS 927-1080 262726.88 CLAIMS CTJRRENT 1927-1928 15,603.66 CLAIMS WATER 9012-9013 -'.,649.66 -73 CLAIMS STREET 6589.6590 2,667.49 CLAIMS PARK 1857-1858 1,182.29 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2770-2771 1,136.88 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1784-1785 742.11 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2505-2506 1,194.43 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 193— 197 601.18 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 685 - CLAIMS CIV. DEF.FD. 524 50.00 CLAIMS REVOLVING FUND 26- 47 41559.23 CLAIMS FI'REMEN'S PEN. FUND 129— 130 250.00 CLAIMS L.I.D. #239 36 450.00 i. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. There were 3 persons present besides City of Renton employees. City erk t 1yor Renton, Wash April 27, 1954. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM,, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. ( Councilman Bruce was excused to represent, the City of Renton at a civic occasion for Mayor Baxter.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Reuben Miller, temporary Street Commissioner and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the April 20th 1954 meeting be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Auxiliary #1722, F.O.E., ladies drill team, signed by Winifred E. Woodley, Manager, stating that the ladies drill team is en— gaged in a fund raising campaign to defray their expenses to the State Convention and for parade participation in surrounding cities during the summer months; that they request permission to conduct a ticket booth on the corner of 3rd Avenue & Wells Street to sell chances on fishing equipment, tickets marked "Donation, 50¢11, in front of Bergman's Drug Store at 11:00 A.M., on Saturday, May 1st. ?loved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A petition, signed by 91 property owners (20 signatures being those of husband and wife) requesting street lights in President Park was read. Moved by Delaurentil seconded by Farmer, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee to make a survey to see how many lights would be necessary and the approximate cost of lights and installation, and report back to the Council. Carried. A petition, signed by 230 property owners (95 signatures being those of husband and wife) requesting that "M" Street (124th Avenue S.E.) be paved immediately from ..r the first intersection of pavement north of President Park, south to the Cemetery Road (4th Avenue North) this improvement to enable this area to be sewed by school busses. The City Engineer explained that a portion of the road was City pro— perty and a portion was County property — — that when the Highlands was annexed to the City of Renton, the City limits did not extend past the property lane, to the center of the street, which created this condition of a portion of the road being entirely within the City limits and a portion (1/2) being located outside of the City limits; that the condition would remain this way until definite action was taken by the Council to include the other half of the road. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, whether the City of Renton or the County is responsible for the improvement of a portion of the road in question, that steps should be taken to have this road improved whether by L.I.D., or any other method of improvement as there were many more homes being built in this area, and he felt the city should encourage this improvement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to bring in a report on conditions and to determine the cost of improvement. Carried. A copy of a letter from the City Attorney's Office to Mr. E. C. Huntley, Chairman of the Washington State Tax Commission was read for Council information, regard— ing a tax assessment against the City of Renton as computed by W.H. Bernard, Field Auditor, requesting a meeting with Mr. Huntley to discuss this problem, and request— ing a 60 day extension and also that all matters pertaining to said assessment be deferred for said period so that proper arrangements may be made with the Associa— tion of Washington Cities to present this problem to the Washington State Tax Commission and to possibly arrive at a settlement with that office. A second Comm— �•+ unication from the City Attorney's Office to the Association of Washington Cities was read regarding the recent tax assessment as a result of a field audit made by Mr. W. H. Bernard of the Washington State Tax Commission Office and its application to the City of Renton, and other cities in the State of Washington requesting their assistance so that this matter can be properly presented and submitted to the Tax Commission for future guidance and interpretation, as the city is interested in compromising this tax assessment at an early date. The City Clerk stated that the City Attorney's office had received a reply from the Association of Washington Cities, signed by Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, stating that three other Cities have appealed to the Tax Commission; that the cities of Ephrata and Moses 7 Lake have a hearing scheduled before the Tax Commission May 3rd and suggesting that the City of Renton join in this hearing as questions will no doubt be raised of direct concern to the City of Renton. The City Clerk was requested to contact the officials of these two cities to determine their problem and the time of hearing at Olympia, to enable the City's legal advisors to attend the hearing. A report was read from John F. Beattie, M.D., City Health Officer, stating that in his opinion the sanitary conditions at the Douglas Show Carnival were satisfactory; that the restroom facilities are clean and well attended and should not be a source of disease contamination; but that the site of burial of residue from the chemical toilets should be investigated further. The Mayor ordered the communicsation placed on file. A second report was read from Dr. John F. Beattie, City Health Officer, stating that he had made inspection of the site of the Douglas Shows on Sunday, April 25th, after the show had left the area, and that the area had been left clean; that it is his opinion their cooperation was very satisfactory. The communication was ordered filed. A notice of hearing before the Washington Public Service Commission by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, and others, on May 3, 1954 at 10:00 A.M., in the Commission's Hearing Room, State Patrol Building, Seattle, relative to determina— tion of rates of non—optional extended area service between Seattle and adjacent outlying cities, including Renton. This information is to be furnished the newspap— ers for publicity purposes, so that the public would be informed of the date of hearing. A communication was read from the City Engineer regarding Harold Booker, a meter reader for the Water Department, stating that he is terminating his employment with the City of Renton on April 30, 1954; that he started to work for the city on April 17, 1951, and was drafted into the army with his term of service being from January 1, 1952, to January 14, 1954, when he again resumed his employment with the City; that he has worked a total of 12 months for the City and there is a question as to his being entitled to payment for a weeks vacation upon termination. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this being a matter of establishing a policy for the City of Renton, that same be referred to the Council as a Whole, City Attorney and City Engineer for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Morris stated that in his opinion, that Council should study the present Resolution covering sick leave and vacation pay for city employees before the Council meets to draft and set—up the 1955 budget, so that questions that have arisen since its passage could be satisfactorily settled. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council should consider, and come to a conclusion, in regard to the policy of the City of Renton employees being granted extensions of their retirement date, under the Washington Statewide City Employees Retire— ment Service, as there are employees who will be of retirement age in the near future and a policy should be established so that these employees would be able to make plans for the future. Councilman Trimm advised that the question of Council policy in regard to sick leave for city employees had been referred to the Ways & Means Committee, of which he is the Chairman, but that the matter of extensions- of retirement dates of city employees had been referred to the Council as a Whole. A communication was read from J. Benjamin Hayes, Engineer for the Wedgwood Realty Company submitting plat of Albert Balch's President Park No. 8. Moved by Richard— son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the plat be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read a statement from Weter, Roberts & Shefelman, Consulting Engineers, for special services rendered in connection with L.I.D., #239, Earlington Sewer Improvement, for the City of Renton, which included the fee for the Bond Issue and approving legal opinions on L.I.D., #239, $300.00, also fee for representing the City of Renton in the case of Valley Construction Company vs. the City of Renton (litigation suit, L.I.D., #239) , $150.00, a total amount of $450.00, which had been approved by James L. Highton, City Engineer and Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney. On advice of the City Clerk, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to issue Construction Fund (L.I.D. #239), Warrant #34 to Weter, Roberts & Shefelman in the amount of x$450.00, as payment in full of subject statement; also, to issue L.I.D., #239 Warrant #36 to Grande & Company in the amount of $450.00, said warrant to Grande & Company to bear interest at the rate of 4 , in lieu of which Grande & Company are to issue to the City of Renton a check to be credited to Construction Fund, (L.I.D., #239) computed at 76 to y Cd the rate of $1.0014 per dollar of the face value, a total of $450.63. The motion 7 carried. The City Clerk reported that the Association of Valley Cities meeting to be held at Buckley, Washington, will be deferred from Wednesday, April 28, 1954, until Wednesday, May 12, 1954. The City Clerk read a notice from the Association of Washington Cities requesting designation and certification of the Citiest two voting delegates. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that Mayor Baxter and Councilman Reid be elected. as the two voting delegates to attend the Association of Washington Cities Convention June 10, and 11th, 1954 in Spokane. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ways & Means Committee wished to bring the matter of the swimming pool before the Council and that the Street & Alley Conti ittee wished to have a demonstration of the new parking meter head before the Coun— cil as a Whole. Councilman Trimm introduced Mr. Wesley Bintz, Consulting Engineer, for the Bintz Pool Company of Lansing, Michigan, Mr. Bintz showed the Mayor & Council many pictures of swimming pools explaining the advantages and saving in the construction of the Bintz Pools, said pools being ovoid (egg) shaped. Mr. Bintz stated that his services were professional only, that the pool itself was of concrete structure, and would be let out on contract, or any method the City preferred — — that when the bids are received, ie., general contracting, plumbing, heating and lighting, that they would tabulate the bids for the Council's information — — that the only guarantee they could give is their word and past work record and stated that they had just completed a swimm— ing pool at Bremerton, Washington, a picture of which Mr. Bintz showed the Council and stated that any of the Councilmen could see this pool by going to Bremerton. Councilman Trimm stated that Mr. Philip Lundstrom, Mr. Wally Clark and Mr. E. A. Shearer, who represented Renton Service Clubs, were in the audience this evening and that they too were working on the swimming pool project for the City of Renton and were familiar with the Bintz pool and felt the same way that the Ways & Means Comm— ittee did about the Bintz type of pool and that the Ways & Means Committee recommen— ded that the Council engage Mr. Bintz as Consulting Engineer to bring in plans and specifications for this type of pool, the fee for Consulting Engineering services — $500.00, for plans and specifications — $1500.00, or a total cost to the City of Renton of $2000.00. Mr. Bintz explained to the Council that the estimated cost of the completed pool would be based on plans and specifications as outlined for the Call ... for Bids and that all estimates of prices they have outlined in the specifications would be based on current prices for wages and materials in this area acid that with only two exceptions, the total contract bid price of a Bintz pool had always been lower than the estimated cost; that the Council could pass a Resolution approving the placing of the Bond issue on the November ballot, that they suggested that the date for the acceptance and opening of bids be set about the middle of October so that they could be tabulated and the contracts ready for the Council to proceed with, immediately after approval of the Bond Issue by the voters in the November election, or in case the Bond Issue was not approved by the voters, the project could be dropped; that a 601 x 901 pool, which the Committee favored, would cost approximately $75,000.00 to $80,000.00, and that a 701 x 1051 pool would cost approx- imately $90,000.00 to $95,000.00. After further discussion, Councilman "rimm con- firming the Ways & Means Committee recommendation that Mr. Bintz be engaged as Con- sulting Engineer to bring in plans and specifications for this type of Fool, the question as to the type of pool and size of pool being left to the Council as a Wholey moved by Farmer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ways & Means Committee with the proviso that the Council as a Whole meet to decide the type and size of the pool. Moved by Holm, seconded by Reid, that the motion be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Holm stated that in this manner, it was his opinion, the Council as a Whole could consider the entire question and the entire matter could be re— solved at one time. Mr. Bintz thanked the Mayor and Council for permitting him to show the pictures and explain his type of pool. Mayor Baxter and the entire Council thanked Mr. Bintz for his thorough explanation of the pool structure, types and sizes. ... Mayor Baxter announced that Mr. Bugge, District Director of Highways and Mr. Forgy, District Engineer, also members of the Washington State Highway Association wished to have a meeting with the "Citizen's Limited Access Highway Committee," in regard to the proposed Limited Access Highway through Renton on Tuesday May 4th at 8:00 P.M., and stated that the entire Council could all meet with the Committee. 77 Councilman Richardson repo rted,in connection with the report from Dr. John Beattie, Health Officer, that he and Councilman Reid had made a trip to the Carnival for the purpose of inspecting sanitary conditions, and that they had found the conditions very satisfactory. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time in regard to drafting of a new, or amending the present dog license ordinance. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, as the approval of the plat plan for President Park #7, had been referred to the Council as a Whole last week, and the Wedgwood Realty Engineer had requested information, for F.H.A. building pur- poses, as to Council action, that he and Councilman Reid, together with the City Engineer had gone all through this area this date and that the roads as platted had been approved by the Planning Commission and City Engineer. The City Engineer explained that 6th Place North, also 10th Avenue North are through streets; that "M" Street goes all the way through. Col. Hayes, Engineer for the Wedgwood Realty Company explained that they have provided for two streets to go straight through President Park, east and west, and that they figure on at least two streets going straight through, north and south. The City Engineer stated that when proposed plats are referred to the Council and/or to the Planning Commission for consider- ation, that they are carefully checked to conform to ordinances, and studied as to street pattern for an over-all development and that the Planning Commission bases a portion of their recommendation upon his findings. On request of Councilman Swift, acting Council President, Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. Councilman Swift reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole recommended that the Wedgwood Realty (Albert Balch) Company's plat of President Park #7 be accepted as presented. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Sanitation Committee reported favorably on the recommendation of the City Engineer that 650 feet of 10" vitrified clay sanitary sewer with two manholes at an estimated cost of $3500.00 be installed by the City of Renton. Councilman Reid further stated that the City Engineer recommends a 10" sewer main, instead of an 8" sewer main, as this is a growing area and although an 8" main would be satisfactory now, within the next few years, the larger main would better serve this area. Moved by Holm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had determined that it would cost about $445.00 to replace the 4 sodium vapor lights at 3rd and Rainier with mercury vapor lights; that there were two Westinghouse luminaires and ex- tension hangars on hand, at the present time that could be utilized. Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the Council accept the cost estimate as submitted by the Light & Power Committee and that the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee to determine what funds the cost of these lights should be charged against. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that to date he had received only three items for discussion for the Valley Cities meeting and requested that any Councilman that has any subject to be brought before the next Valley Cities meeting turn them over to him before the next Council meeting. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had met with Mr. Schmidt, the new owner of the Marlowe Stage lines and that the Committee had reached an agreement with the operators and that with the permission of the Council, he would turn the proposed schedule over for inclusion in this weeks minutes and r. request that same be considered at the Council meeting on luesday, May 4, 1954; that if approved by the Council at the next Council meeting, that the matter could be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the required Ordinance. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the proposal of the Street & Alley Committee and the proposed schedule be included in the minutes for consideration at the next Council meeting. Carried. 78 m y Cb SC HMIDT STAGES (Marlowe) A. Present stops 1. Inbound: 3rd Avenue & Main Street 2. Outbound: Main Street at the Ford School. Boeing Airplane Company plant. 2nd Avenue & Williams Street on 6:10 trip. B. Route 1. Inbound: North on Main Street to bus stop at 3rd & Main. 3 trips left at 3rd & Wells Street to 4th Avenue & Main Street, right on Main Street to the Benson Highway. r, 1 trip 3rd Avenue to Logan Street to Boeing Airplane Company, back on Logan, left on Third, south on West Burnett Street to Main Street. 1 trip, same as other three, except turn right on Williams St. to 2nd to Main Street, to 3rd Avenue and Main Street and left on 'dells Street as above. 6:30 Boeing trip — 3rd Avenue & Main Street, to Logan Street, to Boeing Airplane Company, out on 8th Avenue North to Park Street, to 3rd Avenue & Main Street, to Wells Street to 4th Avenue, out on Main Street to the Benson Highway. C. Fstablish a bus stop on 4th Avenue, west of Main Street. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had met -with Mr. Dominick Rockey in regard to the off—street parking lot on Wells Street, and that a survey was planned to ascertain the capacity of the lot and to determine what arrangements can be made as far as the improvement of the lot and lease agreement with Mr. Rockey is concerned. Councilman Swift requested that the City Clerk make arrangements with the Park Board, at their convenience, to meet with the Street & Alley Committee on a Thursday evening in the near future in regard to their opinion and/or recommenda— tion on conversion of the Sweet Center Building in Liberty Park to a bus depot. ... (The Park Department has agreed on the date of May 20th 1954.) Councilman Swift stated in regard to the matter of the City of Renton trading properties the City presently owns in Mothers Park for Lake front property on Lake Washington,(owned by the Great Northern Railway Company,) that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that this proposal be referred to the Council as a Whole for further discussion an d/or settlement of the issue, moved, seconded by Tamborini, that the above action be taken. Carried. Councilman Swift requested the City Clerk forward a letter to the Cities of Kennewick and Ellensburg, Washington, to either the Traffic Department or the Engineering Department (or both) requesting information they have on turret—type (only) meters that these cities have used and the results they have received; that an early reply be requested. Mayor Baxter reported that he had appointed Mrs. Grace Neal as a member of the Renton Library Board to replace Mrs. Anabel Jorgenson, who had resigned. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the appointment of Mayor Baxter. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had received an estimate for improvement of one lot in Cedar River Park to be used for off—street parking in the total amount of $507.16, that the Street & Alley Committee re— commends that the City proceed with the improvement of this proposed parking area and that the cost of same, including Engineering costs, be charged to the ... Renton Housing Authority and so moved, seconded by Heppenstall, that this re— commendation be accepted and the cost of same be referred to the Renton Housing Authority for payment. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn.. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. There were sixteen persons present besides City of Renton employees. Y City Clerk Mayor 79 Renton, Washington May 4, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WARE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Build— ing Inspector; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Con— troller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Farmer, that the minutes of the Council meeting of April 27th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 185 90.00 Bert 0. Rohl 2606 15th Place wire service 186 150.00 F.D. Jones 646 0. Street erect fence 187 125.00 Sereno Sawyer 3807 6th N. erect fence 188 1,200.00 Leland Rupel 3810 6th N, erect carport 189 200.00 Valley Furn. Co. 1217 Bronson Way install neon sign 190 600.00 Dr. White ?32 Wells St. wire service 191 1,000.00 Mrs. Temme 849 Third Ave. wire service 192 200.00 O.J. Olson 2516 9th Place erect carport 193 100.00 John E. Alexander 653 E. St, erect fence 194 200.00 Paul T. Locklur 3528 6th Ave. N. erect fence 195 250.00 Ignazio Toschi 539 Cedar Street install roof on House Now 196 100.00 Clarence E. Hill 1921 7th Ave. N. curb & driveway 197 200.00 Nellie Moran 415 Wells St. wire service 198 200.00 Market Basket Store 1310 Bronson Way electric service 199 100.00 Clarke Bros. Motors 1101 Bronson Way electric service 200 209000.00 Anton Dime 321 Williams St. erect store bldg. 201 10,000.00 R.H. Smuda 215 Park Ave, erect house 202 700.00 Church of the Nazarene 244 N. Wells St, wire service 203 200.00 Helen Pavia 121 Rainier Ave. wire service 204 20.00 Mrs. Annie Jones 519-521 Third Ave, demolish buildings 205 300.00 Louis Anarde, Jr. 535 4th Ave. W. remodel house 206 500.00 Edward J. Paulin 2215 10th Ave. N. add'n on house 207 400.00 Lillian M. Hoyt 216 Park Ave. siding on house 208 30.00 Lillian M. Hoyt 220 Park Ave, install curb 209 200.00 Gibson Carpet Co. 1217 Bronson Way wire service 210 100.00 T.L. Stevens 2303 6th Ave. N. install driveway 211 1,000.00 Jay Holmes 235 Park Ave, remodel house PLUMBING PERMITS 146 — Service Laundry 904 4th Ave. install steam plant 147 — Renton School Dist. S.E. 112th & 116th S.E. install tanks 148 — Frank E. Rhodes 4th & Main install tanks 149 — Max Miller 329 Rainier Ave. plumbing service 150 — Church of the Nazarene 244 N. Wells plumbing service and furnace. 151 — Don Gaspari 418 Cedar Street install furnace 152 — Helen Pavia 121 hainier Ave. plumbing service Councilman Swift explained to the Mayor and Council that the Street & Alley Com— mittee recommended that under the Schmidt Stage schedule, as shown in the Council minutes of April 27, that item "C" Establish a bus stop on 4th Avenue, west of Main Street be substituted for item "A" Present stops, 2. Outbound: Main Street at the Ford School, and that a letter be forwarded to Mr. Schmidt advising him of the Council's approval of the schedule, as corrected. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation -of the Committee. Carried. i 80 y C� C-rJ A petition, signed by 136 home owners (130 of these being husband and wife) was 7 read, requesting the improvement by surfacing of 124th Street in the President Park area. The petition stated the dusty condition was unhealthy and caused the residents of the area much discomfort, and recommended that because of speeding by motorists in the area, that the speed limit in the President Park ftrea be re- duced to 15 miles per hour and that signs be placed at the entrances for the pro- tection of the children at play. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini,, that the petition be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for study and a report back at the next Council meeting. After discussion, the motion carried. (Several re- sidents of the President Park area confirmed the statements in the petition as to the conditions, and urgently requested Council action.) In regard to the portion of several of the streets in this area, being, King County property, moved by Trimm, seconded by Farmer, that the City Engineer be author- NNW ized to contact the County to get quit claim deeds for the following 1/2 of streets, not included in previous annexations to the City of Renton, which will allow the full streets to be located within the City limits of the City of Renton. (1) 1/2 or the west side of 124th Ave. S.E. from S.F. 112th Street to S.F. 128th Street. (2) 1/2 of the south 301 of S.E. 112th Street from 116th Ave. S.E. to the City limits. Mayor Baxter stated that the feasibility of sweeping streets in certain areas in President Park would be investigated. The City Clerk read a report from the Light & Power Committee, recommending appro- val of proposed Resolution No. 864, the Municipal Water Pumping Contract for, 1. Upper intake pump at Springbrook, 3 miles south of Renton 2. Mill Street water pump at Mill Street and 6th South in Renton. 3. Liberty Park water pump in Liberty Park in Renton. 4. Sewer Disposal Plant pumps at 6th North and east bank of Commercial Waterway #2 in Renton, and 5. Sewer pump at 6th South in Renton, for 5 years from March 22, 1954 to March 22, 1959. Moved by Bruce, seconded by I Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power w Committee and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Contract. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee recommended that 22, 150 watt open reflector gooseneck brackets, ® $19.1.0 each, per lamp per year (an annual billing of $426.80) be installed in President Park area bounded by the following streets: 0 Street on the west 6th Place on the south 1 block west of 132nd, on the east side and At the last construction on the north side. Also, that 4 additional lights be installed on S.E. 121st between M and 0 Streets. Councilman Reid stated that the City would bear the operation expense only of these lights. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. The City Clerk reported that there had been many telephone calls complimenting the Fire Chief, the Fire Department and other City Employees who cooperated so wonderfully with the home owners who had garbage and refuse to dispose of during "Clean Up Week", and remarking "that this was an excellent idea," "that they appreciated this assistance very much, and the City employees and the Fire Chief should be complimented," and "that they would be looking forward to another "Clean Up Week" next year." Now I A communication was read from Douglas L. Morell regarding the grading and gravel- ing, by City equipment of the City of Seattle Water Department pipe line right- of-way between Mill Street and Walla Walla Avenue; that in his opinion the general public will derive no benefit from this improvement and that as certain adjoining property owners have posted "no parking signs" in the available park- ing space and have discouraged public parking in this area, that the public be advised, by signs, that the area is not reserved for private parking. Mored by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley -81 :'Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Highlands Improvement Club, signed by Mrs. Joseph W. Roundhill, Secretary, requesting installation of lights at two hazardous intersections in the Highlands area, (1) At the intersection of 9th Avenue North and the Sunset Highway, where 112th S.E. meets the Sunset Highway and (2) where the extension of "E" Street meets the Cemetery Road, as both inter- sections are very dark and dangerous at night. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Light & Power Committee for in- vestigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk explained that copies of a letter from Mr. Bintz, architectural .r designer of the Bintz swimming pools had been given to each of the Councilmen. Mayor Baxter stated that it would not be necessary to read this communication. The City Clerk read a communication signed by the City Engineer, James Highton, and Assistant City Engineer, W.H. Will, stating the Disposition Plan for the Highlands Housing units having been approved, the schedule calls for the sale of the on site units as the initial step. That there are 193 buildings to be left on site and the Housing Authority has requested a letter from the City Engineering Department stating the requirements to bring the buildings up to the standards of our building code; that they are not concerned when these structures are to be altered or additions added because the code requirements will apply automatically. That as the point in question is.the sub-standard foundations, it is the City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer's opinion, the buildings being constructed previous to the annexation into the City, that the buildings be permitted to remain "As Is" until structurally altered. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Engineering Department. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, stating that he had been in- formed by the Northern Pacific Railway that a portion of their right-o£-way is being used as a public alley without the consent of the railroad. That this alley extends from approximately the north end of the Knights of Pythias Hall on Burnett Street to approximately the north end of the Knights of Pythias Hall on Burnett Street to Tobin Avenue and also, from Tobin Avenue North to Cedar River; that the Railroad Company is not adverse to use as a public alley, upon proper petition for dedication, provided that the Railroad's operation is not interfered with or endangered; that there are certain other conditions that enter into this proposal and the City Engineer requests that this matter be re- ferred to the Street & Alley Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Mayor & Council of the Association of Valley Cities meeting at Buckley, Wednesday, May 12th 1954. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Thursday evening, May 6th at 7:00 P.M., with the Traffic Department, City Engineer, Street Commissioner and legal department representative. Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had con- sidered the matter of the City Employee who had terminated his employment after 12 months broken service with the City, (having been drafted in the army from January 1, 1952 to January 14, 1954, his service with the City starting in April 17, 1951, with time off, while in the armed services, and his termination at his own request, effective April 30, 1954) being entitled to payment for a week's vacation upon termination, and that the Committee recommended that this matter be referred to the 'Jays & Means Committee for a report back to the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that a parking meter company salesman had been in an automobile accident this evening and was unable to demonstrate the parking meter head, at a 7:30 P.M., meeting of the Council as a Whole as planned and that another salesman had been invited to demonstrate his Company's type of parking meter head at the next Council meeting on May 11, 1954, and that if it was satisfactory to the Council, that both representatives be invited to demon- strate their own type parking meter head at that time. On the recommendation of the Committee, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall., that both repre- sentatives be invited to attend the next Council meeting and demonstrate their own Company's parking meter head. Carried. 82 x Moved by Hansen, seconded by Richardson, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committed were presented: PAYROLLS ALL: TIEPARTMENTS 1081-1208 17,191.28 CLAINLS CURAEaTT 1929-1930 28,446.18 CLAIMS WATER 9014-9015 111071.18 CLAIMS STREET 6591-6592 9,553.61 CLAIMS PARK 1859-1860 1,823.58 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2772-2772 1,078.92 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1786-1787 51173.23 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2507-2508 2,521.51 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 198— 300 18,146.51 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 48— 72 12774.84 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 685 •- CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 525 274.38 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PENSION FD. 130 •- CLAIMS CUM. #11'3 398 45.00 CLAIMS L.I.D. #239 CLAIMS CUM. #1182 56 306.00 Moved by Trimmm, seconded by Morris, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. (There were 48 persons present besides City of Renton Employees.) City Clerk a ..rW -J Mayo i 83 Renton, Washington May 11th 1,.'954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON AND TRIMM. (Councilman Reid, being on vacation, was excused.) Department Heads present were: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney: Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Acting Street Commissioner and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of May 4th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF '401K 212 $1,000.00 Pat Walsh 2337 6th Place Add'n on house 3 150.00 Wedgwood Realty 840 N. Place wire service 4 150.00 " to 834 N. Place 'r it 5 150.00 of if 828 N. Place n it 6 150.00 " It 822 N. Place " it 7 150.00 " if 816 N. Place " it 8 150.00 " it 810 N. Place " of 9 150.00 of it 804 N. Place n it 220 150.00 it it 3518 8th Ave. N. 1 150.00 of If 803 0. St. to n 2 150.00 of " 809 0. St. if It 3 150.00 " if 817 0. St. It it ... 4 150.00 it It 843 N. St, if it 5 150.00 it to 837 N. St. it if 6 150.00 " " 333 N. St. if n 7 150.00 " " 827 N. St. n n 8 150.00 1 3533 8th Ave. N. of n 9 150.00 fl 3527 8th Ave. N. 11 to 230 150.00 to n 3521 8th Ave. N. 1 150.00 rr �� 3515 8th Ave. N. 2 150.00 3509 8th Ave. N. 3 150.00 " ;; 3503 8th Ave. N. 4 150.00 '' " 3423 8th Ave. N. 5 1.50.00 " 3417 8th Ave. N. 6 150.70 "' " 3411 8th Ave. N. n n 7 150.00 " " 3405 8th Ave. N. n rr 8 75.E Douglas Hoffman 2403 7+h Ave. N. erect fence 9 100.00 Joe E. Kerkes 2122 6th Place add'n on house 240 100.00 Reno Bertozzi 415 N. Williams remodel house 1 11200.00 B. A. Porter Cedar River Water Wy erect building 2 100.00 Chas. Paull 724 Renton St. wire service 3 1,000.00 Gilbert Belmondo 438 Burnett St. siding on house 4 400.00 R. E. Carlson 911 F. Street wire service 5 300.00 Raymond's Dept. Store 225 Wells St. install neon sign _ 6 50,,00 Harvey C. Laird 12014 SE 141st remodel house 7 300.00 George Day 517 Pelly reroof house 8 695.00 Charles F. Shane 421,3,5,7Earlington Street wire service. 9 100.00 Louis Plessel 12018 SE 141st break curb 250 100.00 H. Laird 12014 SE 141st concrete drive 1 100.00 John Wiita 500 Morris St. repair foundation 2 100.00 Don Swicker 440-6 Pelly St. erect fence 3 1,500.00 H. A. Brinson 324 Earlington St. remodel house 4 100.00 Walter W. Witte 663 R. St. erect fence 5 400.00 Emily Boyce 1515 4th Ave. N. remodel house 6 40.00 Robert Knapp 3811 6th Ave. N. erect fence 7 100.00 Ernest R. Raffie 720 0. St. erect Pence 4 co y n PLUMBING PERMITS NO. _AMOUNT NAME ADDEESS TYPE OF WORK 153 - George Del Santo 13003 91st South install furnace 4 - Chas. Shane 421 Earlington St. sewer connection 5 - G. Purcell 523 N. Williams plumbing service 6 - P.. Romiti 432 Cedar Street install gas range 7 - Edward J. Paulin 2215 10th Ave. N. plumbing service A letter of thanks, addressed to the Renton City Council, thanking the Street and Fire Departments for picking up and disposing of the rubbish which accumu- lated around her home was read from Mrs. Maude Lanich, 451 N. Williams. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that a copy of this letter be furnished the r.. Street and Fire Departments and the communication filed. Carried. A rezoning request, dated April 20, 1954, was read from Joseph H. and Gladys Ellis, 10705 112th S.E., to change the zoning classification of "Lot 3, Block 2, of Stewart's Highlands Acre Tracts, per plat thereof in Volume 43 of Plats, Page 17, records of King County; situate in the City of Renton, in King County, State of Washington," from Residential-Use District to Commercial-Use District. Also, on the lower half of the petition, signed by 17 property owners (14 being husband and wife) was a statement that the "undersigned owners of not less than 51 percent, by area of all property in the City, lying within 200 feet (streets and alleys excluded)g, of the above described tract and having frontage upon any street passing through or changing the classification of the above described tract to Commercial-Use District. Moved by Morris, seconded by Holm, that the re- zoning petition be referred to the City Engineer and Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk stated that a bulletin had been received from the Greater Renton Health Council advising that they will discontinue their regular meetings, in- definitely. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Jack Fleming, 1909 7th Ave. N., proposing a cor- rection for a traffic hazard at the intersection of 7th Avenue North and the Sun- set Boulevard, of a channel strip to divert Highlands traffic into the right turn pattern, thus forcing the traffic to slow down. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee mm for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from Paul Osmanson, requesting permission to improve City of Renton property located north and west of the Renton Airport, by removing debris and brush and filling to grade, further stating that a drainage way would have to be tiled before a fill is made; that if the City of Renton will furnish the tile, he will furnish other materials and labor for the proposed improvement. Mr. Paul Osmanson and Mr. Elmer Varner, from the audience, stated that this was a hazardous and unsightly area, that Mr. Osmanson, who owned the Bryn Mawr Trailer Court, had made considerable improvements on the north side of the Airport pro- perty and was willing to improve this other area, also. As this is Airport pro- perty, and therefore under jurisdiction of the Airport Board, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Airport Board for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. The appointment, by Mayor Baxter of Joseph Francis Henry as a patrolman on per- manent status for the Renton Police Department, effective May 12, 1954, was read; Mr. Henry having served his six months probationary period satisfactory and having been certified by Angelo Busato, Chief of Police, and on the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A communication from the City Engineer attaching a petition from the owners of a small water system being served from the City of Seattle supply main, in the newly annexed area west of Rainier Avenue, adjacent to the Renton Airport, was read. The petition, signed by 13 property owners, requesting the City of Renton assume the line, make collections for water rent and maintain its operation until a new line is installed, was also read. The City Engineer further stated that he had written the Seattle Water Department regarding the transfer of ownership of all the small systems in this area, and suggested that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for study and a report back. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. 85 A copy of a communication from the City Attorney's Office to the King County Commissioners was read, for Council information, requesting the County Commissioners to release, assign, and relinquish, by proper instrument or Resolution, all its rights to certain specified foot rights-of-way, namely "The east thirty feet of the west half of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5, E.W.M., (on 124th Avenue S.E.) , and the north thirty feet of the northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M., (on S.E. 112th Street) ," which the existing records indicate is still under the control of King County, in order to place same under the jurisdiction of the City of Renton, otherwise 2 different governmental bodies will have jurisidction over thirty feet each of the afore- mentioned streets and it is suggested that such a conflict be avoided at all costs; that if this can be done by quit claim deed, such procedure would be satisfactory to the City of Renton, it being understood that once such relin- quishment by the County takes place, that the City of Renton will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of said streets; that as the aforementioned streets are presently in very poor condition and numerous complaints have been received by the residents in the vicinity, it is requested, in order to take the necessary steps without further delay, that the King County Commissioners give this matter their immediate attention. Mayor Baxter referred this matter to the Street & Alley Committee. A petition was read from property owners on Mill Street, between 3rd & 4th Avenues, requesting that the "no-parking signs" on the east side of the street be changed to the west side, stating their reasons for this request, ie., people on the west side do not have automobiles, east side residences have narrow, up-hill driveways, etc.; on the bottom of the petition were the signatures of four residents on the east side requesting parking be allowed on this side, and the signatures of three residents on the west side requesting no parking be allowed on this side. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A report was read from the Mayor's "Citizens Limited Access Highway Committee" signed by John H. Swanson, Chairman, stating that as a result of their several meetings with the State Highway Director, District Engineer, and members of the Highway Department's Engineering staff in an attempt to secure the most favorable route of the proposed State Highway #2-A, through the City of Renton, several possible routes being suggested to the State Highway Department with requests that they be surveyed and report back to the Committee; that at com- pletion of these surveys, the State Highway Department reported back to the Committee that none of the surveys were feasible, either from an engineering standpoint, cost of construction, or both, thus leaving the route submitted at the meeting on Tuesday evening, May 4, 1954, held in the Council Chamber with the State Highway Director, District Engineer, members of the Highway Department's Engineering staff and two members of the State Highway Commission, including the Chairman, Mr. Redmond; that at the conclusion of this meeting with the Committee of the Council as a Whole, after full discussion of the sub- ject, Mayor Baxter, a member of the "Citizen's Limited Access Highway Committee", moved "The Committee recommend to the Council, that the City grant a limited access permit to the State Highway Department for the 1500 feet (more or less) of proposed State Highway No. 2-A. entering the City of Renton in the Windsor Hills area, as proposed by the State Highway Department; the permit to be limited thereto and not at this time granted for the remainder of the route through the City; and the City reserving the right to negotiate with the State Highway Department, and reserving the right of approval, as to the following: 1. Obtaining a satisfactory four-way interchange on and off said. highway at its intersection with State Highway No. 2 at Windsor Hills, or northerly thereof; and 2. Determination of remainder of route of said new highway through the City, within the general area of Cedar River Park, and type of construction thereof, including question of: (a) Viaduct vs. Earth fill (b) Construction of a tunnel through Renton Scenic Hill, instead of a surface route; and (c) Type and location of traffic interchange. The motion was seconded and approved. The City Attorney stated that the 'Resolution submitted by the State originally for Council consideration was based on the first plan; that this recommendation 86 WNW from the Committee would be to grant this permit on the form of their Resolution, subject to these limitations; that if the final plan is the same as the first plan the same Resolution could be rewritten or modified, or it may be necessary to re- draft it to fit the final plan. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, if the City Council grants approval of this Resolution, even with stipulations, un- less the State has changed the plan from their original plan, the City Council is giving up the only hold they have on the control of the road through the City of Renton; that he personally does not feel the City should relinquish their hold on this highway route until the City has a definite understanding; that on(:e the 1500 feet of highway is approved and the road established to this point, that the State Highway Department would proceed on their proposed plan. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, the stipulations of the recommendation of the Committee were ex- actly as stated by Councilman Richardson. The City Engineer stated that he knew of ..M no change in plans; that the interchange was just a schematic plan not an actual plan. After considerable discussion, moved by Holm, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the "Citizens Limited Access Highway Comm- ittee, "giving consent for the limited access highway to Windsor Hills, including all limitations, as outlined by the Committee. With consent of the second, Council- man Farmer, Councilman Holm amended his motion, that the Resolution, including all limitations, be referred to the Washington State Highway Commission for their con- sideration before the Mayor & City Clerk sign the Resolution. A roll call vote being taken, as follows: Bruce, No; Heppenstall, No; Delaurenti, No; Swift, Aye; Hansen, No; Farmer, Aye; Morris, Aye; Holm, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Richardson, No and Trimm, No. There being 5 "Aye's" and 6 "No's the motion lost. Mayor Baxter stated, the Secretary of the "Limited Access Highway Committee", Mr. Henry Reynolds, being present, he advis*he Committee to renegotiate with the State Highway Department. The City Clerk read a report of the Association of Valley Cities meeting, Wednes- day, May 12th at 8:00 P.M., in Buckley, reminding the Council members to submit any subject they may have of vital concern to our Municipality for consideration at the Association of Washington Cities Convention in June. A communication was read from the City Employee's Club, signed by Bob Lux, Presi- dent, requesting a twenty-five dollar increase in salary for those employees re- presented by their group, which includes all except the Police and Fire Depart- ments, stating their reasons for this request and further requesting that the City employees receive seven paid holidays, whether worked or not, (ie, when one of the seven holidays falls on a Saturday, the employees be given the previous Friday off and when a holiday falls on a Sunday, the employees be given the following Monday off;) that the employees felt that this increase in salary, and their receiving seven paid holidays, whether said holidays fall on a regular work day or not, would bring the City employee's wages and salaries on an equal basis with bus- iness and industrial plants in this area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Del- aurenti, that the request be referred to the Council as a Whole to take up at the time the budget is drafted. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Employee's Club, signed by Bob Lux, President, stating that all the Departments of the City had unanimously voted to observe Day Light Saving Time by reporting for work one hour earlier during the summer months, and requested Council consideration as soon as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request of the City employees be re- ferred to the Department Heads for their recommendation and a determination in the matter. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council as a Whole should meet and decide regarding a policy as to extension of the retirement dates of employees in line for retire- ment, as soon as possible. The Clerk stated that the Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, had left a circular in regard to drinking fountains for the City Hall, for the Council's information. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the circular in regard to drinking fountains for the City Hall, for the Council's information be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced that the High School students would take over the City Government on Tuesday May 18th and requested the different Councilmen and Officials to make their respective student representatives familiar with some of the problems confronting them as Officials. 87 On request for authorization for the Park Superintendent and Council representa— tive (Councilman B. J. Richardson) to make a trip to Bremerton to look at the Bintz swimming pool there, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Park Superintendent and other representatives who are able, be authorized to go to Bremerton to look at this pool and that their expenses be allowed by the City. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that the Legislative Committee had itemized three subject and recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to present these three subject,at the Association of Valley Cities meeting for their consideration. 1. ADMISSION TAX (To be referred to the Association of Washington Cities to inquire what is being done to relieve taxes of theater owners. Also, to check with other cities to see what action is being taken.) 2. UTILITIES TAXES (To be referred to the Association of Washington Cities to investigate and discuss the problem of Cities being assessed utility taxes on certain items used in repair and construction programs within the City; on sewer systems and garbage collections noted as for "services rendered.") 3. SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS OF SECOND CLASS CITIES. Moved by Holm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Legislative Committee. Carried. Councilman Farmer reported that the Fire & Water Committee had considered the improvement of the installation of 1400 feet of water line from Southeast 106th Street (north of the Sunset Highway & 112th Avenue Southeast,) north along 132nd Avenue Southeast to an area, proposed for the development of approximately 30 homes. On request of Councilman Farmer, the City Engineer explained that the petitioners proposed a 6 inch water line, which would give them ample water pres— sure and supply., but that the Engineering Department felt for the requirements of the immediate future of this area, that an 8 inch water line be installed; the i.- City to pay for the increased cost of the improvement, an approximate additional charge to the City of Renton of $2900.00 (if cast iron pipe estimates were used by the petitioners), or $3800.00 (if steel pipe estimates were used by the petitioners,) and stated that he felt this would be a more satisfactory improve— ment for the City of Renton; that the Engineering Department and Fire & Water Committee recommended that an 8 inch line, under the above conditions be in— stalled; that the petitioner must have assurance that the City of Renton will supply this area with water before the King County Commissioners will approve this proposed development. The City Engineer further stated that he understood that it is proposed to start the first home in July if possible. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Fire & Water Committee. Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, the motion would indicate to these people that they may hook on to the City of Renton supply lines with at least a 6" line but that the City of Renton reserves the right to put in an 8" line..The City Engineer reported that the petitioners have agreed to install the necessary pressure pump and storage tank to supply necessary additional pressure. Councilman Delaurentiis motion then carried. Councilman Swift reported that his Committee had discussed the improvement by oiling or black—topping of M. Street (124th Avenue Southeast) from the intersection of the pavement north of President Park, south to the Cemetery Road (4th Avenue North) and that inasmuch as improvement by black—topping would be impossible be— fore at least a 45 day period, as it would take that much time to complete necessary requirements for a L.I.D., that the Committee had investigated and re— commended the possibility of temporarily improving this street by the application of a light fuel oil, at a cost per adjacent property owner of 15¢ per foot, or $200.00 for the complete oiling (a heavier fuel oil would cost approximately $400.00 for the complete oiling,) the cost of the materials for the improvement to be paid for by cash pledge from adjacent property owners, the City to provide the labor — — that the money to pay for this method of improvement would have to be deposited with the City Treasurer in advance, and that the City Engineer could draft the necessary petition for same. Councilman Holm informed the interes— ted parties in the audience that the City has no objection to a Local Improvement 88 District being formed, but that it must be formed by the property owners adjacent to said improvement - - that if the petitioners would take this matter up with the Engineering Department, they could determine if it would be better for them to make this temporary improvement by oiling or to make the more durable improvement by black-topping, that the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee would be for the interim until a L.?.D., could be established; that the oiling procedure was of a temporary nature. Reuben Miller, temporary Street Commissioner, reported that he had investigated the streets in the Highlands, reported last week to be covered with sand; that he had found that rocks and general debris had been swept out on the streets and un- til this rock and debris was cleaned up the sweeper could not operate in this area. The interested property owners adjacent to M. Street thanked the Mayor and Council for their assistance in regard to the improvement of this street. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the re- port regarding a portion of the Northern Pacific right-of-way in the vicinity of Logan Street and Tobin Street, back of the Thomas Auto Rebuild and Kent Valley Fuel Buildings, being used as a public alley without the consent of the railroad; that the railroad company had intimated that they would be receptive to this right- of-way being used as a public alley if the City would request an easement or right- of-way over the railroad company's property; that before this easement or right-of- way could be received, that the City would first have to obtain an easement from Archie Gustine as it was necessary to cross over his property to cross from the railroad company right-of-way to Logan Street, that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that the City approach the railroad company to use this right-of-way, but that Archie Gustine be contacted in regard to granting the City of Renton an easement over his property, before the railroad officials are contacted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Holm, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that in regard to the report from Douglas L. Morell of the improvement of the Seattle Water Department right-of-way, that this strip was improved on the verbal request of the abutting tenants, including Douglas L. Morell; that the Seattle Water Department has a policy not to deal with individuals, but with the people in the area and that at the present time the City does not have the right to install parking meters, to allow public parking, in this parking strip, ••,ii or to control parking in this area, and requested that the City Clerk forward this information to Dr. Douglas L. Morell. Councilman Swift further reported that in regard to the communication from Robert C. Winders, C-38, Cedar River Park, that there are three separate areas that can be used for off-street parking in Cedar River Park; that the Engineering & Street Departments have begun work on the first one, which is in this area, close to the City Hall - - that each of the parking areas will hold approximately 32 cars; that they propose to build sufficient parking areas so that all other parking on the streets in Cedar River Park would be parallel only, making available a wider por- tion of the center of the streets for better vehicle passage. Councilman Swift requested that a black board be purchased for the Council Committee room, and suggested that this matter be referred to the Budget Controll- er. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter would be taken care of. Councilman Bruce requested a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, May 18th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of the Fire & Water Committee, Fire Chief and Firemen's Committee at the Fire Station on Monday, May 17th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Thursday, May 13th at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 38 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) DEPur' City Clerk: Mayor 89 Renton, Washington May 18, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, R.EID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Assistant City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Police Chief; Captain E. Isackson, Fire Chief; F. E. Lawrence, City Clerk; Wiley Crook, City Treasurer; Dorothea" Gossett, City Engineer; James Highton, Acting Street Commissioner; Reuben Miller, Park Superintendent; Gene Coulon, Air- port Manager; William Gebenini, Building Inspector; Vere Thompson, and Budget Controller; Elton Alexander. This being the day set aside as "Student Government Day", the following students were elected or appointed to represent the High School in the honorary positions as follows: ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN AND COUNCILWOMEN: KEN LINDBERG, AL KIELLAND, RON HARRISON, DON DOWDELL, MYRNA ABRAHAMSON, RON ROLLA, MARILYN THARcP, NANCY GAIDOS, BARBARA STOKES, DAN MIKKONEN, BARBARA HAUGAN AND MARLENE STEWART. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Assistant City Attorney, Jay Langland; Police Chief, Robert Miller; Fire Chief, Jack Marler; City Clerk, Phil Earlson; Assistant City Clerk, Joan Scott; City Treasurer, Fichie Tasca; City Engineer, Jerry Emons; Street Commissioner, Jack Hougardy; Park Superintendent, Rita Klein; Airport Manager, Robert See; Building Inspector, Gary Morrison; and Budget Con— troller, Anita Delaurenti. Moved by Tamboriri, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of May 11th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from the Wedgwood Realty Company, signed by J. Benj. Hayes, •� Professional Engineer, submitting proposed plat for President Park No. 9, for Council consideration. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed plat be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back of their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, signed by Charles J. Ducatt, Chairman of the Poppy Committee, requesting permission to sell VFW Buddy poppies in the City of Renton on Friday and Saturday, May 21st and 22nd, 1954. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request, under the supervision of the Police Department. Carried. The City Clerk, read a proclamation from Mayor Joe R. Baxter, in recognition of our water works system being fundamental to our communityts health, welfare and economy, and of the holding of the 74th Annual Convention of the American Water Works Association in the Pacific Northwest, declaring the week of May 23rd through 29th as "Water Works Week", in the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council approve the proclamation of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting permission for Bob Puhich, Water Department Foreman, and the City Engineer, to attend the con— vention of the American Water Works Association in Seattle during the week of May 24th through May 29th. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the request of the City Engineer and their expenses be allowed by the City. Carried. The Clerk read the resignation of Rev. G.W.J. Hartzell, as Chairman of the Renton Park Board, effective May 30, 1954, as he is leaving on or about that date for Petaluma, California. Mayor Baxter ordered the resignation filed. A joint committee report from the Property Committee and Legislative Committee was read, recommending (1) that the summer recreation program be extended through— out the summer vacation months, (2) that flood lights be installed on the tennis court to permit tennis playing in the evenings, and (3) to investigate the possibility of arrangements being made to hold recreational dances twice monthly during the summer vacation months. After discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded 90 cc y by Delaurenti, that the recommendation be referred to the Park Superintendent, and Park Board for their consideration and a report back. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Bruce, Aye; Heppenstall, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Swift, Aye; Hansen, No; Farmer, No; Morris, Aye; Holm, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Reid, Aye; and Trimm Aye. There being 10 "Ayers" and 2 "Noss", the motion carried. A Committee report was read from the Street and Alley Committee, stating on the re- commendation of Don Dowdell.. Student Council President, that it is the recommen- dation of the student body, to whom the matter had been referred, in regard to the naming of the two streets within Cedar River Park, that (1) the street that comm- ences on Maple Way and proceeds in a northwesterly direction, circling the center of the project, and proceeds northeasterly meeting Maple Way at point of beginn- ing be named Crescent Avenue, and (2) the street that begins at Houser ;Jay and con- tinues east under the railroad viaduct towards the center of the Project, bisect- ing Crescent Avenue, be named Clymer Drive. Don Dowdell explained to the Council that Crescent Avenue was so named because it is similar to a crescent in shape, and that the name of Clymer Drive was so named as it was one of the older family names in Renton that had never been used in the naming of streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for further consideration and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A report was read from the Special Student Curfew Committee, BARBARA HAUGAN, Chair- man, MYRNA ABRAHAMSON, RON ROLLA AND RON HARRISON, referring to the present Curfew Law (Sec. II, Page 12, PENAL CODE, Ordinance No. 1074), stating that the Committee recommends the present Curfew Law be amended to read as follows: "Any child under 18 years of age shall not be on the streets or any other public places in the City of Renton between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 A.M., on any day of the week throughout the entire year. How- ever, any child shall be exempt from the curfew provisions hereof when he is acting in the scope of lawful employment, or when engaged in, or going to or from an authorized school activity, or when such child is in the com- pany of his or her parents, or parent, or his or her legal guardian, or other person having the legal care, custody and control of such child. It is unlawful for any parent, guardian or other person, or persons, lawfully entitled to the care, custody and control of any child under the age of sixteen (16) years to knowingly suffer such child to be unNow - lawfully upon the streets or other public place in the City of Renton during the curfew hours applicable hereunder. The fine for violation of this ordinance shall not exceed twenty five dollars ($25.00) . After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the recommendation be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary amendment to Ordinance No. 1074. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be amended, that the recommendation be referred to the Mayor's "Youth Guidance Committee" for their study and recommendation and then to the Ordinance Committee. The amendment carried. The motion, as amended, then carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the proposed annexation of certain property adjacent to the present City limits, in the general area described by the City Engineer as "in a northeasterly direction, diagonally across from the inter- section of 116th Street on the Sunset Highway, near Miller's Corner, as presented by V.A. Lombardini, M.D., and Florence Mathieson, owners of said property, and there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried, Councilman Trimm, reported that the Ways & Means Committee recommended in regard to the installation of three mercury vapor lights at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Rainier Avenue, that payment for the lights be made from Cumulative Fund #1182. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Ways & Means Committee recommended, in regard to the request of Dr. Glossup for a complete survey of the 6 block area in Earl- ington Addition where there is a boundary discrepancy, that this being private property and not City of Renton property, that it would not be the responsibil- ity of the City of Renton to ascertain the property boundaries for private prop- erty boundaries for private property owners, and that the City therefore not make any additional surveys of this area for this purpose, and Dr. Glossup be so noti- fied. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, requested more time for the Light & Power Committee to make a re- port in regard to the installation of lights at the two hazardous intersections in the Highlands area (1) intersection of 9th Avenue North and the Sunset Highway, where 112th meets the Sunset Highway, and (2) where the extension of "E" Street meets the Cemetery Road, as requested by the Renton Highlands Improvement Club. Mayor Baxter granted the Light & Power Committee more time. On the request of Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Law & Ordinance Committee, Mayor Baxter, granted the Law & Ordinance Committee more time in regard to drafting the proposed dog Ordinance and parking meter ordinance. On the request of Councilman Farmer, for information as to the City acquiring cer- tain property for a proposed Fire Station in the area of the intersection of the Cemetery Road and M. Street, which had been referred to the Property Committee pre- viously, the City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, advised the Council that a letter of inquiry had been forwarded to the Housing Authority, requesting this information, and that he would inform the Council regarding same, as soon as he received an answer from the Housing Authority. On request of Councilman Farmer, for more time, Mayor Baxter granted the Fire and Water Committee more time in regard to the petitions received requesting the City of Renton to take over the small water systems, all in the Earlington area, being served from the City of Seattle water supply. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended, in regard to the report received from Jack Fleming, 1909 7th Avenue North, of the traffic hazard at the Sunset Boulevard and 7th Avenue North where motorists turn off into the Highlands, that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that a traffic channel be installed on 7th Avenue North to restrict themotoristsmaking an extra turn and to slow up traffic. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee was studying the subject of one-way traffic in certain parts of the City and that the Committee felt this was a real problem and would require a great deal of consideration before being initiated, that the City Engineer was preparing a map of the proposal, and would present same at the June 3rd Street & Alley Committee meeting, and requested more time. Mayor Baxter granted the Street & Alley Committee more time for consideration of this problem. Councilman Bruce requested more time for the Property Committee in regard to the new lease for the Hydraulic Hoist Company with the City of Renton for use of a portion of the building in Mother's Park, also, the matter of a drinking fountain for the City Hall lobby. Mayor Baxter granted the Property Committee more time. In answer to an inquiry regarding the progress of the improvement of the safety island areas on 2nd Avenue, in front of the Renton High School, the Park Superinten- dent, Gene Coulon, reported that the Park Department had been working on the pre- parations for the improvement, and that the actual improvement would be started this coming week, that the expense of the materials would be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1182 as authorized by the Council at their meeting of March 23, 1954. Councilman Trimm requested a meeting of the Ways & Means Committee with the Committee of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, May 25th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Reid, requested a meeting of the Light & Power Committee at the earliest convenience of his two committee members, Councilman Delaurenti and Councilman Morris. The meeting was arranged for Tuesday, May 25, at 7:30 P.M. ... Councilman Richardson, requested a meeting of the Ordinance, Auditing & Accounting, and Street & Alley Committee's immediately following this evening's Council meeting. Councilman Swift reminded the Street & Alley Committee of their meeting Thursday, May 20, at 8:00 P.M., with the Park Board, Park Superintendent, Traffic Division of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and City Engineer. On the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, as reported by Councilman Swift, Chairman, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of estab- lishing a policy for the operation of parking meters within the City of Renton on Sundays and Holidays, was referred to the City Attorney's Office for his opinion and a report back. Carried. 92 cc y tt� In regard to the inquiry of Councilman Swift, as to the legality of junker cars being parked on streets or on private property, to enable the City to take action to have same removed, the Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, informed the Council that there was already an Ordinance on file prohibiting the parking of junker cars on the streets or on public property, and that the Police Department had the authority to remove such cars from public property, at the owners expense; that the parking area between the street and the sidewalk was considered public property and that if a car was left in the same public place for a period of 3 to 5 days, it would be considered abandoned. The Asst. City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, informed the Council that cars could be impounded when abandoned on any street or avenue, both the main thoroughfares and in residential areas, within the Renton City limits; that if a car has been left on any street or avenue and the Police Department knows who the owner is, then they should notify the owner to remove the car — — that if he refuses to remove, or does not remove the car, the Police Depart— ..r ment has the right to remove the car. The Asst. Attorney stated that a two day period would be sufficient time for the owner to have the car removed. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee reported that the Comm— ittee recommended that the City Attorney be requested to clarify the word "Junkers" and report back at the next Council meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, stated that consideration should be given to the: Street Commissioner establishing a "fire zone" in front of the new Catholic Church to be used also for loading and unloading of passengers, and that the proper signs be installed for same. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council con— cur in the report of Councilman Delaurenti. On the question, Councilman Delaurenti explained that the "fire zone" would serve both the purpose of a fire zone and for loading and unloading passengers. Mayor Baxter stated that he believed that there was at this time an Ordinance in the City covering the establishing of fire zones for buildings wherein there are public gatherings. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris that the motion be tabled. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Bruce, No; Heppenstall, No; Delaurenti, No; Swift, No; Hansen, No; Farmer, No; Morris, No; Holm, No; Tamborini, No; Richardson, No; Reid, Aye, and Trimm, Aye. There being 10 "Aye's" and 2 "No's", the motion lost. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the motion be amended to be referred to the Street & Alley Committ:e. On the question, Councilman Hansen, stated that in his opinion, it is not necessary to refer the motion back to the Committee, as this was merely the matter of appli— cation of the Ordinance. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, the matter should be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation. The Asst. City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that in his opinion, Councilman Trimm, had a perfect right to amend the original motion, but that if there is an Ordinance covering the establishment of fire zones in front of buildings wherein there are public gatherings, than both motions are out of order. Councilman Hansen, with the consent of his second Delaurenti, withdrew his motion to concur in the report of Councilman Delaurenti, that a fire zone be established in front of the new Catholic Church to be used also for loading and unloading passengers, and the proper signs be installed for same. On request of Councilman Morris, the Assist— and City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that he would investigate in regard to ordinances covering fire, and loading and unloading zones., Councilman Bruce, requested a meeting of the Property Committee immediately after this evening's Council meeting. Councilman Bruce reported that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole at a special meeting earlier this evening, that the City em— ployee who recently terminated, be allowed one week's vacation with pay. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated to the honorary City Officials, Department Heads and the many Special City Committee members and representatives, that he was very happy to have them as guests of the City of Renton for this "Student Government Day", and that he hoped that they had an enjoyable day as well as many educational experiences to remember. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, stated that in behalf of the Council, that they were also happy to have the students visit the City today and to attend the Council meeting this evening, that they were all proud of the students and their fine reports, and that he hoped the students were all familiar with opera— tions of Municipal Government. Mayor Peretti stated that on behalf of himself and the rest of the students who participated in Renton City "Student Government Day" that he particularly wanted to thank Mayor Baxter, the City 'Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett; the City Clerk, Wiley Crook; the Police Judge, Paul Houser, and all other Department Heads and Officials who helped make this day so interesting, enjoyable 9 and successful for the students, also the Junior Chamber of Commerce, who spon— sored "Student Government Day," and Mr. Robertson, School Advisor, who made it possible for the students to have such a very enjoyable and educational day, that he personally enjoyed every minute of it, including all the preparations, and in conclusion wished to thank all those students who voted for him, and the fine cooperation of all the students. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having previously been audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 1209-1362 27,796.48 CLAIMS CURRENT 1931-1935 14,211.79 CLAIMS WATER 9016-9017 3,189.49 CLAIMS STREET 6593- 21533.16 CLAIMS PARK 1861— 12243.62 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2773- 1,066.76 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1788— 732.18 CLAIMLS SEWAGE DIS. 2509— 1,067.38 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 73— 76.13 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 301- 308 3,829.50 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 526— 50.00 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN.. FUND 131— 132 250.00 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45. (The Council Chambers were packed with students, -teachers and parents.) City Clerk lor c 94 ' }-3 Renton, Washington May 25, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAUF?ENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MOR-FIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHAF�DSON, REID & TRIMM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Ernest Isackson, Acting Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Reuben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the meeting of May 18th be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERRITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PEPI4ITS_ N0, AMOUNT NA14E ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 258 $2,500.00 George Hannah 401 Lind Street Remodel house 9 400.00 Alex Ferrat 218 Garden Street electric service 260 400.00 Philip Skochelich 2608 5th Ave. N. erect carport 1 1,050.00 Wedgwood Realty 764 M. Street remodel house 2 61000.00 " "' 10th & N. Street " " 3 100.00 Robert Schoonover 609 S. Street erect fence 4 150.00 Garrick Lumber Co. 97 Airport Way erect office & fence 5 100.00 Robert K. Rieger 3419 7th Place erect fence 6 100.00 Robert Bluher 716 0. Street erect fence 7 75.00 A.G.Swanson 639 G. St, erect fence 8 100.00 Willard W. Berry 712 0. Street erect fence 9 245.00 E. Belmondo 528 Cedar St. install roofing 270 700.00 B. M. McHugh 712 B. Street addIn on house 1 700.00 T. K. Anderson 240 North Wells. remodel residence �. 2 360.00 Andrew Paglia 211 Rainier Ave. reroof residence 3 700.00 A.J. Carr & N. Nelson 529 Morris St. remodel house 4 700.00 Bob Kingan 528 2nd Ave. add'n on building 5 50.00 Mary Henren 2115 10th Ave. N. repair bldg. 6 100.00 George Lamb 667 R. St. erect fence 7 300.00 Lester Faull 609 Grant St. repair bldg. 8 75.00 Thomas Cushing 12028 124th Ave.SE install sidewalks 9 150.00 Nick Angelo 91 Airport Way erect office & fence 280 700.00 George Dorn 337 Pelly St. foundation under hse. 1 4,100.00 Refus Morrison 112 N. Wells remodel house 2 100.00 George Abelhanz 12517 88th Ave. S. install stairs 3 475.00 Ira Porter 2.241 6th Ave. N. walls & driveway 4 700.00 William Bellando 10211 Bronson Way remodel & wire Service PLUMBING PEEMITS 158 - Alex Cugini 710 2nd Ave. sewer connection 9 - William Carrigen 440 Windsor Way install Furnace 60 - Alex Ferrett 216-8 Garden St. install it 1 - it it 216-8 " "' plumbing service 2 - Anton Dime 321 Williams St. n n 3 - Mrs. Temme 814 3rd Ave. gas service 4 - S. Kaczmarek 8815 S. 130th install :furnace 5 - C.E. Nystrom 12520 144th S. plumbing service 6 - Tony Grubisic 817 Grant St. install furnace 7 - George Hanna 401 Lind plumbing service .... 8 - T. Rodella & Bigley 519-25-31 Langston sewer connections 9 - Eufus Morrison 112 N. Wells St. plumbing service A communication was read from the Wedgwood Realty Company, signed by J. Benjamin Hayes, Engineer, requesting a waiver on restricted side yard clearance on Lot 3, Block 3 of President Park #4, stating that the house is three feet from the north line of said lot and the house on Lot 2 is 7 feet north of said line, making a total of tenfeet between the houses. The Assistant City Engineer stated that stakes are placed on the lots before the houses are built, but that when the pre- 95 limina ry work is started that these stakes are sometimes knocked or shoved out of place and lot lines are then remarked by measurements; that when this house was built they were off the original marks 2 feet and that in his opinion the only alternative is to give the Wedgwood Realty Company a variance permit. A gentleman from the audience stated that he was the owner of the house on Lot 2, where the house is located 7 feet from the property line and that he had been informed that an easement was granted to the owners of Lot 3, of a strip of property from his lot which would give the proper clearance to Lot 3, but that this had never been done. Mrs. Barry, from the audience, who is the owner of Lot 3, stated that she did not approve of any kind of a waiver that would have to be renewed each year, and sugges— ted that the Wedgwood Realty Company purchase from the owner of Lot 2, the required 2 feet, which he had agreed to sell, and deed this strip of property to her, which would give her house the proper side yard clearance on the lot. Mr. Hayes stated that he was not familiar with the transactions of the sale of the property, but that a mistake had been made in locating the house on the property. After discussion, the City Attorney stated that this matter could be settled three different ways, the easiest, (1) the property owner with the 7 feet clearance from the property line, to sell 2 feet of his property to the property owner with only 3 feet clearance, (2) the owner who has 7 feet clearance, grant an easement (use—permit) to the abutting property owner of the required 2 feet, to give the other property 5 foot clearance to comply with the zoning ordinance, and thereby granting the abutting property owners the right to use a full feet, or (3) Zoning Ordinance No. 1 4 72, Paragraph 4, Section 18, "The Planning Commission may approve the granting of temporary and con— ditional permits for structures and uses that do not conform with the regulations herein prescribed for not more than two year periods, upon such terms and conditions as the Commission may prescribe." Moved by Holm, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Planning Commissicn," if this matter is not satisfactorily settled by and between the Wedgwood Realty Company and the owners of Lots 2 and 3, as stated, to avoid further delay. Carried. A claim was read from Martha G. Wibr�rg, 111 Third Avenue, as follows: As per bill rendered March 11, 1954 — $220.00 2 months garage rent ... .. . . . .. . .. . 20.00 $ 240.00 Interest from March 23, 1954 to be at the rate of 5% per annum. u. A communication was attached from Mrs. Wiberg stating that she had previously pre— sented a bill to cover damage to her property at 212 Rainier Avenue, due to work on L.I.O. #239, which she has never had a reply on; that in her opinion, damage to the double garage is due to water backed into the garage from the storm sewer —that an inlet to the sewer is in her driveway — — that at the present time the garage is dry but the water level in this outlet stands about the sewer pipe. Mrs. Wiberg requests Council action as to payment of the claim, and correction of the condition caused by the location of the storm sewer, further stating that she would appreciate the use of her double garage. The City Attorney reported that he wished to consult further with the City Engineer before making a report — — that he would make a report at the next Council meeting. A communication was read from George Guerin, 636 Shattuck Street, requesting Council consideration of the installation of a water line, which is being installed on Shattuck Street across 7th Avenue, stating that he personally does not approve of the installation. As this matter had been studied and approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer, and Fire & Water Committee, and the installation has been completed, the communication was ordered filed. A claim was read from 'dilliam H. Ralph, in behalf of his son, Calvin G. Ralph, against the City of Renton, for damages from an accident on May 12, 1954, caused when Calvin G. Ralph, the son of the claimant, was unable to stop his car, a 1946 Pontiac sedan, and ran into and against a City of Renton fire truck, causing damage to claimant's car in the sum of $400.00; also, loss of use car for 15 days at $2.00 ...r per day, or $30.00, making a total claim against the City of Renton of $430.00. Moved by Farmer, seconded by Reid, that the claim be referred to the Insurance Com— missioner and City Attorney, for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from R. Paul Tjossem, Assistant General Attorney for the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, enclosing "Acceptance of Franchise No.1481", and requesting acknowledgment that satisfactory acceptance of the franchise has been filed. The City Clerk stated that on advice of the City Attorney, the Pacific Coast Railroad Company had been advised of the acknowledgment of receipt of "Acceptance of Franchise" and also advised that same has been filed in the office of the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the action of the City Attorney and City Clerk. 96 y r.� A copy of a communication from Mayor Joe R. Baxter to the Federal Power Commis- sion, Washington, D.C. , was read, in regards to the recommendation of their staff counsel disapproving the granting of a natural gas certificate for the Pacific Northwest, stating that in his opinion this action tends to retard the growth of this region and does not do justice to this area, and that on behalf of the City of Renton, he urges the granting of this permit. Mayor Baxter reported that other localities were sending similar communications to the Federal Power Commission to help secure natural ,gas for this area. The communication was ordered filed. The City Clerk read the reappointment, by Mayor Baxter, of Charles Camerini as a member of the Park Board, to succeed himself, the term to expire June 1, 1957. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the reappoint- ment of the Mayor. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that the City Clerk and Councilman Hansen had. attended r the last Association of Valley Cities meetirg which was held at Buckley on May 12, and requested, with the Council's approval, that Mr. Crook give a resume of the meeting. Mr. Crook reported that this meeting at Buckley had been very educational and worthwhile - - that the first subject considered at the meeting was the ques- tion of "Admission Tax" and what is being done to relieve the theater owners of this tax, and that after discussion, the matter had been referred to the Associa- tion of Washington Cities, as consideration would have to be given to the loss of this tax when endeavoring to secure additional funds from the State for Municipal operation. Also, the matter of utility taxes being paid by the cities, i.e., on certain items used in repair and construction programs within the city and that this matter has been referred to the Mayor and Council's Committee and Resolutions Committee of the Association of Washington Cities. The City Treasurer informed the Council that in regards to water rates, the City of Renton charges $ 1.50 per 800 cubic feet feet for persons living within the City and $3.00 per 800 cubic feet for persons living outside the City of Renton. That in regard to salaries of elected officials of Cities, that this matter had been referred to the Association of Wash- ington Cities. The City Clerk further reported that a discussion had beE!n held and a proposal made in regards to the Finance Officers meeting; that it was suggested that there be two Sectional meetings, one for Cities with under 10,000 population and another for Cities with over 10,000 population. Mayor Stobbs of Enumclaw, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Washington Cities stated that this matter would be taken up with the Program and Policy Committee to see what could be done. now Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion the Airport Board report was very good and the Board should be thanked. Councilman Morris reported that the Airport; Board and Airport Manager sbould be complimented on the progress :Wade at the Airport. The City Clerk was requested to send a letter of thanks to the Airport Board for their report. On request for same, the Mayor granted the Ways & Means Committee more gime in re- gard to matters referred to this Committee. Councilman Reid reported that he and an Engineer from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company had inspected the two areas in the Highlands that needed street lights,one at the intersection of 9th Avenue North and the Sunset Highway, and the other at the intersection of 112th S.E. and E. Street; that the Committee requested one week additional time to determine the cost of installation - - that in his opinion the intersection of 9th Avenue N. and the Sunset Highway should have two lights for the safety of pedestrians at night and that it would be necessary to in- stall an additional pole at the intersection of 112th and E. Street in order for the light to be over the center of the street. Mayor Baxter granted the Power & Light Committee more time. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to be granted more time for study and consideration of the proposed Dog Ordinance. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time. Councilman Richardson reported for Councilman George Swift, Chairman of the Street Now and Alley Committee, (who had to leave early,) that (1) the Street & Alley Committee had met Thursday, April 20 with the Traffic Division of the Police Depa.-tment and the Park Board and that they would report later on this matter. (2) That the Street and Alley Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department, and Street Commiss- ioner had studied the traffic problem at the Maple Valley Wye intersection, that the Committee felt, owing to the construction of the new highway through this portion of the City that traffic lights not be considered at this time as it may be necessary to remove them; that the Committee recommended that the traffic control be managed by manual control by policemen during the summer months. Captain Isackson of the Traffic Division, of the Police Department, reported that they had made a survey of the necessary police detail to handle this traffic problem and found that traffic 97 control would be required on approximately 21 days, approximately four traffic officers on the following days; May 30 and 31st; June 6 - 13 - 20 and 27; July 4-5-11-18 and 25; August 1-8-15-22-29,and September 5-6-12-19 and 26, requiring 336 man hours to cover this operation - - that if they do not have some sort of control over the traffic, the traffic backs up and they have quite a congestion, and that they can use men to get the traffic flowing faster - - that it is planned to route congested traffic, that backs up on the Maple Way Road, through Cedar River Park after the n roposed parking lots are completed and motorists are able to park their cars parallel to the curbs. Captain Isackson informed the Council that traffic lights would be shut off during the traffic hours when the men control the traffic, also, that consideration be given by the Light & Power Committee for a light to protect the patrolman who is directing traffic at this intersection. That patrol- men off duty would take over this extra operation. Councilman Richardson further ` reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommends that this plan be adopted at a cost of approximately $800.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the problem of financing the proposed plan for traffic oontrol at the Maple Valley Wye be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Captain Isackson reported that he had figured a way to have extra patrolmen on duty this coming weekend, May 30 and 31st, before the report is brought back to the Council on June 1st. Councilman Richardson reported that he and many others had noticed the fine news articles in the Seattle newspapers and several nationally prominent magazines and publications as a result of press releases by the Boeing Airplane Company about the christening of the new Boeing jet transport, and that the articles had all stated that the jet transport had been built at the Renton Boeing Plant. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Boeing Airplane Company for their consideration in giving the City of Renton the benefit of such favorable and beneficial publicity. Carried. Councilman Richardson further reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that two loading zones be established on Walla Walla Avenue. (1) on the south side of Walla Walla Avenue, west of the southwest corner of Walla Walla Avenue and Main Street in front of an auto supply store, which is planned to take care of unloading and loading for this particular company as well as an electric company and sewing machine company, also (2) on the south side of Walla Walla Avenue, west of the southwest corner of Walla Walla Avenue and Wells Street, immediately north of the Melrose Tavern, and also, that the recommendation be referred to the Ordinance Committee to amend the present Ordinance. Councilman Reid suggested that a time limit be put on the use of the loading and unloading zones. Moved by Morris, second- ed by Holm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The City Clerk stated that according to State Law, the Council would meet on the firt Monday in June, June 7th, for the purpose of administering the oath of office to the Police Judge and six newly elected Councilmen. On the recommendation of Councilman Morris, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee draft a Resolution, regarding "Admission Taxes", "Salaries of Elected City Officials," and the "matter of whether or not Cities are liable for the payment of utility taxes", to be forwarded to the Association of Washington Cities for study, discussion, 'consideration and recommen- dation at their meeting on June 10th and 11th in Spokane. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had dis- ussed the matter of a refrigerated water fountain for the City Hall and that after study and consideration., recommended that a plain water fountain be purchased and requested more time in regard to this matter. Councilman Bruce further reported that the Mayor's Committee had arranged a meeting with the Housing Authority for Wednesday evening, May 26th, and that this and other matters would be discussed. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that his Committee had studied the new Hydraulic Hoist Lease whereby this company leases an addi- tional storage area and recommends that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced former Mayor 0. N. "Oats"Cochran (1935) 2 who was visiting the new City Hall for the first time. Mr. Cochran remarked that this was his first visit, that he felt that this location was an admirable choice and that there were many substantial reasons and advantages to the new location, in view of the many additional annexed areas as well as the large increase in population in the past few years - - that the City is faced with relatively the same problems as of old, 9y 8 � a that it has always been that people who have only a few financial obligation, have theirp roblems in regard to same, and that all problems look huge until satis— factorily solved. Councilman Bruce reported that the Renton Airport Board and the Boeing Airplane Company had reached an agreement in regard to leasing of certain properties on the Renton Airport stating that a compromise agreement had been reached whereby the Boeing Airplane Company paid an additional amount for fuel in excess considerably of the difference in the adjustment of the amount of the lease, and stated that the Property Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease. The City Attorney explained to the Council the adjustment of the agree— ment between the Boeing Airplane Company and the Renton Airport Board. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease and that the lease be returned to the City Attorneyts office for distri— bution. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that Radio Station K.L.A.N., had an opportunity to in— crease their power which would entail the installation of additional towers and that the Radio Station Engineers were uncertain of the actual boundaries as covered by the present lease and requested the Engineering Department meet with. the re— presentatives of Radio Station K.L.A.N.,and details be worked out with the Park Board in regard to same. Mayor Baxter stated that he would like to have the Property Committee investigate the feasibility of the City of Renton acquiring Commercial Waterway District #2; that the District had $22,000.00 cash and property on both banks of the. Cedar River as far up the river as the Pacific Coast Railway bridge and that the width of the property on each side of the river varies. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Property Committee investigate this matter and report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Assistant City Attorney had drafted a Resolu— tion regarding retirement of miscellaneous City Employee personnel, and requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole, immediately after the Council meeting for fur— ther discussion on subject Resolution. Councilman Richardson requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Traffic Department and Street Commissioner on Thursday evening, May 27th 1954 at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Farmer requested a meeting of the Fire & Water Committee, and City Engineer, Saturday morning, May 29th 1954 at 10:00 A.M. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meet— ing adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 10 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) DEPIM City Clerk Mayor r eJ e Renton, Washington June 1, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe 1t. Baxter 2t 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAUBENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MCffiRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Asst. City Attorney; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, temporary Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Super- intendent; Walt Will, Asst. City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the meeting of May 25, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 285 250.00 Lawrence A. KRALL 405 Grandey Way Concrete driveway 6 300.00 Raymond Benton 204 Garden St. reroof residence 7 13,500.00 W. J. Hazelett 2100 Monterey Drive erect residence 8 100.00 Joseph Zwirn, Jr. 2104 8th No. concrete driveway 9 75.00 George Hannah 401 Lind St. wire service 290 600.00 Kenneth Gilmore 3709 7th Ave. N. erect garage 1 700.00 Russel Bergeron 2333 6th Place add'n on house 2 75.00 R.E. Van Vleet 718 P. Street erect fence 3 700.00 Thomas Richter 325 Factory St. siding on residence 4 12000.00 Mrs. C.W. Wilson 228 Hardie St. remodel house 5 11,750.00 W.H. Brokaw x'904 S. 126th erect residence 6 163,000.00 Thomas E. Parks 354-6 Meadow St. erect reisdence 7 3,000.00 Folke Hayer 215 Garden St. remodel house 8 4,750.00 Ansley Mitchell 8802 S. 131st erect residence 9 100.00 H. B. Bodie 915 D. St, install basement 300 1,000.00 Donald Custer 1209 7th Ave. erect garage PLUMBING PERMITS. 170 - Pacific Car & Fdry. 4th & Factory plumbing fixtures 1 - Glen Adams 808 D. St, plumbing fixtures 2 - Wm. Rieck 235 N. Wells install furnace 3 - Jake Fairchild S.L. 112th & 124th S. plumbing fixtures 4 - Thomas E. Parks 356 Meadow St. plumbing fixtures 5 - Ansley Mitchell V02 S. 131st St. plumbing fixtures The City Clerk read the resignation of Councilman Francis D. Farmer to be eff- ective as of the conclusion of tonight's Council meeting. Councilman Farmer stated that his request was due to his having to move from the City because of his work. Mayor Baxter ordered the resignation held until later in the meeting. A communication from the City Attorney's office to the Association of Washington Cities was read regarding "proposed Resolutions and suggestions for the Convention of the Association of Washington Cities," submitting requests for clarification on certain problems confronting the City of Renton, as follows: (1) Admission Tax levied by cities against theatres and movies located within the boundaries of a city; that considerable pressure and requests for tax relief have been forwarded to the City of Renton by local theatre owners for the purpose of having such tax removed altogether or reduced considerably; that the City has been reluctant up to this time to grant such relief inasmuch as the State has heretofore vacated said field of taxations for the benefit of the cities and a possible repeal by a city of such tax ordinance might have detrimental effect on the state-city relation- ship relating to taxation, and that the City of Renton would welcome any suggest- ion and proposal from the Association and other cities as to their handling and experience with the foregoing matter. (2) This effects 2nd Class cities only and pertains to a change in the salary schedule for its elective officials such as the Mayor and Councilmen - - that attempts were made by the City of Renton last year to have the legislature remove the barriers as to the amount of compensation paid to such officials, but this was unsuccessful --- that the law fixing the maximum compensation for such officials was passed more than 40 years ago and that no change has been made --- that inasmuch as no restriction applies to 3rd Class cities, it is suggested that renewed efforts be made by the Association 100 of Washington Cities as well as other municipalities to remove the barrier in order to allow the governing body to take a more realistic attitude in determining the compensation for its elective officials. Councilman Morris reported that the City Attorney's Office had been requested to draft this communication at the last Council meeting and that it had been read only for the Councilts information. The City Clerk read a petition requesting the City Council to condemn the re- sidence at 215 Garden Street and further requesting that the property owners be re- quested to demolish and remove same from the lot, stating that the house as it exists is a fire and health hazard. The petition was si ;ned by 46 signatures cover- ing ownership of 25 lots and/or parcels of land. The Assistant City Engineer., Walt Will, stated that the building was in deplorable condition, that the property had just recently changed ownership and that the Building Department could not issue a building permit to remodel unless the foundation was brought up to the standards ...r of the building code --- that he had talked to the new owner and informed him the building must be completely remodeled within one year; that the building permit, as issued included rewiring, but did not include plumbing and that a shed on the read of the property is to be demolished--- that for the benefit of the Council the building code states that improvements can be made to a building if same will bring the building up to the standard as required by the building code. The Assis- tant City Engineer, Walt Will, stated that it is his understanding that; the owner plans to use the building as a residence. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer in regard to the claim of S. M. and Martha Wiberg for damages resulting from the construction of the Black River trunk sewer, submitting recommendations as follows: (1) That the portion of the claim for structural damage to the building be referred to the Assistant City Engineer, W.H. Will, and the balance of the claim be referred to the Insurance Com- missioner and, (2) that ways and means be provided to accelerate the run off of storm waters by cleaning Black Fiver Channel, south of Rainier Avenue ---- that the State Land Department has failed to acknowledge two letters for permission, and in his opinion emergency action is justified. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and that the claim for structural damage be referred to the Assistant City Engineer,, W.H.Will, for his recommendation and that the claim for damages in the total amount to date of $240.00 be referred to the Insurance Commissioner for his recommendation. This claim includes garage rent which Mrs. Wiberg stated would continue to accrue until such time as she is again able to have the use of her two garages. The matter of the cleaning of the Black River Channel, south of Rainier Avenue, w:zere to get the funds and just how to go about it, was referred to the Council as a Whole. The City Engineer stated that the installation of the storm sewer had :retarded the drainage flow to a certain extent and that alternate action would be to clear out the Black River Channel south of Rainier Avenue. The motion carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that in regard to the proposed plat for Albert Balch's , President Park No. 8, as submitted by the Wedgwood Realty Company, that since submitting this plat for approval additional property had been acquired and a new plat, including the newly acquired property would be submitted, and on the request of Mr. Balch's Engineer, Mr. J. Benj. Hayes, they were holding the pro- posed plat in abeyance. Also, in regard to the D roposed plat for President Park No. 9, as submitted by the Wedgwood Realty Company, that the Planning "iommission recommended that the Council approve the proposed plat as submitted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the Oouncil concur in the action of the Plann- ing Commission that the proposed plat of President Park No. 8, be held in abey- ance until such time as a corrected plat is received and that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the proposed plat of Presi- dent Park No. 9, be approved. Carried. A second communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending that the rezoning petition, from residential to commercial use, of Joseph and Gladys Ellis be rejected as they felt this would be considered spot zoning, and to protect surrounding properties, also that there was no indication in their request as to the proposed use of the property. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, stated that this property was located just north of President Park No. 1 on 7th Avenue. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that the petitioners be so notified. Carried. A communication was read from the Lake Washington Players, signed by Kathleen Jackson, Chairman, requesting permission to bring performances of popular plays to Renton and vicinity, at least 4 to 6 plays a year; and further requesting in- formation as to requirements of a Business License for same. The Assistant City Attorney stated that Kathleen Jackson had contacted his office and he had ad- vised her to take the matter up with the City Council direct, that in his opinion she would be liable for the admission tax, but as a theatre group would not be liable for the Business License. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the re- quest be referred to the Police & License Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the purchase of 375 auto- matic parking meters, the following bids were opened and read: DUNCAN PARKING METER CORPORATION (Automaton) - - - - - - - - - - - - - $662.16 Includes, parking meter head .. .. 0.0 . . . . .... . 0 .0. . . . ... ... $52.50 pipe standard & sidewalk flange 3.00 pipe installation (including supervision of training of maintenance personnel) .. . . .. 4.00 freight .... ..0... .... .. . ...0.00.0000...00..000. .85 $60.35 (ALTERNATE) Washington State Sales Tax, 3�. .......... .. ... .. 1.81 -� DUNCAN PARKING METER CORPORATION (Miller manual) - - - - - - - - - - - $67.31 Includes, parking meter head .........0.000...00..0..00. $57.50 pipe standard & sidewalk flange ....... ... . ... 3.00 pipe installation (including supervision of training of maintenance personnel) .... 4.00 freight 0000.....0.0....0.........0.000..0..0. .85 $65.35 Washington State Sales Tax, 1.9b SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS COMPANY - there being no certified check or bid bond accompanying the bid, as specified in the "Call for Bids," the bid was not read. DUAL PARKING METER COMPANY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $63.35 Includes, parking meter head .....0,.00.0 . 0...0.0... ,. .... 0. 455.50 pipe standard & sidewalk flange 4.00 installation ......0.... ................00...... .. 4.50 freight .... ... ......0..000. ... . 0..000..... ... ..0. .50 $664.50 Extra coin box .... . ....... ..... . .... ............. 1.00 :',65.50 Less trade-in allowance on used meters............ 4.00 $61.50 Washington State Sales Tax, 3 ,...0.. ..... . . ... ..0 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids be referred to the Council as a Whole for study and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 865, which had been prepared by the Council as a Whole and City Attorney, and presented by Hugh Burce, President of the Council whereas the City wishes to provide and follow a policy of compulsory retirement for all "Miscellaneous Personnel", to avoid inequities but to provide equal treatment to all concerned, (a) that it be the established policy of the City to sanction and require the compulsory retirement of all "Miscellaneous Personnel", at age of 65 except as provided hereinafter, (b) that it be the duty of the office of City Clerk to notify in writing the Council and the person in charge of the respective department whenever a certain employee has reached his 64th birthday. The person in charge of such department shall be responsible for hiring, training, or causing to be trained a successor to the employee about to be retired so as to provide for an uninterrupted continuation of the services rendered and to eliminate the necessity of delaying the retirement of extending the retirement age of any employee; however, if the respective department has made diligent efforts to secure and train a replacement, and it is shown that for reasons beyond the control of such department, the replacement has become unavilable or unsuitable to fill and assume certain duties, then in such event, and in the best interests of the City, the Council may grant an extension of the retirement age, but such extension shall in no event exceed the period of one year. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council adopt the Resol- ution as read. On the question, Councilman Holm stated that in his opinion, he did not agree with the principal the Council has in mind in adopting the Re- solution, as a matter of policy. Councilman Tamborini stated that this would have no bearing on the Uniformed Groups, whose retirement ages could be extended up to a maximum of 5 years, but that each extension must be granted one year at a time; that it would eliminate the extension of "Miscellaneous Personnell" beyond 1-02 y Cd ro the one year period. Councilman Morris stated that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had discussed the matter of National Social Security Laws and consideration had been given to extend the retirement age of Miscellaneous Personnel one year longer to enable them to be covered under the Social Security Law if and when said law goes into effect. Councilman Richardson further explained that this matter had been thoroughly studied and discussed by the Committee of the Council as a Whole and that the entire Council was in favor of the proposed Resolution, and on advice of the Assistant City Attorney that at such time as the Federal Government places the City Employees under Federal Social Security, that the proposed Resolution could be amended to cover the City employees, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole recommended the Resolution be approved. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson reported that he wished to present proposed Ordinance No. 1482 for Council consideration, which was drafted and recommended for approval by the City Attorney's Office, in regard to control of caterpillars, which he per- sonally felt needed to be adopted. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No.. 1482, relatinv to the care of trees and shrubbery in the City of Renton and the protection of same from ceterpillars, that it be unlawful for the owner or occupant of any premises, on which there shall be growing any such trees or shrubbery, in- fested with caterpillars to fail or neglect to -bake and use such methods as to effectually destroy such caterpillars. Moved by Swift, seconded by Farmer, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the new Ordinance was for local enforcement, that the City of Seattle, State and County Commissioners should be notified that the City of Renton does have an Ordinance in regard to control of caterpillars, and a copy of the Ordinance furnished to each of these Government bodies. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1483, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, annexing certain territory to the- City of Renton. (Said territory being in the general area described as "in a northeasterly direction, diagonally across from the intersection of 116th Street and the Sunset Highway, near Millerts cor- ner, and presented by V. B. I.ombardini and Florence B. Mathieson) The property being legally described as follows "That portion of the N.W. i of the N.W. i of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5, E.W.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the N.W. corner of said Section 9, thence south 0059121t' west Now 663.24 -feet; thence S. 88055137" east 30 feet to point of true beginning; thence south 880551371' east 289.64 feet to the west line of Renton High- lands, according to plat thereof recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats, Page 34, re- cords of said county; thence south 0047105" west to the northeasterly mar- gin of the Sunset Boulevard; thence following the northerly margin of said Sunset Boulevard in a northwesterly direction to the east margin of 116th Avenue S.E., thence north 005912111 east 124.73 feet to point of true be- ginning, situated in King County, State of Washington. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported favorably on the pro- posed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and pro- posed Ordinance No. 1483 be placed on its second and final reading.. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Holm, that Ordinance No. 1483 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed ordinance in regard to the control of caterpillars and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the recom^iendation of the Ordinance Committee and that proposed Ordinance .No. 1482 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final read- ing, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1482 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Aye1t, ... the motion unanimously carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Clerk be authorized to insert the correct Precinct and Ward No. 's in Ordinance No. 1483. The Clerk stated that it should read Ward 1, Precinct 23. The motion xarried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess_ the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. 103 ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MOF'R.IS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had considered the bids received for parking meters for the City of Renton, and that after discussion, recommended that the bids be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Engineering Department for their consideration and a report back. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Farmer, that the Council con— cur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. In regard to the bids for parking meters received this evening, the Assistant City Attorney stated that the certified check and bid bond should be retained by the City Clerk's Office and that the actual bids be submitted to the City Engineer for consideration.of the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer at their meeting on Thursday evening, June 3rd 1954. Councilman Bruce, President of the Council,reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had considered the petition to condemn the residence at 215 Garden Street and that the Committee recommended that the petitioners be notified that the owner of the property in question had been issued a building permit, that the Building Inspector and Assistant City Engineer had thoroughly checked the building and the Building Permit had been issued previously and included all im— provements required to bring the building up to the standards of the building code, said improvement to be completed within a specified period of time, to—wit one year, that the Committee felt this action was legal and fair. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that this evening's meeting was the last meeting that this group of Councilmen would be together and that he would like to say that he considered the privilege of being elected the President of the Council a very high honor, that he was grateful for the opportunity and that he had received splendid cooperation from all and that all the Councilmen and all Committees had worked very hard and had accomplished a great deal. Councilman Bruce extended his heart— felt thanks to the entire group. Councilman Bruce further stated that in behalf of the Council as a Whole, he wished to thank Councilman Farmer, as in his opinion he had done an outstanding job as Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, that Councilman Holm had likewise done exceptionally well, plus giving expert legal advice on many occasions --- that he, together with the City Attorney's office had worked out many problems, and that Councilman Tamborini had worked very hard and very faithfully for many years as a. Councilman and that each should be hi7l,ly complimented .for their work in behalf of the citizens of the City of Renton and that he wished them all the best of luck. Mayor Baxter stated that he felt the same as Councilman Bruce regarding the co— operation, hard work and accomplishments of the Councilmen and Committees and that they all deserved a great deal of praise and thanks for their services, and that he too wished them luck. Councilman Farmer, Holm and Tamborini thanked the Mayor and Councilman Bruce for their compliments and all stated that they had enjoyed working with the Mayor and this fine group of Councilmen, that they considered it an honor and privilege to serve as Councilmen, that they had all received complete cooperation from the Mayor. Council, Department Heads and City Employees, and that they were sorry to leave. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Councilmen all thanked the Mayor, Councilmen Bruce, Farmer, Holm and Tamborini for their compliments and that he too was sorry that the three Councilmen were leaving. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee was granted more time in regard to lighting problems within the City of Renton. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee was granted more time for consideration of pending Ordinances. On the suggestion of Councilman Tamborini, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk write a letter to the King County Health Officer requesting him to require the local health officer (Frank Calico, District Sanitarian) to make a report to the Council at least once a month. The City Clerk explained that the Health Office kept records of all births and deaths within the City of Renton, that they inspected sanitary conditions in the restaurants throughout Renton and inspected meat sold in Renton. The motion carried. 104 Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, requested more time for rX his Committee to investigate the matter of the City acquiring the Waterway pro- perties and requested a meeting with the Waterway Commission Board; that they fur- ther requested information as to their liabilities. Mayor Baxter, Chairman of the Waterway Commission #2 Board, stated that the Commission had no liabilities and that they would be glad to meet with the Property Committee at their convenience, that the Waterway Commission #2 met regularly the lst and 3rd Mondays of each month in the City Hall Building. Councilman Morris stated that he had received a copy of Senate Bill #24.73 in re- gard to "In lieu of taxes" and that he understood that due to the manner in which the bill was written at this time, the City of Renton would be excluded from be- nefits from same, that the Legislative Committee recommended that the City Clerk send a telegram to the Washington State Senators and Representatives asking for this change in the bill, and also asking similar-assistance from the Association of Washington Cities and the American Municipal Association. The Assistant City Attorney stated that Representative Tollefson had presented a similar bill in the House of Representatives, but that in his opinion, the Senate bill had a better chance of passing --- that the subject facilities were made tax exempt in 1949, and that he therefore suggested that a telegram be sent to Senator Knowland and our own Senators and Representatives calling their attention to the discrepancy in dates and further advising that unless the dates are changed, this bill would be of no assistance to the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Legislative Committee. Carried. Councilman Farmer reported that the City Engineer and Consulting EnginErer were preparing estimates on proposed water improvements, that they still have the final phase to complete. The City Engineer stated that he would meet with the Committee on Saturday, that the problem remaining was a matter of public relations, that the City had a choice of two possible sites for the proposed additional re- servoir. Councilman Farmer offered to attend the meeting on Saturday if' his pre- sence was required to make a quorum. Councilman Bruce reported that at the request of the Housing Authorit,7, the Pro- perty Committee had met with said Authority and their Executive Board, to con- sider improvement work that would be required to be done to maintain the Cedar River Project for the length of time the City intends to operate same; that it was determined that the following work would be required to be done at estimated costs as shown, and that it would be necessary to have the authority of the City Council to increase the Housing Authority Budgets in these amounts to cover the proposed improvements, before the Housing Authority could proceed with the require- ed improvements, Parking lots ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... . . . . . . . .$5,000.00 Waterproof material on roofs. ... .... ......... .... .... 5,184.00 Recover awnings for the City Hall. ......... . ......... 359.61 Addition to storage room and paint, also paint the jail, purchase and install a drinking fountain in the City Hall Building,.........0.00A__21%00.00 $13,043.61 Councilman Bruce stated that it was the recommendation of the Property Committee to concur in the 'lousing Authority's requests for improvement, and the Housing Authority be authorized to increase their budget to cover the above listed re- quired improvements. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce further stated that normal maintenance expense of the Cedar. River Park would be included in the budget which was prepared in june for the coming year and that extra and/or additional items would have to be authorized by the Council as they happen ---- that the Housing Authority would welcome the City Council working in closer cooperation with their Board. Mayor Baxter stated that he had several appointments to make soon and that he would make these appointments at the next regular meeting on June 8th 1954 --- that he felt that some of the new Councilmen might fit in on certain Committees more easily than the Committees which will be left vacant due to the three Councilmen who are leaving the Council after this evening's meeting, and requested Council approval to make these changes. ?loved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that Mayor Baxter be authorized to arrange the Council Committees. Carried. IM Moved by Delaurenti, secord ed by Richardson, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 1363-1490 17,965.06 CLAIMS CURRENT 1936-1938 13,884.7 CLAIMS WATER 9018— 2,289.67 CLAIMS STREET 6593-6594 5,097.00 CLAIMS PARK 1862 1,243.62 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2773 — CLAIMS AIRPORT 1789 665.82 CLAIMB SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2510 1,163./5 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 74— 75 6.18 CLAIPIS CLAIMS FUND 309— 324 4,974.32 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 526 — CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 132 — CLAIMS CUM. #3184 439— 606.06 CLAIMS CUM. Y1183 398 — — C LA IMS CUM. #1182 56 — — Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the muting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00. There were 10 persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk 106 y Renton, Washington !� June 7, 1954. The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI,, SWIFT, HANSEN, FARMER, MORRIS, HOLM, TAMBORINI, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PFESENT WERE: Arthur 11augan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief; 14iley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. This being the date designated by State Law for administering the Oaths of Office to the duly elected City Officials, Police Judge-elect and six Councilmen-elect, Paul Houser was sworn in as Police Judge, for a two-year term and Councilmen-elect George Swift, Thomas Trimm, B. J. Richardson, Ray Heppenstall, Lloyd White and Verle Vietzke were sworn in as Councilmen, for four-year terms. Councilman Bruce_ stated that given the first opportunity to legislate in the new City Council, and it being in order to elect a new President of the Council, that he would like to nominate Thomas Trimm, who had served on the Council :dor several years, as President of the Council for the ensuing term. Councilman Richardson moved the nominations be closed and that the City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Thomas Trimm as President of the Council. The City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Thomas Trimm as President of the Council. Councilman Bruce explained that the President of the Council also acted as Mayor Pro Tem, in the Mayor's absence, but that usually these occasions were rare, and stated that he hoped that Councilman Trimm received as much cooperation and assistance from the Council as he had, that he thanked the Council for the privilege of serving a term as President of the Council. Mayor Baxter requested the different retiring Councilmen, present Councilmen, Department Heads and guests for their remarks. Councilman Trimm thanked the Council for their confidence in him and stated that he would do his very best to serve the other Councilmen and citizens of Renton. Councilman Farmer expressed his regrets in regard to the necessity of submitting his resignation and stated that on behalf of the other members of the Fire and Water Committee, and the Engineering Department, he hoped that the planned com- prehensive water improvement program would be made an actual improvement program and that the City would reap benefits from same, and urged the support of the Council in this proposed program. Councilman Tamborini stated that he wished to congratulate the new Council members and that he had thoroughly enjoyed his 14 years on the Council --- that if at any time he could be of any assistance to the Council that he would be glad to do so. Councilman Holm remarked that the thing that impressed him most strongly this evening was the fact that there was full Council attendance and that in the past they have had exceptionally good atten- dance and that there was no doubt but that all the Councilmen would work hard and perform their duties for the City --- that he had enjoyed working with this group and on City problems --- that he had a better understanding of City problems and that, as Steve Tamborini had stated, he too would be glad to assist if he can ever be of any service to the Council. Councilmen Swift and Richardson both stated that they had enjoyed working on the Council during the past years, that there has been a lot of work performed and improvements made and that there was a lot more to be done, that in the future both of the retiring Councilmen would probably be called on for their assistance on Committee work; that Councilman Farmer had really done a fine job in his two years on the Council and should be commended for the work he has performed. Mayor Baxter stated that he too felt that Councilman Farmer had worked very hard and should be commended. Councilman Verle Vietzke stated that he appreciated the confidence of the citizens of Renton in his election and that he considered it an honor to serve on the Council and that he would do his very best to work in behalf of the City of Renton. Councilman Lloyd White stated that he too considered it an honor to serve on the Council and that he would do his very best to work in the best interests of the City and to cooperate in every way possible. Councilman Ray Heppenstall stated that he considered it an honor and a privilege to have been appointed to fill the un- expired term of Councilman Freyman and that he felt the two months of experience had taught him that there was a lot to learn. Police Judge Paul Houser stated that he wished to thank the citizens of Renton for reelecting him to the office of Police Judge of the City of Renton, that he had received the utmost cooperation of the Police Department and City Government , that he is becoming more familiar with the Council since the offices are closer to— gether in the new City Hall and extended to the new Councilmen his best wishes. Former Mayor Perry Mitchell stated that he was very pleased to attend the special meeting tonight, that each of the Councilmen brought back different memories --- that he felt there had been a great deal accomplished in the past years, that there is a great deal more to be accomplished and that in his opinion the City of Renton has very fine Officials, Department Heads and employees. Mayor Baxter thanked Mr. Mitchell for his very fine talk and stated that it is a pleasure to have him visit the Council meeting this evening. Mr. Alden See, a member of the Planning Commission, who was visiting the Council meeting this evening, stated that he thinks the Mayor and Council are doing an exceptionally fine job in operating the City of Renton and that the Mayor, Council and Department Heads should be congratulated for their interest and accomplishments. Councilman Reid, Morris, Hansen, Delaurenti and Bruce all stated that they felt that it was an honor to have been elected to the Council and to serve the City of Renton and that they would continue to work in the best interests of the City. City Attorney Arthur Haugan stated that he appreciated the opportunity to serve C.� the City of Renton, that he had gained much from the service and thanked the re— C't tiring and present members of the Council for their cooperation and stated that by 1_(� working together as a group that it was possible to handle the business of the City expeditiously. Police Chief Angelo Busato, City Clerk Wiley Crook, City Engineer James Hi hton p Budget Controller Elton Alexander, Assistant City Engineer Walt Will. and City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett all stated that they appreciated the assistance and cooperation of the Council, that they would all continue to work in the very best interest of the City of Renton, and welcomed any and all of them to come in the different offices at any time for information or any sort of assistance they could give. Mayor Baxter stated that he felt the group of Officials, Department Heads and employees he had worked with the last few years were a very hard working group and very congenial and that by their cooperation they had really performed many services and made numerous improvements for the benefit of the people of the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were a great many members of the Councilmen's and Department Heads families present.) M City Clerk yor Renton, Washington June 8, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, VIETZKE, WHITE;, RICHARDSON, REID AND TRIMM. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, temporary Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the meeting of June lst and the special meeting of June 7th be approved as written. Carried. A PLS ICATICNS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 301 150.00 Steve Androsko 2018 7th N. erect carport 2 200.00 Floyd Ness 2201 8th Ave. N. extend roof 3 275.00 Don Coffield 409 Whitworth move garage 4 700.00 A .Carr & N. Nelson 529 Morris St. remodel house 5 100.00 Wm. C. Brunette 2230 9th Ave. N. erect fence 6 250.00 Hickok's Sport Shop 218 MAin St. erect neon sign 7 100.00 Nick Angelo 91 Airport Way wire service 8 300.00 James Highman 437 Grandey Way shakes on house 9 11500.00 David H. Kays 335 Stevens St. add'n on house 310 100.00 C.E. Bystrom 1.2520 144th St. SE. wire service 1 100.00 Allan Crawford 12623 S.E. 112th St. wire service 2 100.00 A.W. Boyungs 2124 8th Place basement & walkway 3 400.0 Conley D. Rodgers 412 Pelly erect garage 4 245.00 Louis A. Plessel 12018 SE 141st St. extend ,garage .td 5 11850.00 George A. Hallberg 8803 S. 130th addtn on house 6 — Anton Dime 321 Williams wire service 7 100.00 Glenn E. Guy 420 Sunset W. install partial basement 8 19800.00 Cabin City Court 216 3rd Ave. paving roadway 9 11500.00 Rosalie Evans 220 Shattuck remodel store front 320 300.00 LeRoy S. Madden 13227 6th Ave. N. erect garage 1 12000.00 Mathewson's Rainier Tire Co. 11.5 Rainier Ave. install neon sign 2 50.00 Charles W. Pillow 2517 6th Ave. N. pour concrete driveway 3 50.00 Wallace H. Stinson 638 R. Street erect fence 4 139500.00 George Bigley 525 Langston Road erect house 5 132500.00 George Bigley 531 Langston Road erect house 6 13,500.00 John Koshak 519 Langston Road "' it 7 100.00 Lily Hoyt 230 Park Ave. wire service 8 185.00 Don Coffield 409 Whitworth asphalt driveway PLUMBING PERMITS • 176 — Mrs. Georgia Shepherd 415 Pelly Street install gas tank 7 — Minnie Morrison 209 Wells St. install gas heater 8 — Belmondo 512 Williams plumbing service 9 — H.P. Peterson 2018 Bronson Way install furnace 180 — Allan Crawford 12623 S.E. 112th St. plumbing service 1 — Wedgwood Realty Co. 842 O. Street install furnace 2 — " n 836 0. 4! rr n 3 — it n 830 O, n n n 4 — rr n 824 0. 5 — " " 840 N. Place 6 — n n 834 N 7 — " " 828 N. n n n 8 — rt n 822 N. rr n n 9 " n 816 N. 190 — 't " 810 N. n n n 1 — n n 804 N rt n n 2 — " " 3512 8th Ave. N. " " 109 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLUMBING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 193 — Wedgwood Realty Co. 3518- 8th Ave. N. Install furnace 4 — if 803 — 0. Street of It 5 — it " 809 — 01 n it It 6 — it " 817 - 0. n It if 7 — it ° 823 — Oe it rt 8 — tv " 829 — 0. It it it 9 — n rt 835 — 0. n of It 200 — " it 841 — 0. rt. 't it 1 — n 845 — 0. " tt It 2 — " n 305 — N. Place it 3 — tt " 811 — N. n' » It 4 — " It 817 — N. "' It n 5 — 't if 823 — Nn It n 6 — 't to 523 — N. Williams It tt A commi_inication was read from the Interlake Broadcasting Corporation, signed by Clifford H. Hansen, Manager, requesting approval of certain technical improvements in the broadcast facilities operated by Radio Station KLAN on property at Mother's Park, leased from the City of Renton. The Interlake Broadcasting Corporation, operating KLAN, is ,Waking application to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., requesting authority to increase it's power from 240 watts to 1000 watts, day and night, and to operate full—time on a frequency of 910 kilo— cycles. In order to make the installation of antenna and transmitter equipment certain revisions of present equipment and location are required and that specific details embodied in engineering statement, sketch drawing and estimated coverage contour were enclosed. Mr. Hansen stated that he would meet with the City Engineer to clarify questions of a technical nature. A communication was read from the City Engineer in regard to the new installations at Mother's Park stating that he had discussed the nature and extent of the proposed installations with Mr. Anderson, an official of the corporation, who stated that the underground installation will not prohibit the land use for any other purpose; that the new tower site, 20 feet square, should be covered by lease unless it should prove to be in the area pre— sently under the lease by the corporation; that he sees no objection to the in— stallation as planned and described. The City Engineer stated that if the City Council should grant approval, he recommends a written agreement be drafted cover— ing the terms. Councilman Bruce reported that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hansen and informed them that the installation was located on Park property and the matter should be discussed with the Park Board --- that the City Engineer doesn't believe the Park Board will have any objections. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee and Park Board with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Bernyece Leckie, Kennydale P.T.A. President, referring to a previous communication from their organization in regard to cleaning up the carnivals that come to Renton --- that representatives of their group, including Mrs. .Leckie, had visited the last carnival and that they found the con— ditions very satisfactory and thanked the Council for their cooperation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this letter be acknowledged and the Kennydale P.T.A., be advised of the previous Committee and Health Officer's report. Carried. A communication was read from the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, signed by Gilbert E. Morris, President, advising of the 32nd Annual Business meeting of the Conference being held in Denver, Colorado, October 5 to 8, 1954, stating that it is of considerable importance that the Cityts building officials attend this meeting. .4 communication was attached from the Mayor recommending that a representative from the City Engineer's Office be authorized to attend the Conference in Denver, Colorado, October 5th through 8th 1954 and that his expenses be allowed in compliance with State Laws regarding same. Moved by Richard— son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of determining the source of funds for payment of expenses, be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Police Department, signed by Captain E. W. Isackson, with regard to the unpaid parking meter ticket file, stating that there were 2787 unpaid tickets for the year 1953 and 1326 unpaid tickets for the year 1954, and that under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1473, as amended, an additional $1326.00 would be added to the unpaid tickets for the year 1954--- that the total amount of potential unpaid parking meter fines on file totals $5439.00, and as this represents a sizeable sum, it is the opinion of Captain E.W. Isackson X10 y b :7 that an effort be made to collect these unpaid tickets. Captain Isackson further stated that the Police Department does not have sufficient clerical help to follow up the unpaid parking tickets and send out "notices before arrest," together with the daily routine clerical work, and requested consideration of a plan, either through the Police Court or some extra clerical help, to handle this additional work. A request, signed by Mayor Baxter, requesting that this matter be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee for their recommendation, was attached. Council- man Swift stated that the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee coincided with Traffic Division report of the Police Department's and that in the future the pay- ments of parking fines returned with the tickets to the City and the list of un- paid tickets should be cleared through the Police Court, and that a survey be made of the additional work and clerical assistance required to handle this work for Council information. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and Street & Alley Committee. Carried. A report was read from the City Engineer stating that on completing his investi- gation of the proposed petition for annexation, signed by Fred Peacock, and others, which was presented at the February 16, 1954 Council meeting, that it was deter- mined that the total assessed valuation of the property, proposed for annexation in the above mentioned petition, was $200600.00 and that the assessed valuation of the petitioner's property was $16,390.00, which gave a 79.6 percentage of pro- perty owners of the assessed valuation of property proposed for annexation, in favor of the annexation, which meets State Statute requirements. The City Engineer stated that he had attached a previous recommendation of the Planning Commission, dated March 109 1954,(which by Council action, had been ordered held until the signatures on the petition had been checked by the City Engineer,) which "recommen- ded that the Council act favorably upon the annexation petition of property owners, of which Fred Peacock is the first signer, providing that it is understood that all sub-standard streets will not be maintained or improved beyond their original con- dition, unless they are brought up to the accepted standards of the City Engineer- ing Department by Local Improvement District." The City Engineer stated that this completed the report and information requested at the March 9th Council meeting re- garding the subject petition for annexation; that the property proposed for annexation was approximately 40 acres in area and bordered on the northeast corner of the Renton Highlands, bounded on the south by S.F. 112th Street, and included the Highlands Reservoir. The City Engineer explained to the Council that; 124th Avenue S.E. ran north and south through this property from S.E. 112th Street to the Sunset Highway, but was not platted north across the Sunset Highway, that SE won 112th Street was platted with a 60 foot right-of-way, however it was not; improved at this time the entire width. After discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the date of public hearing be set as approximately 30 days from this date (July 13, 1954) and the proper notice of hearing be published and posted as required by law. Carried. The City Clerk read a notice from the office of Robert A. Morris, King County Auditor, signed by Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections and Registration, stating that the City of Renton's pro-rated share of expenses for the elections held on February 9th and March 9th 1954 was $3,032.15. The City Clerk stated that this charge is deducted from Renton's share of County Taxes before tax payments are made to the City of Renton, and transferred to the King County Current Expense Fund by the County Treasurer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the report from the King County Auditor's Office. Carried. The City Clerk read a letter of thanks from William M. Allen, President of- the Boeing Airplane Company stating they were pleased if their efforts proved a benefit to the City of Renton and that in their future operations they would strive to merit the City's continued support. The communication was ordered filed.. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that at the last Council meeting the Ordinance Committee had been authorized to draft an Ordin- ance establishing two loading zones and that he would like to present the proposed Ordinance as drafted by the City Attorney. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1484, as presented by the Ordinance Committe, prohibiting parking and establish- ing a loading and unloading zone on certain streets within the City of Renton, as follows, (1) Beginning at a point on the southerly curb line of Walla Walla Avenue, (on Main Street) north of the N.F. corner of Block 15 of the Town of Renton Plat; thence southwesterly along said southerly curb line for a distance of 30 feet, and (2) Beginning at a point on the southerly curb line of Walla Walla Avenue, (on Wells Street) north of the N.F. corner of Block 20, of the Town of Renton Plat; thence southwesterly along said southerly curb line for a distance of 30 feet. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson ren_ orted that the majority of the Ordinance Committee (there being only two members at this d time) reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the report of the majority of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1474 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1474 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee had drafted a proposed Ordinance in regard to the keeping and impounding of dogs and other animals in the City of Renton, that it was the recommendation of the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee that the Ordinance be referred to the Council and read for their con- sideration and comments--- that the Ordinance Committee is not prepared at this time to make any recommendations in regard to this Ordinance. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance as presented by Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, regulating the keeping and impounding of dogs and other animals in the City of Renton, imposing license and impounding fees, declaring certain practices of certain animals to be public nuisances, defining offenses and providing penalties for the violation thereof, repealing Ordinance No. 1223 and all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. After a dis- cussion, Councilman Richardson remarking that one of the items that the Committee had considered, and the City Attorney had advised the Committee on, was the matter of stray dogs being sold after holding same for a specific time. The City Attorney stated that in his opinion, after notifying owners and/or waiting a specified period of time for owners to claim dogs that are held at the pound and after the dog is processed and any claim to the dog by an owner is severed, it would be per- missable to advertise and hold a sale of the unclaimed dogs. The City Attorney further stated that if it was determined that it was for the best interest of the City of Renton, that a veterinary could act as poundmaster. The City Clerk re- ported that he and Councilman Tamborini had attended a meeting of the Association of Valley Cities in Puyallup recently and the proposal that a humane society be established in the south end was discussed. It was explained that this organization operated on a non-profit basis, and that only the employees who worked for them were paid salaries, that they belong to the National Humane Society and that it would probably be 2 or 3 more years until this organization would be organized well enough to assist the City of Renton in their problem--- that the City of Seattle has this service from the King County Humane Society at no additional cost. Councilman Richardson stated that it was his opinion, after hearing the City Clerk's explanation regarding same, that the matter be taken up with Association of Valley Cities at their next meeting, that he felt there was a possibility of combining the City of Renton's needs with the needs of other Valley Cities in obtaining this service and that the City of Renton may be able to obtain a plan or suggestion through the Association of Valley Cities at the next meeting. The City Clerk stated that the City of Renton would need the consent and cooperation of the Valley Cities. Councilman Reid requested that the matter of a satisfactory dog ordinance for the City of Renton be expedited and moved, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be re- ferred to the Sanitation Committee for study with a request that this Committee contact the Association of Valley Cities for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointments by Mayor Baxter of the Chairman of the various Committees as follows: Charles Delaurenti, Police & License Committee Thomas Trimm, Fire & Water Committee 4a.lt Reid. Light & Power Committee Vern Morris, Finance & Claims Committee B.J. Richardson, Ordinance Committee Ray Heppenstall, Auditing & Accounting Committee Hugh Bruce, Property Committee Olin Hansen, Public Relations Committee George Swift, Street & Alley Committee Dr. Lloyd White, Legislative Committee Verle Vietzke Ways & Means Committee Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. Councilman Swift suggested that Mayor Baxter appoint a tempor- ary Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, so this Committee could be active. The City Attorney explained to the Council that State Law provides that in case of a vacancy in the Council a majority vote is required to fill this vacancy. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the matter of acceptance of Francis Farmer's resignation and further appointments by the Mayor, be referred to the Council as a Whole for study before any further action is taken. Carried. 112 ►� The City Attorney reported that he had met today, Tuesday, June 8th 19'54 with Mr. Emerson Thather, Kent City Attorney, Mr. Richard Thorgrimson and Mr. Edward Starin, Attorneys for all the cities in the condemnation suite pursuant to in- structions from our own Power Committee which had met with Mr. McGarri.gle, Local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company at his request. The Power Com- pany is urgently requesting that the City drop its pending condemnation suit against the Power Company--- it is making the same request of the other cities, Kent, Enumclaw and Sumner. Apart from the question of policy involved, whether to drop the condemnation suits as requested by the Power Company, there are other problems, (1) each of the cities has a contract with Grande & Company, et al, bond firms, in and through them with the Thorgrimson law firm to handle the acquisition, these con- tracts to run to the middle of 1955, (2) Acquisition and condemnation was authorized in 1950 by vote of the people which presents a question as to the authority or right of any City Council to act contrary thereto, (3) The problem of financing the trial of a condemnation suit involving expensive appraisals and expert engineering witnesses for a long trial, and (4) The question of whether the Power & Light Company will permanently remain in the power business as they now claim they are, in view of the fact that since 1950 they have made various announcements to sell out to a group of P.U.D's, and also at one time had an agreement with the Washington Water Power Company of Idaho to give that concern an opportunity to submit a bid up to a certain dead-line time, now expired; and what assurance these cities have that if our suits were dropped, the Puget Company would not at any time thereafter decide to sell either to an outside Power Company or to outside P.U.D.'s, or to a King County P.U.D., if one should be organized. Our pending condemnation suits, by the 4 cities have not reached trial because of the various negotiations heretofore pending including a verbal agreement with the P.U.D., group that if they acquired the Puget Sound System they would immed- iately negotiate a sale to these cities of the facilities within the :respective cities. It was the consensus of today's meeting that those negotiations were stalemated and that it would be desirable for the 4 cities to reach a decision this year on whether or not to proceed with the trial of the condemnation suits. An inquiry has been made by us of the Puget Power Company as to whether condem- nation suit be dropped, whether the Puget Power Company would execute a written commitment to the City agreeing that in event thereafter Puget Power Company made any sale or transfer of its facilities that the City be then entitled to a first option to acquire the power facilities in the City of Renton. Mr. McGarrigle has agreed to present this inquiry to the Puget Power Company Officials and let us know whether the Power Company would or would not be willing to enter into such a commitment, also Mr. Thorgrimson is to furnish us as close an estimate as possible as to what the cost of appraisals and expert engineering witnesses would be in event of trial of the condemnation suits. When these two items of information are obtained, it was the consensus at today's meeting that a joint meeting of the representatives of the 4 cities be arranged to consider the whole problem. At the conclusion of the City Attorney's report, Councilman Reid stated that he would arrange a meeting of the different Valley Cities. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee reported in regard to the Renton Highlands Improvement Club's request for lights at (1) the intersection of 9th Avenue north and the Sunset Highway where 112th Southeast meets the Sunset Highway. (the Committee having recommended the installation of two incandescent lights)and (2) where the extension of "E"- Streets meets the Cemetery Road, (the Committee having recommended that one light be installed, also stating the necess- ity of an additional pole) , the Committee had determined that the total power cost to the City for the three additional lights would be $35.20 for each light per year. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Light and Power Committee and the Puget Sound Power & Light Company be so notified. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer had studied the parking meter bids opened last Tuesday night (June 1, 1954,) and for the information of the new Councilmen, related the Committee's action to the time of this evening's meeting, stating that after a great deal of study the Committee felt that the City of Renton would benefit the greatest by accepting the Dual Parking Meter Company's bid and recommending same, further stating their reasons, (1) additional benefits from the training of personnel and (2) additional parts that are included in the bid, as well as lower maintenance cost. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the bid of the Dual-Parking Meter Company be accepted. Mr. Christ- iansen, a representative of the Duncan Parking Meter Company, from the audience x: 13 was informed by the Council that bids on the parking meters had been opened at the last Council meeting, and that both bids that were read and referred to Committee, were considered on an equal basis. Councilman Richardson called for a "question" on- the motion. The City Attorney stated that he would appreciate a. re— view of the specifications before any action was taken. Mayor Baxter relinquished the Mayor's chair to Councilman Trimm, President of the Council so that he could state his opinion in regard to same. Mayor Baxter stated that he was not opposed to either of the panting meters, but that when a call for bids for meters is issued, he felt the City should know just where each parking meter will be placed, that re— gardless of the manner of payment for the meters, all of the proceeds from the parking meters does not go directly to the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter resumed the Mayor 's chair. Councilman Swift stated that the Call for bids was for 375 meters, more or less, that all the street and avenue areas designated for parking meters, would have to be individually measured to determine the exact number of parking meters required. On the recommendation of the City Attorney, Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, MORRIS, VIETZKE WHITE, RICHARDSON, REID and TRI114'. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council asked each of the Parking Meter Company representatives if their bid was based on the entire parking meter, stand, etc., as a unit, or if it were based on each part separately. Mr. Christiansen, a re— presentative of the Duncan Parking Meter Company stated that their bid was based on each part separately; Mr. Thomas, a representative of the Dual Parking Meter Company, stated that their bid was based on each part separately. Councilman Trimm moved, seconded by Richardson, that the motion as stated before the recess "that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the bid of the Dual Parking Meter Company be accepted," be amended to include, "that the Duncan Parking Meter does not meet the specificiations in the Call for Bids," (the amendment out— lawing the bid.) The amendement carried. Councilman Swift called for a "question on the motion, as amended, "that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the bid of the Dual Parking Meter Company be accepted, that the Duncan Parking meter does not meet the specificiations in the Call for Bids." The motion, as amended, carried. Councilman Reid requested that the records show that his vote ... be qualified as "no." The City Clerk read a communication addressed to James Highton, City Engineer, from the State of Washington Highway Department, signed by C. F. Cysewski, District Traffic Engineer for D.P. Forgey, District Engineer, acknowledging the City Engineer's letter advising them that the City Council has ordered a study to determine the feasibility of designating Third Avenue and Second Avenue as one—way streets, and inquiring as to the State's jurisdictional authority over same, stating that the Director of Highways has the authority to designate any public highway or portion thereof under his jurisdiction as a one—way street, also that cities and towns shall regulate and enforce all parking and traffic restrictions on such streets (referring to city streets constituting a portion of the highway system), but that all regulations adopted shall be subject to the approval of the Director before becoming effective. That it is consistent with the policy that if these two streets are feasible for one—way operation, and such is desirable, the Director would approve such operation. Also, that it would be necessary that the City Council pass such resolution establishing these as one—way streets, including a stipulation that such operations will, if approved by the Director, include no added maintenance on any portion of these streets whether or not they presently constitute a portion of the highway system---if such were passed by the City, their recommendation would be for that approval; that they would be happy to co— operate in making a "Capacity Study" to determine that feasibility---that at such time as the City desires to proceed with that study, they will set up a program for thorough traffic analysis, as they have done for other cities. Councilman Swift reported that in order for the City of Renton to follow this plan which Mr. Cysewski, District Traffic Engineer explains, the State Highway Department would furnish "Counters", the Renton Police Department having agreed to make a periodic check of the meters and furnish the Count to the Committee, that it would be necessary to pass a Resolution establishing 3rd Avenue and 2nd Avenue as one—way streets, that it is the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer-that the Council accept this proposal and receive the feasibility count and the City Attorney and City Engineer's Office be authorized to prepare the necessary Re— solution. Councilman Richardson stated that it was his opinion that the Resolution would not have to be acted upon until after the "Capacity Study" to determine the 114 y feasibility of one—way operation on these two streets had been completed, that if the feasibility study is satisfactory,then the Council should adopt a Resolution and send a copy to the Director, who will then act favorably on same. Councilman Swift stated that the count could be completed by July. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce requested Council consideration of a means of advertising the vacancy of City buildings, ie., the building known as the Aeronautical Union Build— ing, to avoid loss of rent income from same. Councilman Richardson suggested that an ad be published in the local papers. Moved by Swift, secon6kled by Heppenstall that the matter be retained in the Property Committee for further discussion and study. Carried. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, requested a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, Monday evening, June 14, 1954 at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Trimm reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole accepted the resignation of Councilman Francis Farmer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that he would like the Council to see and study a map pre— pared by the Engineering Department, which he showed to the Council, outlining the changing of the direction of 10th Avenue North to coincide with the area and to allow a straight street, for better police & fire protection and other emergency use, stating that this is just a matter of relocating a street. Moved by Reid, se— conded by White, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission and Housing Authority for their concurrence. Carried. (The City Engineer will contact both the Planning Commission and Housing Authority.) On request of Councilman Swift, the City Engineer explained a problem in the High— lands re storm sewer connections; that there is a space approximately 2000 feet on 7th Avenue north from M. Street to H. Street, where there are no storm sewers provided where the water lays on the streets during wet weather, that the most logical and economical method of correction would be to extend the storm sewer from the manhole at 8th Avenue north and M. Street, south on M. Street to the intersection of 7th Avenue north and M. Street, a distance of 200 feet, then west on 7th Avenue to the existing 15" stcrm sewer on H. Street a total distance of approximately ...i 2000 feet. Councilman Richardson stated that this problem was caused during the planning of President Park, that the original plans were accepted by the F.H.A., but that since that time the F.H.A., is reluctant to authorize the installation of dry wells due to the type of ground, and if not being favorable for drainage --- that the City Engineer recommended to Mr. J. Benjamin Hayes, Albert Balch's Engineer, that for future development, that there be no more dry wells, for the pro— tection of the ^ity of Renton. The City Engineer stated that the storm sewer line is being extended along 8th Avenue north to H. Street by Mr. Albert Balch, and that to satisfactorily serve this area in the future, that the Committee recommended that the proposal that a 15" storm sewer line be installed in this area, as outlined, be investigated and that the matter be referred to the Engineering Department for cost estimates. Moved by Tricrm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, in regard to acceptance of the parking meter bid, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Carried. The City Attorney reported that the City had received good results from the State of Washington Tax Commission in regard to the appeals of the Town of Ephrata and the City of Moses Lake in the matter of the petition for correction of assessment of the City and Town, at a hearing before the Tax Commission of the State of Wash— ington at Olympia on May 31 1954, the Cities of Renton and Bremerton, having a mutual interest -in the subjects under discussion, were represented at the hearing with the specific consent of the taxpayers. (City Clerk, Wiley Crook and Assis— tant City Attorney Gerard Shellan, representing the City of Renton.) That in re— wed gard to the Town of Ephrata and the City of Moses Lakes, the disposition is summarized as follows: 1. Wholesale sales of gravel, pipe and other materials; A. Not subject to Business and Occupation Tax when sold to persons who will use materials in performing contracts for the city. B. Subject to Business and Occupation Tax when sold to persons other than those who willuse such materials in performing contracts for the city. 2. Retail sales of maps, codes, pamphlets, etc.; not subject to Retail Sales Tax or Business and Occupation Tax. 3. Pumping revenue; not subject to Business and Occupation Tax. 4. Gross income from dog pound fees and dog licenses; not subject to Business and Occupation Tax. 5. Gross income from pavement Buts; not subject to Utility Tax or Business and Occupation Tax. 6. Gross income to the city for contracting to construct or improve its own streets, roads, etc., for property owners; not subject to Business and Occupation Tax. 7. Gross income from the rental of nonoperating equipment; not subject to the Business and Occupation Tar,. (Limited to the particular case under consider- ation.) 8. The requirement for an annual accounts receivable adjustment is waived. 9. Gross income from sewer and water connections; subject to Business and Occupation Tax or Public Utility Tax. 10. Gross income from extra water charges for the irrigating of lawns and gardens; subject to the public utility tax. 11. Gross income from turn on and turn off charges; subject to the Public Utility Tax. 12. Gross income from swimming pool. admissions; subject to the Business and Occu- pation Tax. 13. Gross income from opening and closing graves; subject to the Business and Occupation Tax. 14. Retail sale of a water tank by the City of Moses Lake to the Town of Fir- crest; conditionally excluded from Retail Sales Tax. 15. The statute of limitations applies to the past accrued tax liability of the City of Moses Lake on the basis of the particular factual situation. 16. The audit interest and penalties assessed against both taxpayers are waived. As to additional questions presented at the hearing, but not concerning the audits of the Cities of Ephrata and Moses Lake, they hold as follows: 1. The segreation of income from water and sewer services by the use of a percentage estimate will be permitted, provided that any such Aercentage must have the approval of the tax commission in advance of its use. 2. Fixed monthly charges to sewer or water users for the amortization of bonds issued for the constriction of treatment plants or other capital improvements; not subject to Business and Occupation Tax or Public Utility Tax, but only where the exact requirements herein stated are fully complied with. The City Attorney stated that these decisions only benefited the Town of Ephrata and the City of Moses Lake, that it would be necessary for the City of Renton to request similar application of these disposition decisions to their Tax Assessment under question at this time., Moved by Bruce, .seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. (There were *ll. persons ,present besides City of Renton employees.) City Clerk Mayor 116 y m Renton, Washington June 15, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: BRUCE, HEPPENSTALL, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN, MORRIS, WHITE, REID AND TRIMM. On their request for same, moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that Councilman Vietzke be granted a two weeks leave of absence and Councilman Richardson be ex- cused because of illness. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PFESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendents William Gebenini, Airport Manager; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building In- spector; Reuben Miller, temporary Street Commissioner and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of June 8P 10,514 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME _ _ ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 329 200.00 Don Coffield 409 Whitworth siding on garage 330 150.00 Pat B. ?Jalsh 2337 6th Place build up roof 1 50.00 Kenneth Bruce 2322 6th Place if It it 2 100.00 Willis D. Propst 2509 7th N. erect fence 3 150.00 Wedgwood Realty 842 0. Street wire service 4 150.00 n, n 836 0. It III It 5 150.00 " "' 830 0. " it It 6 150.00 " n 824 0. n n n 7 190.00 " " 3512 8th Ave. N. " if ttt� 8 150.00 ;i " 823 0. Street 9 150.00 " 829 0. 340 150.00 if 't' 835 0. 1 150.00 " If 341 G'. " ►r rr 2 150.00 " it 847 0. ": n if 3 150.00 " it 840 N. 4 150.00 it if 834 N. 5 150.00 it n 828 N. 6 150.00 is If; 822 N. tt n n 7 15000 it it 816 N. 8 150.00 of if 810 N. It ►r it 9 15p00 if ,t 804 N. ,t n it 350 150.00 It it 3410 8th Ave. N. " if 1 150.00 It it 805 N. Street if it 2 150.00 It if 811 N. "' if it 3 150.00 it it 817 N. " it n 4 150.00 it "' 823 N. "' it n 5 150,00 it it 829 N. " if if 6 150.00 it it 835 N. " it if , 7 157.00 't it 841 N. n to it 8 100.00 George Delsanto 13003 91st Ave. S. erect porch 9 5,000.00 E. T. Hartman 12825 Rainier Ave. erect building 360 100.00 C. S. Buchholz 2340 .6th Place erect fence 1 75.00 M. Delaurenti 445 Smithers patio & porch 2 300.00 H. F.Jerrue 12203 S.E. 141st St. erect roof over patio 3 100.00 W.M. Shook 121 Garden St. erect .fence 4 1,000.00 C. M. McDonald 104 Main St. remodel house 5 400.00 Esther Potter 320 Meadow St. erect garage 6 100.00 Wm. G. Mathison 635 P. St. erect fence 7 11000.00 Robert L. Edwards 213 Wells St. erect fruit stand 8 200.00 Fred 0, Price 101 Burnett Street wire service 9 100.00 Mrs, J. J. Rauma 129 Wells St. railing on porch 370 100.00 Mrs. Temme Western Hotel repair stairs 117 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NOs, AMOUNT_ NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 371 $ 200.00 John Terry 1532 Marion tile on ceiling 2 300.00 R. H. Morrison 112 N. Wells Wire service PLUMBING PERMITS 207 - Steve Eastman 406 Earlington St. Sewer connection 8 - Lloyd Welsh 119 Rainier Ave. N. install gas tnk Ec pump 9 - H. Sherrick 120 91st Ave. S. install tank 210 - A. J. Carr & N. Nelson 529 Morris St. plumbing service 1 - Louis Scoll 446 Sunset Blvd. W. install furnace 2 - John Boytz 430 Sunset Blvd. W. install furnace A communication was read from Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Courtney, 66 Williams Street, stating that due to the Williams Street bridge having gone out, automobile traffic using "Riverside Drive'," (on the south side of Cedar River between Williams Street and Wells Street) caused heavy dust from the road to settle on their home and several of their neighbor's homes, and requesting Council action to alleviate this condi- tion. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this problem be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Resolution, presented by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, a 5-year contract for furnishing mercury vapor street lighting to the City of Renton as follows: 59- 20,000 lumen (400 watts) Purchaser-owned fixtures on Company-owned poles at $54.00 per lamp per year. 26- 20,000 lumen (400 watts) Purchaser-owned fixtures on Purchaser-owned system at $43.00 per lamp per year. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Resolution be referred to the Light & Power Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. r. A communication was read from the City Engineer in regard to the Williams Street Bridge as follows: June 11, 1954 Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The span of the Williams Street bidge failed and collapsed, at approx- imately 12:40 P.M., Wednesday, June 9, 1954. The collapse of the span dragged the bridge approaches from the abutments and they dropped to the river bank. The bridge was unoccupied at the time of disaster. Observation of the position of the wreckage immediately .after the collapse indicated that the span first failed in the center and then went into complete collapse. This initial observation was corroborated later by an eye witness who stated that the span sagged in the center and then dropped into the river. It is my conclusion that a heavily loaded vehicle, in violation of the load limit, crossed over the bridge unobserved, at least by City em- ployees, and set up a partial failure in the center of the span. The vibration from the regular traiffic combined with the dead load of the � span then resulted in complete failure. There was no visual indication of any change in the structure and we therefore had no warning of the disaster. The partial disruption of gas and water service was restored by evening and the bulk of the wrecked span was cleared from the river channel by noon Thursday. In the emergency, it was necessary to impose "no parking" restrictions on the west side of Wells Street north of Second Avenue. Isl James L. Highton James L. Highton, City Engineer 1 $ 0-3 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the communication be recorded in the per- manent minutes and the contents of the letter be made available for publication for the benefit of the Citizens of the City of Renton, so that they would be in- formed of the actual facts in regard to the Williams Street bridge. Carried. The City Clerk stated that each Councilman had been furnished a copy of a letter to the Mayor and Council from William Gebenini, Airport Manager, together with a copy of the minutes of their to-day's Airport Board meeting and further stated that Mr. William Gebenini was present this evening and could better explain the problem. Mr. Gebenini stated that the letter and report was self-expla.natory, but that to explain the problem confronting the Airport Board, the trouble: centers around boatmen that use the amphibious ramp at the Airport; that to date the week- end count is approximately 200 boats and automobiles per day, and that, there are approximately 40 to 50 automobiles parked at the end of the Airport. Airport Manager William Gebenini stated that the Civil Aeronautics Administration had sent him a letter stating that certain practices have developed over a period of time which affect the safety of operation and the aeronautical utilization of the Renton Muni,ipal Airport, that the C.A.A., had stated that the specific uses which are hazardous and objectionable are, (1) The airport is not a park, and that as a result there are no sanitary facilities for families (adults and children) who are left waiting in cars for the fishermen and sportsmen to come back from fishing and/or boating. (2) That there are no parking facilities there. (3) There is no method of controlling parking. (4) That the operator of the Renton Aviation Company, adjacent thereto, who is trying to dispense gas and operate a plane schedule has to continually watch for people on the runways and in the paths of planes landing and taking off. That the situation gradually became so hazardous that the C.A. A., took action--- that their opinion is that the airport was constructed by the Federal Government and made available to the City of Renton after World 'alar 11 for use as a municipal airport and subsequently the seaplane base and other necessary and functional NEW units on the airport were built by the City of Renton with matching funds from the Federal Government and made available by them to the City of Renton; -that the District Airport Engineer had stated in his letter that the fundamental reason for having an Airport was for the aeronautical utilization of same, and that the Civil Aeronautics Administration had stated that from information made available to them it would appear that proper posting and municipal policing of the Seaplane Base area and the west taxiway would be necessary to completely stop the utilization of the seaplane ramp and the entire north end of the airport as well as the west taxiway by unauthorized automobiles of fishermen and or sportsmen towing boats on trailers, etc. The Airport Manager, William Gebenini, stated that he had been directed by the Airport Board to advise the Council of the particulars on this subject; that it was planned to close the Seaplane Ramp and this area to the pub- lic on July 1, 1954 --- that the proper notices would be posted and published for the benefit of fishermen and boating enthusiasts. Mayor Baxter thanked William Gebenini, Airport Manager, for his explanation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the communication be filed for future reference. Carried. Councilman Trimm stated that the Council should consider the feasibility of the use of the Commercial Waterway property along Cedar River if and when the City ever obtained same. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that the Commercial Water- way property along Cedar River was all located within the City limits of the City of Renton; that the use of the river was limited in that it would be necessary for boats to go under the bridge to get to the outlet of Cedar River into Lake Washington; that small boats could go under the bridge but that to allow the larger boats access to Lake Washington from Cedar River, it would be necessary i.rd to employ the assistance o£ barges to open the bridge. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that at the meeting of the Council as a Whole, a thorough discussion of the Williams Street bridge problem was discussed; that the Street & Alley Committee had previously studied and considered the proposal of a new bridge at this location and that it was the recommendation of the Council as a Whole that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer to make a complete study as to the proper type of bridge for this location and that a Consulting Engineer be contacted to draft specifications and plans for same and report back to the Council, also that the Finance Committee study the problem of the manner of financing the construction. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. As per the suggestion of Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, Mayor Baxter stated that nominations were in order for the Council to elect a Councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of former Councilman Francis Farmer. Council— man Bruce nominated former Councilman Steve Tamborini stating that his integrity was beyond reproach, his past record of work was excellent and that these quali— fications together with his experience, willingness and cooperation, plus the fact that he was the next high man to the Councilmen elected on the general election bal— lot, made Councilman Tamborini his choice as Councilman. There being no other nominations, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for the election of Steve Tamborini as Councilman. The City Clerk, Wiley Crook, cast a unanimous ballot for Steve Tamborini to fill the unexpired term of Francis Farmer, resigned. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to notify Councilman Tamborini of his election to the office of Councilman. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee, stated that the Finance Comm— ittee recommended that funds, not to exceed $1500.00 be used from Cumulative Fund No. 1184 to defray the expense of preliminary engineering on the new Williams Street bridge so the construction of the bridge will not be unnecessarily delayed, that the City Engineer had informed the Committee that in his opinion, the cost of the pre— liminary engineering would not exceed $ 1500.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce Chairman of the Property Committee, requested a meeting with the Waterway Commission, as soon as the other Property Committee members have been appointed. Mayor Baxter stated that all the Committee members will be appointed soon, now that the Council vacancy is filled, and that the next meeting of the Waterway Commission is scheduled for Monday night, June 21st at 8:00 P.M., in a room in the City Hell. Councilman Bruce requested that all Councilmen who can conveniently do so, attend this meeting, and also stated that he would like the City Attorney to be present. Ir.. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Max Hayes, a representative of the King County Health Department, who the Council had requested to attend a Council meeting. Mr. Hayes stated that he was glad to attend this Council meeting and that if the Council so desired, would be glad to attend whenever requested, or at least one meeting per month. Mr. Hayes stated that he had brought a recap of the Renton Sanitation ac— tivities, which were a part of the function of the King County Health Department; that the King County Health Department was also in charge of vital statistics (ie., registration of births and deaths) and nursing care in the area; that information was not available this month as to the pro—rated costs of each, but that this in— formation could be obtained by coding same in the future, at least once a month. Mr. Hayes reported that from the period from November, 1953 through May, 1954, that they had made a total of 108 inspections, including rest homes, farms, fountains, food manufacturing houses, meat .� fish stores and bakeries, that they had also made inspection reports of complaints of conditions in private homes on request. Mr. Haves further stated that their offices are in the Highlands and that he would be glad to meet with the Sanitation Committee at their convenience. Mayor Baxter and Councilman Reid thanked Mr. Hayes for attending the meeting and stated that they were glad to meet him and to have him attend the meeting. Councilman Trimm reported that on request of the City Engineer, he would like to have a meeting of the Fire & Water Committee as soon as the Committees are appoint— ed, that there were many problems that they would like to discuss. Mayor Baxter stated that Councilman Trimm should call on former Fire & Water Committee members to act on the Fire & Water Committee until the new Committees are appointed. fMayor Baxter informed the City Clerk that the former Finance Committee members, Heppenstall and Hansen, should act with Chairman Vern Morris on the Finance and Claims Committee to sign vouchers until the new Committee members are announced. Councilman Reid requested Council consideration of the condition of the power system in Cedar River Park stating that the transformers in the Park are overloaded and that the City has no transformers available to replace them should they require re— placement, and further requested Council study and consideration of the City's requirements in regard to same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council i 120 y concur in the report of Councilman Reid, and the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee for investigation and a report back. On the question, Councilman Trimm stated that a study should be made of the ownership of the power system with- in Cedar River Park, and the feasibility of the City's future ownership of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company properties in and adjacent to the City of Renton in view of the fact that the matter of the City of Renton proceeding with their con- demnation suit. Councilman Morris stated that in his opinion, if the power system is acquired by the City, the City would be responsible for the maintenance if it was re- tained by the Power Company, the Power Company would be responsible for the main- tenance. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Thursday evening, June 17th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Reid stated that he would arrange a meeting of the Light & Power Comm- ittee soon. Councilman Bruce stated that the problem of the public abuse of the restroom facilities at the Sweet Center building in Liberty Park had been called to his attention this evening and that as soon as the Committeeswere appointed that the Property Committee would report their recommendations in regard to same that con- siderable repair work should be done to put this building in a satisfactory con- dition. Councilman Reid reported that the Traffic Division of the Police Department should be complimented for their traffic control at the intersection of 2nd Avenue, Main Street and Bronson Way, that vehicular traffic was very well taken care of, that if the Council could find a possible means of financing the hiring of traffic patrolmen at this and other vital intersections, that this would be a very fine thing. Councilman Swift stated that if it were satisfactory to the Council, the Street & Alley Committee would discuss this problem at their meeting on Thursday evening. Moved by Reid, sewnded by Trimm, that the problem be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, to take up with the Traffic Division of the Police Department, for study and consideration on Thursday evening. Carried. Mrs. Ole Lee, E-12, Cedar River Park was informed by the Mayor and Council that additional public parking areas, besides parallel street narking, was available for all the residents of Cedar River Park and also that the parking area south- west of the City Hall was available in the evening. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented; PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 1491-1647 27,227.02 CLAIMS CURRENT 1939-1945 36,'786.05 CLAIMS WATER 9018-9023 14,374.75 CLAIMS STREET 6595-6598 1^,074,08 CLAIMS PARK 1862-1866 4,322.82 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2774-2775 1,773.72 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1789-1794 5,777.70 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2510-2515 4,498.23 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 76-103 1,060.76 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 325-407' 10,646.97 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEF. FU14D 527-528 :166.70 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1182 56 - CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1183 398 — CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1184 440 '943.77 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 133-134 250.00 r� Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. "serried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were six persons present besides City of Menton employees. ) City Clerk V� Mayor 121 Renton, Washington June 22, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton -City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Dr, White was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Superinten— dent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Steve Tamborini, having been unanimously elected to the position of Councilman, to fill the unexpired term of Francis Farmer, resigned, on the request of Mayor Baxter the City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and Councilman Tamborini took his place as Councilman. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of June 15, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 373 $ 100.00 Lewis M. Livingston 3704 7th Ave. No. erect fence 4 100.00 C. M. Bear 15301 Marion enclose carport 5 250.00 Mrs. Nellie Rice 426 Cedar St, remodel house 6 400.00 I. W. Clifford 815 E. Street erect garage 7 700.00 Gordon Henderson 512 Windsor Place remodel house 8 129000.00 First Amer. Corp. 913 N. Street erect residence 9 71000.00 "' If if 3321 17th Ave. N. " If 380 10,000.00 if it, nr 3315 10th Ave. N. If of ... 1 10,000.00 If If, it 3309 10th Ave. N. it it 2 123P000.00 " If " 3303 10th Ave. N. it 3 102000.00 If " It 3227 10th Ave. N. 4 9,000.00 r' if it 3221 10th Ave. N. 5 9,000.00 If if If 3215 10th Ave. N. 6 10,000.00 If It it 3209 10th Ave. N. r' If 7 1.2,000.00 it it if 912 M. St. it n 9 91000.')0 tt If It 3208 9th Place N. tr If 390 10,000.00 " If If 3214 9th Place. N. it " 1 12,000.00 " It If 3220 9th Place. N. it it 2 9,000.00 If It it 3226 9th Place. N. it It 3 12,000.00 " if if 3302 9th Place. N. If it 4 10,000.00 If If If 3308 9th Place. N. it It 5 7,000.00 " " it3314 9th Place, N. If it 6 7,000.00 it, it 3320 9th Place N. It 7 12,'300.00 If n " 903 N. St, n If 8 12,000.00 If If n 853 N. St. " it 9 7,000.00 If If is 3321 9th Place N. If " 400 7,000.00 If It If 3315 9th Place N, If " 1 9,000.00 it, it it 3309 9th Place N. It it 2 10,000.00 it it it 3303 9th Place N. if If 3 9,000.00 it If If 3227 9th Place N. If n 4 10,000.00 if If it 3221 9th Place N. " rt 5 9,000.00 it If it 3215 9th Place N. Ott " 6 10,000.00 it it " 3209 9th Place N. If " �. 7 10,000.00 it If If 852 M. St. n n 8 200.00 James A. Stuazd 1013 E. Street House foundation 9 300.00 Ernie Martin 221 Factory St, reroof residence 410 800.00 Carl Pedersen 117 Burnett St. siding on house 1 100.00 Leonard Leigh, Jr. 634 O. Street erect fence 2 1,000.00 Edgar Gagosian 3724 7th Ave. N. remodel house 3 250.00 Iry Chapman 2238 6th Ave. N. pave driveway 4 100.00 G. W. Hannus 652 "G" Street erect fence 5 1,000.00 Fred Zevard 345 Meadow St. remodel house 6 800.00 Steve Minaglia 227 Meadow remodel house *388 12,000.00 First Amer. Corp. 902 M. Street erect residence. 122 cc y 7 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 417 300.00 Lester Turcott 924 D. St. erect garage S 100.00 Earl Conlow 12227 141 St. S.E. build steps 9 500.00 Vernal C. Norine 110 Williams St, remodel house 420 100.00 Paul Snook 642 Morris St. wire service 1 3,900.00 Tradewell Store 710 2nd Avenue install neon sign 2 200.00 Rainier Ice Co. 6004 Airport Way pave driveway 3 350.00 Fred Moss 1502 Marion St. reroof house PLUMBING PERMITS 213 — — L. E. Van Auken 725 Jones St. sewer connection 4 — — C. M. Bear 15301 Marion sewer connection 5 — — Tradewell Stores 710 2nd Ave. plumbing fixtures 6 — — Bob Edwards 441 Sunset Blvd. sewer connection 7 — — Earlington Grocery 504 5th Ave. W. install furnace g — — Gus Saari 95 Williams furnace & 0. tank 9 — — John Bertagni 446 N. Wells install furnace The City Clerk read a communication from Rosamond Davis, Manager of the lunch room in the City Hall Building known as "The Pantry" requesting Council approval of the sale of her lunch room equipment and transfer of the lease of same to Mrs. Ralph Holmes of 704 C. Street in the Highlands, further stating that she had an agreement with Mrs. Holmes to this effect. A communication was read from Mrs. Ralph Holmes, 704 C. Street, Renton Highlands, confirming the agreement and further stating her past record of em— ployment in and about Renton. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee stated that in his opinion Mrs. Davis should be congratulated as she had done a fine job in building up the business and serving the public and that he was sorry that her health would not permit her to carry on; also, that he was familiar with Mrs. Holmes request and that he knew Mrs. Holmes to be honest, dependable, well qualified and fully capable of taking over the lunch room. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the request and the transfer of lease and sale of equip— ment to Mrs. Ralph Holmes be allowed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the motion be amended that the requests be referred to the Property Committee for investi— gation and with power to act, and that the Committee report back to the Council their now action, when completed. The amendment carried. The motion as amended then carried. A communication was read from Commercial Waterway District #2 re dissolution of same, stating that the last Legislature amended the law regarding the dissolution of water- way district to such an extent that in the event that Commercial Waterway District No. 2, of which Renton forms the chief portion, does dissolve, by permission of the court all the assets may be turned over to the City of Renton, for little, ox no, cost; that it was found that the majority of the citizens of the City of Renton were in favor of the idea of preserving the banks of Cedar River which flows .for approx— imately a mile through the City, for the future welfare of the City of Renton for parkways and boulevards; that at this time rental revenues from the waterway property from the railroad bridge to the mouth of the river produce yearly revenue of approx— imately $1500.00, as well as other advantages; that the Comm;-ssioners of Commercial Waterway District #2 had initiated the amendment making it possible for -the City to acquire nearly all the assets by filing a petition in court and showing -to the court j the desirability of transferring said assets to the City; that at the last election the voters had favored dissolution and that the Commissioners of Commercial Waterway District No. 2 are prepared to petition the court for such dissolution, if it is determined that the City of Renton desires to take over its assets. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that he had met with Councilman Swift, Morris and Tamborini and the City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, and that the Committee felt that the Commercial Waterway property would be of considerable value to the City of Renton and recommended that the Council go on record as favoring a Resolution of Intent and that the City Attorney be requested to draft the necessary Resolution for acquisition of Commercial Waterway District #2. Moved by Morris, seconded by NEW Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. In regard to the question of a "state of emergency" in regard to flood control of Cedar River, the City Attorney stated that until an actual emergency arose, it would be impossible to tell whether the Federal Government would furnish either emergency or matching funds, but that in his opinion, from past Government action, in case of emergency, that it would appear that the City would be eligible. A request for a non—conforming permit was read from F.C. Ausman, 129 Garden Street stating that due to the shape of his lot, and his needs, it is difficult for him to _.. ,fir 3 comply with the building code; that he requests permission to erect a small house on the rear of his property (for his aged mother and aunt to reside in) without having the same connected by breezeways. The Assistant City Engineer informed the Council that this property is zoned R2 which permits duplex buildings, but does not permit two houses on one lot — — that an additional utility building could be erected, but same must be connected to the main building by a breezeway. On the recommendation of the Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, moved by Richardson, sec— onded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer, submitting a petition for annexation of an area of approximately 25 acres, statim that the area is bounded on the north by S.E. 125th Street (5th North) on the south by S.E. 128th Street, and on the west by 116th Avenue S.E. (E. Street) , on the east by 119th Avenue S.E. (Renton Avenue) from the northeast corner approximately one—half of the total length of the area to be annexed, plus the King County gravel pit area ad— jacent to 119th Ave., S.E., (Renton Ave.) bounded on the east by 120th Avenue S.E. (Center Avenue.) lying between Windsor Hills and the Renton Highlands, further stating that the matter of annexing the larger portion of this property was submitted to the Council previously by the Board of County Commissioners, who had approved same; that the petition by Council action had been referred to the Planning Comm— ission for their recommendation; that after approval on April 15th 1952 by the Planning Commission and on recommendation of the Council same evening, said petition was referred back to the Planning Commission with an inquiry to see if they want to include the entire area shown on the map, presented by the King County Commissioners, not now included in the City limits, rather than just the gravel pit area; that the petition presented this evening includes all of this area. The City Clerk read the petition for annexation of the above property described as follows: "Blocks 1 and 6, and lots 1,2,9 and 10 and the south 2 of lots 3 and 8 of block 7, together with SE 125th Street (Bile Street) between the east margin of 116th Avenue S.E., and east margin of 119th Ave., S.E. (Renton Ave.) ; also 117th Ave., S.E., (Lakeview Avenue) and 119th Avenue S.E., (Renton Avenue) between the north margin of S.E. 128th Street, (Pine Street) and the north margin of S.E. 125th Street (Bile Street) ; also 120th Avenue S.E. (Center Avenue)between the north margin of S.E. 128th Street (Pine Street) and a line east and west through the center of Blocks 7 and 12, all in Rainier Acres recorded in volume 14, page 21, records of King County together with S.E. 128th Street, between the east margin of 116th Avenue S.E., extended south and centerline of 132nd Avenue S.F.., extended south." The petitioners, Ernest J. Tonda, 12512 116th Avenue, S.E., who was the first signer, Charles Swartfager, Sophia Plute & Robert J. Wixom, Jr., state that they are the owners of not less than 75% in value of the property proposed for annexation accord— ing to assessed valuation for general taxation of the property described. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the petition be referred to the Planning Comm— ission for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. Robert J. Evoy, requesting street lighting on Fourth Place in front of his new medical offices, as this street is very dark at night; that in view of the fact that an adjacent office has been burglarized,. and owing to the particular type of medicines kept in their offices they are concerned as to a similar happening. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee for their investigation and a report back. Carried. A petition was read from Leida E. Snyder, 12634 124th Street South, requesting that her corner property which faces on S.E. 128th Street, and extends 300 feet north on M. Street be rezoned for business; that she would like permission to build a modern service station and garage at this intersection, S. E. 128th Street and M. Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the rezoning request be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting the description of the Northern Pacific right—of—way (on the west side of the Northern Pacific tracks, extending approximately 880 feet southerly from Cedar River,) as follows: "A strip of land 201 wide in the NEf of Sec. 18, Twp 23 N. R 5 E W.M., situated in the City of menton, Wash., more particularly described as follows: The westerly 201 of the N.P. railway right—of—way in said Sec. 18, bounded on the north by the south line of the Commercial Waterway No. 2 and on the south by a line drawn 34.51 north of and parallel to the south line of Lot 10, B1. 4, of the Motor Line Addition to the City of Renton, Washington recorded in Volume 9, Page 50, records of King County, 124 Washington. Said strip lying north of a 23' strip of land deeded to the City of Renton in Northern Pacific Railway document W-5276." The City Engineer stated that this right—of—way was being used as a public alley and that the Northern Pacific Railway Company had notified the City of Renton of this unauthorized use; that it was his understanding that the Northern Pacific Rail— way Company would release this strip of right—of—way to the City of Renton for pub— lic use upon petition by Council resolution. (Minutes of May 4, 1954.) With the information from Councilman Richardson that this matter had been discussed at the last Street & Alley Committee meeting and that he believed Councilman Swift was prepared to report re same, on request of Mayor Baxter Councilman Swift, stated that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that the City of Renton acquire this right—of—way; that during a previous discussion the matter of obtain— ing sufficient property for the City's use was contingent on obtaining a portion of Valley Fuel Company's property, but that it had been determined that, for the City's automotive use, the Northern Pacific right—of—way property would, be suffic— ient, and further recommended that the City Attorney's office be authorized to pre— pare the necessary resolution to acquire same. Moved by Trimm, seconded! by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried.. A letter of thanks was read from the Naval Supply Depot, Seattle, signed by Captain J. W. Crumpacker, Commanding Officer, Committee Member, for permission to sell Navy Relief Carnival tickets in the City of Renton, and stating that the Navy Relief Fund was greatly increased. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, requesting permission to exhibit a display of antique and modern firearms and war equipment; any money raised by their exhibit (voluntary contributions) is to be used for general welfare and hospital work among their combat wounded veterans and their families. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that permission be granted under jurisdiction of the Police Department and that this organization be notified to contact the Police Department direct as to location. Carried. The City Clerk read an application for a building permit from the Puget; Sound Power & Light Company to erect a utility sub—station at the corner of 132nd and the Cemetery Road (S.E. 128th Street.) On the advice of Walt Will, Assistant City Eng— ineer, that this property was not zoned for such use, and should be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the advice of the Assistant City ••• Engineer. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Valley Cities meeting in the City Hall the next evening, Wednesday, June 23rd. Mayor Baxter advised all Councilmen who would be available to attend this meeting as many worthwhile subject would be discussed and that also there would be election of officers for the coming term. The City Clerk read offers to supply consulting engineering services from Cecil C. Arnold and Harry R. Powell and Associates, for the design (planning anal construct— ion of a new Williams Street bridge. Mr. Homer Hadley, former consulting engineer for the Logan Street bridge, from the audience, offered his consulting engineer— ing services also for the new Williams Street bridge. Councilman Swift reported that the committee had met with two Consulting Engineers, that they did not know that Mr. Harry R. Powell or Mr. Homer Hadley would submit offers; that the Committee was impressed with Mr. Cecil C. Arnold's ability and on the basis of his recommen— dation from other firms and his past record of work, recommended that the City of Renton acquire the services of Mr. Cecil C. Arnold for the preparation of a pre— liminary design together with a preliminary estimate of cost for the new Williams Street bridge. Moved by Trimm) seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported that he had received a wire from the American Municipal Association in answer to the City's request for assistance in the passae of HR- 5605 and Senate Bill S-2473 to make Government—owned industrial properties sub— ... ject to local taxation or payments in lieu of taxes; that the American Municipal Association recommended that both bills be combined under one tile (HR--5605) with two titles: 1. That which is now contained in S-2473 and 11. That which is now contained in HR-5605 as it is thought that this may facilitate passage of both bills, which as so combined would afford the needed relief, and that letters to this effect be forwarded immediately to Senators Magnuson and Jackson; that he had received other wires from Congressmen and that they would continue in their efforts to have this Senate Bill pass. 1. 5 The City Clerk read a copy of letters prepared by the City Attorney to Senators Henry M. Jackson and Warren G. Magnuson in compliance with the recommendation from Thn .American Municipal Association. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the American Municipal Corporation and the Mayor be authorized to send the two letters. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Central Labor Council and the Chamber of Commerce be fur— nished a copy of the above referred to letters for their information. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had determined and approved the estimated cost of the two traffic signals, which had previously been approved by Council action, for the intersection. of 3rd Avenue and Burnett Street, would be $1,584.59. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the report of the Light & Power Committee and the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee to determine from what funds the lights would be paid for. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Light & Power Committee more time in regard to a report on an additional transformer for Cedar River Park. Councilman Richardson reported that he would take up the proposed dog ordinance, which had been read at the June 8th Council meeting, with the two new Ordinance Committee members at a meeting of his Committee Tuesday, June 29th at 7:30 P.M., and that he would bring this matter on the floor at the next Council meeting. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed the matter of traffic officers being stationed at the busy intersections and that it was the unanimous opinion of the Committee and the Traffic Division of the Police Department that although having an officer at an intersection greatly assists the traffic problem at the particular corner, it has a tendency to cause traffic con— gestion at the intersections at either side; that the Police Department will station traffic officers at congested intersections whenever it is needed as far as the present budget will allow. The matter of the correct description of "Dunker cars" and the Police Department's authority as to the removal of abandoned cars on certain streets in the City of Renton, other than main travelled streets, was referred to the City Attorney and Chief of Police for further investigation. The City Attorney informed the Council that they had not received any information from the King County Commissioners regarding the vacation of certain portions of street in newly annexed properties under the control of King County, ie "the east 30 feet of the west half of Sec. 9, T 23 N. R. 5 E.W.M., (on 124th Ave., S.F.,) and the north 30 feet of the N.W. 14 of the N.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1A of Sec. 9, Twp 23 N. R. 5 E. W.M., (on S.E. 112th Street.") Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee had been asked for a clarification of City of Renton holidays and reconsideration of Ordinance No. 1377 as it applies to same. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee requested a meeting of the Property Committee immediately following this evening's Council meeting for con— sideration of Mrs. Ralph (Dora) Holmes taking over the lease and operation of The Pantry in the City Hall building. Councilman Trimm requested a meeting of the Fire & Water Committee, Monday evening, June 28th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Richardson requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to discuss problems re the proposed new dog ordinance, with Ralph Rutledge, the dog catcher, Tuesday evening, June 29th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Swift .requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, City Engineer and Traffic Division of the Police Department, Thursday evening, June 24th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Swift reported that the dust condition on Riverside Drive would be taken care of by oiling, as soon as possible, and that the City Clerk's office be requested to notify Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Courtney, 66 Williams Street, who had re— quested action, of the Committee's report. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police & License Committee, Monday evening, June 28th at 8:00 P.M. 126 Mr. Dan Huntington, from the audience (who does not own a boat) , stated that he did not approve of the complete prohibiting of the use of the seaplane ramp to fishermen and boating enthusiasts, that he felt if stricter restrictions were placed on the use of this ramp and adjacent area, and that if these restrictions were rigidly enforced that satisfactory arrangements could be made for the benefit of sportsmen. Mr. Huntington was informed that this problem is between the Civil Aeronautics Administration and the Airport Board, not the City of Renton; that the matter of a ramp or some other satisfactory arrangements for sportsmen to launch and retrieve their boats had been referred to the Property Committee at the last Council meeting. Mayor Baxter thanked Mr. Huntington for his protest of the dis— continuance of the use of the seaplane ramp by sportsmen. The City Clerk recommended that the City Attorney and City Clerk contact the Excise Tax Commission Office or Mr. Bernard who had made the delinquent excise tax report on the City of Renton to review the action of the Commission in regard to delinquent taxes, as applied to the cases of the town of Ephrata and the City of Moses Lake and compare same to the City of Renton, so that a procedure could be established for the payment of these taxes on a bi—monthly basis in the future. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the City Clerk. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced Councilmen Steve Tamborini and Vern Morris as the Cedar River Park Housing Authority representatives for the next 6 months period, .June 1, through December 31, 1954, inclusive. The City Clerk was requested to notify the Housing Authority of the appointment of these two Councilmen to the Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 ?. M. (There were 6 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) �Ij City Clerk rl Mayor 127 Renton, Washington June 29th 1954 A special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, VIETZKE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL, BRUCE, TAMBORINI and WHITE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney and Wiley Crook, City Clerk. Others present were: Tom Dobson, Chairman of the Housing Authority Board of Directors and Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Renton. The meeting was called for the purpose of hearing the reasons for increasing rentals in the Cedar River Project by the Cedar River Housing Authority. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Cedar River Housing Authority, explained that the Housing Authority in the Highlands had increased their rentals as of September 1, 1953) 10.7%. By the direction of the Federal Government as under the Lanham Act, rentals for War Housing are supposed to be comparable to privately owned housing units of the same nature and quality in the area. Mr. Humble further stated that the Highlands Housing Authority had orders to increase rentals again by 10.1% in order to keep same comparable to rentals of privately owned housing units of similar nature. Councilman Bruce inquired of Mr. Humble in regard to the status of rentals in the Cedar River Project and was informed that rentals at the present time were the same as they had been for several years and had not been increased at the time rentals in the Highlands Project were, September 1, 1953. Mr. Humble further stated that the Directors of the Cedar River Housing Project intended to increase rentals by 10% effective as of August 1, 19540 and that any new tenants coming into the project during July would pay the increased rentals as of the time their occupancy was arranged. Mr. Tom Dobson, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Housing Authority explained the reasons that the Board of Directors of the Cedar River Housing Authority con— sidered it necessary to increase rentals, that the Board of Directors did not feel that it was the wish of the City Council to subsidize the tenants of Cedar River Park by allowing them exceedingly low rental at the expense of the rest of the citizens of the City. Councilman Heppenstall requested information in regard to whether any consideration is given to the amount of income of tenants in determining their rental rates. Mr. Humble informed him that under the present operation of Cedar River Park, the rental for all similar units was uniform and that the management did nothing to determine the income of the tenants and therefore could only charge uniform rentals. Councilman Vietzke requested information from Mr. Humble in regard to the method of vacation of temporary units in the Highlands Housing Project. Mr. Humble explained that the Housing Authority is working out a plan in regard to demolition of the temporary housing when and as approved by the Government. Mr. Tom Dobson explained that the rentals remained the same during the war when rentals were frozen, but that since controls had been removed privately owned housing units it would be unfair to private enterprise to subsidize large housing projects by keeping rentals lower than rentals on privately owned housing units. Mr. Dobson further explained the method that adjusted rentals might be granted to tenants under certain classifications so far as their incomes are concerned and explained the difficulties of putting into effect adjusted rentals, stating that where adjusted rentals are used they should be held to a minimum and only be granted where they are definitely needed. Councilman Trimm gave his views on the vacation of Housing units and demolition of same, when the need for them has ceased to exist. Councilman Bruce stated that it was his under— standing that Cedar River Housing Project was to be used as such for a period not to exceed from three to five years. Mr. Humble stated that maintenance of the units in the project was being carried on to conform to that plan, which is to keep the units tenable for that period of time. The members of the Council having received the information and statistics which Mr. Humble and Mr. Dobson wished to present to them, discussed the feasibility of ad— journing. Councilman Bruce, Tamborini and Trimm were of the opinion that a vote should be taken to determine the Council's attitude in regard to the raise in rentals of the Cedar River Housing Project units and a motion was made by Bruce, seconded by 128 Tamborini, that the City Council instruct the Board of Directors of the Cedar River Housing Authority not to raise the rentals in the Cedar River Housing Project. The motion lost. On a request for a roll call vote, same was taken with the following results: Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; White, No; Vietzke, No; Swift, No; Delaurenti, No; Heppenstall, No; Bruce, Aye and Tamborini, Aye. There were six "No's" and three "Aye's", as a matter of record. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned,at 9:30 P.M. 4� "uw�y City Clerk v� Mayor now Renton, Washington July 6, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. (Councilman Heppenstall being on vacation was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ernie Isackson, Captain, Police Department; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Assistant Street Commissioner; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of June 22nd and the special meeting of June 29th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 424 $1,750.00 Emmon Beil 247 Pelly Street Remodel residence 5 450.00 C. Dullahant 1326 Beacon pave driveway 6 250.00 Charles 6hane 2508 8th Ave. install parking lot 7 400.00 A. H. Rutherford 120 Harris Place install driveway 8 11000.00 George A. Wilkins 210 5th Ave. W. addIn on house 9 500.00 C. A. Heilman 639 H. Street add'n on house 430 75.00 Wm. H. Weber 12011 Third Ave. extend garage 1 100.00 Carlton Crippen 8905 S. 131st St. electric service 2 100.00 Rainier Ice. Co. Maple Valley Road wire service 3 190.00 L. H. Burnham 82 Williams Street pave driveway 4 50.00 Louis R. Grinnell 658 P. Street erect fence 5 300.00 Roy E. Carlson 911 F. Street install fireplace ..� 6 100.00 Fred 0. Price 101 Burnett St. install sidewalk 7 100.00 William Weigelt 674 A. St. erect fence 8 275.00 T. W. Vow 251 Meadow Street reroof building 9 350.00 Dan Schuster 13008 S. 90th install bulkhead 440 250.00 Ethel MacDonald 211 Park Ave. wire service PLUMBING PERMITS 220 - - Emmon Beit 247 Pelly St. Plumbing fixtures 1 - - Umberto Barei 227 Wells St. gas installation 2 - - Bob Edwards 441 Sunset Blvd. plumbing fixtures 3 - - Clyde McDonald 104 Main St. plumbing fixtures 4 - - Cochran Hardware 331 Wells St. gas installation 5 - - William Brokaw 8801 S. 126th plumbing fixtures 6 - - Fred L. ?ufelt 2116 8th Place install furnace The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer submitting a proposal from Mr. Robert L. Edwards, of Wallin-Edwards, Inc., for installation of a part of a water system to serve the newly annexed area west of Rainier Avenue, stating that the pipe sizes as shown are adequate for the improvement, but that he has not had the opportunity to check the legality of the proposal - - that the plat of the Addition (Woody Glen) had not been approved as yet by the Planning Commission, so that 84th Avenue South (extended) is as yet privately owned; that the area is badly in need of an adequate water system and in the opinion of the City Engineer, the proposal warrants consideration. The City Clerk read the communication from Mr. Edwards to the City .Engineer, stating that due to their need of adequate water in the, new addition, in lieu of the double expense of a 2" line at this time, which would serve their needs, and an 8" line, which would be required later to serve the entire area, they propose to install an 8" line from the Seattle water main at 84th Avenue South to the entrance of the addition at 132nd Avenue and 85th Avenue South, _ and a 4" line on into the addition, approximately 1050 feet; at the new addition (Woody Glen) they propose to install 411 lines the length of South 124th and South 126th, connected along 88th Place South with an 8" line — — that temporarily they would tap the Seattle line with only a small tap and the Bonnell system at the new addition (Woody Glen) to fill the water requirements until the L.I.D., is completed and ready for operation — — that these mains could either be sold to the L.I.J., or trensferred to them in lieu of assessments on their property and requesting Council n approval and/or assurance that Wallin—Edwards permanent part of the system would be reimbursible at the time the overall system is paid for either by cash;, or by credit against the assessments on their property. On the recommendation of the City Engineer that the proposed plat of the new addition (Woody Glen) had been referred to the Planning Commission at the October b, 1953 Council meeting and no report and/or recommendation being received from the Commission, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this proposal be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for study and to determine the approximate cost of proposed improvemento until the Council receives a recommendation or report back from the Planning Commission. The City Attorney informed the Council that the proposed 8" line would only serve a small portion (Woody Glen Addition) of the newly annexed property, but that the proposed L.I.J., would take care of the water supply needs of the entijlre annexed area. The motion carried. The City Clerk read the appointments by Mayor Baxter of Marvin L. Sherertz and George C. Banasky, who have served their b months probationary period satisfactory, as Captains in the Renton Fire Department on permanent status, effective July 10 1954, Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Mayor Baxter. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer in regard to the growth and development of the City and the increasing demand for expansion of sewer and water facilities to provide said service; that the City has installed some of these facil— ities, or permitted them to be installed, with the result that properties in the vicinity have the privilege of use without cost, except service connection charges; that it is the City Engineer's opinion that it is not equitable or economical to continue this practice and suggests that the Council consider legislation by ordin— ance, whereas property owners shall pay a proportionate share of installation costs on a schedule to be included in the ordinance, that in his opinion such legislation is essential in view of the City's revenue bond indebtedness. Moved by Reid, second— ed by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, City Engin— eer and Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Cecil C. Arnold, Professional Engineer, in regard to the Williams Street bridge, enclosing copies of a proposed agreement between the City of Renton and Mr. Arnold, whose services for the preparation of a pre— liminary design together with a preliminary estimate of cost, had been approved at the June 22nd Council meeting, relative to engineering services for the Williams Street bridge. Mr. Arnold also enclosed copies of the suggested Proposal Form, Contract and Bond for the contemplated Williams Street bridge construction contractp requesting legal counsel review same, and stating that these documents, as approved by counsel, will be included in the Special Provisions accompanying the contract plans; that with further reference to the Plans and Specifications, suggests that the Council adopt by Ordinance, the State of Washington Department of Highways' Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction dated April 1948 and amended December, 1953, as applies to subject bridge. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the communication and proposed agreement be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and City Attorney for consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he had a report from the Pacific Northwest Company relative to the issuance of additional Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds for the 1954 Construction Program. Mr. James G. Frazer of the Pacific Northwest Company stated that this matter could be discussed later at a meeting of the Council as a Whole, after other information and material that had been prepared had been studied by this Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the report from the Pacific Northwest Company be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further study later this evening. Carried. A report of proposed consulting engineering fees for the 1954 Revenue Bond Proj— ects was read from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, as follows: (in brief) 1. Replacement of the pipeline between Talbot Reservoir and Bronson, Way. '"" (Type II Project) FEE — 10% of construction cost, including resident inspection during construction. 2. Construction of the steel water tank with pipeline connection to the system. (Type I Project) FEE — Normal Fee Schedule, or 9.25% of construction cost, including re— sident supervision of construction. 3. Reconstruction in the Springb rook area (indefinite nature) FEE - Time & Expense basis, Sec. B of Normal Fee Schedule. (If work handled by contract, Type II schedule.) 4. Revision of the Shattuck Street sewage lift station. (Type II Project.) FEE - Normal Fee Schedule. The City Clerk read the proposed Agreement for Professional Civil Engineering Services by and between the City of Renton and Richard E. Wolff, Civil Engineer, as submitted by Mr. Wolff, as follows: (in brief) 1. The Engineer agrees to furnish the City of Renton professional civil engineering services for any and/or all improvements as outlined in Water & Sewer Improvement Plan, Bond Issue of 1954. 2. Engineer further agrees, that with reasonable notice, he will assume responsibility of providing engineering services for other improve- ments that the City may plan. 3. Engineer is not bound, under this agreement, to exclude his services to other agencies, but agrees to devote such time as is found necessary for the proper performance of all work for which he is retained by the City. 4. The City agrees to pay the Engineer for services rendered at the rate and in the manner provided for in the fee schedule, included herein and made a part of the agreement. 5. Agreed between the City and Engineer, that payment for projects not included in the schedule of improvements, be made in the manner and in the amount agreed upon in advance. 6. Engineer agrees, upon termination of employment and payment therefore, to deliver to the City copies of all plans, records and engineering data, pertinent to all completed and planned projects. 7. Agreement shall commence- as of the date of signing and shall terminate on set date, providing that either party may terminate agreement by giving 30 days written notice prior to date of termination. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the report of proposed con- sulting engineering fees for the 1954 Revenue Bond Projects by Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, together with the proposed Agreement for Mr. Wolff-- Pro- fessional Civil Engineering Services, be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and City Attorney for study and consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Gene L. Coulon, Superintendent of Parks and Rec- reation, reporting that at the Park Board meeting of June 24th, he was requested to forward the Park BoardIs recommendation concerning the Mother's Park area as follows: "That the City investigate the possibilities of acquiring more desirable park property to be exchanged for Mothers Park property, excluding cer- tain described property briefly described as follows: "bounded on the south by 6th Avenue North, on the west by Pelly Street (extended) , on the east by Park Avenue, and extending northerly to include Radio Station KLAN. , but exclusive of private property on the southeast corner, 107.6 feet by 185 feet. " Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the communication be referred to the �. Property Committee and City Attorney to obtain certain necessary information from Mr. Mel Scanlon, Great Northern Railway Company Representative. Carried, Councilman Bruce stated, that in his opinion, the matter of a permit for a new tower, to be installed by Radio Station KLAN., be held pending further in- formation from the Committee. In regard to the City of Renton acquiring Seattle right-of-way property in Mothers Park, the City Engineer will furnish the required description to the City Attorney for his use in said negotiations. 132 y A copy of a communication was read from the City Attorney's Office to the -Dual Parking Meter Company re the number of parking meters in the recent contract, ie. , 11375 more or less", not "not less than 420 nor more than 475". An answer from the Dual Parking Meter Company, signed by J. S. Woodhouse, Vice-President, was read agreeing to the change and requesting the City accept shipment, as same has already been forwarded, and stating that they will issue credit for the overshipment, in- cluding freight on same. The communication, read for Council information, was ordered filed. An invitation, addressed to the Mayor & Council, was read inviting the Mayor, Councilmen, Department Heads and their families to attend the annual City Employ- ee's Picnic to be held Sunday, July 11, 1954, at Ky Fox Lake Meridian Grove. Mayor Baxter reminded all the Councilmen and Department Heads of the previous good times had at the City Employee's picnics and ordered the communication riled. The City Clerk read a communication from Naramore, Bair., Brady and Johanson, Attor- neys for Dr. Mark Campbell, requesting permission and approval to build ark addition to an existing residence at 4th Avenue & Whitworth Street to be used as Doctor's Offices. A plot plan of the proposed addition to existing residence structure and lot in connection therewith was enclosed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. J�= The City Clerk reported that he had a copy of a letter from the Lake Shore�,to the Public Service Commission regarding increased fares between Seattle and Renton, and the Highlands. As this letter was forwarded to the Council for th6i:r information only, the communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Fred Hancock Post #19, American Legion, signed by Adah Mathews, Adjutant, requesting permission to hold a Carnival "Range Shows" July 7th through 10th inclusive, at lst & Williams; they further request that the regular license fee be waived, in favor of the special license fee to Service Or- ganizations. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the American Legion be notified that the Council did not have sufficient notice for them to hold the Carnival at this time, but if they desire to hold a Carnival at a later date and sufficient notice is given, that the Council would grant them complete con- siderationg that they be notified further of the previous action of the Council in regard to 30 days prior notice of the date of Carnivals, Circuses, etc., being required for all. future Carnivals, etc,, Carried. . Two communications were read protesting the closure of the seaplane ramp on the Renton Airport, one from Charles Guy, 12051 - 141st, Maplewood, Renton, Washington, and one from G. R. Schwartz, 13209 S.E. 192nd, Renton, Washington. Both communi- cations were ordered filed. A communication was read from Herman J. Covey requesting Council consideration and study of Seattle's Meat Code Ordinance #61098 of a proposal that the food store merchants and meat dealers of King County have been informed of, relative to the Health Commission of King County trying to adopt a code for the meat industry for all of King County; that the code is patterned from the City of Seattle's Meat code Ordinance #61098; that in his opinion, if a fee is required, said fee s)zould be paid to the City of Renton and that if a new code is required, that the City of Renton should adopt such a code, as conditions re the same in Seattle are very much different than same conditions in the City of Renton; that a meeting re same will be held July 20th at 9:00 A.M., in the County City Building. Councilman Tamborini reported that he had attended a previous meeting in regard to the above proposals. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter called the Council's attention to the memo on the bottom of the Library Report, received by the Councilmen this evening, that this was Miss Wini- fred Daniels, Librarian's final report; that effective July 15th Mr. Alfred P. Kraig, (Assistant Librarian of Whatcom County Rural Library for the past six years,) would begin serving as Librarian for the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that a letter of thanks and appreciation for her past years of ser- vice be forwarded to Miss Daniels. Mayor Baxter stated that he had a "service award pin" also, to award Miss Daniels. The motion carried. Mayor Baxter announced that Lt. Kay and Sgt. McEwen, of the National Guard Unit in Renton, who have been newly appointed in charge of the gunnery position on the Cemetery Road, have invited the Mayor, Council, Department Heads and others inter- ested to attend their opening ceremonies at their camp on Thursday morning at 9:00 A.M. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Law & Ordinance Committee reported that the Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution, recommended by the Street and Alley Committee. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 866, as follows: Whereas the Northern Pacific Railroad is the owner of a certain right—of—way, a portion described hereinbelow, and whereas the Northern Pacific Railroad has declared its intention to dedicate a portion of said right—of—way unto the City of Trenton for public uses and purposes and as the City of Renton considers such acquisition of benefit to the City and for use and enjoyment of the public in general, the City Council agrees to accept from the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, upon dedication unto the City, all for public uses and purposes, the following described property. "A strip of land 20' wide in the N.E.J of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 east, W.M. situated in the City of Renton, Wash., more particularly described as follows: The westerly 20' of the Northern Pacific Railway right—of—way in said Section 18, bounded on the north by the south line of the Commercial Waterway No. 2 and on the south by a line drawn 34.5' north of and parallel to the south line of Lot 10, Block 4, of the Motor Line Addition to the City of Renton, Washington recorded in Volume 9, Page 50, records of King County, Washing— ton; said strip lying north of a 23' strip of land deeded to the City of Renton in Northern Pacific Railway document W-5276," (more generally described as a strip of land 20 feet wide adjacent to the west side of the Northern Pacific Railway tracks, extending approximately 880 feet southerly from Cedar River.) Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, on the recommendation of the City Attorney, that the Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 866, and suff— icient copies of said Resolution be furnished the Northern Pacific Railway Company, together with a letter of transmittal. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that on authorization of the Council, a proposed Re— solution had been prepared by the City Attorney's Office, which he would like to present for the Council's consideration. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 867, whereas the Commissioners of Commercial Waterway District No. 2 of King County, Washington have notified the City of their intention to petition the Superior Court for disolution of said Commercial Waterway District No. 2, that the City Councils finds and determines that said Commercial Waterway District No. 2 lies wholly or chiefly within the limits of the City of Renton; that the City of Renton will continue to need the use of the Cedar River included in said Waterway District; that the City of Renton needs protection from the waters of said stream or river; and that a need exists for the use, control and/or navigation of said stream or river. That the City of Renton declares its need and intent to acquire, and to petition the Superior Court in such dissolution proceedings for distribution to the City of Ren— ton of, the land, improvements and other assets of said Commercial Waterway District No. 2; and hereby authorizes and directs the filing of such petition by the Mayor and City Attorney of Renton in such proceedings for dissolution. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that Resolution No. 867 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk read a letter from James Gay of Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, Legal Consultants for the City of Renton, to City Attorneys, Gerard Shellan and Arthur Haugan, stating that the City Treasurer, Mrs. Dorothea Gossett has informed them they are ready to issue bonds in Local Improvement District No. 239, and has supplied them with pertinent information, and that based on this information Mr. Gay has prepared and attached a proposed Ordinance fixing the amount, form, date and etc., of such bonds. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1485, fixing the amount, form, date, interest rate, maturity and denominations of Local Improvement District No. 239 Bonds and directing the issuance and sale of said bonds to Grande & Company, Inc., and H. P. Pratt & Company, jointly, in accordance with their offer heretofore accepted. That the total amount of the assessment roll on Local Improvement District No. 239, as approved and confirmed was $92,599.50, the 30—day period for making cash payment of assessments without interest expired on May 22, 1954, the total amount of assess— ments paid in cash was $35,255.08, leaving a balance of assessments unpaid on the assessment roll in the sum of $57,344.4.2. Local Improvement District Bonds of Local Improvement District No. 239 shall, therefore be issued in the total principal amount of $57,344.42, Bond No. 1 of said issue shall be in the denomination of $344.42 and the remaining bonds, to—wit, numbered 2 to 58, inclusive, shall be in the denomina— tion of $1,000.00 each. Said bonds shall all be dated the 15th of June, 1954 and shall be payable on or before the 15th day of June, 1966, with the right reserved 134 to the City to redeem said bonds prior to maturity on any interest payment date, in numerical order, lowest numbers first whenever there shall be sufficient money in the "Local Improvement Fund, District #239," created by Ordinance No. 1428. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 4--% per annum. The Form of Bond, also Coupon Form, was also enclosed in the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the proposed Ordinance had been drafted by the City's Legal Consultants, Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, and that on recommendation of the City Attorney, the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the pro— posed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and pro— posed Ordinance No. 1485 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordin— ance No. 1485 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Engineer introduced Mr. Cecil C. Arnold, the Engineer who is preparing the preliminary design and estimates of cost for the new Williams Street bridge. Mr. Arnold reported that he had been investigating the flood height, etc. , of Cedar River in the past years, before making any preliminary drawings, as ,this would govern their plannirg that their survey had gone back to 1911 when Cedar River was at flood stage, but that he could find no record of the exact height of the river during that period — — that he hoped to have a complete report by the next Council meeting. Mayor Baxter thanked Mr. Arnold for his visit and report. Councilman Richardson requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee, Monday July 12th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, reported that his Committee recommended that the payment of the traffic lights at the 3rd Avenue and Burnett Street intersection be made from ,Cumulative Fund No. 1184. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that after considerable investigation, the Street and } Alley Committee recommended that the proposal for the improvement of the lot (B1. 15, Lot 4) owned by Dominic Rockey, 334 Wells Street, to be used as a Munici- Parking Lot be dropped as the cost for same was too great for the benefits gained. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Street and Alley Committee and Mr. Hockey be so notified.► Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the feasibil— ity of a general obligation bond issue being placed on the ballot this fall, and recommended that in connection with the proposed exchange of Great Northern Prop— erty for City property, that an additional item of $102000.00 to $20,000.00, as needed, be added to the bond issue, for preliminary development of a new bathing beach site, if the City does acquire suitable property for same. Moved by Bruce,, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated, confirmed by the City Clerk, that proposi— tions to be added to the primary election ballot should be submitted not later than July 30, 1954, and for the general election ballot , should be submitted not later than September 17, 1954, Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Youth Guidance Committee, of which he is a member, had held several meetings and felt they had accomplished a great deal, that Judge William Long of Seattle, in charge of Juvenile o roblems there, had attend— ed a recent Renton Committee meeting and had later reviewed the meeting; over a Sea— ttle Radio Station, that this meeting and broadcast was very interesting and educa— tional. Also, that the Committee had discussed and had some recommendations to make to the Ordinance Committee in regard to the curfew law for minors and posse— ssion of liquor by minors. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, suggested that the Mayorts Youth Guidance Committee Representatives, meet with the Ordinance Committee on Monday evening, July 12th at 8:00 P.M., or at their convenience. Councilman Delaurenti stated that he felt this was a good arrangement and requested that Paul Houser, Chairman of said Committee, be so notified. The City Clerkts office will so notify Mr. Houser. Councilman Delaurenti reported that at the meeting of the Association of Washington Cities in Spokane, that he had attended a meeting with Gene Coulon on Park and Recreation and that it had been recommended at the meeting that the Mayor appoint a member of the Park Board as an ex—o-fficio member of the Planning Commission also, that the Mayor appoint a Councilman to attend Park Board meetings. Mayor Baxter stated that he thought this was a good idea, but that in regard to the Park Board meetings, which were generally held in the afternoons, that Councilmen usually weren't available in the afternoons to attend these meetings. Councilman Bruce reported that in regard to the clearing up of the titles of City Parks that were dedicated to the City by the Housing Authority, that Mr. Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, was going to San Francisco, and that he would inquire of the Regional Office there as to the titles of the parks so dedicated, being conveyed to the City of Renton so that the City could dispose of same, or take any such action they desire. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, reported that his Comm— ittee recommended, on approval of the Council as a Whole; that owing to the emergen— cy, that the Red & White Construction Company, who were authorized to clear the re— mains of the Williams Street bridge from Cedar River, be paid for the cost of this emergency work ($843.00) That the money be borrowed from Cumulative Fund #1184 at this time and be reimbursed to the Fund, from the funds allocated in the proposed bond issue for that purpose. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris requested to be excused from next week's Council meeting. C� 2� Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee with the Assistant City Attorney and City Engineer, Thursday July 8th at 8:00 P.M. On his request for same, moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that Councilman Delaurenti be granted a leave of absence for the balance of Council meetings in July. Carried. On the report of Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, that a complaint had been re— ceived of the location of a power pole in front of a home at 915 D. Street in the Highlands, and that this was not a problem, or obligation, of the City of Renton; that investigation had proved the pole to be on a proeerty line and that the Power Company representatives had reported that it would be quite difficult and impractible to change its position, owing to the location of adjacent poles. The Engineering Department was requested to so notify the property owner. r.. Mayor Baxter stated that previously a zoning map of the City of Renton had been pre— sented to the Council for approval and subsequently had been referred to the Planning Commission and submitted to the Council their recommendation "that the Council approve said zoning map which will be used in connection with the present zoning ordinance," that on April 20th the matter of approval of said map had been referred to the Council as a Whole for their recommendation; that to date there had been no further Council action and Mayor Baxter suggested that some action be taken by the Council as a Whole or the matter be referred to a smaller Committee from the Council, that possibly there are some questions regarding said map that the Council could clarify. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee at their meeting Thursday evening, July 8th for consider— ation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce requested that the City painters be requested to make "For Lease" signs to be posted on vacant City property and/or buildings --- that inquiries re same be referred to the Treasurer's or Clerk's office. In regard to the closing of the Clark Transfer Company business on Mothers Park property and the subsequent vacancy of the building presently occupied by that Company, on advice of the City Attorney, that they could be held to the lease until the expiration date of same, and th=t he had so notified the lessee, that the lease did not have a 30—day cancellation clause, and requested them to contact the City of Renton; that the City could continue their lease on a monthly basis or a 90—day basis, until they had the opportunity to make other plans. Moved by Reid, seconded %NW by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for their consideration and recommendation at the next Council meeting. Carried. In regard to the State Highway Department postponing the completion of the Limited Access Highway through the City of Renton, Councilman Bruce suggested that fur— ther action in regard to any comments re the same by the City be referred to the Public Relations Committee to use their discretion. Councilman Reid stated that while in Spokane he heard of several cities that held executive meetings of the Council once a month; that this way many important matters were thoroughly discussed by the Council as a Whole before any recommen— 3 dations were made and that in his opinion this would tend to take care of many more items of work, and at the same time shorten discussions at the regular Council meetings, and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the President of the Council for consideration. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTIMENTS 1648-1775 17,910.21 CLAIMS CURRENT 1946-1948 13,931.36 CLAINE WATER 9024— 29408.18 CLAIMS STREET 6599— 2,595.00 mod CLAIMS PARK 1867— 1,088.66 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2776— — CLAIMS AIRPORT 1795— 684.70 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2516— 1,1.27.94 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) .102— 124 12779.84 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 408— 484 13,672.14 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND. 528 — CLAIMS CUM. #1182 56 CLAIMS " #1183 398 — CLAIMS " #1184 441— 443 4,204.17 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN FUND. 134 — Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) - oL DE°LIn'City Clerk i K-- Mayor. Renton, Washin,-ton July 13, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, '1%IETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, AND BRUCE. (Councilmen Morris & Heppenstall were excused and Councilman Delaurenti is on Leave of Absence.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Reuben Miller, Assistant Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Bill Gebenini, Airport Manager. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the July 6th meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 441 $ 200.00 Randall Rockhill 904 5th Ave. N. replace floor joist 2 100.00 Florence Gowers 423 Morris St. wire service 3 275.00 Bill Brokaw 3826 E. Marion Way wire service 4 400.00 Willis Sparrow 1900 3rd Ave. N. reroof house 5 1,800.00 Phillip Moyer 104 Burnett St. remodel house 6 150.00 Wallin & Edwards 441 Sunset Blvd. wire service 7 50.00 Herbert Curtis 426 Sunset Blvd. W. concrete driveway 8 150.00 Werner Cremers 662 G. St. " It 9 50.00 Vern Potter 1314 7th Ave. N. build patio 450 250.00 S. C. Koof 524 Mill St. replace bulkhead 1 400.00 J. C.Mathewson 2102 9th P1, erect garage 2 100.00 Charles Bowen 431 Grandey Way erect carport ,,... 3 400.00 Eugene Blaine 110 Pelly St. install siding 4 200.00 Cliff Rost 3604 6th Ave. N. erect carport 5 1,600.00 W. Dixon Long 131 Garden St. remodel house 6 4,000.00 Renton Aviation Renton Airport erect hangar 7 - Green River Lbr. Co. 226 Williams St. demolish bldg. 8 100.00 G. Swartfager 635 G. St. wire service 9 30.00 Anna O'Brian 103 Wells St. erect fence 460 100.00 F. C. Monohan 532 Pelly St. wire service 1 1,400.00 George Dobson 325 & 327 Williams St. install marque 2 200.00 Harry E. Palmer 3320 6th Place erect carport 3 75.00 Merlin 'Minch 2016 6th Place erect Retaining wall 4 30,000.00 Umberto Barei 227 Wells St. remodel building 5 100.00 Charles Mack 815 A. St, install driveway 6 150.00 Lester Hansen 811 4th Ave. N. reroof residence 7 42,000.00 Prebie Bros. 712 3rd Ave. erect store bldg. 8 359.29 John Crowell 520 Morris St. roofing on house 9 150.00 C. W. Pillon 2517 6th Ave. N. extend roof 470 1,000.00 Harley Blunck 2217 9th Place add'n on house 1 200.00 Wally Clarke 205 Airport Way loading platform 2 100.00 Oliver Rouse 821 E. St, remodel house 3 375.00 Tonkin's Cafe 819 Third Ave. wire service 4 1,100.00 Northwest Hotel Supp. 313 2nd Ave., Seattle. replace cooking hood 5 75.00 N. G. Johnson 311 Factory repair chimneys 6 100.00 M.J.Taesterhausen 2105 9th Ave. N. erect fence ,.� PLUMBING PERMITS 227 - W.J. Hazelett 2100 Monterey Drive plumbing fixtures 8 - Fred Zevprt 345 Meadow plumbing fixtures 9 - James Stuard 1013 E. Street sewer connection 230 - Maude Riley 326 Morris St. plumbing fixtures 1 - John Peternal 609 Main St. install fu6ace 2 - Carl A. Heilman 639 H. St. remodel bathroom 3 _ Arvey Creek 2203 8th Place install oil tank 4 - Wm. Hazelett 2100 Monterey Drive install furnace 5 - Wally Clarke 205 Airport Way install oil tank h. 138 cc' y C7d A communication was read from Cecil C. Arnold enclosing preliminary plans for the Williams Street bridge to describe the design recommended. Mr. Arnold further re- ported that he had thoroughly investigated the flow records on Cedar River which had been maintained since 1895, and that the planned structure would not impede the river. The estimate of cost is as follows: MAIN BRIDGE . . . . $83,000.00 (1551 long, 24' roadway with two, 4'6" walkways) APPROACHES . . . . ... . . . . water 4,000.00 lks (grading, paving, curbs, wa , drains, mains, etc.) CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT - TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $87,000.00 I ENGINEERING (10% of $87,000.00) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,700.00 (preliminary surveys, designs, Engineering Inspection & Supervision of Construction.) CONTINGENCIES (15% of $87,000.00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 0.00 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. $108.750.00 Mr. Arnold stated that he will begin the final design drawings upon the City's authorization for same and that he believes that the design and specifications can be completed and submitted to the City within 5 weeks from this date if aut- horized to do so. Councilman Swift reported that, along this line, the Street & Alley Committee had discussed the proposed Agreement by and between the City of Renton and Mr. Arnold, which had been presented at the last Council meeting and that in his opinion, action should be taken on the Agreement before the preliminary de- sign and cost estimate is discussed. Mayor Baxter requested Councilman Swift to make the report at this time. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had three items to report on, that the 1st item had been answered by the report. ITEM II, The Committee recommended in regard to the proposed agreement, that the Council adopt (as applies to the Williams Street bridge,) the State of Washington Department of Highways' Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction dated April 1948 and Amended December, 1953, and ITEM III, That the Committee had studied the Agreement, as presented by Mr. Arnold, and recommended adoption of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. After discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept Mr. Arnold's preliminary plan and cost estimate and that he be notified to proceed with the final plans. Carried. r A communication was read from Mayor Baxter recommending the adoption of an attached Resolution relative to Washington manufactured or processed building materials, fixtures and furnishings, also that a copy of the Mayor and Council's action be forwarded to A. W. Burchell, Industrial Economist, Washington State Industry Utili- zation Committee, at Olympia, Washington. The City Clerk read the attached Re- solution that the Washington State Industry Utilization Committee recommends to the Washington State Building Committee, and all public officials of other political sub- divisions within the state responsible for establishing and modifying building specifications; that architects and engineers be required to specify the use of building materials and fixtures and furnishings manufactured or processed in Wash- ington State when available, in the construction, repair and modernization of all public buildings. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council endorse subject Resolution and comply with the recommendations of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from William A. Gebenini, Manager of the Renton Municipal Airport, requesting the vacation of a portion of Airport Way at the southwest cor- ner of the Renton Airport; that the Airport Board has leased a portion of land approximately 225 feet by 225 feet to the Renton Aviation Company for the purpose of constructing two hangars designed to house 16 aircraft; that a survey of the plot discloses the area leased is not to the fence line as the Airport map indi- cates --- that the City reserved the 10 feet next to the fence to insure a slope for the road (Airport Way.) Mr. Gebenini states that as the Renton Aviation Company agrees to bulkhead that portion of the slope against the proposed hangars, that it would be advantageous to the Airport and the City of Renton to vacate this property. A drawing of the portion of the Airport property in question was attached. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzkethat the matter be referred to the City Attorney, Property Committee and Aix-port Board with power to act. The City Engineer stated that the Engineering Department had completed the survey and drawn up the legal description. The motion carried. A communication was read from Dr. V. C. Norine, Surgeon, at 110 Williams Street, requesting a "patient loading zone" be established in front of his clinic build- ing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a report from Calvin F. Schmid, Executive Secretary of the State of Washington Census Board, giving Renton's 1954 population as 16,850 and stating that the City of Renton is the 13th largest City in the State. Mayor Baxter ordered the report filed. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers and dated July 1, 1954, requesting the Council to have the City Attor- ney give his opinion as to the legal status of the present zoning ordinance and map, stating whether the zoning order and map are legally adopted. The communica- tion was read from the City Attorney regarding Zoning Ordinance No. 1472,. stating that on receiving a copy of the above letter he had contacted the City Engineer and Building Inspector for the purpose of securing a determination as to the existence or non-existence of the zoning map at the time said ordinance No. 1472 was passed, and that both officials affirmed that a proper map was drawn and pre- pared, prior to the passage of the Ordinance in question, submitted to the Council and examined by it - - that the Ordinance in question, as well as the proper zoning map were in existence, duly examined by the Council, passed on and approved; that it is believed that the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk were left out by inadvertence - - that their signatures on the map are used solely for the purposes of identification according to sub-section two of section I of ordinance No. 1472; that based on the foregoing information received from the City Engineer and the City Building Inspector, it is the writer' s opinion that Ordinance No. 1472 is valid; that any additional map or maps drawn after the passage of the Ordinance was for the purpose of presenting and having available a more attractive zoning map than the one originally prepared in conjunction with Ordinance No. 1472; that it is suggested that the Mayor and City Clerk identify the original map, affix their signatures thereto, and have said map marked accordingly as required in Sub-Section two of Section 1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Mayor requested an explanation of the Planning Commission's communication of April 20th 1954 to the Mayor and City Council, in which they recommended the Council approve the zoning map as submitted in its present form to be the official zoning map to be used in connection with the present zoning ordinance (No. 1472) , which was referred, on that date, to the Council as a Whole for their consideration. The Gity Attorney stated, that as he understood the matter, the map presented at that time was not the original map which accompanied the zoning ordinance but a newer nicer appearing map; that the original map that accompanied the zoning Ordinance No. 1472, was the map that was available here this evening. The City Attorney informed the Mayor that by Council action, when Ordinance No. 1472 was passed, and accepted by the Council, that .... this action included approval of the zoning map. After discussion, the City Attor- ney informing the Council that the purpose of the zoning map is to interpret the Ordinance, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the matter of Council approval of the zoning map be referred to the Council as a Whole, Mayor Baxter, the Engineering Department and City Attorney to study this matter and determine if the map that is available in the Council Chambers this evening is the map that should accompany the zoning ordinance. The motion carried. A second communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission recommending that the Council act favorably on the petition for annexation of approximately 25 acres lying between Windsor Hills and the Renton Highlands, including the pro- perty of the old King County gravel pit area. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the date of hearing be set as August 17, 1954. Carried. A third communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the Council reject the rezoning petition of Leida E. Snyder for rezoning to business the corner of her property which faces S.E. 128th Street and extends 300 feet north on M. Street, as this would be spot zoning, and as there was no develop- ment in this area at this time which would warrant rezoning to a commercial area. After discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the request of Mrs. L. E. Snyder and the Planning Commission's recommendation be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A fourth communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the Council act favorably on the building permit of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, for the erection of a utility sub-station at the corner of 132nd and the Cemetery Road. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. A fifth communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the Council reject the non-conforming permit requested by F. C. Ausman, 129 Garden Street, for the erection of a small house on the rear of his property without same being connected by a breezeway, which would be in violation of the Ordinance governing same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. -.40 y G� A sixth communication was read from the Planning Commission stating the need for r7l playfield sites and a site for a possible community building being dedicated in the President Park Additions; that possibly Mr. Balch, the builder, could be con- tacted and requested to set aside in his future developments certain properties for a playfield and community building sites, which will be needed in this fast growing area; that it is suggested further that probably Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Recreation Director be contacted in regard to need and size of property which should be set aside for this purpose. On the suggestion of Council- man Tamborini, moved by Vietzke, seconded by White, that this matter be referred to the Park Superintendent for investigation and a report back. Carried. A seventh communication was read from the Planning Commission regarding the pro- blem of property owners connecting to sewer and water lines as they are extended to newly annexed property; that frequently these extensions were installed at the expense of the city and sometimes at the expense of the development companies, and "" that they often extend in front of other property owners who in no way partici- pated in the cost of said installation; that it is the opinion of the Planning Commission that the Council study the possibility of having sewer and water conn- ection fees, or some other type of fee, which would require the property owners to help defray the expense of these water and sewer line extensions, when they made their connections on to same; that it is felt that if the City is goinj7 to be put to the expense of extending water and sewer lines to serve newly annexed areas that some proportionate cost of these installations should be borne by the property owners who are along the route of the extensions when said property owners make their connections to these utilities. Councilman Trimm reported that the Fire & Water Committee was working on this matter at the present time, but that they re- quested additional time. Mayor Baxter referred the communication to the Fire & Water Committee and granted the Committee more time. A complaint was read from Royal B. Kerch, 13616 156th Ave., S.E. , Renton, Wash., relative to the prohibiting of use of the seaplane ramp on the Renton Airport to fishing and boating enthusiasts. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this communication, together with the two complaints read at the last Council meeting, be referred to the Airport Manager. Carried. An application was read from Lee Hutton of the North Coast Distributing Company, 3635 104th Ave. S.E., for a punchboard operator's license for the remaining one- half of 1954. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the application be re- ferred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. An application was read from Robert R. Reynolds of the Great Western Distribut- ing Company (Manar Sales) , 2414 3rd Avenue, Seattle, for a punchboard operator's license for the remaining one-half of 1954. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the application be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A petition was read from 7 property owners of the Monterey Terrace Addition re- questing street lighting facilities. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Light & Power Committee for study and 8, report back. Carried. As this was the date set for the hearing on the proposed annexation of certain described property in the Highlands area (east of the present Renton Highlands, north of Southeast 112th Street, extending on both sides of the Sunset Highway) , Fred Peacock being the first name on the petition, and there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance for annexation. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1486 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, which had been suggested by the Renton High School students at the- Council meeting on Student Government Day, and recommended by the Street and Alley Committee and Police Department. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1486, amending Ordinance No. 1048, known as the Traffic Code of the City of Fenton, re- lating to the removal, impounding and abandonment of certain vehicles found with- in the City of Renton. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committe(all who were present) and the Chief of Police reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that' the Ordinance be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen 1 present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that the Ordinance Committee had an ordinance to present in regard to curfew hours at the next Council meeting which had been given a great deal of study and consideration by the Mayor's Special Youth Guidance Committe, the Ordinance Committee and Police Department, and that this week the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance in re- gard to the possession of liquors by minors, which had also been given a great deal of study and consideration by the Mayor's Special Youth Guidance Committee, the Ordinance Committee and Police Department. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1437 relating to and regulating certain intoxicating liquor, prohibiting the acquisition and possession thereof by minors, providing penalty for violation of this ordinance and repealing any and all ordinances in conflict herewith. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Joint Committees, the Ordinance Committee and the Mayor's Special Youth Guidance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance, further stating that the Committee felt they are working along the right lines to better control the delinquency problem-; also that they would consider it very beneficial if good newspaper publicity accompanied the passage of the Ordinance so that the juveniles and also their parents would be familiar with the new Ordinance and the action taken by the Council. The Assist- ant City Attorney explained that it was necessary to have inserted in the Ordinance the clause regarding liquor given to minors by parents or guardians, or by duly licensed physician or dentist, for medicinal purposes. Moved by Swift, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the 2nd and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1487 be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The Fire & mater Committee was granted more time for matters referred to the Committee. The Light & Power Committee recommended that two incandescent lights be install- ed on 4th Place by the new Clinic Building and that the Power Company be so notified. Moved by Trimm, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. The City Engineer was requested to notify Mrs. Wiberg regarding any further infor- mation received from Mr. William Davis, Insurance Commissioner, in regard to her claim against the City of Renton. In regard to the holidays the City of Renton will recognize in connection with the use of parking meters within the City of Renton, on advice of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Council approve the seven holidays as outlined in Ordinance No. 1377. Carried. The Ways & Means Committee reported that the Committee recommended that the Council approve the recommendation of the City Engineer dated June 8th that the City Engineering Office representative be authorized to attend the 32nd annual business meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference and that his expenses be allowed by the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. The Sanitation Committee was granted more time on matters previously referred to the Committee. Mayor Baxter stated that Max Hayes, King County Sanitarian was present and Mr. Hayes, on being asked if he would like to address the Council, stated that he was only present to answer any questions that the Council might ask. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that he had three items to report on for the Committee. Item I, Arnold's Agreement, already taken care of, Item II, rezoning Ordinance and map which had been referred to the Council as a Whole earlier in the meeting, and Item III, a request for the Ordinance Committee to draft an Ordinance covering meter zones and recommending that the Ordinance be broad enough to include sufficient area for expansion of meter installation to avoid amending the ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the request and recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, further reported that the Committee recommended, in regard to the Parking Meter Program, that an addi- tional 50 meters be included in the Parking Meter Program, and added to the �2 Contract, to completely modernize and standardize the system. Moved by hichardson, M 17) seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Mr. Walldock from the Dual Manufacturing Company, foreman of the installation of the new meters was present. Mr. Walldock was introduced and reported that all new meters were completely installed. Councnlman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that the Assist— ant City Attorney had written to the Pacific Coast Railroad Company representative regarding the exchange of City property for theirs and that they expect to hear, from them soon. Councilman Bruce further reported that the Assistant City Attor— ney had written a second letter to Mr. Clarke of the Clarke Transfer Company, who has a lease with the City of Renton, and requested him to contact the City Attor— ney's Office in regard to arrangements for further negotiations. ..n On the suggestion of Mayor Baxter, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce. that a letter of thanks be forwarded to the City Employee's Club for their invitation to the Club's picnic last Sunday and for their very enjoyable time. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported for the Ways & Means Committee, that the Committee re— commended that the Council authorize bonding attorneys to draft the necessary bond issue ordinance for a swimming pool. After discussion in regard to a proposed bond issue for the Street, Street Lightin--, Williams Street bridge, as well as the pro— posed swimming pool, and the necessity of these three issued being placed on the coming primary ballot in order to obtain taxes during 1955 for the improvements, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to tree Council as a Whole for study, discussion and their action on the propositions as, stated. Carried. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Thursday evening, July 15th at 7:30 P.M. The City Engineer and Assist— ant City Attorney were requested to be present at the meeting. Councilman Bruce requested a meeting of the Property Committee with the Airport Manager immediately following this evening's Council meeting to arrange an on—sight meeting for consideration of the request of the Airport Manager for vacation of City of Renton property on the Renton Airport. Moved by Tambo rini, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adiourn. Carried. The ..r meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Deputy City Clerk Mayor 114-3 Renton, Washington July 20, 1954. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. .,Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT AND HEPPENSTALL. (Councilman Bruce was excused and Councilman Delaurenti is on leave of absence.) .r OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Ernie Isackson, Captain in the Police Department and Traffic Division Representative; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Reuben Miller, Assistant Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the July 13th Council meet- ing be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 477 $ 140.00 Edgar Blumhardt 829 D. Street pour concrete driveway 8 300.00 Mrs. Algot Dravland 521 Wells St. reshingle house 9 850.00 Mrs. C. E. Petty 2514 6th Ave. N. wire service and re- modeling. 480 100.00 Daniel Cartwright 416 Grandey Way pour concrete driveway 1 140.00 R. J. Besecker 934 E. Street extend garage 2 4000.00 George R. Dorn 337 Pelly remodel house 3 175.00 Monte Beam 2008 7th Ave. N. erect carport 4 800.00 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. 546 Park Ave. erect shed. 5 150.00 Mrs. Mary McDannel 1201 Third Avenue demolish residence. 6 200.00 Art Cooper. 12450 142nd S.E. erect garage ..� 7 11,000.00 W. A. White 1857 Monterey Drive erect house 8 100.00 John Repovz 803 Grant Street add'n on house 9 50.00 H. L. Baltz 618 0. Street erect fence 490 300.00 Group Health 3rd Ave. demolish residence 1 3000.00 Dr. T.B. Gassutt 311 Whitworth remodel building PLUMBING PERMITS 236 - Larry Hougardy 2112 6th Place install furnace 7 - Clement Lapansk,-; 12605 88th St. convert furnace 8 - Edwin F. Novak 2209 9th Place plumbing service 9 - W. Brokaw 13179 86th Ave. S. install septic tank 240 - W. Brokaw 3810 S. 126th install septic tank A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposal from Mr. Charles R. Perryman, 2832 27th Ave., W. , Seattle, for the acquisition of City property to provide a road of access to his property; that the Perryman tract is the ten acres that abuts the City property around Sp ringb rook Springs to the south; that he has been over this ground with Mr. Perryman and the proposed- road and house would be a mini-num of 700 feet from the City's holding dams; that this amount of distance together with the declared intention of providing a locked gate would tend to eliminate any possibility of nuisance or contamination to the City's water supply - - also, the proposed trade of property would provide a buffer area for additional protection against contamination and in the City Engineer's opinion the City would benefit under this proposal and he recommends acceptance. A letter was read from Mr. Charles R. Perryman to the City Engineer stating he is planning to build a home on his property and that he would like to purchase .� a right-of-way or roadway to provide an entrance to his property (10 acres ) described as the "NW4 of the * of the NWjj of Section 5,Township 22 N., k 5 E. W.M., County of King," that in payment for the roadway entrance he would like to offer to trade an equal amount of land from his southwest corner in return for a 20 foot strip extending from S.E. 200th Street to the Southern border of his property. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Fred Hancock Post No. 19, American Legion signed by Dr. C.P. Ambrose, requesting permission to hold a Carnival (Douglas Greater Shows) on a vacant lot at lst Avenue North and Burnett Street during the week 144 beginning July 26th through July 31st, inclusive; Dr. Ambrose stated that they had contacted the residents facing the lot and had received no objections to the Car- ` nival, also, that they had posted the required bond with the City Clerk's office; they further request that the regular license fee be waived in favor of the Special Fee for Service and Charitable Organizations. The communication was also signed by Harold Hicks, Manager of the Douglas Greater Shows. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, rather than to give the Police & License Committee power to act, the matter should be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration. Councilman Reid, with the consent of his se- cond, Councilman Tamborini, changed his motion to read, that the Council grant per- mission ermission to the Douglas Greater Shows to hold a Carnival at 1st Avenue North & Burnett Street, July 26th through July 31st2 inclusive, 1954, under the sponsor- ship of the American Legion, and the supervision of the Police Department, City Health Officer and Fire Department. Carried. A communication was read from the Department of Public Lands, Olympia, Washington, signed by Frank 0. Sether, Asst. Commissioner for Otto A. Case, Commissioner., ac- knowledging receipt of the City of Renton's Caterpillar Ordinance and stating that the State has no funds with which to try to eliminate caterpillars. The communi- cation was ordered placed on file. A communication was read from Martha G. Wiberg, relative to her claim against the City of Renton, stating that the claim is now in the total amount of $264.00 in- cluding interest to July 23, 1954, and stating that as they were offered $20.00 per month rent for the two garages if they were accessible, that they felt justi- fied in increasing the garage rental in their claim effective August 1st. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, a Council Committee should investigate the drainage problem caused by construction of the trunk sewer main along and across the old Black River Channel between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, that so far this year, the water is at a higher level on both sides of 2nd Avenue than it was last year, or before the trunk sewer main was installed. The City Attorney stated that the problems in this regard were several, (1) That the City Engineer had previously requested an appropriation of money to clean out the Black River Channel near the 3rd & Rainier intersection, (2) that the Building Inspector had checked the damage to the garage and reported that there was no damage caused by the water backing up from the sewer, and (3) that the matter had been referred to the Insurance Comm- issioner, who had been notified by the Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, regard- ing the damage, or if they can be shown there was any damage from the water. Mayor WON Baxter stated that prior to installation of the trunk sewer that the Wi.bergs had no trouble from water backing up in their garage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer for study and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Employee's Club requesting the Council study the feasibility of the City Employees obtaining Federal Social Security under the new Bill which has passed the house and if passed by Congress: will be- come a law as of January 1, 1955, and in anticipation of placing the proposition of discontinuing participation by the City of Renton in the Statewide City Em- ployee's Pension and Retirement System, on the November ballot, consideration being given to the savings in expenditures for retirement that may be realized by both the City and the employees by the proposed change when the Council con- siders the 1955 budget; that if the Council wishes, a committee from the City Employee's Club will be pleased to meet with the Council members in regard to same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the communication be referred to the Legislative Committee to make a study of same with the City Employee's . Representatives. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending that the Council act favorably on the building permit of Dr. Mark Campbell, for additions to the residence at 407 Whitworth Street. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Now The City Clerk explained to the Council regarding payment for two, "first aid stations", ordered by the City of Renton in December 1951 and to be paid for- from the 1951 Budget, and to be delivered in 1952. The City Clerk further explained that due to the War in Korea that the City did not receive this merchandise until later, and that the warrant was issued as authorized previously, to the Treasurer of the United States; that since the original order was placed the property had become that of the State of Washington and on advice of the State Auditor, the King County Civil Defense Department had requested a new warrant to be issued to the State of Washington, using the same date and number as the first warrant; that administrative authority be obtained for the cancellation of the first warr- 145 ant and the issuance of the new warrant. On the advice of the City Attorney, that the Clerk be given authority to cancel the first warrant issued to the Treasurer, U.S.A., and substitute the new warrant in the same amount and with the same number and date, to be made payable to the State of Washington; that all reference corres- pondence and information be placed on file for future reference, and so moved by White, seconded by Richardson, and carried. The Fire Chief, who is also Director of Civil Defense for the City of Renton, informed the Council that they had re- ceived both first aid stations, that one is located at the Sartori School and the other at the Highlands Administration Building. The City Clerk informed the Council regarding the delinquent excise tax report on the City of Renton, as submitted by Mr. Bernard, that Mr. Bernard had requested ..� that he be permitted to draft a new report with the allowances as outlined by the Commission in the cases of the town of Ephrata and the City of Moses Lake, as per- tains to the City of Renton. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, introduced Mr. Richard Thorgrimson, of the firm of Preston, Thorgrimson and 'Morowitz, who the Council had authorized to be their legal consultant, regarding a bond issue in connection with the Williams Street bridge, the Swimming Pool, a new Street Lighting System and Traffic Control System, as well as the proposed widening of Park Street. Mr. Thorgrimson stated that he had been consulted in regard to a bonding issue (s) to cover the improve- ments as stated by the Assistant City Attorney, that there was additional infor- mation that he required; that he had checked the State Law and had decided that three propositions would be adequate. 1. Williams Street Bridge ($110,000.00) 2. Swimming Pool ($117,000.00) 3. Three separate, but related improvement projects, a. Acquisition & installation of a mercury vapor lighting system) b. Acquisition & installation of a traffic signal system, and 41171000.0C c. widening of Park Street ) Mr. Thorgrimson stated that he understood the Council is desirous of going ahead immediately with plans and that they could have the necessary Ordinance prepared by the next Council meeting; that if the Council approves, that said Ordinance can be published and certified on Thursday, July 29th and immediately taken to the Supt. of ,.� Elections, that in this manner, the propositions as stated could be placed on the primary ballot. Mr. Thorgrimson further informed the Council of service charges of Preston, Thorgrimson and Horowitz for any and/or all propositions, as approved or rejected at the primary election. Councilman Trimm reported for the Committee of the Council as a Whole, that the Committee recommended that the proposed improvements be placed on three bond issues as outlined by Mr. Thorgrimson, on the primary ballot; that the firm of Preston, Thorgrimson and Horowitz be retained as the City's bonding Attorneys, and also that the Bonding Attorney's be authorized to draft the necessary bonding issue (Ordinance) and present same at the next Council meeting, Tuesday, July 27th for Council consideration. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation, including service charges as outlined by Mr. Thorgrimson. Carried. Mr. Thorgrimson stated there is one other matter the Council may desire to consider which should be included in the proposition, ie. , length of time the bonds are to run. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, the City Engineer, James Highton, and Mr. Thorgrimson were excused for discussion and consideration of certain legal matters concerning the propositions. After the meeting, Mr. Thorgrimson reported that a rough calculation would be for a total bond issue of $3309000.00, if we have 2-20 year annual debt service, 1.8 mills; 2-15 year annual debt service, 2.25 mills, and 2-10 year annual debt service, 2.75 mills and that he wouldn't recommend 2-20 for the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the 2-10 year schedule on the bonds. Carried. On the request of, and as submitted by the Ordinance Committee, the City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance regulating the presence of minors between certain ages in public streets and other places between certain hours, defining the duties of parents and others in regard to such minors, providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing Sec. 2, known as the curfew law, of Chapter VIII of Ordinance No. 1074, and any and all other ordinances in conflict herewith. Councilman Richard- son explained to the Council that the Committee felt, after a great deal of study, that the first offense should be covered by a fine only. Moved by Swift, seconded by White, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that one copy of the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Chairman of the Youth Guidance Committee (Paul Houser) and one to Mayor Baxter, for their study. Carried. 146 � The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance covering "Jay-Walking", which matter had been referred to that Committee by the Street & Alley Committee. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington regulating - traffic and defining duties of pedestrians thereto within certain designated streets, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee.Carried. The Chief of Police, Angelo Busato, introduced Captain J.D. (Jack) Whittall, Dir- ector of the Washington State Safety Council, who stated their purpose was to foster and promote safety activities throughout the State of Washington; that tonight he would like to present an award from the Natiomal Safety Council, and Official Govern- ment Agency. Mr. Whittall stated he knew Police Chief Ang. Busato and his men and was familiar with their traffic safety program; Mr. Whittall further reported figures on traffic lives saved and the reduction of accidents due to the Governor's Washington State Traffic Program, stating that Washington State had a very commendable record. Mr. Whittal presented Mayor Baxter with the National Traffic Safety Contest award, and also introduced Paul .F. Hill, Field Director for the Western Region of the United States. Mr. Hill congratulated the Police Department and the Citizens of Renton, and stated that theirs was a wonderful and enviable record and that the National Safety Council appreciated the cooperation of the Police Department in keeping accidents at a very low minimum; that the City of Renton is one of 7 cities, over 15,000 popula- tion who have gone such a period of time without a traffic death. Mayor Baxter thanked both Mr. Whittal and Mr. Hill for being at the Council meeting this evening, and for the plaque, and stated that our Police Department should be highly commended for their Traffic safety work. Councilman Reid stated also, that in his opinion, the Traffic Safety work done by the Renton Police Department was outstanding and that they should be commended for their efforts. On the suggestion of Councilman Trimm, moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that a letter be forwarded to the Safety "Jouncil thank- ing them for the plaque and stating that the City of Renton will continue to strive for Traffic Safety. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported that he had an award to present this evening. Council President Thomas Trimm escorted Miss Qaniels, City of Renton Librarian to the Mayor' s desk where Mayor Baxter awarded her with a service award pin on behalf of the Council, Department Heads, Officials and Citizens of the City of Renton, also, on behalf of the Mayor, Council and Department Heads, Mayor Baxter presented Miss Daniels with a pen and pencil set for her more than 26 years of service to the City of Renton as Librarian. Miss Daniels thanked the Council and introduced Mr. Alfred R. Kraig, the City's new Librarian. Mayor Baxter welcomed Mr. Kraig to the City's Official Family. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, reported that at the meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole on Thursday, July 15th that the Council deter- mined that when Zoning Ordinance No. 1472 was passed on December 8, 1953, that the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign the zoning map and that inadvertently this had not been done, and that the Committee of the Council as a Whole, (at this time) authorized and recommended that the Mayor and Clerk sign the Zoning Map, which accompanied the Zoning Ordinance, as of December 8, 1953. Moved by Richardson, sec- onded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, reported that the Committee felt, in re- gard to Executive meetings of the Council as a Whole being held once each month, that the 4th Tuesday of each month be set for these meetings for the purpose of more thoroughly discussing important matters by the Council as a Whole before any recommendations were made which would enable the Council to take care of many more items of work, and at the same time shorten discussions at the regular Council meetings. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommended that the Council approve the proposed agreement, as corrected by the Committee and City Attorney, by and between the City of Renton and Mr. Richard E. Wolff, Civil Eng- ineer, for the 1954 Water & Sewer Improvement Plan, Revenue Bond Issue of 1954. ... Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Fire and Water Committee, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign said agreement. Carried. The Fire & Water Committee was granted more time on all other matters previously referred to that Committee. The Power & Light Committee was granted more time in regard to street lighting in Monterey Terrace Addition. 47 The City Clerk's office will follow up the inquiry for the Ordinance Committee in regard to arranging a meeting with Mrs. leida A. Snyder for a further discussion of her rezoning request for the corner of 128th and M. Street. Councilman Richardson requested further information for the Ordinance Committee from the Street & Alley Committee to enable them to proceed with the new meter Ord— inance, suggested by that Committee. Councilman Morris reported that the Finance Committee would report at the next Council meeting regarding financing the new Williams Street bridge. With reference to the planned meeting of the Meat Dealers in regard to a proposed new ordinance requiring certain inspections, etc., Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that this meeting had been postponed until August 16, 1954. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that the Committee had been given power to act in regard to Dr. Norine's request for a 11patient loading and unloading zone", and that the Committee had decided, that as this request was contrary to precedent in regard to establishing such a zone, that as Dr. Norine intends to create off—street parking for emergency cars on the south side of his building soon, that as a temporary measure the Committee had agreed that Dr. Norine be allowed a "loading and unloading zone" at 110 Williams Street, at the first zone north of the driveway. That as soon as Dr. Norine has completed his off—street parking lot, that the special zone be removed; also, that the City Clerk's Office so notify Dr. Norine. Also, Councilman Swift, stated, that the Street & Alley Committee would like to refer a couple of questions regarding the zoning map, through the City Engineer, to the Planning Commission for clarification; that he would give these inquiries to the City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council con— cur in the report and request of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that there was insufficient money in the budget for the purchase of parking meters to take care of the outstanding bill on the meter replacements in the off—street parking lot, necessitated when the original (new, 2-4 hour) meters were replaced with (new) 116-hour" meters, and that he would r.. like to have this matter referred to the Ways & Means Committee for study and their recommendation, and moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the request of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. After a discussion in regard to authority from the State Land Commission for clear- ing out the Black River Channel and the need of a certain piece of equipment to do this work, Councilman Reid reported that it was the recommendation of the Comm— ittee of the Council as a Whole that the City rent this equipment for the work re— quired to be done right now, pending a reply from the State Land Commission. Councilman Trimm reported that this matter had been referred to the City Engineer, and that as soon as he receives a reply he will report back to the Council as a Whole. Councilman Swift stated, for the Councilfs information, that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, that the City should proceed to acquire this particular piece of equipment on a rental basis, and at the end of the rental period, that a "Call for Bids" be issued to acquire said "Used" piece of equipment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall requested a meeting of the Auditing & Accounting Committee with the Chief of Police and Captain Isackson of the Traffic Division, in regard to the unpaid tickets in the Police Department. Councilman Trimm reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had decided that in naming the two streets in Cedar River Park, that as the students had been advised not to use Renton family names in so naming, on Student Government Day, that the loop within the park, which has an outlet on the Maple Valley Road be named Crescent Avenue and the roadway off Houser Way, under the Railroad viaduct be named Cedar Drive, and the Street Department be notified to post the necessary signs and the Post Office Department be so notified. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department, Thursday evening, July 22nd at 8:00 P.M. 148 CO Councilman Reid reported that as soon as the City Attorney had reviewed the Merc- ury Vapor Contract presented by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, t;he light and Power Committee recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented; PAYROLL ALL DEPARTMENTS 1776-1932 27 ,944.69 tow CLAIMS CURRENT 1949-1951 141446.1$ CLAIMS WATER 9025-9026 3,265.4.7 CLAIMS STREET 6600 2,539.57 CLAIMS PARK 1868 12767.22 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2776 1,150.40 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1796 722.82 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2517 11151.66 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 124- 126 182.37 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 484- 498 3,152.55 .CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 529 50.00 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 135- 136 250.00 CLAIMS CUM. ##1182 56 - CLAIMS CUM. x#1183 398 - CLAIMS CUM. ##1184 444 594.00 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 25 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) 7epuy City Clerk v� Mayor 149 Renton, Washington July 27, 1954 The regular meeting of the Penton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RiEID$ RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Delaurenti is on Leave of Absence and Council— man Trimm was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shel.lan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Ernie Isackson, Captain, Police Department; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treas— urer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Reuben Miller, Assistant Street Commissioner and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Tamborini; that the minutes of the Council meeting of July 20th be approved as corrected. APPLICATICN FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUIiT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 492 $ 100.00 Leonard Rees 1335 J. St. erect fence 3 75.00 Lloyd Bowen 661 A. Street sidewalk & driveway 4 1,500.00 C. C. Ross 604 R. Street erect garage 5 11200.00 Earl S. Gavin 201 4th Place marque & neon sign 6 180.00 W. A. Rusden 218 N. Burnett reroof residence 7 300.00 Paul Ballatore 240 Garden St. widen driveway 8 300.00 Paul Ballatore 240 Garden St. remodel garage 9 100.00 George Olds 511 Pelly St. wire service 500 800.00 Clarence T. Christopherson 2116 6th Pl. erect carport 1 250.00 Walter Olson 94 Williams u6den driveway 2 100.00 Mrs. Ralph Parshall 601 Burnett St. wire service PLUMBING PERMITS 241. — — Tom Parks 354 & 356 Meadow sewer connection The City Clerk read an invitation to the members of the City Council and Depart— ment Heads to the Pre—Opening of the E1 Rancho Drive—in—Theatre on the east Valley Highway, between Renton and Kent, Wednesday, July 28th at 8:00 P.M. A communication was read from five residents in Earlington Addition, (headed by Elaine E. Cook,) whose property abuts a dead—end street, requesting information as to the rights of the owner of Lots 1,2 and 3, on above street, who had failed to deed a certain strip of his property for a street, and said property owner being in the process of improving said property, as they understood previously that a 20 foot deadend street would be constructed at their request. The City Engineer explained that at the time the sewers were installed in Earlington, some of the property owners whose property abuts on this street requested that all property owners whose property abuts on this street be requested to sign quit— claim deeds to the City of Renton for the purpose of construction of a dead—end street at the rear of their respective properties ---- that each property owner had been furnished such a deed, but all property owners had not signed and re— turned their deeds to the Engineering Department; that if the property owner who owns Lots 1, 2 and 3, does not care to deed a sufficient width of property to the City of Renton for a street, that it is probable that he would deed a portion (101) of same to the City and that maybe the property owners could negotiate for the balance (101) . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the problem be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Kathleen Jackson, director of the Lake Washington Players, a non—profit organization, who are planning on presenting a play at the I.O.O.F., Hall,July 30th and 31st and August 6th and 7th and requesting Council permission to place a 61 stuffed rabbit in front of the Hall and play music on the days of production. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee and Police Department with power to act. Carried. 10 � y Cd A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that plans and specifi— cations for the two major projects, comprising the water main installations, to— gether with the 3 million gallon steel water storage tank, under the 1954 Water System Improvement Program are approximately complete and that he has reviewed the proposals with the City's Consulting Engineer, Mr. Wolff, and that Mr. Wolff has prepared the bid calls for the two projects, with the publication dates of July 29th and August 5th the date for the opening of bids being set as August 10th the awards to be made August 17th. The City Engineer recommends approval of the bid calls, as outlined. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that through corresponding with Mr. Ralph Stender, Deputy Clerk for the Board of King County Commissioners, he had been advised by Mr. Stender that in his opinion the latest petition for ann— exation to the City of Renton of the Rainier Acre Tracts, which include the old County Gravel Pit, should be referred to the Commissioners for their reconsider- ation; that consideration should be given a previously set hearing date, pending re— ceipt of further information from the County Commissioners. On advice of the City Attorney, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk refer the above mentioned petition to the County Commissioners for their reconsideration. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer stating that previous Council action approved the site, immediately adjacent to Windsor Hills, for the installa— tion of two, 3 million gallon steel water storage tanks, one tank to be erected under the 1954 Water System Improvement Program; that on authority to proceed in negotiating for acquisition, he reports as follows: Minimum size of the site to meet construction requirements is 1801 x 3001 , or 54,000 square feet. That in re— gard to the negotiating for property No. 1, that the owner estimates a loss of 8 lots to private development by reason of above acquisition, and a devaluation of the remaining property. That for comparison, the other site (No. 2) has a sales price considerably lower, but the site development, together with pipe line connections, in addition to the base price, brings the price of Property No. 2 considerably higher— that the cost comparison reveals considerable difference in favor of the Windsor Hills site, and the City Engineer recommends proceeding with this acquisition. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. After discussion, on advice of the City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the motion be amended, and assuming the Council approves the Windsor Hills site, and also assuming the owner of subject property is willing to grant an option to purchase said property, that a 30—day option be obtained — — that in the meantime the City can make their own individual appraisal and agree, if appraised price is within 90% of asking price the Council proceed with the negotiations; if there is a discrepancy of considerably more than 10%, they can decide-what further action the Council will take. The amendment carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that by Council action, the City Engineer was empowered to acquire a 30—day option, pending appraisal; that the Call for Bids could be published, the bidders to bid on plans as submitted — -- that if the City does not acquire this site, that the Council hold up the awarding of the bid and all bidders re—submit bids on a different site. The motion, as amended carried. Mr. Wolff, Consulting Engineer on this project, informed the gentleman from the audience, who had inquired as to the height of the tank and his resulting view, that the elevation of the tank would be 7 feet below the road south of his pro— perty and 8 feet below the level of Bronson Way. A letter was read from Robert Wilson, 2255 6th Ave., N., requesting Council in— formation as to a 16 foot strip of property located between 2255 and 2303 6th Avenue N., which property is owned by the City of Renton and Park Department which property had been deeded for a passage—way to a park at the rear of their prop— erty, and requested that he be informed if the property is for sale. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the City of Renton has previously made in— quiry of the Federal Government as to the status of these park areas and what action the City of Renton could take regarding same. The Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, informed the Council that Mr. Wilson had contacted his office in re— gard to this property several months ago — — — that a meeting had been arranged, but that Mr. Wilson had failed to keep the appointment; that the Park Board had made a recommendation to the Property Committee that as far as these two park areas in the Highlands were concerned, in their opinion, these areas were not ccn— sidered good park property. The communication was ordered filed. The City Clerk will inform Mr. Wilson of the City's previous request of the Federal Government for information regarding these areas. A communication was read from the Seattle Sporting Goods Company, signed. by San— ford Bean, requesting Council permission to face his store building at 2;19 Wells 15 Street and to extend the facing on the pillars of the present building with knotty pine, 14" over the City property line; that if permission is granted, there would be no jagged corners or any obstruction to cause accidents, etc. , and will be main— tained in good order by the Seattle Sporting Goods Company, — — that there will be no basic change to the sidewalk or footings. The Assistant City Engineer informed the Council that the Building Department did not have the authority to grant per— mission to extend the facing on public property. On advice of the City Attorney that if the Council would give the Seattle Sporting Goods Company a, license or easement over the property, said company would be responsible; that he could see no harm to the City of Renton by the company using such a small. portion of the sidewalk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by White, that permission be granted, if the Seattle Sporting Goode Company will hold the City of Renton free and harmless from any liability for �,. encroachment on City property; that if and when this company moves out, any property encroached upon will be vacated. Carried. The City Clerk read the dates and meeting places of the 1954 Regional Meetings of the Association of Washington Cities, stating that the meeting at Ferndale, Thurs— day, October 14th and at Enumclaw Friday, October 22nd were the most convenient to Renton. The City Clerk was requested to advise all the Councilmen of the date of the Enumclaw meeting at the Council meeting just prior to same. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. X68, retaining Counsel for certain work in connection with the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the City outlined as, (1) Construction of a bridge over the Cedar River at Williams Street; (2) Construction of a swimming pool with all, 'necessary facilities in Liberty Park; (3) Acquisition and installation of mercury vapor street lights, traffic control signal lights and the improvement of Park Street from First Avenue North and Bronson Way to Fourth Avenue north by widening and paving the same; and that Preston, Thorgrimson and Horowitz, Bonding Attorneys, be retained by the City to perform services set forth, and as compensation therefor, the City of Renton agrees to pay them as follows: (a) Drawing all proceedings necessary for said election, the issuance and low sale of said bonds if all three issues are combined as one, and for their opinion as to the validity of said bonds, $1000.00. (b) For the services set forth in A above except if one bond proposition fails to carry, 9$750.00. (c)- For the services set forth in A above but in the event two bond pro— positions fail to carry, 9$500.00. (d) In the event all of said propositions fail to carry, for services rendered up to the time of the election, 9$300.00. (e) In the event all of said propositions carry but the bonds 'of one or more issues are sold separately, the fee fixed in A above, plus 9$100.00 additional for each separate. sale. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 865 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented proposed Ordinance No. 1488, as submitted by Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, Special Bond Counsel for the City of Menton. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 148q, providing for the submission of 3 propositions to the qualified electors of the city at a special election to he held on September 14, 1954; the first, authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $110,000.00 to construct a bridge on Williams Street over the Cedar River- the second, authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $100,000.00 to construct a swimming pool with all necessary facilities therefor in Liberty Park; the third, authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $117,000.00 for certain street improvements. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported .that the Council as a Whole had previously approved the drafting of this Ordinance, and that their Committee recommended its adoption. Moved by Swift, seconded by TRmborini, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and the ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. !after the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that Ordinance No. 1488 be 152 y cd adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. The Assistant City Attorney requested that a request from the City' s Bonding Attorneys, Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, as to the Mayor and City Clerk sign- ing the Resolution and Ordinance and certified copies being properly distributed as outlined by the Bonding Attorneys be complied with. Moved by Richardson, sec- onded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assist- and City Attorney and the Resolution and Ordinance be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and all other instructions, including one certified copy of Ordinance No. 1488 to be delivered to Ed. Logan, Superintendent of Elections, not later than Friday, July 30, 1954 be complied with. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1489 as drafted by the City's Legal Consultants, Water, Roberts & Shefelman, specifying and adopting a system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks system in the City of Renton, including the sewage system as a part thereof; declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the issuance of $325,000.00 par value of "City of Renton Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1954" to obtain the funds with which to pay the costs of said system or plan; fixing the date, form, denom- ination, maturities, terms and covenants of said bonds; creating a special fund to provide for the payment of said bonds; and providing for the calling of bids for the sale thereof. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborinit, that the proposed Ordin- ance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, Carried. Mr. Bramhall advised that the date of opening of bids be set as August 17th and the date of publication be not later than August 6, 1954. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee, including dates as advised by Mr. Bramhall,, and the proposed Ordinance No. 1489 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1489, be adopted as read. A Roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion Carried. Mr. Bramhall stated that the "Notice of Bond Sale" had been prepared and was ready, and that he recommended Council approval and publication of same, and stated that he would have same published in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Mr. Bramhall and that the "Notice of Bond Sale" be published in the official Renton newspaper and that Mr. Bramhall have same published in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1490 as presented by the Ordinance Committee annexing certain territory to the City of Renton; said property being described as follows: "That portion of Sec. 4, Twp. 23 N. '.flange 5 E.W.M., des- cribed as: "The East 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sect. 4, Twp. 23 N. Range 5 E. W.M., together with the :south 30 feet of S.E. 112th Street, adjacent thereto, "more generally described as approx- imately 40 acres east of the present Renton Highlands and North of S.E. 112th Street, on both sides of the Sunset Highway, as presented by petition, headed by Fred Peacock. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1490 be placed on its second and final reacting. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council adopt Ordinance No. 1490 as read. A roll call vote being ^taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee presented proposed Ordinance No. 1491, which had been presented at the last Council meeting (July 20, 1954,) placed on its first reading and referred back to the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Richardson, re- ported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance. After the second and final reading of proposed Ordinance No. 1491, regulating traffic and defining duties of pedestrians within designated streets and pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof (Jay-Walking Ordinance) , moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1491 be adopted as read. .A roll call vote was taken as follows: Heid, No; Richardson, Aye; White, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Morris, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye; Heppenstall, Aye and Bruce, No. There being 8 "Aye' s" and 2 "Noss", the motion carried. Councilman Tamborini was excused temporarily from the meeting. i53 The Ordinance Committee presented proposed Ordinance No. 1492, which also had been presented at the last Council meeting (July 20th 1954) placed on its first reading and referred back to the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Richardson re- ported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance. After the second and final reading of proposed Ordinance No. 14922 regulating the presence of minors between certain ages in public streets and other places between certain hours, defining the duties of parents or others in regard to such minors, providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing Sec. 2, known as the Curfew Law of Chapter VIII of Ordinance No. 1074, and any and all other Ordinances in conflict herewith, (Curfew Ordinance) , moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1492 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. .r Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee recommended that seven, 150 watt open-reflector lights be installed at Monterey Terrace Addition at a cost to the City of Renton for Dower of $19.40 per lamp, per year. In connection with this installation, two poles and angles are to be installed in this area at a cost of $150.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini., that the matter of cost of installation of the poles be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that Councilman Tamborini, Assistant City Engin- eer, Walt Will and himself had met with Miss Leida Snyder this evening in regard to her rezoning request of certain property on the corner of M. Street and 128th Street, that Miss Snyder had informed the Committee that she plans on the con- struction of a driving range and service station, also it is planned that a por- tion of said property is to be used for a Laund rymat for the area; that after con- sideration of this matter, the Committee recommended that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for their recommendation, that when the recon- sideration comes back from the Planning Commission, that Miss Snyder be so notified so she can be present at the Council meeting when the subject is again discussed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppentstall, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that as Ordinance No. 1488, the three Bonding Issues, had been passed this evening and would be published this Thursday, August 5, 1954, .. that the City Clerk be instructed to contact all the service organizations, lodges, etc., asking them to notify all the voters to vote at the next election, that every means of publicity in regard to the Bond Issue should be used and the people notified and be kept informed of the importance of their vote. Councilman Reid suggested that the Public Relations Committee get favorable publicity to the public. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in order to have the propositions carry, it would require at least 40% of the people voting who voted at the last general election, and also, that at least 60% of these votes would have to be in favor of this proposition. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Dr. White reported for the Fire & Water Committee, that this Committee had met this evening with the Assistant City Attorney, City Engineer and Mr. Robert Edwards who had previously requested Council consideration of reimbursement for a portion of the expense of installing water mains west of and across Rainier Avenue from the Renton Airport, in the newly annexed area, at such time as an L.I.D., is formed by the residents of the area; that the proposed water line to the area that Mr. Edwards would have installed would meet the City's requirements, specifications and would benefit all of the residents of the area, rather than a smaller, less expensive line for his own personal use. Councilman White stated that the Committee recommended that lir. Edwards be advised that if he installs a water rain line to meet the City Engineer' s specifications for future planning and development, that at such time as an L.I.D., is formed, consideration would be given him for reimbursement or credit for a portion of his expense. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion that an agreement to cover such an arrangement as above stated, should be very carefully and thoroughly studied before any Council approval is given. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. The City Attorney advised that the Council include in the motion that such action be subject to the approval of a proper agreement to be drawn by the City Attorney and approved by the City Engineer. Councilman Heppenstall, with consent of his second, included this in the motion. After a fur- ther discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for further consideration. Carried. Councilman Dr. White was granted his request to be excused from the next Council meeting, August 3, 1954. 154 y cd Councilman Richardson requested that the Council not plan anything special for the 4th and 5th Tuesdays in August as the 4th Tuesday was planned for an Executive meeting of the Council as a Whole and that previous Council action discontinued meetings on the 5th Tuesdays of any month. Councilman Morris requested for the Finance Committee, that the matter of finan— cing the Williams Street bridge, previously referred to the Finance & Claims Comm— ittee, be re—referred to the Council as a Whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that the letter and claim from the Wibergs, referred to the Sanitation Committee at the last Council meeting had been referred to the Insurance Commission r and that he would report further at the next Council meet— ing, or as soon as possible. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Finance Committee had met with Mr. Ernie Isackson of the Police Department Traffic Division in regard to the unpaid meter file and the problem of collecting parking fines and that the Committee recommended that a clerk be hired in the Police Department to handle the unpaid ticket problem and other clerical work. After discussion in regard to no money being budgeted for this purpose in the 1954 budget, moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that the matter be re—referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for further study and a review of the matter with the Police .Judge before any Council action is taken. Carried. Mr. Charles Shane from the audience requested Council consideration of an extension of the Renton sewer system approximately 253 feet on the west side of Shattuck Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues, to serve a proposed apartment—unit he is planning to erect in this area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Co-imittee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) .n Deputy CityClerk � L Mayor ..I 155 Renton, Washington August 3, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN$ SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman White was excused as per his request at the previous meeting July 27, 1954.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Angelo Bussto, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Treasurer; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; and Reuben Miller, Assist- ant Street Commissioner. Two corrections were suggested in regard to the minutes of the meeting of July 27 by Councilman Richardson as follows: Suggestion #1: That page 2, paragraph 21 lines 20 and 21 be changed to read as follows: if.. ...... if appraised price is within 90% of asking price the Council proceed with the negotiations; if there is a discrepancy of considerably more than 10%, they can decide what further action the Council will take." Suggestion #2: That on page 4, paragraph 6, line 6 the word Highlands is to be deleted as that particular area was not mentioned. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the Council meeting of July 27th be corrected as per Councilman Richardson's suggestions and approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from the Assistant City Attorney and City Engineer re- porting on their investigation in regard to the proposal of Mr. Robert Edwards to furnish water to certain territories which had recently been annexed to the r.. City of Renton. The following alternatives were submitted: 1. It is suggested that before any agreement is entered into with Mr. Edwards that the plat be approved in its entirety so as to safeguard the public's rights as to streets and utilities, etc. 2. One alternative available would be for the City to furnish the labor and equipment and handle the installation of the approximately 1750 feet of 8-inch trunk line, while Mr. Edwards at his cost and expense furnish all materials necessary thereto. The title to all such materials and accessories would be vested and remain in the City of Renton at all times. No cash reimbursement would be made to Mr. Edwards in the event that an L.I.D., is formed, or at any time. Mr. Edwards, however, would be given credit toward the assessments which would be levied against the property owners and arising out of the installation of the trunk line and such credits would be based on the cost of the materials, less depreciation. If the assessment thus computed is to be less than the costs ad- vanced by Mr. Edwards, no other credits or reimbursements would be made. 3. Another alternative would be for Mr. Edwards to construct the required eight-inch trunk line at his sole cost and expense, provided, however, that all right and title to the line and its accessories would be and remain in the City of Renton. In the event an L.I.D., is formed, certain credits against the assessment and other reimbursements, to the extent permitted by law could be made to Mr. Edwards. If no L.I.D., were formed, no recourse could be had against the City or other property owners. This alternative is the least desirable inasmuch as it might involve future complications as to reimbursements, the right of other owners to hook up, etc. 4. The last alternative would be to estimate the approximate assessments which would be levied against the Edwards properties based on a proposed L.I.D. , and the construction of the total amount of 8-inch line within the proposed district. An agreement could then be made between the City and Mr. Edwards where- by; he would pay in cash the amount of such anticipated assessment or one-half of. the proposed construction cost based on 1780 feet of 8-inch line, whichever would be more, whereupon the City could then construct such line.. bear one-half CD of its cost, and have title to it from the beginning. The proposition would eliminate any question of reimbursement or future financing by the City or the L.I.D. and Mr. Edwards. However, Mr. Edwards would, of course, be credited on the final assessment with the amounts heretofore advanced. If the final. assess- ment should exceed the amout so advanced, Mr. Edwards, of course, would be liable for any excess. This proposition seems to be the most feasible and equitable at this particular time. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to a Committee of the Council as a Whole for continued consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the Tax Commission of the State of Washington, being a supplemental audit by Stanley A. Anderson at the Olympia, Washington office, August 2, 1954. To adjust the original audit by W.H. Bernard, December 21, 1953 as follows: Corrected Tax payable $2,474.94 Audit interest, X926 Total due and hereby assessed $2.714.90 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee, City Clerk, and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A communication from State of Washington, Department of Public Lands was read concerning the clearing and improving for drainage purposes a portion of the old channel of Black River between Lake Washington and the Duwamish River. Permission was therein granted to proceed with this work, with the understanding that the City will be liable for any damages resulting from the proposed improvement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer and Street Commiss- ioner be instructed to clear the channel as soon as it is possible to do so, in order to take advantage of the weather, which at the present time is favorable for the improvement under consideration. Carried. A communication was read from Metcalf & Harstad Association, Consulting Engineers stating that they are interested in carrying out the engineering services in connection with the protect of the construction of a municipal Swimming Pool and asking consideration of their firm for this assignment at such time as the pro- ject is begun. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be re- ferred to the Ways and Means Committee for further study and considerations with a recommendation in regard to same to be submitted to the Council for action. Carried. A communication from the City Engineer was read regarding the current operation of the Stoneway Sand and Gravel Company in dredging the river channel resulting in the encroachment and use of City property. The owners of the Company have been notified verbally in this matter, but in the discussion, the City Engineer did a not attempt to advise them in regard to the City's attitude in this land use. It is understood that the Company plans to continue the dredging downstream to the railroad bridge and will therefore have to fill along the river to permit the equipment to operate. The property is also being used to a limited degree for storing sand and gravel at least on a temporary basis. This information was sub- mitted by the City Engineer so that the City may proceed to some definite con- clusion in this land use. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Pro- perty Committee for investigation and report back to the Council at the next meeting. After questions and discussion, the motion carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that an appraisal on the property adjacent to Windsor Hills that has been recommended for the - installation of two - 3,000,000 gallon steel water storage tanks has been re- ceived. The appraised value has been set at $1,500.00 per lot which is the identical value per lot establisbed by the owners.- The appraiser declined to make any appraisal for property devaluation because he considers such an appraisal to be of an indeterminate nature. The City Engineer stated that the appraisal was made by a competent real estate man. Moved by Bruce that the offer made by the owners of the property be accepted. There was no second. 157 A gentleman in the audience requested the floor and asked for the exact location of the property on which the city desires to build the tanks. Several people in the audience surveyed the wall map with the City Engineer to ascertain the exact location for the proposed tanks. Councilman Bruce requested that his motion on the question be held in abeyance for the time being. A gentleman in the audience stated that the people living in the Windsor Hills district are definitely pro- testing the erection of the tanks on the proposed location. Councilman Richardson asked the City Engineer if a 30 day option had been acquired on the land. The City Engineer stated that the owner has been out of town, but an option will be acquired as soon as possible. Councilman Morris stated that in his opinion the owners of property in the area adjacent to the proposed site for the water tanks, r are entitled to the right to seek information in regard to the effect the in- stallation of the tanks would have on property valuation in the area, and to be shown if possible how the installation of the tanks would affect the general appearance of the residential area adjacent thereto. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris that the matter be referred to a committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Another gentleman from the audience requested the floor and asked if there was anyone present who could tell him why his property, which is improved had decreased in value over a period of years, while the property right next to his, unimproved, has increased in value over the same period of years. After consider- able discussion and a declaration that he was not inferring that any dishonest practices were involved in the appraisal of the property under consideration for a tank site, the gentleman was told that appraisal of private property adjacent to the property needed by the city for a tank site was not proper Council pro- cedure. P communication was read from the City Health Officer stating that the Douglas Shows did a satisfactory sanitary job the past week. The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to place the communication on file. A communication was read from Robert D. Nystrom, dba Maplewood Coffee Shop, 12520 144 S.E., Renton, Washington, requesting permission to install a pinball. machine in his place of business. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from William L. Scholdt, owner of the Mcdern Music Company, making application for a master license for the operation of a coin operated shuffleboard at the Snappy Tavern, stating that he agrees to conform to all rules and regulations, etco required by the ordinance of the City of Renton, and will pay the sum of $7.50 per quarter for the license. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Engineer presented a Deed of Dedication of President Park #9 stating that as he had received it only a short while before the meeting that he had not had an opportunity to check it over. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that subject deed of dedication be re- ferred to the City Engineer for checking and a report back to the Council.on same at the next Council meeting. Carried. The Budget Controller requested that the Council set a date for consideration of estimates for the preliminary budget, as the preliminary budget has to be adopted the first Tuesday in September. .r. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke teat the meeting be held Monday night, August 9, Carried. Councilman Richardson, speaking on behalf' of the Police and License Committee, requested a short recess for a meeting with the City Attorney and a Committee of the Council as a Whole. The Mayor stated that the regular Council meeting would be concluded first. 158 y OLD BUSINESS Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, requested more time in regard to an ordinance for establishing parking meter zones. More time granted. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee, requested information as to when an executive committee meeting of the Council as a Whole would be held. The Mayor stated that such a meeting would be called in the near future. Councilman Richardson requested information from Councilman Morris as to the present status of national legislation on In Lieu of Taxes. Since the previous inquiries in regard to samet nothing has been heard about Senate consideration of the bill. passed by the House of Representatives. Councilman Richardson suggested that the Finance Committee write the congressman again requesting in- formation on the current status of the proposed legislation. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported as follows on two questions: (1) Regarding the Wiberg Claim, nothing further has been heard :from the Insurance Commission. (2) Regarding the verbal request of Mr. Shane for an extension of the Renton sewer system approximately 253 feet on the west side of Shattuck Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues to serve a proposed apartment unit he is planning to erect in this area, the Sanita- tion Committee believe that the City should not be requested to install Sewer Mains for private individuals and recommends that the request be denied. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, re- quested more time to investigate plans for collecting parking meter fines. More time granted. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, requested more time in regard to an investigation as to the possibility of securing quit claim deeds for property in order to establish a new street in Earlington. More time granted. Assistant City Engineer, Will, suggested that a point be called to the attention of the property owner who has not yet committed himself' that if he would dedicate 20 feet he would have six lots where there are only three now. Councilman Tamborini presented the question as to when a fire station would be constructed in the south end of the city for consideration of the Council. No formal action was taken at this time. Councilman Tamborini presented a suggestion that a small play field should be furnished for the south end of the city. Councilman Richardson suggested that Councilman Tamborini bring up both this and the previous question regarding a fire station at the budget meetings. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Trimm requested that a Committee Meeting of the Council as a Whole be held after the regular meeting. Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting with Councilman Trimm and Delaurenti and Park Superintendent Gene Coulon after the regular meeting. Councilman Richardson reminded the Council that he had previously requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee after the regular meeting. The Mayor stated that the first order of business following the regular meeting would be the meeting of the Police and License Committe. Councilman Swift stated that there is not much information at his disposal as to the situation concerning the Civil Defense Program and how much pro- gress is being or has been made,and requested the Director of Civilian Defense 159 to arrange a meeting with the Council to explain the present status of Civilian Defense activities. Civil Defense Executive Director Lawrence stated that the Civil. Defense Communi— cations Man received a citation for fitness and dependability from the State Civilian Defense organization last Friday evening, July 29. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee I` were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 1933-2064 17,930.33 CLAIMS CURRENT 1952-1953 132832.32 CLAIMS WATER 9027-9028 2,507.64 CLAIMS STREET 6600-6601 22366.72 CLAIM' PARK 1868-1869 11171.70 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2776- - CLAIMS AIRPORT 1796-1797 649.82 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2517-2518 12263.86 CLAIW EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 127— 151 21794.77 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 498— 577 22,420.70 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE FUND 530 5.00 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 137 — CLAIMS CUM. #1132 CLAIMS CUM. #11.33 398 — CLAIMS CUM. #1184 444— 447 220..3 Moved by Bruce, Seconded by Reid that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 31 persons present besides Officials, Depart— ment Supervisors and City of Renton employees.) Depixuy City Clerk Mayor 60 `° Renton, Washington August 10, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R.Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN,, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Trimm, through Councilman Richard— son, requested to be excused from this weeks and next week's meetings as he has gone to California; also Councilman Swift requested to be excused from the follow— ing two meetings. ?bequests granted.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attor- ney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; 'ren Oyler, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. One correction was suggested in regard to the minutes of the meeting of August 3, by Councilman Richardson as follows: That on Page 3, part of paragraph 13, should read ". requested a short recess for a meeting with the City Attorney and a committee of the Council as a Whole . . . . . ." Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meeting of August 3 be corrected as per Councilman Richard;son's suggestion and approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton—Auburn Musicians' Union, Local No. 360, requesting the reconsideration of the revocation of the dance license at the Barei Tavern because of the excess of unemployed members of subject Musician's Union. The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to hold the letter in abeyance until such time as the matter of the revocation of the dance license was considered and passed upon by the Council as a Whole. A communication was read from Renton School District No. 4.03 requesting the WMW Council's assistance in establishing the crosswalks, school zone and crossing signs, as well as such traffic controls as may be needed for the protection of the children attending McKnight Jr. High School. The letter specifically pointed out the need for a traffic control light at the intersection of Sunset Boule— vard at 116th Avenue S.E., and a graveled walk along the east side of 116th Avenue extending from Sunset Boulevard to S.E. 112th. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 4 communication was read from Clyde A. Barnard, Attorney for Appellants Ray Lauderback and Carl Carlson,requesting a reconsideration of the revocation by the Chief of Police of the dance hall license previously issued to them at the Barei Tavern on the ground that the revocation is unjust and unwarranted. Mayor Baxter instructed the City Clerk to hold this letter in abeyance until such time as the remainder of the communications were read. A petition was read requesting rezoning, from SINGLE—FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE (R—S) District to BUSINESS USE (B-1) District, to—wit: "The north four (4) acres of SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 less the east 130' and less the north 48' thereof heretofore conveyed to Wedgewood Realty, a corporation, all situated in Section 9, Twp. 23 N. Range 5 E.W.M., King County, State of Washington, EXCEPT ROADS." Said petition was signed by Clara L. Acton; the petition also carried the ,.. signature of three (3) property owners of not less than 51% by area of all pro— perty lying within 200 feet (street and alleys excepted) of the above described tract and having frontage upon any street passing through or adjoining; the above described property, who consent to changing the classification of above described tract to BUSINESS—USE DISTRICT. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the communi3ation be referred to the Planning Commission.and City Engineer. Carried. 161 A statement from Richard E. Wolff, Civil Engineer, was presented, for a partial payment of engineering services in connection with water supply main improve— ments (6% of $100000 estimated cost.) The statement was approved as per contract agreement by James L. Highton, City Engineer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tambo rini, that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee for a report back at the next regular Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from J. A. Kahl, M.D., Acting State Director of Health, to Mr. Richard E. Wolff, approving plans and specifications for the Supply Main Improvements for the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter instructed the City Clerk to place this communication on file. r A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the total cost of synchronizing the street traffic signals with The Pacific Coast Railroad signals at the Maple Valley intersection with Bronson Way North and Sunset Boulevard in the total amount of $723.28, should be paid but that as street department funds for this type of improvement have been depleted, payment cannot be made until funds have been provided to pay said claim. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for investigation and a report back at the next regular Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer regarding the designing of the south approach to the new Williams Street bridge stating that: The designing of the south approach to the new Williams Street bridge has made it necessary to survey the status of the 10 foot alley that is parallel and adjacent to the American Legion property. The Puget Sound Title Insurance Company has informed me that Zeb and Margaret Shearer conveyed title on this alley to the American Legion in 1949. We find, however, that Zeb and Margaret Shearer deeded the alley to the City of Renton in 1925, and there is no record of a vacation of same by the City of Renton, and that it is vital in the planning for the construction of the Williams Street bridge to determine the legal status of this alley in re- gard to the "Legal" ownership of same. After discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the question of ownership of subject alley be referred to the City Attorney and the Property Committee for investigation and a report back to the Council as soon as possible. Carried. r A communication was read from the City Engineer as follows: "The final plat of President Park No. 9, which was submitted to the City Council on August 3, 1954 has been checked, and minor errors and omissions have been corrected. The plat meets ordinance requirements and is re-submitted for consideration.." Mr. Highton stated that the Plat has been reviewed by the Planning Commission with a recommendation that the Council approve same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer regarding plans and specifications for the Williams Street bridge stating that: The plans and specifications for the Williams Street bridge are virtually complete, and it will be necessary to incorporate the method of payment in the bid proposal. The tentative time schedule sets the first date of publication on the bid call for August 19th, the bids to be received and opened for Council consideration on September 7th and that Mr. Arnold, the bridge consulting engineer, had been informed that the pro- ject will be financed on a cash basis, so that he may complete the work on the bid proposal. The City Engineer requested confirmation on this point, stating that otherwise it will be necessary to defer the bid call. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the request of the City Engineer. After a discussion and clarification of the subject by the City Engineer and the City Attorney with suggestions as to providing an alternate method of pay- ment. The motion carried* A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 9, Renton Highlands Addition to Renton through the formation of a Local Improvement District. The property that abuts the alley comprises 24 lots, all of which will be specially benefited by the improvement. The owners of 20 lots, with a pe=rcentage of 81.29%, calculated on the basis of lineal front footage, have signed the petition. Cost is estimated at $300.00 with the property owners to furnish all materials, and the City to furnish labor and equipment. The estimated cost of the improvement is less than the assessed valuation of the district, and should the City Council take favorable action, it is recommended by the City Engineer that the term of payment be for one year, 162 y x and the method of assessment be on the basis of front foot of property abutting the alley. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation, and a report back to the Council. Carried. A petition was presented requesting rezoning from Residential Use District to Commercial Use District the following described property: "Lot 3, Block 2 of Stewart' s Highland Acre Tracts, per plat thereof in volume 43 of Plats, page 17, records of King County; situate in the City of Renton King County, Washington." (For Joe & Gladys Ellis, as re-submitted by Gil. Duckworth, Attor, for petitioner) This petition is a re-submission of petition dated April 20, 1954 prevl'ously submitted to the Council. Councilman Tamborini requested information as to '�' whether or not this petition had been presented to the Planning Commission. The City Clerk informed him that it had been presented and disapproved by the Plann- ing Commission, and the action of the Planning Commission had been confirmed by the Council. Councilman Richardson requested information as to the exact location of subject property. City Engineer Highton explained that it adjoins President Park where 7th Avenue North intersects M. Street. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be investigated by a committee to be appointed by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested the City Clerk to read a communication from Clyde A. Barnard regarding the revocation by the Chief of Police of the Public lance Hall License for the calendar year 19542 issued by the City of Renton -to Carl Carlson and Ray Lauderback for Barei' s Tavern located at 308 Wells Street, Renton, King County, Washington. The communication was read by the City Clerk, and Attorney Barnard was granted the floor. Attorney Barnard stated that his opening statement and presentation of certain evidence might take some time and suggested that the Council might wish to delay this matter until after the com- pletion of other business pending. Mayor Baxter instructed the Council that the matter would be held in abeyance until after the opening of bids in connection with the construction of the two 3,000,000 gallon steel water storage tanks. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council reject the proposed Windsor Hills tank site in favor of the Balch site and that the engineer pro- ceed with the negotiations to acquire the latter property to be used as a water tank site by the City of Renton. After discussion and statements by several councilmen as to the advantages of acquiring the Balch site rather than the Windsor Hills site, the motion carried. Mayor Baxter instructed the City Clerk to open the bids as submitted for a 3,000,000 gallon water tank, reading the name of the bidder and the amount, and turn the bids over to Mr. Wolff, the consulting engineer. It was suggested that he also read the time of beginning and completion of work necessary for instal- lation of said tank. Mayor Baxter so instructed the City Clerk. Following are the names of the bidders, amounts, and completion time in connection with the construction of the 3,000,000 gallon steel water storage tank: All bids were accompanied by the necessary certified checks or bid bonds in the required amounts. BIDDER AMOUNT OF BID TIME OF COMPLETION Birchfield Boiler Corporation $86,900.07 Begin within 30 calendar days & complete within 90 calendar days after sign- ing contract. Consolidated Western Steel 71,821.90 Begin within 60 calendar Seattle, Washington. days & complete within 120 days. NNW Chicago Bridge & Iron Company Seattle Division 75,313.60 Begin within 70 calendar days and complete+ within 145 days. Hammond Iron Works 68,602.00 Begin within 80 calendar Keys Tank Division days & complete within Box 71, Provo, Utah 175 days. I BIDDER AMOUNT OF BID TIME OF COMPLETION American Pipe & Construction Co. $81,833.50 Begin within 45 calendar Northwest Division days and complete within Portland, Oregon 150 days. Pittsburgh-DesMoines Steel Co. 73,774.05 Begin within 110 calendar Seattle, Wash., Branch days and complete within 170 days. Seattle Boiler Works, Inc. 100,682.50 Begin within 90 calendar Seattle, Wash days and complete within 180 days. Hydraulic Supply Mfg. Co. Seattle, Washington 881,287.48 Begin within 60 calendar days and complete within 150 days. Councilman Richardson suggested that as other bids on the water pipe line improve- ment would be opened, it might be well to delay referring them to the Consulting Engineer until all bids had been opened and considered by the Council. A gentleman representing Birchfield Boiler Corporation requested information as to whether or not the element of time would enter into awarding the bid. Mr. Wolff informed him that the completion time might receive some consideration in the bid award. The following are the names of the bidders, amounts, and completion time in connection with the water mains improvement; BIDDER AMOUNT OF BID TIME COMPLETION Valley Construction Company $ 99,950.92 Begin within 150 calendar days after signing contract Argentieri & Colarrossi 125,963.70 Begin within 120 calendar days after signing contract Shoreline Construction Co. 114808.28 Begin within 120 calendar days after signing contract. Harold Kaser Company 105,151.19 Begin within 150 calendar Seattle, Washington days after signing contract. Frank Coluccio Construction Co. 1172226.55 Begin within 75 calendar Seattle, Washington days after pipe arrives Hanson Construction Company 106,264.94 Begin within 135 calendar Seattle, Washington days after signing contract Alia & Libri Construction Co. 93,356.33 Begin within 90 calendar days after signing contract Superior Construction Company 136,345.53 Begin within 150 calendar Seattle, Washington days after signing contract Ace Construction Company 972779.81 Begin within 90 calendar days after signing contract Harbor Construction Company 103,407.08 Begin within 90 calendar Seattle, Washington days after signing contract ,.. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that all bids be referred to the Engineer- ing Department and consulting engineer for checking and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A short recess was declared by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. 164cc Mr, Ivar Edman was given the floor. Mr. Edman was present in connection with the problem of moving his business from his present location on 3rd Avenue to the corner of Tobin and Rainier Avenue. A clarification was made after some dis— cussion as to the type of business Mr. Edman operates which is a towing service and storage only and not a wrecking yard. Mayor Baxter called on the ,Assistant City Attorney for further explanation. Assistant City Attorney Shellan explained that there are three classifications under the Zone B-1, parking lots, public garages, and storage. The wrecking yard classification comes under light industry. This particular property is not zoned light industry but B-1. Therefore, if it is simply a matter of storage and not wrecking, Mr. Edman could be allowed to proceed; however, it might be well to specifically exclude wrecking, when issuing a permit. The Assistant City Attorney concluded that if no wrecking was permitted, Mr. Edman could legally be allowed permission to move his business to subject now location. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke that the request for a permit be granted with the specific exclusion of wrecking and that the subject location will be used only for storage. After a question and an explanation by Mr. Edman that only the garage and office building would be on street level, the motion carried. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that there were several persons in the audience who would like the floor in connection with a water problem in the area of their homes. Mr. Ken Thompson, representative of the group, was given the floor. Mr. Thompson stated that there were several water lines in their district, that there has been a petition that lines be taken over by the City of Renton for maintenance and collection, but that there did not seem to be any definite policy planned. The location of this area is west of the Renton Airport, just south of Bryn Mawr. Councilman Reid stated that the problem was put in the hands of the Fire and Water Committee some time ago, but the people seem to be in dire need of more water and that the Council should take some action now in regard to a solution of the problem. Councilman Richardson requested more information concerning the problem. Mr. Thompson stated that a petition had been prepared for an L.I.D. in that district, but immediate relief of the water shortage is the main concern now. Councilman Richardson requested information from the City Eng— ineer as to the cost of acquiring and improving the system till an L.I.D. can be completed. The City Engineer Highton stated that the petition is for the en— tire area that was annexed and that it would take some time, probably next summer, before the system could be built through the formation of an L.I.D. as larger lines will have to be used. Mayor Baxter asked if the City Engineer had now had an opportunity to investigate the situation. City Engineer Highton stated that there is an actual lack of water because too many residences are connected to a small lire. Councilman Richardson requested information regarding the in— debtedness of the present system. City Engineer Highton stated that before making any commitments, the City of Seattle would have to be contacted as to any claims against the system. A lady in the audience from that area brought up the point regarding the sanitation problem resulting from the lack of water. Mayor Baxter stated that the City of Renton cannot do more than the people sanction and are willing to pay for. The lady in the audience stated that they are aware of that fact and are willing to pay for improvement of the system. In answer to Councilman Richardsonts question, City Engineer Highton ;stated that a 2" pipe would be adequate to furnish plenty of water to the residences affected, but he did not have the figures at hand at this time as to how many feet of 211 line would be required for the needed improvement. Councilman Bruce suggested that the matter be held in abeyance until a decision was made as to the Edward' s application as the Edwards line could possibly be used as the source of their supply if and when said line is installed. City Engineer Highton stated that it may be possible to connect with the Edward's line. Councilman Richardson informed the people of the area that if the City of Renton did put in a 2" line now, which they would be required to pay for, when the Local Im— provement District is formed, they will also have to pay for the larger main necessary and that it should be definitely understood by them that relief now would have to be paid for in addition to the later expense of an L.I.D., water main installation. Mr. Thompson stated that there had been a meeting that evening, but that he was only speaking for himself in saying that he -could be ... willing to get along with the present line if a new line could be put in next summer. Mrs. Thompson requested the floor asking if (since there were only five houses on the hill and sixteen houses alltogether) it would be permissible to install check valves on the lines. No one seemed to know. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion there should be temporary line put in now since the people are willing to pay for it as a year is too long to wait for an adequate supply of water. Councilman Richardson made the point clear that it would not change the cost of the water as the City of Renton would still have to buy it from the City of Seattle. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Fire and `dater Committee for investigation with an estimate of approximate cost and report back at the next regular meeting of the Council. Carried. W_ n FW Councilman Bruce reported on behalf of the Property Committee that he had con- tacted Mr. Hardenberg of the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company regarding their dredging in the river bed, that Mr. F.ardenberg had assumed that whoever was managing the operation for him had contacted the City of Renton, and that it is the recommen- dation of the Property Committee that Mr. Hardenberg be permitted to continue on as he is willing to do whatever the City desires regarding the status of the fill, and that Mr. Hardenberg is making a decided improvement. Councilman Richardson reported that he had talked with Mr. Hardenberg also and that Mr. Hardenberg had told him that he was willing to lease the property on a time basis for storage, and that as it was in no way obstructing the view of the Cedar River Project resi- dents and was a decided improvement, negotiations should be begun for a lease agree- ment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney and the City Engineer with the Property Committee negotiate for a lease with Mr. Hardenberg. Carried. Attorney Clyde Barnard was given the floor in connection with an appeal on behalf of the owners of the Barei Tavern for reconsideration of the revocation of the dance hall license at said tavern. Attorney Barnard, in his opening statement, pointed out that this appeal is made on the basis that, in the ownerst estimation, the decision was more or less arbitrary and not based on fact, and that it was un- just in several ways. Attorney Barnard stated that to his knowledge, the only communication made to the owners of the Barei Tavern is in a letter of revocation dated August 4, 1954 which was immediately following a week end when they had a dance, and immediately preceding that week end, they had contacted the Chief of Police and had been informed that they would have to meet certain requirements and do certain things, and that they would have to discontinue using the services of two employees now working for them. The owners did dismiss the two employees, and made every effort to comply, hired two Renton policemen to police the area at the time the dance was held, but were not given the opportunity of more than one week end to correct any situation that might have been wrong. Attorney Barnard stated that, although he was aware of the fact that notification does not have to be given in all common fairness, it would not seem out of line for notice to be made to the party that certain infractions are occurring and to give them a reasonable length of time to correct them or revoke their permit. Attorney Barnard pointed out that changes that were said to be necessary were attempted, and that the owners were not given sufficient time in which to complete these changes. Attorney Barnard re- quested the Council's consideration of two alternatives - that the City Council either overrule the decision of the Chief of Police or that they suspend revocation of the license and give the owners a reasonable length of time in order to correct any situation that might exist. Attorney Barnard stated that a sale of the tavern is pending, that earnest money has been placed down, and that this revocation of the Dance Hall License seriously damages the possibilities of sale. Attorney Barnard requested permission to call on some people for information which might be helpful in this matter. Permission was granted, and Mr. Thomas Rock, Retail Liquor Inspector for the State of Washington, was called. The substance of Mr. Rock's statement follows. Mr. Rock stated that he had had occasion to go into the Barei Tavern at least three times a week and has come across no reasons for recovation of the Liquor License. Although he has heard rumors of hard liquor being brought into the tavern, he could not find any evidence. He does not know of any infractions occurring that would warrant any revocation of any license and has found the owner cooperative. There has been some excessive noise, and when asked to cooperate in calming the situation, the owner was very responsive; however, it takes time for such a remedy, and the owners have been attempting to do whatever he suggested. Assistant City Attorney Shellan then asked Mr. Rock several questions, the sub- stance of which answers follows. Mr. Rock answered that prior to June 1, 1954, he had not had any dealings with the Barei Tavern and that he did not know how many liquor inspectors had been in the tavern since February, 1954; also that his appearance at the Council meeting was not in an official capacity for the Liquor Board, but as an individual only. Mr. Rock answered that he had an opportunity to be in the Barei Tavern on Friday or Saturday night every week about three times each night for about an hour each time since June 1, 1954; that on one occasion he had come in just as some disorderly conduct had taken place, but did not actually see it. Mr. hock said that he understood that there have been no written complaints but has been told that there have been complaints verbally. Mr. Rock answered that at no time had he found any minors present in the Barei Tavern; that he inspected the area back of the dance floor near the rest rooms at each inspection and had found nothing improper there since June 1, 1954. Mr. Rock stated that he had found officers of the Renton Police Department on duty during the last two weeks on Friday and Saturday nights, but did not remember whether or not he checked the rest rooms on those particular nights or not. 166 Cr The next person to be called was Mr. Dave Weir, Bartender at the Barei Tavern, who stated that he had been hired a week ago Thursday night, that he had told the owners that he was not really anxious to work but told them he would work the week end. He stated that he had talked with officers on duty and that they had said they would police the place properly and see that the dances were kept orderly. When questioned by Attorney Barnard as to which officer he had talked with, he stated that it was Officer Frank Henry. Mr. Weir stated that he believed the owners had done a good job. When questioned by Attorney Barnard as to whether or not he had any knowledge of any people going across the street to the cocktail lounge and getting hard liquor and coming back in, Mr. Weir stated that he paid no attention to that. Assistant City Attorney Shellan then asked Mr. Weir questions in regard to being a customer at the tavern. Mr. Weir answered that before being hired as a barten- der there, he had been a customer and had been in the tavern quite often and occasionally at the dances on Friday and Saturday nights. Mr. George Spady, Auxiliary Deputy Sheriff, was called, the substance of whose statement follows: Mr. Spady stated that he had had occasion to police the Barei Tavern during the dances since they started the public dances, that he had had discussions with Chief Busato regarding conditions prevailing there but could not recall being told definitely to ask the owners of the tavern to interview Chief Busato. Assistant City Attorney Shellan then questioned Mr. Spady. Mr. Spady stated that he recalled having a conversation with Chief Busato regarding this situation a little more than two months ago, and that the Chief had told him of the: reports that he had had regarding the improper conduct of the dances and that the Chief told him that correcting measures must be taken. Mr. Spady stated that he and the Chief had had some very lengthy and detailed discussions and that the Chief might have mentioned that the owners should improve the way in which dances were conducted. Mr. Spady stated that he has been an Auxiliary Deputy Sheriff policing the Barei Tavern at their dances for some time, a year or more, and that during that time there had been quite a bit of trouble at the dances. In answer to Attorney Barnard's question, Mr. Spady stated that he does not know anything about happenings outside of the tavern during the dances that he checked the patrons as they came in the door, and that in the event of any dis- turbances, he either broke it up or forced the guilty party or parties to leave the tavern. Mr. Carl E. Carlson, one of the owners of the Barei Tavern, was next called. Attorney Barnard asked Mr. Carlson if, when he first obtained the license to hold dances in the tavern, he had attempted to obtain local police to police the dances. Mr. Carlson answered that several days prior to opening night he had hired a policeman (Mr. Merlino) who was to report to work at 9:00 p.m. Around 7:00 of the night of the danc e,someone stopped in,said that Mr. Merlino would not be in. Prior to that, the owners had been notified by the Liquor Board that dances could not be held unless a policeman was present. Consequently when he found that Mr. Merlino was not coming, he contacted the sheriff. Mr. Carlson stated that he had never had a dance without policing by a duly authorized officer of the law, same being hired to keep order and check against minors attending the dances or enter- ing the tavern. Mr. Carlson stated that he had tended bar in the tavern until the first of this year but now has another interest which keeps him out of town and has not been there except on occasions when his wife has called himm.Mr. Carlson said that he had no definite knowledge as to whether or not patrons went across to the cock- tail lounge, obtained hard liquor, and come back, that the tavern was near a cocktail lounge, and he could not say definitely. Mr. Carlson also stated that during one of their dances he had observed four or five policemen outside and that the patrons resented it and were noisy because of the fact that they resented the police around the area, and that the people were unduly noisy that particular ... night; and that he had not been notified prior to that night that the way the dances were conducted was unsatisfactory to the Renton Police Chief. Mr. Carlson stated that the Barei Tavern represents his entire assets, that he had sold his home to buy the tavern, and that at no time was he notified that he had not been conducting the dances properly, and if he had, he would have tried to change the way they were conducted to comply with the wishes of the; Renton Police Chief. 167 Assistant City Attorney Shellan then questioned Mr. Carlson. Mr. Carlson said that he had not tended bar there regularly since January 1, 1954, but that during April and May he had tended bar there every day. Mr. Carlson also said that he had been advised by the deputy sheriff about discussions with the Police Chief, who had re— quested the removal of the loud speaker over the front door which had been carrying noise out into the street, which had been done. Mr. Carlson stated that there was no business establishment on that street oven after 8:00 in the evening, and con— sequently, no disturbance in that manner resulted. When Assistant City Attorney Shellan questioned Mr. Carlson as to the size of the dance floor, Mr. Carlson stated that it is not quite as large as the Council chamber, approximately 50' x 401 , but he was not sure of the dimensions of the room. Mr4 Carlson confirmed his previous �• statement that two policemen were not sure of the dimensions of the room. Mr. Carl— son confirmed his previous statement that two policemen were too many for 150 people, that he did not recall of any other nights when there had been fights, but that when 150 people are together, there are bound to be disagreements. Attorney Barnard asked Mr. Carlson if he knew of any fights in any of the other taverns, and Mr. Carlson stated that they were about the same as his, that the dance hall license had no particular affect on the amount of fights. The next person to be called was Mrs. Lawana Carlson, who stated that her capacity in connection with the Barei Tavern had been more or less on a managerial basis during the last several months, as she has been there more than Mr. Carlson, but the responsibility has not been solely hers within the last two months. Mrs. Carlson stated that 'the first knowledge she had had of the situation at hand was about a month ago when she had heard through "grape—vine" information that things were not as they should be. She had heard this on a week end, and the following week had had trouble with the bartender which was brought to her attention. A conferenceuas held with Mr. Rock, and she had gone to see Chief Busato and told him that she would like to do whatever he suggested. This conference with Chief Busato was held two weeks this Friday (July 30) , and in this conference, Chief Busato had told her they needed a complete change in employees, which was done. A new bartender was hired, and police protection was provided. Mrs. Carlson stated that she had observed not too much disorderly conduct on Friday and Saturday nights, that the patrons were noisy and probably that had been let go a little too far; however, the speaker over the front door had been moved which had helped considerably. Mrs. Carlson confirmed the fact that a sale of the tavern is pending and that earnest money has been put down, and that this revocation of the dance hall license would cause the sale to fall through. Mrs. Carlson stated that a dance has never been operated without a policeman. In answer to Attorney Barnard' s question, Mrs. Carlson stated that if this appeal to the City Council were successful, they would abide by the council' s suggestions as far as practicable, that they do not want to be responsible for operating an establishment with a bad name as they have children going to school in this community. City Attorney Shellan then questioned Mrs. Carlson. Mrs. Carlson answered that Mr. Spady had not related to them the fact that they were to report to the police department. She also stated that she had never seen anyone take a drink of hard liquor out of a bottle inside their tavern, and that it was the policy, in cases where necessary, for the management to request any offenders to leave, and if they refused, then they were turned over to the police officer. In answer to Assistant City Attorney Shellan's question, Mrs. Carlson stated that on Friday and Saturday nights, she usually spent the entire evening there from 9:30 or 10:00 p.m, until closing time, and that during those hours, she helped the girl on the floor most of the time. Mrs. Carlson stated that she had talked with Mr. Spady regarding his discussions with Chief Busato, but that she had not gone to see the Chief herself as she knew Mr. Spady had been to see him two or three months ago, and conditions did not seem so serious that they themselves would have to report to the Chief, although they knew that changes would have to be made. Assistant City Attorney Shellan pointed out to Mrs. Carlson that the Dance Hall License could not be transferred, that the new owner would have to apply for his own Dance Hall License. Mrs. Carlson said that she had assumed that it might be transferred for the remainder of the year. Assistant City Attorney Shellan asked Mrs. Carlson if anyone had ever told her that this license could be transferred and emphasized that the new proprietor would have to Ire—apply to the City Co,ancil. Mrs. Carlson said that since other licenses were transferable it was a natural assumption that this one could be transferred for the remaining portion of the A DO year. Assistant City Attorney Shellan stated that such licenses are not, trans— ferable automatically. Attorney Barnard asked Mrs. Carlson if the revocation of the Dance Hall License, irrespective of the fact that a new owner would have to re—apply to the City Council for such license, would either kill the sale or materially reduce the chance of sale. Mrs. Carlson stated that this revocation would materially reduce the chance of sale as the prospective purchasers were assuming that they would do the same amount of business that is now being done. Assistant City Attorney Shellan stated that it might be well to call on Chief Busato who might give an additional report on the violations and infractions now that have been reported. Attorney Barnard requested that the officers that had been on duty at the Barei Tavern, Officers H enry and Anderson, be called on first. Officer Frank Henry was called for statement, substance of which follows. Officer Henry stated he was brought into the matter against his will, that he definitely did not want to go to the tavern to preserve order during the dances because of the previous reports that he had read concerning activities there. Officer Henry stated that he has worked taverns for several years and has got along very well with the people and has had no fights; that at most of the taverns when dances are held, there had been two men, later only one (through no fault of the police) , then again two (speaking of taverns where dances are held in general) . Chief Busato had asked Officer H enry if he would go to the Barei Tavern to assist in preserving order during dances, and although he definitely stated that he did- not idnot want to go, since it was the Chief who requested that he goy he did consent to go, the first time being two weeks ago on Friday night (July 30) . Mrs. Carlson was in Chief Busato' s office, and they discussed with her changes desired by the Police Chief and a policy for conducting dances. Nothing was promised by Mrs. Carlson, but she did say they would try to do a good job. The first Friday night, the police office had talked to Mrs. Carlson asking if she would consent to having two policemen to preserve order at dances. She had said that business did not warrant the expense of hiring two policemen but did consent to hiring another officer on a half time basis. Officer Henry stated that the first night they went in, he was ready to leave the minute he went in, but as he had told the owner that he would try -to do the job, he did stay. No results were promised within two or three or four nights. Some were escorted out quietly, several were turned away from the doors, and many minors were turned away, some of these minors stating that they had been getting in previously. They were not admitted. The first thing that was done on that Friday night was to ask Mrs. Carlson to go back in her office with the leader of the band for a conference. The police told them what changes were needed in the operation and also requested their co— operation. The leader of the band was belligerent, saying that maybe the police had better run the dance. Saturday night was practically the same way; the noise could not be calmed. Officer Henry stated to Mr. Rock that they would not be back, but they did go back the following week. The second Friday night, they had to escort a lady off the dance floor, and that there was much profanity. Saturday night things went along pretty peacefully, but there was again much profanity. Many people were turned away, many of them minors. They stated that there was a speaker over the transom which was quite loud and the following week it was removed and placed in another location. Officer Henry said that he did state to Mr. Weir, the bartender, that occasionally some disorder could be expected at most taverns, but as the Dance Hall License was granted with the understanding that order must be maintained by the tavern owners at the dances, two officers should have been present at every dance. Attorney Barnard pointed out to Officer Henry that anything that was said by the band leader does not necessarily reflect the policy and attitude of the tavern management. Officer Henry agreed and said that he did not think that Mrs. Carlson would personally want the dances to be as disorderly as they were. ... Attorney Barnard asked Officer Henry if he had pointed out to Mrs. Carlson about the attitude of the band leader. Officer Henry said that he had. Officer Henry also stated that the police were there to try to keep order and to do a good job for the owners of the tavern; that they have an understanding that: if the tavern owners need police assistance to preserve order, the police officers would be present and available to assist them. Officer Henry stated that minors had slipped through at times when he was doing something else, but that he had asked them to leave; and that Mr. Spady will verify that he did not check them 6 9 when they came in as he did not see them and that they had a bottle of beer. Mr. Rock requested permission to question Officer Henry. Permission granted. Mr. Rock asked Officer Henry if he got the minor's name that had the beer and re— ported it. Officer Henry said that he had not as he was not on the door and was working the regular police routine, that he only asked Mr. Spady about it. Mr. Rock asked Officer Henry why he had not made a special effort to secure the minor' s name who had the beer, stating that he has 222 accounts but cannot spend all night at any one tavern and has to have help from the local police. Officer Henry stated that he always tried to cooperate with all representatives of the Liquor Control Board, but that he had not been on duty at the dance hall that evening, but that it was considered a part of the job of the policeman to point out violations ob— served whenever or wherever he is on duty. Attorney Barnard requested permission to question Chief of Police Busato, Attorney Barnard stated that there does not seem to be very much in the line of specific infractions, that there had been some disorderly conduct, some of which had been admitted by the owners, but nothing to warrant the revocation of the Dance Hall License. Chief Busato stated that he had before him a group of sheets of paper which were officers' complaint reports, and that there were more on that one tavern, since February 20, 1954, of fights occurring and originating there and being pushed out into the street and various things of that sort, than from the entire group of other taverns in this town. Chief Busato stated that it is difficult to picture in words the general atmosphere and conditions in a.place, that there is no personal anamosity toward these people, but there exists a situation that it is felt that cannot be corrected except over a long period of time. Chief Busato stated in the interest of Officers Henry and Anderson that they are the most experienced officers in that line of police work, and since those two men request to be excused from police duty at the public dances at the Barei Tavern, that in his opinion it would be very difficult to keep proper order at said tavern in order for the tavern to be a place suitable for a public dance hall. Attorney Barnard stated that one week end is hardly enough to be a fair trial. Chief Busato stated that the disorderly dances was not the first transfression by the owners of their responsibility to conduct orderly dances, and that Officer Spady had some two months ago admitted the lack of order at the dances and promised an improvement, but that no noticeable improvement had been made. Attorney Barnard asked if the Chief or someone in his department could not have gone to the owners of the tavern two months ago with these problems giving the owners an opportunity to remedy them, that it could not be done in two or three weeks. Chief Busato stated that there were any number of things that could have been done, that it had been discussed with the owners who had promised improvements which had not been made and that he felt that during the period of probably two or three months, he had been quite patient with the owners in regard to the disorderly manner in which the dances were conducted. Attorney Barnard stated that apparently it had not been related to the Carlsons in a manner that they felt there was anything serious about it. Assistant City Attorney Shellan pointed out that it is not the duty-of the police department to notify the owners of bad conditions existing, that all the police can do is once in a while remind them that good standards are not being maintained, and that it is not a matter of arising last week or the week before; it is a matter of six or seven months. City Attorney Shellan also pointed out that the Chief had talked with the agent of the owners and related to him what Now the problems were, and that it was up to the agent to relate his entire con— versation to the owners. Attorney Barnard stated that he realized that it was not the duty of the police department, but that in all common fairness, it should have been done. Assistant City Attorney Shellan stated that the owners should know what is going on in their place of business. Mr. Carlson requested the floor and stated that it is in the ordinance that 70 M c� police officers of the City of Renton have authority and it is their duty that they should vacate the premises if they find anything disorderly. Assistant City Attorney Shellan pointed out that Mr. Carlson had previously stated that two policemen were too many for 150 people, but that they should vacate the 150 people if any disorderly conduct were present. Mr. Carlson stated that the police, if the complaints were substantiated, did not perform their duty. Mrs. Carlson stated that some time ago officers had made a complete tour of the tavern and had nothing to say to them about the conditions existing. Councilman Bruce stated that after hearing the testimony from the various people and Chief Busato, there was no question in his mind but that public dancing at the Barei Tavern had been a nuisance, and that Police Chief Busato should be commended for his action in revoking the Public Dance Hall License of subject tavern. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson that the City Council concur.in the action of the Chief of Police of the City of Renton and that the Dance Hall License of the Barei Tavern be revoked as per the action of the Chief of Police. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the City Council go on record as having revoked the Dance Hall License of the Barei Tavern effective! August 11, 1954 at 12:00 p.m. Carried. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Bruce, reporting for the Property Committee, stated that; Mr. Davis, a property owner in Earlington, would not consent to dedicating any of that property to the City and has signified his willingness to sell. It is the re- commendation of the Property Committee that the City Council appoint an appraiser to appraise this property with the property owner's own appraiser. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid that the recommendation of the Property Committee for an appraiser from each side to appraise this property be con- firmed. Motion carried. After some discussion, Mayor Baxter stated that there would be a Budget meet- ing on the next evening, August 11, with a committee of the Council as a Whole. Councilman Vietzke requested that a communication from Maxwell Construction Inc., Paddock Pool Division regarding construction of the new municipal swimm- ing pool be read and something definite be set forth for purposes of publicity. After some discussion and clarification as to type and size, etc. of the swimming pool, moved by White, seconded by Richardson that the Council give Park Superintendent Coulon and Councilman Delaurenti permission to release information of a more definite nature to the reporters from the Renton Chron- icle and the Renton News Record for purposes of publicity. Motion (tarried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall that the City Council approve Job Classifications as recommended by the Mayor. Motion carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. (There were 50 persons present besides officials, department supervisors, and City of Renton employees.) epul,, City Clerk Mayor 171 $enton, Washington August 17, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, WHITE, VIETZkE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL, AND BRUCE. (Councilman Trimm is on Leave of Absence, Councilman Swift is on vacation, Councilman Richardson was excused, and Councilman Morris, who was re- ported ill in the hospital, was excused.) OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the Council meeting of August 10, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS -SUBMITTED-BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 503 200.00 Robinson Wilson 215 Tobin Reshingle house 4 100.00 S. Sawyer 3807 6th Ave. N. wire service 5 1,500.00 Seattle Sporting Gds.219 Wells Street erect signs 6 400.00 E. C. Clymer 505 Windsor Place garage floor & Dr. Way 7 100.00 Bill Santi Appliance 914 Second Ave. remodel building 8 475.00 Rose Lamsek 320 Morris Street reroof residence 9 400.00 W. D. Hurt 2110 7th Ave. N. erect garage 510 100.00 "Jm. Favro 401 Cedar St. erect chimney 1 200.00 Mrs. McDonald 424 Park St. reroof residnece 2 150.00 Dale Pinkerton 2227 6th Ave. N. remodel house � 3 3,400.00 Stanley Bean 219 Wells St, remodel store 4 500.00 Archie Gustine 30 Logan St. move tanks 5 150.00 Joseph Cavaletto 622 Morris Street gutters & downspout 6 25.00 Lee Roy Madden 3227 6th Ave. N. wire service 7 400.00 Longwell E. Chase 711 P. Street erect carport 8 750.00 Marvin T. Kendall 647 G. Street erect carport & room 9 700.00 Eagles #1722 316 3rd Avenue remodel house 520 45.00 L. W. Saunders 237 Garden St. replace fence 1 90.00 Renton Housing Auth. 2622 15th Ave. N. wire service 2 200.00 William Long 235 Garden Street concrete approach to hse. 3 300.00 Thomas Edwardo 316 N. Williams erect garage 4 400.00 Hartman Typewriter 12825 Rainier Ave. wire service 5 700.00 W. J. Kazelett Monterey Terrace wire service 6 200.00 Elmer Pollack 810 4th Ave. N. wire service 7 600.00 Chas. L. Lindsey 642 0. Street erect garage 8 200.00 Floyd W. Shaff 2428 6th N. remodel house 9 500.00 Joe Banasky 408 Whitworth foundation under hse. 530 800.00 R. Jitlevesen 81 Logan Street reside house 1 100.00 L. S. Wilson 104 Rainier Ave. erect carport 2 400.70 Mrs. Anna Plavec 118 Meadow erect garage 3 100.00 Frank Novak 2216 9th Place wire service 4 200.00 Stokes Mortuary 400 3rd Ave. erect canopy 5 75.00 Vern E. potter 1314 7th Ave. erect driveway 6 100.40 John Edwardo 124 Tobin wire service 7 250.00 Ivar Edman 86 Tobin erect fence ""W 8 1,000.00 Tino Cugini 203 Sunset Blvd. erect building 9 lOs000.00 C. E. Nystrom 12526 144th St. SE erect residence 540 100.00 Richard Rolf 8! 16 S. 131st wire service 1 500.00 Louis Peretti 1023 1st Ave. N. reroof house 2 100.00 Carl F. Cooks 338 Stevens St. move building 3 500.00 John F. Mohan, Jr. 2014 9th Ave. N. addtn on house 4 350.000 Ashley Goodwin 190 Sunset Blvd. pave narking lot 5 5,000.00 N.W. Weathers 12407 132nd Ave. S.E. erect house & garage 172 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT ` BUILDING PEF,MITS C0N'TD NO. AMOUNT NAME - -- ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 546 11200.00 Merle HARRIES 325 Whitworth Repair house 7 400.00 W. D. Long 131 Garden reroof residence 8 100.00 Harry Holmes 450 Pelly demolish house 9 450.00 G. T. Berndt 520 N. .dells concrete foundation 550 640.00 E. A. Shearer 410 Williams St. pave parking lot 1 200.00 H. Curtis 426 Sunset Blvd. W. wire service 2 200.00 Mike Mlaker 2208 6th Ave. N. cement driveway 3 700.00 Edward Raukola 3328 7th Place erect carport 4 40.00 Geo. A. Wilkins 210 5th W, wire service PLUMBING PERMITS 242 — First Amer. Corp. 913 K. St. Plumbing service 3 _ n if 912 M. St, n n 4 _ " it 902 M. St. n n 5 _ n it 3208 9th Place 6 — " it 3214 9th Place 7 — n it 3220 9th Place 8 _ " If 3226 9th Place n n 9 — " is 3302 9th Place 250 _ +' if 3308 9th Place 1 — n " 3314 9th Place 2 _ +' " 3320 9th Place 3 — " +' 903 N. St, n n 4 — n' " 3321 9th Place 5 — " n 853 N. St. „ n 6 — +' " 3315 9th Place 'f " 7 _ n " 3309 9th Place 8 — n' " 3303 9th Place 9 — " " 3227 9th Place 260 — " " 3221 9th Place 1 _ +' " 3215 9th Place 2 _ n n 3209 9th Place 3 " " 852 M. Street 4 — C. Petty 2514 6th Ave. N. Install fur & tank 5 _ Martin Reggiardo 310 Morris St. It it 6 — Dr. Cussett 311 Whitworth Plumbing service 7 — Mrs. K. Rosa 402 Tobin Ave. install. fur. & tank 8 — Q. 'Fairchild 1148 M. St, install. spetic tank 9 — Edwin F. Novak 2209 9th Place install water heater 270 — Eagles #1722 316 3rd Ave. install. floor drain 1 — Clinton Fairchild 1148 M. St, install_ tank 2 _ John Walker 11024 125th S.E. plumbing service 3 — Frank Novak 2216 9th Place 4 — First Amer. Coro. 3321 10th Ave. N. N n 5 _ "' 0 3315 10th Ave. N. 6 _ " +' 3309 10th Ave. N. 7 — " " 3303 10th Ave. N. 8 _ ++ "' 3227 10th Ave. N. 9 " 3221 10th Ave. N. 280 _ " " 3215 10th Ave. N. " " 1 _ n +'' 3209 10th Ave. N. N n 2 — Paul Ballatore 240 Garden install furnace 3 — W. J. Hazelett 2100 Monterey Drive sewer connection 4 _ Sam Petchnick 543 Renton St. Install furnace 5 — John Koshak 519 Langston Road Plumbing service 6 _ George Bigley 525 Langston 7 — George Bigley 531 8 — William Favro 500 Cedar St. install furnace 9 — George J. Spady 1210 3rd Ave. Plumbing service A communication was read from Cecil C. Arnold, Professional Engineer, retained by the City of Renton to draft the plans and specifications for the proposed Williams Street bridge, across Cedar River, transmitting (1) completed, original reproduct— ible drawings of the contemplated structure (eleven in number)) (2) Ten sets of Special Provisions containing Contract Documents, (3) One set of prints of the com— pleted drawings, and (4) Additional sets of contract documents (ten in number.) Mr. Arnold stated that the plans and specifications are prepared on the assumption that the project will be advertised on August 19th for receipt of bids on September 173 7th that on approval by the Council, additional prints (10 sets) of the plans will be supplied for distribution to bidders; that this transmittal completes the design phase of the Williams Street bridge, and that an estimate of Construction Contract Cost will be prepared by the undersigned prior to receipt of bids. The City Clerk read the proposed "Call for Bids" for the Williams Street Bridge and approaches as submitted by Mr. Arnold and which had been corrected by the City Clerk' s office to conform to Washington State Laws, which stated that sealed bids would be accepted by the City of Renton until September 7, 1954 at 8:00 P.M., which date and time had been set for the opening of same. The "Call for Bids" is to be published in the Official Renton newspaper on August 19th and 26th and in the Daily Journal of Commerce on August 20th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council approve the "Call for Bids" as read and the date to open and consider the bids be set as September 72 1954. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that an agreement has been concluded with Albert Balch for the purchase of property for the installation of two, 3 million gallon water storage tanks ---- that the topography of the ground is such that it was necessary to acquire approximately 2.7 acres of land; that the price agreed upon is 2 acres at $4500.00 each and an additional 7/10 of an acre at $500.00, for a total price of $9500.00; that the preliminary study indicates that the City's cost for the site development and connecting water main will be over the estimated $9000.00, but that in veiw of the bids received, the overall cost would be well within the estimated limits in the $325,000.00 revenue bond issue; that the field survey necessary to definitely locate the property for the tank site would require additional time, but that the City Engineer recommends that the pre— liminary transaction for the acquisition be concluded immediately. After discussion, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Engineer to acquire the Albert Balch site and that the City Attorney and City Engineer be authorized to proceed with this purchase. Carried. A communication was read from Clifford Sylvia, President and Gwendolyn E. Sylvia, Secretary—Treasurer of Cliff' s Radio Cabs, Inc., advising the City that they are selling their taxicab business, Cliff's Radio Cabs, Inc., to Thomas J. Hogan, Jr. The Sylvia's request Council approval of this sale and authority to permit the transfer to Mr. Hogan. A second communication was read from Thomas J. Hogan, Jr., owner of the Highlands Taxicab Company, requesting approval of his application to purchase and transfer ownership of the Cliff' s Radio Cabs, Inc. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the two above requests be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A petition was read from Raymond Brown, 12219 Sunset Boulevard, Renton, owner and operator of Ray's Used Furniture Store, to zone and/or rezone to business the property on which said furniture store is located, and stating that the store has been in operation at said address on a temporary business permit, issued by the King County Commissioners, for a period of three years, that the property has recently been annexed to the City of Renton and that a permanent zoning to business is requested in view of the surrounding businesses; that the store in question has approximately 150 (more or less) frontage on Sunset Boulevard, and is located on a portion of the following described property. "That portion of the north half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5, E.W.M., described as follows: Commencing at the south quarter corner of Sec. 4, Township 23 North, Range 5, East W.M.; thence north 1016112" East 326.30 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 88053108" West 258.97 feet to the southeasterly margin of the Sunset Highway; thence north 35044'50" East 396.71 feet; thence south 88048119" East 34.41 feet to the east line of the southwest quarter of said Sec. 4; thence south 1016'12" West 326.30 feet to the true point of beginning."' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendtion. Carried. There being no further correspondence, Mr. Frazer, The City's Financial Advisor - on the contemplated Water & Sewer Bond 7ssue,1954, recommended that the bids for $325,000.00 par value City of Renton, Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1954, be opened and read at this time. All bonds maturing, September 1, 1974, through and including September 1, 1982. P11 bids were accompanied by the necessary certified checks in the required amounts. The City Clerk read the following bids: 1cc Net Int, Cost Eff. Pate of Interest McLean & Company $2320347.00 2.823171 Tacoma, Wn. Foster & Marshall 229,451.00 2.78799 Seattle, Wn. First Washington Corp. 236,780.00 2.877035 Seattle, Wn. Pacific Northwest Co. 235,707.00 2.864 Seattle, Wn. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborinip that the bids be referred to a Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that Mr. Robert Edwards was present and requested a meet— ing with a Committee of the Council as a Whole in regard to water mains in the new Woody Glen Addition, recently annexeds west of the Airport. Mayor Baxter informed Mr. Edwards that a Committee of the Council as a Whole would meet with Mr. Edwards during a recess a little later in the meeting. Mr. Frazer stated, in regard to the bids just opened and reads that; it was customary to make the award immediately after consideration, that :;peaking for his company, the Pacific Northwest Company, he would acknowledge the fact that the Pacific Northwest Company did not submit the best bid, and as the Financial Advisor for the City of Renton in regard to same, recommended as at: the last bond bid opening in 1953, that as the second best bid was also submitted by the McLean Company, and as at that time, the representative of the McLean Company be requested to assist in an examination of the best bid, ie., the bid of Foster & Marshall & Associates. Mr. Art McLean of the McLean Compar;yt and Mr. Frazer of the Pacific Northwest Company examined the bids and found the roster & Marshall & Associates bid to be the best bid, and also stated that it was a good bid and very reasonable, and Mr. Frazer further recommended, that as all other bidders having signed for and accepted their certified checkst that the Council accept the bid of Foster & Marshall & Associates. Moved by White., se— conded by Reid, that the Council approve and concur in the recommendation of Mr. James Frazer, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the acceptance of said bid. Carried. Councilman Bruce stateds that in his opinions these gentlemen had done a very fine job of presenting bids and determining the best bid for the City and that on behalf of the Council he would like to commend the representatives of all four companies and extend to them thanks and appreciation. Moved by Whitey seconded by Vietzke, that there be a short recess. Carried. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, H&PPENSTALL, AND BRUCE. (Councilman Tamborini, on his request, was excused.) Councilman Whites a member of the Fire & Water Committee, reported that the Fire and Water Committee recommended and moved, seconded by Delaurentit that Mr. Robert Edwards be granted permission to install water main lines in the Woody Glen Addition, to conform to the City's specificiations, on S. 124th S. 126th and 88th Place Souths as outlined by the Engineering Department and approved by the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. A communication was read from R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer for the City of Renton, stating that after checking and correcting the computations of the bids submitted, he finds the following are the three lowest bidders on each project: MILLION GALLON STEEL RESERVOIR AMOUNT START COMPLETE BIDDER Including Tax) Hammond Iron Works $692650.66 80 da 175 da. Consolidated Western Steel Co. 71.821.90 60 da 120 da. Pittsburg—Des Moines Steel Co. 732784.05 110 da. 170 da. SUPPLY LINE REPLACEMENT JOB Alia & Libri Constr. Co. 93,356.33 90 da. Valley Construction Co. 992950.92 150 da. Harbor Construction Co. 1032407.08 90 da. I ep) Mr. Wolff further stated that the bids being below his estimate and by reputable contractors, he recommends award to the low bidders. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Consulting Engineer, Mr. Richard Wolff and accept the bid of the lowest bidders, ie., the Hammond Iron Works, for the 3 million gallon sttel reservoir, $692650.66, and the Alia & Libri Construction Company, for the supply line replacement job, $93,356.33 and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign both contracts. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that as soon as contracts have been signed by the successful bidders, that the certified checks of all other bidders be re- turned. Carried. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, reported that the Ways and Means Committee recommended, and so moved, seconded by Hansen, in regard to the source of funds for the synchronizing of traffic lights at the Maple Valley Wye with the Pacific Coast Railroad Traffic warning light, which had been approved previously, that the payment for same ($723.28) be charged to Cumulative Fund #1183. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee reported that this Committee had studied the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's Mercury Vapor Con- tract with the City of Renton, Resolution #869,, and on advice of the City Attor- ney that a letter written by the City of Renton specifying the City's intention to interpret the last sentence of Paragraph 7 in such a manner that the City is not obligated to replace any damaged or destroyed parts, but that such replace- ment is optional with the City, be attached to and made a part of said contract, (Resolution #869) , that the Council approve subject contract and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign Resolution No. 869. Moved by White, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that in regard to a certain piece of pro- perty for a proposed street in Earlington which adjoining residents wish to have deeded to the City of Renton, that the Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, had made the City's appraisal of this property, but that they had no report of the owner' s appraisal. Councilman Reid reported that the area immediately southwest of Windsor Hills is zoned for light industry and requested that a letter be forwarded to the Planning Commission requesting their consideration of the advisability of this property being rezoned to residential in order for it to conform to the zoning of the adjacent property in this area. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Engineer take this matter up with the Planning Commission. Carried. Councilman White reported for Council information only, that he had talked to a member of the Planning Commission in regard to a previous request to rezone for business certain property on the corner of M. Street and the Cemetery Road, that he understood that when this property was annexed to the City of Renton it was agreed that the property would be taken in unplatted, that after annexation and subsequent platting, the Planning Commission would rezone the property to con- form to the zoning code. Councilman Reid stated that he felt this clarification from the Planning Commission would give a better explanation of the problem. On request for information regarding same, Councilman Vietzke was informed that any questions relative to the rental of hangar space at the Airport should be referred direct to the Airport Manager, Councilman Bruce reported that in regard to the Stoneway Dock Company's filling in and dredging operation on the banks of the Cedar River that the Committee had investigated and found the operation to be of benefit to the City of Renton and that a permit had been drafted by the City Attorney's Office in connection with said operation, and that the Property Committee recommended that the h Council approve said permit and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Property Committee, Carried. The Assistant City Attorney advised the Council, in regard to the Federal With- holding Tax Law (Social Security) , as applies to Municipalities, having passed tl^e House and the Senate, but being in different wording and form, and same being required to go to a joint committee for final clarification, that any action by the City Council be held in abeyance pending final Congressional action as a Resolution to authorize same to apply to the City of Renton could be drafted F 0 16y n after the bill, becomes a law and the City Council knows how said law would apply to the City of Renton. The City Clerk reported that the next budget meeting would be Thursday, August 19, with the Street Commissioner and Engineering Department. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENT 2065-2224 28,118.98 .,t CLAIMS CURRENT" 1954-1956 14,1.570.81 CLAIMS WATER 9029- 21560.62 CLAIMS STREET 6602-6602 2,723.78 CLAIMS PARK 1870-1870 1,650.54 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2776-2777 11295:00 CLAIMS AIRPORT 1798-1798 696.86 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2519-2519 11162.36 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 152- 153 781.99 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 578_ 606 10,EO1.32 CLAIMS CIV. DEFENSE 531 50.00 CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 137- 138 250.00 CLAIMS CUM. #1182 56 - CLAIMS CUM. #1183 398 - CLAIMS CUM. #1184 448- 450 9,:49.50 CLAIMS WATER & SEWER. CONS i-R. 685 - Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 14 persons present besides officials, Department Supervisors and City of Renton employees.) Deputy-City Clerk Mayor 77 Renton, Washington September 7, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAUP.ENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Morris was excused because of illness.) Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that Councilman Morris' Leave of Absence be extended as long as he is ill. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Asst. City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Asst. City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meeting of August 17, the last Council meeting prior to this evening, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATICNS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PERMITS NO.. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 555 800.00 Richard Geissler 2617 6th Ave. N. Erect frame garage 6 200.00 Frank Mezek 324 N. Wells add'n on house 7 225.00 Sierra Homes 12503 Sunset Highway wire service 8 30.00 W. D. Smith 3405 7th Place remodel house 9 300.00 Phil Moyer 104 Burnett St. change windows 560 250.00 Colin C. Methven 918 G. Street cement driveway 1 - Ivar Edman 201 3rd Ave. demolish building 2 - Tonkin Brothers 307 Wells St. 3 575.00 James X. Taylor 317 Smithers Sto roof on house 4 1,050.00 George Bigley 519 Langston Road wire service 5 350.00 P.J. Walsh 2337 6th Place wire service 6 200.00 Dr. L.A. Cassutt 311 Whitworth wire service 7 400.00 Thomas E. Parks 354-6 Meadow wire service 8 100.00 Signal Oil Co. 2n4 & Logan wire service 9 12200.00 Dan Tilenda 806 6th Ave. N. addIn on building 570 700.00 Lloyd G. t,Telch 13007 91st Ave. S. cement basement 1 500.00 Mary Roberts 346 N. Wells move garage 2 10,000.00 Williams & Swanson 700 3rd Ave. erect building 3 200.00 Mrs, B. Byers 103 Logan roof on house 4 100.00 Mrs, Mary Peterson 124 Pelly wire service 5 375.00 Anton Valetich 433 Park roof on house 6 50.00 Franco Beretta 2014 Bronson Way N. concrete natio 7 334.00 Charles K. Fore 11022 125th S.E. erect fence 8 .100.00 Bernard Barringer 1326 - I. Street wire service. 9 7,500.00 Rainier Lumber 93 Tobin erect residence 580 75.00 John H. McKean 151 Park Ave. remodel house 1 25.00 Edwin F. Novak 2209 9th Place wire service 2 100.00 E. J. Bourgeois 1313 8th Ave. wire service 3 500.00 Carl F. Cooks 201 3rd Ave. retaining wall 4 150.00 J. E. McFarland 423 Wells St, move garage 5 100.00 Adam T. Dinius 8806 S. 131st concrete foundation 6 180.00 Frank O'Hara 115 Williams St. roof on house 7 275.00 Jack Elwood 11018 S.E. 125th concrete driveway 8 40.00 Mrs, Emily Boyce 1515 4th Ave. N.9 wire service 9 100.00 Lizzie Ovist 600 Morris St. wire service 590 90.00 Don Moran 425 Wells St* wire service 1 68,000.00 Anna Tonkin 817 3rd Ave. erect building 2 700.00 Otto W. Martin 638 N. Place build carport 3 50.00 James Stuard 1013 E. Sto fndation under house 4 100.00 I.O.O.F. Hall 708 3rd Ave. change ladder 5 100.00 Episcopal Church 107 Wells St.. repair steps & floor 6 2,000.00 Priebe Brothers 712 3rd Ave. wire service PLUMBING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF_WOF.K__ 290 - Sierra Homes 12503 Sunset Hiway plumbing service 1 - S. Eastman 406.81st South 2 - Merle Harries 325 Whitworth 3 - Tino Cugini 203 Sunset Blvd. 4 •• Mrs. Carman Fugitt 822 Sunset Blvd. Install septic tank 5 - Signal Oil 600 Logan Install oil tank 6 - Lloyd G. T4elch 13007 91st Ave. S. Install spetic tank 7 - Renton School Dist. Renton Install oil tank 8 - W. Pay 505 N. Williams install furnace 9 - Tom Peterson 516 W. 5th sewer connection 300 - Mrs. C. E.Nystrom 12526 144th S.E. plumbing service 1 - Frank Spendal 321 Mill St. Install furs.&. tnk. 2 - Albert H. Erickson 51 Logan St. install oil tank 3 - Albert Barei 227 Wells St. install gas range As this was the date set aside for the opening of the bids for construction of a new Williams Street bridge, the following bids were opened and read.(The call for bids specified 180 calendar days for completion.) David Nygren, Seattle ... . .. .. . . ...... 94,483.50 Rumsey & Co., Seattle 862219.00 Everett McKellar, Chelan 97,816.50 Alton V. Phillips Co., Seattle ........ 989014.50 American Pile Driving Co., Everett .... 87,443.50 Larsen Construction Co., Seattle ...... 1071,540.50 W. G, Clark Construction Co., Seattle.. 115,809.95 H. S. Fero son Co., Seattle ........... 110,306.00 Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids be referred to the Consulting Engineer, C. C. Arnold and City Engineer James Highton for consideration and a re- port back of their recommendation. The City Attorney informed the Council and bidders present that the City customarily read the bids in their total amounts and referred them for further action to the respective Committee, and/or Consul- ting Engineers, for computation and verification of these totals, who could, after thorough consideration present their recommendation at the next: Council meeting. The motion carried. A communication was read from James Gay of Weter, Roberts & Shefelman, the City's Legal Consultants, in regard to, (and advising the City in regard to same) the proposed "formal Ordinance accepting the joint bid of Foster & Marshall, Harold H. Huston & Co., and Richards, Merrill & Peterson, Inc. , for the $3215,000.00 par value of "City of Renton Water & Sewer Bonds, 1954," which accompanied the letter and which had been prepared by their office, further stating that the bonds were being printed by the North Pacific Bank Note Company in Seattle. The reading of the Ordinance was deferred until later in the meeting. The City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Rev. R. D. Merrill, as a member of the Renton Park Board, effective immediately. Rev. Merrill will re- place Rev. Hartzell, who recently resigned. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tam- borini, that the Council concur in the appointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Baxter of Jasper L. Merlin as Ser- geant on the Renton Police Force on permanent status effective September 11 1954. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the appoint- ment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Baxter of Robert J. Maxwell as patrolman on the Renton Police Force on permanent status effective Autust 28, 1954. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the appointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition, signed by the 8 residents on Shattuck Street and 4th Place requesting Council action to improve the unsightly conditionof the hlace side of the road bordering the hospital property on Shattuck Street ELnd stating that they would favor the installation of sidewalks, or ridding of the area of the vines and tall grass and planting of a hedge to improve the appear- ance of the roadside. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Street Commissioner had previously been advised and had expressed his intention to improve a portion 179 of a road left unimproved 0 or 4 feet), which had been reported to him to have created a dusty condition and moved, seconded by Reid, that the petition be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Street Commissioner for consider- ation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 14, Renton Highlands, stating that the petition carried the signatures of 81.7% of the abutting property owners in favor of the improvement; that the estimated material cost of the improvement is in the amount of $503.00. That it is proposed that the property owners furnish all materials and the City furnish labor and equipment. After discussion, the City Attorney informing the gentleman from the audience that an L.T_.D., is more costly and would require more time, also that the entire project is contracted out and the property owners pay the entire cost of the improvement; that if the improvement were financed by popular subscription (their share of the cost of the improvement pledged in advance of the improvement) the City could furnish the labor and equipment and the property owners would furnish only the materials, the improvement could be completed for a lesser charge and at an earlier date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, James Highton, advising that the Northern Pacific Railroad Company had informed him that the uncontrolled park- ing of vehicles on their right-of-way on the west side of Burnett Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue constitutes a hazard to the operation of their railroad traffic; that it is the opinion of the roadmaster that the railroad would approve the City's use of this right-of-way under City control, provided a 10 foot clear- ance is maintained from the center of the tracks; otherwise the railroad has indicated its intention to prohibit parking as a safety precaution; that the use of the area for parking can be secured by Council petition. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, James L. Highton, advising that he plans to start his regular two week vacation on Wednesday, September 8, and requesting an additional week to compensate for his inability to take regular ... vacation leave during the past three years, and recommending that Walter Will, Assistant City Engineer be appointed Acting City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request of the City Engineer be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Folke Hayer, requesting permission to obtain a new permit to remodel the house at 215 Garden Street. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, informed the Council that on June 1, 1954 a petition was received from adjoining property owners to demolish and remove the old house from the lot as it was a fire and health hazard; that also on June 1, 1954 a permit had been issued to Mr. Folke Hayer to remodel this residence building. That according to the Building Code "every permit issued by the building official under provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void, if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within sixty days from the date of such permit ---" The Assistant City Engineer further stated that the Council had been advised by the Building Department of the expiration of the permit by limitation and that on advice of the City Attorney, the Council declared that the permit issued on June 1, 1954 was outlawed by non-use and further advised the Building Department to notify the City Attorney and Fire Chief to proceed with abatement proceedings to have the building removed from the property, and that Mr. Folke Hayer •had been so advised. The City Attorney stated that as a petition had been received for the demolition and removal of the old house the problem confronting the Building Department at this time is, whether to issue a new permit on the basis that Mr. Hayer misunderstood information given him at the time the first permit was issued and that on the new permit a substantial amount of work be done, in full compliance with the Building Code, within 60 days, and to hold r.. the petition to remove the building in abeyance. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the request of Mr. Folke Hayer be referred to a Special Committee (Councilman White, Chairman and Councilmen Bruce & Heppenstall) together with the Building Inspector for consideration and a report back. Carried. A'communic:ation was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposal for con- struction of a storm sewer on M. Street from 9th Avenue N. in President Park to 7th Avenue North, thence west on 7th Avenue North to connect to the existing storm sewer system at H. Street for Council consideration. The City Engineer stated that this work is essential for the drainage of storm waters from the cc ISO *_3 n President Park development and is estimated to require 13 days; that the storm sewer line would also provide drainage facilities for a substantial area in the Renton Highlands; that the cost estimates, if performed by the City of `Menton would be $6,500.00, (materials - $4,200.00, equipment - $1,500.000 and labor - $800.00) and if performed by contract - (estimated) $7,500.00. The City Engineer stated that the disposal of storm waters in President Park by use of rock wells had been ruled out jointly by the City Engineer and the F.H.A., that storm sewer lines are being installed to M. Street and that a serious condition will develop if these storm sewer lines are not connected to the city system. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposal for the ..r extension of the 650 feet of 10" sanitary trunk sewer line north on M. Street from 8th Avenue North to 9th Avenue North; that the cost estimates, if performed by the City of Renton would be $1,600.002 (materials - $850.00, equipment - $450.00, and labor - $300.00) and if performed by contract, $2,600.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Sanita- tion Committee and City Engineer for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the agreement be- tween the City of Renton and H. C. Clifton for the purchase of sewage sludge term- inated August 30, 1954, with option to renew --- That Mr. H. N. Clifton requests, and the City Engineer recommends renewal of the agreement on the same terms until August, 1955. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, advisin~,, that the three petitions for rezoning referred by the Council to their Commission have been referred to a Special Committee (Max Clarke, Chair- man, O.M. Hazen, John Swanson and Alden See) to make an ton the spot" investiga- tion, and that they would inform the Council of their recommendation as aoon as a report is received from the Committee. The three zoning requests ares, (1) Reconsideration of zoning request of Miss Leida Snyder of property -, on the corner of M. Street and S.E. 128th Street. (2) Rezoning petition from single family residential use to B-1 of the north 4 acres of southwest 1/4 of southwest 1/4 of northeast 1/4 less the east 130 feet and less the north 48 feet thereof conveyed to the Wedgwood Realty Corporation. (Clara Acton) (3) Rezoning request of Mr. Raymond Brown for rezoning of property to B-1 on which a furniture store is now located at 12219 Sunset Boulevard. The communication was ordered filed until further information is received from the Planning Commission. A communication was read from the Collection Division of the State of Washington Tax Commission, signed by H.L. Woodard, Supervisor, advising that the Commission has waived the audit interest of $239.96 as requested by the City of Renton; that as the additional tax due of $2,474.94 has been paid, their Tax Assess- ment No. 49568 has now been paid. The communication was ordered filed,. A communication was read from R.L. Polk Company, signed by M.L. Wakins, stating that their company is preparing information for another City Directory which will be published in April 1955; that the cost per copy will be $30.00. They request information as to the number of copies the City of Renton will require. A memo was attached requesting 6 copies, one each for the Clerk's and Treasurer's offices, the Engineering Department, the Police & Fire Departments and one for the City Garage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the communication no, be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Albert S. Balch enclosing a warranty deed from Albert S. and Edith A. Balch to the City of Renton for the 2.7 acres of property that the City is planning to purchase for installation of the new water tank. The Statutory Warranty Deed was attached. The communication stated that the State Tax requirements have been complied with, and also Federal Revenue Stamps were attached; that the title insurance policy would be mailed from the Washington Title Insurance Company within a few days, and that according to a previous 181 agreement, that as soon as the deed and title insurance policy are received and approved by the Council, payment for the property in the amount of $9500.00 will be paid to Albert S. Balch. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from Clyde A. Barnard, Attorney for Mr. & Mrs. Carl Carlson, owners of the Barei Tavern, in view of the termination of their dance license, by the City Council, petitioning the City Council to refund a portion of their dance l cense fee, as by Council action on August 10th the license was revoked. On advice of the City Attorney that the Ordinance covering "Licensing of Dance Halls" contained no provisions for refunding a portion of a Dance License .� which had been revoked, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Mr. Clyde Barnard, Attorney for the Carlsons be so advised. (The City Attorney will advise Mr. Barnard.) Carried. A claim was read from Henry Piccirilli, Merchant Patrolman, to the City of Renton, stating that on July 25th at 3:00 A.M., while driving his car and patrolling the City of Renton, that one of his car wheels hit a manhole opening where the cover had been removed, causing damage to the wheel in the amount of $37.30, (tire — $23.80, tube — $2.50, and wheel — $11.00) ; Mr. Piceirilli requests reimbursement in the amount of the claim. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the claim be referred to the Insurance Commissioner for his action. The City Attorney reported that the claim had been received on the 24th of August and stated that the Street Commissioner had inspected the accident site and had found the hole to be covered by an 8 inch disk and further informed the Council that the Insurance Commissioner had been notified. The motion carried. A communication was read from Gene L. Coulon, Park Superintendent, in regard to investigation of the need of a playground site in the President Park area en— closing a copy of a letter from Albert Balch (an answer to Mr. Coulon's letter to him on 7-27-54) and stating that Mr. Balch states that he has been planning to deed all of the property in the transmission easement for community purposes; that it is the feeling of the Park Board that there is a definite need for play— ground space in this area, that this property is unsuitable for park purposes. The Park Superintendent outlined suggested play areas for different ages, in— cluding an area for a shelterhouse, a shaded area and a landscaped area, and ,..,, stated that the Park Board recommended that an area ten acres in size be acquired and set aside in the President Park area for playground purposes. Councilman Richardson and Tamborini stated that they did not feel that the area in the trans— mission easement was safe or satisfactory for a play area. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee to work with the Park Board. Carried. A communication was read from the King County Commissioners, signed by Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, for Robert A. Morris, Clerk of the Board attaching the petition for annexation referred back to them for approval and signature, which signature was required to complete the requested annexation. The City Engineer reported that with the signature of J. A. Gibbs, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the former King County Gravel Pit area included in the petition, this gave a 95% of the property owners in the area to be annexed, in favor of the annexation, also that subject petition had been approved by the Planning Commission. The City Engineer requested that as this petition had been instituted by the City of. Renton, that the regular legal fee and expense of $25.00 for same be waived. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the license fee be waived, that the date of hearing be set as October 5th and that the necessary notices be published and posted as required by law. Carried. A communication was read from the King County Water District No. 78, signed by Leo Lazetti, Clerk, informing the City Council that the Water District had made arrangements to secure water from a new source around October lst, 1954 and that they would notify the Renton Water Department of the date of final reading. The ... communication was ordered filed. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee stated that a proposed Ordinance had been prepared by the Consulting Attorney, Weter, Roberts and Shefelman, in regard to "City of Renton Water & Sewer Bonds, 1954". The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1493, accepting the joint bid of Foster & Marshall, Harold H. Huston & Co., and Richards, Merrill & Peterson, Inc., for the issue of $325,,000.00 par value of "City of Penton Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1954"; fixing the interest rates on said bonds; and providing for the immediate printing, execution, delivery and sale of said bonds and for the return of the checks 182 deposited by the unsuccessful bidders. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council approve the proposed Ordinance as prepared and presented by the Consulting Attorneys and that said Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance No. 1493 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Swift, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; White, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye, and Bruce, Aye. All nine Councilmen present voting "Aye the motion carried. On his request for same, Councilman Reid was excused from the Council meeting by Mayor Baxter. The City Clerk, who is Secretary of the Association of Valley Cities, informed Now the Council that on Wednesday noon he was going to meet with Mayor Leland of Kirkland (President of the Association) and the City Clerk of Auburn, P.obert Walker (Vice—President of the Association) to formulate an agenda for the next meeting of the Association, Wednesday, September 22nd at Kirkland, and that he would welcome any suggestions for discussion from the Council. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council having tentatively approved the prelimin— ary budget at a special meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Wbole) that the Council should take formal action this evening. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council adopt the preliminary budget as prepared and presented at; their last Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The City Clerk reported that the "Notice of Public Hearing" of the preliminary budget had been prepared for publication. On Mayor Baxter's request, the City Clerk read the "Notice of Public Hearing", of the preliminary budget. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Clerk be authorized to publish the "Notice of Hearing."" Carried. Mayor Baxter named Councilman Delaurenti, as temporary Chairman of the Finance Committee until Councilman Morris is able to resume his duties as same. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion, in regard to information being given to the public in regard to bids, when requested at the Council meetings, that if at all possible such information should be given to them, if same can , be given within a. reasonable time. Councilman Richardson stated, concurred in NEW by the City Attorney, that in his opinion, as the total amounts of all bids were read for the public's information, that until the bids had been investi— gated by the respective Committees, checked and verified as to their accuracy, that it would not be necessary to read them in detail. Councilman Bruce reported that he still had not received an appraisal of the property in Earlington Addition that his Committee had been endeavoring to ob— tain, but that he had been advised that this appraisal would be made soon. On explanation of Councilman Bruce that monies previously borrowed from Cumu— lative Fund No. 1184 were available in the Cedar River Park Fund for repayment, and that on advice of the City Attorney that this money could be paid back into this Fund by Council authorization in the form of a motion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the City Treasurer be authorized to repay the loan from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund to Cumulative Fund No. 118Zs including 2% interest on same, 435,212.72. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee stated that his Com— mittee recommended, and he so moved, that Fire Chief Lawrence be authorized to attend the National Fire Protection Association Convention in Seattle, September 20, 21 and 22 at the Olympic Hotel, and that his expenses be allowed by the City of Renton. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hansen, and Carried. Councilman Trimm requested a Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole on ..rr Tuesday evening, July 14th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committeewith the Assistant City Attorney and City Engineer on Thursday, September 9th at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Richardson was asked to, and stated that he would, attend this meeting in the absence of Councilman Morris. 18 3 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 2225-23511 17,891.54 CLAIM CURRE'N'T 1957- 13,729.04 CLAIM WATER 9030-9031 3,439.07 CLAIMS STREET 6603- 2,355.78 CLAIMS PARK 1871- 1,195.46 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2777- - CLAIMS AIRPORT 1799- 665.18 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2520- 11.136.28 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 154- 177 22894.73 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 607- 669 81732.53 CLAIMS' CIV. DEFENSE 531 - CLAIMS FIREMEN'S PEN. FUND 138 - CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1182 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1183 399 723.28 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1184 450 - CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR. 685 _ Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 21 persons present besides Officials, Department Supervisors and City of Renton employees.) Deputy City Clerk Mayor- 184 `° MC RENTON, Wash September 14, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT H EADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan' Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook, nril City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; 'Walt Will, Acting City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the Council meeting of July 7, 1954, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS _ TYPE OF WORK 597 100.00 L. N. Benshoff 1922 7th Ave. N. Wire service 8 100.00 Harvey Delau renti 201 Tobin Ave. wire service 9 25.00 A. T. Morgan 1000 Bronson Way install chimney 600 100.00 Anton Frank 718 Renton Street new gutters 1 250.00 Sara D. Stewart 643-4th West wire service 2 25.00 R. H. Smuda 215-9 Park Street erect fence: 3 50.00 J. A. Stuard 1013 E. Street wire service 4 1,000.00 Alex Rivily 311 Burnett St. foundation & wire Serv. 5 49,500.00 Ghas. F. Shane 609-17 Shattuck St. erect 8—unit apt. 6 100.00 W. J. Hazelett 2100 Monterey Drive break curb 7 100.00 Robert R. Kerr 3612 6th Ave. N. erect fence 8 400.00 Joe R. Baxter 134 Rainier Ave. remodel residence 9 385.00 Mike O'Connell 922 G. St. Driveway & Blk.Fd. now 61.0 50.00 Patrick A. Nolan 225 5th West wire service 1 400.00 Claire Bogh 3614 6th Place car port 2 700.00 Mrs. Merle Harries 325 Whitworth wire service 3 165.00 Jack Price 2424 5th H. concrete driveway 4 1,400.00 Wallace H. Stimson 638R. Street cement block garage 5 31000.00 Folke Hayer 215 Garden Street remodel house to code (within 90 days) 6 6,000.00 Wms. & Swanson 617 3rd Ave. remodel garage 7 160.00 A. R. Creek 2203 8th Place erect carport PLUMBIN EERMITS 304 — Alex Rivily 507 Main sewer connection 5 — George Bigley 537 Langston Road sewer connection 6 _ Argano Bldg. Co. 611 3rd Ave. install oil furnace 7 — Jas. N. Pistoresi 1207 3rd Avenue N. install oil furnace g Priebe Brothers 712 Third Ave. plumbing service 9 — Williams & Swanson 617 Third Ave. change water line A communication was read from Cecil C. Arnold, Professional Engineer, in regard to the Williams Street bridge bids, transmitting (a) Tabulation of bids (11 copies) , (b) Contractors bids — 8 in number, and (c) Five additional sets of Contract Document Forms, and stating that the tabulation shows the firm of Rumsey & Company to be the low bidder and recommending award of the construction contract to that Company. Mr. Arnold suggested that the bid bonds, or guarantees of bidders Rumsey & Company, American Pile Driving Company, and David Nygren be retained pending ex— ecution of a construction contract and that the bid guarantees of other bidders be returned. Sufficient copies of the bid tabulation were enclosed so that each bidder could be furnished a copy of same. The communication and recommendation of Mr. Cecil C. Arnold was approved by James L. Hightong City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation and suggestions of the Consulting Engineer, Cecil C. Arnold, as approved by the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney to sign subject contract with the Rumsey & Company. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to furnish each bidder with a copy of the bid tabulation furnished by Mr. Arnold. 165 A communication was read from Sam Pappas, owner of the Alameda Tavern, request- ing a license to operate a public dance hall in his place of busines. Mr. Pappas states that he will comply with all laws and ordinances of the City of Renton and all State laws governing the operation of a dance hall. Moved by Swift, seconded by White, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee for con- sideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Walt Will , Acting City Engineer stating that Mr. Wolff, the City' s Consulting Engineer on the new steel water reservoir, request- ing that bids be called and opened on the 5th of October, 1954 for the grading, clearing, concrete foundation, and the connecting pipe line for- the reservoir tank on the site purchased for this purpose. After discussion, the Clerk was requested to advise Mr. Wolff that he should submit cost estimates for the proposed work at the next Council meeting. A communication was read from the Book Publishing Company, signed by R. Mort Frayne, President and General Manager, advising the Council at the last Association of Washington Cities Convention in Spokane Municipal Codification was discussed at the panel for City Attorneys and the panel for Mayors and Councilmen, and that they are enclosing a copy of the brochure distributed which describer the service their company is prepared to offer. They request the Council study this brochure in re- gard to the needs of the City of Renton. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the State of Washington Employment Security Depart- ment, signed by J. F. Anderson, Chief of Contributions Division, to City Atto r- neys Haugen & Shellan, in regard to the possibility of Social Security coverage for employees of the City of Renton; that the State Legislature will have to pass enabling legislation before political subdivisions of the State of Washington may take advantage of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1954 --- that at this time they have drafted the major portion of this legislation and that it is their intention to submit their recommendations before the Legislature early in the 1955 session. It is the Employment Security Departments recommendation that the City refer the matter to them early in 1955 at which time they hope to be able to advise the City definitely with respect to how to proceed. The Assistant City Attorney explained to the Council that in his opinion, as the Legislation would not be completed until the last half of 1955, that only sufficient money should be included in the 1955 budget to cover Social Security fees for the City Employees for one-half of the year, rather than the entire year. Further discussion of this matter will be taken up at the next Executive meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. A communication was read from Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, submitting a petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 8, Renton Highlands; that the petition carries the signatures- of 62.2 percent of the abutting property owners in favor of the improvement; that the estimated cost of the improvement wherein the property owners furnish all the materials and the City furnishes labor and equipment is in the amount of $350.00. The Clerk read the petition, signed by 17 abutting property owners for the improvement of the alley abutting Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, in Block 8, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, by grading, stabilizing and seal coating with asphaltic road oil and crushed rock and by doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith --- that the petitioners agree to the formation of the Local Improvement District in connection with the aforementioned work, which will provide for payment of the costs and expenses thereof by assessment, and as otherwise provided by law. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the petition be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Washington Cities meet- ing in Enumclaw, Friday, October 221 1954. Alsof the City Clerk reminded the Council of the next regular meeting of the Association of Valley Cities in Kirkland, Wednesday, September 22nd 1954. Now Councilman White, Chairman of the Special Committee appointed by Mayor Baxter to investigate the request of Mr. Folke Hayer to obtain a new permit to remodel a house at 215 Garden Street, stated that the Committee (Councilmen White, Bruce and Heppenstall.) , together with the Building Inspector felt, in fairness to all con- cerned, that Mr. Hayer be permitted to obtain a new permit to remodel this house, providing he adheres strictly to all provisions of the building code and complies with any and all restrictions of the building permit to be issued by the Building Inspector, to bring said building up to code standards. The Assistant City Attor- ney stated in explanation, that according to the building code, the City has the right c� cc 186 n to interfere with any property owner.-in cases where a building has become struct— urally unsafe and a fire hazard, and if determined to be unsafe by the Building Inspector it becomes a public nuisance --- as a public nuisance the City can require the building to be removed as a last resort, or require the owner to do immediate work on it; that in issuing the new permit the Building Inspector has the right to point out defects first, also point out work that should be done; that the work be started within 48 to 72 hours and to be completed within 90 days; that where the building is considered unsafe, and/or a fire hazard, as far as the Building Inspect— or is concerned, instead of issuing a regular building permit, require the building to be started and to be completed under Sec. 203 of the Building Code within the above stated time. Moved by White, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Special Committee and that the Building Department issue Mr. Hayer a permit to remodel the house at 215 Garden Street, under Section 203 and the Building Inspector be instructed to include, on the building permit, all recommendations and suggestions of the Special Committee and City Attorney. Mrs. Ochs and several gentlemen from the audience reported that since the former owners passing and the purchase of this house by Mr. Hayer, that nothing had been done to improve the property although instructions had been given to Mr. Hayer by City Officials for certain improvements and corrections and that in view of 'this past negligence, they are concerned over the proposed improvements which Mr. Hayer has stated would be made to the property and building. Mr. Hayer was informed that there was no water connection to this house and that he should contact the Building Department for information regarding the sewer connection. The motion to issue Mr. Hayer a building permit with certain specified restrictions then carried. On request of Councilman Reid for more information regarding same, the City Clerk was requested to contact the Puget Sound Power & Light Company relative to in— stallation of three incandescent lights authorized previously (June 8, '19.54) , one light to be installed where the extension of E. Street meets the Cemetery Road and two lights at the intersection of 9th Avenue North and the Sunset Highway, where 112th S.E. meets the Sunset Highway, to determine why these lights had not been in— stalled. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Sanitation Committee recommended that the Council approve the extension of 650 feet of 10" sanitary trunk sewer line north on M. Street from 8th Avenue North to 9th Avenue N. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee to determine what funds this expense can be taken from. Carried. Now Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that a Local Improvement District be formed for the improvement of the alley in Block 14, Renton Highlands, as requested at the Septem— ber eptem— ber 7th Council meeting, the property owners to furnish the materials and the City of Renton to furnish the equipment and labor. On inquiry as to the legality of same, the Assistant City Attorney stated that it was legal for the City of Renton to make this improvement by formation of a Local Improvement District, this being considered a small improvement, but that in his opinion, should the im— provement be a large enterprise, that the work should be contracted out to protect the City of Renton as the City would be held liable for improper work or any dis— satisfaction. After discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the L.I.D., be established for a one—year period only, and the City Clerk be author— ized to proceed with the necessary steps in the formation of an L.I.D., for this improvement. Carried. Councilman Swift reported, in regard to the parking of cars on the Northern Pac— ific right—of—way on Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed this matter at their meeting on Thursday, September 9th and recommended that the City of Renton request the Railroad Company to trans— fer parking privileges and rights of this right—of—way area to the City of Renton to enable the Police Department to have control of the parking in this area. Moved by TaTborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. .nW Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that the Street & Alley Committee had considered the report of the City Engineer in regard to the construction of a storm sewer on M. Street from 9th Avenue North in President Park to 7th Avenue North; thence west on 7th Avenue North to connect to the existing storm sewer system at H. Street and that the Committee 187 felt that this proposed storm sewer line was a necessity and recommended the installation of same; and further suggested that if the Council was in favor of this improvement, that the matter be referred to the 'clays & Means Committee to determine the source of funds. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, further reported that the Committee felt, in regard to the complaint received from certain re- sidents in regard to the damage to houses on Pelly Street by transportation busses, that if the proposed bond issue would receive sufficient backing and favorable support to guarantee the improvement of the widening of Park Street in the near future, which would solve this problem# that if the propositions failed the Committee would have to study the problem for a new solution. Councilman Bruce reported that in regard to the request for dedication of cer- tain property for an alley in the Earlington Addition to enable all other abutt- ing property owners who have so dedicated a certain strip on the rear of their properties to the City of Renton for an alley, (to have access from the street to the rear of their properties,) and this property owner not being in favor of dedicating his snare for the alley, that the property owner had set an appraisal price of $1000.00 on the property; ($642.00 over the appraisal by the City of Renton.) also, that the subject property owner proposes that if his property ,can be rezoned to enable him to erect a 4-unit building, he would dedicate the strip of property to the City of Renton for an alley. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter requested Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee to take the matter up with the acting City Engineer, Walt Will, and report back to the Council. The City Clerk was requested to follow up the inquiry of August 17th in regard to the area immediately southwest of Windsor Hills (which was the site first chosen for the new steel water reservoir tank) , which by Council action was referred to the City Engineer to take up with the Planning Commission requesting their consideration of the advisability of this property being rezoned to re- sidential in order for it to conform to the zoning of the adjacent property in r.. this area. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting recess. Carried. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe. R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, RICHARDSON, MORRIS, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE, Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, was also present. Councilman Richardson, presented proposed Ordinance No. 7494 for Council consider- ation. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1494, "An Ordinance of the City of Penton, Washington,p roviding for the submission of three propositions to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held therein on November 2nd 1954: the first, authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $110,000 to construct a bridge on Williams Street over the Cedar River; the second, authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $100,000 to construct a swimming pool with all necessary facilities therefor in Liberty Park; the third, authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $117,000 for certain street improvements." Councilman Richardson stated, concurred in by the City Attorney, as this Ordinance was similar to a previous ordinance which had been prepared by the Cityts Consulting Attorneys and placed on the primary election ballot, and tonight's Ordinance provided for the propositions to be placed on W the general election ballot, on the advice of the Assistant City Attorney, moved (by Richardson) , seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1494 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eight Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti., that the Ordinance be published September 16th and that a copy be furnished to the Superintendent of Elections to enable these propositions to be placed on the November 2nd election ballot. Carried. 188 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by White that all claims approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTIEENTS 2352— 2509 26,614..38 CLAIMS CURRENT 1958— 1963 141976.74 CLAIMS WATER 9032— 9033 2,726.41. CLAIMS STREET 6604— 6605 22642.01 CLAIMS PARK 1872— 1873 19134.08 CLAIMS LIBRARY 2778— 1,252.50 now CLAIMS AIRPORT 1800-1801 714.26 CLAIMS SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2521-2522 1,136.73 CLAIMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 178— 15.00 CLAIMS CLAIMS FUND 670— 677 2,842.06 CLAIMS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 532— 533 71.00 CLAIMS FIREMENIS PEN, FUND 139— 142 1,358.08 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1182 56 — CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1183 399 CLAIMS CUM. FUND #1184 450 — CLAIMS WATER & SEWER CONSTR, 686 99500,00 Moved by Richardsons seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. (There were 29 persons present besides Officials, Department Supervisors and City of Renton employees.) Deputy City Clerk Mayor 0 EF T.enton, Washington September 21, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Thomas Trimm, President of the Council, acting as Mayor Pro tem. (Mayor Baxter was reported absent due to a fractured bone in his foot.) ROLL CALL: TRIMM, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Tamborini was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Wiley Crook., City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Walt Will, Acting City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by' Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of April 14th be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 618 300.00 Jack E. Adams 1200 2nd Ave. N. reroof residence 9 3,000.00 Old West Wines, Inc. 1855 4th Ave. N. erect fence & Storage bin 620 700.00 No. Lumber Co. 124 Factory erect roof 1: 18,000.00 Metcio Investment Co. 209 4th Place erect building 2 39000.00 Don Holm 2408 5th N. add'n to residence 3 400.00 Sybil Botsford 2315 6th Ave. N. glass in back porch 4 150.00 Grant W. Cheney 830 C. St. erect fence 5 2,000.00 Frank Wood 423 Powell St. erect building 6 100.00 John Walker 11204 125th S.E. wire service 7 100.00 John Girias 508 Smithers St. shake garage 8 8,950.00 Robert 0. Bradley 709 High St. erect residence 9 2,500.00 Edmond R. Holmes 2234 9th Place addtn on house PLUMBING PERMITS 310 — Art Virgillo 206 N. Wells install furnace 1 — Joe Banasky 637 Morris St. install tank & sewer connection. 2 - Vernal Church 807 C. St, install floor furnace 3 — N.W. Weathers 3803 6th P1, plumbing service 4 — H. Martin 1218 2nd Ave. N. install furnace A communication was read from the City Attorneyts office, signed by Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, returning documents pertaining to the con— struction of the Williams Street Bridge, which the Consulting Engineer of the City heretofore prepared; that they have checked over the contract and find same in order except the City Attorney recommends that all supporting documents be pro— perly itemized and identified and then incorporated in the contract as if they were fully set forth therein --- particular reference being made to "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" as amendedt particularly Section 8 thereof, and suggest that said reference be set out specifically since it contains extremely important provisions for the performance of the contract; that the "special provisions" should also be set out and identified properly to avoid any confusion or ambiguity as to what specified documents are incorporated in the contract. The Assistant City Attorney explained that he had itemized and identified the special provisions and had incorporated them in subject contract; that the contractor would sign the contract and return same for the Mayor's signature. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, as this matter had been referred to the Mayor, Clerk and City Attorney with power to act, and that the Mayor should order the communication filed. The Mayor so ordered. A communication was read from the Pacific Northwest Company, signed by James G. Fraser, Assistant Manager, Municipal Department, enclosing a signed voucher, covering the financial advisory services rendered jointly by Bramhall & Stein and the Pacific Northwest Company; that the amount of the payment due is computed on the basis of .72 of 1% of the par value of the Cityts last issue as prescribed in their contract with the City of Renton, executed in May, 1952. The City Clerk read the attached voucher from the Pacific Northwest Company, in the amount of $2340.00 for "Professional Services rendered jointly by B ramhall & Stein and the Pacific Northwest Company, both of Seattle, Washington, in connection with the issuance and sale of $325,000 City of Renton Water and Sewer 190 y Revenue Bonds, 1954." Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the comm- unication and voucher be referred to the Fire & Water, and Finance Committees., and the City Clerk to check the rate on the original contract, and with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. R. E. Wolff enclosing "Call for Bids" for the work of preparing the site for construction of the steel reservoir tank and for building the pipe line connection to the system, and suggesting the date for the bid opening be set for the 5th of October; that the estimated cost of this construction work is $34,550.00 (exclusive of sales tax); making a total commitment on the revenue bond issue approximately $240.000. The City Clerk read the call for bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Clerk be authorized to proceed with the publication of the call for bids (two publications in the City's official pub- lication, and one in the Daily Journal of Commerce) and the date of hearing be set ,MW as October 5th.Carried. The City Clerk read an attached voucher for "Engineering Services for the 3 million gallon reservoir and pipe line, in the amount of $4000.00,made out in favor of R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer. Moved by Richardson,, seconded by Delaurenti, that the voucher be referred to the City Clerk, City Attorney and City Engineer to check the type of construction to see what rate would apply. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Auxiliary #1722, F.O.E. Ladies Drill Team, signed by Winifred E. Woodley, Manager, requesting permission to conduct a sale to raise funds for new drill team uniforms, Saturday, September 25th on Williams Street, from. 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon and on the corner of 3rd & Wells Street, from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 P.M. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to Act. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that he had already discussed the matter with the Police & License Committee and all three members of the Committee had approved the request. The Clerk was instructed to so inform Mrs. Woodley. A communication was read from the Jaycees, signed by Leonard W. Polson, Manager of the Xmas tree decoration Committee, submitting their Xmas street decor- ation program, stating that the Jaycees will install decorations as they were last year on November 19, 20 and 219 1954, which will be removed on January 79 8 and 9, 1955. Mr. Polson listed the type of decorations to be installed and the streets and avenues on which they were to be installed. Moved by Morris, seconded by now Vietzke, that the Council approve the Jaycee's Xmas street decoration program, under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Police Department. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the matter of the City's participation be referred to the Public Relations Committee for a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 870, as prepared by the City Attor- ney's Office, that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Renton to order the improvement of the alley abutting Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, Block 14, Ren- ton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton by grading, draining, stabilizing and seal coating with asphaltic road oil and crushed rock, and such other work as may be necessary, in accordance with plans prepared by the City Engineer; that all per- sons who may desire to object are hereby notified to appear and present: such ob- jections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on the 9th day of November, 1954, the date of the hearing; that the City Engineer shall submit to the Council, prior to date of hearing, all data and information required by law to be submitted, including, but not limiting it to a description of the boundaries of the district, a statement of what portion of the cost and expense of the improvement should be borne by the property within the proposed district, a diagram showing the lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited by the proposed improvement, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense thereof to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property; that the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor, as provided by law, except that the City of Renton shall furnish labor and the use of equipment in connection with the above improvement. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, now that the Council adopt Res. #870 as read. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City Engineer should be instructed to make a list of the abutting property owners with the corresponding :Lot numbers and the estimated cost per lot, which is to be submitted to the City Clerk who shall send out notices of hearing and memorandum of estimated improvement cost of same to the property owners; that Resolution No. 870 shall be published in at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City, the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the day fixed for the hearing, and 19., notice of hearing shall be given by mail at least 15 days before the date fixed for hearing to the owners of all lots involved. A communication was read from the Wedgwood Realty Company, over the name of Benj. Hayesp Engineer, submitting proposed Plat of Albert Balch's President Park #8, for Council consideration. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti,. that the proposed plat be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back. Carried. The Acting City Engineer, Walt Will, explained to the Council that several zoning requests which had been referred to the Planning Commission previously had been referred to a special committee for "on the spot" investigation and that their next meeting was scheduled for September 29th and that the Council would pro— bably receive a report by their next regular meeting on October 5th, The Mayor granted Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee more time in regard to source of funds for (1) extension of 650 feet of 10" sanitary trunk sewer north on M. Street from 8th Avenue to 9th Avenue North, and (2) construction of a storm sewer on M. Street from 9th Avenue north in President Park to 7th Avenue North; thence west on 7th Avenue North to connect to the ex— isting storm sewer system at H. Street. Councilman Morris reported that the Finance Committee had considered the communication from the R. L. Polk Company and the different Department's requests for directories, and recommended that directories be ordered for 4 departments only, the Library, Police Department, City Engineer's Office and City Clerk's Office. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from Acting City Engineer, Walt Will, sub— mitting a petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 8, Renton Highlands; stating that the owners of property whose signatures appear on the petition show a percentage of 62.2 favorable for the improvement; that the estimated cost of the improvement wherein the property owners furnish all materials and the City furnished the labor and equipment is in the amount of $503.00. The City Clerk read the petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 82 Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, signed by 19 abutting property owners, by grading draining, stabilizing and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith; that the undersigned petitioners agree to the formation of a L.I.D. in connection with the aforementioned work, which will provide for payment of the costs and expenses thereof by assessment. The Assistant City Attorney stated that this petition was similar to the petition for improvement of the alley in Block 14, Councilman Swift stated that possibly the date of hearing, etc., for this petition could be set to coincide with the date of hearing, etc., on the proposed L.I.D. of the alley in Block 14. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he did not believe there was sufficient time to prepare a resolution and obtain all other necessary information in regard to the proposed L.I.D., of the alley in Block 8. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that an effort be made to have the dates of hearing, etc., for both proposed improvements set for the same date. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police and License Committee had considered the request of Sam Pappas, owner of the Alameda Tavern for a dance hall license; that arrangements have been made for a Renton Police Officer, who is off— duty, to serve as an officer on the premises of the Alameda Tavern during the time any dance is taking place and that under these ccnditions, the Committee approved the request and recommended that Mr. Pappas be granted a Dance Hall License for the Alameda Tavern. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After a discussion, in regard to Councilman Bruce's report and the Assistant City Attorney's confirmation, that residents in the Earlington Addition who are requesting a certain strip of property at the rear of their properties be dedicated to the City of Renton for use as a public street, would not be in favor of re— zoning certain properties adjacent to theirs for installation of a 4—unit apart— ment building, in exchange for a deed to the last remaining piece of property to allow a street to be established at the rear of their properties. After dis— cussions moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Property Committee continue their efforts to have the property deeded to, or obtained by the City of Renton, for use as a public street, and that the owner's appraiser and the City's appraiser appoint a third party, who is disinterested in the matter, to make an appraisal, providing the property owner (who would not deed his portion of property to the City for use in the construction of a street) will accept the appraisal made by the three appraisers. Carried. cc 1.92 Cv Councilman Richardson requested Councilman Swift to have the Street & Alley Committee continue their study of the problem of the intersection of Houser Way with Bronson Way and Factory Street with Bronson Way---this not being a direct cross street creates a hazardous traffic condition, in an endeavor to have the intersection made safer and to speed up traffic at this intersection. In regard to Councilman Vietzkets report of the unsafe condition of the waiting station for busses on Earlington Hill, that the Building Inspector should determine if this building is located on City property or private property, and if it is located on private property, should order it repaired (by the Improve- ment Club which authorized and erected same,) or have same torn down and re- moved. The Acting City Engineer, Walt Will, stated that he thought the waiting station was located on City of Seattle Water Department right-of-way property and would investigate in regard to same. The Budget Controller reported that the Mayor's Job Evaluation sheets had been completed by all clerks and stenographers in the City Offices and had been checked by the respective Department Heads and turned over to the Mayor for his inspection, and would be sent in for review and consideration by a Seattle Job- Evaluation organization, and they hoped to have them back by the next, budget meeting with comments in regard to same. The Budget Controller requested the Council, as a Committee of the Whole, to set a definite date for consideration and discussion of the Final Budget for 1955. The date agreed upon was Monday, September 27th at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Deputy City Clerk Now Mayor 193 Renton, Washington October 4, 1954 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID$ RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN.. SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL, BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Angelo Busato, Police Chief; .� Dorothy Gossett, City Treasurer, and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Mayor Baxter stated that this date was the first meeting of the Council for consideration of the Final Budget for 1955 for the City of Renton; that the meet- ing will be recessed and continued each night, until such time as the budget is adopted, not later than Friday night, October 8th. The Budget Controller, Elton Alexander, stated that each Councilman had re- ceived a copy of the revised Preliminary Budget. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that "Longevity" be included in the Police & Fire Department's 1955 Budgets. Mayor Baxter requested Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, to take the Mayor's Chair and then Mayor Baxter stated that he was in favor of "Longevity" if all employees could receive a raise; that instead of "Longevity" he felt that the rating of Lieutenants should be included in the Police Department, also that the Police Department should have some kind of an insurance program. Mayor Baxter resumed his chair as Mayor of the City of Renton. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; White, No; Vietzke, Aye; Morris, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, No and Bruce, No. There being 8 "Aye's" and 4 "No's", the motion carried. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council take the necessary funds from Capital Outlay, included in the Police Depart- ment's original Preliminary Budget, and put this amount back into the Police Department's 1955 Budget for the Sergeants salaries thereby adjusting the Ser- geants salaries from $365.00 to $375.00 in line with corresponding positions in the Fire Department. The motion carried. Robert Lux, President of the Employees Club, requested consideration of an overall increase in wages and salaries for the City Employees, stating that (1) the cost of living had increased, (2) employees of similar King County Departments and other surrounding cities had received wage and salary increases the last few years, and the employees feel they are entitled to a raise. After discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Captain in the Police Department be allowed the same basic pay as the Assistant Fire Chief in the Fire Department, ie., $389.00 per month. A discussion was held in regard to sanitation and private garbage collection within the City of Renton. As it was too late to include this proposal in the 1955 Budget, this matter is to be considered by the Council as a Whole for consideration for next years budget. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting recess. Carried. The meeting recessed at 10:00 P.M. (There were 22 persons present including City of Renton employees.) Depu yCity Clerk Mayor 194 cc Renton, Washington October 5, 1954 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMMI REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN) SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, low City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the minutes of the meeting of September 21, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 630 50.00 Alex Rivily 311 Burnett St. wire service 1 100.00 R. Wilson 429 Morris wire service 2 100.00 Jane L. Storey 346 Pelly St. wire service 3 500.00 R. H. Smuda 215 Park St. remodel. duplex 4 100.00 Albert Bren 1513 3rd N. remodel. house 5 1,100.00 Signal Oil Co. 2nd & Logan paving 6 4,000.00 J. E. Brown 2654 13th Ave. N. remodel duplex 7 50.00 George Patterson 3521 6th Place pour concrete slab 8 400.00 A. & M. Thomson 447 N. Wells remodel. house 9 80,000.00 First Investment Co. 6th Ave. N. (71.0) erect garage 640 34,000.00 Pioneer Distributors 704 3rd Ave. remodel building 1 12,000.00 E. F. Betz 9409 Mt. View Ave. SE. remode=L bldg. front 2 400.00 Williams & Swanson 619 3rd Ave. wire service 3 300.00 Anton Dime 321 Williams St. wire service 4 400.00 Williams & Swanson 619 3rd Ave. wire service 5 1,000.00 Old West Wines Inc. 1855 4th Ave. N. erect storage bin .n 6 500.00 Anton Dime 323 Williams St. erect wall 7 350.00 Charles Jones 126 Pelly rebuild garage 8 1,200.00 Standard Oil Co. 65 Burnett St. pave yard 9 60.00 Samuel P. Hubbard 641 N. Wells St. erect :roof 650 300.00 Robert W. Puhich 812 A. St, erect carport 1 1,000.00 Seattle Boiler W rks. Waterway Property install trsh.brnr. 2 22000.00 Seattle lst Nat'l 311 Williams St. erect neon sign 3 1`3,500.00 George Bigley 8431 42nd S. erect :residence 4 3,000.00 John Klinga 442 N. Burnett move residence 5 3,000.00 O.S. Svennungsen 544 Whitworth St. remodel residence 6 150.00 Mary H. Martin 1218 2nd Ave. N. reroof residence 7 150.00 Merwyn D. Blanchard 611 R. St. erect carport 8 1,175.00 Frank Gustine 134 Garden remodel building 9 150.00 Ruby Barrett 123 Factory repair garage 660 150.00 Gerard Shellan 402 Thomas St. erect fence 1 300.00 R. L. Landbloom 542 R. St* add'n on residence 2 99000.00 C.M. Castner 439 Renton St. erect residence PLUMBING PERMITS 315 - Lino Azzola 332 Main St. install tank 6 - C.F. Shane 609 Shattuck plumbing fixtures 7 - Chas. Swartfager 459 Lakeview plumbing fixtures 8 - Anton Dime 321 Williams St. plumbing fixtures 9 - Domenic Pillo 3706 5th Ave. N. plumbing fixtures 320 - Chas. Rudd 809 Walla Walla install oil tank 1 - George Berend 1026 Sunset Blvd. plumbing fixtures 2 - Folke Hayer 215 Garden St. plumbing fixtures 3 - Metclo Investment Co.209 4th Place plumbing fixtures 4 - William J. Koshak 519 Langston 'Road install furnace 5 - George Bigley 531 Langston Road install furnace 6 - George Bigley 525 Langston Road install furnace 7 - John Repovz 803 Grant St. install tank 8 - Williams & Swanson 214-6 Burnett St. install plumb. fixts. X95 A communication was read from Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, to Wiley Crook, City Clerk (dated October 4, 1954), in reference to the number of votes required to pass a General Obligation Bond issue of the City of Renton; that as there has been some question regarding certain conflicting statements made in that regard, the City Attorney's Office has contacted one of the firms of bonding attorneys to get an accurate picture of the applicable law; that as it appears at present the law is not certain at all and a case is pending at this time in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington which, however, has not yet been argued as to whether the 40%:60% or 50%:60% rule applies on General Obligation Bonds. The City Attorney further stated that the earlier law (laws of 1925) required that the total vote cast upon such proposition shall ex- ceed 50% of the total number of voters voting in such city at the general, ... county or state election next preceding such bond election; that the question now before the Supreme Court for the first time is whether said law was re- pealed by implication by the 40 mill statute as applied to General Obligation Bonds for capital purposes only, and assuming that question is answered in the affirmative, the vote required would only be 40% of which 60%, of course, would always have to be in favor of the particular issue. The City Attorney stated that the foregoing information would indicate that there cannot be had any definite ruling on this particular question as long as the Supreme Court has not definitely decided same, however, they are advised by the bonding attorneys that unless the Supreme Court decides differently in the near future, the 50%:60% rule would apply to the present issues. The communication was ordered filed. Mayor Baxter reported that Wiley Crook, the City Clerk, was ill and unable to be present this evening, and stated that he would like to appoint Dorothea Gossett, temporarily as City Clerk, to take over the City Clerk's duties this evening and that he would like to have the Council's concurrence. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from-Edward J. Logan, Deputy Auditor, and Super- intendent of Elections and Registrations, certifying that on September 14th, 1954, an election was held in the City of Renton for the purpose of submitting propositions to the voters for their approval or rejection----that the result of said election was duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on September 24, 1954, and that the result of said canvass is as follows: Proposition No. 1 (Defeated) Bonds, Yes 1858 Bonds, No 535 Proposition No. 2 (Defeated) Bonds, Yes 1530 Bonds, No 840 Proposition No. 3 (Defeated) Bonds, Yes 1698 Bonds, No 663 The report was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Housing Authority, signed by the Execu- tive Director, Don Humble, in regard to the dedicated play areas in Renton Highlands, stating that after investigation, it is Mr. Humble's opinion that the'Public Housing Administration would not consent, as a matter of policy, to a change in the dedication which would allow the City of Renton to dispose of the two parcels of land which had been designated as play area, play field and playground. The communication was referred to the Property Committee. A request for a street light at the end of South 141st Street, signed by Mesdames A. M. Rhodes, D. E. Kemph, Stan Townsend, John J. Artzer and E. E. Wilson was read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the request be referred to the Light & Power Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from George Rogers, Secretary of the Renton District Group Health, stating that the Group Health Cooperative is having a special meeting to give information to their members concerning the new clinic they are planning to build on the site of the old City Club, that as this clinic would effect others besides their own members, invited the Mayor and other City Officials to attend the meeting on Thursday, October 7, 1954 at 8:00 P.M. in the Renton Chamber of Commerce Hall, Mr. Rogers further stated that their Executive Director, Dr. MacC oll and the Architect, Paul Kirk 196 cc would also be present at the meeting. As the Mayor and Council may still be work- ing on the Budget this Thursday evening, the City Engineer was requested to have a representative of the Engineering Department attend this meeting. A communication was read from Dora Holmes, Manager of the Coffee Shop in the City Hall Building, requesting Council consideration of the possibility of lowering the rental fee for same to enable her to continue this operation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to install a pinball machine in his place of business, the T.P. Cafe at 509 3rd Avenue, signed by M.K. Matterson, owner, was read. Moved by Rich- ardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A claim was read from Mrs. S.P. Robertson, Clerk for Water District No. 62, in the amount of $6.00, stating that when the City of Renton's Street Department was clearing the Black River Channel, that a water line leading to Smither's Dairy was broken causing the loss of a quantity of water, ie., the Smithers Dairy water charge was increased from an average of $6.00 to $12.00, and that on advice of a Street Department representative, she was filing this claim for $6.00 with the City of Renton. Dorothea Gossett, Acting City Clerk, stated that according to a memo attached, a copy of the claim had been forwarded to the City Attorney and to the Insurance Commissioner. Mayor Baxter ordered the claim filed awaiting disposition. A communication was read from F.H. Underhill, Business Manager of the Seattle- King County Department of Public Health, enclosing a breakdown of services rendered by this department in Renton, stating that the figures do not include nursing service rendered to the Renton schools as the Renton School District participates in the cost of this service; that they are endeavoring to get out a monthly sur- vey of services rendered which is to be mailed to the City at regular intervals. (The attached breakdown covered itemized visits from January through August, 1954 and listed total visits for Maternal and Child Health Clinicsv Public Health Nursing Activities (other than home visits),, Total Nursing Visits to Families, Sanitation Inspections (3-month periods) and Vital Statistics, also stating 350 X-Phys (TB) had been taken so far this year and that 13$ 39 Chest X-Pays had been taken in 1953 and that 6 active cases of TB were found due to this survey, all of which were hospitalized.) The communication was ordered placed on file for future reference. .� Dorothea Gossett, Acting City Clerk read proposed 'Resolution No. 871, author- izing execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing Municipal Water Pumping Power to operate the City's water pumping plant located "approximately 100 feet east of the intersection of M. Street and the Cemetery Road at the Southeast corner of the Renton Highlands. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the contract be referred to the Light & Power Committee and City Attorney for investigation and a report back. Carried. A petition was read requesting the zoning classification of Lots 1, 29 27, 28 and 29, Town and Club Bungalow Sites, to be changed from single family resi- dence use (R-S) District to Business Use (B-1) District. The petition was signed by Shirley L. and Lester S. Bannister, 206 W. Sunset Blvd., and Tony Starkovich, 324 Langston Avenue. Also, a statement was attached, signed by ten property owners of not less than 51% by area of all property in the City of Renton lying within 200 feet (street and alleys excepted), of the above described tract, and having frontage upon any street passing through or adjoining the above described property for proposed rezoning, who consent to changing the zoning classification as requested. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be re- ferred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a report back. Carried. Dorothea Gossett, Acting City Clerk, reminded the Council of the meeting of the Association of Washington Cities in Enumclaw on October 22nd. Mayor Baxter reported that there would be a hearing of the Toll Bridge Authority on November 4th at 10:00 A.M. in the County-City Building, Seattle, Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Dorothea Gossett, Acting City Clerk, read proposed Resolution No. 872, as prepared by the City Attorney's Office, that it is the intention of the! City Council of the City of Renton to order the improvement of the alley abutting Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, Block 14, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, by grading, draining, stabilizing and seal coating with asphaltic road oil and crushed rock, and such other work as may be necessary,in accordance with plans 77 prepared by the City Engineer; that all persons who mar desire to object are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council, to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall at 8:00 P.m., on the 9th day of November, 1954, the date of the hearing; that the City Engineer shall submit to the Council, prior to date of hearing, all data and information required by law to be submitted, including, but not limiting it to a description of the boundaries of the district, a statement of what portion of the cost and exoense of the improvement should be borne by the property within the proposed district, a diagram showing the lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited by the proposed improvement, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense thereof to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property liable therefor, .,w as provided by law, except that the City of Renton shall furnish labor and the use of equipment in connection with the above improvement. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 872 as read. Carried. The City Engineer, James Highton, stated that he would have the assess- ment roll prepared and would furnish the City Clerk's Office with same by Tuesday, October 12th, 1954. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the grading of the reservoir tank site and construction of the connecting pipe line, also to include a wire fence around the outside, the following bids were opened and read: (certified checks or bid bonds accompanied all bids). Bidder Total Bid Completion date 1. Harold Kaeser Co. $37.,661.25-4 60 da. after date of contract 2. Hanson Construction Co. 41,748.04 Pipeline, 75 da. - trarsite 50 da. 3. Joe Lundberg Constr. Co. 40,682.86 90 da. after date of contract 4. Hoagland Findlay 44,865.87 as per specifications 5. Superior Construction 38,103.05 75 days after date of contract 6. Alia & Libri 37,190.07 60 days after date of contract 7. Rumsey & Co. 65,318.48 90 days after date of contract 8. Frank Coluccio 37,354.73 as per specifications 9. Harbor Construction 34,230.66 as per specifications 10. Ace Construction 34076.83 90 days after date of contract 11. Western General 36,968.83 75 days after date of contract 12. Malaspina 33,462.59 65 days after date of contract Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall that the bids be referred to the Consulting Engineer and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Magor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, R.ICHARDSON, WHITEY VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. The Council was informed that there being no quorum on Wednesday, September 27th,, the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for that time was postponed until further notice. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee and Mavor Baxter had met this evening for the nurnose of considering special Pvents in connection with the Curfew Law and stated that the-, recommended that dances held on the evenings of home football and basketball games be classed as a "special event", under the Curfew Law, to allow the closing hour for dances held on these nights to be extended one-half hour to 12:00 midnight, extending the Curfew Hour to 12:30 A.M. Moved by White, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. As these .� dances are held under the .jurisdiction of the Park Board and Recreation Council, and under the supervision of the Police Department, the City Clerk's Office will notify the Police Chief, Park Board and Recreation Council of the Renton City Council's action. Councilman Vietzke reported that two items previously referred to the Ways & Means Committee, i.e., (1) Source of funds for the proposed improvement of the extension of 650 feet of 10" sanitary trunk sewer line north on M Street from 8th Avenue North, at a cost of $1600.00 and (2) Source of funds for the proposed improvement for the construction of a storm sewer on M. Street from /9f 9th Avenue North in President Park to 7th Avenue North, thence west on 7th Avenue North to connect to the existing storm sewer system at H. Street, at a cost of $6500.00 had been investigated by the Committee, and that the Ways &. Means Committee had been unable to find a source of funds for these two improvements, and that the Committee recommended that the propert.7 owners who would be benefited by this im- provement, make their own arrangements for same. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Comm'_-ttee. Carried. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that in regard to the proposed improvement of a storm sewer on M. Street from 9th Avenue North to 7th Avenue North in President Park, thence west on 7th Avenue North to connect to the existing storm sewer at H. Street, that this matter be referred back to the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer for further consideration, and that the 4- proposed improvement of the extension of 650 feet of 10" sanitary trunk sewer .... line, north on M. Street from 8th Avenue North to 9th Avenue North be :referred back to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer for further consideration. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that an agreement had been received from the Northern Pacific Railway Company for approval by the City of Renton, for the use of a portion of the right-of-way on Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, tha'1 the City Attorney had checked the agreement and made a minor change and that the Street & Alley Committee recommended, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that with the approval of the City Council, that the agreement be returned -to the Northern Pacific Railway Company for their approval and signature. Carried. Magor Baxter granted more time for the Mayor's Snecial Committee on rezoning. Councilman Swift suggested that the Light & Power Committee investigate and submit their recommendation to the Council in regard to additional illumination on Wells Street, near Jones Park, and moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee for their :investigation and recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that as there was no further urgent business to come be- fore the Council this evening, that theCouncilcontinue their consideration of the City of Renton's 1955 Budget. On the suggestion of Councilman Delaurenti, con- firmed by the Council, it was agreed that consideration of the 1955 Budget be- gin by the Council starting with Page 1 and following through each successive page. On inquiry of Mayor Baxter, Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, stated that he could operate the Street Department as outlined in the budget; that the parking meters that were installed on the streets now would require a minimum amount of maintenance and repair. A previous favorable suggestion in regard to private garbage contracting was held pending further discussion and study. Sergeant Frazee spoke in behalf of the Renton Police Officer's Negotiating Committee, outlining a Longevity Program for all Police Department employees and requesting consideration of an Insurance Program for the Police Department. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt the longevity program as submitted by the Renton Police Officer's Negotiating Committee. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the same longevity✓ program be incorporated in the Fire Department' s budget. Carried. The Budget Controller stated that this would create a saving from the Pre- liminary Budget in both the Police Department and Fire Department total salaries. In answer to an inquiry relative to a possible increase for the hourly wage employees in the Water Department and no increase being granted to other hourly wage emplo«ees in other departments, by Council direction, the Budget Controller ,M„ was requested to submit the proposed increase and information in regard to same (that the increase would be allowed in that department only) to the Water Depart- ment to see if these employees would favor this increase for their department only. As the Sewage Disposal Fund is combined with the Water Department Fund, the same proposal is to be submitted to that department. 199 Moved by Delaurerti, seconded by Hennenstall, that the meeting recess. Carried. The meeting recessed at 11:15 P.A . (There were 34 persons present besides Officials, Department Supervisors and City of Renton employees). eputy City Clerk Mayor. 200 Renton, Washington October 6, 1954 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. As requested at the October 5th Council meeting (last evening) the Budget Controller reported that he had submitted the Council's proposal to the City Engineer for consideration by the Water and Sanitation Departments; that these two Departments had favored the increase for their individual departments. The Budget Controller, Elton Alexander, explained that on advice of, and with the cooperation of all other Department Heads, that he had been able to equalize the wages of all other hourly wage employees. i Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that starting with Page 1, the Council consider and approve each page of the revised Preliminary Budget, as explained by the Budget Controller. Carried. The Budget Controller read a communication from the Renton Police Officer's Negotiating Committee outlining a revised longevity program for 8.11 police depart- ment employees, and including an Insurance Porgram for the Police Department whereby the City of Renton would pay three-fourths of the officer's insurance premium and the officers would pay the balance. (On request for his opinion, regarding the method of pa-vrnent by the officers, the City Attorney stated that for simplicity, the officers portion of the insurance premium should be handled by payroll deduction and the City Clerk should be authorized to pay this amount withheld as required, either monthly or quarterly and further suggested that the members of the Police Department be required to sign a card authorizing this amount to be deducted from their salaries.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council adopt the City of Renton Budget for 1955 as written. Carried. ,r. The Budget Controller read a communication from Wiley Crook, City Clerk, appointing Dorothea S. Gossett as Acting City Clerk during his present illness, and requesting the Council's concurrence. Moved by Swift, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the appointment by the City Clerk. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess to enable the Budget Controller to furnish the Acting City Clerk and City Attorney the correct figures to draft the necessary Ordinances for the adoption of the City of Renton Budget for 1955 and fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to meet the amount of estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by MaTor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen were Present. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1495, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, adopting a City Budget for the year 1955, in the amount of $1,466,864.30, plus $6,500,000.00 for bonds for acquisition of a Power & Light System, $110,000.00 for the Williams Street Bridge construction, 4100,000.00 for a Swimming Pool Fund and $117,000.00 for Street & Light Improvements. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that notknowing the opinions of the other two members of the Law & Ordinance Committee he would like to make a minority report---that he is not in accord with the budget as a whole, and stated that he would like to recommend to the other two members of the Law & Ordinance Committee that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for their re- commendation. The other two Ordinance Committee members (Councilmen Heppenstall and Tamborini) stated that they approved Councilman Richardson' s recommendation. Moved by Councilman Delaurenti, seconded by Councilman Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Law and Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole report favorably on proposed. Ordinance No. 1495. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, i moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1495 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; White, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Morris, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, Aye; Bruce, Aye, and Richardson, Aye. All twelve Councilmen voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1496, fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to meet the amount of estimated expenses for the year 1954, less the total estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that proposed Ordinance No. 1496 be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1 496 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1496 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall requested that at the time the Department Budgets are prepared for the coming year, that each Councilman receive a copy of each depart— ments proposed budget so that they would be able to study the budgets —that if there is any portion of same that they do not clearly understand during the year, that they could discuss this matter with the Department Head. Councilman Richardson stated that the 1955 Budget having incorporated funds i from Business Licenses and taxes, that the Ordinance Committee would be required to draft a new Business License and Tax Ordinance for 1955, before December 31, 1954, Councilman Richardson further stated that in regard to the office of Assist— ant Treasurer being created in the 1955 Budget, and on advice of the Assistant City Attorney that the City Treasurer, under State Law, does not have the power to appoint to this office, that it would be the duty of the Mayor to make this appoint— ment with the concurrence of the Council, also, that it would be necessary for an Ordinance to be drafted to be presented to the Council for consideration, con— firming the appointment. Councilman Richardson suggested that the Ways & Means Committee be instructed to determine immediately a source of necessary funds to conduct a job evaluation bm survey of the personnel of the City of Renton. This survey is to be started imme— diately and is to be completed prior to the time the budget is prepared by the Council in 1955, for the year 1956. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the suggestion of Councilman Richardson. Carried. Moved,by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 35 persons present, including City of Renton employees.; Deputy City Clerk �f Mayor i f I 202 Renton, Washington October 12, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIriM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MOPM, . TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAUP.ENTI, and BRUCE. (Councilman Heppenstall was excused.) OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer (and Acting City Clerk) ; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. The minutes of the meetings of October 4th (recessed) , 5th (recessed) and 6th not being printed at this time, will be considered at the October 19th Council meeting. APPLICATIONS FOR. PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 663 $ 250.00 Arthur E. Beil 7042 Lakeridge Dr. reroof residence 4 450.00 Addie L. Coleman 715 E. St. erect garage 5 1,275.00 Mrs. F. Yates 538 Beacon Ave. move & remodel resid. 6 2,000.00 Ken Bennett 2114 9th N. addIn on house 7 22000.00 Ray L. Heikes 12010 124th Ave. SE. move & remodel resid. 8 50.00 C.C. Methven 918 G. St. erect concrete wall 9 150.00 Kenneth Hogan 2204 9th N. pave driveway 670 700.00 Emil Rantapaa 2511 9th Place wire service 1 100.00 Richard Murray 631 G. St, wire service 2 75.00 Elmer Wilkins 725 E. St, erect fence PLUMBING PERMITS 329 — Joseph Javelli 425 Burnett St. install furnace 30 — E. F. Betz 804 3rd Ave. sewer connection 1 — Maynard 0. Svor 11008 125th Ave. SF oil furnace ■••� 2 — Renton Aviation,IncRenton Airport oil furnace 3 — E. A. Shearer 410 Williams St. oil tank 4 — Emil Rantapaa 2511 9th Place plumbing fixtures A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that in regard to information for the improvement of the alleys in Blocks 8 and 14, State Law re— quirements were requiring more time than anticipated and that he requested that the date of the hearing on both improvements be reset to November 16, 1954. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the request of the City Engineer and the dates of hearing be reset to November 16, 1954. Carried. A communication was read from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer for the City of Renton, stating that he had checked the 12 bids received for the work in preparing the tank site and constructing the connecting pipe line and that he recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Matt Malaspina Company. The City Engineer concurred in Mr. Wolff' s communication and stated that he approved same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Consulting Engineer and that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary contract and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contract with the Matt Malaspina Company. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he had received a request from N. W. Weathers, a property owner, for the extension of the sanitary sewer lateral on R Street southerly to provide service to a new re— sidence immediately south of the President Park Development; that the request involves certain considerations and the City Engineer suggests that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for study. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurentis that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Engineer and the request be referred to the Sanitation Committee for study and a report back. Carried. Dorothea Gossett, Acting City Clerk, read a memo from Lyle Lemley, State Chairman of the Municipal Finance Officers Association of Washingtons stating that their annual meeting will be held in Longview on Thursday, October 21st. Mayor Baxter stated that Wiley Crook, City Clerk, had requested that Marie Stout, who is carrying 203 on the City Clerk's duties, be allowed to attend the meeting with the City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, and that their expenses be allowed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the request of the City Clerk. Ca rried. A letter of thanks to the City Officials and Department Heads was read from Lucy Pasco, wife of George Pasco, Chairman of both the Police & Fire Depart- ment Civil Service Commissions, who is quite ill.. Mrs. Pasco stated that the flowers and the kind wishes were greatly appreciated. Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, stated that flowers had been sent from the City Officials and Department Heads to Wiley Crook, City Clerk, who is ill in the Swedish Hospitals for his birthday, October 8th. A communication was read from William H. McCorkle, salesman for the Smiley Realtors, who is the agent for Mr. Wong Do Gow, who is purchasing the business of "Jen's Chicken & Chips" from Mrs. Jennie Fliseck, for consideration of a new lease for City property; that they would appreciate approval of the new lease in favor of Mr. Gow, for same rental as Mrs. Jennie Fliseck was paying--- that it is proposed that the lease be for a 3-year period, to begin immediately upon cancellation of existing lease now held by Mrs. Fliseck. They request an option to renew said lease for a period of two years at expiration of a 3-year term, to be included in subject lease. Also, they request the lease include permission for the proposed leasee to enlarge the leased structure by enclosing one or both of the existing patios on said properties, leasee's expense. Councilman Bruce stated that he had talked with Mr. McCorkle of the Smiley Realtors regarding Mr. Gow's lease and had suggested that the letter be for- warded to the Council; that the building needed additional repair and work on the sewer system to put it in good condition, but that needed repair work had no bearing on the new lease. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke,, that the request be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A request to install two pinball machines in his place of business, to be known as Andy's Cafe, 323 Williams Street, was read from Alfred Anderson, owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. �• Mayor Baxter stated that the City Employees had been advised that there would be a discussion of the matter of City Employees being allowed to change their insurance program from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System to the Federal Social Security Program, during the annual session of the State Legislature on October 19th, 1954 at 10:00 A.M., in the State Capitol Building and that the City Employees request permission, for representatives of their group to attend. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he understood this was to be a discussion of the new Social Security Law as it effects the employees and that the matter would require enabling legislation to cover the individual cities. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Mayor and Department Heads for their action. Carried. Councilman Trimm presented proposed Resolution No. 873, as authorized by the Committee of the Council as a Whole, and drafted by the City Attorney's Office, for Council consideration, in regard to sick leave with pay to those City Officials and Officers who are in full charge of or heading a City Depart- ment. Acting City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, read proposed Resolution No. 873, adopting a policy of the following system of sick leave with pay to City Officials and Officers who are in full charge of, or heading City Departments, ie., City Engineer, Street Commissioner, Superintendent of Park, Librarian, City Clerk, City Treasurer and Airport Manager; that such official who has completed six months continuous service with the City shall be entitled to not more than five working days of sick leave and an additional Deriod of five working days for each continuous six months service with the City as such official, that no period of sick leave with full pay shall exceed 45 working days. The Resolution stated requirements as to "Sick Leave Compansation Requests" k to be submitted to the City Clerk, with information requirements. Councilman Trimm stated that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole that the proposed Resolution be adopted as read, and so moved, seconded by Richardson. The motion carried. Mayor Baxter welcomed Mr. Chris Christiansen, who is the Council's most faithful visitor, back from his vacation, stating that he was missed by the 204 y = I Mayor and Council. Councilman Bruce reported that the Special Committee appointed by Mayor Baxter, in regard to the rezoning petition of Joe & Gladys Ellis, for rezoning of certain property (Lot 3, Block 2, Stewart's Highland Acre Tract) from Residential Use to Commercial Use, were planning to meet with the Planning Commission at their next re- gular meeting, and that they would make their report later. Councilman Richardson requested that another petitioner, Miss Leida Snyder, who had requested rezoning of certain property on the corner of M. Street and SE. 128th, be notified when the Planning Commission and the Council Committee were going to discuss her request for rezoning. The City Clerk's office will contact the Planning Commission for this information and so advise Miss Snyder. rr Councilman Bruce reported that in regard to Mr. Davis deeding a portion of his property in the Earlington Addition to the City of Renton for an alley, that Mr. Davis has absolutely refused to dedicate this property to the City; that the other adjoining property owners have requested information as to what action the City of Renton is contemplating, and that in his opinion, the only alternative would be to file suit for condemnation. The City Engineer reported that it would be easier to take care of this property if an alley was established. Councilman Trimm stated, that in his opinion, according to the City Engineer's statement that the City of Renton would be benefited by acquiring this property, that the City Attorney and City Engineer institute the necessary condemnation proceedings to acquire this property. Carried. Councilman Bruce requested that the Council recess this evening so that the Assistant City Attorney could talk to and discuss a certain matter with the Committee of the Council as a Whole. There will be a meeting of the Sanitation Committee, Tuesday evening, October 19th at 7:30 P.M., with the City Engineer. There will be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee with the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Chief of Police, Thursday evening, October 14th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Swift was granted Council approval for the Street & Alley Committee to discuss the traffic problem at the intersection of 3rd & Rainier Avenue at the meeting on Thursday evening. Councilman Bruce reported that vehicle parking by the Boeing employees in the Boeing Parking lot adjacent to the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks and 8th Avenue north, were crowding the entrance way to the parking area for the unoccupied City Building in this area and requested the Street Commissioner to install a bulkhead to curb same. The Street Commissioner stated that he would have a bulkhead erected in this area as requested. Mayor Baxter reminded the Council of the Regional meeting of the Association of Washington Cities in Enumclaw, Friday, October 22nd, 1954, and asked that as many as were able to attend this meeting do so. Mayor Baxter stated that a number of invoices had been presented for payment for extra work in connection with the recent traffic-count for the one-way street feasibility study authorized by the Council. As no prior arrangements had been made for funds for this survey, moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had approved pro- posed Resolution No. 871, authorizing the execution of a contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing municipal water pumping power to the City of Renton for the City's water pumping plant located approximately 100 feet east of the intersection of M. Street and the Cemetery Road at the southeast r' corner of the Renton Highlands, and recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be author- ized to sign same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN.. SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjuourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. (There were 5 persons present besides City of Renton employees.) Acting City Clerk ' :Mayor I 4 1 Renton, Washington October 19, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBOR.INI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL & BRUCE. Moved by Tamboriri, seconded by White, that Councilman Morris be granted a two-week leave of absence. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the re- cessed meetings of October 4th (special) and October 5th, also the meetings of October 6th and 12th be adopted as written. Carried. A communication was read from Clyde A. Barnard., Attorney) requesting Council consideration be given to the refund of a portion of the dance hall license fee for the Barei Tavern which was revoked recentlTT. Mr. Barnard stated that he had discussed the matter with Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, and as there is no provision in the ordinance preventing a re- fund, re-submitted this request, and further requests an exception be made or the dance hall ordinance be amended to allow this refund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Robert Brown, Music Director of the South Central Public Schools, stating that the U. S. Air Force Bank, under auspices of the Foster High School Student Body will present 2 concerts at the Foster High School gymnasium, and in this regard, requests Mayor Baxter to proclaim October 22nd, 1954 as "Air Force Band Day" in Renton. Mavor Baxter stated that he had furnished each of the local papers a copy of the proclamation. A claim for damages to her car in the amount of $83.38, was read from Mary Muir, 12029 S.E. 141st Street, Renton, Washington. Mrs. Muir stated that a City of Rentor, truck, diven by William Reynolds struck the rear of her car while she was stopped waiting for a red light to change. sirs. Muir has lived at the same address for the last six months. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the claim be referred to the Insurance Commission and City Attorney for consideration and a report back of their action. Carried. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Joseph W. Roundhill, Secretary of the Renton Highlands Improvement Club, for the installation of lights at the two intersections in the Highlands, namely, the light at the inter- section of 9th Ave. N. and the Sunset Highway and the light at the inter- section of E. St. with the Cemetery Road (128th Ave. S.E.). The communica- tion was ordered filed. A proposal to the Cit,r of Renton was read from W. H. Watkins, meter repairman for the City of Renton who will be retired by the City of Renton on December 11 1954• Mr. Watkins proposes to contract for the "winding, repairing and maintenance of the 468 parking meters owned by the City of Renton." replacements and purchases of parts are to be paid for by the City of Renton; repair and storage room at the City Garage now in use to be continued as such; that the contract be on basis of $304.00 per month or $3648.00 per ,year, an average cost of maintenance and repair of 65¢ per meter, per month. The collection is to be made by City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposal be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Attorney for study, and to check the legality of same. Carried. 12 A request to sell Xmas trees at two locations, 3rd & Rainier (Williams Eagle Service Station) and opposite the Cedar River Park on the Sunset Boulevard on the "Zerwoodis" propertzr, was read from Charles Stephan, 18419 Benson Road, Renton, Washington, from December 4th through 24th, inclusive. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that -the request be referred to the Chief of Police and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Willard Schleining, Chairman of the Committee of the Renton Drum and Bugle Corps, requesting permission to use a public address system in connection with' a traveling auction they are - planning to hold Friday evening, October 22, from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M., and on { Saturday, October 23rd from 10:00 A.M. until finishing time, which they estimate will be about three hours. They also request consideration of a waiver of a portion of the auction fee as they are holding the auction for the purpose of raising money to pay for new uniforms for the Corps. 12oved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of. Police with power to act. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, .that the motion be amended, that the portion of the request in regard to the license fee be referred to the City Attorney's office for clarification and with power to act. The amendment carried, and the motion as amended then carried. A communication was read from the Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, V.F.W., requesting permission to hold their annual "Night in Paris" dance at the American Legion Hall, November 13, 195 , and that the regular license fee be waived. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the request of the V.F.W.,. ard the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee stated that the Ordinance Committee had prepared an Ordinance, on the re- quest of the Street & Aller Committee and that he would like to present same to the Council for their consideration. Acting City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett read proposed Ordinance No. 1497, relating to traffic and re- gulating the use of public streets and highways in the Cittr of Renton, pro- viding for the installation, regulation anO.. control of the use of parking meters and parking meter zones; defining parking meter zones; authorizing a method of payment for parking meters and the installation thereof ex- clusively from the receipts obtained from their operation, providing for enforcement and penalty for violation thereof, creating a parking meter fund and declaring an emergency. Designated holidays whereby an excep- tion of parking meter free payment is to be made are, January 1st (New Years Dav), February 22nd (Washington's Birthday), Memorial Day, July nth (Independence Da7r), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, December 25th (Christmas Day) and all Sundays. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman_ Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Ordinance Committee, and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1197 be adopted as read. A roll call -vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Ave" the motion unanimously carried. The date of October 5th having been set as the date for theYearing on the proposed annexation of property which included the King County Gravel Pit Property, and there being no written or oral protests at that time, the hearing is postponed until this evening. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, there being no written or oral protests, that the Council approve the proposed annexation and the :natter be referred to the City Attorrev's office to draft the necessary Ordinance of annexation. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Linht "c Power Committee had studied the request, for a light at the end of S. 141st Street, and recommended that a light be installed at this location. Moved br Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Licht &-' j Power Committee and the City Clerk's Office so notify the Power Company. Carried. The Light & Power Committee was granted more time in regard to addi- tional illumination on Wells Street near Jones Park. C In regard to the Wiberg claim, the Assistant City Attorney renorted that the Insurance Commissioner had called in regard to this claim, that certain payments had been approved by the Commission, and that this informa- tion had been so forwarded on to the Wiberg's for their approval and/or consideration. On the suggestion of Councilman Delaurenti, the City Clerk's Office will request the Insurance Commissioner to advise the Council of the standings and/or report of final settlement of claims referred to them. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee had been requested by the Street & Alley Committee to draft a Resolution covering a proposed metering zone area within the City of Renton to be set up so that in the future if meters are to be installed in certain areas, the meter zones will have been already established, and that he would like to refer this information to the City Attorney's Office to draft the necessary Resolution. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council con- cur in the request of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson renorted for the Sanitation Committee, that the Committee had studied the request of Mr. N. J. Weathers for the extension of the sewer line on R Street, to be extended 50 feet south on R Street to the center line of the proposed street (6th Place North) at a total cost of $250.005 (including $50.00 for materials) and recommended that the City of Renton proceed with the installation of the extension of the sewer line at this time, and that the property owner reimburse the Cit-�r of Renton in pa, ,7ents spread over a 12 months period. The Sanitation Committee further recommended that the request for the extension of the main sewer trunk line on Z? Street, which will serve the Balch properties be borne and paid for in full by Albert Balch. Noved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. The City Clerk's Office will so notify Mr. Balch. The Ways & Means Committee was granted more time in regard to the source of funds for payment of serlrices in obtaining the traffic count held in connection with the one-way street feasibility study. The Ways and Means Committee was granted more time in regard to the source of funds to pay for the proposed over-all Citv of Renton .job survey study. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had con- sidered the petition for improvement of the alley in Block 91 Menton High- lands, which will be a similar improvement to those of the alleys in Blocks 6 and 14, and the Committee recommends that the City proceed with subject improvement by the formation of a Local Imnrovement District, the property owners to nay for the material cost and the City to furnish labor and equip- ment for same, and that if possible, the date of November 16th be set for the date of hearing. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the required Resolution be prepared for Council consideration. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that in regard to the problem of parking on the west side of 13urnett Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, that, the Street & Alley Committee recommended that certain specifications be set forth; that the parking area in question on Burnett Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, west of a strip of property 10 foot wide (N.P. right-of- way) measured westerl,T 10 feet from the centerline of the Northern Pacific Railway track, and that a bull rail be installed to separate the narking area from the N. P. right-of-way; that parking meters be installed along this street parking area; also, that a cross-over be allowed across the N. P. tracks between the place of business presently located on the extreme westerly side of Burnett Street and the place of business presently located on the extreme easterly side of Burnett Street as the owners of these two companies previously paid for the black-topping of the area in question along the west side of the Northern Pacific tracks. Moved by Richardson., seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the new lease for the City owned building in Liberty Park, previously leased to Jennie Fliseck, had been prepared for Mr. Gow and that the Property Committee recommended that the Council approve said lease, also that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and lease. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson advised the lad- in the audience (Mrs. ,..� Weathers) that the City of Renton could extend the sewer line only to the edge of the City's property, adjacent to hers---that there should be a 60 foot right-of-way for street purposes and that there is only a 30 foot strip of property for a street at this time, and that the Citr of Renton would install the sewer line to the center of the future 60 foot right-of-way. The City Engineer further advised Mrs. 'yeathers that if the City of Renton desires this nroperty for a street, that they would be required to acquire the additional 30 foot right-of-way from Mr. & Mrs. Weathers, unless the,,?- are willing to deed subject property to the City of Renton for a street. One of the nroperty owners in the rarlington Pddition, whose property abuts the alley in Block 6, that the property owners has re- fused to deed a portion of to the City of Renton for a street, stated that he would like to have the Council consider a possible reimbursement for a portion of his cost of a cement bulkhead he installed, which protects the property in this area from water draining over same. The City Engineer stated that the reason the City was willing to accept a 30 foot roadway was because said roadway dead ends. The Assistant City Attorney stated that at the last Council meeting the Council authorized condemnation action against the property owner in subject block to acquire the property which would allow the 30 foot right-of-way. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration. Carried. Councilman Swift; reported that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed the matter of increasing the fee for moving houses within, in and out of the City of Renton. A further discussion was held in this regard, including the suggestions of a penalt7T fee for delay caused by break-down of equipment. The Police Chief stated that the house movers pay an additional fee for police escort. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred back to the Street & Alley Committee, Chie of Police, City 'ngineer and Street Commissioners, for further consideration. Carried. On request of the Street ?,r Alley Committee, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Street & Alley Committee be authorized to stud7r the problem of parking and traffic congestion on Smither Street and Morris Street, between 3rd and nth Avenue. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police immediately following the Council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting X10 adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P•M• (There were 6 persons present besides City of Renton employees) . i Deputy City Clerk i Mayor Ii i i �i i i i I .I i i i i 1 i 1 j Renton, Washington November 2, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that Councilman White be excused from the Council meetings of November 2nd and 9th, 1954. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon_ , Park Superin- tendent, and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Henpenstall, that the minutes of October 19, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICAT_TONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PFRNITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7 77'=.25 L. Bodenhimmer 15 Powell wire service 4 300.00 M. Anderson 323 Williams St. install neon sign 5 150.00 Argano Bldg. Co. 611 - 3rd Ave. repair sidewalk 6 2,000.00 Ivor Edman 86 Tobin Avenue erect garage 7 400.00 A. Rafanelli 430 Langston Rd. erect fence 8 30.00 Esley Walker 808 - 0 Street wire service 9 160.00 Matt Stepnich 1019 - 1st .Ave N. reshingle residence 680 200.00 Lucy Buxton 1014 E Street Add'n to house 1 200.00 Stanley Zaputil 420 Lind St. extend roof eaves 2 75.00 C. H. Travis 419 Cedar St. remodel house 3 159,500.00 Peoples Nt'l Bnk 1414 4th Ave.Seattle erect bank building 4 230.00 Nick Angelo 2422 6th Ave. No. pave driveway 5 60.00 Floyd Shaff 2428 - 6th No. pave driveway 6 200.00 Carl J. Kelly 11630 S.E. 116th Pl erect carport 7 100.00 C. H. Travis 419 Cedar St. wire service 8 10,000.00 Mildred C. Sevener 912 - 2nd Ave. add'n to bldg. 9 150.00 Mrs. K. Showalter 425 N. Wells foundation for house 690 250.00 Nick Angelo 2422-6th Ave. N. erect carport 1 70.00 James Zerwoodis 1609 Mapleway erect new chimney 2 100.00 L. W. Polson 2212-9th Pl. wire service 3 170.00 Mrs. M. Frevman 207 Wells St. foundation for house 4 500.00 Dominic Gentile 525 Whitworth wire service 5 2,000.00 Puget Sound Power 128th SEP 132nd erect sub-station 6 2,500.00 G. 0. Osthus 643 G St. add'n on residence 7 50.00 Asmbly of God Ch. 65 Williams St. wire service 8 100.00 Mrs. L. Buxton 1014 E St. wire service 9 360.00 August Riffero 724 Cedar St. re-roof residence 700 100.00 Earl Canlow 12227-141st SE extend roof-build patio 1 11100.00 Robert Lowery 300 I',ill St. re-side residence 2 700.00 J. Zerwoodis 1609 Maple Way re-roof store bldg. I 3 100.00 Vic Diambri 412 Pelly remodel house 4 50.00 Mae Holt 110 Rainier Ave. install new window 5 150.00 Kenneth Hogan 2204 9th N. erect carport 6 1,500.00 Wms. & Swanson 619-3rd Ave. install neon sign 7 400.00 Anita Shop 710-3rd Ave. _install neon sign 8 350.00 Rosalie Evans 1008-3rd Ave. new front on bldg. 9 900.00 Chas. Ruud 801 Walla Walla Ave. install office 710 100.00 Ben Johnson 231 Wells St. electric service 1 350,00 Geo. M. Berend 1026 Sunset Blvd. erect built-up roof 2 11,750.00 W. H. Brokaw 8810 S. 126th erect residence 3 11,750.00 W. H. Brokaw 8905 S. 126th erect residence 4 11,750.00 W. H. Brokaw 8911 S. 126th erect residence j 5 11,750.00 W. H. Brokaw 8915 S. 126th erect residence I AUI PLUPfiBING PrrRArtITS 335 -- H. Wickens 503 Mills St. install furnace 6 -- Metclo Investment 209 4th Place install .furnace 7 -- Scott Cleaners 201 - hth Pl. sewer connection 8 -- Pac.Tel & Tel. 710 - 6th Ave. So. install plumbing fixtures 9 -- J. Bodenhaner 415 Powell install plumbing fixtures 340 -- Wms & Swanson 617 - 3rd Ave. install plumbing fixtures 1 -- C. Svennengsen 544 Whitworth install furnace 2 -- Wms. & Swanson 617-3rd Ave. install gas heaters 3 -- A. J. Stirn 12611 SE 121st install furnace 4 -- C. H. Travis 88 Logan St. Plumbing fixtures 5 -- Geo. Bigley 539 Langston Rd. Vlumbing fixtures 6 -- Asmbl,T of God Ch. 704 Tobin Ave. install furnace 7 -- Chas. F. Shane 609 Shattuck sewer connection 8 -- M. E. Kingsey 12429 SE 121st install oil tank 9 -- W. E. Isackson 327 N. Williams plumbing service 350 -- Priebe Bros. 712-3rd Ave. install gas furnace 1 -- Ben Johnson 231 quells St. water heater 2 -- Wms & Swanson 617 3rd Ave. install gas heater 3 -- W. A. White 1857 Monterey Dr. plumbing fixtures 4 -- E. F. Betz 804 - 3rd Ave. install oil furnace 5 -- Renton Mach.&Weld. 333 Sunset Blvd. install oil furnace 6 -- Ray Heppenstall 318 Earlington St. install oil fizrnace 7 -- Harry Gilmour 1025-1st No. install oil furnace A communication was read from Martha'G. 4iberg, 1111 Third Avenue, Renton, Washington, requesting Council action in regard to her claim against the City of Renton for damage to garage doors to the Black River Cabinet Shop Building at 212 Rainier Avenue, also for loss of rent from same, due to a condition that Mrs. Wiberg feels is the City's responsibility; that she has received a proposal from the Insurance Company adjuster in the amount of $50.00 which covers damage to the garage doors only, and requests Council consideration of an attached statement covering rent for garages, damage to garage doors, other disadvantages due to inaccessibility of stored materials and interest on the balance due to November 1, 1954, in the total amount of $,267.10. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the claim be re- ferred to the Ways and Means Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. D. A. Mansurgh, Vice-President of the Lake Washington Players, requesting permission to publicize their second production, a play called "Mister Angel", to be held on November 6th and 7th and on November 20th and 21st; they further request permission to hang a banner across 3rd Avenue between the I.O.O.F. Hall and the Penney's Store Building, at the proper height, also to use a loudspeaker. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Mr. & Mrs. N. W. Weathers, owners of property abutting the south line of 6th Place North, opposite President Park No. 4, request reconsideration of the City Council's action of October 19, 1954, in regard to the proposed extension of the R Street Sanitary Sewer; that Mr. & Mrs. Weathers now propose to dedicate approximately 631 feet of frontage, 30 feet deep, to Provide a 60 foot right-of-wav; that in consideration of this dedication.,_ the owners request that the Citir of Renton install a lateral sewer on 6th Place to serve the owner's property. The estimate of cost by city labor and equip- ment is :' 1200.00. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the communication and proposal be referred to the Sanitation Committee and Citir Engineer for further consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Romev A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, in regard to Joseph Allen, a City of R.erton employee, stating that Mr. Allen would be over 65 years of age on January 1, 1955 and should retire on that date unless his retire- ment date is extended b-,* the City Council; also, that the Council's action should be guided by information in material furnished this date, under separate cover, describing and explaining coverage of Statewide City Emnlo-ees Retirement System members by Social Security, which is being considered by the Statewide City Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees. A second communication was read from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System in regard to Wm. H. Watkins, 1,!1219, enclosing "Estimated. Retirement Allowance". sho-Ang "regular retirement no option and retirement under option all for Mr. Watkins, and requesting information as to which option he desires. Mr. Bott further stated that the Council may change previous action after they have read the information furnished in the material which he had furnished which explains dual coverage and the method which will be most advantageous for the City and the employee and suggested that further action be held until the Council has studied same. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that these two communications be referred to a Special Committee of three, to be ILA appointed by Mayor Baxter, for further consideration and a report back. Carried. lu A communication was read from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, enclosing two letters to be presented to the Council; one is a description and explanation of the pro- posed amerdments to the Retirement Act which have been approved by the Statewide City Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees---and the other is an explanation of how Social Securit-T can be coordinated or integrated with the City's Retirement System to the apparent advantage of both the City and the employees. Mr. Bott further stated that it is } imperative that the Board of Trustees act on these matters at their next meeting which is on Friday, November 26, 1954, and requests the Cities state their reaction and make comments before this date. This communica- tion was ordered referred to the Special Committee together with the i, communications in regard to Mr. Joseph W. Allen and Mr. William H. Watkins. 7 A request for a license as a "Place of Refuge", for her place of business, which is her home, located at 326 N. Burnett Street, Renton, Wash- ington, was read from Mildred Millett, 326 N. Burnett Street, Renton, Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the re- quest be referred to the Police and License Committee and. Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. Robert J. Fvov and Dr. Irvin Charat, 229 and 231 respectively 4th Place, Renton, requesting Council consideration of their request for additional illumination and street improvement of 4th Place adjoining their offices. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication to the CitiT Council was read from Charles R. Perryman resubmitting his previous proposal and requesting Council approval of a trade of a portion of City of Renton property, to be used as a roadway, for property Mr. Perrvman owns adjacent -to the Springbrook Water Reservoir Area. Dorothea Gossett, Acting City Clerk read the answer, by Arthur L. Hangar, City Attorney, to Mr. Perryman's letter which stated that this matter had been presented by City Attorney, Arthur Haugan and Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, at the October 26th Executive Meeting of the Renton City Council; that at this meeting several Councilmen recalled that a previous request had been rejected because this area is watershed for the city water reservoir, also that the City Council in 1948 and 1949, for future planning were considering the acquisition of the entire ten-acre tract as watershed area; that the Council decided to obtain a new inspection and survey of the area, as a result of the discussion, to determine what the City's needs are at this time, for the protection of the City's present and future water supply. Mr. Perryman was informed by the City Attorney that the City Council would not be able to give him a definite answer to his proposal until the surve'T has been completed. As the City Attorney's answer was a result of Council action, the communications are to be filed pending further information. s A communication was read from WileTT Crook, Cit., Clerk, appointing Marie Stout as Deputy City Clerk, until further notice, due to the City Treasurer's unavailability while she is on vacation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the request of the City Clerk. Carried. I( _ b'2 The City Treasurer was informed that it would require Council action C to allow a- similar appointment of a Deputy Cit7r Treasurer; then an Ordinance would have to be prepared creating the office of Assistant City Treasurer, and subject ordinance would have to be amended and the new office created by the Council. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission., signed by C. G. Myers, Se cretarv, stating that the Special Committee which was studying the petition of Miss Leida Snyder .for rezoning of property on the northwest corner of M Street and S. E. 128th, and the petition of Raymond Brown for rezoning of certain propert7r at 12219 Sunset Boulevard, recommended that both above petitions be held in abeyance until further study of overall locations for shopping centers in surrounding areas is completed; they further recommended that the King County Planning Commission make a study relative to the future zoning of county property in the surrounding area to Renton which would be recommended for rezoning for future shopping centers. Mr. Myers further stated that the above recommenda- tion by the Special Committee was adopted by the Planning Commission and that further study and investigation will be made by this Special Committee for the overall planning of future business-zoned districts. The City Engineer explained that Miss Leida Snyder had been requested to submit a new petition to include a larger area which is being planned for business use purposes (9 acres instead of 42). On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter requested the report be held in abeyance until further information is received from the Planning Commission. - A communication was read from Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, stating that on request of the Police & License Committee he had prepared a "Call for Bids" pertaining to life insurance coverage for the members of the Renton Police Department, as outlined in the 1955 budget, for Council approval as follows: "That the City issue a call for bids, the date for the opening of bids be set as December 7th, 1954, for the following pur- poses, $5,000.00 Group Life Insurance (with conversion privilege) and $5,000.00 A.D.&D. (Non-occupational) for the present 26 members of the Renton Police Department, effective as of January 1, 1955• The .Assistant City Attorney further suggested that the "Call for Bids" be published in the official Renton publication for two weeks, (November 11th and 18th, 1954), and in the Daily Journal of Commerce on or about November 15, 1954, and that sufficient copies of the personal data of the members of the Police Department, together with a notation that premium payment will be made on a monthly or quarterly basis, as desired, whereby the City contributes 25 percent of the cost, on a payroll deduction method, be available in the City Clerk's Office. Councilman Delaurenti reported that this matter had been discussed at a Committee meeting, with the Police Chief and the Assistant City Attorney, and that the Committee recommended that the call for bids for life insurance be published. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, that the motion be amended and that the paragraph requiring "A certified check in the amount of five per- cent of the total amount of the bid must accompany each bid", be deleted from the bid. The amendment carried. The motion as amended then carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that sufficient copies of the personal data as outlined by the Assistant City Attorney, be available in the City Clerk's Office. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney had prepared the required ordinance of annexation as previously authorized by the Council. Dorothea Gossett, Acting City Clerk read pro- posed Ordinance No. 1498, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, annexing certain territory to the City of Renton; said property being described as follows: "Block 1 and 61, and lot 1, 2, 9 and 10 and the south half of lot 3 and 8 of Block 7 together with S. E. 125th Street (Bile Street) between the east margin of 116th Avenue S.F. and the east margin of 119th Avenue S.E. (Renton Avenue); also 117th Avenue S.E. (Lakeview Ave.) and 119th Avenue S.E. (Renton Avenue) between the north margin of S. E. 128th Street (Pine Street) and the north margin of S.F. 125th Street (Pine St.) and a lime east and west through the center of blocks 7 and 12, all in Rainier Acres recorded in Volume 14, page 21, records of King County, to- gether with S.E. 128th Street between the east margin of 116th Avenue S.E. extended south and centerline of 132nd Avenue S.E. extended south," more generally referred to as the plat of Rainier Acres or the Old King County Gravel Pit .Area, on S.E. 128th Street (the Cemetery Road), as presented by petition headed by Tonda & Swartfager, and including the King County Commissioners. This annexed property will be contiguous to Precinct 16, Ward 1, of the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. The Ordinance Committee reported favorable on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1498 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1498 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimousl;r carried. A Mr. Stevens from the audience stated that he would like permission to sell certain ts.7pes of books (Palmistry & dream books) within the Cit,r of Renton; that with the purchase of each book, it was planned. that his wife j would give a palm reading for free; that the books would sell for approxi- mately $2.50. Ang Busato, Police Chief, stated that he was not in favor of this tzrpe of endeavor. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police with power r to act. Carried. Elton Alexander, Budget Controller, stated that on the request of the Mayor and Council, he had obtained bids from three different companieF for new chairs for the Councilmen, Mayor and City Clerk; that the bids (including sales tax) for the same model chair from three different companies were as follows: Lowman & Hanford Co., Seattle.. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... .: 1012.00 5 Trick & Murray Co., Seattle. 911.00 Renton News Record & Stationary Store, Renton. .*.... .. . . 0—ee 698.00 The Budget Controller stated that funds were available. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the information above be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, that Mr. Charles R. Perryman's request to acquire a roadway area out of the city-owned property at the Springbrook Water Reservoir, in exchange for an equivalent area in the southwest corner of Mr. Perryman's ten-acre tract, be referred to the City Engineer, Consulting Engineer and King County Health Department Representative serving the Renton area, to investigate and determine how much property the City of Renton regi.,ires in this area. Moved by Richard-cor, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee- of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee, the Police Chief, Ang Busato, Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh and Citv Engineer, James Highton had discussed the matter of- house-moving permits, the fee for same, etc., and that the Committee recommended that a letter be prepared showing the proposed rates, ie., NEW PE-9,MIT RATES, w10.00 per unit, under 1000 square feet, $15.00 per single storjr unit, over 1000 square feet, and 425.00 per unit over 3010" wide, or more than 1 story in height, and that a copy of this letter, showing the report of the Committee, be fur- nished to all house movers, and a copy (open letter) be published in the Official Renton publication, stating the City's problem, in an effort to obtain the opinions of those interested persons and the attitude of the public about the house movers, fee, etc. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, and the City Clerk's Office be authorized to prepare the necessary letter and comply with the above request. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied Mr. Watkin's meter maintenance proposal, and recommended that the con- tract be considered on a month to month basis, with a 30-day concellation clause by either- party and that the contractor be required to carrTT a sufficient bond; that the Committee recommended that unless the bidder can be benefited by an extension of time to acquire coverage under Social Security, that the Citv enter into a contract on a month to month basis. Mayor Baxter suggested that the Committee contact the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, who is in charge of the parking meter maintenance within the City of Renton to determine the exact amount of maintenance required on the meters and the problem of collection of money from the meters, that in his opinion, the meter repairman should be the same person who collects the money from the meters. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, _that this matter be referred back to the Street and Alley Committee for further con- sideration. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had been re- quested to investigate a drainage problem along the Sunset Highway, near the Alameda Tavern; that it had been determined that as there were no curbs in this area, and the street was not drained, that this was a problem for the State Highway Department, that the City of Renton is not responsible for drainage or maintenance. The City Engineer stated that under the present State laws, the State Highway Department is responsible. On the suggestion of Mayor Baxter, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer advise the State Highway Department of this drainage problem and of the City's action in regard to same. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Ways &Means Committee more time in regard to the source of funds for payment of vouchers covering the recent one-way street traffic survey. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the possibility of acquiring the right-of-way for Jones Street (the third farthest east on Renton Scenic Hill) from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, and that the Street and Alley Committee recommends that the City request the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to deed to the City of Renton the right-of-way. on Jones Street from the City Limits, on the solzth, to the bluff of- Renton Scenic Hill on the north. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. (The City Clerk's office, with the assistance of the Cit-r Attorney, will write this letter.) Councilman Swift further stated that the Street & Alley Committee had studied a recommendation of the Street Commissioner, which had been concurred in by the Police Chief, in regard to a traffic condition in Earlington . Addition and that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that a3-terial stop signs be installed on Thomas Street, on the northwest corner of 5th West and Thomas Street, and on 4th Avenue West, on the southwest corner and the northeast corner of 4th West & Thomas Street, as a safety measure and to control traffic. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the Street Commissioner be so notified. Carried. On request of Mayor Baxter as to the Council's action, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the invoice for services for Romsey & Company, in the amount of $2388.50, be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from R. e. Wolfe, Consulting Engineer, sub- mitting a progress estimate for the month of October for work done by Alia & Libri, Contractors, for the water main improvements, in the amount of 4,$14,035.96, which had been approved by the City Engineer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the estimate be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift retorted that in connection with the recent one-wazr traffic survey, an additional item is needed, and requested that the Council consider the City of Renton furnishing a survey of the traffic control system in the City of Renton at the present time; that the Chapman electric Comnany have this information and that a survey report could be furnished for less than x$100.00. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the request of the Street & Alley Committee and that Chap- man Electric be authorized to proceed with the survey report and the matter of source of funds for the expense of same be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their consideration and report back. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 2510-2793 $43,903.22 CURRENT 196 .-1970 27,321.19 WATER 9034-9035 5,089.98 LIBRARY 2779 1,228.20 PARK 1874-1875 2,126.36 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2523-2524 21233.50 AIRPORT 1802-1803 1,335.6 . STREET 6606-6607 42 718.80 CUM. FUND #1182 57 130.89 .r CUM. FUND #1183 --- none CUM. FUND #1181 453-455 861.92 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 113-144 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 534-536 268.46 EQUIP NT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 179-209 4,281.89 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 687-690 6059.75 CLAIMS FUND 678-762 16,170.90 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City of Renton employees). Deputy City Clerk —� Mayor. 1r I�r Renton, Washington November 9, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Mayor Baxter stated that Councilman Heppenstall had requested to be excused from this evening' s meeting. Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that the Council grant Councilman Hepnenstall's request. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Marie Stout, Deputy City Clerk, Floyd Shaff, Assistant to City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Insnector. Mayor Baxter introduced the Reverend H. C. Lazenby, Rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, who then gave the blessing. Moved by Swift, seconded. by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of November 2nd be approved as corrected. Carried. (See last page of minutes for Building Permits). A communication was read from David J. Pugh, Commissioner of Streets for the City of Renton, stating that on the request of Mayor Baxter for his opinion regarding the pending retirement of four employees under his super- vision, (the names and retirement dates as follows: William Watkins, December 11 1954; Joseph Allan, January 1, 1955; Emmon Beil, July 1, 1955 and Albert Erickson, July 1, 1955) that he has no obJection to the extended employment of these men to the extent permissible by legislation and further recommends this extension so as to provide emplo;7ment until the men can qualify under the extended Social Security Act. Mayor Baxter suggested that the above communication, also two others pertaining to the same matter, be held until later in the meeting. A communication was read from George H. Thomas, Secretary and Chief now Examiner of the Fire Department Civil Service Commission, advising the Council of a change in Section 2 of Rule II of the General Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Renton Fire De- partment adopted July 8, 1947. Rule II, qualifications are changed only in the age limit for qualifying examinations---that "no person will be admitted to an examination for any position who is less than twenty-one or more than thirty .years of age (not having attained his 31st Muth date) at the time of examination," the previous age limit being 35 years of age. The communication was ordered filed. A request was read from Florence Wonio, President, Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W., for permission to sell tickets on a raffle of a 'Broil wick" broiler on Saturday, November 13th in front of the 10¢ Drug, and that the regular license fee be waived; that the funds raised will aid veterans in the different hospitals and veteran' s families in need of aid. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the request be granted under supervision of the Police Department. Carried. A request was read from Howard Hoss, 1925 3rd Ave. West, Seattle, and Henry Roat (photographer) 3322 Fuhrman Avenue, Seattle, to have a "photograph booth" in the City of Renton from the lst of December through December 24, 1954; that thev have tentative plans for the lot at the corner of 2nd and Main Street and that if these plans change, they will notify the Council immediately. They also plan to sell Xmas trees from this location and to have a children's "Kiddie-car ride." Moved by Tanborini, seconded by White, "moo that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. A request was read from George W. Holmes, owner of the G & I Fruit Stand located at 441 Sunset Highway, to sell Xmas trees from December 16, 1954 through Xmas eve. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. 3 } i A communication was read from Adelaide M. Thomas, Secretary of the Renton Scenic Hill Club requesting information as to why modern fire hydrants have not been installed to replace the old stand pipes now in use; whether this improvement is possible and the estimated cost to the home owners. Fire Chief Lawrence and several Councilmen explained that this improvement had been suggested previously but that the water main serving this area was a 211 line and that it would require a 41T line for the installation of fire hydrants. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer to make a survey of material, etc., needed, including cost, and report back to the Council. Carried. (The Clerk's office will advise the Renton Scenic Hill Club of the Council's action, and inform them that they will be advised at a later date of the result of the investigation). A communication was read from C. G. Myers, SecretarT of the Renton Planning Commission, stating that the Planning Commission recommended that (1) the Council approve Plat #8 of Albert Balch's 11edgwood Addition (President Park) as submitted, subject to the approval of the Cit- Engineer's office, (2) that the Council reject the rezoning petition of Lester S. Bannister and Tony Starkovich, at this time, and that the petitioners be instructed to resubmit an application stating what use will be made of said property and whether such use meets the City Engineer's approval, also (3) that the Council institute the necessary procedure for changing the zoning area southwest of Windsor Hills, said location to be described by the City Engineer, from light industry to residential, single unit dwelling. In regard to Albert Balch's Wedgwood Addition (President Park) Item I above, the City Engineer stated that a portion of a street was not included in this dedication and recormend- ed that this matter be reviewed before Council approval is given. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. In regard to Item II above, the City Engineer stated that the Planning Commission rejected this request until it could be determined just what type of building is to be erected, or the purpose for which the property is to be used, and recommended that the Planning Commission be requested to review the rezoning petition after they receive this information. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. In regard to_ Item III above, the Mayor stated that this matter had been brought to the attention of the Council during the time the Council was considering a site for the new steel water reservoir tank; that at this time the residents of the adjoining area requested Council consideration of the rezoning of the property as requested. The Assistant City Attornev stated that to proceed with this rezoning, the City engineer would be required to prepare a legal description of the area to be rezoned, post, the proper notices of hearing, etc. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the City proceed with the necessary steps for the rezoning of subject property. Carried. A communication was read from F. H. Underhill, Chief Clerk of the Depart- ment of Public Health, dated October 22, 19543 enclosing statistical report of services rendered for Renton during the month of September 1954, and stating that these reports will be sent monthly hereafter. The attached report read as follows: Maternal & Child Health cases - 60; nursing home activities, other than home visits - 29; total nursing home visits - 262; total sanitation in- spections - 6; total births registered - 188 and total deaths registered - 13. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter was brought before the Board meeting of the Association of Washington Cities and that other cities had inquiries as to the services received by the Cities from the various County Health Departments. The communication and report is to be placed on file in the Clerk's Office. The Assistant City Attcrne,T stated that the proposed City of Renton Business Tax Ordinance for 1955 had been prepared for Council consideration. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee recommended that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its first reading and held for study and consideration by the Council for one week. Moved by Trimm , seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Richardson. Carried. Floyd Shaff, Assistant to the City Treasurer, read the proposed Ordinance, "An Ordinance of the Cit- of Renton, iJashington, relating to and pro- viding for a license or occupation tax upon certain businesses, occupations, pursuits and privileges; defining offenses and prescribing penalties, which ordinance will take effect on Januar* 1, 1955 and be in force and effect on and after that date for the calendar ,year, 1955. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. x x Councilman Richardson, reporting for a minority of the Special Committee, appointed by Mayor Baxter in regard to the coverage of Statewide City Employees Retirement System members by Social Security, that they request Mayor Baxter, on advice from the City Attorney's Office that it is legal, and with the con- currence of the City Council go on record as extending the retirement date of the four employees in question for a 6 months period, or as long as legally possible and necessary, to give the Special Committee sufficient time to thoroughly investigate this matter. Councilman Morris stated that Councilman Vietzke and himself, the other two members of this Special Committee, concurred in the Minority Report given, and wish to make it a full Committee report. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson., that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Special Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that on investigation it had been determined that several department heads and the City's clerical employees were not covered by King County Medical during their working hours and that he had requested a letter be written to the Washington State Department of Industrial In- surance, requesting information as to this Department's coverage of these City employees; that he had received a letter which he would like to have read for the Council's information. Flovd Shaff, Assistant to the City Treasurer, read the communication from the Washington State Department of Industrial Insurance, which stated that in order to secure Industrial Insurance for these Department Heads and clerical employees, an attached notice would have to be posted for 10 days, the industrial insurance to be effective 10 days after date of posting; that a certification of the posting should be furnished to the Industrial Insurance Office, Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion it was the City's obligation to see that these employees were adequately covered by industrial insurance and that the matter be referred to the Wags and Means Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported for the Sanitation Committee, that the City Engineer had contacted Councilman Tamborini and himself today (Councilman White was inadvertently not notified of the meeting) and that after discussion, the Committee wished to submit a counter-proposal in regard to the proposed ex- tension of the R Street Sanitary Sewer to serve the property of Mr. & Mrs. N. W. Weathers as follows,- that Mr. and Mrs. Weathers furnish the material for the sewer line, the cost estimate being approximately $400.00, and the City furnis the labor and equipment, to put in this line, the cost estimate being approximately $850.00, in exchange .for a right-of-wal• for the City of 'penton of a strip of the Weathers property of approximately 630 feet by 30 feet, which the Committee felt was favorable for the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Committee be authorized to present the counter-proposal to Mr. & Mrs. Weathers. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Weathers be advised that this counter-pronosal does not include the improvement of the proposed right-of-way as a street. Carried.. The Assistant City Attorney advised the Council ti-iat there were two separate problems, that the giving of a strip of property to the City of Renton for a right-of-way should be covered by a deed to the Citv of Renton, and that a written agreement should be drafted to cover the installation of the ex- tension of the R Street Sanitary Sewer line, the Weathers to furnish the material and the City of Renton to furnish the labor and equipment for same.. Councilman Reid was granted more time for the Light & Power Committee to investigate the need of additional lighting on Wells Street adjacent to Jones Park. Councilman Vietzke renorted that the Ways & Means Committee recommended that the payment of vouchers covering the recent one-way street traffic survey be taken from Cumulative Fund Pio. 1184. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that the Finance Committee recommended that the payment of the invoice from Rumsev &. Companv for services in the--amount of X2388.50 be borrowed from Cumulative Fund #1184 at this time, and that as soon as the funds are available for the Williams Street ?fridge Improvement Project, that this amount of money be paid back to Cumulative Fund No. 1184. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported that at the last meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association of Washirgton Cities that they were advised that the Wash- ington State Highwa,,r Department is going to request the next Lesislature to pass legislation to try to stop allowing the different cities from giving suggestions or having any authority to request where the State Highways are going to be routed through the respective cities, also in regard to highway cloverleafs that permit the traffic to leave the main highways to branch through the different cities and/or to leave the different cities and to ,et back on the main high- wa7rs. The City Clerkts Office was requested to write a letter to the Associa- tion of Washington Cities, over the signature of Councilman White, requesting them to keep the City informed of any information they have in this regard, and further requesting the Association of Washington Cities to advise them if there is any action the City can take in support of their right to suggest and determine what route the highways are to take through the City of Renton. On the request of Councilman Delaurenti, the Clerk read a request from Richard K. Clarke of the Clarke Brothers Rotor Company, for permission to use a loud speaker on their truck to play music only, for the initial display of their neT cars for four days, November 17th through 20th. Mr. Clarke stated that they will play music only at such places as the Boeing and Pacific Car and Foundr„r Company parking lots, and other large parking areas as people go to or come from work. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the re- quest be referred to the Police &_ License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that a party would like to lease the building on the northwest corner of Mothers Park, known, as the old aeronautic building for $75.00 per month, for some kind of plastic work; that then would not need the entire building at this time, and requested permission to sub-lease a portion. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, it would be better for the City to lease the property with this stipulation, providing the sub-lease fee did not exceed standard lease fees charged by the City of Renton, than to have it vacant. After discussion, moved. by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred back to the Property Committee with power to act. After a discussion as to the purpose this building was going to be used for, by the party who was planning to sub-lease a portion of this building. Councilman White, with the consent of his second, Councilman Vietzke, withdrew his previous motion.. and moved, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred back to the Property Committee to determine the kind of business the leasee will use his portion of the building for, and a report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that he felt that it would. be very rice to thank the citizens of Renton who so very earnestly supported the "Get out and Vote” campaign which had such a great effect on the City's having the required number of votes in the last election to satisfy state laws and the anticipated passage of the three bond issues that the Council had placed on the ballot; that these persons had worked very diligently to get the voters out and that the Mayor and Council appreciated their sincere efforts. Moved by-Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council unanimously request T.ayor Baxter to draft and publish a letter to this effect in the official Renton publication. Carried. Y Councilman Vietzke stated that in his opinion, representatives of the Clubs in Renton who had given their whole-hearted support to the Swimming Pool Project, should be given the opportunity to help select the type of pool the City will have, that a. committee should decide on the tyre of pool, either "L" shaped or straight, the Consultirg Engineer to advise the Council on the most favorable type; that the City could get the blaze prints for a straight pool, size 120' x 60' for- 50.00 and that the blue prints on the Paddock Pool ("L" shaped) would be $3500.00. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent stated, confirmed by Councilman Trim-m, -that the proposed Paddock Pool was 75 foot square on the larger side and approximately 35 foot square on the smaller portion; that the Council had given a representative of the Renton paper information on the Paddock ("L" shaped) Pool for publication as the type of pool the City Council had decided on and that this information had also been given to the Swimming Pool Committee. Councilman Richardson stated that the Council had previously decided on an "L" shaped pool. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion the Service Clubs and other Organizations had worked hard to obtain funds for a swimming pool, that they had not been successful and that the Council had taken this matter over and that it was their responsibility to decide on the type of pool and proceed with the plans for same. Councilman Richardson stated that he felt this action was all the Council should take this evening and that a Committee of the Council as a Whole should meet with the Mayor and City Attorney in the near future when more information is available in regard to the Swimming Pool. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, informed the Council that he had talked with Mr. Thorgrimson of Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, the City's Legal Consultants, today for the purpose of requesting him to expedite the bonding work to be done in special reference to the Williams Street Bridge Construction; that Mr. Thorgrimson had alread`• requested the County Auditor to send a transcript of the votes cast at the City of Renton's last election on the three bond issues, that the bond issues did carry; that as required by law, the Bonding Attorney needs to know whether the bids are going to be issued in one block($327,000.00) or in separate bids on each particular issue, (i.e. $100,000.00, 417,000.00, and. $110,000.00) but that if the bids were issued separately and at different times, the City may have to pay a higher rate. If issued in one block and if some of the work is to- be started at a' later date, the proceeds for such bond issue could be invested in "30, 60 or 90 day Government Notes", and the City could. receive a portion of the interest cost back. The Assistant City Attorney stated that after it has been determined that the different bond issues carried, that bids could be called for the im- provements before the bonds are sold; that it would take a minimum of 60 days to prepare and sell the bonds and that it would take that period of time (60 days) to amass all the necessary engineering data; also that consideration should be given to how soon the City wished to start the other two improvement projects (street improvement and swimming pool). The Assistant City Attorney stated that the work on the Williams Street Bridge had been authorized by the Council and started, prior to approval of a bond issue and that there were outstanding bills that had become due and that more would be due shortly. . After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council go on record as instructing the City Attorney and the Bonding Consultants to call for bids when legally possible, on the full amount of $327,000.00. Carried. Floyd Shaff reported that he had. taken Wiley Crook, City Clerk, home from the hospital on Friday, November 5th, and that he was able to be up and around the house and was very much improved. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees). APPLICkTIONS FOR MR11ITS AS SUBT4ITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNTS NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 71T- -7-11-6-0-07.77 First Investment Co. TO-50 3>th N.E. wire service 7 1,200.00 Chas. F. Shane 609 Shattuck wire service 8 367.00 John Pastl 312 Powell St. repair building 9 350.00 Warne Oyler 825 "F" St. erect garage 720 100.00 Ignazio Toschi 539 Cedar St. enclose porch 1 50.00 Oasis Cafe 216 Wells St. erect roof 2 200.00 T. P. Cafe 509 Third Ave. canopy over door 3 5,000.00 Wm. Belland.o 1019 Bronson Way Addn to bldg. 4 350.00 Longacres Cafe 9071 Third Ave. addn to bldg. 5 7,550.00 Pres. Pk. Dev. Co. 3403 9th Ave No. erect residence 6 7,550.00 " " " " 3415 9th Ave No. " it 7 7,550.00 rr n n n 3503 9th Ave No. n if 8 7,550.00 it " " 3509 9th Ave No. 9 7,550.00 It " " " 3603 9th Ave No. 730 71550.00 It 3403 9th Place No. 1 79550.00 It rr rr " 3402 9th Place No. rr " 2 7,550.00 IT it " " 3416 9th Ave. No. rr rr 3 7,550.00 IT if " It 3422 9th Ave. No. IT IT 4 7,550.00 " IT It " 3508 9th Ave. No. " it 5 7,550.00 It " " " 3514 9th Ave. No. it if 6 7,550.00 It " " " 3602 9th Ave. No. 11 " 7 7,550.00 it " " " 3608 9th Ave. No. 8 8,650.00 it n n n 3520 9th Ave. No. n u 9 8,650.00 it " " " 3502 9th Ave. No. IT it 740 81650.00 It " it IT 3410 9th Ave. No. It it 1 91250.00 " " " " 910 "N" Street " it 2 9,250.00 " IT " " 3515 9th Place Teo. " if 3 95250.00 " " " " 3409 9th Place No. " 'r BUILDING PERMITS - continued 714 100.00 Wm. White 411 Park St. wire service K 700.00 S. M. Onustack 626 Shattuck erect o-arage 6 390.00 Frank Rhodes 330 Main St. remodel garage 7 100.00 Ivar Edman 86 Tobin Ave. wire service 8 150.00 Eugene Coffev 3515 6th P1. No. erect garage 9 870.00 Metclo Investment 209 4th Place wire service 750 100.00 Oscar K. Beale 507 Walla Walla Ave. erect chimneys 1 650.00 Lloyd G. Welch 12925 Rainier Ave. build solid foundation 2 200.00 James ?deed 2102 10th Ave. No. erect carport 3 50.00 Mrs. G. h anchester 344 Meadow St. wire service 4 1,000.00 C. E. Nystrom 12526 144th S.E. wire duplex 5 13500.00 E. F. Betz 804 Third Ave. wire service 6, 1,000.00 I.O.O.F. Lodge 705 Third Ave. install magnesite floor 7 1,000.00 Janet Pedersen 915 11G" St. remodel house 8 700.00 Oswald Vennette 317 Earlington St. remodel house PLUMBING PETTU` TS 35d --- i Mildred Sevener 912 Second Aire. plumbing fixtures 9 --- George Bigley 539 Langston Road install furnace 360 --- J. L. Bodenhamer 415 Powell install furnace 1 --- Robert Bradley 709 High 'plumbing fixtures 2 --- J. E. Brown 123 .8 Sunset Blvd. septic tank 3 --- First Invest. Co. 710 6th No. sewer connection Deputy City Clerk Mayor 214 n Renton, Washington November 16, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to -order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REIT), RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HAATSEN, SWIFT, DELAUR.ENTI, HE'PPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that Council- man Trimm, White and Tamborini be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant Cit-T Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chiefs Marie Stout, Deputy City Clerk; Floyd Shaff, Assistant to the City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, -Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Henpenstall, that the minutes of the meeting of November 9th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from the Citizens Committee for a swimming pool, stating that the Magor and Council have done a splendid .job as renresertatives of the city and that in their opinion Renton is one of the cleanest and most orderly small cities in the Northwest, that the Citizens Committee has worked for years to promote the building of a swimming pool for the City of Renton, and they urge the Mayor and Council to do everything in their power to speed the building of the pool so that it will be ready for T.ise during the coming summer. The Committee stated that they have held many meetings and gathered swimming pool information and with no authorit-r to advise the Council, would like to submit information to the Council that it is their conclusion that a rectangular pool large enough to holding swimming contests, and located in Liberty Park, would be best for their present needs. They also state that, they lave evidence that a pool can be built well within the amount voted for it, and that their goal is a good swimming pool by the summer of 1955. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be referred to the Council President for dis- cussion at the Committee meetj_ng of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion the Council should work with the Citizen's Swimming Pool Committee who have done considerable research and have data on swimming pools. Moved by Hansen, seconded b;,r Delaurenti, that the Council ask the Citizen' s Swimming Pool Committee to meet with the Committee of the Council as a Whole on the swimming pool. Carried. Councilman Vietzke stated that he had asked a gentleman to meet with the Council Committee and the Citizen's Swimming Pool Committee this evening, after the Council meeting, to speak on the rectangular shaped pool, and that arrangements had been made to have a gentleman meet with the Council Committee and. the Citizen's Swimming Pool Committee on an "L" shaped pool on Thursda�r evening, November 18th at 8:00 P.M. A communication was read from Gil Duckworth, Jr., atto.rne-r for Joseph and Gladys Ellis, requesting advise on the date and time of the hearing in connection with the rezoning petition of Joseph and Gladys Ellis, on Lot 3, Flock 2, of Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts within the City of Renton. Councilman Bruce reported that he had previously reported for the Mayor's Special Committee on these rezoning requests, that this Committee was planning to meet with the Special Committee from the Planning Commission (Mr. Max Clarke, Chairman) so that they could all study and consider the requests submitted and make their recommendation to the City Council and the Planning Commission. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting the preliminar-. plat of the Wallin & Edwards Addition to the Cit- of Renton, located on the hill west of Rainier Avenue, stating that the Planning Commission approved the plat and that the plat conforms to the Platting Ordinance except with respect to street right-of-war widths which specify 60 foot, whereas the plat provides 50 foot---that the owner requests a variance from the ordinance to permit the 50 foot right-of-way, and bases his request on the premise that the street (approximately 1050 feet, long) will dead end. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretar7r of the Renton Planning Commission, recommending that the Council approve the tentative plat of the Wallin & Edwards Addition to the City of Renton, as submitted. After discussion as to the requirements of the Platting Ordinance (that a street that dead-ends, which is more than 400 feet long, can be no less than 60 feet wide) moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission to conform with the Platting Ordinance. Carried. 225 s i A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Council action of November 9th to withhold approval of the plat of President Park No. 8, pending clarification of a portion of the street right-of-way to be dedicated to the City---that a closer study of the description, together with a declaration of intent by the owner has satisfied him that the description provides for the necessary dedication. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in. the report of the City Engineer and the plat of President Park #8 be approved. Carried. A petition was read for the rezoning of Plock 21, Renton Farm Plat #5, from Single Family Use (R-S) District to Residential Use (R-1) Districtz which would. permit land use for duplex family dwellings; the petition was signed by 100 percent of the property owners inside the area and 90 percent of the property owners within the 200 foot radial area.. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion it would be a good idea if all the property through and including Pelly Street were included in this area to be rezoned. The City- Engineer stated that the area included in this petition was in North Renton, bounded on the north by 2nd Avenue North, on the south by lst Avenue North, on the west by Burnett Street and on the east by Williams Street. Councilman Reid stated that the Council should onl1T consider the area included in the petition at this time and that if the property owners on Pelly Street wish certain properties to be rezoned, the Council would be glad to consider their request. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from A. Crawford, 12623 S.L. 112th Street, stat- ing that Plat #9 of President Park, as it is planned, allows 'no access to his property from the south or west; that an easement for a road or street was provided on the north side of his property prior to platting of this area--- that in July of this ,year the Engineering Department advised him that a street was planned by the City, and that a north-south street was feasible at either side of his nr_operty--that as it stands -now he has no outlet to a city street except on the north side of his property and he requests the Development Company to provide a 60 foot access from the south (10th Avenue) to his property. The City F;ngineer reported that the Planning Commission and the Council had approved the plat of President Park #9 and that it was his opinion that the owner would like Yr. Balch of the Development Company to quit-claim a 60 foot strip in this area for a roadway to Mr. Crawford's property from 10th Avenue. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A letter of appreciation to the Mayor and City Council was read from the Lion's Club, signed by E. J. Tabaka, Secretary, for efforts expended on be- half of the swimming pool bond issue. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, stating that they have calculated Mr. Allan's retirement allowance as of January 1, 1955, when he will reach the age of 65 and will retire; that he has only 81 years of service and will receive $6.00 for each of those years, or a total of 49.50 per month under straight retirement. The communication was ordered filed. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 875, extending the retirement dates of Joseph Allen and William H. Watkins for six months from this date, November 163 1951 , for the purpose of correlating such present benefits from the Washing- ton Statewide City Employees Retirement System with the benefits to be derived from pending Social Security Legislation. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richard- son, that Resolution No. 875 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1499, the Business Tax Ordinance for 1955, and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and. final reading. Carried.. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously- carried. i rr CO Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance for Council consideration which had been prepared by the Bonding .Attorneys, Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz; also, the Notice,of Bond Sale in connection with the General Obligation Bond Issue of 1954 in te total sum of $327,000.00. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1500, "An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the city in the principal sum of $;327,000.00-to provide funds for certain capital purposes, as more specifically authorized in Ordinance No. 1494 and authorized by the qualified electors of the city at a special election held thereon on November 2, 1954, providing the date, form., terms and maturities of said bonds and for annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount to pay the principal and interest thereof and creating a fund for their paymnent." Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed. Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1500 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk read the "Notice of Bond Sale" for unlimited tax levy general obligation bonds in the amount of $327,000.00 as prepared by the City's Legal Consultants, that said bonds shall be in denominations of $1000 each, shall be numbered 1 to 327, inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 6 percent per annum, payable semiannually on the first days of January and July of each year and shall be payable, both principal and interest, at the office of the City Treasurer in Renton. The Assistant City Attorney read in- structions from the bonding company$ including distribution of the copies of the Ordinance and Notice of Bond Sale. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Clerk be authorized to sign the Notice of Bond Sale, that the date set for the opening of bids for the purchase of said bonds be set as December 14, 1954, that the dates of publication of the Notice of Bond Sale be set as November 18th and November 25th and December 2nd and 9th, that the Notice of Bond Sale be published in the Daily Journal of Commerce, Monday, November 225 1954• Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the improvement of the alleys in Blocks 8, 9 and 14, the Clerk read the only two protests received which were both on the alley in Block 8, the first from Francis A. and. Alice Skellenger, Block 8, Lot 15, and the second from Regina Sauber, Block 8, Lot 14. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti) that the protests be referred to the City Engineer to check the percentage of protests and report back to the Council this evening. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that the Ways & Means Committee recommended that the expense of the proposed "Job Evaluation Survey" be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1184; also, that the Department Heads and clerical workers not now covered b,r Industrial Ir_surance be so covered and the expense of same be taken from Industrial Insurance as previously set up in the budget. Proved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that the ways & Means Committee recommended that the invoice claim, as presented by Mrs. Wiberg, be referred back to the Insurance Company, as the City is covered by insurance and the City Attorney advises ,that it is the responsibility of the Insurance Company to see that this claim is handled satisfactorily not the City. The City Pttorney exolainec_ that as the City has it's own insurance carrier to protect the City, that the Insurance rim Company should handle any damage for which a City is liable for in case of claim, that the settlement is between the claimant and the insurance company, that if the claimant is not satisfied with the settlement, they may take the matter up with the insurance company, that the insurance overs both liability and property damage. The Assistant City Attorney Suggested that the Clerk's Office write a letter to the Insurance Company involved, mentioning the fact that this matter has been submitted to the Council again; that the Council respectfully requests the Insurance Company to reconsider their offer and expedite the matter. Mrs. Wiberg stated that she had been offered $50.00 as settlement; that she did not accept this as a settlement and that she did rot sign the release. Moved by Swift, seconded br Hansen, that the claim, including the City Attorney's suggestion, be referred back to the Insurance Commissioner, for their reconsideration. Councilman Vietzke reported. that he had made arrangements for a meeting of the Council's Swimming Pool Committee and representatives of the Citizen's Swimming Pool Committee immediately after the Council meeting and that he would like to invite the Magor and Council to be present. Councilman Swift reported that he had received a letter from Shaughnessy & Company, House Movers. The Clerk read the letter from Shaughnessy er Company, who stated that they approved of an increase in the house moving fee, but re- quested consideration of a lower fee, ie., X5.00 instead of 410.00 and that the new fee schedule not apply to the houses contracted to be moved at this time. Councilman Swift reported that the contract for nainaent of the parking meters was set up by two methods, either by (1) the Cit�r is to remit monthly pa-ments to the Comnany at the rate of 500 of the gross receipts obtained from the use of the meters, or (2) a monthly rental rate of $2.00 per meter per month until the contract is raid in full, and that the Company that we purchased the meters from would like to know the method the Citv would set up and that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and Cit.jr ,Engineer, combined, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee to determine what plan the City will use to make these payments and to report back to the Council. Moved by Richardson, sec nded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the only traffic signal lights the Committee was working on for better traffic control was the one of the Maple Valley I%Tye, that all others were included in the feasibility study and that the Committee hoped to have a report on this study in December; that the improvement by the widening of Park Avenue would be started in the early spring. Councilman Swift also reported that in regard to the request of Drs. Elroy and Sharrat, to improve Lth Place, that they be advised that the City will maintain the street in its present condition; that further improvements will be the responsibility of the adjoining property owners---that they may petition for improvements and if set up on a L.I.D., individually pay the cost of the improvement; also, that in regard to additional illumination of this area, that another light will be installed in this area as soon as another pole has been installed and. that Drs. Evoy and Sharrat be so advised. Moved by Morris, seconded by :ieppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that in regard to the property owner on the northeast corner of 5th Avenue, Walla Walla Avenue and Morris Street, that he be notified by the Street Commissioner that the hedge extends beyond his property line and obstructs the vision of motorists and that this hedge will have to be cut to 42 inches height and the portion on City of Renton property will have to be removed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Coun- cil concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The City Engineer reported in regard to the percentage of protests on the improvement of the alley in Block 8, that there were only 11 percent protests, which would not defeat the imnrovement. Councilman Richardson suggested (approved by the Assistant City Attorney) that the City Engineer be requested to furnish the Assistant City Attorney the legal description of the 3 allevs in question, to enable the Assistant City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance for the improvements. Moved by Richardson, seconded. by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the suggestion of Cour_cilma^ Richardson and that the City Attorney be authorized to draft the necessary Ordinances for the improvement, by formation of L.I.D. 's for these three alley*s. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported thpt Mr. Weathers had turned dorm the City's proposal in regard to the extension of the R Street sanitary sewer and that in his opinion this matter should be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration at their next meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the matter of the extension of the R Street sanitary sewer line to the Weathers property be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for their consideration. Carried. (The City Engineer will inform the Weathers that. the City will advise them of the Council's action). y 22-9 C� On inquiry and recommendation of Councilman Reid, the City Engineer stated that he would prepare the specifications for the widening of Park Avenue and for street light improvements to enable these impros%ements to be started around the first of the year 1955. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Reid, and the City Engineer be authorized to prepare the specifications for the widening of Park Avenue and for street light improvements to enable these projects to be started by the first of the year. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had plarned that the wi.deninb of Park Avenue be considered as an earl7T spring project and that the street lighting program would be held up temporarily pending the report of the feasibility survey. Councilman Swift stated that the area between Walla Walla AveRue,.Mills Street and the lower end of Beacon Avenue was City of Seattle property and that the Street and Alley Committee requested permission to contact the abutting property owners, Mr. Holmes, Dr. Morrell and Lena Azzola, to request them to contact the City of Seattle for permission for the City of Renton to control parking, traffic and policing of this area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that it, was the recommendation of the Traffic Division of the Street & Alley Committee, that the speed limit be increased on the Cemetery Road (S.F. 128th Street) from M Street to 132nd S.F., from 25 miles per hour to 35 miles ner hour to conform to the speed limits on other similar streets throughout the Cit,-. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved b-:7- Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the information be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to amend the present Ordinance. Councilman Swift further reported that it was the recommendation of the Traffic Division and Street &. Alley Committee that a one-hour parking restriction be established on the north side of Houser Way from Ixlill Street east to the Cedar River, a distance of approximateljr 1:25 feet, from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M., on week days, Mondays through Fridays. Moved by '?ichardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary Ordinance covering the parking restriction. Carried. (The Street Commissioner will furnish the City Attorney the legal description and the number of feet the restriction covers). Councilman Bruce reported that he ilad received a complaint that a stream of water runs from the vocation training school (the school bus depot at the corner of Park Avenue and. 4th Avenue), along the street causing pedestrians to get splashed quite heavily with hater when traffic passes on this street; that he believes the water is a result of the washing of cars and that the water should not be allowed to run in the street, and recormended that this matter be investigated. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the complaint be referred to the Street Commissioner for investigation and action. Carried. In retard to Magor Baxter's inquirlr as to the Corns of Frgineers' Depart- ment placing a log bocm in the Renton area (south end) of Lake Washington, moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that a similar letter of protest be sent to the Corps of Engineers Office as was previousl-r mailed to the Engineer's Office, protesting the placing of a similar log boom in this area. Carried. The Clerk stated that the "Calls for Bids" which are ordiraril- -presented at this meeting of the gear for Council consideration to be effective the first of Januar-,r, 1955, for Cit-, Legals for 1955, for Liquified Chlorine Gas requirements for 1955, and Gasolire requirements for 1955, were prepared and ready for publication. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the three calls for bids be published as prepared, that the dates for the opening of �e set as December 14th, 1954, the dates of publication to be November 18th and 25th, 1954, respectively. Carried. 229 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 15 persons present besides Citi, of Renton employees) . Deputy City Clerk Mayor 230 y Rentor_, Washington � December 7, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton Cit7lT Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRINiNI, REID, rICHARDSOAI, ti'HiITE, TJIETZKE, MORRIS HANSEN', SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Tamborini be excused from the Council meeting of December 7, 1954, due to illness. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WT1RE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, Cit,-- Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of November 16, 1954 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR P R!,q`I'S AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DrPAI?TMENT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF VTORK 'T57 $ 9,000.00 Jack D. Holt Ft7 Avenue Erect residence 8 400.00 Geo. Benike 634 "S" St. erect garage 9 7,600.00 People Nat'l Pank Williams St. wire service 770 200.00 Harris Ealdwin 3723 7th Ave. N. erect fireplace 1 500.00 Otha K. Bell 526 Langston erect garage 2 50.00 Geo. C. Banasky 411 Morris St. cement driveway 3 673. 0 Lino Azzola S. 155th Place install ventilating 4 19000.00 Williams & Swanson 726 Burnett St. wire service 5 1,000.00 Lino Azzola 304 Main St. remodel bldg. 6 10,000.00 J. E. Lewis 112th Avenue erect residence 7 100.00 A. E. Pertusiak 106 3rd Avenue wire service 8 . 1,500. 0 Anna Tonkin 817 3rd Avenue wire service 9 100.00 Phillip Grubisic 125 Meadow St. cement driveway 780 75.00 Harold L. Gores 643 "R" St. erect fence 1 450.00 Miles Marbough 719 "E" St. erect carport 2 520.00 Lino Azzola 304 Main St. wire service 3 100.00 Henry Jilg, Jr. 512 Mills St. wire service 4 2,000.00 Joe R. Baxter 134 Rainier Ave. remodel residence 5 100.00 Mario J. Favro 504 Cedar St. wire service 6 3,000.00 Ralph S. Lewis 1525 6th Ave. wire service 7 400.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2820 6th Pl. wire service 8 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 9th Ave. No. wire service 9 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 3009 11th Ave. N. wire service 790 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2845-47 5th Pl. wire service 1 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2919 Sunset Blvd. wire service 2 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2924 11th No. wire service 3 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 3102 11th No. wire service 4 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2711 10th P1. wire service 5 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2719 10th Pl. wire service 6 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2727 10th P1. wire service 7 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2.826 Sunset Blvd. wire service 8 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2810 Sunset Blvd. wire service 9 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2804 Sunset Blvd. wire service 800 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2911 12th. No. wire service 1 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2928 Sunset Blvd. wire service 2 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2820 11th .Ave. No. wire service 3 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2814 10th Place wire service 4 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2530 12th No. wire service 5 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2507D 14th No. wire service 6 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2622A 12th North wire service 7 700.00 Anproved Bldg. Co. 2717 13th No. wire service 8 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2702 13th No. wire service 9 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2706 13th No. wire service 810 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2806 13th No. wire service 1 700.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2901 12th No. wire service 2 700.00 lnnroved Bldg. Co. 2523 11th No. wire service 3 11000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2607 12th No. wire service 231 BUILDING PERMITS - continued NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF 'vti'ORK � $ 1,000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2711 12th Ave. No. wire service 5 1,000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 1106 "H" St. wire service 6 1,000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 1067 "H" P1. wire service 7 12000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2705 11th Ave. No. wire service 8 1,000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2704 10th P1. wire service 9 12000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 1217 "H" St. wire service 820 12000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 1249 "H" St. wire service 1 1,000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2505 14th No. wire service 2 12000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2806 12th No. wire service 3 1,000.00 Approved Bldg. Co. 2906 12th No. wire service 4 500.00 Angelica„Gigli 725 Renton St. install shakes �. 5 4,500.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Williams St. remodel bldg. 6 200.00 Lino Azzola 306 Main St. wire service 7 100.00 Natalina Gasperi 339 Cedar St. re-roof residence 8 200.00 W. M. Richter 3715 8th Place erect carport 9 1,000.00 Martin Reimer 12927 88th So. Build Basement 830 100.00 Walt. Isackson 327 N. Williams wire service 1 350.00 Nelly Rice 426 Cedar St. re-roof bldg. 2 200.00 Wm. Bellando Bronson Way wire service 3 100.00 Sam Yonkers 13665 Rainier Ave. wire service 4 10000.00 Wms. & Swanson 214-216 Burnett alterations 5 8,000.00 Pioneer Dist. Williams St. wire service 6 1,450.00 Rose Helmholz 2206 10th No. add'n to residence PLUMBING PERMITS 375 W. A. White 1857 Monterey Dr. install heater 6 -- Kenneth Bennett 2114 9th No. install furnace 7 -- Peoples Nat'l Bank 226 Williams sewer connection 8 -- John Klinga 432 No. Burnett sewer connection 9 -- First Amer. Corp. 3302 9th Ave. install furnace 380 -- First Amer. Corp. 3321 9th Ave. install heater 1 -- First Amer. Corp. 3315 9th Ave. install heater 2 -- First Amer. Corp. 3309 9th Ave. install heater 3 -- First Amer. Corp. 3227 9th Ave. install heater 4 -- First Amer. Corp. 3221 9th Ave. install heater 5 -- First Amer. Corp. 3215 9th Ave. install heater 6 -- First Amer. Corp. 3209 9th Ave. install heater r.. 7 -- First Amer. Corp. 3208 9th Ave. install heater 8 -- First Amer. Corp. 3214 9th Ave. install heater 9 -- First Amer. Corp. 3226 9th Ave. install heater 390 -- First Amer. Corp. 3308 9th Ave. install heater 1 -- First Amer. Corp. 3314 9th Ave. install heater 2 -- First Amer. Corp. 3320 9th Ave. install heater 3 -- First Amer. Corp. 3321 9th Ave. install heater 4 -- First Amer. Corp. 3315 9th Ave. install heater 5 -- First Amer. Corp. 3309 9th Place install heater 6 -- First Amer. Corp. 3303 9th Place install heater 7 -- First Amer. Corp. 3227 9th Place install heater 8 -- First Amer. Corp. 3221 9th Place install heater 9 -- First Amer. Corp. 3215 9th Place install heater 400 -- First Amer. Corp. 3209 9th Place install heater 1 -- Clara Acton 830 "M” St, sewer connection 2 -- Robert Bradley 709 High St. sewer connection 3 -- J. L. Bodenhamer 415 Powell St. sewer connection 4 -- Janet Pedersen 915 "G" St. install furnace 5 -- Roy B. Schultz 2110 8th Place install water tank 6 -- G. 0. Osthus 643 "G" St. install oil furnace 7 -- Pac. Tel. & Tel. 225 Williams plumbing service 8 -- Beacon Cafe 155 Sunset Blvd. install oil furnace 9 -- Pioneer Dist. 209 Williams plumbing service 410 == Anna Tonkin 817 3rd Ave. plumbing service 1 Dr. B. McClellan 302 Main St. plumbi rg service This being the date set for the opening of bids for Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance for the Police Department, to be effective January 1, 1955, the following bids were opened and read: BID RATE ALTERNATE BID 1, Olympic National Life 6.00 2. Lincoln Nat'l Life 5.01 3. Pacific Mutual 5.90 (Rob't Rolfsness Agency) 4. Robert 0. Fleming 6.55 5.90 5. John Hancock Ins. 6.95 (Mrs. P.E. Sperry) 6. Greer & Edmiston Co. 6.70 (Paul Revere Life) 7. Pacific Mutual Life Ins. 5.90 (Jack Gannon) 8. Great West Life Assurance Co. 5.80 9. Northern Life Ins. Co. 5.75 10. Occidental Life Ins. Co. 6.55 7.85 (Dean Mitchell) 11. New York Life 6.95 (Dean Mitchell) 12. Pacific Mutual Life 5.90 (Dean Mitchell) 13. Sun Life Ins. Co. 6.55 (Dean Mitchell) 14. California Western States Co. 6.54 (Dean Mitchell) 15. Standard Ins. Co. 4.65 5. 15 (Mike Creegan) 16. N. W. Life Ins. Co. 6.90 (Geo. Beanblossom) 17. The Paul Revere Life 6.70 18. The Travelers Ins. Co. 6.85 19. Manhatten Life of N. Y. 5.55 6.35 20. Business Men's Assur. Co. 6.45 21. N. Y. Life Ins. Co. 6.65 22. Occidental Life 6.55 23. Aetna Life Ins. 7.00 24. Occidental Life 6.55 Now Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that these bids be referred to the Police & License Committee and the Finance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. R. S. Vand.erford, requesting per- mission to connect on to the City of Renton sewer system, as they plan to build a home at 315 Powell St. The proposed location is adjacent to the city limits of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the communication and request be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer for con- sideration and report back. Carried. A commurication was read from Victor Te Gantvoort, Chairman of the Renton City Employees' Club, extending an invitation to the Mayor, Members of the City Council, and all Department Heads and their r.esreetive wives and husbands to attend the Club's Annual Christmas Party, on December 17, 1954 at the North Highlands Community Building at 7:00 P.M. Refreshments and a buffet dinner will be served. Mayor Baxter reminded the Council and Department Heads of the good times that had been had in the past, and roped that as many as possible would attend. A communication was read from James L. Highton, City Engineer, and Gene Coulon, Superintendent of Parks, stating that the terms of the ordinance regulating holidays for city personnel does not provide for a paid holiday on the Friday that precede an established Saturday holiday. In view of this regulation Council's permission was requested to work the hourly employees in the Water Department and Park Department on Saturday, December 11th, in ex- change for Friday, December 24th, to be taken off as a trade on a straight time basis. After discussion, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request of the City Engineer and the Superintendent of Parks. Carried. A communication was read from James L. Highton., City Engineer, sub- mitting a voucher from Cecil C. Arnold, Consulting Engineer, for Field Inspection, 233 Engineering and Supervision on the Williams Street Bridge, in the amount of $1034.50. The voucher was approved and pa.vment recommended by the City Engineer. Moved by Delaurerti, seconded by Hansen, that this communication and voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter of thanks to the Mayor, Council and Denartment Heads was read, from Lucy Pasco and from Ernest W. Isackson, for their remembrance. A communication was read from Northern Pacific Railway Company, signed by J. T. Moore, Western Manager, Industrial Properties, referring to the City of Renton's letter of July 16th, and attaching a copy of proposed Easement No. 78786 from the Northern Pacific Railway to the City of Renton to cover 'N" use of the westerly edge of their right-of-way between Second Avenue and Cedar River for street purposes. "fter discussion it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this communication be referred. to Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary, State- wide City Employees Retirement System, stating that the Statewide City Employees Retirement System has approved the extension of the retirement dates of Joseph W. Allen #1200, and Wm. H. Watkins #1219, for a period of six months, and requesting that pension deductions continue to be taken from their salaries. A communicaticn was read from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretarv, State- wide City Emrloyees Retirement System, stating that Fred Allingham's (#1207) retirement times had been extended to February 1, 1955, and that he must retire on that date unless his time is further extended by the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Police Chief for his recommendation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Bessie MacLurg, Secretary, Lake Washing- ton Players, 13206-138th Avenue S.E., Penton, Washington, requesting per- mission to use the auditorium in the City Hall for the purpose of presenting live theatre productions. Mrs. Kathleen, Jackson, founder and chairman of the Players, from the audience, stated that they could no longer have the use of the Odd Fellows Hall, and that she knew of no other suitable place. She also stated that they have a $1.00 admission charge,and that any profit gained was used for their future productions, and other necessary equipment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall that this communication be re- ferred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back_ of their recommendation next Tuesday. Carried. A communication was read from Pacific Tow Boat Company signed by Walter D. Wallace, in answer to the City's protest to the Corps of Engineers, regard- ing a proposed log boom and facilities to be located at the southeast shore of Lake Washington near Kennydale. The communication stated that the proposed new dump would be contiguous to and in between the present Puget timber dump and the truck dump located on the old Lake Washington mill property, and that it would not border on the City's bathing beach; that it would be located 2000 feet north of said beach. The letter also stated that, in their opinion, the operation would slightly affect future values of land in this immediate area. After discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council withdraw their protest and the Pacific Tow Boat Company be so advised. Carried. A communication was read from George H. Thomas, Secretary-Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Renton, stating changes in classification and age requirements for the Renton Police Department as follows: Rule 1. Classification. Section 2: In making examinations, certify- ing for appointments and promotions, making suspensions and removals and otherwise carrying out said acts, the work of the Renton Police Department shall be classified in accordance with the character of the various services to be performed; which classification shall be as follows: 1. Chief of Police 5. Traffic Sergeant 9. Patrolman, 3rd 2. Asst. Chief of Police 6. Desk Sergeant Class 3. Captain of Police 7. Patrolman, lst Class 10. Jailor 4. Lieutenant of Police 8. Patrolman, 2nd Class 11. Matron Rule II, Qualifications, Section 3: Unless otherwise provided in these rules, no person will be admitted to examination for any position in the Police Department who is less than 23 or more than 35 ,years of age (not having attained his 35th birthdate) at the time of examination. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke that the communication be referred to the Police & License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. 24 y A communication was read from Gene L. Coulon, Superintendent of Parks, in regard to the location of the proposed Swimming Pool, stating that the Park Board recommended that the proposed pool be located in Liberty Pari:, on the area now occupied by the lawn bowling green. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Swimming Pool Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from New Housing, Inc., signed by Elaine Larson, requesting additional lighting on 7th Avenue near Shattuck. After discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be re- ferred to the Light & Power Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A report, was read from the King County Department of Health itemizing ... services furnished by the King County Health Department, to the City of Renton, for the month of October. Moved by Richardson and seconded by Delaurenti that the report be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities, signed by Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, acknowledging the City Clerk's letter concerning the routing of State highways within the city limits without the Citv's consent. The Mayor stated that the next meeting concerning this matter would be on Thursday, December 9th, and that the Governor would also attend; that he would attend as a member of the Board of the Association of Washington Cities---that the following week the same committee would meet with the Washington State Highway Commission. Mayor Baxter also stated that Floyd Jennings, of the Association of Washington Cities, visited Renton and talked with the City Engineer and with him, and was given all the available information. A communication was read from W. L. Greenfield, 18635 SE 128th, Renton, Washington, requesting o sell )spas trees or. the two lots located permissiont (1) 2nd and Burnett Street (southeast corner) and (2) 2nd & Rainier Avenue (Paglia property), for approximately three weeks, commencing December 8th, to and including December 24th, midnight. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from James Highton, City Engineer, submitting Monthly Estimate Number 2, in the amount of $10,821.86, for work performed on moo the Williams Street Bridge by Rumsey and Company, Contractor. The estimate was prepared by Cecil C. Arnold, Consulting Engineer. The Citv Engineer approved the estimate as submitted and recommended payment of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this communication be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from James Highton, City Engineer, submitting a vouncher from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, for engineering services on the 1954 Revenue Bond Issue projects, in the amount of $2996.00. The City Engineer approved the voucher and recommended payment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this communication be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A certification was read from Edward J. Logan, Deputy Auditor and Superintendent of Elections and Registration, King County, Washing;ton, stating that the November 2, 1954 Special Election in the Cit- of Renton was duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on November 17, 1954, with results as follows: Proposition ##1, (Carried) Bonds YES-3,219, Bonds NO-1,249• Proposition ##2, (Carried) Bonds YES-2,704, Bonds NO-1,M. Proposition ##3, (Carried) Bonds YES-3,051, Bonds NO-1,377• A communication was read from Henry J. Reynolds, member of t;he Renton Rotary Club's Program Committee, extending an invitation to the Mayor, Council and Denartment Heads to be guests at the Renton Rotary Club' s Luncheon, to be now held Thursday, December 30th at 12:00 noons in the Chamber of Commerce Build- ing. The communication further stated that State Senator John N. Todd and State Representatives Andy Hess and Ed Munro would be guests on that da?-, and would discuss forthcoming legislation. Mayor Baxter stated that he would like to see as many as possible attend this luncheon. 235 A communication was read from Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, signed by George H. Thomas, Secretary, extending an invitation to the Major, Council and Department Heads to attend their Annual All City Night, Wednesday., December 15, 1954. Mayor Baxter stated that this was usually a very enjoyable affair, and he knew all who attended would have a good time. The Clerk read the reappointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Mr. Jack Allison as a member of the Library Board. Mr. Allison' s term will expire June 1, 1959. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the appointment of C. E. McCarthy by Mayor Joe R. Baxter as a member of the Police Department Civil Service Commission, effective immediately, to replace Mr. George Pasco. Mr. McCa.rthy's term will expire June 1, 1959. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the reappointment of Clyde Barnard, Oliver Hazen, James Denzer, Max Clarke, Alden See as member of the Planning Commission to succeed themselves, also the appointment of John Austin as a member of the Planning Commission to replace Frank Aliment, the terms of the Planning Commission members to expire as follows: Clyde Barnard, January 2, 1959; Oliver Hazen, January 2, 1959; James Denzer, January 2, 1960; Max Clarke, January 2, 1961; Alden See, January 2, 1961; and John Austin, January 2, 1957. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the appointment of Mr. C. M. Christensen as Commissioner of the Housing Authority to fill the vacancy due to the expiration of the term of Earl Maxwell. Mr. Christensen's term will expire October 5, 1957• The Clerk also read the reappointment of Mr. Alex Pelto as Commissioner of the Housing Authority to succeed himself. Mr. Pelto's term will expire September 10, 1959. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the reappointment of Paul Houser and George Dobson as members of the Airport Board to succeed themselves. Both Mr. Houser's and Mr. Dobson's terms will expire October 31, 1957. Moved by Reid, seconded by .r Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. A petition for rezoning submitted by Miss Leida r. Snvder, 12634 124th Avenue S.F., Renton, dated. Novemb-,r 8, 1954, was read, requesting a change in the zoning classification of the property described as "The SW 1/L. of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 23, range 5 E.W.M." (the north- west corner of SE 128th and "M" St.), from Suburban Use (S-1) District to Business Use (B-1) District. The petition was signed b,.- eight abutting property owners, consenting to the change in classification of the above des- cribed tract to Busiress Use District. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a renort back. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that there were several people in the audience who were abutting property owners in Block 6 in Earlington Addition, who re- quested information in regard to the proposed alley in Block 6. On request of Councilman Bruce, for the information of the interested persons in the audience, the Clerk read a cope of a communication dated December 7, 1954, from the City Attorney's office, to the property owner who had rejected the City's proposal for a 201 or 301 right-of-way. The communication requested that the property owner notify the City at his convenience as to the cost of acquiring a 201 or 301 strip of property to establish such an alley or street, stating that 101 of the property is already encumbered by a perpetual easement to the City which includes the use for all public purposes, and proposing that the property owner and the City appoint or designate an impartial and competent appraiser or appraisers in order to ascertain the true market value of the property in question. Magor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. 236cc Councilman Richardson presented three proposed Ordinances for the im- provement of the alleys in Blocks 81 9 and 14 in the Renton Highlands. The Clark read the proposed Ordinance for the improvement of the alley in Block 8. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance for the improvement of the alley in Block 9. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. The Clerk_ read the proposed Ordinance for the improvement of the alley in Block 14. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance restricting parking on the north side of Houser Way. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, restricting parking of vehicles on the north side of Houser Way from the east curb line of Mill Street, extending easterly a distance of 225 feet, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance-Committee and that proposed Ordinance No. 1501 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that Ordinance No. 1501 be passed as read. A ROLL CALL VOTE being taken and all ten Council- men present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1502, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, regulating speed on certain streets and highways and amending exist- ing ordinances, Sub-paragraph 2 (a) of Section 1 of Chapter VI--SPEED, of Ordinance 1048, - (a) 25 miles per hour within the limits of the City of Renton; except that on the following streets and highways within the City of Renton the maximum lawful speed shall be 35 miles per hour, (1) Dunlap Canyon Road (formerly State Highway No. 10) from Rainier Avenue to the westerly city limits. (2) Rainier Avenue from Third Avenue to the northerly city* limits. (3) Airport Way (Dixie Avenue) from Rainier Avenue to Logan Street; also Logan Street from Airport Way to 8th Avenue North. (4) Grady Way from Main Street to the south city limits. (5) Sunset Avenue (formerly Sunset Highway) from a point 300 feet north of Bronson Way to the east city limits. (6) S.F. 128th Street (also known as Cemetery Road) from "M" Street to the east city limits. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accent the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1502 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, - that Ordinance 1502 be passed as read. A ROLL CALL VOTE being taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance relating to and pro- viding for officers of the city. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance relating to and providing for officers of the City, their election or appointment, terms of office, compensation and duties and repealing provisions of prior Ordinance 1317 in conflict. After discussion, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for further study and a report back of their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that it was the recommendation of the Swimming Pool Committee that a rectangular pool with a tunnel around it be built; he further stated that Councilman Reid, Roy Mayes and Ernest Shearer of the Swimming Pool Committee and himself had made a trip to eastern Washington to 2 7 study types of various pools, and that the Committee felt that the rectangular type pool as stated would be the best for the City of Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. On request of Councilman Reid for information in regard to a previous rezoning request in the Stewart Heights area, Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee hoped to have a. report in this regard by the next Council meeting. On request of the Park Board, Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee recommended that the Park Board be authorized to dispose of an old worn out refrigerator. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee with the Assistant City Attorney, Tuesday, December 14, 1954 at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Morris requested earlier notification of Housing Authority meetings to enable him to attend same. Councilman Delaurenti made the statement that the new chairs were very comfortable and very much appreciated. Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting of the Swimming Pool Committee at 8:00 P.M. on December 9th, regarding the Swimming Pool. Moved. by 'Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Street & Alley Committee consider the renaming of the streets and avenues of the newly annexed area on Renton Hill adjacent to the Cemetery Road. Carried. On request of the Sanitation Committee, Mayor Baxter stated that the Council would recess during the regular meeting on December 14th for the pur- pose of taking up the special order of business for the Sanitation Committee. rr Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, stated that the Ways & Means Committee recommended that the payment for the traffic control system survey, estimated to cost approximately $100.00 ( having been referred to the Wa- ys & Means Committee by the Committee of the Council as a Whole) be taken from the Street Department Maintenance & Operation Fund. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the ?Nays & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that there would be a meeting of the Street & Allev Committee Monday, December 13th at 8:00 P.M., with the City Attorney, City Engineer and Street Commissioner. On Councilman Swift's request, moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppen- stall, that the matter of the drainage of the area in Block 6 Earlington be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for their consideration. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated there would be a meeting of the Police Rc License Committee, Finance Committee, Insurance Commissioner, Police Chief and Police Department Committee Representative ThursdaT.r, December 9th at 8:00 P.M. The following claims having; been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 2794-3078 $44,692.58 CURRENT 1971-1979 38,947.26 WATER 9036-9042 14,670.94 LIBRARY 2780-2782 2,116.77 PARK 1876-1881 2,557.21 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2525-2530 4,058.07 AIRPORT 1804-1809 3,989.48 STREET 6608-6613 13,431.91 238 y CUM. #1182 --- none CUM. #1183 --- none CUM. #1184 456-475 6,924.82 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 145-146 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 537-539 166.56 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 210-245 4,164.48 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 691-695 17,358.77 CLAIMS FUND 763-851 14,483.26 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. (There were 19 persons present besides Officials, Department Heads and City Employees) . epuu,Y City Clerk t Mayor Renton, Washington December 13, 1954 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; Marie Stout, Assistant to the City Clerk and James Highton, City Engineer. Mayor Baxter introduced State Representative �ndv Hess, who stated that he had taken the liberty of arranging the meeting in the hope that some con- clusion might be reached in regard to the proposed highwav through the City of Renton, that there might be a closer relation between the State Highway Denartment and the Renton City Officials and also to help find a solution to the Highway problem; that Mr. Forgey, District Engineer for the State High- way Department was present and had brought an architect's dra-ding of the proposed highway through the City of Renton for the Council and Highway Committee to see. Mr. Hess thanked the Council for the privilege of the special meeting. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. D. D. Forgey, District Engineer of the State Highway Department, also Mr. George Hayes and Mr. Kenneth Zetterlin, Engineers from the State Highwa-,r Department. Mayor Baxter then introduced Mr. John Swanson, Chairman of the Limited Access Highway Committee for the City of Renton and asked Mr. Swanson to act as Chairman for the meeting. Mr. Swanson reviewed the history of the highway planning to date. Mr. Forgey presented the special perspective (drawing) he had prepared as com- pared to the landscape, as well as the actual drawing of the proposed high- way through Renton. Mr. Swanson then reviewed the questions outlined previously by the Citizen' s Highway Committee. The exact location of the highwav designated as Secondary Highway 2-A, shown on the perspective. The proposed highwa.�T, as outlined would come in the general direction from the present limited access highwa,r now completed to a point approximately across from the creosote plant, to continue in a general southerly direction, passing the Windsor Hills entrance, continuing on to the Maple Valley Wye, thence southerl7r along the Pacific Coast Railroad Company tracks through the Cedar River Park with a fill, crossing over Cedar River and following the side of the Renton Scenic Hill, midway between Main Street & Mill Street, with a partial fill and cut. In regard to property displaced, the proposed highway would take approximately 7 acres through Cedar River Park of approximately 29 acres; that the problem was the proposed viaduct vs the dirt fill; that there would be no crossing at grade anywhere and the entrance point and leaving point would be only with the direction of traffic; that the highwa�.r would be 72 feet across with 10 foot shoulders all the war, approximatel. 1200 feet; that the distance across the bottom of the fill would range between 118 feet to 142 feet, depending on the height of the fill; that the estimated height of the fill was 8 feet in the center (established by Mr. Forgev) and approximately 20 feet at each crossing, dropping to the approximate 8' (or 10 feet) between same; that the estimated cost of the dirt fill with concrete pavement for highway, $106,000.00. Councilman Richardson stated that he understood that the State Highway De- partment would like 80 feet from the centerline for the highway, allowing 5 feet on each side of the bottom. Mr. Forgey stated that with the present plans, Mills Street remains the same and that the road down Renton Hill to the Highway would go under 3rd Avenue---that 4th Avenue would be cut off. In regards to access to Henry Ford School, an entrance from the highway would be difficult to construct as it would be hard to get under the highway--- this would be undesirable. Mr. Swanson stated that as proposed, as he under- stood it, the new highway would require the children to walk two additional blocks from the east side of the highwa7r to s-et to the entrance of the Ford School. 240 `c After a discussion in regard to Fire trucks having access to Mill Street, Mr. Forgey stated that the proposed route would mean a sharp right turn from 3rd Avenue. Mr. Swanson stated that as he understood the route that there would be only one access road to Renton Scenic Hill, i.e., Renton Avenue; if Mill Street were taken out and Cedar Street were torn up or un- usable that the State Engineers should give this matter considerable study and the Renton Council a d-,finite answer. Mr. Forgev stated that a previous survey (under Mr. Shearer of the State Highway Department) showed the route via viaduct over the Northern Pacific Railroad Company tracks as not favorable, that Federal Matching Funds requires and demands fully controlled access, that the proposed highway would have to clear the railroad tracks and existing streets. Mr. Forgey answered Tom Dobson, that they are not forced to take Federal Aid, that they could do sections of the highway without Federal Aid. Mr. Forgey, in answer to Mr. Haugan' s inquiry, stated that the estimated 41,300,000 would cover only the cost of the viaduct through the City owned property (Cedar River Park) portion intended for dirt fill; that the proposed viaduct would be approximately 72 feet across the top with 10 foot shoulders. Councilman Bruce requested consideration that a fill 10 or 20 feet high would. be very unsightly border if Cedar River Park was ever used as a park. Mr. Forgey stated that in regard to alternate routes, as far as cost was concerned, a tunnel was out of the question---that too many problems were involved in the construction of a tunnel and a tunnel required continual maintenance; that a new highway going under 3rd Avenue= cannot be accomplished due to the over-crossing of the Milwaukee Railroad---that the,, cannot obtain a permissible grade; that a new highway east of Renton, the curvature re- quired would not permit this. The curvature wo,)ld be compounded--that they could not use this type and the City would run into Federal Aid Standards and lose funds; a new highway on the west side would run into the :nigh school and/or flight pattern from the Boeing Airplane Compa.n�r or Air. Force; a new highway over Rainier Avenue and the Dunlap Canyon Road would be too low with permissible grade to get under the Pacific Coast Railroad tracks---that in his opinion the route outlined on the map shown is the only feasible route. Mr. Forgey continued, a new highwa-r to follow the Northern Pacific right-of- way would require a route north of the high school (behind the high school) and owing to the fact that the School District has purchased all available property that this route would not be feasible. Mr. Forgey stated that his experience had been that it was very difficult also to move a railroad from their right-of-way. Mr. Forgey stated that inside city limits the State takes onl7- the exact amount of space needed for a highway, but that in urban areas they take a little wider area to allow for slides, repair work, etc., Mr. Forgey and Mr. Hayes further stated, in answer to an inquiry re same, that storm sewer and drain water will be taken directly from the proposed highway to Cedar River through underground lines. Mr. Forgey stated that the State Highway Department would pay for the access at the Maple Valley cut-off. On Chairman John Swanson' s request for questions, Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion the route shown on the drawing was the most feasible and best through the City of Renton---that there was a question regarding the viaduct or fill from the Maple Valley Junction through Cedar River. Council- man Swift stated that in his opinion the difference between $1,300,000 for a. viaduct and x`106,000 for a fill would be of more importance money-wise than the difference between the loss of 7 acres (for a. fill) compared to 4 acres (for a viaduct) . Chairman John Swanson stated in answer to his question, "What good is the road going to do the City of Renton?" that the Committee feels the road will benefit Renton to be near Renton---that the Manle Vallee- traffic exchange had been discussed and it was deaid6d that this was a. good place for an ex- change---that besides the semi-exchange at Windsor Hills, there would be a connection from the Dunlap Canyon Road to Earlington Street. Mr. Forgey stated that there would be a cloverleaf on the lower road at the creosote plant---that as far as he knew the old Sunset HighwaZ7 would remain a State Highway. t 1 4A Mr. Forgey stated that they did not know how much money they wo ad re- ceive in the next biennium, that he would recommend that an allotment be put back in this project so that the project could be continued in April. Mr. Forgey stated that the City would be raid for City property used by the State for a highway. Mr. Forgey stated the only access to the highway going north, as presentl-= planned was at Windsor Hills and going south to get off the high- way would be at the Maple Valles,- Road. Mr. Swanson thanked Mr. Hess for his interest in 1�entor.'s project and for his initiative in setting the date for the meeting and for coming to Renton. Mr. Hess thanked the Chairmar, Mr. John Swanson, Mayor Baxter and the Council for the privilege of arranging and attending the meet'-ng and for the cooperation and the understanding shown, and stated that he felt that by work- ing together the problem could be worked out more satisfactorily---that if we work with the Highway Department, the Cit- y of Renton would have a better opportunity to improve their over-all highway structure. Mr. Swanson turned the meeting back to Mal7or Baxter. Mayor Baxter thank- ed Mr. Swanson for his courtesTr in conducting the meeting so far. .After a discussion as to what commitment the State required at this time and the understandings of the Mayor, City Attorney and different Councilmen as to previous Highway Official' s thinking, it being the general understanding that the only, portion of highway that would be constructed with the next legislative allotment of funds would be the 1500 feet continuation of Secondary Highway 2-A to approximately the entrance of 'dindsor Hills, that this was the only portion of highway presently planned. It was unsettled by the Council and Committee as to whether the approval of this section of highway would definitely establish the highway route through Renton, or .just tend to govern said route. Mr. Swanson stated that looking at the problem .from a realistic stand- point, he felt we should favorably consider the present plans and refer the problem of access to Mill Street and the cloverleaf to the Highway Department for their consideration and recommendation. The problem of a pedestrian passage-way from Cedar River Park across the proposed highway was discussed. The Cit7T Attorney, ^rthur Haugan, stated that if the Council decided they wanted the highway at said location, then before a Resolution granting limited access is adopted, the Council should have an agreement on the details of the route and type of construction, and any additional features they want included in the plans. Moved by White, seconded by Swift, that the Council accent the plan generally in principal and that a committee be appointed to negotiate with the State Highway Department on such details as the Council feels necessary before a firm commitment by Resolution is giver to the State. The motion unanimousl,- carried. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, that Mayor Baxter appoint a Special Committee, MaT-or Baxter appointed a Special Committee as follows: Councilman Lloyd White, Chairman Councilman Ray Heppenstall Councilman George Swift Councilman B. J. Richardson, and Councilman Thomas Trimm. Mayor Baxter stated that this committee would continue to work with the Mayor's Limited Access Highway Committee and the City Attorney. Mayor Baxter again thanked State Representative Hess, the Special High- way Committee and the Councilmen for attending this evening's special meeting. ion Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. �j i Deputy City Clerk i Mayor V A 242 Renton, Washington December 14, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURFNTI, HEPPENSTALL AND TAMBORINI. Mayor Baxter stated that Mr. Bruce had asked to be excused from this meeting. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; Marie Stout, Denuty City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Mayor Baxter introduced Reverend Merrill, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, who then gave the blessing. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of December 7, 1954, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PFFtMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B7 71-70—.00 Renton Housing Auth. 712 "L" St. wire service 8 100.00 Holger Heiker. 407 7th Avenue cement driveway 9 100.00 John W. Klinga 432 No. Burnett wire service 840 200.00 C. Lavoy 107-109 Burnett wire service 1 100.00 Puhich Cleaners 909 Walla Walla wire service 2 400.00 Natalina Gaspari 337 Cedar St. install siding 3 100.00 Roy B. Schultz 2110 8th Place wire service PLUMBING PERMITS 12 -- Verle Vietzke 516 Pelly install_ furnace 3 -- Mrs. Jonas Morris 104 Wells St. install furnace 4 -- Merle Caldwell 515 Mill St. plumbing service This being the date set for the opening of bids for the $327,000.00 Citv of Renton Unlimited Tax Levv - General Obligation Bonds (for the Williams Street Bridge, a Swimming Pool and Street and Light Improvements) the follow- ing bids were opened and read: Effective Interest Rate Foster & Marshall —� 1.9719 National Bank of Commerce 1.752 Security First National Bank 1.9869 Bramhall & Stein 1.9387 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini that the bids be referred to the Finance Committee, the Assistant City Attorney and the Financial Advisers for consider tion and a report back. Carried. The Finance Committee, the Assistant City Attorney and the City' s Financial Advisers were excused by Ma-or Baxter, to review the bids submitted. A progress report was read from R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, giving progress estimate as of November 30, 1954, for the Contractor Matt Malaspina Company, for preparation of water storage tank site and connecting main, in the amount of $20,602.27. The estimate was approved and certified correct by the City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the estimate be referred to the Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A progress report was read from R. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, giving progress estimate as of November 30, 1954, for the Contractor, Alia & Libri, for work done on reconstruction of the water supply main from the Talbot Reservoir to Fourth Avenue North, in the amount of $50,553.24. The estimate was approved and certified correct by the City :engineer. Moved by Reid, second- ed by Swift, that the estimate be referred to the Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. 9 4`4Z 243 For the information of the Council, a copy of the communication from Allan: Lane to Councilman Steve Tamborini was read, giving a recap of the Housing Authority meeting of December 6, 1954, stating that the second sale of housing to be removed from the Rerton Highlands, consistirg of 105 units, together with the first off-site sale of 229 units, makes a total of 334 units which have now been sold for removal; Executive Director Don Humble further stated that the transfer of the Highlands Fire Station to the City of Renton is in process and will be followed by the transfer of the North High- lands Recreation Building as soon as the houses remaining on the land involved are removed by the purchasers. Councilman Tamborini reported that he had attended this meeting as a representative of the Council. A communication was read from T. D. Johnson, requesting consideration to lease or to obtain franchise rights for the Cite of Renton garbage collection. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid that the communication be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by White, that the communication be removed from the Sanitation. Committee and referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from the Ignitors Hot-Rod Club, signed by Loren Williams, President, requesting Council's opinion of a supervised timing strip for the hot-rodders, stating that the Seattle-Tacoma Airport and Bellevue Air- port are under study. Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be referred to the Airport Board for consideration and a report back. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney, Finance Committee and the City' s Financial Advisers returned to the Council meeting. The Assistant City Attorney re- ported for the Finance Committee that the low bid which was received from National Bank of Commerce be accepted; that the bid was computed with an effective interest rate of $1.752. The Assistant Citv Attorney further stated that the Finance Committee further recommended that the Mavor and the Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the City's acceptance of the letter from the National Bank of Commerce, affixing the seal of the City of Renton, and return it to the bidder for his execution; that the Mavor and City Clerk be authorized and directed. to return the certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders; also that the Clerk and Legal Consultants are hereby authorized to order the print- ing of the bonds and coupons within a specified period; that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to make sample signatures. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee as stated by the Assistant City Attorr..ev. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for City Legals, Chlorine and Gas requirements for the City of Renton for 1955, the following bids were opened and read: Bids received for legal publications: (all 8 point type, 9 lines to the inch) lst insertion Add'1 column per column inch inch Renton Chronicle 1.20 1.10 Renton News Record 1.2.5 1.15 Bids received for liquid chlorine requirements: Per lb. in 100# lots in Ton lots Hooker Electrochemical 11¢ per lb. 7¢ per lb. Penns`rlvania Salt Co. 11¢ per lb. 7¢ per lb. Bids received for gasoline requirements: Regular Ethyl Richfield Oil Company 21.1 23.3 Standard Oil Company 22.1 24.3 Shell Oil Company 21.85 24. Union Oil Company 22.1 25.4 General Petroleum 25.1 27.6 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Swift, that the bid for publishing the City's legals for 1955 be awarded to the Renton Chronicle. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bid .for the City's liquid chlorine requirements for 1955 be awarded to the Hooker Electrochemical Co. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the bids for the City's gasoline requirements for 1955 be referred to the Finance Committee for con- sideration and. a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Mavor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mavor Baxter. 244cc ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, n DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorable and recommended the passage of the three Ordinances ordering the improvement of the alleys in Blocks 8, 9 and 14, which had been placed on their first reading at the last Council meeting and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinances be placed on their second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance #1503, #1504 and #1505 be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on, and recommended the passage of, proposed Ordinance #1506, pro- viding for officers of the City, their election or appointment, terms of office, compensation and duties, and repealing provisions of prior Ordinance #1317 in conflict, which had been placed on its first reading at the last Council meeting and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1506 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and fira.l reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1506 be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Trim reported that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole that the matter of garbage contracts i.e., re- visions and adjustments of rates, be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their recommendation and a report back. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole that the Street Commissioner investigate those individual property owners not now paying for garbage collection. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Reid requested more time for the Light & Power Committee, regarding additional lighting in the area of 7th & Shattuck. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Henpenstall, that the Council as a Whole take into consideration a complete study of job evaluation for all City employees. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that it was the recommendation of the majority of the Swimming Pool Committee that the City of Renton retain Mr. John McInery as Architect on the swimming pool, for a fee of $2500.00, and so moved, seconded by Tamborini, carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that there would be a meeting of the City Engineer and the Park Superintendent with the Swimming Pool Committee after this meeting. Councilman Morris, Chaii-man of the Finance Committee reported, in regard to the payment to the Dual Parking Meter Company--for parking meters, that there were two methods of pa7ment to be considered, i.e., cash or monthly payments---that there would be a considerable saving by making payment by cash, and that the Finance Committee recommended that the payment be made by cash; that $6500.00 be borrowed from Cumulative Fund #1181 , the balance to be paid from the Current Fund; that the Cumulative Funds be reimbursed by the Current Fund as soon as funds are available. Moved by Swift, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that a resolution authorizing same would be prepared and presented for consideration at the next Council meeting. Councilman Morris stated there would be a Finance Committee meeting Tuesday, December 21, 1954at 7:30 P.M. 245 Mayor Baxter granted the Sanitation Committee more time in regard to matters previously referred to said Committee. Councilman Swift stated there would be a Street ul Alley Committee meeting Monday, December 20, 1954, at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Swift reported for Courcilman Bruce of the Property Committee, that after study and consideration the Property Committee recommended that the request of. the Lake Washington Players for use of the Recreation Room at the Cedar River Park Administration Building be denied. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. i.. Councilman Delaurenti reported for the Police _�_ License Committee, and for Councilman Morris, of the Finance Committee, that after thoroughly con- sidering all insurance bids received, with the assistance of Councilman Heppenstall and the Insurance Commissioner, Mr. William Davis, that the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder, the Standard Insurance Company, who is the actuary, the local agent being Mr. Mike Creegan; that the Assistant City Attorney had thoroughly read a sample policy, and had approved same with the following revisions on the Group Life Policy, delete Section 5, paragraph 4; in Section 6, under Schedule of Insurance, change Face Amount to "Principal Sum"; change Section 9, paragraph 2 by addition after thereafter "and pay- able on or before the 5th day of each month"; delete Section 19; and on the Accidental Death & Dismemberment, delete Section 5, paragraph 4; Section 6, under Schedule of Insurance change words Face Amount to Principal Sum; Section 9 third paragraph, rate changed from $2.85 to ; .00 per member, and stating the total cost ,for this insurance would be $5.15 per month for 24-hour cover- age, the City to $3.86, the Police Department employees to pay $1.29 per month. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the two Committees, and that the bid of the Standard Insurance Company of Portland be accepted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the successful bidder be so advised in writing, and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Carried. Mayor Baxter reminded the Council and the Department Heads of the invitation to the Eagles Club on Wednesday, December 15, 1954, and of the employees Xmas Party on Friday night, December 17, 1954• Mr. Charles Shane from the audience asked for information in regards to Cedar River Housing, stating that it was his understanding that these build- ings were of a temporary nature and were to have been removed at a certain time. The Assistant City Attorney informed Mr. Shane that the Council went on record in 1952, also renewing their intent by Resolution a few months ago, that the housing be continued until such time as there is no need for housing, or until such time as the buildings are no longer in usable order. Mr. Shane stated that in his opinion these housing units created. too much competition for the builders in Renton. Mayor Baxter suggested that Mr. Shane contact the Renton Housing Authority for their opinion and for further information. Councilman White requested to be excused from the Council meeting of December 21, 1954. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, renorted that there were a couple of serious parking locations on Rainier Avenue that the Street & Alley Committee recommended to be corrected, i.e., that at 130-134 and 136 Rainier Avenue (in front of the Richfield Service Station, .just north of Second Avenue) there is a small island and curb space, so that when Just one car is parked, it is difficult for cars to enter and leave the service station; that the Committee recommended that this area be marked with ,yellow and no parking be permitted, that the proper sign be installed, also, that ,just north of this area there is curb space sufficient for two cars to park and when cars are narked there all day the operation of two business houses is restricted---that the Committee recommended that this area be marked for "one hour" parking only. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Aller Committee. Carried. 246 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 22 persons present besides City of Renton employees). Deputy City Clerk Mayor 24T Renton, Washington December 21, 1954 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAUREAITI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman White was excused from tonight's Council meeting at the last Council meeting. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; Marie Stout, Deputy City Clerk; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; 1,4alt will, Assistant City Engineer and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council minutes of the ' Special Council meeting of December 13th and the regular meetin of December 14th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 73.00 Lloyd Welch 13007 91st wire service 5 500.00 William Bellando 1019 Bronson Way remodel building 6 400.00 Clara Acton 830 M Street erect carrort 7 265.00 William Bellando 1019 Bronson ;day pour driveway 8 300.00 Gerald H. Johnson 3515 6th Ave. No. erect carport 9 800.00 Owl Cafe 804 3rd Avenue install sign 850 1,000.00 Williams 8! Swanson 226-8 Burnett install sign PLU IBING PER SITS 412 --- Ralph Melville 12628 89th So. install septic tank 3 --- Enza Anderson 1539 Marion install oil furnace 4 --- Jasper R. Merlino 500 14 Street install oil furnace An appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, of Bruce H. Phillips, 14912 19th Place, howS.E., Renton,washington, as a fireman for the City of Renton Fire Department, on a six months probationary period, was read. The appointment is to be effective January 1, 1955. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the quit claim deed from the Puget Sound Power &. Li-ht Company, which for and in consideration of one dollar and other considerations, conveys and quit claims to the City of Renton, the following described real estate, "That portion of SW4 of Sec. 17, Township 23 North, Ran{re 5 East, W.M., lying easterly of the east line of Tracts 38 to 42 inclusive of Plat No. 1 of Renton Co-Operative Coal Company's Acre Tracts according to plat thereof of record in Volume 9 of Plats, page 29, records of King County, which extends from the north line extended east of said Tract 38 southerly -to the south line of said Sec. 17, except roads and except the City of Seattle Cedar river Pipe Line right of way, " and "That portion of H. H. Tobin Donation Claim in NE-1 of Nil of Sec. 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying northeasterly of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line right of way, except roads," more generally described by the Engineering Department as "a 60 foot street right-of-way extending northerly a-proximately 700 feet from the City of Seattle pipe line right-of-way." On the advice of the Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the City of Renton hereby accept the conveyance of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company as an outright grant and the City Clerk and City Attorney be authorized to place same on record in the County Auditor's Office. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, James Highton, submitting a letter from Cecil C. Arnold, the City's Consulting Engineer on the Williams Street Bridge, stating that on December 3rd the contractor (Rumsey 8c Company) was requested to quote a unit price per foot for 10" diameter vitrified clay sewer pipe in place, to facilitate the constriction of the west drain line in accordance with the revised drawing; that the item of work described was not included in the bid proposal, but that he has approved the details of the wort: outlined under the revision and recom- mends Council approval. Moved by Richardson,seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. 9 L � 1 A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he had attached a letter and Order of Vacancy, passed by the Board of King County Commissioners 1 ordering the vacation of the west 1/2 of 124th Ave. S.E. (M Street) from S. E. 112th Street to S. E. 128th Street, the center line of said 124th Ave. S.E., being the north-south center line of said 124th Ave. S.E.; that the Order of Vacation does not indicate conveyance to the City for street use and that the City Engineer recommends that the necessary action be taken for the acquisition of this right of way. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, (on the advice of the Assistant City Attorney) that the City Engineer verify the above legal description and if correct, that the Council request this 30 foot strip- of property to be vacated, and when same has been vacated, that a Resolution be prepared to establish this portion as a right of way. Carried. A communication was read from Robert B. Keyes, Chairman of the Jaycee's Distinguished Service Award Committee, requesting the :`Mayor to nominate a young man who has made the greatest contribution to the Community, to be presented the Distinguished Service Award at a banquet which will be held in conjunction with National Jaycee week. After discussion, moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be p-laced on file. Carried. A request to install a shuffleboard at the Barei Tavern, 308 Hells Street, was read from Lawana M. Carlson. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The Clerk stated that the Police Chief, Ang Busato, in regard to the com- munication from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, which had been referred to him for recommendation at, the December 7th Council meeting, recommended that Fred Allingham be granted a one year extension of his retirement date. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 876, authorizing the City Treasurer to borrow $6,500.00 from Cumulative Fund No. 1182 and $6,400.00 from Cumulative Fund No. 1184 for the purpose of paring off the City's remaining indebtedness due the Dual Parking Meter Company---that the above funds be repaid to said Cumulative Fund as soon as available. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborin.i, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 876 as read. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 877, appointing Marie Stout, present Deputy City Clerk of the City of Renton as City Clerk only for the purpose of signing $327,000.00 of General Obligation Bonds of the City of Renton to be issued under date of January 1, 1955. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 877 as read. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that it was the recommendation of the Swimming Pool Committee that the site of the lawn bowling green be used for the swimming pool, with the idea that the Park Department study the problem of a location of another site for a bowling green. The Assistant City Attorney stated that monies could not be used from the Swimming Pool Fund for other purposes than the Swim- ming Pool, as soon as adequate funds are available. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman STri..ft informed the Council that he too thought that the State Highway Department was prolonging the matter of submitting a report on the one-way street feasibility survey for the City of Renton, but that the City of Renton's traffic survey was contingent on the State's report. Councilman Morris reported that it was the recommendation of the Finance Committee that the Council accept the bid of the Richfield Oil Corporation for furnishing gasoline requirements to the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the motion be changed to include the stipulation, that in the event the gasoline and. oil requirements of the City of Renton are delivered through a local agent, that the local agent be requested to comply with all of the City's laws especially in regards to the City of Renton's Business Tax Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had received a. protest last month from a Mr. Crat,•ford who resides in President Park Plat #�91 stating that there was no entrance to or exit from the rear of his property, but that there was a roadway adjacent to the rear of his property which he 249 could join on to providing permission was granted by the owner for same, that the Street & Alley Committee had studied this matter and that the findings of the Committee were that the Council had approved Plat #9 of President Park and that as a matter of record., no further Council action could be taken, but that the Committee recommended that in the future more attention be given to the boundaries of new plats to avoid error or unfavorable. conditions, that the Committee further recommended, with the consent of the Council, that this matter be removed from the Street & Allev Committee and placed on file. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported for the Street & Alley Committee, that the Committee had studied the communication from the Northern Pacific Railway Company regarding the Cit T's use of the westerly edge of the Northern Pacific right-of-way between Second Avenue and the Cedar River for street purposes, n.r providing the City accepts all prior easements, permits, etc., already granted, and that the Committee recommended the City accept the use of the right-of-way, subject to easements already on record. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported for the Street 8c Alley Committee, in regard to the drainage problem in Block 6, Earlington Addition to the City of Renton, that the water does not accumulate on City property and that the City has no responsibility as the condition now exists; that because the condition does originate on private property and is carried by private drainage pipe lines under private property that it is the Street & Alley Committee's recom- mendation, that the gentleman who had reported this problem (Art Towne) be advised that his only redress is to go to the individual property owners concerned, and the school district. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. For Council information only, Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported that the Committee had approved the invoice for the Matt Malaspina Company in the amount of $$20,602.27, to cover the progress estimate of November 30, 1954, and the invoice for the Alia & Libri Construction Company in the amount of $50,553.24, to cover the progress estimate as of November 30, 1954, for pa.,.nnent. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, reported for the Committee and the Fire Chief, that the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Companv, in switching their trains on a Tuesday, December 21, 1954" had held up vehicular and pedestrian traffic for approximately 25 minutes, and that it was the Committee's recommendation, and the Fire Chief's, that the Cit` Clerk write a letter to the railroad company and inform them of the critical situation that was created because of this incident. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Commmittee and Fire Chief. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommerded, as previously requested by the Traffic Division, that a revision be made on the parking restriction on 4th Avenue Yorth, that "no parking be allowed" on either side of Factory Street from 4th Avenue North to the Pacific Car & Foundry Comnan,-'s main gate, (instead of one hour parking) . Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, re- ported that Captain Isackson had conferred. with the Head Guard at the Pacific Car & Foundry Company and that this was their recommendation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended, as previously requested b the Police Department Traffic Division, that the park- ing restriction on 4th Aver_ue North, from Garden Street, eastto Houser Way be changed (from one hour parking from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) to "one hour park- ing", 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and "no parking", from 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Now Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee recom- mended, on the previous request of the Police Department Traffic Division, that parking be restricted on Rainier avenue, on both the east and west sides, from 3rd Avenue, north to Tobin Avenue, to two hours onl-�T. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that all three narking restrictions be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney,, to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. 2*50 � Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Swanson, an employee of the Pacific Northern Airlines Company, who requested Council approval and backing of a continuation of their operation, i.e., air travel and transportation between Seattle, Port- land and points in Alaska. Mr. Swanson stated that their business was operated on a very moderate revenue margin, in comparison to competitive air travel and transportation, and that they had had no serious trouble with their regular flights and had had no fatalities, that their company employed over 100 persons in the Seattle-Renton and surrounding area, and they hoped to be able to con- tinue their operations---that they had heard that the C.A.B. were considering limiting the air transportation operations in this area to the two major air- lines, i.e., Pan American and the Northwest Air Lines. Several Councilmen stated that thev did not feel they were sufficiently familiar with this problem, that they did not oppose it, but would be unable to take any action until they knew more of the details. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for investigation and study_ and a report back at the lst meeting in January. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 9 persons present besides the City of Renton employees). Deputy City Clerk (flayor 6 f' i E Renton, vuashington January 4, :955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Magor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VI TZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilmen Reid and Morris were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT LEADS PRESENT WERE: Ang Busa.to, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; Marie Stout, Deputy City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of December 21, 1954, be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from C. E. Crippen, General Manager of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, acknowledging the Cit-'s letter of December 24th concerning a Milwaukee Road freight train blocking a street intersection in the City of Renton on the morning of December 21, 1954 and ad- vising the matter will be promptl7T investigated and the City advised of the results. The communication is to remain in the Clerk's file awaiting further advice. A communication was read from Edgar Johnston, Chairman of the Renton March of Dimes, requesting Council approval of the polio campaign that is planned. They request permission to have the Rainbow Girls sell balloons on Renton streets on Saturday, Januar- 8th and orchids on Saturdar, January 22nd, also to sell "Blue Crutch" lapel tags from a booth located in the central business area on January 15th, stating that they plan to use a loudspeaker with the booth sale. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the request of the Chairman of the March of Dimes---that loudspeakers be used only under supervision of the Police Department. Carried. A request for permission to make solicitations in the business district of .�.. Renton on behalf of the "Bread of Life Mission Association, Inc." was read from Revs. Jack & Jennie O'Hara, Co-Superintendents of the Mission, stating that the Mission gives aid to approximately 150 homeless and destitute men daily. Moved by White, seconded b-r Richardson, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police to check with the Chamber of Commerce as to the merits of the institution. Carried. A request for permission to install one pinball machine in his place of business, The Millers, 2311 Sunset Boulevard, was read from Alex Miller. Moved by Tamborini, seconded b-r White, that the request be referred to the Police R.� License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request for a change in the City of Renton's building code was .read from C. A. Niese, President of the Zephyr Awning Company. Mr. Niese requests that the portion of the building code which reads "that all awnings must be movable", be changed to allow a "fixed aluminum awning". Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the City Engineer, Building Inspector and Fire Department for investigation and a report back. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the City 'Engineer, submitting Estimate ¢#3, for work performed through December 20, 1954, on the Williams Street Bridge by Romsey & Company, Contractor, in the amount of $6499.95, with the project being 27% complete as of this date. The City Engineer stated that the estimate was correct and recommended payment. The contractor's itemized Estimate ?t3, to- gether with a voucher approved by the City Engineer, was attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that the Commission had reviewed the Wallin- Edwards plant and request for a. variance to permit a 50 foot street right-of-ways and that it was their recommendation that the City Council act favorably on the X52 cc acceptance of this plat and also accept the 50-foot street as a variance to the ordinance, for the following reasons, (1) that the proposed street would serve no more in number than a standard street which would be 400 feet or under, (2) that this street would serve only about the same number of lots as a 400 foot street, also, that it will be a dead-end street, and (3) due to the topography of the ground, there is no possibility of ever having a future extension of this street, enabling same to be a "through street". Councilman Swift stated that this matter had been referred back to the Planning Commission previously for their further investigation and reconsideration and that in the past the City has accepted a variance when the Ordinance allowed same, and the topography of the ground warrants the variance, and so moved, seconded by Richardson, that the Council approve the plat of the Wallin & 7dwards Addition, also the 50 foot street right-of-way. Carried. A second communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending that if and when a petition is submit- ted for rezoning from S-1 to B-1 of the property along 4th Avenue North (S.E. 128th Street) to a, depth of approximately 630 feet, between M Street (121tth Ave. S.E.) and 132nd Avenue S.E., and said petition has the signatures of surrounding property owners with the proper percentage being favorable, that the Council act favorably upon said petition. This above described property includes the property in the previous request of Miss Leida Snyder. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this report be referred to Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, until the above referred to petition is received. Carried. A third communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending that the Council approve the rezoning petition of Block 21, Renton Farm Plat No. 5 from Single Family Use; (R-s) District to Residential Use (R-1). This property is located between Burnett Street & Williams Street and between lst Avenue North and 2nd Avenue North, said petition being headed by Mrs. Ace Maroni, 202 N. Burnett Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A fourth communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, sign- ed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that the Planning Commission has re- considered the petition of Joseph & Gladys Ellis of 10705 112th Avenue S.E., for a zoning charge for Lot 3, Block 2, Stewart's Highlands Acre Tracts from residential use to commercial use---that a special committee had investigated the request and that on the report of the committee that the Planning Commission again recommended that the Petition be rejected; that it was pointed out that the petition includes onlw, T about two lots nich are in the center of a residential area and which wo,.ld be considered spot zoning, also, that the property which is less than business area, and that to conform to the principals of proper city planning and to avoid spot zoning the Committee had made their recommendation. Councilman Bruce reported that he had been unable to arrange a meeting of his special committee, which had been appointed by Mayor Baxter to investigate this matter, but that the Committee was all of the same opinion and approved the report of the Special Planning Commission Committee as stated. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis be so notified. Carried. A communication was read from Ed Lundgren, President of the Association of Washington Cities, enclosing a statement of the annual Service Fee of the Associa- tion for the year 1955, which is due on January lst, and which is based on the 1954 State Census Board population figure for the City of Renton for 1954• The service fee for 1955 is $468.00, including 23 one-year subscriptions to the Western City's magazine for the City's officers. Moved by Trimm, ;seconded by Richardson, that the statement be referred to the Finance Committee; with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from George 11. Thomas, SecretarIT and Chief Examiner of the Renton Police Department Civil Service Commission, to Mayor Baxter, stat- ing that in compliance with the Mayor's request of December 5th for eligible applicants to fill the positions of Lieutenants, as covered in the classifications of the Renton Police Department, that they certify, through examinations held December 28th, 1954, for Radio Communications, C. S. Williams and for the Detective Division, William E. Frazee. The appointments by Mayor Baxter of C. S. Williams and William E. Frazee, to the positions of Lieutenant, Radio Communications and Lieutenant, Detective Division, respectively, in the Police Department were read. The appointments will be effective January 1.6, 1955• Mr. Williams and Mr. Frazee will fill positions created in the Police Depart- ment in the 1955 Budget. Moved By Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the appointments of Mayor Baxter. Ang Busato, Police Chief, stated that these two positions would remain as such, and were not transfer- able to another branch, i.e., traffic or patrol division. The motion carried. A second communication was read from George Thomas, Secretary and Chief Examiner of the Renton Police Department Civil Service Commission, certifying Tony A. Romano for the position of patrolman in the Police Department through examinations held on December 18th and December 28th, 1954• The appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Tony A. Romano as a patrolman on the Renton Police Force, effective January 10, 1955, was read.. Mr. Romano will fill the vacancy �.. created by the resignation of James Torgerson. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Ma-or Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBOPT I, HANSEN, SWIFT, DFLAUR.ENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Albert Balch from the audience, who addressed the Council and stated "that according to previous approved plans in the President Park area, the drainage line (storm sewer) was brought to M Street; that the drainage (storm sewer) line ends on M Street and does not connect to the main line---that to bring the storm sewer line from M Street to the main line on H Street, to enable him to fill his commitments, he will give $2500.00 cash to the Citv of Renton to be used at the City Engineer's discretion, to purchase additional material (12" or 15" concrete pipe) needed to extend the storm sewer line along M Street to 7th Avenue North, and thence westerly along 7th Avenue North to H Street, to connect to the existing sewer line on H Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the proposal as stated by Mr. Balch. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the City Clerk's Office be authorized to write a letter to Mr. Balch confirming the intent of the Council and requesting Mr. Balch's written approval of same. Carried. Councilman Swift expressed the City of Renton's thanks to Mr. Balch for making it possible for the City to extend the storm sewer from M Street to connect to the main line on H Street. The Acting City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, read the appointment by Mayor Baxter of Floyd W. Shaff as City Clerk of the Citv of Renton to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Wiley Crook. Mr. Shaff's a.npointment will ex- pire on June 6, 1956. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried.. The Clerk read proposed -?esolution No. 879, as presented. by Councilman Richardson, of the Ordinance Committee, extending the compulsory retirement date of Fred Dllingham of the Police Department Uniformed Personnel to February 1, 1956. Moved by Bruce, seconded by White, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 879 as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney had prepared an Ordinance, as pre- viously recommended by the Street & Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department, prohibiting and restricting parking of vehicles on certain streets. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1507, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, (1) Parking of vehicles at any time on Factory Street from 4th Avenue North to the main gate of the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, a distance of 227 feet, more or less, is prohibited, (2) Restricting parking on 4th Avenue North between Garden Street and Houser 1,'Tay to "one hour" only between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and. 4:00 P.M. daily, except Sundays and holidays. Park- ing of vehicles between the hours of 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. on 4th Avenue North, between Garden Street and Houser Way, is prohibited, except Sundays and holidays, and (3) Parking of vehicles on Rainier Avenue from 3rd Avenue North to Tobin Avenue is limited and restricted to "two hours" only, except Sundays and holidays. Moved by Trim, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson 254 stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordi- nance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1507 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1507 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion unanimously carried. On request of Mayor Baxter, Floyd W. Shaff, was sworn into the office of City Clerk by Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk. Mr. Shaff addressed the Council meeting and thanked the Mayor and Council for their confidence in him, and stated-that-he hoped for and needed the support of the Mayor, Council and Department Heads, and the Citizens of the City of Renton, and that he would endeavor to fill the position to the best of his ability. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion the Council should take immediate action to request the Association of Washington Cities at the next Legislature to sponsor a bill permitting and legalizing "off-street" parking in 2nd Class Cities, and to do all in their power to assist in the passing of same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Legislative Com- mittee proceed immediately to request the Association of Washington Cities to push the passage of such legislation. Carried. Councilman Hansen reported that the Public Relations Committee had met with the representative of the Alaska Northern Air Lines, and that after con- siderable discussion, reconunended that the City of Renton send a telegram of protest to the C.A.B. in Washington, protesting the cancellation of the Alaska Northern Air Lines license as their feel that their past fling record and superior service, although on a smaller scale than the two major lines, warrants continuation. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 3079-3364 $45,155.96 CURRENT 1980-1995 44,712.05 WATER 9043-9052 13,007.45 LIBRARY 2783-2786 2,725.19 PARK 1882-1889 3,169.52 SEWER DISPOSAL 2531-2538 4,360.56 AIRPORT 1810-1817 5,220.82 STREET 6614-6621 16,590.25 CUM. FUND #1182 --- none CUM. FUND #1183 --- none CUM. FUND #1184 476-478 11,943.63 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 147-150 327.29 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 540-548 191.82 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 246-310 80218.65 WATER & SEWER CONST. - 1954 696-701 71,224.44 CLAIMS FUND 852-1032 36,012.53 Moved by Swift, seconded by Heprenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 14 persons present, besides City of Renton employees). //City Cleft �J Mayor 255 Renton, Washington January 11, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order. by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, RFID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKF, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilmen Swift and Tamborini were excused because of illness and Councilman Delaurenti being out of town on business, was excused) . � OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, Citv Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Citv Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. The minutes of the meeting of January 4th, not having reached the Council- men in time for reading, were ordered held until the next Council meeting for Council consideration. A copy of a communication to Mr. Paul Houser, Attorney, from the Assistant City Attorney was .read, acknowledging the City of Renton Housing Authority's letter of January 10, 1955, together with "Deed of Dedication" to a certain strip of land for road purposes, and advising that the "Deed of Dedication" in question will not be sufficient to conve,r fee title to the City of Renton---but that it is similar to that of an easement whereby the Public Housing Adminis- tration would still retain fee title to the property and if the road were ever abandoned, all of said property would revert to the grantor. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City is now faced with the situation whereby the east half of the street in question is part of the City of Renton, the west half, as per the Housing Authority' s instrument is impressed with a dedication for public road purposes while the land itself would still lie within the county; that the City's purpose was to acquire for the City of Renton fee title to the west half of 124th Ave. S.E., so that that portion of the street to- gether with the ea.st half thereof would clearly lie within the City of Renton. The Assistant City .Attorney further requests that a Quit Claim Deed to the property in question be furnished to the City of Renton without limitation as to use or purposes, otherwise the City of Renton would have no alternative but to request the Public Housing Administration to petition the Citv for annexation for the strip of land in question. The Deed of Dedication was attached. Council- man Richardson reported that the Assistant City Attorney had discussed this matter with him, previous to the meeting and that he reco-mended that the Council go on record as accepting this deed conditionally, until such time as the City Attorney's request for a Quit Claim Deed, without limitations or purpose, has had time to go through the proper channels at Washington and return, that during this time the City of Renton would have .jurisdiction over this strip of land, and so moved, seconded by Reid, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from the State of Washington Census Board, signed by Calvin F. Schmid, stating that the Census Board is charged with the responsi- bility of determining the population of every city in the State of Washington, as of April 1, 1955• The population figures certified by the Census Board will serve as the basis for the allocation of funds from the State Treasury from January 1, 1956 to January 1, 1957. It is recommended that at least one complete census be conducted during the ten-year period between the Federal decennial censuses, and since 1955 is the middle figure from 1950 to 1960, it is an ideal time to make a complete enumeration of the population. The last complete census in Rerton was the Federal Census in 1950. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter should be thoroughly investigated before the Citv of Renton completes and re- turns the application. Councilman Bruce stated that he had read a notice in the Seattle paper that Renton was included in a list of cities which had annexed areas during the past year that had failed to report their population figures to the Secretary of State for transmission to the Auditor---that the distribution of liquor profits for the State are rased on the population in the cities and counties. After dis- cussion, Mayor Baxter stated that the City Clerk's Office will take care of this matter. The City Clerk reported that he had taken this matter up with the Assistant City Attorney and City Engineer and thev hoped to have the figures on current population soon. 256 A request to operate one Shuffle Board in his place of business, the Snappy Tavern, was read from Anton Dime, owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vi.etzke, that the request be referred to Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Association of Washington Cities regarding the passing of our former City Clerk, Wiley Crook, and offering their sincere sympathy and stating appreciation of his past cooperation and good will to his fellow men. Communication was ordered filed. Communication was read from Mayor Alfred E. Leland of Kirkland, who is also President of the Association of Valley Cities, stating that the January meeting of the Association has been set for January 26th at 8:00 P.M., in the City Hall at Orting, Washington. Mayor Leland urged the City Officials attend- ance. Mayor Leland stated they are planning an interesting and informative series of meetings for the Association, with many benefits in the form of pertinent data and. information relative to our own municipal problems to be dealt with at these meetings. The main subject matter at the January 26th meet- ing, will be the use of visual aids in selling municipal programs. The principal subject matter of these films, will be the problems relating to street improve- ments and how street programs can be sold. The communication was ordered filed and the Councilmen will be reminded later of the meeting. Councilman Reid withdrew his suggestion that the condemnation suit re- garding the acquisition of light and power utilities be discussed at this meet- ing, as some of the Valley Cities do not have this problem. It was suggested that the Special Power Committee, Councilman Reid, Chairman, Councilmen Richardson, Tamborini, Bruce, Mayor Baxter, City Attorney and City Engineer arrange a meeting for further discussion of this matter before meei;ing with other Valley Cities and their legal representatives to determine what action the Cities should take. Councilman Reid will arrange a meeting soon. Communication was read from Renton March of Dimes, signed by Chairman, Edgar Johnston, requesting permission to use a "blanket sign" (601 x 181) to publicize their January drive to aid Polio Research. They would like to use this sign in con.jurction with a short parade this Saturday, January 15th, start- ing at 9:30 A.M., to be routed along Third Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that this permission be granted under supervision of the Police De- partment. Carried. A request for installation of a red and green traffic light at, the pe- destrian crossing on Dunlap Canyon Road, for the protection and safety of school children, was read from Lewis A. and Minna. M. Shaw, 441 5th Avenue West, Earling- ton. After discussion, with the idea that a larger sign, warning of the school crossing be installed, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Hepnenstall, that the communication be referred to the Street Commissioner and Police Department to take the matter up with the School Board for consideration of the installation of a larger sign, and these people be so notified. Carried. A request from John Thanos to renew his ice-cream vending license for two carts for the coming season was read. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce that the request be referred to Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, attaching voucher for Cecil C. Arnold, Consulting Engineer on the Williams Street Bridge for work per- formed for the month of December in the amount of $1169.50. The City Engineer stated that the statement was calculated correct and that he recommended payment. Moved by Richardson' seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. r Councilman Richardson reported that the construction of the bridge was pro- gressing very well and that the Contractor, Rumsey & Company, was doing a fine .job for the city. The City Treasurer reported that the money for the General Obligation Bonds had been received by the City and had been set-up in the proper respective funds. The City Clerk read the appointment by Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk, of Marie Stout as Denutv City Clerk, effective January 4, 1955• Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid that the Council concur in the appointment by the City Clerk. Carried. 257 The City Clerk read the appointment by Dorothy Gossett, City Treasurer, of Sylvia Payne as Assistant City Treasurer, effective January 1, 1955. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce that the Council concur in the appointment by the City Treasurer. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he had the requests for renewal of the six taxi cab company licenses for 1955, together with their additional taxi licenses, stating that the required fees had been received. All requests for rerewals having been approved by the Police Chief. (Jordan Cab Operators license plus two cabs Yellow Cab Operators license plus five cabs O.K. Cab Operators license, one cab only r.. Renton Radio Cab Operators license plus three cabs City Cab Company Operators license, one cab only Highland Taxi Cab Co. Operators license, one cab only The operators license fee covers the Company stand, plus one cab). Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, these being renewals, that the Clerk dispense with the reading of these requests and that thee- be re- ferred to Police & License Committee and Police Chief with power to act. Carried. The Clerk read proposed Resolution #880 authorizing the Peoples National Bank of Washington, Renton Branch, to honor and pay warrants drawn in the rame of the City of Renton, and signed by both the Mayor of the City of Renton, Joe R. Baxter, and the City Clerk of the City of Renton, Floyd W. Shaff. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council adopt Resolution #880 as read. Carried. The Clerk read a similar proposed Resolution #881 authorizing the Seattle First National Bank, Renton Branch, to honor and pay warrants drawn in the name of the City of Renton, and signed by both the Mayor of the City of Renton, Joe R. Baxter, and the City Clerk of the City of Renton, Floyd W. Shaff. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the Council adopt Resolution #881 as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. N. J. Weathers was in the audience and would appreciate a meeting with the Sanitation Committee, City Attorney and r.. City Engineer on his sewage problem. Mayor Joe R. Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HEPPENSTALL AND -BRUCE. Councilman White reported, in regard to the Weather' s sewer line on R Street, that this involves the extension of the sewer line on R Street to the Weather's property line, a distance of 80 feet; that Mr. Weathers has no sewer, but that he has 631 feet of right-of-way the City of Renton ma7.7 ultimately need, and that the Sanitation Committee recommends that Mr. Weathers pay the cost of labor and material to extend this sewer line 80 feet to the edge of his now property, or which will be the center of the proposed new 60 foot right-of-way. This cost will be approximately $250.00, which he (Mr. Weathers) agrees to pay, and the City will perform the labor. The Sanitation Committee further recommends (as an option) that to this agreement be added another stipulation as follows: If within the next 18 months the City desires the 631 foot right-of-way on 6th Avenue North, that Mr. Weathers agree to dedicate such property to the City in exchange for the City placing a lateral sewer along that property line. This latter agreement, in the form of an option, may or may not be exercised by the City of Renton. The dedication by the property owner to the City to be without cost to the City and the cost of the construction of the lateral (approximately $1200.00) without cost to the property owner. (Councilman White stated that the first recommendation is a firm agreement, the second is an option for the City of Rentor., primarily to allow a 60 foot wide street, instead of a 30 foot street) . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recom- mendations of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the above matter having been previously referred to the Committee Council as a Whole, and now having been satisfactorily taken care of, be removed from that Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson inquired as to previous Council action on a drainage condition. in Block 6 Earlington, stating that Mr. Towne, the propert!,r owner who had made the report, had not been informed of any Council action. The Street 258 cc ac c� Commissioner informed the Council of the cause of the water drainage, stating that the condition was not the City of R.enton's responsibility and that they had no .jurisdiction over this matter. The City Clerk's Office will so advise Mr. Towne, Mayor Baxter reported that he had met with Mr. Forgey, District Engineer, State Highway Department, and his aide regarding the limited access highway, 2-A, through the City of Renton and that they had made an agreement to be turn- ed over to the City' s Special Highway Committee (Councilman White, Chairman, Mayor Baxter, Councilmen Heppenstall, Swift, Richardson & Trimm) in charge of this matter. Mayor Baxter stated that Mr. Forgey, and his aide, would. meet with the committee at their convenience; that the State Highway Department would like to come to some conclusion as to what they could do in regards to this highway and that if any further information is needed, they will be glad to supply same. Councilman White stated that, Mr. Forgev had expressed his willingness to leave the final route and changes completely free of their agree- ment to bring the highway up to the City Limits of the City of Renton---that such agreement will not firmly bind the City to any definite thing---that any changes and variations can be made later. Mayor Baxter stated that they request a general idea of the route plan through Renton so that if the Council would agree, they could continue with the 500 feet of 2-A, to a point 1500 feet north of the north city limits, north of Renton at approximately Hazelwood, to the point approximately at the entrance of Windsor Hills. Councilman livhite suggested that the City's Special Highwav Committee meet with the City Attorney before any action is taken or information is given to the State Highway Department. Councilman White requested a meeting of this Committee and the City Attorney, Monday, January 17th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman White stated that the Committee would have a report at the next Council meeting and that they would meet with the Highway Department immediately after that. The City Engineer reported that he had received the site survey for the swimming pool and that he would forward this to Mr. John J. McInerny, the Architect for same, immediatelye - that as soon as the plans and specifications are prepared, that the bid could be prepared for construction of same, that they would endeavor to have them ready for the next Council meeting. The Assistant City Attorney reported, in regard to the dedication of property in Block 6, Earlington by Mr. Davis that it was his recollection that if he had not heard from Mr. Davis by December 28th, that the City would institute proceedings to acquire subject property by condemnation. Mr. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, stated that Mr. Davis had agreed to appoint an appraiser for the property, the City to retain their own appraiser, a third appraiser to be appointed who was satisfactory to both the Cita= and Mr. Davis---that Mr. Davis had notified him that Mr. Amos Huseland would be willing to make an appraisal for him, and that Tom Dobson had been appointed to make an arnraisal for the City, and that they had not received a, report as to appraisals of the property--- that he had reminded both Mr. Davis and the appraiser, that, in making their appraisal, 10 feet of the right-of-way is alread,,r dedicated to the City of Renton. Mr. Shellan stated that the7T expected to get the report very soon and that they would not know the cost of acquiring this pronert�T until the appraisals had been submitted. The Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, informed the Council that he had been making a study of the garbage problem in the City and that he hoped to have a report for the Council at the next meeting. The City Engineer reported that the site for the storage tank in the Windsor Hills area had been cleared and that the contractor expects: to start erection of same soon. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Light & Power Committee with the City Engineer, Thursday, January 6th at 8:00 P.N:., to start plans for the street ,.., improvement and lighting program, authorized at the last election. The Council was informed by Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, that as soon as the necessary parts were received for the installation of the street light at the end of 141st Street in Maplewood Additicn by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, that this light would be installed. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported. that the City Treasurer requested authority to transfer $4,000.00 from the Water Fund to the Sewer Fund, the money to be paid back to the Water Fund as soor. as funds are available. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council con- cur in the request of the City Treasurer. Carried. 259 Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee, who is also a representative of the Central Labor Council to the State Legislature, asked if the Councilmen had, or would be in favor of preparing material for the agenda for the State Legislative Session which is convening at this time, so that a program could be presented to the Legislature, so they will know what legislation the City of Renton wants. Matters previou.sl- brought to the Legislature' s attention and still of vital importance to the City of Renton---increase in salary for the Mavor and Council, off-street parking for cities other than 1st Class, also, City of Renton's objection to City--owned property being condemned by the State. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, teat the Legislative Com- mittee outline such a program to be given to Councilman Morris to take to the proper authorities at the present Legislature. Carried. ... Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, Councilman h"orris' efforts in the City's behalf at the present Legislative Session would be worth a great deal and that he would be serving a good cause, and on his recommendation, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that Councilman Morris be granted a Leave of Absence while attending the State Legislature. Carried. Councilman Morris stated that he would advise the Mayor and Council if any important matters came up that would be of vital interest to the City. Mayor Baxter reported that he had accumulated considerable data as to the proposed .job evaluation of all city emr,lo,yees, and that he hoped to have this information complete to turn over to the Committee of the Council as a Whole very soon. Mayor Baxter stated that he felt that it was necessary and City Clerk, Floyd W. Shaff had requested a State Audit of the City Clerk' s Office account- ing records, owing to the passing of City Clerk, Wiley Crook and the appoint- ment of a new City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hepnenstall, that the City Clerk request a State Audit of the Clerk's accounting records. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 4 persons present besides City of Renton employees) - y Clerk Mayor 1 Now 260 y Renton, Washington (� January 18, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAUPENTI & HEPPENSTALL. (Councilman Morris is on leave of Absence, Council- man Richardson and Councilman Bruce were excused from this evening's meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Councilman Bruce,be granted a Leave of Absence. Carried). OFFICIALS & DEPARTM7NT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the minutes of the Council meeting of January 4th be approved as written and the meeting of January 11th be approved as corrected. Carried. "Thank you" cards were read from the families of Wiley Crook and Opal Chadwick. A communication was read from F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief, Assistant Director of Civil Defense, advising a meeting of "key members" of the Civil Defense in the Civil Defense Room at the City Hall on Tuesday, January 25th at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Lawrence stated they plan to bring before the group the -plan for evacuation as planned by the King County Civil Defense Department, and to see what the Renton personnel will be required to do to coordinate their evacuation with the rest of the County, as outlined by the Seattle-King County Metropolitan Area Evacuation Planning Committee. After discussion, a meeting date has been set for Tuesday, January 25th at 7:00 P.M. A communication was read from the City Engineer, requesting approval to dispose of the 75,000 gallon wood stave water tank previously used to serve Kennydale which is no longer useful to the City of Renton. The City Engineer stated that it was not feasible to pipe water from this tank to the Honeydew area. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting Estimate #2 for work performed through December 31, 1954 by the Matt Malaspina Company, Contractor, on the water tank site and connecting pipe line in the Windsor Hills area, in the amount of $7,568.94. The estimate was certified correct and recommended for payment by the City Engineer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, attaching voucher from Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, for engineering services (Springbrook Plans and supervision) under the 1954 Revenue Bond Improvement Plan, in the amount of $1,034.83• The statement was certified correct and recommended for payment by the City Engineer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting Estimate #3 for work performed by the Alia & Libri Construction Company on the water supply mains, through December 31, 1954, in the amount of $11,928.16. The estimate was approved, and recommended for payment by the City Engineer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication from Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, the City's Legal Consultants, to City Attorneys, Haugan & Shellan, was read. Attached to this communication was their statement in the amount of $1,004.64 for services in connection with the issuance of $327,000.00, 1955 City of Renton General Obligation Bonds. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, reported he had approved the statement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that this state- ment be paid. Carried. 261 A communication was read from John Lotto, Postmaster, Renton Post Office requesting Council consideration of the installation of a modern street letter box for the convenience of motorists---the letter box to be located south of the power pole directly in front of the Post Office, including a free parking zone for the convenience of motorists. The Post Office Department requests two regular parking meter spaces for the above street-letter box; they further re- quest consideration of a pedestrian lane across .4illiams Street for the safety of the public, also Council approval of Ordinances authorizing same, i.e., (1) mailing zone in front of Post Office, and (2) pedestrian traffic lane across the 300 block on Williams Street. Moved by ''rimm, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. An application for renewal of their Master License and two sub-licenses to operate coin-operated phonographs in the City of Renton, was read from Countner's, Inc., signed by Audrey E. McComb, secretary-treasurer. The sub- licenses cover installations of music machines at the Triple XXX Barrel and T. P. Cafe. The required fee for 1955 accompanied the request. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to operate a Shuffle Board in his place of business, the 110 ,& S Tavern", 220 Rainier Avenue, was read from W. R. Olson. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Police ?r. License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request for additional time to complete their "Reconstruction of Water Supply Mains" contract, was read from the Alia & Libri Construction Company; they request an extension from January 25th to February 20, 1955• Mr. Libri stated the reason for his request was due to a dela-.7 in the pipe delivery, also hard ground conditions which slowed their work. The Great American In- demnity Company (Mr. Charles F. Maurer, Attorney in Fact) Surety for the Alia & Libri Construction Compan-:T, stated the'Tjoined in the contractors request. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, the request be referred to Finance Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. After dis- cussion, the City Engineer stated that the total contract is estimated to be under the original proposal, the Assistant City Attorney recommending that the matter be held in abeyance until completion of the contract. The motion carried. A communication was read, signed by Vere Thompson--Building Inspector, James Highton-City Engineer, Floyd E. Lawrence-Fire Chief, and Thomas Trimm, Chairman of Fire & Water Committee stating the Committee had studied the re- quest of the Zephyr Awning Company, that Sec. 4506 of the Uniform Code be changed to allow their awning, and that after consideration, the Committee recommended the code should not be changed. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a petition for a change in zoning classification from "S-1 Use" to 1IB-1 Use" for a strip of property approximately 630 feet deep extending from "M Street" east on 128th Avenue S.F. (Cemetery Road) to 132nd Ave. S.F. (This area includes the property of Miss Leida Snyder who previousl- presented a similar rezoning request) . The petition containing the signatures of 32 property owners, was attached. The City Engineer stated that the signers of the petition were the owners of all the property within the district except the Puget Sound Power & Light Company whose Company policy is to assume a neutral attitude; the percentage of property owners within the 200 foot fringe area whose names appear on the petition is 79% favorable to the change in zoning. As the Planning Commission has previous- ly approved the change in zoning, the City Engineer stated the matter would re- quire Council action. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur ... in the recommendation of the Planning Cor:mission. Carried.. Moved by i'rimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the date of hearing on the rezoning request be set as February 15th. Carried. Mayor Baxter reminded the Council of the Association of Valley Cities meeting in Orting, Thursday, January 26th and urged as many of the Councilmen as possible to attend, as the subject of the meeting would be discussion and drafting of vital current legislation. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. 262 cc y ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, � DELAURENTI AND HEPPENSTALL. Councilman White, Chairman of the Mayor's Special Highway Committee, re- ported that the Special Committee had met on Monday evening---that they had studied the agreement presented by the State Highway Department and that the Committee recommended, on the advice of the City Attorney, that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Agreement as modified. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Committee. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion the letter agree- ment should be read so the Councilmen would be thoroughly familiar with same. Councilman White stated the Agreement had been referred to City Attorney for modification. The motion carried. Councilman Trimm reported it was the recommendation of the Council as a 1,1-hole, that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay $350.00 to -the Cit�T of Seattle for a certain right-of-way in Mother' s Park (as legally described bTT the City Engineer) . Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a 1rJhole. Carried. Councilman White reported, in regard to a letter to representatives at Olympia covering proposed legislation, that the Legislative Committee recom- mended that a letter be written to State Representative Hess and Monroe re- garding enabling legislation for the City of Renton requesting modification of existing laws as they concern certain City of Renton property---a copy of the letter to be forwarded to the Towns & Cities Committee. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Tamborini was granted more time for the Sanitation Committee on the proposal for contracting garbage collection for the City of Renton. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee requested and recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the request for State approval for widening Park Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Allev Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee Thursday evening, January 20th at 8:00 P.M., and requested that the Police Chief, City Engineer and Street Commissioner be present. Councilman Swift requested that the City Clerk' s Office contact the Lake Shore Lines and ask that they have a representative at the meeting. On advice of the City Attorney, Councilman Delaurenti reported that they would hold Mr. Libri's request for an extension of time or his agreement until the contract was completed. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that the Civil Defense Committee was endeavoring to work out a plan whereby the Sheriff's Patrol could meet in the Civil Defense room at the City Hall once a month. Mayor Baxter stated that he had appointed Councilman Reid as a member of the Finance Committee to replace Councilman Morris who is on Leave of Absence. Councilman Delaurenti will act as Chairman during Councilman Morris' absence. Mayor Baxter stated that the Budget Controller's Office has been moved in the City Clerk's office and will be under the City Clerk' s jurisdiction---that they felt that this would allow a closer contact between the two offices and a better over-all operation. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adJourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 9 persons present besides City of Renton employees. ty Clerk Mayor 263 Renton, Washington February 1, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, 1^HITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT) DFLAURENTI AND HEPPENSTALL. (Councilmen Bruce and Morris are on Leave of Absence and Councilman Richardson and Trimm were reported ill and excused). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMFT\TT 117ADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Hauga.r., City Attorney Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Flovd Lawrence, +� Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon., Park Super- intendent; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of January 18th be approved as written. Carried. Councilman �ahite reported for the Special Limited Access Highway Committee that the Preliminary Agreement, of the route and construction of the Limited Access Highway No. 2-A, through the City of Renton which agreement is satisfactory to the Citir of Renton and had been approved by both attorneys (Mr. Paul Sinnett, Assistant Attorney General and Arthur Haugan, City Attorney) that the Agreement as approved had been brought before the Special Highway Committee at a special meeting and the Special Committee recommended, and Councilman White so moved, seconded by Reid, that the Agreement as approved be referred to the Mayor (and City Clerk) for his signature. The motion carried. Mr. Hardenburg of the Stoneway Dock Company, from the audience, requested that the matter he was interested in as concerned the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railwav tracks be held until Mr. Boyd, the attorney for the Northern Pacific Railway Company, who was expected to be present, arrived. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the designing engineer for the swimming pool has submitted the preliminary plans for the pool---that these plans comply with the City Council's instructions---that the completion of the final plans for the "call for bids" will be temporarily delay- ed pending approval by the State Denartment of Health, also for the reason that a final decision on the pool heating had not been reached. The City engineer stated that the heating of the pool had required a lot of research work by the Park Superintendent, Mr. Coulon and himself---that the designing engineer hes set a ceiling cost of x$3,000.00 for the heating units in order that the total estimate will not exceed $100,000.00; that to comply with the cost, the use of the pool will be restricted to the months of June, July and August; that he has calculated the heating costs, around the use of natural gas equipment (which in general will have the lowest initial cost), to serve the dual purpose of heating the shower water, also the pool water and that he is waiting for the manufactur- er's reply in order to make this determination; that he has estimated the cost to operate this heating equipment with natural gas to be $1.50 per hour and that in his opinion, this cost will compare favorably with any other type of fuel as well as with the lower initial cost. The City Engineer stated that he would in- struct the designing engineer to proceed accordingly unless the Council desired to reconsider the operation of the pool as designed. Moved by White, seconded by Tamborini., that the matter be referred to the Swimming Pool Committee for consideration. Carried. A request for installation of the sewer line to his apartment project on the west side of Shattuck Street between 6th and 7th Avenue was read from Charles F. Shane---that Mr. Shane proposes to furnish the materials and requests the City of Renton to furnish the necessary equipment and labor for same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from Cecil C. Arnold, Professional Engineer on the Williams Street Bridge, stating that the Contractor for the project, Rumsey & Co., has stated that the77- wish to supply Select Borrow (Bid Item No. 6) by removing gravel from the Cedar River adjacent to or at the Williams Street Bridge site, for filling back of the main piers to provide a uniform bank section; that if 264 cc consent is given by Commercial Waterway District #2 to the removal and use of subject material by Rumsey & Company, they will conform to the City's desires. A second communication was attached describing the status of the Borrow material, also stating that the construction contract provides that the contractor shall remove from the site and dispose of at his expense such excavated materials as are undesirable or not required for backfill. Mr. Arnold itemized-the material used on both the north and south sides of the bridge in cubic yards. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer for studjr and consideration, also a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a Petition, signed by all abutting property owners to vacate a certain street, and recom- mending that same be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration. The petition, headed by 0. R. Gronvold, and signed by all abutting property owners on South 127th Street between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South, in Latimers Lake Park Addition, to vacate the said 60 foot street right-of-way (approximately 200 feet long), and plat for same attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the petition be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher from Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer for professionlservices in connection with the 1954 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Improvement Porgram in-the amount of $3,120.00---stating that he finds the amount to be correct and in accord with the terms of the agreement between the City of Renton and Mr. Wolff, and recom- mends payment of same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from C. E. Crippen, General Manager of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company, stating that he had investigated the report relative to one of their trains blocking the street intersection at Renton on Tuesday morning, December 21, 1954---that the train crews have been advised of the seriousness of blocking the crossing and he is hopeful that there will be no further occurrences of this kind. The communication was ordered filed. A communication to Mayor Joe R. Baxter was read from Bernard M. Shanley, Special Counsel to the President of the United States, concerning the United States-Alaska airline service and the Pacific Northern Airlines, stating that this matter has not yet been submitted to the President by the C.P_.B., and that the Mayor's views have been noted. Similar letters were received from Senator Henry M. Jackson, in which he stated that a joint letter, signed by all members of the Washington Congressional delegation was being sent to the Board making clear that they feel retention of the present air service is extremely important to the future of both the Pacific Northwest and nlaska, also from Senator 'darren G. Magnuson, in which he stated that he was taking all protests so the cancellation of service in this case and the recommendations for continuation of such service to the attention of the C.A.B., and the President for consideration. The com- munications are to be placed on file. A request to install one additional pinball machine in his place of business - was read from Tom Rubattino, owner of Rubattino's Cafe, 808 Third Avenue, Renton, Wn. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to install one additional pinball machine in his place of business was read from Harry L. Day, Manager of the Triple XXX Barrel, 110 Sunset Blvd, W., Renton, Wn. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to operate a shuffleboard in their place of business the Eagle Tavern, 340 Burnett Street, was read from Stanley Skerbini and Mario Belmondo, partners. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read the report from the Seattle King County Denartment of Public Health. The report is to be furnished the Sanitation Committee for their information and then filed. 26 On request of Ma- yor Baxter, Mr. Hardenburg from the audience introduced Mr. Boyds the Northern Pacific Railroad Company's Attorney who stated that the railroad company would_ go along with the views of the City of Renton as much as possible, but that he had not been briefed on what had been planned along these lines. Mr. Hardenburg stated that the First National Bank representatives had inquired as to possible action in the removal of the Northern Pacific tracks from Burnett Street to enable them to use a parking area they had acquired on Burnett Street. Councilman White stated that he felt the question that had arisen at this time was the possibility of a combined construction of a freeway with the railroad tracks to eliminate the tracks on Burnett Street and possibly the re- moval of the tracks from Walla Walla Avenue and the combined use by both rail- road companies of the same tracks. Mr. Forgey, District Engineer for the State j` Highway Denartment, and the City Engineer both stated they knew nothing of the proposed plans. City Attorney Arthur Haugan stated that in his opinion the present picture was as follows: that the City of Renton had negotiated with the State Highway Department for a considerable time over the route of the "Limited Access Highway" through the City of Renton---that a motion was to be made here this evening that the Mayor sign an agreement as to a definite route as outlined in the Agreement---the route to run from Kennydale, near the present route of the Sunset Highway, across the Maple Valley Wye, the west edge of the Cedar River Housing Project parallel to Houser Way, (not far from the Administration Build- ing), across the river and the Renton Hill and to come out at Renton Junction; that the Agreement had been satisfactorily worked out by both the State Highway Department, and the City and was to be presented this evening for the Mayor's signature---that the route was definitely agreed upon---that there were other matters, as ingress and egress to the freeway that had been reserved for future determination---that this agreement was the result of many months of negotiations, that he felt tonight's suggestion was for the Northern Pacific Railway Company to vacate Burnett Street and run their cars over the Great Northern tracks and possibly over another route south of Renton, rather than over the present tracks on Walla Balla Avenue, that this would leave the area that the Northern Pacific tracks the Great Northern tracks on Walla Walla Avenue are located or, as well as abutting properties more accessible for business. Mavor Baxter stated that he felt this problem could be referred to both the Railroad Companv Attorneys and the State Highway Department Attorneys for their consideration and to work out a solution and answer. Mr. Boyd stated that he had found in the past that any change or relocation of plans for highways, routes, etc., required a great ,,.. deal of consideration of the City Councils. Councilman White stated that in his opinion, that the Council would give serious consideration to any suggestions. Mayor Baxter stated that Mr. Hardenburg had been working hard on this problem in the hope of alleviating a traffic problem within the City of Renton---that the matter had been brought up 2 or 3 years previously, but that no action had been taken at that time. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND HEPPENSTALL. Sam Zerwoodis from the audience requested Council consideration of delaying the signing of the Pgreement with the State Highway Department for the Limited Access Highwa-r route as planned. Mayor Baxter informed Mr. 7erwoodis and others in the audience that it would not be possible to delay the signing of the Agree- ment as this had been approved by the Council, and that it would be necessar-r to have this signed to take advantage of Legislation before the Legislative session convening at Olympia at this time. The Clerk read a report from the Light & Power Committee or a meeting held Thursday, January 20th in regard to the installation of Mercury Vapor street lighting as approved under the 1954 General Obligation Bond Ordinance---that the most economical and satisfactory procedure would be to invite bids for the installation of the 42 ornamental pole lights complete in nla.ce, under specifi- cations prepared by the City Engineer---the light poles to be Pacific Car & Foundry Company hot dip galvanized steel poles or equal and so recommend that the light brackets be purchased direct from the Pacific Car & Foundr77- Company as the-r anticipate a saving from the procedure; that the 172 wood pole mounted lights are to be installed by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company on their poles---that there would be no cost for this labor unless the installation of additional poles or suspension units are required for a better light pattern; that the luminaries and ballasts are to be obtained under a bid proposal. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. 266 Councilman White reported that there were two bills of interest to the City of Renton before the present State Legislative Session at this time. The first, illumination of freeways in cities and the second, off-street park- ing---that there are two separate bills, one for 2nd class cities and another for 3rd and Lith class cities. i Councilman White further reported that a proposed Resolution had been re- ceived from the Legislative Committee of the Washington State Association of Hospital Districts stating that their Committee is opposed to a proposal asking the 1955 Legislature to authorize a deduction by the several counties of 1% per annum from funds of all municipal corporations and districts within the county as a service charge for handling such funds. Councilman White stated that the Legislative Committee of the City Council recommended that the City of Renton go on record as opposing any such proposal. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppen- stall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Legislative Committee and that the State Representatives be advised of the Council's action. Carried. Councilman White reported that he had one more item from the State Highway Department for Council consideration---that the State Highway Department had prepared a proposed Resolution #882 establishing limited access on a portion (1500') of Secondary State Highway No. 2-A, described as "between a junction with P.S.H." in the vicinity of Renton and a junction with P.S.H.2 in the vicinity of Bothel (actually from Renton to Kennydale) the plan showing access, as approved by the Director of Highways on January 19, 1951, a print of which was attached and made a part of this Resolution. Councilman White reported that the Legislative Committee recommended that the Council approve same (Resolution #882) and the Mayor be authorized to sign. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Legis- lative Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid informed the Council that at the Valley Cities meeting in Orting on January 26th that the Association recommended that 2nd Class Cities be included in the legislation permitting off-street parking, previously sub- mitted at this session of the Legislature for 3rd and 4th Class. Floyd Shaff, the City Clerk, stated that he had called Floyd Jennings of the Association of Washington Cities in regard to this matter and that he stated that one bill had been presented to include all but lst Class Cities. Councilman Vietzke reported that the swimming pool project plans were pro- gressing very well and that they would proceed with this project as soon as the method of heating was determined. Councilman Tamborini reported that the Sanitation Committee had met with the City engineer and that thev recommended that the request of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Vanderford, who are building a new home at 315 Powell Street, just adjacent to the City Limits in the Earlington Addition, for permission to connect on to the Renton sewer line be approved, providing the proper fee is paid, the fee = being the same as all other Earlington residents paid at the time the sewers were installed per square foot as recommended by the City Engineer. Mayor Baxter stated that the policy of the Council had always been to not allow sewers outside city limits, that in his opinion this would be setting a precedent and that the legality of providing for sewer lines outside of our corporate limits was in question. After further discussion, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for further consideration of this request as to legality and a report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Swift reported for Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, that at last Tuesday's, January 25th Executive meeting of the Council as a Whole, that after discussion, the Committee recommended that owing to a disagreement as to Plate #7 of the President Park Addition, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for a statement as to the terms Plate #7 was accepted PAU by the Planning Commission. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the LAN Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, and that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. In regard to the proposed 60 foot right-of-way be conveyed to the City along N. Street, the City Clerk read an excerpt from the Council minutes of July 21, 1953 as follows: "On Mayor Baxter's request, Councilman Farmer reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommend that a permit be granted to Albert Balch to construct a water line along N Street, in addition to, but not in lieu of the I 267 existing prior agreement for the proposed line on 132nd Southeast, previously authorized; that, the line be installed only on condition that a 60 foot right- of-way be conveyed to the City along N Street as and when the properties abut- ting thereon are platted; and on further condition that the water lines with all necessary fittings and appurtenances, including any necessary 10 foot wide easements, to allow egress and ingress be conveyed to the City, providing that the specifications and construction of same meet the requirements and have the approval and acceptance of the City rrgineer. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Fater Com- mittee. Carried". Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the previous motion be amended to include the referral back to the Planning Commission of the excerpt from the minutes as read. Carried. Councilman Swift reported a. second item for Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, that the Committee had discussed the matter of a fee for building contractors within the City who utilize City (public) sidewalks and streets, where the sidewalk facilities are restricted for a corsiderable time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the mutter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift renorted for Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, that an appraisal of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis' property in Block 6, Farlington Addition, has been completed by Mr. Tom Dobson, for the City of Renton, and Mr. Amos Huseland, for Mr. Davis, and that their appraisal of the south 20 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 shows the amount of $400-00 to represent the market value of said property. The Assistant City Attorney stated that this was a. .joint appraisal, agreed on by both parties, the amount to be paid by the City of Penton, if the property is to be acquired by the City; that both ap- praisers felt tris was a fair price for this property and that Mr. Huseland had recently informed him that he was endeavoring to have Mr. Davis agree to the sale at the appraised price. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Assistant City Attorney be authorized to accent the appraisal and to make such an offer to Mr. Davis and endeavor to negotiate this sale. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported for the Street &. Alley Committee that in regard to the extension of the storm sewer from M Street to connect to the main line on H Street, that the Budget Controller had requested Council consideration that the expense for the material and equipment rental for the installation of same be taken from Cumulative Fund ;1182; that the cost of labor for same be taken from Cumulative Fund Y1184. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported for the Street ?c Alley Committee that in regards to the complaints received (also a petition) in regard to the Lake Shore Lines Pusses using Pelly Street and causing considerable damage to the street as well as damage and disturbance to the adjacent homes each time the busses go over this street, that the Committee had met with Representative of the Lake Shore Lines and. discussed this matter and that the Bus Company requested Council con- sideration that the busses not be rerouted to Park Avenue until after the lst of March when the City Engineering Pepartment hopes to be able to commence the project of the widering of Park Street---that as soon as this has been accomplished that the busses will again be routed over Park Street. Councilman Swift further reported that notices hrd been posted for the bus drivers to not exceed the 25 m.p.h., speed limit on this street; that the Committee recommended that the City Clerk's Office forward a mimeographed letter to each of the petitioners requesting their indulgence in this matter until Park Street is widened and the busses again are routed over this street. Moved by White, seconded by Tamborini, that the Courcil accept the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that, the Street & Alley Committee and Police De- Da.rtment Representative had investigated the request that the narking restriction on Cedar Street be changed from the east (high) side and that the Committee had found this change not feasible and recommended and so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by White that the City does not make this change. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported for the Street &. Alley Committee in regard to the proposed increase in the cost of house moving permits which had been re- ferred back to the Street & Alle-, Committee, that the Committee recommended that as the only replies received to the inquiries from the house movers did. not state that the-, objected to the raise in fees if this increase did rot apply to the 268 cc ice= M houses already contracted to be moved, but only on subsequent houses to be moved, including the next block of sales, that the fees previously specified by the Street & Alley Committee be established as the house moving fees on all subsequent houses to be moved. NEW PERMIT RATES: $10.00 per unit, under 1000 square feet, ;15.00 per single story unit, over 1000 sq. ft., $25.00 per unit over 3010" wide, or more than one story in height. It was reported that the last of the project houses to be released at this time would. be off-site by February 8th and probably removed to destination, either within or outside the Renton City Limits shortly after that time. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the request for a "stop and go" traffic signal light on the Dunlap Canyon Road where the children were required to cross, that the Committee recommended that this being a State Highway-, this matter be referred to the State Highwav Derartment for concurrence or their recommendation, and that the Committee further recommended that Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Oliver Hazen and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Shaw be notified that in the opinion of the Street & Alley Committee the school should correct the situation for the immediate future by providing a station wagon service across this highway (or special transnortation) for these students; that -the Committee feels this to be a School District problem. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported in regard to motorists parking on the curb on Grady Way and creating a traffic hazard that parking be restricted on the west side of Main Street beginning at the south curb line of. 5th Avenue South and extending in a southerly direction for approximately 200 feet. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported, in regard to the request of Mr. Arnold to use gravel from Cedar River, that as the Cedar River was under .jurisdiction of Commercial Waterway District ##2, that they should contact the Commercial Water- way District ##2 Board for permission to use this gravel either for a fee or for free. Mayor Baxter reported that the Commercial Waterway District Board would meet on Monday, February 7th and that they would try and have an answer by Tuesday evening. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Rumsey. Company contact the Commercial Waterway District Board for this information. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that he had been contacted again as to the va- cation of a certain alleyway between Walla Walla -Avenue, nth Avenue, Main Street & Wells Street; that it has not been determined just how many deeds of dedication for abutting property are available and asked what action the Council would take. Councilman Swift reported that a building encroached approximately 2 feet over this alleyway at one spot and that if this building was ever removed, and a new building erected, it would be necessary that the building be erected far enough back from the alley to clear the alleyway. Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, stated that he had endeavored to locate the deeds of dedication for this property but that they were not all available and that the ownership of some of the property had changed---that in his opinion it would. be necessary to begin this Project again and obtain all deeds of dedication of abutting property to enable them to improve this alleyway. The Assistant City Attorney suggested that any deed given for the purpose of establishing an alley, where the City had accepted same, would still be in effect---that in cases where deeds were given conditionally (i.e., only with the idea that an alley be improved) and if not accepted, the City would have to start again to obtain quit claim deeds for this property---that if and when all deeds of dedication are received by the City, the City will make an official acceptance of the dedication of the alley. Moved by Delaurenti, second- ed by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Street Commissioner and As- sistant City Attorney for study and a report back. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported for the information of the Council, that the Finance Committee had approved the bill of Alia ;,It Libri, except for the item of extra work in the amount of $477.00 (which was included in his bid), and recom- mended payment for same; also, in regard to Mr. Libri's request fcr extension of time to complete the project, that all installations had been completed and he was .just cleaning up the different surface areas and that the Finance Com- mittee recommended Mr. Libri.'s request for an extension of time be granted. 269 Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee, that Mr. Librils statement, except for the 1477.00 item of extra work, be paid and that he be granted an extersion of time as requested. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that in his opinion, and so recommended and moved, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council contact the Washington State Legislators again to let our Washington, D.C., Congressmen know that the City of Renton is vitally interested in the matter of acquiring "In Lieu of Taxes" from the Federal Government for the Boeing Airplane Company Building and the new Foundry at the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, and that the Legislative Com- mittee write a letter to be forwarded to the Legislators regarding same. Carried. The Street Commissioner reported that his crews had been extremely busy with installations of sewer lines, etc., authorized by the Council, but that starting Wednesday morning, February 2nd, the street crews would begin the repair of the Renton streets. Councilman Vietzke reported that he had received many inquiries in regard to one-way streets in the City of Renton and that the City Engineer had received a phone report back from the State Highway Department of verbal approval of the feasibility study from the District TrafficF_.ngineer, but that official approval had not been received. On his request for information, Councilman Vietzke was advised that he should inform the parties who had inquired as to a traffic light at the inter- section of 8th Avenue North and Park Street, that if their requested Council action they should make a formal request to the City Council for same. Carried. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee Thursday, February 3rd at 8:00 P.M., to discuss the request of the Consulting Engineer, Cecil C. Arnold, on the Williams Street Bridge regarding the use of gravel from Cedar River for filling back of the main piers, and that he also re- quested that the Assistant Cit - Attorney, the Street Commissioner and Mr. Arnold be present at this meeting. Councilman Swift further reported that complaints had been received that the school busses returning to the garage use Meadow Street and that this being an unpaved street creates a disturbance, and that the Street & Alley Committee recommended, and he so moved, seconded by Delaurenti, that with the concurrence of the Council, that the Clerk's Office be requested to write a letter to Mr. Towne, the Transportation Manager of the Renton School District and request that the school busses be routed over Factory Street, which is paved. Carried. - The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Com- mittee were presented: WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE 415-418 7,908.75 PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS - 3365-3656 $45,768.23 CURRENT 1996-1997 26,431.67 WATER 9053-9054 5,113.38 LIBRARY 2787-2788 1,319.90 PARK 1890-1891 2,184.96 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2539-2540 2,219.06 AIRPORT 1818-1819 1,354.36 STREET 6622-6623 5,121.52 CUM. FUND #1182 - 58 6,500.00 CUM. FUND #1183 - 400 350.00 CUM. FUND #1184 - 479 15,940.90 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 151-152 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 549 50.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 311-312 1,995.21 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 --- none CLAIMS FUND 1031-1039 3,5 0 SWIMMING POOL FUND Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 28 persons present besides City of Renton employees). Cit C erk Mayor 270 cc Renton, Washington February 8, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, WHITE, DELAURENTI AND HFPPENSTALL. (Councilmen Morris and Bruce are on Leave of Absence). k OFFICIALS & DEPARTMFNT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothy Gossett, Citv Treasurer; James Highton, City Engi- neer; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the Council meeting of February lst be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Hugh Klopfenstein and Mr. John Leslie of Klopfenstein's, Seattle, Washington, requesting Council's approval of a variance permit allowing them a fifteen-foot front -yard set back instead of a twenty- foot setback to comply with F.H.A., requirements of an eighteen-foot back yard for their proposed twelve housing units which it is their intention to build on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Renton Farm Plat #2, Block 10. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that this request be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Plan- ning Commission stating that the Renton Planning Commission recommended that the revised Plat of the Renton Highlands be approved subject to the survey of the present utilities by the Department of Engineering, and to the arrangement of accepting said utilities which they find most feasible to the interests of the ICitv of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for study and report back. Carried. j A communication was read from Paul A. Romstad requesting a deviation to Ordinance #1172, Section 7, to allow him to convert his garage into a. recreation room. Mr. Romstad further stated that the area will not be used for living quarters, only for recreational purposes. Councilman Richardson stated that he had talked with Mr. Romstad and was familiar with his request---that he person- ally could see no objection to the request---that he had contacted Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer who had informed him that the variance could not be issued without Council approval, and so moved, seconded by Heppenstall, that Mr. Romstad be granted a variance for this purpose. Carried. A communication was read from City Engineer submitting a Petition signed by the owners of all of the lots abutting the Alley in Block 22, Renton High- lands Addition requesting permission to close the alley for certain use by the owners and stating that it is not the intent of the petition for vacancy by the City of Renton. The petition, which was attached (signed by 27 abutting property owners), requests permission for the respective owners to use one-half of the alley each, bonded by lot lines, to the center of the alley, for the construction of fences or structures of a temporary nature, or other improvements such as lawns, etc., and with the understanding that the City reserves the perpetual right to enter said allev as located to construct, operate and maintain any utility (such as sewers, water, etc.), as may be necessary in the best interests of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the Street & Alle,r Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Cit7r Engineer submitting a petition to create a Local Improvement District for the construction of a system of water mains in the area west of Rainier Avenue, that was annexed to the City of Renton in 1953---that the area described in the petition comprises the full 75 acres that was annexed, but that in his opinion it is not feasible at this time to plan the water system for the entire area petitioned and that he has calculated 271 the petition, based on a, reduced area, as follows: percent signed by area, 62%; percent signed by frontage, 535; estimated cost of Improvement, x;58,000.00; assessed valuation $22,000.00 The City Engineer requests the City Attorney determine the correct procedure, inasmuch as the size of the district was reduced from the original petition and as the estimated cost exceeds the assessed valuation. The petition requesting formation of a Local Improvement District for the purpose of constructing a system of water mains to supply the entire annexed area, signed by 54 property owners within the area, was attached. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the com- munication and petition be referred to the City Attorney for his interpretation and determination as to the correct procedure to follow. Carried. r.. A communication was read from the City Engineer. submitting Estimate #4 for work performed to January 20, 1955 by Rumsey and Company, Contractor, Williams Street Bridge. The estimate in the amount of $362164.29 was approved for pay- ment by the City Engineer. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this estimate be referred to Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from The Wigwam Department Store, 350 Sunset Blvd., signed by H. G. Powell, Partner, requesting exemption from the ?1.00 per month charge for garbage collection---Mr. Powell submitted the following affi- davit (which he states was on the advice of Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney) 'that they do not have any garbage or refuse and do rot own a garbage can---that they have no reason to ask a garbage collector to stop at their location and request exemption from the X1.00 fee. ' Councilman Richardson stated under Ordi- nane No. 1416 this garbage collection system was mandatory, that recently the Council had gone on record as authorizing the City to charge every property owner the fee established in the Ordinance covering same, as this service was available and was for the benefit of the public, that in his opinion every per- son in the City should pay for their garbage collection and that all persons objecting to the payment of this fee be so notified of the Council's action. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that there are sufficient test cases to hold that if a service is available and if the City is willing and able to furnish this service, the party is liable for the fee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that The Wigwam Department Store be notified of the Council's action. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Richardson, Chairman of Ordinance Com- mittee, more time on proposed Ordinances before his Committee. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee reported in re- gard to the request of Yr. ,& Mrs. R. S. Vanderford for permission to connect on to the Renton Sewer line---that the Committee recommended that their property being located outside the Renton City Limits, the City not grant permission to connect on to the sewer line. After discussion, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the problem be referred back to the Sanitation Committee. Councilman White stated that it would be in order to notify Mr. and Mrs. Vander- ford of Council's action and that the matter is still in abeyance. The motion lost. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Vanderford's not be allow- ed to connect on the sewer line at this time. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, Aye; White, No; Vietzke, No; Tamborini, Aye; Hansen, No; Swift, A-re; Delaurenti, No and Heppenstall, No,--- there being 4 "AYE'S", 6 "NO'S", the motion lost. Moved b-,r Swift, seconded by White, this problem be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole to establish a policy for the future to handle such problems and that the Vander- ford's be notified that no Council action had been taken and that the matter had been referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that, the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer had met regarding Mr. Shane' s request for installation of a sewer line to his apartment project, whereby he proposed to pay for the materials and requested that the City furnish the necessary equipment and labor---that it is their recommendation that Mr. Shane, be required to pay for the materials, also furnish the equipment and labor for the installation of the sewer line. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that approval had. been granted previously for the Street nepartment to rent a truck shovel---that the Street Department has considerable use and is in need of their own shovel, and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the City purchase a truck shovel, and that the City 'Engineer be authorized to draft the necessary srecifica.tions for a call for bids for same. Carried. 272 c Mayor Baxter reported that heh d attended a meeting in Olympia with the State Highway Department Representatives in regard to Roads and Bridges, and the State Highway Department taking away the Cities' right of determining the location of State roads and bridges within the Cities; that there were approxi- mately 13 other May rs present at the meeting, as well as Mr. Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities. Mavvor Baxter stated that the Representatives of the various Cities were veru anxious to obtain favorable legislation to avoid the State's taking away the Cities' rights of home rule. Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, introduced Mr. Ernest R. P affle, (720 0 St.), from the audience, who reported a serious water drainage condition caused by an overflow of a spring, adjacent to his property, whenever there '__s heave rain fall. Mr. Raffle stated that F.H.A., investigators had advised him to build up his property in that direction to avoid drainage to his property, that Mr. Balch's engineers were unable to give them any satisfactor7r assistance and in endeavoring to correct the situation had lowered a catch-basin drain which seemed to temporarily take care of the overflow but had resulted in water stand- ing in their front ,yards; that the City Engineering Department had drained their basement by the use of a pump---the water being drained to adjacent vacant proper- ty. On being asked for information regarding same, the Assistant City Attorne-r, Gerard Shellan, stated that if this problem does not affect City Streets, it would be considered a private dispute between the owner (Mr. Raffle) and the seller (Mr. Balch). Mr. Robert Bluher (716 0 St.), also from the audience, verified Mr. Raffle's statement and stated that this problem affected his proper- ty also. The City x?ngineer stated that the spring generates in the area of President Park #10, that Mr. Balch gave instructions to direct water into the storm sewer system without the City's approval---that the present storm sewer is not adequate to handle this additional surplus water. Dave Puglz, Street Com- missioner, explained the drainage set-up in this area and stated that when this additional water was diverted, the storm sewers were not adequate to handle the excessive amount of drain--r:ge water---that in his opinion, as soon as new -Plat plans are submitted for additional housing developments, that this problem will automatically be taken care of. Moved by White, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to City Engineer and Street Commissioner for irriestigation and a report back. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that in his opinion, that Mr. Albert Balch should be notified that any damage result- ing from waters diverted by his Engineers or workers to the City' s storm sewer, which is inadequate to take this excessive amount of overflow waters, would be the responsibility of himself (Mr. Albert Balch) and not the Cit v of Renton, that he should "hold the City of Renton harmless", that the Cite of Renton sho.),ld not allow any diversion of water to create a problem a.nd./or claims against the City of Penton. The motion then carried. A communication was read from the Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon (for the Renton Park Board) to Councilman Hugh Bruce, Chairman of the Property Com- mittee, relative to two portions of the proposed Plat of the Renton Highlands being set aside for parkways---the approximate locations being (1) "beginning at the Highlands North Community Building, or 14th Avenue North, and extending through Block 50 and ending at the intersection of H Street and 10th Avenue North;" (2) "beginning at 8th Avenue North and terminating at 5th Avenue North". The Park Superintendent further stated that the widths of these parkways vary from approximately ten feet to two hundred feet and that their entire length separate only one back-yard from the other; that, in their opinion, these areas serve no practical purpose from a park and recreational standpoint, as the cost of developing and maintaining them will be considerable. Mr. Coulon further stated that the Park Board feels that a compact eight or ten acre area would serve the community to a greater advantage. After discussion, moved by 'Rimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for study and a report back. Carried. Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting of the Swimming Pool Committee with the City Engineer, immediately after the Council meeting this evening. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Thursday evening, February 10, 1955 at 8;00 P.M., with the Street Commissioner and City Engineer. Councilman Swift reported that the City Engineer had received a report from Mr. Cysewski, District Traffic Engineer of the State Department of Highways, giving the final report on the traffic count made recently and recalling that in an earlier discussion with the City Engineer, the,.- had stated the7r felt that 2Y3 the State Highway Commission would authorize such a designation to one-way operation at the State Highway Departmentts recommendation, provided the City Council passed a resolution to that effect and incorporated a stipulation that, through the instrument of such designation and its approval by the Department, the Department of Highways assumes no additional obligation through maintenance of streets other than those now defined as a portion of the State Highway System--- that their believe one-way streets would relieve traffic problems and allow a better progressive control of signals, and eliminate possible traffic accidents ---that at the time such resolution is passed, it is their intention to recommend such acceptance by the State Highway Commission providing the stipulations here- tofore mentioned are included in the resolution. Mr. Cysewski further stated that in making the capacity study, corrections have to be made for the signal- ization, effective parking, present width, etc. Mr. Cysewski itemized the total number of vehicles per hour (on green light) at signalized sections. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the report be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for study, consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. The fourth Tuesday being a holiday, there will be a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole on Monday, February 21st at 8:00 P.M. Moved by `i'amborini, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 9 persons present be- sides City of Renton employees). C' y Clerk Mattr 274 cc Renton, Washington (� February 15, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Morris is on Leave of Absence and Council- man White was reported ill, and was excused. Mayor Baxter reported that Council- man Delaurenti would arrive late). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of February 8, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a petition for a change in zone classification from Residential (R-S) Use to Business (B-1) Use, for a tract of property in Smither's 4th Addition. The City Engineer stated that the petition was signed by the owners of the property (Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Smith, 400 Whitworth Street) also by 61% of the owners of the property living within 200 feet of the tract. (The area to be rezoned is the north 40 feet of lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, Smither's 4th Addition to the City of Renton. The petition con- tained the signatures of 14 property owners whose property lies within 200 feet of the tract described who consent to the changing of the classification to Business Use District as requested). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their investigation and a report back. Carried. A request was read from Lonnie Blythe to install an additional pinball machine in his place of business known as the Victory Tavern at 3rd & Rainier, also from J. P. Jensen, to install a pinball machine in his place of business known as Jim Jensen's Mess Hall at 1628 Maple Way and from W. R. Olson, to install an additional pinball machine in his place of business known as the 0 & S Tavern, 220 Rainier Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the requests be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read the statement of operating expense charges for 1954 and advance for 1955 from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, dated February 11, 1955• The statement showed charges for 1954 expenses, the pro-rata charge, plus the charge for new members for 1954 as $1152.65, less amount ad- vanced in 1954 - $1117.14, or amount short for 1954 of $35.51; also, an advance for 1955 expenses, pro-rata charge, plus the charge for new members, 41238.90, plus the amount short for 1954 of $35.51, or a total amount due of $1274.41. A letter of explanation of the "Operating Expense", also a summary of operating expense charges for 1954 was attached. The Clerk stated that this expense was included in the 1955 Budget. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk reported that he had received replies from Washington State Congressmen, i.e., Representatives Thomas M. Pelly, Hal Holmes and Thor C. Tollefson to letters sent to them in regard to and requesting their support of the passage of legislation which would provide for payment of "in lieu of taxes by the federal government" on properties now owned by it and occupied by the Boeing Airplane Company and the Pacific Car & Foundry Company. On request of the Mayor and Council, the City Clerk read the communication from Representative Thor C. Tollefson of Washington State, and of the Congress of the United States, stating that he had previously introduced legislation which would authorize the government to make such payments, and that he would press for the enactment of such legislation in this Congress. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the communications be filed for future reference. Carried. A communication was read from Arthur H. Towne, Adm. Assistant for the Renton School District No. 403 acknowledging the City Clerk's letter of February 3rd in regard to the protests received by the Council of school buses traveling on Meadow Street, and stating that such rescheduling would involve running all buses serving the Sartori School an additional two blocks and would require a left turn at an almost blind corner at Factory Street and 4th Avenue North and that because of these reasons they have avoided a routing on Factory Street; 2 ± 5 that to travel Factory Street, the buses would be required to go an additional block east on 3rd Avenue North, a very little better in general construction than Meadow Street---they request an opportunity to present and discuss their side of the problem with the Council Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that Street & Alley Committee would have a meeting on Thursday evening and that this matter would be discussed with the School Fepresentatives. The Clerk' s Office will so notify the School Representatives. A communication was read from Oliver M. Hazen, Supt. of Schools, acknowledg- ing the City Clerk' s letter of Februa.r,- 7th concerning the crossing of the Dunlap Canyon Highway at Earlington stating that their had received advice from the County Prosecuting Attorney, that in his opinion the legal responsibility was a traffic problem and was the responsibility of the City of Renton Police Depart- ment, but that in case the City refused to take care of this matter, he had ad- vised the school district to make arrangements to transport the students involved; that he had been notified by his assistant that the Police Department would not handle this problem, and that since this time, the Board of Directors authorized the School District No. 403 to provide transportation to these students who have to cross this intersection. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting the "Call for Bids" and specification for a used truck-mounted shovel-crane, as authorized by the City Council on Februar-:r 8th, 1955. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this information be referred to the Street & Alley Committee to check the specifications and report back their recommendation. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the rezoning petition, to re- zone certain property described by the City Engineer as "a strip of property a,nproximately 630 feet wide and extending from M. Street, east to 132nd Avenue Southeast, on Southeast 128th Street (the Cemetery Road) , from Suburban Use (S-1) District to Business Use (B-1) District and there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid., that the Council approve the rezoning request and that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee and Assistant City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. r� The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1508 relating to, regulating and requiring permits of House movers, as presented by Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, requiring any person, firm or corporation engaging in moving, transporting, removing or hauling of housing structures of any type or description, over, across, etc., any public street, alley, etc., to obtain. a "House Moving Permit". The fee for same being, $10.00 per unit if under 1,000 square feet; $15.00 per single story unit over 1,000 square feet and $25.00 per unit over 30 feet or more than one story in height. The appli- cation for said Dermit will be obtained from the City Clerk, at least three days prior to such moving and will contain complete information outlined in the Ordinance and will be submitted to the Chief of rolice for his approval. The applicant for such permit will submit to the City Clerk evidence of adequate liability and property damage insurance coverage or such other security as the City Clerk may require, to protect the City of Renton. The House Pover will provide his own escort service. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommen- dation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance #1508 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Trimm, Ave; Reid, Ave; Richardson, Ave; Vietzke, Ave; Tamborini, Ave; Hansen, Ave; Swift, A-re; Heppenstall, Aire and. Bruce, Aare. All Councilmen present voting "Ave", the notion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a. proposed Ordinance as recommended by the Health Officer and Chief of Police. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1509, relating to animals capable of transmitting rabies, providing for quarantining, impounding, vaccination and destruction thereof, and defining offenses and prescribing penalties therefor, that whenever the Health Officer of the Citv of Renton suspects that any animal capable of transmitting rabies is infected with such disease, he shall 276 c prescribe a period of quarantine, and shall notifTr the owner or custodian of said animal in writing, that at the Health Officer's discretion, such animal shall be either quarantined in the City Pound or upon the premises of the owner or a licensed veterinarian where quarantine conditions are strictly kept, except (under Sec. 4) any such animal bitten by one found to be rabid on clinical or laboratory diagnosis by the Health Officer shall be given the Pasteur or similar treatment or be humanely destroyed, at the option of the owner or keeper, whether or not such animal shall have been vaccinated by the single treatment of anti-rabies vaccine---if such animal has been given the Pasteur treatment it shall be quarantined for a 90 day period. Also, whenever the Public Health Officer shall determine that rabies is a serious hazard to the public health in the City of Renton, he shall cause due notice of such hazard to be published in the City's official newspaper for two successive weeks---and may declare and establish a quarantine period of 30 days after such last publication with certain restrictions as to animals capable of transmitting rabies and/or any such animal found running at large during such quarantine period---that the Health Officer may extend any such quarantine period when deemed necessary by giving one additional notice in the official City newspaper. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tri.mm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1509 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, A-i-e; Tamborini, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Ave; Heppenstall, Aye and Bruce, Aye. All Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMMM, R.EID, RICHAR.DSON, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPET?STALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, reminded the Council of the Committee meeting of the Council as a �4hole on Monday evening,. February 21, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the "Call for Bids" and specifications for the 'used truck-mounted shovel-crane' as submitted by the City Engineer, that the Committee approved the specifications and recommended that the City Clerk have published the "Call for Bids" and that the dates of publication be set as February 24th and March 3, 1955 and the date of opening of bids be set as March 8, 1955• Proved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported for the Legislative Committee that Senate Bill #104, covering reapportionment of the 'liquor tax', whereby liquor taxes are based on 10% of the retail sales tax---that the new bill gave 31%) of the original 10% to the general government, giving the Cities 40,149of the balance of 7%, in addition to the portion thew now receive. That Senate Bill };104 had come out of the "Cities and Towns" Committee with a "do pass". In regard to Senate Bill ;r76, Off-Street Parking for Cities other than lst Class, that this bill had come out of the "Cities & Towns" Committee with a "do pass". That Councilman Heppenstall and Assistant City Attorne,r, Gerard Shellar, had met Councilman Morris who had made prior arrangements for all three to attend the Cities Fc Towns Committee meeting where this bill was being considered and that the Assistant City Attorney had been able to speak in behalf of the City of R enton's needs and that he felt that Mr. Shellan had accomplished a great deal in getting the bill out of committee with a "do pass". Also, that in regard to House Bill #443, increasing the salaries of the Mayors and Councilmen, that this bill had come out of the "Cities & Towns Committee" with a "do pass" recommendation, and is now in the "House Rules Committee% Councilman Bruce reported that he had read a letter which was addressed to the City Attorney's Office in regard to "Mothers Park" which he felt should be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Thole for study at their executive meeting on Monday evening, February 21, 1955. Mayor Baxter ordered the com- munication referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. 277 Councilman Reid reported the dangerous condition of the light standards around the business district of the City stating that some of the electrical connections were visible and that curious children or persons might reach in- side the bases of these standards and get burned or hurt. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that under Ordinance 7#194, an ordinance authoriz- ing among other things, certain street improvements, that as these standards were of no use to the City and would have to be removed and replaced by new ones that on the suggestion of the City Engineer the project of the removal of these standards could be included in the call for bids for the street improve- ment program. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Citv Engineer be instructed to include the project of removal of these light standards which are a dangerous hazard, in the ' Call for Bids' for the street i�aprovement program. r•• Carried. On the suggestion of Councilman Reid, Mayor Baxter requested the Street Com- missioner to contact a representative from the Puget Sound Power 2x, Light Company to see if some sort of covers could be made and fastened to the opening3on the light standards to take care of this dangerous condition as soon as possible. Councilman Bruce thanked the Mayor, Councilmen and Department Heads for the flowers and many kindnesses he received while ill in the hospital. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. (There were 10 persons present besides City of Renton employees) . C)AV Clerk "' Ma,;or 278 cc Renton, Washington March 1, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Council- man Thomas Trimm, President of the Council and Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Baxter, Councilmen Reid, Delaurenti and Heppenstall and the City Clerk, Floyd Shaff were excused as they were attending a Special Hearing at Olympia in regard to apportionment of the States Liquor Taxes. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, HANSEN, SWIFT AND, BRUCE. (Councilman Tamborini was reported ill and was excused and Councilman Morris is on Leave of Absence). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Elton Alexander, Budget Controller and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, be appointed temporary Clerk for this evening, due to Mr. Shaff, the City Clerk's absence. Carried. A communication was read from Howard A. Hanson, Chairman of the Special Com- mittee of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, representing Local Interests for the Eagle Gorge Dam Project, stating that arrangements were being considered for a local delegation to present before the House and Senate Congressional Committees arguments in support of appropriation of federal funds this year to start con- struction of the project---that the Bureau of the Budget has recommended to Congress that the project be started with an initial appropriation of $1,000,000. Mr. Hanson stated that he would like to ascertain for the Special Committee, if the City Council would arrange at the City's expense for a representative to attend these hearings, which will probably be held early in April. The Committee re- quests the name and address of the delegate, if this is arranged. Mayor Pro Tem, Thomas Trimm, introduced Mr. Frank Brightman, a representative from the Renton Chamber of Commerce who spoke in behalf of the Eagle Gorge Dam and showed a sketch of the complete project, which is planned through the White River Valley Drainage District to overcome flood conditions in the valley. Mr. Brightman stated that he and Fred Nelson of Renton, who previously had been Secretary of the Board, had been members of the Flood Control Committee for the past 10 years---that the project had been approved by the Army Engineers and appropriation had been recommended in the general budget to carry out the plans ---that it would. require approximately twenty million dollars to complete the project---that the State has provided previously for two million dollars if the Government would make a direct appropriation to begin the work---that it would mean a great deal if the House & Senate approved the appropriation this ,year. Mr. Brightman stated that it would be to the City's advantage for the Cities of Tacoma, Auburn, Kent and Renton to show the Washington Congressional Committees that they are in favor and are vitally interested in seeing this project carried out, and also have a delegation attend as a Committee. After a discussion as to State Law prohibiting City Representatives from traveling beyond the State lines at the City's expense, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration of drafting a Resolution in support of same, and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Mayor Pro Tem Trimm thanked Mr. Brightman in behalf of the Mayor and Council for attending this evening's Council meeting and for speaking in behalf of the Eagle Gorge Dam Project and for his fine explanation of same. A communication was read from Cecil C. Arnold, Professional Engineer on the Williams Street Bridge, stating that the Bridge is near completion---the largest uncompleted item of work being the painting of the steel portions of the structure, that in order to close the contract with Rumsey & Company (instead of keeping contract open, until favorable weather would permit painting the steel structures) and with the concurrence of Cecil C. Arnold, Rumsey & Company have arranged for the painting to be accomplished by H. P. Fisher & Sons, outside the present contract, at no additional cost to the City of Renton and under conditions identi- cal to those presently binding Rumsey & Company. Mr. Arnold recommended that the following action be taken: (1) Painting of structural steel be deleted from the present contract with Rumsey & Companv, and a credit of $1250.00 therefore taken by City of Renton, (2) That contract for painting the structural steel be awarded H. P. Fisher & Sons in the amount of $1250.00. 279 A communication was read from Rumsey & Company signed by Jack D. Wells, Engineer, (including a consent to the request signed by D. E. Rogers, Attorney-in-Fact, for United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co.) Surety for the above contractor) re- ferring to their contract for the construction of the Williams Street Bridge stating they are enclosing a letter from their painting sub-contractor, H. P. Fisher & Sons wherein they agree to enter into a contract to paint the Williams a Street Bridge in accordance with the plans and specification prepared by Mr. C. C. s Arnold for the City of Renton, at a cost of $1250.00 which is to be deducted from Rumsey's final contract payment. Rumsev & Company further agree to do all re- quired cleaning of spilled concrete from the steel to be painted, in accordance with original agreement; that with the signing of the Contract by H. P. Fisher & Sons with the City of Renton, R.umsev & Company is -relieved of all responsibility of either narty as pertains to painting of the above named bridge and that the agreement will in no way effect any other portions of the contract. A communication was read from H. P. Fisher & Sons, signed by K. P. Fisher, in regard to painting the Williams Street Bridge, stating that it was acceptable to them to complete the painting under contract between them and the City of Renton, said contract to be issued in lieu of agreement to perform this work for Rumsey & Company---all paint- ing work to be in accordance with plans and specifications in the original call for bids for the Williams Street Bridge at a total cost of $1250.00,, exclusive_ of furnishing the performance bond for same. A bond, dated February 25, 1955 from the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company in the amount of $1250.00 was attached, guarantying H. P. Fisher & Sons to complete the painting of the new Williams Street Bridge. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion, as the sub- contractor H. P. Fisher & Sons was acceptable by the Consulting Engineer, Cecil C. Arnold,. he felt and suggested that this portion of the work could be deleted from the original contract and. that a new contract should be drafted between the sub-contractor H. P. Fisher & Company and the City of Renton. Mr. Shellan, Assistant City AttorneY, stated he understood the Bond was purchased by Rumsey & Company for Fisher and that he agreed that the painting of the bridge should be deleted from the original contract with Rumsey & Company and that all other work in connection with the bridge be considered complete---that a separate contract be drafted sighting certain provisions and terms as to the contractor's agree- ment and the City's requirements so there would be no misunderstanding as to the City's liability. The City Engineer informed the Council that inspection of the s painting of the bridge would be included in the Consulting Engineer's contract. Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Engineer including modifications as stated by the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from the Hammond Iron Works, signed by Lester Johnson, General Manager, requesting, due to the rainy weather conditions, and subsequent late release of equipment scheduled for use in connection with this installation, an extension of 40 days to complete their contract of the erection of the steel water reservoir tank for the Citv of Renton---that any delay due to water not being available would be in addition to this request. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that he had talked with the City Engineer, James Highton, and the Consulting Engineer, and that they had agreed and recom- mended that Mr. Richard Wolff, the Consulting Engineer, notify the Hammond Iron Works, that-the City would go on record at this time as not extending the com- pletion date, and further request the Contractor to complete the work at his earliest convenience, as the contractor on the tank site and connecting pipe lines, etc., (The Malaspina Company) is being delayed, and the City could be held liable for same. Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney, City Engineer and Consulting Engineer, and the Contractor be so notified and further advised that the Contractor, the Hammond Iron Works, would be held responsible for any damage caused by their delay. Carried. A communication was read from Attorney Gil Duckworth, Jr., in behalf of Joseph and Gladys Ellis' re-submission of a petition for rezoning certain de- scribed property, Lot 3, Block 2, Stewart's Highland Acre tracts, in the Renton Highlands area, requesting to be advised of the date of hearing on the petition, either before the City Council or the Planning Commission. The Acting City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, read the n etition to change the zoning classification of said tract from Residential Use District to Commercial Use District of "Lot 3, B1. 2, of Stewart' s Highland Acre Tracts, per plat thereof in Volume 43 of Plats, Page 17, records of King Count,, situate in the City of Renton, as submitted by Gil Duckworth, Jr., Attorney for Joseph H. and Gladys Ellis, 10705-112th.S.E., Renton, King County, Washington," stating that the petition is a re-submission of the 280 cc previous petition dated and submitted to the Council on April 20, 1954, end re- submitted for further considerate-on on August 9, 1954---also that the petitioners request they be advised through their attorney, of the date of any hearing with respect to this petition. Councilman Bruce stated that previously this matter had -been referred to their Committee and after investigation and on advice of the Planning Commission they had recommended that the petition be rejected.. On advice of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that Mr. Duckworth be notified -of the conditions of Ordinance 1472, Sec. 22, that the petition be refiled, accompa Tied by the required $10.00 fee for publishing and legal exoenses, including a plat of the area to be rezoned, in duplicate, that at that time -the petition would be referred to the Planning Commission for re- consideration, also that Mr. Duckworth be notified that according -to Section XXII, Para. 3 of the Zoning Ordinance"---If change of zone classification is granted by ordinance,, -such change will remain effective only for six months, unless change of use granted is begun -within that time. If not in use within said time, the ordinance shall be null and void, and the original use shall become effective therewith". Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting a letter from Mr. Warren G. Smith, regarding a recent petition for rezoning---that the Planning Commission had acted on the petition and in explanation, the City Engineer stated that it had ,been verified that the adjoining property owners that gave consent to the rezoning were aware, and in accord with the change to Public Use (P-1) in- stead of Business Use (B-1), as indicated on the petition. A communication, in regard to the above petition, was read from the Varner Realty, signed by Robert L. Hurd, stating that in regard to said rezoning petition (of warren G. Smith)j that all signatures were acquired by the statement that the rezoning was for public use, and requesting that the petition be changed to read as such. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, (Paragraph 2) pertaining to subject rezoning request, stating that the Planning Commission recommended that the request of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, for rezoning their property from R-S to P-1 be approved. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers in regard to a change in the zoning ordinance, recommending that the Council adopt an amendment to the zoning code as follows: "all Class H -occu- pancies of one story in height and no less than 6 units interconnected, may have a front yard less than 20 feet when in B-1 zoned area and when approved by the Planning Commission and City Council". The Acting City Clerk read a communication from the Renton Planning Com- mission (Paragraph 1) signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, regarding the request for a variance permit of Mr. Hugh Klopfenstein and Mr. John Leslie to allow a 15 foot setback instead of a 20 foot setback, that the Commission recommended that the Council approve the 15 foot setback as requested if and when the amendment to the zoning ordinance governing Class H occupancies in a B-1 and. B-2 zone, request- ed in a previous letter is passed and made a part of the zoning code. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the recommended amendment to the zoning code be referred to the Council as a Whole, Assistant City Attorney and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. Carried. The request for variance permit will be held in abeyance until further Council action is reported in regard to the amendment to the zoning ordinance. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, regarding their reconsideration of President Park #7, that the Planning Commission recommended acceptance of subject plat, with the under- standing that the Plat would include a 60 foot street right-of-way on the north boundary---that they recalled the plat drawing designating such a street and assumed that the street was included in the description---that in further dis- cussion of this problem, the Secretary was instructed to recommend that the City Council request Mr. Balch to secure title to properties included in the 60 foot street right-of-way---that if he does not secure title to said property, that the-City Attorney contact the owners of the property to see if the City can ac- quire title to the property for street purposes, all lands included in the 60 foot street right-of-way on the north side of President Park Plat #7, not now owned by Mr. Balch. The City Engineer reported that Mr. Balch has been contacted, through his Engineer, in regard to this matter. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion this was a problem between Mr. Balch and Mr. Mapes and that Mr. Balch has not fulfilled his agreement with the City of Renton; that Mr. Balch should obtain an easement from Mr. Mapes for the use of this property and then 281 convey it to the Cit-7 of Renton. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion, Mr. Mapes and Mr. Balch should try to arrive at an agreement in regard to the property involved---that they have written to Mr. Balch but have received no reply---that in looking back at the problem, that at the time the plat was accepted by the Council, it was presumed there was a 60 foot right-of-way, and that at that time Mr. Mapes had intended to convey to Mr. Balch a 30 foot strip of property which was evidenced by an earnest money agreement, which however, Mr. Balch had never signed. Without any document to go on and instead of using the 30 foot strip of property for road purposes which was originally contemplated, Mr. Balch proceeded to use this strip for a water line---that the water line is now trespassing on private property. Assuming there nr=ver was a written agree- ment between the parties, then the City should contact Mr. Mapes in regard to r�. acquiring the 30 feet for the City, that it is the City's right to know where they stand in this matter, as the water line is servicing property within the City of Renton and an easement should have been given to Mr. Balch at that time and that no deed has ever been written or conveyed to the City of Renton. The City Engineer stated that in developing President Park #9, that it would require an additional 14 feet of water line to serve this area which would have to con- nect on to the water line on the Mapes property, that Mr. Balch and the F.H.A. authorities are aware of this matter and that the City should hold up acceptance of the development of the plat for President Park #9 until this matter has been straightened out. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be held for one week, pending further information from Mr. Balch, through either the City Attorney or the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that due to numerous requests for rezoning in the North Renton area to allow the erection of duplexes, that the Commission recom- mends that the City Council authorize the Engineering Department to send cards to all property owners from the River to 6th Avenue North, between Burnett Street and the alley between Park Street and Pelly Street, to find out if they would favor the rezoning of this area from R-S to R-1 to allow for the building of duplex units. The City Engineer explained that the Engineering Department had received several similar requests for rezoning in this area. Moved by Strift, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council, signed by Charles Paddock, Secretary, advising that the Central Labor Council has gone on record to establish a bronze plaque in memory of Opal Chadwick, their former member and Secretary who had given so freely of her time in the interest of Labor and to the City of Renton, that they would like to request permission to place a drinking fountain in a public place, preferably near the new swimming pool to serve this purpose. It was the unanimous opinion of the Council that this was a very fine project and, moved by Swift, seconded by White, that the communication be referred. to the Swimming Pool Committee to work out plans with the Central Labor Council and report back their recommendation. Carried. A public notice was read from the Office of the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, signed by K. F. Smrha, Chief, Operations Division, District Engineer's Office for the Seattle District, regarding the proposed fixed bridge at 6th Avenue North across the Lake Washington Ship Canal, Seattle, as this proposed fixed bridge was to be located in the Seattle area, the notice was ordered filed. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher cover- ing Estimate No. 1 for work performed on the 3 million gallon Steel lijater Reser- voir Tank by the Contractor, the Hammond Iron Works, in the amount of $50,322.61. The statement was certified correct and recommended for payment by the City Engi- neer. A second communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher ,"M covering Estimate No. 5, for work performed on the Williams Ltreet Bridge by RumseY & Company, Contractor, in the amount of $10,521.08. The statement was certified correct and recommended for pa- yment by the City Engineer. A third communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher covering the semi-final estimate in the amount of $5,920.56 for work performed by the Alia & Libri Construction Company, Contractor, for the water supply mains. The statement was certified correct and recommended for payment by the City Engineer. A fourth communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher from Mr. Cecil G. Arnold, Consulting Engineer, on the Williams Street Bridge, in the amount of $1,234-50 for inspection and testing service on the project. The 282 cc City Engineer stated that this invoice was in accord with the agreement between Mr. Arnold and the City of Renton and that payment was recommended. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the four communications from the City Engineer and respective vouchers, be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from City Attorneys, Haugan & Shellan, to the City Clerk, Floyd Shaff, stating that in regard to Ordinance No. 1210 'pawn broker's' ordinance and Ordinance No. 1170 'second-hand dealer's' ordinance, as far as the license and filing fees are concerned, that it is their conclusion "that the ordinances in question pertain to and cover separate business activities which require a separate license for each activity, even though the applicant may be engaged in both businesses jointly". The communication was ordered filed. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, being the only member of the Ordinance Committee present at this Council meeting, requested that two proposed Ordinances be placed on their first reading this evening. Acting City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, read the first proposed Ordinance rezoning and re- classifying certain property "the south half of the southwest quarter and the south one-half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 E. W.M. (same being a strip of property approximately 630 feet wide and extending from "M" Street, east to 132nd Avenue Southeast on Southeast 128th Street)", from Suburban Use (S-1) to Business Use (B-1) District. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The second proposed Ordinance as recommended by the Police Court was read, as follows: An Ordinance creating and establishing a Traffic Violations Bureau in the Police Court of the City of Renton, defining it's duties, providing for the enforcement and penalties thereof, amending Section X (a) and (b) of Ordinance No. 1113, as amended by Ordinance No. 1235, 1239 and 1172. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported for the Street & Alley Committee, in regard to school busses being routed over Factory Street and 3rd Avenue North, that the busses had been using this route and it had been reported by the School Trans- portation Officers that in their opinion the route as used now created a more dangerous condition than the original route and that at the last Street & Alley Committee meeting the Traffic Division of the Police Department had been request- ed to check with Mr. Arthur Towne, Transportation Officer for the Renton School District to determine the safest route to be used and that the Committee would advise later of any further recommendation in regard to the school bus route. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee reported in regard to a petition to vacate a certain portion of South 127th Street between 87th and 88th Avenue South, that on investigation, the Committee had found that the con- tinuation of the Street had already been vacated (evidently by County action); that the street serves no purpose and owing to the topography of the area could not be a through-street, and that the Committee recommended that the request be granted and this portion of the street be vacated. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and that the date of hearing be set as April 5th and the Clerkts Office prepare, post and publish the necessary notices. Carried. j Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee further reported in regard to the building contractors using parking meter areas during the con- struction of buildings and the subsequent loss of parking areas and meter revenue during this time, that it was the Committee's findings, and they so recommended that owing to the increased value of the property after remodeling of buildings, or by the construction of a new building, and subsequent increased taxes to the City of Renton, that no action be taken by the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the petition to close the alley in Block 22, Renton Highlands, that after investigation, the Street & Alley Committee recommended complete vacation of the 16 foot alley, retaining 1110 foot easement rights" in the center, which would allow each abutting property owner to improve, or use this portion of the alley area as he wished, with certain easement re- i 283 strictions, whereby the property owners could not build on or obstruct tbis 10 foot strip. Moved by Bruce, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the property* owners be so notified. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that there would be a meeting of the Property Com- mittee with the Park Board and the Housing Authority, Wednesda-r, March 2, 1955 at 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of discussing parks, parkwa.,'s, etc., and invited any Councilman that could to attend this meeting. Councilman Bruce stated that Tr,. Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housirg Authority of the City of Renton had advised him that some of the single unit buildings in the Highlands were too small and in such condition to not warrant their sale and that he had offered such buildings to the City of Renton; Councilman Bruce further stated that if any Department Head had any use for such building, they should so advise him. The different Department Heads present advised Councilman Bruce that for various reasons then would not have any use for the buildings. Councilman Trimm reported for the Majority of the Fire 8: Water Committee, that after investigation, it had been determined that the City of Renton had no actual use .for the water storage tank in Kennyd.ale that was presently not being used, and on advice of the Engineering Department that the cost of tearing down the tank would compare with that of erecting a new tank, that the Committee recommended that, the City Engineer be authorized to prepare specifications for disposing of subject tank. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. The Council was informed that the matter of a street light on Logan Street between 2nd Avenue and Tobin Street would be taken care of in the Street Light Improvement Program, authorized and planned for the immediate future. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee with the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division Representatives on Thursday evening, March 3rd at 8:00 P.M. The City Engineer reported that the specifications for widening of Park Avenue were prepared and would be released soon. The matter of leasing the Aeronautical Union Building on Mother's Park property was referred to the Property Committee with power to act. The Assistant City Attorney reported thpt in regard to the portion of the certain alley in Block 6 in +.arlington, that an agreement had been reached with the propert-r owners, that a deed had been prepared and they hoped to have it signed within the next few days, and suggested that the City Treasurer be authorized to issue a draft from Cumulative Fund No. 1183, in the amount of $400.00 in payment for same. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: SWIMMING POOL FUND 2-3 363.77 PAYROLLS - ALL DEPART1IENTS 3657-3951 $453726.60 CURRENT 1998-2002 41,732.17 WATER 9055-9059 111289.91 LIBRARY 2789-2791 3041.66 PARK 1892-1894 2.745.82 SZKAGE DISPOSAL 2541-2544 31234.39 AIRPORT 1820-1824 4,825.54 ',Tr R.FFT 6624-6628 11,410.61 WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE 419-422 36,567.54 CUM. FUND 11112 59-63 1,125.20 CUM. FUND #1184 - -480 3,525.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 153-155 256.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 550-551 98.93 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 313-342 5,475.54 WATER SE6F'R CONST. - 1954 702-706 23,328.57 CLAIMS FUND 1040-1151 19,645.07 STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT 1911-1912 425.61 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees). 16. it y Clerk Mayor GU4 cc Renton, Washington March 8, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, R.EID, RI-CHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAUR.ENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Morris is on Leave of Absence)-. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council minutes of March 1, 1955 be approved as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for one used truck-mounted power shovel-crane, the only bid received was opened and read. BIDDER: Columbia Equipment Company Total Price - $8800. 1210 S. E. 12th Avenue 3% Sales Tax - 264. Portland, Oregon Total Price (incl. tax) $9064. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the bid be referred to the Citv Engi- neer and Street Commissioner to check against the specifications and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, to Council- man Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee stating that at the meeting of the Renton Park Board this date, he was instructed to notify the Property Committee that the Park Board unanimously requested the Council to remove the house located on park property just south of the Recreation Building to enable the Park Board to proceed with the development of the Mother's Park Area from 6th Avenue North to a point approximately 12 feet north of the radio station. Councilman Bruce stated that if the old residence located .just south of the Recreation Hall was removed it would give the Park Board a space approximately 150 feet wide (facing Park Street) and 250 feet deep---that if this area was cleared, it is anticipated that a building could be constructed to house City of Renton momentos, relics, antiques, etc., and suggested that this matter be referred to the Finance Com- mittee and Property Committee to investigate this improvement which in their opinion is quite feasible---a matter that many old timers within the City of Renton have been inquiring about for a considerable time. Moved by White seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the suggestion of Councilman Bruce, -and the matter be referred to the Finance and Property Committee's for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher from Cecil Arnold, Consulting Engineer on the Williams Street Bridge in the amount of x$912.00. Mr. Highton stated that the voucher is to cover field inspection as per contract agreement---that the amount of the voucher is correct and that he recommends payment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer in regard to the proposal to contract with H. P. Fisher & Sons for the painting of the Williams Street Bridge, stating that Mr. Arnold, Consulting Engineer, had previously approved this firm as sub-contractor for this work and that Mr. Arnold will con- tinue to represent the City until this work and all other items of work have been satisfactorily completed; that they feel it would be to the City's advantage to release Rumsev & Companv from the painting and "final out" their contract; that the City would be relieved of retaining the bridge inspector for an indefinite period, as the painting contractor has agreed to furnish the material and perform the work under the original specifications and that a purchase order would be sufficient, in lieu of a written contract, the City to hold the performance bond. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the City Engineer. Mr. Arnold, from the audience, informed the Council that Mr. Fisher, the painting contractor, would not receive any payment for his work until the bridge is completely painted. The motion carried. 286" A communication was read from King County Water District No. 90, signed by W. H. Sweeny, President of the Board, requesting Council consideration of an arrangement whereby the City could supply water for distribution by the Water District to users within the boundaries of the water district; that the King County Water District #90 is legally created under Washington State Statutes, with status of 3rd Class City---that it's boundaries commence approximately 1/4 mile east of the Balch Developments and extend eastward approximatelv four miles; that the present sources for water within the district at this time are individual wells and that the water table drops so low that during the summer months at least 100 families within the district must haul water for several of the summer months; that the new Coalfield School being constructed by the Issaquah District is an- ticipating receiving their water supply from this water district. Mr. Sweeny stated that they request a meeting at an early date to n resent their plans and discuss this matter with the Council. On the suggestion of Mawr Baxter, moved by Reid, seconded by Hepnenstal7_, that the request be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and Citv Engineer for stud,T and discussion with Water District #90 Commissioners and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Roy J. Storey, Professional Engineer, in behalf of Fred Peacock, owner of Peacock' s Addition to Renton, presenting a proposed plat of the Addition (a portion of the S.F_. -1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 4, T.23 11. R. 5 E. W.M., lying between State Highway No. 2 and. J. Street) for consideration. Mr. Storev states that it is proposed to connect to the Citi, of '?enton water lines and to connect to the sewer line on J Street; that S.E. 110th Street is to connect over a short street in Renton Highlands which they understand will be platted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk, Floyd Shaff, stated that he had received four similar claims in regard to damage caused by a drainage problem in the Renton Highlands. On the suggestion of Mayor Baxter, the City Clerk read one claim from Walter J. and Frances P. Kindle and Gary Allen Kindle, 732 "O" Street, for damages and injuries claimed when drainage pipes from the City's drainage system flooded all of the claimants' property and home, on or about Febrary 9th, 1955, causing considerable damage to the house and furniture, also, that their son, Gary Allen Kindle, aged 7, sustained considerable illness; that the furniture damage and depreciation is in the sum of ; 3,000; claimants VJalter J. and Frances P. Kindle each sustained damage thereby in the sum of $750 (a total of $1500-00) ; that they have expended approximately 9$60.00 for drugs and medical treatments for their son, and will expend a further sum in the future in an amount which cannot now be ascertained, and that their son, will (with reasonable certaint,7) su"fer for an undetermined length of time in the future, in .the sum of $25,000.00, or the cost of the claimants' damage in the total sum of X29,660.00. Three other claims as follows were read - Ernest R. & Ella Mae Raffle 720 110" Street - 86,025.00 Robert S. & Emily Bluher 716 "O" Street - d$5,724.00 Orlan D. & Maria E. Rogers 726 110" Street - $2,500.00 A notice, signed by Attorneys Wa.m e R. Parker and Myron L. Borawich for Claimants above, request all communications regarding any or all of the foregoing claims be directed t o either or both of the attorneys. The City Clerk, Floyd. Shaff, re- ported that he had a report from the City Engineer in regard to his findings as effect the surplus water condition in the area. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Heppenstall, that copies of the claims and the City Engineer's report be for- warded to the Insurance Commissioner and City Attorney for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposal for the sale of the 75,000 gallon water storage tank previously authorized by the City, the opening of bids being set as April 5, 1955, the dates of publication being March 17th and 24, 1955. The City Clerk read the proposal for the sale of the water storage tank which is located on City property abutting the east side of 116th Avenue S.E., between S.E. 104th Street and S.E. 108th Street at the north city limits---that the tank was taken from active use in 1953, but has been maintained. full of City water to retard deterioration. A bond in the amount of $5000.00 is to accompany the bid, to hold the City harmless from any liability or pronerty damage during the removal of the tank and tower for a six months period---payment to the City for the tank to be in cash. On the recommendation of the City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the clause "the City does not give an7T warranty as to the condition of the material, fitness or suitability of purpose", be incorporated in the proposal.. Carried. Moved by Vilhite, seconded by Vietzke, that the water storage tank be placed on sale and the "Call for Bids" be published and hosted as outlined bTT the City Engineer. Carried. 986IC A communication was read from the Cit-,, Engineer, stating that a proposal was submitted to the City Council on July 20, 1954 by Charles R. Perryman, Seattle, for the acquisition of a road of access to his property that lies east of the City property at the Springbrook Springs water source. Mr. Highton attached a copy of a letter which he recently sent to the City Attorney with respect to further development of the springs; that Mr. Perryman has called Mr. Highton regarding this matter and the Engineer had informed him that he would bring the matter to the Council's attention. Mr. Highton, in his letter to the City Attorney, stated that with the limited geological data they have been able to secure, they have arrived at the conclusion that the origin of the springs is to the south, probably Soos Creek; that the water comes to the surface on the city property, is impounded in two holding dams---that all other surface water in the vicinity is contaminated and bi-passed around the holding dams---that they do not plan any development of these springs outside the con- fines of the holding dams, particularly in view of the new 3 million gallon storage tank now under construction, that their principal concern is to prevent encroachment by private development in -the immediate vicinity of the springs, and in this respect Mr. Highton stated the City should have a restrictive zone of several hundred feet surrounding the springs. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that the City should file claim with the State Agency (Auditor'.s Office) to establish this zone. Councilman Richardson stated that he thought that it was the concensus of Council opinion that the City take -action to restrict this area, and moved, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Citv Attornev, including the previous recommendation of City Attorney Arthur Haugan, and that City Attorne7r file a, Resolution or claim to establish this area. Carried. A communication was read from i.rnest R. Coleman submitting a revised plat of the property owned by Lloyd and Roger Peterson, stating that 5 acres of this plat was originally approved by the City and Planning Commission; that the Peter- son Brothers have acquired an additional 22 acres from Dick Storey adjacent to the street entrance on 6th Avenue North---changing the original plan by placing the street on the back of the lots allowing 27 building sites. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Heppenstall, that this request and plat be referred to the Plan- ning Commission for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A request to install an additional pinball machine in her place of business known. as Cougar's Den, 219 Main Street was read from Ann Culjak, owner. Also a request to install an additional pinball machine in her place of business known as Lena's Steak House, 423 Airport Way, was read from Lena M. Marshall. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the requests be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A report of the services rendered in the Renton area by the Seattle-King County Department of Health was read and on motion of Richardson, seconded by White, was referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the City Engineer more time in regard to the problem of an easement for a water line and deeding of- certain properties for street right- of-way to the City of Renton in President Park #7. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRITjI, R.EID, PICHARDSON, Wf-IITE, VI-TZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented pro- posed Ordinance No. 1510, changing the zoning classification of certain property in the Citv of Renton from Suburban Use (S-1) to Business Use (B-1) District. The property being described as the "south half of the southwest quarter of the southeastuarter and the south one-half of the he southeast quarter of the south- east quarter of Section 91 Township 23 North, p.ange 5 E. W.M." (Same being a strip of property approximately 630 feet wide and extending from "M" Street, east to 132nd Avenue S.E., on S.E. 128th Street. Councilman Richardson reported that this Ordinance had been placed on its first reading last week and the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1510 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Ave" the motion unanimously carried. 287 Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented pro- posed Ordinance Pito. 1511, establishing a Traffic Violations Bureau in the Police Court, defining its duties, providing for the enforcement thereof and penalty for violations, and stating that the ordinance had been requested by the Police Court; that the ordinance had been placed or, its first reading last week and the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1511 be adopted as read.. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Ave" the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution extending the retirement date of Anker Anderson of the uniform- ed personnel. The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 883, extending the retire- ment date of Anker Anderson of the uniformed personnel (Police Department) for one year to May 1, 1956. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen., that the Council adopt Resolution No. 883 as read. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that in regard to the request of the Seattle and Renton Chamber of Commerce for the support of the Renton City Council to the Eagle Gorge Dam Project, that he felt that the Council should go on record as being in favor of the project and that a Resolution should be drafted and forwarded to the House & Senate Congressional Committees so that they will know the City's atti- tude and wishes in regard to same, and so moved., seconded by Tamborin.i and carried. Councilman Trimm reported in regard to the proposed amending of the Ordinance governing zoning, that he felt that the Council should make a more thorough inves- tigation, that in their opinion whether in a commercial area or not, buildings must take the same set back as commercial area---that Class H occupancy applies to hotels and apartments, that Class H permits one story onl,r in business area. The Assistant City r+,ngineer, Walt Will, stated that the Council could draft a Resolution amending the zoning ordinance which could be made a hart of same, to cover this tsrpe of occupancy--6 units interlinked, 1 story--if it is not covered by the present zoning ordinance. After a. discussion as to the effect this variance would have on the remaining buildings along this and other similar r streets, the City Engineer informed the Council that in his opinion if they were considering the request of one individual, that the matter could be taken care of by issuing a variance, if all of the property and property owners are to be con- sidered, if the Council decided to approve this request, the problem should be taker care of by amending the zoning ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter remain in the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that the Swimming Pool Committee had approved the gift of a drinking fountain in memory of Opal Chadwick, former Secretary of the Swimming Pool Committee, but that the location of the fountain would be determined later; that they had notified the Central Labor Council that the fountain had been gratefully accepted and that the Swimming Pool Committee would meet with their Representatives in this regard, as early as possible. The City Engineer reported that State Laws required the installation of a drinking fountain in the swimming pool area, and that the subject fountain would be an extra fountain---that the Design Engineer had requested certain information in regard to State Health Requirements and that this information had been furnished and that they-hoped to have the complete specification in the near future. -Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee, City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division of the Police Department had. met Monday evening in regard to the matter of one-way streets in the City of Renton---that they had studied and discussed many problems as concerns this matter but were not ready to make a complete report; that they would request the Ma,7or to set aside a complete meeting night for same, at the time the information is complete and the reports are finished. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it was not mandatory to have a public hearing in this regard, .just a matter of courtesy to the public. In regard to the traffic light program, it was reported that the traffic light could be installed at 2nd & Rainier, but that the City should have more complete information as to the route of the proposed freewa,f through the City of Renton before installation of a traffic signal light at the Maple Valley Wye intersection. 288 cc The City Engineer reported that weather permitting, the new Williams Street Bridge would be open for traffic 'dednesday, March 9th. Ma- yor Baxter suggested that the plaque on the new Williams Street Bridge be similar to the plaque on the Logan Street Bridge, and that the City Engineer be authorized to select the proper plaque. In regard to the Street Lighting Program and the widening of Park Avenue, the City Engineer informed the Council that as soon as the Street Denartment schedule has been established, the call for bids would be presented to the Council for consideration and publication, probably around the first of. April, that he was working on details for same at this time. Councilman Bruce reported that the City Attorney had informed him that the matter of acquiring a deed to the certain alley area in Bl. 6, Earlington had been completed. The matter of determining the exact classification of this thoroughfare on the motion of Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, eras referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that a meeting of the Property Committee, Housing Authority and Park Foard had been held in regard to parkways and parks in the Highlands area and that the Committee had nothing to report at this time; that he would like to have a meeting of the Council as a Whole, City Attorney and City Engineer with Mr. Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority and the Park Board on Tuesday, March 15th at 7:00 P.M., for further discussion of the parks and parkways previously donated to the City of 1?enton by the Housing Authority; that previously the Planning Commission had recommended the acceptance of the original and revised plan in regard to these parks and parkways and that the Council had concurred in their recommendation. After discussion, this meet- ing was postponed until the next Executive meeting of the Council as a Whole on March 22nd. This matter will be 3rd on the agenda. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilmen Ray Heppenstall, George Swift and Lloyd White on the Job Evaluation Committee and recommended the acceptance of Forest Johnson, Job Evaluation Expert, as Evaluator. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the appointments and recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall stated that arrangements would be made for a meeting of the Job Evaluation Committee and Mr. Forest Johnson, as soon as possible. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee the City Engineer and Street Commissioner, Thursday, March 10, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police Pr License Committee, reported that the committee had drafted specifications for two new prowler cars which had been budgeted for 1955, and recommended that thr-: call for bids be published. March 24th and 31st, and the date of opening of bids be set as April 5, 1955• The City Clerk read the specif ication for the two, 4-door sedans, for the Police Department; that only one 1954 Elainliner 4-door sedan will be turned in as previous arrangements had been made in the Park Department 1955 Budget to obtain one of the Police Department 1954 prowler cars, at the trade-in value, for the Park Department. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Moved br Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City of Renton Employees). ity Clerk i Mayor 289 Renton, Washington March 15, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIM1,1, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE,VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Swift was reported ill and was excused and Councilman Morris is on Leave of Absence). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan., Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, P<:.rk Superintendent. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of March 8, 1955 be approved as corrected. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti informed the Council that he had been given a colored picture of a Boeirg 707, that he had had the picture framed by Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner, and that it had been placed in the Council Chambers in back of and over the Mayor's chair. Mayor Baxter thanked Councilman Delaurenti for the picture and for his consideration and also extended his thanks to the Street Commissioner who had the carpenter frame the picture so nicely. A communication was read from the Business & Professional Women' s Club, signed by Dorothy H. Sloane, Chair7an, Hobby & Craft Show Committee, thanking the Mayor and City of Renton for the use of the CitZF Hall Auditorium for it's Hobby & Craft Show on February 25th and 26th, 19550 The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mr. and Mrs. Ansley Mitchell, 8802 South 131st Street in the newly annexed area adjacent to Rainier Avenue, requesting the City grade the two block area on 131st Street South, between 88th Avenue South and 00th Avenue South, stating that they, would be willing to furnish crushed rock for the road. - Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Street Commissioner for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer in regard to a previous proposal to convey title of the two small water systems in the area of Rainier Avenue to the City---that there is considerable building activity in this area and adequate water supply being essential to this development, it is his conclusion that a City water system will eventually serve the area, and that on this assumption, he feels it desirable to acquire these systems; stating that in his opinion it is beneficial to the economy of the City to promote the development of these sparsely settled areas provided only a small amount of capital expenditure is required. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from City Engineer, James Highton and Street Com- missioner, Dave Pugh, stating they had examined the proposal from Columbia Equip- ment Company to furnish the City one used truck:-mounted power shovel crane at a cost of $9,064,00---that the'T find the bid in accordance with City specifications and recommend the award to this companv. Moved bir Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Cit-r Engineer and Street Commissioner. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, advising thpt Mr. Morrison, Manager of the People's National "ank is concerned regarding facilities for dis- posal of the storm water run-off from the new bark building and parking lot---that in view of the irregular condition of Williams Street, it is his conclusion_ that a storm sewer connected to the existing system at 2nd Avenue is advisable; that an 8" storm sewer, 120 feet long is required at an estimated cost as follows: materials 8550.00, City equipment with operators - $456.00, City labor - x;505.00; or a total cost of $1,511.00. The City Engineer stated that the bank is scheduled to open in May and Mr. Morrison has requested early consideration of this matter. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and report back. Carried. � ( cc A communication was read from the City Engineer with reference to the pro- posed Shattuck Street Sanitary Sewer lateral which was discussed in a Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole on Tuesday, March 8, 1955, stating that as of record, the matter is still in this Committee---that it is his opinion that the Engineering and Street Departments have rot been officially instructed to proceed. Councilman Richardson reported that it was his understanding that Mr. Shane was to contact the property owners abutting and lust south of his property -to see if theywill pay a. portion of the cost to obtain the sewer line to their property, and that they had not heard from Mr. Shane in this regard. The Assistant City Attorney_ stated that if the Council approves, that the City Engineer be authorized to pro- ceed with the installation of the sewer line up to Mr. S�ane' s property on the supposition that Mr. Shane furnish and pay for the material under the direct supervision and approval of the City Engineer; the City Attorney and City Engineer now to draft a "letter of contract" between the City of Renton and Mr. Charles Shane to cover this installation, to be signed in advance by Mr. Shane. Moved. by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Assistant City Attorney and Mr. Shane be so notified by the City Clerk. Carried. A communication was read from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer for the City of Renton, stating that the tank contractor, the Hammond Iron Works is behind schedule and, therefore, unavoidably holding up completion of the fence portion of the Malaspina Contract, and since no liens or claims have been filed against the unpaid balance due the Malaspina Company, he suggests that the retained percentage be paid; that the 155 retained on the value of work alreadly performed was $4839.25, the balance of state sales tax due being $132.14, a total payment due of $4,971-39; that the uncompleted item, the fence, on Malaspina' s contract is in the amount of $350.00, the construction of same being withheld until the tank erection and painting is completed. The matter was recommended for approval by James Highton, City ,ngineer. The City Engineer stated that the Malaspina Company contract work is complete, with the exception of the fence, and to avoid any legal action against the City, the completed contract work should be accepted by the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by `ramborini, that the contract work as presently completed by the Malaspina. Company be accepted and the matter of pay- ment of the amount retained on the value of work alread« performed, nlus the balance of the sales tax due, be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called_ to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHAR.DSON, WHITE, VIETZ E, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPEISTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Reid reported that the Light Pj� Power Committee had made some progress with their lighting study. Councilman Richardson stated that in studying Council action at the March 8, 1955 Council meeting, in regard to the "Call for T'ids" for removing the water storage tank in the Kennydale area and the matter of extending the City's water supply to the area of gater District #90, that he would like to suggest the Council consider (with the approval of the City Attorney and City Engineer as to legality), that some kind of arrangements be accomplished whereby the City could have this tank moved to the King County `.later District #90 area to help these people in this area to obtain water and in turn help the City of Renton to acquire .the water service to this area. Mayor Baxter stated that he agreed with Councilman Richard- son and that in his opinion., any assistance of this sort given to the King County Water District #90 would be a good investment for the City of Renton as well as establish good will with these people. The City Engineer reported that the King County Water District #90 Commissioners had all received a copy of the proposal for removal of the water storage tank. Councilman Trimm stated that at the next Executive meeting of the Council as a. T,lhole, that the Commissioners of the `:later District as well as their Attorney and 1?ngineer would be present for an open dis- cussion of this matter, and to determine what kind of a, contract their will enter into with the Cite of Renton. Mavor Baxter stated that in view of the low bid anticipated to be received for subject tank, that it would be worth considerable more to the City of Renton, and the good will of our neighbors to give these people the tank if they will remove same and install in their own location. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion the cost of removing to a new location and re- installation of the tank woiuld be approximatellr the same as installation of anew tank. 291 Councilman Trimm reported that at next Tuesda?' s 'executive Meeting, of the Committee of the Council as a Whole the following matters would be discussed: (1) Restriction of the area surrounding the Springbrook Dam, i.e., the si7,e of the area, i.e., 20 to 30 acres or a set back of 700 feet or so; (2) The request of King County Water District #90; (3) Wallin and Edwards request to connect on to City of Seattle's water supply line, under an agreement with the City of Renton; (4) The Housing Authority Representatives to explain parkways and parks and the disposition of same in the Highlands Area; (5) The matter of the City of Renton acquring power facilities for the City. Councilman Delaurenti, Acting Chairman of the Finance Committee, recommended on request of the City Treasurer, that the following transfers be made: : 20,000.00 to the Street D enartment from Cumulative Fund No. 1184; $5,000.00 to the Park De- partment from Cumulative Fund No. 1182 and $5,000.00 to the Library Fund from Cumulative Fund No. 1183, as a loan to supplement these accounts until tax moneys are received. Moved by Richardson, seconded b,r Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that he would like to present a proposed Resolution drafted by the City Attorney' s Office in regard to an exchange of certain City of Renton property for other property more useful and suitable to the City of Renton. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 884, whereby the City of Renton finds certain propert-T, previously conveyed to the City of Renton for park and other purposes, by deed from Lee Monohan, dated September 81 1939, and having; heretofore waived in writing, certain restrictive provisions contained in said deed, and the Cit-�r now finding that aforesaid property is not useful or suitable for park or other municipal purposes and that an exchange thereof for other property more useful and si.zitable to the City is advisable and in the general publics interest; and whereas the Pacific Coast Railroad is owner in fee -of certain real property of equal monetary value, located in the Cit-T of Renton on the south shore of Lake Washington, which is more suitable and useful to the City for park, playground and swimming purposes, said owner being agreeable to an exchange of said properties, and the .best inter- ests of the City of Penton and the public in general will be served by an exchange of aforesaid property to be dedicated and used for park, playground and other municipal recreational purposes (both pieces of property were -described in detail), the Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton consent and agree to the exchange of properties above described----title to the property thus conveyed by the City in such exchange to vest in the Grantee free and clear of any trust in favor of the public arising out of prior grant or dedication, and the Mayor and City Clerk being aut:orized and directed to execute, deliver and/or accept appropriate in- struments of conveyance to effectuate such exchange of said properties. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Temborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 884 as read. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.:ri. (There were six persons present besides City of Renton employees) . Cit., �.lerk Mayo 292 cc y M Renton, Washington April 5, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order- by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Tamborini was excused because of illness, and Councilman White was excused as requested). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, Citv Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Vere Thompson, Building Superintendent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of March 15, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the two police cars, the following bids were opened and read:. (Required certified checks accompanied all bids). LESS PRICE TOTAL WN. STATE TOTAL PRICE TRADE IN NET CLARKE BROS. EACH PRICE SALES TAX (INC. TAX) ALLOWANCE BASIC BID Standard 1657.700 3300.00 99.E 3399.00 1000.00 2399.00 Auto. Trans. 1805.00 3610.00 108.30 3718.30 1000.00 2718.30 POPE FORD CO. Police Inter- 2435.07 4870.14 146.10 5016.24 1300.00 3816.24 ceptor It if Auto Trans. 2733.42 5466.84 164.00 5630.84 1300.00 4330.84 FRAYK RHODES - COMMANDER Reg. Trans. 1998.15 3996.30 119.89 4116.19 1325.00 2791.19 Over-Drive 2085.15 4170.30 125.11 4295.41 1325.00 2970.41 Auto. Trans. 2178.15 4356.30 130.69 4486.99 1325.00 3166.99 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the bids be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police for consideration and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the sale of a 75,000 gallon cedar stave water storage tank, and there being no bids, Mayor Baxter stated that the matter would be set aside for the present. A communication was read from Mrs. Jay E. Holmes, 235 Park Street, requesting Council consideration of raising the sidewalk at her driveway entrance, at the time the Park Street improvement is made. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A "thank you note" to the City Administration was read from Dorothea, Don and Tom Gossett for the City's remembrance during their recent bereavement. A communication was read from Police Judge Paul Houser, advising that he has designated Mary Muir as Chief Traffic Violations Bureau Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of the Traffic Violations Bureau Ordinance x`1511. Mr. Houser requests an increase in the salary of the Chief Clerk owing to the additional duties involved, suggesting this be done on an interim basis until the budget for the next ,year is effective. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. The City Clerk stated that three requests for additional installations of pin ball machines had been received: (1) Tonkin's Cafe, 811 Third Avenue, (2 machines); (2) Log Cabin, 223 Third Avenue, (1 machine) ; (3) The White Spot, 319 Third Avenue, (1 machine). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that these requests be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. 290 A petition was read from Robert L. Edwards of T. allin-Edwards, Inc., to change the zoning classification of property described as "the south 100 feet of Lot 2, Block 2 and Lot 8, Block 3", from lst residence (RS-1) to 2nd residence (R-1), stating they feel the reclassification would provide a buffer zone between the business property on Rainier Avenue and the lst residence property along South 124th Street in the Wood.- Glen _Addition. Mr. Edwards also petitions for a change in the zoning classification from lst residence (RS-1) to Business District (B-1) of property described as "the north 150 feet of Lot 2, and. the north 150 feet of the west 60.03 feet of Lot 3, the north 125 feet of the east 30' of Lot 3, the north. 125 feet of Lots 4 and 5, and the east 20 feet of Lot 6, and the north 140 feet of Lot 6, EXCEPT the west 20 feet thereof; and lot 7 EXCEPT the south 100 feet, all in Block 2, Woody Glen Addition; together with those portions of Lots 1, 21 3, 4 and 7 in Block 1, lying southerly of the center line of -South 123rd Street, as per original plat of Latimer's Lake Washington Addition". A plat of the Woody Glen Addition, showing the portions to be zoned to 2nd residence in red, and the portions to be zoned for business classification in green was attached. Mr. Edwards further states if the reclassification is made as requested, it is their intention to beautify said property making it into a miniature forest nreserve---a lake to be built in the bottom of the canyon., and surrounding area cleared of brush etc., allowing a miniature train to wind along the shores of the lake and around the sides of the canyons, similar to the train operating in Woodland Park in Seattle; that their are the owners of all of Blocks 1, 2 (EXCEPT Lot 1) 3, 5 and 6, as well as Lot 11 in Block 41 and that the?= feel that the obtaining of signatures of ad- joining property owners is accomplished b?r their petition. Moved bT,r Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and a report back. Carried. - A communication was read from the Lake Shore Lines submitting their revised Time Schedule effective April 15, 1955 stating that no changes are being made in service between Renton, Seattle and Hazelwood; that they will start a service to the President Park Subdivision and continue some service to the Renton Highlands, but that it would be necessary to discontinue local service to Maplewood, Renton Hill and Earlington Flats. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Assistant City AttorneY, Gerard h. Shellan, to Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk enclosing two copies of a brief Memo which reflects f� the discussion and tentative agreement reached by the City with Mr. Robert Edwards, representing Wallin-Edwards, Inc., at its last executive meeting on March 22, 1955; that the memo has been duly executed and approved by Mr. Edwards, after two minor changes were made and initialed b,7 hirl, and suggesting that this matter be brought to t1ae Council's attention at the next regular meeting and that duplicate copies be given to the City Engineer's office for their attention and the original be kept in the City Clerk's file. The Assistant City Attornel,r stated that the memorandum had been drafted as a result of the Special Council meeting two weeks ago, and is to be brought to the Council's attention for verification and approval. The City Clerk read the memorandum, dated March 24, 1955, stating "Whereas at the executive Meeting of the City Council of the City of Renton regularl7r held -on March 22, 1955, considerable discussion was had in the presence of Mr. Robert Edwards concerning the installation of a water system with the primary purpose -of furnishing and servicing the Woody Glen and 1r7allin & Edwards plats, it was moved, seconded and carried, that the City Engineer of the Cit7.r of Renton be authorized to grant the necessary permits to Mr. Robert Edwards for the installation of a water system at his sole cost and expense, including installation of 8 and 4 inch trunk lines, commencing from the Seattle line right-of-way at 84th Avenue South, all said installation work to be subject to the approval and s,zpervision of the City Engineer, further providing that the City of Renton is granted an option herewith by Mr. Edwards upon paying unto Mr. Edwards the cost of construction of said 8 and 4 inch trunk lines only, as designated on the mans and drawings of the City Engineer, less depreciation, computed on a life expectancIT of said pipes for 50 years, plus reason- able interests on such unpaid balance of the cost of such trunk lines at a rate not to exceed 6 per cent. Upon the City's election to exercise said option by giving � written notice thereof unto Mr. Edwards, and payment unto him as above specified, the whole of said water system and all its accessories, connections and fittings shall become the sole property of the City of Renton and all title and rights thereto shall vest in the City of Renton. That it is further agreed and covenanted by Mr. Edwards that he will hold the City harmless from any liabilitIT for injuries to person or property damage of any kind in connection with the construction, operation and installation of said. water system and. to deposit a proper bond to the City to that effect; also, that it is further agreed that this option may be exer- cised by the City ?t any time during the life expectancy of said water system by 294 cc y bD n giving 60 days written notice unto Mr. Edwards. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole and the City Attorney's Office. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, submitting Planning Commission action of reletting same on matters previously referred to them, which had been omitted in their letter of December 28th, as the7, feel these would be considered spot zoning, as follows: (1) The rezoning request of Clara Acton to rezone from '-ZS to B-1, the north 4 acres of the SWI of the SW4 of the NEI less 130 feet and less the north 48 feet thereof heretofore conve-red to Wedgewood Realt, , a corporation, all situated. in Section 9, Township 23 11 Range 5 E. W.M., King County, State of A�dashington, except roads, and (2) The rezoning request of Ray and Margaret Brown to rezone property at 12219 Sunset Blvd., to B-1, on which a furniture store :is now located. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City couldn't force Mr. t'roim to move out or give up his store, but as long as this area is not zoned for 1)usiness, the people cannot charge or alter their place of business as it would require them coming to the City to obtain a permit which the City would not issue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for their study and a report back. Carried. (Councilman Richardson re- quested this matter be discussed at the next Executive Meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole on April 26th and that the City Engineer and Building Inspector attend this meeting) . A second communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. M,Ters, Secretary, stating at their March 30th meeting, the .following action was taken: (1) recommend that the Council accept the Plat of Lloyd & Roger Peterson, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. (2) Recommend that the Council accept the Plat of Mr. Fred. Peacock, sub- ject to the approval of the City Engineer, and (3) Recommend that the Council rezone the area from Cedar River to 6th Avenue North, and from Burnett Street to the alle-r between Park and Pelly Street from RS to R-1. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the first two recommendations be referred to the Council as _a Whole for consideration and a report back. Carried. Roved by Druce, seconded by Vietzke, that Item 3 be held in abeyance for two weeks, to permit other interested residents time to return cards sent out by the Engineer- ing Department, to give a better surve;r result. The motion carried. A communication was read from Winifred E. Woodley, Manager of the penton Auxiliary #1722, F.O.E., Ladies Drill Team, requesting permission to sell donation tickets on fishing equipment at Bergman's Corner, Third & Wells Street, from 10:00 A.M., to 3:00 P.M., Saturday, April 9, 1955• Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, signed by Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary, stating that when the Social Security Enabling .Act, passed by the Special Session of the legislature, is signed by Governor Langlie (this Act was signed by the Governor on Monday, April 4, 1955) the Cities will be able to have Social Securit-r coverage, which will be effective in June; that the Council should now take definite action on the extension of the re- tirement dates of William H. Watkins ; 1219, Emmon H. veil #1251 and Edward Bunstine #1278. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration and a report back. Carried. On re- quest of Magor Baxter for the Council's opinion as to the extension of retirement date of the Subject City Employees, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the three employees be allowed an extension of their retirement date at this time to the maximum of 6 months. Councilman Morris resorted that he had a copy of the Enabling Act, together with all amendments, that the Manor or any of the Council could see. A communication was read from F. A. Grabnnr, 813 1st Avenue North requesting a variance from Ordinance No. 1472, Paragraph H, regulating the minimum size lot on which a dwelling can be erected, to permit the sale of a portion of his property just west of his home; this would divide his present property into two lots, i.e., 295 the lot on which his home is situated being 69' x 95t or a total of 6555 square feet and the other to be 46t x 95' or a total of 4370 square feet. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from James 1. Price, Chiropractor, 103 Burnett St., requesting permission to paint, at his expense, the curb in .front of his office yellow for two car spaces for the benefit of his patients. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that final plans and iur specifications for the Liberty Park Swimming Pool, as approved by the State De- partment of Health, have been forwarded to his office by the designing engineer, Mr. John J. McInerny; that the plans conform to the desires of the Council, to the best of his knowledge and that he submits, attached, the "Bid Call" for this improvement and requests Council consideration of same to expedite a contract award. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Morris, that the bid as submitted. by the City Engineer be approved and the date of publication and opening of bids be approved as set forth in the bid call. Carried. A communication was read. from the City Engineer submitting a voucher from Alia and Libri ^.onstruction Company, Contractor for the Water Supply Mains Contract in the amount of $14,052.60. The voucher covers the 155 retained for 30 days for work performed under the terms of the contract---that the acceptance date by the City on this project was March 1, 1955, and that the Contractor is eligible for this payment providing no liens have been filed and provided release has been for- warded by the State Tax Commission. Moved by lbrris, seconded by Bruce, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher cover- ing the total and final quantities of work performed by Rumsev & Company, Contractor, Williams Street Bridge, in the total amount of $5588.94, which is the final pay- ment except for the 155 retained in the amount of 412,678.02, that the City Engineer finds this payment correct and recommends payment of same; a letter was attached from Cecil C. Arnold, Consulting Engineer recommending acceptance of the work performed by Rumsev & Company, Contractor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, MIN that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council accept the work performed by Rumsev & Company, Contractor as of this date, April 5, 1955• Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Ainslee Mitchell, 8802 South 131st Street, in reference to a previous request to grade the road adjacent to their home, re- questing that signs be placed near the road restricting the use of same to trucks and that trucks be requested to use the road one block south. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Wallin-.Edwards, Inc., signed by Robert L. Edwards, stating that in improving a rear aomss to certain lots in Wallin-Edwards lst Addition they acquired a small parcel of land and dedicated it as a roadway easement, and owing to the fact that a portion of the roadway was not located within the City' s limits, on advice of the City Attorne-r, their would like to have the Citv of Renton accept this road.wa'r property (a deed to same being attached) to eliminate the work of annexation. On advice of the City Attorney that this would be satisfactory to the City, moved bsr Swift, seconded by Herper.stall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney's Office that the City accept this deed. Carried. The Clerk read the resubmission of the rezoning request of Joseph and Gladys Ellis, 10705 112th S.E., to change the zoning classification of said tract from Residential Use District to Commercial Use District, to-wit: "Lot 3, Block 2, Stewart' s Highland Acre Tracts, per plat there- of in Vol, 43 of Plat, Page 17, records of King County; situate in the City of Renton, King County, Washington". This petition was first submitted April 20, 1954 and subsequently submitted on August 91 1954• The Ellis' request to be advised, through their Attorney, Gil Duckworth, Jr., of the date of hearing on this petition. The City Clerk reported that the required fee had been received, together with duplicate copies of the plot plan for same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the required notice of hearing be published and posted as required by Ordinance and the date of hearing be set as May 3rd and that the petitioners be so notified. Carried. 296 The matter of Council consideration of the suggestion that a certain period of time elapse (60 days or so) after presentation of a rezoning request before same is permitted to be presented to the Council again was referred to the Com- mittee of the Council as a Whole for their consideration. The City Clerk reported that he had received several communications from Congressmen and one from Governor Langlie in regard to support of the Eagle Gorge Dam bill and "in lieu of taxes" from the Federal Government for the loss of Federal taxes on the Boeing Airplane Company in Renton and the new Foundry Build- ing at the Pacific Car and Foundry Company. The communications were ordered filed. This being the date set for the hearing on the rezoning request of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, 400 Whitworth Street to rezone certain property "the north 40 feet of Lots 4, 5 and 61 Block 2, Smithers 4th Addition to the City of Renton" from Residential Use (R-9) District to Public Use (P-1) District and there being no written or oral protests, moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare and submit the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1512, rezoning and reclassifying cer- tain properties as Public Use District, described as follows: "the north 40 feet of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, Smithers 4th Addition to the City of Renton, (more generally described as the southeast corner of Morris and 4th Avenue) as request- ed by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the majority of the Ordinance Committee report- ed favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, and proposed Ordinance No. 1512 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1512 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. This also being the date set for the hearing on the vacation of 127th Street, between 87th and 88th Avenue South in the recently annexed area east of Bryn Mawr, adjacent to Rainier Avenue and the Renton Airport, and there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Mrs. William Burnett, 401 6th Avenue West, from the audience reported that she and other residents in the area of their home in Earlington were being bothered by animals (horses and cattle) being allowed to stray at large and requested Council action in enforcing a City Ordinance prohibiting same. There were other residents present who also protested this Ordinance violation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, as this was a matter which had come before the Council previously that the matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for investigation and a report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that at the recent meeting of the Legislature, different Committees working in behalf of the City's interests, received a great deal of support and assistance from the Senators and Representatives from this District which was very beneficial to the City of Renton and moved, seconded by Richardson, that a letter be written, over the Mavor and Council's signature in appreciation thanking Representatives Todd, Hess and Monroe for their efforts in passing certain legislature. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting; was called to order by Magor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIM, REID, R.ICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HANTSE^r, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Trimm stated that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, in regard to extension of retirement dates of City Employees, that retirement extension be granted eligible City Employees to enable them to benefit under Social Security Laws, and so moved, seconded b-- Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. 297 On request of Councilman Reid, the Cit;',r Clerk read a communication from Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney, to Preston, Thorgrimsor and Horowitz, Attorneys at Law, regarding the condemnation suits (power) vs. the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, acknowledging their letter of March 23, 1955, pertaining to their offer submitted March 22nd to the power company counsel, and their counter-offer of the same date. The company' s proposal is quoted as follows: "In the event of dismissal by the four cities of their condem- nation suits, Puget will agree with each of such cities that it will not sell, transfer or convey the properties which are used or useful for the distribution and sple of electricity in- that city and which are included in that city's condemnation proceed- ing, until the expiration of ninety (90) days after Puget has given written notice thereof to the cite= involved". The City Attorney states that their letter indicates their opinion that this offer would give the City time to hold an election on bonds for acquisition, and to file another condemnation suit; also that a new election would row be necessar-;- in any case due to lapse of time; and also that the compan7T's offer above would entitle the City to injuctive relief in case the-T violated it; that the letter is to advise that the matter has been discussed b,T the special committee or the Council who have recommended to the Council as a Whole that Renton accent the nronosed stipulation from the power company and authorize dismissal of the suits, and that this recommendation was approved by the Council, on the basis discussed previously, the Engineer, and the bordirg people of an agreed dismissal, all consenting. Councilman Reid reported that the Special Committee _recommends that this council committee action be accepted and the comr.unication be approved by the Council and made a part of this evening's Council minutes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Com- mittee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that Masror Baxter had requested hi: to report on a special meeting which Ma-,nor Baxter had called with certain Councilmen and the Airport Board on Wednesday, March 30th, in regard to moneys the City of Renton had previously outlayed to the Airport for pa\,ment of taxes---that the Committee and the Airport Board have agreed on the repaj.nnent of a certain amount and how the repayment is to be made and that the Airport Board has taken under advisement the recommendations made and that the Mayor's Committee will report back to the Council as soon as information is available. bow Councilman Vietzke reported that blueprints for the new swimming pool were available in the City Engineer's Office and that the Councilmen were invited to look them over. Mayor Baxter thanked Councilman Morris for his efforts while at the recent Legislature Session in Olvmpia, stating he had accomplished a ver-v fine job in behalf of the Cite of Renton. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee with the City Tngineer, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division of the Police Depart- ment on Thursday, April 7, 1955. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street and Alley Committee recommended, in regard to the request of Mr. IAorrison, Manager of the People's National Bank, that disposal of the storm water runoff from the new bank building and parking lot, at 226 Williams Street, be taken care of bar installation of an 8 inch drain, that the City furnish the labor and equipment for the improvement and. the property owner furnish the materials, including materials to repair the street after backfill of the ditch is completed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, renorted that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed the request of Mr. Price for the use of two parking meter spaces in front of his place of business at 103 Burnett Street, and that the Committee feels that if this request is granted the Police Department would have no control over the area, also that in so doing, the Council would be setting a precedent which every commercial or professional businessman could expect; that the Committee recommends that the request be not granted and Mr. Price be so advised, also the reasons. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded. by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. 298 m c� Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, further reported that the Committee recommended in regard to the two separate letters received from the Ainslee Mitchell's at 8802, South 131st Street the first for improvement of a } certain dedicated roadway (131st Street between 88th and 90th Avenues South) by grading, also their request that a sign restricting heavy trucks from using this roadway be installed, be nctgranted, until such time as subject street is correct- ly located and improved to the City's satisfaction; that on approval by the Council the Mitchell's be advised of the Council's action and reasons for same. hoved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further suggested that the Mitchell's be notified who the different adjoining propert-; owners on this dedicated roadway are, also, the necessary steps for the formation of a Local Improvement District, if they wished to institute such a petition for the improvement of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from Postmaster John Lotto to Council- man Swift, in regard to the motorist mail box in front of the Post Office Building recommending that 2 meters be removed from in front of the Post Office on a trial basis and on condition that the Renton Office would be willing to relocate this motorist mail box on Walla Walla Avenue if an official site on this avenue is approved by the Street & Alley Committee---that there would be no objection to the Walla Walla Avenue site with the box being located on the property line with the present sidewalk being utilized for a driveway; that the suggestion for a curved driveway on Post Office property would have to be approved by the Post Office Department. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that this matter be held in Committee---that they recommend that two meters (to the north of the box) be removed from in front of the Post Office and that the Post Master request permission from the Post Office Denartment to in- stall a box on Walla Walla Avenue which would be more convenient to the motorists. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, further reported for the Street & Alley Committee in conjunction with the Street Lighting Program, that as it is planned to in- corporate Wells & Williams Street to Grady Way as part of the traffic pattern the Committee recommended that these two streets be established as arterial streets and that 5th Avenue North be made a Stop Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported, on advice of the Assistant City Attorney, in regard to the vacation of a portion of 127th Street, previous Council action be amended and that the City retain a 10 foot utility easement in the center of the property to be vacated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that the vacation be allowed subject to the City of Renton reserving 10 feet as a utility easement. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti; Chairman, reported in regard to the prowler car bids, that the Police & License Committee recommended that the low bid from the Clarke Brothers Motor Company be accepted, providing all specifications are met; that if specifications are not complete then the bid from the second low bidder, Frank Rhodes, be accepted. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the report received from the Police -Court in regard to the increase in receipts from fines was good and that in his opinion the Department was doing a very fine .job. Councilman Heppenstall reported there would be a meeting of the Job Evaluation Committee Monday evening at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Trimm congratulated the City Clerk, Floyd Shaff, for his fine re- port on all funds of the City of ,Renton, and stated that this was very enlighten- ing and greatly appreciated. Councilman Bruce reported that the Eagles Lodge were planning to improve a parking area adjacent to their building and that if the City would establish the grade of the alley, they would bulldoze same for the City of Renton, and so moved, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back of their recommendation. Carried. 299 Mayor Baxter reported that the Association of Washington Cities would convene in Tacoma in June---that there was space available for display for various cities and that the City of Renton had been requested to display pertinent information relative to the proposed Limited Access Highway; that if interested, we should secure space for the display (which is free for the asking) which would be in sections of pl Wood panels, sizes 4 x 8 feet, etc., in even sizes. The Cit? will endeavor to obtain the State Highwa7r Departments drawing for the display. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: i PAYROLLS ALL DEPARTMENTS 3952-4246 $47,566.00 CURRENT 2003-2006 28,741.75 WATER 9060-9063 71434.99 LIBRARY 2792-2794 2,212.79 PARK 1895-1897 2,332.59 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2545-2548 21964.69 AIRPORT 1825-1827 1,531.56 STREET 6629-6632 6,098.75 WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE 423-430 13,214.65 SWIMMING. POOL FUND #4 -- 12.85 CUM. FUND #1183 #1 400,00 FIREMEN'S PENSION FU T. 156-157 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 552 50.00 EQUIPMPNT RFNTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 343-382 13,280.53 WATT` SEWER CONST. 707-711 57,512.86 CLAIMS FUrID 1152-1248 19,127.98 STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEIIENT 1913 15.03 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. (There were twenty persons present besides City of Renton employees). ITY CLERK bw yrs? f V 300 cc Renton, Washington April 12, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHAR.DSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HANSEPJ, SWIFT AND HEPPENSTALL. (On their request for same, Mayor Baxter granted Councilmen Tamborini and Bruce a Leave of Absence and excused Councilman Delaurenti). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Gene Coulon, Park Sunerintendent. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the Council meeting of April 5th be anproved as corrected. Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer submitting vouchers from Cecil C. Arnold, Consulting Engineer, for professional services on the Williams Street Bridge as follows (1) Balance due of the fee for the design of the bridge, $686.62 and (2) Professional services for field inspection, engineering and super- vision for the month of March, 3556.5O. The City Engineer stated that the amounts as shown on the attached vouchers were correct and in agreement with the terms of the contract between the Cit-v and Mr. Arnold and that payment is recommended. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that these two vouchers be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk reported that he had received a notice that the Association of Washington Cities is planning to sponsor a one-day school for new ma77ors and councilmen this year; for Western Washington in Seattle -on Mav 5, 1955• Mayor Baxter ordered the communication placed on file. A communication was read from Police Judge Paul Houser stating that there is a need for consideration of an ordinance in the City of Renton bringing city ordinances in line with recent State legislation concerning drunken driving convic- tions; that he has discussed this matter with the Assistant City Attorney, and that if the City_ wants to go along with the policy of the state as recently enact- ed, that he and Mr. Shellan would be glad to work with the Committee. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the present Ordinance was patterned after State Law in 1939 and that the City Attorney's Office and the Police Judge both feel that the City's Ordinance should coincide with State Law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mr. Tom Nelson, 12824 90th South, Renton, stated from the audience that he would like to have the Council consider the installation of a standard water system to serve approximately 35 residents in an area near his home which at the present is being served by a veer inadequate line. After discussion, the As- sistant City Attorney informed Mr. Nelson that if the property owners desire to obtain a more adequate water supply that they may (1) hook on to the water system presently being installed by Mr. Edwards in the Woody Glen and Wallin-Edwards plats, or (2) petition for a smaller Local Improvement District to give immediate relief, that this would be up to the property owners. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Morris, that the problem be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for further study with the City Engineer and that Mr. Nelson be advised of the Council's action. Carried. Councilman Trimm stated there would be a meeting of the Fire &•Water Com- mittee Tuesday, April 19th at 7:15 P.M. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 885, as presented by the Ordi- nance Committee, extending the retirement dates of William H. Watkins, Emmon H. Beil and Edward Bunstine, members of the Washington Statewide City Employee's Retirement System, for the purpose of correlating such present benefits with the benefits to be derived from certain Social Security enabling legislation, recent- ly enacted into law and designated as Chapter IV, Laws of Extraordinary Session, 1955• Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Trimm, that Resolution No. 885 be adopt- ed as read. Carried. 301 The City Clerk read 'proposed Ordinance No. 1513, as presented by the Ordi- nance Committee, vacating a portion (60 foot street right-of-way, approximately 200 feet long) of South 127th Street, between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South, Renton. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by White, seconded by Viet7ke, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1513 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1513 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being ism taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that two representatives from the Pacific Car and Foundry Company (Herb Williams and Henry Evans) had met with the Street & Alley Committee in regard to the drainage and improvement of Pigott Avenue, a street two blocks long from Factory Street west to Garden Street, parallel to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company fence; that the Street Commissioner and City Engineer have made arrangements to meet with the Pacific Car and Foundry Company repre- sentatives to go over cost estimates for draining and surfacing this street. ;loved by Pichardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter stay in the Street and - Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Eagles had started the improvement of the parking lot at the rear of their building, that a portion of the 16' alley way they have offered to grade for the City is City of Seattle pipe-line right-of-way property and that the Citi* has no .jurisdiction over same. The Street & Alley Com- mittee will make a further report later. . Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Job Evaluation-Committee reported that the Council had each been given a break-down of the organizational and management survey for the City of Renton; that then recommended that Mr. Clarence R. Pool be employed to make the survey for the City, that he is experienced and qualified for this work; that the survey would take approximately 2 to 22 months and would cost approximately $2250.00; that they further recommended that an agreement be drafted between Mr. Pool and the Cit7r of ?penton that the study is �. to be commenced immediately and to be completed as soon as possible. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the motion be amended to read that the cost of the survey be paid from Cumulative Fund No. 1181 . The amendment carried. The motion as amended then carried.. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, requested a meeting of the Council as a ?Whole immediately after this evening's meeting. The Council was informed that the Citjr has no .jurisdiction over the Waterway nroperty near the river ad;acent to Clark Bros. Motor Company where it was reported cars were parking. Councilman Hansen, Chairman, reported that the Public Relations Committee had investigated the complaint of Mrs. William Burnett of animals running at large in the Earlington area and that the Committee recommended that Mr. McCann remove fences he has built over the street in violation of Citi- Ordinance. The Assistant Cit?r Attorney stated that the man should. be advised of the provisions of the Ordinance; that if he had cattle at the time the property became a part of the City he could- not be forced to dispose of them, but if he acquired them after, that he could be forced to dispose of them; that if the fences are block- ing a public road that the City Engineer or City Clerk should request him to .re- move the obstruction. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by White, that Mr. McCann be ordered to remove the fences and clear the street of any obstruction. Carried. I . � The City Clerk reported that he had received an acknowledgment letter from Thor C. Tollefson, M.C., of the resolution relative to construction appropriations for the Eagle Gorge Dam. Councilman Swift announced that there would be a Street & Alley Committee meeting, Thursday, April 21st and that all Councilmen are invited to attend this meeting which will be held for the discussion of one-way streets. Moved bIr Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. (There were six persons present besides City of '.)"enton employees). City Clerk 302 ' y b Renton, Washington April 19, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: TRI MM, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMPORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (On their request for same, Matror Baxter ex- cused Councilmen Reid and Morris). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City - Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; M. C. Walls, Assistant Eire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Citv Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Assistant Citv Fngineer and. Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the Council meeting of April 12, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. The Citv Clerk stated that there were two requests received for additional pinball machines, one at the Alameda Tavern, 206 Sunset Blvd., signed by Sam Pappas, and one at Andy's Cafe, 323 Williams Street, signed by Alvin R. Anderson. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the two requests-be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer enclosing a voucher covering retained percentage on the Alia & Libri Construction Company Water Supply Main Contract in the total amount of $14,409.90 (certified correct by the City Engineer) and stating that on advice of the State Tax Commission he had included sales tax, not previously included in the Alia & Libri Construction Company final statement, in the amount of $357.30, making a total amount due the contractor of $14,409.90; that the City Engineer has corrected the contractor's voucher, which is due for payment upon notice of release by the State Tax Commission. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, enclosing a voucher cover- ing retained percentage on the Matt Malaspina tank site and connecting water line contract in the amount of $4,971.39; this voucher covers the 15',% retained plus the balance of sales tax due the contractor for work performed to date, exclusive of a $350.00 item of work which the contractor was unable to complete until certain work has been completed by the Hammond Iron Works, the contractor for the tank, and which action had previousl.r been approved by the Council. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from George Goodall, owner of the Renton Launderette, 717 Bronson Way, requesting a space, approximately 20 feet long, be reserved in front of his place of business as a 1110 minute loading zone", for the benefit of his customers. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this request be re- ferred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition, signed by 21 property owners, requesting a change in a portion of the route of the proposed new freeway, stating that they protest the location of same and request that a 1500 foot portion of the route, consisting of a strip of business property, bordering on the Sunset Blvd., at the Maple Way Cemetery Road intersection extending approximately 700 feet north- easterly from that intersection and approximately 700 feet southeasterly along Maple Way from that intersection, be built approximately 250 or 300 feet easterly from the proposed location; that the new highway as planned would eliminate this intersection, besides costing the State considerable to acquire. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition be referred to the Special Highway Committee. (Councilman White, Chairman, Councilmen Heppenstall, Swift, Richardson and Trimm) . Carried. Mr. Sam Zerwoodis, one of the petitioners, from the audience, stated that the pronertr owners would like to know definitely just where the proposed freeway would cut through this intersection to enable them to make certain improvements that they are contemplating. Mr. Tom Dobson, from the audience, stated that consideration should be given the effect the proposed free- wav would have on Park propert7r as well as the cost of condemning other properties ---that he understood that the City only agreed to a tentative route, that study should be given to all of these factors---that if the State Highway Department finds the change worthy that perhaps they could change the route of the highway. The Assistant City Attorney stated that as he recollected, the Council went on record as agreeing to the route in principal, that they had allowed leeway for X00c access and minor particulars, that he did not know if this would be considered a minor matter or not---that it might be more advantageous to condemn unimproved nropertv rather than improved property. Councilman Swift stated that he under- stood that 100 feet had been reservedd for the cloverleaf---that if the freeway were moved easterly, there would be no room for access. Councilman White, Chairman of the Special Highway Committee reported there would be a meeting of this Committee this coming week and that he would advise the Committee members. A communication was read from the Citv Engineer submitting a petition for the vacation of the alleir in Block 22, Renton Highlands Addition, signed by all 25 of the property owners abutting on said alley, with the stipulation that a 10 foot easement be conv Bred to the City. The petition to vacate the 16 foot alley, which abuts lots 2 to 27 inclusive, Block 22, Renton Highlands Addition, was attached. The petition stated that they agree to conveir to the City a per- petual easement on the five feet of property adjacent to the centerline of said alley for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining public utilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition be referred to the Street ,;z Alley Committee for study and a renort back. Carried. A petition was read requesting the City Council to accept the deed of a ten foot strip (the westerl7rfive feet of Lots 7 thru 13, inclusive and the easterly 5' of lots 1 thru 6 inclusive, Block 15, Town of Renton) for alley purposes, signed by 11 property owners---that the,= understand that the alleway will be graded, that crushed rock will be spread over same and the alleyway opened at both ends; that the work will be done by the City and the cost thereof prorated, according to lot ownership to the petitioners---that maintenance of the alley thereafter will be done by the City at the City's expense. A deed covering the above described property, signed and notorized, was attached. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition and deed be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The City Engineer reported that Attorney Paul Houser and Real Estate man, Fred Akers, could be thanked for this deed which the Council had been endeavoring to acquire for several years. The City Clerk reported that he had available a cony of the new election laws which any of the Council could. see if they desired. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street 1� Alley Committee, reported that he would like to present a nroposed Resolution establishing Wells Street and Williams Street as "Arterial Streets". The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 886, establishing Wells Street and Williams Street from 4th Avenue in a southerly direction to Grady Way as "Arterial Streets"; that the Street Commissioner be and is authorized and directed to post necessary signs or placards and to establish from time to time appropriate regulations, consistent with law and city ordinances for the control of travel, parking, crossings, speeds and uses of said arterial streets. Moved by Swift, second ed by R.ichardson,that Resolution No. 886 be adopt- ed as read. Carried. Councilman. Trimm reported that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a ',dhole that the rezone requests of Clara Acton and Ray Brown be rejected by the Council until the Planning Commission has made a further study, as the two nroperty owners are carrying on their businesses on temporary permits issued previously by the County before they became annexed to the City. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, and that the requests for rezoning be re- ferred back to the Planning Commission for their further recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, more time to report on other matters previously referred to the Committee of the Council as a i-dhole, which have been referred to the City Attorney's Office for further recom- mendation. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Com- mittee, more time in regard to the requests of the Police Judge to create a Traffic Violations Bureau in the Police Court, etc., (submitted at the March 1, 1955 Council meeting) and consideration of an ordinance in the City of Renton bringing city ordinances in line with recent State legislation concerning drunken driving convictions, (submitted at the April 12, 1955 Council meeting), both of which had previously been referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney. The Street Commissioner informed the Council that in regard to the report that school authorities were permitting the draining of waste water on the south- east side of the street at the corner of hth & Park from washing of school motor 304 y n vehicles on school property adjacent thereto, and that as then had previously been given permission to do so, their had been asked to be more careful, so that no more waste water than was absolutely necessary be allowed to drain on Park Street. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, reported that in regard to the previous recommendation of the Planning Commission that cards of inquir-r be mailed to all nronert-, owners in a certain area of North Renton, that as the majority of the cards had been returned stating the property owners were in favor and had no objection to the rezoning of this area from R-S to R-1, that the Council approve this rezoning and necessary publications and postings be done and the date of hearing be set as May 17, 1955- Moved bar Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a whole. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire Rc Water Committee, informed the Council that he had been advised that the Housing Authority was going to place the 1946 fire truck, previously used by the City on the Airport, on sale by method of call for bids, and that after discussion the Committee recommended that the Fire Department submit a bid for the truck in order to obtain certain valuable equipment included in the sale, which would cost considerable more to replace. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Fire Department be authorized to submit a bid. Carried. The Assistant City Fngineer, Walt Will, reported that the doors to the Council Chambers would be changed to swing out, as requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. (There were 62 persons present besides City of Renton employees). C' y Clerk 2 Matron i/ Renton, Washington May 3, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, FFID, RICHAFPSON, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, HANSErT, SWIFT, DFLAURENTI, HFPPENSTATI, AND BRUCE. (Councilmen Heppenstall and. White, at their .request, were excused). Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of April 19th be approved as corrected. Carried. Mrs. Merle Harries from the audience stated that she would like to protest the problem of children damaging the fence around her ,yard which is located in back of the St. Anthony's School---that the children trample the flowers and break shrubs and. in many ways damage her property, especially the fence. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this complaint be referred to the Public Relations Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Mr. Gil Duckworth, Attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellis, reported that several of the adjoining property owners of the Lllis tract had decided to join with them in the rezoning petition, and that to avoid a duplication of rezoning legal work, etc., suggested that this matter be deferred until a new petition can be presented and considered by the Council. Councilman Richardson stated that it was his opinion that the matter should be continued for at least a 5 week period and a tentative date of hearing be set as June 14th to allow consideration by the Planning Commission of the new petition and subsequent Council action, and so moved, seconded by Reid, and carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that if the petition was received soon, and if the Planning Commission was familiar with same, teat they could be advised. that the Council is endeavoring to meet a dead- line, and could therefore give this matter early consideration. A communication was read from Tony Starkovich requesting reconsideration of a previous petition rejected by the Plarning Commission for lack of information--- that he would like to advise the Council that he is planning to lease this nroperty to the Renton Auto Brokers for a used car lot. Councilman Richardson stated that ..� he had talked with Mr. Starkovich and. had checked the CitAT Clerk's Office file and that Mr. Starkovich had been requested to resubmit his petition stating the proposed use of the pronert,�=, a.nd moved, seconded by Tamborini, that the original petition together with the above communication be- referred to the Planning Com- mission for reconsideration and a. report back. Carried. On the suggestion of Councilman D ela-arenti, and this being the date set for the opening of bids for the construction of a Swimming Pool, etc., (wading pool and bath house also included), the following bids were opened and read. (*Alternates below cover the following: #1 - Delete construction of wading pool and bath house, but install all piping for the wading pool and bath house through the outside wall of the filter room or outside of the pool walks and cap. #2 - Delete construction of swimming pool and wading pool. #3 - Delete construction of swimming pool and bath house. #4 - Furnish and install in the deen end of the swimming pool, two 1000 watt under water lights, not shown on the plans) . TOTAL COST OF 3 1/3 % TOTAL AM'T. SWIMMING POOL, WASHINGTON OF BID WADING POOL & STATE SALTS INCLUDING BIDDER BATH HOUSE TAX SALES TAX Nelson Bldg. & Contr. Co. Y101,0 1.00 $3,36B.70 $104,429-70 1243 Rainier Avenue Seattle 44, Wash. „Alternate #1 - $$81,221.00 r' #2 - 16,873.00 #3 - 21967.00 #4 - 230.00 Marwell Constr. Inc. 103,274.00 3,442.47 106,716.47 Paddock Pool T`iv'n. 10743 Aurora Ave. Seattle 33, Wn. ' Alternate #1 - 80,563-00 rr #2 - 19,686.00 " #3 - 3,025.00 'r #4 - 265.00 306 y r� a= Puget Construction Co. Inc. 94,841.00 3,161.37 982002.37 1811 Bush Place Seattle, Wash. *Alternate #1 ) It #2 ) NONE It #3 ) if #4 - 240.00 Kerty Mortensen Constr. Co. 98,474.00 35282.47 101,756.47 Tekoa, Wash. *Alternate #1 - 74,572.00 " #2 - 21,250.00 #3 - 2,422.00 #4 - 230.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Special Swimming Pool Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication from Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz to Citv Attorneys, Haugan & Shellan was read regarding the case of the City of Renton vs. Puget Sound Power and Light Company stating that said case was dismissed without prejudice and with- out costs to either party, signed and entered on April 25, 1955---that the cases of the 4 other cities have also been dismissed upon the same stipulation. The communication was ordered filed. A memo was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission stating that several matters referred to the Commission are still in Committee, as follows: 1. The two Wallin-Edwards rezoning requests - Special Committee (Charles McGarrigle, Chairman; Tom Dobson and Jim D enzer). 2. Grabner's non-conforming request - Special Committee. 3. Clara Acton and Ray Brown rezoning request - Special Committee (John Swanson, Chairman; Chas. McGarrigle and John Austin). That in regard to Item 3, Mr. Myers is to contact the King County Planning Commission to determine the basis of temporary permits issued by their Commission, and for further information. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher from Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, for professional services on the 1954 Revenue Bond Improvement projects in the amount of $1585.76. Mr. Highton stated that the amount was correct and that he recommended payment. Moved by Dela.urenti, second- ed by Reid, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher for Rumsey & Company in the total amount of $12,678.02, and stating that the State Tax Commission has issued a certificate which releases Rumsey & Company, Con- tractor on the Williams Street Bridge and authorizes payment of the retained per- centage in this amount---that the City Clerk has informed him that no liens for labor or material have been filed and that the contractor is eligible for payment in this amount, as of May 5, 1955• Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from R. E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, submitting the final progress estimate for the Hammond Iron Works, Contractor on the 3 million gallon steel water reservoir in the total amount of $9,184.75• The Consulting Engineer certified, concurred in by the City Engineer, that the con- tract has been completed in accordance with plans and specifications, and states that he recommends acceptance of the construction, that if after 30 days, no liens or claims have been filed against the contractor that the retained percent- age (,10,143.30) be paid. Moved by Tamborini' seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Consulting and City Engineer and that the date of acceptance be set as May 3, 1955. Carried. 307 A third communication was read from the City Engineer submitting the "Bid Call" for the widening and paving of Park Street from Bronson Wav North to lath Avenue North for Council consideration, and stating that the date of opening of bids having been set as May 17th would require publication this week, otherwise would have to be held over until June 7, 1955; that the new cost estimate is $28,340.00 but that these three improvements do not exceed amount allowed under Prop. #3 of the General Obligation Bond Ordinance No. 1494, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the date for the opening of bids be set as stated. Carried. The appointment was read by Mayor Baxter of Rev. H. C. Lazenby as.a member of the Library Board effective immediately to replace Mrs. Alice Williams who has resigned. The position to which he is appointed at this time will expire June 1, 1955• Mayor Baxter reappointed Rev. Lazenby as a member of the Library Board, to succeed himself, effective June 1, 1955 for a regular five year period which will expire June 1, 1960. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. A request to install one shuffleboard in the Alki Tavern, 917 Third Avenue, was read from Jerold R. Carlson of the Carlson, Lystad & Company. Moved. by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Two communications were read from Romeo Bott, Executive Secretar7T of the Statewide City Employees Retirement Svstem, the first stating that Albert H. Erickson #11235 will be over 65 on July 1, 1955 and should retire at that time unless extended by the Council; also that Joseph W. Allen ##1200 having had his time extended to July 1, 1°55 should retire at that time unless his retirement date is extended further by the Council. Mavor Baxter stated that in his opinion '" all city employees retirement dates should be extended to terminate at the same time to avoid the continued paper work. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tam- borini, that the two above requests be referred to the respective department heads for consideration and a report back to the Council. Carried. A third communication was read from Mr. Bott, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, stating that the Special Session of the Legislature passed a law which is called the "Social Security Enabling Act" and that under this law many cities may cover their employees with Social Se- curity as well as the present system---that it can be in addition to the present coverage system or can be coordinated or integrated with our System---that the law goes into effect June 23, 1955 and provides for coverage retroactive to January 1, 1955 and that in both cases it must be done through our System. Also, before any plan is put into effect, the members of this present system working for that city must vote on the plan and a majority of such members must be in favor of it---that the referendum at which the members vote cannot be held until 90 days after notice of sugh election has been given to the members together with full information as to the effects of such plan on the members, and that Mr. Bott's office is working on the many details necessary to put such a plan into operation and that as soon as necessary information is available it will be for- warded to all member cities. The communication was ordered placed on file. The City Clerk requested any Councilmen or Department Heads plannint to attend the annual Association of Washington Cities Convention in Tacoma on June 9th and 10th to let him know so that necessary arrangements could be made. The March King County Health report having been studied by the Sanitation Committee was ordered placed on file. Mayor Baxter announced that "Student Day" at the City Hall would be next Tuesday, May 10th and that certain students would be appointed as honorary officers of the City. The Citv Clerk reported that as soon as clearance is received from the Washington State Tax Commission on the Libri Contract, the balance due Mr. Libri could be paid, also that the State Tax Commission would not issue a release on the Malaspina Contract until the, final contract work in the amount of $350.00 is completed, and that the voucher in the amount of $4971.39 would be held until clearance is received. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole, after studv and consideration, rejected the Fred Peacock Plat on the Sunset Highway, previously rejected by the Renton Planning Commission. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. 308 CO y C:C n Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, further reported for the Com- mittee of the Council as a Whole, in regard to the revised Peterson Plat in the Sunset Heights, adjacent on the north to Windsor Hills, that the Committee recom- mends that the Council approve said plat; that the revised plat submitted to the Council now conforms to the platting ordinance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The City Clerk informed the Council that a letter had been forwarded to the owner of the cattle that were running at large in the area of 6th Avenue West in Earlington. Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting of the Special Swimming Pool Committee, Mayor Baxter and the City Atttorney, following this evening's Council meeting. Councilman Swift stated that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that the Council request a meeting with the Renton Housing Authority relative to revision of the Highlands Plat, and that the Housing Authority be requested to set a date for the meeting. Councilman Swift reported that there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Thursday, May 5, 1955• The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that any petition, when re- jected by the Council without any further provisions regarding same, is dead and that any further action on the matter would require a new petition; that any re- zoning petition, bearing the required number of signatures, must be granted a hearing according to the zoning ordinance. Councilman Bruce reported that the exchange of City- of Renton property (a portion of the Mother's Park Area, the City retaining approximately 4.1 acres including the North Renton Recreation Building, the Radio Station and two lots south of the station) for approximately 20 acres (1100 feet of lake frontage) on Lake Washington just east of the Puget Sound Shuffleton Plant, has been consummated with the railroad company, and that the Council feels that this is a very good property exchange, with no cost to the taxpayer, for the City of Renton; that this exchange of property has opened up a large industrial area and has given the City I a nice lake front area, and that Mr. Gerard Shellan, the Assistant City Attorney, should be congratulated for his very diligent and successful efforts. Mayor Baxter thanked Councilman Bruce for his report and stated that in behalf of the Council and the City of Renton he would like to thank Mr. Shellan for his out- standing work for the City of Renton. Councilman Morris reported that Councilman Tamborini and he had attended the Housing Authority Board meeting on Monday, May 2nd, and that they had advised the Board that certain matters were presently in Committee. On request of Councilman Richardson that the matter of use of a certain type of sewer pipe within the City of Renton be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer for investigation and to study the ordinance in regard to same and report back to the Council it was so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, and carried. Also, on the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, that in discussing the matter with Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer that the interpretation of the present ordinance covering the mixing of cement is not clear and because of the considerable amount of building construction around Renton, the- feel that there should be a better interpretation of same and that he would like to suggest that the matter be referred to the Assistant City Engineer for consideration and study and a report back to the Council, and so moved by Vietzke, seconded b y Delaurenti, and carried. Councilman Morris reported that on request of the City Clerk, that the Finance Committee recommended that $1200.00 be borrowed from Cumulative Fund #1184 and transferred to Funds as follows: L.I.D. #240 (Improvement of Bl. 8) - $350.00 L.I.D. #241 (Improvement of Bl. 9) - $300.00 L.I.D. #242 (Improvement of Bl. 14) - $p550.00 and that Cumulative Fund #1184 be reimbursed in this amount as payments are made on the L.I.D.ts. 309 Mayor Baxter reported that "Clean Up Meek" in Renton had been set as May 23rd through May 27th and that the Fire Chief had requested Council consideration and approval of the Street Department collecting the refuse from the various homes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Favor authorize the Street Commissioner to work with the Fire Chief as usual during Clean Up Week. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dela.urenti, that the matter of the Housing Au- thority disposing of the present Library Building in the Highlands and the subsequent need of a new space for a Library for the Highlands area be referred to the Propert-�r Committee for investigation and a retort back. Carried. On request of Councilman. Bruce, Mayor .Baxter informed the President of the Renton City Employees Club that arrangements for the use of meeting rooms in the Citv Hall, were made through the Citv Clerk's Office by contacting Mr. Alexander, Budget Controller, who is in charge of the use of these rooms. Mr. TeGantvcort was also notified that the employees could use the City Hall meeting room the 4th Thursda-- of each month, as this would not interfere with any regularly held meetings. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the recent, nearly fatal accident in the Highlands where Mr. Oehm Kirkman a cit,, employee, narrowly missed death when buried under a cave-in of a newlzr dug sewer ditch, that the action of the Street Department Foremen and employees should be highly praised and credited with the saving of Mr. Kirman's life---that they all showed remarkable presence of mind and alertness, and moved, seconded by Richardson and carried that this infor- mation be made a part of this week's Council minutes. The following, claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 4247-454.0 $461122.32 CURRENT 2007-2009 37,311.10 WATER 9064-9066 8,945.84 LIBRARY 2795-2796 2,014.15 PARK 1898-1900 32586.82 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2549-2551 3,708.40 AIRPORT 1828-1830 2,867.62 STREET 6633-6634 5018.37 WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE 431-435 6,901.38 CUM. FUND ;#1183 --- none CUM. FUND x#1184 481 750.00 FIRE PEN'S PENSION FUND 158-159 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 553-554 53.61 EQUIPMFNT REYTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 383-418 4,949.28 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 --- none CLAIMS FUND 1249-1345 15,844.20 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 20 persons present in the audience besides City of Renton employees) . l � � J Ci Cler .�.. May 310 y CS7 C�7 n Renton, Washington May 10, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Mayor Baxter introduced Acting Mayor Bert Custer and welcomed him and all the other senior students who were taking part in "City Government Day's. Acting Mayor Custer introduced elective officials as follows: Mollie Church, Acting City Clerk; Herb Seablom, Acting City Treasurer; Mike Carter, Acting Police Judge and the following Councilmen, LOUIS BAREI, BILL HUNTINGTON, GLADYS ACRES, GARY AUSMAN, SIGNE BERGMAN, CLYDE DUNSON, NANCY EASTMAN, DOLORES LEVER, MAY MOSS, BOB NANGLE, JACK PRINGLE AND JOHN THARP. All other appointed officials were introduced by Acting Mayor Bert Custer. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fixe Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Super- intendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Del aurenti, that the minutes of the May 3rd Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read-from the Fred Hancock Post No. 19, American Legion, signed by Dr. C. P. Ambrose, requesting permission to sponsor the Clyde Beatty Circus on July 15, 1955, if they are able to obtain a large enough lot. They state that all City requirements as to bonds will be met. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. A communication was read from the Farmers Insurance Group, signed by W, Kal Hall, in regard to the City's liability insurance coverages, carried through their office and due for renewal on May 15, 1955; that they have almost completed their entire audit of the City's exposures, automotive and non-automotive, which when complete will-permit them to render a complete statement. Mr. Hall states that the companies are prepared to renew all coverages at a rate and premium below the 1954- 55 premium and that he has a definite commitment on all coverages at a 10/ reduction from the past year, which would constitute a reduction of $822.62 from last year's premium of $ 8226.19. Mr. Hall further states that in a recent letter to the Police Department he called their attention to the advisability of carrying coverage to protect the members of the police force, and other city officials, against suit for false arrest---that the reduction in premium on the present coverages would be more than required to purchase this additional protection. Mr. Hall states that renewal binders have been placed on these coverages pending the Council's decision. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this communication be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Ang Busato, Chief of Police to the Mayor and Council, calling the Council's attention to an insurance program which concerns adequate protection for the members of the Police Department and other City officials against the risk of suit for false arrest, assault and battery which may arise out of false arrest, malicious prosecution or unlawful detention, which other cities have had; that as the cost of such additional coverage is $250.00 per year, which amount would cover all present members of the Police Department as well as 21 additional officials of our city---that the Chief of Police feels that immediate consideration should be given by the city to such protection---that he understands that the present rpm insurance carriers contemplate a reduction in their overall premium and that such insurance coverage as above outlined should be added to the city's other policies--- that they desire to have the City secure this coverage as soon as possible, as one single suit against the city, or any of its officials, would cost more than the year- ly premium involved. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Police &, License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. 311 A communication was read from Mr. ?gong Do Gow, owner of the Cathay Cafe (formerly the Sweet Center in Liberty Park), requesting permission to rent Mrs. James Scully the "Snack Bar" joining his cafe, for the months of June, July and August. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from John Lotto, Postmaster of the Renton Post Office, requesting the City renumber all of the houses on "M" Street, between S.E. 112th Street and S.E. 128th Street (Cemetery Road) as the older houses on this street bear County numbers and the County designation for "M" Street is 124th Avenue S.E. The Postmaster also requests consideration of the renumbering of all the houses in the Marlewood Addition to simplify the Post Office Department's work and to conform with Renton's numberin` system, as these homes all bear county numbers. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street 9 Alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from frank R. S,,raisgood, 2105 7th Ave. North, stat- ing that damages in the total amount of $83.62 (to his fence, sandbox and plants) had been done to his property on April 28, 1955 by the Contractor during an alley improvement program. The City Clerk stated that a copy of this communication had been forwarded to the City Attorney, Insurance Commissioner and Street Commissioner for their information. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Commissioner for investigation and a report back. Carried. A voucher was read from John J. McInerny, Consulting Engineer for the swim- ming pool, for professional services (plans and specifications) for the Liberty Park Swimming Pool in the amount of 02500. The voucher was certified correct by the City Engineer. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Trimm, that the voucher be re- ferred to the Finance Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting the request for Council consideration of George R. Studebaker, owner of a preliminary plat for the subdivision of a tract of land on the south side of S.E. 112th Street in the Highlands Reservoir vicinity. A copy of the plat was attached. (This property shows on City maps as the A.P. Yarborough property and is located approximately r.. 630 feet east of ",4" Street). Moved by 'Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the re- quest and plat be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a resort back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting permission for the Nater Department Foreman., Robert Puhich, and himself to attend the annual conference of the Northwest Section of the American ,,dater Works Association to be held in Yakima, May 18, 19 and 20th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the City Engineer's request. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that a survey of the north bound traffic at the intersection of Bronson :day North, lst Avenue North and Park Street shows a certain amount of left turn movement from the through lane and that the improper turn is apparently caused by the use of a single set of signals for the left turn and through movements; that the condition can be corrected by installing an additional set of signals so as to provide signals in each traffic lane---that the cams in the presently used control have slipped and that a new control is required to rermit repair of the existing control, the preliminary cost estimate for this work being $$500.00. Moved by Swift, seccnded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Street Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication from three Department Heads, James Highton, City Engineer, David Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, was read, stating that the employees (hourly) have requested and they recommend approval, Now that the startin- date of daylight saving working hours (previously approved by the Council from 7:00 A._' ., to 3:30 P.M., for June, July and August) be changed to Monda;r, May 16th and to continue to Tuesdav, September 6th. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the three de- partment heads. Carried. A petition was read, requesting the removal of the old barrack building from 244 N. Wells Street (Lot 15, Bl. 23, Renton farm Plat #3). The petition was headed by T. K. Anderson, 240 N. .dells Street and carried 18 signatures (13 property owners). I-loved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Building Inspector and Fire C ,ief for investigation and a report back. Carried. 312 H Cd n A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a petition for a change in zoning classification from Residence Use (R-2) to Busi.nessUse (B-1), of property located at the southwest corner of Main Street at 5th Avenue, and stating that the petition was signed by 73% of the property owners within the 200 foot radial area. The attached petition requesting rezoning from Residence Use (R-2) District to Business Use (B-1) District of property described as "Lot 20 and the north 40 feet of Lot 19, Bl. 17, Town of Renton", was signed by the owner Ernesto Barei, 9412 S. 151st 'lace, and also carried 24 signatures (1.6 property owners including the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, and stating that Alex Rivily, 311 Burnett will sign but is out of town), of not less than 51? by area of all property in the City lying within 200 feet (street and alleys excepted) of the above described lots, and having frontage upon any street passing; through and adjoining the above described property for proposed rezoning, consenting to the above rezoning. Moved by White, seconded by Trimm, that the rezoning; request be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, stated that he would have a committee report for the next Council meeting. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, reported that the "Call for Bids" for the lighting system program would be presented at; the June 7, 1955 Council meeting. Councilman Richardson, reported that the Law & Ordinance Committee w1uld report later on matters previously referred to his Committee. Councilman �,Tnite" Chairman of the Special Highway Committee, reported that the meeting scheduled for 7:00 o'clock this evening had been postponed due to the District Engineer, Mr. D. D. Forgey's, illness---that a meeting will be arranged for a later date and the Committee members will be so notified. CounciLman Vietzke, Chairman of the Swimming Pool Committee, reported that the Committee recommended and he so moved, seconded by Hansen, that based on the City Engineer's investigat ion,that the low bidder not having complied with and met the pr-.-qualif ica.tion requirements of the City, that the contract; for con- struction of a swimming pool, bath house and lights (excluding the wading pool) for a total of $965052.00, plus sales tax, be awarded the next lowest; bidder, the Kerty Mortensen Construction Company. Moved by Richardson, seconded by 'White, that Councilman Vietzke's motion, in regard to award of the sw:Liming pool bid, be tabled until the next Council meeting. On request for same, Mayor Baxter asked for a. roll call vote which resulted as follows: Trimm, No; Reid, Ave; Richardson, Aye; White, Aye; Vietzke, No; Morris, No; Tamborini, No; Hansen, No; Swi-ft, No; Delaurenti, No; Heppenstall, No and Bruce, Ave. There being 4 "Aye's" and 8 "No's", the motion lost. After discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting recess. Carried. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORTNI, HANSEN, SWILFT, DEI URENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Relative to Councilman Vietzke's previous motion in regard to award of the swimming pool bid, moved by I`orris, seconded by Heppenstall, that this motion be tabled until the next Council meeting. Carried. Mayor Baxter explained to the audience that by temporarl.ly postponing the award of the swimming pool bid, the Council could study this matter further and be sure that the total cost of the swimming pool doesn't exceed the $100,000 bond issue voted by the people of Renton for the swimming pool---that at this time he and the Council do not feel they can legally pay more than this amount---that they want to be sure that their action is legal and determine if the total cost could be figured within the authorized amount. Confirming Councilman Vietzke's statement, the Assistant City Attorney stated that a portion of the expense, i.e., the Consulting Engineer's fee co.-.ld be taken from the original swimming pool fund, voted by the people. Councilman Ilorris stated that it was the recommendation of the finance Com- mittee that the final payment due the Elia & Libri Construction Company in the amount of $14,409.90 be paid as the Washington State Tax Commission had reported that all sales tax had been paid and the City Clerk had advised that there were no liens or claims against the contractor. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, 313 that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that the project had been accepted by the Council in its entirety as required in the bid specifications, that the contractor has no further responsibility, as to streets. Mayor Baxter granted the Public Relations Committee more time in regard to the complaint cf property damage in back of St. Anthony's School. The Assistant City Attorney stated that in his opinion, this was a private matter and the complaining party should be so advised. Councilman Richardson stated that as the matter had been previously referred to this committee, they should investigate same and en- deavor to work out a satisfactory solution. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & klley Committee had several recommendations to make, first, in regard to the request of George Goodall of the Renton Launderett, 717 Bronson Way, for a 1110 minute loading zone" approximately 20 feet long be reserved in front of his place of business, that the Street & Alley Committee having power to act, recommended that he be advised. that he should use the west 20 feet of the curbing on the east (bridge) side of the clinic driveway. Also, in regard to the petition for the vacation of the alley in Block 22, Renton Highlands, that the Street & Alley Committee recommends that the City accept the 10 foot easement as conveyed to the City and that the alley be vacated upon receipt of all signed easements by the City Clerk's office. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. On advice of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk's Office draft, publish and post the necessary "Notice of Hearing", the date of hearing to be set as June 14, 1955. Carried. Councilman Shrift also reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the Council accept the deed of a 10 foot strip (the westerly 5 feet of Lots 7 through 13, inclusive, and the easterly 5 feet of Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, B1. 15, Town of Renton) for alley purposes. This is the alley which opens on Walla Walla Avenue, the entrance (and/or exit) being located between the Puhich Cleaners Building and Chapman Electric Building. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, further reported that his Committee recommends that the request of Mrs. J. E. Holmes, 235 Park Street, be not fulfilled as the property owners are responsible for their own sidewalks and that it is planned that these sidewalks will be improved at a later date. Moved by Bruce, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported for the Street & Alley Committee for the Council's information, in regard to the Eagle Club's recent plan to improve a parking area adjacent to their building and the alley adjacent thereto if the City would establish the grade, that as there was no outlet on the north to this alley, this plan has been discontinued. Mayor Baxter granted the Property Committee more time in regard to relocating the Library in the Renton Highlands. On request of Councilman Swift, a communication addressed to attention of the Street & Alley Committee from William P. "Bill" Monoghan, of the Renton Real Estate & Insurance Company was read in regard to the parking lot on Wells Street near the Walla Walla railroad tracks, stating that sometimes the alley is blocked by cars parked in the alley preventing cars to leave. Councilman Swift stated that the City had officially accepted the alley this evening, which would automatically take care of policing cars illegally parking in this alley-way, and moved, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street Commissioner. Carried. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, stated there would be a special meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole in regard to the swimming pool, on Thursday evening, May 12th at 8:00 P.M., and that he requested the *Mayor, City Engineer and City Attorney to attend this meeting. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, recommended that the City employ an architect to draw up plans for the newly acquired Lake Washington park property. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Morris that the Council concur in the 314 n recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee, City Attorney and Park Board for investigation and a report back. Carried. This concluded the regular Council meetin--, the High School seniors who were acting Councilmen and Councilwomen for the day suggested many matters and problems for discussion and action. The students were advised of earlier Council action on problems which the,- brought before the meeting which had previously been taken care of. The following matters, and necessary action will be handled by the respective Department Head or Council Committee. The Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, informed the Council that the Street & Alley Committee and others had been studying and workinc very hard and for a considerable time on the matter of one-way streets within the City of Renton, that he himself was not prepared to make any further report, and suggested that they ask Councilman Swift, the Chairman of this Committee, if he has any further information to report. Councilman Swift stated that the committee had met last week in regard to this matter and that }ie was planning to report on same at a later date, but that for their information, it would be recommended that a System of one- way streets be established in the City of Renton as follows: east on 3rd Avenue from 'rainier Avenue to Mill Street and west on 2nd Avenue from Main Street to Rainier Avenue; one-way on Main Street from 3rd to 2nd Avenues; one-way on Williams Street and ':Jells Street from Grady Way to 6th Avenue North and on Burnett Street, on each side of the railroad tracks from 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue, which will be based on installation of traffic control systems---that if the Council does accept this program and one-way streets are established it will be permanent, action and not on a trial basis. Councilman Swift reported that this matter has been studied in great detail by Washington State and other traffic experts as well as his com- mittee and that before the system goes into effect the public will be: properly notified---that he would like to suggest that the matter be brought up again at the next Council meeting when the Council as a vdhole could give this matter more time. The Police Chief suggested, in regard to the report of a traffic! hazard caused by speeders and the distraction from schoolwork caused by noisy automobiles racing on 2nd Avenue in front of the High School, that warning notices be posted on tho High School bulletin` board and in their weekly paper and that these offenders be requested to cooperate with the Police Department. The Police Chief stated that a traffic officerweuld be sent to this location to investigate the complaint. The acting Council were informed that the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of 2nd Avenue with Rainier Avenue was included in the Street Lighting Program to be installed in the near future. In regard to the repainting of the direction guides on the street inter- section of Walla Walla Avenue, Main Street, and 3rd Avenue intersection, Council- man Swift informed the group that it was planned that a portion of this channelizing should be replaced by "Sea Curbing" prior to the inauguration of the one-way street program. On regularly passed and carried motion, this matter was referred to the Street & Alley Committee with the recommendation that this strippin,_; be repainted as soon as possible. Carried. Also in regard to the re7ort of the rough condition. of Tobin Avenue at the entrance to the students parkin` lot, the Street Commissioner stated that this was the adjacent contractor's responsibility and no permanent improvement would, be made until the contractor was through. On regularly passed and carried motion, this matter was referred to the Street F. Alley Committee for investigation. Carried. On regularhr passed and carried motion, the matter of elevation of the street at 4th Place at its intersection with Rainier Avenue (South) was referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation. Carried. On regularly passed and carried motion, the matter of a new shed to be con- structed at Liberty Park to replace the present shed which is in a decayed condition, to house tractors, mowers and other gardening equipment was referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Mayor Joe R. Baxter, on behalf of the Officials of the Jaycee's of Renton, presented Acting Mayor Bert Custer with a gavel. Acting Mayor Custer thanked Mayor Baxter and the Officials of the Jaycees for their many courtesies and for the gavel, j i also the Officials and Department Heads of the City who had so sincerely showed the students their respective duties. Committee Cbairman, Mr. Jacobson, for the Jaycee's who sponsored the "Student's Government Day" thanked the Mayor, Council and Department Heads for their cooperation in making the day possible for the students and so enjoyable, and stated that he hoped they would be able to continue to have "Student Government Days" in the future. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trim, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The Council Chamber was filled to capacity with visitors and students. Cy Clerk Mayor Renton, T,lashington May 17, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P. I. ROLL CALL: TRI111M, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HP.NSEN, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (On their request for same, Councilmen White and Delaurenti were excused). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT `:47ER.E: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the May 10th Council meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor Baxter, on behalf of the Council and City of Renton, congratulated Councilman Swift on his appointment as Washington State Senator to fill the un- expired term of Senator Todd, who recently passed away. A communication was read from '�filliam F. Davis, Chairman of the City of Renton Insurance Commission, stating that the City's Comprehensive t=ublic Liability Insurance coverage on all properties, on all operations and on all automotive equipment owned and/or operated by the City of Renton, has expired and is being carried by the present holder on a binder and suggested that the City take care of this matter in the regular manner, by the issuance of a "Call for Bids" at their earliest convenience. A motion, made by Councilman Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee with power to act, was withdrawn by Councilman Richardson, with consent of his second. 'Tter discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be re- ferred to the Property and Finance Committees for consideration and a report back later this evening. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer explaining; an accompanying letter of request from Mr. Ernesto Barei for the installation of a ten-minute loading zone on Main Street in front of his new building,---that a launderette is to occupy a portion of the building and the original plans included a 10 foot driveway for this business---that it is the City Engineer's opinion that traffic congestion would be increased by reason of the driveway and that Mr. Barei has decided to continue the building to the south line of the property and eliminate the driveway. The City Engineer states that no additional parking meters are involved in this request and that Mr. Barei has been informed that such a loading zone would not be restricted to his tenants use. The communication from T-Zr. Barei requests the installation of a ten-minute loading zone on the west side of Main Street between Third and Fourth Avenue and states that the loading zone could be made :with the elimination of one parking meter only at 321 Main Street and would benefit all tenants of the area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from James Dewell owner of J's Tobacco & Mixer Nook, 237 Main Street, requesting permission to install four pinball machines in his place of business. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Tamborini, that this request be referred to the Police R: License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk stated that there was a communication from the Pur,,et Con- struction Company, Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Tamborini, that this communication be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The City Clerk stated that a notice had been received from the Association of Washington Cities requesting the names of Renton's two voting delegates to the coming; Statewide Convention. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that Councilmen George Swift and 4a.lt Reid be named the two official voting delegates, the remaining Councilmen, who are able to attend the Convention, to be named as alternates. Carried. The City Clerk reported that there were no further reservations available for Convention dele;Mates at the headquarters hotel and that those attending would have to secure other accommodations. 317 A communication was read from Robert L. Wonio, Chaplain, and Chairman of the Buddy Poppy- Day for the Veterans of Foreign wars, Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, requesting permission to sell poppies in the City of Renton on Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the request of the V.F.W. Post -,,7`1263. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the improvement of Park Street by construction of cement concrete curb and gutter and asphaltic concrete pavement, the following bids were opened and read: Bidder Amount of bid Washington Asphalt Company $25P121.70 309 W. 39th St., Seattle 7, Wn. Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 263152.75 P. 0. Box 444, Renton, Wn. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the bids be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer for checking and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the rezoning from R-S to R-1 District of a certain area in North Renton, i.e., the area between the north line of Cedar River Commercial Waterway #12, and the south line of 6th avenue North and lying between the east line of Burnett Street and the west line of the alley between Park Street and Pelly Street, except Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 10 and Lot 21, Bl. 2 and Lots 11 2, 3, and 4. Block 1, all in Renton Farm Plat No. 1, these said properties as excepted now zoned Business Use (B-1), the City Clerk reported that there were no written protests received. The Engineering Depart- ment reported that inquiry cards had been mailed to all residents within this area and that 151 cards hada been returned to the Engineering Department---that of these, 105 were in favor of and 46 were against said rezoning; that the rezoning -permitted one-story duplexes only and that Hermits would not be issued in the future for remodeling the second story of two-story houses for separate living quarters; that no action would be taken to discontinue any such present usage providing the second story usage is not discontinued for longer than a one ye-ar period. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that an Ordinance be drafted changing r... the zoning of this area as described, as proposed by the Planning Commission. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRI�2, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, 1ANSEN, StITYT, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. CounciLman Trimm, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee that the City accept the Thomas & Evans water system, contingent on appro,ral of the City Engineer and City Attorney. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light Pj- Power Committee, reported that it was the recommendation of his Committee that an incandescent light be installed on the pole which has been recently installed at 4th Place near the near clinic building. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. In regard to the City's Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance coverage which is due for renewal at this time, Councilman Morris, Chairman, reported that. it was the recommendation of the Finance Committee that the City issue a call for bids for this renewal including additional coverabe for the Police Denartment and other City Officials and that same be published in the Daily Journal of Commerce, as well as in the local paper and that the date for the opening of bids be set as June 7, 1955. Moved by 'lamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee, and that the City Clerk's office prepare and publish said Call for Bids. Carried. �318 y Councilman Hansen resorted that the fence was still located across the plat- ted street at 6th Avenue West and Stevens Street in harlington Addition. On advice of the Assistant City Attorney,, Gerard Shellan, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that a registered letter (with a return receipt to be request- ed) be mailed to Mr. McCann advising him that he must remove the fence immediately, or the city will remove the fence and be forced to impound the animals. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Corinittee reported that his Committee had completed their one-way street survey and were prepared to report the result. The traffic flow is as follows: - East on 3rd Avenue from Rainier Avenue to Mill Street; ;lest on 2nd Avenue from Mill Street to Rainier Avenue; North on 'Mill Street from 3rd Avenue to Bronson Way North; Southwest on Bronson Qday North to 2nd Avenue & Main Street, and continue south on !Main Street to 3rd Avenue; North on Wells Street from Grady Way to 6th Avenue North, and South on Killiams Street from 6th Avenue North to 1st Avenue North, crossing the Williams Street Bridge and continuing south on Williams Street to Grady Way. Also, on Burnett Street, between 2nd Avenue and Lith Avenue, South on the west side of the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks , and North on the east side of the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks. Councilman Swift su;-gested that each of the local papers conduct a public opinion pole and perhaps take a sample ballot to get an idea of the people's reaction and stated that the date of the hearing; would be set later. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation and tentative plan (in principle) of the Street Pr. Alley Committee, and that this plan be furnished the State Highway Department in the form of a Resolution. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that the painting contractor for the Williams Street Bridge would do this work as soon as weather permitted. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, reported that the Prope-1-ty Committee recommended that Mr. Wong of the Cathay be permitted to sub-lease space on the north side of his cafe for a Snack Bar for the months of June, July and August. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee requested permission, and was so granted, to hold in abeyance the matter of a new location in the High- lands for the Library as it is understood that the Housing Authority is planning provisions for same. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, further reported in regard to the erection of an addition to the dog pound, that the materials were all available but that it would require approximately $300.00 for labor for construction of same, and recommended, that as this amount was available in the City Building Fund that same be taken from this fund. Moved by T amborini, second- ed by Hansen, that as there was an urgent need for the addition to the dog pound, that the Council concur in the Committee's recommendation. Carried. Councilman Bruce presented Mayor Baxter with the Quit Claim Deed for the Mother's Park property from the iMonohan heirs et al, also the Deed from the Pacific Coast Railroad for the Lake Washington waterfront property, which was exchanged for the Mother's Park Property, and Title for the lake front property. Magor Baxter, on behalf of the Council and the City of Renton, thanked Councilman Bruce for the City documents which was the final transaction on the exchange of this property and expressed the City's thanks to the Assistant City 1.ttorney for his efforts in obtaining this waterfront property on Lake Washington for the City of Renton. City Clerk, Floyd Shaff, reported that Mr. Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority had advised that the Housing Authority would meet with the Committee of the Council as a JVhole, as they had suggested, on Thursday, May 19th at 8:00 P.M. The City Clerk announced that the next meeting of the Association of Valley Cities would be held in Renton, 'dednesday May 25, 1955, and that they would like to have as many Councilmen present as possible. 319 Councilman Morris, Chairman, stated that the Finance Committee recommended that the voucher in the amount of 2500.00 for John J. 'icInerny, Consulting Engineer (for professional services) for the swimming pool be paid from the Swim- ming Pool Bond Issue fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in regard to the two bids received this evening for the improvement of Park Street, that the bid from the Washington Asphalt Company in the amount of $25,121-40 being the lowest bid received and having been checked by the City Engineer, be accepted. - Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Street 8c Alley Committee. Carried. ..r Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, reported in regard to award of the swimming pool bid, that the City Engineer, after a thorough examination, has determined that although some of the bidders did not furnish too adequate data in regard to their pre-qualifications, but that in as much as all bids were opened, each such bidder presumptively qualified and was given consideration of his bid; that the Committee of the Council as a Whole duly considered all bids which were opened on May 3, 1955 and in order to stay within the limits of the ai.i.thorized bond issue and further in order to serve the best interest of the City, it is limited in awarding said contracts to the alternates; submitted by the respective bidders; by that means it frill be possible to stay within the $100,000.00 Bond issue authorized and will include the Sales Tax, Architects Fees and the expense of inspection. Therefore, it is recommended that the construction of the pool only, which is alternate #1, be awarded to the low bidder Kerty Mortensen in the sum of X74,572.00; that the bath house, which is alternate #2, be awarded to the low bi,3der, for said alternate, Nelson Buildin` and Construction Company, Inc., in the sum of '16,873.00, and that the installation of the lights in the sum of $230.00, alternate ##4, be likewise awarded to the Kerty Mortensen Company; that the foregoing awards, together with the Sales Tax, Architects and Inspection Fees will bring the total cost up to approximately $98,727.00; that no other combination of awards would reduce that total, including Sales Tax and Fees. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Com- mittee of the Council as a Whole, and that the bid bonds of the unsuccessful bidders be returned. Carried. r. Councilman Trimm stated, and so moved, seconded by Richardson, that it was the recommendation of the Council as a 1,lhole, that money previously borrowed for the acquisition of Cedar River, be paid back from the CedarRiver Acquisition Fund, with two percent interest. Carried. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, stated that an agenda had not been arranged as fret for the next Executive m-eting of the Council as a Whole and that any Councilman who had any mattersf or discussion with this Committee should let him know so that these matters would be brou-ht before the Committee at the meeting. Councilman Swift reported that it was the request and recommendation of the Street Commissioner and Street €- Alley Committee that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner be authorized to draft specifications for "Call for Bids" for two trucks for the Cit. , one to reblace the 12 Ton 1946 Che7mlet and the other to replace the 2 Ton 1917 GMC (both trucks having hoists and dump bodies) which are worn out and no longer worthy of repair. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and Street Commissioner and that as soon as the specifications and call for bids are prepared, that a date be set for the hearing. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that he had received many complaints from residents on Pelly Street of busses traveling over the set speed on this street and doing considerable damage to the adjacent homes. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion the bus drivers and bus company had in the past and would continue to co- operate in this matter as much as possible and that he was certain that most of the bus drivers were traveling at a normal rate of speed for this street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (There were forty-two present besides City of Renton employees). ty Clerk MaAr �� 320 y GG Renton, Washington June 7, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: REID, RICHARDSON) VIETZKE, WHITE, MORRIS, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilmen Trimm and Tamborini, having previously requested same, were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT- WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Flovd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Hightor, Citv Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Sunerirtendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Irsnector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the mirutes of the Council meeting of May 17, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on Comnrehensive Public Liability Insurance Bids for the Cite of Renton, the following bids were opened and read: Bidder Total Annual Premium Farmers Insurance Group99 . W. Kal Hall, District Agent 2334 6th Avenue, Seattle 1, Wash. Western Pacific Insurance Company $9181.62 ($356.00 bid bond). William F. Davis 9 Brendel Bldg., Renton, Wash. Northwest Casualty Company $7351.46 William F. Davis 9 Brendel Bldg., Renton, Wash. Indemnity Ins. Co. of North America $7305.88 ($365.29 Cert. check) LA Tom Dobson & Son 911 Third Ave., Renton., Wash. Robert 0. Fleming & Co. $7103.19 ($356 bid bond, believe New Amsterdam Casualty Company it accompanied this bid George W. Walmsley but is made out in Exchange Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash. Wm. Davis name). Intercit7- Insurance Agency $6758.43 ($338.00 Cert. check) Louie Gebenini 717 Fourth Ave., Renton, Wash. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the bids be referred to the Insurance Commission for evaluation and a report back. Councilman White, with the consent of his second, Councilman Henpenstall, amended the motion to include the Property Com- mittee. The amendment carried, and the motion as amended then carried. A letter of appreciation was read from Dr. & Mrs. H. G. Storey and Mr. & Mrs. Richard Storey, 428 Orondo, Wenatchee, Washington, who are the owners of the new J. C. Penney Company building, for the City's cooperation in the construction of the new building. Mayor Baxter stated it was gratifying to receive such a letter and ordered the communication filed. In answer to an inquiry as to how soon the streets adjacent to the building would be usable, the Street Commissioner reported that the contractor will start pouring the new sidewalks on Friday, June 10th. PAN A communication was read from Roy J. Storey, Professional Engineer, regarding the proposed plat of Peacock's Addition to Renton requesting clarification of the Council's action as he felt that they had complied with the previous request that the plat be changed and that the dead-end street on the north had been extended to the north property line. On advice of the City Engineer, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engi- neer that action on the Peacock Plat be held up pending final disposition of the Highlands Plat. Carried. C5.4zI A communication was read from David Pugh, Street Commissioner, requesting that the retirement dates of Albert H. Erickson, #1235 and Joseph W. Aller., #1200 be extended to such time as will coincide with the extension dates of other City Employees, previously extended, to simplify future paper work. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street Com- missioner. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher from Richard A. Wolff, Consulting Engineer in the amount of -:E938.26, covering the final _ payment due Mr. Wolff for professional services under contract agreement. The City_ Engineer states that the voucher is correct and that he recommends payment. The voucher from Mr. Richard E. Wolff in the total amount of 938.26 was attached. This `. voucher states that this is the balance due Mr. Wolff. Moved b77 Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Mr. Andrew Berg- lund, as a member of the Fire Department Civil Service Commission effective im- mediately. Mr. 'erglund will replace Mr. H. F. Matthewson and his term to which he is appointed at this time will expire January 21, 1959. Moved by Bruce, second- ed by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The Clerk read the reappointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Mr. Herb Williams, as a member of the Police Denartment Civil Service Commission effective immediately. Mr. Williams' term will exrire June 1, 1961. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the reappointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The Clerk read the reappointment by Mavor Joe R. Baxter of Mr. Louis Delaurenti, as a member of the Police Department- Civil Service Commission effective immediately. Mr. Delaurenti's term will expire June 1, 1957. Moved by Richardson, seconded bir Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the reappointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The Clerk read the reappointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Rev. R. D. Merrill, as a member of the Renton Park Board, effective immediately. Rev. Merrill's term will expire June 1, 1958. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the reappointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The Clerk read the reappointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of William Davis, Thomas Dobson, Jr., and F. T. Allen as members of the Insurance Commission for an additional term. Their appointments will expire June 1, 1956• Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the reappointments by Mayor Baxter. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposal from North American Inspection and Testing for inspection and testing service during the construction of the Liberty Park swimming pool. Mr. Highton states that this firm has an excellent reputation with the consulting engineers and has the facilities to provide adequate service; that he believes it will be more economical and satisfactory to retain this firm., with an established reputation, than to employ a full time resident inspector. Mr. Highton further states that he recommends this firm be re- tained for services as required at the schedule of rates presented. The proposal of the North American. Inspection and. Testing firm, showing schedule of rates and signed by Robert C. Rathbun, was attached, and read as follows: Hourly rate........... . .... .. . . . . ...... ..............'*4'4.00/hour Minimum Charge.... .... .. . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... .. .. .12.50 Mileage (Round trip per day) ....... . ...... . 1.50 Compression Tests (Standard 611 x 12" cylinders) ... ... 2.50 each Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this proposal be referred to the Swimming Pool Committee for investigation and a. report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer statim-; that he had completed a condition survey of the electric traffic signals in use or. the 22 intersections in the City of Renton---that this survey has revealed a deterioration of the in- sulation on the wires inside the signal heads and that new insulation will be re- quired to insure the continuous operation of the signals. Mr. Highton states that this work is estimated to cost $1,000.00 including extra police help to direct traffic while the signals are under repair. Mr. Highton further recommends that the traffic signal north of the crosswalk to the Springhill Market on Maple Way be relocated to the south side of the cross walk, as the pedestrians do not have adequate protection and he believes the signal change will remedy the condition. Moved by Richardson, �,72 Z seconded -by Delaurenti, that the survey and report be referred to the Light and Power Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he has made an investigation regarding the status of the portion of the old Pacific Coast Rail- road Company sour track that crosses the City of Seattle right-of-wav between Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street; that the Railroad Company has a request on file for the sale of this property into private ownership. The Cittr Engineer further pointed out for the Council's attention the privilege of a private owner to install a fence or otherwise deny the right of access across this highway stating that he had discussed this matter with the Pacific Coast Railroad Company repre- sentatives and that they are withholding the sale temporarily at the City Engi- neer's request. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Reid., that this matter be re- ferred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. After discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Rail- road Company be advised as soon as possible of the City's wishes and that they request this matter be held in obedience until JulTT lst or until such time as they hear from the City Council. Carried. A communication was read from Police Chief, Ang Busato, stating that Officer G. F. Blank of the Police Departmert has resigned, effective June 1, 1955 and that Police Chief Busato requests that this vacancy be filled as soon as possible. Mayor Baxter stated that he had alread,, requested an eligible list from the Civil Service S-cretar- and that he would make an appointment as soon as possible. An application for a Baster �_icense for the operation of coin-operated phono- graphs in the Cit- of Benton, was read from the Modern Music Company signed by William L. Shold t, Owner. The application was accompanied by the Master License Fee of ?100.00, plus the Sub-License fee of 420.00 each for 29 locations, the total fee being $680.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the application be referred to the Police and. License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission, stating that at their last regular meeting the following action was taken: (1) Recommend that after the signers of the rezoning petition of Tony Starkovich are checked, and providing the correct percentage is favorable, that the City call for a public hearing on said rezoning request. (2) Again recommend that the rezoning petitions of Clara Acton and Ray Brown. be rejected on the bais of "spot zoning", and that they be granted a temporary permit of one year duration for continued use of said property under its present status, if the Council car legally grant such permit. (3) Recommend that the rezoning petition of Robert L. Edwards for property described, to R-1 and B-11 as indicated in said petition. In regard to Items 1 and 3, moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. In regard to Item 2, the Assistant City Attornel- stated that these two parties had been given temporary hermits, previous to annexation by the City of Renton, by King County---that under a temporary permit they would be restricted from any remodeling or enlarging, but could carry on as at the present time. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that these two petitioners be , notified by the Clerk's office of the Council's action and their reasons for same, so that they will understand the Cit yts position. Carried. In regard to a Council inquiry as to action on the previous request of Mr. Ernest Barei for the rezoning of two lots .just south of the Henry Ford School (on the northwest corner of the intersection of 4th Avenue with Main Street), from R-1 to B-1, a portion of the minutes of the May 18th meeting of the Renton Planning Commission was read which stated that since the actual zoning petition had not yet been received by the Planning Commission, no action would be taken at this time, but that as it was understood that plans are that this area would possibly be used for an office building, a clinic, or a gas station site, and that after discussion, it was the concensus of the maority of the Planning Commission that this petition would not be turned down as "spot zoning", and that a great deal of weight would be placed upon the opinion of the school authorities regarding the zoning of this property. The City Engineer stated that the Planning Commission reasoning was that the School would not be considered a barrier. r 323 A request was read from J. P. Donofrio Sr. and Jr., requesting Permission to install two pinball machines in their Place of business the T. P. Cafe, 509 Third Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A report from Walt Will, Assistant Engineer and Flo-vd Lawrence, Fire Chief was read, in regard to removal of the old barrack building from 244 N. Wells Street, stating that Rev. Wise, who is in charge of this building had been requested to remove this building and. that if no immediate action were taken by Rev. Wise, they would take legal action to have the building removed. The communication was ordered I filed. V' Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented proposed Ordinance No. 1514, as recommended by the Citv Attorney's Office and the Police Judge, to bring the present Traffic Ordinance No. 1048 up to date to cover the traffic violation of intoxicating drivers. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 1048, Traffic Code Ordinance, relating to driving while under the influence of intoxicants or drugs, providing penalties therefor, and providing for suspension and/or revocation of operator's license; that Section 45 of Chapter VII, Rules of the Road, be amended to read, "It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of or affected. by the use of intoxicating liquor or of any narcotic drug to drive or to be in actual Phvsical control of any vehicle upon the public streets or highwa?rs of this City. Upon the first conviction for the violation of the provisions of this section, the court shall impose a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and not less than five (5) days or more thar one (1) year in .jail, and shall, in addition thereto, suspend the onerator's license of such person for not less than thirty (30) days. Upon a second convictior for a violation of the Provisions of this section with- in a Period of five (5) years, the court shall impose a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not less than thirty (30) days or more than one (1) year in jail, and neither the fine nor the .jail sentence so imposed shall be suspended, and shall, in addition thereto, suspend the operator's license of such person for not less than sixty (60) r. days after the termination of such .jail sentence. Upon any subsequent conviction for a violation of the Provisions of this section within the period of five (5) ,years, the court shall impose a fine of not less than one hundred dollars 0100.00) or more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not less than thirty (30) days or more than one (1) year in .jail, and neither the fine nor the .jail sentence so imposed shall be susperd ed, and shall, in addition thereto, revoke the operator's license. In any case Provided for in this act where a driver's license is to be revoked or suspended, such revocation or suspension shall be stay- ed and shall not take effect until after the determination of any appeal from the conviction which may lawfully be taken, but in case such conviction is sustained on appeal, such revocation or suspension shall take effect as of the date that the conviction becomes effective for other purposes; it being the intent end purpose of this section that licenses shall remain in full force and effect during the period that any appeal is pending". Moved by Delaurenti, seconded bT Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, r.enorted that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that, the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Drdinance No. 1514 be placed on it's second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance Ido. 1514 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taker,, and all ten Councilmen present voting "Acre", the motion carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had completed their specifications for a call for bids for the proposed Mercury Vanor Street Lighting System on the City Streets and that a proposed date for opening of Bids had been set as July 5, 1955, the dates of publication to be June 9th and 16th respectively. Moved by Reid, seconded by White, that the City call for bids for the "Construction of a Mercury Vapor Street Lighting System on the City Streets", as outlined by 324 y Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by White, that the motion be tabled until after a recess to allow the Council to hear the specifications. Carried. Moved by Delaur enti, seconded by White, that the Council recess. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that there would. be a recess at this time. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, R ICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council u.ntable the motion that was tabled, that the City call for bids for the "Construction of a Mercury Vapor Street Lighting System on the City Streets", the opening of bids to be July 5, 19555 the dates of publication to be June 9th and 16th respectively. Carried. Mayor Baxter called for discussion. There being none, Councilman White called for the question on the motion. The motion carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the call for bids be published in both the Official Renton publication and the Daily Journal of Commerce. Carried. Councilman White reported that the Special Highwav Committee had attempted to meet with the State Highway Department Committee in regard to relocation of the proposed Freeway through the City of Renton in regard to a petition which had been submitted to the Council previously. As arrangements for such a meeting had not been successful, other arrangements had been made to meet with the Manor's Com- mittee in Mr. Forgey's office on May 185 1955; that this meeting had been held and that they had gone over the request thoroughly and reasonable and that it was the considered opinion of his Chief Engineer that this entire area was going to be utilized for a "Clover Leaf" and. that no deviation from this plan was possible--- that they realized the hardship that these people would have to bear, but that they had been informed that $10,0005000 had been allocated for condemnation proceedings and that a portion of this money could be made available at once and that a request was made to Mr. Bugge of the State Highway Department to enter immediate negoti- ations with these petitioners, so that they would be familiar with what the State would offer them, and that Mr. Bugge had informed them that he was working on negotiations at this time and that it would be reasonable to assume that these people would be contacted by the Highway Department and be informed how long they would be able to stay at their respective locations; that they feel that they have made the people's request known to the Highway Department but that there is nothing further that can be done as the City of Renton has consented to this route; that information should be made clear that nothing can be done to stop any petitioners fromoin directly to the Commissioners for further consideration. i g g Y Mayor Baxter stated that he had been invited to present the High School Senior, Bert Custer, who had served as Mayor Pro-Tem on Senior High School Day, with a trophy on behalf of the Renton Jaycee's who sponsored this day, but that as he would be unable to attend-5 that he would appreciate Councilman Heppenstall who had t n behalf of the Magor d Council t to resent this trophy, oan to he volunteered v � p p ,. > > Mayor Pro-tem for the High School in behalf of the Renton Jaycees; that it was planned that each ,year the new Magor Pro-Tem's name would be inscribed on the trophy, also the date. Mayor Baxter invited Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority to make his report. Mr. Humble reported that two weeks ago the City Council had requested specific change in the Highlands Plat Plan---that he had expressed doubt at that time if the Public Housing Authority would accept any changes, as the Council had previously agreed to accept the plan as set up; that he had arranged a meeting with Mr. J. G. Melville, Field Office Director, and his staff of officials in the Field office in San Francisco on Friday, June 3, 1955 and that he had presented the Council's request to this group. The Council's requests and respective Public Housing Authority_ action follows: (Council - 1) Request all new streets not designated thereon be dedicated as 60 foot right-of-way. (P.H.A. - 1) The Public Housing Administration was unwilling to make major changes in the Plat relative to right-of-way widths. The agency would agree however, to widen those streets running between "K" Street and the easterly margin of the project and between lith Avenue North and the northerly margin of the project and between 15th Place and the northerly margin of the project to 60 feet. These streets are the only ones included in the Proposed Highland Plat #2 which may ultimately tie in to subsequent plats. (Council - 2) 7th Avenue North be a through street. (P.H.A. - 2) The Public Housing Administration is willing that 7th Avenue North be a through street. (Council - 3) That utilities under existing streets which mail be vacated be protected by easements. 325 (P.H.A. - 3) The Public Housing Administration is willing that utilities under existing streets which mar be vacated be protected b« easements. (Council - 4) That potential bidders of unplatted areas be required to post bond in favor of the City of Renton necessarl,. to guarantee re- location of utilities noted in (3) to the newly platted streets. (P.H.A. - 4) The Public Housing Administration is willing that potential bid- ders on unplatted areas be required to post such bond in favor of the City of Renton as ma-- be necessary to guarantee relocation of utilities noted in (3) to the newly platted streets. The Public Housing Administration also suggested that the agency would include in sale of such land that the property sold revert to the owner- ship of the Public Housing Administration in the event that the purchaser did not so relocate utilities within a specified time provided that such conditions of sale would not jeopardize the ability of the purchaser to obtain title insurance. (Council - 5) That such utilities are to be relocated within six (6) months or such additional time as the City may grant. (P.H.A. - 5) The Public Housing Administration was in agreement that a reason- able time limit be set on relocation of utilities noted in (3) After discussion, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the Council make a motion of intent agreeing to these changes as outlined by Mr. Humble, and that the Council accepts Renton Highland's Plat #2 with revisions as outlined, subject to confirmation in writing from Mr. Humble to the Renton City Council prior to the next Council meeting. A roll call vote was taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion carried. On inquiry for information regarding same, Mr. Humble reported that he did not have a satisfactory opportunity to discuss the park situation in the Renton High- lands area with the Public Housing Administration Officers, at this meeting. Councilman Swift reported that both Renton papers had ran a poll of rublic opinion as to proposed one-wav streets and that of only 44 ballots received through Monday, June 6th, that the votes showed three to one in favor of the proposal. Councilman Reid reported that the Kiwar.is Club were in favor of one-way streets on the south side of Cedar River. A petition presented to the Council this evening carried the names of 35 persons who opposed the one-way street proposal and this petition was referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration on the motion of Richardson., seconded by White and carried. The Council was informed that there would -be a hearing date set for consideration of this proposal and that all protests received to the date of this hearing would be considered. The Citv Engineer reported that owing to the fact that there had been separate awards on the swimming pool, lockers and lights, that a separate agreement was necessary to cover the exact items of work to be completed by each contractor, that this agreement had been reached and was incorporated in the contract and that it was hoped that this work would begin next week. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Job Evaluation Study being done by Mr. Pool is going into the rought draft step and that the Council Committee should have a meeting to go over the rought draft of the report before the report goes into the final stages---that in his opinion the report looks good and that consider- able work is already completed. It was requested that Councilman Trimm, President of the Council, place this item on his agenda for the Executive Meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole on the fourth Tuesday. June 28th. Councilman Bruce reported that in regard to the 42 acres remaining in Mother's Park, that the old building is being occupied; that the Park Department wants to develop this-property and that the Cit-\T Attorney be authorized to notifiT the tenant to vacate as soon as the Park Department is prepared to start this improvement--- that the tenant be advised that rental housing will be made available to him in Cedar River Park if he so desires, and so moved, seconded b,, Reid and carried. A communication was read from Charles F. Shane, 1406 J Street, requesting that certain described property be rezoned from Residential (R-1 ) to Basiness Use (B-1) as follows: "That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in the City of Renton, Washin�-ton, des- cribed as follows: Beginning at a point North 89045'17" West 1896.90 ft. and North 1 11100" East 383.21 ft., of the east quarter corner of said' Sec. 17; thence North 1011'00" East, Parallel to the west line of Block 1 of Monterey Terrace and 50 ft. therefrom, a distance of 323.32 ft. to a point on the north line of Lot 10 of said Bl. 1, extended west; thence along said line extended South 88049' 00" East 10 ft. thence North 101110011 East Parallel 326 y to said west line of Bl. 1, a distance of 287.61 ft.; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 360.00 feet thru an angle of 14 degree; a distance of 87.97 ft.; thence North 12049'00" West 183.90 ft. to a point on the southerly margin of the Renton- Issaquah Road (Now Bronson Way North); thence along said southerly margin South 25018100" West 74.13 ft.; thence South 81058100" West 279.43 feet; thence South 7023129" East 242.74 ft.; thence South 48052132" West 268.92 feet to a point 30 ft. measured at right angles from the center line of State Highwa?r No. 5 (Maple Valley Highway), thence South 41007'29" East Parallel to and 30 feet from said center line a distance of 642.80 feet to the point of beginning." The required legal fee accompanied this request. (This property is located along Maple Valley Way adjacent to and northeast of the Cedar River Park property) . Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that this request be referred to the Planning Commission, Carried. The City Clerk stated that the Street Commissioner had prepared the "Call for Bids", also the specifications, for the two trucks for the Street Department, and recommended that the date for the opening of bids be set for July 5th, the dates of publication as June 9th and 16th, 1955• The Citv Clerk read the "Call for Bids", for the two automotive dump trucks, complete with chassis and dump body also the specifications for the Council' s information. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street Commissioner as stated. Carried. The City Clerk stated that on request of the City Treasurer, the Finance Committee requested that $5,000.00 be transferred from the Williams Street Bridge Fund to the General Obligation Bond and Interest Redemption Fund. On advice of the Assistant Cit v Attorney, that only sufficient funds be transferred from the Williams Street Funds to this fund to take care of bond and interest redemption for the Williams Street Bridge project, that other moneys required to meet bond and interest redemption expenses be borrowed from funds where available with the specific provision that these funds be paid back when moneys were available. Councilman Morris withdrew his recommendation and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the City Treasurer be authorized to borrow the $2,000.00 required to meet the immediate interest and bond redemption payments due from whatever funds are avail- able at this time, and that the matter of additional funds to meet other interests and bond redemption payments due be discussed at a later date. Carried. Councilman Swift stated there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Com- mittee, Thursday, June 16th. The City Clerk reported that the April Sanitation report from the Seattle-King County Department of Health had been received and that the Sanitation Committee had studied the report. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke that the report be filed. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited bIT the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 4541-4842 $48,043.06 CURRENT 2010-2012 34,096.20 WATER 9067-9069 9,464.90 LIBRARY 2797-2798 1,954.53 PARK 1901-1903 2,943.70 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2552-2554 3,297.19 AIRPORT 1831-1.833 2,737.11 STREET 6635-6637 6,511.34 CUM FUND #1182 --- --- CUM. FUND #1183 2-3 197.00 CUM. FUND #1184 482 750.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 160-161 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 555 50.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 419-447 1.x,706.54 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 712-713 15,995.66 CLAIMS FUND 1346-1437 169604.34 SWIMMING POOL FUND 5-6 2,519.20 L.I.D. FUND 1-3 546.42 STREET & LIGHT IMPROV. 1914-1916 1,529.90 WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE 436 122678.02 327 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting ad turn. Carried. The meeting adjourned. at 10:115 P.M. (There were 15 -persons nresent besides Citzr of Renton employees. ftw UV . CLERK P1AY i 328 y n Renton, Washington June 14, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHAPDSON, WHITE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Hightor, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hanser, that the minutes of the Council meeting of June 7, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from George W. Corley, Vice-President of the Fairview Construction Company, stating that it was their intention to contract with the City of Renton for construction and installation of a water main from the existing City main which ends approximately 1500 feet south of S.E. 101st on 132nd Avenue Southeast, to the intersection of S.E. 101st and 132nd Aver:ue Southeast, at the rate of $1.50 per lineal foot for a 4" water main; that this main is being constructed to serve 12 residences on Southeast 101st, west of 132nd Southeast; that these residences are now completed and ready for occupancy and one is being served by temporary service until permanent service is available. Mr. Corley states that there are several residents in the neighborhood of 132nd Southeast and Southeast 96th who desire service---that in cooperation with the City, their company the Fairview Construction Company, is willing to pay for this section of this project and upon request will deposit with the City a cash indemnity to insure payment of this work. A communi- cation was read from the City Engineer stating that the Fairview Construction Compa- ny has constructed twelve residential units on 132nd Ave. Southeast on a plat ap- proximately 0.6 miles north of the Sunset Highway; that the builder was informed previous to this development that the project could not be served from the City water system because of inadequate size mains and inadequate pressure; that the Company now proposes to pay for the installation of 1500 feet of 4 inch main which is adequate for the project5 but that the Engineering Department anticipates a substantial growth in this area and he feels that the water main should be large enough to serve 160 acres---that this planning indicates an 8" main for adequate supply, the cost, together with valves and. booster pump is estimated to be .,$,5000.00 with city labor, and that he believes the 8 inch main would be advantageous to avoid duplication of the small main at a later date. The Cit7T Engineer recommends that the cost be shared eq ,ally at $2500.00 each. Mr. Corley from the audience stated that due to the urgency of the matter he wolald like to request earl7.r consideration; that of the 12 units, 8 are already sold, and that the new owners wish to take occu- pancy immediately; that he is agreeable to the City Engineer's nroposa.l and will submit a letter to the Council Committee indicating he will go along with plans, if the Council approves. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be re- ferred to the Fire and Water Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A request for permission to sell tickets on Friday evening, June 17th and Saturday, June 18th in front of the Renton Hardware Store at 3rd & Williams was read from Mrs. Dorothy Schonians, 11126 S.E. 168th, in behalf of the Spring Glen Community Club. Mrs. Schonians states that the proceeds are to be used to help finish their club house. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton City Employees Club, signed by Vic TeGantvoort, President and Committee Chairman, requesting Council consideration in drafting the 1956 Budget, of an over-all longevity program for all City Employees not now covered., similar to the Police and Fire Department' s present program---that they feel that this program would be a great incentive and a real inducement to keep sincere and worthy employees and give each employee a feeling of security. Also, the City Employees request Council consideration of an over-all pay increase of fifteen percent, in line with present day living expenses and considering salaries and wages in similar activities. A second communication was read from the Renton City Employee's Club, signed by the Committee, Vic TeGantvoort, President and Com- mittee Chairman, Art Hoyle, John Neal, Mel Punstine, Bill Lee and Don Ta-ylor. Mary 329 Muir, a member of this Committee being on vacation, was not present to sign. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that these communications be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Frank J. `ionkin, owner of the Tonkin's Cafe, re- questing permission to install a new sandstone front on the building at 811 Third Avenue, to complete their remodeling program. Mr. Tonkin states that this request is necessary since the proposed front addition would encroach upon city property, due to the building columns being erected on the property line. Walt Will the Assistant City Engineer stated that to nut a sandstone front on this building to cover the support column, the front would extend 4" on City property on the side- walk, that there was no provision in the ruilding Code Ordinance to allow encroach- in on city property. On the advice of Assistant Citir Attorney, Gerard Shellan, and suggestion of Councilmar Richardson, that providing Mr—Frark, Torkin signs an agreement in writing, prior to issuance of the permit for same, stating that he would hold the City of Renton harmless of anv claim for damages caused by this Protruding front and moved by Delaurerti, seconded by Hauser, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Building Inspector to get such a statement in writing from Mr. Fra~k Tonkin and report back to the Council. Carried. A voucher, covering the final estim.=te, in the amount of $9,184.75, as per contract agreement was read from the Hammond Iron Works, also, the voucher covering the retained percentage, on the Hammond Iron Works Contract, in the total amount of $10,143.30 was read. The voucher was certified correct by the City Engineer. City Engineer James Highton stated the required 30 days has elapsed and that there were no claims received by the City, and that it would be in order to pay the voucher covering the final estimate, as per contract agreement to the Hammond Iron Works in the amount of $9,184.75. The City Engineer further stated that the voucher in the total amount of $10,143.30, covering the retained percentage, as per contract agreement should be held pending clearance from the Washington State Tax Commission. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that both vouchers be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from W. Stewart Pope, President of the Pope Ford Company, stating that approximately one year ago his company and the Hub City Chev- rolet Company .jointly black-topped a strip of City property adjacent to the west side of the Northern Pacific right-of-wav along the south-bound portion of Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, for the purpose of improving the appearance of the property and to reduce the hazard of breakage of glass caused by rocks thrown from the stria by passing cars---that this strip is now being used for all-day parking b7r persons working in this vicinity. Mr. Pope requests that the Council restrict parking from the strip of asphalt Paving, his comnar-T and the Hub City Chevrolet Company Provided between the two crossings and that the Police Department Traffic Division enforce said restriction. Street Commissioner Dave Pugh reported that meters have been received for the proposed parking area, north of the paved area, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues and that the guard rail has been installed parallel to the railroad tracks as previousl 330 above requests; that on June 7, 1955 the undersigned appeared before the City Council of the City of Renton with the following report on the extent to which the Public Housing Administration was willing to go in granting the above listed requests of the City of Renton. (1) The Public Housing Administration was unwilling to make major changes in the Plat relative to right-of-way widths. The Agency would agree however, to widen those streets running between "K" Street and the easterly margin of the project and between 15th Avenue North and the northerly margin of the project and between 15th Place and the northerly margin of the project to 60 feet. These streets are the only ones included in the proposed Highlands Plat #2 which may ultimately tie in to subsequent plats. (2) The Public Housing Administration is willing that 7th Avenue North be a through street. (3) The Public Housing Administration is willing that utilities under existing streets which may be vacated be protected by easements. (4) The Public Housing Administration is willing that potential bidders on unplatted areas be required to post such bond in favor of the City of Renton as may be necessary to guarantee relocation of utilities noted in (3) to the newly platted streets. The Public Housing Administration also suggested that the agency would include in sale of such land that the property sold revert to the ownership of the Public Housing Administration in the event that the purchaser did not so relocate utilities within a specified time provided that such conditions of sale would not .jeopardize the ability of the purchaser to obtain title insurance. (5) The Public Housing Administration was in agreement that a. reasonable time limit be set on relocation of utilities noted -in (3) . Mr. Humble further stated that the City Council of the City of Renton at their June 7th Council meeting, passed by unanimous roll call vote a motion of intent .to agree to accept Highlands Plat #2 with the above revisions and the above conditions in their next meeting (June 14, 1955), provided that this letter was delivered to the City Council prior to that time. On the basis of that motion, Mr. Humble stated, that the engineer retained by the Public Housing Administration to prepare the plat has been instructed to make the above changes in the proposed plat---that he (Mr. Humble) will be at the June 14th Council meeting in case any further questions arise relative to this matter. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Jansen, that the Council accept Highlands Plat #2, with the above revisions and conditions as stated by Mr. I Humble, and the Public Housing Administration be so notified. Carried. I Mr. Humble informed the Council that a copy of his letter of June 10, 1955 to the Mayor and Council had been furnished the San Francisco Field Office. Moved b- Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City Clerk, include in the letter to the Public Housing Administration, that the City of Renton is very gratified with the action of the Public Housing Administration in their consideration and granting of the City of Renton's wishes. Carried. The City Clerk reported that all Councilmen had this evening received a copy of a letter he held from the Farmers Insurance Group. A letter was read from Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant Cit- Attorneir of Haugan &. Shellan, City Attorneys, advising the Council of certain provisions of laws passed by the 1955 Legislature which are of special interest and importance to the City of Renton. The Mayor thanked the Assistant City Attorney for this information and the communication was ordered filed. The City Clerk reported that he had received a notice that he was required by State Law to complete a census of the City---that he had gone over the previous _ census record of the City, had checked annexations and with the Housing Authority, Chamber of Commerce, Building Department, School District, and every available r source, and that he estimates his total figure to be below the present population figure, that he knows of no other alternative but that to submit these figures and requests the Council's action in filing this report with the State Census Board. It was the concensus of Council opinion, that the Clerk had no alternative but to file the report as stated. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present one Resolution and two Ordinances for the Council's consideration. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 887, extending the retirement date of Albert H. Erickson and Joseph W. Allen, of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, in the classification of miscellaneous personnel, to October 12, 1955• Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council adopt Resolution wo. 887 as read. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1515 as submitted by the Ordinance Committee, amending Ordinance No. 1307, as amended, the Citv of Renton Building Code, relating to the quality of the material used in building, that existing Sec. 2609 (a) mixing, of Chapter 26-CONCRETE of the City of Renton Building Code (Ordinance No. 1307 as amended) be amended to read as follows: Concrete shall be thoroughly mixed _ in an improved batch mixer so designed and maintained as to positively insure distribution of the materials throughout the mass. The mixing plan shall have positive means of measuring accurately each batch of water, cement and aggregate as elsewhere herein specified; and all scales, water gauges or other measuring devices, shall be so located that the entire proportioning and mixing operation may be readily observed by ore inspector. That mixing in a mixer with worn out or broken blades shall not be permitted. The ordinance further states the requirements in .regard to machine-mix and read-•-mix concrete. Moved bT,r Delaurenti, seconded bT Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommen- dation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that this ordinance was for the pur- pose of guaranteeing structural buildings a. satisfactory concrete mix, contractors being required to furnish their own inspection. i The Cita* Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1516, as submitted by the Ordinance Committee, amending Ordinance No. 1048, "The City of Renton 'iraffic Code" relating to the operation of vehicles without an operator's license and exceptions thereto, Existing Sec. 3 of Chapter IX (Miscellaneous) be amended to read as follows: "Operation without license unlawful-exceptions of farm and road machinery and military and naval vehicles." Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommen- dation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1515 and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recomm,Lendation of the Ordinance Com- mittee and Ordinance No. 1515 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. I After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance Pio. 1515 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: r Trimm, Ave; Reid, Ave; Richardson, Ave; Morris, Ave; Taniborini, Ave; Hansen, Ave; Swift, Ave; Delaurenti, Ave; Hepnerstall, Ave and Bruce, Ave. All ten Councilmen Present voting "Ave", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee renor.ted favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1516 and recommended its passage. Moved by Henpenstall, seconded b-,r Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordi- rance Committee and Ordinance No. 1516 be placed or its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final readirg, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1516 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Trimm., Ave; Reid, Ave; Richardson, Ave; Morris, Ave; Tan:borini, Ave; I'! Hansen, Ave; Swift, A,-e; Delaurenti, Ave; Heppenstall, Aire and Bruce, Ave. All ten Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion_ ur:animously carried. The Citv Clerk read 3 proposed "Notices of Hearing", the dates of publication to be June 16th and 23rd, the date of hearing set at July 5, 1955 as follows: (1) For the Starkovich property located on the Dunlap Canyon Road, described as "Lots 1, 2, 27, 28 and 29, 'Town & Club Bungalow Sites", more generally described as the "southwesterly corner of the inter- section of the Langston.Road and Sunset Boulevard West, running 250' more or less along the Sunset Boulevard West", from Residential Use (R-S) District to Business Use (B-1) District. (2) For the Edwards property located on Rainier Avenue, adjacent to the Renton Airport, described as "The South 100 feet of Lot 7 in Block 2, and Lot 8 in Bloc'- 311, from Residence Use (RS-1) to Second Residence (R-1), and (3) For the second niece of Edwards property, lying directly north of property described in (2) above, but extending approximately-700 feet westerly from Rainier Avenue, described as "The north 150 ft. of Lot 2, and the north 150 ft. of the west 60.03 ft. of Lot 3, the north 125 ft. of the east 30 ft. of Lot 3, the north 125 ft. of Lot 4 and Lot 5, and the east 20 ft. of Lot 6, and the north 140 ft. of Lot 6, EXCEPT the west 20 ft. thereof; and Lot 7, EXCEPT the south 100 ft. all in Block 2, Woody Glen Additior, together with those portions of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 in Block 1, Woody Glen Addition, lying southerly of the certer line of South 123rd Street, as per original plat of La.timer's Lake Park Addition", from First Residence (RS-1) to Business Use (B-1) . Moved by Richardson, seconded b< Tamborini, that the Council concur in the information or. the "Notices of Hearing" above, that the ,notices be published and posted as re- quired by law and the Dates of Hearing be set as July 5, 1955. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council in regard to the previous re- quest of the Ellis' for rezoning of certain property in the Highlands area, that their attorney is still endeavoring to get necessary additional signatures on the petition. The gentlemen from the audience (Mr. Acton and others) who inquired as to abatement of the dust condition on "M" Street in the Highlands area, that they could have this street improved either by formation of a Local Imnrovement District, or by popular subscription, whereby the property owner pays for the material and the City furnishes the equipment and labor---that if the property owners wished temporary relief, this could be inexpensively taken care of by sprinkling of oil. These gentle- men were advised to contact the Street Commissioner for further information. This being the date set for the hearing on the vacation of the Alley in. Block 22, Renton Highlands, and there being no written or verbal protests, moved b y Swift, seconded by Bruce, that providing the proper easements are allowed, that the City proceed wit^ this vacation. Carried. Magor Baxter granted Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Com- mittee, more time on matters in his Committee. The Engineering Denartment resorted that the official count at the end of the one-way street poll was 78 in fa-,Tor and 39 against; that the petition received at the last Council meeting would be considered at the "Hearing" on same. moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that necessary notice be posted in the next two issues of the official Renton Publication and a date of hearing on the "One-Way Street Proposal" be set as Tuesday, June 21st. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee reported that the In- surance Commission and his Committee were not prepared to submit their recommen- dation as to awarding of Insurance Bids at this time, and recommended that the information furnished this combined committee be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further consideration, and so moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen and carried. Councilman Trimm, President of the Council stated that it was the custom to elect a new Council President at this time each ,year, and that he considered the privilege of serving as President a great honor and he would like to thank the Council for electing him as President for the past year, and that he appreciated the assistance and cooperation given him by the Mayor and Council during the past year, and that he would like to nominate Olin Hansen for President for the coming year. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the nomi- nation of Olin Hansen as President of the Renton City Council for the coming year. Carried. Mavor Baxter stated. that in his opinion Councilmar Trimm had served the City of Renton and the City Courcil ver-, well this last year and that he had had a ver7T good year and he would. like to thank him for his services, that they were greatly* appreciated, that he wished the new President, Olin Hansen, good luck and hoped that he too would have a ver-- successful year. Moved b.r Reid, seconded by White, that Councilman Trimm be extended a "Vote of 'Thanks" for a Job well done as President of the Council. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that he had received a request from Howard Bodie, 915 "D" Street for relocation of a. light pole located on the street directly in front of his picture window. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this request be referred to the Light and Power Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated, relative to communications received by each Councilman this evening, in regard to individual subscriptions to the American City Magazine, that in his opinion each Councilman so desiring a subscription be allowed same, and that the forms be mailed as soon as possible to take advantage of the free offer with each subscription of a "Municipal Year Book", and so moved, seconded by White and carried. 33 Councilman Swift stated that there would..be a Street and Alley Committe; meet- ing Thursday, June 16th at 8:00 P.M., and requested the City Engineer, Police Chief and Street Commissioner to attend this meeting. A communication was read from E. W. Isackson, Captain of the Renton Police Force, stating that during the summer season the peak flow of Sunday and Holiday Traffic on the Maple Val-ley Highway will cover a period of seventeen days, (or approximately 300 additional man hours i.e., 4 additional traffic officers, 4 hours per day) as follows: June 19 and 26th; Julv 3, 4, 10, 17, 24 and 31; August 7, 14, 21 and 28, and September 4, 5, 11, 18 and 25. Councilman Swift stated that it is a similar request to that of last year and it is anticipated that the traffic will be handled in a similar manrer as last gear i.e., the overflow traffic to be diverted through Cedar River Park and that in his opinion, and so recommended, this matter should be handled as outlined and that the Housing Authority be so notified. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendatior of the Traffic Division and Street and Allev Committee. Carried. Mavor Baxter requested information, in regard to the proposed Thomas & Evans Water STrstem Agreement with the Citv of Renton. The Cit77 Engineer stated that un- metered water accounts were charged by a flat rate of x;2.00 per each and that all the people were familiar with the requirement of obtaining meters---tha* he felt if red.ucirr valves were installed that this would step up the pressure to those resi- dents at theend of the water line. Councilman Trimm stated that on Mav 17, 1955, when the Council accepted subject water line, the motion read that the water system be accented, contingent on approval of the City Engineer and City Attorney. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, before the agreement was signed by the City of Renton, the water system should be put in condition and all service metered---that a reduction valve should be installed so that all the people in the district will have water service---that these people understood that they would have to pay their portion of any improvements in, this water line. Councilman Swift stated. that in his opinion all these people should be informed that they would have to pay, their portion of any improvements. Councilman Trimm reported that it.wa.s the City's in- tention to only take over the 2" main line, not the 3/4" line, and that any further improvements in the water line would be the responsibility of the people of this area. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Council had approved the accept- ance of this 2" line, that the matter hrd been referred to the City Attorney and �" City Engineer---that an Agreement had been drafted and signed by Thomas & Evans and that the Citv was the only one who could force the nronerty owners to buy meters, that a private property owner could not. The Assistant City Attorney reported that he had investigated the legality of transferring funds and that under authorit-- of Ordinance Ivo. 1500, Issuance & Sale of General Obligation Bonds for the Citv of Renton, etc., sufficient funds as re- quired could be transferred from the Williams Street Bridge Fund to the General Obligation Bond & Interest Redemption Fund for navment of current interest due. Councilman Morris stated., on this advice from the Assistant Citv Attorrer, that . the Finance Committee recommed.ed that the City Treasurer be authorized to transfer sufficient funds from the Williams Street Bridge Fund to the General Obligation Bond & Interest Redemption Fund. for pa.-.rment of current interest due, and so moved bar Richardson, seconded by Hansen and carried.. Councilman Delaurenti stated, that in his opinion, owing to the confusion created ir regard to the awarding of bids for the City' s Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance, that all bids be rejected at this time and. the City issue new speci- fications and a. new call for bids for consideration at the June 21st Council meeting, and so moved, seconded. by Morris and carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by.Harsen, that the property Comm ttee. and Insurance Commissioners prepare and submit for the Council's consideration new specifications and Call for Bids for the City's Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, j seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk's Office returr_ all checks and bid bonds rm to the respective bidders. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. (There were 17 persons present besides Cit7T of Renton employees). tv Clerk Mayor b 7{ 3 a 334 H Cd C� Renton, Washington June 21, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to ordm_r by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Flovd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer;; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. now Moved b1 Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the meeting of June 14, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretarv, recommending that (1) the Council approve the rezoning request of Chas. F. Shane, in accordance with regular procedures, also (2) the City grant a variance of required lot size to Mr. F. A. Grabner, as requested. (The Planning Commission states, in regard to the Grabner request, that the area of this lot would be con- sistent with the areas of lots within this vicinity, and that thev feel this vari- ance would be in order and not detrimental to this section of the City). The Planning Commission further states that the request of Mr. George R. Studebaker was discussed but final action will be held pending the City Engineer's recommendations relative to the streets in the plat. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The motion lost. (As this motion covered both items, these matters were immediately taken up indi- vidually as follows). In regard to the Planning Commission's first recommendation that the Council approve the rezoning request of Charles F. Shane, moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. In regard to the second recommendation, that the City grant a variance of required lot size to Mr. Grabner, moved by Richardson, :seconded by Heppenstall, that this request be referred back to the Planning Commission with a request that a 50 foot front be maintained on the proposed lot and that a side yard clearance be allowed on either side of three feet---that Mr. Grabner obtain the written consent of the adjoining property owners to this variance. Carried. A request was read from Dr. M. J. Schultz, 1405 4th Avenue North„ for Council consideration of a private reserved parking area strip (approximately 20 feet long) in front of his home to facilitate his answering emergency calls, moved by Richard- son, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Street and Ailey Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Fred Hancock Post No. 190 signed by Ray C. Baglien, Commander, requesting permission to place a removable clamp on the parking meter posts to hold the National Colors for display on suitable occasions by the merchants of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this re- quest be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act.. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Tony Romano as a Patrolman on the Renton Police Department, on permanent status, effective July 10, 1955 was read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mavor. Carried. A request for installation of 3 street lights to be installed on Hardie Street, on existing power poles, was read from Mrs. C. W. Wilson, 228 Hardie Street. Mrs. Wilson further requests Council consideration of a problem involving discarded bottles on this street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by white, that the request for street lights be referred to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the report of the "public nuisance" now be referred to the Police and License Committee and Police Department with power to act. Carried. A proposed Ordinance was presented by the Ordinance Committee vacating the alley in Block 22, Renton Highlands, as previously authorized by the Council. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance vacating the alley in Block 22, with certain ease- ments to be granted by abutting property owners to the City of Renton for public purposes. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be 3 3 referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council- man Richardson reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favor- ably on proposed Ordinance No. 1517 and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordi- nance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1517 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that Ordinance No. 1517 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Trimrn, Aye; Reid, Ave; Richardson, Ave; White, Ave; Vietzke, Aye; Morris, Ave; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Ave; Delaurenti, Ave; Heppenstall, Ave; and Bruce, Aye. All eleven Councilmen present voting "Ave" the motion unanimously carried. This being the date set for the hearing on "the one-way street proposal". for ••� the City of Renton, the Clerk stated that no further written protests had been received., except the petition referred to the Street and Alley Committee at a previous meeting. Mayor Baxter asked if anyone from the audience would like to be heard. Mr. Elmer Varner, from the audience, stated that he did not object to "one-way streets" and that he felt that the City should have one-way streets, but suggested the Council consider that on the west end of Renton that the one-way streets begin on Shattuck Street rather than Rainier Avenue, also that the Council should consider other variations, as the system is nut into operation. Councilman Swift stated that the Committee felt that they had given the public su{"ficient time to submit their protests and suggestions, either written or verbal---that the papers had run a public opinion poll, that with the exception of the 35 signatures on the petition of protest and Mr. Varner from the audience this evening, there were not, sufficient protests to stop or delay the plan and that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the City of Renton proceed with the installation of the one-way street system, and necessary traffic light and sign installations and changes be made as soon as possible---that. the Committee felt that it would take approximately two months to get the system in operation and that there should be a six months trial period to work out possible variations. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the proposed "one-way street system" be installed on a six months trial basis including possible variations. Carried. Councilman Swift reminded the Council that the six months trial period would not start until the system is completely installed, which would possibly be two months from this date. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council instruct the Street and Alley Committee, Light and Power Committee and Street Commissioner to proceed with the necessary preparation for the one-way street system as outlined; the Citv Attorney to prenare the necessary Resolution covering the routing of State Highways over one-way streets through the City of Renton. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported that after investigation and study of the request of the Fairview Construction Company for installation of a water supply line to their project on 132nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 101st Street, that the Committee recommended that instead of installing the proposed water line on an equally shared basis as previously recommended by the City Engi- neer, (both the builder and the City having agreed on an 8" line to better serve this area, it being stated that an 8" line would serve 160 acres) that the Fairview Construction Company be liable and be required to pay for 60 percent of the cost and the City pay 40 percent, and that the City proceed with this proposed installation• Councilman Trimm further stated that the City Engineer has contacted the Fairview Construction Company in regard to this proposal and that they have agreed and will post a certified check or bid bond as a guarantee, if approved by the City Council--- that it is anticipated that the City will receive back a portion of their expense of installation of the line, as vacant property in this area is improved and new water installations are made---that the Committee and City Engineer had set up and establish- ed this policy to cover proposed or future improvements (water service) in areas adjacent to the City Limits and that in the future the City Engineer will so Advise any persons inquiring as to the Cityts policy. In regard to the City realizing any share of an expense on an improvement of this type, the City Attorney stated that at the recent Convention of the Association of Washington Cities, in a. discussion with other City Attorneys and the Attorney General and members of his staff, the matter of legality of forcing prospective users to pay R share of the exnense of installation of an improvement of this type was brought up and that it was their decision that pavment must be made on a voluntary basis---that the City of Renton cannot set up an Ordinance and require prospective users (property owners) to pay. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee and the City proceed with the installation of an 8" water line to this area on the basis as outlined by the Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Light and Power Committee more time on matters referred to said Committee, including the request of Howard Bodies, 915 D Street, for re- location of a light pole in front of his picture window. �-3 Councilman Vietzke stated that the contractor who was awarded the bid for construction of the swimming pool was also the low bidder on construction of the wading pool, and moved that the Citv proceed with the construction of the wading pool at this time, under the contractor's proposal, (at a cost to the City of approximately one-half of the cost of same if it were to be built after the swim- ming pool is completed) and that funds in the amount of the contractor's bid of $2422.00, plus tax, be taken from the "Old Swimming Pool Fund" to pay for the Wading Pool and that the City proceed with the construction of same. After discussion, there being no second to Councilman Vietzke's motion, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that Councilman Vietzke's proposal in regard to the construction and source of funds for payment of same be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Trimm, Ave; Reid, No; Richard- son, Ave; White, Ave; Vietzke, No; Morris, Ave; Tamborini, Ave; Hansen, No; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, No; Heppenstall, No and Bruce, Ave. There being 7 "Aye's" and 5 "No's" the motion carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that he had .Just returned from the meeting of the Housing Authority Board and that a report had been given as to the "Net Operat- ing Income" for May, but that the matter of a coal contract had been postponed pend- ing issuance of the required "Call for Bids". Councilman Hansen reported that the fence that was reported on City property in Earlington was still up and across the street in question. Chief of Police, Ang Busato, stated that the owner of the fence had personally stated to the Police Depart- ment personnel that the fence had been removed, that there should be a clarification of whether the fence was actually located on City property or not to clear up this misunderstanding. The City Attorney stated that if a public road is being barricaded by the fence owner that this would be considered a misdemeanor and upon a complaint being signed by the City Clerk against said violator, the matter would be left up to the Police Court to decide final action; that he would suggest that the City Engi- neer check to see if a fence is located across a public road and/or if there is an obstruction there, and that if there is that he notify the City Clerk who should take action as stated, and so moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that after consideration and study of Mr. Frank Tonkin's request, that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that; he be allowed to remodel the front of his building as requested providing that he submits to the City in writing a statement absolving the City from any liability in case of accident, caused by the installation of the new front on his building. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and Mr. Tonkin be so notified. Carried. Councilman Swift reported for the Street and Alley Committee in regard to the Pacific Coast Railroad Companv spur track across the City of Seattle right-of-wav, that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that as it is primary that the City of Seattle acquire this property to go with the right-of-wav, and as they are interested in acquiring same, that they acquire it, but that if they do not acquire it, that the City of Renton endeavor to acquire same, and so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, and carried. The City Engineer confirmed information that the City of Seattle was investigating this matter for themselves. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported in regard to the matter of determining the classification of the alley in Block 6, Earling- ton, that the Committee recommends that this thoroughfare be designated as a "place" and be named "Earlington Place% Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported that the Committee had studied the Citv Engineer's recommendation that the signal light system at the intersection of Bronson wav North, 1st Avenue North and Park Street be modified, and recommended that there be two separate signals rather than one; that each signal, for each line of traffic, should show a red stop-signal light, and also a green go arrow, also, that a spare control be acquired to allow the repair of these signal lights and so moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall and carried. Councilman Swift reported in repnrd to the proposal from the Fred Hancock Post No. 19 to place removable clamps on the parking meter posts to hold the National Colors for display, that the Street and Allev Committee was not in favor of the particular type of clamp but that they would meet with the Commander and/or representatives of the American Legion and agree on a favorable type of clamp be- fore the holidays. 3) Councilman Pruce reported in regard to the communication from Robert 0. Fleming which states that effective July 1, 1955, the fee for "False Arrest Insurance" would be doubled and that the Committee recommended that the City accept the bid received from the lowest bidder for "False Arrest Insurance", Robert 0. Fleming, to take advantage of the rate offered in their bid and moved by White, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and the Clerk's Office so advise the bidder. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported the Insurance Commissioner and Property Committee recommended that the City reissue their "Call for Bids" for the City's Public Liability Insurance, including the provision that a "Certified check or bid bond" must accompany each bid and that a new revised corrected itemized list of specifications be furnished ,,.. all bidders. Councilman Bruce. stated it was the Committee's combined opinion that in regard to qualifying bidders, that any bidder, other than local Agents, could submit their bid through any local agent. Moved by Henpenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that as the City had quite a wide Insurance Company spread, that the bid be limited to local agents, including outside bidders submitting bids through local Agents. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that the Committee recommended that the Call for Bids be published in the local paper on June 23rd and June 30th and in the Daily Journal of Commerce, June 2hth, that the date for the opening of bids be set as July 5, 1955 and that all previous bidders be so notified and so moved, seconded by Heppenstall and carried. Mavor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mavor Joe. R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPP7NSTALL, TAMBORINI AND BRUCE. Councilman Vietzke requested that the City Engineer furnish a full report of the cost of city labor and equipment for preparation of Park Street for paving by contract- or. The City Engineer stated he would furnish the Council these figures. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee stated that the Committee recommended that different Departments furnish the City Clerk their itemized budget requests---that when the Preliminary Budget is drafted, the Departments itemized lists will accompany same. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council •.� concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, stated that as the Job Evaluator, Mx. Clarence Pool, would like to meet with the Committee of the Council as a Whole to discuss the "Job Evaluation" report he has nearly completed, that he would like to put this on the agenda for the Executive meeting for the 4th Tuesday, June 28, 1955. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, also requested Council consideration of the matter of the wading pool being brought before the Council this evening. Councilman Vietzke stated that it was the recommendation of two members of the Swim- ming Pool Committee (Vietzke & Delaurenti) that the Council proceed with the con- struction of the Wading Pool at this time. The Assistant Cite Attornev stated that it was his opinion if the wading pool was deleted from the acceptance of bids 6 weeks (more or less) ago because of lack of funds, that the Citv cannot let the bid at this time---that if the awarding of bid for the wading pool was held in nbevance and the time lapse wasn't too great ther the City could award the bid, but that it was highly doubtful if the bid could be awarded six weeks later, that the Council disposed of the issue by awarding bids, the contractors having already been notified. The As- sistant City Attorney suggested that as under Legislative Action of 1953, the City could authorize a public improvement in a sum up to $2000.00, without calling for bids, that the Council should investigate this suggestion and that the City Engineer contact the contractor involved to see if an agreement could be drafted whereby the construction of the pool would come within the $62000.00 exemption and the City of Renton to assume the difference of costs between $2000.00 and $2100.00 plus tax. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in his opinion this was a good idea and suggested that the Citv Engineer investigate this phase with the idea that a satisfactory so- lution as to cost be reached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Assistant Attorney's suggestion be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer and Street Commissioner had discussed the problem of the City's gravel supply several times, that there is a possibility that the City may be able to acquire a certain 338 n piece of property of approximately 5 acres as a gravel supply source, by purchase or in exchange for property in Kennydale that the Cite owns where the Kennydale tank is located, which would furnish the Citv a sufficient supply of good road gravel for several years. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer and Street Commissioner investigate this matter further and report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that, the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City acquire, through the Equipment Rental Revolving Fund, a power operated stripping machine, and that the Street Commissioner be authorized to obtain all available information on such machines being manufactured for information of the Street and Alley Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. �. Moved by Bruce, seconded bar Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were 24 persons present besides City of Renton employees). ity. lerk Mayor 33 Renton, Washington July 5, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CATL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, HANSEN, AND BRUCE. On his previous request, Mayor Baxter excused Councilman Heppenstall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Councilmen Delaurenti and White be excused. Carried. (Councilman Delaurenti was able to attend later in the meeting). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City "' Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the Council meeting of June 2.1, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. Ma-�Tor Baxter stated that as this was the date set for the opening of bids for two nieces of Equipment (dump trucks) for the City, that we proceed with the. opening of bids. The following bids, all accompanied by either a. certified check or bid bond, were opened and read: TOTAL LESS BIDDER AMIT OF BID SALES AMOUNT TRADE,-IN TOTAL (2 trucks TAX OF BID ALLOWED COST Wening Motors - G.M.C. truck 81,158.00 $336-60 T1_01_7 .� 0.00 $9846.60 11,134.00 371.13 11,505.13 650.00 10855.13 with hydromatic transmission) Clarke Bros. - Dodge Truck 10,583.80 352.79 10,936.59 1500.00 9436.59 Frank Rhodes - Studebaker truck 235.48 6923.66(inel, trade-in) 7159.14 Pope Ford - Ford truck 10,382.32 346.08 10,728.40 850.00 9878.40 includes Tri-coach dump body - $997.50 each) 10,559.82 351.99 10,911.81 850.00 10061.81 includes Truck Welding dump body - 1086.25 ea) ... (**Total cost includes Sales Tax. Also, trade-in allowance on the 2 trucks has been deducted) . Moved bi- Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Street Commissioner for investigation and a report back. Carried. (This will be discussed and considered at the Street and Alley Committee meeting on Thursday, July 7, 1955.) This being the date set for the opening of bids for the City's Comprehensive Liability Insurance, the following bids, all accompanied by either a certified check or bid bond., were opened and read: Bidder Total Bid Louis Gebenini - American Automobile Ins. Co. $6967-14 (Intercity Insurance Agency, 717 4th Ave., Renton) Tony Ba.ffaro - Farmers Insurance Company 4409.83 125 3rd Avenue, Renton George Walmsley, thru Wm. F. Davis 6790.00 (Robert 0. Fleming Co., Exchange Bldg., Seattle 4) Moved by Richardson, seconded bar Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the Mercury Vapor Street Lighting for the City of Renton, the following bids, all accompanied by either a certified check or bid bond, were opened and read: Bidder Amtt of bid Sales Tax Total amount of bid Holert Electric $38sOOO. fl-267-.67 $399266.67 Holmes Electric 37,149.08 1238.30 38087.38 Service Electric 379147.68 1237.02 38,384.70 Chapman Electric 35,593.22 1186.44 36,779.66 Van S. McKenny 35044.60 912.59 369257.19 Don Close & Company 33,060.00 915.00 33,975.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Light and Power Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. As this was the date set for the bearings on the rezoning requests of Stakovich and Bannister, also the two requests of Mr. Edwards of Wallin & Edwards, there being 8)40 cc �-3 Cd n no written or oral protests, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that these three requests be referred to the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinances. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that in regard to the previous rezoning request of Mr. Charles Shane, that he be requested to obtain the necessary additional signatures to meet the City's requirements as to signatures within a 200 foot area, and so moved, seconded by Trimm and carried. The Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Elmer Poeske as a member of the Fire Department Civil Service Commission effective immediately. Mr. Poeske will replace Mr. Pasco, deceased and his appointment will Expire, January 219 1961. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council and Department Heads of their iniritation to the Citv Employees picnic, Sunday; July 10, 1955 at Fox's Lake Meridian Grove. A request for a non-conforming permit was read from George A. Poff, 643 D St., Renton Highlands (Lot 4, Block 22). to erect an addition to his residence. Mr. Poff states that the property line between Lots 3 and 4 is not parallel to the end of the building---that when the building is erected, the back corner would be six feet from the property line and the front corner 3 feet---that the nearest building to this structure is the residence at 2219 6th Place (Lot 3) which is 22 feet from the pro- posed addition and that they hold a valid easement from the owner of :Lot 3. The Building Inspector stated that under the Building Code garages could 'be built with- in 3 feet of the property line, but not residences, that the Ordinance requires a 5 foot clearance on any lot more than 40 feet wide. After discussion, this being one piece of property of many that have uneven side yard clearances, moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that, this request be referred to the Property Committee and Building Inspector for investigation and to report back their recommendation• Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the City Enginper submitting and recommend- ing for payment Estimate #1 for work performed on the Park Street Improvement Project by the Contractor, The Washington Asphalt Company, in the amount due the Contractor of X2433.519 the regular 15 percent having been retained. (A voucher in this amount ---made out to the contractor accomna.nied the Estimate). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this Estimate No. 1 and voucher covering same be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee and Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A second communication was read from James Highton, City Engineer, submitting and recommending for payment, estimate #1 for work performed on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool by the Contractor, the Kerty Mortensen Construction Company, in the amount due the contractor of $3,303.75, the regular 15 percent having been retained, but including Sales 'fax in the amount of X6124.67. A voucher in this amount made out to the contractor accompanied the Estimate. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this Estimate No. 1 and voucher covering same be referred to the Finance Com- mittee and Swimming Pool Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the President Park Development Company, signed by Lucile Merriott, 903 N Street, regarding a fencing problem between two neighbors in President Park, stating that one neighbor's back yard joins the front yard lot of the other neighbor's back yard---that a fence built 60 inches high on the back lot of one neighbor, is on the other neighbor's front yard property line and blocks off his front yard, view, etc; that the Building Code does not cover this problem and they request Council assistance in working out a satisfactory solution. The Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, stated that the neighbor who had erected this fence had done so against the advice of the Building Inspector Vere Thompson, but that he was within the restrictions of the Building Code. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this problem be referred to the Property Committee to endeavor to work out a satisfactory settlement and report back to the Council. Carried. A letter of appreciation for their understanding cooperation and acknowledgment of the City's letter in connection with the Council's action in approving Highlands Plat #2, submitted on behalf of the Public Housing Administration by Don Humble, Executive Director of the Renton Authority was read from F. Stanton Foster, Deruty Director of the San Francisco Field Office in San Francisco. Mavor Baxter ordered the communication filed. 341. The City Clerk reported that May, 1955 Renton Area - Seattle-King County De- partment of Public Health report had been received and that Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee had read the report and that it would be filed for future reference. Mayor Baxter invited Mr. Tom Monaghan of 519 Cedar Street, who was in the audience if he would like to make a report to the Council. Mr. Monaghan stated that he lived on Cedar Street, which was a very narrow street, and that by Council action cars were restricted from parking on the east side---that the party living on the east side of Cedar Street across from his home parked his car and/or truck across from his (Mr. Monaghan's) driveway preventing them from moving their car from the garage or to be able to put the car back in the garage---that evidently the neighbor was within his legal rights in so parking and had refused to move the car or truck for Mr..Monaghants convenience when requested to do so, the Police Department having no jurisdiction in this matter; Mr. Monaghan requested that the Council take some action to alleviate this condition. The Assistant Citv Attorney stated that if parking is allowed without any limitation, the City cannot restrict or stop the man from parking his car and/or truck in front of his home---that if the Council would in some way restrict or control parking on the west side, the City would have the legal right to have the man move the car and/or track---that the Cit,r could place any limitations that they saw fit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this problem be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and to report back their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance rezoning a certain area in North Renton to R-1 Use. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance rezoning a certain area, described as "The area between the north line of Cedar River Commercial Waterway No. 2, and the south line of 6th Avenue North and lying between the east line of Burnett Street and the west line of the alley between Park Street and Pelly Street; EXCEPT Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 10 and Lot 21, Block 2 and Lots 112,3 and 4s Block 1; all in Renton Farm Plat No. 111, in North Renton from R-S Use to R-1 Residence District. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson, reported that the Majority of the Ordinance Com- mittee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1518 and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1518 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Trimm, Aye; Reid, Ave; Richardson, Ave; Vietzke, Aye; Morris, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Hansen, Ave; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye and Bruce, Aye,9 and all ten Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that according to the Treasurer's report for May and June, the Sewage Disposal Fund showed a deficit and that he had discussed this matter with the City Treasurer and Clerk and that thev felt that there were surplus funds left in a previous (1943 Sewer Construction Fund) Fund, which he felt they (the Treasurer and Clerk) should investigate the possibilitir of transferring to the Sewage Disposal Fund. The City Treasurer reported that as this Fund was established many years before, to this time she had been unable to satisfactorily determine the purpose of same and if said fund could be transferred to meet this emergency---that she would like to suggest that the Water Department Fund loan the Sewage Disnosal Fund money, temporarily until this matter is corrected. After dis- cussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The Cit7T Engineer reported that he was working on the report of the City's cost in preparation of Park Street for the improvement program now going on but that City employees were still working on the project. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, requested a recess to discuss a �... matter before the Committee of the Council as a whole. Councilman Swift stated there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Com- mittee, Thursday at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Reid stated there would be a Light and Power Committee meeting, Thursday morning at 10:00 A*M. Councilman Bruce stated that he would call a meeting of the Property Committee for investigation of the two on-sight problems, as soon as possible. ej42 Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Ma- or Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHAR.DSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson stated and so moved, that in order not to delay the re- zoning hearing of Mr. Charles Shane unnecessarily, that on advice of the City Attorney that a date of hearing be set, contingent on Mr. Shane obtaining the additional signature(s) needed---it having been determined by the City Engineer that a portion of the property adjoining Mr. Shane's was zoned for "Business-Use" at this time, which was a lower classification that Mr. Shane had requested and would not interfere with Shane's request---the date of July 19, 1955 being tentatively set for the date of hearing. The motion was seconded by Vietzke and carried. Councilman Richardson reported in regard to Ordinance No. 209 which was passed in 1910 and regulated the sale, storage, etc., of powder and other explosivesp stating that it was his opinion and the opinion of the Assistant City Attorney that this Ordinance was outdated and that the bond was inadequate and that before any powder licenses are issued that the Council should consider changing this ordinance to conform to the present time, to limit within the City of Renton the storing, handling, etc., and consider increasing the bond. Moved by Delau renti, seconded by Hansen., that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to study the Ordinance and report back their recommendation. The Clerk' s office will notify the person who re- quested the powder license that he is to comply with the present Ordinance and that the Council is considering revising the Ordinance and increasing the bond. After discussion, moved by `1'amborini, seconded by Vietzke, that storage of nigh-explosives of any kind within the City Limits of the City of .Renton is barred. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were twenty-four persons oresent be- sides City of Renton employees). The following claims havin:- been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: I PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 4843-5149 $48,853.47 CUPRENT 2013-2016 36,664.81 'WATER 9070-9073 9003.46 LIBRARY 2799-2801 1,991.43 PARK 1904-1907 3,146.95 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 2555-2558 39091.93 AIRPORT 1834-1837 3,713.56 STREET 6638-6641 80661.94 CUM. FUND #1182 --- __- CUM. FUND #1183 --- _-- CUM. FUND #1184 483-484 752.74 FIR.EMEN'S PENSION FUND 162-164 293.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 556 50.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 448-4R0 59424.73 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 714-716 10,484.68 CLAIMS FUND 1438-4.530 18,590X6 S'rdIMMING POOL FUND — __T L.I.D. FUNDS 4 28.77 WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE 437 11.16 STREET & LIGHT. IMPROV. 1917-1920 215.77 C'ty Clerk Mayor 343 Renton, Washington July 12, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HAnSEN, TRIMM, R.EID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL, Ahm, BRUCE. (On his request, Mayor Baxter excused Councilman Delaurenti from this evening's meeting). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk: Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, ,Assistant. City Engineer and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meeting of July 5th be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter advised the Council that in behalf of the Councilmen, Department Heads and himself, he had written a letter to the Employee's Club in appreciation of their invitation to the Employee's picnic on Sunday, July 10th. A reouest to install an additional Shuffleboard machine it his place of business The Sranpy Tavern, 321 Williams Street, was read from Anton Dime, owner. Moved by Ta.mboriri, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Harold W. Jordan, owner of the Yellow Cab Company requesting Council consideration of the relocation of his cab stand to 3rd Avenue at the northwest corner at 3rd & Wells, directly in front of the hub City Drug Store. Mr. Jordan states that he believes this will relieve traffic congestion and requests a meeting with the Police & License Committee for discussion of this request before one-way streets are put in effect. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. i The Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Baxter of Bruce Phillips as a fireman for the Renton Fire Department on a permanent basis effective July 1, 1955s on the recommendation of the Fire Chief and the Fire Department Civil Service Commission, that he had served his 6 months probationary period satisfactory. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read the appointment by Mayor Baxter of C. S. Williams as Com- munications Lieutenant and William E. Frazee as Detective Lieutenant for the Police Department on a permanent basis effective July 16, 1955, on the recommendation of the Police Chief and the Police Department Civil Service Commission that they had ,served their 6 months probationary p-riod satisfactory. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamboriniq that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mavor. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee had three Ordinances to presert in regard to rezonirgs, the hearings having beer held at the July 5th Council meeting and. there being no written or verbal. nrotpsts. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1519, as presented by the Ordinance Com- mittee, changing the zoning classification of certain properties, in the City of Renton described as "Lots 1, 2, 27, 28 and 29 of Town & Country Club Bungalow sites, as per plat recorded in Volume 19 of Plus, Page 21, records of King County, Wash- ington", (this property is located on the north side of the Sunset Highway just west of the Langston Road) from R-S District to Business Use (B-1) District. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their. recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance #1519 be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. 6644 July 12, 1j55 y CC Mayor Baxter was called away fr^m the Council meeting on a. special matter and asked Councilman Hansen, President of the Council to act as Chairman. Councilman Hansen took Mavor Baxter's chair as Ma-7or Pro-Tem. Councilman Richardson stated that he would like to present to the Council- two ordinances to cover two separate rezoning requests on Rainier Avenue, The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1520, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, changing the zoning classification of certain properties in the Citv of Renton described as "The South 100 feet of Lot 7 in Block 2 and Lot 8 in Block 31 Woody Glen Addition, located in Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington", (this property is located approximately 150 feet west of and parallel to Rainier Avenue in the vicinity of the Airport) from Residence Single Family District (RS-1) to Residence District (R-1). Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council- man Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the pro- posed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the pro- posed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1520 be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No* i521, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, changing the zoning classification of certain properties in the City of Renton described as "The north 150 feet of Lot 2, and the north 150 feet of the west 60.03 feet of Lot 3, the north 125 feet of the east 30 feet of Lot 39 the north 125 feet of Lot 4 and Lot 5, and the east 20 feet of Lot 6, and the north 140 feet of Lot 6, EXCEPT the west 20 feet thereof; and Lot 7, EXCEPT the south 100 feet; all in Block 2, Woody Glen Addition; together with those portions of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 in Block 1, Woody Glen Addition, lying southerly of the center line of South 123rd Street, as per original plat of Latimer's Lake Park Addition", (this property is located approximately 150 feet west of and parallel to Rainier Avenue in the vicinity of the Airport, and extends approximately 670 feet to the west) from Residence Single Family District (RS-1) to Business Use (B-1) District. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1521 be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, reported in regard to the bids received for the Mercury Vanor Street Lighting Program, that the low bidder had been requested to submit certain information in regard to his bid in writing for consideration by the Committee, that this information had been received by phone and that he requested one week additional time to obtain this information in writing. The City Engineer stated that under the proposal, bidders were required to submit a unit cost bid and that without the unit costs or catalogue prices they are unable to determine item costs---that the specifications were written reserving to the City of Renton the right to add or subtract certain items---that unless the units costs were furnished, each change would have to be negotiated, or the Citv would have to pay on a cost plus 6% basis; that thev had also requested the bidder furnish the City with name of the manufacturer sunplier of the lighting fixtures, and/or a list of the kind of parts to be used to determine if parts that might be substituted are the same or equivalent to those specified in the bid; that all other bidders had submitted unit costs. Moved by White, seconded by Swift, that awarding of the Mercury Vapor Street Lighting bid remain for one week in the Light and Power Committee. Carried. On motion of Councilman White, seconded by Vietzke, the matter of painting the carport covering the police car parking area be referred to the Property Committee r for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that it was the .joint recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee and the Swimming Pool Committee that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the City Engineer that the firm of the North American Inspection Testing Company be retained for services as required in connection with the construction of the Liberty Park Swimming Pool at the schedule of rates as presented. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee and Swimming Pool Committee. Carried. 1 345 Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee and Street Com- missioner had held two meetings in regard to awarding of the bid for the two 3 Ton Trucks, and that the specifications on all bids had been discussed and that as a result the Committee had determined that the low bid covered equipment too light to meet specifications or to do the .required Street Derartment work and that it was the recommendation of the Committee that the Citv accepted the second low bid for the Dodge trucks from the Clarke Brothers Motor Company. Moved by Heopenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. ?loved by Swift, seconded by Brlice, that the Bid bonds, and/or certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Committee had also discussed the one-way traffic system and traffic control lights and that they were unable to write specifications for controls to match existing controls; that in order to produce a system that will match the present system, it was the recommendation of the Committee that -the City purchase the equipment required and employ local firms to make the installations---that installations at a cost up to $2000 each whereby the public is benefitted could be made, thereby obsolete equipment and materials could be matched and replaced and the traffic system integrated; that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed -with this work and that installations begin as soon as possible, at the intersection of 3rd Avenue with Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street, the intersection of Main Street and lith Avenue and the 2nd and Rainier intersection, that as soon as these controls are in, the City will be closer to setting up their one-way street system and getting it in operation, that the balance of the work would be only slight changes on the existing lights, i.e., to correct the sequence of the signals to clarify one-way street operation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that the Ordinance Committee draft an Ordinance controlling the direction of one-gray traffic on both sides (east and west) of Burnett Street, from 2nd to 4th Avenues. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that Councilman Reid of the Street and Alley Committee who with the Police Chief, Ang Busato, had investigated the verbal request of Tom Monaghan, 519 Cedar Street, would report on this mptter. Councilman Reid reported that he and the Police Chief had investigated this report and that to provide Mr. Monaghan with egress and ingress to his garage the Committee recommended that the Street Denartment paint a strip of the curb, five feet on each side of his driveway on the west side of Cedar Street, a certain color indicating that no parking was allowed in this area. The Police Chief stated that by taking this action this would automatically eliminate parking on the west side in that certain area which would assist Mr. Monaghan to use his garage and not .jeopardize others from parking on the west side of Cedar Street; that this was a particular problem and any other .justifiable complaints would be taken up individually. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that the Clerk's Office be requested to write a letter to the Lake Shore Lines requesting that they have a representative present at the Street and Alley Committee meeting on Thursday, July 21st, and that they submit their requests for bus stops on Park Street; also that they be advised to be prepared to operate their busses on Park Street as soon as Park Street is completely paved and discontinue the use of Pellv Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the request of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. On request of Councilman Richardson, Councilman Swift stated that the Ordinance Committee-could hold the drafting of the Ordinance controlling the direction of one- way traffic on Burnett Street temporarily, until such time as the direction of traffic over other streets is lined up and the information can be incorporated in the one Ordinance. Councilman Heppenstall reported that a new date would be set for the Job Evalu- ation Committee to meet with the Committee of the Council as a Whole and that he would notify the Council of the new date. Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee had thoroughlv checked the City's Liability Insurance Bids, and that the low bidder had complied with all specifications of the bid proposal and that the Committee recommended that the Farmers Insurance Group, through Tony Baffaro, the local Agent, be awarded the bid. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of- the Committee. Carried. 346 c.� Councilman Bruce further reported, in regard to the request of Mr. Poff of 643 D Street for a non-conforming permit that the Property Committee had investi- gated this request and had found that Mr. Poff had a written easement from his neighbor who owned the property next to his where Mr. Poff's proposed addition would be within 3 feet of the property line, and that they recommended that Mr. Poff be granted this non-conforming permit. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce further reported in regard to the complaint of Lucile Merriott of 903 N Street, who was employed by the President Park Development Company, that the fence in question is located in Mr. Martin's front ,yard hiding anypossible view, and is very unsightly----that he felt that this Ordinance should be changed or amended in the immediate future to prohibit another such fence being built---that it had been now determined that the neighbor had complied with the Ordinance. City Attorney Haugan informed the Council that Mr. Poff could bring action in regard to the fence being a spite fence, but that no one could say at this time what the Court would decide. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee, and the problem be referred to the Building Inspector to submit his recommendation for anv changes, and to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to amend or change the present Ordinance to clarify this problem. (The Building Inspector stated that he and the Assistant City Attornev had already dis- cussed this matter and thev were of the opinion that unless a clause was inserted pro- hibiting a person from building a fence obstructing a. neighbors view, that the problem would still be present on account of the lot plans and ground contours in certain areas). Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion, it was the intent of the Property Com- mittee that restrictions be placed on fences where one persons back yard fence was another persons front vard .fence or would hide their view, that such a fence be of an ornamental or wire t-Tpe that could be seen thru. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported in regard to a 1910 Ordinance concerning handling of dynamite, etc., which had been referred to the Ordinance Committee for changing, amending or redrafting, that the Council should consider that the Ordinance should also cover installations of radio active materials which are much more explosive than dynamite; Councilman Richardson stated that sample Ordinances covering such instal- lations have been requested from the Association of Washington Cities and other Cities and that as soon as these are received this information will be considered in regard to incorporating same in the-powder ordinance. Councilman Swift further reported in regard to there being a deficit in the Sewer Fund, that consideration should be given to the buildings and plants which use air conditioning with the waterfall system, that possibly it mi7ht be worth while for the Fire and Water Committee to work with the Ordinance Committee to establish a rate for this type of equipment. Councilman Trimm stated that the Committee had been con- sidering this particular suggestion and that there had been an article in the American magazine regarding same. Floyd Shaff, Cit- Clerk, stated that he had written to the Association of Washington Cities for conies of Ordinances and/or information concerning the use of water in air conditioning units and that he had received some folders and magazines and that they were available for use of any Committees. Councilman Bruce reported that the City Attornev had advised him that Mr. Lindeke of the Great Northern Railway had been to see him regarding the rental of the Radio Broadcasting Station and adjacent tower and ground wire network---that the City of Renton receives 90150.00 rent for both of these properties, and that Mr. Lindeke feels that the Great Northern Railway Company, who now owns the property other than what the building is located on, should receive a portion of this rent---that he would suggest one-third of same would be a fair rental chargee Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for further consideration and/or negotiations and to report back. Carried. (Council- man Bruce stated that the Committee would contact the Park Board also in regard to this matter). The City Engineer stated that he had just received a plat of a portion of a newly annexed area, west of Rainier Avenue and that he would like permission to take it to the next Planning Commission meeting; that the plat is from N. A. Medley of 7600 Laurel Street, Seattle, for property described as "The south 180' of the north 5941 of the west 495' of Section 18, Township 23 N. Range 5 E. W.M. in the City of Renton", which is, more generally speaking, East of 84th Avenue South between South 128th Street and S. 132nd Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini,that the Plat be referred to the City Engineer for checking and if it meets the City's re- quirements, that it be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a report back. Carried.. 347 Councilman Bruce reported that in anticipation of one-wav streets, Ned Stokes had requested Council consideration of changing his reserved funeral parking area from the south side of ',Whitworth Street, ad.iacent to the funeral rrrlors, to the north side, and that in this wav the funerals would be routed to head into the eastbound traffic on 3rd Avenue, that this would assist their funeral processions as well as to avoid a traffic problem. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this report be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a renort back. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, all such requests in regard to one- wav streets, should be automatically referred to the Street and Alley Committee. r.. Two claims in letter form were inadvertently omitted from the agenda of this Council meeting. The first was from Anton Dime, 104 Pell,y Street, claiming that windows in the Valley Furniture Company building, which he owns, have been broken by persons playing baseball in the fenced portion of Liberty Park on dates as follows: June 19th, 22nd, 25th and July 12th. Mr. Dime requests these windows be replaced by the City of Renton. Mr. Dime states that he has lived at his address for the past ten years. The second was from L. J. Caniparoli, 11206 112th S.F., claiming damages incurred when a City Garbage Truck backed into the front of his car while it was parked in front of the Scott Cleaners, 201 lith Place, where he works,, on approximately June 14th. Mr. Caniparoli states that he has lived at his address approximately one year. Mr. Caniparoli also enclosed an estimate of damage to his car in the amount of $89.64. Copies of both letter-claims have been referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Commissioner for their information and action. Mayor Baxter stated that he had appointed Councilman Walt Reid as a member of the Finance Committee temporarily, during the absence of Councilman Delaurenti, while he is on vacation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the appointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. Moved, by Richardson, seconded bl, Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 17 persons present besides City of Renton employees). I l C' y Clerk Mayo r.. 348 y Renton, Washington July 19, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 F.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRTMM, RICHARDSON, REID, WHITE, VIFTZKE, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAUR.ENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. On his request, Councilman Morris was excused from this evening's Council meeting. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Ernest Isackson, Police Captain; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meeting of July 12, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. The Citv Clerk read the signed, written recommendation of the Light and Power Committee, which was approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer, regarding the bid for the "Construction of a Mercury Vapor Street Lighting System", (1) that the bid of the Donald W. Close Company be rejected by reason of non-compliance with the requirements of unit price bidding as set forth in the "Instruction to Bidders". (2) That the Van S. McKenny Company, the second low bidder, be awarded the contract conditional on the stipulation that the information required under the "General Specifications" be submitted and included as a supplement to the contract. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Moved bl.- Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk's Office return the bid bonds of the unsuccessful bidders. Carried. A communication from Radio Station KLAN signed by Hanford B. Choate to Ang Busato, Police Chief was read stating that they, together with the Corcoran Buick Company, have planned a community street dance to be held on the Street on Second Avenue between Main and Mills Street, Fridav, July 22nd, 1955 from 8:30 P.M. to Mid- night, and requesting permission to block the street during these hours. Councilman Swift stated that this was the main fire lane. After discussion, Mayor Baxter suggesting that the Fire Department could be notified of the proposed dance and advised to arrange to use a different route in case of an emergenc- during this time, and on the suggestion of the City Attorney that proper police control is pro- vided moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council approve the request of Radio Station KLAN and the Fire Chief be notified of the proposed dance and advised to arrange a different route for the fire trucks to travel in case of emergency. Moved by White, seconded by Tamborini, that the motion be amended to include the provision ,that Radio Station KLAN, together with the Corcoran Buick Company, who are sponsoring the dance, be advised that they will have tc provide at least two special patrolmen to maintain order specifically for this dance. The amendment carried. The motion as amended, then carr.i.ed. After a discussion as to the short length of advance notice given on requests in connection with special events as stated above, Radio Station KLAN is to be advised that all subsequent requests are to be submitted to the Council at least two Council meetings (2 weeks) prior to such an event, in order to allow the Council sufficient time to consider same. This being the date set for the hearing on the request of Charles Shane to re- zone certain property on Maple Way, near the Maple Valley Wye from Residential (R-1) to Business Use (B-1) District and there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition be referred to the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. A request to operate and plav card games (i.e., pangini, rummy, pinochle and if permissible, draw poker) at his place of business "J's Tobacco & Mixer Nook", 237 main. Street, was read from James 0. Dewell, owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, James L. Highton, submitting proposed changes in street names from the King County designation to the City's, ioe*$ S.F. 121st Street to 7th Avenue North S.F. 1.12th Street to 12th Avenue North 124th Avenue S.E. to "M" Street 125th Avenue S.E. to "M" Street 127th Place S.E. to "0" Street, and Sunset Highway to Sunset Boulevard East. 349 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Ta-borini, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Citi Engineer. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Del aurenti, that the proposed change in street names, as outlined by the Citi* Engineer, be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordi- nance and the Post Office be so notified. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Renton School District submitting a petition from the Renton School District for the vacation of a portion of Victoria Avenue. The communication from the Renton School District No. 403, signed by Rudolph H. Seppi, Administrative Assistant, stated that the School District is the fee owner of Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 in the Victoria A. Kelly Addition, the two-acre parcel known as the Moses property and the south 129 feet of the Fred Marchetti V property described as TDC#68; that the School District requests the Council take the necessary action to vacate the east 148 feet more or less, on Victoria Avenue, which lies between Lots 13 to 16, inclusive, and the Moses property. A map showirg the area to be vacated was attached.. Moved by Richardson, seconded bT Bruce, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Citv Engineer, submitting a petition to vacate the south one-half of the 16 foot alley in Block 89 Earlirgton Addition. The City Engineer states that the alley traverses the block in a northeasterly direction from 5th Avenue West to Sunset Boulevard West; that the petition is in error with respect to the minimum requirement of conve-ing the center 10 feet of the alley to the City for easement rights and that any consideration should be conditional on correction of the easement description. The City Engineer further states that the petition contained the signatures of 100% of the adjacent p ropert,1r owners. The petition attached, signed by three property owners, requests the Council to vacate the 16 foot north and south alley which abuts upon Lots 9, 10, 13, 14, 17 and 18, Block 8, Ea.rlington Addition and states that all agree to convey to the City a perpetual easement of 22 feet on each side of the centerline of said alley for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining public utilities. The City Engineer explained that the petitioners were in error in reading the petition, that if referred to the Street and Alley Committee they could take this request under consideration, and so moved, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Engineer and the petitioners be notified of the City's easement requirements. Carried. �• A claim from Ronald E. Wattum, 2232 Rainier Avenue for damages to his car while it was parked in the Seattle Snorting Goods parking lot on Wells Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on July 153 1955 around noon, when the City of Renton Garbage Truck #1 backed into his car, a 1953 Chevrolet two-door sedan, damaging the right front fender and right front head-light rim. The Clerk stated that copies had been furnished the Insurance Commissioner and City Attorney. The City Engineer stated that he would endeavor to have the Plaque for the new Williams Street Bridge, showing the Citv Officials names and dedication date, for dedication purposes at an early date. Councilman Swift reported that there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on July 21st, 1955 at 8:00 P.M., with representatives of the Lake Shore Lines. Councilman Bruce reported in regard to pro-rating of rental collections from Radio Station KLAN and adjacent tower and ground work areas, that the Property Com- mittee had agreed that one-third the rental received as Great Northernts share was satisfactory to the Committee; that the next meeting of. the Park Board would be held on Wednesday, July 20th and that this matter would be discussed at this meeting. Mayor Baxter stated that as he remembered, originally in discussing the proposed rental charges, that it was stated that 8140.00 would be the rental charged for the Radio Station and $10.CO for the ground area, and that he felt the Committee should give this matter further consideration before final action is taken. Councilman Bruce stated that this information would be considered by the Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by `1'amborini, that the matter remain in the Property Committee, together with the City Attorney---that after the Park Board has met and reached an agreement in this matter, that the Property Committee with the assistance of the City Attorney be given power to act. Carried. Councilman Trimm stated that there woul,� be a Fire and Water Committee meeting Tuesday, July 26th at 7:00 P.M. In regard to the next regularly scheduled Executive meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, July 26th, Mayor Baxter stated that he had a few items to present to the Council at this meeting. 350 m Mayor Baxter stated that it had been reported that a party living in President Park Addition was repairing cars at home and as this was a residential. area that this was illegal and that he should be sent ar authoritive communication stating that he should discontinue this practice immediately. The Citi- Attornev stated that this party would be prohibited .from this particular use of residential property under the Zoning Ordinance - "use" code. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney's Office instruct the offender to discontinue any such practices which are illegal. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. - The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. (There were 7 persons present besides City of Renton Employees). City Clerk Mayor Renton, i4ashington August 2, 1955 The regul?r meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMI,, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. (On their request for same, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Councilmen Swift, Heppenstall and Vietzke, be excused from this evening's Council meeting). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Citv Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Sunerintendent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the Council meeting of July 19, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk stated that there were two requests for installation of two additional pinball machines - one in the Main Corner Cafe, 919 3rd Avenue, the other in the Sunset Cafe, 11544 Sunset Boulevard. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that this request be referred to the Police and. License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request for a Master Music Machine License was read from.Lonnie Blythe, owner of the Victory Tavern at 3rd and Rainier. Mr. Blythe states that he intends only to place the one machine, which he owns, in his place of business. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Police and License Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting the final plat of the Sunset Heights Addition to Renton (as submitted by Lloyd and Roger Peterson), and stating that the plat covers the property abutting Sunset Boulevard East to the immediate north of Windsor Hills and is under development by reason of the approved preliminary plat; that the plat conforms to the changes required by previous Council action, and that he has.anproved same, with the stipulation that the building lines of Lots 5,6 and 7, Block 3 be set back to compensate for the short frontage of the three lots. After discussion, .moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Citv Engineer, submitting and recommending for payment, Estimate #2 for work performed on the Park Street Improvement Program by the Washington Asphalt Company, in the total amount of $6359.31. A voucher in this amount signed by the contractor accomnanied the estimate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the estimate and voucher be referred. to the Finance Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. Another communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting and recom- mending for payment, Estimate #2 for work performed on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool by the Kerty Mortensen Construction Company, in the total amount of $13,544.66. A voucher, in this amount, signed by the contractor accompanied the estimate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the estimate and voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending (1) that the Council approve the preliminary plat for the sub-division of a tract of land on the south side of Southeast 112th Street in the Highlands Reservoir vicinity, as submitted by George R. Studebaker, providing he secures and dedicates sixty foot streets to conform to the street pattern laid out by the Engineering Department; (2) that the Council approve the preliminary plat submitted by N. H. Medley of property described as east of 84th Avenue South between South 128th and South 132nd Streets. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that both plats be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from John R. Cox (2105 6th Place) and Ellsworth Coleman (2107 6th Place) requesting the City either vacate or allow them to purchase "that strip of alleyway between 2105 and 2107, and between 6th Place and the play- ground area, all in the Highlands; that they understand that another and more suit- able access is being built into the playground area. Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Park De- nartment for investigation and a report back. Carried. 352 cd A petition was read, containing 11 signatures (10 property owners) requesting two street lights be installed, one on the corner of 91st Avenue South and Renton Avenue and the other on the corner of 90th Avenue South and 132nd Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that this petition be referred to the Light and Power Committee for study and a report back. Carried. A petition was read, signed by three property owners, for annexation of certain property .just north of the Earlington Addition, described as "That portion of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 13, Township 23, Range 4 E. W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line Right of way and the westerly line of 82nd Avenue South (Powell Street), as shown on the plat of ia.rlington, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 141 Page 7 in the book of plats, records of King County; thence southwesterly along the westerly dine of said 82nd Avenue South (Powell Street) 205 feet; thence north 72056,45" west 170 feet; thence north 17003115" east to the southerly line of said City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line right of way; thence easterly along the southerly line of said pipe line right of way to the point of beginning" more generally described as being approximately one acre in size, and located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Powell Street and City of Seattle Pipe Line right-of-way. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by White, that the petition be referred to the City Engineer to check the legality of signatures and then to the Planning Commission for consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk stated that the King County Sanitation Report for June had been received and studied by the Chairman of the Sanitat-ion Committee, and would be filed for future reference. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed. Ordinance, which had. been authorized by the Council and had been prepared. by the City Attorney's Office, changing the zoning classification of certain property in the City. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1522, changing the zoning classification of certain prroperty in the Cit- of Renton, described briefly by the City Engineer as being located on the north side of the Maple Valley Highwa-,, a short distance east of the Maple Valley Wye intersection, from Residential Use (R-S) District to Business Use (B-1) District. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1522 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson stated that he would like to present another Ordinance which had been recommended by the Street and Alley Committee and referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney by the Council changing the names of certain streets in the City of Renton. The Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1523, changing former County Street name designations of certain streets in areas annexed to the City of Renton to new city name designations as follows: S.E. 121st Street, to 7th Avenue North; S.E. 112th Street, to 12th Avenue North; 124th Avenue S.E., to "M" Street; 125th Avenue S.E., to "M" Street; 127th Place S.E., to "0" Street and Sunset Highway (from its intersection with Maple Wa7T and Bronson Way North, extending easterly to city limits) , to Sunset Boulevard East. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Maiority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorablr on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accent the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be nlaced on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final .reading, moved b-Y Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1523 be adopted as read. A roll call vote Mai being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Acre", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson stated that he would like to present for first reading only, a third Ordinance which had been requested by the Fire and Water Committee and Assistant City Attorney. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, amending Section 34 of Ordinance No. 1437 entitled "An Ordinance relating to the municipal water supply system of the City of Renton, Washington, regulating the use of water there- from, providing for the sale of water, fixing the rates or charges therefor and providing a method of collecting the same" as follows: "The rates for metered water service supplied to premises not within the limits of the City of Renton shall be double the rate fixed for water service supplied within the City of Renton for the same quantity allowed; the rates to special users outside the limits of the City of Renton, such as dater Districts and Cooperative Water Companies, are fixed at a rate not to be less than $0.12 per 100 cubic feet in all cases where the service is pro- vided through a master meter and no maintenance or collection service is furnished by the City of Renton". Moved by `I'rimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that no further action was required this evening as it was the recommendation of the Ordinance and Fire and Water Committee that this Ordi- nance be held for one week. (Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire and ?Nater Com- mittee, stated that a contract had been drafted covering the sale of water by the City of Renton to Water District No. 90, and that the Committee requested that further action on the proposed Ordinance be held until said contract had been signed). Councilman Heid reported that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the communication received by the Committee from the Lake Snore Lines, giving the proposed bus stops as outlined by the Bus Company, be referred to the Police De- partment Traffic Division for their consideration and a report back. Moved by Morris, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, further reported for the Street and Alley Committee, that the Committee recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare the specifi- cations, and Council issue a call for bids for an "All Purpose Line Marker", stating that the machine should be the same as the Jack Sahlberg Equipment Company Machine, #MB Model 16, or equal. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid further reported for the Street and Alley Committee, in regard to the request of Renton School District #403 to vacate 1l8 feet, more or less, on Victoria Avenue, which lies between Lots 13 to 16, inclusive, and the Moses property, that the Committee approved the vacation as this street was never used, and recom- mended that the proper steps be taken to vacate this property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the date of public hearing be set as September 6, 1955. ... Carried. In answer to an inquiry, the City Engineer informed the Council that the con- tract with the Van S. McKenny Comnanv for street lighting had been signed by the City Officials as of August 1st. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and rower Committee, reported that his Committee, the City Engineer and Mr. Glen, Mapes, the electrician who works on the City's traffic signals, had further discussed the traffic system in connection with one-way streets, and that the Committee requested more time; that an outline map of the system was available for the Council's information. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Councilman White reported that it was the recommendation of the Job Evaluation Committee that the Mayor and Council accept the Management Analysis Study in principle to be used as a guide in present and future planning, and that they adopt those portions, as applicable, when needed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Sanitation Committee more time in regard to proposed garbage rates. Councilman Bruce stated that it was the recommendation of the Pronert7T Com- mittee that the rest room at the Sweet Center be locked in the evening when the restaurant, which occupies this building, closes. The Park Superintendent reported that activities at Liberty Park commenced at 9:00 A.M., daily and Saturdays. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and the restaurant owners be notified that the restrooms should be opened at 9:00 A.M., and locked for the night when their business closes in the evening. Carried. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council reported that it was the recom- mendation of the Committee of the Council as a Thole, that the request of the Stone- way Dock for a certain parking area be referred to the Property Committee, and City 354 y ad Attorney, for consideration as to lease possibilities. Moved by Richardson, second- ed by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reminded all Councilmen that the next meeting of the City Council had been set as the first meeting for the discussion of 1956 preliminary budgets of the different departments of the City of Renton. City Clerk Floyd Shaff stated that each of the Councilmen had received a report on the budget for the City of Renton for the first six months of 1955, also a report of actual receipts, disbursements and the net balance for the City of Renton for this period. Councilman Reid reliurted that he had received a complaint in regard to the speed of traffic on the Cemetery Road and that in his opinion it woulrl, be a good idea to post "speed restriction" signs, governing the speed on curves for motorists going up and down this roadway, also "caution, share curve" signs at the top and base of the hill, as well as on the roadway. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Street Commissioner with power to act. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 1-303 $189581.47 CURRENT 1-3 39,183.03 WATER 1-3 91926.73 LIBRARY 1-2 21991.22 PARK. 1-3 31708.65 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1-3 31210.44 AIRPORT 1-3 3,220.71 STREET 1-3 10,410.52 CUM. FUND #1182 --- --- CUM. FUND #1183 --- Cum. FUND #1184 1-2 168.52 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1-2 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 1 50.00 EQUIPMFNT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 1-30 4,00.85 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 1-6 15,839.80 CLAIMS FUND 1-108 26,135.0 SWIMMINIG POOL FUND 7 3003-75 STREET & LIGHT. IMPROVEMENT 1-7 39341.13 Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 o'clock P.M. (There were fourteen persons present besides City of Renton employees). y`. C ty Clerk AV�r- : L Mayor Renton, Washington August 9, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. f ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIFTZKE, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (On their request for same, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that Councilmen Delaurerti, White and Morris be excused. Carried). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellar., Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; ,Flovd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Citv Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Gene Coulon, Park Superin- tendent. Mavor Baxter introduced Mr. Henry Reynolds, Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Reynolds addressed the Council and stated that Mr. Harvey Kent, President of the Renton Chamber of Commerce was present this evening to make an award. Mr. Reynolds read a letter from the Mission (Texas) Chamber of Commerce which stated that the 5th Annual Mission, Texas Gold Seal Progress Award was awarded in the State to the outstanding citizen or public official who had shown great meritorious service and ability. Mr. Reynolds then introduced Mr. Harvey Kent, who made the presentation. Mr. Kent stated that the award- was made to Angelo Busato, Chief of Police of the City of Renton as of July 25, 1955, who had 21 ,years service as a law enforcement officer and 4 years as Chief of Police, also that Chief Busato had an extremely good achieve- ment record; that he would like to congratulate the Chief on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and further stated that the Chamber of Commerce was proud of his record and ability and that the City of Renton was extremely fortunate to have such a capable # Chief of Police. Mr. Buasto thanked Mr. Kent and Mr. Reynolds for the award and presentation and stated that this was a great honor and that he accepted the award in behalf of the entire Police Department, that he felt the award reflected the work of the entire Police Department and lets others know that the City of Renton is a good place to live. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the City of Renton extend a the Renton Chamber of Commerce a vote of tharks for this presentation. Carried. A communication was read from William Gebenini, Manager of the- Renton Airport, requesting Council approval, as per State requirements, for the Airport to receive sewer service from the Brvn Mawr Sewer District, and to allow that District to charge an installation fee and monthly charge to a. tenant. Mr. Gebenini stated that the District had assured the Airport that thev will provide the service if the Council approves; that in so doing, the new operator on the northwest corner of the Airport (Mr. C. L. Scott) would avoid a septic installation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that request be referred to the City Engineer to check the feasibility from an engineering standpoint and report back. Carried. A communication was- read from John Lotto, Postmaster of the Renton Post Office, requesting Council consideration of the designation of a section of "M" Street, which the Council had previously renamed; that according to the official City map (copy of portion of same attached showing the street in question)it is noted that a short part of the newly designated "M" Street, lying north of 12th Ave. North to the Sunset Boulevard, is 330 feet distant from (old) 124th Avenue Southeast or "M" Street---that the Post Office feels that the portion of "M" Street lying north of 12th Avenue North should be either "N" Street or "N" Place---that this would cause less confusiop to anyone in trying to locate addresses and would be helpful to the sorting clerks in sorting mail to carriers serving the area. The Post Office requests early and favor- ' able consideration as they are in the process of making up a new sorting scheme, in- corporating all of the latest changes. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication, addressed to the Street and Alley Committee, from Arthur H. Towne, Director of Transportation for the Renton School District, was read. Mr. Towne requested consideration of two street traffic situations which they feel constitute a safety hazard to school buses and other traffic; that cars park on both sides of Garden Street from Bronson Wav to 2nd Avenue North, where the school buses travel, which only permits one-way traffic over most of this distance---that they request that parking be prohibited on at least one side of this street. Also, they request the widening (by a 2 or 3 foot strip) of the black top surfacing of Southeast g 112th, where the exit drivewav of the McKnight Intermediate School enters this street. Mr. Towne stated the danger of the buses running off the roadway causing them to drop s 356 y Cd into a rut, with the possibility of injury to pupils, as well as to unnecessary wear on equipment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the requests be referred CID to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, stating that owners of property in the vicinity of Southeast 96th Street at 132nd Avenue Southeast, have requested him to submit their proposal for the extension of the City Water System to serve this area---that the water mains required for this extension are as follows: 2.120 feet of 8 inch pipe on 132nd Avenue Southeast, north from Southeast 101st Street 300 feet of 8 inch pipe on Southeast 96th Street, east from 132nd Avenue Southeast 2315 feet of 6 inch pipe on Southeast 96th Street, west from 132nd Avenue Southeast, and 1000 feet of 4 inch pipe on Southeast 96th Street, west from 132nd Avenue Southeast; that the installation is estimated to cost 914,000.00, with the work to be performed by the Citv of Renton---the pronerty owners to pay 60% of the cost ($8400.00) and the City to pav 40% of the cost ($5600.00)---that the Citv will recover their expense at such time as intervening property owners apply for service from this part of the system. The City Engineer stated that the property owners request a 5 year period of time in which to make payment of this imnrovement, but that he felt any agreement should require a cash substantial down payment---that formal petition would. be presented pending Council action on the preliminary presentation. The City Engineer stated this property was located approximately 1 mile north of the Sunset Highway on 132nd Avenue South. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposal be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Noel M. Ghione, 44 Tobin Avenue, requesting investigation of the condition of Lake Street (one block east of Rainier Avenue connecting Airport Way with Tobin Avenue) . Mr. Ghione states that he has erected rental buildings on this street and that the street is not passable. The City Engi- neer stated that Lake Street was completely undeveloped and an unimproved street and that they have no ,jurisdiction or authority to develop or improve same, until the adjacent property owners have made the initial improvement. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the complaint be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. A complaint was read, signed by 8 property owners in the area on the north side of the 200 Block on Meadow Street and the south side of the 200 Block on Factory Street, stating that the owner of the first three lots on Block 7 (corner of 2nd Avenue North and Factory Street) maintains chickens in an irregular manner, causing a bad stench around the neighborhood, besides being a breeding place for flies---that lately large rats have been seen about the buildings, and that the petitioners consider this to be a public nuisance. and request Council action to eliminate same. After dis- cussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the complaint be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration and a renort back. Carried. A Resolution was read from the Citv Employees stating that the majority of the members of the Renton City Employees Club, at a special meeting on August 3, 1955 (said meeting having been duly publicized and each individual member having been notified by mail in advance of said m-eting) considered and unanimously voted on the following resolutions, (a) Resolved that the City Employees join the Federal Social Security System; (b) Resolved that the City Employees favor the coordination plan (integration of the present state retirement system and the Social Security System) as proposed by the Board of Directors of the Statewide City Employees Retire- ment System; and (c) Resolved that the City Employees favor the granting of 100% prior service credit upon retirement to all those employees who are entitled thereto, that the City Employees Club request the City Administration to consider said action in implementing the present retirement system and other benefits incidental thereto; that it is the understanding of the members that the proposed coordination plan will become effective retroactively on January 11 1955 and will not involve any additional expenses to the City or employees but will be paid for by a reduction of the present contributions to the Statewide City Employees Retirement Fund and said reduction to be used toward payment of the Social Security contribution. Councilman Swift stated that this was the information as to the wishes of the City Employees, which had been re- quested by the Council and moved, seconded by Richardson, that this Resolution be re- ferred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration and a report back. The City Clerk stated that 90 days must lapse between the time the Council passes any r Resolution before the City Employees could vote on it. On advice of the Assistant City Attorney, that this issue to incorporate the two systems, would not require a public election---(that if the Citv wished to withdraw from the Statewide Citv Employees Re- tirement System they would have to have a public election), that the Council must j 357 determine what action they are going to take, i'f they are in favor of the City Employees proposal, that after 90 days prior notice there must be a secret referendum by ALL City Employees who belong to the Statewide System, the Council to set the date and issue the notice. The Citv Clerk stated that the Cit-,r Employees had already paid their portion of the retirement fund, and under the integration system, the plan could be made retroactive to January 1, 1955s without any additional cost to the employee or to the Citv of Renton. The motion to refer the Resolution to the Committee of the Council as a Whole then carried. a Councilman Richardson stated that it would be necessary to hear the Fire and Water Committee report in regard to the contract between Water District No. 90 and the City of Renton, before the Ordinance Committee made their recommendation in regard to the proposed water rate Ordinance, which had been placed on its first reading at the last Council meeting. Councilman Trimm reported that the Contract had been held tempo- rarily, but that the Water District had decided to purchase, install and maintain the water meter, that the Contract had been signed by the Water District Board members and ' it was in order for the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract between the City of Renton and water District No. 90. The City Engineer explained that the contract was for 5 .years with an option to renew, that any excess over 350,000 gallons consumed per ' day would require renegotiations. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1524 relating to the municipal water supply system of the City of Renton, regulating the use of water therefrom, providing for the sale, fixing the rates or charges therefor and providing a method of collecting the same, and recom- mended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1524 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Ave". the motion carried. Mavor Baxter granted the Light and Power Committee more time in regard to the Traffic Light System and other lighting requests oreviousl-• referred to his Committee. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, the local paper, which had head-lined a news article in regard to Citv's proposed finances be requested to clarify this matter to the public, that although the article was officially correct, the general public, in not reading the article thoroughly, had been misinformed as to the actual monies that the Citv of Renton would receive. The newspaper reporter present, from the local paper involved, stated that he felt that the general public could and should have read the article more thoroughly. Councilman Swift reported that his Committee had held a proposal in Committee for a considerable time as to the right-of-way belonging to the Pacific Coast Rail- way, which crosses Beacon Avenue, that previously believing that it would be advan- tageous to the City of Seattle to acquire same, they had recommended action along this line---that it had been determined by the City of Seattle, that they would have no further use for this right-of-wail property, and that the Street and Alley Committee now recommended that the City (if approved by the Council) agree on a policy whereby the City would accept the title from the Railroad Company, providing no monetary prob- lem was involved. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had met with Of- ficials of the Lake Shore Lines regarding their recommendations as to bus stops for the one-way Traffic System---that the Committee had referred the Bus Company recommendations to the Street Commissioner and Traffic Division, who had made a. detailed report, with the following stops to become effective upon completion of improvement of Park Street. ON PARK STREET EAST SIDE - NORTH BOUND (toward Kennydale) north of lst Avenue North (next to Wening Motors) north of 2nd Avenue North north of 3rd Avenue North (north of Bennett's Parking Lot driveway) WEST SIDE - SOUTH BOUND south of 4th Avenue North (south of Murdoch's driveway) south of 3rd Avenue north end of Kirkman Building (80 foot zone - north of driveway) with the adoption of one-way street traffic on Bronson Way and 3rd Avenue, the follow- ing bus stops as shown become effective. 358 cc y ON THIRD AVENUE ^� SOUTH SIDE - EAST BOUND near the Bowling Alley east side of Shattuck Street (two meters) east side of Morris Street (two meters) Burnett Street at the railroad track (west side) east side of Wells Street (74 feet) east side of Mills Street (north of 3rd Avenue - in front of 4hite Motors) ON BRONSON WAY NORTH SIDE - WEST BOUND west side of Main Street 02 feet west of Clarke Motors, between their driveway and the gas station) ON SECOND AVENUE NORTH SIDE - WEST BOUND east side of Williams west side of Logan (west of driveway) opposite Shattuck Street (west of driveway) 200 feet south of Rainier Avenue Councilman Swift stated that it was the recommendation of the Committee, providing the Council approves, that the Citv Clerk's Office notify the Bus Company in writing of these bus stops. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The City Treasurer reported that after conferring with the City Attorney, she was cancelling out the Old Sewer Bond Fund and the Old Sewer Construction Fund by transferring the balances into the 1953 Water and Sewer Reserve Fund, the above funds having a direct tie-in with the 1953 Water & Sewer Bond Issue. The City Treasurer further advised the Council that she had made investments at Federal Savings and Loan Associations, with surplus funds up to $10,000.00, the amount insured for each individual account. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Treasurer. Carried. Councilman Bruce informed the Council that the building structure that housed the police cars would be painted as soon as possible. After discussion, as to the condition of the water tank in the Highlands, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer for further study. Carried. The City Clerk explained to the Council, in regard to the 15th mill, which is allowed the Firemen's Pension Fund, to build their reserve up sufficiently to meet any emergency requirement they might have, the City, under State law, must allow this mill; however, by an actuarial survey, if it is proved that there are suf- ficient funds in the Firemen's Pension Fund to meet their requirements during the ensuing ,year, the millage could be omitted or transferred for other municipal pur- poses; that if the City Council instructs him to have an actuarial survey made, he would do so; that in order to benefit from same this year, it would be necessary to have the survey prior to the preliminary budget. The City Attornev confirmed this information and stated that the millage could not be increased after the preliminary budget is adopted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a. Whole to take un at their next Executive meeting on August 23rd. In an endeavor to obtain necessary information sooner, Councilman Richardson withdrew his first motion and moved, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk be instructed to investigate and determine, the cost and length of time required to obtain an actuarial survey. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that there would be a Street and Alley Committee meeting -Thursdav, August 11th at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, the Clerk's report was very complete and that each Councilman should take his copy home and study it in preparation for drafting of the 1956 Budget. The City Clerk reviewed the report and answered questions in regard to same. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees). itv Clerk J Mayor 359 Renton, Washington ' August 16, 1955 i The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ernest Isackson, Captain, Police Department; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer, Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the Council meeting of August 9th be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he had received several written complaints as to a previous rezoning of property in the Earlington District. The Clerk read letters from the following persons, Elmer Hurskainen and Frank J. Tonkin; Ross T. and Mae E. Sherlock; Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bryne; Martha Chilcott; R. T. and Helen M. Ledingham and Winifred C. Daniels, and M. J. and Viola Lackie. In general, the complaining parties all stated that it was their understanding at the time the petition was taken around for signature, that only one lot was to be rezoned and that this lot would be used only for an Insurance Office, and that their felt that they had been misinformed as to its actual use. On the Mayor's inquiry as to the legality of such an Ordinance, which originated from a petition that was presented to the people supposedly to cover one thing and actually covered another, or was later changed to cover another, the City Attorney stated that as he recalled, that the matter had been referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation in the regular manner---that the rezoning request had been referred back to the Council to determine for what use the area to be re- zoned was to be used for, that by Council action the Clerk's Office had contacted Mr. Starkovich for this information and had been advised that the property was to be used for a. used-car lot. This information was again referred to the Planning Commission, who had recommended that the Council, after the signers of the rezoning petition were checked as to the correct percentage favorable, call for a public hearing on same, the Council concurred in their action and the date of July 5, 1955 was set for the public hearing; that the Notice of Hearing had been properly published and posted, and on Tuesda7j July 5th, there being no written or verbal protests, the matter had been re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance. Mr. Shellan stated that the Ordinance (No. 1519) which covers this rezoning is in order and legal as it now stands. Mr. Shellan further stated that the petition clearly stated that five lots were to be rezoned from Single Family Residential Use (R-S) District to Business Use (B-1) District, and that in his opinion, the question should have arisen at that time over the actual use of rezoned property of such a size---also that Business Use (B-1) District zoned property permitted any use permitted in R-1 and R-2 zoned property, also banks, barber shops, furniture stores and many other kinds of businesses, could be put in this area, once it had been rezoned. In answer to an inquiry from the audience regarding same, the City Attorney further stated that the people might have a claim against the petitioners, if they can prove mis- representation, that this was a civil matter concerning the adjacent property owners ' and the petitioners, and not the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for further consider- ation at their executive meeting on Tuesday, August 23, 1955• Carried. Mayor Baxter invited anyone from the audience that cared to, to state their feelings on this problem. Mrs. Ledingham stated that their letter was fully explanatory, but inquired if there was any action that could be taken in their behalf, owing to the fact they all under- stood the original petition was to cover rezoning of property (one lot only) which supposedl-,T was to be used for a small real estate and insurance office, and therefore t at the time of hearing, they did not come to the Council meeting to protest the re- zoning. Mr. Mike Lackie stated, that in his opinion the petitioners had been deceived when the petition was presented for signature and that the Council should rescind their previous action and require a new petition to be circulated. Mr. Ross Sherlock from the audience stated that Mr. Starkovich had gone to their home in Olympia and asked them to sign the petition, which they had not done, and at that time had told them also that the property was to be used for a small real estate office. Walt Will, the Assistant City Engineer, stated that the City had no alternative, after the property had been rezoned, but to issue a building permit---that before the permit was issued, the applicant was informed that the adjacent property owners were very displeased about the rezoning and that thev wanted him to be aware of this feeling in case some- thing came up later; that the Engineering Department has a drawing of the locat=i.on of 360 y the building on the property, etc., available in their files for the Council's infor- mation. Mr. Ledingham from the audience stated that he felt the Council should re- scind their action as they were all misinformed as to the proposed use of the property to be rezoned. Mr. Frank Tonkin from the audience, also stated that when the pe- tition was first presented to him and his partner# Mr. Elmer Hurskainen for signature, that they had refused to sign it and that later another petition was brought to them for signature, which they had signed, that they understood when signing the petition that the property would be rezoned to permit a small real estate office to be located on that property. Mrs. Catuzo from the audience, stated that she also had been in- formed that the petitioners were planning to build a small real estate office in this location to be rezoned and that she had signed the petition only on this condition. On inquiry- as to the possibility of repealing previous Council action, the City Attorney stated that if they could be sure there would be no repercussions against the City he would suggest that former Council action be rescinded and the Ordinance repealed, but that this was not feasible. Mr. Ross Sherlock stated that after hearing the Council and City Attorney's statements and understood clearly .just what had happened, that in his opinion, the City had fulfilled its requirements and was relieved of any further responsibility in this matter, and asked if it would be in order for them to get a court injunction to stop this work. The City Attorney, in answer to Mr. Sher- lock' s inquiry, stated that if they brought an injunction against the owners of the property involved, it would be ultimately up to the Court to decide what action could be taken; that the matter. would be preserved status quo; that presuming the Court action was favorable, the adjacent properti.r owners who are protesting this rezoning could petition the Council to repeal this Ordinance---that if the Court sa-Ts the petition is fraudulent, the Ordinance could be invalid---that he would like to make it clear to the Council that the Ordinance is legal, but that the Council has agreed to reconsider the entire matter at the next executive meeting of the Council on Tues- day, August 23, 1955, which is all they can do at this time. A communication from Arthur H. Towne, Administrative Assistant for the Renton High School, to Councilman George Swift was read, requesting, in behalf of the School District, the installation of a button control on the traffic light at the 7th Avenue North entrance to the Highlands to protect the school children coming from the area west of the Sunset Highway who will have to cross the highway to attend the Highlands School. Mr. Towne further states that it will be essential to have the crosswalk painted at this intersection to further safeguard the school children and requested favorable Council action prior to opening date of the Highlands School on September 7, 1955• Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Street and .Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication in regard to the wading pool, signed by David Beck, President of the Renton Kiwanis Club; Wally Clarke, President of the Renton Lions Club and George Dobson, President of the Renton Rotary Club, who are members of the Mavor's Swimming Pool Committee, was read. The communication stated that when the people voted for the one hundred thousand dollar bond issue, they believed that this amount included a wading pool for small children who are not allowed to enter the main pool---that they feel the wading pool is .just as important to the welfare and handiness of the people as the main pool and should have been included in the contract. The Committee stated that the same filtered and chlorinated water is used in the modern wading pool (miniature swimming pool which is only 15 inches deep, which makes it safe for very small children) as is used in the main pool; that a cement walk and special fence would be built around it, with benches for the mothers to watch over the small children. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the communication be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration at their next Executive meeting, Tuesday, August 23, 1955• Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he had investigated the request of the Airport Manager for approval to permit a sanitary sewer connection from the hangar at the northwest corner of the Airport to the Bryn Mawr Sewer District lateral sewer, and that the proposed connection, under the conditions as stated, is feasible and desirable from a sanitary standpoint and that he recommends approval, provided the legality is established by the City Council concurrence. On advice of the City Attorney that if such a connection was approved by the City Engineer, the Council would only need to approve his recommendation, it was moved by Morris, second- ed by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineerf subject to the legality of the issue. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposal, which had beer. under study for several months, wherein the City of Renton and the Pacific Car & Foundry Company would share certain costs to relieve a drainage condition on Pigott AveilTe between Garden Street and Factory Street---that the proposed improvement will be mutually beneficial to the City and the Pacific Car & 361 Foundry Company, but that the Street Commissioner had advised him that he cannot make any commitment for this work due to a tight schedule for the balance of the summer. The City Clerk read the communication from the Pacific Car & Foundry Compa- ny, signed by T. B. Monson, Vice President and General Manager to the City Engi- neer, referring to the City Engineer's letter of June 20th whereby the City pro- posed to remedy the storm water condition on Pigott Avenue and other areas adjacent to their plant by the City furnishing labor and equipment, and the Pacific Car & Foundry Company furnishing materials to install 12" concrete pipe storm sewers in the following locations: Garden Street from Pigott Avenue to a spot 680 feet north. Installation to be complete with 2 manholes and 2 street inlets. Pigott Avenue from Garden Street to Factory Street, 500 feet. Installation to be complete with 2 manholes and 2 street inlets. Material costs, estimated by the Engineering Department, for the above installations to be $1375.00; the Pacific Car & Foundry Company is agreeable to furnish the required materials and will reimburse the City, or accept billing from the supplier for the material involved. They request the City commence work at the earliest possible date to correct storm water conditions before fall---that once the storm sewer work is completed, they understand that the City will pave the following streets: Meadow Street, from 4th Avenue North to Pigott Avenue. Pigott Avenue, from Garden Street to Factory Street. Mr. Monson stated that the Pacific Car & Foundry Company would. accept a similar arrangement on this work, wherein the City would furnish all labor and equipment for street preparation and the Pacific Car & Foundry Company to furnish the material re- quired for the paving. The City Engineer stated that the Street Department is behind on its maintenance schedule, but that the City could accept the proposal and do the work as soon as possible. Moved by White, seconded. by Vietzke, that the Council accept the proposal of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce, signed by Henry Reynolds, Secretary, Tax Committee, asking Council authorization for the department heads of the City to meet with them when requested to discuss their respective budgets. Mr. Reynolds stated that they are willing and anxious to assist the Council in making constructive suggestions and to give them the reasons for their thinking on any matters discussed after study of the preliminary budget and to have committee members in attend- ance at all meetings of the council in their preparation of the final budget. Council- man Delaurenti stated that in his opinion the Councilmen themselves were obligated by law to draft the preliminary and final budget, although then would welcome any recom- mendations their received. Councilman Reid stated that he felt the same about this re- quest, but that if they called on them they would be glad to have their assistance. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion the letter was based on a misunderstanding ---that he believed the City Council is responsible to the City to prepare the budget, but that if the Chamber's Tax Committee had any suggestions to offer, they would be welcome at any regular Council meeting. Councilmen Richardson, Heppenstall, Morris, Bruce, Tamborini, Vietzke and White all agreed with Councilman Swift's opinion. The City Clerk stated that he and the Committee of the Council as a Whole could compile the information for the preliminary budget,much easier and faster if they get to- gether themselves to work their problems out. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, the Council was elected by the citizens of the City of Renton, that it is their duty to formulate the budget, but that they may call on others for assistance if they desire. Councilman Delaurenti, Bruce and Tamborini stated that they agreed with the Mayor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that they welcome any recommendations that they receive to assist them, at any regular Council meeting, but that the Department Heads be not authorized to meet with the Chamber Tax Committee. Carried. A request was read. from Carole Maxwell, Secretary of the Renton Racing and Riding Association, to advertise their coming, Chuckwagon Jamboree. They propose to take their chuckwagon and two or three riders on horseback through Renton and sell tickets to their "old fashioned chuckwagor dinner" at that time. Miss Maxwell states that she has been advised by the Chief that he has no obiectior_ and that he had suggested the best times for them to be in Renton. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that this re- quest be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request to change two hour parking meters to lower time limits was read from three new business ocqupants on Main Street, i.e., J. M. Puhich of the Puhich Dry Cleaners, Neal P. Fagan of the Renton Radio & TV Store and D. P. Simonton of the New Main Street Laundromat. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A cgmmunicatipn was read from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission, stating that a special meeting held on Wednesday, August 10, 1955s they recommended to the Council request that $500.00 previously allotted and paid for print- ing of 100 books on the Renton Planning Survey be refunded to the City of Renton as it 362 cc y was the consensus of the Planning Commissionts opinion that the original data, which 7 was secured in 1951, was too outdated to warrant the publication of said booklets. Mr. Myers states that they have copies of the survey information and maps which can be used by the Engineering Department and City Council for planning and reference; that the printing was originally held up awaiting decision on the route of the limited access through Renton and that since this information was not available until recently, it would seem unnecessary to print the booklets at this time with data collected in 1951- 52. Also, the Planning Commission recommended that the Council act favorably on the petition for annexation of approximately one acre on Earlington Hill, as submitted by Robert Vandeford, Joseph Lynch and W. C. Tucker. The City Engineer stated that he had talked to Walt Barbo, the Engineer who had worked on the Planning Survey for the City of Renton and that he had stated that the information gathered in 1951-1952 was now obsolete; that the printing of the books had been held up at that time, as the route of the proposed freeway through Renton was not known. Councilman Delaurenti. reported that he had talked to the Planning Commission Secretary today and that he had been informed that the moneys paid by the City of Renton for this Survey were laid aside in a Seattle Bank and that on request of the City of Renton could be re- funded to the City. Councilman Richardson stated that he believed the money had been taken from Cumulative Fund ##1184. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter of requesting the refund of moneys previously paid for the Plarning Survey of the City of Renton be- referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. In regard to the petition for annexation, moved by Tamborini., seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the Date of Public Hearing be set as Sertember 13, 1955. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that he would like to present a proposed Ordinance which had been recommended by the Police Department and referred to them by- the City Attorney. The City Clerk read the pro- nosed Ordinance, prohibiting the display, sale, gift, purchase or possession of certain knives known as "snap blade" knives, that it is unlawful to display, sell, give away, purchase or possess any knife having a blade which is or can be concealed in its handle and ejected therefrom either manually or by mechanical or spring device and commonly known as a snap blade knife; that the ordinance shall not. apply to fixed blade knives having blades which pivot on or fold into their respective handle and can be opened only manually, also prescribing penalties. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Committee was not ready to make a report that they wanted it placed on its first reading only and left in Committee until later. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & lower Committee reported that the Com- mittee recommended that two lights be installed as requested, as follows: one on the corner of 91st Ave. South and Renton Avenue, and one on the corner of 90th Ave. South and 132nd Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Light and Power Committee and the City Clerk's Office be requested to notify the power company regarding same. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported the recent sudden passing of the Contractor who is building the new swimming pool and stated that the building of the pool would be held up temporarily for approximately one week. On inquiry of Councilman Vietzke, the City Attorney stated that in regard to the completion of the swimmirg pool that the bonding company would probably appoint some reputable contractor to complete the fob. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that he had contacted the occupant-of the residence at 2nd Avenue North and Factory Street, in regard to the complaint by neighbors of unsanitary conditions, where the occupant is keeping chickens, and that the party has stated that he will get rid of the chickens as soon as they are through laying and that he will keep the chicken coop, etc., as clean as possible to avoid any odor or unsanitary condition. Councilman Tamborini stated that hit Committee recommended that Mr. Gruvesich be granted 90 days to dis- pose of his chickens. Moved by Delaurenti I seconded by Hansen, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee, and that the City Clerk's Office notify the petitioners of the Council's action. Carried. Councilman Tamborini further stated that in his opinion, the Cityts Ordinance covering the keeping of domestic animals should be studied and perhaps revised to cover matterssuch as this complaint, and moved, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and study. Carried. 363. Councilman Hansen reported that the fence.that previously was reported as being located on City of Renton pronerty in the r^rlington area was still there. The City Engineer reported that he had not s urveved the area as vet to determine if the fence was located on Citv of Renton property or not, or to establish just where the street is located. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, stated that two recommendations of the Planning Commission in regard to plat approvals had been referred to his Committee, and that in regard to the approval of a preliminary Plat of George R. Studebaker for the subdivision of a tract of land on the south side of S.F. 112th Street in the Highlands Reservoir vicinity, that in their opinion he should only be asked to dedicate- 30 feet for a street, rather than 60 feet, so that this street would conform to the street pattern laid out by the City Engineering De- partment, and that the adjacent property owners on the west side be contacted to secure their intention in writing to dedicate a 30 foot strip on their side of the proposed street, to meet the City's requirements. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The City Engineer will so advise Mr. Studebaker. In regard to the preliminary Plat submitted by N. A. Medley, Councilman Swift further reported that the Committee recommended that the Council approve the Plat, also that they accept the 40 foot dedication of a street in this plat, as the street runs to a steep bank and it is not anticipated that it would ever be continued to the east; that the City has established a procedure by Ordinance to allow less than 60 foot street where the street dead-ends; that the road be built to meet the City's specifications and the necessary caution or warning signs be posted for the bene- fit of the motorists. Moved by Henpenstall, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that in regard to the request of Mr. Ghione for the improvement of Lake Street, that tris street has never been improved, although it had been dedicated; that the abutting propert77 owners be advised of the proper action to improve such a street, either by formation of a L.I.D. or by cash par- ticipation. Councilman Swift stated that it would be necessar,r, and suggested that Mr. Ghione be notified that he should contact his neighbors to determine if _ they want to improve this street and the method that they would like to take. Moved by Richardson, seconded b v Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee and the Clerk's Office so notify Mr. Ghione. Carried. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the suggestion of the Post Office De- partment that, the Council reconsider the renaming of a short street in the Renton Highlands Area, that the Committee felt that the name "M" Street is suitable for this street. That the street is located only 200 feet from the Center of M Street running south from 12th Avenue North and the center of the short extension of M Street running north from 12th Avenue North, and that the Committee recommended that the street name remain as is and the Post Office Department be so notified. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported in regard to the request for a card playing license for J's Tobacco and. Mixer Nook, that they meet the same Fire Department requirements as for other meeting places, that an additional exit be provided--- and requested that this request be held in the Committee for further investigation and the Police Department's report. Magor Baxter stated that the request remain in the Police and License Committee. On requ-st of Councilman Delaurenti, the City Engineer informed the Council that the work on the Street Lighting Contract would commence on or before September 15th, according to contract, with a 90 da.v completion date. Councilman Bruce was informed that it was planned the matter of the City Employees integrating their present Statewide City Employees Retirement Plan with the Federal Social Security System, would be taken up at the next Executive meeting of the Council as a. Whole. Councilman Reid reported that in drafting the plans for the Street Lighting Program that 40 ground rods had been omitted---that since the bid had been awarded, owing to the fact that the City must have these rods around the metal poles, that the Contract had been requested, and had submitted an estimate on this extra material. 364 y cd (40 ground rods at 11.20 each, or $448.00 installed, including tax). The City Engineer stated that this installation would be in addition to the contract. Councilman Reid stated that the Light and Power Committee recommended that this addition to the Contract be approved. Moved by White, seconded by Richardsons that the Council accept the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce inquired as to the possibility of having the parking strip along Park Street black-topped, and that if it would require Council permission. Councilman Bruce stated that the contractor would do the work for a certain price per foot. The City Engineer stated that the Engineering Department had no objection to this black-topping and that he understood that a local contractor had agreed to do this parking strip black-topping for 35¢ per foot. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion it was up to the property owners to negotiate with and pay the contractor for this work. The City Clerk requested a meeting, immediately following the Council meeting with the Mairor, City Attorney and Councilmen. A gentleman in the audience requested it behalf of himself and his neighbors Council consideration of the- oiling of 4th Avenue from curb to curb between Mills and Cedar Streets, stating that the street is in poor condition, and is quite narrow. The gentleman was informed that the street could be improved by either the formation of a Local Improvement District or by cash participation for payment of the materials required, the City to furnish the equipment and labor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 32 persons present besides City of Renton employees). (',Zity Clerk .-. Mayor 365 Renton, Washington September 6,- 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Mayor Baxter stated that he had excused Councilman Morris). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; 'galt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Elton Alexander, Budget Controller. -Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of August 16, 1955 be approved as corrected. Carried. , A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting, and recommending for payment, the total and final quantities of work -performed-by the Washington Asphalt Company on the Park Street Asphaltic Concerete Paving Improvement, in the total amount due the contractor of $8,912.67. The City Engineer states that the final estimate on this contract was 919393.17 under the contract estimate---that the work was completed on August 22, 1955 and that he recommends-acceptance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the final estimate be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the acceptance date on this contract be set as August 22, 1955• Carried. In regard to Councilman Bruce's report that the sidewalk level adjacent to Park Street was 20 inches higher than the street level in some places, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this report be referred to the Street and Allev Committee and Street Commissioner for consideration. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting and recom- mending for payment, Estimate No. 3 for work performed by the Contractor, Kerty Mortensen Construction Company on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool for the period August 11 1955 to September 11 1955 in the total amount due the contractor of $7,731.53. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that Estimate No. 3 for the Kerty Mortensen Construction Company be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A third communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Albert Balch had requested acceptance of the streets and utilities in President Park Plat No. 7 and that he has declined this acceptance particularly because of the inadequate street right-of-way on the north boundary at 9th Place North and suggests that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a full review of conditions that exist with regard to this plat. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Engineer and that the matter be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition signed by 79 property,= owners or voters in the Earlington Addition requesting the City of Renton condemn Lots 1, 2, 27, 28 and 29, Town & Club Bungalow �Si6:ts ; for use as a public park---that as an alternative, they request this property be zoned as residential property. Mr. Hugh Carney, an Attorney representing the petitioners who was in the audience, stated that many of the pe- titioners were present at the- Council meeting this evening and that the petition indicated the expression of the residents in the area in regard to the previous zoning -of subject property and that thev desire to bring this matter before the Council again, in case the Council had not realized their feelings in this matter---that they felt there was a remedy to the situati_or and that it should be through the Council---that if this propert- was acquired for Park purposes he felt that this would be a- faster remedy and that the adjacent residents as well as the petitioners would be satisfied. The Assistant City Attorney informed the Council thpt it is possible for the Council to reverse their action on any Ordinance or law that might have passed---in this case the property having been rezoned from Residential Use to Business Use, that if the Council feels, on proper petition, that it be rezoned back, subject to existing use. Mr. Shellan again stated that the Ordinance was passed legally, and that the Council had complied with the requirements of law. Mr. Shellan further stated that if the people presented such a petition, the present owners would be permitted to continue their existing use of the property in question, but would not be permitted to change, modify or enlarge such use. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that 366 c the petition be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further 10 consideration. Carried.. Attorney Carnev assured the Council that there would be a large number of adjacent property owners at this meeting. A request for an Amusement License to be used in a store, known as THE AMUSE- MENT CENTER, was read from Russ Russell, 11809 55th West, Mountlake Terrace, Wash- ington; that he expects to be open 24 hours a day and. to have 3 or 4 town's people work there; that no minors will be allowed in this place unless they are in uniform or escorted by P parent; that they will have Bingo and One-Ball machines, guns and target games of &ill, also movie and picture machines. Mr. Russell states that he intends to run this place in an orderly manner according to the City's laws, and re- quests a City of Renton Business License. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Jennie Beaman, 99 Williams Street, stating that children trip and fall on the uneven sidewalk between 99 and 101 Williams Street, Mrs. Beaman requests that this sidewalk be fixed. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that Mrs. Jennie Beaman, also the owners of the property where this un- even sidewalk is located, be notified that it is the property owners responsibility to repair this sidewalk. Carried. A communication was read from Charles Samples, 2304 Windsor Place, requesting Council action in regard to a portion of land owned by the City, previously set aside as a park. Mr. Samples requests that the holes be filled and that a road or sidewalk be built into the property for public use, so that the children would use this public road, rather than to go through the private yards---that this would also tend to beautify the Park and provide a safe plav area for the small children. Park Superintendent Gene Coulonreported that this was one of two pieces of property that the Park Board recommended that the City of Renton dispose of two ,years ago, but that the matter had been held in abeyance until it is determined what final disposition and/or ultimate use the Housing Puthority will make of this property, that the only entrance to the property at the present time is from 6th Place---that there is no entrance, except through private property, on 6th or 7th Avenue North. Councilman Bruce stated that the Property Committee had discussed this matter with Mr. Humble of the Housing Authority and that they were waiting for further information. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee, and the party be notified of the status of the property and the Council's action. Carried. A communication was read from Maria Nicoli, petitioning for permission to purchase a parcel of land (a street) between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South on 131st Street for the purpose of building a residence. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A communication was read from W. J. Thompson and Louis D. Thiederman of the O.K. Cab Company, requesting that after establishment and operation of the one-way street system in the City of Renton, that thev be. granted a relocation of their cab stand. Their first choice is to the south side of 3rd Avenue, between Wells Street and Main Street (near the Longacres Cafe), or, second choice, the southwest corner of the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Wells Street (Tonkin's Corner). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, signed by Leona M. Botts Acting Executive Secretar-T, stating that the retirement dates of Edward Bunstine #1278, Emmon H. Beil #1251, Albert H. Erickson #1235, William H. Watkins #1219 and Joseph W. Allen #12' 0, had been extended to October 125 19559 only, and that they must retire on November 1, 1955, unless further extended by the Council. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the retirement dates of the five City Employees listed above be extended for an additional six months period from October 122 1955. Carried. The Seattle King County Department of Public Health report for the month of July was received and will be forwarded to Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, for his information and then filed. A communication was read from Mayor Joe R. Baxter stating that under provisions of the Budget Law, in cities under the Mayor and Council form of government,' the Ma,Tor shall "consider the same in detail, make any revisions or additions deemed advisable and shall then publish a notice stating that such City Mayor has completed and placed on file in the city the Preliminary Budget for the ensuing fiscal year, a copy of which shall be furnished any taxpayer who will call at the Clerk's office, 367 and that the Council of such City will meet on the first Monday in October there- after for the purpose of fixing the final budget and making the tax levies, desig- nating the time and place of such meeting and giving notice that any taxpayer may appear thereat and be heard for or against any part of such budget", that he has followed the law as outlined and as Mayor of the City of Renton, accents the Preliminary Budget, and presents it to the .Council for consideration for the Final estimate. Councilman Reid suggested that the matter of Council consideration of the Preliminary Budget be taken up lrter in the meeting and that the Preliminary Budgets be distributed at that time. In regard to the request of John A. Denoo, Attorney for the Estate of Kerty Mortensen (deceased) that the completion date for the construction of the swimming pool be extended two weeks, moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the Contractor be granted a two week extension on the completion d ate for subject swirning pool. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 888, as previously authorized by the City Council and as drafted by the City Attorney's Office, stating that pur- suant to Subsection 3, Section 3 of Chapter 41 Laws of the State of Washington, Extraordinary Session 1955, amending R.C.W. 41.48.030, requesting the Governor of the State of Washington to authorize a referendum election, for the purpose of sub- mitting to the City of Renton employee members of the Statewide City Employees' Retirement System, providing for coordination of the benefits of the Federal O.A.S.I. coverage with the benefits provided by said Statewide City Employees' Retirement System. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Reso- lution No. 888 as read. Carried. The City Clerk read a second proposed Resolution, No. 889, as drafted by the City Attorney's Office, which is necessary in connection with Resolution No. 888, designating and appointing the City Clerk of the City of Renton (Floyd W. Shaff) as certifying officer as required by law to carry out such functions as may be necessary to provide for the coordination of the benefits of the Federal O.A.S.I. coverage with the benefits provided by the Statewide City Fmplovees' Retirement System, incl ding but not limiting it to the requirement of preparing the list of eligible employee voters, the preparation of quarterly tax returns, and all other local administration of the O.A.S.I. coverage. Moved by Richardson, seconded by lu Bruce, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 889 as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that pro- posed Ordinance No. 1525 regarding "snap blade" knives, had been placed on its first reading at the August 16, 1955 Council meeting and held until this evening, that at this time the Ordinance Committee reported favorabli* on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the pro- posed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading of proposed Ordinance No. 1525, prohibiting the display, sale, gift, purchase or possession of certain knives known as "snap blade" knives, which states that it is unlawful to display, sell, give away, purchase or possess any knife having a blade which is or can be concealed in its handle and ejected therefrom either manually or by mechanical or spring device and commonly known as a snap blade knife; that the Ordinance shall not apply to fixed blade knives having blades which pivot on or fold into their respective handles and can be opened only manually, also prescribing penalties, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1525 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Trimm, Ave; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Ave; Vietzke, Ave; Tamborini, Ave; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Ave; Delaurenti, Ave; Heppenstall, Aire and Bruce, Ave. All ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that he would like to present a proposed Ordinance in connection with the one-way street system, on its first reading only, this evening for Council consideration. Councilman Richardson stated that the proposed Ordinance had been recommended jointly by the Ordinance Committee and Street and Alley Committee. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance establishing; and designating certain streets within the City of Renton as one-war streets, regulating traffic, and providing for the erection of signs, mark- ings and signals therefor: Section I, that the following streets in the City of Renton, between the terminal poirts defined, are established and designated as ONE-WAY STREETS, upon which vehicular traffic shall travel only in the direction stated for each street, to-wit: Third Avenue - from Rainier Avenue to Mill street, travel to be Eastbound; # Second Avenue - from Mill Street to Rainier Avenue, travel to be Westbound; Bronson Way - from Mill Street to Main Street, travel to be Westbound; Mill Street - from Third Avenue to Second Avenue, travel to be Northbound; Main Street - from Second Avenue to Third Avenue, travel to be Southbound; Wells Street - from Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North, travel to be Northbound; y C� Williams Street - from Sixth Avenue North to Grady Way, travel to be South- bound, Burnett Street, East half - from Fourth Avenue to Second Avenue, travel to be Northbound; Burnett Street, West half - from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue, travel to be Southbound. The Street Commissioner is authorized and directed to establish from time to .time appropriate regulations pursuant hereto, consistent with law and city ordinances, for control, travel, parking, crossings, speeds and uses of said ONE-WAY STREETS; and to erect signs, place markings and signals on said streets as may be found appropriate and necessary for such control purposes; that upon those streets and parts of streets described in Section I vehicular traffic shall move only in the indicated direction and signs indicating the direction of traffic shall be erected and maintained at each intersection where movement in the opposite direction is prohibited hereunder; that the establishment and operation of such ONE-WAY STREETS shall not impose on the State Highwav Denartment, upon its approval thereof, any added maintenance obligation on any portion thereof, whether or not said streets or portions thereof presently constitute a part of the State Highway System; that it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle in violation of such markings, signs, barriers, or other-devices installed in accordance with this ordi- nance. The fines for violations were given. Councilman Swift stated, that it was the original recommendation of the joint committees that the 2nd item (*) reading: Second-Avenue - from Mill Street to Rainier Ave ue, read MAIN STREET to Rainier Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Joint Committee (Ordinance and Street and Alley) for their study and a report back. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that there were persons in the audience who had attended the Council meeting tonight in regard to the construction of a wading pool---that these people feel that the City should have a wading pool and that the wading pool should be built and be ready for use at the time the swimming pool is ready---that he has talked to most of the Councilmen this evening in regard to the building of a wading pool and that he believes he has the sanction of the entire Council and that with their approval he would like to suggest that the Council. prepare and issue a "call for bids" for a wading pool and that funds for same be taken from the old "Swimming Pool Fund"-and so moved, and seconded by Richardson. On the question, on request for clarification of this action, the City Attorney informed the Council that it would be necessary, under law, to call for bids for purchases over $2,000.00. Councilman Vietzke stated, in his opinion, it would be less expensive for the City to negotiate with the previous low bidder in regard to his bid and start construction immediately. A discussion followed as to the recent bid received by the City for a wading pool, and it was the opinion of the majority of the Councilmen, that owing to the fact that the Contractor for the Swimming Pool, who also was the lowest bidder on a wading pool, had passed away since the start of construction of the swimming pool and that it was uncertain whether they would still be willing to work on their old bidj but that if they were interested they would be eligible and could submit a new bid which would be considered with any, and/or all other bids received---that there would be sufficient time to call for bids and still have the wading pool completed at the same time the swimming pool is completed--- that it was not planned to use the pool before June of 1956---that in following this procedure the City would be complying with all State requirements and laws. Council- man Vietzke requested that the Council reconsider the previous bids received on the wading pool, rather than issue a new call for bids, as in his opinion the low bid was considerable lower than the other two bids received and in this way they would avoid further delay in this matter. Councilman Henpenstall stated that as he under- stood the matter at this-time, the City had two alternatives---the first was, as presented this evening, that a "call for bids" be issued in the regular manner, and providing the bid was satisfactory, the contractor submitting the lowest bid be authorized to build the wading pool, or if this bid was not satisfactcry to the Council, that the City be authorized to build the pool at a minimum cost, as pre- viously estimated by the Engineering Department. The motion that the City issue a "call for bids" for construction of a wading pool and that funds for same be taken from the old "Swimming Pool Fund" then carried. Councilman Richardson reported that he had discussed several matters of past Council action with the Assistant City Engineer Walt Will in regard to previous condemnation action by the Council, and read excerpts from previous Council minutes as follows, (the first excerpt, July 12 1947 - Page 385 of the minute book) "A copy of the minutes of the Citv of Renton Planning Commission was read dated December 6, 1946. ^uote "It is the recommendation of the Commission to the City Council that all temporary building permits for the remodeling of frame buildings in commercial zones be issued in the future only when the owner posts a bond equal to the actual value 369 of the improvement, based upon plans and specifications and a certificate at com- pletion by the Engineer or architects as to the correct value, with the provision that the bond will be forfeited at the end of the time limit of the permit in case the owner does not live up to the provisions thereof, and that the lowest bond be $1,000.00" Unquote. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in on this basis. Carried." (the second excerpt, November 25, 1947 - Page 467 of the minute book) "Mayor Mitchell called the attention of the Council to the importance of requiring owners of old buildings in business or commercial zones, to meet the requirements of the Puilding Code in their applications for permits to alter, repair or remodel their buildings. After a thorough _ discussion of the aforesaid subject, Councilman Richardson introduced a motion which was seconded by Councilman Baxter, that all applications to alter, repair, or remodel any building that is not of fireproof construction in a business or commercial zone, must be accompanied by a guaranty bond (said bond to meet the approval of the City Attorney) in an amount to be determined by the Police and License Committee, the Fire Chief and the City Engineer. The amount of said bond to be forfeited to the City of Renton in the event that the owner of the building to be altered, repaired, or re- modeled, does not comply with all the requirements of the building permit as written and granted. Carried." Councilman Richardson stated that in regard to an application by R. H. Osborne (October 1, 1946, Page 253 of the minute book) for a Certificate of Occupancy and. repairs and improvements, including a "Dark Room" in building formerly occupied by Julius Shoe Shop at 304 Williams Street, to be temporary until materials can'be secured for construction of a new building. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter that permit be granted as per request for the duration of one year, with an extension of time to be considered in case it is impossible to secure building materials so that a new building may be erected by Lessor of property at that time. Carried". Councilman Richardson explained to the Council the histor-,r of this matter and stated that the same owner has had this building since the permit was issued. Assistant City Fngineer Walt Will stated that they did not issue a permit for any remodeling because of the original application being temporary and a memo to this effect being on file---that this matter had been brought to their attention at this time because of a request of a would be tenant, the former occupants all having vacated or to vacate by June 15, 1955. The Fire Chief stated concurred in by the Building Inspector that the building had been inspected as late as June, 1955 and that it was as safe as a wooden structure could be without remodeling, that no wooden structure with such SLI heating facilities is absolutely safe, that the outside walls, electrical and heating system should be checked. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, when the present occupant moved, the use of the building should be terminated. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, as far as the Council's obligation is concerned, that the Fire Chief should make inspection of all premises---that if they feel that the premises are not safe because thev constitute a fire hazard or nuisance that they have the right to make a report to the Council recommending that the defects be remedied and that this action should be final. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Fire Chief and Building Inspector to make a thorough in- spection of the premises and report back to the Council at the next Council meeting--- that the matter of occupancy of this building be delayed temporarily. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported, that the sidewalk adjacent to the west siae of Tonkins Park ori Williams Street (which is City of Renton property) is not even and that a woman in attempting to keep a small child from fal-ling down had fallen over a raise in the sidewalk and hurt herself as well as damaged her clothes, and that this city sidewalk, as well as the sidewalk along Liberty Park (also City of Renton property) which is not in a good condition, should be investigated. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, reported that a section of the sidewalk along Liberty Park had been replaced and that another section was in poor condition. After a. discussion as to the responsibility being directly th,�t' of the Park Den?rtmPnt or the City in general, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that a survey be made of all City sidewalks that need repairs and that an estimate of the cost of the repair of same be reported back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Hansen, Chairman of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, reported in regard to matters previously referred to the Council as a Whole, that the matter of rezoning of certain properties in Earlington, which had been recently referred to the Council as a 'ldhole, would be further discussed at a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, Thursday evening, September 8th at 7:30 P.M.; that the matter of the construction, etc., of a wading pool, had been taken care of earlier this even- ing by the Council authorizing the issuance of a "call for bids" for same, and that the matter of the Cit7r Employees having a coordination plan of Federal O.A.S.I. cover- age together with their present Statewide City Employees' Retirement System coverage had been taken care of earlier in this meeting by the passage of necessary Resolutions and authorization for the City Clerk to carry out such functions as are necessary to provide for the coordination of the benefits of both systems. Also, that the requests of the four parties in Windsor Hills for a push button control of the traffic signal 370 y at the intersection of 4th Avenue North with the Sunset Highway for children of the Windsor Hills area attending the Sartori School to cross over the Sunset Highway at this location, had been read at the Executive meeting of the Council as a Whole and had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported in regard to the requests received for a push button control for a crosswalk on Sunset Highway at 4th Avenue North for the safety of children from Windsor Hills, that he had dis- cussed. this matter with Mr. Towne who is in charge of transportation for the Renton School District, that they had been unable to find any spfe means for the children to cross at this intersection, that it had been determined that the children of this area were authorized to go to the Highlands School where thev would not be required to cross the Sunset Highway, and that they were voluntarily going to the Sartori School, and owing to these facts, theTT had not taken any action in regard to a push button control at this intersection. Councilman Swift further reported that there is another dangerous crossing for children that the Committee is investigating at the intersection of S.E. 116th Avenue with the Sunset Highway (the old Miller's crossroad) where the children cross to go to the Hillcrest and McKnight Schools---that the Chairman of the Bus Transportation for the Renton School District is going to check this intersection during the first few weeks of school to see if and where a safe crossing could be made in this area. Councilman Swift reported in regard to two previous requests from cab companies for change of_their cab stand location, that in regard to the request of the City Cab Company whose stand is now located on the west side of Williams Street parallel to the Woolworth Building, on the northwest corner, that they had investigated this request and as they were now located headed in a southbound direction with the traffic on a one-way street that they could see no reason to change the location of this cab stand; in regard to the request of the Yellow Cab Company to move their stand from its present location on the northwest corner of 3rd and Wells Street to the 3rd Avenue side of their present location, that the Street and Alley Committee couldn't see where the City or the public would benefit from a change, but recommend that they keep the same stand location as at the present time, and that they turn the direction of the cab to head northbound with the one-way traffic on Wells Street. The Street and Alley Committee recommends, providing Council concurrence is given, that both cab companies be notified of the Council's action. Moved by Trimm, seconded b1T Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried.. Councilman Swift further reported that the alletT located between Walla Walla Avenue and 4th Avenue, and. between Wells Street and Main Street, which had been deeded to the City, had not been improved by the property owners, and suggested if possible, the Citv institute such action. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the City could institute a Local Improvement District and that in his opinion the City should take some action and. suggested that the Council investigate and determine the reaction of the property owners to such an improvement so they will know how the property owners feel in this matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. On inquiry as to the procedure, the City Attorney stated that the City could adopt a Resolution for formation of a Local Improvement District, arra that a notice of hearing be published showing the date of the hearing 45 days before the date of hearing. Councilman Swift stated that Council action several years ago for improvement of the alley had been dropped, owing to a technicality. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the advice of the City Attorney and that the necessary Resolution of Intention covering such an L.I.D. be drafted and the preliminary work on the improvement started. Carried. The City Attorney was requested to outline the steps for such an improvement. On the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, the matter of an easement through this property will be investigated. A gentleman from the audience, speaking in behalf of others who were present, requested Council consideration of the curb parking area in the vicinity of the I Unit in Cedar River Park being changed to permit angle parking to allow space for additional cars to park. Councilman Swift informed the group in the audience that this space was not_ wide enought to hermit angle parking; that this street had been designated for use in the traffic bi-pass from the Maple Valley Way Road through the Cedar River Park to Houser ,Jay to alleviate the congestion at certain timed at the Maple Valley Wye, and that different off-street parking lots had been built to accomodate the residents of this area. The Street Commissioner stated that all off- street parking lots authorized had been built, but there was space available near the I Unit in Cedar River Park for an additional parking lot, but that the City would have to have Housing Authority authorization for same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Street Commissioner for investigation. Carried. 371 Councilman Richardson stated, in his opinion, that there wasn't sufficient time this evening to work on the budget, but suggested that each Councilman take his copy of the budget home and. study it for one week, together with the previous report submitted by the City Clerk. Councilman Richardson further stated that the Budget is very explanatory and complete and includes a detailed explanation by the Mayor, that a special meeting should be set for the Council to go over the budget, after all of the Councilman have studied same. Councilman Richardson further stated, concurred in by Councilmen Reid and Vietzke, that the preliminary budget indicated an enormous amount of study and detailed work in its compilation and he felt that there was a great deal of important data for the Council's information in same. Councilman Bruce stated that previously an amount of $20,000.00, from the old Swimming Pool Fund had been earmarked for improvements on properttr, when and if acquired, and that in his opinion this amount should be shown in the 1956 budget, particularly for property im- provement around the new swimming pool. The City Clerk stated that the budget had been prepared as provided by law and was presented to the Mayor for consideration, that the Mayor, after making any revisions or additions deemed advisable, shall then publish a notice stating such preliminary Budget has been completed and placed on file, and that the Council will meet on the first Monday in October for the purpose of fixing the final budget. The City Clerk also stated that this in no way was considered to mean that the Preliminary report could not be revised, added to, or otherwise re- assembled, that it was only a basis from which the Final Budget could be compiled. The City Attorney stated that under the provisions of the budget law the Council there- after has to meet on the first Monday in October and adopt the final budget by Friday of the same week. The Council may make any changes or amendments as long as the total amount necessary to operate the City for the ensuing year, less anticipated revenues and required interest on bond issues, is the amount to be raised by taxation. Mayor Baxter stated that there will-be a convention meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Conference Officials in Portland from October 3rd through 8th and that he would like to know the Council's wishes in regard to the Assistant City Engineer and Building Inspector attending this convention. Moved. by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council authorize both the Assistant Cite Engineer and Building Inspector to attend this convention. Carried. The followin claims having beer previouslsr audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 304-604 $49,133.58 CURRENT 4-6 33,766.53 WATER 4-6 9,898.47 LIBRARY 3-4 1,734.02 PARK 4-6 3,190.07 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 4-6 3,268.56 An, 4-6 2,84.0.45 STREET 4-6 81069-43 CUM. FUND #1182 --- --- CUM. FUND #1183 --- --- CUM. -FUND #1184 --- --- FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 3-4 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 2 50.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 31-56 3,949.31 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 7-8 118.88 CLAIMS FtJND 109-197 15,782.93 SWIMMING POOL FUND 8 13,544.66 STREET & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT - 8-10 6..524.25 WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE 438 1,250.00 Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (The Council room was filled with visitors). itv Clerk MiAror 372 y Renton, Washington September 13, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHA?DSON, WHITE, VI7 TZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Flovd E. Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meeting of September 6th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority to Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, stating that the purpose of this letter was to document the discrepancy in the charges for water for the dwelling units in the Highlands. Mr. Humble stated that beginning in November 1946 the procedure for calculating the number of housing units in the Renton Highlands, occupied more than 15 days any month, was misinterpreted by the accounting section resulting in an overpayment to the City; that subsequent to this time the error re- sulted in�the Housing Authority overpaying the City---that this practice continued through June, 1954; that in January 1953, under Ordinance #1437, the rates per occupied dwelling unit were increased from $1.00 to $1.75 per month---that the appli- cation of this Ordinance was in violation of a. contract between the Public Housing Administration and the City of Renton entered into on November 1, 1946, which con- tract called for the rate of 10,1.00 per occupied housing unit per month. Mr. Humble stated that the same contract also provided that the consumption of water to the Highlands Administration building and the North Highlands Community building be totalized and considered as one for the purpose of rates in billirg---that the Authority has been billed and has paid on the basis of two meters. After negoti- ations with the Public Housing Administration relative to this matter, he has trans- mitted. to the City Clerk an amendment to the above mentioned water contract retro- active to January 11 1953 which acknowledges the .1.75 per month per occupied family dwelling unit. That it was necessa.rr to make an adjustment through AuFu.st and sub- tract this amount from the underpayment made, as follows: the Overpayment on metered consumption between. January 1953 and August 1955, $77.94; Underpayment by the Authority, resulting from incorrect computation of occupancy and the amendment to the water contract, 424,997.50 - that therefore the City of Renton has due it from the Ho})sing Authority end the Public Housing Administration, X24,919.56. That in order to- effect a collection of this amount, Mr. Humble requests the City* of Renton to sign the water contract amendment and make claim upon the Housing Authority and the Public Housing Administration for the amount owed---that they will use this claim as substantiation for a request for reimbursement to the Public Housing Ad- ministration. Mr. Shellan, the Assistant City Attorney, stated that the Mayor and Clerk should sign the "Amendment to 'dater Contract" and send a letter and make claim for the under payment by the Housing Authority and the Public Housing Administration. Mr. Humble explained the matter to the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that. the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the "Amendment to Water Contract" and the Clerk and Treasurer be authorized to enter into negotiations with the Housing Authority to obtain this underpayment. Carried. A communication was read from Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, stating that after inspection of the building at 304 Williams Street, owned by Anna Tonkin, they find the building in poor condition, that it sets on posts and does not have a concrete foundation---that -part of the strl)cture wiring is conduit, but that the remainder is of knob and tube, and recommending that the building be removed as it penalizes all adjacent propert7T owners as to insurance rates. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire Chief and Building Inspector. On request for information as to procedure, the Cite Attorney Gerard Shellan, stated that the Citv has two choices, first that the Building Inspector and Fire Chief notify the owner telling him the defects and giving him a certain period of time to remedy same; further advising that if the owr..er refuses to fix the building, the building will be abated as a nuisance and will have to be removed. The Building Inspector stated that on investigation it had been determined that the building could not be built up to code without completel.T rebuilding same from the foundation up, including the foundation. 373 Councilman Richardson, with the consent of his second, withdrew his motion and_ moved, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk be instructed to proceed under Section 203 of the Uniform Building Code and that the owner be given 90 days to comply with this re- ouest. Carried. A second communication was read from Assistant City Engineer Walt 'Mill and Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence stating that they had advised Reverend Wise of the Nazarene Church at 3rd Avenue North and dells Street that the barracks building at that location would have to be removed and that no action had been taken by this Church body; that the building was allowed as a temporary building to be used until such time as the church was completed---that the church had been completed for a year and owing to the fact that a petition had been received for its removal, from property owners living in the immediate area and that upon examination it was found that a portion of the back had been removed, that the plumbing is onen, that a heater in the center of the room had no chimney, that there is no foundation and that this t,me of building is rot, allowed for an assembler building. The Assistant City E^Engineer and Fire Chief request the Council to have this building removed under Section 203 of the Uniform Building Code. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hennenstal 1, that the Council com- cur in the recommendation of the Assistant City Engineer and Fire Chief and that Reverend raise of the Nazarene Church be advised that the building would have to be removed within 90 days. Carried. The City Clerk will notify Reverend Wise of the Council's action. The Assistant City Engineer will keep the Council informed of the action in regard to this building and. further advise the Council when the 90 day period is up, on both this building and the Tonkin Building. The City Clerk stated he had received several communications in regard to the recent rezoning in the Earlington Addition. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter was now in the hands of the Planning Commission and that the letters should_ be re- ferred to the Commission and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm and carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that Mr. Weathers, 12407 132d Ave. S.F., in October 1954 had requested the City to extend the sanitary sewer on R Street in President Park to serve his property---that,the cost was estimated to be :250.00 and that during this period of discussion the City submitted a counter-proposal wherein a strip of street ri ,ht-of-way would be obtained for cer- tain consideratiors; that the counter-proposal was rejected by Mr. weathers and that he has recentl-r requested the City reconsider the original proposal and extend the sewer lateral. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authorit,r, stating that on August 17, 195h, the City issued a "Permit to Trespass" to the Stoneway Sand and Gravel Company on "that portion of the southerly L acres of Government ,Lot 4 and. the southerly boundary of Cedar River Park"; that this property is part of the Cedar River Park Project previousl�T leased by the City to the Housing Authority; that said permit has created a duplication of use on property described and that as the Housing Authority has no resnonsibility for the trespass use of the described property and to eliminate above duplications of property use, the Housing Authority requests the above described property be deleted from the Cedar River Park lease. In regard to the use of this pronert-�r by the Stoneway Dock Company the City Engineer explained that he had discussed this matter with the Army Engineers and had brought the matter to the attention of the Stoneway Dock---that their operations would .jeopardize the City's chance of a large flood control pro- gram on Cedar River---that the Stoneway Dock Company had agreed to stop doing any further work on the river and would pay for damages if there is any damage. The City Engineer stated that he did not believe that they had taken any rock from the river. Councilman Bruce stated that he understood that the _'Army Engineers would not do anything in regard to flood control of the river until the riprap had been replaced. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion the riprap should be placed back on top of the dirt. The City '.{.rgineer stated that the Army Engineers had informed him that they had no .jurisdiction over this muter. Mayor Baxter stated that the Waterway Commission had requested riprap be placed from the Pacific Coast Bridge to the mouth of Cedar ? iver, that apparently no one objected to, or interfered in the dredging operation, that information should be otained as to where permission to dredge the river was acquired. The City Engineer stated to his knowledge that the only parties that might have any .jurisdiction or objection would be either the De- partment of Fisheries or the Pollution Control Denartment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Trimm was excused from the Council meeting. 374 cc This being the date set for the hearing on the annexation of property in the Farlington area (petition headed by Vanderford.$), the Cit-�r Clerk stated there were no written protests to this annexation. There was no one present in the audience who protested. On inquiry of Councilman Swift, the City Engineer stated that the original petition had been corrected to include the street (Powell Street) lying between present City of Renton property and the property to be annexed. Councilman Swift stated that by including this street it would give the City police control over both sides of the street and moved, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council accept the petition of annexation and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 890, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, pursuant to the Subversive Activities Act of the State of Washington and particularly the provisions of Chanter 3772 Laws of 1955, intended to exclude from public employment those persons who act toward the overthrow or destruction of our present form of government by force or violence, reouiring every person in the City's employ and every applicant for employment by said City thereafter, to be required to state on oath whether or not he or she is a member of any subversive organization as defined in said laws. The Resolution included the form of Oath, as approved by the State Committee on Standards on June 3, 1955. The Clity Clerk is authorized. and directed to obtain and file the written sworn statements required from employees and to carry out the provisions of said laws---that if necessary or helpful, in securing relevant facts to ascertain whether any applicant for emplo,iment is a subversive person, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to require the applicant to sign an additional written statement containing answers to such inquiries as may be material and containing notice that it is subject to the penalties of nerjury. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, -that Resolution No. 890 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 891 as presented by the Ordinance Committee, extending the retirement date of the following named City of Renton mis- cellaneous personnel, William H. Watkins, Fmmon H. Beil, I-dward Bunstine, Albert H. Erickson and Joseph W. Allen, from October 12, 1955 until April 12, 1956. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 891 as read. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that the Street Lighting Contractor had stated he would start the street lighting work tomorrow, September 14, 1955, that it is expected the material will start coming on October 7th, Councilman Richardson stated that he had discussed the proposed explosive ordinance and/or revision of same, with the City Attorney and that as there was an industrial plant in the City which handled explosives, they requested one week additional time. Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, requested the Engineering Department or Street Commissioner to furnish a cost estimate to oil 4th Avenue between Mill and Cedar Streets, using the north and south gutters as the boundary line. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee reported in regard to the request of Russ Russell for an Amusement and/or Business License to overate a %usiness in a store to be known as "The Amusement Center", that after tho- rough investigation the Committee recommended that the reouest be refused. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Deleurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Clerk's Office will so notify Mr. Russell. Councilman Reid requested the Ordinance Committee investigate the possibility of amending the present ordinance covering digging up main travelled streets es- pecially for public utilities in the business area of Renton, to stipulate a time when they shall start and finish, further suggesting that any such place be cleared and made ready for regular traffic during the rush hours when traffic is heavy. The Assistant Citv Engineer stated that it was required to obtain a permit for .br.eaking curbs but that they had no .jurisdiction over the time. The Councilmen all agreed that this was entirely under the .jurisdiction of the Street Commissioner and he could ad- vise the City and/or contractors when streets could be worked over and when they must be cleared for regular traffic, especially in the business area of the City. that the Police Department has jurisdiction if such work involves a traffic problem. Mayor Baxter stated that hereafter the Street Gommissioner will notify the City and/or contractors the time they will be permitted to work on city street property and what time the street property would have to be cleared for traffic. 375 Councilman Richardson reminded his Committee to meet with the Street and Alley Committee Thursda-, September 15, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Vietzke was informed by the City Engineer that Thomas Street, north of. the Langston Road was not located in the Renton City Limits. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Tamborini more time to make his report of the Housing Authority meeting he attended on Monday evening Seotember 12, 1955. On request of Councilman Delaurenti, Councilman Hansen, President of the Com- mittee of the Council as a 'flhole stated that there would be a meeting of the Committee on Monda-r evening, September 19, 1955. In regard to the budget work, Councilman Delaurenti suggested that each Councilman keep their evenings for the next two weeks open for Council consideration of- the 1956 City of Renton Budget. Councilman Swift, Cha.irmar of the Street and Alley Committee, reported that he had received a request from Mr. Towne, Director of Transportation for the Renton School District, for- e push button control for school children for the signal light at the intersection of 7th =°,.venue North and the Sunset Highway. Councilman Swift further stated that the Traffic Division had investigated the crossings at 4th Ave. North, 7th Avenue North and 9th Avenue North on the Sunset Highway---that they felt there could be no safe crossing at 4th or 9th Avenue North---that he had received another letter from a. resident of Windsor Hills in regard to push button control for the traffic signal at 4th Avenue North and the Sunset Highwal; for the benefit of children going to the Sartori School to cross there---that investigation showed that there were 32 crossings during various times in the forenoon but that the children did not cross in a group---that they did not know of any way td make a safe cross- ing at this intersection. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that he had re- ceived inquiries from property owners living adjacent to the property where the City's Pump #2 is located (which is no longer being used by the City of Renton), for purchase of same and inquired as to the City's title to this property. Councilman Bruce stated that this strip of property is approximately 60' x 90' in size. Also, that there is salvagable equipment on this well site and that if the people are in- terested in purchasing same, that the City should notify these people that it is .for sale and issue a "Call for Bids" for same. On being asked for information regarding same. Mr. Don Humble, .Executive Director of the Housing stated that he believed the City acquired the well from the Northwest Water Company when they purchased same but that he did not know if the City acquired the right-of-way between the well and the street, or if it was included in the property which the Public Housing Administration owned and turned over to the City in 1946, that the Northwest '+later Company may have owned a right-of-wa- to the Street. Moved bir Feid, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a .report back at the next Council meeting. Carried._ The it,r Clerk informed the Council that the two Resolutions forwarded to the State Employment Securitzr Department and Statewide Cit,.- r,mployees Retirement S-7stem Board had been accepted by these offices and further details are being arranged for the coordination of these two nlans by the Cit-- Attorneys Office and- himself. Moved b,T Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting ad.iourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 35 persons present besides City of Renton employees). iy Clerk I.r �- M yor Renton, Washington September 20, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order. by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CAIIL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHAR.DSON, WHITE, VIFTZKE, MORR.:IS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Assistant City Engireer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of September 13th be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that Mr. Harold Thevik from the Renton Chamber of Commerce wa.s in the audience and would like to speak to the Council. Mr. Thev% stated that he represented the Chamber of Commerce, that he was Secretary-Treasurer, a member of the Board of Directors and a member of the Taxation Committee, and that he would like to report the findings of the Taxation Committee in regard to the: City Budget, and presented the Mayor and each Councilman with a copy of the report. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a whole. Carried. A communication was read from Ethel Talban of 508 Cedar Street requesting the Council to consider installation of a "no parking strip or zone" to be: marked on the curb opposite their garage. Mrs. Telban states that cars parked over night opposite their garage make it impossible for them to get their car in it. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the King County Fire District No. 25, Kennydale is in the process of drafting a proposal for a General Obligation Bond Issue to finance improvements to the District;. that the proposed improvement will include the installation of 50 fire hvd.rants, that the District was furnished an estimate of costs for this installation at their request. Mr. Highton states that the proposed fire hydrants will be connected to the Cityls water system and that therefore the City must participate to some extent in this improvement, and requests that the matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee, together with the City Attorney and himself for further study. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the communication be referred to the Fire and Water Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer for consideration. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a corrected final estimate for the Park Street Asphaltic Paving, by the Contractor., the Washington Asphalt Company. Mr. Highton stated that he had increased Item No. 4, Asphaltic Concrete Pavement by 18 tons, an additional cost of $139.50 and corrected the "Amount Previously Paid" to read $%792.82, which resulted in an increase of the amount due the contractor of $lls494•75. The City Engineer stated that these figures were correct and that by making this correction it would only mean a delay in paying the contractor the final payment. The previous final estimate having been referred to the Finance Committee with power to act, it was moved by Swift, see-nded by Delaurenti, that the corrected final estimate be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton signed by Don Humble, Executive Director, stating that the North Highlands Recreation Build- ing will be transferred to the ownership of the City of Renton as soon as possible after Highlands Plat No. 2 is made a matter of record, and because of this fact the Housing Authority cannot spend project funds for repair or reconditioning of the building. Mr. Humble states, in their opinion, for the protection and preservation of the building a new roof should be applied before the bad weather sets in and that Assistant City Engineer Walt Will and Street Commissioner Dave Pugh have examined the building and agree with their opinion---that in addition there are 2b panes of glass which have been broken, but that for sake of economy, adequate protection should be furnished before the panes are replaced. Mr. Humble stated that the Housing Authority would cooperate with the City in working out a solution to the preservation of the 377 building until such time as it comes under cit,.r ownership. Mr. Humble from the audience explained the situation stating the building was worth a minimum of $100,000.00 (if built on today's malt), but as the income was so low at this time that it would not be possible to make a major item of expenditure on the building---that his purpose was to merely advise that the building needed repair. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and that this Committee advise the Council of their findings regarding same prior to the acceptance of the Preliminary Budget. Carried. A communication was read from Chester E. Hawes, Exalted Ruler, B.P.O.F. #1809, stating that Boy Scout Troop 100, their Advisors and the Renton Elks Lodge (their sponsors) are desirous of obtaining a certain triangular piece of property between "E" Street in the Highlands and the Sunset Highway which the Park Department has indicated is not favorable for park purposes---that they wish to put this property in a semi-cleared condition and erect, a substantial building suitable for a meeting place for the Scout groups and others. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. On the question,9 the Park Commission stated that Mr. Hawes had inquired in regard to this property two months ago and that he had advised him at that time that this was one of two pieces of property the Park Board previously had considered not suitable for a. park and had recommended that the matter be held in abeyance until final disposition could be made of the property. The motion carried. A communication was read from the Tube-Art Displays, Inc., signed by H. F. Simon, General Manager stating that they had installed an electrical display at 928 Third Avenue for the Russell Opticians, at their request. Mr. Simon- states that the display is located under the marquee and clears the sidewalk by 7 feet and that in view of the fact that there is another new displaj7 across the street with the same clearance, he thought that this would be permissable---that they had received the hermit to install the display, but have been advised that an 8' minimum clearance is required. Mr. Simon further states that the display is a metal cabinet with a plexi- glass face and that there is no exposed neon tubing and that they do not believe it will create a hazard at this height and request a variance for same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Assistant City Engineer Walt Will for investigation and a report back. Carried. ... A communication was read from the Saint Paul's Parish, signed by Father Joseph Vogel, pastor, and submitted by Mrs. D. J. Laviolette, stating that they have recently completed their primary grade school---that this is a non-tax supported school and that the debt must be taken care of by voluntary contributions and various other methods---one being a fall bazaar; that to stimulate donations they are distributing a number of awards among those persons who will make a donation of x.50 towards its debt fund---that the major award is a Convertible Cabin Cruiser with a 25 h.v. motor. The Parish requests permission to display their boat in the Renton Shopping area on either Friday, Saturday or Thursday, as lst, 2nd and 3rd choices respectively. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Robert E. Walker, Clerk of the City of Auburn, who is also President of the Association of Valley Cities stating that the first meet- ing of the 1955-56 season will be held Wednesday, September 21, 1955 at 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers at the Auburn City Hall. Mr. Walker stated that the topic would be "Changes in the Budget Law", and that the speakers would be A. E. Hankins r and Robert Graham of the Division of Municipal Corporations. At least two representa- tives from the Citi- of Penton were requested to be present at this meeting. Council- man Steve Tamborini and City Clerk Floyd Shaff, who is also Secretary of the Association of Valley Cities, volunteered to attend this meeting. The City Clerk stated that the report from the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health had been received and that Councilman Tamborini had studied the report. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the report be referred to the Sanitation Committee for his information and then filed. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of annexation for Council consideration. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1526, annexing certain territory described as: "That portion of the SEI of the NEI of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4, E.W.M., described as follows: 378 y Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Powell Street (formerly 82nd. Avenue South) 140 feet northerly of the Southwest corner of Block 4 of Earlington Plat as recorded in Volume 14, Page 71 records of King County; thence North 72056145" West 60 feet to the westerly margin of said Powell Street; thence northerly along the westerly margin of Powell Street to a point measured 205 feet southerly along said street margin from the southerly line of the Cedar River Pipe Line Right of Way; thence westerl-,- at right angles to the westerly margin of Powell Street 170 feet; thence northerly and parallel to the westerly margin of Powell Street to the southerlir line of the Cedar River Pipe Line Right of Way; thence easterly along the southerly line of said Cedar River Pipe Line Right of Way to the easterly margin of Powell Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of Powell Street to the point of beginning; all situated in King County, Wash." to the City of Renton (said area being more generally described as located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Powell Street and the City of Seattle Pipe Line Right-of-Way, and being approximately one acre in size, the petition for same being headed by the Vanderfords), that the property is contiguous to Precinct No. 7, Ward 1 and constitutes a part of same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1526 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1526 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Ave". the motion unanimously passed. On Councilman Reid's request for information, the City Engineer informed the Council that the contractor for the Street Lighting Program had stated that he would start work on this contract on Monday, September 26th, that due -to an illness emergency he would be delayed in his starting time for one week but that this would not effect the completion date of the contract work---that the materials were all ordered and would be received in Renton October 7, 1955. Councilman Richardson reported that September 6, 1955 had been set as the hearing date on the request of School District #403 for vacation of a portion of Victoria Avenue (148 feet, more or less on Victoria Avenue, which lies between Lots 13 to 16 inclusive, and the Moses property), that this hearing had been held on that date, that there were no written or verbal protests, but that the hearing had been postponed---that on the advice of the City Attorney, the Ordinance Committee recom- mended that this petition be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney this evening to draft the necessary Ordinance, and so moved, seconded by Swift and carried* On request of Councilman Vietzke for information in regard to the one-way street system, Councilman Swift reported that the City was short on some of the equipment to provide for all changes, that one change had been co_npleted---that the Committee was now working on a Fire Control System whereby the Fire Department and the Police De- partment controlled the streets during an emergency. Councilman Hansen reminded all of the Councilmen of the meeting on the budget Wednesday evening at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Swift reported in regard to a recent request from renters of the I Unit of Cedar River Park for a parking lot, that on request, the Street Commissioner had furnished an estimate (of $675.00) to establish an off-street parking area to handle at least 20 automobiles for the people of this area and that the Street and Alley Committee requested that the City'�;lerk notify the Housing Authority of this cost estimate and ask their cooperation with the Street Commissioner in establish- ing this lot, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall and carried. r Councilman Swift reported that the proposed Ordinance on one-way streets presented previously to the Council and placed on its first reading had been re- ferred back to the joint Ordinance and Street and Alley Committees---that the Street and Alley Committee at their last meeting requested the following corrections (Item 2) on Second Avenue---from Main Street (instead of Mill Street) to Rainier Avenue, travel to be Westbound, and add, Second Avenue---from Main Street to Mill Street, travel to be Eastbound, (Item 4) Mill Street--from Walla Walla Avenue to Bronson Way (instead of Third Avenue to Second Avenue), travel to be Northbound, (Item 5) Main Street--- from Second Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue (instead of Third Avenue), travel to be South- bound. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee had considered a change in Section II, but that on advice of the City Attorney that there was a question if authority could be delegated to an office which does not exist at this time, that on advice of the City Attorney the wording be charged to read "The Street Commissioner or Engineering Department"at this time, and later the Ordinance be amend- ed to designate a particular officer. Councilman Swift stated that this was all the recommendations the Committee had in regard to the One-way Street Ordinance. Council- man Richardson stated in regard to a letter received from Mr. Forgey of the State Highway Department by the City Engineer, that in talking with the City Attorney this evening, he feels that we have the necessary information in the Ordinarce and that as soon as the one-way streets are in operation and the Ordinance coverirg ore-way streets is passed, that a certified copy of this Ordinance be furnished Mr. Forgey of the State Highway Department, that this Ordinance would take care of the needs of that Depart- ment and it would not be necessary to draft a Resolution in this regard at this time. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance covering one-way streets within the City of Renton, as corrected, be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to make the necessary changes. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported for the Street and Alley Committee in regard to the letter received at the last Council meeting from the City Engineer in regard. to Mr. Albert Balch's request for acceptance of the streets and 1.Atilities in President Park #7, that there is a discrepancy in the amount of the street area and that the amount of paving is contrary to City Ordinance, that until these matters are satis- factorily settled that the Street and Alley Committee recommends Council concurrence of the City Engineerts opinion and decline acceptance of the streets and utilities in President Park Plat #7, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by White, and carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, further reported that i r. regard to the request of the O.K. Cab Company to move their Cab stand to the South side of 3rd Avenue between dells Street and Main Street (near the Longacres Cafe), that the Street and Alley Committee in considering this request had given this firm the same consideration as the previous comranies with similar requests, that it is their opinion and so recommended that the cab eonpanyts operation as well as the streets in the area would be better served if the cab stand remained in its present location and was turned around to face south. Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Council- man Reid stated that he had been advised that a new and separate request was to be presented this evening from Mr. Thompson of the O.K. Cab Company---that he understood r he now requested to change his cab stand to Wells Street. Councilman, Tamborini stated that he felt Mr. Thompson was entitled to more consideration. Councilman Tamborini was advised that Mr. Thompson's interests as far as location was concerned as well as the resulting traffic problem (two cabs located on the same street directly across from one another) had been thoroughly considered at the Street and Alley Committee meeting. After further discussion, the motion that the Street and Alley Committee's recommendation, that the U.K. Cab Company stand remain where it is presently located on Main Street, only turned in the opposite direction to face south, then carried. Any subsequent requests from Mr. Thompson will be referred to the proper Committee for their consideration. In connection with the Central Labor Councilts letter regarding the 1956 City of Renton Budget, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that a letter be forward- ed by the Clerk' s Office to the Central Labor Council advising them that the Council is considering the Budget along the same lines as they request, to the best of their abilities and with the funds available. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported in regard to the "Permit to Trespass" issued by the City of Renton to the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company, that Mr. Dowell had talked with the City Engineer and that the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company is placing riprap along the riverts edge, that the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company only want to stockpile material; that in connection with this matter, the Property Committee can see no objection, and so recommend, if the Housing Authority wishes this portion of property to be released from their contract with the City, that they be granted their request that this would allow the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company to ripran the river and continue their lease with the City. Council- man Tamborini reported that he had beer informed. at the Housirg Authority meeting on Monday, .August 12th that this was the Housing Authority's request, that the 4 acres in question be removed from their lease. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried, Councilman Bruce further reported in regard to the property the City owned, form- erly occupded by Pump Station ;2, noT, being used by the Citv at this time, that the Committee recommended that this property be declared surplus, that a call for bids be issued stipulating a minimum cost for the pump and property, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and Property Committee to consummate and draft the necessary "call for bids% On. advice of the Assistant City Attorney, moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the City Engineer to write up the legal description of the property in question and determine the city's interest and to make an appraisal as to its present value. The City Engineer stated that the pump was still in the ground and that an attempt should be made to salirage the pump and motor---that the hole could be left for the responsibility of bidder---that the building could be left with the property covering the hole as far as safety is con- cerned. Councilman Swift reminded the Council of the City's interest in obtaining a gravel pit and the possibility or chance of using such a piece of property in exchange for City's needs. With this suggestion in the Councills mind, the motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that an item appearing recently in a Seattle newspaper regarding the State Pollution Control Committee investigating the matter of pollution of Lake Washington which stated that in the future they are planning a drastic cam- paign to clean up such conditions on Lake Washington, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consicera.tion. The City Engineer explained to the Council that unless there was a great unforeseen annexation to the City of Renton, the present disposal plants could safely and sanitarily take care of the City's needs. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of Councilman Swift and the muter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engi- neer to make a study on future plans to correct any condition that the City may have. Councilman Reid stated that Seattle Engineers are working on a plan whereby sewer drainage would be carried to the Duwamish River for disposal rather than to Lake Wash- ington. The motion carried. Councilman Bruce renorted that Mr. Ralph Houle representative from King County Fire District #25., Kennydale, was present this evening, that he was interested in the report from the City Engineer which was read at the beginning of the Council meeting in regard to drafting a proposal for a General Obligation Bond Issue to finance water improvements for the Kennydale District and that the matter had been referred to the Fire and Water Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer for consideration. Mr. Houle stated that .he was the only one from the Committee present this evening---that they had been advised by Mr. Logan of the Election Department that certain information was needed by this week end to enable them to get the bond issue on the coming election ballot November 8, 1955- Councilman Trimm stated, on advice of the City Attorney that information required could possibly be gathered by Wednesday eventing, September 21st at 7:15 P.M., that providing Mr. Houle could make arrangements to have his Com- mittee meet with the Fire and dater Committee, City Attorney and City :Engineer they would meet at this time, if not Mr. Houle was requested to advise the City Engineer and the meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday, September 27th at 7:15 P.M. The Assistant City Attorney stated that as he understood this matter from -the Bonding House (H. P. Pratt & Company) that the City should come to an agreement with the Fire District prior to the election in regard to maintenance of the fire hydrants, after then are purchased by the Fire District, also ownership---that while the bonds are being retired, ownership rests with the Fire District---that there was a matter of a maintenance charge and that a fee would have to be worked out if the City maintained the hydrants. Mr. Charles Shane from the audience requested Council clarification of the matter of the Cit7T requiring builders to submit a plot plan when the-T are pro-oosing to build business buildings showing a certain percentage of off-street parking area, that in his opinion, some of the business houses are not required to .furnish sufficient off- street parking as are others and mentioned one new building. Mr. Shane was informed of the additional parking area this company has at the present time and that the owner has arranged for additional parking space a short distance from their building; that when buildings are merely remodeled, it is impossible to arrange for a parking area if there is none available, as the original buildings were built before the ordinance was passed requiring a certain size parking area to accomodate a correspond- ing size building. Mr. Shane read portions of the zoning law as pertains to require- ments of off-street parking in connection with the erection of new buildings. Moved by Heppenstallp seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a vlhole for investigation and study. Moved by Morris, seconded by Swift.. that the motion be amended and include the request that the City Engineer furnish a report covering the square feet of building area and corresponding parking area cover- ed by building permits for the last six months. The amendment carried. The motion as amended then carried. 381 Moved bar Tamborini, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were 14 persons present besides City of Renton Employees). ity Clerk Ma or I I 382 Renton, Washington October 3, 1955 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Citv Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Mayor Baxter stated that this was the date set for the first meeting of the Council for consideration of the Final Budget for 1956 for the City of Renton; that the meeting will be recessed and continued the following night, until such time as the budget is adopteds not later than Friday night, October 7, 1955• Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, stated that this evening any De- partment Heads or individuals that wished to make any remarks or ask any questions in regard to the 1956 Budget would be allowed to do so. In answer to Councilman Swift's inquiry as to the discussion preceding or follow- ing a motion, the City Attorney, Arthur Haugan stated that this was one of the nights set for hearings on the budget, and that it was not necessary to have a motion. Mr. Don Holm, Chairman of the Chamber's Committee on Taxation, stated that this Committee had previously submitted their report and that as far as he knew the Com- mittee didn't have anything to add to what was already submitted, but that if anyone wished to ask anv questions the members of the Committee would be glad to answer them. Mr. John Alexander, a City of Renton Fireman, requested a copy of the revised Preliminary Budget. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council had just completed working on this Preliminary Budget and that they had not had time to make a supply of copies, but that organization Committee heads would be given a copy, and so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce and carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, Mayor Baxter called the meet- ing back to order. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHI`L'E, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, S`,�IIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Mr. Vic TeGantvoort, President of the City Employees Club, stated that in look- ing over the revised copy of the Preliminary Budget he noted that there had been many changes made from the original in regard to wages and asked that this be ex- plained to him and other City Employees present---that instead of the 15% increase which had been requested, that it had been changed to 5%. Councilman Hansen stated that the Council had evaluated all lobs and compared wages with similar .jobs in other cities having populations of 15,000 and over. Councilman Heppenstall stated that comparisons had been made with major cities in the State, not .just with one City and that the City of Renton Employees wages set up in the 1956 Budget were eoaual to or above the average that were used for comparison; that the Council had tried to establish equitable wages on all .lobs throughout the City on a comparative range. Councilman White stated that the Council had met and discussed the Preliminary Budget very thoroughly, that they had tried to be fair and yet balance the budget, and in comparing the wages allowed with those of other Cities, the Council felt they had done a good job. Councilman Bruce explained the reason for the difference in wages in the Mayor's Preliminary Budget and the revised copy was that it was necessary to add certain items to various departments budgets and include them in the final budget. Councilman Swift explained to Mr. Holm and others, that the item on Page 22 of r..� the Preliminary Budget was moneys taken from the "Old Swimming Pool Fund" for im- provement of the Lake Washington beach propert ---that this money was transferred from a surplus fund and has no effect on the budget as far as additional taxes or revenue was concerned. Mr. Holm stated that many of the Renton Business people were present this even- ing who were interested in the Business and Occupational Tax, that they had a tacit understanding that when the Business License Ordinance was passed and adopted in 1953 383 that the Council would remove same as soon as "In Lieu of Tax Moneys" were received from the Federal Government---that he understood from the County Assessor's Office that the City would receive two payments this year; that the Business people re- quest that the Business License Ordinance be removed or reduced as soon as it is at all possible to do so. The City Clerk stated that he had called Mr. Oakum of the General Services Corporation in regard to these "In Lieu of Tax Payments" and had been advised that they were unable to answer his question as to the City of Renton receiving one pay- ment in 1955 and another in 1956, and further stated that they did not know of any- one who could give the City of Renton this information. ... Councilman Delaurenti stated, concurred in by Councilmen Reid, Richardson, Swift, White, Hansen and Morris, that they all felt that the Business Tax should be kept on an annual basis orll,, with the idea that at such a time as the Council felt the tax was no longer necessary to meet the City's financial needs, the tax could be removed. Mr. C. E. McCarthy, Chairman of the Police Department Civil Service Commission, spoke in behalf of the Police Department and stated that he did not feel that the clothing allowance and increase in wages shown in the revised budget was sufficient to keen a high caliber Police Force---that the last Civil Service Examinations had not interested very many men because of the salary scale. Councilman Trimm read a report of Police Department salaries of other Cities. Councilman Delaurenti stated that this report showed that the City of Renton salary bracket was similar to other top bracket Police Department salaries. John Alexander, a Renton Fire Department employee stated that the Firemen of the State of Washington were very influential during the last Legislature in receiving additional Liquor Taxes for the Cities. Councilman Delaurenti acknowledged the Fire- men's efforts and stated that they were greatly appreciated. In regard to the discussion as to different Denartment Heads being allowed to meet with the Council in regard to their individual budgets, Mayor Baxter stated that these Special Council meetings were all open meetings and anv and all persons wishing to speak before the Council would be permitted to do so. On request of the Council, Ma-Tor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Ma,-or Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, S,'IFT, DELAItRENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Mayor Baxter asked if there were any further discussions. There being no com- ments from the audience, moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting recess until Tuesday evening October Lith at 8:00 P.M. Carried. The meeting recessed at 9:50 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with City Employees and other interested persons. y C Jerk May ,r� 384 Renton, Washington October 4, 1955 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, R.ICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Delaurerti, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meeting of September 20, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the wading pool for the City of Renton, the following bids were opened and read. BIDDER AM'T OF BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID r�averso Construction $1979. G .57 $2044.-97 3006 S. 148th, Seattle Chet Miller Co. 2827.714 94.-6 2922.00 11544 4th N.W., Seattle Wesley J. Busch 3190.00 106.33 3296.33 15832 96th S., Renton Ragan Company 3290.00 131.28 3421.-8 9827 Oth S.W., Seattle Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Counci.11s Swimming Pool Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Arthur H. Towne of 423 Thomas Street, requesting Council consideration of a drainage situation where water comes down the hill from under 4th Avenue 'vJest into the drain installed on the west side of Earlington Street and flows over property recently acquired by the City to be used as a street---that a ditch dug on this City of Renton Street property is not sufficient to drain the surplus waters from this propert7, and that if some adqua.te control of the water is not provided that it would overflow the bank and flood his 4-plex apartment building and cause severe damage---that he h,-,.s been advised by his attorney that the City would be liable if this should occur. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Street Commissioner and City Engineer with instructions to proceed with control of the drain waters. Carried. The City Clerk read Estimate No. 4, as presented and recommended for payment by the City Engineer, for work performed by the contractor Kerty Mortensen Construction Company for the period of September 1, 1955 to October 1, 1955, in the amount of $18,104.58, on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Estimate No. L. be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer sutmitting the Plat of Renton Highlands #21 stating that the plat had been checked and errors and omissions correct- ed; that he has signed approval of the plat to the best of his knowledge and that it conforms to the Preliminary Plat as approved by the Council and Plarning Commission. Moved bz= Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Plat be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration. Carried. r A communication was read from A. L. Meakin, 7253 Taft Street, Seattle and Jack Beauchamp, Bellevue, Washington stating they are planning on opening a. Snack Bar in the City of Renton and reruesting permission to have several amusement games, pin- ball, shuffleboard, musical panorama, etc., machines. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Gene L. Coulon, Supt. of Parks and Recreation, stating that at a special meeting of the Park Board, the Board went on record as not approving as a favorable location as a park site, the Lots 1, 2, 27, 28 and 29, of the Town & Country Club Bungalow Site Addition, as referred to in Ordinance No. 1519. (This property was recently rezoned to Business Use (B-1) and is located in Earlington Addition). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authoritv, petitioning the City to abandon all streets in a certain described area, which was shown on Plat 2 of the Renton Highlands, to make possible the acceptance of new streets within the above described area as previously agreed by the City Council. A drawing of Plat #2 accompanied the communication. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition from the Housing Authority and the drawing of Plat #2 be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson suggested, on advice of the City �• Attorney, that to avoid delaying the vacation of the streets and thereby holding up acceptance of the plat, that the Council should set a date for a public hearing on this vacation---that sufficient time be allowed the City Engineer to check the legal descriptions and streets and allow for posting and publication of proper notices. The following Resolution No. 892, was duly passed fixing and determining the date of public hearing as November 1, 1955 at 8:00 P.M,, on a petition to vacate certain streets in the Highlands, authorizing and directing the City Clerk to give notice as required by law• A communication was read from Earle Tinius, Executive Secretary of the State- wide City Employees Retirement System, stating that James R. Chadwick, #1203 of the Uniform Group will reach the age of 60, the compulsory retirement age on December 1, 1955 and must retire on that date unless said date is extended by the Council--that his retirement date may be extended one year at a time until he reaches the age of 65. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the communication be referred to the Police Chief for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from R. E. Christopherson, SecretarzT of the Renton Elks Lodge #1809 requesting permission to put their boat on display on the street in front of the Woolworth Store in Renton every Friday starting September 30th, including October 7th, 14th3 21st, 28th and November Lith. Mr. Christopherson stated that the display was for the purpose of selling tickets for the raffle of the boat which will be given away Sunday, November 6th. Moved by Swift, seconded by White, that the re- quest be referred to the Police and License Committee to specify different locations each week to display the boat. Carried. A communication was read from the O.K. Cab Company, signed by Louis D• Thieder- man and William J. Thompson requesting Council consideration of the relocation of their cab stand to the southwest corner of 3rd and Wells Street (Tonkins Corner) stating reasons as follows: (1) with the one-way street system pedestrian traffic on the east side of Main Street (O.K. Cab area) would be greatly diminished, (2) the greatest pedestrian traffic count area has moved to 3rd Avenue and Wells Street, and (3) the results of their customer poll shows that 80% of their "Walk in" customers come from points west of their present cab stand, generally from 3rd Avenue or Wells Street. Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a petition signed by 92 property owners (who are the owners of 68 separate pieces of property) stating that fire protection to the south and west of Renton is .jeopardized by the uncertain movement of trains on both railroads---that lots 1,2,27,28 and 29 at the junction of Langston Road and the Sunset Highway are in a strategic position as a site for a fire station to furnish maximum security and that these lots were obtainable by condemnation, or otherwise, at a very reasonable price. Moved. by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and Fire Chief to determine if this is the proper location for a fire station. Carried. A petition was read, signed by 14 property owners requesting a change in the zoning classification of certain property from Public Use (P-1) District to Business Use (B-1) District, to wit: "Lots 1 to 12, Incl., B1. 3, Motor Line Addition", and from Residential Use (R-S) District to Business Use (B-1) District, to wit: "Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Renton Real Estate Company's First Add'n; Tobin Donation Claim Tract Number 41, 42, 43, 128, 17 and 16; that portion of Tobin Donation Claim Tract No. 60 having a frontage of 75 feet on the west line of Logan Street and bound by the south line of Tobin Donation Claim Tract No. 16 and the north line of Lot 12, Motor Line Add'n produced west 40 feet". 38 There were also the signatures of 34 property owners living within 200 feet (street and alleys excepted), of the above described lots and tracts and having frontage upon any street passing through or adjoining the above described property for pro- posed rezoning, consenting to changing of the classification of above described lots and tracts to Business-Use District. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the rezoning petition be referred to the City Engineer to check the required number of signatures and to the Planning Commission for consideration ,and a report back. Carried. Councilman Tamborini stated that Mr. Weathers was present this evening in re- gard to his request for extension of the City's sewer line to his property. Mr. Weathers stated that he understood the City would extend the sewer line to 132nd Ave. S.E., if he would pa.y $400.00 and donate 1/2 acre of property to the City of Renton. The City Engineer correctly explained the situation stating t':iat the original proposal by the City of Renton was to extend the sewer main 180 feet on R Street to 6th Place North at an estimated cost of $250.00, that this proposal was not accented by Mr. Weathers and that the Cit- made a counter-proposal to obtain a 30 foot strip of right-of-way from R. Street to 132nd Ave. S.E. for certain con- siderations, but that the counter-proposal was rejected by Mr. Weathers; that now Mr. Weathers requests Council consideration of the first proposal. . As this matter was previously referred to the Sanitation Committee, a definite date and time for a meeting during the coming week will be arranged by the Committee with Mr. Weathers. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a pro- posed Ordinance as previously recommended by the Street and Alley Committee. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance, vacating a portion of Victoria Avenue. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1529 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unani- mously carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported in regard to the repair of the roof on the North Highlands Recreation Building, that the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, had given them an estimate of the cost of repair of the roof but that the matter was being held in Committee until the Housing Authority gives the City assurance of title or will agree to reimburse the City in case the City does not receive the title. Councilman Richardson stated that the expense of the repair of the roof could be taken From the Cumulative Reserve Fund and that the Committee could report further when information is received from the Housing Au- thority. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Magor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council was meeting after the recess for purpose of preparing and discussing the final budget for 1956. Councilman Delaurenti asked the City Clerk to explain the item of $90x000.00, Business Tax, in the 1956 Budget. The City Clerk stated that this year's tax was much less than anticipated for 1955, that possibly the City would not :receive more than $70,000.00 for the full ,year---that this figure was decided on after a con- ference with Boeing Airplane Company Officials, that they had anticipated that business would pick up in some detail and be on the same status as preceding year. In answer to several Firemen's questions the preceding evening, Councilman Morris stated that he would like to read to the Council some information he had obtained in regard to Fire Department Uniforms from a Fire Department directive issued and signed by the Fire Chief, Floyd Lawrence; that the Dress Uniforms con- sisted of suit, cap, shirt and shoes, which cost approximately X94.00; that the House Uniform consisted of cap, shirt, uniform trousers and tie; that house uniforms must be worn after ten (10) o'clock A.M., when a member is on regular fire station duty; that the uniforms cost anrroximately $75.00 each---that with 23 members in the department, the uniforms would cost $1725.00. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion, as this is compulsory, he felt the Fire Department should be allowed a 387 clothing allowance if the Police Department were. Councilman Morris stated the reason he brought this information before the Council was so then- would know .fust what requirements the Fire Department had. Fireman John Alexander, speaking in be- half of. the Renton Fire Department, requested the Council to serio>>sl« consider a clothing allowance for the Fire Der.,artment. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council review this item in. the Fire Department Budget to see if this amount of $1725.00 for clothing could be allowed. Mayor Baxter asked for a hand vote, there being a. tie of six "Aye's" and six "No's", Mayor Baxter voted "Aye". The motion carried. Considerable discussion followed as to availability of funds and tax levies allowed for the different departments, the City Clerk stating that "Current Fund" was figured on a. conservative basis. Councilman Heppenstall suggested that the Council keep this matter in mind and continue with the hearing on the budget to determine if ,.� there are other problems that should be considered. Mrs. Marg Muir, Police Court Secretary, requested Council consideration of an item to be included in the 1956 Budget which was authorized March 8, 1955 by vote of the Council in passing Ordinance No. 1511, establishing a "Traffic Violations Bureau" in the Police Court, which Ordinance further stated that "the Police Judge may appoint and designate one of the persons employed in such Traffic Violations Bureau as Chief Traffic Violations Bureau Clerk". Mrs. Muir stated that she had been doing this work, that she felt she had been doing it satisfactorily and asked why the Council had omitted it from the Budget, and further stated that at the time the Ordinance was passed, Police Court Judge Paul Houser had appointed her to this job. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be held together with the Fire Department clothing allowance request, for further consideration later by the Council. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall informed Mr. C. E. McCarthy, Chairman of the Police De- partment Civil Service Commission that the Council had granted the Police Department increases as requested by the Committee, $27.00 per month to beginning policemen and $21.00 per month to all other policemen, including the clothing allowance, that to- gether with this increase they also have a longevity program to look forward to, that the Council felt this was a good schedule. In regard to Mr. C. E. McCa.rthy's state- ment as to shortage of qua.lif,'ing arplicants, Councilman Heppenstall suggested that the beginning police requirements be investigated. Mr. McCarthy stated that the allowances made in the 1956 budget for the Police Department were a great improvement, but that he did not feel that the salary scale was high enough for a high caliber force. Mr. Willis Sparrow, Sewage Disposal Operator, stated that City Employees, other than those under Civil Service (Police and Fire Departments) had no stability on their Jobs' and no protection in case of change of administration. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the only changes in millage (a total of 15 mills being allowed the City, including one mill which is granted the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund by law) from the previous budget were that "Current was lowered, Library was raised 1/4 mill, which had been taken away a ,year before, Park was raised 1/4 mill to meet their additional expenses this ,year, caused by the addition of the new Liberty Park Swimming Pool, Street was raised 1/11 mill, Civil Defense was allowed 1/4 mill, as well as each of the three Cumulative Funds 1182., 1183 and 1181 being allowed 1/4 mill. Mayor Baxter asked if any representative of the Chamber's Taxation Committee wished to speak in regards to the Budget. Mr. Michael Byrne, Comptroller for the Pacific Car and Foundry Company stated that he represented the Pacific Car and Foundry Company as well as the Chamberts Taxation Committee, that in reviewing the budget he wished to congratulate the Council for the fire work their had done, and stated particularly in behalf of the Pacific Car and Foundry Company that three years ago when members of the Council had met with business men of the City of Renton in set- ting up the Business License and Tax Ordinance that they had been assured that when the tax properties that h.ad been taken from the Government Tax Rolls were put back on the rolls, consideration would be given to these same business men not having to pay a, tax, that besides the City's Licerse and Tax, the Pacific Car and Foundry Company pays to the Defense Plant Corporation or General Services Administration, $18,000 per year; that this amount was paid previous to and in addition to the Business License and Tax, which means the Pacific Car and Foundry Company is burdened with an $189000.00 tax which is approximately the same amount as the Business and Occupation Tax, and that he therefore requests that the Council give serious con- sideration to the reduction or removal of the tax at the earliest possible date. Mr. Byrne further stated that he felt that the Council had considered most of the changes that the Taxation Committee had suggested in regards to the budget, that other suggestions by the Chamber had probably been considered and in the best in- terest of the City had not been made and that he would like to congratulate the Council for being so fair. Councilman Delaurenti stated that as soon as it is 388 possible to eliminate the Business Tax, he would personally bring the matter on the floor for immediate action. Mr. Charles Shane, from the audience, stated in behalf of the Council that many cities had Business Tax Ordinances, that he believed the Council had done a very fine job in drafting the 1956 Budget and that he didn't believe that any outside organization was familiar enough with their problems to try and advise them or criticize their efforts. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion, the budget as drafted and corrected for 1956, was to the best of their abilities, an efficient and workable budget---that they had tried to consider all requirements sent in, also - the men who paid the tax to the City and that considering everything they were satisfied with the budget, and moved, seconded. by White, that the final budget for 1956, as corrected, be adopted. On the question, Councilman Delaurenti stated that he felt the Council should at least discuss the two items which had been held for discussion, earlier in the meeting. Councilman Bruce stated that he too felt that these two items should be discussed and that it should be determined w.nether or not this would be workable. Councilman Delaurerti answered a question and explained that the proposed utility tax was a matter that would be taken up by the Council during the coming year, that there was not sufficient time to consider including such a tax in this -,Tear's budget. Councilman Delaurenti further explained that in regard to the two uniformed departments, that although 3 years ago some Councilmen had assured the Fire Department there would never be a difference in considerations granted to the two uniformed departments, that this was a new group of Councilmen and they were not responsible for what any other Councilmen had stated. The City Clerk answered the newspaper reporter's question that only one payment for "'In Lieu of Taxes" to be received from the Federal Government was included in the City of Renton 1956 Budget, also that two other items previously outlined by the Council would be incorporated in the corrected budget. The motion to adopt the final budget for 1956 as corrected, then carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Final Budget be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinances. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed Ordinance adopting a City Budget for the Year, 1956. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1527, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, adopting a City Budget for the year 1956, In the amount of 81,b47,827.[6. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1527 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Harser, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Ave". the motion unanimously carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1528, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to meet the amount of estimated expenses for the year 1956 less the total estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Car- ried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1528 be placed on ... its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: 389 PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 605-905 $47,723.54 CURRENT 7-10 34,477.30 WATER 7-10 91729.23 LIBRARY 5-7 21041.92 PARK 7-10 2,546.62 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 7-10 3071.52 AIRPOPT 7-10 2x717.22 STREET 7-10 11,096.36 CUM. FUND #1182 _-_ __ CUM. MM #1183 CUM. FUND ##1184 -- FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 5-6 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 3 50.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 57-82 4081.29 WATER SEWER CONST. - 1954 --- -- CLAIMS FUND 198-280 18,829.75 SWIMMING POOL FUND 9 71731.53 STREET & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT 11-13 12,037.83 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. (There were anproximately 55 guests present includinp, City of Renton emnloyees). ity Clerk Me r 390 Renton, Washington October 11, 1955 The regular meeting of the Penton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, WHITE, V LFTZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND HEPPENSTALL. (Mayor Baxter stated that Councilmen Reid, Richardson, Bruce and Tamborini had requested to be excused, and so moved by White, seconded by Vietzke and carried). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busa.to, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the special meeting of October 3rd and the regular meeting of October Lith, be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the City Clerk Floyd Shaff appointing Dorothea Gossett as Acting Clerk while he is on vacation for the ensuing two weeks. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the appointment of the City Clerk. Carried. A communication was read from the Eagles Club, signed by R. D. Hayen, requesting permission to install a shuffleboard in their clubroom. Moved by Heppenstall, second- ed by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried.. A communication was read from Angelo Barei, 340 North Wells Street, stating he is the owner of Lots 16 and 17, in Block 17, which front 100 feet (plus), on Grady Way and that he is planning on constructing a 4-unit, the roof, brick veneer apart- ment building. Mr. Barei states that the two lots have been shortened in depth, by the construction of Grady Wav, to 70.6 feet on the south line and requests a variance of rear yard space requirements so that the building may be located 5 feet from the rear lot line, that the apartments will have no rear doors and the only access to the rear lots will be through a utility and store room and as automatic washers and dryers will be provided there will be no use made of rear lot area. A scale plot plan of the building and property was attached. Mr. Barei requests an early consideration of his request by the Council and Plarning Commission as their plans are completed and they will start construction as soon as determination is made on their variance request. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Plan- ning Commission for consideration and a report back. Carried. A claim for damages was read from Domenic Rock eYi 234 Wells Street, in the total amount of $111.93. Mr. Rockey stated that a City sewer main was plugged causing the water and waste to back up into his basement---that a local plumbing company was called and after investigation reported that the sewer line in his own home was not plugged--- that a Sewer Service Company was called to dig up the sewer line between the house and the city's main and that it had been determined that the trouble was in the City's main. Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the claim be referred to the City Attorney. Street Commissioner Dave Pugh was requested to furnish the City Attorneyts office a written detailed. report of the matter. The motion carried. The schedule of the 1955 Regional meetings was read from the Association of Washington Cities. The meeting place closest to the City of Renton for a regional meeting will be at Puyallup on Friday, November Lith. The meetings are held in the evenings preceded by a no-host dinner starting at 6:30 P.M. The City Treasurer suggested that anyone planning on attending_ the November Lith meeting make their reservations in advance. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Council's Swimming Pool Committee, stated that all bids received last Tuesday, October hth, had been thoroughl,,r considered and that the Committee recommended that the bid for construction of the wading pool be awarded to the Traverso Company who had submitted the lowest bid, their bid being $2044#97. All other bidders are to be so notified and all bid bonds and/or certified checks are to be returned. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. 391 The Assistant City Engineer stated that he would have the report for the Council soon, in regard to off-street parking areas provided in connection with new build- ings. Councilman Morris stated that the reason the report was requested was to de- termine lust what action had been taken in the past as far as off-street parking was concerned in connection with new buildings. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer stated that any new buildings constructed were required to provide a certain amount of off- street parking area---that a parking area according to the Ordinance could be any where within 1000 feet of a newly constructed building, that where any old buildings are re- modeled and no parking space was provided at the time the buildings were originally constructed, they cannot force the owner to provide a parking area if there is none available. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Com- mittee on Monday, October 17th at 8:00 P.M., and that they requested the Police De- partment Representative, Street Commissioner and City Engineer to be present at this meeting. Councilman White resorted there would be a meeting of the Sanitation Committee Tuesday evening, October 17th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Swift reported that he had read in the paper that Mr. Alfred Kraig, Librarian for the City of Renton had recently been elected Treasurer for the Wash- ington Library Association and that he .felt this was an honor to the Citv of Renton and for Mr. Kraig, Councilman. White, Chairman of the Mayor's Special Council Highway Committee, reported that he had read in the evenirg's Seattle newspaper that Mr. Mark Forgey, State Highway Department District Engineer had stated that the Federal Bureau of Public Roads has designated State Highwa-r 2-A, east of Lake Washington, as a Seattle by-pass for United States Highway 99, stating that the designation adds 2-A to the national interstate-highway system and assures federal funds to help-finance con- version of the road to a four-lane, limited access highway; that the bi-pass will become effective on completion of 2-A as a two-lane road between Renton and High- way 99 near the King-Snohomish County Line. Councilman White stated that the Mayor's Special Highway Committee had discussed this matter with other Council members and they felt it advisable to have a meeting as soon as possible and suggested that the City Engineer contact Mr. Forgey to see if they can learn the date they will start .� construction of the highway, endeavor to determine if any of their previous plans have been changed and try to arrange a meeting in this regard as soon as possible so that the City will know how to plan in regard to street improvements and repairs, and so moved by White, seconded by Vietzke and carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that it would probably be around the first of the ,year before the City's one-way street system was put in complete opera- tion, as special traffic lights were required for some of the one-way street inter- sections and these had to be specially made. The Assistant City Engineer reported that the new sign over the real estate office on 3rd Avenue which was reported to be lower than the City's requirements was only 719" from the sidewalk. Councilman Swift stated that due to budget meetings and vacations that the Street and Alley Committee meeting tentatively scheduled for Mon- dav evening, October 10th had beer postpor:ed, but that their would take up the matter of a variance of height for a sign for a different company to be installed across the street on the corner of 3rd & Main, at their meeting October 17th at 8:00 P.M. Mr. P. T. Ledingham, from the audience requested information in regard to Council action on a petition presented to the Council at the last Council meeting to use property previously rezoned, at the intersection of 91st Ave. South with Langston road, to Business-Use District, for a fire station site. Mr. Ledingham was informed that this petition had been referred to a Committee for consideration, but that this Committee was not ,yet ready to make their report. Mr. Ledingham informed the Council that between 5 to 8 feet of City property had been cut away and removed adjacent to the gas station property site bordering the Langston Road---also that shrubbery and trees had been removed. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, explained that Langston Road was not the same width at the top of the hill (60 feet) as it was at the base (90 feet), that all excess right-of-way was on the south side, that there was none on the north side; that the road had a 60 foot minimum width, from the base of the hill to the top. Councilman Swift stated that this property was developed before it became a part of the City of Renton---that the condition existed while it was County property. Assistant City Engineer Walt Will stated that he had a survey made of the property by Mr. Roy Storey, a !'egistered Survey Engineer, and that it had been de- 302 w termined that the gas station was occupying property to the sidewalk edge. The City Attorney stated that there is a certain number of feet (20 or 30) of propert- y- that is actually public right-of-way but is being used by the abutting property owners, while legally belonging to the City---that the trees and shrubs are on City property but belong to the home owners and thev can move them if they wish; that if the City enforced the use of the right-cf-way, most people would have to move shrubbery, lawns and trees back---that in many parts of Earlington Addition the trees and shrubs on these right-of—.rays belong to the persons who purchased them but the property belongs to the City. Councilman Heppenstall stated that he did not know of this situation before and that in his opinion the matter should be referred to Committee for in- vestigation and. study and perhaps this excess right-of-wain property could be turned over to the abutting property owners. Moved by Trirnm, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred. to the Committee of the Council as a Whole and that the Street now Commissioner and City Engineer determine how much dirt had been romoved, if any, at the northwest corner of the intersection of 91st Avenue South and the Langston Road, and if there were any plans for its replacement. Councilman Delaurenti requested that the Street Commissioner and City Engineer make a complete and thorough study of this corner, and submit a full report on all aspects of the matter to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that a communication from Arthur Towne, Administrative Assistant, School District #403 in charge of Traffic, was referred to Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner for his attention and action. Councilman Swift further reported that the communication from Louise Rockey, 129 Burnett Street, was referred to the Chief of Police for investigation before being taken up by the Street and Alley Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by White, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City of Renton Employees). City Clerk ayor S z 393 Renton, Washington October 18, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, RICHARDSON) WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAM BOR.INI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (On his request for same, Mavor Baxter excused Councilman Reid). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City r.. Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Flo- Lawrence, Fire Chief; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Com- missioner; Walt Will., Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector* Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of October 11th be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the Chief of Police, Ang Busato, requesting that the retirement date of Officer J. R. Chadwick, of the City's uniformed personnel, be extended to the maximum. Mr. Busato stated that Mr. Chadwick's health is good and that he can give the City several years of service if his retirement date is extended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the request of the Chief of Police. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he had been advised by R. W. Beck & Associates, Consulting Engineers, that a survey is being made to determine the feasibility of constructing sewage treatment facilities in Renton or vicinity to serve the Bellevue area; that this is in line with the recent decision of the State Pollution Commission to eliminate the increasing pollution of Lake jniashing- ton. Mr. Highton further stated that the Consulting Engineers have requested that a meeting be arranged in November to discuss the matter with the Bellevue Sewage Dis- trict Commissioners, and that he suggests that a tentative date be set for confir- mation, after contacting the Consulting Engineers. Councilman St,,ift suggested that the date of the Council's Executive meeting in November, the lith Tuesda-v, November 22nd, be set as a meeting date, and that this matter be placed on the agenda for the Executive meeting of the Council this coming week, October 252 1955, for discussion. The City Engineer stated that he would contact the Consulting Engineers and verify the date for the meeting and let the Council know at their November lst meeting. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this communication be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole and placed on the agenda for discussion at the Council's Executive meeting, Tuesda7T, October 25, 1955, and that the date of November 1st be tentatively set for a meeting with the Bellevue District Commissioners as requested by the Con- sulting Engineers. Ma-�Tor Baxter requested that the matter of an easement through the Black River Channel to the Duwamish River be discussed at this meeting also. The City Engineer stated that the City of Renton does not have an easement, that the State Land Department gave the City permission to do any work necessary for drainage purposes. In regard to the piece of property the City has on the south side of the Milwaukee tracks (old disposal plant) the City Engineer stated he wouldlook up information as to the size of the easement and advise the Council. The previous motion in regard to the feasibility of constructing sewage treatment facilities in Renton or vicinity etc., then carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting permission for Willis Sparrow, Sewage Plant Operator, and City Engineer to attend the Pacific Northwest Sewage Works Conference at Victoria, B. C., on October 26, 27 and 28, 1955. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that permission be granted, and that if any Councilman from the Sanitation Committee is able to attend, that he be granted permission also. The motion carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting the "Call for Bids" and specifications for the purchase of a self-propelled traffic line marker. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the City publish the call for bids and the date of November 81 1955 be set for the opening of bids for same. Carried. A communication was read from Dora Holmes, operator of the Coffee Shop at the rear of the City Hall, adjacent to the Police Department, where the City Employees, as well as general public eats, (Mrs. Holmes also furnishes meals for those persons being held by the Police Department) requesting Council consideration of changes in the arrangement of the coffee shop to make it easier to operate and to better serve the public. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. 394 CO A communication was read from the Maplewood Iryprovement Association over the names of David Haverberg, President; and other officers of the association, request- ing the City of Renton to receive property described as "That portion of land within the Defense Plant Corporation right-of-way as delineated on plat of Maplewood Division No. 2, King County, Washington, lying between Southeast 142nd Street and Southeast 144th Street, subject to D.P.C. right-of-way easement The communication stated that the property was purchased from Carol and John W. Dobson on June 20, 1953; that the taxes were paid for 1953 and 1954 by David Haverberg, and that the land is a donation for a park or playfield, without rights to give any portion of the land to any private person or persons for buildings, sewers, sewer runs, drain offs, driveways or any other purpose or to remove any now existing encroachments. Mr. Ha.verberg states that any further information may be received by contacting him at 14219 S.E. 1217th, Renton, Washington. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee and Park Board for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a petition for re- zoning from Residence Single Family Use (R-S) to Business Use (B-1) of property located abutting Sunset Boulevard, immediately northeast of the Renton Highlands, what is commonly known as Casey' s Corner. The City Engineer stated that the owners of property who have signed the petition constitute 73% of the area petitioned for rezoning; that the owners of property within the 200 foot adjacent area who have signed the p-tition, consenting to the changing of classification, constitute 69% of the area; that of the property unsigned, 19% is owned by the Public Housing Ad- ministration. The petition headed by Ravmond Brown, to change the zoning classi- fication of said property from Residence Single Family Use (R-S) District to Business Use (B-1) District, of property described as "Beginning at the intersection of the north margin of S.E. 112th Street and the section line that extends north through the center of Section 41 Township 23 North, Range 5 E. W.I .; thence north .along said section line to the easterly margin of Primary State Highway No. 2; thence souther- westerly along the margin of S.E. 112th Street; thence easterly along the north margin of S. E. 112th Street to the point of beginning", signed by 5 property owners was attached. The petition carried the signatures of 14 property owners (3 husbands and wives) who stated they were the owners of not less than 51% by area of all property in the City lying within 200 feet (street and alleys excepted) of the above described tract and having frontage upon any street passing through or adjoining the above de- scribed property for proposed rezoning, who consented to changing the classification of above described tract to Eusiness-Use District. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the communication and petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer in regard to a petition, headed by Grace Littlefield, f'or rezoning of two parcels of land contiguous to each other, consisting of a roar of lots and tracts on the west side of Logan Street, extending from 2nd Avenue, north to the alley north of Tobin Avenue, from Public Use (P-1) to Business Use (B-1) one parcel of land and from Residential Use (R-S) to Business Use (B-1) the other parcel of land, which was submitted for consideration at the October 4th Council meeting and referred to the City Engineer to check the number of signatures and to the Planning Commission for consideration and a report back. The City Engineer stated that the owners of the property petitioning for rezoning, constitute 93% of the area---that the unsigned portion of 7% is owned by Renton School District #403; that the owners of the property within the 200 foot adjacent area, who have signed the petition constitute 57% of the area---that of the unsigned area, 34% is owned by Renton School District #403, and 9% is owned by others. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, the petition having previously been, referred to the Planning Commission, that the communication from the City Engineer also be referred to the Planning Com- mission for their information. Carried. The Acting City Clerk stated that the agreement between the Bryn Mawr-Lake Ridge Sewer District and the Job Master Company (Clayton L. Scott and Myrtle Scott) on the Airport to connect on to the Bryn Mawr-Lake Ridge Sewer System had been pre- pared, as authorized by the Council. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that he had checked the contract so that the City would be protected in the future and not be held liable for any claim, and that the Mayor and Acting City_ Clerk should be authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the advice of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. The Councilmen were reminded of the Regional Meeting of the Association_ of Washington Cities in Puyallup on November hth. 395 Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee reported that this Committee had checked in regard to the use of certain property in the Earlington Addition to be used as a fire station---that they have the estimated cost figures to erect the building, purchase the truck, equipment, etc., but the7,7" haven't any information as to the cost of the property as .yet---that they are planning on hav- ing the property appraised and that the matter would be brought before the Executive meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, October 25th for their consideration. The City Engineer stated that he would try to have the entire cost figure for the improvement of Park Avenue for Council information at the next regular Council meeting, November 1, 1955. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that the Committee and the City Engineer had met with Mr. Weathers in regard to extension of the City's sewer line to his property; that the City Engineer is planning to review previous figure estimates and that they were planning on another meeting with Mr. Weathers, Tuesday, November lst at 7:30 P.M. On their request, Mayor Baxter granted the Committee more time. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported that the committee had met and considered the request, of the Tube Art Displays Company for a variance of height for a sign for the Russell Optometrists at 928 Third Avenue, and that to avoid setting a precedent and having to allow other companies similar variances, that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the request be not granted. (It was stated that the sign was already installed at a height of 7 foot 1 inch, which does not comply with ordinance regulations). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Allev Committee, and that the City Engineer so notify the contractor. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, stated that the request of Mrs. Frank hockey, 129 Burnett Street, in regard to a parking restriction in front of their home, which had been referred to the Police Chief for investigation before being considered by the Street and Alley Committee, had been considered at their committee meeting Mondav evening, October 17th, and that following investigation by the Police Department Traffic Division, the committee recommended that a two-hour parking limit be installed on the west side of Burnett Street from 2nd Avenue, northerly to the Knight of Pythias Hall, and that the restriction be in effect from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the Street Com- missioner be so notified. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported in regard to the request for a traffic signal light at the intersection of the Sunset Highway and 116th Avenue Southeast (Miller's Corner area), that the Committee felt that some- thing should be done to relieve the traffic condition, but that any action would re- quire State Highway Department approval, and that the committee recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to contact the State Highway Department for approval. Moved by Richardson, seconded. by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported that it was the recommendation of the Joint Police and License and Street and Alley Committees that the matter of the Council granting space for holding raffles on the streets in the City of Renton be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further consideration; that the committees felt that there should be a limit as to the number of raffles---that there should be no more than 2 or 3 raffles held on the streets throughout the City of Renton at one time; also, that unless the business people didn't object, that objects to be raffled be not placed at the same location more than one week at a time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter of number of raffles being held in the City at one time, also the matter of location of objects to be raffled, be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further discussion. Councilman Delaurenti re- ported that the Retail Trade Committee of the Renton Chamber of Commerce had been con- tacted to determine their ideas on this matter and. that the Chairman of this committee had stated that he would like to meet with the Council Committee and that they would meet with the Joint, Police and License and Street and Alley Committees, Tuesday, October 25th at 7:30 P.M. The motion to refer the matter to the Committee of the Council as a 'Alhole, then carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street and Alley Committee had dis- cussed the matter of driveways on Park Avenue, also the height of the sidewalk from the street grade and that thev felt that a possible correction to establish the side- walk on the proper grade would be to cut the sidewalk back to follow the grade of the driveway. On inquiry of Councilman Vietzke as to whose expense it would be to have the sidewalks established at the proper grade, the Assistant City Attorney stated 306 171 that it would depend on the wording of the contract; that if the contractor met the specifications of the "Call for bids" for this improvement then it would be a separate matter between the contractor and the home owner and would be the home owner's responsibility---that the owner technically owned the property to the center of the street, but that the city would have .jurisdiction as long as property was used for street or sidewalk purposes---that in regard to the report of the service station entrance at 351 Park Street (Murdock's) that the Committee had discussed this matter and to that time no one had reported any protests. In regard to the different reports that the entrance to this driveway was quite steep and did damage parts of some cars in entering and leaving the service station, Walt U7i11, Assistant City Engi- neer, reported that the City did not p-rmit the sidewalk to be cut away to bring the driveway to grade---that if anyone got hurt on such a cutaway sidewalk the Cit7r would be held liable. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion a remedy to a condition where there is a 6 inch rise from the street to the sidewalk, the parking strips being only 18 inches wide, would be to depress the sidewalk back two feet, which would ease the grade; that if the property owners were inconvenienced grea.tlT,, they could put a plank in the gutter at the edge of the driveway as a temporary solution, that the only permanent solution would be to Trade the sidewalk. Councilman Swift reported, in regard to the previous petition for the vacation of the south one-half of the 16 foot alley in Block 8, Earlington Addition, that this property had been dedicated for an alley several years ago; that -the alley traverses the block in a northeasterly direction from the bank of the ;slope of the Dunlap Canyon Road (Sunset Boulevard West) to 5th Avenue West---that the bank is so steep that the committee feels the street will never be extended to meet the Dunlap Canyon Road as it would require a tremendous fill and the expense of a bulkhead to serve this property; that since 100% of the property owners abutting this alley re- quest vacation, that it is the recommendation of the Committee, that after the re- quired hearing, providing there are not sufficient protests to block such action that the Council grant this vacation and that the date of December 6, 1955, be set as the date of hearing, it being understood that the City retain a 10 foot easement through the center for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining public utilities. The Notices of Hearing will be hosted in h public places within the corporate limits of the City of Renton at least 20 days prior to the date of hearing. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the com- mittee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it would not be necessary to furnish County Offices information in regard to the easement as title companies contact the City in this regard and the information is given to them. Councilman Swift reported in regard to a previous request of Maria Niccoli, who resides in Earlington Addition, to allow her to purdhase a parcel of land which the City calls 131st South, between 90th and 91st South (one block west of Rainier Avenue, almost directly west of Airport qday and north of Renton Avenue), that the committee feels the City can not sell this property, but that they could vacate -the property, the adjoining property owners each receiving one half of same. The City Engineer stated that this parcel of land had been platted as a thoroughfare. The Assistant Citv Attornev stated that the City could not sell---that they are holding the property in trust for the public---that the only means for the interested party to obtain this land would be through the proper petition to vacate, the respective halves .reverting to the adjoining property owners. Councilman Swift stated that the Committee felt that in the future the City would use this property as a street and they do not recom- mend the vacation of the property and that the interested party be so :Notified. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift advised the Council that they expect to have the street lights installed and in operation by the first of the ,year so the one-way street pattern could be put in effect; that the Street Commissioner has approximately 200, one-way street signs prepared which will be installed and masked, until the pattern takes effect. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported in regard to a previous request for purchase of Pump Station ##2, that the City does not have clear title to this property and can not sell and. that the interested party should be notified that this property is not available. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Don Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authorit-r and that this property had been dedicated to the City for particular purposes---that if the site was abandoned by the City and is no longer to be used for the purpose for which it was dedicated, technically the property would revert back to the original owner. The Assistant City Attorney suggested that the City Clerk write a letter to the Public Housing Administration advising them that the City is no longer in need of the property for this particular purpose and as the Government is not desirous of holding this particular property, that they quitclaim same to the City of Renton, otherwise this small piece of property will be setting apart from all other Government property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, �QR that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Bruce further reported that the Property Committee had discussed the previous request of Chester E. Hawes, of the Renton B.P.O.Elks, for use of a cer- tain triangular niece of property- in the Highlands (between "Ell Street and. the Sun- set Highway), to be used by the Boy Scouts, and others, and that in their opinion, as the Park Board had advised previously that they were not favorable to the use of this propert7r as a park, that the Property Committee concurred in their action, also did not approve of a building of this type being built at this location. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the action of the Property Committee and the party be so notified. Carried. r•� Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had discussed the idea of the intersection of 3rd and Williams being set up on a "pedestrian scatter system" trial for two or three weeks prior to Christmas---stating that this would alleviate the crowds forming on various corners and be very helpful to the shoppers. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee and that the system begin on the 5th of December and con- tinue through the 26th, to be back in normal operation on the 27th, and that both the intersections of 3rd and Wells and 3rd and 'Filliams be set up on this "pedestrian scatter system", also that the proper signs be put up so the people will be familiar with the operation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley_ Committee had discussed the parking condition reported on Morris Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on the east side; that there is "one-hour" parking restrictions on the west side and it was suggested that "one-hour" parking restrictions be designated on the east side, but that the committee had discussed the matter thoroughly and suggested that no parking be allowed on the east side and that this street be declared a fire lane and worked in with the one-way grid system---that their recommend that this matter be referred to the Fire Chief for his consideration. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had discussed the traffic signal light at the intersection of the Maple Valley Wye, and the "free right-turn arrow" for traffic coming from Houser Way, turning right toward the Maple Valley Highway---that many motorists use the "free right-turn arrow" and instead of turning right, go straight across the intersection, up the Cemetery Road---that as this creates a traffic hazard, that on the recommendation of the Traffic Division, the committee recommends that this arrow be removed and a "Stop and Go" signal be installed to coordinate with the rest of the intersection traffic lights. Moved by Morris, seconded by �4hite, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Trimm, No; Richardson, Aye; White, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Morris, Aye; Tamborini, No; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye; Dealurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, No and Bruce, No. There being 7 "Aye' s" and 4 "Noss", the motion carried. Councilman Swift stated that these changes were not permanent and were subject to improvement. Councilman Heppenstall suggested that the Traffic Division check this intersection and see the resulting traffic condition. Councilman Swift" Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee reported that all streets leading to the intersection of 4th Avenue and Burnett Street were stop streets, except for east bound traffic; that complaints had been received that motorists were not stopping at this intersection and that after consideration it was the recom- mendation of the Committee that a "Stop Sign" be placed on the nth Avenue approach to Burnett Street on the east side. Moved. by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The City Engineer stated that such a sign would be of benefit to the railroad company and that they need not be notified of its installation. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, after considerable study, that "Stop Signs" be installed at six different location, as follows: 1. Intersection where the Monterey Terrace Road enters on to the Cemetery Road (Bronson Way North). 2. Intersection where the County Gravel Pit Road meets the Cemetery Road (S.E. 128th St.) 3. On Factory Street - where Marion Avenue intersects this street. 4- On Factory Street - where 3rd Avenue North intersects this street. 5. On Factory Street - where Brooks Avenue intersects this street. 6. Intersection of Williams Street and lst Avenue (by the American Legion Hall). 398 y Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee and the Street Commissioner be instructed to install the necessary signs. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti., Chairman reported for the Police and License Committee, in regard to a request several weeks ago from two gentlemen to open a :Lunch counter in the City of Renton in which they requested permission to install pinball and other machines, that the Committee and Police Chief had studied their :request and had decided that at this time they would limit the number of machines they could have---tha.t they would be allowed only six pinball machines and one shuffle bDard at this time. Moved by Swift, seconded by white, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee. Carried. (Councilman Richardson, a member of the Com- mittee, will inform the gentlemen of the Council's action). Mr. R. T. Ledingham, from the audience, requested, in regard to the appraisal of. the property at the northeast corner of the intersection of the Langston Road with Sunset Boulevard West, which had been petitioned for use as a fire station site, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole, when requesting this appraisal, consider same on the basis of unimproved property, and the fact that the lity owns a portion of this propertv2 i.e., a strip approximately 24-26 feet wide on Langston Road, the full length of the gas station property; also that the City consider dividing present fire department equipment between the present fire station and the proposed fire station. The Fire Chief explained that the City's fire trucks were of different make and served different purposes and that it would be unwise to split the equipment as the fire station would be crippled to an extreme disadvantage. Mayor Baxter stated that the Assistant City Engineer's report in regard to off- street parking provided in connection with new .buildings was ready and would be available for all Councilmen at the next Executive meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Moved by Bruce, seconded by White, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting ad- journed at 9:45 P.m* (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees). C'ty Cler Mayor 399 Renton, Washington November 1, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, "ORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPE,i.:STALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman White was excused by Mayor Baxter). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT.WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of October 18th be approved as corrected. Carried. The City Clerk stated there were three requests received for special permits, as follows: 1. Installation of one additional pin ball machine in the Oasis Cafe, 216 'dells Street, signed by Donald A. Moran, owner, 2. Waiver of "peddler's license fee" for Lawrence E. Walton, 317. Smithers, to sell hand made wooden "Soap Dispensers" from house to house, and 3. Issuance of a Business License to operate an ambulance service (two vehicles) from Tom E. Colligan, 2208 8th Place. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the three requests be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter of appreciation was read from Mr. and Mrs. Esther Hardie for installa- tion of the traffic signal at Second and Rainier. A letter of appreciation for the City's remembrance in memory of Mr. C. M. (Chris) Christiansen, was read from Ernest and Genny Christiansen. A request was read from Mrs. B. B. Gulledge, Vice District Chairman of the South ,.. King County District Girl Scouts, for use of the North Highlands Recreation Building. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Property Committee. Councilman Bruce reported that this group has been informed that this building will be closed and repaired,, and that at this time it is not City property. Councilman Tamborini, with consent of his second, withdrew his motion. A request was read from the Renton Kiwanis Club, signed by D. O. Beck, President, for permission for a group of boys from the Sea Explorers Ship No. h41, to use the City Administration Building auditorium for their meetings. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Property Committee to work with the Fire Chief, Mayor and City Clerk, with power to act. Carried. The Clerk read a petition for annexation to the City of Renton of property des- cribed as "All that portion of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section sixteen (16), township twenty-three (23) north, range five (5) east, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 16, township 23 north, range 5 east, W.M., thence north 890 121 4211 west along the north line of said section 16, a distance of 315.66 feet; thence south 10 081 2611 west along a line 30 .feet easterly of and parallel with the east line of the State of Washington tract (the description of which is recorded in volume 2045 of deeds, page 487, records of said county), a distance of 660.30 feet; thence north 890 121 42" west a distance of 135.58 feet; thence south 10 08" 2611 west a distance of 659.51 feet, more or less, to the south line of the said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16; thence south 890 061 3811 east along said south line a distance of 452.00 feet to the southeast corner of the said north- west quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16; thence north 10 061 2751 east a distance of 1320.61 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the north 30 feet thereof for county road; and EXCEPT the right of way of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company (conveyed to Snoqualmie Falls Power Company by deed recorded under auditorts file No. 2500774, records of said county)"j, signed by Tino and Emma Cugini, 11857 S. E. 128th Street. This property is 12 acres in area and is located just south of nth Avenue North, approximately 1000 feet east of E Street, the site of the Cugini Garbage Dump. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Tamborini, that the petition for annex- ation be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. 400 y bD Estimate No. 1, certified correct by the City Engineer James Hilton for work performed by Contractor, Van S. McKenny Compemy, Inc., on the mercury vapor street lighting contract in the amount of $18,918.17 was read. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that Estimate No. 1 be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Engineer reported that the work was 75 percent complete and that the contract would. be completed within three weeks. A report of the cost data on the Park Street asphaltic paving work done by the City of Renton was read from the City Engineer. The Total work performed by the Street and Water Departments being $11,996.78, compared to contract estimate of $18,374.22, an estimated saving to the City of Renton of $6077.44. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner be congratulated on their good work on this job and for the saving to the City of Renton. Carried. (A copy of the report was furnished Councilman Vietzke). The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Washington Cities Regional meeting in Puyallup this coming Friday, A?ovember L�, 1955• Proposed Resolution No. 893, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, extending the compulsory retirement date of James R. Chadwick of the uniformed personnel of the Statewide City Employeest Retirement System for one ,year, to December 1, 1956 was read. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tanborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 893 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution No. 894, as requested. by the Street and Alley Committee and presented by the Ordinance Committee was read fixing the time and date of hearing on the vacation of the south one-half of the alley in Block 81 Farlington Addition, as Tues'ay, December 6, 1955 at 8:00 P.A ., in the Council Chambers. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 894 as read. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that this was the date set for the hearing on the petition to vacate and/or abandon certain streets in Renton Highlands Plat 2. The Clerk_ re- ported that there were no verbal protests received. There being no oral protests from the audience, moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the request that the certain streets as outlined in the "Notice of Hearing" be vacated and/or abandoned and the matter of the acceptance of Plat #2, Renton High- lands, be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the neces- sary ordinance. Carried. Mr. Don Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority, stated that as soon as the streets are legally vacated and/or abandoned and Plat #2 has been accepted by the City of Renton, this would remove final obstacles and they could proceed with the actual transfer of buildings involved to the City of Renton. In answer to Councilman Richardson's inquiry, Mr. Humble informed the Council that the property in question, that was included in Plat #1 and was to have been dedicated. to the City of Renton as additional Highlands Fire Station property, at the time of negotiations for Highlands Plat #1, was a strip approximately 75 or 100 feet wide, adjacent to and northerly along H Street---that this piece of property should show on the original plat if it was included. in Fire Station property. (In checking with the _Engineering Department and Mr. Humbles Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority, it was determined that the original Plat #1 of the Renton Highlands, included all of Lot 17, Plock 6, Renton Highlands, which included the strip in question) . Councilman Trimm reported for the Fire and Water Committee, that after consult- ing with the Fire Chief as to advisability of a fire station rt the location of inter- section of Sunset Boulevard West with the Langston Road, that they feel this Property is not a suitable place for a fire station and that it is the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee that the previous proposal be rejected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman. Trimm further stated that it iss the opinion of the Committee that a fire station in this locality is needed and that they would con- tinue to look for a suitable site in this area for same. In regard to installation of a street light near the middle of the 500 block on r Burnett Street North, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Light and Power Committee be given power to act. Carried. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, reported that the subject of pol- lution of Lake Washington had been brought before the Committee meeting of -the Council as a Whole, on Tuesday, October 25th. Councilman Richardson reported that the Council would have more information in this regard at the next Executive meeti.ngof the Council 401 when the Consulting Engineers (R. W. Beck & Associates) and the Bellevue Sewage Dis- trict Commissioners would be present. The City Engineer reported that he had talked with the State Pollution Committee---that they had stated they had no definite plans but were vitally interested in the problem and would have a Staff Member present at the Executive Meeting of the Council on November 22nd. Mr. Highton further stated that there would be a meeting at the University of Washington on November 10th in regard to the Metropolitan Sewer District and invited any Councilman who could, to attend the meeting with him. Councilman Hansen further reported that the question of number of raffles to be held by Service or Charitable Organizations on the street at one time was brought before the Council's Executive meeting and that the matter had been referred to the Police and License and Street and Alley Committees to report on. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee reported that the ,joint committees (Street and Alley and Police and License) recommended that only one raffle be allowed on the streets per week end; that they not be allowed to use parking space adjacent to red head meters---that the sponsors of the raffle be required to pay meter fees during the time they are located at these metered areas; that if n-rmission is re- quested for the placing of objects (i.e., boats, etc.,) on the streets between regular Council meetings, that the Police Department be authorized to issue a hermit for same and that the Police Department check with the sponsors and see that locations are charged each week, also that sponsors allowed this consideration should be only charitable or service organizations within the boundaries of the Renton School areas and so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall and carried. Councilman Swift, reported that at the last Council meeting the Council had approved the "Scatter System" of traffic control for the intersection of Williams and Wells Streets on 3rd Avenue, but that the Street and Alley Committee had been requested by the Chief of Police and City Engineer, to review this plan before pro- ceeding with the installation, and that the Committee would take this matter up at their November 7th meeting. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee reported that all the members of the Committee had not as yet considered the acceptance of the park in the Maplewood Addition, but that in his opinion it was desirable property and he believed should be considered by the Council as a park site for the Maplewood area; r.. that in talking with representatives of the Maplewood Community Club, he had found that the quit claim deed did not include the legal description and that in his opinion the matter should be referred to the City Attorne ---that he understood a sewer line had been constructed. on this property from the grocery store, adjacent to the proposed park property. Councilman Bruce also stated that the Park Board had not investigated this property as yet. Mr. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, stated that he understood from one party that the property had been previously dedicated to the Maplewood Improvement Club; that since that time the club had dissolved and that he (Mr. Shellan) had sug gested that these people endeavor to locate the officers and members so that a meeting could be held to enable the club to get title status; that he had advised the party to determine from the City Engineer if the party who owns the sewer line is encroaching on this property which is not his; that providing the sewer line does not interfere with the proposed park property that an easement for this sewer line be obtained. Park Superintendent Coulon stated that he had talked with a party and. had understood that there were 3 encroachments, (1) the sewer line, (2) corner, of the store building, and (3) road into the property; that if the City accepts the property the representatives of the Improvement Club request the City have en- croachments removed. The Assistant City Attorney suggested that a legal description of the property be obtained to determine the exact boundaries---stating that if there are encroachments, that these people be so advised. Moved b.. Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter stay in the Property Committee for thorough investigation. Carried. (In checking with the Fngineering Department, it was found that the Defense Plant Corporation (Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Line) has an easement over this property)e r. Councilman Richardson reported that the Council in their Executive meeting on October 25th had discussed the matter of revision of Ordinance No. 1045 "Regulating the method to be followed in filing of plats and establishing rules and regulations in relation thereto", particularly in connection with newly annexed property, and that this matter was being studied at this time. Councilman Hansen reported that the Council as a Whole at their executive meet- ing had approved the proposed Precinct map as submitted by the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the action of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Councilman Richardson explained that the Precinct Map as approved had been referred to the City Engineer to check the legal description and 402 y to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance and would be presented to the Council as soon as possible. Following a discussion as to advisability of changing the map before the local election, the motion carried. In regard to the drafting of an Ordinance to cover duties of the liayor and Comptroller as outlined in the 1956 City of Renton Budget, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Council as a Whole for consideration. Carried. In regard to adoption of a City of Renton Business Tax Ordinance :for 1956, the Assistant City Attorney suggested that the Council consider the change of "tax pay- ment due date" for uniformity and to simplify the matter of this payment for busi- ness houses paying a tax as the State Law covering the date for payment of State Tax had been changed at the Extra-Ordinary Session at Olympia to the last dart of the month. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that a book was being passed around. to the Councilmen this evening for their information, covering codification of City's laws of a City (San Gabriel) of approximately the same type and size as Renton; Mfr. Shellan explained that for the past several years their office had been endeavoring to get estimates for codification of the City of Renton's laws---that some of the City's ordinances should be amended or changed, some new ones should be passed to bring the laws up to date and that some should be repealed, also that they had received in- formation as to codification of laws and cost of same from the Mickey Publishing Company of Los Angeles, the largest city codification company on the coast; that in his opinion it was definitely necessary that this matter be considered and stated that possibly a committee should be appointed to investigate this matter, par- ticularly as far as general laws and the Traffic Code was concerned. The City Clerk stated that a representative of the Book Publishing Company was working in the Clerk's Office this week to estimate the cost for their company to codify the City's ordi- nances. On suggestion of Councilman Richardson that the matter of codifying the City's Ordinances be referred to the proper committee (Ordinance Committee) to work with the City Attorney' s Office, it was so moved by Reid, seconded by :Swift, and carried. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Com- mittee, Mondal7, November 7th at 8:00 P.1N., with the "olice Chief and Street Com- missioner. On suggestion of Councilman Swift, moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Street Commissioner post the proper signs on the west side of Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues stating that parallel parking only was allowed. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, retorted that the installation of street lights at the site of the new Williams Street Bridge was irc l,A ed in the McKenny Company contract and that they would have these lights in- stalled as soon as possible. The City Engineer stated that as soon as the dedication plaque was received that the Williams Street Bridge could be dedicated. The City Engineer reported that he had received a great deal of favorable comment on the traffic light at the intersection of 2nd and Rainier Avenue---that the light was now or, "set time", that the radar system had not been installed as ,yet. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were twelve visitors present besides City of Renton employees). Now iter Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington November 81 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, R.ICHARDSON, 'aHITE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. (On their request for same, Mayor Baxter excused Councilmen Vietzke, Tamborini and Heppenstall). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTKI-7VT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City 1�+ Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Puilding Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of November lst be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretarv, giving the 3 following recommendations: (1) That since Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, Town of Renton, were cut to an un- usable depth by the establishment of Grady Wavy that the Cite act favorably on Mr. Angelo Bareits request for a variance on back yard requirements. (2) That the Council approve the rezoning of the property known as Casevts Corner from RS to B-1 (as petitioned for by Raymond Brown and others), and that a date be set for a public hearing and petition acted upon in the usual manner. (3) That in regard to the petition for rezoning of propertv on Loup Street (as petitioned for by Grace Littlefield and. others), be tabled and the City Council institute proceedings to -rezone this described property by the usual legal procedures to insure a permanent rezoning classification. The Council acted on the above recommendations as follows: (1) Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and Mr. Angelo Barei be granted the variance requested. Carried. (2) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the date of hearing on the proposed rezoning be set as December 61 1955• Carried. �J (3) Moved by Richardson, seconded by 'Ahite, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for discussion at the next Executive meeting on November 22nd, with the City Engineer, City Attorney and Building Inspector. Carried. A second communication was read from the Planning Commission in regard to the petition for annexation from Tino and Emma Cugini of property located on S. E. 128th Street (known as the Cugini Garbage Dump), that although they- favored the proposed annexation, that they felt that additional property in this area could be included in the annexation; they stated that a committee had been appointed to investigate this matter as far as squaring up the boundary line was concerned, and that they would report the- committee's findings later. No Council action was taken on the Cugini annexation petition at this time. A communication was read from the City Clerk, Flovd W. Shaff, and City Treasurer, Dorothea S. Gossett, requesting Council approval of publishing the "Call for Bids" to purchase a BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING AND CYCLE BILLING MACHINE for the Clerk's and Treasurer's Offices as approved in the 1956 City of Renton Budget. Specifications for the machine were attached. It was suggested that the "Call for Bids" be publish- ed on the 17th and 24th of November and that the date for Opening of Bids be set as December 6, 1955. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the request of the City Clerk and City Treasurer. The motion carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting Estimate No. 5, certified correct by the City Engineer, from the Kerty Mortensen Construction Company for work performed on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool to November 1, 1955, in the amount of 812056.04. A signed voucher in this amount accompanied Estimate #5. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that Estimate No. 5 and attached voucher be re- ferred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the State Tax Commission has furnished a release for the Washington Asphalt Co:�pany, Park Street Asphalt Paving Contractor, also that the City Clerk had reported that no liens or claims have been filed with the City against the contractor, and that he recommends the amount of money retained (1511.) by the City on the above contract, in the amount of $3,t0o.16, be paid to the contractor. A signed voucher in this amount accompanied the communication. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the letter and attached voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter of complaint in regard to improvement of 5th Avenue West in Earlington Addition was read from Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rautio (315 5th we. West). Moved. by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the complaint be referred to the Street and Alley Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Kennydale Lions Club, requesting permission to sell Xmas trees in the City of Renton beginning December 10, 1955. The City Clerk stated that a similar request to sell Xmas trees in the City of Renton had beer re- ceived from a Mr. John Quinn. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that both re- quests be referred to the Police and License Committees Police Chief and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. A complaint was read. from John Bausano, 328 Garden Street, regarding the con- dition of the sidewalk at that address. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson., that Mr. Bausano be notified that the condition of the sidewalks in front of his home is his responsibility and not that of the City of Renton. Carried. The bid of the Sahlberg Equipment Company, being the only bid received for the highway traffic line marker, in the total amount of $4,747.67, including sales tax, was opened and read. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bid be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Magor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHAR.DSON, WHITE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DFLAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance covering the Citv of Renton Business License and 'Tax for 1956) for Council action, stating that this was a report by a minority of the Ordinance Committee. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present and report favorably on a proposed ordinance, relating to re-distribution and changes in certain precinct boundaries, also recommend its passage. The Clerk read pro- posed Ordinance No. 1531. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council approve the proposed ordinance as read and that it be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1531 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting "Aye", the- motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson requested that the matter of codification of the City of Renton' s Ordinances be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole and asked that the matter be placed on the agenda of the next Council executive meeting on November 22nd. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council stated that this matter would be placed on the Council's agenda for that meeting* Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, reported. that the Puget Sound. Power �, Light Company had informed him that the street light previously authorized at a location between 5th and 6th Avenue North on Burnett Street wouldbe installed as quickly as possible, and that the new street light program was progressing very rapidly. _ Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street and Alley Co--mittee and OWO City* Engineer had a meeting and had discussed the bid received from the Sahlberg Equip- ment Company for a highway traffic line marker and they recommended that the Council accept this bid in the total amount of $42747.67. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Com- mittee. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported for the Street and Alley Committee in regard to the two complaints received from Earlington Addition residents on the condition of 5th Avenue test, between Stevens and Maple Street, that the Committee would investi- 405 gate the complaints, but that both parties be informed that the Street Commissioner had men working on these streets just recently, that ditches and road shoulders had been cleaned and that the water was draining from the streets---that there were only a few homes in this area and considering other parts of the City, and the City's street improvement funds, he felt this area was receiving their share of street im- provement; that the City only receives a very small share of any taxes paid and this by law is apportioned to schools as well as to the Municinal Government. Councilman Swift further reported for the Street and Alley Committee in regard to the "Scatter System" of traffic control which had been thoroughly discussed concern- ing advantages and disadvantages with the resulting opinion that the recommendation be dropped for this year. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that in correction with one-wav street traffic pattern, and the requests from cab company owners to change the locations of their cab stands, the committee felt that it would be worth while to hold a. meeting with the repre- sentatives of the Cab Companies, also the Police end License Committee, Police Chief, Street Commissioner and City Engineer to discuss this matter and that the date of Wednesday, November 16th at 8:00 P.M. had been set for the proposed. meeting. The City Cler': read proposed Ordinance No. 15301 as presented by the Ordinance Committee and recommended for passage, having been previously approved by the Com- mittee of the Council as a Whole, vacating certain streets within the City of Renton in the Renton highlands area as described in detail in the Ordinance, more generally described by the Engineering Department as follows; all of the Highlands streets from H Street east to M Street and from S.E. 128th Street (Cemetery Road) north to the Sunset- Boulevard., plus all of the Highlands streets north of the Sunset Boulevard to the adjacent north City limits. Moved by Morrisp seconded by Richardson, that the proposed Ordinance be approved as read, and that it be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1530 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that in talking with the Executive Director of i the Housing Authority this evening, he had been advised that the plot plan was pre- `w pared and ready for signature and he so moved, seconded by Morris, that the Council accept the-plot plan and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that 4th Avenue, from Burnett Street west to Shattuck Street does not drain properly and that pedestrians have to wade through water to cross these streets, and suggested that this information be furr_ished the Street Commissioner for his information and. consideration. In regard to the request for a larger light on Jones Street, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by '.white, that this request be referred to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and .Alley Committee, City ''engineer and Street Commissioner, that the Houser Way Bridge be limited to 20,000 pound load caracity (10 Ton) for trucks and other heavy vehicles; that the bridge be so posted, also that the proper signs be posted at the entrance (and/or exit) on Houser Way at Mills Street and. exit (and./or entrance) on Houser Way at Bronson Qday North, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council con- cur in recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported that Board members of the Renton School District had requested a meeting with the Street and Alley Committee on December 11 1955 at 8:00 P.M., at the Administration Building, with the property owners abutting the school property in regard to a proposed alley, running north and south between 3rd and lith Avenues North, in back of the Sartori School---that property has been used as an alley, but has never been dedicated as such and that the School District would like to fence in their property---that the School District is in favor of deeding 8 feet for alley purposes, but are not in favor of deeding the full width required for an alley of 16 feet. Councilman Swift requested that the Assistant City Attorney attend this meeting. Councilman Swift reported that there is a problem in regard to storm sewer drain- age water in the Maplewood Addition---that a dry well which was located on private property, had been filled in by the property owner and was no longer capable of ab- sorbing the surplus waters, that it is the recommendation of the Committee that this X06 y C� surplus water be drained into Cedar River, which will require between 400 and 450 feet of drain pipe; the improvement to be let on contract. The Engineering Depart- ment was requested to prepare an estimate of the cost of installation, material and labor 'or said drain and the Finance Committee was authorized to determine the source of funds for same, that it was contemplated that the expense of the improve- ment be taken from the Cumulative Funds. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. It was reported that adjacent lots to the Sewage Disposal Plant, which are owned by the Renton School District, would be offered for sale to the City of Renton before being sold to others and that the City would be so advised by the School Board at that time. In regards to installation of lights at the entrance to the Police Department and the narking area behind the City Hall, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee to submit their estimate of cost to the Council for same. Carried. Also, on suggestion and motion of Councilman Morris, the matter of proper light- ing at both entrances (and/or exits) of Maplewood Addition was referred to the LiF_;ht and Power Committee for investigation and a report back. The motion was seconded by D elaurenti and carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 906-1199 $463716.40 CURRENT 11-13 32,806.58 19ATER 11-13 112328.31 LIBRARY 8-9 23316.46 PARK 11-13 22543.30- SEWAGE DISPOSAL 11-13 .3,159.11 AIRPORT 11-13 2,701.74 STREET 11-13 9,997. 5 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 7-8 250.00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE 4-5 313.°8 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 83-7.15 1.3,651.37 CLAIMS FUND 281-382 2,190.46 SWIMMING POOL FUND 10-11 18.,248,-82 STREET & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT -- -- Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.T . (There were 8 persons present besides City of Renton employees). Ey Clerk 717- Mayor ��li 40° Renton, Washington November 15, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P,M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, WHITE, VIETZKE, TAMBORINI, DELAURENTI AI`TD HEPPENSTALL. Moved by White, seconded by Reid, that Councilmen Swift, Morris, Richardson end Bruce be excused from this evening's Council meeting. Carried. i OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City 6s� Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Sha.ff, City Clerk and Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the Council meeting of November 8th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Municipal Airport, signed by 'dvilliam Gebenini, Manager, stating that drainage of surface water from the Renton Munici-^al Airport is restricted by accumulation of silt, vegetation and debris in the inter- ceptor ditch on the west side of the Airport, that the-.,- feel that if this ditch is cleaned out the water will flow faster and help clean out the pipes without major repair and that the Airport Board has directed him to start negotiations for this work. The Airport Manager stated that the cost of the project is included in their 1955 Budget. After discussion, the work being a public improvement costing under $2,000.00, it was suggested that three estimates be obtained, the Airport Manager to consider the lowest and/or best estimate and proceed with this work, and so moved by White, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Airport Manager be authorized to proceed with this work as outlined above, without the issuance of a "Call for Bids". The Clerk read a letter from the Boeing Airplane Company to the Airport Manager, which authorized the Airnort �1anager to place the west drainage ditch in good condition, stating that on completion of this improvement, that the flume would be the re- sponsibility of their company. The motion carried. A communication was read from the Renton Jaycees, signed by Clifford A. Rost, President, requesting Council approve their nmas street decoration plan as outlined for. the Xmas season. Mr. Rost stated that the decorations would be installed on December lst and 2nd and would be removed on the 5th of Jarua ry, 1956. The plan was itemized in detail as to number of lines on each street, etc. The Police Chief stated that both he and the Cit-r Engineer had received similar letters and. that the City Engineer had advised the Jaycees of the street clearances, etc. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the City Engineer and Police Chief with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Robert E. Walker, President of the Association of Valley Cities advising the Council of the next meeting, which is to be held at Enumclaw City Hall, 8:00 P.m., Wednesday, November 16, 1955• Mr. 4alker stated that the topic would be "County-City co-operation on Health and Sanitation problems", and that the speakers would be representatives from the King and Pierce County Health. Departments. City Clerk, Floyd Shaff, who is secretary of this Association stated that he would be going and Councilman Reid, or any other Councilmen who wished to attend could go with them. A communication was read from Don Humble, Executive Director of the ".enton. Housing Authority, advising that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority had no objection to the installation of a proposed installation of an off-street parking area to serve residents of the "I" Building in Cedar River Park., at an estimated cost of $675.00, providing the City would authorize this expenditure from receipts of the Cedar River Park Project and that they would request the Street Com- emissioner to proceed with the improvement. Mr. Harlble further stated that the Board of Commissioners requested the Council formulate a plan for the ultimate use of the Cedar River Park property in order that improvements such as the one above mentioned might be so located as to contribute to the utlimate land use---that they understand that the proposed Freeway route trough Renton is established which makes possible proceeding with an over-all development plan at this time and that then believe the cost of developing such a plan could be properly charged to the Cedar River Park Project. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Housing Authority be authorized to proceed and that funds be taken from the Housing Authorit�r receipts. Carried. A petition for additional street lighting on Rainier Averue South from Rainier Avenue's intersection with 3rd Averue, south to the Cit-,r Limits, particularly on 408 � y both sides of the Milwaukee Railroad viaduct, and ,just south of the viaduct, as the teenage children have to walk from the bus stop at 3rd and Rainier to Rollerland in the dark---that in the late fall and winter it is dark and dangerous for the children as well as a dangerous traffic spot. The p,tition was signed by 43 persons. After discussion, Councilman Reid stating that he would check with the, Street Commissioner as to available funds in the present street lighting program, it was moved by Unite, seconded by Vietzke, that the petition be referred to the Light and Poser Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Light and Power Committee more time on matters pre- viously referred to that committee. x Councilman Heppenstall reported for the Ordinance Committee that the proposed Business Tax Ordinance .for 1956 had been placed on its first reading at the last Council meeting and referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation, that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recom- mended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, and proposed Ordinance No. 1532 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried.. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eight Councilmen present voting ",?ye", the motion unanimously passed. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, suggested that a survey be made of the lighting of the residential areas, as to size of the lights, stating that he .felt consideration should be given to this matter. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported that he would like to present two items, proposed "Call for Bids" for equi---ment for the Police Department for the Council's consideration, stating the Police and License Committee recommended these pieces of equipment be purchased for the Police Department. The first for a device to measure the alcoholic content of the breath, measured by a photo-electric cell, which Councilman Delaurenti reported had been demonstrated in the Police Department with a great deal of fa-,or. Tie Police Chief and Assistant City Attorney both reported that the device was a good idea---that the information from the device, together with other testimony would help to make .just decisions---that it would be of assistance to the Police Judge, Justice of the Peace and himself in Court. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by White, that the Council accept the recom- mendation of the Committee and the "Call for Bids" be published on November 17th and 24th, the date for the opening of bids to be set as December 6, 1955• Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the second itan was the Harley Davidson Motor- cycle, which was authorized in the Police Department 1956 Budget. Councilman Delaurenti stated that it was the recommendation of the Committee that the bids be let at this time, so that the machine could be obtained the first of the year. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the council concur in the recommendation of the Committee, and the "Call for bids" be published on November 17th and 24th, the date for the opening of bids to be set as December 6, 1955• Carried. In regard to the height of the curbs on Park Street and the subsequent trouble adjacent property owners have in driving into their homes, places of business, etc., it was reported that this problem was the property owners and that: it would be up to them to make any changes. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned. at 8:45 P.M. (There were 6 persons present besides Cit-,.7 of Renton employees). I� 71ty' Cl6rk j Mavor 409 Renton, Washington December 6, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that Councilmen Trimm and Tamborini be excused from this evening's meeting. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTME)T HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of November 15th be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the "Breathalyzer - a device to measure the alcoholic content of the breath, measured by a photoelectric cell", for the Police Department, the bid from the Stephenson Corporation, the only bid re- ceived, was opened and read, in the total amount of 8595.00. Extra "Test Units" for use with the "Breathalyzer", packaged in lots of 48 are $24.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the bid be referred to the Police and License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for a "Harley Davidson Motor- evcle" for the Police Department, the following bids were opened and read: Bidder Amount (Including Sales Tax) Drager's Harley Davidson Company 770.00 Harley Davidson Sales 870.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Police and License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. This also being the date set for the opening of bids for the "Bookkeeping, accounting and billing machine" for the City Clerk and Treasurer's Office, the following bids were opened and read: Bidder Amount (Including Sales Tax) National Cash Register Company 9 1 Underwood Corporation 3,374.04 It " - ALTERNATE BID 4,123.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the bids be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried.. A communication was read from the Renton DeMolay's signed by Ira S. Sweeney, Chairman, requesting Council permission and cooperation in conducting a scrap drive with pick-up day being Saturday, January 28th; that they would like to make this an annual fund raising project. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the request of the DeMolay's. Carried. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Morris, that the week preceding January 28th be declared "Clean Up Week" for the Order of the DeMolay. Carried. A communication was read from Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, recommending that the park property offered to the City of Renton by the Maplewood Imnrovement Association, described as "That portion of land within the Defense Plant Corpora- tion right-of-way as delineated on plat of Maplewood Division No. 2, King County, N ashington, lying between S.E. 142nd Street and S.E. 144th Street, sub;ect to Defense Plant Corporation right-of war easement", be accepted by the City of Renton for park purposes providing existing encroachments are removed and providing title insurance shows free and clear title. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the V communication be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company, signed by L. J. Dowell, Vice-President, offering to pay the City of Renton $75.00 for lease of the small strip of property, adjacent to the Stoneway Sand and Gravel Company (at the northeast corner of Cedar River Park), Mr, Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority explained that this property in question is still under the 410 `c tr jurisdiction of the Housing Authority and that as soon as all tenants :have removed � their flowers, shrubbery or garden supplies from the area, he would release the property to the City of Renton. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, submitting a proposal for work in studying the sewerage problem of the City with respect to utilizing the trunk line and treatment plant proposed by the Bellevue Sewer District; and stating that to determine in general what alternatives Renton has for .future sewage disnosal, what problems are involved in adapting the present system (in whole or in part) to use these facilities, and at what cost such service would be ad- vantageous, a study of the following, would be required: 1. Costs of building and operating future treatment facilities likelZr to be required by growth of Citv and Pollution Control Commision policy. 2. Feasible location of trunk line through City and problems of connecting part, or all of sewerage s7rstem, thereto. 3. Data on sewage quantities for use by Sewer District's Engineers in pre- liminary planning. L. Probable cost to City of providing comparable sewer service. 5. Analysis of the future economics of the proposed project. Mr. Wolff stated that it would require two to three weeks to prepare the report, cost being $750.00. As the matter of the proposed Bellevue Sewer District trunk line and treatment plant had been referred to the Sanitation Committee p-eviously for consideration, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Mr. Wolffts proposal be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration and their recom- mendation. Carried. A communication was read from the City Attorney relative to the payment of sales tax by a contractor. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the City of Seattle Department of Engineering, signed by W. E. Parker, City Engineer, in regard to "Mercer Island Pipe Line, Ordinance (Seattle) No. 84393, whereby the Citv of Seattle is applying for a 50- year franchise to install a 36-inch watermain, the centerline of which is located 16 feet from the westerly margin of 132nd Avenue Southeast; that the pipe line is a part of the proposed Mercer Island Pipe Line, the general route location shown on a vicinity sketch on file in the Renton Engineering Dena.rtment, together with plans and map for same; that the proposed pipe line lies completely outside the paved portion of said 132nd Avenue Southeast, which, it is anticipated will cause only a minimum interruption of traffic upon this street. The Seattle Engineering Denartment requests early favorable action. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. The Cit- Engineer explained that the City of Renton would. retain the right-of-way and that this would not hinder the City of Renton from any expansion to the East. The motion then carried. A communication was read from the Renton School District No. 03, signed by H. R. Johnson, Secretary of the Board of Directors, in regard to the retition of property owners to have certain property on the west side of Logan Street rezoned from a Public Use District (P-1) to B :siness Use District (B-1). Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that the communication be referred to the Committee: of the Council as a Whole and that a School Board Representative be invited to attend any meeting held for discussion of this matter. Carried. A reauest was read from Rev. Jack and Jennie O'Hara of the Bread of Life Mission in Seattle (a charitable organization), requesting permission for their Field Rep- resentative to solicit funds in the business district of Renton. Moved by -,dhite, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from the City Employee's Club, signed by Vic `1'eGantvoort, President, was read, inviting the Mayor, Council and Department Heads and their respective wives and/or husbands to attend their annual Christmas party on December 16, 1955 at the American Legion Hall. Moved b:,r Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the City accept the Fmployee's Club invitation and all who possibly can are urged to attend. Carried. A communication was read from the_City_Engineer advising that the Cugini An- nexation (12 Acre Tract) petition was reported out of the Planning Commission as not being objectionable but was held in aberrance pending a report on the inclusion of additiaml properties in the immediate vicinity,* and further stating that Mr. Cugini requests permission to connect on to the City's sanitary sewer system during the 411 interim period so that a residence n^w being constructed car be completed. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Sanitation Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Estimate No. 2 from the Contractor, Van S. McKenny Company, certified correct by the City Engineer, for the Mercury Vapor Street Lighting Contract, was read in the total amount due the contractor of $14,751.88, for work performed to December 1, 1955• Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that this estimate be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City- Engineer submitting a request for ex- tension of time for the Nelson Building & Contracting Company to complete their con- tract on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool bathhouse---that the starting date be estab- lished as October 27, 1955 with completion date being not later than 150 calendar days from this date, and stating that due to adverse weather conditions, he believes the request reasonable and recommends approval. The City Engineer further states he is submitting a letter from the contractor setting forth conditions that require extra work for satisfactor7,r performance of the contract for which it will be neces- sary for them to make a charge for; that because thev are making soil tests in the critical area Where excavated soil was replaced and the subsequent settling of same, that the request be taken under advisement until soil conditions are properly analyzed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, on advice of the Assistant Citv Attor- ney that approval of the Bonding Company is received without prejudice to bond, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and grant the request for extension of time, but take the matter of extra work under advisement. The City Engineer explained that because of replacing of the excavated soil, end gradual settling of same, it was necessary to use extra steel to strengthen the footings. The motion carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting a letter from the T. VT. Traverso Constru.ct_on Company, Contractor, Liberty Park Wading Pool, in which an extension of time is requested on his contract, and that due to adverse weather conditions during the month of November which did not permit satisfactory construc- tion of the wading pool, that he recommends a. reasonable time extension without nen- alty. Councilman Vietzke stated that he felt the request for extension of time should be granted, but that such requests should be submitted to the Council for 3> their consideration prior to the original completion date of the contract. The City Engineer explained that t1-:is was not possible as extension of time granted for the Swimming Pool Contract had been granted previously which delayed the '.Jading Pool Contractor, and that no regular Council meeting had been held since November 15th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the City Engineer. Carried. Requests for permission to sell Xmas trees at different locations, as shown, were reported from, W. L. Greenfield, Sr. , 18635 S.E. 128th to sell trees at 2nd and Burnett Street; Gene Fairbanks, 12614 S.E. 128th and Tony Starkovich, 1133 S.E. 175th Street, Penton, to sell trees at 21L 3d Avenue; E. J. Willis, 220 Park Street and E. R. Lusher, 108 Burnett Street, to sell trees from the lot on Rainier Averue just south of Mathewson's Service Station, and Edward J. �,Talt, Haran Ballard and Kenny Molotte of Kennydale, to sell trees on Logan Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, and on motion of Richardson, seconded by Herper,stall, were referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Councilmen George Swift, .Olin Hansen, and Thomas Trimm as representatives to the City of Renton Housing Authoritv Commis- sion for a three months period beginning December 1, 1955 was read and on motion of Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, was concurred in by the Council and. carried. The reappointment by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Mr. Frank Ames as a member of the Airport Board to November 6, 1958 was read and on motion of Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, was concurred in by the Council and carried. A communication was read from J. E. Holmes of the Holmes Electric Company, re- Guesting Council reconsideration of the proposed channeling of 3rd Averue between Main and Mill Streets as he feels that his store will be isolated; that within the next two .years the new by-pass road would be a reality which would eliminate many traffic problems in downtown Renton and that he feels a plan can be worked out to everyone's satisfaction if they were invited to attend the planning meetings. Councilman Swift stated that it was not certain that the bi-pass road would be com- pleted in two .years or that it would eliminate downtown traffic problems; that an open hearing had been held in regard to one-way street planning and that Mr. Holmes could have attended this meeting. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their consideration. Carried. 412 � A complaint was read from Donald E. Collins, 641 N Place, regarding their neighbors keeping chickens penned. 6 feet from their kitchen window---that the re- sulting insect and. odor nuisance is very annoying. Their request that these people be requested to move the pen .further from their kitchen window. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication be referred to the Sanitation Com- mittee and Health Officer for consideration and a report back. Carried. A complaint was read from Mrs. Jennie Murphy, 1031 S. E. 88th Street, stating that due to the City working on the water mains and necessar7r shut-offs, etc., that on November 10th the pressure was so great that the safet,.r valve on the hot water tank overflowed, and that she had called the nlumber to fix the trouble; that she had been advised by her neighbors, who had the same trouble, and the plumber,that the trouble was caused b-T water pressure. Mrs. Murphy requests reimbursement of the $5.00 plumbing cost. Moved bar Delaurenti, seconded by Harsen, that the claim be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System signed by Earle Tinius, Executive Secretary, stating that Fred Allingham, a member of the Uniforme-.. Personnel, would have to retire on February 1, 1956 unless his re- tirement date was extended by the City Council. A communication was read from the Police Chief stating that Mr. Allingham was in good health and was capable of giving several years of service to the City and recommending that his retirement date be extended to the maximum. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police Chief and. the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and. City Attorney for preparation of the necessary Resolution. On the question, Councilman Swift suggested that as the retirement date of Uniformed Personnel was 60 years of age, and that as each Policeman on attaining that age had their retirement date extended to the maximum, that consideration be given to ex- tending the retirement date to the age of 65 to eliminate the many individual requests. The motion carried. The City Clerk reported that a request had been read at the Executive Meeting of the Council as a Whole, on Tuesda7r November 22nd, for the Chamber of Commerce, Retail Merchant's Association, to bring Santa Claus and his live reindeer to the City on Thursday, December 8th4 for the benefit of children of the retail trade area, end requesting permission for police supervision at the Chamber's expenses over a specified route. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the request of the Committee. Carried. NNW In regard to the previous discussion of the proposed Bellevue Sewer District trunk line and treatment plant, and relating matters, which it was recommended to be referred to the Sanitation Committee at the Executive Meeting of the Council on November 22nd, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. In regard to the request for extension of time for the completion of the Kerty Mortenson Company Contract on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool, it being recommended at the Executive Council meeting on November 22nd, that the extension 'be granted: it was moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The report from the Seattle-King County Derartment of Public Health for November was received and will be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their information and then filed. The request of the Renton Aviation, Inc., signed by Hugh D. Fancher, .for in- stallation of one pinball machine in their place of business was, on motion of Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, and carried, referred to the Police and License Com- mittee with power to act. The recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, at their Execu- tive meeting on November 22nd, for the publication of the "Call .for Rids" for the City's requirements of chlorine and. gasoline for the ,year of 1956, also the bid for publication of legals for 1956, was concurred in by the Council on the motion of Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, and carried. The date for the opening of bids has been set as December 13th. It was moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Mayor and Clerk. be auth- orized to forward a communication to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company in regard to annexation of certain properties. Carried. In regard to the policy to be adopted by Department Heads as to the methods of operation of salary and wage scales, according to the City of Renton Budget adopted for 1956, as discussed at the Executive meeting of the Council on November 22rd, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized 413 to inform the Department Heads of the correct operation of policy. Carried.. In regard to shortages in Budget appropriations for Sewage Disposal and Airport Funds, and the recommendation of the Council at their Executive meeting on November 22nd, that they authorize a Resolution be drafted to transfer funds to cover such shortages to be presented at the December 6th Council meeting for their considera- tion, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the petition for vacation of the south one-half of the 16t alley in Block 8, Earlington Addition, there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the peti- tion be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary ir•� Ordinance. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the petition for rezoning, as pre- sented by Raymond Brown, (Casey's Corner), there being no written protests,Mavor Baxter asked if anyone in the audience would like to make a report. There were four protests to the rezoning, from the audience, as follows: William Broyles, 12215 Sun- set Blvd.; Leonard Schwab, 11029 S.F. 125th; Gordy Hoffman, 1140 M Street and Bob Beach, 11023 S.F. 125th, who stated that, he was not in favor of certain kinds of businesses being allowed, but also admitted to signing the petition in favor of the rezoning, at which time he stated he understood was for the purpose of allowinc the construction of a duplex building only---that he did not realize that certain other types of buildings would also be allowed, and Mrs. Kenneth Seguin, 3110 12th Avenue North. A Mrs. Lewis stated that she was in favor of the petition and that the peti- tion clearly stated the purpose the rezoning covered. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer stated that the building, mentioned by Mrs. Lewis as not being a duplex, had been illegally constructed as a duplex even though the permit was not issued to cover a duplex---that there were two sets of each kind of installation end service, and that the onl.- reason that there was only one water or light meter installed at this time was that the zoning for this area did not permit such use of a building. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the hearing be continued and that the rezoning petition be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further study and consideration. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that only those who had. appeared and protested at the Council meeting this evening would be considered. The City Engineer was requested to check the number of protests to the petition. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Clerk notify the interested parties of the date of the continued meeting. Carried. Mrs. Elizabeth Worman, Highlands Branch Librarian requested to speak before the Council and inquired as to the 'a.mount of her 'salary in the 1956 Budget. Mayor Baxter informed Mrs. Worman that this was an administrative matter which would have to be taken up with the Librarian and/or Library Board ---that after she had discus- sed this matter with her immediate supervisors, she could request that they (the Librarian and representatives of the Library Board) meet with the Mayor, City Clerk and a Committee from the Council. The City Cler',,- explained what the budgeted salary for this position was and explained further that it was not permissible to pay more than the budgeted. amount. Councilman Morris thanked Mrs. Worman for bringing the matter to the Councilts attention. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called back to order by Mavor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIFTZKF, MOPRIS, Sr;IFT, DFLAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police and License Committee had met dur- ing the recess to consider the bids received on -the "Breathalyzer" for the Police Department and that the Cormittee recorrmlended that the bid of the Stephenson Corp- oration, being the only bid received, in the total amount of $619.00 be accepted. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded. by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman White reported that the majorit- y of the Sanitation Committee had met in regard to Mr. Wolff's proposal and the matter of securing the services of Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, in connection with the proposed sewerage study, relating to long range requirements and to safeguard the City of Rentor., and that the Commit- tee recommended that the Council accept Mr. Wolffts proposal at his fee of $750.00, as stated. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and that the matter of source of funds to cover 414 y the cost of his services be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Vietzke inquired if it would be possible or feasible for the Citv of Bellevue, who is anxious to ­ave such a, system installed as soon as possible.9 finance the survey. Mayor Baxter stated that such a survey would not be in the best interests of the City of Renton---that the City of Renton would have to have their own survey. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Resolution as recommended by the Com- mittee of the Council as a Whole at the Executive meeting on November 22nd and con- curred in by the Council earlier in this meeting. The Clerk read proposed. Resolution No. 895, whereby the Sewage Disposal. Fund and the Airport Fund were required to meet certain obligations and expenditures which were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1955 Budget., including expenditures for extra help and labor$ and stating that it was necessary for the proper administration, operation and maintenance of the City and said Departments to transfer funds between items within the general class of "Salaries and Wages", and authorizing the City Treasurer to make certain transfers. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen,, that Resolution No. 895 be adopt- ed as read. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney reported that President Park Plats No's. 7 and 9 were ready to be approved by the Council, after approval by the City Engineer and Plan- ning Commission, subject to certain conditions to be met bar Mr. Balch. The Assistant City Attornev further reported that an agreement had been prepared in connection with said plats but dealing with the water line on "N" Street which extends from the extension of "N" Street as now platted to 12th Avenue North. This water line had been installed. by Mr. Balch at his expense and the proposed agreement provides that the City do assume the maintenance of the water line at once and title be transferred to the City at the end of 5 years from date, during which 5 year period Mr. Balch would be permitted to collect a proportionate share of the cost of said water line from the Property owners located on the east side of the aforementioned water line; once these people had been permitted to connect up to the water line, the City would furnish them water from then on. Mr. Balch, under the agreement would further hold the City harmless from any liability in connection with the water line and likewise if any property owner who has hooked up then fails to pay his proportionate share of the cost to Mr. Balch. The Assistant City Attorney further explained that the Coun- cil may authorize the Mavo.r and Clerk to execute said agreement provided however, that the Citv receive from Mr. Balch proper quit claim deeds to the west 30 feet for street and other municipal purposes, from the extension of "N" Street as now platted to 12th Avenue North, except that portion of property presently being pur- chased from Mr. Bonnar which would be deeded to the City as soon as Mr. Balch himself acquired title and further subject to Mr. Balch and Mr. Bonnar releasing a certain easement on the northerly portion of Mr. Mapest property, upon which release Mr. Mapes would then execute a quit claim deed to the City for street and other municipal pur- poses. In addition, Mr. Balch is to finish clearing and graveling 9th Place. Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the foregoing and upon Mr. Balch complying with the conditionsp the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. Carried. On their request, moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that Councilmen 'rhite and Delaurenti be excused from the next Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Vietzke suggested and so moved, seconded by Bruce, that the Council request the Planning Commission to submit their recommendation, or a report, in regard to the previous request of Mr. F. .A. Grabner for a variance to side yard size to enable him to build a house on an adjacent lot. Carried. Councilman Morris requested the Finance Committee to have power to act in consideration of the bids received this evening for a bookkeeping, accounting and billing machine for the Clerk and Treasurer's Offices---that there was only one of the bids that met specifications outlined in the call for bids and that they would like to place the order as soon as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Finance Committee be given power to act as requested. Carried. Councilman Morris requested, and so moved, that a recommendation made at the Executive meeting of the Council on November 22nd., in regard to vacations and com- pensation, be referred back to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for further study before the suggested policy is established or the Department Heads notified. Carried. Councilman Swift informed the Council that the operation of the one-way street system had been delayed until after the holidays; that the controls for the larger intersections were not available. 415 Councilman Richardson requested the Street and Alley Committee to consider black- topping lith Avenue from Burnett Street to Shattuck Street, stating that this street is narrow and accomodates heavy traffic. Councilman Richardson also asked if the Street and Alley Committee could make a study and determine if it is feasible for the City to widen ?nth Avenue on both sides from Burnett Street to Shattuck Street, esp- ecially in :the area of the Catholic Church---to move the curbs back and put a black top surface. on this street, also, in connection with the one-wav street system, if it would be, possible for the Street and Alley Committee to furnish the Council with an estimate of cost of widening Wells Street from 2nd Avenue to the Wells Street Bridge as this was a narrow section of street. Councilman Swift reported that the improvement- of the portion of lith Avenue outlined above was planned as a. project for this summer, but that other more critical work had taken preference; that this street would be improved as soon as possible; Councilman Swift further reported that the cost of widening streets was quite expensive and that money had not been allowed in this ,year's budget to cover such an improvement; that he felt that such a project should have been included in the bond issue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the above suggestions be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their consideration. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the rates to be charged for garbage in the commercial area had been worked out by the Ordinance Committee and Sanitation Com- mitt(�e and that the matter was now ready for Council consideration---that both Com- mittees recommend the adoption of the new rates and that the necessary Ordinance be prepared. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Committee. Councilman Richardson advised the Council that the new rates would be itemized in the ordinance and the Councilmen could study them before the Ordinance was presented to the Council. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that there would be a Street and Alley Committee meet- ing on Monday evening, December 12th at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Baxter asked if it would be possible for some of the residents of Park Avenue to meet with the Council for an explanation of the high curbs on this street since the street was widened. Dr. Tom Nelson and Mr. Edmond Cross, who have busi- nesses on this street, who were in the audience were asked if the-- would like to make any statements. Dr. Nelson stated that the rise from the street to the curb I was so high in his driveway that many cars could not drive over the driveway with- out breaking off a part of their cars, that many perons had complained to him, and to Mr. Cross who had a radio and television store next to his offices. Councilman Bruce reported that there were many other residents who had similar trouble, also that the Service Station and Grocery Store at lath and Park Street was having a great deal of trouble. Ma-,,Tor Baxter asked that an estimate or su rve-r of the cost to rectify the damage and/or fix all of the driveways be made---that in his opinion the sidewalks were out of line with the streets and although not the fault of the contractor, neither was it the fault of the City---that perhaps some arrangement could be -ade whereby_ the City could participate with the property owners. The City Engineer stated that on the driveways where the curb is so much higher than the street, a portion of the sidewalk could be removed and asphalt could be put in at a satisfactory grade. Mayor Baxter stated that the property owners should be notified 'hat their sidewalks are out of grade, and should be improved. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the City Engineer and Street Commissioner for study and that an estimate of cost be prepared and reported back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Swift suggested that a request be made by the City to the Great Northern Railway Company (Pacific Coast) that they make an effort to do their switch- ing within the Renton City Limits prior to 4:00 P.M. and after 6:00 P.M., that this condition is a prime disturber of the City's flow of traffic of workers going home, etc., that they be requested to work out a schedule that will give the CitYr relief in this matter. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the request of Councilman Swift. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall stated there would be a meeting of the Job Evaluation Committee Wednesday evening, December 7th---that he had been authorized to appoint two additional members to this committee and that he had aopoirted Councilmen Richardson and Trimm. Councilman Bruce stated there would be a meeting of the Fire and Water Com- mittee, City Engineer and City Attorney with the Kennyda.le Water Commission on Wednesday. evening, December 8th at 8:00 P.m. Councilman Morris stated there would be a meeting of the Finance Committee in the Treasurer's Office immediately after this evening's Council meeting. 416 y The following claims having been previousl-r audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 1200-1496 $48,229.73 CURRENT 14-16 33,565.02 WATER 14-16 17,304.99 LIBRARY 10-11 2,000.63 PARK 14-16 2,812.35 SEWAGE DISPOSAL 14-16 2,986.99 AIRPORT 14-16 2, 846.46 STREP 14-16 99462.39 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 9-3.1 .276.50 CIVILIAN rEFENSE 6-7 65.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (REVOLVING FUND) 116-150 4,864.79 CLAIMS FUND 383-486 24,881.01 SWIMMING POOL FUND 12-13 12,367.25 STREET & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT 14-16 221539.66 Moved by Reid, seconded by Del aurentithat the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. (There were 24 persons present, besides City Officials, Department Heads and employees) . - � Clerk Mayor 1 � Renton, Washington December 13, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Magor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHAR.DSON, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. - (Councilman Vietzke was excused by Mayor Baxter, and Council- men Delaurenti and White were nreviously excused). OFFICIALS & DEPARTiIf,;NT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of December 6, 1955 be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the City's gasoline require- ments for 1956, the following bids received were opened and read: Bidder Regular Ethyl Shell Oil Company .221 .2443 1219 Westlake Ave. No., Seattle 11 Union Oil Co., 2901 Western Ave., Seattle 11 .230 .265 Standard Oil Co., 66 Burnett St., Renton .228 .255 General Petroleum Corn., 11115 W. 46th, Seattle .2235 .246 Richfield Oil Corp., Richfield Bldg., 555 S. Flower St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. .2205 .245 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney for consideration and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the Citv's chlorine require- ment for 1956, the following bids received were opened and read. Bidder 100# lots Ton lots Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. < .11 per lb. 8.07 per lb. Hooker Electrochemical Co. $35.00 per cyl. $350.00 per container Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the bid of the Penrsylvania Salt Company being the lowest bid received, that the,r be awarded the bid. Carried. This also being the date set for the opening of bids for the publication of the City's legals for 1956, the following bids received were opened and read. Bidder lst insertion per column inch Add11 column inch News Record 1,25 1.1 Renton Chronicle 1.30 1.20 The bid of the Renton Mews Record. being the lowest bid received, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that they be awarded the bid. Carried. A communication from Renton Boy Scout Troop #442, signed by K. M. Furseth, Com- mittee member, was read requesting permission to sell Xmas trees at the corner of Logan and -Tobin Streets in the City of Renton for benefit of the Boy Scout Troop from December 15th through December 24th inclusive. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee, Fire Chief and Chief _of Police with power to act. Carried. Estimate No. 1 for work Performed to December 1, 1955 on the Liberty Park Swim- ming Pool Bathhouse was read from the Nelsen Building & Contracting Company, in the total amount due the contractor of $1,490.44, certified correct by the City Engineer. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that Estimate f#1 from the Nelsen Building & Contracting Company be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Estimate No. 6, for work performed to December 1, 1955 on the Liberty Park Swim- ming Pool was read. from Kerty Mortensen Company, in the total amount of $5,880.67, certified correct by the City Engineer. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Estimate f6 from Kerty Mortensen Company be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City hngineer supplementing his report of December 6th as to soil conditions at the Swimming Pool Bathhouse, stating that on SaturdaTr, December 10th, soil tests were made and the preliminary,* estimate that the cc 41.8 y co soil condition was inadequate to support the building load was confirmed; that on the basis of the soil tests, the Contractor, Nelsen Building Rz Contracting Company was instructed to reinforce the building faardation to eliminate the possibility of settlement in the walls and footings---that this additional work is principally labor and the cost is estimated not to exceed $500.00. The City Engineer further reported that an estimate of total costs for the project is as follows: The 3 Contracts total $96,775.50 Inspection Service & Gravel Backfill 11000.00 Extra work, bathhouse foundation 500.00 ,59b,275.50 leaving a balance of $1,724.50 for additional improvements that may be desirable. The City Engineer stated that the Swimming Pool Contractor had back-filled properly but that the heavy rains had caused the inadequate soil condition. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that this: additional work being necessary, that the Council concur in the City Engineer's report. Carried* The City Clerk stated that he had a report from the malorit- of the Finance Committee recommending that the necessary Resolution be passed as provided in Chapter 322 of the 1955 Session Laws, transferring the sum of X3,000.00 each from "Water Purchases" and "Power" to "Mainterance & Supnlies", within the Water Fund; also recom- mending the transferring of 8600.00 from the Telephone Operator's Salary, and $200.00 from the Assistant Treasurer's Salary to extra labor and vacations, within the Sanitation Department. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Clerk explained that an emergency arose when it was found necessary to repair the old Kennvdale Water Tank to avert any 'would bet catastrophe---that this extra unforeseen work had amounted to approximately +a4,000.00; that this was just a transfer within the Water Fund, The Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 896, transferring funds between items within tree general class of "Maintenance & Opera.tions" and of "Salaries & Wages" as pro- vided in Chanter 322 of the 1955 Session Laws, authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $3,000.00 each from "Power" and "Water Purchases" to "Maintenance & Supplies", all in the Water Fund, and : 600.00 from "Telephone Operator's Salary" in the Current Fund to "Extra Labor and Vacation" in the Sanitation Department Budget under the Current Fund, also from "Assistant Treasurer's Part Time Salary" in the Current Fund to "Extra Labor & Vacations" in the Sanitation Department Budget, under the Current Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 896 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested a recess to enable the Ordinance and Sanitation Committees to discuss rxoposed ordinances before presenting same to the Council for consideration. Magor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMMI, REID, RICHARDSON, MORRIS, TAMBOR.INI, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL Ar?D BRUCE. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution ],To. 897, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, extending the compulsory retirement date of Fred L. Allingham of the uniformed personnel of the Statewide Cit-,T Employees Retirement System for one year to February 1, 1.957. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 897 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1533, as presented by the Ordinance Committee vacating a portion of the alleY in Block 8, Earlington Additions as follows: That portion of the alley, 16 foot in width, located in the south half (S2) of 'lock 8, Earlington Addition, abutting lots 9, 10, 13, 143 17 and 18, all situate in Renton, reserving unto the City the following described easement therefrom, for all public purposes and uses, to-wit: The northwesterly five feet of the south one-half and the southeasterly five feet of the north one-half of that portion of the alley in the south half of Block 8. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that proposed Ordinance No. 1533 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council- man Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the pro- posed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved. by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accent the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and it be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be adopted as read.. A roll call vote being taker and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. SII Councilman Richardson reported that he would like to present another ordinance which had been recommended by the Police Court and City Attorney in view of recent Attorney General rulings in order for the City's traffic laws to correspond with the State's. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1534, amending Traffic Code Ordinance No. 1048, relating to operation of vehicles without an operator's license or during the period of suspension or revocation, including exceptions for members of the military service. Amending Section 3, Chapter IX, as follows: Section 3 of Chapter IX, Operation without license unlawful (adding) operation during period while license is suspended or revoked---exceptions to license requirement in case of farm and road machinery and military vehicles; stating under 3-a, that if the operator is charged with the offense of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor or affected by the use of into xicatin. liquor or anv narcotic drug., s defined q � a a e ped ., q g� in Section 45 of this Code, as amended, and such operator was, at the time of the offense charged, without an operator's license becailse of a previous suspension or revocation, then upon conviction, the minimum mandatory fail sentence and .fine shall be 30 days and a $100.00 fine respectivel-r, and neither the a.il sentence nor the fine so imposed shall be suspended; and 3-b, if a person operates a motor vehicle while his operator's license is suspended, revoked or cancelled, he shall, upon conviction there- of, unless otherwise provided in Paragraph 3-a hereinabove, be punished b,- imprisonment in the City Jail for not more tha.r 30 days or bzr a fine of not more than $100.00, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Moved by Swift, seconded bar Heppenstall, that the Pro- posed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Copinittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1534 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that he would like to present a proposed Ordinance in regard to garbage collection from, and rates for business firms and commercial enterprises and residential units, requesting that the Council study the Ordinance for one week. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance relating to a schedule of charges for services rendered in the removal of garbage, refuse and swill, as directed by Ordinance No. 1416, (A) Collection of garbage, refuse and swill from residential dwellings shall be made once each week and charged at the 6w flat rate of $1.00 per month per residential unit. (B) Collection from business firms and commercial establishments, adding to present schedule, number of cans from 31 to 200 and from 2 cubic yards to 30 cubic yards of bulk load per week, extra service and j special collection to be made upon request at rate of $10.00 per hour or fraction there- of. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the proposed Ordinance relating to a new schedule of charges for services rendered in the removal of garbage, refuse and swill, be referred to the Ordinance Committee .for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the Fire and 'A'ater Committee had met with the Kennyd.ale Yater Commission and that the Committee recommended that instead of the rate set forth in the Agreement ($3.00 per month per hydrant - rental fee) that the fee be set as $2.16 per 150 cue fte of water Per hydrant per year---that providing the Council approved, the Assistant City Attorney be authorized to draft the necessary Agreement with the Kennydale Water Commission which is required by the Bonding Company to enable that bodv to float their Bonds. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Assistant City Attorney stated that there were approximately 50 hydrants in this area and that the rate would be adjusted each year; that the rate will be computed on basis of 50 cubic feet per hydrant per year. The City Engineer explained that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company line crew had been extremely busy this past week and that the street light authorized on Burnett Street between 5th and 6th would be installed. as soon as possible. i On request of Councilman Reid, Mayor Baxter granted the Light and Power Committee !/ more time in regard to the installation of two lights in the parking lots adjacent to the City Hall; Councilman Reid stated that Mr. Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority would meet with the Committee as to location and would take care of the in- stallation of the lights. Councilman Richardson reported that the Police and License Committee and Police Chief had considered the two bids received. previously for a motorcycle for the Police Department and that the Drager's Harley Davidson Company's bid of $770.00 being the lowest, it was the recommendation of the Committee that this bid be accepted. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Com- mittee. Carried. i i ` Councilman Richardson stated that the Police Chief. and Police and License Com- mittee had prepared s-^ecifications and the "call for bids" for two new police cars for the police department, stating that with Council approval, theta- request that the "Call for Bids" be published at this time, but that the cars be paid for as authorized from the 1956 Budget. The Clerk read the "Call for Bids" for the two police cars, the date of publications to be December 15th and 22nd, the date for opening of bids to be set as January 3rd. The Courcil suggested that the specifications read that standard police models were Preferred. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the "Call for Bids" for the two police cars for the Police Department be published on the dates specified, the date for the opening of bids be set as January 3, 1956. Carried. Councilman Morris reported for the Council's information, that the Finance Com- mittee had decided that the payment of $770.00 for the Consulting Engineer's services in stud�Ting the sewerage problem of the City with respect to utilizing the trunk line and treatment plant proposed by the Bellevue Sewer District, as authorized at the last Council meeting, be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1183. Councilman Tamborini reported in regard to the Bellevue Sewer District that this matter had been tentatively taken care of by obtaining the services of the Consulting Engineer-for an over-all survey; that the contract for garbage collection with Cugini had been terminated as of the end of this year and that he had investigated the com- plaint,in the President Park area where the chickens were reported kept penned about 6 feet from their neighbor's kitcher window, that he had investigated this complaint and found that this practice was in violation of City Ordinance and the Committee recommended that the violators be so notified. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council -concur in the recommer_dation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had met and. dis- cussed very thoroughly the request of Jair Holmes of Holmes Electric---that it was the Committee's findings that the one-way street system as set up at this time and after the necessary traffic lights have been installed, would ca!zse only little incon- venience to residents in some of the areas and that they could see no way where Mr. Holmes or his prospective customers would be ir_convenienced---that it :is the recom- mendation of the Committee that thev proceed with the one-way street system in this area as planned. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that in regard to the one-way street system that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that as traffic will be one-way southbound on 2nd Avenue, and west bound in front of the Junior High School and that left turns would be allowed in a southerly direction on Morris Street to allow children to cross 2nd Avenue, that as a safety measure they recommend that Morris Street be restricted to one-way southbound between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, and that this street be added to the one-way system. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street and Alley Committee had re- viewed the condition on Park Street where it was reported that the curbs are much higher than the street, preventing motorists to drive into -parking lots or areas from the street without damaging their cars, that the City engineer had estimated he could remedy the two driveways which were reported left in a bad condition (one at the business location of Dr. Nelson and Ed Cross's TV & Radio Repair and. the other at the Signal Station at 4th ©venue north and Park Street) for approximatel- $150.00, that j the Committee recommended that these two driveways be repaired at this time, but that they felt that if and when other complaints were received they should be considered individually. Moved by Morris, seconded by Henperstall, that the ,Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. On request for information regarding repair of the driveways of all the property owners on Park Street tht were left in bad con- dition, the City Engineer reported that then had. estimated approximately 420 feet to ' be repaired at $2.00 -per foot of asphalt raving, costing approximately X1,000.00. s Mayor Baxter stated that the property owners were able to use their driveways before this improvement was made and that at the present time several of the property owners could not drive their cars into their driveways and that he felt that the City should correct this condition before Park Street is considered completed. Councilman Richard- son suggested that consideration be given to taking the expense of correcting any drive- ways where the curbs are too high above the street levels as a result of this improve- ment, from a Cumulative Fund and that he thought it would be in order to authorize this improvement. After further discussion, Councilman Morris withdrew his motion, and Councilman Henpenstall his second. Councilman Swift reported that it was the intent of the Committee that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the repair of the two driveways as previously stated and that at the conclusion and after final determination has been made of the total cost of the one-way street system, that the remaining drive- 1 421 r ways on Park Street only that were left in bad condition be repaired, providing there are funds available in the Park Street Improvement Fund. Moved by Morris, seconded by Henpenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that he had a proposal to suggest in regard to Civil Defense and the establishment of evacuation routes, particularly the extension of lst Avenue North under the Railroad. Viaduct to Logan Street, that the Civil 1`efense Director has further information in regard to this proposal---that if their information is correct that there would be a Federal aporo-oriation for the benefit of Civil Defense; also that there was the possibilittr of widening the Maple Valley Highway, which is also to be considered a part of Federal appropriation, and suggested that if the Council is favorable that the matter remain in the Street and Allev Committee for further investigation with the Civil Defense Director. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be left in the Street and All(-.%r Committee for further investigation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that, the matter of rezoned areas, not having any im- provements made thereon within. a 6 months period reverting to their original zonings and the subsequent result of spot zoning should be clarified, as Previous to this Planning Commission statement at the last Council meeting, it had been generally understood that once property was rezoned, the property remained as such whether or not the area was activated. Councilman Richardson stated that the City Attorneyts Office had drafted amendments to the zoning ordinance in this regard---that this matter has been in the Planning Commission for consideration for some time; that the proposed amendments to the ordinance had been referred to the Ordinance Committee for their consideration, but that they had referred them back to the Planning Commission and Building Department for further consideration. The City ,�rgineer was asked to re- quest information from the Planning Commission on this matter at their meeting on Wednesday, December 14th and report back to the Council at the next Council meeting on December 20th. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion matters brought on the floor of the Council for Council consideration or action were vital and should have the full attention of the Council at all times. Councilman Hepper_stall reported that the Job Evaluation Committee had met in respect to necessary changes in the Present Ordinance covering duties of the Mayor, Department Heads, etc., and that with the Council's approval then hoped to have the necessar7 Ordinance prepared for Council consir era.t ion at the next Council meeting--- that the Ma-,ror's position is elective for a 4 year term; and that the MayortS salary was established in the 1956 Budget; that one-half of the Councilmen will receive in- creases with the coming ,year Budget, but that the other half will be governed by the scale in effect at this time; that the position of Budget Controller and Purchasing Agent will be deleted from the Ordinance and that the-,i- will have to outline the duties of the Comptroller as set up in. the 1956 Budget; that as some of the positions would not be in effect until after the middle of the year, they may not outline the duties of all the positions at this time; that another meeting of this committee was set for the 5th Tuesday in January, January 31st. Councilman Heppenstall further reported in regard to Executive meetings, that it was being considered to have miscellaneous com- mittee meetings pr_i.or to the regular Executive meeting and that this meeting; be scheduled at a later hour than 8:00 P.M., that they felt that more work could be ac- complished by the Committee of the Council as a Whole in this manner, that they hoped to discuss this matter further at the next Executive Council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by STvift, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Job Evaluation Committee and. the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee be authorized to make the necessary changes in this ordinance. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported in regard to the matter of acceptance of property donated to the City of Renton in Maplewood Addition for a Park, that he did not be- lieve the Cit-7 should accept the nroperty until a clear title car be obtained and any and all encroachments are removed. The Citv Engincer stated that he had been unable to obtain the legal description and that he would have to have this before he could check any encroachments or obtain the title. Jack Fleming the Chronicle's news editor on behalf of the owners invited the Mayor, Council and Department Heads to their regular "open house" on Thursday evening December 15th. In regard to information relative to F. Grabner's previous variance request, The City Clerk reported that evidently a communication from the Planning Commission in July had gone astray and that the Secretar-Y had furnished him this date with a copy of same---that the letter contained their recommendation. The City Clerk read the communication dated July 28, 1955 from the Renton Planning Commission, signed 422 by C. G. Myers, Secretary, regarding the Council's request to the Planning Commission for reconsideration of Mr. Grabner' s request for variance to lot size, recommending that the Council approve the variance of a 46 foot frontage lot with a 5 foot side ,yard clearance for any building that might be erected, further stating that this would give a greater degree of fire protection and that they believed it would meet with the Renton Fire Department's approval---that it would be in conformity with lot sizes of this particular area and that other lots have only a forty foot frontage and that the Planning Commission realized when the new planning ordinance was inaugurated that due to former platting of the city there would be hardships in its application. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After discussion as to topography of the area and it being known that there are other 60 foot lots that owners might expect to be divided to allow erection of buildirFs, a motion was made by Trimm, seconded by Swift, and carried, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a ?,.hole, for their consideration. On his request, Mayor Paxter excused the City Engineer from the next Council meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried.. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. (There were 9 persons present besides Cit-,, Officials, Department Heads and employees). City Clerk Mayor 42 Rentor,, Washington December 20, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Ma?Tor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAIvTORIAII, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL ARID BRUCE. Moved by Morris, seconded. by Hansen, that Councilman Trimm be excused from this evening's Council meeting. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk and Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer. Moved by Reid., seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of December 13th be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Paul v,. Houser, Attorney for the Renton. Housing Authorit,r, stating on behalf of the Authority, that a condition exists west of "M" Street at a point approximately 200 feet south of the intersection of 6th Avenue North and "M" Street---that an 8" culvert has been placed under "M" Street near this point by Albert Balch with, they understand, consent of the City; that the open culvert conducts surface water from President Park and spills it out, uncontrolled on Hoi:sing Authority property. Mr. Houser further states that the area that the culvert opens upon is not a dedicated. street, but Federal property which the Renton Housing Authority intends to sell for the government under present disposition plans---that the uncontrolled overflow water depreciates the property and will hamper any sale. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the City Engineer for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting, a new sewer ordinance providing for the use of public and private sewers and amended rates for sewage disposal service; that the ordinance as preserted is a r�reliminar-,T draft and has not been ex- amined by the City Attorney. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the pro- posed Ordinance be referred to the City Attorney for his consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Weisfields Jewelers, 709 Third Avenue, Rerton, re- questing Council consideration of a loading zone on the west side of Williams Street just south of Third Avenue, since this location is being utilized for the loading and unloading of freight and the daily collection of garbage from the three stores in this building, Bartells, Blocks and themselves. Mr. Fowler states that the passage way was opened for the purpose of loading and unloading freight and that the granting of a load- ing zone would facilitate the parking of the freight trucks which make deliveries there daily. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter on behalf of the Council, Department Heads and other City Officials, to Victor TeGantvoort, President of the Renton City Employees Club, thanking them for a very enjoyable evening at the Fmployee' s Christmas party. The communication will be forwarded to the City Emplo,ree's Club president. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting the cost estimate of $6,000.00 for the construction by contract of a storm sewer on S.F.. 141st Street in Maplewood, the work requiring the installation of 763 feet of 18 inch nine, 97 .feet of 211 inch Pipe, 3 manholes together with street inlets. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the cost estimate be referred back to the Street and Allev Committee and Finance Committee for their consideration. Carried. A communication was read from Tony Baffaro of the Tony Baffaro Agency of Farmer's Insurance Group, stating that in reviewing the City' s policy that he finds the City's Limits of Liability and Property Damage of 50,000/1OO.,OOO and 10,000 are not adequate ---that in reviewing losses paid by other cities, for losses sustained by them, they have found that losses have run in excess of 100,000, and Mr. Baffaro suggests that the City raise the Limits to 100,000/300,000 and 25,000, the cost of increasing subject policy being $653.28, the pro-rated charge being ; 272.20, which covers a period of time from December 15, 1955 to May 15, 1956, the due date of the City' s policy. The Assistant City Attorney explained that we have an existing policy, that the additional cost as pro- rated is under $300.00 and that Mr. Baffaro had explained to him that it is customary for companies to review policies and determine what the experience rating has been; that previously the policy was held by another agent of the same company. The Assistant City 424 y cd Attorney stated that in his oninion, it was a good idea to increase the Policy as outlined. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Insurance Commission for his information. After discussion, on suggestion of Councilman Swift, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the motion be amended, and that the City accept the Proposal by Tony Baffpro, that the Citr increase their Limits of Liability and Property Damage as Prorated, and that the Insurance Com- missioner check the remainder of the City's policies to determine the City's cover- age. . The amendment carried, and the motion as amended then carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Property Committee review all of the City's insurance policies and submit a renort in regard to same at the first Council meeting in January. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIE`1'ZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAUPENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Reid stated in regard to the operation of the one-way street s-Tstem in the City of Renton, the intersection of 3rd Avenue, Mill Street and Walla Walla Avenue and the reported blocking off of 3rd Avenue and subsequent hardships for motorists and pedestrians who wish to go into this area or south on Mills Street or southwest on Renton Scenic Hill, had been brought to his attention; that Mr. Jay Holmes is in the audience and he would like further consideration in regard to the proposed one- way street operation at this particular snot to see if a more satisfactory routing could be worked out, and so moved, seconded by Bruce, that this particular one-way street operation at this intersection be reconsidered by the Street and Allev Com- mittee. Councilman Swift stated that this intersection is the ke,r point of the whole system, and that at this time he does not know of any different routing or any further ideas they can use as far as planning is concerned, but that the Committee will make a further attempt to more satisfactorily chan.nelize this intersection. Councilman Morris stated that in his opinion, if this particular operation at this intersection was re- ferred back to the Street and. Alley Committee for rc-working, it would mean the reversal of previous action of the Council as a Whole, as the Council had concurred in the plan as presented. Councilman Reid stated that he did rot feel this was a reversal, just reconsideration of Council action. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the proposed amended garbage Ordinance had been placed on its first reading at the last Council meeting and that it had been -published in the local papers. The City Clerk reported that he had received no written or ver- bal protests. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to report favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommend its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordi- nance Committee and Ordinance No. 1535 be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordi- nance No. 1535 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "A11e", the motion unanimously passed. Councilman Morris reported in regard to the proposed construction of a storm sewer on S. F. 141st Street in Maplewood, that earlier this evening this matter had been referred to the Joint Street and Alley and Finance Committees for consideration; that this .joint Committee had met and recommended that the City engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and specifications for, and the "Call for Bids", also that a sum, not to exceed $6,000.00, be taken from Cumulative Fund ;#1184 for construction of the storm sewer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the-recom- mendation of the joint committees. Councilman Morris explained the condition of the fund at the present time, the moneys that were due and would be Paid back to it in the near future, stating that this money was available. The motion carried. Councilman Henper.:stall renorted that there would be a joint m-eting of the Job Evaluation Committee and Ordinance Committee with the City Attorney and Nayor, on Tuesday, January 3rd at 7:30 P.M. The Citv Clerk stated he had a petition, signed by 109 persons in the Maplewood area, requesting pr o er lights over the two entrances (and/or exits) to Maplewood, at points where they intersect Maple Valley Highway. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the petition be referred to the Light and Power Committee for in- vestigation and a report back. Carried. 425 Councilman Morris stated that the Finance Committee had two resolutions to present and recommended passage of both. The first, .Resolution No. 898, Be it Resolved that the Majror and Clerk be authorized to transfer the sum of 4,4,500.00 from the Mothers Park Fund to the Park Fund to conform with the 1956 Budget. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the _recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. The second,Resolution No. 899, Be it Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to transfer $202000 from the Swimming Pool Fund to the Lake Washington Beach Fund, to conform with the 1956 Budget. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried.. Councilman Swift reported that he had received an inquiry as to the Council's opinion in regards to the proposed leasing of the north Highlands Recreation Build- ing---that if feasible, the building required a new roof and painting and other { miscellaneous repairs to nut in good condition---that he had explained the Cityts position to the prospective leasor and thev had agreed, if they were permitted to lease this building, to make the necessarIT repairs, same to be dedi;cted from lease moneys raid. for same. That for the present, or until such time as the Federal Housing Authority was prepared to dedicate this building and property to the Cit,r of Renton, { that anv lease would. be between the F.H.A. and the Leasor---that should the City ac- quire this property the agreemer_t or lease would be transferred or assigned to the City of Renton. The Assistant Cit-r Attorney stated that the Council should consider the possibility that if the Federal Government conveys this propert-r to the City, if there were any Provisions as to its use or if it would be ar outright grant---if it were stated that it could be used for recreation Purposes onl-T the Citi, would be limited, if not, they could lease to anyone. Councilman t,T'nite suggested that the City request the Housing Authority to convey this property to the City with an unrestricted clause, also as this applies to adjacent streets. The Assistant City AttornellT stated that if there were certain restrictions as to its use, and the City acquired it and used it for other than. as specifically stated by the Federal Government, that the property would revert back to the Federal Government. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee, Councilman Swift and the Citv Attorney for investigation and a report back. The City Clerk reported that Mr. Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority had talked to him about this matter---that he had stated that they would not feel justified in leasing the building in question without consent of the City Council---that his thinkings were, whatever lease that might be arranged favorably, between both the Housing Authority and the City of Renton, that it might be transferred to the City of Renton at the time the building was dedicated to the City of Renton. Councilman Swift stated that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Humble and that he had expected a letter. from Mr. Humble to be presented to the Council this evening, that he felt that any investigation by the Council would have no effect on this particular person at this time, but would assist the Council as to any policy in the future. The motion carried. Councilman Swift further reported that he had suggested. that the Stre-t and Alley Committee consider a possible development on the north side of Renton---that the plans include the extension of Logan Street North around the curve of the Railroad track on the land side to the slope of the Hill near the Dow Fuel, across from the briquette plant---that he had been informed by the City Engineer thrt a 60 foot right-of-way would meet requirements of the City's Ordinance, that the City Fr.gineer had been re- quested to contact Mr. Forget/ to see if he had any ideas as to the ultimate value of the extension of the highway, that he felt that this would provide a by-pass thru the City of Renton for people not wishing to come into the City, it would also provide a straight evacuation route for Civil Defense use and a. straighter access route to the limited access highway in Kennydale, that it would all be located within the City Limits. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Street and Allev Committee for further consideration. Carried. Councilman Morris reported that the bids for the City's gasoline requirements for 1956 had been referred to the Finance Committee---that Richfield Oil Company was the low bidder on regular -as and second low bidder on Ethyl gas, that the Shell Oil Company was low bidder on Ethyl, and. second low bidder on regular gas and that on checking the City's actual gas consumption on the two different kinds of gasoline for 1955 it had been determined that there was a 2/3 greater use of regular gasoline than ethyl and that on the basis of actual consumption, the Finance Committee recommended. that we accept the bid of the Richfield Oil Corporation. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Moved b- Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. (There were eight persons present besides Officials, Denartmert Heads and City Employees). itv Clerk Mayor 426 y ao n